new Question-Answering (QA) Model for a Personalized Learning Assistant for Arabic Language

Authors: Mohammad Sammoudi, Ahmad Habaybeh, Huthaifa I. Ashqar, Mohammed Elhenawy

Abstract: This paper describes the creation, optimization, and assessment of a question-answering (QA) model for a personalized learning assistant that uses BERT transformers customized for the Arabic language. The model was particularly finetuned on science textbooks in Palestinian curriculum. Our approach uses BERT's brilliant capabilities to automatically produce correct answers to questions in the field of science education. The model's ability to understand and extract pertinent information is improved by finetuning it using 11th and 12th grade biology book in Palestinian curriculum. This increases the model's efficacy in producing enlightening responses. Exact match (EM) and F1 score metrics are used to assess the model's performance; the results show an EM score of 20% and an F1 score of 51%. These findings show that the model can comprehend and react to questions in the context of Palestinian science book. The results demonstrate the potential of BERT-based QA models to support learning and understanding Arabic students questions.

new Automated Question Generation for Science Tests in Arabic Language Using NLP Techniques

Authors: Mohammad Tami, Huthaifa I. Ashqar, Mohammed Elhenawy

Abstract: Question generation for education assessments is a growing field within artificial intelligence applied to education. These question-generation tools have significant importance in the educational technology domain, such as intelligent tutoring systems and dialogue-based platforms. The automatic generation of assessment questions, which entail clear-cut answers, usually relies on syntactical and semantic indications within declarative sentences, which are then transformed into questions. Recent research has explored the generation of assessment educational questions in Arabic. The reported performance has been adversely affected by inherent errors, including sentence parsing inaccuracies, name entity recognition issues, and errors stemming from rule-based question transformation. Furthermore, the complexity of lengthy Arabic sentences has contributed to these challenges. This research presents an innovative Arabic question-generation system built upon a three-stage process: keywords and key phrases extraction, question generation, and subsequent ranking. The aim is to tackle the difficulties associated with automatically generating assessment questions in the Arabic language. The proposed approach and results show a precision of 83.50%, a recall of 78.68%, and an Fl score of 80.95%, indicating the framework high efficiency. Human evaluation further confirmed the model efficiency, receiving an average rating of 84%.

new Exploring Fact Memorization and Style Imitation in LLMs Using QLoRA: An Experimental Study and Quality Assessment Methods

Authors: Eugene Vyborov, Oleksiy Osypenko, Serge Sotnyk

Abstract: There are various methods for adapting LLMs to different domains. The most common methods are prompting, finetuning, and RAG. In this work, we explore the possibility of adapting a model using one of the PEFT methods - QLoRA. The experiment aims to simulate human responses based on their interviews. The simulation quality is assessed by comparing the quality of the style and the quality of the generated facts.

new CS-Bench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Large Language Models towards Computer Science Mastery

Authors: Xiaoshuai Song, Muxi Diao, Guanting Dong, Zhengyang Wang, Yujia Fu, Runqi Qiao, Zhexu Wang, Dayuan Fu, Huangxuan Wu, Bin Liang, Weihao Zeng, Yejie Wang, Zhuoma GongQue, Jianing Yu, Qiuna Tan, Weiran Xu

Abstract: Computer Science (CS) stands as a testament to the intricacies of human intelligence, profoundly advancing the development of artificial intelligence and modern society. However, the current community of large language models (LLMs) overly focuses on benchmarks for analyzing specific foundational skills (e.g. mathematics and code generation), neglecting an all-round evaluation of the computer science field. To bridge this gap, we introduce CS-Bench, the first bilingual (Chinese-English) benchmark dedicated to evaluating the performance of LLMs in computer science. CS-Bench comprises approximately 5K meticulously curated test samples, covering 26 subfields across 4 key areas of computer science, encompassing various task forms and divisions of knowledge and reasoning. Utilizing CS-Bench, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of over 30 mainstream LLMs, revealing the relationship between CS performance and model scales. We also quantitatively analyze the reasons for failures in existing LLMs and highlight directions for improvements, including knowledge supplementation and CS-specific reasoning. Further cross-capability experiments show a high correlation between LLMs' capabilities in computer science and their abilities in mathematics and coding. Moreover, expert LLMs specialized in mathematics and coding also demonstrate strong performances in several CS subfields. Looking ahead, we envision CS-Bench serving as a cornerstone for LLM applications in the CS field and paving new avenues in assessing LLMs' diverse reasoning capabilities. The CS-Bench data and evaluation code are available at


new Language Model Council: Benchmarking Foundation Models on Highly Subjective Tasks by Consensus

Authors: Justin Zhao, Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco, Amanda Cercas Curry

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) necessitates robust and challenging benchmarks. Leaderboards like Chatbot Arena rank LLMs based on how well their responses align with human preferences. However, many tasks such as those related to emotional intelligence, creative writing, or persuasiveness, are highly subjective and often lack majoritarian human agreement. Judges may have irreconcilable disagreements about what constitutes a better response. To address the challenge of ranking LLMs on highly subjective tasks, we propose a novel benchmarking framework, the Language Model Council (LMC). The LMC operates through a democratic process to: 1) formulate a test set through equal participation, 2) administer the test among council members, and 3) evaluate responses as a collective jury. We deploy a council of 20 newest LLMs on an open-ended emotional intelligence task: responding to interpersonal dilemmas. Our results show that the LMC produces rankings that are more separable, robust, and less biased than those from any individual LLM judge, and is more consistent with a human-established leaderboard compared to other benchmarks.

new End-to-End Argument Mining as Augmented Natural Language Generation

Authors: Nilmadhab Das, Vishal Choudhary, V. Vijaya Saradhi, Ashish Anand

Abstract: Argument Mining (AM) is a crucial aspect of computational argumentation, which deals with the identification and extraction of Argumentative Components (ACs) and their corresponding Argumentative Relations (ARs). Most prior works have solved these problems by dividing them into multiple subtasks. And the available end-to-end setups are mostly based on the dependency parsing approach. This work proposes a unified end-to-end framework based on a generative paradigm, in which the argumentative structures are framed into label-augmented text, called Augmented Natural Language (ANL). Additionally, we explore the role of different types of markers in solving AM tasks. Through different marker-based fine-tuning strategies, we present an extensive study by integrating marker knowledge into our generative model. The proposed framework achieves competitive results to the state-of-the-art (SoTA) model and outperforms several baselines.

new Reversing the Forget-Retain Objectives: An Efficient LLM Unlearning Framework from Logit Difference

Authors: Jiabao Ji, Yujian Liu, Yang Zhang, Gaowen Liu, Ramana Rao Kompella, Sijia Liu, Shiyu Chang

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate extensive capability in learning from documents, LLM unlearning becomes an increasingly important research area to address concerns of LLMs in terms of privacy, copyright, etc. A conventional LLM unlearning task typically involves two goals: (1) The target LLM should forget the knowledge in the specified forget documents, and (2) it should retain the other knowledge that the LLM possesses, for which we assume access to a small number of retain documents. To achieve both goals, a mainstream class of LLM unlearning methods introduces an optimization framework with a combination of two objectives - maximizing the prediction loss on the forget documents while minimizing that on the retain documents, which suffers from two challenges, degenerated output and catastrophic forgetting. In this paper, we propose a novel unlearning framework called Unlearning from Logit Difference (ULD), which introduces an assistant LLM that aims to achieve the opposite of the unlearning goals: remembering the forget documents and forgetting the retain knowledge. ULD then derives the unlearned LLM by computing the logit difference between the target and the assistant LLMs. We show that such reversed objectives would naturally resolve both aforementioned challenges while significantly improving the training efficiency. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method efficiently achieves the intended forgetting while preserving the LLM's overall capabilities, reducing training time by more than threefold. Notably, our method loses 0% of model utility on the ToFU benchmark, whereas baseline methods may sacrifice 17% of utility on average to achieve comparable forget quality. Our code will be publicly available at


new Self-Supervised Speech Representations are More Phonetic than Semantic

Authors: Kwanghee Choi, Ankita Pasad, Tomohiko Nakamura, Satoru Fukayama, Karen Livescu, Shinji Watanabe

Abstract: Self-supervised speech models (S3Ms) have become an effective backbone for speech applications. Various analyses suggest that S3Ms encode linguistic properties. In this work, we seek a more fine-grained analysis of the word-level linguistic properties encoded in S3Ms. Specifically, we curate a novel dataset of near homophone (phonetically similar) and synonym (semantically similar) word pairs and measure the similarities between S3M word representation pairs. Our study reveals that S3M representations consistently and significantly exhibit more phonetic than semantic similarity. Further, we question whether widely used intent classification datasets such as Fluent Speech Commands and Snips Smartlights are adequate for measuring semantic abilities. Our simple baseline, using only the word identity, surpasses S3M-based models. This corroborates our findings and suggests that high scores on these datasets do not necessarily guarantee the presence of semantic content.

new Unraveling Code-Mixing Patterns in Migration Discourse: Automated Detection and Analysis of Online Conversations on Reddit

Authors: Fedor Vitiugin, Sunok Lee, Henna Paakki, Anastasiia Chizhikova, Nitin Sawhney

Abstract: The surge in global migration patterns underscores the imperative of integrating migrants seamlessly into host communities, necessitating inclusive and trustworthy public services. Despite the Nordic countries' robust public sector infrastructure, recent immigrants often encounter barriers to accessing these services, exacerbating social disparities and eroding trust. Addressing digital inequalities and linguistic diversity is paramount in this endeavor. This paper explores the utilization of code-mixing, a communication strategy prevalent among multilingual speakers, in migration-related discourse on social media platforms such as Reddit. We present Ensemble Learning for Multilingual Identification of Code-mixed Texts (ELMICT), a novel approach designed to automatically detect code-mixed messages in migration-related discussions. Leveraging ensemble learning techniques for combining multiple tokenizers' outputs and pre-trained language models, ELMICT demonstrates high performance (with F1 more than 0.95) in identifying code-mixing across various languages and contexts, particularly in cross-lingual zero-shot conditions (with avg. F1 more than 0.70). Moreover, the utilization of ELMICT helps to analyze the prevalence of code-mixing in migration-related threads compared to other thematic categories on Reddit, shedding light on the topics of concern to migrant communities. Our findings reveal insights into the communicative strategies employed by migrants on social media platforms, offering implications for the development of inclusive digital public services and conversational systems. By addressing the research questions posed in this study, we contribute to the understanding of linguistic diversity in migration discourse and pave the way for more effective tools for building trust in multicultural societies.

new Mistral-C2F: Coarse to Fine Actor for Analytical and Reasoning Enhancement in RLHF and Effective-Merged LLMs

Authors: Chen Zheng, Ke Sun, Xun Zhou

Abstract: Despite the advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), exemplified by models like GPT-4 and Claude, smaller-scale LLMs such as Llama and Mistral often struggle with generating in-depth and coherent dialogues. This paper presents a novel two-step Coarse-to-Fine Actor model to address the inherent limitations in conversational and analytical capabilities of small-sized LLMs. Our approach begins with the Policy-based Coarse Actor, employing a technique we term "Continuous Maximization". The Coarse Actor establishes an enhanced, knowledge-rich pool adept at aligning with human preference styles in analysis and reasoning. Through the RLHF process, it employs Continuous Maximization, a strategy that dynamically and adaptively extends the output length limit, enabling the generation of more detailed and analytical content. Subsequently, the Fine Actor refines this analytical content, addressing the generation of excessively redundant information from the Coarse Actor. We introduce a "Knowledge Residue Merger" approach, refining the content from the Coarse Actor and merging it with an existing Instruction model to improve quality, correctness, and reduce redundancies. We applied our methodology to the popular Mistral model, creating Mistral-C2F, which has demonstrated exceptional performance across 11 general language tasks and the MT-Bench Dialogue task, outperforming similar-scale models and even larger models with 13B and 30B parameters. Our model has significantly improved conversational and analytical reasoning abilities.

new Fine-Tuned 'Small' LLMs (Still) Significantly Outperform Zero-Shot Generative AI Models in Text Classification

Authors: Martin Juan Jos\'e Bucher, Marco Martini

Abstract: Generative AI offers a simple, prompt-based alternative to fine-tuning smaller BERT-style LLMs for text classification tasks. This promises to eliminate the need for manually labeled training data and task-specific model training. However, it remains an open question whether tools like ChatGPT can deliver on this promise. In this paper, we show that smaller, fine-tuned LLMs (still) consistently and significantly outperform larger, zero-shot prompted models in text classification. We compare three major generative AI models (ChatGPT with GPT-3.5/GPT-4 and Claude Opus) with several fine-tuned LLMs across a diverse set of classification tasks (sentiment, approval/disapproval, emotions, party positions) and text categories (news, tweets, speeches). We find that fine-tuning with application-specific training data achieves superior performance in all cases. To make this approach more accessible to a broader audience, we provide an easy-to-use toolkit alongside this paper. Our toolkit, accompanied by non-technical step-by-step guidance, enables users to select and fine-tune BERT-like LLMs for any classification task with minimal technical and computational effort.

new HelpSteer2: Open-source dataset for training top-performing reward models

Authors: Zhilin Wang, Yi Dong, Olivier Delalleau, Jiaqi Zeng, Gerald Shen, Daniel Egert, Jimmy J. Zhang, Makesh Narsimhan Sreedhar, Oleksii Kuchaiev

Abstract: High-quality preference datasets are essential for training reward models that can effectively guide large language models (LLMs) in generating high-quality responses aligned with human preferences. As LLMs become stronger and better aligned, permissively licensed preference datasets, such as Open Assistant, HH-RLHF, and HelpSteer need to be updated to remain effective for reward modeling. Methods that distil preference data from proprietary LLMs such as GPT-4 have restrictions on commercial usage imposed by model providers. To improve upon both generated responses and attribute labeling quality, we release HelpSteer2, a permissively licensed preference dataset (CC-BY-4.0). Using a powerful internal base model trained on HelpSteer2, we are able to achieve the SOTA score (92.0%) on Reward-Bench's primary dataset, outperforming currently listed open and proprietary models, as of June 12th, 2024. Notably, HelpSteer2 consists of only ten thousand response pairs, an order of magnitude fewer than existing preference datasets (e.g., HH-RLHF), which makes it highly efficient for training reward models. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that reward models trained with HelpSteer2 are effective in aligning LLMs. In particular, we propose SteerLM 2.0, a model alignment approach that can effectively make use of the rich multi-attribute score predicted by our reward models. HelpSteer2 is available at and code is available at


new Analyzing Large Language Models for Classroom Discussion Assessment

Authors: Nhat Tran, Benjamin Pierce, Diane Litman, Richard Correnti, Lindsay Clare Matsumura

Abstract: Automatically assessing classroom discussion quality is becoming increasingly feasible with the help of new NLP advancements such as large language models (LLMs). In this work, we examine how the assessment performance of 2 LLMs interacts with 3 factors that may affect performance: task formulation, context length, and few-shot examples. We also explore the computational efficiency and predictive consistency of the 2 LLMs. Our results suggest that the 3 aforementioned factors do affect the performance of the tested LLMs and there is a relation between consistency and performance. We recommend a LLM-based assessment approach that has a good balance in terms of predictive performance, computational efficiency, and consistency.

new mOSCAR: A Large-scale Multilingual and Multimodal Document-level Corpus

Authors: Matthieu Futeral, Armel Zebaze, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Julien Abadji, R\'emi Lacroix, Cordelia Schmid, Rachel Bawden, Beno\^it Sagot

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (mLLMs) are trained on a large amount of text-image data. While most mLLMs are trained on caption-like data only, Alayrac et al. [2022] showed that additionally training them on interleaved sequences of text and images can lead to the emergence of in-context learning capabilities. However, the dataset they used, M3W, is not public and is only in English. There have been attempts to reproduce their results but the released datasets are English-only. In contrast, current multilingual and multimodal datasets are either composed of caption-like only or medium-scale or fully private data. This limits mLLM research for the 7,000 other languages spoken in the world. We therefore introduce mOSCAR, to the best of our knowledge the first large-scale multilingual and multimodal document corpus crawled from the web. It covers 163 languages, 315M documents, 214B tokens and 1.2B images. We carefully conduct a set of filtering and evaluation steps to make sure mOSCAR is sufficiently safe, diverse and of good quality. We additionally train two types of multilingual model to prove the benefits of mOSCAR: (1) a model trained on a subset of mOSCAR and captioning data and (2) a model train on captioning data only. The model additionally trained on mOSCAR shows a strong boost in few-shot learning performance across various multilingual image-text tasks and benchmarks, confirming previous findings for English-only mLLMs.

new Enhancing Psychotherapy Counseling: A Data Augmentation Pipeline Leveraging Large Language Models for Counseling Conversations

Authors: Jun-Woo Kim, Ji-Eun Han, Jun-Seok Koh, Hyeon-Tae Seo, Du-Seong Chang

Abstract: We introduce a pipeline that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to transform single-turn psychotherapy counseling sessions into multi-turn interactions. While AI-supported online counseling services for individuals with mental disorders exist, they are often constrained by the limited availability of multi-turn training datasets and frequently fail to fully utilize therapists' expertise. Our proposed pipeline effectively addresses these limitations. The pipeline comprises two main steps: 1) Information Extraction and 2) Multi-turn Counseling Generation. Each step is meticulously designed to extract and generate comprehensive multi-turn counseling conversations from the available datasets. Experimental results from both zero-shot and few-shot generation scenarios demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances the ability of LLMs to produce higher quality multi-turn dialogues in the context of mental health counseling. Our pipeline and dataset are publicly available


new ECBD: Evidence-Centered Benchmark Design for NLP

Authors: Yu Lu Liu, Su Lin Blodgett, Jackie Chi Kit Cheung, Q. Vera Liao, Alexandra Olteanu, Ziang Xiao

Abstract: Benchmarking is seen as critical to assessing progress in NLP. However, creating a benchmark involves many design decisions (e.g., which datasets to include, which metrics to use) that often rely on tacit, untested assumptions about what the benchmark is intended to measure or is actually measuring. There is currently no principled way of analyzing these decisions and how they impact the validity of the benchmark's measurements. To address this gap, we draw on evidence-centered design in educational assessments and propose Evidence-Centered Benchmark Design (ECBD), a framework which formalizes the benchmark design process into five modules. ECBD specifies the role each module plays in helping practitioners collect evidence about capabilities of interest. Specifically, each module requires benchmark designers to describe, justify, and support benchmark design choices -- e.g., clearly specifying the capabilities the benchmark aims to measure or how evidence about those capabilities is collected from model responses. To demonstrate the use of ECBD, we conduct case studies with three benchmarks: BoolQ, SuperGLUE, and HELM. Our analysis reveals common trends in benchmark design and documentation that could threaten the validity of benchmarks' measurements.

new Standard Language Ideology in AI-Generated Language

Authors: Genevieve Smith, Eve Fleisig, Madeline Bossi, Ishita Rustagi, Xavier Yin

Abstract: In this position paper, we explore standard language ideology in language generated by large language models (LLMs). First, we outline how standard language ideology is reflected and reinforced in LLMs. We then present a taxonomy of open problems regarding standard language ideology in AI-generated language with implications for minoritized language communities. We introduce the concept of standard AI-generated language ideology, the process by which AI-generated language regards Standard American English (SAE) as a linguistic default and reinforces a linguistic bias that SAE is the most "appropriate" language. Finally, we discuss tensions that remain, including reflecting on what desirable system behavior looks like, as well as advantages and drawbacks of generative AI tools imitating--or often not--different English language varieties. Throughout, we discuss standard language ideology as a manifestation of existing global power structures in and through AI-generated language before ending with questions to move towards alternative, more emancipatory digital futures.

new StreamBench: Towards Benchmarking Continuous Improvement of Language Agents

Authors: Cheng-Kuang Wu, Zhi Rui Tam, Chieh-Yen Lin, Yun-Nung Chen, Hung-yi Lee

Abstract: Recent works have shown that large language model (LLM) agents are able to improve themselves from experience, which is an important ability for continuous enhancement post-deployment. However, existing benchmarks primarily evaluate their innate capabilities and do not assess their ability to improve over time. To address this gap, we introduce StreamBench, a pioneering benchmark designed to evaluate the continuous improvement of LLM agents over an input-feedback sequence. StreamBench simulates an online learning environment where LLMs receive a continuous flow of feedback stream and iteratively enhance their performance. In addition, we propose several simple yet effective baselines for improving LLMs on StreamBench, and provide a comprehensive analysis to identify critical components that contribute to successful streaming strategies. Our work serves as a stepping stone towards developing effective online learning strategies for LLMs, paving the way for more adaptive AI systems in streaming scenarios.

new StructuralSleight: Automated Jailbreak Attacks on Large Language Models Utilizing Uncommon Text-Encoded Structure

Authors: Bangxin Li, Hengrui Xing, Chao Huang, Jin Qian, Huangqing Xiao, Linfeng Feng, Cong Tian

