new From Latent to Lucid: Transforming Knowledge Graph Embeddings into Interpretable Structures

Authors: Christoph Wehner, Chrysa Iliopoulou, Tarek R. Besold

Abstract: This paper introduces a post-hoc explainable AI method tailored for Knowledge Graph Embedding models. These models are essential to Knowledge Graph Completion yet criticized for their opaque, black-box nature. Despite their significant success in capturing the semantics of knowledge graphs through high-dimensional latent representations, their inherent complexity poses substantial challenges to explainability. Unlike existing methods, our approach directly decodes the latent representations encoded by Knowledge Graph Embedding models, leveraging the principle that similar embeddings reflect similar behaviors within the Knowledge Graph. By identifying distinct structures within the subgraph neighborhoods of similarly embedded entities, our method identifies the statistical regularities on which the models rely and translates these insights into human-understandable symbolic rules and facts. This bridges the gap between the abstract representations of Knowledge Graph Embedding models and their predictive outputs, offering clear, interpretable insights. Key contributions include a novel post-hoc explainable AI method for Knowledge Graph Embedding models that provides immediate, faithful explanations without retraining, facilitating real-time application even on large-scale knowledge graphs. The method's flexibility enables the generation of rule-based, instance-based, and analogy-based explanations, meeting diverse user needs. Extensive evaluations show our approach's effectiveness in delivering faithful and well-localized explanations, enhancing the transparency and trustworthiness of Knowledge Graph Embedding models.

new Speeding up Policy Simulation in Supply Chain RL

Authors: Vivek Farias, Joren Gijsbrechts, Aryan Khojandi, Tianyi Peng, Andrew Zheng

Abstract: Simulating a single trajectory of a dynamical system under some state-dependent policy is a core bottleneck in policy optimization algorithms. The many inherently serial policy evaluations that must be performed in a single simulation constitute the bulk of this bottleneck. To wit, in applying policy optimization to supply chain optimization (SCO) problems, simulating a single month of a supply chain can take several hours. We present an iterative algorithm for policy simulation, which we dub Picard Iteration. This scheme carefully assigns policy evaluation tasks to independent processes. Within an iteration, a single process evaluates the policy only on its assigned tasks while assuming a certain 'cached' evaluation for other tasks; the cache is updated at the end of the iteration. Implemented on GPUs, this scheme admits batched evaluation of the policy on a single trajectory. We prove that the structure afforded by many SCO problems allows convergence in a small number of iterations, independent of the horizon. We demonstrate practical speedups of 400x on large-scale SCO problems even with a single GPU, and also demonstrate practical efficacy in other RL environments.

new Tabular and Deep Learning for the Whittle Index

Authors: Francisco Robledo Rela\~no (LMAP, UPPA, UPV / EHU), Vivek Borkar (EE-IIT), Urtzi Ayesta (IRIT-RMESS, UPV/EHU, CNRS), Konstantin Avrachenkov (Inria)

Abstract: The Whittle index policy is a heuristic that has shown remarkably good performance (with guaranteed asymptotic optimality) when applied to the class of problems known as Restless Multi-Armed Bandit Problems (RMABPs). In this paper we present QWI and QWINN, two reinforcement learning algorithms, respectively tabular and deep, to learn the Whittle index for the total discounted criterion. The key feature is the use of two time-scales, a faster one to update the state-action Q -values, and a relatively slower one to update the Whittle indices. In our main theoretical result we show that QWI, which is a tabular implementation, converges to the real Whittle indices. We then present QWINN, an adaptation of QWI algorithm using neural networks to compute the Q -values on the faster time-scale, which is able to extrapolate information from one state to another and scales naturally to large state-space environments. For QWINN, we show that all local minima of the Bellman error are locally stable equilibria, which is the first result of its kind for DQN-based schemes. Numerical computations show that QWI and QWINN converge faster than the standard Q -learning algorithm, neural-network based approximate Q-learning and other state of the art algorithms.

new A Toolbox for Supporting Research on AI in Water Distribution Networks

Authors: Andr\'e Artelt, Marios S. Kyriakou, Stelios G. Vrachimis, Demetrios G. Eliades, Barbara Hammer, Marios M. Polycarpou

Abstract: Drinking water is a vital resource for humanity, and thus, Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) are considered critical infrastructures in modern societies. The operation of WDNs is subject to diverse challenges such as water leakages and contamination, cyber/physical attacks, high energy consumption during pump operation, etc. With model-based methods reaching their limits due to various uncertainty sources, AI methods offer promising solutions to those challenges. In this work, we introduce a Python toolbox for complex scenario modeling \& generation such that AI researchers can easily access challenging problems from the drinking water domain. Besides providing a high-level interface for the easy generation of hydraulic and water quality scenario data, it also provides easy access to popular event detection benchmarks and an environment for developing control algorithms.

new A Bayesian Approach to Online Planning

Authors: Nir Greshler, David Ben Eli, Carmel Rabinovitz, Gabi Guetta, Liran Gispan, Guy Zohar, Aviv Tamar

Abstract: The combination of Monte Carlo tree search and neural networks has revolutionized online planning. As neural network approximations are often imperfect, we ask whether uncertainty estimates about the network outputs could be used to improve planning. We develop a Bayesian planning approach that facilitates such uncertainty quantification, inspired by classical ideas from the meta-reasoning literature. We propose a Thompson sampling based algorithm for searching the tree of possible actions, for which we prove the first (to our knowledge) finite time Bayesian regret bound, and propose an efficient implementation for a restricted family of posterior distributions. In addition we propose a variant of the Bayes-UCB method applied to trees. Empirically, we demonstrate that on the ProcGen Maze and Leaper environments, when the uncertainty estimates are accurate but the neural network output is inaccurate, our Bayesian approach searches the tree much more effectively. In addition, we investigate whether popular uncertainty estimation methods are accurate enough to yield significant gains in planning. Our code is available at:


new Query-Enhanced Adaptive Semantic Path Reasoning for Inductive Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Kai Sun, Jiapu Wang, Huajie Jiang, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin

Abstract: Conventional Knowledge graph completion (KGC) methods aim to infer missing information in incomplete Knowledge Graphs (KGs) by leveraging existing information, which struggle to perform effectively in scenarios involving emerging entities. Inductive KGC methods can handle the emerging entities and relations in KGs, offering greater dynamic adaptability. While existing inductive KGC methods have achieved some success, they also face challenges, such as susceptibility to noisy structural information during reasoning and difficulty in capturing long-range dependencies in reasoning paths. To address these challenges, this paper proposes the Query-Enhanced Adaptive Semantic Path Reasoning (QASPR) framework, which simultaneously captures both the structural and semantic information of KGs to enhance the inductive KGC task. Specifically, the proposed QASPR employs a query-dependent masking module to adaptively mask noisy structural information while retaining important information closely related to the targets. Additionally, QASPR introduces a global semantic scoring module that evaluates both the individual contributions and the collective impact of nodes along the reasoning path within KGs. The experimental results demonstrate that QASPR achieves state-of-the-art performance.

new Power Mean Estimation in Stochastic Monte-Carlo Tree_Search

Authors: Tuan Dam, Odalric-Ambrym Maillard, Emilie Kaufmann

Abstract: Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a widely-used strategy for online planning that combines Monte-Carlo sampling with forward tree search. Its success relies on the Upper Confidence bound for Trees (UCT) algorithm, an extension of the UCB method for multi-arm bandits. However, the theoretical foundation of UCT is incomplete due to an error in the logarithmic bonus term for action selection, leading to the development of Fixed-Depth-MCTS with a polynomial exploration bonus to balance exploration and exploitation~\citep{shah2022journal}. Both UCT and Fixed-Depth-MCTS suffer from biased value estimation: the weighted sum underestimates the optimal value, while the maximum valuation overestimates it~\citep{coulom2006efficient}. The power mean estimator offers a balanced solution, lying between the average and maximum values. Power-UCT~\citep{dam2019generalized} incorporates this estimator for more accurate value estimates but its theoretical analysis remains incomplete. This paper introduces Stochastic-Power-UCT, an MCTS algorithm using the power mean estimator and tailored for stochastic MDPs. We analyze its polynomial convergence in estimating root node values and show that it shares the same convergence rate of $\mathcal{O}(n^{-1/2})$, with $n$ is the number of visited trajectories, as Fixed-Depth-MCTS, with the latter being a special case of the former. Our theoretical results are validated with empirical tests across various stochastic MDP environments.

cross Improving Diffusion-Based Image Synthesis with Context Prediction

Authors: Ling Yang, Jingwei Liu, Shenda Hong, Zhilong Zhang, Zhilin Huang, Zheming Cai, Wentao Zhang, Bin Cui

Abstract: Diffusion models are a new class of generative models, and have dramatically promoted image generation with unprecedented quality and diversity. Existing diffusion models mainly try to reconstruct input image from a corrupted one with a pixel-wise or feature-wise constraint along spatial axes. However, such point-based reconstruction may fail to make each predicted pixel/feature fully preserve its neighborhood context, impairing diffusion-based image synthesis. As a powerful source of automatic supervisory signal, context has been well studied for learning representations. Inspired by this, we for the first time propose ConPreDiff to improve diffusion-based image synthesis with context prediction. We explicitly reinforce each point to predict its neighborhood context (i.e., multi-stride features/tokens/pixels) with a context decoder at the end of diffusion denoising blocks in training stage, and remove the decoder for inference. In this way, each point can better reconstruct itself by preserving its semantic connections with neighborhood context. This new paradigm of ConPreDiff can generalize to arbitrary discrete and continuous diffusion backbones without introducing extra parameters in sampling procedure. Extensive experiments are conducted on unconditional image generation, text-to-image generation and image inpainting tasks. Our ConPreDiff consistently outperforms previous methods and achieves a new SOTA text-to-image generation results on MS-COCO, with a zero-shot FID score of 6.21.

cross Mastering Text-to-Image Diffusion: Recaptioning, Planning, and Generating with Multimodal LLMs

Authors: Ling Yang, Zhaochen Yu, Chenlin Meng, Minkai Xu, Stefano Ermon, Bin Cui

Abstract: Diffusion models have exhibit exceptional performance in text-to-image generation and editing. However, existing methods often face challenges when handling complex text prompts that involve multiple objects with multiple attributes and relationships. In this paper, we propose a brand new training-free text-to-image generation/editing framework, namely Recaption, Plan and Generate (RPG), harnessing the powerful chain-of-thought reasoning ability of multimodal LLMs to enhance the compositionality of text-to-image diffusion models. Our approach employs the MLLM as a global planner to decompose the process of generating complex images into multiple simpler generation tasks within subregions. We propose complementary regional diffusion to enable region-wise compositional generation. Furthermore, we integrate text-guided image generation and editing within the proposed RPG in a closed-loop fashion, thereby enhancing generalization ability. Extensive experiments demonstrate our RPG outperforms state-of-the-art text-to-image diffusion models, including DALL-E 3 and SDXL, particularly in multi-category object composition and text-image semantic alignment. Notably, our RPG framework exhibits wide compatibility with various MLLM architectures (e.g., MiniGPT-4) and diffusion backbones (e.g., ControlNet). Our code is available at:


cross RealCompo: Balancing Realism and Compositionality Improves Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Xinchen Zhang, Ling Yang, Yaqi Cai, Zhaochen Yu, Kai-Ni Wang, Jiake Xie, Ye Tian, Minkai Xu, Yong Tang, Yujiu Yang, Bin Cui

Abstract: Diffusion models have achieved remarkable advancements in text-to-image generation. However, existing models still have many difficulties when faced with multiple-object compositional generation. In this paper, we propose RealCompo, a new training-free and transferred-friendly text-to-image generation framework, which aims to leverage the respective advantages of text-to-image models and spatial-aware image diffusion models (e.g., layout, keypoints and segmentation maps) to enhance both realism and compositionality of the generated images. An intuitive and novel balancer is proposed to dynamically balance the strengths of the two models in denoising process, allowing plug-and-play use of any model without extra training. Extensive experiments show that our RealCompo consistently outperforms state-of-the-art text-to-image models and spatial-aware image diffusion models in multiple-object compositional generation while keeping satisfactory realism and compositionality of the generated images. Notably, our RealCompo can be seamlessly extended with a wide range of spatial-aware image diffusion models and stylized diffusion models. Our code is available at:


cross EditWorld: Simulating World Dynamics for Instruction-Following Image Editing

Authors: Ling Yang, Bohan Zeng, Jiaming Liu, Hong Li, Minghao Xu, Wentao Zhang, Shuicheng Yan

Abstract: Diffusion models have significantly improved the performance of image editing. Existing methods realize various approaches to achieve high-quality image editing, including but not limited to text control, dragging operation, and mask-and-inpainting. Among these, instruction-based editing stands out for its convenience and effectiveness in following human instructions across diverse scenarios. However, it still focuses on simple editing operations like adding, replacing, or deleting, and falls short of understanding aspects of world dynamics that convey the realistic dynamic nature in the physical world. Therefore, this work, EditWorld, introduces a new editing task, namely world-instructed image editing, which defines and categorizes the instructions grounded by various world scenarios. We curate a new image editing dataset with world instructions using a set of large pretrained models (e.g., GPT-3.5, Video-LLava and SDXL). To enable sufficient simulation of world dynamics for image editing, our EditWorld trains model in the curated dataset, and improves instruction-following ability with designed post-edit strategy. Extensive experiments demonstrate our method significantly outperforms existing editing methods in this new task. Our dataset and code will be available at


cross Backpropogation-Free Multi-modal On-Device Model Adaptation via Cloud-Device Collaboration

Authors: Wei Ji, Li Li, Zheqi Lv, Wenqiao Zhang, Mengze Li, Zhen Wan, Wenqiang Lei, Roger Zimmermann

Abstract: In our increasingly interconnected world, where intelligent devices continually amass copious personalized multi-modal data, a pressing need arises to deliver high-quality, personalized device-aware services. However, this endeavor presents a multifaceted challenge to prevailing artificial intelligence (AI) systems primarily rooted in the cloud. As these systems grapple with shifting data distributions between the cloud and devices, the traditional approach of fine-tuning-based adaptation (FTA) exists the following issues: the costly and time-consuming data annotation required by FTA and the looming risk of model overfitting. To surmount these challenges, we introduce a Universal On-Device Multi-modal Model Adaptation Framework, revolutionizing on-device model adaptation by striking a balance between efficiency and effectiveness. The framework features the Fast Domain Adaptor (FDA) hosted in the cloud, providing tailored parameters for the Lightweight Multi-modal Model on devices. To enhance adaptability across multi-modal tasks, the AnchorFrame Distribution Reasoner (ADR) minimizes communication costs. Our contributions, encapsulated in the Cloud-Device Collaboration Multi-modal Parameter Generation (CDC-MMPG) framework, represent a pioneering solution for on-Device Multi-modal Model Adaptation (DMMA). Extensive experiments validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our method, particularly in video question answering and retrieval tasks, driving forward the integration of intelligent devices into our daily lives.

cross An Empirical Study of Excitation and Aggregation Design Adaptions in CLIP4Clip for Video-Text Retrieval

Authors: Xiaolun Jing, Genke Yang, Jian Chu

Abstract: CLIP4Clip model transferred from the CLIP has been the de-factor standard to solve the video clip retrieval task from frame-level input, triggering the surge of CLIP4Clip-based models in the video-text retrieval domain. In this work, we rethink the inherent limitation of widely-used mean pooling operation in the frame features aggregation and investigate the adaptions of excitation and aggregation design for discriminative video representation generation. We present a novel excitationand-aggregation design, including (1) The excitation module is available for capturing non-mutuallyexclusive relationships among frame features and achieving frame-wise features recalibration, and (2) The aggregation module is applied to learn exclusiveness used for frame representations aggregation. Similarly, we employ the cascade of sequential module and aggregation design to generate discriminative video representation in the sequential type. Besides, we adopt the excitation design in the tight type to obtain representative frame features for multi-modal interaction. The proposed modules are evaluated on three benchmark datasets of MSR-VTT, ActivityNet and DiDeMo, achieving MSR-VTT (43.9 R@1), ActivityNet (44.1 R@1) and DiDeMo (31.0 R@1). They outperform the CLIP4Clip results by +1.2% (+0.5%), +4.5% (+1.9%) and +9.5% (+2.7%) relative (absolute) improvements, demonstrating the superiority of our proposed excitation and aggregation designs. We hope our work will serve as an alternative for frame representations aggregation and facilitate future research.

cross SymTax: Symbiotic Relationship and Taxonomy Fusion for Effective Citation Recommendation

Authors: Karan Goyal, Mayank Goel, Vikram Goyal, Mukesh Mohania

Abstract: Citing pertinent literature is pivotal to writing and reviewing a scientific document. Existing techniques mainly focus on the local context or the global context for recommending citations but fail to consider the actual human citation behaviour. We propose SymTax, a three-stage recommendation architecture that considers both the local and the global context, and additionally the taxonomical representations of query-candidate tuples and the Symbiosis prevailing amongst them. SymTax learns to embed the infused taxonomies in the hyperbolic space and uses hyperbolic separation as a latent feature to compute query-candidate similarity. We build a novel and large dataset ArSyTa containing 8.27 million citation contexts and describe the creation process in detail. We conduct extensive experiments and ablation studies to demonstrate the effectiveness and design choice of each module in our framework. Also, combinatorial analysis from our experiments shed light on the choice of language models (LMs) and fusion embedding, and the inclusion of section heading as a signal. Our proposed module that captures the symbiotic relationship solely leads to performance gains of 26.66% and 39.25% in Recall@5 w.r.t. SOTA on ACL-200 and RefSeer datasets, respectively. The complete framework yields a gain of 22.56% in Recall@5 wrt SOTA on our proposed dataset. The code and dataset are available at


cross Recent advances in text embedding: A Comprehensive Review of Top-Performing Methods on the MTEB Benchmark

Authors: Hongliu Cao

Abstract: Text embedding methods have become increasingly popular in both industrial and academic fields due to their critical role in a variety of natural language processing tasks. The significance of universal text embeddings has been further highlighted with the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) applications such as Retrieval-Augmented Systems (RAGs). While previous models have attempted to be general-purpose, they often struggle to generalize across tasks and domains. However, recent advancements in training data quantity, quality and diversity; synthetic data generation from LLMs as well as using LLMs as backbones encourage great improvements in pursuing universal text embeddings. In this paper, we provide an overview of the recent advances in universal text embedding models with a focus on the top performing text embeddings on Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB). Through detailed comparison and analysis, we highlight the key contributions and limitations in this area, and propose potentially inspiring future research directions.

cross Detecting Deceptive Dark Patterns in E-commerce Platforms

Authors: Arya Ramteke, Sankalp Tembhurne, Gunesh Sonawane, Ratnmala N. Bhimanpallewar

Abstract: Dark patterns are deceptive user interfaces employed by e-commerce websites to manipulate user's behavior in a way that benefits the website, often unethically. This study investigates the detection of such dark patterns. Existing solutions include UIGuard, which uses computer vision and natural language processing, and approaches that categorize dark patterns based on detectability or utilize machine learning models trained on datasets. We propose combining web scraping techniques with fine-tuned BERT language models and generative capabilities to identify dark patterns, including outliers. The approach scrapes textual content, feeds it into the BERT model for detection, and leverages BERT's bidirectional analysis and generation abilities. The study builds upon research on automatically detecting and explaining dark patterns, aiming to raise awareness and protect consumers.

cross FinEmbedDiff: A Cost-Effective Approach of Classifying Financial Documents with Vector Sampling using Multi-modal Embedding Models

Authors: Anjanava Biswas, Wrick Talukdar

Abstract: Accurate classification of multi-modal financial documents, containing text, tables, charts, and images, is crucial but challenging. Traditional text-based approaches often fail to capture the complex multi-modal nature of these documents. We propose FinEmbedDiff, a cost-effective vector sampling method that leverages pre-trained multi-modal embedding models to classify financial documents. Our approach generates multi-modal embedding vectors for documents, and compares new documents with pre-computed class embeddings using vector similarity measures. Evaluated on a large dataset, FinEmbedDiff achieves competitive classification accuracy compared to state-of-the-art baselines while significantly reducing computational costs. The method exhibits strong generalization capabilities, making it a practical and scalable solution for real-world financial applications.

cross Sifting through the Noise: A Survey of Diffusion Probabilistic Models and Their Applications to Biomolecules

Authors: Trevor Norton, Debswapna Bhattacharya

Abstract: Diffusion probabilistic models have made their way into a number of high-profile applications since their inception. In particular, there has been a wave of research into using diffusion models in the prediction and design of biomolecular structures and sequences. Their growing ubiquity makes it imperative for researchers in these fields to understand them. This paper serves as a general overview for the theory behind these models and the current state of research. We first introduce diffusion models and discuss common motifs used when applying them to biomolecules. We then present the significant outcomes achieved through the application of these models in generative and predictive tasks. This survey aims to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the increasingly critical role of diffusion models.

cross WebSuite: Systematically Evaluating Why Web Agents Fail

Authors: Eric Li, Jim Waldo

Abstract: We describe WebSuite, the first diagnostic benchmark for generalist web agents, designed to systematically evaluate why agents fail. Advances in AI have led to the rise of numerous web agents that autonomously operate a browser to complete tasks. However, most existing benchmarks focus on strictly measuring whether an agent can or cannot complete a task, without giving insight on why. In this paper, we 1) develop a taxonomy of web actions to facilitate identifying common failure patterns, and 2) create an extensible benchmark suite to assess agents' performance on our taxonomized actions. This benchmark suite consists of both individual tasks, such as clicking a button, and end-to-end tasks, such as adding an item to a cart, and is designed such that any failure of a task can be attributed directly to a failure of a specific web action. We evaluate two popular generalist web agents, one text-based and one multimodal, and identify unique weaknesses for each agent. Because WebSuite can disaggregate task failures into specific action failures, this enables granular identification of which UX flows an individual agent has trouble with and immediately highlights promising avenues for improvement. These findings highlight the need for more focused benchmarking on where web agents go wrong to effectively improve agents beyond their weaker performance today.

cross Unveiling Hidden Factors: Explainable AI for Feature Boosting in Speech Emotion Recognition

Authors: Alaa Nfissi, Wassim Bouachir, Nizar Bouguila, Brian Mishara

Abstract: Speech emotion recognition (SER) has gained significant attention due to its several application fields, such as mental health, education, and human-computer interaction. However, the accuracy of SER systems is hindered by high-dimensional feature sets that may contain irrelevant and redundant information. To overcome this challenge, this study proposes an iterative feature boosting approach for SER that emphasizes feature relevance and explainability to enhance machine learning model performance. Our approach involves meticulous feature selection and analysis to build efficient SER systems. In addressing our main problem through model explainability, we employ a feature evaluation loop with Shapley values to iteratively refine feature sets. This process strikes a balance between model performance and transparency, which enables a comprehensive understanding of the model's predictions. The proposed approach offers several advantages, including the identification and removal of irrelevant and redundant features, leading to a more effective model. Additionally, it promotes explainability, facilitating comprehension of the model's predictions and the identification of crucial features for emotion determination. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated on the SER benchmarks of the Toronto emotional speech set (TESS), Berlin Database of Emotional Speech (EMO-DB), Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS), and Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion (SAVEE) datasets, outperforming state-of-the-art methods. These results highlight the potential of the proposed technique in developing accurate and explainable SER systems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to incorporate model explainability into an SER framework.

cross RecDiff: Diffusion Model for Social Recommendation

Authors: Zongwei Li, Lianghao Xia, Chao Huang

Abstract: Social recommendation has emerged as a powerful approach to enhance personalized recommendations by leveraging the social connections among users, such as following and friend relations observed in online social platforms. The fundamental assumption of social recommendation is that socially-connected users exhibit homophily in their preference patterns. This means that users connected by social ties tend to have similar tastes in user-item activities, such as rating and purchasing. However, this assumption is not always valid due to the presence of irrelevant and false social ties, which can contaminate user embeddings and adversely affect recommendation accuracy. To address this challenge, we propose a novel diffusion-based social denoising framework for recommendation (RecDiff). Our approach utilizes a simple yet effective hidden-space diffusion paradigm to alleivate the noisy effect in the compressed and dense representation space. By performing multi-step noise diffusion and removal, RecDiff possesses a robust ability to identify and eliminate noise from the encoded user representations, even when the noise levels vary. The diffusion module is optimized in a downstream task-aware manner, thereby maximizing its ability to enhance the recommendation process. We conducted extensive experiments to evaluate the efficacy of our framework, and the results demonstrate its superiority in terms of recommendation accuracy, training efficiency, and denoising effectiveness. The source code for the model implementation is publicly available at:


cross On Overcoming Miscalibrated Conversational Priors in LLM-based Chatbots

Authors: Christine Herlihy, Jennifer Neville, Tobias Schnabel, Adith Swaminathan

Abstract: We explore the use of Large Language Model (LLM-based) chatbots to power recommender systems. We observe that the chatbots respond poorly when they encounter under-specified requests (e.g., they make incorrect assumptions, hedge with a long response, or refuse to answer). We conjecture that such miscalibrated response tendencies (i.e., conversational priors) can be attributed to LLM fine-tuning using annotators -- single-turn annotations may not capture multi-turn conversation utility, and the annotators' preferences may not even be representative of users interacting with a recommender system. We first analyze public LLM chat logs to conclude that query under-specification is common. Next, we study synthetic recommendation problems with configurable latent item utilities and frame them as Partially Observed Decision Processes (PODP). We find that pre-trained LLMs can be sub-optimal for PODPs and derive better policies that clarify under-specified queries when appropriate. Then, we re-calibrate LLMs by prompting them with learned control messages to approximate the improved policy. Finally, we show empirically that our lightweight learning approach effectively uses logged conversation data to re-calibrate the response strategies of LLM-based chatbots for recommendation tasks.

cross COVID-19: post infection implications in different age groups, mechanism, diagnosis, effective prevention, treatment, and recommendations

Authors: Muhammad Akmal Raheem, Muhammad Ajwad Rahim, Ijaz Gul, Md. Reyad-ul-Ferdous, Liyan Le, Junguo Hui, Shuiwei Xia, Minjiang Chen, Dongmei Yu, Vijay Pandey, Peiwu Qin, Jiansong Ji

Abstract: SARS-CoV-2, the highly contagious pathogen responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has persistent effects that begin four weeks after initial infection and last for an undetermined duration. These chronic effects are more harmful than acute ones. This review explores the long-term impact of the virus on various human organs, including the pulmonary, cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, endocrine, and lymphoid systems, particularly in older adults. Regarding diagnosis, RT-PCR is the gold standard for detecting COVID-19, though it requires specialized equipment, skilled personnel, and considerable time to produce results. To address these limitations, artificial intelligence in imaging and microfluidics technologies offers promising alternatives for diagnosing COVID-19 efficiently. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies are effective in mitigating the persistent impacts of COVID-19. These strategies enhance immunity in post-COVID-19 patients by reducing cytokine release syndrome, improving T cell response, and increasing the circulation of activated natural killer and CD8 T cells in blood and tissues. This, in turn, alleviates symptoms such as fever, nausea, fatigue, muscle weakness, and pain. Vaccines, including inactivated viral, live attenuated viral, protein subunit, viral vectored, mRNA, DNA, and nanoparticle vaccines, significantly reduce the adverse long-term effects of the virus. However, no vaccine has been reported to provide lifetime protection against COVID-19. Consequently, protective measures such as physical distancing, mask usage, and hand hygiene remain essential strategies. This review offers a comprehensive understanding of the persistent effects of COVID-19 on individuals of varying ages, along with insights into diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and future preventative measures against the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

cross Teams of LLM Agents can Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

Authors: Richard Fang, Rohan Bindu, Akul Gupta, Qiusi Zhan, Daniel Kang

Abstract: LLM agents have become increasingly sophisticated, especially in the realm of cybersecurity. Researchers have shown that LLM agents can exploit real-world vulnerabilities when given a description of the vulnerability and toy capture-the-flag problems. However, these agents still perform poorly on real-world vulnerabilities that are unknown to the agent ahead of time (zero-day vulnerabilities). In this work, we show that teams of LLM agents can exploit real-world, zero-day vulnerabilities. Prior agents struggle with exploring many different vulnerabilities and long-range planning when used alone. To resolve this, we introduce HPTSA, a system of agents with a planning agent that can launch subagents. The planning agent explores the system and determines which subagents to call, resolving long-term planning issues when trying different vulnerabilities. We construct a benchmark of 15 real-world vulnerabilities and show that our team of agents improve over prior work by up to 4.5$\times$.

cross TimeCMA: Towards LLM-Empowered Time Series Forecasting via Cross-Modality Alignment

Authors: Chenxi Liu, Qianxiong Xu, Hao Miao, Sun Yang, Lingzheng Zhang, Cheng Long, Ziyue Li, Rui Zhao

Abstract: The widespread adoption of scalable mobile sensing has led to large amounts of time series data for real-world applications. A fundamental application is multivariate time series forecasting (MTSF), which aims to predict future time series values based on historical observations. Existing MTSF methods suffer from limited parameterization and small-scale training data. Recently, Large language models (LLMs) have been introduced in time series, which achieve promising forecasting performance but incur heavy computational costs. To solve these challenges, we propose TimeCMA, an LLM-empowered framework for time series forecasting with cross-modality alignment. We design a dual-modality encoding module with two branches, where the time series encoding branch extracts relatively low-quality yet pure embeddings of time series through an inverted Transformer. In addition, the LLM-empowered encoding branch wraps the same time series as prompts to obtain high-quality yet entangled prompt embeddings via a Pre-trained LLM. Then, we design a cross-modality alignment module to retrieve high-quality and pure time series embeddings from the prompt embeddings. Moreover, we develop a time series forecasting module to decode the aligned embeddings while capturing dependencies among multiple variables for forecasting. Notably, we tailor the prompt to encode sufficient temporal information into a last token and design the last token embedding storage to reduce computational costs. Extensive experiments on real data offer insight into the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed framework.

cross Reciprocal Reward Influence Encourages Cooperation From Self-Interested Agents

Authors: John L. Zhou, Weizhe Hong, Jonathan C. Kao

Abstract: Emergent cooperation among self-interested individuals is a widespread phenomenon in the natural world, but remains elusive in interactions between artificially intelligent agents. Instead, na\"ive reinforcement learning algorithms typically converge to Pareto-dominated outcomes in even the simplest of social dilemmas. An emerging class of opponent-shaping methods have demonstrated the ability to reach prosocial outcomes by influencing the learning of other agents. However, they rely on higher-order derivatives through the predicted learning step of other agents or learning meta-game dynamics, which in turn rely on stringent assumptions over opponent learning rules or exponential sample complexity, respectively. To provide a learning rule-agnostic and sample-efficient alternative, we introduce Reciprocators, reinforcement learning agents which are intrinsically motivated to reciprocate the influence of an opponent's actions on their returns. This approach effectively seeks to modify other agents' $Q$-values by increasing their return following beneficial actions (with respect to the Reciprocator) and decreasing it after detrimental actions, guiding them towards mutually beneficial actions without attempting to directly shape policy updates. We show that Reciprocators can be used to promote cooperation in a variety of temporally extended social dilemmas during simultaneous learning.

cross FNP: Fourier Neural Processes for Arbitrary-Resolution Data Assimilation

Authors: Kun Chen, Tao Chen, Peng Ye, Hao Chen, Kang Chen, Tao Han, Wanli Ouyang, Lei Bai

Abstract: Data assimilation is a vital component in modern global medium-range weather forecasting systems to obtain the best estimation of the atmospheric state by combining the short-term forecast and observations. Recently, AI-based data assimilation approaches have attracted increasing attention for their significant advantages over traditional techniques in terms of computational consumption. However, existing AI-based data assimilation methods can only handle observations with a specific resolution, lacking the compatibility and generalization ability to assimilate observations with other resolutions. Considering that complex real-world observations often have different resolutions, we propose the \textit{\textbf{Fourier Neural Processes}} (FNP) for \textit{arbitrary-resolution data assimilation} in this paper. Leveraging the efficiency of the designed modules and flexible structure of neural processes, FNP achieves state-of-the-art results in assimilating observations with varying resolutions, and also exhibits increasing advantages over the counterparts as the resolution and the amount of observations increase. Moreover, our FNP trained on a fixed resolution can directly handle the assimilation of observations with out-of-distribution resolutions and the observational information reconstruction task without additional fine-tuning, demonstrating its excellent generalization ability across data resolutions as well as across tasks.

cross iKAN: Global Incremental Learning with KAN for Human Activity Recognition Across Heterogeneous Datasets

Authors: Mengxi Liu, Sizhen Bian, Bo Zhou, Paul Lukowicz

Abstract: This work proposes an incremental learning (IL) framework for wearable sensor human activity recognition (HAR) that tackles two challenges simultaneously: catastrophic forgetting and non-uniform inputs. The scalable framework, iKAN, pioneers IL with Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) to replace multi-layer perceptrons as the classifier that leverages the local plasticity and global stability of splines. To adapt KAN for HAR, iKAN uses task-specific feature branches and a feature redistribution layer. Unlike existing IL methods that primarily adjust the output dimension or the number of classifier nodes to adapt to new tasks, iKAN focuses on expanding the feature extraction branches to accommodate new inputs from different sensor modalities while maintaining consistent dimensions and the number of classifier outputs. Continual learning across six public HAR datasets demonstrated the iKAN framework's incremental learning performance, with a last performance of 84.9\% (weighted F1 score) and an average incremental performance of 81.34\%, which significantly outperforms the two existing incremental learning methods, such as EWC (51.42\%) and experience replay (59.92\%).

cross An Analysis under a Unified Fomulation of Learning Algorithms with Output Constraints

Authors: Mooho Song, Jay-Yoon Lee

Abstract: Neural networks (NN) perform well in diverse tasks, but sometimes produce nonsensical results to humans. Most NN models "solely" learn from (input, output) pairs, occasionally conflicting with human knowledge. Many studies indicate injecting human knowledge by reducing output constraints during training can improve model performance and reduce constraint violations. While there have been several attempts to compare different existing algorithms under the same programming framework, nonetheless, there has been no previous work that categorizes learning algorithms with output constraints in a unified manner. Our contributions are as follows: (1) We categorize the previous studies based on three axes: type of constraint loss used (e.g. probabilistic soft logic, REINFORCE), exploration strategy of constraint-violating examples, and integration mechanism of learning signals from main task and constraint. (2) We propose new algorithms to integrate the information of main task and constraint injection, inspired by continual-learning algorithms. (3) Furthermore, we propose the $H\beta$-score as a metric for considering the main task metric and constraint violation simultaneously. To provide a thorough analysis, we examine all the algorithms on three NLP tasks: natural language inference (NLI), synthetic transduction examples (STE), and semantic role labeling (SRL). We explore and reveal the key factors of various algorithms associated with achieving high $H\beta$-scores.

cross Consciousness defined: requirements for biological and artificial general intelligence

Authors: Craig I. McKenzie

Abstract: Consciousness is notoriously hard to define with objective terms. An objective definition of consciousness is critically needed so that we might accurately understand how consciousness and resultant choice behaviour may arise in biological or artificial systems. Many theories have integrated neurobiological and psychological research to explain how consciousness might arise, but few, if any, outline what is fundamentally required to generate consciousness. To identify such requirements, I examine current theories of consciousness and corresponding scientific research to generate a new definition of consciousness from first principles. Critically, consciousness is the apparatus that provides the ability to make decisions, but it is not defined by the decision itself. As such, a definition of consciousness does not require choice behaviour or an explicit awareness of temporality despite both being well-characterised outcomes of conscious thought. Rather, requirements for consciousness include: at least some capability for perception, a memory for the storage of such perceptual information which in turn provides a framework for an imagination with which a sense of self can be capable of making decisions based on possible and desired futures. Thought experiments and observable neurological phenomena demonstrate that these components are fundamentally required of consciousness, whereby the loss of any one component removes the capability for conscious thought. Identifying these requirements provides a new definition for consciousness by which we can objectively determine consciousness in any conceivable agent, such as non-human animals and artificially intelligent systems.

cross CoLa-DCE -- Concept-guided Latent Diffusion Counterfactual Explanations

Authors: Franz Motzkus, Christian Hellert, Ute Schmid

Abstract: Recent advancements in generative AI have introduced novel prospects and practical implementations. Especially diffusion models show their strength in generating diverse and, at the same time, realistic features, positioning them well for generating counterfactual explanations for computer vision models. Answering "what if" questions of what needs to change to make an image classifier change its prediction, counterfactual explanations align well with human understanding and consequently help in making model behavior more comprehensible. Current methods succeed in generating authentic counterfactuals, but lack transparency as feature changes are not directly perceivable. To address this limitation, we introduce Concept-guided Latent Diffusion Counterfactual Explanations (CoLa-DCE). CoLa-DCE generates concept-guided counterfactuals for any classifier with a high degree of control regarding concept selection and spatial conditioning. The counterfactuals comprise an increased granularity through minimal feature changes. The reference feature visualization ensures better comprehensibility, while the feature localization provides increased transparency of "where" changed "what". We demonstrate the advantages of our approach in minimality and comprehensibility across multiple image classification models and datasets and provide insights into how our CoLa-DCE explanations help comprehend model errors like misclassification cases.

cross TAGMol: Target-Aware Gradient-guided Molecule Generation

Authors: Vineeth Dorna, D. Subhalingam, Keshav Kolluru, Shreshth Tuli, Mrityunjay Singh, Saurabh Singal, N. M. Anoop Krishnan, Sayan Ranu

Abstract: 3D generative models have shown significant promise in structure-based drug design (SBDD), particularly in discovering ligands tailored to specific target binding sites. Existing algorithms often focus primarily on ligand-target binding, characterized by binding affinity. Moreover, models trained solely on target-ligand distribution may fall short in addressing the broader objectives of drug discovery, such as the development of novel ligands with desired properties like drug-likeness, and synthesizability, underscoring the multifaceted nature of the drug design process. To overcome these challenges, we decouple the problem into molecular generation and property prediction. The latter synergistically guides the diffusion sampling process, facilitating guided diffusion and resulting in the creation of meaningful molecules with the desired properties. We call this guided molecular generation process as TAGMol. Through experiments on benchmark datasets, TAGMol demonstrates superior performance compared to state-of-the-art baselines, achieving a 22% improvement in average Vina Score and yielding favorable outcomes in essential auxiliary properties. This establishes TAGMol as a comprehensive framework for drug generation.

cross FusionDTI: Fine-grained Binding Discovery with Token-level Fusion for Drug-Target Interaction

