new STAT: Shrinking Transformers After Training

Authors: Megan Flynn, Alexander Wang, Dean Edward Alvarez, Christopher De Sa, Anil Damle

Abstract: We present STAT: a simple algorithm to prune transformer models without any fine-tuning. STAT eliminates both attention heads and neurons from the network, while preserving accuracy by calculating a correction to the weights of the next layer. Each layer block in the network is compressed using a series of principled matrix factorizations that preserve the network structure. Our entire algorithm takes minutes to compress BERT, and less than three hours to compress models with 7B parameters using a single GPU. Using only several hundred data examples, STAT preserves the output of the network and improves upon existing gradient-free pruning methods. It is even competitive with methods that include significant fine-tuning. We demonstrate our method on both encoder and decoder architectures, including BERT, DistilBERT, and Llama-2 using benchmarks such as GLUE, Squad, WikiText2.

new A Novel Review of Stability Techniques for Improved Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

Authors: Coleman DuPlessie, Aidan Gao

Abstract: Machine learning models have recently enjoyed a significant increase in size and popularity. However, this growth has created concerns about dataset privacy. To counteract data leakage, various privacy frameworks guarantee that the output of machine learning models does not compromise their training data. However, this privatization comes at a cost by adding random noise to the training process, which reduces model performance. By making models more resistant to small changes in input and thus more stable, the necessary amount of noise can be decreased while still protecting privacy. This paper investigates various techniques to enhance stability, thereby minimizing the negative effects of privatization in machine learning.

new Arbitrary Length Generalization for Addition

Authors: Alexandre Galvao Patriota

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel training methodology that enables a small Transformer model to generalize the addition of two-digit numbers to numbers with unseen lengths of digits. The proposed approach employs an autoregressive generation technique, processing from right to left, which mimics a common manual method for adding large numbers. To the best of my knowledge, this methodology has not been previously explored in the literature. All results are reproducible, and the corresponding R code is available at: \url{}.


new Decision Mamba: Reinforcement Learning via Hybrid Selective Sequence Modeling

Authors: Sili Huang, Jifeng Hu, Zhejian Yang, Liwei Yang, Tao Luo, Hechang Chen, Lichao Sun, Bo Yang

Abstract: Recent works have shown the remarkable superiority of transformer models in reinforcement learning (RL), where the decision-making problem is formulated as sequential generation. Transformer-based agents could emerge with self-improvement in online environments by providing task contexts, such as multiple trajectories, called in-context RL. However, due to the quadratic computation complexity of attention in transformers, current in-context RL methods suffer from huge computational costs as the task horizon increases. In contrast, the Mamba model is renowned for its efficient ability to process long-term dependencies, which provides an opportunity for in-context RL to solve tasks that require long-term memory. To this end, we first implement Decision Mamba (DM) by replacing the backbone of Decision Transformer (DT). Then, we propose a Decision Mamba-Hybrid (DM-H) with the merits of transformers and Mamba in high-quality prediction and long-term memory. Specifically, DM-H first generates high-value sub-goals from long-term memory through the Mamba model. Then, we use sub-goals to prompt the transformer, establishing high-quality predictions. Experimental results demonstrate that DM-H achieves state-of-the-art in long and short-term tasks, such as D4RL, Grid World, and Tmaze benchmarks. Regarding efficiency, the online testing of DM-H in the long-term task is 28$\times$ times faster than the transformer-based baselines.

new An Efficient Multi Quantile Regression Network with Ad Hoc Prevention of Quantile Crossing

Authors: Jens Decke, Arne Jen{\ss}, Bernhard Sick, Christian Gruhl

Abstract: This article presents the Sorting Composite Quantile Regression Neural Network (SCQRNN), an advanced quantile regression model designed to prevent quantile crossing and enhance computational efficiency. Integrating ad hoc sorting in training, the SCQRNN ensures non-intersecting quantiles, boosting model reliability and interpretability. We demonstrate that the SCQRNN not only prevents quantile crossing and reduces computational complexity but also achieves faster convergence than traditional models. This advancement meets the requirements of high-performance computing for sustainable, accurate computation. In organic computing, the SCQRNN enhances self-aware systems with predictive uncertainties, enriching applications across finance, meteorology, climate science, and engineering.

new From Structured to Unstructured:A Comparative Analysis of Computer Vision and Graph Models in solving Mesh-based PDEs

Authors: Jens Decke, Olaf W\"unsch, Bernhard Sick, Christian Gruhl

Abstract: This article investigates the application of computer vision and graph-based models in solving mesh-based partial differential equations within high-performance computing environments. Focusing on structured, graded structured, and unstructured meshes, the study compares the performance and computational efficiency of three computer vision-based models against three graph-based models across three data\-sets. The research aims to identify the most suitable models for different mesh topographies, particularly highlighting the exploration of graded meshes, a less studied area. Results demonstrate that computer vision-based models, notably U-Net, outperform the graph models in prediction performance and efficiency in two (structured and graded) out of three mesh topographies. The study also reveals the unexpected effectiveness of computer vision-based models in handling unstructured meshes, suggesting a potential shift in methodological approaches for data-driven partial differential equation learning. The article underscores deep learning as a viable and potentially sustainable way to enhance traditional high-performance computing methods, advocating for informed model selection based on the topography of the mesh.

new Scalable Bayesian Learning with posteriors

Authors: Samuel Duffield, Kaelan Donatella, Johnathan Chiu, Phoebe Klett, Daniel Simpson

Abstract: Although theoretically compelling, Bayesian learning with modern machine learning models is computationally challenging since it requires approximating a high dimensional posterior distribution. In this work, we (i) introduce posteriors, an easily extensible PyTorch library hosting general-purpose implementations making Bayesian learning accessible and scalable to large data and parameter regimes; (ii) present a tempered framing of stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo, as implemented in posteriors, that transitions seamlessly into optimization and unveils a minor modification to deep ensembles to ensure they are asymptotically unbiased for the Bayesian posterior, and (iii) demonstrate and compare the utility of Bayesian approximations through experiments including an investigation into the cold posterior effect and applications with large language models.

new ADEP: A Novel Approach Based on Discriminator-Enhanced Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Accurate Prediction of Adverse Effects in Polypharmacy

Authors: Katayoun Kobraei, Mehrdad Baradaran, Seyed Mohsen Sadeghi, Raziyeh Masumshah, Changiz Eslahchi

Abstract: Motivation: Unanticipated drug-drug interactions (DDIs) pose significant risks in polypharmacy, emphasizing the need for predictive methods. Recent advancements in computational techniques aim to address this challenge. Methods: We introduce ADEP, a novel approach integrating a discriminator and an encoder-decoder model to address data sparsity and enhance feature extraction. ADEP employs a three-part model, including multiple classification methods, to predict adverse effects in polypharmacy. Results: Evaluation on benchmark datasets shows ADEP outperforms well-known methods such as GGI-DDI, SSF-DDI, LSFC, DPSP, GNN-DDI, MSTE, MDF-SA-DDI, NNPS, DDIMDL, Random Forest, K-Nearest-Neighbor, Logistic Regression, and Decision Tree. Key metrics include Accuracy, AUROC, AUPRC, F-score, Recall, Precision, False Negatives, and False Positives. ADEP achieves more accurate predictions of adverse effects in polypharmacy. A case study with real-world data illustrates ADEP's practical application in identifying potential DDIs and preventing adverse effects. Conclusions: ADEP significantly advances the prediction of polypharmacy adverse effects, offering improved accuracy and reliability. Its innovative architecture enhances feature extraction from sparse medical data, improving medication safety and patient outcomes. Availability: Source code and datasets are available at


new Reward Machines for Deep RL in Noisy and Uncertain Environments

Authors: Andrew C. Li, Zizhao Chen, Toryn Q. Klassen, Pashootan Vaezipoor, Rodrigo Toro Icarte, Sheila A. McIlraith

Abstract: Reward Machines provide an automata-inspired structure for specifying instructions, safety constraints, and other temporally extended reward-worthy behaviour. By exposing complex reward function structure, they enable counterfactual learning updates that have resulted in impressive sample efficiency gains. While Reward Machines have been employed in both tabular and deep RL settings, they have typically relied on a ground-truth interpretation of the domain-specific vocabulary that form the building blocks of the reward function. Such ground-truth interpretations can be elusive in many real-world settings, due in part to partial observability or noisy sensing. In this paper, we explore the use of Reward Machines for Deep RL in noisy and uncertain environments. We characterize this problem as a POMDP and propose a suite of RL algorithms that leverage task structure under uncertain interpretation of domain-specific vocabulary. Theoretical analysis exposes pitfalls in naive approaches to this problem, while experimental results show that our algorithms successfully leverage task structure to improve performance under noisy interpretations of the vocabulary. Our results provide a general framework for exploiting Reward Machines in partially observable environments.

new How In-Context Learning Emerges from Training on Unstructured Data: On the Role of Co-Occurrence, Positional Information, and Noise Structures

Authors: Kevin Christian Wibisono, Yixin Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) like transformers have impressive in-context learning (ICL) capabilities; they can generate predictions for new queries based on input-output sequences in prompts without parameter updates. While many theories have attempted to explain ICL, they often focus on structured training data similar to ICL tasks, such as regression. In practice, however, these models are trained in an unsupervised manner on unstructured text data, which bears little resemblance to ICL tasks. To this end, we investigate how ICL emerges from unsupervised training on unstructured data. The key observation is that ICL can arise simply by modeling co-occurrence information using classical language models like continuous bag of words (CBOW), which we theoretically prove and empirically validate. Furthermore, we establish the necessity of positional information and noise structure to generalize ICL to unseen data. Finally, we present instances where ICL fails and provide theoretical explanations; they suggest that the ICL ability of LLMs to identify certain tasks can be sensitive to the structure of the training data.

new QuanTA: Efficient High-Rank Fine-Tuning of LLMs with Quantum-Informed Tensor Adaptation

Authors: Zhuo Chen, Rumen Dangovski, Charlotte Loh, Owen Dugan, Di Luo, Marin Solja\v{c}i\'c

Abstract: We propose Quantum-informed Tensor Adaptation (QuanTA), a novel, easy-to-implement, fine-tuning method with no inference overhead for large-scale pre-trained language models. By leveraging quantum-inspired methods derived from quantum circuit structures, QuanTA enables efficient high-rank fine-tuning, surpassing the limitations of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA)--low-rank approximation may fail for complicated downstream tasks. Our approach is theoretically supported by the universality theorem and the rank representation theorem to achieve efficient high-rank adaptations. Experiments demonstrate that QuanTA significantly enhances commonsense reasoning, arithmetic reasoning, and scalability compared to traditional methods. Furthermore, QuanTA shows superior performance with fewer trainable parameters compared to other approaches and can be designed to integrate with existing fine-tuning algorithms for further improvement, providing a scalable and efficient solution for fine-tuning large language models and advancing state-of-the-art in natural language processing.

new Streamflow Prediction with Uncertainty Quantification for Water Management: A Constrained Reasoning and Learning Approach

Authors: Mohammed Amine Gharsallaoui, Bhupinderjeet Singh, Supriya Savalkar, Aryan Deshwal, Yan Yan, Ananth Kalyanaraman, Kirti Rajagopalan, Janardhan Rao Doppa

Abstract: Predicting the spatiotemporal variation in streamflow along with uncertainty quantification enables decision-making for sustainable management of scarce water resources. Process-based hydrological models (aka physics-based models) are based on physical laws, but using simplifying assumptions which can lead to poor accuracy. Data-driven approaches offer a powerful alternative, but they require large amount of training data and tend to produce predictions that are inconsistent with physical laws. This paper studies a constrained reasoning and learning (CRL) approach where physical laws represented as logical constraints are integrated as a layer in the deep neural network. To address small data setting, we develop a theoretically-grounded training approach to improve the generalization accuracy of deep models. For uncertainty quantification, we combine the synergistic strengths of Gaussian processes (GPs) and deep temporal models (i.e., deep models for time-series forecasting) by passing the learned latent representation as input to a standard distance-based kernel. Experiments on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of both CRL and GP with deep kernel approaches over strong baseline methods.

new Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Ocheme Anthony Ekle, William Eberle

Abstract: This survey paper presents a comprehensive and conceptual overview of anomaly detection using dynamic graphs. We focus on existing graph-based anomaly detection (AD) techniques and their applications to dynamic networks. The contributions of this survey paper include the following: i) a comparative study of existing surveys on anomaly detection; ii) a Dynamic Graph-based Anomaly Detection (DGAD) review framework in which approaches for detecting anomalies in dynamic graphs are grouped based on traditional machine-learning models, matrix transformations, probabilistic approaches, and deep-learning approaches; iii) a discussion of graphically representing both discrete and dynamic networks; and iv) a discussion of the advantages of graph-based techniques for capturing the relational structure and complex interactions in dynamic graph data. Finally, this work identifies the potential challenges and future directions for detecting anomalies in dynamic networks. This DGAD survey approach aims to provide a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners by summarizing the strengths and limitations of each approach, highlighting current research trends, and identifying open challenges. In doing so, it can guide future research efforts and promote advancements in anomaly detection in dynamic graphs. Keywords: Graphs, Anomaly Detection, dynamic networks,Graph Neural Networks (GNN), Node anomaly, Graph mining.

new Query2CAD: Generating CAD models using natural language queries

Authors: Akshay Badagabettu, Sai Sravan Yarlagadda, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: Computer Aided Design (CAD) engineers typically do not achieve their best prototypes in a single attempt. Instead, they iterate and refine their designs to achieve an optimal solution through multiple revisions. This traditional approach, though effective, is time-consuming and relies heavily on the expertise of skilled engineers. To address these challenges, we introduce Query2CAD, a novel framework to generate CAD designs. The framework uses a large language model to generate executable CAD macros. Additionally, Query2CAD refines the generation of the CAD model with the help of its self-refinement loops. Query2CAD operates without supervised data or additional training, using the LLM as both a generator and a refiner. The refiner leverages feedback generated by the BLIP2 model, and to address false negatives, we have incorporated human-in-the-loop feedback into our system. Additionally, we have developed a dataset that encompasses most operations used in CAD model designing and have evaluated our framework using this dataset. Our findings reveal that when we used GPT-4 Turbo as our language model, the architecture achieved a success rate of 53.6\% on the first attempt. With subsequent refinements, the success rate increased by 23.1\%. In particular, the most significant improvement in the success rate was observed with the first iteration of the refinement. With subsequent refinements, the accuracy of the correct designs did not improve significantly. We have open-sourced our data, model, and code (

new Non-Federated Multi-Task Split Learning for Heterogeneous Sources

Authors: Yilin Zheng, Atilla Eryilmaz

Abstract: With the development of edge networks and mobile computing, the need to serve heterogeneous data sources at the network edge requires the design of new distributed machine learning mechanisms. As a prevalent approach, Federated Learning (FL) employs parameter-sharing and gradient-averaging between clients and a server. Despite its many favorable qualities, such as convergence and data-privacy guarantees, it is well-known that classic FL fails to address the challenge of data heterogeneity and computation heterogeneity across clients. Most existing works that aim to accommodate such sources of heterogeneity stay within the FL operation paradigm, with modifications to overcome the negative effect of heterogeneous data. In this work, as an alternative paradigm, we propose a Multi-Task Split Learning (MTSL) framework, which combines the advantages of Split Learning (SL) with the flexibility of distributed network architectures. In contrast to the FL counterpart, in this paradigm, heterogeneity is not an obstacle to overcome, but a useful property to take advantage of. As such, this work aims to introduce a new architecture and methodology to perform multi-task learning for heterogeneous data sources efficiently, with the hope of encouraging the community to further explore the potential advantages we reveal. To support this promise, we first show through theoretical analysis that MTSL can achieve fast convergence by tuning the learning rate of the server and clients. Then, we compare the performance of MTSL with existing multi-task FL methods numerically on several image classification datasets to show that MTSL has advantages over FL in training speed, communication cost, and robustness to heterogeneous data.

new $\mu$LO: Compute-Efficient Meta-Generalization of Learned Optimizers

Authors: Benjamin Th\'erien, Charles-\'Etienne Joseph, Boris Knyazev, Edouard Oyallon, Irina Rish, Eugene Belilovsky

Abstract: Learned optimizers (LOs) can significantly reduce the wall-clock training time of neural networks, substantially reducing training costs. However, they often suffer from poor meta-generalization, especially when training networks larger than those seen during meta-training. To address this, we use the recently proposed Maximal Update Parametrization ($\mu$P), which allows zero-shot generalization of optimizer hyperparameters from smaller to larger models. We extend $\mu$P theory to learned optimizers, treating the meta-training problem as finding the learned optimizer under $\mu$P. Our evaluation shows that LOs meta-trained with $\mu$P substantially improve meta-generalization as compared to LOs trained under standard parametrization (SP). Notably, when applied to large-width models, our best $\mu$LO, trained for 103 GPU-hours, matches or exceeds the performance of VeLO, the largest publicly available learned optimizer, meta-trained with 4000 TPU-months of compute. Moreover, $\mu$LOs demonstrate better generalization than their SP counterparts to deeper networks and to much longer training horizons (25 times longer) than those seen during meta-training.

new Flexible and Efficient Surrogate Gradient Modeling with Forward Gradient Injection

Authors: Sebastian Otte

Abstract: Automatic differentiation is a key feature of present deep learning frameworks. Moreover, they typically provide various ways to specify custom gradients within the computation graph, which is of particular importance for defining surrogate gradients in the realms of non-differentiable operations such as the Heaviside function in spiking neural networks (SNNs). PyTorch, for example, allows the custom specification of the backward pass of an operation by overriding its backward method. Other frameworks provide comparable options. While these methods are common practice and usually work well, they also have several disadvantages such as limited flexibility, additional source code overhead, poor usability, or a potentially strong negative impact on the effectiveness of automatic model optimization procedures. In this paper, an alternative way to formulate surrogate gradients is presented, namely, forward gradient injection (FGI). FGI applies a simple but effective combination of basic standard operations to inject an arbitrary gradient shape into the computational graph directly within the forward pass. It is demonstrated that using FGI is straightforward and convenient. Moreover, it is shown that FGI can significantly increase the model performance in comparison to custom backward methods in SNNs when using TorchScript. These results are complemented with a general performance study on recurrent SNNs with TorchScript and torch.compile, revealing the potential for a training speedup of more than 7x and an inference speedup of more than 16x in comparison with pure PyTorch.

new Mamba State-Space Models Can Be Strong Downstream Learners

Authors: John T. Halloran, Manbir Gulati, Paul F. Roysdon

Abstract: Mamba state-space models (SSMs) have recently outperformed state-of-the-art (SOTA) Transformer large language models (LLMs) in various tasks and been widely adapted. However, Mamba's downstream learning capabilities remain either unexplored$\unicode{x2013}$e.g., mixed-precision (MPFT) and parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT)--or under-evaluated$\unicode{x2013}$e.g., in-context learning (ICL). For the latter, recent works reported Mamba's ICL rivals SOTA Transformer LLMs using non-standard benchmarks. In contrast, we show that on standard benchmarks, pretrained Mamba models achieve only 38% of the ICL performance improvements (over zero-shot) of comparable Transformers. Enabling MPFT and PEFT in Mamba architectures is challenging due to recurrent dynamics and highly customized CUDA kernels, respectively. However, we prove that Mamba's recurrent dynamics are robust to small input changes using dynamical systems theory. Empirically, we show that performance changes in Mamba's inference and fine-tuning due to mixed-precision align with Transformer LLMs. Furthermore, we show that targeting key memory buffers in Mamba's customized CUDA kernels for low-rank adaptation regularizes SSM parameters, thus achieving parameter efficiency while retaining speedups. We show that combining MPFT and PEFT enables up to 2.15 times more tokens-per-second and 65.5% reduced per-token-memory compared to full Mamba fine-tuning, while achieving up to 81.5% of the ICL performance improvements (over zero-shot) of comparably fine-tuned Transformers.

new Learning to Stabilize Unknown LTI Systems on a Single Trajectory under Stochastic Noise

Authors: Ziyi Zhang, Yorie Nakahira, Guannan Qu

Abstract: We study the problem of learning to stabilize unknown noisy Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems on a single trajectory. It is well known in the literature that the learn-to-stabilize problem suffers from exponential blow-up in which the state norm blows up in the order of $\Theta(2^n)$ where $n$ is the state space dimension. This blow-up is due to the open-loop instability when exploring the $n$-dimensional state space. To address this issue, we develop a novel algorithm that decouples the unstable subspace of the LTI system from the stable subspace, based on which the algorithm only explores and stabilizes the unstable subspace, the dimension of which can be much smaller than $n$. With a new singular-value-decomposition(SVD)-based analytical framework, we prove that the system is stabilized before the state norm reaches $2^{O(k \log n)}$, where $k$ is the dimension of the unstable subspace. Critically, this bound avoids exponential blow-up in state dimension in the order of $\Theta(2^n)$ as in the previous works, and to the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to avoid exponential blow-up in dimension for stabilizing LTI systems with noise.

new Exploring Vulnerabilities and Protections in Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Frank Weizhen Liu, Chenhui Hu

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) increasingly become key components in various AI applications, understanding their security vulnerabilities and the effectiveness of defense mechanisms is crucial. This survey examines the security challenges of LLMs, focusing on two main areas: Prompt Hacking and Adversarial Attacks, each with specific types of threats. Under Prompt Hacking, we explore Prompt Injection and Jailbreaking Attacks, discussing how they work, their potential impacts, and ways to mitigate them. Similarly, we analyze Adversarial Attacks, breaking them down into Data Poisoning Attacks and Backdoor Attacks. This structured examination helps us understand the relationships between these vulnerabilities and the defense strategies that can be implemented. The survey highlights these security challenges and discusses robust defensive frameworks to protect LLMs against these threats. By detailing these security issues, the survey contributes to the broader discussion on creating resilient AI systems that can resist sophisticated attacks.

new Privacy Challenges in Meta-Learning: An Investigation on Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning

Authors: Mina Rafiei, Mohammadmahdi Maheri, Hamid R. Rabiee

Abstract: Meta-learning involves multiple learners, each dedicated to specific tasks, collaborating in a data-constrained setting. In current meta-learning methods, task learners locally learn models from sensitive data, termed support sets. These task learners subsequently share model-related information, such as gradients or loss values, which is computed using another part of the data termed query set, with a meta-learner. The meta-learner employs this information to update its meta-knowledge. Despite the absence of explicit data sharing, privacy concerns persist. This paper examines potential data leakage in a prominent metalearning algorithm, specifically Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML). In MAML, gradients are shared between the metalearner and task-learners. The primary objective is to scrutinize the gradient and the information it encompasses about the task dataset. Subsequently, we endeavor to propose membership inference attacks targeting the task dataset containing support and query sets. Finally, we explore various noise injection methods designed to safeguard the privacy of task data and thwart potential attacks. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of these attacks on MAML and the efficacy of proper noise injection methods in countering them.

new Contrastive Learning Via Equivariant Representation

Authors: Sifan Song, Jinfeng Wang, Qiaochu Zhao, Xiang Li, Dufan Wu, Angelos Stefanidis, Jionglong Su, S. Kevin Zhou, Quanzheng Li

Abstract: Invariant-based Contrastive Learning (ICL) methods have achieved impressive performance across various domains. However, the absence of latent space representation for distortion (augmentation)-related information in the latent space makes ICL sub-optimal regarding training efficiency and robustness in downstream tasks. Recent studies suggest that introducing equivariance into Contrastive Learning (CL) can improve overall performance. In this paper, we rethink the roles of augmentation strategies and equivariance in improving CL efficacy. We propose a novel Equivariant-based Contrastive Learning (ECL) framework, CLeVER (Contrastive Learning Via Equivariant Representation), compatible with augmentation strategies of arbitrary complexity for various mainstream CL methods and model frameworks. Experimental results demonstrate that CLeVER effectively extracts and incorporates equivariant information from data, thereby improving the training efficiency and robustness of baseline models in downstream tasks.

new Non-destructive Degradation Pattern Decoupling for Ultra-early Battery Prototype Verification Using Physics-informed Machine Learning

Authors: Shengyu Tao, Mengtian Zhang, Zixi Zhao, Haoyang Li, Ruifei Ma, Yunhong Che, Xin Sun, Lin Su, Xiangyu Chen, Zihao Zhou, Heng Chang, Tingwei Cao, Xiao Xiao, Yaojun Liu, Wenjun Yu, Zhongling Xu, Yang Li, Han Hao, Xuan Zhang, Xiaosong Hu, Guangmin ZHou

Abstract: Manufacturing complexities and uncertainties have impeded the transition from material prototypes to commercial batteries, making prototype verification critical to quality assessment. A fundamental challenge involves deciphering intertwined chemical processes to characterize degradation patterns and their quantitative relationship with battery performance. Here we show that a physics-informed machine learning approach can quantify and visualize temporally resolved losses concerning thermodynamics and kinetics only using electric signals. Our method enables non-destructive degradation pattern characterization, expediting temperature-adaptable predictions of entire lifetime trajectories, rather than end-of-life points. The verification speed is 25 times faster yet maintaining 95.1% accuracy across temperatures. Such advances facilitate more sustainable management of defective prototypes before massive production, establishing a 19.76 billion USD scrap material recycling market by 2060 in China. By incorporating stepwise charge acceptance as a measure of the initial manufacturing variability of normally identical batteries, we can immediately identify long-term degradation variations. We attribute the predictive power to interpreting machine learning insights using material-agnostic featurization taxonomy for degradation pattern decoupling. Our findings offer new possibilities for dynamic system analysis, such as battery prototype degradation, demonstrating that complex pattern evolutions can be accurately predicted in a non-destructive and data-driven fashion by integrating physics-informed machine learning.

new Cross-Table Pretraining towards a Universal Function Space for Heterogeneous Tabular Data

Authors: Jintai Chen, Zhen Lin, Qiyuan Chen, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Tabular data from different tables exhibit significant diversity due to varied definitions and types of features, as well as complex inter-feature and feature-target relationships. Cross-dataset pretraining, which learns reusable patterns from upstream data to support downstream tasks, have shown notable success in various fields. Yet, when applied to tabular data prediction, this paradigm faces challenges due to the limited reusable patterns among diverse tabular datasets (tables) and the general scarcity of tabular data available for fine-tuning. In this study, we fill this gap by introducing a cross-table pretrained Transformer, XTFormer, for versatile downstream tabular prediction tasks. Our methodology insight is pretraining XTFormer to establish a "meta-function" space that encompasses all potential feature-target mappings. In pre-training, a variety of potential mappings are extracted from pre-training tabular datasets and are embedded into the "meta-function" space, and suited mappings are extracted from the "meta-function" space for downstream tasks by a specified coordinate positioning approach. Experiments show that, in 190 downstream tabular prediction tasks, our cross-table pretrained XTFormer wins both XGBoost and Catboost on 137 (72%) tasks, and surpasses representative deep learning models FT-Transformer and the tabular pre-training approach XTab on 144 (76%) and 162 (85%) tasks.

new Neural Optimal Transport with Lagrangian Costs

Authors: Aram-Alexandre Pooladian, Carles Domingo-Enrich, Ricky T. Q. Chen, Brandon Amos

Abstract: We investigate the optimal transport problem between probability measures when the underlying cost function is understood to satisfy a least action principle, also known as a Lagrangian cost. These generalizations are useful when connecting observations from a physical system where the transport dynamics are influenced by the geometry of the system, such as obstacles (e.g., incorporating barrier functions in the Lagrangian), and allows practitioners to incorporate a priori knowledge of the underlying system such as non-Euclidean geometries (e.g., paths must be circular). Our contributions are of computational interest, where we demonstrate the ability to efficiently compute geodesics and amortize spline-based paths, which has not been done before, even in low dimensional problems. Unlike prior work, we also output the resulting Lagrangian optimal transport map without requiring an ODE solver. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our formulation on low-dimensional examples taken from prior work. The source code to reproduce our experiments is available at


new Multi-objective Neural Architecture Search by Learning Search Space Partitions

Authors: Yiyang Zhao, Linnan Wang, Tian Guo

Abstract: Deploying deep learning models requires taking into consideration neural network metrics such as model size, inference latency, and #FLOPs, aside from inference accuracy. This results in deep learning model designers leveraging multi-objective optimization to design effective deep neural networks in multiple criteria. However, applying multi-objective optimizations to neural architecture search (NAS) is nontrivial because NAS tasks usually have a huge search space, along with a non-negligible searching cost. This requires effective multi-objective search algorithms to alleviate the GPU costs. In this work, we implement a novel multi-objectives optimizer based on a recently proposed meta-algorithm called LaMOO on NAS tasks. In a nutshell, LaMOO speedups the search process by learning a model from observed samples to partition the search space and then focusing on promising regions likely to contain a subset of the Pareto frontier. Using LaMOO, we observe an improvement of more than 200% sample efficiency compared to Bayesian optimization and evolutionary-based multi-objective optimizers on different NAS datasets. For example, when combined with LaMOO, qEHVI achieves a 225% improvement in sample efficiency compared to using qEHVI alone in NasBench201. For real-world tasks, LaMOO achieves 97.36% accuracy with only 1.62M #Params on CIFAR10 in only 600 search samples. On ImageNet, our large model reaches 80.4% top-1 accuracy with only 522M #FLOPs.

new Coded Computing: A Learning-Theoretic Framework

Authors: Parsa Moradi, Behrooz Tahmasebi, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali

Abstract: Coded computing has emerged as a promising framework for tackling significant challenges in large-scale distributed computing, including the presence of slow, faulty, or compromised servers. In this approach, each worker node processes a combination of the data, rather than the raw data itself. The final result then is decoded from the collective outputs of the worker nodes. However, there is a significant gap between current coded computing approaches and the broader landscape of general distributed computing, particularly when it comes to machine learning workloads. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel foundation for coded computing, integrating the principles of learning theory, and developing a new framework that seamlessly adapts with machine learning applications. In this framework, the objective is to find the encoder and decoder functions that minimize the loss function, defined as the mean squared error between the estimated and true values. Facilitating the search for the optimum decoding and functions, we show that the loss function can be upper-bounded by the summation of two terms: the generalization error of the decoding function and the training error of the encoding function. Focusing on the second-order Sobolev space, we then derive the optimal encoder and decoder. We show that in the proposed solution, the mean squared error of the estimation decays with the rate of $O(S^4 N^{-3})$ and $O(S^{\frac{8}{5}}N^{\frac{-3}{5}})$ in noiseless and noisy computation settings, respectively, where $N$ is the number of worker nodes with at most $S$ slow servers (stragglers). Finally, we evaluate the proposed scheme on inference tasks for various machine learning models and demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy and rate of convergence.

new FedAST: Federated Asynchronous Simultaneous Training

Authors: Baris Askin, Pranay Sharma, Carlee Joe-Wong, Gauri Joshi

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) enables edge devices or clients to collaboratively train machine learning (ML) models without sharing their private data. Much of the existing work in FL focuses on efficiently learning a model for a single task. In this paper, we study simultaneous training of multiple FL models using a common set of clients. The few existing simultaneous training methods employ synchronous aggregation of client updates, which can cause significant delays because large models and/or slow clients can bottleneck the aggregation. On the other hand, a naive asynchronous aggregation is adversely affected by stale client updates. We propose FedAST, a buffered asynchronous federated simultaneous training algorithm that overcomes bottlenecks from slow models and adaptively allocates client resources across heterogeneous tasks. We provide theoretical convergence guarantees for FedAST for smooth non-convex objective functions. Extensive experiments over multiple real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms existing simultaneous FL approaches, achieving up to 46.0% reduction in time to train multiple tasks to completion.

new KGLink: A column type annotation method that combines knowledge graph and pre-trained language model

Authors: Yubo Wang, Hao Xin, Lei Chen

Abstract: The semantic annotation of tabular data plays a crucial role in various downstream tasks. Previous research has proposed knowledge graph (KG)-based and deep learning-based methods, each with its inherent limitations. KG-based methods encounter difficulties annotating columns when there is no match for column cells in the KG. Moreover, KG-based methods can provide multiple predictions for one column, making it challenging to determine the semantic type with the most suitable granularity for the dataset. This type granularity issue limits their scalability. On the other hand, deep learning-based methods face challenges related to the valuable context missing issue. This occurs when the information within the table is insufficient for determining the correct column type. This paper presents KGLink, a method that combines WikiData KG information with a pre-trained deep learning language model for table column annotation, effectively addressing both type granularity and valuable context missing issues. Through comprehensive experiments on widely used tabular datasets encompassing numeric and string columns with varying type granularity, we showcase the effectiveness and efficiency of KGLink. By leveraging the strengths of KGLink, we successfully surmount challenges related to type granularity and valuable context issues, establishing it as a robust solution for the semantic annotation of tabular data.

new Do's and Don'ts: Learning Desirable Skills with Instruction Videos

Authors: Hyunseung Kim, Byungkun Lee, Hojoon Lee, Dongyoon Hwang, Donghu Kim, Jaegul Choo

Abstract: Unsupervised skill discovery is a learning paradigm that aims to acquire diverse behaviors without explicit rewards. However, it faces challenges in learning complex behaviors and often leads to learning unsafe or undesirable behaviors. For instance, in various continuous control tasks, current unsupervised skill discovery methods succeed in learning basic locomotions like standing but struggle with learning more complex movements such as walking and running. Moreover, they may acquire unsafe behaviors like tripping and rolling or navigate to undesirable locations such as pitfalls or hazardous areas. In response, we present DoDont (Do's and Don'ts), an instruction-based skill discovery algorithm composed of two stages. First, in an instruction learning stage, DoDont leverages action-free instruction videos to train an instruction network to distinguish desirable transitions from undesirable ones. Then, in the skill learning stage, the instruction network adjusts the reward function of the skill discovery algorithm to weight the desired behaviors. Specifically, we integrate the instruction network into a distance-maximizing skill discovery algorithm, where the instruction network serves as the distance function. Empirically, with less than 8 instruction videos, DoDont effectively learns desirable behaviors and avoids undesirable ones across complex continuous control tasks. Code and videos are available at


new A Structured Review of Literature on Uncertainty in Machine Learning & Deep Learning

Authors: Fahimeh Fakour, Ali Mosleh, Ramin Ramezani

Abstract: The adaptation and use of Machine Learning (ML) in our daily lives has led to concerns in lack of transparency, privacy, reliability, among others. As a result, we are seeing research in niche areas such as interpretability, causality, bias and fairness, and reliability. In this survey paper, we focus on a critical concern for adaptation of ML in risk-sensitive applications, namely understanding and quantifying uncertainty. Our paper approaches this topic in a structured way, providing a review of the literature in the various facets that uncertainty is enveloped in the ML process. We begin by defining uncertainty and its categories (e.g., aleatoric and epistemic), understanding sources of uncertainty (e.g., data and model), and how uncertainty can be assessed in terms of uncertainty quantification techniques (Ensembles, Bayesian Neural Networks, etc.). As part of our assessment and understanding of uncertainty in the ML realm, we cover metrics for uncertainty quantification for a single sample, dataset, and metrics for accuracy of the uncertainty estimation itself. This is followed by discussions on calibration (model and uncertainty), and decision making under uncertainty. Thus, we provide a more complete treatment of uncertainty: from the sources of uncertainty to the decision-making process. We have focused the review of uncertainty quantification methods on Deep Learning (DL), while providing the necessary background for uncertainty discussion within ML in general. Key contributions in this review are broadening the scope of uncertainty discussion, as well as an updated review of uncertainty quantification methods in DL.

new Benchmarking for Deep Uplift Modeling in Online Marketing

Authors: Dugang Liu, Xing Tang, Yang Qiao, Miao Liu, Zexu Sun, Xiuqiang He, Zhong Ming

Abstract: Online marketing is critical for many industrial platforms and business applications, aiming to increase user engagement and platform revenue by identifying corresponding delivery-sensitive groups for specific incentives, such as coupons and bonuses. As the scale and complexity of features in industrial scenarios increase, deep uplift modeling (DUM) as a promising technique has attracted increased research from academia and industry, resulting in various predictive models. However, current DUM still lacks some standardized benchmarks and unified evaluation protocols, which limit the reproducibility of experimental results in existing studies and the practical value and potential impact in this direction. In this paper, we provide an open benchmark for DUM and present comparison results of existing models in a reproducible and uniform manner. To this end, we conduct extensive experiments on two representative industrial datasets with different preprocessing settings to re-evaluate 13 existing models. Surprisingly, our experimental results show that the most recent work differs less than expected from traditional work in many cases. In addition, our experiments also reveal the limitations of DUM in generalization, especially for different preprocessing and test distributions. Our benchmarking work allows researchers to evaluate the performance of new models quickly but also reasonably demonstrates fair comparison results with existing models. It also gives practitioners valuable insights into often overlooked considerations when deploying DUM. We will make this benchmarking library, evaluation protocol, and experimental setup available on GitHub.

new Modeling Randomly Observed Spatiotemporal Dynamical Systems

Authors: Valerii Iakovlev, Harri L\"ahdesm\"aki

Abstract: Spatiotemporal processes are a fundamental tool for modeling dynamics across various domains, from heat propagation in materials to oceanic and atmospheric flows. However, currently available neural network-based modeling approaches fall short when faced with data collected randomly over time and space, as is often the case with sensor networks in real-world applications like crowdsourced earthquake detection or pollution monitoring. In response, we developed a new spatiotemporal method that effectively handles such randomly sampled data. Our model integrates techniques from amortized variational inference, neural differential equations, neural point processes, and implicit neural representations to predict both the dynamics of the system and the probabilistic locations and timings of future observations. It outperforms existing methods on challenging spatiotemporal datasets by offering substantial improvements in predictive accuracy and computational efficiency, making it a useful tool for modeling and understanding complex dynamical systems observed under realistic, unconstrained conditions.

new Alternative Methods to SHAP Derived from Properties of Kernels: A Note on Theoretical Analysis

Authors: Hiraki Kazuhiro, Shinichi Ishihara, Junnosuke Shino

Abstract: This study first derives a general and analytical expression of AFA (Additive Feature Attribution) in terms of the kernel in LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations). Then, we propose some new AFAs that have appropriate properties of kernels or that coincide with the LS prenucleolus in cooperative game theory. We also revisit existing AFAs such as SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) and re-examine the properties of their kernels.

new Learning Causal Abstractions of Linear Structural Causal Models

Authors: Riccardo Massidda, Sara Magliacane, Davide Bacciu

Abstract: The need for modelling causal knowledge at different levels of granularity arises in several settings. Causal Abstraction provides a framework for formalizing this problem by relating two Structural Causal Models at different levels of detail. Despite increasing interest in applying causal abstraction, e.g. in the interpretability of large machine learning models, the graphical and parametrical conditions under which a causal model can abstract another are not known. Furthermore, learning causal abstractions from data is still an open problem. In this work, we tackle both issues for linear causal models with linear abstraction functions. First, we characterize how the low-level coefficients and the abstraction function determine the high-level coefficients and how the high-level model constrains the causal ordering of low-level variables. Then, we apply our theoretical results to learn high-level and low-level causal models and their abstraction function from observational data. In particular, we introduce Abs-LiNGAM, a method that leverages the constraints induced by the learned high-level model and the abstraction function to speedup the recovery of the larger low-level model, under the assumption of non-Gaussian noise terms. In simulated settings, we show the effectiveness of learning causal abstractions from data and the potential of our method in improving scalability of causal discovery.

new Stochastic Restarting to Overcome Overfitting in Neural Networks with Noisy Labels

Authors: Youngkyoung Bae, Yeongwoo Song, Hawoong Jeong

Abstract: Despite its prevalence, giving up and starting over may seem wasteful in many situations such as searching for a target or training deep neural networks (DNNs). Our study, though, demonstrates that restarting from a checkpoint can significantly improve generalization performance when training DNNs with noisy labels. In the presence of noisy labels, DNNs initially learn the general patterns of the data but then gradually overfit to the noisy labels. To combat this overfitting phenomenon, we developed a method based on stochastic restarting, which has been actively explored in the statistical physics field for finding targets efficiently. By approximating the dynamics of stochastic gradient descent into Langevin dynamics, we theoretically show that restarting can provide great improvements as the batch size and the proportion of corrupted data increase. We then empirically validate our theory, confirming the significant improvements achieved by restarting. An important aspect of our method is its ease of implementation and compatibility with other methods, while still yielding notably improved performance. We envision it as a valuable tool that can complement existing methods for handling noisy labels.

new Dual-perspective Cross Contrastive Learning in Graph Transformers

Authors: Zelin Yao, Chuang Liu, Xueqi Ma, Mukun Chen, Jia Wu, Xiantao Cai, Bo Du, Wenbin Hu

Abstract: Graph contrastive learning (GCL) is a popular method for leaning graph representations by maximizing the consistency of features across augmented views. Traditional GCL methods utilize single-perspective i.e. data or model-perspective) augmentation to generate positive samples, restraining the diversity of positive samples. In addition, these positive samples may be unreliable due to uncontrollable augmentation strategies that potentially alter the semantic information. To address these challenges, this paper proposed a innovative framework termed dual-perspective cross graph contrastive learning (DC-GCL), which incorporates three modifications designed to enhance positive sample diversity and reliability: 1) We propose dual-perspective augmentation strategy that provide the model with more diverse training data, enabling the model effective learning of feature consistency across different views. 2) From the data perspective, we slightly perturb the original graphs using controllable data augmentation, effectively preserving their semantic information. 3) From the model perspective, we enhance the encoder by utilizing more powerful graph transformers instead of graph neural networks. Based on the model's architecture, we propose three pruning-based strategies to slightly perturb the encoder, providing more reliable positive samples. These modifications collectively form the DC-GCL's foundation and provide more diverse and reliable training inputs, offering significant improvements over traditional GCL methods. Extensive experiments on various benchmarks demonstrate that DC-GCL consistently outperforms different baselines on various datasets and tasks.

new Posterior Label Smoothing for Node Classification

Authors: Jaeseung Heo, Moonjeong Park, Dongwoo Kim

Abstract: Soft labels can improve the generalization of a neural network classifier in many domains, such as image classification. Despite its success, the current literature has overlooked the efficiency of label smoothing in node classification with graph-structured data. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective label smoothing for the transductive node classification task. We design the soft label to encapsulate the local context of the target node through the neighborhood label distribution. We apply the smoothing method for seven baseline models to show its effectiveness. The label smoothing methods improve the classification accuracy in 10 node classification datasets in most cases. In the following analysis, we find that incorporating global label statistics in posterior computation is the key to the success of label smoothing. Further investigation reveals that the soft labels mitigate overfitting during training, leading to better generalization performance.

new GATE: How to Keep Out Intrusive Neighbors

Authors: Nimrah Mustafa, Rebekka Burkholz

Abstract: Graph Attention Networks (GATs) are designed to provide flexible neighborhood aggregation that assigns weights to neighbors according to their importance. In practice, however, GATs are often unable to switch off task-irrelevant neighborhood aggregation, as we show experimentally and analytically. To address this challenge, we propose GATE, a GAT extension that holds three major advantages: i) It alleviates over-smoothing by addressing its root cause of unnecessary neighborhood aggregation. ii) Similarly to perceptrons, it benefits from higher depth as it can still utilize additional layers for (non-)linear feature transformations in case of (nearly) switched-off neighborhood aggregation. iii) By down-weighting connections to unrelated neighbors, it often outperforms GATs on real-world heterophilic datasets. To further validate our claims, we construct a synthetic test bed to analyze a model's ability to utilize the appropriate amount of neighborhood aggregation, which could be of independent interest.

new InterpreTabNet: Distilling Predictive Signals from Tabular Data by Salient Feature Interpretation

Authors: Jacob Si, Wendy Yusi Cheng, Michael Cooper, Rahul G. Krishnan

Abstract: Tabular data are omnipresent in various sectors of industries. Neural networks for tabular data such as TabNet have been proposed to make predictions while leveraging the attention mechanism for interpretability. However, the inferred attention masks are often dense, making it challenging to come up with rationales about the predictive signal. To remedy this, we propose InterpreTabNet, a variant of the TabNet model that models the attention mechanism as a latent variable sampled from a Gumbel-Softmax distribution. This enables us to regularize the model to learn distinct concepts in the attention masks via a KL Divergence regularizer. It prevents overlapping feature selection by promoting sparsity which maximizes the model's efficacy and improves interpretability to determine the important features when predicting the outcome. To assist in the interpretation of feature interdependencies from our model, we employ a large language model (GPT-4) and use prompt engineering to map from the learned feature mask onto natural language text describing the learned signal. Through comprehensive experiments on real-world datasets, we demonstrate that InterpreTabNet outperforms previous methods for interpreting tabular data while attaining competitive accuracy.

new SpaFL: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Sparse Models and Low computational Overhead

Authors: Minsu Kim, Walid Saad, Merouane Debbah, Choong Seon Hong

Abstract: The large communication and computation overhead of federated learning (FL) is one of the main challenges facing its practical deployment over resource-constrained clients and systems. In this work, SpaFL: a communication-efficient FL framework is proposed to optimize sparse model structures with low computational overhead. In SpaFL, a trainable threshold is defined for each filter/neuron to prune its all connected parameters, thereby leading to structured sparsity. To optimize the pruning process itself, only thresholds are communicated between a server and clients instead of parameters, thereby learning how to prune. Further, global thresholds are used to update model parameters by extracting aggregated parameter importance. The generalization bound of SpaFL is also derived, thereby proving key insights on the relation between sparsity and performance. Experimental results show that SpaFL improves accuracy while requiring much less communication and computing resources compared to sparse baselines.

new Stein Random Feature Regression

Authors: Houston Warren, Rafael Oliveira, Fabio Ramos

Abstract: In large-scale regression problems, random Fourier features (RFFs) have significantly enhanced the computational scalability and flexibility of Gaussian processes (GPs) by defining kernels through their spectral density, from which a finite set of Monte Carlo samples can be used to form an approximate low-rank GP. However, the efficacy of RFFs in kernel approximation and Bayesian kernel learning depends on the ability to tractably sample the kernel spectral measure and the quality of the generated samples. We introduce Stein random features (SRF), leveraging Stein variational gradient descent, which can be used to both generate high-quality RFF samples of known spectral densities as well as flexibly and efficiently approximate traditionally non-analytical spectral measure posteriors. SRFs require only the evaluation of log-probability gradients to perform both kernel approximation and Bayesian kernel learning that results in superior performance over traditional approaches. We empirically validate the effectiveness of SRFs by comparing them to baselines on kernel approximation and well-known GP regression problems.

new Towards a Unified Framework of Clustering-based Anomaly Detection

Authors: Zeyu Fang, Ming Gu, Sheng Zhou, Jiawei Chen, Qiaoyu Tan, Haishuai Wang, Jiajun Bu

Abstract: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection (UAD) plays a crucial role in identifying abnormal patterns within data without labeled examples, holding significant practical implications across various domains. Although the individual contributions of representation learning and clustering to anomaly detection are well-established, their interdependencies remain under-explored due to the absence of a unified theoretical framework. Consequently, their collective potential to enhance anomaly detection performance remains largely untapped. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic mixture model for anomaly detection to establish a theoretical connection among representation learning, clustering, and anomaly detection. By maximizing a novel anomaly-aware data likelihood, representation learning and clustering can effectively reduce the adverse impact of anomalous data and collaboratively benefit anomaly detection. Meanwhile, a theoretically substantiated anomaly score is naturally derived from this framework. Lastly, drawing inspiration from gravitational analysis in physics, we have devised an improved anomaly score that more effectively harnesses the combined power of representation learning and clustering. Extensive experiments, involving 17 baseline methods across 30 diverse datasets, validate the effectiveness and generalization capability of the proposed method, surpassing state-of-the-art methods.

new Mix-of-Granularity: Optimize the Chunking Granularity for Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Zijie Zhong, Hanwen Liu, Xiaoya Cui, Xiaofan Zhang, Zengchang Qin

Abstract: Integrating information from different reference data sources is a major challenge for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems because each knowledge source adopts a unique data structure and follows different conventions. Retrieving from multiple knowledge sources with one fixed strategy usually leads to under-exploitation of information. To mitigate this drawback, inspired by Mix-of-Expert, we introduce Mix-of-Granularity (MoG), a method that dynamically determines the optimal granularity of a knowledge database based on input queries using a router. The router is efficiently trained with a newly proposed loss function employing soft labels. We further extend MoG to Mix-of-Granularity-Graph (MoGG), where reference documents are pre-processed into graphs, enabling the retrieval of relevant information from distantly situated chunks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that both MoG and MoGG effectively predict optimal granularity levels, significantly enhancing the performance of the RAG system in downstream tasks. The code of both MoG and MoGG will be made public.

new Learning to Solve Multiresolution Matrix Factorization by Manifold Optimization and Evolutionary Metaheuristics

Authors: Truong Son Hy, Thieu Khang, Risi Kondor

Abstract: Multiresolution Matrix Factorization (MMF) is unusual amongst fast matrix factorization algorithms in that it does not make a low rank assumption. This makes MMF especially well suited to modeling certain types of graphs with complex multiscale or hierarchical strucutre. While MMF promises to yields a useful wavelet basis, finding the factorization itself is hard, and existing greedy methods tend to be brittle. In this paper, we propose a ``learnable'' version of MMF that carfully optimizes the factorization using metaheuristics, specifically evolutionary algorithms and directed evolution, along with Stiefel manifold optimization through backpropagating errors. We show that the resulting wavelet basis far outperforms prior MMF algorithms and gives comparable performance on standard learning tasks on graphs. Furthermore, we construct the wavelet neural networks (WNNs) learning graphs on the spectral domain with the wavelet basis produced by our MMF learning algorithm. Our wavelet networks are competitive against other state-of-the-art methods in molecular graphs classification and node classification on citation graphs. We release our implementation at


new Exploring the limits of Hierarchical World Models in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Robin Schiewer, Anand Subramoney, Laurenz Wiskott

Abstract: Hierarchical model-based reinforcement learning (HMBRL) aims to combine the benefits of better sample efficiency of model based reinforcement learning (MBRL) with the abstraction capability of hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) to solve complex tasks efficiently. While HMBRL has great potential, it still lacks wide adoption. In this work we describe a novel HMBRL framework and evaluate it thoroughly. To complement the multi-layered decision making idiom characteristic for HRL, we construct hierarchical world models that simulate environment dynamics at various levels of temporal abstraction. These models are used to train a stack of agents that communicate in a top-down manner by proposing goals to their subordinate agents. A significant focus of this study is the exploration of a static and environment agnostic temporal abstraction, which allows concurrent training of models and agents throughout the hierarchy. Unlike most goal-conditioned H(MB)RL approaches, it also leads to comparatively low dimensional abstract actions. Although our HMBRL approach did not outperform traditional methods in terms of final episode returns, it successfully facilitated decision making across two levels of abstraction using compact, low dimensional abstract actions. A central challenge in enhancing our method's performance, as uncovered through comprehensive experimentation, is model exploitation on the abstract level of our world model stack. We provide an in depth examination of this issue, discussing its implications for the field and suggesting directions for future research to overcome this challenge. By sharing these findings, we aim to contribute to the broader discourse on refining HMBRL methodologies and to assist in the development of more effective autonomous learning systems for complex decision-making environments.

new Optimistic Rates for Learning from Label Proportions

Authors: Gene Li, Lin Chen, Adel Javanmard, Vahab Mirrokni

Abstract: We consider a weakly supervised learning problem called Learning from Label Proportions (LLP), where examples are grouped into ``bags'' and only the average label within each bag is revealed to the learner. We study various learning rules for LLP that achieve PAC learning guarantees for classification loss. We establish that the classical Empirical Proportional Risk Minimization (EPRM) learning rule (Yu et al., 2014) achieves fast rates under realizability, but EPRM and similar proportion matching learning rules can fail in the agnostic setting. We also show that (1) a debiased proportional square loss, as well as (2) a recently proposed EasyLLP learning rule (Busa-Fekete et al., 2023) both achieve ``optimistic rates'' (Panchenko, 2002); in both the realizable and agnostic settings, their sample complexity is optimal (up to log factors) in terms of $\epsilon, \delta$, and VC dimension.

new Federated Model Heterogeneous Matryoshka Representation Learning

Authors: Liping Yi, Han Yu, Chao Ren, Gang Wang, Xiaoguang Liu, Xiaoxiao Li

Abstract: Model heterogeneous federated learning (MHeteroFL) enables FL clients to collaboratively train models with heterogeneous structures in a distributed fashion. However, existing MHeteroFL methods rely on training loss to transfer knowledge between the client model and the server model, resulting in limited knowledge exchange. To address this limitation, we propose the Federated model heterogeneous Matryoshka Representation Learning (FedMRL) approach for supervised learning tasks. It adds an auxiliary small homogeneous model shared by clients with heterogeneous local models. (1) The generalized and personalized representations extracted by the two models' feature extractors are fused by a personalized lightweight representation projector. This step enables representation fusion to adapt to local data distribution. (2) The fused representation is then used to construct Matryoshka representations with multi-dimensional and multi-granular embedded representations learned by the global homogeneous model header and the local heterogeneous model header. This step facilitates multi-perspective representation learning and improves model learning capability. Theoretical analysis shows that FedMRL achieves a $O(1/T)$ non-convex convergence rate. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate its superior model accuracy with low communication and computational costs compared to seven state-of-the-art baselines. It achieves up to 8.48% and 24.94% accuracy improvement compared with the state-of-the-art and the best same-category baseline, respectively.

new Efficient Sign-Based Optimization: Accelerating Convergence via Variance Reduction

Authors: Wei Jiang, Sifan Yang, Wenhao Yang, Lijun Zhang

Abstract: Sign stochastic gradient descent (signSGD) is a communication-efficient method that transmits only the sign of stochastic gradients for parameter updating. Existing literature has demonstrated that signSGD can achieve a convergence rate of $\mathcal{O}(d^{1/2}T^{-1/4})$, where $d$ represents the dimension and $T$ is the iteration number. In this paper, we improve this convergence rate to $\mathcal{O}(d^{1/2}T^{-1/3})$ by introducing the Sign-based Stochastic Variance Reduction (SSVR) method, which employs variance reduction estimators to track gradients and leverages their signs to update. For finite-sum problems, our method can be further enhanced to achieve a convergence rate of $\mathcal{O}(m^{1/4}d^{1/2}T^{-1/2})$, where $m$ denotes the number of component functions. Furthermore, we investigate the heterogeneous majority vote in distributed settings and introduce two novel algorithms that attain improved convergence rates of $\mathcal{O}(d^{1/2}T^{-1/2} + dn^{-1/2})$ and $\mathcal{O}(d^{1/4}T^{-1/4})$ respectively, outperforming the previous results of $\mathcal{O}(dT^{-1/4} + dn^{-1/2})$ and $\mathcal{O}(d^{3/8}T^{-1/8})$, where $n$ represents the number of nodes. Numerical experiments across different tasks validate the effectiveness of our proposed methods.

new Activation-Descent Regularization for Input Optimization of ReLU Networks

Authors: Hongzhan Yu, Sicun Gao

Abstract: We present a new approach for input optimization of ReLU networks that explicitly takes into account the effect of changes in activation patterns. We analyze local optimization steps in both the input space and the space of activation patterns to propose methods with superior local descent properties. To accomplish this, we convert the discrete space of activation patterns into differentiable representations and propose regularization terms that improve each descent step. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed input-optimization methods for improving the state-of-the-art in various areas, such as adversarial learning, generative modeling, and reinforcement learning.

new Conformal Transformation of Kernels: A Geometric Perspective on Text Classification

Authors: Ioana R\u{a}dulescu (L\u{a}z\u{a}rescu), Alexandra B\u{a}icoianu, Adela Mihai

Abstract: In this article we investigate the effects of conformal transformations on kernel functions used in Support Vector Machines. Our focus lies in the task of text document categorization, which involves assigning each document to a particular category. We introduce a new Gaussian Cosine kernel alongside two conformal transformations. Building upon previous studies that demonstrated the efficacy of conformal transformations in increasing class separability on synthetic and low-dimensional datasets, we extend this analysis to the high-dimensional domain of text data. Our experiments, conducted on the Reuters dataset on two types of binary classification tasks, compare the performance of Linear, Gaussian, and Gaussian Cosine kernels against their conformally transformed counterparts. The findings indicate that conformal transformations can significantly improve kernel performance, particularly for sub-optimal kernels. Specifically, improvements were observed in 60% of the tested scenarios for the Linear kernel, 84% for the Gaussian kernel, and 80% for the Gaussian Cosine kernel. In light of these findings, it becomes clear that conformal transformations play a pivotal role in enhancing kernel performance, offering substantial benefits.

new Empirical influence functions to understand the logic of fine-tuning

Authors: Jordan K. Matelsky, Lyle Ungar, Konrad P. Kording

Abstract: Understanding the process of learning in neural networks is crucial for improving their performance and interpreting their behavior. This can be approximately understood by asking how a model's output is influenced when we fine-tune on a new training sample. There are desiderata for such influences, such as decreasing influence with semantic distance, sparseness, noise invariance, transitive causality, and logical consistency. Here we use the empirical influence measured using fine-tuning to demonstrate how individual training samples affect outputs. We show that these desiderata are violated for both for simple convolutional networks and for a modern LLM. We also illustrate how prompting can partially rescue this failure. Our paper presents an efficient and practical way of quantifying how well neural networks learn from fine-tuning stimuli. Our results suggest that popular models cannot generalize or perform logic in the way they appear to.

new Learning Discrete Concepts in Latent Hierarchical Models

Authors: Lingjing Kong, Guangyi Chen, Biwei Huang, Eric P. Xing, Yuejie Chi, Kun Zhang

Abstract: Learning concepts from natural high-dimensional data (e.g., images) holds potential in building human-aligned and interpretable machine learning models. Despite its encouraging prospect, formalization and theoretical insights into this crucial task are still lacking. In this work, we formalize concepts as discrete latent causal variables that are related via a hierarchical causal model that encodes different abstraction levels of concepts embedded in high-dimensional data (e.g., a dog breed and its eye shapes in natural images). We formulate conditions to facilitate the identification of the proposed causal model, which reveals when learning such concepts from unsupervised data is possible. Our conditions permit complex causal hierarchical structures beyond latent trees and multi-level directed acyclic graphs in prior work and can handle high-dimensional, continuous observed variables, which is well-suited for unstructured data modalities such as images. We substantiate our theoretical claims with synthetic data experiments. Further, we discuss our theory's implications for understanding the underlying mechanisms of latent diffusion models and provide corresponding empirical evidence for our theoretical insights.

new Adaptive boosting with dynamic weight adjustment

Authors: Vamsi Sai Ranga Sri Harsha Mangina

Abstract: Adaptive Boosting with Dynamic Weight Adjustment is an enhancement of the traditional Adaptive boosting commonly known as AdaBoost, a powerful ensemble learning technique. Adaptive Boosting with Dynamic Weight Adjustment technique improves the efficiency and accuracy by dynamically updating the weights of the instances based on prediction error where the weights are updated in proportion to the error rather than updating weights uniformly as we do in traditional Adaboost. Adaptive Boosting with Dynamic Weight Adjustment performs better than Adaptive Boosting as it can handle more complex data relations, allowing our model to handle imbalances and noise better, leading to more accurate and balanced predictions. The proposed model provides a more flexible and effective approach for boosting, particularly in challenging classification tasks.

new On the Use of Anchoring for Training Vision Models

Authors: Vivek Narayanaswamy, Kowshik Thopalli, Rushil Anirudh, Yamen Mubarka, Wesam Sakla, Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan

Abstract: Anchoring is a recent, architecture-agnostic principle for training deep neural networks that has been shown to significantly improve uncertainty estimation, calibration, and extrapolation capabilities. In this paper, we systematically explore anchoring as a general protocol for training vision models, providing fundamental insights into its training and inference processes and their implications for generalization and safety. Despite its promise, we identify a critical problem in anchored training that can lead to an increased risk of learning undesirable shortcuts, thereby limiting its generalization capabilities. To address this, we introduce a new anchored training protocol that employs a simple regularizer to mitigate this issue and significantly enhances generalization. We empirically evaluate our proposed approach across datasets and architectures of varying scales and complexities, demonstrating substantial performance gains in generalization and safety metrics compared to the standard training protocol.

new Causal Contrastive Learning for Counterfactual Regression Over Time

Authors: Mouad El Bouchattaoui, Myriam Tami, Benoit Lepetit, Paul-Henry Courn\`ede

Abstract: Estimating treatment effects over time holds significance in various domains, including precision medicine, epidemiology, economy, and marketing. This paper introduces a unique approach to counterfactual regression over time, emphasizing long-term predictions. Distinguishing itself from existing models like Causal Transformer, our approach highlights the efficacy of employing RNNs for long-term forecasting, complemented by Contrastive Predictive Coding (CPC) and Information Maximization (InfoMax). Emphasizing efficiency, we avoid the need for computationally expensive transformers. Leveraging CPC, our method captures long-term dependencies in the presence of time-varying confounders. Notably, recent models have disregarded the importance of invertible representation, compromising identification assumptions. To remedy this, we employ the InfoMax principle, maximizing a lower bound of mutual information between sequence data and its representation. Our method achieves state-of-the-art counterfactual estimation results using both synthetic and real-world data, marking the pioneering incorporation of Contrastive Predictive Encoding in causal inference.

new CONFINE: Conformal Prediction for Interpretable Neural Networks

Authors: Linhui Huang, Sayeri Lala, Niraj K. Jha

Abstract: Deep neural networks exhibit remarkable performance, yet their black-box nature limits their utility in fields like healthcare where interpretability is crucial. Existing explainability approaches often sacrifice accuracy and lack quantifiable measures of prediction uncertainty. In this study, we introduce Conformal Prediction for Interpretable Neural Networks (CONFINE), a versatile framework that generates prediction sets with statistically robust uncertainty estimates instead of point predictions to enhance model transparency and reliability. CONFINE not only provides example-based explanations and confidence estimates for individual predictions but also boosts accuracy by up to 3.6%. We define a new metric, correct efficiency, to evaluate the fraction of prediction sets that contain precisely the correct label and show that CONFINE achieves correct efficiency of up to 3.3% higher than the original accuracy, matching or exceeding prior methods. CONFINE's marginal and class-conditional coverages attest to its validity across tasks spanning medical image classification to language understanding. Being adaptable to any pre-trained classifier, CONFINE marks a significant advance towards transparent and trustworthy deep learning applications in critical domains.

new Leveraging Knowlegde Graphs for Interpretable Feature Generation

Authors: Mohamed Bouadi, Arta Alavi, Salima Benbernou, Mourad Ouziri

Abstract: The quality of Machine Learning (ML) models strongly depends on the input data, as such Feature Engineering (FE) is often required in ML. In addition, with the proliferation of ML-powered systems, especially in critical contexts, the need for interpretability and explainability becomes increasingly important. Since manual FE is time-consuming and requires case specific knowledge, we propose KRAFT, an AutoFE framework that leverages a knowledge graph to guide the generation of interpretable features. Our hybrid AI approach combines a neural generator to transform raw features through a series of transformations and a knowledge-based reasoner to evaluate features interpretability using Description Logics (DL). The generator is trained through Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to maximize the prediction accuracy and the interpretability of the generated features. Extensive experiments on real datasets demonstrate that KRAFT significantly improves accuracy while ensuring a high level of interpretability.

new LIDAO: Towards Limited Interventions for Debiasing (Large) Language Models

Authors: Tianci Liu, Haoyu Wang, Shiyang Wang, Yu Cheng, Jing Gao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance on various natural language generation tasks. Nonetheless, they suffer from generating negative and harmful contents that are biased against certain demographic groups (e.g., female), raising severe fairness concerns. As remedies, prior works intervened the generation by removing attitude or demographic information, inevitably degrading the generation quality and resulting in notable \textit{fairness-fluency} trade-offs. However, it is still under-explored to what extent the fluency \textit{has to} be affected in order to achieve a desired level of fairness. In this work, we conduct the first formal study from an information-theoretic perspective. We show that previous approaches are excessive for debiasing and propose LIDAO, a general framework to debias a (L)LM at a better fluency provably. We further robustify LIDAO in adversarial scenarios, where a carefully-crafted prompt may stimulate LLMs exhibiting instruction-following abilities to generate texts with fairness issue appears only when the prompt is also taken into account. Experiments on three LMs ranging from 0.7B to 7B parameters demonstrate the superiority of our method.

new Strategic Linear Contextual Bandits

Authors: Thomas Kleine Buening, Aadirupa Saha, Christos Dimitrakakis, Haifeng Xu

Abstract: Motivated by the phenomenon of strategic agents gaming a recommender system to maximize the number of times they are recommended to users, we study a strategic variant of the linear contextual bandit problem, where the arms can strategically misreport their privately observed contexts to the learner. We treat the algorithm design problem as one of mechanism design under uncertainty and propose the Optimistic Grim Trigger Mechanism (OptGTM) that incentivizes the agents (i.e., arms) to report their contexts truthfully while simultaneously minimizing regret. We also show that failing to account for the strategic nature of the agents results in linear regret. However, a trade-off between mechanism design and regret minimization appears to be unavoidable. More broadly, this work aims to provide insight into the intersection of online learning and mechanism design.

new Graph Neural Network Training Systems: A Performance Comparison of Full-Graph and Mini-Batch

Authors: Saurabh Bajaj, Hui Guan, Marco Serafini

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have gained significant attention in recent years due to their ability to learn representations of graph structured data. Two common methods for training GNNs are mini-batch training and full-graph training. Since these two methods require different training pipelines and systems optimizations, two separate categories of GNN training systems emerged, each tailored for one method. Works that introduce systems belonging to a particular category predominantly compare them with other systems within the same category, offering limited or no comparison with systems from the other category. Some prior work also justifies its focus on one specific training method by arguing that it achieves higher accuracy than the alternative. The literature, however, has incomplete and contradictory evidence in this regard. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive empirical comparison of full-graph and mini-batch GNN training systems to get a clearer picture of the state of the art in the field. We find that the mini-batch training systems we consider consistently converge faster than the full-graph training ones across multiple datasets, GNN models, and system configurations, with speedups between 2.4x - 15.2x. We also find that both training techniques converge to similar accuracy values, so comparing systems across the two categories in terms of time-to-accuracy is a sound approach.

new Learning to Approximate Particle Smoothing Trajectories via Diffusion Generative Models

Authors: Ella Tamir, Arno Solin

Abstract: Learning dynamical systems from sparse observations is critical in numerous fields, including biology, finance, and physics. Even if tackling such problems is standard in general information fusion, it remains challenging for contemporary machine learning models, such as diffusion models. We introduce a method that integrates conditional particle filtering with ancestral sampling and diffusion models, enabling the generation of realistic trajectories that align with observed data. Our approach uses a smoother based on iterating a conditional particle filter with ancestral sampling to first generate plausible trajectories matching observed marginals, and learns the corresponding diffusion model. This approach provides both a generative method for high-quality, smoothed trajectories under complex constraints, and an efficient approximation of the particle smoothing distribution for classical tracking problems. We demonstrate the approach in time-series generation and interpolation tasks, including vehicle tracking and single-cell RNA sequencing data.

new An Unsupervised Approach for Periodic Source Detection in Time Series

Authors: Berken Utku Demirel, Christian Holz

Abstract: Detection of periodic patterns of interest within noisy time series data plays a critical role in various tasks, spanning from health monitoring to behavior analysis. Existing learning techniques often rely on labels or clean versions of signals for detecting the periodicity, and those employing self-supervised learning methods are required to apply proper augmentations, which is already challenging for time series and can result in collapse -- all representations collapse to a single point due to strong augmentations. In this work, we propose a novel method to detect the periodicity in time series without the need for any labels or requiring tailored positive or negative data generation mechanisms with specific augmentations. We mitigate the collapse issue by ensuring the learned representations retain information from the original samples without imposing any random variance constraints on the batch. Our experiments in three time series tasks against state-of-the-art learning methods show that the proposed approach consistently outperforms prior works, achieving performance improvements of more than 45--50\%, showing its effectiveness. Code:


new Redefining Contributions: Shapley-Driven Federated Learning

Authors: Nurbek Tastan, Samar Fares, Toluwani Aremu, Samuel Horvath, Karthik Nandakumar

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a pivotal approach in machine learning, enabling multiple participants to collaboratively train a global model without sharing raw data. While FL finds applications in various domains such as healthcare and finance, it is challenging to ensure global model convergence when participants do not contribute equally and/or honestly. To overcome this challenge, principled mechanisms are required to evaluate the contributions made by individual participants in the FL setting. Existing solutions for contribution assessment rely on general accuracy evaluation, often failing to capture nuanced dynamics and class-specific influences. This paper proposes a novel contribution assessment method called ShapFed for fine-grained evaluation of participant contributions in FL. Our approach uses Shapley values from cooperative game theory to provide a granular understanding of class-specific influences. Based on ShapFed, we introduce a weighted aggregation method called ShapFed-WA, which outperforms conventional federated averaging, especially in class-imbalanced scenarios. Personalizing participant updates based on their contributions further enhances collaborative fairness by delivering differentiated models commensurate with the participant contributions. Experiments on CIFAR-10, Chest X-Ray, and Fed-ISIC2019 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in improving utility, efficiency, and fairness in FL systems. The code can be found at


new A Gaussian Process-based Streaming Algorithm for Prediction of Time Series With Regimes and Outliers

Authors: Daniel Waxman, Petar M. Djuri\'c

Abstract: Online prediction of time series under regime switching is a widely studied problem in the literature, with many celebrated approaches. Using the non-parametric flexibility of Gaussian processes, the recently proposed INTEL algorithm provides a product of experts approach to online prediction of time series under possible regime switching, including the special case of outliers. This is achieved by adaptively combining several candidate models, each reporting their predictive distribution at time $t$. However, the INTEL algorithm uses a finite context window approximation to the predictive distribution, the computation of which scales cubically with the maximum lag, or otherwise scales quartically with exact predictive distributions. We introduce LINTEL, which uses the exact filtering distribution at time $t$ with constant-time updates, making the time complexity of the streaming algorithm optimal. We additionally note that the weighting mechanism of INTEL is better suited to a mixture of experts approach, and propose a fusion policy based on arithmetic averaging for LINTEL. We show experimentally that our proposed approach is over five times faster than INTEL under reasonable settings with better quality predictions.

new VOICE: Variance of Induced Contrastive Explanations to quantify Uncertainty in Neural Network Interpretability

Authors: Mohit Prabhushankar, Ghassan AlRegib

Abstract: In this paper, we visualize and quantify the predictive uncertainty of gradient-based post hoc visual explanations for neural networks. Predictive uncertainty refers to the variability in the network predictions under perturbations to the input. Visual post hoc explainability techniques highlight features within an image to justify a network's prediction. We theoretically show that existing evaluation strategies of visual explanatory techniques partially reduce the predictive uncertainty of neural networks. This analysis allows us to construct a plug in approach to visualize and quantify the remaining predictive uncertainty of any gradient-based explanatory technique. We show that every image, network, prediction, and explanatory technique has a unique uncertainty. The proposed uncertainty visualization and quantification yields two key observations. Firstly, oftentimes under incorrect predictions, explanatory techniques are uncertain about the same features that they are attributing the predictions to, thereby reducing the trustworthiness of the explanation. Secondly, objective metrics of an explanation's uncertainty, empirically behave similarly to epistemic uncertainty. We support these observations on two datasets, four explanatory techniques, and six neural network architectures. The code is available at


new ContextFlow++: Generalist-Specialist Flow-based Generative Models with Mixed-Variable Context Encoding

Authors: Denis Gudovskiy, Tomoyuki Okuno, Yohei Nakata

Abstract: Normalizing flow-based generative models have been widely used in applications where the exact density estimation is of major importance. Recent research proposes numerous methods to improve their expressivity. However, conditioning on a context is largely overlooked area in the bijective flow research. Conventional conditioning with the vector concatenation is limited to only a few flow types. More importantly, this approach cannot support a practical setup where a set of context-conditioned (specialist) models are trained with the fixed pretrained general-knowledge (generalist) model. We propose ContextFlow++ approach to overcome these limitations using an additive conditioning with explicit generalist-specialist knowledge decoupling. Furthermore, we support discrete contexts by the proposed mixed-variable architecture with context encoders. Particularly, our context encoder for discrete variables is a surjective flow from which the context-conditioned continuous variables are sampled. Our experiments on rotated MNIST-R, corrupted CIFAR-10C, real-world ATM predictive maintenance and SMAP unsupervised anomaly detection benchmarks show that the proposed ContextFlow++ offers faster stable training and achieves higher performance metrics. Our code is publicly available at


new Generalization Bound and New Algorithm for Clean-Label Backdoor Attack

Authors: Lijia Yu, Shuang Liu, Yibo Miao, Xiao-Shan Gao, Lijun Zhang

Abstract: The generalization bound is a crucial theoretical tool for assessing the generalizability of learning methods and there exist vast literatures on generalizability of normal learning, adversarial learning, and data poisoning. Unlike other data poison attacks, the backdoor attack has the special property that the poisoned triggers are contained in both the training set and the test set and the purpose of the attack is two-fold. To our knowledge, the generalization bound for the backdoor attack has not been established. In this paper, we fill this gap by deriving algorithm-independent generalization bounds in the clean-label backdoor attack scenario. Precisely, based on the goals of backdoor attack, we give upper bounds for the clean sample population errors and the poison population errors in terms of the empirical error on the poisoned training dataset. Furthermore, based on the theoretical result, a new clean-label backdoor attack is proposed that computes the poisoning trigger by combining adversarial noise and indiscriminate poison. We show its effectiveness in a variety of settings.

new Multi-variable Adversarial Time-Series Forecast Model

Authors: Xiaoqiao Chen

Abstract: Short-term industrial enterprises power system forecasting is an important issue for both load control and machine protection. Scientists focus on load forecasting but ignore other valuable electric-meters which should provide guidance of power system protection. We propose a new framework, multi-variable adversarial time-series forecasting model, which regularizes Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) models via an adversarial process. The novel model forecasts all variables (may in different type, such as continue variables, category variables, etc.) in power system at the same time and helps trade-off process between forecasting accuracy of single variable and variable-variable relations. Experiments demonstrate the potential of the framework through qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the generated samples. The predict results of electricity consumption of industrial enterprises by multi-variable adversarial time-series forecasting model show that the proposed approach is able to achieve better prediction accuracy. We also applied this model to real industrial enterprises power system data we gathered from several large industrial enterprises via advanced power monitors, and got impressed forecasting results.

new Robust Fair Clustering with Group Membership Uncertainty Sets

Authors: Sharmila Duppala, Juan Luque, John P. Dickerson, Seyed A. Esmaeili

Abstract: We study the canonical fair clustering problem where each cluster is constrained to have close to population-level representation of each group. Despite significant attention, the salient issue of having incomplete knowledge about the group membership of each point has been superficially addressed. In this paper, we consider a setting where errors exist in the assigned group memberships. We introduce a simple and interpretable family of error models that require a small number of parameters to be given by the decision maker. We then present an algorithm for fair clustering with provable robustness guarantees. Our framework enables the decision maker to trade off between the robustness and the clustering quality. Unlike previous work, our algorithms are backed by worst-case theoretical guarantees. Finally, we empirically verify the performance of our algorithm on real world datasets and show its superior performance over existing baselines.

new DISCRET: Synthesizing Faithful Explanations For Treatment Effect Estimation

Authors: Yinjun Wu, Mayank Keoliya, Kan Chen, Neelay Velingker, Ziyang Li, Emily J Getzen, Qi Long, Mayur Naik, Ravi B Parikh, Eric Wong

Abstract: Designing faithful yet accurate AI models is challenging, particularly in the field of individual treatment effect estimation (ITE). ITE prediction models deployed in critical settings such as healthcare should ideally be (i) accurate, and (ii) provide faithful explanations. However, current solutions are inadequate: state-of-the-art black-box models do not supply explanations, post-hoc explainers for black-box models lack faithfulness guarantees, and self-interpretable models greatly compromise accuracy. To address these issues, we propose DISCRET, a self-interpretable ITE framework that synthesizes faithful, rule-based explanations for each sample. A key insight behind DISCRET is that explanations can serve dually as database queries to identify similar subgroups of samples. We provide a novel RL algorithm to efficiently synthesize these explanations from a large search space. We evaluate DISCRET on diverse tasks involving tabular, image, and text data. DISCRET outperforms the best self-interpretable models and has accuracy comparable to the best black-box models while providing faithful explanations. DISCRET is available at


new Efficient Monte Carlo Tree Search via On-the-Fly State-Conditioned Action Abstraction

Authors: Yunhyeok Kwak, Inwoo Hwang, Dooyoung Kim, Sanghack Lee, Byoung-Tak Zhang

Abstract: Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) has showcased its efficacy across a broad spectrum of decision-making problems. However, its performance often degrades under vast combinatorial action space, especially where an action is composed of multiple sub-actions. In this work, we propose an action abstraction based on the compositional structure between a state and sub-actions for improving the efficiency of MCTS under a factored action space. Our method learns a latent dynamics model with an auxiliary network that captures sub-actions relevant to the transition on the current state, which we call state-conditioned action abstraction. Notably, it infers such compositional relationships from high-dimensional observations without the known environment model. During the tree traversal, our method constructs the state-conditioned action abstraction for each node on-the-fly, reducing the search space by discarding the exploration of redundant sub-actions. Experimental results demonstrate the superior sample efficiency of our method compared to vanilla MuZero, which suffers from expansive action space.

new A Multi-Graph Convolutional Neural Network Model for Short-Term Prediction of Turning Movements at Signalized Intersections

Authors: Jewel Rana Palit, Osama A Osman

Abstract: Traffic flow forecasting is a crucial first step in intelligent and proactive traffic management. Traffic flow parameters are volatile and uncertain, making traffic flow forecasting a difficult task if the appropriate forecasting model is not used. Additionally, the non-Euclidean data structure of traffic flow parameters is challenging to analyze from both spatial and temporal perspectives. State-of-the-art deep learning approaches use pure convolution, recurrent neural networks, and hybrid methods to achieve this objective efficiently. However, many of the approaches in the literature rely on complex architectures that can be difficult to train. This complexity also adds to the black-box nature of deep learning. This study introduces a novel deep learning architecture, referred to as the multigraph convolution neural network (MGCNN), for turning movement prediction at intersections. The proposed architecture combines a multigraph structure, built to model temporal variations in traffic data, with a spectral convolution operation to support modeling the spatial variations in traffic data over the graphs. The proposed model was tested using twenty days of flow and traffic control data collected from an arterial in downtown Chattanooga, TN, with ten signalized intersections. The model's ability to perform short-term predictions over 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 minutes into the future was evaluated against four baseline state-of-the-art models. The results showed that our proposed model is superior to the other baseline models in predicting turning movements with a mean squared error (MSE) of 0.9

new Improving GFlowNets for Text-to-Image Diffusion Alignment

Authors: Dinghuai Zhang, Yizhe Zhang, Jiatao Gu, Ruixiang Zhang, Josh Susskind, Navdeep Jaitly, Shuangfei Zhai

Abstract: Diffusion models have become the \textit{de-facto} approach for generating visual data, which are trained to match the distribution of the training dataset. In addition, we also want to control generation to fulfill desired properties such as alignment to a text description, which can be specified with a black-box reward function. Prior works fine-tune pretrained diffusion models to achieve this goal through reinforcement learning-based algorithms. Nonetheless, they suffer from issues including slow credit assignment as well as low quality in their generated samples. In this work, we explore techniques that do not directly maximize the reward but rather generate high-reward images with relatively high probability -- a natural scenario for the framework of generative flow networks (GFlowNets). To this end, we propose the \textbf{D}iffusion \textbf{A}lignment with \textbf{G}FlowNet (DAG) algorithm to post-train diffusion models with black-box property functions. Extensive experiments on Stable Diffusion and various reward specifications corroborate that our method could effectively align large-scale text-to-image diffusion models with given reward information.

new FuRL: Visual-Language Models as Fuzzy Rewards for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yuwei Fu, Haichao Zhang, Di Wu, Wei Xu, Benoit Boulet

Abstract: In this work, we investigate how to leverage pre-trained visual-language models (VLM) for online Reinforcement Learning (RL). In particular, we focus on sparse reward tasks with pre-defined textual task descriptions. We first identify the problem of reward misalignment when applying VLM as a reward in RL tasks. To address this issue, we introduce a lightweight fine-tuning method, named Fuzzy VLM reward-aided RL (FuRL), based on reward alignment and relay RL. Specifically, we enhance the performance of SAC/DrQ baseline agents on sparse reward tasks by fine-tuning VLM representations and using relay RL to avoid local minima. Extensive experiments on the Meta-world benchmark tasks demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method. Code is available at: {\footnotesize\url{}}.


new Generalized Exponentiated Gradient Algorithms and Their Application to On-Line Portfolio Selection

Authors: Andrzej Cichocki, Sergio Cruces, Auxiliadora Sarmiento, Toshihisa Tanaka

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel family of generalized exponentiated gradient (EG) updates derived from an Alpha-Beta divergence regularization function. Collectively referred to as EGAB, the proposed updates belong to the category of multiplicative gradient algorithms for positive data and demonstrate considerable flexibility by controlling iteration behavior and performance through three hyperparameters: $\alpha$, $\beta$, and the learning rate $\eta$. To enforce a unit $l_1$ norm constraint for nonnegative weight vectors within generalized EGAB algorithms, we develop two slightly distinct approaches. One method exploits scale-invariant loss functions, while the other relies on gradient projections onto the feasible domain. As an illustration of their applicability, we evaluate the proposed updates in addressing the online portfolio selection problem (OLPS) using gradient-based methods. Here, they not only offer a unified perspective on the search directions of various OLPS algorithms (including the standard exponentiated gradient and diverse mean-reversion strategies), but also facilitate smooth interpolation and extension of these updates due to the flexibility in hyperparameter selection. Simulation results confirm that the adaptability of these generalized gradient updates can effectively enhance the performance for some portfolios, particularly in scenarios involving transaction costs.

new Bridging Multicalibration and Out-of-distribution Generalization Beyond Covariate Shift

Authors: Jiayun Wu, Jiashuo Liu, Peng Cui, Zhiwei Steven Wu

Abstract: We establish a new model-agnostic optimization framework for out-of-distribution generalization via multicalibration, a criterion that ensures a predictor is calibrated across a family of overlapping groups. Multicalibration is shown to be associated with robustness of statistical inference under covariate shift. We further establish a link between multicalibration and robustness for prediction tasks both under and beyond covariate shift. We accomplish this by extending multicalibration to incorporate grouping functions that consider covariates and labels jointly. This leads to an equivalence of the extended multicalibration and invariance, an objective for robust learning in existence of concept shift. We show a linear structure of the grouping function class spanned by density ratios, resulting in a unifying framework for robust learning by designing specific grouping functions. We propose MC-Pseudolabel, a post-processing algorithm to achieve both extended multicalibration and out-of-distribution generalization. The algorithm, with lightweight hyperparameters and optimization through a series of supervised regression steps, achieves superior performance on real-world datasets with distribution shift.

new Learning Multimodal Behaviors from Scratch with Diffusion Policy Gradient

Authors: Zechu Li, Rickmer Krohn, Tao Chen, Anurag Ajay, Pulkit Agrawal, Georgia Chalvatzaki

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms typically parameterize the policy as a deep network that outputs either a deterministic action or a stochastic one modeled as a Gaussian distribution, hence restricting learning to a single behavioral mode. Meanwhile, diffusion models emerged as a powerful framework for multimodal learning. However, the use of diffusion policies in online RL is hindered by the intractability of policy likelihood approximation, as well as the greedy objective of RL methods that can easily skew the policy to a single mode. This paper presents Deep Diffusion Policy Gradient (DDiffPG), a novel actor-critic algorithm that learns from scratch multimodal policies parameterized as diffusion models while discovering and maintaining versatile behaviors. DDiffPG explores and discovers multiple modes through off-the-shelf unsupervised clustering combined with novelty-based intrinsic motivation. DDiffPG forms a multimodal training batch and utilizes mode-specific Q-learning to mitigate the inherent greediness of the RL objective, ensuring the improvement of the diffusion policy across all modes. Our approach further allows the policy to be conditioned on mode-specific embeddings to explicitly control the learned modes. Empirical studies validate DDiffPG's capability to master multimodal behaviors in complex, high-dimensional continuous control tasks with sparse rewards, also showcasing proof-of-concept dynamic online replanning when navigating mazes with unseen obstacles.

new GLADformer: A Mixed Perspective for Graph-level Anomaly Detection

Authors: Fan Xu, Nan Wang, Hao Wu, Xuezhi Wen, Dalin Zhang, Siyang Lu, Binyong Li, Wei Gong, Hai Wan, Xibin Zhao

Abstract: Graph-Level Anomaly Detection (GLAD) aims to distinguish anomalous graphs within a graph dataset. However, current methods are constrained by their receptive fields, struggling to learn global features within the graphs. Moreover, most contemporary methods are based on spatial domain and lack exploration of spectral characteristics. In this paper, we propose a multi-perspective hybrid graph-level anomaly detector namely GLADformer, consisting of two key modules. Specifically, we first design a Graph Transformer module with global spectrum enhancement, which ensures balanced and resilient parameter distributions by fusing global features and spectral distribution characteristics. Furthermore, to uncover local anomalous attributes, we customize a band-pass spectral GNN message passing module that further enhances the model's generalization capability. Through comprehensive experiments on ten real-world datasets from multiple domains, we validate the effectiveness and robustness of GLADformer. This demonstrates that GLADformer outperforms current state-of-the-art models in graph-level anomaly detection, particularly in effectively capturing global anomaly representations and spectral characteristics.

new Global Rewards in Restless Multi-Armed Bandits

Authors: Naveen Raman, Ryan Shi, Fei Fang

Abstract: Restless multi-armed bandits (RMAB) extend multi-armed bandits so pulling an arm impacts future states. Despite the success of RMABs, a key limiting assumption is the separability of rewards into a sum across arms. We address this deficiency by proposing restless-multi-armed bandit with global rewards (RMAB-G), a generalization of RMABs to global non-separable rewards. To solve RMAB-G, we develop the Linear- and Shapley-Whittle indices, which extend Whittle indices from RMABs to RMAB-Gs. We prove approximation bounds but also point out how these indices could fail when reward functions are highly non-linear. To overcome this, we propose two sets of adaptive policies: the first computes indices iteratively, and the second combines indices with Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). Empirically, we demonstrate that our proposed policies outperform baselines and index-based policies with synthetic data and real-world data from food rescue.

new Augmenting the FedProx Algorithm by Minimizing Convergence

Authors: Anomitra Sarkar, Lavanya Vajpayee

Abstract: The Internet of Things has experienced significant growth and has become an integral part of various industries. This expansion has given rise to the Industrial IoT initiative where industries are utilizing IoT technology to enhance communication and connectivity through innovative solutions such as data analytics and cloud computing. However this widespread adoption of IoT is demanding of algorithms that provide better efficiency for the same training environment without speed being a factor. In this paper we present a novel approach called G Federated Proximity. Building upon the existing FedProx technique our implementation introduces slight modifications to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness. By leveraging FTL our proposed system aims to improve the accuracy of model obtained after the training dataset with the help of normalization techniques such that it performs better on real time devices and heterogeneous networks Our results indicate a significant increase in the throughput of approximately 90% better convergence compared to existing model performance.

new Shared-unique Features and Task-aware Prioritized Sampling on Multi-task Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Po-Shao Lin, Jia-Fong Yeh, Yi-Ting Chen, Winston H. Hsu

Abstract: We observe that current state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods suffer from the performance imbalance issue when performing multi-task reinforcement learning (MTRL) tasks. While these methods may achieve impressive performance on average, they perform extremely poorly on a few tasks. To address this, we propose a new and effective method called STARS, which consists of two novel strategies: a shared-unique feature extractor and task-aware prioritized sampling. First, the shared-unique feature extractor learns both shared and task-specific features to enable better synergy of knowledge between different tasks. Second, the task-aware sampling strategy is combined with the prioritized experience replay for efficient learning on tasks with poor performance. The effectiveness and stability of our STARS are verified through experiments on the mainstream Meta-World benchmark. From the results, our STARS statistically outperforms current SOTA methods and alleviates the performance imbalance issue. Besides, we visualize the learned features to support our claims and enhance the interpretability of STARS.

new IENE: Identifying and Extrapolating the Node Environment for Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Graphs

Authors: Haoran Yang, Xiaobing Pei, Kai Yuan

Abstract: Due to the performance degradation of graph neural networks (GNNs) under distribution shifts, the work on out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization on graphs has received widespread attention. A novel perspective involves distinguishing potential confounding biases from different environments through environmental identification, enabling the model to escape environmentally-sensitive correlations and maintain stable performance under distribution shifts. However, in graph data, confounding factors not only affect the generation process of node features but also influence the complex interaction between nodes. We observe that neglecting either aspect of them will lead to a decrease in performance. In this paper, we propose IENE, an OOD generalization method on graphs based on node-level environmental identification and extrapolation techniques. It strengthens the model's ability to extract invariance from two granularities simultaneously, leading to improved generalization. Specifically, to identify invariance in features, we utilize the disentangled information bottleneck framework to achieve mutual promotion between node-level environmental estimation and invariant feature learning. Furthermore, we extrapolate topological environments through graph augmentation techniques to identify structural invariance. We implement the conceptual method with specific algorithms and provide theoretical analysis and proofs for our approach. Extensive experimental evaluations on two synthetic and four real-world OOD datasets validate the superiority of IENE, which outperforms existing techniques and provides a flexible framework for enhancing the generalization of GNNs.

