new Correlation Does Not Imply Compensation: Complexity and Irregularity in the Lexicon

Authors: Amanda Doucette, Ryan Cotterell, Morgan Sonderegger, Timothy J. O'Donnell

Abstract: It has been claimed that within a language, morphologically irregular words are more likely to be phonotactically simple and morphologically regular words are more likely to be phonotactically complex. This inverse correlation has been demonstrated in English for a small sample of words, but has yet to be shown for a larger sample of languages. Furthermore, frequency and word length are known to influence both phonotactic complexity and morphological irregularity, and they may be confounding factors in this relationship. Therefore, we examine the relationships between all pairs of these four variables both to assess the robustness of previous findings using improved methodology and as a step towards understanding the underlying causal relationship. Using information-theoretic measures of phonotactic complexity and morphological irregularity (Pimentel et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2019) on 25 languages from UniMorph, we find that there is evidence of a positive relationship between morphological irregularity and phonotactic complexity within languages on average, although the direction varies within individual languages. We also find weak evidence of a negative relationship between word length and morphological irregularity that had not been previously identified, and that some existing findings about the relationships between these four variables are not as robust as previously thought.

new LLMs Are Not Intelligent Thinkers: Introducing Mathematical Topic Tree Benchmark for Comprehensive Evaluation of LLMs

Authors: Arash Gholami Davoodi, Seyed Pouyan Mousavi Davoudi, Pouya Pezeshkpour

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate impressive capabilities in mathematical reasoning. However, despite these achievements, current evaluations are mostly limited to specific mathematical topics, and it remains unclear whether LLMs are genuinely engaging in reasoning. To address these gaps, we present the Mathematical Topics Tree (MaTT) benchmark, a challenging and structured benchmark that offers 1,958 questions across a wide array of mathematical subjects, each paired with a detailed hierarchical chain of topics. Upon assessing different LLMs using the MaTT benchmark, we find that the most advanced model, GPT-4, achieved a mere 54\% accuracy in a multiple-choice scenario. Interestingly, even when employing Chain-of-Thought prompting, we observe mostly no notable improvement. Moreover, LLMs accuracy dramatically reduced by up to 24.2 percentage point when the questions were presented without providing choices. Further detailed analysis of the LLMs' performance across a range of topics showed significant discrepancy even for closely related subtopics within the same general mathematical area. In an effort to pinpoint the reasons behind LLMs performances, we conducted a manual evaluation of the completeness and correctness of the explanations generated by GPT-4 when choices were available. Surprisingly, we find that in only 53.3\% of the instances where the model provided a correct answer, the accompanying explanations were deemed complete and accurate, i.e., the model engaged in genuine reasoning.

new On Subjective Uncertainty Quantification and Calibration in Natural Language Generation

Authors: Ziyu Wang, Chris Holmes

Abstract: Applications of large language models often involve the generation of free-form responses, in which case uncertainty quantification becomes challenging. This is due to the need to identify task-specific uncertainties (e.g., about the semantics) which appears difficult to define in general cases. This work addresses these challenges from a perspective of Bayesian decision theory, starting from the assumption that our utility is characterized by a similarity measure that compares a generated response with a hypothetical true response. We discuss how this assumption enables principled quantification of the model's subjective uncertainty and its calibration. We further derive a measure for epistemic uncertainty, based on a missing data perspective and its characterization as an excess risk. The proposed measures can be applied to black-box language models. We demonstrate the proposed methods on question answering and machine translation tasks, where they extract broadly meaningful uncertainty estimates from GPT and Gemini models and quantify their calibration.

new Improving Logits-based Detector without Logits from Black-box LLMs

Authors: Cong Zeng, Shengkun Tang, Xianjun Yang, Yuanzhou Chen, Yiyou Sun, zhiqiang xu, Yao Li, Haifeng Chen, Wei Cheng, Dongkuan Xu

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized text generation, producing outputs that closely mimic human writing. This blurring of lines between machine- and human-written text presents new challenges in distinguishing one from the other a task further complicated by the frequent updates and closed nature of leading proprietary LLMs. Traditional logits-based detection methods leverage surrogate models for identifying LLM-generated content when the exact logits are unavailable from black-box LLMs. However, these methods grapple with the misalignment between the distributions of the surrogate and the often undisclosed target models, leading to performance degradation, particularly with the introduction of new, closed-source models. Furthermore, while current methodologies are generally effective when the source model is identified, they falter in scenarios where the model version remains unknown, or the test set comprises outputs from various source models. To address these limitations, we present Distribution-Aligned LLMs Detection (DALD), an innovative framework that redefines the state-of-the-art performance in black-box text detection even without logits from source LLMs. DALD is designed to align the surrogate model's distribution with that of unknown target LLMs, ensuring enhanced detection capability and resilience against rapid model iterations with minimal training investment. By leveraging corpus samples from publicly accessible outputs of advanced models such as ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Claude-3, DALD fine-tunes surrogate models to synchronize with unknown source model distributions effectively.

new Generative Explore-Exploit: Training-free Optimization of Generative Recommender Systems using LLM Optimizers

Authors: L\"utfi Kerem Senel, Besnik Fetahu, Davis Yoshida, Zhiyu Chen, Giuseppe Castellucci, Nikhita Vedula, Jason Choi, Shervin Malmasi

Abstract: Recommender systems are widely used to suggest engaging content, and Large Language Models (LLMs) have given rise to generative recommenders. Such systems can directly generate items, including for open-set tasks like question suggestion. While the world knowledge of LLMs enable good recommendations, improving the generated content through user feedback is challenging as continuously fine-tuning LLMs is prohibitively expensive. We present a training-free approach for optimizing generative recommenders by connecting user feedback loops to LLM-based optimizers. We propose a generative explore-exploit method that can not only exploit generated items with known high engagement, but also actively explore and discover hidden population preferences to improve recommendation quality. We evaluate our approach on question generation in two domains (e-commerce and general knowledge), and model user feedback with Click Through Rate (CTR). Experiments show our LLM-based explore-exploit approach can iteratively improve recommendations, and consistently increase CTR. Ablation analysis shows that generative exploration is key to learning user preferences, avoiding the pitfalls of greedy exploit-only approaches. A human evaluation strongly supports our quantitative findings.

new TLEX: An Efficient Method for Extracting Exact Timelines from TimeML Temporal Graphs

Authors: Mustafa Ocal, Ning Xie, Mark Finlayson

Abstract: A timeline provides a total ordering of events and times, and is useful for a number of natural language understanding tasks. However, qualitative temporal graphs that can be derived directly from text -- such as TimeML annotations -- usually explicitly reveal only partial orderings of events and times. In this work, we apply prior work on solving point algebra problems to the task of extracting timelines from TimeML annotated texts, and develop an exact, end-to-end solution which we call TLEX (TimeLine EXtraction). TLEX transforms TimeML annotations into a collection of timelines arranged in a trunk-and-branch structure. Like what has been done in prior work, TLEX checks the consistency of the temporal graph and solves it; however, it adds two novel functionalities. First, it identifies specific relations involved in an inconsistency (which could then be manually corrected) and, second, TLEX performs a novel identification of sections of the timelines that have indeterminate order, information critical for downstream tasks such as aligning events from different timelines. We provide detailed descriptions and analysis of the algorithmic components in TLEX, and conduct experimental evaluations by applying TLEX to 385 TimeML annotated texts from four corpora. We show that 123 of the texts are inconsistent, 181 of them have more than one ``real world'' or main timeline, and there are 2,541 indeterminate sections across all four corpora. A sampling evaluation showed that TLEX is 98--100% accurate with 95% confidence along five dimensions: the ordering of time-points, the number of main timelines, the placement of time-points on main versus subordinate timelines, the connecting point of branch timelines, and the location of the indeterminate sections. We provide a reference implementation of TLEX, the extracted timelines for all texts, and the manual corrections of the inconsistent texts.

new Behavior Structformer: Learning Players Representations with Structured Tokenization

Authors: Oleg Smirnov, Labinot Polisi

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the Behavior Structformer, a method for modeling user behavior using structured tokenization within a Transformer-based architecture. By converting tracking events into dense tokens, this approach enhances model training efficiency and effectiveness. We demonstrate its superior performance through ablation studies and benchmarking against traditional tabular and semi-structured baselines. The results indicate that structured tokenization with sequential processing significantly improves behavior modeling.

new SuperPos-Prompt: Enhancing Soft Prompt Tuning of Language Models with Superposition of Multi Token Embeddings

Authors: MohammadAli SadraeiJavaeri, Ehsaneddin Asgari, Alice Carolyn McHardy, Hamid Reza Rabiee

Abstract: Soft prompt tuning techniques have recently gained traction as an effective strategy for the parameter-efficient tuning of pretrained language models, particularly minimizing the required adjustment of model parameters. Despite their growing use, achieving optimal tuning with soft prompts, especially for smaller datasets, remains a substantial challenge. This study makes two contributions in this domain: (i) we introduce SuperPos-Prompt, a new reparameterization technique employing the superposition of multiple pretrained vocabulary embeddings to improve the learning of soft prompts. Our experiments across several GLUE and SuperGLUE benchmarks consistently highlight SuperPos-Prompt's superiority over Residual Prompt tuning, exhibiting an average score increase of $+6.4$ in T5-Small and $+5.0$ in T5-Base along with a faster convergence. Remarkably, SuperPos-Prompt occasionally outperforms even full fine-tuning methods. (ii) Additionally, we demonstrate enhanced performance and rapid convergence by omitting dropouts from the frozen network, yielding consistent improvements across various scenarios and tuning methods.

new DeviceBERT: Applied Transfer Learning With Targeted Annotations and Vocabulary Enrichment to Identify Medical Device and Component Terminology in FDA Recall Summaries

Authors: Miriam Farrington

Abstract: FDA Medical Device recalls are critical and time-sensitive events, requiring swift identification of impacted devices to inform the public of a recall event and ensure patient safety. The OpenFDA device recall dataset contains valuable information about ongoing device recall actions, but manually extracting relevant device information from the recall action summaries is a time-consuming task. Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a task in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that involves identifying and categorizing named entities in unstructured text. Existing NER models, including domain-specific models like BioBERT, struggle to correctly identify medical device trade names, part numbers and component terms within these summaries. To address this, we propose DeviceBERT, a medical device annotation, pre-processing and enrichment pipeline, which builds on BioBERT to identify and label medical device terminology in the device recall summaries with improved accuracy. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our approach can be applied effectively for performing entity recognition tasks where training data is limited or sparse.

new Concept Formation and Alignment in Language Models: Bridging Statistical Patterns in Latent Space to Concept Taxonomy

Authors: Mehrdad Khatir, Chandan K. Reddy

Abstract: This paper explores the concept formation and alignment within the realm of language models (LMs). We propose a mechanism for identifying concepts and their hierarchical organization within the semantic representations learned by various LMs, encompassing a spectrum from early models like Glove to the transformer-based language models like ALBERT and T5. Our approach leverages the inherent structure present in the semantic embeddings generated by these models to extract a taxonomy of concepts and their hierarchical relationships. This investigation sheds light on how LMs develop conceptual understanding and opens doors to further research to improve their ability to reason and leverage real-world knowledge. We further conducted experiments and observed the possibility of isolating these extracted conceptual representations from the reasoning modules of the transformer-based LMs. The observed concept formation along with the isolation of conceptual representations from the reasoning modules can enable targeted token engineering to open the door for potential applications in knowledge transfer, explainable AI, and the development of more modular and conceptually grounded language models.

new Teaching-Assistant-in-the-Loop: Improving Knowledge Distillation from Imperfect Teacher Models in Low-Budget Scenarios

Authors: Yuhang Zhou, Wei Ai

Abstract: There is increasing interest in distilling task-specific knowledge from large language models (LLM) to smaller student models. Nonetheless, LLM distillation presents a dual challenge: 1) there is a high cost associated with querying the teacher LLM, such as GPT-4, for gathering an ample number of demonstrations; 2) the teacher LLM might provide imperfect outputs with a negative impact on the student's learning process. To enhance sample efficiency within resource-constrained, imperfect teacher scenarios, we propose a three-component framework leveraging three signal types. The first signal is the student's self-consistency (consistency of student multiple outputs), which is a proxy of the student's confidence. Specifically, we introduce a ``teaching assistant'' (TA) model to assess the uncertainty of both the student's and the teacher's outputs via confidence scoring, which serves as another two signals for student training. Furthermore, we propose a two-stage training schema to first warm up the student with a small proportion of data to better utilize student's signal. Experiments have shown the superiority of our proposed framework for four complex reasoning tasks. On average, our proposed two-stage framework brings a relative improvement of up to 20.79% compared to fine-tuning without any signals across datasets.

new Advancing Semantic Textual Similarity Modeling: A Regression Framework with Translated ReLU and Smooth K2 Loss

Authors: Bowen Zhang, Chunping Li

Abstract: Since the introduction of BERT and RoBERTa, research on Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) has made groundbreaking progress. Particularly, the adoption of contrastive learning has substantially elevated state-of-the-art performance across various STS benchmarks. However, contrastive learning categorizes text pairs as either semantically similar or dissimilar, failing to leverage fine-grained annotated information and necessitating large batch sizes to prevent model collapse. These constraints pose challenges for researchers engaged in STS tasks that require nuanced similarity levels or those with limited computational resources, compelling them to explore alternatives like Sentence-BERT. Nonetheless, Sentence-BERT tackles STS tasks from a classification perspective, overlooking the progressive nature of semantic relationships, which results in suboptimal performance. To bridge this gap, this paper presents an innovative regression framework and proposes two simple yet effective loss functions: Translated ReLU and Smooth K2 Loss. Experimental analyses demonstrate that our method achieves convincing performance across seven established STS benchmarks, especially when supplemented with task-specific training data.

new Hidden Question Representations Tell Non-Factuality Within and Across Large Language Models

Authors: Yanling Wang, Haoyang Li, Hao Zou, Jing Zhang, Xinlei He, Qi Li, Ke Xu

Abstract: Despite the remarkable advance of large language models (LLMs), the prevalence of non-factual responses remains a common issue. This work studies non-factuality prediction (NFP), which predicts whether an LLM will generate non-factual responses to a question before the generation process. Previous efforts on NFP usually rely on extensive computation. In this work, we conduct extensive analysis to explore the capabilities of using a lightweight probe to elicit ``whether an LLM knows'' from the hidden representations of questions. Additionally, we discover that the non-factuality probe employs similar patterns for NFP across multiple LLMs. Motivated by the intriguing finding, we conduct effective transfer learning for cross-LLM NFP and propose a question-aligned strategy to ensure the efficacy of mini-batch based training.

new MemeGuard: An LLM and VLM-based Framework for Advancing Content Moderation via Meme Intervention

Authors: Prince Jha, Raghav Jain, Konika Mandal, Aman Chadha, Sriparna Saha, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Abstract: In the digital world, memes present a unique challenge for content moderation due to their potential to spread harmful content. Although detection methods have improved, proactive solutions such as intervention are still limited, with current research focusing mostly on text-based content, neglecting the widespread influence of multimodal content like memes. Addressing this gap, we present \textit{MemeGuard}, a comprehensive framework leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) and Visual Language Models (VLMs) for meme intervention. \textit{MemeGuard} harnesses a specially fine-tuned VLM, \textit{VLMeme}, for meme interpretation, and a multimodal knowledge selection and ranking mechanism (\textit{MKS}) for distilling relevant knowledge. This knowledge is then employed by a general-purpose LLM to generate contextually appropriate interventions. Another key contribution of this work is the \textit{\textbf{I}ntervening} \textit{\textbf{C}yberbullying in \textbf{M}ultimodal \textbf{M}emes (ICMM)} dataset, a high-quality, labeled dataset featuring toxic memes and their corresponding human-annotated interventions. We leverage \textit{ICMM} to test \textit{MemeGuard}, demonstrating its proficiency in generating relevant and effective responses to toxic memes.

new Toward Reliable Ad-hoc Scientific Information Extraction: A Case Study on Two Materials Datasets

Authors: Satanu Ghosh, Neal R. Brodnik, Carolina Frey, Collin Holgate, Tresa M. Pollock, Samantha Daly, Samuel Carton

Abstract: We explore the ability of GPT-4 to perform ad-hoc schema based information extraction from scientific literature. We assess specifically whether it can, with a basic prompting approach, replicate two existing material science datasets, given the manuscripts from which they were originally manually extracted. We employ materials scientists to perform a detailed manual error analysis to assess where the model struggles to faithfully extract the desired information, and draw on their insights to suggest research directions to address this broadly important task.

new Flexible and Adaptable Summarization via Expertise Separation

Authors: Xiuying Chen, Mingzhe Li, Shen Gao, Xin Cheng, Qingqing Zhu, Rui Yan, Xin Gao, Xiangliang Zhang

Abstract: A proficient summarization model should exhibit both flexibility -- the capacity to handle a range of in-domain summarization tasks, and adaptability -- the competence to acquire new knowledge and adjust to unseen out-of-domain tasks. Unlike large language models (LLMs) that achieve this through parameter scaling, we propose a more parameter-efficient approach in this study. Our motivation rests on the principle that the general summarization ability to capture salient information can be shared across different tasks, while the domain-specific summarization abilities need to be distinct and tailored. Concretely, we propose MoeSumm, a Mixture-of-Expert Summarization architecture, which utilizes a main expert for gaining the general summarization capability and deputy experts that selectively collaborate to meet specific summarization task requirements. We further propose a max-margin loss to stimulate the separation of these abilities. Our model's distinct separation of general and domain-specific summarization abilities grants it with notable flexibility and adaptability, all while maintaining parameter efficiency. MoeSumm achieves flexibility by managing summarization across multiple domains with a single model, utilizing a shared main expert and selected deputy experts. It exhibits adaptability by tailoring deputy experts to cater to out-of-domain few-shot and zero-shot scenarios. Experimental results on 11 datasets show the superiority of our model compared with recent baselines and LLMs. We also provide statistical and visual evidence of the distinct separation of the two abilities in MoeSumm (


new Write Summary Step-by-Step: A Pilot Study of Stepwise Summarization

Authors: Xiuying Chen, Shen Gao, Mingzhe Li, Qingqing Zhu, Xin Gao, Xiangliang Zhang

Abstract: Nowadays, neural text generation has made tremendous progress in abstractive summarization tasks. However, most of the existing summarization models take in the whole document all at once, which sometimes cannot meet the needs in practice. Practically, social text streams such as news events and tweets keep growing from time to time, and can only be fed to the summarization system step by step. Hence, in this paper, we propose the task of Stepwise Summarization, which aims to generate a new appended summary each time a new document is proposed. The appended summary should not only summarize the newly added content but also be coherent with the previous summary, to form an up-to-date complete summary. To tackle this challenge, we design an adversarial learning model, named Stepwise Summary Generator (SSG). First, SSG selectively processes the new document under the guidance of the previous summary, obtaining polished document representation. Next, SSG generates the summary considering both the previous summary and the document. Finally, a convolutional-based discriminator is employed to determine whether the newly generated summary is coherent with the previous summary. For the experiment, we extend the traditional two-step update summarization setting to a multi-step stepwise setting, and re-propose a large-scale stepwise summarization dataset based on a public story generation dataset. Extensive experiments on this dataset show that SSG achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of both automatic metrics and human evaluations. Ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of each module in our framework. We also discuss the benefits and limitations of recent large language models on this task.

new CaLM: Contrasting Large and Small Language Models to Verify Grounded Generation

Authors: I-Hung Hsu, Zifeng Wang, Long T. Le, Lesly Miculicich, Nanyun Peng, Chen-Yu Lee, Tomas Pfister

Abstract: Grounded generation aims to equip language models (LMs) with the ability to produce more credible and accountable responses by accurately citing verifiable sources. However, existing methods, by either feeding LMs with raw or preprocessed materials, remain prone to errors. To address this, we introduce CaLM, a novel verification framework. CaLM leverages the insight that a robust grounded response should be consistent with information derived solely from its cited sources. Our framework empowers smaller LMs, which rely less on parametric memory and excel at processing relevant information given a query, to validate the output of larger LMs. Larger LM responses that closely align with the smaller LMs' output, which relies exclusively on cited documents, are verified. Responses showing discrepancies are iteratively refined through a feedback loop. Experiments on three open-domain question-answering datasets demonstrate significant performance gains of 1.5% to 7% absolute average without any required model fine-tuning.

new Venn Diagram Prompting : Accelerating Comprehension with Scaffolding Effect

Authors: Sakshi Mahendru, Tejul Pandit

Abstract: We introduce Venn Diagram (VD) Prompting, an innovative prompting technique which allows Large Language Models (LLMs) to combine and synthesize information across complex, diverse and long-context documents in knowledge-intensive question-answering tasks. Generating answers from multiple documents involves numerous steps to extract relevant and unique information and amalgamate it into a cohesive response. To improve the quality of the final answer, multiple LLM calls or pretrained models are used to perform different tasks such as summarization, reorganization and customization. The approach covered in the paper focuses on replacing the multi-step strategy via a single LLM call using VD prompting. Our proposed technique also aims to eliminate the inherent position bias in the LLMs, enhancing consistency in answers by removing sensitivity to the sequence of input information. It overcomes the challenge of inconsistency traditionally associated with varying input sequences. We also explore the practical applications of the VD prompt based on our examination of the prompt's outcomes. In the experiments performed on four public benchmark question-answering datasets, VD prompting continually matches or surpasses the performance of a meticulously crafted instruction prompt which adheres to optimal guidelines and practices.

new VALL-E 2: Neural Codec Language Models are Human Parity Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers

Authors: Sanyuan Chen, Shujie Liu, Long Zhou, Yanqing Liu, Xu Tan, Jinyu Li, Sheng Zhao, Yao Qian, Furu Wei

Abstract: This paper introduces VALL-E 2, the latest advancement in neural codec language models that marks a milestone in zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis (TTS), achieving human parity for the first time. Based on its predecessor, VALL-E, the new iteration introduces two significant enhancements: Repetition Aware Sampling refines the original nucleus sampling process by accounting for token repetition in the decoding history. It not only stabilizes the decoding but also circumvents the infinite loop issue. Grouped Code Modeling organizes codec codes into groups to effectively shorten the sequence length, which not only boosts inference speed but also addresses the challenges of long sequence modeling. Our experiments on the LibriSpeech and VCTK datasets show that VALL-E 2 surpasses previous systems in speech robustness, naturalness, and speaker similarity. It is the first of its kind to reach human parity on these benchmarks. Moreover, VALL-E 2 consistently synthesizes high-quality speech, even for sentences that are traditionally challenging due to their complexity or repetitive phrases. The advantages of this work could contribute to valuable endeavors, such as generating speech for individuals with aphasia or people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Demos of VALL-E 2 will be posted to


new Planning Like Human: A Dual-process Framework for Dialogue Planning

Authors: Tao He, Lizi Liao, Yixin Cao, Yuanxing Liu, Ming Liu, Zerui Chen, Bing Qin

Abstract: In proactive dialogue, the challenge lies not just in generating responses but in steering conversations toward predetermined goals, a task where Large Language Models (LLMs) typically struggle due to their reactive nature. Traditional approaches to enhance dialogue planning in LLMs, ranging from elaborate prompt engineering to the integration of policy networks, either face efficiency issues or deliver suboptimal performance. Inspired by the dualprocess theory in psychology, which identifies two distinct modes of thinking - intuitive (fast) and analytical (slow), we propose the Dual-Process Dialogue Planning (DPDP) framework. DPDP embodies this theory through two complementary planning systems: an instinctive policy model for familiar contexts and a deliberative Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) mechanism for complex, novel scenarios. This dual strategy is further coupled with a novel two-stage training regimen: offline Reinforcement Learning for robust initial policy model formation followed by MCTS-enhanced on-the-fly learning, which ensures a dynamic balance between efficiency and strategic depth. Our empirical evaluations across diverse dialogue tasks affirm DPDP's superiority in achieving both high-quality dialogues and operational efficiency, outpacing existing methods.

new Deconstructing The Ethics of Large Language Models from Long-standing Issues to New-emerging Dilemmas

Authors: Chengyuan Deng, Yiqun Duan, Xin Jin, Heng Chang, Yijun Tian, Han Liu, Henry Peng Zou, Yiqiao Jin, Yijia Xiao, Yichen Wang, Shenghao Wu, Zongxing Xie, Kuofeng Gao, Sihong He, Jun Zhuang, Lu Cheng, Haohan Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved unparalleled success across diverse language modeling tasks in recent years. However, this progress has also intensified ethical concerns, impacting the deployment of LLMs in everyday contexts. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of ethical challenges associated with LLMs, from longstanding issues such as copyright infringement, systematic bias, and data privacy, to emerging problems like truthfulness and social norms. We critically analyze existing research aimed at understanding, examining, and mitigating these ethical risks. Our survey underscores integrating ethical standards and societal values into the development of LLMs, thereby guiding the development of responsible and ethically aligned language models.

new Recent advancements in computational morphology : A comprehensive survey

Authors: Jatayu Baxi, Brijesh Bhatt

Abstract: Computational morphology handles the language processing at the word level. It is one of the foundational tasks in the NLP pipeline for the development of higher level NLP applications. It mainly deals with the processing of words and word forms. Computational Morphology addresses various sub problems such as morpheme boundary detection, lemmatization, morphological feature tagging, morphological reinflection etc. In this paper, we present exhaustive survey of the methods for developing computational morphology related tools. We survey the literature in the chronological order starting from the conventional methods till the recent evolution of deep neural network based approaches. We also review the existing datasets available for this task across the languages. We discuss about the effectiveness of neural model compared with the traditional models and present some unique challenges associated with building the computational morphology tools. We conclude by discussing some recent and open research issues in this field.

new MaTableGPT: GPT-based Table Data Extractor from Materials Science Literature

Authors: Gyeong Hoon Yi, Jiwoo Choi, Hyeongyun Song, Olivia Miano, Jaewoong Choi, Kihoon Bang, Byungju Lee, Seok Su Sohn, David Buttler, Anna Hiszpanski, Sang Soo Han, Donghun Kim

Abstract: Efficiently extracting data from tables in the scientific literature is pivotal for building large-scale databases. However, the tables reported in materials science papers exist in highly diverse forms; thus, rule-based extractions are an ineffective approach. To overcome this challenge, we present MaTableGPT, which is a GPT-based table data extractor from the materials science literature. MaTableGPT features key strategies of table data representation and table splitting for better GPT comprehension and filtering hallucinated information through follow-up questions. When applied to a vast volume of water splitting catalysis literature, MaTableGPT achieved an extraction accuracy (total F1 score) of up to 96.8%. Through comprehensive evaluations of the GPT usage cost, labeling cost, and extraction accuracy for the learning methods of zero-shot, few-shot and fine-tuning, we present a Pareto-front mapping where the few-shot learning method was found to be the most balanced solution owing to both its high extraction accuracy (total F1 score>95%) and low cost (GPT usage cost of 5.97 US dollars and labeling cost of 10 I/O paired examples). The statistical analyses conducted on the database generated by MaTableGPT revealed valuable insights into the distribution of the overpotential and elemental utilization across the reported catalysts in the water splitting literature.

new Design of reliable technology valuation model with calibrated machine learning of patent indicators

Authors: Seunghyun Lee, Janghyeok Yoon, Jaewoong Choi

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) has revolutionized the digital transformation of technology valuation by predicting the value of patents with high accuracy. However, the lack of validation regarding the reliability of these models hinders experts from fully trusting the confidence of model predictions. To address this issue, we propose an analytical framework for reliable technology valuation using calibrated ML models, which provide robust confidence levels in model predictions. We extract quantitative patent indicators that represent various technology characteristics as input data, using the patent maintenance period as a proxy for technology values. Multiple ML models are developed to capture the nonlinear relationship between patent indicators and technology value. The reliability and accuracy of these models are evaluated, presenting a Pareto-front map where the expected calibration error, Matthews correlation coefficient and F1-scores are compared. After identifying the best-performing model, we apply SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) analysis to pinpoint the most significant input features by confidence bin. Through a case study, we confirmed that the proposed approach offers a practical guideline for developing reliable and accurate ML-based technology valuation models, with significant implications for both academia and industry.

new Fighting Against the Repetitive Training and Sample Dependency Problem in Few-shot Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Chang Tian, Wenpeng Yin, Dan Li, Marie-Francine Moens

Abstract: Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) systems recognize entities using a few labeled training examples. The general pipeline consists of a span detector to identify entity spans in text and an entity-type classifier to assign types to entities. Current span detectors rely on extensive manual labeling to guide training. Almost every span detector requires initial training on basic span features followed by adaptation to task-specific features. This process leads to repetitive training of the basic span features among span detectors. Additionally, metric-based entity-type classifiers, such as prototypical networks, typically employ a specific metric that gauges the distance between the query sample and entity-type referents, ultimately assigning the most probable entity type to the query sample. However, these classifiers encounter the sample dependency problem, primarily stemming from the limited samples available for each entity-type referent. To address these challenges, we proposed an improved few-shot NER pipeline. First, we introduce a steppingstone span detector that is pre-trained on open-domain Wikipedia data. It can be used to initialize the pipeline span detector to reduce the repetitive training of basic features. Second, we leverage a large language model (LLM) to set reliable entity-type referents, eliminating reliance on few-shot samples of each type. Our model exhibits superior performance with fewer training steps and human-labeled data compared with baselines, as demonstrated through extensive experiments on various datasets. Particularly in fine-grained few-shot NER settings, our model outperforms strong baselines, including ChatGPT. We will publicly release the code, datasets, LLM outputs, and model checkpoints.

new Investigating and Addressing Hallucinations of LLMs in Tasks Involving Negation

Authors: Neeraj Varshney, Satyam Raj, Venkatesh Mishra, Agneet Chatterjee, Ritika Sarkar, Amir Saeidi, Chitta Baral

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance across a wide variety of natural language tasks. However, they have been shown to suffer from a critical limitation pertinent to 'hallucination' in their output. Recent research has focused on investigating and addressing this problem for a variety of tasks such as biography generation, question answering, abstractive summarization, and dialogue generation. However, the crucial aspect pertaining to 'negation' has remained considerably underexplored. Negation is important because it adds depth and nuance to the understanding of language and is also crucial for logical reasoning and inference. In this work, we address the above limitation and particularly focus on studying the impact of negation in LLM hallucinations. Specifically, we study four tasks with negation: 'false premise completion', 'constrained fact generation', 'multiple choice question answering', and 'fact generation'. We show that open-source state-of-the-art LLMs such as LLaMA-2-chat, Vicuna, and Orca-2 hallucinate considerably on all these tasks involving negation which underlines a critical shortcoming of these models. Addressing this problem, we further study numerous strategies to mitigate these hallucinations and demonstrate their impact.

new Generalist Multimodal AI: A Review of Architectures, Challenges and Opportunities

Authors: Sai Munikoti, Ian Stewart, Sameera Horawalavithana, Henry Kvinge, Tegan Emerson, Sandra E Thompson, Karl Pazdernik

Abstract: Multimodal models are expected to be a critical component to future advances in artificial intelligence. This field is starting to grow rapidly with a surge of new design elements motivated by the success of foundation models in natural language processing (NLP) and vision. It is widely hoped that further extending the foundation models to multiple modalities (e.g., text, image, video, sensor, time series, graph, etc.) will ultimately lead to generalist multimodal models, i.e. one model across different data modalities and tasks. However, there is little research that systematically analyzes recent multimodal models (particularly the ones that work beyond text and vision) with respect to the underling architecture proposed. Therefore, this work provides a fresh perspective on generalist multimodal models (GMMs) via a novel architecture and training configuration specific taxonomy. This includes factors such as Unifiability, Modularity, and Adaptability that are pertinent and essential to the wide adoption and application of GMMs. The review further highlights key challenges and prospects for the field and guide the researchers into the new advancements.

new ThatiAR: Subjectivity Detection in Arabic News Sentences

Authors: Reem Suwaileh, Maram Hasanain, Fatema Hubail, Wajdi Zaghouani, Firoj Alam

Abstract: Detecting subjectivity in news sentences is crucial for identifying media bias, enhancing credibility, and combating misinformation by flagging opinion-based content. It provides insights into public sentiment, empowers readers to make informed decisions, and encourages critical thinking. While research has developed methods and systems for this purpose, most efforts have focused on English and other high-resourced languages. In this study, we present the first large dataset for subjectivity detection in Arabic, consisting of ~3.6K manually annotated sentences, and GPT-4o based explanation. In addition, we included instructions (both in English and Arabic) to facilitate LLM based fine-tuning. We provide an in-depth analysis of the dataset, annotation process, and extensive benchmark results, including PLMs and LLMs. Our analysis of the annotation process highlights that annotators were strongly influenced by their political, cultural, and religious backgrounds, especially at the beginning of the annotation process. The experimental results suggest that LLMs with in-context learning provide better performance. We aim to release the dataset and resources for the community.

new Do LLMs Recognize me, When I is not me: Assessment of LLMs Understanding of Turkish Indexical Pronouns in Indexical Shift Contexts

Authors: Metehan O\u{g}uz, Yusuf Umut Ciftci, Yavuz Faruk Bakman

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in tasks such as machine translation, text summarization, question answering, and solving complex mathematical problems. However, their primary training on data-rich languages like English limits their performance in low-resource languages. This study addresses this gap by focusing on the Indexical Shift problem in Turkish. The Indexical Shift problem involves resolving pronouns in indexical shift contexts, a grammatical challenge not present in high-resource languages like English. We present the first study examining indexical shift in any language, releasing a Turkish dataset specifically designed for this purpose. Our Indexical Shift Dataset consists of 156 multiple-choice questions, each annotated with necessary linguistic details, to evaluate LLMs in a few-shot setting. We evaluate recent multilingual LLMs, including GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Cohere-AYA, Trendyol-LLM, and Turkcell-LLM, using this dataset. Our analysis reveals that even advanced models like GPT-4 struggle with the grammatical nuances of indexical shift in Turkish, achieving only moderate performance. These findings underscore the need for focused research on the grammatical challenges posed by low-resource languages. We released the dataset and code \href{} {here}.


new Creativity Has Left the Chat: The Price of Debiasing Language Models

Authors: Behnam Mohammadi

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing but can exhibit biases and may generate toxic content. While alignment techniques like Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) reduce these issues, their impact on creativity, defined as syntactic and semantic diversity, remains unexplored. We investigate the unintended consequences of RLHF on the creativity of LLMs through three experiments focusing on the Llama-2 series. Our findings reveal that aligned models exhibit lower entropy in token predictions, form distinct clusters in the embedding space, and gravitate towards "attractor states", indicating limited output diversity. Our findings have significant implications for marketers who rely on LLMs for creative tasks such as copywriting, ad creation, and customer persona generation. The trade-off between consistency and creativity in aligned models should be carefully considered when selecting the appropriate model for a given application. We also discuss the importance of prompt engineering in harnessing the creative potential of base models.

new CERET: Cost-Effective Extrinsic Refinement for Text Generation

Authors: Jason Cai, Hang Su, Monica Sunkara, Igor Shalyminov, Saab Mansour

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful models for generation tasks, but they may not generate good quality outputs in their first attempt. Apart from model fine-tuning, existing approaches to improve prediction accuracy and quality typically involve LLM self-improvement / self-reflection that incorporate feedback from models themselves. Despite their effectiveness, these methods are hindered by their high computational cost and lack of scalability. In this work, we propose CERET, a method for refining text generations by considering semantic stability, entailment and inter-sample uncertainty measures. Experimental results show that CERET outperforms Self-consistency and Self-rerank baselines consistently under various task setups, by ~1.6% in Rouge-1 for abstractive summarization and ~3.5% in hit rate for question answering. Compared to LLM Self-rerank method, our approach only requires 9.4% of its latency and is more cost-effective.

new GrowOVER: How Can LLMs Adapt to Growing Real-World Knowledge?