Authors: Zhaohan Meng, Zaiqiao Meng, Iadh Ounis

Abstract: Predicting drug-target interaction (DTI) is critical in the drug discovery process. Despite remarkable advances in recent DTI models through the integration of representations from diverse drug and target encoders, such models often struggle to capture the fine-grained interactions between drugs and protein, i.e. the binding of specific drug atoms (or substructures) and key amino acids of proteins, which is crucial for understanding the binding mechanisms and optimising drug design. To address this issue, this paper introduces a novel model, called FusionDTI, which uses a token-level Fusion module to effectively learn fine-grained information for Drug-Target Interaction. In particular, our FusionDTI model uses the SELFIES representation of drugs to mitigate sequence fragment invalidation and incorporates the structure-aware (SA) vocabulary of target proteins to address the limitation of amino acid sequences in structural information, additionally leveraging pre-trained language models extensively trained on large-scale biomedical datasets as encoders to capture the complex information of drugs and targets. Experiments on three well-known benchmark datasets show that our proposed FusionDTI model achieves the best performance in DTI prediction compared with seven existing state-of-the-art baselines. Furthermore, our case study indicates that FusionDTI could highlight the potential binding sites, enhancing the explainability of the DTI prediction.

cross Self-Improving Robust Preference Optimization

Authors: Eugene Choi, Arash Ahmadian, Matthieu Geist, Oilvier Pietquin, Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar

Abstract: Both online and offline RLHF methods such as PPO and DPO have been extremely successful in aligning AI with human preferences. Despite their success, the existing methods suffer from a fundamental problem that their optimal solution is highly task-dependent (i.e., not robust to out-of-distribution (OOD) tasks). Here we address this challenge by proposing Self-Improving Robust Preference Optimization SRPO, a practical and mathematically principled offline RLHF framework that is completely robust to the changes in the task. The key idea of SRPO is to cast the problem of learning from human preferences as a self-improvement process, which can be mathematically expressed in terms of a min-max objective that aims at joint optimization of self-improvement policy and the generative policy in an adversarial fashion. The solution for this optimization problem is independent of the training task and thus it is robust to its changes. We then show that this objective can be re-expressed in the form of a non-adversarial offline loss which can be optimized using standard supervised optimization techniques at scale without any need for reward model and online inference. We show the effectiveness of SRPO in terms of AI Win-Rate (WR) against human (GOLD) completions. In particular, when SRPO is evaluated on the OOD XSUM dataset, it outperforms the celebrated DPO by a clear margin of 15% after 5 self-revisions, achieving WR of 90%.

cross A Diffusion Model Framework for Unsupervised Neural Combinatorial Optimization

Authors: Sebastian Sanokowski, Sepp Hochreiter, Sebastian Lehner

Abstract: Learning to sample from intractable distributions over discrete sets without relying on corresponding training data is a central problem in a wide range of fields, including Combinatorial Optimization. Currently, popular deep learning-based approaches rely primarily on generative models that yield exact sample likelihoods. This work introduces a method that lifts this restriction and opens the possibility to employ highly expressive latent variable models like diffusion models. Our approach is conceptually based on a loss that upper bounds the reverse Kullback-Leibler divergence and evades the requirement of exact sample likelihoods. We experimentally validate our approach in data-free Combinatorial Optimization and demonstrate that our method achieves a new state-of-the-art on a wide range of benchmark problems.

cross Few-Shot Classification of Interactive Activities of Daily Living (InteractADL)

Authors: Zane Durante, Robathan Harries, Edward Vendrow, Zelun Luo, Yuta Kyuragi, Kazuki Kozuka, Li Fei-Fei, Ehsan Adeli

Abstract: Understanding Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) is a crucial step for different applications including assistive robots, smart homes, and healthcare. However, to date, few benchmarks and methods have focused on complex ADLs, especially those involving multi-person interactions in home environments. In this paper, we propose a new dataset and benchmark, InteractADL, for understanding complex ADLs that involve interaction between humans (and objects). Furthermore, complex ADLs occurring in home environments comprise a challenging long-tailed distribution due to the rarity of multi-person interactions, and pose fine-grained visual recognition tasks due to the presence of semantically and visually similar classes. To address these issues, we propose a novel method for fine-grained few-shot video classification called Name Tuning that enables greater semantic separability by learning optimal class name vectors. We show that Name Tuning can be combined with existing prompt tuning strategies to learn the entire input text (rather than only learning the prompt or class names) and demonstrate improved performance for few-shot classification on InteractADL and 4 other fine-grained visual classification benchmarks. For transparency and reproducibility, we release our code at


cross Demystifying Platform Requirements for Diverse LLM Inference Use Cases

Authors: Abhimanyu Bambhaniya, Ritik Raj, Geonhwa Jeong, Souvik Kundu, Sudarshan Srinivasan, Midhilesh Elavazhagan, Madhu Kumar, Tushar Krishna

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performance across a wide range of applications, often outperforming human experts. However, deploying these parameter-heavy models efficiently for diverse inference use cases requires carefully designed hardware platforms with ample computing, memory, and network resources. With LLM deployment scenarios and models evolving at breakneck speed, the hardware requirements to meet SLOs remains an open research question. In this work, we present an analytical tool, GenZ, to study the relationship between LLM inference performance and various platform design parameters. Our analysis provides insights into configuring platforms for different LLM workloads and use cases. We quantify the platform requirements to support SOTA LLMs models like LLaMA and GPT-4 under diverse serving settings. Furthermore, we project the hardware capabilities needed to enable future LLMs potentially exceeding hundreds of trillions of parameters. The trends and insights derived from GenZ can guide AI engineers deploying LLMs as well as computer architects designing next-generation hardware accelerators and platforms. Ultimately, this work sheds light on the platform design considerations for unlocking the full potential of large language models across a spectrum of applications. The source code is available at .


cross Sparser, Better, Deeper, Stronger: Improving Sparse Training with Exact Orthogonal Initialization

Authors: Aleksandra Irena Nowak, {\L}ukasz Gniecki, Filip Szatkowski, Jacek Tabor

Abstract: Static sparse training aims to train sparse models from scratch, achieving remarkable results in recent years. A key design choice is given by the sparse initialization, which determines the trainable sub-network through a binary mask. Existing methods mainly select such mask based on a predefined dense initialization. Such an approach may not efficiently leverage the mask's potential impact on the optimization. An alternative direction, inspired by research into dynamical isometry, is to introduce orthogonality in the sparse subnetwork, which helps in stabilizing the gradient signal. In this work, we propose Exact Orthogonal Initialization (EOI), a novel sparse orthogonal initialization scheme based on composing random Givens rotations. Contrary to other existing approaches, our method provides exact (not approximated) orthogonality and enables the creation of layers with arbitrary densities. We demonstrate the superior effectiveness and efficiency of EOI through experiments, consistently outperforming common sparse initialization techniques. Our method enables training highly sparse 1000-layer MLP and CNN networks without residual connections or normalization techniques, emphasizing the crucial role of weight initialization in static sparse training alongside sparse mask selection. The code is available at


cross Position: Cracking the Code of Cascading Disparity Towards Marginalized Communities

Authors: Golnoosh Farnadi, Mohammad Havaei, Negar Rostamzadeh

Abstract: The rise of foundation models holds immense promise for advancing AI, but this progress may amplify existing risks and inequalities, leaving marginalized communities behind. In this position paper, we discuss that disparities towards marginalized communities - performance, representation, privacy, robustness, interpretability and safety - are not isolated concerns but rather interconnected elements of a cascading disparity phenomenon. We contrast foundation models with traditional models and highlight the potential for exacerbated disparity against marginalized communities. Moreover, we emphasize the unique threat of cascading impacts in foundation models, where interconnected disparities can trigger long-lasting negative consequences, specifically to the people on the margin. We define marginalized communities within the machine learning context and explore the multifaceted nature of disparities. We analyze the sources of these disparities, tracing them from data creation, training and deployment procedures to highlight the complex technical and socio-technical landscape. To mitigate the pressing crisis, we conclude with a set of calls to action to mitigate disparity at its source.

cross Non-Asymptotic Analysis for Single-Loop (Natural) Actor-Critic with Compatible Function Approximation

Authors: Yudan Wang, Yue Wang, Yi Zhou, Shaofeng Zou

Abstract: Actor-critic (AC) is a powerful method for learning an optimal policy in reinforcement learning, where the critic uses algorithms, e.g., temporal difference (TD) learning with function approximation, to evaluate the current policy and the actor updates the policy along an approximate gradient direction using information from the critic. This paper provides the \textit{tightest} non-asymptotic convergence bounds for both the AC and natural AC (NAC) algorithms. Specifically, existing studies show that AC converges to an $\epsilon+\varepsilon_{\text{critic}}$ neighborhood of stationary points with the best known sample complexity of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2})$ (up to a log factor), and NAC converges to an $\epsilon+\varepsilon_{\text{critic}}+\sqrt{\varepsilon_{\text{actor}}}$ neighborhood of the global optimum with the best known sample complexity of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3})$, where $\varepsilon_{\text{critic}}$ is the approximation error of the critic and $\varepsilon_{\text{actor}}$ is the approximation error induced by the insufficient expressive power of the parameterized policy class. This paper analyzes the convergence of both AC and NAC algorithms with compatible function approximation. Our analysis eliminates the term $\varepsilon_{\text{critic}}$ from the error bounds while still achieving the best known sample complexities. Moreover, we focus on the challenging single-loop setting with a single Markovian sample trajectory. Our major technical novelty lies in analyzing the stochastic bias due to policy-dependent and time-varying compatible function approximation in the critic, and handling the non-ergodicity of the MDP due to the single Markovian sample trajectory. Numerical results are also provided in the appendix.

cross Multi-agent assignment via state augmented reinforcement learning

Authors: Leopoldo Agorio, Sean Van Alen, Miguel Calvo-Fullana, Santiago Paternain, Juan Andres Bazerque

Abstract: We address the conflicting requirements of a multi-agent assignment problem through constrained reinforcement learning, emphasizing the inadequacy of standard regularization techniques for this purpose. Instead, we recur to a state augmentation approach in which the oscillation of dual variables is exploited by agents to alternate between tasks. In addition, we coordinate the actions of the multiple agents acting on their local states through these multipliers, which are gossiped through a communication network, eliminating the need to access other agent states. By these means, we propose a distributed multi-agent assignment protocol with theoretical feasibility guarantees that we corroborate in a monitoring numerical experiment.

cross Recent Advances in Data-Driven Business Process Management

Authors: Lars Ackermann, Martin K\"appel, Laura Marcus, Linda Moder, Sebastian Dunzer, Markus Hornsteiner, Annina Liessmann, Yorck Zisgen, Philip Empl, Lukas-Valentin Herm, Nicolas Neis, Julian Neuberger, Leo Poss, Myriam Schaschek, Sven Weinzierl, Niklas W\"ordehoff, Stefan Jablonski, Agnes Koschmider, Wolfgang Kratsch, Martin Matzner, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Maximilian R\"oglinger, Stefan Sch\"onig, Axel Winkelmann

Abstract: The rapid development of cutting-edge technologies, the increasing volume of data and also the availability and processability of new types of data sources has led to a paradigm shift in data-based management and decision-making. Since business processes are at the core of organizational work, these developments heavily impact BPM as a crucial success factor for organizations. In view of this emerging potential, data-driven business process management has become a relevant and vibrant research area. Given the complexity and interdisciplinarity of the research field, this position paper therefore presents research insights regarding data-driven BPM.

cross AI-based Classification of Customer Support Tickets: State of the Art and Implementation with AutoML

Authors: Mario Truss, Stephan Boehm

Abstract: Automation of support ticket classification is crucial to improve customer support performance and shortening resolution time for customer inquiries. This research aims to test the applicability of automated machine learning (AutoML) as a technology to train a machine learning model (ML model) that can classify support tickets. The model evaluation conducted in this research shows that AutoML can be used to train ML models with good classification performance. Moreover, this paper fills a research gap by providing new insights into developing AI solutions without a dedicated professional by utilizing AutoML, which makes this technology more accessible for companies without specialized AI departments and staff.

cross Towards the Transferability of Rewards Recovered via Regularized Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Andreas Schlaginhaufen, Maryam Kamgarpour

Abstract: Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) aims to infer a reward from expert demonstrations, motivated by the idea that the reward, rather than the policy, is the most succinct and transferable description of a task [Ng et al., 2000]. However, the reward corresponding to an optimal policy is not unique, making it unclear if an IRL-learned reward is transferable to new transition laws in the sense that its optimal policy aligns with the optimal policy corresponding to the expert's true reward. Past work has addressed this problem only under the assumption of full access to the expert's policy, guaranteeing transferability when learning from two experts with the same reward but different transition laws that satisfy a specific rank condition [Rolland et al., 2022]. In this work, we show that the conditions developed under full access to the expert's policy cannot guarantee transferability in the more practical scenario where we have access only to demonstrations of the expert. Instead of a binary rank condition, we propose principal angles as a more refined measure of similarity and dissimilarity between transition laws. Based on this, we then establish two key results: 1) a sufficient condition for transferability to any transition laws when learning from at least two experts with sufficiently different transition laws, and 2) a sufficient condition for transferability to local changes in the transition law when learning from a single expert. Furthermore, we also provide a probably approximately correct (PAC) algorithm and an end-to-end analysis for learning transferable rewards from demonstrations of multiple experts.

cross TabMDA: Tabular Manifold Data Augmentation for Any Classifier using Transformers with In-context Subsetting

Authors: Andrei Margeloiu, Adri\'an Bazaga, Nikola Simidjievski, Pietro Li\`o, Mateja Jamnik

Abstract: Tabular data is prevalent in many critical domains, yet it is often challenging to acquire in large quantities. This scarcity usually results in poor performance of machine learning models on such data. Data augmentation, a common strategy for performance improvement in vision and language tasks, typically underperforms for tabular data due to the lack of explicit symmetries in the input space. To overcome this challenge, we introduce TabMDA, a novel method for manifold data augmentation on tabular data. This method utilises a pre-trained in-context model, such as TabPFN, to map the data into a manifold space. TabMDA performs label-invariant transformations by encoding the data multiple times with varied contexts. This process explores the manifold of the underlying in-context models, thereby enlarging the training dataset. TabMDA is a training-free method, making it applicable to any classifier. We evaluate TabMDA on five standard classifiers and observe significant performance improvements across various tabular datasets. Our results demonstrate that TabMDA provides an effective way to leverage information from pre-trained in-context models to enhance the performance of downstream classifiers.

cross Contextualized Sequence Likelihood: Enhanced Confidence Scores for Natural Language Generation

Authors: Zhen Lin, Shubhendu Trivedi, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: The advent of large language models (LLMs) has dramatically advanced the state-of-the-art in numerous natural language generation tasks. For LLMs to be applied reliably, it is essential to have an accurate measure of their confidence. Currently, the most commonly used confidence score function is the likelihood of the generated sequence, which, however, conflates semantic and syntactic components. For instance, in question-answering (QA) tasks, an awkward phrasing of the correct answer might result in a lower probability prediction. Additionally, different tokens should be weighted differently depending on the context. In this work, we propose enhancing the predicted sequence probability by assigning different weights to various tokens using attention values elicited from the base LLM. By employing a validation set, we can identify the relevant attention heads, thereby significantly improving the reliability of the vanilla sequence probability confidence measure. We refer to this new score as the Contextualized Sequence Likelihood (CSL). CSL is easy to implement, fast to compute, and offers considerable potential for further improvement with task-specific prompts. Across several QA datasets and a diverse array of LLMs, CSL has demonstrated significantly higher reliability than state-of-the-art baselines in predicting generation quality, as measured by the AUROC or AUARC.

cross Memory Capacity Analysis of Time-delay Reservoir Computing Based on Silicon Microring Resonator Nonlinearities

Authors: Bernard J. Giron Castro, Christophe Peucheret, Francesco Da Ros

Abstract: Silicon microring resonators (MRRs) have shown strong potential in acting as the nonlinear nodes of photonic reservoir computing (RC) schemes. By using nonlinearities within a silicon MRR, such as the ones caused by free-carrier dispersion (FCD) and thermo-optic (TO) effects, it is possible to map the input data of the RC to a higher dimensional space. Furthermore, by adding an external waveguide between the through and add ports of the MRR, it is possible to implement a time-delay RC (TDRC) with enhanced memory. The input from the through port is fed back into the add port of the ring with the delay applied by the external waveguide effectively adding memory. In a TDRC, the nodes are multiplexed in time, and their respective time evolutions are detected at the drop port. The performance of MRR-based TDRC is highly dependent on the amount of nonlinearity in the MRR. The nonlinear effects, in turn, are dependent on the physical properties of the MRR as they determine the lifetime of the effects. Another factor to take into account is the stability of the MRR response, as strong time-domain discontinuities at the drop port are known to emerge from FCD nonlinearities due to self-pulsing (high nonlinear behaviour). However, quantifying the right amount of nonlinearity that RC needs for a certain task in order to achieve optimum performance is challenging. Therefore, further analysis is required to fully understand the nonlinear dynamics of this TDRC setup. Here, we quantify the nonlinear and linear memory capacity of the previously described microring-based TDRC scheme, as a function of the time constants of the generated carriers and the thermal of the TO effects. We analyze the properties of the TDRC dynamics that generate the parameter space, in terms of input signal power and frequency detuning range, over which conventional RC tasks can be satisfactorily performed by the TDRC scheme.

cross Diffusion Boosted Trees

Authors: Xizewen Han, Mingyuan Zhou

Abstract: Combining the merits of both denoising diffusion probabilistic models and gradient boosting, the diffusion boosting paradigm is introduced for tackling supervised learning problems. We develop Diffusion Boosted Trees (DBT), which can be viewed as both a new denoising diffusion generative model parameterized by decision trees (one single tree for each diffusion timestep), and a new boosting algorithm that combines the weak learners into a strong learner of conditional distributions without making explicit parametric assumptions on their density forms. We demonstrate through experiments the advantages of DBT over deep neural network-based diffusion models as well as the competence of DBT on real-world regression tasks, and present a business application (fraud detection) of DBT for classification on tabular data with the ability of learning to defer.

cross Finding Lottery Tickets in Vision Models via Data-driven Spectral Foresight Pruning

Authors: Leonardo Iurada, Marco Ciccone, Tatiana Tommasi

Abstract: Recent advances in neural network pruning have shown how it is possible to reduce the computational costs and memory demands of deep learning models before training. We focus on this framework and propose a new pruning at initialization algorithm that leverages the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) theory to align the training dynamics of the sparse network with that of the dense one. Specifically, we show how the usually neglected data-dependent component in the NTK's spectrum can be taken into account by providing an analytical upper bound to the NTK's trace obtained by decomposing neural networks into individual paths. This leads to our Path eXclusion (PX), a foresight pruning method designed to preserve the parameters that mostly influence the NTK's trace. PX is able to find lottery tickets (i.e. good paths) even at high sparsity levels and largely reduces the need for additional training. When applied to pre-trained models it extracts subnetworks directly usable for several downstream tasks, resulting in performance comparable to those of the dense counterpart but with substantial cost and computational savings. Code available at:


cross Causal Discovery with Fewer Conditional Independence Tests

Authors: Kirankumar Shiragur, Jiaqi Zhang, Caroline Uhler

Abstract: Many questions in science center around the fundamental problem of understanding causal relationships. However, most constraint-based causal discovery algorithms, including the well-celebrated PC algorithm, often incur an exponential number of conditional independence (CI) tests, posing limitations in various applications. Addressing this, our work focuses on characterizing what can be learned about the underlying causal graph with a reduced number of CI tests. We show that it is possible to a learn a coarser representation of the hidden causal graph with a polynomial number of tests. This coarser representation, named Causal Consistent Partition Graph (CCPG), comprises of a partition of the vertices and a directed graph defined over its components. CCPG satisfies consistency of orientations and additional constraints which favor finer partitions. Furthermore, it reduces to the underlying causal graph when the causal graph is identifiable. As a consequence, our results offer the first efficient algorithm for recovering the true causal graph with a polynomial number of tests, in special cases where the causal graph is fully identifiable through observational data and potentially additional interventions.

cross EMOE: Expansive Matching of Experts for Robust Uncertainty Based Rejection

Authors: Yunni Qu (Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), James Wellnitz (Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Alexander Tropsha (Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Junier Oliva (Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Abstract: Expansive Matching of Experts (EMOE) is a novel method that utilizes support-expanding, extrapolatory pseudo-labeling to improve prediction and uncertainty based rejection on out-of-distribution (OOD) points. We propose an expansive data augmentation technique that generates OOD instances in a latent space, and an empirical trial based approach to filter out augmented expansive points for pseudo-labeling. EMOE utilizes a diverse set of multiple base experts as pseudo-labelers on the augmented data to improve OOD performance through a shared MLP with multiple heads (one per expert). We demonstrate that EMOE achieves superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods on tabular data.

cross FacAID: A Transformer Model for Neuro-Symbolic Facade Reconstruction

Authors: Aleksander P{\l}ocharski, Jan Swidzinski, Joanna Porter-Sobieraj, Przemyslaw Musialski

Abstract: We introduce a neuro-symbolic transformer-based model that converts flat, segmented facade structures into procedural definitions using a custom-designed split grammar. To facilitate this, we first develop a semi-complex split grammar tailored for architectural facades and then generate a dataset comprising of facades alongside their corresponding procedural representations. This dataset is used to train our transformer model to convert segmented, flat facades into the procedural language of our grammar. During inference, the model applies this learned transformation to new facade segmentations, providing a procedural representation that users can adjust to generate varied facade designs. This method not only automates the conversion of static facade images into dynamic, editable procedural formats but also enhances the design flexibility, allowing for easy modifications and variations by architects and designers. Our approach sets a new standard in facade design by combining the precision of procedural generation with the adaptability of neuro-symbolic learning.

cross A Robust Filter for Marker-less Multi-person Tracking in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios

Authors: Enrico Martini, Harshil Parekh, Shaoting Peng, Nicola Bombieri, Nadia Figueroa

Abstract: Pursuing natural and marker-less human-robot interaction (HRI) has been a long-standing robotics research focus, driven by the vision of seamless collaboration without physical markers. Marker-less approaches promise an improved user experience, but state-of-the-art struggles with the challenges posed by intrinsic errors in human pose estimation (HPE) and depth cameras. These errors can lead to issues such as robot jittering, which can significantly impact the trust users have in collaborative systems. We propose a filtering pipeline that refines incomplete 3D human poses from an HPE backbone and a single RGB-D camera to address these challenges, solving for occlusions that can degrade the interaction. Experimental results show that using the proposed filter leads to more consistent and noise-free motion representation, reducing unexpected robot movements and enabling smoother interaction.

cross CAFO: Feature-Centric Explanation on Time Series Classification

Authors: Jaeho Kim, Seok-Ju Hahn, Yoontae Hwang, Junghye Lee, Seulki Lee

Abstract: In multivariate time series (MTS) classification, finding the important features (e.g., sensors) for model performance is crucial yet challenging due to the complex, high-dimensional nature of MTS data, intricate temporal dynamics, and the necessity for domain-specific interpretations. Current explanation methods for MTS mostly focus on time-centric explanations, apt for pinpointing important time periods but less effective in identifying key features. This limitation underscores the pressing need for a feature-centric approach, a vital yet often overlooked perspective that complements time-centric analysis. To bridge this gap, our study introduces a novel feature-centric explanation and evaluation framework for MTS, named CAFO (Channel Attention and Feature Orthgonalization). CAFO employs a convolution-based approach with channel attention mechanisms, incorporating a depth-wise separable channel attention module (DepCA) and a QR decomposition-based loss for promoting feature-wise orthogonality. We demonstrate that this orthogonalization enhances the separability of attention distributions, thereby refining and stabilizing the ranking of feature importance. This improvement in feature-wise ranking enhances our understanding of feature explainability in MTS. Furthermore, we develop metrics to evaluate global and class-specific feature importance. Our framework's efficacy is validated through extensive empirical analyses on two major public benchmarks and real-world datasets, both synthetic and self-collected, specifically designed to highlight class-wise discriminative features. The results confirm CAFO's robustness and informative capacity in assessing feature importance in MTS classification tasks. This study not only advances the understanding of feature-centric explanations in MTS but also sets a foundation for future explorations in feature-centric explanations.

cross An Open Multilingual System for Scoring Readability of Wikipedia

Authors: Mykola Trokhymovych, Indira Sen, Martin Gerlach

Abstract: With over 60M articles, Wikipedia has become the largest platform for open and freely accessible knowledge. While it has more than 15B monthly visits, its content is believed to be inaccessible to many readers due to the lack of readability of its text. However, previous investigations of the readability of Wikipedia have been restricted to English only, and there are currently no systems supporting the automatic readability assessment of the 300+ languages in Wikipedia. To bridge this gap, we develop a multilingual model to score the readability of Wikipedia articles. To train and evaluate this model, we create a novel multilingual dataset spanning 14 languages, by matching articles from Wikipedia to simplified Wikipedia and online children encyclopedias. We show that our model performs well in a zero-shot scenario, yielding a ranking accuracy of more than 80% across 14 languages and improving upon previous benchmarks. These results demonstrate the applicability of the model at scale for languages in which there is no ground-truth data available for model fine-tuning. Furthermore, we provide the first overview on the state of readability in Wikipedia beyond English.

cross Learning the Target Network in Function Space

Authors: Kavosh Asadi, Yao Liu, Shoham Sabach, Ming Yin, Rasool Fakoor

Abstract: We focus on the task of learning the value function in the reinforcement learning (RL) setting. This task is often solved by updating a pair of online and target networks while ensuring that the parameters of these two networks are equivalent. We propose Lookahead-Replicate (LR), a new value-function approximation algorithm that is agnostic to this parameter-space equivalence. Instead, the LR algorithm is designed to maintain an equivalence between the two networks in the function space. This value-based equivalence is obtained by employing a new target-network update. We show that LR leads to a convergent behavior in learning the value function. We also present empirical results demonstrating that LR-based target-network updates significantly improve deep RL on the Atari benchmark.

cross Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Meets Leaf Sequencing in Radiotherapy

Authors: Riqiang Gao, Florin C. Ghesu, Simon Arberet, Shahab Basiri, Esa Kuusela, Martin Kraus, Dorin Comaniciu, Ali Kamen

Abstract: In contemporary radiotherapy planning (RTP), a key module leaf sequencing is predominantly addressed by optimization-based approaches. In this paper, we propose a novel deep reinforcement learning (DRL) model termed as Reinforced Leaf Sequencer (RLS) in a multi-agent framework for leaf sequencing. The RLS model offers improvements to time-consuming iterative optimization steps via large-scale training and can control movement patterns through the design of reward mechanisms. We have conducted experiments on four datasets with four metrics and compared our model with a leading optimization sequencer. Our findings reveal that the proposed RLS model can achieve reduced fluence reconstruction errors, and potential faster convergence when integrated in an optimization planner. Additionally, RLS has shown promising results in a full artificial intelligence RTP pipeline. We hope this pioneer multi-agent RL leaf sequencer can foster future research on machine learning for RTP.

cross TruthEval: A Dataset to Evaluate LLM Truthfulness and Reliability

Authors: Aisha Khatun, Daniel G. Brown

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM) evaluation is currently one of the most important areas of research, with existing benchmarks proving to be insufficient and not completely representative of LLMs' various capabilities. We present a curated collection of challenging statements on sensitive topics for LLM benchmarking called TruthEval. These statements were curated by hand and contain known truth values. The categories were chosen to distinguish LLMs' abilities from their stochastic nature. We perform some initial analyses using this dataset and find several instances of LLMs failing in simple tasks showing their inability to understand simple questions.

cross Fruit Classification System with Deep Learning and Neural Architecture Search

Authors: Christine Dewi, Dhananjay Thiruvady, Nayyar Zaidi

Abstract: The fruit identification process involves analyzing and categorizing different types of fruits based on their visual characteristics. This activity can be achieved using a range of methodologies, encompassing manual examination, conventional computer vision methodologies, and more sophisticated methodologies employing machine learning and deep learning. Our study identified a total of 15 distinct categories of fruit, consisting of class Avocado, Banana, Cherry, Apple Braeburn, Apple golden 1, Apricot, Grape, Kiwi, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pineapple, Pomegranate and Strawberry. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is a technological advancement employed within the realm of deep learning and artificial intelligence, to automate conceptualizing and refining neural network topologies. NAS aims to identify neural network structures that are highly suitable for tasks, such as the detection of fruits. Our suggested model with 99.98% mAP increased the detection performance of the preceding research study that used Fruit datasets. In addition, after the completion of the study, a comparative analysis was carried out to assess the findings in conjunction with those of another research that is connected to the topic. When compared to the findings of earlier studies, the detector that was proposed exhibited higher performance in terms of both its accuracy and its precision.

cross GRAM: Generative Retrieval Augmented Matching of Data Schemas in the Context of Data Security

Authors: Xuanqing Liu, Luyang Kong, Runhui Wang, Patrick Song, Austin Nevins, Henrik Johnson, Nimish Amlathe, Davor Golac

Abstract: Schema matching constitutes a pivotal phase in the data ingestion process for contemporary database systems. Its objective is to discern pairwise similarities between two sets of attributes, each associated with a distinct data table. This challenge emerges at the initial stages of data analytics, such as when incorporating a third-party table into existing databases to inform business insights. Given its significance in the realm of database systems, schema matching has been under investigation since the 2000s. This study revisits this foundational problem within the context of large language models. Adhering to increasingly stringent data security policies, our focus lies on the zero-shot and few-shot scenarios: the model should analyze only a minimal amount of customer data to execute the matching task, contrasting with the conventional approach of scrutinizing the entire data table. We emphasize that the zero-shot or few-shot assumption is imperative to safeguard the identity and privacy of customer data, even at the potential cost of accuracy. The capability to accurately match attributes under such stringent requirements distinguishes our work from previous literature in this domain.

cross HoneyGPT: Breaking the Trilemma in Terminal Honeypots with Large Language Model

Authors: Ziyang Wang, Jianzhou You, Haining Wang, Tianwei Yuan, Shichao Lv, Yang Wang, Limin Sun

Abstract: Honeypots, as a strategic cyber-deception mechanism designed to emulate authentic interactions and bait unauthorized entities, continue to struggle with balancing flexibility, interaction depth, and deceptive capability despite their evolution over decades. Often they also lack the capability of proactively adapting to an attacker's evolving tactics, which restricts the depth of engagement and subsequent information gathering. Under this context, the emergent capabilities of large language models, in tandem with pioneering prompt-based engineering techniques, offer a transformative shift in the design and deployment of honeypot technologies. In this paper, we introduce HoneyGPT, a pioneering honeypot architecture based on ChatGPT, heralding a new era of intelligent honeypot solutions characterized by their cost-effectiveness, high adaptability, and enhanced interactivity, coupled with a predisposition for proactive attacker engagement. Furthermore, we present a structured prompt engineering framework that augments long-term interaction memory and robust security analytics. This framework, integrating thought of chain tactics attuned to honeypot contexts, enhances interactivity and deception, deepens security analytics, and ensures sustained engagement. The evaluation of HoneyGPT includes two parts: a baseline comparison based on a collected dataset and a field evaluation in real scenarios for four weeks. The baseline comparison demonstrates HoneyGPT's remarkable ability to strike a balance among flexibility, interaction depth, and deceptive capability. The field evaluation further validates HoneyGPT's efficacy, showing its marked superiority in enticing attackers into more profound interactive engagements and capturing a wider array of novel attack vectors in comparison to existing honeypot technologies.

cross Large Language Model-Enabled Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems

Authors: Jonghan Lim, Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Ilya Kovalenko

Abstract: Traditional manufacturing faces challenges adapting to dynamic environments and quickly responding to manufacturing changes. The use of multi-agent systems has improved adaptability and coordination but requires further advancements in rapid human instruction comprehension, operational adaptability, and coordination through natural language integration. Large language models like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 enhance multi-agent manufacturing systems by enabling agents to communicate in natural language and interpret human instructions for decision-making. This research introduces a novel framework where large language models enhance the capabilities of agents in manufacturing, making them more adaptable, and capable of processing context-specific instructions. A case study demonstrates the practical application of this framework, showing how agents can effectively communicate, understand tasks, and execute manufacturing processes, including precise G-code allocation among agents. The findings highlight the importance of continuous large language model integration into multi-agent manufacturing systems and the development of sophisticated agent communication protocols for a more flexible manufacturing system.

cross Generating Synthetic Net Load Data with Physics-informed Diffusion Model

Authors: Shaorong Zhang, Yuanbin Cheng, Nanpeng Yu

Abstract: This paper presents a novel physics-informed diffusion model for generating synthetic net load data, addressing the challenges of data scarcity and privacy concerns. The proposed framework embeds physical models within denoising networks, offering a versatile approach that can be readily generalized to unforeseen scenarios. A conditional denoising neural network is designed to jointly train the parameters of the transition kernel of the diffusion model and the parameters of the physics-informed function. Utilizing the real-world smart meter data from Pecan Street, we validate the proposed method and conduct a thorough numerical study comparing its performance with state-of-the-art generative models, including generative adversarial networks, variational autoencoders, normalizing flows, and a well calibrated baseline diffusion model. A comprehensive set of evaluation metrics is used to assess the accuracy and diversity of the generated synthetic net load data. The numerical study results demonstrate that the proposed physics-informed diffusion model outperforms state-of-the-art models across all quantitative metrics, yielding at least 20% improvement.

cross HPE-CogVLM: New Head Pose Grounding Task Exploration on Vision Language Model

Authors: Yu Tian, Tianqi Shao, Tsukasa Demizu, Xuyang Wu, Hsin-Tai Wu

Abstract: Head pose estimation (HPE) task requires a sophisticated understanding of 3D spatial relationships and precise numerical output of yaw, pitch, and roll Euler angles. Previous HPE studies are mainly based on Non-large language models (Non-LLMs), which rely on close-up human heads cropped from the full image as inputs and lack robustness in real-world scenario. In this paper, we present a novel framework to enhance the HPE prediction task by leveraging the visual grounding capability of CogVLM. CogVLM is a vision language model (VLM) with grounding capability of predicting object bounding boxes (BBoxes), which enables HPE training and prediction using full image information input. To integrate the HPE task into the VLM, we first cop with the catastrophic forgetting problem in large language models (LLMs) by investigating the rehearsal ratio in the data rehearsal method. Then, we propose and validate a LoRA layer-based model merging method, which keeps the integrity of parameters, to enhance the HPE performance in the framework. The results show our HPE-CogVLM achieves a 31.5\% reduction in Mean Absolute Error for HPE prediction over the current Non-LLM based state-of-the-art in cross-dataset evaluation. Furthermore, we compare our LoRA layer-based model merging method with LoRA fine-tuning only and other merging methods in CogVLM. The results demonstrate our framework outperforms them in all HPE metrics.

cross GOMAA-Geo: GOal Modality Agnostic Active Geo-localization

Authors: Anindya Sarkar, Srikumar Sastry, Aleksis Pirinen, Chongjie Zhang, Nathan Jacobs, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik

Abstract: We consider the task of active geo-localization (AGL) in which an agent uses a sequence of visual cues observed during aerial navigation to find a target specified through multiple possible modalities. This could emulate a UAV involved in a search-and-rescue operation navigating through an area, observing a stream of aerial images as it goes. The AGL task is associated with two important challenges. Firstly, an agent must deal with a goal specification in one of multiple modalities (e.g., through a natural language description) while the search cues are provided in other modalities (aerial imagery). The second challenge is limited localization time (e.g., limited battery life, urgency) so that the goal must be localized as efficiently as possible, i.e. the agent must effectively leverage its sequentially observed aerial views when searching for the goal. To address these challenges, we propose GOMAA-Geo - a goal modality agnostic active geo-localization agent - for zero-shot generalization between different goal modalities. Our approach combines cross-modality contrastive learning to align representations across modalities with supervised foundation model pretraining and reinforcement learning to obtain highly effective navigation and localization policies. Through extensive evaluations, we show that GOMAA-Geo outperforms alternative learnable approaches and that it generalizes across datasets - e.g., to disaster-hit areas without seeing a single disaster scenario during training - and goal modalities - e.g., to ground-level imagery or textual descriptions, despite only being trained with goals specified as aerial views. Code and models are publicly available at


cross CODE: Contrasting Self-generated Description to Combat Hallucination in Large Multi-modal Models

Authors: Junho Kim, Hyunjun Kim, Yeonju Kim, Yong Man Ro

Abstract: Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) have recently demonstrated remarkable abilities in visual context understanding and coherent response generation. However, alongside these advancements, the issue of hallucinations has emerged as a significant challenge, producing erroneous responses that are unrelated to the visual contents. In this paper, we introduce a novel contrastive-based decoding method, COuntering DEscription Contrastive Decoding (CODE), which leverages self-generated descriptions as contrasting references during the decoding phase of LMMs to address hallucination issues. CODE utilizes the comprehensive descriptions from model itself as visual counterpart to correct and improve response alignment with actual visual content. By dynamically adjusting the information flow and distribution of next-token predictions in the LMM's vocabulary, CODE enhances the coherence and informativeness of generated responses. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly reduces hallucinations and improves cross-modal consistency across various benchmarks and cutting-edge LMMs. Our method provides a simple yet effective decoding strategy that can be integrated to existing LMM frameworks without additional training.

cross Fast networked data selection via distributed smoothed quantile estimation

Authors: Xu Zhang, Marcos M. Vasconcelos

Abstract: Collecting the most informative data from a large dataset distributed over a network is a fundamental problem in many fields, including control, signal processing and machine learning. In this paper, we establish a connection between selecting the most informative data and finding the top-$k$ elements of a multiset. The top-$k$ selection in a network can be formulated as a distributed nonsmooth convex optimization problem known as quantile estimation. Unfortunately, the lack of smoothness in the local objective functions leads to extremely slow convergence and poor scalability with respect to the network size. To overcome the deficiency, we propose an accelerated method that employs smoothing techniques. Leveraging the piecewise linearity of the local objective functions in quantile estimation, we characterize the iteration complexity required to achieve top-$k$ selection, a challenging task due to the lack of strong convexity. Several numerical results are provided to validate the effectiveness of the algorithm and the correctness of the theory.

cross Enhancing Trust in LLMs: Algorithms for Comparing and Interpreting LLMs

Authors: Nik Bear Brown

Abstract: This paper surveys evaluation techniques to enhance the trustworthiness and understanding of Large Language Models (LLMs). As reliance on LLMs grows, ensuring their reliability, fairness, and transparency is crucial. We explore algorithmic methods and metrics to assess LLM performance, identify weaknesses, and guide development towards more trustworthy applications. Key evaluation metrics include Perplexity Measurement, NLP metrics (BLEU, ROUGE, METEOR, BERTScore, GLEU, Word Error Rate, Character Error Rate), Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning Performance, Transfer Learning Evaluation, Adversarial Testing, and Fairness and Bias Evaluation. We introduce innovative approaches like LLMMaps for stratified evaluation, Benchmarking and Leaderboards for competitive assessment, Stratified Analysis for in-depth understanding, Visualization of Blooms Taxonomy for cognitive level accuracy distribution, Hallucination Score for quantifying inaccuracies, Knowledge Stratification Strategy for hierarchical analysis, and Machine Learning Models for Hierarchy Generation. Human Evaluation is highlighted for capturing nuances that automated metrics may miss. These techniques form a framework for evaluating LLMs, aiming to enhance transparency, guide development, and establish user trust. Future papers will describe metric visualization and demonstrate each approach on practical examples.

