new Rotation and Permutation for Advanced Outlier Management and Efficient Quantization of LLMs

Authors: Haokun Lin, Haobo Xu, Yichen Wu, Jingzhi Cui, Yingtao Zhang, Linzhan Mou, Linqi Song, Zhenan Sun, Ying Wei

Abstract: Quantizing large language models (LLMs) presents significant challenges, primarily due to outlier activations that compromise the efficiency of low-bit representation. Traditional approaches mainly focus on solving Normal Outliers-activations with consistently high magnitudes across all tokens. However, these techniques falter when dealing with Massive Outliers, which are significantly higher in value and often cause substantial performance losses during low-bit quantization. In this study, we propose DuQuant, an innovative quantization strategy employing rotation and permutation transformations to more effectively eliminate both types of outliers. Initially, DuQuant constructs rotation matrices informed by specific outlier dimensions, redistributing these outliers across adjacent channels within different rotation blocks. Subsequently, a zigzag permutation is applied to ensure a balanced distribution of outliers among blocks, minimizing block-wise variance. An additional rotation further enhances the smoothness of the activation landscape, thereby improving model performance. DuQuant streamlines the quantization process and demonstrates superior outlier management, achieving top-tier results in multiple tasks with various LLM architectures even under 4-bit weight-activation quantization. Our code is available at


new Towards Harnessing Large Language Models for Comprehension of Conversational Grounding

Authors: Kristiina Jokinen, Phillip Schneider, Taiga Mori

Abstract: Conversational grounding is a collaborative mechanism for establishing mutual knowledge among participants engaged in a dialogue. This experimental study analyzes information-seeking conversations to investigate the capabilities of large language models in classifying dialogue turns related to explicit or implicit grounding and predicting grounded knowledge elements. Our experimental results reveal challenges encountered by large language models in the two tasks and discuss ongoing research efforts to enhance large language model-based conversational grounding comprehension through pipeline architectures and knowledge bases. These initiatives aim to develop more effective dialogue systems that are better equipped to handle the intricacies of grounded knowledge in conversations.

new LLMs Beyond English: Scaling the Multilingual Capability of LLMs with Cross-Lingual Feedback

Authors: Wen Lai, Mohsen Mesgar, Alexander Fraser

Abstract: To democratize large language models (LLMs) to most natural languages, it is imperative to make these models capable of understanding and generating texts in many languages, in particular low-resource ones. While recent multilingual LLMs demonstrate remarkable performance in such capabilities, these LLMs still support a limited number of human languages due to the lack of training data for low-resource languages. Moreover, these LLMs are not yet aligned with human preference for downstream tasks, which is crucial for the success of LLMs in English. In this paper, we introduce xLLaMA-100 and xBLOOM-100 (collectively xLLMs-100), which scale the multilingual capabilities of LLaMA and BLOOM to 100 languages. To do so, we construct two datasets: a multilingual instruction dataset including 100 languages, which represents the largest language coverage to date, and a cross-lingual human feedback dataset encompassing 30 languages. We perform multilingual instruction tuning on the constructed instruction data and further align the LLMs with human feedback using the DPO algorithm on our cross-lingual human feedback dataset. We evaluate the multilingual understanding and generating capabilities of xLLMs-100 on five multilingual benchmarks. Experimental results show that xLLMs-100 consistently outperforms its peers across the benchmarks by considerable margins, defining a new state-of-the-art multilingual LLM that supports 100 languages.

new OLoRA: Orthonormal Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models

Authors: Kerim B\"uy\"ukaky\"uz

Abstract: The advent of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized natural language processing, enabling unprecedented capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text. However, the computational cost and convergence times associated with fine-tuning these models remain significant challenges. Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has emerged as a promising method to mitigate these issues by introducing efficient fine-tuning techniques with a reduced number of trainable parameters. In this paper, we present OLoRA, an enhancement to the LoRA method that leverages orthonormal matrix initialization through QR decomposition. OLoRA significantly accelerates the convergence of LLM training while preserving the efficiency benefits of LoRA, such as the number of trainable parameters and GPU memory footprint. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that OLoRA not only converges faster but also exhibits improved performance compared to standard LoRA across a variety of language modeling tasks. This advancement opens new avenues for more efficient and accessible fine-tuning of LLMs, potentially enabling broader adoption and innovation in natural language applications.

new Contextualized Sequence Likelihood: Enhanced Confidence Scores for Natural Language Generation

Authors: Zhen Lin, Shubhendu Trivedi, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: The advent of large language models (LLMs) has dramatically advanced the state-of-the-art in numerous natural language generation tasks. For LLMs to be applied reliably, it is essential to have an accurate measure of their confidence. Currently, the most commonly used confidence score function is the likelihood of the generated sequence, which, however, conflates semantic and syntactic components. For instance, in question-answering (QA) tasks, an awkward phrasing of the correct answer might result in a lower probability prediction. Additionally, different tokens should be weighted differently depending on the context. In this work, we propose enhancing the predicted sequence probability by assigning different weights to various tokens using attention values elicited from the base LLM. By employing a validation set, we can identify the relevant attention heads, thereby significantly improving the reliability of the vanilla sequence probability confidence measure. We refer to this new score as the Contextualized Sequence Likelihood (CSL). CSL is easy to implement, fast to compute, and offers considerable potential for further improvement with task-specific prompts. Across several QA datasets and a diverse array of LLMs, CSL has demonstrated significantly higher reliability than state-of-the-art baselines in predicting generation quality, as measured by the AUROC or AUARC.

new An Open Multilingual System for Scoring Readability of Wikipedia

Authors: Mykola Trokhymovych, Indira Sen, Martin Gerlach

Abstract: With over 60M articles, Wikipedia has become the largest platform for open and freely accessible knowledge. While it has more than 15B monthly visits, its content is believed to be inaccessible to many readers due to the lack of readability of its text. However, previous investigations of the readability of Wikipedia have been restricted to English only, and there are currently no systems supporting the automatic readability assessment of the 300+ languages in Wikipedia. To bridge this gap, we develop a multilingual model to score the readability of Wikipedia articles. To train and evaluate this model, we create a novel multilingual dataset spanning 14 languages, by matching articles from Wikipedia to simplified Wikipedia and online children encyclopedias. We show that our model performs well in a zero-shot scenario, yielding a ranking accuracy of more than 80% across 14 languages and improving upon previous benchmarks. These results demonstrate the applicability of the model at scale for languages in which there is no ground-truth data available for model fine-tuning. Furthermore, we provide the first overview on the state of readability in Wikipedia beyond English.

new TruthEval: A Dataset to Evaluate LLM Truthfulness and Reliability

Authors: Aisha Khatun, Daniel G. Brown

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM) evaluation is currently one of the most important areas of research, with existing benchmarks proving to be insufficient and not completely representative of LLMs' various capabilities. We present a curated collection of challenging statements on sensitive topics for LLM benchmarking called TruthEval. These statements were curated by hand and contain known truth values. The categories were chosen to distinguish LLMs' abilities from their stochastic nature. We perform some initial analyses using this dataset and find several instances of LLMs failing in simple tasks showing their inability to understand simple questions.

new Eliciting the Priors of Large Language Models using Iterated In-Context Learning

Authors: Jian-Qiao Zhu, Thomas L. Griffiths

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly deployed in real-world settings, understanding the knowledge they implicitly use when making decisions is critical. One way to capture this knowledge is in the form of Bayesian prior distributions. We develop a prompt-based workflow for eliciting prior distributions from LLMs. Our approach is based on iterated learning, a Markov chain Monte Carlo method in which successive inferences are chained in a way that supports sampling from the prior distribution. We validated our method in settings where iterated learning has previously been used to estimate the priors of human participants -- causal learning, proportion estimation, and predicting everyday quantities. We found that priors elicited from GPT-4 qualitatively align with human priors in these settings. We then used the same method to elicit priors from GPT-4 for a variety of speculative events, such as the timing of the development of superhuman AI.

new Towards Effective Time-Aware Language Representation: Exploring Enhanced Temporal Understanding in Language Models

Authors: Jiexin Wang, Adam Jatowt, Yi Cai

Abstract: In the evolving field of Natural Language Processing, understanding the temporal context of text is increasingly crucial. This study investigates methods to incorporate temporal information during pre-training, aiming to achieve effective time-aware language representation for improved performance on time-related tasks. In contrast to common pre-trained models like BERT, which rely on synchronic document collections such as BookCorpus and Wikipedia, our research introduces BiTimeBERT 2.0, a novel language model pre-trained on a temporal news article collection. BiTimeBERT 2.0 utilizes this temporal news collection, focusing on three innovative pre-training objectives: Time-Aware Masked Language Modeling (TAMLM), Document Dating (DD), and Time-Sensitive Entity Replacement (TSER). Each objective targets a unique aspect of temporal information. TAMLM is designed to enhance the understanding of temporal contexts and relations, DD integrates document timestamps as chronological markers, and TSER focuses on the temporal dynamics of "Person" entities, recognizing their inherent temporal significance. The experimental results consistently demonstrate that BiTimeBERT 2.0 outperforms models like BERT and other existing pre-trained models, achieving substantial gains across a variety of downstream NLP tasks and applications where time plays a pivotal role.

new #EpiTwitter: Public Health Messaging During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Ashwin Rao, Nazanin Sabri, Siyi Guo, Louiqa Raschid, Kristina Lerman

Abstract: Effective communication during health crises is critical, with social media serving as a key platform for public health experts (PHEs) to engage with the public. However, it also amplifies pseudo-experts promoting contrarian views. Despite its importance, the role of emotional and moral language in PHEs' communication during COVID-19 remains under explored. This study examines how PHEs and pseudo-experts communicated on Twitter during the pandemic, focusing on emotional and moral language and their engagement with political elites. Analyzing tweets from 489 PHEs and 356 pseudo-experts from January 2020 to January 2021, alongside public responses, we identified key priorities and differences in messaging strategy. PHEs prioritize masking, healthcare, education, and vaccines, using positive emotional language like optimism. In contrast, pseudo-experts discuss therapeutics and lockdowns more frequently, employing negative emotions like pessimism and disgust. Negative emotional and moral language tends to drive engagement, but positive language from PHEs fosters positivity in public responses. PHEs exhibit liberal partisanship, expressing more positivity towards liberals and negativity towards conservative elites, while pseudo-experts show conservative partisanship. These findings shed light on the polarization of COVID-19 discourse and underscore the importance of strategic use of emotional and moral language by experts to mitigate polarization and enhance public trust.

new CR-UTP: Certified Robustness against Universal Text Perturbations

Authors: Qian Lou, Xin Liang, Jiaqi Xue, Yancheng Zhang, Rui Xie, Mengxin Zheng

Abstract: It is imperative to ensure the stability of every prediction made by a language model; that is, a language's prediction should remain consistent despite minor input variations, like word substitutions. In this paper, we investigate the problem of certifying a language model's robustness against Universal Text Perturbations (UTPs), which have been widely used in universal adversarial attacks and backdoor attacks. Existing certified robustness based on random smoothing has shown considerable promise in certifying the input-specific text perturbations (ISTPs), operating under the assumption that any random alteration of a sample's clean or adversarial words would negate the impact of sample-wise perturbations. However, with UTPs, masking only the adversarial words can eliminate the attack. A naive method is to simply increase the masking ratio and the likelihood of masking attack tokens, but it leads to a significant reduction in both certified accuracy and the certified radius due to input corruption by extensive masking. To solve this challenge, we introduce a novel approach, the superior prompt search method, designed to identify a superior prompt that maintains higher certified accuracy under extensive masking. Additionally, we theoretically motivate why ensembles are a particularly suitable choice as base prompts for random smoothing. The method is denoted by superior prompt ensembling technique. We also empirically confirm this technique, obtaining state-of-the-art results in multiple settings. These methodologies, for the first time, enable high certified accuracy against both UTPs and ISTPs. The source code of CR-UTP is available at


new Bi-DCSpell: A Bi-directional Detector-Corrector Interactive Framework for Chinese Spelling Check

Authors: Haiming Wu, Hanqing Zhang, Richeng Xuan, Dawei Song

Abstract: Chinese Spelling Check (CSC) aims to detect and correct potentially misspelled characters in Chinese sentences. Naturally, it involves the detection and correction subtasks, which interact with each other dynamically. Such interactions are bi-directional, i.e., the detection result would help reduce the risk of over-correction and under-correction while the knowledge learnt from correction would help prevent false detection. Current CSC approaches are of two types: correction-only or single-directional detection-to-correction interactive frameworks. Nonetheless, they overlook the bi-directional interactions between detection and correction. This paper aims to fill the gap by proposing a Bi-directional Detector-Corrector framework for CSC (Bi-DCSpell). Notably, Bi-DCSpell contains separate detection and correction encoders, followed by a novel interactive learning module facilitating bi-directional feature interactions between detection and correction to improve each other's representation learning. Extensive experimental results demonstrate a robust correction performance of Bi-DCSpell on widely used benchmarking datasets while possessing a satisfactory detection ability.

new OTTAWA: Optimal TransporT Adaptive Word Aligner for Hallucination and Omission Translation Errors Detection

Authors: Chenyang Huang, Abbas Ghaddar, Ivan Kobyzev, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Osmar R. Zaiane, Boxing Chen

Abstract: Recently, there has been considerable attention on detecting hallucinations and omissions in Machine Translation (MT) systems. The two dominant approaches to tackle this task involve analyzing the MT system's internal states or relying on the output of external tools, such as sentence similarity or MT quality estimators. In this work, we introduce OTTAWA, a novel Optimal Transport (OT)-based word aligner specifically designed to enhance the detection of hallucinations and omissions in MT systems. Our approach explicitly models the missing alignments by introducing a "null" vector, for which we propose a novel one-side constrained OT setting to allow an adaptive null alignment. Our approach yields competitive results compared to state-of-the-art methods across 18 language pairs on the HalOmi benchmark. In addition, it shows promising features, such as the ability to distinguish between both error types and perform word-level detection without accessing the MT system's internal states.

new Dishonesty in Helpful and Harmless Alignment

Authors: Youcheng Huang, Jingkun Tang, Duanyu Feng, Zheng Zhang, Wenqiang Lei, Jiancheng Lv, Anthony G. Cohn

Abstract: People tell lies when seeking rewards. Large language models (LLMs) are aligned to human values with reinforcement learning where they get rewards if they satisfy human preference. We find that this also induces dishonesty in helpful and harmless alignment where LLMs tell lies in generating harmless responses. Using the latest interpreting tools, we detect dishonesty, show how LLMs can be harmful if their honesty is increased, and analyze such conflicts at the parameter-level. Given these preliminaries and the hypothesis that reward-seeking stimulates dishonesty, we theoretically show that the dishonesty can in-turn decrease the alignment performances and augment reward-seeking alignment with representation regularization. Extensive results, including GPT-4 annotated win-rates, perplexities, and cases studies demonstrate that we can train more honest, helpful, and harmless LLMs. We will make all our codes and results be open-sourced upon this paper's acceptance.

new Optimal Transport Guided Correlation Assignment for Multimodal Entity Linking

Authors: Zefeng Zhang, Jiawei Sheng, Chuang Zhang, Yunzhi Liang, Wenyuan Zhang, Siqi Wang, Tingwen Liu

Abstract: Multimodal Entity Linking (MEL) aims to link ambiguous mentions in multimodal contexts to entities in a multimodal knowledge graph. A pivotal challenge is to fully leverage multi-element correlations between mentions and entities to bridge modality gap and enable fine-grained semantic matching. Existing methods attempt several local correlative mechanisms, relying heavily on the automatically learned attention weights, which may over-concentrate on partial correlations. To mitigate this issue, we formulate the correlation assignment problem as an optimal transport (OT) problem, and propose a novel MEL framework, namely OT-MEL, with OT-guided correlation assignment. Thereby, we exploit the correlation between multimodal features to enhance multimodal fusion, and the correlation between mentions and entities to enhance fine-grained matching. To accelerate model prediction, we further leverage knowledge distillation to transfer OT assignment knowledge to attention mechanism. Experimental results show that our model significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art baselines and confirm the effectiveness of the OT-guided correlation assignment.

new Process-Driven Autoformalization in Lean 4

Authors: Jianqiao Lu, Zhengying Liu, Yingjia Wan, Yinya Huang, Haiming Wang, Zhicheng Yang, Jing Tang, Zhijiang Guo

Abstract: Autoformalization, the conversion of natural language mathematics into formal languages, offers significant potential for advancing mathematical reasoning. However, existing efforts are limited to formal languages with substantial online corpora and struggle to keep pace with rapidly evolving languages like Lean 4. To bridge this gap, we propose a new benchmark \textbf{Form}alization for \textbf{L}ean~\textbf{4} (\textbf{\name}) designed to evaluate the autoformalization capabilities of large language models (LLMs). This benchmark encompasses a comprehensive assessment of questions, answers, formal statements, and proofs. Additionally, we introduce a \textbf{P}rocess-\textbf{S}upervised \textbf{V}erifier (\textbf{PSV}) model that leverages the precise feedback from Lean 4 compilers to enhance autoformalization. Our experiments demonstrate that the PSV method improves autoformalization, enabling higher accuracy using less filtered training data. Furthermore, when fine-tuned with data containing detailed process information, PSV can leverage the data more effectively, leading to more significant improvements in autoformalization for Lean 4. Our dataset and code are available at \url{}.


new Enhancing Trust in LLMs: Algorithms for Comparing and Interpreting LLMs

Authors: Nik Bear Brown

Abstract: This paper surveys evaluation techniques to enhance the trustworthiness and understanding of Large Language Models (LLMs). As reliance on LLMs grows, ensuring their reliability, fairness, and transparency is crucial. We explore algorithmic methods and metrics to assess LLM performance, identify weaknesses, and guide development towards more trustworthy applications. Key evaluation metrics include Perplexity Measurement, NLP metrics (BLEU, ROUGE, METEOR, BERTScore, GLEU, Word Error Rate, Character Error Rate), Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning Performance, Transfer Learning Evaluation, Adversarial Testing, and Fairness and Bias Evaluation. We introduce innovative approaches like LLMMaps for stratified evaluation, Benchmarking and Leaderboards for competitive assessment, Stratified Analysis for in-depth understanding, Visualization of Blooms Taxonomy for cognitive level accuracy distribution, Hallucination Score for quantifying inaccuracies, Knowledge Stratification Strategy for hierarchical analysis, and Machine Learning Models for Hierarchy Generation. Human Evaluation is highlighted for capturing nuances that automated metrics may miss. These techniques form a framework for evaluating LLMs, aiming to enhance transparency, guide development, and establish user trust. Future papers will describe metric visualization and demonstrate each approach on practical examples.

new Conditional Language Learning with Context

Authors: Xiao Zhang, Miao Li, Ji Wu

Abstract: Language models can learn sophisticated language understanding skills from fitting raw text. They also unselectively learn useless corpus statistics and biases, especially during finetuning on domain-specific corpora. In this paper, we propose a simple modification to causal language modeling called conditional finetuning, which performs language modeling conditioned on a context. We show that a context can "explain away" certain corpus statistics and make the model avoid learning them. In this fashion, conditional finetuning achieves selective learning from a corpus, learning knowledge useful for downstream tasks while avoiding learning useless corpus statistics like topic biases. This selective learning effect leads to less forgetting and better stability-plasticity tradeoff in domain finetuning, potentially benefitting lifelong learning with language models.

new Zyda: A 1.3T Dataset for Open Language Modeling

Authors: Yury Tokpanov, Beren Millidge, Paolo Glorioso, Jonathan Pilault, Adam Ibrahim, James Whittington, Quentin Anthony

Abstract: The size of large language models (LLMs) has scaled dramatically in recent years and their computational and data requirements have surged correspondingly. State-of-the-art language models, even at relatively smaller sizes, typically require training on at least a trillion tokens. This rapid advancement has eclipsed the growth of open-source datasets available for large-scale LLM pretraining. In this paper, we introduce Zyda (Zyphra Dataset), a dataset under a permissive license comprising 1.3 trillion tokens, assembled by integrating several major respected open-source datasets into a single, high-quality corpus. We apply rigorous filtering and deduplication processes, both within and across datasets, to maintain and enhance the quality derived from the original datasets. Our evaluations show that Zyda not only competes favorably with other open datasets like Dolma, FineWeb, and RefinedWeb, but also substantially improves the performance of comparable models from the Pythia suite. Our rigorous data processing methods significantly enhance Zyda's effectiveness, outperforming even the best of its constituent datasets when used independently.

new RKLD: Reverse KL-Divergence-based Knowledge Distillation for Unlearning Personal Information in Large Language Models

Authors: Bichen Wang, Yuzhe Zi, Yixin Sun, Yanyan Zhao, Bing Qin

Abstract: With the passage of the Right to Be Forgotten (RTBF) regulations and the scaling up of language model training datasets, research on model unlearning in large language models (LLMs) has become more crucial. Before the era of LLMs, machine unlearning research focused mainly on classification tasks in models with small parameters. In these tasks, the content to be forgotten or retained is clear and straightforward. However, as parameter sizes have grown and tasks have become more complex, balancing forget quality and model utility has become more challenging, especially in scenarios involving personal data instead of classification results. Existing methods based on gradient ascent and its variants often struggle with this balance, leading to unintended information loss or partial forgetting. To address this challenge, we propose RKLD, a novel \textbf{R}everse \textbf{KL}-Divergence-based Knowledge \textbf{D}istillation unlearning algorithm for LLMs targeting the unlearning of personal information. Through RKLD, we achieve significant forget quality and effectively maintain the model utility in our experiments.

new Personalized Topic Selection Model for Topic-Grounded Dialogue

Authors: Shixuan Fan, Wei Wei, Xiaofei Wen, Xianling Mao, Jixiong Chen, Dangyang Chen

Abstract: Recently, the topic-grounded dialogue (TGD) system has become increasingly popular as its powerful capability to actively guide users to accomplish specific tasks through topic-guided conversations. Most existing works utilize side information (\eg topics or personas) in isolation to enhance the topic selection ability. However, due to disregarding the noise within these auxiliary information sources and their mutual influence, current models tend to predict user-uninteresting and contextually irrelevant topics. To build user-engaging and coherent dialogue agent, we propose a \textbf{P}ersonalized topic s\textbf{E}lection model for \textbf{T}opic-grounded \textbf{D}ialogue, named \textbf{PETD}, which takes account of the interaction of side information to selectively aggregate such information for more accurately predicting subsequent topics. Specifically, we evaluate the correlation between global topics and personas and selectively incorporate the global topics aligned with user personas. Furthermore, we propose a contrastive learning based persona selector to filter out irrelevant personas under the constraint of lacking pertinent persona annotations. Throughout the selection and generation, diverse relevant side information is considered. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method can generate engaging and diverse responses, outperforming state-of-the-art baselines across various evaluation metrics.

new Position Debiasing Fine-Tuning for Causal Perception in Long-Term Dialogue

Authors: Shixuan Fan, Wei Wei, Wendi Li, Xian-Ling Mao, Wenfeng Xie, Dangyang Chen

Abstract: The core of the dialogue system is to generate relevant, informative, and human-like responses based on extensive dialogue history. Recently, dialogue generation domain has seen mainstream adoption of large language models (LLMs), due to its powerful capability in generating utterances. However, there is a natural deficiency for such models, that is, inherent position bias, which may lead them to pay more attention to the nearby utterances instead of causally relevant ones, resulting in generating irrelevant and generic responses in long-term dialogue. To alleviate such problem, in this paper, we propose a novel method, named Causal Perception long-term Dialogue framework (CPD), which employs perturbation-based causal variable discovery method to extract casually relevant utterances from the dialogue history and enhances model causal perception during fine-tuning. Specifically, a local-position awareness method is proposed in CPD for inter-sentence position correlation elimination, which helps models extract causally relevant utterances based on perturbations. Then, a casual-perception fine-tuning strategy is also proposed, to enhance the capability of discovering the causal invariant factors, by differently perturbing causally relevant and non-casually relevant ones for response generation. Experimental results on two datasets prove that our proposed method can effectively alleviate the position bias for multiple LLMs and achieve significant progress compared with existing baselines.

new Why Would You Suggest That? Human Trust in Language Model Responses

Authors: Manasi Sharma, Ho Chit Siu, Rohan Paleja, Jaime D. Pe\~na

Abstract: The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revealed a growing need for human-AI collaboration, especially in creative decision-making scenarios where trust and reliance are paramount. Through human studies and model evaluations on the open-ended News Headline Generation task from the LaMP benchmark, we analyze how the framing and presence of explanations affect user trust and model performance. Overall, we provide evidence that adding an explanation in the model response to justify its reasoning significantly increases self-reported user trust in the model when the user has the opportunity to compare various responses. Position and faithfulness of these explanations are also important factors. However, these gains disappear when users are shown responses independently, suggesting that humans trust all model responses, including deceptive ones, equitably when they are shown in isolation. Our findings urge future research to delve deeper into the nuanced evaluation of trust in human-machine teaming systems.

new Multimodal Reasoning with Multimodal Knowledge Graph

Authors: Junlin Lee, Yequan Wang, Jing Li, Min Zhang

Abstract: Multimodal reasoning with large language models (LLMs) often suffers from hallucinations and the presence of deficient or outdated knowledge within LLMs. Some approaches have sought to mitigate these issues by employing textual knowledge graphs, but their singular modality of knowledge limits comprehensive cross-modal understanding. In this paper, we propose the Multimodal Reasoning with Multimodal Knowledge Graph (MR-MKG) method, which leverages multimodal knowledge graphs (MMKGs) to learn rich and semantic knowledge across modalities, significantly enhancing the multimodal reasoning capabilities of LLMs. In particular, a relation graph attention network is utilized for encoding MMKGs and a cross-modal alignment module is designed for optimizing image-text alignment. A MMKG-grounded dataset is constructed to equip LLMs with initial expertise in multimodal reasoning through pretraining. Remarkably, MR-MKG achieves superior performance while training on only a small fraction of parameters, approximately 2.25% of the LLM's parameter size. Experimental results on multimodal question answering and multimodal analogy reasoning tasks demonstrate that our MR-MKG method outperforms previous state-of-the-art models.

new QROA: A Black-Box Query-Response Optimization Attack on LLMs

Authors: Hussein Jawad (LaMME), Nicolas J. -B. BRUNEL (LaMME)

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have surged in popularity in recent months, yet they possess concerning capabilities for generating harmful content when manipulated. This study introduces the Query-Response Optimization Attack (QROA), an optimization-based strategy designed to exploit LLMs through a black-box, query-only interaction. QROA adds an optimized trigger to a malicious instruction to compel the LLM to generate harmful content. Unlike previous approaches, QROA does not require access to the model's logit information or any other internal data and operates solely through the standard query-response interface of LLMs. Inspired by deep Q-learning and Greedy coordinate descent, the method iteratively updates tokens to maximize a designed reward function. We tested our method on various LLMs such as Vicuna, Falcon, and Mistral, achieving an Attack Success Rate (ASR) over 80\%. We also tested the model against Llama2-chat, the fine-tuned version of Llama2 designed to resist Jailbreak attacks, achieving good ASR with a suboptimal initial trigger seed. This study demonstrates the feasibility of generating jailbreak attacks against deployed LLMs in the public domain using black-box optimization methods, enabling more comprehensive safety testing of LLMs.

new Analyzing Social Biases in Japanese Large Language Models

Authors: Hitomi Yanaka, Han Namgi, Ryoma Kumon, Jie Lu, Masashi Takeshita, Ryo Sekizawa, Taisei Kato, Hiromi Arai