new Scaling Tractable Probabilistic Circuits: A Systems Perspective

Authors: Anji Liu, Kareem Ahmed, Guy Van den Broeck

Abstract: Probabilistic Circuits (PCs) are a general framework for tractable deep generative models, which support exact and efficient probabilistic inference on their learned distributions. Recent modeling and training advancements have enabled their application to complex real-world tasks. However, the time and memory inefficiency of existing PC implementations hinders further scaling up. This paper proposes PyJuice, a general GPU implementation design for PCs that improves prior art in several regards. Specifically, PyJuice is 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than existing systems (including very recent ones) at training large-scale PCs. Moreover, PyJuice consumes 2-5x less GPU memory, which enables us to train larger models. At the core of our system is a compilation process that converts a PC into a compact representation amenable to efficient block-based parallelization, which significantly reduces IO and makes it possible to leverage Tensor Cores available in modern GPUs. Empirically, PyJuice can be used to improve state-of-the-art PCs trained on image (e.g., ImageNet32) and language (e.g., WikiText, CommonGen) datasets. We further establish a new set of baselines on natural image and language datasets by benchmarking existing PC structures but with much larger sizes and more training epochs, with the hope of incentivizing future research. Code is available at


new Diffusion Tuning: Transferring Diffusion Models via Chain of Forgetting

Authors: Jincheng Zhong, Xingzhuo Guo, Jiaxiang Dong, Mingsheng Long

Abstract: Diffusion models have significantly advanced the field of generative modeling. However, training a diffusion model is computationally expensive, creating a pressing need to adapt off-the-shelf diffusion models for downstream generation tasks. Current fine-tuning methods focus on parameter-efficient transfer learning but overlook the fundamental transfer characteristics of diffusion models. In this paper, we investigate the transferability of diffusion models and observe a monotonous chain of forgetting trend of transferability along the reverse process. Based on this observation and novel theoretical insights, we present Diff-Tuning, a frustratingly simple transfer approach that leverages the chain of forgetting tendency. Diff-Tuning encourages the fine-tuned model to retain the pre-trained knowledge at the end of the denoising chain close to the generated data while discarding the other noise side. We conduct comprehensive experiments to evaluate Diff-Tuning, including the transfer of pre-trained Diffusion Transformer models to eight downstream generations and the adaptation of Stable Diffusion to five control conditions with ControlNet. Diff-Tuning achieves a 26% improvement over standard fine-tuning and enhances the convergence speed of ControlNet by 24%. Notably, parameter-efficient transfer learning techniques for diffusion models can also benefit from Diff-Tuning.

new Constrained Adaptive Attack: Effective Adversarial Attack Against Deep Neural Networks for Tabular Data

Authors: Thibault Simonetto, Salah Ghamizi, Maxime Cordy

Abstract: State-of-the-art deep learning models for tabular data have recently achieved acceptable performance to be deployed in industrial settings. However, the robustness of these models remains scarcely explored. Contrary to computer vision, there are no effective attacks to properly evaluate the adversarial robustness of deep tabular models due to intrinsic properties of tabular data, such as categorical features, immutability, and feature relationship constraints. To fill this gap, we first propose CAPGD, a gradient attack that overcomes the failures of existing gradient attacks with adaptive mechanisms. This new attack does not require parameter tuning and further degrades the accuracy, up to 81% points compared to the previous gradient attacks. Second, we design CAA, an efficient evasion attack that combines our CAPGD attack and MOEVA, the best search-based attack. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our attacks on five architectures and four critical use cases. Our empirical study demonstrates that CAA outperforms all existing attacks in 17 over the 20 settings, and leads to a drop in the accuracy by up to 96.1% points and 21.9% points compared to CAPGD and MOEVA respectively while being up to five times faster than MOEVA. Given the effectiveness and efficiency of our new attacks, we argue that they should become the minimal test for any new defense or robust architectures in tabular machine learning.

new Differentiation of Multi-objective Data-driven Decision Pipeline

Authors: Peng Li, Lixia Wu, Chaoqun Feng, Haoyuan Hu, Lei Fu, Jieping Ye

Abstract: Real-world scenarios frequently involve multi-objective data-driven optimization problems, characterized by unknown problem coefficients and multiple conflicting objectives. Traditional two-stage methods independently apply a machine learning model to estimate problem coefficients, followed by invoking a solver to tackle the predicted optimization problem. The independent use of optimization solvers and prediction models may lead to suboptimal performance due to mismatches between their objectives. Recent efforts have focused on end-to-end training of predictive models that use decision loss derived from the downstream optimization problem. However, these methods have primarily focused on single-objective optimization problems, thus limiting their applicability. We aim to propose a multi-objective decision-focused approach to address this gap. In order to better align with the inherent properties of multi-objective optimization problems, we propose a set of novel loss functions. These loss functions are designed to capture the discrepancies between predicted and true decision problems, considering solution space, objective space, and decision quality, named landscape loss, Pareto set loss, and decision loss, respectively. Our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms traditional two-stage methods and most current decision-focused methods.

new MagR: Weight Magnitude Reduction for Enhancing Post-Training Quantization

Authors: Aozhong Zhang, Naigang Wang, Yanxia Deng, Xin Li, Zi Yang, Penghang Yin

Abstract: In this paper, we present a simple optimization-based preprocessing technique called Weight Magnitude Reduction (MagR) to improve the performance of post-training quantization. For each linear layer, we adjust the pre-trained floating-point weights by solving an $\ell_\infty$-regularized optimization problem. This process greatly diminishes the maximum magnitude of the weights and smooths out outliers, while preserving the layer's output. The preprocessed weights are centered more towards zero, which facilitates the subsequent quantization process. To implement MagR, we address the $\ell_\infty$-regularization by employing an efficient proximal gradient descent algorithm. Unlike existing preprocessing methods that involve linear transformations and subsequent post-processing steps, which can introduce significant overhead at inference time, MagR functions as a non-linear transformation, eliminating the need for any additional post-processing. This ensures that MagR introduces no overhead whatsoever during inference. Our experiments demonstrate that MagR achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Llama family of models. For example, we achieve a Wikitext2 perplexity of 5.95 on the LLaMA2-70B model for per-channel INT2 weight quantization without incurring any inference overhead.

new Ensemble Deep Random Vector Functional Link Neural Network Based on Fuzzy Inference System

Authors: M. Sajid, M. Tanveer, P. N. Suganthan

Abstract: The ensemble deep random vector functional link (edRVFL) neural network has demonstrated the ability to address the limitations of conventional artificial neural networks. However, since edRVFL generates features for its hidden layers through random projection, it can potentially lose intricate features or fail to capture certain non-linear features in its base models (hidden layers). To enhance the feature learning capabilities of edRVFL, we propose a novel edRVFL based on fuzzy inference system (edRVFL-FIS). The proposed edRVFL-FIS leverages the capabilities of two emerging domains, namely deep learning and ensemble approaches, with the intrinsic IF-THEN properties of fuzzy inference system (FIS) and produces rich feature representation to train the ensemble model. Each base model of the proposed edRVFL-FIS encompasses two key feature augmentation components: a) unsupervised fuzzy layer features and b) supervised defuzzified features. The edRVFL-FIS model incorporates diverse clustering methods (R-means, K-means, Fuzzy C-means) to establish fuzzy layer rules, resulting in three model variations (edRVFL-FIS-R, edRVFL-FIS-K, edRVFL-FIS-C) with distinct fuzzified features and defuzzified features. Within the framework of edRVFL-FIS, each base model utilizes the original, hidden layer and defuzzified features to make predictions. Experimental results, statistical tests, discussions and analyses conducted across UCI and NDC datasets consistently demonstrate the superior performance of all variations of the proposed edRVFL-FIS model over baseline models. The source codes of the proposed models are available at


new Extrapolability Improvement of Machine Learning-Based Evapotranspiration Models via Domain-Adversarial Neural Networks

Authors: Haiyang Shi

Abstract: Machine learning-based hydrological prediction models, despite their high accuracy, face limitations in extrapolation capabilities when applied globally due to uneven data distribution. This study integrates Domain-Adversarial Neural Networks (DANN) to improve the geographical adaptability of evapotranspiration (ET) models. By employing DANN, we aim to mitigate distributional discrepancies between different sites, significantly enhancing the model's extrapolation capabilities. Our results show that DANN improves ET prediction accuracy with an average increase in the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) of 0.2 to 0.3 compared to the traditional Leave-One-Out (LOO) method. DANN is particularly effective for isolated sites and transition zones between biomes, reducing data distribution discrepancies and avoiding low-accuracy predictions. By leveraging information from data-rich areas, DANN enhances the reliability of global-scale ET products, especially in ungauged regions. This study highlights the potential of domain adaptation techniques to improve the extrapolation and generalization capabilities of machine learning models in hydrological studies.

new Envisioning Outlier Exposure by Large Language Models for Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors: Chentao Cao, Zhun Zhong, Zhanke Zhou, Yang Liu, Tongliang Liu, Bo Han

Abstract: Detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) samples is essential when deploying machine learning models in open-world scenarios. Zero-shot OOD detection, requiring no training on in-distribution (ID) data, has been possible with the advent of vision-language models like CLIP. Existing methods build a text-based classifier with only closed-set labels. However, this largely restricts the inherent capability of CLIP to recognize samples from large and open label space. In this paper, we propose to tackle this constraint by leveraging the expert knowledge and reasoning capability of large language models (LLM) to Envision potential Outlier Exposure, termed EOE, without access to any actual OOD data. Owing to better adaptation to open-world scenarios, EOE can be generalized to different tasks, including far, near, and fine-grained OOD detection. Technically, we design (1) LLM prompts based on visual similarity to generate potential outlier class labels specialized for OOD detection, as well as (2) a new score function based on potential outlier penalty to distinguish hard OOD samples effectively. Empirically, EOE achieves state-of-the-art performance across different OOD tasks and can be effectively scaled to the ImageNet-1K dataset. The code is publicly available at:


new Expected Possession Value of Control and Duel Actions for Soccer Player's Skills Estimation

Authors: Andrei Shelopugin

Abstract: Estimation of football players' skills is one of the key tasks in sports analytics. This paper introduces multiple extensions to a widely used model, expected possession value (EPV), to address some key challenges such as selection problem. First, we assign greater weights to events occurring immediately prior to the shot rather than those preceding them (decay effect). Second, our model incorporates possession risk more accurately by considering the decay effect and effective playing time. Third, we integrate the assessment of individual player ability to win aerial and ground duels. Using the extended EPV model, we predict this metric for various football players for the upcoming season, particularly taking into account the strength of their opponents.

new Invisible Backdoor Attacks on Diffusion Models

Authors: Sen Li, Junchi Ma, Minhao Cheng

Abstract: In recent years, diffusion models have achieved remarkable success in the realm of high-quality image generation, garnering increased attention. This surge in interest is paralleled by a growing concern over the security threats associated with diffusion models, largely attributed to their susceptibility to malicious exploitation. Notably, recent research has brought to light the vulnerability of diffusion models to backdoor attacks, enabling the generation of specific target images through corresponding triggers. However, prevailing backdoor attack methods rely on manually crafted trigger generation functions, often manifesting as discernible patterns incorporated into input noise, thus rendering them susceptible to human detection. In this paper, we present an innovative and versatile optimization framework designed to acquire invisible triggers, enhancing the stealthiness and resilience of inserted backdoors. Our proposed framework is applicable to both unconditional and conditional diffusion models, and notably, we are the pioneers in demonstrating the backdooring of diffusion models within the context of text-guided image editing and inpainting pipelines. Moreover, we also show that the backdoors in the conditional generation can be directly applied to model watermarking for model ownership verification, which further boosts the significance of the proposed framework. Extensive experiments on various commonly used samplers and datasets verify the efficacy and stealthiness of the proposed framework. Our code is publicly available at


new Learning-Based Verification of Stochastic Dynamical Systems with Neural Network Policies

Authors: Thom Badings, Wietze Koops, Sebastian Junges, Nils Jansen

Abstract: We consider the verification of neural network policies for reach-avoid control tasks in stochastic dynamical systems. We use a verification procedure that trains another neural network, which acts as a certificate proving that the policy satisfies the task. For reach-avoid tasks, it suffices to show that this certificate network is a reach-avoid supermartingale (RASM). As our main contribution, we significantly accelerate algorithmic approaches for verifying that a neural network is indeed a RASM. The main bottleneck of these approaches is the discretization of the state space of the dynamical system. The following two key contributions allow us to use a coarser discretization than existing approaches. First, we present a novel and fast method to compute tight upper bounds on Lipschitz constants of neural networks based on weighted norms. We further improve these bounds on Lipschitz constants based on the characteristics of the certificate network. Second, we integrate an efficient local refinement scheme that dynamically refines the state space discretization where necessary. Our empirical evaluation shows the effectiveness of our approach for verifying neural network policies in several benchmarks and trained with different reinforcement learning algorithms.

new Local Methods with Adaptivity via Scaling

Authors: Savelii Chezhegov, Sergey Skorik, Nikolas Khachaturov, Danil Shalagin, Aram Avetisyan, Aleksandr Beznosikov, Martin Tak\'a\v{c}, Yaroslav Kholodov, Alexander Gasnikov

Abstract: The rapid development of machine learning and deep learning has introduced increasingly complex optimization challenges that must be addressed. Indeed, training modern, advanced models has become difficult to implement without leveraging multiple computing nodes in a distributed environment. Distributed optimization is also fundamental to emerging fields such as federated learning. Specifically, there is a need to organize the training process to minimize the time lost due to communication. A widely used and extensively researched technique to mitigate the communication bottleneck involves performing local training before communication. This approach is the focus of our paper. Concurrently, adaptive methods that incorporate scaling, notably led by Adam, have gained significant popularity in recent years. Therefore, this paper aims to merge the local training technique with the adaptive approach to develop efficient distributed learning methods. We consider the classical Local SGD method and enhance it with a scaling feature. A crucial aspect is that the scaling is described generically, allowing us to analyze various approaches, including Adam, RMSProp, and OASIS, in a unified manner. In addition to theoretical analysis, we validate the performance of our methods in practice by training a neural network.

new LinkLogic: A New Method and Benchmark for Explainable Knowledge Graph Predictions

Authors: Niraj Kumar-Singh, Gustavo Polleti, Saee Paliwal, Rachel Hodos-Nkhereanye

Abstract: While there are a plethora of methods for link prediction in knowledge graphs, state-of-the-art approaches are often black box, obfuscating model reasoning and thereby limiting the ability of users to make informed decisions about model predictions. Recently, methods have emerged to generate prediction explanations for Knowledge Graph Embedding models, a widely-used class of methods for link prediction. The question then becomes, how well do these explanation systems work? To date this has generally been addressed anecdotally, or through time-consuming user research. In this work, we present an in-depth exploration of a simple link prediction explanation method we call LinkLogic, that surfaces and ranks explanatory information used for the prediction. Importantly, we construct the first-ever link prediction explanation benchmark, based on family structures present in the FB13 dataset. We demonstrate the use of this benchmark as a rich evaluation sandbox, probing LinkLogic quantitatively and qualitatively to assess the fidelity, selectivity and relevance of the generated explanations. We hope our work paves the way for more holistic and empirical assessment of knowledge graph prediction explanation methods in the future.

new Dual Policy Reinforcement Learning for Real-time Rebalancing in Bike-sharing Systems

Authors: Jiaqi Liang, Defeng Liu, Sanjay Dominik Jena, Andrea Lodi, Thibaut Vidal

Abstract: Bike-sharing systems play a crucial role in easing traffic congestion and promoting healthier lifestyles. However, ensuring their reliability and user acceptance requires effective strategies for rebalancing bikes. This study introduces a novel approach to address the real-time rebalancing problem with a fleet of vehicles. It employs a dual policy reinforcement learning algorithm that decouples inventory and routing decisions, enhancing realism and efficiency compared to previous methods where both decisions were made simultaneously. We first formulate the inventory and routing subproblems as a multi-agent Markov Decision Process within a continuous time framework. Subsequently, we propose a DQN-based dual policy framework to jointly estimate the value functions, minimizing the lost demand. To facilitate learning, a comprehensive simulator is applied to operate under a first-arrive-first-serve rule, which enables the computation of immediate rewards across diverse demand scenarios. We conduct extensive experiments on various datasets generated from historical real-world data, affected by both temporal and weather factors. Our proposed algorithm demonstrates significant performance improvements over previous baseline methods. It offers valuable practical insights for operators and further explores the incorporation of reinforcement learning into real-world dynamic programming problems, paving the way for more intelligent and robust urban mobility solutions.

new Evidence of Learned Look-Ahead in a Chess-Playing Neural Network

Authors: Erik Jenner, Shreyas Kapur, Vasil Georgiev, Cameron Allen, Scott Emmons, Stuart Russell

Abstract: Do neural networks learn to implement algorithms such as look-ahead or search "in the wild"? Or do they rely purely on collections of simple heuristics? We present evidence of learned look-ahead in the policy network of Leela Chess Zero, the currently strongest neural chess engine. We find that Leela internally represents future optimal moves and that these representations are crucial for its final output in certain board states. Concretely, we exploit the fact that Leela is a transformer that treats every chessboard square like a token in language models, and give three lines of evidence (1) activations on certain squares of future moves are unusually important causally; (2) we find attention heads that move important information "forward and backward in time," e.g., from squares of future moves to squares of earlier ones; and (3) we train a simple probe that can predict the optimal move 2 turns ahead with 92% accuracy (in board states where Leela finds a single best line). These findings are an existence proof of learned look-ahead in neural networks and might be a step towards a better understanding of their capabilities.

new Reservoir History Matching of the Norne field with generative exotic priors and a coupled Mixture of Experts -- Physics Informed Neural Operator Forward Model

Authors: Clement Etienam, Yang Juntao, Oleg Ovcharenko, Issam Said

Abstract: We developed a novel reservoir characterization workflow that addresses reservoir history matching by coupling a physics-informed neural operator (PINO) forward model with a mixture of experts' approach, termed cluster classify regress (CCR). The inverse modelling is achieved via an adaptive Regularized Ensemble Kalman inversion (aREKI) method, ideal for rapid inverse uncertainty quantification during history matching. We parametrize unknown permeability and porosity fields for non-Gaussian posterior measures using a variational convolution autoencoder and a denoising diffusion implicit model (DDIM) exotic priors. The CCR works as a supervised model with the PINO surrogate to replicate nonlinear Peaceman well equations. The CCR's flexibility allows any independent machine-learning algorithm for each stage. The PINO reservoir surrogate's loss function is derived from supervised data loss and losses from the initial conditions and residual of the governing black oil PDE. The PINO-CCR surrogate outputs pressure, water, and gas saturations, along with oil, water, and gas production rates. The methodology was compared to a standard numerical black oil simulator for a waterflooding case on the Norne field, showing similar outputs. This PINO-CCR surrogate was then used in the aREKI history matching workflow, successfully recovering the unknown permeability, porosity and fault multiplier, with simulations up to 6000 times faster than conventional methods. Training the PINO-CCR surrogate on an NVIDIA H100 with 80G memory takes about 5 hours for 100 samples of the Norne field. This workflow is suitable for ensemble-based approaches, where posterior density sampling, given an expensive likelihood evaluation, is desirable for uncertainty quantification.

new Pretrained Hybrids with MAD Skills

Authors: Nicholas Roberts, Samuel Guo, Zhiqi Gao, Satya Sai Srinath Namburi GNVV, Sonia Cromp, Chengjun Wu, Chengyu Duan, Frederic Sala

Abstract: While Transformers underpin modern large language models (LMs), there is a growing list of alternative architectures with new capabilities, promises, and tradeoffs. This makes choosing the right LM architecture challenging. Recently-proposed $\textit{hybrid architectures}$ seek a best-of-all-worlds approach that reaps the benefits of all architectures. Hybrid design is difficult for two reasons: it requires manual expert-driven search, and new hybrids must be trained from scratch. We propose $\textbf{Manticore}$, a framework that addresses these challenges. Manticore $\textit{automates the design of hybrid architectures}$ while reusing pretrained models to create $\textit{pretrained}$ hybrids. Our approach augments ideas from differentiable Neural Architecture Search (NAS) by incorporating simple projectors that translate features between pretrained blocks from different architectures. We then fine-tune hybrids that combine pretrained models from different architecture families -- such as the GPT series and Mamba -- end-to-end. With Manticore, we enable LM selection without training multiple models, the construction of pretrained hybrids from existing pretrained models, and the ability to $\textit{program}$ pretrained hybrids to have certain capabilities. Manticore hybrids outperform existing manually-designed hybrids, achieve strong performance on Long Range Arena (LRA) tasks, and can improve on pretrained transformers and state space models.

new Faster Diffusion-based Sampling with Randomized Midpoints: Sequential and Parallel

Authors: Shivam Gupta, Linda Cai, Sitan Chen

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in proving discretization bounds for diffusion models. These works show that for essentially any data distribution, one can approximately sample in polynomial time given a sufficiently accurate estimate of its score functions at different noise levels. In this work, we propose a new discretization scheme for diffusion models inspired by Shen and Lee's randomized midpoint method for log-concave sampling~\cite{ShenL19}. We prove that this approach achieves the best known dimension dependence for sampling from arbitrary smooth distributions in total variation distance ($\widetilde O(d^{5/12})$ compared to $\widetilde O(\sqrt{d})$ from prior work). We also show that our algorithm can be parallelized to run in only $\widetilde O(\log^2 d)$ parallel rounds, constituting the first provable guarantees for parallel sampling with diffusion models. As a byproduct of our methods, for the well-studied problem of log-concave sampling in total variation distance, we give an algorithm and simple analysis achieving dimension dependence $\widetilde O(d^{5/12})$ compared to $\widetilde O(\sqrt{d})$ from prior work.

new State Space Models on Temporal Graphs: A First-Principles Study

Authors: Jintang Li, Ruofan Wu, Xinzhou Jin, Boqun Ma, Liang Chen, Zibin Zheng

Abstract: Over the past few years, research on deep graph learning has shifted from static graphs to temporal graphs in response to real-world complex systems that exhibit dynamic behaviors. In practice, temporal graphs are formalized as an ordered sequence of static graph snapshots observed at discrete time points. Sequence models such as RNNs or Transformers have long been the predominant backbone networks for modeling such temporal graphs. Yet, despite the promising results, RNNs struggle with long-range dependencies, while transformers are burdened by quadratic computational complexity. Recently, state space models (SSMs), which are framed as discretized representations of an underlying continuous-time linear dynamical system, have garnered substantial attention and achieved breakthrough advancements in independent sequence modeling. In this work, we undertake a principled investigation that extends SSM theory to temporal graphs by integrating structural information into the online approximation objective via the adoption of a Laplacian regularization term. The emergent continuous-time system introduces novel algorithmic challenges, thereby necessitating our development of GraphSSM, a graph state space model for modeling the dynamics of temporal graphs. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our GraphSSM framework across various temporal graph benchmarks.

new Navigating Conflicting Views: Harnessing Trust for Learning

Authors: Jueqing Lu, Lan Du, Wray Buntine, Myong Chol Jung, Joanna Dipnall, Belinda Gabbe

Abstract: Resolving conflicts is essential to make the decisions of multi-view classification more reliable. Much research has been conducted on learning consistent informative representations among different views, assuming that all views are identically important and strictly aligned. However, real-world multi-view data may not always conform to these assumptions, as some views may express distinct information. To address this issue, we develop a computational trust-based discounting method to enhance the existing trustworthy framework in scenarios where conflicts between different views may arise. Its belief fusion process considers the trustworthiness of predictions made by individual views via an instance-wise probability-sensitive trust discounting mechanism. We evaluate our method on six real-world datasets, using Top-1 Accuracy, AUC-ROC for Uncertainty-Aware Prediction, Fleiss' Kappa, and a new metric called Multi-View Agreement with Ground Truth that takes into consideration the ground truth labels. The experimental results show that computational trust can effectively resolve conflicts, paving the way for more reliable multi-view classification models in real-world applications.

new Enhancing Fairness in Unsupervised Graph Anomaly Detection through Disentanglement

Authors: Wenjing Chang, Kay Liu, Philip S. Yu, Jianjun Yu

Abstract: Graph anomaly detection (GAD) is increasingly crucial in various applications, ranging from financial fraud detection to fake news detection. However, current GAD methods largely overlook the fairness problem, which might result in discriminatory decisions skewed toward certain demographic groups defined on sensitive attributes (e.g., gender, religion, ethnicity, etc.). This greatly limits the applicability of these methods in real-world scenarios in light of societal and ethical restrictions. To address this critical gap, we make the first attempt to integrate fairness with utility in GAD decision-making. Specifically, we devise a novel DisEntangle-based FairnEss-aware aNomaly Detection framework on the attributed graph, named DEFEND. DEFEND first introduces disentanglement in GNNs to capture informative yet sensitive-irrelevant node representations, effectively reducing societal bias inherent in graph representation learning. Besides, to alleviate discriminatory bias in evaluating anomalous nodes, DEFEND adopts a reconstruction-based anomaly detection, which concentrates solely on node attributes without incorporating any graph structure. Additionally, given the inherent association between input and sensitive attributes, DEFEND constrains the correlation between the reconstruction error and the predicted sensitive attributes. Our empirical evaluations on real-world datasets reveal that DEFEND performs effectively in GAD and significantly enhances fairness compared to state-of-the-art baselines. To foster reproducibility, our code is available at


new Constraint-Aware Diffusion Models for Trajectory Optimization

Authors: Anjian Li, Zihan Ding, Adji Bousso Dieng, Ryne Beeson

Abstract: The diffusion model has shown success in generating high-quality and diverse solutions to trajectory optimization problems. However, diffusion models with neural networks inevitably make prediction errors, which leads to constraint violations such as unmet goals or collisions. This paper presents a novel constraint-aware diffusion model for trajectory optimization. We introduce a novel hybrid loss function for training that minimizes the constraint violation of diffusion samples compared to the groundtruth while recovering the original data distribution. Our model is demonstrated on tabletop manipulation and two-car reach-avoid problems, outperforming traditional diffusion models in minimizing constraint violations while generating samples close to locally optimal solutions.

new Seeing the Forest through the Trees: Data Leakage from Partial Transformer Gradients

Authors: Weijun Li, Qiongkai Xu, Mark Dras

Abstract: Recent studies have shown that distributed machine learning is vulnerable to gradient inversion attacks, where private training data can be reconstructed by analyzing the gradients of the models shared in training. Previous attacks established that such reconstructions are possible using gradients from all parameters in the entire models. However, we hypothesize that most of the involved modules, or even their sub-modules, are at risk of training data leakage, and we validate such vulnerabilities in various intermediate layers of language models. Our extensive experiments reveal that gradients from a single Transformer layer, or even a single linear component with 0.54% parameters, are susceptible to training data leakage. Additionally, we show that applying differential privacy on gradients during training offers limited protection against the novel vulnerability of data disclosure.

new Attention-based Iterative Decomposition for Tensor Product Representation

Authors: Taewon Park, Inchul Choi, Minho Lee

Abstract: In recent research, Tensor Product Representation (TPR) is applied for the systematic generalization task of deep neural networks by learning the compositional structure of data. However, such prior works show limited performance in discovering and representing the symbolic structure from unseen test data because their decomposition to the structural representations was incomplete. In this work, we propose an Attention-based Iterative Decomposition (AID) module designed to enhance the decomposition operations for the structured representations encoded from the sequential input data with TPR. Our AID can be easily adapted to any TPR-based model and provides enhanced systematic decomposition through a competitive attention mechanism between input features and structured representations. In our experiments, AID shows effectiveness by significantly improving the performance of TPR-based prior works on the series of systematic generalization tasks. Moreover, in the quantitative and qualitative evaluations, AID produces more compositional and well-bound structural representations than other works.

new Scalable Ensembling For Mitigating Reward Overoptimisation

Authors: Ahmed M. Ahmed, Rafael Rafailov, Stepan Sharkov, Xuechen Li, Sanmi Koyejo

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has enabled significant advancements within language modeling for powerful, instruction-following models. However, the alignment of these models remains a pressing challenge as the policy tends to overfit the learned ``proxy" reward model past an inflection point of utility as measured by a ``gold" reward model that is more performant -- a phenomenon known as \textit{over-optimization}. Prior work has mitigated this issue by computing a pessimistic statistic over an ensemble of reward models, which is common in Offline Reinforcement Learning but incredibly costly for language models with high memory requirements, making such approaches infeasible for sufficiently large models. To this end, we propose using a shared encoder but separate linear heads. We find this leads to similar performance as the full ensemble while allowing tremendous savings in memory and time required for training for models of similar size. \end{abstract}

new LLM and GNN are Complementary: Distilling LLM for Multimodal Graph Learning

Authors: Junjie Xu, Zongyu Wu, Minhua Lin, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang

Abstract: Recent progress in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has greatly enhanced the ability to model complex molecular structures for predicting properties. Nevertheless, molecular data encompasses more than just graph structures, including textual and visual information that GNNs do not handle well. To bridge this gap, we present an innovative framework that utilizes multimodal molecular data to extract insights from Large Language Models (LLMs). We introduce GALLON (Graph Learning from Large Language Model Distillation), a framework that synergizes the capabilities of LLMs and GNNs by distilling multimodal knowledge into a unified Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). This method integrates the rich textual and visual data of molecules with the structural analysis power of GNNs. Extensive experiments reveal that our distilled MLP model notably improves the accuracy and efficiency of molecular property predictions.

new Confidence-Based Task Prediction in Continual Disease Classification Using Probability Distribution

Authors: Tanvi Verma, Lukas Schwemer, Mingrui Tan, Fei Gao, Yong Liu, Huazhu Fu

Abstract: Deep learning models are widely recognized for their effectiveness in identifying medical image findings in disease classification. However, their limitations become apparent in the dynamic and ever-changing clinical environment, characterized by the continuous influx of newly annotated medical data from diverse sources. In this context, the need for continual learning becomes particularly paramount, not only to adapt to evolving medical scenarios but also to ensure the privacy of healthcare data. In our research, we emphasize the utilization of a network comprising expert classifiers, where a new expert classifier is added each time a new task is introduced. We present CTP, a task-id predictor that utilizes confidence scores, leveraging the probability distribution (logits) of the classifier to accurately determine the task-id at inference time. Logits are adjusted to ensure that classifiers yield a high-entropy distribution for data associated with tasks other than their own. By defining a noise region in the distribution and computing confidence scores, CTP achieves superior performance when compared to other relevant continual learning methods. Additionally, the performance of CTP can be further improved by providing it with a continuum of data at the time of inference.

new Causal prompting model-based offline reinforcement learning

Authors: Xuehui Yu, Yi Guan, Rujia Shen, Xin Li, Chen Tang, Jingchi Jiang

Abstract: Model-based offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) allows agents to fully utilise pre-collected datasets without requiring additional or unethical explorations. However, applying model-based offline RL to online systems presents challenges, primarily due to the highly suboptimal (noise-filled) and diverse nature of datasets generated by online systems. To tackle these issues, we introduce the Causal Prompting Reinforcement Learning (CPRL) framework, designed for highly suboptimal and resource-constrained online scenarios. The initial phase of CPRL involves the introduction of the Hidden-Parameter Block Causal Prompting Dynamic (Hip-BCPD) to model environmental dynamics. This approach utilises invariant causal prompts and aligns hidden parameters to generalise to new and diverse online users. In the subsequent phase, a single policy is trained to address multiple tasks through the amalgamation of reusable skills, circumventing the need for training from scratch. Experiments conducted across datasets with varying levels of noise, including simulation-based and real-world offline datasets from the Dnurse APP, demonstrate that our proposed method can make robust decisions in out-of-distribution and noisy environments, outperforming contemporary algorithms. Additionally, we separately verify the contributions of Hip-BCPDs and the skill-reuse strategy to the robustness of performance. We further analyse the visualised structure of Hip-BCPD and the interpretability of sub-skills. We released our source code and the first ever real-world medical dataset for precise medical decision-making tasks.

new Topology-Aware Dynamic Reweighting for Distribution Shifts on Graph

Authors: Weihuang Zheng, Jiashuo Liu, Jiaxing Li, Jiayun Wu, Peng Cui, Youyong Kong

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are widely used for node classification tasks but often fail to generalize when training and test nodes come from different distributions, limiting their practicality. To overcome this, recent approaches adopt invariant learning techniques from the out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization field, which seek to establish stable prediction methods across environments. However, the applicability of these invariant assumptions to graph data remains unverified, and such methods often lack solid theoretical support. In this work, we introduce the Topology-Aware Dynamic Reweighting (TAR) framework, which dynamically adjusts sample weights through gradient flow in the geometric Wasserstein space during training. Instead of relying on strict invariance assumptions, we prove that our method is able to provide distributional robustness, thereby enhancing the out-of-distribution generalization performance on graph data. By leveraging the inherent graph structure, TAR effectively addresses distribution shifts. Our framework's superiority is demonstrated through standard testing on four graph OOD datasets and three class-imbalanced node classification datasets, exhibiting marked improvements over existing methods.

new Effective Subset Selection Through The Lens of Neural Network Pruning

Authors: Noga Bar, Raja Giryes

Abstract: Having large amounts of annotated data significantly impacts the effectiveness of deep neural networks. However, the annotation task can be very expensive in some domains, such as medical data. Thus, it is important to select the data to be annotated wisely, which is known as the subset selection problem. We investigate the relationship between subset selection and neural network pruning, which is more widely studied, and establish a correspondence between them. Leveraging insights from network pruning, we propose utilizing the norm criterion of neural network features to improve subset selection methods. We empirically validate our proposed strategy on various networks and datasets, demonstrating enhanced accuracy. This shows the potential of employing pruning tools for subset selection.

new Learning Decision Trees and Forests with Algorithmic Recourse

Authors: Kentaro Kanamori, Takuya Takagi, Ken Kobayashi, Yuichi Ike

Abstract: This paper proposes a new algorithm for learning accurate tree-based models while ensuring the existence of recourse actions. Algorithmic Recourse (AR) aims to provide a recourse action for altering the undesired prediction result given by a model. Typical AR methods provide a reasonable action by solving an optimization task of minimizing the required effort among executable actions. In practice, however, such actions do not always exist for models optimized only for predictive performance. To alleviate this issue, we formulate the task of learning an accurate classification tree under the constraint of ensuring the existence of reasonable actions for as many instances as possible. Then, we propose an efficient top-down greedy algorithm by leveraging the adversarial training techniques. We also show that our proposed algorithm can be applied to the random forest, which is known as a popular framework for learning tree ensembles. Experimental results demonstrated that our method successfully provided reasonable actions to more instances than the baselines without significantly degrading accuracy and computational efficiency.

new Deep reinforcement learning for weakly coupled MDP's with continuous actions

Authors: Francisco Robledo (LMAP, UPPA, UPV / EHU), Urtzi Ayesta (IRIT-RMESS, UPV/EHU, CNRS), Konstantin Avrachenkov (Inria)

Abstract: This paper introduces the Lagrange Policy for Continuous Actions (LPCA), a reinforcement learning algorithm specifically designed for weakly coupled MDP problems with continuous action spaces. LPCA addresses the challenge of resource constraints dependent on continuous actions by introducing a Lagrange relaxation of the weakly coupled MDP problem within a neural network framework for Q-value computation. This approach effectively decouples the MDP, enabling efficient policy learning in resource-constrained environments. We present two variations of LPCA: LPCA-DE, which utilizes differential evolution for global optimization, and LPCA-Greedy, a method that incrementally and greadily selects actions based on Q-value gradients. Comparative analysis against other state-of-the-art techniques across various settings highlight LPCA's robustness and efficiency in managing resource allocation while maximizing rewards.

new Globally Interpretable Classifiers via Boolean Formulas with Dynamic Propositions

Authors: Reijo Jaakkola, Tomi Janhunen, Antti Kuusisto, Masood Feyzbakhsh Rankooh, Miikka Vilander

Abstract: Interpretability and explainability are among the most important challenges of modern artificial intelligence, being mentioned even in various legislative sources. In this article, we develop a method for extracting immediately human interpretable classifiers from tabular data. The classifiers are given in the form of short Boolean formulas built with propositions that can either be directly extracted from categorical attributes or dynamically computed from numeric ones. Our method is implemented using Answer Set Programming. We investigate seven datasets and compare our results to ones obtainable by state-of-the-art classifiers for tabular data, namely, XGBoost and random forests. Over all datasets, the accuracies obtainable by our method are similar to the reference methods. The advantage of our classifiers in all cases is that they are very short and immediately human intelligible as opposed to the black-box nature of the reference methods.

new Cohort Squeeze: Beyond a Single Communication Round per Cohort in Cross-Device Federated Learning

Authors: Kai Yi, Timur Kharisov, Igor Sokolov, Peter Richt\'arik

Abstract: Virtually all federated learning (FL) methods, including FedAvg, operate in the following manner: i) an orchestrating server sends the current model parameters to a cohort of clients selected via certain rule, ii) these clients then independently perform a local training procedure (e.g., via SGD or Adam) using their own training data, and iii) the resulting models are shipped to the server for aggregation. This process is repeated until a model of suitable quality is found. A notable feature of these methods is that each cohort is involved in a single communication round with the server only. In this work we challenge this algorithmic design primitive and investigate whether it is possible to ``squeeze more juice" out of each cohort than what is possible in a single communication round. Surprisingly, we find that this is indeed the case, and our approach leads to up to 74% reduction in the total communication cost needed to train a FL model in the cross-device setting. Our method is based on a novel variant of the stochastic proximal point method (SPPM-AS) which supports a large collection of client sampling procedures some of which lead to further gains when compared to classical client selection approaches.

new Accelerating Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Closed-form Classifiers

Authors: Eros Fan\`i, Raffaello Camoriano, Barbara Caputo, Marco Ciccone

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) methods often struggle in highly statistically heterogeneous settings. Indeed, non-IID data distributions cause client drift and biased local solutions, particularly pronounced in the final classification layer, negatively impacting convergence speed and accuracy. To address this issue, we introduce Federated Recursive Ridge Regression (Fed3R). Our method fits a Ridge Regression classifier computed in closed form leveraging pre-trained features. Fed3R is immune to statistical heterogeneity and is invariant to the sampling order of the clients. Therefore, it proves particularly effective in cross-device scenarios. Furthermore, it is fast and efficient in terms of communication and computation costs, requiring up to two orders of magnitude fewer resources than the competitors. Finally, we propose to leverage the Fed3R parameters as an initialization for a softmax classifier and subsequently fine-tune the model using any FL algorithm (Fed3R with Fine-Tuning, Fed3R+FT). Our findings also indicate that maintaining a fixed classifier aids in stabilizing the training and learning more discriminative features in cross-device settings. Official website:


new Latent Logic Tree Extraction for Event Sequence Explanation from LLMs

Authors: Zitao Song, Chao Yang, Chaojie Wang, Bo An, Shuang Li

Abstract: Modern high-stakes systems, such as healthcare or robotics, often generate vast streaming event sequences. Our goal is to design an efficient, plug-and-play tool to elicit logic tree-based explanations from Large Language Models (LLMs) to provide customized insights into each observed event sequence. Built on the temporal point process model for events, our method employs the likelihood function as a score to evaluate generated logic trees. We propose an amortized Expectation-Maximization (EM) learning framework and treat the logic tree as latent variables. In the E-step, we evaluate the posterior distribution over the latent logic trees using an LLM prior and the likelihood of the observed event sequences. LLM provides a high-quality prior for the latent logic trees, however, since the posterior is built over a discrete combinatorial space, we cannot get the closed-form solution. We propose to generate logic tree samples from the posterior using a learnable GFlowNet, which is a diversity-seeking generator for structured discrete variables. The M-step employs the generated logic rules to approximate marginalization over the posterior, facilitating the learning of model parameters and refining the tunable LLM prior parameters. In the online setting, our locally built, lightweight model will iteratively extract the most relevant rules from LLMs for each sequence using only a few iterations. Empirical demonstrations showcase the promising performance and adaptability of our framework.

new SAVA: Scalable Learning-Agnostic Data Valuation

Authors: Samuel Kessler, Tam Le, Vu Nguyen

Abstract: Selecting suitable data for training machine learning models is crucial since large, web-scraped, real datasets contain noisy artifacts that affect the quality and relevance of individual data points. These artifacts will impact the performance and generalization of the model. We formulate this problem as a data valuation task, assigning a value to data points in the training set according to how similar or dissimilar they are to a clean and curated validation set. Recently, LAVA (Just et al. 2023) successfully demonstrated the use of optimal transport (OT) between a large noisy training dataset and a clean validation set, to value training data efficiently, without the dependency on model performance. However, the LAVA algorithm requires the whole dataset as an input, this limits its application to large datasets. Inspired by the scalability of stochastic (gradient) approaches which carry out computations on batches of data points instead of the entire dataset, we analogously propose SAVA, a scalable variant of LAVA with its computation on batches of data points. Intuitively, SAVA follows the same scheme as LAVA which leverages the hierarchically defined OT for data valuation. However, while LAVA processes the whole dataset, SAVA divides the dataset into batches of data points, and carries out the OT problem computation on those batches. We perform extensive experiments, to demonstrate that SAVA can scale to large datasets with millions of data points and doesn't trade off data valuation performance.

new Looking Backward: Retrospective Backward Synthesis for Goal-Conditioned GFlowNets

Authors: Haoran He, Can Chang, Huazhe Xu, Ling Pan

Abstract: Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) are amortized sampling methods for learning a stochastic policy to sequentially generate compositional objects with probabilities proportional to their rewards. GFlowNets exhibit a remarkable ability to generate diverse sets of high-reward objects, in contrast to standard return maximization reinforcement learning approaches, which often converge to a single optimal solution. Recent works have arisen for learning goal-conditioned GFlowNets to acquire various useful properties, aiming to train a single GFlowNet capable of achieving different goals as the task specifies. However, training a goal-conditioned GFlowNet poses critical challenges due to extremely sparse rewards, which is further exacerbated in large state spaces. In this work, we propose a novel method named Retrospective Backward Synthesis (RBS) to address these challenges. Specifically, RBS synthesizes a new backward trajectory based on the backward policy in GFlowNets to enrich training trajectories with enhanced quality and diversity, thereby efficiently solving the sparse reward problem. Extensive empirical results show that our method improves sample efficiency by a large margin and outperforms strong baselines on various standard evaluation benchmarks.

new Conditional Gumbel-Softmax for constrained feature selection with application to node selection in wireless sensor networks

Authors: Thomas Strypsteen, Alexander Bertrand

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce Conditional Gumbel-Softmax as a method to perform end-to-end learning of the optimal feature subset for a given task and deep neural network (DNN) model, while adhering to certain pairwise constraints between the features. We do this by conditioning the selection of each feature in the subset on another feature. We demonstrate how this approach can be used to select the task-optimal nodes composing a wireless sensor network (WSN) while ensuring that none of the nodes that require communication between one another have too large of a distance between them, limiting the required power spent on this communication. We validate this approach on an emulated Wireless Electroencephalography (EEG) Sensor Network (WESN) solving a motor execution task. We analyze how the performance of the WESN varies as the constraints are made more stringent and how well the Conditional Gumbel-Softmax performs in comparison with a heuristic, greedy selection method. While the application focus of this paper is on wearable brain-computer interfaces, the proposed methodology is generic and can readily be applied to node deployment in wireless sensor networks and constrained feature selection in other applications as well.

new When to Sense and Control? A Time-adaptive Approach for Continuous-Time RL

Authors: Lenart Treven, Bhavya Sukhija, Yarden As, Florian D\"orfler, Andreas Krause

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) excels in optimizing policies for discrete-time Markov decision processes (MDP). However, various systems are inherently continuous in time, making discrete-time MDPs an inexact modeling choice. In many applications, such as greenhouse control or medical treatments, each interaction (measurement or switching of action) involves manual intervention and thus is inherently costly. Therefore, we generally prefer a time-adaptive approach with fewer interactions with the system. In this work, we formalize an RL framework, Time-adaptive Control & Sensing (TaCoS), that tackles this challenge by optimizing over policies that besides control predict the duration of its application. Our formulation results in an extended MDP that any standard RL algorithm can solve. We demonstrate that state-of-the-art RL algorithms trained on TaCoS drastically reduce the interaction amount over their discrete-time counterpart while retaining the same or improved performance, and exhibiting robustness over discretization frequency. Finally, we propose OTaCoS, an efficient model-based algorithm for our setting. We show that OTaCoS enjoys sublinear regret for systems with sufficiently smooth dynamics and empirically results in further sample-efficiency gains.

new NeoRL: Efficient Exploration for Nonepisodic RL

Authors: Bhavya Sukhija, Lenart Treven, Florian D\"orfler, Stelian Coros, Andreas Krause

Abstract: We study the problem of nonepisodic reinforcement learning (RL) for nonlinear dynamical systems, where the system dynamics are unknown and the RL agent has to learn from a single trajectory, i.e., without resets. We propose Nonepisodic Optimistic RL (NeoRL), an approach based on the principle of optimism in the face of uncertainty. NeoRL uses well-calibrated probabilistic models and plans optimistically w.r.t. the epistemic uncertainty about the unknown dynamics. Under continuity and bounded energy assumptions on the system, we provide a first-of-its-kind regret bound of $\setO(\beta_T \sqrt{T \Gamma_T})$ for general nonlinear systems with Gaussian process dynamics. We compare NeoRL to other baselines on several deep RL environments and empirically demonstrate that NeoRL achieves the optimal average cost while incurring the least regret.

new Deep Reinforcement Learning Behavioral Mode Switching Using Optimal Control Based on a Latent Space Objective

Authors: Sindre Benjamin Remman, Bj{\o}rn Andreas Kristiansen, Anastasios M. Lekkas

Abstract: In this work, we use optimal control to change the behavior of a deep reinforcement learning policy by optimizing directly in the policy's latent space. We hypothesize that distinct behavioral patterns, termed behavioral modes, can be identified within certain regions of a deep reinforcement learning policy's latent space, meaning that specific actions or strategies are preferred within these regions. We identify these behavioral modes using latent space dimension-reduction with \ac*{pacmap}. Using the actions generated by the optimal control procedure, we move the system from one behavioral mode to another. We subsequently utilize these actions as a filter for interpreting the neural network policy. The results show that this approach can impose desired behavioral modes in the policy, demonstrated by showing how a failed episode can be made successful and vice versa using the lunar lander reinforcement learning environment.

new Automatic Input Feature Relevance via Spectral Neural Networks

Authors: Lorenzo Chicchi, Lorenzo Buffoni, Diego Febbe, Lorenzo Giambagli, Raffaele Marino, Duccio Fanelli

Abstract: Working with high-dimensional data is a common practice, in the field of machine learning. Identifying relevant input features is thus crucial, so as to obtain compact dataset more prone for effective numerical handling. Further, by isolating pivotal elements that form the basis of decision making, one can contribute to elaborate on - ex post - models' interpretability, so far rather elusive. Here, we propose a novel method to estimate the relative importance of the input components for a Deep Neural Network. This is achieved by leveraging on a spectral re-parametrization of the optimization process. Eigenvalues associated to input nodes provide in fact a robust proxy to gauge the relevance of the supplied entry features. Unlike existing techniques, the spectral features ranking is carried out automatically, as a byproduct of the network training. The technique is successfully challenged against both synthetic and real data.

new MultiMax: Sparse and Multi-Modal Attention Learning

Authors: Yuxuan Zhou, Mario Fritz, Margret Keuper

Abstract: SoftMax is a ubiquitous ingredient of modern machine learning algorithms. It maps an input vector onto a probability simplex and reweights the input by concentrating the probability mass at large entries. Yet, as a smooth approximation to the Argmax function, a significant amount of probability mass is distributed to other, residual entries, leading to poor interpretability and noise. Although sparsity can be achieved by a family of SoftMax variants, they often require an alternative loss function and do not preserve multi-modality. We show that this trade-off between multi-modality and sparsity limits the expressivity of SoftMax as well as its variants. We provide a solution to this tension between objectives by proposing a piece-wise differentiable function, termed MultiMax, which adaptively modulates the output distribution according to input entry range. Through comprehensive analysis and evaluation, we show that MultiMax successfully produces a distribution that supresses irrelevant entries while preserving multimodality, with benefits in image classification, language modeling and machine translation. The code is available at ZhouYuxuanYX/MultiMax.


new Sparsity-Agnostic Linear Bandits with Adaptive Adversaries

Authors: Tianyuan Jin, Kyoungseok Jang, Nicol\`o Cesa-Bianchi

Abstract: We study stochastic linear bandits where, in each round, the learner receives a set of actions (i.e., feature vectors), from which it chooses an element and obtains a stochastic reward. The expected reward is a fixed but unknown linear function of the chosen action. We study sparse regret bounds, that depend on the number $S$ of non-zero coefficients in the linear reward function. Previous works focused on the case where $S$ is known, or the action sets satisfy additional assumptions. In this work, we obtain the first sparse regret bounds that hold when $S$ is unknown and the action sets are adversarially generated. Our techniques combine online to confidence set conversions with a novel randomized model selection approach over a hierarchy of nested confidence sets. When $S$ is known, our analysis recovers state-of-the-art bounds for adversarial action sets. We also show that a variant of our approach, using Exp3 to dynamically select the confidence sets, can be used to improve the empirical performance of stochastic linear bandits while enjoying a regret bound with optimal dependence on the time horizon.

new AGALE: A Graph-Aware Continual Learning Evaluation Framework

Authors: Tianqi Zhao. Alan Hanjalic. Megha Khosla

Abstract: In recent years, continual learning (CL) techniques have made significant progress in learning from streaming data while preserving knowledge across sequential tasks, particularly in the realm of euclidean data. To foster fair evaluation and recognize challenges in CL settings, several evaluation frameworks have been proposed, focusing mainly on the single- and multi-label classification task on euclidean data. However, these evaluation frameworks are not trivially applicable when the input data is graph-structured, as they do not consider the topological structure inherent in graphs. Existing continual graph learning (CGL) evaluation frameworks have predominantly focussed on single-label scenarios in the node classification (NC) task. This focus has overlooked the complexities of multi-label scenarios, where nodes may exhibit affiliations with multiple labels, simultaneously participating in multiple tasks. We develop a graph-aware evaluation (\agale) framework that accommodates both single-labeled and multi-labeled nodes, addressing the limitations of previous evaluation frameworks. In particular, we define new incremental settings and devise data partitioning algorithms tailored to CGL datasets. We perform extensive experiments comparing methods from the domains of continual learning, continual graph learning, and dynamic graph learning (DGL). We theoretically analyze \agale and provide new insights about the role of homophily in the performance of compared methods. We release our framework at


new Achieving Tractable Minimax Optimal Regret in Average Reward MDPs

Authors: Victor Boone, Zihan Zhang

Abstract: In recent years, significant attention has been directed towards learning average-reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). However, existing algorithms either suffer from sub-optimal regret guarantees or computational inefficiencies. In this paper, we present the first tractable algorithm with minimax optimal regret of $\widetilde{\mathrm{O}}(\sqrt{\mathrm{sp}(h^*) S A T})$, where $\mathrm{sp}(h^*)$ is the span of the optimal bias function $h^*$, $S \times A$ is the size of the state-action space and $T$ the number of learning steps. Remarkably, our algorithm does not require prior information on $\mathrm{sp}(h^*)$. Our algorithm relies on a novel subroutine, Projected Mitigated Extended Value Iteration (PMEVI), to compute bias-constrained optimal policies efficiently. This subroutine can be applied to various previous algorithms to improve regret bounds.

new Equivariant Machine Learning on Graphs with Nonlinear Spectral Filters

Authors: Ya-Wei Eileen Lin, Ronen Talmon, Ron Levie

Abstract: Equivariant machine learning is an approach for designing deep learning models that respect the symmetries of the problem, with the aim of reducing model complexity and improving generalization. In this paper, we focus on an extension of shift equivariance, which is the basis of convolution networks on images, to general graphs. Unlike images, graphs do not have a natural notion of domain translation. Therefore, we consider the graph functional shifts as the symmetry group: the unitary operators that commute with the graph shift operator. Notably, such symmetries operate in the signal space rather than directly in the spatial space. We remark that each linear filter layer of a standard spectral graph neural network (GNN) commutes with graph functional shifts, but the activation function breaks this symmetry. Instead, we propose nonlinear spectral filters (NLSFs) that are fully equivariant to graph functional shifts and show that they have universal approximation properties. The proposed NLSFs are based on a new form of spectral domain that is transferable between graphs. We demonstrate the superior performance of NLSFs over existing spectral GNNs in node and graph classification benchmarks.

new On the Nonlinearity of Layer Normalization

Authors: Yunhao Ni, Yuxin Guo, Junlong Jia, Lei Huang

Abstract: Layer normalization (LN) is a ubiquitous technique in deep learning but our theoretical understanding to it remains elusive. This paper investigates a new theoretical direction for LN, regarding to its nonlinearity and representation capacity. We investigate the representation capacity of a network with layerwise composition of linear and LN transformations, referred to as LN-Net. We theoretically show that, given $m$ samples with any label assignment, an LN-Net with only 3 neurons in each layer and $O(m)$ LN layers can correctly classify them. We further show the lower bound of the VC dimension of an LN-Net. The nonlinearity of LN can be amplified by group partition, which is also theoretically demonstrated with mild assumption and empirically supported by our experiments. Based on our analyses, we consider to design neural architecture by exploiting and amplifying the nonlinearity of LN, and the effectiveness is supported by our experiments.

new What makes unlearning hard and what to do about it

Authors: Kairan Zhao, Meghdad Kurmanji, George-Octavian B\u{a}rbulescu, Eleni Triantafillou, Peter Triantafillou

Abstract: Machine unlearning is the problem of removing the effect of a subset of training data (the ''forget set'') from a trained model without damaging the model's utility e.g. to comply with users' requests to delete their data, or remove mislabeled, poisoned or otherwise problematic data. With unlearning research still being at its infancy, many fundamental open questions exist: Are there interpretable characteristics of forget sets that substantially affect the difficulty of the problem? How do these characteristics affect different state-of-the-art algorithms? With this paper, we present the first investigation aiming to answer these questions. We identify two key factors affecting unlearning difficulty and the performance of unlearning algorithms. Evaluation on forget sets that isolate these identified factors reveals previously-unknown behaviours of state-of-the-art algorithms that don't materialize on random forget sets. Based on our insights, we develop a framework coined Refined-Unlearning Meta-algorithm (RUM) that encompasses: (i) refining the forget set into homogenized subsets, according to different characteristics; and (ii) a meta-algorithm that employs existing algorithms to unlearn each subset and finally delivers a model that has unlearned the overall forget set. We find that RUM substantially improves top-performing unlearning algorithms. Overall, we view our work as an important step in (i) deepening our scientific understanding of unlearning and (ii) revealing new pathways to improving the state-of-the-art.

new Expected Grad-CAM: Towards gradient faithfulness

Authors: Vincenzo Buono, Peyman Sheikholharam Mashhadi, Mahmoud Rahat, Prayag Tiwari, Stefan Byttner

Abstract: Although input-gradients techniques have evolved to mitigate and tackle the challenges associated with gradients, modern gradient-weighted CAM approaches still rely on vanilla gradients, which are inherently susceptible to the saturation phenomena. Despite recent enhancements have incorporated counterfactual gradient strategies as a mitigating measure, these local explanation techniques still exhibit a lack of sensitivity to their baseline parameter. Our work proposes a gradient-weighted CAM augmentation that tackles both the saturation and sensitivity problem by reshaping the gradient computation, incorporating two well-established and provably approaches: Expected Gradients and kernel smoothing. By revisiting the original formulation as the smoothed expectation of the perturbed integrated gradients, one can concurrently construct more faithful, localized and robust explanations which minimize infidelity. Through fine modulation of the perturbation distribution it is possible to regulate the complexity characteristic of the explanation, selectively discriminating stable features. Our technique, Expected Grad-CAM, differently from recent works, exclusively optimizes the gradient computation, purposefully designed as an enhanced substitute of the foundational Grad-CAM algorithm and any method built therefrom. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations have been conducted to assess the effectiveness of our method.

new Continuous Geometry-Aware Graph Diffusion via Hyperbolic Neural PDE

Authors: Jiaxu Liu, Xinping Yi, Sihao Wu, Xiangyu Yin, Tianle Zhang, Xiaowei Huang, Jin Shi

Abstract: While Hyperbolic Graph Neural Network (HGNN) has recently emerged as a powerful tool dealing with hierarchical graph data, the limitations of scalability and efficiency hinder itself from generalizing to deep models. In this paper, by envisioning depth as a continuous-time embedding evolution, we decouple the HGNN and reframe the information propagation as a partial differential equation, letting node-wise attention undertake the role of diffusivity within the Hyperbolic Neural PDE (HPDE). By introducing theoretical principles \textit{e.g.,} field and flow, gradient, divergence, and diffusivity on a non-Euclidean manifold for HPDE integration, we discuss both implicit and explicit discretization schemes to formulate numerical HPDE solvers. Further, we propose the Hyperbolic Graph Diffusion Equation (HGDE) -- a flexible vector flow function that can be integrated to obtain expressive hyperbolic node embeddings. By analyzing potential energy decay of embeddings, we demonstrate that HGDE is capable of modeling both low- and high-order proximity with the benefit of local-global diffusivity functions. Experiments on node classification and link prediction and image-text classification tasks verify the superiority of the proposed method, which consistently outperforms various competitive models by a significant margin.

new Resource-constrained Fairness

Authors: Sofie Goethals, Eoin Delaney, Brent Mittelstadt, Chris Russell

Abstract: Access to resources strongly constrains the decisions we make. While we might wish to offer every student a scholarship, or schedule every patient for follow-up meetings with a specialist, limited resources mean that this is not possible. Existing tools for fair machine learning ignore these key constraints, with the majority of methods disregarding any finite resource limitations under which decisions are made. Our research introduces the concept of ``resource-constrained fairness" and quantifies the cost of fairness within this framework. We demonstrate that the level of available resources significantly influences this cost, a factor that has been overlooked in previous evaluations.

new The Intelligible and Effective Graph Neural Additive Networks

Authors: Maya Bechler-Speicher, Amir Globerson, Ran Gilad-Bachrach

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as the predominant approach for learning over graph-structured data. However, most GNNs operate as black-box models and require post-hoc explanations, which may not suffice in high-stakes scenarios where transparency is crucial. In this paper, we present a GNN that is interpretable by design. Our model, Graph Neural Additive Network (GNAN), is a novel extension of the interpretable class of Generalized Additive Models, and can be visualized and fully understood by humans. GNAN is designed to be fully interpretable, allowing both global and local explanations at the feature and graph levels through direct visualization of the model. These visualizations describe the exact way the model uses the relationships between the target variable, the features, and the graph. We demonstrate the intelligibility of GNANs in a series of examples on different tasks and datasets. In addition, we show that the accuracy of GNAN is on par with black-box GNNs, making it suitable for critical applications where transparency is essential, alongside high accuracy.

new BMRS: Bayesian Model Reduction for Structured Pruning

Authors: Dustin Wright, Christian Igel, Raghavendra Selvan

Abstract: Modern neural networks are often massively overparameterized leading to high compute costs during training and at inference. One effective method to improve both the compute and energy efficiency of neural networks while maintaining good performance is structured pruning, where full network structures (e.g. neurons or convolutional filters) that have limited impact on the model output are removed. In this work, we propose Bayesian Model Reduction for Structured pruning (BMRS), a fully end-to-end Bayesian method of structured pruning. BMRS is based on two recent methods: Bayesian structured pruning with multiplicative noise, and Bayesian model reduction (BMR), a method which allows efficient comparison of Bayesian models under a change in prior. We present two realizations of BMRS derived from different priors which yield different structured pruning characteristics: 1) BMRS_N with the truncated log-normal prior, which offers reliable compression rates and accuracy without the need for tuning any thresholds and 2) BMRS_U with the truncated log-uniform prior that can achieve more aggressive compression based on the boundaries of truncation. Overall, we find that BMRS offers a theoretically grounded approach to structured pruning of neural networks yielding both high compression rates and accuracy. Experiments on multiple datasets and neural networks of varying complexity showed that the two BMRS methods offer a competitive performance-efficiency trade-off compared to other pruning methods.

new Learning to Play Atari in a World of Tokens

Authors: Pranav Agarwal, Sheldon Andrews, Samira Ebrahimi Kahou

Abstract: Model-based reinforcement learning agents utilizing transformers have shown improved sample efficiency due to their ability to model extended context, resulting in more accurate world models. However, for complex reasoning and planning tasks, these methods primarily rely on continuous representations. This complicates modeling of discrete properties of the real world such as disjoint object classes between which interpolation is not plausible. In this work, we introduce discrete abstract representations for transformer-based learning (DART), a sample-efficient method utilizing discrete representations for modeling both the world and learning behavior. We incorporate a transformer-decoder for auto-regressive world modeling and a transformer-encoder for learning behavior by attending to task-relevant cues in the discrete representation of the world model. For handling partial observability, we aggregate information from past time steps as memory tokens. DART outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods that do not use look-ahead search on the Atari 100k sample efficiency benchmark with a median human-normalized score of 0.790 and beats humans in 9 out of 26 games. We release our code at


new A Theory of Learnability for Offline Decision Making

Authors: Chenjie Mao, Qiaosheng Zhang

Abstract: We study the problem of offline decision making, which focuses on learning decisions from datasets only partially correlated with the learning objective. While previous research has extensively studied specific offline decision making problems like offline reinforcement learning (RL) and off-policy evaluation (OPE), a unified framework and theory remain absent. To address this gap, we introduce a unified framework termed Decision Making with Offline Feedback (DMOF), which captures a wide range of offline decision making problems including offline RL, OPE, and offline partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). For the DMOF framework, we introduce a hardness measure called the Offline Estimation Coefficient (OEC), which measures the learnability of offline decision making problems and is also reflected in the derived minimax lower bounds. Additionally, we introduce an algorithm called Empirical Decision with Divergence (EDD), for which we establish both an instance-dependent upper bound and a minimax upper bound. The minimax upper bound almost matches the lower bound determined by the OEC. Finally, we show that EDD achieves a fast convergence rate (i.e., a rate scaling as $1/N$, where $N$ is the sample size) for specific settings such as supervised learning and Markovian sequential problems~(e.g., MDPs) with partial coverage.

new Combinatorial Multivariant Multi-Armed Bandits with Applications to Episodic Reinforcement Learning and Beyond

Authors: Xutong Liu, Siwei Wang, Jinhang Zuo, Han Zhong, Xuchuang Wang, Zhiyong Wang, Shuai Li, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, John C. S. Lui, Wei Chen

Abstract: We introduce a novel framework of combinatorial multi-armed bandits (CMAB) with multivariant and probabilistically triggering arms (CMAB-MT), where the outcome of each arm is a $d$-dimensional multivariant random variable and the feedback follows a general arm triggering process. Compared with existing CMAB works, CMAB-MT not only enhances the modeling power but also allows improved results by leveraging distinct statistical properties for multivariant random variables. For CMAB-MT, we propose a general 1-norm multivariant and triggering probability-modulated smoothness condition, and an optimistic CUCB-MT algorithm built upon this condition. Our framework can include many important problems as applications, such as episodic reinforcement learning (RL) and probabilistic maximum coverage for goods distribution, all of which meet the above smoothness condition and achieve matching or improved regret bounds compared to existing works. Through our new framework, we build the first connection between the episodic RL and CMAB literature, by offering a new angle to solve the episodic RL through the lens of CMAB, which may encourage more interactions between these two important directions.

new RL in Latent MDPs is Tractable: Online Guarantees via Off-Policy Evaluation

Authors: Jeongyeol Kwon, Shie Mannor, Constantine Caramanis, Yonathan Efroni

Abstract: In many real-world decision problems there is partially observed, hidden or latent information that remains fixed throughout an interaction. Such decision problems can be modeled as Latent Markov Decision Processes (LMDPs), where a latent variable is selected at the beginning of an interaction and is not disclosed to the agent. In the last decade, there has been significant progress in solving LMDPs under different structural assumptions. However, for general LMDPs, there is no known learning algorithm that provably matches the existing lower bound~\cite{kwon2021rl}. We introduce the first sample-efficient algorithm for LMDPs without any additional structural assumptions. Our result builds off a new perspective on the role of off-policy evaluation guarantees and coverage coefficients in LMDPs, a perspective, that has been overlooked in the context of exploration in partially observed environments. Specifically, we establish a novel off-policy evaluation lemma and introduce a new coverage coefficient for LMDPs. Then, we show how these can be used to derive near-optimal guarantees of an optimistic exploration algorithm. These results, we believe, can be valuable for a wide range of interactive learning problems beyond LMDPs, and especially, for partially observed environments.

new Using Constraints to Discover Sparse and Alternative Subgroup Descriptions

Authors: Jakob Bach

Abstract: Subgroup-discovery methods allow users to obtain simple descriptions of interesting regions in a dataset. Using constraints in subgroup discovery can enhance interpretability even further. In this article, we focus on two types of constraints: First, we limit the number of features used in subgroup descriptions, making the latter sparse. Second, we propose the novel optimization problem of finding alternative subgroup descriptions, which cover a similar set of data objects as a given subgroup but use different features. We describe how to integrate both constraint types into heuristic subgroup-discovery methods. Further, we propose a novel Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) formulation of subgroup discovery as a white-box optimization problem, which allows solver-based search for subgroups and is open to a variety of constraint types. Additionally, we prove that both constraint types lead to an NP-hard optimization problem. Finally, we employ 27 binary-classification datasets to compare heuristic and solver-based search for unconstrained and constrained subgroup discovery. We observe that heuristic search methods often yield high-quality subgroups within a short runtime, also in scenarios with constraints.

new CE-NAS: An End-to-End Carbon-Efficient Neural Architecture Search Framework

Authors: Yiyang Zhao, Yunzhuo Liu, Bo Jiang, Tian Guo

Abstract: This work presents a novel approach to neural architecture search (NAS) that aims to increase carbon efficiency for the model design process. The proposed framework CE-NAS addresses the key challenge of high carbon cost associated with NAS by exploring the carbon emission variations of energy and energy differences of different NAS algorithms. At the high level, CE-NAS leverages a reinforcement-learning agent to dynamically adjust GPU resources based on carbon intensity, predicted by a time-series transformer, to balance energy-efficient sampling and energy-intensive evaluation tasks. Furthermore, CE-NAS leverages a recently proposed multi-objective optimizer to effectively reduce the NAS search space. We demonstrate the efficacy of CE-NAS in lowering carbon emissions while achieving SOTA results for both NAS datasets and open-domain NAS tasks. For example, on the HW-NasBench dataset, CE-NAS reduces carbon emissions by up to 7.22X while maintaining a search efficiency comparable to vanilla NAS. For open-domain NAS tasks, CE-NAS achieves SOTA results with 97.35% top-1 accuracy on CIFAR-10 with only 1.68M parameters and a carbon consumption of 38.53 lbs of CO2. On ImageNet, our searched model achieves 80.6% top-1 accuracy with a 0.78 ms TensorRT latency using FP16 on NVIDIA V100, consuming only 909.86 lbs of CO2, making it comparable to other one-shot-based NAS baselines.

new Adapting Conformal Prediction to Distribution Shifts Without Labels

Authors: Kevin Kasa, Zhiyu Zhang, Heng Yang, Graham W. Taylor

Abstract: Conformal prediction (CP) enables machine learning models to output prediction sets with guaranteed coverage rate, assuming exchangeable data. Unfortunately, the exchangeability assumption is frequently violated due to distribution shifts in practice, and the challenge is often compounded by the lack of ground truth labels at test time. Focusing on classification in this paper, our goal is to improve the quality of CP-generated prediction sets using only unlabeled data from the test domain. This is achieved by two new methods called ECP and EACP, that adjust the score function in CP according to the base model's uncertainty on the unlabeled test data. Through extensive experiments on a number of large-scale datasets and neural network architectures, we show that our methods provide consistent improvement over existing baselines and nearly match the performance of supervised algorithms.

new Mixup Augmentation with Multiple Interpolations

Authors: Lifeng Shen, Jincheng Yu, Hansi Yang, James T. Kwok

Abstract: Mixup and its variants form a popular class of data augmentation techniques.Using a random sample pair, it generates a new sample by linear interpolation of the inputs and labels. However, generating only one single interpolation may limit its augmentation ability. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective extension called multi-mix, which generates multiple interpolations from a sample pair. With an ordered sequence of generated samples, multi-mix can better guide the training process than standard mixup. Moreover, theoretically, this can also reduce the stochastic gradient variance. Extensive experiments on a number of synthetic and large-scale data sets demonstrate that multi-mix outperforms various mixup variants and non-mixup-based baselines in terms of generalization, robustness, and calibration.

new Value Improved Actor Critic Algorithms

Authors: Yaniv Oren, Moritz A. Zanger, Pascal R. van der Vaart, Matthijs T. J. Spaan, Wendelin Bohmer

Abstract: Many modern reinforcement learning algorithms build on the actor-critic (AC) framework: iterative improvement of a policy (the actor) using policy improvement operators and iterative approximation of the policy's value (the critic). In contrast, the popular value-based algorithm family employs improvement operators in the value update, to iteratively improve the value function directly. In this work, we propose a general extension to the AC framework that employs two separate improvement operators: one applied to the policy in the spirit of policy-based algorithms and one applied to the value in the spirit of value-based algorithms, which we dub Value-Improved AC (VI-AC). We design two practical VI-AC algorithms based in the popular online off-policy AC algorithms TD3 and DDPG. We evaluate VI-TD3 and VI-DDPG in the Mujoco benchmark and find that both improve upon or match the performance of their respective baselines in all environments tested.

new Universal In-Context Approximation By Prompting Fully Recurrent Models

Authors: Aleksandar Petrov, Tom A. Lamb, Alasdair Paren, Philip H. S. Torr, Adel Bibi

Abstract: Zero-shot and in-context learning enable solving tasks without model fine-tuning, making them essential for developing generative model solutions. Therefore, it is crucial to understand whether a pretrained model can be prompted to approximate any function, i.e., whether it is a universal in-context approximator. While it was recently shown that transformer models do possess this property, these results rely on their attention mechanism. Hence, these findings do not apply to fully recurrent architectures like RNNs, LSTMs, and the increasingly popular SSMs. We demonstrate that RNNs, LSTMs, GRUs, Linear RNNs, and linear gated architectures such as Mamba and Hawk/Griffin can also serve as universal in-context approximators. To streamline our argument, we introduce a programming language called LSRL that compiles to these fully recurrent architectures. LSRL may be of independent interest for further studies of fully recurrent models, such as constructing interpretability benchmarks. We also study the role of multiplicative gating and observe that architectures incorporating such gating (e.g., LSTMs, GRUs, Hawk/Griffin) can implement certain operations more stably, making them more viable candidates for practical in-context universal approximation.

new Learning Analysis of Kernel Ridgeless Regression with Asymmetric Kernel Learning

Authors: Fan He, Mingzhen He, Lei Shi, Xiaolin Huang, Johan A. K. Suykens

Abstract: Ridgeless regression has garnered attention among researchers, particularly in light of the ``Benign Overfitting'' phenomenon, where models interpolating noisy samples demonstrate robust generalization. However, kernel ridgeless regression does not always perform well due to the lack of flexibility. This paper enhances kernel ridgeless regression with Locally-Adaptive-Bandwidths (LAB) RBF kernels, incorporating kernel learning techniques to improve performance in both experiments and theory. For the first time, we demonstrate that functions learned from LAB RBF kernels belong to an integral space of Reproducible Kernel Hilbert Spaces (RKHSs). Despite the absence of explicit regularization in the proposed model, its optimization is equivalent to solving an $\ell_0$-regularized problem in the integral space of RKHSs, elucidating the origin of its generalization ability. Taking an approximation analysis viewpoint, we introduce an $l_q$-norm analysis technique (with $0

new Asynchronous Byzantine Federated Learning

Authors: Bart Cox, Abele M\u{a}lan, J\'er\'emie Decouchant, Lydia Y. Chen

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) enables a set of geographically distributed clients to collectively train a model through a server. Classically, the training process is synchronous, but can be made asynchronous to maintain its speed in presence of slow clients and in heterogeneous networks. The vast majority of Byzantine fault-tolerant FL systems however rely on a synchronous training process. Our solution is one of the first Byzantine-resilient and asynchronous FL algorithms that does not require an auxiliary server dataset and is not delayed by stragglers, which are shortcomings of previous works. Intuitively, the server in our solution waits to receive a minimum number of updates from clients on its latest model to safely update it, and is later able to safely leverage the updates that late clients might send. We compare the performance of our solution with state-of-the-art algorithms on both image and text datasets under gradient inversion, perturbation, and backdoor attacks. Our results indicate that our solution trains a model faster than previous synchronous FL solution, and maintains a higher accuracy, up to 1.54x and up to 1.75x for perturbation and gradient inversion attacks respectively, in the presence of Byzantine clients than previous asynchronous FL solutions.

new Asynchronous Multi-Server Federated Learning for Geo-Distributed Clients

Authors: Yuncong Zuo, Bart Cox, J\'er\'emie Decouchant, Lydia Y. Chen

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) systems enable multiple clients to train a machine learning model iteratively through synchronously exchanging the intermediate model weights with a single server. The scalability of such FL systems can be limited by two factors: server idle time due to synchronous communication and the risk of a single server becoming the bottleneck. In this paper, we propose a new FL architecture, to our knowledge, the first multi-server FL system that is entirely asynchronous, and therefore addresses these two limitations simultaneously. Our solution keeps both servers and clients continuously active. As in previous multi-server methods, clients interact solely with their nearest server, ensuring efficient update integration into the model. Differently, however, servers also periodically update each other asynchronously, and never postpone interactions with clients. We compare our solution to three representative baselines - FedAvg, FedAsync and HierFAVG - on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 image classification datasets and on the WikiText-2 language modeling dataset. Our solution converges to similar or higher accuracy levels than previous baselines and requires 61% less time to do so in geo-distributed settings.

new Differentially Private Tabular Data Synthesis using Large Language Models

Authors: Toan V. Tran, Li Xiong

Abstract: Synthetic tabular data generation with differential privacy is a crucial problem to enable data sharing with formal privacy. Despite a rich history of methodological research and development, developing differentially private tabular data generators that can provide realistic synthetic datasets remains challenging. This paper introduces DP-LLMTGen -- a novel framework for differentially private tabular data synthesis that leverages pretrained large language models (LLMs). DP-LLMTGen models sensitive datasets using a two-stage fine-tuning procedure with a novel loss function specifically designed for tabular data. Subsequently, it generates synthetic data through sampling the fine-tuned LLMs. Our empirical evaluation demonstrates that DP-LLMTGen outperforms a variety of existing mechanisms across multiple datasets and privacy settings. Additionally, we conduct an ablation study and several experimental analyses to deepen our understanding of LLMs in addressing this important problem. Finally, we highlight the controllable generation ability of DP-LLMTGen through a fairness-constrained generation setting.

new Hardness of Learning Neural Networks under the Manifold Hypothesis

Authors: Bobak T. Kiani, Jason Wang, Melanie Weber

Abstract: The manifold hypothesis presumes that high-dimensional data lies on or near a low-dimensional manifold. While the utility of encoding geometric structure has been demonstrated empirically, rigorous analysis of its impact on the learnability of neural networks is largely missing. Several recent results have established hardness results for learning feedforward and equivariant neural networks under i.i.d. Gaussian or uniform Boolean data distributions. In this paper, we investigate the hardness of learning under the manifold hypothesis. We ask which minimal assumptions on the curvature and regularity of the manifold, if any, render the learning problem efficiently learnable. We prove that learning is hard under input manifolds of bounded curvature by extending proofs of hardness in the SQ and cryptographic settings for Boolean data inputs to the geometric setting. On the other hand, we show that additional assumptions on the volume of the data manifold alleviate these fundamental limitations and guarantee learnability via a simple interpolation argument. Notable instances of this regime are manifolds which can be reliably reconstructed via manifold learning. Looking forward, we comment on and empirically explore intermediate regimes of manifolds, which have heterogeneous features commonly found in real world data.

new Understanding Preference Fine-Tuning Through the Lens of Coverage

Authors: Yuda Song, Gokul Swamy, Aarti Singh, J. Andrew Bagnell, Wen Sun

Abstract: Learning from human preference data has emerged as the dominant paradigm for fine-tuning large language models (LLMs). The two most common families of techniques -- online reinforcement learning (RL) such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and offline contrastive methods such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) -- were positioned as equivalent in prior work due to the fact that both have to start from the same offline preference dataset. To further expand our theoretical understanding of the similarities and differences between online and offline techniques for preference fine-tuning, we conduct a rigorous analysis through the lens of dataset coverage, a concept that captures how the training data covers the test distribution and is widely used in RL. We prove that a global coverage condition is both necessary and sufficient for offline contrastive methods to converge to the optimal policy, but a weaker partial coverage condition suffices for online RL methods. This separation provides one explanation of why online RL methods can perform better than offline methods, especially when the offline preference data is not diverse enough. Finally, motivated by our preceding theoretical observations, we derive a hybrid preference optimization (HyPO) algorithm that uses offline data for contrastive-based preference optimization and online data for KL regularization. Theoretically and empirically, we demonstrate that HyPO is more performant than its pure offline counterpart DPO, while still preserving its computation and memory efficiency.

new Inverse design of photonic surfaces on Inconel via multi-fidelity machine learning ensemble framework and high throughput femtosecond laser processing

Authors: Luka Grbcic, Minok Park, Mahmoud Elzouka, Ravi Prasher, Juliane M\"uller, Costas P. Grigoropoulos, Sean D. Lubner, Vassilia Zorba, Wibe Albert de Jong

Abstract: We demonstrate a multi-fidelity (MF) machine learning ensemble framework for the inverse design of photonic surfaces, trained on a dataset of 11,759 samples that we fabricate using high throughput femtosecond laser processing. The MF ensemble combines an initial low fidelity model for generating design solutions, with a high fidelity model that refines these solutions through local optimization. The combined MF ensemble can generate multiple disparate sets of laser-processing parameters that can each produce the same target input spectral emissivity with high accuracy (root mean squared errors < 2%). SHapley Additive exPlanations analysis shows transparent model interpretability of the complex relationship between laser parameters and spectral emissivity. Finally, the MF ensemble is experimentally validated by fabricating and evaluating photonic surface designs that it generates for improved efficiency energy harvesting devices. Our approach provides a powerful tool for advancing the inverse design of photonic surfaces in energy harvesting applications.

new Finding Optimally Robust Data Mixtures via Concave Maximization

Authors: Anvith Thudi, Chris J. Maddison

Abstract: Training on mixtures of data distributions is now common in many modern machine learning pipelines, useful for performing well on several downstream tasks. Group distributionally robust optimization (group DRO) is one popular way to learn mixture weights for training a specific model class, but group DRO methods suffer for non-linear models due to non-convex loss functions and when the models are non-parametric. We address these challenges by proposing to solve a more general DRO problem, giving a method we call MixMax. MixMax selects mixture weights by maximizing a particular concave objective with entropic mirror ascent, and, crucially, we prove that optimally fitting this mixture distribution over the set of bounded predictors returns a group DRO optimal model. Experimentally, we tested MixMax on a sequence modeling task with transformers and on a variety of non-parametric learning problems. In all instances MixMax matched or outperformed the standard data mixing and group DRO baselines, and in particular, MixMax improved the performance of XGBoost over the only baseline, data balancing, for variations of the ACSIncome and CelebA annotations datasets.

new Learning from Streaming Data when Users Choose

Authors: Jinyan Su, Sarah Dean

Abstract: In digital markets comprised of many competing services, each user chooses between multiple service providers according to their preferences, and the chosen service makes use of the user data to incrementally improve its model. The service providers' models influence which service the user will choose at the next time step, and the user's choice, in return, influences the model update, leading to a feedback loop. In this paper, we formalize the above dynamics and develop a simple and efficient decentralized algorithm to locally minimize the overall user loss. Theoretically, we show that our algorithm asymptotically converges to stationary points of of the overall loss almost surely. We also experimentally demonstrate the utility of our algorithm with real world data.

new MOSEAC: Streamlined Variable Time Step Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Dong Wang, Giovanni Beltrame

Abstract: Traditional reinforcement learning (RL) methods typically employ a fixed control loop, where each cycle corresponds to an action. This rigidity poses challenges in practical applications, as the optimal control frequency is task-dependent. A suboptimal choice can lead to high computational demands and reduced exploration efficiency. Variable Time Step Reinforcement Learning (VTS-RL) addresses these issues by using adaptive frequencies for the control loop, executing actions only when necessary. This approach, rooted in reactive programming principles, reduces computational load and extends the action space by including action durations. However, VTS-RL's implementation is often complicated by the need to tune multiple hyperparameters that govern exploration in the multi-objective action-duration space (i.e., balancing task performance and number of time steps to achieve a goal). To overcome these challenges, we introduce the Multi-Objective Soft Elastic Actor-Critic (MOSEAC) method. This method features an adaptive reward scheme that adjusts hyperparameters based on observed trends in task rewards during training. This scheme reduces the complexity of hyperparameter tuning, requiring a single hyperparameter to guide exploration, thereby simplifying the learning process and lowering deployment costs. We validate the MOSEAC method through simulations in a Newtonian kinematics environment, demonstrating high task and training performance with fewer time steps, ultimately lowering energy consumption. This validation shows that MOSEAC streamlines RL algorithm deployment by automatically tuning the agent control loop frequency using a single parameter. Its principles can be applied to enhance any RL algorithm, making it a versatile solution for various applications.

new Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Dynamic Process Operations with Limited Physical Knowledge and Data

Authors: Mehmet Velioglu, Song Zhai, Sophia Rupprecht, Alexander Mitsos, Andreas Jupke, Manuel Dahmen

Abstract: In chemical engineering, process data is often expensive to acquire, and complex phenomena are difficult to model rigorously, rendering both entirely data-driven and purely mechanistic modeling approaches impractical. We explore using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for modeling dynamic processes governed by differential-algebraic equation systems when process data is scarce and complete mechanistic knowledge is missing. In particular, we focus on estimating states for which neither direct observational data nor constitutive equations are available. For demonstration purposes, we study a continuously stirred tank reactor and a liquid-liquid separator. We find that PINNs can infer unmeasured states with reasonable accuracy, and they generalize better in low-data scenarios than purely data-driven models. We thus show that PINNs, similar to hybrid mechanistic/data-driven models, are capable of modeling processes when relatively few experimental data and only partially known mechanistic descriptions are available, and conclude that they constitute a promising avenue that warrants further investigation.

new How to Count Coughs: An Event-Based Framework for Evaluating Automatic Cough Detection Algorithm Performance

Authors: Lara Orlandic, Jonathan Dan, Jerome Thevenot, Tomas Teijeiro, Alain Sauty, David Atienza

Abstract: Chronic cough disorders are widespread and challenging to assess because they rely on subjective patient questionnaires about cough frequency. Wearable devices running Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are promising for quantifying daily coughs, providing clinicians with objective metrics to track symptoms and evaluate treatments. However, there is a mismatch between state-of-the-art metrics for cough counting algorithms and the information relevant to clinicians. Most works focus on distinguishing cough from non-cough samples, which does not directly provide clinically relevant outcomes such as the number of cough events or their temporal patterns. In addition, typical metrics such as specificity and accuracy can be biased by class imbalance. We propose using event-based evaluation metrics aligned with clinical guidelines on significant cough counting endpoints. We use an ML classifier to illustrate the shortcomings of traditional sample-based accuracy measurements, highlighting their variance due to dataset class imbalance and sample window length. We also present an open-source event-based evaluation framework to test algorithm performance in identifying cough events and rejecting false positives. We provide examples and best practice guidelines in event-based cough counting as a necessary first step to assess algorithm performance with clinical relevance.

new Physics-informed deep learning and compressive collocation for high-dimensional diffusion-reaction equations: practical existence theory and numerics

Authors: Simone Brugiapaglia, Nick Dexter, Samir Karam, Weiqi Wang

Abstract: On the forefront of scientific computing, Deep Learning (DL), i.e., machine learning with Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), has emerged a powerful new tool for solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). It has been observed that DNNs are particularly well suited to weakening the effect of the curse of dimensionality, a term coined by Richard E. Bellman in the late `50s to describe challenges such as the exponential dependence of the sample complexity, i.e., the number of samples required to solve an approximation problem, on the dimension of the ambient space. However, although DNNs have been used to solve PDEs since the `90s, the literature underpinning their mathematical efficiency in terms of numerical analysis (i.e., stability, accuracy, and sample complexity), is only recently beginning to emerge. In this paper, we leverage recent advancements in function approximation using sparsity-based techniques and random sampling to develop and analyze an efficient high-dimensional PDE solver based on DL. We show, both theoretically and numerically, that it can compete with a novel stable and accurate compressive spectral collocation method. In particular, we demonstrate a new practical existence theorem, which establishes the existence of a class of trainable DNNs with suitable bounds on the network architecture and a sufficient condition on the sample complexity, with logarithmic or, at worst, linear scaling in dimension, such that the resulting networks stably and accurately approximate a diffusion-reaction PDE with high probability.

new A New View on Planning in Online Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Kevin Roice, Parham Mohammad Panahi, Scott M. Jordan, Adam White, Martha White

Abstract: This paper investigates a new approach to model-based reinforcement learning using background planning: mixing (approximate) dynamic programming updates and model-free updates, similar to the Dyna architecture. Background planning with learned models is often worse than model-free alternatives, such as Double DQN, even though the former uses significantly more memory and computation. The fundamental problem is that learned models can be inaccurate and often generate invalid states, especially when iterated many steps. In this paper, we avoid this limitation by constraining background planning to a set of (abstract) subgoals and learning only local, subgoal-conditioned models. This goal-space planning (GSP) approach is more computationally efficient, naturally incorporates temporal abstraction for faster long-horizon planning and avoids learning the transition dynamics entirely. We show that our GSP algorithm can propagate value from an abstract space in a manner that helps a variety of base learners learn significantly faster in different domains.

new Single Trajectory Conformal Prediction

Authors: Brian Lee, Nikolai Matni

Abstract: We study the performance of risk-controlling prediction sets (RCPS), an empirical risk minimization-based formulation of conformal prediction, with a single trajectory of temporally correlated data from an unknown stochastic dynamical system. First, we use the blocking technique to show that RCPS attains performance guarantees similar to those enjoyed in the iid setting whenever data is generated by asymptotically stationary and contractive dynamics. Next, we use the decoupling technique to characterize the graceful degradation in RCPS guarantees when the data generating process deviates from stationarity and contractivity. We conclude by discussing how these tools could be used toward a unified analysis of online and offline conformal prediction algorithms, which are currently treated with very different tools.

new Unlocking Guidance for Discrete State-Space Diffusion and Flow Models

Authors: Hunter Nisonoff, Junhao Xiong, Stephan Allenspach, Jennifer Listgarten

Abstract: Generative models on discrete state-spaces have a wide range of potential applications, particularly in the domain of natural sciences. In continuous state-spaces, controllable and flexible generation of samples with desired properties has been realized using guidance on diffusion and flow models. However, these guidance approaches are not readily amenable to discrete state-space models. Consequently, we introduce a general and principled method for applying guidance on such models. Our method depends on leveraging continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state-spaces, which unlocks computational tractability for sampling from a desired guided distribution. We demonstrate the utility of our approach, Discrete Guidance, on a range of applications including guided generation of images, small-molecules, DNA sequences and protein sequences.

new An Equivalence Between Static and Dynamic Regret Minimization

Authors: Andrew Jacobsen, Francesco Orabona

Abstract: We study the problem of dynamic regret minimization in online convex optimization, in which the objective is to minimize the difference between the cumulative loss of an algorithm and that of an arbitrary sequence of comparators. While the literature on this topic is very rich, a unifying framework for the analysis and design of these algorithms is still missing. In this paper, \emph{we show that dynamic regret minimization is equivalent to static regret minimization in an extended decision space}. Using this simple observation, we show that there is a frontier of lower bounds trading off penalties due to the variance of the losses and penalties due to variability of the comparator sequence, and provide a framework for achieving any of the guarantees along this frontier. As a result, we prove for the first time that adapting to the squared path-length of an arbitrary sequence of comparators to achieve regret $R_{T}(u_{1},\dots,u_{T})\le O(\sqrt{T\sum_{t} \|u_{t}-u_{t+1}\|^{2}})$ is impossible. However, we prove that it is possible to adapt to a new notion of variability based on the locally-smoothed squared path-length of the comparator sequence, and provide an algorithm guaranteeing dynamic regret of the form $R_{T}(u_{1},\dots,u_{T})\le \tilde O(\sqrt{T\sum_{i}\|\bar u_{i}-\bar u_{i+1}\|^{2}})$. Up to polylogarithmic terms, the new notion of variability is never worse than the classic one involving the path-length.

new Neural network learns low-dimensional polynomials with SGD near the information-theoretic limit