cross A Comparative Study of Sampling Methods with Cross-Validation in the FedHome Framework

Authors: Arash Ahmadi, Sarah S. Sharif, Yaser M. Banad

Abstract: This paper presents a comparative study of sampling methods within the FedHome framework, designed for personalized in-home health monitoring. FedHome leverages federated learning (FL) and generative convolutional autoencoders (GCAE) to train models on decentralized edge devices while prioritizing data privacy. A notable challenge in this domain is the class imbalance in health data, where critical events such as falls are underrepresented, adversely affecting model performance. To address this, the research evaluates six oversampling techniques using Stratified K-fold cross-validation: SMOTE, Borderline-SMOTE, Random OverSampler, SMOTE-Tomek, SVM-SMOTE, and SMOTE-ENN. These methods are tested on FedHome's public implementation over 200 training rounds with and without stratified K-fold cross-validation. The findings indicate that SMOTE-ENN achieves the most consistent test accuracy, with a standard deviation range of 0.0167-0.0176, demonstrating stable performance compared to other samplers. In contrast, SMOTE and SVM-SMOTE exhibit higher variability in performance, as reflected by their wider standard deviation ranges of 0.0157-0.0180 and 0.0155-0.0180, respectively. Similarly, the Random OverSampler method shows a significant deviation range of 0.0155-0.0176. SMOTE-Tomek, with a deviation range of 0.0160-0.0175, also shows greater stability but not as much as SMOTE-ENN. This finding highlights the potential of SMOTE-ENN to enhance the reliability and accuracy of personalized health monitoring systems within the FedHome framework.

cross Improving Generalization in Aerial and Terrestrial Mobile Robots Control Through Delayed Policy Learning

Authors: Ricardo B. Grando, Raul Steinmetz, Victor A. Kich, Alisson H. Kolling, Pablo M. Furik, Junior C. de Jesus, Bruna V. Guterres, Daniel T. Gamarra, Rodrigo S. Guerra, Paulo L. J. Drews-Jr

Abstract: Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has emerged as a promising approach to enhancing motion control and decision-making through a wide range of robotic applications. While prior research has demonstrated the efficacy of DRL algorithms in facilitating autonomous mapless navigation for aerial and terrestrial mobile robots, these methods often grapple with poor generalization when faced with unknown tasks and environments. This paper explores the impact of the Delayed Policy Updates (DPU) technique on fostering generalization to new situations, and bolstering the overall performance of agents. Our analysis of DPU in aerial and terrestrial mobile robots reveals that this technique significantly curtails the lack of generalization and accelerates the learning process for agents, enhancing their efficiency across diverse tasks and unknown scenarios.

cross Certifiably Byzantine-Robust Federated Conformal Prediction

Authors: Mintong Kang, Zhen Lin, Jimeng Sun, Cao Xiao, Bo Li

Abstract: Conformal prediction has shown impressive capacity in constructing statistically rigorous prediction sets for machine learning models with exchangeable data samples. The siloed datasets, coupled with the escalating privacy concerns related to local data sharing, have inspired recent innovations extending conformal prediction into federated environments with distributed data samples. However, this framework for distributed uncertainty quantification is susceptible to Byzantine failures. A minor subset of malicious clients can significantly compromise the practicality of coverage guarantees. To address this vulnerability, we introduce a novel framework Rob-FCP, which executes robust federated conformal prediction, effectively countering malicious clients capable of reporting arbitrary statistics with the conformal calibration process. We theoretically provide the conformal coverage bound of Rob-FCP in the Byzantine setting and show that the coverage of Rob-FCP is asymptotically close to the desired coverage level. We also propose a malicious client number estimator to tackle a more challenging setting where the number of malicious clients is unknown to the defender and theoretically shows its effectiveness. We empirically demonstrate the robustness of Rob-FCP against diverse proportions of malicious clients under a variety of Byzantine attacks on five standard benchmark and real-world healthcare datasets.

cross DrEureka: Language Model Guided Sim-To-Real Transfer

Authors: Yecheng Jason Ma, William Liang, Hung-Ju Wang, Sam Wang, Yuke Zhu, Linxi Fan, Osbert Bastani, Dinesh Jayaraman

Abstract: Transferring policies learned in simulation to the real world is a promising strategy for acquiring robot skills at scale. However, sim-to-real approaches typically rely on manual design and tuning of the task reward function as well as the simulation physics parameters, rendering the process slow and human-labor intensive. In this paper, we investigate using Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate and accelerate sim-to-real design. Our LLM-guided sim-to-real approach, DrEureka, requires only the physics simulation for the target task and automatically constructs suitable reward functions and domain randomization distributions to support real-world transfer. We first demonstrate that our approach can discover sim-to-real configurations that are competitive with existing human-designed ones on quadruped locomotion and dexterous manipulation tasks. Then, we showcase that our approach is capable of solving novel robot tasks, such as quadruped balancing and walking atop a yoga ball, without iterative manual design.

cross Cross-Embodiment Robot Manipulation Skill Transfer using Latent Space Alignment

Authors: Tianyu Wang, Dwait Bhatt, Xiaolong Wang, Nikolay Atanasov

Abstract: This paper focuses on transferring control policies between robot manipulators with different morphology. While reinforcement learning (RL) methods have shown successful results in robot manipulation tasks, transferring a trained policy from simulation to a real robot or deploying it on a robot with different states, actions, or kinematics is challenging. To achieve cross-embodiment policy transfer, our key insight is to project the state and action spaces of the source and target robots to a common latent space representation. We first introduce encoders and decoders to associate the states and actions of the source robot with a latent space. The encoders, decoders, and a latent space control policy are trained simultaneously using loss functions measuring task performance, latent dynamics consistency, and encoder-decoder ability to reconstruct the original states and actions. To transfer the learned control policy, we only need to train target encoders and decoders that align a new target domain to the latent space. We use generative adversarial training with cycle consistency and latent dynamics losses without access to the task reward or reward tuning in the target domain. We demonstrate sim-to-sim and sim-to-real manipulation policy transfer with source and target robots of different states, actions, and embodiments. The source code is available at \url{}.


cross The Crystal Ball Hypothesis in diffusion models: Anticipating object positions from initial noise

Authors: Yuanhao Ban, Ruochen Wang, Tianyi Zhou, Boqing Gong, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Minhao Cheng

Abstract: Diffusion models have achieved remarkable success in text-to-image generation tasks; however, the role of initial noise has been rarely explored. In this study, we identify specific regions within the initial noise image, termed trigger patches, that play a key role for object generation in the resulting images. Notably, these patches are ``universal'' and can be generalized across various positions, seeds, and prompts. To be specific, extracting these patches from one noise and injecting them into another noise leads to object generation in targeted areas. We identify these patches by analyzing the dispersion of object bounding boxes across generated images, leading to the development of a posterior analysis technique. Furthermore, we create a dataset consisting of Gaussian noises labeled with bounding boxes corresponding to the objects appearing in the generated images and train a detector that identifies these patches from the initial noise. To explain the formation of these patches, we reveal that they are outliers in Gaussian noise, and follow distinct distributions through two-sample tests. Finally, we find the misalignment between prompts and the trigger patch patterns can result in unsuccessful image generations. The study proposes a reject-sampling strategy to obtain optimal noise, aiming to improve prompt adherence and positional diversity in image generation.

cross Zyda: A 1.3T Dataset for Open Language Modeling

Authors: Yury Tokpanov, Beren Millidge, Paolo Glorioso, Jonathan Pilault, Adam Ibrahim, James Whittington, Quentin Anthony

Abstract: The size of large language models (LLMs) has scaled dramatically in recent years and their computational and data requirements have surged correspondingly. State-of-the-art language models, even at relatively smaller sizes, typically require training on at least a trillion tokens. This rapid advancement has eclipsed the growth of open-source datasets available for large-scale LLM pretraining. In this paper, we introduce Zyda (Zyphra Dataset), a dataset under a permissive license comprising 1.3 trillion tokens, assembled by integrating several major respected open-source datasets into a single, high-quality corpus. We apply rigorous filtering and deduplication processes, both within and across datasets, to maintain and enhance the quality derived from the original datasets. Our evaluations show that Zyda not only competes favorably with other open datasets like Dolma, FineWeb, and RefinedWeb, but also substantially improves the performance of comparable models from the Pythia suite. Our rigorous data processing methods significantly enhance Zyda's effectiveness, outperforming even the best of its constituent datasets when used independently.

cross Personalized Topic Selection Model for Topic-Grounded Dialogue

Authors: Shixuan Fan, Wei Wei, Xiaofei Wen, Xianling Mao, Jixiong Chen, Dangyang Chen

Abstract: Recently, the topic-grounded dialogue (TGD) system has become increasingly popular as its powerful capability to actively guide users to accomplish specific tasks through topic-guided conversations. Most existing works utilize side information (\eg topics or personas) in isolation to enhance the topic selection ability. However, due to disregarding the noise within these auxiliary information sources and their mutual influence, current models tend to predict user-uninteresting and contextually irrelevant topics. To build user-engaging and coherent dialogue agent, we propose a \textbf{P}ersonalized topic s\textbf{E}lection model for \textbf{T}opic-grounded \textbf{D}ialogue, named \textbf{PETD}, which takes account of the interaction of side information to selectively aggregate such information for more accurately predicting subsequent topics. Specifically, we evaluate the correlation between global topics and personas and selectively incorporate the global topics aligned with user personas. Furthermore, we propose a contrastive learning based persona selector to filter out irrelevant personas under the constraint of lacking pertinent persona annotations. Throughout the selection and generation, diverse relevant side information is considered. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method can generate engaging and diverse responses, outperforming state-of-the-art baselines across various evaluation metrics.

cross Bayesian Mesh Optimization for Graph Neural Networks to Enhance Engineering Performance Prediction

Authors: Jangseop Park, Namwoo Kang

Abstract: In engineering design, surrogate models are widely employed to replace computationally expensive simulations by leveraging design variables and geometric parameters from computer-aided design (CAD) models. However, these models often lose critical information when simplified to lower dimensions and face challenges in parameter definition, especially with the complex 3D shapes commonly found in industrial datasets. To address these limitations, we propose a Bayesian graph neural network (GNN) framework for a 3D deep-learning-based surrogate model that predicts engineering performance by directly learning geometric features from CAD using mesh representation. Our framework determines the optimal size of mesh elements through Bayesian optimization, resulting in a high-accuracy surrogate model. Additionally, it effectively handles the irregular and complex structures of 3D CADs, which differ significantly from the regular and uniform pixel structures of 2D images typically used in deep learning. Experimental results demonstrate that the quality of the mesh significantly impacts the prediction accuracy of the surrogate model, with an optimally sized mesh achieving superior performance. We compare the performance of models based on various 3D representations such as voxel, point cloud, and graph, and evaluate the computational costs of Monte Carlo simulation and Bayesian optimization methods to find the optimal mesh size. We anticipate that our proposed framework has the potential to be applied to mesh-based simulations across various engineering fields, leveraging physics-based information commonly used in computer-aided engineering.

cross Position Debiasing Fine-Tuning for Causal Perception in Long-Term Dialogue

Authors: Shixuan Fan, Wei Wei, Wendi Li, Xian-Ling Mao, Wenfeng Xie, Dangyang Chen

Abstract: The core of the dialogue system is to generate relevant, informative, and human-like responses based on extensive dialogue history. Recently, dialogue generation domain has seen mainstream adoption of large language models (LLMs), due to its powerful capability in generating utterances. However, there is a natural deficiency for such models, that is, inherent position bias, which may lead them to pay more attention to the nearby utterances instead of causally relevant ones, resulting in generating irrelevant and generic responses in long-term dialogue. To alleviate such problem, in this paper, we propose a novel method, named Causal Perception long-term Dialogue framework (CPD), which employs perturbation-based causal variable discovery method to extract casually relevant utterances from the dialogue history and enhances model causal perception during fine-tuning. Specifically, a local-position awareness method is proposed in CPD for inter-sentence position correlation elimination, which helps models extract causally relevant utterances based on perturbations. Then, a casual-perception fine-tuning strategy is also proposed, to enhance the capability of discovering the causal invariant factors, by differently perturbing causally relevant and non-casually relevant ones for response generation. Experimental results on two datasets prove that our proposed method can effectively alleviate the position bias for multiple LLMs and achieve significant progress compared with existing baselines.

cross ODE-based Learning to Optimize

Authors: Zhonglin Xie, Wotao Yin, Zaiwen Wen

Abstract: Recent years have seen a growing interest in understanding acceleration methods through the lens of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Despite the theoretical advancements, translating the rapid convergence observed in continuous-time models to discrete-time iterative methods poses significant challenges. In this paper, we present a comprehensive framework integrating the inertial systems with Hessian-driven damping equation (ISHD) and learning-based approaches for developing optimization methods through a deep synergy of theoretical insights. We first establish the convergence condition for ensuring the convergence of the solution trajectory of ISHD. Then, we show that provided the stability condition, another relaxed requirement on the coefficients of ISHD, the sequence generated through the explicit Euler discretization of ISHD converges, which gives a large family of practical optimization methods. In order to select the best optimization method in this family for certain problems, we introduce the stopping time, the time required for an optimization method derived from ISHD to achieve a predefined level of suboptimality. Then, we formulate a novel learning to optimize (L2O) problem aimed at minimizing the stopping time subject to the convergence and stability condition. To navigate this learning problem, we present an algorithm combining stochastic optimization and the penalty method (StoPM). The convergence of StoPM using the conservative gradient is proved. Empirical validation of our framework is conducted through extensive numerical experiments across a diverse set of optimization problems. These experiments showcase the superior performance of the learned optimization methods.

cross Why Would You Suggest That? Human Trust in Language Model Responses

Authors: Manasi Sharma, Ho Chit Siu, Rohan Paleja, Jaime D. Pe\~na

Abstract: The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revealed a growing need for human-AI collaboration, especially in creative decision-making scenarios where trust and reliance are paramount. Through human studies and model evaluations on the open-ended News Headline Generation task from the LaMP benchmark, we analyze how the framing and presence of explanations affect user trust and model performance. Overall, we provide evidence that adding an explanation in the model response to justify its reasoning significantly increases self-reported user trust in the model when the user has the opportunity to compare various responses. Position and faithfulness of these explanations are also important factors. However, these gains disappear when users are shown responses independently, suggesting that humans trust all model responses, including deceptive ones, equitably when they are shown in isolation. Our findings urge future research to delve deeper into the nuanced evaluation of trust in human-machine teaming systems.

cross MetaMixer Is All You Need

Authors: Seokju Yun, Dongheon Lee, Youngmin Ro

Abstract: Transformer, composed of self-attention and Feed-Forward Network, has revolutionized the landscape of network design across various vision tasks. FFN is a versatile operator seamlessly integrated into nearly all AI models to effectively harness rich representations. Recent works also show that FFN functions like key-value memories. Thus, akin to the query-key-value mechanism within self-attention, FFN can be viewed as a memory network, where the input serves as query and the two projection weights operate as keys and values, respectively. We hypothesize that the importance lies in query-key-value framework itself rather than in self-attention. To verify this, we propose converting self-attention into a more FFN-like efficient token mixer with only convolutions while retaining query-key-value framework, namely FFNification. Specifically, FFNification replaces query-key and attention coefficient-value interactions with large kernel convolutions and adopts GELU activation function instead of softmax. The derived token mixer, FFNified attention, serves as key-value memories for detecting locally distributed spatial patterns, and operates in the opposite dimension to the ConvNeXt block within each corresponding sub-operation of the query-key-value framework. Building upon the above two modules, we present a family of Fast-Forward Networks. Our FFNet achieves remarkable performance improvements over previous state-of-the-art methods across a wide range of tasks. The strong and general performance of our proposed method validates our hypothesis and leads us to introduce MetaMixer, a general mixer architecture that does not specify sub-operations within the query-key-value framework. We show that using only simple operations like convolution and GELU in the MetaMixer can achieve superior performance.

cross Inference Attacks in Machine Learning as a Service: A Taxonomy, Review, and Promising Directions

Authors: Feng Wu, Lei Cui, Shaowen Yao, Shui Yu

Abstract: The prosperity of machine learning has also brought people's concerns about data privacy. Among them, inference attacks can implement privacy breaches in various MLaaS scenarios and model training/prediction phases. Specifically, inference attacks can perform privacy inference on undisclosed target training sets based on outputs of the target model, including but not limited to statistics, membership, semantics, data representation, etc. For instance, infer whether the target data has the characteristics of AIDS. In addition, the rapid development of the machine learning community in recent years, especially the surge of model types and application scenarios, has further stimulated the inference attacks' research. Thus, studying inference attacks and analyzing them in depth is urgent and significant. However, there is still a gap in the systematic discussion of inference attacks from taxonomy, global perspective, attack, and defense perspectives. This survey provides an in-depth and comprehensive inference of attacks and corresponding countermeasures in ML-as-a-service based on taxonomy and the latest researches. Without compromising researchers' intuition, we first propose the 3MP taxonomy based on the community research status, trying to normalize the confusing naming system of inference attacks. Also, we analyze the pros and cons of each type of inference attack, their workflow, countermeasure, and how they interact with other attacks. In the end, we point out several promising directions for researchers from a more comprehensive and novel perspective.

cross Multimodal Reasoning with Multimodal Knowledge Graph

Authors: Junlin Lee, Yequan Wang, Jing Li, Min Zhang

Abstract: Multimodal reasoning with large language models (LLMs) often suffers from hallucinations and the presence of deficient or outdated knowledge within LLMs. Some approaches have sought to mitigate these issues by employing textual knowledge graphs, but their singular modality of knowledge limits comprehensive cross-modal understanding. In this paper, we propose the Multimodal Reasoning with Multimodal Knowledge Graph (MR-MKG) method, which leverages multimodal knowledge graphs (MMKGs) to learn rich and semantic knowledge across modalities, significantly enhancing the multimodal reasoning capabilities of LLMs. In particular, a relation graph attention network is utilized for encoding MMKGs and a cross-modal alignment module is designed for optimizing image-text alignment. A MMKG-grounded dataset is constructed to equip LLMs with initial expertise in multimodal reasoning through pretraining. Remarkably, MR-MKG achieves superior performance while training on only a small fraction of parameters, approximately 2.25% of the LLM's parameter size. Experimental results on multimodal question answering and multimodal analogy reasoning tasks demonstrate that our MR-MKG method outperforms previous state-of-the-art models.

cross A Unifying Framework for Action-Conditional Self-Predictive Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Khimya Khetarpal, Zhaohan Daniel Guo, Bernardo Avila Pires, Yunhao Tang, Clare Lyle, Mark Rowland, Nicolas Heess, Diana Borsa, Arthur Guez, Will Dabney

Abstract: Learning a good representation is a crucial challenge for Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents. Self-predictive learning provides means to jointly learn a latent representation and dynamics model by bootstrapping from future latent representations (BYOL). Recent work has developed theoretical insights into these algorithms by studying a continuous-time ODE model for self-predictive representation learning under the simplifying assumption that the algorithm depends on a fixed policy (BYOL-$\Pi$); this assumption is at odds with practical instantiations of such algorithms, which explicitly condition their predictions on future actions. In this work, we take a step towards bridging the gap between theory and practice by analyzing an action-conditional self-predictive objective (BYOL-AC) using the ODE framework, characterizing its convergence properties and highlighting important distinctions between the limiting solutions of the BYOL-$\Pi$ and BYOL-AC dynamics. We show how the two representations are related by a variance equation. This connection leads to a novel variance-like action-conditional objective (BYOL-VAR) and its corresponding ODE. We unify the study of all three objectives through two complementary lenses; a model-based perspective, where each objective is shown to be equivalent to a low-rank approximation of certain dynamics, and a model-free perspective, which establishes relationships between the objectives and their respective value, Q-value, and advantage function. Our empirical investigations, encompassing both linear function approximation and Deep RL environments, demonstrates that BYOL-AC is better overall in a variety of different settings.

cross DFA-GNN: Forward Learning of Graph Neural Networks by Direct Feedback Alignment

Authors: Gongpei Zhao, Tao Wang, Congyan Lang, Yi Jin, Yidong Li, Haibin Ling

Abstract: Graph neural networks are recognized for their strong performance across various applications, with the backpropagation algorithm playing a central role in the development of most GNN models. However, despite its effectiveness, BP has limitations that challenge its biological plausibility and affect the efficiency, scalability and parallelism of training neural networks for graph-based tasks. While several non-BP training algorithms, such as the direct feedback alignment, have been successfully applied to fully-connected and convolutional network components for handling Euclidean data, directly adapting these non-BP frameworks to manage non-Euclidean graph data in GNN models presents significant challenges. These challenges primarily arise from the violation of the i.i.d. assumption in graph data and the difficulty in accessing prediction errors for all samples (nodes) within the graph. To overcome these obstacles, in this paper we propose DFA-GNN, a novel forward learning framework tailored for GNNs with a case study of semi-supervised learning. The proposed method breaks the limitations of BP by using a dedicated forward training mechanism. Specifically, DFA-GNN extends the principles of DFA to adapt to graph data and unique architecture of GNNs, which incorporates the information of graph topology into the feedback links to accommodate the non-Euclidean characteristics of graph data. Additionally, for semi-supervised graph learning tasks, we developed a pseudo error generator that spreads residual errors from training data to create a pseudo error for each unlabeled node. These pseudo errors are then utilized to train GNNs using DFA. Extensive experiments on 10 public benchmarks reveal that our learning framework outperforms not only previous non-BP methods but also the standard BP methods, and it exhibits excellent robustness against various types of noise and attacks.

cross I've got the "Answer"! Interpretation of LLMs Hidden States in Question Answering

Authors: Valeriya Goloviznina, Evgeny Kotelnikov

Abstract: Interpretability and explainability of AI are becoming increasingly important in light of the rapid development of large language models (LLMs). This paper investigates the interpretation of LLMs in the context of the knowledge-based question answering. The main hypothesis of the study is that correct and incorrect model behavior can be distinguished at the level of hidden states. The quantized models LLaMA-2-7B-Chat, Mistral-7B, Vicuna-7B and the MuSeRC question-answering dataset are used to test this hypothesis. The results of the analysis support the proposed hypothesis. We also identify the layers which have a negative effect on the model's behavior. As a prospect of practical application of the hypothesis, we propose to train such "weak" layers additionally in order to improve the quality of the task solution.

cross Alice in Wonderland: Simple Tasks Showing Complete Reasoning Breakdown in State-Of-the-Art Large Language Models

Authors: Marianna Nezhurina, Lucia Cipolina-Kun, Mehdi Cherti, Jenia Jitsev

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are often described as being instances of foundation models - that is, models that transfer strongly across various tasks and conditions in few-show or zero-shot manner, while exhibiting scaling laws that predict function improvement when increasing the pre-training scale. These claims of excelling in different functions and tasks rely on measurements taken across various sets of standardized benchmarks showing high scores for such models. We demonstrate here a dramatic breakdown of function and reasoning capabilities of state-of-the-art models trained at the largest available scales which claim strong function, using a simple, short, conventional common sense problem formulated in concise natural language, easily solvable by humans. The breakdown is dramatic, as models also express strong overconfidence in their wrong solutions, while providing often non-sensical "reasoning"-like explanations akin to confabulations to justify and backup the validity of their clearly failed responses, making them sound plausible. Various standard interventions in an attempt to get the right solution, like various type of enhanced prompting, or urging the models to reconsider the wrong solutions again by multi step re-evaluation, fail. We take these initial observations to the scientific and technological community to stimulate urgent re-assessment of the claimed capabilities of current generation of LLMs, Such re-assessment also requires common action to create standardized benchmarks that would allow proper detection of such basic reasoning deficits that obviously manage to remain undiscovered by current state-of-the-art evaluation procedures and benchmarks. Code for reproducing experiments in the paper and raw experiments data can be found at


cross PyramidKV: Dynamic KV Cache Compression based on Pyramidal Information Funneling

Authors: Zefan Cai., Yichi Zhang, Bofei Gao, Tianyu Liu, Keming Lu, Wayne Xiong, Yue Dong, Baobao Chang, Junjie Hu, Wen Xiao

Abstract: In this study, we investigate whether attention-based information flow inside large language models (LLMs) is aggregated through noticeable patterns for long context processing. Our observations reveal that LLMs aggregate information through Pyramidal Information Funneling where attention is scattering widely in lower layers, progressively consolidating within specific contexts, and ultimately focusin on critical tokens (a.k.a massive activation or attention sink) in higher layers. Motivated by these insights, we developed PyramidKV, a novel and effective KV cache compression method. This approach dynamically adjusts the KV cache size across different layers, allocating more cache in lower layers and less in higher ones, diverging from traditional methods that maintain a uniform KV cache size. Our experimental evaluations, utilizing the LongBench benchmark, show that PyramidKV matches the performance of models with a full KV cache while retaining only 12% of the KV cache, thus significantly reducing memory usage. In scenarios emphasizing memory efficiency, where only 0.7% of the KV cache is maintained, PyramidKV surpasses other KV cache compression techniques achieving up to a 20.5 absolute accuracy improvement on TREC.

cross Multi-target stain normalization for histology slides

Authors: Desislav Ivanov, Carlo Alberto Barbano, Marco Grangetto

Abstract: Traditional staining normalization approaches, e.g. Macenko, typically rely on the choice of a single representative reference image, which may not adequately account for the diverse staining patterns of datasets collected in practical scenarios. In this study, we introduce a novel approach that leverages multiple reference images to enhance robustness against stain variation. Our method is parameter-free and can be adopted in existing computational pathology pipelines with no significant changes. We evaluate the effectiveness of our method through experiments using a deep-learning pipeline for automatic nuclei segmentation on colorectal images. Our results show that by leveraging multiple reference images, better results can be achieved when generalizing to external data, where the staining can widely differ from the training set.

cross LongSSM: On the Length Extension of State-space Models in Language Modelling

Authors: Shida Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the length-extension of state-space models (SSMs) in language modeling. Length extension involves training models on short sequences and testing them on longer ones. We show that state-space models trained with zero hidden states initialization have difficulty doing length extension. We explain this difficulty by pointing out the length extension is equivalent to polynomial extrapolation. Based on the theory, we propose a simple yet effective method - changing the hidden states initialization scheme - to improve the length extension. Moreover, our method shows that using long training sequence length is beneficial but not necessary to length extension. Changing the hidden state initialization enables the efficient training of long-memory model with a smaller training context length.

cross FightLadder: A Benchmark for Competitive Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Wenzhe Li, Zihan Ding, Seth Karten, Chi Jin

Abstract: Recent advances in reinforcement learning (RL) heavily rely on a variety of well-designed benchmarks, which provide environmental platforms and consistent criteria to evaluate existing and novel algorithms. Specifically, in multi-agent RL (MARL), a plethora of benchmarks based on cooperative games have spurred the development of algorithms that improve the scalability of cooperative multi-agent systems. However, for the competitive setting, a lightweight and open-sourced benchmark with challenging gaming dynamics and visual inputs has not yet been established. In this work, we present FightLadder, a real-time fighting game platform, to empower competitive MARL research. Along with the platform, we provide implementations of state-of-the-art MARL algorithms for competitive games, as well as a set of evaluation metrics to characterize the performance and exploitability of agents. We demonstrate the feasibility of this platform by training a general agent that consistently defeats 12 built-in characters in single-player mode, and expose the difficulty of training a non-exploitable agent without human knowledge and demonstrations in two-player mode. FightLadder provides meticulously designed environments to address critical challenges in competitive MARL research, aiming to catalyze a new era of discovery and advancement in the field. Videos and code at


cross How Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic is Social Computing Research?

Authors: Ali Akbar Septiandri, Marios Constantinides, Daniele Quercia

Abstract: Much of the research in social computing analyzes data from social media platforms, which may inherently carry biases. An overlooked source of such bias is the over-representation of WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) populations, which might not accurately mirror the global demographic diversity. We evaluated the dependence on WEIRD populations in research presented at the AAAI ICWSM conference; the only venue whose proceedings are fully dedicated to social computing research. We did so by analyzing 494 papers published from 2018 to 2022, which included full research papers, dataset papers and posters. After filtering out papers that analyze synthetic datasets or those lacking clear country of origin, we were left with 420 papers from which 188 participants in a crowdsourcing study with full manual validation extracted data for the WEIRD scores computation. This data was then used to adapt existing WEIRD metrics to be applicable for social media data. We found that 37% of these papers focused solely on data from Western countries. This percentage is significantly less than the percentages observed in research from CHI (76%) and FAccT (84%) conferences, suggesting a greater diversity of dataset origins within ICWSM. However, the studies at ICWSM still predominantly examine populations from countries that are more Educated, Industrialized, and Rich in comparison to those in FAccT, with a special note on the 'Democratic' variable reflecting political freedoms and rights. This points out the utility of social media data in shedding light on findings from countries with restricted political freedoms. Based on these insights, we recommend extensions of current "paper checklists" to include considerations about the WEIRD bias and call for the community to broaden research inclusivity by encouraging the use of diverse datasets from underrepresented regions.

cross MaskSR: Masked Language Model for Full-band Speech Restoration

Authors: Xu Li, Qirui Wang, Xiaoyu Liu

Abstract: Speech restoration aims at restoring high quality speech in the presence of a diverse set of distortions. Although several deep learning paradigms have been studied for this task, the power of the recently emerging language models has not been fully explored. In this paper, we propose MaskSR, a masked language model capable of restoring full-band 44.1 kHz speech jointly considering noise, reverb, clipping, and low bandwidth. MaskSR works with discrete acoustic tokens extracted using a pre-trained neural codec. During training, MaskSR is optimized to predict randomly masked tokens extracted from the high quality target speech, conditioned on the corrupted speech with various distortions. During inference, MaskSR reconstructs the target speech tokens with efficient iterative sampling. Extensive experiments show that MaskSR obtains competitive results on both the full-band speech restoration task and also on sub-tasks compared with a wide range of models.

cross Kernel vs. Kernel: Exploring How the Data Structure Affects Neural Collapse

Authors: Vignesh Kothapalli, Tom Tirer

Abstract: Recently, a vast amount of literature has focused on the "Neural Collapse" (NC) phenomenon, which emerges when training neural network (NN) classifiers beyond the zero training error point. The core component of NC is the decrease in the within class variability of the network's deepest features, dubbed as NC1. The theoretical works that study NC are typically based on simplified unconstrained features models (UFMs) that mask any effect of the data on the extent of collapse. In this paper, we provide a kernel-based analysis that does not suffer from this limitation. First, given a kernel function, we establish expressions for the traces of the within- and between-class covariance matrices of the samples' features (and consequently an NC1 metric). Then, we turn to focus on kernels associated with shallow NNs. First, we consider the NN Gaussian Process kernel (NNGP), associated with the network at initialization, and the complement Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK), associated with its training in the "lazy regime". Interestingly, we show that the NTK does not represent more collapsed features than the NNGP for prototypical data models. As NC emerges from training, we then consider an alternative to NTK: the recently proposed adaptive kernel, which generalizes NNGP to model the feature mapping learned from the training data. Contrasting our NC1 analysis for these two kernels enables gaining insights into the effect of data distribution on the extent of collapse, which are empirically aligned with the behavior observed with practical training of NNs.

cross UniOQA: A Unified Framework for Knowledge Graph Question Answering with Large Language Models

Authors: Zhuoyang Li, Liran Deng, Hui Liu, Qiaoqiao Liu, Junzhao Du

Abstract: OwnThink stands as the most extensive Chinese open-domain knowledge graph introduced in recent times. Despite prior attempts in question answering over OwnThink (OQA), existing studies have faced limitations in model representation capabilities, posing challenges in further enhancing overall accuracy in question answering. In this paper, we introduce UniOQA, a unified framework that integrates two complementary parallel workflows. Unlike conventional approaches, UniOQA harnesses large language models (LLMs) for precise question answering and incorporates a direct-answer-prediction process as a cost-effective complement. Initially, to bolster representation capacity, we fine-tune an LLM to translate questions into the Cypher query language (CQL), tackling issues associated with restricted semantic understanding and hallucinations. Subsequently, we introduce the Entity and Relation Replacement algorithm to ensure the executability of the generated CQL. Concurrently, to augment overall accuracy in question answering, we further adapt the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) process to the knowledge graph. Ultimately, we optimize answer accuracy through a dynamic decision algorithm. Experimental findings illustrate that UniOQA notably advances SpCQL Logical Accuracy to 21.2% and Execution Accuracy to 54.9%, achieving the new state-of-the-art results on this benchmark. Through ablation experiments, we delve into the superior representation capacity of UniOQA and quantify its performance breakthrough.

cross CityLight: A Universal Model Towards Real-world City-scale Traffic Signal Control Coordination

Authors: Jinwei Zeng, Chao Yu, Xinyi Yang, Wenxuan Ao, Jian Yuan, Yong Li, Yu Wang, Huazhong Yang

Abstract: Traffic signal control (TSC) is a promising low-cost measure to enhance transportation efficiency without affecting existing road infrastructure. While various reinforcement learning-based TSC methods have been proposed and experimentally outperform conventional rule-based methods, none of them has been deployed in the real world. An essential gap lies in the oversimplification of the scenarios in terms of intersection heterogeneity and road network intricacy. To make TSC applicable in urban traffic management, we target TSC coordination in city-scale high-authenticity road networks, aiming to solve the three unique and important challenges: city-level scalability, heterogeneity of real-world intersections, and effective coordination among intricate neighbor connections. Since optimizing multiple agents in a parameter-sharing paradigm can boost the training efficiency and help achieve scalability, we propose our method, CityLight, based on the well-acknowledged optimization framework, parameter-sharing MAPPO. To ensure the unified policy network can learn to fit large-scale heterogeneous intersections and tackle the intricate between-neighbor coordination, CityLight proposes a universal representation module that consists of two key designs: heterogeneous intersection alignment and neighborhood impact alignment for coordination. To further boost coordination, CityLight adopts neighborhood-integrated rewards to transition from achieving local optimal to global optimal. Extensive experiments on datasets with hundreds to tens of thousands of real-world intersections and authentic traffic demands validate the surprising effectiveness and generalizability of CityLight, with an overall performance gain of 11.66% and a 22.59% improvement in transfer scenarios in terms of throughput.

cross Iteration Head: A Mechanistic Study of Chain-of-Thought

Authors: Vivien Cabannes, Charles Arnal, Wassim Bouaziz, Alice Yang, Francois Charton, Julia Kempe

Abstract: Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning is known to improve Large Language Models both empirically and in terms of theoretical approximation power. However, our understanding of the inner workings and conditions of apparition of CoT capabilities remains limited. This paper helps fill this gap by demonstrating how CoT reasoning emerges in transformers in a controlled and interpretable setting. In particular, we observe the appearance of a specialized attention mechanism dedicated to iterative reasoning, which we coined "iteration heads". We track both the emergence and the precise working of these iteration heads down to the attention level, and measure the transferability of the CoT skills to which they give rise between tasks.

cross CondTSF: One-line Plugin of Dataset Condensation for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Jianrong Ding, Zhanyu Liu, Guanjie Zheng, Haiming Jin, Linghe Kong

Abstract: Dataset condensation is a newborn technique that generates a small dataset that can be used in training deep neural networks to lower training costs. The objective of dataset condensation is to ensure that the model trained with the synthetic dataset can perform comparably to the model trained with full datasets. However, existing methods predominantly concentrate on classification tasks, posing challenges in their adaptation to time series forecasting (TS-forecasting). This challenge arises from disparities in the evaluation of synthetic data. In classification, the synthetic data is considered well-distilled if the model trained with the full dataset and the model trained with the synthetic dataset yield identical labels for the same input, regardless of variations in output logits distribution. Conversely, in TS-forecasting, the effectiveness of synthetic data distillation is determined by the distance between predictions of the two models. The synthetic data is deemed well-distilled only when all data points within the predictions are similar. Consequently, TS-forecasting has a more rigorous evaluation methodology compared to classification. To mitigate this gap, we theoretically analyze the optimization objective of dataset condensation for TS-forecasting and propose a new one-line plugin of dataset condensation designated as Dataset Condensation for Time Series Forecasting (CondTSF) based on our analysis. Plugging CondTSF into previous dataset condensation methods facilitates a reduction in the distance between the predictions of the model trained with the full dataset and the model trained with the synthetic dataset, thereby enhancing performance. We conduct extensive experiments on eight commonly used time series datasets. CondTSF consistently improves the performance of all previous dataset condensation methods across all datasets, particularly at low condensing ratios.

cross Synergetic Event Understanding: A Collaborative Approach to Cross-Document Event Coreference Resolution with Large Language Models

Authors: Qingkai Min, Qipeng Guo, Xiangkun Hu, Songfang Huang, Zheng Zhang, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Cross-document event coreference resolution (CDECR) involves clustering event mentions across multiple documents that refer to the same real-world events. Existing approaches utilize fine-tuning of small language models (SLMs) like BERT to address the compatibility among the contexts of event mentions. However, due to the complexity and diversity of contexts, these models are prone to learning simple co-occurrences. Recently, large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have demonstrated impressive contextual understanding, yet they encounter challenges in adapting to specific information extraction (IE) tasks. In this paper, we propose a collaborative approach for CDECR, leveraging the capabilities of both a universally capable LLM and a task-specific SLM. The collaborative strategy begins with the LLM accurately and comprehensively summarizing events through prompting. Then, the SLM refines its learning of event representations based on these insights during fine-tuning. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach surpasses the performance of both the large and small language models individually, forming a complementary advantage. Across various datasets, our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance, underscoring its effectiveness in diverse scenarios.

cross One-Shot Federated Learning with Bayesian Pseudocoresets

Authors: Tim d'Hondt, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Robert Peharz

Abstract: Optimization-based techniques for federated learning (FL) often come with prohibitive communication cost, as high dimensional model parameters need to be communicated repeatedly between server and clients. In this paper, we follow a Bayesian approach allowing to perform FL with one-shot communication, by solving the global inference problem as a product of local client posteriors. For models with multi-modal likelihoods, such as neural networks, a naive application of this scheme is hampered, since clients will capture different posterior modes, causing a destructive collapse of the posterior on the server side. Consequently, we explore approximate inference in the function-space representation of client posteriors, hence suffering less or not at all from multi-modality. We show that distributed function-space inference is tightly related to learning Bayesian pseudocoresets and develop a tractable Bayesian FL algorithm on this insight. We show that this approach achieves prediction performance competitive to state-of-the-art while showing a striking reduction in communication cost of up to two orders of magnitude. Moreover, due to its Bayesian nature, our method also delivers well-calibrated uncertainty estimates.

cross Audio Mamba: Selective State Spaces for Self-Supervised Audio Representations

Authors: Sarthak Yadav, Zheng-Hua Tan

Abstract: Despite its widespread adoption as the prominent neural architecture, the Transformer has spurred several independent lines of work to address its limitations. One such approach is selective state space models, which have demonstrated promising results for language modelling. However, their feasibility for learning self-supervised, general-purpose audio representations is yet to be investigated. This work proposes Audio Mamba, a selective state space model for learning general-purpose audio representations from randomly masked spectrogram patches through self-supervision. Empirical results on ten diverse audio recognition downstream tasks show that the proposed models, pretrained on the AudioSet dataset, consistently outperform comparable self-supervised audio spectrogram transformer (SSAST) baselines by a considerable margin and demonstrate better performance in dataset size, sequence length and model size comparisons.

cross On The Statistical Representation Properties Of The Perturb-Softmax And The Perturb-Argmax Probability Distributions

Authors: Hedda Cohen Indelman, Tamir Hazan

Abstract: The Gumbel-Softmax probability distribution allows learning discrete tokens in generative learning, while the Gumbel-Argmax probability distribution is useful in learning discrete structures in discriminative learning. Despite the efforts invested in optimizing these probability models, their statistical properties are under-explored. In this work, we investigate their representation properties and determine for which families of parameters these probability distributions are complete, i.e., can represent any probability distribution, and minimal, i.e., can represent a probability distribution uniquely. We rely on convexity and differentiability to determine these statistical conditions and extend this framework to general probability models, such as Gaussian-Softmax and Gaussian-Argmax. We experimentally validate the qualities of these extensions, which enjoy a faster convergence rate. We conclude the analysis by identifying two sets of parameters that satisfy these assumptions and thus admit a complete and minimal representation. Our contribution is theoretical with supporting practical evaluation.

cross Can CLIP help CLIP in learning 3D?