Authors: Dayoon Ko, Jinyoung Kim, Hahyeon Choi, Gunhee Kim

Abstract: In the real world, knowledge is constantly evolving, which can render existing knowledge-based datasets outdated. This unreliability highlights the critical need for continuous updates to ensure both accuracy and relevance in knowledge-intensive tasks. To address this, we propose GrowOVER-QA and GrowOVER-Dialogue, dynamic open-domain QA and dialogue benchmarks that undergo a continuous cycle of updates, keeping pace with the rapid evolution of knowledge. Our research indicates that retrieval-augmented language models (RaLMs) struggle with knowledge that has not been trained on or recently updated. Consequently, we introduce a novel retrieval-interactive language model framework, where the language model evaluates and reflects on its answers for further re-retrieval. Our exhaustive experiments demonstrate that our training-free framework significantly improves upon existing methods, performing comparably to or even surpassing continuously trained language models.

new Video-Language Understanding: A Survey from Model Architecture, Model Training, and Data Perspectives

Authors: Thong Nguyen, Yi Bin, Junbin Xiao, Leigang Qu, Yicong Li, Jay Zhangjie Wu, Cong-Duy Nguyen, See-Kiong Ng, Luu Anh Tuan

Abstract: Humans use multiple senses to comprehend the environment. Vision and language are two of the most vital senses since they allow us to easily communicate our thoughts and perceive the world around us. There has been a lot of interest in creating video-language understanding systems with human-like senses since a video-language pair can mimic both our linguistic medium and visual environment with temporal dynamics. In this survey, we review the key tasks of these systems and highlight the associated challenges. Based on the challenges, we summarize their methods from model architecture, model training, and data perspectives. We also conduct performance comparison among the methods, and discuss promising directions for future research.

new ATLAS: Improving Lay Summarisation with Attribute-based Control

Authors: Zhihao Zhang, Tomas Goldsack, Carolina Scarton, Chenghua Lin

Abstract: Lay summarisation aims to produce summaries of scientific articles that are comprehensible to non-expert audiences. However, previous work assumes a one-size-fits-all approach, where the content and style of the produced summary are entirely dependent on the data used to train the model. In practice, audiences with different levels of expertise will have specific needs, impacting what content should appear in a lay summary and how it should be presented. Aiming to address this, we propose ATLAS, a novel abstractive summarisation approach that can control various properties that contribute to the overall "layness" of the generated summary using targeted control attributes. We evaluate ATLAS on a combination of biomedical lay summarisation datasets, where it outperforms state-of-the-art baselines using mainstream summarisation metrics. Additional analyses provided on the discriminatory power and emergent influence of our selected controllable attributes further attest to the effectiveness of our approach.

new How Alignment and Jailbreak Work: Explain LLM Safety through Intermediate Hidden States

Authors: Zhenhong Zhou, Haiyang Yu, Xinghua Zhang, Rongwu Xu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) rely on safety alignment to avoid responding to malicious user inputs. Unfortunately, jailbreak can circumvent safety guardrails, resulting in LLMs generating harmful content and raising concerns about LLM safety. Due to language models with intensive parameters often regarded as black boxes, the mechanisms of alignment and jailbreak are challenging to elucidate. In this paper, we employ weak classifiers to explain LLM safety through the intermediate hidden states. We first confirm that LLMs learn ethical concepts during pre-training rather than alignment and can identify malicious and normal inputs in the early layers. Alignment actually associates the early concepts with emotion guesses in the middle layers and then refines them to the specific reject tokens for safe generations. Jailbreak disturbs the transformation of early unethical classification into negative emotions. We conduct experiments on models from 7B to 70B across various model families to prove our conclusion. Overall, our paper indicates the intrinsical mechanism of LLM safety and how jailbreaks circumvent safety guardrails, offering a new perspective on LLM safety and reducing concerns.

new DomainRAG: A Chinese Benchmark for Evaluating Domain-specific Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Shuting Wang, Jiongnan Liu Shiren Song, Jiehan Cheng, Yuqi Fu, Peidong Guo, Kun Fang, Yutao Zhu, Zhicheng Dou

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) offers a promising solution to address various limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as hallucination and difficulties in keeping up with real-time updates. This approach is particularly critical in expert and domain-specific applications where LLMs struggle to cover expert knowledge. Therefore, evaluating RAG models in such scenarios is crucial, yet current studies often rely on general knowledge sources like Wikipedia to assess the models' abilities in solving common-sense problems. In this paper, we evaluated LLMs by RAG settings in a domain-specific context, college enrollment. We identified six required abilities for RAG models, including the ability in conversational RAG, analyzing structural information, faithfulness to external knowledge, denoising, solving time-sensitive problems, and understanding multi-document interactions. Each ability has an associated dataset with shared corpora to evaluate the RAG models' performance. We evaluated popular LLMs such as Llama, Baichuan, ChatGLM, and GPT models. Experimental results indicate that existing closed-book LLMs struggle with domain-specific questions, highlighting the need for RAG models to solve expert problems. Moreover, there is room for RAG models to improve their abilities in comprehending conversational history, analyzing structural information, denoising, processing multi-document interactions, and faithfulness in expert knowledge. We expect future studies could solve these problems better.

new Do LLMs Exhibit Human-Like Reasoning? Evaluating Theory of Mind in LLMs for Open-Ended Responses

Authors: Maryam Amirizaniani, Elias Martin, Maryna Sivachenko, Afra Mashhadi, Chirag Shah

Abstract: Theory of Mind (ToM) reasoning entails recognizing that other individuals possess their own intentions, emotions, and thoughts, which is vital for guiding one's own thought processes. Although large language models (LLMs) excel in tasks such as summarization, question answering, and translation, they still face challenges with ToM reasoning, especially in open-ended questions. Despite advancements, the extent to which LLMs truly understand ToM reasoning and how closely it aligns with human ToM reasoning remains inadequately explored in open-ended scenarios. Motivated by this gap, we assess the abilities of LLMs to perceive and integrate human intentions and emotions into their ToM reasoning processes within open-ended questions. Our study utilizes posts from Reddit's ChangeMyView platform, which demands nuanced social reasoning to craft persuasive responses. Our analysis, comparing semantic similarity and lexical overlap metrics between responses generated by humans and LLMs, reveals clear disparities in ToM reasoning capabilities in open-ended questions, with even the most advanced models showing notable limitations. To enhance LLM capabilities, we implement a prompt tuning method that incorporates human intentions and emotions, resulting in improvements in ToM reasoning performance. However, despite these improvements, the enhancement still falls short of fully achieving human-like reasoning. This research highlights the deficiencies in LLMs' social reasoning and demonstrates how integrating human intentions and emotions can boost their effectiveness.

new MS-HuBERT: Mitigating Pre-training and Inference Mismatch in Masked Language Modelling methods for learning Speech Representations

Authors: Hemant Yadav, Sunayana Sitaram, Rajiv Ratn Shah

Abstract: In recent years, self-supervised pre-training methods have gained significant traction in learning high-level information from raw speech. Among these methods, HuBERT has demonstrated SOTA performance in automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, HuBERT's performance lags behind data2vec due to disparities in pre-training strategies. In this paper, we propose (i) a Swap method to address pre-training and inference mismatch observed in HuBERT and (ii) incorporates Multicluster masked prediction loss for more effective utilization of the models capacity. The resulting method is, MS-HuBERT, an end-to-end self-supervised pre-training method for learning robust speech representations. It beats vanilla HuBERT on the ASR Librispeech benchmark on average by a 5% margin when evaluated on different finetuning splits. Additionally, we demonstrate that the learned embeddings obtained during pre-training encode essential information for improving performance of content based tasks such as ASR.

new SinkLoRA: Enhanced Efficiency and Chat Capabilities for Long-Context Large Language Models

Authors: Hengyu Zhang

Abstract: Extending the functionality of the Transformer model to accommodate longer sequence lengths has become a critical challenge. This extension is crucial not only for improving tasks such as language translation and long-context processing but also for enabling novel applications like chatbots, code generation, and multimedia content creation. The primary obstacle is the self-attention mechanism, which scales quadratically with sequence length in terms of computation time and memory requirements. LongLoRA proposed shifted sparse attention (S\(^2\)-Attn), effectively enabling context extension and leading to non-trivial computation savings with similar performance to fine-tuning with vanilla attention. However, LongLoRA is still not as efficient as vanilla attention, reaching only 39\% of the perplexity improvement compared to full attention. This inefficiency is due to the cyclic shift applied within different attention head patterns, causing either chaos in the attention head structure or unnecessary information exchange between token groups. To address these issues, We propose \textbf{SinkLoRA}, which features better work partitioning. Specifically, (1) we developed SF-Attn with a segmentation and reassembly algorithm to proportionally return cyclically shifted groups of attention heads to their un-shifted state together with global attention of "sink attention tokens", achieving 92\% of the perplexity improvement compared to full attention after fine tuning, and (2) applied a SOTA KV cache compression algorithm H$_2$O to accelerate inference. Furthermore, We conducted supervised fine-tuning with SinkLoRA using a self collected LongAlpaca-plus dataset. All our code, models, datasets, and demos are available at \url{}.


new Peer Review as A Multi-Turn and Long-Context Dialogue with Role-Based Interactions

Authors: Cheng Tan, Dongxin Lyu, Siyuan Li, Zhangyang Gao, Jingxuan Wei, Siqi Ma, Zicheng Liu, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated wide-ranging applications across various fields and have shown significant potential in the academic peer-review process. However, existing applications are primarily limited to static review generation based on submitted papers, which fail to capture the dynamic and iterative nature of real-world peer reviews. In this paper, we reformulate the peer-review process as a multi-turn, long-context dialogue, incorporating distinct roles for authors, reviewers, and decision makers. We construct a comprehensive dataset containing over 26,841 papers with 92,017 reviews collected from multiple sources, including the top-tier conference and prestigious journal. This dataset is meticulously designed to facilitate the applications of LLMs for multi-turn dialogues, effectively simulating the complete peer-review process. Furthermore, we propose a series of metrics to evaluate the performance of LLMs for each role under this reformulated peer-review setting, ensuring fair and comprehensive evaluations. We believe this work provides a promising perspective on enhancing the LLM-driven peer-review process by incorporating dynamic, role-based interactions. It aligns closely with the iterative and interactive nature of real-world academic peer review, offering a robust foundation for future research and development in this area. We open-source the dataset at


new MoPS: Modular Story Premise Synthesis for Open-Ended Automatic Story Generation

Authors: Yan Ma, Yu Qiao, Pengfei Liu

Abstract: A story premise succinctly defines a story's main idea, foundation, and trajectory. It serves as the initial trigger in automatic story generation. Existing sources of story premises are limited by a lack of diversity, uneven quality, and high costs that make them difficult to scale. In response, we introduce Modular Story Premise Synthesis (MoPS) which breaks down story premises into modules like background and persona for automated design and generation. MoPS consists of three phases: (1) Precollect a consistent set of candidates for each module to form a nested dictionary. (2) Extract a key path from the nested dictionary as the premise design. (3) Instruct an LLM to integrate the design into a coherent premise sentence. Thorough evaluations demonstrate that our synthesized premises excel in diversity, fascination, completeness, and originality compared to those induced from large language models and captured from public story datasets. Similarly, the extended novels and scripts generated from our premises also exhibit higher quality. In supplementary materials, we provide the MoPS code suite, along with 7.6k generated premises and 1k extended stories. Code:


new QGEval: A Benchmark for Question Generation Evaluation

Authors: Weiping Fu, Bifan Wei, Jianxiang Hu, Zhongmin Cai, Jun Liu

Abstract: Automatically generated questions often suffer from problems such as unclear expression or factual inaccuracies, requiring a reliable and comprehensive evaluation of their quality. Human evaluation is frequently used in the field of question generation (QG) and is one of the most accurate evaluation methods. It also serves as the standard for automatic metrics. However, there is a lack of unified evaluation criteria, which hampers the development of both QG technologies and automatic evaluation methods. To address this, we propose QGEval, a multi-dimensional Evaluation benchmark for Question Generation, which evaluates both generated questions and existing automatic metrics across 7 dimensions: fluency, clarity, conciseness, relevance, consistency, answerability, and answer consistency. We demonstrate the appropriateness of these dimensions by examining their correlations and distinctions. Analysis with QGEval reveals that 1) most QG models perform unsatisfactorily in terms of answerability and answer consistency, and 2) existing metrics fail to align well with human assessments when evaluating generated questions across the 7 dimensions. We expect this work to foster the development of both QG technologies and automatic metrics for QG.

new MrRank: Improving Question Answering Retrieval System through Multi-Result Ranking Model

Authors: Danupat Khamnuansin, Tawunrat Chalothorn, Ekapol Chuangsuwanich

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) often struggle with hallucinations and outdated information. To address this, Information Retrieval (IR) systems can be employed to augment LLMs with up-to-date knowledge. However, existing IR techniques contain deficiencies, posing a performance bottleneck. Given the extensive array of IR systems, combining diverse approaches presents a viable strategy. Nevertheless, prior attempts have yielded restricted efficacy. In this work, we propose an approach that leverages learning-to-rank techniques to combine heterogeneous IR systems. We demonstrate the method on two Retrieval Question Answering (ReQA) tasks. Our empirical findings exhibit a significant performance enhancement, outperforming previous approaches and achieving state-of-the-art results on ReQA SQuAD.

new Arabic Diacritics in the Wild: Exploiting Opportunities for Improved Diacritization

Authors: Salman Elgamal, Ossama Obeid, Tameem Kabbani, Go Inoue, Nizar Habash

Abstract: The widespread absence of diacritical marks in Arabic text poses a significant challenge for Arabic natural language processing (NLP). This paper explores instances of naturally occurring diacritics, referred to as "diacritics in the wild," to unveil patterns and latent information across six diverse genres: news articles, novels, children's books, poetry, political documents, and ChatGPT outputs. We present a new annotated dataset that maps real-world partially diacritized words to their maximal full diacritization in context. Additionally, we propose extensions to the analyze-and-disambiguate approach in Arabic NLP to leverage these diacritics, resulting in notable improvements. Our contributions encompass a thorough analysis, valuable datasets, and an extended diacritization algorithm. We release our code and datasets as open source.

new The BiGGen Bench: A Principled Benchmark for Fine-grained Evaluation of Language Models with Language Models

Authors: Seungone Kim, Juyoung Suk, Ji Yong Cho, Shayne Longpre, Chaeeun Kim, Dongkeun Yoon, Guijin Son, Yejin Cho, Sheikh Shafayat, Jinheon Baek, Sue Hyun Park, Hyeonbin Hwang, Jinkyung Jo, Hyowon Cho, Haebin Shin, Seongyun Lee, Hanseok Oh, Noah Lee, Namgyu Ho, Se June Joo, Miyoung Ko, Yoonjoo Lee, Hyungjoo Chae, Jamin Shin, Joel Jang, Seonghyeon Ye, Bill Yuchen Lin, Sean Welleck, Graham Neubig, Moontae Lee, Kyungjae Lee, Minjoon Seo

Abstract: As language models (LMs) become capable of handling a wide range of tasks, their evaluation is becoming as challenging as their development. Most generation benchmarks currently assess LMs using abstract evaluation criteria like helpfulness and harmlessness, which often lack the flexibility and granularity of human assessment. Additionally, these benchmarks tend to focus disproportionately on specific capabilities such as instruction following, leading to coverage bias. To overcome these limitations, we introduce the BiGGen Bench, a principled generation benchmark designed to thoroughly evaluate nine distinct capabilities of LMs across 77 diverse tasks. A key feature of the BiGGen Bench is its use of instance-specific evaluation criteria, closely mirroring the nuanced discernment of human evaluation. We apply this benchmark to assess 103 frontier LMs using five evaluator LMs. Our code, data, and evaluation results are all publicly available at


new RE-RAG: Improving Open-Domain QA Performance and Interpretability with Relevance Estimator in Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Kiseung Kim, Jay-Yoon Lee

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) frame work is showing state-of-the-art performance on open-domain question answering tasks by referencing external knowledge. However, the RAG system faces challenges with performance degradation when it is fed contexts of low relevance or when the relative relevance among the input contexts is inaccurately assessed. In this work, we propose a RE-RAG framework that injects an explicit context relevance estimator (RE) into the RAG system. RE-RAG re-evaluates the retrieved contexts with the proposed context RE and passes the more relevant contexts along with their measure importance to the generator. To train context RE, we propose an unsupervised learning method, which does not utilize any labeled document ranking data to train the context RE. To examine the efficacy of RE-RAG, we examine its performance on Natural Questions and TriviaQA datasets. RE-RAG achieves on-par performance compared to the FiD variants while utilizing fewer contexts (0.25x). We show that the proposed context RE, which was trained with the T5 model, is also applicable to RAG with LLMs(ChatGPT) by improving the performance on NQ (+6.4EM) and TQA (+2.8EM), respecitvely. Lastly, we display that RE can add interpretability to RAG framework as RE score highly correlates with the RE-RAG accuracy. Consequently, RE can be utilized to filter out unanswerable scenarios where context does not contain answers with 38.9%-51.3% accuracy just by examining a set of retrieved contexts.

new Hidden Holes: topological aspects of language models

Authors: Stephen Fitz, Peter Romero, Jiyan Jonas Schneider

Abstract: We explore the topology of representation manifolds arising in autoregressive neural language models trained on raw text data. In order to study their properties, we introduce tools from computational algebraic topology, which we use as a basis for a measure of topological complexity, that we call perforation. Using this measure, we study the evolution of topological structure in GPT based large language models across depth and time during training. We then compare these to gated recurrent models, and show that the latter exhibit more topological complexity, with a distinct pattern of changes common to all natural languages but absent from synthetically generated data. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the representation manifolds derived by these models based on studying the shapes of vector clouds induced by them as they are conditioned on sentences from corpora of natural language text. The methods developed in this paper are novel in the field and based on mathematical apparatus that might be unfamiliar to the target audience. To help with that we introduce the minimum necessary theory, and provide additional visualizations in the appendices. The main contribution of the paper is a striking observation about the topological structure of the transformer as compared to LSTM based neural architectures. It suggests that further research into mathematical properties of these neural networks is necessary to understand the operation of large transformer language models. We hope this work inspires further explorations in this direction within the NLP community.

new Do Prompts Really Prompt? Exploring the Prompt Understanding Capability of Whisper

Authors: Chih-Kai Yang, Kuan-Po Huang, Hung-yi Lee

Abstract: This research explores the interaction between Whisper, a high-performing speech recognition model, and information in prompts. Our results unexpectedly show that Whisper may not fully grasp textual prompts as anticipated. Additionally, we find that performance improvement is not guaranteed even with stronger adherence to the topic information in textual prompts. It is also noted that English prompts generally outperform Mandarin ones on datasets of both languages, likely due to differences in training data distributions for these languages. Conversely, we discover that Whisper exhibits awareness of misleading information in language tokens by effectively ignoring incorrect language tokens and focusing on the correct ones. In summary, this work raises questions about Whisper's prompt understanding capability and encourages further studies.

new Seventeenth-Century Spanish American Notary Records for Fine-Tuning Spanish Large Language Models

Authors: Shraboni Sarker, Ahmad Tamim Hamad, Hulayyil Alshammari, Viviana Grieco, Praveen Rao

Abstract: Large language models have gained tremendous popularity in domains such as e-commerce, finance, healthcare, and education. Fine-tuning is a common approach to customize an LLM on a domain-specific dataset for a desired downstream task. In this paper, we present a valuable resource for fine-tuning LLMs developed for the Spanish language to perform a variety of tasks such as classification, masked language modeling, clustering, and others. Our resource is a collection of handwritten notary records from the seventeenth century obtained from the National Archives of Argentina. This collection contains a combination of original images and transcribed text (and metadata) of 160+ pages that were handwritten by two notaries, namely, Estenban Agreda de Vergara and Nicolas de Valdivia y Brisuela nearly 400 years ago. Through empirical evaluation, we demonstrate that our collection can be used to fine-tune Spanish LLMs for tasks such as classification and masked language modeling, and can outperform pre-trained Spanish models and ChatGPT-3.5/ChatGPT-4o. Our resource will be an invaluable resource for historical text analysis and is publicly available on GitHub.

new MedREQAL: Examining Medical Knowledge Recall of Large Language Models via Question Answering

Authors: Juraj Vladika, Phillip Schneider, Florian Matthes

Abstract: In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to encode knowledge during pre-training on large text corpora. They can leverage this knowledge for downstream tasks like question answering (QA), even in complex areas involving health topics. Considering their high potential for facilitating clinical work in the future, understanding the quality of encoded medical knowledge and its recall in LLMs is an important step forward. In this study, we examine the capability of LLMs to exhibit medical knowledge recall by constructing a novel dataset derived from systematic reviews -- studies synthesizing evidence-based answers for specific medical questions. Through experiments on the new MedREQAL dataset, comprising question-answer pairs extracted from rigorous systematic reviews, we assess six LLMs, such as GPT and Mixtral, analyzing their classification and generation performance. Our experimental insights into LLM performance on the novel biomedical QA dataset reveal the still challenging nature of this task.

new II-Bench: An Image Implication Understanding Benchmark for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Ziqiang Liu, Feiteng Fang, Xi Feng, Xinrun Du, Chenhao Zhang, Zekun Wang, Yuelin Bai, Qixuan Zhao, Liyang Fan, Chengguang Gan, Hongquan Lin, Jiaming Li, Yuansheng Ni, Haihong Wu, Yaswanth Narsupalli, Zhigang Zheng, Chengming Li, Xiping Hu, Ruifeng Xu, Xiaojun Chen, Min Yang, Jiaheng Liu, Ruibo Liu, Wenhao Huang, Ge Zhang, Shiwen Ni

Abstract: The rapid advancements in the development of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have consistently led to new breakthroughs on various benchmarks. In response, numerous challenging and comprehensive benchmarks have been proposed to more accurately assess the capabilities of MLLMs. However, there is a dearth of exploration of the higher-order perceptual capabilities of MLLMs. To fill this gap, we propose the Image Implication understanding Benchmark, II-Bench, which aims to evaluate the model's higher-order perception of images. Through extensive experiments on II-Bench across multiple MLLMs, we have made significant findings. Initially, a substantial gap is observed between the performance of MLLMs and humans on II-Bench. The pinnacle accuracy of MLLMs attains 74.8%, whereas human accuracy averages 90%, peaking at an impressive 98%. Subsequently, MLLMs perform worse on abstract and complex images, suggesting limitations in their ability to understand high-level semantics and capture image details. Finally, it is observed that most models exhibit enhanced accuracy when image sentiment polarity hints are incorporated into the prompts. This observation underscores a notable deficiency in their inherent understanding of image sentiment. We believe that II-Bench will inspire the community to develop the next generation of MLLMs, advancing the journey towards expert artificial general intelligence (AGI). II-Bench is publicly available at


new Zero-Shot End-To-End Spoken Question Answering In Medical Domain

Authors: Yanis Labrak, Adel Moumen, Richard Dufour, Mickael Rouvier

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving landscape of spoken question-answering (SQA), the integration of large language models (LLMs) has emerged as a transformative development. Conventional approaches often entail the use of separate models for question audio transcription and answer selection, resulting in significant resource utilization and error accumulation. To tackle these challenges, we explore the effectiveness of end-to-end (E2E) methodologies for SQA in the medical domain. Our study introduces a novel zero-shot SQA approach, compared to traditional cascade systems. Through a comprehensive evaluation conducted on a new open benchmark of 8 medical tasks and 48 hours of synthetic audio, we demonstrate that our approach requires up to 14.7 times fewer resources than a combined 1.3B parameters LLM with a 1.55B parameters ASR model while improving average accuracy by 0.5\%. These findings underscore the potential of E2E methodologies for SQA in resource-constrained contexts.

new Are Large Language Models Actually Good at Text Style Transfer?

Authors: Sourabrata Mukherjee, Atul Kr. Ojha, Ond\v{r}ej Du\v{s}ek

Abstract: We analyze the performance of large language models (LLMs) on Text Style Transfer (TST), specifically focusing on sentiment transfer and text detoxification across three languages: English, Hindi, and Bengali. Text Style Transfer involves modifying the linguistic style of a text while preserving its core content. We evaluate the capabilities of pre-trained LLMs using zero-shot and few-shot prompting as well as parameter-efficient finetuning on publicly available datasets. Our evaluation using automatic metrics, GPT-4 and human evaluations reveals that while some prompted LLMs perform well in English, their performance in on other languages (Hindi, Bengali) remains average. However, finetuning significantly improves results compared to zero-shot and few-shot prompting, making them comparable to previous state-of-the-art. This underscores the necessity of dedicated datasets and specialized models for effective TST.

new Feriji: A French-Zarma Parallel Corpus, Glossary & Translator

Authors: Mamadou K. Keita, Elysabhete Amadou Ibrahim, Habibatou Abdoulaye Alfari, Christopher Homan

Abstract: Machine translation (MT) is a rapidly expanding field that has experienced significant advancements in recent years with the development of models capable of translating multiple languages with remarkable accuracy. However, the representation of African languages in this field still needs to improve due to linguistic complexities and limited resources. This applies to the Zarma language, a dialect of Songhay (of the Nilo-Saharan language family) spoken by over 5 million people across Niger and neighboring countries \cite{lewis2016ethnologue}. This paper introduces Feriji, the first robust French-Zarma parallel corpus and glossary designed for MT. The corpus, containing 61,085 sentences in Zarma and 42,789 in French, and a glossary of 4,062 words represent a significant step in addressing the need for more resources for Zarma. We fine-tune three large language models on our dataset, obtaining a BLEU score of 30.06 on the best-performing model. We further evaluate the models on human judgments of fluency, comprehension, and readability and the importance and impact of the corpus and models. Our contributions help to bridge a significant language gap and promote an essential and overlooked indigenous African language.

new TTM-RE: Memory-Augmented Document-Level Relation Extraction

Authors: Chufan Gao, Xuan Wang, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Document-level relation extraction aims to categorize the association between any two entities within a document. We find that previous methods for document-level relation extraction are ineffective in exploiting the full potential of large amounts of training data with varied noise levels. For example, in the ReDocRED benchmark dataset, state-of-the-art methods trained on the large-scale, lower-quality, distantly supervised training data generally do not perform better than those trained solely on the smaller, high-quality, human-annotated training data. To unlock the full potential of large-scale noisy training data for document-level relation extraction, we propose TTM-RE, a novel approach that integrates a trainable memory module, known as the Token Turing Machine, with a noisy-robust loss function that accounts for the positive-unlabeled setting. Extensive experiments on ReDocRED, a benchmark dataset for document-level relation extraction, reveal that TTM-RE achieves state-of-the-art performance (with an absolute F1 score improvement of over 3%). Ablation studies further illustrate the superiority of TTM-RE in other domains (the ChemDisGene dataset in the biomedical domain) and under highly unlabeled settings.

new Why Don't Prompt-Based Fairness Metrics Correlate?

Authors: Abdelrahman Zayed, Goncalo Mordido, Ioana Baldini, Sarath Chandar

Abstract: The widespread use of large language models has brought up essential questions about the potential biases these models might learn. This led to the development of several metrics aimed at evaluating and mitigating these biases. In this paper, we first demonstrate that prompt-based fairness metrics exhibit poor agreement, as measured by correlation, raising important questions about the reliability of fairness assessment using prompts. Then, we outline six relevant reasons why such a low correlation is observed across existing metrics. Based on these insights, we propose a method called Correlated Fairness Output (CAIRO) to enhance the correlation between fairness metrics. CAIRO augments the original prompts of a given fairness metric by using several pre-trained language models and then selects the combination of the augmented prompts that achieves the highest correlation across metrics. We show a significant improvement in Pearson correlation from 0.3 and 0.18 to 0.90 and 0.98 across metrics for gender and religion biases, respectively. Our code is available at


new Hello Again! LLM-powered Personalized Agent for Long-term Dialogue

Authors: Hao Li, Chenghao Yang, An Zhang, Yang Deng, Xiang Wang, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Open-domain dialogue systems have seen remarkable advancements with the development of large language models (LLMs). Nonetheless, most existing dialogue systems predominantly focus on brief single-session interactions, neglecting the real-world demands for long-term companionship and personalized interactions with chatbots. Crucial to addressing this real-world need are event summary and persona management, which enable reasoning for appropriate long-term dialogue responses. Recent progress in the human-like cognitive and reasoning capabilities of LLMs suggests that LLM-based agents could significantly enhance automated perception, decision-making, and problem-solving. In response to this potential, we introduce a model-agnostic framework, the Long-term Dialogue Agent (LD-Agent), which incorporates three independently tunable modules dedicated to event perception, persona extraction, and response generation. For the event memory module, long and short-term memory banks are employed to separately focus on historical and ongoing sessions, while a topic-based retrieval mechanism is introduced to enhance the accuracy of memory retrieval. Furthermore, the persona module conducts dynamic persona modeling for both users and agents. The integration of retrieved memories and extracted personas is subsequently fed into the generator to induce appropriate responses. The effectiveness, generality, and cross-domain capabilities of LD-Agent are empirically demonstrated across various illustrative benchmarks, models, and tasks. The code is released at


new Semisupervised Neural Proto-Language Reconstruction

Authors: Liang Lu, Peirong Xie, David R. Mortensen

Abstract: Existing work implementing comparative reconstruction of ancestral languages (proto-languages) has usually required full supervision. However, historical reconstruction models are only of practical value if they can be trained with a limited amount of labeled data. We propose a semisupervised historical reconstruction task in which the model is trained on only a small amount of labeled data (cognate sets with proto-forms) and a large amount of unlabeled data (cognate sets without proto-forms). We propose a neural architecture for comparative reconstruction (DPD-BiReconstructor) incorporating an essential insight from linguists' comparative method: that reconstructed words should not only be reconstructable from their daughter words, but also deterministically transformable back into their daughter words. We show that this architecture is able to leverage unlabeled cognate sets to outperform strong semisupervised baselines on this novel task.

new A Dual-View Approach to Classifying Radiology Reports by Co-Training

Authors: Yutong Han, Yan Yuan, Lili Mou

Abstract: Radiology report analysis provides valuable information that can aid with public health initiatives, and has been attracting increasing attention from the research community. In this work, we present a novel insight that the structure of a radiology report (namely, the Findings and Impression sections) offers different views of a radiology scan. Based on this intuition, we further propose a co-training approach, where two machine learning models are built upon the Findings and Impression sections, respectively, and use each other's information to boost performance with massive unlabeled data in a semi-supervised manner. We conducted experiments in a public health surveillance study, and results show that our co-training approach is able to improve performance using the dual views and surpass competing supervised and semi-supervised methods.

new ThaiCoref: Thai Coreference Resolution Dataset

Authors: Pontakorn Trakuekul, Wei Qi Leong, Charin Polpanumas, Jitkapat Sawatphol, William Chandra Tjhi, Attapol T. Rutherford

Abstract: While coreference resolution is a well-established research area in Natural Language Processing (NLP), research focusing on Thai language remains limited due to the lack of large annotated corpora. In this work, we introduce ThaiCoref, a dataset for Thai coreference resolution. Our dataset comprises 777,271 tokens, 44,082 mentions and 10,429 entities across four text genres: university essays, newspapers, speeches, and Wikipedia. Our annotation scheme is built upon the OntoNotes benchmark with adjustments to address Thai-specific phenomena. Utilizing ThaiCoref, we train models employing a multilingual encoder and cross-lingual transfer techniques, achieving a best F1 score of 67.88\% on the test set. Error analysis reveals challenges posed by Thai's unique linguistic features. To benefit the NLP community, we make the dataset and the model publicly available at .


new Shoulders of Giants: A Look at the Degree and Utility of Openness in NLP Research

Authors: Surangika Ranathunga, Nisansa de Silva, Dilith Jayakody, Aloka Fernando

Abstract: We analysed a sample of NLP research papers archived in ACL Anthology as an attempt to quantify the degree of openness and the benefit of such an open culture in the NLP community. We observe that papers published in different NLP venues show different patterns related to artefact reuse. We also note that more than 30% of the papers we analysed do not release their artefacts publicly, despite promising to do so. Further, we observe a wide language-wise disparity in publicly available NLP-related artefacts.

new HOLMES: Hyper-Relational Knowledge Graphs for Multi-hop Question Answering using LLMs

Authors: Pranoy Panda, Ankush Agarwal, Chaitanya Devaguptapu, Manohar Kaul, Prathosh A P

Abstract: Given unstructured text, Large Language Models (LLMs) are adept at answering simple (single-hop) questions. However, as the complexity of the questions increase, the performance of LLMs degrade. We believe this is due to the overhead associated with understanding the complex question followed by filtering and aggregating unstructured information in the raw text. Recent methods try to reduce this burden by integrating structured knowledge triples into the raw text, aiming to provide a structured overview that simplifies information processing. However, this simplistic approach is query-agnostic and the extracted facts are ambiguous as they lack context. To address these drawbacks and to enable LLMs to answer complex (multi-hop) questions with ease, we propose to use a knowledge graph (KG) that is context-aware and is distilled to contain query-relevant information. The use of our compressed distilled KG as input to the LLM results in our method utilizing up to $67\%$ fewer tokens to represent the query relevant information present in the supporting documents, compared to the state-of-the-art (SoTA) method. Our experiments show consistent improvements over the SoTA across several metrics (EM, F1, BERTScore, and Human Eval) on two popular benchmark datasets (HotpotQA and MuSiQue).

new The Curse of Popularity: Popular Entities have Catastrophic Side Effects when Deleting Knowledge from Language Models

Authors: Ryosuke Takahashi, Go Kamoda, Benjamin Heinzerling, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Kentaro Inui

Abstract: Language models (LMs) encode world knowledge in their internal parameters through training. However, LMs may learn personal and confidential information from the training data, leading to privacy concerns such as data leakage. Therefore, research on knowledge deletion from LMs is essential. This study focuses on the knowledge stored in LMs and analyzes the relationship between the side effects of knowledge deletion and the entities related to the knowledge. Our findings reveal that deleting knowledge related to popular entities can have catastrophic side effects. Furthermore, this research is the first to analyze knowledge deletion in models trained on synthetic knowledge graphs, indicating a new direction for controlled experiments.

new MATES: Model-Aware Data Selection for Efficient Pretraining with Data Influence Models

Authors: Zichun Yu, Spandan Das, Chenyan Xiong

Abstract: Pretraining data selection has the potential to improve language model pretraining efficiency by utilizing higher-quality data from massive web data corpora. Current data selection methods, which rely on either hand-crafted rules or larger reference models, are conducted statically and do not capture the evolving data preferences during pretraining. In this paper, we introduce model-aware data selection with data influence models (MATES), where a data influence model continuously adapts to the evolving data preferences of the pretraining model and then selects the data most effective for the current pretraining progress. Specifically, we fine-tune a small data influence model to approximate oracle data preference signals collected by locally probing the pretraining model and to select data accordingly for the next pretraining stage. Experiments on Pythia and the C4 dataset demonstrate that MATES significantly outperforms random data selection on extensive downstream tasks in both zero- and few-shot settings. It doubles the gains achieved by recent data selection approaches that leverage larger reference models and reduces the total FLOPs required to reach certain performances by half. Further analysis validates the ever-changing data preferences of pretraining models and the effectiveness of our data influence models to capture them. Our code is open-sourced at


new A Multidimensional Framework for Evaluating Lexical Semantic Change with Social Science Applications

Authors: Naomi Baes, Nick Haslam, Ekaterina Vylomova

Abstract: Historical linguists have identified multiple forms of lexical semantic change. We present a three-dimensional framework for integrating these forms and a unified computational methodology for evaluating them concurrently. The dimensions represent increases or decreases in semantic 1) sentiment, 2) breadth, and 3) intensity. These dimensions can be complemented by the evaluation of shifts in the frequency of the target words and the thematic content of its collocates. This framework enables lexical semantic change to be mapped economically and systematically and has applications in computational social science. We present an illustrative analysis of semantic shifts in mental health and mental illness in two corpora, demonstrating patterns of semantic change that illuminate contemporary concerns about pathologization, stigma, and concept creep.

new Synth-SBDH: A Synthetic Dataset of Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health for Clinical Text

Authors: Avijit Mitra, Emily Druhl, Raelene Goodwin, Hong Yu

Abstract: Social and behavioral determinants of health (SBDH) play a crucial role in health outcomes and are frequently documented in clinical text. Automatically extracting SBDH information from clinical text relies on publicly available good-quality datasets. However, existing SBDH datasets exhibit substantial limitations in their availability and coverage. In this study, we introduce Synth-SBDH, a novel synthetic dataset with detailed SBDH annotations, encompassing status, temporal information, and rationale across 15 SBDH categories. We showcase the utility of Synth-SBDH on three tasks using real-world clinical datasets from two distinct hospital settings, highlighting its versatility, generalizability, and distillation capabilities. Models trained on Synth-SBDH consistently outperform counterparts with no Synth-SBDH training, achieving up to 62.5% macro-F improvements. Additionally, Synth-SBDH proves effective for rare SBDH categories and under-resource constraints. Human evaluation demonstrates a Human-LLM alignment of 71.06% and uncovers areas for future refinements.

new Efficient k-Nearest-Neighbor Machine Translation with Dynamic Retrieval

Authors: Yan Gao, Zhiwei Cao, Zhongjian Miao, Baosong Yang, Shiyu Liu, Min Zhang, Jinsong Su

Abstract: To achieve non-parametric NMT domain adaptation, $k$-Nearest-Neighbor Machine Translation ($k$NN-MT) constructs an external datastore to store domain-specific translation knowledge, which derives a $k$NN distribution to interpolate the prediction distribution of the NMT model via a linear interpolation coefficient $\lambda$. Despite its success, $k$NN retrieval at each timestep leads to substantial time overhead. To address this issue, dominant studies resort to $k$NN-MT with adaptive retrieval ($k$NN-MT-AR), which dynamically estimates $\lambda$ and skips $k$NN retrieval if $\lambda$ is less than a fixed threshold. Unfortunately, $k$NN-MT-AR does not yield satisfactory results. In this paper, we first conduct a preliminary study to reveal two key limitations of $k$NN-MT-AR: 1) the optimization gap leads to inaccurate estimation of $\lambda$ for determining $k$NN retrieval skipping, and 2) using a fixed threshold fails to accommodate the dynamic demands for $k$NN retrieval at different timesteps. To mitigate these limitations, we then propose $k$NN-MT with dynamic retrieval ($k$NN-MT-DR) that significantly extends vanilla $k$NN-MT in two aspects. Firstly, we equip $k$NN-MT with a MLP-based classifier for determining whether to skip $k$NN retrieval at each timestep. Particularly, we explore several carefully-designed scalar features to fully exert the potential of the classifier. Secondly, we propose a timestep-aware threshold adjustment method to dynamically generate the threshold, which further improves the efficiency of our model. Experimental results on the widely-used datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our model.\footnote{Our code is available at \url{}.


new Recurrent Context Compression: Efficiently Expanding the Context Window of LLM

Authors: Chensen Huang, Guibo Zhu, Xuepeng Wang, Yifei Luo, Guojing Ge, Haoran Chen, Dong Yi, Jinqiao Wang

Abstract: To extend the context length of Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) and improve comprehension capabilities, we often face limitations due to computational resources and bounded memory storage capacity. This work introduces a method called Recurrent Context Compression (RCC), designed to efficiently expand the context window length of LLMs within constrained storage space. We also investigate the issue of poor model responses when both instructions and context are compressed in downstream tasks, and propose an instruction reconstruction method to mitigate this problem. We validated the effectiveness of our approach on multiple tasks, achieving a compression rate of up to 32x on text reconstruction tasks with a BLEU4 score close to 0.95, and nearly 100\% accuracy on a passkey retrieval task with a sequence length of 1M. Finally, our method demonstrated competitive performance in long-text question-answering tasks compared to non-compressed methods, while significantly saving storage resources in long-text inference tasks. Our code, models, and demo are available at


new Enhancing Long-Term Memory using Hierarchical Aggregate Tree for Retrieval Augmented Generation

Authors: Aadharsh Aadhithya A, Sachin Kumar S, Soman K. P

Abstract: Large language models have limited context capacity, hindering reasoning over long conversations. We propose the Hierarchical Aggregate Tree memory structure to recursively aggregate relevant dialogue context through conditional tree traversals. HAT encapsulates information from children nodes, enabling broad coverage with depth control. We formulate finding best context as optimal tree traversal. Experiments show HAT improves dialog coherence and summary quality over baseline contexts, demonstrating the techniques effectiveness for multi turn reasoning without exponential parameter growth. This memory augmentation enables more consistent, grounded longform conversations from LLMs

new Verifiable Generation with Subsentence-Level Fine-Grained Citations

Authors: Shuyang Cao, Lu Wang

Abstract: Verifiable generation requires large language models (LLMs) to cite source documents supporting their outputs, thereby improve output transparency and trustworthiness. Yet, previous work mainly targets the generation of sentence-level citations, lacking specificity about which parts of a sentence are backed by the cited sources. This work studies verifiable generation with subsentence-level fine-grained citations for more precise location of generated content supported by the cited sources. We first present a dataset, SCiFi, comprising 10K Wikipedia paragraphs with subsentence-level citations. Each paragraph is paired with a set of candidate source documents for citation and a query that triggers the generation of the paragraph content. On SCiFi, we evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art LLMs and strategies for processing long documents designed for these models. Our experiment results reveals key factors that could enhance the quality of citations, including the expansion of the source documents' context accessible to the models and the implementation of specialized model tuning.

new Comparing Data Augmentation Methods for End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialog Systems