Abstract: With the development of Large Language Models (LLMs), social biases in the LLMs have become a crucial issue. While various benchmarks for social biases have been provided across languages, the extent to which Japanese LLMs exhibit social biases has not been fully investigated. In this study, we construct the Japanese Bias Benchmark dataset for Question Answering (JBBQ) based on the English bias benchmark BBQ, and analyze social biases in Japanese LLMs. The results show that while current Japanese LLMs improve their accuracies on JBBQ by instruction-tuning, their bias scores become larger. In addition, augmenting their prompts with warning about social biases reduces the effect of biases in some models.

new I've got the "Answer"! Interpretation of LLMs Hidden States in Question Answering

Authors: Valeriya Goloviznina, Evgeny Kotelnikov

Abstract: Interpretability and explainability of AI are becoming increasingly important in light of the rapid development of large language models (LLMs). This paper investigates the interpretation of LLMs in the context of the knowledge-based question answering. The main hypothesis of the study is that correct and incorrect model behavior can be distinguished at the level of hidden states. The quantized models LLaMA-2-7B-Chat, Mistral-7B, Vicuna-7B and the MuSeRC question-answering dataset are used to test this hypothesis. The results of the analysis support the proposed hypothesis. We also identify the layers which have a negative effect on the model's behavior. As a prospect of practical application of the hypothesis, we propose to train such "weak" layers additionally in order to improve the quality of the task solution.

new PyramidKV: Dynamic KV Cache Compression based on Pyramidal Information Funneling

Authors: Zefan Cai., Yichi Zhang, Bofei Gao, Tianyu Liu, Keming Lu, Wayne Xiong, Yue Dong, Baobao Chang, Junjie Hu, Wen Xiao

Abstract: In this study, we investigate whether attention-based information flow inside large language models (LLMs) is aggregated through noticeable patterns for long context processing. Our observations reveal that LLMs aggregate information through Pyramidal Information Funneling where attention is scattering widely in lower layers, progressively consolidating within specific contexts, and ultimately focusin on critical tokens (a.k.a massive activation or attention sink) in higher layers. Motivated by these insights, we developed PyramidKV, a novel and effective KV cache compression method. This approach dynamically adjusts the KV cache size across different layers, allocating more cache in lower layers and less in higher ones, diverging from traditional methods that maintain a uniform KV cache size. Our experimental evaluations, utilizing the LongBench benchmark, show that PyramidKV matches the performance of models with a full KV cache while retaining only 12% of the KV cache, thus significantly reducing memory usage. In scenarios emphasizing memory efficiency, where only 0.7% of the KV cache is maintained, PyramidKV surpasses other KV cache compression techniques achieving up to a 20.5 absolute accuracy improvement on TREC.

new Assessing the Performance of Chinese Open Source Large Language Models in Information Extraction Tasks

Authors: Yida Cai, Hao Sun, Hsiu-Yuan Huang, Yunfang Wu

Abstract: Information Extraction (IE) plays a crucial role in Natural Language Processing (NLP) by extracting structured information from unstructured text, thereby facilitating seamless integration with various real-world applications that rely on structured data. Despite its significance, recent experiments focusing on English IE tasks have shed light on the challenges faced by Large Language Models (LLMs) in achieving optimal performance, particularly in sub-tasks like Named Entity Recognition (NER). In this paper, we delve into a comprehensive investigation of the performance of mainstream Chinese open-source LLMs in tackling IE tasks, specifically under zero-shot conditions where the models are not fine-tuned for specific tasks. Additionally, we present the outcomes of several few-shot experiments to further gauge the capability of these models. Moreover, our study includes a comparative analysis between these open-source LLMs and ChatGPT, a widely recognized language model, on IE performance. Through meticulous experimentation and analysis, we aim to provide insights into the strengths, limitations, and potential enhancements of existing Chinese open-source LLMs in the domain of Information Extraction within the context of NLP.

new LongSSM: On the Length Extension of State-space Models in Language Modelling

Authors: Shida Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the length-extension of state-space models (SSMs) in language modeling. Length extension involves training models on short sequences and testing them on longer ones. We show that state-space models trained with zero hidden states initialization have difficulty doing length extension. We explain this difficulty by pointing out the length extension is equivalent to polynomial extrapolation. Based on the theory, we propose a simple yet effective method - changing the hidden states initialization scheme - to improve the length extension. Moreover, our method shows that using long training sequence length is beneficial but not necessary to length extension. Changing the hidden state initialization enables the efficient training of long-memory model with a smaller training context length.

new Exploring Mathematical Extrapolation of Large Language Models with Synthetic Data

Authors: Haolong Li, Yu Ma, Yinqi Zhang, Chen Ye, Jie Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown excellent performance in language understanding, text generation, code synthesis, and many other tasks, while they still struggle in complex multi-step reasoning problems, such as mathematical reasoning. In this paper, through a newly proposed arithmetical puzzle problem, we show that the model can perform well on multi-step reasoning tasks via fine-tuning on high-quality synthetic data. Experimental results with the open-llama-3B model on three different test datasets show that not only the model can reach a zero-shot pass@1 at 0.44 on the in-domain dataset, it also demonstrates certain generalization capabilities on the out-of-domain datasets. Specifically, this paper has designed two out-of-domain datasets in the form of extending the numerical range and the composing components of the arithmetical puzzle problem separately. The fine-tuned models have shown encouraging performance on these two far more difficult tasks with the zero-shot pass@1 at 0.33 and 0.35, respectively.

new MARS: Benchmarking the Metaphysical Reasoning Abilities of Language Models with a Multi-task Evaluation Dataset

Authors: Weiqi Wang, Yangqiu Song

Abstract: To enable Large Language Models (LLMs) to function as conscious agents with generalizable reasoning capabilities, it is crucial that they possess the reasoning ability to comprehend situational changes (transitions) in distribution triggered by environmental factors or actions from other agents. Despite its fundamental significance, this ability remains underexplored due to the complexity of modeling infinite possible changes in an event and their associated distributions, coupled with the lack of benchmark data with situational transitions. Addressing these gaps, we propose a novel formulation of reasoning with distributional changes as a three-step discriminative process, termed as MetAphysical ReaSoning. We then introduce the first-ever benchmark, MARS, comprising three tasks corresponding to each step. These tasks systematically assess LLMs' capabilities in reasoning the plausibility of (i) changes in actions, (ii) states caused by changed actions, and (iii) situational transitions driven by changes in action. Extensive evaluations with 20 (L)LMs of varying sizes and methods indicate that all three tasks in this process pose significant challenges, even for state-of-the-art LLMs and LMs after fine-tuning. Further analyses reveal potential causes for the underperformance of LLMs and demonstrate that pre-training them on large-scale conceptualization taxonomies can potentially enhance their metaphysical reasoning capabilities. Our data and models are publicly accessible at


new UniOQA: A Unified Framework for Knowledge Graph Question Answering with Large Language Models

Authors: Zhuoyang Li, Liran Deng, Hui Liu, Qiaoqiao Liu, Junzhao Du

Abstract: OwnThink stands as the most extensive Chinese open-domain knowledge graph introduced in recent times. Despite prior attempts in question answering over OwnThink (OQA), existing studies have faced limitations in model representation capabilities, posing challenges in further enhancing overall accuracy in question answering. In this paper, we introduce UniOQA, a unified framework that integrates two complementary parallel workflows. Unlike conventional approaches, UniOQA harnesses large language models (LLMs) for precise question answering and incorporates a direct-answer-prediction process as a cost-effective complement. Initially, to bolster representation capacity, we fine-tune an LLM to translate questions into the Cypher query language (CQL), tackling issues associated with restricted semantic understanding and hallucinations. Subsequently, we introduce the Entity and Relation Replacement algorithm to ensure the executability of the generated CQL. Concurrently, to augment overall accuracy in question answering, we further adapt the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) process to the knowledge graph. Ultimately, we optimize answer accuracy through a dynamic decision algorithm. Experimental findings illustrate that UniOQA notably advances SpCQL Logical Accuracy to 21.2% and Execution Accuracy to 54.9%, achieving the new state-of-the-art results on this benchmark. Through ablation experiments, we delve into the superior representation capacity of UniOQA and quantify its performance breakthrough.

new Diver: Large Language Model Decoding with Span-Level Mutual Information Verification

Authors: Jinliang Lu, Chen Wang, Jiajun Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in adapting to various tasks when provided with task-specific instructions. However, LLMs using standard decoding strategies often struggle with deviations from the inputs. Intuitively, compliant LLM outputs should reflect the information present in the input, which can be measured by point-wise mutual information (PMI) scores. Therefore, we propose Diver, a novel approach that enhances LLM Decoding through span-level PMI verification. During inference, Diver first identifies divergence steps that may lead to multiple candidate spans. Subsequently, it calculates the PMI scores by assessing the log-likelihood gains of the input if the candidate spans are generated. Finally, the optimal span is selected based on the PMI re-ranked output distributions. We evaluate our method across various downstream tasks, and empirical results demonstrate that Diver significantly outperforms existing decoding methods in both performance and versatility.

new The current status of large language models in summarizing radiology report impressions

Authors: Danqing Hu, Shanyuan Zhang, Qing Liu, Xiaofeng Zhu, Bing Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT show excellent capabilities in various natural language processing tasks, especially for text generation. The effectiveness of LLMs in summarizing radiology report impressions remains unclear. In this study, we explore the capability of eight LLMs on the radiology report impression summarization. Three types of radiology reports, i.e., CT, PET-CT, and Ultrasound reports, are collected from Peking University Cancer Hospital and Institute. We use the report findings to construct the zero-shot, one-shot, and three-shot prompts with complete example reports to generate the impressions. Besides the automatic quantitative evaluation metrics, we define five human evaluation metrics, i.e., completeness, correctness, conciseness, verisimilitude, and replaceability, to evaluate the semantics of the generated impressions. Two thoracic surgeons (ZSY and LB) and one radiologist (LQ) compare the generated impressions with the reference impressions and score each impression under the five human evaluation metrics. Experimental results show that there is a gap between the generated impressions and reference impressions. Although the LLMs achieve comparable performance in completeness and correctness, the conciseness and verisimilitude scores are not very high. Using few-shot prompts can improve the LLMs' performance in conciseness and verisimilitude, but the clinicians still think the LLMs can not replace the radiologists in summarizing the radiology impressions.

new Reinforcement Tuning for Detecting Stances and Debunking Rumors Jointly with Large Language Models

Authors: Ruichao Yang, Wei Gao, Jing Ma, Hongzhan Lin, Bo Wang

Abstract: Learning multi-task models for jointly detecting stance and verifying rumors poses challenges due to the need for training data of stance at post level and rumor veracity at claim level, which are difficult to obtain. To address this issue, we leverage large language models (LLMs) as the foundation annotators for the joint stance detection (SD) and rumor verification (RV) tasks, dubbed as JSDRV. We introduce a novel reinforcement tuning framework to enhance the joint predictive capabilities of LLM-based SD and RV components. Specifically, we devise a policy for selecting LLM-annotated data at the two levels, employing a hybrid reward mechanism to choose high-quality labels for effective LLM fine-tuning on both tasks. Results demonstrate that JSDRV improves the capabilities of LLMs in the joint tasks, not only outperforming state-of-the-art methods but also generalizing to non-LLMs accommodated as task models.

new Synergetic Event Understanding: A Collaborative Approach to Cross-Document Event Coreference Resolution with Large Language Models

Authors: Qingkai Min, Qipeng Guo, Xiangkun Hu, Songfang Huang, Zheng Zhang, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Cross-document event coreference resolution (CDECR) involves clustering event mentions across multiple documents that refer to the same real-world events. Existing approaches utilize fine-tuning of small language models (SLMs) like BERT to address the compatibility among the contexts of event mentions. However, due to the complexity and diversity of contexts, these models are prone to learning simple co-occurrences. Recently, large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have demonstrated impressive contextual understanding, yet they encounter challenges in adapting to specific information extraction (IE) tasks. In this paper, we propose a collaborative approach for CDECR, leveraging the capabilities of both a universally capable LLM and a task-specific SLM. The collaborative strategy begins with the LLM accurately and comprehensively summarizing events through prompting. Then, the SLM refines its learning of event representations based on these insights during fine-tuning. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach surpasses the performance of both the large and small language models individually, forming a complementary advantage. Across various datasets, our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance, underscoring its effectiveness in diverse scenarios.

new A multilingual dataset for offensive language and hate speech detection for hausa, yoruba and igbo languages

Authors: Saminu Mohammad Aliyu, Gregory Maksha Wajiga, Muhammad Murtala

Abstract: The proliferation of online offensive language necessitates the development of effective detection mechanisms, especially in multilingual contexts. This study addresses the challenge by developing and introducing novel datasets for offensive language detection in three major Nigerian languages: Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo. We collected data from Twitter and manually annotated it to create datasets for each of the three languages, using native speakers. We used pre-trained language models to evaluate their efficacy in detecting offensive language in our datasets. The best-performing model achieved an accuracy of 90\%. To further support research in offensive language detection, we plan to make the dataset and our models publicly available.

new FedMKT: Federated Mutual Knowledge Transfer for Large and Small Language Models

Authors: Tao Fan, Guoqiang Ma, Yan Kang, Hanlin Gu, Lixin Fan, Qiang Yang

Abstract: Recent research in federated large language models (LLMs) has primarily focused on enabling clients to fine-tune their locally deployed homogeneous LLMs collaboratively or on transferring knowledge from server-based LLMs to small language models (SLMs) at downstream clients. However, a significant gap remains in the simultaneous mutual enhancement of both the server's LLM and clients' SLMs. To bridge this gap, we propose FedMKT, a parameter-efficient federated mutual knowledge transfer framework for large and small language models. This framework is designed to adaptively transfer knowledge from the server's LLM to clients' SLMs while concurrently enriching the LLM with clients' unique domain insights. We facilitate token alignment using minimum edit distance (MinED) and then selective mutual knowledge transfer between client-side SLMs and a server-side LLM, aiming to collectively enhance their performance. Through extensive experiments across three distinct scenarios, heterogeneous, homogeneous, and one-to-one, we evaluate the effectiveness of FedMKT using various public LLMs and SLMs on a range of NLP text generation tasks. Empirical results demonstrate significant performance improvements in clients' SLMs with the aid of the LLM. Furthermore, the LLM optimized by FedMKT achieves a performance comparable to that achieved through direct fine-tuning based on clients' data, highlighting the effectiveness and adaptability of FedMKT.

new Self-Modifying State Modeling for Simultaneous Machine Translation

Authors: Donglei Yu, Xiaomian Kang, Yuchen Liu, Yu Zhou, Chengqing Zong

Abstract: Simultaneous Machine Translation (SiMT) generates target outputs while receiving stream source inputs and requires a read/write policy to decide whether to wait for the next source token or generate a new target token, whose decisions form a \textit{decision path}. Existing SiMT methods, which learn the policy by exploring various decision paths in training, face inherent limitations. These methods not only fail to precisely optimize the policy due to the inability to accurately assess the individual impact of each decision on SiMT performance, but also cannot sufficiently explore all potential paths because of their vast number. Besides, building decision paths requires unidirectional encoders to simulate streaming source inputs, which impairs the translation quality of SiMT models. To solve these issues, we propose \textbf{S}elf-\textbf{M}odifying \textbf{S}tate \textbf{M}odeling (SM$^2$), a novel training paradigm for SiMT task. Without building decision paths, SM$^2$ individually optimizes decisions at each state during training. To precisely optimize the policy, SM$^2$ introduces Self-Modifying process to independently assess and adjust decisions at each state. For sufficient exploration, SM$^2$ proposes Prefix Sampling to efficiently traverse all potential states. Moreover, SM$^2$ ensures compatibility with bidirectional encoders, thus achieving higher translation quality. Experiments show that SM$^2$ outperforms strong baselines. Furthermore, SM$^2$ allows offline machine translation models to acquire SiMT ability with fine-tuning.

new Description Boosting for Zero-Shot Entity and Relation Classification

Authors: Gabriele Picco, Leopold Fuchs, Marcos Mart\'inez Galindo, Alberto Purpura, Vanessa L\'opez, Hoang Thanh Lam

Abstract: Zero-shot entity and relation classification models leverage available external information of unseen classes -- e.g., textual descriptions -- to annotate input text data. Thanks to the minimum data requirement, Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) methods have high value in practice, especially in applications where labeled data is scarce. Even though recent research in ZSL has demonstrated significant results, our analysis reveals that those methods are sensitive to provided textual descriptions of entities (or relations). Even a minor modification of descriptions can lead to a change in the decision boundary between entity (or relation) classes. In this paper, we formally define the problem of identifying effective descriptions for zero shot inference. We propose a strategy for generating variations of an initial description, a heuristic for ranking them and an ensemble method capable of boosting the predictions of zero-shot models through description enhancement. Empirical results on four different entity and relation classification datasets show that our proposed method outperform existing approaches and achieve new SOTA results on these datasets under the ZSL settings. The source code of the proposed solutions and the evaluation framework are open-sourced.

new Modeling Emotional Trajectories in Written Stories Utilizing Transformers and Weakly-Supervised Learning

Authors: Lukas Christ, Shahin Amiriparian, Manuel Milling, Ilhan Aslan, Bj\"orn W. Schuller

Abstract: Telling stories is an integral part of human communication which can evoke emotions and influence the affective states of the audience. Automatically modeling emotional trajectories in stories has thus attracted considerable scholarly interest. However, as most existing works have been limited to unsupervised dictionary-based approaches, there is no benchmark for this task. We address this gap by introducing continuous valence and arousal labels for an existing dataset of children's stories originally annotated with discrete emotion categories. We collect additional annotations for this data and map the categorical labels to the continuous valence and arousal space. For predicting the thus obtained emotionality signals, we fine-tune a DeBERTa model and improve upon this baseline via a weakly supervised learning approach. The best configuration achieves a Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) of $.8221$ for valence and $.7125$ for arousal on the test set, demonstrating the efficacy of our proposed approach. A detailed analysis shows the extent to which the results vary depending on factors such as the author, the individual story, or the section within the story. In addition, we uncover the weaknesses of our approach by investigating examples that prove to be difficult to predict.

new Enhancing Retrieval-Augmented LMs with a Two-stage Consistency Learning Compressor

Authors: Chuankai Xu, Dongming Zhao, Bo Wang, Hanwen Xing

Abstract: Despite the prevalence of retrieval-augmented language models (RALMs), the seamless integration of these models with retrieval mechanisms to enhance performance in document-based tasks remains challenging. While some post-retrieval processing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) methods have achieved success, most still lack the ability to distinguish pertinent from extraneous information, leading to potential inconsistencies and reduced precision in the generated output, which subsequently affects the truthfulness of the language model's responses. To address these limitations, this work proposes a novel two-stage consistency learning approach for retrieved information compression in retrieval-augmented language models to enhance performance. By incorporating consistency learning, the aim is to generate summaries that maintain coherence and alignment with the intended semantic representations of a teacher model while improving faithfulness to the original retrieved documents. The proposed method is empirically validated across multiple datasets, demonstrating notable enhancements in precision and efficiency for question-answering tasks. It outperforms existing baselines and showcases the synergistic effects of combining contrastive and consistency learning paradigms within the retrieval-augmented generation framework.

new Prompting Large Language Models with Human Error Markings for Self-Correcting Machine Translation

Authors: Nathaniel Berger, Stefan Riezler, Miriam Exel, Matthias Huck

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) pre-trained on massive amounts of unpaired language data have reached the state-of-the-art in machine translation (MT) of general domain texts, post-editing (PE) is still required to correct errors and to enhance term translation quality in specialized domains. In this paper we present a pilot study of enhancing translation memories (TM) produced by PE (source segments, machine translations, and reference translations, henceforth called PE-TM) for the needs of correct and consistent term translation in technical domains. We investigate a light-weight two-step scenario where, at inference time, a human translator marks errors in the first translation step, and in a second step a few similar examples are extracted from the PE-TM to prompt an LLM. Our experiment shows that the additional effort of augmenting translations with human error markings guides the LLM to focus on a correction of the marked errors, yielding consistent improvements over automatic PE (APE) and MT from scratch.

new mCoT: Multilingual Instruction Tuning for Reasoning Consistency in Language Models

Authors: Huiyuan Lai, Malvina Nissim

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) with Chain-of-thought (CoT) have recently emerged as a powerful technique for eliciting reasoning to improve various downstream tasks. As most research mainly focuses on English, with few explorations in a multilingual context, the question of how reliable this reasoning capability is in different languages is still open. To address it directly, we study multilingual reasoning consistency across multiple languages, using popular open-source LLMs. First, we compile the first large-scale multilingual math reasoning dataset, mCoT-MATH, covering eleven diverse languages. Then, we introduce multilingual CoT instruction tuning to boost reasoning capability across languages, thereby improving model consistency. While existing LLMs show substantial variation across the languages we consider, and especially low performance for lesser resourced languages, our 7B parameter model mCoT achieves impressive consistency across languages, and superior or comparable performance to close- and open-source models even of much larger sizes.

new Technical Language Processing for Telecommunications Specifications

Authors: Felipe A. Rodriguez Y.

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are continuously being applied in a more diverse set of contexts. At their current state, however, even state-of-the-art LLMs such as Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 4 (GTP-4) have challenges when extracting information from real-world technical documentation without a heavy preprocessing. One such area with real-world technical documentation is telecommunications engineering, which could greatly benefit from domain-specific LLMs. The unique format and overall structure of telecommunications internal specifications differs greatly from standard English and thus it is evident that the application of out-of-the-box Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools is not a viable option. In this article, we outline the limitations of out-of-the-box NLP tools for processing technical information generated by telecommunications experts, and expand the concept of Technical Language Processing (TLP) to the telecommunication domain. Additionally, we explore the effect of domain-specific LLMs in the work of Specification Engineers, emphasizing the potential benefits of adopting domain-specific LLMs to speed up the training of experts in different telecommunications fields.

new On Affine Homotopy between Language Encoders

Authors: Robin SM Chan, Reda Boumasmoud, Anej Svete, Yuxin Ren, Qipeng Guo, Zhijing Jin, Shauli Ravfogel, Mrinmaya Sachan, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Mennatallah El-Assady, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Pre-trained language encoders -- functions that represent text as vectors -- are an integral component of many NLP tasks. We tackle a natural question in language encoder analysis: What does it mean for two encoders to be similar? We contend that a faithful measure of similarity needs to be \emph{intrinsic}, that is, task-independent, yet still be informative of \emph{extrinsic} similarity -- the performance on downstream tasks. It is common to consider two encoders similar if they are \emph{homotopic}, i.e., if they can be aligned through some transformation. In this spirit, we study the properties of \emph{affine} alignment of language encoders and its implications on extrinsic similarity. We find that while affine alignment is fundamentally an asymmetric notion of similarity, it is still informative of extrinsic similarity. We confirm this on datasets of natural language representations. Beyond providing useful bounds on extrinsic similarity, affine intrinsic similarity also allows us to begin uncovering the structure of the space of pre-trained encoders by defining an order over them.

new Translation Deserves Better: Analyzing Translation Artifacts in Cross-lingual Visual Question Answering

Authors: ChaeHun Park, Koanho Lee, Hyesu Lim, Jaeseok Kim, Junmo Park, Yu-Jung Heo, Du-Seong Chang, Jaegul Choo

Abstract: Building a reliable visual question answering~(VQA) system across different languages is a challenging problem, primarily due to the lack of abundant samples for training. To address this challenge, recent studies have employed machine translation systems for the cross-lingual VQA task. This involves translating the evaluation samples into a source language (usually English) and using monolingual models (i.e., translate-test). However, our analysis reveals that translated texts contain unique characteristics distinct from human-written ones, referred to as translation artifacts. We find that these artifacts can significantly affect the models, confirmed by extensive experiments across diverse models, languages, and translation processes. In light of this, we present a simple data augmentation strategy that can alleviate the adverse impacts of translation artifacts.

new Probing the Category of Verbal Aspect in Transformer Language Models

Authors: Anisia Katinskaia, Roman Yangarber

Abstract: We investigate how pretrained language models (PLM) encode the grammatical category of verbal aspect in Russian. Encoding of aspect in transformer LMs has not been studied previously in any language. A particular challenge is posed by "alternative contexts": where either the perfective or the imperfective aspect is suitable grammatically and semantically. We perform probing using BERT and RoBERTa on alternative and non-alternative contexts. First, we assess the models' performance on aspect prediction, via behavioral probing. Next, we examine the models' performance when their contextual representations are substituted with counterfactual representations, via causal probing. These counterfactuals alter the value of the "boundedness" feature--a semantic feature, which characterizes the action in the context. Experiments show that BERT and RoBERTa do encode aspect--mostly in their final layers. The counterfactual interventions affect perfective and imperfective in opposite ways, which is consistent with grammar: perfective is positively affected by adding the meaning of boundedness, and vice versa. The practical implications of our probing results are that fine-tuning only the last layers of BERT on predicting aspect is faster and more effective than fine-tuning the whole model. The model has high predictive uncertainty about aspect in alternative contexts, which tend to lack explicit hints about the boundedness of the described action.

new Linguistic Fingerprint in Transformer Models: How Language Variation Influences Parameter Selection in Irony Detection

Authors: Michele Mastromattei, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

Abstract: This paper explores the correlation between linguistic diversity, sentiment analysis and transformer model architectures. We aim to investigate how different English variations impact transformer-based models for irony detection. To conduct our study, we used the EPIC corpus to extract five diverse English variation-specific datasets and applied the KEN pruning algorithm on five different architectures. Our results reveal several similarities between optimal subnetworks, which provide insights into the linguistic variations that share strong resemblances and those that exhibit greater dissimilarities. We discovered that optimal subnetworks across models share at least 60% of their parameters, emphasizing the significance of parameter values in capturing and interpreting linguistic variations. This study highlights the inherent structural similarities between models trained on different variants of the same language and also the critical role of parameter values in capturing these nuances.

new LlamaCare: A Large Medical Language Model for Enhancing Healthcare Knowledge Sharing

Authors: Maojun Sun

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown amazing capabilities in knowledge memorization and present. However, when it comes to domain-specific knowledge and downstream tasks like medical, general LLMs are often unable to give precise answers. In addition, when people want LLMs to answer classification questions, they usually go through instruction tuning first, however, LLMs do not always give a direct index of the categorization after instruction tuning. In this paper, we proposed LlamaCare, a fine-tuned medical language model, and Extended Classification Integration(ECI), a module to handle classification problems of LLMs. Our contributions are : (i) We fine-tuned a large language model of medical knowledge with very low carbon emissions and achieved similar performance with ChatGPT by a 24G GPU. (ii) We solved the problem of redundant categorical answers and improved the performance of LLMs by proposing a new module called Extended Classification Integration. (iii) We released our processed data for one-shot and few-shot training for some benchmarks such as PubMedQA and USMLE 1-3 step. Our method achieves a close effect with the state-of-the-art model in benchmarks while costing lower GPU resources compared to LLMs with the same quantity of parameters. Our models, codes, and datasets can be found in


new Retaining Key Information under High Compression Ratios: Query-Guided Compressor for LLMs

Authors: Zhiwei Cao, Qian Cao, Yu Lu, Ningxin Peng, Luyang Huang, Shanbo Cheng, Jinsong Su

Abstract: The growing popularity of Large Language Models has sparked interest in context compression for Large Language Models (LLMs). However, the performance of previous methods degrades dramatically as compression ratios increase, sometimes even falling to the closed-book level. This decline can be attributed to the loss of key information during the compression process. Our preliminary study supports this hypothesis, emphasizing the significance of retaining key information to maintain model performance under high compression ratios. As a result, we introduce Query-Guided Compressor (QGC), which leverages queries to guide the context compression process, effectively preserving key information within the compressed context. Additionally, we employ a dynamic compression strategy. We validate the effectiveness of our proposed QGC on the Question Answering task, including NaturalQuestions, TriviaQA, and HotpotQA datasets. Experimental results show that QGC can consistently perform well even at high compression ratios, which also offers significant benefits in terms of inference cost and throughput.

