new Representation of preferences for multiple criteria decision aiding in a new seven-valued logic

Authors: Salvatore Greco, Roman S{\l}owi\'nski

Abstract: The seven-valued logic considered in this paper naturally arises within the rough set framework, allowing to distinguish vagueness due to imprecision from ambiguity due to coarseness. Recently, we discussed its utility for reasoning about data describing multi-attribute classification of objects. We also showed that this logic contains, as a particular case, the celebrated Belnap four-valued logic. Here, we present how the seven-valued logic, as well as the other logics that derive from it, can be used to represent preferences in the domain of Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA). In particular, we propose new forms of outranking and value function preference models that aggregate multiple criteria taking into account imperfect preference information. We demonstrate that our approach effectively addresses common challenges in preference modeling for MCDA, such as uncertainty, imprecision, and ill-determination of performances and preferences. To this end, we present a specific procedure to construct a seven-valued preference relation and use it to define recommendations that consider robustness concerns by utilizing multiple outranking or value functions representing the decision maker s preferences. Moreover, we discuss the main properties of the proposed seven-valued preference structure and compare it with current approaches in MCDA, such as ordinal regression, robust ordinal regression, stochastic multiattribute acceptability analysis, stochastic ordinal regression, and so on. We illustrate and discuss the application of our approach using a didactic example. Finally, we propose directions for future research and potential applications of the proposed methodology.

new Position: Rethinking Post-Hoc Search-Based Neural Approaches for Solving Large-Scale Traveling Salesman Problems

Authors: Yifan Xia, Xianliang Yang, Zichuan Liu, Zhihao Liu, Lei Song, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Recent advancements in solving large-scale traveling salesman problems (TSP) utilize the heatmap-guided Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) paradigm, where machine learning (ML) models generate heatmaps, indicating the probability distribution of each edge being part of the optimal solution, to guide MCTS in solution finding. However, our theoretical and experimental analysis raises doubts about the effectiveness of ML-based heatmap generation. In support of this, we demonstrate that a simple baseline method can outperform complex ML approaches in heatmap generation. Furthermore, we question the practical value of the heatmap-guided MCTS paradigm. To substantiate this, our findings show its inferiority to the LKH-3 heuristic despite the paradigm's reliance on problem-specific, hand-crafted strategies. For the future, we suggest research directions focused on developing more theoretically sound heatmap generation methods and exploring autonomous, generalizable ML approaches for combinatorial problems. The code is available for review:


new On the Effects of Data Scale on Computer Control Agents

Authors: Wei Li, William Bishop, Alice Li, Chris Rawles, Folawiyo Campbell-Ajala, Divya Tyamagundlu, Oriana Riva

Abstract: Autonomous agents that control computer interfaces to accomplish human tasks are emerging. Leveraging LLMs to power such agents has been of special interest, but unless fine-tuned on human-collected task demonstrations, performance is still relatively low. In this work we study whether fine-tuning alone is a viable approach for building real-world computer control agents. %In particularly, we investigate how performance measured on both high and low-level tasks in domain and out of domain scales as more training data is collected. To this end we collect and release a new dataset, AndroidControl, consisting of 15,283 demonstrations of everyday tasks with Android apps. Compared to existing datasets, each AndroidControl task instance includes both high and low-level human-generated instructions, allowing us to explore the level of task complexity an agent can handle. Moreover, AndroidControl is the most diverse computer control dataset to date, including 15,283 unique tasks over 833 Android apps, thus allowing us to conduct in-depth analysis of the model performance in and out of the domain of the training data. Using the dataset, we find that when tested in domain fine-tuned models outperform zero and few-shot baselines and scale in such a way that robust performance might feasibly be obtained simply by collecting more data. Out of domain, performance scales significantly more slowly and suggests that in particular for high-level tasks, fine-tuning on more data alone may be insufficient for achieving robust out-of-domain performance.

new Tool-Planner: Dynamic Solution Tree Planning for Large Language Model with Tool Clustering

Authors: Yanming Liu, Xinyue Peng, Yuwei Zhang, Jiannan Cao, Xuhong Zhang, Sheng Cheng, Xun Wang, Jianwei Yin, Tianyu Du

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional reasoning capabilities, enabling them to solve various complex problems. Recently, this ability has been applied to the paradigm of tool learning. Tool learning involves providing examples of tool usage and their corresponding functions, allowing LLMs to formulate plans and demonstrate the process of invoking and executing each tool. LLMs can address tasks that they cannot complete independently, thereby enhancing their potential across different tasks. However, this approach faces two key challenges. First, redundant error correction leads to unstable planning and long execution time. Additionally, designing a correct plan among multiple tools is also a challenge in tool learning. To address these issues, we propose Tool-Planner, a task-processing framework based on toolkits. Tool-Planner groups tools based on the API functions with the same function into a toolkit and allows LLMs to implement planning across the various toolkits. When a tool error occurs, the language model can reselect and adjust tools based on the toolkit. Experiments show that our approach demonstrates a high pass and win rate across different datasets and optimizes the planning scheme for tool learning in models such as GPT-4 and Claude 3, showcasing the potential of our method.

new GenSafe: A Generalizable Safety Enhancer for Safe Reinforcement Learning Algorithms Based on Reduced Order Markov Decision Process Model

Authors: Zhehua Zhou, Xuan Xie, Jiayang Song, Zhan Shu, Lei Ma

Abstract: Although deep reinforcement learning has demonstrated impressive achievements in controlling various autonomous systems, e.g., autonomous vehicles or humanoid robots, its inherent reliance on random exploration raises safety concerns in their real-world applications. To improve system safety during the learning process, a variety of Safe Reinforcement Learning (SRL) algorithms have been proposed, which usually incorporate safety constraints within the Constrained Markov Decision Process (CMDP) framework. However, the efficacy of these SRL algorithms often relies on accurate function approximations, a task that is notably challenging to accomplish in the early learning stages due to data insufficiency. To address this problem, we introduce a Genralizable Safety enhancer (GenSafe) in this work. Leveraging model order reduction techniques, we first construct a Reduced Order Markov Decision Process (ROMDP) as a low-dimensional proxy for the original cost function in CMDP. Then, by solving ROMDP-based constraints that are reformulated from the original cost constraints, the proposed GenSafe refines the actions taken by the agent to enhance the possibility of constraint satisfaction. Essentially, GenSafe acts as an additional safety layer for SRL algorithms, offering broad compatibility across diverse SRL approaches. The performance of GenSafe is examined on multiple SRL benchmark problems. The results show that, it is not only able to improve the safety performance, especially in the early learning phases, but also to maintain the task performance at a satisfactory level.

new HackAtari: Atari Learning Environments for Robust and Continual Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Quentin Delfosse, Jannis Bl\"uml, Bjarne Gregori, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: Artificial agents' adaptability to novelty and alignment with intended behavior is crucial for their effective deployment. Reinforcement learning (RL) leverages novelty as a means of exploration, yet agents often struggle to handle novel situations, hindering generalization. To address these issues, we propose HackAtari, a framework introducing controlled novelty to the most common RL benchmark, the Atari Learning Environment. HackAtari allows us to create novel game scenarios (including simplification for curriculum learning), to swap the game elements' colors, as well as to introduce different reward signals for the agent. We demonstrate that current agents trained on the original environments include robustness failures, and evaluate HackAtari's efficacy in enhancing RL agents' robustness and aligning behavior through experiments using C51 and PPO. Overall, HackAtari can be used to improve the robustness of current and future RL algorithms, allowing Neuro-Symbolic RL, curriculum RL, causal RL, as well as LLM-driven RL. Our work underscores the significance of developing interpretable in RL agents.

new Contrastive Sparse Autoencoders for Interpreting Planning of Chess-Playing Agents

Authors: Yoann Poupart

Abstract: AI led chess systems to a superhuman level, yet these systems heavily rely on black-box algorithms. This is unsustainable in ensuring transparency to the end-user, particularly when these systems are responsible for sensitive decision-making. Recent interpretability work has shown that the inner representations of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) were fathomable and contained human-understandable concepts. Yet, these methods are seldom contextualised and are often based on a single hidden state, which makes them unable to interpret multi-step reasoning, e.g. planning. In this respect, we propose contrastive sparse autoencoders (CSAE), a novel framework for studying pairs of game trajectories. Using CSAE, we are able to extract and interpret concepts that are meaningful to the chess-agent plans. We primarily focused on a qualitative analysis of the CSAE features before proposing an automated feature taxonomy. Furthermore, to evaluate the quality of our trained CSAE, we devise sanity checks to wave spurious correlations in our results.

new Leveraging automatic strategy discovery to teach people how to select better projects

Authors: Lovis Heindrich, Falk Lieder

Abstract: The decisions of individuals and organizations are often suboptimal because normative decision strategies are too demanding in the real world. Recent work suggests that some errors can be prevented by leveraging artificial intelligence to discover and teach prescriptive decision strategies that take people's constraints into account. So far, this line of research has been limited to simplified decision problems. This article is the first to extend this approach to a real-world decision problem, namely project selection. We develop a computational method (MGPS) that automatically discovers project selection strategies that are optimized for real people and develop an intelligent tutor that teaches the discovered strategies. We evaluated MGPS on a computational benchmark and tested the intelligent tutor in a training experiment with two control conditions. MGPS outperformed a state-of-the-art method and was more computationally efficient. Moreover, the intelligent tutor significantly improved people's decision strategies. Our results indicate that our method can improve human decision-making in naturalistic settings similar to real-world project selection, a first step towards applying strategy discovery to the real world.

new Promoting Fairness and Diversity in Speech Datasets for Mental Health and Neurological Disorders Research

Authors: Eleonora Mancini, Ana Tanevska, Andrea Galassi, Alessio Galatolo, Federico Ruggeri, Paolo Torroni

Abstract: Current research in machine learning and artificial intelligence is largely centered on modeling and performance evaluation, less so on data collection. However, recent research demonstrated that limitations and biases in data may negatively impact trustworthiness and reliability. These aspects are particularly impactful on sensitive domains such as mental health and neurological disorders, where speech data are used to develop AI applications aimed at improving the health of patients and supporting healthcare providers. In this paper, we chart the landscape of available speech datasets for this domain, to highlight possible pitfalls and opportunities for improvement and promote fairness and diversity. We present a comprehensive list of desiderata for building speech datasets for mental health and neurological disorders and distill it into a checklist focused on ethical concerns to foster more responsible research.

new AgentGym: Evolving Large Language Model-based Agents across Diverse Environments

Authors: Zhiheng Xi, Yiwen Ding, Wenxiang Chen, Boyang Hong, Honglin Guo, Junzhe Wang, Dingwen Yang, Chenyang Liao, Xin Guo, Wei He, Songyang Gao, Lu Chen, Rui Zheng, Yicheng Zou, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xipeng Qiu, Xuanjing Huang, Zuxuan Wu, Yu-Gang Jiang

Abstract: Building generalist agents that can handle diverse tasks and evolve themselves across different environments is a long-term goal in the AI community. Large language models (LLMs) are considered a promising foundation to build such agents due to their generalized capabilities. Current approaches either have LLM-based agents imitate expert-provided trajectories step-by-step, requiring human supervision, which is hard to scale and limits environmental exploration; or they let agents explore and learn in isolated environments, resulting in specialist agents with limited generalization. In this paper, we take the first step towards building generally-capable LLM-based agents with self-evolution ability. We identify a trinity of ingredients: 1) diverse environments for agent exploration and learning, 2) a trajectory set to equip agents with basic capabilities and prior knowledge, and 3) an effective and scalable evolution method. We propose AgentGym, a new framework featuring a variety of environments and tasks for broad, real-time, uni-format, and concurrent agent exploration. AgentGym also includes a database with expanded instructions, a benchmark suite, and high-quality trajectories across environments. Next, we propose a novel method, AgentEvol, to investigate the potential of agent self-evolution beyond previously seen data across tasks and environments. Experimental results show that the evolved agents can achieve results comparable to SOTA models. We release the AgentGym suite, including the platform, dataset, benchmark, checkpoints, and algorithm implementations. The AgentGym suite is available on


cross Dynamic and Adaptive Feature Generation with LLM

Authors: Xinhao Zhang, Jinghan Zhang, Banafsheh Rekabdar, Yuanchun Zhou, Pengfei Wang, Kunpeng Liu

Abstract: The representation of feature space is a crucial environment where data points get vectorized and embedded for upcoming modeling. Thus the efficacy of machine learning (ML) algorithms is closely related to the quality of feature engineering. As one of the most important techniques, feature generation transforms raw data into an optimized feature space conducive to model training and further refines the space. Despite the advancements in automated feature engineering and feature generation, current methodologies often suffer from three fundamental issues: lack of explainability, limited applicability, and inflexible strategy. These shortcomings frequently hinder and limit the deployment of ML models across varied scenarios. Our research introduces a novel approach adopting large language models (LLMs) and feature-generating prompts to address these challenges. We propose a dynamic and adaptive feature generation method that enhances the interpretability of the feature generation process. Our approach broadens the applicability across various data types and tasks and draws advantages over strategic flexibility. A broad range of experiments showcases that our approach is significantly superior to existing methods.

cross Fuzzy Convolution Neural Networks for Tabular Data Classification

Authors: Arun D. Kulkarni

Abstract: Recently, convolution neural networks (CNNs) have attracted a great deal of attention due to their remarkable performance in various domains, particularly in image and text classification tasks. However, their application to tabular data classification remains underexplored. There are many fields such as bioinformatics, finance, medicine where nonimage data are prevalent. Adaption of CNNs to classify nonimage data remains highly challenging. This paper investigates the efficacy of CNNs for tabular data classification, aiming to bridge the gap between traditional machine learning approaches and deep learning techniques. We propose a novel framework fuzzy convolution neural network (FCNN) tailored specifically for tabular data to capture local patterns within feature vectors. In our approach, we map feature values to fuzzy memberships. The fuzzy membership vectors are converted into images that are used to train the CNN model. The trained CNN model is used to classify unknown feature vectors. To validate our approach, we generated six complex noisy data sets. We used randomly selected seventy percent samples from each data set for training and thirty percent for testing. The data sets were also classified using the state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms such as the decision tree (DT), support vector machine (SVM), fuzzy neural network (FNN), Bayes classifier, and Random Forest (RF). Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model can effectively learn meaningful representations from tabular data, achieving competitive or superior performance compared to existing methods. Overall, our finding suggests that the proposed FCNN model holds promise as a viable alternative for tabular data classification tasks, offering a fresh prospective and potentially unlocking new opportunities for leveraging deep learning in structured data analysis.

cross Robust Prediction Model for Multidimensional and Unbalanced Datasets

Authors: Pooja Thakar, Anil Mehta, Manisha

Abstract: Data Mining is a promising field and is applied in multiple domains for its predictive capabilities. Data in the real world cannot be readily used for data mining as it suffers from the problems of multidimensionality, unbalance and missing values. It is difficult to use its predictive capabilities by novice users. It is difficult for a beginner to find the relevant set of attributes from a large pool of data available. The paper presents a Robust Prediction Model that finds a relevant set of attributes; resolves the problems of unbalanced and multidimensional real-life datasets and helps in finding patterns for informed decision making. Model is tested upon five different datasets in the domain of Health Sector, Education, Business and Fraud Detection. The results showcase the robust behaviour of the model and its applicability in various domains.

cross Mutual Information Guided Backdoor Mitigation for Pre-trained Encoders

Authors: Tingxu Han, Weisong Sun, Ziqi Ding, Chunrong Fang, Hanwei Qian, Jiaxun Li, Zhenyu Chen, Xiangyu Zhang

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) is increasingly attractive for pre-training encoders without requiring labeled data. Downstream tasks built on top of those pre-trained encoders can achieve nearly state-of-the-art performance. The pre-trained encoders by SSL, however, are vulnerable to backdoor attacks as demonstrated by existing studies. Numerous backdoor mitigation techniques are designed for downstream task models. However, their effectiveness is impaired and limited when adapted to pre-trained encoders, due to the lack of label information when pre-training. To address backdoor attacks against pre-trained encoders, in this paper, we innovatively propose a mutual information guided backdoor mitigation technique, named MIMIC. MIMIC treats the potentially backdoored encoder as the teacher net and employs knowledge distillation to distill a clean student encoder from the teacher net. Different from existing knowledge distillation approaches, MIMIC initializes the student with random weights, inheriting no backdoors from teacher nets. Then MIMIC leverages mutual information between each layer and extracted features to locate where benign knowledge lies in the teacher net, with which distillation is deployed to clone clean features from teacher to student. We craft the distillation loss with two aspects, including clone loss and attention loss, aiming to mitigate backdoors and maintain encoder performance at the same time. Our evaluation conducted on two backdoor attacks in SSL demonstrates that MIMIC can significantly reduce the attack success rate by only utilizing <5% of clean data, surpassing seven state-of-the-art backdoor mitigation techniques.

cross Speech-based Clinical Depression Screening: An Empirical Study

Authors: Yangbin Chen, Chenyang Xu, Chunfeng Liang, Yanbao Tao, Chuan Shi

Abstract: This study investigates the utility of speech signals for AI-based depression screening across varied interaction scenarios, including psychiatric interviews, chatbot conversations, and text readings. Participants includes depressed patients recruited from the outpatient clinics of Peking University Sixth Hospital and control group members from the community, all diagnosed by psychiatrists following standardized diagnostic protocols. We extracted acoustic and deep speech features from each participant's segmented recordings. Classifications were made using neural networks or SVMs, with aggregated clip outcomes determining final assessments. Our analysis across interaction scenarios, speech processing techniques, and feature types confirms speech as a crucial marker for depression screening. Specifically, human-computer interaction matches clinical interview efficacy, surpassing reading tasks. Segment duration and quantity significantly affect model performance, with deep speech features substantially outperforming traditional acoustic features.

cross MagiNet: Mask-Aware Graph Imputation Network for Incomplete Traffic Data

Authors: Jianping Zhou, Bin Lu, Zhanyu Liu, Siyu Pan, Xuejun Feng, Hua Wei, Guanjie Zheng, Xinbing Wang, Chenghu Zhou

Abstract: Due to detector malfunctions and communication failures, missing data is ubiquitous during the collection of traffic data. Therefore, it is of vital importance to impute the missing values to facilitate data analysis and decision-making for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). However, existing imputation methods generally perform zero pre-filling techniques to initialize missing values, introducing inevitable noises. Moreover, we observe prevalent over-smoothing interpolations, falling short in revealing the intrinsic spatio-temporal correlations of incomplete traffic data. To this end, we propose Mask-Aware Graph imputation Network: MagiNet. Our method designs an adaptive mask spatio-temporal encoder to learn the latent representations of incomplete data, eliminating the reliance on pre-filling missing values. Furthermore, we devise a spatio-temporal decoder that stacks multiple blocks to capture the inherent spatial and temporal dependencies within incomplete traffic data, alleviating over-smoothing imputation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art imputation methods on five real-world traffic datasets, yielding an average improvement of 4.31% in RMSE and 3.72% in MAPE.

cross Harder or Different? Understanding Generalization of Audio Deepfake Detection

Authors: Nicolas M. M\"uller, Nicholas Evans, Hemlata Tak, Philip Sperl, Konstantin B\"ottinger

Abstract: Recent research has highlighted a key issue in speech deepfake detection: models trained on one set of deepfakes perform poorly on others. The question arises: is this due to the continuously improving quality of Text-to-Speech (TTS) models, i.e., are newer DeepFakes just 'harder' to detect? Or, is it because deepfakes generated with one model are fundamentally different to those generated using another model? We answer this question by decomposing the performance gap between in-domain and out-of-domain test data into 'hardness' and 'difference' components. Experiments performed using ASVspoof databases indicate that the hardness component is practically negligible, with the performance gap being attributed primarily to the difference component. This has direct implications for real-world deepfake detection, highlighting that merely increasing model capacity, the currently-dominant research trend, may not effectively address the generalization challenge.

cross Buffered Asynchronous Secure Aggregation for Cross-Device Federated Learning

Authors: Kun Wang, Yi-Rui Yang, Wu-Jun Li

Abstract: Asynchronous federated learning (AFL) is an effective method to address the challenge of device heterogeneity in cross-device federated learning. However, AFL is usually incompatible with existing secure aggregation protocols used to protect user privacy in federated learning because most existing secure aggregation protocols are based on synchronous aggregation. To address this problem, we propose a novel secure aggregation protocol named buffered asynchronous secure aggregation (BASA) in this paper. Compared with existing protocols, BASA is fully compatible with AFL and provides secure aggregation under the condition that each user only needs one round of communication with the server without relying on any synchronous interaction among users. Based on BASA, we propose the first AFL method which achieves secure aggregation without extra requirements on hardware. We empirically demonstrate that BASA outperforms existing secure aggregation protocols for cross-device federated learning in terms of training efficiency and scalability.

cross VideoPhy: Evaluating Physical Commonsense for Video Generation

Authors: Hritik Bansal, Zongyu Lin, Tianyi Xie, Zeshun Zong, Michal Yarom, Yonatan Bitton, Chenfanfu Jiang, Yizhou Sun, Kai-Wei Chang, Aditya Grover

Abstract: Recent advances in internet-scale video data pretraining have led to the development of text-to-video generative models that can create high-quality videos across a broad range of visual concepts and styles. Due to their ability to synthesize realistic motions and render complex objects, these generative models have the potential to become general-purpose simulators of the physical world. However, it is unclear how far we are from this goal with the existing text-to-video generative models. To this end, we present VideoPhy, a benchmark designed to assess whether the generated videos follow physical commonsense for real-world activities (e.g. marbles will roll down when placed on a slanted surface). Specifically, we curate a list of 688 captions that involve interactions between various material types in the physical world (e.g., solid-solid, solid-fluid, fluid-fluid). We then generate videos conditioned on these captions from diverse state-of-the-art text-to-video generative models, including open models (e.g., VideoCrafter2) and closed models (e.g., Lumiere from Google, Pika). Further, our human evaluation reveals that the existing models severely lack the ability to generate videos adhering to the given text prompts, while also lack physical commonsense. Specifically, the best performing model, Pika, generates videos that adhere to the caption and physical laws for only 19.7% of the instances. VideoPhy thus highlights that the video generative models are far from accurately simulating the physical world. Finally, we also supplement the dataset with an auto-evaluator, VideoCon-Physics, to assess semantic adherence and physical commonsense at scale.

cross A Geometric View of Data Complexity: Efficient Local Intrinsic Dimension Estimation with Diffusion Models

Authors: Hamidreza Kamkari, Brendan Leigh Ross, Rasa Hosseinzadeh, Jesse C. Cresswell, Gabriel Loaiza-Ganem

Abstract: High-dimensional data commonly lies on low-dimensional submanifolds, and estimating the local intrinsic dimension (LID) of a datum -- i.e. the dimension of the submanifold it belongs to -- is a longstanding problem. LID can be understood as the number of local factors of variation: the more factors of variation a datum has, the more complex it tends to be. Estimating this quantity has proven useful in contexts ranging from generalization in neural networks to detection of out-of-distribution data, adversarial examples, and AI-generated text. The recent successes of deep generative models present an opportunity to leverage them for LID estimation, but current methods based on generative models produce inaccurate estimates, require more than a single pre-trained model, are computationally intensive, or do not exploit the best available deep generative models, i.e. diffusion models (DMs). In this work, we show that the Fokker-Planck equation associated with a DM can provide a LID estimator which addresses all the aforementioned deficiencies. Our estimator, called FLIPD, is compatible with all popular DMs, and outperforms existing baselines on LID estimation benchmarks. We also apply FLIPD on natural images where the true LID is unknown. Compared to competing estimators, FLIPD exhibits a higher correlation with non-LID measures of complexity, better matches a qualitative assessment of complexity, and is the only estimator to remain tractable with high-resolution images at the scale of Stable Diffusion.

cross Enhancing Traffic Sign Recognition with Tailored Data Augmentation: Addressing Class Imbalance and Instance Scarcity

Authors: Ulan Alsiyeu, Zhasdauren Duisebekov

Abstract: This paper tackles critical challenges in traffic sign recognition (TSR), which is essential for road safety -- specifically, class imbalance and instance scarcity in datasets. We introduce tailored data augmentation techniques, including synthetic image generation, geometric transformations, and a novel obstacle-based augmentation method to enhance dataset quality for improved model robustness and accuracy. Our methodology incorporates diverse augmentation processes to accurately simulate real-world conditions, thereby expanding the training data's variety and representativeness. Our findings demonstrate substantial improvements in TSR models performance, offering significant implications for traffic sign recognition systems. This research not only addresses dataset limitations in TSR but also proposes a model for similar challenges across different regions and applications, marking a step forward in the field of computer vision and traffic sign recognition systems.

cross Explaining the Contributing Factors for Vulnerability Detection in Machine Learning

Authors: Esma Mouine, Yan Liu, Lu Xiao, Rick Kazman, Xiao Wang

Abstract: There is an increasing trend to mine vulnerabilities from software repositories and use machine learning techniques to automatically detect software vulnerabilities. A fundamental but unresolved research question is: how do different factors in the mining and learning process impact the accuracy of identifying vulnerabilities in software projects of varying characteristics? Substantial research has been dedicated in this area, including source code static analysis, software repository mining, and NLP-based machine learning. However, practitioners lack experience regarding the key factors for building a baseline model of the state-of-the-art. In addition, there lacks of experience regarding the transferability of the vulnerability signatures from project to project. This study investigates how the combination of different vulnerability features and three representative machine learning models impact the accuracy of vulnerability detection in 17 real-world projects. We examine two types of vulnerability representations: 1) code features extracted through NLP with varying tokenization strategies and three different embedding techniques (bag-of-words, word2vec, and fastText) and 2) a set of eight architectural metrics that capture the abstract design of the software systems. The three machine learning algorithms include a random forest model, a support vector machines model, and a residual neural network model. The analysis shows a recommended baseline model with signatures extracted through bag-of-words embedding, combined with the random forest, consistently increases the detection accuracy by about 4% compared to other combinations in all 17 projects. Furthermore, we observe the limitation of transferring vulnerability signatures across domains based on our experiments.

cross Understanding the Limitations of Diffusion Concept Algebra Through Food

Authors: E. Zhixuan Zeng, Yuhao Chen, Alexander Wong

Abstract: Image generation techniques, particularly latent diffusion models, have exploded in popularity in recent years. Many techniques have been developed to manipulate and clarify the semantic concepts these large-scale models learn, offering crucial insights into biases and concept relationships. However, these techniques are often only validated in conventional realms of human or animal faces and artistic style transitions. The food domain offers unique challenges through complex compositions and regional biases, which can shed light on the limitations and opportunities within existing methods. Through the lens of food imagery, we analyze both qualitative and quantitative patterns within a concept traversal technique. We reveal measurable insights into the model's ability to capture and represent the nuances of culinary diversity, while also identifying areas where the model's biases and limitations emerge.

cross A Comparison of Recent Algorithms for Symbolic Regression to Genetic Programming

Authors: Yousef A. Radwan, Gabriel Kronberger, Stephan Winkler

Abstract: Symbolic regression is a machine learning method with the goal to produce interpretable results. Unlike other machine learning methods such as, e.g. random forests or neural networks, which are opaque, symbolic regression aims to model and map data in a way that can be understood by scientists. Recent advancements, have attempted to bridge the gap between these two fields; new methodologies attempt to fuse the mapping power of neural networks and deep learning techniques with the explanatory power of symbolic regression. In this paper, we examine these new emerging systems and test the performance of an end-to-end transformer model for symbolic regression versus the reigning traditional methods based on genetic programming that have spearheaded symbolic regression throughout the years. We compare these systems on novel datasets to avoid bias to older methods who were improved on well-known benchmark datasets. Our results show that traditional GP methods as implemented e.g., by Operon still remain superior to two recently published symbolic regression methods.

cross CountCLIP -- [Re] Teaching CLIP to Count to Ten

Authors: Harshvardhan Mestha, Tejas Agarwal, Karan Bania, Shreyas V, Yash Bhisikar

Abstract: Large vision-language models (VLMs) are shown to learn rich joint image-text representations enabling high performances in relevant downstream tasks. However, they fail to showcase their quantitative understanding of objects, and they lack good counting-aware representation. This paper conducts a reproducibility study of 'Teaching CLIP to Count to Ten' (Paiss et al., 2023), which presents a method to finetune a CLIP model (Radford et al., 2021) to improve zero-shot counting accuracy in an image while maintaining the performance for zero-shot classification by introducing a counting-contrastive loss term. We improve the model's performance on a smaller subset of their training data with lower computational resources. We verify these claims by reproducing their study with our own code. The implementation can be found at


cross Measuring Retrieval Complexity in Question Answering Systems

Authors: Matteo Gabburo, Nicolaas Paul Jedema, Siddhant Garg, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Alessandro Moschitti

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate which questions are challenging for retrieval-based Question Answering (QA). We (i) propose retrieval complexity (RC), a novel metric conditioned on the completeness of retrieved documents, which measures the difficulty of answering questions, and (ii) propose an unsupervised pipeline to measure RC given an arbitrary retrieval system. Our proposed pipeline measures RC more accurately than alternative estimators, including LLMs, on six challenging QA benchmarks. Further investigation reveals that RC scores strongly correlate with both QA performance and expert judgment across five of the six studied benchmarks, indicating that RC is an effective measure of question difficulty. Subsequent categorization of high-RC questions shows that they span a broad set of question shapes, including multi-hop, compositional, and temporal QA, indicating that RC scores can categorize a new subset of complex questions. Our system can also have a major impact on retrieval-based systems by helping to identify more challenging questions on existing datasets.

cross Why is "Problems" Predictive of Positive Sentiment? A Case Study of Explaining Unintuitive Features in Sentiment Classification

Authors: Jiaming Qu, Jaime Arguello, Yue Wang

Abstract: Explainable AI (XAI) algorithms aim to help users understand how a machine learning model makes predictions. To this end, many approaches explain which input features are most predictive of a target label. However, such explanations can still be puzzling to users (e.g., in product reviews, the word "problems" is predictive of positive sentiment). If left unexplained, puzzling explanations can have negative impacts. Explaining unintuitive associations between an input feature and a target label is an underexplored area in XAI research. We take an initial effort in this direction using unintuitive associations learned by sentiment classifiers as a case study. We propose approaches for (1) automatically detecting associations that can appear unintuitive to users and (2) generating explanations to help users understand why an unintuitive feature is predictive. Results from a crowdsourced study (N=300) found that our proposed approaches can effectively detect and explain predictive but unintuitive features in sentiment classification.

cross Knowledge-Infused Legal Wisdom: Navigating LLM Consultation through the Lens of Diagnostics and Positive-Unlabeled Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yang Wu, Chenghao Wang, Ece Gumusel, Xiaozhong Liu

Abstract: The integration of generative Large Language Models (LLMs) into various applications, including the legal domain, has been accelerated by their expansive and versatile nature. However, when facing a legal case, users without a legal background often struggle to formulate professional queries and may inadvertently overlook critical legal factors when presenting their case narrative to LLMs. To address this issue, we propose the Diagnostic Legal Large Language Model (D3LM), which utilizes adaptive lawyer-like diagnostic questions to collect additional case information and then provides high-quality feedback. D3LM incorporates an innovative graph-based Positive-Unlabeled Reinforcement Learning (PURL) algorithm, enabling the generation of critical questions and enhancing user-LLM interactions. Moreover, an integrated LLM-based stopping criterion facilitates precise Court Views Generation (CVG). Our research also introduces a new English-language CVG dataset based on the US case law database, enriching the realm of LLM research and deployment with a vital dimension. D3LM surpasses classical LLMs by delivering outstanding performance and a remarkable user experience in the legal domain.

cross Degrees of Freedom Matter: Inferring Dynamics from Point Trajectories

Authors: Yan Zhang, Sergey Prokudin, Marko Mihajlovic, Qianli Ma, Siyu Tang

Abstract: Understanding the dynamics of generic 3D scenes is fundamentally challenging in computer vision, essential in enhancing applications related to scene reconstruction, motion tracking, and avatar creation. In this work, we address the task as the problem of inferring dense, long-range motion of 3D points. By observing a set of point trajectories, we aim to learn an implicit motion field parameterized by a neural network to predict the movement of novel points within the same domain, without relying on any data-driven or scene-specific priors. To achieve this, our approach builds upon the recently introduced dynamic point field model that learns smooth deformation fields between the canonical frame and individual observation frames. However, temporal consistency between consecutive frames is neglected, and the number of required parameters increases linearly with the sequence length due to per-frame modeling. To address these shortcomings, we exploit the intrinsic regularization provided by SIREN, and modify the input layer to produce a spatiotemporally smooth motion field. Additionally, we analyze the motion field Jacobian matrix, and discover that the motion degrees of freedom (DOFs) in an infinitesimal area around a point and the network hidden variables have different behaviors to affect the model's representational power. This enables us to improve the model representation capability while retaining the model compactness. Furthermore, to reduce the risk of overfitting, we introduce a regularization term based on the assumption of piece-wise motion smoothness. Our experiments assess the model's performance in predicting unseen point trajectories and its application in temporal mesh alignment with guidance. The results demonstrate its superiority and effectiveness. The code and data for the project are publicly available: \url{}


cross Active ML for 6G: Towards Efficient Data Generation, Acquisition, and Annotation