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are widely used in natural language processing but face the risk of jailbreak attacks that maliciously induce them to generate harmful content. Existing jailbreak attacks, including character-level and context-level attacks, mainly focus on the prompt of the plain text without specifically exploring the significant influence of its structure. In this paper, we focus on studying how prompt structure contributes to the jailbreak attack. We introduce a novel structure-level attack method based on tail structures that are rarely used during LLM training, which we refer to as Uncommon Text-Encoded Structure (UTES). We extensively study 12 UTESs templates and 6 obfuscation methods to build an effective automated jailbreak tool named StructuralSleight that contains three escalating attack strategies: Structural Attack, Structural and Character/Context Obfuscation Attack, and Fully Obfuscated Structural Attack. Extensive experiments on existing LLMs show that StructuralSleight significantly outperforms baseline methods. In particular, the attack success rate reaches 94.62\% on GPT-4o, which has not been addressed by state-of-the-art techniques.

new SRFUND: A Multi-Granularity Hierarchical Structure Reconstruction Benchmark in Form Understanding

Authors: Jiefeng Ma, Yan Wang, Chenyu Liu, Jun Du, Yu Hu, Zhenrong Zhang, Pengfei Hu, Qing Wang, Jianshu Zhang

Abstract: Accurately identifying and organizing textual content is crucial for the automation of document processing in the field of form understanding. Existing datasets, such as FUNSD and XFUND, support entity classification and relationship prediction tasks but are typically limited to local and entity-level annotations. This limitation overlooks the hierarchically structured representation of documents, constraining comprehensive understanding of complex forms. To address this issue, we present the SRFUND, a hierarchically structured multi-task form understanding benchmark. SRFUND provides refined annotations on top of the original FUNSD and XFUND datasets, encompassing five tasks: (1) word to text-line merging, (2) text-line to entity merging, (3) entity category classification, (4) item table localization, and (5) entity-based full-document hierarchical structure recovery. We meticulously supplemented the original dataset with missing annotations at various levels of granularity and added detailed annotations for multi-item table regions within the forms. Additionally, we introduce global hierarchical structure dependencies for entity relation prediction tasks, surpassing traditional local key-value associations. The SRFUND dataset includes eight languages including English, Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, making it a powerful tool for cross-lingual form understanding. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the SRFUND dataset presents new challenges and significant opportunities in handling diverse layouts and global hierarchical structures of forms, thus providing deep insights into the field of form understanding. The original dataset and implementations of baseline methods are available at


new Deep Exploration of Cross-Lingual Zero-Shot Generalization in Instruction Tuning

Authors: Janghoon Han, Changho Lee, Joongbo Shin, Stanley Jungkyu Choi, Honglak Lee, Kynghoon Bae

Abstract: Instruction tuning has emerged as a powerful technique, significantly boosting zero-shot performance on unseen tasks. While recent work has explored cross-lingual generalization by applying instruction tuning to multilingual models, previous studies have primarily focused on English, with a limited exploration of non-English tasks. For an in-depth exploration of cross-lingual generalization in instruction tuning, we perform instruction tuning individually for two distinct language meta-datasets. Subsequently, we assess the performance on unseen tasks in a language different from the one used for training. To facilitate this investigation, we introduce a novel non-English meta-dataset named "KORANI" (Korean Natural Instruction), comprising 51 Korean benchmarks. Moreover, we design cross-lingual templates to mitigate discrepancies in language and instruction-format of the template between training and inference within the cross-lingual setting. Our experiments reveal consistent improvements through cross-lingual generalization in both English and Korean, outperforming baseline by average scores of 20.7\% and 13.6\%, respectively. Remarkably, these enhancements are comparable to those achieved by monolingual instruction tuning and even surpass them in some tasks. The result underscores the significance of relevant data acquisition across languages over linguistic congruence with unseen tasks during instruction tuning.

new Mixture-of-Skills: Learning to Optimize Data Usage for Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

Authors: Minghao Wu, Thuy-Trang Vu, Lizhen Qu, Gholamreza Haffari

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are typically fine-tuned on diverse and extensive datasets sourced from various origins to develop a comprehensive range of skills, such as writing, reasoning, chatting, coding, and more. Each skill has unique characteristics, and these datasets are often heterogeneous and imbalanced, making the fine-tuning process highly challenging. Balancing the development of each skill while ensuring the model maintains its overall performance requires sophisticated techniques and careful dataset curation. In this work, we propose a general, model-agnostic, reinforcement learning framework, Mixture-of-Skills (MoS), that learns to optimize data usage automatically during the fine-tuning process. This framework ensures the optimal comprehensive skill development of LLMs by dynamically adjusting the focus on different datasets based on their current learning state. To validate the effectiveness of MoS, we conduct extensive experiments using three diverse LLM backbones on two widely used benchmarks and demonstrate that MoS substantially enhances model performance. Building on the success of MoS, we propose MoSpec, an adaptation for task-specific fine-tuning, which harnesses the utilities of various datasets for a specific purpose. Our work underlines the significance of dataset rebalancing and present MoS as a powerful, general solution for optimizing data usage in the fine-tuning of LLMs for various purposes.

new Automated Essay Scoring Using Grammatical Variety and Errors with Multi-Task Learning and Item Response Theory

Authors: Kosuke Doi, Katsuhito Sudoh, Satoshi Nakamura

Abstract: This study examines the effect of grammatical features in automatic essay scoring (AES). We use two kinds of grammatical features as input to an AES model: (1) grammatical items that writers used correctly in essays, and (2) the number of grammatical errors. Experimental results show that grammatical features improve the performance of AES models that predict the holistic scores of essays. Multi-task learning with the holistic and grammar scores, alongside using grammatical features, resulted in a larger improvement in model performance. We also show that a model using grammar abilities estimated using Item Response Theory (IRT) as the labels for the auxiliary task achieved comparable performance to when we used grammar scores assigned by human raters. In addition, we weight the grammatical features using IRT to consider the difficulty of grammatical items and writers' grammar abilities. We found that weighting grammatical features with the difficulty led to further improvement in performance.

new Linguistic Bias in ChatGPT: Language Models Reinforce Dialect Discrimination

Authors: Eve Fleisig, Genevieve Smith, Madeline Bossi, Ishita Rustagi, Xavier Yin, Dan Klein

Abstract: We present a large-scale study of linguistic bias exhibited by ChatGPT covering ten dialects of English (Standard American English, Standard British English, and eight widely spoken non-"standard" varieties from around the world). We prompted GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 with text by native speakers of each variety and analyzed the responses via detailed linguistic feature annotation and native speaker evaluation. We find that the models default to "standard" varieties of English; based on evaluation by native speakers, we also find that model responses to non-"standard" varieties consistently exhibit a range of issues: lack of comprehension (10% worse compared to "standard" varieties), stereotyping (16% worse), demeaning content (22% worse), and condescending responses (12% worse). We also find that if these models are asked to imitate the writing style of prompts in non-"standard" varieties, they produce text that exhibits lower comprehension of the input and is especially prone to stereotyping. GPT-4 improves on GPT-3.5 in terms of comprehension, warmth, and friendliness, but it also results in a marked increase in stereotyping (+17%). The results suggest that GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 exhibit linguistic discrimination in ways that can exacerbate harms for speakers of non-"standard" varieties.

new Research on Optimization of Natural Language Processing Model Based on Multimodal Deep Learning

Authors: Dan Sun, Yaxin Liang, Yining Yang, Yuhan Ma, Qishi Zhan, Erdi Gao

Abstract: This project intends to study the image representation based on attention mechanism and multimodal data. By adding multiple pattern layers to the attribute model, the semantic and hidden layers of image content are integrated. The word vector is quantified by the Word2Vec method and then evaluated by a word embedding convolutional neural network. The published experimental results of the two groups were tested. The experimental results show that this method can convert discrete features into continuous characters, thus reducing the complexity of feature preprocessing. Word2Vec and natural language processing technology are integrated to achieve the goal of direct evaluation of missing image features. The robustness of the image feature evaluation model is improved by using the excellent feature analysis characteristics of a convolutional neural network. This project intends to improve the existing image feature identification methods and eliminate the subjective influence in the evaluation process. The findings from the simulation indicate that the novel approach has developed is viable, effectively augmenting the features within the produced representations.

new ContraSolver: Self-Alignment of Language Models by Resolving Internal Preference Contradictions

Authors: Xu Zhang, Xunjian Yin, Xiaojun Wan

Abstract: While substantial advancements have been made in developing large language models (LLMs), achieving control over their behavior can be difficult. Direct preference optimization (DPO) assumes the existence of a latent reward function to evaluate the responses of LLMs. This assumption indicates a strict preference ordering of different responses to the same input. However, there always exist contradictions of preference in LLMs according to our experimental observations. In this paper, we construct a graph structure of the preference relationship among different responses with self-annotation to find contradictions in the preference order. We propose ContraSolver, an algorithm that traverses all edges on the preference graph to identify those that might cause contradictions. ContraSolver initializes the graph with a maximum spanning tree and identifies contradictory edges, prioritizing the resolution of low-confidence preferences while preserving high-confidence ones. Experimental results on four different generation tasks show that the performance of different LLMs can be largely improved through our completely unsupervised self-alignment. Furthermore, by analyzing the preference graphs of LLMs with and without self-alignment by ContraSolver, we quantify the reduction in contradictions, suggesting that resolving preference contradictions is crucial for achieving better alignment performance.

new An Approach to Build Zero-Shot Slot-Filling System for Industry-Grade Conversational Assistants

Authors: G P Shrivatsa Bhargav, Sumit Neelam, Udit Sharma, Shajith Ikbal, Dheeraj Sreedhar, Hima Karanam, Sachindra Joshi, Pankaj Dhoolia, Dinesh Garg, Kyle Croutwater, Haode Qi, Eric Wayne, J William Murdock

Abstract: We present an approach to build Large Language Model (LLM) based slot-filling system to perform Dialogue State Tracking in conversational assistants serving across a wide variety of industry-grade applications. Key requirements of this system include: 1) usage of smaller-sized models to meet low latency requirements and to enable convenient and cost-effective cloud and customer premise deployments, and 2) zero-shot capabilities to serve across a wide variety of domains, slot types and conversational scenarios. We adopt a fine-tuning approach where a pre-trained LLM is fine-tuned into a slot-filling model using task specific data. The fine-tuning data is prepared carefully to cover a wide variety of slot-filling task scenarios that the model is expected to face across various domains. We give details of the data preparation and model building process. We also give a detailed analysis of the results of our experimental evaluations. Results show that our prescribed approach for slot-filling model building has resulted in 6.9% relative improvement of F1 metric over the best baseline on a realistic benchmark, while at the same time reducing the latency by 57%. More over, the data we prepared has helped improve F1 on an average by 4.2% relative across various slot-types.

new Plan, Generate and Complicate: Improving Low-resource Dialogue State Tracking via Easy-to-Difficult Zero-shot Data Augmentation

Authors: Ming Gu, Yan Yang

Abstract: Data augmentation methods have been a promising direction to improve the performance of small models for low-resource dialogue state tracking. However, traditional methods rely on pre-defined user goals and neglect the importance of data complexity in this task. In this paper, we propose EDZ-DA, an Easy-to-Difficult Zero-shot Data Augmentation framework for low-resource dialogue state tracking that utilizes large language models to automatically catch the relationships of different domains and then generate the dialogue data. We also complicate the dialogues based on the domain relation to enhance the model's capability for co-reference slot tracking. Furthermore, we permute slot values to mitigate the influence of output orders and the problem of incomplete value generation. Experimental results illustrate the superiority of our proposed method compared to previous strong data augmentation baselines on MultiWOZ.

new No perspective, no perception!! Perspective-aware Healthcare Answer Summarization

Authors: Gauri Naik, Sharad Chandakacherla, Shweta Yadav, Md. Shad Akhtar

Abstract: Healthcare Community Question Answering (CQA) forums offer an accessible platform for individuals seeking information on various healthcare-related topics. People find such platforms suitable for self-disclosure, seeking medical opinions, finding simplified explanations for their medical conditions, and answering others' questions. However, answers on these forums are typically diverse and prone to off-topic discussions. It can be challenging for readers to sift through numerous answers and extract meaningful insights, making answer summarization a crucial task for CQA forums. While several efforts have been made to summarize the community answers, most of them are limited to the open domain and overlook the different perspectives offered by these answers. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel task of perspective-specific answer summarization. We identify various perspectives, within healthcare-related responses and frame a perspective-driven abstractive summary covering all responses. To achieve this, we annotate 3167 CQA threads with 6193 perspective-aware summaries in our PUMA dataset. Further, we propose PLASMA, a prompt-driven controllable summarization model. To encapsulate the perspective-specific conditions, we design an energy-controlled loss function for the optimization. We also leverage the prefix tuner to learn the intricacies of the health-care perspective summarization. Our evaluation against five baselines suggests the superior performance of PLASMA by a margin of 1.5-21% improvement. We supplement our experiments with ablation and qualitative analysis.

new Delta-CoMe: Training-Free Delta-Compression with Mixed-Precision for Large Language Models

Authors: Bowen Ping, Shuo Wang, Hanqing Wang, Xu Han, Yuzhuang Xu, Yukun Yan, Yun Chen, Baobao Chang, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Fine-tuning is a crucial process for adapting large language models (LLMs) to diverse applications. In certain scenarios, such as multi-tenant serving, deploying multiple LLMs becomes necessary to meet complex demands. Recent studies suggest decomposing a fine-tuned LLM into a base model and corresponding delta weights, which are then compressed using low-rank or low-bit approaches to reduce costs. In this work, we observe that existing low-rank and low-bit compression methods can significantly harm the model performance for task-specific fine-tuned LLMs (e.g., WizardMath for math problems). Motivated by the long-tail distribution of singular values in the delta weights, we propose a delta quantization approach using mixed-precision. This method employs higher-bit representation for singular vectors corresponding to larger singular values. We evaluate our approach on various fine-tuned LLMs, including math LLMs, code LLMs, chat LLMs, and even VLMs. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach performs comparably to full fine-tuned LLMs, surpassing both low-rank and low-bit baselines by a considerable margin. Additionally, we show that our method is compatible with various backbone LLMs, such as Llama-2, Llama-3, and Mistral, highlighting its generalizability.

new An Initial Investigation of Language Adaptation for TTS Systems under Low-resource Scenarios

Authors: Cheng Gong, Erica Cooper, Xin Wang, Chunyu Qiang, Mengzhe Geng, Dan Wells, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, Marc Tessier, Aidan Pine, Korin Richmond, Junichi Yamagishi

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) representations from massively multilingual models offer a promising solution for low-resource language speech tasks. Despite advancements, language adaptation in TTS systems remains an open problem. This paper explores the language adaptation capability of ZMM-TTS, a recent SSL-based multilingual TTS system proposed in our previous work. We conducted experiments on 12 languages using limited data with various fine-tuning configurations. We demonstrate that the similarity in phonetics between the pre-training and target languages, as well as the language category, affects the target language's adaptation performance. Additionally, we find that the fine-tuning dataset size and number of speakers influence adaptability. Surprisingly, we also observed that using paired data for fine-tuning is not always optimal compared to audio-only data. Beyond speech intelligibility, our analysis covers speaker similarity, language identification, and predicted MOS.

new Navigating the Shadows: Unveiling Effective Disturbances for Modern AI Content Detectors

Authors: Ying Zhou, Ben He, Le Sun

Abstract: With the launch of ChatGPT, large language models (LLMs) have attracted global attention. In the realm of article writing, LLMs have witnessed extensive utilization, giving rise to concerns related to intellectual property protection, personal privacy, and academic integrity. In response, AI-text detection has emerged to distinguish between human and machine-generated content. However, recent research indicates that these detection systems often lack robustness and struggle to effectively differentiate perturbed texts. Currently, there is a lack of systematic evaluations regarding detection performance in real-world applications, and a comprehensive examination of perturbation techniques and detector robustness is also absent. To bridge this gap, our work simulates real-world scenarios in both informal and professional writing, exploring the out-of-the-box performance of current detectors. Additionally, we have constructed 12 black-box text perturbation methods to assess the robustness of current detection models across various perturbation granularities. Furthermore, through adversarial learning experiments, we investigate the impact of perturbation data augmentation on the robustness of AI-text detectors. We have released our code and data at


new Exploring Multilingual Unseen Speaker Emotion Recognition: Leveraging Co-Attention Cues in Multitask Learning

Authors: Arnav Goel, Medha Hira, Anubha Gupta

Abstract: Advent of modern deep learning techniques has given rise to advancements in the field of Speech Emotion Recognition (SER). However, most systems prevalent in the field fail to generalize to speakers not seen during training. This study focuses on handling challenges of multilingual SER, specifically on unseen speakers. We introduce CAMuLeNet, a novel architecture leveraging co-attention based fusion and multitask learning to address this problem. Additionally, we benchmark pretrained encoders of Whisper, HuBERT, Wav2Vec2.0, and WavLM using 10-fold leave-speaker-out cross-validation on five existing multilingual benchmark datasets: IEMOCAP, RAVDESS, CREMA-D, EmoDB and CaFE and, release a novel dataset for SER on the Hindi language (BhavVani). CAMuLeNet shows an average improvement of approximately 8% over all benchmarks on unseen speakers determined by our cross-validation strategy.

new Word Order in English-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation: Analyses and Evaluation using Chunk-wise Monotonic Translation

Authors: Kosuke Doi, Yuka Ko, Mana Makinae, Katsuhito Sudoh, Satoshi Nakamura

Abstract: This paper analyzes the features of monotonic translations, which follow the word order of the source language, in simultaneous interpreting (SI). The word order differences are one of the biggest challenges in SI, especially for language pairs with significant structural differences like English and Japanese. We analyzed the characteristics of monotonic translations using the NAIST English-to-Japanese Chunk-wise Monotonic Translation Evaluation Dataset and found some grammatical structures that make monotonic translation difficult in English-Japanese SI. We further investigated the features of monotonic translations through evaluating the output from the existing speech translation (ST) and simultaneous speech translation (simulST) models on NAIST English-to-Japanese Chunk-wise Monotonic Translation Evaluation Dataset as well as on existing test sets. The results suggest that the existing SI-based test set underestimates the model performance. We also found that the monotonic-translation-based dataset would better evaluate simulST models, while using an offline-based test set for evaluating simulST models underestimates the model performance.

new Multi-Agent Software Development through Cross-Team Collaboration

Authors: Zhuoyun Du, Chen Qian, Wei Liu, Zihao Xie, Yifei Wang, Yufan Dang, Weize Chen, Cheng Yang

Abstract: The latest breakthroughs in Large Language Models (LLMs), eg., ChatDev, have catalyzed profound transformations, particularly through multi-agent collaboration for software development. LLM agents can collaborate in teams like humans, and follow the waterfall model to sequentially work on requirements analysis, development, review, testing, and other phases to perform autonomous software generation. However, for an agent team, each phase in a single development process yields only one possible outcome. This results in the completion of only one development chain, thereby losing the opportunity to explore multiple potential decision paths within the solution space. Consequently, this may lead to obtaining suboptimal results. To address this challenge, we introduce Cross-Team Collaboration (CTC), a scalable multi-team framework that enables orchestrated teams to jointly propose various decisions and communicate with their insights in a cross-team collaboration environment for superior content generation. Experimental results in software development reveal a notable increase in quality compared to state-of-the-art baselines, underscoring the efficacy of our framework. The significant improvements in story generation demonstrate the promising generalization ability of our framework across various domains. We anticipate that our work will guide LLM agents towards a cross-team paradigm and contribute to their significant growth in but not limited to software development. The code and data will be available at


new LLM Reading Tea Leaves: Automatically Evaluating Topic Models with Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaohao Yang, He Zhao, Dinh Phung, Wray Buntine, Lan Du

Abstract: Topic modeling has been a widely used tool for unsupervised text analysis. However, comprehensive evaluations of a topic model remain challenging. Existing evaluation methods are either less comparable across different models (e.g., perplexity) or focus on only one specific aspect of a model (e.g., topic quality or document representation quality) at a time, which is insufficient to reflect the overall model performance. In this paper, we propose WALM (Words Agreement with Language Model), a new evaluation method for topic modeling that comprehensively considers the semantic quality of document representations and topics in a joint manner, leveraging the power of large language models (LLMs). With extensive experiments involving different types of topic models, WALM is shown to align with human judgment and can serve as a complementary evaluation method to the existing ones, bringing a new perspective to topic modeling. Our software package will be available at, which can be integrated with many widely used topic models.


new Bayesian Statistical Modeling with Predictors from LLMs

Authors: Michael Franke, Polina Tsvilodub, Fausto Carcassi

Abstract: State of the art large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance on a variety of benchmark tasks and are increasingly used as components in larger applications, where LLM-based predictions serve as proxies for human judgements or decision. This raises questions about the human-likeness of LLM-derived information, alignment with human intuition, and whether LLMs could possibly be considered (parts of) explanatory models of (aspects of) human cognition or language use. To shed more light on these issues, we here investigate the human-likeness of LLMs' predictions for multiple-choice decision tasks from the perspective of Bayesian statistical modeling. Using human data from a forced-choice experiment on pragmatic language use, we find that LLMs do not capture the variance in the human data at the item-level. We suggest different ways of deriving full distributional predictions from LLMs for aggregate, condition-level data, and find that some, but not all ways of obtaining condition-level predictions yield adequate fits to human data. These results suggests that assessment of LLM performance depends strongly on seemingly subtle choices in methodology, and that LLMs are at best predictors of human behavior at the aggregate, condition-level, for which they are, however, not designed to, or usually used to, make predictions in the first place.