new On the Intrinsic Self-Correction Capability of LLMs: Uncertainty and Latent Concept

Authors: Guangliang Liu, Haitao Mao, Bochuan Cao, Zhiyu Xue, Kristen Johnson, Jiliang Tang, Rongrong Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) can improve their responses when instructed to do so, a capability known as self-correction. When these instructions lack specific details about the issues in the response, this is referred to as leveraging the intrinsic self-correction capability. The empirical success of self-correction can be found in various applications, e.g., text detoxification and social bias mitigation. However, leveraging this self-correction capability may not always be effective, as it has the potential to revise an initially correct response into an incorrect one. In this paper, we endeavor to understand how and why leveraging the self-correction capability is effective. We identify that appropriate instructions can guide LLMs to a convergence state, wherein additional self-correction steps do not yield further performance improvements. We empirically demonstrate that model uncertainty and activated latent concepts jointly characterize the effectiveness of self-correction. Furthermore, we provide a mathematical formulation indicating that the activated latent concept drives the convergence of the model uncertainty and self-correction performance. Our analysis can also be generalized to the self-correction behaviors observed in Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Moreover, we highlight that task-agnostic debiasing can benefit from our principle in terms of selecting effective fine-tuning samples. Such initial success demonstrates the potential extensibility for better instruction tuning and safety alignment.

new Multiple Choice Questions and Large Languages Models: A Case Study with Fictional Medical Data

Authors: Maxime Griot, Jean Vanderdonckt, Demet Yuksel, Coralie Hemptinne

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT demonstrate significant potential in the medical field, often evaluated using multiple-choice questions (MCQs) similar to those found on the USMLE. Despite their prevalence in medical education, MCQs have limitations that might be exacerbated when assessing LLMs. To evaluate the effectiveness of MCQs in assessing the performance of LLMs, we developed a fictional medical benchmark focused on a non-existent gland, the Glianorex. This approach allowed us to isolate the knowledge of the LLM from its test-taking abilities. We used GPT-4 to generate a comprehensive textbook on the Glianorex in both English and French and developed corresponding multiple-choice questions in both languages. We evaluated various open-source, proprietary, and domain-specific LLMs using these questions in a zero-shot setting. The models achieved average scores around 67%, with minor performance differences between larger and smaller models. Performance was slightly higher in English than in French. Fine-tuned medical models showed some improvement over their base versions in English but not in French. The uniformly high performance across models suggests that traditional MCQ-based benchmarks may not accurately measure LLMs' clinical knowledge and reasoning abilities, instead highlighting their pattern recognition skills. This study underscores the need for more robust evaluation methods to better assess the true capabilities of LLMs in medical contexts.

new The Scandinavian Embedding Benchmarks: Comprehensive Assessment of Multilingual and Monolingual Text Embedding

Authors: Kenneth Enevoldsen, M\'arton Kardos, Niklas Muennighoff, Kristoffer Laigaard Nielbo

Abstract: The evaluation of English text embeddings has transitioned from evaluating a handful of datasets to broad coverage across many tasks through benchmarks such as MTEB. However, this is not the case for multilingual text embeddings due to a lack of available benchmarks. To address this problem, we introduce the Scandinavian Embedding Benchmark (SEB). SEB is a comprehensive framework that enables text embedding evaluation for Scandinavian languages across 24 tasks, 10 subtasks, and 4 task categories. Building on SEB, we evaluate more than 26 models, uncovering significant performance disparities between public and commercial solutions not previously captured by MTEB. We open-source SEB and integrate it with MTEB, thus bridging the text embedding evaluation gap for Scandinavian languages.

new Representations as Language: An Information-Theoretic Framework for Interpretability

Authors: Henry Conklin, Kenny Smith

Abstract: Large scale neural models show impressive performance across a wide array of linguistic tasks. Despite this they remain, largely, black-boxes - inducing vector-representations of their input that prove difficult to interpret. This limits our ability to understand what they learn, and when the learn it, or describe what kinds of representations generalise well out of distribution. To address this we introduce a novel approach to interpretability that looks at the mapping a model learns from sentences to representations as a kind of language in its own right. In doing so we introduce a set of information-theoretic measures that quantify how structured a model's representations are with respect to its input, and when during training that structure arises. Our measures are fast to compute, grounded in linguistic theory, and can predict which models will generalise best based on their representations. We use these measures to describe two distinct phases of training a transformer: an initial phase of in-distribution learning which reduces task loss, then a second stage where representations becoming robust to noise. Generalisation performance begins to increase during this second phase, drawing a link between generalisation and robustness to noise. Finally we look at how model size affects the structure of the representational space, showing that larger models ultimately compress their representations more than their smaller counterparts.

new Analyzing Temporal Complex Events with Large Language Models? A Benchmark towards Temporal, Long Context Understanding

Authors: Zhihan Zhang, Yixin Cao, Chenchen Ye, Yunshan Ma, Lizi Liao, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: The digital landscape is rapidly evolving with an ever-increasing volume of online news, emphasizing the need for swift and precise analysis of complex events. We refer to the complex events composed of many news articles over an extended period as Temporal Complex Event (TCE). This paper proposes a novel approach using Large Language Models (LLMs) to systematically extract and analyze the event chain within TCE, characterized by their key points and timestamps. We establish a benchmark, named TCELongBench, to evaluate the proficiency of LLMs in handling temporal dynamics and understanding extensive text. This benchmark encompasses three distinct tasks - reading comprehension, temporal sequencing, and future event forecasting. In the experiment, we leverage retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) method and LLMs with long context window to deal with lengthy news articles of TCE. Our findings indicate that models with suitable retrievers exhibit comparable performance with those utilizing long context window.

new Hiding Text in Large Language Models: Introducing Unconditional Token Forcing Confusion

Authors: Jakub Hoscilowicz, Pawel Popiolek, Jan Rudkowski, Jedrzej Bieniasz, Artur Janicki

Abstract: With the help of simple fine-tuning, one can artificially embed hidden text into large language models (LLMs). This text is revealed only when triggered by a specific query to the LLM. Two primary applications are LLM fingerprinting and steganography. In the context of LLM fingerprinting, a unique text identifier (fingerprint) is embedded within the model to verify licensing compliance. In the context of steganography, the LLM serves as a carrier for hidden messages that can be disclosed through a designated trigger. Our work demonstrates that embedding hidden text in the LLM via fine-tuning, though seemingly secure due to the vast number of potential triggers (any sequence of characters or tokens could serve as a trigger), is susceptible to extraction through analysis of the LLM's output decoding process. We propose a novel approach to extraction called Unconditional Token Forcing. It is premised on the hypothesis that iteratively feeding each token from the LLM's vocabulary into the model should reveal sequences with abnormally high token probabilities, indicating potential embedded text candidates. Additionally, our experiments show that when the first token of a hidden fingerprint is used as an input, the LLM not only produces an output sequence with high token probabilities, but also repetitively generates the fingerprint itself. We also present a method to hide text in such a way that it is resistant to Unconditional Token Forcing, which we named Unconditional Token Forcing Confusion.

new Deterministic Reversible Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Jiashu Yao, Heyan Huang, Zeming Liu, Yuhang Guo

Abstract: Data augmentation is an effective way to diversify corpora in machine translation, but previous methods may introduce semantic inconsistency between original and augmented data because of irreversible operations and random subword sampling procedures. To generate both symbolically diverse and semantically consistent augmentation data, we propose Deterministic Reversible Data Augmentation (DRDA), a simple but effective data augmentation method for neural machine translation. DRDA adopts deterministic segmentations and reversible operations to generate multi-granularity subword representations and pulls them closer together with multi-view techniques. With no extra corpora or model changes required, DRDA outperforms strong baselines on several translation tasks with a clear margin (up to 4.3 BLEU gain over Transformer) and exhibits good robustness in noisy, low-resource, and cross-domain datasets.

new CheckEmbed: Effective Verification of LLM Solutions to Open-Ended Tasks

Authors: Maciej Besta, Lorenzo Paleari, Ales Kubicek, Piotr Nyczyk, Robert Gerstenberger, Patrick Iff, Tomasz Lehmann, Hubert Niewiadomski, Torsten Hoefler

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing various domains, yet verifying their answers remains a significant challenge, especially for intricate open-ended tasks such as consolidation, summarization, and extraction of knowledge. In this work, we propose CheckEmbed: an accurate, scalable, and simple LLM verification approach. CheckEmbed is driven by a straightforward yet powerful idea: in order to compare LLM solutions to one another or to the ground-truth, compare their corresponding answer-level embeddings obtained with a model such as GPT Text Embedding Large. This reduces a complex textual answer to a single embedding, facilitating straightforward, fast, and meaningful verification. We develop a comprehensive verification pipeline implementing the CheckEmbed methodology. The CheckEmbed pipeline also comes with metrics for assessing the truthfulness of the LLM answers, such as embedding heatmaps and their summaries. We show how to use these metrics for deploying practical engines that decide whether an LLM answer is satisfactory or not. We apply the pipeline to real-world document analysis tasks, including term extraction and document summarization, showcasing significant improvements in accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and runtime performance compared to existing token-, sentence-, and fact-level schemes such as BERTScore or SelfCheckGPT.

new Scalable MatMul-free Language Modeling

Authors: Rui-Jie Zhu, Yu Zhang, Ethan Sifferman, Tyler Sheaves, Yiqiao Wang, Dustin Richmond, Peng Zhou, Jason K. Eshraghian

Abstract: Matrix multiplication (MatMul) typically dominates the overall computational cost of large language models (LLMs). This cost only grows as LLMs scale to larger embedding dimensions and context lengths. In this work, we show that MatMul operations can be completely eliminated from LLMs while maintaining strong performance at billion-parameter scales. Our experiments show that our proposed MatMul-free models achieve performance on-par with state-of-the-art Transformers that require far more memory during inference at a scale up to at least 2.7B parameters. We investigate the scaling laws and find that the performance gap between our MatMul-free models and full precision Transformers narrows as the model size increases. We also provide a GPU-efficient implementation of this model which reduces memory usage by up to 61% over an unoptimized baseline during training. By utilizing an optimized kernel during inference, our model's memory consumption can be reduced by more than 10x compared to unoptimized models. To properly quantify the efficiency of our architecture, we build a custom hardware solution on an FPGA which exploits lightweight operations beyond what GPUs are capable of. We processed billion-parameter scale models at 13W beyond human readable throughput, moving LLMs closer to brain-like efficiency. This work not only shows how far LLMs can be stripped back while still performing effectively, but also points at the types of operations future accelerators should be optimized for in processing the next generation of lightweight LLMs. Our code implementation is available at \url{}.


new SpecExec: Massively Parallel Speculative Decoding for Interactive LLM Inference on Consumer Devices

Authors: Ruslan Svirschevski, Avner May, Zhuoming Chen, Beidi Chen, Zhihao Jia, Max Ryabinin

Abstract: As large language models gain widespread adoption, running them efficiently becomes crucial. Recent works on LLM inference use speculative decoding to achieve extreme speedups. However, most of these works implicitly design their algorithms for high-end datacenter hardware. In this work, we ask the opposite question: how fast can we run LLMs on consumer machines? Consumer GPUs can no longer fit the largest available models (50B+ parameters) and must offload them to RAM or SSD. When running with offloaded parameters, the inference engine can process batches of hundreds or thousands of tokens at the same time as just one token, making it a natural fit for speculative decoding. We propose SpecExec (Speculative Execution), a simple parallel decoding method that can generate up to 20 tokens per target model iteration for popular LLM families. It utilizes the high spikiness of the token probabilities distribution in modern LLMs and a high degree of alignment between model output probabilities. SpecExec takes the most probable tokens continuation from the draft model to build a "cache" tree for the target model, which then gets validated in a single pass. Using SpecExec, we demonstrate inference of 50B+ parameter LLMs on consumer GPUs with RAM offloading at 4-6 tokens per second with 4-bit quantization or 2-3 tokens per second with 16-bit weights.

new Mitigate Position Bias in Large Language Models via Scaling a Single Dimension

Authors: Yijiong Yu, Huiqiang Jiang, Xufang Luo, Qianhui Wu, Chin-Yew Lin, Dongsheng Li, Yuqing Yang, Yongfeng Huang, Lili Qiu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly applied in various real-world scenarios due to their excellent generalization capabilities and robust generative abilities. However, they exhibit position bias, also known as "lost in the middle", a phenomenon that is especially pronounced in long-context scenarios, which indicates the placement of the key information in different positions of a prompt can significantly affect accuracy. This paper first explores the micro-level manifestations of position bias, concluding that attention weights are a micro-level expression of position bias. It further identifies that, in addition to position embeddings, causal attention mask also contributes to position bias by creating position-specific hidden states. Based on these insights, we propose a method to mitigate position bias by scaling this positional hidden states. Experiments on the NaturalQuestions Multi-document QA, KV retrieval, LongBench and timeline reorder tasks, using various models including RoPE models, context windowextended models, and Alibi models, demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of our approach. Our method can improve performance by up to 15.2% by modifying just one dimension of hidden states. Our code is available at


new TopViewRS: Vision-Language Models as Top-View Spatial Reasoners

Authors: Chengzu Li, Caiqi Zhang, Han Zhou, Nigel Collier, Anna Korhonen, Ivan Vuli\'c

Abstract: Top-view perspective denotes a typical way in which humans read and reason over different types of maps, and it is vital for localization and navigation of humans as well as of `non-human' agents, such as the ones backed by large Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Nonetheless, spatial reasoning capabilities of modern VLMs remain unattested and underexplored. In this work, we thus study their capability to understand and reason over spatial relations from the top view. The focus on top view also enables controlled evaluations at different granularity of spatial reasoning; we clearly disentangle different abilities (e.g., recognizing particular objects versus understanding their relative positions). We introduce the TopViewRS (Top-View Reasoning in Space) dataset, consisting of 11,384 multiple-choice questions with either realistic or semantic top-view map as visual input. We then use it to study and evaluate VLMs across 4 perception and reasoning tasks with different levels of complexity. Evaluation of 10 representative open- and closed-source VLMs reveals the gap of more than 50% compared to average human performance, and it is even lower than the random baseline in some cases. Although additional experiments show that Chain-of-Thought reasoning can boost model capabilities by 5.82% on average, the overall performance of VLMs remains limited. Our findings underscore the critical need for enhanced model capability in top-view spatial reasoning and set a foundation for further research towards human-level proficiency of VLMs in real-world multimodal tasks.

cross SymTax: Symbiotic Relationship and Taxonomy Fusion for Effective Citation Recommendation

Authors: Karan Goyal, Mayank Goel, Vikram Goyal, Mukesh Mohania

Abstract: Citing pertinent literature is pivotal to writing and reviewing a scientific document. Existing techniques mainly focus on the local context or the global context for recommending citations but fail to consider the actual human citation behaviour. We propose SymTax, a three-stage recommendation architecture that considers both the local and the global context, and additionally the taxonomical representations of query-candidate tuples and the Symbiosis prevailing amongst them. SymTax learns to embed the infused taxonomies in the hyperbolic space and uses hyperbolic separation as a latent feature to compute query-candidate similarity. We build a novel and large dataset ArSyTa containing 8.27 million citation contexts and describe the creation process in detail. We conduct extensive experiments and ablation studies to demonstrate the effectiveness and design choice of each module in our framework. Also, combinatorial analysis from our experiments shed light on the choice of language models (LMs) and fusion embedding, and the inclusion of section heading as a signal. Our proposed module that captures the symbiotic relationship solely leads to performance gains of 26.66% and 39.25% in Recall@5 w.r.t. SOTA on ACL-200 and RefSeer datasets, respectively. The complete framework yields a gain of 22.56% in Recall@5 wrt SOTA on our proposed dataset. The code and dataset are available at


cross Recent advances in text embedding: A Comprehensive Review of Top-Performing Methods on the MTEB Benchmark

Authors: Hongliu Cao

Abstract: Text embedding methods have become increasingly popular in both industrial and academic fields due to their critical role in a variety of natural language processing tasks. The significance of universal text embeddings has been further highlighted with the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) applications such as Retrieval-Augmented Systems (RAGs). While previous models have attempted to be general-purpose, they often struggle to generalize across tasks and domains. However, recent advancements in training data quantity, quality and diversity; synthetic data generation from LLMs as well as using LLMs as backbones encourage great improvements in pursuing universal text embeddings. In this paper, we provide an overview of the recent advances in universal text embedding models with a focus on the top performing text embeddings on Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB). Through detailed comparison and analysis, we highlight the key contributions and limitations in this area, and propose potentially inspiring future research directions.

cross Detecting Deceptive Dark Patterns in E-commerce Platforms

Authors: Arya Ramteke, Sankalp Tembhurne, Gunesh Sonawane, Ratnmala N. Bhimanpallewar

Abstract: Dark patterns are deceptive user interfaces employed by e-commerce websites to manipulate user's behavior in a way that benefits the website, often unethically. This study investigates the detection of such dark patterns. Existing solutions include UIGuard, which uses computer vision and natural language processing, and approaches that categorize dark patterns based on detectability or utilize machine learning models trained on datasets. We propose combining web scraping techniques with fine-tuned BERT language models and generative capabilities to identify dark patterns, including outliers. The approach scrapes textual content, feeds it into the BERT model for detection, and leverages BERT's bidirectional analysis and generation abilities. The study builds upon research on automatically detecting and explaining dark patterns, aiming to raise awareness and protect consumers.

cross Judgement Citation Retrieval using Contextual Similarity

Authors: Akshat Mohan Dasula, Hrushitha Tigulla, Preethika Bhukya

Abstract: Traditionally in the domain of legal research, the retrieval of pertinent citations from intricate case descriptions has demanded manual effort and keyword-based search applications that mandate expertise in understanding legal jargon. Legal case descriptions hold pivotal information for legal professionals and researchers, necessitating more efficient and automated approaches. We propose a methodology that combines natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to enhance the organization and utilization of legal case descriptions. This approach revolves around the creation of textual embeddings with the help of state-of-art embedding models. Our methodology addresses two primary objectives: unsupervised clustering and supervised citation retrieval, both designed to automate the citation extraction process. Although the proposed methodology can be used for any dataset, we employed the Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) dataset, yielding remarkable results. Our methodology achieved an impressive accuracy rate of 90.9%. By automating labor-intensive processes, we pave the way for a more efficient, time-saving, and accessible landscape in legal research, benefiting legal professionals, academics, and researchers.

cross Unveiling Hidden Factors: Explainable AI for Feature Boosting in Speech Emotion Recognition

Authors: Alaa Nfissi, Wassim Bouachir, Nizar Bouguila, Brian Mishara

Abstract: Speech emotion recognition (SER) has gained significant attention due to its several application fields, such as mental health, education, and human-computer interaction. However, the accuracy of SER systems is hindered by high-dimensional feature sets that may contain irrelevant and redundant information. To overcome this challenge, this study proposes an iterative feature boosting approach for SER that emphasizes feature relevance and explainability to enhance machine learning model performance. Our approach involves meticulous feature selection and analysis to build efficient SER systems. In addressing our main problem through model explainability, we employ a feature evaluation loop with Shapley values to iteratively refine feature sets. This process strikes a balance between model performance and transparency, which enables a comprehensive understanding of the model's predictions. The proposed approach offers several advantages, including the identification and removal of irrelevant and redundant features, leading to a more effective model. Additionally, it promotes explainability, facilitating comprehension of the model's predictions and the identification of crucial features for emotion determination. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated on the SER benchmarks of the Toronto emotional speech set (TESS), Berlin Database of Emotional Speech (EMO-DB), Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS), and Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion (SAVEE) datasets, outperforming state-of-the-art methods. These results highlight the potential of the proposed technique in developing accurate and explainable SER systems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to incorporate model explainability into an SER framework.

cross On Overcoming Miscalibrated Conversational Priors in LLM-based Chatbots

Authors: Christine Herlihy, Jennifer Neville, Tobias Schnabel, Adith Swaminathan

Abstract: We explore the use of Large Language Model (LLM-based) chatbots to power recommender systems. We observe that the chatbots respond poorly when they encounter under-specified requests (e.g., they make incorrect assumptions, hedge with a long response, or refuse to answer). We conjecture that such miscalibrated response tendencies (i.e., conversational priors) can be attributed to LLM fine-tuning using annotators -- single-turn annotations may not capture multi-turn conversation utility, and the annotators' preferences may not even be representative of users interacting with a recommender system. We first analyze public LLM chat logs to conclude that query under-specification is common. Next, we study synthetic recommendation problems with configurable latent item utilities and frame them as Partially Observed Decision Processes (PODP). We find that pre-trained LLMs can be sub-optimal for PODPs and derive better policies that clarify under-specified queries when appropriate. Then, we re-calibrate LLMs by prompting them with learned control messages to approximate the improved policy. Finally, we show empirically that our lightweight learning approach effectively uses logged conversation data to re-calibrate the response strategies of LLM-based chatbots for recommendation tasks.

cross TimeCMA: Towards LLM-Empowered Time Series Forecasting via Cross-Modality Alignment

Authors: Chenxi Liu, Qianxiong Xu, Hao Miao, Sun Yang, Lingzheng Zhang, Cheng Long, Ziyue Li, Rui Zhao

Abstract: The widespread adoption of scalable mobile sensing has led to large amounts of time series data for real-world applications. A fundamental application is multivariate time series forecasting (MTSF), which aims to predict future time series values based on historical observations. Existing MTSF methods suffer from limited parameterization and small-scale training data. Recently, Large language models (LLMs) have been introduced in time series, which achieve promising forecasting performance but incur heavy computational costs. To solve these challenges, we propose TimeCMA, an LLM-empowered framework for time series forecasting with cross-modality alignment. We design a dual-modality encoding module with two branches, where the time series encoding branch extracts relatively low-quality yet pure embeddings of time series through an inverted Transformer. In addition, the LLM-empowered encoding branch wraps the same time series as prompts to obtain high-quality yet entangled prompt embeddings via a Pre-trained LLM. Then, we design a cross-modality alignment module to retrieve high-quality and pure time series embeddings from the prompt embeddings. Moreover, we develop a time series forecasting module to decode the aligned embeddings while capturing dependencies among multiple variables for forecasting. Notably, we tailor the prompt to encode sufficient temporal information into a last token and design the last token embedding storage to reduce computational costs. Extensive experiments on real data offer insight into the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed framework.

cross AI-based Classification of Customer Support Tickets: State of the Art and Implementation with AutoML

Authors: Mario Truss, Stephan Boehm

Abstract: Automation of support ticket classification is crucial to improve customer support performance and shortening resolution time for customer inquiries. This research aims to test the applicability of automated machine learning (AutoML) as a technology to train a machine learning model (ML model) that can classify support tickets. The model evaluation conducted in this research shows that AutoML can be used to train ML models with good classification performance. Moreover, this paper fills a research gap by providing new insights into developing AI solutions without a dedicated professional by utilizing AutoML, which makes this technology more accessible for companies without specialized AI departments and staff.

cross GRAM: Generative Retrieval Augmented Matching of Data Schemas in the Context of Data Security

Authors: Xuanqing Liu, Luyang Kong, Runhui Wang, Patrick Song, Austin Nevins, Henrik Johnson, Nimish Amlathe, Davor Golac

Abstract: Schema matching constitutes a pivotal phase in the data ingestion process for contemporary database systems. Its objective is to discern pairwise similarities between two sets of attributes, each associated with a distinct data table. This challenge emerges at the initial stages of data analytics, such as when incorporating a third-party table into existing databases to inform business insights. Given its significance in the realm of database systems, schema matching has been under investigation since the 2000s. This study revisits this foundational problem within the context of large language models. Adhering to increasingly stringent data security policies, our focus lies on the zero-shot and few-shot scenarios: the model should analyze only a minimal amount of customer data to execute the matching task, contrasting with the conventional approach of scrutinizing the entire data table. We emphasize that the zero-shot or few-shot assumption is imperative to safeguard the identity and privacy of customer data, even at the potential cost of accuracy. The capability to accurately match attributes under such stringent requirements distinguishes our work from previous literature in this domain.

cross Explicitly Encoding Structural Symmetry is Key to Length Generalization in Arithmetic Tasks

Authors: Mahdi Sabbaghi, George Pappas, Hamed Hassani, Surbhi Goel

Abstract: Despite the success of Transformers on language understanding, code generation, and logical reasoning, they still fail to generalize over length on basic arithmetic tasks such as addition and multiplication. A major reason behind this failure is the vast difference in structure between numbers and text; For example, the numbers are typically parsed from right to left, and there is a correspondence between digits at the same position across different numbers. In contrast, for text, such symmetries are quite unnatural. In this work, we propose to encode these semantics explicitly into the model via modified number formatting and custom positional encodings. Empirically, our method allows a Transformer trained on numbers with at most 5-digits for addition and multiplication to generalize up to 50-digit numbers, without using additional data for longer sequences. We further demonstrate that traditional absolute positional encodings (APE) fail to generalize to longer sequences, even when trained with augmented data that captures task symmetries. To elucidate the importance of explicitly encoding structure, we prove that explicit incorporation of structure via positional encodings is necessary for out-of-distribution generalization. Finally, we pinpoint other challenges inherent to length generalization beyond capturing symmetries, in particular complexity of the underlying task, and propose changes in the training distribution to address them.

cross HPE-CogVLM: New Head Pose Grounding Task Exploration on Vision Language Model

Authors: Yu Tian, Tianqi Shao, Tsukasa Demizu, Xuyang Wu, Hsin-Tai Wu

Abstract: Head pose estimation (HPE) task requires a sophisticated understanding of 3D spatial relationships and precise numerical output of yaw, pitch, and roll Euler angles. Previous HPE studies are mainly based on Non-large language models (Non-LLMs), which rely on close-up human heads cropped from the full image as inputs and lack robustness in real-world scenario. In this paper, we present a novel framework to enhance the HPE prediction task by leveraging the visual grounding capability of CogVLM. CogVLM is a vision language model (VLM) with grounding capability of predicting object bounding boxes (BBoxes), which enables HPE training and prediction using full image information input. To integrate the HPE task into the VLM, we first cop with the catastrophic forgetting problem in large language models (LLMs) by investigating the rehearsal ratio in the data rehearsal method. Then, we propose and validate a LoRA layer-based model merging method, which keeps the integrity of parameters, to enhance the HPE performance in the framework. The results show our HPE-CogVLM achieves a 31.5\% reduction in Mean Absolute Error for HPE prediction over the current Non-LLM based state-of-the-art in cross-dataset evaluation. Furthermore, we compare our LoRA layer-based model merging method with LoRA fine-tuning only and other merging methods in CogVLM. The results demonstrate our framework outperforms them in all HPE metrics.

cross Bileve: Securing Text Provenance in Large Language Models Against Spoofing with Bi-level Signature

Authors: Tong Zhou, Xuandong Zhao, Xiaolin Xu, Shaolei Ren

Abstract: Text watermarks for large language models (LLMs) have been commonly used to identify the origins of machine-generated content, which is promising for assessing liability when combating deepfake or harmful content. While existing watermarking techniques typically prioritize robustness against removal attacks, unfortunately, they are vulnerable to spoofing attacks: malicious actors can subtly alter the meanings of LLM-generated responses or even forge harmful content, potentially misattributing blame to the LLM developer. To overcome this, we introduce a bi-level signature scheme, Bileve, which embeds fine-grained signature bits for integrity checks (mitigating spoofing attacks) as well as a coarse-grained signal to trace text sources when the signature is invalid (enhancing detectability) via a novel rank-based sampling strategy. Compared to conventional watermark detectors that only output binary results, Bileve can differentiate 5 scenarios during detection, reliably tracing text provenance and regulating LLMs. The experiments conducted on OPT-1.3B and LLaMA-7B demonstrate the effectiveness of Bileve in defeating spoofing attacks with enhanced detectability.