Authors: Christos Vlachos, Themos Stafylakis, Ion Androutsopoulos

Abstract: Creating effective and reliable task-oriented dialog systems (ToDSs) is challenging, not only because of the complex structure of these systems, but also due to the scarcity of training data, especially when several modules need to be trained separately, each one with its own input/output training examples. Data augmentation (DA), whereby synthetic training examples are added to the training data, has been successful in other NLP systems, but has not been explored as extensively in ToDSs. We empirically evaluate the effectiveness of DA methods in an end-to-end ToDS setting, where a single system is trained to handle all processing stages, from user inputs to system outputs. We experiment with two ToDSs (UBAR, GALAXY) on two datasets (MultiWOZ, KVRET). We consider three types of DA methods (word-level, sentence-level, dialog-level), comparing eight DA methods that have shown promising results in ToDSs and other NLP systems. We show that all DA methods considered are beneficial, and we highlight the best ones, also providing advice to practitioners. We also introduce a more challenging few-shot cross-domain ToDS setting, reaching similar conclusions.

new Building Bridges: A Dataset for Evaluating Gender-Fair Machine Translation into German

Authors: Manuel Lardelli, Giuseppe Attanasio, Anne Lauscher

Abstract: The translation of gender-neutral person-referring terms (e.g., the students) is often non-trivial. Translating from English into German poses an interesting case -- in German, person-referring nouns are usually gender-specific, and if the gender of the referent(s) is unknown or diverse, the generic masculine (die Studenten (m.)) is commonly used. This solution, however, reduces the visibility of other genders, such as women and non-binary people. To counteract gender discrimination, a societal movement towards using gender-fair language exists (e.g., by adopting neosystems). However, gender-fair German is currently barely supported in machine translation (MT), requiring post-editing or manual translations. We address this research gap by studying gender-fair language in English-to-German MT. Concretely, we enrich a community-created gender-fair language dictionary and sample multi-sentence test instances from encyclopedic text and parliamentary speeches. Using these novel resources, we conduct the first benchmark study involving two commercial systems and six neural MT models for translating words in isolation and natural contexts across two domains. Our findings show that most systems produce mainly masculine forms and rarely gender-neutral variants, highlighting the need for future research. We release code and data at


new Can I understand what I create? Self-Knowledge Evaluation of Large Language Models

Authors: Zhiquan Tan, Lai Wei, Jindong Wang, Xing Xie, Weiran Huang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable progress in linguistic tasks, necessitating robust evaluation frameworks to understand their capabilities and limitations. Inspired by Feynman's principle of understanding through creation, we introduce a self-knowledge evaluation framework that is easy to implement, evaluating models on their ability to comprehend and respond to self-generated questions. Our findings, based on testing multiple models across diverse tasks, reveal significant gaps in the model's self-knowledge ability. Further analysis indicates these gaps may be due to misalignment with human attention mechanisms. Additionally, fine-tuning on self-generated math task may enhance the model's math performance, highlighting the potential of the framework for efficient and insightful model evaluation and may also contribute to the improvement of LLMs.

new Language Models Resist Alignment

Authors: Jiaming Ji, Kaile Wang, Tianyi Qiu, Boyuan Chen, Jiayi Zhou, Changye Li, Hantao Lou, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) may exhibit undesirable behaviors. Recent efforts have focused on aligning these models to prevent harmful generation. Despite these efforts, studies have shown that even a well-conducted alignment process can be easily circumvented, whether intentionally or accidentally. Do alignment fine-tuning have robust effects on models, or are merely superficial? In this work, we answer this question through both theoretical and empirical means. Empirically, we demonstrate the elasticity of post-alignment models, i.e., the tendency to revert to the behavior distribution formed during the pre-training phase upon further fine-tuning. Using compression theory, we formally derive that such fine-tuning process \textit{disproportionately} undermines alignment compared to pre-training, potentially by orders of magnitude. We conduct experimental validations to confirm the presence of elasticity across models of varying types and sizes. Specifically, we find that model performance declines rapidly before reverting to the pre-training distribution, after which the rate of decline drops significantly. We further reveal that elasticity positively correlates with increased model size and the expansion of pre-training data. Our discovery signifies the importance of taming the inherent elasticity of LLMs, thereby overcoming the resistance of LLMs to alignment finetuning.

new LINGOLY: A Benchmark of Olympiad-Level Linguistic Reasoning Puzzles in Low-Resource and Extinct Languages

Authors: Andrew M. Bean, Simi Hellsten, Harry Mayne, Jabez Magomere, Ethan A. Chi, Ryan Chi, Scott A. Hale, Hannah Rose Kirk

Abstract: In this paper, we present the LingOly benchmark, a novel benchmark for advanced reasoning abilities in large language models. Using challenging Linguistic Olympiad puzzles, we evaluate (i) capabilities for in-context identification and generalisation of linguistic patterns in very low-resource or extinct languages, and (ii) abilities to follow complex task instructions. The LingOly benchmark covers more than 90 mostly low-resource languages, minimising issues of data contamination, and contains 1,133 problems across 6 formats and 5 levels of human difficulty. We assess performance with both direct accuracy and comparison to a no-context baseline to penalise memorisation. Scores from 11 state-of-the-art LLMs demonstrate the benchmark to be challenging, and models perform poorly on the higher difficulty problems. On harder problems, even the top model only achieved 35.3% accuracy, 21.7% improvement over the no-context baseline. Large closed models typically outperform open models, and in general, the higher resource the language, the better the scores. These results indicate, in absence of memorisation, true multi-step out-of-domain reasoning remains a challenge for current language models.

new Combining Embeddings and Domain Knowledge for Job Posting Duplicate Detection

Authors: Matthias Engelbach, Dennis Klau, Maximilien Kintz, Alexander Ulrich

Abstract: Job descriptions are posted on many online channels, including company websites, job boards or social media platforms. These descriptions are usually published with varying text for the same job, due to the requirements of each platform or to target different audiences. However, for the purpose of automated recruitment and assistance of people working with these texts, it is helpful to aggregate job postings across platforms and thus detect duplicate descriptions that refer to the same job. In this work, we propose an approach for detecting duplicates in job descriptions. We show that combining overlap-based character similarity with text embedding and keyword matching methods lead to convincing results. In particular, we show that although no approach individually achieves satisfying performance, a combination of string comparison, deep textual embeddings, and the use of curated weighted lookup lists for specific skills leads to a significant boost in overall performance. A tool based on our approach is being used in production and feedback from real-life use confirms our evaluation.

new MaskLID: Code-Switching Language Identification through Iterative Masking

Authors: Amir Hossein Kargaran, Fran\c{c}ois Yvon, Hinrich Sch\"utze

Abstract: We present MaskLID, a simple, yet effective, code-switching (CS) language identification (LID) method. MaskLID does not require any training and is designed to complement current high-performance sentence-level LIDs. Sentence-level LIDs are classifiers trained on monolingual texts to provide single labels, typically using a softmax layer to turn scores into probabilities. However, in cases where a sentence is composed in both L1 and L2 languages, the LID classifier often only returns the dominant label L1. To address this limitation, MaskLID employs a strategy to mask text features associated with L1, allowing the LID to classify the text as L2 in the next round. This method uses the LID itself to identify the features that require masking and does not rely on any external resource. In this work, we explore the use of MaskLID for two open-source LIDs (GlotLID and OpenLID), that are both based on the FastText architecture. Code and demo are available at


new Multi-Prompting Decoder Helps Better Language Understanding

Authors: Zifeng Cheng, Zhaoling Chen, Zhiwei Jiang, Yafeng Yin, Shiping Ge, Yuliang Liu, Qing Gu

Abstract: Recent Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) usually only provide users with the inference APIs, namely the emerging Model-as-a-Service (MaaS) setting. To adapt MaaS PLMs to downstream tasks without accessing their parameters and gradients, some existing methods focus on the output-side adaptation of PLMs, viewing the PLM as an encoder and then optimizing a task-specific decoder for decoding the output hidden states and class scores of the PLM. Despite the effectiveness of these methods, they only use a single prompt to query PLMs for decoding, leading to a heavy reliance on the quality of the adopted prompt. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective Multi-Prompting Decoder (MPD) framework for MaaS adaptation. The core idea is to query PLMs with multiple different prompts for each sample, thereby obtaining multiple output hidden states and class scores for subsequent decoding. Such multi-prompting decoding paradigm can simultaneously mitigate reliance on the quality of a single prompt, alleviate the issue of data scarcity under the few-shot setting, and provide richer knowledge extracted from PLMs. Specifically, we propose two decoding strategies: multi-prompting decoding with optimal transport for hidden states and calibrated decoding for class scores. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves new state-of-the-art results on multiple natural language understanding datasets under the few-shot setting.

new Tx-LLM: A Large Language Model for Therapeutics

Authors: Juan Manuel Zambrano Chaves, Eric Wang, Tao Tu, Eeshit Dhaval Vaishnav, Byron Lee, S. Sara Mahdavi, Christopher Semturs, David Fleet, Vivek Natarajan, Shekoofeh Azizi

Abstract: Developing therapeutics is a lengthy and expensive process that requires the satisfaction of many different criteria, and AI models capable of expediting the process would be invaluable. However, the majority of current AI approaches address only a narrowly defined set of tasks, often circumscribed within a particular domain. To bridge this gap, we introduce Tx-LLM, a generalist large language model (LLM) fine-tuned from PaLM-2 which encodes knowledge about diverse therapeutic modalities. Tx-LLM is trained using a collection of 709 datasets that target 66 tasks spanning various stages of the drug discovery pipeline. Using a single set of weights, Tx-LLM simultaneously processes a wide variety of chemical or biological entities(small molecules, proteins, nucleic acids, cell lines, diseases) interleaved with free-text, allowing it to predict a broad range of associated properties, achieving competitive with state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on 43 out of 66 tasks and exceeding SOTA on 22. Among these, Tx-LLM is particularly powerful and exceeds best-in-class performance on average for tasks combining molecular SMILES representations with text such as cell line names or disease names, likely due to context learned during pretraining. We observe evidence of positive transfer between tasks with diverse drug types (e.g.,tasks involving small molecules and tasks involving proteins), and we study the impact of model size, domain finetuning, and prompting strategies on performance. We believe Tx-LLM represents an important step towards LLMs encoding biochemical knowledge and could have a future role as an end-to-end tool across the drug discovery development pipeline.

new Self-Tuning: Instructing LLMs to Effectively Acquire New Knowledge through Self-Teaching

Authors: Xiaoying Zhang, Baolin Peng, Ye Tian, Jingyan Zhou, Yipeng Zhang, Haitao Mi, Helen Meng

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often struggle to provide up-to-date information due to their one-time training and the constantly evolving nature of the world. To keep LLMs current, existing approaches typically involve continued pre-training on new documents. However, they frequently face difficulties in extracting stored knowledge. Motivated by the remarkable success of the Feynman Technique in efficient human learning, we introduce Self-Tuning, a learning framework aimed at improving an LLM's ability to effectively acquire new knowledge from raw documents through self-teaching. Specifically, we develop a Self-Teaching strategy that augments the documents with a set of knowledge-intensive tasks created in a self-supervised manner, focusing on three crucial aspects: memorization, comprehension, and self-reflection. Additionally, we introduce three Wiki-Newpages-2023-QA datasets to facilitate an in-depth analysis of an LLM's knowledge acquisition ability concerning memorization, extraction, and reasoning. Extensive experimental results on Llama2 family models reveal that Self-Tuning consistently exhibits superior performance across all knowledge acquisition tasks and excels in preserving previous knowledge.

new A Parameter-efficient Language Extension Framework for Multilingual ASR

Authors: Wei Liu, Jingyong Hou, Dong Yang, Muyong Cao, Tan Lee

Abstract: Covering all languages with a multilingual speech recognition model (MASR) is very difficult. Performing language extension on top of an existing MASR is a desirable choice. In this study, the MASR continual learning problem is probabilistically decomposed into language identity prediction (LP) and cross-lingual adaptation (XLA) sub-problems. Based on this, we propose an architecture-based framework for language extension that can fundamentally solve catastrophic forgetting, debudded as PELE. PELE is designed to be parameter-efficient, incrementally incorporating an add-on module to adapt to a new language. Specifically, different parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) modules and their variants are explored as potential candidates to perform XLA. Experiments are carried out on 5 new languages with a wide range of low-resourced data sizes. The best-performing PEFT candidate can achieve satisfactory performance across all languages and demonstrates superiority in three of five languages over the continual joint learning setting. Notably, PEFT methods focusing on weight parameters or input features are revealed to be limited in performance, showing significantly inferior extension capabilities compared to inserting a lightweight module in between layers such as an Adapter.

new MedExQA: Medical Question Answering Benchmark with Multiple Explanations

Authors: Yunsoo Kim, Jinge Wu, Yusuf Abdulle, Honghan Wu

Abstract: This paper introduces MedExQA, a novel benchmark in medical question-answering, to evaluate large language models' (LLMs) understanding of medical knowledge through explanations. By constructing datasets across five distinct medical specialties that are underrepresented in current datasets and further incorporating multiple explanations for each question-answer pair, we address a major gap in current medical QA benchmarks which is the absence of comprehensive assessments of LLMs' ability to generate nuanced medical explanations. Our work highlights the importance of explainability in medical LLMs, proposes an effective methodology for evaluating models beyond classification accuracy, and sheds light on one specific domain, speech language pathology, where current LLMs including GPT4 lack good understanding. Our results show generation evaluation with multiple explanations aligns better with human assessment, highlighting an opportunity for a more robust automated comprehension assessment for LLMs. To diversify open-source medical LLMs (currently mostly based on Llama2), this work also proposes a new medical model, MedPhi-2, based on Phi-2 (2.7B). The model outperformed medical LLMs based on Llama2-70B in generating explanations, showing its effectiveness in the resource-constrained medical domain. We will share our benchmark datasets and the trained model.

new Sustained Vowels for Pre- vs Post-Treatment COPD Classification

Authors: Andreas Triantafyllopoulos, Anton Batliner, Wolfgang Mayr, Markus Fendler, Florian Pokorny, Maurice Gerczuk, Shahin Amiriparian, Thomas Berghaus, Bj\"orn Schuller

Abstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a serious inflammatory lung disease affecting millions of people around the world. Due to an obstructed airflow from the lungs, it also becomes manifest in patients' vocal behaviour. Of particular importance is the detection of an exacerbation episode, which marks an acute phase and often requires hospitalisation and treatment. Previous work has shown that it is possible to distinguish between a pre- and a post-treatment state using automatic analysis of read speech. In this contribution, we examine whether sustained vowels can provide a complementary lens for telling apart these two states. Using a cohort of 50 patients, we show that the inclusion of sustained vowels can improve performance to up to 79\% unweighted average recall, from a 71\% baseline using read speech. We further identify and interpret the most important acoustic features that characterise the manifestation of COPD in sustained vowels.

new MASSW: A New Dataset and Benchmark Tasks for AI-Assisted Scientific Workflows

Authors: Xingjian Zhang, Yutong Xie, Jin Huang, Jinge Ma, Zhaoying Pan, Qijia Liu, Ziyang Xiong, Tolga Ergen, Dongsub Shim, Honglak Lee, Qiaozhu Mei

Abstract: Scientific innovation relies on detailed workflows, which include critical steps such as analyzing literature, generating ideas, validating these ideas, interpreting results, and inspiring follow-up research. However, scientific publications that document these workflows are extensive and unstructured. This makes it difficult for both human researchers and AI systems to effectively navigate and explore the space of scientific innovation. To address this issue, we introduce MASSW, a comprehensive text dataset on Multi-Aspect Summarization of Scientific Workflows. MASSW includes more than 152,000 peer-reviewed publications from 17 leading computer science conferences spanning the past 50 years. Using Large Language Models (LLMs), we automatically extract five core aspects from these publications -- context, key idea, method, outcome, and projected impact -- which correspond to five key steps in the research workflow. These structured summaries facilitate a variety of downstream tasks and analyses. The quality of the LLM-extracted summaries is validated by comparing them with human annotations. We demonstrate the utility of MASSW through multiple novel machine-learning tasks that can be benchmarked using this new dataset, which make various types of predictions and recommendations along the scientific workflow. MASSW holds significant potential for researchers to create and benchmark new AI methods for optimizing scientific workflows and fostering scientific innovation in the field. Our dataset is openly available at \url{}.


new Symmetric Dot-Product Attention for Efficient Training of BERT Language Models

Authors: Martin Courtois, Malte Ostendorff, Leonhard Hennig, Georg Rehm

Abstract: Initially introduced as a machine translation model, the Transformer architecture has now become the foundation for modern deep learning architecture, with applications in a wide range of fields, from computer vision to natural language processing. Nowadays, to tackle increasingly more complex tasks, Transformer-based models are stretched to enormous sizes, requiring increasingly larger training datasets, and unsustainable amount of compute resources. The ubiquitous nature of the Transformer and its core component, the attention mechanism, are thus prime targets for efficiency research. In this work, we propose an alternative compatibility function for the self-attention mechanism introduced by the Transformer architecture. This compatibility function exploits an overlap in the learned representation of the traditional scaled dot-product attention, leading to a symmetric with pairwise coefficient dot-product attention. When applied to the pre-training of BERT-like models, this new symmetric attention mechanism reaches a score of 79.36 on the GLUE benchmark against 78.74 for the traditional implementation, leads to a reduction of 6% in the number of trainable parameters, and reduces the number of training steps required before convergence by half.

new Annotation alignment: Comparing LLM and human annotations of conversational safety

Authors: Rajiv Movva, Pang Wei Koh, Emma Pierson

Abstract: To what extent to do LLMs align with human perceptions of safety? We study this question via *annotation alignment*, the extent to which LLMs and humans agree when annotating the safety of user-chatbot conversations. We leverage the recent DICES dataset (Aroyo et al., 2023), in which 350 conversations are each rated for safety by 112 annotators spanning 10 race-gender groups. GPT-4 achieves a Pearson correlation of $r = 0.59$ with the average annotator rating, higher than the median annotator's correlation with the average ($r=0.51$). We show that larger datasets are needed to resolve whether GPT-4 exhibits disparities in how well it correlates with demographic groups. Also, there is substantial idiosyncratic variation in correlation *within* groups, suggesting that race & gender do not fully capture differences in alignment. Finally, we find that GPT-4 cannot predict when one demographic group finds a conversation more unsafe than another.

new mHuBERT-147: A Compact Multilingual HuBERT Model

Authors: Marcely Zanon Boito, Vivek Iyer, Nikolaos Lagos, Laurent Besacier, Ioan Calapodescu

Abstract: We present mHuBERT-147, the first general-purpose massively multilingual HuBERT speech representation model trained on 90K hours of clean, open-license data. To scale up the multi-iteration HuBERT approach, we use faiss-based clustering, achieving 5.2x faster label assignment over the original method. We also apply a new multilingual batching up-sampling strategy, leveraging both language and dataset diversity. After 3 training iterations and with only 95M parameters, mHuBERT-147 outperforms larger models trained on substantially more data. We rank second and first on the ML-SUPERB 10min/1h leaderboards respectively, with SOTA scores for all LID tasks. Across ASR/LID tasks, our model consistently surpasses XLS-R (300M params; 436K hours) and demonstrates strong competitiveness against the much larger MMS (1B params; 491K hours). Our findings suggest that mHuBERT-147 is a promising model for multilingual speech processing tasks, offering an unprecedented balance between high performance and parameter efficiency.

new Should We Fine-Tune or RAG? Evaluating Different Techniques to Adapt LLMs for Dialogue

Authors: Simone Alghisi, Massimo Rizzoli, Gabriel Roccabruna, Seyed Mahed Mousavi, Giuseppe Riccardi

Abstract: We study the limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs) for the task of response generation in human-machine dialogue. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature for different dialogue types (e.g., Open-Domain). However, the evaluations of these techniques have been limited in terms of base LLMs, dialogue types and evaluation metrics. In this work, we extensively analyze different LLM adaptation techniques when applied to different dialogue types. We have selected two base LLMs, Llama-2 and Mistral, and four dialogue types Open-Domain, Knowledge-Grounded, Task-Oriented, and Question Answering. We evaluate the performance of in-context learning and fine-tuning techniques across datasets selected for each dialogue type. We assess the impact of incorporating external knowledge to ground the generation in both scenarios of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and gold knowledge. We adopt consistent evaluation and explainability criteria for automatic metrics and human evaluation protocols. Our analysis shows that there is no universal best-technique for adapting large language models as the efficacy of each technique depends on both the base LLM and the specific type of dialogue. Last but not least, the assessment of the best adaptation technique should include human evaluation to avoid false expectations and outcomes derived from automatic metrics.

new INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge Revisited: Benchmarking 15 Years of Progress in Speech Emotion Recognition

Authors: Andreas Triantafyllopoulos, Anton Batliner, Simon Rampp, Manuel Milling, Bj\"orn Schuller

Abstract: We revisit the INTERSPEECH 2009 Emotion Challenge -- the first ever speech emotion recognition (SER) challenge -- and evaluate a series of deep learning models that are representative of the major advances in SER research in the time since then. We start by training each model using a fixed set of hyperparameters, and further fine-tune the best-performing models of that initial setup with a grid search. Results are always reported on the official test set with a separate validation set only used for early stopping. Most models score below or close to the official baseline, while they marginally outperform the original challenge winners after hyperparameter tuning. Our work illustrates that, despite recent progress, FAU-AIBO remains a very challenging benchmark. An interesting corollary is that newer methods do not consistently outperform older ones, showing that progress towards `solving' SER is not necessarily monotonic.

new Meta Learning Text-to-Speech Synthesis in over 7000 Languages

Authors: Florian Lux, Sarina Meyer, Lyonel Behringer, Frank Zalkow, Phat Do, Matt Coler, Emanu\"el A. P. Habets, Ngoc Thang Vu

Abstract: In this work, we take on the challenging task of building a single text-to-speech synthesis system that is capable of generating speech in over 7000 languages, many of which lack sufficient data for traditional TTS development. By leveraging a novel integration of massively multilingual pretraining and meta learning to approximate language representations, our approach enables zero-shot speech synthesis in languages without any available data. We validate our system's performance through objective measures and human evaluation across a diverse linguistic landscape. By releasing our code and models publicly, we aim to empower communities with limited linguistic resources and foster further innovation in the field of speech technology.

new Controlling Emotion in Text-to-Speech with Natural Language Prompts

Authors: Thomas Bott, Florian Lux, Ngoc Thang Vu

Abstract: In recent years, prompting has quickly become one of the standard ways of steering the outputs of generative machine learning models, due to its intuitive use of natural language. In this work, we propose a system conditioned on embeddings derived from an emotionally rich text that serves as prompt. Thereby, a joint representation of speaker and prompt embeddings is integrated at several points within a transformer-based architecture. Our approach is trained on merged emotional speech and text datasets and varies prompts in each training iteration to increase the generalization capabilities of the model. Objective and subjective evaluation results demonstrate the ability of the conditioned synthesis system to accurately transfer the emotions present in a prompt to speech. At the same time, precise tractability of speaker identities as well as overall high speech quality and intelligibility are maintained.

new Language Models are Alignable Decision-Makers: Dataset and Application to the Medical Triage Domain

Authors: Brian Hu, Bill Ray, Alice Leung, Amy Summerville, David Joy, Christopher Funk, Arslan Basharat

Abstract: In difficult decision-making scenarios, it is common to have conflicting opinions among expert human decision-makers as there may not be a single right answer. Such decisions may be guided by different attributes that can be used to characterize an individual's decision. We introduce a novel dataset for medical triage decision-making, labeled with a set of decision-maker attributes (DMAs). This dataset consists of 62 scenarios, covering six different DMAs, including ethical principles such as fairness and moral desert. We present a novel software framework for human-aligned decision-making by utilizing these DMAs, paving the way for trustworthy AI with better guardrails. Specifically, we demonstrate how large language models (LLMs) can serve as ethical decision-makers, and how their decisions can be aligned to different DMAs using zero-shot prompting. Our experiments focus on different open-source models with varying sizes and training techniques, such as Falcon, Mistral, and Llama 2. Finally, we also introduce a new form of weighted self-consistency that improves the overall quantified performance. Our results provide new research directions in the use of LLMs as alignable decision-makers. The dataset and open-source software are publicly available at:


new Multimodal Contextualized Semantic Parsing from Speech

Authors: Jordan Voas, Raymond Mooney, David Harwath

Abstract: We introduce Semantic Parsing in Contextual Environments (SPICE), a task designed to enhance artificial agents' contextual awareness by integrating multimodal inputs with prior contexts. SPICE goes beyond traditional semantic parsing by offering a structured, interpretable framework for dynamically updating an agent's knowledge with new information, mirroring the complexity of human communication. We develop the VG-SPICE dataset, crafted to challenge agents with visual scene graph construction from spoken conversational exchanges, highlighting speech and visual data integration. We also present the Audio-Vision Dialogue Scene Parser (AViD-SP) developed for use on VG-SPICE. These innovations aim to improve multimodal information processing and integration. Both the VG-SPICE dataset and the AViD-SP model are publicly available.

new Interpretability of Language Models via Task Spaces

Authors: Lucas Weber, Jaap Jumelet, Elia Bruni, Dieuwke Hupkes

Abstract: The usual way to interpret language models (LMs) is to test their performance on different benchmarks and subsequently infer their internal processes. In this paper, we present an alternative approach, concentrating on the quality of LM processing, with a focus on their language abilities. To this end, we construct 'linguistic task spaces' -- representations of an LM's language conceptualisation -- that shed light on the connections LMs draw between language phenomena. Task spaces are based on the interactions of the learning signals from different linguistic phenomena, which we assess via a method we call 'similarity probing'. To disentangle the learning signals of linguistic phenomena, we further introduce a method called 'fine-tuning via gradient differentials' (FTGD). We apply our methods to language models of three different scales and find that larger models generalise better to overarching general concepts for linguistic tasks, making better use of their shared structure. Further, the distributedness of linguistic processing increases with pre-training through increased parameter sharing between related linguistic tasks. The overall generalisation patterns are mostly stable throughout training and not marked by incisive stages, potentially explaining the lack of successful curriculum strategies for LMs.

new Evaluating the Retrieval Component in LLM-Based Question Answering Systems

Authors: Ashkan Alinejad, Krtin Kumar, Ali Vahdat

Abstract: Question answering systems (QA) utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) heavily depend on the retrieval component to provide them with domain-specific information and reduce the risk of generating inaccurate responses or hallucinations. Although the evaluation of retrievers dates back to the early research in Information Retrieval, assessing their performance within LLM-based chatbots remains a challenge. This study proposes a straightforward baseline for evaluating retrievers in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)-based chatbots. Our findings demonstrate that this evaluation framework provides a better image of how the retriever performs and is more aligned with the overall performance of the QA system. Although conventional metrics such as precision, recall, and F1 score may not fully capture LLMs' capabilities - as they can yield accurate responses despite imperfect retrievers - our method considers LLMs' strengths to ignore irrelevant contexts, as well as potential errors and hallucinations in their responses.

new Reasoning in Token Economies: Budget-Aware Evaluation of LLM Reasoning Strategies

Authors: Junlin Wang, Siddhartha Jain, Dejiao Zhang, Baishakhi Ray, Varun Kumar, Ben Athiwaratkun

Abstract: A diverse array of reasoning strategies has been proposed to elicit the capabilities of large language models. However, in this paper, we point out that traditional evaluations which focus solely on performance metrics miss a key factor: the increased effectiveness due to additional compute. By overlooking this aspect, a skewed view of strategy efficiency is often presented. This paper introduces a framework that incorporates the compute budget into the evaluation, providing a more informative comparison that takes into account both performance metrics and computational cost. In this budget-aware perspective, we find that complex reasoning strategies often don't surpass simpler baselines purely due to algorithmic ingenuity, but rather due to the larger computational resources allocated. When we provide a simple baseline like chain-of-thought self-consistency with comparable compute resources, it frequently outperforms reasoning strategies proposed in the literature. In this scale-aware perspective, we find that unlike self-consistency, certain strategies such as multi-agent debate or Reflexion can become worse if more compute budget is utilized.

new Can Language Models Serve as Text-Based World Simulators?

Authors: Ruoyao Wang, Graham Todd, Ziang Xiao, Xingdi Yuan, Marc-Alexandre C\^ot\'e, Peter Clark, Peter Jansen

Abstract: Virtual environments play a key role in benchmarking advances in complex planning and decision-making tasks but are expensive and complicated to build by hand. Can current language models themselves serve as world simulators, correctly predicting how actions change different world states, thus bypassing the need for extensive manual coding? Our goal is to answer this question in the context of text-based simulators. Our approach is to build and use a new benchmark, called ByteSized32-State-Prediction, containing a dataset of text game state transitions and accompanying game tasks. We use this to directly quantify, for the first time, how well LLMs can serve as text-based world simulators. We test GPT-4 on this dataset and find that, despite its impressive performance, it is still an unreliable world simulator without further innovations. This work thus contributes both new insights into current LLM's capabilities and weaknesses, as well as a novel benchmark to track future progress as new models appear.

cross CHIQ: Contextual History Enhancement for Improving Query Rewriting in Conversational Search

Authors: Fengran Mo, Abbas Ghaddar, Kelong Mao, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Boxing Chen, Qun Liu, Jian-Yun Nie

Abstract: In this paper, we study how open-source large language models (LLMs) can be effectively deployed for improving query rewriting in conversational search, especially for ambiguous queries. We introduce CHIQ, a two-step method that leverages the capabilities of LLMs to resolve ambiguities in the conversation history before query rewriting. This approach contrasts with prior studies that predominantly use closed-source LLMs to directly generate search queries from conversation history. We demonstrate on five well-established benchmarks that CHIQ leads to state-of-the-art results across most settings, showing highly competitive performances with systems leveraging closed-source LLMs. Our study provides a first step towards leveraging open-source LLMs in conversational search, as a competitive alternative to the prevailing reliance on commercial LLMs. Data, models, and source code will be publicly available upon acceptance at


cross The Factorization Curse: Which Tokens You Predict Underlie the Reversal Curse and More

Authors: Ouail Kitouni, Niklas Nolte, Diane Bouchacourt, Adina Williams, Mike Rabbat, Mark Ibrahim

Abstract: Today's best language models still struggle with hallucinations: factually incorrect generations, which impede their ability to reliably retrieve information seen during training. The reversal curse, where models cannot recall information when probed in a different order than was encountered during training, exemplifies this in information retrieval. We reframe the reversal curse as a factorization curse - a failure of models to learn the same joint distribution under different factorizations. Through a series of controlled experiments with increasing levels of realism including WikiReversal, a setting we introduce to closely simulate a knowledge intensive finetuning task, we find that the factorization curse is an inherent failure of the next-token prediction objective used in popular large language models. Moreover, we demonstrate reliable information retrieval cannot be solved with scale, reversed tokens, or even naive bidirectional-attention training. Consequently, various approaches to finetuning on specialized data would necessarily provide mixed results on downstream tasks, unless the model has already seen the right sequence of tokens. Across five tasks of varying levels of complexity, our results uncover a promising path forward: factorization-agnostic objectives can significantly mitigate the reversal curse and hint at improved knowledge storage and planning capabilities.

cross Evaluating the Effectiveness of Data Augmentation for Emotion Classification in Low-Resource Settings

Authors: Aashish Arora, Elsbeth Turcan

Abstract: Data augmentation has the potential to improve the performance of machine learning models by increasing the amount of training data available. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of different data augmentation techniques for a multi-label emotion classification task using a low-resource dataset. Our results showed that Back Translation outperformed autoencoder-based approaches and that generating multiple examples per training instance led to further performance improvement. In addition, we found that Back Translation generated the most diverse set of unigrams and trigrams. These findings demonstrate the utility of Back Translation in enhancing the performance of emotion classification models in resource-limited situations.

cross CPLIP: Zero-Shot Learning for Histopathology with Comprehensive Vision-Language Alignment

Authors: Sajid Javed, Arif Mahmood, Iyyakutti Iyappan Ganapathi, Fayaz Ali Dharejo, Naoufel Werghi, Mohammed Bennamoun

Abstract: This paper proposes Comprehensive Pathology Language Image Pre-training (CPLIP), a new unsupervised technique designed to enhance the alignment of images and text in histopathology for tasks such as classification and segmentation. This methodology enriches vision-language models by leveraging extensive data without needing ground truth annotations. CPLIP involves constructing a pathology-specific dictionary, generating textual descriptions for images using language models, and retrieving relevant images for each text snippet via a pre-trained model. The model is then fine-tuned using a many-to-many contrastive learning method to align complex interrelated concepts across both modalities. Evaluated across multiple histopathology tasks, CPLIP shows notable improvements in zero-shot learning scenarios, outperforming existing methods in both interpretability and robustness and setting a higher benchmark for the application of vision-language models in the field. To encourage further research and replication, the code for CPLIP is available on GitHub at


cross A model of early word acquisition based on realistic-scale audiovisual naming events

Authors: Khazar Khorrami, Okko R\"as\"anen

Abstract: Infants gradually learn to parse continuous speech into words and connect names with objects, yet the mechanisms behind development of early word perception skills remain unknown. We studied the extent to which early words can be acquired through statistical learning from regularities in audiovisual sensory input. We simulated word learning in infants up to 12 months of age in a realistic setting, using a model that solely learns from statistical regularities in unannotated raw speech and pixel-level visual input. Crucially, the quantity of object naming events was carefully designed to match that accessible to infants of comparable ages. Results show that the model effectively learns to recognize words and associate them with corresponding visual objects, with a vocabulary growth rate comparable to that observed in infants. The findings support the viability of general statistical learning for early word perception, demonstrating how learning can operate without assuming any prior linguistic capabilities.

cross LoCoCo: Dropping In Convolutions for Long Context Compression

Authors: Ruisi Cai, Yuandong Tian, Zhangyang Wang, Beidi Chen

Abstract: This paper tackles the memory hurdle of processing long context sequences in Large Language Models (LLMs), by presenting a novel approach, Dropping In Convolutions for Long Context Compression (LoCoCo). LoCoCo employs only a fixed-size Key-Value (KV) cache, and can enhance efficiency in both inference and fine-tuning stages. Diverging from prior methods that selectively drop KV pairs based on heuristics, LoCoCo leverages a data-driven adaptive fusion technique, blending previous KV pairs with incoming tokens to minimize the loss of contextual information and ensure accurate attention modeling. This token integration is achieved through injecting one-dimensional convolutional kernels that dynamically calculate mixing weights for each KV cache slot. Designed for broad compatibility with existing LLM frameworks, LoCoCo allows for straightforward "drop-in" integration without needing architectural modifications, while incurring minimal tuning overhead. Experiments demonstrate that LoCoCo maintains consistently outstanding performance across various context lengths and can achieve a high context compression rate during both inference and fine-tuning phases. During inference, we successfully compressed up to 3482 tokens into a 128-size KV cache, while retaining comparable performance to the full sequence - an accuracy improvement of up to 0.2791 compared to baselines at the same cache size. During post-training tuning, we also effectively extended the context length from 4K to 32K using a KV cache of fixed size 512, achieving performance similar to fine-tuning with entire sequences.

cross M3GIA: A Cognition Inspired Multilingual and Multimodal General Intelligence Ability Benchmark

Authors: Wei Song (AutoLab, Westlake University, AI Business, Alibaba Group, Zhejiang University), Yadong Li (AI Business, Alibaba Group), Jianhua Xu (AI Business, Alibaba Group), Guowei Wu (Zhejiang University), Lingfeng Ming (AI Business, Alibaba Group), Kexin Yi (AI Business, Alibaba Group), Weihua Luo (AI Business, Alibaba Group), Houyi Li (AI Business, Alibaba Group), Yi Du (Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, CAS), Fangda Guo (Key Laboratory of AI Safety, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS), Kaicheng Yu (AutoLab, Westlake University)

Abstract: As recent multi-modality large language models (MLLMs) have shown formidable proficiency on various complex tasks, there has been increasing attention on debating whether these models could eventually mirror human intelligence. However, existing benchmarks mainly focus on evaluating solely on task performance, such as the accuracy of identifying the attribute of an object. Combining well-developed cognitive science to understand the intelligence of MLLMs beyond superficial achievements remains largely unexplored. To this end, we introduce the first cognitive-driven multi-lingual and multi-modal benchmark to evaluate the general intelligence ability of MLLMs, dubbed M3GIA. Specifically, we identify five key cognitive factors based on the well-recognized Cattell-Horn-Carrol (CHC) model of intelligence and propose a novel evaluation metric. In addition, since most MLLMs are trained to perform in different languages, a natural question arises: is language a key factor influencing the cognitive ability of MLLMs? As such, we go beyond English to encompass other languages based on their popularity, including Chinese, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Korean, to construct our M3GIA. We make sure all the data relevant to the cultural backgrounds are collected from their native context to avoid English-centric bias. We collected a significant corpus of data from human participants, revealing that the most advanced MLLM reaches the lower boundary of human intelligence in English. Yet, there remains a pronounced disparity in the other five languages assessed. We also reveals an interesting winner takes all phenomenon that are aligned with the discovery in cognitive studies. Our benchmark will be open-sourced, with the aspiration of facilitating the enhancement of cognitive capabilities in MLLMs.

cross MLLM-SR: Conversational Symbolic Regression base Multi-Modal Large Language Models

Authors: Yanjie Li, Weijun Li, Lina Yu, Min Wu, Jingyi Liu, Wenqiang Li, Shu Wei, Yusong Deng

Abstract: Formulas are the language of communication between humans and nature. It is an important research topic of artificial intelligence to find expressions from observed data to reflect the relationship between each variable in the data, which is called a symbolic regression problem. The existing symbolic regression methods directly generate expressions according to the given observation data, and we cannot require the algorithm to generate expressions that meet specific requirements according to the known prior knowledge. For example, the expression needs to contain $\sin$ or be symmetric, and so on. Even if it can, it often requires very complex operations, which is very inconvenient. In this paper, based on multi-modal large language models, we propose MLLM-SR, a conversational symbolic regression method that can generate expressions that meet the requirements simply by describing the requirements with natural language instructions. By experimenting on the Nguyen dataset, we can demonstrate that MLLM-SR leads the state-of-the-art baselines in fitting performance. More notably, we experimentally demonstrate that MLLM-SR can well understand the prior knowledge we add to the natural language instructions. Moreover, the addition of prior knowledge can effectively guide MLLM-SR to generate correct expressions.

cross Representation Learning with Conditional Information Flow Maximization

Authors: Dou Hu, Lingwei Wei, Wei Zhou, Songlin Hu

Abstract: This paper proposes an information-theoretic representation learning framework, named conditional information flow maximization, to extract noise-invariant sufficient representations for the input data and target task. It promotes the learned representations have good feature uniformity and sufficient predictive ability, which can enhance the generalization of pre-trained language models (PLMs) for the target task. Firstly, an information flow maximization principle is proposed to learn more sufficient representations by simultaneously maximizing both input-representation and representation-label mutual information. In contrast to information bottleneck, we handle the input-representation information in an opposite way to avoid the over-compression issue of latent representations. Besides, to mitigate the negative effect of potential redundant features, a conditional information minimization principle is designed to eliminate negative redundant features while preserve noise-invariant features from the input. Experiments on 13 language understanding benchmarks demonstrate that our method effectively improves the performance of PLMs for classification and regression. Extensive experiments show that the learned representations are more sufficient, robust and transferable.