Authors: Cristian Sbrolli, Matteo Matteucci

Abstract: In this study, we explore an alternative approach to enhance contrastive text-image-3D alignment in the absence of textual descriptions for 3D objects. We introduce two unsupervised methods, $I2I$ and $(I2L)^2$, which leverage CLIP knowledge about textual and 2D data to compute the neural perceived similarity between two 3D samples. We employ the proposed methods to mine 3D hard negatives, establishing a multimodal contrastive pipeline with hard negative weighting via a custom loss function. We train on different configurations of the proposed hard negative mining approach, and we evaluate the accuracy of our models in 3D classification and on the cross-modal retrieval benchmark, testing image-to-shape and shape-to-image retrieval. Results demonstrate that our approach, even without explicit text alignment, achieves comparable or superior performance on zero-shot and standard 3D classification, while significantly improving both image-to-shape and shape-to-image retrieval compared to previous methods.

cross The Deep Latent Space Particle Filter for Real-Time Data Assimilation with Uncertainty Quantification

Authors: Nikolaj T. M\"ucke, Sander M. Boht\'e, Cornelis W. Oosterlee

Abstract: In Data Assimilation, observations are fused with simulations to obtain an accurate estimate of the state and parameters for a given physical system. Combining data with a model, however, while accurately estimating uncertainty, is computationally expensive and infeasible to run in real-time for complex systems. Here, we present a novel particle filter methodology, the Deep Latent Space Particle filter or D-LSPF, that uses neural network-based surrogate models to overcome this computational challenge. The D-LSPF enables filtering in the low-dimensional latent space obtained using Wasserstein AEs with modified vision transformer layers for dimensionality reduction and transformers for parameterized latent space time stepping. As we demonstrate on three test cases, including leak localization in multi-phase pipe flow and seabed identification for fully nonlinear water waves, the D-LSPF runs orders of magnitude faster than a high-fidelity particle filter and 3-5 times faster than alternative methods while being up to an order of magnitude more accurate. The D-LSPF thus enables real-time data assimilation with uncertainty quantification for physical systems.

cross Why Only Text: Empowering Vision-and-Language Navigation with Multi-modal Prompts

Authors: Haodong Hong, Sen Wang, Zi Huang, Qi Wu, Jiajun Liu

Abstract: Current Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) tasks mainly employ textual instructions to guide agents. However, being inherently abstract, the same textual instruction can be associated with different visual signals, causing severe ambiguity and limiting the transfer of prior knowledge in the vision domain from the user to the agent. To fill this gap, we propose Vision-and-Language Navigation with Multi-modal Prompts (VLN-MP), a novel task augmenting traditional VLN by integrating both natural language and images in instructions. VLN-MP not only maintains backward compatibility by effectively handling text-only prompts but also consistently shows advantages with different quantities and relevance of visual prompts. Possible forms of visual prompts include both exact and similar object images, providing adaptability and versatility in diverse navigation scenarios. To evaluate VLN-MP under a unified framework, we implement a new benchmark that offers: (1) a training-free pipeline to transform textual instructions into multi-modal forms with landmark images; (2) diverse datasets with multi-modal instructions for different downstream tasks; (3) a novel module designed to process various image prompts for seamless integration with state-of-the-art VLN models. Extensive experiments on four VLN benchmarks (R2R, RxR, REVERIE, CVDN) show that incorporating visual prompts significantly boosts navigation performance. While maintaining efficiency with text-only prompts, VLN-MP enables agents to navigate in the pre-explore setting and outperform text-based models, showing its broader applicability.

cross FedMKT: Federated Mutual Knowledge Transfer for Large and Small Language Models

Authors: Tao Fan, Guoqiang Ma, Yan Kang, Hanlin Gu, Lixin Fan, Qiang Yang

Abstract: Recent research in federated large language models (LLMs) has primarily focused on enabling clients to fine-tune their locally deployed homogeneous LLMs collaboratively or on transferring knowledge from server-based LLMs to small language models (SLMs) at downstream clients. However, a significant gap remains in the simultaneous mutual enhancement of both the server's LLM and clients' SLMs. To bridge this gap, we propose FedMKT, a parameter-efficient federated mutual knowledge transfer framework for large and small language models. This framework is designed to adaptively transfer knowledge from the server's LLM to clients' SLMs while concurrently enriching the LLM with clients' unique domain insights. We facilitate token alignment using minimum edit distance (MinED) and then selective mutual knowledge transfer between client-side SLMs and a server-side LLM, aiming to collectively enhance their performance. Through extensive experiments across three distinct scenarios, heterogeneous, homogeneous, and one-to-one, we evaluate the effectiveness of FedMKT using various public LLMs and SLMs on a range of NLP text generation tasks. Empirical results demonstrate significant performance improvements in clients' SLMs with the aid of the LLM. Furthermore, the LLM optimized by FedMKT achieves a performance comparable to that achieved through direct fine-tuning based on clients' data, highlighting the effectiveness and adaptability of FedMKT.

cross On the Limitations of Fractal Dimension as a Measure of Generalization

Authors: Charlie Tan, In\'es Garc\'ia-Redondo, Qiquan Wang, Michael M. Bronstein, Anthea Monod

Abstract: Bounding and predicting the generalization gap of overparameterized neural networks remains a central open problem in theoretical machine learning. Neural network optimization trajectories have been proposed to possess fractal structure, leading to bounds and generalization measures based on notions of fractal dimension on these trajectories. Prominently, both the Hausdorff dimension and the persistent homology dimension have been proposed to correlate with generalization gap, thus serving as a measure of generalization. This work performs an extended evaluation of these topological generalization measures. We demonstrate that fractal dimension fails to predict generalization of models trained from poor initializations. We further identify that the $\ell^2$ norm of the final parameter iterate, one of the simplest complexity measures in learning theory, correlates more strongly with the generalization gap than these notions of fractal dimension. Finally, our study reveals the intriguing manifestation of model-wise double descent in persistent homology-based generalization measures. This work lays the ground for a deeper investigation of the causal relationships between fractal geometry, topological data analysis, and neural network optimization.

cross Modeling Emotional Trajectories in Written Stories Utilizing Transformers and Weakly-Supervised Learning

Authors: Lukas Christ, Shahin Amiriparian, Manuel Milling, Ilhan Aslan, Bj\"orn W. Schuller

Abstract: Telling stories is an integral part of human communication which can evoke emotions and influence the affective states of the audience. Automatically modeling emotional trajectories in stories has thus attracted considerable scholarly interest. However, as most existing works have been limited to unsupervised dictionary-based approaches, there is no benchmark for this task. We address this gap by introducing continuous valence and arousal labels for an existing dataset of children's stories originally annotated with discrete emotion categories. We collect additional annotations for this data and map the categorical labels to the continuous valence and arousal space. For predicting the thus obtained emotionality signals, we fine-tune a DeBERTa model and improve upon this baseline via a weakly supervised learning approach. The best configuration achieves a Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) of $.8221$ for valence and $.7125$ for arousal on the test set, demonstrating the efficacy of our proposed approach. A detailed analysis shows the extent to which the results vary depending on factors such as the author, the individual story, or the section within the story. In addition, we uncover the weaknesses of our approach by investigating examples that prove to be difficult to predict.

cross PuFace: Defending against Facial Cloaking Attacks for Facial Recognition Models

Authors: Jing Wen

Abstract: The recently proposed facial cloaking attacks add invisible perturbation (cloaks) to facial images to protect users from being recognized by unauthorized facial recognition models. However, we show that the "cloaks" are not robust enough and can be removed from images. This paper introduces PuFace, an image purification system leveraging the generalization ability of neural networks to diminish the impact of cloaks by pushing the cloaked images towards the manifold of natural (uncloaked) images before the training process of facial recognition models. Specifically, we devise a purifier that takes all the training images including both cloaked and natural images as input and generates the purified facial images close to the manifold where natural images lie. To meet the defense goal, we propose to train the purifier on particularly amplified cloaked images with a loss function that combines image loss and feature loss. Our empirical experiment shows PuFace can effectively defend against two state-of-the-art facial cloaking attacks and reduces the attack success rate from 69.84\% to 7.61\% on average without degrading the normal accuracy for various facial recognition models. Moreover, PuFace is a model-agnostic defense mechanism that can be applied to any facial recognition model without modifying the model structure.

cross How to Explore with Belief: State Entropy Maximization in POMDPs

Authors: Riccardo Zamboni, Duilio Cirino, Marcello Restelli, Mirco Mutti

Abstract: Recent works have studied *state entropy maximization* in reinforcement learning, in which the agent's objective is to learn a policy inducing high entropy over states visitation (Hazan et al., 2019). They typically assume full observability of the state of the system, so that the entropy of the observations is maximized. In practice, the agent may only get *partial* observations, e.g., a robot perceiving the state of a physical space through proximity sensors and cameras. A significant mismatch between the entropy over observations and true states of the system can arise in those settings. In this paper, we address the problem of entropy maximization over the *true states* with a decision policy conditioned on partial observations *only*. The latter is a generalization of POMDPs, which is intractable in general. We develop a memory and computationally efficient *policy gradient* method to address a first-order relaxation of the objective defined on *belief* states, providing various formal characterizations of approximation gaps, the optimization landscape, and the *hallucination* problem. This paper aims to generalize state entropy maximization to more realistic domains that meet the challenges of applications.

cross An Independence-promoting Loss for Music Generation with Language Models

Authors: Jean-Marie Lemercier, Simon Rouard, Jade Copet, Yossi Adi, Alexandre D\'effosez

Abstract: Music generation schemes using language modeling rely on a vocabulary of audio tokens, generally provided as codes in a discrete latent space learnt by an auto-encoder. Multi-stage quantizers are often employed to produce these tokens, therefore the decoding strategy used for token prediction must be adapted to account for multiple codebooks: either it should model the joint distribution over all codebooks, or fit the product of the codebook marginal distributions. Modelling the joint distribution requires a costly increase in the number of auto-regressive steps, while fitting the product of the marginals yields an inexact model unless the codebooks are mutually independent. In this work, we introduce an independence-promoting loss to regularize the auto-encoder used as the tokenizer in language models for music generation. The proposed loss is a proxy for mutual information based on the maximum mean discrepancy principle, applied in reproducible kernel Hilbert spaces. Our criterion is simple to implement and train, and it is generalizable to other multi-stream codecs. We show that it reduces the statistical dependence between codebooks during auto-encoding. This leads to an increase in the generated music quality when modelling the product of the marginal distributions, while generating audio much faster than the joint distribution model.

cross Generative Conditional Distributions by Neural (Entropic) Optimal Transport

Authors: Bao Nguyen, Binh Nguyen, Hieu Trung Nguyen, Viet Anh Nguyen

Abstract: Learning conditional distributions is challenging because the desired outcome is not a single distribution but multiple distributions that correspond to multiple instances of the covariates. We introduce a novel neural entropic optimal transport method designed to effectively learn generative models of conditional distributions, particularly in scenarios characterized by limited sample sizes. Our method relies on the minimax training of two neural networks: a generative network parametrizing the inverse cumulative distribution functions of the conditional distributions and another network parametrizing the conditional Kantorovich potential. To prevent overfitting, we regularize the objective function by penalizing the Lipschitz constant of the network output. Our experiments on real-world datasets show the effectiveness of our algorithm compared to state-of-the-art conditional distribution learning techniques. Our implementation can be found at


cross A Survey of Transformer Enabled Time Series Synthesis

Authors: Alexander Sommers, Logan Cummins, Sudip Mittal, Shahram Rahimi, Maria Seale, Joseph Jaboure, Thomas Arnold

Abstract: Generative AI has received much attention in the image and language domains, with the transformer neural network continuing to dominate the state of the art. Application of these models to time series generation is less explored, however, and is of great utility to machine learning, privacy preservation, and explainability research. The present survey identifies this gap at the intersection of the transformer, generative AI, and time series data, and reviews works in this sparsely populated subdomain. The reviewed works show great variety in approach, and have not yet converged on a conclusive answer to the problems the domain poses. GANs, diffusion models, state space models, and autoencoders were all encountered alongside or surrounding the transformers which originally motivated the survey. While too open a domain to offer conclusive insights, the works surveyed are quite suggestive, and several recommendations for best practice, and suggestions of valuable future work, are provided.

cross Technical Language Processing for Telecommunications Specifications

Authors: Felipe A. Rodriguez Y.

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are continuously being applied in a more diverse set of contexts. At their current state, however, even state-of-the-art LLMs such as Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 4 (GTP-4) have challenges when extracting information from real-world technical documentation without a heavy preprocessing. One such area with real-world technical documentation is telecommunications engineering, which could greatly benefit from domain-specific LLMs. The unique format and overall structure of telecommunications internal specifications differs greatly from standard English and thus it is evident that the application of out-of-the-box Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools is not a viable option. In this article, we outline the limitations of out-of-the-box NLP tools for processing technical information generated by telecommunications experts, and expand the concept of Technical Language Processing (TLP) to the telecommunication domain. Additionally, we explore the effect of domain-specific LLMs in the work of Specification Engineers, emphasizing the potential benefits of adopting domain-specific LLMs to speed up the training of experts in different telecommunications fields.

cross Towards Neural Architecture Search for Transfer Learning in 6G Networks

Authors: Adam Orucu, Farnaz Moradi, Masoumeh Ebrahimi, Andreas Johnsson

Abstract: The future 6G network is envisioned to be AI-native, and as such, ML models will be pervasive in support of optimizing performance, reducing energy consumption, and in coping with increasing complexity and heterogeneity. A key challenge is automating the process of finding optimal model architectures satisfying stringent requirements stemming from varying tasks, dynamicity and available resources in the infrastructure and deployment positions. In this paper, we describe and review the state-of-the-art in Neural Architecture Search and Transfer Learning and their applicability in networking. Further, we identify open research challenges and set directions with a specific focus on three main requirements with elements unique to the future network, namely combining NAS and TL, multi-objective search, and tabular data. Finally, we outline and discuss both near-term and long-term work ahead.

cross Linguistic Fingerprint in Transformer Models: How Language Variation Influences Parameter Selection in Irony Detection

Authors: Michele Mastromattei, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

Abstract: This paper explores the correlation between linguistic diversity, sentiment analysis and transformer model architectures. We aim to investigate how different English variations impact transformer-based models for irony detection. To conduct our study, we used the EPIC corpus to extract five diverse English variation-specific datasets and applied the KEN pruning algorithm on five different architectures. Our results reveal several similarities between optimal subnetworks, which provide insights into the linguistic variations that share strong resemblances and those that exhibit greater dissimilarities. We discovered that optimal subnetworks across models share at least 60% of their parameters, emphasizing the significance of parameter values in capturing and interpreting linguistic variations. This study highlights the inherent structural similarities between models trained on different variants of the same language and also the critical role of parameter values in capturing these nuances.

cross Progressive Confident Masking Attention Network for Audio-Visual Segmentation

Authors: Yuxuan Wang, Feng Dong, Jinchao Zhu

Abstract: Audio and visual signals typically occur simultaneously, and humans possess an innate ability to correlate and synchronize information from these two modalities. Recently, a challenging problem known as Audio-Visual Segmentation (AVS) has emerged, intending to produce segmentation maps for sounding objects within a scene. However, the methods proposed so far have not sufficiently integrated audio and visual information, and the computational costs have been extremely high. Additionally, the outputs of different stages have not been fully utilized. To facilitate this research, we introduce a novel Progressive Confident Masking Attention Network (PMCANet). It leverages attention mechanisms to uncover the intrinsic correlations between audio signals and visual frames. Furthermore, we design an efficient and effective cross-attention module to enhance semantic perception by selecting query tokens. This selection is determined through confidence-driven units based on the network's multi-stage predictive outputs. Experiments demonstrate that our network outperforms other AVS methods while requiring less computational resources.

cross Flash Diffusion: Accelerating Any Conditional Diffusion Model for Few Steps Image Generation

Authors: Clement Chadebec, Onur Tasar, Eyal Benaroche, Benjamin Aubin

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an efficient, fast, and versatile distillation method to accelerate the generation of pre-trained diffusion models: Flash Diffusion. The method reaches state-of-the-art performances in terms of FID and CLIP-Score for few steps image generation on the COCO2014 and COCO2017 datasets, while requiring only several GPU hours of training and fewer trainable parameters than existing methods. In addition to its efficiency, the versatility of the method is also exposed across several tasks such as text-to-image, inpainting, face-swapping, super-resolution and using different backbones such as UNet-based denoisers (SD1.5, SDXL) or DiT (Pixart-$\alpha$), as well as adapters. In all cases, the method allowed to reduce drastically the number of sampling steps while maintaining very high-quality image generation. The official implementation is available at


cross CADE: Cosine Annealing Differential Evolution for Spiking Neural Network

Authors: Runhua Jiang, Guodong Du, Shuyang Yu, Yifei Guo, Sim Kuan Goh, Ho-Kin Tang

Abstract: Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have gained prominence for their potential in neuromorphic computing and energy-efficient artificial intelligence, yet optimizing them remains a formidable challenge for gradient-based methods due to their discrete, spike-based computation. This paper attempts to tackle the challenges by introducing Cosine Annealing Differential Evolution (CADE), designed to modulate the mutation factor (F) and crossover rate (CR) of differential evolution (DE) for the SNN model, i.e., Spiking Element Wise (SEW) ResNet. Extensive empirical evaluations were conducted to analyze CADE. CADE showed a balance in exploring and exploiting the search space, resulting in accelerated convergence and improved accuracy compared to existing gradient-based and DE-based methods. Moreover, an initialization method based on a transfer learning setting was developed, pretraining on a source dataset (i.e., CIFAR-10) and fine-tuning the target dataset (i.e., CIFAR-100), to improve population diversity. It was found to further enhance CADE for SNN. Remarkably, CADE elevates the performance of the highest accuracy SEW model by an additional 0.52 percentage points, underscoring its effectiveness in fine-tuning and enhancing SNNs. These findings emphasize the pivotal role of a scheduler for F and CR adjustment, especially for DE-based SNN. Source Code on Github:


cross LlamaCare: A Large Medical Language Model for Enhancing Healthcare Knowledge Sharing

Authors: Maojun Sun

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown amazing capabilities in knowledge memorization and the present. However, when it comes to domain-specific knowledge and downstream tasks like medical, general LLMs are often unable to give precise answers. In addition, when people want LLMs to answer classification questions, they usually go through instruction tuning first. However, LLMs do not always give a direct index of the categorization after instruction tuning. In this paper, we proposed LlamaCare, a fine-tuned medical language model, and Extended Classification Integration(ECI), a module to handle classification problems of LLMs. Our contributions are : (i) We fine-tuned a large language model of medical knowledge with very low carbon emissions and achieved similar performance with ChatGPT by a 24G GPU. (ii) We solved the problem of redundant categorical answers and improved the performance of LLMs by proposing a new module called Extended Classification Integration. (iii) We released our processed data for one-shot and few-shot training for some benchmarks such as PubMedQA and USMLE 1-3 step. Our method achieves a close performance comparable to some state-of-the-art models with the same quantity of parameters on benchmarks, while being more environmentally friendly by using less GPU computation time. Our models, codes, and datasets can be found at \url{}.


cross FedDr+: Stabilizing Dot-regression with Global Feature Distillation for Federated Learning

Authors: Seongyoon Kim, Minchan Jeong, Sungnyun Kim, Sungwoo Cho, Sumyeong Ahn, Se-Young Yun

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a pivotal framework for the development of effective global models (global FL) or personalized models (personalized FL) across clients with heterogeneous, non-iid data distribution. A key challenge in FL is client drift, where data heterogeneity impedes the aggregation of scattered knowledge. Recent studies have tackled the client drift issue by identifying significant divergence in the last classifier layer. To mitigate this divergence, strategies such as freezing the classifier weights and aligning the feature extractor accordingly have proven effective. Although the local alignment between classifier and feature extractor has been studied as a crucial factor in FL, we observe that it may lead the model to overemphasize the observed classes within each client. Thus, our objectives are twofold: (1) enhancing local alignment while (2) preserving the representation of unseen class samples. This approach aims to effectively integrate knowledge from individual clients, thereby improving performance for both global and personalized FL. To achieve this, we introduce a novel algorithm named FedDr+, which empowers local model alignment using dot-regression loss. FedDr+ freezes the classifier as a simplex ETF to align the features and improves aggregated global models by employing a feature distillation mechanism to retain information about unseen/missing classes. Consequently, we provide empirical evidence demonstrating that our algorithm surpasses existing methods that use a frozen classifier to boost alignment across the diverse distribution.

cross Language Models Do Hard Arithmetic Tasks Easily and Hardly Do Easy Arithmetic Tasks

Authors: Andrew Gambardella, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo

Abstract: The ability (and inability) of large language models (LLMs) to perform arithmetic tasks has been the subject of much theoretical and practical debate. We show that LLMs are frequently able to correctly and confidently predict the first digit of n-digit by m-digit multiplication tasks without using chain of thought reasoning, despite these tasks require compounding operations to solve. Simultaneously, LLMs in practice often fail to correctly or confidently predict the last digit of an n-digit by m-digit multiplication, a task equivalent to 1-digit by 1-digit multiplication which can be easily learned or memorized. We show that the latter task can be solved more robustly when the LLM is conditioned on all of the correct higher-order digits, which on average increases the confidence of the correct last digit on 5-digit by 5-digit multiplication tasks using Llama 2-13B by over 230% (0.13 to 0.43) and Mistral-7B by 150% (0.22 to 0.55).

cross The complexity of approximate (coarse) correlated equilibrium for incomplete information games

Authors: Binghui Peng, Aviad Rubinstein

Abstract: We study the iteration complexity of decentralized learning of approximate correlated equilibria in incomplete information games. On the negative side, we prove that in $\mathit{extensive}$-$\mathit{form}$ $\mathit{games}$, assuming $\mathsf{PPAD} \not\subset \mathsf{TIME}(n^{\mathsf{polylog}(n)})$, any polynomial-time learning algorithms must take at least $2^{\log_2^{1-o(1)}(|\mathcal{I}|)}$ iterations to converge to the set of $\epsilon$-approximate correlated equilibrium, where $|\mathcal{I}|$ is the number of nodes in the game and $\epsilon > 0$ is an absolute constant. This nearly matches, up to the $o(1)$ term, the algorithms of [PR'24, DDFG'24] for learning $\epsilon$-approximate correlated equilibrium, and resolves an open question of Anagnostides, Kalavasis, Sandholm, and Zampetakis [AKSZ'24]. Our lower bound holds even for the easier solution concept of $\epsilon$-approximate $\mathit{coarse}$ correlated equilibrium On the positive side, we give uncoupled dynamics that reach $\epsilon$-approximate correlated equilibria of a $\mathit{Bayesian}$ $\mathit{game}$ in polylogarithmic iterations, without any dependence of the number of types. This demonstrates a separation between Bayesian games and extensive-form games.

cross Temporal Graph Rewiring with Expander Graphs

Authors: Katarina Petrovi\'c, Shenyang Huang, Farimah Poursafaei, Petar Veli\v{c}kovi\'c

Abstract: Evolving relations in real-world networks are often modelled by temporal graphs. Graph rewiring techniques have been utilised on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to improve expressiveness and increase model performance. In this work, we propose Temporal Graph Rewiring (TGR), the first approach for graph rewiring on temporal graphs. TGR enables communication between temporally distant nodes in a continuous time dynamic graph by utilising expander graph propagation to construct a message passing highway for message passing between distant nodes. Expander graphs are suitable candidates for rewiring as they help overcome the oversquashing problem often observed in GNNs. On the public tgbl-wiki benchmark, we show that TGR improves the performance of a widely used TGN model by a significant margin. Our code repository is accessible at .


cross Finding NeMo: Localizing Neurons Responsible For Memorization in Diffusion Models

Authors: Dominik Hintersdorf, Lukas Struppek, Kristian Kersting, Adam Dziedzic, Franziska Boenisch

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) produce very detailed and high-quality images. Their power results from extensive training on large amounts of data, usually scraped from the internet without proper attribution or consent from content creators. Unfortunately, this practice raises privacy and intellectual property concerns, as DMs can memorize and later reproduce their potentially sensitive or copyrighted training images at inference time. Prior efforts prevent this issue by either changing the input to the diffusion process, thereby preventing the DM from generating memorized samples during inference, or removing the memorized data from training altogether. While those are viable solutions when the DM is developed and deployed in a secure and constantly monitored environment, they hold the risk of adversaries circumventing the safeguards and are not effective when the DM itself is publicly released. To solve the problem, we introduce NeMo, the first method to localize memorization of individual data samples down to the level of neurons in DMs' cross-attention layers. Through our experiments, we make the intriguing finding that in many cases, single neurons are responsible for memorizing particular training samples. By deactivating these memorization neurons, we can avoid the replication of training data at inference time, increase the diversity in the generated outputs, and mitigate the leakage of private and copyrighted data. In this way, our NeMo contributes to a more responsible deployment of DMs.

cross XRec: Large Language Models for Explainable Recommendation

Authors: Qiyao Ma, Xubin Ren, Chao Huang

Abstract: Recommender systems help users navigate information overload by providing personalized recommendations aligned with their preferences. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a widely adopted approach, but while advanced techniques like graph neural networks (GNNs) and self-supervised learning (SSL) have enhanced CF models for better user representations, they often lack the ability to provide explanations for the recommended items. Explainable recommendations aim to address this gap by offering transparency and insights into the recommendation decision-making process, enhancing users' understanding. This work leverages the language capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to push the boundaries of explainable recommender systems. We introduce a model-agnostic framework called XRec, which enables LLMs to provide comprehensive explanations for user behaviors in recommender systems. By integrating collaborative signals and designing a lightweight collaborative adaptor, the framework empowers LLMs to understand complex patterns in user-item interactions and gain a deeper understanding of user preferences. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of XRec, showcasing its ability to generate comprehensive and meaningful explanations that outperform baseline approaches in explainable recommender systems. We open-source our model implementation at


cross Kirigami: large convolutional kernels improve deep learning-based RNA secondary structure prediction

Authors: Marc Harary, Chengxin Zhang, Anna Marie Pyle

Abstract: We introduce a novel fully convolutional neural network (FCN) architecture for predicting the secondary structure of ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules. Interpreting RNA structures as weighted graphs, we employ deep learning to estimate the probability of base pairing between nucleotide residues. Unique to our model are its massive 11-pixel kernels, which we argue provide a distinct advantage for FCNs on the specialized domain of RNA secondary structures. On a widely adopted, standardized test set comprised of 1,305 molecules, the accuracy of our method exceeds that of current state-of-the-art (SOTA) secondary structure prediction software, achieving a Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) over 11-40% higher than that of other leading methods on overall structures and 58-400% higher on pseudoknots specifically.

cross Learning to Edit Visual Programs with Self-Supervision

Authors: R. Kenny Jones, Renhao Zhang, Aditya Ganeshan, Daniel Ritchie

Abstract: We design a system that learns how to edit visual programs. Our edit network consumes a complete input program and a visual target. From this input, we task our network with predicting a local edit operation that could be applied to the input program to improve its similarity to the target. In order to apply this scheme for domains that lack program annotations, we develop a self-supervised learning approach that integrates this edit network into a bootstrapped finetuning loop along with a network that predicts entire programs in one-shot. Our joint finetuning scheme, when coupled with an inference procedure that initializes a population from the one-shot model and evolves members of this population with the edit network, helps to infer more accurate visual programs. Over multiple domains, we experimentally compare our method against the alternative of using only the one-shot model, and find that even under equal search-time budgets, our editing-based paradigm provides significant advantages.

cross Multiple Choice Questions and Large Languages Models: A Case Study with Fictional Medical Data

Authors: Maxime Griot, Jean Vanderdonckt, Demet Yuksel, Coralie Hemptinne

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT demonstrate significant potential in the medical field, often evaluated using multiple-choice questions (MCQs) similar to those found on the USMLE. Despite their prevalence in medical education, MCQs have limitations that might be exacerbated when assessing LLMs. To evaluate the effectiveness of MCQs in assessing the performance of LLMs, we developed a fictional medical benchmark focused on a non-existent gland, the Glianorex. This approach allowed us to isolate the knowledge of the LLM from its test-taking abilities. We used GPT-4 to generate a comprehensive textbook on the Glianorex in both English and French and developed corresponding multiple-choice questions in both languages. We evaluated various open-source, proprietary, and domain-specific LLMs using these questions in a zero-shot setting. The models achieved average scores around 67%, with minor performance differences between larger and smaller models. Performance was slightly higher in English than in French. Fine-tuned medical models showed some improvement over their base versions in English but not in French. The uniformly high performance across models suggests that traditional MCQ-based benchmarks may not accurately measure LLMs' clinical knowledge and reasoning abilities, instead highlighting their pattern recognition skills. This study underscores the need for more robust evaluation methods to better assess the true capabilities of LLMs in medical contexts.

cross The Scandinavian Embedding Benchmarks: Comprehensive Assessment of Multilingual and Monolingual Text Embedding

Authors: Kenneth Enevoldsen, M\'arton Kardos, Niklas Muennighoff, Kristoffer Laigaard Nielbo

Abstract: The evaluation of English text embeddings has transitioned from evaluating a handful of datasets to broad coverage across many tasks through benchmarks such as MTEB. However, this is not the case for multilingual text embeddings due to a lack of available benchmarks. To address this problem, we introduce the Scandinavian Embedding Benchmark (SEB). SEB is a comprehensive framework that enables text embedding evaluation for Scandinavian languages across 24 tasks, 10 subtasks, and 4 task categories. Building on SEB, we evaluate more than 26 models, uncovering significant performance disparities between public and commercial solutions not previously captured by MTEB. We open-source SEB and integrate it with MTEB, thus bridging the text embedding evaluation gap for Scandinavian languages.

cross Explainable Deep Learning Analysis for Raga Identification in Indian Art Music

Authors: Parampreet Singh, Vipul Arora

Abstract: The task of Raga Identification is a very popular research problem in Music Information Retrieval. Few studies that have explored this task employed various approaches, such as signal processing, Machine Learning (ML) methods, and more recently Deep Learning (DL) based methods. However, a key question remains unanswered in all of these works: do these ML/DL methods learn and interpret Ragas in a manner similar to human experts? Besides, a significant roadblock in this research is the unavailability of ample supply of rich, labeled datasets, which drives these ML/DL based methods. In this paper, we introduce "Prasarbharti Indian Music" version-1 (PIM-v1), a novel dataset comprising of 191 hours of meticulously labeled Hindustani Classical Music (HCM) recordings, which is the largest labeled dataset for HCM recordings to the best of our knowledge. Our approach involves conducting ablation studies to find the benchmark classification model for Automatic Raga Identification (ARI) using PIM-v1 dataset. We achieve a chunk-wise f1-score of 0.89 for a subset of 12 Raga classes. Subsequently, we employ model explainability techniques to evaluate the classifier's predictions, aiming to ascertain whether they align with human understanding of Ragas or are driven by arbitrary patterns. We validate the correctness of model's predictions by comparing the explanations given by two ExAI models with human expert annotations. Following this, we analyze explanations for individual test examples to understand the role of regions highlighted by explanations in correct or incorrect predictions made by the model.

cross Representations as Language: An Information-Theoretic Framework for Interpretability

Authors: Henry Conklin, Kenny Smith

Abstract: Large scale neural models show impressive performance across a wide array of linguistic tasks. Despite this they remain, largely, black-boxes - inducing vector-representations of their input that prove difficult to interpret. This limits our ability to understand what they learn, and when the learn it, or describe what kinds of representations generalise well out of distribution. To address this we introduce a novel approach to interpretability that looks at the mapping a model learns from sentences to representations as a kind of language in its own right. In doing so we introduce a set of information-theoretic measures that quantify how structured a model's representations are with respect to its input, and when during training that structure arises. Our measures are fast to compute, grounded in linguistic theory, and can predict which models will generalise best based on their representations. We use these measures to describe two distinct phases of training a transformer: an initial phase of in-distribution learning which reduces task loss, then a second stage where representations becoming robust to noise. Generalisation performance begins to increase during this second phase, drawing a link between generalisation and robustness to noise. Finally we look at how model size affects the structure of the representational space, showing that larger models ultimately compress their representations more than their smaller counterparts.

cross A Generalized Apprenticeship Learning Framework for Modeling Heterogeneous Student Pedagogical Strategies

Authors: Md Mirajul Islam, Xi Yang, John Hostetter, Adittya Soukarjya Saha, Min Chi

Abstract: A key challenge in e-learning environments like Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) is to induce effective pedagogical policies efficiently. While Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) often suffers from sample inefficiency and reward function design difficulty, Apprenticeship Learning(AL) algorithms can overcome them. However, most AL algorithms can not handle heterogeneity as they assume all demonstrations are generated with a homogeneous policy driven by a single reward function. Still, some AL algorithms which consider heterogeneity, often can not generalize to large continuous state space and only work with discrete states. In this paper, we propose an expectation-maximization(EM)-EDM, a general AL framework to induce effective pedagogical policies from given optimal or near-optimal demonstrations, which are assumed to be driven by heterogeneous reward functions. We compare the effectiveness of the policies induced by our proposed EM-EDM against four AL-based baselines and two policies induced by DRL on two different but related tasks that involve pedagogical action prediction. Our overall results showed that, for both tasks, EM-EDM outperforms the four AL baselines across all performance metrics and the two DRL baselines. This suggests that EM-EDM can effectively model complex student pedagogical decision-making processes through the ability to manage a large, continuous state space and adapt to handle diverse and heterogeneous reward functions with very few given demonstrations.

cross Learning Image Priors through Patch-based Diffusion Models for Solving Inverse Problems

Authors: Jason Hu, Bowen Song, Xiaojian Xu, Liyue Shen, Jeffrey A. Fessler

Abstract: Diffusion models can learn strong image priors from underlying data distribution and use them to solve inverse problems, but the training process is computationally expensive and requires lots of data. Such bottlenecks prevent most existing works from being feasible for high-dimensional and high-resolution data such as 3D images. This paper proposes a method to learn an efficient data prior for the entire image by training diffusion models only on patches of images. Specifically, we propose a patch-based position-aware diffusion inverse solver, called PaDIS, where we obtain the score function of the whole image through scores of patches and their positional encoding and utilize this as the prior for solving inverse problems. First of all, we show that this diffusion model achieves an improved memory efficiency and data efficiency while still maintaining the capability to generate entire images via positional encoding. Additionally, the proposed PaDIS model is highly flexible and can be plugged in with different diffusion inverse solvers (DIS). We demonstrate that the proposed PaDIS approach enables solving various inverse problems in both natural and medical image domains, including CT reconstruction, deblurring, and superresolution, given only patch-based priors. Notably, PaDIS outperforms previous DIS methods trained on entire image priors in the case of limited training data, demonstrating the data efficiency of our proposed approach by learning patch-based prior.

cross Meta-Learners for Partially-Identified Treatment Effects Across Multiple Environments

Authors: Jonas Schweisthal, Dennis Frauen, Mihaela van der Schaar, Stefan Feuerriegel

Abstract: Estimating the conditional average treatment effect (CATE) from observational data is relevant for many applications such as personalized medicine. Here, we focus on the widespread setting where the observational data come from multiple environments, such as different hospitals, physicians, or countries. Furthermore, we allow for violations of standard causal assumptions, namely, overlap within the environments and unconfoundedness. To this end, we move away from point identification and focus on partial identification. Specifically, we show that current assumptions from the literature on multiple environments allow us to interpret the environment as an instrumental variable (IV). This allows us to adapt bounds from the IV literature for partial identification of CATE by leveraging treatment assignment mechanisms across environments. Then, we propose different model-agnostic learners (so-called meta-learners) to estimate the bounds that can be used in combination with arbitrary machine learning models. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our meta-learners across various experiments using both simulated and real-world data. Finally, we discuss the applicability of our meta-learners to partial identification in instrumental variable settings, such as randomized controlled trials with non-compliance.

cross An Empirical Study into Clustering of Unseen Datasets with Self-Supervised Encoders

Authors: Scott C. Lowe, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Sageev Oore, Thomas B. Moeslund, Graham W. Taylor

Abstract: Can pretrained models generalize to new datasets without any retraining? We deploy pretrained image models on datasets they were not trained for, and investigate whether their embeddings form meaningful clusters. Our suite of benchmarking experiments use encoders pretrained solely on ImageNet-1k with either supervised or self-supervised training techniques, deployed on image datasets that were not seen during training, and clustered with conventional clustering algorithms. This evaluation provides new insights into the embeddings of self-supervised models, which prioritize different features to supervised models. Supervised encoders typically offer more utility than SSL encoders within the training domain, and vice-versa far outside of it, however, fine-tuned encoders demonstrate the opposite trend. Clustering provides a way to evaluate the utility of self-supervised learned representations orthogonal to existing methods such as kNN. Additionally, we find the silhouette score when measured in a UMAP-reduced space is highly correlated with clustering performance, and can therefore be used as a proxy for clustering performance on data with no ground truth labels. Our code implementation is available at \url{}.


cross Fairness Evolution in Continual Learning for Medical Imaging

Authors: Marina Ceccon, Davide Dalle Pezze, Alessandro Fabris, Gian Antonio Susto

Abstract: Deep Learning (DL) has made significant strides in various medical applications in recent years, achieving remarkable results. In the field of medical imaging, DL models can assist doctors in disease diagnosis by classifying pathologies in Chest X-ray images. However, training on new data to expand model capabilities and adapt to distribution shifts is a notable challenge these models face. Continual Learning (CL) has emerged as a solution to this challenge, enabling models to adapt to new data while retaining knowledge gained from previous experiences. Previous studies have analyzed the behavior of CL strategies in medical imaging regarding classification performance. However, when considering models that interact with sensitive information, such as in the medical domain, it is imperative to disaggregate the performance of socially salient groups. Indeed, DL algorithms can exhibit biases against certain sub-populations, leading to discrepancies in predictive performance across different groups identified by sensitive attributes such as age, race/ethnicity, sex/gender, and socioeconomic status. In this study, we go beyond the typical assessment of classification performance in CL and study bias evolution over successive tasks with domain-specific fairness metrics. Specifically, we evaluate the CL strategies using the well-known CheXpert (CXP) and ChestX-ray14 (NIH) datasets. We consider a class incremental scenario of five tasks with 12 pathologies. We evaluate the Replay, Learning without Forgetting (LwF), LwF Replay, and Pseudo-Label strategies. LwF and Pseudo-Label exhibit optimal classification performance, but when including fairness metrics in the evaluation, it is clear that Pseudo-Label is less biased. For this reason, this strategy should be preferred when considering real-world scenarios in which it is crucial to consider the fairness of the model.

cross How Do Neural Spoofing Countermeasures Detect Partially Spoofed Audio?