Authors: Omar Alhussein, Ning Zhang, Sami Muhaidat, Weihua Zhuang

Abstract: This paper explores the integration of active machine learning (ML) for 6G networks, an area that remains under-explored yet holds potential. Unlike passive ML systems, active ML can be made to interact with the network environment. It actively selects informative and representative data points for training, thereby reducing the volume of data needed while accelerating the learning process. While active learning research mainly focuses on data annotation, we call for a network-centric active learning framework that considers both annotation (i.e., what is the label) and data acquisition (i.e., which and how many samples to collect). Moreover, we explore the synergy between generative artificial intelligence (AI) and active learning to overcome existing limitations in both active learning and generative AI. This paper also features a case study on a mmWave throughput prediction problem to demonstrate the practical benefits and improved performance of active learning for 6G networks. Furthermore, we discuss how the implications of active learning extend to numerous 6G network use cases. We highlight the potential of active learning based 6G networks to enhance computational efficiency, data annotation and acquisition efficiency, adaptability, and overall network intelligence. We conclude with a discussion on challenges and future research directions for active learning in 6G networks, including development of novel query strategies, distributed learning integration, and inclusion of human- and machine-in-the-loop learning.

cross Task and Motion Planning for Execution in the Real

Authors: Tianyang Pan, Rahul Shome, Lydia E. Kavraki

Abstract: Task and motion planning represents a powerful set of hybrid planning methods that combine reasoning over discrete task domains and continuous motion generation. Traditional reasoning necessitates task domain models and enough information to ground actions to motion planning queries. Gaps in this knowledge often arise from sources like occlusion or imprecise modeling. This work generates task and motion plans that include actions cannot be fully grounded at planning time. During execution, such an action is handled by a provided human-designed or learned closed-loop behavior. Execution combines offline planned motions and online behaviors till reaching the task goal. Failures of behaviors are fed back as constraints to find new plans. Forty real-robot trials and motivating demonstrations are performed to evaluate the proposed framework and compare against state-of-the-art. Results show faster execution time, less number of actions, and more success in problems where diverse gaps arise. The experiment data is shared for researchers to simulate these settings. The work shows promise in expanding the applicable class of realistic partially grounded problems that robots can address.

cross Decision-focused Graph Neural Networks for Combinatorial Optimization

Authors: Yang Liu, Chuan Zhou, Peng Zhang, Shirui Pan, Zhao Li, Hongyang Chen

Abstract: In recent years, there has been notable interest in investigating combinatorial optimization (CO) problems by neural-based framework. An emerging strategy to tackle these challenging problems involves the adoption of graph neural networks (GNNs) as an alternative to traditional algorithms, a subject that has attracted considerable attention. Despite the growing popularity of GNNs and traditional algorithm solvers in the realm of CO, there is limited research on their integrated use and the correlation between them within an end-to-end framework. The primary focus of our work is to formulate a more efficient and precise framework for CO by employing decision-focused learning on graphs. Additionally, we introduce a decision-focused framework that utilizes GNNs to address CO problems with auxiliary support. To realize an end-to-end approach, we have designed two cascaded modules: (a) an unsupervised trained graph predictive model, and (b) a solver for quadratic binary unconstrained optimization. Empirical evaluations are conducted on various classical tasks, including maximum cut, maximum independent set, and minimum vertex cover. The experimental results on classical CO problems (i.e. MaxCut, MIS, and MVC) demonstrate the superiority of our method over both the standalone GNN approach and classical methods.

cross Inductive Generalization in Reinforcement Learning from Specifications

Authors: Vignesh Subramanian, Rohit Kushwah, Subhajit Roy, Suguman Bansal

Abstract: We present a novel inductive generalization framework for RL from logical specifications. Many interesting tasks in RL environments have a natural inductive structure. These inductive tasks have similar overarching goals but they differ inductively in low-level predicates and distributions. We present a generalization procedure that leverages this inductive relationship to learn a higher-order function, a policy generator, that generates appropriately adapted policies for instances of an inductive task in a zero-shot manner. An evaluation of the proposed approach on a set of challenging control benchmarks demonstrates the promise of our framework in generalizing to unseen policies for long-horizon tasks.

cross Towards Dynamic Trend Filtering through Trend Point Detection with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jihyeon Seong, Sekwang Oh, Jaesik Choi

Abstract: Trend filtering simplifies complex time series data by applying smoothness to filter out noise while emphasizing proximity to the original data. However, existing trend filtering methods fail to reflect abrupt changes in the trend due to `approximateness,' resulting in constant smoothness. This approximateness uniformly filters out the tail distribution of time series data, characterized by extreme values, including both abrupt changes and noise. In this paper, we propose Trend Point Detection formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), a novel approach to identifying essential points that should be reflected in the trend, departing from approximations. We term these essential points as Dynamic Trend Points (DTPs) and extract trends by interpolating them. To identify DTPs, we utilize Reinforcement Learning (RL) within a discrete action space and a forecasting sum-of-squares loss function as a reward, referred to as the Dynamic Trend Filtering network (DTF-net). DTF-net integrates flexible noise filtering, preserving critical original subsequences while removing noise as required for other subsequences. We demonstrate that DTF-net excels at capturing abrupt changes compared to other trend filtering algorithms and enhances forecasting performance, as abrupt changes are predicted rather than smoothed out.

cross 3rd Place Solution for MOSE Track in CVPR 2024 PVUW workshop: Complex Video Object Segmentation

Authors: Xinyu Liu, Jing Zhang, Kexin Zhang, Yuting Yang, Licheng Jiao, Shuyuan Yang

Abstract: Video Object Segmentation (VOS) is a vital task in computer vision, focusing on distinguishing foreground objects from the background across video frames. Our work draws inspiration from the Cutie model, and we investigate the effects of object memory, the total number of memory frames, and input resolution on segmentation performance. This report validates the effectiveness of our inference method on the coMplex video Object SEgmentation (MOSE) dataset, which features complex occlusions. Our experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves a J\&F score of 0.8139 on the test set, securing the third position in the final ranking. These findings highlight the robustness and accuracy of our method in handling challenging VOS scenarios.

cross PANDA: Expanded Width-Aware Message Passing Beyond Rewiring

Authors: Jeongwhan Choi, Sumin Park, Hyowon Wi, Sung-Bae Cho, Noseong Park

Abstract: Recent research in the field of graph neural network (GNN) has identified a critical issue known as "over-squashing," resulting from the bottleneck phenomenon in graph structures, which impedes the propagation of long-range information. Prior works have proposed a variety of graph rewiring concepts that aim at optimizing the spatial or spectral properties of graphs to promote the signal propagation. However, such approaches inevitably deteriorate the original graph topology, which may lead to a distortion of information flow. To address this, we introduce an expanded width-aware (PANDA) message passing, a new message passing paradigm where nodes with high centrality, a potential source of over-squashing, are selectively expanded in width to encapsulate the growing influx of signals from distant nodes. Experimental results show that our method outperforms existing rewiring methods, suggesting that selectively expanding the hidden state of nodes can be a compelling alternative to graph rewiring for addressing the over-squashing.

cross Linguistically Conditioned Semantic Textual Similarity

Authors: Jingxuan Tu, Keer Xu, Liulu Yue, Bingyang Ye, Kyeongmin Rim, James Pustejovsky

Abstract: Semantic textual similarity (STS) is a fundamental NLP task that measures the semantic similarity between a pair of sentences. In order to reduce the inherent ambiguity posed from the sentences, a recent work called Conditional STS (C-STS) has been proposed to measure the sentences' similarity conditioned on a certain aspect. Despite the popularity of C-STS, we find that the current C-STS dataset suffers from various issues that could impede proper evaluation on this task. In this paper, we reannotate the C-STS validation set and observe an annotator discrepancy on 55% of the instances resulting from the annotation errors in the original label, ill-defined conditions, and the lack of clarity in the task definition. After a thorough dataset analysis, we improve the C-STS task by leveraging the models' capability to understand the conditions under a QA task setting. With the generated answers, we present an automatic error identification pipeline that is able to identify annotation errors from the C-STS data with over 80% F1 score. We also propose a new method that largely improves the performance over baselines on the C-STS data by training the models with the answers. Finally we discuss the conditionality annotation based on the typed-feature structure (TFS) of entity types. We show in examples that the TFS is able to provide a linguistic foundation for constructing C-STS data with new conditions.

cross Reflective Policy Optimization

Authors: Yaozhong Gan, Renye Yan, Zhe Wu, Junliang Xing

Abstract: On-policy reinforcement learning methods, like Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), often demand extensive data per update, leading to sample inefficiency. This paper introduces Reflective Policy Optimization (RPO), a novel on-policy extension that amalgamates past and future state-action information for policy optimization. This approach empowers the agent for introspection, allowing modifications to its actions within the current state. Theoretical analysis confirms that policy performance is monotonically improved and contracts the solution space, consequently expediting the convergence procedure. Empirical results demonstrate RPO's feasibility and efficacy in two reinforcement learning benchmarks, culminating in superior sample efficiency. The source code of this work is available at


cross Evaluating the World Model Implicit in a Generative Model

Authors: Keyon Vafa, Justin Y. Chen, Jon Kleinberg, Sendhil Mullainathan, Ashesh Rambachan

Abstract: Recent work suggests that large language models may implicitly learn world models. How should we assess this possibility? We formalize this question for the case where the underlying reality is governed by a deterministic finite automaton. This includes problems as diverse as simple logical reasoning, geographic navigation, game-playing, and chemistry. We propose new evaluation metrics for world model recovery inspired by the classic Myhill-Nerode theorem from language theory. We illustrate their utility in three domains: game playing, logic puzzles, and navigation. In all domains, the generative models we consider do well on existing diagnostics for assessing world models, but our evaluation metrics reveal their world models to be far less coherent than they appear. Such incoherence creates fragility: using a generative model to solve related but subtly different tasks can lead it to fail badly. Building generative models that meaningfully capture the underlying logic of the domains they model would be immensely valuable; our results suggest new ways to assess how close a given model is to that goal.

cross What Should Embeddings Embed? Autoregressive Models Represent Latent Generating Distributions

Authors: Liyi Zhang, Michael Y. Li, Thomas L. Griffiths

Abstract: Autoregressive language models have demonstrated a remarkable ability to extract latent structure from text. The embeddings from large language models have been shown to capture aspects of the syntax and semantics of language. But what {\em should} embeddings represent? We connect the autoregressive prediction objective to the idea of constructing predictive sufficient statistics to summarize the information contained in a sequence of observations, and use this connection to identify three settings where the optimal content of embeddings can be identified: independent identically distributed data, where the embedding should capture the sufficient statistics of the data; latent state models, where the embedding should encode the posterior distribution over states given the data; and discrete hypothesis spaces, where the embedding should reflect the posterior distribution over hypotheses given the data. We then conduct empirical probing studies to show that transformers encode these three kinds of latent generating distributions, and that they perform well in out-of-distribution cases and without token memorization in these settings.

cross TwinS: Revisiting Non-Stationarity in Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Jiaxi Hu, Qingsong Wen, Sijie Ruan, Li Liu, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: Recently, multivariate time series forecasting tasks have garnered increasing attention due to their significant practical applications, leading to the emergence of various deep forecasting models. However, real-world time series exhibit pronounced non-stationary distribution characteristics. These characteristics are not solely limited to time-varying statistical properties highlighted by non-stationary Transformer but also encompass three key aspects: nested periodicity, absence of periodic distributions, and hysteresis among time variables. In this paper, we begin by validating this theory through wavelet analysis and propose the Transformer-based TwinS model, which consists of three modules to address the non-stationary periodic distributions: Wavelet Convolution, Period-Aware Attention, and Channel-Temporal Mixed MLP. Specifically, The Wavelet Convolution models nested periods by scaling the convolution kernel size like wavelet transform. The Period-Aware Attention guides attention computation by generating period relevance scores through a convolutional sub-network. The Channel-Temporal Mixed MLP captures the overall relationships between time series through channel-time mixing learning. TwinS achieves SOTA performance compared to mainstream TS models, with a maximum improvement in MSE of 25.8\% over PatchTST.

cross Pi-fusion: Physics-informed diffusion model for learning fluid dynamics

Authors: Jing Qiu, Jiancheng Huang, Xiangdong Zhang, Zeng Lin, Minglei Pan, Zengding Liu, Fen Miao

Abstract: Physics-informed deep learning has been developed as a novel paradigm for learning physical dynamics recently. While general physics-informed deep learning methods have shown early promise in learning fluid dynamics, they are difficult to generalize in arbitrary time instants in real-world scenario, where the fluid motion can be considered as a time-variant trajectory involved large-scale particles. Inspired by the advantage of diffusion model in learning the distribution of data, we first propose Pi-fusion, a physics-informed diffusion model for predicting the temporal evolution of velocity and pressure field in fluid dynamics. Physics-informed guidance sampling is proposed in the inference procedure of Pi-fusion to improve the accuracy and interpretability of learning fluid dynamics. Furthermore, we introduce a training strategy based on reciprocal learning to learn the quasiperiodical pattern of fluid motion and thus improve the generalizability of the model. The proposed approach are then evaluated on both synthetic and real-world dataset, by comparing it with state-of-the-art physics-informed deep learning methods. Experimental results show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms existing methods for predicting temporal evolution of velocity and pressure field, confirming its strong generalization by drawing probabilistic inference of forward process and physics-informed guidance sampling. The proposed Pi-fusion can also be generalized in learning other physical dynamics governed by partial differential equations.

cross Generalization-Enhanced Code Vulnerability Detection via Multi-Task Instruction Fine-Tuning

Authors: Xiaohu Du, Ming Wen, Jiahao Zhu, Zifan Xie, Bin Ji, Huijun Liu, Xuanhua Shi, Hai Jin

Abstract: Code Pre-trained Models (CodePTMs) based vulnerability detection have achieved promising results over recent years. However, these models struggle to generalize as they typically learn superficial mapping from source code to labels instead of understanding the root causes of code vulnerabilities, resulting in poor performance in real-world scenarios beyond the training instances. To tackle this challenge, we introduce VulLLM, a novel framework that integrates multi-task learning with Large Language Models (LLMs) to effectively mine deep-seated vulnerability features. Specifically, we construct two auxiliary tasks beyond the vulnerability detection task. First, we utilize the vulnerability patches to construct a vulnerability localization task. Second, based on the vulnerability features extracted from patches, we leverage GPT-4 to construct a vulnerability interpretation task. VulLLM innovatively augments vulnerability classification by leveraging generative LLMs to understand complex vulnerability patterns, thus compelling the model to capture the root causes of vulnerabilities rather than overfitting to spurious features of a single task. The experiments conducted on six large datasets demonstrate that VulLLM surpasses seven state-of-the-art models in terms of effectiveness, generalization, and robustness.

cross Attribute-Aware Implicit Modality Alignment for Text Attribute Person Search

Authors: Xin Wang, Fangfang Liu, Zheng Li, Caili Guo

Abstract: Text attribute person search aims to find specific pedestrians through given textual attributes, which is very meaningful in the scene of searching for designated pedestrians through witness descriptions. The key challenge is the significant modality gap between textual attributes and images. Previous methods focused on achieving explicit representation and alignment through unimodal pre-trained models. Nevertheless, the absence of inter-modality correspondence in these models may lead to distortions in the local information of intra-modality. Moreover, these methods only considered the alignment of inter-modality and ignored the differences between different attribute categories. To mitigate the above problems, we propose an Attribute-Aware Implicit Modality Alignment (AIMA) framework to learn the correspondence of local representations between textual attributes and images and combine global representation matching to narrow the modality gap. Firstly, we introduce the CLIP model as the backbone and design prompt templates to transform attribute combinations into structured sentences. This facilitates the model's ability to better understand and match image details. Next, we design a Masked Attribute Prediction (MAP) module that predicts the masked attributes after the interaction of image and masked textual attribute features through multi-modal interaction, thereby achieving implicit local relationship alignment. Finally, we propose an Attribute-IoU Guided Intra-Modal Contrastive (A-IoU IMC) loss, aligning the distribution of different textual attributes in the embedding space with their IoU distribution, achieving better semantic arrangement. Extensive experiments on the Market-1501 Attribute, PETA, and PA100K datasets show that the performance of our proposed method significantly surpasses the current state-of-the-art methods.

cross Offline Multi-Objective Optimization

Authors: Ke Xue, Rong-Xi Tan, Xiaobin Huang, Chao Qian

Abstract: Offline optimization aims to maximize a black-box objective function with a static dataset and has wide applications. In addition to the objective function being black-box and expensive to evaluate, numerous complex real-world problems entail optimizing multiple conflicting objectives, i.e., multi-objective optimization (MOO). Nevertheless, offline MOO has not progressed as much as offline single-objective optimization (SOO), mainly due to the lack of benchmarks like Design-Bench for SOO. To bridge this gap, we propose a first benchmark for offline MOO, covering a range of problems from synthetic to real-world tasks. This benchmark provides tasks, datasets, and open-source examples, which can serve as a foundation for method comparisons and advancements in offline MOO. Furthermore, we analyze how the current related methods can be adapted to offline MOO from four fundamental perspectives, including data, model architecture, learning algorithm, and search algorithm. Empirical results show improvements over the best value of the training set, demonstrating the effectiveness of offline MOO methods. As no particular method stands out significantly, there is still an open challenge in further enhancing the effectiveness of offline MOO. We finally discuss future challenges for offline MOO, with the hope of shedding some light on this emerging field. Our code is available at \url{}.


cross FastGAS: Fast Graph-based Annotation Selection for In-Context Learning

Authors: Zihan Chen, Song Wang, Cong Shen, Jundong Li

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) empowers large language models (LLMs) to tackle new tasks by using a series of training instances as prompts. Since generating the prompts needs to sample from a vast pool of instances and annotate them (e.g., add labels in classification task), existing methods have proposed to select a subset of unlabeled examples for annotation, thus enhancing the quality of prompts and concurrently mitigating annotation costs. However, these methods often require a long time to select instances due to their complexity, hindering their practical viability. To address this limitation, we propose a graph-based selection method, FastGAS, designed to efficiently identify high-quality instances while minimizing computational overhead. Initially, we construct a data similarity graph based on instance similarities. Subsequently, employing a graph partitioning algorithm, we partition the graph into pieces. Within each piece (i.e., subgraph), we adopt a greedy approach to pick the most representative nodes. By aggregating nodes from diverse pieces and annotating the corresponding instances, we identify a set of diverse and representative instances for ICL. Compared to prior approaches, our method not only exhibits superior performance on different tasks but also significantly reduces selection time. In addition, we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in LLMs of larger sizes.

cross Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Advanced Transformer Model

Authors: Chang Yu, Yongshun Xu, Jin Cao, Ye Zhang, Yinxin Jin, Mengran Zhu

Abstract: With the proliferation of various online and mobile payment systems, credit card fraud has emerged as a significant threat to financial security. This study focuses on innovative applications of the latest Transformer models for more robust and precise fraud detection. To ensure the reliability of the data, we meticulously processed the data sources, balancing the dataset to address the issue of data sparsity significantly. We also selected highly correlated vectors to strengthen the training process.To guarantee the reliability and practicality of the new Transformer model, we conducted performance comparisons with several widely adopted models, including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, Neural Network, and Logistic Regression. We rigorously compared these models using metrics such as Precision, Recall, and F1 Score. Through these detailed analyses and comparisons, we present to the readers a highly efficient and powerful anti-fraud mechanism with promising prospects. The results demonstrate that the Transformer model not only excels in traditional applications but also shows great potential in niche areas like fraud detection, offering a substantial advancement in the field.

cross Efficient Knowledge Infusion via KG-LLM Alignment

Authors: Zhouyu Jiang, Ling Zhong, Mengshu Sun, Jun Xu, Rui Sun, Hui Cai, Shuhan Luo, Zhiqiang Zhang

Abstract: To tackle the problem of domain-specific knowledge scarcity within large language models (LLMs), knowledge graph-retrievalaugmented method has been proven to be an effective and efficient technique for knowledge infusion. However, existing approaches face two primary challenges: knowledge mismatch between public available knowledge graphs and the specific domain of the task at hand, and poor information compliance of LLMs with knowledge graphs. In this paper, we leverage a small set of labeled samples and a large-scale corpus to efficiently construct domain-specific knowledge graphs by an LLM, addressing the issue of knowledge mismatch. Additionally, we propose a three-stage KG-LLM alignment strategyto enhance the LLM's capability to utilize information from knowledge graphs. We conduct experiments with a limited-sample setting on two biomedical question-answering datasets, and the results demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing baselines.

cross Instance Segmentation and Teeth Classification in Panoramic X-rays

Authors: Devichand Budagam, Ayush Kumar, Sayan Ghosh, Anuj Shrivastav, Azamat Zhanatuly Imanbayev, Iskander Rafailovich Akhmetov, Dmitrii Kaplun, Sergey Antonov, Artem Rychenkov, Gleb Cyganov, Aleksandr Sinitca

Abstract: Teeth segmentation and recognition are critical in various dental applications and dental diagnosis. Automatic and accurate segmentation approaches have been made possible by integrating deep learning models. Although teeth segmentation has been studied in the past, only some techniques were able to effectively classify and segment teeth simultaneously. This article offers a pipeline of two deep learning models, U-Net and YOLOv8, which results in BB-UNet, a new architecture for the classification and segmentation of teeth on panoramic X-rays that is efficient and reliable. We have improved the quality and reliability of teeth segmentation by utilising the YOLOv8 and U-Net capabilities. The proposed networks have been evaluated using the mean average precision (mAP) and dice coefficient for YOLOv8 and BB-UNet, respectively. We have achieved a 3\% increase in mAP score for teeth classification compared to existing methods, and a 10-15\% increase in dice coefficient for teeth segmentation compared to U-Net across different categories of teeth. A new Dental dataset was created based on UFBA-UESC dataset with Bounding-Box and Polygon annotations of 425 dental panoramic X-rays. The findings of this research pave the way for a wider adoption of object detection models in the field of dental diagnosis.

cross Enhancing In-Context Learning Performance with just SVD-Based Weight Pruning: A Theoretical Perspective

Authors: Xinhao Yao, Xiaolin Hu, Shenzhi Yang, Yong Liu

Abstract: Pre-trained large language models (LLMs) based on Transformer have demonstrated striking in-context learning (ICL) abilities. With a few demonstration input-label pairs, they can predict the label for an unseen input without any parameter updates. In this paper, we show an exciting phenomenon that SVD-based weight pruning can enhance ICL performance, and more surprising, pruning weights in deep layers often results in more stable performance improvements in shallow layers. However, the underlying mechanism of those findings still remains an open question. To reveal those findings, we conduct an in-depth theoretical analysis by presenting the implicit gradient descent (GD) trajectories of ICL and giving the mutual information based generalization bounds of ICL via full implicit GD trajectories. This helps us reasonably explain the surprising experimental findings. Besides, based on all our experimental and theoretical insights, we intuitively propose a simple, model-compression and derivative-free algorithm for downstream tasks in enhancing ICL inference. Experiments on benchmark datasets and open source LLMs display the method effectiveness\footnote{The code is available at \url{}}.


cross XL-HeadTags: Leveraging Multimodal Retrieval Augmentation for the Multilingual Generation of News Headlines and Tags

Authors: Faisal Tareque Shohan, Mir Tafseer Nayeem, Samsul Islam, Abu Ubaida Akash, Shafiq Joty

Abstract: Millions of news articles published online daily can overwhelm readers. Headlines and entity (topic) tags are essential for guiding readers to decide if the content is worth their time. While headline generation has been extensively studied, tag generation remains largely unexplored, yet it offers readers better access to topics of interest. The need for conciseness in capturing readers' attention necessitates improved content selection strategies for identifying salient and relevant segments within lengthy articles, thereby guiding language models effectively. To address this, we propose to leverage auxiliary information such as images and captions embedded in the articles to retrieve relevant sentences and utilize instruction tuning with variations to generate both headlines and tags for news articles in a multilingual context. To make use of the auxiliary information, we have compiled a dataset named XL-HeadTags, which includes 20 languages across 6 diverse language families. Through extensive evaluation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our plug-and-play multimodal-multilingual retrievers for both tasks. Additionally, we have developed a suite of tools for processing and evaluating multilingual texts, significantly contributing to the research community by enabling more accurate and efficient analysis across languages.

cross Empirical Guidelines for Deploying LLMs onto Resource-constrained Edge Devices

Authors: Ruiyang Qin, Dancheng Liu, Zheyu Yan, Zhaoxuan Tan, Zixuan Pan, Zhenge Jia, Meng Jiang, Ahmed Abbasi, Jinjun Xiong, Yiyu Shi

Abstract: The scaling laws have become the de facto guidelines for designing large language models (LLMs), but they were studied under the assumption of unlimited computing resources for both training and inference. As LLMs are increasingly used as personalized intelligent assistants, their customization (i.e., learning through fine-tuning) and deployment onto resource-constrained edge devices will become more and more prevalent. An urging but open question is how a resource-constrained computing environment would affect the design choices for a personalized LLM. We study this problem empirically in this work. In particular, we consider the tradeoffs among a number of key design factors and their intertwined impacts on learning efficiency and accuracy. The factors include the learning methods for LLM customization, the amount of personalized data used for learning customization, the types and sizes of LLMs, the compression methods of LLMs, the amount of time afforded to learn, and the difficulty levels of the target use cases. Through extensive experimentation and benchmarking, we draw a number of surprisingly insightful guidelines for deploying LLMs onto resource-constrained devices. For example, an optimal choice between parameter learning and RAG may vary depending on the difficulty of the downstream task, the longer fine-tuning time does not necessarily help the model, and a compressed LLM may be a better choice than an uncompressed LLM to learn from limited personalized data.

cross Enhancing Graph U-Nets for Mesh-Agnostic Spatio-Temporal Flow Prediction

Authors: Sunwoong Yang, Ricardo Vinuesa, Namwoo Kang

Abstract: This study aims to overcome the conventional deep-learning approaches based on convolutional neural networks, whose applicability to complex geometries and unstructured meshes is limited due to their inherent mesh dependency. We propose novel approaches to improve mesh-agnostic spatio-temporal prediction of transient flow fields using graph U-Nets, enabling accurate prediction on diverse mesh configurations. Key enhancements to the graph U-Net architecture, including the Gaussian mixture model convolutional operator and noise injection approaches, provide increased flexibility in modeling node dynamics: the former reduces prediction error by 95\% compared to conventional convolutional operators, while the latter improves long-term prediction robustness, resulting in an error reduction of 86\%. We also investigate transductive and inductive-learning perspectives of graph U-Nets with proposed improvements. In the transductive setting, they effectively predict quantities for unseen nodes within the trained graph. In the inductive setting, they successfully perform in mesh scenarios with different vortex-shedding periods, showing 98\% improvement in predicting the future flow fields compared to a model trained without the inductive settings. It is found that graph U-Nets without pooling operations, i.e. without reducing and restoring the node dimensionality of the graph data, perform better in inductive settings due to their ability to learn from the detailed structure of each graph. Meanwhile, we also discover that the choice of normalization technique significantly impacts graph U-Net performance.

cross Enhanced Semantic Segmentation Pipeline for WeatherProof Dataset Challenge

Authors: Nan Zhang, Xidan Zhang, Jianing Wei, Fangjun Wang, Zhiming Tan

Abstract: This report describes the winning solution to the WeatherProof Dataset Challenge (CVPR 2024 UG2+ Track 3). Details regarding the challenge are available at We propose an enhanced semantic segmentation pipeline for this challenge. Firstly, we improve semantic segmentation models, using backbone pretrained with Depth Anything to improve UperNet model and SETRMLA model, and adding language guidance based on both weather and category information to InternImage model. Secondly, we introduce a new dataset WeatherProofExtra with wider viewing angle and employ data augmentation methods, including adverse weather and super-resolution. Finally, effective training strategies and ensemble method are applied to improve final performance further. Our solution is ranked 1st on the final leaderboard. Code will be available at


cross Cross-variable Linear Integrated ENhanced Transformer for Photovoltaic power forecasting

Authors: Jiaxin Gao, Qinglong Cao, Yuntian Chen, Dongxiao Zhang

Abstract: Photovoltaic (PV) power forecasting plays a crucial role in optimizing the operation and planning of PV systems, thereby enabling efficient energy management and grid integration. However, un certainties caused by fluctuating weather conditions and complex interactions between different variables pose significant challenges to accurate PV power forecasting. In this study, we propose PV-Client (Cross-variable Linear Integrated ENhanced Transformer for Photovoltaic power forecasting) to address these challenges and enhance PV power forecasting accuracy. PV-Client employs an ENhanced Transformer module to capture complex interactions of various features in PV systems, and utilizes a linear module to learn trend information in PV power. Diverging from conventional time series-based Transformer models that use cross-time Attention to learn dependencies between different time steps, the Enhanced Transformer module integrates cross-variable Attention to capture dependencies between PV power and weather factors. Furthermore, PV-Client streamlines the embedding and position encoding layers by replacing the Decoder module with a projection layer. Experimental results on three real-world PV power datasets affirm PV-Client's state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in PV power forecasting. Specifically, PV-Client surpasses the second-best model GRU by 5.3% in MSE metrics and 0.9% in accuracy metrics at the Jingang Station. Similarly, PV-Client outperforms the second-best model SVR by 10.1% in MSE metrics and 0.2% in accuracy metrics at the Xinqingnian Station, and PV-Client exhibits superior performance compared to the second-best model SVR with enhancements of 3.4% in MSE metrics and 0.9% in accuracy metrics at the Hongxing Station.

cross A Survey on Intelligent Internet of Things: Applications, Security, Privacy, and Future Directions

Authors: Ons Aouedi, Thai-Hoc Vu, Alessio Sacco, Dinh C. Nguyen, Kandaraj Piamrat, Guido Marchetto, Quoc-Viet Pham

Abstract: The rapid advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) have promoted a revolution in communication technology and offered various customer services. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have been exploited to facilitate IoT operations and maximize their potential in modern application scenarios. In particular, the convergence of IoT and AI has led to a new networking paradigm called Intelligent IoT (IIoT), which has the potential to significantly transform businesses and industrial domains. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of IIoT by investigating its significant applications in mobile networks, as well as its associated security and privacy issues. Specifically, we explore and discuss the roles of IIoT in a wide range of key application domains, from smart healthcare and smart cities to smart transportation and smart industries. Through such extensive discussions, we investigate important security issues in IIoT networks, where network attacks, confidentiality, integrity, and intrusion are analyzed, along with a discussion of potential countermeasures. Privacy issues in IIoT networks were also surveyed and discussed, including data, location, and model privacy leakage. Finally, we outline several key challenges and highlight potential research directions in this important area.

cross Proactive Detection of Physical Inter-rule Vulnerabilities in IoT Services Using a Deep Learning Approach

Authors: Bing Huang, Chen Chen, Kwok-Yan Lam, Fuqun Huang

Abstract: Emerging Internet of Things (IoT) platforms provide sophisticated capabilities to automate IoT services by enabling occupants to create trigger-action rules. Multiple trigger-action rules can physically interact with each other via shared environment channels, such as temperature, humidity, and illumination. We refer to inter-rule interactions via shared environment channels as a physical inter-rule vulnerability. Such vulnerability can be exploited by attackers to launch attacks against IoT systems. We propose a new framework to proactively discover possible physical inter-rule interactions from user requirement specifications (i.e., descriptions) using a deep learning approach. Specifically, we utilize the Transformer model to generate trigger-action rules from their associated descriptions. We discover two types of physical inter-rule vulnerabilities and determine associated environment channels using natural language processing (NLP) tools. Given the extracted trigger-action rules and associated environment channels, an approach is proposed to identify hidden physical inter-rule vulnerabilities among them. Our experiment on 27983 IFTTT style rules shows that the Transformer can successfully extract trigger-action rules from descriptions with 95.22% accuracy. We also validate the effectiveness of our approach on 60 SmartThings official IoT apps and discover 99 possible physical inter-rule vulnerabilities.

cross POEM: Interactive Prompt Optimization for Enhancing Multimodal Reasoning of Large Language Models

Authors: Jianben He, Xingbo Wang, Shiyi Liu, Guande Wu, Claudio Silva, Huamin Qu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited impressive abilities for multimodal content comprehension and reasoning with proper prompting in zero- or few-shot settings. Despite the proliferation of interactive systems developed to support prompt engineering for LLMs across various tasks, most have primarily focused on textual or visual inputs, thus neglecting the complex interplay between modalities within multimodal inputs. This oversight hinders the development of effective prompts that guide model multimodal reasoning processes by fully exploiting the rich context provided by multiple modalities. In this paper, we present POEM, a visual analytics system to facilitate efficient prompt engineering for enhancing the multimodal reasoning performance of LLMs. The system enables users to explore the interaction patterns across modalities at varying levels of detail for a comprehensive understanding of the multimodal knowledge elicited by various prompts. Through diverse recommendations of demonstration examples and instructional principles, POEM supports users in iteratively crafting and refining prompts to better align and enhance model knowledge with human insights. The effectiveness and efficiency of our system are validated through two case studies and interviews with experts.

cross Behavior-Targeted Attack on Reinforcement Learning with Limited Access to Victim's Policy

Authors: Shojiro Yamabe, Kazuto Fukuchi, Ryoma Senda, Jun Sakuma

Abstract: This study considers the attack on reinforcement learning agents where the adversary aims to control the victim's behavior as specified by the adversary by adding adversarial modifications to the victim's state observation. While some attack methods reported success in manipulating the victim agent's behavior, these methods often rely on environment-specific heuristics. In addition, all existing attack methods require white-box access to the victim's policy. In this study, we propose a novel method for manipulating the victim agent in the black-box (i.e., the adversary is allowed to observe the victim's state and action only) and no-box (i.e., the adversary is allowed to observe the victim's state only) setting without requiring environment-specific heuristics. Our attack method is formulated as a bi-level optimization problem that is reduced to a distribution matching problem and can be solved by an existing imitation learning algorithm in the black-box and no-box settings. Empirical evaluations on several reinforcement learning benchmarks show that our proposed method has superior attack performance to baselines.