cross Efficiently Train ASR Models that Memorize Less and Perform Better with Per-core Clipping

Authors: Lun Wang, Om Thakkar, Zhong Meng, Nicole Rafidi, Rohit Prabhavalkar, Arun Narayanan

Abstract: Gradient clipping plays a vital role in training large-scale automatic speech recognition (ASR) models. It is typically applied to minibatch gradients to prevent gradient explosion, and to the individual sample gradients to mitigate unintended memorization. This work systematically investigates the impact of a specific granularity of gradient clipping, namely per-core clip-ping (PCC), across training a wide range of ASR models. We empirically demonstrate that PCC can effectively mitigate unintended memorization in ASR models. Surprisingly, we find that PCC positively influences ASR performance metrics, leading to improved convergence rates and reduced word error rates. To avoid tuning the additional hyperparameter introduced by PCC, we further propose a novel variant, adaptive per-core clipping (APCC), for streamlined optimization. Our findings highlight the multifaceted benefits of PCC as a strategy for robust, privacy-forward ASR model training.

cross Phonetic Enhanced Language Modeling for Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Authors: Kun Zhou, Shengkui Zhao, Yukun Ma, Chong Zhang, Hao Wang, Dianwen Ng, Chongjia Ni, Nguyen Trung Hieu, Jia Qi Yip, Bin Ma

Abstract: Recent language model-based text-to-speech (TTS) frameworks demonstrate scalability and in-context learning capabilities. However, they suffer from robustness issues due to the accumulation of errors in speech unit predictions during autoregressive language modeling. In this paper, we propose a phonetic enhanced language modeling method to improve the performance of TTS models. We leverage self-supervised representations that are phonetically rich as the training target for the autoregressive language model. Subsequently, a non-autoregressive model is employed to predict discrete acoustic codecs that contain fine-grained acoustic details. The TTS model focuses solely on linguistic modeling during autoregressive training, thereby reducing the error propagation that occurs in non-autoregressive training. Both objective and subjective evaluations validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

cross Alice in Wonderland: Simple Tasks Showing Complete Reasoning Breakdown in State-Of-the-Art Large Language Models

Authors: Marianna Nezhurina, Lucia Cipolina-Kun, Mehdi Cherti, Jenia Jitsev

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are often described as being instances of foundation models - that is, models that transfer strongly across various tasks and conditions in few-show or zero-shot manner, while exhibiting scaling laws that predict function improvement when increasing the pre-training scale. These claims of excelling in different functions and tasks rely on measurements taken across various sets of standardized benchmarks showing high scores for such models. We demonstrate here a dramatic breakdown of function and reasoning capabilities of state-of-the-art models trained at the largest available scales which claim strong function, using a simple, short, conventional common sense problem formulated in concise natural language, easily solvable by humans. The breakdown is dramatic, as models also express strong overconfidence in their wrong solutions, while providing often non-sensical "reasoning"-like explanations akin to confabulations to justify and backup the validity of their clearly failed responses, making them sound plausible. Various standard interventions in an attempt to get the right solution, like various type of enhanced prompting, or urging the models to reconsider the wrong solutions again by multi step re-evaluation, fail. We take these initial observations to the scientific and technological community to stimulate urgent re-assessment of the claimed capabilities of current generation of LLMs, Such re-assessment also requires common action to create standardized benchmarks that would allow proper detection of such basic reasoning deficits that obviously manage to remain undiscovered by current state-of-the-art evaluation procedures and benchmarks. Code for reproducing experiments in the paper and raw experiments data can be found at


cross Iteration Head: A Mechanistic Study of Chain-of-Thought

Authors: Vivien Cabannes, Charles Arnal, Wassim Bouaziz, Alice Yang, Francois Charton, Julia Kempe

Abstract: Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning is known to improve Large Language Models both empirically and in terms of theoretical approximation power. However, our understanding of the inner workings and conditions of apparition of CoT capabilities remains limited. This paper helps fill this gap by demonstrating how CoT reasoning emerges in transformers in a controlled and interpretable setting. In particular, we observe the appearance of a specialized attention mechanism dedicated to iterative reasoning, which we coined "iteration heads". We track both the emergence and the precise working of these iteration heads down to the attention level, and measure the transferability of the CoT skills to which they give rise between tasks.

cross SimulTron: On-Device Simultaneous Speech to Speech Translation

Authors: Alex Agranovich, Eliya Nachmani, Oleg Rybakov, Yifan Ding, Ye Jia, Nadav Bar, Heiga Zen, Michelle Tadmor Ramanovich

Abstract: Simultaneous speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) holds the promise of breaking down communication barriers and enabling fluid conversations across languages. However, achieving accurate, real-time translation through mobile devices remains a major challenge. We introduce SimulTron, a novel S2ST architecture designed to tackle this task. SimulTron is a lightweight direct S2ST model that uses the strengths of the Translatotron framework while incorporating key modifications for streaming operation, and an adjustable fixed delay. Our experiments show that SimulTron surpasses Translatotron 2 in offline evaluations. Furthermore, real-time evaluations reveal that SimulTron improves upon the performance achieved by Translatotron 1. Additionally, SimulTron achieves superior BLEU scores and latency compared to previous real-time S2ST method on the MuST-C dataset. Significantly, we have successfully deployed SimulTron on a Pixel 7 Pro device, show its potential for simultaneous S2ST on-device.

cross Robust Interaction-based Relevance Modeling for Online E-Commerce and LLM-based Retrieval

Authors: Ben Chen, Huangyu Dai, Xiang Ma, Wen Jiang, Wei Ning

Abstract: Semantic relevance calculation is crucial for e-commerce search engines, as it ensures that the items selected closely align with customer intent. Inadequate attention to this aspect can detrimentally affect user experience and engagement. Traditional text-matching techniques are prevalent but often fail to capture the nuances of search intent accurately, so neural networks now have become a preferred solution to processing such complex text matching. Existing methods predominantly employ representation-based architectures, which strike a balance between high traffic capacity and low latency. However, they exhibit significant shortcomings in generalization and robustness when compared to interaction-based architectures. In this work, we introduce a robust interaction-based modeling paradigm to address these shortcomings. It encompasses 1) a dynamic length representation scheme for expedited inference, 2) a professional terms recognition method to identify subjects and core attributes from complex sentence structures, and 3) a contrastive adversarial training protocol to bolster the model's robustness and matching capabilities. Extensive offline evaluations demonstrate the superior robustness and effectiveness of our approach, and online A/B testing confirms its ability to improve relevance in the same exposure position, resulting in more clicks and conversions. To the best of our knowledge, this method is the first interaction-based approach for large e-commerce search relevance calculation. Notably, we have deployed it for the entire search traffic on, the largest B2B e-commerce platform in the world.

cross Whistle: Data-Efficient Multilingual and Crosslingual Speech Recognition via Weakly Phonetic Supervision

Authors: Saierdaer Yusuyin, Te Ma, Hao Huang, Wenbo Zhao, Zhijian Ou

Abstract: There exist three approaches for multilingual and crosslingual automatic speech recognition (MCL-ASR) - supervised pre-training with phonetic or graphemic transcription, and self-supervised pre-training. We find that pre-training with phonetic supervision has been underappreciated so far for MCL-ASR, while conceptually it is more advantageous for information sharing between different languages. This paper explores the approach of pre-training with weakly phonetic supervision towards data-efficient MCL-ASR, which is called Whistle. We relax the requirement of gold-standard human-validated phonetic transcripts, and obtain International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) based transcription by leveraging the LanguageNet grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) models. We construct a common experimental setup based on the CommonVoice dataset, called CV-Lang10, with 10 seen languages and 2 unseen languages. A set of experiments are conducted on CV-Lang10 to compare, as fair as possible, the three approaches under the common setup for MCL-ASR. Experiments demonstrate the advantages of phoneme-based models (Whistle) for MCL-ASR, in terms of speech recognition for seen languages, crosslingual performance for unseen languages with different amounts of few-shot data, overcoming catastrophic forgetting, and training efficiency.It is found that when training data is more limited, phoneme supervision can achieve better results compared to subword supervision and self-supervision, thereby providing higher data-efficiency. To support reproducibility and promote future research along this direction, we will release the code, models and data for the whole pipeline of Whistle at upon publication.


cross Why Only Text: Empowering Vision-and-Language Navigation with Multi-modal Prompts

Authors: Haodong Hong, Sen Wang, Zi Huang, Qi Wu, Jiajun Liu

Abstract: Current Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) tasks mainly employ textual instructions to guide agents. However, being inherently abstract, the same textual instruction can be associated with different visual signals, causing severe ambiguity and limiting the transfer of prior knowledge in the vision domain from the user to the agent. To fill this gap, we propose Vision-and-Language Navigation with Multi-modal Prompts (VLN-MP), a novel task augmenting traditional VLN by integrating both natural language and images in instructions. VLN-MP not only maintains backward compatibility by effectively handling text-only prompts but also consistently shows advantages with different quantities and relevance of visual prompts. Possible forms of visual prompts include both exact and similar object images, providing adaptability and versatility in diverse navigation scenarios. To evaluate VLN-MP under a unified framework, we implement a new benchmark that offers: (1) a training-free pipeline to transform textual instructions into multi-modal forms with landmark images; (2) diverse datasets with multi-modal instructions for different downstream tasks; (3) a novel module designed to process various image prompts for seamless integration with state-of-the-art VLN models. Extensive experiments on four VLN benchmarks (R2R, RxR, REVERIE, CVDN) show that incorporating visual prompts significantly boosts navigation performance. While maintaining efficiency with text-only prompts, VLN-MP enables agents to navigate in the pre-explore setting and outperform text-based models, showing its broader applicability.

cross Understanding Retrieval Robustness for Retrieval-Augmented Image Captioning

Authors: Wenyan Li, Jiaang Li, Rita Ramos, Raphael Tang, Desmond Elliott

Abstract: Recent advancements in retrieval-augmented models for image captioning highlight the significance of retrieving related captions for efficient, lightweight models with strong domain-transfer capabilities. While these models demonstrate the success of retrieval augmentation, retrieval models are still far from perfect in practice. Retrieved information can sometimes mislead the model generation, negatively impacting performance. In this paper, we analyze the robustness of the SmallCap retrieval-augmented captioning model. Our analysis shows that SmallCap is sensitive to tokens that appear in the majority of the retrieved captions, and integrated gradients attribution shows that those tokens are likely copied into the final caption. Given these findings, we propose to train the model by sampling retrieved captions from more diverse sets. This reduces the probability that the model learns to copy majority tokens and improves both in-domain and cross-domain performance effectively.

cross Extended Mind Transformers

Authors: Phoebe Klett, Thomas Ahle

Abstract: Pre-trained language models demonstrate general intelligence and common sense, but long inputs quickly become a bottleneck for memorizing information at inference time. We resurface a simple method, Memorizing Transformers (Wu et al., 2022), that gives the model access to a bank of pre-computed memories. We show that it is possible to fix many of the shortcomings of the original method, such as the need for fine-tuning, by critically assessing how positional encodings should be updated for the keys and values retrieved. This intuitive method uses the model's own key/query system to select and attend to the most relevant memories at each generation step, rather than using external embeddings. We demonstrate the importance of external information being retrieved in a majority of decoder layers, contrary to previous work. We open source a new counterfactual long-range retrieval benchmark, and show that Extended Mind Transformers outperform today's state of the art by 6% on average.

cross Language Models Do Hard Arithmetic Tasks Easily and Hardly Do Easy Arithmetic Tasks

Authors: Andrew Gambardella, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo

Abstract: The ability (and inability) of large language models (LLMs) to perform arithmetic tasks has been the subject of much theoretical and practical debate. We show that LLMs are frequently able to correctly and confidently predict the first digit of n-digit by m-digit multiplication tasks without using chain of thought reasoning, despite these tasks require compounding operations to solve. Simultaneously, LLMs in practice often fail to correctly or confidently predict the last digit of an n-digit by m-digit multiplication, a task equivalent to 1-digit by 1-digit multiplication which can be easily learned or memorized. We show that the latter task can be solved more robustly when the LLM is conditioned on all of the correct higher-order digits, which on average increases the confidence of the correct last digit on 5-digit by 5-digit multiplication tasks using Llama 2-13B by over 230% (0.13 to 0.43) and Mistral-7B by 150% (0.22 to 0.55).

cross Large Language Models Make Sample-Efficient Recommender Systems

Authors: Jianghao Lin, Xinyi Dai, Rong Shan, Bo Chen, Ruiming Tang, Yong Yu, Weinan Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable progress in the field of natural language processing (NLP), demonstrating remarkable abilities in producing text that resembles human language for various tasks. This opens up new opportunities for employing them in recommender systems (RSs). In this paper, we specifically examine the sample efficiency of LLM-enhanced recommender systems, which pertains to the model's capacity to attain superior performance with a limited quantity of training data. Conventional recommendation models (CRMs) often need a large amount of training data because of the sparsity of features and interactions. Hence, we propose and verify our core viewpoint: Large Language Models Make Sample-Efficient Recommender Systems. We propose a simple yet effective framework (i.e., Laser) to validate the viewpoint from two aspects: (1) LLMs themselves are sample-efficient recommenders; and (2) LLMs, as feature generators and encoders, make CRMs more sample-efficient. Extensive experiments on two public datasets show that Laser requires only a small fraction of training samples to match or even surpass CRMs that are trained on the entire training set, demonstrating superior sample efficiency.

cross XRec: Large Language Models for Explainable Recommendation

Authors: Qiyao Ma, Xubin Ren, Chao Huang

Abstract: Recommender systems help users navigate information overload by providing personalized recommendations aligned with their preferences. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a widely adopted approach, but while advanced techniques like graph neural networks (GNNs) and self-supervised learning (SSL) have enhanced CF models for better user representations, they often lack the ability to provide explanations for the recommended items. Explainable recommendations aim to address this gap by offering transparency and insights into the recommendation decision-making process, enhancing users' understanding. This work leverages the language capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to push the boundaries of explainable recommender systems. We introduce a model-agnostic framework called XRec, which enables LLMs to provide comprehensive explanations for user behaviors in recommender systems. By integrating collaborative signals and designing a lightweight collaborative adaptor, the framework empowers LLMs to understand complex patterns in user-item interactions and gain a deeper understanding of user preferences. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of XRec, showcasing its ability to generate comprehensive and meaningful explanations that outperform baseline approaches in explainable recommender systems. We open-source our model implementation at


cross Landscape-Aware Growing: The Power of a Little LAG

Authors: Stefani Karp, Nikunj Saunshi, Sobhan Miryoosefi, Sashank J. Reddi, Sanjiv Kumar

Abstract: Recently, there has been increasing interest in efficient pretraining paradigms for training Transformer-based models. Several recent approaches use smaller models to initialize larger models in order to save computation (e.g., stacking and fusion). In this work, we study the fundamental question of how to select the best growing strategy from a given pool of growing strategies. Prior works have extensively focused on loss- and/or function-preserving behavior at initialization or simply performance at the end of training. Instead, we identify that behavior at initialization can be misleading as a predictor of final performance and present an alternative perspective based on early training dynamics, which we call "landscape-aware growing (LAG)". We perform extensive analysis of correlation of the final performance with performance in the initial steps of training and find early and more accurate predictions of the optimal growing strategy (i.e., with only a small "lag" after initialization). This perspective also motivates an adaptive strategy for gradual stacking.

cross Language-Universal Speech Attributes Modeling for Zero-Shot Multilingual Spoken Keyword Recognition

Authors: Hao Yen, Pin-Jui Ku, Sabato Marco Siniscalchi, Chin-Hui Lee

Abstract: We propose a novel language-universal approach to end-to-end automatic spoken keyword recognition (SKR) leveraging upon (i) a self-supervised pre-trained model, and (ii) a set of universal speech attributes (manner and place of articulation). Specifically, Wav2Vec2.0 is used to generate robust speech representations, followed by a linear output layer to produce attribute sequences. A non-trainable pronunciation model then maps sequences of attributes into spoken keywords in a multilingual setting. Experiments on the Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus show comparable performances to character- and phoneme-based SKR in seen languages. The inclusion of domain adversarial training (DAT) improves the proposed framework, outperforming both character- and phoneme-based SKR approaches with 13.73% and 17.22% relative word error rate (WER) reduction in seen languages, and achieves 32.14% and 19.92% WER reduction for unseen languages in zero-shot settings.

cross Parrot: Multilingual Visual Instruction Tuning

Authors: Hai-Long Sun, Da-Wei Zhou, Yang Li, Shiyin Lu, Chao Yi, Qing-Guo Chen, Zhao Xu, Weihua Luo, Kaifu Zhang, De-Chuan Zhan, Han-Jia Ye

Abstract: The rapid development of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) like GPT-4V has marked a significant step towards artificial general intelligence. Existing methods mainly focus on aligning vision encoders with LLMs through supervised fine-tuning (SFT) to endow LLMs with multimodal abilities, making MLLMs' inherent ability to react to multiple languages progressively deteriorate as the training process evolves. We empirically find that the imbalanced SFT datasets, primarily composed of English-centric image-text pairs, lead to significantly reduced performance in non-English languages. This is due to the failure of aligning the vision encoder and LLM with multilingual tokens during the SFT process. In this paper, we introduce Parrot, a novel method that utilizes textual guidance to drive visual token alignment at the language level. Parrot makes the visual tokens condition on diverse language inputs and uses Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) to promote the alignment of multilingual tokens. Specifically, to enhance non-English visual tokens alignment, we compute the cross-attention using the initial visual features and textual embeddings, the result of which is then fed into the MoE router to select the most relevant experts. The selected experts subsequently convert the initial visual tokens into language-specific visual tokens. Moreover, considering the current lack of benchmarks for evaluating multilingual capabilities within the field, we collect and make available a Massive Multilingual Multimodal Benchmark which includes 6 languages, 15 categories, and 12,000 questions, named as MMMB. Our method not only demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on multilingual MMBench and MMMB, but also excels across a broad range of multimodal tasks. Both the source code and the training dataset of Parrot will be made publicly available.

cross To Believe or Not to Believe Your LLM

Authors: Yasin Abbasi Yadkori, Ilja Kuzborskij, Andr\'as Gy\"orgy, Csaba Szepesv\'ari

Abstract: We explore uncertainty quantification in large language models (LLMs), with the goal to identify when uncertainty in responses given a query is large. We simultaneously consider both epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties, where the former comes from the lack of knowledge about the ground truth (such as about facts or the language), and the latter comes from irreducible randomness (such as multiple possible answers). In particular, we derive an information-theoretic metric that allows to reliably detect when only epistemic uncertainty is large, in which case the output of the model is unreliable. This condition can be computed based solely on the output of the model obtained simply by some special iterative prompting based on the previous responses. Such quantification, for instance, allows to detect hallucinations (cases when epistemic uncertainty is high) in both single- and multi-answer responses. This is in contrast to many standard uncertainty quantification strategies (such as thresholding the log-likelihood of a response) where hallucinations in the multi-answer case cannot be detected. We conduct a series of experiments which demonstrate the advantage of our formulation. Further, our investigations shed some light on how the probabilities assigned to a given output by an LLM can be amplified by iterative prompting, which might be of independent interest.

replace KPEval: Towards Fine-Grained Semantic-Based Keyphrase Evaluation

Authors: Di Wu, Da Yin, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Despite the significant advancements in keyphrase extraction and keyphrase generation methods, the predominant approach for evaluation mainly relies on exact matching with human references. This scheme fails to recognize systems that generate keyphrases semantically equivalent to the references or diverse keyphrases that carry practical utility. To better assess the capability of keyphrase systems, we propose KPEval, a comprehensive evaluation framework consisting of four critical aspects: reference agreement, faithfulness, diversity, and utility. For each aspect, we design semantic-based metrics to reflect the evaluation objectives. Meta-evaluation studies demonstrate that our evaluation strategy correlates better with human preferences compared to a range of previously proposed metrics. Using KPEval, we re-evaluate 23 keyphrase systems and discover that (1) established model comparison results have blind-spots especially when considering reference-free evaluation; (2) large language models are underestimated by prior evaluation works; and (3) there is no single best model that can excel in all the aspects.

replace Taxi1500: A Multilingual Dataset for Text Classification in 1500 Languages

Authors: Chunlan Ma, Ayyoob ImaniGooghari, Haotian Ye, Renhao Pei, Ehsaneddin Asgari, Hinrich Sch\"utze

Abstract: While natural language processing tools have been developed extensively for some of the world's languages, a significant portion of the world's over 7000 languages are still neglected. One reason for this is that evaluation datasets do not yet cover a wide range of languages, including low-resource and endangered ones. We aim to address this issue by creating a text classification dataset encompassing a large number of languages, many of which currently have little to no annotated data available. We leverage parallel translations of the Bible to construct such a dataset by first developing applicable topics and employing a crowdsourcing tool to collect annotated data. By annotating the English side of the data and projecting the labels onto other languages through aligned verses, we generate text classification datasets for more than 1500 languages. We extensively benchmark several existing multilingual language models using our dataset. To facilitate the advancement of research in this area, we will release our dataset and code.

replace Cross-modality Data Augmentation for End-to-End Sign Language Translation

Authors: Jinhui Ye, Wenxiang Jiao, Xing Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: End-to-end sign language translation (SLT) aims to convert sign language videos into spoken language texts directly without intermediate representations. It has been a challenging task due to the modality gap between sign videos and texts and the data scarcity of labeled data. Due to these challenges, the input and output distributions of end-to-end sign language translation (i.e., video-to-text) are less effective compared to the gloss-to-text approach (i.e., text-to-text). To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel Cross-modality Data Augmentation (XmDA) framework to transfer the powerful gloss-to-text translation capabilities to end-to-end sign language translation (i.e. video-to-text) by exploiting pseudo gloss-text pairs from the sign gloss translation model. Specifically, XmDA consists of two key components, namely, cross-modality mix-up and cross-modality knowledge distillation. The former explicitly encourages the alignment between sign video features and gloss embeddings to bridge the modality gap. The latter utilizes the generation knowledge from gloss-to-text teacher models to guide the spoken language text generation. Experimental results on two widely used SLT datasets, i.e., PHOENIX-2014T and CSL-Daily, demonstrate that the proposed XmDA framework significantly and consistently outperforms the baseline models. Extensive analyses confirm our claim that XmDA enhances spoken language text generation by reducing the representation distance between videos and texts, as well as improving the processing of low-frequency words and long sentences.

replace Iterative Forward Tuning Boosts In-Context Learning in Language Models

Authors: Jiaxi Yang, Binyuan Hui, Min Yang, Bailin Wang, Bowen Li, Binhua Li, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li

Abstract: Despite the advancements in in-context learning (ICL) for large language models (LLMs), current research centers on specific prompt engineering, such as demonstration selection, with the expectation that a single iteration of demonstrations processing can generalize effectively to a given test sample. However, this perspective overlooks the potential benefits derived from multiple iterations involving demonstrations, a practice aligning more closely with the iterative decision-making process exhibited by humans, who often learn through analogy. In this study, we introduce a novel two-stage framework to boost ICL in LLMs. Specifically, our framework delineates the ICL process into two distinct stages: Deep-Thinking and test stages. The Deep-Thinking stage incorporates a unique attention mechanism, i.e., iterative enhanced attention, which enables multiple rounds of information accumulation. This mechanism operates by manipulating the Key-Value matrices without training, fostering enhanced understanding capabilities in LLMs by thinking demonstrations multiple times. We evaluated Deep-Thinking across a range of benchmarks and LLMs, showing its superior performance over vanilla ICL methods and its effectiveness in challenging tasks where demonstration selection is infeasible.

replace RE$^2$: Region-Aware Relation Extraction from Visually Rich Documents

Authors: Pritika Ramu, Sijia Wang, Lalla Mouatadid, Joy Rimchala, Lifu Huang

Abstract: Current research in form understanding predominantly relies on large pre-trained language models, necessitating extensive data for pre-training. However, the importance of layout structure (i.e., the spatial relationship between the entity blocks in the visually rich document) to relation extraction has been overlooked. In this paper, we propose REgion-Aware Relation Extraction (RE$^2$) that leverages region-level spatial structure among the entity blocks to improve their relation prediction. We design an edge-aware graph attention network to learn the interaction between entities while considering their spatial relationship defined by their region-level representations. We also introduce a constraint objective to regularize the model towards consistency with the inherent constraints of the relation extraction task. Extensive experiments across various datasets, languages and domains demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approach.

replace Activation Addition: Steering Language Models Without Optimization

Authors: Alexander Matt Turner, Lisa Thiergart, Gavin Leech, David Udell, Juan J. Vazquez, Ulisse Mini, Monte MacDiarmid

Abstract: Reliably controlling the behavior of large language models is a pressing open problem. Existing methods include supervised finetuning, reinforcement learning from human feedback, prompt engineering and guided decoding. We instead investigate activation engineering: modifying activations at inference-time to predictably alter model behavior. We bias the forward pass with a 'steering vector' implicitly specified through natural language. Past work learned these steering vectors; our Activation Addition (ActAdd) method instead computes them by taking activation differences resulting from pairs of prompts. We demonstrate ActAdd on a range of LLMs (LLaMA-3, OPT, GPT-2, and GPT-J), obtaining SOTA on detoxification and negative-to-positive sentiment control. Our approach yields inference-time control over high-level properties of output like topic and sentiment while preserving performance on off-target tasks. ActAdd takes far less compute and implementation effort than finetuning or RLHF, allows users control through natural language, and its computational overhead (as a fraction of inference time) appears stable or improving over increasing model size.

replace Interdisciplinary Fairness in Imbalanced Research Proposal Topic Inference: A Hierarchical Transformer-based Method with Selective Interpolation

Authors: Meng Xiao, Min Wu, Ziyue Qiao, Yanjie Fu, Zhiyuan Ning, Yi Du, Yuanchun Zhou

Abstract: The objective of topic inference in research proposals aims to obtain the most suitable disciplinary division from the discipline system defined by a funding agency. The agency will subsequently find appropriate peer review experts from their database based on this division. Automated topic inference can reduce human errors caused by manual topic filling, bridge the knowledge gap between funding agencies and project applicants, and improve system efficiency. Existing methods focus on modeling this as a hierarchical multi-label classification problem, using generative models to iteratively infer the most appropriate topic information. However, these methods overlook the gap in scale between interdisciplinary research proposals and non-interdisciplinary ones, leading to an unjust phenomenon where the automated inference system categorizes interdisciplinary proposals as non-interdisciplinary, causing unfairness during the expert assignment. How can we address this data imbalance issue under a complex discipline system and hence resolve this unfairness? In this paper, we implement a topic label inference system based on a Transformer encoder-decoder architecture. Furthermore, we utilize interpolation techniques to create a series of pseudo-interdisciplinary proposals from non-interdisciplinary ones during training based on non-parametric indicators such as cross-topic probabilities and topic occurrence probabilities. This approach aims to reduce the bias of the system during model training. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on a real-world dataset to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that our training strategy can significantly mitigate the unfairness generated in the topic inference task.

replace PACIT: Unlocking the Power of Examples for Better In-Context Instruction Tuning

