new Simulating Realistic Post-Stroke Reaching Kinematics with Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Aaron J. Hadley, Christopher L. Pulliam

Abstract: The generalizability of machine learning (ML) models for wearable monitoring in stroke rehabilitation is often constrained by the limited scale and heterogeneity of available data. Data augmentation addresses this challenge by adding computationally derived data to real data to enrich the variability represented in the training set. Traditional augmentation methods, such as rotation, permutation, and time-warping, have shown some benefits in improving classifier performance, but often fail to produce realistic training examples. This study employs Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) to create synthetic kinematic data from a publicly available dataset, closely mimicking the experimentally measured reaching movements of stroke survivors. This approach not only captures the complex temporal dynamics and common movement patterns after stroke, but also significantly enhances the training dataset. By training deep learning models on both synthetic and experimental data, we achieved a substantial enhancement in task classification accuracy: models incorporating synthetic data attained an overall accuracy of 80.2%, significantly higher than the 63.1% seen in models trained solely with real data. These improvements allow for more precise task classification, offering clinicians the potential to monitor patient progress more accurately and tailor rehabilitation interventions more effectively.

new Q-S5: Towards Quantized State Space Models

Authors: Steven Abreu, Jens E. Pedersen, Kade M. Heckel, Alessandro Pierro

Abstract: In the quest for next-generation sequence modeling architectures, State Space Models (SSMs) have emerged as a potent alternative to transformers, particularly for their computational efficiency and suitability for dynamical systems. This paper investigates the effect of quantization on the S5 model to understand its impact on model performance and to facilitate its deployment to edge and resource-constrained platforms. Using quantization-aware training (QAT) and post-training quantization (PTQ), we systematically evaluate the quantization sensitivity of SSMs across different tasks like dynamical systems modeling, Sequential MNIST (sMNIST) and most of the Long Range Arena (LRA). We present fully quantized S5 models whose test accuracy drops less than 1% on sMNIST and most of the LRA. We find that performance on most tasks degrades significantly for recurrent weights below 8-bit precision, but that other components can be compressed further without significant loss of performance. Our results further show that PTQ only performs well on language-based LRA tasks whereas all others require QAT. Our investigation provides necessary insights for the continued development of efficient and hardware-optimized SSMs.

new Fair Data Generation via Score-based Diffusion Model

Authors: Yujie Lin, Dong Li, Chen Zhao, Minglai Shao

Abstract: The fairness of AI decision-making has garnered increasing attention, leading to the proposal of numerous fairness algorithms. In this paper, we aim not to address this issue by directly introducing fair learning algorithms, but rather by generating entirely new, fair synthetic data from biased datasets for use in any downstream tasks. Additionally, the distribution of test data may differ from that of the training set, potentially impacting the performance of the generated synthetic data in downstream tasks. To address these two challenges, we propose a diffusion model-based framework, FADM: Fairness-Aware Diffusion with Meta-training. FADM introduces two types of gradient induction during the sampling phase of the diffusion model: one to ensure that the generated samples belong to the desired target categories, and another to make the sensitive attributes of the generated samples difficult to classify into any specific sensitive attribute category. To overcome data distribution shifts in the test environment, we train the diffusion model and the two classifiers used for induction within a meta-learning framework. Compared to other baselines, FADM allows for flexible control over the categories of the generated samples and exhibits superior generalization capability. Experiments on real datasets demonstrate that FADM achieves better accuracy and optimal fairness in downstream tasks.

new CircuitVAE: Efficient and Scalable Latent Circuit Optimization

Authors: Jialin Song, Aidan Swope, Robert Kirby, Rajarshi Roy, Saad Godil, Jonathan Raiman, Bryan Catanzaro

Abstract: Automatically designing fast and space-efficient digital circuits is challenging because circuits are discrete, must exactly implement the desired logic, and are costly to simulate. We address these challenges with CircuitVAE, a search algorithm that embeds computation graphs in a continuous space and optimizes a learned surrogate of physical simulation by gradient descent. By carefully controlling overfitting of the simulation surrogate and ensuring diverse exploration, our algorithm is highly sample-efficient, yet gracefully scales to large problem instances and high sample budgets. We test CircuitVAE by designing binary adders across a large range of sizes, IO timing constraints, and sample budgets. Our method excels at designing large circuits, where other algorithms struggle: compared to reinforcement learning and genetic algorithms, CircuitVAE typically finds 64-bit adders which are smaller and faster using less than half the sample budget. We also find CircuitVAE can design state-of-the-art adders in a real-world chip, demonstrating that our method can outperform commercial tools in a realistic setting.