cross Semantic Similarity Score for Measuring Visual Similarity at Semantic Level

Authors: Senran Fan, Zhicheng Bao, Chen Dong, Haotai Liang, Xiaodong Xu, Ping Zhang

Abstract: Semantic communication, as a revolutionary communication architecture, is considered a promising novel communication paradigm. Unlike traditional symbol-based error-free communication systems, semantic-based visual communication systems extract, compress, transmit, and reconstruct images at the semantic level. However, widely used image similarity evaluation metrics, whether pixel-based MSE or PSNR or structure-based MS-SSIM, struggle to accurately measure the loss of semantic-level information of the source during system transmission. This presents challenges in evaluating the performance of visual semantic communication systems, especially when comparing them with traditional communication systems. To address this, we propose a semantic evaluation metric -- SeSS (Semantic Similarity Score), based on Scene Graph Generation and graph matching, which shifts the similarity scores between images into semantic-level graph matching scores. Meanwhile, semantic similarity scores for tens of thousands of image pairs are manually annotated to fine-tune the hyperparameters in the graph matching algorithm, aligning the metric more closely with human semantic perception. The performance of the SeSS is tested on different datasets, including (1)images transmitted by traditional and semantic communication systems at different compression rates, (2)images transmitted by traditional and semantic communication systems at different signal-to-noise ratios, (3)images generated by large-scale model with different noise levels introduced, and (4)cases of images subjected to certain special transformations. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SeSS, indicating that the metric can measure the semantic-level differences in semantic-level information of images and can be used for evaluation in visual semantic communication systems.

cross Quantum Implicit Neural Representations

Authors: Jiaming Zhao, Wenbo Qiao, Peng Zhang, Hui Gao

Abstract: Implicit neural representations have emerged as a powerful paradigm to represent signals such as images and sounds. This approach aims to utilize neural networks to parameterize the implicit function of the signal. However, when representing implicit functions, traditional neural networks such as ReLU-based multilayer perceptrons face challenges in accurately modeling high-frequency components of signals. Recent research has begun to explore the use of Fourier Neural Networks (FNNs) to overcome this limitation. In this paper, we propose Quantum Implicit Representation Network (QIREN), a novel quantum generalization of FNNs. Furthermore, through theoretical analysis, we demonstrate that QIREN possesses a quantum advantage over classical FNNs. Lastly, we conducted experiments in signal representation, image superresolution, and image generation tasks to show the superior performance of QIREN compared to state-of-the-art (SOTA) models. Our work not only incorporates quantum advantages into implicit neural representations but also uncovers a promising application direction for Quantum Neural Networks.

cross Memorization in deep learning: A survey

Authors: Jiaheng Wei, Yanjun Zhang, Leo Yu Zhang, Ming Ding, Chao Chen, Kok-Leong Ong, Jun Zhang, Yang Xiang

Abstract: Deep Learning (DL) powered by Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has revolutionized various domains, yet understanding the intricacies of DNN decision-making and learning processes remains a significant challenge. Recent investigations have uncovered an interesting memorization phenomenon in which DNNs tend to memorize specific details from examples rather than learning general patterns, affecting model generalization, security, and privacy. This raises critical questions about the nature of generalization in DNNs and their susceptibility to security breaches. In this survey, we present a systematic framework to organize memorization definitions based on the generalization and security/privacy domains and summarize memorization evaluation methods at both the example and model levels. Through a comprehensive literature review, we explore DNN memorization behaviors and their impacts on security and privacy. We also introduce privacy vulnerabilities caused by memorization and the phenomenon of forgetting and explore its connection with memorization. Furthermore, we spotlight various applications leveraging memorization and forgetting mechanisms, including noisy label learning, privacy preservation, and model enhancement. This survey offers the first-in-kind understanding of memorization in DNNs, providing insights into its challenges and opportunities for enhancing AI development while addressing critical ethical concerns.

cross HeSum: a Novel Dataset for Abstractive Text Summarization in Hebrew

Authors: Tzuf Paz-Argaman, Itai Mondshine, Asaf Achi Mordechai, Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) excel in various natural language tasks in English, their performance in lower-resourced languages like Hebrew, especially for generative tasks such as abstractive summarization, remains unclear. The high morphological richness in Hebrew adds further challenges due to the ambiguity in sentence comprehension and the complexities in meaning construction. In this paper, we address this resource and evaluation gap by introducing HeSum, a novel benchmark specifically designed for abstractive text summarization in Modern Hebrew. HeSum consists of 10,000 article-summary pairs sourced from Hebrew news websites written by professionals. Linguistic analysis confirms HeSum's high abstractness and unique morphological challenges. We show that HeSum presents distinct difficulties for contemporary state-of-the-art LLMs, establishing it as a valuable testbed for generative language technology in Hebrew, and MRLs generative challenges in general.

cross ArMeme: Propagandistic Content in Arabic Memes

Authors: Firoj Alam, Abul Hasnat, Fatema Ahmed, Md Arid Hasan, Maram Hasanain

Abstract: With the rise of digital communication, memes have become a significant medium for cultural and political expression that is often used to mislead audiences. Identification of such misleading and persuasive multimodal content has become more important among various stakeholders, including social media platforms, policymakers, and the broader society as they often cause harm to individuals, organizations, and/or society. While there has been effort to develop AI-based automatic systems for resource-rich languages (e.g., English), it is relatively little to none for medium to low resource languages. In this study, we focused on developing an Arabic memes dataset with manual annotations of propagandistic content. We annotated ~6K Arabic memes collected from various social media platforms, which is a first resource for Arabic multimodal research. We provide a comprehensive analysis aiming to develop computational tools for their detection. We will make them publicly available for the community.

cross Vectorized Conditional Neural Fields: A Framework for Solving Time-dependent Parametric Partial Differential Equations

Authors: Jan Hagnberger, Marimuthu Kalimuthu, Daniel Musekamp, Mathias Niepert

Abstract: Transformer models are increasingly used for solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Several adaptations have been proposed, all of which suffer from the typical problems of Transformers, such as quadratic memory and time complexity. Furthermore, all prevalent architectures for PDE solving lack at least one of several desirable properties of an ideal surrogate model, such as (i) generalization to PDE parameters not seen during training, (ii) spatial and temporal zero-shot super-resolution, (iii) continuous temporal extrapolation, (iv) support for 1D, 2D, and 3D PDEs, and (v) efficient inference for longer temporal rollouts. To address these limitations, we propose Vectorized Conditional Neural Fields (VCNeFs), which represent the solution of time-dependent PDEs as neural fields. Contrary to prior methods, however, VCNeFs compute, for a set of multiple spatio-temporal query points, their solutions in parallel and model their dependencies through attention mechanisms. Moreover, VCNeF can condition the neural field on both the initial conditions and the parameters of the PDEs. An extensive set of experiments demonstrates that VCNeFs are competitive with and often outperform existing ML-based surrogate models.

cross AC4MPC: Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control

Authors: Rudolf Reiter, Andrea Ghezzi, Katrin Baumg\"artner, Jasper Hoffmann, Robert D. McAllister, Moritz Diehl

Abstract: \Ac{MPC} and \ac{RL} are two powerful control strategies with, arguably, complementary advantages. In this work, we show how actor-critic \ac{RL} techniques can be leveraged to improve the performance of \ac{MPC}. The \ac{RL} critic is used as an approximation of the optimal value function, and an actor roll-out provides an initial guess for primal variables of the \ac{MPC}. A parallel control architecture is proposed where each \ac{MPC} instance is solved twice for different initial guesses. Besides the actor roll-out initialization, a shifted initialization from the previous solution is used. Thereafter, the actor and the critic are again used to approximately evaluate the infinite horizon cost of these trajectories. The control actions from the lowest-cost trajectory are applied to the system at each time step. We establish that the proposed algorithm is guaranteed to outperform the original \ac{RL} policy plus an error term that depends on the accuracy of the critic and decays with the horizon length of the \ac{MPC} formulation. Moreover, we do not require globally optimal solutions for these guarantees to hold. The approach is demonstrated on an illustrative toy example and an \ac{AD} overtaking scenario.

cross American Sign Language Handshapes Reflect Pressures for Communicative Efficiency

Authors: Kayo Yin, Terry Regier, Dan Klein

Abstract: Communicative efficiency is a prominent theory in linguistics and cognitive science. While numerous studies have shown how the pressure to save energy is reflected in the form of spoken languages, few have explored this phenomenon in signed languages. In this paper, we show how handshapes in American Sign Language (ASL) reflect these efficiency pressures and we present new evidence of communicative efficiency in the visual-gestural modality. We focus on handshapes that are used in both native ASL signs and signs borrowed from English to compare efficiency pressures from both ASL and English. First, we design new methodologies to quantify the articulatory effort required to produce handshapes as well as the perceptual effort needed to recognize them. Then, we compare correlations between communicative effort and usage statistics in ASL and English. Our findings reveal that frequent ASL handshapes are easier to produce and that pressures for communicative efficiency mostly come from ASL usage, not from English lexical borrowing.

cross Pre-trained Transformer Uncovers Meaningful Patterns in Human Mobility Data

Authors: Alameen Najjar

Abstract: We empirically demonstrate that a transformer pre-trained on country-scale unlabeled human mobility data learns embeddings capable, through fine-tuning, of developing a deep understanding of the target geography and its corresponding mobility patterns. Utilizing an adaptation framework, we evaluate the performance of our pre-trained embeddings in encapsulating a broad spectrum of concepts directly and indirectly related to human mobility. This includes basic notions, such as geographic location and distance, and extends to more complex constructs, such as administrative divisions and land cover. Our extensive empirical analysis reveals a substantial performance boost gained from pre-training, reaching up to 38% in tasks such as tree-cover regression. We attribute this result to the ability of the pre-training to uncover meaningful patterns hidden in the raw data, beneficial for modeling relevant high-level concepts. The pre-trained embeddings emerge as robust representations of regions and trajectories, potentially valuable for a wide range of downstream applications.

cross Spatio-temporal Early Prediction based on Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Wei Shao, Yufan Kang, Ziyan Peng, Xiao Xiao, Lei Wang, Yuhui Yang, Flora D Salim

Abstract: Accuracy and timeliness are indeed often conflicting goals in prediction tasks. Premature predictions may yield a higher rate of false alarms, whereas delaying predictions to gather more information can render them too late to be useful. In applications such as wildfires, crimes, and traffic jams, timely predictions are vital for safeguarding human life and property. Consequently, finding a balance between accuracy and timeliness is crucial. In this paper, we propose a spatio-temporal early prediction model based on Multi-Objective reinforcement learning that can either implement an optimal policy given a preference or infer the preference based on a small number of samples. The model addresses two primary challenges: 1) enhancing the accuracy of early predictions and 2) providing the optimal policy for determining the most suitable prediction time for each area. Our method demonstrates superior performance on three large-scale real-world datasets, surpassing existing methods in early spatio-temporal prediction tasks.

cross Shaping History: Advanced Machine Learning Techniques for the Analysis and Dating of Cuneiform Tablets over Three Millennia

Authors: Danielle Kapon, Michael Fire, Shai Gordin

Abstract: Cuneiform tablets, emerging in ancient Mesopotamia around the late fourth millennium BCE, represent one of humanity's earliest writing systems. Characterized by wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets, these artifacts provided insight into Mesopotamian civilization across various domains. Traditionally, the analysis and dating of these tablets rely on subjective assessment of shape and writing style, leading to uncertainties in pinpointing their exact temporal origins. Recent advances in digitization have revolutionized the study of cuneiform by enhancing accessibility and analytical capabilities. Our research uniquely focuses on the silhouette of tablets as significant indicators of their historical periods, diverging from most studies that concentrate on textual content. Utilizing an unprecedented dataset of over 94,000 images from the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative collection, we apply deep learning methods to classify cuneiform tablets, covering over 3,000 years of history. By leveraging statistical, computational techniques, and generative modeling through Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs), we achieve substantial advancements in the automatic classification of these ancient documents, focusing on the tablets' silhouettes as key predictors. Our classification approach begins with a Decision Tree using height-to-width ratios and culminates with a ResNet50 model, achieving a 61% macro F1-score for tablet silhouettes. Moreover, we introduce novel VAE-powered tools to enhance explainability and enable researchers to explore changes in tablet shapes across different eras and genres. This research contributes to document analysis and diplomatics by demonstrating the value of large-scale data analysis combined with statistical methods. These insights offer valuable tools for historians and epigraphists, enriching our understanding of cuneiform tablets and the cultures that produced them.

cross ActionReasoningBench: Reasoning about Actions with and without Ramification Constraints

Authors: Divij Handa, Pavel Dolin, Shrinidhi Kumbhar, Chitta Baral, Tran Cao Son

Abstract: Reasoning about actions and change (RAC) has historically driven the development of many early AI challenges, such as the frame problem, and many AI disciplines, including non-monotonic and commonsense reasoning. The role of RAC remains important even now, particularly for tasks involving dynamic environments, interactive scenarios, and commonsense reasoning. Despite the progress of Large Language Models (LLMs) in various AI domains, their performance on RAC is underexplored. To address this gap, we introduce a new benchmark, ActionReasoningBench, encompassing 13 domains and rigorously evaluating LLMs across eight different areas of RAC. These include - Object Tracking, Fluent Tracking, State Tracking, Action Executability, Effects of Actions, Numerical RAC, Hallucination Detection, and Composite Questions. Furthermore, we also investigate the indirect effect of actions due to ramification constraints for every domain. Finally, we evaluate our benchmark using open-sourced and commercial state-of-the-art LLMs, including GPT-4o, Gemini-1.0-Pro, Llama2-7b-chat, Llama2-13b-chat, Llama3-8b-instruct, Gemma-2b-instruct, and Gemma-7b-instruct. Our findings indicate that these models face significant challenges across all categories included in our benchmark.

cross Multivector Neurons: Better and Faster O(n)-Equivariant Clifford Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Cong Liu, David Ruhe, Patrick Forr\'e

Abstract: Most current deep learning models equivariant to $O(n)$ or $SO(n)$ either consider mostly scalar information such as distances and angles or have a very high computational complexity. In this work, we test a few novel message passing graph neural networks (GNNs) based on Clifford multivectors, structured similarly to other prevalent equivariant models in geometric deep learning. Our approach leverages efficient invariant scalar features while simultaneously performing expressive learning on multivector representations, particularly through the use of the equivariant geometric product operator. By integrating these elements, our methods outperform established efficient baseline models on an N-Body simulation task and protein denoising task while maintaining a high efficiency. In particular, we push the state-of-the-art error on the N-body dataset to 0.0035 (averaged over 3 runs); an 8% improvement over recent methods. Our implementation is available on Github.

cross Leveraging SPD Matrices on Riemannian Manifolds in Quantum Classical Hybrid Models for Structural Health Monitoring

Authors: Azadeh Alavi, Sanduni Jayasinghe

Abstract: Realtime finite element modeling of bridges assists modern structural health monitoring systems by providing comprehensive insights into structural integrity. This capability is essential for ensuring the safe operation of bridges and preventing sudden catastrophic failures. However, FEM computational cost and the need for realtime analysis pose significant challenges. Additionally, the input data is a 7 dimensional vector, while the output is a 1017 dimensional vector, making accurate and efficient analysis particularly difficult. In this study, we propose a novel hybrid quantum classical Multilayer Perceptron pipeline leveraging Symmetric Positive Definite matrices and Riemannian manifolds for effective data representation. To maintain the integrity of the qubit structure, we utilize SPD matrices, ensuring data representation is well aligned with the quantum computational framework. Additionally, the method leverages polynomial feature expansion to capture nonlinear relationships within the data. The proposed pipeline combines classical fully connected neural network layers with quantum circuit layers to enhance model performance and efficiency. Our experiments focused on various configurations of such hybrid models to identify the optimal structure for accurate and efficient realtime analysis. The best performing model achieved a Mean Squared Error of 0.00031, significantly outperforming traditional methods.

cross Ask LLMs Directly, "What shapes your bias?": Measuring Social Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Jisu Shin, Hoyun Song, Huije Lee, Soyeong Jeong, Jong C. Park

Abstract: Social bias is shaped by the accumulation of social perceptions towards targets across various demographic identities. To fully understand such social bias in large language models (LLMs), it is essential to consider the composite of social perceptions from diverse perspectives among identities. Previous studies have either evaluated biases in LLMs by indirectly assessing the presence of sentiments towards demographic identities in the generated text or measuring the degree of alignment with given stereotypes. These methods have limitations in directly quantifying social biases at the level of distinct perspectives among identities. In this paper, we aim to investigate how social perceptions from various viewpoints contribute to the development of social bias in LLMs. To this end, we propose a novel strategy to intuitively quantify these social perceptions and suggest metrics that can evaluate the social biases within LLMs by aggregating diverse social perceptions. The experimental results show the quantitative demonstration of the social attitude in LLMs by examining social perception. The analysis we conducted shows that our proposed metrics capture the multi-dimensional aspects of social bias, enabling a fine-grained and comprehensive investigation of bias in LLMs.

cross Batch-in-Batch: a new adversarial training framework for initial perturbation and sample selection

Authors: Yinting Wu (School of Mathematics and Statistics, and Key Lab NAA--MOE, Central China Normal University), Pai Peng (School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jianghan University), Bo Cai (Key Laboratory of Aerospace Information Security and Trusted Computing, Ministry of Education, and School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan University), Le Li (School of Mathematics and Statistics, and Key Lab NAA--MOE, Central China Normal University), .

Abstract: Adversarial training methods commonly generate independent initial perturbation for adversarial samples from a simple uniform distribution, and obtain the training batch for the classifier without selection. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective training framework called Batch-in-Batch (BB) to enhance models robustness. It involves specifically a joint construction of initial values that could simultaneously generates $m$ sets of perturbations from the original batch set to provide more diversity for adversarial samples; and also includes various sample selection strategies that enable the trained models to have smoother losses and avoid overconfident outputs. Through extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets (CIFAR-10, SVHN, CIFAR-100) with two networks (PreActResNet18 and WideResNet28-10) that are used in both the single-step (Noise-Fast Gradient Sign Method, N-FGSM) and multi-step (Projected Gradient Descent, PGD-10) adversarial training, we show that models trained within the BB framework consistently have higher adversarial accuracy across various adversarial settings, notably achieving over a 13% improvement on the SVHN dataset with an attack radius of 8/255 compared to the N-FGSM baseline model. Furthermore, experimental analysis of the efficiency of both the proposed initial perturbation method and sample selection strategies validates our insights. Finally, we show that our framework is cost-effective in terms of computational resources, even with a relatively large value of $m$.

cross Bootstrapping Expectiles in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Pierre Clavier, Emmanuel Rachelson, Erwan Le Pennec, Matthieu Geist

Abstract: Many classic Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms rely on a Bellman operator, which involves an expectation over the next states, leading to the concept of bootstrapping. To introduce a form of pessimism, we propose to replace this expectation with an expectile. In practice, this can be very simply done by replacing the $L_2$ loss with a more general expectile loss for the critic. Introducing pessimism in RL is desirable for various reasons, such as tackling the overestimation problem (for which classic solutions are double Q-learning or the twin-critic approach of TD3) or robust RL (where transitions are adversarial). We study empirically these two cases. For the overestimation problem, we show that the proposed approach, ExpectRL, provides better results than a classic twin-critic. On robust RL benchmarks, involving changes of the environment, we show that our approach is more robust than classic RL algorithms. We also introduce a variation of ExpectRL combined with domain randomization which is competitive with state-of-the-art robust RL agents. Eventually, we also extend \ExpectRL with a mechanism for choosing automatically the expectile value, that is the degree of pessimism

cross On Limitation of Transformer for Learning HMMs

Authors: Jiachen Hu, Qinghua Liu, Chi Jin

Abstract: Despite the remarkable success of Transformer-based architectures in various sequential modeling tasks, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics, their ability to learn basic sequential models, like Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), is still unclear. This paper investigates the performance of Transformers in learning HMMs and their variants through extensive experimentation and compares them to Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). We show that Transformers consistently underperform RNNs in both training speed and testing accuracy across all tested HMM models. There are even challenging HMM instances where Transformers struggle to learn, while RNNs can successfully do so. Our experiments further reveal the relation between the depth of Transformers and the longest sequence length it can effectively learn, based on the types and the complexity of HMMs. To address the limitation of transformers in modeling HMMs, we demonstrate that a variant of the Chain-of-Thought (CoT), called $\textit{block CoT}$ in the training phase, can help transformers to reduce the evaluation error and to learn longer sequences at a cost of increasing the training time. Finally, we complement our empirical findings by theoretical results proving the expressiveness of transformers in approximating HMMs with logarithmic depth.

cross Scaling and evaluating sparse autoencoders

Authors: Leo Gao, Tom Dupr\'e la Tour, Henk Tillman, Gabriel Goh, Rajan Troll, Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, Jan Leike, Jeffrey Wu

Abstract: Sparse autoencoders provide a promising unsupervised approach for extracting interpretable features from a language model by reconstructing activations from a sparse bottleneck layer. Since language models learn many concepts, autoencoders need to be very large to recover all relevant features. However, studying the properties of autoencoder scaling is difficult due to the need to balance reconstruction and sparsity objectives and the presence of dead latents. We propose using k-sparse autoencoders [Makhzani and Frey, 2013] to directly control sparsity, simplifying tuning and improving the reconstruction-sparsity frontier. Additionally, we find modifications that result in few dead latents, even at the largest scales we tried. Using these techniques, we find clean scaling laws with respect to autoencoder size and sparsity. We also introduce several new metrics for evaluating feature quality based on the recovery of hypothesized features, the explainability of activation patterns, and the sparsity of downstream effects. These metrics all generally improve with autoencoder size. To demonstrate the scalability of our approach, we train a 16 million latent autoencoder on GPT-4 activations for 40 billion tokens. We release training code and autoencoders for open-source models, as well as a visualizer.

cross Enhancing Weather Predictions: Super-Resolution via Deep Diffusion Models

Authors: Jan Martin\r{u}, Petr \v{S}im\'anek

Abstract: This study investigates the application of deep-learning diffusion models for the super-resolution of weather data, a novel approach aimed at enhancing the spatial resolution and detail of meteorological variables. Leveraging the capabilities of diffusion models, specifically the SR3 and ResDiff architectures, we present a methodology for transforming low-resolution weather data into high-resolution outputs. Our experiments, conducted using the WeatherBench dataset, focus on the super-resolution of the two-meter temperature variable, demonstrating the models' ability to generate detailed and accurate weather maps. The results indicate that the ResDiff model, further improved by incorporating physics-based modifications, significantly outperforms traditional SR3 methods in terms of Mean Squared Error (MSE), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), and Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR). This research highlights the potential of diffusion models in meteorological applications, offering insights into their effectiveness, challenges, and prospects for future advancements in weather prediction and climate analysis.

cross Multistep Distillation of Diffusion Models via Moment Matching

Authors: Tim Salimans, Thomas Mensink, Jonathan Heek, Emiel Hoogeboom

Abstract: We present a new method for making diffusion models faster to sample. The method distills many-step diffusion models into few-step models by matching conditional expectations of the clean data given noisy data along the sampling trajectory. Our approach extends recently proposed one-step methods to the multi-step case, and provides a new perspective by interpreting these approaches in terms of moment matching. By using up to 8 sampling steps, we obtain distilled models that outperform not only their one-step versions but also their original many-step teacher models, obtaining new state-of-the-art results on the Imagenet dataset. We also show promising results on a large text-to-image model where we achieve fast generation of high resolution images directly in image space, without needing autoencoders or upsamplers.

cross Compressible Dynamics in Deep Overparameterized Low-Rank Learning & Adaptation

Authors: Can Yaras, Peng Wang, Laura Balzano, Qing Qu

Abstract: While overparameterization in machine learning models offers great benefits in terms of optimization and generalization, it also leads to increased computational requirements as model sizes grow. In this work, we show that by leveraging the inherent low-dimensional structures of data and compressible dynamics within the model parameters, we can reap the benefits of overparameterization without the computational burdens. In practice, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach for deep low-rank matrix completion as well as fine-tuning language models. Our approach is grounded in theoretical findings for deep overparameterized low-rank matrix recovery, where we show that the learning dynamics of each weight matrix are confined to an invariant low-dimensional subspace. Consequently, we can construct and train compact, highly compressed factorizations possessing the same benefits as their overparameterized counterparts. In the context of deep matrix completion, our technique substantially improves training efficiency while retaining the advantages of overparameterization. For language model fine-tuning, we propose a method called "Deep LoRA", which improves the existing low-rank adaptation (LoRA) technique, leading to reduced overfitting and a simplified hyperparameter setup, while maintaining comparable efficiency. We validate the effectiveness of Deep LoRA on natural language tasks, particularly when fine-tuning with limited data.

cross Are We Done with MMLU?

Authors: Aryo Pradipta Gema, Joshua Ong Jun Leang, Giwon Hong, Alessio Devoto, Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino, Rohit Saxena, Xuanli He, Yu Zhao, Xiaotang Du, Mohammad Reza Ghasemi Madani, Claire Barale, Robert McHardy, Joshua Harris, Jean Kaddour, Emile van Krieken, Pasquale Minervini

Abstract: Maybe not. We identify and analyse errors in the popular Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) benchmark. Even though MMLU is widely adopted, our analysis demonstrates numerous ground truth errors that obscure the true capabilities of LLMs. For example, we find that 57% of the analysed questions in the Virology subset contain errors. To address this issue, we introduce a comprehensive framework for identifying dataset errors using a novel error taxonomy. Then, we create MMLU-Redux, which is a subset of 3,000 manually re-annotated questions across 30 MMLU subjects. Using MMLU-Redux, we demonstrate significant discrepancies with the model performance metrics that were originally reported. Our results strongly advocate for revising MMLU's error-ridden questions to enhance its future utility and reliability as a benchmark. Therefore, we open up MMLU-Redux for additional annotation


cross Legal Judgment Reimagined: PredEx and the Rise of Intelligent AI Interpretation in Indian Courts

Authors: Shubham Kumar Nigam, Anurag Sharma, Danush Khanna, Noel Shallum, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Arnab Bhattacharya

Abstract: In the era of Large Language Models (LLMs), predicting judicial outcomes poses significant challenges due to the complexity of legal proceedings and the scarcity of expert-annotated datasets. Addressing this, we introduce \textbf{Pred}iction with \textbf{Ex}planation (\texttt{PredEx}), the largest expert-annotated dataset for legal judgment prediction and explanation in the Indian context, featuring over 15,000 annotations. This groundbreaking corpus significantly enhances the training and evaluation of AI models in legal analysis, with innovations including the application of instruction tuning to LLMs. This method has markedly improved the predictive accuracy and explanatory depth of these models for legal judgments. We employed various transformer-based models, tailored for both general and Indian legal contexts. Through rigorous lexical, semantic, and expert assessments, our models effectively leverage \texttt{PredEx} to provide precise predictions and meaningful explanations, establishing it as a valuable benchmark for both the legal profession and the NLP community.

cross Do Language Models Understand Morality? Towards a Robust Detection of Moral Content

Authors: Luana Bulla, Aldo Gangemi, Misael Mongiov\`i

Abstract: The task of detecting moral values in text has significant implications in various fields, including natural language processing, social sciences, and ethical decision-making. Previously proposed supervised models often suffer from overfitting, leading to hyper-specialized moral classifiers that struggle to perform well on data from different domains. To address this issue, we introduce novel systems that leverage abstract concepts and common-sense knowledge acquired from Large Language Models and Natural Language Inference models during previous stages of training on multiple data sources. By doing so, we aim to develop versatile and robust methods for detecting moral values in real-world scenarios. Our approach uses the GPT 3.5 model as a zero-shot ready-made unsupervised multi-label classifier for moral values detection, eliminating the need for explicit training on labeled data. We compare it with a smaller NLI-based zero-shot model. The results show that the NLI approach achieves competitive results compared to the Davinci model. Furthermore, we conduct an in-depth investigation of the performance of supervised systems in the context of cross-domain multi-label moral value detection. This involves training supervised models on different domains to explore their effectiveness in handling data from different sources and comparing their performance with the unsupervised methods. Our contributions encompass a thorough analysis of both supervised and unsupervised methodologies for cross-domain value detection. We introduce the Davinci model as a state-of-the-art zero-shot unsupervised moral values classifier, pushing the boundaries of moral value detection without the need for explicit training on labeled data. Additionally, we perform a comparative evaluation of our approach with the supervised models, shedding light on their respective strengths and weaknesses.

cross Redundancy-aware Action Spaces for Robot Learning

Authors: Pietro Mazzaglia, Nicholas Backshall, Xiao Ma, Stephen James

Abstract: Joint space and task space control are the two dominant action modes for controlling robot arms within the robot learning literature. Actions in joint space provide precise control over the robot's pose, but tend to suffer from inefficient training; actions in task space boast data-efficient training but sacrifice the ability to perform tasks in confined spaces due to limited control over the full joint configuration. This work analyses the criteria for designing action spaces for robot manipulation and introduces ER (End-effector Redundancy), a novel action space formulation that, by addressing the redundancies present in the manipulator, aims to combine the advantages of both joint and task spaces, offering fine-grained comprehensive control with overactuated robot arms whilst achieving highly efficient robot learning. We present two implementations of ER, ERAngle (ERA) and ERJoint (ERJ), and we show that ERJ in particular demonstrates superior performance across multiple settings, especially when precise control over the robot configuration is required. We validate our results both in simulated and real robotic environments.

cross Every Answer Matters: Evaluating Commonsense with Probabilistic Measures

Authors: Qi Cheng, Michael Boratko, Pranay Kumar Yelugam, Tim O'Gorman, Nalini Singh, Andrew McCallum, Xiang Lorraine Li

Abstract: Large language models have demonstrated impressive performance on commonsense tasks; however, these tasks are often posed as multiple-choice questions, allowing models to exploit systematic biases. Commonsense is also inherently probabilistic with multiple correct answers. The purpose of "boiling water" could be making tea and cooking, but it also could be killing germs. Existing tasks do not capture the probabilistic nature of common sense. To this end, we present commonsense frame completion (CFC), a new generative task that evaluates common sense via multiple open-ended generations. We also propose a method of probabilistic evaluation that strongly correlates with human judgments. Humans drastically outperform strong language model baselines on our dataset, indicating this approach is both a challenging and useful evaluation of machine common sense.

cross Characterizing segregation in blast rock piles a deep-learning approach leveraging aerial image analysis

Authors: Chengeng Liu, Sihong Liu, Chaomin Shen, Yupeng Gao, Yuxuan Liu

Abstract: Blasted rock material serves a critical role in various engineering applications, yet the phenomenon of segregation-where particle sizes vary significantly along the gradient of a quarry pile-presents challenges for optimizing quarry material storage and handling. This study introduces an advanced image analysis methodology to characterize such segregation of rock fragments. The accurate delineation of detailed rock fragment size distributions was achieved through the analysis of drone-captured imagery, coupled with the application of an enhanced Unet semantic segmentation model integrated with an expansion-based post-processing technique. The quarry slope was stratified into four vertical sections, with the size distribution of each section quantified via ellipsoid shape approximations. Our results disclose pronounced vertical segregation patterns, with finer particles concentrated in the upper slope regions and coarser particles in the lower. Utilizing relative characteristic diameters, we offered insight into the degree of segregation, thereby illustrating the spatial heterogeneity in fragment size more clearly. The techniques outlined in this study deliver a scalable and accurate method for assessing fragment size distribution, with the potential to better inform resource management and operational decisions in quarry management.

cross Improving Physics-Augmented Continuum Neural Radiance Field-Based Geometry-Agnostic System Identification with Lagrangian Particle Optimization

Authors: Takuhiro Kaneko

Abstract: Geometry-agnostic system identification is a technique for identifying the geometry and physical properties of an object from video sequences without any geometric assumptions. Recently, physics-augmented continuum neural radiance fields (PAC-NeRF) has demonstrated promising results for this technique by utilizing a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian representation, in which the geometry is represented by the Eulerian grid representations of NeRF, the physics is described by a material point method (MPM), and they are connected via Lagrangian particles. However, a notable limitation of PAC-NeRF is that its performance is sensitive to the learning of the geometry from the first frames owing to its two-step optimization. First, the grid representations are optimized with the first frames of video sequences, and then the physical properties are optimized through video sequences utilizing the fixed first-frame grid representations. This limitation can be critical when learning of the geometric structure is difficult, for example, in a few-shot (sparse view) setting. To overcome this limitation, we propose Lagrangian particle optimization (LPO), in which the positions and features of particles are optimized through video sequences in Lagrangian space. This method allows for the optimization of the geometric structure across the entire video sequence within the physical constraints imposed by the MPM. The experimental results demonstrate that the LPO is useful for geometric correction and physical identification in sparse-view settings.

cross Pointer-Guided Pre-Training: Infusing Large Language Models with Paragraph-Level Contextual Awareness