cross Mmm whatcha say? Uncovering distal and proximal context effects in first and second-language word perception using psychophysical reverse correlation

Authors: Paige Tutt\"os\'i, H. Henny Yeung, Yue Wang, Fenqi Wang, Guillaume Denis, Jean-Julien Aucouturier, Angelica Lim

Abstract: Acoustic context effects, where surrounding changes in pitch, rate or timbre influence the perception of a sound, are well documented in speech perception, but how they interact with language background remains unclear. Using a reverse-correlation approach, we systematically varied the pitch and speech rate in phrases around different pairs of vowels for second language (L2) speakers of English (/i/-/I/) and French (/u/-/y/), thus reconstructing, in a data-driven manner, the prosodic profiles that bias their perception. Testing English and French speakers (n=25), we showed that vowel perception is in fact influenced by conflicting effects from the surrounding pitch and speech rate: a congruent proximal effect 0.2s pre-target and a distal contrastive effect up to 1s before; and found that L1 and L2 speakers exhibited strikingly similar prosodic profiles in perception. We provide a novel method to investigate acoustic context effects across stimuli, timescales, and acoustic domain.

cross Verbalized Probabilistic Graphical Modeling with Large Language Models

Authors: Hengguan Huang, Xing Shen, Songtao Wang, Dianbo Liu, Hao Wang

Abstract: Faced with complex problems, the human brain demonstrates a remarkable capacity to transcend sensory input and form latent understandings of perceived world patterns. However, this cognitive capacity is not explicitly considered or encoded in current large language models (LLMs). As a result, LLMs often struggle to capture latent structures and model uncertainty in complex compositional reasoning tasks. This work introduces a novel Bayesian prompting approach that facilitates training-free Bayesian inference with LLMs by using a verbalized Probabilistic Graphical Model (PGM). While traditional Bayesian approaches typically depend on extensive data and predetermined mathematical structures for learning latent factors and dependencies, our approach efficiently reasons latent variables and their probabilistic dependencies by prompting LLMs to adhere to Bayesian principles. We evaluated our model on several compositional reasoning tasks, both close-ended and open-ended. Our results indicate that the model effectively enhances confidence elicitation and text generation quality, demonstrating its potential to improve AI language understanding systems, especially in modeling uncertainty.

cross Online DPO: Online Direct Preference Optimization with Fast-Slow Chasing

Authors: Biqing Qi, Pengfei Li, Fangyuan Li, Junqi Gao, Kaiyan Zhang, Bowen Zhou

Abstract: Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) improves the alignment of large language models (LLMs) with human values by training directly on human preference datasets, eliminating the need for reward models. However, due to the presence of cross-domain human preferences, direct continual training can lead to catastrophic forgetting, limiting DPO's performance and efficiency. Inspired by intraspecific competition driving species evolution, we propose a Online Fast-Slow chasing DPO (OFS-DPO) for preference alignment, simulating competition through fast and slow chasing among models to facilitate rapid adaptation. Specifically, we first derive the regret upper bound for online learning, validating our motivation with a min-max optimization pattern. Based on this, we introduce two identical modules using Low-rank Adaptive (LoRA) with different optimization speeds to simulate intraspecific competition, and propose a new regularization term to guide their learning. To further mitigate catastrophic forgetting in cross-domain scenarios, we extend the OFS-DPO with LoRA modules combination strategy, resulting in the Cross domain Online Fast-Slow chasing DPO (COFS-DPO). This method leverages linear combinations of fast modules parameters from different task domains, fully utilizing historical information to achive continual value alignment. Experimental results show that OFS-DPO outperforms DPO in in-domain alignment, while COFS-DPO excels in cross-domain continual learning scenarios.

cross A Fine-tuning Dataset and Benchmark for Large Language Models for Protein Understanding

Authors: Yiqing Shen, Zan Chen, Michail Mamalakis, Luhan He, Haiyang Xia, Tianbin Li, Yanzhou Su, Junjun He, Yu Guang Wang

Abstract: The parallels between protein sequences and natural language in their sequential structures have inspired the application of large language models (LLMs) to protein understanding. Despite the success of LLMs in NLP, their effectiveness in comprehending protein sequences remains an open question, largely due to the absence of datasets linking protein sequences to descriptive text. Researchers have then attempted to adapt LLMs for protein understanding by integrating a protein sequence encoder with a pre-trained LLM. However, this adaptation raises a fundamental question: "Can LLMs, originally designed for NLP, effectively comprehend protein sequences as a form of language?" Current datasets fall short in addressing this question due to the lack of a direct correlation between protein sequences and corresponding text descriptions, limiting the ability to train and evaluate LLMs for protein understanding effectively. To bridge this gap, we introduce ProteinLMDataset, a dataset specifically designed for further self-supervised pretraining and supervised fine-tuning (SFT) of LLMs to enhance their capability for protein sequence comprehension. Specifically, ProteinLMDataset includes 17.46 billion tokens for pretraining and 893,000 instructions for SFT. Additionally, we present ProteinLMBench, the first benchmark dataset consisting of 944 manually verified multiple-choice questions for assessing the protein understanding capabilities of LLMs. ProteinLMBench incorporates protein-related details and sequences in multiple languages, establishing a new standard for evaluating LLMs' abilities in protein comprehension. The large language model InternLM2-7B, pretrained and fine-tuned on the ProteinLMDataset, outperforms GPT-4 on ProteinLMBench, achieving the highest accuracy score. The dataset and the benchmark are available at


cross Exploring the Benefits of Tokenization of Discrete Acoustic Units

Authors: Avihu Dekel, Raul Fernandez

Abstract: Tokenization algorithms that merge the units of a base vocabulary into larger, variable-rate units have become standard in natural language processing tasks. This idea, however, has been mostly overlooked when the vocabulary consists of phonemes or Discrete Acoustic Units (DAUs), an audio-based representation that is playing an increasingly important role due to the success of discrete language-modeling techniques. In this paper, we showcase the advantages of tokenization of phonetic units and of DAUs on three prediction tasks: grapheme-to-phoneme, grapheme-to-DAUs, and unsupervised speech generation using DAU language modeling. We demonstrate that tokenization yields significant improvements in terms of performance, as well as training and inference speed, across all three tasks. We also offer theoretical insights to provide some explanation for the superior performance observed.

cross Autoregressive Diffusion Transformer for Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Authors: Zhijun Liu, Shuai Wang, Sho Inoue, Qibing Bai, Haizhou Li

Abstract: Audio language models have recently emerged as a promising approach for various audio generation tasks, relying on audio tokenizers to encode waveforms into sequences of discrete symbols. Audio tokenization often poses a necessary compromise between code bitrate and reconstruction accuracy. When dealing with low-bitrate audio codes, language models are constrained to process only a subset of the information embedded in the audio, which in turn restricts their generative capabilities. To circumvent these issues, we propose encoding audio as vector sequences in continuous space $\mathbb R^d$ and autoregressively generating these sequences using a decoder-only diffusion transformer (ARDiT). Our findings indicate that ARDiT excels in zero-shot text-to-speech and exhibits performance that compares to or even surpasses that of state-of-the-art models. High-bitrate continuous speech representation enables almost flawless reconstruction, allowing our model to achieve nearly perfect speech editing. Our experiments reveal that employing Integral Kullback-Leibler (IKL) divergence for distillation at each autoregressive step significantly boosts the perceived quality of the samples. Simultaneously, it condenses the iterative sampling process of the diffusion model into a single step. Furthermore, ARDiT can be trained to predict several continuous vectors in one step, significantly reducing latency during sampling. Impressively, one of our models can generate $170$ ms of $24$ kHz speech per evaluation step with minimal degradation in performance. Audio samples are available at .


cross Automata Extraction from Transformers

Authors: Yihao Zhang, Zeming Wei, Meng Sun

Abstract: In modern machine (ML) learning systems, Transformer-based architectures have achieved milestone success across a broad spectrum of tasks, yet understanding their operational mechanisms remains an open problem. To improve the transparency of ML systems, automata extraction methods, which interpret stateful ML models as automata typically through formal languages, have proven effective for explaining the mechanism of recurrent neural networks (RNNs). However, few works have been applied to this paradigm to Transformer models. In particular, understanding their processing of formal languages and identifying their limitations in this area remains unexplored. In this paper, we propose an automata extraction algorithm specifically designed for Transformer models. Treating the Transformer model as a black-box system, we track the model through the transformation process of their internal latent representations during their operations, and then use classical pedagogical approaches like L* algorithm to interpret them as deterministic finite-state automata (DFA). Overall, our study reveals how the Transformer model comprehends the structure of formal languages, which not only enhances the interpretability of the Transformer-based ML systems but also marks a crucial step toward a deeper understanding of how ML systems process formal languages. Code and data are available at


cross Can Prompt Modifiers Control Bias? A Comparative Analysis of Text-to-Image Generative Models

Authors: Philip Wootaek Shin, Jihyun Janice Ahn, Wenpeng Yin, Jack Sampson, Vijaykrishnan Narayanan

Abstract: It has been shown that many generative models inherit and amplify societal biases. To date, there is no uniform/systematic agreed standard to control/adjust for these biases. This study examines the presence and manipulation of societal biases in leading text-to-image models: Stable Diffusion, DALL-E 3, and Adobe Firefly. Through a comprehensive analysis combining base prompts with modifiers and their sequencing, we uncover the nuanced ways these AI technologies encode biases across gender, race, geography, and region/culture. Our findings reveal the challenges and potential of prompt engineering in controlling biases, highlighting the critical need for ethical AI development promoting diversity and inclusivity. This work advances AI ethics by not only revealing the nuanced dynamics of bias in text-to-image generation models but also by offering a novel framework for future research in controlling bias. Our contributions-panning comparative analyses, the strategic use of prompt modifiers, the exploration of prompt sequencing effects, and the introduction of a bias sensitivity taxonomy-lay the groundwork for the development of common metrics and standard analyses for evaluating whether and how future AI models exhibit and respond to requests to adjust for inherent biases.

cross Separating the "Chirp" from the "Chat": Self-supervised Visual Grounding of Sound and Language

Authors: Mark Hamilton, Andrew Zisserman, John R. Hershey, William T. Freeman

Abstract: We present DenseAV, a novel dual encoder grounding architecture that learns high-resolution, semantically meaningful, and audio-visually aligned features solely through watching videos. We show that DenseAV can discover the ``meaning'' of words and the ``location'' of sounds without explicit localization supervision. Furthermore, it automatically discovers and distinguishes between these two types of associations without supervision. We show that DenseAV's localization abilities arise from a new multi-head feature aggregation operator that directly compares dense image and audio representations for contrastive learning. In contrast, many other systems that learn ``global'' audio and video representations cannot localize words and sound. Finally, we contribute two new datasets to improve the evaluation of AV representations through speech and sound prompted semantic segmentation. On these and other datasets we show DenseAV dramatically outperforms the prior art on speech and sound prompted semantic segmentation. DenseAV outperforms the previous state-of-the-art, ImageBind, on cross-modal retrieval using fewer than half of the parameters. Project Page: \href{}{}


cross A Superalignment Framework in Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models

Authors: Xiangrui Kong, Thomas Braunl, Marco Fahmi, Yue Wang

Abstract: Over the last year, significant advancements have been made in the realms of large language models (LLMs) and multi-modal large language models (MLLMs), particularly in their application to autonomous driving. These models have showcased remarkable abilities in processing and interacting with complex information. In autonomous driving, LLMs and MLLMs are extensively used, requiring access to sensitive vehicle data such as precise locations, images, and road conditions. These data are transmitted to an LLM-based inference cloud for advanced analysis. However, concerns arise regarding data security, as the protection against data and privacy breaches primarily depends on the LLM's inherent security measures, without additional scrutiny or evaluation of the LLM's inference outputs. Despite its importance, the security aspect of LLMs in autonomous driving remains underexplored. Addressing this gap, our research introduces a novel security framework for autonomous vehicles, utilizing a multi-agent LLM approach. This framework is designed to safeguard sensitive information associated with autonomous vehicles from potential leaks, while also ensuring that LLM outputs adhere to driving regulations and align with human values. It includes mechanisms to filter out irrelevant queries and verify the safety and reliability of LLM outputs. Utilizing this framework, we evaluated the security, privacy, and cost aspects of eleven large language model-driven autonomous driving cues. Additionally, we performed QA tests on these driving prompts, which successfully demonstrated the framework's efficacy.

cross Flow of Reasoning: Efficient Training of LLM Policy with Divergent Thinking

Authors: Fangxu Yu, Lai Jiang, Haoqiang Kang, Shibo Hao, Lianhui Qin

Abstract: Divergent thinking, the cognitive process of generating diverse solutions, is a hallmark of human creativity and problem-solving. For machines, sampling diverse solution trajectories in complex reasoning problems is crucial for robust outcomes, data augmentation, and enhanced model generalization. Large language models (LLMs) often struggle with generating high-quality, diverse reasoning. While supervised fine-tuning helps with quality, it requires extensive supervision data to capture the full diversity of solutions. Alternatively, reinforcement learning methods like PPO aim to find limited highest-reward solutions while neglecting the solution diversity, akin to convergent thinking. To address these limitations, we propose Flow of Reasoning (FoR) -- an efficient LLM training approach enabling diverse reasoning with minimal data. FoR formulates multi-step LLM reasoning as a Markovian flow from an initial state to terminal states. The formulation allows to adapt principled GFlowNet approaches to train the LLM as a policy, which is able to sample multiple reasoning paths with probabilities proportional to the unnormalized reward. Empirical results show that, with limited training data (e.g., 15 examples), FoR can discover diverse high-quality solutions that excel greatly beyond current state-of-the-art methods across three tasks, including embodied reasoning (BlocksWorld), math puzzle solving (Game24), and logical reasoning (PrOntoQA). Code is available at


cross EmbSpatial-Bench: Benchmarking Spatial Understanding for Embodied Tasks with Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Mengfei Du, Binhao Wu, Zejun Li, Xuanjing Huang, Zhongyu Wei

Abstract: The recent rapid development of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) has indicated their potential for embodied tasks.However, the critical skill of spatial understanding in embodied environments has not been thoroughly evaluated, leaving the gap between current LVLMs and qualified embodied intelligence unknown. Therefore, we construct EmbSpatial-Bench, a benchmark for evaluating embodied spatial understanding of LVLMs.The benchmark is automatically derived from embodied scenes and covers 6 spatial relationships from an egocentric perspective.Experiments expose the insufficient capacity of current LVLMs (even GPT-4V). We further present EmbSpatial-SFT, an instruction-tuning dataset designed to improve LVLMs' embodied spatial understanding.

cross Gentle-CLIP: Exploring Aligned Semantic In Low-Quality Multimodal Data With Soft Alignment

Authors: Zijia Song, Zelin Zang, Yelin Wang, Guozheng Yang, Jiangbin Zheng, Kaicheng yu, Wanyu Chen, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Multimodal fusion breaks through the barriers between diverse modalities and has already yielded numerous impressive performances. However, in various specialized fields, it is struggling to obtain sufficient alignment data for the training process, which seriously limits the use of previously elegant models. Thus, semi-supervised learning attempts to achieve multimodal alignment with fewer matched pairs but traditional methods like pseudo-labeling are difficult to apply in domains with no label information. To address these problems, we transform semi-supervised multimodal alignment into a manifold matching problem and propose a new method based on CLIP, named Gentle-CLIP. Specifically, we design a novel semantic density distribution loss to explore implicit semantic alignment information from unpaired multimodal data by constraining the latent representation distribution with fine granularity, thus eliminating the need for numerous strictly matched pairs. Meanwhile, we introduce multi-kernel maximum mean discrepancy as well as self-supervised contrastive loss to pull separate modality distributions closer and enhance the stability of the representation distribution. In addition, the contrastive loss used in CLIP is employed on the supervised matched data to prevent negative optimization. Extensive experiments conducted on a range of tasks in various fields, including protein, remote sensing, and the general vision-language field, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed Gentle-CLIP.

cross 3D-MolT5: Towards Unified 3D Molecule-Text Modeling with 3D Molecular Tokenization

Authors: Qizhi Pei, Lijun Wu, Kaiyuan Gao, Jinhua Zhu, Rui Yan

Abstract: The integration of molecule and language has garnered increasing attention in molecular science. Recent advancements in Language Models (LMs) have demonstrated potential for the comprehensive modeling of molecule and language. However, existing works exhibit notable limitations. Most existing works overlook the modeling of 3D information, which is crucial for understanding molecular structures and also functions. While some attempts have been made to leverage external structure encoding modules to inject the 3D molecular information into LMs, there exist obvious difficulties that hinder the integration of molecular structure and language text, such as modality alignment and separate tuning. To bridge this gap, we propose 3D-MolT5, a unified framework designed to model both 1D molecular sequence and 3D molecular structure. The key innovation lies in our methodology for mapping fine-grained 3D substructure representations (based on 3D molecular fingerprints) to a specialized 3D token vocabulary for 3D-MolT5. This 3D structure token vocabulary enables the seamless combination of 1D sequence and 3D structure representations in a tokenized format, allowing 3D-MolT5 to encode molecular sequence (SELFIES), molecular structure, and text sequences within a unified architecture. Alongside, we further introduce 1D and 3D joint pre-training to enhance the model's comprehension of these diverse modalities in a joint representation space and better generalize to various tasks for our foundation model. Through instruction tuning on multiple downstream datasets, our proposed 3D-MolT5 shows superior performance than existing methods in molecular property prediction, molecule captioning, and text-based molecule generation tasks. Our code will be available on GitHub soon.

cross A Survey on LLM-Based Agentic Workflows and LLM-Profiled Components

Authors: Xinzhe Li

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have catalyzed the development of sophisticated agentic workflows, offering improvements over traditional single-path, Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting techniques. This survey summarize the common workflows, with the particular focus on LLM-Profiled Components (LMPCs) and ignorance of non-LLM components. The reason behind such exploration is to facilitate a clearer understanding of LLM roles and see how reusabile of the LMPCs.

cross Unified Text-to-Image Generation and Retrieval

Authors: Leigang Qu, Haochuan Li, Tan Wang, Wenjie Wang, Yongqi Li, Liqiang Nie, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: How humans can efficiently and effectively acquire images has always been a perennial question. A typical solution is text-to-image retrieval from an existing database given the text query; however, the limited database typically lacks creativity. By contrast, recent breakthroughs in text-to-image generation have made it possible to produce fancy and diverse visual content, but it faces challenges in synthesizing knowledge-intensive images. In this work, we rethink the relationship between text-to-image generation and retrieval and propose a unified framework in the context of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). Specifically, we first explore the intrinsic discriminative abilities of MLLMs and introduce a generative retrieval method to perform retrieval in a training-free manner. Subsequently, we unify generation and retrieval in an autoregressive generation way and propose an autonomous decision module to choose the best-matched one between generated and retrieved images as the response to the text query. Additionally, we construct a benchmark called TIGeR-Bench, including creative and knowledge-intensive domains, to standardize the evaluation of unified text-to-image generation and retrieval. Extensive experimental results on TIGeR-Bench and two retrieval benchmarks, i.e., Flickr30K and MS-COCO, demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of our proposed method.

cross Machine Against the RAG: Jamming Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Blocker Documents

Authors: Avital Shafran, Roei Schuster, Vitaly Shmatikov

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems respond to queries by retrieving relevant documents from a knowledge database, then generating an answer by applying an LLM to the retrieved documents. We demonstrate that RAG systems that operate on databases with potentially untrusted content are vulnerable to a new class of denial-of-service attacks we call jamming. An adversary can add a single ``blocker'' document to the database that will be retrieved in response to a specific query and, furthermore, result in the RAG system not answering the query - ostensibly because it lacks the information or because the answer is unsafe. We describe and analyze several methods for generating blocker documents, including a new method based on black-box optimization that does not require the adversary to know the embedding or LLM used by the target RAG system, nor access to an auxiliary LLM to generate blocker documents. We measure the efficacy of the considered methods against several LLMs and embeddings, and demonstrate that the existing safety metrics for LLMs do not capture their vulnerability to jamming. We then discuss defenses against blocker documents.

cross STARLING: Self-supervised Training of Text-based Reinforcement Learning Agent with Large Language Models

Authors: Shreyas Basavatia, Keerthiram Murugesan, Shivam Ratnakar

Abstract: Interactive fiction games have emerged as an important application to improve the generalization capabilities of language-based reinforcement learning (RL) agents. Existing environments for interactive fiction games are domain-specific or time-consuming to generate and do not train the RL agents to master a specific set of skills. In this work, we introduce an interactive environment for self-supervised RL, STARLING, for text-based games that bootstraps the text-based RL agents with automatically generated games (based on the seed set of game ideas) to boost the performance and generalization capabilities to reach a goal of the target environment. These games let the agent hone their skills on a predefined set of tasks. We create and test an environment with 100 games, generated using this automated framework that uses large language models (GPT-3) and an interactive fiction game engine (based on Inform7) to provide the user with the ability to generate more games under minimal human supervision. Experimental results based on both the human participants and baseline text-based RL agents reveal that current state-of-the-art text-based RL agents cannot use previously learned skills in new situations at the level humans can. These results enforce STARLING's potential to serve as a sandbox environment for further research in self-supervised text-based RL.

cross LGR2: Language Guided Reward Relabeling for Accelerating Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Utsav Singh, Pramit Bhattacharyya, Vinay P. Namboodiri

Abstract: Developing interactive systems that leverage natural language instructions to solve complex robotic control tasks has been a long-desired goal in the robotics community. Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional abilities in handling complex tasks, including logical reasoning, in-context learning, and code generation. However, predicting low-level robotic actions using LLMs poses significant challenges. Additionally, the complexity of such tasks usually demands the acquisition of policies to execute diverse subtasks and combine them to attain the ultimate objective. Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) is an elegant approach for solving such tasks, which provides the intuitive benefits of temporal abstraction and improved exploration. However, HRL faces the recurring issue of non-stationarity due to unstable lower primitive behaviour. In this work, we propose LGR2, a novel HRL framework that leverages language instructions to generate a stationary reward function for the higher-level policy. Since the language-guided reward is unaffected by the lower primitive behaviour, LGR2 mitigates non-stationarity and is thus an elegant method for leveraging language instructions to solve robotic control tasks. To analyze the efficacy of our approach, we perform empirical analysis and demonstrate that LGR2 effectively alleviates non-stationarity in HRL. Our approach attains success rates exceeding 70$\%$ in challenging, sparse-reward robotic navigation and manipulation environments where the baselines fail to achieve any significant progress. Additionally, we conduct real-world robotic manipulation experiments and demonstrate that CRISP shows impressive generalization in real-world scenarios.

cross Whose Preferences? Differences in Fairness Preferences and Their Impact on the Fairness of AI Utilizing Human Feedback

Authors: Emilia Agis Lerner, Florian E. Dorner, Elliott Ash, Naman Goel

Abstract: There is a growing body of work on learning from human feedback to align various aspects of machine learning systems with human values and preferences. We consider the setting of fairness in content moderation, in which human feedback is used to determine how two comments -- referencing different sensitive attribute groups -- should be treated in comparison to one another. With a novel dataset collected from Prolific and MTurk, we find significant gaps in fairness preferences depending on the race, age, political stance, educational level, and LGBTQ+ identity of annotators. We also demonstrate that demographics mentioned in text have a strong influence on how users perceive individual fairness in moderation. Further, we find that differences also exist in downstream classifiers trained to predict human preferences. Finally, we observe that an ensemble, giving equal weight to classifiers trained on annotations from different demographics, performs better for different demographic intersections; compared to a single classifier that gives equal weight to each annotation.

cross Turbo Sparse: Achieving LLM SOTA Performance with Minimal Activated Parameters

Authors: Yixin Song, Haotong Xie, Zhengyan Zhang, Bo Wen, Li Ma, Zeyu Mi, Haibo Chen

Abstract: Exploiting activation sparsity is a promising approach to significantly accelerating the inference process of large language models (LLMs) without compromising performance. However, activation sparsity is determined by activation functions, and commonly used ones like SwiGLU and GeGLU exhibit limited sparsity. Simply replacing these functions with ReLU fails to achieve sufficient sparsity. Moreover, inadequate training data can further increase the risk of performance degradation. To address these challenges, we propose a novel dReLU function, which is designed to improve LLM activation sparsity, along with a high-quality training data mixture ratio to facilitate effective sparsification. Additionally, we leverage sparse activation patterns within the Feed-Forward Network (FFN) experts of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models to further boost efficiency. By applying our neuron sparsification method to the Mistral and Mixtral models, only 2.5 billion and 4.3 billion parameters are activated per inference iteration, respectively, while achieving even more powerful model performance. Evaluation results demonstrate that this sparsity achieves a 2-5x decoding speedup. Remarkably, on mobile phones, our TurboSparse-Mixtral-47B achieves an inference speed of 11 tokens per second. Our models are available at \url{}


cross CVQA: Culturally-diverse Multilingual Visual Question Answering Benchmark

Authors: David Romero, Chenyang Lyu, Haryo Akbarianto Wibowo, Teresa Lynn, Injy Hamed, Aditya Nanda Kishore, Aishik Mandal, Alina Dragonetti, Artem Abzaliev, Atnafu Lambebo Tonja, Bontu Fufa Balcha, Chenxi Whitehouse, Christian Salamea, Dan John Velasco, David Ifeoluwa Adelani, David Le Meur, Emilio Villa-Cueva, Fajri Koto, Fauzan Farooqui, Frederico Belcavello, Ganzorig Batnasan, Gisela Vallejo, Grainne Caulfield, Guido Ivetta, Haiyue Song, Henok Biadglign Ademtew, Hern\'an Maina, Holy Lovenia, Israel Abebe Azime, Jan Christian Blaise Cruz, Jay Gala, Jiahui Geng, Jesus-German Ortiz-Barajas, Jinheon Baek, Jocelyn Dunstan, Laura Alonso Alemany, Kumaranage Ravindu Yasas Nagasinghe, Luciana Benotti, Luis Fernando D'Haro, Marcelo Viridiano, Marcos Estecha-Garitagoitia, Maria Camila Buitrago Cabrera, Mario Rodr\'iguez-Cantelar, M\'elanie Jouitteau, Mihail Mihaylov, Mohamed Fazli Mohamed Imam, Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda, Munkhjargal Gochoo, Munkh-Erdene Otgonbold, Naome Etori, Olivier Niyomugisha, Paula M\'onica Silva, Pranjal Chitale, Raj Dabre, Rendi Chevi, Ruochen Zhang, Ryandito Diandaru, Samuel Cahyawijaya, Santiago G\'ongora, Soyeong Jeong, Sukannya Purkayastha, Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Thanmay Jayakumar, Tiago Timponi Torrent, Toqeer Ehsan, Vladimir Araujo, Yova Kementchedjhieva, Zara Burzo, Zheng Wei Lim, Zheng Xin Yong, Oana Ignat, Joan Nwatu, Rada Mihalcea, Thamar Solorio, Alham Fikri Aji

Abstract: Visual Question Answering (VQA) is an important task in multimodal AI, and it is often used to test the ability of vision-language models to understand and reason on knowledge present in both visual and textual data. However, most of the current VQA models use datasets that are primarily focused on English and a few major world languages, with images that are typically Western-centric. While recent efforts have tried to increase the number of languages covered on VQA datasets, they still lack diversity in low-resource languages. More importantly, although these datasets often extend their linguistic range via translation or some other approaches, they usually keep images the same, resulting in narrow cultural representation. To address these limitations, we construct CVQA, a new Culturally-diverse multilingual Visual Question Answering benchmark, designed to cover a rich set of languages and cultures, where we engage native speakers and cultural experts in the data collection process. As a result, CVQA includes culturally-driven images and questions from across 28 countries on four continents, covering 26 languages with 11 scripts, providing a total of 9k questions. We then benchmark several Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) on CVQA, and show that the dataset is challenging for the current state-of-the-art models. This benchmark can serve as a probing evaluation suite for assessing the cultural capability and bias of multimodal models and hopefully encourage more research efforts toward increasing cultural awareness and linguistic diversity in this field.

cross Prompting Large Language Models with Audio for General-Purpose Speech Summarization

Authors: Wonjune Kang, Deb Roy

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a framework for speech summarization that leverages the processing and reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs). We propose an end-to-end system that combines an instruction-tuned LLM with an audio encoder that converts speech into token representations that the LLM can interpret. Using a dataset with paired speech-text data, the overall system is trained to generate consistent responses to prompts with the same semantic information regardless of the input modality. The resulting framework allows the LLM to process speech inputs in the same way as text, enabling speech summarization by simply prompting the LLM. Unlike prior approaches, our method is able to summarize spoken content from any arbitrary domain, and it can produce summaries in different styles by varying the LLM prompting strategy. Experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms a cascade baseline of speech recognition followed by LLM text processing.

cross ShiftAddLLM: Accelerating Pretrained LLMs via Post-Training Multiplication-Less Reparameterization

Authors: Haoran You, Yipin Guo, Yichao Fu, Wei Zhou, Huihong Shi, Xiaofan Zhang, Souvik Kundu, Amir Yazdanbakhsh, Yingyan Lin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance on language tasks but face challenges when deployed on resource-constrained devices due to their extensive parameters and reliance on dense multiplications, resulting in high memory demands and latency bottlenecks. Shift-and-add reparameterization offers a promising solution by replacing costly multiplications with hardware-friendly primitives in both the attention and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) layers of an LLM. However, current reparameterization techniques require training from scratch or full parameter fine-tuning to restore accuracy, which is resource-intensive for LLMs. To address this, we propose accelerating pretrained LLMs through post-training shift-and-add reparameterization, creating efficient multiplication-free models, dubbed ShiftAddLLM. Specifically, we quantize each weight matrix into binary matrices paired with group-wise scaling factors. The associated multiplications are reparameterized into (1) shifts between activations and scaling factors and (2) queries and adds according to the binary matrices. To reduce accuracy loss, we present a multi-objective optimization method to minimize both weight and output activation reparameterization errors. Additionally, based on varying sensitivity across layers to reparameterization, we develop an automated bit allocation strategy to further reduce memory usage and latency. Experiments on five LLM families and eight tasks consistently validate the effectiveness of ShiftAddLLM, achieving average perplexity improvements of 5.6 and 22.7 points at comparable or lower latency compared to the most competitive quantized LLMs at 3 and 2 bits, respectively, and more than 80% memory and energy reductions over the original LLMs. Codes and models are available at


cross FLEUR: An Explainable Reference-Free Evaluation Metric for Image Captioning Using a Large Multimodal Model

Authors: Yebin Lee, Imseong Park, Myungjoo Kang

Abstract: Most existing image captioning evaluation metrics focus on assigning a single numerical score to a caption by comparing it with reference captions. However, these methods do not provide an explanation for the assigned score. Moreover, reference captions are expensive to acquire. In this paper, we propose FLEUR, an explainable reference-free metric to introduce explainability into image captioning evaluation metrics. By leveraging a large multimodal model, FLEUR can evaluate the caption against the image without the need for reference captions, and provide the explanation for the assigned score. We introduce score smoothing to align as closely as possible with human judgment and to be robust to user-defined grading criteria. FLEUR achieves high correlations with human judgment across various image captioning evaluation benchmarks and reaches state-of-the-art results on Flickr8k-CF, COMPOSITE, and Pascal-50S within the domain of reference-free evaluation metrics. Our source code and results are publicly available at:


cross CARES: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Trustworthiness in Medical Vision Language Models

Authors: Peng Xia, Ze Chen, Juanxi Tian, Yangrui Gong, Ruibo Hou, Yue Xu, Zhenbang Wu, Zhiyuan Fan, Yiyang Zhou, Kangyu Zhu, Wenhao Zheng, Zhaoyang Wang, Xiao Wang, Xuchao Zhang, Chetan Bansal, Marc Niethammer, Junzhou Huang, Hongtu Zhu, Yun Li, Jimeng Sun, Zongyuan Ge, Gang Li, James Zou, Huaxiu Yao

Abstract: Artificial intelligence has significantly impacted medical applications, particularly with the advent of Medical Large Vision Language Models (Med-LVLMs), sparking optimism for the future of automated and personalized healthcare. However, the trustworthiness of Med-LVLMs remains unverified, posing significant risks for future model deployment. In this paper, we introduce CARES and aim to comprehensively evaluate the Trustworthiness of Med-LVLMs across the medical domain. We assess the trustworthiness of Med-LVLMs across five dimensions, including trustfulness, fairness, safety, privacy, and robustness. CARES comprises about 41K question-answer pairs in both closed and open-ended formats, covering 16 medical image modalities and 27 anatomical regions. Our analysis reveals that the models consistently exhibit concerns regarding trustworthiness, often displaying factual inaccuracies and failing to maintain fairness across different demographic groups. Furthermore, they are vulnerable to attacks and demonstrate a lack of privacy awareness. We publicly release our benchmark and code in


cross RepoQA: Evaluating Long Context Code Understanding

Authors: Jiawei Liu, Jia Le Tian, Vijay Daita, Yuxiang Wei, Yifeng Ding, Yuhan Katherine Wang, Jun Yang, Lingming Zhang

Abstract: Recent advances have been improving the context windows of Large Language Models (LLMs). To quantify the real long-context capabilities of LLMs, evaluators such as the popular Needle in a Haystack have been developed to test LLMs over a large chunk of raw texts. While effective, current evaluations overlook the insight of how LLMs work with long-context code, i.e., repositories. To this end, we initiate the RepoQA benchmark to evaluate LLMs on long-context code understanding. Traditional needle testers ask LLMs to directly retrieve the answer from the context without necessary deep understanding. In RepoQA, we built our initial task, namely Searching Needle Function (SNF), which exercises LLMs to search functions given their natural-language description, i.e., LLMs cannot find the desired function if they cannot understand the description and code. RepoQA is multilingual and comprehensive: it includes 500 code search tasks gathered from 50 popular repositories across 5 modern programming languages. By evaluating 26 general and code-specific LLMs on RepoQA, we show (i) there is still a small gap between the best open and proprietary models; (ii) different models are good at different languages; and (iii) models may understand code better without comments.

cross StreamAtt: Direct Streaming Speech-to-Text Translation with Attention-based Audio History Selection

Authors: Sara Papi, Marco Gaido, Matteo Negri, Luisa Bentivogli

Abstract: Streaming speech-to-text translation (StreamST) is the task of automatically translating speech while incrementally receiving an audio stream. Unlike simultaneous ST (SimulST), which deals with pre-segmented speech, StreamST faces the challenges of handling continuous and unbounded audio streams. This requires additional decisions about what to retain of the previous history, which is impractical to keep entirely due to latency and computational constraints. Despite the real-world demand for real-time ST, research on streaming translation remains limited, with existing works solely focusing on SimulST. To fill this gap, we introduce StreamAtt, the first StreamST policy, and propose StreamLAAL, the first StreamST latency metric designed to be comparable with existing metrics for SimulST. Extensive experiments across all 8 languages of MuST-C v1.0 show the effectiveness of StreamAtt compared to a naive streaming baseline and the related state-of-the-art SimulST policy, providing a first step in StreamST research.

cross Thunder : Unified Regression-Diffusion Speech Enhancement with a Single Reverse Step using Brownian Bridge

Authors: Thanapat Trachu, Chawan Piansaddhayanon, Ekapol Chuangsuwanich

Abstract: Diffusion-based speech enhancement has shown promising results, but can suffer from a slower inference time. Initializing the diffusion process with the enhanced audio generated by a regression-based model can be used to reduce the computational steps required. However, these approaches often necessitate a regression model, further increasing the system's complexity. We propose Thunder, a unified regression-diffusion model that utilizes the Brownian bridge process which can allow the model to act in both modes. The regression mode can be accessed by setting the diffusion time step closed to 1. However, the standard score-based diffusion modeling does not perform well in this setup due to gradient instability. To mitigate this problem, we modify the diffusion model to predict the clean speech instead of the score function, achieving competitive performance with a more compact model size and fewer reverse steps.

cross Label-Looping: Highly Efficient Decoding for Transducers

Authors: Vladimir Bataev, Hainan Xu, Daniel Galvez, Vitaly Lavrukhin, Boris Ginsburg

Abstract: This paper introduces a highly efficient greedy decoding algorithm for Transducer inference. We propose a novel data structure using CUDA tensors to represent partial hypotheses in a batch that supports parallelized hypothesis manipulations. During decoding, our algorithm maximizes GPU parallelism by adopting a nested-loop design, where the inner loop consumes all blank predictions, while non-blank predictions are handled in the outer loop. Our algorithm is general-purpose and can work with both conventional Transducers and Token-and-Duration Transducers. Experiments show that the label-looping algorithm can bring a speedup up to 2.0X compared to conventional batched decoding algorithms when using batch size 32, and can be combined with other compiler or GPU call-related techniques to bring more speedup. We will open-source our implementation to benefit the research community.

cross Learning Fine-Grained Controllability on Speech Generation via Efficient Fine-Tuning

Authors: Chung-Ming Chien, Andros Tjandra, Apoorv Vyas, Matt Le, Bowen Shi, Wei-Ning Hsu

Abstract: As the scale of generative models continues to grow, efficient reuse and adaptation of pre-trained models have become crucial considerations. In this work, we propose Voicebox Adapter, a novel approach that integrates fine-grained conditions into a pre-trained Voicebox speech generation model using a cross-attention module. To ensure a smooth integration of newly added modules with pre-trained ones, we explore various efficient fine-tuning approaches. Our experiment shows that the LoRA with bias-tuning configuration yields the best performance, enhancing controllability without compromising speech quality. Across three fine-grained conditional generation tasks, we demonstrate the effectiveness and resource efficiency of Voicebox Adapter. Follow-up experiments further highlight the robustness of Voicebox Adapter across diverse data setups.

cross Diffusion-RPO: Aligning Diffusion Models through Relative Preference Optimization

Authors: Yi Gu, Zhendong Wang, Yueqin Yin, Yujia Xie, Mingyuan Zhou

Abstract: Aligning large language models with human preferences has emerged as a critical focus in language modeling research. Yet, integrating preference learning into Text-to-Image (T2I) generative models is still relatively uncharted territory. The Diffusion-DPO technique made initial strides by employing pairwise preference learning in diffusion models tailored for specific text prompts. We introduce Diffusion-RPO, a new method designed to align diffusion-based T2I models with human preferences more effectively. This approach leverages both prompt-image pairs with identical prompts and those with semantically related content across various modalities. Furthermore, we have developed a new evaluation metric, style alignment, aimed at overcoming the challenges of high costs, low reproducibility, and limited interpretability prevalent in current evaluations of human preference alignment. Our findings demonstrate that Diffusion-RPO outperforms established methods such as Supervised Fine-Tuning and Diffusion-DPO in tuning Stable Diffusion versions 1.5 and XL-1.0, achieving superior results in both automated evaluations of human preferences and style alignment. Our code is available at


cross Low-Rank Quantization-Aware Training for LLMs

Authors: Yelysei Bondarenko, Riccardo Del Chiaro, Markus Nagel

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are omnipresent, however their practical deployment is challenging due to their ever increasing computational and memory demands. Quantization is one of the most effective ways to make them more compute and memory efficient. Quantization-aware training (QAT) methods, generally produce the best quantized performance, however it comes at the cost of potentially long training time and excessive memory usage, making it impractical when applying for LLMs. Inspired by parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) and low-rank adaptation (LoRA) literature, we propose LR-QAT -- a lightweight and memory-efficient QAT algorithm for LLMs. LR-QAT employs several components to save memory without sacrificing predictive performance: (a) low-rank auxiliary weights that are aware of the quantization grid; (b) a downcasting operator using fixed-point or double-packed integers and (c) checkpointing. Unlike most related work, our method (i) is inference-efficient, leading to no additional overhead compared to traditional PTQ; (ii) can be seen as a general extended pretraining framework, meaning that the resulting model can still be utilized for any downstream task afterwards; (iii) can be applied across a wide range of quantization settings, such as different choices quantization granularity, activation quantization, and seamlessly combined with many PTQ techniques. We apply LR-QAT to the LLaMA-2/3 and Mistral model families and validate its effectiveness on several downstream tasks. Our method outperforms common post-training quantization (PTQ) approaches and reaches the same model performance as full-model QAT at the fraction of its memory usage. Specifically, we can train a 7B LLM on a single consumer grade GPU with 24GB of memory.

cross Towards Lifelong Learning of Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Junhao Zheng, Shengjie Qiu, Chengming Shi, Qianli Ma

Abstract: As the applications of large language models (LLMs) expand across diverse fields, the ability of these models to adapt to ongoing changes in data, tasks, and user preferences becomes crucial. Traditional training methods, relying on static datasets, are increasingly inadequate for coping with the dynamic nature of real-world information. Lifelong learning, also known as continual or incremental learning, addresses this challenge by enabling LLMs to learn continuously and adaptively over their operational lifetime, integrating new knowledge while retaining previously learned information and preventing catastrophic forgetting. This survey delves into the sophisticated landscape of lifelong learning, categorizing strategies into two primary groups: Internal Knowledge and External Knowledge. Internal Knowledge includes continual pretraining and continual finetuning, each enhancing the adaptability of LLMs in various scenarios. External Knowledge encompasses retrieval-based and tool-based lifelong learning, leveraging external data sources and computational tools to extend the model's capabilities without modifying core parameters. The key contributions of our survey are: (1) Introducing a novel taxonomy categorizing the extensive literature of lifelong learning into 12 scenarios; (2) Identifying common techniques across all lifelong learning scenarios and classifying existing literature into various technique groups within each scenario; (3) Highlighting emerging techniques such as model expansion and data selection, which were less explored in the pre-LLM era. Through a detailed examination of these groups and their respective categories, this survey aims to enhance the adaptability, reliability, and overall performance of LLMs in real-world applications.

cross STimage-1K4M: A histopathology image-gene expression dataset for spatial transcriptomics

Authors: Jiawen Chen, Muqing Zhou, Wenrong Wu, Jinwei Zhang, Yun Li, Didong Li

Abstract: Recent advances in multi-modal algorithms have driven and been driven by the increasing availability of large image-text datasets, leading to significant strides in various fields, including computational pathology. However, in most existing medical image-text datasets, the text typically provides high-level summaries that may not sufficiently describe sub-tile regions within a large pathology image. For example, an image might cover an extensive tissue area containing cancerous and healthy regions, but the accompanying text might only specify that this image is a cancer slide, lacking the nuanced details needed for in-depth analysis. In this study, we introduce STimage-1K4M, a novel dataset designed to bridge this gap by providing genomic features for sub-tile images. STimage-1K4M contains 1,149 images derived from spatial transcriptomics data, which captures gene expression information at the level of individual spatial spots within a pathology image. Specifically, each image in the dataset is broken down into smaller sub-image tiles, with each tile paired with 15,000-30,000 dimensional gene expressions. With 4,293,195 pairs of sub-tile images and gene expressions, STimage-1K4M offers unprecedented granularity, paving the way for a wide range of advanced research in multi-modal data analysis an innovative applications in computational pathology, and beyond.

cross LLM Dataset Inference: Did you train on my dataset?