Authors: Tianchi Liu, Lin Zhang, Rohan Kumar Das, Yi Ma, Ruijie Tao, Haizhou Li

Abstract: Partially manipulating a sentence can greatly change its meaning. Recent work shows that countermeasures (CMs) trained on partially spoofed audio can effectively detect such spoofing. However, the current understanding of the decision-making process of CMs is limited. We utilize Grad-CAM and introduce a quantitative analysis metric to interpret CMs' decisions. We find that CMs prioritize the artifacts of transition regions created when concatenating bona fide and spoofed audio. This focus differs from that of CMs trained on fully spoofed audio, which concentrate on the pattern differences between bona fide and spoofed parts. Our further investigation explains the varying nature of CMs' focus while making correct or incorrect predictions. These insights provide a basis for the design of CM models and the creation of datasets. Moreover, this work lays a foundation of interpretability in the field of partial spoofed audio detection that has not been well explored previously.

cross Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for Time Series: Bridging Predictive Power and Interpretability

Authors: Kunpeng Xu, Lifei Chen, Shengrui Wang

Abstract: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) is a groundbreaking model recently proposed by the MIT team, representing a revolutionary approach with the potential to be a game-changer in the field. This innovative concept has rapidly garnered worldwide interest within the AI community. Inspired by the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem, KAN utilizes spline-parametrized univariate functions in place of traditional linear weights, enabling them to dynamically learn activation patterns and significantly enhancing interpretability. In this paper, we explore the application of KAN to time series forecasting and propose two variants: T-KAN and MT-KAN. T-KAN is designed to detect concept drift within time series and can explain the nonlinear relationships between predictions and previous time steps through symbolic regression, making it highly interpretable in dynamically changing environments. MT-KAN, on the other hand, improves predictive performance by effectively uncovering and leveraging the complex relationships among variables in multivariate time series. Experiments validate the effectiveness of these approaches, demonstrating that T-KAN and MT-KAN significantly outperform traditional methods in time series forecasting tasks, not only enhancing predictive accuracy but also improving model interpretability. This research opens new avenues for adaptive forecasting models, highlighting the potential of KAN as a powerful and interpretable tool in predictive analytics.

cross Dropout MPC: An Ensemble Neural MPC Approach for Systems with Learned Dynamics

Authors: Spyridon Syntakas, Kostas Vlachos

Abstract: Neural networks are lately more and more often being used in the context of data-driven control, as an approximate model of the true system dynamics. Model Predictive Control (MPC) adopts this practise leading to neural MPC strategies. This raises a question of whether the trained neural network has converged and generalized in a way that the learned model encapsulates an accurate approximation of the true dynamic model of the system, thus making it a reliable choice for model-based control, especially for disturbed and uncertain systems. To tackle that, we propose Dropout MPC, a novel sampling-based ensemble neural MPC algorithm that employs the Monte-Carlo dropout technique on the learned system model. The closed loop is based on an ensemble of predictive controllers, that are used simultaneously at each time-step for trajectory optimization. Each member of the ensemble influences the control input, based on a weighted voting scheme, thus by employing different realizations of the learned system dynamics, neural control becomes more reliable by design. An additional strength of the method is that it offers by design a way to estimate future uncertainty, leading to cautious control. While the method aims in general at uncertain systems with complex dynamics, where models derived from first principles are hard to infer, to showcase the application we utilize data gathered in the laboratory from a real mobile manipulator and employ the proposed algorithm for the navigation of the robot in simulation.

cross Demystifying the Compression of Mixture-of-Experts Through a Unified Framework

Authors: Shwai He, Daize Dong, Liang Ding, Ang Li

Abstract: Scaling large language models has revolutionized the performance across diverse domains, yet the continual growth in model size poses significant challenges for real-world deployment. The Mixture of Experts (MoE) approach addresses this by dynamically selecting and activating only a subset of experts, significantly reducing computational costs while maintaining high performance. However, MoE introduces potential redundancy (e.g., parameters) and extra costs (e.g., communication overhead). Despite numerous compression techniques developed for mitigating the redundancy in dense models, the compression of MoE remains under-explored. We first bridge this gap with a cutting-edge unified framework that not only seamlessly integrates mainstream compression methods but also helps systematically understand MoE compression. This framework approaches compression from two perspectives: Expert Slimming which compresses individual experts and Expert Trimming which removes structured modules. Within this framework, we explore the optimization space unexplored by existing methods,and further introduce aggressive Expert Trimming techniques, i.e., Layer Drop and Block Drop, to eliminate redundancy at larger scales. Based on these insights,we present a comprehensive recipe to guide practitioners in compressing MoE effectively. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the compression methods under our framework and the proposed recipe, achieving a 6.05x speedup and only 20.0GB memory usage while maintaining over 92% of performance on Mixtral-8x7B.

cross Guiding a Diffusion Model with a Bad Version of Itself

Authors: Tero Karras, Miika Aittala, Tuomas Kynk\"a\"anniemi, Jaakko Lehtinen, Timo Aila, Samuli Laine

Abstract: The primary axes of interest in image-generating diffusion models are image quality, the amount of variation in the results, and how well the results align with a given condition, e.g., a class label or a text prompt. The popular classifier-free guidance approach uses an unconditional model to guide a conditional model, leading to simultaneously better prompt alignment and higher-quality images at the cost of reduced variation. These effects seem inherently entangled, and thus hard to control. We make the surprising observation that it is possible to obtain disentangled control over image quality without compromising the amount of variation by guiding generation using a smaller, less-trained version of the model itself rather than an unconditional model. This leads to significant improvements in ImageNet generation, setting record FIDs of 1.01 for 64x64 and 1.25 for 512x512, using publicly available networks. Furthermore, the method is also applicable to unconditional diffusion models, drastically improving their quality.

cross V-Express: Conditional Dropout for Progressive Training of Portrait Video Generation

Authors: Cong Wang, Kuan Tian, Jun Zhang, Yonghang Guan, Feng Luo, Fei Shen, Zhiwei Jiang, Qing Gu, Xiao Han, Wei Yang

Abstract: In the field of portrait video generation, the use of single images to generate portrait videos has become increasingly prevalent. A common approach involves leveraging generative models to enhance adapters for controlled generation. However, control signals (e.g., text, audio, reference image, pose, depth map, etc.) can vary in strength. Among these, weaker conditions often struggle to be effective due to interference from stronger conditions, posing a challenge in balancing these conditions. In our work on portrait video generation, we identified audio signals as particularly weak, often overshadowed by stronger signals such as facial pose and reference image. However, direct training with weak signals often leads to difficulties in convergence. To address this, we propose V-Express, a simple method that balances different control signals through the progressive training and the conditional dropout operation. Our method gradually enables effective control by weak conditions, thereby achieving generation capabilities that simultaneously take into account the facial pose, reference image, and audio. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can effectively generate portrait videos controlled by audio. Furthermore, a potential solution is provided for the simultaneous and effective use of conditions of varying strengths.

cross RoboCasa: Large-Scale Simulation of Everyday Tasks for Generalist Robots

Authors: Soroush Nasiriany, Abhiram Maddukuri, Lance Zhang, Adeet Parikh, Aaron Lo, Abhishek Joshi, Ajay Mandlekar, Yuke Zhu

Abstract: Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have largely been propelled by scaling. In Robotics, scaling is hindered by the lack of access to massive robot datasets. We advocate using realistic physical simulation as a means to scale environments, tasks, and datasets for robot learning methods. We present RoboCasa, a large-scale simulation framework for training generalist robots in everyday environments. RoboCasa features realistic and diverse scenes focusing on kitchen environments. We provide thousands of 3D assets across over 150 object categories and dozens of interactable furniture and appliances. We enrich the realism and diversity of our simulation with generative AI tools, such as object assets from text-to-3D models and environment textures from text-to-image models. We design a set of 100 tasks for systematic evaluation, including composite tasks generated by the guidance of large language models. To facilitate learning, we provide high-quality human demonstrations and integrate automated trajectory generation methods to substantially enlarge our datasets with minimal human burden. Our experiments show a clear scaling trend in using synthetically generated robot data for large-scale imitation learning and show great promise in harnessing simulation data in real-world tasks. Videos and open-source code are available at


cross ReLUs Are Sufficient for Learning Implicit Neural Representations

Authors: Joseph Shenouda, Yamin Zhou, Robert D. Nowak

Abstract: Motivated by the growing theoretical understanding of neural networks that employ the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) as their activation function, we revisit the use of ReLU activation functions for learning implicit neural representations (INRs). Inspired by second order B-spline wavelets, we incorporate a set of simple constraints to the ReLU neurons in each layer of a deep neural network (DNN) to remedy the spectral bias. This in turn enables its use for various INR tasks. Empirically, we demonstrate that, contrary to popular belief, one can learn state-of-the-art INRs based on a DNN composed of only ReLU neurons. Next, by leveraging recent theoretical works which characterize the kinds of functions ReLU neural networks learn, we provide a way to quantify the regularity of the learned function. This offers a principled approach to selecting the hyperparameters in INR architectures. We substantiate our claims through experiments in signal representation, super resolution, and computed tomography, demonstrating the versatility and effectiveness of our method. The code for all experiments can be found at


cross Enhancing predictive imaging biomarker discovery through treatment effect analysis

Authors: Shuhan Xiao, Lukas Klein, Jens Petersen, Philipp Vollmuth, Paul F. Jaeger, Klaus H. Maier-Hein

Abstract: Identifying predictive biomarkers, which forecast individual treatment effectiveness, is crucial for personalized medicine and informs decision-making across diverse disciplines. These biomarkers are extracted from pre-treatment data, often within randomized controlled trials, and have to be distinguished from prognostic biomarkers, which are independent of treatment assignment. Our study focuses on the discovery of predictive imaging biomarkers, aiming to leverage pre-treatment images to unveil new causal relationships. Previous approaches relied on labor-intensive handcrafted or manually derived features, which may introduce biases. In response, we present a new task of discovering predictive imaging biomarkers directly from the pre-treatment images to learn relevant image features. We propose an evaluation protocol for this task to assess a model's ability to identify predictive imaging biomarkers and differentiate them from prognostic ones. It employs statistical testing and a comprehensive analysis of image feature attribution. We explore the suitability of deep learning models originally designed for estimating the conditional average treatment effect (CATE) for this task, which previously have been primarily assessed for the precision of CATE estimation, overlooking the evaluation of imaging biomarker discovery. Our proof-of-concept analysis demonstrates promising results in discovering and validating predictive imaging biomarkers from synthetic outcomes and real-world image datasets.

cross Parrot: Multilingual Visual Instruction Tuning

Authors: Hai-Long Sun, Da-Wei Zhou, Yang Li, Shiyin Lu, Chao Yi, Qing-Guo Chen, Zhao Xu, Weihua Luo, Kaifu Zhang, De-Chuan Zhan, Han-Jia Ye

Abstract: The rapid development of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) like GPT-4V has marked a significant step towards artificial general intelligence. Existing methods mainly focus on aligning vision encoders with LLMs through supervised fine-tuning (SFT) to endow LLMs with multimodal abilities, making MLLMs' inherent ability to react to multiple languages progressively deteriorate as the training process evolves. We empirically find that the imbalanced SFT datasets, primarily composed of English-centric image-text pairs, lead to significantly reduced performance in non-English languages. This is due to the failure of aligning the vision encoder and LLM with multilingual tokens during the SFT process. In this paper, we introduce Parrot, a novel method that utilizes textual guidance to drive visual token alignment at the language level. Parrot makes the visual tokens condition on diverse language inputs and uses Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) to promote the alignment of multilingual tokens. Specifically, to enhance non-English visual tokens alignment, we compute the cross-attention using the initial visual features and textual embeddings, the result of which is then fed into the MoE router to select the most relevant experts. The selected experts subsequently convert the initial visual tokens into language-specific visual tokens. Moreover, considering the current lack of benchmarks for evaluating multilingual capabilities within the field, we collect and make available a Massive Multilingual Multimodal Benchmark which includes 6 languages, 15 categories, and 12,000 questions, named as MMMB. Our method not only demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on multilingual MMBench and MMMB, but also excels across a broad range of multimodal tasks. Both the source code and the training dataset of Parrot will be made publicly available.

cross To Believe or Not to Believe Your LLM

Authors: Yasin Abbasi Yadkori, Ilja Kuzborskij, Andr\'as Gy\"orgy, Csaba Szepesv\'ari

Abstract: We explore uncertainty quantification in large language models (LLMs), with the goal to identify when uncertainty in responses given a query is large. We simultaneously consider both epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties, where the former comes from the lack of knowledge about the ground truth (such as about facts or the language), and the latter comes from irreducible randomness (such as multiple possible answers). In particular, we derive an information-theoretic metric that allows to reliably detect when only epistemic uncertainty is large, in which case the output of the model is unreliable. This condition can be computed based solely on the output of the model obtained simply by some special iterative prompting based on the previous responses. Such quantification, for instance, allows to detect hallucinations (cases when epistemic uncertainty is high) in both single- and multi-answer responses. This is in contrast to many standard uncertainty quantification strategies (such as thresholding the log-likelihood of a response) where hallucinations in the multi-answer case cannot be detected. We conduct a series of experiments which demonstrate the advantage of our formulation. Further, our investigations shed some light on how the probabilities assigned to a given output by an LLM can be amplified by iterative prompting, which might be of independent interest.

replace A Framework for Neurosymbolic Robot Action Planning using Large Language Models

Authors: Alessio Capitanelli, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni

Abstract: Symbolic task planning is a widely used approach to enforce robot autonomy due to its ease of understanding and deployment in robot architectures. However, techniques for symbolic task planning are difficult to scale in real-world, human-robot collaboration scenarios because of the poor performance in complex planning domains or when frequent re-planning is needed. We present a framework, Teriyaki, specifically aimed at bridging the gap between symbolic task planning and machine learning approaches. The rationale is training Large Language Models (LLMs), namely GPT-3, into a neurosymbolic task planner compatible with the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL), and then leveraging its generative capabilities to overcome a number of limitations inherent to symbolic task planners. Potential benefits include (i) a better scalability in so far as the planning domain complexity increases, since LLMs' response time linearly scales with the combined length of the input and the output, and (ii) the ability to synthesize a plan action-by-action instead of end-to-end, making each action available for execution as soon as it is generated instead of waiting for the whole plan to be available, which in turn enables concurrent planning and execution. Recently, significant efforts have been devoted by the research community to evaluate the cognitive capabilities of LLMs, with alternate successes. Instead, with Teriyaki we aim to provide an overall planning performance comparable to traditional planners in specific planning domains, while leveraging LLMs capabilities to build a look-ahead predictive planning model. Preliminary results in selected domains show that our method can: (i) solve 95.5% of problems in a test data set of 1,000 samples; (ii) produce plans up to 13.5% shorter than a traditional symbolic planner; (iii) reduce average overall waiting times for a plan availability by up to 61.4%

replace Games for Artificial Intelligence Research: A Review and Perspectives

Authors: Chengpeng Hu, Yunlong Zhao, Ziqi Wang, Haocheng Du, Jialin Liu

Abstract: Games have been the perfect test-beds for artificial intelligence research for the characteristics that widely exist in real-world scenarios. Learning and optimisation, decision making in dynamic and uncertain environments, game theory, planning and scheduling, design and education are common research areas shared between games and real-world problems. Numerous open-source games or game-based environments have been implemented for studying artificial intelligence. In addition to single- or multi-player, collaborative or adversarial games, there has also been growing interest in implementing platforms for creative design in recent years. Those platforms provide ideal benchmarks for exploring and comparing artificial intelligence ideas and techniques. This paper reviews the games and game-based platforms for artificial intelligence research, provides guidance on matching particular types of artificial intelligence with suitable games for testing and matching particular needs in games with suitable artificial intelligence techniques, discusses the research trend induced by the evolution of those games and platforms, and gives an outlook.

replace CompanyKG: A Large-Scale Heterogeneous Graph for Company Similarity Quantification

Authors: Lele Cao, Vilhelm von Ehrenheim, Mark Granroth-Wilding, Richard Anselmo Stahl, Andrew McCornack, Armin Catovic, Dhiana Deva Cavacanti Rocha

Abstract: In the investment industry, it is often essential to carry out fine-grained company similarity quantification for a range of purposes, including market mapping, competitor analysis, and mergers and acquisitions. We propose and publish a knowledge graph, named CompanyKG, to represent and learn diverse company features and relations. Specifically, 1.17 million companies are represented as nodes enriched with company description embeddings; and 15 different inter-company relations result in 51.06 million weighted edges. To enable a comprehensive assessment of methods for company similarity quantification, we have devised and compiled three evaluation tasks with annotated test sets: similarity prediction, competitor retrieval and similarity ranking. We present extensive benchmarking results for 11 reproducible predictive methods categorized into three groups: node-only, edge-only, and node+edge. To the best of our knowledge, CompanyKG is the first large-scale heterogeneous graph dataset originating from a real-world investment platform, tailored for quantifying inter-company similarity.

replace Quality Diversity through Human Feedback: Towards Open-Ended Diversity-Driven Optimization

Authors: Li Ding, Jenny Zhang, Jeff Clune, Lee Spector, Joel Lehman

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has shown potential in qualitative tasks where easily defined performance measures are lacking. However, there are drawbacks when RLHF is commonly used to optimize for average human preferences, especially in generative tasks that demand diverse model responses. Meanwhile, Quality Diversity (QD) algorithms excel at identifying diverse and high-quality solutions but often rely on manually crafted diversity metrics. This paper introduces Quality Diversity through Human Feedback (QDHF), a novel approach that progressively infers diversity metrics from human judgments of similarity among solutions, thereby enhancing the applicability and effectiveness of QD algorithms in complex and open-ended domains. Empirical studies show that QDHF significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in automatic diversity discovery and matches the efficacy of QD with manually crafted diversity metrics on standard benchmarks in robotics and reinforcement learning. Notably, in open-ended generative tasks, QDHF substantially enhances the diversity of text-to-image generation from a diffusion model and is more favorably received in user studies. We conclude by analyzing QDHF's scalability, robustness, and quality of derived diversity metrics, emphasizing its strength in open-ended optimization tasks. Code and tutorials are available at


replace LLMs cannot find reasoning errors, but can correct them given the error location

Authors: Gladys Tyen, Hassan Mansoor, Victor C\u{a}rbune, Peter Chen, Tony Mak

Abstract: While self-correction has shown promise in improving LLM outputs in terms of style and quality (e.g. Chen et al., 2023b; Madaan et al., 2023), recent attempts to self-correct logical or reasoning errors often cause correct answers to become incorrect, resulting in worse performances overall (Huang et al., 2023). In this paper, we show that poor self-correction performance stems from LLMs' inability to find logical mistakes, rather than their ability to correct a known mistake. Firstly, we benchmark several state-of-the-art LLMs on their mistake-finding ability and demonstrate that they generally struggle with the task, even in highly objective, unambiguous cases. Secondly, we test the correction abilities of LLMs -- separately from mistake finding -- using a backtracking setup that feeds ground truth mistake location information to the model. We show that this boosts downstream task performance across our 5 reasoning tasks, indicating that LLMs' correction abilities are robust. Finally, we show that it is possible to obtain mistake location information without ground truth labels or in-domain training data. We train a small classifier with out-of-domain data, which exhibits stronger mistake-finding performance than prompting a large model. We release our dataset of LLM-generated logical mistakes, BIG-Bench Mistake, to enable further research into locating LLM reasoning mistakes.

replace C-RAG: Certified Generation Risks for Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

Authors: Mintong Kang, Nezihe Merve G\"urel, Ning Yu, Dawn Song, Bo Li

Abstract: Despite the impressive capabilities of large language models (LLMs) across diverse applications, they still suffer from trustworthiness issues, such as hallucinations and misalignments. Retrieval-augmented language models (RAG) have been proposed to enhance the credibility of generations by grounding external knowledge, but the theoretical understandings of their generation risks remains unexplored. In this paper, we answer: 1) whether RAG can indeed lead to low generation risks, 2) how to provide provable guarantees on the generation risks of RAG and vanilla LLMs, and 3) what sufficient conditions enable RAG models to reduce generation risks. We propose C-RAG, the first framework to certify generation risks for RAG models. Specifically, we provide conformal risk analysis for RAG models and certify an upper confidence bound of generation risks, which we refer to as conformal generation risk. We also provide theoretical guarantees on conformal generation risks for general bounded risk functions under test distribution shifts. We prove that RAG achieves a lower conformal generation risk than that of a single LLM when the quality of the retrieval model and transformer is non-trivial. Our intensive empirical results demonstrate the soundness and tightness of our conformal generation risk guarantees across four widely-used NLP datasets on four state-of-the-art retrieval models.

replace Introspective Planning: Aligning Robots' Uncertainty with Inherent Task Ambiguity

Authors: Kaiqu Liang, Zixu Zhang, Jaime Fern\'andez Fisac

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit advanced reasoning skills, enabling robots to comprehend natural language instructions and strategically plan high-level actions through proper grounding. However, LLM hallucination may result in robots confidently executing plans that are misaligned with user goals or, in extreme cases, unsafe. Additionally, inherent ambiguity in natural language instructions can induce task uncertainty, particularly in situations where multiple valid options exist. To address this issue, LLMs must identify such uncertainty and proactively seek clarification. This paper explores the concept of introspective planning as a systematic method for guiding LLMs in forming uncertainty--aware plans for robotic task execution without the need for fine-tuning. We investigate uncertainty quantification in task-level robot planning and demonstrate that introspection significantly improves both success rates and safety compared to state-of-the-art LLM-based planning approaches. Furthermore, we assess the effectiveness of introspective planning in conjunction with conformal prediction, revealing that this combination yields tighter confidence bounds, thereby maintaining statistical success guarantees with fewer superfluous user clarification queries. Code is available at


replace Into the Unknown: Self-Learning Large Language Models

Authors: Teddy Ferdinan, Jan Koco\'n, Przemys{\l}aw Kazienko

Abstract: We address the main problem of self-learning LLM: the question of what to learn. We propose a self-learning LLM framework that enables an LLM to independently learn previously unknown knowledge through selfassessment of their own hallucinations. Using the hallucination score, we introduce a new concept of Points in the Unknown (PiUs), along with one extrinsic and three intrinsic methods for automatic PiUs identification. It facilitates the creation of a self-learning loop that focuses exclusively on the knowledge gap in Points in the Unknown, resulting in a reduced hallucination score. We also developed evaluation metrics for gauging an LLM's self-learning capability. Our experiments revealed that 7B-Mistral models that have been finetuned or aligned and RWKV5-Eagle are capable of self-learning considerably well. Our self-learning concept allows more efficient LLM updates and opens new perspectives for knowledge exchange. It may also increase public trust in AI.

replace Unraveling and Mitigating Retriever Inconsistencies in Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Authors: Mingda Li, Xinyu Li, Yifan Chen, Wenfeng Xuan, Weinan Zhang

Abstract: Although Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models (RALMs) demonstrate their superiority in terms of factuality, they do not consistently outperform the original retrieval-free Language Models (LMs). Our experiments reveal that this example-level performance inconsistency exists not only between retrieval-augmented and retrieval-free LM but also among different retrievers. To understand this phenomenon, we investigate the degeneration behavior of RALMs and theoretically decompose it into four categories. Further analysis based on our decomposition reveals that the innate difference in knowledge sources and the unpredictable degeneration of the reader model contribute most to the inconsistency. Drawing from our analysis, we introduce Ensemble of Retrievers (EoR), a trainable framework that can adaptively retrieve from different knowledge sources and effectively decrease unpredictable reader errors. Our experiments on Open Domain Question Answering show that EoR substantially improves performance over the RALM with a single retriever by considerably reducing inconsistent behaviors.

replace A Robot Walks into a Bar: Can Language Models Serve as Creativity Support Tools for Comedy? An Evaluation of LLMs' Humour Alignment with Comedians

Authors: Piotr Wojciech Mirowski, Juliette Love, Kory W. Mathewson, Shakir Mohamed

Abstract: We interviewed twenty professional comedians who perform live shows in front of audiences and who use artificial intelligence in their artistic process as part of 3-hour workshops on ``AI x Comedy'' conducted at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August 2023 and online. The workshop consisted of a comedy writing session with large language models (LLMs), a human-computer interaction questionnaire to assess the Creativity Support Index of AI as a writing tool, and a focus group interrogating the comedians' motivations for and processes of using AI, as well as their ethical concerns about bias, censorship and copyright. Participants noted that existing moderation strategies used in safety filtering and instruction-tuned LLMs reinforced hegemonic viewpoints by erasing minority groups and their perspectives, and qualified this as a form of censorship. At the same time, most participants felt the LLMs did not succeed as a creativity support tool, by producing bland and biased comedy tropes, akin to ``cruise ship comedy material from the 1950s, but a bit less racist''. Our work extends scholarship about the subtle difference between, one the one hand, harmful speech, and on the other hand, ``offensive'' language as a practice of resistance, satire and ``punching up''. We also interrogate the global value alignment behind such language models, and discuss the importance of community-based value alignment and data ownership to build AI tools that better suit artists' needs.

replace-cross Epistemic Uncertainty-Weighted Loss for Visual Bias Mitigation

Authors: Rebecca S Stone, Nishant Ravikumar, Andrew J Bulpitt, David C Hogg

Abstract: Deep neural networks are highly susceptible to learning biases in visual data. While various methods have been proposed to mitigate such bias, the majority require explicit knowledge of the biases present in the training data in order to mitigate. We argue the relevance of exploring methods which are completely ignorant of the presence of any bias, but are capable of identifying and mitigating them. Furthermore, we propose using Bayesian neural networks with a predictive uncertainty-weighted loss function to dynamically identify potential bias in individual training samples and to weight them during training. We find a positive correlation between samples subject to bias and higher epistemic uncertainties. Finally, we show the method has potential to mitigate visual bias on a bias benchmark dataset and on a real-world face detection problem, and we consider the merits and weaknesses of our approach.

replace-cross Temporal Difference Learning with Compressed Updates: Error-Feedback meets Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Aritra Mitra, George J. Pappas, Hamed Hassani

Abstract: In large-scale distributed machine learning, recent works have studied the effects of compressing gradients in stochastic optimization to alleviate the communication bottleneck. These works have collectively revealed that stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is robust to structured perturbations such as quantization, sparsification, and delays. Perhaps surprisingly, despite the surge of interest in multi-agent reinforcement learning, almost nothing is known about the analogous question: Are common reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms also robust to similar perturbations? We investigate this question by studying a variant of the classical temporal difference (TD) learning algorithm with a perturbed update direction, where a general compression operator is used to model the perturbation. Our work makes three important technical contributions. First, we prove that compressed TD algorithms, coupled with an error-feedback mechanism used widely in optimization, exhibit the same non-asymptotic theoretical guarantees as their SGD counterparts. Second, we show that our analysis framework extends seamlessly to nonlinear stochastic approximation schemes that subsume Q-learning. Third, we prove that for multi-agent TD learning, one can achieve linear convergence speedups with respect to the number of agents while communicating just $\tilde{O}(1)$ bits per iteration. Notably, these are the first finite-time results in RL that account for general compression operators and error-feedback in tandem with linear function approximation and Markovian sampling. Our proofs hinge on the construction of novel Lyapunov functions that capture the dynamics of a memory variable introduced by error-feedback.

replace-cross Neural Common Neighbor with Completion for Link Prediction

Authors: Xiyuan Wang, Haotong Yang, Muhan Zhang

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel link prediction model and further boost it by studying graph incompleteness. First, we introduce MPNN-then-SF, an innovative architecture leveraging structural feature (SF) to guide MPNN's representation pooling, with its implementation, namely Neural Common Neighbor (NCN). NCN exhibits superior expressiveness and scalability compared with existing models, which can be classified into two categories: SF-then-MPNN, augmenting MPNN's input with SF, and SF-and-MPNN, decoupling SF and MPNN. Second, we investigate the impact of graph incompleteness -- the phenomenon that some links are unobserved in the input graph -- on SF, like the common neighbor. Through dataset visualization, we observe that incompleteness reduces common neighbors and induces distribution shifts, significantly affecting model performance. To address this issue, we propose to use a link prediction model to complete the common neighbor structure. Combining this method with NCN, we propose Neural Common Neighbor with Completion (NCNC). NCN and NCNC outperform recent strong baselines by large margins, and NCNC further surpasses state-of-the-art models in standard link prediction benchmarks. Our code is available at


replace-cross Learning to Optimize for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Qingfeng Lan, A. Rupam Mahmood, Shuicheng Yan, Zhongwen Xu

Abstract: In recent years, by leveraging more data, computation, and diverse tasks, learned optimizers have achieved remarkable success in supervised learning, outperforming classical hand-designed optimizers. Reinforcement learning (RL) is essentially different from supervised learning, and in practice, these learned optimizers do not work well even in simple RL tasks. We investigate this phenomenon and identify two issues. First, the agent-gradient distribution is non-independent and identically distributed, leading to inefficient meta-training. Moreover, due to highly stochastic agent-environment interactions, the agent-gradients have high bias and variance, which increases the difficulty of learning an optimizer for RL. We propose pipeline training and a novel optimizer structure with a good inductive bias to address these issues, making it possible to learn an optimizer for reinforcement learning from scratch. We show that, although only trained in toy tasks, our learned optimizer can generalize to unseen complex tasks in Brax.

replace-cross Identifying Equivalent Training Dynamics

Authors: William T. Redman, Juan M. Bello-Rivas, Maria Fonoberova, Ryan Mohr, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis, Igor Mezi\'c

Abstract: Study of the nonlinear evolution deep neural network (DNN) parameters undergo during training has uncovered regimes of distinct dynamical behavior. While a detailed understanding of these phenomena has the potential to advance improvements in training efficiency and robustness, the lack of methods for identifying when DNN models have equivalent dynamics limits the insight that can be gained from prior work. Topological conjugacy, a notion from dynamical systems theory, provides a precise definition of dynamical equivalence, offering a possible route to address this need. However, topological conjugacies have historically been challenging to compute. By leveraging advances in Koopman operator theory, we develop a framework for identifying conjugate and non-conjugate training dynamics. To validate our approach, we demonstrate that it can correctly identify a known equivalence between online mirror descent and online gradient descent. We then utilize it to: identify non-conjugate training dynamics between shallow and wide fully connected neural networks; characterize the early phase of training dynamics in convolutional neural networks; uncover non-conjugate training dynamics in Transformers that do and do not undergo grokking. Our results, across a range of DNN architectures, illustrate the flexibility of our framework and highlight its potential for shedding new light on training dynamics.

replace-cross Multi-Layer Attention-Based Explainability via Transformers for Tabular Data

Authors: Andrea Trevi\~no Gavito, Diego Klabjan, Jean Utke

Abstract: We propose a graph-oriented attention-based explainability method for tabular data. Tasks involving tabular data have been solved mostly using traditional tree-based machine learning models which have the challenges of feature selection and engineering. With that in mind, we consider a transformer architecture for tabular data, which is amenable to explainability, and present a novel way to leverage self-attention mechanism to provide explanations by taking into account the attention matrices of all heads and layers as a whole. The matrices are mapped to a graph structure where groups of features correspond to nodes and attention values to arcs. By finding the maximum probability paths in the graph, we identify groups of features providing larger contributions to explain the model's predictions. To assess the quality of multi-layer attention-based explanations, we compare them with popular attention-, gradient-, and perturbation-based explanability methods.

replace-cross MAWSEO: Adversarial Wiki Search Poisoning for Illicit Online Promotion

Authors: Zilong Lin, Zhengyi Li, Xiaojing Liao, XiaoFeng Wang, Xiaozhong Liu

Abstract: As a prominent instance of vandalism edits, Wiki search poisoning for illicit promotion is a cybercrime in which the adversary aims at editing Wiki articles to promote illicit businesses through Wiki search results of relevant queries. In this paper, we report a study that, for the first time, shows that such stealthy blackhat SEO on Wiki can be automated. Our technique, called MAWSEO, employs adversarial revisions to achieve real-world cybercriminal objectives, including rank boosting, vandalism detection evasion, topic relevancy, semantic consistency, user awareness (but not alarming) of promotional content, etc. Our evaluation and user study demonstrate that MAWSEO is capable of effectively and efficiently generating adversarial vandalism edits, which can bypass state-of-the-art built-in Wiki vandalism detectors, and also get promotional content through to Wiki users without triggering their alarms. In addition, we investigated potential defense, including coherence based detection and adversarial training of vandalism detection, against our attack in the Wiki ecosystem.

replace-cross Chronosymbolic Learning: Efficient CHC Solving with Symbolic Reasoning and Inductive Learning

Authors: Ziyan Luo, Xujie Si

Abstract: Solving Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs) is a fundamental challenge behind a wide range of verification and analysis tasks. Data-driven approaches show great promise in improving CHC solving without the painstaking manual effort of creating and tuning various heuristics. However, a large performance gap exists between data-driven CHC solvers and symbolic reasoning-based solvers. In this work, we develop a simple but effective framework, "Chronosymbolic Learning", which unifies symbolic information and numerical data points to solve a CHC system efficiently. We also present a simple instance of Chronosymbolic Learning with a data-driven learner and a BMC-styled reasoner. Despite its relative simplicity, experimental results show the efficacy and robustness of our tool. It outperforms state-of-the-art CHC solvers on a dataset consisting of 288 benchmarks, including many instances with non-linear integer arithmetics.

replace-cross RE$^2$: Region-Aware Relation Extraction from Visually Rich Documents

Authors: Pritika Ramu, Sijia Wang, Lalla Mouatadid, Joy Rimchala, Lifu Huang

Abstract: Current research in form understanding predominantly relies on large pre-trained language models, necessitating extensive data for pre-training. However, the importance of layout structure (i.e., the spatial relationship between the entity blocks in the visually rich document) to relation extraction has been overlooked. In this paper, we propose REgion-Aware Relation Extraction (RE$^2$) that leverages region-level spatial structure among the entity blocks to improve their relation prediction. We design an edge-aware graph attention network to learn the interaction between entities while considering their spatial relationship defined by their region-level representations. We also introduce a constraint objective to regularize the model towards consistency with the inherent constraints of the relation extraction task. Extensive experiments across various datasets, languages and domains demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approach.

replace-cross Efficient Detection of LLM-generated Texts with a Bayesian Surrogate Model

Authors: Yibo Miao, Hongcheng Gao, Hao Zhang, Zhijie Deng

Abstract: The detection of machine-generated text, especially from large language models (LLMs), is crucial in preventing serious social problems resulting from their misuse. Some methods train dedicated detectors on specific datasets but fall short in generalizing to unseen test data, while other zero-shot ones often yield suboptimal performance. Although the recent DetectGPT has shown promising detection performance, it suffers from significant inefficiency issues, as detecting a single candidate requires querying the source LLM with hundreds of its perturbations. This paper aims to bridge this gap. Concretely, we propose to incorporate a Bayesian surrogate model, which allows us to select typical samples based on Bayesian uncertainty and interpolate scores from typical samples to other samples, to improve query efficiency. Empirical results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing approaches under a low query budget. Notably, when detecting the text generated by LLaMA family models, our method with just 2 or 3 queries can outperform DetectGPT with 200 queries.

replace-cross EPIC: Graph Augmentation with Edit Path Interpolation via Learnable Cost

Authors: Jaeseung Heo, Seungbeom Lee, Sungsoo Ahn, Dongwoo Kim

Abstract: Data augmentation plays a critical role in improving model performance across various domains, but it becomes challenging with graph data due to their complex and irregular structure. To address this issue, we propose EPIC (Edit Path Interpolation via learnable Cost), a novel interpolation-based method for augmenting graph datasets. To interpolate between two graphs lying in an irregular domain, EPIC leverages the concept of graph edit distance, constructing an edit path that represents the transformation process between two graphs via edit operations. Moreover, our method introduces a context-sensitive cost model that accounts for the importance of specific edit operations formulated through a learning framework. This allows for a more nuanced transformation process, where the edit distance is not merely count-based but reflects meaningful graph attributes. With randomly sampled graphs from the edit path, we enrich the training set to enhance the generalization capability of classification models. Experimental evaluations across several benchmark datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing augmentation techniques in many tasks.

replace-cross Improving the Validity of Decision Trees as Explanations

Authors: Jiri Nemecek, Tomas Pevny, Jakub Marecek

Abstract: In classification and forecasting with tabular data, one often utilizes tree-based models. Those can be competitive with deep neural networks on tabular data and, under some conditions, explainable. The explainability depends on the depth of the tree and the accuracy in each leaf of the tree. We point out that decision trees containing leaves with unbalanced accuracy can provide misleading explanations. Low-accuracy leaves give less valid explanations, which could be interpreted as unfairness among subgroups utilizing these explanations. Here, we train a shallow tree with the objective of minimizing the maximum misclassification error across all leaf nodes. The shallow tree provides a global explanation, while the overall statistical performance of the shallow tree can become comparable to state-of-the-art methods (e.g., well-tuned XGBoost) by extending the leaves with further models.