new ME-Switch: A Memory-Efficient Expert Switching Framework for Large Language Models

Authors: Jing Liu, Ruihao Gong, Mingyang Zhang, Yefei He, Jianfei Cai, Bohan Zhuang

Abstract: The typical process for developing LLMs involves pre-training a general foundation model on massive data, followed by fine-tuning on task-specific data to create specialized experts. Serving these experts poses challenges, as loading all experts onto devices is impractical, and frequent switching between experts in response to user requests incurs substantial I/O costs, increasing latency and expenses. Previous approaches decompose expert weights into pre-trained model weights and residual delta weights, then quantize the delta weights to reduce model size. However, these methods often lead to significant quantization errors at extremely low bitwidths and assume the appropriate model for a user request is known in advance, which is not practical. To address these issues, we introduce ME-Switch, a memory-efficient expert switching framework for LLM serving. ME-Switch uses mixed-precision quantization, selectively quantizing non-salient input channels of delta weights to extremely low bits while keeping salient ones intact, significantly reducing storage demands while maintaining performance. Additionally, we develop a routing method that efficiently directs user queries to the most suitable expert by transforming the model selection problem into a domain classification problem. Extensive experiments show ME-Switch's promising memory efficiency and routing performance. For example, when serving three models from the Mistral-7B family, ME-Switch reduces model size by 1.74x while maintaining nearly lossless performance on instruction, mathematical reasoning, and code generation tasks. Furthermore, ME-Switch can efficiently serve 16 models from the Mistral-7B family on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU.

new Language Models are Crossword Solvers

Authors: Soumadeep Saha, Sutanoya Chakraborty, Saptarshi Saha, Utpal Garain

Abstract: Crosswords are a form of word puzzle that require a solver to demonstrate a high degree of proficiency in natural language understanding, wordplay, reasoning, and world knowledge, along with adherence to character and length constraints. In this paper we tackle the challenge of solving crosswords with Large Language Models (LLMs). We demonstrate that the current generation of state-of-the art (SoTA) language models show significant competence at deciphering cryptic crossword clues, and outperform previously reported SoTA results by a factor of 2-3 in relevant benchmarks. We also develop a search algorithm that builds off this performance to tackle the problem of solving full crossword grids with LLMs for the very first time, achieving an accuracy of 93\% on New York Times crossword puzzles. Contrary to previous work in this area which concluded that LLMs lag human expert performance significantly, our research suggests this gap is a lot narrower.

new MiLoRA: Harnessing Minor Singular Components for Parameter-Efficient LLM Finetuning

Authors: Hanqing Wang, Zeguan Xiao, Yixia Li, Shuo Wang, Guanhua Chen, Yun Chen

Abstract: Efficient finetuning of large language models (LLMs) aims to adapt the LLMs with reduced computation and memory cost. Previous LoRA-based approaches initialize the low-rank matrices with gaussian distribution and zero values, while keeping the original weight matrices frozen. However, the trainable model parameters optimized in an unguided subspace might have interference with the well-learned subspace of the pretrained weight matrix. In this paper, we propose MiLoRA, a simple yet effective LLM finetuning approach that only updates the minor singular components of the weight matrix while keeping the principle singular components frozen. It is observed that the minor matrix corresponds to the noisy or long-tail information, while the principle matrix contains important knowledge. The MiLoRA initializes the low-rank matrices within a subspace that is orthogonal to the principle matrix, thus the pretrained knowledge is expected to be well preserved. During finetuning, MiLoRA makes the most use of the less-optimized subspace for learning the finetuning dataset. Extensive experiments on commonsense reasoning, math reasoning and instruction following benchmarks present the superior performance of our method.

new CUDRT: Benchmarking the Detection of Human vs. Large Language Models Generated Texts

Authors: Zhen Tao, Zhiyu Li, Dinghao Xi, Wei Xu

Abstract: The proliferation of large language models (LLMs) has significantly enhanced text generation capabilities across various industries. However, these models' ability to generate human-like text poses substantial challenges in discerning between human and AI authorship. Despite the effectiveness of existing AI-generated text detectors, their development is hindered by the lack of comprehensive, publicly available benchmarks. Current benchmarks are limited to specific scenarios, such as question answering and text polishing, and predominantly focus on English texts, failing to capture the diverse applications and linguistic nuances of LLMs. To address these limitations, this paper constructs a comprehensive bilingual benchmark in both Chinese and English to evaluate mainstream AI-generated text detectors. We categorize LLM text generation into five distinct operations: Create, Update, Delete, Rewrite, and Translate (CUDRT), encompassing all current LLMs activities. We also establish a robust benchmark evaluation framework to support scalable and reproducible experiments. For each CUDRT category, we have developed extensive datasets to thoroughly assess detector performance. By employing the latest mainstream LLMs specific to each language, our datasets provide a thorough evaluation environment. Extensive experimental results offer critical insights for optimizing AI-generated text detectors and suggest future research directions to improve detection accuracy and generalizability across various scenarios.

new Living in the Moment: Can Large Language Models Grasp Co-Temporal Reasoning?

Authors: Zhaochen Su, Juntao Li, Jun Zhang, Tong Zhu, Xiaoye Qu, Pan Zhou, Yan Bowen, Yu Cheng, Min zhang

Abstract: Temporal reasoning is fundamental for large language models (LLMs) to comprehend the world. Current temporal reasoning datasets are limited to questions about single or isolated events, falling short in mirroring the realistic temporal characteristics involving concurrent nature and intricate temporal interconnections. In this paper, we introduce CoTempQA, a comprehensive co-temporal Question Answering (QA) benchmark containing four co-temporal scenarios (Equal, Overlap, During, Mix) with 4,748 samples for evaluating the co-temporal comprehension and reasoning abilities of LLMs. Our extensive experiments reveal a significant gap between the performance of current LLMs and human-level reasoning on CoTempQA tasks. Even when enhanced with Chain of Thought (CoT) methodologies, models consistently struggle with our task. In our preliminary exploration, we discovered that mathematical reasoning plays a significant role in handling co-temporal events and proposed a strategy to boost LLMs' co-temporal reasoning from a mathematical perspective. We hope that our CoTempQA datasets will encourage further advancements in improving the co-temporal reasoning capabilities of LLMs. Our code is available at


new 3M: Multi-modal Multi-task Multi-teacher Learning for Game Event Detection

Authors: Thye Shan Ng, Feiqi Cao, Soyeon Caren Han

Abstract: Esports has rapidly emerged as a global phenomenon with an ever-expanding audience via platforms, like YouTube. Due to the inherent complexity nature of the game, it is challenging for newcomers to comprehend what the event entails. The chaotic nature of online chat, the fast-paced speech of the game commentator, and the game-specific user interface further compound the difficulty for users in comprehending the gameplay. To overcome these challenges, it is crucial to integrate the Multi-Modal (MM) information from the platform and understand the event. The paper introduces a new MM multi-teacher-based game event detection framework, with the ultimate goal of constructing a comprehensive framework that enhances the comprehension of the ongoing game situation. While conventional MM models typically prioritise aligning MM data through concurrent training towards a unified objective, our framework leverages multiple teachers trained independently on different tasks to accomplish the Game Event Detection. The experiment clearly shows the effectiveness of the proposed MM multi-teacher framework.

new Modeling Comparative Logical Relation with Contrastive Learning for Text Generation

Authors: Yuhao Dan, Junfeng Tian, Jie Zhou, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Qin Chen, Liang He

Abstract: Data-to-Text Generation (D2T), a classic natural language generation problem, aims at producing fluent descriptions for structured input data, such as a table. Existing D2T works mainly focus on describing the superficial associative relations among entities, while ignoring the deep comparative logical relations, such as A is better than B in a certain aspect with a corresponding opinion, which is quite common in our daily life. In this paper, we introduce a new D2T task named comparative logical relation generation (CLRG). Additionally, we propose a Comparative Logic (CoLo) based text generation method, which generates texts following specific comparative logical relations with contrastive learning. Specifically, we first construct various positive and negative samples by fine-grained perturbations in entities, aspects and opinions. Then, we perform contrastive learning in the encoder layer to have a better understanding of the comparative logical relations, and integrate it in the decoder layer to guide the model to correctly generate the relations. Noting the data scarcity problem, we construct a Chinese Comparative Logical Relation Dataset (CLRD), which is a high-quality human-annotated dataset and challenging for text generation with descriptions of multiple entities and annotations on their comparative logical relations. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves impressive performance in both automatic and human evaluations.

new SciKnowEval: Evaluating Multi-level Scientific Knowledge of Large Language Models

Authors: Kehua Feng, Keyan Ding, Weijie Wang, Xiang Zhuang, Zeyuan Wang, Ming Qin, Yu Zhao, Jianhua Yao, Qiang Zhang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: The burgeoning utilization of Large Language Models (LLMs) in scientific research necessitates advanced benchmarks capable of evaluating their understanding and application of scientific knowledge comprehensively. To address this need, we introduce the SciKnowEval benchmark, a novel framework that systematically evaluates LLMs across five progressive levels of scientific knowledge: studying extensively, inquiring earnestly, thinking profoundly, discerning clearly, and practicing assiduously. These levels aim to assess the breadth and depth of scientific knowledge in LLMs, including knowledge coverage, inquiry and exploration capabilities, reflection and reasoning abilities, ethic and safety considerations, as well as practice proficiency. Specifically, we take biology and chemistry as the two instances of SciKnowEval and construct a dataset encompassing 50K multi-level scientific problems and solutions. By leveraging this dataset, we benchmark 20 leading open-source and proprietary LLMs using zero-shot and few-shot prompting strategies. The results reveal that despite achieving state-of-the-art performance, the proprietary LLMs still have considerable room for improvement, particularly in addressing scientific computations and applications. We anticipate that SciKnowEval will establish a comprehensive standard for benchmarking LLMs in science research and discovery, and promote the development of LLMs that integrate scientific knowledge with strong safety awareness. The dataset and code are publicly available at .


new Chain-of-Though (CoT) prompting strategies for medical error detection and correction

Authors: Zhaolong Wu, Abul Hasan, Jinge Wu, Yunsoo Kim, Jason P. Y. Cheung, Teng Zhang, Honghan Wu

Abstract: This paper describes our submission to the MEDIQA-CORR 2024 shared task for automatically detecting and correcting medical errors in clinical notes. We report results for three methods of few-shot In-Context Learning (ICL) augmented with Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and reason prompts using a large language model (LLM). In the first method, we manually analyse a subset of train and validation dataset to infer three CoT prompts by examining error types in the clinical notes. In the second method, we utilise the training dataset to prompt the LLM to deduce reasons about their correctness or incorrectness. The constructed CoTs and reasons are then augmented with ICL examples to solve the tasks of error detection, span identification, and error correction. Finally, we combine the two methods using a rule-based ensemble method. Across the three sub-tasks, our ensemble method achieves a ranking of 3rd for both sub-task 1 and 2, while securing 7th place in sub-task 3 among all submissions.

new CoastTerm: a Corpus for Multidisciplinary Term Extraction in Coastal Scientific Literature

Authors: Julien Delaunay, Hanh Thi Hong Tran, Carlos-Emiliano Gonz\'alez-Gallardo, Georgeta Bordea, Mathilde Ducos, Nicolas Sidere, Antoine Doucet, Senja Pollak, Olivier De Viron

Abstract: The growing impact of climate change on coastal areas, particularly active but fragile regions, necessitates collaboration among diverse stakeholders and disciplines to formulate effective environmental protection policies. We introduce a novel specialized corpus comprising 2,491 sentences from 410 scientific abstracts concerning coastal areas, for the Automatic Term Extraction (ATE) and Classification (ATC) tasks. Inspired by the ARDI framework, focused on the identification of Actors, Resources, Dynamics and Interactions, we automatically extract domain terms and their distinct roles in the functioning of coastal systems by leveraging monolingual and multilingual transformer models. The evaluation demonstrates consistent results, achieving an F1 score of approximately 80\% for automated term extraction and F1 of 70\% for extracting terms and their labels. These findings are promising and signify an initial step towards the development of a specialized Knowledge Base dedicated to coastal areas.

new RH-SQL: Refined Schema and Hardness Prompt for Text-to-SQL

Authors: Jiawen Yi, Guo Chen, Zixiang Shen

Abstract: Text-to-SQL is a technology that converts natural language queries into the structured query language SQL. A novel research approach that has recently gained attention focuses on methods based on the complexity of SQL queries, achieving notable performance improvements. However, existing methods entail significant storage and training costs, which hampers their practical application. To address this issue, this paper introduces a method for Text-to-SQL based on Refined Schema and Hardness Prompt. By filtering out low-relevance schema information with a refined schema and identifying query hardness through a Language Model (LM) to form prompts, this method reduces storage and training costs while maintaining performance. It's worth mentioning that this method is applicable to any sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) LM. Our experiments on the Spider dataset, specifically with large-scale LMs, achieved an exceptional Execution accuracy (EX) of 82.6%, demonstrating the effectiveness and greater suitability of our method for real-world applications.

new Chain of Preference Optimization: Improving Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in LLMs

Authors: Xuan Zhang, Chao Du, Tianyu Pang, Qian Liu, Wei Gao, Min Lin

Abstract: The recent development of chain-of-thought (CoT) decoding has enabled large language models (LLMs) to generate explicit logical reasoning paths for complex problem-solving. However, research indicates that these paths are not always deliberate and optimal. The tree-of-thought (ToT) method employs tree-searching to extensively explore the reasoning space and find better reasoning paths that CoT decoding might overlook. This deliberation, however, comes at the cost of significantly increased inference complexity. In this work, we demonstrate that fine-tuning LLMs leveraging the search tree constructed by ToT allows CoT to achieve similar or better performance, thereby avoiding the substantial inference burden. This is achieved through Chain of Preference Optimization (CPO), where LLMs are fine-tuned to align each step of the CoT reasoning paths with those of ToT using the inherent preference information in the tree-search process. Extensive experimental results show that CPO significantly improves LLM performance in solving a variety of complex problems, including question answering, fact verification, and arithmetic reasoning, demonstrating its effectiveness. Our code is available at


new Leveraging Explicit Reasoning for Inference Integration in Commonsense-Augmented Dialogue Models

Authors: Sarah E. Finch, Jinho D. Choi

Abstract: Open-domain dialogue systems need to grasp social commonsense to understand and respond effectively to human users. Commonsense-augmented dialogue models have been proposed that aim to infer commonsense knowledge from dialogue contexts in order to improve response quality. However, existing approaches to commonsense-augmented dialogue rely on implicit reasoning to integrate commonsense inferences during response generation. In this study, we explore the impact of explicit reasoning against implicit reasoning over commonsense for dialogue response generation. Our findings demonstrate that separating commonsense reasoning into explicit steps for generating, selecting, and integrating commonsense into responses leads to better dialogue interactions, improving naturalness, engagement, specificity, and overall quality. Subsequent analyses of these findings unveil insights into the effectiveness of various types of commonsense in generating responses and the particular response traits enhanced through explicit reasoning for commonsense integration. Our work advances research in open-domain dialogue by achieving a new state-of-the-art in commonsense-augmented response generation.

new Investigating the translation capabilities of Large Language Models trained on parallel data only

Authors: Javier Garc\'ia Gilabert, Carlos Escolano, Aleix Sant Savall, Francesca De Luca Fornaciari, Audrey Mash, Xixian Liao, Maite Melero

Abstract: In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional proficiency across a broad spectrum of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, including Machine Translation. However, previous methods predominantly relied on iterative processes such as instruction fine-tuning or continual pre-training, leaving unexplored the challenges of training LLMs solely on parallel data. In this work, we introduce PLUME (Parallel Language Model), a collection of three 2B LLMs featuring varying vocabulary sizes (32k, 128k, and 256k) trained exclusively on Catalan-centric parallel examples. These models perform comparably to previous encoder-decoder architectures on 16 supervised translation directions and 56 zero-shot ones. Utilizing this set of models, we conduct a thorough investigation into the translation capabilities of LLMs, probing their performance, the impact of the different elements of the prompt, and their cross-lingual representation space.

new LASER: Learning by Aligning Self-supervised Representations of Speech for Improving Content-related Tasks

Authors: Amit Meghanani, Thomas Hain

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL)-based speech models are extensively used for full-stack speech processing. However, it has been observed that improving SSL-based speech representations using unlabeled speech for content-related tasks is challenging and computationally expensive. Recent attempts have been made to address this issue with cost-effective self-supervised fine-tuning (SSFT) approaches. Continuing in this direction, a cost-effective SSFT method named "LASER: Learning by Aligning Self-supervised Representations" is presented. LASER is based on the soft-DTW alignment loss with temporal regularisation term. Experiments are conducted with HuBERT and WavLM models and evaluated on the SUPERB benchmark for two content-related tasks: automatic speech recognition (ASR) and phoneme recognition (PR). A relative improvement of 3.7% and 8.2% for HuBERT, and 4.1% and 11.7% for WavLM are observed, for the ASR and PR tasks respectively, with only < 3 hours of fine-tuning on a single GPU.

new DefAn: Definitive Answer Dataset for LLMs Hallucination Evaluation

Authors: A B M Ashikur Rahman, Saeed Anwar, Muhammad Usman, Ajmal Mian

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities, revolutionizing the integration of AI in daily life applications. However, they are prone to hallucinations, generating claims that contradict established facts, deviating from prompts, and producing inconsistent responses when the same prompt is presented multiple times. Addressing these issues is challenging due to the lack of comprehensive and easily assessable benchmark datasets. Most existing datasets are small and rely on multiple-choice questions, which are inadequate for evaluating the generative prowess of LLMs. To measure hallucination in LLMs, this paper introduces a comprehensive benchmark dataset comprising over 75,000 prompts across eight domains. These prompts are designed to elicit definitive, concise, and informative answers. The dataset is divided into two segments: one publicly available for testing and assessing LLM performance and a hidden segment for benchmarking various LLMs. In our experiments, we tested six LLMs-GPT-3.5, LLama 2, LLama 3, Gemini, Mixtral, and Zephyr-revealing that overall factual hallucination ranges from 59% to 82% on the public dataset and 57% to 76% in the hidden benchmark. Prompt misalignment hallucination ranges from 6% to 95% in the public dataset and 17% to 94% in the hidden counterpart. Average consistency ranges from 21% to 61% and 22% to 63%, respectively. Domain-wise analysis shows that LLM performance significantly deteriorates when asked for specific numeric information while performing moderately with person, location, and date queries. Our dataset demonstrates its efficacy and serves as a comprehensive benchmark for LLM performance evaluation. Our dataset and LLMs responses are available at \href{}{}.


new Test of Time: A Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs on Temporal Reasoning

Authors: Bahare Fatemi, Mehran Kazemi, Anton Tsitsulin, Karishma Malkan, Jinyeong Yim, John Palowitch, Sungyong Seo, Jonathan Halcrow, Bryan Perozzi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have showcased remarkable reasoning capabilities, yet they remain susceptible to errors, particularly in temporal reasoning tasks involving complex temporal logic. Existing research has explored LLM performance on temporal reasoning using diverse datasets and benchmarks. However, these studies often rely on real-world data that LLMs may have encountered during pre-training or employ anonymization techniques that can inadvertently introduce factual inconsistencies. In this work, we address these limitations by introducing novel synthetic datasets specifically designed to assess LLM temporal reasoning abilities in various scenarios. The diversity of question types across these datasets enables systematic investigation into the impact of the problem structure, size, question type, fact order, and other factors on LLM performance. Our findings provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of current LLMs in temporal reasoning tasks. To foster further research in this area, we are open-sourcing the datasets and evaluation framework used in our experiments:


new Orthogonality and isotropy of speaker and phonetic information in self-supervised speech representations

Authors: Mukhtar Mohamed, Oli Danyi Liu, Hao Tang, Sharon Goldwater

Abstract: Self-supervised speech representations can hugely benefit downstream speech technologies, yet the properties that make them useful are still poorly understood. Two candidate properties related to the geometry of the representation space have been hypothesized to correlate well with downstream tasks: (1) the degree of orthogonality between the subspaces spanned by the speaker centroids and phone centroids, and (2) the isotropy of the space, i.e., the degree to which all dimensions are effectively utilized. To study them, we introduce a new measure, Cumulative Residual Variance (CRV), which can be used to assess both properties. Using linear classifiers for speaker and phone ID to probe the representations of six different self-supervised models and two untrained baselines, we ask whether either orthogonality or isotropy correlate with linear probing accuracy. We find that both measures correlate with phonetic probing accuracy, though our results on isotropy are more nuanced.

new Language Complexity and Speech Recognition Accuracy: Orthographic Complexity Hurts, Phonological Complexity Doesn't

Authors: Chihiro Taguchi, David Chiang

Abstract: We investigate what linguistic factors affect the performance of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models. We hypothesize that orthographic and phonological complexities both degrade accuracy. To examine this, we fine-tune the multilingual self-supervised pretrained model Wav2Vec2-XLSR-53 on 25 languages with 15 writing systems, and we compare their ASR accuracy, number of graphemes, unigram grapheme entropy, logographicity (how much word/morpheme-level information is encoded in the writing system), and number of phonemes. The results demonstrate that orthographic complexities significantly correlate with low ASR accuracy, while phonological complexity shows no significant correlation.