Authors: Pratyush Maini, Hengrui Jia, Nicolas Papernot, Adam Dziedzic

Abstract: The proliferation of large language models (LLMs) in the real world has come with a rise in copyright cases against companies for training their models on unlicensed data from the internet. Recent works have presented methods to identify if individual text sequences were members of the model's training data, known as membership inference attacks (MIAs). We demonstrate that the apparent success of these MIAs is confounded by selecting non-members (text sequences not used for training) belonging to a different distribution from the members (e.g., temporally shifted recent Wikipedia articles compared with ones used to train the model). This distribution shift makes membership inference appear successful. However, most MIA methods perform no better than random guessing when discriminating between members and non-members from the same distribution (e.g., in this case, the same period of time). Even when MIAs work, we find that different MIAs succeed at inferring membership of samples from different distributions. Instead, we propose a new dataset inference method to accurately identify the datasets used to train large language models. This paradigm sits realistically in the modern-day copyright landscape, where authors claim that an LLM is trained over multiple documents (such as a book) written by them, rather than one particular paragraph. While dataset inference shares many of the challenges of membership inference, we solve it by selectively combining the MIAs that provide positive signal for a given distribution, and aggregating them to perform a statistical test on a given dataset. Our approach successfully distinguishes the train and test sets of different subsets of the Pile with statistically significant p-values < 0.1, without any false positives.

cross A Large Language Model Pipeline for Breast Cancer Oncology

Authors: Tristen Pool, Dennis Trujillo

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated potential in the innovation of many disciplines. However, how they can best be developed for oncology remains underdeveloped. State-of-the-art OpenAI models were fine-tuned on a clinical dataset and clinical guidelines text corpus for two important cancer treatment factors, adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy, using a novel Langchain prompt engineering pipeline. A high accuracy (0.85+) was achieved in the classification of adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy for breast cancer patients. Furthermore, a confidence interval was formed from observational data on the quality of treatment from human oncologists to estimate the proportion of scenarios in which the model must outperform the original oncologist in its treatment prediction to be a better solution overall as 8.2% to 13.3%. Due to indeterminacy in the outcomes of cancer treatment decisions, future investigation, potentially a clinical trial, would be required to determine if this threshold was met by the models. Nevertheless, with 85% of U.S. cancer patients receiving treatment at local community facilities, these kinds of models could play an important part in expanding access to quality care with outcomes that lie, at minimum, close to a human oncologist.

cross Transforming Wearable Data into Health Insights using Large Language Model Agents

Authors: Mike A. Merrill, Akshay Paruchuri, Naghmeh Rezaei, Geza Kovacs, Javier Perez, Yun Liu, Erik Schenck, Nova Hammerquist, Jake Sunshine, Shyam Tailor, Kumar Ayush, Hao-Wei Su, Qian He, Cory McLean, Mark Malhotra, Shwetak Patel, Jiening Zhan, Tim Althoff, Daniel McDuff, Xin Liu

Abstract: Despite the proliferation of wearable health trackers and the importance of sleep and exercise to health, deriving actionable personalized insights from wearable data remains a challenge because doing so requires non-trivial open-ended analysis of these data. The recent rise of large language model (LLM) agents, which can use tools to reason about and interact with the world, presents a promising opportunity to enable such personalized analysis at scale. Yet, the application of LLM agents in analyzing personal health is still largely untapped. In this paper, we introduce the Personal Health Insights Agent (PHIA), an agent system that leverages state-of-the-art code generation and information retrieval tools to analyze and interpret behavioral health data from wearables. We curate two benchmark question-answering datasets of over 4000 health insights questions. Based on 650 hours of human and expert evaluation we find that PHIA can accurately address over 84% of factual numerical questions and more than 83% of crowd-sourced open-ended questions. This work has implications for advancing behavioral health across the population, potentially enabling individuals to interpret their own wearable data, and paving the way for a new era of accessible, personalized wellness regimens that are informed by data-driven insights.

cross AID: Adapting Image2Video Diffusion Models for Instruction-guided Video Prediction

Authors: Zhen Xing, Qi Dai, Zejia Weng, Zuxuan Wu, Yu-Gang Jiang

Abstract: Text-guided video prediction (TVP) involves predicting the motion of future frames from the initial frame according to an instruction, which has wide applications in virtual reality, robotics, and content creation. Previous TVP methods make significant breakthroughs by adapting Stable Diffusion for this task. However, they struggle with frame consistency and temporal stability primarily due to the limited scale of video datasets. We observe that pretrained Image2Video diffusion models possess good priors for video dynamics but they lack textual control. Hence, transferring Image2Video models to leverage their video dynamic priors while injecting instruction control to generate controllable videos is both a meaningful and challenging task. To achieve this, we introduce the Multi-Modal Large Language Model (MLLM) to predict future video states based on initial frames and text instructions. More specifically, we design a dual query transformer (DQFormer) architecture, which integrates the instructions and frames into the conditional embeddings for future frame prediction. Additionally, we develop Long-Short Term Temporal Adapters and Spatial Adapters that can quickly transfer general video diffusion models to specific scenarios with minimal training costs. Experimental results show that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art techniques on four datasets: Something Something V2, Epic Kitchen-100, Bridge Data, and UCF-101. Notably, AID achieves 91.2% and 55.5% FVD improvements on Bridge and SSv2 respectively, demonstrating its effectiveness in various domains. More examples can be found at our website


cross Husky: A Unified, Open-Source Language Agent for Multi-Step Reasoning

Authors: Joongwon Kim, Bhargavi Paranjape, Tushar Khot, Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Abstract: Language agents perform complex tasks by using tools to execute each step precisely. However, most existing agents are based on proprietary models or designed to target specific tasks, such as mathematics or multi-hop question answering. We introduce Husky, a holistic, open-source language agent that learns to reason over a unified action space to address a diverse set of complex tasks involving numerical, tabular, and knowledge-based reasoning. Husky iterates between two stages: 1) generating the next action to take towards solving a given task and 2) executing the action using expert models and updating the current solution state. We identify a thorough ontology of actions for addressing complex tasks and curate high-quality data to train expert models for executing these actions. Our experiments show that Husky outperforms prior language agents across 14 evaluation datasets. Moreover, we introduce HuskyQA, a new evaluation set which stress tests language agents for mixed-tool reasoning, with a focus on retrieving missing knowledge and performing numerical reasoning. Despite using 7B models, Husky matches or even exceeds frontier LMs such as GPT-4 on these tasks, showcasing the efficacy of our holistic approach in addressing complex reasoning problems. Our code and models are available at


cross Towards a Personal Health Large Language Model

Authors: Justin Cosentino, Anastasiya Belyaeva, Xin Liu, Nicholas A. Furlotte, Zhun Yang, Chace Lee, Erik Schenck, Yojan Patel, Jian Cui, Logan Douglas Schneider, Robby Bryant, Ryan G. Gomes, Allen Jiang, Roy Lee, Yun Liu, Javier Perez, Jameson K. Rogers, Cathy Speed, Shyam Tailor, Megan Walker, Jeffrey Yu, Tim Althoff, Conor Heneghan, John Hernandez, Mark Malhotra, Leor Stern, Yossi Matias, Greg S. Corrado, Shwetak Patel, Shravya Shetty, Jiening Zhan, Shruthi Prabhakara, Daniel McDuff, Cory Y. McLean

Abstract: In health, most large language model (LLM) research has focused on clinical tasks. However, mobile and wearable devices, which are rarely integrated into such tasks, provide rich, longitudinal data for personal health monitoring. Here we present Personal Health Large Language Model (PH-LLM), fine-tuned from Gemini for understanding and reasoning over numerical time-series personal health data. We created and curated three datasets that test 1) production of personalized insights and recommendations from sleep patterns, physical activity, and physiological responses, 2) expert domain knowledge, and 3) prediction of self-reported sleep outcomes. For the first task we designed 857 case studies in collaboration with domain experts to assess real-world scenarios in sleep and fitness. Through comprehensive evaluation of domain-specific rubrics, we observed that Gemini Ultra 1.0 and PH-LLM are not statistically different from expert performance in fitness and, while experts remain superior for sleep, fine-tuning PH-LLM provided significant improvements in using relevant domain knowledge and personalizing information for sleep insights. We evaluated PH-LLM domain knowledge using multiple choice sleep medicine and fitness examinations. PH-LLM achieved 79% on sleep and 88% on fitness, exceeding average scores from a sample of human experts. Finally, we trained PH-LLM to predict self-reported sleep quality outcomes from textual and multimodal encoding representations of wearable data, and demonstrate that multimodal encoding is required to match performance of specialized discriminative models. Although further development and evaluation are necessary in the safety-critical personal health domain, these results demonstrate both the broad knowledge and capabilities of Gemini models and the benefit of contextualizing physiological data for personal health applications as done with PH-LLM.

cross Parallelizing Linear Transformers with the Delta Rule over Sequence Length

Authors: Songlin Yang, Bailin Wang, Yu Zhang, Yikang Shen, Yoon Kim

Abstract: Transformers with linear attention (i.e., linear transformers) and state-space models have recently been suggested as a viable linear-time alternative to transformers with softmax attention. However, these models still underperform transformers especially on tasks that require in-context retrieval. While more expressive variants of linear transformers which replace the additive outer-product update in linear transformers with the delta rule have been found to be more effective at associative recall, existing algorithms for training such models do not parallelize over sequence length and are thus inefficient to train on modern hardware. This work describes a hardware-efficient algorithm for training linear transformers with the delta rule, which exploits a memory-efficient representation for computing products of Householder matrices. This algorithm allows us to scale up DeltaNet to standard language modeling settings. We train a 1.3B model for 100B tokens and find that it outperforms recent linear-time baselines such as Mamba and GLA in terms of perplexity and zero-shot performance on downstream tasks (including on tasks that focus on recall). We also experiment with two hybrid models which combine DeltaNet layers with (1) sliding-window attention layers every other layer or (2) two global attention layers, and find that these hybrid models outperform strong transformer baselines.

cross Direct Preference Optimization for Suppressing Hallucinated Prior Exams in Radiology Report Generation

Authors: Oishi Banerjee, Hong-Yu Zhou, Subathra Adithan, Stephen Kwak, Kay Wu, Pranav Rajpurkar

Abstract: Recent advances in generative vision-language models (VLMs) have exciting potential implications for AI in radiology, yet VLMs are also known to produce hallucinations, nonsensical text, and other unwanted behaviors that can waste clinicians' time and cause patient harm. Drawing on recent work on direct preference optimization (DPO), we propose a simple method for modifying the behavior of pretrained VLMs performing radiology report generation by suppressing unwanted types of generations. We apply our method to the prevention of hallucinations of prior exams, addressing a long-established problem behavior in models performing chest X-ray report generation. Across our experiments, we find that DPO fine-tuning achieves a 3.2-4.8x reduction in lines hallucinating prior exams while maintaining model performance on clinical accuracy metrics. Our work is, to the best of our knowledge, the first work to apply DPO to medical VLMs, providing a data- and compute- efficient way to suppress problem behaviors while maintaining overall clinical accuracy.

replace Extracting Event Temporal Relations via Hyperbolic Geometry

Authors: Xingwei Tan, Gabriele Pergola, Yulan He

Abstract: Detecting events and their evolution through time is a crucial task in natural language understanding. Recent neural approaches to event temporal relation extraction typically map events to embeddings in the Euclidean space and train a classifier to detect temporal relations between event pairs. However, embeddings in the Euclidean space cannot capture richer asymmetric relations such as event temporal relations. We thus propose to embed events into hyperbolic spaces, which are intrinsically oriented at modeling hierarchical structures. We introduce two approaches to encode events and their temporal relations in hyperbolic spaces. One approach leverages hyperbolic embeddings to directly infer event relations through simple geometrical operations. In the second one, we devise an end-to-end architecture composed of hyperbolic neural units tailored for the temporal relation extraction task. Thorough experimental assessments on widely used datasets have shown the benefits of revisiting the tasks on a different geometrical space, resulting in state-of-the-art performance on several standard metrics. Finally, the ablation study and several qualitative analyses highlighted the rich event semantics implicitly encoded into hyperbolic spaces.

replace Why So Gullible? Enhancing the Robustness of Retrieval-Augmented Models against Counterfactual Noise

Authors: Giwon Hong, Jeonghwan Kim, Junmo Kang, Sung-Hyon Myaeng, Joyce Jiyoung Whang

Abstract: Most existing retrieval-augmented language models (LMs) assume a naive dichotomy within a retrieved document set: query-relevance and irrelevance. Our work investigates a more challenging scenario in which even the "relevant" documents may contain misleading or incorrect information, causing conflict among the retrieved documents and thereby negatively influencing model decisions as noise. We observe that existing LMs are highly brittle to the presence of conflicting information in both the fine-tuning and in-context few-shot learning scenarios. We propose approaches for handling knowledge conflicts among retrieved documents by explicitly fine-tuning a discriminator or prompting GPT-3.5 to elicit its discriminative capability. Our empirical results on open-domain QA show that these approaches significantly enhance model robustness. We also provide our findings on incorporating the fine-tuned discriminator's decision into the in-context learning process, proposing a way to exploit the benefits of two disparate learning schemes. Alongside our findings, we provide MacNoise, a machine-generated, conflict-induced dataset to further encourage research in this direction.

replace OntoType: Ontology-Guided and Pre-Trained Language Model Assisted Fine-Grained Entity Typing

Authors: Tanay Komarlu, Minhao Jiang, Xuan Wang, Jiawei Han

Abstract: Fine-grained entity typing (FET), which assigns entities in text with context-sensitive, fine-grained semantic types, is a basic but important task for knowledge extraction from unstructured text. FET has been studied extensively in natural language processing and typically relies on human-annotated corpora for training, which is costly and difficult to scale. Recent studies explore the utilization of pre-trained language models (PLMs) as a knowledge base to generate rich and context-aware weak supervision for FET. However, a PLM still requires direction and guidance to serve as a knowledge base as they often generate a mixture of rough and fine-grained types, or tokens unsuitable for typing. In this study, we vision that an ontology provides a semantics-rich, hierarchical structure, which will help select the best results generated by multiple PLM models and head words. Specifically, we propose a novel annotation-free, ontology-guided FET method, OntoType, which follows a type ontological structure, from coarse to fine, ensembles multiple PLM prompting results to generate a set of type candidates, and refines its type resolution, under the local context with a natural language inference model. Our experiments on the Ontonotes, FIGER, and NYT datasets using their associated ontological structures demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art zero-shot fine-grained entity typing methods as well as a typical LLM method, ChatGPT. Our error analysis shows that refinement of the existing ontology structures will further improve fine-grained entity typing.

replace ReadMe++: Benchmarking Multilingual Language Models for Multi-Domain Readability Assessment

Authors: Tarek Naous, Michael J. Ryan, Anton Lavrouk, Mohit Chandra, Wei Xu

Abstract: We present a comprehensive evaluation of large language models for multilingual readability assessment. Existing evaluation resources lack domain and language diversity, limiting the ability for cross-domain and cross-lingual analyses. This paper introduces ReadMe++, a multilingual multi-domain dataset with human annotations of 9757 sentences in Arabic, English, French, Hindi, and Russian, collected from 112 different data sources. This benchmark will encourage research on developing robust multilingual readability assessment methods. Using ReadMe++, we benchmark multilingual and monolingual language models in the supervised, unsupervised, and few-shot prompting settings. The domain and language diversity in ReadMe++ enable us to test more effective few-shot prompting, and identify shortcomings in state-of-the-art unsupervised methods. Our experiments also reveal exciting results of superior domain generalization and enhanced cross-lingual transfer capabilities by models trained on ReadMe++. We will make our data publicly available and release a python package tool for multilingual sentence readability prediction using our trained models at:


replace Open-Domain Text Evaluation via Contrastive Distribution Methods

Authors: Sidi Lu, Hongyi Liu, Asli Celikyilmaz, Tianlu Wang, Nanyun Peng

Abstract: Recent advancements in open-domain text generation, driven by the power of large pre-trained language models (LLMs), have demonstrated remarkable performance. However, assessing these models' generation quality remains a challenge. In this paper, we introduce a novel method for evaluating open-domain text generation called Contrastive Distribution Methods (CDM). Leveraging the connection between increasing model parameters and enhanced LLM performance, CDM creates a mapping from the _contrast_ of two probabilistic distributions -- one known to be superior to the other -- to quality measures. We investigate CDM for open-domain text generation evaluation under two paradigms: 1) _Generative_ CDM, which harnesses the contrast of two language models' distributions to generate synthetic examples for training discriminator-based metrics; 2) _Discriminative_ CDM, which directly uses distribution disparities between two language models for evaluation. Our experiments on coherence evaluation for multi-turn dialogue and commonsense evaluation for controllable generation demonstrate CDM's superior correlate with human judgment than existing automatic evaluation metrics, highlighting the strong performance and generalizability of our approach.

replace Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning of LLaMA for the Clinical Domain

Authors: Aryo Pradipta Gema, Pasquale Minervini, Luke Daines, Tom Hope, Beatrice Alex

Abstract: Adapting pretrained language models to novel domains, such as clinical applications, traditionally involves retraining their entire set of parameters. Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques for fine-tuning language models significantly reduce computational requirements by selectively fine-tuning small subsets of parameters. In this study, we propose a two-step PEFT framework and evaluate it in the clinical domain. Our approach combines a specialised PEFT adapter layer designed for clinical domain adaptation with another adapter specialised for downstream tasks. We evaluate the framework on multiple clinical outcome prediction datasets, comparing it to clinically trained language models. Our framework achieves a better AUROC score averaged across all clinical downstream tasks compared to clinical language models. In particular, we observe large improvements of 4-5% AUROC in large-scale multilabel classification tasks, such as diagnoses and procedures classification. To our knowledge, this study is the first to provide an extensive empirical analysis of the interplay between PEFT techniques and domain adaptation in an important real-world domain of clinical applications.

replace A Zero-shot and Few-shot Study of Instruction-Finetuned Large Language Models Applied to Clinical and Biomedical Tasks

Authors: Yanis Labrak, Mickael Rouvier, Richard Dufour

Abstract: We evaluate four state-of-the-art instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) -- ChatGPT, Flan-T5 UL2, Tk-Instruct, and Alpaca -- on a set of 13 real-world clinical and biomedical natural language processing (NLP) tasks in English, such as named-entity recognition (NER), question-answering (QA), relation extraction (RE), etc. Our overall results demonstrate that the evaluated LLMs begin to approach performance of state-of-the-art models in zero- and few-shot scenarios for most tasks, and particularly well for the QA task, even though they have never seen examples from these tasks before. However, we observed that the classification and RE tasks perform below what can be achieved with a specifically trained model for the medical field, such as PubMedBERT. Finally, we noted that no LLM outperforms all the others on all the studied tasks, with some models being better suited for certain tasks than others.

replace Supervised Learning and Large Language Model Benchmarks on Mental Health Datasets: Cognitive Distortions and Suicidal Risks in Chinese Social Media

Authors: Hongzhi Qi, Qing Zhao, Jianqiang Li, Changwei Song, Wei Zhai, Dan Luo, Shuo Liu, Yi Jing Yu, Fan Wang, Huijing Zou, Bing Xiang Yang, Guanghui Fu

Abstract: On social media, users often express their personal feelings, which may exhibit cognitive distortions or even suicidal tendencies on certain specific topics. Early recognition of these signs is critical for effective psychological intervention. In this paper, we introduce two novel datasets from Chinese social media: SOS-HL-1K for suicidal risk classification and SocialCD-3K for cognitive distortions detection. The SOS-HL-1K dataset contained 1,249 posts and SocialCD-3K dataset was a multi-label classification dataset that containing 3,407 posts. We propose a comprehensive evaluation using two supervised learning methods and eight large language models (LLMs) on the proposed datasets. From the prompt engineering perspective, we experimented with two types of prompt strategies, including four zero-shot and five few-shot strategies. We also evaluated the performance of the LLMs after fine-tuning on the proposed tasks. The experimental results show that there is still a huge gap between LLMs relying only on prompt engineering and supervised learning. In the suicide classification task, this gap is 6.95% points in F1-score, while in the cognitive distortion task, the gap is even more pronounced, reaching 31.53% points in F1-score. However, after fine-tuning, this difference is significantly reduced. In the suicide and cognitive distortion classification tasks, the gap decreases to 4.31% and 3.14%, respectively. This research highlights the potential of LLMs in psychological contexts, but supervised learning remains necessary for more challenging tasks. All datasets and code are made available.

replace Prompting4Debugging: Red-Teaming Text-to-Image Diffusion Models by Finding Problematic Prompts

Authors: Zhi-Yi Chin, Chieh-Ming Jiang, Ching-Chun Huang, Pin-Yu Chen, Wei-Chen Chiu

Abstract: Text-to-image diffusion models, e.g. Stable Diffusion (SD), lately have shown remarkable ability in high-quality content generation, and become one of the representatives for the recent wave of transformative AI. Nevertheless, such advance comes with an intensifying concern about the misuse of this generative technology, especially for producing copyrighted or NSFW (i.e. not safe for work) images. Although efforts have been made to filter inappropriate images/prompts or remove undesirable concepts/styles via model fine-tuning, the reliability of these safety mechanisms against diversified problematic prompts remains largely unexplored. In this work, we propose Prompting4Debugging (P4D) as a debugging and red-teaming tool that automatically finds problematic prompts for diffusion models to test the reliability of a deployed safety mechanism. We demonstrate the efficacy of our P4D tool in uncovering new vulnerabilities of SD models with safety mechanisms. Particularly, our result shows that around half of prompts in existing safe prompting benchmarks which were originally considered "safe" can actually be manipulated to bypass many deployed safety mechanisms, including concept removal, negative prompt, and safety guidance. Our findings suggest that, without comprehensive testing, the evaluations on limited safe prompting benchmarks can lead to a false sense of safety for text-to-image models.

replace "I'd Like to Have an Argument, Please": Argumentative Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Adrian de Wynter, Tangming Yuan

Abstract: We evaluate two large language models (LLMs) ability to perform argumentative reasoning. We experiment with argument mining (AM) and argument pair extraction (APE), and evaluate the LLMs' ability to recognize arguments under progressively more abstract input and output (I/O) representations (e.g., arbitrary label sets, graphs, etc.). Unlike the well-known evaluation of prompt phrasings, abstraction evaluation retains the prompt's phrasing but tests reasoning capabilities. We find that scoring-wise the LLMs match or surpass the SOTA in AM and APE, and under certain I/O abstractions LLMs perform well, even beating chain-of-thought--we call this symbolic prompting. However, statistical analysis on the LLMs outputs when subject to small, yet still human-readable, alterations in the I/O representations (e.g., asking for BIO tags as opposed to line numbers) showed that the models are not performing reasoning. This suggests that LLM applications to some tasks, such as data labelling and paper reviewing, must be done with care.

replace Cooperation, Competition, and Maliciousness: LLM-Stakeholders Interactive Negotiation

Authors: Sahar Abdelnabi, Amr Gomaa, Sarath Sivaprasad, Lea Sch\"onherr, Mario Fritz

Abstract: There is an growing interest in using Large Language Models (LLMs) in multi-agent systems to tackle interactive real-world tasks that require effective collaboration and assessing complex situations. Yet, we still have a limited understanding of LLMs' communication and decision-making abilities in multi-agent setups. The fundamental task of negotiation spans many key features of communication, such as cooperation, competition, and manipulation potentials. Thus, we propose using scorable negotiation to evaluate LLMs. We create a testbed of complex multi-agent, multi-issue, and semantically rich negotiation games. To reach an agreement, agents must have strong arithmetic, inference, exploration, and planning capabilities while integrating them in a dynamic and multi-turn setup. We propose multiple metrics to rigorously quantify agents' performance and alignment with the assigned role. We provide procedures to create new games and increase games' difficulty to have an evolving benchmark. Importantly, we evaluate critical safety aspects such as the interaction dynamics between agents influenced by greedy and adversarial players. Our benchmark is highly challenging; GPT-3.5 and small models mostly fail, and GPT-4 and SoTA large models (e.g., Llama-3 70b) still underperform.

replace Fooling the Textual Fooler via Randomizing Latent Representations

Authors: Duy C. Hoang, Quang H. Nguyen, Saurav Manchanda, MinLong Peng, Kok-Seng Wong, Khoa D. Doan

Abstract: Despite outstanding performance in a variety of NLP tasks, recent studies have revealed that NLP models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks that slightly perturb the input to cause the models to misbehave. Among these attacks, adversarial word-level perturbations are well-studied and effective attack strategies. Since these attacks work in black-box settings, they do not require access to the model architecture or model parameters and thus can be detrimental to existing NLP applications. To perform an attack, the adversary queries the victim model many times to determine the most important words in an input text and to replace these words with their corresponding synonyms. In this work, we propose a lightweight and attack-agnostic defense whose main goal is to perplex the process of generating an adversarial example in these query-based black-box attacks; that is to fool the textual fooler. This defense, named AdvFooler, works by randomizing the latent representation of the input at inference time. Different from existing defenses, AdvFooler does not necessitate additional computational overhead during training nor relies on assumptions about the potential adversarial perturbation set while having a negligible impact on the model's accuracy. Our theoretical and empirical analyses highlight the significance of robustness resulting from confusing the adversary via randomizing the latent space, as well as the impact of randomization on clean accuracy. Finally, we empirically demonstrate near state-of-the-art robustness of AdvFooler against representative adversarial word-level attacks on two benchmark datasets.

replace Demonstrations Are All You Need: Advancing Offensive Content Paraphrasing using In-Context Learning

Authors: Anirudh Som, Karan Sikka, Helen Gent, Ajay Divakaran, Andreas Kathol, Dimitra Vergyri

Abstract: Paraphrasing of offensive content is a better alternative to content removal and helps improve civility in a communication environment. Supervised paraphrasers; however, rely heavily on large quantities of labelled data to help preserve meaning and intent. They also often retain a large portion of the offensiveness of the original content, which raises questions on their overall usability. In this paper we aim to assist practitioners in developing usable paraphrasers by exploring In-Context Learning (ICL) with large language models (LLMs), i.e., using a limited number of input-label demonstration pairs to guide the model in generating desired outputs for specific queries. Our study focuses on key factors such as - number and order of demonstrations, exclusion of prompt instruction, and reduction in measured toxicity. We perform principled evaluation on three datasets, including our proposed Context-Aware Polite Paraphrase (CAPP) dataset, comprising of dialogue-style rude utterances, polite paraphrases, and additional dialogue context. We evaluate our approach using four closed source and one open source LLM. Our results reveal that ICL is comparable to supervised methods in generation quality, while being qualitatively better by 25% on human evaluation and attaining lower toxicity by 76%. Also, ICL-based paraphrasers only show a slight reduction in performance even with just 10% training data.

replace AlpaCare:Instruction-tuned Large Language Models for Medical Application

Authors: Xinlu Zhang, Chenxin Tian, Xianjun Yang, Lichang Chen, Zekun Li, Linda Ruth Petzold

Abstract: Instruction-finetuning (IFT) has become crucial in aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with diverse human needs and has shown great potential in medical applications. However, previous studies mainly fine-tune LLMs on biomedical datasets with limited diversity, which often rely on benchmarks or narrow task scopes, and hence significantly limit the effectiveness on their medical instruction-following ability and generalizability. To bridge this gap, we propose creating a diverse, machine-generated medical IFT dataset, MedInstruct-52k, using GPT-4 and ChatGPT with a high-quality expert-curated seed set. We then fine-tune LLaMA-series models on the dataset to develop AlpaCare. Despite using a smaller domain-specific dataset than previous medical LLMs, AlpaCare not only demonstrates superior performance on medical applications, with up to 38.1% absolute gain over best baselines in medical free-form instruction evaluations, but also achieves 6.7% absolute gains averaged over multiple general domain benchmarks. Human evaluation further shows that AlpaCare consistently outperforms best baselines in terms of both correctness and helpfulness. We offer public access to our data, model, and codebase in


replace Knowledgeable Preference Alignment for LLMs in Domain-specific Question Answering

Authors: Yichi Zhang, Zhuo Chen, Yin Fang, Yanxi Lu, Fangming Li, Wen Zhang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Deploying large language models (LLMs) to real scenarios for domain-specific question answering (QA) is a key thrust for LLM applications, which poses numerous challenges, especially in ensuring that responses are both accommodating to user requirements and appropriately leveraging domain-specific knowledge bases. They are the two major difficulties for LLM application as vanilla fine-tuning falls short of addressing. Combining these requirements, we conceive of them as the requirement for the model's preference to be harmoniously aligned with humans'. Thus, we introduce Knowledgeable Preference AlignmenT (KnowPAT), which constructs two kinds of preference sets to tackle the two issues. Besides, we design a new alignment objective to align the LLM preference with different human preferences uniformly, aiming to optimize LLM performance in real-world, domain-specific QA settings. Adequate experiments and comprehensive comparisons with 15 baseline methods illustrate that our KnowPAT is a superior pipeline for real-scenario domain-specific QA with LLMs.

replace Controlled Text Generation for Black-box Language Models via Score-based Progressive Editor

Authors: Sangwon Yu, Changmin Lee, Hojin Lee, Sungroh Yoon

Abstract: Controlled text generation is very important for the practical use of language models because it ensures that the produced text includes only the desired attributes from a specific domain or dataset. Existing methods, however, are inapplicable to black-box models or suffer a significant trade-off between controlling the generated text and maintaining its fluency. This paper introduces the Score-based Progressive Editor (ScoPE), a novel approach designed to overcome these issues. ScoPE modifies the context at the token level during the generation process of a backbone language model. This modification guides the subsequent text to naturally include the target attributes. To facilitate this process, ScoPE employs a training objective that maximizes a target score, thoroughly considering both the ability to guide the text and its fluency. Experimental results on diverse controlled generation tasks demonstrate that ScoPE can effectively regulate the attributes of the generated text while fully utilizing the capability of the backbone large language models. Our codes are available at \url{}.


replace It's Not Easy Being Wrong: Large Language Models Struggle with Process of Elimination Reasoning

Authors: Nishant Balepur, Shramay Palta, Rachel Rudinger

Abstract: Chain-of-thought (COT) prompting can help large language models (LLMs) reason toward correct answers, but its efficacy in reasoning toward incorrect answers is unexplored. This process of elimination (PoE), when used with COT, can enhance self-consistency, interpretability, and tasks such as medical diagnoses of exclusion. Thus, we propose PoE with COT, where LLMs must reason toward incorrect options on multiple-choice questions. We evaluate the ability of GPT-3.5, LLaMA-2, and Falcon to perform PoE with COT on a total of four commonsense and scientific reasoning datasets. We find that the strategy of PoE always underperforms the strategy of choosing the correct answer. The agreement of these strategies is also lower than the self-consistency of each strategy. To study these issues further, we conduct error analyses and give suggestions for future work.

replace End-to-End Speech-to-Text Translation: A Survey

Authors: Nivedita Sethiya, Chandresh Kumar Maurya

Abstract: Speech-to-text translation pertains to the task of converting speech signals in a language to text in another language. It finds its application in various domains, such as hands-free communication, dictation, video lecture transcription, and translation, to name a few. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), as well as Machine Translation(MT) models, play crucial roles in traditional ST translation, enabling the conversion of spoken language in its original form to written text and facilitating seamless cross-lingual communication. ASR recognizes spoken words, while MT translates the transcribed text into the target language. Such disintegrated models suffer from cascaded error propagation and high resource and training costs. As a result, researchers have been exploring end-to-end (E2E) models for ST translation. However, to our knowledge, there is no comprehensive review of existing works on E2E ST. The present survey, therefore, discusses the work in this direction. Our attempt has been to provide a comprehensive review of models employed, metrics, and datasets used for ST tasks, providing challenges and future research direction with new insights. We believe this review will be helpful to researchers working on various applications of ST models.

replace Neuron-Level Knowledge Attribution in Large Language Models

Authors: Zeping Yu, Sophia Ananiadou

Abstract: Identifying important neurons for final predictions is essential for understanding the mechanisms of large language models. Due to computational constraints, current attribution techniques struggle to operate at neuron level. In this paper, we propose a static method for pinpointing significant neurons for different outputs. Compared to seven other methods, our approach demonstrates superior performance across three metrics. Additionally, since most static methods typically only identify "value neurons" directly contributing to the final prediction, we introduce a static method for identifying "query neurons" which activate these "value neurons". Finally, we apply our methods to analyze the localization of six distinct types of knowledge across both attention and feed-forward network (FFN) layers. Our method and analysis are helpful for understanding the mechanisms of knowledge storage and set the stage for future research in knowledge editing. We will release our data and code on github.

replace Do Androids Know They're Only Dreaming of Electric Sheep?