Authors: Jason D. Lee, Kazusato Oko, Taiji Suzuki, Denny Wu

Abstract: We study the problem of gradient descent learning of a single-index target function $f_*(\boldsymbol{x}) = \textstyle\sigma_*\left(\langle\boldsymbol{x},\boldsymbol{\theta}\rangle\right)$ under isotropic Gaussian data in $\mathbb{R}^d$, where the link function $\sigma_*:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ is an unknown degree $q$ polynomial with information exponent $p$ (defined as the lowest degree in the Hermite expansion). Prior works showed that gradient-based training of neural networks can learn this target with $n\gtrsim d^{\Theta(p)}$ samples, and such statistical complexity is predicted to be necessary by the correlational statistical query lower bound. Surprisingly, we prove that a two-layer neural network optimized by an SGD-based algorithm learns $f_*$ of arbitrary polynomial link function with a sample and runtime complexity of $n \asymp T \asymp C(q) \cdot d\mathrm{polylog} d$, where constant $C(q)$ only depends on the degree of $\sigma_*$, regardless of information exponent; this dimension dependence matches the information theoretic limit up to polylogarithmic factors. Core to our analysis is the reuse of minibatch in the gradient computation, which gives rise to higher-order information beyond correlational queries.

new nn2poly: An R Package for Converting Neural Networks into Interpretable Polynomials

Authors: Pablo Morala (uc3m-Santander Big Data Institute, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Spain, Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Spain), Jenny Alexandra Cifuentes (ICADE, Department of Quantitative Methods, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the Institute for Research in Technology), Rosa E. Lillo (uc3m-Santander Big Data Institute, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Spain, Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Spain), I\~naki Ucar (uc3m-Santander Big Data Institute, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Spain, Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Spain)

Abstract: The nn2poly package provides the implementation in R of the NN2Poly method to explain and interpret feed-forward neural networks by means of polynomial representations that predict in an equivalent manner as the original network.Through the obtained polynomial coefficients, the effect and importance of each variable and their interactions on the output can be represented. This capabiltiy of capturing interactions is a key aspect usually missing from most Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods, specially if they rely on expensive computations that can be amplified when used on large neural networks. The package provides integration with the main deep learning framework packages in R (tensorflow and torch), allowing an user-friendly application of the NN2Poly algorithm. Furthermore, nn2poly provides implementation of the required weight constraints to be used during the network training in those same frameworks. Other neural networks packages can also be used by including their weights in list format. Polynomials obtained with nn2poly can also be used to predict with new data or be visualized through its own plot method. Simulations are provided exemplifying the usage of the package alongside with a comparison with other approaches available in R to interpret neural networks.

cross Efficient Stimuli Generation using Reinforcement Learning in Design Verification

Authors: Deepak Narayan Gadde, Thomas Nalapat, Aman Kumar, Djones Lettnin, Wolfgang Kunz, Sebastian Simon

Abstract: The increasing design complexity of System-on-Chips (SoCs) has led to significant verification challenges, particularly in meeting coverage targets within a timely manner. At present, coverage closure is heavily dependent on constrained random and coverage driven verification methodologies where the randomized stimuli are bounded to verify certain scenarios and to reach coverage goals. This process is said to be exhaustive and to consume a lot of project time. In this paper, a novel methodology is proposed to generate efficient stimuli with the help of Reinforcement Learning (RL) to reach the maximum code coverage of the Design Under Verification (DUV). Additionally, an automated framework is created using metamodeling to generate a SystemVerilog testbench and an RL environment for any given design. The proposed approach is applied to various designs and the produced results proves that the RL agent provides effective stimuli to achieve code coverage faster in comparison with baseline random simulations. Furthermore, various RL agents and reward schemes are analyzed in our work.

cross PhyPlan: Generalizable and Rapid Physical Task Planning with Physics Informed Skill Networks for Robot Manipulators

Authors: Mudit Chopra, Abhinav Barnawal, Harshil Vagadia, Tamajit Banerjee, Shreshth Tuli, Souvik Chakraborty, Rohan Paul

Abstract: Given the task of positioning a ball-like object to a goal region beyond direct reach, humans can often throw, slide, or rebound objects against the wall to attain the goal. However, enabling robots to reason similarly is non-trivial. Existing methods for physical reasoning are data-hungry and struggle with complexity and uncertainty inherent in the real world. This paper presents PhyPlan, a novel physics-informed planning framework that combines physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) with modified Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to enable embodied agents to perform dynamic physical tasks. PhyPlan leverages PINNs to simulate and predict outcomes of actions in a fast and accurate manner and uses MCTS for planning. It dynamically determines whether to consult a PINN-based simulator (coarse but fast) or engage directly with the actual environment (fine but slow) to determine optimal policy. Given an unseen task, PhyPlan can infer the sequence of actions and learn the latent parameters, resulting in a generalizable approach that can rapidly learn to perform novel physical tasks. Evaluation with robots in simulated 3D environments demonstrates the ability of our approach to solve 3D-physical reasoning tasks involving the composition of dynamic skills. Quantitatively, PhyPlan excels in several aspects: (i) it achieves lower regret when learning novel tasks compared to the state-of-the-art, (ii) it expedites skill learning and enhances the speed of physical reasoning, (iii) it demonstrates higher data efficiency compared to a physics un-informed approach.

cross Navigating the Future of Federated Recommendation Systems with Foundation Models

Authors: Zhiwei Li, Guodong Long

Abstract: In recent years, the integration of federated learning (FL) and recommendation systems (RSs), known as Federated Recommendation Systems (FRSs), has attracted attention for preserving user privacy by keeping private data on client devices. However, FRS faces inherent limitations such as data heterogeneity and scarcity, due to the privacy requirements of FL and the typical data sparsity issues of RSs. Foundation models (FMs), such as diffusion models (DMs) and large language models (LLMs), which are widely recognized for producing high-quality content in the image and NLP domains, focus on understanding and mimicking the underlying distribution of the training data. Unlike discriminative models, which learn the boundaries between categories, FMs aim to learn the entire probability distribution of the input data. Thus, the achievements of FMs inspire the design of FRS and suggest a promising research direction: integrating foundation models to address the above limitations. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive review of FRSs with FMs. Specifically, we: 1) summarise the common approaches of current FRSs and FMs; 2) review the challenges posed by FRSs and FMs; 3) discuss potential future research directions; and 4) introduce some common benchmarks and evaluation metrics in the FRS field. We hope that this survey provides the necessary background and guidance to explore this interesting and emerging topic.

cross Thesis: Document Summarization with applications to Keyword extraction and Image Retrieval

Authors: Jayaprakash Sundararaj

Abstract: Automatic summarization is the process of reducing a text document in order to generate a summary that retains the most important points of the original document. In this work, we study two problems - i) summarizing a text document as set of keywords/caption, for image recommedation, ii) generating opinion summary which good mix of relevancy and sentiment with the text document. Intially, we present our work on an recommending images for enhancing a substantial amount of existing plain text news articles. We use probabilistic models and word similarity heuristics to generate captions and extract Key-phrases which are re-ranked using a rank aggregation framework with relevance feedback mechanism. We show that such rank aggregation and relevant feedback which are typically used in Tagging Documents, Text Information Retrieval also helps in improving image retrieval. These queries are fed to the Yahoo Search Engine to obtain relevant images 1. Our proposed method is observed to perform better than all existing baselines. Additonally, We propose a set of submodular functions for opinion summarization. Opinion summarization has built in it the tasks of summarization and sentiment detection. However, it is not easy to detect sentiment and simultaneously extract summary. The two tasks conflict in the sense that the demand of compression may drop sentiment bearing sentences, and the demand of sentiment detection may bring in redundant sentences. However, using submodularity we show how to strike a balance between the two requirements. Our functions generate summaries such that there is good correlation between document sentiment and summary sentiment along with good ROUGE score. We also compare the performances of the proposed submodular functions.

cross Embedding-Aligned Language Models

Authors: Guy Tennenholtz, Yinlam Chow, Chih-Wei Hsu, Lior Shani, Ethan Liang, Craig Boutilier

Abstract: We propose a novel approach for training large language models (LLMs) to adhere to objectives defined within a latent embedding space. Our method leverages reinforcement learning (RL), treating a pre-trained LLM as an environment. Our embedding-aligned guided language (EAGLE) agent is trained to iteratively steer the LLM's generation towards optimal regions of the latent embedding space, w.r.t. some predefined criterion. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the EAGLE agent using the MovieLens 25M dataset to surface content gaps that satisfy latent user demand. We also demonstrate the benefit of using an optimal design of a state-dependent action set to improve EAGLE's efficiency. Our work paves the way for controlled and grounded text generation using LLMs, ensuring consistency with domain-specific knowledge and data representations.

cross Adapting PromptORE for Modern History: Information Extraction from Hispanic Monarchy Documents of the XVIth Century

Authors: H\`ector Loopez Hidalgo, Michel Boeglin, David Kahn, Josiane Mothe, Diego Ortiz, David Panzoli

Abstract: Semantic relations among entities are a widely accepted method for relation extraction. PromptORE (Prompt-based Open Relation Extraction) was designed to improve relation extraction with Large Language Models on generalistic documents. However, it is less effective when applied to historical documents, in languages other than English. In this study, we introduce an adaptation of PromptORE to extract relations from specialized documents, namely digital transcripts of trials from the Spanish Inquisition. Our approach involves fine-tuning transformer models with their pretraining objective on the data they will perform inference. We refer to this process as "biasing". Our Biased PromptORE addresses complex entity placements and genderism that occur in Spanish texts. We solve these issues by prompt engineering. We evaluate our method using Encoder-like models, corroborating our findings with experts' assessments. Additionally, we evaluate the performance using a binomial classification benchmark. Our results show a substantial improvement in accuracy -up to a 50% improvement with our Biased PromptORE models in comparison to the baseline models using standard PromptORE.

cross Persian Homograph Disambiguation: Leveraging ParsBERT for Enhanced Sentence Understanding with a Novel Word Disambiguation Dataset

Authors: Seyed Moein Ayyoubzadeh

Abstract: Homograph disambiguation, the task of distinguishing words with identical spellings but different meanings, poses a substantial challenge in natural language processing. In this study, we introduce a novel dataset tailored for Persian homograph disambiguation. Our work encompasses a thorough exploration of various embeddings, evaluated through the cosine similarity method and their efficacy in downstream tasks like classification. Our investigation entails training a diverse array of lightweight machine learning and deep learning models for phonograph disambiguation. We scrutinize the models' performance in terms of Accuracy, Recall, and F1 Score, thereby gaining insights into their respective strengths and limitations. The outcomes of our research underscore three key contributions. First, we present a newly curated Persian dataset, providing a solid foundation for future research in homograph disambiguation. Second, our comparative analysis of embeddings highlights their utility in different contexts, enriching the understanding of their capabilities. Third, by training and evaluating a spectrum of models, we extend valuable guidance for practitioners in selecting suitable strategies for homograph disambiguation tasks. In summary, our study unveils a new dataset, scrutinizes embeddings through diverse perspectives, and benchmarks various models for homograph disambiguation. These findings empower researchers and practitioners to navigate the intricate landscape of homograph-related challenges effectively.

cross Large Language Model Pruning

Authors: Hanjuan Huang (Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan), Hao-Jia Song (Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan), Hsing-Kuo Pao (Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan)

Abstract: We surely enjoy the larger the better models for their superior performance in the last couple of years when both the hardware and software support the birth of such extremely huge models. The applied fields include text mining and others. In particular, the success of LLMs on text understanding and text generation draws attention from researchers who have worked on NLP and related areas for years or even decades. On the side, LLMs may suffer from problems like model overfitting, hallucination, and device limitation to name a few. In this work, we suggest a model pruning technique specifically focused on LLMs. The proposed methodology emphasizes the explainability of deep learning models. By having the theoretical foundation, we obtain a trustworthy deep model so that huge models with a massive number of model parameters become not quite necessary. A mutual information-based estimation is adopted to find neurons with redundancy to eliminate. Moreover, an estimator with well-tuned parameters helps to find precise estimation to guide the pruning procedure. At the same time, we also explore the difference between pruning on large-scale models vs. pruning on small-scale models. The choice of pruning criteria is sensitive in small models but not for large-scale models. It is a novel finding through this work. Overall, we demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model to the state-of-the-art models.

cross AMGPT: a Large Language Model for Contextual Querying in Additive Manufacturing

Authors: Achuth Chandrasekhar, Jonathan Chan, Francis Ogoke, Olabode Ajenifujah, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: Generalized large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 may not provide specific answers to queries formulated by materials science researchers. These models may produce a high-level outline but lack the capacity to return detailed instructions on manufacturing and material properties of novel alloys. Enhancing a smaller model with specialized domain knowledge may provide an advantage over large language models which cannot be retrained quickly enough to keep up with the rapid pace of research in metal additive manufacturing (AM). We introduce "AMGPT," a specialized LLM text generator designed for metal AM queries. The goal of AMGPT is to assist researchers and users in navigating the extensive corpus of literature in AM. Instead of training from scratch, we employ a pre-trained Llama2-7B model from Hugging Face in a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) setup, utilizing it to dynamically incorporate information from $\sim$50 AM papers and textbooks in PDF format. Mathpix is used to convert these PDF documents into TeX format, facilitating their integration into the RAG pipeline managed by LlamaIndex. Expert evaluations of this project highlight that specific embeddings from the RAG setup accelerate response times and maintain coherence in the generated text.

cross EMERGE: Integrating RAG for Improved Multimodal EHR Predictive Modeling

Authors: Yinghao Zhu, Changyu Ren, Zixiang Wang, Xiaochen Zheng, Shiyun Xie, Junlan Feng, Xi Zhu, Zhoujun Li, Liantao Ma, Chengwei Pan

Abstract: The integration of multimodal Electronic Health Records (EHR) data has notably advanced clinical predictive capabilities. However, current models that utilize clinical notes and multivariate time-series EHR data often lack the necessary medical context for precise clinical tasks. Previous methods using knowledge graphs (KGs) primarily focus on structured knowledge extraction. To address this, we propose EMERGE, a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) driven framework aimed at enhancing multimodal EHR predictive modeling. Our approach extracts entities from both time-series data and clinical notes by prompting Large Language Models (LLMs) and aligns them with professional PrimeKG to ensure consistency. Beyond triplet relationships, we include entities' definitions and descriptions to provide richer semantics. The extracted knowledge is then used to generate task-relevant summaries of patients' health statuses. These summaries are fused with other modalities utilizing an adaptive multimodal fusion network with cross-attention. Extensive experiments on the MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV datasets for in-hospital mortality and 30-day readmission tasks demonstrate the superior performance of the EMERGE framework compared to baseline models. Comprehensive ablation studies and analyses underscore the efficacy of each designed module and the framework's robustness to data sparsity. EMERGE significantly enhances the use of multimodal EHR data in healthcare, bridging the gap with nuanced medical contexts crucial for informed clinical predictions.

cross Stochastic Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Text Classification

Authors: Xu Wang, Yuan Wu

Abstract: Adversarial training has been instrumental in advancing multi-domain text classification (MDTC). Traditionally, MDTC methods employ a shared-private paradigm, with a shared feature extractor for domain-invariant knowledge and individual private feature extractors for domain-specific knowledge. Despite achieving state-of-the-art results, these methods grapple with the escalating model parameters due to the continuous addition of new domains. To address this challenge, we introduce the Stochastic Adversarial Network (SAN), which innovatively models the parameters of the domain-specific feature extractor as a multivariate Gaussian distribution, as opposed to a traditional weight vector. This design allows for the generation of numerous domain-specific feature extractors without a substantial increase in model parameters, maintaining the model's size on par with that of a single domain-specific extractor. Furthermore, our approach integrates domain label smoothing and robust pseudo-label regularization to fortify the stability of adversarial training and to refine feature discriminability, respectively. The performance of our SAN, evaluated on two leading MDTC benchmarks, demonstrates its competitive edge against the current state-of-the-art methodologies. The code is available at


cross Personalized Steering of Large Language Models: Versatile Steering Vectors Through Bi-directional Preference Optimization

Authors: Yuanpu Cao, Tianrong Zhang, Bochuan Cao, Ziyi Yin, Lu Lin, Fenglong Ma, Jinghui Chen

Abstract: Researchers have been studying approaches to steer the behavior of Large Language Models (LLMs) and build personalized LLMs tailored for various applications. While fine-tuning seems to be a direct solution, it requires substantial computational resources and may significantly affect the utility of the original LLM. Recent endeavors have introduced more lightweight strategies, focusing on extracting "steering vectors" to guide the model's output toward desired behaviors by adjusting activations within specific layers of the LLM's transformer architecture. However, such steering vectors are directly extracted from the activations of human preference data and thus often lead to suboptimal results and occasional failures, especially in alignment-related scenarios. This work proposes an innovative approach that could produce more effective steering vectors through bi-directional preference optimization. Our method is designed to allow steering vectors to directly influence the generation probability of contrastive human preference data pairs, thereby offering a more precise representation of the target behavior. By carefully adjusting the direction and magnitude of the steering vector, we enabled personalized control over the desired behavior across a spectrum of intensities. Extensive experimentation across various open-ended generation tasks, particularly focusing on steering AI personas, has validated the efficacy of our approach. Moreover, we comprehensively investigate critical alignment-concerning scenarios, such as managing truthfulness, mitigating hallucination, and addressing jailbreaking attacks. Remarkably, our method can still demonstrate outstanding steering effectiveness across these scenarios. Furthermore, we showcase the transferability of our steering vectors across different models/LoRAs and highlight the synergistic benefits of applying multiple vectors simultaneously.

cross Hate Speech Detection with Generalizable Target-aware Fairness

Authors: Tong Chen, Danny Wang, Xurong Liang, Marten Risius, Gianluca Demartini, Hongzhi Yin

Abstract: To counter the side effect brought by the proliferation of social media platforms, hate speech detection (HSD) plays a vital role in halting the dissemination of toxic online posts at an early stage. However, given the ubiquitous topical communities on social media, a trained HSD classifier easily becomes biased towards specific targeted groups (e.g., female and black people), where a high rate of false positive/negative results can significantly impair public trust in the fairness of content moderation mechanisms, and eventually harm the diversity of online society. Although existing fairness-aware HSD methods can smooth out some discrepancies across targeted groups, they are mostly specific to a narrow selection of targets that are assumed to be known and fixed. This inevitably prevents those methods from generalizing to real-world use cases where new targeted groups constantly emerge over time. To tackle this defect, we propose Generalizable target-aware Fairness (GetFair), a new method for fairly classifying each post that contains diverse and even unseen targets during inference. To remove the HSD classifier's spurious dependence on target-related features, GetFair trains a series of filter functions in an adversarial pipeline, so as to deceive the discriminator that recovers the targeted group from filtered post embeddings. To maintain scalability and generalizability, we innovatively parameterize all filter functions via a hypernetwork that is regularized by the semantic affinity among targets. Taking a target's pretrained word embedding as input, the hypernetwork generates the weights used by each target-specific filter on-the-fly without storing dedicated filter parameters. Finally, comparative experiments on two HSD datasets have shown advantageous performance of GetFair on out-of-sample targets.

cross A Theoretical Framework for an Efficient Normalizing Flow-Based Solution to the Schrodinger Equation

Authors: Daniel Freedman, Eyal Rozenberg, Alex Bronstein

Abstract: A central problem in quantum mechanics involves solving the Electronic Schrodinger Equation for a molecule or material. The Variational Monte Carlo approach to this problem approximates a particular variational objective via sampling, and then optimizes this approximated objective over a chosen parameterized family of wavefunctions, known as the ansatz. Recently neural networks have been used as the ansatz, with accompanying success. However, sampling from such wavefunctions has required the use of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach, which is inherently inefficient. In this work, we propose a solution to this problem via an ansatz which is cheap to sample from, yet satisfies the requisite quantum mechanical properties. We prove that a normalizing flow using the following two essential ingredients satisfies our requirements: (a) a base distribution which is constructed from Determinantal Point Processes; (b) flow layers which are equivariant to a particular subgroup of the permutation group. We then show how to construct both continuous and discrete normalizing flows which satisfy the requisite equivariance. We further demonstrate the manner in which the non-smooth nature ("cusps") of the wavefunction may be captured, and how the framework may be generalized to provide induction across multiple molecules. The resulting theoretical framework entails an efficient approach to solving the Electronic Schrodinger Equation.

cross Towards a theory of how the structure of language is acquired by deep neural networks

Authors: Francesco Cagnetta, Matthieu Wyart

Abstract: How much data is required to learn the structure of a language via next-token prediction? We study this question for synthetic datasets generated via a Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar (PCFG) -- a hierarchical generative model that captures the tree-like structure of natural languages. We determine token-token correlations analytically in our model and show that they can be used to build a representation of the grammar's hidden variables, the longer the range the deeper the variable. In addition, a finite training set limits the resolution of correlations to an effective range, whose size grows with that of the training set. As a result, a Language Model trained with increasingly many examples can build a deeper representation of the grammar's structure, thus reaching good performance despite the high dimensionality of the problem. We conjecture that the relationship between training set size and effective range of correlations holds beyond our synthetic datasets. In particular, our conjecture predicts how the scaling law for the test loss behaviour with training set size depends on the length of the context window, which we confirm empirically for a collection of lines from Shakespeare's plays.

cross QUEST: Quality-Aware Metropolis-Hastings Sampling for Machine Translation

Authors: Gon\c{c}alo R. A. Faria, Sweta Agrawal, Ant\'onio Farinhas, Ricardo Rei, Jos\'e G. C. de Souza, Andr\'e F. T. Martins

Abstract: An important challenge in machine translation (MT) is to generate high-quality and diverse translations. Prior work has shown that the estimated likelihood from the MT model correlates poorly with translation quality. In contrast, quality evaluation metrics (such as COMET or BLEURT) exhibit high correlations with human judgments, which has motivated their use as rerankers (such as quality-aware and minimum Bayes risk decoding). However, relying on a single translation with high estimated quality increases the chances of "gaming the metric''. In this paper, we address the problem of sampling a set of high-quality and diverse translations. We provide a simple and effective way to avoid over-reliance on noisy quality estimates by using them as the energy function of a Gibbs distribution. Instead of looking for a mode in the distribution, we generate multiple samples from high-density areas through the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a simple Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. The results show that our proposed method leads to high-quality and diverse outputs across multiple language pairs (English$\leftrightarrow${German, Russian}) with two strong decoder-only LLMs (Alma-7b, Tower-7b).

cross Dual Process Learning: Controlling Use of In-Context vs. In-Weights Strategies with Weight Forgetting

Authors: Suraj Anand, Michael A. Lepori, Jack Merullo, Ellie Pavlick

Abstract: Language models have the ability to perform in-context learning (ICL), allowing them to flexibly adapt their behavior based on context. This contrasts with in-weights learning, where information is statically encoded in model parameters from iterated observations of the data. Despite this apparent ability to learn in-context, language models are known to struggle when faced with unseen or rarely seen tokens. Hence, we study $\textbf{structural in-context learning}$, which we define as the ability of a model to execute in-context learning on arbitrary tokens -- so called because the model must generalize on the basis of e.g. sentence structure or task structure, rather than semantic content encoded in token embeddings. An ideal model would be able to do both: flexibly deploy in-weights operations (in order to robustly accommodate ambiguous or unknown contexts using encoded semantic information) and structural in-context operations (in order to accommodate novel tokens). We study structural in-context algorithms in a simple part-of-speech setting using both practical and toy models. We find that active forgetting, a technique that was recently introduced to help models generalize to new languages, forces models to adopt structural in-context learning solutions. Finally, we introduce $\textbf{temporary forgetting}$, a straightforward extension of active forgetting that enables one to control how much a model relies on in-weights vs. in-context solutions. Importantly, temporary forgetting allows us to induce a $\textit{dual process strategy}$ where in-context and in-weights solutions coexist within a single model.

cross $\epsilon$-Optimally Solving Zero-Sum POSGs

Authors: Erwan Escudie, Matthia Sabatelli, Jilles Dibangoye

Abstract: A recent method for solving zero-sum partially observable stochastic games (zs-POSGs) embeds the original game into a new one called the occupancy Markov game. This reformulation allows applying Bellman's principle of optimality to solve zs-POSGs. However, improving a current solution requires solving a linear program with exponentially many potential constraints, which significantly restricts the scalability of this approach. This paper exploits the optimal value function's novel uniform continuity properties to overcome this limitation. We first construct a new operator that is computationally more efficient than the state-of-the-art update rules without compromising optimality. In particular, improving a current solution now involves a linear program with an exponential drop in constraints. We then also show that point-based value iteration algorithms utilizing our findings improve the scalability of existing methods while maintaining guarantees in various domains.

cross Toward Conversational Agents with Context and Time Sensitive Long-term Memory

Authors: Nick Alonso, Tom\'as Figliolia, Anthony Ndirango, Beren Millidge

Abstract: There has recently been growing interest in conversational agents with long-term memory which has led to the rapid development of language models that use retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). Until recently, most work on RAG has focused on information retrieval from large databases of texts, like Wikipedia, rather than information from long-form conversations. In this paper, we argue that effective retrieval from long-form conversational data faces two unique problems compared to static database retrieval: 1) time/event-based queries, which requires the model to retrieve information about previous conversations based on time or the order of a conversational event (e.g., the third conversation on Tuesday), and 2) ambiguous queries that require surrounding conversational context to understand. To better develop RAG-based agents that can deal with these challenges, we generate a new dataset of ambiguous and time-based questions that build upon a recent dataset of long-form, simulated conversations, and demonstrate that standard RAG based approaches handle such questions poorly. We then develop a novel retrieval model which combines chained-of-table search methods, standard vector-database retrieval, and a prompting method to disambiguate queries, and demonstrate that this approach substantially improves over current methods at solving these tasks. We believe that this new dataset and more advanced RAG agent can act as a key benchmark and stepping stone towards effective memory augmented conversational agents that can be used in a wide variety of AI applications.

cross Conveyor: Efficient Tool-aware LLM Serving with Tool Partial Execution

Authors: Yechen Xu, Xinhao Kong, Tingjun Chen, Danyang Zhuo

Abstract: The complexity of large language model (LLM) serving workloads has substantially increased due to the integration with external tool invocations, such as ChatGPT plugins. In this paper, we identify a new opportunity for efficient LLM serving for requests that trigger tools: tool partial execution alongside LLM decoding. To this end, we design Conveyor, an efficient LLM serving system optimized for handling requests involving external tools. We introduce a novel interface for tool developers to expose partial execution opportunities to the LLM serving system and a request scheduler that facilitates partial tool execution. Our results demonstrate that tool partial execution can improve request completion latency by up to 38.8%.

cross Cascade-Aware Training of Language Models

Authors: Congchao Wang, Sean Augenstein, Keith Rush, Wittawat Jitkrittum, Harikrishna Narasimhan, Ankit Singh Rawat, Aditya Krishna Menon, Alec Go

Abstract: Reducing serving cost and latency is a fundamental concern for the deployment of language models (LMs) in business applications. To address this, cascades of LMs offer an effective solution that conditionally employ smaller models for simpler queries. Cascaded systems are typically built with independently trained models, neglecting the advantages of considering inference-time interactions of the cascaded LMs during training. In this paper, we present cascade-aware training(CAT), an approach to optimizing the overall quality-cost performance tradeoff of a cascade of LMs. We achieve inference-time benefits by training the small LM with awareness of its place in a cascade and downstream capabilities. We demonstrate the value of the proposed method with over 60 LM tasks of the SuperGLUE, WMT22, and FLAN2021 datasets.

cross Unlocking the Potential of Large Language Models for Clinical Text Anonymization: A Comparative Study

Authors: David Pissarra, Isabel Curioso, Jo\~ao Alveira, Duarte Pereira, Bruno Ribeiro, Tom\'as Souper, Vasco Gomes, Andr\'e V. Carreiro, Vitor Rolla

Abstract: Automated clinical text anonymization has the potential to unlock the widespread sharing of textual health data for secondary usage while assuring patient privacy and safety. Despite the proposal of many complex and theoretically successful anonymization solutions in literature, these techniques remain flawed. As such, clinical institutions are still reluctant to apply them for open access to their data. Recent advances in developing Large Language Models (LLMs) pose a promising opportunity to further the field, given their capability to perform various tasks. This paper proposes six new evaluation metrics tailored to the challenges of generative anonymization with LLMs. Moreover, we present a comparative study of LLM-based methods, testing them against two baseline techniques. Our results establish LLM-based models as a reliable alternative to common approaches, paving the way toward trustworthy anonymization of clinical text.

cross Confidence-Aware Sub-Structure Beam Search (CABS): Mitigating Hallucination in Structured Data Generation with Large Language Models

Authors: Chengwei Wei, Kee Kiat Koo, Amir Tavanaei, Karim Bouyarmane

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have facilitated structured data generation, with applications in domains like tabular data, document databases, product catalogs, etc. However, concerns persist about generation veracity due to incorrect references or hallucinations, necessitating the incorporation of some form of model confidence for mitigation. Existing confidence estimation methods on LLM generations primarily focus on the confidence at the individual token level or the entire output sequence level, limiting their applicability to structured data generation, which consists of an intricate mix of both independent and correlated entries at the sub-structure level. In this paper, we first investigate confidence estimation methods for generated sub-structure-level data. We introduce the concept of Confidence Network that applies on the hidden state of the LLM transformer, as a more targeted estimate than the traditional token conditional probability. We further propose Confidence-Aware sub-structure Beam Search (CABS), a novel decoding method operating at the sub-structure level in structured data generation. CABS enhances the faithfulness of structured data generation by considering confidence scores from the Confidence Network for each sub-structure-level data and iteratively refining the prompts. Results show that CABS outperforms traditional token-level beam search for structured data generation by 16.7% Recall at 90% precision averagely on the problem of product attribute generation.

cross Optimizing Photometric Light Curve Analysis: Evaluating Scipy's Minimize Function for Eclipse Mapping of Cataclysmic Variables

Authors: Anoop Kumar, Madan Mohan Tito Ayyalasomayajula, Dheerendra Panwar, Yeshwanth Vasa

Abstract: With a particular focus on Scipy's minimize function the eclipse mapping method is thoroughly researched and implemented utilizing Python and essential libraries. Many optimization techniques are used, including Sequential Least Squares Programming (SLSQP), Nelder-Mead, and Conjugate Gradient (CG). However, for the purpose of examining photometric light curves these methods seek to solve the maximum entropy equation under a chi-squared constraint. Therefore, these techniques are first evaluated on two-dimensional Gaussian data without a chi-squared restriction, and then they are used to map the accretion disc and uncover the Gaussian structure of the Cataclysmic Variable KIC 201325107. Critical analysis is performed on the code structure to find possible faults and design problems. Additionally, the analysis shows how several factors impacting computing time and image quality are included including the variance in Gaussian weighting, disc image resolution, number of data points in the light curve, and degree of constraint.

cross BadRAG: Identifying Vulnerabilities in Retrieval Augmented Generation of Large Language Models

Authors: Jiaqi Xue, Mengxin Zheng, Yebowen Hu, Fei Liu, Xun Chen, Qian Lou

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are constrained by outdated information and a tendency to generate incorrect data, commonly referred to as "hallucinations." Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) addresses these limitations by combining the strengths of retrieval-based methods and generative models. This approach involves retrieving relevant information from a large, up-to-date dataset and using it to enhance the generation process, leading to more accurate and contextually appropriate responses. Despite its benefits, RAG introduces a new attack surface for LLMs, particularly because RAG databases are often sourced from public data, such as the web. In this paper, we propose \TrojRAG{} to identify the vulnerabilities and attacks on retrieval parts (RAG database) and their indirect attacks on generative parts (LLMs). Specifically, we identify that poisoning several customized content passages could achieve a retrieval backdoor, where the retrieval works well for clean queries but always returns customized poisoned adversarial queries. Triggers and poisoned passages can be highly customized to implement various attacks. For example, a trigger could be a semantic group like "The Republican Party, Donald Trump, etc." Adversarial passages can be tailored to different contents, not only linked to the triggers but also used to indirectly attack generative LLMs without modifying them. These attacks can include denial-of-service attacks on RAG and semantic steering attacks on LLM generations conditioned by the triggers. Our experiments demonstrate that by just poisoning 10 adversarial passages can induce 98.2\% success rate to retrieve the adversarial passages. Then, these passages can increase the reject ratio of RAG-based GPT-4 from 0.01\% to 74.6\% or increase the rate of negative responses from 0.22\% to 72\% for targeted queries.

cross Augmentation-based Unsupervised Cross-Domain Functional MRI Adaptation for Major Depressive Disorder Identification

Authors: Yunling Ma, Chaojun Zhang, Xiaochuan Wang, Qianqian Wang, Liang Cao, Limei Zhang, Mingxia Liu

Abstract: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common mental disorder that typically affects a person's mood, cognition, behavior, and physical health. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) data are widely used for computer-aided diagnosis of MDD. While multi-site fMRI data can provide more data for training reliable diagnostic models, significant cross-site data heterogeneity would result in poor model generalizability. Many domain adaptation methods are designed to reduce the distributional differences between sites to some extent, but usually ignore overfitting problem of the model on the source domain. Intuitively, target data augmentation can alleviate the overfitting problem by forcing the model to learn more generalized features and reduce the dependence on source domain data. In this work, we propose a new augmentation-based unsupervised cross-domain fMRI adaptation (AUFA) framework for automatic diagnosis of MDD. The AUFA consists of 1) a graph representation learning module for extracting rs-fMRI features with spatial attention, 2) a domain adaptation module for feature alignment between source and target data, 3) an augmentation-based self-optimization module for alleviating model overfitting on the source domain, and 4) a classification module. Experimental results on 1,089 subjects suggest that AUFA outperforms several state-of-the-art methods in MDD identification. Our approach not only reduces data heterogeneity between different sites, but also localizes disease-related functional connectivity abnormalities and provides interpretability for the model.

cross How Random is Random? Evaluating the Randomness and Humaness of LLMs' Coin Flips

Authors: Katherine Van Koevering, Jon Kleinberg

Abstract: One uniquely human trait is our inability to be random. We see and produce patterns where there should not be any and we do so in a predictable way. LLMs are supplied with human data and prone to human biases. In this work, we explore how LLMs approach randomness and where and how they fail through the lens of the well studied phenomena of generating binary random sequences. We find that GPT 4 and Llama 3 exhibit and exacerbate nearly every human bias we test in this context, but GPT 3.5 exhibits more random behavior. This dichotomy of randomness or humaness is proposed as a fundamental question of LLMs and that either behavior may be useful in different circumstances.

cross Bootstrap3D: Improving 3D Content Creation with Synthetic Data

Authors: Zeyi Sun, Tong Wu, Pan Zhang, Yuhang Zang, Xiaoyi Dong, Yuanjun Xiong, Dahua Lin, Jiaqi Wang

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed remarkable progress in multi-view diffusion models for 3D content creation. However, there remains a significant gap in image quality and prompt-following ability compared to 2D diffusion models. A critical bottleneck is the scarcity of high-quality 3D assets with detailed captions. To address this challenge, we propose Bootstrap3D, a novel framework that automatically generates an arbitrary quantity of multi-view images to assist in training multi-view diffusion models. Specifically, we introduce a data generation pipeline that employs (1) 2D and video diffusion models to generate multi-view images based on constructed text prompts, and (2) our fine-tuned 3D-aware MV-LLaVA for filtering high-quality data and rewriting inaccurate captions. Leveraging this pipeline, we have generated 1 million high-quality synthetic multi-view images with dense descriptive captions to address the shortage of high-quality 3D data. Furthermore, we present a Training Timestep Reschedule (TTR) strategy that leverages the denoising process to learn multi-view consistency while maintaining the original 2D diffusion prior. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Bootstrap3D can generate high-quality multi-view images with superior aesthetic quality, image-text alignment, and maintained view consistency.

cross A Sim2Real Approach for Identifying Task-Relevant Properties in Interpretable Machine Learning

Authors: Eura Nofshin, Esther Brown, Brian Lim, Weiwei Pan, Finale Doshi-Velez

Abstract: Existing user studies suggest that different tasks may require explanations with different properties. However, user studies are expensive. In this paper, we introduce a generalizable, cost-effective method for identifying task-relevant explanation properties in silico, which can guide the design of more expensive user studies. We use our approach to identify relevant proxies for three example tasks and validate our simulation with real user studies.

cross TotalVibeSegmentator: Full Torso Segmentation for the NAKO and UK Biobank in Volumetric Interpolated Breath-hold Examination Body Images

Authors: Robert Graf, Paul-S\"oren Platzek, Evamaria Olga Riedel, Constanze Ramsch\"utz, Sophie Starck, Hendrik Kristian M\"oller, Matan Atad, Henry V\"olzke, Robin B\"ulow, Carsten Oliver Schmidt, Julia R\"udebusch, Matthias Jung, Marco Reisert, Jakob Weiss, Maximilian L\"offler, Fabian Bamberg, Bene Wiestler, Johannes C. Paetzold, Daniel Rueckert, Jan Stefan Kirschke

Abstract: Objectives: To present a publicly available torso segmentation network for large epidemiology datasets on volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (VIBE) images. Materials & Methods: We extracted preliminary segmentations from TotalSegmentator, spine, and body composition networks for VIBE images, then improved them iteratively and retrained a nnUNet network. Using subsets of NAKO (85 subjects) and UK Biobank (16 subjects), we evaluated with Dice-score on a holdout set (12 subjects) and existing organ segmentation approach (1000 subjects), generating 71 semantic segmentation types for VIBE images. We provide an additional network for the vertebra segments 22 individual vertebra types. Results: We achieved an average Dice score of 0.89 +- 0.07 overall 71 segmentation labels. We scored > 0.90 Dice-score on the abdominal organs except for the pancreas with a Dice of 0.70. Conclusion: Our work offers a detailed and refined publicly available full torso segmentation on VIBE images.

cross Training on the Edge of Stability Is Caused by Layerwise Jacobian Alignment

Authors: Mark Lowell, Catharine Kastner

Abstract: During neural network training, the sharpness of the Hessian matrix of the training loss rises until training is on the edge of stability. As a result, even nonstochastic gradient descent does not accurately model the underlying dynamical system defined by the gradient flow of the training loss. We use an exponential Euler solver to train the network without entering the edge of stability, so that we accurately approximate the true gradient descent dynamics. We demonstrate experimentally that the increase in the sharpness of the Hessian matrix is caused by the layerwise Jacobian matrices of the network becoming aligned, so that a small change in the network preactivations near the inputs of the network can cause a large change in the outputs of the network. We further demonstrate that the degree of alignment scales with the size of the dataset by a power law with a coefficient of determination between 0.74 and 0.98.

cross Advancing Ear Biometrics: Enhancing Accuracy and Robustness through Deep Learning

Authors: Youssef Mohamed, Zeyad Youssef, Ahmed Heakl, Ahmed Zaky

Abstract: Biometric identification is a reliable method to verify individuals based on their unique physical or behavioral traits, offering a secure alternative to traditional methods like passwords or PINs. This study focuses on ear biometric identification, exploiting its distinctive features for enhanced accuracy, reliability, and usability. While past studies typically investigate face recognition and fingerprint analysis, our research demonstrates the effectiveness of ear biometrics in overcoming limitations such as variations in facial expressions and lighting conditions. We utilized two datasets: AMI (700 images from 100 individuals) and EarNV1.0 (28,412 images from 164 individuals). To improve the accuracy and robustness of our ear biometric identification system, we applied various techniques including data preprocessing and augmentation. Our models achieved a testing accuracy of 99.35% on the AMI Dataset and 98.1% on the EarNV1.0 dataset, showcasing the effectiveness of our approach in precisely identifying individuals based on ear biometric characteristics.

cross A Survey of Deep Learning Audio Generation Methods

Authors: Matej Bo\v{z}i\'c, Marko Horvat

Abstract: This article presents a review of typical techniques used in three distinct aspects of deep learning model development for audio generation. In the first part of the article, we provide an explanation of audio representations, beginning with the fundamental audio waveform. We then progress to the frequency domain, with an emphasis on the attributes of human hearing, and finally introduce a relatively recent development. The main part of the article focuses on explaining basic and extended deep learning architecture variants, along with their practical applications in the field of audio generation. The following architectures are addressed: 1) Autoencoders 2) Generative adversarial networks 3) Normalizing flows 4) Transformer networks 5) Diffusion models. Lastly, we will examine four distinct evaluation metrics that are commonly employed in audio generation. This article aims to offer novice readers and beginners in the field a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the art in audio generation methods as well as relevant studies that can be explored for future research.

cross Fair Allocation in Dynamic Mechanism Design

Authors: Alireza Fallah, Michael I. Jordan, Annie Ulichney

Abstract: We consider a dynamic mechanism design problem where an auctioneer sells an indivisible good to two groups of buyers in every round, for a total of $T$ rounds. The auctioneer aims to maximize their discounted overall revenue while adhering to a fairness constraint that guarantees a minimum average allocation for each group. We begin by studying the static case ($T=1$) and establish that the optimal mechanism involves two types of subsidization: one that increases the overall probability of allocation to all buyers, and another that favors the group which otherwise has a lower probability of winning the item. We then extend our results to the dynamic case by characterizing a set of recursive functions that determine the optimal allocation and payments in each round. Notably, our results establish that in the dynamic case, the seller, on the one hand, commits to a participation reward to incentivize truth-telling, and on the other hand, charges an entry fee for every round. Moreover, the optimal allocation once more involves subsidization in favor of one group, where the extent of subsidization depends on the difference in future utilities for both the seller and buyers when allocating the item to one group versus the other. Finally, we present an approximation scheme to solve the recursive equations and determine an approximately optimal and fair allocation efficiently.

cross Predicting solvation free energies with an implicit solvent machine learning potential

Authors: Sebastien R\"ocken, Anton F. Burnet, Julija Zavadlav

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) potentials are a powerful tool in molecular modeling, enabling ab initio accuracy for comparably small computational costs. Nevertheless, all-atom simulations employing best-performing graph neural network architectures are still too expensive for applications requiring extensive sampling, such as free energy computations. Implicit solvent models could provide the necessary speed-up due to reduced degrees of freedom and faster dynamics. Here, we introduce a Solvation Free Energy Path Reweighting (ReSolv) framework to parametrize an implicit solvent ML potential for small organic molecules that accurately predicts the hydration free energy, an essential parameter in drug design and pollutant modeling. With a combination of top-down (experimental hydration free energy data) and bottom-up (ab initio data of molecules in a vacuum) learning, ReSolv bypasses the need for intractable ab initio data of molecules in explicit bulk solvent and does not have to resort to less accurate data-generating models. On the FreeSolv dataset, ReSolv achieves a mean absolute error close to average experimental uncertainty, significantly outperforming standard explicit solvent force fields. The presented framework paves the way toward deep molecular models that are more accurate yet computationally cheaper than classical atomistic models.

cross Direct Cardiac Segmentation from Undersampled K-space Using Transformers

Authors: Yundi Zhang, Nil Stolt-Ans\'o, Jiazhen Pan, Wenqi Huang, Kerstin Hammernik, Daniel Rueckert

Abstract: The prevailing deep learning-based methods of predicting cardiac segmentation involve reconstructed magnetic resonance (MR) images. The heavy dependency of segmentation approaches on image quality significantly limits the acceleration rate in fast MR reconstruction. Moreover, the practice of treating reconstruction and segmentation as separate sequential processes leads to artifact generation and information loss in the intermediate stage. These issues pose a great risk to achieving high-quality outcomes. To leverage the redundant k-space information overlooked in this dual-step pipeline, we introduce a novel approach to directly deriving segmentations from sparse k-space samples using a transformer (DiSK). DiSK operates by globally extracting latent features from 2D+time k-space data with attention blocks and subsequently predicting the segmentation label of query points. We evaluate our model under various acceleration factors (ranging from 4 to 64) and compare against two image-based segmentation baselines. Our model consistently outperforms the baselines in Dice and Hausdorff distances across foreground classes for all presented sampling rates.

cross ImplicitSLIM and How it Improves Embedding-based Collaborative Filtering

Authors: Ilya Shenbin, Sergey Nikolenko

Abstract: We present ImplicitSLIM, a novel unsupervised learning approach for sparse high-dimensional data, with applications to collaborative filtering. Sparse linear methods (SLIM) and their variations show outstanding performance, but they are memory-intensive and hard to scale. ImplicitSLIM improves embedding-based models by extracting embeddings from SLIM-like models in a computationally cheap and memory-efficient way, without explicit learning of heavy SLIM-like models. We show that ImplicitSLIM improves performance and speeds up convergence for both state of the art and classical collaborative filtering methods. The source code for ImplicitSLIM, related models, and applications is available at


cross Learning to Clarify: Multi-turn Conversations with Action-Based Contrastive Self-Training

Authors: Maximillian Chen, Ruoxi Sun, Sercan \"O. Ar{\i}k, Tomas Pfister

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) aligned through reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) have quickly become one of the dominant paradigms for building intelligent conversational assistant agents. However, despite their strong performance across many benchmarks, LLM-based agents still lack conversational skills such as disambiguation: when generalized assistants are faced with ambiguity, they often overhedge or implicitly guess users' ground-truth intents rather than asking clarification questions, and under task-specific settings, high-quality conversation samples are often limited, affecting models' ability to learn optimal dialogue action policies. We propose Action-Based Contrastive Self-Training (henceforth ACT), a quasi-online preference optimization algorithm based on Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) which allows for sample-efficient dialogue policy learning in multi-turn conversation. We demonstrate ACT's efficacy under sample-efficient conditions in three difficult conversational tasks: tabular-grounded question-answering, machine reading comprehension, and AmbigSQL, a novel task for disambiguating information-seeking requests for text-to-SQL generation. Additionally, we propose evaluating LLMs' ability to function as conversational agents by examining whether they can implicitly recognize and reason about ambiguity in conversation. ACT demonstrates substantial conversation modeling improvements over standard approaches to supervised fine-tuning and DPO.

cross A Comparative Study of CNN, ResNet, and Vision Transformers for Multi-Classification of Chest Diseases

Authors: Ananya Jain, Aviral Bhardwaj, Kaushik Murali, Isha Surani

Abstract: Large language models, notably utilizing Transformer architectures, have emerged as powerful tools due to their scalability and ability to process large amounts of data. Dosovitskiy et al. expanded this architecture to introduce Vision Transformers (ViT), extending its applicability to image processing tasks. Motivated by this advancement, we fine-tuned two variants of ViT models, one pre-trained on ImageNet and another trained from scratch, using the NIH Chest X-ray dataset containing over 100,000 frontal-view X-ray images. Our study evaluates the performance of these models in the multi-label classification of 14 distinct diseases, while using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and ResNet architectures as baseline models for comparison. Through rigorous assessment based on accuracy metrics, we identify that the pre-trained ViT model surpasses CNNs and ResNet in this multilabel classification task, highlighting its potential for accurate diagnosis of various lung conditions from chest X-ray images.

cross Robust Biharmonic Skinning Using Geometric Fields

Authors: Ana Dodik, Vincent Sitzmann, Justin Solomon, Oded Stein

Abstract: Skinning is a popular way to rig and deform characters for animation, to compute reduced-order simulations, and to define features for geometry processing. Methods built on skinning rely on weight functions that distribute the influence of each degree of freedom across the mesh. Automatic skinning methods generate these weight functions with minimal user input, usually by solving a variational problem on a mesh whose boundary is the skinned surface. This formulation necessitates tetrahedralizing the volume inside the surface, which brings with it meshing artifacts, the possibility of tetrahedralization failure, and the impossibility of generating weights for surfaces that are not closed. We introduce a mesh-free and robust automatic skinning method that generates high-quality skinning weights comparable to the current state of the art without volumetric meshes. Our method reliably works even on open surfaces and triangle soups where current methods fail. We achieve this through the use of a Lagrangian representation for skinning weights, which circumvents the need for finite elements while optimizing the biharmonic energy.

cross A Review of Pulse-Coupled Neural Network Applications in Computer Vision and Image Processing

Authors: Nurul Rafi, Pablo Rivas

Abstract: Research in neural models inspired by mammal's visual cortex has led to many spiking neural networks such as pulse-coupled neural networks (PCNNs). These models are oscillating, spatio-temporal models stimulated with images to produce several time-based responses. This paper reviews PCNN's state of the art, covering its mathematical formulation, variants, and other simplifications found in the literature. We present several applications in which PCNN architectures have successfully addressed some fundamental image processing and computer vision challenges, including image segmentation, edge detection, medical imaging, image fusion, image compression, object recognition, and remote sensing. Results achieved in these applications suggest that the PCNN architecture generates useful perceptual information relevant to a wide variety of computer vision tasks.

cross StyDeSty: Min-Max Stylization and Destylization for Single Domain Generalization

Authors: Songhua Liu, Xin Jin, Xingyi Yang, Jingwen Ye, Xinchao Wang

Abstract: Single domain generalization (single DG) aims at learning a robust model generalizable to unseen domains from only one training domain, making it a highly ambitious and challenging task. State-of-the-art approaches have mostly relied on data augmentations, such as adversarial perturbation and style enhancement, to synthesize new data and thus increase robustness. Nevertheless, they have largely overlooked the underlying coherence between the augmented domains, which in turn leads to inferior results in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective scheme, termed as \emph{StyDeSty}, to explicitly account for the alignment of the source and pseudo domains in the process of data augmentation, enabling them to interact with each other in a self-consistent manner and further giving rise to a latent domain with strong generalization power. The heart of StyDeSty lies in the interaction between a \emph{stylization} module for generating novel stylized samples using the source domain, and a \emph{destylization} module for transferring stylized and source samples to a latent domain to learn content-invariant features. The stylization and destylization modules work adversarially and reinforce each other. During inference, the destylization module transforms the input sample with an arbitrary style shift to the latent domain, in which the downstream tasks are carried out. Specifically, the location of the destylization layer within the backbone network is determined by a dedicated neural architecture search (NAS) strategy. We evaluate StyDeSty on multiple benchmarks and demonstrate that it yields encouraging results, outperforming the state of the art by up to {13.44%} on classification accuracy. Codes are available here:


cross Phasor-Driven Acceleration for FFT-based CNNs

Authors: Eduardo Reis, Thangarajah Akilan, Mohammed Khalid

Abstract: Recent research in deep learning (DL) has investigated the use of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to accelerate the computations involved in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) by replacing spatial convolution with element-wise multiplications on the spectral domain. These approaches mainly rely on the FFT to reduce the number of operations, which can be further decreased by adopting the Real-Valued FFT. In this paper, we propose using the phasor form, a polar representation of complex numbers, as a more efficient alternative to the traditional approach. The experimental results, evaluated on the CIFAR-10, demonstrate that our method achieves superior speed improvements of up to a factor of 1.376 (average of 1.316) during training and up to 1.390 (average of 1.321) during inference when compared to the traditional rectangular form employed in modern CNN architectures. Similarly, when evaluated on the CIFAR-100, our method achieves superior speed improvements of up to a factor of 1.375 (average of 1.299) during training and up to 1.387 (average of 1.300) during inference. Most importantly, given the modular aspect of our approach, the proposed method can be applied to any existing convolution-based DL model without design changes.

cross Creative Text-to-Audio Generation via Synthesizer Programming

Authors: Manuel Cherep, Nikhil Singh, Jessica Shand

Abstract: Neural audio synthesis methods now allow specifying ideas in natural language. However, these methods produce results that cannot be easily tweaked, as they are based on large latent spaces and up to billions of uninterpretable parameters. We propose a text-to-audio generation method that leverages a virtual modular sound synthesizer with only 78 parameters. Synthesizers have long been used by skilled sound designers for media like music and film due to their flexibility and intuitive controls. Our method, CTAG, iteratively updates a synthesizer's parameters to produce high-quality audio renderings of text prompts that can be easily inspected and tweaked. Sounds produced this way are also more abstract, capturing essential conceptual features over fine-grained acoustic details, akin to how simple sketches can vividly convey visual concepts. Our results show how CTAG produces sounds that are distinctive, perceived as artistic, and yet similarly identifiable to recent neural audio synthesis models, positioning it as a valuable and complementary tool.

cross CASE: Curricular Data Pre-training for Building Generative and Discriminative Assistive Psychology Expert Models

Authors: Sarthak Harne, Monjoy Narayan Choudhury, Madhav Rao, TK Srikanth, Seema Mehrotra, Apoorva Vashisht, Aarushi Basu, Manjit Sodhi

Abstract: The limited availability of psychologists necessitates efficient identification of individuals requiring urgent mental healthcare. This study explores the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipelines to analyze text data from online mental health forums used for consultations. By analyzing forum posts, these pipelines can flag users who may require immediate professional attention. A crucial challenge in this domain is data privacy and scarcity. To address this, we propose utilizing readily available curricular texts used in institutes specializing in mental health for pre-training the NLP pipelines. This helps us mimic the training process of a psychologist. Our work presents two models: a discriminative BERT-based model called CASE-BERT that flags potential mental health disorders based on forum text, and a generative model called CASE-Gemma that extracts key features for a preliminary diagnosis. CASE-BERT demonstrates superior performance compared to existing methods, achieving an f1 score of 0.91 for Depression and 0.88 for Anxiety, two of the most commonly reported mental health disorders. CASE-Gemma can achieve a BERT Score of 0.849 on generating diagnoses based on forum text. The effectiveness of CASE-Gemma is evaluated through both human evaluation and qualitative methods, with the collaboration of clinical psychologists who provide us with a set of annotated data for fine-tuning and evaluation. Our code is available at


cross Combining Experimental and Historical Data for Policy Evaluation

Authors: Ting Li, Chengchun Shi, Qianglin Wen, Yang Sui, Yongli Qin, Chunbo Lai, Hongtu Zhu

Abstract: This paper studies policy evaluation with multiple data sources, especially in scenarios that involve one experimental dataset with two arms, complemented by a historical dataset generated under a single control arm. We propose novel data integration methods that linearly integrate base policy value estimators constructed based on the experimental and historical data, with weights optimized to minimize the mean square error (MSE) of the resulting combined estimator. We further apply the pessimistic principle to obtain more robust estimators, and extend these developments to sequential decision making. Theoretically, we establish non-asymptotic error bounds for the MSEs of our proposed estimators, and derive their oracle, efficiency and robustness properties across a broad spectrum of reward shift scenarios. Numerical experiments and real-data-based analyses from a ridesharing company demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed estimators.

cross Optimal bounds for $\ell_p$ sensitivity sampling via $\ell_2$ augmentation

Authors: Alexander Munteanu, Simon Omlor

Abstract: Data subsampling is one of the most natural methods to approximate a massively large data set by a small representative proxy. In particular, sensitivity sampling received a lot of attention, which samples points proportional to an individual importance measure called sensitivity. This framework reduces in very general settings the size of data to roughly the VC dimension $d$ times the total sensitivity $\mathfrak S$ while providing strong $(1\pm\varepsilon)$ guarantees on the quality of approximation. The recent work of Woodruff & Yasuda (2023c) improved substantially over the general $\tilde O(\varepsilon^{-2}\mathfrak Sd)$ bound for the important problem of $\ell_p$ subspace embeddings to $\tilde O(\varepsilon^{-2}\mathfrak S^{2/p})$ for $p\in[1,2]$. Their result was subsumed by an earlier $\tilde O(\varepsilon^{-2}\mathfrak Sd^{1-p/2})$ bound which was implicitly given in the work of Chen & Derezinski (2021). We show that their result is tight when sampling according to plain $\ell_p$ sensitivities. We observe that by augmenting the $\ell_p$ sensitivities by $\ell_2$ sensitivities, we obtain better bounds improving over the aforementioned results to optimal linear $\tilde O(\varepsilon^{-2}(\mathfrak S+d)) = \tilde O(\varepsilon^{-2}d)$ sampling complexity for all $p \in [1,2]$. In particular, this resolves an open question of Woodruff & Yasuda (2023c) in the affirmative for $p \in [1,2]$ and brings sensitivity subsampling into the regime that was previously only known to be possible using Lewis weights (Cohen & Peng, 2015). As an application of our main result, we also obtain an $\tilde O(\varepsilon^{-2}\mu d)$ sensitivity sampling bound for logistic regression, where $\mu$ is a natural complexity measure for this problem. This improves over the previous $\tilde O(\varepsilon^{-2}\mu^2 d)$ bound of Mai et al. (2021) which was based on Lewis weights subsampling.

cross Whole Heart 3D+T Representation Learning Through Sparse 2D Cardiac MR Images

Authors: Yundi Zhang, Chen Chen, Suprosanna Shit, Sophie Starck, Daniel Rueckert, Jiazhen Pan

Abstract: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) imaging serves as the gold-standard for evaluating cardiac morphology and function. Typically, a multi-view CMR stack, covering short-axis (SA) and 2/3/4-chamber long-axis (LA) views, is acquired for a thorough cardiac assessment. However, efficiently streamlining the complex, high-dimensional 3D+T CMR data and distilling compact, coherent representation remains a challenge. In this work, we introduce a whole-heart self-supervised learning framework that utilizes masked imaging modeling to automatically uncover the correlations between spatial and temporal patches throughout the cardiac stacks. This process facilitates the generation of meaningful and well-clustered heart representations without relying on the traditionally required, and often costly, labeled data. The learned heart representation can be directly used for various downstream tasks. Furthermore, our method demonstrates remarkable robustness, ensuring consistent representations even when certain CMR planes are missing/flawed. We train our model on 14,000 unlabeled CMR data from UK BioBank and evaluate it on 1,000 annotated data. The proposed method demonstrates superior performance to baselines in tasks that demand comprehensive 3D+T cardiac information, e.g. cardiac phenotype (ejection fraction and ventricle volume) prediction and multi-plane/multi-frame CMR segmentation, highlighting its effectiveness in extracting comprehensive cardiac features that are both anatomically and pathologically relevant.

cross Turnstile $\ell_p$ leverage score sampling with applications

Authors: Alexander Munteanu, Simon Omlor

Abstract: The turnstile data stream model offers the most flexible framework where data can be manipulated dynamically, i.e., rows, columns, and even single entries of an input matrix can be added, deleted, or updated multiple times in a data stream. We develop a novel algorithm for sampling rows $a_i$ of a matrix $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times d}$, proportional to their $\ell_p$ norm, when $A$ is presented in a turnstile data stream. Our algorithm not only returns the set of sampled row indexes, it also returns slightly perturbed rows $\tilde{a}_i \approx a_i$, and approximates their sampling probabilities up to $\varepsilon$ relative error. When combined with preconditioning techniques, our algorithm extends to $\ell_p$ leverage score sampling over turnstile data streams. With these properties in place, it allows us to simulate subsampling constructions of coresets for important regression problems to operate over turnstile data streams with very little overhead compared to their respective off-line subsampling algorithms. For logistic regression, our framework yields the first algorithm that achieves a $(1+\varepsilon)$ approximation and works in a turnstile data stream using polynomial sketch/subsample size, improving over $O(1)$ approximations, or $\exp(1/\varepsilon)$ sketch size of previous work. We compare experimentally to plain oblivious sketching and plain leverage score sampling algorithms for $\ell_p$ and logistic regression.

cross DeCoOp: Robust Prompt Tuning with Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors: Zhi Zhou, Ming Yang, Jiang-Xin Shi, Lan-Zhe Guo, Yu-Feng Li

Abstract: Vision-language models (VLMs), such as CLIP, have demonstrated impressive zero-shot capabilities for various downstream tasks. Their performance can be further enhanced through few-shot prompt tuning methods. However, current studies evaluate the performance of learned prompts separately on base and new classes. This evaluation lacks practicality for real-world applications since downstream tasks cannot determine whether the data belongs to base or new classes in advance. In this paper, we explore a problem setting called Open-world Prompt Tuning (OPT), which involves tuning prompts on base classes and evaluating on a combination of base and new classes. By introducing Decomposed Prompt Tuning framework (DePT), we theoretically demonstrate that OPT can be solved by incorporating out-of-distribution detection into prompt tuning, thereby enhancing the base-to-new discriminability. Based on DePT, we present a novel prompt tuning approach, namely, Decomposed Context Optimization (DeCoOp), which introduces new-class detectors and sub-classifiers to further enhance the base-class and new-class discriminability. Experimental results on 11 benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of DePT and demonstrate that DeCoOp outperforms current state-of-the-art methods, providing a significant 2% average accuracy improvement.

cross Understanding the Convergence in Balanced Resonate-and-Fire Neurons

Authors: Saya Higuchi, Sander M. Bohte, Sebastian Otte

Abstract: Resonate-and-Fire (RF) neurons are an interesting complementary model for integrator neurons in spiking neural networks (SNNs). Due to their resonating membrane dynamics they can extract frequency patterns within the time domain. While established RF variants suffer from intrinsic shortcomings, the recently proposed balanced resonate-and-fire (BRF) neuron marked a significant methodological advance in terms of task performance, spiking and parameter efficiency, as well as, general stability and robustness, demonstrated for recurrent SNNs in various sequence learning tasks. One of the most intriguing result, however, was an immense improvement in training convergence speed and smoothness, overcoming the typical convergence dilemma in backprop-based SNN training. This paper aims at providing further intuitions about how and why these convergence advantages emerge. We show that BRF neurons, in contrast to well-established ALIF neurons, span a very clean and smooth - almost convex - error landscape. Furthermore, empirical results reveal that the convergence benefits are predominantly coupled with a divergence boundary-aware optimization, a major component of the BRF formulation that addresses the numerical stability of the time-discrete resonator approximation. These results are supported by a formal investigation of the membrane dynamics indicating that the gradient is transferred back through time without loss of magnitude.

cross Arabic Handwritten Text for Person Biometric Identification: A Deep Learning Approach

Authors: Mazen Balat, Youssef Mohamed, Ahmed Heakl, Ahmed Zaky

Abstract: This study thoroughly investigates how well deep learning models can recognize Arabic handwritten text for person biometric identification. It compares three advanced architectures -- ResNet50, MobileNetV2, and EfficientNetB7 -- using three widely recognized datasets: AHAWP, Khatt, and LAMIS-MSHD. Results show that EfficientNetB7 outperforms the others, achieving test accuracies of 98.57\%, 99.15\%, and 99.79\% on AHAWP, Khatt, and LAMIS-MSHD datasets, respectively. EfficientNetB7's exceptional performance is credited to its innovative techniques, including compound scaling, depth-wise separable convolutions, and squeeze-and-excitation blocks. These features allow the model to extract more abstract and distinctive features from handwritten text images. The study's findings hold significant implications for enhancing identity verification and authentication systems, highlighting the potential of deep learning in Arabic handwritten text recognition for person biometric identification.

cross Representation and De-interleaving of Mixtures of Hidden Markov Processes

Authors: Jiadi Bao, Mengtao Zhu, Yunjie Li, Shafei Wang

Abstract: De-interleaving of the mixtures of Hidden Markov Processes (HMPs) generally depends on its representation model. Existing representation models consider Markov chain mixtures rather than hidden Markov, resulting in the lack of robustness to non-ideal situations such as observation noise or missing observations. Besides, de-interleaving methods utilize a search-based strategy, which is time-consuming. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel representation model and corresponding de-interleaving methods for the mixtures of HMPs. At first, a generative model for representing the mixtures of HMPs is designed. Subsequently, the de-interleaving process is formulated as a posterior inference for the generative model. Secondly, an exact inference method is developed to maximize the likelihood of the complete data, and two approximate inference methods are developed to maximize the evidence lower bound by creating tractable structures. Then, a theoretical error probability lower bound is derived using the likelihood ratio test, and the algorithms are shown to get reasonably close to the bound. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methods are highly effective and robust for non-ideal situations, outperforming baseline methods on simulated and real-life data.

cross Multimodal Metadata Assignment for Cultural Heritage Artifacts

Authors: Luis Rei, Dunja Mladeni\'c, Mareike Dorozynski, Franz Rottensteiner, Thomas Schleider, Rapha\"el Troncy, Jorge Sebasti\'an Lozano, Mar Gait\'an Salvatella

Abstract: We develop a multimodal classifier for the cultural heritage domain using a late fusion approach and introduce a novel dataset. The three modalities are Image, Text, and Tabular data. We based the image classifier on a ResNet convolutional neural network architecture and the text classifier on a multilingual transformer architecture (XML-Roberta). Both are trained as multitask classifiers and use the focal loss to handle class imbalance. Tabular data and late fusion are handled by Gradient Tree Boosting. We also show how we leveraged specific data models and taxonomy in a Knowledge Graph to create the dataset and to store classification results. All individual classifiers accurately predict missing properties in the digitized silk artifacts, with the multimodal approach providing the best results.

cross A Batch Sequential Halving Algorithm without Performance Degradation

Authors: Sotetsu Koyamada, Soichiro Nishimori, Shin Ishii

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the problem of pure exploration in the context of multi-armed bandits, with a specific focus on scenarios where arms are pulled in fixed-size batches. Batching has been shown to enhance computational efficiency, but it can potentially lead to a degradation compared to the original sequential algorithm's performance due to delayed feedback and reduced adaptability. We introduce a simple batch version of the Sequential Halving (SH) algorithm (Karnin et al., 2013) and provide theoretical evidence that batching does not degrade the performance of the original algorithm under practical conditions. Furthermore, we empirically validate our claim through experiments, demonstrating the robust nature of the SH algorithm in fixed-size batch settings.

cross Neural Polarization: Toward Electron Density for Molecules by Extending Equivariant Networks

Authors: Bumju Kwak, Jeonghee Jo

Abstract: Recent SO(3)-equivariant models embedded a molecule as a set of single atoms fixed in the three-dimensional space, which is analogous to a ball-and-stick view. This perspective provides a concise view of atom arrangements, however, the surrounding electron density cannot be represented and its polarization effects may be underestimated. To overcome this limitation, we propose \textit{Neural Polarization}, a novel method extending equivariant network by embedding each atom as a pair of fixed and moving points. Motivated by density functional theory, Neural Polarization represents molecules as a space-filling view which includes an electron density, in contrast with a ball-and-stick view. Neural Polarization can flexibly be applied to most type of existing equivariant models. We showed that Neural Polarization can improve prediction performances of existing models over a wide range of targets. Finally, we verified that our method can improve the expressiveness and equivariance in terms of mathematical aspects.

cross DroneVis: Versatile Computer Vision Library for Drones

Authors: Ahmed Heakl, Fatma Youssef, Victor Parque, Walid Gomaa

Abstract: This paper introduces DroneVis, a novel library designed to automate computer vision algorithms on Parrot drones. DroneVis offers a versatile set of features and provides a diverse range of computer vision tasks along with a variety of models to choose from. Implemented in Python, the library adheres to high-quality code standards, facilitating effortless customization and feature expansion according to user requirements. In addition, comprehensive documentation is provided, encompassing usage guidelines and illustrative use cases. Our documentation, code, and examples are available in


cross SAM-VMNet: Deep Neural Networks For Coronary Angiography Vessel Segmentation

Authors: Xueying Zeng, Baixiang Huang, Yu Luo, Guangyu Wei, Songyan He, Yushuang Shao

Abstract: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is one of the most prevalent diseases in the cardiovascular field and one of the major contributors to death worldwide. Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) images are regarded as the authoritative standard for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, and by performing vessel segmentation and stenosis detection on CTA images, physicians are able to diagnose coronary artery disease more accurately. In order to combine the advantages of both the base model and the domain-specific model, and to achieve high-precision and fully-automatic segmentation and detection with a limited number of training samples, we propose a novel architecture, SAM-VMNet, which combines the powerful feature extraction capability of MedSAM with the advantage of the linear complexity of the visual state-space model of VM-UNet, giving it faster inferences than Vision Transformer with faster inference speed and stronger data processing capability, achieving higher segmentation accuracy and stability for CTA images. Experimental results show that the SAM-VMNet architecture performs excellently in the CTA image segmentation task, with a segmentation accuracy of up to 98.32% and a sensitivity of up to 99.33%, which is significantly better than other existing models and has stronger domain adaptability. Comprehensive evaluation of the CTA image segmentation task shows that SAM-VMNet accurately extracts the vascular trunks and capillaries, demonstrating its great potential and wide range of application scenarios for the vascular segmentation task, and also laying a solid foundation for further stenosis detection.

cross Diffusion-based Image Generation for In-distribution Data Augmentation in Surface Defect Detection

Authors: Luigi Capogrosso, Federico Girella, Francesco Taioli, Michele Dalla Chiara, Muhammad Aqeel, Franco Fummi, Francesco Setti, Marco Cristani

Abstract: In this study, we show that diffusion models can be used in industrial scenarios to improve the data augmentation procedure in the context of surface defect detection. In general, defect detection classifiers are trained on ground-truth data formed by normal samples (negative data) and samples with defects (positive data), where the latter are consistently fewer than normal samples. For these reasons, state-of-the-art data augmentation procedures add synthetic defect data by superimposing artifacts to normal samples. This leads to out-of-distribution augmented data so that the classification system learns what is not a normal sample but does not know what a defect really is. We show that diffusion models overcome this situation, providing more realistic in-distribution defects so that the model can learn the defect's genuine appearance. We propose a novel approach for data augmentation that mixes out-of-distribution with in-distribution samples, which we call In&Out. The approach can deal with two data augmentation setups: i) when no defects are available (zero-shot data augmentation) and ii) when defects are available, which can be in a small number (few-shot) or a large one (full-shot). We focus the experimental part on the most challenging benchmark in the state-of-the-art, i.e., the Kolektor Surface-Defect Dataset 2, defining the new state-of-the-art classification AP score under weak supervision of .782. The code is available at


cross Non-geodesically-convex optimization in the Wasserstein space

Authors: Hoang Phuc Hau Luu, Hanlin Yu, Bernardo Williams, Petrus Mikkola, Marcelo Hartmann, Kai Puolam\"aki, Arto Klami

Abstract: We study a class of optimization problems in the Wasserstein space (the space of probability measures) where the objective function is \emph{nonconvex} along generalized geodesics. When the regularization term is the negative entropy, the optimization problem becomes a sampling problem where it minimizes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between a probability measure (optimization variable) and a target probability measure whose logarithmic probability density is a nonconvex function. We derive multiple convergence insights for a novel {\em semi Forward-Backward Euler scheme} under several nonconvex (and possibly nonsmooth) regimes. Notably, the semi Forward-Backward Euler is just a slight modification of the Forward-Backward Euler whose convergence is -- to our knowledge -- still unknown in our very general non-geodesically-convex setting.

cross Learning to Play Air Hockey with Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Andrej Orsula

Abstract: In the context of addressing the Robot Air Hockey Challenge 2023, we investigate the applicability of model-based deep reinforcement learning to acquire a policy capable of autonomously playing air hockey. Our agents learn solely from sparse rewards while incorporating self-play to iteratively refine their behaviour over time. The robotic manipulator is interfaced using continuous high-level actions for position-based control in the Cartesian plane while having partial observability of the environment with stochastic transitions. We demonstrate that agents are prone to overfitting when trained solely against a single playstyle, highlighting the importance of self-play for generalization to novel strategies of unseen opponents. Furthermore, the impact of the imagination horizon is explored in the competitive setting of the highly dynamic game of air hockey, with longer horizons resulting in more stable learning and better overall performance.

cross Breast Cancer Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Exploration of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Techniques

Authors: Samita Bai, Sidra Nasir, Rizwan Ahmed Khan, Sheeraz Arif, Alexandre Meyer, Hubert Konik

Abstract: Breast cancer (BC) stands as one of the most common malignancies affecting women worldwide, necessitating advancements in diagnostic methodologies for better clinical outcomes. This article provides a comprehensive exploration of the application of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques in the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies continue to permeate the healthcare sector, particularly in oncology, the need for transparent and interpretable models becomes imperative to enhance clinical decision-making and patient care. This review discusses the integration of various XAI approaches, such as SHAP, LIME, Grad-CAM, and others, with machine learning and deep learning models utilized in breast cancer detection and classification. By investigating the modalities of breast cancer datasets, including mammograms, ultrasounds and their processing with AI, the paper highlights how XAI can lead to more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans. It also examines the challenges in implementing these techniques and the importance of developing standardized metrics for evaluating XAI's effectiveness in clinical settings. Through detailed analysis and discussion, this article aims to highlight the potential of XAI in bridging the gap between complex AI models and practical healthcare applications, thereby fostering trust and understanding among medical professionals and improving patient outcomes.

cross Making Recommender Systems More Knowledgeable: A Framework to Incorporate Side Information

Authors: Yukun Jiang, Leo Guo, Xinyi Chen, Jing Xi Liu

Abstract: Session-based recommender systems typically focus on using only the triplet (user_id, timestamp, item_id) to make predictions of users' next actions. In this paper, we aim to utilize side information to help recommender systems catch patterns and signals otherwise undetectable. Specifically, we propose a general framework for incorporating item-specific side information into the recommender system to enhance its performance without much modification on the original model architecture. Experimental results on several models and datasets prove that with side information, our recommender system outperforms state-of-the-art models by a considerable margin and converges much faster. Additionally, we propose a new type of loss to regularize the attention mechanism used by recommender systems and evaluate its influence on model performance. Furthermore, through analysis, we put forward a few insights on potential further improvements.

cross Transforming Computer Security and Public Trust Through the Exploration of Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

Authors: Garrett Crumrine, Izzat Alsmadi, Jesus Guerrero, Yuvaraj Munian

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized how we interact with machines. However, this technological advancement has been paralleled by the emergence of "Mallas," malicious services operating underground that exploit LLMs for nefarious purposes. Such services create malware, phishing attacks, and deceptive websites, escalating the cyber security threats landscape. This paper delves into the proliferation of Mallas by examining the use of various pre-trained language models and their efficiency and vulnerabilities when misused. Building on a dataset from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) program, it explores fine-tuning methodologies to generate code and explanatory text related to identified vulnerabilities. This research aims to shed light on the operational strategies and exploitation techniques of Mallas, leading to the development of more secure and trustworthy AI applications. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for further research, enhanced safeguards, and ethical guidelines to mitigate the risks associated with the malicious application of LLMs.

cross On Non-asymptotic Theory of Recurrent Neural Networks in Temporal Point Processes

Authors: Zhiheng Chen, Guanhua Fang, Wen Yu

Abstract: Temporal point process (TPP) is an important tool for modeling and predicting irregularly timed events across various domains. Recently, the recurrent neural network (RNN)-based TPPs have shown practical advantages over traditional parametric TPP models. However, in the current literature, it remains nascent in understanding neural TPPs from theoretical viewpoints. In this paper, we establish the excess risk bounds of RNN-TPPs under many well-known TPP settings. We especially show that an RNN-TPP with no more than four layers can achieve vanishing generalization errors. Our technical contributions include the characterization of the complexity of the multi-layer RNN class, the construction of $\tanh$ neural networks for approximating dynamic event intensity functions, and the truncation technique for alleviating the issue of unbounded event sequences. Our results bridge the gap between TPP's application and neural network theory.

cross SimSAM: Zero-shot Medical Image Segmentation via Simulated Interaction

Authors: Benjamin Towle, Xin Chen, Ke Zhou

Abstract: The recently released Segment Anything Model (SAM) has shown powerful zero-shot segmentation capabilities through a semi-automatic annotation setup in which the user can provide a prompt in the form of clicks or bounding boxes. There is growing interest around applying this to medical imaging, where the cost of obtaining expert annotations is high, privacy restrictions may limit sharing of patient data, and model generalisation is often poor. However, there are large amounts of inherent uncertainty in medical images, due to unclear object boundaries, low-contrast media, and differences in expert labelling style. Currently, SAM is known to struggle in a zero-shot setting to adequately annotate the contours of the structure of interest in medical images, where the uncertainty is often greatest, thus requiring significant manual correction. To mitigate this, we introduce \textbf{Sim}ulated Interaction for \textbf{S}egment \textbf{A}nything \textbf{M}odel (\textsc{\textbf{SimSAM}}), an approach that leverages simulated user interaction to generate an arbitrary number of candidate masks, and uses a novel aggregation approach to output the most compatible mask. Crucially, our method can be used during inference directly on top of SAM, without any additional training requirement. Quantitatively, we evaluate our method across three publicly available medical imaging datasets, and find that our approach leads to up to a 15.5\% improvement in contour segmentation accuracy compared to zero-shot SAM. Our code is available at \url{}.


cross An Early Investigation into the Utility of Multimodal Large Language Models in Medical Imaging

Authors: Sulaiman Khan, Md. Rafiul Biswas, Alina Murad, Hazrat Ali, Zubair Shah

Abstract: Recent developments in multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have spurred significant interest in their potential applications across various medical imaging domains. On the one hand, there is a temptation to use these generative models to synthesize realistic-looking medical image data, while on the other hand, the ability to identify synthetic image data in a pool of data is also significantly important. In this study, we explore the potential of the Gemini (\textit{gemini-1.0-pro-vision-latest}) and GPT-4V (gpt-4-vision-preview) models for medical image analysis using two modalities of medical image data. Utilizing synthetic and real imaging data, both Gemini AI and GPT-4V are first used to classify real versus synthetic images, followed by an interpretation and analysis of the input images. Experimental results demonstrate that both Gemini and GPT-4 could perform some interpretation of the input images. In this specific experiment, Gemini was able to perform slightly better than the GPT-4V on the classification task. In contrast, responses associated with GPT-4V were mostly generic in nature. Our early investigation presented in this work provides insights into the potential of MLLMs to assist with the classification and interpretation of retinal fundoscopy and lung X-ray images. We also identify key limitations associated with the early investigation study on MLLMs for specialized tasks in medical image analysis.

cross Improving Accuracy-robustness Trade-off via Pixel Reweighted Adversarial Training

Authors: Jiacheng Zhang, Feng Liu, Dawei Zhou, Jingfeng Zhang, Tongliang Liu

Abstract: Adversarial training (AT) trains models using adversarial examples (AEs), which are natural images modified with specific perturbations to mislead the model. These perturbations are constrained by a predefined perturbation budget $\epsilon$ and are equally applied to each pixel within an image. However, in this paper, we discover that not all pixels contribute equally to the accuracy on AEs (i.e., robustness) and accuracy on natural images (i.e., accuracy). Motivated by this finding, we propose Pixel-reweighted AdveRsarial Training (PART), a new framework that partially reduces $\epsilon$ for less influential pixels, guiding the model to focus more on key regions that affect its outputs. Specifically, we first use class activation mapping (CAM) methods to identify important pixel regions, then we keep the perturbation budget for these regions while lowering it for the remaining regions when generating AEs. In the end, we use these pixel-reweighted AEs to train a model. PART achieves a notable improvement in accuracy without compromising robustness on CIFAR-10, SVHN and TinyImagenet-200, justifying the necessity to allocate distinct weights to different pixel regions in robust classification.

cross Discovering an interpretable mathematical expression for a full wind-turbine wake with artificial intelligence enhanced symbolic regression

Authors: Ding Wang, Yuntian Chen, Shiyi Chen

Abstract: The rapid expansion of wind power worldwide underscores the critical significance of engineering-focused analytical wake models in both the design and operation of wind farms. These theoretically-derived ana lytical wake models have limited predictive capabilities, particularly in the near-wake region close to the turbine rotor, due to assumptions that do not hold. Knowledge discovery methods can bridge these gaps by extracting insights, adjusting for theoretical assumptions, and developing accurate models for physical processes. In this study, we introduce a genetic symbolic regression (SR) algorithm to discover an interpretable mathematical expression for the mean velocity deficit throughout the wake, a previously unavailable insight. By incorporating a double Gaussian distribution into the SR algorithm as domain knowledge and designing a hierarchical equation structure, the search space is reduced, thus efficiently finding a concise, physically informed, and robust wake model. The proposed mathematical expression (equation) can predict the wake velocity deficit at any location in the full-wake region with high precision and stability. The model's effectiveness and practicality are validated through experimental data and high-fidelity numerical simulations.

cross An Optimized Toolbox for Advanced Image Processing with Tsetlin Machine Composites

Authors: Ylva Gr{\o}nnings{\ae}ter, Halvor S. Sm{\o}rvik, Ole-Christoffer Granmo

Abstract: The Tsetlin Machine (TM) has achieved competitive results on several image classification benchmarks, including MNIST, K-MNIST, F-MNIST, and CIFAR-2. However, color image classification is arguably still in its infancy for TMs, with CIFAR-10 being a focal point for tracking progress. Over the past few years, TM's CIFAR-10 accuracy has increased from around 61% in 2020 to 75.1% in 2023 with the introduction of Drop Clause. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed TM Composites architecture and introduce a range of TM Specialists that use various image processing techniques. These include Canny edge detection, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, adaptive mean thresholding, adaptive Gaussian thresholding, Otsu's thresholding, color thermometers, and adaptive color thermometers. In addition, we conduct a rigorous hyperparameter search, where we uncover optimal hyperparameters for several of the TM Specialists. The result is a toolbox that provides new state-of-the-art results on CIFAR-10 for TMs with an accuracy of 82.8%. In conclusion, our toolbox of TM Specialists forms a foundation for new TM applications and a landmark for further research on TM Composites in image analysis.

cross Logistic Variational Bayes Revisited

Authors: Michael Komodromos, Marina Evangelou, Sarah Filippi

Abstract: Variational logistic regression is a popular method for approximate Bayesian inference seeing wide-spread use in many areas of machine learning including: Bayesian optimization, reinforcement learning and multi-instance learning to name a few. However, due to the intractability of the Evidence Lower Bound, authors have turned to the use of Monte Carlo, quadrature or bounds to perform inference, methods which are costly or give poor approximations to the true posterior. In this paper we introduce a new bound for the expectation of softplus function and subsequently show how this can be applied to variational logistic regression and Gaussian process classification. Unlike other bounds, our proposal does not rely on extending the variational family, or introducing additional parameters to ensure the bound is tight. In fact, we show that this bound is tighter than the state-of-the-art, and that the resulting variational posterior achieves state-of-the-art performance, whilst being significantly faster to compute than Monte-Carlo methods.

cross Full-Atom Peptide Design based on Multi-modal Flow Matching

Authors: Jiahan Li, Chaoran Cheng, Zuofan Wu, Ruihan Guo, Shitong Luo, Zhizhou Ren, Jian Peng, Jianzhu Ma

Abstract: Peptides, short chains of amino acid residues, play a vital role in numerous biological processes by interacting with other target molecules, offering substantial potential in drug discovery. In this work, we present PepFlow, the first multi-modal deep generative model grounded in the flow-matching framework for the design of full-atom peptides that target specific protein receptors. Drawing inspiration from the crucial roles of residue backbone orientations and side-chain dynamics in protein-peptide interactions, we characterize the peptide structure using rigid backbone frames within the $\mathrm{SE}(3)$ manifold and side-chain angles on high-dimensional tori. Furthermore, we represent discrete residue types in the peptide sequence as categorical distributions on the probability simplex. By learning the joint distributions of each modality using derived flows and vector fields on corresponding manifolds, our method excels in the fine-grained design of full-atom peptides. Harnessing the multi-modal paradigm, our approach adeptly tackles various tasks such as fix-backbone sequence design and side-chain packing through partial sampling. Through meticulously crafted experiments, we demonstrate that PepFlow exhibits superior performance in comprehensive benchmarks, highlighting its significant potential in computational peptide design and analysis.

cross Learning to Play 7 Wonders Duel Without Human Supervision

Authors: Giovanni Paolini, Lorenzo Moreschini, Francesco Veneziano, Alessandro Iraci

Abstract: This paper introduces ZeusAI, an artificial intelligence system developed to play the board game 7 Wonders Duel. Inspired by the AlphaZero reinforcement learning algorithm, ZeusAI relies on a combination of Monte Carlo Tree Search and a Transformer Neural Network to learn the game without human supervision. ZeusAI competes at the level of top human players, develops both known and novel strategies, and allows us to test rule variants to improve the game's balance. This work demonstrates how AI can help in understanding and enhancing board games.

cross Freeplane: Unlocking Free Lunch in Triplane-Based Sparse-View Reconstruction Models

Authors: Wenqiang Sun, Zhengyi Wang, Shuo Chen, Yikai Wang, Zilong Chen, Jun Zhu, Jun Zhang

Abstract: Creating 3D assets from single-view images is a complex task that demands a deep understanding of the world. Recently, feed-forward 3D generative models have made significant progress by training large reconstruction models on extensive 3D datasets, with triplanes being the preferred 3D geometry representation. However, effectively utilizing the geometric priors of triplanes, while minimizing artifacts caused by generated inconsistent multi-view images, remains a challenge. In this work, we present \textbf{Fre}quency modulat\textbf{e}d tri\textbf{plane} (\textbf{Freeplane}), a simple yet effective method to improve the generation quality of feed-forward models without additional training. We first analyze the role of triplanes in feed-forward methods and find that the inconsistent multi-view images introduce high-frequency artifacts on triplanes, leading to low-quality 3D meshes. Based on this observation, we propose strategically filtering triplane features and combining triplanes before and after filtering to produce high-quality textured meshes. These techniques incur no additional cost and can be seamlessly integrated into pre-trained feed-forward models to enhance their robustness against the inconsistency of generated multi-view images. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that our method improves the performance of feed-forward models by simply modulating triplanes. All you need is to modulate the triplanes during inference.

cross Evaluating Mathematical Reasoning of Large Language Models: A Focus on Error Identification and Correction

Authors: Xiaoyuan Li, Wenjie Wang, Moxin Li, Junrong Guo, Yang Zhang, Fuli Feng

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the realm of mathematical reasoning necessitates comprehensive evaluations to gauge progress and inspire future directions. Existing assessments predominantly focus on problem-solving from the examinee perspective, overlooking a dual perspective of examiner regarding error identification and correction. From the examiner perspective, we define four evaluation tasks for error identification and correction along with a new dataset with annotated error types and steps. We also design diverse prompts to thoroughly evaluate eleven representative LLMs. Our principal findings indicate that GPT-4 outperforms all models, while open-source model LLaMA-2-7B demonstrates comparable abilities to closed-source models GPT-3.5 and Gemini Pro. Notably, calculation error proves the most challenging error type. Moreover, prompting LLMs with the error types can improve the average correction accuracy by 47.9\%. These results reveal potential directions for developing the mathematical reasoning abilities of LLMs. Our code and dataset is available on


cross Bayesian Joint Additive Factor Models for Multiview Learning

Authors: Niccolo Anceschi, Federico Ferrari, David B. Dunson, Himel Mallick

Abstract: It is increasingly common in a wide variety of applied settings to collect data of multiple different types on the same set of samples. Our particular focus in this article is on studying relationships between such multiview features and responses. A motivating application arises in the context of precision medicine where multi-omics data are collected to correlate with clinical outcomes. It is of interest to infer dependence within and across views while combining multimodal information to improve the prediction of outcomes. The signal-to-noise ratio can vary substantially across views, motivating more nuanced statistical tools beyond standard late and early fusion. This challenge comes with the need to preserve interpretability, select features, and obtain accurate uncertainty quantification. We propose a joint additive factor regression model (JAFAR) with a structured additive design, accounting for shared and view-specific components. We ensure identifiability via a novel dependent cumulative shrinkage process (D-CUSP) prior. We provide an efficient implementation via a partially collapsed Gibbs sampler and extend our approach to allow flexible feature and outcome distributions. Prediction of time-to-labor onset from immunome, metabolome, and proteome data illustrates performance gains against state-of-the-art competitors. Our open-source software (R package) is available at


cross Is In-Context Learning in Large Language Models Bayesian? A Martingale Perspective

Authors: Fabian Falck, Ziyu Wang, Chris Holmes

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) has emerged as a particularly remarkable characteristic of Large Language Models (LLM): given a pretrained LLM and an observed dataset, LLMs can make predictions for new data points from the same distribution without fine-tuning. Numerous works have postulated ICL as approximately Bayesian inference, rendering this a natural hypothesis. In this work, we analyse this hypothesis from a new angle through the martingale property, a fundamental requirement of a Bayesian learning system for exchangeable data. We show that the martingale property is a necessary condition for unambiguous predictions in such scenarios, and enables a principled, decomposed notion of uncertainty vital in trustworthy, safety-critical systems. We derive actionable checks with corresponding theory and test statistics which must hold if the martingale property is satisfied. We also examine if uncertainty in LLMs decreases as expected in Bayesian learning when more data is observed. In three experiments, we provide evidence for violations of the martingale property, and deviations from a Bayesian scaling behaviour of uncertainty, falsifying the hypothesis that ICL is Bayesian.

cross Graph Neural Preconditioners for Iterative Solutions of Sparse Linear Systems

Authors: Jie Chen

Abstract: Preconditioning is at the heart of iterative solutions of large, sparse linear systems of equations in scientific disciplines. Several algebraic approaches, which access no information beyond the matrix itself, are widely studied and used, but ill-conditioned matrices remain very challenging. We take a machine learning approach and propose using graph neural networks as a general-purpose preconditioner. They show attractive performance for ill-conditioned problems, in part because they better approximate the matrix inverse from appropriately generated training data. Empirical evaluation on over 800 matrices suggests that the construction time of these graph neural preconditioners (GNPs) is more predictable than other widely used ones, such as ILU and AMG, while the execution time is faster than using a Krylov method as the preconditioner, such as in inner-outer GMRES. GNPs have a strong potential for solving large-scale, challenging algebraic problems arising from not only partial differential equations, but also economics, statistics, graph, and optimization, to name a few.

cross Covariance-Adaptive Sequential Black-box Optimization for Diffusion Targeted Generation