Authors: Tianci Xue, Ziqi Wang, Yixia Li, Yun Chen, Guanhua Chen

Abstract: Instruction tuning enhances the instruction following ability of large language models by finetuning with supervised instruction data. Previous work proposes in-context instruction tuning (ICIT) where specific positive or negative examples are incorporated into the prompt for better performance. In this work, we propose PACIT, a simple and effective in-context instruction tuning method, inspired by the pedagogical concept of desirable difficulty. The PACIT method unlocks the power of examples by encouraging the model to actively learn to grasp the distinctions between the positive and negative examples instead of merely reading. The model is expected to first verify the correctness of the provided example according to the task description, which is then set as the condition for generating a better response to the task instance. Our extensive experiments prove the effectiveness of PACIT, outperforming ICIT baseline on both in-domain and out-domain tasks up to 9.16 and 3.14 average ROUGE-L scores, respectively. Moreover, PACIT can notably enhance the performance of instruction tuning even when all positive and negative examples are generated with a self-instruct method.

replace Don't Fine-Tune, Decode: Syntax Error-Free Tool Use via Constrained Decoding

Authors: Kexun Zhang, Hongqiao Chen, Lei Li, William Wang

Abstract: Instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) excel at many tasks but often fail to use external tools due to complicated and unfamiliar syntax constraints. While extensive fine-tuning and prompting can mitigate the issue, these approaches are expensive and hard to generalize. Furthermore, because syntax constraints are only learned implicitly during fine-tuning, models still make frequent syntax errors. Motivated by the fact that these constraints can be better satisfied explicitly with constrained decoding, we propose TOOLDEC, a decoding algorithm using finite state machines to force LLMs to follow tool syntax. Our experiments show that TOOLDEC eliminates all syntax errors, achieving significantly better performance on various base models and benchmarks. More surprisingly, when applied to generalist out-of-the-box LLMs such as Mistral-Instruct, TOOLDEC improves its accuracy in tool use from the initial 0% to an impressive 52%, matching the performance of specialized fine-tuned models such as ToolLLM.

replace On Context Utilization in Summarization with Large Language Models

Authors: Mathieu Ravaut, Aixin Sun, Nancy F. Chen, Shafiq Joty

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) excel in abstractive summarization tasks, delivering fluent and pertinent summaries. Recent advancements have extended their capabilities to handle long-input contexts, exceeding 100k tokens. However, in question answering, language models exhibit uneven utilization of their input context. They tend to favor the initial and final segments, resulting in a U-shaped performance pattern concerning where the answer is located within the input. This bias raises concerns, particularly in summarization where crucial content may be dispersed throughout the source document(s). Besides, in summarization, mapping facts from the source to the summary is not trivial as salient content is usually re-phrased. In this paper, we conduct the first comprehensive study on context utilization and position bias in summarization. Our analysis encompasses 6 LLMs, 10 datasets, and 5 evaluation metrics. We introduce a new evaluation benchmark called MiddleSum on the which we benchmark two alternative inference methods to alleviate position bias: hierarchical summarization and incremental summarization. Our code and data can be found here:


replace Fast Chain-of-Thought: A Glance of Future from Parallel Decoding Leads to Answers Faster

Authors: Hongxuan Zhang, Zhining Liu, Yao Zhao, Jiaqi Zheng, Chenyi Zhuang, Jinjie Gu, Guihai Chen

Abstract: In this work, we propose FastCoT, a model-agnostic framework based on parallel decoding without any further training of an auxiliary model or modification to the LLM itself. FastCoT uses a size-varying context window whose size changes with position to conduct parallel decoding and auto-regressive decoding simultaneously, thus fully utilizing GPU computation resources. In FastCoT, the parallel decoding part provides the LLM with a quick glance of the future composed of approximate tokens, which could lead to faster answers compared to regular autoregressive decoding used by causal transformers. We also provide an implementation of parallel decoding within LLM, which supports KV-cache generation and batch processing. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that FastCoT saves inference time by nearly 20% with only a negligible performance drop compared to the regular approach. Additionally, we show that the context window size exhibits considerable robustness for different tasks.

replace GENEVA: GENErating and Visualizing branching narratives using LLMs

Authors: Jorge Leandro, Sudha Rao, Michael Xu, Weijia Xu, Nebosja Jojic, Chris Brockett, Bill Dolan

Abstract: Dialogue-based Role Playing Games (RPGs) require powerful storytelling. The narratives of these may take years to write and typically involve a large creative team. In this work, we demonstrate the potential of large generative text models to assist this process. \textbf{GENEVA}, a prototype tool, generates a rich narrative graph with branching and reconverging storylines that match a high-level narrative description and constraints provided by the designer. A large language model (LLM), GPT-4, is used to generate the branching narrative and to render it in a graph format in a two-step process. We illustrate the use of GENEVA in generating new branching narratives for four well-known stories under different contextual constraints. This tool has the potential to assist in game development, simulations, and other applications with game-like properties.

replace Competition-Level Problems are Effective LLM Evaluators

Authors: Yiming Huang, Zhenghao Lin, Xiao Liu, Yeyun Gong, Shuai Lu, Fangyu Lei, Yaobo Liang, Yelong Shen, Chen Lin, Nan Duan, Weizhu Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive reasoning capabilities, yet there is ongoing debate about these abilities and the potential data contamination problem recently. This paper aims to evaluate the reasoning capacities of LLMs, specifically in solving recent competition-level programming problems in Codeforces, which are expert-crafted and unique, requiring deep understanding and robust reasoning skills. We first provide a comprehensive evaluation of GPT-4's peiceived zero-shot performance on this task, considering various aspects such as problems' release time, difficulties, and types of errors encountered. Surprisingly, the peiceived performance of GPT-4 has experienced a cliff like decline in problems after September 2021 consistently across all the difficulties and types of problems, which shows the potential data contamination, as well as the challenges for any existing LLM to solve unseen complex reasoning problems. We further explore various approaches such as fine-tuning, Chain-of-Thought prompting and problem description simplification, unfortunately none of them is able to consistently mitigate the challenges. Through our work, we emphasis the importance of this excellent data source for assessing the genuine reasoning capabilities of LLMs, and foster the development of LLMs with stronger reasoning abilities and better generalization in the future.

replace Fortify the Shortest Stave in Attention: Enhancing Context Awareness of Large Language Models for Effective Tool Use

Authors: Yuhan Chen, Ang Lv, Ting-En Lin, Changyu Chen, Yuchuan Wu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li, Rui Yan

Abstract: In this paper, we demonstrate that an inherent waveform pattern in the attention allocation of large language models (LLMs) significantly affects their performance in tasks demanding a high degree of context awareness, such as utilizing LLMs for tool-use. Specifically, the crucial information in the context will be potentially overlooked by model when it is positioned in the trough zone of the attention waveform, leading to decreased performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel inference method named Attention Buckets. It allows LLMs to process their input through multiple parallel processes. Each process utilizes a distinct base angle for the rotary position embedding, thereby creating a unique attention waveform. By compensating an attention trough of a particular process with an attention peak of another process, our approach enhances LLM's awareness to various contextual positions, thus mitigating the risk of overlooking crucial information. In the largest tool-use benchmark, our method elevates a 7B model to achieve state-of-the-art performance, comparable to that of GPT-4. On other benchmarks and some RAG tasks, which also demand a thorough understanding of contextual content, Attention Buckets also exhibited notable enhancements in performance.

replace KnowGPT: Knowledge Graph based Prompting for Large Language Models

Authors: Qinggang Zhang, Junnan Dong, Hao Chen, Daochen Zha, Zailiang Yu, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in many real-world applications. Nonetheless, LLMs are often criticized for their tendency to produce hallucinations, wherein the models fabricate incorrect statements on tasks beyond their knowledge and perception. To alleviate this issue, researchers have explored leveraging the factual knowledge in knowledge graphs (KGs) to ground the LLM's responses in established facts and principles. However, most state-of-the-art LLMs are closed-source, making it challenging to develop a prompting framework that can efficiently and effectively integrate KGs into LLMs with hard prompts only. Generally, existing KG-enhanced LLMs usually suffer from three critical issues, including huge search space, high API costs, and laborious prompt engineering, that impede their widespread application in practice. To this end, we introduce a novel Knowledge Graph based PrompTing framework, namely KnowGPT, to enhance LLMs with domain knowledge. KnowGPT contains a knowledge extraction module to extract the most informative knowledge from KGs, and a context-aware prompt construction module to automatically convert extracted knowledge into effective prompts. Experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate that KnowGPT significantly outperforms all competitors. Notably, KnowGPT achieves a 92.6% accuracy on OpenbookQA leaderboard, comparable to human-level performance.

replace Large Language Models for Generative Information Extraction: A Survey

Authors: Derong Xu, Wei Chen, Wenjun Peng, Chao Zhang, Tong Xu, Xiangyu Zhao, Xian Wu, Yefeng Zheng, Yang Wang, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Information extraction (IE) aims to extract structural knowledge (such as entities, relations, and events) from plain natural language texts. Recently, generative Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in text understanding and generation, allowing for generalization across various domains and tasks. As a result, numerous works have been proposed to harness abilities of LLMs and offer viable solutions for IE tasks based on a generative paradigm. To conduct a comprehensive systematic review and exploration of LLM efforts for IE tasks, in this study, we survey the most recent advancements in this field. We first present an extensive overview by categorizing these works in terms of various IE subtasks and learning paradigms, then we empirically analyze the most advanced methods and discover the emerging trend of IE tasks with LLMs. Based on thorough review conducted, we identify several insights in technique and promising research directions that deserve further exploration in future studies. We maintain a public repository and consistently update related resources at: \url{}.


replace TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language Model

Authors: Peiyuan Zhang, Guangtao Zeng, Tianduo Wang, Wei Lu

Abstract: We present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1 trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tokenizer of Llama 2, TinyLlama leverages various advances contributed by the open-source community (e.g., FlashAttention and Lit-GPT), achieving better computational efficiency. Despite its relatively small size, TinyLlama demonstrates remarkable performance in a series of downstream tasks. It significantly outperforms existing open-source language models with comparable sizes. Our model checkpoints and code are publicly available on GitHub at


replace Distortions in Judged Spatial Relations in Large Language Models

Authors: Nir Fulman, Abdulkadir Memduho\u{g}lu, Alexander Zipf

Abstract: We present a benchmark for assessing the capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to discern intercardinal directions between geographic locations and apply it to three prominent LLMs: GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Llama-2. This benchmark specifically evaluates whether LLMs exhibit a hierarchical spatial bias similar to humans, where judgments about individual locations' spatial relationships are influenced by the perceived relationships of the larger groups that contain them. To investigate this, we formulated 14 questions focusing on well-known American cities. Seven questions were designed to challenge the LLMs with scenarios potentially influenced by the orientation of larger geographical units, such as states or countries, while the remaining seven targeted locations were less susceptible to such hierarchical categorization. Among the tested models, GPT-4 exhibited superior performance with 55 percent accuracy, followed by GPT-3.5 at 47 percent, and Llama-2 at 45 percent. The models showed significantly reduced accuracy on tasks with suspected hierarchical bias. For example, GPT-4's accuracy dropped to 33 percent on these tasks, compared to 86 percent on others. However, the models identified the nearest cardinal direction in most cases, reflecting their associative learning mechanism, thereby embodying human-like misconceptions. We discuss avenues for improving the spatial reasoning capabilities of LLMs.

replace REBUS: A Robust Evaluation Benchmark of Understanding Symbols

Authors: Andrew Gritsevskiy, Arjun Panickssery, Aaron Kirtland, Derik Kauffman, Hans Gundlach, Irina Gritsevskaya, Joe Cavanagh, Jonathan Chiang, Lydia La Roux, Michelle Hung

Abstract: We propose a new benchmark evaluating the performance of multimodal large language models on rebus puzzles. The dataset covers 333 original examples of image-based wordplay, cluing 13 categories such as movies, composers, major cities, and food. To achieve good performance on the benchmark of identifying the clued word or phrase, models must combine image recognition and string manipulation with hypothesis testing, multi-step reasoning, and an understanding of human cognition, making for a complex, multimodal evaluation of capabilities. We find that GPT-4o significantly outperforms all other models, followed by proprietary models outperforming all other evaluated models. However, even the best model has a final accuracy of only 42\%, which goes down to just 7\% on hard puzzles, highlighting the need for substantial improvements in reasoning. Further, models rarely understand all parts of a puzzle, and are almost always incapable of retroactively explaining the correct answer. Our benchmark can therefore be used to identify major shortcomings in the knowledge and reasoning of multimodal large language models.

replace LinguAlchemy: Fusing Typological and Geographical Elements for Unseen Language Generalization

Authors: Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda, Samuel Cahyawijaya, Alham Fikri Aji, Genta Indra Winata, Ayu Purwarianti

Abstract: Pretrained language models (PLMs) have become remarkably adept at task and language generalization. Nonetheless, they often fail when faced with unseen languages. In this work, we present LinguAlchemy, a regularization method that incorporates various linguistic information covering typological, geographical, and phylogenetic features to align PLMs representation to the corresponding linguistic information on each language. Our LinguAlchemy significantly improves the performance of mBERT and XLM-R on low-resource languages in multiple downstream tasks such as intent classification, news classification, and semantic relatedness compared to fully finetuned models and displaying a high degree of unseen language generalization. We further introduce AlchemyScale and AlchemyTune, extension of LinguAlchemy which adjusts the linguistic regularization weights automatically, alleviating the need for hyperparameter search.

replace Unlocking Efficiency in Large Language Model Inference: A Comprehensive Survey of Speculative Decoding

Authors: Heming Xia, Zhe Yang, Qingxiu Dong, Peiyi Wang, Yongqi Li, Tao Ge, Tianyu Liu, Wenjie Li, Zhifang Sui

Abstract: To mitigate the high inference latency stemming from autoregressive decoding in Large Language Models (LLMs), Speculative Decoding has emerged as a novel decoding paradigm for LLM inference. In each decoding step, this method first drafts several future tokens efficiently and then verifies them in parallel. Unlike autoregressive decoding, Speculative Decoding facilitates the simultaneous decoding of multiple tokens per step, thereby accelerating inference. This paper presents a comprehensive overview and analysis of this promising decoding paradigm. We begin by providing a formal definition and formulation of Speculative Decoding. Then, we organize in-depth discussions on its key facets, such as drafter selection and verification strategies. Furthermore, we present a comparative analysis of leading methods under third-party testing environments. We aim for this work to serve as a catalyst for further research on Speculative Decoding, ultimately contributing to more efficient LLM inference.

replace Gradable ChatGPT Translation Evaluation

Authors: Hui Jiao, Bei Peng, Lu Zong, Xiaojun Zhang, Xinwei Li

Abstract: ChatGPT, as a language model based on large-scale pre-training, has exerted a profound influence on the domain of machine translation. In ChatGPT, a "Prompt" refers to a segment of text or instruction employed to steer the model towards generating a specific category of response. The design of the translation prompt emerges as a key aspect that can wield influence over factors such as the style, precision and accuracy of the translation to a certain extent. However, there is a lack of a common standard and methodology on how to design and select a translation prompt. Accordingly, this paper proposes a generic taxonomy, which defines gradable translation prompts in terms of expression type, translation style, POS information and explicit statement, thus facilitating the construction of prompts endowed with distinct attributes tailored for various translation tasks. Specific experiments and cases are selected to validate and illustrate the effectiveness of the method.

replace Text Embedding Inversion Security for Multilingual Language Models

Authors: Yiyi Chen, Heather Lent, Johannes Bjerva

Abstract: Textual data is often represented as real-numbered embeddings in NLP, particularly with the popularity of large language models (LLMs) and Embeddings as a Service (EaaS). However, storing sensitive information as embeddings can be susceptible to security breaches, as research shows that text can be reconstructed from embeddings, even without knowledge of the underlying model. While defence mechanisms have been explored, these are exclusively focused on English, leaving other languages potentially exposed to attacks. This work explores LLM security through multilingual embedding inversion. We define the problem of black-box multilingual and cross-lingual inversion attacks, and explore their potential implications. Our findings suggest that multilingual LLMs may be more vulnerable to inversion attacks, in part because English-based defences may be ineffective. To alleviate this, we propose a simple masking defense effective for both monolingual and multilingual models. This study is the first to investigate multilingual inversion attacks, shedding light on the differences in attacks and defenses across monolingual and multilingual settings.

replace APT: Adaptive Pruning and Tuning Pretrained Language Models for Efficient Training and Inference

Authors: Bowen Zhao, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Qingqing Cao

Abstract: Fine-tuning and inference with large Language Models (LM) are generally known to be expensive. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning over pretrained LMs reduces training memory by updating a small number of LM parameters but does not improve inference efficiency. Structured pruning improves LM inference efficiency by removing consistent parameter blocks, yet often increases training memory and time. To improve both training and inference efficiency, we introduce APT that adaptively prunes and tunes parameters for the LMs. At the early stage of fine-tuning, APT dynamically adds salient tuning parameters for fast and accurate convergence while discarding unimportant parameters for efficiency. Compared to baselines, our experiments show that APT maintains up to 98% task performance when pruning RoBERTa and T5 models with 40% parameters left while keeping 86.4% LLaMA models' performance with 70% parameters remained. Furthermore, APT speeds up LMs fine-tuning by up to 8x and reduces large LMs memory training footprint by up to 70%.

replace SEER: Facilitating Structured Reasoning and Explanation via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Guoxin Chen, Kexin Tang, Chao Yang, Fuying Ye, Yu Qiao, Yiming Qian

Abstract: Elucidating the reasoning process with structured explanations from question to answer is crucial, as it significantly enhances the interpretability, traceability, and trustworthiness of question-answering (QA) systems. However, structured explanations demand models to perform intricately structured reasoning, which poses great challenges. Most existing methods focus on single-step reasoning through supervised learning, ignoring logical dependencies between steps. Moreover, existing reinforcement learning (RL) based methods overlook the structured relationships, underutilizing the potential of RL in structured reasoning. In this paper, we propose SEER, a novel method that maximizes a structure-based return to facilitate structured reasoning and explanation. Our proposed structure-based return precisely describes the hierarchical and branching structure inherent in structured reasoning, effectively capturing the intricate relationships between different reasoning steps. In addition, we introduce a fine-grained reward function to meticulously delineate diverse reasoning steps. Extensive experiments show that SEER significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, achieving an absolute improvement of 6.9% over RL-based methods on EntailmentBank, a 4.4% average improvement on STREET benchmark, and exhibiting outstanding efficiency and cross-dataset generalization performance. Our code is available at


replace PROXYQA: An Alternative Framework for Evaluating Long-Form Text Generation with Large Language Models

Authors: Haochen Tan, Zhijiang Guo, Zhan Shi, Lu Xu, Zhili Liu, Yunlong Feng, Xiaoguang Li, Yasheng Wang, Lifeng Shang, Qun Liu, Linqi Song

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have succeeded remarkably in understanding long-form contents. However, exploring their capability for generating long-form contents, such as reports and articles, has been relatively unexplored and inadequately assessed by existing benchmarks. The prevalent evaluation methods, which predominantly rely on crowdsourcing, are recognized for their labor-intensive nature and lack of efficiency, whereas automated metrics, such as the ROUGE score, demonstrate discordance with human judgment criteria. In this paper, we propose ProxyQA, an innovative framework dedicated to assessing long-text generation. ProxyQA comprises in-depth human-curated meta-questions spanning various domains, each accompanied by specific proxy-questions with pre-annotated answers. LLMs are tasked to generate extensive content in response to these meta-questions, by engaging an evaluator and incorporating the generated texts as contextual background, ProxyQA assesses the generated content's quality through the evaluator's accuracy in addressing the proxy-questions. We examine multiple LLMs, emphasizing ProxyQA's demanding nature as a high-quality assessment tool. Human evaluation demonstrates that the proxy-question method is notably self-consistent and aligns closely with human evaluative standards. The dataset and leaderboard is available at \url{}.


replace InfoLossQA: Characterizing and Recovering Information Loss in Text Simplification

Authors: Jan Trienes, Sebastian Joseph, J\"org Schl\"otterer, Christin Seifert, Kyle Lo, Wei Xu, Byron C. Wallace, Junyi Jessy Li

Abstract: Text simplification aims to make technical texts more accessible to laypeople but often results in deletion of information and vagueness. This work proposes InfoLossQA, a framework to characterize and recover simplification-induced information loss in form of question-and-answer (QA) pairs. Building on the theory of Question Under Discussion, the QA pairs are designed to help readers deepen their knowledge of a text. We conduct a range of experiments with this framework. First, we collect a dataset of 1,000 linguist-curated QA pairs derived from 104 LLM simplifications of scientific abstracts of medical studies. Our analyses of this data reveal that information loss occurs frequently, and that the QA pairs give a high-level overview of what information was lost. Second, we devise two methods for this task: end-to-end prompting of open-source and commercial language models, and a natural language inference pipeline. With a novel evaluation framework considering the correctness of QA pairs and their linguistic suitability, our expert evaluation reveals that models struggle to reliably identify information loss and applying similar standards as humans at what constitutes information loss.

replace Long Is More for Alignment: A Simple but Tough-to-Beat Baseline for Instruction Fine-Tuning

Authors: Hao Zhao, Maksym Andriushchenko, Francesco Croce, Nicolas Flammarion

Abstract: There is a consensus that instruction fine-tuning of LLMs requires high-quality data, but what are they? LIMA (NeurIPS 2023) and AlpaGasus (ICLR 2024) are state-of-the-art methods for selecting such high-quality examples, either via manual curation or using GPT-3.5-Turbo as a quality scorer. We show that the extremely simple baseline of selecting the 1,000 instructions with longest responses -- that intuitively contain more learnable information and are harder to overfit -- from standard datasets can consistently outperform these sophisticated methods according to GPT-4 and PaLM-2 as judges, while remaining competitive on the Open LLM benchmarks that test factual knowledge. We demonstrate this for several LLMs (Llama-2-7B, Llama-2-13B, Mistral-7B-v0.1) and datasets (Alpaca-52k, Evol-Instruct-70k). In addition, a lightweight refinement of such long instructions can further improve the abilities of the fine-tuned LLMs, and allows us to obtain competitive results on MT-Bench and the 2nd highest-ranked Llama-2-7B-based model on AlpacaEval 2.0, while training on only 1,000 examples and no extra preference data. We also conduct a thorough analysis of our models to ensure that their enhanced performance is not simply due to GPT-4's preference for longer responses. Overall, our findings suggest that fine-tuning on the longest responses should be the default baseline for any work on instruction fine-tuning. We provide our code at


replace Learn To be Efficient: Build Structured Sparsity in Large Language Models

Authors: Haizhong Zheng, Xiaoyan Bai, Xueshen Liu, Z. Morley Mao, Beidi Chen, Fan Lai, Atul Prakash

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success with their billion-level parameters, yet they incur high inference overheads. The emergence of activation sparsity in LLMs provides a natural approach to reduce this cost by involving only parts of the parameters for inference. However, existing methods only focus on utilizing this naturally formed activation sparsity in a post-training setting, overlooking the potential for further amplifying this inherent sparsity. In this paper, we hypothesize that LLMs can learn to be efficient by achieving more structured activation sparsity. To achieve this, we introduce a novel training algorithm, Learn-To-be-Efficient (LTE), designed to train efficiency-aware LLMs to learn to activate fewer neurons and achieve a better trade-off between sparsity and performance. Furthermore, unlike SOTA MoEfication methods, which mainly focus on ReLU-based models, LTE can also be applied to LLMs like LLaMA using non-ReLU activations. Extensive evaluation on language understanding, language generation, and instruction tuning tasks show that LTE consistently outperforms SOTA baselines. Along with our hardware-aware custom kernel implementation, LTE reduces LLaMA2-7B inference latency by 25% at 50% sparsity.

replace Generalizing Conversational Dense Retrieval via LLM-Cognition Data Augmentation

Authors: Haonan Chen, Zhicheng Dou, Kelong Mao, Jiongnan Liu, Ziliang Zhao

Abstract: Conversational search utilizes muli-turn natural language contexts to retrieve relevant passages. Existing conversational dense retrieval models mostly view a conversation as a fixed sequence of questions and responses, overlooking the severe data sparsity problem -- that is, users can perform a conversation in various ways, and these alternate conversations are unrecorded. Consequently, they often struggle to generalize to diverse conversations in real-world scenarios. In this work, we propose a framework for generalizing Conversational dense retrieval via LLM-cognition data Augmentation (ConvAug). ConvAug first generates multi-level augmented conversations to capture the diverse nature of conversational contexts. Inspired by human cognition, we devise a cognition-aware process to mitigate the generation of false positives, false negatives, and hallucinations. Moreover, we develop a difficulty-adaptive sample filter that selects challenging samples for complex conversations, thereby giving the model a larger learning space. A contrastive learning objective is then employed to train a better conversational context encoder. Extensive experiments conducted on four public datasets, under both normal and zero-shot settings, demonstrate the effectiveness, generalizability, and applicability of ConvAug. The code is released at


replace API Pack: A Massive Multi-Programming Language Dataset for API Call Generation

Authors: Zhen Guo, Adriana Meza Soria, Wei Sun, Yikang Shen, Rameswar Panda

Abstract: We introduce API Pack, a massive multi-programming language dataset containing more than 1 million instruction-API call pairs to improve the API call generation capabilities of large language models. By fine-tuning CodeLlama-13B on 20,000 Python instances from API Pack, we enable it to outperform GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in generating unseen API calls. Fine-tuning on API Pack also facilitates cross-programming language generalization by leveraging a large amount of data in one language and small amounts of data from other languages. Scaling the training data to 1 million instances further improves the model's ability to generalize to new APIs not used in training. To facilitate further research, we open-source the API Pack dataset, trained model, and associated source code at


replace Exploring Precision and Recall to assess the quality and diversity of LLMs

Authors: Florian Le Bronnec, Alexandre Verine, Benjamin Negrevergne, Yann Chevaleyre, Alexandre Allauzen

Abstract: We introduce a novel evaluation framework for Large Language Models (LLMs) such as \textsc{Llama-2} and \textsc{Mistral}, focusing on importing Precision and Recall metrics from image generation to text generation. This approach allows for a nuanced assessment of the quality and diversity of generated text without the need for aligned corpora. By conducting a comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art language models, the study reveals new insights into their performance on open-ended generation tasks, which are not adequately captured by traditional benchmarks. The findings highlight a trade-off between the quality and diversity of generated samples, particularly when models are fine-tuned on instruction dataset or with human feedback. This work extends the toolkit for distribution-based NLP evaluation, offering insights into the practical capabilities and challenges that current LLMs face in generating diverse and high-quality text. We release our code and data.

replace PAT-Questions: A Self-Updating Benchmark for Present-Anchored Temporal Question-Answering

Authors: Jannat Ara Meem, Muhammad Shihab Rashid, Yue Dong, Vagelis Hristidis

Abstract: Existing work on Temporal Question Answering (TQA) has predominantly focused on questions anchored to specific timestamps or events (e.g. "Who was the US president in 1970?"). Little work has studied questions whose temporal context is relative to the present time (e.g. "Who was the previous US president?"). We refer to this problem as Present-Anchored Temporal QA (PATQA). PATQA poses unique challenges: (1) large language models (LLMs) may have outdated knowledge, (2) complex temporal relationships (e.g. 'before', 'previous') are hard to reason, (3) multi-hop reasoning may be required, and (4) the gold answers of benchmarks must be continuously updated. To address these challenges, we introduce the PAT-Questions benchmark, which includes single and multi-hop temporal questions. The answers in PAT-Questions can be automatically refreshed by re-running SPARQL queries on a knowledge graph, if available. We evaluate several state-of-the-art LLMs and a SOTA temporal reasoning model (TEMPREASON-T5) on PAT-Questions through direct prompting and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). The results highlight the limitations of existing solutions in PATQA and motivate the need for new methods to improve PATQA reasoning capabilities.