new ReadCtrl: Personalizing text generation with readability-controlled instruction learning

Authors: Hieu Tran, Zonghai Yao, Lingxi Li, Hong Yu

Abstract: Content generation conditioning on users's readability is an important application for personalization. In an era of large language models (LLMs), readability-controlled text generation based on LLMs has become increasingly important. This paper introduces a novel methodology called "Readability-Controlled Instruction Learning (ReadCtrl)," which aims to instruction-tune LLMs to tailor users' readability levels. Unlike the traditional methods, which primarily focused on categorical readability adjustments typically classified as high, medium, and low or expert and layperson levels with limited success, ReadCtrl introduces a dynamic framework that enables LLMs to generate content at various (near continuous level) complexity levels, thereby enhancing their versatility across different applications. Our results show that the ReadCtrl-Mistral-7B models significantly outperformed strong baseline models such as GPT-4 and Claude-3, with a win rate of 52.1%:35.7% against GPT-4 in human evaluations. Furthermore, Read-Ctrl has shown significant improvements in automatic evaluations, as evidenced by better readability metrics (e.g., FOG, FKGL) and generation quality metrics (e.g., BLEU, SARI, SummaC-Factuality, UniEval-Consistency and Coherence). These results underscore Read-Ctrl's effectiveness and tenacity in producing high-quality, contextually appropriate outputs that closely align with targeted readability levels, marking a significant advancement in personalized content generation using LLMs.

new Self-Training for Sample-Efficient Active Learning for Text Classification with Pre-Trained Language Models

Authors: Christopher Schr\"oder, Gerhard Heyer

Abstract: Active learning is an iterative labeling process that is used to obtain a small labeled subset, despite the absence of labeled data, thereby enabling to train a model for supervised tasks such as text classification. While active learning has made considerable progress in recent years due to improvements provided by pre-trained language models, there is untapped potential in the often neglected unlabeled portion of the data, although it is available in considerably larger quantities than the usually small set of labeled data. Here we investigate how self-training, a semi-supervised approach where a model is used to obtain pseudo-labels from the unlabeled data, can be used to improve the efficiency of active learning for text classification. Starting with an extensive reproduction of four previous self-training approaches, some of which are evaluated for the first time in the context of active learning or natural language processing, we devise HAST, a new and effective self-training strategy, which is evaluated on four text classification benchmarks, on which it outperforms the reproduced self-training approaches and reaches classification results comparable to previous experiments for three out of four datasets, using only 25% of the data.

new Sharing Matters: Analysing Neurons Across Languages and Tasks in LLMs

Authors: Weixuan Wang, Barry Haddow, Wei Peng, Alexandra Birch

Abstract: Multilingual large language models (LLMs) have greatly increased the ceiling of performance on non-English tasks. However the mechanisms behind multilingualism in these LLMs are poorly understood. Of particular interest is the degree to which internal representations are shared between languages. Recent work on neuron analysis of LLMs has focused on the monolingual case, and the limited work on the multilingual case has not considered the interaction between tasks and linguistic representations. In our work, we investigate how neuron activation is shared across languages by categorizing neurons into four distinct groups according to their responses across different languages for a particular input: all-shared, partial-shared, specific, and non-activated. This categorization is combined with a study of neuron attribution, i.e. the importance of a neuron w.r.t an output. Our analysis reveals the following insights: (i) the linguistic sharing patterns are strongly affected by the type of task, but neuron behaviour changes across different inputs even for the same task; (ii) all-shared neurons play a key role in generating correct responses; (iii) boosting multilingual alignment by increasing all-shared neurons can enhance accuracy on multilingual tasks. The code is available at


new Unpacking DPO and PPO: Disentangling Best Practices for Learning from Preference Feedback

Authors: Hamish Ivison, Yizhong Wang, Jiacheng Liu, Zeqiu Wu, Valentina Pyatkin, Nathan Lambert, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Choi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Abstract: Learning from preference feedback has emerged as an essential step for improving the generation quality and performance of modern language models (LMs). Despite its widespread use, the way preference-based learning is applied varies wildly, with differing data, learning algorithms, and evaluations used, making disentangling the impact of each aspect difficult. In this work, we identify four core aspects of preference-based learning: preference data, learning algorithm, reward model, and policy training prompts, systematically investigate the impact of these components on downstream model performance, and suggest a recipe for strong learning for preference feedback. Our findings indicate that all aspects are important for performance, with better preference data leading to the largest improvements, followed by the choice of learning algorithm, the use of improved reward models, and finally the use of additional unlabeled prompts for policy training. Notably, PPO outperforms DPO by up to 2.5% in math and 1.2% in general domains. High-quality preference data leads to improvements of up to 8% in instruction following and truthfulness. Despite significant gains of up to 5% in mathematical evaluation when scaling up reward models, we surprisingly observe marginal improvements in other categories. We publicly release the code used for training ( and evaluating ( our models, along with the models and datasets themselves (


new On the Effects of Heterogeneous Data Sources on Speech-to-Text Foundation Models

Authors: Jinchuan Tian, Yifan Peng, William Chen, Kwanghee Choi, Karen Livescu, Shinji Watanabe

Abstract: The Open Whisper-style Speech Model (OWSM) series was introduced to achieve full transparency in building advanced speech-to-text (S2T) foundation models. To this end, OWSM models are trained on 25 public speech datasets, which are heterogeneous in multiple ways. In this study, we advance the OWSM series by introducing OWSM v3.2, which improves on prior models by investigating and addressing the impacts of this data heterogeneity. Our study begins with a detailed analysis of each dataset, from which we derive two key strategies: data filtering with proxy task to enhance data quality, and the incorporation of punctuation and true-casing using an open large language model (LLM). With all other configurations staying the same, OWSM v3.2 improves performance over the OWSM v3.1 baseline while using 15% less training data.

new Understanding Jailbreak Success: A Study of Latent Space Dynamics in Large Language Models

Authors: Sarah Ball, Frauke Kreuter, Nina Rimsky

Abstract: Conversational Large Language Models are trained to refuse to answer harmful questions. However, emergent jailbreaking techniques can still elicit unsafe outputs, presenting an ongoing challenge for model alignment. To better understand how different jailbreak types circumvent safeguards, this paper analyses model activations on different jailbreak inputs. We find that it is possible to extract a jailbreak vector from a single class of jailbreaks that works to mitigate jailbreak effectiveness from other classes. This may indicate that different kinds of effective jailbreaks operate via similar internal mechanisms. We investigate a potential common mechanism of harmfulness feature suppression, and provide evidence for its existence by looking at the harmfulness vector component. These findings offer actionable insights for developing more robust jailbreak countermeasures and lay the groundwork for a deeper, mechanistic understanding of jailbreak dynamics in language models.

new AlignMMBench: Evaluating Chinese Multimodal Alignment in Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Yuhang Wu, Wenmeng Yu, Yean Cheng, Yan Wang, Xiaohan Zhang, Jiazheng Xu, Ming Ding, Yuxiao Dong

Abstract: Evaluating the alignment capabilities of large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) is essential for determining their effectiveness as helpful assistants. However, existing benchmarks primarily focus on basic abilities using nonverbal methods, such as yes-no and multiple-choice questions. In this paper, we address this gap by introducing AlignMMBench, a comprehensive alignment benchmark specifically designed for emerging Chinese VLMs. This benchmark is meticulously curated from real-world scenarios and Chinese Internet sources, encompassing thirteen specific tasks across three categories, and includes both single-turn and multi-turn dialogue scenarios. Incorporating a prompt rewrite strategy, AlignMMBench encompasses 1,054 images and 4,978 question-answer pairs. To facilitate the evaluation pipeline, we propose CritiqueVLM, a rule-calibrated evaluator that exceeds GPT-4's evaluation ability. Finally, we report the performance of representative VLMs on AlignMMBench, offering insights into the capabilities and limitations of different VLM architectures. All evaluation codes and data are available on


new Transformers meet Neural Algorithmic Reasoners

Authors: Wilfried Bounsi, Borja Ibarz, Andrew Dudzik, Jessica B. Hamrick, Larisa Markeeva, Alex Vitvitskyi, Razvan Pascanu, Petar Veli\v{c}kovi\'c

Abstract: Transformers have revolutionized machine learning with their simple yet effective architecture. Pre-training Transformers on massive text datasets from the Internet has led to unmatched generalization for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. However, such language models remain fragile when tasked with algorithmic forms of reasoning, where computations must be precise and robust. To address this limitation, we propose a novel approach that combines the Transformer's language understanding with the robustness of graph neural network (GNN)-based neural algorithmic reasoners (NARs). Such NARs proved effective as generic solvers for algorithmic tasks, when specified in graph form. To make their embeddings accessible to a Transformer, we propose a hybrid architecture with a two-phase training procedure, allowing the tokens in the language model to cross-attend to the node embeddings from the NAR. We evaluate our resulting TransNAR model on CLRS-Text, the text-based version of the CLRS-30 benchmark, and demonstrate significant gains over Transformer-only models for algorithmic reasoning, both in and out of distribution.

new REVS: Unlearning Sensitive Information in Language Models via Rank Editing in the Vocabulary Space

Authors: Tomer Ashuach, Martin Tutek, Yonatan Belinkov

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) risk inadvertently memorizing and divulging sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII) seen in training data, causing privacy concerns. Current approaches to address this issue involve costly dataset scrubbing, or model filtering through unlearning and model editing, which can be bypassed through extraction attacks. We propose REVS, a novel model editing method for unlearning sensitive information from LLMs. REVS identifies and modifies a small subset of neurons relevant for each piece of sensitive information. By projecting these neurons to the vocabulary space (unembedding), we pinpoint the components driving its generation. We then compute a model edit based on the pseudo-inverse of the unembedding matrix, and apply it to de-promote generation of the targeted sensitive data. To adequately evaluate our method on truly sensitive information, we curate two datasets: an email dataset inherently memorized by GPT-J, and a synthetic social security number dataset that we tune the model to memorize. Compared to other state-of-the-art model editing methods, REVS demonstrates superior performance in both eliminating sensitive information and robustness to extraction attacks, while retaining integrity of the underlying model. The code and a demo notebook are available at


new Learning from Natural Language Explanations for Generalizable Entity Matching

Authors: Somin Wadhwa, Adit Krishnan, Runhui Wang, Byron C. Wallace, Chris Kong

Abstract: Entity matching is the task of linking records from different sources that refer to the same real-world entity. Past work has primarily treated entity linking as a standard supervised learning problem. However, supervised entity matching models often do not generalize well to new data, and collecting exhaustive labeled training data is often cost prohibitive. Further, recent efforts have adopted LLMs for this task in few/zero-shot settings, exploiting their general knowledge. But LLMs are prohibitively expensive for performing inference at scale for real-world entity matching tasks. As an efficient alternative, we re-cast entity matching as a conditional generation task as opposed to binary classification. This enables us to "distill" LLM reasoning into smaller entity matching models via natural language explanations. This approach achieves strong performance, especially on out-of-domain generalization tests (10.85% F-1) where standalone generative methods struggle. We perform ablations that highlight the importance of explanations, both for performance and model robustness.

new ProxyLM: Predicting Language Model Performance on Multilingual Tasks via Proxy Models

Authors: David Anugraha, Genta Indra Winata, Chenyue Li, Patrick Amadeus Irawan, En-Shiun Annie Lee

Abstract: Performance prediction is a method to estimate the performance of multilingual language models (LMs), mitigating computational costs associated with model capacity and data for fine-tuning. Our paper introduces ProxyLM, a scalable framework for predicting LM performance using proxy models in multilingual tasks. These proxy models act as surrogates, approximating the performance of fine-tuned LMs on specific downstream natural language processing (NLP) tasks. By leveraging proxy models, ProxyLM significantly reduces computational overhead on task evaluations, achieving up to a 37.08x speedup compared to traditional methods, even with our smallest proxy models. Additionally, our methodology showcases adaptability to previously unseen languages in pre-trained LMs, outperforming the state-of-the-art performance by 1.89x as measured by root-mean-square-error (RMSE). This framework streamlines model selection, enabling efficient deployment and iterative LM enhancements without extensive computational resources.

new DiscreteSLU: A Large Language Model with Self-Supervised Discrete Speech Units for Spoken Language Understanding

Authors: Suwon Shon, Kwangyoun Kim, Yi-Te Hsu, Prashant Sridhar, Shinji Watanabe, Karen Livescu

Abstract: The integration of pre-trained text-based large language models (LLM) with speech input has enabled instruction-following capabilities for diverse speech tasks. This integration requires the use of a speech encoder, a speech adapter, and an LLM, trained on diverse tasks. We propose the use of discrete speech units (DSU), rather than continuous-valued speech encoder outputs, that are converted to the LLM token embedding space using the speech adapter. We generate DSU using a self-supervised speech encoder followed by k-means clustering. The proposed model shows robust performance on speech inputs from seen/unseen domains and instruction-following capability in spoken question answering. We also explore various types of DSU extracted from different layers of the self-supervised speech encoder, as well as Mel frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). Our findings suggest that the ASR task and datasets are not crucial in instruction-tuning for spoken question answering tasks.

new Improving Autoregressive Training with Dynamic Oracles

Authors: Jianing Yang, Harshine Visvanathan, Yilin Wang, Xinyi Hu, Matthew Gormley

Abstract: Many tasks within NLP can be framed as sequential decision problems, ranging from sequence tagging to text generation. However, for many tasks, the standard training methods, including maximum likelihood (teacher forcing) and scheduled sampling, suffer from exposure bias and a mismatch between metrics employed during training and inference. DAgger provides a solution to mitigate these problems, yet it requires a metric-specific dynamic oracle algorithm, which does not exist for many common metrics like span-based F1, ROUGE, and BLEU. In this paper, we develop these novel dynamic oracles and show they maintain DAgger's no-regret guarantee for decomposable metrics like span-based F1. We evaluate the algorithm's performance on named entity recognition (NER), text summarization, and machine translation (MT). While DAgger with dynamic oracle yields less favorable results in our MT experiments, it outperforms the baseline techniques in NER and text summarization.

cross Time-MMD: A New Multi-Domain Multimodal Dataset for Time Series Analysis

Authors: Haoxin Liu, Shangqing Xu, Zhiyuan Zhao, Lingkai Kong, Harshavardhan Kamarthi, Aditya B. Sasanur, Megha Sharma, Jiaming Cui, Qingsong Wen, Chao Zhang, B. Aditya Prakash

Abstract: Time series data are ubiquitous across a wide range of real-world domains. While real-world time series analysis (TSA) requires human experts to integrate numerical series data with multimodal domain-specific knowledge, most existing TSA models rely solely on numerical data, overlooking the significance of information beyond numerical series. This oversight is due to the untapped potential of textual series data and the absence of a comprehensive, high-quality multimodal dataset. To overcome this obstacle, we introduce Time-MMD, the first multi-domain, multimodal time series dataset covering 9 primary data domains. Time-MMD ensures fine-grained modality alignment, eliminates data contamination, and provides high usability. Additionally, we develop MM-TSFlib, the first multimodal time-series forecasting (TSF) library, seamlessly pipelining multimodal TSF evaluations based on Time-MMD for in-depth analyses. Extensive experiments conducted on Time-MMD through MM-TSFlib demonstrate significant performance enhancements by extending unimodal TSF to multimodality, evidenced by over 15% mean squared error reduction in general, and up to 40% in domains with rich textual data. More importantly, our datasets and library revolutionize broader applications, impacts, research topics to advance TSA. The dataset and library are available at and


cross ML-SUPERB 2.0: Benchmarking Multilingual Speech Models Across Modeling Constraints, Languages, and Datasets

Authors: Jiatong Shi, Shih-Heng Wang, William Chen, Martijn Bartelds, Vanya Bannihatti Kumar, Jinchuan Tian, Xuankai Chang, Dan Jurafsky, Karen Livescu, Hung-yi Lee, Shinji Watanabe

Abstract: ML-SUPERB evaluates self-supervised learning (SSL) models on the tasks of language identification and automatic speech recognition (ASR). This benchmark treats the models as feature extractors and uses a single shallow downstream model, which can be fine-tuned for a downstream task. However, real-world use cases may require different configurations. This paper presents ML-SUPERB~2.0, which is a new benchmark for evaluating pre-trained SSL and supervised speech models across downstream models, fine-tuning setups, and efficient model adaptation approaches. We find performance improvements over the setup of ML-SUPERB. However, performance depends on the downstream model design. Also, we find large performance differences between languages and datasets, suggesting the need for more targeted approaches to improve multilingual ASR performance.

cross TC-Bench: Benchmarking Temporal Compositionality in Text-to-Video and Image-to-Video Generation

Authors: Weixi Feng, Jiachen Li, Michael Saxon, Tsu-jui Fu, Wenhu Chen, William Yang Wang

Abstract: Video generation has many unique challenges beyond those of image generation. The temporal dimension introduces extensive possible variations across frames, over which consistency and continuity may be violated. In this study, we move beyond evaluating simple actions and argue that generated videos should incorporate the emergence of new concepts and their relation transitions like in real-world videos as time progresses. To assess the Temporal Compositionality of video generation models, we propose TC-Bench, a benchmark of meticulously crafted text prompts, corresponding ground truth videos, and robust evaluation metrics. The prompts articulate the initial and final states of scenes, effectively reducing ambiguities for frame development and simplifying the assessment of transition completion. In addition, by collecting aligned real-world videos corresponding to the prompts, we expand TC-Bench's applicability from text-conditional models to image-conditional ones that can perform generative frame interpolation. We also develop new metrics to measure the completeness of component transitions in generated videos, which demonstrate significantly higher correlations with human judgments than existing metrics. Our comprehensive experimental results reveal that most video generators achieve less than 20% of the compositional changes, highlighting enormous space for future improvement. Our analysis indicates that current video generation models struggle to interpret descriptions of compositional changes and synthesize various components across different time steps.

cross VLind-Bench: Measuring Language Priors in Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Kang-il Lee, Minbeom Kim, Seunghyun Yoon, Minsung Kim, Dongryeol Lee, Hyukhun Koh, Kyomin Jung

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated outstanding performance across various multimodal tasks. However, they suffer from a problem known as language prior, where responses are generated based solely on textual patterns while disregarding image information. Addressing the issue of language prior is crucial, as it can lead to undesirable biases or hallucinations when dealing with images that are out of training distribution. Despite its importance, current methods for accurately measuring language priors in LVLMs are poorly studied. Although existing benchmarks based on counterfactual or out-of-distribution images can partially be used to measure language priors, they fail to disentangle language priors from other confounding factors. To this end, we propose a new benchmark called VLind-Bench, which is the first benchmark specifically designed to measure the language priors, or blindness, of LVLMs. It not only includes tests on counterfactual images to assess language priors but also involves a series of tests to evaluate more basic capabilities such as commonsense knowledge, visual perception, and commonsense biases. For each instance in our benchmark, we ensure that all these basic tests are passed before evaluating the language priors, thereby minimizing the influence of other factors on the assessment. The evaluation and analysis of recent LVLMs in our benchmark reveal that almost all models exhibit a significant reliance on language priors, presenting a strong challenge in the field.

cross MMFakeBench: A Mixed-Source Multimodal Misinformation Detection Benchmark for LVLMs

Authors: Xuannan Liu, Zekun Li, Peipei Li, Shuhan Xia, Xing Cui, Linzhi Huang, Huaibo Huang, Weihong Deng, Zhaofeng He

Abstract: Current multimodal misinformation detection (MMD) methods often assume a single source and type of forgery for each sample, which is insufficient for real-world scenarios where multiple forgery sources coexist. The lack of a benchmark for mixed-source misinformation has hindered progress in this field. To address this, we introduce MMFakeBench, the first comprehensive benchmark for mixed-source MMD. MMFakeBench includes 3 critical sources: textual veracity distortion, visual veracity distortion, and cross-modal consistency distortion, along with 12 sub-categories of misinformation forgery types. We further conduct an extensive evaluation of 6 prevalent detection methods and 15 large vision-language models (LVLMs) on MMFakeBench under a zero-shot setting. The results indicate that current methods struggle under this challenging and realistic mixed-source MMD setting. Additionally, we propose an innovative unified framework, which integrates rationales, actions, and tool-use capabilities of LVLM agents, significantly enhancing accuracy and generalization. We believe this study will catalyze future research into more realistic mixed-source multimodal misinformation and provide a fair evaluation of misinformation detection methods.

cross DisfluencySpeech -- Single-Speaker Conversational Speech Dataset with Paralanguage

Authors: Kyra Wang, Dorien Herremans

Abstract: Laughing, sighing, stuttering, and other forms of paralanguage do not contribute any direct lexical meaning to speech, but they provide crucial propositional context that aids semantic and pragmatic processes such as irony. It is thus important for artificial social agents to both understand and be able to generate speech with semantically-important paralanguage. Most speech datasets do not include transcribed non-lexical speech sounds and disfluencies, while those that do are typically multi-speaker datasets where each speaker provides relatively little audio. This makes it challenging to train conversational Text-to-Speech (TTS) synthesis models that include such paralinguistic components. We thus present DisfluencySpeech, a studio-quality labeled English speech dataset with paralanguage. A single speaker recreates nearly 10 hours of expressive utterances from the Switchboard-1 Telephone Speech Corpus (Switchboard), simulating realistic informal conversations. To aid the development of a TTS model that is able to predictively synthesise paralanguage from text without such components, we provide three different transcripts at different levels of information removal (removal of non-speech events, removal of non-sentence elements, and removal of false starts), as well as benchmark TTS models trained on each of these levels.