Authors: Yueming Lyu, Kim Yong Tan, Yew Soon Ong, Ivor W. Tsang

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated great potential in generating high-quality content for images, natural language, protein domains, etc. However, how to perform user-preferred targeted generation via diffusion models with only black-box target scores of users remains challenging. To address this issue, we first formulate the fine-tuning of the targeted reserve-time stochastic differential equation (SDE) associated with a pre-trained diffusion model as a sequential black-box optimization problem. Furthermore, we propose a novel covariance-adaptive sequential optimization algorithm to optimize cumulative black-box scores under unknown transition dynamics. Theoretically, we prove a $O(\frac{d^2}{\sqrt{T}})$ convergence rate for cumulative convex functions without smooth and strongly convex assumptions. Empirically, experiments on both numerical test problems and target-guided 3D-molecule generation tasks show the superior performance of our method in achieving better target scores.

cross Lasso Bandit with Compatibility Condition on Optimal Arm

Authors: Harin Lee, Taehyun Hwang, Min-hwan Oh

Abstract: We consider a stochastic sparse linear bandit problem where only a sparse subset of context features affects the expected reward function, i.e., the unknown reward parameter has sparse structure. In the existing Lasso bandit literature, the compatibility conditions together with additional diversity conditions on the context features are imposed to achieve regret bounds that only depend logarithmically on the ambient dimension $d$. In this paper, we demonstrate that even without the additional diversity assumptions, the compatibility condition only on the optimal arm is sufficient to derive a regret bound that depends logarithmically on $d$, and our assumption is strictly weaker than those used in the lasso bandit literature under the single parameter setting. We propose an algorithm that adapts the forced-sampling technique and prove that the proposed algorithm achieves $O(\text{poly}\log dT)$ regret under the margin condition. To our knowledge, the proposed algorithm requires the weakest assumptions among Lasso bandit algorithms under a single parameter setting that achieve $O(\text{poly}\log dT)$ regret. Through the numerical experiments, we confirm the superior performance of our proposed algorithm.

cross BoNBoN Alignment for Large Language Models and the Sweetness of Best-of-n Sampling

Authors: Lin Gui, Cristina G\^arbacea, Victor Veitch

Abstract: This paper concerns the problem of aligning samples from large language models to human preferences using best-of-$n$ sampling, where we draw $n$ samples, rank them, and return the best one. We consider two fundamental problems. First: what is the relationship between best-of-$n$ and approaches to alignment that train LLMs to output samples with a high expected reward (e.g., RLHF or DPO)? To answer this, we embed both the best-of-$n$ distribution and the sampling distributions learned by alignment procedures in a common class of tiltings of the base LLM distribution. We then show that, within this class, best-of-$n$ is essentially optimal in terms of the trade-off between win-rate against the base model vs KL distance from the base model. That is, best-of-$n$ is the best choice of alignment distribution if the goal is to maximize win rate. However, best-of-$n$ requires drawing $n$ samples for each inference, a substantial cost. To avoid this, the second problem we consider is how to fine-tune a LLM to mimic the best-of-$n$ sampling distribution. We derive BoNBoN Alignment to achieve this by exploiting the special structure of the best-of-$n$ distribution. Experiments show that BoNBoN alignment yields substantial improvements in producing a model that is preferred to the base policy while minimally affecting off-target aspects.

cross Diffusion-Inspired Quantum Noise Mitigation in Parameterized Quantum Circuits

Authors: Hoang-Quan Nguyen, Xuan Bac Nguyen, Samuel Yen-Chi Chen, Hugh Churchill, Nicholas Borys, Samee U. Khan, Khoa Luu

Abstract: Parameterized Quantum Circuits (PQCs) have been acknowledged as a leading strategy to utilize near-term quantum advantages in multiple problems, including machine learning and combinatorial optimization. When applied to specific tasks, the parameters in the quantum circuits are trained to minimize the target function. Although there have been comprehensive studies to improve the performance of the PQCs on practical tasks, the errors caused by the quantum noise downgrade the performance when running on real quantum computers. In particular, when the quantum state is transformed through multiple quantum circuit layers, the effect of the quantum noise happens cumulatively and becomes closer to the maximally mixed state or complete noise. This paper studies the relationship between the quantum noise and the diffusion model. Then, we propose a novel diffusion-inspired learning approach to mitigate the quantum noise in the PQCs and reduce the error for specific tasks. Through our experiments, we illustrate the efficiency of the learning strategy and achieve state-of-the-art performance on classification tasks in the quantum noise scenarios.

cross A Tutorial on Doubly Robust Learning for Causal Inference

Authors: Hlynur Dav\'i{\dh} Hlynsson

Abstract: Doubly robust learning offers a robust framework for causal inference from observational data by integrating propensity score and outcome modeling. Despite its theoretical appeal, practical adoption remains limited due to perceived complexity and inaccessible software. This tutorial aims to demystify doubly robust methods and demonstrate their application using the EconML package. We provide an introduction to causal inference, discuss the principles of outcome modeling and propensity scores, and illustrate the doubly robust approach through simulated case studies. By simplifying the methodology and offering practical coding examples, we intend to make doubly robust learning accessible to researchers and practitioners in data science and statistics.

cross DistilDIRE: A Small, Fast, Cheap and Lightweight Diffusion Synthesized Deepfake Detection

Authors: Yewon Lim, Changyeon Lee, Aerin Kim, Oren Etzioni

Abstract: A dramatic influx of diffusion-generated images has marked recent years, posing unique challenges to current detection technologies. While the task of identifying these images falls under binary classification, a seemingly straightforward category, the computational load is significant when employing the "reconstruction then compare" technique. This approach, known as DIRE (Diffusion Reconstruction Error), not only identifies diffusion-generated images but also detects those produced by GANs, highlighting the technique's broad applicability. To address the computational challenges and improve efficiency, we propose distilling the knowledge embedded in diffusion models to develop rapid deepfake detection models. Our approach, aimed at creating a small, fast, cheap, and lightweight diffusion synthesized deepfake detector, maintains robust performance while significantly reducing operational demands. Maintaining performance, our experimental results indicate an inference speed 3.2 times faster than the existing DIRE framework. This advance not only enhances the practicality of deploying these systems in real-world settings but also paves the way for future research endeavors that seek to leverage diffusion model knowledge.

cross Scaffold Splits Overestimate Virtual Screening Performance

Authors: Qianrong Guo, Saiveth Hernandez-Hernandez, Pedro J Ballester

Abstract: Virtual Screening (VS) of vast compound libraries guided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) models is a highly productive approach to early drug discovery. Data splitting is crucial for the reliable benchmarking of such AI models. Traditional random data splits produce similar molecules between training and test sets, conflicting with the reality of VS libraries which mostly contain structurally distinct compounds. Scaffold split, grouping molecules by shared core structure, is widely considered to reflect this real-world scenario. However, here we show that this split also overestimates VS performance. Our study examined three representative AI models on 60 datasets from NCI-60 using scaffold split and a more realistic Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP)-based clustering split. We found models perform substantially worse under UMAP splits. These results highlight the need for improved benchmarks to tune, compare, and select models for VS. Our code is available at SplitsOverestimateVS.git


cross Quantum Equilibrium Propagation: Gradient-Descent Training of Quantum Systems

Authors: Benjamin Scellier

Abstract: Equilibrium propagation (EP) is a training framework for energy-based systems, i.e. systems whose physics minimizes an energy function. EP has been explored in various classical physical systems such as resistor networks, elastic networks, the classical Ising model and coupled phase oscillators. A key advantage of EP is that it achieves gradient descent on a cost function using the physics of the system to extract the weight gradients, making it a candidate for the development of energy-efficient processors for machine learning. We extend EP to quantum systems, where the energy function that is minimized is the mean energy functional (expectation value of the Hamiltonian), whose minimum is the ground state of the Hamiltonian. As examples, we study the settings of the transverse-field Ising model and the quantum harmonic oscillator network -- quantum analogues of the Ising model and elastic network.

cross Robust Multi-Modal Speech In-Painting: A Sequence-to-Sequence Approach

Authors: Mahsa Kadkhodaei Elyaderani, Shahram Shirani

Abstract: The process of reconstructing missing parts of speech audio from context is called speech in-painting. Human perception of speech is inherently multi-modal, involving both audio and visual (AV) cues. In this paper, we introduce and study a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) speech in-painting model that incorporates AV features. Our approach extends AV speech in-painting techniques to scenarios where both audio and visual data may be jointly corrupted. To achieve this, we employ a multi-modal training paradigm that boosts the robustness of our model across various conditions involving acoustic and visual distortions. This makes our distortion-aware model a plausible solution for real-world challenging environments. We compare our method with existing transformer-based and recurrent neural network-based models, which attempt to reconstruct missing speech gaps ranging from a few milliseconds to over a second. Our experimental results demonstrate that our novel seq2seq architecture outperforms the state-of-the-art transformer solution by 38.8% in terms of enhancing speech quality and 7.14% in terms of improving speech intelligibility. We exploit a multi-task learning framework that simultaneously performs lip-reading (transcribing video components to text) while reconstructing missing parts of the associated speech.

cross DDA: Dimensionality Driven Augmentation Search for Contrastive Learning in Laparoscopic Surgery

Authors: Yuning Zhou, Henry Badgery, Matthew Read, James Bailey, Catherine E. Davey

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) has potential for effective representation learning in medical imaging, but the choice of data augmentation is critical and domain-specific. It remains uncertain if general augmentation policies suit surgical applications. In this work, we automate the search for suitable augmentation policies through a new method called Dimensionality Driven Augmentation Search (DDA). DDA leverages the local dimensionality of deep representations as a proxy target, and differentiably searches for suitable data augmentation policies in contrastive learning. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of DDA in navigating a large search space and successfully identifying an appropriate data augmentation policy for laparoscopic surgery. We systematically evaluate DDA across three laparoscopic image classification and segmentation tasks, where it significantly improves over existing baselines. Furthermore, DDA's optimised set of augmentations provides insight into domain-specific dependencies when applying contrastive learning in medical applications. For example, while hue is an effective augmentation for natural images, it is not advantageous for laparoscopic images.

cross Assessing the Adversarial Security of Perceptual Hashing Algorithms

Authors: Jordan Madden, Moxanki Bhavsar, Lhamo Dorje, Xiaohua Li

Abstract: Perceptual hashing algorithms (PHAs) are utilized extensively for identifying illegal online content. Given their crucial role in sensitive applications, understanding their security strengths and weaknesses is critical. This paper compares three major PHAs deployed widely in practice: PhotoDNA, PDQ, and NeuralHash, and assesses their robustness against three typical attacks: normal image editing attacks, malicious adversarial attacks, and hash inversion attacks. Contrary to prevailing studies, this paper reveals that these PHAs exhibit resilience to black-box adversarial attacks when realistic constraints regarding the distortion and query budget are applied, attributed to the unique property of random hash variations. Moreover, this paper illustrates that original images can be reconstructed from the hash bits, raising significant privacy concerns. By comprehensively exposing their security vulnerabilities, this paper contributes to the ongoing efforts aimed at enhancing the security of PHAs for effective deployment.

cross Demystifying SGD with Doubly Stochastic Gradients

Authors: Kyurae Kim, Joohwan Ko, Yi-An Ma, Jacob R. Gardner

Abstract: Optimization objectives in the form of a sum of intractable expectations are rising in importance (e.g., diffusion models, variational autoencoders, and many more), a setting also known as "finite sum with infinite data." For these problems, a popular strategy is to employ SGD with doubly stochastic gradients (doubly SGD): the expectations are estimated using the gradient estimator of each component, while the sum is estimated by subsampling over these estimators. Despite its popularity, little is known about the convergence properties of doubly SGD, except under strong assumptions such as bounded variance. In this work, we establish the convergence of doubly SGD with independent minibatching and random reshuffling under general conditions, which encompasses dependent component gradient estimators. In particular, for dependent estimators, our analysis allows fined-grained analysis of the effect correlations. As a result, under a per-iteration computational budget of $b \times m$, where $b$ is the minibatch size and $m$ is the number of Monte Carlo samples, our analysis suggests where one should invest most of the budget in general. Furthermore, we prove that random reshuffling (RR) improves the complexity dependence on the subsampling noise.

cross Improving Segment Anything on the Fly: Auxiliary Online Learning and Adaptive Fusion for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Tianyu Huang, Tao Zhou, Weidi Xie, Shuo Wang, Qi Dou, Yizhe Zhang

Abstract: The current variants of the Segment Anything Model (SAM), which include the original SAM and Medical SAM, still lack the capability to produce sufficiently accurate segmentation for medical images. In medical imaging contexts, it is not uncommon for human experts to rectify segmentations of specific test samples after SAM generates its segmentation predictions. These rectifications typically entail manual or semi-manual corrections employing state-of-the-art annotation tools. Motivated by this process, we introduce a novel approach that leverages the advantages of online machine learning to enhance Segment Anything (SA) during test time. We employ rectified annotations to perform online learning, with the aim of improving the segmentation quality of SA on medical images. To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of online learning when integrated with large-scale vision models like SAM, we propose a new method called Auxiliary Online Learning (AuxOL). AuxOL creates and applies a small auxiliary model (specialist) in conjunction with SAM (generalist), entails adaptive online-batch and adaptive segmentation fusion. Experiments conducted on eight datasets covering four medical imaging modalities validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our work proposes and validates a new, practical, and effective approach for enhancing SA on downstream segmentation tasks (e.g., medical image segmentation).

cross Cold-start Recommendation by Personalized Embedding Region Elicitation

Authors: Hieu Trung Nguyen, Duy Nguyen, Khoa Doan, Viet Anh Nguyen

Abstract: Rating elicitation is a success element for recommender systems to perform well at cold-starting, in which the systems need to recommend items to a newly arrived user with no prior knowledge about the user's preference. Existing elicitation methods employ a fixed set of items to learn the user's preference and then infer the users' preferences on the remaining items. Using a fixed seed set can limit the performance of the recommendation system since the seed set is unlikely optimal for all new users with potentially diverse preferences. This paper addresses this challenge using a 2-phase, personalized elicitation scheme. First, the elicitation scheme asks users to rate a small set of popular items in a ``burn-in'' phase. Second, it sequentially asks the user to rate adaptive items to refine the preference and the user's representation. Throughout the process, the system represents the user's embedding value not by a point estimate but by a region estimate. The value of information obtained by asking the user's rating on an item is quantified by the distance from the region center embedding space that contains with high confidence the true embedding value of the user. Finally, the recommendations are successively generated by considering the preference region of the user. We show that each subproblem in the elicitation scheme can be efficiently implemented. Further, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method against existing rating-elicitation methods on several prominent datasets.

cross Distributional Refinement Network: Distributional Forecasting via Deep Learning

Authors: Benjamin Avanzi, Eric Dong, Patrick J. Laub, Bernard Wong

Abstract: A key task in actuarial modelling involves modelling the distributional properties of losses. Classic (distributional) regression approaches like Generalized Linear Models (GLMs; Nelder and Wedderburn, 1972) are commonly used, but challenges remain in developing models that can (i) allow covariates to flexibly impact different aspects of the conditional distribution, (ii) integrate developments in machine learning and AI to maximise the predictive power while considering (i), and, (iii) maintain a level of interpretability in the model to enhance trust in the model and its outputs, which is often compromised in efforts pursuing (i) and (ii). We tackle this problem by proposing a Distributional Refinement Network (DRN), which combines an inherently interpretable baseline model (such as GLMs) with a flexible neural network-a modified Deep Distribution Regression (DDR; Li et al., 2019) method. Inspired by the Combined Actuarial Neural Network (CANN; Schelldorfer and W{\''u}thrich, 2019), our approach flexibly refines the entire baseline distribution. As a result, the DRN captures varying effects of features across all quantiles, improving predictive performance while maintaining adequate interpretability. Using both synthetic and real-world data, we demonstrate the DRN's superior distributional forecasting capacity. The DRN has the potential to be a powerful distributional regression model in actuarial science and beyond.

cross Accent Conversion in Text-To-Speech Using Multi-Level VAE and Adversarial Training

Authors: Jan Melechovsky, Ambuj Mehrish, Berrak Sisman, Dorien Herremans

Abstract: With rapid globalization, the need to build inclusive and representative speech technology cannot be overstated. Accent is an important aspect of speech that needs to be taken into consideration while building inclusive speech synthesizers. Inclusive speech technology aims to erase any biases towards specific groups, such as people of certain accent. We note that state-of-the-art Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems may currently not be suitable for all people, regardless of their background, as they are designed to generate high-quality voices without focusing on accent. In this paper, we propose a TTS model that utilizes a Multi-Level Variational Autoencoder with adversarial learning to address accented speech synthesis and conversion in TTS, with a vision for more inclusive systems in the future. We evaluate the performance through both objective metrics and subjective listening tests. The results show an improvement in accent conversion ability compared to the baseline.

cross PRICE: A Pretrained Model for Cross-Database Cardinality Estimation

Authors: Tianjing Zeng, Junwei Lan, Jiahong Ma, Wenqing Wei, Rong Zhu, Pengfei Li, Bolin Ding, Defu Lian, Zhewei Wei, Jingren Zhou

Abstract: Cardinality estimation (CardEst) is essential for optimizing query execution plans. Recent ML-based CardEst methods achieve high accuracy but face deployment challenges due to high preparation costs and lack of transferability across databases. In this paper, we propose PRICE, a PRetrained multI-table CardEst model, which addresses these limitations. PRICE takes low-level but transferable features w.r.t. data distributions and query information and elegantly applies self-attention models to learn meta-knowledge to compute cardinality in any database. It is generally applicable to any unseen new database to attain high estimation accuracy, while its preparation cost is as little as the basic one-dimensional histogram-based CardEst methods. Moreover, PRICE can be finetuned to further enhance its performance on any specific database. We pretrained PRICE using 30 diverse datasets, completing the process in about 5 hours with a resulting model size of only about 40MB. Evaluations show that PRICE consistently outperforms existing methods, achieving the highest estimation accuracy on several unseen databases and generating faster execution plans with lower overhead. After finetuning with a small volume of databasespecific queries, PRICE could even find plans very close to the optimal ones. Meanwhile, PRICE is generally applicable to different settings such as data updates, data scaling, and query workload shifts. We have made all of our data and codes publicly available at


cross Generalized Jersey Number Recognition Using Multi-task Learning With Orientation-guided Weight Refinement

Authors: Yung-Hui Lin, Yu-Wen Chang, Huang-Chia Shih, Takahiro Ogawa

Abstract: Jersey number recognition (JNR) has always been an important task in sports analytics. Improving recognition accuracy remains an ongoing challenge because images are subject to blurring, occlusion, deformity, and low resolution. Recent research has addressed these problems using number localization and optical character recognition. Some approaches apply player identification schemes to image sequences, ignoring the impact of human body rotation angles on jersey digit identification. Accurately predicting the number of jersey digits by using a multi-task scheme to recognize each individual digit enables more robust results. Based on the above considerations, this paper proposes a multi-task learning method called the angle-digit refine scheme (ADRS), which combines human body orientation angles and digit number clues to recognize athletic jersey numbers. Based on our experimental results, our approach increases inference information, significantly improving prediction accuracy. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, which can only handle a single type of sport, the proposed method produces a more diverse and practical JNR application. The incorporation of diverse types of team sports such as soccer, football, basketball, volleyball, and baseball into our dataset contributes greatly to generalized JNR in sports analytics. Our accuracy achieves 64.07% on Top-1 and 89.97% on Top-2, with corresponding F1 scores of 67.46% and 90.64%, respectively.

cross An Advanced Reinforcement Learning Framework for Online Scheduling of Deferrable Workloads in Cloud Computing

Authors: Hang Dong, Liwen Zhu, Zhao Shan, Bo Qiao, Fangkai Yang, Si Qin, Chuan Luo, Qingwei Lin, Yuwen Yang, Gurpreet Virdi, Saravan Rajmohan, Dongmei Zhang, Thomas Moscibroda

Abstract: Efficient resource utilization and perfect user experience usually conflict with each other in cloud computing platforms. Great efforts have been invested in increasing resource utilization but trying not to affect users' experience for cloud computing platforms. In order to better utilize the remaining pieces of computing resources spread over the whole platform, deferrable jobs are provided with a discounted price to users. For this type of deferrable jobs, users are allowed to submit jobs that will run for a specific uninterrupted duration in a flexible range of time in the future with a great discount. With these deferrable jobs to be scheduled under the remaining capacity after deploying those on-demand jobs, it remains a challenge to achieve high resource utilization and meanwhile shorten the waiting time for users as much as possible in an online manner. In this paper, we propose an online deferrable job scheduling method called \textit{Online Scheduling for DEferrable jobs in Cloud} (\OSDEC{}), where a deep reinforcement learning model is adopted to learn the scheduling policy, and several auxiliary tasks are utilized to provide better state representations and improve the performance of the model. With the integrated reinforcement learning framework, the proposed method can well plan the deployment schedule and achieve a short waiting time for users while maintaining a high resource utilization for the platform. The proposed method is validated on a public dataset and shows superior performance.

cross Virtual avatar generation models as world navigators

Authors: Sai Mandava

Abstract: We introduce SABR-CLIMB, a novel video model simulating human movement in rock climbing environments using a virtual avatar. Our diffusion transformer predicts the sample instead of noise in each diffusion step and ingests entire videos to output complete motion sequences. By leveraging a large proprietary dataset, NAV-22M, and substantial computational resources, we showcase a proof of concept for a system to train general-purpose virtual avatars for complex tasks in robotics, sports, and healthcare.

cross Visual Car Brand Classification by Implementing a Synthetic Image Dataset Creation Pipeline

Authors: Jan Lippemeier, Stefanie Hittmeyer, Oliver Nieh\"orster, Markus Lange-Hegermann

Abstract: Recent advancements in machine learning, particularly in deep learning and object detection, have significantly improved performance in various tasks, including image classification and synthesis. However, challenges persist, particularly in acquiring labeled data that accurately represents specific use cases. In this work, we propose an automatic pipeline for generating synthetic image datasets using Stable Diffusion, an image synthesis model capable of producing highly realistic images. We leverage YOLOv8 for automatic bounding box detection and quality assessment of synthesized images. Our contributions include demonstrating the feasibility of training image classifiers solely on synthetic data, automating the image generation pipeline, and describing the computational requirements for our approach. We evaluate the usability of different modes of Stable Diffusion and achieve a classification accuracy of 75%.

cross Estimating Canopy Height at Scale

Authors: Jan Pauls, Max Zimmer, Una M. Kelly, Martin Schwartz, Sassan Saatchi, Philippe Ciais, Sebastian Pokutta, Martin Brandt, Fabian Gieseke

Abstract: We propose a framework for global-scale canopy height estimation based on satellite data. Our model leverages advanced data preprocessing techniques, resorts to a novel loss function designed to counter geolocation inaccuracies inherent in the ground-truth height measurements, and employs data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission to effectively filter out erroneous labels in mountainous regions, enhancing the reliability of our predictions in those areas. A comparison between predictions and ground-truth labels yields an MAE / RMSE of 2.43 / 4.73 (meters) overall and 4.45 / 6.72 (meters) for trees taller than five meters, which depicts a substantial improvement compared to existing global-scale maps. The resulting height map as well as the underlying framework will facilitate and enhance ecological analyses at a global scale, including, but not limited to, large-scale forest and biomass monitoring.

cross No Vandalism: Privacy-Preserving and Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning

Authors: Zhibo Xing, Zijian Zhang, Zi'ang Zhang, Jiamou Liu, Liehuang Zhu, Giovanni Russello

Abstract: Federated learning allows several clients to train one machine learning model jointly without sharing private data, providing privacy protection. However, traditional federated learning is vulnerable to poisoning attacks, which can not only decrease the model performance, but also implant malicious backdoors. In addition, direct submission of local model parameters can also lead to the privacy leakage of the training dataset. In this paper, we aim to build a privacy-preserving and Byzantine-robust federated learning scheme to provide an environment with no vandalism (NoV) against attacks from malicious participants. Specifically, we construct a model filter for poisoned local models, protecting the global model from data and model poisoning attacks. This model filter combines zero-knowledge proofs to provide further privacy protection. Then, we adopt secret sharing to provide verifiable secure aggregation, removing malicious clients that disrupting the aggregation process. Our formal analysis proves that NoV can protect data privacy and weed out Byzantine attackers. Our experiments illustrate that NoV can effectively address data and model poisoning attacks, including PGD, and outperforms other related schemes.

cross Synergizing Unsupervised and Supervised Learning: A Hybrid Approach for Accurate Natural Language Task Modeling

Authors: Wrick Talukdar, Anjanava Biswas

Abstract: While supervised learning models have shown remarkable performance in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, their success heavily relies on the availability of large-scale labeled datasets, which can be costly and time-consuming to obtain. Conversely, unsupervised learning techniques can leverage abundant unlabeled text data to learn rich representations, but they do not directly optimize for specific NLP tasks. This paper presents a novel hybrid approach that synergizes unsupervised and supervised learning to improve the accuracy of NLP task modeling. While supervised models excel at specific tasks, they rely on large labeled datasets. Unsupervised techniques can learn rich representations from abundant unlabeled text but don't directly optimize for tasks. Our methodology integrates an unsupervised module that learns representations from unlabeled corpora (e.g., language models, word embeddings) and a supervised module that leverages these representations to enhance task-specific models. We evaluate our approach on text classification and named entity recognition (NER), demonstrating consistent performance gains over supervised baselines. For text classification, contextual word embeddings from a language model pretrain a recurrent or transformer-based classifier. For NER, word embeddings initialize a BiLSTM sequence labeler. By synergizing techniques, our hybrid approach achieves SOTA results on benchmark datasets, paving the way for more data-efficient and robust NLP systems.

cross Agnostic Learning of Mixed Linear Regressions with EM and AM Algorithms

Authors: Avishek Ghosh, Arya Mazumdar

Abstract: Mixed linear regression is a well-studied problem in parametric statistics and machine learning. Given a set of samples, tuples of covariates and labels, the task of mixed linear regression is to find a small list of linear relationships that best fit the samples. Usually it is assumed that the label is generated stochastically by randomly selecting one of two or more linear functions, applying this chosen function to the covariates, and potentially introducing noise to the result. In that situation, the objective is to estimate the ground-truth linear functions up to some parameter error. The popular expectation maximization (EM) and alternating minimization (AM) algorithms have been previously analyzed for this. In this paper, we consider the more general problem of agnostic learning of mixed linear regression from samples, without such generative models. In particular, we show that the AM and EM algorithms, under standard conditions of separability and good initialization, lead to agnostic learning in mixed linear regression by converging to the population loss minimizers, for suitably defined loss functions. In some sense, this shows the strength of AM and EM algorithms that converges to ``optimal solutions'' even in the absence of realizable generative models.

cross Patch-Based Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Automatic Transmitted Light to Fluorescence Imaging Transition: Contribution to the LightMyCells Challenge

Authors: Marek Wodzinski, Henning M\"uller

Abstract: Automatic prediction of fluorescently labeled organelles from label-free transmitted light input images is an important, yet difficult task. The traditional way to obtain fluorescence images is related to performing biochemical labeling which is time-consuming and costly. Therefore, an automatic algorithm to perform the task based on the label-free transmitted light microscopy could be strongly beneficial. The importance of the task motivated researchers from the France-BioImaging to organize the LightMyCells challenge where the goal is to propose an algorithm that automatically predicts the fluorescently labeled nucleus, mitochondria, tubulin, and actin, based on the input consisting of bright field, phase contrast, or differential interference contrast microscopic images. In this work, we present the contribution of the AGHSSO team based on a carefully prepared and trained encoder-decoder deep neural network that achieves a considerable score in the challenge, being placed among the best-performing teams.

cross S-CycleGAN: Semantic Segmentation Enhanced CT-Ultrasound Image-to-Image Translation for Robotic Ultrasonography

Authors: Yuhan Song, Nak Young Chong

Abstract: Ultrasound imaging is pivotal in various medical diagnoses due to its non-invasive nature and safety. In clinical practice, the accuracy and precision of ultrasound image analysis are critical. Recent advancements in deep learning are showing great capacity of processing medical images. However, the data hungry nature of deep learning and the shortage of high-quality ultrasound image training data suppress the development of deep learning based ultrasound analysis methods. To address these challenges, we introduce an advanced deep learning model, dubbed S-CycleGAN, which generates high-quality synthetic ultrasound images from computed tomography (CT) data. This model incorporates semantic discriminators within a CycleGAN framework to ensure that critical anatomical details are preserved during the style transfer process. The synthetic images produced are used to augment training datasets for semantic segmentation models and robot-assisted ultrasound scanning system development, enhancing their ability to accurately parse real ultrasound imagery.

cross Scaling Up Deep Clustering Methods Beyond ImageNet-1K

Authors: Nikolas Adaloglou, Felix Michels, Kaspar Senft, Diana Petrusheva, Markus Kollmann

Abstract: Deep image clustering methods are typically evaluated on small-scale balanced classification datasets while feature-based $k$-means has been applied on proprietary billion-scale datasets. In this work, we explore the performance of feature-based deep clustering approaches on large-scale benchmarks whilst disentangling the impact of the following data-related factors: i) class imbalance, ii) class granularity, iii) easy-to-recognize classes, and iv) the ability to capture multiple classes. Consequently, we develop multiple new benchmarks based on ImageNet21K. Our experimental analysis reveals that feature-based $k$-means is often unfairly evaluated on balanced datasets. However, deep clustering methods outperform $k$-means across most large-scale benchmarks. Interestingly, $k$-means underperforms on easy-to-classify benchmarks by large margins. The performance gap, however, diminishes on the highest data regimes such as ImageNet21K. Finally, we find that non-primary cluster predictions capture meaningful classes (i.e. coarser classes).

cross ControlSpeech: Towards Simultaneous Zero-shot Speaker Cloning and Zero-shot Language Style Control With Decoupled Codec

Authors: Shengpeng Ji, Jialong Zuo, Minghui Fang, Siqi Zheng, Qian Chen, Wen Wang, Ziyue Jiang, Hai Huang, Xize Cheng, Rongjie Huang, Zhou Zhao

Abstract: In this paper, we present ControlSpeech, a text-to-speech (TTS) system capable of fully cloning the speaker's voice and enabling arbitrary control and adjustment of speaking style, merely based on a few seconds of audio prompt and a simple textual style description prompt. Prior zero-shot TTS models and controllable TTS models either could only mimic the speaker's voice without further control and adjustment capabilities or were unrelated to speaker-specific voice generation. Therefore, ControlSpeech focuses on a more challenging new task-a TTS system with controllable timbre, content, and style at the same time. ControlSpeech takes speech prompts, content prompts, and style prompts as inputs and utilizes bidirectional attention and mask-based parallel decoding to capture corresponding codec representations in a discrete decoupling codec space. Moreover, we discovered the issue of text style controllability in a many-to-many mapping fashion and proposed the Style Mixture Semantic Density (SMSD) model to resolve this problem. SMSD module which is based on Gaussian mixture density networks, is designed to enhance the fine-grained partitioning and sampling capabilities of style semantic information and generate speech with more diverse styles. In terms of experiments, we make available a controllable model toolkit called ControlToolkit with a new style controllable dataset, some replicated baseline models and propose new metrics to evaluate both the control capability and the quality of generated audio in ControlSpeech. The relevant ablation studies validate the necessity of each component in ControlSpeech is necessary. We hope that ControlSpeech can establish the next foundation paradigm of controllable speech synthesis. The relevant code and demo are available at .


cross DumpKV: Learning based lifetime aware garbage collection for key value separation in LSM-tree

Authors: Zhutao Zhuang, Xinqi Zeng, Zhiguang Chen

Abstract: Key\-value separation is used in LSM\-tree to stored large value in separate log files to reduce write amplification, but requires garbage collection to garbage collect invalid values. Existing garbage collection techniques in LSM\-tree typically adopt static parameter based garbage collection to garbage collect obsolete values which struggles to achieve low write amplification and it's challenging to find proper parameter for garbage collection triggering. In this work we introduce DumpKV, which introduces learning based lifetime aware garbage collection with dynamic lifetime adjustment to do efficient garbage collection to achieve lower write amplification. DumpKV manages large values using trained lightweight model with features suitable for various application based on past write access information of keys to give lifetime prediction for each individual key to enable efficient garbage collection. To reduce interference to write throughput DumpKV conducts feature collection during L0\-L1 compaction leveraging the fact that LSM\-tree is small under KV separation. Experimental results show that DumpKV achieves lower write amplification by 38\%\-73\% compared to existing key\-value separation garbage collection LSM\-tree stores with small feature storage overhead.

cross Lifting Factor Graphs with Some Unknown Factors

Authors: Malte Luttermann, Ralf M\"oller, Marcel Gehrke

Abstract: Lifting exploits symmetries in probabilistic graphical models by using a representative for indistinguishable objects, allowing to carry out query answering more efficiently while maintaining exact answers. In this paper, we investigate how lifting enables us to perform probabilistic inference for factor graphs containing factors whose potentials are unknown. We introduce the Lifting Factor Graphs with Some Unknown Factors (LIFAGU) algorithm to identify symmetric subgraphs in a factor graph containing unknown factors, thereby enabling the transfer of known potentials to unknown potentials to ensure a well-defined semantics and allow for (lifted) probabilistic inference.

cross fruit-SALAD: A Style Aligned Artwork Dataset to reveal similarity perception in image embeddings

Authors: Tillmann Ohm, Andres Karjus, Mikhail Tamm, Maximilian Schich

Abstract: The notion of visual similarity is essential for computer vision, and in applications and studies revolving around vector embeddings of images. However, the scarcity of benchmark datasets poses a significant hurdle in exploring how these models perceive similarity. Here we introduce Style Aligned Artwork Datasets (SALADs), and an example of fruit-SALAD with 10,000 images of fruit depictions. This combined semantic category and style benchmark comprises 100 instances each of 10 easy-to-recognize fruit categories, across 10 easy distinguishable styles. Leveraging a systematic pipeline of generative image synthesis, this visually diverse yet balanced benchmark demonstrates salient differences in semantic category and style similarity weights across various computational models, including machine learning models, feature extraction algorithms, and complexity measures, as well as conceptual models for reference. This meticulously designed dataset offers a controlled and balanced platform for the comparative analysis of similarity perception. The SALAD framework allows the comparison of how these models perform semantic category and style recognition task to go beyond the level of anecdotal knowledge, making it robustly quantifiable and qualitatively interpretable.

cross Large Language Models as Recommender Systems: A Study of Popularity Bias

Authors: Jan Malte Lichtenberg, Alexander Buchholz, Pola Schw\"obel

Abstract: The issue of popularity bias -- where popular items are disproportionately recommended, overshadowing less popular but potentially relevant items -- remains a significant challenge in recommender systems. Recent advancements have seen the integration of general-purpose Large Language Models (LLMs) into the architecture of such systems. This integration raises concerns that it might exacerbate popularity bias, given that the LLM's training data is likely dominated by popular items. However, it simultaneously presents a novel opportunity to address the bias via prompt tuning. Our study explores this dichotomy, examining whether LLMs contribute to or can alleviate popularity bias in recommender systems. We introduce a principled way to measure popularity bias by discussing existing metrics and proposing a novel metric that fulfills a series of desiderata. Based on our new metric, we compare a simple LLM-based recommender to traditional recommender systems on a movie recommendation task. We find that the LLM recommender exhibits less popularity bias, even without any explicit mitigation.

cross Improved Few-Shot Jailbreaking Can Circumvent Aligned Language Models and Their Defenses

Authors: Xiaosen Zheng, Tianyu Pang, Chao Du, Qian Liu, Jing Jiang, Min Lin

Abstract: Recently, Anil et al. (2024) show that many-shot (up to hundreds of) demonstrations can jailbreak state-of-the-art LLMs by exploiting their long-context capability. Nevertheless, is it possible to use few-shot demonstrations to efficiently jailbreak LLMs within limited context sizes? While the vanilla few-shot jailbreaking may be inefficient, we propose improved techniques such as injecting special system tokens like [/INST] and employing demo-level random search from a collected demo pool. These simple techniques result in surprisingly effective jailbreaking against aligned LLMs (even with advanced defenses). For examples, our method achieves >80% (mostly >95%) ASRs on Llama-2-7B and Llama-3-8B without multiple restarts, even if the models are enhanced by strong defenses such as perplexity detection and/or SmoothLLM, which is challenging for suffix-based jailbreaking. In addition, we conduct comprehensive and elaborate (e.g., making sure to use correct system prompts) evaluations against other aligned LLMs and advanced defenses, where our method consistently achieves nearly 100% ASRs. Our code is available at


cross Scale-Free Image Keypoints Using Differentiable Persistent Homology

Authors: Giovanni Barbarani, Francesco Vaccarino, Gabriele Trivigno, Marco Guerra, Gabriele Berton, Carlo Masone

Abstract: In computer vision, keypoint detection is a fundamental task, with applications spanning from robotics to image retrieval; however, existing learning-based methods suffer from scale dependency and lack flexibility. This paper introduces a novel approach that leverages Morse theory and persistent homology, powerful tools rooted in algebraic topology. We propose a novel loss function based on the recent introduction of a notion of subgradient in persistent homology, paving the way toward topological learning. Our detector, MorseDet, is the first topology-based learning model for feature detection, which achieves competitive performance in keypoint repeatability and introduces a principled and theoretically robust approach to the problem.

cross Sequence-to-Sequence Multi-Modal Speech In-Painting

Authors: Mahsa Kadkhodaei Elyaderani, Shahram Shirani

Abstract: Speech in-painting is the task of regenerating missing audio contents using reliable context information. Despite various recent studies in multi-modal perception of audio in-painting, there is still a need for an effective infusion of visual and auditory information in speech in-painting. In this paper, we introduce a novel sequence-to-sequence model that leverages the visual information to in-paint audio signals via an encoder-decoder architecture. The encoder plays the role of a lip-reader for facial recordings and the decoder takes both encoder outputs as well as the distorted audio spectrograms to restore the original speech. Our model outperforms an audio-only speech in-painting model and has comparable results with a recent multi-modal speech in-painter in terms of speech quality and intelligibility metrics for distortions of 300 ms to 1500 ms duration, which proves the effectiveness of the introduced multi-modality in speech in-painting.

cross From Feature Visualization to Visual Circuits: Effect of Adversarial Model Manipulation

Authors: Geraldin Nanfack, Michael Eickenberg, Eugene Belilovsky

Abstract: Understanding the inner working functionality of large-scale deep neural networks is challenging yet crucial in several high-stakes applications. Mechanistic inter- pretability is an emergent field that tackles this challenge, often by identifying human-understandable subgraphs in deep neural networks known as circuits. In vision-pretrained models, these subgraphs are usually interpreted by visualizing their node features through a popular technique called feature visualization. Recent works have analyzed the stability of different feature visualization types under the adversarial model manipulation framework. This paper starts by addressing limitations in existing works by proposing a novel attack called ProxPulse that simultaneously manipulates the two types of feature visualizations. Surprisingly, when analyzing these attacks under the umbrella of visual circuits, we find that visual circuits show some robustness to ProxPulse. We, therefore, introduce a new attack based on ProxPulse that unveils the manipulability of visual circuits, shedding light on their lack of robustness. The effectiveness of these attacks is validated using pre-trained AlexNet and ResNet-50 models on ImageNet.

cross Efficient Computation Using Spatial-Photonic Ising Machines: Utilizing Low-Rank and Circulant Matrix Constraints

Authors: Richard Zhipeng Wang, James S. Cummins, Marvin Syed, Nikita Stroev, George Pastras, Jason Sakellariou, Symeon Tsintzos, Alexis Askitopoulos, Daniele Veraldi, Marcello Calvanese Strinati, Silvia Gentilini, Davide Pierangeli, Claudio Conti, Natalia G. Berloff

Abstract: We explore the potential of spatial-photonic Ising machines (SPIMs) to address computationally intensive Ising problems that employ low-rank and circulant coupling matrices. Our results indicate that the performance of SPIMs is critically affected by the rank and precision of the coupling matrices. By developing and assessing advanced decomposition techniques, we expand the range of problems SPIMs can solve, overcoming the limitations of traditional Mattis-type matrices. Our approach accommodates a diverse array of coupling matrices, including those with inherently low ranks, applicable to complex NP-complete problems. We explore the practical benefits of low-rank approximation in optimization tasks, particularly in financial optimization, to demonstrate the real-world applications of SPIMs. Finally, we evaluate the computational limitations imposed by SPIM hardware precision and suggest strategies to optimize the performance of these systems within these constraints.

cross Mixture of Rationale: Multi-Modal Reasoning Mixture for Visual Question Answering

Authors: Tao Li, Linjun Shou, Xuejun Liu

Abstract: Zero-shot visual question answering (VQA) is a challenging task that requires reasoning across modalities. While some existing methods rely on a single rationale within the Chain of Thoughts (CoT) framework, they may fall short of capturing the complexity of the VQA problem. On the other hand, some other methods that use multiple rationales may still suffer from low diversity, poor modality alignment, and inefficient retrieval and fusion. In response to these challenges, we propose \emph{Mixture of Rationales (MoR)}, a novel multi-modal reasoning method that mixes multiple rationales for VQA. MoR uses a single frozen Vision-and-Language Pre-trained Models (VLPM) model to {dynamically generate, retrieve and fuse multi-modal thoughts}. We evaluate MoR on two challenging VQA datasets, i.e. NLVR2 and OKVQA, with two representative backbones OFA and VL-T5. MoR achieves a 12.43\% accuracy improvement on NLVR2, and a 2.45\% accuracy improvement on OKVQA-S( the science and technology category of OKVQA).

cross Problematizing AI Omnipresence in Landscape Architecture

Authors: Phillip Fernberg, Zihao Zhang

Abstract: This position paper argues for, and offers, a critical lens through which to examine the current AI frenzy in the landscape architecture profession. In it, the authors propose five archetypes or mental modes that landscape architects might inhabit when thinking about AI. Rather than limiting judgments of AI use to a single axis of acceleration, these archetypes and corresponding narratives exist along a relational spectrum and are permeable, allowing LAs to take on and switch between them according to context. We model these relationships between the archetypes and their contributions to AI advancement using a causal loop diagram (CLD), and with those interactions argue that more nuanced ways of approaching AI might also open new modes of practice in the new digital economy.

cross Enabling ASR for Low-Resource Languages: A Comprehensive Dataset Creation Approach

Authors: Ara Yeroyan (Data Science Department, American University of Armenia), Nikolay Karpov (Nvidia, NeMo Conversational AI team)

Abstract: In recent years, automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems have significantly improved, especially in languages with a vast amount of transcribed speech data. However, ASR systems tend to perform poorly for low-resource languages with fewer resources, such as minority and regional languages. This study introduces a novel pipeline designed to generate ASR training datasets from audiobooks, which typically feature a single transcript associated with hours-long audios. The common structure of these audiobooks poses a unique challenge due to the extensive length of audio segments, whereas optimal ASR training requires segments ranging from 4 to 15 seconds. To address this, we propose a method for effectively aligning audio with its corresponding text and segmenting it into lengths suitable for ASR training. Our approach simplifies data preparation for ASR systems in low-resource languages and demonstrates its application through a case study involving the Armenian language. Our method, which is "portable" to many low-resource languages, not only mitigates the issue of data scarcity but also enhances the performance of ASR models for underrepresented languages.

cross Automatic Fused Multimodal Deep Learning for Plant Identification

Authors: Alfreds Lapkovskis, Natalia Nefedova, Ali Beikmohammadi

Abstract: Plant classification is vital for ecological conservation and agricultural productivity, enhancing our understanding of plant growth dynamics and aiding species preservation. The advent of deep learning (DL) techniques has revolutionized this field by enabling autonomous feature extraction, significantly reducing the dependence on manual expertise. However, conventional DL models often rely solely on single data sources, failing to capture the full biological diversity of plant species comprehensively. Recent research has turned to multimodal learning to overcome this limitation by integrating multiple data types, which enriches the representation of plant characteristics. This shift introduces the challenge of determining the optimal point for modality fusion. In this paper, we introduce a pioneering multimodal DL-based approach for plant classification with automatic modality fusion. Utilizing the multimodal fusion architecture search, our method integrates images from multiple plant organs-flowers, leaves, fruits, and stems-into a cohesive model. Our method achieves 83.48% accuracy on 956 classes of the PlantCLEF2015 dataset, surpassing state-of-the-art methods. It outperforms late fusion by 11.07% and is more robust to missing modalities. We validate our model against established benchmarks using standard performance metrics and McNemar's test, further underscoring its superiority.

cross Understanding Token Probability Encoding in Output Embeddings

Authors: Hakaze Cho, Yoshihiro Sakai, Kenshiro Tanaka, Mariko Kato, Naoya Inoue

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the output token probability information in the output embedding of language models. We provide an approximate common log-linear encoding of output token probabilities within the output embedding vectors and demonstrate that it is accurate and sparse when the output space is large and output logits are concentrated. Based on such findings, we edit the encoding in output embedding to modify the output probability distribution accurately. Moreover, the sparsity we find in output probability encoding suggests that a large number of dimensions in the output embedding do not contribute to causal language modeling. Therefore, we attempt to delete the output-unrelated dimensions and find more than 30% of the dimensions can be deleted without significant movement in output distribution and degeneration on sequence generation. Additionally, in training dynamics, we use such encoding as a probe and find that the output embeddings capture token frequency information in early steps, even before an obvious convergence starts.

cross Stochastic Newton Proximal Extragradient Method

Authors: Ruichen Jiang, Micha{\l} Derezi\'nski, Aryan Mokhtari

Abstract: Stochastic second-order methods achieve fast local convergence in strongly convex optimization by using noisy Hessian estimates to precondition the gradient. However, these methods typically reach superlinear convergence only when the stochastic Hessian noise diminishes, increasing per-iteration costs over time. Recent work in [arXiv:2204.09266] addressed this with a Hessian averaging scheme that achieves superlinear convergence without higher per-iteration costs. Nonetheless, the method has slow global convergence, requiring up to $\tilde{O}(\kappa^2)$ iterations to reach the superlinear rate of $\tilde{O}((1/t)^{t/2})$, where $\kappa$ is the problem's condition number. In this paper, we propose a novel stochastic Newton proximal extragradient method that improves these bounds, achieving a faster global linear rate and reaching the same fast superlinear rate in $\tilde{O}(\kappa)$ iterations. We accomplish this by extending the Hybrid Proximal Extragradient (HPE) framework, achieving fast global and local convergence rates for strongly convex functions with access to a noisy Hessian oracle.

cross Online Optimization Perspective on First-Order and Zero-Order Decentralized Nonsmooth Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization

Authors: Emre Sahinoglu, Shahin Shahrampour

Abstract: We investigate the finite-time analysis of finding ($\delta,\epsilon$)-stationary points for nonsmooth nonconvex objectives in decentralized stochastic optimization. A set of agents aim at minimizing a global function using only their local information by interacting over a network. We present a novel algorithm, called Multi Epoch Decentralized Online Learning (ME-DOL), for which we establish the sample complexity in various settings. First, using a recently proposed online-to-nonconvex technique, we show that our algorithm recovers the optimal convergence rate of smooth nonconvex objectives. We then extend our analysis to the nonsmooth setting, building on properties of randomized smoothing and Goldstein-subdifferential sets. We establish the sample complexity of $O(\delta^{-1}\epsilon^{-3})$, which to the best of our knowledge is the first finite-time guarantee for decentralized nonsmooth nonconvex stochastic optimization in the first-order setting (without weak-convexity), matching its optimal centralized counterpart. We further prove the same rate for the zero-order oracle setting without using variance reduction.

cross Robust Classification by Coupling Data Mollification with Label Smoothing

Authors: Markus Heinonen, Ba-Hien Tran, Michael Kampffmeyer, Maurizio Filippone

Abstract: Introducing training-time augmentations is a key technique to enhance generalization and prepare deep neural networks against test-time corruptions. Inspired by the success of generative diffusion models, we propose a novel approach coupling data augmentation, in the form of image noising and blurring, with label smoothing to align predicted label confidences with image degradation. The method is simple to implement, introduces negligible overheads, and can be combined with existing augmentations. We demonstrate improved robustness and uncertainty quantification on the corrupted image benchmarks of the CIFAR and TinyImageNet datasets.

cross The Geometry of Categorical and Hierarchical Concepts in Large Language Models

Authors: Kiho Park, Yo Joong Choe, Yibo Jiang, Victor Veitch

Abstract: Understanding how semantic meaning is encoded in the representation spaces of large language models is a fundamental problem in interpretability. In this paper, we study the two foundational questions in this area. First, how are categorical concepts, such as {'mammal', 'bird', 'reptile', 'fish'}, represented? Second, how are hierarchical relations between concepts encoded? For example, how is the fact that 'dog' is a kind of 'mammal' encoded? We show how to extend the linear representation hypothesis to answer these questions. We find a remarkably simple structure: simple categorical concepts are represented as simplices, hierarchically related concepts are orthogonal in a sense we make precise, and (in consequence) complex concepts are represented as polytopes constructed from direct sums of simplices, reflecting the hierarchical structure. We validate these theoretical results on the Gemma large language model, estimating representations for 957 hierarchically related concepts using data from WordNet.

cross Beyond symmetrization: effective adjacency matrices and renormalization for (un)singed directed graphs

Authors: Bruno Messias Farias de Resende

Abstract: To address the peculiarities of directed and/or signed graphs, new Laplacian operators have emerged. For instance, in the case of directionality, we encounter the magnetic operator, dilation (which is underexplored), operators based on random walks, and so forth. The definition of these new operators leads to the need for new studies and concepts, and consequently, the development of new computational tools. But is this really necessary? In this work, we define the concept of effective adjacency matrices that arise from the definition of deformed Laplacian operators such as magnetic, dilation, and signal. These effective matrices allow mapping generic graphs to a family of unsigned, undirected graphs, enabling the application of the well-explored toolkit of measures, machine learning methods, and renormalization groups of undirected graphs. To explore the interplay between deformed operators and effective matrices, we show how the Hodge-Helmholtz decomposition can assist us in navigating this complexity.

cross Learning from Mistakes: a Weakly-supervised Method for Mitigating the Distribution Shift in Autonomous Vehicle Planning

Authors: Fazel Arasteh, Mohammed Elmahgiubi, Behzad Khamidehi, Hamidreza Mirkhani, Weize Zhang, Kasra Rezaee

Abstract: The planning problem constitutes a fundamental aspect of the autonomous driving framework. Recent strides in representation learning have empowered vehicles to comprehend their surrounding environments, thereby facilitating the integration of learning-based planning strategies. Among these approaches, Imitation Learning stands out due to its notable training efficiency. However, traditional Imitation Learning methodologies encounter challenges associated with the co-variate shift phenomenon. We propose Learn from Mistakes (LfM) as a remedy to address this issue. The essence of LfM lies in deploying a pre-trained planner across diverse scenarios. Instances where the planner deviates from its immediate objectives, such as maintaining a safe distance from obstacles or adhering to traffic rules, are flagged as mistakes. The environments corresponding to these mistakes are categorized as out-of-distribution states and compiled into a new dataset termed closed-loop mistakes dataset. Notably, the absence of expert annotations for the closed-loop data precludes the applicability of standard imitation learning approaches. To facilitate learning from the closed-loop mistakes, we introduce Validity Learning, a weakly supervised method, which aims to discern valid trajectories within the current environmental context. Experimental evaluations conducted on the InD and Nuplan datasets reveal substantial enhancements in closed-loop metrics such as Progress and Collision Rate, underscoring the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

cross Learning equivariant tensor functions with applications to sparse vector recovery

Authors: Wilson G. Gregory, Josu\'e Tonelli-Cueto, Nicholas F. Marshall, Andrew S. Lee, Soledad Villar

Abstract: This work characterizes equivariant polynomial functions from tuples of tensor inputs to tensor outputs. Loosely motivated by physics, we focus on equivariant functions with respect to the diagonal action of the orthogonal group on tensors. We show how to extend this characterization to other linear algebraic groups, including the Lorentz and symplectic groups. Our goal behind these characterizations is to define equivariant machine learning models. In particular, we focus on the sparse vector estimation problem. This problem has been broadly studied in the theoretical computer science literature, and explicit spectral methods, derived by techniques from sum-of-squares, can be shown to recover sparse vectors under certain assumptions. Our numerical results show that the proposed equivariant machine learning models can learn spectral methods that outperform the best theoretically known spectral methods in some regimes. The experiments also suggest that learned spectral methods can solve the problem in settings that have not yet been theoretically analyzed. This is an example of a promising direction in which theory can inform machine learning models and machine learning models could inform theory.

cross Long and Short Guidance in Score identity Distillation for One-Step Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Mingyuan Zhou, Zhendong Wang, Huangjie Zheng, Hai Huang

Abstract: Diffusion-based text-to-image generation models trained on extensive text-image pairs have shown the capacity to generate photorealistic images consistent with textual descriptions. However, a significant limitation of these models is their slow sample generation, which requires iterative refinement through the same network. In this paper, we enhance Score identity Distillation (SiD) by developing long and short classifier-free guidance (LSG) to efficiently distill pretrained Stable Diffusion models without using real training data. SiD aims to optimize a model-based explicit score matching loss, utilizing a score-identity-based approximation alongside the proposed LSG for practical computation. By training exclusively with fake images synthesized with its one-step generator, SiD equipped with LSG rapidly improves FID and CLIP scores, achieving state-of-the-art FID performance while maintaining a competitive CLIP score. Specifically, its data-free distillation of Stable Diffusion 1.5 achieves a record low FID of 8.15 on the COCO-2014 validation set, with a CLIP score of 0.304 at an LSG scale of 1.5, and a FID of 9.56 with a CLIP score of 0.313 at an LSG scale of 2. We will make our PyTorch implementation and distilled Stable Diffusion one-step generators available at


cross Helix: Distributed Serving of Large Language Models via Max-Flow on Heterogeneous GPUs

Authors: Yixuan Mei, Yonghao Zhuang, Xupeng Miao, Juncheng Yang, Zhihao Jia, Rashmi Vinayak

Abstract: This paper introduces Helix, a distributed system for high-throughput, low-latency large language model (LLM) serving on heterogeneous GPU clusters. A key idea behind Helix is to formulate inference computation of LLMs over heterogeneous GPUs and network connections as a max-flow problem for a directed, weighted graph, whose nodes represent GPU instances and edges capture both GPU and network heterogeneity through their capacities. Helix then uses a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) algorithm to discover highly optimized strategies to serve LLMs. This approach allows Helix to jointly optimize model placement and request scheduling, two highly entangled tasks in heterogeneous LLM serving. Our evaluation on several heterogeneous cluster settings ranging from 24 to 42 GPU nodes shows that Helix improves serving throughput by up to 2.7$\times$ and reduces prompting and decoding latency by up to 2.8$\times$ and 1.3$\times$, respectively, compared to best existing approaches.

cross Stochastic Bilevel Optimization with Lower-Level Contextual Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Vinzenz Thoma, Barna Pasztor, Andreas Krause, Giorgia Ramponi, Yifan Hu

Abstract: In various applications, the optimal policy in a strategic decision-making problem depends both on the environmental configuration and exogenous events. For these settings, we introduce Bilevel Optimization with Contextual Markov Decision Processes (BO-CMDP), a stochastic bilevel decision-making model, where the lower level consists of solving a contextual Markov Decision Process (CMDP). BO-CMDP can be viewed as a Stackelberg Game where the leader and a random context beyond the leader's control together decide the setup of (many) MDPs that (potentially multiple) followers best respond to. This framework extends beyond traditional bilevel optimization and finds relevance in diverse fields such as model design for MDPs, tax design, reward shaping and dynamic mechanism design. We propose a stochastic Hyper Policy Gradient Descent (HPGD) algorithm to solve BO-CMDP, and demonstrate its convergence. Notably, HPGD only utilizes observations of the followers' trajectories. Therefore, it allows followers to use any training procedure and the leader to be agnostic of the specific algorithm used, which aligns with various real-world scenarios. We further consider the setting when the leader can influence the training of followers and propose an accelerated algorithm. We empirically demonstrate the performance of our algorithm.

cross Decomposing and Interpreting Image Representations via Text in ViTs Beyond CLIP

Authors: Sriram Balasubramanian, Samyadeep Basu, Soheil Feizi

Abstract: Recent works have explored how individual components of the CLIP-ViT model contribute to the final representation by leveraging the shared image-text representation space of CLIP. These components, such as attention heads and MLPs, have been shown to capture distinct image features like shape, color or texture. However, understanding the role of these components in arbitrary vision transformers (ViTs) is challenging. To this end, we introduce a general framework which can identify the roles of various components in ViTs beyond CLIP. Specifically, we (a) automate the decomposition of the final representation into contributions from different model components, and (b) linearly map these contributions to CLIP space to interpret them via text. Additionally, we introduce a novel scoring function to rank components by their importance with respect to specific features. Applying our framework to various ViT variants (e.g. DeiT, DINO, DINOv2, Swin, MaxViT), we gain insights into the roles of different components concerning particular image features.These insights facilitate applications such as image retrieval using text descriptions or reference images, visualizing token importance heatmaps, and mitigating spurious correlations.

cross Tilting the Odds at the Lottery: the Interplay of Overparameterisation and Curricula in Neural Networks

Authors: Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Yaraslau Ivashinka, Andrew Saxe, Luca Saglietti

Abstract: A wide range of empirical and theoretical works have shown that overparameterisation can amplify the performance of neural networks. According to the lottery ticket hypothesis, overparameterised networks have an increased chance of containing a sub-network that is well-initialised to solve the task at hand. A more parsimonious approach, inspired by animal learning, consists in guiding the learner towards solving the task by curating the order of the examples, i.e. providing a curriculum. However, this learning strategy seems to be hardly beneficial in deep learning applications. In this work, we undertake an analytical study that connects curriculum learning and overparameterisation. In particular, we investigate their interplay in the online learning setting for a 2-layer network in the XOR-like Gaussian Mixture problem. Our results show that a high degree of overparameterisation -- while simplifying the problem -- can limit the benefit from curricula, providing a theoretical account of the ineffectiveness of curricula in deep learning.

cross Text-guided Controllable Mesh Refinement for Interactive 3D Modeling

Authors: Yun-Chun Chen, Selena Ling, Zhiqin Chen, Vladimir G. Kim, Matheus Gadelha, Alec Jacobson

Abstract: We propose a novel technique for adding geometric details to an input coarse 3D mesh guided by a text prompt. Our method is composed of three stages. First, we generate a single-view RGB image conditioned on the input coarse geometry and the input text prompt. This single-view image generation step allows the user to pre-visualize the result and offers stronger conditioning for subsequent multi-view generation. Second, we use our novel multi-view normal generation architecture to jointly generate six different views of the normal images. The joint view generation reduces inconsistencies and leads to sharper details. Third, we optimize our mesh with respect to all views and generate a fine, detailed geometry as output. The resulting method produces an output within seconds and offers explicit user control over the coarse structure, pose, and desired details of the resulting 3D mesh. Project page:


cross DiffUHaul: A Training-Free Method for Object Dragging in Images

Authors: Omri Avrahami, Rinon Gal, Gal Chechik, Ohad Fried, Dani Lischinski, Arash Vahdat, Weili Nie

Abstract: Text-to-image diffusion models have proven effective for solving many image editing tasks. However, the seemingly straightforward task of seamlessly relocating objects within a scene remains surprisingly challenging. Existing methods addressing this problem often struggle to function reliably in real-world scenarios due to lacking spatial reasoning. In this work, we propose a training-free method, dubbed DiffUHaul, that harnesses the spatial understanding of a localized text-to-image model, for the object dragging task. Blindly manipulating layout inputs of the localized model tends to cause low editing performance due to the intrinsic entanglement of object representation in the model. To this end, we first apply attention masking in each denoising step to make the generation more disentangled across different objects and adopt the self-attention sharing mechanism to preserve the high-level object appearance. Furthermore, we propose a new diffusion anchoring technique: in the early denoising steps, we interpolate the attention features between source and target images to smoothly fuse new layouts with the original appearance; in the later denoising steps, we pass the localized features from the source images to the interpolated images to retain fine-grained object details. To adapt DiffUHaul to real-image editing, we apply a DDPM self-attention bucketing that can better reconstruct real images with the localized model. Finally, we introduce an automated evaluation pipeline for this task and showcase the efficacy of our method. Our results are reinforced through a user preference study.

replace Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning Using Partial Label Information

Authors: Colin B. Hansen, Vishwesh Nath, Diego A. Mesa, Yuankai Huo, Bennett A. Landman, Thomas A. Lasko

Abstract: In semi-supervised learning, information from unlabeled examples is used to improve the model learned from labeled examples. In some learning problems, partial label information can be inferred from otherwise unlabeled examples and used to further improve the model. In particular, partial label information exists when subsets of training examples are known to have the same label, even though the label itself is missing. By encouraging the model to give the same label to all such examples through contrastive learning objectives, we can potentially improve its performance. We call this encouragement Nullspace Tuning because the difference vector between any pair of examples with the same label should lie in the nullspace of a linear model. In this paper, we investigate the benefit of using partial label information using a careful comparison framework over well-characterized public datasets. We show that the additional information provided by partial labels reduces test error over good semi-supervised methods usually by a factor of 2, up to a factor of 5.5 in the best case. We also show that adding Nullspace Tuning to the newer and state-of-the-art MixMatch method decreases its test error by up to a factor of 1.8.

replace Leveraging Expert Consistency to Improve Algorithmic Decision Support

Authors: Maria De-Arteaga, Vincent Jeanselme, Artur Dubrawski, Alexandra Chouldechova

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) is increasingly being used to support high-stakes decisions. However, there is frequently a construct gap: a gap between the construct of interest to the decision-making task and what is captured in proxies used as labels to train ML models. As a result, ML models may fail to capture important dimensions of decision criteria, hampering their utility for decision support. Thus, an essential step in the design of ML systems for decision support is selecting a target label among available proxies. In this work, we explore the use of historical expert decisions as a rich -- yet also imperfect -- source of information that can be combined with observed outcomes to narrow the construct gap. We argue that managers and system designers may be interested in learning from experts in instances where they exhibit consistency with each other, while learning from observed outcomes otherwise. We develop a methodology to enable this goal using information that is commonly available in organizational information systems. This involves two core steps. First, we propose an influence function-based methodology to estimate expert consistency indirectly when each case in the data is assessed by a single expert. Second, we introduce a label amalgamation approach that allows ML models to simultaneously learn from expert decisions and observed outcomes. Our empirical evaluation, using simulations in a clinical setting and real-world data from the child welfare domain, indicates that the proposed approach successfully narrows the construct gap, yielding better predictive performance than learning from either observed outcomes or expert decisions alone.

replace Decision Machines: An Extension of Decision Trees

Authors: Jinxiong Zhang

Abstract: Here is a compact representation of binary decision trees. We can explicitly draw the dependencies between prediction and binary tests in decision trees and construct a procedure to guide the input instance from the root to its exit leaf. And we provided a connection between decision trees and error-correcting output codes. Then we built a bridge from tree-based models to attention mechanisms.

replace Deep Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation on SPD Manifolds

Authors: Ce Ju, Cuntai Guan

Abstract: The machine learning community has shown increasing interest in addressing the domain adaptation problem on symmetric positive definite (SPD) manifolds. This interest is primarily driven by the complexities of neuroimaging data generated from brain signals, which often exhibit shifts in data distribution across recording sessions. These neuroimaging data, represented by signal covariance matrices, possess the mathematical properties of symmetry and positive definiteness. However, applying conventional domain adaptation methods is challenging because these mathematical properties can be disrupted when operating on covariance matrices. In this study, we introduce a novel geometric deep learning-based approach utilizing optimal transport on SPD manifolds to manage discrepancies in both marginal and conditional distributions between the source and target domains. We evaluate the effectiveness of this approach in three cross-session brain-computer interface scenarios and provide visualized results for further insights. The GitHub repository of this study can be accessed at


replace An Intelligent End-to-End Neural Architecture Search Framework for Electricity Forecasting Model Development

Authors: Jin Yang, Guangxin Jiang, Yinan Wang, Ying Chen

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed exponential growth in developing deep learning (DL) models for time-series electricity forecasting in power systems. However, most of the proposed models are designed based on the designers' inherent knowledge and experience without elaborating on the suitability of the proposed neural architectures. Moreover, these models cannot be self-adjusted to dynamically changed data patterns due to the inflexible design of their structures. Although several recent studies have considered the application of the neural architecture search (NAS) technique for obtaining a network with an optimized structure in the electricity forecasting sector, their training process is computationally expensive and their search strategies are not flexible, indicating that the NAS application in this area is still at an infancy stage. In this study, we propose an intelligent automated architecture search (IAAS) framework for the development of time-series electricity forecasting models. The proposed framework contains three primary components, i.e., network function-preserving transformation operation, reinforcement learning (RL)-based network transformation control, and heuristic network screening, which aim to improve the search quality of a network structure. After conducting comprehensive experiments on two publicly-available electricity load datasets and two wind power datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed IAAS framework significantly outperforms the ten existing models or methods in terms of forecasting accuracy and stability. Finally, we perform an ablation experiment to showcase the importance of critical components in the proposed IAAS framework in improving forecasting accuracy.

replace PyGOD: A Python Library for Graph Outlier Detection

Authors: Kay Liu, Yingtong Dou, Xueying Ding, Xiyang Hu, Ruitong Zhang, Hao Peng, Lichao Sun, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: PyGOD is an open-source Python library for detecting outliers in graph data. As the first comprehensive library of its kind, PyGOD supports a wide array of leading graph-based methods for outlier detection under an easy-to-use, well-documented API designed for use by both researchers and practitioners. PyGOD provides modularized components of the different detectors implemented so that users can easily customize each detector for their purposes. To ease the construction of detection workflows, PyGOD offers numerous commonly used utility functions. To scale computation to large graphs, PyGOD supports functionalities for deep models such as sampling and mini-batch processing. PyGOD uses best practices in fostering code reliability and maintainability, including unit testing, continuous integration, and code coverage. To facilitate accessibility, PyGOD is released under a BSD 2-Clause license at and at the Python Package Index (PyPI).


replace What Is Fairness? On the Role of Protected Attributes and Fictitious Worlds

Authors: Ludwig Bothmann, Kristina Peters, Bernd Bischl

Abstract: A growing body of literature in fairness-aware machine learning (fairML) aims to mitigate machine learning (ML)-related unfairness in automated decision-making (ADM) by defining metrics that measure fairness of an ML model and by proposing methods to ensure that trained ML models achieve low scores on these metrics. However, the underlying concept of fairness, i.e., the question of what fairness is, is rarely discussed, leaving a significant gap between centuries of philosophical discussion and the recent adoption of the concept in the ML community. In this work, we try to bridge this gap by formalizing a consistent concept of fairness and by translating the philosophical considerations into a formal framework for the training and evaluation of ML models in ADM systems. We argue that fairness problems can arise even without the presence of protected attributes (PAs), and point out that fairness and predictive performance are not irreconcilable opposites, but that the latter is necessary to achieve the former. Furthermore, we argue why and how causal considerations are necessary when assessing fairness in the presence of PAs by proposing a fictitious, normatively desired (FiND) world in which PAs have no causal effects. In practice, this FiND world must be approximated by a warped world in which the causal effects of the PAs are removed from the real-world data. Finally, we achieve greater linguistic clarity in the discussion of fairML. We outline algorithms for practical applications and present illustrative experiments on COMPAS data.

replace Online Learning with Bounded Recall

Authors: Jon Schneider, Kiran Vodrahalli

Abstract: We study the problem of full-information online learning in the "bounded recall" setting popular in the study of repeated games. An online learning algorithm $\mathcal{A}$ is $M$-$\textit{bounded-recall}$ if its output at time $t$ can be written as a function of the $M$ previous rewards (and not e.g. any other internal state of $\mathcal{A}$). We first demonstrate that a natural approach to constructing bounded-recall algorithms from mean-based no-regret learning algorithms (e.g., running Hedge over the last $M$ rounds) fails, and that any such algorithm incurs constant regret per round. We then construct a stationary bounded-recall algorithm that achieves a per-round regret of $\Theta(1/\sqrt{M})$, which we complement with a tight lower bound. Finally, we show that unlike the perfect recall setting, any low regret bound bounded-recall algorithm must be aware of the ordering of the past $M$ losses -- any bounded-recall algorithm which plays a symmetric function of the past $M$ losses must incur constant regret per round.

replace How Robust is your Fair Model? Exploring the Robustness of Diverse Fairness Strategies

Authors: Edward Small, Wei Shao, Zeliang Zhang, Peihan Liu, Jeffrey Chan, Kacper Sokol, Flora Salim

Abstract: With the introduction of machine learning in high-stakes decision making, ensuring algorithmic fairness has become an increasingly important problem to solve. In response to this, many mathematical definitions of fairness have been proposed, and a variety of optimisation techniques have been developed, all designed to maximise a defined notion of fairness. However, fair solutions are reliant on the quality of the training data, and can be highly sensitive to noise. Recent studies have shown that robustness (the ability for a model to perform well on unseen data) plays a significant role in the type of strategy that should be used when approaching a new problem and, hence, measuring the robustness of these strategies has become a fundamental problem. In this work, we therefore propose a new criterion to measure the robustness of various fairness optimisation strategies - the robustness ratio. We conduct multiple extensive experiments on five bench mark fairness data sets using three of the most popular fairness strategies with respect to four of the most popular definitions of fairness. Our experiments empirically show that fairness methods that rely on threshold optimisation are very sensitive to noise in all the evaluated data sets, despite mostly outperforming other methods. This is in contrast to the other two methods, which are less fair for low noise scenarios but fairer for high noise ones. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to quantitatively evaluate the robustness of fairness optimisation strategies. This can potentially can serve as a guideline in choosing the most suitable fairness strategy for various data sets.

replace Light-weight probing of unsupervised representations for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Wancong Zhang, Anthony GX-Chen, Vlad Sobal, Yann LeCun, Nicolas Carion

Abstract: Unsupervised visual representation learning offers the opportunity to leverage large corpora of unlabeled trajectories to form useful visual representations, which can benefit the training of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. However, evaluating the fitness of such representations requires training RL algorithms which is computationally intensive and has high variance outcomes. Inspired by the vision community, we study whether linear probing can be a proxy evaluation task for the quality of unsupervised RL representation. Specifically, we probe for the observed reward in a given state and the action of an expert in a given state, both of which are generally applicable to many RL domains. Through rigorous experimentation, we show that the probing tasks are strongly rank correlated with the downstream RL performance on the Atari100k Benchmark, while having lower variance and up to 600x lower computational cost. This provides a more efficient method for exploring the space of pretraining algorithms and identifying promising pretraining recipes without the need to run RL evaluations for every setting. Leveraging this framework, we further improve existing self-supervised learning (SSL) recipes for RL, highlighting the importance of the forward model, the size of the visual backbone, and the precise formulation of the unsupervised objective.

replace TAME: Task Agnostic Continual Learning using Multiple Experts

Authors: Haoran Zhu, Maryam Majzoubi, Arihant Jain, Anna Choromanska

Abstract: The goal of lifelong learning is to continuously learn from non-stationary distributions, where the non-stationarity is typically imposed by a sequence of distinct tasks. Prior works have mostly considered idealistic settings, where the identity of tasks is known at least at training. In this paper we focus on a fundamentally harder, so-called task-agnostic setting where the task identities are not known and the learning machine needs to infer them from the observations. Our algorithm, which we call TAME (Task-Agnostic continual learning using Multiple Experts), automatically detects the shift in data distributions and switches between task expert networks in an online manner. At training, the strategy for switching between tasks hinges on an extremely simple observation that for each new coming task there occurs a statistically-significant deviation in the value of the loss function that marks the onset of this new task. At inference, the switching between experts is governed by the selector network that forwards the test sample to its relevant expert network. The selector network is trained on a small subset of data drawn uniformly at random. We control the growth of the task expert networks as well as selector network by employing online pruning. Our experimental results show the efficacy of our approach on benchmark continual learning data sets, outperforming the previous task-agnostic methods and even the techniques that admit task identities at both training and testing, while at the same time using a comparable model size.

replace Bayesian learning of Causal Structure and Mechanisms with GFlowNets and Variational Bayes

Authors: Mizu Nishikawa-Toomey, Tristan Deleu, Jithendaraa Subramanian, Yoshua Bengio, Laurent Charlin

Abstract: Bayesian causal structure learning aims to learn a posterior distribution over directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), and the mechanisms that define the relationship between parent and child variables. By taking a Bayesian approach, it is possible to reason about the uncertainty of the causal model. The notion of modelling the uncertainty over models is particularly crucial for causal structure learning since the model could be unidentifiable when given only a finite amount of observational data. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to jointly learn the structure and mechanisms of the causal model using Variational Bayes, which we call Variational Bayes-DAG-GFlowNet (VBG). We extend the method of Bayesian causal structure learning using GFlowNets to learn not only the posterior distribution over the structure, but also the parameters of a linear-Gaussian model. Our results on simulated data suggest that VBG is competitive against several baselines in modelling the posterior over DAGs and mechanisms, while offering several advantages over existing methods, including the guarantee to sample acyclic graphs, and the flexibility to generalize to non-linear causal mechanisms.

replace Solving Collaborative Dec-POMDPs with Deep Reinforcement Learning Heuristics

Authors: Nitsan Soffair

Abstract: WQMIX, QMIX, QTRAN, and VDN are SOTA algorithms for Dec-POMDP. All of them cannot solve complex agents' cooperation domains. We give an algorithm to solve such problems. In the first stage, we solve a single-agent problem and get a policy. In the second stage, we solve the multi-agent problem with the single-agent policy. SA2MA has a clear advantage over all competitors in complex agents' cooperative domains.

replace Position: Considerations for Differentially Private Learning with Large-Scale Public Pretraining

Authors: Florian Tram\`er, Gautam Kamath, Nicholas Carlini

Abstract: The performance of differentially private machine learning can be boosted significantly by leveraging the transfer learning capabilities of non-private models pretrained on large public datasets. We critically review this approach. We primarily question whether the use of large Web-scraped datasets should be viewed as differential-privacy-preserving. We caution that publicizing these models pretrained on Web data as "private" could lead to harm and erode the public's trust in differential privacy as a meaningful definition of privacy. Beyond the privacy considerations of using public data, we further question the utility of this paradigm. We scrutinize whether existing machine learning benchmarks are appropriate for measuring the ability of pretrained models to generalize to sensitive domains, which may be poorly represented in public Web data. Finally, we notice that pretraining has been especially impactful for the largest available models -- models sufficiently large to prohibit end users running them on their own devices. Thus, deploying such models today could be a net loss for privacy, as it would require (private) data to be outsourced to a more compute-powerful third party. We conclude by discussing potential paths forward for the field of private learning, as public pretraining becomes more popular and powerful.

replace Graph Generation with Diffusion Mixture

Authors: Jaehyeong Jo, Dongki Kim, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: Generation of graphs is a major challenge for real-world tasks that require understanding the complex nature of their non-Euclidean structures. Although diffusion models have achieved notable success in graph generation recently, they are ill-suited for modeling the topological properties of graphs since learning to denoise the noisy samples does not explicitly learn the graph structures to be generated. To tackle this limitation, we propose a generative framework that models the topology of graphs by explicitly learning the final graph structures of the diffusion process. Specifically, we design the generative process as a mixture of endpoint-conditioned diffusion processes which is driven toward the predicted graph that results in rapid convergence. We further introduce a simple parameterization of the mixture process and develop an objective for learning the final graph structure, which enables maximum likelihood training. Through extensive experimental validation on general graph and 2D/3D molecule generation tasks, we show that our method outperforms previous generative models, generating graphs with correct topology with both continuous (e.g. 3D coordinates) and discrete (e.g. atom types) features. Our code is available at


replace On the Expressivity of Persistent Homology in Graph Learning

Authors: Rub\'en Ballester, Bastian Rieck

Abstract: Persistent homology, a technique from computational topology, has recently shown strong empirical performance in the context of graph classification. Being able to capture long range graph properties via higher-order topological features, such as cycles of arbitrary length, in combination with multi-scale topological descriptors, has improved predictive performance for data sets with prominent topological structures, such as molecules. At the same time, the theoretical properties of persistent homology have not been formally assessed in this context. This paper intends to bridge the gap between computational topology and graph machine learning by providing a brief introduction to persistent homology in the context of graphs, as well as a theoretical discussion and empirical analysis of its expressivity for graph learning tasks.

replace Diffusion Model-Augmented Behavioral Cloning

Authors: Shang-Fu Chen, Hsiang-Chun Wang, Ming-Hao Hsu, Chun-Mao Lai, Shao-Hua Sun

Abstract: Imitation learning addresses the challenge of learning by observing an expert's demonstrations without access to reward signals from environments. Most existing imitation learning methods that do not require interacting with environments either model the expert distribution as the conditional probability p(a|s) (e.g., behavioral cloning, BC) or the joint probability p(s, a). Despite the simplicity of modeling the conditional probability with BC, it usually struggles with generalization. While modeling the joint probability can improve generalization performance, the inference procedure is often time-consuming, and the model can suffer from manifold overfitting. This work proposes an imitation learning framework that benefits from modeling both the conditional and joint probability of the expert distribution. Our proposed Diffusion Model-Augmented Behavioral Cloning (DBC) employs a diffusion model trained to model expert behaviors and learns a policy to optimize both the BC loss (conditional) and our proposed diffusion model loss (joint). DBC outperforms baselines in various continuous control tasks in navigation, robot arm manipulation, dexterous manipulation, and locomotion. We design additional experiments to verify the limitations of modeling either the conditional probability or the joint probability of the expert distribution, as well as compare different generative models. Ablation studies justify the effectiveness of our design choices.

replace Policy Dispersion in Non-Markovian Environment

Authors: Bohao Qu, Xiaofeng Cao, Jielong Yang, Hechang Chen, Chang Yi, Ivor W. Tsang, Yew-Soon Ong

Abstract: Markov Decision Process (MDP) presents a mathematical framework to formulate the learning processes of agents in reinforcement learning. MDP is limited by the Markovian assumption that a reward only depends on the immediate state and action. However, a reward sometimes depends on the history of states and actions, which may result in the decision process in a non-Markovian environment. In such environments, agents receive rewards via temporally-extended behaviors sparsely, and the learned policies may be similar. This leads the agents acquired with similar policies generally overfit to the given task and can not quickly adapt to perturbations of environments. To resolve this problem, this paper tries to learn the diverse policies from the history of state-action pairs under a non-Markovian environment, in which a policy dispersion scheme is designed for seeking diverse policy representation. Specifically, we first adopt a transformer-based method to learn policy embeddings. Then, we stack the policy embeddings to construct a dispersion matrix to induce a set of diverse policies. Finally, we prove that if the dispersion matrix is positive definite, the dispersed embeddings can effectively enlarge the disagreements across policies, yielding a diverse expression for the original policy embedding distribution. Experimental results show that this dispersion scheme can obtain more expressive diverse policies, which then derive more robust performance than recent learning baselines under various learning environments.

replace Feature Importance Disparities for Data Bias Investigations

Authors: Peter W. Chang, Leor Fishman, Seth Neel

Abstract: It is widely held that one cause of downstream bias in classifiers is bias present in the training data. Rectifying such biases may involve context-dependent interventions such as training separate models on subgroups, removing features with bias in the collection process, or even conducting real-world experiments to ascertain sources of bias. Despite the need for such data bias investigations, few automated methods exist to assist practitioners in these efforts. In this paper, we present one such method that given a dataset $X$ consisting of protected and unprotected features, outcomes $y$, and a regressor $h$ that predicts $y$ given $X$, outputs a tuple $(f_j, g)$, with the following property: $g$ corresponds to a subset of the training dataset $(X, y)$, such that the $j^{th}$ feature $f_j$ has much larger (or smaller) influence in the subgroup $g$, than on the dataset overall, which we call feature importance disparity (FID). We show across $4$ datasets and $4$ common feature importance methods of broad interest to the machine learning community that we can efficiently find subgroups with large FID values even over exponentially large subgroup classes and in practice these groups correspond to subgroups with potentially serious bias issues as measured by standard fairness metrics.

replace An Empirical Study of Realized GNN Expressiveness

Authors: Yanbo Wang, Muhan Zhang

Abstract: Research on the theoretical expressiveness of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has developed rapidly, and many methods have been proposed to enhance the expressiveness. However, most methods do not have a uniform expressiveness measure except for a few that strictly follow the $k$-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman ($k$-WL) test hierarchy, leading to difficulties in quantitatively comparing their expressiveness. Previous research has attempted to use datasets for measurement, but facing problems with difficulty (any model surpassing 1-WL has nearly 100% accuracy), granularity (models tend to be either 100% correct or near random guess), and scale (only several essentially different graphs involved). To address these limitations, we study the realized expressive power that a practical model instance can achieve using a novel expressiveness dataset, BREC, which poses greater difficulty (with up to 4-WL-indistinguishable graphs), finer granularity (enabling comparison of models between 1-WL and 3-WL), a larger scale (consisting of 800 1-WL-indistinguishable graphs that are non-isomorphic to each other). We synthetically test 23 models with higher-than-1-WL expressiveness on BREC. Our experiment gives the first thorough measurement of the realized expressiveness of those state-of-the-art beyond-1-WL GNN models and reveals the gap between theoretical and realized expressiveness. Dataset and evaluation codes are released at:


replace NUBO: A Transparent Python Package for Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Mike Diessner, Kevin J. Wilson, Richard D. Whalley

Abstract: NUBO, short for Newcastle University Bayesian Optimization, is a Bayesian optimization framework for optimizing expensive-to-evaluate black-box functions, such as physical experiments and computer simulators. Bayesian optimization is a cost-efficient optimization strategy that uses surrogate modeling via Gaussian processes to represent an objective function and acquisition functions to guide the selection of candidate points to approximate the global optimum of the objective function. NUBO focuses on transparency and user experience to make Bayesian optimization accessible to researchers from all disciplines. Clean and understandable code, precise references, and thorough documentation ensure transparency, while a modular and flexible design, easy-to-write syntax, and careful selection of Bayesian optimization algorithms ensure a good user experience. NUBO allows users to tailor Bayesian optimization to their problem by writing a custom optimization loop using the provided building blocks. It supports sequential single-point, parallel multi-point, and asynchronous optimization of bounded, constrained, and mixed (discrete and continuous) parameter input spaces. Only algorithms and methods extensively tested and validated to perform well are included in NUBO. This ensures that the package remains compact and does not overwhelm the user with an unnecessarily large number of options. The package is written in Python but does not require expert knowledge of Python to optimize simulators and experiments. NUBO is distributed as open-source software under the BSD 3-Clause license.

replace Parameter Estimation in DAGs from Incomplete Data via Optimal Transport

Authors: Vy Vo, Trung Le, Tung-Long Vuong, He Zhao, Edwin Bonilla, Dinh Phung

Abstract: Estimating the parameters of a probabilistic directed graphical model from incomplete data is a long-standing challenge. This is because, in the presence of latent variables, both the likelihood function and posterior distribution are intractable without assumptions about structural dependencies or model classes. While existing learning methods are fundamentally based on likelihood maximization, here we offer a new view of the parameter learning problem through the lens of optimal transport. This perspective licenses a general framework that operates on any directed graphs without making unrealistic assumptions on the posterior over the latent variables or resorting to variational approximations. We develop a theoretical framework and support it with extensive empirical evidence demonstrating the versatility and robustness of our approach. Across experiments, we show that not only can our method effectively recover the ground-truth parameters but it also performs comparably or better than competing baselines on downstream applications.

replace Rotational Equilibrium: How Weight Decay Balances Learning Across Neural Networks

Authors: Atli Kosson, Bettina Messmer, Martin Jaggi

Abstract: This study investigates how weight decay affects the update behavior of individual neurons in deep neural networks through a combination of applied analysis and experimentation. Weight decay can cause the expected magnitude and angular updates of a neuron's weight vector to converge to a steady state we call rotational equilibrium. These states can be highly homogeneous, effectively balancing the average rotation -- a proxy for the effective learning rate -- across different layers and neurons. Our work analyzes these dynamics across optimizers like Adam, Lion, and SGD with momentum, offering a new simple perspective on training that elucidates the efficacy of widely used but poorly understood methods in deep learning. We demonstrate how balanced rotation plays a key role in the effectiveness of normalization like Weight Standardization, as well as that of AdamW over Adam with L2-regularization. Finally, we show that explicitly controlling the rotation provides the benefits of weight decay while substantially reducing the need for learning rate warmup.

replace Riemannian Projection-free Online Learning

Authors: Zihao Hu, Guanghui Wang, Jacob Abernethy

Abstract: The projection operation is a critical component in a wide range of optimization algorithms, such as online gradient descent (OGD), for enforcing constraints and achieving optimal regret bounds. However, it suffers from computational complexity limitations in high-dimensional settings or when dealing with ill-conditioned constraint sets. Projection-free algorithms address this issue by replacing the projection oracle with more efficient optimization subroutines. But to date, these methods have been developed primarily in the Euclidean setting, and while there has been growing interest in optimization on Riemannian manifolds, there has been essentially no work in trying to utilize projection-free tools here. An apparent issue is that non-trivial affine functions are generally non-convex in such domains. In this paper, we present methods for obtaining sub-linear regret guarantees in online geodesically convex optimization on curved spaces for two scenarios: when we have access to (a) a separation oracle or (b) a linear optimization oracle. For geodesically convex losses, and when a separation oracle is available, our algorithms achieve $O(T^{1/2}\:)$ and $O(T^{3/4}\;)$ adaptive regret guarantees in the full information setting and the bandit setting, respectively. When a linear optimization oracle is available, we obtain regret rates of $O(T^{3/4}\;)$ for geodesically convex losses and $O(T^{2/3}\; log T )$ for strongly geodesically convex losses.

replace Reconstructing Graph Diffusion History from a Single Snapshot

Authors: Ruizhong Qiu, Dingsu Wang, Lei Ying, H. Vincent Poor, Yifang Zhang, Hanghang Tong

Abstract: Diffusion on graphs is ubiquitous with numerous high-impact applications. In these applications, complete diffusion histories play an essential role in terms of identifying dynamical patterns, reflecting on precaution actions, and forecasting intervention effects. Despite their importance, complete diffusion histories are rarely available and are highly challenging to reconstruct due to ill-posedness, explosive search space, and scarcity of training data. To date, few methods exist for diffusion history reconstruction. They are exclusively based on the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) formulation and require to know true diffusion parameters. In this paper, we study an even harder problem, namely reconstructing Diffusion history from A single SnapsHot} (DASH), where we seek to reconstruct the history from only the final snapshot without knowing true diffusion parameters. We start with theoretical analyses that reveal a fundamental limitation of the MLE formulation. We prove: (a) estimation error of diffusion parameters is unavoidable due to NP-hardness of diffusion parameter estimation, and (b) the MLE formulation is sensitive to estimation error of diffusion parameters. To overcome the inherent limitation of the MLE formulation, we propose a novel barycenter formulation: finding the barycenter of the posterior distribution of histories, which is provably stable against the estimation error of diffusion parameters. We further develop an effective solver named DIffusion hiTting Times with Optimal proposal (DITTO) by reducing the problem to estimating posterior expected hitting times via the Metropolis--Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo method (M--H MCMC) and employing an unsupervised graph neural network to learn an optimal proposal to accelerate the convergence of M--H MCMC. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.

replace Tackling Non-Stationarity in Reinforcement Learning via Causal-Origin Representation

Authors: Wanpeng Zhang, Yilin Li, Boyu Yang, Zongqing Lu

Abstract: In real-world scenarios, the application of reinforcement learning is significantly challenged by complex non-stationarity. Most existing methods attempt to model changes in the environment explicitly, often requiring impractical prior knowledge of environments. In this paper, we propose a new perspective, positing that non-stationarity can propagate and accumulate through complex causal relationships during state transitions, thereby compounding its sophistication and affecting policy learning. We believe that this challenge can be more effectively addressed by implicitly tracing the causal origin of non-stationarity. To this end, we introduce the Causal-Origin REPresentation (COREP) algorithm. COREP primarily employs a guided updating mechanism to learn a stable graph representation for the state, termed as causal-origin representation. By leveraging this representation, the learned policy exhibits impressive resilience to non-stationarity. We supplement our approach with a theoretical analysis grounded in the causal interpretation for non-stationary reinforcement learning, advocating for the validity of the causal-origin representation. Experimental results further demonstrate the superior performance of COREP over existing methods in tackling non-stationarity problems.

replace How Can We Train Deep Learning Models Across Clouds and Continents? An Experimental Study

Authors: Alexander Erben, Ruben Mayer, Hans-Arno Jacobsen

Abstract: This paper aims to answer the question: Can deep learning models be cost-efficiently trained on a global market of spot VMs spanning different data centers and cloud providers? To provide guidance, we extensively evaluate the cost and throughput implications of training in different zones, continents, and clouds for representative CV, NLP, and ASR models. To expand the current training options further, we compare the scalability potential for hybrid-cloud scenarios by adding cloud resources to on-premise hardware to improve training throughput. Finally, we show how leveraging spot instance pricing enables a new cost-efficient way to train models with multiple cheap VMs, trumping both more centralized and powerful hardware and even on-demand cloud offerings at competitive prices.