replace-cross Hyperbolic Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation under Domain Shift

Authors: Luca Franco, Paolo Mandica, Konstantinos Kallidromitis, Devin Guillory, Yu-Teng Li, Trevor Darrell, Fabio Galasso

Abstract: We introduce a hyperbolic neural network approach to pixel-level active learning for semantic segmentation. Analysis of the data statistics leads to a novel interpretation of the hyperbolic radius as an indicator of data scarcity. In HALO (Hyperbolic Active Learning Optimization), for the first time, we propose the use of epistemic uncertainty as a data acquisition strategy, following the intuition of selecting data points that are the least known. The hyperbolic radius, complemented by the widely-adopted prediction entropy, effectively approximates epistemic uncertainty. We perform extensive experimental analysis based on two established synthetic-to-real benchmarks, i.e. GTAV $\rightarrow$ Cityscapes and SYNTHIA $\rightarrow$ Cityscapes. Additionally, we test HALO on Cityscape $\rightarrow$ ACDC for domain adaptation under adverse weather conditions, and we benchmark both convolutional and attention-based backbones. HALO sets a new state-of-the-art in active learning for semantic segmentation under domain shift and it is the first active learning approach that surpasses the performance of supervised domain adaptation while using only a small portion of labels (i.e., 1%).

replace-cross Improving Prototypical Visual Explanations with Reward Reweighing, Reselection, and Retraining

Authors: Aaron J. Li, Robin Netzorg, Zhihan Cheng, Zhuoqin Zhang, Bin Yu

Abstract: In recent years, work has gone into developing deep interpretable methods for image classification that clearly attributes a model's output to specific features of the data. One such of these methods is the Prototypical Part Network (ProtoPNet), which attempts to classify images based on meaningful parts of the input. While this architecture is able to produce visually interpretable classifications, it often learns to classify based on parts of the image that are not semantically meaningful. To address this problem, we propose the Reward Reweighing, Reselecting, and Retraining (R3) post-processing framework, which performs three additional corrective updates to a pretrained ProtoPNet in an offline and efficient manner. The first two steps involve learning a reward model based on collected human feedback and then aligning the prototypes with human preferences. The final step is retraining, which realigns the base features and the classifier layer of the original model with the updated prototypes. We find that our R3 framework consistently improves both the interpretability and the predictive accuracy of ProtoPNet and its variants.

replace-cross Learning to Intervene on Concept Bottlenecks

Authors: David Steinmann, Wolfgang Stammer, Felix Friedrich, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: While deep learning models often lack interpretability, concept bottleneck models (CBMs) provide inherent explanations via their concept representations. Moreover, they allow users to perform interventional interactions on these concepts by updating the concept values and thus correcting the predictive output of the model. Up to this point, these interventions were typically applied to the model just once and then discarded. To rectify this, we present concept bottleneck memory models (CB2Ms), which keep a memory of past interventions. Specifically, CB2Ms leverage a two-fold memory to generalize interventions to appropriate novel situations, enabling the model to identify errors and reapply previous interventions. This way, a CB2M learns to automatically improve model performance from a few initially obtained interventions. If no prior human interventions are available, a CB2M can detect potential mistakes of the CBM bottleneck and request targeted interventions. Our experimental evaluations on challenging scenarios like handling distribution shifts and confounded data demonstrate that CB2Ms are able to successfully generalize interventions to unseen data and can indeed identify wrongly inferred concepts. Hence, CB2Ms are a valuable tool for users to provide interactive feedback on CBMs, by guiding a user's interaction and requiring fewer interventions.

replace-cross Interdisciplinary Fairness in Imbalanced Research Proposal Topic Inference: A Hierarchical Transformer-based Method with Selective Interpolation

Authors: Meng Xiao, Min Wu, Ziyue Qiao, Yanjie Fu, Zhiyuan Ning, Yi Du, Yuanchun Zhou

Abstract: The objective of topic inference in research proposals aims to obtain the most suitable disciplinary division from the discipline system defined by a funding agency. The agency will subsequently find appropriate peer review experts from their database based on this division. Automated topic inference can reduce human errors caused by manual topic filling, bridge the knowledge gap between funding agencies and project applicants, and improve system efficiency. Existing methods focus on modeling this as a hierarchical multi-label classification problem, using generative models to iteratively infer the most appropriate topic information. However, these methods overlook the gap in scale between interdisciplinary research proposals and non-interdisciplinary ones, leading to an unjust phenomenon where the automated inference system categorizes interdisciplinary proposals as non-interdisciplinary, causing unfairness during the expert assignment. How can we address this data imbalance issue under a complex discipline system and hence resolve this unfairness? In this paper, we implement a topic label inference system based on a Transformer encoder-decoder architecture. Furthermore, we utilize interpolation techniques to create a series of pseudo-interdisciplinary proposals from non-interdisciplinary ones during training based on non-parametric indicators such as cross-topic probabilities and topic occurrence probabilities. This approach aims to reduce the bias of the system during model training. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on a real-world dataset to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that our training strategy can significantly mitigate the unfairness generated in the topic inference task.

replace-cross Evaluating ChatGPT as a Recommender System: A Rigorous Approach

Authors: Dario Di Palma, Giovanni Maria Biancofiore, Vito Walter Anelli, Fedelucio Narducci, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciascio

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently shown impressive abilities in handling various natural language-related tasks. Among different LLMs, current studies have assessed ChatGPT's superior performance across manifold tasks, especially under the zero/few-shot prompting conditions. Given such successes, the Recommender Systems (RSs) research community have started investigating its potential applications within the recommendation scenario. However, although various methods have been proposed to integrate ChatGPT's capabilities into RSs, current research struggles to comprehensively evaluate such models while considering the peculiarities of generative models. Often, evaluations do not consider hallucinations, duplications, and out-of-the-closed domain recommendations and solely focus on accuracy metrics, neglecting the impact on beyond-accuracy facets. To bridge this gap, we propose a robust evaluation pipeline to assess ChatGPT's ability as an RS and post-process ChatGPT recommendations to account for these aspects. Through this pipeline, we investigate ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4 performance in the recommendation task under the zero-shot condition employing the role-playing prompt. We analyze the model's functionality in three settings: the Top-N Recommendation, the cold-start recommendation, and the re-ranking of a list of recommendations, and in three domains: movies, music, and books. The experiments reveal that ChatGPT exhibits higher accuracy than the baselines on books domain. It also excels in re-ranking and cold-start scenarios while maintaining reasonable beyond-accuracy metrics. Furthermore, we measure the similarity between the ChatGPT recommendations and the other recommenders, providing insights about how ChatGPT could be categorized in the realm of recommender systems. The evaluation pipeline is publicly released for future research.

replace-cross Towards Causal Foundation Model: on Duality between Causal Inference and Attention

Authors: Jiaqi Zhang, Joel Jennings, Agrin Hilmkil, Nick Pawlowski, Cheng Zhang, Chao Ma

Abstract: Foundation models have brought changes to the landscape of machine learning, demonstrating sparks of human-level intelligence across a diverse array of tasks. However, a gap persists in complex tasks such as causal inference, primarily due to challenges associated with intricate reasoning steps and high numerical precision requirements. In this work, we take a first step towards building causally-aware foundation models for treatment effect estimations. We propose a novel, theoretically justified method called Causal Inference with Attention (CInA), which utilizes multiple unlabeled datasets to perform self-supervised causal learning, and subsequently enables zero-shot causal inference on unseen tasks with new data. This is based on our theoretical results that demonstrate the primal-dual connection between optimal covariate balancing and self-attention, facilitating zero-shot causal inference through the final layer of a trained transformer-type architecture. We demonstrate empirically that CInA effectively generalizes to out-of-distribution datasets and various real-world datasets, matching or even surpassing traditional per-dataset methodologies. These results provide compelling evidence that our method has the potential to serve as a stepping stone for the development of causal foundation models.

replace-cross Continual Contrastive Spoken Language Understanding

Authors: Umberto Cappellazzo, Enrico Fini, Muqiao Yang, Daniele Falavigna, Alessio Brutti, Bhiksha Raj

Abstract: Recently, neural networks have shown impressive progress across diverse fields, with speech processing being no exception. However, recent breakthroughs in this area require extensive offline training using large datasets and tremendous computing resources. Unfortunately, these models struggle to retain their previously acquired knowledge when learning new tasks continually, and retraining from scratch is almost always impractical. In this paper, we investigate the problem of learning sequence-to-sequence models for spoken language understanding in a class-incremental learning (CIL) setting and we propose COCONUT, a CIL method that relies on the combination of experience replay and contrastive learning. Through a modified version of the standard supervised contrastive loss applied only to the rehearsal samples, COCONUT preserves the learned representations by pulling closer samples from the same class and pushing away the others. Moreover, we leverage a multimodal contrastive loss that helps the model learn more discriminative representations of the new data by aligning audio and text features. We also investigate different contrastive designs to combine the strengths of the contrastive loss with teacher-student architectures used for distillation. Experiments on two established SLU datasets reveal the effectiveness of our proposed approach and significant improvements over the baselines. We also show that COCONUT can be combined with methods that operate on the decoder side of the model, resulting in further metrics improvements.

replace-cross Don't Fine-Tune, Decode: Syntax Error-Free Tool Use via Constrained Decoding

Authors: Kexun Zhang, Hongqiao Chen, Lei Li, William Wang

Abstract: Instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) excel at many tasks but often fail to use external tools due to complicated and unfamiliar syntax constraints. While extensive fine-tuning and prompting can mitigate the issue, these approaches are expensive and hard to generalize. Furthermore, because syntax constraints are only learned implicitly during fine-tuning, models still make frequent syntax errors. Motivated by the fact that these constraints can be better satisfied explicitly with constrained decoding, we propose TOOLDEC, a decoding algorithm using finite state machines to force LLMs to follow tool syntax. Our experiments show that TOOLDEC eliminates all syntax errors, achieving significantly better performance on various base models and benchmarks. More surprisingly, when applied to generalist out-of-the-box LLMs such as Mistral-Instruct, TOOLDEC improves its accuracy in tool use from the initial 0% to an impressive 52%, matching the performance of specialized fine-tuned models such as ToolLLM.

replace-cross In-Context Unlearning: Language Models as Few Shot Unlearners

Authors: Martin Pawelczyk, Seth Neel, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Abstract: Machine unlearning, the study of efficiently removing the impact of specific training instances on a model, has garnered increased attention in recent years due to regulatory guidelines such as the \emph{Right to be Forgotten}. Achieving precise unlearning typically involves fully retraining the model and is computationally infeasible in case of very large models such as Large Language Models (LLMs). To this end, recent work has proposed several algorithms which approximate the removal of training data without retraining the model. These algorithms crucially rely on access to the model parameters in order to update them, an assumption that may not hold in practice due to computational constraints or having only query access to the LLMs. In this work, we propose a new class of unlearning methods for LLMs called ``In-Context Unlearning.'' This method unlearns instances from the model by simply providing specific kinds of inputs in context, without the need to update model parameters. To unlearn specific training instances, we present these instances to the LLMs at inference time along with labels that differ from their ground truth. Our experimental results demonstrate that in-context unlearning performs on par with, or in some cases outperforms other state-of-the-art methods that require access to model parameters, effectively removing the influence of specific instances on the model while preserving test accuracy.

replace-cross Self-Pro: A Self-Prompt and Tuning Framework for Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Chenghua Gong, Xiang Li, Jianxiang Yu, Cheng Yao, Jiaqi Tan, Chengcheng Yu

Abstract: Graphs have become an important modeling tool for web applications, and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved great success in graph representation learning. However, the performance of traditional GNNs heavily relies on a large amount of supervision. Recently, ``pre-train, fine-tune'' has become the paradigm to address the issues of label dependency and poor generalization. However, the pre-training strategies vary for graphs with homophily and heterophily, and the objectives for various downstream tasks also differ. This leads to a gap between pretexts and downstream tasks, resulting in ``negative transfer'' and poor performance. Inspired by prompt learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP), many studies turn to bridge the gap and fully leverage the pre-trained model. However, existing methods for graph prompting are tailored to homophily, neglecting inherent heterophily on graphs. Meanwhile, most of them rely on the randomly initialized prompts, which negatively impact on the stability. Therefore, we propose Self-Prompt, a prompting framework for graphs based on the model and data itself. We first introduce asymmetric graph contrastive learning for pretext to address heterophily and align the objectives of pretext and downstream tasks. Then we reuse the component from pre-training phase as the self adapter and introduce self-prompts based on graph itself for task adaptation. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on 11 benchmark datasets to demonstrate its superiority. We provide our codes at


replace-cross Controlled Decoding from Language Models

Authors: Sidharth Mudgal, Jong Lee, Harish Ganapathy, YaGuang Li, Tao Wang, Yanping Huang, Zhifeng Chen, Heng-Tze Cheng, Michael Collins, Trevor Strohman, Jilin Chen, Alex Beutel, Ahmad Beirami

Abstract: KL-regularized reinforcement learning (RL) is a popular alignment framework to control the language model responses towards high reward outcomes. We pose a tokenwise RL objective and propose a modular solver for it, called controlled decoding (CD). CD exerts control through a separate prefix scorer module, which is trained to learn a value function for the reward. The prefix scorer is used at inference time to control the generation from a frozen base model, provably sampling from a solution to the RL objective. We empirically demonstrate that CD is effective as a control mechanism on popular benchmarks. We also show that prefix scorers for multiple rewards may be combined at inference time, effectively solving a multi-objective RL problem with no additional training. We show that the benefits of applying CD transfer to an unseen base model with no further tuning as well. Finally, we show that CD can be applied in a blockwise decoding fashion at inference-time, essentially bridging the gap between the popular best-of-K strategy and tokenwise control through reinforcement learning. This makes CD a promising approach for alignment of language models.

replace-cross Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Data Reconstruction Enhancement in Wireless Communications

Authors: Mehdi Letafati, Samad Ali, Matti Latva-aho

Abstract: In this paper, conditional denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) are proposed to enhance the data transmission and reconstruction over wireless channels. The underlying mechanism of DDPM is to decompose the data generation process over the so-called "denoising" steps. Inspired by this, the key idea is to leverage the generative prior of diffusion models in learning a "noisy-to-clean" transformation of the information signal to help enhance data reconstruction. The proposed scheme could be beneficial for communication scenarios in which a prior knowledge of the information content is available, e.g., in multimedia transmission. Hence, instead of employing complicated channel codes that reduce the information rate, one can exploit diffusion priors for reliable data reconstruction, especially under extreme channel conditions due to low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), or hardware-impaired communications. The proposed DDPM-assisted receiver is tailored for the scenario of wireless image transmission using MNIST dataset. Our numerical results highlight the reconstruction performance of our scheme compared to the conventional digital communication, as well as the deep neural network (DNN)-based benchmark. It is also shown that more than 10 dB improvement in the reconstruction could be achieved in low SNR regimes, without the need to reduce the information rate for error correction.

replace-cross Noise Correction on Subjective Datasets

Authors: Uthman Jinadu, Yi Ding

Abstract: Incorporating every annotator's perspective is crucial for unbiased data modeling. Annotator fatigue and changing opinions over time can distort dataset annotations. To combat this, we propose to learn a more accurate representation of diverse opinions by utilizing multitask learning in conjunction with loss-based label correction. We show that using our novel formulation, we can cleanly separate agreeing and disagreeing annotations. Furthermore, this method provides a controllable way to encourage or discourage disagreement. We demonstrate that this modification can improve prediction performance in a single or multi-annotator setting. Lastly, we show that this method remains robust to additional label noise that is applied to subjective data.

replace-cross VQPy: An Object-Oriented Approach to Modern Video Analytics

Authors: Shan Yu, Zhenting Zhu, Yu Chen, Hanchen Xu, Pengzhan Zhao, Yang Wang, Arthi Padmanabhan, Hugo Latapie, Harry Xu

Abstract: Video analytics is widely used in contemporary systems and services. At the forefront of video analytics are video queries that users develop to find objects of particular interest. Building upon the insight that video objects (e.g., human, animals, cars, etc.), the center of video analytics, are similar in spirit to objects modeled by traditional object-oriented languages, we propose to develop an object-oriented approach to video analytics. This approach, named VQPy, consists of a frontend$\unicode{x2015}$a Python variant with constructs that make it easy for users to express video objects and their interactions$\unicode{x2015}$as well as an extensible backend that can automatically construct and optimize pipelines based on video objects. We have implemented and open-sourced VQPy, which has been productized in Cisco as part of its DeepVision framework.

replace-cross Scalable Diffusion for Materials Generation

Authors: Sherry Yang, KwangHwan Cho, Amil Merchant, Pieter Abbeel, Dale Schuurmans, Igor Mordatch, Ekin Dogus Cubuk

Abstract: Generative models trained on internet-scale data are capable of generating novel and realistic texts, images, and videos. A natural next question is whether these models can advance science, for example by generating novel stable materials. Traditionally, models with explicit structures (e.g., graphs) have been used in modeling structural relationships in scientific data (e.g., atoms and bonds in crystals), but generating structures can be difficult to scale to large and complex systems. Another challenge in generating materials is the mismatch between standard generative modeling metrics and downstream applications. For instance, common metrics such as the reconstruction error do not correlate well with the downstream goal of discovering stable materials. In this work, we tackle the scalability challenge by developing a unified crystal representation that can represent any crystal structure (UniMat), followed by training a diffusion probabilistic model on these UniMat representations. Our empirical results suggest that despite the lack of explicit structure modeling, UniMat can generate high fidelity crystal structures from larger and more complex chemical systems, outperforming previous graph-based approaches under various generative modeling metrics. To better connect the generation quality of materials to downstream applications, such as discovering novel stable materials, we propose additional metrics for evaluating generative models of materials, including per-composition formation energy and stability with respect to convex hulls through decomposition energy from Density Function Theory (DFT). Lastly, we show that conditional generation with UniMat can scale to previously established crystal datasets with up to millions of crystals structures, outperforming random structure search (the current leading method for structure discovery) in discovering new stable materials.

replace-cross Piecewise Polynomial Regression of Tame Functions via Integer Programming

Authors: Gilles Bareilles, Johannes Aspman, Jiri Nemecek, Jakub Marecek

Abstract: Tame functions are a class of nonsmooth, nonconvex functions, which feature in a wide range of applications: functions encountered in the training of deep neural networks with all common activations, value functions of mixed-integer programs, or wave functions of small molecules. We consider approximating tame functions with piecewise polynomial functions. We bound the quality of approximation of a tame function by a piecewise polynomial function with a given number of segments on any full-dimensional cube. We also present the first mixed-integer programming formulation of piecewise polynomial regression. Together, these can be used to estimate tame functions. We demonstrate promising computational results.

replace-cross OASIS: Offsetting Active Reconstruction Attacks in Federated Learning

Authors: Tre' R. Jeter, Truc Nguyen, Raed Alharbi, My T. Thai

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) has garnered significant attention for its potential to protect user privacy while enhancing model training efficiency. For that reason, FL has found its use in various domains, from healthcare to industrial engineering, especially where data cannot be easily exchanged due to sensitive information or privacy laws. However, recent research has demonstrated that FL protocols can be easily compromised by active reconstruction attacks executed by dishonest servers. These attacks involve the malicious modification of global model parameters, allowing the server to obtain a verbatim copy of users' private data by inverting their gradient updates. Tackling this class of attack remains a crucial challenge due to the strong threat model. In this paper, we propose a defense mechanism, namely OASIS, based on image augmentation that effectively counteracts active reconstruction attacks while preserving model performance. We first uncover the core principle of gradient inversion that enables these attacks and theoretically identify the main conditions by which the defense can be robust regardless of the attack strategies. We then construct our defense with image augmentation showing that it can undermine the attack principle. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate the efficacy of the defense mechanism highlighting its feasibility as a solution.

replace-cross Fingerprint Matching with Localized Deep Representation

Authors: Yongjie Duan, Zhiyu Pan, Jianjiang Feng, Jie Zhou

Abstract: Compared to minutia-based fingerprint representations, fixed-length representations are attractive due to simple and efficient matching. However, fixed-length fingerprint representations are limited in accuracy when matching fingerprints with different visible areas, which can occur due to different finger poses or acquisition methods. To address this issue, we propose a localized deep representation of fingerprint, named LDRF. By focusing on the discriminative characteristics within local regions, LDRF provides a more robust and accurate fixed-length representation for fingerprints with variable visible areas. LDRF can be adapted to retain information within any valid area, making it highly flexible. The matching scores produced by LDRF also exhibit intuitive statistical characteristics, which led us to propose a matching score normalization technique to mitigate the uncertainty in the cases of very small overlapping area. With this new technique, we can maintain a high level of accuracy and reliability in our fingerprint matching, even as the size of the database grows rapidly. Our experimental results on 21 datasets containing over 140K fingerprints of various finger poses and impression types show that LDRF outperforms other fixed-length representations and is robust to sensing technologies and impression types. Besides, the proposed matching score normalization effectively reduces the false match rate (FMR) in large-scale identification experiments comprising over 5.11 million fingerprints. Specifically, this technique results in a reduction of two orders of magnitude compared to matching without matching score normalization and five orders of magnitude compared to prior works.

replace-cross Competition-Level Problems are Effective LLM Evaluators

Authors: Yiming Huang, Zhenghao Lin, Xiao Liu, Yeyun Gong, Shuai Lu, Fangyu Lei, Yaobo Liang, Yelong Shen, Chen Lin, Nan Duan, Weizhu Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive reasoning capabilities, yet there is ongoing debate about these abilities and the potential data contamination problem recently. This paper aims to evaluate the reasoning capacities of LLMs, specifically in solving recent competition-level programming problems in Codeforces, which are expert-crafted and unique, requiring deep understanding and robust reasoning skills. We first provide a comprehensive evaluation of GPT-4's peiceived zero-shot performance on this task, considering various aspects such as problems' release time, difficulties, and types of errors encountered. Surprisingly, the peiceived performance of GPT-4 has experienced a cliff like decline in problems after September 2021 consistently across all the difficulties and types of problems, which shows the potential data contamination, as well as the challenges for any existing LLM to solve unseen complex reasoning problems. We further explore various approaches such as fine-tuning, Chain-of-Thought prompting and problem description simplification, unfortunately none of them is able to consistently mitigate the challenges. Through our work, we emphasis the importance of this excellent data source for assessing the genuine reasoning capabilities of LLMs, and foster the development of LLMs with stronger reasoning abilities and better generalization in the future.

replace-cross Fortify the Shortest Stave in Attention: Enhancing Context Awareness of Large Language Models for Effective Tool Use

Authors: Yuhan Chen, Ang Lv, Ting-En Lin, Changyu Chen, Yuchuan Wu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li, Rui Yan

Abstract: In this paper, we demonstrate that an inherent waveform pattern in the attention allocation of large language models (LLMs) significantly affects their performance in tasks demanding a high degree of context awareness, such as utilizing LLMs for tool-use. Specifically, the crucial information in the context will be potentially overlooked by model when it is positioned in the trough zone of the attention waveform, leading to decreased performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel inference method named Attention Buckets. It allows LLMs to process their input through multiple parallel processes. Each process utilizes a distinct base angle for the rotary position embedding, thereby creating a unique attention waveform. By compensating an attention trough of a particular process with an attention peak of another process, our approach enhances LLM's awareness to various contextual positions, thus mitigating the risk of overlooking crucial information. In the largest tool-use benchmark, our method elevates a 7B model to achieve state-of-the-art performance, comparable to that of GPT-4. On other benchmarks and some RAG tasks, which also demand a thorough understanding of contextual content, Attention Buckets also exhibited notable enhancements in performance.

replace-cross KnowGPT: Knowledge Graph based Prompting for Large Language Models

Authors: Qinggang Zhang, Junnan Dong, Hao Chen, Daochen Zha, Zailiang Yu, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in many real-world applications. Nonetheless, LLMs are often criticized for their tendency to produce hallucinations, wherein the models fabricate incorrect statements on tasks beyond their knowledge and perception. To alleviate this issue, researchers have explored leveraging the factual knowledge in knowledge graphs (KGs) to ground the LLM's responses in established facts and principles. However, most state-of-the-art LLMs are closed-source, making it challenging to develop a prompting framework that can efficiently and effectively integrate KGs into LLMs with hard prompts only. Generally, existing KG-enhanced LLMs usually suffer from three critical issues, including huge search space, high API costs, and laborious prompt engineering, that impede their widespread application in practice. To this end, we introduce a novel Knowledge Graph based PrompTing framework, namely KnowGPT, to enhance LLMs with domain knowledge. KnowGPT contains a knowledge extraction module to extract the most informative knowledge from KGs, and a context-aware prompt construction module to automatically convert extracted knowledge into effective prompts. Experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate that KnowGPT significantly outperforms all competitors. Notably, KnowGPT achieves a 92.6% accuracy on OpenbookQA leaderboard, comparable to human-level performance.

replace-cross Dynamics Harmonic Analysis of Robotic Systems: Application in Data-Driven Koopman Modelling

Authors: Daniel Ordo\~nez-Apraez, Vladimir Kostic, Giulio Turrisi, Pietro Novelli, Carlos Mastalli, Claudio Semini, Massimiliano Pontil

Abstract: We introduce the use of harmonic analysis to decompose the state space of symmetric robotic systems into orthogonal isotypic subspaces. These are lower-dimensional spaces that capture distinct, symmetric, and synergistic motions. For linear dynamics, we characterize how this decomposition leads to a subdivision of the dynamics into independent linear systems on each subspace, a property we term dynamics harmonic analysis (DHA). To exploit this property, we use Koopman operator theory to propose an equivariant deep-learning architecture that leverages the properties of DHA to learn a global linear model of the system dynamics. Our architecture, validated on synthetic systems and the dynamics of locomotion of a quadrupedal robot, exhibits enhanced generalization, sample efficiency, and interpretability, with fewer trainable parameters and computational costs.

replace-cross Fine-Grained Image-Text Alignment in Medical Imaging Enables Explainable Cyclic Image-Report Generation

Authors: Wenting Chen, Linlin Shen, Jingyang Lin, Jiebo Luo, Xiang Li, Yixuan Yuan

Abstract: To address these issues, we propose a novel Adaptive patch-word Matching (AdaMatch) model to correlate chest X-ray (CXR) image regions with words in medical reports and apply it to CXR-report generation to provide explainability for the generation process. AdaMatch exploits the fine-grained relation between adaptive patches and words to provide explanations of specific image regions with corresponding words. To capture the abnormal regions of varying sizes and positions, we introduce the Adaptive Patch extraction (AdaPatch) module to acquire the adaptive patches for these regions adaptively. In order to provide explicit explainability for CXR-report generation task, we propose an AdaMatch-based bidirectional large language model for Cyclic CXR-report generation (AdaMatch-Cyclic). It employs the AdaMatch to obtain the keywords for CXR images and `keypatches' for medical reports as hints to guide CXR-report generation. Extensive experiments on two publicly available CXR datasets prove the effectiveness of our method and its superior performance to existing methods.

replace-cross CMOSE: Comprehensive Multi-Modality Online Student Engagement Dataset with High-Quality Labels

Authors: Chi-hsuan Wu, Shih-yang Liu, Xijie Huang, Xingbo Wang, Rong Zhang, Luca Minciullo, Wong Kai Yiu, Kenny Kwan, Kwang-Ting Cheng

Abstract: Online learning is a rapidly growing industry. However, a major doubt about online learning is whether students are as engaged as they are in face-to-face classes. An engagement recognition system can notify the instructors about the students condition and improve the learning experience. Current challenges in engagement detection involve poor label quality, extreme data imbalance, and intra-class variety - the variety of behaviors at a certain engagement level. To address these problems, we present the CMOSE dataset, which contains a large number of data from different engagement levels and high-quality labels annotated according to psychological advice. We also propose a training mechanism MocoRank to handle the intra-class variety and the ordinal pattern of different degrees of engagement classes. MocoRank outperforms prior engagement detection frameworks, achieving a 1.32% increase in overall accuracy and 5.05% improvement in average accuracy. Further, we demonstrate the effectiveness of multi-modality in engagement detection by combining video features with speech and audio features. The data transferability experiments also state that the proposed CMOSE dataset provides superior label quality and behavior diversity.

replace-cross VideoPoet: A Large Language Model for Zero-Shot Video Generation

Authors: Dan Kondratyuk, Lijun Yu, Xiuye Gu, Jos\'e Lezama, Jonathan Huang, Grant Schindler, Rachel Hornung, Vighnesh Birodkar, Jimmy Yan, Ming-Chang Chiu, Krishna Somandepalli, Hassan Akbari, Yair Alon, Yong Cheng, Josh Dillon, Agrim Gupta, Meera Hahn, Anja Hauth, David Hendon, Alonso Martinez, David Minnen, Mikhail Sirotenko, Kihyuk Sohn, Xuan Yang, Hartwig Adam, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Irfan Essa, Huisheng Wang, David A. Ross, Bryan Seybold, Lu Jiang

Abstract: We present VideoPoet, a language model capable of synthesizing high-quality video, with matching audio, from a large variety of conditioning signals. VideoPoet employs a decoder-only transformer architecture that processes multimodal inputs -- including images, videos, text, and audio. The training protocol follows that of Large Language Models (LLMs), consisting of two stages: pretraining and task-specific adaptation. During pretraining, VideoPoet incorporates a mixture of multimodal generative objectives within an autoregressive Transformer framework. The pretrained LLM serves as a foundation that can be adapted for a range of video generation tasks. We present empirical results demonstrating the model's state-of-the-art capabilities in zero-shot video generation, specifically highlighting VideoPoet's ability to generate high-fidelity motions. Project page:


replace-cross The Art of Deception: Robust Backdoor Attack using Dynamic Stacking of Triggers

Authors: Orson Mengara

Abstract: The area of Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) is experiencing increased implementation due to recent advancements in the AI (Artificial Intelligence) industry. However, this spike has prompted concerns regarding AI defense mechanisms, specifically regarding potential covert attacks from third-party providers that cannot be entirely trusted. Recent research has uncovered that auditory backdoors may use certain modifications as their initiating mechanism. DynamicTrigger is introduced as a methodology for carrying out dynamic backdoor attacks that use cleverly designed tweaks to ensure that corrupted samples are indistinguishable from clean. By utilizing fluctuating signal sampling rates and masking speaker identities through dynamic sound triggers (such as the clapping of hands), it is possible to deceive speech recognition systems (ASR). Our empirical testing demonstrates that DynamicTrigger is both potent and stealthy, achieving impressive success rates during covert attacks while maintaining exceptional accuracy with non-poisoned datasets.

replace-cross TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language Model

Authors: Peiyuan Zhang, Guangtao Zeng, Tianduo Wang, Wei Lu

Abstract: We present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1 trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tokenizer of Llama 2, TinyLlama leverages various advances contributed by the open-source community (e.g., FlashAttention and Lit-GPT), achieving better computational efficiency. Despite its relatively small size, TinyLlama demonstrates remarkable performance in a series of downstream tasks. It significantly outperforms existing open-source language models with comparable sizes. Our model checkpoints and code are publicly available on GitHub at


replace-cross Brain-Inspired Spiking Neural Networks for Industrial Fault Diagnosis: A Survey, Challenges, and Opportunities

Authors: Huan Wang, Yan-Fu Li, Konstantinos Gryllias

Abstract: In recent decades, Industrial Fault Diagnosis (IFD) has emerged as a crucial discipline concerned with detecting and gathering vital information about industrial equipment's health condition, thereby facilitating the identification of failure types and severities. The pursuit of precise and effective fault recognition has garnered substantial attention, culminating in a focus on automating equipment monitoring to preclude safety accidents and reduce reliance on human labor. The advent of artificial neural networks (ANNs) has been instrumental in augmenting intelligent IFD algorithms, particularly in the context of big data. Despite these advancements, ANNs, being a simplified biomimetic neural network model, exhibit inherent limitations such as resource and data dependencies and restricted cognitive capabilities. To address these limitations, the third-generation Spiking Neural Network (SNN), founded on principles of Brain-inspired computing, has surfaced as a promising alternative. The SNN, characterized by its biological neuron dynamics and spiking information encoding, demonstrates exceptional potential in representing spatiotemporal features. Consequently, developing SNN-based IFD models has gained momentum, displaying encouraging performance. Nevertheless, this field lacks systematic surveys to illustrate the current situation, challenges, and future directions. Therefore, this paper systematically reviews the theoretical progress of SNN-based models to answer the question of what SNN is. Subsequently, it reviews and analyzes existing SNN-based IFD models to explain why SNN needs to be used and how to use it. More importantly, this paper systematically answers the challenges, solutions, and opportunities of SNN in IFD.

replace-cross REBUS: A Robust Evaluation Benchmark of Understanding Symbols

Authors: Andrew Gritsevskiy, Arjun Panickssery, Aaron Kirtland, Derik Kauffman, Hans Gundlach, Irina Gritsevskaya, Joe Cavanagh, Jonathan Chiang, Lydia La Roux, Michelle Hung

Abstract: We propose a new benchmark evaluating the performance of multimodal large language models on rebus puzzles. The dataset covers 333 original examples of image-based wordplay, cluing 13 categories such as movies, composers, major cities, and food. To achieve good performance on the benchmark of identifying the clued word or phrase, models must combine image recognition and string manipulation with hypothesis testing, multi-step reasoning, and an understanding of human cognition, making for a complex, multimodal evaluation of capabilities. We find that GPT-4o significantly outperforms all other models, followed by proprietary models outperforming all other evaluated models. However, even the best model has a final accuracy of only 42\%, which goes down to just 7\% on hard puzzles, highlighting the need for substantial improvements in reasoning. Further, models rarely understand all parts of a puzzle, and are almost always incapable of retroactively explaining the correct answer. Our benchmark can therefore be used to identify major shortcomings in the knowledge and reasoning of multimodal large language models.

replace-cross MLCommons Cloud Masking Benchmark with Early Stopping

Authors: Varshitha Chennamsetti, Gregor von Laszewski, Ruochen Gu, Laiba Mehnaz, Juri Papay, Samuel Jackson, Jeyan Thiyagalingam, Sergey V. Samsonau, Geoffrey C. Fox

Abstract: In this paper, we report on work performed for the MLCommons Science Working Group on the cloud masking benchmark. MLCommons is a consortium that develops and maintains several scientific benchmarks that aim to benefit developments in AI. The benchmarks are conducted on the High Performance Computing (HPC) Clusters of New York University and University of Virginia, as well as a commodity desktop. We provide a description of the cloud masking benchmark, as well as a summary of our submission to MLCommons on the benchmark experiment we conducted. It includes a modification to the reference implementation of the cloud masking benchmark enabling early stopping. This benchmark is executed on the NYU HPC through a custom batch script that runs the various experiments through the batch queuing system while allowing for variation on the number of epochs trained. Our submission includes the modified code, a custom batch script to modify epochs, documentation, and the benchmark results. We report the highest accuracy (scientific metric) and the average time taken (performance metric) for training and inference that was achieved on NYU HPC Greene. We also provide a comparison of the compute capabilities between different systems by running the benchmark for one epoch. Our submission can be found in a Globus repository that is accessible to MLCommons Science Working Group.

replace-cross Convex and Bilevel Optimization for Neuro-Symbolic Inference and Learning

Authors: Charles Dickens, Changyu Gao, Connor Pryor, Stephen Wright, Lise Getoor

Abstract: We leverage convex and bilevel optimization techniques to develop a general gradient-based parameter learning framework for neural-symbolic (NeSy) systems. We demonstrate our framework with NeuPSL, a state-of-the-art NeSy architecture. To achieve this, we propose a smooth primal and dual formulation of NeuPSL inference and show learning gradients are functions of the optimal dual variables. Additionally, we develop a dual block coordinate descent algorithm for the new formulation that naturally exploits warm-starts. This leads to over 100x learning runtime improvements over the current best NeuPSL inference method. Finally, we provide extensive empirical evaluations across 8 datasets covering a range of tasks and demonstrate our learning framework achieves up to a 16% point prediction performance improvement over alternative learning methods.

replace-cross Text Embedding Inversion Security for Multilingual Language Models

Authors: Yiyi Chen, Heather Lent, Johannes Bjerva

Abstract: Textual data is often represented as real-numbered embeddings in NLP, particularly with the popularity of large language models (LLMs) and Embeddings as a Service (EaaS). However, storing sensitive information as embeddings can be susceptible to security breaches, as research shows that text can be reconstructed from embeddings, even without knowledge of the underlying model. While defence mechanisms have been explored, these are exclusively focused on English, leaving other languages potentially exposed to attacks. This work explores LLM security through multilingual embedding inversion. We define the problem of black-box multilingual and cross-lingual inversion attacks, and explore their potential implications. Our findings suggest that multilingual LLMs may be more vulnerable to inversion attacks, in part because English-based defences may be ineffective. To alleviate this, we propose a simple masking defense effective for both monolingual and multilingual models. This study is the first to investigate multilingual inversion attacks, shedding light on the differences in attacks and defenses across monolingual and multilingual settings.

replace-cross PROXYQA: An Alternative Framework for Evaluating Long-Form Text Generation with Large Language Models

Authors: Haochen Tan, Zhijiang Guo, Zhan Shi, Lu Xu, Zhili Liu, Yunlong Feng, Xiaoguang Li, Yasheng Wang, Lifeng Shang, Qun Liu, Linqi Song

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have succeeded remarkably in understanding long-form contents. However, exploring their capability for generating long-form contents, such as reports and articles, has been relatively unexplored and inadequately assessed by existing benchmarks. The prevalent evaluation methods, which predominantly rely on crowdsourcing, are recognized for their labor-intensive nature and lack of efficiency, whereas automated metrics, such as the ROUGE score, demonstrate discordance with human judgment criteria. In this paper, we propose ProxyQA, an innovative framework dedicated to assessing long-text generation. ProxyQA comprises in-depth human-curated meta-questions spanning various domains, each accompanied by specific proxy-questions with pre-annotated answers. LLMs are tasked to generate extensive content in response to these meta-questions, by engaging an evaluator and incorporating the generated texts as contextual background, ProxyQA assesses the generated content's quality through the evaluator's accuracy in addressing the proxy-questions. We examine multiple LLMs, emphasizing ProxyQA's demanding nature as a high-quality assessment tool. Human evaluation demonstrates that the proxy-question method is notably self-consistent and aligns closely with human evaluative standards. The dataset and leaderboard is available at \url{}.