cross LLM-Driven Robots Risk Enacting Discrimination, Violence, and Unlawful Actions

Authors: Rumaisa Azeem, Andrew Hundt, Masoumeh Mansouri, Martim Brand\~ao

Abstract: Members of the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) communities have proposed Large Language Models (LLMs) as a promising resource for robotics tasks such as natural language interactions, doing household and workplace tasks, approximating `common sense reasoning', and modeling humans. However, recent research has raised concerns about the potential for LLMs to produce discriminatory outcomes and unsafe behaviors in real-world robot experiments and applications. To address these concerns, we conduct an HRI-based evaluation of discrimination and safety criteria on several highly-rated LLMs. Our evaluation reveals that LLMs currently lack robustness when encountering people across a diverse range of protected identity characteristics (e.g., race, gender, disability status, nationality, religion, and their intersections), producing biased outputs consistent with directly discriminatory outcomes -- e.g. `gypsy' and `mute' people are labeled untrustworthy, but not `european' or `able-bodied' people. Furthermore, we test models in settings with unconstrained natural language (open vocabulary) inputs, and find they fail to act safely, generating responses that accept dangerous, violent, or unlawful instructions -- such as incident-causing misstatements, taking people's mobility aids, and sexual predation. Our results underscore the urgent need for systematic, routine, and comprehensive risk assessments and assurances to improve outcomes and ensure LLMs only operate on robots when it is safe, effective, and just to do so. Data and code will be made available.

cross How structured are the representations in transformer-based vision encoders? An analysis of multi-object representations in vision-language models

Authors: Tarun Khajuria, Braian Olmiro Dias, Jaan Aru

Abstract: Forming and using symbol-like structured representations for reasoning has been considered essential for generalising over novel inputs. The primary tool that allows generalisation outside training data distribution is the ability to abstract away irrelevant information into a compact form relevant to the task. An extreme form of such abstract representations is symbols. Humans make use of symbols to bind information while abstracting away irrelevant parts to utilise the information consistently and meaningfully. This work estimates the state of such structured representations in vision encoders. Specifically, we evaluate image encoders in large vision-language pre-trained models to address the question of which desirable properties their representations lack by applying the criteria of symbolic structured reasoning described for LLMs to the image models. We test the representation space of image encoders like VIT, BLIP, CLIP, and FLAVA to characterise the distribution of the object representations in these models. In particular, we create decoding tasks using multi-object scenes from the COCO dataset, relating the token space to its input content for various objects in the scene. We use these tasks to characterise the network's token and layer-wise information modelling. Our analysis highlights that the CLS token, used for the downstream task, only focuses on a few objects necessary for the trained downstream task. Still, other individual objects are well-modelled separately by the tokens in the network originating from those objects. We further observed a widespread distribution of scene information. This demonstrates that information is far more entangled in tokens than optimal for representing objects similar to symbols. Given these symbolic properties, we show the network dynamics that cause failure modes of these models on basic downstream tasks in a multi-object scene.

cross INS-MMBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating LVLMs' Performance in Insurance

Authors: Chenwei Lin, Hanjia Lyu, Xian Xu, Jiebo Luo

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated outstanding performance in various general multimodal applications such as image recognition and visual reasoning, and have also shown promising potential in specialized domains. However, the application potential of LVLMs in the insurance domain-characterized by rich application scenarios and abundant multimodal data-has not been effectively explored. There is no systematic review of multimodal tasks in the insurance domain, nor a benchmark specifically designed to evaluate the capabilities of LVLMs in insurance. This gap hinders the development of LVLMs within the insurance domain. In this paper, we systematically review and distill multimodal tasks for four representative types of insurance: auto insurance, property insurance, health insurance, and agricultural insurance. We propose INS-MMBench, the first comprehensive LVLMs benchmark tailored for the insurance domain. INS-MMBench comprises a total of 2.2K thoroughly designed multiple-choice questions, covering 12 meta-tasks and 22 fundamental tasks. Furthermore, we evaluate multiple representative LVLMs, including closed-source models such as GPT-4o and open-source models like BLIP-2. This evaluation not only validates the effectiveness of our benchmark but also provides an in-depth performance analysis of current LVLMs on various multimodal tasks in the insurance domain. We hope that INS-MMBench will facilitate the further application of LVLMs in the insurance domain and inspire interdisciplinary development. Our dataset and evaluation code are available at


cross Diffusion Gaussian Mixture Audio Denoise

Authors: Pu Wang, Junhui Li, Jialu Li, Liangdong Guo, Youshan Zhang

Abstract: Recent diffusion models have achieved promising performances in audio-denoising tasks. The unique property of the reverse process could recover clean signals. However, the distribution of real-world noises does not comply with a single Gaussian distribution and is even unknown. The sampling of Gaussian noise conditions limits its application scenarios. To overcome these challenges, we propose a DiffGMM model, a denoising model based on the diffusion and Gaussian mixture models. We employ the reverse process to estimate parameters for the Gaussian mixture model. Given a noisy audio signal, we first apply a 1D-U-Net to extract features and train linear layers to estimate parameters for the Gaussian mixture model, and we approximate the real noise distributions. The noisy signal is continuously subtracted from the estimated noise to output clean audio signals. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed DiffGMM model achieves state-of-the-art performance.

cross ReMI: A Dataset for Reasoning with Multiple Images

Authors: Mehran Kazemi, Nishanth Dikkala, Ankit Anand, Petar Devic, Ishita Dasgupta, Fangyu Liu, Bahare Fatemi, Pranjal Awasthi, Dee Guo, Sreenivas Gollapudi, Ahmed Qureshi

Abstract: With the continuous advancement of large language models (LLMs), it is essential to create new benchmarks to effectively evaluate their expanding capabilities and identify areas for improvement. This work focuses on multi-image reasoning, an emerging capability in state-of-the-art LLMs. We introduce ReMI, a dataset designed to assess LLMs' ability to Reason with Multiple Images. This dataset encompasses a diverse range of tasks, spanning various reasoning domains such as math, physics, logic, code, table/chart understanding, and spatial and temporal reasoning. It also covers a broad spectrum of characteristics found in multi-image reasoning scenarios. We have benchmarked several cutting-edge LLMs using ReMI and found a substantial gap between their performance and human-level proficiency. This highlights the challenges in multi-image reasoning and the need for further research. Our analysis also reveals the strengths and weaknesses of different models, shedding light on the types of reasoning that are currently attainable and areas where future models require improvement. To foster further research in this area, we are releasing ReMI publicly:


cross Towards Bidirectional Human-AI Alignment: A Systematic Review for Clarifications, Framework, and Future Directions

Authors: Hua Shen, Tiffany Knearem, Reshmi Ghosh, Kenan Alkiek, Kundan Krishna, Yachuan Liu, Ziqiao Ma, Savvas Petridis, Yi-Hao Peng, Li Qiwei, Sushrita Rakshit, Chenglei Si, Yutong Xie, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Frank Bentley, Joyce Chai, Zachary Lipton, Qiaozhu Mei, Rada Mihalcea, Michael Terry, Diyi Yang, Meredith Ringel Morris, Paul Resnick, David Jurgens

Abstract: Recent advancements in general-purpose AI have highlighted the importance of guiding AI systems towards the intended goals, ethical principles, and values of individuals and groups, a concept broadly recognized as alignment. However, the lack of clarified definitions and scopes of human-AI alignment poses a significant obstacle, hampering collaborative efforts across research domains to achieve this alignment. In particular, ML- and philosophy-oriented alignment research often views AI alignment as a static, unidirectional process (i.e., aiming to ensure that AI systems' objectives match humans) rather than an ongoing, mutual alignment problem [429]. This perspective largely neglects the long-term interaction and dynamic changes of alignment. To understand these gaps, we introduce a systematic review of over 400 papers published between 2019 and January 2024, spanning multiple domains such as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and others. We characterize, define and scope human-AI alignment. From this, we present a conceptual framework of "Bidirectional Human-AI Alignment" to organize the literature from a human-centered perspective. This framework encompasses both 1) conventional studies of aligning AI to humans that ensures AI produces the intended outcomes determined by humans, and 2) a proposed concept of aligning humans to AI, which aims to help individuals and society adjust to AI advancements both cognitively and behaviorally. Additionally, we articulate the key findings derived from literature analysis, including discussions about human values, interaction techniques, and evaluations. To pave the way for future studies, we envision three key challenges for future directions and propose examples of potential future solutions.

cross End-to-end Streaming model for Low-Latency Speech Anonymization

Authors: Waris Quamer, Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna

Abstract: Speaker anonymization aims to conceal cues to speaker identity while preserving linguistic content. Current machine learning based approaches require substantial computational resources, hindering real-time streaming applications. To address these concerns, we propose a streaming model that achieves speaker anonymization with low latency. The system is trained in an end-to-end autoencoder fashion using a lightweight content encoder that extracts HuBERT-like information, a pretrained speaker encoder that extract speaker identity, and a variance encoder that injects pitch and energy information. These three disentangled representations are fed to a decoder that resynthesizes the speech signal. We present evaluation results from two implementations of our system, a full model that achieves a latency of 230ms, and a lite version (0.1x in size) that further reduces latency to 66ms while maintaining state-of-the-art performance in naturalness, intelligibility, and privacy preservation.

cross Exploring Spoken Language Identification Strategies for Automatic Transcription of Multilingual Broadcast and Institutional Speech

Authors: Martina Valente, Fabio Brugnara, Giovanni Morrone, Enrico Zovato, Leonardo Badino

Abstract: This paper addresses spoken language identification (SLI) and speech recognition of multilingual broadcast and institutional speech, real application scenarios that have been rarely addressed in the SLI literature. Observing that in these domains language changes are mostly associated with speaker changes, we propose a cascaded system consisting of speaker diarization and language identification and compare it with more traditional language identification and language diarization systems. Results show that the proposed system often achieves lower language classification and language diarization error rates (up to 10% relative language diarization error reduction and 60% relative language confusion reduction) and leads to lower WERs on multilingual test sets (more than 8% relative WER reduction), while at the same time does not negatively affect speech recognition on monolingual audio (with an absolute WER increase between 0.1% and 0.7% w.r.t. monolingual ASR).

cross Khmer Semantic Search Engine: Digital Information Access and Document Retrieval

Authors: Nimol Thuon

Abstract: The search engine process is crucial for document content retrieval. For Khmer documents, a tool is needed to extract essential keywords. Despite the daily generation of significant Khmer content, Cambodians struggle to find necessary documents due to the lack of an effective semantic searching tool. Even Google does not deliver high accuracy for Khmer content. Semantic search engines improve search results by employing advanced algorithms to understand various content types. With the rise in Khmer digital content such as reports, articles, and social media feedback enhanced search capabilities are essential. This research proposes the first Khmer Semantic Search Engine (KSE), designed to improve traditional Khmer search methods. Utilizing semantic matching techniques and formally annotated semantic content, our tool extracts meaningful keywords from user queries performs precise matching, and provides the best matching offline documents and online URL documents. We propose two semantic search frameworks based on keyword extraction and semantic search matching. Additionally, we developed tools for data preparation, including document addition and manual keyword extraction. To evaluate performance, we created a ground truth dataset and discussed issues related to searching and semantic search. Our findings show how understanding search term semantics can lead to more accurate results.

cross JailbreakEval: An Integrated Toolkit for Evaluating Jailbreak Attempts Against Large Language Models

Authors: Delong Ran, Jinyuan Liu, Yichen Gong, Jingyi Zheng, Xinlei He, Tianshuo Cong, Anyu Wang

Abstract: Jailbreak attacks aim to induce Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate harmful responses for forbidden instructions, presenting severe misuse threats to LLMs. Up to now, research into jailbreak attacks and defenses is emerging, however, there is (surprisingly) no consensus on how to evaluate whether a jailbreak attempt is successful. In other words, the methods to assess the harmfulness of an LLM's response are varied, such as manual annotation or prompting GPT-4 in specific ways. Each approach has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, impacting their alignment with human values, as well as the time and financial cost. This diversity in evaluation presents challenges for researchers in choosing suitable evaluation methods and conducting fair comparisons across different jailbreak attacks and defenses. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of jailbreak evaluation methodologies, drawing from nearly ninety jailbreak research released between May 2023 and April 2024. Our study introduces a systematic taxonomy of jailbreak evaluators, offering in-depth insights into their strengths and weaknesses, along with the current status of their adaptation. Moreover, to facilitate subsequent research, we propose JailbreakEval, a user-friendly toolkit focusing on the evaluation of jailbreak attempts. It includes various well-known evaluators out-of-the-box, so that users can obtain evaluation results with only a single command. JailbreakEval also allows users to customize their own evaluation workflow in a unified framework with the ease of development and comparison. In summary, we regard JailbreakEval to be a catalyst that simplifies the evaluation process in jailbreak research and fosters an inclusive standard for jailbreak evaluation within the community.

cross Bag of Tricks: Benchmarking of Jailbreak Attacks on LLMs

Authors: Zhao Xu, Fan Liu, Hao Liu

Abstract: Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant capabilities in executing complex tasks in a zero-shot manner, they are susceptible to jailbreak attacks and can be manipulated to produce harmful outputs. Recently, a growing body of research has categorized jailbreak attacks into token-level and prompt-level attacks. However, previous work primarily overlooks the diverse key factors of jailbreak attacks, with most studies concentrating on LLM vulnerabilities and lacking exploration of defense-enhanced LLMs. To address these issues, we evaluate the impact of various attack settings on LLM performance and provide a baseline benchmark for jailbreak attacks, encouraging the adoption of a standardized evaluation framework. Specifically, we evaluate the eight key factors of implementing jailbreak attacks on LLMs from both target-level and attack-level perspectives. We further conduct seven representative jailbreak attacks on six defense methods across two widely used datasets, encompassing approximately 320 experiments with about 50,000 GPU hours on A800-80G. Our experimental results highlight the need for standardized benchmarking to evaluate these attacks on defense-enhanced LLMs. Our code is available at


cross Visual Sketchpad: Sketching as a Visual Chain of Thought for Multimodal Language Models

Authors: Yushi Hu, Weijia Shi, Xingyu Fu, Dan Roth, Mari Ostendorf, Luke Zettlemoyer, Noah A Smith, Ranjay Krishna

Abstract: Humans draw to facilitate reasoning: we draw auxiliary lines when solving geometry problems; we mark and circle when reasoning on maps; we use sketches to amplify our ideas and relieve our limited-capacity working memory. However, such actions are missing in current multimodal language models (LMs). Current chain-of-thought and tool-use paradigms only use text as intermediate reasoning steps. In this work, we introduce Sketchpad, a framework that gives multimodal LMs a visual sketchpad and tools to draw on the sketchpad. The LM conducts planning and reasoning according to the visual artifacts it has drawn. Different from prior work, which uses text-to-image models to enable LMs to draw, Sketchpad enables LMs to draw with lines, boxes, marks, etc., which is closer to human sketching and better facilitates reasoning. Sketchpad can also use specialist vision models during the sketching process (e.g., draw bounding boxes with object detection models, draw masks with segmentation models), to further enhance visual perception and reasoning. We experiment with a wide range of math tasks (including geometry, functions, graphs, and chess) and complex visual reasoning tasks. Sketchpad substantially improves performance on all tasks over strong base models with no sketching, yielding an average gain of 12.7% on math tasks, and 8.6% on vision tasks. GPT-4o with Sketchpad sets a new state of the art on all tasks, including V*Bench (80.3%), BLINK spatial reasoning (83.9%), and visual correspondence (80.8%). All codes and data are in


cross MuirBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Robust Multi-image Understanding

Authors: Fei Wang, Xingyu Fu, James Y. Huang, Zekun Li, Qin Liu, Xiaogeng Liu, Mingyu Derek Ma, Nan Xu, Wenxuan Zhou, Kai Zhang, Tianyi Lorena Yan, Wenjie Jacky Mo, Hsiang-Hui Liu, Pan Lu, Chunyuan Li, Chaowei Xiao, Kai-Wei Chang, Dan Roth, Sheng Zhang, Hoifung Poon, Muhao Chen

Abstract: We introduce MuirBench, a comprehensive benchmark that focuses on robust multi-image understanding capabilities of multimodal LLMs. MuirBench consists of 12 diverse multi-image tasks (e.g., scene understanding, ordering) that involve 10 categories of multi-image relations (e.g., multiview, temporal relations). Comprising 11,264 images and 2,600 multiple-choice questions, MuirBench is created in a pairwise manner, where each standard instance is paired with an unanswerable variant that has minimal semantic differences, in order for a reliable assessment. Evaluated upon 20 recent multi-modal LLMs, our results reveal that even the best-performing models like GPT-4o and Gemini Pro find it challenging to solve MuirBench, achieving 68.0% and 49.3% in accuracy. Open-source multimodal LLMs trained on single images can hardly generalize to multi-image questions, hovering below 33.3% in accuracy. These results highlight the importance of MuirBench in encouraging the community to develop multimodal LLMs that can look beyond a single image, suggesting potential pathways for future improvements.

replace Can Social Ontological Knowledge Representations be Measured Using Machine Learning?

Authors: Ahmed Izzidien

Abstract: Personal Social Ontology (PSO), it is proposed, is how an individual perceives the ontological properties of terms. For example, an absolute fatalist would arguably use terms that remove any form of agency from a person. Such fatalism has the impact of ontologically defining acts such as winning, victory and success in a manner that is contrary to how a non-fatalist would ontologically define them. While both the said fatalist and non-fatalist would agree on the dictionary definition of these terms, they would differ on specifically how they can be brought about. This difference between the two individuals can be induced from their usage of these terms, i.e., the co-occurrence of these terms with other terms. As such a quantification of this such co-occurrence offers an avenue to characterise the social ontological views of the speaker. In this paper we ask, what specific term co-occurrence should be measured in order to obtain a valid and reliable psychometric measure of a persons social ontology? We consider the social psychology and social neuroscience literature to arrive at a list of social concepts that can be considered principal features of personal social ontology, and then propose an NLP pipeline to capture the articulation of these terms in language.

replace Accurate Knowledge Distillation with n-best Reranking

Authors: Hendra Setiawan

Abstract: We propose utilizing n-best reranking to enhance Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation (Kim and Rush, 2016) where we extract pseudo-labels for student model's training data from top n-best hypotheses and leverage a diverse set of models with different inductive biases, objective functions or architectures, including some publicly-available large language models, to pick the highest-quality hypotheses as labels. The effectiveness of our proposal is validated through experiments on the WMT'21 German-English and Chinese-English translation tasks. Our results demonstrate that utilizing pseudo-labels generated by our n-best reranker leads to a significantly more accurate student model. In fact, our best student model achieves comparable accuracy to a large translation model from (Tran et al., 2021) with 4.7 billion parameters, while having two orders of magnitude fewer parameters.

replace The Knowledge Alignment Problem: Bridging Human and External Knowledge for Large Language Models

Authors: Shuo Zhang, Liangming Pan, Junzhou Zhao, William Yang Wang

Abstract: Large language models often necessitate grounding on external knowledge to generate faithful and reliable answers. Yet even with the correct groundings in the reference, they can ignore them and rely on wrong groundings or their inherent biases to hallucinate when users, being largely unaware of the specifics of the stored information, pose questions that might not directly correlate with the retrieved groundings. In this work, we formulate this knowledge alignment problem and introduce MixAlign, a framework that interacts with both the human user and the knowledge base to obtain and integrate clarifications on how the user question relates to the stored information. MixAlign employs a language model to achieve automatic knowledge alignment and, if necessary, further enhances this alignment through human user clarifications. Experimental results highlight the crucial role of knowledge alignment in boosting model performance and mitigating hallucination, with improvements noted up to 22.2% and 27.1% respectively. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of MixAlign in improving knowledge alignment by producing high-quality, user-centered clarifications.

replace Simple Data Augmentation Techniques for Chinese Disease Normalization

Authors: Wenqian Cui, Xiangling Fu, Shaohui Liu, Mingjun Gu, Xien Liu, Ji Wu, Irwin King

Abstract: Disease name normalization is an important task in the medical domain. It classifies disease names written in various formats into standardized names, serving as a fundamental component in smart healthcare systems for various disease-related functions. Nevertheless, the most significant obstacle to existing disease name normalization systems is the severe shortage of training data. Consequently, we present a novel data augmentation approach that includes a series of data augmentation techniques and some supporting modules to help mitigate the problem. Our proposed methods rely on the Structural Invariance property of disease names and the Hierarchy property of the disease classification system. The goal is to equip the models with extensive understanding of the disease names and the hierarchical structure of the disease name classification system. Through extensive experimentation, we illustrate that our proposed approach exhibits significant performance improvements across various baseline models and training objectives, particularly in scenarios with limited training data.