replace Interpreting and Improving Diffusion Models from an Optimization Perspective

Authors: Frank Permenter, Chenyang Yuan

Abstract: Denoising is intuitively related to projection. Indeed, under the manifold hypothesis, adding random noise is approximately equivalent to orthogonal perturbation. Hence, learning to denoise is approximately learning to project. In this paper, we use this observation to interpret denoising diffusion models as approximate gradient descent applied to the Euclidean distance function. We then provide straight-forward convergence analysis of the DDIM sampler under simple assumptions on the projection error of the denoiser. Finally, we propose a new gradient-estimation sampler, generalizing DDIM using insights from our theoretical results. In as few as 5-10 function evaluations, our sampler achieves state-of-the-art FID scores on pretrained CIFAR-10 and CelebA models and can generate high quality samples on latent diffusion models.

replace Conservative Prediction via Data-Driven Confidence Minimization

Authors: Caroline Choi, Fahim Tajwar, Yoonho Lee, Huaxiu Yao, Ananya Kumar, Chelsea Finn

Abstract: In safety-critical applications of machine learning, it is often desirable for a model to be conservative, abstaining from making predictions on unknown inputs which are not well-represented in the training data. However, detecting unknown examples is challenging, as it is impossible to anticipate all potential inputs at test time. To address this, prior work (Hendrycks et al., 2018) minimizes model confidence on an auxiliary outlier dataset carefully curated to be disjoint from the training distribution. We theoretically analyze the choice of auxiliary dataset for confidence minimization, revealing two actionable insights: (1) if the auxiliary set contains unknown examples similar to those seen at test time, confidence minimization leads to provable detection of unknown test examples, and (2) if the first condition is satisfied, it is unnecessary to filter out known examples for out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. Motivated by these guidelines, we propose the Data-Driven Confidence Minimization (DCM) framework, which minimizes confidence on an uncertainty dataset. We apply DCM to two problem settings in which conservative prediction is paramount -- selective classification and OOD detection -- and provide a realistic way to gather uncertainty data for each setting. In our experiments, DCM consistently outperforms existing selective classification approaches on 4 datasets when tested on unseen distributions and outperforms state-of-the-art OOD detection methods on 12 ID-OOD dataset pairs, reducing FPR (at TPR $95\%$) by $6.3\%$ and $58.1\%$ on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 compared to Outlier Exposure.

replace ProtoGate: Prototype-based Neural Networks with Global-to-local Feature Selection for Tabular Biomedical Data

Authors: Xiangjian Jiang, Andrei Margeloiu, Nikola Simidjievski, Mateja Jamnik

Abstract: Tabular biomedical data poses challenges in machine learning because it is often high-dimensional and typically low-sample-size (HDLSS). Previous research has attempted to address these challenges via local feature selection, but existing approaches often fail to achieve optimal performance due to their limitation in identifying globally important features and their susceptibility to the co-adaptation problem. In this paper, we propose ProtoGate, a prototype-based neural model for feature selection on HDLSS data. ProtoGate first selects instance-wise features via adaptively balancing global and local feature selection. Furthermore, ProtoGate employs a non-parametric prototype-based prediction mechanism to tackle the co-adaptation problem, ensuring the feature selection results and predictions are consistent with underlying data clusters. We conduct comprehensive experiments to evaluate the performance and interpretability of ProtoGate on synthetic and real-world datasets. The results show that ProtoGate generally outperforms state-of-the-art methods in prediction accuracy by a clear margin while providing high-fidelity feature selection and explainable predictions. Code is available at


replace Predictive Coding beyond Correlations

Authors: Tommaso Salvatori, Luca Pinchetti, Amine M'Charrak, Beren Millidge, Thomas Lukasiewicz

Abstract: Recently, there has been extensive research on the capabilities of biologically plausible algorithms. In this work, we show how one of such algorithms, called predictive coding, is able to perform causal inference tasks. First, we show how a simple change in the inference process of predictive coding enables to compute interventions without the need to mutilate or redefine a causal graph. Then, we explore applications in cases where the graph is unknown, and has to be inferred from observational data. Empirically, we show how such findings can be used to improve the performance of predictive coding in image classification tasks, and conclude that such models are able to perform simple end-to-end causal inference tasks.

replace FLuRKA: Fast and accurate unified Low-Rank & Kernel Attention

Authors: Ahan Gupta, Hao Guo, Yueming Yuan, Yanqi Zhou, Charith Mendis

Abstract: Many efficient $\textit{approximate}$ self-attention techniques have become prevalent since the inception of the transformer architecture. Two popular classes of these techniques are low-rank and kernel methods. Each of these methods has its strengths. We observe these strengths synergistically complement each other and exploit them to fuse low-rank and kernel methods, producing a new class of transformers: FLuRKA ($\textbf{F}$ast $\textbf{L}$ow-$\textbf{R}$ank & $\textbf{K}$ernel$ \textbf{A}$ttention). FLuRKA are highly $\textit{training-efficient}$ with faster model speeds $\textit{and}$ similar model qualities compared to constituent low-rank and kernel methods. We theoretically and empirically evaluate the speed and quality of FLuRKA. Our model speed analysis posits a variety of parameter configurations where FLuRKA exhibit speedups over low-rank and kernel approximations and our model quality analysis bounds the error of FLuRKA with respect to full-attention. Empirically, we instantiate three FLuRKA variants which experience speedups of up to 3.3x and 1.7x over low-rank and kernel methods respectively. This translates to speedups of up to 20x over models with flash-attention. Across a diverse set of tasks spanning language modeling, language understanding, long sequence modeling, machine translation, and image classification, FLuRKA achieve comparable accuracy with underlying low-rank and kernel approximations, occasionally surpassing both.

replace Federated Generative Learning with Foundation Models

Authors: Jie Zhang, Xiaohua Qi, Bo Zhao

Abstract: Existing approaches in Federated Learning (FL) mainly focus on sending model parameters or gradients from clients to a server. However, these methods are plagued by significant inefficiency, privacy, and security concerns. Thanks to the emerging foundation generative models, we propose a novel federated learning framework, namely Federated Generative Learning. In this framework, each client can create text embeddings that are tailored to their local data, and send embeddings to the server. Then the informative training data can be synthesized remotely on the server using foundation generative models with these embeddings, which can benefit FL tasks. Our proposed framework offers several advantages, including increased communication efficiency, robustness to data heterogeneity, substantial performance improvements, and enhanced privacy protection. We validate these benefits through extensive experiments conducted on 12 datasets. For example, on the ImageNet100 dataset with a highly skewed data distribution, our method outperforms FedAvg by 12% in a single communication round, compared to FedAvg's performance over 200 communication rounds. We have released the code for all experiments conducted in this study.

replace Dynamic Feature-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Flow Control of Circular Cylinder with Sparse Surface Pressure Sensing

Authors: Qiulei Wang, Lei Yan, Gang Hu, Wenli Chen, Jean Rabault, Bernd R. Noack

Abstract: This study proposes a self-learning algorithm for closed-loop cylinder wake control targeting lower drag and lower lift fluctuations with the additional challenge of sparse sensor information, taking deep reinforcement learning as the starting point. DRL performance is significantly improved by lifting the sensor signals to dynamic features (DF), which predict future flow states. The resulting dynamic feature-based DRL (DF-DRL) automatically learns a feedback control in the plant without a dynamic model. Results show that the drag coefficient of the DF-DRL model is 25% less than the vanilla model based on direct sensor feedback. More importantly, using only one surface pressure sensor, DF-DRL can reduce the drag coefficient to a state-of-the-art performance of about 8% at Re = 100 and significantly mitigate lift coefficient fluctuations. Hence, DF-DRL allows the deployment of sparse sensing of the flow without degrading the control performance. This method also shows good robustness in controlling flow under higher Reynolds numbers, which reduces the drag coefficient by 32.2% and 46.55% at Re = 500 and 1000, respectively, indicating the broad applicability of the method. Since surface pressure information is more straightforward to measure in realistic scenarios than flow velocity information, this study provides a valuable reference for experimentally designing the active flow control of a circular cylinder based on wall pressure signals, which is an essential step toward further developing intelligent control in realistic multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system.

replace How accurate are existing land cover maps for agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Authors: Hannah Kerner, Catherine Nakalembe, Adam Yang, Ivan Zvonkov, Ryan McWeeny, Gabriel Tseng, Inbal Becker-Reshef

Abstract: Satellite Earth observations (EO) can provide affordable and timely information for assessing crop conditions and food production. Such monitoring systems are essential in Africa, where there is high food insecurity and sparse agricultural statistics. EO-based monitoring systems require accurate cropland maps to provide information about croplands, but there is a lack of data to determine which of the many available land cover maps most accurately identify cropland in African countries. This study provides a quantitative evaluation and intercomparison of 11 publicly available land cover maps to assess their suitability for cropland classification and EO-based agriculture monitoring in Africa using statistically rigorous reference datasets from 8 countries. We hope the results of this study will help users determine the most suitable map for their needs and encourage future work to focus on resolving inconsistencies between maps and improving accuracy in low-accuracy regions.

replace CuTS: Customizable Tabular Synthetic Data Generation

Authors: Mark Vero, Mislav Balunovi\'c, Martin Vechev

Abstract: Privacy, data quality, and data sharing concerns pose a key limitation for tabular data applications. While generating synthetic data resembling the original distribution addresses some of these issues, most applications would benefit from additional customization on the generated data. However, existing synthetic data approaches are limited to particular constraints, e.g., differential privacy (DP) or fairness. In this work, we introduce CuTS, the first customizable synthetic tabular data generation framework. Customization in CuTS is achieved via declarative statistical and logical expressions, supporting a wide range of requirements (e.g., DP or fairness, among others). To ensure high synthetic data quality in the presence of custom specifications, CuTS is pre-trained on the original dataset and fine-tuned on a differentiable loss automatically derived from the provided specifications using novel relaxations. We evaluate CuTS over four datasets and on numerous custom specifications, outperforming state-of-the-art specialized approaches on several tasks while being more general. In particular, at the same fairness level, we achieve 2.3% higher downstream accuracy than the state-of-the-art in fair synthetic data generation on the Adult dataset.

replace Improving Prototypical Part Networks with Reward Reweighing, Reselection, and Retraining

Authors: Aaron J. Li, Robin Netzorg, Zhihan Cheng, Zhuoqin Zhang, Bin Yu

Abstract: In recent years, work has gone into developing deep interpretable methods for image classification that clearly attributes a model's output to specific features of the data. One such of these methods is the Prototypical Part Network (ProtoPNet), which attempts to classify images based on meaningful parts of the input. While this architecture is able to produce visually interpretable classifications, it often learns to classify based on parts of the image that are not semantically meaningful. To address this problem, we propose the Reward Reweighing, Reselecting, and Retraining (R3) post-processing framework, which performs three additional corrective updates to a pretrained ProtoPNet in an offline and efficient manner. The first two steps involve learning a reward model based on collected human feedback and then aligning the prototypes with human preferences. The final step is retraining, which realigns the base features and the classifier layer of the original model with the updated prototypes. We find that our R3 framework consistently improves both the interpretability and the predictive accuracy of ProtoPNet and its variants.

replace Towards Task Sampler Learning for Meta-Learning

Authors: Jingyao Wang, Wenwen Qiang, Xingzhe Su, Changwen Zheng, Fuchun Sun, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Meta-learning aims to learn general knowledge with diverse training tasks conducted from limited data, and then transfer it to new tasks. It is commonly believed that increasing task diversity will enhance the generalization ability of meta-learning models. However, this paper challenges this view through empirical and theoretical analysis. We obtain three conclusions: (i) there is no universal task sampling strategy that can guarantee the optimal performance of meta-learning models; (ii) over-constraining task diversity may incur the risk of under-fitting or over-fitting during training; and (iii) the generalization performance of meta-learning models are affected by task diversity, task entropy, and task difficulty. Based on this insight, we design a novel task sampler, called Adaptive Sampler (ASr). ASr is a plug-and-play module that can be integrated into any meta-learning framework. It dynamically adjusts task weights according to task diversity, task entropy, and task difficulty, thereby obtaining the optimal probability distribution for meta-training tasks. Finally, we conduct experiments on a series of benchmark datasets across various scenarios, and the results demonstrate that ASr has clear advantages.

replace Bayesian Exploration Networks

Authors: Mattie Fellows, Brandon Kaplowitz, Christian Schroeder de Witt, Shimon Whiteson

Abstract: Bayesian reinforcement learning (RL) offers a principled and elegant approach for sequential decision making under uncertainty. Most notably, Bayesian agents do not face an exploration/exploitation dilemma, a major pathology of frequentist methods. However theoretical understanding of model-free approaches is lacking. In this paper, we introduce a novel Bayesian model-free formulation and the first analysis showing that model-free approaches can yield Bayes-optimal policies. We show all existing model-free approaches make approximations that yield policies that can be arbitrarily Bayes-suboptimal. As a first step towards model-free Bayes optimality, we introduce the Bayesian exploration network (BEN) which uses normalising flows to model both the aleatoric uncertainty (via density estimation) and epistemic uncertainty (via variational inference) in the Bellman operator. In the limit of complete optimisation, BEN learns true Bayes-optimal policies, but like in variational expectation-maximisation, partial optimisation renders our approach tractable. Empirical results demonstrate that BEN can learn true Bayes-optimal policies in tasks where existing model-free approaches fail.

replace SortedNet: A Scalable and Generalized Framework for Training Modular Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Mojtaba Valipour, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Hossein Rajabzadeh, Parsa Kavehzadeh, Marzieh Tahaei, Boxing Chen, Ali Ghodsi

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) must cater to a variety of users with different performance needs and budgets, leading to the costly practice of training, storing, and maintaining numerous user/task-specific models. There are solutions in the literature to deal with single dynamic or many-in-one models instead of many individual networks; however, they suffer from significant drops in performance, lack of generalization across different model architectures or different dimensions (e.g. depth, width, attention blocks), heavy model search requirements during training, and training a limited number of sub-models. To address these limitations, we propose SortedNet, a generalized and scalable training solution to harness the inherent modularity of DNNs. Thanks to a generalized nested architecture (which we refer as \textit{sorted} architecture in this paper) with shared parameters and its novel update scheme combining random sub-model sampling and a new gradient accumulation mechanism, SortedNet enables the training of sub-models simultaneously along with the training of the main model (without any significant extra training or inference overhead), simplifies dynamic model selection, customizes deployment during inference, and reduces the model storage requirement significantly. The versatility and scalability of SortedNet are validated through various architectures and tasks, including LLaMA, BERT, RoBERTa (NLP tasks), ResNet and MobileNet (image classification) demonstrating its superiority over existing dynamic training methods. For example, we introduce a novel adaptive self-speculative approach based on sorted-training to accelerate large language models decoding. Moreover, SortedNet is able to train 160 sub-models at once, achieving at least 96\% of the original model's performance.

replace PAGER: A Framework for Failure Analysis of Deep Regression Models

Authors: Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Vivek Narayanaswamy, Puja Trivedi, Rushil Anirudh

Abstract: Safe deployment of AI models requires proactive detection of failures to prevent costly errors. To this end, we study the important problem of detecting failures in deep regression models. Existing approaches rely on epistemic uncertainty estimates or inconsistency w.r.t the training data to identify failure. Interestingly, we find that while uncertainties are necessary they are insufficient to accurately characterize failure in practice. Hence, we introduce PAGER (Principled Analysis of Generalization Errors in Regressors), a framework to systematically detect and characterize failures in deep regressors. Built upon the principle of anchored training in deep models, PAGER unifies both epistemic uncertainty and complementary manifold non-conformity scores to accurately organize samples into different risk regimes.

replace Tackling the Unlimited Staleness in Federated Learning with Intertwined Data and Device Heterogeneities

Authors: Haoming Wang, Wei Gao

Abstract: The efficiency of Federated Learning (FL) is often affected by both data and device heterogeneities. Data heterogeneity is defined as the heterogeneity of data distributions on different clients. Device heterogeneity is defined as the clients' variant latencies in uploading their local model updates due to heterogeneous conditions of local hardware resources, and causes the problem of staleness when being addressed by asynchronous FL. Traditional schemes of tackling the impact of staleness consider data and device heterogeneities as two separate and independent aspects in FL, but this assumption is unrealistic in many practical FL scenarios where data and device heterogeneities are intertwined. In these cases, traditional schemes of weighted aggregation in FL have been proved to be ineffective, and a better approach is to convert a stale model update into a non-stale one. In this paper, we present a new FL framework that leverages the gradient inversion technique for such conversion, hence efficiently tackling unlimited staleness in clients' model updates. Our basic idea is to use gradient inversion to get estimations of clients' local training data from their uploaded stale model updates, and use these estimations to compute non-stale client model updates. In this way, we address the problem of possible data quality drop when using gradient inversion, while still preserving the clients' local data privacy. We compared our approach with the existing FL strategies on mainstream datasets and models, and experiment results demonstrate that when tackling unlimited staleness, our approach can significantly improve the trained model accuracy by up to 20% and speed up the FL training progress by up to 35%.

replace From Cluster Assumption to Graph Convolution: Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning Revisited

Authors: Zheng Wang, Hongming Ding, Li Pan, Jianhua Li, Zhiguo Gong, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Graph-based semi-supervised learning (GSSL) has long been a hot research topic. Traditional methods are generally shallow learners, based on the cluster assumption. Recently, graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have become the predominant techniques for their promising performance. In this paper, we theoretically discuss the relationship between these two types of methods in a unified optimization framework. One of the most intriguing findings is that, unlike traditional ones, typical GCNs may not jointly consider the graph structure and label information at each layer. Motivated by this, we further propose three simple but powerful graph convolution methods. The first is a supervised method OGC which guides the graph convolution process with labels. The others are two unsupervised methods: GGC and its multi-scale version GGCM, both aiming to preserve the graph structure information during the convolution process. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to show the effectiveness of our methods.

replace A Neural-Guided Dynamic Symbolic Network for Exploring Mathematical Expressions from Data

Authors: Wenqiang Li, Weijun Li, Lina Yu, Min Wu, Linjun Sun, Jingyi Liu, Yanjie Li, Shu Wei, Yusong Deng, Meilan Hao

Abstract: Symbolic regression (SR) is a powerful technique for discovering the underlying mathematical expressions from observed data. Inspired by the success of deep learning, recent deep generative SR methods have shown promising results. However, these methods face difficulties in processing high-dimensional problems and learning constants due to the large search space, and they don't scale well to unseen problems. In this work, we propose DySymNet, a novel neural-guided Dynamic Symbolic Network for SR. Instead of searching for expressions within a large search space, we explore symbolic networks with various structures, guided by reinforcement learning, and optimize them to identify expressions that better-fitting the data. Based on extensive numerical experiments on low-dimensional public standard benchmarks and the well-known SRBench with more variables, DySymNet shows clear superiority over several representative baseline models. Open source code is available at


replace Symmetry Induces Structure and Constraint of Learning

Authors: Liu Ziyin

Abstract: Due to common architecture designs, symmetries exist extensively in contemporary neural networks. In this work, we unveil the importance of the loss function symmetries in affecting, if not deciding, the learning behavior of machine learning models. We prove that every mirror-reflection symmetry, with reflection surface $O$, in the loss function leads to the emergence of a constraint on the model parameters $\theta$: $O^T\theta =0$. This constrained solution becomes satisfied when either the weight decay or gradient noise is large. Common instances of mirror symmetries in deep learning include rescaling, rotation, and permutation symmetry. As direct corollaries, we show that rescaling symmetry leads to sparsity, rotation symmetry leads to low rankness, and permutation symmetry leads to homogeneous ensembling. Then, we show that the theoretical framework can explain intriguing phenomena, such as the loss of plasticity and various collapse phenomena in neural networks, and suggest how symmetries can be used to design an elegant algorithm to enforce hard constraints in a differentiable way.

replace Intrinsic Biologically Plausible Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Matilde Tristany Farinha, Thomas Ortner, Giorgia Dellaferrera, Benjamin Grewe, Angeliki Pantazi

Abstract: Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) trained with Backpropagation (BP) excel in different daily tasks but have a dangerous vulnerability: inputs with small targeted perturbations, also known as adversarial samples, can drastically disrupt their performance. Adversarial training, a technique in which the training dataset is augmented with exemplary adversarial samples, is proven to mitigate this problem but comes at a high computational cost. In contrast to ANNs, humans are not susceptible to misclassifying these same adversarial samples. Thus, one can postulate that biologically-plausible trained ANNs might be more robust against adversarial attacks. In this work, we chose the biologically-plausible learning algorithm Present the Error to Perturb the Input To modulate Activity (PEPITA) as a case study and investigated this question through a comparative analysis with BP-trained ANNs on various computer vision tasks. We observe that PEPITA has a higher intrinsic adversarial robustness and, when adversarially trained, also has a more favorable natural-vs-adversarial performance trade-off. In particular, for the same natural accuracies on the MNIST task, PEPITA's adversarial accuracies decrease on average only by 0.26% while BP's decrease by 8.05%.

replace The Map Equation Goes Neural: Mapping Network Flows with Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Christopher Bl\"ocker, Chester Tan, Ingo Scholtes

Abstract: Community detection is an essential tool for unsupervised data exploration and revealing the organisational structure of networked systems. With a long history in network science, community detection typically relies on objective functions, optimised with custom-tailored search algorithms, but often without leveraging recent advances in deep learning. Recently, first works have started incorporating such objectives into loss functions for neural graph clustering and pooling. We consider the map equation, a popular information-theoretic objective function for unsupervised community detection, and express it in differentiable tensor form for optimisation through gradient descent. Our formulation turns the map equation compatible with any neural network architecture, enables end-to-end learning, incorporates node features, and chooses the optimal number of clusters automatically, all without requiring explicit regularisation. Applied to unsupervised graph clustering tasks, we achieve competitive performance against state-of-the-art neural graph clustering baselines in synthetic and real-world datasets.

replace Implicit regularization of multi-task learning and finetuning: multiple regimes of feature reuse

Authors: Samuel Lippl, Jack W. Lindsey

Abstract: In this work, we investigate the inductive biases that arise from learning multiple tasks, either simultaneously (multi-task learning, MTL) or sequentially (pretraining and subsequent finetuning, PT+FT). We describe novel implicit regularization penalties associated with MTL and PT+FT in diagonal linear networks and single-hidden-layer ReLU networks. These penalties indicate that MTL and PT+FT induce the network to reuse features in different ways. 1) Both MTL and PT+FT exhibit biases towards feature reuse between tasks, and towards sparsity in the set of learned features. We show a "conservation law" that implies a direct tradeoff between these two biases. Our results also imply that during finetuning, networks operate in a hybrid of the kernel (or "lazy") regime and the feature-learning ("rich") regime identified in prior work. 2) PT+FT exhibits a novel "nested feature selection" behavior not described by either the lazy or rich regimes, which biases it to extract a sparse subset of the features learned during pretraining. This regime is much narrower for MTL. 3) PT+FT (but not MTL) in ReLU networks benefits from features that are correlated between the auxiliary and main task. We confirm our insights empirically with teacher-student models. Finally, we validate our theory in deep neural networks trained on image classification tasks, finding that they may exhibit a nested feature selection regime. We also introduce a practical technique -- weight rescaling following pretraining -- and provide evidence that this method can improve finetuning performance by inducing the network to operate in the nested feature selection regime.

replace Learning to Scale Logits for Temperature-Conditional GFlowNets

Authors: Minsu Kim, Joohwan Ko, Taeyoung Yun, Dinghuai Zhang, Ling Pan, Woochang Kim, Jinkyoo Park, Emmanuel Bengio, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: GFlowNets are probabilistic models that sequentially generate compositional structures through a stochastic policy. Among GFlowNets, temperature-conditional GFlowNets can introduce temperature-based controllability for exploration and exploitation. We propose \textit{Logit-scaling GFlowNets} (Logit-GFN), a novel architectural design that greatly accelerates the training of temperature-conditional GFlowNets. It is based on the idea that previously proposed approaches introduced numerical challenges in the deep network training, since different temperatures may give rise to very different gradient profiles as well as magnitudes of the policy's logits. We find that the challenge is greatly reduced if a learned function of the temperature is used to scale the policy's logits directly. Also, using Logit-GFN, GFlowNets can be improved by having better generalization capabilities in offline learning and mode discovery capabilities in online learning, which is empirically verified in various biological and chemical tasks. Our code is available at \url{}


replace Flood and Echo Net: Algorithmically Aligned GNNs that Generalize

Authors: Jo\"el Mathys, Florian Gr\"otschla, Kalyan Varma Nadimpalli, Roger Wattenhofer

Abstract: Most Graph Neural Networks follow the standard message-passing framework where, in each step, all nodes simultaneously communicate with each other. We want to challenge this paradigm by aligning the computation more closely to the execution of distributed algorithms and propose the Flood and Echo Net. A single round of a Flood and Echo Net consists of an origin node and a flooding phase followed by an echo phase. First, during the flooding, messages are sent from the origin and propagated outwards throughout the entire graph. Then, during the echo, the message flow reverses and messages are sent back towards the origin. As nodes are only sparsely activated upon receiving a message, this leads to a wave-like activation pattern that traverses the graph. Through these sparse but parallel activations, the Net becomes more expressive than traditional MPNNs which are limited by the 1-WL test and also is provably more efficient in terms of message complexity. Moreover, the mechanism's inherent ability to generalize across graphs of varying sizes positions it as a practical architecture for the task of algorithmic learning. We test the Flood and Echo Net on a variety of synthetic tasks and the SALSA-CLRS benchmark and find that the algorithmic alignment of the execution improves generalization to larger graph sizes.

replace Generative Modeling on Manifolds Through Mixture of Riemannian Diffusion Processes

Authors: Jaehyeong Jo, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: Learning the distribution of data on Riemannian manifolds is crucial for modeling data from non-Euclidean space, which is required by many applications in diverse scientific fields. Yet, existing generative models on manifolds suffer from expensive divergence computation or rely on approximations of heat kernel. These limitations restrict their applicability to simple geometries and hinder scalability to high dimensions. In this work, we introduce the Riemannian Diffusion Mixture, a principled framework for building a generative diffusion process on manifolds. Instead of following the denoising approach of previous diffusion models, we construct a diffusion process using a mixture of bridge processes derived on general manifolds without requiring heat kernel estimations. We develop a geometric understanding of the mixture process, deriving the drift as a weighted mean of tangent directions to the data points that guides the process toward the data distribution. We further propose a scalable training objective for learning the mixture process that readily applies to general manifolds. Our method achieves superior performance on diverse manifolds with dramatically reduced number of in-training simulation steps for general manifolds.

replace Neural Diffusion Models

Authors: Grigory Bartosh, Dmitry Vetrov, Christian A. Naesseth

Abstract: Diffusion models have shown remarkable performance on many generative tasks. Despite recent success, most diffusion models are restricted in that they only allow linear transformation of the data distribution. In contrast, broader family of transformations can potentially help train generative distributions more efficiently, simplifying the reverse process and closing the gap between the true negative log-likelihood and the variational approximation. In this paper, we present Neural Diffusion Models (NDMs), a generalization of conventional diffusion models that enables defining and learning time-dependent non-linear transformations of data. We show how to optimise NDMs using a variational bound in a simulation-free setting. Moreover, we derive a time-continuous formulation of NDMs, which allows fast and reliable inference using off-the-shelf numerical ODE and SDE solvers. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of NDMs with learnable transformations through experiments on standard image generation benchmarks, including CIFAR-10, downsampled versions of ImageNet and CelebA-HQ. NDMs outperform conventional diffusion models in terms of likelihood and produce high-quality samples.

replace Studying K-FAC Heuristics by Viewing Adam through a Second-Order Lens

Authors: Ross M. Clarke, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato

Abstract: Research into optimisation for deep learning is characterised by a tension between the computational efficiency of first-order, gradient-based methods (such as SGD and Adam) and the theoretical efficiency of second-order, curvature-based methods (such as quasi-Newton methods and K-FAC). Noting that second-order methods often only function effectively with the addition of stabilising heuristics (such as Levenberg-Marquardt damping), we ask how much these (as opposed to the second-order curvature model) contribute to second-order algorithms' performance. We thus study AdamQLR: an optimiser combining damping and learning rate selection techniques from K-FAC (Martens & Grosse, 2015) with the update directions proposed by Adam, inspired by considering Adam through a second-order lens. We evaluate AdamQLR on a range of regression and classification tasks at various scales and hyperparameter tuning methodologies, concluding K-FAC's adaptive heuristics are of variable standalone general effectiveness, and finding an untuned AdamQLR setting can achieve comparable performance vs runtime to tuned benchmarks.

replace On the Inherent Privacy Properties of Discrete Denoising Diffusion Models

Authors: Rongzhe Wei, Eleonora Krea\v{c}i\'c, Haoyu Wang, Haoteng Yin, Eli Chien, Vamsi K. Potluru, Pan Li

Abstract: Privacy concerns have led to a surge in the creation of synthetic datasets, with diffusion models emerging as a promising avenue. Although prior studies have performed empirical evaluations on these models, there has been a gap in providing a mathematical characterization of their privacy-preserving capabilities. To address this, we present the pioneering theoretical exploration of the privacy preservation inherent in discrete diffusion models (DDMs) for discrete dataset generation. Focusing on per-instance differential privacy (pDP), our framework elucidates the potential privacy leakage for each data point in a given training dataset, offering insights into how the privacy loss of each point correlates with the dataset's distribution. Our bounds also show that training with $s$-sized data points leads to a surge in privacy leakage from $(\epsilon, O(\frac{1}{s^2\epsilon}))$-pDP to $(\epsilon, O(\frac{1}{s\epsilon}))$-pDP of the DDM during the transition from the pure noise to the synthetic clean data phase, and a faster decay in diffusion coefficients amplifies the privacy guarantee. Finally, we empirically verify our theoretical findings on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

replace Transformers Learn Higher-Order Optimization Methods for In-Context Learning: A Study with Linear Models

Authors: Deqing Fu, Tian-Qi Chen, Robin Jia, Vatsal Sharan

Abstract: Transformers excel at in-context learning (ICL) -- learning from demonstrations without parameter updates -- but how they do so remains a mystery. Recent work suggests that Transformers may internally run Gradient Descent (GD), a first-order optimization method, to perform ICL. In this paper, we instead demonstrate that Transformers learn to approximate higher-order optimization methods for ICL. For in-context linear regression, Transformers share a similar convergence rate as Iterative Newton's Method; both are exponentially faster than GD. Empirically, predictions from successive Transformer layers closely match different iterations of Newton's Method linearly, with each middle layer roughly computing 3 iterations; thus, Transformers and Newton's method converge at roughly the same rate. In contrast, Gradient Descent converges exponentially more slowly. We also show that Transformers can learn in-context on ill-conditioned data, a setting where Gradient Descent struggles but Iterative Newton succeeds. Finally, to corroborate our empirical findings, we prove that Transformers can implement $k$ iterations of Newton's method with $k + \mathcal{O}(1)$ layers.

replace PSP: Pre-Training and Structure Prompt Tuning for Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Qingqing Ge, Zeyuan Zhao, Yiding Liu, Anfeng Cheng, Xiang Li, Shuaiqiang Wang, Dawei Yin

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are powerful in learning semantics of graph data. Recently, a new paradigm "pre-train and prompt" has shown promising results in adapting GNNs to various tasks with less supervised data. The success of such paradigm can be attributed to the more consistent objectives of pre-training and task-oriented prompt tuning, where the pre-trained knowledge can be effectively transferred to downstream tasks. Most existing methods are based on the class prototype vector framework. However, in the few-shot scenarios, given few labeled data, class prototype vectors are difficult to be accurately constructed or learned. Meanwhile, the structure information of graph is usually exploited during pre-training for learning node representations, while neglected in the prompt tuning stage for learning more accurate prototype vectors. In addition, they generally ignore the impact of heterophilous neighborhoods on node representation and are not suitable for heterophilous graphs. To bridge these gaps, we propose a novel pre-training and structure prompt tuning framework for GNNs, namely PSP, which consistently exploits structure information in both pre-training and prompt tuning stages. In particular, PSP 1) employs a dual-view contrastive learning to align the latent semantic spaces of node attributes and graph structure, and 2) incorporates structure information in prompted graph to construct more accurate prototype vectors and elicit more pre-trained knowledge in prompt tuning. We conduct extensive experiments on node classification and graph classification tasks to evaluate the effectiveness of PSP. We show that PSP can lead to superior performance in few-shot scenarios on both homophilous and heterophilous graphs. The implemented code is available at


replace A Practical Approach to Novel Class Discovery in Tabular Data

Authors: Colin Troisemaine, Alexandre Reiffers-Masson, St\'ephane Gosselin, Vincent Lemaire, Sandrine Vaton

Abstract: The problem of Novel Class Discovery (NCD) consists in extracting knowledge from a labeled set of known classes to accurately partition an unlabeled set of novel classes. While NCD has recently received a lot of attention from the community, it is often solved on computer vision problems and under unrealistic conditions. In particular, the number of novel classes is usually assumed to be known in advance, and their labels are sometimes used to tune hyperparameters. Methods that rely on these assumptions are not applicable in real-world scenarios. In this work, we focus on solving NCD in tabular data when no prior knowledge of the novel classes is available. To this end, we propose to tune the hyperparameters of NCD methods by adapting the $k$-fold cross-validation process and hiding some of the known classes in each fold. Since we have found that methods with too many hyperparameters are likely to overfit these hidden classes, we define a simple deep NCD model. This method is composed of only the essential elements necessary for the NCD problem and performs impressively well under realistic conditions. Furthermore, we find that the latent space of this method can be used to reliably estimate the number of novel classes. Additionally, we adapt two unsupervised clustering algorithms ($k$-means and Spectral Clustering) to leverage the knowledge of the known classes. Extensive experiments are conducted on 7 tabular datasets and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and hyperparameter tuning process, and show that the NCD problem can be solved without relying on knowledge from the novel classes.

replace Early-Exit Neural Networks with Nested Prediction Sets

Authors: Metod Jazbec, Patrick Forr\'e, Stephan Mandt, Dan Zhang, Eric Nalisnick

Abstract: Early-exit neural networks (EENNs) enable adaptive and efficient inference by providing predictions at multiple stages during the forward pass. In safety-critical applications, these predictions are meaningful only when accompanied by reliable uncertainty estimates. A popular method for quantifying the uncertainty of predictive models is the use of prediction sets. However, we demonstrate that standard techniques such as conformal prediction and Bayesian credible sets are not suitable for EENNs. They tend to generate non-nested sets across exits, meaning that labels deemed improbable at one exit may reappear in the prediction set of a subsequent exit. To address this issue, we investigate anytime-valid confidence sequences (AVCSs), an extension of traditional confidence intervals tailored for data-streaming scenarios. These sequences are inherently nested and thus well-suited for an EENN's sequential predictions. We explore the theoretical and practical challenges of using AVCSs in EENNs and show that they indeed yield nested sets across exits. Thus our work presents a promising approach towards fast, yet still safe, predictive modeling

replace 1-Lipschitz Neural Networks are more expressive with N-Activations

Authors: Bernd Prach, Christoph H. Lampert

Abstract: A crucial property for achieving secure, trustworthy and interpretable deep learning systems is their robustness: small changes to a system's inputs should not result in large changes to its outputs. Mathematically, this means one strives for networks with a small Lipschitz constant. Several recent works have focused on how to construct such Lipschitz networks, typically by imposing constraints on the weight matrices. In this work, we study an orthogonal aspect, namely the role of the activation function. We show that commonly used activation functions, such as MaxMin, as well as all piece-wise linear ones with two segments unnecessarily restrict the class of representable functions, even in the simplest one-dimensional setting. We furthermore introduce the new N-activation function that is provably more expressive than currently popular activation functions. We provide code at


replace Open-Set Graph Anomaly Detection via Normal Structure Regularisation

Authors: Qizhou Wang, Guansong Pang, Mahsa Salehi, Xiaokun Xia, Christopher Leckie

Abstract: This paper considers an important Graph Anomaly Detection (GAD) task, namely open-set GAD, which aims to train a detection model using a small number of normal and anomaly nodes (referred to as seen anomalies) to detect both seen anomalies and unseen anomalies (i.e., anomalies that cannot be illustrated the training anomalies). The availability of those labelled training data provides crucial prior knowledge about abnormalities for GAD models, enabling substantially reduced detection errors. However, current methods tend to over-emphasise fitting the seen anomalies, leading to a weak generalisation ability to detect the unseen anomalies. Further, they were introduced to handle Euclidean data, failing to effectively capture important information on graph structure and node attributes for GAD. In this work, we propose a novel open-set GAD approach, namely Normal Structure Regularisation (NSReg) to achieve generalised detection ability to unseen anomalies, while maintaining its effectiveness on detecting seen anomalies. The key idea in NSReg is to introduce a regularisation term that enforces the learning of compact, semantically-rich representations of normal nodes based on their structural relations to other nodes. When being optimised with supervised anomaly detection losses, the regularisation term helps incorporate strong normality into the modelling, and thus, it effectively avoids the overfitting the seen anomalies solely. In doing so, it helps learn better normality decision boundary, reducing the errors of detecting unseen anomalies as normal. Extensive empirical results on seven real-world datasets show the superiority of NSReg for open-set GAD.

replace On the Communication Complexity of Decentralized Bilevel Optimization

Authors: Yihan Zhang, My T. Thai, Jie Wu, Hongchang Gao

Abstract: Stochastic bilevel optimization finds widespread applications in machine learning, including meta-learning, hyperparameter optimization, and neural architecture search. To extend stochastic bilevel optimization to distributed data, several decentralized stochastic bilevel optimization algorithms have been developed. However, existing methods often suffer from slow convergence rates and high communication costs in heterogeneous settings, limiting their applicability to real-world tasks. To address these issues, we propose two novel decentralized stochastic bilevel gradient descent algorithms based on simultaneous and alternating update strategies. Our algorithms can achieve faster convergence rates and lower communication costs than existing methods. Importantly, our convergence analyses do not rely on strong assumptions regarding heterogeneity. More importantly, our theoretical analysis clearly discloses how the additional communication required for estimating hypergradient under the heterogeneous setting affects the convergence rate. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such favorable theoretical results have been achieved with mild assumptions in the heterogeneous setting. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to establish the convergence rate for the alternating update strategy when combined with the variance-reduced gradient. Finally, experimental results confirm the efficacy of our algorithms.

replace DMLR: Data-centric Machine Learning Research -- Past, Present and Future

Authors: Luis Oala, Manil Maskey, Lilith Bat-Leah, Alicia Parrish, Nezihe Merve G\"urel, Tzu-Sheng Kuo, Yang Liu, Rotem Dror, Danilo Brajovic, Xiaozhe Yao, Max Bartolo, William A Gaviria Rojas, Ryan Hileman, Rainier Aliment, Michael W. Mahoney, Meg Risdal, Matthew Lease, Wojciech Samek, Debojyoti Dutta, Curtis G Northcutt, Cody Coleman, Braden Hancock, Bernard Koch, Girmaw Abebe Tadesse, Bojan Karla\v{s}, Ahmed Alaa, Adji Bousso Dieng, Natasha Noy, Vijay Janapa Reddi, James Zou, Praveen Paritosh, Mihaela van der Schaar, Kurt Bollacker, Lora Aroyo, Ce Zhang, Joaquin Vanschoren, Isabelle Guyon, Peter Mattson

Abstract: Drawing from discussions at the inaugural DMLR workshop at ICML 2023 and meetings prior, in this report we outline the relevance of community engagement and infrastructure development for the creation of next-generation public datasets that will advance machine learning science. We chart a path forward as a collective effort to sustain the creation and maintenance of these datasets and methods towards positive scientific, societal and business impact.

replace FedAL: Black-Box Federated Knowledge Distillation Enabled by Adversarial Learning

Authors: Pengchao Han, Xingyan Shi, Jianwei Huang

Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) can enable collaborative learning among distributed clients that have different model architectures and do not share their local data and model parameters with others. Each client updates its local model using the average model output/feature of all client models as the target, known as federated KD. However, existing federated KD methods often do not perform well when clients' local models are trained with heterogeneous local datasets. In this paper, we propose Federated knowledge distillation enabled by Adversarial Learning (FedAL) to address the data heterogeneity among clients. First, to alleviate the local model output divergence across clients caused by data heterogeneity, the server acts as a discriminator to guide clients' local model training to achieve consensus model outputs among clients through a min-max game between clients and the discriminator. Moreover, catastrophic forgetting may happen during the clients' local training and global knowledge transfer due to clients' heterogeneous local data. Towards this challenge, we design the less-forgetting regularization for both local training and global knowledge transfer to guarantee clients' ability to transfer/learn knowledge to/from others. Experimental results show that FedAL and its variants achieve higher accuracy than other federated KD baselines.

replace Compelling ReLU Network Initialization and Training to Leverage Exponential Scaling with Depth

Authors: Max Milkert, David Hyde, Forrest Laine

Abstract: A neural network with ReLU activations may be viewed as a composition of piecewise linear functions. For such networks, the number of distinct linear regions expressed over the input domain has the potential to scale exponentially with depth, but it is not expected to do so when the initial parameters are chosen randomly. This poor scaling can necessitate the use of overly large models to approximate even simple functions. To address this issue, we introduce a novel training strategy: we first reparameterize the network weights in a manner that forces the network to display a number of activation patterns exponential in depth. Training first on our derived parameters provides an initial solution that can later be refined by directly updating the underlying model weights. This approach allows us to learn approximations of convex, one-dimensional functions that are several orders of magnitude more accurate than their randomly initialized counterparts.

replace Understanding Unimodal Bias in Multimodal Deep Linear Networks

Authors: Yedi Zhang, Peter E. Latham, Andrew Saxe

Abstract: Using multiple input streams simultaneously to train multimodal neural networks is intuitively advantageous but practically challenging. A key challenge is unimodal bias, where a network overly relies on one modality and ignores others during joint training. We develop a theory of unimodal bias with multimodal deep linear networks to understand how architecture and data statistics influence this bias. This is the first work to calculate the duration of the unimodal phase in learning as a function of the depth at which modalities are fused within the network, dataset statistics, and initialization. We show that the deeper the layer at which fusion occurs, the longer the unimodal phase. A long unimodal phase can lead to a generalization deficit and permanent unimodal bias in the overparametrized regime. Our results, derived for multimodal linear networks, extend to nonlinear networks in certain settings. Taken together, this work illuminates pathologies of multimodal learning under joint training, showing that late and intermediate fusion architectures can give rise to long unimodal phases and permanent unimodal bias. Our code is available at:


replace Hypergraph-MLP: Learning on Hypergraphs without Message Passing

Authors: Bohan Tang, Siheng Chen, Xiaowen Dong

Abstract: Hypergraphs are vital in modelling data with higher-order relations containing more than two entities, gaining prominence in machine learning and signal processing. Many hypergraph neural networks leverage message passing over hypergraph structures to enhance node representation learning, yielding impressive performances in tasks like hypergraph node classification. However, these message-passing-based models face several challenges, including oversmoothing as well as high latency and sensitivity to structural perturbations at inference time. To tackle those challenges, we propose an alternative approach where we integrate the information about hypergraph structures into training supervision without explicit message passing, thus also removing the reliance on it at inference. Specifically, we introduce Hypergraph-MLP, a novel learning framework for hypergraph-structured data, where the learning model is a straightforward multilayer perceptron (MLP) supervised by a loss function based on a notion of signal smoothness on hypergraphs. Experiments on hypergraph node classification tasks demonstrate that Hypergraph-MLP achieves competitive performance compared to existing baselines, and is considerably faster and more robust against structural perturbations at inference.

replace How Far Can Fairness Constraints Help Recover From Biased Data?

Authors: Mohit Sharma, Amit Deshpande

Abstract: A general belief in fair classification is that fairness constraints incur a trade-off with accuracy, which biased data may worsen. Contrary to this belief, Blum & Stangl (2019) show that fair classification with equal opportunity constraints even on extremely biased data can recover optimally accurate and fair classifiers on the original data distribution. Their result is interesting because it demonstrates that fairness constraints can implicitly rectify data bias and simultaneously overcome a perceived fairness-accuracy trade-off. Their data bias model simulates under-representation and label bias in underprivileged population, and they show the above result on a stylized data distribution with i.i.d. label noise, under simple conditions on the data distribution and bias parameters. We propose a general approach to extend the result of Blum & Stangl (2019) to different fairness constraints, data bias models, data distributions, and hypothesis classes. We strengthen their result, and extend it to the case when their stylized distribution has labels with Massart noise instead of i.i.d. noise. We prove a similar recovery result for arbitrary data distributions using fair reject option classifiers. We further generalize it to arbitrary data distributions and arbitrary hypothesis classes, i.e., we prove that for any data distribution, if the optimally accurate classifier in a given hypothesis class is fair and robust, then it can be recovered through fair classification with equal opportunity constraints on the biased distribution whenever the bias parameters satisfy certain simple conditions. Finally, we show applications of our technique to time-varying data bias in classification and fair machine learning pipelines.

replace Hypergraph Transformer for Semi-Supervised Classification

Authors: Zexi Liu, Bohan Tang, Ziyuan Ye, Xiaowen Dong, Siheng Chen, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Hypergraphs play a pivotal role in the modelling of data featuring higher-order relations involving more than two entities. Hypergraph neural networks emerge as a powerful tool for processing hypergraph-structured data, delivering remarkable performance across various tasks, e.g., hypergraph node classification. However, these models struggle to capture global structural information due to their reliance on local message passing. To address this challenge, we propose a novel hypergraph learning framework, HyperGraph Transformer (HyperGT). HyperGT uses a Transformer-based neural network architecture to effectively consider global correlations among all nodes and hyperedges. To incorporate local structural information, HyperGT has two distinct designs: i) a positional encoding based on the hypergraph incidence matrix, offering valuable insights into node-node and hyperedge-hyperedge interactions; and ii) a hypergraph structure regularization in the loss function, capturing connectivities between nodes and hyperedges. Through these designs, HyperGT achieves comprehensive hypergraph representation learning by effectively incorporating global interactions while preserving local connectivity patterns. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world hypergraph node classification tasks showcase that HyperGT consistently outperforms existing methods, establishing new state-of-the-art benchmarks. Ablation studies affirm the effectiveness of the individual designs of our model.

replace Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Partial Dynamics Knowledge

Authors: Meshal Alharbi, Mardavij Roozbehani, Munther Dahleh

Abstract: The problem of sample complexity of online reinforcement learning is often studied in the literature without taking into account any partial knowledge about the system dynamics that could potentially accelerate the learning process. In this paper, we study the sample complexity of online Q-learning methods when some prior knowledge about the dynamics is available or can be learned efficiently. We focus on systems that evolve according to an additive disturbance model of the form $S_{h+1} = f(S_h, A_h) + W_h$, where $f$ represents the underlying system dynamics, and $W_h$ are unknown disturbances independent of states and actions. In the setting of finite episodic Markov decision processes with $S$ states, $A$ actions, and episode length $H$, we present an optimistic Q-learning algorithm that achieves $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\text{Poly}(H)\sqrt{T})$ regret under perfect knowledge of $f$, where $T$ is the total number of interactions with the system. This is in contrast to the typical $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\text{Poly}(H)\sqrt{SAT})$ regret for existing Q-learning methods. Further, if only a noisy estimate $\hat{f}$ of $f$ is available, our method can learn an approximately optimal policy in a number of samples that is independent of the cardinalities of state and action spaces. The sub-optimality gap depends on the approximation error $\hat{f}-f$, as well as the Lipschitz constant of the corresponding optimal value function. Our approach does not require modeling of the transition probabilities and enjoys the same memory complexity as model-free methods.

replace Differentially Private Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Model Using Federated Learning

Authors: Xiao-Yang Liu, Rongyi Zhu, Daochen Zha, Jiechao Gao, Shan Zhong, Matt White, Meikang Qiu

Abstract: The surge in interest and application of large language models (LLMs) has sparked a drive to fine-tune these models to suit specific applications, such as finance and medical science. However, concerns regarding data privacy have emerged, especially when multiple stakeholders aim to collaboratively enhance LLMs using sensitive data. In this scenario, federated learning becomes a natural choice, allowing decentralized fine-tuning without exposing raw data to central servers. Motivated by this, we investigate how data privacy can be ensured in LLM fine-tuning through practical federated learning approaches, enabling secure contributions from multiple parties to enhance LLMs. Yet, challenges arise: 1) despite avoiding raw data exposure, there is a risk of inferring sensitive information from model outputs, and 2) federated learning for LLMs incurs notable communication overhead. To address these challenges, this article introduces DP-LoRA, a novel federated learning algorithm tailored for LLMs. DP-LoRA preserves data privacy by employing a Gaussian mechanism that adds noise in weight updates, maintaining individual data privacy while facilitating collaborative model training. Moreover, DP-LoRA optimizes communication efficiency via low-rank adaptation, minimizing the transmission of updated weights during distributed training. The experimental results across medical, financial, and general datasets using various LLMs demonstrate that DP-LoRA effectively ensures strict privacy constraints while minimizing communication overhead.

replace Pontryagin Neural Operator for Solving Parametric General-Sum Differential Games

Authors: Lei Zhang, Mukesh Ghimire, Zhe Xu, Wenlong Zhang, Yi Ren

Abstract: The values of two-player general-sum differential games are viscosity solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) equations. Value and policy approximations for such games suffer from the curse of dimensionality (CoD). Alleviating CoD through physics-informed neural networks (PINN) encounters convergence issues when differentiable values with large Lipschitz constants are present due to state constraints. On top of these challenges, it is often necessary to learn generalizable values and policies across a parametric space of games, e.g., for game parameter inference when information is incomplete. To address these challenges, we propose in this paper a Pontryagin-mode neural operator that outperforms the current state-of-the-art hybrid PINN model on safety performance across games with parametric state constraints. Our key contribution is the introduction of a costate loss defined on the discrepancy between forward and backward costate rollouts, which are computationally cheap. We show that the costate dynamics, which can reflect state constraint violation, effectively enables the learning of differentiable values with large Lipschitz constants, without requiring manually supervised data as suggested by the hybrid PINN model. More importantly, we show that the close relationship between costates and policies makes the former critical in learning feedback control policies with generalizable safety performance.

replace Improved Bandits in Many-to-one Matching Markets with Incentive Compatibility

Authors: Fang Kong, Shuai Li

Abstract: Two-sided matching markets have been widely studied in the literature due to their rich applications. Since participants are usually uncertain about their preferences, online algorithms have recently been adopted to learn them through iterative interactions. An existing work initiates the study of this problem in a many-to-one setting with responsiveness. However, their results are far from optimal and lack guarantees of incentive compatibility. We first extend an existing algorithm for the one-to-one setting to this more general setting and show it achieves a near-optimal bound for player-optimal regret. Nevertheless, due to the substantial requirement for collaboration, a single player's deviation could lead to a huge increase in its own cumulative rewards and a linear regret for others. In this paper, we aim to enhance the regret bound in many-to-one markets while ensuring incentive compatibility. We first propose the adaptively explore-then-deferred-acceptance (AETDA) algorithm for responsiveness setting and derive an upper bound for player-optimal stable regret while demonstrating its guarantee of incentive compatibility. To the best of our knowledge, it constitutes the first polynomial player-optimal guarantee in matching markets that offers such robust assurances without known $\Delta$, where $\Delta$ is some preference gap among players and arms. We also consider broader substitutable preferences, one of the most general conditions to ensure the existence of a stable matching and cover responsiveness. We devise an online DA (ODA) algorithm and establish an upper bound for the player-pessimal stable regret for this setting.

replace Equivariant Graph Neural Operator for Modeling 3D Dynamics

Authors: Minkai Xu, Jiaqi Han, Aaron Lou, Jean Kossaifi, Arvind Ramanathan, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Jure Leskovec, Stefano Ermon, Anima Anandkumar

Abstract: Modeling the complex three-dimensional (3D) dynamics of relational systems is an important problem in the natural sciences, with applications ranging from molecular simulations to particle mechanics. Machine learning methods have achieved good success by learning graph neural networks to model spatial interactions. However, these approaches do not faithfully capture temporal correlations since they only model next-step predictions. In this work, we propose Equivariant Graph Neural Operator (EGNO), a novel and principled method that directly models dynamics as trajectories instead of just next-step prediction. Different from existing methods, EGNO explicitly learns the temporal evolution of 3D dynamics where we formulate the dynamics as a function over time and learn neural operators to approximate it. To capture the temporal correlations while keeping the intrinsic SE(3)-equivariance, we develop equivariant temporal convolutions parameterized in the Fourier space and build EGNO by stacking the Fourier layers over equivariant networks. EGNO is the first operator learning framework that is capable of modeling solution dynamics functions over time while retaining 3D equivariance. Comprehensive experiments in multiple domains, including particle simulations, human motion capture, and molecular dynamics, demonstrate the significantly superior performance of EGNO against existing methods, thanks to the equivariant temporal modeling. Our code is available at


replace Online Resource Allocation with Non-Stationary Customers

Authors: Xiaoyue Zhang, Hanzhang Qin, Mabel C. Chou

Abstract: We propose a novel algorithm for online resource allocation with non-stationary customer arrivals and unknown click-through rates. We assume multiple types of customers arrive in a nonstationary stochastic fashion, with unknown arrival rates in each period, and that customers' click-through rates are unknown and can only be learned online. By leveraging results from the stochastic contextual bandit with knapsack and online matching with adversarial arrivals, we develop an online scheme to allocate the resources to nonstationary customers. We prove that under mild conditions, our scheme achieves a ``best-of-both-world'' result: the scheme has a sublinear regret when the customer arrivals are near-stationary, and enjoys an optimal competitive ratio under general (non-stationary) customer arrival distributions. Finally, we conduct extensive numerical experiments to show our approach generates near-optimal revenues for all different customer scenarios.

replace Arrows of Time for Large Language Models

Authors: Vassilis Papadopoulos, J\'er\'emie Wenger, Cl\'ement Hongler

Abstract: We study the probabilistic modeling performed by Autoregressive Large Language Models (LLMs) through the angle of time directionality, addressing a question first raised in (Shannon, 1951). For large enough models, we empirically find a time asymmetry in their ability to learn natural language: a difference in the average log-perplexity when trying to predict the next token versus when trying to predict the previous one. This difference is at the same time subtle and very consistent across various modalities (language, model size, training time, ...). Theoretically, this is surprising: from an information-theoretic point of view, there should be no such difference. We provide a theoretical framework to explain how such an asymmetry can appear from sparsity and computational complexity considerations, and outline a number of perspectives opened by our results.

replace On Prompt-Driven Safeguarding for Large Language Models

Authors: Chujie Zheng, Fan Yin, Hao Zhou, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou, Kai-Wei Chang, Minlie Huang, Nanyun Peng

Abstract: Prepending model inputs with safety prompts is a common practice for safeguarding large language models (LLMs) against queries with harmful intents. However, the underlying working mechanisms of safety prompts have not been unraveled yet, restricting the possibility of automatically optimizing them to improve LLM safety. In this work, we investigate how LLMs' behavior (i.e., complying with or refusing user queries) is affected by safety prompts from the perspective of model representation. We find that in the representation space, the input queries are typically moved by safety prompts in a "higher-refusal" direction, in which models become more prone to refusing to provide assistance, even when the queries are harmless. On the other hand, LLMs are naturally capable of distinguishing harmful and harmless queries without safety prompts. Inspired by these findings, we propose a method for safety prompt optimization, namely DRO (Directed Representation Optimization). Treating a safety prompt as continuous, trainable embeddings, DRO learns to move the queries' representations along or opposite the refusal direction, depending on their harmfulness. Experiments with eight LLMs on out-of-domain and jailbreak benchmarks demonstrate that DRO remarkably improves the safeguarding performance of human-crafted safety prompts, without compromising the models' general performance.

replace Position: Bayesian Deep Learning is Needed in the Age of Large-Scale AI

Authors: Theodore Papamarkou, Maria Skoularidou, Konstantina Palla, Laurence Aitchison, Julyan Arbel, David Dunson, Maurizio Filippone, Vincent Fortuin, Philipp Hennig, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato, Aliaksandr Hubin, Alexander Immer, Theofanis Karaletsos, Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan, Agustinus Kristiadi, Yingzhen Li, Stephan Mandt, Christopher Nemeth, Michael A. Osborne, Tim G. J. Rudner, David R\"ugamer, Yee Whye Teh, Max Welling, Andrew Gordon Wilson, Ruqi Zhang

Abstract: In the current landscape of deep learning research, there is a predominant emphasis on achieving high predictive accuracy in supervised tasks involving large image and language datasets. However, a broader perspective reveals a multitude of overlooked metrics, tasks, and data types, such as uncertainty, active and continual learning, and scientific data, that demand attention. Bayesian deep learning (BDL) constitutes a promising avenue, offering advantages across these diverse settings. This paper posits that BDL can elevate the capabilities of deep learning. It revisits the strengths of BDL, acknowledges existing challenges, and highlights some exciting research avenues aimed at addressing these obstacles. Looking ahead, the discussion focuses on possible ways to combine large-scale foundation models with BDL to unlock their full potential.

replace KTO: Model Alignment as Prospect Theoretic Optimization

Authors: Kawin Ethayarajh, Winnie Xu, Niklas Muennighoff, Dan Jurafsky, Douwe Kiela

Abstract: Kahneman & Tversky's $\textit{prospect theory}$ tells us that humans perceive random variables in a biased but well-defined manner (1992); for example, humans are famously loss-averse. We show that objectives for aligning LLMs with human feedback implicitly incorporate many of these biases -- the success of these objectives (e.g., DPO) over cross-entropy minimization can partly be ascribed to them belonging to a family of loss functions that we call $\textit{human-aware losses}$ (HALOs). However, the utility functions these methods attribute to humans still differ from those in the prospect theory literature. Using a Kahneman-Tversky model of human utility, we propose a HALO that directly maximizes the utility of generations instead of maximizing the log-likelihood of preferences, as current methods do. We call this approach KTO, and it matches or exceeds the performance of preference-based methods at scales from 1B to 30B, despite only learning from a binary signal of whether an output is desirable. More broadly, our work suggests that there is no one HALO that is universally superior; the best loss depends on the inductive biases most appropriate for a given setting, an oft-overlooked consideration.

replace Pre-Training Protein Bi-level Representation Through Span Mask Strategy On 3D Protein Chains

Authors: Jiale Zhao, Wanru Zhuang, Jia Song, Yaqi Li, Shuqi Lu

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a surge in the development of 3D structure-based pre-trained protein models, representing a significant advancement over pre-trained protein language models in various downstream tasks. However, most existing structure-based pre-trained models primarily focus on the residue level, i.e., alpha carbon atoms, while ignoring other atoms like side chain atoms. We argue that modeling proteins at both residue and atom levels is important since the side chain atoms can also be crucial for numerous downstream tasks, for example, molecular docking. Nevertheless, we find that naively combining residue and atom information during pre-training typically fails. We identify a key reason is the information leakage caused by the inclusion of atom structure in the input, which renders residue-level pre-training tasks trivial and results in insufficiently expressive residue representations. To address this issue, we introduce a span mask pre-training strategy on 3D protein chains to learn meaningful representations of both residues and atoms. This leads to a simple yet effective approach to learning protein representation suitable for diverse downstream tasks. Extensive experimental results on binding site prediction and function prediction tasks demonstrate our proposed pre-training approach significantly outperforms other methods. Our code will be made public.

replace Mapping the Multiverse of Latent Representations

Authors: Jeremy Wayland, Corinna Coupette, Bastian Rieck

Abstract: Echoing recent calls to counter reliability and robustness concerns in machine learning via multiverse analysis, we present PRESTO, a principled framework for mapping the multiverse of machine-learning models that rely on latent representations. Although such models enjoy widespread adoption, the variability in their embeddings remains poorly understood, resulting in unnecessary complexity and untrustworthy representations. Our framework uses persistent homology to characterize the latent spaces arising from different combinations of diverse machine-learning methods, (hyper)parameter configurations, and datasets, allowing us to measure their pairwise (dis)similarity and statistically reason about their distributions. As we demonstrate both theoretically and empirically, our pipeline preserves desirable properties of collections of latent representations, and it can be leveraged to perform sensitivity analysis, detect anomalous embeddings, or efficiently and effectively navigate hyperparameter search spaces.

replace Rethinking the Starting Point: Collaborative Pre-Training for Federated Downstream Tasks

Authors: Yun-Wei Chu, Dong-Jun Han, Seyyedali Hosseinalipour, Christopher G. Brinton

Abstract: A few recent studies have demonstrated that leveraging centrally pre-trained models can offer advantageous initializations for federated learning (FL). However, existing pre-training methods do not generalize well when faced with an arbitrary set of downstream FL tasks. Specifically, they often (i) achieve limited average accuracy, particularly when there are unseen downstream labels, and (ii) result in significant accuracy variance, failing to provide a balanced performance across clients. To address these challenges, we propose CoPreFL, a collaborative/distributed pre-training approach which provides a robust initialization for downstream FL tasks. The key idea of CoPreFL is a model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) procedure that tailors the global model to closely mimic heterogeneous and unseen FL scenarios, resulting in a pre-trained model that is rapidly adaptable to arbitrary FL tasks. Our MAML procedure incorporates performance variance into the meta-objective function, balancing performance across clients rather than solely optimizing for accuracy. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that CoPreFL obtains significant improvements in both average accuracy and variance across arbitrary downstream FL tasks with unseen/seen labels, compared with various pre-training baselines. We also show how CoPreFL is compatible with different well-known FL algorithms applied by the downstream tasks, enhancing performance in each case.

replace Future Directions in the Theory of Graph Machine Learning

Authors: Christopher Morris, Nadav Dym, Haggai Maron, \.Ismail \.Ilkan Ceylan, Fabrizio Frasca, Ron Levie, Derek Lim, Michael Bronstein, Martin Grohe, Stefanie Jegelka

Abstract: Machine learning on graphs, especially using graph neural networks (GNNs), has seen a surge in interest due to the wide availability of graph data across a broad spectrum of disciplines, from life to social and engineering sciences. Despite their practical success, our theoretical understanding of the properties of GNNs remains highly incomplete. Recent theoretical advancements primarily focus on elucidating the coarse-grained expressive power of GNNs, predominantly employing combinatorial techniques. However, these studies do not perfectly align with practice, particularly in understanding the generalization behavior of GNNs when trained with stochastic first-order optimization techniques. In this position paper, we argue that the graph machine learning community needs to shift its attention to developing a balanced theory of graph machine learning, focusing on a more thorough understanding of the interplay of expressive power, generalization, and optimization.

replace Transolver: A Fast Transformer Solver for PDEs on General Geometries

Authors: Haixu Wu, Huakun Luo, Haowen Wang, Jianmin Wang, Mingsheng Long

Abstract: Transformers have empowered many milestones across various fields and have recently been applied to solve partial differential equations (PDEs). However, since PDEs are typically discretized into large-scale meshes with complex geometries, it is challenging for Transformers to capture intricate physical correlations directly from massive individual points. Going beyond superficial and unwieldy meshes, we present Transolver based on a more foundational idea, which is learning intrinsic physical states hidden behind discretized geometries. Specifically, we propose a new Physics-Attention to adaptively split the discretized domain into a series of learnable slices of flexible shapes, where mesh points under similar physical states will be ascribed to the same slice. By calculating attention to physics-aware tokens encoded from slices, Transovler can effectively capture intricate physical correlations under complex geometrics, which also empowers the solver with endogenetic geometry-general modeling capacity and can be efficiently computed in linear complexity. Transolver achieves consistent state-of-the-art with 22% relative gain across six standard benchmarks and also excels in large-scale industrial simulations, including car and airfoil designs. Code is available at


replace tnGPS: Discovering Unknown Tensor Network Structure Search Algorithms via Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Junhua Zeng, Chao Li, Zhun Sun, Qibin Zhao, Guoxu Zhou

Abstract: Tensor networks are efficient for extremely high-dimensional representation, but their model selection, known as tensor network structure search (TN-SS), is a challenging problem. Although several works have targeted TN-SS, most existing algorithms are manually crafted heuristics with poor performance, suffering from the curse of dimensionality and local convergence. In this work, we jump out of the box, studying how to harness large language models (LLMs) to automatically discover new TN-SS algorithms, replacing the involvement of human experts. By observing how human experts innovate in research, we model their common workflow and propose an automatic algorithm discovery framework called tnGPS. The proposed framework is an elaborate prompting pipeline that instruct LLMs to generate new TN-SS algorithms through iterative refinement and enhancement. The experimental results demonstrate that the algorithms discovered by tnGPS exhibit superior performance in benchmarks compared to the current state-of-the-art methods.

replace Weisfeiler Leman for Euclidean Equivariant Machine Learning

Authors: Snir Hordan, Tal Amir, Nadav Dym

Abstract: The $k$-Weisfeiler-Leman ($k$-WL) graph isomorphism test hierarchy is a common method for assessing the expressive power of graph neural networks (GNNs). Recently, GNNs whose expressive power is equivalent to the $2$-WL test were proven to be universal on weighted graphs which encode $3\mathrm{D}$ point cloud data, yet this result is limited to invariant continuous functions on point clouds. In this paper, we extend this result in three ways: Firstly, we show that PPGN can simulate $2$-WL uniformly on all point clouds with low complexity. Secondly, we show that $2$-WL tests can be extended to point clouds which include both positions and velocities, a scenario often encountered in applications. Finally, we provide a general framework for proving equivariant universality and leverage it to prove that a simple modification of this invariant PPGN architecture can be used to obtain a universal equivariant architecture that can approximate all continuous equivariant functions uniformly. Building on our results, we develop our WeLNet architecture, which sets new state-of-the-art results on the N-Body dynamics task and the GEOM-QM9 molecular conformation generation task.

replace Increasing Trust in Language Models through the Reuse of Verified Circuits

Authors: Philip Quirke, Clement Neo, Fazl Barez

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) are increasingly used for a wide range of prediction tasks, but their training can often neglect rare edge cases, reducing their reliability. Here, we define a stringent standard of trustworthiness whereby the task algorithm and circuit implementation must be verified, accounting for edge cases, with no known failure modes. We show that a transformer model can be trained to meet this standard if built using mathematically and logically specified frameworks. In this paper, we fully verify a model for n-digit integer addition. To exhibit the reusability of verified modules, we insert the trained integer addition model into an untrained model and train the combined model to perform both addition and subtraction. We find extensive reuse of the addition circuits for both tasks, easing verification of the more complex subtractor model. We discuss how inserting verified task modules into LMs can leverage model reuse to improve verifiability and trustworthiness of language models built using them. The reuse of verified circuits reduces the effort to verify more complex composite models which we believe to be a significant step towards safety of language models.

replace Position: What Can Large Language Models Tell Us about Time Series Analysis

Authors: Ming Jin, Yifan Zhang, Wei Chen, Kexin Zhang, Yuxuan Liang, Bin Yang, Jindong Wang, Shirui Pan, Qingsong Wen

Abstract: Time series analysis is essential for comprehending the complexities inherent in various realworld systems and applications. Although large language models (LLMs) have recently made significant strides, the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) equipped with time series analysis capabilities remains in its nascent phase. Most existing time series models heavily rely on domain knowledge and extensive model tuning, predominantly focusing on prediction tasks. In this paper, we argue that current LLMs have the potential to revolutionize time series analysis, thereby promoting efficient decision-making and advancing towards a more universal form of time series analytical intelligence. Such advancement could unlock a wide range of possibilities, including time series modality switching and question answering. We encourage researchers and practitioners to recognize the potential of LLMs in advancing time series analysis and emphasize the need for trust in these related efforts. Furthermore, we detail the seamless integration of time series analysis with existing LLM technologies and outline promising avenues for future research.

replace PowerGraph: A power grid benchmark dataset for graph neural networks

Authors: Anna Varbella, Kenza Amara, Blazhe Gjorgiev, Mennatallah El-Assady, Giovanni Sansavini

Abstract: Power grids are critical infrastructures of paramount importance to modern society and, therefore, engineered to operate under diverse conditions and failures. The ongoing energy transition poses new challenges for the decision-makers and system operators. Therefore, we must develop grid analysis algorithms to ensure reliable operations. These key tools include power flow analysis and system security analysis, both needed for effective operational and strategic planning. The literature review shows a growing trend of machine learning (ML) models that perform these analyses effectively. In particular, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) stand out in such applications because of the graph-based structure of power grids. However, there is a lack of publicly available graph datasets for training and benchmarking ML models in electrical power grid applications. First, we present PowerGraph, which comprises GNN-tailored datasets for i) power flows, ii) optimal power flows, and iii) cascading failure analyses of power grids. Second, we provide ground-truth explanations for the cascading failure analysis. Finally, we perform a complete benchmarking of GNN methods for node-level and graph-level tasks and explainability. Overall, PowerGraph is a multifaceted GNN dataset for diverse tasks that includes power flow and fault scenarios with real-world explanations, providing a valuable resource for developing improved GNN models for node-level, graph-level tasks and explainability methods in power system modeling. The dataset is available at and the code at


replace Decentralized Sporadic Federated Learning: A Unified Algorithmic Framework with Convergence Guarantees

Authors: Shahryar Zehtabi, Dong-Jun Han, Rohit Parasnis, Seyyedali Hosseinalipour, Christopher G. Brinton

Abstract: Decentralized federated learning (DFL) captures FL settings where both (i) model updates and (ii) model aggregations are exclusively carried out by the clients without a central server. Existing DFL works have mostly focused on settings where clients conduct a fixed number of local updates between local model exchanges, overlooking heterogeneity and dynamics in communication and computation capabilities. In this work, we propose Decentralized Sporadic Federated Learning (DSpodFL), a DFL methodology built on a generalized notion of sporadicity in both local gradient and aggregation processes. DSpodFL subsumes many existing decentralized optimization methods under a unified algorithmic framework by modeling the per-iteration (i) occurrence of gradient descent at each client and (ii) exchange of models between client pairs as arbitrary indicator random variables, thus capturing heterogeneous and time-varying computation/communication scenarios. We analytically characterize the convergence behavior of DSpodFL for both convex and non-convex models, for both constant and diminishing learning rates, under mild assumptions on the communication graph connectivity, data heterogeneity across clients, and gradient noises, and show how our bounds recover existing results as special cases. Experiments demonstrate that DSpodFL consistently achieves improved training speeds compared with baselines under various system settings.

replace Partially Stochastic Infinitely Deep Bayesian Neural Networks

Authors: Sergio Calvo-Ordonez, Matthieu Meunier, Francesco Piatti, Yuantao Shi

Abstract: In this paper, we present Partially Stochastic Infinitely Deep Bayesian Neural Networks, a novel family of architectures that integrates partial stochasticity into the framework of infinitely deep neural networks. Our new class of architectures is designed to improve the computational efficiency of existing architectures at training and inference time. To do this, we leverage the advantages of partial stochasticity in the infinite-depth limit which include the benefits of full stochasticity e.g. robustness, uncertainty quantification, and memory efficiency, whilst improving their limitations around computational complexity. We present a variety of architectural configurations, offering flexibility in network design including different methods for weight partition. We also provide mathematical guarantees on the expressivity of our models by establishing that our network family qualifies as Universal Conditional Distribution Approximators. Lastly, empirical evaluations across multiple tasks show that our proposed architectures achieve better downstream task performance and uncertainty quantification than their counterparts while being significantly more efficient. The code can be found at \url{}


replace Connecting the Dots: Collaborative Fine-tuning for Black-Box Vision-Language Models

Authors: Zhengbo Wang, Jian Liang, Ran He, Zilei Wang, Tieniu Tan

Abstract: With the emergence of pretrained vision-language models (VLMs), considerable efforts have been devoted to fine-tuning them for downstream tasks. Despite the progress made in designing efficient fine-tuning methods, such methods require access to the model's parameters, which can be challenging as model owners often opt to provide their models as a black box to safeguard model ownership. This paper proposes a \textbf{C}ollabo\textbf{ra}tive \textbf{F}ine-\textbf{T}uning (\textbf{CraFT}) approach for fine-tuning black-box VLMs to downstream tasks, where one only has access to the input prompts and the output predictions of the model. CraFT comprises two modules, a prompt generation module for learning text prompts and a prediction refinement module for enhancing output predictions in residual style. Additionally, we introduce an auxiliary prediction-consistent loss to promote consistent optimization across these modules. These modules are optimized by a novel collaborative training algorithm. Extensive experiments on few-shot classification over 15 datasets demonstrate the superiority of CraFT. The results show that CraFT achieves a decent gain of about 12\% with 16-shot datasets and only 8,000 queries. Moreover, CraFT trains faster and uses only about 1/80 of the memory footprint for deployment, while sacrificing only 1.62\% compared to the white-box method. Our code is publicly available at .


replace On Computational Limits of Modern Hopfield Models: A Fine-Grained Complexity Analysis

Authors: Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu, Thomas Lin, Zhao Song, Han Liu

Abstract: We investigate the computational limits of the memory retrieval dynamics of modern Hopfield models from the fine-grained complexity analysis. Our key contribution is the characterization of a phase transition behavior in the efficiency of all possible modern Hopfield models based on the norm of patterns. Specifically, we establish an upper bound criterion for the norm of input query patterns and memory patterns. Only below this criterion, sub-quadratic (efficient) variants of the modern Hopfield model exist, assuming the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). To showcase our theory, we provide a formal example of efficient constructions of modern Hopfield models using low-rank approximation when the efficient criterion holds. This includes a derivation of a lower bound on the computational time, scaling linearly with $\max\{$# of stored memory patterns, length of input query sequence$\}$. In addition, we prove its memory retrieval error bound and exponential memory capacity.

replace Scalable Wasserstein Gradient Flow for Generative Modeling through Unbalanced Optimal Transport

Authors: Jaemoo Choi, Jaewoong Choi, Myungjoo Kang

Abstract: Wasserstein Gradient Flow (WGF) describes the gradient dynamics of probability density within the Wasserstein space. WGF provides a promising approach for conducting optimization over the probability distributions. Numerically approximating the continuous WGF requires the time discretization method. The most well-known method for this is the JKO scheme. In this regard, previous WGF models employ the JKO scheme and parametrize transport map for each JKO step. However, this approach results in quadratic training complexity $O(K^2)$ with the number of JKO step $K$. This severely limits the scalability of WGF models. In this paper, we introduce a scalable WGF-based generative model, called Semi-dual JKO (S-JKO). Our model is based on the semi-dual form of the JKO step, derived from the equivalence between the JKO step and the Unbalanced Optimal Transport. Our approach reduces the training complexity to $O(K)$. We demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms existing WGF-based generative models, achieving FID scores of 2.62 on CIFAR-10 and 5.46 on CelebA-HQ-256, which are comparable to state-of-the-art image generative models.

replace Model-Based RL for Mean-Field Games is not Statistically Harder than Single-Agent RL

Authors: Jiawei Huang, Niao He, Andreas Krause

Abstract: We study the sample complexity of reinforcement learning (RL) in Mean-Field Games (MFGs) with model-based function approximation that requires strategic exploration to find a Nash Equilibrium policy. We introduce the Partial Model-Based Eluder Dimension (P-MBED), a more effective notion to characterize the model class complexity. Notably, P-MBED measures the complexity of the single-agent model class converted from the given mean-field model class, and potentially, can be exponentially lower than the MBED proposed by \citet{huang2023statistical}. We contribute a model elimination algorithm featuring a novel exploration strategy and establish sample complexity results polynomial w.r.t.~P-MBED. Crucially, our results reveal that, under the basic realizability and Lipschitz continuity assumptions, \emph{learning Nash Equilibrium in MFGs is no more statistically challenging than solving a logarithmic number of single-agent RL problems}. We further extend our results to Multi-Type MFGs, generalizing from conventional MFGs and involving multiple types of agents. This extension implies statistical tractability of a broader class of Markov Games through the efficacy of mean-field approximation. Finally, inspired by our theoretical algorithm, we present a heuristic approach with improved computational efficiency and empirically demonstrate its effectiveness.

replace SQT -- std $Q$-target

Authors: Nitsan Soffair, Dotan Di-Castro, Orly Avner, Shie Mannor

Abstract: Std $Q$-target is a conservative, actor-critic, ensemble, $Q$-learning-based algorithm, which is based on a single key $Q$-formula: $Q$-networks standard deviation, which is an "uncertainty penalty", and, serves as a minimalistic solution to the problem of overestimation bias. We implement SQT on top of TD3/TD7 code and test it against the state-of-the-art (SOTA) actor-critic algorithms, DDPG, TD3 and TD7 on seven popular MuJoCo and Bullet tasks. Our results demonstrate SQT's $Q$-target formula superiority over TD3's $Q$-target formula as a conservative solution to overestimation bias in RL, while SQT shows a clear performance advantage on a wide margin over DDPG, TD3, and TD7 on all tasks.

replace MinMaxMin $Q$-learning

Authors: Nitsan Soffair, Shie Mannor

Abstract: MinMaxMin $Q$-learning is a novel optimistic Actor-Critic algorithm that addresses the problem of overestimation bias ($Q$-estimations are overestimating the real $Q$-values) inherent in conservative RL algorithms. Its core formula relies on the disagreement among $Q$-networks in the form of the min-batch MaxMin $Q$-networks distance which is added to the $Q$-target and used as the priority experience replay sampling-rule. We implement MinMaxMin on top of TD3 and TD7, subjecting it to rigorous testing against state-of-the-art continuous-space algorithms-DDPG, TD3, and TD7-across popular MuJoCo and Bullet environments. The results show a consistent performance improvement of MinMaxMin over DDPG, TD3, and TD7 across all tested tasks.

replace Principled Penalty-based Methods for Bilevel Reinforcement Learning and RLHF

Authors: Han Shen, Zhuoran Yang, Tianyi Chen

Abstract: Bilevel optimization has been recently applied to many machine learning tasks. However, their applications have been restricted to the supervised learning setting, where static objective functions with benign structures are considered. But bilevel problems such as incentive design, inverse reinforcement learning (RL), and RL from human feedback (RLHF) are often modeled as dynamic objective functions that go beyond the simple static objective structures, which pose significant challenges of using existing bilevel solutions. To tackle this new class of bilevel problems, we introduce the first principled algorithmic framework for solving bilevel RL problems through the lens of penalty formulation. We provide theoretical studies of the problem landscape and its penalty-based (policy) gradient algorithms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms via simulations in the Stackelberg Markov game, RL from human feedback and incentive design.

replace Loss Symmetry and Noise Equilibrium of Stochastic Gradient Descent

Authors: Liu Ziyin, Mingze Wang, Hongchao Li, Lei Wu

Abstract: Symmetries exist abundantly in the loss function of neural networks. We characterize the learning dynamics of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) when exponential symmetries, a broad subclass of continuous symmetries, exist in the loss function. We establish that when gradient noises do not balance, SGD has the tendency to move the model parameters toward a point where noises from different directions are balanced. Here, a special type of fixed point in the constant directions of the loss function emerges as a candidate for solutions for SGD. As the main theoretical result, we prove that every parameter $\theta$ connects without loss function barrier to a unique noise-balanced fixed point $\theta^*$. The theory implies that the balancing of gradient noise can serve as a novel alternative mechanism for relevant phenomena such as progressive sharpening and flattening and can be applied to understand common practical problems such as representation normalization, matrix factorization, warmup, and formation of latent representations.

replace Implicit Bias of Policy Gradient in Linear Quadratic Control: Extrapolation to Unseen Initial States

Authors: Noam Razin, Yotam Alexander, Edo Cohen-Karlik, Raja Giryes, Amir Globerson, Nadav Cohen

Abstract: In modern machine learning, models can often fit training data in numerous ways, some of which perform well on unseen (test) data, while others do not. Remarkably, in such cases gradient descent frequently exhibits an implicit bias that leads to excellent performance on unseen data. This implicit bias was extensively studied in supervised learning, but is far less understood in optimal control (reinforcement learning). There, learning a controller applied to a system via gradient descent is known as policy gradient, and a question of prime importance is the extent to which a learned controller extrapolates to unseen initial states. This paper theoretically studies the implicit bias of policy gradient in terms of extrapolation to unseen initial states. Focusing on the fundamental Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem, we establish that the extent of extrapolation depends on the degree of exploration induced by the system when commencing from initial states included in training. Experiments corroborate our theory, and demonstrate its conclusions on problems beyond LQR, where systems are non-linear and controllers are neural networks. We hypothesize that real-world optimal control may be greatly improved by developing methods for informed selection of initial states to train on.

replace BECoTTA: Input-dependent Online Blending of Experts for Continual Test-time Adaptation

Authors: Daeun Lee, Jaehong Yoon, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: Continual Test Time Adaptation (CTTA) is required to adapt efficiently to continuous unseen domains while retaining previously learned knowledge. However, despite the progress of CTTA, it is still challenging to deploy the model with improved forgetting-adaptation trade-offs and efficiency. In addition, current CTTA scenarios assume only the disjoint situation, even though real-world domains are seamlessly changed. To address these challenges, this paper proposes BECoTTA, an input-dependent and efficient modular framework for CTTA. We propose Mixture-of Domain Low-rank Experts (MoDE) that contains two core components: (i) Domain-Adaptive Routing, which helps to selectively capture the domain adaptive knowledge with multiple domain routers, and (ii) Domain-Expert Synergy Loss to maximize the dependency between each domain and expert. We validate that our method outperforms multiple CTTA scenarios, including disjoint and gradual domain shits, while only requiring ~98% fewer trainable parameters. We also provide analyses of our method, including the construction of experts, the effect of domain-adaptive experts, and visualizations.

replace Feature Attribution with Necessity and Sufficiency via Dual-stage Perturbation Test for Causal Explanation

Authors: Xuexin Chen, Ruichu Cai, Zhengting Huang, Yuxuan Zhu, Julien Horwood, Zhifeng Hao, Zijian Li, Jose Miguel Hernandez-Lobato

Abstract: We investigate the problem of explainability for machine learning models, focusing on Feature Attribution Methods (FAMs) that evaluate feature importance through perturbation tests. Despite their utility, FAMs struggle to distinguish the contributions of different features, when their prediction changes are similar after perturbation. To enhance FAMs' discriminative power, we introduce Feature Attribution with Necessity and Sufficiency (FANS), which find a neighborhood of the input such that perturbing samples within this neighborhood have a high Probability of being Necessity and Sufficiency (PNS) cause for the change in predictions, and use this PNS as the importance of the feature. Specifically, FANS compute this PNS via a heuristic strategy for estimating the neighborhood and a perturbation test involving two stages (factual and interventional) for counterfactual reasoning. To generate counterfactual samples, we use a resampling-based approach on the observed samples to approximate the required conditional distribution. We demonstrate that FANS outperforms existing attribution methods on six benchmarks. Please refer to the source code via \url{}.


replace Representation Surgery: Theory and Practice of Affine Steering

Authors: Shashwat Singh, Shauli Ravfogel, Jonathan Herzig, Roee Aharoni, Ryan Cotterell, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru

Abstract: Language models often exhibit undesirable behavior, e.g., generating toxic or gender-biased text. In the case of neural language models, an encoding of the undesirable behavior is often present in the model's representations. Thus, one natural (and common) approach to prevent the model from exhibiting undesirable behavior is to steer the model's representations in a manner that reduces the probability of it generating undesirable text. This paper investigates the formal and empirical properties of steering functions, i.e., transformation of the neural language model's representations that alter its behavior. First, we derive two optimal, in the least-squares sense, affine steering functions under different constraints. Our theory provides justification for existing approaches and offers a novel, improved steering approach. Second, we offer a series of experiments that demonstrate the empirical effectiveness of the methods in mitigating bias and reducing toxic generation.

replace How Flawed Is ECE? An Analysis via Logit Smoothing

Authors: Muthu Chidambaram, Holden Lee, Colin McSwiggen, Semon Rezchikov

Abstract: Informally, a model is calibrated if its predictions are correct with a probability that matches the confidence of the prediction. By far the most common method in the literature for measuring calibration is the expected calibration error (ECE). Recent work, however, has pointed out drawbacks of ECE, such as the fact that it is discontinuous in the space of predictors. In this work, we ask: how fundamental are these issues, and what are their impacts on existing results? Towards this end, we completely characterize the discontinuities of ECE with respect to general probability measures on Polish spaces. We then use the nature of these discontinuities to motivate a novel continuous, easily estimated miscalibration metric, which we term Logit-Smoothed ECE (LS-ECE). By comparing the ECE and LS-ECE of pre-trained image classification models, we show in initial experiments that binned ECE closely tracks LS-ECE, indicating that the theoretical pathologies of ECE may be avoidable in practice.

replace SAMformer: Unlocking the Potential of Transformers in Time Series Forecasting with Sharpness-Aware Minimization and Channel-Wise Attention

Authors: Romain Ilbert, Ambroise Odonnat, Vasilii Feofanov, Aladin Virmaux, Giuseppe Paolo, Themis Palpanas, Ievgen Redko

Abstract: Transformer-based architectures achieved breakthrough performance in natural language processing and computer vision, yet they remain inferior to simpler linear baselines in multivariate long-term forecasting. To better understand this phenomenon, we start by studying a toy linear forecasting problem for which we show that transformers are incapable of converging to their true solution despite their high expressive power. We further identify the attention of transformers as being responsible for this low generalization capacity. Building upon this insight, we propose a shallow lightweight transformer model that successfully escapes bad local minima when optimized with sharpness-aware optimization. We empirically demonstrate that this result extends to all commonly used real-world multivariate time series datasets. In particular, SAMformer surpasses current state-of-the-art methods and is on par with the biggest foundation model MOIRAI while having significantly fewer parameters. The code is available at


replace Graph-based Forecasting with Missing Data through Spatiotemporal Downsampling

Authors: Ivan Marisca, Cesare Alippi, Filippo Maria Bianchi

Abstract: Given a set of synchronous time series, each associated with a sensor-point in space and characterized by inter-series relationships, the problem of spatiotemporal forecasting consists of predicting future observations for each point. Spatiotemporal graph neural networks achieve striking results by representing the relationships across time series as a graph. Nonetheless, most existing methods rely on the often unrealistic assumption that inputs are always available and fail to capture hidden spatiotemporal dynamics when part of the data is missing. In this work, we tackle this problem through hierarchical spatiotemporal downsampling. The input time series are progressively coarsened over time and space, obtaining a pool of representations that capture heterogeneous temporal and spatial dynamics. Conditioned on observations and missing data patterns, such representations are combined by an interpretable attention mechanism to generate the forecasts. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on synthetic and real-world benchmarks under different missing data distributions, particularly in the presence of contiguous blocks of missing values.

replace Model Editing by Standard Fine-Tuning

Authors: Govind Gangadhar, Karl Stratos

Abstract: Standard fine-tuning is considered not as effective as specialized methods for model editing due to its comparatively poor performance. However, it is simple, agnostic to the architectural details of the model being edited, and able to leverage advances in standard training techniques with no additional work (e.g., black-box PEFT for computational efficiency), making it an appealing choice for a model editor. In this work, we show that standard fine-tuning alone can yield competitive model editing performance with two minor modifications. First, we optimize the conditional likelihood rather than the full likelihood. Second, in addition to the typical practice of training on randomly paraphrased edit prompts to encourage generalization, we also train on random or similar unedited facts to encourage locality. Our experiments on the ZsRE and CounterFact datasets demonstrate that these simple modifications allow standard fine-tuning to match or outperform highly specialized editors in terms of edit score.

replace Fair Classification with Partial Feedback: An Exploration-Based Data Collection Approach

Authors: Vijay Keswani, Anay Mehrotra, L. Elisa Celis

Abstract: In many predictive contexts (e.g., credit lending), true outcomes are only observed for samples that were positively classified in the past. These past observations, in turn, form training datasets for classifiers that make future predictions. However, such training datasets lack information about the outcomes of samples that were (incorrectly) negatively classified in the past and can lead to erroneous classifiers. We present an approach that trains a classifier using available data and comes with a family of exploration strategies to collect outcome data about subpopulations that otherwise would have been ignored. For any exploration strategy, the approach comes with guarantees that (1) all sub-populations are explored, (2) the fraction of false positives is bounded, and (3) the trained classifier converges to a ``desired'' classifier. The right exploration strategy is context-dependent; it can be chosen to improve learning guarantees and encode context-specific group fairness properties. Evaluation on real-world datasets shows that this approach consistently boosts the quality of collected outcome data and improves the fraction of true positives for all groups, with only a small reduction in predictive utility.

replace Attractor Memory for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting: A Chaos Perspective

Authors: Jiaxi Hu, Yuehong Hu, Wei Chen, Ming Jin, Shirui Pan, Qingsong Wen, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: In long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) tasks, an increasing number of models have acknowledged that discrete time series originate from continuous dynamic systems and have attempted to model their dynamical structures. Recognizing the chaotic nature of real-world data, our model, \textbf{\textit{Attraos}}, incorporates chaos theory into LTSF, perceiving real-world time series as observations from unknown high-dimensional chaotic dynamic systems. Under the concept of attractor invariance, Attraos utilizes non-parametric Phase Space Reconstruction embedding and the proposed multi-scale dynamic memory unit to memorize historical dynamics structure and predicts by a frequency-enhanced local evolution strategy. Detailed theoretical analysis and abundant empirical evidence consistently show that Attraos outperforms various LTSF methods on mainstream LTSF datasets and chaotic datasets with only one-twelfth of the parameters compared to PatchTST.