Authors: Sky CH-Wang, Benjamin Van Durme, Jason Eisner, Chris Kedzie

Abstract: We design probes trained on the internal representations of a transformer language model to predict its hallucinatory behavior on three grounded generation tasks. To train the probes, we annotate for span-level hallucination on both sampled (organic) and manually edited (synthetic) reference outputs. Our probes are narrowly trained and we find that they are sensitive to their training domain: they generalize poorly from one task to another or from synthetic to organic hallucinations. However, on in-domain data, they can reliably detect hallucinations at many transformer layers, achieving 95% of their peak performance as early as layer 4. Here, probing proves accurate for evaluating hallucination, outperforming several contemporary baselines and even surpassing an expert human annotator in response-level detection F1. Similarly, on span-level labeling, probes are on par or better than the expert annotator on two out of three generation tasks. Overall, we find that probing is a feasible and efficient alternative to language model hallucination evaluation when model states are available.

replace Language Models Know the Value of Numbers

Authors: Fangwei Zhu, Damai Dai, Zhifang Sui

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited impressive competence in various tasks, but their internal mechanisms on mathematical problems are still under-explored. In this paper, we study a fundamental question: whether language models know the value of numbers, a basic element in math. To study the question, we construct a synthetic dataset comprising addition problems and utilize linear probes to read out input numbers from the hidden states. Experimental results support the existence of encoded number values in LLMs on different layers, and these values can be extracted via linear probes. Further experiments show that LLMs store their calculation results in a similar manner, and we can intervene the output via simple vector additions, proving the causal connection between encoded numbers and language model outputs. Our research provides evidence that LLMs know the value of numbers, thus offering insights for better exploring, designing, and utilizing numeric information in LLMs.

replace LinguAlchemy: Fusing Typological and Geographical Elements for Unseen Language Generalization

Authors: Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda, Samuel Cahyawijaya, Alham Fikri Aji, Genta Indra Winata, Ayu Purwarianti

Abstract: Pretrained language models (PLMs) have become remarkably adept at task and language generalization. Nonetheless, they often fail when faced with unseen languages. In this work, we present LinguAlchemy, a regularization method that incorporates various linguistic information covering typological, geographical, and phylogenetic features to align PLMs representation to the corresponding linguistic information on each language. Our LinguAlchemy significantly improves the performance of mBERT and XLM-R on low-resource languages in multiple downstream tasks such as intent classification, news classification, and semantic relatedness compared to fully finetuned models and displaying a high degree of unseen language generalization. We further introduce AlchemyScale and AlchemyTune, extension of LinguAlchemy which adjusts the linguistic regularization weights automatically, alleviating the need for hyperparameter search.

replace Adapting Large Language Models for Document-Level Machine Translation

Authors: Minghao Wu, Thuy-Trang Vu, Lizhen Qu, George Foster, Gholamreza Haffari

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Recent research indicates that moderately-sized LLMs often outperform larger ones after task-specific fine-tuning. This study focuses on adapting LLMs for document-level machine translation (DocMT) for specific language pairs. We first investigate the impact of prompt strategies on translation performance and then conduct extensive experiments using two fine-tuning methods, three LLM backbones, and 18 translation tasks across nine language pairs. Our results show that specialized models can sometimes surpass GPT-4 in translation performance but still face issues like off-target translation due to error propagation in decoding. We provide an in-depth analysis of these LLMs tailored for DocMT, examining translation errors, discourse phenomena, training strategies, the scaling law of parallel documents, recent test set evaluations, and zero-shot crosslingual transfer. Our findings highlight the strengths and limitations of LLM-based DocMT models and provide a foundation for future research.

replace Navigating the Metrics Maze: Reconciling Score Magnitudes and Accuracies

Authors: Tom Kocmi, Vil\'em Zouhar, Christian Federmann, Matt Post

Abstract: Ten years ago a single metric, BLEU, governed progress in machine translation research. For better or worse, there is no such consensus today, and consequently it is difficult for researchers to develop and retain the kinds of heuristic intuitions about metric deltas that drove earlier research and deployment decisions. This paper investigates the "dynamic range" of a number of modern metrics in an effort to provide a collective understanding of the meaning of differences in scores both within and among metrics; in other words, we ask what point difference X in metric Y is required between two systems for humans to notice? We conduct our evaluation on a new large dataset, ToShip23, using it to discover deltas at which metrics achieve system-level differences that are meaningful to humans, which we measure by pairwise system accuracy. We additionally show that this method of establishing delta-accuracy is more stable than the standard use of statistical p-values in regards to testset size. Where data size permits, we also explore the effect of metric deltas and accuracy across finer-grained features such as translation direction, domain, and system closeness.

replace CHAMP: A Competition-level Dataset for Fine-Grained Analyses of LLMs' Mathematical Reasoning Capabilities

Authors: Yujun Mao, Yoon Kim, Yilun Zhou

Abstract: Recent large language models (LLMs) have shown indications of mathematical reasoning ability on challenging competition-level problems, especially with self-generated verbalizations of intermediate reasoning steps (i.e., chain-of-thought prompting). However, current evaluations mainly focus on the end-to-end final answer correctness, and it is unclear whether LLMs can make use of helpful side information such as problem-specific hints. In this paper, we propose a challenging benchmark dataset for enabling such analyses. The Concept and Hint-Annotated Math Problems (CHAMP) consists of high school math competition problems, annotated with concepts, or general math facts, and hints, or problem-specific tricks. These annotations allow us to explore the effects of additional information, such as relevant hints, misleading concepts, or related problems. This benchmark is difficult, with the best model only scoring 58.1% in standard settings. With concepts and hints, performance sometimes improves, indicating that some models can make use of such side information. Furthermore, we annotate model-generated solutions for their correctness. Using this corpus, we find that models often arrive at the correct final answer through wrong reasoning steps. In addition, we test whether models are able to verify these solutions, and find that most models struggle.

replace Model Editing at Scale leads to Gradual and Catastrophic Forgetting

Authors: Akshat Gupta, Anurag Rao, Gopala Anumanchipalli

Abstract: Editing knowledge in large language models is an attractive capability to have which allows us to correct incorrectly learnt facts during pre-training, as well as update the model with an ever-growing list of new facts. While existing model editing techniques have shown promise, they are usually evaluated using metrics for reliability, specificity and generalization over one or few edits. We argue that for model editing to have practical utility, we must be able to make multiple edits to the same model. With this in mind, we evaluate the current model editing methods at scale, focusing on two state of the art methods: ROME and MEMIT. We find that as the model is edited sequentially with multiple facts, it continually forgets previously edited facts and the ability to perform downstream tasks. This forgetting happens in two phases -- an initial gradual but progressive forgetting phase followed by abrupt or catastrophic forgetting phase. Both gradual and catastrophic forgetting limit the usefulness of model editing methods at scale -- the former making model editing less effective as multiple edits are made to the model while the latter caps the scalability of such model editing methods. Our analysis also highlights other key limitations of ROME and MEMIT at scale. With our work, we push for the development and evaluation of model editing methods keeping scalability in mind.

replace DeepEdit: Knowledge Editing as Decoding with Constraints

Authors: Yiwei Wang, Muhao Chen, Nanyun Peng, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Answering multi-hop questions involving new knowledge is a challenging task in evaluating large language models' (LLMs) knowledge editing (KE) methods. This task is rather difficult because the LLMs' hallucinations on new knowledge would harm the logical coherence of LLMs' multi-hop reasoning and lead to incorrect answers. To address this issue, we design decoding constraints to "regulate" LLMs' reasoning, enhancing logical coherence when incorporating new knowledge. We incorporate the constraints into a new KE framework: DEEPEDIT (Depth-first Search-based Constrained Decoding for Knowledge Editing), which enhances LLMs to generate coherent reasoning chains with new knowledge through a depth-first search. Our search selects the most important knowledge that satisfies our constraints as the reasoning step to efficiently increase the reasoning depth. In addition to DEEPEDIT, we propose two new KE benchmarks: MQUAKE-2002 and MQUAKE-HARD, which provide more precise and challenging assessments of KE approaches. Qualitatively, DEEPEDIT enables LLMs to produce succinct and coherent reasoning chains involving new knowledge. Quantitatively, it yields significant improvements on multiple KE benchmarks.

replace Progressive Distillation Based on Masked Generation Feature Method for Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Cunhang Fan, Yujie Chen, Jun Xue, Yonghui Kong, Jianhua Tao, Zhao Lv

Abstract: In recent years, knowledge graph completion (KGC) models based on pre-trained language model (PLM) have shown promising results. However, the large number of parameters and high computational cost of PLM models pose challenges for their application in downstream tasks. This paper proposes a progressive distillation method based on masked generation features for KGC task, aiming to significantly reduce the complexity of pre-trained models. Specifically, we perform pre-distillation on PLM to obtain high-quality teacher models, and compress the PLM network to obtain multi-grade student models. However, traditional feature distillation suffers from the limitation of having a single representation of information in teacher models. To solve this problem, we propose masked generation of teacher-student features, which contain richer representation information. Furthermore, there is a significant gap in representation ability between teacher and student. Therefore, we design a progressive distillation method to distill student models at each grade level, enabling efficient knowledge transfer from teachers to students. The experimental results demonstrate that the model in the pre-distillation stage surpasses the existing state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, in the progressive distillation stage, the model significantly reduces the model parameters while maintaining a certain level of performance. Specifically, the model parameters of the lower-grade student model are reduced by 56.7\% compared to the baseline.

replace Adaptive Text Watermark for Large Language Models

Authors: Yepeng Liu, Yuheng Bu

Abstract: The advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to increasing concerns about the misuse of AI-generated text, and watermarking for LLM-generated text has emerged as a potential solution. However, it is challenging to generate high-quality watermarked text while maintaining strong security, robustness, and the ability to detect watermarks without prior knowledge of the prompt or model. This paper proposes an adaptive watermarking strategy to address this problem. To improve the text quality and maintain robustness, we adaptively add watermarking to token distributions with high entropy measured using an auxiliary model and keep the low entropy token distributions untouched. For the sake of security and to further minimize the watermark's impact on text quality, instead of using a fixed green/red list generated from a random secret key, which can be vulnerable to decryption and forgery, we adaptively scale up the output logits in proportion based on the semantic embedding of previously generated text using a well designed semantic mapping model. Our experiments involving various LLMs demonstrate that our approach achieves comparable robustness performance to existing watermark methods. Additionally, the text generated by our method has perplexity comparable to that of \emph{un-watermarked} LLMs while maintaining security even under various attacks.

replace BPDec: Unveiling the Potential of Masked Language Modeling Decoder in BERT pretraining

Authors: Wen Liang, Youzhi Liang

Abstract: BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) has revolutionized the field of natural language processing through its exceptional performance on numerous tasks. Yet, the majority of researchers have mainly concentrated on enhancements related to the model structure, such as relative position embedding and more efficient attention mechanisms. Others have delved into pretraining tricks associated with Masked Language Modeling, including whole word masking. DeBERTa introduced an enhanced decoder adapted for BERT's encoder model for pretraining, proving to be highly effective. We argue that the design and research around enhanced masked language modeling decoders have been underappreciated. In this paper, we propose several designs of enhanced decoders and introduce BPDec (BERT Pretraining Decoder), a novel method for modeling training. Typically, a pretrained BERT model is fine-tuned for specific Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks. In our approach, we utilize the original BERT model as the encoder, making only changes to the decoder without altering the encoder. This approach does not necessitate extensive modifications to the encoder architecture and can be seamlessly integrated into existing fine-tuning pipelines and services, offering an efficient and effective enhancement strategy. Compared to other methods, while we also incur a moderate training cost for the decoder during the pretraining process, our approach does not introduce additional training costs during the fine-tuning phase. We test multiple enhanced decoder structures after pretraining and evaluate their performance on the GLUE tasks and SQuAD tasks. Our results demonstrate that BPDec, having only undergone subtle refinements to the model structure during pretraining, significantly enhances model performance without escalating the finetuning cost, inference time and serving budget.

replace Superfiltering: Weak-to-Strong Data Filtering for Fast Instruction-Tuning

Authors: Ming Li, Yong Zhang, Shwai He, Zhitao Li, Hongyu Zhao, Jianzong Wang, Ning Cheng, Tianyi Zhou

Abstract: Instruction tuning is critical to improve LLMs but usually suffers from low-quality and redundant data. Data filtering for instruction tuning has proved important in improving both the efficiency and performance of the tuning process. But it also leads to extra cost and computation due to the involvement of LLMs in this process. To reduce the filtering cost, we study Superfiltering: Can we use a smaller and weaker model to select data for finetuning a larger and stronger model? Despite the performance gap between weak and strong language models, we find their highly consistent capability to perceive instruction difficulty and data selection results. This enables us to use a much smaller and more efficient model to filter the instruction data used to train a larger language model. Not only does it largely speed up the data filtering, but the filtered-data-finetuned LLM achieves even better performance on standard benchmarks. Extensive experiments validate the efficacy and efficiency of our approach.

replace OLMo: Accelerating the Science of Language Models

Authors: Dirk Groeneveld, Iz Beltagy, Pete Walsh, Akshita Bhagia, Rodney Kinney, Oyvind Tafjord, Ananya Harsh Jha, Hamish Ivison, Ian Magnusson, Yizhong Wang, Shane Arora, David Atkinson, Russell Authur, Khyathi Raghavi Chandu, Arman Cohan, Jennifer Dumas, Yanai Elazar, Yuling Gu, Jack Hessel, Tushar Khot, William Merrill, Jacob Morrison, Niklas Muennighoff, Aakanksha Naik, Crystal Nam, Matthew E. Peters, Valentina Pyatkin, Abhilasha Ravichander, Dustin Schwenk, Saurabh Shah, Will Smith, Emma Strubell, Nishant Subramani, Mitchell Wortsman, Pradeep Dasigi, Nathan Lambert, Kyle Richardson, Luke Zettlemoyer, Jesse Dodge, Kyle Lo, Luca Soldaini, Noah A. Smith, Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Abstract: Language models (LMs) have become ubiquitous in both NLP research and in commercial product offerings. As their commercial importance has surged, the most powerful models have become closed off, gated behind proprietary interfaces, with important details of their training data, architectures, and development undisclosed. Given the importance of these details in scientifically studying these models, including their biases and potential risks, we believe it is essential for the research community to have access to powerful, truly open LMs. To this end, we have built OLMo, a competitive, truly Open Language Model, to enable the scientific study of language models. Unlike most prior efforts that have only released model weights and inference code, we release OLMo alongside open training data and training and evaluation code. We hope this release will empower the open research community and inspire a new wave of innovation.

replace MAGDi: Structured Distillation of Multi-Agent Interaction Graphs Improves Reasoning in Smaller Language Models

Authors: Justin Chih-Yao Chen, Swarnadeep Saha, Elias Stengel-Eskin, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Multi-agent interactions between Large Language Model (LLM) agents have shown major improvements on diverse reasoning tasks. However, these involve long generations from multiple models across several rounds, making them expensive. Moreover, these multi-agent approaches fail to provide a final, single model for efficient inference. To address this, we introduce MAGDi, a new method for structured distillation of the reasoning interactions between multiple LLMs into smaller LMs. MAGDi teaches smaller models by representing multi-agent interactions as graphs, augmenting a base student model with a graph encoder, and distilling knowledge using three objective functions: next-token prediction, a contrastive loss between correct and incorrect reasoning, and a graph-based objective to model the interaction structure. Experiments on seven widely used commonsense and math reasoning benchmarks show that MAGDi improves the reasoning capabilities of smaller models, outperforming several methods that distill from a single teacher and multiple teachers. Moreover, MAGDi also demonstrates an order of magnitude higher efficiency over its teachers. We conduct extensive analyses to show that MAGDi (1) enhances the generalizability to out-of-domain tasks, (2) scales positively with the size and strength of the base student model, and (3) obtains larger improvements (via our multi-teacher training) when applying self-consistency -- an inference technique that relies on model diversity.

replace Benchmarking Large Language Models on Communicative Medical Coaching: a Novel System and Dataset

Authors: Hengguan Huang, Songtao Wang, Hongfu Liu, Hao Wang, Ye Wang

Abstract: Traditional applications of natural language processing (NLP) in healthcare have predominantly focused on patient-centered services, enhancing patient interactions and care delivery, such as through medical dialogue systems. However, the potential of NLP to benefit inexperienced doctors, particularly in areas such as communicative medical coaching, remains largely unexplored. We introduce "ChatCoach", a human-AI cooperative framework designed to assist medical learners in practicing their communication skills during patient consultations. ChatCoach (Our data and code are available online: itself from conventional dialogue systems by offering a simulated environment where medical learners can practice dialogues with a patient agent, while a coach agent provides immediate, structured feedback. This is facilitated by our proposed Generalized Chain-of-Thought (GCoT) approach, which fosters the generation of structured feedback and enhances the utilization of external knowledge sources. Additionally, we have developed a dataset specifically for evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) within the ChatCoach framework on communicative medical coaching tasks. Our empirical results validate the effectiveness of ChatCoach.


replace AttnLRP: Attention-Aware Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation for Transformers

Authors: Reduan Achtibat, Sayed Mohammad Vakilzadeh Hatefi, Maximilian Dreyer, Aakriti Jain, Thomas Wiegand, Sebastian Lapuschkin, Wojciech Samek

Abstract: Large Language Models are prone to biased predictions and hallucinations, underlining the paramount importance of understanding their model-internal reasoning process. However, achieving faithful attributions for the entirety of a black-box transformer model and maintaining computational efficiency is an unsolved challenge. By extending the Layer-wise Relevance Propagation attribution method to handle attention layers, we address these challenges effectively. While partial solutions exist, our method is the first to faithfully and holistically attribute not only input but also latent representations of transformer models with the computational efficiency similar to a single backward pass. Through extensive evaluations against existing methods on LLaMa 2, Mixtral 8x7b, Flan-T5 and vision transformer architectures, we demonstrate that our proposed approach surpasses alternative methods in terms of faithfulness and enables the understanding of latent representations, opening up the door for concept-based explanations. We provide an LRP library at


replace Self-Alignment of Large Language Models via Monopolylogue-based Social Scene Simulation

Authors: Xianghe Pang, Shuo Tang, Rui Ye, Yuxin Xiong, Bolun Zhang, Yanfeng Wang, Siheng Chen

Abstract: Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human values is imperative to mitigate potential adverse effects resulting from their misuse. Drawing from the sociological insight that acknowledging all parties' concerns is a key factor in shaping human values, this paper proposes a novel direction to align LLMs by themselves: social scene simulation. To achieve this, we present MATRIX, a novel social scene simulator that emulates realistic scenes around a user's input query, enabling the LLM to take social consequences into account before responding. MATRIX serves as a virtual rehearsal space, akin to a Monopolylogue, where the LLM performs diverse roles related to the query and practice by itself. To inject this alignment, we fine-tune the LLM with MATRIX-simulated data, ensuring adherence to human values without compromising inference speed. We theoretically show that the LLM with MATRIX outperforms Constitutional AI under mild assumptions. Finally, extensive experiments validate that our method outperforms over 10 baselines across 4 benchmarks. As evidenced by 875 user ratings, our tuned 13B-size LLM exceeds GPT-4 in aligning with human values. See our project page at


replace Text Detoxification as Style Transfer in English and Hindi

Authors: Sourabrata Mukherjee, Akanksha Bansal, Atul Kr. Ojha, John P. McCrae, Ond\v{r}ej Du\v{s}ek

Abstract: This paper focuses on text detoxification, i.e., automatically converting toxic text into non-toxic text. This task contributes to safer and more respectful online communication and can be considered a Text Style Transfer (TST) task, where the text style changes while its content is preserved. We present three approaches: knowledge transfer from a similar task, multi-task learning approach, combining sequence-to-sequence modeling with various toxicity classification tasks, and delete and reconstruct approach. To support our research, we utilize a dataset provided by Dementieva et al.(2021), which contains multiple versions of detoxified texts corresponding to toxic texts. In our experiments, we selected the best variants through expert human annotators, creating a dataset where each toxic sentence is paired with a single, appropriate detoxified version. Additionally, we introduced a small Hindi parallel dataset, aligning with a part of the English dataset, suitable for evaluation purposes. Our results demonstrate that our approach effectively balances text detoxication while preserving the actual content and maintaining fluency.

replace Selective Reflection-Tuning: Student-Selected Data Recycling for LLM Instruction-Tuning

Authors: Ming Li, Lichang Chen, Jiuhai Chen, Shwai He, Jiuxiang Gu, Tianyi Zhou

Abstract: Instruction tuning is critical to large language models (LLMs) for achieving better instruction following and task adaptation capabilities but its success heavily relies on the training data quality. Many recent methods focus on improving the data quality but often overlook the compatibility of the data with the student model being finetuned. This paper introduces Selective Reflection-Tuning, a novel paradigm that synergizes a teacher LLM's reflection and introspection for improving existing data quality with the data selection capability of the student LLM, to automatically refine existing instruction-tuning data. This teacher-student collaboration produces high-quality and student-compatible instruction-response pairs, resulting in sample-efficient instruction tuning and LLMs of superior performance. Selective Reflection-Tuning is a data augmentation and synthesis that generally improves LLM finetuning and self-improvement without collecting brand-new data. We apply our method to Alpaca and WizardLM data and achieve much stronger and top-tier 7B and 13B LLMs.

replace BioMistral: A Collection of Open-Source Pretrained Large Language Models for Medical Domains

Authors: Yanis Labrak, Adrien Bazoge, Emmanuel Morin, Pierre-Antoine Gourraud, Mickael Rouvier, Richard Dufour

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable versatility in recent years, offering potential applications across specialized domains such as healthcare and medicine. Despite the availability of various open-source LLMs tailored for health contexts, adapting general-purpose LLMs to the medical domain presents significant challenges. In this paper, we introduce BioMistral, an open-source LLM tailored for the biomedical domain, utilizing Mistral as its foundation model and further pre-trained on PubMed Central. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of BioMistral on a benchmark comprising 10 established medical question-answering (QA) tasks in English. We also explore lightweight models obtained through quantization and model merging approaches. Our results demonstrate BioMistral's superior performance compared to existing open-source medical models and its competitive edge against proprietary counterparts. Finally, to address the limited availability of data beyond English and to assess the multilingual generalization of medical LLMs, we automatically translated and evaluated this benchmark into 7 other languages. This marks the first large-scale multilingual evaluation of LLMs in the medical domain. Datasets, multilingual evaluation benchmarks, scripts, and all the models obtained during our experiments are freely released.

replace Can LLMs Speak For Diverse People? Tuning LLMs via Debate to Generate Controllable Controversial Statements

Authors: Ming Li, Jiuhai Chen, Lichang Chen, Tianyi Zhou

Abstract: Making LLMs speak for different, especially minority groups of people, and generate statements supporting their diverse or even controversial perspectives is critical to creating an inclusive environment. However, existing LLMs lack sufficient controllability to the stance of their generated content, which often contains inconsistent, neutral, or biased statements. In this paper, we improve the controllability of LLMs in generating statements supporting an argument the user defined in the prompt. We find that multi-round debates between two LLMs with opposite stances generate higher-quality and more salient statements for each, which are important training data to improve the controllability of LLMs. Motivated by this, we develop a novel debate & tuning (DEBATUNE) pipeline finetuning LLMs to generate the statements obtained via debate. To examine DEBATUNE, we curate the largest dataset of debate topics so far, which covers 710 controversial topics and corresponding arguments for each topic. Evaluations by the GPT-4 judge with a novel controversy controllability metric show that LLMs' capability of generating diverse perspectives is significantly improved by DEBATUNE. Moreover, such controllability can be generalized to unseen topics, generating high-quality statements supporting controversial arguments.

replace When LLMs Meet Cunning Texts: A Fallacy Understanding Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Yinghui Li, Qingyu Zhou, Yuanzhen Luo, Shirong Ma, Yangning Li, Hai-Tao Zheng, Xuming Hu, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) make remarkable evolutions in language understanding and generation. Following this, various benchmarks for measuring all kinds of capabilities of LLMs have sprung up. In this paper, we challenge the reasoning and understanding abilities of LLMs by proposing a FaLlacy Understanding Benchmark (FLUB) containing cunning texts that are easy for humans to understand but difficult for models to grasp. Specifically, the cunning texts that FLUB focuses on mainly consist of the tricky, humorous, and misleading texts collected from the real internet environment. And we design three tasks with increasing difficulty in the FLUB benchmark to evaluate the fallacy understanding ability of LLMs. Based on FLUB, we investigate the performance of multiple representative and advanced LLMs, reflecting our FLUB is challenging and worthy of more future study. Interesting discoveries and valuable insights are achieved in our extensive experiments and detailed analyses. We hope that our benchmark can encourage the community to improve LLMs' ability to understand fallacies. Our data and codes are available at


replace k-SemStamp: A Clustering-Based Semantic Watermark for Detection of Machine-Generated Text

Authors: Abe Bohan Hou, Jingyu Zhang, Yichen Wang, Daniel Khashabi, Tianxing He

Abstract: Recent watermarked generation algorithms inject detectable signatures during language generation to facilitate post-hoc detection. While token-level watermarks are vulnerable to paraphrase attacks, SemStamp (Hou et al., 2023) applies watermark on the semantic representation of sentences and demonstrates promising robustness. SemStamp employs locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) to partition the semantic space with arbitrary hyperplanes, which results in a suboptimal tradeoff between robustness and speed. We propose k-SemStamp, a simple yet effective enhancement of SemStamp, utilizing k-means clustering as an alternative of LSH to partition the embedding space with awareness of inherent semantic structure. Experimental results indicate that k-SemStamp saliently improves its robustness and sampling efficiency while preserving the generation quality, advancing a more effective tool for machine-generated text detection.

replace One Prompt To Rule Them All: LLMs for Opinion Summary Evaluation

Authors: Tejpalsingh Siledar, Swaroop Nath, Sankara Sri Raghava Ravindra Muddu, Rupasai Rangaraju, Swaprava Nath, Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Suman Banerjee, Amey Patil, Sudhanshu Shekhar Singh, Muthusamy Chelliah, Nikesh Garera

Abstract: Evaluation of opinion summaries using conventional reference-based metrics rarely provides a holistic evaluation and has been shown to have a relatively low correlation with human judgments. Recent studies suggest using Large Language Models (LLMs) as reference-free metrics for NLG evaluation, however, they remain unexplored for opinion summary evaluation. Moreover, limited opinion summary evaluation datasets inhibit progress. To address this, we release the SUMMEVAL-OP dataset covering 7 dimensions related to the evaluation of opinion summaries: fluency, coherence, relevance, faithfulness, aspect coverage, sentiment consistency, and specificity. We investigate Op-I-Prompt a dimension-independent prompt, and Op-Prompts, a dimension-dependent set of prompts for opinion summary evaluation. Experiments indicate that Op-I-Prompt emerges as a good alternative for evaluating opinion summaries achieving an average Spearman correlation of 0.70 with humans, outperforming all previous approaches. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to investigate LLMs as evaluators on both closed-source and open-source models in the opinion summarization domain.

replace MARS: Meaning-Aware Response Scoring for Uncertainty Estimation in Generative LLMs

Authors: Yavuz Faruk Bakman, Duygu Nur Yaldiz, Baturalp Buyukates, Chenyang Tao, Dimitrios Dimitriadis, Salman Avestimehr

Abstract: Generative Large Language Models (LLMs) are widely utilized for their excellence in various tasks. However, their tendency to produce inaccurate or misleading outputs poses a potential risk, particularly in high-stakes environments. Therefore, estimating the correctness of generative LLM outputs is an important task for enhanced reliability. Uncertainty Estimation (UE) in generative LLMs is an evolving domain, where SOTA probability-based methods commonly employ length-normalized scoring. In this work, we propose Meaning-Aware Response Scoring (MARS) as an alternative to length-normalized scoring for UE methods. MARS is a novel scoring function that considers the semantic contribution of each token in the generated sequence in the context of the question. We demonstrate that integrating MARS into UE methods results in a universal and significant improvement in UE performance. We conduct experiments using three distinct closed-book question-answering datasets across five popular pre-trained LLMs. Lastly, we validate the efficacy of MARS on a Medical QA dataset. Code can be found


replace Browse and Concentrate: Comprehending Multimodal Content via prior-LLM Context Fusion

Authors: Ziyue Wang, Chi Chen, Yiqi Zhu, Fuwen Luo, Peng Li, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Maosong Sun, Yang Liu

Abstract: With the bloom of Large Language Models (LLMs), Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) that incorporate LLMs with pre-trained vision models have recently demonstrated impressive performance across diverse vision-language tasks. However, they fall short to comprehend context involving multiple images. A primary reason for this shortcoming is that the visual features for each images are encoded individually by frozen encoders before feeding into the LLM backbone, lacking awareness of other images and the multimodal instructions. We term this issue as prior-LLM modality isolation and propose a two phase paradigm, browse-and-concentrate, to enable in-depth multimodal context fusion prior to feeding the features into LLMs. This paradigm initially "browses" through the inputs for essential insights, and then revisits the inputs to "concentrate" on crucial details, guided by these insights, to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the multimodal inputs. Additionally, we develop training strategies specifically to enhance the understanding of multi-image inputs. Our method markedly boosts the performance on 7 multi-image scenarios, contributing to increments on average accuracy by 2.13% and 7.60% against strong MLLMs baselines with 3B and 11B LLMs, respectively.

replace GTBench: Uncovering the Strategic Reasoning Limitations of LLMs via Game-Theoretic Evaluations

Authors: Jinhao Duan, Renming Zhang, James Diffenderfer, Bhavya Kailkhura, Lichao Sun, Elias Stengel-Eskin, Mohit Bansal, Tianlong Chen, Kaidi Xu

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) are integrated into critical real-world applications, their strategic and logical reasoning abilities are increasingly crucial. This paper evaluates LLMs' reasoning abilities in competitive environments through game-theoretic tasks, e.g., board and card games that require pure logic and strategic reasoning to compete with opponents. We first propose GTBench, a language-driven environment composing 10 widely recognized tasks, across a comprehensive game taxonomy: complete versus incomplete information, dynamic versus static, and probabilistic versus deterministic scenarios. Then, we (1) Characterize the game-theoretic reasoning of LLMs; and (2) Perform LLM-vs.-LLM competitions as reasoning evaluation. We observe that (1) LLMs have distinct behaviors regarding various gaming scenarios; for example, LLMs fail in complete and deterministic games yet they are competitive in probabilistic gaming scenarios; (2) Most open-source LLMs, e.g., CodeLlama-34b-Instruct and Llama-2-70b-chat, are less competitive than commercial LLMs, e.g., GPT-4, in complex games, yet the recently released Llama-3-70b-Instruct makes up for this shortcoming. In addition, code-pretraining greatly benefits strategic reasoning, while advanced reasoning methods such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and Tree-of-Thought (ToT) do not always help. We further characterize the game-theoretic properties of LLMs, such as equilibrium and Pareto Efficiency in repeated games. Detailed error profiles are provided for a better understanding of LLMs' behavior. We hope our research provides standardized protocols and serves as a foundation to spur further explorations in the strategic reasoning of LLMs.

replace Emergent Word Order Universals from Cognitively-Motivated Language Models

Authors: Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Ryo Ueda, Ryo Yoshida, Yohei Oseki, Ted Briscoe, Timothy Baldwin

Abstract: The world's languages exhibit certain so-called typological or implicational universals; for example, Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) languages typically use postpositions. Explaining the source of such biases is a key goal of linguistics. We study word-order universals through a computational simulation with language models (LMs). Our experiments show that typologically-typical word orders tend to have lower perplexity estimated by LMs with cognitively plausible biases: syntactic biases, specific parsing strategies, and memory limitations. This suggests that the interplay of cognitive biases and predictability (perplexity) can explain many aspects of word-order universals. It also showcases the advantage of cognitively-motivated LMs, typically employed in cognitive modeling, in the simulation of language universals.

replace Artifacts or Abduction: How Do LLMs Answer Multiple-Choice Questions Without the Question?

Authors: Nishant Balepur, Abhilasha Ravichander, Rachel Rudinger

Abstract: Multiple-choice question answering (MCQA) is often used to evaluate large language models (LLMs). To see if MCQA assesses LLMs as intended, we probe if LLMs can perform MCQA with choices-only prompts, where models must select the correct answer only from the choices. In three MCQA datasets and four LLMs, this prompt bests a majority baseline in 11/12 cases, with up to 0.33 accuracy gain. To help explain this behavior, we conduct an in-depth, black-box analysis on memorization, choice dynamics, and question inference. Our key findings are threefold. First, we find no evidence that the choices-only accuracy stems from memorization alone. Second, priors over individual choices do not fully explain choices-only accuracy, hinting that LLMs use the group dynamics of choices. Third, LLMs have some ability to infer a relevant question from choices, and surprisingly can sometimes even match the original question. Inferring the original question is an impressive reasoning strategy, but it cannot fully explain the high choices-only accuracy of LLMs in MCQA. Thus, while LLMs are not fully incapable of reasoning in MCQA, we still advocate for the use of stronger baselines in MCQA benchmarks, the design of robust MCQA datasets for fair evaluations, and further efforts to explain LLM decision-making.

replace Simpson's Paradox and the Accuracy-Fluency Tradeoff in Translation

Authors: Zheng Wei Lim, Ekaterina Vylomova, Trevor Cohn, Charles Kemp

Abstract: A good translation should be faithful to the source and should respect the norms of the target language. We address a theoretical puzzle about the relationship between these objectives. On one hand, intuition and some prior work suggest that accuracy and fluency should trade off against each other, and that capturing every detail of the source can only be achieved at the cost of fluency. On the other hand, quality assessment researchers often suggest that accuracy and fluency are highly correlated and difficult for human raters to distinguish (Callison-Burch et al., 2007). We show that the tension between these views is an instance of Simpson's paradox, and that accuracy and fluency are positively correlated at the level of the corpus but trade off at the level of individual source segments. We further suggest that the relationship between accuracy and fluency is best evaluated at the segment (or sentence) level, and that the trade off between these dimensions has implications both for assessing translation quality and developing improved MT systems.

replace The Hidden Space of Transformer Language Adapters

Authors: Jesujoba O. Alabi, Marius Mosbach, Matan Eyal, Dietrich Klakow, Mor Geva

Abstract: We analyze the operation of transformer language adapters, which are small modules trained on top of a frozen language model to adapt its predictions to new target languages. We show that adapted predictions mostly evolve in the source language the model was trained on, while the target language becomes pronounced only in the very last layers of the model. Moreover, the adaptation process is gradual and distributed across layers, where it is possible to skip small groups of adapters without decreasing adaptation performance. Last, we show that adapters operate on top of the model's frozen representation space while largely preserving its structure, rather than on an 'isolated' subspace. Our findings provide a deeper view into the adaptation process of language models to new languages, showcasing the constraints imposed on it by the underlying model and introduces practical implications to enhance its efficiency.

replace Ranking Large Language Models without Ground Truth

Authors: Amit Dhurandhar, Rahul Nair, Moninder Singh, Elizabeth Daly, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy

Abstract: Evaluation and ranking of large language models (LLMs) has become an important problem with the proliferation of these models and their impact. Evaluation methods either require human responses which are expensive to acquire or use pairs of LLMs to evaluate each other which can be unreliable. In this paper, we provide a novel perspective where, given a dataset of prompts (viz. questions, instructions, etc.) and a set of LLMs, we rank them without access to any ground truth or reference responses. Inspired by real life where both an expert and a knowledgeable person can identify a novice our main idea is to consider triplets of models, where each one of them evaluates the other two, correctly identifying the worst model in the triplet with high probability. We also analyze our idea and provide sufficient conditions for it to succeed. Applying this idea repeatedly, we propose two methods to rank LLMs. In experiments on different generative tasks (summarization, multiple-choice, and dialog), our methods reliably recover close to true rankings without reference data. This points to a viable low-resource mechanism for practical use.

replace Introducing GenCeption for Multimodal LLM Benchmarking: You May Bypass Annotations

Authors: Lele Cao, Valentin Buchner, Zineb Senane, Fangkai Yang

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) are commonly evaluated using costly annotated multimodal benchmarks. However, these benchmarks often struggle to keep pace with the rapidly advancing requirements of MLLM evaluation. We propose GenCeption, a novel and annotation-free MLLM evaluation framework that merely requires unimodal data to assess inter-modality semantic coherence and inversely reflects the models' inclination to hallucinate. Analogous to the popular DrawCeption game, GenCeption initiates with a non-textual sample and undergoes a series of iterative description and generation steps. Semantic drift across iterations is quantified using the GC@T metric. Our empirical findings validate GenCeption's efficacy, showing strong correlations with popular MLLM benchmarking results. GenCeption may be extended to mitigate training data contamination by utilizing ubiquitous, previously unseen unimodal data.

replace How Important Is Tokenization in French Medical Masked Language Models?