Authors: Lars Hillebrand, Prabhupad Pradhan, Christian Bauckhage, Rafet Sifa

Abstract: We introduce "pointer-guided segment ordering" (SO), a novel pre-training technique aimed at enhancing the contextual understanding of paragraph-level text representations in large language models. Our methodology leverages a self-attention-driven pointer network to restore the original sequence of shuffled text segments, addressing the challenge of capturing the structural coherence and contextual dependencies within documents. This pre-training approach is complemented by a fine-tuning methodology that incorporates dynamic sampling, augmenting the diversity of training instances and improving sample efficiency for various downstream applications. We evaluate our method on a diverse set of datasets, demonstrating its efficacy in tasks requiring sequential text classification across scientific literature and financial reporting domains. Our experiments show that pointer-guided pre-training significantly enhances the model's ability to understand complex document structures, leading to state-of-the-art performance in downstream classification tasks.

cross Element-wise Multiplication Based Physics-informed Neural Networks

Authors: Feilong Jiang, Xiaonan Hou, Min Xia

Abstract: As a promising framework for resolving partial differential equations (PDEs), physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have received widespread attention from industrial and scientific fields. However, lack of expressive ability and initialization pathology issues are found to prevent the application of PINNs in complex PDEs. In this work, we propose Element-wise Multiplication Based Physics-informed Neural Networks (EM-PINNs) to resolve these issues. The element-wise multiplication operation is adopted to transform features into high-dimensional, non-linear spaces, which effectively enhance the expressive capability of PINNs. Benefiting from element-wise multiplication operation, EM-PINNs can eliminate the initialization pathologies of PINNs. The proposed structure is verified on various benchmarks. The results show that EM-PINNs have strong expressive ability.

cross Confabulation: The Surprising Value of Large Language Model Hallucinations

Authors: Peiqi Sui, Eamon Duede, Sophie Wu, Richard Jean So

Abstract: This paper presents a systematic defense of large language model (LLM) hallucinations or 'confabulations' as a potential resource instead of a categorically negative pitfall. The standard view is that confabulations are inherently problematic and AI research should eliminate this flaw. In this paper, we argue and empirically demonstrate that measurable semantic characteristics of LLM confabulations mirror a human propensity to utilize increased narrativity as a cognitive resource for sense-making and communication. In other words, it has potential value. Specifically, we analyze popular hallucination benchmarks and reveal that hallucinated outputs display increased levels of narrativity and semantic coherence relative to veridical outputs. This finding reveals a tension in our usually dismissive understandings of confabulation. It suggests, counter-intuitively, that the tendency for LLMs to confabulate may be intimately associated with a positive capacity for coherent narrative-text generation.

cross Shield Synthesis for LTL Modulo Theories

Authors: Andoni Rodriguez, Guy Amir, Davide Corsi, Cesar Sanchez, Guy Katz

Abstract: In recent years, Machine Learning (ML) models have achieved remarkable success in various domains. However, these models also tend to demonstrate unsafe behaviors, precluding their deployment in safety-critical systems. To cope with this issue, ample research focuses on developing methods that guarantee the safe behaviour of a given ML model. A prominent example is shielding which incorporates an external component (a "shield") that blocks unwanted behavior. Despite significant progress, shielding suffers from a main setback: it is currently geared towards properties encoded solely in propositional logics (e.g., LTL) and is unsuitable for richer logics. This, in turn, limits the widespread applicability of shielding in many real-world systems. In this work, we address this gap, and extend shielding to LTL modulo theories, by building upon recent advances in reactive synthesis modulo theories. This allowed us to develop a novel approach for generating shields conforming to complex safety specifications in these more expressive, logics. We evaluated our shields and demonstrate their ability to handle rich data with temporal dynamics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach for synthesizing shields for such expressivity.

cross Legal Documents Drafting with Fine-Tuned Pre-Trained Large Language Model

Authors: Chun-Hsien Lin, Pu-Jen Cheng

Abstract: With the development of large-scale Language Models (LLM), fine-tuning pre-trained LLM has become a mainstream paradigm for solving downstream tasks of natural language processing. However, training a language model in the legal field requires a large number of legal documents so that the language model can learn legal terminology and the particularity of the format of legal documents. The typical NLP approaches usually rely on many manually annotated data sets for training. However, in the legal field application, it is difficult to obtain a large number of manually annotated data sets, which restricts the typical method applied to the task of drafting legal documents. The experimental results of this paper show that not only can we leverage a large number of annotation-free legal documents without Chinese word segmentation to fine-tune a large-scale language model, but more importantly, it can fine-tune a pre-trained LLM on the local computer to achieve the generating legal document drafts task, and at the same time achieve the protection of information privacy and to improve information security issues.

cross Aligning Agents like Large Language Models

Authors: Adam Jelley, Yuhan Cao, Dave Bignell, Sam Devlin, Tabish Rashid

Abstract: Training agents to behave as desired in complex 3D environments from high-dimensional sensory information is challenging. Imitation learning from diverse human behavior provides a scalable approach for training an agent with a sensible behavioral prior, but such an agent may not perform the specific behaviors of interest when deployed. To address this issue, we draw an analogy between the undesirable behaviors of imitation learning agents and the unhelpful responses of unaligned large language models (LLMs). We then investigate how the procedure for aligning LLMs can be applied to aligning agents in a 3D environment from pixels. For our analysis, we utilize an academically illustrative part of a modern console game in which the human behavior distribution is multi-modal, but we want our agent to imitate a single mode of this behavior. We demonstrate that we can align our agent to consistently perform the desired mode, while providing insights and advice for successfully applying this approach to training agents. Project webpage at .


cross mCSQA: Multilingual Commonsense Reasoning Dataset with Unified Creation Strategy by Language Models and Humans

Authors: Yusuke Sakai, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Taro Watanabe

Abstract: It is very challenging to curate a dataset for language-specific knowledge and common sense in order to evaluate natural language understanding capabilities of language models. Due to the limitation in the availability of annotators, most current multilingual datasets are created through translation, which cannot evaluate such language-specific aspects. Therefore, we propose Multilingual CommonsenseQA (mCSQA) based on the construction process of CSQA but leveraging language models for a more efficient construction, e.g., by asking LM to generate questions/answers, refine answers and verify QAs followed by reduced human efforts for verification. Constructed dataset is a benchmark for cross-lingual language-transfer capabilities of multilingual LMs, and experimental results showed high language-transfer capabilities for questions that LMs could easily solve, but lower transfer capabilities for questions requiring deep knowledge or commonsense. This highlights the necessity of language-specific datasets for evaluation and training. Finally, our method demonstrated that multilingual LMs could create QA including language-specific knowledge, significantly reducing the dataset creation cost compared to manual creation. The datasets are available at


cross BEADs: Bias Evaluation Across Domains

Authors: Shaina Raza, Mizanur Rahman, Michael R. Zhang

Abstract: Recent improvements in large language models (LLMs) have significantly enhanced natural language processing (NLP) applications. However, these models can also inherit and perpetuate biases from their training data. Addressing this issue is crucial, yet many existing datasets do not offer evaluation across diverse NLP tasks. To tackle this, we introduce the Bias Evaluations Across Domains (BEADs) dataset, designed to support a wide range of NLP tasks, including text classification, bias entity recognition, bias quantification, and benign language generation. BEADs uses AI-driven annotation combined with experts' verification to provide reliable labels. This method overcomes the limitations of existing datasets that typically depend on crowd-sourcing, expert-only annotations with limited bias evaluations, or unverified AI labeling. Our empirical analysis shows that BEADs is effective in detecting and reducing biases across different language models, with smaller models fine-tuned on BEADs often outperforming LLMs in bias classification tasks. However, these models may still exhibit biases towards certain demographics. Fine-tuning LLMs with our benign language data also reduces biases while preserving the models' knowledge. Our findings highlight the importance of comprehensive bias evaluation and the potential of targeted fine-tuning for reducing the bias of LLMs. We are making BEADs publicly available at Warning: This paper contains examples that may be considered offensive.


cross The CLRS-Text Algorithmic Reasoning Language Benchmark

Authors: Larisa Markeeva, Sean McLeish, Borja Ibarz, Wilfried Bounsi, Olga Kozlova, Alex Vitvitskyi, Charles Blundell, Tom Goldstein, Avi Schwarzschild, Petar Veli\v{c}kovi\'c

Abstract: Eliciting reasoning capabilities from language models (LMs) is a critical direction on the path towards building intelligent systems. Most recent studies dedicated to reasoning focus on out-of-distribution performance on procedurally-generated synthetic benchmarks, bespoke-built to evaluate specific skills only. This trend makes results hard to transfer across publications, slowing down progress. Three years ago, a similar issue was identified and rectified in the field of neural algorithmic reasoning, with the advent of the CLRS benchmark. CLRS is a dataset generator comprising graph execution traces of classical algorithms from the Introduction to Algorithms textbook. Inspired by this, we propose CLRS-Text -- a textual version of these algorithmic traces. Out of the box, CLRS-Text is capable of procedurally generating trace data for thirty diverse, challenging algorithmic tasks across any desirable input distribution, while offering a standard pipeline in which any additional algorithmic tasks may be created in the benchmark. We fine-tune and evaluate various LMs as generalist executors on this benchmark, validating prior work and revealing a novel, interesting challenge for the LM reasoning community. Our code is available at


cross M3LEO: A Multi-Modal, Multi-Label Earth Observation Dataset Integrating Interferometric SAR and RGB Data

Authors: Matthew J Allen, Francisco Dorr, Joseph Alejandro Gallego Mejia, Laura Mart\'inez-Ferrer, Anna Jungbluth, Freddie Kalaitzis, Ra\'ul Ramos-Poll\'an

Abstract: Satellite-based remote sensing has revolutionised the way we address global challenges in a rapidly evolving world. Huge quantities of Earth Observation (EO) data are generated by satellite sensors daily, but processing these large datasets for use in ML pipelines is technically and computationally challenging. Specifically, different types of EO data are often hosted on a variety of platforms, with differing availability for Python preprocessing tools. In addition, spatial alignment across data sources and data tiling can present significant technical hurdles for novice users. While some preprocessed EO datasets exist, their content is often limited to optical or near-optical wavelength data, which is ineffective at night or in adverse weather conditions. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), an active sensing technique based on microwave length radiation, offers a viable alternative. However, the application of machine learning to SAR has been limited due to a lack of ML-ready data and pipelines, particularly for the full diversity of SAR data, including polarimetry, coherence and interferometry. We introduce M3LEO, a multi-modal, multi-label EO dataset that includes polarimetric, interferometric, and coherence SAR data derived from Sentinel-1, alongside Sentinel-2 RGB imagery and a suite of labelled tasks for model evaluation. M3LEO spans 17.5TB and contains approximately 10M data chips across six geographic regions. The dataset is complemented by a flexible PyTorch Lightning framework, with configuration management using Hydra. We provide tools to process any dataset available on popular platforms such as Google Earth Engine for integration with our framework. Initial experiments validate the utility of our data and framework, showing that SAR imagery contains information additional to that extractable from RGB data. Data at, and code at

cross Quantifying Misalignment Between Agents

Authors: Aidan Kierans, Avijit Ghosh, Hananel Hazan, Shiri Dori-Hacohen

Abstract: Growing concerns about the AI alignment problem have emerged in recent years, with previous work focusing mainly on (1) qualitative descriptions of the alignment problem; (2) attempting to align AI actions with human interests by focusing on value specification and learning; and/or (3) focusing on a single agent or on humanity as a singular unit. Recent work in sociotechnical AI alignment has made some progress in defining alignment inclusively, but the field as a whole still lacks a systematic understanding of how to specify, describe, and analyze misalignment among entities, which may include individual humans, AI agents, and complex compositional entities such as corporations, nation-states, and so forth. Previous work on controversy in computational social science offers a mathematical model of contention among populations (of humans). In this paper, we adapt this contention model to the alignment problem, and show how misalignment can vary depending on the population of agents (human or otherwise) being observed, the domain in question, and the agents' probability-weighted preferences between possible outcomes. Our model departs from value specification approaches and focuses instead on the morass of complex, interlocking, sometimes contradictory goals that agents may have in practice. We apply our model by analyzing several case studies ranging from social media moderation to autonomous vehicle behavior. By applying our model with appropriately representative value data, AI engineers can ensure that their systems learn values maximally aligned with diverse human interests.

cross FairytaleQA Translated: Enabling Educational Question and Answer Generation in Less-Resourced Languages

Authors: Bernardo Leite, Tom\'as Freitas Os\'orio, Henrique Lopes Cardoso

Abstract: Question Answering (QA) datasets are crucial in assessing reading comprehension skills for both machines and humans. While numerous datasets have been developed in English for this purpose, a noticeable void exists in less-resourced languages. To alleviate this gap, our paper introduces machine-translated versions of FairytaleQA, a renowned QA dataset designed to assess and enhance narrative comprehension skills in young children. By employing fine-tuned, modest-scale models, we establish benchmarks for both Question Generation (QG) and QA tasks within the translated datasets. In addition, we present a case study proposing a model for generating question-answer pairs, with an evaluation incorporating quality metrics such as question well-formedness, answerability, relevance, and children suitability. Our evaluation prioritizes quantifying and describing error cases, along with providing directions for future work. This paper contributes to the advancement of QA and QG research in less-resourced languages, promoting accessibility and inclusivity in the development of these models for reading comprehension. The code and data is publicly available at

cross GeoGen: Geometry-Aware Generative Modeling via Signed Distance Functions

Authors: Salvatore Esposito, Qingshan Xu, Kacper Kania, Charlie Hewitt, Octave Mariotti, Lohit Petikam, Julien Valentin, Arno Onken, Oisin Mac Aodha

Abstract: We introduce a new generative approach for synthesizing 3D geometry and images from single-view collections. Most existing approaches predict volumetric density to render multi-view consistent images. By employing volumetric rendering using neural radiance fields, they inherit a key limitation: the generated geometry is noisy and unconstrained, limiting the quality and utility of the output meshes. To address this issue, we propose GeoGen, a new SDF-based 3D generative model trained in an end-to-end manner. Initially, we reinterpret the volumetric density as a Signed Distance Function (SDF). This allows us to introduce useful priors to generate valid meshes. However, those priors prevent the generative model from learning details, limiting the applicability of the method to real-world scenarios. To alleviate that problem, we make the transformation learnable and constrain the rendered depth map to be consistent with the zero-level set of the SDF. Through the lens of adversarial training, we encourage the network to produce higher fidelity details on the output meshes. For evaluation, we introduce a synthetic dataset of human avatars captured from 360-degree camera angles, to overcome the challenges presented by real-world datasets, which often lack 3D consistency and do not cover all camera angles. Our experiments on multiple datasets show that GeoGen produces visually and quantitatively better geometry than the previous generative models based on neural radiance fields.

cross MLVU: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multi-Task Long Video Understanding

Authors: Junjie Zhou, Yan Shu, Bo Zhao, Boya Wu, Shitao Xiao, Xi Yang, Yongping Xiong, Bo Zhang, Tiejun Huang, Zheng Liu

Abstract: The evaluation of Long Video Understanding (LVU) performance poses an important but challenging research problem. Despite previous efforts, the existing video understanding benchmarks are severely constrained by several issues, especially the insufficient lengths of videos, a lack of diversity in video types and evaluation tasks, and the inappropriateness for evaluating LVU performances. To address the above problems, we propose a new benchmark, called MLVU (Multi-task Long Video Understanding Benchmark), for the comprehensive and in-depth evaluation of LVU. MLVU presents the following critical values: 1) The substantial and flexible extension of video lengths, which enables the benchmark to evaluate LVU performance across a wide range of durations. 2) The inclusion of various video genres, e.g., movies, surveillance footage, egocentric videos, cartoons, game videos, etc., which reflects the models' LVU performances in different scenarios. 3) The development of diversified evaluation tasks, which enables a comprehensive examination of MLLMs' key abilities in long-video understanding. The empirical study with 20 latest MLLMs reveals significant room for improvement in today's technique, as all existing methods struggle with most of the evaluation tasks and exhibit severe performance degradation when handling longer videos. Additionally, it suggests that factors such as context length, image-understanding quality, and the choice of LLM backbone can play critical roles in future advancements. We anticipate that MLVU will advance the research of long video understanding by providing a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of MLLMs.

cross Open-Endedness is Essential for Artificial Superhuman Intelligence

Authors: Edward Hughes, Michael Dennis, Jack Parker-Holder, Feryal Behbahani, Aditi Mavalankar, Yuge Shi, Tom Schaul, Tim Rocktaschel

Abstract: In recent years there has been a tremendous surge in the general capabilities of AI systems, mainly fuelled by training foundation models on internetscale data. Nevertheless, the creation of openended, ever self-improving AI remains elusive. In this position paper, we argue that the ingredients are now in place to achieve openendedness in AI systems with respect to a human observer. Furthermore, we claim that such open-endedness is an essential property of any artificial superhuman intelligence (ASI). We begin by providing a concrete formal definition of open-endedness through the lens of novelty and learnability. We then illustrate a path towards ASI via open-ended systems built on top of foundation models, capable of making novel, humanrelevant discoveries. We conclude by examining the safety implications of generally-capable openended AI. We expect that open-ended foundation models will prove to be an increasingly fertile and safety-critical area of research in the near future.

cross ELFS: Enhancing Label-Free Coreset Selection via Clustering-based Pseudo-Labeling

Authors: Haizhong Zheng, Elisa Tsai, Yifu Lu, Jiachen Sun, Brian R. Bartoldson, Bhavya Kailkhura, Atul Prakash

Abstract: High-quality human-annotated data is crucial for modern deep learning pipelines, yet the human annotation process is both costly and time-consuming. Given a constrained human labeling budget, selecting an informative and representative data subset for labeling can significantly reduce human annotation effort. Well-performing state-of-the-art (SOTA) coreset selection methods require ground-truth labels over the whole dataset, failing to reduce the human labeling burden. Meanwhile, SOTA label-free coreset selection methods deliver inferior performance due to poor geometry-based scores. In this paper, we introduce ELFS, a novel label-free coreset selection method. ELFS employs deep clustering to estimate data difficulty scores without ground-truth labels. Furthermore, ELFS uses a simple but effective double-end pruning method to mitigate bias on calculated scores, which further improves the performance on selected coresets. We evaluate ELFS on five vision benchmarks and show that ELFS consistently outperforms SOTA label-free baselines. For instance, at a 90% pruning rate, ELFS surpasses the best-performing baseline by 5.3% on CIFAR10 and 7.1% on CIFAR100. Moreover, ELFS even achieves comparable performance to supervised coreset selection at low pruning rates (e.g., 30% and 50%) on CIFAR10 and ImageNet-1K.

cross Self-Play with Adversarial Critic: Provable and Scalable Offline Alignment for Language Models

Authors: Xiang Ji, Sanjeev Kulkarni, Mengdi Wang, Tengyang Xie

Abstract: This work studies the challenge of aligning large language models (LLMs) with offline preference data. We focus on alignment by Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) in particular. While popular preference optimization methods exhibit good empirical performance in practice, they are not theoretically guaranteed to converge to the optimal policy and can provably fail when the data coverage is sparse by classical offline reinforcement learning (RL) results. On the other hand, a recent line of work has focused on theoretically motivated preference optimization methods with provable guarantees, but these are not computationally efficient for large-scale applications like LLM alignment. To bridge this gap, we propose SPAC, a new offline preference optimization method with self-play, inspired by the on-average pessimism technique from the offline RL literature, to be the first provable and scalable approach to LLM alignment. We both provide theoretical analysis for its convergence under single-policy concentrability for the general function approximation setting and demonstrate its competitive empirical performance for LLM alignment on a 7B Mistral model with Open LLM Leaderboard evaluations.

cross Generative AI-in-the-loop: Integrating LLMs and GPTs into the Next Generation Networks

Authors: Han Zhang, Akram Bin Sediq, Ali Afana, Melike Erol-Kantarci

Abstract: In recent years, machine learning (ML) techniques have created numerous opportunities for intelligent mobile networks and have accelerated the automation of network operations. However, complex network tasks may involve variables and considerations even beyond the capacity of traditional ML algorithms. On the other hand, large language models (LLMs) have recently emerged, demonstrating near-human-level performance in cognitive tasks across various fields. However, they remain prone to hallucinations and often lack common sense in basic tasks. Therefore, they are regarded as assistive tools for humans. In this work, we propose the concept of "generative AI-in-the-loop" and utilize the semantic understanding, context awareness, and reasoning abilities of LLMs to assist humans in handling complex or unforeseen situations in mobile communication networks. We believe that combining LLMs and ML models allows both to leverage their respective capabilities and achieve better results than either model alone. To support this idea, we begin by analyzing the capabilities of LLMs and compare them with traditional ML algorithms. We then explore potential LLM-based applications in line with the requirements of next-generation networks. We further examine the integration of ML and LLMs, discussing how they can be used together in mobile networks. Unlike existing studies, our research emphasizes the fusion of LLMs with traditional ML-driven next-generation networks and serves as a comprehensive refinement of existing surveys. Finally, we provide a case study to enhance ML-based network intrusion detection with synthesized data generated by LLMs. Our case study further demonstrates the advantages of our proposed idea.

cross ABEX: Data Augmentation for Low-Resource NLU via Expanding Abstract Descriptions

Authors: Sreyan Ghosh, Utkarsh Tyagi, Sonal Kumar, C. K. Evuru, S Ramaneswaran, S Sakshi, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: We present ABEX, a novel and effective generative data augmentation methodology for low-resource Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks. ABEX is based on ABstract-and-EXpand, a novel paradigm for generating diverse forms of an input document -- we first convert a document into its concise, abstract description and then generate new documents based on expanding the resultant abstraction. To learn the task of expanding abstract descriptions, we first train BART on a large-scale synthetic dataset with abstract-document pairs. Next, to generate abstract descriptions for a document, we propose a simple, controllable, and training-free method based on editing AMR graphs. ABEX brings the best of both worlds: by expanding from abstract representations, it preserves the original semantic properties of the documents, like style and meaning, thereby maintaining alignment with the original label and data distribution. At the same time, the fundamental process of elaborating on abstract descriptions facilitates diverse generations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ABEX on 4 NLU tasks spanning 12 datasets and 4 low-resource settings. ABEX outperforms all our baselines qualitatively with improvements of 0.04% - 38.8%. Qualitatively, ABEX outperforms all prior methods from literature in terms of context and length diversity.

cross Vision-LSTM: xLSTM as Generic Vision Backbone

Authors: Benedikt Alkin, Maximilian Beck, Korbinian P\"oppel, Sepp Hochreiter, Johannes Brandstetter

Abstract: Transformers are widely used as generic backbones in computer vision, despite initially introduced for natural language processing. Recently, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) has been extended to a scalable and performant architecture - the xLSTM - which overcomes long-standing LSTM limitations via exponential gating and parallelizable matrix memory structure. In this report, we introduce Vision-LSTM (ViL), an adaption of the xLSTM building blocks to computer vision. ViL comprises a stack of xLSTM blocks where odd blocks process the sequence of patch tokens from top to bottom while even blocks go from bottom to top. Experiments show that ViL holds promise to be further deployed as new generic backbone for computer vision architectures.

cross Semantically Diverse Language Generation for Uncertainty Estimation in Language Models

Authors: Lukas Aichberger, Kajetan Schweighofer, Mykyta Ielanskyi, Sepp Hochreiter

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can suffer from hallucinations when generating text. These hallucinations impede various applications in society and industry by making LLMs untrustworthy. Current LLMs generate text in an autoregressive fashion by predicting and appending text tokens. When an LLM is uncertain about the semantic meaning of the next tokens to generate, it is likely to start hallucinating. Thus, it has been suggested that hallucinations stem from predictive uncertainty. We introduce Semantically Diverse Language Generation (SDLG) to quantify predictive uncertainty in LLMs. SDLG steers the LLM to generate semantically diverse yet likely alternatives for an initially generated text. This approach provides a precise measure of aleatoric semantic uncertainty, detecting whether the initial text is likely to be hallucinated. Experiments on question-answering tasks demonstrate that SDLG consistently outperforms existing methods while being the most computationally efficient, setting a new standard for uncertainty estimation in LLMs.

cross Improving Alignment and Robustness with Short Circuiting

Authors: Andy Zou, Long Phan, Justin Wang, Derek Duenas, Maxwell Lin, Maksym Andriushchenko, Rowan Wang, Zico Kolter, Matt Fredrikson, Dan Hendrycks

Abstract: AI systems can take harmful actions and are highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We present an approach, inspired by recent advances in representation engineering, that "short-circuits" models as they respond with harmful outputs. Existing techniques aimed at improving alignment, such as refusal training, are often bypassed. Techniques such as adversarial training try to plug these holes by countering specific attacks. As an alternative to refusal training and adversarial training, short-circuiting directly controls the representations that are responsible for harmful outputs in the first place. Our technique can be applied to both text-only and multimodal language models to prevent the generation of harmful outputs without sacrificing utility -- even in the presence of powerful unseen attacks. Notably, while adversarial robustness in standalone image recognition remains an open challenge, short-circuiting allows the larger multimodal system to reliably withstand image "hijacks" that aim to produce harmful content. Finally, we extend our approach to AI agents, demonstrating considerable reductions in the rate of harmful actions when they are under attack. Our approach represents a significant step forward in the development of reliable safeguards to harmful behavior and adversarial attacks.

cross Adaptive Sampling of k-Space in Magnetic Resonance for Rapid Pathology Prediction

Authors: Chen-Yu Yen, Raghav Singhal, Umang Sharma, Rajesh Ranganath, Sumit Chopra, Lerrel Pinto

Abstract: Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging, despite its proven diagnostic utility, remains an inaccessible imaging modality for disease surveillance at the population level. A major factor rendering MR inaccessible is lengthy scan times. An MR scanner collects measurements associated with the underlying anatomy in the Fourier space, also known as the k-space. Creating a high-fidelity image requires collecting large quantities of such measurements, increasing the scan time. Traditionally to accelerate an MR scan, image reconstruction from under-sampled k-space data is the method of choice. However, recent works show the feasibility of bypassing image reconstruction and directly learning to detect disease directly from a sparser learned subset of the k-space measurements. In this work, we propose Adaptive Sampling for MR (ASMR), a sampling method that learns an adaptive policy to sequentially select k-space samples to optimize for target disease detection. On 6 out of 8 pathology classification tasks spanning the Knee, Brain, and Prostate MR scans, ASMR reaches within 2% of the performance of a fully sampled classifier while using only 8% of the k-space, as well as outperforming prior state-of-the-art work in k-space sampling such as EMRT, LOUPE, and DPS.

cross Chimera: Effectively Modeling Multivariate Time Series with 2-Dimensional State Space Models

Authors: Ali Behrouz, Michele Santacatterina, Ramin Zabih

Abstract: Modeling multivariate time series is a well-established problem with a wide range of applications from healthcare to financial markets. Traditional State Space Models (SSMs) are classical approaches for univariate time series modeling due to their simplicity and expressive power to represent linear dependencies. They, however, have fundamentally limited expressive power to capture non-linear dependencies, are slow in practice, and fail to model the inter-variate information flow. Despite recent attempts to improve the expressive power of SSMs by using deep structured SSMs, the existing methods are either limited to univariate time series, fail to model complex patterns (e.g., seasonal patterns), fail to dynamically model the dependencies of variate and time dimensions, and/or are input-independent. We present Chimera that uses two input-dependent 2-D SSM heads with different discretization processes to learn long-term progression and seasonal patterns. To improve the efficiency of complex 2D recurrence, we present a fast training using a new 2-dimensional parallel selective scan. We further present and discuss 2-dimensional Mamba and Mamba-2 as the spacial cases of our 2D SSM. Our experimental evaluation shows the superior performance of Chimera on extensive and diverse benchmarks, including ECG and speech time series classification, long-term and short-term time series forecasting, and time series anomaly detection.

cross ATraDiff: Accelerating Online Reinforcement Learning with Imaginary Trajectories

Authors: Qianlan Yang, Yu-Xiong Wang

Abstract: Training autonomous agents with sparse rewards is a long-standing problem in online reinforcement learning (RL), due to low data efficiency. Prior work overcomes this challenge by extracting useful knowledge from offline data, often accomplished through the learning of action distribution from offline data and utilizing the learned distribution to facilitate online RL. However, since the offline data are given and fixed, the extracted knowledge is inherently limited, making it difficult to generalize to new tasks. We propose a novel approach that leverages offline data to learn a generative diffusion model, coined as Adaptive Trajectory Diffuser (ATraDiff). This model generates synthetic trajectories, serving as a form of data augmentation and consequently enhancing the performance of online RL methods. The key strength of our diffuser lies in its adaptability, allowing it to effectively handle varying trajectory lengths and mitigate distribution shifts between online and offline data. Because of its simplicity, ATraDiff seamlessly integrates with a wide spectrum of RL methods. Empirical evaluation shows that ATraDiff consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance across a variety of environments, with particularly pronounced improvements in complicated settings. Our code and demo video are available at .


cross PaCE: Parsimonious Concept Engineering for Large Language Models

Authors: Jinqi Luo, Tianjiao Ding, Kwan Ho Ryan Chan, Darshan Thaker, Aditya Chattopadhyay, Chris Callison-Burch, Ren\'e Vidal

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are being used for a wide variety of tasks. While they are capable of generating human-like responses, they can also produce undesirable output including potentially harmful information, racist or sexist language, and hallucinations. Alignment methods are designed to reduce such undesirable output, via techniques such as fine-tuning, prompt engineering, and representation engineering. However, existing methods face several challenges: some require costly fine-tuning for every alignment task; some do not adequately remove undesirable concepts, failing alignment; some remove benign concepts, lowering the linguistic capabilities of LLMs. To address these issues, we propose Parsimonious Concept Engineering (PaCE), a novel activation engineering framework for alignment. First, to sufficiently model the concepts, we construct a large-scale concept dictionary in the activation space, in which each atom corresponds to a semantic concept. Then, given any alignment task, we instruct a concept partitioner to efficiently annotate the concepts as benign or undesirable. Finally, at inference time, we decompose the LLM activations along the concept dictionary via sparse coding, to accurately represent the activation as a linear combination of the benign and undesirable components. By removing the latter ones from the activation, we reorient the behavior of LLMs towards alignment goals. We conduct experiments on tasks such as response detoxification, faithfulness enhancement, and sentiment revising, and show that PaCE achieves state-of-the-art alignment performance while maintaining linguistic capabilities.

cross Coherent Zero-Shot Visual Instruction Generation

Authors: Quynh Phung, Songwei Ge, Jia-Bin Huang

Abstract: Despite the advances in text-to-image synthesis, particularly with diffusion models, generating visual instructions that require consistent representation and smooth state transitions of objects across sequential steps remains a formidable challenge. This paper introduces a simple, training-free framework to tackle the issues, capitalizing on the advancements in diffusion models and large language models (LLMs). Our approach systematically integrates text comprehension and image generation to ensure visual instructions are visually appealing and maintain consistency and accuracy throughout the instruction sequence. We validate the effectiveness by testing multi-step instructions and comparing the text alignment and consistency with several baselines. Our experiments show that our approach can visualize coherent and visually pleasing instructions

cross Physics3D: Learning Physical Properties of 3D Gaussians via Video Diffusion

Authors: Fangfu Liu, Hanyang Wang, Shunyu Yao, Shengjun Zhang, Jie Zhou, Yueqi Duan

Abstract: In recent years, there has been rapid development in 3D generation models, opening up new possibilities for applications such as simulating the dynamic movements of 3D objects and customizing their behaviors. However, current 3D generative models tend to focus only on surface features such as color and shape, neglecting the inherent physical properties that govern the behavior of objects in the real world. To accurately simulate physics-aligned dynamics, it is essential to predict the physical properties of materials and incorporate them into the behavior prediction process. Nonetheless, predicting the diverse materials of real-world objects is still challenging due to the complex nature of their physical attributes. In this paper, we propose \textbf{Physics3D}, a novel method for learning various physical properties of 3D objects through a video diffusion model. Our approach involves designing a highly generalizable physical simulation system based on a viscoelastic material model, which enables us to simulate a wide range of materials with high-fidelity capabilities. Moreover, we distill the physical priors from a video diffusion model that contains more understanding of realistic object materials. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with both elastic and plastic materials. Physics3D shows great potential for bridging the gap between the physical world and virtual neural space, providing a better integration and application of realistic physical principles in virtual environments. Project page:


replace Towards Avoiding the Data Mess: Industry Insights from Data Mesh Implementations

Authors: Jan Bode, Niklas K\"uhl, Dominik Kreuzberger, Sebastian Hirschl, Carsten Holtmann

Abstract: With the increasing importance of data and artificial intelligence, organizations strive to become more data-driven. However, current data architectures are not necessarily designed to keep up with the scale and scope of data and analytics use cases. In fact, existing architectures often fail to deliver the promised value associated with them. Data mesh is a socio-technical, decentralized, distributed concept for enterprise data management. As the concept of data mesh is still novel, it lacks empirical insights from the field. Specifically, an understanding of the motivational factors for introducing data mesh, the associated challenges, implementation strategies, its business impact, and potential archetypes is missing. To address this gap, we conduct 15 semi-structured interviews with industry experts. Our results show, among other insights, that organizations have difficulties with the transition toward federated governance associated with the data mesh concept, the shift of responsibility for the development, provision, and maintenance of data products, and the comprehension of the overall concept. In our work, we derive multiple implementation strategies and suggest organizations introduce a cross-domain steering unit, observe the data product usage, create quick wins in the early phases, and favor small dedicated teams that prioritize data products. While we acknowledge that organizations need to apply implementation strategies according to their individual needs, we also deduct two archetypes that provide suggestions in more detail. Our findings synthesize insights from industry experts and provide researchers and professionals with preliminary guidelines for the successful adoption of data mesh.