new FLea: Addressing Data Scarcity and Label Skew in Federated Learning via Privacy-preserving Feature Augmentation

Authors: Tong Xia, Abhirup Ghosh, Xinchi Qiu, Cecilia Mascolo

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) enables model development by leveraging data distributed across numerous edge devices without transferring local data to a central server. However, existing FL methods still face challenges when dealing with scarce and label-skewed data across devices, resulting in local model overfitting and drift, consequently hindering the performance of the global model. In response to these challenges, we propose a pioneering framework called FLea, incorporating the following key components: i) A global feature buffer that stores activation-target pairs shared from multiple clients to support local training. This design mitigates local model drift caused by the absence of certain classes; ii) A feature augmentation approach based on local and global activation mix-ups for local training. This strategy enlarges the training samples, thereby reducing the risk of local overfitting; iii) An obfuscation method to minimize the correlation between intermediate activations and the source data, enhancing the privacy of shared features. To verify the superiority of FLea, we conduct extensive experiments using a wide range of data modalities, simulating different levels of local data scarcity and label skew. The results demonstrate that FLea consistently outperforms state-of-the-art FL counterparts (among 13 of the experimented 18 settings, the improvement is over 5% while concurrently mitigating the privacy vulnerabilities associated with shared features. Code is available at


new Between Randomness and Arbitrariness: Some Lessons for Reliable Machine Learning at Scale

Authors: A. Feder Cooper

Abstract: To develop rigorous knowledge about ML models -- and the systems in which they are embedded -- we need reliable measurements. But reliable measurement is fundamentally challenging, and touches on issues of reproducibility, scalability, uncertainty quantification, epistemology, and more. This dissertation addresses criteria needed to take reliability seriously: both criteria for designing meaningful metrics, and for methodologies that ensure that we can dependably and efficiently measure these metrics at scale and in practice. In doing so, this dissertation articulates a research vision for a new field of scholarship at the intersection of machine learning, law, and policy. Within this frame, we cover topics that fit under three different themes: (1) quantifying and mitigating sources of arbitrariness in ML, (2) taming randomness in uncertainty estimation and optimization algorithms, in order to achieve scalability without sacrificing reliability, and (3) providing methods for evaluating generative-AI systems, with specific focuses on quantifying memorization in language models and training latent diffusion models on open-licensed data. By making contributions in these three themes, this dissertation serves as an empirical proof by example that research on reliable measurement for machine learning is intimately and inescapably bound up with research in law and policy. These different disciplines pose similar research questions about reliable measurement in machine learning. They are, in fact, two complementary sides of the same research vision, which, broadly construed, aims to construct machine-learning systems that cohere with broader societal values.

new $S^3$ -- Semantic Signal Separation

Authors: M\'arton Kardos, Jan Kostkan, Arnault-Quentin Vermillet, Kristoffer Nielbo, Roberta Rocca

Abstract: Topic models are useful tools for discovering latent semantic structures in large textual corpora. Topic modeling historically relied on bag-of-words representations of language. This approach makes models sensitive to the presence of stop words and noise, and does not utilize potentially useful contextual information. Recent efforts have been oriented at incorporating contextual neural representations in topic modeling and have been shown to outperform classical topic models. These approaches are, however, typically slow, volatile and still require preprocessing for optimal results. We present Semantic Signal Separation ($S^3$), a theory-driven topic modeling approach in neural embedding spaces. $S^3$ conceptualizes topics as independent axes of semantic space, and uncovers these with blind-source separation. Our approach provides the most diverse, highly coherent topics, requires no preprocessing, and is demonstrated to be the fastest contextually sensitive topic model to date. We offer an implementation of $S^3$, among other approaches, in the Turftopic Python package.

new Label Noise Robustness for Domain-Agnostic Fair Corrections via Nearest Neighbors Label Spreading

Authors: Nathan Stromberg, Rohan Ayyagari, Sanmi Koyejo, Richard Nock, Lalitha Sankar