replace-cross Efficient Fine-tuning of Audio Spectrogram Transformers via Soft Mixture of Adapters

Authors: Umberto Cappellazzo, Daniele Falavigna, Alessio Brutti

Abstract: Mixture of Experts (MoE) architectures have recently started burgeoning due to their ability to scale model's capacity while maintaining the computational cost affordable. Furthermore, they can be applied to both Transformers and State Space Models, the current state-of-the-art models in numerous fields. While MoE has been mostly investigated for the pre-training stage, its use in parameter-efficient transfer learning settings is under-explored. To narrow this gap, this paper attempts to demystify the use of MoE for parameter-efficient fine-tuning of Audio Spectrogram Transformers to audio and speech downstream tasks. Specifically, we propose Soft Mixture of Adapters (Soft-MoA). It exploits adapters as the experts and, leveraging the recent Soft MoE method, it relies on a soft assignment between the input tokens and experts to keep the computational time limited. Extensive experiments across 4 benchmarks demonstrate that Soft-MoA outperforms the single adapter method and performs on par with the dense MoA counterpart. We finally present ablation studies on key elements of Soft-MoA, showing for example that Soft-MoA achieves better scaling with more experts, as well as ensuring that all experts contribute to the computation of the output tokens, thus dispensing with the expert imbalance issue.

replace-cross Repeat After Me: Transformers are Better than State Space Models at Copying

Authors: Samy Jelassi, David Brandfonbrener, Sham M. Kakade, Eran Malach

Abstract: Transformers are the dominant architecture for sequence modeling, but there is growing interest in models that use a fixed-size latent state that does not depend on the sequence length, which we refer to as "generalized state space models" (GSSMs). In this paper we show that while GSSMs are promising in terms of inference-time efficiency, they are limited compared to transformer models on tasks that require copying from the input context. We start with a theoretical analysis of the simple task of string copying and prove that a two layer transformer can copy strings of exponential length while GSSMs are fundamentally limited by their fixed-size latent state. Empirically, we find that transformers outperform GSSMs in terms of efficiency and generalization on synthetic tasks that require copying the context. Finally, we evaluate pretrained large language models and find that transformer models dramatically outperform state space models at copying and retrieving information from context. Taken together, these results suggest a fundamental gap between transformers and GSSMs on tasks of practical interest.

replace-cross Compositional Generative Modeling: A Single Model is Not All You Need

Authors: Yilun Du, Leslie Kaelbling

Abstract: Large monolithic generative models trained on massive amounts of data have become an increasingly dominant approach in AI research. In this paper, we argue that we should instead construct large generative systems by composing smaller generative models together. We show how such a compositional generative approach enables us to learn distributions in a more data-efficient manner, enabling generalization to parts of the data distribution unseen at training time. We further show how this enables us to program and construct new generative models for tasks completely unseen at training. Finally, we show that in many cases, we can discover separate compositional components from data.

replace-cross A Probabilistic Model behind Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Alice Bizeul, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Carl Allen

Abstract: In self-supervised learning (SSL), representations are learned via an auxiliary task without annotated labels. A common task is to classify augmentations or different modalities of the data, which share semantic content (e.g. an object in an image) but differ in style (e.g. the object's location). Many approaches to self-supervised learning have been proposed, e.g. SimCLR, CLIP, and VicREG, which have recently gained much attention for their representations achieving downstream performance comparable to supervised learning. However, a theoretical understanding of self-supervised methods eludes. Addressing this, we present a generative latent variable model for self-supervised learning and show that several families of discriminative SSL, including contrastive methods, induce a comparable distribution over representations, providing a unifying theoretical framework for these methods. The proposed model also justifies connections drawn to mutual information and the use of a "projection head". Learning representations by fitting the model generatively (termed SimVAE) improves performance over discriminative and other VAE-based methods on simple image benchmarks and significantly narrows the gap between generative and discriminative representation learning in more complex settings. Importantly, as our analysis predicts, SimVAE outperforms self-supervised learning where style information is required, taking an important step toward understanding self-supervised methods and achieving task-agnostic representations.

replace-cross Prioritizing Safeguarding Over Autonomy: Risks of LLM Agents for Science

Authors: Xiangru Tang, Qiao Jin, Kunlun Zhu, Tongxin Yuan, Yichi Zhang, Wangchunshu Zhou, Meng Qu, Yilun Zhao, Jian Tang, Zhuosheng Zhang, Arman Cohan, Zhiyong Lu, Mark Gerstein

Abstract: Intelligent agents powered by large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated substantial promise in autonomously conducting experiments and facilitating scientific discoveries across various disciplines. While their capabilities are promising, these agents, called scientific LLM agents, also introduce novel vulnerabilities that demand careful consideration for safety. However, there exists a notable gap in the literature, as there has been no comprehensive exploration of these vulnerabilities. This perspective paper fills this gap by conducting a thorough examination of vulnerabilities in LLM-based agents within scientific domains, shedding light on potential risks associated with their misuse and emphasizing the need for safety measures. We begin by providing a comprehensive overview of the potential risks inherent to scientific LLM agents, taking into account user intent, the specific scientific domain, and their potential impact on the external environment. Then, we delve into the origins of these vulnerabilities and provide a scoping review of the limited existing works. Based on our analysis, we propose a triadic framework involving human regulation, agent alignment, and an understanding of environmental feedback (agent regulation) to mitigate these identified risks. Furthermore, we highlight the limitations and challenges associated with safeguarding scientific agents and advocate for the development of improved models, robust benchmarks, and comprehensive regulations to address these issues effectively.

replace-cross QuIP#: Even Better LLM Quantization with Hadamard Incoherence and Lattice Codebooks

Authors: Albert Tseng, Jerry Chee, Qingyao Sun, Volodymyr Kuleshov, Christopher De Sa

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) reduces the memory footprint of LLMs by quantizing their weights to low-precision. In this work, we introduce QuIP#, a weight-only PTQ method that achieves state-of-the-art results in extreme compression regimes ($\le$ 4 bits per weight) using three novel techniques. First, QuIP# improves QuIP's (Chee et al., 2023) incoherence processing by using the randomized Hadamard transform, which is faster and has better theoretical properties. Second, QuIP# uses vector quantization to take advantage of the ball-shaped sub-Gaussian distribution that incoherent weights possess: specifically, we introduce a set of hardware-efficient codebooks based on the highly symmetric $E_8$ lattice, which achieves the optimal 8-dimension unit ball packing. Third, QuIP# uses fine-tuning to improve fidelity to the original model. Our experiments show that QuIP# outperforms existing PTQ methods, enables new behaviors in PTQ scaling, and supports fast inference. Our code can be found at


replace-cross Towards Generalizability of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Graphs with Recurrent Message Passing

Authors: Jannis Weil, Zhenghua Bao, Osama Abboud, Tobias Meuser

Abstract: Graph-based environments pose unique challenges to multi-agent reinforcement learning. In decentralized approaches, agents operate within a given graph and make decisions based on partial or outdated observations. The size of the observed neighborhood limits the generalizability to different graphs and affects the reactivity of agents, the quality of the selected actions, and the communication overhead. This work focuses on generalizability and resolves the trade-off in observed neighborhood size with a continuous information flow in the whole graph. We propose a recurrent message-passing model that iterates with the environment's steps and allows nodes to create a global representation of the graph by exchanging messages with their neighbors. Agents receive the resulting learned graph observations based on their location in the graph. Our approach can be used in a decentralized manner at runtime and in combination with a reinforcement learning algorithm of choice. We evaluate our method across 1000 diverse graphs in the context of routing in communication networks and find that it enables agents to generalize and adapt to changes in the graph.

replace-cross Learn To be Efficient: Build Structured Sparsity in Large Language Models

Authors: Haizhong Zheng, Xiaoyan Bai, Xueshen Liu, Z. Morley Mao, Beidi Chen, Fan Lai, Atul Prakash

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success with their billion-level parameters, yet they incur high inference overheads. The emergence of activation sparsity in LLMs provides a natural approach to reduce this cost by involving only parts of the parameters for inference. However, existing methods only focus on utilizing this naturally formed activation sparsity in a post-training setting, overlooking the potential for further amplifying this inherent sparsity. In this paper, we hypothesize that LLMs can learn to be efficient by achieving more structured activation sparsity. To achieve this, we introduce a novel training algorithm, Learn-To-be-Efficient (LTE), designed to train efficiency-aware LLMs to learn to activate fewer neurons and achieve a better trade-off between sparsity and performance. Furthermore, unlike SOTA MoEfication methods, which mainly focus on ReLU-based models, LTE can also be applied to LLMs like LLaMA using non-ReLU activations. Extensive evaluation on language understanding, language generation, and instruction tuning tasks show that LTE consistently outperforms SOTA baselines. Along with our hardware-aware custom kernel implementation, LTE reduces LLaMA2-7B inference latency by 25% at 50% sparsity.

replace-cross Feedback Loops With Language Models Drive In-Context Reward Hacking

Authors: Alexander Pan, Erik Jones, Meena Jagadeesan, Jacob Steinhardt

Abstract: Language models influence the external world: they query APIs that read and write to web pages, generate content that shapes human behavior, and run system commands as autonomous agents. These interactions form feedback loops: LLM outputs affect the world, which in turn affect subsequent LLM outputs. In this work, we show that feedback loops can cause in-context reward hacking (ICRH), where the LLM at test-time optimizes a (potentially implicit) objective but creates negative side effects in the process. For example, consider an LLM agent deployed to increase Twitter engagement; the LLM may retrieve its previous tweets into the context window and make them more controversial, increasing engagement but also toxicity. We identify and study two processes that lead to ICRH: output-refinement and policy-refinement. For these processes, evaluations on static datasets are insufficient -- they miss the feedback effects and thus cannot capture the most harmful behavior. In response, we provide three recommendations for evaluation to capture more instances of ICRH. As AI development accelerates, the effects of feedback loops will proliferate, increasing the need to understand their role in shaping LLM behavior.

replace-cross ExGRG: Explicitly-Generated Relation Graph for Self-Supervised Representation Learning

Authors: Mahdi Naseri, Mahdi Biparva

Abstract: Self-supervised Learning (SSL) has emerged as a powerful technique in pre-training deep learning models without relying on expensive annotated labels, instead leveraging embedded signals in unlabeled data. While SSL has shown remarkable success in computer vision tasks through intuitive data augmentation, its application to graph-structured data poses challenges due to the semantic-altering and counter-intuitive nature of graph augmentations. Addressing this limitation, this paper introduces a novel non-contrastive SSL approach to Explicitly Generate a compositional Relation Graph (ExGRG) instead of relying solely on the conventional augmentation-based implicit relation graph. ExGRG offers a framework for incorporating prior domain knowledge and online extracted information into the SSL invariance objective, drawing inspiration from the Laplacian Eigenmap and Expectation-Maximization (EM). Employing an EM perspective on SSL, our E-step involves relation graph generation to identify candidates to guide the SSL invariance objective, and M-step updates the model parameters by integrating the derived relational information. Extensive experimentation on diverse node classification datasets demonstrates the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art techniques, affirming ExGRG as an effective adoption of SSL for graph representation learning.

replace-cross Echoes of Socratic Doubt: Embracing Uncertainty in Calibrated Evidential Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Alex Christopher Stutts, Danilo Erricolo, Theja Tulabandhula, Amit Ranjan Trivedi

Abstract: We present a novel statistical approach to incorporating uncertainty awareness in model-free distributional reinforcement learning involving quantile regression-based deep Q networks. The proposed algorithm, $\textit{Calibrated Evidential Quantile Regression in Deep Q Networks (CEQR-DQN)}$, aims to address key challenges associated with separately estimating aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in stochastic environments. It combines deep evidential learning with quantile calibration based on principles of conformal inference to provide explicit, sample-free computations of $\textit{global}$ uncertainty as opposed to $\textit{local}$ estimates based on simple variance, overcoming limitations of traditional methods in computational and statistical efficiency and handling of out-of-distribution (OOD) observations. Tested on a suite of miniaturized Atari games (i.e., MinAtar), CEQR-DQN is shown to surpass similar existing frameworks in scores and learning speed. Its ability to rigorously evaluate uncertainty improves exploration strategies and can serve as a blueprint for other algorithms requiring uncertainty awareness.

replace-cross Mixtures of Experts Unlock Parameter Scaling for Deep RL

Authors: Johan Obando-Ceron, Ghada Sokar, Timon Willi, Clare Lyle, Jesse Farebrother, Jakob Foerster, Gintare Karolina Dziugaite, Doina Precup, Pablo Samuel Castro

Abstract: The recent rapid progress in (self) supervised learning models is in large part predicted by empirical scaling laws: a model's performance scales proportionally to its size. Analogous scaling laws remain elusive for reinforcement learning domains, however, where increasing the parameter count of a model often hurts its final performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that incorporating Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) modules, and in particular Soft MoEs (Puigcerver et al., 2023), into value-based networks results in more parameter-scalable models, evidenced by substantial performance increases across a variety of training regimes and model sizes. This work thus provides strong empirical evidence towards developing scaling laws for reinforcement learning.

replace-cross Model Assessment and Selection under Temporal Distribution Shift

Authors: Elise Han, Chengpiao Huang, Kaizheng Wang

Abstract: We investigate model assessment and selection in a changing environment, by synthesizing datasets from both the current time period and historical epochs. To tackle unknown and potentially arbitrary temporal distribution shift, we develop an adaptive rolling window approach to estimate the generalization error of a given model. This strategy also facilitates the comparison between any two candidate models by estimating the difference of their generalization errors. We further integrate pairwise comparisons into a single-elimination tournament, achieving near-optimal model selection from a collection of candidates. Theoretical analyses and numerical experiments demonstrate the adaptivity of our proposed methods to the non-stationarity in data.

replace-cross API Pack: A Massive Multi-Programming Language Dataset for API Call Generation

Authors: Zhen Guo, Adriana Meza Soria, Wei Sun, Yikang Shen, Rameswar Panda

Abstract: We introduce API Pack, a massive multi-programming language dataset containing more than 1 million instruction-API call pairs to improve the API call generation capabilities of large language models. By fine-tuning CodeLlama-13B on 20,000 Python instances from API Pack, we enable it to outperform GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in generating unseen API calls. Fine-tuning on API Pack also facilitates cross-programming language generalization by leveraging a large amount of data in one language and small amounts of data from other languages. Scaling the training data to 1 million instances further improves the model's ability to generalize to new APIs not used in training. To facilitate further research, we open-source the API Pack dataset, trained model, and associated source code at


replace-cross In value-based deep reinforcement learning, a pruned network is a good network

Authors: Johan Obando-Ceron, Aaron Courville, Pablo Samuel Castro

Abstract: Recent work has shown that deep reinforcement learning agents have difficulty in effectively using their network parameters. We leverage prior insights into the advantages of sparse training techniques and demonstrate that gradual magnitude pruning enables value-based agents to maximize parameter effectiveness. This results in networks that yield dramatic performance improvements over traditional networks, using only a small fraction of the full network parameters.

replace-cross CIF-Bench: A Chinese Instruction-Following Benchmark for Evaluating the Generalizability of Large Language Models

Authors: Yizhi LI, Ge Zhang, Xingwei Qu, Jiali Li, Zhaoqun Li, Zekun Wang, Hao Li, Ruibin Yuan, Yinghao Ma, Kai Zhang, Wangchunshu Zhou, Yiming Liang, Lei Zhang, Lei Ma, Jiajun Zhang, Zuowen Li, Stephen W. Huang, Chenghua Lin, Jie Fu

Abstract: The advancement of large language models (LLMs) has enhanced the ability to generalize across a wide range of unseen natural language processing (NLP) tasks through instruction-following. Yet, their effectiveness often diminishes in low-resource languages like Chinese, exacerbated by biased evaluations from data leakage, casting doubt on their true generalizability to new linguistic territories. In response, we introduce the Chinese Instruction-Following Benchmark (CIF-Bench), designed to evaluate the zero-shot generalizability of LLMs to the Chinese language. CIF-Bench comprises 150 tasks and 15,000 input-output pairs, developed by native speakers to test complex reasoning and Chinese cultural nuances across 20 categories. To mitigate data contamination, we release only half of the dataset publicly, with the remainder kept private, and introduce diversified instructions to minimize score variance, totaling 45,000 data instances. Our evaluation of 28 selected LLMs reveals a noticeable performance gap, with the best model scoring only 52.9%, highlighting the limitations of LLMs in less familiar language and task contexts. This work not only uncovers the current limitations of LLMs in handling Chinese language tasks but also sets a new standard for future LLM generalizability research, pushing towards the development of more adaptable, culturally informed, and linguistically diverse models.

replace-cross RefuteBench: Evaluating Refuting Instruction-Following for Large Language Models

Authors: Jianhao Yan, Yun Luo, Yue Zhang

Abstract: The application scope of large language models (LLMs) is increasingly expanding. In practical use, users might provide feedback based on the model's output, hoping for a responsive model that can complete responses according to their feedback. Whether the model can appropriately respond to users' refuting feedback and consistently follow through with execution has not been thoroughly analyzed. In light of this, this paper proposes a comprehensive benchmark, RefuteBench, covering tasks such as question answering, machine translation, and email writing. The evaluation aims to assess whether models can positively accept feedback in form of refuting instructions and whether they can consistently adhere to user demands throughout the conversation. We conduct evaluations on numerous LLMs and find that LLMs are stubborn, i.e. exhibit inclination to their internal knowledge, often failing to comply with user feedback. Additionally, as the length of the conversation increases, models gradually forget the user's stated feedback and roll back to their own responses. We further propose a recall-and-repeat prompts as a simple and effective way to enhance the model's responsiveness to feedback.

replace-cross ARL2: Aligning Retrievers for Black-box Large Language Models via Self-guided Adaptive Relevance Labeling

Authors: Lingxi Zhang, Yue Yu, Kuan Wang, Chao Zhang

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation enhances large language models (LLMs) by incorporating relevant information from external knowledge sources. This enables LLMs to adapt to specific domains and mitigate hallucinations in knowledge-intensive tasks. However, existing retrievers are often misaligned with LLMs due to their separate training processes and the black-box nature of LLMs. To address this challenge, we propose ARL2, a retriever learning technique that harnesses LLMs as labelers. ARL2 leverages LLMs to annotate and score relevant evidence, enabling learning the retriever from robust LLM supervision. Furthermore, ARL2 uses an adaptive self-training strategy for curating high-quality and diverse relevance data, which can effectively reduce the annotation cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of ARL2, achieving accuracy improvements of 5.4% on NQ and 4.6% on MMLU compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, ARL2 exhibits robust transfer learning capabilities and strong zero-shot generalization abilities. Our code will be published at \url{}.


replace-cross Can Watermarks Survive Translation? On the Cross-lingual Consistency of Text Watermark for Large Language Models

Authors: Zhiwei He, Binglin Zhou, Hongkun Hao, Aiwei Liu, Xing Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Zhuosheng Zhang, Rui Wang

Abstract: Text watermarking technology aims to tag and identify content produced by large language models (LLMs) to prevent misuse. In this study, we introduce the concept of cross-lingual consistency in text watermarking, which assesses the ability of text watermarks to maintain their effectiveness after being translated into other languages. Preliminary empirical results from two LLMs and three watermarking methods reveal that current text watermarking technologies lack consistency when texts are translated into various languages. Based on this observation, we propose a Cross-lingual Watermark Removal Attack (CWRA) to bypass watermarking by first obtaining a response from an LLM in a pivot language, which is then translated into the target language. CWRA can effectively remove watermarks, decreasing the AUCs to a random-guessing level without performance loss. Furthermore, we analyze two key factors that contribute to the cross-lingual consistency in text watermarking and propose X-SIR as a defense method against CWRA. Code:


replace-cross Morphological Symmetries in Robotics

Authors: Daniel Ordo\~nez-Apraez, Giulio Turrisi, Vladimir Kostic, Mario Martin, Antonio Agudo, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Massimiliano Pontil, Claudio Semini, Carlos Mastalli

Abstract: We present a comprehensive framework for studying and leveraging morphological symmetries in robotic systems. These are intrinsic properties of the robot's morphology, frequently observed in animal biology and robotics, which stem from the replication of kinematic structures and the symmetrical distribution of mass. We illustrate how these symmetries extend to the robot's state space and both proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensor measurements, resulting in the equivariance of the robot's equations of motion and optimal control policies. Thus, we recognize morphological symmetries as a relevant and previously unexplored physics-informed geometric prior, with significant implications for both data-driven and analytical methods used in modeling, control, estimation and design in robotics. For data-driven methods, we demonstrate that morphological symmetries can enhance the sample efficiency and generalization of machine learning models through data augmentation, or by applying equivariant/invariant constraints on the model's architecture. In the context of analytical methods, we employ abstract harmonic analysis to decompose the robot's dynamics into a superposition of lower-dimensional, independent dynamics. We substantiate our claims with both synthetic and real-world experiments conducted on bipedal and quadrupedal robots. Lastly, we introduce the repository MorphoSymm to facilitate the practical use of the theory and applications outlined in this work.

replace-cross Contextualized Diffusion Models for Text-Guided Image and Video Generation

Authors: Ling Yang, Zhilong Zhang, Zhaochen Yu, Jingwei Liu, Minkai Xu, Stefano Ermon, Bin Cui

Abstract: Conditional diffusion models have exhibited superior performance in high-fidelity text-guided visual generation and editing. Nevertheless, prevailing text-guided visual diffusion models primarily focus on incorporating text-visual relationships exclusively into the reverse process, often disregarding their relevance in the forward process. This inconsistency between forward and reverse processes may limit the precise conveyance of textual semantics in visual synthesis results. To address this issue, we propose a novel and general contextualized diffusion model (ContextDiff) by incorporating the cross-modal context encompassing interactions and alignments between text condition and visual sample into forward and reverse processes. We propagate this context to all timesteps in the two processes to adapt their trajectories, thereby facilitating cross-modal conditional modeling. We generalize our contextualized diffusion to both DDPMs and DDIMs with theoretical derivations, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in evaluations with two challenging tasks: text-to-image generation, and text-to-video editing. In each task, our ContextDiff achieves new state-of-the-art performance, significantly enhancing the semantic alignment between text condition and generated samples, as evidenced by quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Our code is available at


replace-cross LDB: A Large Language Model Debugger via Verifying Runtime Execution Step-by-step

Authors: Lily Zhong, Zilong Wang, Jingbo Shang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are leading significant progress in code generation. Beyond one-pass code generation, recent works further integrate unit tests and program verifiers into LLMs to iteratively refine the generated programs. However, these works consider the generated programs as an indivisible entity, which falls short for LLMs in debugging the programs, especially when the programs contain complex logic flows and data operations. In contrast, when human developers debug programs, they typically set breakpoints and selectively examine runtime execution information. The execution flow and the intermediate variables play a crucial role in the debugging process, yet they are underutilized in the existing literature on code generation. In this study, we introduce Large Language Model Debugger (LDB), a novel debugging framework that enables LLMs to refine their generated programs with the runtime execution information. Specifically, LDB segments the programs into basic blocks and tracks the values of intermediate variables after each block throughout the runtime execution. This allows LLMs to concentrate on simpler code units within the overall execution flow, verify their correctness against the task description block by block, and efficiently pinpoint any potential errors. Experiments demonstrate that LDB consistently enhances the baseline performance by up to 9.8% across the HumanEval, MBPP, and TransCoder benchmarks, archiving new state-of-the-art performance in code debugging for various LLM selections.

replace-cross A Sentiment Consolidation Framework for Meta-Review Generation

Authors: Miao Li, Jey Han Lau, Eduard Hovy

Abstract: Modern natural language generation systems with Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit the capability to generate a plausible summary of multiple documents; however, it is uncertain if they truly possess the capability of information consolidation to generate summaries, especially on documents with opinionated information. We focus on meta-review generation, a form of sentiment summarisation for the scientific domain. To make scientific sentiment summarization more grounded, we hypothesize that human meta-reviewers follow a three-layer framework of sentiment consolidation to write meta-reviews. Based on the framework, we propose novel prompting methods for LLMs to generate meta-reviews and evaluation metrics to assess the quality of generated meta-reviews. Our framework is validated empirically as we find that prompting LLMs based on the framework -- compared with prompting them with simple instructions -- generates better meta-reviews.

replace-cross Editing Factual Knowledge and Explanatory Ability of Medical Large Language Models

Authors: Derong Xu, Ziheng Zhang, Zhihong Zhu, Zhenxi Lin, Qidong Liu, Xian Wu, Tong Xu, Wanyu Wang, Yuyang Ye, Xiangyu Zhao, Yefeng Zheng, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Model editing aims to precisely alter the behaviors of large language models (LLMs) in relation to specific knowledge, while leaving unrelated knowledge intact. This approach has proven effective in addressing issues of hallucination and outdated information in LLMs. However, the potential of using model editing to modify knowledge in the medical field remains largely unexplored, even though resolving hallucination is a pressing need in this area. Our observations indicate that current methods face significant challenges in dealing with specialized and complex knowledge in medical domain. Therefore, we propose MedLaSA, a novel Layer-wise Scalable Adapter strategy for medical model editing. MedLaSA harnesses the strengths of both adding extra parameters and locate-then-edit methods for medical model editing. We utilize causal tracing to identify the association of knowledge in neurons across different layers, and generate a corresponding scale set from the association value for each piece of knowledge. Subsequently, we incorporate scalable adapters into the dense layers of LLMs. These adapters are assigned scaling values based on the corresponding specific knowledge, which allows for the adjustment of the adapter's weight and rank. The more similar the content, the more consistent the scale between them. This ensures precise editing of semantically identical knowledge while avoiding impact on unrelated knowledge. To evaluate the editing impact on the behaviours of LLMs, we propose two model editing studies for medical domain: (1) editing factual knowledge for medical specialization and (2) editing the explanatory ability for complex knowledge. We build two novel medical benchmarking datasets and introduce a series of challenging and comprehensive metrics. Extensive experiments on medical LLMs demonstrate the editing efficiency of MedLaSA, without affecting unrelated knowledge.

replace-cross Fine-Tuned Machine Translation Metrics Struggle in Unseen Domains

Authors: Vil\'em Zouhar, Shuoyang Ding, Anna Currey, Tatyana Badeka, Jenyuan Wang, Brian Thompson

Abstract: We introduce a new, extensive multidimensional quality metrics (MQM) annotated dataset covering 11 language pairs in the biomedical domain. We use this dataset to investigate whether machine translation (MT) metrics which are fine-tuned on human-generated MT quality judgements are robust to domain shifts between training and inference. We find that fine-tuned metrics exhibit a substantial performance drop in the unseen domain scenario relative to metrics that rely on the surface form, as well as pre-trained metrics which are not fine-tuned on MT quality judgments.

replace-cross RAM-EHR: Retrieval Augmentation Meets Clinical Predictions on Electronic Health Records

Authors: Ran Xu, Wenqi Shi, Yue Yu, Yuchen Zhuang, Bowen Jin, May D. Wang, Joyce C. Ho, Carl Yang

Abstract: We present RAM-EHR, a Retrieval AugMentation pipeline to improve clinical predictions on Electronic Health Records (EHRs). RAM-EHR first collects multiple knowledge sources, converts them into text format, and uses dense retrieval to obtain information related to medical concepts. This strategy addresses the difficulties associated with complex names for the concepts. RAM-EHR then augments the local EHR predictive model co-trained with consistency regularization to capture complementary information from patient visits and summarized knowledge. Experiments on two EHR datasets show the efficacy of RAM-EHR over previous knowledge-enhanced baselines (3.4% gain in AUROC and 7.2% gain in AUPR), emphasizing the effectiveness of the summarized knowledge from RAM-EHR for clinical prediction tasks. The code will be published at \url{}.


replace-cross NewsBench: A Systematic Evaluation Framework for Assessing Editorial Capabilities of Large Language Models in Chinese Journalism

Authors: Miao Li, Ming-Bin Chen, Bo Tang, Shengbin Hou, Pengyu Wang, Haiying Deng, Zhiyu Li, Feiyu Xiong, Keming Mao, Peng Cheng, Yi Luo

Abstract: We present NewsBench, a novel evaluation framework to systematically assess the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) for editorial capabilities in Chinese journalism. Our constructed benchmark dataset is focused on four facets of writing proficiency and six facets of safety adherence, and it comprises manually and carefully designed 1,267 test samples in the types of multiple choice questions and short answer questions for five editorial tasks in 24 news domains. To measure performances, we propose different GPT-4 based automatic evaluation protocols to assess LLM generations for short answer questions in terms of writing proficiency and safety adherence, and both are validated by the high correlations with human evaluations. Based on the systematic evaluation framework, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of ten popular LLMs which can handle Chinese. The experimental results highlight GPT-4 and ERNIE Bot as top performers, yet reveal a relative deficiency in journalistic safety adherence in creative writing tasks. Our findings also underscore the need for enhanced ethical guidance in machine-generated journalistic content, marking a step forward in aligning LLMs with journalistic standards and safety considerations.

replace-cross Wukong: Towards a Scaling Law for Large-Scale Recommendation

Authors: Buyun Zhang, Liang Luo, Yuxin Chen, Jade Nie, Xi Liu, Daifeng Guo, Yanli Zhao, Shen Li, Yuchen Hao, Yantao Yao, Guna Lakshminarayanan, Ellie Dingqiao Wen, Jongsoo Park, Maxim Naumov, Wenlin Chen

Abstract: Scaling laws play an instrumental role in the sustainable improvement in model quality. Unfortunately, recommendation models to date do not exhibit such laws similar to those observed in the domain of large language models, due to the inefficiencies of their upscaling mechanisms. This limitation poses significant challenges in adapting these models to increasingly more complex real-world datasets. In this paper, we propose an effective network architecture based purely on stacked factorization machines, and a synergistic upscaling strategy, collectively dubbed Wukong, to establish a scaling law in the domain of recommendation. Wukong's unique design makes it possible to capture diverse, any-order of interactions simply through taller and wider layers. We conducted extensive evaluations on six public datasets, and our results demonstrate that Wukong consistently outperforms state-of-the-art models quality-wise. Further, we assessed Wukong's scalability on an internal, large-scale dataset. The results show that Wukong retains its superiority in quality over state-of-the-art models, while holding the scaling law across two orders of magnitude in model complexity, extending beyond 100 GFLOP/example, where prior arts fall short.

replace-cross A Unified Framework for Microscopy Defocus Deblur with Multi-Pyramid Transformer and Contrastive Learning

Authors: Yuelin Zhang, Pengyu Zheng, Wanquan Yan, Chengyu Fang, Shing Shin Cheng

Abstract: Defocus blur is a persistent problem in microscope imaging that poses harm to pathology interpretation and medical intervention in cell microscopy and microscope surgery. To address this problem, a unified framework including the multi-pyramid transformer (MPT) and extended frequency contrastive regularization (EFCR) is proposed to tackle two outstanding challenges in microscopy deblur: longer attention span and data deficiency. The MPT employs an explicit pyramid structure at each network stage that integrates the cross-scale window attention (CSWA), the intra-scale channel attention (ISCA), and the feature-enhancing feed-forward network (FEFN) to capture long-range cross-scale spatial interaction and global channel context. The EFCR addresses the data deficiency problem by exploring latent deblur signals from different frequency bands. It also enables deblur knowledge transfer to learn cross-domain information from extra data, improving deblur performance for labeled and unlabeled data. Extensive experiments and downstream task validation show the framework achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple datasets. Project page:


replace-cross ENOT: Expectile Regularization for Fast and Accurate Training of Neural Optimal Transport

Authors: Nazar Buzun, Maksim Bobrin, Dmitry V. Dylov

Abstract: We present a new approach for Neural Optimal Transport (NOT) training procedure, capable of accurately and efficiently estimating optimal transportation plan via specific regularization on dual Kantorovich potentials. The main bottleneck of existing NOT solvers is associated with the procedure of finding a near-exact approximation of the conjugate operator (i.e., the c-transform), which is done either by optimizing over non-convex max-min objectives or by the computationally intensive fine-tuning of the initial approximated prediction. We resolve both issues by proposing a new, theoretically justified loss in the form of expectile regularisation which enforces binding conditions on the learning process of dual potentials. Such a regularization provides the upper bound estimation over the distribution of possible conjugate potentials and makes the learning stable, completely eliminating the need for additional extensive fine-tuning. Proposed method, called Expectile-Regularised Neural Optimal Transport (ENOT), outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches on the established Wasserstein-2 benchmark tasks by a large margin (up to a 3-fold improvement in quality and up to a 10-fold improvement in runtime). Moreover, we showcase performance of ENOT for varying cost functions on different tasks such as image generation, showing robustness of proposed algorithm.

replace-cross CantonMT: Cantonese to English NMT Platform with Fine-Tuned Models Using Synthetic Back-Translation Data

Authors: Kung Yin Hong, Lifeng Han, Riza Batista-Navarro, Goran Nenadic

Abstract: Neural Machine Translation (NMT) for low-resource languages is still a challenging task in front of NLP researchers. In this work, we deploy a standard data augmentation methodology by back-translation to a new language translation direction Cantonese-to-English. We present the models we fine-tuned using the limited amount of real data and the synthetic data we generated using back-translation including OpusMT, NLLB, and mBART. We carried out automatic evaluation using a range of different metrics including lexical-based and embedding-based. Furthermore. we create a user-friendly interface for the models we included in this\textsc{ CantonMT} research project and make it available to facilitate Cantonese-to-English MT research. Researchers can add more models into this platform via our open-source\textsc{ CantonMT} toolkit \url{}.


replace-cross Decoding Compressed Trust: Scrutinizing the Trustworthiness of Efficient LLMs Under Compression

Authors: Junyuan Hong, Jinhao Duan, Chenhui Zhang, Zhangheng Li, Chulin Xie, Kelsey Lieberman, James Diffenderfer, Brian Bartoldson, Ajay Jaiswal, Kaidi Xu, Bhavya Kailkhura, Dan Hendrycks, Dawn Song, Zhangyang Wang, Bo Li

Abstract: Compressing high-capability Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a favored strategy for resource-efficient inferences. While state-of-the-art (SoTA) compression methods boast impressive advancements in preserving benign task performance, the potential risks of compression in terms of safety and trustworthiness have been largely neglected. This study conducts the first, thorough evaluation of three (3) leading LLMs using five (5) SoTA compression techniques across eight (8) trustworthiness dimensions. Our experiments highlight the intricate interplay between compression and trustworthiness, revealing some interesting patterns. We find that quantization is currently a more effective approach than pruning in achieving efficiency and trustworthiness simultaneously. For instance, a 4-bit quantized model retains the trustworthiness of its original counterpart, but model pruning significantly degrades trustworthiness, even at 50% sparsity. Moreover, employing quantization within a moderate bit range could unexpectedly improve certain trustworthiness dimensions such as ethics and fairness. Conversely, extreme quantization to very low bit levels (3 bits) tends to reduce trustworthiness significantly. This increased risk cannot be uncovered by looking at benign performance alone, in turn, mandating comprehensive trustworthiness evaluation in practice. These findings culminate in practical recommendations for simultaneously achieving high utility, efficiency, and trustworthiness in LLMs. Code and models are available at


replace-cross Heracles: A Hybrid SSM-Transformer Model for High-Resolution Image and Time-Series Analysis

Authors: Badri N. Patro, Suhas Ranganath, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Vijay S. Agneeswaran

Abstract: Transformers have revolutionized image modeling tasks with adaptations like DeIT, Swin, SVT, Biformer, STVit, and FDVIT. However, these models often face challenges with inductive bias and high quadratic complexity, making them less efficient for high-resolution images. State space models (SSMs) such as Mamba, V-Mamba, ViM, and SiMBA offer an alternative to handle high resolution images in computer vision tasks. These SSMs encounter two major issues. First, they become unstable when scaled to large network sizes. Second, although they efficiently capture global information in images, they inherently struggle with handling local information. To address these challenges, we introduce Heracles, a novel SSM that integrates a local SSM, a global SSM, and an attention-based token interaction module. Heracles leverages a Hartely kernel-based state space model for global image information, a localized convolutional network for local details, and attention mechanisms in deeper layers for token interactions. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that Heracles-C-small achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ImageNet dataset with 84.5\% top-1 accuracy. Heracles-C-Large and Heracles-C-Huge further improve accuracy to 85.9\% and 86.4\%, respectively. Additionally, Heracles excels in transfer learning tasks on datasets such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Oxford Flowers, and Stanford Cars, and in instance segmentation on the MSCOCO dataset. Heracles also proves its versatility by achieving state-of-the-art results on seven time-series datasets, showcasing its ability to generalize across domains with spectral data, capturing both local and global information. The project page is available at this link.\url{}


replace-cross Construction and Application of Materials Knowledge Graph in Multidisciplinary Materials Science via Large Language Model

Authors: Yanpeng Ye, Jie Ren, Shaozhou Wang, Yuwei Wan, Haofen Wang, Imran Razzak, Tong Xie, Wenjie Zhang

Abstract: Knowledge in materials science is widely dispersed across extensive scientific literature, posing significant challenges for efficient discovery and integration of new materials. Traditional methods, often reliant on costly and time-consuming experimental approaches, further complicate rapid innovation. Addressing these challenges, the integration of artificial intelligence with materials science has opened avenues for accelerating the discovery process, though it also demands precise annotation, data extraction, and traceability of information. To tackle these issues, this article introduces the Materials Knowledge Graph (MKG), which utilizes advanced natural language processing techniques, integrated with large language models to extract and systematically organize a decade's worth of high-quality research into structured triples, contains 162,605 nodes and 731,772 edges. MKG categorizes information into comprehensive labels such as Name, Formula, and Application, structured around a meticulously designed ontology, thus enhancing data usability and integration. By implementing network-based algorithms, MKG not only facilitates efficient link prediction but also significantly reduces reliance on traditional experimental methods. This structured approach not only streamlines materials research but also lays the groundwork for more sophisticated science knowledge graphs.

replace-cross ODA: Observation-Driven Agent for integrating LLMs and Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Lei Sun, Zhengwei Tao, Youdi Li, Hiroshi Arakawa

Abstract: The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) and knowledge graphs (KGs) has achieved remarkable success in various natural language processing tasks. However, existing methodologies that integrate LLMs and KGs often navigate the task-solving process solely based on the LLM's analysis of the question, overlooking the rich cognitive potential inherent in the vast knowledge encapsulated in KGs. To address this, we introduce Observation-Driven Agent (ODA), a novel AI agent framework tailored for tasks involving KGs. ODA incorporates KG reasoning abilities via global observation, which enhances reasoning capabilities through a cyclical paradigm of observation, action, and reflection. Confronting the exponential explosion of knowledge during observation, we innovatively design a recursive observation mechanism. Subsequently, we integrate the observed knowledge into the action and reflection modules. Through extensive experiments, ODA demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on several datasets, notably achieving accuracy improvements of 12.87% and 8.9%.