replace An intelligent tutor for planning in large partially observable environments

Authors: Lovis Heindrich, Saksham Consul, Falk Lieder

Abstract: AI can not only outperform people in many planning tasks, but it can also teach them how to plan better. A recent and promising approach to improving human decision-making is to create intelligent tutors that utilize AI to discover and teach optimal planning strategies automatically. Prior work has shown that this approach can improve planning in artificial, fully observable planning tasks. Unlike these artificial tasks, the world is only partially observable. To bridge this gap, we developed and evaluated the first intelligent tutor for planning in partially observable environments. Compared to previous intelligent tutors for teaching planning strategies, this novel intelligent tutor combines two innovations: 1) a new metareasoning algorithm for discovering optimal planning strategies for large, partially observable environments, and 2) scaffolding the learning processing by having the learner choose from an increasing larger set of planning operations in increasingly larger planning problems. We found that our new strategy discovery algorithm is superior to the state-of-the-art. A preregistered experiment with 330 participants demonstrated that the new intelligent tutor is highly effective at improving people's ability to make good decisions in partially observable environments. This suggests our human-centered tutoring approach can successfully boost human planning in complex, partially observable sequential decision problems, a promising step towards using AI-powered intelligent tutors to improve human planning in the real world.

replace Ontology for Healthcare Artificial Intelligence Privacy in Brazil

Authors: Tiago Andres Vaz, Jos\'e Miguel Silva Dora, Lu\'is da Cunha Lamb, Suzi Alves Camey

Abstract: This article details the creation of a novel domain ontology at the intersection of epidemiology, medicine, statistics, and computer science. Using the terminology defined by current legislation, the article outlines a systematic approach to handling hospital data anonymously in preparation for its use in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in healthcare. The development process consisted of 7 pragmatic steps, including defining scope, selecting knowledge, reviewing important terms, constructing classes that describe designs used in epidemiological studies, machine learning paradigms, types of data and attributes, risks that anonymized data may be exposed to, privacy attacks, techniques to mitigate re-identification, privacy models, and metrics for measuring the effects of anonymization. The article concludes by demonstrating the practical implementation of this ontology in hospital settings for the development and validation of AI.

replace A Measure-Theoretic Axiomatisation of Causality

Authors: Junhyung Park, Simon Buchholz, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Krikamol Muandet

Abstract: Causality is a central concept in a wide range of research areas, yet there is still no universally agreed axiomatisation of causality. We view causality both as an extension of probability theory and as a study of \textit{what happens when one intervenes on a system}, and argue in favour of taking Kolmogorov's measure-theoretic axiomatisation of probability as the starting point towards an axiomatisation of causality. To that end, we propose the notion of a \textit{causal space}, consisting of a probability space along with a collection of transition probability kernels, called \textit{causal kernels}, that encode the causal information of the space. Our proposed framework is not only rigorously grounded in measure theory, but it also sheds light on long-standing limitations of existing frameworks including, for example, cycles, latent variables and stochastic processes.

replace ArtWhisperer: A Dataset for Characterizing Human-AI Interactions in Artistic Creations

Authors: Kailas Vodrahalli, James Zou

Abstract: As generative AI becomes more prevalent, it is important to study how human users interact with such models. In this work, we investigate how people use text-to-image models to generate desired target images. To study this interaction, we created ArtWhisperer, an online game where users are given a target image and are tasked with iteratively finding a prompt that creates a similar-looking image as the target. Through this game, we recorded over 50,000 human-AI interactions; each interaction corresponds to one text prompt created by a user and the corresponding generated image. The majority of these are repeated interactions where a user iterates to find the best prompt for their target image, making this a unique sequential dataset for studying human-AI collaborations. In an initial analysis of this dataset, we identify several characteristics of prompt interactions and user strategies. People submit diverse prompts and are able to discover a variety of text descriptions that generate similar images. Interestingly, prompt diversity does not decrease as users find better prompts. We further propose a new metric to quantify the steerability of AI using our dataset. We define steerability as the expected number of interactions required to adequately complete a task. We estimate this value by fitting a Markov chain for each target task and calculating the expected time to reach an adequate score in the Markov chain. We quantify and compare AI steerability across different types of target images and two different models, finding that images of cities and natural world images are more steerable than artistic and fantasy images. These findings provide insights into human-AI interaction behavior, present a concrete method of assessing AI steerability, and demonstrate the general utility of the ArtWhisperer dataset.

replace A Multitask Training Approach to Enhance Whisper with Contextual Biasing and Open-Vocabulary Keyword Spotting

Authors: Yuang Li, Min Zhang, Chang Su, Yinglu Li, Xiaosong Qiao, Mengxin Ren, Miaomiao Ma, Daimeng Wei, Shimin Tao, Hao Yang

Abstract: The recognition of rare named entities, such as personal names and terminologies, is challenging for automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, especially when they are not frequently observed in the training data. In this paper, we introduce keyword spotting enhanced Whisper (KWS-Whisper), a novel ASR system that leverages the Whisper model and performs open-vocabulary keyword spotting (OV-KWS) on the hidden states of the Whisper encoder to recognize user-defined named entities. These entities serve as prompts for the Whisper decoder. To optimize the model, we propose a multitask training approach that learns OV-KWS and contextual-ASR tasks. We evaluate our approach on Chinese Aishell hot word subsets and two internal code-switching test sets and show that it significantly improves the entity recall compared to the original Whisper model. Moreover, we demonstrate that the OV-KWS can be a plug-and-play module to enhance the ASR error correction methods and frozen Whisper models.

replace Knowledge Graph Question Answering for Materials Science (KGQA4MAT): Developing Natural Language Interface for Metal-Organic Frameworks Knowledge Graph (MOF-KG) Using LLM

Authors: Yuan An, Jane Greenberg, Alex Kalinowski, Xintong Zhao, Xiaohua Hu, Fernando J. Uribe-Romo, Kyle Langlois, Jacob Furst, Diego A. G\'omez-Gualdr\'on

Abstract: We present a comprehensive benchmark dataset for Knowledge Graph Question Answering in Materials Science (KGQA4MAT), with a focus on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). A knowledge graph for metal-organic frameworks (MOF-KG) has been constructed by integrating structured databases and knowledge extracted from the literature. To enhance MOF-KG accessibility for domain experts, we aim to develop a natural language interface for querying the knowledge graph. We have developed a benchmark comprised of 161 complex questions involving comparison, aggregation, and complicated graph structures. Each question is rephrased in three additional variations, resulting in 644 questions and 161 KG queries. To evaluate the benchmark, we have developed a systematic approach for utilizing the LLM, ChatGPT, to translate natural language questions into formal KG queries. We also apply the approach to the well-known QALD-9 dataset, demonstrating ChatGPT's potential in addressing KGQA issues for different platforms and query languages. The benchmark and the proposed approach aim to stimulate further research and development of user-friendly and efficient interfaces for querying domain-specific materials science knowledge graphs, thereby accelerating the discovery of novel materials.

replace Language Agent Tree Search Unifies Reasoning Acting and Planning in Language Models

Authors: Andy Zhou, Kai Yan, Michal Shlapentokh-Rothman, Haohan Wang, Yu-Xiong Wang

Abstract: While language models (LMs) have shown potential across a range of decision-making tasks, their reliance on simple acting processes limits their broad deployment as autonomous agents. In this paper, we introduce Language Agent Tree Search (LATS) -- the first general framework that synergizes the capabilities of LMs in reasoning, acting, and planning. By leveraging the in-context learning ability of LMs, we integrate Monte Carlo Tree Search into LATS to enable LMs as agents, along with LM-powered value functions and self-reflections for proficient exploration and enhanced decision-making. A key feature of our approach is the incorporation of an environment for external feedback, which offers a more deliberate and adaptive problem-solving mechanism that surpasses the constraints of existing techniques. Our experimental evaluation across diverse domains, including programming, interactive question-answering (QA), web navigation, and math, validates the effectiveness and generality of LATS in decision-making while maintaining competitive or improved reasoning performance. Notably, LATS achieves state-of-the-art pass@1 accuracy (92.7%) for programming on HumanEval with GPT-4 and demonstrates gradient-free performance (average score of 75.9) comparable to gradient-based fine-tuning for web navigation on WebShop with GPT-3.5. Code can be found at


replace Levels of AGI for Operationalizing Progress on the Path to AGI

Authors: Meredith Ringel Morris, Jascha Sohl-dickstein, Noah Fiedel, Tris Warkentin, Allan Dafoe, Aleksandra Faust, Clement Farabet, Shane Legg

Abstract: We propose a framework for classifying the capabilities and behavior of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) models and their precursors. This framework introduces levels of AGI performance, generality, and autonomy, providing a common language to compare models, assess risks, and measure progress along the path to AGI. To develop our framework, we analyze existing definitions of AGI, and distill six principles that a useful ontology for AGI should satisfy. With these principles in mind, we propose "Levels of AGI" based on depth (performance) and breadth (generality) of capabilities, and reflect on how current systems fit into this ontology. We discuss the challenging requirements for future benchmarks that quantify the behavior and capabilities of AGI models against these levels. Finally, we discuss how these levels of AGI interact with deployment considerations such as autonomy and risk, and emphasize the importance of carefully selecting Human-AI Interaction paradigms for responsible and safe deployment of highly capable AI systems.

replace SGLang: Efficient Execution of Structured Language Model Programs

Authors: Lianmin Zheng, Liangsheng Yin, Zhiqiang Xie, Chuyue Sun, Jeff Huang, Cody Hao Yu, Shiyi Cao, Christos Kozyrakis, Ion Stoica, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Clark Barrett, Ying Sheng

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly used for complex tasks that require multiple generation calls, advanced prompting techniques, control flow, and structured inputs/outputs. However, efficient systems are lacking for programming and executing these applications. We introduce SGLang, a system for efficient execution of complex language model programs. SGLang consists of a frontend language and a runtime. The frontend simplifies programming with primitives for generation and parallelism control. The runtime accelerates execution with novel optimizations like RadixAttention for KV cache reuse and compressed finite state machines for faster structured output decoding. Experiments show that SGLang achieves up to 6.4x higher throughput compared to state-of-the-art inference systems on various large language and multi-modal models on tasks including agent control, logical reasoning, few-shot learning benchmarks, JSON decoding, retrieval-augmented generation pipelines, and multi-turn chat. The code is publicly available at


replace T-RAG: Lessons from the LLM Trenches

Authors: Masoomali Fatehkia, Ji Kim Lucas, Sanjay Chawla

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLM) have shown remarkable language capabilities fueling attempts to integrate them into applications across a wide range of domains. An important application area is question answering over private enterprise documents where the main considerations are data security, which necessitates applications that can be deployed on-prem, limited computational resources and the need for a robust application that correctly responds to queries. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has emerged as the most prominent framework for building LLM-based applications. While building a RAG is relatively straightforward, making it robust and a reliable application requires extensive customization and relatively deep knowledge of the application domain. We share our experiences building and deploying an LLM application for question answering over private organizational documents. Our application combines the use of RAG with a finetuned open-source LLM. Additionally, our system, which we call Tree-RAG (T-RAG), uses a tree structure to represent entity hierarchies within the organization. This is used to generate a textual description to augment the context when responding to user queries pertaining to entities within the organization's hierarchy. Our evaluations, including a Needle in a Haystack test, show that this combination performs better than a simple RAG or finetuning implementation. Finally, we share some lessons learned based on our experiences building an LLM application for real-world use.

replace MedPromptExtract (Medical Data Extraction Tool): Anonymization and Hi-fidelity Automated data extraction using NLP and prompt engineering

Authors: Roomani Srivastava, Suraj Prasad, Lipika Bhat, Sarvesh Deshpande, Barnali Das, Kshitij Jadhav

Abstract: A major roadblock in the seamless digitization of medical records remains the lack of interoperability of existing records. Extracting relevant medical information required for further treatment planning or even research is a time consuming labour intensive task involving expenditure of valuable time of doctors. In this demo paper we present, MedPromptExtract an automated tool using a combination of semi supervised learning, large language models, natural language processing and prompt engineering to convert unstructured medical records to structured data which is amenable for further analysis.

replace Chain of Thoughtlessness? An Analysis of CoT in Planning

Authors: Kaya Stechly, Karthik Valmeekam, Subbarao Kambhampati

Abstract: Large language model (LLM) performance on reasoning problems typically does not generalize out of distribution. Previous work has claimed that this can be mitigated with chain of thought prompting-a method of demonstrating solution procedures-with the intuition that it is possible to in-context teach an LLM an algorithm for solving the problem. This paper presents a case study of chain of thought on problems from Blocksworld, a classical planning domain, and examines the performance of two state-of-the-art LLMs across two axes: generality of examples given in prompt, and complexity of problems queried with each prompt. While our problems are very simple, we only find meaningful performance improvements from chain of thought prompts when those prompts are exceedingly specific to their problem class, and that those improvements quickly deteriorate as the size n of the query-specified stack grows past the size of stacks shown in the examples. We also create scalable variants of three domains commonly studied in previous CoT papers and demonstrate the existence of similar failure modes. Our results hint that, contrary to previous claims in the literature, CoT's performance improvements do not stem from the model learning general algorithmic procedures via demonstrations but depend on carefully engineering highly problem specific prompts. This spotlights drawbacks of chain of thought, especially the sharp tradeoff between possible performance gains and the amount of human labor necessary to generate examples with correct reasoning traces.

replace Agent Design Pattern Catalogue: A Collection of Architectural Patterns for Foundation Model based Agents

Authors: Yue Liu, Sin Kit Lo, Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Dehai Zhao, Xiwei Xu, Stefan Harrer, Jon Whittle

Abstract: Foundation model-enabled generative artificial intelligence facilitates the development and implementation of agents, which can leverage distinguished reasoning and language processing capabilities to takes a proactive, autonomous role to pursue users' goals. Nevertheless, there is a lack of systematic knowledge to guide practitioners in designing the agents considering challenges of goal-seeking (including generating instrumental goals and plans), such as hallucinations inherent in foundation models, explainability of reasoning process, complex accountability, etc. To address this issue, we have performed a systematic literature review to understand the state-of-the-art foundation model-based agents and the broader ecosystem. In this paper, we present a pattern catalogue consisting of 17 architectural patterns with analyses of the context, forces, and trade-offs as the outcomes from the previous literature review. The proposed catalogue can provide holistic guidance for the effective use of patterns, and support the architecture design of foundation model-based agents by facilitating goal-seeking and plan generation.

replace Benchmarking General Purpose In-Context Learning

Authors: Fan Wang, Chuan Lin, Yang Cao, Yu Kang

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) is becoming increasingly appealing to the AI community due to its flexibility, generality, sample efficiency, and exemption from artificial optimization skills. It is desirable to further enhance the generality and capability of ICL, which gives rise to the concept of general-purpose in-context learning (GPICL). We aim to extend ICL to address a broader range of tasks with an extended learning horizon and higher improvement potential, albeit with relatively limited zero-shot generalization. To this end, we introduce two lightweight but insightful benchmarks specifically crafted to train and evaluate GPICL functionalities. Each benchmark includes a vast number of tasks characterized by significant task variance, featuring minimal transferable knowledge among tasks. These tasks are designed to facilitate lifelong in-context learning through continuous generation and interaction. These features pose significant challenges for models that rely on context or interactions to improve their proficiency, including language models, decision models, and world models. Our experiments reveal that the scale of parameters alone may not be crucial for ICL or GPICL, suggesting alternative approaches such as increasing the scale of contexts and memory states.

replace Exploring and steering the moral compass of Large Language Models

Authors: Alejandro Tlaie

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become central to advancing automation and decision-making across various sectors, raising significant ethical questions. This study proposes a comprehensive comparative analysis of the most advanced LLMs to assess their moral profiles. We subjected several state-of-the-art models to a selection of ethical dilemmas and found that all the proprietary ones are mostly utilitarian and all of the open-weights ones align mostly with values-based ethics. Furthermore, when using the Moral Foundations Questionnaire, all models we probed - except for Llama 2-7B - displayed a strong liberal bias. Lastly, in order to causally intervene in one of the studied models, we propose a novel similarity-specific activation steering technique. Using this method, we were able to reliably steer the model's moral compass to different ethical schools. All of these results showcase that there is an ethical dimension in already deployed LLMs, an aspect that is generally overlooked.

replace Multi-Modal and Multi-Agent Systems Meet Rationality: A Survey

Authors: Bowen Jiang, Yangxinyu Xie, Xiaomeng Wang, Weijie J. Su, Camillo J. Taylor, Tanwi Mallick

Abstract: Rationality is the quality of being guided by reason, characterized by logical thinking and decision-making that align with evidence and logical rules. This quality is essential for effective problem-solving, as it ensures that solutions are well-founded and systematically derived. Despite the advancements of large language models (LLMs) in generating human-like text with remarkable accuracy, they present biases inherited from the training data, inconsistency across different contexts, and difficulty understanding complex scenarios involving multiple layers of context. Therefore, recent research attempts to leverage the strength of multiple agents working collaboratively with various types of data and tools for enhanced consistency and reliability. To that end, this paper aims to understand whether multi-modal and multi-agent systems are advancing toward rationality by surveying the state-of-the-art works, identifying advancements over single-agent and single-modal systems in terms of rationality, and discussing open problems and future directions. We maintain an open repository at


replace-cross Sequential memory improves sample and memory efficiency in Episodic Control

Authors: Ismael T. Freire, Adri\'an F. Amil, Paul F. M. J. Verschure

Abstract: State of the art deep reinforcement learning algorithms are sample inefficient due to the large number of episodes they require to achieve asymptotic performance. Episodic Reinforcement Learning (ERL) algorithms, inspired by the mammalian hippocampus, typically use extended memory systems to bootstrap learning from past events to overcome this sample-inefficiency problem. However, such memory augmentations are often used as mere buffers, from which isolated past experiences are drawn to learn from in an offline fashion (e.g., replay). Here, we demonstrate that including a bias in the acquired memory content derived from the order of episodic sampling improves both the sample and memory efficiency of an episodic control algorithm. We test our Sequential Episodic Control (SEC) model in a foraging task to show that storing and using integrated episodes as event sequences leads to faster learning with fewer memory requirements as opposed to a standard ERL benchmark, Model-Free Episodic Control, that buffers isolated events only. We also study the effect of memory constraints and forgetting on the sequential and non-sequential version of the SEC algorithm. Furthermore, we discuss how a hippocampal-like fast memory system could bootstrap slow cortical and subcortical learning subserving habit formation in the mammalian brain.

replace-cross DoWhy-GCM: An extension of DoWhy for causal inference in graphical causal models

Authors: Patrick Bl\"obaum, Peter G\"otz, Kailash Budhathoki, Atalanti A. Mastakouri, Dominik Janzing

Abstract: We present DoWhy-GCM, an extension of the DoWhy Python library, which leverages graphical causal models. Unlike existing causality libraries, which mainly focus on effect estimation, DoWhy-GCM addresses diverse causal queries, such as identifying the root causes of outliers and distributional changes, attributing causal influences to the data generating process of each node, or diagnosis of causal structures. With DoWhy-GCM, users typically specify cause-effect relations via a causal graph, fit causal mechanisms, and pose causal queries -- all with just a few lines of code. The general documentation is available at and the DoWhy-GCM specific code at


replace-cross A Class-Aware Representation Refinement Framework for Graph Classification

Authors: Jiaxing Xu, Jinjie Ni, Yiping Ke

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are widely used for graph representation learning. Despite its prevalence, GNN suffers from two drawbacks in the graph classification task, the neglect of graph-level relationships, and the generalization issue. Each graph is treated separately in GNN message passing/graph pooling, and existing methods to address overfitting operate on each individual graph. This makes the graph representations learnt less effective in the downstream classification. In this paper, we propose a Class-Aware Representation rEfinement (CARE) framework for the task of graph classification. CARE computes simple yet powerful class representations and injects them to steer the learning of graph representations towards better class separability. CARE is a plug-and-play framework that is highly flexible and able to incorporate arbitrary GNN backbones without significantly increasing the computational cost. We also theoretically prove that CARE has a better generalization upper bound than its GNN backbone through Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension analysis. Our extensive experiments with 11 well-known GNN backbones on 9 benchmark datasets validate the superiority and effectiveness of CARE over its GNN counterparts.

replace-cross FedCC: Robust Federated Learning against Model Poisoning Attacks

Authors: Hyejun Jeong, Hamin Son, Seohu Lee, Jayun Hyun, Tai-Myoung Chung

Abstract: Federated Learning, designed to address privacy concerns in learning models, introduces a new distributed paradigm that safeguards data privacy but differentiates the attack surface due to the server's inaccessibility to local datasets and the change in protection objective--parameters' integrity. Existing approaches, including robust aggregation algorithms, fail to effectively filter out malicious clients, especially those with non-Independently and Identically Distributed data. Furthermore, these approaches often tackle non-IID data and poisoning attacks separately. To address both challenges simultaneously, we present FedCC, a simple yet novel algorithm. It leverages the Centered Kernel Alignment similarity of Penultimate Layer Representations for clustering, allowing it to identify and filter out malicious clients by selectively averaging chosen parameters, even in non-IID data settings. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of FedCC in mitigating untargeted model poisoning and backdoor attacks. FedCC reduces the attack confidence to a consistent zero compared to existing outlier detection-based and first-order statistics-based methods. Specifically, it significantly minimizes the average degradation of global performance by 65.5\%. We believe that this new perspective of assessing learning models makes it a valuable contribution to the field of FL model security and privacy. The code will be made available upon paper acceptance.

replace-cross Word Embeddings Are Steers for Language Models

Authors: Chi Han, Jialiang Xu, Manling Li, Yi Fung, Chenkai Sun, Nan Jiang, Tarek Abdelzaher, Heng Ji

Abstract: Language models (LMs) automatically learn word embeddings during pre-training on language corpora. Although word embeddings are usually interpreted as feature vectors for individual words, their roles in language model generation remain underexplored. In this work, we theoretically and empirically revisit output word embeddings and find that their linear transformations are equivalent to steering language model generation styles. We name such steers LM-Steers and find them existing in LMs of all sizes. It requires learning parameters equal to 0.2% of the original LMs' size for steering each style. On tasks such as language model detoxification and sentiment control, LM-Steers can achieve comparable or superior performance compared with state-of-the-art controlled generation methods while maintaining a better balance with generation quality. The learned LM-Steer serves as a lens in text styles: it reveals that word embeddings are interpretable when associated with language model generations and can highlight text spans that most indicate the style differences. An LM-Steer is transferrable between different language models by an explicit form calculation. One can also continuously steer LMs simply by scaling the LM-Steer or compose multiple LM-Steers by adding their transformations. Our codes are publicly available at \url{}.


replace-cross Combining Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization with Reinforcement Learning for TinyML

Authors: Mark Deutel, Georgios Kontes, Christopher Mutschler, J\"urgen Teich

Abstract: Deploying Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on microcontrollers (TinyML) is a common trend to process the increasing amount of sensor data generated at the edge, but in practice, resource and latency constraints make it difficult to find optimal DNN candidates. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is an excellent approach to automate this search and can easily be combined with DNN compression techniques commonly used in TinyML. However, many NAS techniques are not only computationally expensive, especially hyperparameter optimization (HPO), but also often focus on optimizing only a single objective, e.g., maximizing accuracy, without considering additional objectives such as memory consumption or computational complexity of a DNN, which are key to making deployment at the edge feasible. In this paper, we propose a novel NAS strategy for TinyML based on Multi-Objective Bayesian optimization (MOBOpt) and an ensemble of competing parametric policies trained using Augmented Random Search (ARS) Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents. Our methodology aims at efficiently finding tradeoffs between a DNN's predictive accuracy, memory consumption on a given target system, and computational complexity. Our experiments show that we outperform existing MOBOpt approaches consistently on different data sets and architectures such as ResNet-18 and MobileNetV3.

replace-cross C-MCTS: Safe Planning with Monte Carlo Tree Search

Authors: Dinesh Parthasarathy, Georgios Kontes, Axel Plinge, Christopher Mutschler

Abstract: The Constrained Markov Decision Process (CMDP) formulation allows to solve safety-critical decision making tasks that are subject to constraints. While CMDPs have been extensively studied in the Reinforcement Learning literature, little attention has been given to sampling-based planning algorithms such as MCTS for solving them. Previous approaches perform conservatively with respect to costs as they avoid constraint violations by using Monte Carlo cost estimates that suffer from high variance. We propose Constrained MCTS (C-MCTS), which estimates cost using a safety critic that is trained with Temporal Difference learning in an offline phase prior to agent deployment. The critic limits exploration by pruning unsafe trajectories within MCTS during deployment. C-MCTS satisfies cost constraints but operates closer to the constraint boundary, achieving higher rewards than previous work. As a nice byproduct, the planner is more efficient w.r.t. planning steps. Most importantly, under model mismatch between the planner and the real world, C-MCTS is less susceptible to cost violations than previous work.

replace-cross Structured Voronoi Sampling

Authors: Afra Amini, Li Du, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Gradient-based sampling algorithms have demonstrated their effectiveness in text generation, especially in the context of controlled text generation. However, there exists a lack of theoretically grounded and principled approaches for this task. In this paper, we take an important step toward building a principled approach for sampling from language models with gradient-based methods. We use discrete distributions given by language models to define densities and develop an algorithm based on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to sample from them. We name our gradient-based technique Structured Voronoi Sampling (SVS). In an experimental setup where the reference distribution is known, we show that the empirical distribution of SVS samples is closer to the reference distribution compared to alternative sampling schemes. Furthermore, in a controlled generation task, SVS is able to generate fluent and diverse samples while following the control targets significantly better than other methods.

replace-cross Spatiotemporal-Augmented Graph Neural Networks for Human Mobility Simulation

Authors: Yu Wang, Tongya Zheng, Shunyu Liu, Zunlei Feng, Kaixuan Chen, Yunzhi Hao, Mingli Song

Abstract: Human mobility patterns have shown significant applications in policy-decision scenarios and economic behavior researches. The human mobility simulation task aims to generate human mobility trajectories given a small set of trajectory data, which have aroused much concern due to the scarcity and sparsity of human mobility data. Existing methods mostly rely on the static relationships of locations, while largely neglect the dynamic spatiotemporal effects of locations. On the one hand, spatiotemporal correspondences of visit distributions reveal the spatial proximity and the functionality similarity of locations. On the other hand, the varying durations in different locations hinder the iterative generation process of the mobility trajectory. Therefore, we propose a novel framework to model the dynamic spatiotemporal effects of locations, namely SpatioTemporal-Augmented gRaph neural networks (STAR). The STAR framework designs various spatiotemporal graphs to capture the spatiotemporal correspondences and builds a novel dwell branch to simulate the varying durations in locations, which is finally optimized in an adversarial manner. The comprehensive experiments over four real datasets for the human mobility simulation have verified the superiority of STAR to state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at


replace-cross Leveraging Codebook Knowledge with NLI and ChatGPT for Zero-Shot Political Relation Classification

Authors: Yibo Hu, Erick Skorupa Parolin, Latifur Khan, Patrick T. Brandt, Javier Osorio, Vito J. D'Orazio

Abstract: Is it possible accurately classify political relations within evolving event ontologies without extensive annotations? This study investigates zero-shot learning methods that use expert knowledge from existing annotation codebook, and evaluates the performance of advanced ChatGPT (GPT-3.5/4) and a natural language inference (NLI)-based model called ZSP. ChatGPT uses codebook's labeled summaries as prompts, whereas ZSP breaks down the classification task into context, event mode, and class disambiguation to refine task-specific hypotheses. This decomposition enhances interpretability, efficiency, and adaptability to schema changes. The experiments reveal ChatGPT's strengths and limitations, and crucially show ZSP's outperformance of dictionary-based methods and its competitive edge over some supervised models. These findings affirm the value of ZSP for validating event records and advancing ontology development. Our study underscores the efficacy of leveraging transfer learning and existing domain expertise to enhance research efficiency and scalability.

replace-cross Improving Sample Efficiency of Model-Free Algorithms for Zero-Sum Markov Games

Authors: Songtao Feng, Ming Yin, Yu-Xiang Wang, Jing Yang, Yingbin Liang

Abstract: The problem of two-player zero-sum Markov games has recently attracted increasing interests in theoretical studies of multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL). In particular, for finite-horizon episodic Markov decision processes (MDPs), it has been shown that model-based algorithms can find an $\epsilon$-optimal Nash Equilibrium (NE) with the sample complexity of $O(H^3SAB/\epsilon^2)$, which is optimal in the dependence of the horizon $H$ and the number of states $S$ (where $A$ and $B$ denote the number of actions of the two players, respectively). However, none of the existing model-free algorithms can achieve such an optimality. In this work, we propose a model-free stage-based Q-learning algorithm and show that it achieves the same sample complexity as the best model-based algorithm, and hence for the first time demonstrate that model-free algorithms can enjoy the same optimality in the $H$ dependence as model-based algorithms. The main improvement of the dependency on $H$ arises by leveraging the popular variance reduction technique based on the reference-advantage decomposition previously used only for single-agent RL. However, such a technique relies on a critical monotonicity property of the value function, which does not hold in Markov games due to the update of the policy via the coarse correlated equilibrium (CCE) oracle. Thus, to extend such a technique to Markov games, our algorithm features a key novel design of updating the reference value functions as the pair of optimistic and pessimistic value functions whose value difference is the smallest in the history in order to achieve the desired improvement in the sample efficiency.

replace-cross RECAP: Retrieval-Augmented Audio Captioning

Authors: Sreyan Ghosh, Sonal Kumar, Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru, Ramani Duraiswami, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: We present RECAP (REtrieval-Augmented Audio CAPtioning), a novel and effective audio captioning system that generates captions conditioned on an input audio and other captions similar to the audio retrieved from a datastore. Additionally, our proposed method can transfer to any domain without the need for any additional fine-tuning. To generate a caption for an audio sample, we leverage an audio-text model CLAP to retrieve captions similar to it from a replaceable datastore, which are then used to construct a prompt. Next, we feed this prompt to a GPT-2 decoder and introduce cross-attention layers between the CLAP encoder and GPT-2 to condition the audio for caption generation. Experiments on two benchmark datasets, Clotho and AudioCaps, show that RECAP achieves competitive performance in in-domain settings and significant improvements in out-of-domain settings. Additionally, due to its capability to exploit a large text-captions-only datastore in a training-free fashion, RECAP shows unique capabilities of captioning novel audio events never seen during training and compositional audios with multiple events. To promote research in this space, we also release 150,000+ new weakly labeled captions for AudioSet, AudioCaps, and Clotho.

replace-cross Navigate through Enigmatic Labyrinth A Survey of Chain of Thought Reasoning: Advances, Frontiers and Future

Authors: Zheng Chu, Jingchang Chen, Qianglong Chen, Weijiang Yu, Tao He, Haotian Wang, Weihua Peng, Ming Liu, Bing Qin, Ting Liu

Abstract: Reasoning, a fundamental cognitive process integral to human intelligence, has garnered substantial interest within artificial intelligence. Notably, recent studies have revealed that chain-of-thought prompting significantly enhances LLM's reasoning capabilities, which attracts widespread attention from both academics and industry. In this paper, we systematically investigate relevant research, summarizing advanced methods through a meticulous taxonomy that offers novel perspectives. Moreover, we delve into the current frontiers and delineate the challenges and future directions, thereby shedding light on future research. Furthermore, we engage in a discussion about open questions. We hope this paper serves as an introduction for beginners and fosters future research. Resources have been made publicly available at


replace-cross Self-Specialization: Uncovering Latent Expertise within Large Language Models

Authors: Junmo Kang, Hongyin Luo, Yada Zhu, Jacob Hansen, James Glass, David Cox, Alan Ritter, Rogerio Feris, Leonid Karlinsky

Abstract: Recent works have demonstrated the effectiveness of self-alignment in which a large language model is aligned to follow general instructions using instructional data generated from the model itself starting from a handful of human-written seeds. Instead of general alignment, in this work, we focus on self-alignment for expert domain specialization (e.g., biomedicine, finance). As a preliminary, we quantitively show the marginal effect that generic instruction-following training has on downstream expert domains' performance. To remedy this, we propose self-specialization - allowing for effective model specialization while achieving cross-task generalization by leveraging only a few labeled seeds. Self-specialization offers a data- and parameter-efficient way of "carving out" an expert model out of a generalist pre-trained LLM. Exploring a variety of popular open large models as a base for specialization, our experimental results in both biomedical and financial domains show that our self-specialized models outperform their base models by a large margin, and even larger models that are generally instruction-tuned or that have been adapted to the target domain by other means.

replace-cross Concise and Organized Perception Facilitates Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Junjie Liu, Shaotian Yan, Chen Shen, Liang Xie, Wenxiao Wang, Jieping Ye

Abstract: Exploiting large language models (LLMs) to tackle reasoning has garnered growing attention. It still remains highly challenging to achieve satisfactory results in complex logical problems, characterized by plenty of premises within the prompt and requiring multi-hop reasoning. In particular, the reasoning capabilities of LLMs are brittle to disorder and distractibility. In this work, we first examine the mechanism from the perspective of information flow and reveal that LLMs exhibit failure patterns akin to human-like cognitive biases when dealing with disordered and irrelevant content in reasoning tasks. However, in contrast to LLMs, disordered and irrelevant content does not significantly decrease human performance, as humans have a propensity to distill the most relevant information and systematically organize their thoughts, aiding them in responding to questions. Stem from that, we further propose a novel reasoning approach named Concise and Organized Perception (COP). COP carefully analyzes the given statements to identify the most pertinent information while eliminating redundancy efficiently. It then prompts the LLMs in a more organized form that adapts to the model's inference process. By perceiving concise and organized context, the reasoning abilities of LLMs can be better elicited. Extensive experimental results on several popular logical benchmarks (ProofWriter, PrOntoQA, PrOntoQA-OOD, and FOLIO) and math benchmark (DI-GSM) show that COP significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross In-Context Unlearning: Language Models as Few Shot Unlearners

Authors: Martin Pawelczyk, Seth Neel, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Abstract: Machine unlearning, the study of efficiently removing the impact of specific training instances on a model, has garnered increased attention in recent years due to regulatory guidelines such as the \emph{Right to be Forgotten}. Achieving precise unlearning typically involves fully retraining the model and is computationally infeasible in case of very large models such as Large Language Models (LLMs). To this end, recent work has proposed several algorithms which approximate the removal of training data without retraining the model. These algorithms crucially rely on access to the model parameters in order to update them, an assumption that may not hold in practice due to computational constraints or having only query access to the LLMs. In this work, we propose a new class of unlearning methods for LLMs called ``In-Context Unlearning.'' This method unlearns instances from the model by simply providing specific kinds of inputs in context, without the need to update model parameters. To unlearn specific training instances, we present these instances to the LLMs at inference time along with labels that differ from their ground truth. Our experimental results demonstrate that in-context unlearning performs on par with, or in some cases outperforms other state-of-the-art methods that require access to model parameters, effectively removing the influence of specific instances on the model while preserving test accuracy.

replace-cross Eureka-Moments in Transformers: Multi-Step Tasks Reveal Softmax Induced Optimization Problems

Authors: David T. Hoffmann, Simon Schrodi, Jelena Bratuli\'c, Nadine Behrmann, Volker Fischer, Thomas Brox

Abstract: In this work, we study rapid improvements of the training loss in transformers when being confronted with multi-step decision tasks. We found that transformers struggle to learn the intermediate task and both training and validation loss saturate for hundreds of epochs. When transformers finally learn the intermediate task, they do this rapidly and unexpectedly. We call these abrupt improvements Eureka-moments, since the transformer appears to suddenly learn a previously incomprehensible concept. We designed synthetic tasks to study the problem in detail, but the leaps in performance can be observed also for language modeling and in-context learning (ICL). We suspect that these abrupt transitions are caused by the multi-step nature of these tasks. Indeed, we find connections and show that ways to improve on the synthetic multi-step tasks can be used to improve the training of language modeling and ICL. Using the synthetic data we trace the problem back to the Softmax function in the self-attention block of transformers and show ways to alleviate the problem. These fixes reduce the required number of training steps, lead to higher likelihood to learn the intermediate task, to higher final accuracy and training becomes more robust to hyper-parameters.

replace-cross MELA: Multilingual Evaluation of Linguistic Acceptability

Authors: Ziyin Zhang, Yikang Liu, Weifang Huang, Junyu Mao, Rui Wang, Hai Hu

Abstract: In this work, we present the largest benchmark to date on linguistic acceptability: Multilingual Evaluation of Linguistic Acceptability -- MELA, with 46K samples covering 10 languages from a diverse set of language families. We establish LLM baselines on this benchmark, and investigate cross-lingual transfer in acceptability judgements with XLM-R. In pursuit of multilingual interpretability, we conduct probing experiments with fine-tuned XLM-R to explore the process of syntax capability acquisition. Our results show that GPT-4o exhibits a strong multilingual ability, outperforming fine-tuned XLM-R, while open-source multilingual models lag behind by a noticeable gap. Cross-lingual transfer experiments show that transfer in acceptability judgment is non-trivial: 500 Icelandic fine-tuning examples lead to 23 MCC performance in a completely unrelated language -- Chinese. Results of our probing experiments indicate that training on MELA improves the performance of XLM-R on syntax-related tasks. Our data is available at


replace-cross Does Pre-trained Language Model Actually Infer Unseen Links in Knowledge Graph Completion?