Abstract: Last-layer retraining methods have emerged as an efficient framework for correcting existing base models. Within this framework, several methods have been proposed to deal with correcting models for subgroup fairness with and without group membership information. Importantly, prior work has demonstrated that many methods are susceptible to noisy labels. To this end, we propose a drop-in correction for label noise in last-layer retraining, and demonstrate that it achieves state-of-the-art worst-group accuracy for a broad range of symmetric label noise and across a wide variety of datasets exhibiting spurious correlations. Our proposed approach uses label spreading on a latent nearest neighbors graph and has minimal computational overhead compared to existing methods.

new e-COP : Episodic Constrained Optimization of Policies

Authors: Akhil Agnihotri, Rahul Jain, Deepak Ramachandran, Sahil Singla

Abstract: In this paper, we present the $\texttt{e-COP}$ algorithm, the first policy optimization algorithm for constrained Reinforcement Learning (RL) in episodic (finite horizon) settings. Such formulations are applicable when there are separate sets of optimization criteria and constraints on a system's behavior. We approach this problem by first establishing a policy difference lemma for the episodic setting, which provides the theoretical foundation for the algorithm. Then, we propose to combine a set of established and novel solution ideas to yield the $\texttt{e-COP}$ algorithm that is easy to implement and numerically stable, and provide a theoretical guarantee on optimality under certain scaling assumptions. Through extensive empirical analysis using benchmarks in the Safety Gym suite, we show that our algorithm has similar or better performance than SoTA (non-episodic) algorithms adapted for the episodic setting. The scalability of the algorithm opens the door to its application in safety-constrained Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback for Large Language or Diffusion Models.

new Towards Domain Adaptive Neural Contextual Bandits

Authors: Ziyan Wang, Hao Wang

Abstract: Contextual bandit algorithms are essential for solving real-world decision making problems. In practice, collecting a contextual bandit's feedback from different domains may involve different costs. For example, measuring drug reaction from mice (as a source domain) and humans (as a target domain). Unfortunately, adapting a contextual bandit algorithm from a source domain to a target domain with distribution shift still remains a major challenge and largely unexplored. In this paper, we introduce the first general domain adaptation method for contextual bandits. Our approach learns a bandit model for the target domain by collecting feedback from the source domain. Our theoretical analysis shows that our algorithm maintains a sub-linear regret bound even adapting across domains. Empirical results show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art contextual bandit algorithms on real-world datasets.

new Improving Consistency Models with Generator-Induced Coupling

Authors: Thibaut Issenhuth, Ludovic Dos Santos, Jean-Yves Franceschi, Alain Rakotomamonjy

Abstract: Consistency models are promising generative models as they distill the multi-step sampling of score-based diffusion in a single forward pass of a neural network. Without access to sampling trajectories of a pre-trained diffusion model, consistency training relies on proxy trajectories built on an independent coupling between the noise and data distributions. Refining this coupling is a key area of improvement to make it more adapted to the task and reduce the resulting randomness in the training process. In this work, we introduce a novel coupling associating the input noisy data with their generated output from the consistency model itself, as a proxy to the inaccessible diffusion flow output. Our affordable approach exploits the inherent capacity of consistency models to compute the transport map in a single step. We provide intuition and empirical evidence of the relevance of our generator-induced coupling (GC), which brings consistency training closer to score distillation. Consequently, our method not only accelerates consistency training convergence by significant amounts but also enhances the resulting performance. The code is available at:


new Online Bandit Learning with Offline Preference Data

Authors: Akhil Agnihotri, Rahul Jain, Deepak Ramachandran, Zheng Wen

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) is at the core of fine-tuning methods for generative AI models for language and images. Such feedback is often sought as rank or preference feedback from human raters, as opposed to eliciting scores since the latter tends to be very noisy. On the other hand, RL theory and algorithms predominantly assume that a reward feedback is available. In particular, approaches for online learning that can be helpful in adaptive data collection via active learning cannot incorporate offline preference data. In this paper, we adopt a finite-armed linear bandit model as a prototypical model of online learning. We consider an offline preference dataset to be available generated by an expert of unknown 'competence'. We propose $\texttt{warmPref-PS}$, a posterior sampling algorithm for online learning that can be warm-started with an offline dataset with noisy preference feedback. We show that by modeling the competence of the expert that generated it, we are able to use such a dataset most effectively. We support our claims with novel theoretical analysis of its Bayesian regret, as well as extensive empirical evaluation of an approximate algorithm which performs substantially better (almost 25 to 50% regret reduction in our studies) as compared to baselines.