replace Towards Generalising Neural Topical Representations

Authors: Xiaohao Yang, He Zhao, Dinh Phung, Lan Du

Abstract: Topic models have evolved from conventional Bayesian probabilistic models to recent Neural Topic Models (NTMs). Although NTMs have shown promising performance when trained and tested on a specific corpus, their generalisation ability across corpora has yet to be studied. In practice, we often expect that an NTM trained on a source corpus can still produce quality topical representation (i.e., latent distribution over topics) for the document from different target corpora to a certain degree. In this work, we aim to improve NTMs further so that their representation power for documents generalises reliably across corpora and tasks. To do so, we propose to enhance NTMs by narrowing the semantic distance between similar documents, with the underlying assumption that documents from different corpora may share similar semantics. Specifically, we obtain a similar document for each training document by text data augmentation. Then, we optimise NTMs further by minimising the semantic distance between each pair, measured by the Topical Optimal Transport (TopicalOT) distance, which computes the optimal transport distance between their topical representations. Our framework can be readily applied to most NTMs as a plug-and-play module. Extensive experiments show that our framework significantly improves the generalisation ability regarding neural topical representation across corpora. Our code and datasets are available at:


replace Publicly Shareable Clinical Large Language Model Built on Synthetic Clinical Notes

Authors: Sunjun Kweon, Junu Kim, Jiyoun Kim, Sujeong Im, Eunbyeol Cho, Seongsu Bae, Jungwoo Oh, Gyubok Lee, Jong Hak Moon, Seng Chan You, Seungjin Baek, Chang Hoon Han, Yoon Bin Jung, Yohan Jo, Edward Choi

Abstract: The development of large language models tailored for handling patients' clinical notes is often hindered by the limited accessibility and usability of these notes due to strict privacy regulations. To address these challenges, we first create synthetic large-scale clinical notes using publicly available case reports extracted from biomedical literature. We then use these synthetic notes to train our specialized clinical large language model, Asclepius. While Asclepius is trained on synthetic data, we assess its potential performance in real-world applications by evaluating it using real clinical notes. We benchmark Asclepius against several other large language models, including GPT-3.5-turbo and other open-source alternatives. To further validate our approach using synthetic notes, we also compare Asclepius with its variants trained on real clinical notes. Our findings convincingly demonstrate that synthetic clinical notes can serve as viable substitutes for real ones when constructing high-performing clinical language models. This conclusion is supported by detailed evaluations conducted by both GPT-4 and medical professionals. All resources including weights, codes, and data used in the development of Asclepius are made publicly accessible for future research. (


replace HypR: A comprehensive study for ASR hypothesis revising with a reference corpus

Authors: Yi-Wei Wang, Ke-Han Lu, Kuan-Yu Chen

Abstract: With the development of deep learning, automatic speech recognition (ASR) has made significant progress. To further enhance the performance of ASR, revising recognition results is one of the lightweight but efficient manners. Various methods can be roughly classified into N-best reranking modeling and error correction modeling. The former aims to select the hypothesis with the lowest error rate from a set of candidates generated by ASR for a given input speech. The latter focuses on detecting recognition errors in a given hypothesis and correcting these errors to obtain an enhanced result. However, we observe that these studies are hardly comparable to each other, as they are usually evaluated on different corpora, paired with different ASR models, and even use different datasets to train the models. Accordingly, we first concentrate on providing an ASR hypothesis revising (HypR) dataset in this study. HypR contains several commonly used corpora (AISHELL-1, TED-LIUM 2, and LibriSpeech) and provides 50 recognition hypotheses for each speech utterance. The checkpoint models of ASR are also published. In addition, we implement and compare several classic and representative methods, showing the recent research progress in revising speech recognition results. We hope that the publicly available HypR dataset can become a reference benchmark for subsequent research and promote this field of research to an advanced level.

replace Active Learning for Multilingual Fingerspelling Corpora

Authors: Shuai Wang, Eric Nalisnick

Abstract: We apply active learning to help with data scarcity problems in sign languages. In particular, we perform a novel analysis of the effect of pre-training. Since many sign languages are linguistic descendants of French sign language, they share hand configurations, which pre-training can hopefully exploit. We test this hypothesis on American, Chinese, German, and Irish fingerspelling corpora. We do observe a benefit from pre-training, but this may be due to visual rather than linguistic similarities

replace Dodo: Dynamic Contextual Compression for Decoder-only LMs

Authors: Guanghui Qin, Corby Rosset, Ethan C. Chau, Nikhil Rao, Benjamin Van Durme

Abstract: Transformer-based language models (LMs) are inefficient in long contexts. We propose Dodo, a solution for context compression. Instead of one vector per token in a standard transformer model, Dodo represents text with a dynamic number of hidden states at each layer, reducing the cost of self-attention to a fraction of typical time and space. Moreover, off-the-shelf models such as LLaMA can be adapted to Dodo by efficient parameter tuning methods such as LoRA. In use, Dodo can act as either an autoregressive LM or a context compressor for downstream tasks. We demonstrate through experiments in language modeling, question answering, and summarization that Dodo retains capabilities in these tasks, while drastically reducing the overhead during decoding. For example, in the autoencoding task, Dodo shrinks context at a 20x compression ratio with a BLEU score of 98% for reconstruction, achieving nearly lossless encoding.

replace Concise and Organized Perception Facilitates Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Junjie Liu, Shaotian Yan, Chen Shen, Liang Xie, Wenxiao Wang, Jieping Ye

Abstract: Exploiting large language models (LLMs) to tackle reasoning has garnered growing attention. It still remains highly challenging to achieve satisfactory results in complex logical problems, characterized by plenty of premises within the prompt and requiring multi-hop reasoning. In particular, the reasoning capabilities of LLMs are brittle to disorder and distractibility. In this work, we first examine the mechanism from the perspective of information flow and reveal that LLMs exhibit failure patterns akin to human-like cognitive biases when dealing with disordered and irrelevant content in reasoning tasks. However, in contrast to LLMs, disordered and irrelevant content does not significantly decrease human performance, as humans have a propensity to distill the most relevant information and systematically organize their thoughts, aiding them in responding to questions. Stem from that, we further propose a novel reasoning approach named Concise and Organized Perception (COP). COP carefully analyzes the given statements to identify the most pertinent information while eliminating redundancy efficiently. It then prompts the LLMs in a more organized form that adapts to the model's inference process. By perceiving concise and organized context, the reasoning abilities of LLMs can be better elicited. Extensive experimental results on several popular logical benchmarks (ProofWriter, PrOntoQA, PrOntoQA-OOD, and FOLIO) and math benchmark (DI-GSM) show that COP significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods.

replace DEFT: Data Efficient Fine-Tuning for Pre-Trained Language Models via Unsupervised Core-Set Selection

Authors: Devleena Das, Vivek Khetan

Abstract: Recent advances have led to the availability of many pre-trained language models (PLMs); however, a question that remains is how much data is truly needed to fine-tune PLMs for downstream tasks? In this work, we introduce DEFT-UCS, a data-efficient fine-tuning framework that leverages unsupervised core-set selection to identify a smaller, representative dataset that reduces the amount of data needed to fine-tune PLMs for downstream tasks. We examine the efficacy of DEFT-UCS in the context of text-editing LMs, and compare to the state-of-the art text-editing model, CoEDIT. Our results demonstrate that DEFT-UCS models are just as accurate as CoEDIT, across eight different datasets consisting of six different editing tasks, while finetuned on 70% less data.

replace Language Models are Super Mario: Absorbing Abilities from Homologous Models as a Free Lunch

Authors: Le Yu, Bowen Yu, Haiyang Yu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li

Abstract: In this paper, we unveil that Language Models (LMs) can acquire new capabilities by assimilating parameters from homologous models without retraining or GPUs. We first introduce DARE to set most delta parameters (i.e., the disparity between fine-tuned and pre-trained parameters) to zeros without affecting the abilities of Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) LMs, which randomly Drops delta parameters with a ratio $p$ And REscales the remaining ones by $1 / (1 - p)$ to approximate the original embeddings. Then, we use DARE as a versatile plug-in to sparsify delta parameters of multiple SFT homologous models for mitigating parameter interference and merge them into a single model by parameter fusing. We experiment with encoder- and decoder-based LMs, showing that: (1) SFT delta parameter value ranges are typically small (within 0.002) with extreme redundancy, and DARE can effortlessly eliminate 90% or even 99% of them; (2) DARE can merge multiple task-specific LMs into one LM with diverse capabilities. Notably, this phenomenon is more pronounced in large-scale LMs, where the merged LM reveals the potential to surpass the performance of any source LM, providing a new discovery. We also utilize DARE to create a merged LM that ranks first among models with 7 billion parameters on the Open LLM Leaderboard.

replace MC$^2$: Towards Transparent and Culturally-Aware NLP for Minority Languages in China

Authors: Chen Zhang, Mingxu Tao, Quzhe Huang, Jiuheng Lin, Zhibin Chen, Yansong Feng

Abstract: Current large language models demonstrate deficiencies in understanding low-resource languages, particularly the minority languages in China. This limitation stems from the scarcity of available pre-training data. To address this accessibility challenge, we present MC$^2$, a Multilingual Corpus of Minority Languages in China, which is the largest open-source corpus of its kind so far. MC$^2$ includes four underrepresented languages: Tibetan, Uyghur, Kazakh, and Mongolian. Notably, we focus on the less common writing systems of Kazakh and Mongolian, i.e., Kazakh Arabic script and traditional Mongolian script, respectively, which have been long neglected in previous corpus construction efforts. Recognizing the prevalence of language contamination within existing corpora, we adopt a quality-centric solution for collecting MC$^2$, prioritizing accuracy while enhancing diversity. Furthermore, we underscore the importance of attending to the multiplicity of writing systems, which is closely related to the cultural awareness of the resulting models. The MC$^2$ corpus and related models are made public to the community.

replace Few-shot Transfer Learning for Knowledge Base Question Answering: Fusing Supervised Models with In-Context Learning

Authors: Mayur Patidar, Riya Sawhney, Avinash Singh, Biswajit Chatterjee, Mausam, Indrajit Bhattacharya

Abstract: Existing Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA) architectures are hungry for annotated data, which make them costly and time-consuming to deploy. We introduce the problem of few-shot transfer learning for KBQA, where the target domain offers only a few labeled examples, but a large labeled training dataset is available in a source domain. We propose a novel KBQA architecture called FuSIC-KBQA that performs KB-retrieval using multiple source-trained retrievers, re-ranks using an LLM and uses this as input for LLM few-shot in-context learning to generate logical forms. These are further refined using execution-guided feedback. Experiments over multiple source-target KBQA pairs of varying complexity show that FuSIC-KBQA significantly outperforms adaptations of SoTA KBQA models for this setting. Additional experiments show that FuSIC-KBQA also outperforms SoTA KBQA models in the in-domain setting when training data is limited.

replace ConceptPsy:A Benchmark Suite with Conceptual Comprehensiveness in Psychology

Authors: Junlei Zhang, Hongliang He, Nirui Song, Zhanchao Zhou, Shuyuan He, Shuai Zhang, Huachuan Qiu, Anqi Li, Yong Dai, Lizhi Ma, Zhenzhong Lan

Abstract: The critical field of psychology necessitates a comprehensive benchmark to enhance the evaluation and development of domain-specific Large Language Models (LLMs). Existing MMLU-type benchmarks, such as C-EVAL and CMMLU, include psychology-related subjects, but their limited number of questions and lack of systematic concept sampling strategies mean they cannot cover the concepts required in psychology. Consequently, despite their broad subject coverage, these benchmarks lack the necessary depth in the psychology domain, making them inadequate as psychology-specific evaluation suite. To address this issue, this paper presents ConceptPsy, designed to evaluate Chinese complex reasoning and knowledge abilities in psychology. ConceptPsy includes 12 core subjects and 1383 manually collected concepts. Specifically, we prompt GPT-4 to generate questions for each concept using carefully designed diverse prompts and hire professional psychologists to review these questions. To help to understand the fine-grained performances and enhance the weaknesses, we annotate each question with a chapter label and provide chapter-wise accuracy. Based on ConceptPsy, we evaluate a broad range of LLMs. We observe that, although some LLMs achieve similar accuracies on overall performances, they exhibit significant performance variations across different psychology concepts, even when they are models from the same series. We hope our work can facilitate the development of LLMs in the field of psychology.

replace MMMU: A Massive Multi-discipline Multimodal Understanding and Reasoning Benchmark for Expert AGI

Authors: Xiang Yue, Yuansheng Ni, Kai Zhang, Tianyu Zheng, Ruoqi Liu, Ge Zhang, Samuel Stevens, Dongfu Jiang, Weiming Ren, Yuxuan Sun, Cong Wei, Botao Yu, Ruibin Yuan, Renliang Sun, Ming Yin, Boyuan Zheng, Zhenzhu Yang, Yibo Liu, Wenhao Huang, Huan Sun, Yu Su, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: We introduce MMMU: a new benchmark designed to evaluate multimodal models on massive multi-discipline tasks demanding college-level subject knowledge and deliberate reasoning. MMMU includes 11.5K meticulously collected multimodal questions from college exams, quizzes, and textbooks, covering six core disciplines: Art & Design, Business, Science, Health & Medicine, Humanities & Social Science, and Tech & Engineering. These questions span 30 subjects and 183 subfields, comprising 30 highly heterogeneous image types, such as charts, diagrams, maps, tables, music sheets, and chemical structures. Unlike existing benchmarks, MMMU focuses on advanced perception and reasoning with domain-specific knowledge, challenging models to perform tasks akin to those faced by experts. The evaluation of 14 open-source LMMs as well as the proprietary GPT-4V(ision) and Gemini highlights the substantial challenges posed by MMMU. Even the advanced GPT-4V and Gemini Ultra only achieve accuracies of 56% and 59% respectively, indicating significant room for improvement. We believe MMMU will stimulate the community to build next-generation multimodal foundation models towards expert artificial general intelligence.

replace Japanese Tort-case Dataset for Rationale-supported Legal Judgment Prediction

Authors: Hiroaki Yamada, Takenobu Tokunaga, Ryutaro Ohara, Akira Tokutsu, Keisuke Takeshita, Mihoko Sumida

Abstract: This paper presents the first dataset for Japanese Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP), the Japanese Tort-case Dataset (JTD), which features two tasks: tort prediction and its rationale extraction. The rationale extraction task identifies the court's accepting arguments from alleged arguments by plaintiffs and defendants, which is a novel task in the field. JTD is constructed based on annotated 3,477 Japanese Civil Code judgments by 41 legal experts, resulting in 7,978 instances with 59,697 of their alleged arguments from the involved parties. Our baseline experiments show the feasibility of the proposed two tasks, and our error analysis by legal experts identifies sources of errors and suggests future directions of the LJP research.

replace Axis Tour: Word Tour Determines the Order of Axes in ICA-transformed Embeddings

Authors: Hiroaki Yamagiwa, Yusuke Takase, Hidetoshi Shimodaira

Abstract: Word embedding is one of the most important components in natural language processing, but interpreting high-dimensional embeddings remains a challenging problem. To address this problem, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is identified as an effective solution. ICA-transformed word embeddings reveal interpretable semantic axes; however, the order of these axes are arbitrary. In this study, we focus on this property and propose a novel method, Axis Tour, which optimizes the order of the axes. Inspired by Word Tour, a one-dimensional word embedding method, we aim to improve the clarity of the word embedding space by maximizing the semantic continuity of the axes. Furthermore, we show through experiments on downstream tasks that Axis Tour yields better or comparable low-dimensional embeddings compared to both PCA and ICA.

replace Unlearning Traces the Influential Training Data of Language Models

Authors: Masaru Isonuma, Ivan Titov

Abstract: Identifying the training datasets that influence a language model's outputs is essential for minimizing the generation of harmful content and enhancing its performance. Ideally, we can measure the influence of each dataset by removing it from training; however, it is prohibitively expensive to retrain a model multiple times. This paper presents UnTrac: unlearning traces the influence of a training dataset on the model's performance. UnTrac is extremely simple; each training dataset is unlearned by gradient ascent, and we evaluate how much the model's predictions change after unlearning. Furthermore, we propose a more scalable approach, UnTrac-Inv, which unlearns a test dataset and evaluates the unlearned model on training datasets. UnTrac-Inv resembles UnTrac, while being efficient for massive training datasets. In the experiments, we examine if our methods can assess the influence of pretraining datasets on generating toxic, biased, and untruthful content. Our methods estimate their influence much more accurately than existing methods while requiring neither excessive memory space nor multiple checkpoints.

replace LESS: Selecting Influential Data for Targeted Instruction Tuning

Authors: Mengzhou Xia, Sadhika Malladi, Suchin Gururangan, Sanjeev Arora, Danqi Chen

Abstract: Instruction tuning has unlocked powerful capabilities in large language models (LLMs), effectively using combined datasets to develop generalpurpose chatbots. However, real-world applications often require a specialized suite of skills (e.g., reasoning). The challenge lies in identifying the most relevant data from these extensive datasets to effectively develop specific capabilities, a setting we frame as targeted instruction tuning. We propose LESS, an optimizer-aware and practically efficient algorithm to effectively estimate data influences and perform Low-rank gradiEnt Similarity Search for instruction data selection. Crucially, LESS adapts existing influence formulations to work with the Adam optimizer and variable-length instruction data. LESS first constructs a highly reusable and transferable gradient datastore with low-dimensional gradient features and then selects examples based on their similarity to few-shot examples embodying a specific capability. Experiments show that training on a LESS-selected 5% of the data can often outperform training on the full dataset across diverse downstream tasks. Furthermore, the selected data is highly transferable: smaller models can be leveraged to select useful data for larger models and models from different families. Our qualitative analysis shows that our method goes beyond surface form cues to identify data that exemplifies the necessary reasoning skills for the intended downstream application.

replace FinTral: A Family of GPT-4 Level Multimodal Financial Large Language Models

Authors: Gagan Bhatia, El Moatez Billah Nagoudi, Hasan Cavusoglu, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Abstract: We introduce FinTral, a suite of state-of-the-art multimodal large language models (LLMs) built upon the Mistral-7b model and tailored for financial analysis. FinTral integrates textual, numerical, tabular, and image data. We enhance FinTral with domain-specific pretraining, instruction fine-tuning, and RLAIF training by exploiting a large collection of textual and visual datasets we curate for this work. We also introduce an extensive benchmark featuring nine tasks and 25 datasets for evaluation, including hallucinations in the financial domain. Our FinTral model trained with direct preference optimization employing advanced Tools and Retrieval methods, dubbed FinTral-DPO-T&R, demonstrates an exceptional zero-shot performance. It outperforms ChatGPT-3.5 in all tasks and surpasses GPT-4 in five out of nine tasks, marking a significant advancement in AI-driven financial technology. We also demonstrate that FinTral has the potential to excel in real-time analysis and decision-making in diverse financial contexts. The GitHub repository for \textit{FinTral} is available at \url{}.


replace Selective "Selective Prediction": Reducing Unnecessary Abstention in Vision-Language Reasoning

Authors: Tejas Srinivasan, Jack Hessel, Tanmay Gupta, Bill Yuchen Lin, Yejin Choi, Jesse Thomason, Khyathi Raghavi Chandu

Abstract: Selective prediction minimizes incorrect predictions from vision-language models (VLMs) by allowing them to abstain from answering when uncertain. However, when deploying a vision-language system with low tolerance for inaccurate predictions, selective prediction may be over-cautious and abstain too frequently, even on many correct predictions. We introduce ReCoVERR, an inference-time algorithm to reduce the over-abstention of a selective vision-language system without increasing the error rate of the system's predictions. When the VLM makes a low-confidence prediction, instead of abstaining ReCoVERR tries to find relevant clues in the image that provide additional evidence for the prediction. ReCoVERR uses an LLM to pose related questions to the VLM, collects high-confidence evidences, and if enough evidence confirms the prediction the system makes a prediction instead of abstaining. ReCoVERR enables three VLMs (BLIP2, InstructBLIP, and LLaVA-1.5) to answer up to 20% more questions on the VQAv2 and A-OKVQA tasks without decreasing system accuracy, thus improving overall system reliability. Our code is available at


replace EHRNoteQA: An LLM Benchmark for Real-World Clinical Practice Using Discharge Summaries

Authors: Sunjun Kweon, Jiyoun Kim, Heeyoung Kwak, Dongchul Cha, Hangyul Yoon, Kwanghyun Kim, Jeewon Yang, Seunghyun Won, Edward Choi

Abstract: Discharge summaries in Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are crucial for clinical decision-making, but their length and complexity make information extraction challenging, especially when dealing with accumulated summaries across multiple patient admissions. Large Language Models (LLMs) show promise in addressing this challenge by efficiently analyzing vast and complex data. Existing benchmarks, however, fall short in properly evaluating LLMs' capabilities in this context, as they typically focus on single-note information or limited topics, failing to reflect the real-world inquiries required by clinicians. To bridge this gap, we introduce EHRNoteQA, a novel benchmark built on the MIMIC-IV EHR, comprising 962 different QA pairs each linked to distinct patients' discharge summaries. Every QA pair is initially generated using GPT-4 and then manually reviewed and refined by three clinicians to ensure clinical relevance. EHRNoteQA includes questions that require information across multiple discharge summaries and covers eight diverse topics, mirroring the complexity and diversity of real clinical inquiries. We offer EHRNoteQA in two formats: open-ended and multi-choice question answering, and propose a reliable evaluation method for each. We evaluate 27 LLMs using EHRNoteQA and examine various factors affecting the model performance (e.g., the length and number of discharge summaries). Furthermore, to validate EHRNoteQA as a reliable proxy for expert evaluations in clinical practice, we measure the correlation between the LLM performance on EHRNoteQA, and the LLM performance manually evaluated by clinicians. Results show that LLM performance on EHRNoteQA have higher correlation with clinician-evaluated performance (Spearman: 0.78, Kendall: 0.62) compared to other benchmarks, demonstrating its practical relevance in evaluating LLMs in clinical settings.