Authors: Yanis Labrak, Adrien Bazoge, Beatrice Daille, Mickael Rouvier, Richard Dufour

Abstract: Subword tokenization has become the prevailing standard in the field of natural language processing (NLP) over recent years, primarily due to the widespread utilization of pre-trained language models. This shift began with Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) and was later followed by the adoption of SentencePiece and WordPiece. While subword tokenization consistently outperforms character and word-level tokenization, the precise factors contributing to its success remain unclear. Key aspects such as the optimal segmentation granularity for diverse tasks and languages, the influence of data sources on tokenizers, and the role of morphological information in Indo-European languages remain insufficiently explored. This is particularly pertinent for biomedical terminology, characterized by specific rules governing morpheme combinations. Despite the agglutinative nature of biomedical terminology, existing language models do not explicitly incorporate this knowledge, leading to inconsistent tokenization strategies for common terms. In this paper, we seek to delve into the complexities of subword tokenization in French biomedical domain across a variety of NLP tasks and pinpoint areas where further enhancements can be made. We analyze classical tokenization algorithms, including BPE and SentencePiece, and introduce an original tokenization strategy that integrates morpheme-enriched word segmentation into existing tokenization methods.

replace Set the Clock: Temporal Alignment of Pretrained Language Models

Authors: Bowen Zhao, Zander Brumbaugh, Yizhong Wang, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Noah A. Smith

Abstract: Language models (LMs) are trained on web text originating from many points in time and, in general, without any explicit temporal grounding. This work investigates the temporal chaos of pretrained LMs and explores various methods to align their internal knowledge to a target time, which we call "temporal alignment." To do this, we first automatically construct a dataset containing 20K time-sensitive questions and their answers for each year from 2000 to 2023. Based on this dataset, we empirically show that pretrained LMs (e.g., LLaMa2), despite having a recent pretraining cutoff (e.g., 2022), mostly answer questions using earlier knowledge (e.g., in 2019). We then develop several methods, from prompting to finetuning, to align LMs to use their most recent knowledge when answering questions, and investigate various factors in this alignment. Our experiments demonstrate that aligning LLaMa2 to the year 2022 can enhance its performance by up to 62% according to that year's answers. This improvement occurs even without explicitly mentioning time information, indicating the possibility of aligning models' internal sense of time after pretraining. Finally, we find that alignment to a historical time is also possible, with up to 2.8$\times$ the performance of the unaligned LM in 2010 if finetuning models to that year. These findings hint at the sophistication of LMs' internal knowledge organization and the necessity of tuning them properly.

replace Enhancing EEG-to-Text Decoding through Transferable Representations from Pre-trained Contrastive EEG-Text Masked Autoencoder

Authors: Jiaqi Wang, Zhenxi Song, Zhengyu Ma, Xipeng Qiu, Min Zhang, Zhiguo Zhang

Abstract: Reconstructing natural language from non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) holds great promise as a language decoding technology for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). However, EEG-based language decoding is still in its nascent stages, facing several technical issues such as: 1) Absence of a hybrid strategy that can effectively integrate cross-modality (between EEG and text) self-learning with intra-modality self-reconstruction of EEG features or textual sequences; 2) Under-utilization of large language models (LLMs) to enhance EEG-based language decoding. To address above issues, we propose the Contrastive EEG-Text Masked Autoencoder (CET-MAE), a novel model that orchestrates compound self-supervised learning across and within EEG and text through a dedicated multi-stream encoder. Furthermore, we develop a framework called E2T-PTR (EEG-to-Text decoding using Pretrained Transferable Representations), which leverages pre-trained modules alongside the EEG stream from CET-MAE and further enables an LLM (specifically BART) to decode text from EEG sequences. Comprehensive experiments conducted on the popular text-evoked EEG database, ZuCo, demonstrate the superiority of E2T-PTR, which outperforms the state-of-the-art in ROUGE-1 F1 and BLEU-4 scores by 8.34% and 32.21%, respectively. These results indicate significant advancements in the field and underscores the proposed framework's potential to enable more powerful and widespread BCI applications.

replace Are LLMs Capable of Data-based Statistical and Causal Reasoning? Benchmarking Advanced Quantitative Reasoning with Data

Authors: Xiao Liu, Zirui Wu, Xueqing Wu, Pan Lu, Kai-Wei Chang, Yansong Feng

Abstract: Quantitative reasoning is a critical skill to analyze data, yet the assessment of such ability remains limited. To address this gap, we introduce the Quantitative Reasoning with Data (QRData) benchmark, aiming to evaluate Large Language Models' capability in statistical and causal reasoning with real-world data. The benchmark comprises a carefully constructed dataset of 411 questions accompanied by data sheets from textbooks, online learning materials, and academic papers. To compare models' quantitative reasoning abilities on data and text, we enrich the benchmark with an auxiliary set of 290 text-only questions, namely QRText. We evaluate natural language reasoning, program-based reasoning, and agent reasoning methods including Chain-of-Thought, Program-of-Thoughts, ReAct, and code interpreter assistants on diverse models. The strongest model GPT-4 achieves an accuracy of 58%, which has much room for improvement. Among open-source models, Deepseek-coder-instruct, a code LLM pretrained on 2T tokens, gets the highest accuracy of 37%. Analysis reveals that models encounter difficulties in data analysis and causal reasoning, and struggle in using causal knowledge and provided data simultaneously. Code and data are in


replace Large Language Models(LLMs) on Tabular Data: Prediction, Generation, and Understanding -- A Survey

Authors: Xi Fang, Weijie Xu, Fiona Anting Tan, Jiani Zhang, Ziqing Hu, Yanjun Qi, Scott Nickleach, Diego Socolinsky, Srinivasan Sengamedu, Christos Faloutsos

Abstract: Recent breakthroughs in large language modeling have facilitated rigorous exploration of their application in diverse tasks related to tabular data modeling, such as prediction, tabular data synthesis, question answering, and table understanding. Each task presents unique challenges and opportunities. However, there is currently a lack of comprehensive review that summarizes and compares the key techniques, metrics, datasets, models, and optimization approaches in this research domain. This survey aims to address this gap by consolidating recent progress in these areas, offering a thorough survey and taxonomy of the datasets, metrics, and methodologies utilized. It identifies strengths, limitations, unexplored territories, and gaps in the existing literature, while providing some insights for future research directions in this vital and rapidly evolving field. It also provides relevant code and datasets references. Through this comprehensive review, we hope to provide interested readers with pertinent references and insightful perspectives, empowering them with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively navigate and address the prevailing challenges in the field.

replace VerifiNER: Verification-augmented NER via Knowledge-grounded Reasoning with Large Language Models

Authors: Seoyeon Kim, Kwangwook Seo, Hyungjoo Chae, Jinyoung Yeo, Dongha Lee

Abstract: Recent approaches in domain-specific named entity recognition (NER), such as biomedical NER, have shown remarkable advances. However, they still lack of faithfulness, producing erroneous predictions. We assume that knowledge of entities can be useful in verifying the correctness of the predictions. Despite the usefulness of knowledge, resolving such errors with knowledge is nontrivial, since the knowledge itself does not directly indicate the ground-truth label. To this end, we propose VerifiNER, a post-hoc verification framework that identifies errors from existing NER methods using knowledge and revises them into more faithful predictions. Our framework leverages the reasoning abilities of large language models to adequately ground on knowledge and the contextual information in the verification process. We validate effectiveness of VerifiNER through extensive experiments on biomedical datasets. The results suggest that VerifiNER can successfully verify errors from existing models as a model-agnostic approach. Further analyses on out-of-domain and low-resource settings show the usefulness of VerifiNER on real-world applications.

replace Resonance RoPE: Improving Context Length Generalization of Large Language Models

Authors: Suyuchen Wang, Ivan Kobyzev, Peng Lu, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Bang Liu

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of train-short-test-long (TSTL) scenarios in Large Language Models (LLMs) equipped with Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE), where models pre-trained on shorter sequences face difficulty with out-of-distribution (OOD) token positions in longer sequences. We introduce Resonance RoPE, a novel approach designed to narrow the generalization gap in TSTL scenarios by refining the interpolation of RoPE features for OOD positions, significantly improving the model performance without additional online computational costs. Furthermore, we present PosGen, a new synthetic benchmark specifically designed for fine-grained behavior analysis in TSTL scenarios, aiming to isolate the constantly increasing difficulty of token generation on long contexts from the challenges of recognizing new token positions. Our experiments on synthetic tasks show that after applying Resonance RoPE, Transformers recognize OOD position better and more robustly. Our extensive LLM experiments also show superior performance after applying Resonance RoPE to the current state-of-the-art RoPE scaling method, YaRN, on both upstream language modeling tasks and a variety of downstream long-text applications.

replace Self-Consistent Reasoning-based Aspect-Sentiment Quad Prediction with Extract-Then-Assign Strategy

Authors: Jieyong Kim, Ryang Heo, Yongsik Seo, SeongKu Kang, Jinyoung Yeo, Dongha Lee

Abstract: In the task of aspect sentiment quad prediction (ASQP), generative methods for predicting sentiment quads have shown promising results. However, they still suffer from imprecise predictions and limited interpretability, caused by data scarcity and inadequate modeling of the quadruplet composition process. In this paper, we propose Self-Consistent Reasoning-based Aspect-sentiment quadruple Prediction (SCRAP), optimizing its model to generate reasonings and the corresponding sentiment quadruplets in sequence. SCRAP adopts the Extract-Then-Assign reasoning strategy, which closely mimics human cognition. In the end, SCRAP significantly improves the model's ability to handle complex reasoning tasks and correctly predict quadruplets through consistency voting, resulting in enhanced interpretability and accuracy in ASQP.

replace Fantastic Semantics and Where to Find Them: Investigating Which Layers of Generative LLMs Reflect Lexical Semantics

Authors: Zhu Liu, Cunliang Kong, Ying Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Large language models have achieved remarkable success in general language understanding tasks. However, as a family of generative methods with the objective of next token prediction, the semantic evolution with the depth of these models are not fully explored, unlike their predecessors, such as BERT-like architectures. In this paper, we specifically investigate the bottom-up evolution of lexical semantics for a popular LLM, namely Llama2, by probing its hidden states at the end of each layer using a contextualized word identification task. Our experiments show that the representations in lower layers encode lexical semantics, while the higher layers, with weaker semantic induction, are responsible for prediction. This is in contrast to models with discriminative objectives, such as mask language modeling, where the higher layers obtain better lexical semantics. The conclusion is further supported by the monotonic increase in performance via the hidden states for the last meaningless symbols, such as punctuation, in the prompting strategy. Our codes are available at


replace Learning to Maximize Mutual Information for Chain-of-Thought Distillation

Authors: Xin Chen, Hanxian Huang, Yanjun Gao, Yi Wang, Jishen Zhao, Ke Ding

Abstract: Knowledge distillation, the technique of transferring knowledge from large, complex models to smaller ones, marks a pivotal step towards efficient AI deployment. Distilling Step-by-Step~(DSS), a novel method utilizing chain-of-thought~(CoT) distillation, has demonstrated promise by imbuing smaller models with the superior reasoning capabilities of their larger counterparts. In DSS, the distilled model acquires the ability to generate rationales and predict labels concurrently through a multi-task learning framework. However, DSS overlooks the intrinsic relationship between the two training tasks, leading to ineffective integration of CoT knowledge with the task of label prediction. To this end, we investigate the mutual relationship of the two tasks from Information Bottleneck perspective and formulate it as maximizing the mutual information of the representation features of the two tasks. We propose a variational approach to solve this optimization problem using a learning-based method. Our experimental results across four datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art DSS. Our findings offer insightful guidance for future research on language model distillation as well as applications involving CoT. Codes are available at \url{}.


replace Pearl: A Review-driven Persona-Knowledge Grounded Conversational Recommendation Dataset

Authors: Minjin Kim, Minju Kim, Hana Kim, Beong-woo Kwak, Soyeon Chun, Hyunseo Kim, SeongKu Kang, Youngjae Yu, Jinyoung Yeo, Dongha Lee

Abstract: Conversational recommender system is an emerging area that has garnered an increasing interest in the community, especially with the advancements in large language models (LLMs) that enable diverse reasoning over conversational input. Despite the progress, the field has many aspects left to explore. The currently available public datasets for conversational recommendation lack specific user preferences and explanations for recommendations, hindering high-quality recommendations. To address such challenges, we present a novel conversational recommendation dataset named PEARL, synthesized with persona- and knowledge-augmented LLM simulators. We obtain detailed persona and knowledge from real-world reviews and construct a large-scale dataset with over 57k dialogues. Our experimental results demonstrate that utterances in PEARL include more specific user preferences, show expertise in the target domain, and provide recommendations more relevant to the dialogue context than those in prior datasets.

replace Unsupervised Real-Time Hallucination Detection based on the Internal States of Large Language Models

Authors: Weihang Su, Changyue Wang, Qingyao Ai, Yiran HU, Zhijing Wu, Yujia Zhou, Yiqun Liu

Abstract: Hallucinations in large language models (LLMs) refer to the phenomenon of LLMs producing responses that are coherent yet factually inaccurate. This issue undermines the effectiveness of LLMs in practical applications, necessitating research into detecting and mitigating hallucinations of LLMs. Previous studies have mainly concentrated on post-processing techniques for hallucination detection, which tend to be computationally intensive and limited in effectiveness due to their separation from the LLM's inference process. To overcome these limitations, we introduce MIND, an unsupervised training framework that leverages the internal states of LLMs for real-time hallucination detection without requiring manual annotations. Additionally, we present HELM, a new benchmark for evaluating hallucination detection across multiple LLMs, featuring diverse LLM outputs and the internal states of LLMs during their inference process. Our experiments demonstrate that MIND outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in hallucination detection.

replace Guiding Clinical Reasoning with Large Language Models via Knowledge Seeds

Authors: Jiageng WU, Xian Wu, Jie Yang

Abstract: Clinical reasoning refers to the cognitive process that physicians employ in evaluating and managing patients. This process typically involves suggesting necessary examinations, diagnosing patients' diseases, and deciding on appropriate therapies, etc. Accurate clinical reasoning requires extensive medical knowledge and rich clinical experience, setting a high bar for physicians. This is particularly challenging in developing countries due to the overwhelming number of patients and limited physician resources, contributing significantly to global health inequity and necessitating automated clinical reasoning approaches. Recently, the emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and GPT-4 have demonstrated their potential in clinical reasoning. However, these LLMs are prone to hallucination problems, and the reasoning process of LLMs may not align with the clinical decision path of physicians. In this study, we introduce a novel framework, In-Context Padding (ICP), designed to enhance LLMs with medical knowledge. Specifically, we infer critical clinical reasoning elements (referred to as knowledge seeds) and use these as anchors to guide the generation process of LLMs. Experiments on two clinical question datasets demonstrate that ICP significantly improves the clinical reasoning ability of LLMs.

replace CodeAttack: Revealing Safety Generalization Challenges of Large Language Models via Code Completion

Authors: Qibing Ren, Chang Gao, Jing Shao, Junchi Yan, Xin Tan, Wai Lam, Lizhuang Ma

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought about remarkable generative capabilities but also raised concerns about their potential misuse. While strategies like supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback have enhanced their safety, these methods primarily focus on natural languages, which may not generalize to other domains. This paper introduces CodeAttack, a framework that transforms natural language inputs into code inputs, presenting a novel environment for testing the safety generalization of LLMs. Our comprehensive studies on state-of-the-art LLMs including GPT-4, Claude-2, and Llama-2 series reveal a new and universal safety vulnerability of these models against code input: CodeAttack bypasses the safety guardrails of all models more than 80\% of the time. We find that a larger distribution gap between CodeAttack and natural language leads to weaker safety generalization, such as encoding natural language input with data structures. Furthermore, we give our hypotheses about the success of CodeAttack: the misaligned bias acquired by LLMs during code training, prioritizing code completion over avoiding the potential safety risk. Finally, we analyze potential mitigation measures. These findings highlight new safety risks in the code domain and the need for more robust safety alignment algorithms to match the code capabilities of LLMs.

replace BAGEL: Bootstrapping Agents by Guiding Exploration with Language

Authors: Shikhar Murty, Christopher Manning, Peter Shaw, Mandar Joshi, Kenton Lee

Abstract: Following natural language instructions by executing actions in digital environments (e.g. web-browsers and REST APIs) is a challenging task for language model (LM) agents. Unfortunately, LM agents often fail to generalize to new environments without human demonstrations. This work presents BAGEL, a method for bootstrapping LM agents without human supervision. BAGEL converts a seed set of randomly explored trajectories or synthetic instructions, into demonstrations, via round-trips between two noisy LM components: an LM labeler which converts a trajectory into a synthetic instruction, and a zero-shot LM agent which maps the synthetic instruction into a refined trajectory. By performing these round-trips iteratively, BAGEL quickly converts the initial distribution of trajectories towards those that are well-described by natural language. We use BAGEL demonstrations to adapt a zero shot LM agent at test time via in-context learning over retrieved demonstrations, and find improvements of over 2-13% absolute on ToolQA and MiniWob++, with up to 13x reduction in execution failures.

replace ProgGen: Generating Named Entity Recognition Datasets Step-by-step with Self-Reflexive Large Language Models

Authors: Yuzhao Heng, Chunyuan Deng, Yitong Li, Yue Yu, Yinghao Li, Rongzhi Zhang, Chao Zhang

Abstract: Although Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable adaptability across domains, these models often fall short in structured knowledge extraction tasks such as named entity recognition (NER). This paper explores an innovative, cost-efficient strategy to harness LLMs with modest NER capabilities for producing superior NER datasets. Our approach diverges from the basic class-conditional prompts by instructing LLMs to self-reflect on the specific domain, thereby generating domain-relevant attributes (such as category and emotions for movie reviews), which are utilized for creating attribute-rich training data. Furthermore, we preemptively generate entity terms and then develop NER context data around these entities, effectively bypassing the LLMs' challenges with complex structures. Our experiments across both general and niche domains reveal significant performance enhancements over conventional data generation methods while being more cost-effective than existing alternatives.

replace CantonMT: Cantonese to English NMT Platform with Fine-Tuned Models Using Synthetic Back-Translation Data

Authors: Kung Yin Hong, Lifeng Han, Riza Batista-Navarro, Goran Nenadic

Abstract: Neural Machine Translation (NMT) for low-resource languages is still a challenging task in front of NLP researchers. In this work, we deploy a standard data augmentation methodology by back-translation to a new language translation direction Cantonese-to-English. We present the models we fine-tuned using the limited amount of real data and the synthetic data we generated using back-translation including OpusMT, NLLB, and mBART. We carried out automatic evaluation using a range of different metrics including lexical-based and embedding-based. Furthermore. we create a user-friendly interface for the models we included in this\textsc{ CantonMT} research project and make it available to facilitate Cantonese-to-English MT research. Researchers can add more models into this platform via our open-source\textsc{ CantonMT} toolkit \url{}.


replace An Entropy-based Text Watermarking Detection Method

Authors: Yijian Lu, Aiwei Liu, Dianzhi Yu, Jingjing Li, Irwin King

Abstract: Text watermarking algorithms for large language models (LLMs) can effectively identify machine-generated texts by embedding and detecting hidden features in the text. Although the current text watermarking algorithms perform well in most high-entropy scenarios, its performance in low-entropy scenarios still needs to be improved. In this work, we opine that the influence of token entropy should be fully considered in the watermark detection process, $i.e.$, the weight of each token during watermark detection should be customized according to its entropy, rather than setting the weights of all tokens to the same value as in previous methods. Specifically, we propose \textbf{E}ntropy-based Text \textbf{W}atermarking \textbf{D}etection (\textbf{EWD}) that gives higher-entropy tokens higher influence weights during watermark detection, so as to better reflect the degree of watermarking. Furthermore, the proposed detection process is training-free and fully automated. From the experiments, we demonstrate that our EWD can achieve better detection performance in low-entropy scenarios, and our method is also general and can be applied to texts with different entropy distributions. Our code and data is available\footnote{\url{}}. Additionally, our algorithm could be accessed through MarkLLM \cite{pan2024markllm}\footnote{\url{}}.


replace Towards a RAG-based Summarization Agent for the Electron-Ion Collider

Authors: Karthik Suresh, Neeltje Kackar, Luke Schleck, Cristiano Fanelli

Abstract: The complexity and sheer volume of information encompassing documents, papers, data, and other resources from large-scale experiments demand significant time and effort to navigate, making the task of accessing and utilizing these varied forms of information daunting, particularly for new collaborators and early-career scientists. To tackle this issue, a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)--based Summarization AI for EIC (RAGS4EIC) is under development. This AI-Agent not only condenses information but also effectively references relevant responses, offering substantial advantages for collaborators. Our project involves a two-step approach: first, querying a comprehensive vector database containing all pertinent experiment information; second, utilizing a Large Language Model (LLM) to generate concise summaries enriched with citations based on user queries and retrieved data. We describe the evaluation methods that use RAG assessments (RAGAs) scoring mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of responses. Furthermore, we describe the concept of prompt template-based instruction-tuning which provides flexibility and accuracy in summarization. Importantly, the implementation relies on LangChain, which serves as the foundation of our entire workflow. This integration ensures efficiency and scalability, facilitating smooth deployment and accessibility for various user groups within the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) community. This innovative AI-driven framework not only simplifies the understanding of vast datasets but also encourages collaborative participation, thereby empowering researchers. As a demonstration, a web application has been developed to explain each stage of the RAG Agent development in detail.

replace ClashEval: Quantifying the tug-of-war between an LLM's internal prior and external evidence

Authors: Kevin Wu, Eric Wu, James Zou

Abstract: Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) is frequently used to mitigate hallucinations and provide up-to-date knowledge for large language models (LLMs). However, given that document retrieval is an imprecise task and sometimes results in erroneous or even harmful content being presented in context, this raises the question of how LLMs handle retrieved information: If the provided content is incorrect, does the model know to ignore it, or does it recapitulate the error? Conversely, when the model's initial response is incorrect, does it always know to use the retrieved information to correct itself, or does it insist on its wrong prior response? To answer this, we curate a dataset of over 1200 questions across six domains (e.g., drug dosages, Olympic records, locations) along with content relevant to answering each question. We further apply precise perturbations to the answers in the content that range from subtle to blatant errors. We benchmark six top-performing LLMs, including GPT-4o, on this dataset and find that LLMs are susceptible to adopting incorrect retrieved content, overriding their own correct prior knowledge over 60% of the time. However, the more unrealistic the retrieved content is (i.e. more deviated from truth), the less likely the model is to adopt it. Also, the less confident a model is in its initial response (via measuring token probabilities), the more likely it is to adopt the information in the retrieved content. We exploit this finding and demonstrate simple methods for improving model accuracy where there is conflicting retrieved content. Our results highlight a difficult task and benchmark for LLMs -- namely, their ability to correctly discern when it is wrong in light of correct retrieved content and to reject cases when the provided content is incorrect.

replace A Survey on Efficient Inference for Large Language Models

Authors: Zixuan Zhou, Xuefei Ning, Ke Hong, Tianyu Fu, Jiaming Xu, Shiyao Li, Yuming Lou, Luning Wang, Zhihang Yuan, Xiuhong Li, Shengen Yan, Guohao Dai, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Yuhan Dong, Yu Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have attracted extensive attention due to their remarkable performance across various tasks. However, the substantial computational and memory requirements of LLM inference pose challenges for deployment in resource-constrained scenarios. Efforts within the field have been directed towards developing techniques aimed at enhancing the efficiency of LLM inference. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the existing literature on efficient LLM inference. We start by analyzing the primary causes of the inefficient LLM inference, i.e., the large model size, the quadratic-complexity attention operation, and the auto-regressive decoding approach. Then, we introduce a comprehensive taxonomy that organizes the current literature into data-level, model-level, and system-level optimization. Moreover, the paper includes comparative experiments on representative methods within critical sub-fields to provide quantitative insights. Last but not least, we provide some knowledge summary and discuss future research directions.

replace Aligning LLM Agents by Learning Latent Preference from User Edits

Authors: Ge Gao, Alexey Taymanov, Eduardo Salinas, Paul Mineiro, Dipendra Misra

Abstract: We study interactive learning of LLM-based language agents based on user edits made to the agent's output. In a typical setting such as writing assistants, the user interacts with a language agent to generate a response given a context, and may optionally edit the agent response to personalize it based on their latent preference, in addition to improving the correctness. The edit feedback is naturally generated, making it a suitable candidate for improving the agent's alignment with the user's preference, and for reducing the cost of user edits over time. We propose a learning framework, PRELUDE that infers a description of the user's latent preference based on historic edit data. The inferred user preference descriptions are used to define prompts for generating responses in the future. This avoids fine-tuning the agent, which is costly, challenging to scale with the number of users, and may even degrade its performance on other tasks. Furthermore, learning descriptive preference improves interpretability, allowing the user to view and modify the learned preference. However, user preference can be complex, subtle, and vary based on context, making it challenging to learn. To address this, we propose a simple yet effective algorithm named CIPHER that leverages the LLM to infer the user preference for a given context based on user edits. In the future, CIPHER retrieves inferred preferences from the k-closest contexts in the history, and forms an aggregate preference for response generation. We introduce two interactive environments -- summarization and email writing, and use a GPT-4 simulated user for evaluation. On both tasks, CIPHER outperforms several baselines by achieving the lowest edit distance cost while only having a small overhead in LLM query cost. Our analysis reports that user preferences learned by CIPHER show significant similarity to the ground truth latent preferences.

replace When to Trust LLMs: Aligning Confidence with Response Quality

Authors: Shuchang Tao, Liuyi Yao, Hanxing Ding, Yuexiang Xie, Qi Cao, Fei Sun, Jinyang Gao, Huawei Shen, Bolin Ding

Abstract: Despite the success of large language models (LLMs) in natural language generation, much evidence shows that LLMs may produce incorrect or nonsensical text. This limitation highlights the importance of discerning when to trust LLMs, especially in safety-critical domains. Existing methods often express reliability by confidence level, however, their effectiveness is limited by the lack of objective guidance. To address this, we propose CONfidence-Quality-ORDer-preserving alignment approach (CONQORD), which leverages reinforcement learning guided by a tailored dual-component reward function. This function integrates quality reward and order-preserving alignment reward functions. Specifically, the order-preserving reward incentivizes the model to verbalize greater confidence for responses of higher quality to align the order of confidence and quality. Experiments demonstrate that CONQORD significantly improves the alignment performance between confidence and response accuracy, without causing over-cautious. Furthermore, the aligned confidence provided by CONQORD informs when to trust LLMs, and acts as a determinant for initiating the retrieval process of external knowledge. Aligning confidence with response quality ensures more transparent and reliable responses, providing better trustworthiness.

replace Do Vision & Language Decoders use Images and Text equally? How Self-consistent are their Explanations?

Authors: Letitia Parcalabescu, Anette Frank

Abstract: Vision and language model (VLM) decoders are currently the best-performing architectures on multimodal tasks. Next to predictions, they can also produce explanations, either in post-hoc or CoT settings. However, it is not clear how much they use the vision and text modalities when generating predictions or explanations. In this work, we investigate if VLMs rely on modalities differently when they produce explanations as opposed to providing answers. We also evaluate the self-consistency of VLM decoders in both post-hoc and CoT explanation settings, by extending existing unimodal tests and measures to VLM decoders. We find that VLMs are less self-consistent than LLMs. Text contributions in VL decoders are more important than image contributions in all examined tasks. Moreover, the contributions of images are significantly stronger for explanation generation compared to answer generation. This difference is even larger in CoT compared to post-hoc explanations. Lastly, we provide an up-to-date benchmarking of state-of-the-art VL decoders on the VALSE benchmark, which before only covered VL encoders. We find that VL decoders still struggle with most phenomena tested by VALSE.

replace Adapting Open-Source Large Language Models for Cost-Effective, Expert-Level Clinical Note Generation with On-Policy Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Hanyin Wang, Chufan Gao, Bolun Liu, Qiping Xu, Guleid Hussein, Mohamad El Labban, Kingsley Iheasirim, Hariprasad Korsapati, Chuck Outcalt, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Proprietary Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 and Gemini have demonstrated promising capabilities in clinical text summarization tasks. However, due to patient data privacy concerns and computational costs, many healthcare providers prefer using small, locally-hosted models over external generic LLMs. This study presents a comprehensive domain- and task-specific adaptation process for the open-source LLaMA-2 13 billion parameter model, enabling it to generate high-quality clinical notes from outpatient patient-doctor dialogues. Our process incorporates continued pre-training, supervised fine-tuning, and reinforcement learning from both AI and human feedback. We introduced a new approach, DistillDirect, for performing on-policy reinforcement learning with Gemini 1.0 Pro as the teacher model. Our resulting model, LLaMA-Clinic, can generate clinical notes comparable in quality to those authored by physicians. In a blinded physician reader study, the majority (90.4%) of individual evaluations rated the notes generated by LLaMA-Clinic as "acceptable" or higher across all three criteria: real-world readiness, completeness, and accuracy. In the more challenging "Assessment and Plan" section, LLaMA-Clinic scored higher (4.2/5) in real-world readiness than physician-authored notes (4.1/5). Our cost analysis for inference shows that our LLaMA-Clinic model achieves a 3.75-fold cost reduction compared to an external generic LLM service. Additionally, we highlight key considerations for future clinical note-generation tasks, emphasizing the importance of pre-defining a best-practice note format, rather than relying on LLMs to determine this for clinical practice. We have made our newly created synthetic clinic dialogue-note dataset and the physician feedback dataset publicly available to foster future research.

replace Efficient LLM Comparative Assessment: a Product of Experts Framework for Pairwise Comparisons

Authors: Adian Liusie, Vatsal Raina, Yassir Fathullah, Mark Gales

Abstract: LLM-as-a-judge approaches are a practical and effective way of assessing a range of text tasks, aligning with human judgements especially when applied in a comparative assessment fashion. However, when using pairwise comparisons to rank a set of candidates the computational costs scale quadratically with the number of candidates, which can have practical limitations. This paper introduces a Product of Expert (PoE) framework for efficient LLM Comparative Assessment. Here individual comparisons are considered experts that provide information on a pair's score difference. The PoE framework combines the information from these experts to yield an expression that can be maximized with respect to the underlying set of candidates, and is highly flexible where any form of expert can be assumed. When Gaussian experts are used one can derive simple closed-form solutions for the optimal candidate ranking, as well as expressions for selecting which comparisons should be made to maximize the probability of this ranking. Our approach enables efficient comparative assessment, where by using only a small subset of the possible comparisons, one can generate score predictions that correlate as well to human judgements as the predictions when all comparisons are used. We evaluate the approach on multiple NLG tasks and demonstrate that our framework can yield considerable computational savings when performing pairwise comparative assessment. When N is large, with as few as 2% of comparisons the PoE solution can achieve similar performance to when all comparisons are used.

replace Are EEG-to-Text Models Working?

Authors: Hyejeong Jo, Yiqian Yang, Juhyeok Han, Yiqun Duan, Hui Xiong, Won Hee Lee

Abstract: This work critically analyzes existing models for open-vocabulary EEG-to-Text translation. We identify a crucial limitation: previous studies often employed implicit teacher-forcing during evaluation, artificially inflating performance metrics. Additionally, they lacked a critical benchmark - comparing model performance on pure noise inputs. We propose a methodology to differentiate between models that truly learn from EEG signals and those that simply memorize training data. Our analysis reveals that model performance on noise data can be comparable to that on EEG data. These findings highlight the need for stricter evaluation practices in EEG-to-Text research, emphasizing transparent reporting and rigorous benchmarking with noise inputs. This approach will lead to more reliable assessments of model capabilities and pave the way for robust EEG-to-Text communication systems.

replace RAID: A Shared Benchmark for Robust Evaluation of Machine-Generated Text Detectors

Authors: Liam Dugan, Alyssa Hwang, Filip Trhlik, Josh Magnus Ludan, Andrew Zhu, Hainiu Xu, Daphne Ippolito, Chris Callison-Burch

Abstract: Many commercial and open-source models claim to detect machine-generated text with extremely high accuracy (99% or more). However, very few of these detectors are evaluated on shared benchmark datasets and even when they are, the datasets used for evaluation are insufficiently challenging-lacking variations in sampling strategy, adversarial attacks, and open-source generative models. In this work we present RAID: the largest and most challenging benchmark dataset for machine-generated text detection. RAID includes over 6 million generations spanning 11 models, 8 domains, 11 adversarial attacks and 4 decoding strategies. Using RAID, we evaluate the out-of-domain and adversarial robustness of 8 open- and 4 closed-source detectors and find that current detectors are easily fooled by adversarial attacks, variations in sampling strategies, repetition penalties, and unseen generative models. We release our data along with a leaderboard to encourage future research.

replace Confidence Under the Hood: An Investigation into the Confidence-Probability Alignment in Large Language Models

Authors: Abhishek Kumar, Robert Morabito, Sanzhar Umbet, Jad Kabbara, Ali Emami

Abstract: As the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) becomes more widespread, understanding their self-evaluation of confidence in generated responses becomes increasingly important as it is integral to the reliability of the output of these models. We introduce the concept of Confidence-Probability Alignment, that connects an LLM's internal confidence, quantified by token probabilities, to the confidence conveyed in the model's response when explicitly asked about its certainty. Using various datasets and prompting techniques that encourage model introspection, we probe the alignment between models' internal and expressed confidence. These techniques encompass using structured evaluation scales to rate confidence, including answer options when prompting, and eliciting the model's confidence level for outputs it does not recognize as its own. Notably, among the models analyzed, OpenAI's GPT-4 showed the strongest confidence-probability alignment, with an average Spearman's $\hat{\rho}$ of 0.42, across a wide range of tasks. Our work contributes to the ongoing efforts to facilitate risk assessment in the application of LLMs and to further our understanding of model trustworthiness.

replace CPsyCoun: A Report-based Multi-turn Dialogue Reconstruction and Evaluation Framework for Chinese Psychological Counseling

Authors: Chenhao Zhang, Renhao Li, Minghuan Tan, Min Yang, Jingwei Zhu, Di Yang, Jiahao Zhao, Guancheng Ye, Chengming Li, Xiping Hu

Abstract: Using large language models (LLMs) to assist psychological counseling is a significant but challenging task at present. Attempts have been made on improving empathetic conversations or acting as effective assistants in the treatment with LLMs. However, the existing datasets lack consulting knowledge, resulting in LLMs lacking professional consulting competence. Moreover, how to automatically evaluate multi-turn dialogues within the counseling process remains an understudied area. To bridge the gap, we propose CPsyCoun, a report-based multi-turn dialogue reconstruction and evaluation framework for Chinese psychological counseling. To fully exploit psychological counseling reports, a two-phase approach is devised to construct high-quality dialogues while a comprehensive evaluation benchmark is developed for the effective automatic evaluation of multi-turn psychological consultations. Competitive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework in psychological counseling. We open-source the datasets and model for future research at


replace The Multi-Range Theory of Translation Quality Measurement: MQM scoring models and Statistical Quality Control

Authors: Arle Lommel, Serge Gladkoff, Alan Melby, Sue Ellen Wright, Ingemar Strandvik, Katerina Gasova, Angelika Vaasa, Andy Benzo, Romina Marazzato Sparano, Monica Foresi, Johani Innis, Lifeng Han, Goran Nenadic

Abstract: The year 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) framework for analytic translation quality evaluation. The MQM error typology has been widely used by practitioners in the translation and localization industry and has served as the basis for many derivative projects. The annual Conference on Machine Translation (WMT) shared tasks on both human and automatic translation quality evaluations used the MQM error typology. The metric stands on two pillars: error typology and the scoring model. The scoring model calculates the quality score from annotation data, detailing how to convert error type and severity counts into numeric scores to determine if the content meets specifications. Previously, only the raw scoring model had been published. This April, the MQM Council published the Linear Calibrated Scoring Model, officially presented herein, along with the Non-Linear Scoring Model, which had not been published before. This paper details the latest MQM developments and presents a universal approach to translation quality measurement across three sample size ranges. It also explains why Statistical Quality Control should be used for very small sample sizes, starting from a single sentence.

replace Efficient multi-prompt evaluation of LLMs

Authors: Felipe Maia Polo, Ronald Xu, Lucas Weber, M\'irian Silva, Onkar Bhardwaj, Leshem Choshen, Allysson Flavio Melo de Oliveira, Yuekai Sun, Mikhail Yurochkin

Abstract: Most popular benchmarks for comparing LLMs rely on a limited set of prompt templates, which may not fully capture the LLMs' abilities and can affect the reproducibility of results on leaderboards. Many recent works empirically verify prompt sensitivity and advocate for changes in LLM evaluation. In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the performance distribution across many prompt variants instead of finding a single prompt to evaluate with. We introduce PromptEval, a method for estimating performance across a large set of prompts borrowing strength across prompts and examples to produce accurate estimates under practical evaluation budgets. The resulting distribution can be used to obtain performance quantiles to construct various robust performance metrics (e.g., top 95% quantile or median). We prove that PromptEval consistently estimates the performance distribution and demonstrate its efficacy empirically on three prominent LLM benchmarks: MMLU, BIG-bench Hard, and LMentry. For example, PromptEval can accurately estimate performance quantiles across 100 prompt templates on MMLU with a budget equivalent to two single-prompt evaluations. Our code and data can be found at


replace One Token Can Help! Learning Scalable and Pluggable Virtual Tokens for Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Authors: Yutao Zhu, Zhaoheng Huang, Zhicheng Dou, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is a promising way to improve large language models (LLMs) for generating more factual, accurate, and up-to-date content. Existing methods either optimize prompts to guide LLMs in leveraging retrieved information or directly fine-tune LLMs to adapt to RAG scenarios. Although fine-tuning can yield better performance, it often compromises the LLMs' general generation capabilities by modifying their parameters. This limitation poses challenges in practical applications, especially when LLMs are already deployed, as parameter adjustments may affect their original functionality. To address this, we propose a novel method that involves learning scalable and pluggable virtual tokens for RAG. By maintaining the LLMs' original parameters and fine-tuning only the embeddings of these pluggable tokens, our approach not only enhances LLMs' performance but also preserves their general generation capabilities. Furthermore, we design several training strategies to improve the scalability, flexibility, and generalizability of our method. Comprehensive experiments across nine question-answering tasks demonstrate the superiority of our approach.

replace Multilingual Text Style Transfer: Datasets & Models for Indian Languages

Authors: Sourabrata Mukherjee, Atul Kr. Ojha, Akanksha Bansal, Deepak Alok, John P. McCrae, Ond\v{r}ej Du\v{s}ek

Abstract: Text style transfer (TST) involves altering the linguistic style of a text while preserving its core content. This paper focuses on sentiment transfer, a vital TST subtask (Mukherjee et al., 2022a), across a spectrum of Indian languages: Hindi, Magahi, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Odia, Telugu, and Urdu, expanding upon previous work on English-Bangla sentiment transfer (Mukherjee et al., 2023). We introduce dedicated datasets of 1,000 positive and 1,000 negative style-parallel sentences for each of these eight languages. We then evaluate the performance of various benchmark models categorized into parallel, non-parallel, cross-lingual, and shared learning approaches, including the Llama2 and GPT-3.5 large language models (LLMs). Our experiments highlight the significance of parallel data in TST and demonstrate the effectiveness of the Masked Style Filling (MSF) approach (Mukherjee et al., 2023) in non-parallel techniques. Moreover, cross-lingual and joint multilingual learning methods show promise, offering insights into selecting optimal models tailored to the specific language and task requirements. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first comprehensive exploration of the TST task as sentiment transfer across a diverse set of languages.

replace Scalable MatMul-free Language Modeling

Authors: Rui-Jie Zhu, Yu Zhang, Ethan Sifferman, Tyler Sheaves, Yiqiao Wang, Dustin Richmond, Peng Zhou, Jason K. Eshraghian

Abstract: Matrix multiplication (MatMul) typically dominates the overall computational cost of large language models (LLMs). This cost only grows as LLMs scale to larger embedding dimensions and context lengths. In this work, we show that MatMul operations can be completely eliminated from LLMs while maintaining strong performance at billion-parameter scales. Our experiments show that our proposed MatMul-free models achieve performance on-par with state-of-the-art Transformers that require far more memory during inference at a scale up to at least 2.7B parameters. We investigate the scaling laws and find that the performance gap between our MatMul-free models and full precision Transformers narrows as the model size increases. We also provide a GPU-efficient implementation of this model which reduces memory usage by up to 61% over an unoptimized baseline during training. By utilizing an optimized kernel during inference, our model's memory consumption can be reduced by more than 10x compared to unoptimized models. To properly quantify the efficiency of our architecture, we build a custom hardware solution on an FPGA which exploits lightweight operations beyond what GPUs are capable of. We processed billion-parameter scale models at 13W beyond human readable throughput, moving LLMs closer to brain-like efficiency. This work not only shows how far LLMs can be stripped back while still performing effectively, but also points at the types of operations future accelerators should be optimized for in processing the next generation of lightweight LLMs. Our code implementation is available at


replace RATT: A Thought Structure for Coherent and Correct LLM Reasoning

Authors: Jinghan Zhang, Xiting Wang, Weijieying Ren, Lu Jiang, Dongjie Wang, Kunpeng Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) gain substantial reasoning and decision-making capabilities from thought structures. However, existing methods such as Tree of Thought and Retrieval Augmented Thoughts often fall short in complex tasks due to the limitations of insufficient local retrieval of factual knowledge and inadequate global selection of strategies. These limitations make it challenging for these methods to balance factual accuracy and comprehensive logical optimization effectively. To address these limitations, we introduce the Retrieval Augmented Thought Tree (RATT), a novel thought structure that considers both overall logical soundness and factual correctness at each step of the thinking process. Specifically, at every point of a thought branch, RATT performs planning and lookahead to explore and evaluate multiple potential reasoning steps, and integrate the fact-checking ability of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with LLM's ability to assess overall strategy. Through this combination of factual knowledge and strategic feasibility, the RATT adjusts and integrates the thought tree structure to search for the most promising branches within the search space. This thought structure significantly enhances the model's coherence in logical inference and efficiency in decision-making, and thus increases the limit of the capacity of LLM to generate reliable inferences and decisions based on thought structures. A broad range of experiments on different types of tasks showcases that the RATT structure significantly outperforms existing methods in factual correctness and logical coherence.

replace Language Model Can Do Knowledge Tracing: Simple but Effective Method to Integrate Language Model and Knowledge Tracing Task

Authors: Unggi Lee, Jiyeong Bae, Dohee Kim, Sookbun Lee, Jaekwon Park, Taekyung Ahn, Gunho Lee, Damji Stratton, Hyeoncheol Kim