new A Review of 315 Benchmark and Test Functions for Machine Learning Optimization Algorithms and Metaheuristics with Mathematical and Visual Descriptions

Authors: M. Z. Naser, Mohammad Khaled al-Bashiti, Arash Teymori Gharah Tapeh, Armin Dadras Eslamlou, Ahmed Naser, Venkatesh Kodur, Rami Hawileeh, Jamal Abdalla, Nima Khodadadi, Amir H. Gandomi

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving optimization and metaheuristics domains, the efficacy of algorithms is crucially determined by the benchmark (test) functions. While several functions have been developed and derived over the past decades, little information is available on the mathematical and visual description, range of suitability, and applications of many such functions. To bridge this knowledge gap, this review provides an exhaustive survey of more than 300 benchmark functions used in the evaluation of optimization and metaheuristics algorithms. This review first catalogs benchmark and test functions based on their characteristics, complexity, properties, visuals, and domain implications to offer a wide view that aids in selecting appropriate benchmarks for various algorithmic challenges. This review also lists the 25 most commonly used functions in the open literature and proposes two new, highly dimensional, dynamic and challenging functions that could be used for testing new algorithms. Finally, this review identifies gaps in current benchmarking practices and suggests directions for future research.

new On Value Iteration Convergence in Connected MDPs

Authors: Arsenii Mustafin, Alex Olshevsky, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis

Abstract: This paper establishes that an MDP with a unique optimal policy and ergodic associated transition matrix ensures the convergence of various versions of the Value Iteration algorithm at a geometric rate that exceeds the discount factor {\gamma} for both discounted and average-reward criteria.

new Cross-Modality Program Representation Learning for Electronic Design Automation with High-Level Synthesis

Authors: Zongyue Qin, Yunsheng Bai, Atefeh Sograbizadeh, Zijian Ding, Ziniu Hu, Yizhou Sun, Jason Cong

Abstract: In recent years, domain-specific accelerators (DSAs) have gained popularity for applications such as deep learning and autonomous driving. To facilitate DSA designs, programmers use high-level synthesis (HLS) to compile a high-level description written in C/C++ into a design with low-level hardware description languages that eventually synthesize DSAs on circuits. However, creating a high-quality HLS design still demands significant domain knowledge, particularly in microarchitecture decisions expressed as \textit{pragmas}. Thus, it is desirable to automate such decisions with the help of machine learning for predicting the quality of HLS designs, requiring a deeper understanding of the program that consists of original code and pragmas. Naturally, these programs can be considered as sequence data. In addition, these programs can be compiled and converted into a control data flow graph (CDFG). But existing works either fail to leverage both modalities or combine the two in shallow or coarse ways. We propose ProgSG, a model that allows interaction between the source code sequence modality and the graph modality in a deep and fine-grained way. To alleviate the scarcity of labeled designs, a pre-training method is proposed based on a suite of compiler's data flow analysis tasks. Experimental results show that ProgSG reduces the RMSE of design performance predictions by up to $22\%$, and identifies designs with an average of $1.10\times$ and $1.26\times$ (up to $8.17\times$ and $13.31\times$) performance improvement in design space exploration (DSE) task compared to HARP and AutoDSE, respectively.

new DrivAerNet++: A Large-Scale Multimodal Car Dataset with Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations and Deep Learning Benchmarks