replace Balanced Data, Imbalanced Spectra: Unveiling Class Disparities with Spectral Imbalance

Authors: Chiraag Kaushik, Ran Liu, Chi-Heng Lin, Amrit Khera, Matthew Y Jin, Wenrui Ma, Vidya Muthukumar, Eva L Dyer

Abstract: Classification models are expected to perform equally well for different classes, yet in practice, there are often large gaps in their performance. This issue of class bias is widely studied in cases of datasets with sample imbalance, but is relatively overlooked in balanced datasets. In this work, we introduce the concept of spectral imbalance in features as a potential source for class disparities and study the connections between spectral imbalance and class bias in both theory and practice. To build the connection between spectral imbalance and class gap, we develop a theoretical framework for studying class disparities and derive exact expressions for the per-class error in a high-dimensional mixture model setting. We then study this phenomenon in 11 different state-of-the-art pretrained encoders and show how our proposed framework can be used to compare the quality of encoders, as well as evaluate and combine data augmentation strategies to mitigate the issue. Our work sheds light on the class-dependent effects of learning, and provides new insights into how state-of-the-art pretrained features may have unknown biases that can be diagnosed through their spectra.

replace Learning to Defer in Content Moderation: The Human-AI Interplay

Authors: Thodoris Lykouris, Wentao Weng

Abstract: Successful content moderation in online platforms relies on a human-AI collaboration approach. A typical heuristic estimates the expected harmfulness of a post and uses fixed thresholds to decide whether to remove it and whether to send it for human review. This disregards the prediction uncertainty, the time-varying element of human review capacity and post arrivals, and the selective sampling in the dataset (humans only review posts filtered by the admission algorithm). In this paper, we introduce a model to capture the human-AI interplay in content moderation. The algorithm observes contextual information for incoming posts, makes classification and admission decisions, and schedules posts for human review. Only admitted posts receive human reviews on their harmfulness. These reviews help educate the machine-learning algorithms but are delayed due to congestion in the human review system. The classical learning-theoretic way to capture this human-AI interplay is via the framework of learning to defer, where the algorithm has the option to defer a classification task to humans for a fixed cost and immediately receive feedback. Our model contributes to this literature by introducing congestion in the human review system. Moreover, unlike work on online learning with delayed feedback where the delay in the feedback is exogenous to the algorithm's decisions, the delay in our model is endogenous to both the admission and the scheduling decisions. We propose a near-optimal learning algorithm that carefully balances the classification loss from a selectively sampled dataset, the idiosyncratic loss of non-reviewed posts, and the delay loss of having congestion in the human review system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result for online learning in contextual queueing systems and hence our analytical framework may be of independent interest.

replace Fairness Without Harm: An Influence-Guided Active Sampling Approach

Authors: Jinlong Pang, Jialu Wang, Zhaowei Zhu, Yuanshun Yao, Chen Qian, Yang Liu

Abstract: The pursuit of fairness in machine learning (ML), ensuring that the models do not exhibit biases toward protected demographic groups, typically results in a compromise scenario. This compromise can be explained by a Pareto frontier where given certain resources (e.g., data), reducing the fairness violations often comes at the cost of lowering the model accuracy. In this work, we aim to train models that mitigate group fairness disparity without causing harm to model accuracy. Intuitively, acquiring more data is a natural and promising approach to achieve this goal by reaching a better Pareto frontier of the fairness-accuracy tradeoff. The current data acquisition methods, such as fair active learning approaches, typically require annotating sensitive attributes. However, these sensitive attribute annotations should be protected due to privacy and safety concerns. In this paper, we propose a tractable active data sampling algorithm that does not rely on training group annotations, instead only requiring group annotations on a small validation set. Specifically, the algorithm first scores each new example by its influence on fairness and accuracy evaluated on the validation dataset, and then selects a certain number of examples for training. We theoretically analyze how acquiring more data can improve fairness without causing harm, and validate the possibility of our sampling approach in the context of risk disparity. We also provide the upper bound of generalization error and risk disparity as well as the corresponding connections. Extensive experiments on real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.

replace SimPro: A Simple Probabilistic Framework Towards Realistic Long-Tailed Semi-Supervised Learning

Authors: Chaoqun Du, Yizeng Han, Gao Huang

Abstract: Recent advancements in semi-supervised learning have focused on a more realistic yet challenging task: addressing imbalances in labeled data while the class distribution of unlabeled data remains both unknown and potentially mismatched. Current approaches in this sphere often presuppose rigid assumptions regarding the class distribution of unlabeled data, thereby limiting the adaptability of models to only certain distribution ranges. In this study, we propose a novel approach, introducing a highly adaptable framework, designated as SimPro, which does not rely on any predefined assumptions about the distribution of unlabeled data. Our framework, grounded in a probabilistic model, innovatively refines the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm by explicitly decoupling the modeling of conditional and marginal class distributions. This separation facilitates a closed-form solution for class distribution estimation during the maximization phase, leading to the formulation of a Bayes classifier. The Bayes classifier, in turn, enhances the quality of pseudo-labels in the expectation phase. Remarkably, the SimPro framework not only comes with theoretical guarantees but also is straightforward to implement. Moreover, we introduce two novel class distributions broadening the scope of the evaluation. Our method showcases consistent state-of-the-art performance across diverse benchmarks and data distribution scenarios. Our code is available at


replace Replicable Learning of Large-Margin Halfspaces

Authors: Alkis Kalavasis, Amin Karbasi, Kasper Green Larsen, Grigoris Velegkas, Felix Zhou

Abstract: We provide efficient replicable algorithms for the problem of learning large-margin halfspaces. Our results improve upon the algorithms provided by Impagliazzo, Lei, Pitassi, and Sorrell [STOC, 2022]. We design the first dimension-independent replicable algorithms for this task which runs in polynomial time, is proper, and has strictly improved sample complexity compared to the one achieved by Impagliazzo et al. [2022] with respect to all the relevant parameters. Moreover, our first algorithm has sample complexity that is optimal with respect to the accuracy parameter $\epsilon$. We also design an SGD-based replicable algorithm that, in some parameters' regimes, achieves better sample and time complexity than our first algorithm. Departing from the requirement of polynomial time algorithms, using the DP-to-Replicability reduction of Bun, Gaboardi, Hopkins, Impagliazzo, Lei, Pitassi, Sorrell, and Sivakumar [STOC, 2023], we show how to obtain a replicable algorithm for large-margin halfspaces with improved sample complexity with respect to the margin parameter $\tau$, but running time doubly exponential in $1/\tau^2$ and worse sample complexity dependence on $\epsilon$ than one of our previous algorithms. We then design an improved algorithm with better sample complexity than all three of our previous algorithms and running time exponential in $1/\tau^{2}$.

replace Overcoming Saturation in Density Ratio Estimation by Iterated Regularization

Authors: Lukas Gruber, Markus Holzleitner, Johannes Lehner, Sepp Hochreiter, Werner Zellinger

Abstract: Estimating the ratio of two probability densities from finitely many samples, is a central task in machine learning and statistics. In this work, we show that a large class of kernel methods for density ratio estimation suffers from error saturation, which prevents algorithms from achieving fast error convergence rates on highly regular learning problems. To resolve saturation, we introduce iterated regularization in density ratio estimation to achieve fast error rates. Our methods outperform its non-iteratively regularized versions on benchmarks for density ratio estimation as well as on large-scale evaluations for importance-weighted ensembling of deep unsupervised domain adaptation models.

replace Partial Search in a Frozen Network is Enough to Find a Strong Lottery Ticket

Authors: Hikari Otsuka, Daiki Chijiwa, \'Angel L\'opez Garc\'ia-Arias, Yasuyuki Okoshi, Kazushi Kawamura, Thiem Van Chu, Daichi Fujiki, Susumu Takeuchi, Masato Motomura

Abstract: Randomly initialized dense networks contain subnetworks that achieve high accuracy without weight learning -- strong lottery tickets (SLTs). Recently, Gadhikar et al. (2023) demonstrated that SLTs can also be found within a randomly pruned source network, thus reducing the SLT search space. However, this limits the search to SLTs that are even sparser than the source, leading to worse accuracy due to unintentionally high sparsity. This paper proposes a method that reduces the SLT search space by an arbitrary ratio independent of the desired SLT sparsity. A random subset of the initial weights is excluded from the search space by freezing it -- i.e., by either permanently pruning them or locking them as a fixed part of the SLT. In addition to reducing search space, the proposed random freezing can also provide the benefit of reducing the model size for inference. Furthermore, experimental results show that the proposed method finds SLTs with better accuracy-to-model size trade-off than the SLTs obtained from dense or randomly pruned source networks. In particular, the SLTs found in Frozen ResNets on image classification using ImageNet significantly improve the accuracy-to-search space and accuracy-to-model size trade-offs over SLTs within dense (non-freezing) or sparse (non-locking) random networks.

replace Q-Probe: A Lightweight Approach to Reward Maximization for Language Models

Authors: Kenneth Li, Samy Jelassi, Hugh Zhang, Sham Kakade, Martin Wattenberg, David Brandfonbrener

Abstract: We present an approach called Q-probing to adapt a pre-trained language model to maximize a task-specific reward function. At a high level, Q-probing sits between heavier approaches such as finetuning and lighter approaches such as few shot prompting, but can also be combined with either. The idea is to learn a simple linear function on a model's embedding space that can be used to reweight candidate completions. We theoretically show that this sampling procedure is equivalent to a KL-constrained maximization of the Q-probe as the number of samples increases. To train the Q-probes we consider either reward modeling or a class of novel direct policy learning objectives based on importance weighted policy gradients. With this technique, we see gains in domains with ground-truth rewards (code generation) as well as implicit rewards defined by preference data, even outperforming finetuning in data-limited regimes. Moreover, a Q-probe can be trained on top of an API since it only assumes access to sampling and embeddings. Code: .


replace Quantum Theory and Application of Contextual Optimal Transport

Authors: Nicola Mariella, Albert Akhriev, Francesco Tacchino, Christa Zoufal, Juan Carlos Gonzalez-Espitia, Benedek Harsanyi, Eugene Koskin, Ivano Tavernelli, Stefan Woerner, Marianna Rapsomaniki, Sergiy Zhuk, Jannis Born

Abstract: Optimal Transport (OT) has fueled machine learning (ML) across many domains. When paired data measurements $(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\nu})$ are coupled to covariates, a challenging conditional distribution learning setting arises. Existing approaches for learning a $\textit{global}$ transport map parameterized through a potentially unseen context utilize Neural OT and largely rely on Brenier's theorem. Here, we propose a first-of-its-kind quantum computing formulation for amortized optimization of contextualized transportation plans. We exploit a direct link between doubly stochastic matrices and unitary operators thus unravelling a natural connection between OT and quantum computation. We verify our method (QontOT) on synthetic and real data by predicting variations in cell type distributions conditioned on drug dosage. Importantly we conduct a 24-qubit hardware experiment on a task challenging for classical computers and report a performance that cannot be matched with our classical neural OT approach. In sum, this is a first step toward learning to predict contextualized transportation plans through quantum computing.

replace Sampling-based Distributed Training with Message Passing Neural Network

Authors: Priyesh Kakka, Sheel Nidhan, Rishikesh Ranade, Jonathan F. MacArt

Abstract: In this study, we introduce a domain-decomposition-based distributed training and inference approach for message-passing neural networks (MPNN). Our objective is to address the challenge of scaling edge-based graph neural networks as the number of nodes increases. Through our distributed training approach, coupled with Nystr\"om-approximation sampling techniques, we present a scalable graph neural network, referred to as DS-MPNN (D and S standing for distributed and sampled, respectively), capable of scaling up to $O(10^5)$ nodes. We validate our sampling and distributed training approach on two cases: (a) a Darcy flow dataset and (b) steady RANS simulations of 2-D airfoils, providing comparisons with both single-GPU implementation and node-based graph convolution networks (GCNs). The DS-MPNN model demonstrates comparable accuracy to single-GPU implementation, can accommodate a significantly larger number of nodes compared to the single-GPU variant (S-MPNN), and significantly outperforms the node-based GCN.

replace Advancing Parameter Efficiency in Fine-tuning via Representation Editing

Authors: Muling Wu, Wenhao Liu, Xiaohua Wang, Tianlong Li, Changze Lv, Zixuan Ling, Jianhao Zhu, Cenyuan Zhang, Xiaoqing Zheng, Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques have drawn significant attention due to their ability to yield competitive results while updating only a small portion of the adjustable parameters. However, existing PEFT methods pose challenges in hyperparameter selection, such as choosing the rank for LoRA or Adapter, or specifying the length of soft prompts. To address these challenges, we propose a novel fine-tuning approach for neural models, named Representation EDiting (RED), which modifies the representations generated at some layers through the application of scaling and biasing operations. While existing PEFT methods still demonstrate over-parameterization that could potentially undermine the generalization ability acquired from pre-training, RED can substantially reduce the number of trainable parameters by a factor of 25, 700 compared to full parameter fine-tuning and by a factor of 32 relative to LoRA. Remarkably, RED achieves results comparable or superior to both full parameter fine-tuning and other PEFT methods. Extensive experiments across various model architectures and scales, including RoBERTa, GPT-2, T5, and LLaMA-2, have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of RED1, thereby positioning it as a promising PEFT strategy for large-scale neural models.

replace Optimal Transport for Structure Learning Under Missing Data

Authors: Vy Vo, He Zhao, Trung Le, Edwin V. Bonilla, Dinh Phung

Abstract: Causal discovery in the presence of missing data introduces a chicken-and-egg dilemma. While the goal is to recover the true causal structure, robust imputation requires considering the dependencies or, preferably, causal relations among variables. Merely filling in missing values with existing imputation methods and subsequently applying structure learning on the complete data is empirically shown to be sub-optimal. To address this problem, we propose a score-based algorithm for learning causal structures from missing data based on optimal transport. This optimal transport viewpoint diverges from existing score-based approaches that are dominantly based on expectation maximization. We formulate structure learning as a density fitting problem, where the goal is to find the causal model that induces a distribution of minimum Wasserstein distance with the observed data distribution. Our framework is shown to recover the true causal graphs more effectively than competing methods in most simulations and real-data settings. Empirical evidence also shows the superior scalability of our approach, along with the flexibility to incorporate any off-the-shelf causal discovery methods for complete data.

replace Appendix for Linear Dynamics-embedded Neural Network for Long-Sequence Modeling

Authors: Tongyi Liang, Han-Xiong Li

Abstract: This appendix provides all necessary materials for the paper 'Linear Dynamics-embedded Neural Network for Long-Sequence Modeling', including model details, experimental configurations, and PyTorch implementation.

replace Achieving $\tilde{O}(1/\epsilon)$ Sample Complexity for Constrained Markov Decision Process

Authors: Jiashuo Jiang, Yinyu Ye

Abstract: We consider the reinforcement learning problem for the constrained Markov decision process (CMDP), which plays a central role in satisfying safety or resource constraints in sequential learning and decision-making. In this problem, we are given finite resources and a MDP with unknown transition probabilities. At each stage, we take an action, collecting a reward and consuming some resources, all assumed to be unknown and need to be learned over time. In this work, we take the first step towards deriving optimal problem-dependent guarantees for the CMDP problems. We derive a logarithmic regret bound, which translates into a $O(\frac{1}{\Delta\cdot\eps}\cdot\log^2(1/\eps))$ sample complexity bound, with $\Delta$ being a problem-dependent parameter, yet independent of $\eps$. Our sample complexity bound improves upon the state-of-art $O(1/\eps^2)$ sample complexity for CMDP problems established in the previous literature, in terms of the dependency on $\eps$. To achieve this advance, we develop a new framework for analyzing CMDP problems. To be specific, our algorithm operates in the primal space and we resolve the primal LP for the CMDP problem at each period in an online manner, with \textit{adaptive} remaining resource capacities. The key elements of our algorithm are: i) a characterization of the instance hardness via LP basis, ii) an eliminating procedure that identifies one optimal basis of the primal LP, and; iii) a resolving procedure that is adaptive to the remaining resources and sticks to the characterized optimal basis.

replace Boosting Graph Pooling with Persistent Homology

Authors: Chaolong Ying, Xinjian Zhao, Tianshu Yu

Abstract: Recently, there has been an emerging trend to integrate persistent homology (PH) into graph neural networks (GNNs) to enrich expressive power. However, naively plugging PH features into GNN layers always results in marginal improvement with low interpretability. In this paper, we investigate a novel mechanism for injecting global topological invariance into pooling layers using PH, motivated by the observation that filtration operation in PH naturally aligns graph pooling in a cut-off manner. In this fashion, message passing in the coarsened graph acts along persistent pooled topology, leading to improved performance. Experimentally, we apply our mechanism to a collection of graph pooling methods and observe consistent and substantial performance gain over several popular datasets, demonstrating its wide applicability and flexibility.

replace Craftax: A Lightning-Fast Benchmark for Open-Ended Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Michael Matthews, Michael Beukman, Benjamin Ellis, Mikayel Samvelyan, Matthew Jackson, Samuel Coward, Jakob Foerster

Abstract: Benchmarks play a crucial role in the development and analysis of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. We identify that existing benchmarks used for research into open-ended learning fall into one of two categories. Either they are too slow for meaningful research to be performed without enormous computational resources, like Crafter, NetHack and Minecraft, or they are not complex enough to pose a significant challenge, like Minigrid and Procgen. To remedy this, we first present Craftax-Classic: a ground-up rewrite of Crafter in JAX that runs up to 250x faster than the Python-native original. A run of PPO using 1 billion environment interactions finishes in under an hour using only a single GPU and averages 90% of the optimal reward. To provide a more compelling challenge we present the main Craftax benchmark, a significant extension of the Crafter mechanics with elements inspired from NetHack. Solving Craftax requires deep exploration, long term planning and memory, as well as continual adaptation to novel situations as more of the world is discovered. We show that existing methods including global and episodic exploration, as well as unsupervised environment design fail to make material progress on the benchmark. We believe that Craftax can for the first time allow researchers to experiment in a complex, open-ended environment with limited computational resources.

replace FORML: A Riemannian Hessian-free Method for Meta-learning on Stiefel Manifolds

Authors: Hadi Tabealhojeh, Soumava Kumar Roy, Peyman Adibi, Hossein Karshenas

Abstract: Meta-learning problem is usually formulated as a bi-level optimization in which the task-specific and the meta-parameters are updated in the inner and outer loops of optimization, respectively. However, performing the optimization in the Riemannian space, where the parameters and meta-parameters are located on Riemannian manifolds is computationally intensive. Unlike the Euclidean methods, the Riemannian backpropagation needs computing the second-order derivatives that include backward computations through the Riemannian operators such as retraction and orthogonal projection. This paper introduces a Hessian-free approach that uses a first-order approximation of derivatives on the Stiefel manifold. Our method significantly reduces the computational load and memory footprint. We show how using a Stiefel fully-connected layer that enforces orthogonality constraint on the parameters of the last classification layer as the head of the backbone network, strengthens the representation reuse of the gradient-based meta-learning methods. Our experimental results across various few-shot learning datasets, demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method compared to the state-of-the-art methods, especially MAML, its Euclidean counterpart.

replace Improving out-of-distribution generalization in graphs via hierarchical semantic environments

Authors: Yinhua Piao, Sangseon Lee, Yijingxiu Lu, Sun Kim

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization in the graph domain is challenging due to complex distribution shifts and a lack of environmental contexts. Recent methods attempt to enhance graph OOD generalization by generating flat environments. However, such flat environments come with inherent limitations to capture more complex data distributions. Considering the DrugOOD dataset, which contains diverse training environments (e.g., scaffold, size, etc.), flat contexts cannot sufficiently address its high heterogeneity. Thus, a new challenge is posed to generate more semantically enriched environments to enhance graph invariant learning for handling distribution shifts. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to generate hierarchical semantic environments for each graph. Firstly, given an input graph, we explicitly extract variant subgraphs from the input graph to generate proxy predictions on local environments. Then, stochastic attention mechanisms are employed to re-extract the subgraphs for regenerating global environments in a hierarchical manner. In addition, we introduce a new learning objective that guides our model to learn the diversity of environments within the same hierarchy while maintaining consistency across different hierarchies. This approach enables our model to consider the relationships between environments and facilitates robust graph invariant learning. Extensive experiments on real-world graph data have demonstrated the effectiveness of our framework. Particularly, in the challenging dataset DrugOOD, our method achieves up to 1.29% and 2.83% improvement over the best baselines on IC50 and EC50 prediction tasks, respectively.

replace FedHCDR: Federated Cross-Domain Recommendation with Hypergraph Signal Decoupling

Authors: Hongyu Zhang, Dongyi Zheng, Lin Zhong, Xu Yang, Jiyuan Feng, Yunqing Feng, Qing Liao

Abstract: In recent years, Cross-Domain Recommendation (CDR) has drawn significant attention, which utilizes user data from multiple domains to enhance the recommendation performance. However, current CDR methods require sharing user data across domains, thereby violating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Consequently, numerous approaches have been proposed for Federated Cross-Domain Recommendation (FedCDR). Nevertheless, the data heterogeneity across different domains inevitably influences the overall performance of federated learning. In this study, we propose FedHCDR, a novel Federated Cross-Domain Recommendation framework with Hypergraph signal decoupling. Specifically, to address the data heterogeneity across domains, we introduce an approach called hypergraph signal decoupling (HSD) to decouple the user features into domain-exclusive and domain-shared features. The approach employs high-pass and low-pass hypergraph filters to decouple domain-exclusive and domain-shared user representations, which are trained by the local-global bi-directional transfer algorithm. In addition, a hypergraph contrastive learning (HCL) module is devised to enhance the learning of domain-shared user relationship information by perturbing the user hypergraph. Extensive experiments conducted on three real-world scenarios demonstrate that FedHCDR outperforms existing baselines significantly.

replace SplAgger: Split Aggregation for Meta-Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jacob Beck, Matthew Jackson, Risto Vuorio, Zheng Xiong, Shimon Whiteson

Abstract: A core ambition of reinforcement learning (RL) is the creation of agents capable of rapid learning in novel tasks. Meta-RL aims to achieve this by directly learning such agents. Black box methods do so by training off-the-shelf sequence models end-to-end. By contrast, task inference methods explicitly infer a posterior distribution over the unknown task, typically using distinct objectives and sequence models designed to enable task inference. Recent work has shown that task inference methods are not necessary for strong performance. However, it remains unclear whether task inference sequence models are beneficial even when task inference objectives are not. In this paper, we present evidence that task inference sequence models are indeed still beneficial. In particular, we investigate sequence models with permutation invariant aggregation, which exploit the fact that, due to the Markov property, the task posterior does not depend on the order of data. We empirically confirm the advantage of permutation invariant sequence models without the use of task inference objectives. However, we also find, surprisingly, that there are multiple conditions under which permutation variance remains useful. Therefore, we propose SplAgger, which uses both permutation variant and invariant components to achieve the best of both worlds, outperforming all baselines evaluated on continuous control and memory environments. Code is provided at


replace GaLore: Memory-Efficient LLM Training by Gradient Low-Rank Projection

Authors: Jiawei Zhao, Zhenyu Zhang, Beidi Chen, Zhangyang Wang, Anima Anandkumar, Yuandong Tian

Abstract: Training Large Language Models (LLMs) presents significant memory challenges, predominantly due to the growing size of weights and optimizer states. Common memory-reduction approaches, such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA), add a trainable low-rank matrix to the frozen pre-trained weight in each layer, reducing trainable parameters and optimizer states. However, such approaches typically underperform training with full-rank weights in both pre-training and fine-tuning stages since they limit the parameter search to a low-rank subspace and alter the training dynamics, and further, may require full-rank warm start. In this work, we propose Gradient Low-Rank Projection (GaLore), a training strategy that allows full-parameter learning but is more memory-efficient than common low-rank adaptation methods such as LoRA. Our approach reduces memory usage by up to 65.5% in optimizer states while maintaining both efficiency and performance for pre-training on LLaMA 1B and 7B architectures with C4 dataset with up to 19.7B tokens, and on fine-tuning RoBERTa on GLUE tasks. Our 8-bit GaLore further reduces optimizer memory by up to 82.5% and total training memory by 63.3%, compared to a BF16 baseline. Notably, we demonstrate, for the first time, the feasibility of pre-training a 7B model on consumer GPUs with 24GB memory (e.g., NVIDIA RTX 4090) without model parallel, checkpointing, or offloading strategies.

replace SPEAR:Exact Gradient Inversion of Batches in Federated Learning

Authors: Dimitar I. Dimitrov, Maximilian Baader, Mark Niklas M\"uller, Martin Vechev

Abstract: Federated learning is a framework for collaborative machine learning where clients only share gradient updates and not their private data with a server. However, it was recently shown that gradient inversion attacks can reconstruct this data from the shared gradients. In the important honest-but-curious setting, existing attacks enable exact reconstruction only for a batch size of $b=1$, with larger batches permitting only approximate reconstruction. In this work, we propose SPEAR, the first algorithm reconstructing whole batches with $b >1$ exactly. SPEAR combines insights into the explicit low-rank structure of gradients with a sampling-based algorithm. Crucially, we leverage ReLU-induced gradient sparsity to precisely filter out large numbers of incorrect samples, making a final reconstruction step tractable. We provide an efficient GPU implementation for fully connected networks and show that it recovers high-dimensional ImageNet inputs in batches of up to $b \lesssim 25$ exactly while scaling to large networks. Finally, we show theoretically that much larger batches can be reconstructed with high probability given exponential time.

replace Towards Efficient Replay in Federated Incremental Learning

Authors: Yichen Li, Qunwei Li, Haozhao Wang, Ruixuan Li, Wenliang Zhong, Guannan Zhang

Abstract: In Federated Learning (FL), the data in each client is typically assumed fixed or static. However, data often comes in an incremental manner in real-world applications, where the data domain may increase dynamically. In this work, we study catastrophic forgetting with data heterogeneity in Federated Incremental Learning (FIL) scenarios where edge clients may lack enough storage space to retain full data. We propose to employ a simple, generic framework for FIL named Re-Fed, which can coordinate each client to cache important samples for replay. More specifically, when a new task arrives, each client first caches selected previous samples based on their global and local importance. Then, the client trains the local model with both the cached samples and the samples from the new task. Theoretically, we analyze the ability of Re-Fed to discover important samples for replay thus alleviating the catastrophic forgetting problem. Moreover, we empirically show that Re-Fed achieves competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.

replace Multistep Consistency Models

Authors: Jonathan Heek, Emiel Hoogeboom, Tim Salimans

Abstract: Diffusion models are relatively easy to train but require many steps to generate samples. Consistency models are far more difficult to train, but generate samples in a single step. In this paper we propose Multistep Consistency Models: A unification between Consistency Models (Song et al., 2023) and TRACT (Berthelot et al., 2023) that can interpolate between a consistency model and a diffusion model: a trade-off between sampling speed and sampling quality. Specifically, a 1-step consistency model is a conventional consistency model whereas a $\infty$-step consistency model is a diffusion model. Multistep Consistency Models work really well in practice. By increasing the sample budget from a single step to 2-8 steps, we can train models more easily that generate higher quality samples, while retaining much of the sampling speed benefits. Notable results are 1.4 FID on Imagenet 64 in 8 step and 2.1 FID on Imagenet128 in 8 steps with consistency distillation, using simple losses without adversarial training. We also show that our method scales to a text-to-image diffusion model, generating samples that are close to the quality of the original model.

replace Can LLMs Separate Instructions From Data? And What Do We Even Mean By That?

Authors: Egor Zverev, Sahar Abdelnabi, Soroush Tabesh, Mario Fritz, Christoph H. Lampert

Abstract: Instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) show impressive results in numerous practical applications, but they lack essential safety features that are common in other areas of computer science, particularly an explicit separation of instructions and data. This makes them vulnerable to manipulations such as indirect prompt injections and generally unsuitable for safety-critical tasks. Surprisingly, there is currently no established definition or benchmark to quantify this phenomenon. In this work, we close this gap by introducing a formal measure for instruction-data separation and an empirical variant that is calculable from a model's outputs. We also present a new dataset, SEP, that allows estimating the measure for real-world models. Our results on various LLMs show that the problem of instruction-data separation is real: all models fail to achieve high separation, and canonical mitigation techniques, such as prompt engineering and fine-tuning, either fail to substantially improve separation or reduce model utility. The source code and SEP dataset are openly accessible at


replace Representing Molecules as Random Walks Over Interpretable Grammars

Authors: Michael Sun, Minghao Guo, Weize Yuan, Veronika Thost, Crystal Elaine Owens, Aristotle Franklin Grosz, Sharvaa Selvan, Katelyn Zhou, Hassan Mohiuddin, Benjamin J Pedretti, Zachary P Smith, Jie Chen, Wojciech Matusik

Abstract: Recent research in molecular discovery has primarily been devoted to small, drug-like molecules, leaving many similarly important applications in material design without adequate technology. These applications often rely on more complex molecular structures with fewer examples that are carefully designed using known substructures. We propose a data-efficient and interpretable model for representing and reasoning over such molecules in terms of graph grammars that explicitly describe the hierarchical design space featuring motifs to be the design basis. We present a novel representation in the form of random walks over the design space, which facilitates both molecule generation and property prediction. We demonstrate clear advantages over existing methods in terms of performance, efficiency, and synthesizability of predicted molecules, and we provide detailed insights into the method's chemical interpretability.

replace Fast Inference of Removal-Based Node Influence

Authors: Weikai Li, Zhiping Xiao, Xiao Luo, Yizhou Sun

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) are widely utilized to capture the information spreading patterns in graphs. While remarkable performance has been achieved, there is a new trending topic of evaluating node influence. We propose a new method of evaluating node influence, which measures the prediction change of a trained GNN model caused by removing a node. A real-world application is, "In the task of predicting Twitter accounts' polarity, had a particular account been removed, how would others' polarity change?". We use the GNN as a surrogate model whose prediction could simulate the change of nodes or edges caused by node removal. Our target is to obtain the influence score for every node, and a straightforward way is to alternately remove every node and apply the trained GNN on the modified graph to generate new predictions. It is reliable but time-consuming, so we need an efficient method. The related lines of work, such as graph adversarial attack and counterfactual explanation, cannot directly satisfy our needs, since their problem settings are different. We propose an efficient, intuitive, and effective method, NOde-Removal-based fAst GNN inference (NORA), which uses the gradient information to approximate the node-removal influence. It only costs one forward propagation and one backpropagation to approximate the influence score for all nodes. Extensive experiments on six datasets and six GNN models verify the effectiveness of NORA. Our code is available at


replace One-Shot Averaging for Distributed TD($\lambda$) Under Markov Sampling

Authors: Haoxing Tian, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Alex Olshevsky

Abstract: We consider a distributed setup for reinforcement learning, where each agent has a copy of the same Markov Decision Process but transitions are sampled from the corresponding Markov chain independently by each agent. We show that in this setting, we can achieve a linear speedup for TD($\lambda$), a family of popular methods for policy evaluation, in the sense that $N$ agents can evaluate a policy $N$ times faster provided the target accuracy is small enough. Notably, this speedup is achieved by ``one shot averaging,'' a procedure where the agents run TD($\lambda$) with Markov sampling independently and only average their results after the final step. This significantly reduces the amount of communication required to achieve a linear speedup relative to previous work.

replace Quality-Diversity Actor-Critic: Learning High-Performing and Diverse Behaviors via Value and Successor Features Critics

Authors: Luca Grillotti, Maxence Faldor, Borja G. Le\'on, Antoine Cully

Abstract: A key aspect of intelligence is the ability to demonstrate a broad spectrum of behaviors for adapting to unexpected situations. Over the past decade, advancements in deep reinforcement learning have led to groundbreaking achievements to solve complex continuous control tasks. However, most approaches return only one solution specialized for a specific problem. We introduce Quality-Diversity Actor-Critic (QDAC), an off-policy actor-critic deep reinforcement learning algorithm that leverages a value function critic and a successor features critic to learn high-performing and diverse behaviors. In this framework, the actor optimizes an objective that seamlessly unifies both critics using constrained optimization to (1) maximize return, while (2) executing diverse skills. Compared with other Quality-Diversity methods, QDAC achieves significantly higher performance and more diverse behaviors on six challenging continuous control locomotion tasks. We also demonstrate that we can harness the learned skills to adapt better than other baselines to five perturbed environments. Finally, qualitative analyses showcase a range of remarkable behaviors:

replace Graph Machine Learning based Doubly Robust Estimator for Network Causal Effects

Authors: Seyedeh Baharan Khatami, Harsh Parikh, Haowei Chen, Sudeepa Roy, Babak Salimi

Abstract: We address the challenge of inferring causal effects in social network data. This results in challenges due to interference -- where a unit's outcome is affected by neighbors' treatments -- and network-induced confounding factors. While there is extensive literature focusing on estimating causal effects in social network setups, a majority of them make prior assumptions about the form of network-induced confounding mechanisms. Such strong assumptions are rarely likely to hold especially in high-dimensional networks. We propose a novel methodology that combines graph machine learning approaches with the double machine learning framework to enable accurate and efficient estimation of direct and peer effects using a single observational social network. We demonstrate the semiparametric efficiency of our proposed estimator under mild regularity conditions, allowing for consistent uncertainty quantification. We demonstrate that our method is accurate, robust, and scalable via an extensive simulation study. We use our method to investigate the impact of Self-Help Group participation on financial risk tolerance.

replace A tutorial on learning from preferences and choices with Gaussian Processes

Authors: Alessio Benavoli, Dario Azzimonti

Abstract: Preference modelling lies at the intersection of economics, decision theory, machine learning and statistics. By understanding individuals' preferences and how they make choices, we can build products that closely match their expectations, paving the way for more efficient and personalised applications across a wide range of domains. The objective of this tutorial is to present a cohesive and comprehensive framework for preference learning with Gaussian Processes (GPs), demonstrating how to seamlessly incorporate rationality principles (from economics and decision theory) into the learning process. By suitably tailoring the likelihood function, this framework enables the construction of preference learning models that encompass random utility models, limits of discernment, and scenarios with multiple conflicting utilities for both object- and label-preference. This tutorial builds upon established research while simultaneously introducing some novel GP-based models to address specific gaps in the existing literature.

replace The Model Openness Framework: Promoting Completeness and Openness for Reproducibility, Transparency, and Usability in Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Matt White, Ibrahim Haddad, Cailean Osborne, Xiao-Yang Liu Yanglet, Ahmed Abdelmonsef, Sachin Varghese

Abstract: Generative AI (GAI) offers unprecedented opportunities for research and innovation, but its commercialization has raised concerns about transparency, reproducibility, and safety. Many open GAI models lack the necessary components for full understanding and reproducibility, and some use restrictive licenses whilst claiming to be ``open-source''. To address these concerns, we propose the Model Openness Framework (MOF), a ranked classification system that rates machine learning models based on their completeness and openness, following principles of open science, open source, open data, and open access. The MOF requires specific components of the model development lifecycle to be included and released under appropriate open licenses. This framework aims to prevent misrepresentation of models claiming to be open, guide researchers and developers in providing all model components under permissive licenses, and help individuals and organizations identify models that can be safely adopted without restrictions. By promoting transparency and reproducibility, the MOF combats ``openwashing'' practices and establishes completeness and openness as primary criteria alongside the core tenets of responsible AI. Wide adoption of the MOF will foster a more open AI ecosystem, benefiting research, innovation, and adoption of state-of-the-art models.

replace Planning with a Learned Policy Basis to Optimally Solve Complex Tasks

Authors: Guillermo Infante, David Kuric, Anders Jonsson, Vicen\c{c} G\'omez, Herke van Hoof

Abstract: Conventional reinforcement learning (RL) methods can successfully solve a wide range of sequential decision problems. However, learning policies that can generalize predictably across multiple tasks in a setting with non-Markovian reward specifications is a challenging problem. We propose to use successor features to learn a policy basis so that each (sub)policy in it solves a well-defined subproblem. In a task described by a finite state automaton (FSA) that involves the same set of subproblems, the combination of these (sub)policies can then be used to generate an optimal solution without additional learning. In contrast to other methods that combine (sub)policies via planning, our method asymptotically attains global optimality, even in stochastic environments.

replace Uplift Modeling Under Limited Supervision

Authors: George Panagopoulos, Daniele Malitesta, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Jun Pang

Abstract: Estimating causal effects in e-commerce tends to involve costly treatment assignments which can be impractical in large-scale settings. Leveraging machine learning to predict such treatment effects without actual intervention is a standard practice to diminish the risk. However, existing methods for treatment effect prediction tend to rely on training sets of substantial size, which are built from real experiments and are thus inherently risky to create. In this work we propose a graph neural network to diminish the required training set size, relying on graphs that are common in e-commerce data. Specifically, we view the problem as node regression with a restricted number of labeled instances, develop a two-model neural architecture akin to previous causal effect estimators, and test varying message-passing layers for encoding. Furthermore, as an extra step, we combine the model with an acquisition function to guide the creation of the training set in settings with extremely low experimental budget. The framework is flexible since each step can be used separately with other models or treatment policies. The experiments on real large-scale networks indicate a clear advantage of our methodology over the state of the art, which in many cases performs close to random, underlining the need for models that can generalize with limited supervision to reduce experimental risks.

replace A finite operator learning technique for mapping the elastic properties of microstructures to their mechanical deformations

Authors: Shahed Rezaei, Reza Najian Asl, Shirko Faroughi, Mahdi Asgharzadeh, Ali Harandi, Rasoul Najafi Koopas, Gottfried Laschet, Stefanie Reese, Markus Apel

Abstract: To obtain fast solutions for governing physical equations in solid mechanics, we introduce a method that integrates the core ideas of the finite element method with physics-informed neural networks and concept of neural operators. This approach generalizes and enhances each method, learning the parametric solution for mechanical problems without relying on data from other resources (e.g. other numerical solvers). We propose directly utilizing the available discretized weak form in finite element packages to construct the loss functions algebraically, thereby demonstrating the ability to find solutions even in the presence of sharp discontinuities. Our focus is on micromechanics as an example, where knowledge of deformation and stress fields for a given heterogeneous microstructure is crucial for further design applications. The primary parameter under investigation is the Young's modulus distribution within the heterogeneous solid system. Our investigations reveal that physics-based training yields higher accuracy compared to purely data-driven approaches for unseen microstructures. Additionally, we offer two methods to directly improve the process of obtaining high-resolution solutions, avoiding the need to use basic interpolation techniques. First is based on an autoencoder approach to enhance the efficiency for calculation on high resolution grid point. Next, Fourier-based parametrization is utilized to address complex 2D and 3D problems in micromechanics. The latter idea aims to represent complex microstructures efficiently using Fourier coefficients. Comparisons with other well-known operator learning algorithms, further emphasize the advantages of the newly proposed method.

replace CHAIN: Enhancing Generalization in Data-Efficient GANs via lipsCHitz continuity constrAIned Normalization

Authors: Yao Ni, Piotr Koniusz

Abstract: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) significantly advanced image generation but their performance heavily depends on abundant training data. In scenarios with limited data, GANs often struggle with discriminator overfitting and unstable training. Batch Normalization (BN), despite being known for enhancing generalization and training stability, has rarely been used in the discriminator of Data-Efficient GANs. Our work addresses this gap by identifying a critical flaw in BN: the tendency for gradient explosion during the centering and scaling steps. To tackle this issue, we present CHAIN (lipsCHitz continuity constrAIned Normalization), which replaces the conventional centering step with zero-mean regularization and integrates a Lipschitz continuity constraint in the scaling step. CHAIN further enhances GAN training by adaptively interpolating the normalized and unnormalized features, effectively avoiding discriminator overfitting. Our theoretical analyses firmly establishes CHAIN's effectiveness in reducing gradients in latent features and weights, improving stability and generalization in GAN training. Empirical evidence supports our theory. CHAIN achieves state-of-the-art results in data-limited scenarios on CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet, five low-shot and seven high-resolution few-shot image datasets. Code:


replace Efficient and Generalizable Certified Unlearning: A Hessian-free Recollection Approach

Authors: Xinbao Qiao, Meng Zhang, Ming Tang, Ermin Wei

Abstract: Machine unlearning strives to uphold the data owners' right to be forgotten by enabling models to selectively forget specific data. Recent advances suggest precomputing and storing statistics extracted from second-order information and implementing unlearning through Newton-style updates. However, the theoretical analysis of these works often depends on restrictive assumptions of convexity and smoothness, and those mentioned operations on Hessian matrix are extremely costly. As a result, applying these works to high-dimensional models becomes challenging. In this paper, we propose an efficient Hessian-free certified unlearning. We propose to maintain a statistical vector for each data, computed through affine stochastic recursion approximation of the difference between retrained and learned models. Our analysis does not involve inverting Hessian and thus can be extended to non-convex non-smooth objectives. Under same assumptions, we demonstrate advancements of proposed method beyond the state-of-the-art theoretical studies, in terms of generalization, unlearning guarantee, deletion capacity, and computation/storage complexity, and we show that the unlearned model of our proposed approach is close to or same as the retrained model. Based on the strategy of recollecting statistics for forgetting data, we develop an algorithm that achieves near-instantaneous unlearning as it only requires a vector addition operation. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed scheme surpasses existing results by orders of magnitude in terms of time/storage costs, while also enhancing accuracy.

replace BruSLeAttack: A Query-Efficient Score-Based Black-Box Sparse Adversarial Attack

Authors: Viet Quoc Vo, Ehsan Abbasnejad, Damith C. Ranasinghe

Abstract: We study the unique, less-well understood problem of generating sparse adversarial samples simply by observing the score-based replies to model queries. Sparse attacks aim to discover a minimum number-the l0 bounded-perturbations to model inputs to craft adversarial examples and misguide model decisions. But, in contrast to query-based dense attack counterparts against black-box models, constructing sparse adversarial perturbations, even when models serve confidence score information to queries in a score-based setting, is non-trivial. Because, such an attack leads to i) an NP-hard problem; and ii) a non-differentiable search space. We develop the BruSLeAttack-a new, faster (more query-efficient) Bayesian algorithm for the problem. We conduct extensive attack evaluations including an attack demonstration against a Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) offering exemplified by Google Cloud Vision and robustness testing of adversarial training regimes and a recent defense against black-box attacks. The proposed attack scales to achieve state-of-the-art attack success rates and query efficiency on standard computer vision tasks such as ImageNet across different model architectures. Our artefacts and DIY attack samples are available on GitHub. Importantly, our work facilitates faster evaluation of model vulnerabilities and raises our vigilance on the safety, security and reliability of deployed systems.

replace Preference Fine-Tuning of LLMs Should Leverage Suboptimal, On-Policy Data

Authors: Fahim Tajwar, Anikait Singh, Archit Sharma, Rafael Rafailov, Jeff Schneider, Tengyang Xie, Stefano Ermon, Chelsea Finn, Aviral Kumar

Abstract: Learning from preference labels plays a crucial role in fine-tuning large language models. There are several distinct approaches for preference fine-tuning, including supervised learning, on-policy reinforcement learning (RL), and contrastive learning. Different methods come with different implementation tradeoffs and performance differences, and existing empirical findings present different conclusions, for instance, some results show that online RL is quite important to attain good fine-tuning results, while others find (offline) contrastive or even purely supervised methods sufficient. This raises a natural question: what kind of approaches are important for fine-tuning with preference data and why? In this paper, we answer this question by performing a rigorous analysis of a number of fine-tuning techniques on didactic and full-scale LLM problems. Our main finding is that, in general, approaches that use on-policy sampling or attempt to push down the likelihood on certain responses (i.e., employ a "negative gradient") outperform offline and maximum likelihood objectives. We conceptualize our insights and unify methods that use on-policy sampling or negative gradient under a notion of mode-seeking objectives for categorical distributions. Mode-seeking objectives are able to alter probability mass on specific bins of a categorical distribution at a fast rate compared to maximum likelihood, allowing them to relocate masses across bins more effectively. Our analysis prescribes actionable insights for preference fine-tuning of LLMs and informs how data should be collected for maximal improvement.

replace Unifying Bayesian Flow Networks and Diffusion Models through Stochastic Differential Equations

Authors: Kaiwen Xue, Yuhao Zhou, Shen Nie, Xu Min, Xiaolu Zhang, Jun Zhou, Chongxuan Li

Abstract: Bayesian flow networks (BFNs) iteratively refine the parameters, instead of the samples in diffusion models (DMs), of distributions at various noise levels through Bayesian inference. Owing to its differentiable nature, BFNs are promising in modeling both continuous and discrete data, while simultaneously maintaining fast sampling capabilities. This paper aims to understand and enhance BFNs by connecting them with DMs through stochastic differential equations (SDEs). We identify the linear SDEs corresponding to the noise-addition processes in BFNs, demonstrate that BFN's regression losses are aligned with denoise score matching, and validate the sampler in BFN as a first-order solver for the respective reverse-time SDE. Based on these findings and existing recipes of fast sampling in DMs, we propose specialized solvers for BFNs that markedly surpass the original BFN sampler in terms of sample quality with a limited number of function evaluations (e.g., 10) on both image and text datasets. Notably, our best sampler achieves an increase in speed of 5~20 times for free. Our code is available at


replace Boosting Model Resilience via Implicit Adversarial Data Augmentation

Authors: Xiaoling Zhou, Wei Ye, Zhemg Lee, Rui Xie, Shikun Zhang

Abstract: Data augmentation plays a pivotal role in enhancing and diversifying training data. Nonetheless, consistently improving model performance in varied learning scenarios, especially those with inherent data biases, remains challenging. To address this, we propose to augment the deep features of samples by incorporating their adversarial and anti-adversarial perturbation distributions, enabling adaptive adjustment in the learning difficulty tailored to each sample's specific characteristics. We then theoretically reveal that our augmentation process approximates the optimization of a surrogate loss function as the number of augmented copies increases indefinitely. This insight leads us to develop a meta-learning-based framework for optimizing classifiers with this novel loss, introducing the effects of augmentation while bypassing the explicit augmentation process. We conduct extensive experiments across four common biased learning scenarios: long-tail learning, generalized long-tail learning, noisy label learning, and subpopulation shift learning. The empirical results demonstrate that our method consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance, highlighting its broad adaptability.

replace SOUL: Unlocking the Power of Second-Order Optimization for LLM Unlearning

Authors: Jinghan Jia, Yihua Zhang, Yimeng Zhang, Jiancheng Liu, Bharat Runwal, James Diffenderfer, Bhavya Kailkhura, Sijia Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have highlighted the necessity of effective unlearning mechanisms to comply with data regulations and ethical AI practices. LLM unlearning aims at removing undesired data influences and associated model capabilities without compromising utility out of the scope of unlearning. While interest in studying LLM unlearning is growing,the impact of the optimizer choice for LLM unlearning remains under-explored. In this work, we shed light on the significance of optimizer selection in LLM unlearning for the first time, establishing a clear connection between {second-order optimization} and influence unlearning (a classical approach using influence functions to update the model for data influence removal). This insight propels us to develop a second-order unlearning framework, termed SOUL, built upon the second-order clipped stochastic optimization (Sophia)-based LLM training method. SOUL extends the static, one-shot model update using influence unlearning to a dynamic, iterative unlearning process. Our extensive experiments show that SOUL consistently outperforms conventional first-order methods across various unlearning tasks, models, and metrics, suggesting the promise of second-order optimization in providing a scalable and easily implementable solution for LLM unlearning.

replace LLM-SR: Scientific Equation Discovery via Programming with Large Language Models

Authors: Parshin Shojaee, Kazem Meidani, Shashank Gupta, Amir Barati Farimani, Chandan K Reddy

Abstract: Mathematical equations have been unreasonably effective in describing complex natural phenomena across various scientific disciplines. However, discovering such insightful equations from data presents significant challenges due to the necessity of navigating extremely high-dimensional combinatorial and nonlinear hypothesis spaces. Traditional methods of equation discovery, commonly known as symbolic regression, largely focus on extracting equations from data alone, often neglecting the rich domain-specific prior knowledge that scientists typically depend on. To bridge this gap, we introduce LLM-SR, a novel approach that leverages the extensive scientific knowledge and robust code generation capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to discover scientific equations from data in an efficient manner. Specifically, LLM-SR treats equations as programs with mathematical operators and combines LLMs' scientific priors with evolutionary search over equation programs. The LLM iteratively proposes new equation skeleton hypotheses, drawing from its physical understanding, which are then optimized against data to estimate skeleton parameters. We demonstrate LLM-SR's effectiveness across three diverse scientific domains, where it discovers physically accurate equations that provide significantly better fits to in-domain and out-of-domain data compared to the well-established symbolic regression baselines. Incorporating scientific prior knowledge also enables LLM-SR to search the equation space more efficiently than baselines. Code is available at:


replace Markov flow policy -- deep MC

Authors: Nitsan Soffair, Gilad Katz

Abstract: Discounted algorithms often encounter evaluation errors due to their reliance on short-term estimations, which can impede their efficacy in addressing simple, short-term tasks and impose undesired temporal discounts (\(\gamma\)). Interestingly, these algorithms are often tested without applying a discount, a phenomenon we refer as the \textit{train-test bias}. In response to these challenges, we propose the Markov Flow Policy, which utilizes a non-negative neural network flow to enable comprehensive forward-view predictions. Through integration into the TD7 codebase and evaluation using the MuJoCo benchmark, we observe significant performance improvements, positioning MFP as a straightforward, practical, and easily implementable solution within the domain of average rewards algorithms.

replace SparseTSF: Modeling Long-term Time Series Forecasting with 1k Parameters

Authors: Shengsheng Lin, Weiwei Lin, Wentai Wu, Haojun Chen, Junjie Yang

Abstract: This paper introduces SparseTSF, a novel, extremely lightweight model for Long-term Time Series Forecasting (LTSF), designed to address the challenges of modeling complex temporal dependencies over extended horizons with minimal computational resources. At the heart of SparseTSF lies the Cross-Period Sparse Forecasting technique, which simplifies the forecasting task by decoupling the periodicity and trend in time series data. This technique involves downsampling the original sequences to focus on cross-period trend prediction, effectively extracting periodic features while minimizing the model's complexity and parameter count. Based on this technique, the SparseTSF model uses fewer than *1k* parameters to achieve competitive or superior performance compared to state-of-the-art models. Furthermore, SparseTSF showcases remarkable generalization capabilities, making it well-suited for scenarios with limited computational resources, small samples, or low-quality data. The code is publicly available at this repository:


replace Why Tabular Foundation Models Should Be a Research Priority

Authors: Boris van Breugel, Mihaela van der Schaar

Abstract: Recent text and image foundation models are incredibly impressive, and these models are attracting an ever-increasing portion of research resources. In this position piece we aim to shift the ML research community's priorities ever so slightly to a different modality: tabular data. Tabular data is the dominant modality in many fields, yet it is given hardly any research attention and significantly lags behind in terms of scale and power. We believe the time is now to start developing tabular foundation models, or what we coin a Large Tabular Model (LTM). LTMs could revolutionise the way science and ML use tabular data: not as single datasets that are analyzed in a vacuum, but contextualized with respect to related datasets. The potential impact is far-reaching: from few-shot tabular models to automating data science; from out-of-distribution synthetic data to empowering multidisciplinary scientific discovery. We intend to excite reflections on the modalities we study, and convince some researchers to study large tabular models.

replace Generalizing Orthogonalization for Models with Non-Linearities

Authors: David R\"ugamer, Chris Kolb, Tobias Weber, Lucas Kook, Thomas Nagler

Abstract: The complexity of black-box algorithms can lead to various challenges, including the introduction of biases. These biases present immediate risks in the algorithms' application. It was, for instance, shown that neural networks can deduce racial information solely from a patient's X-ray scan, a task beyond the capability of medical experts. If this fact is not known to the medical expert, automatic decision-making based on this algorithm could lead to prescribing a treatment (purely) based on racial information. While current methodologies allow for the "orthogonalization" or "normalization" of neural networks with respect to such information, existing approaches are grounded in linear models. Our paper advances the discourse by introducing corrections for non-linearities such as ReLU activations. Our approach also encompasses scalar and tensor-valued predictions, facilitating its integration into neural network architectures. Through extensive experiments, we validate our method's effectiveness in safeguarding sensitive data in generalized linear models, normalizing convolutional neural networks for metadata, and rectifying pre-existing embeddings for undesired attributes.

replace A New Robust Partial $p$-Wasserstein-Based Metric for Comparing Distributions

Authors: Sharath Raghvendra, Pouyan Shirzadian, Kaiyi Zhang

Abstract: The $2$-Wasserstein distance is sensitive to minor geometric differences between distributions, making it a very powerful dissimilarity metric. However, due to this sensitivity, a small outlier mass can also cause a significant increase in the $2$-Wasserstein distance between two similar distributions. Similarly, sampling discrepancy can cause the empirical $2$-Wasserstein distance on $n$ samples in $\mathbb{R}^2$ to converge to the true distance at a rate of $n^{-1/4}$, which is significantly slower than the rate of $n^{-1/2}$ for $1$-Wasserstein distance. We introduce a new family of distances parameterized by $k \ge 0$, called $k$-RPW that is based on computing the partial $2$-Wasserstein distance. We show that (1) $k$-RPW satisfies the metric properties, (2) $k$-RPW is robust to small outlier mass while retaining the sensitivity of $2$-Wasserstein distance to minor geometric differences, and (3) when $k$ is a constant, $k$-RPW distance between empirical distributions on $n$ samples in $\mathbb{R}^2$ converges to the true distance at a rate of $n^{-1/3}$, which is faster than the convergence rate of $n^{-1/4}$ for the $2$-Wasserstein distance. Using the partial $p$-Wasserstein distance, we extend our distance to any $p \in [1,\infty]$. By setting parameters $k$ or $p$ appropriately, we can reduce our distance to the total variation, $p$-Wasserstein, and the L\'evy-Prokhorov distances. Experiments show that our distance function achieves higher accuracy in comparison to the $1$-Wasserstein, $2$-Wasserstein, and TV distances for image retrieval tasks on noisy real-world data sets.

replace ACEGEN: Reinforcement learning of generative chemical agents for drug discovery

Authors: Albert Bou, Morgan Thomas, Sebastian Dittert, Carles Navarro Ram\'irez, Maciej Majewski, Ye Wang, Shivam Patel, Gary Tresadern, Mazen Ahmad, Vincent Moens, Woody Sherman, Simone Sciabola, Gianni De Fabritiis

Abstract: In recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as a valuable tool in drug design, offering the potential to propose and optimize molecules with desired properties. However, striking a balance between capabilities, flexibility, reliability, and efficiency remains challenging due to the complexity of advanced RL algorithms and the significant reliance on specialized code. In this work, we introduce ACEGEN, a comprehensive and streamlined toolkit tailored for generative drug design, built using TorchRL, a modern RL library that offers thoroughly tested reusable components. We validate ACEGEN by benchmarking against other published generative modeling algorithms and show comparable or improved performance. We also show examples of ACEGEN applied in multiple drug discovery case studies. ACEGEN is accessible at \url{} and available for use under the MIT license.


replace Variational Schr\"odinger Diffusion Models

Authors: Wei Deng, Weijian Luo, Yixin Tan, Marin Bilo\v{s}, Yu Chen, Yuriy Nevmyvaka, Ricky T. Q. Chen

Abstract: Schr\"odinger bridge (SB) has emerged as the go-to method for optimizing transportation plans in diffusion models. However, SB requires estimating the intractable forward score functions, inevitably resulting in the costly implicit training loss based on simulated trajectories. To improve the scalability while preserving efficient transportation plans, we leverage variational inference to linearize the forward score functions (variational scores) of SB and restore simulation-free properties in training backward scores. We propose the variational Schr\"odinger diffusion model (VSDM), where the forward process is a multivariate diffusion and the variational scores are adaptively optimized for efficient transport. Theoretically, we use stochastic approximation to prove the convergence of the variational scores and show the convergence of the adaptively generated samples based on the optimal variational scores. Empirically, we test the algorithm in simulated examples and observe that VSDM is efficient in generations of anisotropic shapes and yields straighter sample trajectories compared to the single-variate diffusion. We also verify the scalability of the algorithm in real-world data and achieve competitive unconditional generation performance in CIFAR10 and conditional generation in time series modeling. Notably, VSDM no longer depends on warm-up initializations and has become tuning-friendly in training large-scale experiments.

replace Regime Learning for Differentiable Particle Filters

Authors: John-Joseph Brady, Yuhui Luo, Wenwu Wang, Victor Elvira, Yunpeng Li

Abstract: Differentiable particle filters are an emerging class of models that combine sequential Monte Carlo techniques with the flexibility of neural networks to perform state space inference. This paper concerns the case where the system may switch between a finite set of state-space models, i.e. regimes. No prior approaches effectively learn both the individual regimes and the switching process simultaneously. In this paper, we propose the neural network based regime learning differentiable particle filter (RLPF) to address this problem. We further design a training procedure for the RLPF and other related algorithms. We demonstrate competitive performance compared to the previous state-of-the-art algorithms on a pair of numerical experiments.

replace State-Free Inference of State-Space Models: The Transfer Function Approach

Authors: Rom N. Parnichkun, Stefano Massaroli, Alessandro Moro, Jimmy T. H. Smith, Ramin Hasani, Mathias Lechner, Qi An, Christopher R\'e, Hajime Asama, Stefano Ermon, Taiji Suzuki, Atsushi Yamashita, Michael Poli

Abstract: We approach designing a state-space model for deep learning applications through its dual representation, the transfer function, and uncover a highly efficient sequence parallel inference algorithm that is state-free: unlike other proposed algorithms, state-free inference does not incur any significant memory or computational cost with an increase in state size. We achieve this using properties of the proposed frequency domain transfer function parametrization, which enables direct computation of its corresponding convolutional kernel's spectrum via a single Fast Fourier Transform. Our experimental results across multiple sequence lengths and state sizes illustrates, on average, a 35% training speed improvement over S4 layers -- parametrized in time-domain -- on the Long Range Arena benchmark, while delivering state-of-the-art downstream performances over other attention-free approaches. Moreover, we report improved perplexity in language modeling over a long convolutional Hyena baseline, by simply introducing our transfer function parametrization. Our code is available at


replace XAI4LLM. Let Machine Learning Models and LLMs Collaborate for Enhanced In-Context Learning in Healthcare

Authors: Fatemeh Nazary, Yashar Deldjoo, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio di Sciascio

Abstract: The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into healthcare diagnostics offers a promising avenue for clinical decision-making. This study outlines the development of a novel method for zero-shot/few-shot in-context learning (ICL) by integrating medical domain knowledge using a multi-layered structured prompt. We also explore the efficacy of two communication styles between the user and LLMs: the Numerical Conversational (NC) style, which processes data incrementally, and the Natural Language Single-Turn (NL-ST) style, which employs long narrative prompts. Our study systematically evaluates the diagnostic accuracy and risk factors, including gender bias and false negative rates, using a dataset of 920 patient records in various few-shot scenarios. Results indicate that traditional clinical machine learning (ML) models generally outperform LLMs in zero-shot and few-shot settings. However, the performance gap narrows significantly when employing few-shot examples alongside effective explainable AI (XAI) methods as sources of domain knowledge. Moreover, with sufficient time and an increased number of examples, the conversational style (NC) nearly matches the performance of ML models. Most notably, LLMs demonstrate comparable or superior cost-sensitive accuracy relative to ML models. This research confirms that, with appropriate domain knowledge and tailored communication strategies, LLMs can significantly enhance diagnostic processes. The findings highlight the importance of optimizing the number of training examples and communication styles to improve accuracy and reduce biases in LLM applications.

replace PAC-Bayesian Generalization Bounds for Knowledge Graph Representation Learning

Authors: Jaejun Lee, Minsung Hwang, Joyce Jiyoung Whang

Abstract: While a number of knowledge graph representation learning (KGRL) methods have been proposed over the past decade, very few theoretical analyses have been conducted on them. In this paper, we present the first PAC-Bayesian generalization bounds for KGRL methods. To analyze a broad class of KGRL models, we propose a generic framework named ReED (Relation-aware Encoder-Decoder), which consists of a relation-aware message passing encoder and a triplet classification decoder. Our ReED framework can express at least 15 different existing KGRL models, including not only graph neural network-based models such as R-GCN and CompGCN but also shallow-architecture models such as RotatE and ANALOGY. Our generalization bounds for the ReED framework provide theoretical grounds for the commonly used tricks in KGRL, e.g., parameter-sharing and weight normalization schemes, and guide desirable design choices for practical KGRL methods. We empirically show that the critical factors in our generalization bounds can explain actual generalization errors on three real-world knowledge graphs.

replace The Role of Learning Algorithms in Collective Action

Authors: Omri Ben-Dov, Jake Fawkes, Samira Samadi, Amartya Sanyal

Abstract: Collective action in machine learning is the study of the control that a coordinated group can have over machine learning algorithms. While previous research has concentrated on assessing the impact of collectives against Bayes~(sub)-optimal classifiers, this perspective is limited in that it does not account for the choice of learning algorithm. Classifiers seldom behave like Bayes classifiers and are influenced by the choice of learning algorithms along with their inherent biases. In this work, we initiate the study of how the choice of the learning algorithm plays a role in the success of a collective in practical settings. Specifically, we focus on distributionally robust optimization (DRO), popular for improving a worst group error, and on the ubiquitous stochastic gradient descent (SGD), due to its inductive bias for "simpler" functions. Our empirical results, supported by a theoretical foundation, show that the effective size and success of the collective are highly dependent on properties of the learning algorithm. This highlights the necessity of taking the learning algorithm into account when studying the impact of collective action in machine learning.

replace Conformalized Survival Distributions: A Generic Post-Process to Increase Calibration

Authors: Shi-ang Qi, Yakun Yu, Russell Greiner

Abstract: Discrimination and calibration represent two important properties of survival analysis, with the former assessing the model's ability to accurately rank subjects and the latter evaluating the alignment of predicted outcomes with actual events. With their distinct nature, it is hard for survival models to simultaneously optimize both of them especially as many previous results found improving calibration tends to diminish discrimination performance. This paper introduces a novel approach utilizing conformal regression that can improve a model's calibration without degrading discrimination. We provide theoretical guarantees for the above claim, and rigorously validate the efficiency of our approach across 11 real-world datasets, showcasing its practical applicability and robustness in diverse scenarios.

replace Constrained Exploration via Reflected Replica Exchange Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics

Authors: Haoyang Zheng, Hengrong Du, Qi Feng, Wei Deng, Guang Lin

Abstract: Replica exchange stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (reSGLD) is an effective sampler for non-convex learning in large-scale datasets. However, the simulation may encounter stagnation issues when the high-temperature chain delves too deeply into the distribution tails. To tackle this issue, we propose reflected reSGLD (r2SGLD): an algorithm tailored for constrained non-convex exploration by utilizing reflection steps within a bounded domain. Theoretically, we observe that reducing the diameter of the domain enhances mixing rates, exhibiting a $\textit{quadratic}$ behavior. Empirically, we test its performance through extensive experiments, including identifying dynamical systems with physical constraints, simulations of constrained multi-modal distributions, and image classification tasks. The theoretical and empirical findings highlight the crucial role of constrained exploration in improving the simulation efficiency.

replace Reinformer: Max-Return Sequence Modeling for Offline RL

Authors: Zifeng Zhuang, Dengyun Peng, Jinxin Liu, Ziqi Zhang, Donglin Wang

Abstract: As a data-driven paradigm, offline reinforcement learning (RL) has been formulated as sequence modeling that conditions on the hindsight information including returns, goal or future trajectory. Although promising, this supervised paradigm overlooks the core objective of RL that maximizes the return. This overlook directly leads to the lack of trajectory stitching capability that affects the sequence model learning from sub-optimal data. In this work, we introduce the concept of max-return sequence modeling which integrates the goal of maximizing returns into existing sequence models. We propose Reinforced Transformer (Reinformer), indicating the sequence model is reinforced by the RL objective. Reinformer additionally incorporates the objective of maximizing returns in the training phase, aiming to predict the maximum future return within the distribution. During inference, this in-distribution maximum return will guide the selection of optimal actions. Empirically, Reinformer is competitive with classical RL methods on the D4RL benchmark and outperforms state-of-the-art sequence model particularly in trajectory stitching ability. Code is public at


replace IBD-PSC: Input-level Backdoor Detection via Parameter-oriented Scaling Consistency

Authors: Linshan Hou, Ruili Feng, Zhongyun Hua, Wei Luo, Leo Yu Zhang, Yiming Li

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where adversaries can maliciously trigger model misclassifications by implanting a hidden backdoor during model training. This paper proposes a simple yet effective input-level backdoor detection (dubbed IBD-PSC) as a `firewall' to filter out malicious testing images. Our method is motivated by an intriguing phenomenon, i.e., parameter-oriented scaling consistency (PSC), where the prediction confidences of poisoned samples are significantly more consistent than those of benign ones when amplifying model parameters. In particular, we provide theoretical analysis to safeguard the foundations of the PSC phenomenon. We also design an adaptive method to select BN layers to scale up for effective detection. Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark datasets, verifying the effectiveness and efficiency of our IBD-PSC method and its resistance to adaptive attacks. Codes are available at \href{}{BackdoorBox}.


replace Boosting Few-Pixel Robustness Verification via Covering Verification Designs

Authors: Yuval Shapira, Naor Wiesel, Shahar Shabelman, Dana Drachsler-Cohen

Abstract: Proving local robustness is crucial to increase the reliability of neural networks. While many verifiers prove robustness in $L_\infty$ $\epsilon$-balls, very little work deals with robustness verification in $L_0$ $\epsilon$-balls, capturing robustness to few pixel attacks. This verification introduces a combinatorial challenge, because the space of pixels to perturb is discrete and of exponential size. A previous work relies on covering designs to identify sets for defining $L_\infty$ neighborhoods, which if proven robust imply that the $L_0$ $\epsilon$-ball is robust. However, the number of neighborhoods to verify remains very high, leading to a high analysis time. We propose covering verification designs, a combinatorial design that tailors effective but analysis-incompatible coverings to $L_0$ robustness verification. The challenge is that computing a covering verification design introduces a high time and memory overhead, which is intensified in our setting, where multiple candidate coverings are required to identify how to reduce the overall analysis time. We introduce CoVerD, an $L_0$ robustness verifier that selects between different candidate coverings without constructing them, but by predicting their block size distribution. This prediction relies on a theorem providing closed-form expressions for the mean and variance of this distribution. CoVerD constructs the chosen covering verification design on-the-fly, while keeping the memory consumption minimal and enabling to parallelize the analysis. The experimental results show that CoVerD reduces the verification time on average by up to 5.1x compared to prior work and that it scales to larger $L_0$ $\epsilon$-balls.

replace Unlock the Power of Algorithm Features: A Generalization Analysis for Algorithm Selection

Authors: Xingyu Wu, Yan Zhong, Jibin Wu, Yuxiao Huang, Sheng-hao Wu, Kay Chen Tan

Abstract: In the algorithm selection research, the discussion surrounding algorithm features has been significantly overshadowed by the emphasis on problem features. Although a few empirical studies have yielded evidence regarding the effectiveness of algorithm features, the potential benefits of incorporating algorithm features into algorithm selection models and their suitability for different scenarios remain unclear. In this paper, we address this gap by proposing the first provable guarantee for algorithm selection based on algorithm features, taking a generalization perspective. We analyze the benefits and costs associated with algorithm features and investigate how the generalization error is affected by different factors. Specifically, we examine adaptive and predefined algorithm features under transductive and inductive learning paradigms, respectively, and derive upper bounds for the generalization error based on their model's Rademacher complexity. Our theoretical findings not only provide tight upper bounds, but also offer analytical insights into the impact of various factors, such as the training scale of problem instances and candidate algorithms, model parameters, feature values, and distributional differences between the training and test data. Notably, we demonstrate how models will benefit from algorithm features in complex scenarios involving many algorithms, and proves the positive correlation between generalization error bound and $\chi^2$-divergence of distributions.

replace Review of deep learning models for crypto price prediction: implementation and evaluation

Authors: Jingyang Wu, Xinyi Zhang, Fangyixuan Huang, Haochen Zhou, Rohtiash Chandra

Abstract: There has been much interest in accurate cryptocurrency price forecast models by investors and researchers. Deep Learning models are prominent machine learning techniques that have transformed various fields and have shown potential for finance and economics. Although various deep learning models have been explored for cryptocurrency price forecasting, it is not clear which models are suitable due to high market volatility. In this study, we review the literature about deep learning for cryptocurrency price forecasting and evaluate novel deep learning models for cryptocurrency stock price prediction. Our deep learning models include variants of long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks, variants of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and the Transformer model. We evaluate univariate and multivariate approaches for multi-step ahead predicting of cryptocurrencies close-price. We also carry out volatility analysis on the four cryptocurrencies which reveals significant fluctuations in their prices throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, we investigate the prediction accuracy of two scenarios identified by different training sets for the models. First, we use the pre-COVID-19 datasets to model cryptocurrency close-price forecasting during the early period of COVID-19. Secondly, we utilise data from the COVID-19 period to predict prices for 2023 to 2024. Our results show that the convolutional LSTM with a multivariate approach provides the best prediction accuracy in two major experimental settings. Our results also indicate that the multivariate deep learning models exhibit better performance in forecasting four different cryptocurrencies when compared to the univariate models.

replace Data Contamination Calibration for Black-box LLMs

Authors: Wentao Ye, Jiaqi Hu, Liyao Li, Haobo Wang, Gang Chen, Junbo Zhao

Abstract: The rapid advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) tightly associate with the expansion of the training data size. However, the unchecked ultra-large-scale training sets introduce a series of potential risks like data contamination, i.e. the benchmark data is used for training. In this work, we propose a holistic method named Polarized Augment Calibration (PAC) along with a new to-be-released dataset to detect the contaminated data and diminish the contamination effect. PAC extends the popular MIA (Membership Inference Attack) -- from machine learning community -- by forming a more global target at detecting training data to Clarify invisible training data. As a pioneering work, PAC is very much plug-and-play that can be integrated with most (if not all) current white- and black-box LLMs. By extensive experiments, PAC outperforms existing methods by at least 4.5%, towards data contamination detection on more 4 dataset formats, with more than 10 base LLMs. Besides, our application in real-world scenarios highlights the prominent presence of contamination and related issues.

replace TENNs-PLEIADES: Building Temporal Kernels with Orthogonal Polynomials

Authors: Yan Ru Pei, Olivier Coenen

Abstract: We introduce a neural network named PLEIADES (PoLynomial Expansion In Adaptive Distributed Event-based Systems), belonging to the TENNs (Temporal Neural Networks) architecture. We focus on interfacing these networks with event-based data to perform online spatiotemporal classification and detection with low latency. By virtue of using structured temporal kernels and event-based data, we have the freedom to vary the sample rate of the data along with the discretization step-size of the network without additional finetuning. We experimented with three event-based benchmarks and obtained state-of-the-art results on all three by large margins with significantly smaller memory and compute costs. We achieved: 1) 99.59% accuracy with 192K parameters on the DVS128 hand gesture recognition dataset and 100% with a small additional output filter; 2) 99.58% test accuracy with 277K parameters on the AIS 2024 eye tracking challenge; and 3) 0.556 mAP with 576k parameters on the PROPHESEE 1 Megapixel Automotive Detection Dataset.

replace Exploring and Exploiting the Asymmetric Valley of Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Xin-Chun Li, Jin-Lin Tang, Bo Zhang, Lan Li, De-Chuan Zhan

Abstract: Exploring the loss landscape offers insights into the inherent principles of deep neural networks (DNNs). Recent work suggests an additional asymmetry of the valley beyond the flat and sharp ones, yet without thoroughly examining its causes or implications. Our study methodically explores the factors affecting the symmetry of DNN valleys, encompassing (1) the dataset, network architecture, initialization, and hyperparameters that influence the convergence point; and (2) the magnitude and direction of the noise for 1D visualization. Our major observation shows that the {\it degree of sign consistency} between the noise and the convergence point is a critical indicator of valley symmetry. Theoretical insights from the aspects of ReLU activation and softmax function could explain the interesting phenomenon. Our discovery propels novel understanding and applications in the scenario of Model Fusion: (1) the efficacy of interpolating separate models significantly correlates with their sign consistency ratio, and (2) imposing sign alignment during federated learning emerges as an innovative approach for model parameter alignment.

replace EntropyStop: Unsupervised Deep Outlier Detection with Loss Entropy

Authors: Yihong Huang, Yuang Zhang, Liping Wang, Fan Zhang, Xuemin Lin

Abstract: Unsupervised Outlier Detection (UOD) is an important data mining task. With the advance of deep learning, deep Outlier Detection (OD) has received broad interest. Most deep UOD models are trained exclusively on clean datasets to learn the distribution of the normal data, which requires huge manual efforts to clean the real-world data if possible. Instead of relying on clean datasets, some approaches directly train and detect on unlabeled contaminated datasets, leading to the need for methods that are robust to such conditions. Ensemble methods emerged as a superior solution to enhance model robustness against contaminated training sets. However, the training time is greatly increased by the ensemble. In this study, we investigate the impact of outliers on the training phase, aiming to halt training on unlabeled contaminated datasets before performance degradation. Initially, we noted that blending normal and anomalous data causes AUC fluctuations, a label-dependent measure of detection accuracy. To circumvent the need for labels, we propose a zero-label entropy metric named Loss Entropy for loss distribution, enabling us to infer optimal stopping points for training without labels. Meanwhile, we theoretically demonstrate negative correlation between entropy metric and the label-based AUC. Based on this, we develop an automated early-stopping algorithm, EntropyStop, which halts training when loss entropy suggests the maximum model detection capability. We conduct extensive experiments on ADBench (including 47 real datasets), and the overall results indicate that AutoEncoder (AE) enhanced by our approach not only achieves better performance than ensemble AEs but also requires under 2\% of training time. Lastly, our proposed metric and early-stopping approach are evaluated on other deep OD models, exhibiting their broad potential applicability.

replace FAdam: Adam is a natural gradient optimizer using diagonal empirical Fisher information

Authors: Dongseong Hwang

Abstract: This paper establishes a mathematical foundation for the Adam optimizer, elucidating its connection to natural gradient descent through Riemannian and information geometry. We rigorously analyze the diagonal empirical Fisher information matrix (FIM) in Adam, clarifying all detailed approximations and advocating for the use of log probability functions as loss, which should be based on discrete distributions, due to the limitations of empirical FIM. Our analysis uncovers flaws in the original Adam algorithm, leading to proposed corrections such as enhanced momentum calculations, adjusted bias corrections, adaptive epsilon, and gradient clipping. We refine the weight decay term based on our theoretical framework. Our modified algorithm, Fisher Adam (FAdam), demonstrates superior performance across diverse domains including LLM, ASR, and VQ-VAE, achieving state-of-the-art results in ASR.

replace Diffusion Actor-Critic with Entropy Regulator

Authors: Yinuo Wang, Likun Wang, Yuxuan Jiang, Wenjun Zou, Tong Liu, Xujie Song, Wenxuan Wang, Liming Xiao, Jiang Wu, Jingliang Duan, Shengbo Eben Li

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has proven highly effective in addressing complex decision-making and control tasks. However, in most traditional RL algorithms, the policy is typically parameterized as a diagonal Gaussian distribution with learned mean and variance, which constrains their capability to acquire complex policies. In response to this problem, we propose an online RL algorithm termed diffusion actor-critic with entropy regulator (DACER). This algorithm conceptualizes the reverse process of the diffusion model as a novel policy function and leverages the capability of the diffusion model to fit multimodal distributions, thereby enhancing the representational capacity of the policy. Since the distribution of the diffusion policy lacks an analytical expression, its entropy cannot be determined analytically. To mitigate this, we propose a method to estimate the entropy of the diffusion policy utilizing Gaussian mixture model. Building on the estimated entropy, we can learn a parameter $\alpha$ that modulates the degree of exploration and exploitation. Parameter $\alpha$ will be employed to adaptively regulate the variance of the added noise, which is applied to the action output by the diffusion model. Experimental trials on MuJoCo benchmarks and a multimodal task demonstrate that the DACER algorithm achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in most MuJoCo control tasks while exhibiting a stronger representational capacity of the diffusion policy.

replace ParamReL: Learning Parameter Space Representation via Progressively Encoding Bayesian Flow Networks

Authors: Zhangkai Wu, Xuhui Fan, Jin Li, Zhilin Zhao, Hui Chen, Longbing Cao

Abstract: The recently proposed Bayesian Flow Networks~(BFNs) show great potential in modeling parameter spaces, offering a unified strategy for handling continuous, discretized, and discrete data. However, BFNs cannot learn high-level semantic representation from the parameter space since {common encoders, which encode data into one static representation, cannot capture semantic changes in parameters.} This motivates a new direction: learning semantic representations hidden in the parameter spaces to characterize mixed-typed noisy data. {Accordingly, we propose a representation learning framework named ParamReL, which operates in the parameter space to obtain parameter-wise latent semantics that exhibit progressive structures. Specifically, ParamReL proposes a \emph{self-}encoder to learn latent semantics directly from parameters, rather than from observations. The encoder is then integrated into BFNs, enabling representation learning with various formats of observations. Mutual information terms further promote the disentanglement of latent semantics and capture meaningful semantics simultaneously.} We illustrate {conditional generation and reconstruction} in ParamReL via expanding BFNs, and extensive {quantitative} experimental results demonstrate the {superior effectiveness} of ParamReL in learning parameter representation.

replace Towards a General Time Series Anomaly Detector with Adaptive Bottlenecks and Dual Adversarial Decoders

Authors: Qichao Shentu, Beibu Li, Kai Zhao, Yang Shu, Zhongwen Rao, Lujia Pan, Bin Yang, Chenjuan Guo

Abstract: Time series anomaly detection plays a vital role in a wide range of applications. Existing methods require training one specific model for each dataset, which exhibits limited generalization capability across different target datasets, hindering anomaly detection performance in various scenarios with scarce training data. Aiming at this problem, we propose constructing a general time series anomaly detection model, which is pre-trained on extensive multi-domain datasets and can subsequently apply to a multitude of downstream scenarios. The significant divergence of time series data across different domains presents two primary challenges in building such a general model: (1) meeting the diverse requirements of appropriate information bottlenecks tailored to different datasets in one unified model, and (2) enabling distinguishment between multiple normal and abnormal patterns, both are crucial for effective anomaly detection in various target scenarios. To tackle these two challenges, we propose a General time series anomaly Detector with Adaptive Bottlenecks and Dual Adversarial Decoders (DADA), which enables flexible selection of bottlenecks based on different data and explicitly enhances clear differentiation between normal and abnormal series. We conduct extensive experiments on nine target datasets from different domains. After pre-training on multi-domain data, DADA, serving as a zero-shot anomaly detector for these datasets, still achieves competitive or even superior results compared to those models tailored to each specific dataset.

replace Explainable Molecular Property Prediction: Aligning Chemical Concepts with Predictions via Language Models

Authors: Zhenzhong Wang, Zehui Lin, Wanyu Lin, Ming Yang, Minggang Zeng, Kay Chen Tan

Abstract: Providing explainable molecule property predictions is critical for many scientific domains, such as drug discovery and material science. Though transformer-based language models have shown great potential in accurate molecular property prediction, they neither provide chemically meaningful explanations nor faithfully reveal the molecular structure-property relationships. In this work, we develop a new framework for explainable molecular property prediction based on language models, dubbed as Lamole, which can provide chemical concepts-aligned explanations. We first leverage a designated molecular representation -- the Group SELFIES -- as it can provide chemically meaningful semantics. Because attention mechanisms in Transformers can inherently capture relationships within the input, we further incorporate the attention weights and gradients together to generate explanations for capturing the functional group interactions. We then carefully craft a marginal loss to explicitly optimize the explanations to be able to align with the chemists' annotations. We bridge the manifold hypothesis with the elaborated marginal loss to prove that the loss can align the explanations with the tangent space of the data manifold, leading to concept-aligned explanations. Experimental results over six mutagenicity datasets and one hepatotoxicity dataset demonstrate Lamole can achieve comparable classification accuracy and boost the explanation accuracy by up to 14.8%, being the state-of-the-art in explainable molecular property prediction.

replace CacheBlend: Fast Large Language Model Serving for RAG with Cached Knowledge Fusion

Authors: Jiayi Yao, Hanchen Li, Yuhan Liu, Siddhant Ray, Yihua Cheng, Qizheng Zhang, Kuntai Du, Shan Lu, Junchen Jiang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often incorporate multiple text chunks in their inputs to provide the necessary contexts. To speed up the prefill of the long LLM inputs, one can pre-compute the KV cache of a text and re-use the KV cache when the context is reused as the prefix of another LLM input. However, the reused text chunks are not always the input prefix, and when they are not, their precomputed KV caches cannot be directly used since they ignore the text's cross-attention with the preceding text in the LLM input. Thus, the benefits of reusing KV caches remain largely unrealized. This paper tackles just one question: when an LLM input contains multiple text chunks, how to quickly combine their precomputed KV caches in order to achieve the same generation quality as the expensive full prefill (i.e., without reusing KV cache)? We present CacheBlend, a scheme that reuses the pre-computed KV caches, regardless prefix or not, and selectively recomputes the KV values of a small subset of tokens to partially update each reused KV cache. In the meantime,the small extra delay for recomputing some tokens can be pipelined with the retrieval of KV caches within the same job,allowing CacheBlend to store KV caches in slower devices with more storage capacity while retrieving them without increasing the inference delay. By comparing CacheBlend with the state-of-the-art KV cache reusing schemes on three open-source LLMs of various sizes and four popular benchmark datasets of different tasks, we show that CacheBlend reduces time-to-first-token (TTFT) by 2.2-3.3X and increases the inference throughput by 2.8-5X, compared with full KV recompute, without compromising generation quality or incurring more storage cost.

replace Multi-State TD Target for Model-Free Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Wuhao Wang, Zhiyong Chen, Lepeng Zhang

Abstract: Temporal difference (TD) learning is a fundamental technique in reinforcement learning that updates value estimates for states or state-action pairs using a TD target. This target represents an improved estimate of the true value by incorporating both immediate rewards and the estimated value of subsequent states. Traditionally, TD learning relies on the value of a single subsequent state. We propose an enhanced multi-state TD (MSTD) target that utilizes the estimated values of multiple subsequent states. Building on this new MSTD concept, we develop complete actor-critic algorithms that include management of replay buffers in two modes, and integrate with deep deterministic policy optimization (DDPG) and soft actor-critic (SAC). Experimental results demonstrate that algorithms employing the MSTD target significantly improve learning performance compared to traditional methods.

replace Functional Programming Paradigm of Python for Scientific Computation Pipeline Integration

Authors: Chen Zhang, Lecheng Jia, Wei Zhang, Ning Wen

Abstract: The advent of modern data processing has led to an increasing tendency towards interdisciplinarity, which frequently involves the importation of different technical approaches. Consequently, there is an urgent need for a unified data control system to facilitate the integration of varying libraries. This integration is of profound significance in accelerating prototype verification, optimising algorithm performance and minimising maintenance costs. This paper presents a novel functional programming (FP) paradigm based on the Python architecture and associated suites in programming practice, designed for the integration of pipelines of different data mapping operations. In particular, the solution is intended for the integration of scientific computation flows, which affords a robust yet flexible solution for the aforementioned challenges.

replace CLAQ: Pushing the Limits of Low-Bit Post-Training Quantization for LLMs

Authors: Haoyu Wang, Bei Liu, Hang Shao, Bo Xiao, Ke Zeng, Guanglu Wan, Yanmin Qian

Abstract: Parameter quantization for Large Language Models (LLMs) has attracted increasing attentions recently in reducing memory costs and improving computational efficiency. Early approaches have been widely adopted. However, the existing methods suffer from poor performance in low-bit (such as 2 to 3 bits) scenarios. In this paper, we present a novel and effective Column-Level Adaptive weight Quantization (CLAQ) framework by introducing three different types of adaptive strategies for LLM quantization. Firstly, a K-Means clustering based algorithm is proposed that allows dynamic generation of quantization centroids for each column of a parameter matrix. Secondly, we design an outlier-guided adaptive precision search strategy which can dynamically assign varying bit-widths to different columns. Finally, a dynamic outlier reservation scheme is developed to retain some parameters in their original float point precision, in trade off of boosted model performance. Experiments on various mainstream open source LLMs including LLaMA-1, LLaMA-2 and Yi demonstrate that our methods achieve the state-of-the-art results across different bit settings, especially in extremely low-bit scenarios. Code is available at


replace Transitional Uncertainty with Layered Intermediate Predictions

Authors: Ryan Benkert, Mohit Prabhushankar, Ghassan AlRegib

Abstract: In this paper, we discuss feature engineering for single-pass uncertainty estimation. For accurate uncertainty estimates, neural networks must extract differences in the feature space that quantify uncertainty. This could be achieved by current single-pass approaches that maintain feature distances between data points as they traverse the network. While initial results are promising, maintaining feature distances within the network representations frequently inhibits information compression and opposes the learning objective. We study this effect theoretically and empirically to arrive at a simple conclusion: preserving feature distances in the output is beneficial when the preserved features contribute to learning the label distribution and act in opposition otherwise. We then propose Transitional Uncertainty with Layered Intermediate Predictions (TULIP) as a simple approach to address the shortcomings of current single-pass estimators. Specifically, we implement feature preservation by extracting features from intermediate representations before information is collapsed by subsequent layers. We refer to the underlying preservation mechanism as transitional feature preservation. We show that TULIP matches or outperforms current single-pass methods on standard benchmarks and in practical settings where these methods are less reliable (imbalances, complex architectures, medical modalities).

replace Unisolver: PDE-Conditional Transformers Are Universal PDE Solvers

Authors: Hang Zhou, Yuezhou Ma, Haixu Wu, Haowen Wang, Mingsheng Long

Abstract: Deep models have recently emerged as a promising tool to solve partial differential equations (PDEs), known as neural PDE solvers. While neural solvers trained from either simulation data or physics-informed loss can solve the PDEs reasonably well, they are mainly restricted to a specific set of PDEs, e.g. a certain equation or a finite set of coefficients. This bottleneck limits the generalizability of neural solvers, which is widely recognized as its major advantage over numerical solvers. In this paper, we present the Universal PDE solver (Unisolver) capable of solving a wide scope of PDEs by leveraging a Transformer pre-trained on diverse data and conditioned on diverse PDEs. Instead of simply scaling up data and parameters, Unisolver stems from the theoretical analysis of the PDE-solving process. Our key finding is that a PDE solution is fundamentally under the control of a series of PDE components, e.g. equation symbols, coefficients, and initial and boundary conditions. Inspired by the mathematical structure of PDEs, we define a complete set of PDE components and correspondingly embed them as domain-wise (e.g. equation symbols) and point-wise (e.g. boundaries) conditions for Transformer PDE solvers. Integrating physical insights with recent Transformer advances, Unisolver achieves consistent state-of-the-art results on three challenging large-scale benchmarks, showing impressive gains and endowing favorable generalizability and scalability.

replace InversionView: A General-Purpose Method for Reading Information from Neural Activations

Authors: Xinting Huang, Madhur Panwar, Navin Goyal, Michael Hahn

Abstract: The inner workings of neural networks can be better understood if we can fully decipher the information encoded in neural activations. In this paper, we argue that this information is embodied by the subset of inputs that give rise to similar activations. Computing such subsets is nontrivial as the input space is exponentially large. We propose InversionView, which allows us to practically inspect this subset by sampling from a trained decoder model conditioned on activations. This helps uncover the information content of activation vectors, and facilitates understanding of the algorithms implemented by transformer models. We present three case studies where we investigate models ranging from small transformers to GPT-2. In these studies, we demonstrate the characteristics of our method, show the distinctive advantages it offers, and provide causally verified circuits.

replace CF-OPT: Counterfactual Explanations for Structured Prediction

Authors: Germain Vivier-Ardisson, Alexandre Forel, Axel Parmentier, Thibaut Vidal

Abstract: Optimization layers in deep neural networks have enjoyed a growing popularity in structured learning, improving the state of the art on a variety of applications. Yet, these pipelines lack interpretability since they are made of two opaque layers: a highly non-linear prediction model, such as a deep neural network, and an optimization layer, which is typically a complex black-box solver. Our goal is to improve the transparency of such methods by providing counterfactual explanations. We build upon variational autoencoders a principled way of obtaining counterfactuals: working in the latent space leads to a natural notion of plausibility of explanations. We finally introduce a variant of the classic loss for VAE training that improves their performance in our specific structured context. These provide the foundations of CF-OPT, a first-order optimization algorithm that can find counterfactual explanations for a broad class of structured learning architectures. Our numerical results show that both close and plausible explanations can be obtained for problems from the recent literature.

replace MC-GTA: Metric-Constrained Model-Based Clustering using Goodness-of-fit Tests with Autocorrelations