replace CIF-Bench: A Chinese Instruction-Following Benchmark for Evaluating the Generalizability of Large Language Models

Authors: Yizhi LI, Ge Zhang, Xingwei Qu, Jiali Li, Zhaoqun Li, Zekun Wang, Hao Li, Ruibin Yuan, Yinghao Ma, Kai Zhang, Wangchunshu Zhou, Yiming Liang, Lei Zhang, Lei Ma, Jiajun Zhang, Zuowen Li, Stephen W. Huang, Chenghua Lin, Jie Fu

Abstract: The advancement of large language models (LLMs) has enhanced the ability to generalize across a wide range of unseen natural language processing (NLP) tasks through instruction-following. Yet, their effectiveness often diminishes in low-resource languages like Chinese, exacerbated by biased evaluations from data leakage, casting doubt on their true generalizability to new linguistic territories. In response, we introduce the Chinese Instruction-Following Benchmark (CIF-Bench), designed to evaluate the zero-shot generalizability of LLMs to the Chinese language. CIF-Bench comprises 150 tasks and 15,000 input-output pairs, developed by native speakers to test complex reasoning and Chinese cultural nuances across 20 categories. To mitigate data contamination, we release only half of the dataset publicly, with the remainder kept private, and introduce diversified instructions to minimize score variance, totaling 45,000 data instances. Our evaluation of 28 selected LLMs reveals a noticeable performance gap, with the best model scoring only 52.9%, highlighting the limitations of LLMs in less familiar language and task contexts. This work not only uncovers the current limitations of LLMs in handling Chinese language tasks but also sets a new standard for future LLM generalizability research, pushing towards the development of more adaptable, culturally informed, and linguistically diverse models.

replace RefuteBench: Evaluating Refuting Instruction-Following for Large Language Models

Authors: Jianhao Yan, Yun Luo, Yue Zhang

Abstract: The application scope of large language models (LLMs) is increasingly expanding. In practical use, users might provide feedback based on the model's output, hoping for a responsive model that can complete responses according to their feedback. Whether the model can appropriately respond to users' refuting feedback and consistently follow through with execution has not been thoroughly analyzed. In light of this, this paper proposes a comprehensive benchmark, RefuteBench, covering tasks such as question answering, machine translation, and email writing. The evaluation aims to assess whether models can positively accept feedback in form of refuting instructions and whether they can consistently adhere to user demands throughout the conversation. We conduct evaluations on numerous LLMs and find that LLMs are stubborn, i.e. exhibit inclination to their internal knowledge, often failing to comply with user feedback. Additionally, as the length of the conversation increases, models gradually forget the user's stated feedback and roll back to their own responses. We further propose a recall-and-repeat prompts as a simple and effective way to enhance the model's responsiveness to feedback.

replace ARL2: Aligning Retrievers for Black-box Large Language Models via Self-guided Adaptive Relevance Labeling

Authors: Lingxi Zhang, Yue Yu, Kuan Wang, Chao Zhang

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation enhances large language models (LLMs) by incorporating relevant information from external knowledge sources. This enables LLMs to adapt to specific domains and mitigate hallucinations in knowledge-intensive tasks. However, existing retrievers are often misaligned with LLMs due to their separate training processes and the black-box nature of LLMs. To address this challenge, we propose ARL2, a retriever learning technique that harnesses LLMs as labelers. ARL2 leverages LLMs to annotate and score relevant evidence, enabling learning the retriever from robust LLM supervision. Furthermore, ARL2 uses an adaptive self-training strategy for curating high-quality and diverse relevance data, which can effectively reduce the annotation cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of ARL2, achieving accuracy improvements of 5.4% on NQ and 4.6% on MMLU compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, ARL2 exhibits robust transfer learning capabilities and strong zero-shot generalization abilities. Our code will be published at \url{}.


replace Fine-Grained Modeling of Narrative Context: A Coherence Perspective via Retrospective Questions

Authors: Liyan Xu, Jiangnan Li, Mo Yu, Jie Zhou

Abstract: This work introduces an original and practical paradigm for narrative comprehension, stemming from the characteristics that individual passages within narratives tend to be more cohesively related than isolated. Complementary to the common end-to-end paradigm, we propose a fine-grained modeling of narrative context, by formulating a graph dubbed NarCo, which explicitly depicts task-agnostic coherence dependencies that are ready to be consumed by various downstream tasks. In particular, edges in NarCo encompass free-form retrospective questions between context snippets, inspired by human cognitive perception that constantly reinstates relevant events from prior context. Importantly, our graph formalism is practically instantiated by LLMs without human annotations, through our designed two-stage prompting scheme. To examine the graph properties and its utility, we conduct three studies in narratives, each from a unique angle: edge relation efficacy, local context enrichment, and broader application in QA. All tasks could benefit from the explicit coherence captured by NarCo.

replace Can Watermarks Survive Translation? On the Cross-lingual Consistency of Text Watermark for Large Language Models

Authors: Zhiwei He, Binglin Zhou, Hongkun Hao, Aiwei Liu, Xing Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Zhuosheng Zhang, Rui Wang

Abstract: Text watermarking technology aims to tag and identify content produced by large language models (LLMs) to prevent misuse. In this study, we introduce the concept of cross-lingual consistency in text watermarking, which assesses the ability of text watermarks to maintain their effectiveness after being translated into other languages. Preliminary empirical results from two LLMs and three watermarking methods reveal that current text watermarking technologies lack consistency when texts are translated into various languages. Based on this observation, we propose a Cross-lingual Watermark Removal Attack (CWRA) to bypass watermarking by first obtaining a response from an LLM in a pivot language, which is then translated into the target language. CWRA can effectively remove watermarks, decreasing the AUCs to a random-guessing level without performance loss. Furthermore, we analyze two key factors that contribute to the cross-lingual consistency in text watermarking and propose X-SIR as a defense method against CWRA. Code:


replace Rule or Story, Which is a Better Commonsense Expression for Talking with Large Language Models?

Authors: Ning Bian, Xianpei Han, Hongyu Lin, Yaojie Lu, Ben He, Le Sun

Abstract: Building machines with commonsense has been a longstanding challenge in NLP due to the reporting bias of commonsense rules and the exposure bias of rule-based commonsense reasoning. In contrast, humans convey and pass down commonsense implicitly through stories. This paper investigates the inherent commonsense ability of large language models (LLMs) expressed through storytelling. We systematically investigate and compare stories and rules for retrieving and leveraging commonsense in LLMs. Experimental results on 28 commonsense QA datasets show that stories outperform rules as the expression for retrieving commonsense from LLMs, exhibiting higher generation confidence and commonsense accuracy. Moreover, stories are the more effective commonsense expression for answering questions regarding daily events, while rules are more effective for scientific questions. This aligns with the reporting bias of commonsense in text corpora. We further show that the correctness and relevance of commonsense stories can be further improved via iterative self-supervised fine-tuning. These findings emphasize the importance of using appropriate language to express, retrieve, and leverage commonsense for LLMs, highlighting a promising direction for better exploiting their commonsense abilities.

replace Measuring Bargaining Abilities of LLMs: A Benchmark and A Buyer-Enhancement Method

Authors: Tian Xia, Zhiwei He, Tong Ren, Yibo Miao, Zhuosheng Zhang, Yang Yang, Rui Wang

Abstract: Bargaining is an important and unique part of negotiation between humans. As LLM-driven agents learn to negotiate and act like real humans, how to evaluate agents' bargaining abilities remains an open problem. For the first time, we formally described the Bargaining task as an asymmetric incomplete information game, defining the gains of the Buyer and Seller in multiple bargaining processes. It allows us to quantitatively assess an agent's performance in the Bargain task. We collected a real product price dataset, AmazonHistoryPrice, and conducted evaluations of various LLM agents' bargaining abilities. We find that playing a Buyer is much harder than a Seller, and increasing model size can not effectively improve the Buyer's performance. To address the challenge, we propose a novel approach called OG-Narrator that integrates a deterministic Offer Generator to control the price range of Buyer's offers, and an LLM Narrator to create natural language sentences for generated offers. Experimental results show that OG-Narrator improves the buyer's deal rates from 26.67% to 88.88% and brings a ten times multiplication of profits on all baselines, even a model that has not been aligned.

replace ASETF: A Novel Method for Jailbreak Attack on LLMs through Translate Suffix Embeddings

Authors: Hao Wang, Hao Li, Minlie Huang, Lei Sha

Abstract: The safety defense methods of Large language models(LLMs) stays limited because the dangerous prompts are manually curated to just few known attack types, which fails to keep pace with emerging varieties. Recent studies found that attaching suffixes to harmful instructions can hack the defense of LLMs and lead to dangerous outputs. However, similar to traditional text adversarial attacks, this approach, while effective, is limited by the challenge of the discrete tokens. This gradient based discrete optimization attack requires over 100,000 LLM calls, and due to the unreadable of adversarial suffixes, it can be relatively easily penetrated by common defense methods such as perplexity filters. To cope with this challenge, in this paper, we proposes an Adversarial Suffix Embedding Translation Framework (ASETF), aimed at transforming continuous adversarial suffix embeddings into coherent and understandable text. This method greatly reduces the computational overhead during the attack process and helps to automatically generate multiple adversarial samples, which can be used as data to strengthen LLMs security defense. Experimental evaluations were conducted on Llama2, Vicuna, and other prominent LLMs, employing harmful directives sourced from the Advbench dataset. The results indicate that our method significantly reduces the computation time of adversarial suffixes and achieves a much better attack success rate to existing techniques, while significantly enhancing the textual fluency of the prompts. In addition, our approach can be generalized into a broader method for generating transferable adversarial suffixes that can successfully attack multiple LLMs, even black-box LLMs, such as ChatGPT and Gemini.

replace Beyond prompt brittleness: Evaluating the reliability and consistency of political worldviews in LLMs

Authors: Tanise Ceron, Neele Falk, Ana Bari\'c, Dmitry Nikolaev, Sebastian Pad\'o

Abstract: Due to the widespread use of large language models (LLMs) in ubiquitous systems, we need to understand whether they embed a specific worldview and what these views reflect. Recent studies report that, prompted with political questionnaires, LLMs show left-liberal leanings (Feng et al., 2023; Motoki et al., 2024). However, it is as yet unclear whether these leanings are reliable (robust to prompt variations) and whether the leaning is consistent across policies and political leaning. We propose a series of tests which assess the reliability and consistency of LLMs' stances on political statements based on a dataset of voting-advice questionnaires collected from seven EU countries and annotated for policy domains. We study LLMs ranging in size from 7B to 70B parameters and find that their reliability increases with parameter count. Larger models show overall stronger alignment with left-leaning parties but differ among policy programs: They evince a (left-wing) positive stance towards environment protection, social welfare state and liberal society but also (right-wing) law and order, with no consistent preferences in foreign policy and migration.

replace A Sentiment Consolidation Framework for Meta-Review Generation

Authors: Miao Li, Jey Han Lau, Eduard Hovy

Abstract: Modern natural language generation systems with Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit the capability to generate a plausible summary of multiple documents; however, it is uncertain if they truly possess the capability of information consolidation to generate summaries, especially on documents with opinionated information. We focus on meta-review generation, a form of sentiment summarisation for the scientific domain. To make scientific sentiment summarization more grounded, we hypothesize that human meta-reviewers follow a three-layer framework of sentiment consolidation to write meta-reviews. Based on the framework, we propose novel prompting methods for LLMs to generate meta-reviews and evaluation metrics to assess the quality of generated meta-reviews. Our framework is validated empirically as we find that prompting LLMs based on the framework -- compared with prompting them with simple instructions -- generates better meta-reviews.

replace Editing Factual Knowledge and Explanatory Ability of Medical Large Language Models

Authors: Derong Xu, Ziheng Zhang, Zhihong Zhu, Zhenxi Lin, Qidong Liu, Xian Wu, Tong Xu, Wanyu Wang, Yuyang Ye, Xiangyu Zhao, Yefeng Zheng, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Model editing aims to precisely alter the behaviors of large language models (LLMs) in relation to specific knowledge, while leaving unrelated knowledge intact. This approach has proven effective in addressing issues of hallucination and outdated information in LLMs. However, the potential of using model editing to modify knowledge in the medical field remains largely unexplored, even though resolving hallucination is a pressing need in this area. Our observations indicate that current methods face significant challenges in dealing with specialized and complex knowledge in medical domain. Therefore, we propose MedLaSA, a novel Layer-wise Scalable Adapter strategy for medical model editing. MedLaSA harnesses the strengths of both adding extra parameters and locate-then-edit methods for medical model editing. We utilize causal tracing to identify the association of knowledge in neurons across different layers, and generate a corresponding scale set from the association value for each piece of knowledge. Subsequently, we incorporate scalable adapters into the dense layers of LLMs. These adapters are assigned scaling values based on the corresponding specific knowledge, which allows for the adjustment of the adapter's weight and rank. The more similar the content, the more consistent the scale between them. This ensures precise editing of semantically identical knowledge while avoiding impact on unrelated knowledge. To evaluate the editing impact on the behaviours of LLMs, we propose two model editing studies for medical domain: (1) editing factual knowledge for medical specialization and (2) editing the explanatory ability for complex knowledge. We build two novel medical benchmarking datasets and introduce a series of challenging and comprehensive metrics. Extensive experiments on medical LLMs demonstrate the editing efficiency of MedLaSA, without affecting unrelated knowledge.

replace Fine-Tuned Machine Translation Metrics Struggle in Unseen Domains

Authors: Vil\'em Zouhar, Shuoyang Ding, Anna Currey, Tatyana Badeka, Jenyuan Wang, Brian Thompson

Abstract: We introduce a new, extensive multidimensional quality metrics (MQM) annotated dataset covering 11 language pairs in the biomedical domain. We use this dataset to investigate whether machine translation (MT) metrics which are fine-tuned on human-generated MT quality judgements are robust to domain shifts between training and inference. We find that fine-tuned metrics exhibit a substantial performance drop in the unseen domain scenario relative to metrics that rely on the surface form, as well as pre-trained metrics which are not fine-tuned on MT quality judgments.

replace RAM-EHR: Retrieval Augmentation Meets Clinical Predictions on Electronic Health Records

Authors: Ran Xu, Wenqi Shi, Yue Yu, Yuchen Zhuang, Bowen Jin, May D. Wang, Joyce C. Ho, Carl Yang

Abstract: We present RAM-EHR, a Retrieval AugMentation pipeline to improve clinical predictions on Electronic Health Records (EHRs). RAM-EHR first collects multiple knowledge sources, converts them into text format, and uses dense retrieval to obtain information related to medical concepts. This strategy addresses the difficulties associated with complex names for the concepts. RAM-EHR then augments the local EHR predictive model co-trained with consistency regularization to capture complementary information from patient visits and summarized knowledge. Experiments on two EHR datasets show the efficacy of RAM-EHR over previous knowledge-enhanced baselines (3.4% gain in AUROC and 7.2% gain in AUPR), emphasizing the effectiveness of the summarized knowledge from RAM-EHR for clinical prediction tasks. The code will be published at \url{}.


replace NewsBench: A Systematic Evaluation Framework for Assessing Editorial Capabilities of Large Language Models in Chinese Journalism

Authors: Miao Li, Ming-Bin Chen, Bo Tang, Shengbin Hou, Pengyu Wang, Haiying Deng, Zhiyu Li, Feiyu Xiong, Keming Mao, Peng Cheng, Yi Luo

Abstract: We present NewsBench, a novel evaluation framework to systematically assess the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) for editorial capabilities in Chinese journalism. Our constructed benchmark dataset is focused on four facets of writing proficiency and six facets of safety adherence, and it comprises manually and carefully designed 1,267 test samples in the types of multiple choice questions and short answer questions for five editorial tasks in 24 news domains. To measure performances, we propose different GPT-4 based automatic evaluation protocols to assess LLM generations for short answer questions in terms of writing proficiency and safety adherence, and both are validated by the high correlations with human evaluations. Based on the systematic evaluation framework, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of ten popular LLMs which can handle Chinese. The experimental results highlight GPT-4 and ERNIE Bot as top performers, yet reveal a relative deficiency in journalistic safety adherence in creative writing tasks. Our findings also underscore the need for enhanced ethical guidance in machine-generated journalistic content, marking a step forward in aligning LLMs with journalistic standards and safety considerations.

replace LLMCRIT: Teaching Large Language Models to Use Criteria

Authors: Weizhe Yuan, Pengfei Liu, Matthias Gall\'e

Abstract: Humans follow criteria when they execute tasks, and these criteria are directly used to assess the quality of task completion. Therefore, having models learn to use criteria to provide feedback can help humans or models to perform tasks better. However, existing research in this field tends to consider only a limited set of criteria or quality assessment aspects. To fill this gap, we propose a general framework that enables large language models (LLMs) to use comprehensive criteria for a task in delivering natural language feedback on task execution. In particular, we present a model-in-the-loop framework that semi-automatically derives criteria from collected guidelines for different writing tasks and constructs in-context demonstrations for each criterion. We choose three tasks from real-world scenarios to operationalize this idea: paper introduction writing, Python code writing, and Reddit post writing, and evaluate our feedback generation framework using different LLMs. The results reveal the fine-grained effects of incorporating criteria and demonstrations and provide valuable insights on how to teach LLMs to use criteria more effectively.

replace Naming, Describing, and Quantifying Visual Objects in Humans and LLMs

Authors: Alberto Testoni, Juell Sprott, Sandro Pezzelle

Abstract: While human speakers use a variety of different expressions when describing the same object in an image, giving rise to a distribution of plausible labels driven by pragmatic constraints, the extent to which current Vision & Language Large Language Models (VLLMs) can mimic this crucial feature of language use is an open question. This applies to common, everyday objects, but it is particularly interesting for uncommon or novel objects for which a category label may be lacking or fuzzy. Furthermore, similar patterns of variation are observed among human speakers for highly context-sensitive expressions, such as the quantifiers 'few' or 'most'. In our work, we evaluate VLLMs (FROMAGe, BLIP-2, LLaVA) on three categories (nouns, attributes, and quantifiers) where humans show great subjective variability concerning the distribution over plausible labels, using datasets and resources mostly under-explored in previous work. Our results reveal mixed evidence on the ability of VLLMs to capture human naming preferences at generation time: while some models are good at mimicking human distributions for nouns and attributes, all of them fail to assign quantifiers, a task that requires more accurate, high-level reasoning.

replace Think Twice Before Trusting: Self-Detection for Large Language Models through Comprehensive Answer Reflection

Authors: Moxin Li, Wenjie Wang, Fuli Feng, Fengbin Zhu, Qifan Wang, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Self-detection for Large Language Model (LLM) seeks to evaluate the LLM output trustability by leveraging LLM's own capabilities, alleviating the output hallucination issue. However, existing self-detection approaches only retrospectively evaluate answers generated by LLM, typically leading to the over-trust in incorrectly generated answers. To tackle this limitation, we propose a novel self-detection paradigm that considers the comprehensive answer space beyond LLM-generated answers. It thoroughly compares the trustability of multiple candidate answers to mitigate the over-trust in LLM-generated incorrect answers. Building upon this paradigm, we introduce a two-step framework, which firstly instructs LLM to reflect and provide justifications for each candidate answer, and then aggregates the justifications for comprehensive target answer evaluation. This framework can be seamlessly integrated with existing approaches for superior self-detection. Extensive experiments on six datasets spanning three tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

replace CantonMT: Cantonese to English NMT Platform with Fine-Tuned Models Using Synthetic Back-Translation Data

Authors: Kung Yin Hong, Lifeng Han, Riza Batista-Navarro, Goran Nenadic

Abstract: Neural Machine Translation (NMT) for low-resource languages is still a challenging task in front of NLP researchers. In this work, we deploy a standard data augmentation methodology by back-translation to a new language translation direction Cantonese-to-English. We present the models we fine-tuned using the limited amount of real data and the synthetic data we generated using back-translation including OpusMT, NLLB, and mBART. We carried out automatic evaluation using a range of different metrics including lexical-based and embedding-based. Furthermore. we create a user-friendly interface for the models we included in this\textsc{ CantonMT} research project and make it available to facilitate Cantonese-to-English MT research. Researchers can add more models into this platform via our open-source\textsc{ CantonMT} toolkit \url{}.


replace An Entropy-based Text Watermarking Detection Method

Authors: Yijian Lu, Aiwei Liu, Dianzhi Yu, Jingjing Li, Irwin King

Abstract: Currently, text watermarking algorithms for large language models (LLMs) can embed hidden features to texts generated by LLMs to facilitate subsequent detection, thus alleviating the problem of misuse of LLMs. Although the current text watermarking algorithms perform well in most high-entropy scenarios, its performance in low-entropy scenarios still needs to be improved. In this work, we proposed that the influence of token entropy should be fully considered in the watermark detection process, that is, the weight of each token during watermark detection should be customized according to its entropy, rather than setting the weights of all tokens to the same value as in previous methods. Specifically, we proposed an Entropy-based Text Watermark Detection (EWD) that gives higher-entropy tokens higher influence weights during watermark detection, so as to better reflect the degree of watermarking. Furthermore, the proposed detection process is training-free and fully automated. In the experiment, we found that our method can achieve better detection performance in low-entropy scenarios, and our method is also general and can be applied to texts with different entropy distributions. Our code and data is available on \url{}. Additionally, our algorithm could be accessed through MarkLLM\url{}.


replace M$^3$AV: A Multimodal, Multigenre, and Multipurpose Audio-Visual Academic Lecture Dataset

Authors: Zhe Chen, Heyang Liu, Wenyi Yu, Guangzhi Sun, Hongcheng Liu, Ji Wu, Chao Zhang, Yu Wang, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Publishing open-source academic video recordings is an emergent and prevalent approach to sharing knowledge online. Such videos carry rich multimodal information including speech, the facial and body movements of the speakers, as well as the texts and pictures in the slides and possibly even the papers. Although multiple academic video datasets have been constructed and released, few of them support both multimodal content recognition and understanding tasks, which is partially due to the lack of high-quality human annotations. In this paper, we propose a novel multimodal, multigenre, and multipurpose audio-visual academic lecture dataset (M$^3$AV), which has almost 367 hours of videos from five sources covering computer science, mathematics, and medical and biology topics. With high-quality human annotations of the slide text and spoken words, in particular high-valued name entities, the dataset can be used for multiple audio-visual recognition and understanding tasks. Evaluations performed on contextual speech recognition, speech synthesis, and slide and script generation tasks demonstrate that the diversity of M$^3$AV makes it a challenging dataset.

replace Decoding Compressed Trust: Scrutinizing the Trustworthiness of Efficient LLMs Under Compression

Authors: Junyuan Hong, Jinhao Duan, Chenhui Zhang, Zhangheng Li, Chulin Xie, Kelsey Lieberman, James Diffenderfer, Brian Bartoldson, Ajay Jaiswal, Kaidi Xu, Bhavya Kailkhura, Dan Hendrycks, Dawn Song, Zhangyang Wang, Bo Li

Abstract: Compressing high-capability Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a favored strategy for resource-efficient inferences. While state-of-the-art (SoTA) compression methods boast impressive advancements in preserving benign task performance, the potential risks of compression in terms of safety and trustworthiness have been largely neglected. This study conducts the first, thorough evaluation of three (3) leading LLMs using five (5) SoTA compression techniques across eight (8) trustworthiness dimensions. Our experiments highlight the intricate interplay between compression and trustworthiness, revealing some interesting patterns. We find that quantization is currently a more effective approach than pruning in achieving efficiency and trustworthiness simultaneously. For instance, a 4-bit quantized model retains the trustworthiness of its original counterpart, but model pruning significantly degrades trustworthiness, even at 50% sparsity. Moreover, employing quantization within a moderate bit range could unexpectedly improve certain trustworthiness dimensions such as ethics and fairness. Conversely, extreme quantization to very low bit levels (3 bits) tends to reduce trustworthiness significantly. This increased risk cannot be uncovered by looking at benign performance alone, in turn, mandating comprehensive trustworthiness evaluation in practice. These findings culminate in practical recommendations for simultaneously achieving high utility, efficiency, and trustworthiness in LLMs. Code and models are available at


replace Construction and Application of Materials Knowledge Graph in Multidisciplinary Materials Science via Large Language Model

Authors: Yanpeng Ye, Jie Ren, Shaozhou Wang, Yuwei Wan, Haofen Wang, Imran Razzak, Tong Xie, Wenjie Zhang

Abstract: Knowledge in materials science is widely dispersed across extensive scientific literature, posing significant challenges for efficient discovery and integration of new materials. Traditional methods, often reliant on costly and time-consuming experimental approaches, further complicate rapid innovation. Addressing these challenges, the integration of artificial intelligence with materials science has opened avenues for accelerating the discovery process, though it also demands precise annotation, data extraction, and traceability of information. To tackle these issues, this article introduces the Materials Knowledge Graph (MKG), which utilizes advanced natural language processing techniques, integrated with large language models to extract and systematically organize a decade's worth of high-quality research into structured triples, contains 162,605 nodes and 731,772 edges. MKG categorizes information into comprehensive labels such as Name, Formula, and Application, structured around a meticulously designed ontology, thus enhancing data usability and integration. By implementing network-based algorithms, MKG not only facilitates efficient link prediction but also significantly reduces reliance on traditional experimental methods. This structured approach not only streamlines materials research but also lays the groundwork for more sophisticated science knowledge graphs.

replace ODA: Observation-Driven Agent for integrating LLMs and Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Lei Sun, Zhengwei Tao, Youdi Li, Hiroshi Arakawa

Abstract: The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) and knowledge graphs (KGs) has achieved remarkable success in various natural language processing tasks. However, existing methodologies that integrate LLMs and KGs often navigate the task-solving process solely based on the LLM's analysis of the question, overlooking the rich cognitive potential inherent in the vast knowledge encapsulated in KGs. To address this, we introduce Observation-Driven Agent (ODA), a novel AI agent framework tailored for tasks involving KGs. ODA incorporates KG reasoning abilities via global observation, which enhances reasoning capabilities through a cyclical paradigm of observation, action, and reflection. Confronting the exponential explosion of knowledge during observation, we innovatively design a recursive observation mechanism. Subsequently, we integrate the observed knowledge into the action and reflection modules. Through extensive experiments, ODA demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on several datasets, notably achieving accuracy improvements of 12.87% and 8.9%.

replace EuSQuAD: Automatically Translated and Aligned SQuAD2.0 for Basque

Authors: Aitor Garc\'ia-Pablos, Naiara Perez, Montse Cuadros, Jaione Bengoetxea

Abstract: The widespread availability of Question Answering (QA) datasets in English has greatly facilitated the advancement of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) field. However, the scarcity of such resources for minority languages, such as Basque, poses a substantial challenge for these communities. In this context, the translation and alignment of existing QA datasets plays a crucial role in narrowing this technological gap. This work presents EuSQuAD, the first initiative dedicated to automatically translating and aligning SQuAD2.0 into Basque, resulting in more than 142k QA examples. We demonstrate EuSQuAD's value through extensive qualitative analysis and QA experiments supported with EuSQuAD as training data. These experiments are evaluated with a new human-annotated dataset.

replace Large Language Models Spot Phishing Emails with Surprising Accuracy: A Comparative Analysis of Performance