Abstract: Knowledge Tracing (KT) is a critical task in online learning for modeling student knowledge over time. Despite the success of deep learning-based KT models, which rely on sequences of numbers as data, most existing approaches fail to leverage the rich semantic information in the text of questions and concepts. This paper proposes Language model-based Knowledge Tracing (LKT), a novel framework that integrates pre-trained language models (PLMs) with KT methods. By leveraging the power of language models to capture semantic representations, LKT effectively incorporates textual information and significantly outperforms previous KT models on large benchmark datasets. Moreover, we demonstrate that LKT can effectively address the cold-start problem in KT by leveraging the semantic knowledge captured by PLMs. Interpretability of LKT is enhanced compared to traditional KT models due to its use of text-rich data. We conducted the local interpretable model-agnostic explanation technique and analysis of attention scores to interpret the model performance further. Our work highlights the potential of integrating PLMs with KT and paves the way for future research in KT domain.

replace HeSum: a Novel Dataset for Abstractive Text Summarization in Hebrew

Authors: Tzuf Paz-Argaman, Itai Mondshine, Asaf Achi Mordechai, Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) excel in various natural language tasks in English, their performance in lower-resourced languages like Hebrew, especially for generative tasks such as abstractive summarization, remains unclear. The high morphological richness in Hebrew adds further challenges due to the ambiguity in sentence comprehension and the complexities in meaning construction. In this paper, we address this resource and evaluation gap by introducing HeSum, a novel benchmark specifically designed for abstractive text summarization in Modern Hebrew. HeSum consists of 10,000 article-summary pairs sourced from Hebrew news websites written by professionals. Linguistic analysis confirms HeSum's high abstractness and unique morphological challenges. We show that HeSum presents distinct difficulties for contemporary state-of-the-art LLMs, establishing it as a valuable testbed for generative language technology in Hebrew, and MRLs generative challenges in general.

replace American Sign Language Handshapes Reflect Pressures for Communicative Efficiency

Authors: Kayo Yin, Terry Regier, Dan Klein

Abstract: Communicative efficiency is a key topic in linguistics and cognitive psychology, with many studies demonstrating how the pressure to communicate with minimal effort guides the form of natural language. However, this phenomenon is rarely explored in signed languages. This paper shows how handshapes in American Sign Language (ASL) reflect these efficiency pressures and provides new evidence of communicative efficiency in the visual-gestural modality. We focus on hand configurations in native ASL signs and signs borrowed from English to compare efficiency pressures from both ASL and English usage. First, we develop new methodologies to quantify the articulatory effort needed to produce handshapes and the perceptual effort required to recognize them. Then, we analyze correlations between communicative effort and usage statistics in ASL or English. Our findings reveal that frequent ASL handshapes are easier to produce and that pressures for communicative efficiency mostly come from ASL usage, rather than from English lexical borrowing.

replace What Do Language Models Learn in Context? The Structured Task Hypothesis

Authors: Jiaoda Li, Yifan Hou, Mrinmaya Sachan, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit an intriguing ability to learn a novel task from in-context examples presented in a demonstration, termed in-context learning (ICL). Understandably, a swath of research has been dedicated to uncovering the theories underpinning ICL. One popular hypothesis explains ICL by task selection. LLMs identify the task based on the demonstration and generalize it to the prompt. Another popular hypothesis is that ICL is a form of meta-learning, i.e., the models learn a learning algorithm at pre-training time and apply it to the demonstration. Finally, a third hypothesis argues that LLMs use the demonstration to select a composition of tasks learned during pre-training to perform ICL. In this paper, we empirically explore these three hypotheses that explain LLMs' ability to learn in context with a suite of experiments derived from common text classification tasks. We invalidate the first two hypotheses with counterexamples and provide evidence in support of the last hypothesis. Our results suggest an LLM could learn a novel task in context via composing tasks learned during pre-training.

replace-cross DAPR: A Benchmark on Document-Aware Passage Retrieval

Authors: Kexin Wang, Nils Reimers, Iryna Gurevych

Abstract: The work of neural retrieval so far focuses on ranking short texts and is challenged with long documents. There are many cases where the users want to find a relevant passage within a long document from a huge corpus, e.g. Wikipedia articles, research papers, etc. We propose and name this task \emph{Document-Aware Passage Retrieval} (DAPR). While analyzing the errors of the State-of-The-Art (SoTA) passage retrievers, we find the major errors (53.5\%) are due to missing document context. This drives us to build a benchmark for this task including multiple datasets from heterogeneous domains. In the experiments, we extend the SoTA passage retrievers with document context via (1) hybrid retrieval with BM25 and (2) contextualized passage representations, which inform the passage representation with document context. We find despite that hybrid retrieval performs the strongest on the mixture of the easy and the hard queries, it completely fails on the hard queries that require document-context understanding. On the other hand, contextualized passage representations (e.g. prepending document titles) achieve good improvement on these hard queries, but overall they also perform rather poorly. Our created benchmark enables future research on developing and comparing retrieval systems for the new task. The code and the data are available at


replace-cross Incorporating Class-based Language Model for Named Entity Recognition in Factorized Neural Transducer

Authors: Peng Wang, Yifan Yang, Zheng Liang, Tian Tan, Shiliang Zhang, Xie Chen

Abstract: Despite advancements of end-to-end (E2E) models in speech recognition, named entity recognition (NER) is still challenging but critical for semantic understanding. Previous studies mainly focus on various rule-based or attention-based contextual biasing algorithms. However, their performance might be sensitive to the biasing weight or degraded by excessive attention to the named entity list, along with a risk of false triggering. Inspired by the success of the class-based language model (LM) in NER in conventional hybrid systems and the effective decoupling of acoustic and linguistic information in the factorized neural Transducer (FNT), we propose C-FNT, a novel E2E model that incorporates class-based LMs into FNT. In C-FNT, the LM score of named entities can be associated with the name class instead of its surface form. The experimental results show that our proposed C-FNT significantly reduces error in named entities without hurting performance in general word recognition.

replace-cross Spoken Humanoid Embodied Conversational Agents in Mobile Serious Games: A Usability Assessment

Authors: Danai Korre, Judy Robertson

Abstract: This paper presents an empirical investigation of the extent to which spoken Humanoid Embodied Conversational Agents (HECAs) can foster usability in mobile serious game (MSG) applications. The aim of the research is to assess the impact of multiple agents and illusion of humanness on the quality of the interaction. The experiment investigates two styles of agent presentation: an agent of high human-likeness (HECA) and an agent of low human-likeness (text). The purpose of the experiment is to assess whether and how agents of high humanlikeness can evoke the illusion of humanness and affect usability. Agents of high human-likeness were designed by following the ECA design model that is a proposed guide for ECA development. The results of the experiment with 90 participants show that users prefer to interact with the HECAs. The difference between the two versions is statistically significant with a large effect size (d=1.01), with many of the participants justifying their choice by saying that the human-like characteristics of the HECA made the version more appealing. This research provides key information on the potential effect of HECAs on serious games, which can provide insight into the design of future mobile serious games.

replace-cross Online Speculative Decoding

Authors: Xiaoxuan Liu, Lanxiang Hu, Peter Bailis, Alvin Cheung, Zhijie Deng, Ion Stoica, Hao Zhang

Abstract: Speculative decoding is a pivotal technique to accelerate the inference of large language models (LLMs) by employing a smaller draft model to predict the target model's outputs. However, its efficacy can be limited due to the low predictive accuracy of the draft model, particularly when faced with diverse text inputs and a significant capability gap between the draft and target models. We introduce online speculative decoding to address this challenge. The main idea is to continuously update the (multiple) draft model(s) on observed user query data. Adapting to query distribution mitigates the shifts between the training distribution of the draft model and the query distribution, enabling the draft model to more accurately predict the target model's outputs. We develop a prototype of online speculative decoding based on knowledge distillation and evaluate it using both synthetic and real query data. The results show a substantial increase in the token acceptance rate by 0.1 to 0.65, bringing 1.42x to 2.17x latency reduction. Our code is available at


replace-cross Stealthy and Persistent Unalignment on Large Language Models via Backdoor Injections

Authors: Yuanpu Cao, Bochuan Cao, Jinghui Chen

Abstract: Recent developments in Large Language Models (LLMs) have manifested significant advancements. To facilitate safeguards against malicious exploitation, a body of research has concentrated on aligning LLMs with human preferences and inhibiting their generation of inappropriate content. Unfortunately, such alignments are often vulnerable: fine-tuning with a minimal amount of harmful data can easily unalign the target LLM. While being effective, such fine-tuning-based unalignment approaches also have their own limitations: (1) non-stealthiness, after fine-tuning, safety audits or red-teaming can easily expose the potential weaknesses of the unaligned models, thereby precluding their release/use. (2) non-persistence, the unaligned LLMs can be easily repaired through re-alignment, i.e., fine-tuning again with aligned data points. In this work, we show that it is possible to conduct stealthy and persistent unalignment on large language models via backdoor injections. We also provide a novel understanding on the relationship between the backdoor persistence and the activation pattern and further provide guidelines for potential trigger design. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed stealthy and persistent unalignment can successfully pass the safety evaluation while maintaining strong persistence against re-alignment defense.

replace-cross Sparse is Enough in Fine-tuning Pre-trained Large Language Models

Authors: Weixi Song, Zuchao Li, Lefei Zhang, Hai Zhao, Bo Du

Abstract: With the prevalence of pre-training-fine-tuning paradigm, how to efficiently adapt the pre-trained model to the downstream tasks has been an intriguing issue. Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods have been proposed for low-cost adaptation. Although PEFT has demonstrated effectiveness and been widely applied, the underlying principles are still unclear. In this paper, we adopt the PAC-Bayesian generalization error bound, viewing pre-training as a shift of prior distribution which leads to a tighter bound for generalization error. We validate this shift from the perspectives of oscillations in the loss landscape and the quasi-sparsity in gradient distribution. Based on this, we propose a gradient-based sparse fine-tuning algorithm, named Sparse Increment Fine-Tuning (SIFT), and validate its effectiveness on a range of tasks including the GLUE Benchmark and Instruction-tuning. The code is accessible at


replace-cross BloomVQA: Assessing Hierarchical Multi-modal Comprehension

Authors: Yunye Gong, Robik Shrestha, Jared Claypoole, Michael Cogswell, Arijit Ray, Christopher Kanan, Ajay Divakaran

Abstract: We propose a novel VQA dataset, BloomVQA, to facilitate comprehensive evaluation of large vision-language models on comprehension tasks. Unlike current benchmarks that often focus on fact-based memorization and simple reasoning tasks without theoretical grounding, we collect multiple-choice samples based on picture stories that reflect different levels of comprehension, as laid out in Bloom's Taxonomy, a classic framework for learning assessment widely adopted in education research. Our data maps to a novel hierarchical graph representation which enables automatic data augmentation and novel measures characterizing model consistency. We perform graded evaluation and reliability analysis on recent multi-modal models. In comparison to low-level tasks, we observe decreased performance on tasks requiring advanced comprehension and cognitive skills with up to 38.0\% drop in VQA accuracy. In comparison to earlier models, GPT-4V demonstrates improved accuracy over all comprehension levels and shows a tendency of bypassing visual inputs especially for higher-level tasks. Current models also show consistency patterns misaligned with human comprehension in various scenarios, demonstrating the need for improvement based on theoretically-grounded criteria.

replace-cross Extreme Compression of Large Language Models via Additive Quantization

Authors: Vage Egiazarian, Andrei Panferov, Denis Kuznedelev, Elias Frantar, Artem Babenko, Dan Alistarh

Abstract: The emergence of accurate open large language models (LLMs) has led to a race towards performant quantization techniques which can enable their execution on end-user devices. In this paper, we revisit the problem of ``extreme'' LLM compression -- defined as targeting extremely low bit counts, such as 2 to 3 bits per parameter -- from the point of view of classic methods in Multi-Codebook Quantization (MCQ). Our algorithm, called AQLM, generalizes the classic Additive Quantization (AQ) approach for information retrieval to advance the state-of-the-art in LLM compression, via two innovations: 1) learned additive quantization of weight matrices in input-adaptive fashion, and 2) joint optimization of codebook parameters across each transformer blocks. Broadly, AQLM is the first scheme that is Pareto optimal in terms of accuracy-vs-model-size when compressing to less than 3 bits per parameter, and significantly improves upon all known schemes in the extreme compression (2bit) regime. In addition, AQLM is practical: we provide fast GPU and CPU implementations of AQLM for token generation, which enable us to match or outperform optimized FP16 implementations for speed, while executing in a much smaller memory footprint.

replace-cross PRewrite: Prompt Rewriting with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Weize Kong, Spurthi Amba Hombaiah, Mingyang Zhang, Qiaozhu Mei, Michael Bendersky

Abstract: Prompt engineering is critical for the development of LLM-based applications. However, it is usually done manually in a "trial and error" fashion that can be time consuming, ineffective, and sub-optimal. Even for the prompts which seemingly work well, there is always a lingering question: can the prompts be made better with further modifications? To address these problems, we investigate automated prompt engineering in this paper. Specifically, we propose PRewrite, an automated method to rewrite an under-optimized prompt to a more effective prompt. We instantiate the prompt rewriter using a LLM. The rewriter LLM is trained using reinforcement learning to optimize the performance on a given downstream task. We conduct experiments on diverse benchmark datasets, which demonstrates the effectiveness of PRewrite.

replace-cross MLLMReID: Multimodal Large Language Model-based Person Re-identification

Authors: Shan Yang, Yongfei Zhang

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLM) have achieved satisfactory results in many tasks. However, their performance in the task of ReID (ReID) has not been explored to date. This paper will investigate how to adapt them for the task of ReID. An intuitive idea is to fine-tune MLLM with ReID image-text datasets, and then use their visual encoder as a backbone for ReID. However, there still exist two apparent issues: (1) Designing instructions for ReID, MLLMs may overfit specific instructions, and designing a variety of instructions will lead to higher costs. (2) When fine-tuning the visual encoder of a MLLM, it is not trained synchronously with the ReID task. As a result, the effectiveness of the visual encoder fine-tuning cannot be directly reflected in the performance of the ReID task. To address these problems, this paper proposes MLLMReID: Multimodal Large Language Model-based ReID. Firstly, we proposed Common Instruction, a simple approach that leverages the essence ability of LLMs to continue writing, avoiding complex and diverse instruction design. Secondly, we propose a multi-task learning-based synchronization module to ensure that the visual encoder of the MLLM is trained synchronously with the ReID task. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method.

replace-cross DeLLMa: A Framework for Decision Making Under Uncertainty with Large Language Models

Authors: Ollie Liu, Deqing Fu, Dani Yogatama, Willie Neiswanger

Abstract: The potential of large language models (LLMs) as decision support tools is increasingly being explored in fields such as business, engineering, and medicine, which often face challenging tasks of decision-making under uncertainty. In this paper, we show that directly prompting LLMs on these types of decision-making problems can yield poor results, especially as the problem complexity increases. To aid in these tasks, we propose DeLLMa (Decision-making Large Language Model assistant), a framework designed to enhance decision-making accuracy in uncertain environments. DeLLMa involves a multi-step scaffolding procedure, drawing upon principles from decision theory and utility theory, to provide a rational and human-auditable decision-making process. We validate our framework on multiple realistic decision-making environments, demonstrating that DeLLMa can consistently enhance the decision-making performance of leading language models, and achieve up to a 40% increase in accuracy over competing methods.

replace-cross BRAIn: Bayesian Reward-conditioned Amortized Inference for natural language generation from feedback

Authors: Gaurav Pandey, Yatin Nandwani, Tahira Naseem, Mayank Mishra, Guangxuan Xu, Dinesh Raghu, Sachindra Joshi, Asim Munawar, Ram\'on Fernandez Astudillo

Abstract: Distribution matching methods for language model alignment such as Generation with Distributional Control (GDC) and Distributional Policy Gradient (DPG) have not received the same level of attention in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) as contrastive methods such as Sequence Likelihood Calibration (SLiC), Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and its variants. We identify high variance of the gradient estimate as the primary reason for the lack of success of these methods and propose a self-normalized baseline to reduce the variance. We further generalize the target distribution in DPG, GDC and DPO by using Bayes' rule to define the reward-conditioned posterior. The resulting approach, referred to as BRAIn - Bayesian Reward-conditioned Amortized Inference acts as a bridge between distribution matching methods and DPO and significantly outperforms prior art in summarization and Antropic HH tasks.

replace-cross Less is KEN: a Universal and Simple Non-Parametric Pruning Algorithm for Large Language Models

Authors: Michele Mastromattei, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

Abstract: Neural network pruning has become increasingly crucial due to the complexity of these models and their widespread use in various fields. Existing pruning algorithms often suffer from limitations such as architecture specificity, excessive complexity and reliance on demanding calculations, rendering them impractical for real-world applications. This paper introduces KEN: a straightforward, universal and unstructured pruning algorithm based on Kernel Density Estimation (KDE). KEN aims to construct optimized transformers by selectively preserving the most significant parameters while restoring others to their pre-training state. This strategy preserves model performance while enabling storage of only the optimized subnetwork, leading to substantial memory savings. Extensive evaluations across seven different LLMs demonstrate that KEN achieves equal or better performance than their original unpruned versions, with a minimum parameter reduction of 25%. Furthermore, in-depth comparisons with established pruning and PEFT algorithms confirm KEN effectiveness. We further introduce KEN$_{viz}$, an explainable tool that visualizes the optimized model composition achieved by KEN from different points of view.

replace-cross On Provable Length and Compositional Generalization

Authors: Kartik Ahuja, Amin Mansouri

Abstract: Out-of-distribution generalization capabilities of sequence-to-sequence models can be studied from the lens of two crucial forms of generalization: length generalization -- the ability to generalize to longer sequences than ones seen during training, and compositional generalization: the ability to generalize to token combinations not seen during training. In this work, we provide first provable guarantees on length and compositional generalization for common sequence-to-sequence models -- deep sets, transformers, state space models, and recurrent neural nets -- trained to minimize the prediction error. Taking a first principles perspective, we study the realizable case, i.e., the labeling function is realizable on the architecture. We show that limited capacity versions of these different architectures achieve both length and compositional generalization. Across different architectures, we also find that a linear relationship between the learned representation and the representation in the labeling function is necessary for length and compositional generalization.

replace-cross Fight Back Against Jailbreaking via Prompt Adversarial Tuning

Authors: Yichuan Mo, Yuji Wang, Zeming Wei, Yisen Wang

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved tremendous success in various applications, they are also susceptible to jailbreak attacks. Several primary defense strategies have been proposed to protect LLMs from producing harmful information, mostly with a particular focus on harmful content filtering or heuristical defensive prompt designs. However, how to achieve intrinsic robustness through the prompts remains an open problem. In this paper, motivated by adversarial training paradigms for achieving reliable robustness, we propose an approach named Prompt Adversarial Tuning (PAT) that trains a prompt control attached to the user prompt as a guard prefix. To achieve our defense goal whilst maintaining natural performance, we optimize the control prompt with both adversarial and benign prompts. Comprehensive experiments show that our method is effective against both black-box and white-box attacks, reducing the success rate of advanced attacks to nearly 0 while maintaining the model's utility on the benign task. The proposed defense strategy incurs only negligible computational overhead, charting a new perspective for future explorations in LLM security. Our code is available at


replace-cross Offline Training of Language Model Agents with Functions as Learnable Weights

Authors: Shaokun Zhang, Jieyu Zhang, Jiale Liu, Linxin Song, Chi Wang, Ranjay Krishna, Qingyun Wu

Abstract: Researchers and practitioners have recently reframed powerful Large Language Models (LLMs) as agents, enabling them to automate complex tasks largely via the use of specialized functions. To facilitate the development of LLM agents, we present a novel paradigm of training LLM agents without modifying the LLM weights, which is particularly useful when the LLMs are difficult or inaccessible for modifications. Inspired by how humans continuously forge tools to adapt to real-world tasks, rather than change our biological structure to fit a static set of tools, we propose to progressively forge agent's functions to better solve the downstream tasks instead of modifying the LLM weights. By treating the functions as learnable `agent parameters' and leveraging the fundamental idea of model training in artificial intelligence, we develop AgentOptimizer that employs the LLM to update agents' functions and devise an agent training algorithm with two strategies, roll-back, and early-stop, to streamline the training process. With extensive experiments, we showcase that the agent training paradigm could significantly improve the performance of representative LLM agents in various downstream tasks. We also study the behavior of the agent training regarding aspects like the learning curve and domain transferability.

replace-cross LLM as Prompter: Low-resource Inductive Reasoning on Arbitrary Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Kai Wang, Yuwei Xu, Zhiyong Wu, Siqiang Luo

Abstract: Knowledge Graph (KG) inductive reasoning, which aims to infer missing facts from new KGs that are not seen during training, has been widely adopted in various applications. One critical challenge of KG inductive reasoning is handling low-resource scenarios with scarcity in both textual and structural aspects. In this paper, we attempt to address this challenge with Large Language Models (LLMs). Particularly, we utilize the state-of-the-art LLMs to generate a graph-structural prompt to enhance the pre-trained Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which brings us new methodological insights into the KG inductive reasoning methods, as well as high generalizability in practice. On the methodological side, we introduce a novel pretraining and prompting framework ProLINK, designed for low-resource inductive reasoning across arbitrary KGs without requiring additional training. On the practical side, we experimentally evaluate our approach on 36 low-resource KG datasets and find that ProLINK outperforms previous methods in three-shot, one-shot, and zero-shot reasoning tasks, exhibiting average performance improvements by 20%, 45%, and 147%, respectively. Furthermore, ProLINK demonstrates strong robustness for various LLM promptings as well as full-shot scenarios.

replace-cross CounterCurate: Enhancing Physical and Semantic Visio-Linguistic Compositional Reasoning via Counterfactual Examples

Authors: Jianrui Zhang, Mu Cai, Tengyang Xie, Yong Jae Lee

Abstract: We propose CounterCurate, a framework to comprehensively improve the visio-linguistic compositional reasoning capability for both contrastive and generative multimodal models. In particular, we identify two critical under-explored problems: the neglect of the physically grounded reasoning (counting and position understanding) and the potential of using highly capable text and image generation models for semantic counterfactual fine-tuning. Our work pioneers an approach that addresses these gaps. We first spotlight the near-chance performance of multimodal models like CLIP and LLaVA in physically grounded compositional reasoning. We then apply simple data augmentation using grounded image generation model GLIGEN to generate fine-tuning data, resulting in significant performance improvements: +33% and +37% for CLIP and LLaVA, respectively, on our newly curated Flickr30k-Positions benchmark. Moreover, we exploit the capabilities of high-performing text generation and image generation models, specifically GPT-4V and DALLE-3, to curate challenging semantic counterfactuals, thereby further enhancing compositional reasoning capabilities on benchmarks such as SugarCrepe, where CounterCurate outperforms GPT-4V. To facilitate future research, we release our code, dataset, benchmark, and checkpoints at


replace-cross Generalizing Reward Modeling for Out-of-Distribution Preference Learning

Authors: Chen Jia

Abstract: Preference learning (PL) with large language models (LLMs) aims to align the LLMs' generations with human preferences. Previous work on reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has demonstrated promising results in in-distribution PL. However, due to the difficulty of obtaining human feedback, discretely training reward models for every encountered distribution is challenging. Thus, out-of-distribution (OOD) PL is practically useful for enhancing the generalization ability of LLMs with limited preference feedback. This work addresses OOD PL by optimizing a general reward model through a meta-learning approach. During meta-training, a bilevel optimization algorithm is utilized to learn a reward model capable of guiding policy learning to align with human preferences across various distributions. When encountering a test distribution, the meta-test procedure conducts regularized policy optimization using the learned reward model for PL. We theoretically demonstrate the convergence rate of the bilevel optimization algorithm under reasonable assumptions. Additionally, we conduct experiments on two text generation tasks across 20 held-out domains and outperform a variety of strong baselines across various evaluation metrics.

replace-cross UniVS: Unified and Universal Video Segmentation with Prompts as Queries

Authors: Minghan Li, Shuai Li, Xindong Zhang, Lei Zhang

Abstract: Despite the recent advances in unified image segmentation (IS), developing a unified video segmentation (VS) model remains a challenge. This is mainly because generic category-specified VS tasks need to detect all objects and track them across consecutive frames, while prompt-guided VS tasks require re-identifying the target with visual/text prompts throughout the entire video, making it hard to handle the different tasks with the same architecture. We make an attempt to address these issues and present a novel unified VS architecture, namely UniVS, by using prompts as queries. UniVS averages the prompt features of the target from previous frames as its initial query to explicitly decode masks, and introduces a target-wise prompt cross-attention layer in the mask decoder to integrate prompt features in the memory pool. By taking the predicted masks of entities from previous frames as their visual prompts, UniVS converts different VS tasks into prompt-guided target segmentation, eliminating the heuristic inter-frame matching process. Our framework not only unifies the different VS tasks but also naturally achieves universal training and testing, ensuring robust performance across different scenarios. UniVS shows a commendable balance between performance and universality on 10 challenging VS benchmarks, covering video instance, semantic, panoptic, object, and referring segmentation tasks. Code can be found at \url{}.


replace-cross PRSA: PRompt Stealing Attacks against Large Language Models

Authors: Yong Yang, Changjiang Li, Yi Jiang, Xi Chen, Haoyu Wang, Xuhong Zhang, Zonghui Wang, Shouling Ji

Abstract: In recent years, "prompt as a service" has greatly enhanced the utility of large language models (LLMs) by enabling them to perform various downstream tasks efficiently without fine-tuning. This has also increased the commercial value of prompts. However, the potential risk of leakage in these commercialized prompts remains largely underexplored. In this paper, we introduce a novel attack framework, PRSA, designed for prompt stealing attacks against LLMs. The main idea of PRSA is to infer the intent behind a prompt by analyzing its input-output content, enabling the generation of a surrogate prompt that replicates the original's functionality. Specifically, PRSA mainly consists of two key phases: prompt mutation and prompt pruning. In the mutation phase, we propose a prompt attention algorithm based on output difference. The algorithm facilitates the generation of effective surrogate prompts by learning key factors that influence the accurate inference of prompt intent. During the pruning phase, we employ a two-step related word identification strategy to detect and mask words that are highly related to the input, thus improving the generalizability of the surrogate prompts. We verify the actual threat of PRSA through evaluation in both real-world settings, non-interactive and interactive prompt services. The results strongly confirm the PRSA's effectiveness and generalizability. We have reported these findings to prompt service providers and actively collaborate with them to implement defensive measures.

replace-cross WARDEN: Multi-Directional Backdoor Watermarks for Embedding-as-a-Service Copyright Protection

Authors: Anudeex Shetty, Yue Teng, Ke He, Qiongkai Xu

Abstract: Embedding as a Service (EaaS) has become a widely adopted solution, which offers feature extraction capabilities for addressing various downstream tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Prior studies have shown that EaaS can be prone to model extraction attacks; nevertheless, this concern could be mitigated by adding backdoor watermarks to the text embeddings and subsequently verifying the attack models post-publication. Through the analysis of the recent watermarking strategy for EaaS, EmbMarker, we design a novel CSE (Clustering, Selection, Elimination) attack that removes the backdoor watermark while maintaining the high utility of embeddings, indicating that the previous watermarking approach can be breached. In response to this new threat, we propose a new protocol to make the removal of watermarks more challenging by incorporating multiple possible watermark directions. Our defense approach, WARDEN, notably increases the stealthiness of watermarks and has been empirically shown to be effective against CSE attack.

replace-cross From Representational Harms to Quality-of-Service Harms: A Case Study on Llama 2 Safety Safeguards

Authors: Khaoula Chehbouni, Megha Roshan, Emmanuel Ma, Futian Andrew Wei, Afaf Taik, Jackie CK Cheung, Golnoosh Farnadi

Abstract: Recent progress in large language models (LLMs) has led to their widespread adoption in various domains. However, these advancements have also introduced additional safety risks and raised concerns regarding their detrimental impact on already marginalized populations. Despite growing mitigation efforts to develop safety safeguards, such as supervised safety-oriented fine-tuning and leveraging safe reinforcement learning from human feedback, multiple concerns regarding the safety and ingrained biases in these models remain. Furthermore, previous work has demonstrated that models optimized for safety often display exaggerated safety behaviors, such as a tendency to refrain from responding to certain requests as a precautionary measure. As such, a clear trade-off between the helpfulness and safety of these models has been documented in the literature. In this paper, we further investigate the effectiveness of safety measures by evaluating models on already mitigated biases. Using the case of Llama 2 as an example, we illustrate how LLMs' safety responses can still encode harmful assumptions. To do so, we create a set of non-toxic prompts, which we then use to evaluate Llama models. Through our new taxonomy of LLMs responses to users, we observe that the safety/helpfulness trade-offs are more pronounced for certain demographic groups which can lead to quality-of-service harms for marginalized populations.

replace-cross player2vec: A Language Modeling Approach to Understand Player Behavior in Games

Authors: Tianze Wang, Maryam Honari-Jahromi, Styliani Katsarou, Olga Mikheeva, Theodoros Panagiotakopoulos, Sahar Asadi, Oleg Smirnov

Abstract: Methods for learning latent user representations from historical behavior logs have gained traction for recommendation tasks in e-commerce, content streaming, and other settings. However, this area still remains relatively underexplored in video and mobile gaming contexts. In this work, we present a novel method for overcoming this limitation by extending a long-range Transformer model from the natural language processing domain to player behavior data. We discuss specifics of behavior tracking in games and propose preprocessing and tokenization approaches by viewing in-game events in an analogous way to words in sentences, thus enabling learning player representations in a self-supervised manner in the absence of ground-truth annotations. We experimentally demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach in fitting the distribution of behavior events by evaluating intrinsic language modeling metrics. Furthermore, we qualitatively analyze the emerging structure of the learned embedding space and show its value for generating insights into behavior patterns to inform downstream applications.

replace-cross Multimodal LLMs Struggle with Basic Visual Network Analysis: a VNA Benchmark

Authors: Evan M. Williams, Kathleen M. Carley

Abstract: We evaluate the zero-shot ability of GPT-4 and LLaVa to perform simple Visual Network Analysis (VNA) tasks on small-scale graphs. We evaluate the Vision Language Models (VLMs) on 5 tasks related to three foundational network science concepts: identifying nodes of maximal degree on a rendered graph, identifying whether signed triads are balanced or unbalanced, and counting components. The tasks are structured to be easy for a human who understands the underlying graph theoretic concepts, and can all be solved by counting the appropriate elements in graphs. We find that while GPT-4 consistently outperforms LLaVa, both models struggle with every visual network analysis task we propose. We publicly release the first benchmark for the evaluation of VLMs on foundational VNA tasks.

replace-cross Pipeline Parallelism with Controllable Memory

Authors: Penghui Qi, Xinyi Wan, Nyamdavaa Amar, Min Lin

Abstract: Pipeline parallelism has been widely explored, but most existing schedules lack a systematic methodology. In this paper, we propose a framework to decompose pipeline schedules as repeating a building block and we show that the lifespan of the building block decides the peak activation memory of the pipeline schedule. Guided by the observations, we find that almost all existing pipeline schedules, to the best of our knowledge, are memory inefficient. To address this, we introduce a family of memory efficient building blocks with controllable activation memory, which can reduce the peak activation memory to 1/2 of 1F1B without sacrificing efficiency, and even to 1/3 with comparable throughput. We can also achieve almost zero pipeline bubbles while maintaining the same activation memory as 1F1B. Our evaluations demonstrate that in pure pipeline parallelism settings, our methods outperform 1F1B by from 7% to 55% in terms of throughput. When employing a grid search over hybrid parallelism hyperparameters in practical scenarios, our proposed methods demonstrate a 16% throughput improvement over the 1F1B baseline for large language models.

replace-cross Enhancing Visual-Language Modality Alignment in Large Vision Language Models via Self-Improvement

Authors: Xiyao Wang, Jiuhai Chen, Zhaoyang Wang, Yuhang Zhou, Yiyang Zhou, Huaxiu Yao, Tianyi Zhou, Tom Goldstein, Parminder Bhatia, Furong Huang, Cao Xiao

Abstract: Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have achieved impressive results in various visual question-answering and reasoning tasks through vision instruction tuning on specific datasets. However, there is still significant room for improvement in the alignment between visual and language modalities. Previous methods to enhance this alignment typically require external models or data, heavily depending on their capabilities and quality, which inevitably sets an upper bound on performance. In this paper, we propose SIMA, a framework that enhances visual and language modality alignment through self-improvement, eliminating the needs for external models or data. SIMA leverages prompts from existing vision instruction tuning datasets to self-generate responses and employs an in-context self-critic mechanism to select response pairs for preference tuning. The key innovation is the introduction of three vision metrics during the in-context self-critic process, which can guide the LVLM in selecting responses that enhance image comprehension. Through experiments across 14 hallucination and comprehensive benchmarks, we demonstrate that SIMA not only improves model performance across all benchmarks but also achieves superior modality alignment, outperforming previous approaches.

replace-cross LLMs Meet Multimodal Generation and Editing: A Survey

Authors: Yingqing He, Zhaoyang Liu, Jingye Chen, Zeyue Tian, Hongyu Liu, Xiaowei Chi, Runtao Liu, Ruibin Yuan, Yazhou Xing, Wenhai Wang, Jifeng Dai, Yong Zhang, Wei Xue, Qifeng Liu, Yike Guo, Qifeng Chen

Abstract: With the recent advancement in large language models (LLMs), there is a growing interest in combining LLMs with multimodal learning. Previous surveys of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) mainly focus on multimodal understanding. This survey elaborates on multimodal generation and editing across various domains, comprising image, video, 3D, and audio. Specifically, we summarize the notable advancements with milestone works in these fields and categorize these studies into LLM-based and CLIP/T5-based methods. Then, we summarize the various roles of LLMs in multimodal generation and exhaustively investigate the critical technical components behind these methods and the multimodal datasets utilized in these studies. Additionally, we dig into tool-augmented multimodal agents that can leverage existing generative models for human-computer interaction. Lastly, we discuss the advancements in the generative AI safety field, investigate emerging applications, and discuss future prospects. Our work provides a systematic and insightful overview of multimodal generation and processing, which is expected to advance the development of Artificial Intelligence for Generative Content (AIGC) and world models. A curated list of all related papers can be found at


replace-cross Are you still on track!? Catching LLM Task Drift with Activations

Authors: Sahar Abdelnabi, Aideen Fay, Giovanni Cherubin, Ahmed Salem, Mario Fritz, Andrew Paverd

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are routinely used in retrieval-augmented applications to orchestrate tasks and process inputs from users and other sources. These inputs, even in a single LLM interaction, can come from a variety of sources, of varying trustworthiness and provenance. This opens the door to prompt injection attacks, where the LLM receives and acts upon instructions from supposedly data-only sources, thus deviating from the user's original instructions. We define this as task drift, and we propose to catch it by scanning and analyzing the LLM's activations. We compare the LLM's activations before and after processing the external input in order to detect whether this input caused instruction drift. We develop two probing methods and find that simply using a linear classifier can detect drift with near perfect ROC AUC on an out-of-distribution test set. We show that this approach generalizes surprisingly well to unseen task domains, such as prompt injections, jailbreaks, and malicious instructions, without being trained on any of these attacks. Our setup does not require any modification of the LLM (e.g., fine-tuning) or any text generation, thus maximizing deployability and cost efficiency and avoiding reliance on unreliable model output. To foster future research on activation-based task inspection, decoding, and interpretability, we will release our large-scale TaskTracker toolkit, comprising a dataset of over 500K instances, representations from 4 SoTA language models, and inspection tools.

replace-cross Promotional Language and the Adoption of Innovative Ideas in Science

Authors: Hao Peng, Huilian Sophie Qiu, Henrik Barslund Fosse, Brian Uzzi

Abstract: How are the merits of innovative ideas communicated in science? Here we conduct semantic analyses of grant application success with a focus on scientific promotional language, which has been growing in frequency in many contexts and purportedly may convey an innovative idea's originality and significance. Our analysis attempts to surmount limitations of prior studies by examining the full text of tens of thousands of both funded and unfunded grants from three leading public and private funding agencies: the NIH, the NSF, and the Novo Nordisk Foundation, one of the world's largest private science foundations. We find a robust association between promotional language and the support and adoption of innovative ideas by funders and other scientists. First, the percentage of promotional language in a grant proposal is associated with up to a doubling of the grant's probability of being funded. Second, a grant's promotional language reflects its intrinsic level of innovativeness. Third, the percentage of promotional language predicts the expected citation and productivity impact of publications that are supported by funded grants. Lastly, a computer-assisted experiment that manipulates the promotional language in our data demonstrates how promotional language can communicate the merit of ideas through cognitive activation. With the incidence of promotional language in science steeply rising, and the pivotal role of grants in converting promising and aspirational ideas into solutions, our analysis provides empirical evidence that promotional language is associated with effectively communicating the merits of innovative scientific ideas.

replace-cross Improving Alignment and Robustness with Circuit Breakers

Authors: Andy Zou, Long Phan, Justin Wang, Derek Duenas, Maxwell Lin, Maksym Andriushchenko, Rowan Wang, Zico Kolter, Matt Fredrikson, Dan Hendrycks

Abstract: AI systems can take harmful actions and are highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We present an approach, inspired by recent advances in representation engineering, that interrupts the models as they respond with harmful outputs with "circuit breakers." Existing techniques aimed at improving alignment, such as refusal training, are often bypassed. Techniques such as adversarial training try to plug these holes by countering specific attacks. As an alternative to refusal training and adversarial training, circuit-breaking directly controls the representations that are responsible for harmful outputs in the first place. Our technique can be applied to both text-only and multimodal language models to prevent the generation of harmful outputs without sacrificing utility -- even in the presence of powerful unseen attacks. Notably, while adversarial robustness in standalone image recognition remains an open challenge, circuit breakers allow the larger multimodal system to reliably withstand image "hijacks" that aim to produce harmful content. Finally, we extend our approach to AI agents, demonstrating considerable reductions in the rate of harmful actions when they are under attack. Our approach represents a significant step forward in the development of reliable safeguards to harmful behavior and adversarial attacks.

replace-cross Digital assistant in a point of sales

Authors: Emilia Lesiak, Grzegorz Wolny, Bartosz Przyby{\l}, Micha{\l} Szczerbak

Abstract: This article investigates the deployment of a Voice User Interface (VUI)-powered digital assistant in a retail setting and assesses its impact on customer engagement and service efficiency. The study explores how digital assistants can enhance user interactions through advanced conversational capabilities with multilingual support. By integrating a digital assistant into a high-traffic retail environment, we evaluate its effectiveness in improving the quality of customer service and operational efficiency. Data collected during the experiment demonstrate varied impacts on customer interaction, revealing insights into the future optimizations of digital assistant technologies in customer-facing roles. This study contributes to the understanding of digital transformation strategies within the customer relations domain emphasizing the need for service flexibility and user-centric design in modern retail stores.