Authors: Yusuke Sakai, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Katsuhiko Hayashi, Taro Watanabe

Abstract: Knowledge graphs (KGs) consist of links that describe relationships between entities. Due to the difficulty of manually enumerating all relationships between entities, automatically completing them is essential for KGs. Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) is a task that infers unseen relationships between entities in a KG. Traditional embedding-based KGC methods, such as RESCAL, TransE, DistMult, ComplEx, RotatE, HAKE, HousE, etc., infer missing links using only the knowledge from training data. In contrast, the recent Pre-trained Language Model (PLM)-based KGC utilizes knowledge obtained during pre-training. Therefore, PLM-based KGC can estimate missing links between entities by reusing memorized knowledge from pre-training without inference. This approach is problematic because building KGC models aims to infer unseen links between entities. However, conventional evaluations in KGC do not consider inference and memorization abilities separately. Thus, a PLM-based KGC method, which achieves high performance in current KGC evaluations, may be ineffective in practical applications. To address this issue, we analyze whether PLM-based KGC methods make inferences or merely access memorized knowledge. For this purpose, we propose a method for constructing synthetic datasets specified in this analysis and conclude that PLMs acquire the inference abilities required for KGC through pre-training, even though the performance improvements mostly come from textual information of entities and relations.

replace-cross Integrating Pre-Trained Speech and Language Models for End-to-End Speech Recognition

Authors: Yukiya Hono, Koh Mitsuda, Tianyu Zhao, Kentaro Mitsui, Toshiaki Wakatsuki, Kei Sawada

Abstract: Advances in machine learning have made it possible to perform various text and speech processing tasks, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR), in an end-to-end (E2E) manner. E2E approaches utilizing pre-trained models are gaining attention for conserving training data and resources. However, most of their applications in ASR involve only one of either a pre-trained speech or a language model. This paper proposes integrating a pre-trained speech representation model and a large language model (LLM) for E2E ASR. The proposed model enables the optimization of the entire ASR process, including acoustic feature extraction and acoustic and language modeling, by combining pre-trained models with a bridge network and also enables the application of remarkable developments in LLM utilization, such as parameter-efficient domain adaptation and inference optimization. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model achieves a performance comparable to that of modern E2E ASR models by utilizing powerful pre-training models with the proposed integrated approach.

replace-cross Reacting like Humans: Incorporating Intrinsic Human Behaviors into NAO through Sound-Based Reactions to Fearful and Shocking Events for Enhanced Sociability

Authors: Ali Ghadami, Mohammadreza Taghimohammadi, Mohammad Mohammadzadeh, Mohammad Hosseinipour, Alireza Taheri

Abstract: Robots' acceptability among humans and their sociability can be significantly enhanced by incorporating human-like reactions. Humans can react to environmental events very quickly and without thinking. An instance where humans show natural reactions is when they encounter a sudden and loud sound that startles or frightens them. During such moments, individuals may instinctively move their hands, turn toward the origin of the sound, and try to determine the event's cause. This inherent behavior motivated us to explore this less-studied part of social robotics. In this work, a multi-modal system composed of an action generator, sound classifier, and YOLO object detector was designed to sense the environment and, in the presence of sudden loud sounds, show natural human fear reactions; and finally, locate the fear-causing sound source in the environment. These valid generated motions and inferences could imitate intrinsic human reactions and enhance the sociability of robots. For motion generation, a model based on LSTM and MDN networks was proposed to synthesize various motions. Also, in the case of sound detection, a transfer learning model was preferred that used the spectrogram of the sound signals as its input. After developing individual models for sound detection, motion generation, and image recognition, they were integrated into a comprehensive "fear" module implemented on the NAO robot. Finally, the fear module was tested in practical application and two groups of experts and non-experts (in the robotics area) filled out a questionnaire to evaluate the performance of the robot. We indicated that the proposed module could convince the participants that the Nao robot acts and reasons like a human when a sudden and loud sound is in the robot's peripheral environment, and additionally showed that non-experts have higher expectations about social robots and their performance.

replace-cross Evaluating Large Language Models for Health-related Queries with Presuppositions

Authors: Navreet Kaur, Monojit Choudhury, Danish Pruthi

Abstract: As corporations rush to integrate large language models (LLMs) to their search offerings, it is critical that they provide factually accurate information that is robust to any presuppositions that a user may express. In this work, we introduce UPHILL, a dataset consisting of health-related queries with varying degrees of presuppositions. Using UPHILL, we evaluate the factual accuracy and consistency of InstructGPT, ChatGPT, and BingChat models. We find that while model responses rarely disagree with true health claims (posed as questions), they often fail to challenge false claims: responses from InstructGPT agree with 32% of the false claims, ChatGPT 26% and BingChat 23%. As we increase the extent of presupposition in input queries, the responses from InstructGPT and ChatGPT agree with the claim considerably more often, regardless of its veracity. Responses from BingChat, which rely on retrieved webpages, are not as susceptible. Given the moderate factual accuracy, and the inability of models to consistently correct false assumptions, our work calls for a careful assessment of current LLMs for use in high-stakes scenarios.

replace-cross The Rate-Distortion-Perception-Classification Tradeoff: Joint Source Coding and Modulation via Inverse-Domain GANs

Authors: Junli Fang, Jo\~ao F. C. Mota, Baoshan Lu, Weicheng Zhang, Xuemin Hong

Abstract: The joint source-channel coding (JSCC) framework leverages deep learning to learn from data the best codes for source and channel coding. When the output signal, rather than being binary, is directly mapped onto the IQ domain (complex-valued), we call the resulting framework joint source coding and modulation (JSCM). We consider a JSCM scenario and show the existence of a strict tradeoff between channel rate, distortion, perception, and classification accuracy, a tradeoff that we name RDPC. We then propose two image compression methods to navigate that tradeoff: the RDPCO algorithm which, under simple assumptions, directly solves the optimization problem characterizing the tradeoff, and an algorithm based on an inverse-domain generative adversarial network (ID-GAN), which is more general and achieves extreme compression. Simulation results corroborate the theoretical findings, showing that both algorithms exhibit the RDPC tradeoff. They also demonstrate that the proposed ID-GAN algorithm effectively balances image distortion, perception, and classification accuracy, and significantly outperforms traditional separation-based methods and recent deep JSCM architectures in terms of one or more of these metrics.

replace-cross DebugBench: Evaluating Debugging Capability of Large Language Models

Authors: Runchu Tian, Yining Ye, Yujia Qin, Xin Cong, Yankai Lin, Yinxu Pan, Yesai Wu, Haotian Hui, Weichuan Liu, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional coding capability. However, as another critical component of programming proficiency, the debugging capability of LLMs remains relatively unexplored. Previous evaluations of LLMs' debugging ability are significantly limited by the risk of data leakage, the scale of the dataset, and the variety of tested bugs. To overcome these deficiencies, we introduce `DebugBench', an LLM debugging benchmark consisting of 4,253 instances. It covers four major bug categories and 18 minor types in C++, Java, and Python. To construct DebugBench, we collect code snippets from the LeetCode community, implant bugs into source data with GPT-4, and assure rigorous quality checks. We evaluate two commercial and four open-source models in a zero-shot scenario. We find that (1) while closed-source models exhibit inferior debugging performance compared to humans, open-source models relatively lower pass rate scores; (2) the complexity of debugging notably fluctuates depending on the bug category; (3) incorporating runtime feedback has a clear impact on debugging performance which is not always helpful. As an extension, we also compare LLM debugging and code generation, revealing a strong correlation between them for closed-source models. These findings will benefit the development of LLMs in debugging.

replace-cross A Shocking Amount of the Web is Machine Translated: Insights from Multi-Way Parallelism

Authors: Brian Thompson, Mehak Preet Dhaliwal, Peter Frisch, Tobias Domhan, Marcello Federico

Abstract: We show that content on the web is often translated into many languages, and the low quality of these multi-way translations indicates they were likely created using Machine Translation (MT). Multi-way parallel, machine generated content not only dominates the translations in lower resource languages; it also constitutes a large fraction of the total web content in those languages. We also find evidence of a selection bias in the type of content which is translated into many languages, consistent with low quality English content being translated en masse into many lower resource languages, via MT. Our work raises serious concerns about training models such as multilingual large language models on both monolingual and bilingual data scraped from the web.

replace-cross Lost in the Source Language: How Large Language Models Evaluate the Quality of Machine Translation

Authors: Xu Huang, Zhirui Zhang, Xiang Geng, Yichao Du, Jiajun Chen, Shujian Huang

Abstract: This study investigates how Large Language Models (LLMs) leverage source and reference data in machine translation evaluation task, aiming to better understand the mechanisms behind their remarkable performance in this task. We design the controlled experiments across various input modes and model types, and employ both coarse-grained and fine-grained prompts to discern the utility of source versus reference information. We find that reference information significantly enhances the evaluation accuracy, while surprisingly, source information sometimes is counterproductive, indicating LLMs' inability to fully leverage the cross-lingual capability when evaluating translations. Further analysis of the fine-grained evaluation and fine-tuning experiments show similar results. These findings also suggest a potential research direction for LLMs that fully exploits the cross-lingual capability of LLMs to achieve better performance in machine translation evaluation tasks.

replace-cross Using Large Language Model for End-to-End Chinese ASR and NER

Authors: Yuang Li, Jiawei Yu, Min Zhang, Mengxin Ren, Yanqing Zhao, Xiaofeng Zhao, Shimin Tao, Jinsong Su, Hao Yang

Abstract: Mapping speech tokens to the same feature space as text tokens has become the paradigm for the integration of speech modality into decoder-only large language models (LLMs). An alternative approach is to use an encoder-decoder architecture that incorporates speech features through cross-attention. This approach, however, has received less attention in the literature. In this work, we connect the Whisper encoder with ChatGLM3 and provide in-depth comparisons of these two approaches using Chinese automatic speech recognition (ASR) and name entity recognition (NER) tasks. We evaluate them not only by conventional metrics like the F1 score but also by a novel fine-grained taxonomy of ASR-NER errors. Our experiments reveal that encoder-decoder architecture outperforms decoder-only architecture with a short context, while decoder-only architecture benefits from a long context as it fully exploits all layers of the LLM. By using LLM, we significantly reduced the entity omission errors and improved the entity ASR accuracy compared to the Conformer baseline. Additionally, we obtained a state-of-the-art (SOTA) F1 score of 0.805 on the AISHELL-NER test set by using chain-of-thought (CoT) NER which first infers long-form ASR transcriptions and then predicts NER labels.

replace-cross ReGAL: Refactoring Programs to Discover Generalizable Abstractions

Authors: Elias Stengel-Eskin, Archiki Prasad, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) are increasingly being used for program synthesis, they lack the global view needed to develop useful abstractions; they generally predict programs one at a time, often repeating the same functionality. Generating redundant code from scratch is both inefficient and error-prone. To address this, we propose Refactoring for Generalizable Abstraction Learning (ReGAL), a gradient-free method for learning a library of reusable functions via code refactorization, i.e., restructuring code without changing its execution output. ReGAL learns from a small set of existing programs, iteratively verifying and refining its abstractions via execution. We find that the shared function libraries discovered by ReGAL make programs easier to predict across diverse domains. On five datasets -- LOGO graphics generation, Date reasoning, TextCraft (a Minecraft-based text-game) MATH, and TabMWP -- both open-source and proprietary LLMs improve in accuracy when predicting programs with ReGAL functions. For CodeLlama-13B, ReGAL results in absolute accuracy increases of 11.5% on LOGO, 26.1% on date understanding, and 8.1% on TextCraft, outperforming GPT-3.5 in two of three domains. Our analysis reveals ReGAL's abstractions encapsulate frequently-used subroutines as well as environment dynamics.

replace-cross Robust Prompt Optimization for Defending Language Models Against Jailbreaking Attacks

Authors: Andy Zhou, Bo Li, Haohan Wang

Abstract: Despite advances in AI alignment, large language models (LLMs) remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks or jailbreaking, in which adversaries can modify prompts to induce unwanted behavior. While some defenses have been proposed, they have not been adapted to newly proposed attacks and more challenging threat models. To address this, we propose an optimization-based objective for defending LLMs against jailbreaking attacks and an algorithm, Robust Prompt Optimization (RPO) to create robust system-level defenses. Our approach directly incorporates the adversary into the defensive objective and optimizes a lightweight and transferable suffix, enabling RPO to adapt to worst-case adaptive attacks. Our theoretical and experimental results show improved robustness to both jailbreaks seen during optimization and unknown jailbreaks, reducing the attack success rate (ASR) on GPT-4 to 6% and Llama-2 to 0% on JailbreakBench, setting the state-of-the-art. Code can be found at


replace-cross Proactive Detection of Voice Cloning with Localized Watermarking

Authors: Robin San Roman, Pierre Fernandez, Alexandre D\'efossez, Teddy Furon, Tuan Tran, Hady Elsahar

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of speech generative models, there is a pressing need to ensure audio authenticity against the risks of voice cloning. We present AudioSeal, the first audio watermarking technique designed specifically for localized detection of AI-generated speech. AudioSeal employs a generator/detector architecture trained jointly with a localization loss to enable localized watermark detection up to the sample level, and a novel perceptual loss inspired by auditory masking, that enables AudioSeal to achieve better imperceptibility. AudioSeal achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of robustness to real life audio manipulations and imperceptibility based on automatic and human evaluation metrics. Additionally, AudioSeal is designed with a fast, single-pass detector, that significantly surpasses existing models in speed - achieving detection up to two orders of magnitude faster, making it ideal for large-scale and real-time applications.

replace-cross Building Expressive and Tractable Probabilistic Generative Models: A Review

Authors: Sahil Sidheekh, Sriraam Natarajan

Abstract: We present a comprehensive survey of the advancements and techniques in the field of tractable probabilistic generative modeling, primarily focusing on Probabilistic Circuits (PCs). We provide a unified perspective on the inherent trade-offs between expressivity and tractability, highlighting the design principles and algorithmic extensions that have enabled building expressive and efficient PCs, and provide a taxonomy of the field. We also discuss recent efforts to build deep and hybrid PCs by fusing notions from deep neural models, and outline the challenges and open questions that can guide future research in this evolving field.

replace-cross Point Cloud Matters: Rethinking the Impact of Different Observation Spaces on Robot Learning

Authors: Haoyi Zhu, Yating Wang, Di Huang, Weicai Ye, Wanli Ouyang, Tong He

Abstract: In robot learning, the observation space is crucial due to the distinct characteristics of different modalities, which can potentially become a bottleneck alongside policy design. In this study, we explore the influence of various observation spaces on robot learning, focusing on three predominant modalities: RGB, RGB-D, and point cloud. We introduce OBSBench, a benchmark comprising two simulators and 125 tasks, along with standardized pipelines for various encoders and policy baselines. Extensive experiments on diverse contact-rich manipulation tasks reveal a notable trend: point cloud-based methods, even those with the simplest designs, frequently outperform their RGB and RGB-D counterparts. This trend persists in both scenarios: training from scratch and utilizing pre-training. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that point cloud observations often yield better policy performance and significantly stronger generalization capabilities across various geometric and visual conditions. These outcomes suggest that the 3D point cloud is a valuable observation modality for intricate robotic tasks. We also suggest that incorporating both appearance and coordinate information can enhance the performance of point cloud methods. We hope our work provides valuable insights and guidance for designing more generalizable and robust robotic models. Codes are available at


replace-cross Boosting Reinforcement Learning with Strongly Delayed Feedback Through Auxiliary Short Delays

Authors: Qingyuan Wu, Simon Sinong Zhan, Yixuan Wang, Yuhui Wang, Chung-Wei Lin, Chen Lv, Qi Zhu, J\"urgen Schmidhuber, Chao Huang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) is challenging in the common case of delays between events and their sensory perceptions. State-of-the-art (SOTA) state augmentation techniques either suffer from state space explosion or performance degeneration in stochastic environments. To address these challenges, we present a novel Auxiliary-Delayed Reinforcement Learning (AD-RL) method that leverages auxiliary tasks involving short delays to accelerate RL with long delays, without compromising performance in stochastic environments. Specifically, AD-RL learns a value function for short delays and uses bootstrapping and policy improvement techniques to adjust it for long delays. We theoretically show that this can greatly reduce the sample complexity. On deterministic and stochastic benchmarks, our method significantly outperforms the SOTAs in both sample efficiency and policy performance. Code is available at


replace-cross MLLM-as-a-Judge: Assessing Multimodal LLM-as-a-Judge with Vision-Language Benchmark

Authors: Dongping Chen, Ruoxi Chen, Shilin Zhang, Yinuo Liu, Yaochen Wang, Huichi Zhou, Qihui Zhang, Pan Zhou, Yao Wan, Lichao Sun

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have gained significant attention recently, showing remarkable potential in artificial general intelligence. However, assessing the utility of MLLMs presents considerable challenges, primarily due to the absence of multimodal benchmarks that align with human preferences. Drawing inspiration from the concept of LLM-as-a-Judge within LLMs, this paper introduces a novel benchmark, termed MLLM-as-a-Judge, to assess the ability of MLLMs in assisting judges across diverse modalities, encompassing three distinct tasks: Scoring Evaluation, Pair Comparison, and Batch Ranking. Our study reveals that, while MLLMs demonstrate remarkable human-like discernment in Pair Comparison, there is a significant divergence from human preferences in Scoring Evaluation and Batch Ranking. Furthermore, a closer examination reveals persistent challenges in the judgment capacities of LLMs, including diverse biases, hallucinatory responses, and inconsistencies in judgment, even in advanced models such as GPT-4V. These findings emphasize the pressing need for enhancements and further research efforts to be undertaken before regarding MLLMs as fully reliable evaluators. In light of this, we advocate for additional efforts dedicated to supporting the continuous development within the domain of MLLM functioning as judges. The code and dataset are publicly available at our project homepage: \url{}.


replace-cross Entropy-Regularized Token-Level Policy Optimization for Language Agent Reinforcement

Authors: Muning Wen, Junwei Liao, Cheng Deng, Jun Wang, Weinan Zhang, Ying Wen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise as intelligent agents in interactive decision-making tasks. Traditional approaches often depend on meticulously designed prompts, high-quality examples, or additional reward models for in-context learning, supervised fine-tuning, or RLHF. Reinforcement learning (RL) presents a dynamic alternative for LLMs to overcome these dependencies by engaging directly with task-specific environments. Nonetheless, it faces significant hurdles: 1) instability stemming from the exponentially vast action space requiring exploration; 2) challenges in assigning token-level credit based on action-level reward signals, resulting in discord between maximizing rewards and accurately modeling corpus data. In response to these challenges, we introduce Entropy-Regularized Token-level Policy Optimization (ETPO), an entropy-augmented RL method tailored for optimizing LLMs at the token level. At the heart of ETPO is our novel per-token soft Bellman update, designed to harmonize the RL process with the principles of language modeling. This methodology decomposes the Q-function update from a coarse action-level view to a more granular token-level perspective, backed by theoretical proof of optimization consistency. Crucially, this decomposition renders linear time complexity in action exploration. We assess the effectiveness of ETPO within a simulated environment that models data science code generation as a series of multi-step interactive tasks; results underline ETPO's potential as a robust method for refining the interactive decision-making capabilities of language agents. For a more detailed preliminary work describing our motivation for token-level decomposition and applying it in PPO methods, please refer to arXiv:2405.15821.

replace-cross NICE: To Optimize In-Context Examples or Not?

Authors: Pragya Srivastava, Satvik Golechha, Amit Deshpande, Amit Sharma

Abstract: Recent work shows that in-context learning and optimization of in-context examples (ICE) can significantly improve the accuracy of large language models (LLMs) on a wide range of tasks, leading to an apparent consensus that ICE optimization is crucial for better performance. However, most of these studies assume a fixed or no instruction provided in the prompt. We challenge this consensus by investigating the necessity of optimizing ICE when task-specific instructions are provided and find that there are many tasks for which it yields diminishing returns. In particular, using a diverse set of tasks and a systematically created instruction set with gradually added details, we find that as the prompt instruction becomes more detailed, the returns on ICE optimization diminish. To characterize this behavior, we introduce a task-specific metric called Normalized Invariability to Choice of Examples (NICE) that quantifies the learnability of tasks from a given instruction, and provides a heuristic to help decide whether to optimize instructions or ICE for a new task. Given a task, the proposed metric can reliably predict the utility of optimizing ICE compared to using random ICE. Our code is available at


replace-cross CMFeed: A Benchmark Dataset for Controllable Multimodal Feedback Synthesis

Authors: Puneet Kumar, Sarthak Malik, Balasubramanian Raman, Xiaobai Li

Abstract: The Controllable Multimodal Feedback Synthesis (CMFeed) dataset enables the generation of sentiment-controlled feedback from multimodal inputs. It contains images, text, human comments, comments' metadata and sentiment labels. Existing datasets for related tasks such as multimodal summarization, visual question answering, visual dialogue, and sentiment-aware text generation do not incorporate training models using human-generated outputs and their metadata, a gap that CMFeed addresses. This capability is critical for developing feedback systems that understand and replicate human-like spontaneous responses. Based on the CMFeed dataset, we define a novel task of controllable feedback synthesis to generate context-aware feedback aligned with the desired sentiment. We propose a benchmark feedback synthesis system comprising encoder, decoder, and controllability modules. It employs transformer and Faster R-CNN networks to extract features and generate sentiment-specific feedback, achieving a sentiment classification accuracy of 77.23%, which is 18.82% higher than models not leveraging the dataset's unique controllability features. Additionally, we incorporate a similarity module for relevance assessment through rank-based metrics.

replace-cross DUDF: Differentiable Unsigned Distance Fields with Hyperbolic Scaling

Authors: Miguel Fainstein, Viviana Siless, Emmanuel Iarussi

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in training Neural Networks to approximate Unsigned Distance Fields (UDFs) for representing open surfaces in the context of 3D reconstruction. However, UDFs are non-differentiable at the zero level set which leads to significant errors in distances and gradients, generally resulting in fragmented and discontinuous surfaces. In this paper, we propose to learn a hyperbolic scaling of the unsigned distance field, which defines a new Eikonal problem with distinct boundary conditions. This allows our formulation to integrate seamlessly with state-of-the-art continuously differentiable implicit neural representation networks, largely applied in the literature to represent signed distance fields. Our approach not only addresses the challenge of open surface representation but also demonstrates significant improvement in reconstruction quality and training performance. Moreover, the unlocked field's differentiability allows the accurate computation of essential topological properties such as normal directions and curvatures, pervasive in downstream tasks such as rendering. Through extensive experiments, we validate our approach across various data sets and against competitive baselines. The results demonstrate enhanced accuracy and up to an order of magnitude increase in speed compared to previous methods.

replace-cross Direct Preference Optimization with an Offset

Authors: Afra Amini, Tim Vieira, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Direct preference optimization (DPO) is a successful fine-tuning strategy for aligning large language models with human preferences without the need to train a reward model or employ reinforcement learning. DPO, as originally formulated, relies on binary preference data and fine-tunes a language model to increase the likelihood of a preferred response over a dispreferred response. However, not all preference pairs are equal. Sometimes, the preferred response is only slightly better than the dispreferred one. In other cases, the preference is much stronger. For instance, if a response contains harmful or toxic content, the annotator will have a strong preference for that response. In this paper, we propose a generalization of DPO, termed DPO with an offset (ODPO), that does not treat every preference pair equally during fine-tuning. Intuitively, ODPO requires the difference between the likelihood of the preferred and dispreferred response to be greater than an offset value. The offset is determined based on the extent to which one response is preferred over another. Our experiments on various tasks suggest that ODPO significantly outperforms DPO in aligning language models, especially when the number of preference pairs is limited.

replace-cross When is Tree Search Useful for LLM Planning? It Depends on the Discriminator

Authors: Ziru Chen, Michael White, Raymond Mooney, Ali Payani, Yu Su, Huan Sun

Abstract: In this paper, we examine how large language models (LLMs) solve multi-step problems under a language agent framework with three components: a generator, a discriminator, and a planning method. We investigate the practical utility of two advanced planning methods, iterative correction and tree search. We present a comprehensive analysis of how discrimination accuracy affects the overall performance of agents when using these two methods or a simpler method, re-ranking. Experiments on two tasks, text-to-SQL parsing and mathematical reasoning, show that: (1) advanced planning methods demand discriminators with at least 90% accuracy to achieve significant improvements over re-ranking; (2) current LLMs' discrimination abilities have not met the needs of advanced planning methods to achieve such improvements; (3) with LLM-based discriminators, advanced planning methods may not adequately balance accuracy and efficiency. For example, compared to the other two methods, tree search is at least 10--20 times slower but leads to negligible performance gains, which hinders its real-world applications. Code and data are available at


replace-cross Contrastive Instruction Tuning

Authors: Tianyi Lorena Yan, Fei Wang, James Y. Huang, Wenxuan Zhou, Fan Yin, Aram Galstyan, Wenpeng Yin, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Instruction tuning has been used as a promising approach to improve the performance of large language models (LLMs) on unseen tasks. However, current LLMs exhibit limited robustness to unseen instructions, generating inconsistent outputs when the same instruction is phrased with slightly varied forms or language styles. This behavior indicates LLMs' lack of robustness to textual variations and generalizability to unseen instructions, potentially leading to trustworthiness issues. Accordingly, we propose Contrastive Instruction Tuning, which maximizes the similarity between the hidden representations of semantically equivalent instruction-instance pairs while minimizing the similarity between semantically different ones. To facilitate this approach, we augment the existing FLAN collection by paraphrasing task instructions. Experiments on the PromptBench benchmark show that CoIN consistently improves LLMs' robustness to unseen instructions with variations across character, word, sentence, and semantic levels by an average of +2.5% in accuracy. Code is available at


replace-cross Language Models Don't Learn the Physical Manifestation of Language

Authors: Bruce W. Lee, JaeHyuk Lim

Abstract: We argue that language-only models don't learn the physical manifestation of language. We present an empirical investigation of visual-auditory properties of language through a series of tasks, termed H-Test. These tasks highlight a fundamental gap between human linguistic understanding and the sensory-deprived linguistic understanding of LLMs. In support of our hypothesis, 1. deliberate reasoning (Chain-of-Thought), 2. few-shot examples, or 3. stronger LLM from the same model family (LLaMA 2 13B -> LLaMA 2 70B) has no significant effect on H-Test performance. We bring in the philosophical case of Mary, who learns about the world in a sensory-deprived environment as a useful conceptual framework to understand how language-only models learn about the world (Jackson, 1986). Our experiments show that some of the strongest proprietary LLMs stay near random chance baseline accuracy of 50%, highlighting the limitations of linguistic knowledge acquired in the absence of sensory experience. Our code and data are available at .

replace-cross Attractor Memory for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting: A Chaos Perspective

Authors: Jiaxi Hu, Yuehong Hu, Wei Chen, Ming Jin, Shirui Pan, Qingsong Wen, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: In long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) tasks, an increasing number of models have acknowledged that discrete time series originate from continuous dynamic systems and have attempted to model their dynamical structures. Recognizing the chaotic nature of real-world data, our model, \textbf{\textit{Attraos}}, incorporates chaos theory into LTSF, perceiving real-world time series as observations from unknown high-dimensional chaotic dynamic systems. Under the concept of attractor invariance, Attraos utilizes non-parametric Phase Space Reconstruction embedding and the proposed multi-scale dynamic memory unit to memorize historical dynamics structure and predicts by a frequency-enhanced local evolution strategy. Detailed theoretical analysis and abundant empirical evidence consistently show that Attraos outperforms various LTSF methods on mainstream LTSF datasets and chaotic datasets with only one-twelfth of the parameters compared to PatchTST.

replace-cross LEIA: Facilitating Cross-lingual Knowledge Transfer in Language Models with Entity-based Data Augmentation

Authors: Ikuya Yamada, Ryokan Ri

Abstract: Adapting English-based large language models (LLMs) to other languages has become increasingly popular due to the efficiency and potential of cross-lingual transfer. However, existing language adaptation methods often overlook the benefits of cross-lingual supervision. In this study, we introduce LEIA, a language adaptation tuning method that utilizes Wikipedia entity names aligned across languages. This method involves augmenting the target language corpus with English entity names and training the model using left-to-right language modeling. We assess LEIA on diverse question answering datasets using 7B-parameter LLMs, demonstrating significant performance gains across various non-English languages. The source code is available at


replace-cross Emulated Disalignment: Safety Alignment for Large Language Models May Backfire!