Authors: Het Patel, Umair Rehman, Farkhund Iqbal

Abstract: Phishing, a prevalent cybercrime tactic for decades, remains a significant threat in today's digital world. By leveraging clever social engineering elements and modern technology, cybercrime targets many individuals, businesses, and organizations to exploit trust and security. These cyber-attackers are often disguised in many trustworthy forms to appear as legitimate sources. By cleverly using psychological elements like urgency, fear, social proof, and other manipulative strategies, phishers can lure individuals into revealing sensitive and personalized information. Building on this pervasive issue within modern technology, this paper aims to analyze the effectiveness of 15 Large Language Models (LLMs) in detecting phishing attempts, specifically focusing on a randomized set of "419 Scam" emails. The objective is to determine which LLMs can accurately detect phishing emails by analyzing a text file containing email metadata based on predefined criteria. The experiment concluded that the following models, ChatGPT 3.5, GPT-3.5-Turbo-Instruct, and ChatGPT, were the most effective in detecting phishing emails.

replace Player-Driven Emergence in LLM-Driven Game Narrative

Authors: Xiangyu Peng, Jessica Quaye, Sudha Rao, Weijia Xu, Portia Botchway, Chris Brockett, Nebojsa Jojic, Gabriel DesGarennes, Ken Lobb, Michael Xu, Jorge Leandro, Claire Jin, Bill Dolan

Abstract: We explore how interaction with large language models (LLMs) can give rise to emergent behaviors, empowering players to participate in the evolution of game narratives. Our testbed is a text-adventure game in which players attempt to solve a mystery under a fixed narrative premise, but can freely interact with non-player characters generated by GPT-4, a large language model. We recruit 28 gamers to play the game and use GPT-4 to automatically convert the game logs into a node-graph representing the narrative in the player's gameplay. We find that through their interactions with the non-deterministic behavior of the LLM, players are able to discover interesting new emergent nodes that were not a part of the original narrative but have potential for being fun and engaging. Players that created the most emergent nodes tended to be those that often enjoy games that facilitate discovery, exploration and experimentation.

replace Layer-Condensed KV Cache for Efficient Inference of Large Language Models

Authors: Haoyi Wu, Kewei Tu

Abstract: Huge memory consumption has been a major bottleneck for deploying high-throughput large language models in real-world applications. In addition to the large number of parameters, the key-value (KV) cache for the attention mechanism in the transformer architecture consumes a significant amount of memory, especially when the number of layers is large for deep language models. In this paper, we propose a novel method that only computes and caches the KVs of a small number of layers, thus significantly saving memory consumption and improving inference throughput. Our experiments on large language models show that our method achieves up to 26$\times$ higher throughput than standard transformers and competitive performance in language modeling and downstream tasks. In addition, our method is orthogonal to existing transformer memory-saving techniques, so it is straightforward to integrate them with our model, achieving further improvement in inference efficiency. Our code is available at


replace A Multi-Perspective Analysis of Memorization in Large Language Models

Authors: Bowen Chen, Namgi Han, Yusuke Miyao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), trained on massive corpora with billions of parameters, show unprecedented performance in various fields. Though surprised by their excellent performances, researchers also noticed some special behaviors of those LLMs. One of those behaviors is memorization, in which LLMs can generate the same content used to train them. Though previous research has discussed memorization, the memorization of LLMs still lacks explanation, especially the cause of memorization and the dynamics of generating them. In this research, we comprehensively discussed memorization from various perspectives and extended the discussion scope to not only just the memorized content but also less and unmemorized content. Through various studies, we found that: (1) Through experiments, we revealed the relation of memorization between model size, continuation size, and context size. Further, we showed how unmemorized sentences transition to memorized sentences. (2) Through embedding analysis, we showed the distribution and decoding dynamics across model size in embedding space for sentences with different memorization scores. The n-gram statistics analysis presents d (3) An analysis over n-gram and entropy decoding dynamics discovered a boundary effect when the model starts to generate memorized sentences or unmemorized sentences. (4)We trained a Transformer model to predict the memorization of different models, showing that it is possible to predict memorizations by context.

replace LIRE: listwise reward enhancement for preference alignment

Authors: Mingye Zhu, Yi Liu, Lei Zhang, Junbo Guo, Zhendong Mao

Abstract: Recently, tremendous strides have been made to align the generation of Large Language Models (LLMs) with human values to mitigate toxic or unhelpful content. Leveraging Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) proves effective and is widely adopted by researchers. However, implementing RLHF is complex, and its sensitivity to hyperparameters renders achieving stable performance and scalability challenging. Furthermore, prevailing approaches to preference alignment primarily concentrate on pairwise comparisons, with limited exploration into multi-response scenarios, thereby overlooking the potential richness within the candidate pool. For the above reasons, we propose a new approach: Listwise Reward Enhancement for Preference Alignment (LIRE), a gradient-based reward optimization approach that incorporates the offline rewards of multiple responses into a streamlined listwise framework, thus eliminating the need for online sampling during training. LIRE is straightforward to implement, requiring minimal parameter tuning, and seamlessly aligns with the pairwise paradigm while naturally extending to multi-response scenarios. Moreover, we introduce a self-enhancement algorithm aimed at iteratively refining the reward during training. Our experiments demonstrate that LIRE consistently outperforms existing methods across several benchmarks on dialogue and summarization tasks, with good transferability to out-of-distribution data, assessed using proxy reward models and human annotators.

replace ViHateT5: Enhancing Hate Speech Detection in Vietnamese With A Unified Text-to-Text Transformer Model

Authors: Luan Thanh Nguyen

Abstract: Recent advancements in hate speech detection (HSD) in Vietnamese have made significant progress, primarily attributed to the emergence of transformer-based pre-trained language models, particularly those built on the BERT architecture. However, the necessity for specialized fine-tuned models has resulted in the complexity and fragmentation of developing a multitasking HSD system. Moreover, most current methodologies focus on fine-tuning general pre-trained models, primarily trained on formal textual datasets like Wikipedia, which may not accurately capture human behavior on online platforms. In this research, we introduce ViHateT5, a T5-based model pre-trained on our proposed large-scale domain-specific dataset named VOZ-HSD. By harnessing the power of a text-to-text architecture, ViHateT5 can tackle multiple tasks using a unified model and achieve state-of-the-art performance across all standard HSD benchmarks in Vietnamese. Our experiments also underscore the significance of label distribution in pre-training data on model efficacy. We provide our experimental materials for research purposes, including the VOZ-HSD dataset, pre-trained checkpoint, the unified HSD-multitask ViHateT5 model, and related source code on GitHub publicly.

replace KG-FIT: Knowledge Graph Fine-Tuning Upon Open-World Knowledge

Authors: Pengcheng Jiang, Lang Cao, Cao Xiao, Parminder Bhatia, Jimeng Sun, Jiawei Han

Abstract: Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) techniques are crucial in learning compact representations of entities and relations within a knowledge graph, facilitating efficient reasoning and knowledge discovery. While existing methods typically focus either on training KGE models solely based on graph structure or fine-tuning pre-trained language models with classification data in KG, KG-FIT leverages LLM-guided refinement to construct a semantically coherent hierarchical structure of entity clusters. By incorporating this hierarchical knowledge along with textual information during the fine-tuning process, KG-FIT effectively captures both global semantics from the LLM and local semantics from the KG. Extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets FB15K-237, YAGO3-10, and PrimeKG demonstrate the superiority of KG-FIT over state-of-the-art pre-trained language model-based methods, achieving improvements of 14.4%, 13.5%, and 11.9% in the Hits@10 metric for the link prediction task, respectively. Furthermore, KG-FIT yields substantial performance gains of 12.6%, 6.7%, and 17.7% compared to the structure-based base models upon which it is built. These results highlight the effectiveness of KG-FIT in incorporating open-world knowledge from LLMs to significantly enhance the expressiveness and informativeness of KG embeddings.

replace CPsyCoun: A Report-based Multi-turn Dialogue Reconstruction and Evaluation Framework for Chinese Psychological Counseling

Authors: Chenhao Zhang, Renhao Li, Minghuan Tan, Min Yang, Jingwei Zhu, Di Yang, Jiahao Zhao, Guancheng Ye, Chengming Li, Xiping Hu, Derek F. Wong

Abstract: Using large language models (LLMs) to assist psychological counseling is a significant but challenging task at present. Attempts have been made on improving empathetic conversations or acting as effective assistants in the treatment with LLMs. However, the existing datasets lack consulting knowledge, resulting in LLMs lacking professional consulting competence. Moreover, how to automatically evaluate multi-turn dialogues within the counseling process remains an understudied area. To bridge the gap, we propose CPsyCoun, a report-based multi-turn dialogue reconstruction and evaluation framework for Chinese psychological counseling. To fully exploit psychological counseling reports, a two-phase approach is devised to construct high-quality dialogues while a comprehensive evaluation benchmark is developed for the effective automatic evaluation of multi-turn psychological consultations. Competitive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework in psychological counseling. We open-source the datasets and model for future research at


replace CheXpert Plus: Augmenting a Large Chest X-ray Dataset with Text Radiology Reports, Patient Demographics and Additional Image Formats

Authors: Pierre Chambon, Jean-Benoit Delbrouck, Thomas Sounack, Shih-Cheng Huang, Zhihong Chen, Maya Varma, Steven QH Truong, Chu The Chuong, Curtis P. Langlotz

Abstract: Since the release of the original CheXpert paper five years ago, CheXpert has become one of the most widely used and cited clinical AI datasets. The emergence of vision language models has sparked an increase in demands for sharing reports linked to CheXpert images, along with a growing interest among AI fairness researchers in obtaining demographic data. To address this, CheXpert Plus serves as a new collection of radiology data sources, made publicly available to enhance the scaling, performance, robustness, and fairness of models for all subsequent machine learning tasks in the field of radiology. CheXpert Plus is the largest text dataset publicly released in radiology, with a total of 36 million text tokens, including 13 million impression tokens. To the best of our knowledge, it represents the largest text de-identification effort in radiology, with almost 1 million PHI spans anonymized. It is only the second time that a large-scale English paired dataset has been released in radiology, thereby enabling, for the first time, cross-institution training at scale. All reports are paired with high-quality images in DICOM format, along with numerous image and patient metadata covering various clinical and socio-economic groups, as well as many pathology labels and RadGraph annotations. We hope this dataset will boost research for AI models that can further assist radiologists and help improve medical care. Data is available at the following URL: Models are available at the following URL:


replace Automated Focused Feedback Generation for Scientific Writing Assistance

Authors: Eric Chamoun, Michael Schlichktrull, Andreas Vlachos

Abstract: Scientific writing is a challenging task, particularly for novice researchers who often rely on feedback from experienced peers. Recent work has primarily focused on improving surface form and style rather than manuscript content. In this paper, we propose a novel task: automated focused feedback generation for scientific writing assistance. We present SWIF$^{2}$T: a Scientific WrIting Focused Feedback Tool. It is designed to generate specific, actionable and coherent comments, which identify weaknesses in a scientific paper and/or propose revisions to it. Our approach consists of four components - planner, investigator, reviewer and controller - leveraging multiple Large Language Models (LLMs) to implement them. We compile a dataset of 300 peer reviews citing weaknesses in scientific papers and conduct human evaluation. The results demonstrate the superiority in specificity, reading comprehension, and overall helpfulness of SWIF$^{2}$T's feedback compared to other approaches. In our analysis, we also identified cases where automatically generated reviews were judged better than human ones, suggesting opportunities for integration of AI-generated feedback in scientific writing.

replace An Empirical Analysis on Large Language Models in Debate Evaluation

Authors: Xinyi Liu, Pinxin Liu, Hangfeng He

Abstract: In this study, we investigate the capabilities and inherent biases of advanced large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in the context of debate evaluation. We discover that LLM's performance exceeds humans and surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art methods fine-tuned on extensive datasets in debate evaluation. We additionally explore and analyze biases present in LLMs, including positional bias, lexical bias, order bias, which may affect their evaluative judgments. Our findings reveal a consistent bias in both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 towards the second candidate response presented, attributed to prompt design. We also uncover lexical biases in both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, especially when label sets carry connotations such as numerical or sequential, highlighting the critical need for careful label verbalizer selection in prompt design. Additionally, our analysis indicates a tendency of both models to favor the debate's concluding side as the winner, suggesting an end-of-discussion bias.

replace MEDIQ: Question-Asking LLMs for Adaptive and Reliable Clinical Reasoning

Authors: Shuyue Stella Li, Vidhisha Balachandran, Shangbin Feng, Jonathan Ilgen, Emma Pierson, Pang Wei Koh, Yulia Tsvetkov

Abstract: In high-stakes domains like clinical reasoning, AI assistants powered by large language models (LLMs) are yet to be reliable and safe. We identify a key obstacle towards reliability: existing LLMs are trained to answer any question, even with incomplete context in the prompt or insufficient parametric knowledge. We propose to change this paradigm to develop more careful LLMs that ask follow-up questions to gather necessary and sufficient information and respond reliably. We introduce MEDIQ, a framework to simulate realistic clinical interactions, which incorporates a Patient System and an adaptive Expert System. The Patient may provide incomplete information in the beginning; the Expert refrains from making diagnostic decisions when unconfident, and instead elicits missing details from the Patient via follow-up questions. To evaluate MEDIQ, we convert MEDQA and CRAFT-MD -- medical benchmarks for diagnostic question answering -- into an interactive setup. We develop a reliable Patient system and prototype several Expert systems, first showing that directly prompting state-of-the-art LLMs to ask questions degrades the quality of clinical reasoning, indicating that adapting LLMs to interactive information-seeking settings is nontrivial. We then augment the Expert with a novel abstention module to better estimate model confidence and decide whether to ask more questions, thereby improving diagnostic accuracy by 20.3%; however, performance still lags compared to an (unrealistic in practice) upper bound when full information is given upfront. Further analyses reveal that interactive performance can be improved by filtering irrelevant contexts and reformatting conversations. Overall, our paper introduces a novel problem towards LLM reliability, a novel MEDIQ framework, and highlights important future directions to extend the information-seeking abilities of LLM assistants in critical domains.

replace EduNLP: Towards a Unified and Modularized Library for Educational Resources

Authors: Zhenya Huang, Yuting Ning, Longhu Qin, Shiwei Tong, Shangzi Xue, Tong Xiao, Xin Lin, Jiayu Liu, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen, Shijing Wang

Abstract: Educational resource understanding is vital to online learning platforms, which have demonstrated growing applications recently. However, researchers and developers always struggle with using existing general natural language toolkits or domain-specific models. The issue raises a need to develop an effective and easy-to-use one that benefits AI education-related research and applications. To bridge this gap, we present a unified, modularized, and extensive library, EduNLP, focusing on educational resource understanding. In the library, we decouple the whole workflow to four key modules with consistent interfaces including data configuration, processing, model implementation, and model evaluation. We also provide a configurable pipeline to unify the data usage and model usage in standard ways, where users can customize their own needs. For the current version, we primarily provide 10 typical models from four categories, and 5 common downstream-evaluation tasks in the education domain on 8 subjects for users' usage. The project is released at:


replace R2C2-Coder: Enhancing and Benchmarking Real-world Repository-level Code Completion Abilities of Code Large Language Models

Authors: Ken Deng, Jiaheng Liu, He Zhu, Congnan Liu, Jingxin Li, Jiakai Wang, Peng Zhao, Chenchen Zhang, Yanan Wu, Xueqiao Yin, Yuanxing Zhang, Wenbo Su, Bangyu Xiang, Tiezheng Ge, Bo Zheng

Abstract: Code completion models have made significant progress in recent years. Recently, repository-level code completion has drawn more attention in modern software development, and several baseline methods and benchmarks have been proposed. However, existing repository-level code completion methods often fall short of fully using the extensive context of a project repository, such as the intricacies of relevant files and class hierarchies. Besides, the existing benchmarks usually focus on limited code completion scenarios, which cannot reflect the repository-level code completion abilities well of existing methods. To address these limitations, we propose the R2C2-Coder to enhance and benchmark the real-world repository-level code completion abilities of code Large Language Models, where the R2C2-Coder includes a code prompt construction method R2C2-Enhance and a well-designed benchmark R2C2-Bench. Specifically, first, in R2C2-Enhance, we first construct the candidate retrieval pool and then assemble the completion prompt by retrieving from the retrieval pool for each completion cursor position. Second, based on R2C2 -Enhance, we can construct a more challenging and diverse R2C2-Bench with training, validation and test splits, where a context perturbation strategy is proposed to simulate the real-world repository-level code completion well. Extensive results on multiple benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our R2C2-Coder.

replace Linguistic Analysis, Description, and Typological Exploration with Categorial Grammar (TheBench Guide)

Authors: Cem Bozsahin

Abstract: TheBench is a tool to study monadic structures in natural language. It is for writing monadic grammars to explore analyses, compare diverse languages through their categories, and to train models of grammar from form-meaning pairs where syntax is latent variable. Monadic structures are binary combinations of elements that employ semantics of composition only. TheBench is essentially old-school categorial grammar to syntacticize the idea, with the implication that although syntax is autonomous (recall \emph{colorless green ideas sleep furiously}), the treasure is in the baggage it carries at every step, viz. semantics, more narrowly, predicate-argument structures indicating choice of categorial reference and its consequent placeholders for decision in such structures. There is some new thought in old school. Unlike traditional categorial grammars, application is turned into composition in monadic analysis. Moreover, every correspondence requires specifying two command relations, one on syntactic command and the other on semantic command. A monadic grammar of TheBench contains only synthetic elements (called `objects' in category theory of mathematics) that are shaped by this analytic invariant, viz. composition. Both ingredients (command relations) of any analytic step must therefore be functions (`arrows' in category theory). TheBench is one implementation of the idea for iterative development of such functions along with grammar of synthetic elements.

replace Superhuman performance in urology board questions by an explainable large language model enabled for context integration of the European Association of Urology guidelines: the UroBot study

Authors: Martin J. Hetz, Nicolas Carl, Sarah Haggenm\"uller, Christoph Wies, Maurice Stephan Michel, Frederik Wessels, Titus J. Brinker

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing medical Question-Answering (medQA) through extensive use of medical literature. However, their performance is often hampered by outdated training data and a lack of explainability, which limits clinical applicability. This study aimed to create and assess UroBot, a urology-specialized chatbot, by comparing it with state-of-the-art models and the performance of urologists on urological board questions, ensuring full clinician-verifiability. UroBot was developed using OpenAI's GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and GPT-4o models, employing retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and the latest 2023 guidelines from the European Association of Urology (EAU). The evaluation included ten runs of 200 European Board of Urology (EBU) In-Service Assessment (ISA) questions, with performance assessed by the mean Rate of Correct Answers (RoCA). UroBot-4o achieved an average RoCA of 88.4%, surpassing GPT-4o by 10.8%, with a score of 77.6%. It was also clinician-verifiable and exhibited the highest run agreement as indicated by Fleiss' Kappa (k = 0.979). By comparison, the average performance of urologists on board questions, as reported in the literature, is 68.7%. UroBot's clinician-verifiable nature and superior accuracy compared to both existing models and urologists on board questions highlight its potential for clinical integration. The study also provides the necessary code and instructions for further development of UroBot.

replace Decoupled Alignment for Robust Plug-and-Play Adaptation

Authors: Haozheng Luo, Jiahao Yu, Wenxin Zhang, Jialong Li, Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu, Xingyu Xing, Han Liu

Abstract: We introduce a low-resource safety enhancement method for aligning large language models (LLMs) without the need for supervised fine-tuning (SFT) or reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Our main idea is to exploit knowledge distillation to extract the alignment information from existing well-aligned LLMs and integrate it into unaligned LLMs in a plug-and-play fashion. Methodology, we employ delta debugging to identify the critical components of knowledge necessary for effective distillation. On the harmful question dataset, our method significantly enhances the average defense success rate by approximately 14.41%, reaching as high as 51.39%, in 17 unaligned pre-trained LLMs, without compromising performance.

replace MMLU-Pro: A More Robust and Challenging Multi-Task Language Understanding Benchmark

Authors: Yubo Wang, Xueguang Ma, Ge Zhang, Yuansheng Ni, Abhranil Chandra, Shiguang Guo, Weiming Ren, Aaran Arulraj, Xuan He, Ziyan Jiang, Tianle Li, Max Ku, Kai Wang, Alex Zhuang, Rongqi Fan, Xiang Yue, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: In the age of large-scale language models, benchmarks like the Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) have been pivotal in pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve in language comprehension and reasoning across diverse domains. However, as models continue to improve, their performance on these benchmarks has begun to plateau, making it increasingly difficult to discern differences in model capabilities. This paper introduces MMLU-Pro, an enhanced dataset designed to extend the mostly knowledge-driven MMLU benchmark by integrating more challenging, reasoning-focused questions and expanding the choice set from four to ten options. Additionally, MMLU-Pro eliminates the trivial and noisy questions in MMLU. Our experimental results show that MMLU-Pro not only raises the challenge, causing a significant drop in accuracy by 16% to 33% compared to MMLU but also demonstrates greater stability under varying prompts. With 24 different prompt styles tested, the sensitivity of model scores to prompt variations decreased from 4-5% in MMLU to just 2% in MMLU-Pro. Additionally, we found that models utilizing Chain of Thought (CoT) reasoning achieved better performance on MMLU-Pro compared to direct answering, which is in stark contrast to the findings on the original MMLU, indicating that MMLU-Pro includes more complex reasoning questions. Our assessments confirm that MMLU-Pro is a more discriminative benchmark to better track progress in the field.

replace-cross A Survey of Mix-based Data Augmentation: Taxonomy, Methods, Applications, and Explainability

Authors: Chengtai Cao, Fan Zhou, Yurou Dai, Jianping Wang, Kunpeng Zhang

Abstract: Data augmentation (DA) is indispensable in modern machine learning and deep neural networks. The basic idea of DA is to construct new training data to improve the model's generalization by adding slightly disturbed versions of existing data or synthesizing new data. This survey comprehensively reviews a crucial subset of DA techniques, namely Mix-based Data Augmentation (MixDA), which generates novel samples by combining multiple examples. In contrast to traditional DA approaches that operate on single samples or entire datasets, MixDA stands out due to its effectiveness, simplicity, flexibility, computational efficiency, theoretical foundation, and broad applicability. We begin by introducing a novel taxonomy that categorizes MixDA into Mixup-based, Cutmix-based, and mixture approaches based on a hierarchical perspective of the data mixing operation. Subsequently, we provide an in-depth review of various MixDA techniques, focusing on their underlying motivations. Owing to its versatility, MixDA has penetrated a wide range of applications, which we also thoroughly investigate in this survey. Moreover, we delve into the underlying mechanisms of MixDA's effectiveness by examining its impact on model generalization and calibration while providing insights into the model's behavior by analyzing the inherent properties of MixDA. Finally, we recapitulate the critical findings and fundamental challenges of current MixDA studies while outlining the potential directions for future works. Different from previous related surveys that focus on DA approaches in specific domains (e.g., CV and NLP) or only review a limited subset of MixDA studies, we are the first to provide a systematical survey of MixDA, covering its taxonomy, methodology, application, and explainability. Furthermore, we provide promising directions for researchers interested in this exciting area.

replace-cross Efficient Detection of LLM-generated Texts with a Bayesian Surrogate Model

Authors: Yibo Miao, Hongcheng Gao, Hao Zhang, Zhijie Deng

Abstract: The detection of machine-generated text, especially from large language models (LLMs), is crucial in preventing serious social problems resulting from their misuse. Some methods train dedicated detectors on specific datasets but fall short in generalizing to unseen test data, while other zero-shot ones often yield suboptimal performance. Although the recent DetectGPT has shown promising detection performance, it suffers from significant inefficiency issues, as detecting a single candidate requires querying the source LLM with hundreds of its perturbations. This paper aims to bridge this gap. Concretely, we propose to incorporate a Bayesian surrogate model, which allows us to select typical samples based on Bayesian uncertainty and interpolate scores from typical samples to other samples, to improve query efficiency. Empirical results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing approaches under a low query budget. Notably, when detecting the text generated by LLaMA family models, our method with just 2 or 3 queries can outperform DetectGPT with 200 queries.

replace-cross Evaluating ChatGPT as a Recommender System: A Rigorous Approach

Authors: Dario Di Palma, Giovanni Maria Biancofiore, Vito Walter Anelli, Fedelucio Narducci, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciascio

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently shown impressive abilities in handling various natural language-related tasks. Among different LLMs, current studies have assessed ChatGPT's superior performance across manifold tasks, especially under the zero/few-shot prompting conditions. Given such successes, the Recommender Systems (RSs) research community have started investigating its potential applications within the recommendation scenario. However, although various methods have been proposed to integrate ChatGPT's capabilities into RSs, current research struggles to comprehensively evaluate such models while considering the peculiarities of generative models. Often, evaluations do not consider hallucinations, duplications, and out-of-the-closed domain recommendations and solely focus on accuracy metrics, neglecting the impact on beyond-accuracy facets. To bridge this gap, we propose a robust evaluation pipeline to assess ChatGPT's ability as an RS and post-process ChatGPT recommendations to account for these aspects. Through this pipeline, we investigate ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4 performance in the recommendation task under the zero-shot condition employing the role-playing prompt. We analyze the model's functionality in three settings: the Top-N Recommendation, the cold-start recommendation, and the re-ranking of a list of recommendations, and in three domains: movies, music, and books. The experiments reveal that ChatGPT exhibits higher accuracy than the baselines on books domain. It also excels in re-ranking and cold-start scenarios while maintaining reasonable beyond-accuracy metrics. Furthermore, we measure the similarity between the ChatGPT recommendations and the other recommenders, providing insights about how ChatGPT could be categorized in the realm of recommender systems. The evaluation pipeline is publicly released for future research.

replace-cross Controlled Decoding from Language Models

Authors: Sidharth Mudgal, Jong Lee, Harish Ganapathy, YaGuang Li, Tao Wang, Yanping Huang, Zhifeng Chen, Heng-Tze Cheng, Michael Collins, Trevor Strohman, Jilin Chen, Alex Beutel, Ahmad Beirami

Abstract: KL-regularized reinforcement learning (RL) is a popular alignment framework to control the language model responses towards high reward outcomes. We pose a tokenwise RL objective and propose a modular solver for it, called controlled decoding (CD). CD exerts control through a separate prefix scorer module, which is trained to learn a value function for the reward. The prefix scorer is used at inference time to control the generation from a frozen base model, provably sampling from a solution to the RL objective. We empirically demonstrate that CD is effective as a control mechanism on popular benchmarks. We also show that prefix scorers for multiple rewards may be combined at inference time, effectively solving a multi-objective RL problem with no additional training. We show that the benefits of applying CD transfer to an unseen base model with no further tuning as well. Finally, we show that CD can be applied in a blockwise decoding fashion at inference-time, essentially bridging the gap between the popular best-of-K strategy and tokenwise control through reinforcement learning. This makes CD a promising approach for alignment of language models.

replace-cross VQPy: An Object-Oriented Approach to Modern Video Analytics

Authors: Shan Yu, Zhenting Zhu, Yu Chen, Hanchen Xu, Pengzhan Zhao, Yang Wang, Arthi Padmanabhan, Hugo Latapie, Harry Xu

Abstract: Video analytics is widely used in contemporary systems and services. At the forefront of video analytics are video queries that users develop to find objects of particular interest. Building upon the insight that video objects (e.g., human, animals, cars, etc.), the center of video analytics, are similar in spirit to objects modeled by traditional object-oriented languages, we propose to develop an object-oriented approach to video analytics. This approach, named VQPy, consists of a frontend$\unicode{x2015}$a Python variant with constructs that make it easy for users to express video objects and their interactions$\unicode{x2015}$as well as an extensible backend that can automatically construct and optimize pipelines based on video objects. We have implemented and open-sourced VQPy, which has been productized in Cisco as part of its DeepVision framework.