Authors: Zhangyu Wang, Gengchen Mai, Krzysztof Janowicz, Ni Lao

Abstract: A wide range of (multivariate) temporal (1D) and spatial (2D) data analysis tasks, such as grouping vehicle sensor trajectories, can be formulated as clustering with given metric constraints. Existing metric-constrained clustering algorithms overlook the rich correlation between feature similarity and metric distance, i.e., metric autocorrelation. The model-based variations of these clustering algorithms (e.g. TICC and STICC) achieve SOTA performance, yet suffer from computational instability and complexity by using a metric-constrained Expectation-Maximization procedure. In order to address these two problems, we propose a novel clustering algorithm, MC-GTA (Model-based Clustering via Goodness-of-fit Tests with Autocorrelations). Its objective is only composed of pairwise weighted sums of feature similarity terms (square Wasserstein-2 distance) and metric autocorrelation terms (a novel multivariate generalization of classic semivariogram). We show that MC-GTA is effectively minimizing the total hinge loss for intra-cluster observation pairs not passing goodness-of-fit tests, i.e., statistically not originating from the same distribution. Experiments on 1D/2D synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that MC-GTA successfully incorporates metric autocorrelation. It outperforms strong baselines by large margins (up to 14.3% in ARI and 32.1% in NMI) with faster and stabler optimization (>10x speedup).

replace Causal Contextual Bandits with Adaptive Context

Authors: Rahul Madhavan, Aurghya Maiti, Gaurav Sinha, Siddharth Barman

Abstract: We study a variant of causal contextual bandits where the context is chosen based on an initial intervention chosen by the learner. At the beginning of each round, the learner selects an initial action, depending on which a stochastic context is revealed by the environment. Following this, the learner then selects a final action and receives a reward. Given $T$ rounds of interactions with the environment, the objective of the learner is to learn a policy (of selecting the initial and the final action) with maximum expected reward. In this paper we study the specific situation where every action corresponds to intervening on a node in some known causal graph. We extend prior work from the deterministic context setting to obtain simple regret minimization guarantees. This is achieved through an instance-dependent causal parameter, $\lambda$, which characterizes our upper bound. Furthermore, we prove that our simple regret is essentially tight for a large class of instances. A key feature of our work is that we use convex optimization to address the bandit exploration problem. We also conduct experiments to validate our theoretical results, and release our code at our project GitHub repository:


replace PureGen: Universal Data Purification for Train-Time Poison Defense via Generative Model Dynamics

Authors: Sunay Bhat, Jeffrey Jiang, Omead Pooladzandi, Alexander Branch, Gregory Pottie

Abstract: Train-time data poisoning attacks threaten machine learning models by introducing adversarial examples during training, leading to misclassification. Current defense methods often reduce generalization performance, are attack-specific, and impose significant training overhead. To address this, we introduce a set of universal data purification methods using a stochastic transform, $\Psi(x)$, realized via iterative Langevin dynamics of Energy-Based Models (EBMs), Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs), or both. These approaches purify poisoned data with minimal impact on classifier generalization. Our specially trained EBMs and DDPMs provide state-of-the-art defense against various attacks (including Narcissus, Bullseye Polytope, Gradient Matching) on CIFAR-10, Tiny-ImageNet, and CINIC-10, without needing attack or classifier-specific information. We discuss performance trade-offs and show that our methods remain highly effective even with poisoned or distributionally shifted generative model training data.

replace Hardware-Aware Parallel Prompt Decoding for Memory-Efficient Acceleration of LLM Inference

Authors: Hao Mark Chen, Wayne Luk, Ka Fai Cedric Yiu, Rui Li, Konstantin Mishchenko, Stylianos I. Venieris, Hongxiang Fan

Abstract: The auto-regressive decoding of Large Language Models (LLMs) results in significant overheads in their hardware performance. While recent research has investigated various speculative decoding techniques for multi-token generation, these efforts have primarily focused on improving processing speed such as throughput. Crucially, they often neglect other metrics essential for real-life deployments, such as memory consumption and training cost. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel parallel prompt decoding that requires only $0.0002$% trainable parameters, enabling efficient training on a single A100-40GB GPU in just 16 hours. Inspired by the human natural language generation process, $PPD$ approximates outputs generated at future timesteps in parallel by using multiple prompt tokens. This approach partially recovers the missing conditional dependency information necessary for multi-token generation, resulting in up to a 28% higher acceptance rate for long-range predictions. Furthermore, we present a hardware-aware dynamic sparse tree technique that adaptively optimizes this decoding scheme to fully leverage the computational capacities on different GPUs. Through extensive experiments across LLMs ranging from MobileLlama to Vicuna-13B on a wide range of benchmarks, our approach demonstrates up to 2.49$\times$ speedup and maintains a minimal runtime memory overhead of just $0.0004$%. More importantly, our parallel prompt decoding can serve as an orthogonal optimization for synergistic integration with existing speculative decoding, showing up to $1.22\times$ further speed improvement. Our code is available at


replace A SARS-CoV-2 Interaction Dataset and VHH Sequence Corpus for Antibody Language Models

Authors: Hirofumi Tsuruta, Hiroyuki Yamazaki, Ryota Maeda, Ryotaro Tamura, Akihiro Imura

Abstract: Antibodies are crucial proteins produced by the immune system to eliminate harmful foreign substances and have become pivotal therapeutic agents for treating human diseases. To accelerate the discovery of antibody therapeutics, there is growing interest in constructing language models using antibody sequences. However, the applicability of pre-trained language models for antibody discovery has not been thoroughly evaluated due to the scarcity of labeled datasets. To overcome these limitations, we introduce AVIDa-SARS-CoV-2, a dataset featuring the antigen-variable domain of heavy chain of heavy chain antibody (VHH) interactions obtained from two alpacas immunized with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike proteins. AVIDa-SARS-CoV-2 includes binary labels indicating the binding or non-binding of diverse VHH sequences to 12 SARS-CoV-2 mutants, such as the Delta and Omicron variants. Furthermore, we release VHHCorpus-2M, a pre-training dataset for antibody language models, containing over two million VHH sequences. We report benchmark results for predicting SARS-CoV-2-VHH binding using VHHBERT pre-trained on VHHCorpus-2M and existing general protein and antibody-specific pre-trained language models. These results confirm that AVIDa-SARS-CoV-2 provides valuable benchmarks for evaluating the representation capabilities of antibody language models for binding prediction, thereby facilitating the development of AI-driven antibody discovery. The datasets are available at


replace Federated Learning under Partially Class-Disjoint Data via Manifold Reshaping

Authors: Ziqing Fan, Jiangchao Yao, Ruipeng Zhang, Lingjuan Lyu, Ya Zhang, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Statistical heterogeneity severely limits the performance of federated learning (FL), motivating several explorations e.g., FedProx, MOON and FedDyn, to alleviate this problem. Despite effectiveness, their considered scenario generally requires samples from almost all classes during the local training of each client, although some covariate shifts may exist among clients. In fact, the natural case of partially class-disjoint data (PCDD), where each client contributes a few classes (instead of all classes) of samples, is practical yet underexplored. Specifically, the unique collapse and invasion characteristics of PCDD can induce the biased optimization direction in local training, which prevents the efficiency of federated learning. To address this dilemma, we propose a manifold reshaping approach called FedMR to calibrate the feature space of local training. Our FedMR adds two interplaying losses to the vanilla federated learning: one is intra-class loss to decorrelate feature dimensions for anti-collapse; and the other one is inter-class loss to guarantee the proper margin among categories in the feature expansion. We conduct extensive experiments on a range of datasets to demonstrate that our FedMR achieves much higher accuracy and better communication efficiency. Source code is available at:


replace Spatio-Spectral Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Simon Geisler, Arthur Kosmala, Daniel Herbst, Stephan G\"unnemann

Abstract: Spatial Message Passing Graph Neural Networks (MPGNNs) are widely used for learning on graph-structured data. However, key limitations of l-step MPGNNs are that their "receptive field" is typically limited to the l-hop neighborhood of a node and that information exchange between distant nodes is limited by over-squashing. Motivated by these limitations, we propose Spatio-Spectral Graph Neural Networks (S$^2$GNNs) -- a new modeling paradigm for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) that synergistically combines spatially and spectrally parametrized graph filters. Parameterizing filters partially in the frequency domain enables global yet efficient information propagation. We show that S$^2$GNNs vanquish over-squashing and yield strictly tighter approximation-theoretic error bounds than MPGNNs. Further, rethinking graph convolutions at a fundamental level unlocks new design spaces. For example, S$^2$GNNs allow for free positional encodings that make them strictly more expressive than the 1-Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) test. Moreover, to obtain general-purpose S$^2$GNNs, we propose spectrally parametrized filters for directed graphs. S$^2$GNNs outperform spatial MPGNNs, graph transformers, and graph rewirings, e.g., on the peptide long-range benchmark tasks, and are competitive with state-of-the-art sequence modeling. On a 40 GB GPU, S$^2$GNNs scale to millions of nodes.

replace PureEBM: Universal Poison Purification via Mid-Run Dynamics of Energy-Based Models

Authors: Omead Pooladzandi, Jeffrey Jiang, Sunay Bhat, Gregory Pottie

Abstract: Data poisoning attacks pose a significant threat to the integrity of machine learning models by leading to misclassification of target distribution data by injecting adversarial examples during training. Existing state-of-the-art (SoTA) defense methods suffer from limitations, such as significantly reduced generalization performance and significant overhead during training, making them impractical or limited for real-world applications. In response to this challenge, we introduce a universal data purification method that defends naturally trained classifiers from malicious white-, gray-, and black-box image poisons by applying a universal stochastic preprocessing step $\Psi_{T}(x)$, realized by iterative Langevin sampling of a convergent Energy Based Model (EBM) initialized with an image $x.$ Mid-run dynamics of $\Psi_{T}(x)$ purify poison information with minimal impact on features important to the generalization of a classifier network. We show that EBMs remain universal purifiers, even in the presence of poisoned EBM training data, and achieve SoTA defense on leading triggered and triggerless poisons. This work is a subset of a larger framework introduced in \pgen with a more detailed focus on EBM purification and poison defense.

replace Bridging Model-Based Optimization and Generative Modeling via Conservative Fine-Tuning of Diffusion Models

Authors: Masatoshi Uehara, Yulai Zhao, Ehsan Hajiramezanali, Gabriele Scalia, G\"okcen Eraslan, Avantika Lal, Sergey Levine, Tommaso Biancalani

Abstract: AI-driven design problems, such as DNA/protein sequence design, are commonly tackled from two angles: generative modeling, which efficiently captures the feasible design space (e.g., natural images or biological sequences), and model-based optimization, which utilizes reward models for extrapolation. To combine the strengths of both approaches, we adopt a hybrid method that fine-tunes cutting-edge diffusion models by optimizing reward models through RL. Although prior work has explored similar avenues, they primarily focus on scenarios where accurate reward models are accessible. In contrast, we concentrate on an offline setting where a reward model is unknown, and we must learn from static offline datasets, a common scenario in scientific domains. In offline scenarios, existing approaches tend to suffer from overoptimization, as they may be misled by the reward model in out-of-distribution regions. To address this, we introduce a conservative fine-tuning approach, BRAID, by optimizing a conservative reward model, which includes additional penalization outside of offline data distributions. Through empirical and theoretical analysis, we demonstrate the capability of our approach to outperform the best designs in offline data, leveraging the extrapolation capabilities of reward models while avoiding the generation of invalid designs through pre-trained diffusion models.

replace Diffusion Policies creating a Trust Region for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Tianyu Chen, Zhendong Wang, Mingyuan Zhou

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) leverages pre-collected datasets to train optimal policies. Diffusion Q-Learning (DQL), introducing diffusion models as a powerful and expressive policy class, significantly boosts the performance of offline RL. However, its reliance on iterative denoising sampling to generate actions slows down both training and inference. While several recent attempts have tried to accelerate diffusion-QL, the improvement in training and/or inference speed often results in degraded performance. In this paper, we introduce a dual policy approach, Diffusion Trusted Q-Learning (DTQL), which comprises a diffusion policy for pure behavior cloning and a practical one-step policy. We bridge the two polices by a newly introduced diffusion trust region loss. The diffusion policy maintains expressiveness, while the trust region loss directs the one-step policy to explore freely and seek modes within the region defined by the diffusion policy. DTQL eliminates the need for iterative denoising sampling during both training and inference, making it remarkably computationally efficient. We evaluate its effectiveness and algorithmic characteristics against popular Kullback-Leibler (KL) based distillation methods in 2D bandit scenarios and gym tasks. We then show that DTQL could not only outperform other methods on the majority of the D4RL benchmark tasks but also demonstrate efficiency in training and inference speeds. The PyTorch implementation is available at


replace Towards a Better Evaluation of Out-of-Domain Generalization

Authors: Duhun Hwang, Suhyun Kang, Moonjung Eo, Jimyeong Kim, Wonjong Rhee

Abstract: The objective of Domain Generalization (DG) is to devise algorithms and models capable of achieving high performance on previously unseen test distributions. In the pursuit of this objective, average measure has been employed as the prevalent measure for evaluating models and comparing algorithms in the existing DG studies. Despite its significance, a comprehensive exploration of the average measure has been lacking and its suitability in approximating the true domain generalization performance has been questionable. In this study, we carefully investigate the limitations inherent in the average measure and propose worst+gap measure as a robust alternative. We establish theoretical grounds of the proposed measure by deriving two theorems starting from two different assumptions. We conduct extensive experimental investigations to compare the proposed worst+gap measure with the conventional average measure. Given the indispensable need to access the true DG performance for studying measures, we modify five existing datasets to come up with SR-CMNIST, C-Cats&Dogs, L-CIFAR10, PACS-corrupted, and VLCS-corrupted datasets. The experiment results unveil an inferior performance of the average measure in approximating the true DG performance and confirm the robustness of the theoretically supported worst+gap measure.

replace Adaptive Advantage-Guided Policy Regularization for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Tenglong Liu, Yang Li, Yixing Lan, Hao Gao, Wei Pan, Xin Xu

Abstract: In offline reinforcement learning, the challenge of out-of-distribution (OOD) is pronounced. To address this, existing methods often constrain the learned policy through policy regularization. However, these methods often suffer from the issue of unnecessary conservativeness, hampering policy improvement. This occurs due to the indiscriminate use of all actions from the behavior policy that generates the offline dataset as constraints. The problem becomes particularly noticeable when the quality of the dataset is suboptimal. Thus, we propose Adaptive Advantage-guided Policy Regularization (A2PR), obtaining high-advantage actions from an augmented behavior policy combined with VAE to guide the learned policy. A2PR can select high-advantage actions that differ from those present in the dataset, while still effectively maintaining conservatism from OOD actions. This is achieved by harnessing the VAE capacity to generate samples matching the distribution of the data points. We theoretically prove that the improvement of the behavior policy is guaranteed. Besides, it effectively mitigates value overestimation with a bounded performance gap. Empirically, we conduct a series of experiments on the D4RL benchmark, where A2PR demonstrates state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, experimental results on additional suboptimal mixed datasets reveal that A2PR exhibits superior performance. Code is available at


replace Unraveling the Impact of Heterophilic Structures on Graph Positive-Unlabeled Learning

Authors: Yuhao Wu, Jiangchao Yao, Bo Han, Lina Yao, Tongliang Liu

Abstract: While Positive-Unlabeled (PU) learning is vital in many real-world scenarios, its application to graph data still remains under-explored. We unveil that a critical challenge for PU learning on graph lies on the edge heterophily, which directly violates the irreducibility assumption for Class-Prior Estimation (class prior is essential for building PU learning algorithms) and degenerates the latent label inference on unlabeled nodes during classifier training. In response to this challenge, we introduce a new method, named Graph PU Learning with Label Propagation Loss (GPL). Specifically, GPL considers learning from PU nodes along with an intermediate heterophily reduction, which helps mitigate the negative impact of the heterophilic structure. We formulate this procedure as a bilevel optimization that reduces heterophily in the inner loop and efficiently learns a classifier in the outer loop. Extensive experiments across a variety of datasets have shown that GPL significantly outperforms baseline methods, confirming its effectiveness and superiority.

replace A Random Forest-based Prediction Model for Turning Points in Antagonistic Event-Group Competitions

Authors: Zishuo Zhu

Abstract: At present, most of the prediction studies related to antagonistic event-group competitions focus on the prediction of competition results, and less on the prediction of the competition process, which can not provide real-time feedback of the athletes' state information in the actual competition, and thus can not analyze the changes of the competition situation. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a prediction model based on Random Forest for the turning point of the antagonistic event-group. Firstly, the quantitative equation of competitive potential energy is proposed; Secondly, the quantitative value of competitive potential energy is obtained by using the dynamic combination of weights method, and the turning point of the competition situation of the antagonistic event-group is marked according to the quantitative time series graph; Finally, the random forest prediction model based on the optimisation of the KM-SMOTE algorithm and the grid search method is established. The experimental analysis shows that: The quantitative equation of competitive potential energy can effectively reflect the dynamic situation of the competition; The model can effectively predict the turning point of the competition situation of the antagonistic event-group, and the recall rate of the model in the test set is 86.13%; The model has certain significance for the future study of the competition situation of the antagonistic event-group.

replace GraphAny: A Foundation Model for Node Classification on Any Graph

Authors: Jianan Zhao, Hesham Mostafa, Mikhail Galkin, Michael Bronstein, Zhaocheng Zhu, Jian Tang

Abstract: Foundation models that can perform inference on any new task without requiring specific training have revolutionized machine learning in vision and language applications. However, applications involving graph-structured data remain a tough nut for foundation models, due to challenges in the unique feature- and label spaces associated with each graph. Traditional graph ML models such as graph neural networks (GNNs) trained on graphs cannot perform inference on a new graph with feature and label spaces different from the training ones. Furthermore, existing models learn functions specific to the training graph and cannot generalize to new graphs. In this work, we tackle these two challenges with a new foundational architecture for inductive node classification named GraphAny. GraphAny models inference on a new graph as an analytical solution to a LinearGNN, thereby solving the first challenge. To solve the second challenge, we learn attention scores for each node to fuse the predictions of multiple LinearGNNs. Specifically, the attention module is carefully parameterized as a function of the entropy-normalized distance-features between multiple LinearGNNs predictions to ensure generalization to new graphs. Empirically, GraphAny trained on the Wisconsin dataset with only 120 labeled nodes can effectively generalize to 30 new graphs with an average accuracy of 67.26\% in an inductive manner, surpassing GCN and GAT trained in the supervised regime, as well as other inductive baselines.

replace Knockout: A simple way to handle missing inputs

Authors: Minh Nguyen, Batuhan K. Karaman, Heejong Kim, Alan Q. Wang, Fengbei Liu, Mert R. Sabuncu

Abstract: Deep learning models can extract predictive and actionable information from complex inputs. The richer the inputs, the better these models usually perform. However, models that leverage rich inputs (e.g., multi-modality) can be difficult to deploy widely, because some inputs may be missing at inference. Current popular solutions to this problem include marginalization, imputation, and training multiple models. Marginalization can obtain calibrated predictions but it is computationally costly and therefore only feasible for low dimensional inputs. Imputation may result in inaccurate predictions because it employs point estimates for missing variables and does not work well for high dimensional inputs (e.g., images). Training multiple models whereby each model takes different subsets of inputs can work well but requires knowing missing input patterns in advance. Furthermore, training and retaining multiple models can be costly. We propose an efficient way to learn both the conditional distribution using full inputs and the marginal distributions. Our method, Knockout, randomly replaces input features with appropriate placeholder values during training. We provide a theoretical justification of Knockout and show that it can be viewed as an implicit marginalization strategy. We evaluate Knockout in a wide range of simulations and real-world datasets and show that it can offer strong empirical performance.

replace Stochastic Optimal Control for Diffusion Bridges in Function Spaces

Authors: Byoungwoo Park, Jungwon Choi, Sungbin Lim, Juho Lee

Abstract: Recent advancements in diffusion models and diffusion bridges primarily focus on finite-dimensional spaces, yet many real-world problems necessitate operations in infinite-dimensional function spaces for more natural and interpretable formulations. In this paper, we present a theory of stochastic optimal control (SOC) tailored to infinite-dimensional spaces, aiming to extend diffusion-based algorithms to function spaces. Specifically, we demonstrate how Doob's $h$-transform, the fundamental tool for constructing diffusion bridges, can be derived from the SOC perspective and expanded to infinite dimensions. This expansion presents a challenge, as infinite-dimensional spaces typically lack closed-form densities. Leveraging our theory, we establish that solving the optimal control problem with a specific objective function choice is equivalent to learning diffusion-based generative models. We propose two applications: (1) learning bridges between two infinite-dimensional distributions and (2) generative models for sampling from an infinite-dimensional distribution. Our approach proves effective for diverse problems involving continuous function space representations, such as resolution-free images, time-series data, and probability density functions.

replace Graph External Attention Enhanced Transformer

Authors: Jianqing Liang, Min Chen, Jiye Liang

Abstract: The Transformer architecture has recently gained considerable attention in the field of graph representation learning, as it naturally overcomes several limitations of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with customized attention mechanisms or positional and structural encodings. Despite making some progress, existing works tend to overlook external information of graphs, specifically the correlation between graphs. Intuitively, graphs with similar structures should have similar representations. Therefore, we propose Graph External Attention (GEA) -- a novel attention mechanism that leverages multiple external node/edge key-value units to capture inter-graph correlations implicitly. On this basis, we design an effective architecture called Graph External Attention Enhanced Transformer (GEAET), which integrates local structure and global interaction information for more comprehensive graph representations. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that GEAET achieves state-of-the-art empirical performance. The source code is available for reproducibility at:


replace-cross Biased Stochastic First-Order Methods for Conditional Stochastic Optimization and Applications in Meta Learning

Authors: Yifan Hu, Siqi Zhang, Xin Chen, Niao He

Abstract: Conditional stochastic optimization covers a variety of applications ranging from invariant learning and causal inference to meta-learning. However, constructing unbiased gradient estimators for such problems is challenging due to the composition structure. As an alternative, we propose a biased stochastic gradient descent (BSGD) algorithm and study the bias-variance tradeoff under different structural assumptions. We establish the sample complexities of BSGD for strongly convex, convex, and weakly convex objectives under smooth and non-smooth conditions. Our lower bound analysis shows that the sample complexities of BSGD cannot be improved for general convex objectives and nonconvex objectives except for smooth nonconvex objectives with Lipschitz continuous gradient estimator. For this special setting, we propose an accelerated algorithm called biased SpiderBoost (BSpiderBoost) that matches the lower bound complexity. We further conduct numerical experiments on invariant logistic regression and model-agnostic meta-learning to illustrate the performance of BSGD and BSpiderBoost.

replace-cross Space-time deep neural network approximations for high-dimensional partial differential equations

Authors: Fabian Hornung, Arnulf Jentzen, Diyora Salimova

Abstract: It is one of the most challenging issues in applied mathematics to approximately solve high-dimensional partial differential equations (PDEs) and most of the numerical approximation methods for PDEs in the scientific literature suffer from the so-called curse of dimensionality in the sense that the number of computational operations employed in the corresponding approximation scheme to obtain an approximation precision $\varepsilon>0$ grows exponentially in the PDE dimension and/or the reciprocal of $\varepsilon$. Recently, certain deep learning based approximation methods for PDEs have been proposed and various numerical simulations for such methods suggest that deep neural network (DNN) approximations might have the capacity to indeed overcome the curse of dimensionality in the sense that the number of real parameters used to describe the approximating DNNs grows at most polynomially in both the PDE dimension $d\in\mathbb{N}$ and the reciprocal of the prescribed accuracy $\varepsilon>0$. There are now also a few rigorous results in the scientific literature which substantiate this conjecture by proving that DNNs overcome the curse of dimensionality in approximating solutions of PDEs. Each of these results establishes that DNNs overcome the curse of dimensionality in approximating suitable PDE solutions at a fixed time point $T>0$ and on a compact cube $[a,b]^d$ in space but none of these results provides an answer to the question whether the entire PDE solution on $[0,T]\times [a,b]^d$ can be approximated by DNNs without the curse of dimensionality. It is precisely the subject of this article to overcome this issue. More specifically, the main result of this work in particular proves for every $a\in\mathbb{R}$, $ b\in (a,\infty)$ that solutions of certain Kolmogorov PDEs can be approximated by DNNs on the space-time region $[0,T]\times [a,b]^d$ without the curse of dimensionality.

replace-cross Kernel Ridge Riesz Representers: Generalization Error and Mis-specification

Authors: Rahul Singh

Abstract: Kernel balancing weights provide confidence intervals for average treatment effects, based on the idea of balancing covariates for the treated group and untreated group in feature space, often with ridge regularization. Previous works on the classical kernel ridge balancing weights have certain limitations: (i) not articulating generalization error for the balancing weights, (ii) typically requiring correct specification of features, and (iii) providing inference for only average effects. I interpret kernel balancing weights as kernel ridge Riesz representers (KRRR) and address these limitations via a new characterization of the counterfactual effective dimension. KRRR is an exact generalization of kernel ridge regression and kernel ridge balancing weights. I prove strong properties similar to kernel ridge regression: population $L_2$ rates controlling generalization error, and a standalone closed form solution that can interpolate. The framework relaxes the stringent assumption that the underlying regression model is correctly specified by the features. It extends inference beyond average effects to heterogeneous effects, i.e. causal functions. I use KRRR to infer heterogeneous treatment effects, by age, of 401(k) eligibility on assets.

replace-cross DiagSet: a dataset for prostate cancer histopathological image classification

Authors: Micha{\l} Koziarski, Bogus{\l}aw Cyganek, Przemys{\l}aw Niedziela, Bogus{\l}aw Olborski, Zbigniew Antosz, Marcin \.Zydak, Bogdan Kwolek, Pawe{\l} W\k{a}sowicz, Andrzej Buka{\l}a, Jakub Swad\'zba, Piotr Sitkowski

Abstract: Cancer diseases constitute one of the most significant societal challenges. In this paper, we introduce a novel histopathological dataset for prostate cancer detection. The proposed dataset, consisting of over 2.6 million tissue patches extracted from 430 fully annotated scans, 4675 scans with assigned binary diagnoses, and 46 scans with diagnoses independently provided by a group of histopathologists can be found at Furthermore, we propose a machine learning framework for detection of cancerous tissue regions and prediction of scan-level diagnosis, utilizing thresholding to abstain from the decision in uncertain cases. The proposed approach, composed of ensembles of deep neural networks operating on the histopathological scans at different scales, achieves 94.6% accuracy in patch-level recognition and is compared in a scan-level diagnosis with 9 human histopathologists showing high statistical agreement.


replace-cross Unpacking the Black Box: Regulating Algorithmic Decisions

Authors: Laura Blattner, Scott Nelson, Jann Spiess

Abstract: What should regulators of complex algorithms regulate? We propose a model of oversight over 'black-box' algorithms used in high-stakes applications such as lending, medical testing, or hiring. In our model, a regulator is limited in how much she can learn about a black-box model deployed by an agent with misaligned preferences. The regulator faces two choices: first, whether to allow for the use of complex algorithms; and second, which key properties of algorithms to regulate. We show that limiting agents to algorithms that are simple enough to be fully transparent is inefficient as long as the misalignment is limited and complex algorithms have sufficiently better performance than simple ones. Allowing for complex algorithms can improve welfare, but the gains depend on how the regulator regulates them. Regulation that focuses on the overall average behavior of algorithms, for example based on standard explainer tools, will generally be inefficient. Targeted regulation that focuses on the source of incentive misalignment, e.g., excess false positives or racial disparities, can provide second-best solutions. We provide empirical support for our theoretical findings using an application in consumer lending, where we document that complex models regulated based on context-specific explanation tools outperform simple, fully transparent models. This gain from complex models represents a Pareto improvement across our empirical applications that is preferred both by the lender and from the perspective of the financial regulator.

replace-cross TATTOOED: A Robust Deep Neural Network Watermarking Scheme based on Spread-Spectrum Channel Coding

Authors: Giulio Pagnotta, Dorjan Hitaj, Briland Hitaj, Fernando Perez-Cruz, Luigi V. Mancini

Abstract: Watermarking of deep neural networks (DNNs) has gained significant traction in recent years, with numerous (watermarking) strategies being proposed as mechanisms that can help verify the ownership of a DNN in scenarios where these models are obtained without the permission of the owner. However, a growing body of work has demonstrated that existing watermarking mechanisms are highly susceptible to removal techniques, such as fine-tuning, parameter pruning, or shuffling. In this paper, we build upon extensive prior work on covert (military) communication and propose TATTOOED, a novel DNN watermarking technique that is robust to existing threats. We demonstrate that using TATTOOED as their watermarking mechanisms, the DNN owner can successfully obtain the watermark and verify model ownership even in scenarios where 99% of model parameters are altered. Furthermore, we show that TATTOOED is easy to employ in training pipelines, and has negligible impact on model performance.

replace-cross Weak Augmentation Guided Relational Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Mingkai Zheng, Shan You, Fei Wang, Chen Qian, Changshui Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, Chang Xu

Abstract: Self-supervised Learning (SSL) including the mainstream contrastive learning has achieved great success in learning visual representations without data annotations. However, most methods mainly focus on the instance level information (\ie, the different augmented images of the same instance should have the same feature or cluster into the same class), but there is a lack of attention on the relationships between different instances. In this paper, we introduce a novel SSL paradigm, which we term as relational self-supervised learning (ReSSL) framework that learns representations by modeling the relationship between different instances. Specifically, our proposed method employs sharpened distribution of pairwise similarities among different instances as \textit{relation} metric, which is thus utilized to match the feature embeddings of different augmentations. To boost the performance, we argue that weak augmentations matter to represent a more reliable relation, and leverage momentum strategy for practical efficiency. The designed asymmetric predictor head and an InfoNCE warm-up strategy enhance the robustness to hyper-parameters and benefit the resulting performance. Experimental results show that our proposed ReSSL substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art methods across different network architectures, including various lightweight networks (\eg, EfficientNet and MobileNet).

replace-cross On the Convergence of Policy in Unregularized Policy Mirror Descent

Authors: Dachao Lin, Zhihua Zhang

Abstract: In this short note, we give the convergence analysis of the policy in the recent famous policy mirror descent (PMD). We mainly consider the unregularized setting following [11] with generalized Bregman divergence. The difference is that we directly give the convergence rates of policy under generalized Bregman divergence. Our results are inspired by the convergence of value function in previous works and are an extension study of policy mirror descent. Though some results have already appeared in previous work, we further discover a large body of Bregman divergences could give finite-step convergence to an optimal policy, such as the classical Euclidean distance.

replace-cross Accelerating System-Level Debug Using Rule Learning and Subgroup Discovery Techniques

Authors: Zurab Khasidashvili

Abstract: We propose a root-causing procedure for accelerating system-level debug using rule-based techniques. We describe the procedure and how it provides high quality debug hints for reducing the debug effort. This includes the heuristics for engineering features from logs of many tests, and the data analytics techniques for generating powerful debug hints. As a case study, we used these techniques for root-causing failures of the Power Management (PM) design feature Package-C8 and showed their effectiveness. Furthermore, we propose an approach for mining the root-causing experience and results for reuse, to accelerate future debug activities and reduce dependency on validation experts. We believe that these techniques are beneficial also for other validation activities at different levels of abstraction, for complex hardware, software and firmware systems, both pre-silicon and post-silicon.

replace-cross Implementing Reinforcement Learning Datacenter Congestion Control in NVIDIA NICs

Authors: Benjamin Fuhrer, Yuval Shpigelman, Chen Tessler, Shie Mannor, Gal Chechik, Eitan Zahavi, Gal Dalal

Abstract: As communication protocols evolve, datacenter network utilization increases. As a result, congestion is more frequent, causing higher latency and packet loss. Combined with the increasing complexity of workloads, manual design of congestion control (CC) algorithms becomes extremely difficult. This calls for the development of AI approaches to replace the human effort. Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to deploy AI models on network devices due to their limited computational capabilities. Here, we offer a solution to this problem by building a computationally-light solution based on a recent reinforcement learning CC algorithm [arXiv:2207.02295]. We reduce the inference time of RL-CC by x500 by distilling its complex neural network into decision trees. This transformation enables real-time inference within the $\mu$-sec decision-time requirement, with a negligible effect on quality. We deploy the transformed policy on NVIDIA NICs in a live cluster. Compared to popular CC algorithms used in production, RL-CC is the only method that performs well on all benchmarks tested over a large range of number of flows. It balances multiple metrics simultaneously: bandwidth, latency, and packet drops. These results suggest that data-driven methods for CC are feasible, challenging the prior belief that handcrafted heuristics are necessary to achieve optimal performance.

replace-cross Machine Learning with Confidential Computing: A Systematization of Knowledge

Authors: Fan Mo, Zahra Tarkhani, Hamed Haddadi

Abstract: Privacy and security challenges in Machine Learning (ML) have become increasingly severe, along with ML's pervasive development and the recent demonstration of large attack surfaces. As a mature system-oriented approach, Confidential Computing has been utilized in both academia and industry to mitigate privacy and security issues in various ML scenarios. In this paper, the conjunction between ML and Confidential Computing is investigated. We systematize the prior work on Confidential Computing-assisted ML techniques that provide i) confidentiality guarantees and ii) integrity assurances, and discuss their advanced features and drawbacks. Key challenges are further identified, and we provide dedicated analyses of the limitations in existing Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) systems for ML use cases. Finally, prospective works are discussed, including grounded privacy definitions for closed-loop protection, partitioned executions of efficient ML, dedicated TEE-assisted designs for ML, TEE-aware ML, and ML full pipeline guarantees. By providing these potential solutions in our systematization of knowledge, we aim to build the bridge to help achieve a much stronger TEE-enabled ML for privacy guarantees without introducing computation and system costs.

replace-cross Sequential Neural Score Estimation: Likelihood-Free Inference with Conditional Score Based Diffusion Models

Authors: Louis Sharrock, Jack Simons, Song Liu, Mark Beaumont

Abstract: We introduce Sequential Neural Posterior Score Estimation (SNPSE), a score-based method for Bayesian inference in simulator-based models. Our method, inspired by the remarkable success of score-based methods in generative modelling, leverages conditional score-based diffusion models to generate samples from the posterior distribution of interest. The model is trained using an objective function which directly estimates the score of the posterior. We embed the model into a sequential training procedure, which guides simulations using the current approximation of the posterior at the observation of interest, thereby reducing the simulation cost. We also introduce several alternative sequential approaches, and discuss their relative merits. We then validate our method, as well as its amortised, non-sequential, variant on several numerical examples, demonstrating comparable or superior performance to existing state-of-the-art methods such as Sequential Neural Posterior Estimation (SNPE).

replace-cross Identifiability and Asymptotics in Learning Homogeneous Linear ODE Systems from Discrete Observations

Authors: Yuanyuan Wang, Wei Huang, Mingming Gong, Xi Geng, Tongliang Liu, Kun Zhang, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) have recently gained a lot of attention in machine learning. However, the theoretical aspects, e.g., identifiability and asymptotic properties of statistical estimation are still obscure. This paper derives a sufficient condition for the identifiability of homogeneous linear ODE systems from a sequence of equally-spaced error-free observations sampled from a single trajectory. When observations are disturbed by measurement noise, we prove that under mild conditions, the parameter estimator based on the Nonlinear Least Squares (NLS) method is consistent and asymptotic normal with $n^{-1/2}$ convergence rate. Based on the asymptotic normality property, we construct confidence sets for the unknown system parameters and propose a new method to infer the causal structure of the ODE system, i.e., inferring whether there is a causal link between system variables. Furthermore, we extend the results to degraded observations, including aggregated and time-scaled ones. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first systematic study of the identifiability and asymptotic properties in learning linear ODE systems. We also construct simulations with various system dimensions to illustrate the established theoretical results.

replace-cross Accented Text-to-Speech Synthesis with a Conditional Variational Autoencoder

Authors: Jan Melechovsky, Ambuj Mehrish, Berrak Sisman, Dorien Herremans

Abstract: Accent plays a significant role in speech communication, influencing one's capability to understand as well as conveying a person's identity. This paper introduces a novel and efficient framework for accented Text-to-Speech (TTS) synthesis based on a Conditional Variational Autoencoder. It has the ability to synthesize a selected speaker's voice, which is converted to any desired target accent. Our thorough experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework using both objective and subjective evaluations. The results also show remarkable performance in terms of the ability to manipulate accents in the synthesized speech and provide a promising avenue for future accented TTS research.

replace-cross Understanding Sample Generation Strategies for Learning Heuristic Functions in Classical Planning

Authors: R. V. Bettker, P. P. Minini, A. G. Pereira, M. Ritt

Abstract: We study the problem of learning good heuristic functions for classical planning tasks with neural networks based on samples represented by states with their cost-to-goal estimates. The heuristic function is learned for a state space and goal condition with the number of samples limited to a fraction of the size of the state space, and must generalize well for all states of the state space with the same goal condition. Our main goal is to better understand the influence of sample generation strategies on the performance of a greedy best-first heuristic search (GBFS) guided by a learned heuristic function. In a set of controlled experiments, we find that two main factors determine the quality of the learned heuristic: the algorithm used to generate the sample set and how close the sample estimates to the perfect cost-to-goal are. These two factors are dependent: having perfect cost-to-goal estimates is insufficient if the samples are not well distributed across the state space. We also study other effects, such as adding samples with high-value estimates. Based on our findings, we propose practical strategies to improve the quality of learned heuristics: three strategies that aim to generate more representative states and two strategies that improve the cost-to-goal estimates. Our practical strategies result in a learned heuristic that, when guiding a GBFS algorithm, increases by more than 30% the mean coverage compared to a baseline learned heuristic.

replace-cross A survey on multi-player bandits

Authors: Etienne Boursier, Vianney Perchet

Abstract: Due mostly to its application to cognitive radio networks, multiplayer bandits gained a lot of interest in the last decade. A considerable progress has been made on its theoretical aspect. However, the current algorithms are far from applicable and many obstacles remain between these theoretical results and a possible implementation of multiplayer bandits algorithms in real cognitive radio networks. This survey contextualizes and organizes the rich multiplayer bandits literature. In light of the existing works, some clear directions for future research appear. We believe that a further study of these different directions might lead to theoretical algorithms adapted to real-world situations.

replace-cross Loss shaping enhances exact gradient learning with EventProp in Spiking Neural Networks

Authors: Thomas Nowotny, James P. Turner, James C. Knight

Abstract: Event-based machine learning promises more energy-efficient AI on future neuromorphic hardware. Here, we investigate how the recently discovered Eventprop algorithm for gradient descent on exact gradients in spiking neural networks can be scaled up to challenging keyword recognition benchmarks. We implemented Eventprop in the GPU-enhanced Neural Networks framework and used it for training recurrent spiking neural networks on the Spiking Heidelberg Digits and Spiking Speech Commands datasets. We found that learning depended strongly on the loss function and extended Eventprop to a wider class of loss functions to enable effective training. When combined with the right additional mechanisms from the machine learning toolbox, Eventprop networks achieved state-of-the-art performance on Spiking Heidelberg Digits and good accuracy on Spiking Speech Commands. This work is a significant step towards a low-power neuromorphic alternative to current machine learning paradigms.

replace-cross Examining properness in the external validation of survival models with squared and logarithmic losses

Authors: Raphael Sonabend, John Zobolas, Philipp Kopper, Lukas Burk, Andreas Bender

Abstract: Scoring rules promote rational and honest decision-making, which is becoming increasingly important for automated procedures in `auto-ML'. In this paper we survey common squared and logarithmic scoring rules for survival analysis and determine which losses are proper and improper. We prove that commonly utilised squared and logarithmic scoring rules that are claimed to be proper are in fact improper, such as the Integrated Survival Brier Score (ISBS). We further prove that under a strict set of assumptions a class of scoring rules is strictly proper for, what we term, `approximate' survival losses. Despite the difference in properness, experiments in simulated and real-world datasets show there is no major difference between improper and proper versions of the widely-used ISBS, ensuring that we can reasonably trust previous experiments utilizing the original score for evaluation purposes. We still advocate for the use of proper scoring rules, as even minor differences between losses can have important implications in automated processes such as model tuning. We hope our findings encourage further research into the properties of survival measures so that robust and honest evaluation of survival models can be achieved.

replace-cross Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Low-dose CT Reconstruction via Bayesian Uncertainty Alignment

Authors: Kecheng Chen, Jie Liu, Renjie Wan, Victor Ho-Fun Lee, Varut Vardhanabhuti, Hong Yan, Haoliang Li

Abstract: Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) image reconstruction techniques can reduce patient radiation exposure while maintaining acceptable imaging quality. Deep learning is widely used in this problem, but the performance of testing data (a.k.a. target domain) is often degraded in clinical scenarios due to the variations that were not encountered in training data (a.k.a. source domain). Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) of LDCT reconstruction has been proposed to solve this problem through distribution alignment. However, existing UDA methods fail to explore the usage of uncertainty quantification, which is crucial for reliable intelligent medical systems in clinical scenarios with unexpected variations. Moreover, existing direct alignment for different patients would lead to content mismatch issues. To address these issues, we propose to leverage a probabilistic reconstruction framework to conduct a joint discrepancy minimization between source and target domains in both the latent and image spaces. In the latent space, we devise a Bayesian uncertainty alignment to reduce the epistemic gap between the two domains. This approach reduces the uncertainty level of target domain data, making it more likely to render well-reconstructed results on target domains. In the image space, we propose a sharpness-aware distribution alignment to achieve a match of second-order information, which can ensure that the reconstructed images from the target domain have similar sharpness to normal-dose CT images from the source domain. Experimental results on two simulated datasets and one clinical low-dose imaging dataset show that our proposed method outperforms other methods in quantitative and visualized performance.

replace-cross Cardinality Estimation over Knowledge Graphs with Embeddings and Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Tim Schwabe, Maribel Acosta

Abstract: Cardinality Estimation over Knowledge Graphs (KG) is crucial for query optimization, yet remains a challenging task due to the semi-structured nature and complex correlations of typical Knowledge Graphs. In this work, we propose GNCE, a novel approach that leverages knowledge graph embeddings and Graph Neural Networks (GNN) to accurately predict the cardinality of conjunctive queries. GNCE first creates semantically meaningful embeddings for all entities in the KG, which are then integrated into the given query, which is processed by a GNN to estimate the cardinality of the query. We evaluate GNCE on several KGs in terms of q-Error and demonstrate that it outperforms state-of-the-art approaches based on sampling, summaries, and (machine) learning in terms of estimation accuracy while also having lower execution time and less parameters. Additionally, we show that GNCE can inductively generalise to unseen entities, making it suitable for use in dynamic query processing scenarios. Our proposed approach has the potential to significantly improve query optimization and related applications that rely on accurate cardinality estimates of conjunctive queries.

replace-cross MedNeXt: Transformer-driven Scaling of ConvNets for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Saikat Roy, Gregor Koehler, Constantin Ulrich, Michael Baumgartner, Jens Petersen, Fabian Isensee, Paul F. Jaeger, Klaus Maier-Hein

Abstract: There has been exploding interest in embracing Transformer-based architectures for medical image segmentation. However, the lack of large-scale annotated medical datasets make achieving performances equivalent to those in natural images challenging. Convolutional networks, in contrast, have higher inductive biases and consequently, are easily trainable to high performance. Recently, the ConvNeXt architecture attempted to modernize the standard ConvNet by mirroring Transformer blocks. In this work, we improve upon this to design a modernized and scalable convolutional architecture customized to challenges of data-scarce medical settings. We introduce MedNeXt, a Transformer-inspired large kernel segmentation network which introduces - 1) A fully ConvNeXt 3D Encoder-Decoder Network for medical image segmentation, 2) Residual ConvNeXt up and downsampling blocks to preserve semantic richness across scales, 3) A novel technique to iteratively increase kernel sizes by upsampling small kernel networks, to prevent performance saturation on limited medical data, 4) Compound scaling at multiple levels (depth, width, kernel size) of MedNeXt. This leads to state-of-the-art performance on 4 tasks on CT and MRI modalities and varying dataset sizes, representing a modernized deep architecture for medical image segmentation. Our code is made publicly available at:


replace-cross Accelerating Graph Neural Networks via Edge Pruning for Power Allocation in Wireless Networks

Authors: Lili Chen, Jingge Zhu, Jamie Evans

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently emerged as a promising approach to tackling power allocation problems in wireless networks. Since unpaired transmitters and receivers are often spatially distant, the distance-based threshold is proposed to reduce the computation time by excluding or including the channel state information in GNNs. In this paper, we are the first to introduce a neighbour-based threshold approach to GNNs to reduce the time complexity. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of both distance-based and neighbour-based thresholds and provide recommendations for selecting the appropriate value in different communication channel scenarios. We design the corresponding neighbour-based Graph Neural Networks (N-GNN) with the aim of allocating transmit powers to maximise the network throughput. Our results show that our proposed N-GNN offer significant advantages in terms of reducing time complexity while preserving strong performance and generalisation capacity. Besides, we show that by choosing a suitable threshold, the time complexity is reduced from O(|V|^2) to O(|V|), where |V| is the total number of transceiver pairs.

replace-cross Physics of Language Models: Part 1, Learning Hierarchical Language Structures

Authors: Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Yuanzhi Li

Abstract: Transformer-based language models are effective but complex, and understanding their inner workings is a significant challenge. Previous research has primarily explored how these models handle simple tasks like name copying or selection, and we extend this by investigating how these models grasp complex, recursive language structures defined by context-free grammars (CFGs). We introduce a family of synthetic CFGs that produce hierarchical rules, capable of generating lengthy sentences (e.g., hundreds of tokens) that are locally ambiguous and require dynamic programming to parse. Despite this complexity, we demonstrate that generative models like GPT can accurately learn this CFG language and generate sentences based on it. We explore the model's internals, revealing that its hidden states precisely capture the structure of CFGs, and its attention patterns resemble the information passing in a dynamic programming algorithm. This paper also presents several corollaries, including showing why positional embedding is inferior to relative attention or rotary embedding; demonstrating that encoder-based models (e.g., BERT, deBERTa) cannot learn very deeply nested CFGs as effectively as generative models (e.g., GPT); and highlighting the necessity of adding structural and syntactic errors to the pretraining data to make the model more robust to corrupted language prefixes.

replace-cross Least Squares Regression Can Exhibit Under-Parameterized Double Descent

Authors: Xinyue Li, Rishi Sonthalia

Abstract: The relationship between the number of training data points, the number of parameters, and the generalization capabilities has been widely studied. Previous work has shown that double descent can occur in the over-parameterized regime, and believe that the standard bias-variance trade-off holds in the under-parameterized regime. These works provide multiple reasons for the existence of the peak. We postulate that the location of the peak depends on the technical properties of both the spectrum as well as the eigenvectors of the sample covariance. We present two simple examples that provably exhibit double descent in the under-parameterized regime and do not seem to occur for reasons provided in prior work.

replace-cross Classical-to-Quantum Transfer Learning Facilitates Machine Learning with Variational Quantum Circuit

Authors: Jun Qi, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Pin-Yu Chen, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Hector Zenil, Jesper Tegner

Abstract: While Quantum Machine Learning (QML) is an exciting emerging area, the accuracy of the loss function still needs to be improved by the number of available qubits. Here, we reformulate the QML problem such that the approximation error (representation power) does not depend on the number of qubits. We prove that a classical-to-quantum transfer learning architecture using a Variational Quantum Circuit (VQC) improves the representation and generalization (estimation error) capabilities of the VQC model. We derive analytical bounds for the approximation and estimation error. We show that the architecture of classical-to-quantum transfer learning leverages pre-trained classical generative AI models, making it easier to find the optimal parameters for the VQC in the training stage. To validate our theoretical analysis, we perform experiments on single-dot and double-dot binary classification tasks for charge stability diagrams in semiconductor quantum dots, where the related empirical results support our theoretical findings. Our analytical and empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of classical-to-quantum transfer learning architecture in realistic tasks. This sets the stage for accelerating QML applications beyond the current limits of available qubits.

replace-cross Communication-Efficient Gradient Descent-Accent Methods for Distributed Variational Inequalities: Unified Analysis and Local Updates

Authors: Siqi Zhang, Sayantan Choudhury, Sebastian U Stich, Nicolas Loizou

Abstract: Distributed and federated learning algorithms and techniques associated primarily with minimization problems. However, with the increase of minimax optimization and variational inequality problems in machine learning, the necessity of designing efficient distributed/federated learning approaches for these problems is becoming more apparent. In this paper, we provide a unified convergence analysis of communication-efficient local training methods for distributed variational inequality problems (VIPs). Our approach is based on a general key assumption on the stochastic estimates that allows us to propose and analyze several novel local training algorithms under a single framework for solving a class of structured non-monotone VIPs. We present the first local gradient descent-accent algorithms with provable improved communication complexity for solving distributed variational inequalities on heterogeneous data. The general algorithmic framework recovers state-of-the-art algorithms and their sharp convergence guarantees when the setting is specialized to minimization or minimax optimization problems. Finally, we demonstrate the strong performance of the proposed algorithms compared to state-of-the-art methods when solving federated minimax optimization problems.

replace-cross Conformal Language Modeling

Authors: Victor Quach, Adam Fisch, Tal Schuster, Adam Yala, Jae Ho Sohn, Tommi S. Jaakkola, Regina Barzilay

Abstract: We propose a novel approach to conformal prediction for generative language models (LMs). Standard conformal prediction produces prediction sets -- in place of single predictions -- that have rigorous, statistical performance guarantees. LM responses are typically sampled from the model's predicted distribution over the large, combinatorial output space of natural language. Translating this process to conformal prediction, we calibrate a stopping rule for sampling different outputs from the LM that get added to a growing set of candidates until we are confident that the output set is sufficient. Since some samples may be low-quality, we also simultaneously calibrate and apply a rejection rule for removing candidates from the output set to reduce noise. Similar to conformal prediction, we prove that the sampled set returned by our procedure contains at least one acceptable answer with high probability, while still being empirically precise (i.e., small) on average. Furthermore, within this set of candidate responses, we show that we can also accurately identify subsets of individual components -- such as phrases or sentences -- that are each independently correct (e.g., that are not "hallucinations"), again with statistical guarantees. We demonstrate the promise of our approach on multiple tasks in open-domain question answering, text summarization, and radiology report generation using different LM variants.

replace-cross Attentive Graph Enhanced Region Representation Learning

Authors: Weiliang Chen, Qianqian Ren, Jinbao Li

Abstract: Representing urban regions accurately and comprehensively is essential for various urban planning and analysis tasks. Recently, with the expansion of the city, modeling long-range spatial dependencies with multiple data sources plays an important role in urban region representation. In this paper, we propose the Attentive Graph Enhanced Region Representation Learning (ATGRL) model, which aims to capture comprehensive dependencies from multiple graphs and learn rich semantic representations of urban regions. Specifically, we propose a graph-enhanced learning module to construct regional graphs by incorporating mobility flow patterns, point of interests (POIs) functions, and check-in semantics with noise filtering. Then, we present a multi-graph aggregation module to capture both local and global spatial dependencies between regions by integrating information from multiple graphs. In addition, we design a dual-stage fusion module to facilitate information sharing between different views and efficiently fuse multi-view representations for urban region embedding using an improved linear attention mechanism. Finally, extensive experiments on real-world datasets for three downstream tasks demonstrate the superior performance of our model compared to state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross Multimodal Multi-loss Fusion Network for Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Zehui Wu, Ziwei Gong, Jaywon Koo, Julia Hirschberg

Abstract: This paper investigates the optimal selection and fusion of feature encoders across multiple modalities and combines these in one neural network to improve sentiment detection. We compare different fusion methods and examine the impact of multi-loss training within the multi-modality fusion network, identifying surprisingly important findings relating to subnet performance. We have also found that integrating context significantly enhances model performance. Our best model achieves state-of-the-art performance for three datasets (CMU-MOSI, CMU-MOSEI and CH-SIMS). These results suggest a roadmap toward an optimized feature selection and fusion approach for enhancing sentiment detection in neural networks.

replace-cross Robust Infidelity: When Faithfulness Measures on Masked Language Models Are Misleading

Authors: Evan Crothers, Herna Viktor, Nathalie Japkowicz

Abstract: A common approach to quantifying neural text classifier interpretability is to calculate faithfulness metrics based on iteratively masking salient input tokens and measuring changes in the model prediction. We propose that this property is better described as "sensitivity to iterative masking", and highlight pitfalls in using this measure for comparing text classifier interpretability. We show that iterative masking produces large variation in faithfulness scores between otherwise comparable Transformer encoder text classifiers. We then demonstrate that iteratively masked samples produce embeddings outside the distribution seen during training, resulting in unpredictable behaviour. We further explore task-specific considerations that undermine principled comparison of interpretability using iterative masking, such as an underlying similarity to salience-based adversarial attacks. Our findings give insight into how these behaviours affect neural text classifiers, and provide guidance on how sensitivity to iterative masking should be interpreted.

replace-cross Privacy-Preserving 3-Layer Neural Network Training

Authors: John Chiang

Abstract: In this manuscript, we consider the problem of privacy-preserving training of neural networks in the mere homomorphic encryption setting. We combine several exsiting techniques available, extend some of them, and finally enable the training of 3-layer neural networks for both the regression and classification problems using mere homomorphic encryption technique.

replace-cross HoSNN: Adversarially-Robust Homeostatic Spiking Neural Networks with Adaptive Firing Thresholds

Authors: Hejia Geng, Peng Li

Abstract: While spiking neural networks (SNNs) offer a promising neurally-inspired model of computation, they are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We present the first study that draws inspiration from neural homeostasis to design a threshold-adapting leaky integrate-and-fire (TA-LIF) neuron model and utilize TA-LIF neurons to construct the adversarially robust homeostatic SNNs (HoSNNs) for improved robustness. The TA-LIF model incorporates a self-stabilizing dynamic thresholding mechanism, offering a local feedback control solution to the minimization of each neuron's membrane potential error caused by adversarial disturbance. Theoretical analysis demonstrates favorable dynamic properties of TA-LIF neurons in terms of the bounded-input bounded-output stability and suppressed time growth of membrane potential error, underscoring their superior robustness compared with the standard LIF neurons. When trained with weak FGSM attacks (attack budget = 2/255) and tested with much stronger PGD attacks (attack budget = 8/255), our HoSNNs significantly improve model accuracy on several datasets: from 30.54% to 74.91% on FashionMNIST, from 0.44% to 35.06% on SVHN, from 0.56% to 42.63% on CIFAR10, from 0.04% to 16.66% on CIFAR100, over the conventional LIF-based SNNs.

replace-cross Learning Optimal Contracts: How to Exploit Small Action Spaces

Authors: Francesco Bacchiocchi, Matteo Castiglioni, Alberto Marchesi, Nicola Gatti

Abstract: We study principal-agent problems in which a principal commits to an outcome-dependent payment scheme -- called contract -- in order to induce an agent to take a costly, unobservable action leading to favorable outcomes. We consider a generalization of the classical (single-round) version of the problem in which the principal interacts with the agent by committing to contracts over multiple rounds. The principal has no information about the agent, and they have to learn an optimal contract by only observing the outcome realized at each round. We focus on settings in which the size of the agent's action space is small. We design an algorithm that learns an approximately-optimal contract with high probability in a number of rounds polynomial in the size of the outcome space, when the number of actions is constant. Our algorithm solves an open problem by Zhu et al.[2022]. Moreover, it can also be employed to provide a $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{4/5})$ regret bound in the related online learning setting in which the principal aims at maximizing their cumulative utility, thus considerably improving previously-known regret bounds.

replace-cross Long-Tail Learning with Foundation Model: Heavy Fine-Tuning Hurts

Authors: Jiang-Xin Shi, Tong Wei, Zhi Zhou, Jie-Jing Shao, Xin-Yan Han, Yu-Feng Li

Abstract: The fine-tuning paradigm in addressing long-tail learning tasks has sparked significant interest since the emergence of foundation models. Nonetheless, how fine-tuning impacts performance in long-tail learning was not explicitly quantified. In this paper, we disclose that heavy fine-tuning may even lead to non-negligible performance deterioration on tail classes, and lightweight fine-tuning is more effective. The reason is attributed to inconsistent class conditions caused by heavy fine-tuning. With the observation above, we develop a low-complexity and accurate long-tail learning algorithms LIFT with the goal of facilitating fast prediction and compact models by adaptive lightweight fine-tuning. Experiments clearly verify that both the training time and the learned parameters are significantly reduced with more accurate predictive performance compared with state-of-the-art approaches. The implementation code is available at


replace-cross The Topology and Geometry of Neural Representations

Authors: Baihan Lin, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte

Abstract: A central question for neuroscience is how to characterize brain representations of perceptual and cognitive content. An ideal characterization should distinguish different functional regions with robustness to noise and idiosyncrasies of individual brains that do not correspond to computational differences. Previous studies have characterized brain representations by their representational geometry, which is defined by the representational dissimilarity matrix (RDM), a summary statistic that abstracts from the roles of individual neurons (or responses channels) and characterizes the discriminability of stimuli. Here we explore a further step of abstraction: from the geometry to the topology of brain representations. We propose topological representational similarity analysis (tRSA), an extension of representational similarity analysis (RSA) that uses a family of geo-topological summary statistics that generalizes the RDM to characterize the topology while de-emphasizing the geometry. We evaluate this new family of statistics in terms of the sensitivity and specificity for model selection using both simulations and fMRI data. In the simulations, the ground truth is a data-generating layer representation in a neural network model and the models are the same and other layers in different model instances (trained from different random seeds). In fMRI, the ground truth is a visual area and the models are the same and other areas measured in different subjects. Results show that topology-sensitive characterizations of population codes are robust to noise and interindividual variability and maintain excellent sensitivity to the unique representational signatures of different neural network layers and brain regions. These methods enable researchers to calibrate comparisons among representations in brains and models to be sensitive to the geometry, the topology, or a combination of both.

replace-cross Extragradient Type Methods for Riemannian Variational Inequality Problems

Authors: Zihao Hu, Guanghui Wang, Xi Wang, Andre Wibisono, Jacob Abernethy, Molei Tao

Abstract: Riemannian convex optimization and minimax optimization have recently drawn considerable attention. Their appeal lies in their capacity to adeptly manage the non-convexity of the objective function as well as constraints inherent in the feasible set in the Euclidean sense. In this work, we delve into monotone Riemannian Variational Inequality Problems (RVIPs), which encompass both Riemannian convex optimization and minimax optimization as particular cases. In the context of Euclidean space, it is established that the last-iterates of both the extragradient (EG) and past extragradient (PEG) methods converge to the solution of monotone variational inequality problems at a rate of $O\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}}\right)$ (Cai et al., 2022). However, analogous behavior on Riemannian manifolds remains an open question. To bridge this gap, we introduce the Riemannian extragradient (REG) and Riemannian past extragradient (RPEG) methods. We demonstrate that both exhibit $O\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}}\right)$ last-iterate convergence. Additionally, we show that the average-iterate convergence of both REG and RPEG is $O\left(\frac{1}{{T}}\right)$, aligning with observations in the Euclidean case (Mokhtari et al., 2020). These results are enabled by judiciously addressing the holonomy effect so that additional complications in Riemannian cases can be reduced and the Euclidean proof inspired by the performance estimation problem (PEP) technique or the sum-of-squares (SOS) technique can be applied again.

replace-cross Quantile-based Maximum Likelihood Training for Outlier Detection

Authors: Masoud Taghikhah, Nishant Kumar, Sini\v{s}a \v{S}egvi\'c, Abouzar Eslami, Stefan Gumhold

Abstract: Discriminative learning effectively predicts true object class for image classification. However, it often results in false positives for outliers, posing critical concerns in applications like autonomous driving and video surveillance systems. Previous attempts to address this challenge involved training image classifiers through contrastive learning using actual outlier data or synthesizing outliers for self-supervised learning. Furthermore, unsupervised generative modeling of inliers in pixel space has shown limited success for outlier detection. In this work, we introduce a quantile-based maximum likelihood objective for learning the inlier distribution to improve the outlier separation during inference. Our approach fits a normalizing flow to pre-trained discriminative features and detects the outliers according to the evaluated log-likelihood. The experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of our method as it surpasses the performance of the state-of-the-art unsupervised methods for outlier detection. The results are also competitive compared with a recent self-supervised approach for outlier detection. Our work allows to reduce dependency on well-sampled negative training data, which is especially important for domains like medical diagnostics or remote sensing.

replace-cross LLark: A Multimodal Instruction-Following Language Model for Music

Authors: Josh Gardner, Simon Durand, Daniel Stoller, Rachel M. Bittner

Abstract: Music has a unique and complex structure which is challenging for both expert humans and existing AI systems to understand, and presents unique challenges relative to other forms of audio. We present LLark, an instruction-tuned multimodal model for \emph{music} understanding. We detail our process for dataset creation, which involves augmenting the annotations of diverse open-source music datasets and converting them to a unified instruction-tuning format. We propose a multimodal architecture for LLark, integrating a pretrained generative model for music with a pretrained language model. In evaluations on three types of tasks (music understanding, captioning, reasoning), we show that LLark matches or outperforms existing baselines in music understanding, and that humans show a high degree of agreement with its responses in captioning and reasoning tasks. LLark is trained entirely from open-source music data and models, and we make our training code available along with the release of this paper. Additional results and audio examples are at, and our source code is available at .


replace-cross Do pretrained Transformers Learn In-Context by Gradient Descent?

Authors: Lingfeng Shen, Aayush Mishra, Daniel Khashabi

Abstract: The emergence of In-Context Learning (ICL) in LLMs remains a remarkable phenomenon that is partially understood. To explain ICL, recent studies have created theoretical connections to Gradient Descent (GD). We ask, do such connections hold up in actual pre-trained language models? We highlight the limiting assumptions in prior works that make their setup considerably different from the practical setup in which language models are trained. For example, their experimental verification uses \emph{ICL objective} (training models explicitly for ICL), which differs from the emergent ICL in the wild. Furthermore, the theoretical hand-constructed weights used in these studies have properties that don't match those of real LLMs. We also look for evidence in real models. We observe that ICL and GD have different sensitivity to the order in which they observe demonstrations. Finally, we probe and compare the ICL vs. GD hypothesis in a natural setting. We conduct comprehensive empirical analyses on language models pre-trained on natural data (LLaMa-7B). Our comparisons of three performance metrics highlight the inconsistent behavior of ICL and GD as a function of various factors such as datasets, models, and the number of demonstrations. We observe that ICL and GD modify the output distribution of language models differently. These results indicate that \emph{the equivalence between ICL and GD remains an open hypothesis} and calls for further studies.

replace-cross Machine Learning Who to Nudge: Causal vs Predictive Targeting in a Field Experiment on Student Financial Aid Renewal

Authors: Susan Athey, Niall Keleher, Jann Spiess

Abstract: In many settings, interventions may be more effective for some individuals than others, so that targeting interventions may be beneficial. We analyze the value of targeting in the context of a large-scale field experiment with over 53,000 college students, where the goal was to use "nudges" to encourage students to renew their financial-aid applications before a non-binding deadline. We begin with baseline approaches to targeting. First, we target based on a causal forest that estimates heterogeneous treatment effects and then assigns students to treatment according to those estimated to have the highest treatment effects. Next, we evaluate two alternative targeting policies, one targeting students with low predicted probability of renewing financial aid in the absence of the treatment, the other targeting those with high probability. The predicted baseline outcome is not the ideal criterion for targeting, nor is it a priori clear whether to prioritize low, high, or intermediate predicted probability. Nonetheless, targeting on low baseline outcomes is common in practice, for example because the relationship between individual characteristics and treatment effects is often difficult or impossible to estimate with historical data. We propose hybrid approaches that incorporate the strengths of both predictive approaches (accurate estimation) and causal approaches (correct criterion); we show that targeting intermediate baseline outcomes is most effective in our specific application, while targeting based on low baseline outcomes is detrimental. In one year of the experiment, nudging all students improved early filing by an average of 6.4 percentage points over a baseline average of 37% filing, and we estimate that targeting half of the students using our preferred policy attains around 75% of this benefit.

replace-cross ReEval: Automatic Hallucination Evaluation for Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models via Transferable Adversarial Attacks

Authors: Xiaodong Yu, Hao Cheng, Xiaodong Liu, Dan Roth, Jianfeng Gao

Abstract: Despite remarkable advancements in mitigating hallucinations in large language models (LLMs) by retrieval augmentation, it remains challenging to measure the reliability of LLMs using static question-answering (QA) data. Specifically, given the potential of data contamination (e.g., leading to memorization), good static benchmark performance does not ensure that model can reliably use the provided evidence for responding, which is essential to avoid hallucination when the required knowledge is new or private. Inspired by adversarial machine learning, we investigate the feasibility of automatically perturbing existing static one for dynamic evaluation. Specifically, this paper presents ReEval, an LLM-based framework using prompt chaining to perturb the original evidence for generating new test cases for evaluating the LLMs' reliability in using new evidence for answering. We implement ReEval using ChatGPT and evaluate the resulting variants of two popular open-domain QA datasets on a collection of LLMs under various prompting settings. Our generated data is human-readable and useful to trigger hallucination in LLM. Accurate models on static data are observed to produce unsupported answers from the perturbed evidence, with pronounced accuracy drops across LLMs including GPT-4. We find that our adversarial examples are transferable across all considered LLMs. The examples generated by a small model can be used to evaluate a much larger model, making our approach cost-effective.

replace-cross Formalizing and Benchmarking Prompt Injection Attacks and Defenses

Authors: Yupei Liu, Yuqi Jia, Runpeng Geng, Jinyuan Jia, Neil Zhenqiang Gong

Abstract: A prompt injection attack aims to inject malicious instruction/data into the input of an LLM-Integrated Application such that it produces results as an attacker desires. Existing works are limited to case studies. As a result, the literature lacks a systematic understanding of prompt injection attacks and their defenses. We aim to bridge the gap in this work. In particular, we propose a framework to formalize prompt injection attacks. Existing attacks are special cases in our framework. Moreover, based on our framework, we design a new attack by combining existing ones. Using our framework, we conduct a systematic evaluation on 5 prompt injection attacks and 10 defenses with 10 LLMs and 7 tasks. Our work provides a common benchmark for quantitatively evaluating future prompt injection attacks and defenses. To facilitate research on this topic, we make our platform public at


replace-cross Clover: Closed-Loop Verifiable Code Generation

Authors: Chuyue Sun, Ying Sheng, Oded Padon, Clark Barrett

Abstract: The use of large language models for code generation is a rapidly growing trend in software development. However, without effective methods for ensuring the correctness of generated code, this trend could lead to any number of undesirable outcomes. In this paper, we lay out a vision for addressing this challenge: the Clover paradigm, short for Closed-Loop Verifiable Code Generation, which reduces correctness checking to the more accessible problem of consistency checking. At the core of Clover lies a checker that performs consistency checks among code, docstrings, and formal annotations. The checker is implemented using a novel integration of formal verification tools and large language models. We provide a theoretical analysis to support our thesis that Clover should be effective at consistency checking. We also empirically investigate its feasibility on a hand-designed dataset (CloverBench) featuring annotated Dafny programs at a textbook level of difficulty. Experimental results show that for this dataset, (i) LLMs are reasonably successful at automatically generating formal specifications; and (ii) our consistency checker achieves a promising acceptance rate (up to 87%) for correct instances while maintaining zero tolerance for incorrect ones (no false positives).

replace-cross Local Discovery by Partitioning: Polynomial-Time Causal Discovery Around Exposure-Outcome Pairs

Authors: Jacqueline Maasch, Weishen Pan, Shantanu Gupta, Volodymyr Kuleshov, Kyra Gan, Fei Wang

Abstract: Causal discovery is crucial for causal inference in observational studies, as it can enable the identification of valid adjustment sets (VAS) for unbiased effect estimation. However, global causal discovery is notoriously hard in the nonparametric setting, with exponential time and sample complexity in the worst case. To address this, we propose local discovery by partitioning (LDP): a local causal discovery method that is tailored for downstream inference tasks without requiring parametric and pretreatment assumptions. LDP is a constraint-based procedure that returns a VAS for an exposure-outcome pair under latent confounding, given sufficient conditions. The total number of independence tests performed is worst-case quadratic with respect to the cardinality of the variable set. Asymptotic theoretical guarantees are numerically validated on synthetic graphs. Adjustment sets from LDP yield less biased and more precise average treatment effect estimates than baseline discovery algorithms, with LDP outperforming on confounder recall, runtime, and test count for VAS discovery. Notably, LDP ran at least 1300x faster than baselines on a benchmark.

replace-cross Robust and Conjugate Gaussian Process Regression

Authors: Matias Altamirano, Fran\c{c}ois-Xavier Briol, Jeremias Knoblauch

Abstract: To enable closed form conditioning, a common assumption in Gaussian process (GP) regression is independent and identically distributed Gaussian observation noise. This strong and simplistic assumption is often violated in practice, which leads to unreliable inferences and uncertainty quantification. Unfortunately, existing methods for robustifying GPs break closed-form conditioning, which makes them less attractive to practitioners and significantly more computationally expensive. In this paper, we demonstrate how to perform provably robust and conjugate Gaussian process (RCGP) regression at virtually no additional cost using generalised Bayesian inference. RCGP is particularly versatile as it enables exact conjugate closed form updates in all settings where standard GPs admit them. To demonstrate its strong empirical performance, we deploy RCGP for problems ranging from Bayesian optimisation to sparse variational Gaussian processes.

replace-cross On Measuring Faithfulness or Self-consistency of Natural Language Explanations

Authors: Letitia Parcalabescu, Anette Frank

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can explain their predictions through post-hoc or Chain-of-Thought (CoT) explanations. But an LLM could make up reasonably sounding explanations that are unfaithful to its underlying reasoning. Recent work has designed tests that aim to judge the faithfulness of post-hoc or CoT explanations. In this work we argue that these faithfulness tests do not measure faithfulness to the models' inner workings -- but rather their self-consistency at output level. Our contributions are three-fold: i) We clarify the status of faithfulness tests in view of model explainability, characterising them as self-consistency tests instead. This assessment we underline by ii) constructing a Comparative Consistency Bank for self-consistency tests that for the first time compares existing tests on a common suite of 11 open LLMs and 5 tasks -- including iii) our new self-consistency measure CC-SHAP. CC-SHAP is a fine-grained measure (not a test) of LLM self-consistency. It compares how a model's input contributes to the predicted answer and to generating the explanation. Our fine-grained CC-SHAP metric allows us iii) to compare LLM behaviour when making predictions and to analyse the effect of other consistency tests at a deeper level, which takes us one step further towards measuring faithfulness by bringing us closer to the internals of the model than strictly surface output-oriented tests. Our code is available at \url{}


replace-cross Adversarial Preference Optimization: Enhancing Your Alignment via RM-LLM Game

Authors: Pengyu Cheng, Yifan Yang, Jian Li, Yong Dai, Tianhao Hu, Peixin Cao, Nan Du, Xiaolong Li

Abstract: Human preference alignment is essential to improve the interaction quality of large language models (LLMs). Existing alignment methods depend on manually annotated preference data to guide the LLM optimization directions. However, continuously updating LLMs for alignment raises a distribution gap between model-generated samples and human-annotated responses, hindering training effectiveness. To mitigate this issue, previous methods require additional preference annotation on newly generated samples to adapt to the shifted distribution, which consumes a large amount of annotation resources. Targeting more efficient human preference optimization, we propose an Adversarial Preference Optimization (APO) framework, in which the LLM and the reward model update alternatively via a min-max game. Through adversarial training, the reward model can adapt to the shifted generation distribution of the LLM without any additional annotation. With comprehensive experiments, we find the proposed adversarial training framework further enhances existing alignment baselines in terms of LLM helpfulness and harmlessness. The code is at


replace-cross Optimal Locally Private Nonparametric Classification with Public Data

Authors: Yuheng Ma, Hanfang Yang

Abstract: In this work, we investigate the problem of public data assisted non-interactive Local Differentially Private (LDP) learning with a focus on non-parametric classification. Under the posterior drift assumption, we for the first time derive the mini-max optimal convergence rate with LDP constraint. Then, we present a novel approach, the locally differentially private classification tree, which attains the mini-max optimal convergence rate. Furthermore, we design a data-driven pruning procedure that avoids parameter tuning and provides a fast converging estimator. Comprehensive experiments conducted on synthetic and real data sets show the superior performance of our proposed methods. Both our theoretical and experimental findings demonstrate the effectiveness of public data compared to private data, which leads to practical suggestions for prioritizing non-private data collection.

replace-cross InteRACT: Transformer Models for Human Intent Prediction Conditioned on Robot Actions

Authors: Kushal Kedia, Atiksh Bhardwaj, Prithwish Dan, Sanjiban Choudhury

Abstract: In collaborative human-robot manipulation, a robot must predict human intents and adapt its actions accordingly to smoothly execute tasks. However, the human's intent in turn depends on actions the robot takes, creating a chicken-or-egg problem. Prior methods ignore such inter-dependency and instead train marginal intent prediction models independent of robot actions. This is because training conditional models is hard given a lack of paired human-robot interaction datasets. Can we instead leverage large-scale human-human interaction data that is more easily accessible? Our key insight is to exploit a correspondence between human and robot actions that enables transfer learning from human-human to human-robot data. We propose a novel architecture, InteRACT, that pre-trains a conditional intent prediction model on large human-human datasets and fine-tunes on a small human-robot dataset. We evaluate on a set of real-world collaborative human-robot manipulation tasks and show that our conditional model improves over various marginal baselines. We also introduce new techniques to tele-operate a 7-DoF robot arm and collect a diverse range of human-robot collaborative manipulation data, which we open-source.

replace-cross ChAda-ViT : Channel Adaptive Attention for Joint Representation Learning of Heterogeneous Microscopy Images

Authors: Nicolas Bourriez, Ihab Bendidi, Ethan Cohen, Gabriel Watkinson, Maxime Sanchez, Guillaume Bollot, Auguste Genovesio

Abstract: Unlike color photography images, which are consistently encoded into RGB channels, biological images encompass various modalities, where the type of microscopy and the meaning of each channel varies with each experiment. Importantly, the number of channels can range from one to a dozen and their correlation is often comparatively much lower than RGB, as each of them brings specific information content. This aspect is largely overlooked by methods designed out of the bioimage field, and current solutions mostly focus on intra-channel spatial attention, often ignoring the relationship between channels, yet crucial in most biological applications. Importantly, the variable channel type and count prevent the projection of several experiments to a unified representation for large scale pre-training. In this study, we propose ChAda-ViT, a novel Channel Adaptive Vision Transformer architecture employing an Inter-Channel Attention mechanism on images with an arbitrary number, order and type of channels. We also introduce IDRCell100k, a bioimage dataset with a rich set of 79 experiments covering 7 microscope modalities, with a multitude of channel types, and counts varying from 1 to 10 per experiment. Our architecture, trained in a self-supervised manner, outperforms existing approaches in several biologically relevant downstream tasks. Additionally, it can be used to bridge the gap for the first time between assays with different microscopes, channel numbers or types by embedding various image and experimental modalities into a unified biological image representation. The latter should facilitate interdisciplinary studies and pave the way for better adoption of deep learning in biological image-based analyses. Code and Data available at


replace-cross HD Maps are Lane Detection Generalizers: A Novel Generative Framework for Single-Source Domain Generalization

Authors: Daeun Lee, Minhyeok Heo, Jiwon Kim

Abstract: Lane detection is a vital task for vehicles to navigate and localize their position on the road. To ensure reliable driving, lane detection models must have robust generalization performance in various road environments. However, despite the advanced performance in the trained domain, their generalization performance still falls short of expectations due to the domain discrepancy. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel generative framework using HD Maps for Single-Source Domain Generalization (SSDG) in lane detection. We first generate numerous front-view images from lane markings of HD Maps. Next, we strategically select a core subset among the generated images using (i) lane structure and (ii) road surrounding criteria to maximize their diversity. In the end, utilizing this core set, we train lane detection models to boost their generalization performance. We validate that our generative framework from HD Maps outperforms the Domain Adaptation model MLDA with +3.01%p accuracy improvement, even though we do not access the target domain images.

replace-cross DiG-IN: Diffusion Guidance for Investigating Networks -- Uncovering Classifier Differences, Neuron Visualisations, and Visual Counterfactual Explanations

Authors: Maximilian Augustin, Yannic Neuhaus, Matthias Hein

Abstract: While deep learning has led to huge progress in complex image classification tasks like ImageNet, unexpected failure modes, e.g. via spurious features, call into question how reliably these classifiers work in the wild. Furthermore, for safety-critical tasks the black-box nature of their decisions is problematic, and explanations or at least methods which make decisions plausible are needed urgently. In this paper, we address these problems by generating images that optimize a classifier-derived objective using a framework for guided image generation. We analyze the decisions of image classifiers by visual counterfactual explanations (VCEs), detection of systematic mistakes by analyzing images where classifiers maximally disagree, and visualization of neurons and spurious features. In this way, we validate existing observations, e.g. the shape bias of adversarially robust models, as well as novel failure modes, e.g. systematic errors of zero-shot CLIP classifiers. Moreover, our VCEs outperform previous work while being more versatile.

replace-cross Targeted Reduction of Causal Models

Authors: Armin Keki\'c, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Michel Besserve

Abstract: Why does a phenomenon occur? Addressing this question is central to most scientific inquiries and often relies on simulations of scientific models. As models become more intricate, deciphering the causes behind phenomena in high-dimensional spaces of interconnected variables becomes increasingly challenging. Causal Representation Learning (CRL) offers a promising avenue to uncover interpretable causal patterns within these simulations through an interventional lens. However, developing general CRL frameworks suitable for practical applications remains an open challenge. We introduce Targeted Causal Reduction (TCR), a method for condensing complex intervenable models into a concise set of causal factors that explain a specific target phenomenon. We propose an information theoretic objective to learn TCR from interventional data of simulations, establish identifiability for continuous variables under shift interventions and present a practical algorithm for learning TCRs. Its ability to generate interpretable high-level explanations from complex models is demonstrated on toy and mechanical systems, illustrating its potential to assist scientists in the study of complex phenomena in a broad range of disciplines.

replace-cross VREM-FL: Mobility-Aware Computation-Scheduling Co-Design for Vehicular Federated Learning

Authors: Luca Ballotta, Nicol\`o Dal Fabbro, Giovanni Perin, Luca Schenato, Michele Rossi, Giuseppe Piro

Abstract: Assisted and autonomous driving are rapidly gaining momentum and will soon become a reality. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are regarded as key enablers thanks to the massive amount of data that smart vehicles will collect from onboard sensors. Federated learning is one of the most promising techniques for training global machine learning models while preserving data privacy of vehicles and optimizing communications resource usage. In this article, we propose vehicular radio environment map federated learning (VREM-FL), a computation-scheduling co-design for vehicular federated learning that combines mobility of vehicles with 5G radio environment maps. VREM-FL jointly optimizes learning performance of the global model and wisely allocates communication and computation resources. This is achieved by orchestrating local computations at the vehicles in conjunction with transmission of their local models in an adaptive and predictive fashion, by exploiting radio channel maps. The proposed algorithm can be tuned to trade training time for radio resource usage. Experimental results demonstrate that VREM-FL outperforms literature benchmarks for both a linear regression model (learning time reduced by 28%) and a deep neural network for semantic image segmentation (doubling the number of model updates within the same time window).

replace-cross GIFT: Generative Interpretable Fine-Tuning

Authors: Chinmay Savadikar, Xi Song, Tianfu Wu

Abstract: We present Generative Interpretable Fine-Tuning (GIFT) for parameter-efficient fine-tuning of pretrained Transformer backbones, which can be formulated as a simple factorized matrix multiplication in the parameter space or equivalently in the activation space, and thus embraces built-in interpretability. For a pretrained layer with weights $\omega\in \mathbb{R}^{d_{out}\times d_{in}}$, our proposed GIFT learns the fine-tuned weights $\hat{\omega}$ directly from $\omega$ as $\hat{\omega}=\omega \cdot (\mathbb{I}+\phi_{d_{in}\times r}\cdot \psi_{r\times d_{in}})$ where $\mathbb{I}$ is an identity matrix. $\Theta=(\phi, \psi)$ are the learnable parameters of the two linear layers of GIFT with $r$ being a hyper-parameter. $\Theta$ is shared by all the layers selected for fine-tuning, resulting in significantly fewer trainable parameters compared to Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA). We perform comprehensive evaluations on natural language tasks (commonsense reasoning and sequence classification) and computer vision tasks (visual fine-grained classification). We obtain the best accuracy and parameter efficiency among baselines both on the Commonsense170k reasoning benchmark using LLaMA-1 (7B) and Llama-2 (7B)/-3 (8B) and on the FGVC and VTAB visual recognition benchmarks using ImageNet-21k pretrained Vision Transformer (ViT-B/16). Notably, we obtain 5.9% absolute increase in average accuracy with 53.8 times reduction of parameters on Commonsense170k using Llama-3 (8B) compared to LoRA. We obtain performance comparable to LoRA on the GLUE benchmark but with significantly fewer parameters using RoBERTa-Base/Large. We show the output of the first linear layer (i.e., $\omega\cdot \phi$) is surprisingly interpretable, which can play the role of a token-clustering head as a by-product to localize meaningful objects/parts in images for computer vision tasks. Our code is publicly available.

replace-cross Efficient Inverse Design Optimization through Multi-fidelity Simulations, Machine Learning, and Search Space Reduction Strategies

Authors: Luka Grbcic, Juliane M\"uller, Wibe Albert de Jong

Abstract: This paper introduces a methodology designed to augment the inverse design optimization process in scenarios constrained by limited compute, through the strategic synergy of multi-fidelity evaluations, machine learning models, and optimization algorithms. The proposed methodology is analyzed on two distinct engineering inverse design problems: airfoil inverse design and the scalar field reconstruction problem. It leverages a machine learning model trained with low-fidelity simulation data, in each optimization cycle, thereby proficiently predicting a target variable and discerning whether a high-fidelity simulation is necessitated, which notably conserves computational resources. Additionally, the machine learning model is strategically deployed prior to optimization to compress the design space boundaries, thereby further accelerating convergence toward the optimal solution. The methodology has been employed to enhance two optimization algorithms, namely Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization. Comparative analyses illustrate performance improvements across both algorithms. Notably, this method is adaptable across any inverse design application, facilitating a synergy between a representative low-fidelity ML model, and high-fidelity simulation, and can be seamlessly applied across any variety of population-based optimization algorithms.}

replace-cross LatentMan: Generating Consistent Animated Characters using Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Abdelrahman Eldesokey, Peter Wonka

Abstract: We propose a zero-shot approach for generating consistent videos of animated characters based on Text-to-Image (T2I) diffusion models. Existing Text-to-Video (T2V) methods are expensive to train and require large-scale video datasets to produce diverse characters and motions. At the same time, their zero-shot alternatives fail to produce temporally consistent videos with continuous motion. We strive to bridge this gap, and we introduce LatentMan, which leverages existing text-based motion diffusion models to generate diverse continuous motions to guide the T2I model. To boost the temporal consistency, we introduce the Spatial Latent Alignment module that exploits cross-frame dense correspondences that we compute to align the latents of the video frames. Furthermore, we propose Pixel-Wise Guidance to steer the diffusion process in a direction that minimizes visual discrepancies between frames. Our proposed approach outperforms existing zero-shot T2V approaches in generating videos of animated characters in terms of pixel-wise consistency and user preference. Project page


replace-cross Characteristic Guidance: Non-linear Correction for Diffusion Model at Large Guidance Scale

Authors: Candi Zheng, Yuan Lan

Abstract: Popular guidance for denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) linearly combines distinct conditional models together to provide enhanced control over samples. However, this approach overlooks nonlinear effects that become significant when guidance scale is large. To address this issue, we propose characteristic guidance, a guidance method that provides first-principle non-linear correction for classifier-free guidance. Such correction forces the guided DDPMs to respect the Fokker-Planck (FP) equation of diffusion process, in a way that is training-free and compatible with existing sampling methods. Experiments show that characteristic guidance enhances semantic characteristics of prompts and mitigate irregularities in image generation, proving effective in diverse applications ranging from simulating magnet phase transitions to latent space sampling.

replace-cross Continual Learning: Forget-free Winning Subnetworks for Video Representations

Authors: Haeyong Kang, Jaehong Yoon, Sung Ju Hwang, Chang D. Yoo

Abstract: Inspired by the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH), which highlights the existence of efficient subnetworks within larger, dense networks, a high-performing Winning Subnetwork (WSN) in terms of task performance under appropriate sparsity conditions is considered for various continual learning tasks. It leverages pre-existing weights from dense networks to achieve efficient learning in Task Incremental Learning (TIL) and Task-agnostic Incremental Learning (TaIL) scenarios. In Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning (FSCIL), a variation of WSN referred to as the Soft subnetwork (SoftNet) is designed to prevent overfitting when the data samples are scarce. Furthermore, the sparse reuse of WSN weights is considered for Video Incremental Learning (VIL). The use of Fourier Subneural Operator (FSO) within WSN is considered. It enables compact encoding of videos and identifies reusable subnetworks across varying bandwidths. We have integrated FSO into different architectural frameworks for continual learning, including VIL, TIL, and FSCIL. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate FSO's effectiveness, significantly improving task performance at various convolutional representational levels. Specifically, FSO enhances higher-layer performance in TIL and FSCIL and lower-layer performance in VIL.

replace-cross Rewriting the Code: A Simple Method for Large Language Model Augmented Code Search

Authors: Haochen Li, Xin Zhou, Zhiqi Shen

Abstract: In code search, the Generation-Augmented Retrieval (GAR) framework, which generates exemplar code snippets to augment queries, has emerged as a promising strategy to address the principal challenge of modality misalignment between code snippets and natural language queries, particularly with the demonstrated code generation capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Nevertheless, our preliminary investigations indicate that the improvements conferred by such an LLM-augmented framework are somewhat constrained. This limitation could potentially be ascribed to the fact that the generated codes, albeit functionally accurate, frequently display a pronounced stylistic deviation from the ground truth code in the codebase. In this paper, we extend the foundational GAR framework and propose a simple yet effective method that additionally Rewrites the Code (ReCo) within the codebase for style normalization. Experimental results demonstrate that ReCo significantly boosts retrieval accuracy across sparse (up to 35.7%), zero-shot dense (up to 27.6%), and fine-tuned dense (up to 23.6%) retrieval settings in diverse search scenarios. To further elucidate the advantages of ReCo and stimulate research in code style normalization, we introduce Code Style Similarity, the first metric tailored to quantify stylistic similarities in code. Notably, our empirical findings reveal the inadequacy of existing metrics in capturing stylistic nuances. The source code and data are available at \url{}.


replace-cross E$^{2}$GAN: Efficient Training of Efficient GANs for Image-to-Image Translation

Authors: Yifan Gong, Zheng Zhan, Qing Jin, Yanyu Li, Yerlan Idelbayev, Xian Liu, Andrey Zharkov, Kfir Aberman, Sergey Tulyakov, Yanzhi Wang, Jian Ren

Abstract: One highly promising direction for enabling flexible real-time on-device image editing is utilizing data distillation by leveraging large-scale text-to-image diffusion models to generate paired datasets used for training generative adversarial networks (GANs). This approach notably alleviates the stringent requirements typically imposed by high-end commercial GPUs for performing image editing with diffusion models. However, unlike text-to-image diffusion models, each distilled GAN is specialized for a specific image editing task, necessitating costly training efforts to obtain models for various concepts. In this work, we introduce and address a novel research direction: can the process of distilling GANs from diffusion models be made significantly more efficient? To achieve this goal, we propose a series of innovative techniques. First, we construct a base GAN model with generalized features, adaptable to different concepts through fine-tuning, eliminating the need for training from scratch. Second, we identify crucial layers within the base GAN model and employ Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) with a simple yet effective rank search process, rather than fine-tuning the entire base model. Third, we investigate the minimal amount of data necessary for fine-tuning, further reducing the overall training time. Extensive experiments show that we can efficiently empower GANs with the ability to perform real-time high-quality image editing on mobile devices with remarkably reduced training and storage costs for each concept.

replace-cross Quantum Generative Diffusion Model: A Fully Quantum-Mechanical Model for Generating Quantum State Ensemble

Authors: Chuangtao Chen, Qinglin Zhao, MengChu Zhou, Zhimin He, Zhili Sun, Haozhen Situ

Abstract: Classical diffusion models have shown superior generative results and have been applied to many problems. Exploring these models in the quantum domain can advance the field of quantum generative learning. In this paper, we introduce the Quantum Generative Diffusion Model (QGDM), a simple and elegant quantum counterpart of classical diffusion models. The core idea of QGDM is that any target quantum state can be transformed into a completely mixed state, which has the highest entropy and maximum uncertainty about the system, through a non-unitary forward process. Subsequently, a trainable backward process can be used to recover the target state from the completely mixed state. The design requirements for QGDM's backward process include ensuring non-unitarity while maintaining a low number of parameters. To achieve this, we introduce partial trace operations in the backward process to enforce non-unitary. Additionally, we control the number of trainable parameters by using a parameter-sharing strategy and incorporating temporal information as an input in the backward process. Furthermore, we introduce a resource-efficient version of QGDM, which reduces the number of auxiliary qubits while preserving impressive generative capabilities. Our proposed models exhibit better convergence performance than Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks (QGANs) because our models optimize a convex distance function using gradient descent. Comparative results with QGANs demonstrate the effectiveness of our models in generating both pure and mixed quantum states. Notably, our models achieve 53.03% higher fidelity in mixed-state generation tasks compared to QGANs. These results highlight the potential of the proposed models to tackle challenging quantum generation tasks.