Authors: Zhanhui Zhou, Jie Liu, Zhichen Dong, Jiaheng Liu, Chao Yang, Wanli Ouyang, Yu Qiao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) undergo safety alignment to ensure safe conversations with humans. However, this paper introduces a training-free attack method capable of reversing safety alignment, converting the outcomes of stronger alignment into greater potential for harm by accessing only LLM output token distributions. Specifically, our method achieves this reversal by contrasting the output token distribution of a safety-aligned language model (e.g., Llama-2-chat) against its pre-trained version (e.g., Llama-2), so that the token predictions are shifted towards the opposite direction of safety alignment. We name this method emulated disalignment (ED) because sampling from this contrastive distribution provably emulates the result of fine-tuning to minimize a safety reward. Our experiments with ED across three evaluation datasets and four model families (Llama-1, Llama-2, Mistral, and Alpaca) show that ED doubles the harmfulness of pre-trained models and outperforms strong baselines, achieving the highest harmful rates in 43 out of 48 evaluation subsets by a large margin. Eventually, given ED's reliance on language model output token distributions, which particularly compromises open-source models, our findings highlight the need to reassess the open accessibility of language models, even if they have been safety-aligned. Code is available at


replace-cross Tables as Texts or Images: Evaluating the Table Reasoning Ability of LLMs and MLLMs

Authors: Naihao Deng, Zhenjie Sun, Ruiqi He, Aman Sikka, Yulong Chen, Lin Ma, Yue Zhang, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of various LLMs in interpreting tabular data through different prompting strategies and data formats. Our analyses extend across six benchmarks for table-related tasks such as question-answering and fact-checking. We introduce for the first time the assessment of LLMs' performance on image-based table representations. Specifically, we compare five text-based and three image-based table representations, demonstrating the role of representation and prompting on LLM performance. Our study provides insights into the effective use of LLMs on table-related tasks.

replace-cross The Revolution of Multimodal Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Davide Caffagni, Federico Cocchi, Luca Barsellotti, Nicholas Moratelli, Sara Sarto, Lorenzo Baraldi, Lorenzo Baraldi, Marcella Cornia, Rita Cucchiara

Abstract: Connecting text and visual modalities plays an essential role in generative intelligence. For this reason, inspired by the success of large language models, significant research efforts are being devoted to the development of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). These models can seamlessly integrate visual and textual modalities, while providing a dialogue-based interface and instruction-following capabilities. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of recent visual-based MLLMs, analyzing their architectural choices, multimodal alignment strategies, and training techniques. We also conduct a detailed analysis of these models across a wide range of tasks, including visual grounding, image generation and editing, visual understanding, and domain-specific applications. Additionally, we compile and describe training datasets and evaluation benchmarks, conducting comparisons among existing models in terms of performance and computational requirements. Overall, this survey offers a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art, laying the groundwork for future MLLMs.

replace-cross TRAP: Targeted Random Adversarial Prompt Honeypot for Black-Box Identification

Authors: Martin Gubri, Dennis Ulmer, Hwaran Lee, Sangdoo Yun, Seong Joon Oh

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM) services and models often come with legal rules on who can use them and how they must use them. Assessing the compliance of the released LLMs is crucial, as these rules protect the interests of the LLM contributor and prevent misuse. In this context, we describe the novel fingerprinting problem of Black-box Identity Verification (BBIV). The goal is to determine whether a third-party application uses a certain LLM through its chat function. We propose a method called Targeted Random Adversarial Prompt (TRAP) that identifies the specific LLM in use. We repurpose adversarial suffixes, originally proposed for jailbreaking, to get a pre-defined answer from the target LLM, while other models give random answers. TRAP detects the target LLMs with over 95% true positive rate at under 0.2% false positive rate even after a single interaction. TRAP remains effective even if the LLM has minor changes that do not significantly alter the original function.

replace-cross Soft Self-Consistency Improves Language Model Agents

Authors: Han Wang, Archiki Prasad, Elias Stengel-Eskin, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Generations from large language models (LLMs) can be improved by sampling and scoring multiple solutions to select a final answer. Current "sample and select" methods such as self-consistency (SC) rely on majority voting to score answers. However, when tasks have many distinct and valid answers, selection by voting requires a large number of samples. This makes SC prohibitively expensive for interactive tasks that involve generating multiple actions (answers) sequentially. After establishing that majority voting fails to provide consistent gains on such tasks, we demonstrate how to increase success rates by softening the scoring criterion. We introduce Soft Self-Consistency (SOFT-SC), which replaces SC's discontinuous scoring with a continuous score computed from model likelihoods, allowing for selection even when actions are sparsely distributed. SOFT-SC improves both performance and efficiency on long-horizon interactive tasks, requiring half as many samples as SC for comparable or better performance. For a fixed number of samples, SOFT-SC leads to a 1.3% increase over SC in absolute success rate on writing bash programs, a 6.6% increase on online shopping (WebShop), and a 4.7% increase for an interactive household game (ALFWorld). Finally, we show that SOFT-SC can be applied to both open-source and black-box models.

replace-cross FanOutQA: A Multi-Hop, Multi-Document Question Answering Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Andrew Zhu, Alyssa Hwang, Liam Dugan, Chris Callison-Burch

Abstract: One type of question that is commonly found in day-to-day scenarios is ``fan-out'' questions, complex multi-hop, multi-document reasoning questions that require finding information about a large number of entities. However, there exist few resources to evaluate this type of question-answering capability among large language models. To evaluate complex reasoning in LLMs more fully, we present FanOutQA, a high-quality dataset of fan-out question-answer pairs and human-annotated decompositions with English Wikipedia as the knowledge base. We formulate three benchmark settings across our dataset and benchmark 7 LLMs, including GPT-4, LLaMA 2, Claude-2.1, and Mixtral-8x7B, finding that contemporary models still have room to improve reasoning over inter-document dependencies in a long context. We provide our dataset and open-source tools to run models to encourage evaluation at


replace-cross Transformable Gaussian Reward Function for Socially-Aware Navigation with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jinyeob Kim, Sumin Kang, Sungwoo Yang, Beomjoon Kim, Jargalbaatar Yura, Donghan Kim

Abstract: Robot navigation has transitioned from prioritizing obstacle avoidance to adopting socially aware navigation strategies that accommodate human presence. As a result, the recognition of socially aware navigation within dynamic human-centric environments has gained prominence in the field of robotics. Although reinforcement learning technique has fostered the advancement of socially aware navigation, defining appropriate reward functions, especially in congested environments, has posed a significant challenge. These rewards, crucial in guiding robot actions, demand intricate human-crafted design due to their complex nature and inability to be automatically set. The multitude of manually designed rewards poses issues with hyperparameter redundancy, imbalance, and inadequate representation of unique object characteristics. To address these challenges, we introduce a transformable gaussian reward function (TGRF). The TGRF significantly reduces the burden of hyperparameter tuning, displays adaptability across various reward functions, and demonstrates accelerated learning rates, particularly excelling in crowded environments utilizing deep reinforcement learning (DRL). We introduce and validate TGRF through sections highlighting its conceptual background, characteristics, experiments, and real-world application, paving the way for a more effective and adaptable approach in robotics.The complete source code is available on


replace-cross Position: Categorical Deep Learning is an Algebraic Theory of All Architectures

Authors: Bruno Gavranovi\'c, Paul Lessard, Andrew Dudzik, Tamara von Glehn, Jo\~ao G. M. Ara\'ujo, Petar Veli\v{c}kovi\'c

Abstract: We present our position on the elusive quest for a general-purpose framework for specifying and studying deep learning architectures. Our opinion is that the key attempts made so far lack a coherent bridge between specifying constraints which models must satisfy and specifying their implementations. Focusing on building a such a bridge, we propose to apply category theory -- precisely, the universal algebra of monads valued in a 2-category of parametric maps -- as a single theory elegantly subsuming both of these flavours of neural network design. To defend our position, we show how this theory recovers constraints induced by geometric deep learning, as well as implementations of many architectures drawn from the diverse landscape of neural networks, such as RNNs. We also illustrate how the theory naturally encodes many standard constructs in computer science and automata theory.

replace-cross A Comprehensive Evaluation of Quantization Strategies for Large Language Models

Authors: Renren Jin, Jiangcun Du, Wuwei Huang, Wei Liu, Jian Luan, Bin Wang, Deyi Xiong

Abstract: Increasing the number of parameters in large language models (LLMs) usually improves performance in downstream tasks but raises compute and memory costs, making deployment difficult in resource-limited settings. Quantization techniques, which reduce the bits needed for model weights or activations with minimal performance loss, have become popular due to the rise of LLMs. However, most quantization studies use pre-trained LLMs, and the impact of quantization on instruction-tuned LLMs and the relationship between perplexity and benchmark performance of quantized LLMs are not well understood. Evaluation of quantized LLMs is often limited to language modeling and a few classification tasks, leaving their performance on other benchmarks unclear. To address these gaps, we propose a structured evaluation framework consisting of three critical dimensions: (1) knowledge \& capacity, (2) alignment, and (3) efficiency, and conduct extensive experiments across ten diverse benchmarks. Our experimental results indicate that LLMs with 4-bit quantization can retain performance comparable to their non-quantized counterparts, and perplexity can serve as a proxy metric for quantized LLMs on most benchmarks. Furthermore, quantized LLMs with larger parameter scales can outperform smaller LLMs. Despite the memory savings achieved through quantization, it can also slow down the inference speed of LLMs. Consequently, substantial engineering efforts and hardware support are imperative to achieve a balanced optimization of decoding speed and memory consumption in the context of quantized LLMs.

replace-cross Deep Learning Based Named Entity Recognition Models for Recipes

Authors: Mansi Goel, Ayush Agarwal, Shubham Agrawal, Janak Kapuriya, Akhil Vamshi Konam, Rishabh Gupta, Shrey Rastogi, Niharika, Ganesh Bagler

Abstract: Food touches our lives through various endeavors, including flavor, nourishment, health, and sustainability. Recipes are cultural capsules transmitted across generations via unstructured text. Automated protocols for recognizing named entities, the building blocks of recipe text, are of immense value for various applications ranging from information extraction to novel recipe generation. Named entity recognition is a technique for extracting information from unstructured or semi-structured data with known labels. Starting with manually-annotated data of 6,611 ingredient phrases, we created an augmented dataset of 26,445 phrases cumulatively. Simultaneously, we systematically cleaned and analyzed ingredient phrases from RecipeDB, the gold-standard recipe data repository, and annotated them using the Stanford NER. Based on the analysis, we sampled a subset of 88,526 phrases using a clustering-based approach while preserving the diversity to create the machine-annotated dataset. A thorough investigation of NER approaches on these three datasets involving statistical, fine-tuning of deep learning-based language models and few-shot prompting on large language models (LLMs) provides deep insights. We conclude that few-shot prompting on LLMs has abysmal performance, whereas the fine-tuned spaCy-transformer emerges as the best model with macro-F1 scores of 95.9%, 96.04%, and 95.71% for the manually-annotated, augmented, and machine-annotated datasets, respectively.

replace-cross Variational Learning is Effective for Large Deep Networks

Authors: Yuesong Shen, Nico Daheim, Bai Cong, Peter Nickl, Gian Maria Marconi, Clement Bazan, Rio Yokota, Iryna Gurevych, Daniel Cremers, Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan, Thomas M\"ollenhoff

Abstract: We give extensive empirical evidence against the common belief that variational learning is ineffective for large neural networks. We show that an optimizer called Improved Variational Online Newton (IVON) consistently matches or outperforms Adam for training large networks such as GPT-2 and ResNets from scratch. IVON's computational costs are nearly identical to Adam but its predictive uncertainty is better. We show several new use cases of IVON where we improve finetuning and model merging in Large Language Models, accurately predict generalization error, and faithfully estimate sensitivity to data. We find overwhelming evidence that variational learning is effective.

replace-cross Evaluating Quantized Large Language Models

Authors: Shiyao Li, Xuefei Ning, Luning Wang, Tengxuan Liu, Xiangsheng Shi, Shengen Yan, Guohao Dai, Huazhong Yang, Yu Wang

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) has emerged as a promising technique to reduce the cost of large language models (LLMs). Specifically, PTQ can effectively mitigate memory consumption and reduce computational overhead in LLMs. To meet the requirements of both high efficiency and performance across diverse scenarios, a comprehensive evaluation of quantized LLMs is essential to guide the selection of quantization methods. This paper presents a thorough evaluation of these factors by evaluating the effect of PTQ on Weight, Activation, and KV Cache on 11 model families, including OPT, LLaMA2, Falcon, Bloomz, Mistral, ChatGLM, Vicuna, LongChat, StableLM, Gemma, and Mamba, with parameters ranging from 125M to 180B. The evaluation encompasses five types of tasks: basic NLP, emergent ability, trustworthiness, dialogue, and long-context tasks. Moreover, we also evaluate the state-of-the-art (SOTA) quantization methods to demonstrate their applicability. Based on the extensive experiments, we systematically summarize the effect of quantization, provide recommendations to apply quantization techniques, and point out future directions. The code can be found in


replace-cross STAR: Constraint LoRA with Dynamic Active Learning for Data-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models

Authors: Linhai Zhang, Jialong Wu, Deyu Zhou, Guoqiang Xu

Abstract: Though Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated the powerful capabilities of few-shot learning through prompting methods, supervised training is still necessary for complex reasoning tasks. Because of their extensive parameters and memory consumption, both Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods and Memory-Efficient Fine-Tuning methods have been proposed for LLMs. Nevertheless, the issue of large annotated data consumption, the aim of Data-Efficient Fine-Tuning, remains unexplored. One obvious way is to combine the PEFT method with active learning. However, the experimental results show that such a combination is not trivial and yields inferior results. Through probe experiments, such observation might be explained by two main reasons: uncertainty gap and poor model calibration. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel approach to effectively integrate uncertainty-based active learning and LoRA. Specifically, for the uncertainty gap, we introduce a dynamic uncertainty measurement that combines the uncertainty of the base model and the uncertainty of the full model during the iteration of active learning. For poor model calibration, we incorporate the regularization method during LoRA training to keep the model from being over-confident, and the Monte-Carlo dropout mechanism is employed to enhance the uncertainty estimation. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms existing baseline models on three complex reasoning tasks.

replace-cross DINER: Debiasing Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Multi-variable Causal Inference

Authors: Jialong Wu, Linhai Zhang, Deyu Zhou, Guoqiang Xu

Abstract: Though notable progress has been made, neural-based aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) models are prone to learn spurious correlations from annotation biases, resulting in poor robustness on adversarial data transformations. Among the debiasing solutions, causal inference-based methods have attracted much research attention, which can be mainly categorized into causal intervention methods and counterfactual reasoning methods. However, most of the present debiasing methods focus on single-variable causal inference, which is not suitable for ABSA with two input variables (the target aspect and the review). In this paper, we propose a novel framework based on multi-variable causal inference for debiasing ABSA. In this framework, different types of biases are tackled based on different causal intervention methods. For the review branch, the bias is modeled as indirect confounding from context, where backdoor adjustment intervention is employed for debiasing. For the aspect branch, the bias is described as a direct correlation with labels, where counterfactual reasoning is adopted for debiasing. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to various baselines on the two widely used real-world aspect robustness test set datasets.

replace-cross Spatio-Temporal Field Neural Networks for Air Quality Inference

Authors: Yutong Feng, Qiongyan Wang, Yutong Xia, Junlin Huang, Siru Zhong, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: The air quality inference problem aims to utilize historical data from a limited number of observation sites to infer the air quality index at an unknown location. Considering the sparsity of data due to the high maintenance cost of the stations, good inference algorithms can effectively save the cost and refine the data granularity. While spatio-temporal graph neural networks have made excellent progress on this problem, their non-Euclidean and discrete data structure modeling of reality limits its potential. In this work, we make the first attempt to combine two different spatio-temporal perspectives, fields and graphs, by proposing a new model, Spatio-Temporal Field Neural Network, and its corresponding new framework, Pyramidal Inference. Extensive experiments validate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance in nationwide air quality inference in the Chinese Mainland, demonstrating the superiority of our proposed model and framework.

replace-cross SoK: Challenges and Opportunities in Federated Unlearning

Authors: Hyejun Jeong, Shiqing Ma, Amir Houmansadr

Abstract: Federated learning (FL), introduced in 2017, facilitates collaborative learning between non-trusting parties with no need for the parties to explicitly share their data among themselves. This allows training models on user data while respecting privacy regulations such as GDPR and CPRA. However, emerging privacy requirements may mandate model owners to be able to \emph{forget} some learned data, e.g., when requested by data owners or law enforcement. This has given birth to an active field of research called \emph{machine unlearning}. In the context of FL, many techniques developed for unlearning in centralized settings are not trivially applicable! This is due to the unique differences between centralized and distributed learning, in particular, interactivity, stochasticity, heterogeneity, and limited accessibility in FL. In response, a recent line of work has focused on developing unlearning mechanisms tailored to FL. This SoK paper aims to take a deep look at the \emph{federated unlearning} literature, with the goal of identifying research trends and challenges in this emerging field. By carefully categorizing papers published on FL unlearning (since 2020), we aim to pinpoint the unique complexities of federated unlearning, highlighting limitations on directly applying centralized unlearning methods. We compare existing federated unlearning methods regarding influence removal and performance recovery, compare their threat models and assumptions, and discuss their implications and limitations. For instance, we analyze the experimental setup of FL unlearning studies from various perspectives, including data heterogeneity and its simulation, the datasets used for demonstration, and evaluation metrics. Our work aims to offer insights and suggestions for future research on federated unlearning.

replace-cross Tell, Don't Show!: Language Guidance Eases Transfer Across Domains in Images and Videos

Authors: Tarun Kalluri, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Manmohan Chandraker

Abstract: We introduce LaGTran, a novel framework that utilizes text supervision to guide robust transfer of discriminative knowledge from labeled source to unlabeled target data with domain gaps. While unsupervised adaptation methods have been established to address this problem, they show limitations in handling challenging domain shifts due to their exclusive operation within the pixel-space. Motivated by our observation that semantically richer text modality has more favorable transfer properties, we devise a transfer mechanism to use a source-trained text-classifier to generate predictions on the target text descriptions, and utilize these predictions as supervision for the corresponding images. Our approach driven by language guidance is surprisingly easy and simple, yet significantly outperforms all prior approaches on challenging datasets like GeoNet and DomainNet, validating its extreme effectiveness. To further extend the scope of our study beyond images, we introduce a new benchmark called Ego2Exo to study ego-exo transfer in videos and find that our language-aided approach LaGTran yields significant gains in this highly challenging and non-trivial transfer setting. Code, models, and proposed datasets are publicly available at


replace-cross RA-ISF: Learning to Answer and Understand from Retrieval Augmentation via Iterative Self-Feedback

Authors: Yanming Liu, Xinyue Peng, Xuhong Zhang, Weihao Liu, Jianwei Yin, Jiannan Cao, Tianyu Du

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate exceptional performance in numerous tasks but still heavily rely on knowledge stored in their parameters. Moreover, updating this knowledge incurs high training costs. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) methods address this issue by integrating external knowledge. The model can answer questions it couldn't previously by retrieving knowledge relevant to the query. This approach improves performance in certain scenarios for specific tasks. However, if irrelevant texts are retrieved, it may impair model performance. In this paper, we propose Retrieval Augmented Iterative Self-Feedback (RA-ISF), a framework that iteratively decomposes tasks and processes them in three submodules to enhance the model's problem-solving capabilities. Experiments show that our method outperforms existing benchmarks, performing well on models like GPT3.5, Llama2, significantly enhancing factual reasoning capabilities and reducing hallucinations.

replace-cross ThermoHands: A Benchmark for 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Egocentric Thermal Images

Authors: Fangqiang Ding, Yunzhou Zhu, Xiangyu Wen, Gaowen Liu, Chris Xiaoxuan Lu

Abstract: In this work, we present ThermoHands, a new benchmark for thermal image-based egocentric 3D hand pose estimation, aimed at overcoming challenges like varying lighting conditions and obstructions (e.g., handwear). The benchmark includes a multi-view and multi-spectral dataset collected from 28 subjects performing hand-object and hand-virtual interactions under diverse scenarios, accurately annotated with 3D hand poses through an automated process. We introduce a new baseline method, TherFormer, utilizing dual transformer modules for effective egocentric 3D hand pose estimation in thermal imagery. Our experimental results highlight TherFormer's leading performance and affirm thermal imaging's effectiveness in enabling robust 3D hand pose estimation in adverse conditions.

replace-cross Argument-Aware Approach To Event Linking

Authors: I-Hung Hsu, Zihan Xue, Nilay Pochh, Sahil Bansal, Premkumar Natarajan, Jayanth Srinivasa, Nanyun Peng

Abstract: Event linking connects event mentions in text with relevant nodes in a knowledge base (KB). Prior research in event linking has mainly borrowed methods from entity linking, overlooking the distinct features of events. Compared to the extensively explored entity linking task, events have more complex structures and can be more effectively distinguished by examining their associated arguments. Moreover, the information-rich nature of events leads to the scarcity of event KBs. This emphasizes the need for event linking models to identify and classify event mentions not in the KB as ``out-of-KB,'' an area that has received limited attention. In this work, we tackle these challenges by introducing an argument-aware approach. First, we improve event linking models by augmenting input text with tagged event argument information, facilitating the recognition of key information about event mentions. Subsequently, to help the model handle ``out-of-KB'' scenarios, we synthesize out-of-KB training examples from in-KB instances through controlled manipulation of event arguments. Our experiment across two test datasets showed significant enhancements in both in-KB and out-of-KB scenarios, with a notable 22% improvement in out-of-KB evaluations.

replace-cross A Survey on Multilingual Large Language Models: Corpora, Alignment, and Bias

Authors: Yuemei Xu, Ling Hu, Jiayi Zhao, Zihan Qiu, Yuqi Ye, Hanwen Gu

Abstract: Based on the foundation of Large Language Models (LLMs), Multilingual Large Language Models (MLLMs) have been developed to address the challenges of multilingual natural language processing tasks, hoping to achieve knowledge transfer from high-resource to low-resource languages. However, significant limitations and challenges still exist, such as language imbalance, multilingual alignment, and inherent bias. In this paper, we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of MLLMs, delving deeply into discussions surrounding these critical issues. First of all, we start by presenting an overview of MLLMs, covering their evolution, key techniques, and multilingual capacities. Secondly, we explore widely utilized multilingual corpora for MLLMs' training and multilingual datasets oriented for downstream tasks that are crucial for enhancing the cross-lingual capability of MLLMs. Thirdly, we survey the existing studies on multilingual representations and investigate whether the current MLLMs can learn a universal language representation. Fourthly, we discuss bias on MLLMs including its category and evaluation metrics, and summarize the existing debiasing techniques. Finally, we discuss existing challenges and point out promising research directions. By demonstrating these aspects, this paper aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of MLLMs and their potentiality in various domains.

replace-cross Is Table Retrieval a Solved Problem? Exploring Join-Aware Multi-Table Retrieval

Authors: Peter Baile Chen, Yi Zhang, Dan Roth

Abstract: Retrieving relevant tables containing the necessary information to accurately answer a given question over tables is critical to open-domain question-answering (QA) systems. Previous methods assume the answer to such a question can be found either in a single table or multiple tables identified through question decomposition or rewriting. However, neither of these approaches is sufficient, as many questions require retrieving multiple tables and joining them through a join plan that cannot be discerned from the user query itself. If the join plan is not considered in the retrieval stage, the subsequent steps of reasoning and answering based on those retrieved tables are likely to be incorrect. To address this problem, we introduce a method that uncovers useful join relations for any query and database during table retrieval. We use a novel re-ranking method formulated as a mixed-integer program that considers not only table-query relevance but also table-table relevance that requires inferring join relationships. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches for table retrieval by up to 9.3% in F1 score and for end-to-end QA by up to 5.4% in accuracy.

replace-cross Competition Report: Finding Universal Jailbreak Backdoors in Aligned LLMs

Authors: Javier Rando, Francesco Croce, Kry\v{s}tof Mitka, Stepan Shabalin, Maksym Andriushchenko, Nicolas Flammarion, Florian Tram\`er

Abstract: Large language models are aligned to be safe, preventing users from generating harmful content like misinformation or instructions for illegal activities. However, previous work has shown that the alignment process is vulnerable to poisoning attacks. Adversaries can manipulate the safety training data to inject backdoors that act like a universal sudo command: adding the backdoor string to any prompt enables harmful responses from models that, otherwise, behave safely. Our competition, co-located at IEEE SaTML 2024, challenged participants to find universal backdoors in several large language models. This report summarizes the key findings and promising ideas for future research.

replace-cross LogicBench: Towards Systematic Evaluation of Logical Reasoning Ability of Large Language Models

Authors: Mihir Parmar, Nisarg Patel, Neeraj Varshney, Mutsumi Nakamura, Man Luo, Santosh Mashetty, Arindam Mitra, Chitta Baral

Abstract: Recently developed large language models (LLMs) have been shown to perform remarkably well on a wide range of language understanding tasks. But, can they really "reason" over the natural language? This question has been receiving significant research attention and many reasoning skills such as commonsense, numerical, and qualitative have been studied. However, the crucial skill pertaining to 'logical reasoning' has remained underexplored. Existing work investigating this reasoning ability of LLMs has focused only on a couple of inference rules (such as modus ponens and modus tollens) of propositional and first-order logic. Addressing the above limitation, we comprehensively evaluate the logical reasoning ability of LLMs on 25 different reasoning patterns spanning over propositional, first-order, and non-monotonic logics. To enable systematic evaluation, we introduce LogicBench, a natural language question-answering dataset focusing on the use of a single inference rule. We conduct detailed analysis with a range of LLMs such as GPT-4, ChatGPT, Gemini, Llama-2, and Mistral using chain-of-thought prompting. Experimental results show that existing LLMs do not fare well on LogicBench; especially, they struggle with instances involving complex reasoning and negations. Furthermore, they sometimes overlook contextual information necessary for reasoning to arrive at the correct conclusion. We believe that our work and findings facilitate future research for evaluating and enhancing the logical reasoning ability of LLMs. Data and code are available at


replace-cross Wake Vision: A Large-scale, Diverse Dataset and Benchmark Suite for TinyML Person Detection

Authors: Colby Banbury, Emil Njor, Matthew Stewart, Pete Warden, Manjunath Kudlur, Nat Jeffries, Xenofon Fafoutis, Vijay Janapa Reddi

Abstract: Tiny machine learning (TinyML), which enables machine learning applications on extremely low-power devices, suffers from limited size and quality of relevant datasets. To address this issue, we introduce Wake Vision, a large-scale, diverse dataset tailored for person detection, the canonical task for TinyML visual sensing. Wake Vision comprises over 6 million images, representing a hundredfold increase compared to the previous standard, and has undergone thorough quality filtering. We provide two Wake Vision training sets: Wake Vision (Large) and Wake Vision (Quality), a smaller set with higher-quality labels. Our results demonstrate that using the Wake Vision (Quality) training set produces more accurate models than the Wake Vision (Large) training set, strongly suggesting that label quality is more important than quantity in our setting. We find use for the large training set for pre-training and knowledge distillation. To minimize label errors that can obscure true model performance, we manually label the validation and test sets, improving the test set error rate from 7.8% in the prior standard to only 2.2%. In addition to the dataset, we provide a collection of five detailed benchmark sets to facilitate the evaluation of model quality in challenging real world scenarios that are often ignored when focusing solely on overall accuracy. These novel fine-grained benchmarks assess model performance on specific segments of the test data, such as varying lighting conditions, distances from the camera, and demographic characteristics of subjects. Our results demonstrate that using Wake Vision for training results in a 2.49% increase in accuracy compared to the established dataset. We also show the importance of dataset quality for low-capacity models and the value of dataset size for high-capacity models.

replace-cross Characterising the Creative Process in Humans and Large Language Models

Authors: Surabhi S. Nath, Peter Dayan, Claire Stevenson

Abstract: Large language models appear quite creative, often performing on par with the average human on creative tasks. However, research on LLM creativity has focused solely on \textit{products}, with little attention on the creative \textit{process}. Process analyses of human creativity often require hand-coded categories or exploit response times, which do not apply to LLMs. We provide an automated method to characterise how humans and LLMs explore semantic spaces on the Alternate Uses Task, and contrast with behaviour in a Verbal Fluency Task. We use sentence embeddings to identify response categories and compute semantic similarities, which we use to generate jump profiles. Our results corroborate earlier work in humans reporting both persistent (deep search in few semantic spaces) and flexible (broad search across multiple semantic spaces) pathways to creativity, where both pathways lead to similar creativity scores. LLMs were found to be biased towards either persistent or flexible paths, that varied across tasks. Though LLMs as a population match human profiles, their relationship with creativity is different, where the more flexible models score higher on creativity. Our dataset and scripts are available on \href{}{GitHub}.


replace-cross RICE: Breaking Through the Training Bottlenecks of Reinforcement Learning with Explanation

Authors: Zelei Cheng, Xian Wu, Jiahao Yu, Sabrina Yang, Gang Wang, Xinyu Xing

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is playing an increasingly important role in real-world applications. However, obtaining an optimally performing DRL agent for complex tasks, especially with sparse rewards, remains a significant challenge. The training of a DRL agent can be often trapped in a bottleneck without further progress. In this paper, we propose RICE, an innovative refining scheme for reinforcement learning that incorporates explanation methods to break through the training bottlenecks. The high-level idea of RICE is to construct a new initial state distribution that combines both the default initial states and critical states identified through explanation methods, thereby encouraging the agent to explore from the mixed initial states. Through careful design, we can theoretically guarantee that our refining scheme has a tighter sub-optimality bound. We evaluate RICE in various popular RL environments and real-world applications. The results demonstrate that RICE significantly outperforms existing refining schemes in enhancing agent performance.

replace-cross Generalized Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence and Its Deep Learning Applications

Authors: Mingfei Lu, Chenxu Li, Shujian Yu, Robert Jenssen, Badong Chen

Abstract: Divergence measures play a central role and become increasingly essential in deep learning, yet efficient measures for multiple (more than two) distributions are rarely explored. This becomes particularly crucial in areas where the simultaneous management of multiple distributions is both inevitable and essential. Examples include clustering, multi-source domain adaptation or generalization, and multi-view learning, among others. While computing the mean of pairwise distances between any two distributions is a prevalent method to quantify the total divergence among multiple distributions, it is imperative to acknowledge that this approach is not straightforward and necessitates significant computational resources. In this study, we introduce a new divergence measure tailored for multiple distributions named the generalized Cauchy-Schwarz divergence (GCSD). Additionally, we furnish a kernel-based closed-form sample estimator, making it convenient and straightforward to use in various machine-learning applications. Finally, we explore its profound implications in the realm of deep learning by applying it to tackle two thoughtfully chosen machine-learning tasks: deep clustering and multi-source domain adaptation. Our extensive experimental investigations confirm the robustness and effectiveness of GCSD in both scenarios. The findings also underscore the innovative potential of GCSD and its capability to significantly propel machine learning methodologies that necessitate the quantification of multiple distributions.

replace-cross HoneyBee: A Scalable Modular Framework for Creating Multimodal Oncology Datasets with Foundational Embedding Models

Authors: Aakash Tripathi, Asim Waqas, Yasin Yilmaz, Ghulam Rasool

Abstract: Developing accurate machine learning models for oncology requires large-scale, high-quality multimodal datasets. However, creating such datasets remains challenging due to the complexity and heterogeneity of medical data. To address this challenge, we introduce HoneyBee, a scalable modular framework for building multimodal oncology datasets that leverages foundation models to generate representative embeddings. HoneyBee integrates various data modalities, including clinical diagnostic and pathology imaging data, medical notes, reports, records, and molecular data. It employs data preprocessing techniques and foundation models to generate embeddings that capture the essential features and relationships within the raw medical data. The generated embeddings are stored in a structured format using Hugging Face datasets and PyTorch dataloaders for accessibility. Vector databases enable efficient querying and retrieval for machine learning applications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of HoneyBee through experiments assessing the quality and representativeness of these embeddings. The framework is designed to be extensible to other medical domains and aims to accelerate oncology research by providing high-quality, machine learning-ready datasets. HoneyBee is an ongoing open-source effort, and the code, datasets, and models are available at the project repository.

replace-cross Conditional Shift-Robust Conformal Prediction for Graph Neural Network

Authors: S. Akansha

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as potent tools for predicting outcomes in graph-structured data. Despite their efficacy, a significant drawback of GNNs lies in their limited ability to provide robust uncertainty estimates, posing challenges to their reliability in contexts where errors carry significant consequences. Moreover, GNNs typically excel in in-distribution settings, assuming that training and test data follow identical distributions a condition often unmet in real world graph data scenarios. In this article, we leverage conformal prediction, a widely recognized statistical technique for quantifying uncertainty by transforming predictive model outputs into prediction sets, to address uncertainty quantification in GNN predictions amidst conditional shift\footnote{Representing the change in conditional probability distribution \(P(label|input)\) from source domain to target domain.} in graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL). Additionally, we propose a novel loss function aimed at refining model predictions by minimizing conditional shift in latent stages. Termed Conditional Shift Robust (CondSR) conformal prediction for GNNs, our approach CondSR is model-agnostic and adaptable to various classification models. We validate the effectiveness of our method on standard graph benchmark datasets, integrating it with state-of-the-art GNNs in node classification tasks. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that our approach consistently achieves any predefined target marginal coverage, enhances the accuracy of state of the art GNN models by up to 12\% under conditional shift, and reduces the prediction set size by up to 48\%. The code implementation is publicly available for further exploration and experimentation.

replace-cross Autonomous Workflow for Multimodal Fine-Grained Training Assistants Towards Mixed Reality

Authors: Jiahuan Pei, Irene Viola, Haochen Huang, Junxiao Wang, Moonisa Ahsan, Fanghua Ye, Jiang Yiming, Yao Sai, Di Wang, Zhumin Chen, Pengjie Ren, Pablo Cesar

Abstract: Autonomous artificial intelligence (AI) agents have emerged as promising protocols for automatically understanding the language-based environment, particularly with the exponential development of large language models (LLMs). However, a fine-grained, comprehensive understanding of multimodal environments remains under-explored. This work designs an autonomous workflow tailored for integrating AI agents seamlessly into extended reality (XR) applications for fine-grained training. We present a demonstration of a multimodal fine-grained training assistant for LEGO brick assembly in a pilot XR environment. Specifically, we design a cerebral language agent that integrates LLM with memory, planning, and interaction with XR tools and a vision-language agent, enabling agents to decide their actions based on past experiences. Furthermore, we introduce LEGO-MRTA, a multimodal fine-grained assembly dialogue dataset synthesized automatically in the workflow served by a commercial LLM. This dataset comprises multimodal instruction manuals, conversations, XR responses, and vision question answering. Last, we present several prevailing open-resource LLMs as benchmarks, assessing their performance with and without fine-tuning on the proposed dataset. We anticipate that the broader impact of this workflow will advance the development of smarter assistants for seamless user interaction in XR environments, fostering research in both AI and HCI communities.

replace-cross A Dynamic Model of Performative Human-ML Collaboration: Theory and Empirical Evidence

Authors: Tom S\"uhr, Samira Samadi, Chiara Farronato

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) models are increasingly used in various applications, from recommendation systems in e-commerce to diagnosis prediction in healthcare. In this paper, we present a novel dynamic framework for thinking about the deployment of ML models in a performative, human-ML collaborative system. In our framework, the introduction of ML recommendations changes the data generating process of human decisions, which are only a proxy to the ground truth and which are then used to train future versions of the model. We show that this dynamic process in principle can converge to different stable points, i.e. where the ML model and the Human+ML system have the same performance. Some of these stable points are suboptimal with respect to the actual ground truth. We conduct an empirical user study with 1,408 participants to showcase this process. In the study, humans solve instances of the knapsack problem with the help of machine learning predictions. This is an ideal setting because we can see how ML models learn to imitate human decisions and how this learning process converges to a stable point. We find that for many levels of ML performance, humans can improve the ML predictions to dynamically reach an equilibrium performance that is around 92% of the maximum knapsack value. We also find that the equilibrium performance could be even higher if humans rationally followed the ML recommendations. Finally, we test whether monetary incentives can increase the quality of human decisions, but we fail to find any positive effect. Our results have practical implications for the deployment of ML models in contexts where human decisions may deviate from the indisputable ground truth.

replace-cross LOGIN: A Large Language Model Consulted Graph Neural Network Training Framework

Authors: Yiran Qiao, Xiang Ao, Yang Liu, Jiarong Xu, Xiaoqian Sun, Qing He

Abstract: Recent prevailing works on graph machine learning typically follow a similar methodology that involves designing advanced variants of graph neural networks (GNNs) to maintain the superior performance of GNNs on different graphs. In this paper, we aim to streamline the GNN design process and leverage the advantages of Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve the performance of GNNs on downstream tasks. We formulate a new paradigm, coined "LLMs-as-Consultants," which integrates LLMs with GNNs in an interactive manner. A framework named LOGIN (LLM Consulted GNN training) is instantiated, empowering the interactive utilization of LLMs within the GNN training process. First, we attentively craft concise prompts for spotted nodes, carrying comprehensive semantic and topological information, and serving as input to LLMs. Second, we refine GNNs by devising a complementary coping mechanism that utilizes the responses from LLMs, depending on their correctness. We empirically evaluate the effectiveness of LOGIN on node classification tasks across both homophilic and heterophilic graphs. The results illustrate that even basic GNN architectures, when employed within the proposed LLMs-as-Consultants paradigm, can achieve comparable performance to advanced GNNs with intricate designs. Our codes are available at


replace-cross Deep Learning for Protein-Ligand Docking: Are We There Yet?