replace-cross Social Choice Should Guide AI Alignment in Dealing with Diverse Human Feedback

Authors: Vincent Conitzer, Rachel Freedman, Jobst Heitzig, Wesley H. Holliday, Bob M. Jacobs, Nathan Lambert, Milan Moss\'e, Eric Pacuit, Stuart Russell, Hailey Schoelkopf, Emanuel Tewolde, William S. Zwicker

Abstract: Foundation models such as GPT-4 are fine-tuned to avoid unsafe or otherwise problematic behavior, such as helping to commit crimes or producing racist text. One approach to fine-tuning, called reinforcement learning from human feedback, learns from humans' expressed preferences over multiple outputs. Another approach is constitutional AI, in which the input from humans is a list of high-level principles. But how do we deal with potentially diverging input from humans? How can we aggregate the input into consistent data about "collective" preferences or otherwise use it to make collective choices about model behavior? In this paper, we argue that the field of social choice is well positioned to address these questions, and we discuss ways forward for this agenda, drawing on discussions in a recent workshop on Social Choice for AI Ethics and Safety held in Berkeley, CA, USA in December 2023.

replace-cross Graph Machine Learning in the Era of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Wenqi Fan, Shijie Wang, Jiani Huang, Zhikai Chen, Yu Song, Wenzhuo Tang, Haitao Mao, Hui Liu, Xiaorui Liu, Dawei Yin, Qing Li

Abstract: Graphs play an important role in representing complex relationships in various domains like social networks, knowledge graphs, and molecular discovery. With the advent of deep learning, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a cornerstone in Graph Machine Learning (Graph ML), facilitating the representation and processing of graph structures. Recently, LLMs have demonstrated unprecedented capabilities in language tasks and are widely adopted in a variety of applications such as computer vision and recommender systems. This remarkable success has also attracted interest in applying LLMs to the graph domain. Increasing efforts have been made to explore the potential of LLMs in advancing Graph ML's generalization, transferability, and few-shot learning ability. Meanwhile, graphs, especially knowledge graphs, are rich in reliable factual knowledge, which can be utilized to enhance the reasoning capabilities of LLMs and potentially alleviate their limitations such as hallucinations and the lack of explainability. Given the rapid progress of this research direction, a systematic review summarizing the latest advancements for Graph ML in the era of LLMs is necessary to provide an in-depth understanding to researchers and practitioners. Therefore, in this survey, we first review the recent developments in Graph ML. We then explore how LLMs can be utilized to enhance the quality of graph features, alleviate the reliance on labeled data, and address challenges such as graph heterogeneity and out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization. Afterward, we delve into how graphs can enhance LLMs, highlighting their abilities to enhance LLM pre-training and inference. Furthermore, we investigate various applications and discuss the potential future directions in this promising field.

replace-cross Large Language Models Spot Phishing Emails with Surprising Accuracy: A Comparative Analysis of Performance

Authors: Het Patel, Umair Rehman, Farkhund Iqbal

Abstract: Phishing, a prevalent cybercrime tactic for decades, remains a significant threat in today's digital world. By leveraging clever social engineering elements and modern technology, cybercrime targets many individuals, businesses, and organizations to exploit trust and security. These cyber-attackers are often disguised in many trustworthy forms to appear as legitimate sources. By cleverly using psychological elements like urgency, fear, social proof, and other manipulative strategies, phishers can lure individuals into revealing sensitive and personalized information. Building on this pervasive issue within modern technology, this paper aims to analyze the effectiveness of 15 Large Language Models (LLMs) in detecting phishing attempts, specifically focusing on a randomized set of "419 Scam" emails. The objective is to determine which LLMs can accurately detect phishing emails by analyzing a text file containing email metadata based on predefined criteria. The experiment concluded that the following models, ChatGPT 3.5, GPT-3.5-Turbo-Instruct, and ChatGPT, were the most effective in detecting phishing emails.

replace-cross Player-Driven Emergence in LLM-Driven Game Narrative

Authors: Xiangyu Peng, Jessica Quaye, Sudha Rao, Weijia Xu, Portia Botchway, Chris Brockett, Nebojsa Jojic, Gabriel DesGarennes, Ken Lobb, Michael Xu, Jorge Leandro, Claire Jin, Bill Dolan

Abstract: We explore how interaction with large language models (LLMs) can give rise to emergent behaviors, empowering players to participate in the evolution of game narratives. Our testbed is a text-adventure game in which players attempt to solve a mystery under a fixed narrative premise, but can freely interact with non-player characters generated by GPT-4, a large language model. We recruit 28 gamers to play the game and use GPT-4 to automatically convert the game logs into a node-graph representing the narrative in the player's gameplay. We find that through their interactions with the non-deterministic behavior of the LLM, players are able to discover interesting new emergent nodes that were not a part of the original narrative but have potential for being fun and engaging. Players that created the most emergent nodes tended to be those that often enjoy games that facilitate discovery, exploration and experimentation.

replace-cross Addressing Diverging Training Costs using Local Restoration for Precise Bird's Eye View Map Construction

Authors: Minsu Kim, Giseop Kim, Sunwook Choi

Abstract: Recent advancements in Bird's Eye View (BEV) fusion for map construction have demonstrated remarkable mapping of urban environments. However, their deep and bulky architecture incurs substantial amounts of backpropagation memory and computing latency. Consequently, the problem poses an unavoidable bottleneck in constructing high-resolution (HR) BEV maps, as their large-sized features cause significant increases in costs including GPU memory consumption and computing latency, named diverging training costs issue. Affected by the problem, most existing methods adopt low-resolution (LR) BEV and struggle to estimate the precise locations of urban scene components like road lanes, and sidewalks. As the imprecision leads to risky self-driving, the diverging training costs issue has to be resolved. In this paper, we address the issue with our novel Trumpet Neural Network (TNN) mechanism. The framework utilizes LR BEV space and outputs an up-sampled semantic BEV map to create a memory-efficient pipeline. To this end, we introduce Local Restoration of BEV representation. Specifically, the up-sampled BEV representation has severely aliased, blocky signals, and thick semantic labels. Our proposed Local Restoration restores the signals and thins (or narrows down) the width of the labels. Our extensive experiments show that the TNN mechanism provides a plug-and-play memory-efficient pipeline, thereby enabling the effective estimation of real-sized (or precise) semantic labels for BEV map construction.

replace-cross Triadic-OCD: Asynchronous Online Change Detection with Provable Robustness, Optimality, and Convergence

Authors: Yancheng Huang, Kai Yang, Zelin Zhu, Leian Chen

Abstract: The primary goal of online change detection (OCD) is to promptly identify changes in the data stream. OCD problem find a wide variety of applications in diverse areas, e.g., security detection in smart grids and intrusion detection in communication networks. Prior research usually assumes precise knowledge of the system parameters. Nevertheless, this presumption often proves unattainable in practical scenarios due to factors such as estimation errors, system updates, etc. This paper aims to take the first attempt to develop a triadic-OCD framework with certifiable robustness, provable optimality, and guaranteed convergence. In addition, the proposed triadic-OCD algorithm can be realized in a fully asynchronous distributed manner, easing the necessity of transmitting the data to a single server. This asynchronous mechanism could also mitigate the straggler issue that faced by traditional synchronous algorithm. Moreover, the non-asymptotic convergence property of Triadic-OCD is theoretically analyzed, and its iteration complexity to achieve an $\epsilon$-optimal point is derived. Extensive experiments have been conducted to elucidate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

replace-cross Sequence Compression Speeds Up Credit Assignment in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Aditya A. Ramesh, Kenny Young, Louis Kirsch, J\"urgen Schmidhuber

Abstract: Temporal credit assignment in reinforcement learning is challenging due to delayed and stochastic outcomes. Monte Carlo targets can bridge long delays between action and consequence but lead to high-variance targets due to stochasticity. Temporal difference (TD) learning uses bootstrapping to overcome variance but introduces a bias that can only be corrected through many iterations. TD($\lambda$) provides a mechanism to navigate this bias-variance tradeoff smoothly. Appropriately selecting $\lambda$ can significantly improve performance. Here, we propose Chunked-TD, which uses predicted probabilities of transitions from a model for computing $\lambda$-return targets. Unlike other model-based solutions to credit assignment, Chunked-TD is less vulnerable to model inaccuracies. Our approach is motivated by the principle of history compression and 'chunks' trajectories for conventional TD learning. Chunking with learned world models compresses near-deterministic regions of the environment-policy interaction to speed up credit assignment while still bootstrapping when necessary. We propose algorithms that can be implemented online and show that they solve some problems much faster than conventional TD($\lambda$).

replace-cross Towards Robust Physical-world Backdoor Attacks on Lane Detection

Authors: Xinwei Zhang, Aishan Liu, Tianyuan Zhang, Siyuan Liang, Xianglong Liu

Abstract: Deep learning-based lane detection (LD) plays a critical role in autonomous driving systems, such as adaptive cruise control. However, it is vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Existing backdoor attack methods on LD exhibit limited effectiveness in dynamic real-world scenarios, primarily because they fail to consider dynamic scene factors, including changes in driving perspectives (e.g., viewpoint transformations) and environmental conditions (e.g., weather or lighting changes). To tackle this issue, this paper introduces BadLANE, a dynamic scene adaptation backdoor attack for LD designed to withstand changes in real-world dynamic scene factors. To address the challenges posed by changing driving perspectives, we propose an amorphous trigger pattern composed of shapeless pixels. This trigger design allows the backdoor to be activated by various forms or shapes of mud spots or pollution on the road or lens, enabling adaptation to changes in vehicle observation viewpoints during driving. To mitigate the effects of environmental changes, we design a meta-learning framework to train meta-generators tailored to different environmental conditions. These generators produce meta-triggers that incorporate diverse environmental information, such as weather or lighting conditions, as the initialization of the trigger patterns for backdoor implantation, thus enabling adaptation to dynamic environments. Extensive experiments on various commonly used LD models in both digital and physical domains validate the effectiveness of our attacks, outperforming other baselines significantly (+25.15% on average in Attack Success Rate). Our codes will be available upon paper publication.

replace-cross Synergistic Integration of Coordinate Network and Tensorial Feature for Improving Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse Inputs

Authors: Mingyu Kim, Jun-Seong Kim, Se-Young Yun, Jin-Hwa Kim

Abstract: The multi-plane representation has been highlighted for its fast training and inference across static and dynamic neural radiance fields. This approach constructs relevant features via projection onto learnable grids and interpolating adjacent vertices. However, it has limitations in capturing low-frequency details and tends to overuse parameters for low-frequency features due to its bias toward fine details, despite its multi-resolution concept. This phenomenon leads to instability and inefficiency when training poses are sparse. In this work, we propose a method that synergistically integrates multi-plane representation with a coordinate-based MLP network known for strong bias toward low-frequency signals. The coordinate-based network is responsible for capturing low-frequency details, while the multi-plane representation focuses on capturing fine-grained details. We demonstrate that using residual connections between them seamlessly preserves their own inherent properties. Additionally, the proposed progressive training scheme accelerates the disentanglement of these two features. We demonstrate empirically that our proposed method not only outperforms baseline models for both static and dynamic NeRFs with sparse inputs, but also achieves comparable results with fewer parameters.

replace-cross Mask-based Invisible Backdoor Attacks on Object Detection

Authors: Jeongjin Shin

Abstract: Deep learning models have achieved unprecedented performance in the domain of object detection, resulting in breakthroughs in areas such as autonomous driving and security. However, deep learning models are vulnerable to backdoor attacks. These attacks prompt models to behave similarly to standard models without a trigger; however, they act maliciously upon detecting a predefined trigger. Despite extensive research on backdoor attacks in image classification, their application to object detection remains relatively underexplored. Given the widespread application of object detection in critical real-world scenarios, the sensitivity and potential impact of these vulnerabilities cannot be overstated. In this study, we propose an effective invisible backdoor attack on object detection utilizing a mask-based approach. Three distinct attack scenarios were explored for object detection: object disappearance, object misclassification, and object generation attack. Through extensive experiments, we comprehensively examined the effectiveness of these attacks and tested certain defense methods to determine effective countermeasures. Code will be available at


replace-cross A Multi-Perspective Analysis of Memorization in Large Language Models

Authors: Bowen Chen, Namgi Han, Yusuke Miyao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), trained on massive corpora with billions of parameters, show unprecedented performance in various fields. Though surprised by their excellent performances, researchers also noticed some special behaviors of those LLMs. One of those behaviors is memorization, in which LLMs can generate the same content used to train them. Though previous research has discussed memorization, the memorization of LLMs still lacks explanation, especially the cause of memorization and the dynamics of generating them. In this research, we comprehensively discussed memorization from various perspectives and extended the discussion scope to not only just the memorized content but also less and unmemorized content. Through various studies, we found that: (1) Through experiments, we revealed the relation of memorization between model size, continuation size, and context size. Further, we showed how unmemorized sentences transition to memorized sentences. (2) Through embedding analysis, we showed the distribution and decoding dynamics across model size in embedding space for sentences with different memorization scores. The n-gram statistics analysis presents d (3) An analysis over n-gram and entropy decoding dynamics discovered a boundary effect when the model starts to generate memorized sentences or unmemorized sentences. (4)We trained a Transformer model to predict the memorization of different models, showing that it is possible to predict memorizations by context.

replace-cross A Unified Linear Programming Framework for Offline Reward Learning from Human Demonstrations and Feedback

Authors: Kihyun Kim, Jiawei Zhang, Asuman Ozdaglar, Pablo A. Parrilo

Abstract: Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) are pivotal methodologies in reward learning, which involve inferring and shaping the underlying reward function of sequential decision-making problems based on observed human demonstrations and feedback. Most prior work in reward learning has relied on prior knowledge or assumptions about decision or preference models, potentially leading to robustness issues. In response, this paper introduces a novel linear programming (LP) framework tailored for offline reward learning. Utilizing pre-collected trajectories without online exploration, this framework estimates a feasible reward set from the primal-dual optimality conditions of a suitably designed LP, and offers an optimality guarantee with provable sample efficiency. Our LP framework also enables aligning the reward functions with human feedback, such as pairwise trajectory comparison data, while maintaining computational tractability and sample efficiency. We demonstrate that our framework potentially achieves better performance compared to the conventional maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) approach through analytical examples and numerical experiments.

replace-cross Semi-Supervised Learning guided by the Generalized Bayes Rule under Soft Revision

Authors: Stefan Dietrich, Julian Rodemann, Christoph Jansen

Abstract: We provide a theoretical and computational investigation of the Gamma-Maximin method with soft revision, which was recently proposed as a robust criterion for pseudo-label selection (PLS) in semi-supervised learning. Opposed to traditional methods for PLS we use credal sets of priors ("generalized Bayes") to represent the epistemic modeling uncertainty. These latter are then updated by the Gamma-Maximin method with soft revision. We eventually select pseudo-labeled data that are most likely in light of the least favorable distribution from the so updated credal set. We formalize the task of finding optimal pseudo-labeled data w.r.t. the Gamma-Maximin method with soft revision as an optimization problem. A concrete implementation for the class of logistic models then allows us to compare the predictive power of the method with competing approaches. It is observed that the Gamma-Maximin method with soft revision can achieve very promising results, especially when the proportion of labeled data is low.

replace-cross Understanding the differences in Foundation Models: Attention, State Space Models, and Recurrent Neural Networks

Authors: Jerome Sieber, Carmen Amo Alonso, Alexandre Didier, Melanie N. Zeilinger, Antonio Orvieto

Abstract: Softmax attention is the principle backbone of foundation models for various artificial intelligence applications, yet its quadratic complexity in sequence length can limit its inference throughput in long-context settings. To address this challenge, alternative architectures such as linear attention, State Space Models (SSMs), and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have been considered as more efficient alternatives. While connections between these approaches exist, such models are commonly developed in isolation and there is a lack of theoretical understanding of the shared principles underpinning these architectures and their subtle differences, greatly influencing performance and scalability. In this paper, we introduce the Dynamical Systems Framework (DSF), which allows a principled investigation of all these architectures in a common representation. Our framework facilitates rigorous comparisons, providing new insights on the distinctive characteristics of each model class. For instance, we compare linear attention and selective SSMs, detailing their differences and conditions under which both are equivalent. We also provide principled comparisons between softmax attention and other model classes, discussing the theoretical conditions under which softmax attention can be approximated. Additionally, we substantiate these new insights with empirical validations and mathematical arguments. This shows the DSF's potential to guide the systematic development of future more efficient and scalable foundation models.

replace-cross CPsyCoun: A Report-based Multi-turn Dialogue Reconstruction and Evaluation Framework for Chinese Psychological Counseling

Authors: Chenhao Zhang, Renhao Li, Minghuan Tan, Min Yang, Jingwei Zhu, Di Yang, Jiahao Zhao, Guancheng Ye, Chengming Li, Xiping Hu, Derek F. Wong

Abstract: Using large language models (LLMs) to assist psychological counseling is a significant but challenging task at present. Attempts have been made on improving empathetic conversations or acting as effective assistants in the treatment with LLMs. However, the existing datasets lack consulting knowledge, resulting in LLMs lacking professional consulting competence. Moreover, how to automatically evaluate multi-turn dialogues within the counseling process remains an understudied area. To bridge the gap, we propose CPsyCoun, a report-based multi-turn dialogue reconstruction and evaluation framework for Chinese psychological counseling. To fully exploit psychological counseling reports, a two-phase approach is devised to construct high-quality dialogues while a comprehensive evaluation benchmark is developed for the effective automatic evaluation of multi-turn psychological consultations. Competitive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework in psychological counseling. We open-source the datasets and model for future research at


replace-cross Looks Too Good To Be True: An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Hallucinations in Generative Restoration Models

Authors: Regev Cohen, Idan Kligvasser, Ehud Rivlin, Daniel Freedman

Abstract: The pursuit of high perceptual quality in image restoration has driven the development of revolutionary generative models, capable of producing results often visually indistinguishable from real data. However, as their perceptual quality continues to improve, these models also exhibit a growing tendency to generate hallucinations - realistic-looking details that do not exist in the ground truth images. The presence of hallucinations introduces uncertainty regarding the reliability of the models' predictions, raising major concerns about their practical application. In this paper, we employ information-theory tools to investigate this phenomenon, revealing a fundamental tradeoff between uncertainty and perception. We rigorously analyze the relationship between these two factors, proving that the global minimal uncertainty in generative models grows in tandem with perception. In particular, we define the inherent uncertainty of the restoration problem and show that attaining perfect perceptual quality entails at least twice this uncertainty. Additionally, we establish a relation between mean squared-error distortion, uncertainty and perception, through which we prove the aforementioned uncertainly-perception tradeoff induces the well-known perception-distortion tradeoff. This work uncovers fundamental limitations of generative models in achieving both high perceptual quality and reliable predictions for image restoration. We demonstrate our theoretical findings through an analysis of single image super-resolution algorithms. Our work aims to raise awareness among practitioners about this inherent tradeoff, empowering them to make informed decisions and potentially prioritize safety over perceptual performance.

replace-cross Adaptive Horizon Actor-Critic for Policy Learning in Contact-Rich Differentiable Simulation

Authors: Ignat Georgiev, Krishnan Srinivasan, Jie Xu, Eric Heiden, Animesh Garg

Abstract: Model-Free Reinforcement Learning (MFRL), leveraging the policy gradient theorem, has demonstrated considerable success in continuous control tasks. However, these approaches are plagued by high gradient variance due to zeroth-order gradient estimation, resulting in suboptimal policies. Conversely, First-Order Model-Based Reinforcement Learning (FO-MBRL) methods employing differentiable simulation provide gradients with reduced variance but are susceptible to sampling error in scenarios involving stiff dynamics, such as physical contact. This paper investigates the source of this error and introduces Adaptive Horizon Actor-Critic (AHAC), an FO-MBRL algorithm that reduces gradient error by adapting the model-based horizon to avoid stiff dynamics. Empirical findings reveal that AHAC outperforms MFRL baselines, attaining 40% more reward across a set of locomotion tasks and efficiently scaling to high-dimensional control environments with improved wall-clock-time efficiency.

replace-cross Reinforcement Learning in Dynamic Treatment Regimes Needs Critical Reexamination

Authors: Zhiyao Luo, Yangchen Pan, Peter Watkinson, Tingting Zhu

Abstract: In the rapidly changing healthcare landscape, the implementation of offline reinforcement learning (RL) in dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs) presents a mix of unprecedented opportunities and challenges. This position paper offers a critical examination of the current status of offline RL in the context of DTRs. We argue for a reassessment of applying RL in DTRs, citing concerns such as inconsistent and potentially inconclusive evaluation metrics, the absence of naive and supervised learning baselines, and the diverse choice of RL formulation in existing research. Through a case study with more than 17,000 evaluation experiments using a publicly available Sepsis dataset, we demonstrate that the performance of RL algorithms can significantly vary with changes in evaluation metrics and Markov Decision Process (MDP) formulations. Surprisingly, it is observed that in some instances, RL algorithms can be surpassed by random baselines subjected to policy evaluation methods and reward design. This calls for more careful policy evaluation and algorithm development in future DTR works. Additionally, we discussed potential enhancements toward more reliable development of RL-based dynamic treatment regimes and invited further discussion within the community. Code is available at


replace-cross CheXpert Plus: Augmenting a Large Chest X-ray Dataset with Text Radiology Reports, Patient Demographics and Additional Image Formats

Authors: Pierre Chambon, Jean-Benoit Delbrouck, Thomas Sounack, Shih-Cheng Huang, Zhihong Chen, Maya Varma, Steven QH Truong, Chu The Chuong, Curtis P. Langlotz

Abstract: Since the release of the original CheXpert paper five years ago, CheXpert has become one of the most widely used and cited clinical AI datasets. The emergence of vision language models has sparked an increase in demands for sharing reports linked to CheXpert images, along with a growing interest among AI fairness researchers in obtaining demographic data. To address this, CheXpert Plus serves as a new collection of radiology data sources, made publicly available to enhance the scaling, performance, robustness, and fairness of models for all subsequent machine learning tasks in the field of radiology. CheXpert Plus is the largest text dataset publicly released in radiology, with a total of 36 million text tokens, including 13 million impression tokens. To the best of our knowledge, it represents the largest text de-identification effort in radiology, with almost 1 million PHI spans anonymized. It is only the second time that a large-scale English paired dataset has been released in radiology, thereby enabling, for the first time, cross-institution training at scale. All reports are paired with high-quality images in DICOM format, along with numerous image and patient metadata covering various clinical and socio-economic groups, as well as many pathology labels and RadGraph annotations. We hope this dataset will boost research for AI models that can further assist radiologists and help improve medical care. Data is available at the following URL: Models are available at the following URL:


replace-cross PLA4D: Pixel-Level Alignments for Text-to-4D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Qiaowei Miao, Yawei Luo, Yi Yang

Abstract: As text-conditioned diffusion models (DMs) achieve breakthroughs in image, video, and 3D generation, the research community's focus has shifted to the more challenging task of text-to-4D synthesis, which introduces a temporal dimension to generate dynamic 3D objects. In this context, we identify Score Distillation Sampling (SDS), a widely used technique for text-to-3D synthesis, as a significant hindrance to text-to-4D performance due to its Janus-faced and texture-unrealistic problems coupled with high computational costs. In this paper, we propose \textbf{P}ixel-\textbf{L}evel \textbf{A}lignments for Text-to-\textbf{4D} Gaussian Splatting (\textbf{PLA4D}), a novel method that utilizes text-to-video frames as explicit pixel alignment targets to generate static 3D objects and inject motion into them. Specifically, we introduce Focal Alignment to calibrate camera poses for rendering and GS-Mesh Contrastive Learning to distill geometry priors from rendered image contrasts at the pixel level. Additionally, we develop Motion Alignment using a deformation network to drive changes in Gaussians and implement Reference Refinement for smooth 4D object surfaces. These techniques enable 4D Gaussian Splatting to align geometry, texture, and motion with generated videos at the pixel level. Compared to previous methods, PLA4D produces synthesized outputs with better texture details in less time and effectively mitigates the Janus-faced problem. PLA4D is fully implemented using open-source models, offering an accessible, user-friendly, and promising direction for 4D digital content creation. Our project page:


replace-cross Outliers and Calibration Sets have Diminishing Effect on Quantization of Modern LLMs

Authors: Davide Paglieri, Saurabh Dash, Tim Rockt\"aschel, Jack Parker-Holder

Abstract: Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) enhances the efficiency of Large Language Models (LLMs) by enabling faster operation and compatibility with more accessible hardware through reduced memory usage, at the cost of small performance drops. We explore the role of calibration sets in PTQ, specifically their effect on hidden activations in various notable open-source LLMs. Calibration sets are crucial for evaluating activation magnitudes and identifying outliers, which can distort the quantization range and negatively impact performance. Our analysis reveals a marked contrast in quantization effectiveness across models. The older OPT model, upon which much of the quantization literature is based, shows significant performance deterioration and high susceptibility to outliers with varying calibration sets. In contrast, newer models like Llama-2 7B, Llama-3 8B, Command-R 35B, and Mistral 7B demonstrate strong robustness, with Mistral 7B showing near-immunity to outliers and stable activations. These findings suggest a shift in PTQ strategies might be needed. As advancements in pre-training methods reduce the relevance of outliers, there is an emerging need to reassess the fundamentals of current quantization literature. The emphasis should pivot towards optimizing inference speed, rather than primarily focusing on outlier preservation, to align with the evolving characteristics of state-of-the-art LLMs.

replace-cross Navigating the Future of Federated Recommendation Systems with Foundation Models

Authors: Zhiwei Li, Guodong Long

Abstract: In recent years, the integration of federated learning (FL) and recommendation systems (RS), known as Federated Recommendation Systems (FRS), has attracted attention for preserving user privacy by keeping private data on client devices. However, FRS faces inherent limitations such as data heterogeneity and scarcity, due to the privacy requirements of FL and the typical data sparsity issues of RSs. Models like ChatGPT are empowered by the concept of transfer learning and self-supervised learning, so they can be easily applied to the downstream tasks after fine-tuning or prompting. These models, so-called Foundation Models (FM), fouce on understanding the human's intent and perform following their designed roles in the specific tasks, which are widely recognized for producing high-quality content in the image and language domains. Thus, the achievements of FMs inspire the design of FRS and suggest a promising research direction: integrating foundation models to address the above limitations. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive review of FRSs with FMs. Specifically, we: 1) summarise the common approaches of current FRSs and FMs; 2) review the challenges posed by FRSs and FMs; 3) discuss potential future research directions; and 4) introduce some common benchmarks and evaluation metrics in the FRS field. We hope that this position paper provides the necessary background and guidance to explore this interesting and emerging topic.

replace-cross DisCo: Towards Harmonious Disentanglement and Collaboration between Tabular and Semantic Space for Recommendation

Authors: Kounianhua Du, Jizheng Chen, Jianghao Lin, Yunjia Xi, Hangyu Wang, Xinyi Dai, Bo Chen, Ruiming Tang, Weinan Zhang

Abstract: Recommender systems play important roles in various applications such as e-commerce, social media, etc. Conventional recommendation methods usually model the collaborative signals within the tabular representation space. Despite the personalization modeling and the efficiency, the latent semantic dependencies are omitted. Methods that introduce semantics into recommendation then emerge, injecting knowledge from the semantic representation space where the general language understanding are compressed. However, existing semantic-enhanced recommendation methods focus on aligning the two spaces, during which the representations of the two spaces tend to get close while the unique patterns are discarded and not well explored. In this paper, we propose DisCo to Disentangle the unique patterns from the two representation spaces and Collaborate the two spaces for recommendation enhancement, where both the specificity and the consistency of the two spaces are captured. Concretely, we propose 1) a dual-side attentive network to capture the intra-domain patterns and the inter-domain patterns, 2) a sufficiency constraint to preserve the task-relevant information of each representation space and filter out the noise, and 3) a disentanglement constraint to avoid the model from discarding the unique information. These modules strike a balance between disentanglement and collaboration of the two representation spaces to produce informative pattern vectors, which could serve as extra features and be appended to arbitrary recommendation backbones for enhancement. Experiment results validate the superiority of our method against different models and the compatibility of DisCo over different backbones. Various ablation studies and efficiency analysis are also conducted to justify each model component.

replace-cross An Empirical Analysis on Large Language Models in Debate Evaluation

Authors: Xinyi Liu, Pinxin Liu, Hangfeng He

Abstract: In this study, we investigate the capabilities and inherent biases of advanced large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in the context of debate evaluation. We discover that LLM's performance exceeds humans and surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art methods fine-tuned on extensive datasets in debate evaluation. We additionally explore and analyze biases present in LLMs, including positional bias, lexical bias, order bias, which may affect their evaluative judgments. Our findings reveal a consistent bias in both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 towards the second candidate response presented, attributed to prompt design. We also uncover lexical biases in both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, especially when label sets carry connotations such as numerical or sequential, highlighting the critical need for careful label verbalizer selection in prompt design. Additionally, our analysis indicates a tendency of both models to favor the debate's concluding side as the winner, suggesting an end-of-discussion bias.

replace-cross Research on the Application of Computer Vision Based on Deep Learning in Autonomous Driving Technology

Authors: Jingyu Zhang, Jin Cao, Jinghao Chang, Xinjin Li, Houze Liu, Zhenglin Li

Abstract: This research aims to explore the application of deep learning in autonomous driving computer vision technology and its impact on improving system performance. By using advanced technologies such as convolutional neural networks (CNN), multi-task joint learning methods, and deep reinforcement learning, this article analyzes in detail the application of deep learning in image recognition, real-time target tracking and classification, environment perception and decision support, and path planning and navigation. Application process in key areas. Research results show that the proposed system has an accuracy of over 98% in image recognition, target tracking and classification, and also demonstrates efficient performance and practicality in environmental perception and decision support, path planning and navigation. The conclusion points out that deep learning technology can significantly improve the accuracy and real-time response capabilities of autonomous driving systems. Although there are still challenges in environmental perception and decision support, with the advancement of technology, it is expected to achieve wider applications and greater capabilities in the future. potential.

replace-cross SuperGaussian: Repurposing Video Models for 3D Super Resolution

Authors: Yuan Shen, Duygu Ceylan, Paul Guerrero, Zexiang Xu, Niloy J. Mitra, Shenlong Wang, Anna Fr\"uhst\"uck

Abstract: We present a simple, modular, and generic method that upsamples coarse 3D models by adding geometric and appearance details. While generative 3D models now exist, they do not yet match the quality of their counterparts in image and video domains. We demonstrate that it is possible to directly repurpose existing (pretrained) video models for 3D super-resolution and thus sidestep the problem of the shortage of large repositories of high-quality 3D training models. We describe how to repurpose video upsampling models, which are not 3D consistent, and combine them with 3D consolidation to produce 3D-consistent results. As output, we produce high quality Gaussian Splat models, which are object centric and effective. Our method is category agnostic and can be easily incorporated into existing 3D workflows. We evaluate our proposed SuperGaussian on a variety of 3D inputs, which are diverse both in terms of complexity and representation (e.g., Gaussian Splats or NeRFs), and demonstrate that our simple method significantly improves the fidelity of the final 3D models. Check our project website for details:

replace-cross MEDIQ: Question-Asking LLMs for Adaptive and Reliable Clinical Reasoning

Authors: Shuyue Stella Li, Vidhisha Balachandran, Shangbin Feng, Jonathan Ilgen, Emma Pierson, Pang Wei Koh, Yulia Tsvetkov

Abstract: In high-stakes domains like clinical reasoning, AI assistants powered by large language models (LLMs) are yet to be reliable and safe. We identify a key obstacle towards reliability: existing LLMs are trained to answer any question, even with incomplete context in the prompt or insufficient parametric knowledge. We propose to change this paradigm to develop more careful LLMs that ask follow-up questions to gather necessary and sufficient information and respond reliably. We introduce MEDIQ, a framework to simulate realistic clinical interactions, which incorporates a Patient System and an adaptive Expert System. The Patient may provide incomplete information in the beginning; the Expert refrains from making diagnostic decisions when unconfident, and instead elicits missing details from the Patient via follow-up questions. To evaluate MEDIQ, we convert MEDQA and CRAFT-MD -- medical benchmarks for diagnostic question answering -- into an interactive setup. We develop a reliable Patient system and prototype several Expert systems, first showing that directly prompting state-of-the-art LLMs to ask questions degrades the quality of clinical reasoning, indicating that adapting LLMs to interactive information-seeking settings is nontrivial. We then augment the Expert with a novel abstention module to better estimate model confidence and decide whether to ask more questions, thereby improving diagnostic accuracy by 20.3%; however, performance still lags compared to an (unrealistic in practice) upper bound when full information is given upfront. Further analyses reveal that interactive performance can be improved by filtering irrelevant contexts and reformatting conversations. Overall, our paper introduces a novel problem towards LLM reliability, a novel MEDIQ framework, and highlights important future directions to extend the information-seeking abilities of LLM assistants in critical domains.

replace-cross Efficient Behavior Tree Planning with Commonsense Pruning and Heuristic

Authors: Xinglin Chen, Yishuai Cai, Yunxin Mao, Minglong Li, Zhou Yang, Wen Shanghua, Wenjing Yang, Weixia Xu, Ji Wang

Abstract: Behavior Tree (BT) planning is crucial for autonomous robot behavior control, yet its application in complex scenarios is hampered by long planning times. Pruning and heuristics are common techniques to accelerate planning, but it is difficult to design general pruning strategies and heuristic functions for BT planning problems. This paper proposes improving BT planning efficiency for everyday service robots leveraging commonsense reasoning provided by Large Language Models (LLMs), leading to model-free pre-planning action space pruning and heuristic generation. This approach takes advantage of the modularity and interpretability of BT nodes, represented by predicate logic, to enable LLMs to predict the task-relevant action predicates and objects, and even the optimal path, without an explicit action model. We propose the Heuristic Optimal Behavior Tree Expansion Algorithm (HOBTEA) with two heuristic variants and provide a formal comparison and discussion of their efficiency and optimality. We introduce a learnable and transferable commonsense library to enhance the LLM's reasoning performance without fine-tuning. The action space expansion based on the commonsense library can further increase the success rate of planning. Experiments show the theoretical bounds of commonsense pruning and heuristic, and demonstrate the actual performance of LLM learning and reasoning with the commonsense library. Results in four datasets showcase the practical effectiveness of our approach in everyday service robot applications.

replace-cross MultiMax: Sparse and Multi-Modal Attention Learning

Authors: Yuxuan Zhou, Mario Fritz, Margret Keuper

Abstract: SoftMax is a ubiquitous ingredient of modern machine learning algorithms. It maps an input vector onto a probability simplex and reweights the input by concentrating the probability mass at large entries. Yet, as a smooth approximation to the Argmax function, a significant amount of probability mass is distributed to other, residual entries, leading to poor interpretability and noise. Although sparsity can be achieved by a family of SoftMax variants, they often require an alternative loss function and do not preserve multi-modality. We show that this trade-off between multi-modality and sparsity limits the expressivity of SoftMax as well as its variants. We provide a solution to this tension between objectives by proposing a piece-wise differentiable function, termed MultiMax, which adaptively modulates the output distribution according to input entry range. Through comprehensive analysis and evaluation, we show that MultiMax successfully produces a distribution that supresses irrelevant entries while preserving multimodality, with benefits in image classification, language modeling and machine translation. The code is available at


replace-cross MLIP: Efficient Multi-Perspective Language-Image Pretraining with Exhaustive Data Utilization

Authors: Yu Zhang, Qi Zhang, Zixuan Gong, Yiwei Shi, Yepeng Liu, Duoqian Miao, Yang Liu, Ke Liu, Kun Yi, Wei Fan, Liang Hu, Changwei Wang

Abstract: Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) has achieved remarkable success, leading to rapid advancements in multimodal studies. However, CLIP faces a notable challenge in terms of inefficient data utilization. It relies on a single contrastive supervision for each image-text pair during representation learning, disregarding a substantial amount of valuable information that could offer richer supervision. Additionally, the retention of non-informative tokens leads to increased computational demands and time costs, particularly in CLIP's ViT image encoder. To address these issues, we propose Multi-Perspective Language-Image Pretraining (MLIP). In MLIP, we leverage the frequency transform's sensitivity to both high and low-frequency variations, which complements the spatial domain's sensitivity limited to low-frequency variations only. By incorporating frequency transforms and token-level alignment, we expand CILP's single supervision into multi-domain and multi-level supervision, enabling a more thorough exploration of informative image features. Additionally, we introduce a token merging method guided by comprehensive semantics from the frequency and spatial domains. This allows us to merge tokens to multi-granularity tokens with a controllable compression rate to accelerate CLIP. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our design.

replace-cross Decoupled Alignment for Robust Plug-and-Play Adaptation

Authors: Haozheng Luo, Jiahao Yu, Wenxin Zhang, Jialong Li, Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu, Xingyu Xing, Han Liu

Abstract: We introduce a low-resource safety enhancement method for aligning large language models (LLMs) without the need for supervised fine-tuning (SFT) or reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Our main idea is to exploit knowledge distillation to extract the alignment information from existing well-aligned LLMs and integrate it into unaligned LLMs in a plug-and-play fashion. Methodology, we employ delta debugging to identify the critical components of knowledge necessary for effective distillation. On the harmful question dataset, our method significantly enhances the average defense success rate by approximately 14.41%, reaching as high as 51.39%, in 17 unaligned pre-trained LLMs, without compromising performance.

replace-cross How to discretize continuous state-action spaces in Q-learning: A symbolic control approach

Authors: Sadek Belamfedel Alaoui, Adnane Saoud

Abstract: Q-learning is widely recognized as an effective approach for synthesizing controllers to achieve specific goals. However, handling challenges posed by continuous state-action spaces remains an ongoing research focus. This paper presents a systematic analysis that highlights a major drawback in space discretization methods. To address this challenge, the paper proposes a symbolic model that represents behavioral relations, such as alternating simulation from abstraction to the controlled system. This relation allows for seamless application of the synthesized controller based on abstraction to the original system. Introducing a novel Q-learning technique for symbolic models, the algorithm yields two Q-tables encoding optimal policies. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that these Q-tables serve as both upper and lower bounds on the Q-values of the original system with continuous spaces. Additionally, the paper explores the correlation between the parameters of the space abstraction and the loss in Q-values. The resulting algorithm facilitates achieving optimality within an arbitrary accuracy, providing control over the trade-off between accuracy and computational complexity. The obtained results provide valuable insights for selecting appropriate learning parameters and refining the controller. The engineering relevance of the proposed Q-learning based symbolic model is illustrated through two case studies.