replace Leveraging Large Language Models for Learning Complex Legal Concepts through Storytelling

Authors: Hang Jiang, Xiajie Zhang, Robert Mahari, Daniel Kessler, Eric Ma, Tal August, Irene Li, Alex 'Sandy' Pentland, Yoon Kim, Jad Kabbara, Deb Roy

Abstract: Making legal knowledge accessible to non-experts is crucial for enhancing general legal literacy and encouraging civic participation in democracy. However, legal documents are often challenging to understand for people without legal backgrounds. In this paper, we present a novel application of large language models (LLMs) in legal education to help non-experts learn intricate legal concepts through storytelling, an effective pedagogical tool in conveying complex and abstract concepts. We also introduce a new dataset LegalStories, which consists of 294 complex legal doctrines, each accompanied by a story and a set of multiple-choice questions generated by LLMs. To construct the dataset, we experiment with various LLMs to generate legal stories explaining these concepts. Furthermore, we use an expert-in-the-loop approach to iteratively design multiple-choice questions. Then, we evaluate the effectiveness of storytelling with LLMs through randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with legal novices on 10 samples from the dataset. We find that LLM-generated stories enhance comprehension of legal concepts and interest in law among non-native speakers compared to only definitions. Moreover, stories consistently help participants relate legal concepts to their lives. Finally, we find that learning with stories shows a higher retention rate for non-native speakers in the follow-up assessment. Our work has strong implications for using LLMs in promoting teaching and learning in the legal field and beyond.

replace NextLevelBERT: Masked Language Modeling with Higher-Level Representations for Long Documents

Authors: Tamara Czinczoll, Christoph H\"ones, Maximilian Schall, Gerard de Melo

Abstract: While (large) language models have significantly improved over the last years, they still struggle to sensibly process long sequences found, e.g., in books, due to the quadratic scaling of the underlying attention mechanism. To address this, we propose NextLevelBERT, a Masked Language Model operating not on tokens, but on higher-level semantic representations in the form of text embeddings. We pretrain NextLevelBERT to predict the vector representation of entire masked text chunks and evaluate the effectiveness of the resulting document vectors on three types of tasks: 1) Semantic Textual Similarity via zero-shot document embeddings, 2) Long document classification, 3) Multiple-choice question answering. We find that next-level Masked Language Modeling is an effective technique to tackle long-document use cases and can outperfor much larger embedding models as long as the required level of detail of semantic information is not too fine. Our models and code are publicly available online.

replace Teaching Large Language Models an Unseen Language on the Fly

Authors: Chen Zhang, Xiao Liu, Jiuheng Lin, Yansong Feng

Abstract: Existing large language models struggle to support numerous low-resource languages, particularly the extremely low-resource ones, for which there is minimal training data available for effective parameter updating. We thus investigate whether LLMs can learn a new language on the fly solely through prompting. To study this question, we collect a research suite for Zhuang, a language supported by no LLMs currently. We introduce DiPMT++, a framework for adapting LLMs to unseen languages by in-context learning. Using a dictionary and 5K parallel sentences only, DiPMT++ significantly enhances the performance of GPT-4 from 0 to 16 BLEU for Chinese-to-Zhuang translation and achieves 32 BLEU for Zhuang-to-Chinese translation. We also validate the effectiveness of our framework on Kalamang, another unseen language. Furthermore, we demonstrate the practical utility of DiPMT++ in aiding humans in translating completely unseen languages, which could contribute to the preservation of linguistic diversity.

replace CLLMs: Consistency Large Language Models

Authors: Siqi Kou, Lanxiang Hu, Zhezhi He, Zhijie Deng, Hao Zhang

Abstract: Parallel decoding methods such as Jacobi decoding show promise for more efficient LLM inference as it breaks the sequential nature of the LLM decoding process and transforms it into parallelizable computation. However, in practice, it achieves little speedup compared to traditional autoregressive (AR) decoding, primarily because Jacobi decoding seldom accurately predicts more than one token in a single fixed-point iteration step. To address this, we develop a new approach aimed at realizing fast convergence from any state to the fixed point on a Jacobi trajectory. This is accomplished by refining the target LLM to consistently predict the fixed point given any state as input. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, showing 2.4$\times$ to 3.4$\times$ improvements in generation speed while preserving generation quality across both domain-specific and open-domain benchmarks.

replace To Generate or to Retrieve? On the Effectiveness of Artificial Contexts for Medical Open-Domain Question Answering

Authors: Giacomo Frisoni, Alessio Cocchieri, Alex Presepi, Gianluca Moro, Zaiqiao Meng

Abstract: Medical open-domain question answering demands substantial access to specialized knowledge. Recent efforts have sought to decouple knowledge from model parameters, counteracting architectural scaling and allowing for training on common low-resource hardware. The retrieve-then-read paradigm has become ubiquitous, with model predictions grounded on relevant knowledge pieces from external repositories such as PubMed, textbooks, and UMLS. An alternative path, still under-explored but made possible by the advent of domain-specific large language models, entails constructing artificial contexts through prompting. As a result, "to generate or to retrieve" is the modern equivalent of Hamlet's dilemma. This paper presents MedGENIE, the first generate-then-read framework for multiple-choice question answering in medicine. We conduct extensive experiments on MedQA-USMLE, MedMCQA, and MMLU, incorporating a practical perspective by assuming a maximum of 24GB VRAM. MedGENIE sets a new state-of-the-art in the open-book setting of each testbed, allowing a small-scale reader to outcompete zero-shot closed-book 175B baselines while using up to 706$\times$ fewer parameters. Our findings reveal that generated passages are more effective than retrieved ones in attaining higher accuracy.

replace Large Language Models for Document-Level Event-Argument Data Augmentation for Challenging Role Types

Authors: Joseph Gatto, Parker Seegmiller, Omar Sharif, Sarah M. Preum

Abstract: Event Argument Extraction (EAE) is an extremely difficult information extraction problem -- with significant limitations in few-shot cross-domain (FSCD) settings. A common solution to FSCD modeling is data augmentation. Unfortunately, existing augmentation methods are not well-suited to a variety of real-world EAE contexts including (i) The need to model long documents (10+ sentences) (ii) The need to model zero and few-shot roles (i.e. event roles with little to no training representation). In this work, we introduce two novel LLM-powered data augmentation frameworks for synthesizing extractive document-level EAE samples using zero in-domain training data. Our highest performing methods provide a 16-pt increase in F1 score on extraction of zero shot role types. To better facilitate analysis of cross-domain EAE, we additionally introduce a new metric, Role-Depth F1 (RDF1), which uses statistical depth to identify roles in the target domain which are semantic outliers with respect to roles observed in the source domain. Our experiments show that LLM-based augmentation can boost RDF1 performance by up to 11 F1 points compared to baseline methods.

replace VLKEB: A Large Vision-Language Model Knowledge Editing Benchmark

Authors: Han Huang, Haitian Zhong, Tao Yu, Qiang Liu, Shu Wu, Liang Wang, Tieniu Tan

Abstract: Recently, knowledge editing on large language models (LLMs) has received considerable attention. Compared to this, editing Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) faces extra challenges from diverse data modalities and complicated model components, and data for LVLMs editing are limited. The existing LVLM editing benchmark, which comprises three metrics (Reliability, Locality, and Generality), falls short in the quality of synthesized evaluation images and cannot assess whether models apply edited knowledge in relevant content. Therefore, we employ more reliable data collection methods to construct a new Large $\textbf{V}$ision-$\textbf{L}$anguage Model $\textbf{K}$nowledge $\textbf{E}$diting $\textbf{B}$enchmark, $\textbf{VLKEB}$, and extend the Portability metric for more comprehensive evaluation. Leveraging a multi-modal knowledge graph, our image data are bound with knowledge entities. This can be further used to extract entity-related knowledge, which constitutes the base of editing data. We conduct experiments of different editing methods on five LVLMs, and thoroughly analyze how do they impact the models. The results reveal strengths and deficiencies of these methods and hopefully provide insights for future research. The codes and dataset are available at: $\href{}{\text{}}$.


replace QueryAgent: A Reliable and Efficient Reasoning Framework with Environmental Feedback-based Self-Correction

Authors: Xiang Huang, Sitao Cheng, Shanshan Huang, Jiayu Shen, Yong Xu, Chaoyun Zhang, Yuzhong Qu

Abstract: Employing Large Language Models (LLMs) for semantic parsing has achieved remarkable success. However, we find existing methods fall short in terms of reliability and efficiency when hallucinations are encountered. In this paper, we address these challenges with a framework called QueryAgent, which solves a question step-by-step and performs step-wise self-correction. We introduce an environmental feedback-based self-correction method called ERASER. Unlike traditional approaches, ERASER leverages rich environmental feedback in the intermediate steps to perform selective and differentiated self-correction only when necessary. Experimental results demonstrate that QueryAgent notably outperforms all previous few-shot methods using only one example on GrailQA and GraphQ by 7.0 and 15.0 F1. Moreover, our approach exhibits superiority in terms of efficiency, including runtime, query overhead, and API invocation costs. By leveraging ERASER, we further improve another baseline (i.e., AgentBench) by approximately 10 points, revealing the strong transferability of our approach.

replace RTF: Region-based Table Filling Method for Relational Triple Extraction

Authors: Ning An, Lei Hei, Yong Jiang, Weiping Meng, Jingjing Hu, Boran Huang, Feiliang Ren

Abstract: Relational triple extraction is crucial work for the automatic construction of knowledge graphs. Existing methods only construct shallow representations from a token or token pair-level. However, previous works ignore local spatial dependencies of relational triples, resulting in a weakness of entity pair boundary detection. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Region-based Table Filling method (RTF). We devise a novel region-based tagging scheme and bi-directional decoding strategy, which regard each relational triple as a region on the relation-specific table, and identifies triples by determining two endpoints of each region. We also introduce convolution to construct region-level table representations from a spatial perspective which makes triples easier to be captured. In addition, we share partial tagging scores among different relations to improve learning efficiency of relation classifier. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art with better generalization capability on three variants of two widely used benchmark datasets.

replace SecureLLM: Using Compositionality to Build Provably Secure Language Models for Private, Sensitive, and Secret Data

Authors: Abdulrahman Alabdulkareem, Christian M Arnold, Yerim Lee, Pieter M Feenstra, Boris Katz, Andrei Barbu

Abstract: Traditional security mechanisms isolate resources from users who should not access them. We reflect the compositional nature of such security mechanisms back into the structure of LLMs to build a provably secure LLM; that we term SecureLLM. Other approaches to LLM safety attempt to protect against bad actors or bad outcomes, but can only do so to an extent making them inappropriate for sensitive data. SecureLLM blends access security with fine-tuning methods. Each data silo has associated with it a separate fine-tuning and a user has access only to the collection of fine-tunings that they have permission for. The model must then perform on compositional tasks at the intersection of those data silos with the combination of those individual fine-tunings. While applicable to any task like document QA or making API calls, in this work we concern ourselves with models that learn the layouts of new SQL databases to provide natural-language-to-SQL translation capabilities. Existing fine-tuning composition methods fail in this challenging environment, as they are not well-equipped for handling compositional tasks. Compositionality remains a challenge for LLMs. We contribute both a difficult new compositional natural-language-to-SQL translation task and a new perspective on LLM security that allows models to be deployed to secure environments today.

replace Diverse and Effective Synthetic Data Generation for Adaptable Zero-Shot Dialogue State Tracking

Authors: James D. Finch, Jinho D. Choi

Abstract: We demonstrate substantial performance gains in zero-shot dialogue state tracking (DST) by enhancing training data diversity through synthetic data generation. Existing DST datasets are severely limited in the number of application domains and slot types they cover due to the high costs of data collection, restricting their adaptability to new domains. This work addresses this challenge with a novel, fully automatic data generation approach that creates synthetic zero-shot DST datasets. Distinguished from previous methods, our approach can generate dialogues across a massive range of application domains, complete with silver-standard dialogue state annotations and slot descriptions. This technique is used to create the D0T dataset for training zero-shot DST models, encompassing an unprecedented 1,000+ domains. Experiments on the MultiWOZ benchmark show that training models on diverse synthetic data improves Joint Goal Accuracy by 6.7%, achieving results competitive with models 13.5 times larger than ours.

replace TS-Align: A Teacher-Student Collaborative Framework for Scalable Iterative Finetuning of Large Language Models

Authors: Chen Zhang, Chengguang Tang, Dading Chong, Ke Shi, Guohua Tang, Feng Jiang, Haizhou Li

Abstract: Mainstream approaches to aligning large language models (LLMs) heavily rely on human preference data, particularly when models require periodic updates. The standard process for iterative alignment of LLMs involves collecting new human feedback for each update. However, the data collection process is costly and challenging to scale. To address this issue, we introduce the "TS-Align" framework, which fine-tunes a policy model using pairwise feedback data automatically mined from its outputs. This automatic mining process is efficiently accomplished through the collaboration between a large-scale teacher model and a small-scale student model. The policy fine-tuning process can be iteratively repeated using on-policy generations within our proposed teacher-student collaborative framework. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our final aligned policy outperforms the base policy model with an average win rate of 69.7% across seven conversational or instruction-following datasets. Furthermore, we show that the ranking capability of the teacher is effectively distilled into the student through our pipeline, resulting in a small-scale yet effective reward model for policy model alignment.

replace PTA: Enhancing Multimodal Sentiment Analysis through Pipelined Prediction and Translation-based Alignment

Authors: Shezheng Song, Shasha Li, Shan Zhao, Chengyu Wang, Xiaopeng Li, Jie Yu, Qian Wan, Jun Ma, Tianwei Yan, Wentao Ma, Xiaoguang Mao

Abstract: Multimodal aspect-based sentiment analysis (MABSA) aims to understand opinions in a granular manner, advancing human-computer interaction and other fields. Traditionally, MABSA methods use a joint prediction approach to identify aspects and sentiments simultaneously. However, we argue that joint models are not always superior. Our analysis shows that joint models struggle to align relevant text tokens with image patches, leading to misalignment and ineffective image utilization. In contrast, a pipeline framework first identifies aspects through MATE (Multimodal Aspect Term Extraction) and then aligns these aspects with image patches for sentiment classification (MASC: Multimodal Aspect-Oriented Sentiment Classification). This method is better suited for multimodal scenarios where effective image use is crucial. We present three key observations: (a) MATE and MASC have different feature requirements, with MATE focusing on token-level features and MASC on sequence-level features; (b) the aspect identified by MATE is crucial for effective image utilization; and (c) images play a trivial role in previous MABSA methods due to high noise. Based on these observations, we propose a pipeline framework that first predicts the aspect and then uses translation-based alignment (TBA) to enhance multimodal semantic consistency for better image utilization. Our method achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on widely used MABSA datasets Twitter-15 and Twitter-17. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the pipeline approach and its potential to provide valuable insights for future MABSA research. For reproducibility, the code and checkpoint will be released.

replace Beyond Metrics: Evaluating LLMs' Effectiveness in Culturally Nuanced, Low-Resource Real-World Scenarios

Authors: Millicent Ochieng, Varun Gumma, Sunayana Sitaram, Jindong Wang, Vishrav Chaudhary, Keshet Ronen, Kalika Bali, Jacki O'Neill

Abstract: The deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) in real-world applications presents both opportunities and challenges, particularly in multilingual and code-mixed communication settings. This research evaluates the performance of seven leading LLMs in sentiment analysis on a dataset derived from multilingual and code-mixed WhatsApp chats, including Swahili, English and Sheng. Our evaluation includes both quantitative analysis using metrics like F1 score and qualitative assessment of LLMs' explanations for their predictions. We find that, while Mistral-7b and Mixtral-8x7b achieved high F1 scores, they and other LLMs such as GPT-3.5-Turbo, Llama-2-70b, and Gemma-7b struggled with understanding linguistic and contextual nuances, as well as lack of transparency in their decision-making process as observed from their explanations. In contrast, GPT-4 and GPT-4-Turbo excelled in grasping diverse linguistic inputs and managing various contextual information, demonstrating high consistency with human alignment and transparency in their decision-making process. The LLMs however, encountered difficulties in incorporating cultural nuance especially in non-English settings with GPT-4s doing so inconsistently. The findings emphasize the necessity of continuous improvement of LLMs to effectively tackle the challenges of culturally nuanced, low-resource real-world settings and the need for developing evaluation benchmarks for capturing these issues.

replace Xmodel-LM Technical Report

Authors: Yichuan Wang, Yang Liu, Yu Yan, Qun Wang, Shulei Wu, Xucheng Huang, Ling Jiang

Abstract: We introduce Xmodel-LM, a compact and efficient 1.1B language model pre-trained on around 2 trillion tokens. Trained on our self-built dataset (Xdata), which balances Chinese and English corpora based on downstream task optimization, Xmodel-LM exhibits remarkable performance despite its smaller size. It notably surpasses existing open-source language models of similar scale. Our model checkpoints and code are publicly accessible on GitHub at


replace The Challenges of Evaluating LLM Applications: An Analysis of Automated, Human, and LLM-Based Approaches

Authors: Bhashithe Abeysinghe, Ruhan Circi

Abstract: Chatbots have been an interesting application of natural language generation since its inception. With novel transformer based Generative AI methods, building chatbots have become trivial. Chatbots which are targeted at specific domains for example medicine and psychology are implemented rapidly. This however, should not distract from the need to evaluate the chatbot responses. Especially because the natural language generation community does not entirely agree upon how to effectively evaluate such applications. With this work we discuss the issue further with the increasingly popular LLM based evaluations and how they correlate with human evaluations. Additionally, we introduce a comprehensive factored evaluation mechanism that can be utilized in conjunction with both human and LLM-based evaluations. We present the results of an experimental evaluation conducted using this scheme in one of our chatbot implementations which consumed educational reports, and subsequently compare automated, traditional human evaluation, factored human evaluation, and factored LLM evaluation. Results show that factor based evaluation produces better insights on which aspects need to be improved in LLM applications and further strengthens the argument to use human evaluation in critical spaces where main functionality is not direct retrieval.

replace Ranking Manipulation for Conversational Search Engines

Authors: Samuel Pfrommer, Yatong Bai, Tanmay Gautam, Somayeh Sojoudi

Abstract: Major search engine providers are rapidly incorporating Large Language Model (LLM)-generated content in response to user queries. These conversational search engines operate by loading retrieved website text into the LLM context for summarization and interpretation. Recent research demonstrates that LLMs are highly vulnerable to jailbreaking and prompt injection attacks, which disrupt the safety and quality goals of LLMs using adversarial strings. This work investigates the impact of prompt injections on the ranking order of sources referenced by conversational search engines. To this end, we introduce a focused dataset of real-world consumer product websites and formalize conversational search ranking as an adversarial problem. Experimentally, we analyze conversational search rankings in the absence of adversarial injections and show that different LLMs vary significantly in prioritizing product name, document content, and context position. We then present a tree-of-attacks-based jailbreaking technique which reliably promotes low-ranked products. Importantly, these attacks transfer effectively to state-of-the-art conversational search engines such as Given the strong financial incentive for website owners to boost their search ranking, we argue that our problem formulation is of critical importance for future robustness work.

replace How Alignment and Jailbreak Work: Explain LLM Safety through Intermediate Hidden States

Authors: Zhenhong Zhou, Haiyang Yu, Xinghua Zhang, Rongwu Xu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) rely on safety alignment to avoid responding to malicious user inputs. Unfortunately, jailbreak can circumvent safety guardrails, resulting in LLMs generating harmful content and raising concerns about LLM safety. Due to language models with intensive parameters often regarded as black boxes, the mechanisms of alignment and jailbreak are challenging to elucidate. In this paper, we employ weak classifiers to explain LLM safety through the intermediate hidden states. We first confirm that LLMs learn ethical concepts during pre-training rather than alignment and can identify malicious and normal inputs in the early layers. Alignment actually associates the early concepts with emotion guesses in the middle layers and then refines them to the specific reject tokens for safe generations. Jailbreak disturbs the transformation of early unethical classification into negative emotions. We conduct experiments on models from 7B to 70B across various model families to prove our conclusion. Overall, our paper indicates the intrinsical mechanism of LLM safety and how jailbreaks circumvent safety guardrails, offering a new perspective on LLM safety and reducing concerns. Our code is available at


replace Language Models Resist Alignment

Authors: Jiaming Ji, Kaile Wang, Tianyi Qiu, Boyuan Chen, Jiayi Zhou, Changye Li, Hantao Lou, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) may exhibit undesirable behaviors. Recent efforts have focused on aligning these models to prevent harmful generation. Despite these efforts, studies have shown that even a well-conducted alignment process can be easily circumvented, whether intentionally or accidentally. Do alignment fine-tuning have robust effects on models, or are merely superficial? In this work, we answer this question through both theoretical and empirical means. Empirically, we demonstrate the elasticity of post-alignment models, i.e., the tendency to revert to the behavior distribution formed during the pre-training phase upon further fine-tuning. Using compression theory, we formally derive that such fine-tuning process disproportionately undermines alignment compared to pre-training, potentially by orders of magnitude. We conduct experimental validations to confirm the presence of elasticity across models of varying types and sizes. Specifically, we find that model performance declines rapidly before reverting to the pre-training distribution, after which the rate of decline drops significantly. We further reveal that elasticity positively correlates with increased model size and the expansion of pre-training data. Our discovery signifies the importance of taming the inherent elasticity of LLMs, thereby overcoming the resistance of LLMs to alignment finetuning.