Authors: Alex Morehead, Nabin Giri, Jian Liu, Jianlin Cheng

Abstract: The effects of ligand binding on protein structures and their in vivo functions carry numerous implications for modern biomedical research and biotechnology development efforts such as drug discovery. Although several deep learning (DL) methods and benchmarks designed for protein-ligand docking have recently been introduced, to date no prior works have systematically studied the behavior of docking methods within the practical context of (1) using predicted (apo) protein structures for docking (e.g., for broad applicability); (2) docking multiple ligands concurrently to a given target protein (e.g., for enzyme design); and (3) having no prior knowledge of binding pockets (e.g., for pocket generalization). To enable a deeper understanding of docking methods' real-world utility, we introduce PoseBench, the first comprehensive benchmark for practical protein-ligand docking. PoseBench enables researchers to rigorously and systematically evaluate DL docking methods for apo-to-holo protein-ligand docking and protein-ligand structure generation using both single and multi-ligand benchmark datasets, the latter of which we introduce for the first time to the DL community. Empirically, using PoseBench, we find that all recent DL docking methods but one fail to generalize to multi-ligand protein targets and also that template-based docking algorithms perform equally well or better for multi-ligand docking as recent single-ligand DL docking methods, suggesting areas of improvement for future work. Code, data, tutorials, and benchmark results are available at


replace-cross Local Causal Structure Learning in the Presence of Latent Variables

Authors: Feng Xie, Zheng Li, Peng Wu, Yan Zeng, Chunchen Liu, Zhi Geng

Abstract: Discovering causal relationships from observational data, particularly in the presence of latent variables, poses a challenging problem. While current local structure learning methods have proven effective and efficient when the focus lies solely on the local relationships of a target variable, they operate under the assumption of causal sufficiency. This assumption implies that all the common causes of the measured variables are observed, leaving no room for latent variables. Such a premise can be easily violated in various real-world applications, resulting in inaccurate structures that may adversely impact downstream tasks. In light of this, our paper delves into the primary investigation of locally identifying potential parents and children of a target from observational data that may include latent variables. Specifically, we harness the causal information from m-separation and V-structures to derive theoretical consistency results, effectively bridging the gap between global and local structure learning. Together with the newly developed stop rules, we present a principled method for determining whether a variable is a direct cause or effect of a target. Further, we theoretically demonstrate the correctness of our approach under the standard causal Markov and faithfulness conditions, with infinite samples. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world data validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach.

replace-cross DPN: Decoupling Partition and Navigation for Neural Solvers of Min-max Vehicle Routing Problems

Authors: Zhi Zheng, Shunyu Yao, Zhenkun Wang, Xialiang Tong, Mingxuan Yuan, Ke Tang

Abstract: The min-max vehicle routing problem (min-max VRP) traverses all given customers by assigning several routes and aims to minimize the length of the longest route. Recently, reinforcement learning (RL)-based sequential planning methods have exhibited advantages in solving efficiency and optimality. However, these methods fail to exploit the problem-specific properties in learning representations, resulting in less effective features for decoding optimal routes. This paper considers the sequential planning process of min-max VRPs as two coupled optimization tasks: customer partition for different routes and customer navigation in each route (i.e., partition and navigation). To effectively process min-max VRP instances, we present a novel attention-based Partition-and-Navigation encoder (P&N Encoder) that learns distinct embeddings for partition and navigation. Furthermore, we utilize an inherent symmetry in decoding routes and develop an effective agent-permutation-symmetric (APS) loss function. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed Decoupling-Partition-Navigation (DPN) method significantly surpasses existing learning-based methods in both single-depot and multi-depot min-max VRPs. Our code is available at

replace-cross Vista: A Generalizable Driving World Model with High Fidelity and Versatile Controllability

Authors: Shenyuan Gao, Jiazhi Yang, Li Chen, Kashyap Chitta, Yihang Qiu, Andreas Geiger, Jun Zhang, Hongyang Li

Abstract: World models can foresee the outcomes of different actions, which is of paramount importance for autonomous driving. Nevertheless, existing driving world models still have limitations in generalization to unseen environments, prediction fidelity of critical details, and action controllability for flexible application. In this paper, we present Vista, a generalizable driving world model with high fidelity and versatile controllability. Based on a systematic diagnosis of existing methods, we introduce several key ingredients to address these limitations. To accurately predict real-world dynamics at high resolution, we propose two novel losses to promote the learning of moving instances and structural information. We also devise an effective latent replacement approach to inject historical frames as priors for coherent long-horizon rollouts. For action controllability, we incorporate a versatile set of controls from high-level intentions (command, goal point) to low-level maneuvers (trajectory, angle, and speed) through an efficient learning strategy. After large-scale training, the capabilities of Vista can seamlessly generalize to different scenarios. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets show that Vista outperforms the most advanced general-purpose video generator in over 70% of comparisons and surpasses the best-performing driving world model by 55% in FID and 27% in FVD. Moreover, for the first time, we utilize the capacity of Vista itself to establish a generalizable reward for real-world action evaluation without accessing the ground truth actions.

replace-cross FAIntbench: A Holistic and Precise Benchmark for Bias Evaluation in Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Hanjun Luo, Ziye Deng, Ruizhe Chen, Zuozhu Liu

Abstract: The rapid development and reduced barriers to entry for Text-to-Image (T2I) models have raised concerns about the biases in their outputs, but existing research lacks a holistic definition and evaluation framework of biases, limiting the enhancement of debiasing techniques. To address this issue, we introduce FAIntbench, a holistic and precise benchmark for biases in T2I models. In contrast to existing benchmarks that evaluate bias in limited aspects, FAIntbench evaluate biases from four dimensions: manifestation of bias, visibility of bias, acquired attributes, and protected attributes. We applied FAIntbench to evaluate seven recent large-scale T2I models and conducted human evaluation, whose results demonstrated the effectiveness of FAIntbench in identifying various biases. Our study also revealed new research questions about biases, including the side-effect of distillation. The findings presented here are preliminary, highlighting the potential of FAIntbench to advance future research aimed at mitigating the biases in T2I models. Our benchmark is publicly available to ensure the reproducibility.

replace-cross Verifiably Robust Conformal Prediction

Authors: Linus Jeary, Tom Kuipers, Mehran Hosseini, Nicola Paoletti

Abstract: Conformal Prediction (CP) is a popular uncertainty quantification method that provides distribution-free, statistically valid prediction sets, assuming that training and test data are exchangeable. In such a case, CP's prediction sets are guaranteed to cover the (unknown) true test output with a user-specified probability. Nevertheless, this guarantee is violated when the data is subjected to adversarial attacks, which often result in a significant loss of coverage. Recently, several approaches have been put forward to recover CP guarantees in this setting. These approaches leverage variations of randomised smoothing to produce conservative sets which account for the effect of the adversarial perturbations. They are, however, limited in that they only support $\ell^2$-bounded perturbations and classification tasks. This paper introduces VRCP (Verifiably Robust Conformal Prediction), a new framework that leverages recent neural network verification methods to recover coverage guarantees under adversarial attacks. Our VRCP method is the first to support perturbations bounded by arbitrary norms including $\ell^1$, $\ell^2$, and $\ell^\infty$, as well as regression tasks. We evaluate and compare our approach on image classification tasks (CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and TinyImageNet) and regression tasks for deep reinforcement learning environments. In every case, VRCP achieves above nominal coverage and yields significantly more efficient and informative prediction regions than the SotA.

replace-cross Iterative Feature Boosting for Explainable Speech Emotion Recognition

Authors: Alaa Nfissi, Wassim Bouachir, Nizar Bouguila, Brian Mishara

Abstract: In speech emotion recognition (SER), using predefined features without considering their practical importance may lead to high dimensional datasets, including redundant and irrelevant information. Consequently, high-dimensional learning often results in decreasing model accuracy while increasing computational complexity. Our work underlines the importance of carefully considering and analyzing features in order to build efficient SER systems. We present a new supervised SER method based on an efficient feature engineering approach. We pay particular attention to the explainability of results to evaluate feature relevance and refine feature sets. This is performed iteratively through feature evaluation loop, using Shapley values to boost feature selection and improve overall framework performance. Our approach allows thus to balance the benefits between model performance and transparency. The proposed method outperforms human-level performance (HLP) and state-of-the-art machine learning methods in emotion recognition on the TESS dataset. The source code of this paper is publicly available at


replace-cross BadRAG: Identifying Vulnerabilities in Retrieval Augmented Generation of Large Language Models

Authors: Jiaqi Xue, Mengxin Zheng, Yebowen Hu, Fei Liu, Xun Chen, Qian Lou

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are constrained by outdated information and a tendency to generate incorrect data, commonly referred to as "hallucinations." Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) addresses these limitations by combining the strengths of retrieval-based methods and generative models. This approach involves retrieving relevant information from a large, up-to-date dataset and using it to enhance the generation process, leading to more accurate and contextually appropriate responses. Despite its benefits, RAG introduces a new attack surface for LLMs, particularly because RAG databases are often sourced from public data, such as the web. In this paper, we propose \TrojRAG{} to identify the vulnerabilities and attacks on retrieval parts (RAG database) and their indirect attacks on generative parts (LLMs). Specifically, we identify that poisoning several customized content passages could achieve a retrieval backdoor, where the retrieval works well for clean queries but always returns customized poisoned adversarial queries. Triggers and poisoned passages can be highly customized to implement various attacks. For example, a trigger could be a semantic group like "The Republican Party, Donald Trump, etc." Adversarial passages can be tailored to different contents, not only linked to the triggers but also used to indirectly attack generative LLMs without modifying them. These attacks can include denial-of-service attacks on RAG and semantic steering attacks on LLM generations conditioned by the triggers. Our experiments demonstrate that by just poisoning 10 adversarial passages can induce 98.2\% success rate to retrieve the adversarial passages. Then, these passages can increase the reject ratio of RAG-based GPT-4 from 0.01\% to 74.6\% or increase the rate of negative responses from 0.22\% to 72\% for targeted queries.

replace-cross Exfiltration of personal information from ChatGPT via prompt injection

Authors: Gregory Schwartzman

Abstract: We report that ChatGPT 4 and 4o are susceptible to a prompt injection attack that allows an attacker to exfiltrate users' personal data. It is applicable without the use of any 3rd party tools and all users are currently affected. This vulnerability is exacerbated by the recent introduction of ChatGPT's memory feature, which allows an attacker to command ChatGPT to monitor the user for the desired personal data.

replace-cross Enhanced Classification of Heart Sounds Using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients: A Comparative Study of Single and Ensemble Classifier Strategies

Authors: Amir Masoud Rahmani, Amir Haider, Parisa Khoshvaght, Mohammad Adeli, Entesar Gemeay, Yazeed Alkhrijah, Mokhtar Mohammadi, Mehdi Hosseinzadeh

Abstract: This paper explores the efficacy of Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) in detecting abnormal phonocardiograms using two classification strategies: a single-classifier and an ensemble-classifier approach. Phonocardiograms were segmented into S1, systole, S2, and diastole intervals, with thirteen MFCCs estimated from each segment, yielding 52 MFCCs per beat. In the single-classifier strategy, the MFCCs from nine consecutive beats were averaged to classify phonocardiograms. Conversely, the ensemble-classifier strategy employed nine classifiers to individually assess beats as normal or abnormal, with the overall classification based on the majority vote. Both methods were tested on a publicly available phonocardiogram database. Results demonstrated that the ensemble-classifier strategy achieved higher accuracy compared to the single-classifier approach, establishing MFCCs as more effective than other features, including time, time-frequency, and statistical features, evaluated in similar studies.

replace-cross Decoupled Alignment for Robust Plug-and-Play Adaptation

Authors: Haozheng Luo, Jiahao Yu, Wenxin Zhang, Jialong Li, Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu, Xinyu Xing, Han Liu

Abstract: We introduce a low-resource safety enhancement method for aligning large language models (LLMs) without the need for supervised fine-tuning (SFT) or reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Our main idea is to exploit knowledge distillation to extract the alignment information from existing well-aligned LLMs and integrate it into unaligned LLMs in a plug-and-play fashion. Methodology, we employ delta debugging to identify the critical components of knowledge necessary for effective distillation. On the harmful question dataset, our method significantly enhances the average defense success rate by approximately 14.41%, reaching as high as 51.39%, in 17 unaligned pre-trained LLMs, without compromising performance.

replace-cross How to discretize continuous state-action spaces in Q-learning: A symbolic control approach

Authors: Sadek Belamfedel Alaoui, Adnane Saoud

Abstract: Q-learning is widely recognized as an effective approach for synthesizing controllers to achieve specific goals. However, handling challenges posed by continuous state-action spaces remains an ongoing research focus. This paper presents a systematic analysis that highlights a major drawback in space discretization methods. To address this challenge, the paper proposes a symbolic model that represents behavioral relations, such as alternating simulation from abstraction to the controlled system. This relation allows for seamless application of the synthesized controller based on abstraction to the original system. Introducing a novel Q-learning technique for symbolic models, the algorithm yields two Q-tables encoding optimal policies. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that these Q-tables serve as both upper and lower bounds on the Q-values of the original system with continuous spaces. Additionally, the paper explores the correlation between the parameters of the space abstraction and the loss in Q-values. The resulting algorithm facilitates achieving optimality within an arbitrary accuracy, providing control over the trade-off between accuracy and computational complexity. The obtained results provide valuable insights for selecting appropriate learning parameters and refining the controller. The engineering relevance of the proposed Q-learning based symbolic model is illustrated through two case studies.

replace-cross Unveiling Hidden Factors: Explainable AI for Feature Boosting in Speech Emotion Recognition

Authors: Alaa Nfissi, Wassim Bouachir, Nizar Bouguila, Brian Mishara

Abstract: Speech emotion recognition (SER) has gained significant attention due to its several application fields, such as mental health, education, and human-computer interaction. However, the accuracy of SER systems is hindered by high-dimensional feature sets that may contain irrelevant and redundant information. To overcome this challenge, this study proposes an iterative feature boosting approach for SER that emphasizes feature relevance and explainability to enhance machine learning model performance. Our approach involves meticulous feature selection and analysis to build efficient SER systems. In addressing our main problem through model explainability, we employ a feature evaluation loop with Shapley values to iteratively refine feature sets. This process strikes a balance between model performance and transparency, which enables a comprehensive understanding of the model's predictions. The proposed approach offers several advantages, including the identification and removal of irrelevant and redundant features, leading to a more effective model. Additionally, it promotes explainability, facilitating comprehension of the model's predictions and the identification of crucial features for emotion determination. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated on the SER benchmarks of the Toronto emotional speech set (TESS), Berlin Database of Emotional Speech (EMO-DB), Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS), and Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion (SAVEE) datasets, outperforming state-of-the-art methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to incorporate model explainability into an SER framework. The source code of this paper is publicly available via this


replace-cross Alice in Wonderland: Simple Tasks Showing Complete Reasoning Breakdown in State-Of-the-Art Large Language Models

Authors: Marianna Nezhurina, Lucia Cipolina-Kun, Mehdi Cherti, Jenia Jitsev

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are often described as being instances of foundation models - that is, models that transfer strongly across various tasks and conditions in few-show or zero-shot manner, while exhibiting scaling laws that predict function improvement when increasing the pre-training scale. These claims of excelling in different functions and tasks rely on measurements taken across various sets of standardized benchmarks showing high scores for such models. We demonstrate here a dramatic breakdown of function and reasoning capabilities of state-of-the-art models trained at the largest available scales which claim strong function, using a simple, short, conventional common sense problem formulated in concise natural language, easily solvable by humans. The breakdown is dramatic, as models also express strong overconfidence in their wrong solutions, while providing often non-sensical "reasoning"-like explanations akin to confabulations to justify and backup the validity of their clearly failed responses, making them sound plausible. Various standard interventions in an attempt to get the right solution, like various type of enhanced prompting, or urging the models to reconsider the wrong solutions again by multi step re-evaluation, fail. We take these initial observations to the scientific and technological community to stimulate urgent re-assessment of the claimed capabilities of current generation of LLMs, Such re-assessment also requires common action to create standardized benchmarks that would allow proper detection of such basic reasoning deficits that obviously manage to remain undiscovered by current state-of-the-art evaluation procedures and benchmarks. Code for reproducing experiments in the paper and raw experiments data can be found at


replace-cross CityLight: A Universal Model Towards Real-world City-scale Traffic Signal Control Coordination

Authors: Jinwei Zeng, Chao Yu, Xinyi Yang, Wenxuan Ao, Jian Yuan, Yong Li, Yu Wang, Huazhong Yang

Abstract: Traffic signal control (TSC) is a promising low-cost measure to enhance transportation efficiency without affecting existing road infrastructure. While various reinforcement learning-based TSC methods have been proposed and experimentally outperform conventional rule-based methods, none of them has been deployed in the real world. An essential gap lies in the oversimplification of the scenarios in terms of intersection heterogeneity and road network intricacy. To make TSC applicable in urban traffic management, we target TSC coordination in city-scale high-authenticity road networks, aiming to solve the three unique and important challenges: city-level scalability, heterogeneity of real-world intersections, and effective coordination among intricate neighbor connections. Since optimizing multiple agents in a parameter-sharing paradigm can boost the training efficiency and help achieve scalability, we propose our method, CityLight, based on the well-acknowledged optimization framework, parameter-sharing MAPPO. To ensure the unified policy network can learn to fit large-scale heterogeneous intersections and tackle the intricate between-neighbor coordination, CityLight proposes a universal representation module that consists of two key designs: heterogeneous intersection alignment and neighborhood impact alignment for coordination. To further boost coordination, CityLight adopts neighborhood-integrated rewards to transition from achieving local optimal to global optimal. Extensive experiments on datasets with hundreds to tens of thousands of real-world intersections and authentic traffic demands validate the surprising effectiveness and generalizability of CityLight, with an overall performance gain of 11.66% and a 22.59% improvement in transfer scenarios in terms of throughput.

replace-cross Flash Diffusion: Accelerating Any Conditional Diffusion Model for Few Steps Image Generation

Authors: Clement Chadebec, Onur Tasar, Eyal Benaroche, Benjamin Aubin

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an efficient, fast, and versatile distillation method to accelerate the generation of pre-trained diffusion models: Flash Diffusion. The method reaches state-of-the-art performances in terms of FID and CLIP-Score for few steps image generation on the COCO2014 and COCO2017 datasets, while requiring only several GPU hours of training and fewer trainable parameters than existing methods. In addition to its efficiency, the versatility of the method is also exposed across several tasks such as text-to-image, inpainting, face-swapping, super-resolution and using different backbones such as UNet-based denoisers (SD1.5, SDXL) or DiT (Pixart-$\alpha$), as well as adapters. In all cases, the method allowed to reduce drastically the number of sampling steps while maintaining very high-quality image generation. The official implementation is available at


replace-cross Kirigami: large convolutional kernels improve deep learning-based RNA secondary structure prediction

Authors: Marc Harary, Chengxin Zhang

Abstract: We introduce a novel fully convolutional neural network (FCN) architecture for predicting the secondary structure of ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules. Interpreting RNA structures as weighted graphs, we employ deep learning to estimate the probability of base pairing between nucleotide residues. Unique to our model are its massive 11-pixel kernels, which we argue provide a distinct advantage for FCNs on the specialized domain of RNA secondary structures. On a widely adopted, standardized test set comprised of 1,305 molecules, the accuracy of our method exceeds that of current state-of-the-art (SOTA) secondary structure prediction software, achieving a Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) over 11-40% higher than that of other leading methods on overall structures and 58-400% higher on pseudoknots specifically.

replace-cross Frequency Enhanced Pre-training for Cross-city Few-shot Traffic Forecasting

Authors: Zhanyu Liu, Jianrong Ding, Guanjie Zheng

Abstract: The field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) relies on accurate traffic forecasting to enable various downstream applications. However, developing cities often face challenges in collecting sufficient training traffic data due to limited resources and outdated infrastructure. Recognizing this obstacle, the concept of cross-city few-shot forecasting has emerged as a viable approach. While previous cross-city few-shot forecasting methods ignore the frequency similarity between cities, we have made an observation that the traffic data is more similar in the frequency domain between cities. Based on this fact, we propose a \textbf{F}requency \textbf{E}nhanced \textbf{P}re-training Framework for \textbf{Cross}-city Few-shot Forecasting (\textbf{FEPCross}). FEPCross has a pre-training stage and a fine-tuning stage. In the pre-training stage, we propose a novel Cross-Domain Spatial-Temporal Encoder that incorporates the information of the time and frequency domain and trains it with self-supervised tasks encompassing reconstruction and contrastive objectives. In the fine-tuning stage, we design modules to enrich training samples and maintain a momentum-updated graph structure, thereby mitigating the risk of overfitting to the few-shot training data. Empirical evaluations performed on real-world traffic datasets validate the exceptional efficacy of FEPCross, outperforming existing approaches of diverse categories and demonstrating characteristics that foster the progress of cross-city few-shot forecasting.

replace-cross Adaptive Layer Splitting for Wireless LLM Inference in Edge Computing: A Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Approach

Authors: Yuxuan Chen, Rongpeng Li, Xiaoxue Yu, Zhifeng Zhao, Honggang Zhang

Abstract: Optimizing the deployment of large language models (LLMs) in edge computing environments is critical for enhancing privacy and computational efficiency. Toward efficient wireless LLM inference in edge computing, this study comprehensively analyzes the impact of different splitting points in mainstream open-source LLMs. On this basis, this study introduces a framework taking inspiration from model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) to determine the optimal splitting point across the edge and user equipment (UE). By incorporating a reward surrogate model, our approach significantly reduces the computational cost of frequent performance evaluations. Extensive simulations demonstrate that this method effectively balances inference performance and computational load under varying network conditions, providing a robust solution for LLM deployment in decentralized settings.

replace-cross LCS: A Language Converter Strategy for Zero-Shot Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Zengkui Sun, Yijin Liu, Fandong Meng, Jinan Xu, Yufeng Chen, Jie Zhou

Abstract: Multilingual neural machine translation models generally distinguish translation directions by the language tag (LT) in front of the source or target sentences. However, current LT strategies cannot indicate the desired target language as expected on zero-shot translation, i.e., the off-target issue. Our analysis reveals that the indication of the target language is sensitive to the placement of the target LT. For example, when placing the target LT on the decoder side, the indication would rapidly degrade along with decoding steps, while placing the target LT on the encoder side would lead to copying or paraphrasing the source input. To address the above issues, we propose a simple yet effective strategy named Language Converter Strategy (LCS). By introducing the target language embedding into the top encoder layers, LCS mitigates confusion in the encoder and ensures stable language indication for the decoder. Experimental results on MultiUN, TED, and OPUS-100 datasets demonstrate that LCS could significantly mitigate the off-target issue, with language accuracy up to 95.28%, 96.21%, and 85.35% meanwhile outperforming the vanilla LT strategy by 3.07, 3,3, and 7.93 BLEU scores on zero-shot translation, respectively.

replace-cross Outdated Issue Aware Decoding for Factual Knowledge Editing

Authors: Zengkui Sun, Yijin Liu, Jiaan Wang, Fandong Meng, Jinan Xu, Yufeng Chen, Jie Zhou

Abstract: Recently, Knowledge Editing has received increasing attention, since it could update the specific knowledge from outdated ones in pretrained models without re-training. However, as pointed out by recent studies, existing related methods tend to merely memorize the superficial word composition of the edited knowledge, rather than truly learning and absorbing it. Consequently, on the reasoning questions, we discover that existing methods struggle to utilize the edited knowledge to reason the new answer, and tend to retain outdated responses, which are generated by the original models utilizing original knowledge. Nevertheless, the outdated responses are unexpected for the correct answers to reasoning questions, which we named as the outdated issue. To alleviate this issue, in this paper, we propose a simple yet effective decoding strategy, i.e., outDated ISsue aware deCOding (DISCO), to enhance the performance of edited models on reasoning questions. Specifically, we capture the difference in the probability distribution between the original and edited models. Further, we amplify the difference of the token prediction in the edited model to alleviate the outdated issue, and thus enhance the model performance w.r.t the edited knowledge. Experimental results suggest that applying DISCO could enhance edited models to reason, e.g., on reasoning questions, DISCO outperforms the prior SOTA method by 12.99 F1 scores, and reduces the ratio of the outdated issue to 5.78% on the zsRE dataset.

replace-cross PLaD: Preference-based Large Language Model Distillation with Pseudo-Preference Pairs

Authors: Rongzhi Zhang, Jiaming Shen, Tianqi Liu, Haorui Wang, Zhen Qin, Feng Han, Jialu Liu, Simon Baumgartner, Michael Bendersky, Chao Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited impressive capabilities in various tasks, yet their vast parameter sizes restrict their applicability in resource-constrained settings. Knowledge distillation (KD) offers a viable solution by transferring expertise from large teacher models to compact student models. However, traditional KD techniques face specific challenges when applied to LLMs, including restricted access to LLM outputs, significant teacher-student capacity gaps, and the inherited mis-calibration issue. In this work, we present PLaD, a novel preference-based LLM distillation framework. PLaD exploits the teacher-student capacity discrepancy to generate pseudo-preference pairs where teacher outputs are preferred over student outputs. Then, PLaD leverages a ranking loss to re-calibrate student's estimation of sequence likelihood, which steers the student's focus towards understanding the relative quality of outputs instead of simply imitating the teacher. PLaD bypasses the need for access to teacher LLM's internal states, tackles the student's expressivity limitations, and mitigates the student mis-calibration issue. Through extensive experiments on two sequence generation tasks and with various LLMs, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed PLaD framework.

replace-cross Generative AI and Digital Neocolonialism in Global Education: Towards an Equitable Framework

Authors: Matthew Nyaaba, Alyson Wright, Gyu Lim Choi

Abstract: This paper critically discusses how generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) might impose Western ideologies on non-Western societies, perpetuating digital neocolonialism in education through its inherent biases. It further suggests strategies for local and global stakeholders to mitigate these effects. Our discussions demonstrated that GenAI can foster cultural imperialism by generating content that primarily incorporates cultural references and examples relevant to Western students, thereby alienating students from non-Western backgrounds. Also, the predominant use of Western languages by GenAI can marginalize non-dominant languages, making educational content less accessible to speakers of indigenous languages and potentially impacting their ability to learn in their first language. Additionally, GenAI often generates content and curricula that reflect the perspectives of technologically dominant countries, overshadowing marginalized indigenous knowledge and practices. Moreover, the cost of access to GenAI intensifies educational inequality and the control of GenAI data could lead to commercial exploitation without benefiting local students and their communities. We propose human-centric reforms to prioritize cultural diversity and equity in GenAI development; a liberatory design to empower educators and students to identify and dismantle the oppressive structures within GenAI applications; foresight by design to create an adjustable GenAI system to meet future educational needs; and finally, effective prompting skills to reduce the retrieval of neocolonial outputs.

replace-cross EgoSurgery-Tool: A Dataset of Surgical Tool and Hand Detection from Egocentric Open Surgery Videos

Authors: Ryo Fujii, Hideo Saito, Hiroki Kajita

Abstract: Surgical tool detection is a fundamental task for understanding egocentric open surgery videos. However, detecting surgical tools presents significant challenges due to their highly imbalanced class distribution, similar shapes and similar textures, and heavy occlusion. The lack of a comprehensive large-scale dataset compounds these challenges. In this paper, we introduce EgoSurgery-Tool, an extension of the existing EgoSurgery-Phase dataset, which contains real open surgery videos captured using an egocentric camera attached to the surgeon's head, along with phase annotations. EgoSurgery-Tool has been densely annotated with surgical tools and comprises over 49K surgical tool bounding boxes across 15 categories, constituting a large-scale surgical tool detection dataset. EgoSurgery-Tool also provides annotations for hand detection with over 46K hand-bounding boxes, capturing hand-object interactions that are crucial for understanding activities in egocentric open surgery. EgoSurgery-Tool is superior to existing datasets due to its larger scale, greater variety of surgical tools, more annotations, and denser scenes. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of EgoSurgery-Tool using nine popular object detectors to assess their effectiveness in both surgical tool and hand detection. The dataset will be released at


replace-cross Detecting Model Misspecification in Amortized Bayesian Inference with Neural Networks: An Extended Investigation

Authors: Marvin Schmitt, Paul-Christian B\"urkner, Ullrich K\"othe, Stefan T. Radev

Abstract: Recent advances in probabilistic deep learning enable efficient amortized Bayesian inference in settings where the likelihood function is only implicitly defined by a simulation program (simulation-based inference; SBI). But how faithful is such inference if the simulation represents reality somewhat inaccurately, that is, if the true system behavior at test time deviates from the one seen during training? We conceptualize the types of such model misspecification arising in SBI and systematically investigate how the performance of neural posterior approximators gradually deteriorates as a consequence, making inference results less and less trustworthy. To notify users about this problem, we propose a new misspecification measure that can be trained in an unsupervised fashion (i.e., without training data from the true distribution) and reliably detects model misspecification at test time. Our experiments clearly demonstrate the utility of our new measure both on toy examples with an analytical ground-truth and on representative scientific tasks in cell biology, cognitive decision making, disease outbreak dynamics, and computer vision. We show how the proposed misspecification test warns users about suspicious outputs, raises an alarm when predictions are not trustworthy, and guides model designers in their search for better simulators.

replace-cross Feature Contamination: Neural Networks Learn Uncorrelated Features and Fail to Generalize

Authors: Tianren Zhang, Chujie Zhao, Guanyu Chen, Yizhou Jiang, Feng Chen

Abstract: Learning representations that generalize under distribution shifts is critical for building robust machine learning models. However, despite significant efforts in recent years, algorithmic advances in this direction have been limited. In this work, we seek to understand the fundamental difficulty of out-of-distribution generalization with deep neural networks. We first empirically show that perhaps surprisingly, even allowing a neural network to explicitly fit the representations obtained from a teacher network that can generalize out-of-distribution is insufficient for the generalization of the student network. Then, by a theoretical study of two-layer ReLU networks optimized by stochastic gradient descent (SGD) under a structured feature model, we identify a fundamental yet unexplored feature learning proclivity of neural networks, feature contamination: neural networks can learn uncorrelated features together with predictive features, resulting in generalization failure under distribution shifts. Notably, this mechanism essentially differs from the prevailing narrative in the literature that attributes the generalization failure to spurious correlations. Overall, our results offer new insights into the non-linear feature learning dynamics of neural networks and highlight the necessity of considering inductive biases in out-of-distribution generalization.