replace-cross Graph Language Models

Authors: Moritz Plenz, Anette Frank

Abstract: While Language Models (LMs) are the workhorses of NLP, their interplay with structured knowledge graphs (KGs) is still actively researched. Current methods for encoding such graphs typically either (i) linearize them for embedding with LMs -- which underutilize structural information, or (ii) use Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to preserve the graph structure -- but GNNs cannot represent text features as well as pretrained LMs. In our work we introduce a novel LM type, the Graph Language Model (GLM), that integrates the strengths of both approaches and mitigates their weaknesses. The GLM parameters are initialized from a pretrained LM to enhance understanding of individual graph concepts and triplets. Simultaneously, we design the GLM's architecture to incorporate graph biases, thereby promoting effective knowledge distribution within the graph. This enables GLMs to process graphs, texts, and interleaved inputs of both. Empirical evaluations on relation classification tasks show that GLM embeddings surpass both LM- and GNN-based baselines in supervised and zero-shot setting, demonstrating their versatility.

replace-cross Consistency of semi-supervised learning, stochastic tug-of-war games, and the p-Laplacian

Authors: Jeff Calder, Nadejda Drenska

Abstract: In this paper we give a broad overview of the intersection of partial differential equations (PDEs) and graph-based semi-supervised learning. The overview is focused on a large body of recent work on PDE continuum limits of graph-based learning, which have been used to prove well-posedness of semi-supervised learning algorithms in the large data limit. We highlight some interesting research directions revolving around consistency of graph-based semi-supervised learning, and present some new results on the consistency of $p$-Laplacian semi-supervised learning using the stochastic tug-of-war game interpretation of the $p$-Laplacian. We also present the results of some numerical experiments that illustrate our results and suggest directions for future work.

replace-cross Robotic Imitation of Human Actions

Authors: Josua Spisak, Matthias Kerzel, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: Imitation can allow us to quickly gain an understanding of a new task. Through a demonstration, we can gain direct knowledge about which actions need to be performed and which goals they have. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to imitation learning that tackles the challenges of a robot imitating a human, such as the change in perspective and body schema. Our approach can use a single human demonstration to abstract information about the demonstrated task, and use that information to generalise and replicate it. We facilitate this ability by a new integration of two state-of-the-art methods: a diffusion action segmentation model to abstract temporal information from the demonstration and an open vocabulary object detector for spatial information. Furthermore, we refine the abstracted information and use symbolic reasoning to create an action plan utilising inverse kinematics, to allow the robot to imitate the demonstrated action.

replace-cross Provably Scalable Black-Box Variational Inference with Structured Variational Families

Authors: Joohwan Ko, Kyurae Kim, Woo Chang Kim, Jacob R. Gardner

Abstract: Variational families with full-rank covariance approximations are known not to work well in black-box variational inference (BBVI), both empirically and theoretically. In fact, recent computational complexity results for BBVI have established that full-rank variational families scale poorly with the dimensionality of the problem compared to e.g. mean-field families. This is particularly critical to hierarchical Bayesian models with local variables; their dimensionality increases with the size of the datasets. Consequently, one gets an iteration complexity with an explicit (\mathcal{O}(N^2)) dependence on the dataset size (N). In this paper, we explore a theoretical middle ground between mean-field variational families and full-rank families: structured variational families. We rigorously prove that certain scale matrix structures can achieve a better iteration complexity of (\mathcal{O}\left(N\right)), implying better scaling with respect to (N). We empirically verify our theoretical results on large-scale hierarchical models.

replace-cross DITTO: Diffusion Inference-Time T-Optimization for Music Generation

Authors: Zachary Novack, Julian McAuley, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Nicholas J. Bryan

Abstract: We propose Diffusion Inference-Time T-Optimization (DITTO), a general-purpose frame-work for controlling pre-trained text-to-music diffusion models at inference-time via optimizing initial noise latents. Our method can be used to optimize through any differentiable feature matching loss to achieve a target (stylized) output and leverages gradient checkpointing for memory efficiency. We demonstrate a surprisingly wide-range of applications for music generation including inpainting, outpainting, and looping as well as intensity, melody, and musical structure control - all without ever fine-tuning the underlying model. When we compare our approach against related training, guidance, and optimization-based methods, we find DITTO achieves state-of-the-art performance on nearly all tasks, including outperforming comparable approaches on controllability, audio quality, and computational efficiency, thus opening the door for high-quality, flexible, training-free control of diffusion models. Sound examples can be found at


replace-cross Meta-Learning Linear Quadratic Regulators: A Policy Gradient MAML Approach for Model-free LQR

Authors: Leonardo F. Toso, Donglin Zhan, James Anderson, Han Wang

Abstract: We investigate the problem of learning linear quadratic regulators (LQR) in a multi-task, heterogeneous, and model-free setting. We characterize the stability and personalization guarantees of a policy gradient-based (PG) model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) (Finn et al., 2017) approach for the LQR problem under different task-heterogeneity settings. We show that our MAML-LQR algorithm produces a stabilizing controller close to each task-specific optimal controller up to a task-heterogeneity bias in both model-based and model-free learning scenarios. Moreover, in the model-based setting, we show that such a controller is achieved with a linear convergence rate, which improves upon sub-linear rates from existing work. Our theoretical guarantees demonstrate that the learned controller can efficiently adapt to unseen LQR tasks.

replace-cross Provably Stable Feature Rankings with SHAP and LIME

Authors: Jeremy Goldwasser, Giles Hooker

Abstract: Feature attributions are ubiquitous tools for understanding the predictions of machine learning models. However, the calculation of popular methods for scoring input variables such as SHAP and LIME suffers from high instability due to random sampling. Leveraging ideas from multiple hypothesis testing, we devise attribution methods that ensure the most important features are ranked correctly with high probability. Given SHAP estimates from KernelSHAP or Shapley Sampling, we demonstrate how to retrospectively verify the number of stable rankings. Further, we introduce efficient sampling algorithms for SHAP and LIME that guarantee the $K$ highest-ranked features have the proper ordering. Finally, we show how to adapt these local feature attribution methods for the global importance setting.

replace-cross Decomposable Submodular Maximization in Federated Setting

Authors: Akbar Rafiey

Abstract: Submodular functions, as well as the sub-class of decomposable submodular functions, and their optimization appear in a wide range of applications in machine learning, recommendation systems, and welfare maximization. However, optimization of decomposable submodular functions with millions of component functions is computationally prohibitive. Furthermore, the component functions may be private (they might represent user preference function, for example) and cannot be widely shared. To address these issues, we propose a {\em federated optimization} setting for decomposable submodular optimization. In this setting, clients have their own preference functions, and a weighted sum of these preferences needs to be maximized. We implement the popular {\em continuous greedy} algorithm in this setting where clients take parallel small local steps towards the local solution and then the local changes are aggregated at a central server. To address the large number of clients, the aggregation is performed only on a subsampled set. Further, the aggregation is performed only intermittently between stretches of parallel local steps, which reduces communication cost significantly. We show that our federated algorithm is guaranteed to provide a good approximate solution, even in the presence of above cost-cutting measures. Finally, we show how the federated setting can be incorporated in solving fundamental discrete submodular optimization problems such as Maximum Coverage and Facility Location.

replace-cross X-CBA: Explainability Aided CatBoosted Anomal-E for Intrusion Detection System

Authors: Kiymet Kaya, Elif Ak, Sumeyye Bas, Berk Canberk, Sule Gunduz Oguducu

Abstract: The effectiveness of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is critical in an era where cyber threats are becoming increasingly complex. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models provide an efficient and accurate solution for identifying attacks and anomalies in computer networks. However, using ML and DL models in IDS has led to a trust deficit due to their non-transparent decision-making. This transparency gap in IDS research is significant, affecting confidence and accountability. To address, this paper introduces a novel Explainable IDS approach, called X-CBA, that leverages the structural advantages of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to effectively process network traffic data, while also adapting a new Explainable AI (XAI) methodology. Unlike most GNN-based IDS that depend on labeled network traffic and node features, thereby overlooking critical packet-level information, our approach leverages a broader range of traffic data through network flows, including edge attributes, to improve detection capabilities and adapt to novel threats. Through empirical testing, we establish that our approach not only achieves high accuracy with 99.47% in threat detection but also advances the field by providing clear, actionable explanations of its analytical outcomes. This research also aims to bridge the current gap and facilitate the broader integration of ML/DL technologies in cybersecurity defenses by offering a local and global explainability solution that is both precise and interpretable.

replace-cross Scalable Multi-modal Model Predictive Control via Duality-based Interaction Predictions

Authors: Hansung Kim, Siddharth H. Nair, Francesco Borrelli

Abstract: We propose a hierarchical architecture designed for scalable real-time Model Predictive Control (MPC) in complex, multi-modal traffic scenarios. This architecture comprises two key components: 1) RAID-Net, a novel attention-based Recurrent Neural Network that predicts relevant interactions along the MPC prediction horizon between the autonomous vehicle and the surrounding vehicles using Lagrangian duality, and 2) a reduced Stochastic MPC problem that eliminates irrelevant collision avoidance constraints, enhancing computational efficiency. Our approach is demonstrated in a simulated traffic intersection with interactive surrounding vehicles, showcasing a 12x speed-up in solving the motion planning problem. A video demonstrating the proposed architecture in multiple complex traffic scenarios can be found here: GitHub:


replace-cross Transformers Learn Nonlinear Features In Context: Nonconvex Mean-field Dynamics on the Attention Landscape

Authors: Juno Kim, Taiji Suzuki

Abstract: Large language models based on the Transformer architecture have demonstrated impressive capabilities to learn in context. However, existing theoretical studies on how this phenomenon arises are limited to the dynamics of a single layer of attention trained on linear regression tasks. In this paper, we study the optimization of a Transformer consisting of a fully connected layer followed by a linear attention layer. The MLP acts as a common nonlinear representation or feature map, greatly enhancing the power of in-context learning. We prove in the mean-field and two-timescale limit that the infinite-dimensional loss landscape for the distribution of parameters, while highly nonconvex, becomes quite benign. We also analyze the second-order stability of mean-field dynamics and show that Wasserstein gradient flow almost always avoids saddle points. Furthermore, we establish novel methods for obtaining concrete improvement rates both away from and near critical points. This represents the first saddle point analysis of mean-field dynamics in general and the techniques are of independent interest.

replace-cross Improving Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems Using Optimal Posterior Covariance

Authors: Xinyu Peng, Ziyang Zheng, Wenrui Dai, Nuoqian Xiao, Chenglin Li, Junni Zou, Hongkai Xiong

Abstract: Recent diffusion models provide a promising zero-shot solution to noisy linear inverse problems without retraining for specific inverse problems. In this paper, we reveal that recent methods can be uniformly interpreted as employing a Gaussian approximation with hand-crafted isotropic covariance for the intractable denoising posterior to approximate the conditional posterior mean. Inspired by this finding, we propose to improve recent methods by using more principled covariance determined by maximum likelihood estimation. To achieve posterior covariance optimization without retraining, we provide general plug-and-play solutions based on two approaches specifically designed for leveraging pre-trained models with and without reverse covariance. We further propose a scalable method for learning posterior covariance prediction based on representation with orthonormal basis. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methods significantly enhance reconstruction performance without requiring hyperparameter tuning.

replace-cross Aligner: Efficient Alignment by Learning to Correct

Authors: Jiaming Ji, Boyuan Chen, Hantao Lou, Donghai Hong, Borong Zhang, Xuehai Pan, Juntao Dai, Tianyi Qiu, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: With the rapid development of large language models (LLMs) and ever-evolving practical requirements, finding an efficient and effective alignment method has never been more critical. However, the tension between the complexity of current alignment methods and the need for rapid iteration in deployment scenarios necessitates the development of a model-agnostic alignment approach that can operate under these constraints. In this paper, we introduce Aligner, a novel and simple alignment paradigm that learns the correctional residuals between preferred and dispreferred answers using a small model. Designed as a model-agnostic, plug-and-play module, Aligner can be directly applied to various open-source and API-based models with only one-off training, making it suitable for rapid iteration. Notably, Aligner can be applied to any powerful, large-scale upstream models. Moreover, it can even iteratively bootstrap the upstream models using corrected responses as synthetic human preference data, breaking through the model's performance ceiling. Our experiments demonstrate performance improvements by deploying the same Aligner model across 11 different LLMs, evaluated on the 3H dimensions (helpfulness, harmlessness, and honesty). Specifically, Aligner-7B has achieved an average improvement of 68.9\% in helpfulness and 23.8\% in harmlessness across the tested LLMs while also effectively reducing hallucination. In the Alpaca-Eval leaderboard, stacking Aligner-2B on GPT-4 Turbo improved its LC Win Rate from 55.0\% to 58.3\%, surpassing GPT-4 Omni's 57.5\% Win Rate (community report).

replace-cross KS-Lottery: Finding Certified Lottery Tickets for Multilingual Language Models

Authors: Fei Yuan, Chang Ma, Shuai Yuan, Qiushi Sun, Lei Li

Abstract: The lottery ticket hypothesis posits the existence of ``winning tickets'' within a randomly initialized neural network. Do winning tickets exist for LLMs in fine-tuning scenarios? How can we find such winning tickets? In this paper, we propose KS-Lottery, a method to identify a small subset of LLM parameters highly effective in multilingual fine-tuning. Our key idea is to use Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test to analyze the distribution shift of parameters before and after fine-tuning. We further theoretically prove that KS-Lottery can find the certified winning tickets in the embedding layer, fine-tuning on the found parameters is guaranteed to perform as well as full fine-tuning. Comparing KS-Lottery with other parameter-efficient tuning algorithms on translation tasks, the experimental results show that KS-Lottery finds a much smaller set of parameters for fine-tuning while achieving the comparable performance as full fine-tuning LLM. Surprisingly, we find that fine-tuning 18 tokens' embedding of LLaMA suffices to reach the fine-tuning translation performance~\footnote{}.


replace-cross Graph-enhanced Large Language Models in Asynchronous Plan Reasoning

Authors: Fangru Lin, Emanuele La Malfa, Valentin Hofmann, Elle Michelle Yang, Anthony Cohn, Janet B. Pierrehumbert

Abstract: Planning is a fundamental property of human intelligence. Reasoning about asynchronous plans is challenging since it requires sequential and parallel planning to optimize time costs. Can large language models (LLMs) succeed at this task? Here, we present the first large-scale study investigating this question. We find that a representative set of closed and open-source LLMs, including GPT-4 and LLaMA-2, behave poorly when not supplied with illustrations about the task-solving process in our benchmark AsyncHow. We propose a novel technique called Plan Like a Graph (PLaG) that combines graphs with natural language prompts and achieves state-of-the-art results. We show that although PLaG can boost model performance, LLMs still suffer from drastic degradation when task complexity increases, highlighting the limits of utilizing LLMs for simulating digital devices. We see our study as an exciting step towards using LLMs as efficient autonomous agents. Our code and data are available at


replace-cross Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Offloading Cellular Communications with Cooperating UAVs

Authors: Abhishek Mondal, Deepak Mishra, Ganesh Prasad, George C. Alexandropoulos, Azzam Alnahari, Riku Jantti

Abstract: Effective solutions for intelligent data collection in terrestrial cellular networks are crucial, especially in the context of Internet of Things applications. The limited spectrum and coverage area of terrestrial base stations pose challenges in meeting the escalating data rate demands of network users. Unmanned aerial vehicles, known for their high agility, mobility, and flexibility, present an alternative means to offload data traffic from terrestrial BSs, serving as additional access points. This paper introduces a novel approach to efficiently maximize the utilization of multiple UAVs for data traffic offloading from terrestrial BSs. Specifically, the focus is on maximizing user association with UAVs by jointly optimizing UAV trajectories and users association indicators under quality of service constraints. Since, the formulated UAVs control problem is nonconvex and combinatorial, this study leverages the multi agent reinforcement learning framework. In this framework, each UAV acts as an independent agent, aiming to maintain inter UAV cooperative behavior. The proposed approach utilizes the finite state Markov decision process to account for UAVs velocity constraints and the relationship between their trajectories and state space. A low complexity distributed state action reward state action algorithm is presented to determine UAVs optimal sequential decision making policies over training episodes. The extensive simulation results validate the proposed analysis and offer valuable insights into the optimal UAV trajectories. The derived trajectories demonstrate superior average UAV association performance compared to benchmark techniques such as Q learning and particle swarm optimization.

replace-cross Statistical Test for Anomaly Detections by Variational Auto-Encoders

Authors: Daiki Miwa, Tomohiro Shiraishi, Vo Nguyen Le Duy, Teruyuki Katsuoka, Ichiro Takeuchi

Abstract: In this study, we consider the reliability assessment of anomaly detection (AD) using Variational Autoencoder (VAE). Over the last decade, VAE-based AD has been actively studied in various perspective, from method development to applied research. However, when the results of ADs are used in high-stakes decision-making, such as in medical diagnosis, it is necessary to ensure the reliability of the detected anomalies. In this study, we propose the VAE-AD Test as a method for quantifying the statistical reliability of VAE-based AD within the framework of statistical testing. Using the VAE-AD Test, the reliability of the anomaly regions detected by a VAE can be quantified in the form of p-values. This means that if an anomaly is declared when the p-value is below a certain threshold, it is possible to control the probability of false detection to a desired level. Since the VAE-AD Test is constructed based on a new statistical inference framework called selective inference, its validity is theoretically guaranteed in finite samples. To demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed VAE-AD Test, numerical experiments on artificial data and applications to brain image analysis are conducted.

replace-cross Do we need rebalancing strategies? A theoretical and empirical study around SMOTE and its variants

Authors: Abdoulaye Sakho (LPSM), Emmanuel Malherbe (LPSM), Erwan Scornet (LPSM)

Abstract: Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) is a common rebalancing strategy for handling imbalanced tabular data sets. However, few works analyze SMOTE theoretically. In this paper, we prove that SMOTE (with default parameter) simply copies the original minority samples asymptotically. We also prove that SMOTE exhibits boundary artifacts, thus justifying existing SMOTE variants. Then we introduce two new SMOTE-related strategies, and compare them with state-of-the-art rebalancing procedures. Surprisingly, for most data sets, we observe that applying no rebalancing strategy is competitive in terms of predictive performances, with tuned random forests. For highly imbalanced data sets, our new method, named Multivariate Gaussian SMOTE, is competitive. Besides, our analysis sheds some lights on the behavior of common rebalancing strategies, when used in conjunction with random forests.

replace-cross DFA-RAG: Conversational Semantic Router for Large Language Model with Definite Finite Automaton

Authors: Yiyou Sun, Junjie Hu, Wei Cheng, Haifeng Chen

Abstract: This paper introduces the retrieval-augmented large language model with Definite Finite Automaton (DFA-RAG), a novel framework designed to enhance the capabilities of conversational agents using large language models (LLMs). Traditional LLMs face challenges in generating regulated and compliant responses in special scenarios with predetermined response guidelines, like emotional support and customer service. Our framework addresses these challenges by embedding a Definite Finite Automaton (DFA), learned from training dialogues, within the LLM. This structured approach acts as a semantic router which enables the LLM to adhere to a deterministic response pathway. The routing is achieved by the retrieval-augmentation generation (RAG) strategy, which carefully selects dialogue examples aligned with the current conversational context. The advantages of DFA-RAG include an interpretable structure through human-readable DFA, context-aware retrieval for responses in conversations, and plug-and-play compatibility with existing LLMs. Extensive benchmarks validate DFA-RAG's effectiveness, indicating its potential as a valuable contribution to the conversational agent.

replace-cross A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Offline Constrained Reinforcement Learning with Linear MDPs

Authors: Kihyuk Hong, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: We study offline reinforcement learning (RL) with linear MDPs under the infinite-horizon discounted setting which aims to learn a policy that maximizes the expected discounted cumulative reward using a pre-collected dataset. Existing algorithms for this setting either require a uniform data coverage assumptions or are computationally inefficient for finding an $\epsilon$-optimal policy with $O(\epsilon^{-2})$ sample complexity. In this paper, we propose a primal dual algorithm for offline RL with linear MDPs in the infinite-horizon discounted setting. Our algorithm is the first computationally efficient algorithm in this setting that achieves sample complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-2})$ with partial data coverage assumption. Our work is an improvement upon a recent work that requires $O(\epsilon^{-4})$ samples. Moreover, we extend our algorithm to work in the offline constrained RL setting that enforces constraints on additional reward signals.

replace-cross Hierarchical Tree-structured Knowledge Graph For Academic Insight Survey

Authors: Jinghong Li, Huy Phan, Wen Gu, Koichi Ota, Shinobu Hasegawa

Abstract: Research surveys have always posed a challenge for beginner researchers who lack of research training. These researchers struggle to understand the directions within their research topic, and the discovery of new research findings within a short time. One way to provide intuitive assistance to beginner researchers is by offering relevant knowledge graphs(KG) and recommending related academic papers. However, existing navigation knowledge graphs primarily rely on keywords in the research field and often fail to present the logical hierarchy among multiple related papers clearly. Moreover, most recommendation systems for academic papers simply rely on high text similarity, which can leave researchers confused as to why a particular article is being recommended. They may lack of grasp important information about the insight connection between "Issue resolved" and "Issue finding" that they hope to obtain. To address these issues, this study aims to support research insight surveys for beginner researchers by establishing a hierarchical tree-structured knowledge graph that reflects the inheritance insight of research topics and the relevance insight among the academic papers.

replace-cross Peeking with PEAK: Sequential, Nonparametric Composite Hypothesis Tests for Means of Multiple Data Streams

Authors: Brian Cho, Kyra Gan, Nathan Kallus

Abstract: We propose a novel nonparametric sequential test for composite hypotheses for means of multiple data streams. Our proposed method, \emph{peeking with expectation-based averaged capital} (PEAK), builds upon the testing-by-betting framework and provides a non-asymptotic $\alpha$-level test across any stopping time. Our contributions are two-fold: (1) we propose a novel betting scheme and provide theoretical guarantees on type-I error control, power, and asymptotic growth rate/$e$-power in the setting of a single data stream; (2) we introduce PEAK, a generalization of this betting scheme to multiple streams, that (i) avoids using wasteful union bounds via averaging, (ii) is a test of power one under mild regularity conditions on the sampling scheme of the streams, and (iii) reduces computational overhead when applying the testing-as-betting approaches for pure-exploration bandit problems. We illustrate the practical benefits of PEAK using both synthetic and real-world HeartSteps datasets. Our experiments show that PEAK provides up to an 85\% reduction in the number of samples before stopping compared to existing stopping rules for pure-exploration bandit problems, and matches the performance of state-of-the-art sequential tests while improving upon computational complexity.

replace-cross SMC Is All You Need: Parallel Strong Scaling

Authors: Xinzhu Liang, Joseph M. Lukens, Sanjaya Lohani, Brian T. Kirby, Thomas A. Searles, Kody J. H. Law

Abstract: The Bayesian posterior distribution can only be evaluated up-to a constant of proportionality, which makes simulation and consistent estimation challenging. Classical consistent Bayesian methods such as sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) have unbounded time complexity requirements. We develop a fully parallel sequential Monte Carlo (pSMC) method which provably delivers parallel strong scaling, i.e. the time complexity (and per-node memory) remains bounded if the number of asynchronous processes is allowed to grow. More precisely, the pSMC has a theoretical convergence rate of Mean Square Error (MSE)$ = O(1/NP)$, where $N$ denotes the number of communicating samples in each processor and $P$ denotes the number of processors. In particular, for suitably-large problem-dependent $N$, as $P \rightarrow \infty$ the method converges to infinitesimal accuracy MSE$=O(\varepsilon^2)$ with a fixed finite time-complexity Cost$=O(1)$ and with no efficiency leakage, i.e. computational complexity Cost$=O(\varepsilon^{-2})$. A number of Bayesian inference problems are taken into consideration to compare the pSMC and MCMC methods.

replace-cross Understanding Model Selection For Learning In Strategic Environments

Authors: Tinashe Handina, Eric Mazumdar

Abstract: The deployment of ever-larger machine learning models reflects a growing consensus that the more expressive the model class one optimizes over$\unicode{x2013}$and the more data one has access to$\unicode{x2013}$the more one can improve performance. As models get deployed in a variety of real-world scenarios, they inevitably face strategic environments. In this work, we consider the natural question of how the interplay of models and strategic interactions affects the relationship between performance at equilibrium and the expressivity of model classes. We find that strategic interactions can break the conventional view$\unicode{x2013}$meaning that performance does not necessarily monotonically improve as model classes get larger or more expressive (even with infinite data). We show the implications of this result in several contexts including strategic regression, strategic classification, and multi-agent reinforcement learning. In particular, we show that each of these settings admits a Braess' paradox-like phenomenon in which optimizing over less expressive model classes allows one to achieve strictly better equilibrium outcomes. Motivated by these examples, we then propose a new paradigm for model selection in games wherein an agent seeks to choose amongst different model classes to use as their action set in a game.

replace-cross Generalization Bounds for Heavy-Tailed SDEs through the Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation

Authors: Benjamin Dupuis, Umut \c{S}im\c{s}ekli

Abstract: Understanding the generalization properties of heavy-tailed stochastic optimization algorithms has attracted increasing attention over the past years. While illuminating interesting aspects of stochastic optimizers by using heavy-tailed stochastic differential equations as proxies, prior works either provided expected generalization bounds, or introduced non-computable information theoretic terms. Addressing these drawbacks, in this work, we prove high-probability generalization bounds for heavy-tailed SDEs which do not contain any nontrivial information theoretic terms. To achieve this goal, we develop new proof techniques based on estimating the entropy flows associated with the so-called fractional Fokker-Planck equation (a partial differential equation that governs the evolution of the distribution of the corresponding heavy-tailed SDE). In addition to obtaining high-probability bounds, we show that our bounds have a better dependence on the dimension of parameters as compared to prior art. Our results further identify a phase transition phenomenon, which suggests that heavy tails can be either beneficial or harmful depending on the problem structure. We support our theory with experiments conducted in a variety of settings.

replace-cross Lumos : Empowering Multimodal LLMs with Scene Text Recognition

Authors: Ashish Shenoy, Yichao Lu, Srihari Jayakumar, Debojeet Chatterjee, Mohsen Moslehpour, Pierce Chuang, Abhay Harpale, Vikas Bhardwaj, Di Xu, Shicong Zhao, Longfang Zhao, Ankit Ramchandani, Xin Luna Dong, Anuj Kumar

Abstract: We introduce Lumos, the first end-to-end multimodal question-answering system with text understanding capabilities. At the core of Lumos is a Scene Text Recognition (STR) component that extracts text from first person point-of-view images, the output of which is used to augment input to a Multimodal Large Language Model (MM-LLM). While building Lumos, we encountered numerous challenges related to STR quality, overall latency, and model inference. In this paper, we delve into those challenges, and discuss the system architecture, design choices, and modeling techniques employed to overcome these obstacles. We also provide a comprehensive evaluation for each component, showcasing high quality and efficiency.

replace-cross Towards Faithful and Robust LLM Specialists for Evidence-Based Question-Answering

Authors: Tobias Schimanski, Jingwei Ni, Mathias Kraus, Elliott Ash, Markus Leippold

Abstract: Advances towards more faithful and traceable answers of Large Language Models (LLMs) are crucial for various research and practical endeavors. One avenue in reaching this goal is basing the answers on reliable sources. However, this Evidence-Based QA has proven to work insufficiently with LLMs in terms of citing the correct sources (source quality) and truthfully representing the information within sources (answer attributability). In this work, we systematically investigate how to robustly fine-tune LLMs for better source quality and answer attributability. Specifically, we introduce a data generation pipeline with automated data quality filters, which can synthesize diversified high-quality training and testing data at scale. We further introduce four test sets to benchmark the robustness of fine-tuned specialist models. Extensive evaluation shows that fine-tuning on synthetic data improves performance on both in- and out-of-distribution. Furthermore, we show that data quality, which can be drastically improved by proposed quality filters, matters more than quantity in improving Evidence-Based QA.

replace-cross Agent Smith: A Single Image Can Jailbreak One Million Multimodal LLM Agents Exponentially Fast

Authors: Xiangming Gu, Xiaosen Zheng, Tianyu Pang, Chao Du, Qian Liu, Ye Wang, Jing Jiang, Min Lin

Abstract: A multimodal large language model (MLLM) agent can receive instructions, capture images, retrieve histories from memory, and decide which tools to use. Nonetheless, red-teaming efforts have revealed that adversarial images/prompts can jailbreak an MLLM and cause unaligned behaviors. In this work, we report an even more severe safety issue in multi-agent environments, referred to as infectious jailbreak. It entails the adversary simply jailbreaking a single agent, and without any further intervention from the adversary, (almost) all agents will become infected exponentially fast and exhibit harmful behaviors. To validate the feasibility of infectious jailbreak, we simulate multi-agent environments containing up to one million LLaVA-1.5 agents, and employ randomized pair-wise chat as a proof-of-concept instantiation for multi-agent interaction. Our results show that feeding an (infectious) adversarial image into the memory of any randomly chosen agent is sufficient to achieve infectious jailbreak. Finally, we derive a simple principle for determining whether a defense mechanism can provably restrain the spread of infectious jailbreak, but how to design a practical defense that meets this principle remains an open question to investigate. Our project page is available at


replace-cross SLEB: Streamlining LLMs through Redundancy Verification and Elimination of Transformer Blocks

Authors: Jiwon Song, Kyungseok Oh, Taesu Kim, Hyungjun Kim, Yulhwa Kim, Jae-Joon Kim

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have proven to be highly effective across various natural language processing tasks. However, their large number of parameters poses significant challenges for practical deployment. Pruning, a technique aimed at reducing the size and complexity of LLMs, offers a potential solution by removing redundant components from the network. Despite the promise of pruning, existing methods often struggle to achieve substantial end-to-end LLM inference speedup. In this paper, we introduce SLEB, a novel approach designed to streamline LLMs by eliminating redundant transformer blocks. We choose the transformer block as the fundamental unit for pruning, because LLMs exhibit block-level redundancy with high similarity between the outputs of neighboring blocks. This choice allows us to effectively enhance the processing speed of LLMs. Our experimental results demonstrate that SLEB outperforms previous LLM pruning methods in accelerating LLM inference while also maintaining superior perplexity and accuracy, making SLEB as a promising technique for enhancing the efficiency of LLMs. The code is available at:


replace-cross iMove: Exploring Bio-impedance Sensing for Fitness Activity Recognition

Authors: Mengxi Liu, Vitor Fortes Rey, Yu Zhang, Lala Shakti Swarup Ray, Bo Zhou, Paul Lukowicz

Abstract: Automatic and precise fitness activity recognition can be beneficial in aspects from promoting a healthy lifestyle to personalized preventative healthcare. While IMUs are currently the prominent fitness tracking modality, through iMove, we show bio-impedence can help improve IMU-based fitness tracking through sensor fusion and contrastive learning.To evaluate our methods, we conducted an experiment including six upper body fitness activities performed by ten subjects over five days to collect synchronized data from bio-impedance across two wrists and IMU on the left wrist.The contrastive learning framework uses the two modalities to train a better IMU-only classification model, where bio-impedance is only required at the training phase, by which the average Macro F1 score with the input of a single IMU was improved by 3.22 \% reaching 84.71 \% compared to the 81.49 \% of the IMU baseline model. We have also shown how bio-impedance can improve human activity recognition (HAR) directly through sensor fusion, reaching an average Macro F1 score of 89.57 \% (two modalities required for both training and inference) even if Bio-impedance alone has an average macro F1 score of 75.36 \%, which is outperformed by IMU alone. In addition, similar results were obtained in an extended study on lower body fitness activity classification, demonstrating the generalisability of our approach.Our findings underscore the potential of sensor fusion and contrastive learning as valuable tools for advancing fitness activity recognition, with bio-impedance playing a pivotal role in augmenting the capabilities of IMU-based systems.

replace-cross MIM-Refiner: A Contrastive Learning Boost from Intermediate Pre-Trained Representations

Authors: Benedikt Alkin, Lukas Miklautz, Sepp Hochreiter, Johannes Brandstetter

Abstract: We introduce MIM (Masked Image Modeling)-Refiner, a contrastive learning boost for pre-trained MIM models. MIM-Refiner is motivated by the insight that strong representations within MIM models generally reside in intermediate layers. Accordingly, MIM-Refiner leverages multiple contrastive heads that are connected to different intermediate layers. In each head, a modified nearest neighbor objective constructs semantic clusters that capture semantic information which improves performance on downstream tasks, including off-the-shelf and fine-tuning settings. The refinement process is short and simple - yet highly effective. Within a few epochs, we refine the features of MIM models from subpar to state-of-the-art, off-the-shelf features. Refining a ViT-H, pre-trained with data2vec 2.0 on ImageNet-1K, sets a new state-of-the-art in linear probing (84.7%) and low-shot classification among models that are pre-trained on ImageNet-1K. At ImageNet-1K 1-shot classification, MIM-Refiner advances the state-of-the-art to 64.2%, outperforming larger models that were trained on up to 2000 times more data such as DINOv2-g, OpenCLIP-G and MAWS-6.5B.

replace-cross Advancing Audio Fingerprinting Accuracy Addressing Background Noise and Distortion Challenges

Authors: Navin Kamuni, Sathishkumar Chintala, Naveen Kunchakuri, Jyothi Swaroop Arlagadda Narasimharaju, Venkat Kumar

Abstract: Audio fingerprinting, exemplified by pioneers like Shazam, has transformed digital audio recognition. However, existing systems struggle with accuracy in challenging conditions, limiting broad applicability. This research proposes an AI and ML integrated audio fingerprinting algorithm to enhance accuracy. Built on the Dejavu Project's foundations, the study emphasizes real-world scenario simulations with diverse background noises and distortions. Signal processing, central to Dejavu's model, includes the Fast Fourier Transform, spectrograms, and peak extraction. The "constellation" concept and fingerprint hashing enable unique song identification. Performance evaluation attests to 100% accuracy within a 5-second audio input, with a system showcasing predictable matching speed for efficiency. Storage analysis highlights the critical space-speed trade-off for practical implementation. This research advances audio fingerprinting's adaptability, addressing challenges in varied environments and applications.

replace-cross Symbolic Music Generation with Non-Differentiable Rule Guided Diffusion

Authors: Yujia Huang, Adishree Ghatare, Yuanzhe Liu, Ziniu Hu, Qinsheng Zhang, Chandramouli S Sastry, Siddharth Gururani, Sageev Oore, Yisong Yue

Abstract: We study the problem of symbolic music generation (e.g., generating piano rolls), with a technical focus on non-differentiable rule guidance. Musical rules are often expressed in symbolic form on note characteristics, such as note density or chord progression, many of which are non-differentiable which pose a challenge when using them for guided diffusion. We propose \oursfull (\ours), a novel guidance method that only requires forward evaluation of rule functions that can work with pre-trained diffusion models in a plug-and-play way, thus achieving training-free guidance for non-differentiable rules for the first time. Additionally, we introduce a latent diffusion architecture for symbolic music generation with high time resolution, which can be composed with SCG in a plug-and-play fashion. Compared to standard strong baselines in symbolic music generation, this framework demonstrates marked advancements in music quality and rule-based controllability, outperforming current state-of-the-art generators in a variety of settings. For detailed demonstrations, code and model checkpoints, please visit our project website:


replace-cross CriticBench: Benchmarking LLMs for Critique-Correct Reasoning

Authors: Zicheng Lin, Zhibin Gou, Tian Liang, Ruilin Luo, Haowei Liu, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: The ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to critique and refine their reasoning is crucial for their application in evaluation, feedback provision, and self-improvement. This paper introduces CriticBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to assess LLMs' abilities to critique and rectify their reasoning across a variety of tasks. CriticBench encompasses five reasoning domains: mathematical, commonsense, symbolic, coding, and algorithmic. It compiles 15 datasets and incorporates responses from three LLM families. Utilizing CriticBench, we evaluate and dissect the performance of 17 LLMs in generation, critique, and correction reasoning, i.e., GQC reasoning. Our findings reveal: (1) a linear relationship in GQC capabilities, with critique-focused training markedly enhancing performance; (2) a task-dependent variation in correction effectiveness, with logic-oriented tasks being more amenable to correction; (3) GQC knowledge inconsistencies that decrease as model size increases; and (4) an intriguing inter-model critiquing dynamic, where stronger models are better at critiquing weaker ones, while weaker models can surprisingly surpass stronger ones in their self-critique. We hope these insights into the nuanced critique-correct reasoning of LLMs will foster further research in LLM critique and self-improvement.

replace-cross The Wolf Within: Covert Injection of Malice into MLLM Societies via an MLLM Operative

Authors: Zhen Tan, Chengshuai Zhao, Raha Moraffah, Yifan Li, Yu Kong, Tianlong Chen, Huan Liu

Abstract: Due to their unprecedented ability to process and respond to various types of data, Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) are constantly defining the new boundary of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). As these advanced generative models increasingly form collaborative networks for complex tasks, the integrity and security of these systems are crucial. Our paper, ``The Wolf Within'', explores a novel vulnerability in MLLM societies - the indirect propagation of malicious content. Unlike direct harmful output generation for MLLMs, our research demonstrates how a single MLLM agent can be subtly influenced to generate prompts that, in turn, induce other MLLM agents in the society to output malicious content. Our findings reveal that, an MLLM agent, when manipulated to produce specific prompts or instructions, can effectively ``infect'' other agents within a society of MLLMs. This infection leads to the generation and circulation of harmful outputs, such as dangerous instructions or misinformation, across the society. We also show the transferability of these indirectly generated prompts, highlighting their possibility in propagating malice through inter-agent communication. This research provides a critical insight into a new dimension of threat posed by MLLMs, where a single agent can act as a catalyst for widespread malevolent influence. Our work underscores the urgent need for developing robust mechanisms to detect and mitigate such covert manipulations within MLLM societies, ensuring their safe and ethical utilization in societal applications.

replace-cross KIEval: A Knowledge-grounded Interactive Evaluation Framework for Large Language Models

Authors: Zhuohao Yu, Chang Gao, Wenjin Yao, Yidong Wang, Wei Ye, Jindong Wang, Xing Xie, Yue Zhang, Shikun Zhang

Abstract: Automatic evaluation methods for large language models (LLMs) are hindered by data contamination, leading to inflated assessments of their effectiveness. Existing strategies, which aim to detect contaminated texts, focus on quantifying contamination status instead of accurately gauging model performance. In this paper, we introduce KIEval, a Knowledge-grounded Interactive Evaluation framework, which incorporates an LLM-powered "interactor" role for the first time to accomplish a dynamic contamination-resilient evaluation. Starting with a question in a conventional LLM benchmark involving domain-specific knowledge, KIEval utilizes dynamically generated, multi-round, and knowledge-focused dialogues to determine whether a model's response is merely a recall of benchmark answers or demonstrates a deep comprehension to apply knowledge in more complex conversations. Extensive experiments on seven leading LLMs across five datasets validate KIEval's effectiveness and generalization. We also reveal that data contamination brings no contribution or even negative effect to models' real-world applicability and understanding, and existing contamination detection methods for LLMs can only identify contamination in pre-training but not during supervised fine-tuning.

replace-cross Spurious Feature Eraser: Stabilizing Test-Time Adaptation for Vision-Language Foundation Model

Authors: Huan Ma, Yan Zhu, Changqing Zhang, Peilin Zhao, Baoyuan Wu, Long-Kai Huang, Qinghua Hu, Bingzhe Wu

Abstract: Vision-language foundation models have exhibited remarkable success across a multitude of downstream tasks due to their scalability on extensive image-text paired data. However, these models also display significant limitations when applied to downstream tasks, such as fine-grained image classification, as a result of ``decision shortcuts'' that hinder their generalization capabilities. In this work, we find that the CLIP model possesses a rich set of features, encompassing both \textit{desired invariant causal features} and \textit{undesired decision shortcuts}. Moreover, the underperformance of CLIP on downstream tasks originates from its inability to effectively utilize pre-trained features in accordance with specific task requirements. To address this challenge, we propose a simple yet effective method, Spurious Feature Eraser (SEraser), to alleviate the decision shortcuts by erasing the spurious features. Specifically, we introduce a test-time prompt tuning paradigm that optimizes a learnable prompt, thereby compelling the model to exploit invariant features while disregarding decision shortcuts during the inference phase. The proposed method effectively alleviates excessive dependence on potentially misleading spurious information. We conduct comparative analysis of the proposed method against various approaches which validates the significant superiority.

replace-cross DOCTOR: Dynamic On-Chip Temporal Variation Remediation Toward Self-Corrected Photonic Tensor Accelerators

Authors: Haotian Lu, Sanmitra Banerjee, Jiaqi Gu

Abstract: Photonic computing has emerged as a promising solution for accelerating computation-intensive artificial intelligence (AI) workloads, offering unparalleled speed and energy efficiency, especially in resource-limited, latency-sensitive edge computing environments. However, the deployment of analog photonic tensor accelerators encounters reliability challenges due to hardware noise and environmental variations. While off-chip noise-aware training and on-chip training have been proposed to enhance the variation tolerance of optical neural accelerators with moderate, static noise, we observe a notable performance degradation over time due to temporally drifting variations, which requires a real-time, in-situ calibration mechanism. To tackle this challenging reliability issues, for the first time, we propose a lightweight dynamic on-chip remediation framework, dubbed DOCTOR, providing adaptive, in-situ accuracy recovery against temporally drifting noise. The DOCTOR framework intelligently monitors the chip status using adaptive probing and performs fast in-situ training-free calibration to restore accuracy when necessary. Recognizing nonuniform spatial variation distributions across devices and tensor cores, we also propose a variation-aware architectural remapping strategy to avoid executing critical tasks on noisy devices. Extensive experiments show that our proposed framework can guarantee sustained performance under drifting variations with 34% higher accuracy and 2-3 orders-of-magnitude lower overhead compared to state-of-the-art on-chip training methods. Our code is open-sourced at


replace-cross Slot Abstractors: Toward Scalable Abstract Visual Reasoning

Authors: Shanka Subhra Mondal, Jonathan D. Cohen, Taylor W. Webb

Abstract: Abstract visual reasoning is a characteristically human ability, allowing the identification of relational patterns that are abstracted away from object features, and the systematic generalization of those patterns to unseen problems. Recent work has demonstrated strong systematic generalization in visual reasoning tasks involving multi-object inputs, through the integration of slot-based methods used for extracting object-centric representations coupled with strong inductive biases for relational abstraction. However, this approach was limited to problems containing a single rule, and was not scalable to visual reasoning problems containing a large number of objects. Other recent work proposed Abstractors, an extension of Transformers that incorporates strong relational inductive biases, thereby inheriting the Transformer's scalability and multi-head architecture, but it has yet to be demonstrated how this approach might be applied to multi-object visual inputs. Here we combine the strengths of the above approaches and propose Slot Abstractors, an approach to abstract visual reasoning that can be scaled to problems involving a large number of objects and multiple relations among them. The approach displays state-of-the-art performance across four abstract visual reasoning tasks, as well as an abstract reasoning task involving real-world images.

replace-cross Conservative DDPG -- Pessimistic RL without Ensemble

Authors: Nitsan Soffair, Shie Mannor

Abstract: DDPG is hindered by the overestimation bias problem, wherein its $Q$-estimates tend to overstate the actual $Q$-values. Traditional solutions to this bias involve ensemble-based methods, which require significant computational resources, or complex log-policy-based approaches, which are difficult to understand and implement. In contrast, we propose a straightforward solution using a $Q$-target and incorporating a behavioral cloning (BC) loss penalty. This solution, acting as an uncertainty measure, can be easily implemented with minimal code and without the need for an ensemble. Our empirical findings strongly support the superiority of Conservative DDPG over DDPG across various MuJoCo and Bullet tasks. We consistently observe better performance in all evaluated tasks and even competitive or superior performance compared to TD3 and TD7, all achieved with significantly reduced computational requirements.

replace-cross Robust Emotion Recognition in Context Debiasing

Authors: Dingkang Yang, Kun Yang, Mingcheng Li, Shunli Wang, Shuaibing Wang, Lihua Zhang

Abstract: Context-aware emotion recognition (CAER) has recently boosted the practical applications of affective computing techniques in unconstrained environments. Mainstream CAER methods invariably extract ensemble representations from diverse contexts and subject-centred characteristics to perceive the target person's emotional state. Despite advancements, the biggest challenge remains due to context bias interference. The harmful bias forces the models to rely on spurious correlations between background contexts and emotion labels in likelihood estimation, causing severe performance bottlenecks and confounding valuable context priors. In this paper, we propose a counterfactual emotion inference (CLEF) framework to address the above issue. Specifically, we first formulate a generalized causal graph to decouple the causal relationships among the variables in CAER. Following the causal graph, CLEF introduces a non-invasive context branch to capture the adverse direct effect caused by the context bias. During the inference, we eliminate the direct context effect from the total causal effect by comparing factual and counterfactual outcomes, resulting in bias mitigation and robust prediction. As a model-agnostic framework, CLEF can be readily integrated into existing methods, bringing consistent performance gains.

replace-cross Learning to optimize with convergence guarantees using nonlinear system theory

Authors: Andrea Martin, Luca Furieri

Abstract: The increasing reliance on numerical methods for controlling dynamical systems and training machine learning models underscores the need to devise algorithms that dependably and efficiently navigate complex optimization landscapes. Classical gradient descent methods offer strong theoretical guarantees for convex problems; however, they demand meticulous hyperparameter tuning for non-convex ones. The emerging paradigm of learning to optimize (L2O) automates the discovery of algorithms with optimized performance leveraging learning models and data - yet, it lacks a theoretical framework to analyze convergence of the learned algorithms. In this paper, we fill this gap by harnessing nonlinear system theory. Specifically, we propose an unconstrained parametrization of all convergent algorithms for smooth non-convex objective functions. Notably, our framework is directly compatible with automatic differentiation tools, ensuring convergence by design while learning to optimize.

replace-cross Consistency Model is an Effective Posterior Sample Approximation for Diffusion Inverse Solvers

Authors: Tongda Xu, Ziran Zhu, Jian Li, Dailan He, Yuanyuan Wang, Ming Sun, Ling Li, Hongwei Qin, Yan Wang, Jingjing Liu, Ya-Qin Zhang

Abstract: Diffusion Inverse Solvers (DIS) are designed to sample from the conditional distribution $p_{\theta}(X_0|y)$, with a predefined diffusion model $p_{\theta}(X_0)$, an operator $f(\cdot)$, and a measurement $y=f(x'_0)$ derived from an unknown image $x'_0$. Existing DIS estimate the conditional score function by evaluating $f(\cdot)$ with an approximated posterior sample drawn from $p_{\theta}(X_0|X_t)$. However, most prior approximations rely on the posterior means, which may not lie in the support of the image distribution, thereby potentially diverge from the appearance of genuine images. Such out-of-support samples may significantly degrade the performance of the operator $f(\cdot)$, particularly when it is a neural network. In this paper, we introduces a novel approach for posterior approximation that guarantees to generate valid samples within the support of the image distribution, and also enhances the compatibility with neural network-based operators $f(\cdot)$. We first demonstrate that the solution of the Probability Flow Ordinary Differential Equation (PF-ODE) with an initial value $x_t$ yields an effective posterior sample $p_{\theta}(X_0|X_t=x_t)$. Based on this observation, we adopt the Consistency Model (CM), which is distilled from PF-ODE, for posterior sampling. Furthermore, we design a novel family of DIS using only CM. Through extensive experiments, we show that our proposed method for posterior sample approximation substantially enhance the effectiveness of DIS for neural network operators $f(\cdot)$ (e.g., in semantic segmentation). Additionally, our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the new CM-based inversion techniques. The source code is provided in the supplementary material.

replace-cross Machine Learning of the Prime Distribution

Authors: Alexander Kolpakov, A. Alistair Rocke

Abstract: In the present work we use maximum entropy methods to derive several theorems in probabilistic number theory, including a version of the Hardy-Ramanujan Theorem. We also provide a theoretical argument explaining the experimental observations of Yang-Hui He about the learnability of primes, and posit that the Erd\H{o}s-Kac law would very unlikely be discovered by current machine learning techniques. Numerical experiments that we perform corroborate our theoretical findings.

replace-cross Understanding Domain-Size Generalization in Markov Logic Networks

Authors: Florian Chen, Felix Weitk\"amper, Sagar Malhotra

Abstract: We study the generalization behavior of Markov Logic Networks (MLNs) across relational structures of different sizes. Multiple works have noticed that MLNs learned on a given domain generalize poorly across domains of different sizes. This behavior emerges from a lack of internal consistency within an MLN when used across different domain sizes. In this paper, we quantify this inconsistency and bound it in terms of the variance of the MLN parameters. The parameter variance also bounds the KL divergence between an MLN's marginal distributions taken from different domain sizes. We use these bounds to show that maximizing the data log-likelihood while simultaneously minimizing the parameter variance corresponds to two natural notions of generalization across domain sizes. Our theoretical results apply to Exponential Random Graphs and other Markov network based relational models. Finally, we observe that solutions known to decrease the variance of the MLN parameters, like regularization and Domain-Size Aware MLNs, increase the internal consistency of the MLNs. We empirically verify our results on four different datasets, with different methods to control parameter variance, showing that controlling parameter variance leads to better generalization.

replace-cross Particle identification with machine learning from incomplete data in the ALICE experiment

Authors: Maja Karwowska (for the ALICE collaboration), {\L}ukasz Graczykowski (for the ALICE collaboration), Kamil Deja (for the ALICE collaboration), Mi{\l}osz Kasak (for the ALICE collaboration), Ma{\l}gorzata Janik (for the ALICE collaboration)

Abstract: The ALICE experiment at the LHC measures properties of the strongly interacting matter formed in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Such studies require accurate particle identification (PID). ALICE provides PID information via several detectors for particles with momentum from about 100 MeV/c up to 20 GeV/c. Traditionally, particles are selected with rectangular cuts. A much better performance can be achieved with machine learning (ML) methods. Our solution uses multiple neural networks (NN) serving as binary classifiers. Moreover, we extended our particle classifier with Feature Set Embedding and attention in order to train on data with incomplete samples. We also present the integration of the ML project with the ALICE analysis software, and we discuss domain adaptation, the ML technique needed to transfer the knowledge between simulated and real experimental data.

replace-cross Hierarchical Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Graphs for Language-Grounded Robot Navigation

Authors: Abdelrhman Werby, Chenguang Huang, Martin B\"uchner, Abhinav Valada, Wolfram Burgard

Abstract: Recent open-vocabulary robot mapping methods enrich dense geometric maps with pre-trained visual-language features. While these maps allow for the prediction of point-wise saliency maps when queried for a certain language concept, large-scale environments and abstract queries beyond the object level still pose a considerable hurdle, ultimately limiting language-grounded robotic navigation. In this work, we present HOV-SG, a hierarchical open-vocabulary 3D scene graph mapping approach for language-grounded robot navigation. Leveraging open-vocabulary vision foundation models, we first obtain state-of-the-art open-vocabulary segment-level maps in 3D and subsequently construct a 3D scene graph hierarchy consisting of floor, room, and object concepts, each enriched with open-vocabulary features. Our approach is able to represent multi-story buildings and allows robotic traversal of those using a cross-floor Voronoi graph. HOV-SG is evaluated on three distinct datasets and surpasses previous baselines in open-vocabulary semantic accuracy on the object, room, and floor level while producing a 75% reduction in representation size compared to dense open-vocabulary maps. In order to prove the efficacy and generalization capabilities of HOV-SG, we showcase successful long-horizon language-conditioned robot navigation within real-world multi-storage environments. We provide code and trial video data at


replace-cross Functional Bilevel Optimization for Machine Learning

Authors: Ieva Petrulionyte, Julien Mairal, Michael Arbel

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new functional point of view on bilevel optimization problems for machine learning, where the inner objective is minimized over a function space. These types of problems are most often solved by using methods developed in the parametric setting, where the inner objective is strongly convex with respect to the parameters of the prediction function. The functional point of view does not rely on this assumption and notably allows using over-parameterized neural networks as the inner prediction function. We propose scalable and efficient algorithms for the functional bilevel optimization problem and illustrate the benefits of our approach on instrumental regression and reinforcement learning tasks.

replace-cross EGTR: Extracting Graph from Transformer for Scene Graph Generation

Authors: Jinbae Im, JeongYeon Nam, Nokyung Park, Hyungmin Lee, Seunghyun Park

Abstract: Scene Graph Generation (SGG) is a challenging task of detecting objects and predicting relationships between objects. After DETR was developed, one-stage SGG models based on a one-stage object detector have been actively studied. However, complex modeling is used to predict the relationship between objects, and the inherent relationship between object queries learned in the multi-head self-attention of the object detector has been neglected. We propose a lightweight one-stage SGG model that extracts the relation graph from the various relationships learned in the multi-head self-attention layers of the DETR decoder. By fully utilizing the self-attention by-products, the relation graph can be extracted effectively with a shallow relation extraction head. Considering the dependency of the relation extraction task on the object detection task, we propose a novel relation smoothing technique that adjusts the relation label adaptively according to the quality of the detected objects. By the relation smoothing, the model is trained according to the continuous curriculum that focuses on object detection task at the beginning of training and performs multi-task learning as the object detection performance gradually improves. Furthermore, we propose a connectivity prediction task that predicts whether a relation exists between object pairs as an auxiliary task of the relation extraction. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method for the Visual Genome and Open Image V6 datasets. Our code is publicly available at


replace-cross WorDepth: Variational Language Prior for Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors: Ziyao Zeng, Daniel Wang, Fengyu Yang, Hyoungseob Park, Yangchao Wu, Stefano Soatto, Byung-Woo Hong, Dong Lao, Alex Wong

Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction from a single image is an ill-posed problem with inherent ambiguities, i.e. scale. Predicting a 3D scene from text description(s) is similarly ill-posed, i.e. spatial arrangements of objects described. We investigate the question of whether two inherently ambiguous modalities can be used in conjunction to produce metric-scaled reconstructions. To test this, we focus on monocular depth estimation, the problem of predicting a dense depth map from a single image, but with an additional text caption describing the scene. To this end, we begin by encoding the text caption as a mean and standard deviation; using a variational framework, we learn the distribution of the plausible metric reconstructions of 3D scenes corresponding to the text captions as a prior. To "select" a specific reconstruction or depth map, we encode the given image through a conditional sampler that samples from the latent space of the variational text encoder, which is then decoded to the output depth map. Our approach is trained alternatingly between the text and image branches: in one optimization step, we predict the mean and standard deviation from the text description and sample from a standard Gaussian, and in the other, we sample using a (image) conditional sampler. Once trained, we directly predict depth from the encoded text using the conditional sampler. We demonstrate our approach on indoor (NYUv2) and outdoor (KITTI) scenarios, where we show that language can consistently improve performance in both.

replace-cross MiniCPM: Unveiling the Potential of Small Language Models with Scalable Training Strategies

Authors: Shengding Hu, Yuge Tu, Xu Han, Chaoqun He, Ganqu Cui, Xiang Long, Zhi Zheng, Yewei Fang, Yuxiang Huang, Weilin Zhao, Xinrong Zhang, Zheng Leng Thai, Kaihuo Zhang, Chongyi Wang, Yuan Yao, Chenyang Zhao, Jie Zhou, Jie Cai, Zhongwu Zhai, Ning Ding, Chao Jia, Guoyang Zeng, Dahai Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: The burgeoning interest in developing Large Language Models (LLMs) with up to trillion parameters has been met with concerns regarding resource efficiency and practical expense, particularly given the immense cost of experimentation. This scenario underscores the importance of exploring the potential of Small Language Models (SLMs) as a resource-efficient alternative. In this context, we introduce MiniCPM, specifically the 1.2B and 2.4B non-embedding parameter variants, not only excel in their respective categories but also demonstrate capabilities on par with 7B-13B LLMs. While focusing on SLMs, our approach exhibits scalability in both model and data dimensions for future LLM research. Regarding model scaling, we employ extensive model wind tunnel experiments for stable and optimal scaling. For data scaling, we introduce a Warmup-Stable-Decay (WSD) learning rate scheduler (LRS), conducive to continuous training and domain adaptation. We present an in-depth analysis of the intriguing training dynamics that occurred in the WSD LRS. With WSD LRS, we are now able to efficiently study data-model scaling law without extensive retraining experiments on both axes of model and data, from which we derive the much higher compute optimal data-model ratio than Chinchilla Optimal. Additionally, we introduce MiniCPM family, including MiniCPM-DPO, MiniCPM-MoE and MiniCPM-128K, whose excellent performance further cementing MiniCPM's foundation in diverse SLM applications. MiniCPM models are available publicly at .


replace-cross Semantically-correlated memories in a dense associative model

Authors: Thomas F Burns

Abstract: I introduce a novel associative memory model named Correlated Dense Associative Memory (CDAM), which integrates both auto- and hetero-association in a unified framework for continuous-valued memory patterns. Employing an arbitrary graph structure to semantically link memory patterns, CDAM is theoretically and numerically analysed, revealing four distinct dynamical modes: auto-association, narrow hetero-association, wide hetero-association, and neutral quiescence. Drawing inspiration from inhibitory modulation studies, I employ anti-Hebbian learning rules to control the range of hetero-association, extract multi-scale representations of community structures in graphs, and stabilise the recall of temporal sequences. Experimental demonstrations showcase CDAM's efficacy in handling real-world data, replicating a classical neuroscience experiment, performing image retrieval, and simulating arbitrary finite automata.

replace-cross Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution

Authors: Victor Quintas-Martinez, Mohammad Taha Bahadori, Eduardo Santiago, Jeff Mu, Dominik Janzing, David Heckerman

Abstract: Comparing two samples of data, we observe a change in the distribution of an outcome variable. In the presence of multiple explanatory variables, how much of the change can be explained by each possible cause? We develop a new estimation strategy that, given a causal model, combines regression and re-weighting methods to quantify the contribution of each causal mechanism. Our proposed methodology is multiply robust, meaning that it still recovers the target parameter under partial misspecification. We prove that our estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal. Moreover, it can be incorporated into existing frameworks for causal attribution, such as Shapley values, which will inherit the consistency and large-sample distribution properties. Our method demonstrates excellent performance in Monte Carlo simulations, and we show its usefulness in an empirical application. Our method is implemented as part of the Python library DoWhy (arXiv:2011.04216, arXiv:2206.06821).

replace-cross Proof-of-Learning with Incentive Security

Authors: Zishuo Zhao, Zhixuan Fang, Xuechao Wang, Xi Chen, Yuan Zhou

Abstract: Most concurrent blockchain systems rely heavily on the Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanisms for decentralized consensus and security assurance. However, the substantial energy expenditure stemming from computationally intensive yet meaningless tasks has raised considerable concerns surrounding traditional PoW approaches, The PoS mechanism, while free of energy consumption, is subject to security and economic issues. Addressing these issues, the paradigm of Proof-of-Useful-Work (PoUW) seeks to employ challenges of practical significance as PoW, thereby imbuing energy consumption with tangible value. While previous efforts in Proof of Learning (PoL) explored the utilization of deep learning model training SGD tasks as PoUW challenges, recent research has revealed its vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks and the theoretical hardness in crafting a byzantine-secure PoL mechanism. In this paper, we introduce the concept of incentive-security that incentivizes rational provers to behave honestly for their best interest, bypassing the existing hardness to design a PoL mechanism with computational efficiency, a provable incentive-security guarantee and controllable difficulty. Particularly, our work is secure against two attacks to the recent work of Jia et al. [2021], and also improves the computational overhead from $\Theta(1)$ to $O(\frac{\log E}{E})$. Furthermore, while most recent research assumes trusted problem providers and verifiers, our design also guarantees frontend incentive-security even when problem providers are untrusted, and verifier incentive-security that bypasses the Verifier's Dilemma. By incorporating ML training into blockchain consensus mechanisms with provable guarantees, our research not only proposes an eco-friendly solution to blockchain systems, but also provides a proposal for a completely decentralized computing power market in the new AI age.

replace-cross Neural Flow Diffusion Models: Learnable Forward Process for Improved Diffusion Modelling

Authors: Grigory Bartosh, Dmitry Vetrov, Christian A. Naesseth

Abstract: Conventional diffusion models typically relies on a fixed forward process, which implicitly defines complex marginal distributions over latent variables. This can often complicate the reverse process' task in learning generative trajectories, and results in costly inference for diffusion models. To address these limitations, we introduce Neural Flow Diffusion Models (NFDM), a novel framework that enhances diffusion models by supporting a broader range of forward processes beyond the standard Gaussian. We also propose a novel parameterization technique for learning the forward process. Our framework provides an end-to-end, simulation-free optimization objective, effectively minimizing a variational upper bound on the negative log-likelihood. Experimental results demonstrate NFDM's strong performance, evidenced by state-of-the-art likelihood estimation. Furthermore, we investigate NFDM's capacity for learning generative dynamics with specific characteristics, such as deterministic straight lines trajectories, and demonstrate how the framework may be adopted for learning bridges between two distributions. The results underscores NFDM's versatility and its potential for a wide range of applications.

replace-cross Structure-preserving neural networks for the regularized entropy-based closure of the Boltzmann moment system

Authors: Steffen Schotth\"ofer, M. Paul Laiu, Martin Frank, Cory D. Hauck

Abstract: The main challenge of large-scale numerical simulation of radiation transport is the high memory and computation time requirements of discretization methods for kinetic equations. In this work, we derive and investigate a neural network-based approximation to the entropy closure method to accurately compute the solution of the multi-dimensional moment system with a low memory footprint and competitive computational time. We extend methods developed for the standard entropy-based closure to the context of regularized entropy-based closures. The main idea is to interpret structure-preserving neural network approximations of the regularized entropy closure as a two-stage approximation to the original entropy closure. We conduct a numerical analysis of this approximation and investigate optimal parameter choices. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the method has a much lower memory footprint than traditional methods with competitive computation times and simulation accuracy.

replace-cross Learning Syntax Without Planting Trees: Understanding When and Why Transformers Generalize Hierarchically

Authors: Kabir Ahuja, Vidhisha Balachandran, Madhur Panwar, Tianxing He, Noah A. Smith, Navin Goyal, Yulia Tsvetkov

Abstract: Transformers trained on natural language data have been shown to learn its hierarchical structure and generalize to sentences with unseen syntactic structures without explicitly encoding any structural bias. In this work, we investigate sources of inductive bias in transformer models and their training that could cause such generalization behavior to emerge. We extensively experiment with transformer models trained on multiple synthetic datasets and with different training objectives and show that while other objectives e.g. sequence-to-sequence modeling, prefix language modeling, often failed to lead to hierarchical generalization, models trained with the language modeling objective consistently learned to generalize hierarchically. We then conduct pruning experiments to study how transformers trained with the language modeling objective encode hierarchical structure. When pruned, we find joint existence of subnetworks within the model with different generalization behaviors (subnetworks corresponding to hierarchical structure and linear order). Finally, we take a Bayesian perspective to further uncover transformers' preference for hierarchical generalization: We establish a correlation between whether transformers generalize hierarchically on a dataset and whether the simplest explanation of that dataset is provided by a hierarchical grammar compared to regular grammars exhibiting linear generalization.

replace-cross Differentiable Pareto-Smoothed Weighting for High-Dimensional Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation

Authors: Yoichi Chikahara, Kansei Ushiyama

Abstract: There is a growing interest in estimating heterogeneous treatment effects across individuals using their high-dimensional feature attributes. Achieving high performance in such high-dimensional heterogeneous treatment effect estimation is challenging because in this setup, it is usual that some features induce sample selection bias while others do not but are predictive of potential outcomes. To avoid losing such predictive feature information, existing methods learn separate feature representations using inverse probability weighting (IPW). However, due to their numerically unstable IPW weights, these methods suffer from estimation bias under a finite sample setup. To develop a numerically robust estimator by weighted representation learning, we propose a differentiable Pareto-smoothed weighting framework that replaces extreme weight values in an end-to-end fashion. Our experimental results show that by effectively correcting the weight values, our proposed method outperforms the existing ones, including traditional weighting schemes. Our code is available at


replace-cross Position: Do Not Explain Vision Models Without Context

Authors: Paulina Tomaszewska, Przemys{\l}aw Biecek

Abstract: Does the stethoscope in the picture make the adjacent person a doctor or a patient? This, of course, depends on the contextual relationship of the two objects. If it's obvious, why don't explanation methods for vision models use contextual information? In this paper, we (1) review the most popular methods of explaining computer vision models by pointing out that they do not take into account context information, (2) show examples of failures of popular XAI methods, (3) provide examples of real-world use cases where spatial context plays a significant role, (4) propose new research directions that may lead to better use of context information in explaining computer vision models, (5) argue that a change in approach to explanations is needed from 'where' to 'how'.

replace-cross AI-Powered Autonomous Weapons Risk Geopolitical Instability and Threaten AI Research

Authors: Riley Simmons-Edler, Ryan Badman, Shayne Longpre, Kanaka Rajan

Abstract: The recent embrace of machine learning (ML) in the development of autonomous weapons systems (AWS) creates serious risks to geopolitical stability and the free exchange of ideas in AI research. This topic has received comparatively little attention of late compared to risks stemming from superintelligent artificial general intelligence (AGI), but requires fewer assumptions about the course of technological development and is thus a nearer-future issue. ML is already enabling the substitution of AWS for human soldiers in many battlefield roles, reducing the upfront human cost, and thus political cost, of waging offensive war. In the case of peer adversaries, this increases the likelihood of "low intensity" conflicts which risk escalation to broader warfare. In the case of non-peer adversaries, it reduces the domestic blowback to wars of aggression. This effect can occur regardless of other ethical issues around the use of military AI such as the risk of civilian casualties, and does not require any superhuman AI capabilities. Further, the military value of AWS raises the specter of an AI-powered arms race and the misguided imposition of national security restrictions on AI research. Our goal in this paper is to raise awareness among the public and ML researchers on the near-future risks posed by full or near-full autonomy in military technology, and we provide regulatory suggestions to mitigate these risks. We call upon AI policy experts and the defense AI community in particular to embrace transparency and caution in their development and deployment of AWS to avoid the negative effects on global stability and AI research that we highlight here.

replace-cross Distributed High-Dimensional Quantile Regression: Estimation Efficiency and Support Recovery

Authors: Caixing Wang, Ziliang Shen

Abstract: In this paper, we focus on distributed estimation and support recovery for high-dimensional linear quantile regression. Quantile regression is a popular alternative tool to the least squares regression for robustness against outliers and data heterogeneity. However, the non-smoothness of the check loss function poses big challenges to both computation and theory in the distributed setting. To tackle these problems, we transform the original quantile regression into the least-squares optimization. By applying a double-smoothing approach, we extend a previous Newton-type distributed approach without the restrictive independent assumption between the error term and covariates. An efficient algorithm is developed, which enjoys high computation and communication efficiency. Theoretically, the proposed distributed estimator achieves a near-oracle convergence rate and high support recovery accuracy after a constant number of iterations. Extensive experiments on synthetic examples and a real data application further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

replace-cross OpenRLHF: An Easy-to-use, Scalable and High-performance RLHF Framework

Authors: Jian Hu, Xibin Wu, Weixun Wang, Xianyu, Dehao Zhang, Yu Cao

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) continue to grow by scaling laws, reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has gained significant attention due to its outstanding performance. However, unlike pretraining or fine-tuning a single model, scaling reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) for training large language models poses coordination challenges across four models. We present OpenRLHF, an open-source framework enabling efficient RLHF scaling. Unlike existing RLHF frameworks that co-locate four models on the same GPUs, OpenRLHF re-designs scheduling for the models beyond 70B parameters using Ray, vLLM, and DeepSpeed, leveraging improved resource utilization and diverse training approaches. Integrating seamlessly with Hugging Face, OpenRLHF provides an out-of-the-box solution with optimized algorithms and launch scripts, which ensures user-friendliness. OpenRLHF implements RLHF, DPO, rejection sampling, and other alignment techniques. Empowering state-of-the-art LLM development, OpenRLHF's code is available at


replace-cross Skin-in-the-Game: Decision Making via Multi-Stakeholder Alignment in LLMs

Authors: Bilgehan Sel, Priya Shanmugasundaram, Mohammad Kachuee, Kun Zhou, Ruoxi Jia, Ming Jin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in tasks such as summarization, arithmetic reasoning, and question answering. However, they encounter significant challenges in the domain of moral reasoning and ethical decision-making, especially in complex scenarios with multiple stakeholders. This paper introduces the Skin-in-the-Game (SKIG) framework, aimed at enhancing moral reasoning in LLMs by exploring decisions' consequences from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Central to SKIG's mechanism is simulating accountability for actions, which, alongside empathy exercises and risk assessment, is pivotal to its effectiveness. We validate SKIG's performance across various moral reasoning benchmarks with proprietary and opensource LLMs, and investigate its crucial components through extensive ablation analyses.

replace-cross Sigmoid Gating is More Sample Efficient than Softmax Gating in Mixture of Experts

Authors: Huy Nguyen, Nhat Ho, Alessandro Rinaldo

Abstract: The softmax gating function is arguably the most popular choice in mixture of experts modeling. Despite its widespread use in practice, softmax gating may lead to unnecessary competition among experts, potentially causing the undesirable phenomenon of representation collapse due to its inherent structure. In response, the sigmoid gating function has been recently proposed as an alternative and has been demonstrated empirically to achieve superior performance. However, a rigorous examination of the sigmoid gating function is lacking in current literature. In this paper, we verify theoretically that sigmoid gating, in fact, enjoys a higher sample efficiency than softmax gating for the statistical task of expert estimation. Towards that goal, we consider a regression framework in which the unknown regression function is modeled as a mixture of experts, and study the rates of convergence of the least squares estimator in the over-specified case in which the number of experts fitted is larger than the true value. We show that two gating regimes naturally arise and, in each of them, we formulate identifiability conditions for the expert functions and derive the corresponding convergence rates. In both cases, we find that experts formulated as feed-forward networks with commonly used activation such as $\mathrm{ReLU}$ and $\mathrm{GELU}$ enjoy faster convergence rates under sigmoid gating than softmax gating. Furthermore, given the same choice of experts, we demonstrate that the sigmoid gating function requires a smaller sample size than its softmax counterpart to attain the same error of expert estimation and, therefore, is more sample efficient.

replace-cross Subtle Biases Need Subtler Measures: Dual Metrics for Evaluating Representative and Affinity Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Abhishek Kumar, Sarfaroz Yunusov, Ali Emami

Abstract: Research on Large Language Models (LLMs) has often neglected subtle biases that, although less apparent, can significantly influence the models' outputs toward particular social narratives. This study addresses two such biases within LLMs: representative bias, which denotes a tendency of LLMs to generate outputs that mirror the experiences of certain identity groups, and affinity bias, reflecting the models' evaluative preferences for specific narratives or viewpoints. We introduce two novel metrics to measure these biases: the Representative Bias Score (RBS) and the Affinity Bias Score (ABS), and present the Creativity-Oriented Generation Suite (CoGS), a collection of open-ended tasks such as short story writing and poetry composition, designed with customized rubrics to detect these subtle biases. Our analysis uncovers marked representative biases in prominent LLMs, with a preference for identities associated with being white, straight, and men. Furthermore, our investigation of affinity bias reveals distinctive evaluative patterns within each model, akin to `bias fingerprints'. This trend is also seen in human evaluators, highlighting a complex interplay between human and machine bias perceptions.

replace-cross iVideoGPT: Interactive VideoGPTs are Scalable World Models

Authors: Jialong Wu, Shaofeng Yin, Ningya Feng, Xu He, Dong Li, Jianye Hao, Mingsheng Long

Abstract: World models empower model-based agents to interactively explore, reason, and plan within imagined environments for real-world decision-making. However, the high demand for interactivity poses challenges in harnessing recent advancements in video generative models for developing world models at scale. This work introduces Interactive VideoGPT (iVideoGPT), a scalable autoregressive transformer framework that integrates multimodal signals--visual observations, actions, and rewards--into a sequence of tokens, facilitating an interactive experience of agents via next-token prediction. iVideoGPT features a novel compressive tokenization technique that efficiently discretizes high-dimensional visual observations. Leveraging its scalable architecture, we are able to pre-train iVideoGPT on millions of human and robotic manipulation trajectories, establishing a versatile foundation that is adaptable to serve as interactive world models for a wide range of downstream tasks. These include action-conditioned video prediction, visual planning, and model-based reinforcement learning, where iVideoGPT achieves competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art methods. Our work advances the development of interactive general world models, bridging the gap between generative video models and practical model-based reinforcement learning applications.

replace-cross Estimating the normal-inverse-Wishart distribution

Authors: Jonathan So

Abstract: The normal-inverse-Wishart (NIW) distribution is commonly used as a prior distribution for the mean and covariance parameters of a multivariate normal distribution. The family of NIW distributions is also a minimal exponential family. In this short note we describe a convergent procedure for converting from mean parameters to natural parameters in the NIW family, or -- equivalently -- for performing maximum likelihood estimation of the natural parameters given observed sufficient statistics. This is needed, for example, when using a NIW base family in expectation propagation.

replace-cross Picturing Ambiguity: A Visual Twist on the Winograd Schema Challenge

Authors: Brendan Park, Madeline Janecek, Naser Ezzati-Jivan, Yifeng Li, Ali Emami

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success in tasks like the Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC), showcasing advanced textual common-sense reasoning. However, applying this reasoning to multimodal domains, where understanding text and images together is essential, remains a substantial challenge. To address this, we introduce WinoVis, a novel dataset specifically designed to probe text-to-image models on pronoun disambiguation within multimodal contexts. Utilizing GPT-4 for prompt generation and Diffusion Attentive Attribution Maps (DAAM) for heatmap analysis, we propose a novel evaluation framework that isolates the models' ability in pronoun disambiguation from other visual processing challenges. Evaluation of successive model versions reveals that, despite incremental advancements, Stable Diffusion 2.0 achieves a precision of 56.7% on WinoVis, only marginally surpassing random guessing. Further error analysis identifies important areas for future research aimed at advancing text-to-image models in their ability to interpret and interact with the complex visual world.

replace-cross Confidence Under the Hood: An Investigation into the Confidence-Probability Alignment in Large Language Models

Authors: Abhishek Kumar, Robert Morabito, Sanzhar Umbet, Jad Kabbara, Ali Emami

Abstract: As the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) becomes more widespread, understanding their self-evaluation of confidence in generated responses becomes increasingly important as it is integral to the reliability of the output of these models. We introduce the concept of Confidence-Probability Alignment, that connects an LLM's internal confidence, quantified by token probabilities, to the confidence conveyed in the model's response when explicitly asked about its certainty. Using various datasets and prompting techniques that encourage model introspection, we probe the alignment between models' internal and expressed confidence. These techniques encompass using structured evaluation scales to rate confidence, including answer options when prompting, and eliciting the model's confidence level for outputs it does not recognize as its own. Notably, among the models analyzed, OpenAI's GPT-4 showed the strongest confidence-probability alignment, with an average Spearman's $\hat{\rho}$ of 0.42, across a wide range of tasks. Our work contributes to the ongoing efforts to facilitate risk assessment in the application of LLMs and to further our understanding of model trustworthiness.

replace-cross The Expressive Capacity of State Space Models: A Formal Language Perspective

Authors: Yash Sarrof, Yana Veitsman, Michael Hahn

Abstract: Recently, recurrent models based on linear state space models (SSMs) have shown promising performance in language modeling (LM), competititve with transformers. However, there is little understanding of the in-principle abilities of such models, which could provide useful guidance to the search for better LM architectures. We present a comprehensive theoretical study of the capacity of such SSMs as it compares to that of transformers and traditional RNNs. We find that SSMs and transformers have overlapping but distinct strengths. In star-free state tracking, SSMs implement straightforward and exact solutions to problems that transformers struggle to represent exactly. They can also model bounded hierarchical structure with optimal memory even without simulating a stack. On the other hand, we identify a design choice in current SSMs that limits their expressive power. We discuss implications for SSM and LM research, and verify results empirically on a recent SSM, Mamba.

replace-cross Deep Learning Calabi-Yau four folds with hybrid and recurrent neural network architectures

Authors: H. L. Dao

Abstract: In this work, we report the results of applying deep learning based on hybrid convolutional-recurrent and purely recurrent neural network architectures to the dataset of almost one million complete intersection Calabi-Yau four-folds (CICY4) to machine-learn their four Hodge numbers $h^{1,1}, h^{2,1}, h^{3,1}, h^{2,2}$. In particular, we explored and experimented with twelve different neural network models, nine of which are convolutional-recurrent (CNN-RNN) hybrids with the RNN unit being either GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) or Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). The remaining four models are purely recurrent neural networks based on LSTM. In terms of the $h^{1,1}, h^{2,1}, h^{3,1}, h^{2,2}$ prediction accuracies, at 72% training ratio, our best performing individual model is CNN-LSTM-400, a hybrid CNN-LSTM with the LSTM hidden size of 400, which obtained 99.74%, 98.07%, 95.19%, 81.01%, our second best performing individual model is LSTM-448, an LSTM-based model with the hidden size of 448, which obtained 99.74%, 97.51%, 94.24%, and 78.63%. These results were improved by forming ensembles of the top two, three or even four models. Our best ensemble, consisting of the top four models, achieved the accuracies of 99.84%, 98.71%, 96.26%, 85.03%. At 80% training ratio, the top two performing models LSTM-448 and LSTM-424 are both LSTM-based with the hidden sizes of 448 and 424. Compared with the 72% training ratio, there is a significant improvement of accuracies, which reached 99.85%, 98.66%, 96.26%, 84.77% for the best individual model and 99.90%, 99.03%, 97.97%, 87.34% for the best ensemble.

replace-cross Is machine learning good or bad for the natural sciences?

Authors: David W. Hogg (NYU, MPIA, Flatiron), Soledad Villar (JHU, Flatiron)

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) methods are having a huge impact across all of the sciences. However, ML has a strong ontology - in which only the data exist - and a strong epistemology - in which a model is considered good if it performs well on held-out training data. These philosophies are in strong conflict with both standard practices and key philosophies in the natural sciences. Here we identify some locations for ML in the natural sciences at which the ontology and epistemology are valuable. For example, when an expressive machine learning model is used in a causal inference to represent the effects of confounders, such as foregrounds, backgrounds, or instrument calibration parameters, the model capacity and loose philosophy of ML can make the results more trustworthy. We also show that there are contexts in which the introduction of ML introduces strong, unwanted statistical biases. For one, when ML models are used to emulate physical (or first-principles) simulations, they amplify confirmation biases. For another, when expressive regressions are used to label datasets, those labels cannot be used in downstream joint or ensemble analyses without taking on uncontrolled biases. The question in the title is being asked of all of the natural sciences; that is, we are calling on the scientific communities to take a step back and consider the role and value of ML in their fields; the (partial) answers we give here come from the particular perspective of physics.

replace-cross Adaptive debiased SGD in high-dimensional GLMs with streaming data

Authors: Ruijian Han, Lan Luo, Yuanhang Luo, Yuanyuan Lin, Jian Huang

Abstract: Online statistical inference facilitates real-time analysis of sequentially collected data, making it different from traditional methods that rely on static datasets. This paper introduces a novel approach to online inference in high-dimensional generalized linear models, where we update regression coefficient estimates and their standard errors upon each new data arrival. In contrast to existing methods that either require full dataset access or large-dimensional summary statistics storage, our method operates in a single-pass mode, significantly reducing both time and space complexity. The core of our methodological innovation lies in an adaptive stochastic gradient descent algorithm tailored for dynamic objective functions, coupled with a novel online debiasing procedure. This allows us to maintain low-dimensional summary statistics while effectively controlling optimization errors introduced by the dynamically changing loss functions. We demonstrate that our method, termed the Approximated Debiased Lasso (ADL), not only mitigates the need for the bounded individual probability condition but also significantly improves numerical performance. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed ADL method consistently exhibits robust performance across various covariance matrix structures.

replace-cross Gemini & Physical World: Large Language Models Can Estimate the Intensity of Earthquake Shaking from Multi-Modal Social Media Posts

Authors: S. Mostafa Mousavi, Marc Stogaitis, Tajinder Gadh, Richard M Allen, Alexei Barski, Robert Bosch, Patrick Robertson, Nivetha Thiruverahan, Youngmin Cho

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach for estimating the ground shaking intensity using social media data and CCTV footage. Employing the Gemini Pro (Reid et al. 2024) model, a multi-modal language model, we demonstrate the ability to extract relevant information from unstructured data utilizing generative AI and natural language processing. The model output, in the form of Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) values, align well with independent observational data. Furthermore, our results suggest that beyond its advanced visual and auditory understanding abilities, Gemini appears to utilize additional sources of knowledge, including a simplified understanding of the general relationship between earthquake magnitude, distance, and MMI intensity, which it presumably acquired during its training, in its reasoning and decision-making processes. These findings raise intriguing questions about the extent of Gemini's general understanding of the physical world and its phenomena. The ability of Gemini to generate results consistent with established scientific knowledge highlights the potential of LLMs like Gemini in augmenting our understanding of complex physical phenomena such as earthquakes. More specifically, the results of this study highlight the potential of LLMs like Gemini to revolutionize citizen seismology by enabling rapid, effective, and flexible analysis of crowdsourced data from eyewitness accounts for assessing earthquake impact and providing crisis situational awareness. This approach holds great promise for improving early warning systems, disaster response, and overall resilience in earthquake-prone regions. This study provides a significant step toward harnessing the power of social media and AI for earthquake disaster mitigation.

replace-cross Are You Sure? Rank Them Again: Repeated Ranking For Better Preference Datasets

Authors: Peter Devine

Abstract: Training Large Language Models (LLMs) with Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (RLAIF) aligns model outputs more closely with human preferences. This involves an evaluator model ranking multiple candidate responses to user prompts. However, the rankings from popular evaluator models such as GPT-4 can be inconsistent. We propose the Repeat Ranking method - where we evaluate the same responses multiple times and train only on those responses which are consistently ranked. Using 2,714 prompts in 62 languages, we generated responses from 7 top multilingual LLMs and had GPT-4 rank them five times each. Evaluating on MT-Bench chat benchmarks in six languages, our method outperformed the standard practice of training on all available prompts. Our work highlights the quality versus quantity trade-off in RLAIF dataset generation and offers a stackable strategy for enhancing dataset and thus model quality.

replace-cross Cephalo: Multi-Modal Vision-Language Models for Bio-Inspired Materials Analysis and Design

Authors: Markus J. Buehler

Abstract: We present Cephalo, a series of multimodal vision large language models (V-LLMs) designed for materials science applications, integrating visual and linguistic data for enhanced understanding and interaction within human-AI and multi-agent AI frameworks. A key innovation of Cephalo is its advanced dataset generation method, which employs a sophisticated algorithm to accurately detect and separate images and their corresponding textual descriptions from PDF documents, such as scientific papers. The method includes a careful refinement of image-text pairs through integrated vision and language processing, ensuring high-quality, contextually relevant, and well reasoned training data. Cephalo is trained on integrated image and text data extracted from thousands of scientific papers and science-focused Wikipedia pages demonstrates can interpret complex visual scenes, generate precise language descriptions, and answer queries about images effectively. The combination of a vision encoder with an autoregressive transformer supports complex natural language understanding in an integrated model, which can be coupled with other generative methods to create an image-to-text-to-image or image-to-text-to-3D pipeline. To explore the development of larger models from smaller ones, we report both mixture-of-expert methods and model merging. These hybrid approaches allow us to leverage the domain-specific expertise and general conversational capabilities to harness the strengths of multiple models. We examine the models in diverse use cases that incorporate biological materials, fracture and engineering analysis, protein biophysics, and bio-inspired design based on insect behavior. Generative applications include bio-inspired designs, including pollen-inspired architected materials, as well as the synthesis of bio-inspired material microstructures from a photograph of a solar eclipse.

replace-cross MAP-Neo: Highly Capable and Transparent Bilingual Large Language Model Series

Authors: Ge Zhang, Scott Qu, Jiaheng Liu, Chenchen Zhang, Chenghua Lin, Chou Leuang Yu, Danny Pan, Esther Cheng, Jie Liu, Qunshu Lin, Raven Yuan, Tuney Zheng, Wei Pang, Xinrun Du, Yiming Liang, Yinghao Ma, Yizhi Li, Ziyang Ma, Bill Lin, Emmanouil Benetos, Huan Yang, Junting Zhou, Kaijing Ma, Minghao Liu, Morry Niu, Noah Wang, Quehry Que, Ruibo Liu, Sine Liu, Shawn Guo, Soren Gao, Wangchunshu Zhou, Xinyue Zhang, Yizhi Zhou, Yubo Wang, Yuelin Bai, Yuhan Zhang, Yuxiang Zhang, Zenith Wang, Zhenzhu Yang, Zijian Zhao, Jiajun Zhang, Wanli Ouyang, Wenhao Huang, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have made great strides in recent years to achieve unprecedented performance across different tasks. However, due to commercial interest, the most competitive models like GPT, Gemini, and Claude have been gated behind proprietary interfaces without disclosing the training details. Recently, many institutions have open-sourced several strong LLMs like LLaMA-3, comparable to existing closed-source LLMs. However, only the model's weights are provided with most details (e.g., intermediate checkpoints, pre-training corpus, and training code, etc.) being undisclosed. To improve the transparency of LLMs, the research community has formed to open-source truly open LLMs (e.g., Pythia, Amber, OLMo), where more details (e.g., pre-training corpus and training code) are being provided. These models have greatly advanced the scientific study of these large models including their strengths, weaknesses, biases and risks. However, we observe that the existing truly open LLMs on reasoning, knowledge, and coding tasks are still inferior to existing state-of-the-art LLMs with similar model sizes. To this end, we open-source MAP-Neo, a highly capable and transparent bilingual language model with 7B parameters trained from scratch on 4.5T high-quality tokens. Our MAP-Neo is the first fully open-sourced bilingual LLM with comparable performance compared to existing state-of-the-art LLMs. Moreover, we open-source all details to reproduce our MAP-Neo, where the cleaned pre-training corpus, data cleaning pipeline, checkpoints, and well-optimized training/evaluation framework are provided. Finally, we hope our MAP-Neo will enhance and strengthen the open research community and inspire more innovations and creativities to facilitate the further improvements of LLMs.

replace-cross Easy Problems That LLMs Get Wrong

Authors: Sean Williams, James Huckle

Abstract: We introduce a comprehensive Linguistic Benchmark designed to evaluate the limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs) in domains such as logical reasoning, spatial intelligence, and linguistic understanding, among others. Through a series of straightforward questions, it uncovers the significant limitations of well-regarded models to perform tasks that humans manage with ease. It also highlights the potential of prompt engineering to mitigate some errors and underscores the necessity for better training methodologies. Our findings stress the importance of grounding LLMs with human reasoning and common sense, emphasising the need for human-in-the-loop for enterprise applications. We hope this work paves the way for future research to enhance the usefulness and reliability of new models.

replace-cross Convolutional L2LFlows: Generating Accurate Showers in Highly Granular Calorimeters Using Convolutional Normalizing Flows

Authors: Thorsten Buss, Frank Gaede, Gregor Kasieczka, Claudius Krause, David Shih

Abstract: In the quest to build generative surrogate models as computationally efficient alternatives to rule-based simulations, the quality of the generated samples remains a crucial frontier. So far, normalizing flows have been among the models with the best fidelity. However, as the latent space in such models is required to have the same dimensionality as the data space, scaling up normalizing flows to high dimensional datasets is not straightforward. The prior L2LFlows approach successfully used a series of separate normalizing flows and sequence of conditioning steps to circumvent this problem. In this work, we extend L2LFlows to simulate showers with a 9-times larger profile in the lateral direction. To achieve this, we introduce convolutional layers and U-Net-type connections, move from masked autoregressive flows to coupling layers, and demonstrate the successful modelling of showers in the ILD Electromagnetic Calorimeter as well as Dataset 3 from the public CaloChallenge dataset.

replace-cross Fusion-PSRO: Nash Policy Fusion for Policy Space Response Oracles

Authors: Jiesong Lian, Yucong Huang, Mingzhi Wang, Chengdong Ma, Yixue Hao, Ying Wen, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: A popular approach for solving zero-sum games is to maintain populations of policies to approximate the Nash Equilibrium (NE). Previous studies have shown that Policy Space Response Oracle (PSRO) algorithm is an effective multi-agent reinforcement learning framework for solving such games. However, repeatedly training new policies from scratch to approximate Best Response (BR) to opponents' mixed policies at each iteration is both inefficient and costly. While some PSRO variants initialize a new policy by inheriting from past BR policies, this approach limits the exploration of new policies, especially against challenging opponents. To address this issue, we propose Fusion-PSRO, which employs policy fusion to initialize policies for better approximation to BR. By selecting high-quality base policies from meta-NE, policy fusion fuses the base policies into a new policy through model averaging. This approach allows the initialized policies to incorporate multiple expert policies, making it easier to handle difficult opponents compared to inheriting from past BR policies or initializing from scratch. Moreover, our method only modifies the policy initialization phase, allowing its application to nearly all PSRO variants without additional training overhead. Our experiments on non-transitive matrix games, Leduc Poker, and the more complex Liars Dice demonstrate that Fusion-PSRO enhances the performance of nearly all PSRO variants, achieving lower exploitability.