replace From Redundancy to Relevance: Enhancing Explainability in Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaofeng Zhang, Chen Shen, Xiaosong Yuan, Shaotian Yan, Liang Xie, Wenxiao Wang, Chaochen Gu, Hao Tang, Jieping Ye

Abstract: Recently, multimodal large language models have exploded with an endless variety, most of the popular Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) depend on sequential visual representation, where images are converted into hundreds or thousands of tokens before being input into the Large Language Model (LLM) along with language prompts. The black-box design hinders the interpretability of visual-language models, especially regarding more complex reasoning tasks. To explore the interaction process between image and text in complex reasoning tasks, we introduce the information flow method to visualize the interaction mechanism. By analyzing the dynamic flow of the information flow, we find that the information flow appears to converge in the shallow layer. Further investigation revealed a redundancy of the image token in the shallow layer. Consequently, a truncation strategy was introduced to aggregate image tokens within these shallow layers. This approach has been validated through experiments across multiple models, yielding consistent improvements.

replace It Takes Two: On the Seamlessness between Reward and Policy Model in RLHF

Authors: Taiming Lu, Lingfeng Shen, Xinyu Yang, Weiting Tan, Beidi Chen, Huaxiu Yao

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) involves training policy models (PMs) and reward models (RMs) to align language models with human preferences. Instead of focusing solely on PMs and RMs independently, we propose to examine their interactions during fine-tuning, introducing the concept of seamlessness. Our study starts with observing the saturation phenomenon, where continual improvements in RM and PM do not translate into RLHF progress. Our analysis shows that RMs fail to assign proper scores to PM responses, resulting in a 35% mismatch rate with human preferences, highlighting a significant discrepancy between PM and RM. To measure seamlessness between PM and RM without human effort, we propose an automatic metric, SEAM. SEAM quantifies the discrepancies between PM and RM judgments induced by data samples. We validate the effectiveness of SEAM in data selection and model augmentation. Our experiments demonstrate that (1) using SEAM-filtered data for RL training improves RLHF performance by 4.5%, and (2) SEAM-guided model augmentation results in a 4% performance improvement over standard augmentation methods.

replace CoXQL: A Dataset for Parsing Explanation Requests in Conversational XAI Systems

Authors: Qianli Wang, Tatiana Anikina, Nils Feldhus, Simon Ostermann, Sebastian M\"oller

Abstract: Conversational explainable artificial intelligence (ConvXAI) systems based on large language models (LLMs) have garnered significant interest from the research community in natural language processing (NLP) and human-computer interaction (HCI). Such systems can provide answers to user questions about explanations in dialogues, have the potential to enhance users' comprehension and offer more information about the decision-making and generation processes of LLMs. Currently available ConvXAI systems are based on intent recognition rather than free chat, as this has been found to be more precise and reliable in identifying users' intentions. However, the recognition of intents still presents a challenge in the case of ConvXAI, since little training data exist and the domain is highly specific, as there is a broad range of XAI methods to map requests onto. In order to bridge this gap, we present CoXQL, the first dataset for user intent recognition in ConvXAI, covering 31 intents, seven of which require filling multiple slots. Subsequently, we enhance an existing parsing approach by incorporating template validations, and conduct an evaluation of several LLMs on CoXQL using different parsing strategies. We conclude that the improved parsing approach (MP+) surpasses the performance of previous approaches. We also discover that intents with multiple slots remain highly challenging for LLMs.

replace Is Programming by Example solved by LLMs?

Authors: Wen-Ding Li, Kevin Ellis

Abstract: Programming-by-Examples (PBE) aims to generate an algorithm from input-output examples. Such systems are practically and theoretically important: from an end-user perspective, they are deployed to millions of people, and from an AI perspective, PBE corresponds to a very general form of few-shot inductive inference. Given the success of Large Language Models (LLMs) in code-generation tasks, we investigate here the extent to which LLMs can be said to have `solved' PBE. We experiment on classic domains such as lists and strings, and an uncommon graphics programming domain not well represented in typical pretraining data. We find that pretrained models are not effective at PBE, but that they can be fine-tuned for much higher performance, provided the test problems are in-distribution. We analyze empirically what causes these models to succeed and fail, and take steps toward understanding how to achieve better out-of-distribution generalization. Collectively these results suggest that LLMs make strong progress toward solving the typical suite of PBE tasks, potentially increasing the flexibility and applicability of PBE systems, while also identifying ways in which LLMs still fall short.

replace-cross Multimodal Learning Without Labeled Multimodal Data: Guarantees and Applications

Authors: Paul Pu Liang, Chun Kai Ling, Yun Cheng, Alex Obolenskiy, Yudong Liu, Rohan Pandey, Alex Wilf, Louis-Philippe Morency, Ruslan Salakhutdinov

Abstract: In many machine learning systems that jointly learn from multiple modalities, a core research question is to understand the nature of multimodal interactions: how modalities combine to provide new task-relevant information that was not present in either alone. We study this challenge of interaction quantification in a semi-supervised setting with only labeled unimodal data and naturally co-occurring multimodal data (e.g., unlabeled images and captions, video and corresponding audio) but when labeling them is time-consuming. Using a precise information-theoretic definition of interactions, our key contribution is the derivation of lower and upper bounds to quantify the amount of multimodal interactions in this semi-supervised setting. We propose two lower bounds: one based on the shared information between modalities and the other based on disagreement between separately trained unimodal classifiers, and derive an upper bound through connections to approximate algorithms for min-entropy couplings. We validate these estimated bounds and show how they accurately track true interactions. Finally, we show how these theoretical results can be used to estimate multimodal model performance, guide data collection, and select appropriate multimodal models for various tasks.

replace-cross Language Models As Semantic Indexers

Authors: Bowen Jin, Hansi Zeng, Guoyin Wang, Xiusi Chen, Tianxin Wei, Ruirui Li, Zhengyang Wang, Zheng Li, Yang Li, Hanqing Lu, Suhang Wang, Jiawei Han, Xianfeng Tang

Abstract: Semantic identifier (ID) is an important concept in information retrieval that aims to preserve the semantics of objects such as documents and items inside their IDs. Previous studies typically adopt a two-stage pipeline to learn semantic IDs by first procuring embeddings using off-the-shelf text encoders and then deriving IDs based on the embeddings. However, each step introduces potential information loss, and there is usually an inherent mismatch between the distribution of embeddings within the latent space produced by text encoders and the anticipated distribution required for semantic indexing. It is non-trivial to design a method that can learn the document's semantic representations and its hierarchical structure simultaneously, given that semantic IDs are discrete and sequentially structured, and the semantic supervision is deficient. In this paper, we introduce LMIndexer, a self-supervised framework to learn semantic IDs with a generative language model. We tackle the challenge of sequential discrete ID by introducing a semantic indexer capable of generating neural sequential discrete representations with progressive training and contrastive learning. In response to the semantic supervision deficiency, we propose to train the model with a self-supervised document reconstruction objective. We show the high quality of the learned IDs and demonstrate their effectiveness on three tasks including recommendation, product search, and document retrieval on five datasets from various domains. Code is available at


replace-cross Instruction Makes a Difference

Authors: Tosin Adewumi, Nudrat Habib, Lama Alkhaled, Elisa Barney

Abstract: We introduce Instruction Document Visual Question Answering (iDocVQA) dataset and Large Language Document (LLaDoc) model, for training Language-Vision (LV) models for document analysis and predictions on document images, respectively. Usually, deep neural networks for the DocVQA task are trained on datasets lacking instructions. We show that using instruction-following datasets improves performance. We compare performance across document-related datasets using the recent state-of-the-art (SotA) Large Language and Vision Assistant (LLaVA)1.5 as the base model. We also evaluate the performance of the derived models for object hallucination using the Polling-based Object Probing Evaluation (POPE) dataset. The results show that instruction-tuning performance ranges from 11X to 32X of zero-shot performance and from 0.1% to 4.2% over non-instruction (traditional task) finetuning. Despite the gains, these still fall short of human performance (94.36%), implying there's much room for improvement.

replace-cross CREMA: Generalizable and Efficient Video-Language Reasoning via Multimodal Modular Fusion

Authors: Shoubin Yu, Jaehong Yoon, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Despite impressive advancements in recent multimodal reasoning approaches, they are still limited in flexibility and efficiency, as these models typically process only a few fixed modality inputs and require updates to numerous parameters. This paper tackles these critical challenges and proposes CREMA, a generalizable, highly efficient, and modular modality-fusion framework that can incorporate any new modality to enhance video reasoning. We first augment multiple informative modalities (such as optical flow, 3D point cloud, audio, thermal heatmap, and touch map) from given videos without extra human annotation by leveraging sensors or existing pre-trained models. Next, we introduce a query transformer with multiple parameter-efficient modules associated with each accessible modality. It projects diverse modality features to the LLM token embedding space, allowing the model to integrate different data types for response generation. Furthermore, we propose a novel progressive multimodal fusion design supported by a lightweight fusion module and modality-sequential training strategy. It helps compress information across various assisting modalities, maintaining computational efficiency in the LLM while improving performance. We validate our method on 7 video-language reasoning tasks assisted by diverse modalities, including conventional VideoQA and Video-Audio/3D/Touch/Thermal QA, and achieve better/equivalent performance against strong multimodal LLMs, including OneLLM, BLIP-2, and SeViLA while reducing over 90% trainable parameters. We provide extensive analyses of CREMA, including the impact of each modality on reasoning domains, the design of the fusion module, and example visualizations.

replace-cross Emotional Voice Messages (EMOVOME) database: emotion recognition in spontaneous voice messages

Authors: Luc\'ia G\'omez Zaragoz\'a (HUMAN-tech Institute, Universitat Polit\`enica de Val\`encia, Valencia, Spain), Roc\'io del Amor (HUMAN-tech Institute, Universitat Polit\`enica de Val\`encia, Valencia, Spain), Elena Parra Vargas (HUMAN-tech Institute, Universitat Polit\`enica de Val\`encia, Valencia, Spain), Valery Naranjo (HUMAN-tech Institute, Universitat Polit\`enica de Val\`encia, Valencia, Spain), Mariano Alca\~niz Raya (HUMAN-tech Institute, Universitat Polit\`enica de Val\`encia, Valencia, Spain), Javier Mar\'in-Morales (HUMAN-tech Institute, Universitat Polit\`enica de Val\`encia, Valencia, Spain)

Abstract: Emotional Voice Messages (EMOVOME) is a spontaneous speech dataset containing 999 audio messages from real conversations on a messaging app from 100 Spanish speakers, gender balanced. Voice messages were produced in-the-wild conditions before participants were recruited, avoiding any conscious bias due to laboratory environment. Audios were labeled in valence and arousal dimensions by three non-experts and two experts, which were then combined to obtain a final label per dimension. The experts also provided an extra label corresponding to seven emotion categories. To set a baseline for future investigations using EMOVOME, we implemented emotion recognition models using both speech and audio transcriptions. For speech, we used the standard eGeMAPS feature set and support vector machines, obtaining 49.27% and 44.71% unweighted accuracy for valence and arousal respectively. For text, we fine-tuned a multilingual BERT model and achieved 61.15% and 47.43% unweighted accuracy for valence and arousal respectively. This database will significantly contribute to research on emotion recognition in the wild, while also providing a unique natural and freely accessible resource for Spanish.

replace-cross EMOVOME Database: Advancing Emotion Recognition in Speech Beyond Staged Scenarios

Authors: Luc\'ia G\'omez-Zaragoz\'a, Roc\'io del Amor, Mar\'ia Jos\'e Castro-Bleda, Valery Naranjo, Mariano Alca\~niz Raya, Javier Mar\'in-Morales

Abstract: Natural databases for Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) are scarce and often rely on staged scenarios, such as films or television shows, limiting their application in real-world contexts. We developed and publicly released the Emotional Voice Messages (EMOVOME) database, including 999 voice messages from real conversations of 100 Spanish speakers on a messaging app, labeled in continuous and discrete emotions by expert and non-expert annotators. We evaluated speaker-independent SER models using a standard set of acoustic features and transformer-based models. We compared the results with reference databases including acted and elicited speech, and analyzed the influence of annotators and gender fairness. The pre-trained UniSpeech-SAT-Large model achieved the highest results, 61.64% and 55.57% Unweighted Accuracy (UA) for 3-class valence and arousal prediction respectively on EMOVOME, a 10% improvement over baseline models. For the emotion categories, 42.58% UA was obtained. EMOVOME performed lower than the acted RAVDESS database. The elicited IEMOCAP database also outperformed EMOVOME in predicting emotion categories, while similar results were obtained in valence and arousal. EMOVOME outcomes varied with annotator labels, showing better results and fairness when combining expert and non-expert annotations. This study highlights the gap between staged and real-life scenarios, supporting further advancements in recognizing genuine emotions.

replace-cross TimeCMA: Towards LLM-Empowered Time Series Forecasting via Cross-Modality Alignment

Authors: Chenxi Liu, Qianxiong Xu, Hao Miao, Sun Yang, Lingzheng Zhang, Cheng Long, Ziyue Li, Rui Zhao

Abstract: The widespread adoption of scalable mobile sensing has led to large amounts of time series data for real-world applications. A fundamental application is multivariate time series forecasting (MTSF), which aims to predict future time series values based on historical observations. Existing MTSF methods suffer from limited parameterization and small-scale training data. Recently, Large language models (LLMs) have been introduced in time series, which achieve promising forecasting performance but incur heavy computational costs. To solve these challenges, we propose TimeCMA, an LLM-empowered framework for time series forecasting with cross-modality alignment. We design a dual-modality encoding module with two branches, where the time series encoding branch extracts relatively low-quality yet pure embeddings of time series through an inverted Transformer. In addition, the LLM-empowered encoding branch wraps the same time series as prompts to obtain high-quality yet entangled prompt embeddings via a Pre-trained LLM. Then, we design a cross-modality alignment module to retrieve high-quality and pure time series embeddings from the prompt embeddings. Moreover, we develop a time series forecasting module to decode the aligned embeddings while capturing dependencies among multiple variables for forecasting. Notably, we tailor the prompt to encode sufficient temporal information into a last token and design the last token embedding storage to reduce computational costs. Extensive experiments on real data offer insight into the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed framework.

replace-cross ArguMentor: Augmenting User Experiences with Counter-Perspectives

Authors: Priya Pitre, Kurt Luther

Abstract: Opinion pieces (or op-eds) can provide valuable perspectives, but they often represent only one side of a story, which can make readers susceptible to confirmation bias and echo chambers. Exposure to different perspectives can help readers overcome these obstacles and form more robust, nuanced views on important societal issues. We designed ArguMentor, a human-AI collaboration system that highlights claims in opinion pieces, identifies counter-arguments for them using a LLM, and generates a context-based summary of based on current events. It further enhances user understanding through additional features like a Q&A bot (that answers user questions pertaining to the text), DebateMe (an agent that users can argue any side of the piece with) and highlighting (where users can highlight a word or passage to get its definition or context). Our evaluation shows that participants can generate more arguments and counter-arguments and have, on average, have more moderate views after engaging with the system.

replace-cross $Classi|Q\rangle$ Towards a Translation Framework To Bridge The Classical-Quantum Programming Gap

Authors: Matteo Esposito, Maryam Tavassoli Sabzevari, Boshuai Ye, Davide Falessi, Arif Ali Khan, Davide Taibi

Abstract: Quantum computing, albeit readily available as hardware or emulated on the cloud, is still far from being available in general regarding complex programming paradigms and learning curves. This vision paper introduces $Classi|Q\rangle$, a translation framework idea to bridge Classical and Quantum Computing by translating high-level programming languages, e.g., Python or C++, into a low-level language, e.g., Quantum Assembly. Our idea paper serves as a blueprint for ongoing efforts in quantum software engineering, offering a roadmap for further $Classi|Q\rangle$ development to meet the diverse needs of researchers and practitioners. $Classi|Q\rangle$ is designed to empower researchers and practitioners with no prior quantum experience to harness the potential of hybrid quantum computation. We also discuss future enhancements to $Classi|Q\rangle$, including support for additional quantum languages, improved optimization strategies, and integration with emerging quantum computing platforms.

replace-cross A Survey of Backdoor Attacks and Defenses on Large Language Models: Implications for Security Measures

Authors: Shuai Zhao, Meihuizi Jia, Zhongliang Guo, Leilei Gan, Jie Fu, Yichao Feng, Fengjun Pan, Luu Anh Tuan

Abstract: The large language models (LLMs), which bridge the gap between human language understanding and complex problem-solving, achieve state-of-the-art performance on several NLP tasks, particularly in few-shot and zero-shot settings. Despite the demonstrable efficacy of LMMs, due to constraints on computational resources, users have to engage with open-source language models or outsource the entire training process to third-party platforms. However, research has demonstrated that language models are susceptible to potential security vulnerabilities, particularly in backdoor attacks. Backdoor attacks are designed to introduce targeted vulnerabilities into language models by poisoning training samples or model weights, allowing attackers to manipulate model responses through malicious triggers. While existing surveys on backdoor attacks provide a comprehensive overview, they lack an in-depth examination of backdoor attacks specifically targeting LLMs. To bridge this gap and grasp the latest trends in the field, this paper presents a novel perspective on backdoor attacks for LLMs by focusing on fine-tuning methods. Specifically, we systematically classify backdoor attacks into three categories: full-parameter fine-tuning, parameter-efficient fine-tuning, and attacks without fine-tuning. Based on insights from a substantial review, we also discuss crucial issues for future research on backdoor attacks, such as further exploring attack algorithms that do not require fine-tuning, or developing more covert attack algorithms.

replace-cross What's in an embedding? Would a rose by any embedding smell as sweet?

Authors: Venkat Venkatasubramanian

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are often criticized for lacking true "understanding" and an ability to "reason" with their knowledge, being seen merely as advanced autocomplete systems. We believe that this perspective might be missing an important insight. We suggest that LLMs do develop a kind of empirical "understanding" that is "geometry"-like, which seems quite sufficient for a range of applications in NLP, computer vision, coding assistance, etc. However, this "geometric" understanding, built from incomplete and noisy data, makes them unreliable, difficult to generalize, and lacking in inference capabilities and explanations, similar to the challenges faced by heuristics-based expert systems decades ago. To overcome these limitations, we suggest that LLMs should be integrated with an "algebraic" representation of knowledge that includes symbolic AI elements used in expert systems. This integration aims to create large knowledge models (LKMs) that not only possess "deep" knowledge grounded in first principles, but also have the ability to reason and explain, mimicking human expert capabilities. To harness the full potential of generative AI safely and effectively, a paradigm shift from LLMs to the more comprehensive LKMs is needed.

replace-cross MMWorld: Towards Multi-discipline Multi-faceted World Model Evaluation in Videos

Authors: Xuehai He, Weixi Feng, Kaizhi Zheng, Yujie Lu, Wanrong Zhu, Jiachen Li, Yue Fan, Jianfeng Wang, Linjie Li, Zhengyuan Yang, Kevin Lin, William Yang Wang, Lijuan Wang, Xin Eric Wang

Abstract: Multimodal Language Language Models (MLLMs) demonstrate the emerging abilities of "world models" -- interpreting and reasoning about complex real-world dynamics. To assess these abilities, we posit videos are the ideal medium, as they encapsulate rich representations of real-world dynamics and causalities. To this end, we introduce MMWorld, a new benchmark for multi-discipline, multi-faceted multimodal video understanding. MMWorld distinguishes itself from previous video understanding benchmarks with two unique advantages: (1) multi-discipline, covering various disciplines that often require domain expertise for comprehensive understanding; (2) multi-faceted reasoning, including explanation, counterfactual thinking, future prediction, etc. MMWorld consists of a human-annotated dataset to evaluate MLLMs with questions about the whole videos and a synthetic dataset to analyze MLLMs within a single modality of perception. Together, MMWorld encompasses 1,910 videos across seven broad disciplines and 69 subdisciplines, complete with 6,627 question-answer pairs and associated captions. The evaluation includes 2 proprietary and 10 open-source MLLMs, which struggle on MMWorld (e.g., GPT-4V performs the best with only 52.3\% accuracy), showing large room for improvement. Further ablation studies reveal other interesting findings such as models' different skill sets from humans. We hope MMWorld can serve as an essential step towards world model evaluation in videos.