replace-cross LLMs cannot find reasoning errors, but can correct them given the error location

Authors: Gladys Tyen, Hassan Mansoor, Victor C\u{a}rbune, Peter Chen, Tony Mak

Abstract: While self-correction has shown promise in improving LLM outputs in terms of style and quality (e.g. Chen et al., 2023b; Madaan et al., 2023), recent attempts to self-correct logical or reasoning errors often cause correct answers to become incorrect, resulting in worse performances overall (Huang et al., 2023). In this paper, we show that poor self-correction performance stems from LLMs' inability to find logical mistakes, rather than their ability to correct a known mistake. Firstly, we benchmark several state-of-the-art LLMs on their mistake-finding ability and demonstrate that they generally struggle with the task, even in highly objective, unambiguous cases. Secondly, we test the correction abilities of LLMs -- separately from mistake finding -- using a backtracking setup that feeds ground truth mistake location information to the model. We show that this boosts downstream task performance across our 5 reasoning tasks, indicating that LLMs' correction abilities are robust. Finally, we show that it is possible to obtain mistake location information without ground truth labels or in-domain training data. We train a small classifier with out-of-domain data, which exhibits stronger mistake-finding performance than prompting a large model. We release our dataset of LLM-generated logical mistakes, BIG-Bench Mistake, to enable further research into locating LLM reasoning mistakes.

replace-cross Fine-Grained Image-Text Alignment in Medical Imaging Enables Explainable Cyclic Image-Report Generation

Authors: Wenting Chen, Linlin Shen, Jingyang Lin, Jiebo Luo, Xiang Li, Yixuan Yuan

Abstract: To address these issues, we propose a novel Adaptive patch-word Matching (AdaMatch) model to correlate chest X-ray (CXR) image regions with words in medical reports and apply it to CXR-report generation to provide explainability for the generation process. AdaMatch exploits the fine-grained relation between adaptive patches and words to provide explanations of specific image regions with corresponding words. To capture the abnormal regions of varying sizes and positions, we introduce the Adaptive Patch extraction (AdaPatch) module to acquire the adaptive patches for these regions adaptively. In order to provide explicit explainability for CXR-report generation task, we propose an AdaMatch-based bidirectional large language model for Cyclic CXR-report generation (AdaMatch-Cyclic). It employs the AdaMatch to obtain the keywords for CXR images and `keypatches' for medical reports as hints to guide CXR-report generation. Extensive experiments on two publicly available CXR datasets prove the effectiveness of our method and its superior performance to existing methods.

replace-cross Observable Propagation: Uncovering Feature Vectors in Transformers

Authors: Jacob Dunefsky, Arman Cohan

Abstract: A key goal of current mechanistic interpretability research in NLP is to find linear features (also called "feature vectors") for transformers: directions in activation space corresponding to concepts that are used by a given model in its computation. Present state-of-the-art methods for finding linear features require large amounts of labelled data -- both laborious to acquire and computationally expensive to utilize. In this work, we introduce a novel method, called "observable propagation" (in short: ObProp), for finding linear features used by transformer language models in computing a given task -- using almost no data. Our paradigm centers on the concept of "observables", linear functionals corresponding to given tasks. We then introduce a mathematical theory for the analysis of feature vectors, including a similarity metric between feature vectors called the coupling coefficient which estimates the degree to which one feature's output correlates with another's. We use ObProp to perform extensive qualitative investigations into several tasks, including gendered occupational bias, political party prediction, and programming language detection. Our results suggest that ObProp surpasses traditional approaches for finding feature vectors in the low-data regime, and that ObProp can be used to better understand the mechanisms responsible for bias in large language models.

replace-cross Repeat After Me: Transformers are Better than State Space Models at Copying

Authors: Samy Jelassi, David Brandfonbrener, Sham M. Kakade, Eran Malach

Abstract: Transformers are the dominant architecture for sequence modeling, but there is growing interest in models that use a fixed-size latent state that does not depend on the sequence length, which we refer to as "generalized state space models" (GSSMs). In this paper we show that while GSSMs are promising in terms of inference-time efficiency, they are limited compared to transformer models on tasks that require copying from the input context. We start with a theoretical analysis of the simple task of string copying and prove that a two layer transformer can copy strings of exponential length while GSSMs are fundamentally limited by their fixed-size latent state. Empirically, we find that transformers outperform GSSMs in terms of efficiency and generalization on synthetic tasks that require copying the context. Finally, we evaluate pretrained large language models and find that transformer models dramatically outperform state space models at copying and retrieving information from context. Taken together, these results suggest a fundamental gap between transformers and GSSMs on tasks of practical interest.

replace-cross C-RAG: Certified Generation Risks for Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

Authors: Mintong Kang, Nezihe Merve G\"urel, Ning Yu, Dawn Song, Bo Li

Abstract: Despite the impressive capabilities of large language models (LLMs) across diverse applications, they still suffer from trustworthiness issues, such as hallucinations and misalignments. Retrieval-augmented language models (RAG) have been proposed to enhance the credibility of generations by grounding external knowledge, but the theoretical understandings of their generation risks remains unexplored. In this paper, we answer: 1) whether RAG can indeed lead to low generation risks, 2) how to provide provable guarantees on the generation risks of RAG and vanilla LLMs, and 3) what sufficient conditions enable RAG models to reduce generation risks. We propose C-RAG, the first framework to certify generation risks for RAG models. Specifically, we provide conformal risk analysis for RAG models and certify an upper confidence bound of generation risks, which we refer to as conformal generation risk. We also provide theoretical guarantees on conformal generation risks for general bounded risk functions under test distribution shifts. We prove that RAG achieves a lower conformal generation risk than that of a single LLM when the quality of the retrieval model and transformer is non-trivial. Our intensive empirical results demonstrate the soundness and tightness of our conformal generation risk guarantees across four widely-used NLP datasets on four state-of-the-art retrieval models.

replace-cross Prioritizing Safeguarding Over Autonomy: Risks of LLM Agents for Science

Authors: Xiangru Tang, Qiao Jin, Kunlun Zhu, Tongxin Yuan, Yichi Zhang, Wangchunshu Zhou, Meng Qu, Yilun Zhao, Jian Tang, Zhuosheng Zhang, Arman Cohan, Zhiyong Lu, Mark Gerstein

Abstract: Intelligent agents powered by large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated substantial promise in autonomously conducting experiments and facilitating scientific discoveries across various disciplines. While their capabilities are promising, these agents, called scientific LLM agents, also introduce novel vulnerabilities that demand careful consideration for safety. However, there exists a notable gap in the literature, as there has been no comprehensive exploration of these vulnerabilities. This perspective paper fills this gap by conducting a thorough examination of vulnerabilities in LLM-based agents within scientific domains, shedding light on potential risks associated with their misuse and emphasizing the need for safety measures. We begin by providing a comprehensive overview of the potential risks inherent to scientific LLM agents, taking into account user intent, the specific scientific domain, and their potential impact on the external environment. Then, we delve into the origins of these vulnerabilities and provide a scoping review of the limited existing works. Based on our analysis, we propose a triadic framework involving human regulation, agent alignment, and an understanding of environmental feedback (agent regulation) to mitigate these identified risks. Furthermore, we highlight the limitations and challenges associated with safeguarding scientific agents and advocate for the development of improved models, robust benchmarks, and comprehensive regulations to address these issues effectively.

replace-cross QuIP#: Even Better LLM Quantization with Hadamard Incoherence and Lattice Codebooks

Authors: Albert Tseng, Jerry Chee, Qingyao Sun, Volodymyr Kuleshov, Christopher De Sa

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) reduces the memory footprint of LLMs by quantizing their weights to low-precision. In this work, we introduce QuIP#, a weight-only PTQ method that achieves state-of-the-art results in extreme compression regimes ($\le$ 4 bits per weight) using three novel techniques. First, QuIP# improves QuIP's (Chee et al., 2023) incoherence processing by using the randomized Hadamard transform, which is faster and has better theoretical properties. Second, QuIP# uses vector quantization to take advantage of the ball-shaped sub-Gaussian distribution that incoherent weights possess: specifically, we introduce a set of hardware-efficient codebooks based on the highly symmetric $E_8$ lattice, which achieves the optimal 8-dimension unit ball packing. Third, QuIP# uses fine-tuning to improve fidelity to the original model. Our experiments show that QuIP# outperforms existing PTQ methods, enables new behaviors in PTQ scaling, and supports fast inference. Our code can be found at


replace-cross Introspective Planning: Aligning Robots' Uncertainty with Inherent Task Ambiguity

Authors: Kaiqu Liang, Zixu Zhang, Jaime Fern\'andez Fisac

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit advanced reasoning skills, enabling robots to comprehend natural language instructions and strategically plan high-level actions through proper grounding. However, LLM hallucination may result in robots confidently executing plans that are misaligned with user goals or, in extreme cases, unsafe. Additionally, inherent ambiguity in natural language instructions can induce task uncertainty, particularly in situations where multiple valid options exist. To address this issue, LLMs must identify such uncertainty and proactively seek clarification. This paper explores the concept of introspective planning as a systematic method for guiding LLMs in forming uncertainty--aware plans for robotic task execution without the need for fine-tuning. We investigate uncertainty quantification in task-level robot planning and demonstrate that introspection significantly improves both success rates and safety compared to state-of-the-art LLM-based planning approaches. Furthermore, we assess the effectiveness of introspective planning in conjunction with conformal prediction, revealing that this combination yields tighter confidence bounds, thereby maintaining statistical success guarantees with fewer superfluous user clarification queries. Code is available at


replace-cross Feedback Loops With Language Models Drive In-Context Reward Hacking

Authors: Alexander Pan, Erik Jones, Meena Jagadeesan, Jacob Steinhardt

Abstract: Language models influence the external world: they query APIs that read and write to web pages, generate content that shapes human behavior, and run system commands as autonomous agents. These interactions form feedback loops: LLM outputs affect the world, which in turn affect subsequent LLM outputs. In this work, we show that feedback loops can cause in-context reward hacking (ICRH), where the LLM at test-time optimizes a (potentially implicit) objective but creates negative side effects in the process. For example, consider an LLM agent deployed to increase Twitter engagement; the LLM may retrieve its previous tweets into the context window and make them more controversial, increasing engagement but also toxicity. We identify and study two processes that lead to ICRH: output-refinement and policy-refinement. For these processes, evaluations on static datasets are insufficient -- they miss the feedback effects and thus cannot capture the most harmful behavior. In response, we provide three recommendations for evaluation to capture more instances of ICRH. As AI development accelerates, the effects of feedback loops will proliferate, increasing the need to understand their role in shaping LLM behavior.

replace-cross On the Semantic Latent Space of Diffusion-Based Text-to-Speech Models

Authors: Miri Varshavsky-Hassid, Roy Hirsch, Regev Cohen, Tomer Golany, Daniel Freedman, Ehud Rivlin

Abstract: The incorporation of Denoising Diffusion Models (DDMs) in the Text-to-Speech (TTS) domain is rising, providing great value in synthesizing high quality speech. Although they exhibit impressive audio quality, the extent of their semantic capabilities is unknown, and controlling their synthesized speech's vocal properties remains a challenge. Inspired by recent advances in image synthesis, we explore the latent space of frozen TTS models, which is composed of the latent bottleneck activations of the DDM's denoiser. We identify that this space contains rich semantic information, and outline several novel methods for finding semantic directions within it, both supervised and unsupervised. We then demonstrate how these enable off-the-shelf audio editing, without any further training, architectural changes or data requirements. We present evidence of the semantic and acoustic qualities of the edited audio, and provide supplemental samples:


replace-cross Investigating the Impact of Model Instability on Explanations and Uncertainty

Authors: Sara Vera Marjanovi\'c, Isabelle Augenstein, Christina Lioma

Abstract: Explainable AI methods facilitate the understanding of model behaviour, yet, small, imperceptible perturbations to inputs can vastly distort explanations. As these explanations are typically evaluated holistically, before model deployment, it is difficult to assess when a particular explanation is trustworthy. Some studies have tried to create confidence estimators for explanations, but none have investigated an existing link between uncertainty and explanation quality. We artificially simulate epistemic uncertainty in text input by introducing noise at inference time. In this large-scale empirical study, we insert different levels of noise perturbations and measure the effect on the output of pre-trained language models and different uncertainty metrics. Realistic perturbations have minimal effect on performance and explanations, yet masking has a drastic effect. We find that high uncertainty doesn't necessarily imply low explanation plausibility; the correlation between the two metrics can be moderately positive when noise is exposed during the training process. This suggests that noise-augmented models may be better at identifying salient tokens when uncertain. Furthermore, when predictive and epistemic uncertainty measures are over-confident, the robustness of a saliency map to perturbation can indicate model stability issues. Integrated Gradients shows the overall greatest robustness to perturbation, while still showing model-specific patterns in performance; however, this phenomenon is limited to smaller Transformer-based language models.

replace-cross LDB: A Large Language Model Debugger via Verifying Runtime Execution Step-by-step

Authors: Lily Zhong, Zilong Wang, Jingbo Shang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are leading significant progress in code generation. Beyond one-pass code generation, recent works further integrate unit tests and program verifiers into LLMs to iteratively refine the generated programs. However, these works consider the generated programs as an indivisible entity, which falls short for LLMs in debugging the programs, especially when the programs contain complex logic flows and data operations. In contrast, when human developers debug programs, they typically set breakpoints and selectively examine runtime execution information. The execution flow and the intermediate variables play a crucial role in the debugging process, yet they are underutilized in the existing literature on code generation. In this study, we introduce Large Language Model Debugger (LDB), a novel debugging framework that enables LLMs to refine their generated programs with the runtime execution information. Specifically, LDB segments the programs into basic blocks and tracks the values of intermediate variables after each block throughout the runtime execution. This allows LLMs to concentrate on simpler code units within the overall execution flow, verify their correctness against the task description block by block, and efficiently pinpoint any potential errors. Experiments demonstrate that LDB consistently enhances the baseline performance by up to 9.8% across the HumanEval, MBPP, and TransCoder benchmarks, archiving new state-of-the-art performance in code debugging for various LLM selections.

replace-cross Exploration of Adapter for Noise Robust Automatic Speech Recognition

Authors: Hao Shi, Tatsuya Kawahara

Abstract: Adapting an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system to unseen noise environments is crucial. Integrating adapters into neural networks has emerged as a potent technique for transfer learning. This study thoroughly investigates adapter-based ASR adaptation in noisy environments. We conducted experiments using the CHiME--4 dataset. The results show that inserting the adapter in the shallow layer yields superior effectiveness, and there is no significant difference between adapting solely within the shallow layer and adapting across all layers. The simulated data helps the system to improve its performance under real noise conditions. Nonetheless, when the amount of data is the same, the real data is more effective than the simulated data. Multi-condition training is still useful for adapter training. Furthermore, integrating adapters into speech enhancement-based ASR systems yields substantial improvements.

replace-cross Repoformer: Selective Retrieval for Repository-Level Code Completion

Authors: Di Wu, Wasi Uddin Ahmad, Dejiao Zhang, Murali Krishna Ramanathan, Xiaofei Ma

Abstract: Recent advances in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) have initiated a new era in repository-level code completion. However, the invariable use of retrieval in existing methods exposes issues in both efficiency and robustness, with a large proportion of the retrieved contexts proving unhelpful or harmful to code language models (code LMs). In this paper, we propose a selective RAG framework to avoid retrieval when unnecessary. To power this framework, we design a self-supervised learning approach to enable a code LM to accurately self-evaluate whether retrieval can improve its output quality and robustly leverage the potentially noisy retrieved contexts. Using this LM as both the selective RAG policy and the generation model, our framework achieves state-of-the-art repository-level code completion performance on diverse benchmarks including RepoEval, CrossCodeEval, and CrossCodeLongEval, a new long-form code completion benchmark. Meanwhile, our analyses show that selectively retrieving brings as much as 70% inference speedup in the online serving setting without harming the performance. We further demonstrate that our framework is able to accommodate different generation models, retrievers, and programming languages. These advancements position our framework as an important step towards more accurate and efficient repository-level code completion.

replace-cross Heracles: A Hybrid SSM-Transformer Model for High-Resolution Image and Time-Series Analysis

Authors: Badri N. Patro, Suhas Ranganath, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Vijay S. Agneeswaran

Abstract: Transformers have revolutionized image modeling tasks with adaptations like DeIT, Swin, SVT, Biformer, STVit, and FDVIT. However, these models often face challenges with inductive bias and high quadratic complexity, making them less efficient for high-resolution images. State space models (SSMs) such as Mamba, V-Mamba, ViM, and SiMBA offer an alternative to handle high resolution images in computer vision tasks. These SSMs encounter two major issues. First, they become unstable when scaled to large network sizes. Second, although they efficiently capture global information in images, they inherently struggle with handling local information. To address these challenges, we introduce Heracles, a novel SSM that integrates a local SSM, a global SSM, and an attention-based token interaction module. Heracles leverages a Hartely kernel-based state space model for global image information, a localized convolutional network for local details, and attention mechanisms in deeper layers for token interactions. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that Heracles-C-small achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ImageNet dataset with 84.5\% top-1 accuracy. Heracles-C-Large and Heracles-C-Huge further improve accuracy to 85.9\% and 86.4\%, respectively. Additionally, Heracles excels in transfer learning tasks on datasets such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Oxford Flowers, and Stanford Cars, and in instance segmentation on the MSCOCO dataset. Heracles also proves its versatility by achieving state-of-the-art results on seven time-series datasets, showcasing its ability to generalize across domains with spectral data, capturing both local and global information. The project page is available at this link.\url{}


replace-cross Transferable and Principled Efficiency for Open-Vocabulary Segmentation

Authors: Jingxuan Xu, Wuyang Chen, Yao Zhao, Yunchao Wei

Abstract: Recent success of pre-trained foundation vision-language models makes Open-Vocabulary Segmentation (OVS) possible. Despite the promising performance, this approach introduces heavy computational overheads for two challenges: 1) large model sizes of the backbone; 2) expensive costs during the fine-tuning. These challenges hinder this OVS strategy from being widely applicable and affordable in real-world scenarios. Although traditional methods such as model compression and efficient fine-tuning can address these challenges, they often rely on heuristics. This means that their solutions cannot be easily transferred and necessitate re-training on different models, which comes at a cost. In the context of efficient OVS, we target achieving performance that is comparable to or even better than prior OVS works based on large vision-language foundation models, by utilizing smaller models that incur lower training costs. The core strategy is to make our efficiency principled and thus seamlessly transferable from one OVS framework to others without further customization. Comprehensive experiments on diverse OVS benchmarks demonstrate our superior trade-off between segmentation accuracy and computation costs over previous works. Our code is available on


replace-cross Social Choice Should Guide AI Alignment in Dealing with Diverse Human Feedback

Authors: Vincent Conitzer, Rachel Freedman, Jobst Heitzig, Wesley H. Holliday, Bob M. Jacobs, Nathan Lambert, Milan Moss\'e, Eric Pacuit, Stuart Russell, Hailey Schoelkopf, Emanuel Tewolde, William S. Zwicker

Abstract: Foundation models such as GPT-4 are fine-tuned to avoid unsafe or otherwise problematic behavior, such as helping to commit crimes or producing racist text. One approach to fine-tuning, called reinforcement learning from human feedback, learns from humans' expressed preferences over multiple outputs. Another approach is constitutional AI, in which the input from humans is a list of high-level principles. But how do we deal with potentially diverging input from humans? How can we aggregate the input into consistent data about "collective" preferences or otherwise use it to make collective choices about model behavior? In this paper, we argue that the field of social choice is well positioned to address these questions, and we discuss ways forward for this agenda, drawing on discussions in a recent workshop on Social Choice for AI Ethics and Safety held in Berkeley, CA, USA in December 2023.

replace-cross Graph Machine Learning in the Era of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Wenqi Fan, Shijie Wang, Jiani Huang, Zhikai Chen, Yu Song, Wenzhuo Tang, Haitao Mao, Hui Liu, Xiaorui Liu, Dawei Yin, Qing Li

Abstract: Graphs play an important role in representing complex relationships in various domains like social networks, knowledge graphs, and molecular discovery. With the advent of deep learning, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a cornerstone in Graph Machine Learning (Graph ML), facilitating the representation and processing of graph structures. Recently, LLMs have demonstrated unprecedented capabilities in language tasks and are widely adopted in a variety of applications such as computer vision and recommender systems. This remarkable success has also attracted interest in applying LLMs to the graph domain. Increasing efforts have been made to explore the potential of LLMs in advancing Graph ML's generalization, transferability, and few-shot learning ability. Meanwhile, graphs, especially knowledge graphs, are rich in reliable factual knowledge, which can be utilized to enhance the reasoning capabilities of LLMs and potentially alleviate their limitations such as hallucinations and the lack of explainability. Given the rapid progress of this research direction, a systematic review summarizing the latest advancements for Graph ML in the era of LLMs is necessary to provide an in-depth understanding to researchers and practitioners. Therefore, in this survey, we first review the recent developments in Graph ML. We then explore how LLMs can be utilized to enhance the quality of graph features, alleviate the reliance on labeled data, and address challenges such as graph heterogeneity and out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization. Afterward, we delve into how graphs can enhance LLMs, highlighting their abilities to enhance LLM pre-training and inference. Furthermore, we investigate various applications and discuss the potential future directions in this promising field.

replace-cross Improving Transformers with Dynamically Composable Multi-Head Attention

Authors: Da Xiao, Qingye Meng, Shengping Li, Xingyuan Yuan

Abstract: Multi-Head Attention (MHA) is a key component of Transformer. In MHA, attention heads work independently, causing problems such as low-rank bottleneck of attention score matrices and head redundancy. We propose Dynamically Composable Multi-Head Attention (DCMHA), a parameter and computation efficient attention architecture that tackles the shortcomings of MHA and increases the expressive power of the model by dynamically composing attention heads. At the core of DCMHA is a $\it{Compose}$ function that transforms the attention score and weight matrices in an input-dependent way. DCMHA can be used as a drop-in replacement of MHA in any transformer architecture to obtain the corresponding DCFormer. DCFormer significantly outperforms Transformer on different architectures and model scales in language modeling, matching the performance of models with ~1.7x-2.0x compute. For example, DCPythia-6.9B outperforms open source Pythia-12B on both pretraining perplexity and downstream task evaluation. The code and models are available at


replace-cross Latent Space Alignment for Semantic Channel Equalization

Authors: Tom\'as H\"uttebr\"aucker, Mohamed Sana, Emilio Calvanese Strinati

Abstract: We relax the constraint of a shared language between agents in a semantic and goal-oriented communication system to explore the effect of language mismatch in distributed task solving. We propose a mathematical framework, which provides a modelling and a measure of the semantic distortion introduced in the communication when agents use distinct languages. We then propose a new approach to semantic channel equalization with proven effectiveness through numerical evaluations.

replace-cross Unraveling and Mitigating Retriever Inconsistencies in Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Authors: Mingda Li, Xinyu Li, Yifan Chen, Wenfeng Xuan, Weinan Zhang

Abstract: Although Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models (RALMs) demonstrate their superiority in terms of factuality, they do not consistently outperform the original retrieval-free Language Models (LMs). Our experiments reveal that this example-level performance inconsistency exists not only between retrieval-augmented and retrieval-free LM but also among different retrievers. To understand this phenomenon, we investigate the degeneration behavior of RALMs and theoretically decompose it into four categories. Further analysis based on our decomposition reveals that the innate difference in knowledge sources and the unpredictable degeneration of the reader model contribute most to the inconsistency. Drawing from our analysis, we introduce Ensemble of Retrievers (EoR), a trainable framework that can adaptively retrieve from different knowledge sources and effectively decrease unpredictable reader errors. Our experiments on Open Domain Question Answering show that EoR substantially improves performance over the RALM with a single retriever by considerably reducing inconsistent behaviors.

replace-cross Outliers and Calibration Sets have Diminishing Effect on Quantization of Modern LLMs

Authors: Davide Paglieri, Saurabh Dash, Tim Rockt\"aschel, Jack Parker-Holder

Abstract: Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) enhances the efficiency of Large Language Models (LLMs) by enabling faster operation and compatibility with more accessible hardware through reduced memory usage, at the cost of small performance drops. We explore the role of calibration sets in PTQ, specifically their effect on hidden activations in various notable open-source LLMs. Calibration sets are crucial for evaluating activation magnitudes and identifying outliers, which can distort the quantization range and negatively impact performance. Our analysis reveals a marked contrast in quantization effectiveness across models. The older OPT model, upon which much of the quantization literature is based, shows significant performance deterioration and high susceptibility to outliers with varying calibration sets. In contrast, newer models like Llama-2 7B, Llama-3 8B, Command-R 35B, and Mistral 7B demonstrate strong robustness, with Mistral 7B showing near-immunity to outliers and stable activations. These findings suggest a shift in PTQ strategies might be needed. As advancements in pre-training methods reduce the relevance of outliers, there is an emerging need to reassess the fundamentals of current quantization literature. The emphasis should pivot towards optimizing inference speed, rather than primarily focusing on outlier preservation, to align with the evolving characteristics of state-of-the-art LLMs.

replace-cross A Robot Walks into a Bar: Can Language Models Serve as Creativity Support Tools for Comedy? An Evaluation of LLMs' Humour Alignment with Comedians

Authors: Piotr Wojciech Mirowski, Juliette Love, Kory W. Mathewson, Shakir Mohamed

Abstract: We interviewed twenty professional comedians who perform live shows in front of audiences and who use artificial intelligence in their artistic process as part of 3-hour workshops on ``AI x Comedy'' conducted at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August 2023 and online. The workshop consisted of a comedy writing session with large language models (LLMs), a human-computer interaction questionnaire to assess the Creativity Support Index of AI as a writing tool, and a focus group interrogating the comedians' motivations for and processes of using AI, as well as their ethical concerns about bias, censorship and copyright. Participants noted that existing moderation strategies used in safety filtering and instruction-tuned LLMs reinforced hegemonic viewpoints by erasing minority groups and their perspectives, and qualified this as a form of censorship. At the same time, most participants felt the LLMs did not succeed as a creativity support tool, by producing bland and biased comedy tropes, akin to ``cruise ship comedy material from the 1950s, but a bit less racist''. Our work extends scholarship about the subtle difference between, one the one hand, harmful speech, and on the other hand, ``offensive'' language as a practice of resistance, satire and ``punching up''. We also interrogate the global value alignment behind such language models, and discuss the importance of community-based value alignment and data ownership to build AI tools that better suit artists' needs.

replace-cross A Survey of Generative Information Retrieval

Authors: Tzu-Lin Kuo, Tzu-Wei Chiu, Tzung-Sheng Lin, Sheng-Yang Wu, Chao-Wei Huang, Yun-Nung Chen

Abstract: Generative Retrieval (GR) is an emerging paradigm in information retrieval that leverages generative models to directly map queries to relevant document identifiers (DocIDs) without the need for traditional query processing or document reranking. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of GR, highlighting key developments, indexing and retrieval strategies, and challenges. We discuss various document identifier strategies, including numerical and string-based identifiers, and explore different document representation methods. Our primary contribution lies in outlining future research directions that could profoundly impact the field: improving the quality of query generation, exploring learnable document identifiers, enhancing scalability, and integrating GR with multi-task learning frameworks. By examining state-of-the-art GR techniques and their applications, this survey aims to provide a foundational understanding of GR and inspire further innovations in this transformative approach to information retrieval. We also make the complementary materials such as paper collection publicly available at