Authors: Mohamed Elrefaie, Florin Morar, Angela Dai, Faez Ahmed

Abstract: We present DrivAerNet++, the largest and most comprehensive multimodal dataset for aerodynamic car design. DrivAerNet++ comprises 8,000 diverse car designs modeled with high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The dataset includes diverse car configurations such as fastback, notchback, and estateback, with different underbody and wheel designs to represent both internal combustion engines and electric vehicles. Each entry in the dataset features detailed 3D meshes, parametric models, aerodynamic coefficients, and extensive flow and surface field data, along with segmented parts for car classification and point cloud data. This dataset supports a wide array of machine learning applications including data-driven design optimization, generative modeling, surrogate model training, CFD simulation acceleration, and geometric classification. With more than 39 TB of publicly available engineering data, DrivAerNet++ fills a significant gap in available resources, providing high-quality, diverse data to enhance model training, promote generalization, and accelerate automotive design processes. Along with rigorous dataset validation, we also provide ML benchmarking results on the task of aerodynamic drag prediction, showcasing the breadth of applications supported by our dataset. This dataset is set to significantly impact automotive design and broader engineering disciplines by fostering innovation and improving the fidelity of aerodynamic evaluations.

new RASPNet: A Benchmark Dataset for Radar Adaptive Signal Processing Applications

Authors: Shyam Venkatasubramanian, Bosung Kang, Ali Pezeshki, Muralidhar Rangaswamy, Vahid Tarokh

Abstract: This work presents a large-scale dataset for radar adaptive signal processing (RASP) applications, aimed at supporting the development of data-driven models within the radar community. The dataset, called RASPNet, consists of 100 realistic scenarios compiled over a variety of topographies and land types from across the contiguous United States, designed to reflect a diverse array of real-world environments. Within each scenario, RASPNet consists of 10,000 clutter realizations from an airborne radar setting, which can be utilized for radar algorithm development and evaluation. RASPNet intends to fill a prominent gap in the availability of a large-scale, realistic dataset that standardizes the evaluation of adaptive radar processing techniques. We describe its construction, organization, and several potential applications, which includes a transfer learning example to demonstrate how RASPNet can be leveraged for realistic adaptive radar processing scenarios.

new TGB 2.0: A Benchmark for Learning on Temporal Knowledge Graphs and Heterogeneous Graphs

Authors: Julia Gastinger, Shenyang Huang, Mikhail Galkin, Erfan Loghmani, Ali Parviz, Farimah Poursafaei, Jacob Danovitch, Emanuele Rossi, Ioannis Koutis, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Reihaneh Rabbany, Guillaume Rabusseau

Abstract: Multi-relational temporal graphs are powerful tools for modeling real-world data, capturing the evolving and interconnected nature of entities over time. Recently, many novel models are proposed for ML on such graphs intensifying the need for robust evaluation and standardized benchmark datasets. However, the availability of such resources remains scarce and evaluation faces added complexity due to reproducibility issues in experimental protocols. To address these challenges, we introduce Temporal Graph Benchmark 2.0 (TGB 2.0), a novel benchmarking framework tailored for evaluating methods for predicting future links on Temporal Knowledge Graphs and Temporal Heterogeneous Graphs with a focus on large-scale datasets, extending the Temporal Graph Benchmark. TGB 2.0 facilitates comprehensive evaluations by presenting eight novel datasets spanning five domains with up to 53 million edges. TGB 2.0 datasets are significantly larger than existing datasets in terms of number of nodes, edges, or timestamps. In addition, TGB 2.0 provides a reproducible and realistic evaluation pipeline for multi-relational temporal graphs. Through extensive experimentation, we observe that 1) leveraging edge-type information is crucial to obtain high performance, 2) simple heuristic baselines are often competitive with more complex methods, 3) most methods fail to run on our largest datasets, highlighting the need for research on more scalable methods.

new Reinforced Decoder: Towards Training Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Qi Sima, Xinze Zhang, Yukun Bao, Siyue Yang, Liang Shen

Abstract: Recurrent neural network-based sequence-to-sequence models have been extensively applied for multi-step-ahead time series forecasting. These models typically involve a decoder trained using either its previous forecasts or the actual observed values as the decoder inputs. However, relying on self-generated predictions can lead to the rapid accumulation of errors over multiple steps, while using the actual observations introduces exposure bias as these values are unavailable during the extrapolation stage. In this regard, this study proposes a novel training approach called reinforced decoder, which introduces auxiliary models to generate alternative decoder inputs that remain accessible when extrapolating. Additionally, a reinforcement learning algorithm is utilized to dynamically select the optimal inputs to improve accuracy. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms representative training methods over several datasets. Furthermore, the proposed approach also exhibits promising performance when generalized to self-attention-based sequence-to-sequence forecasting models.

new An Intrinsic Vector Heat Network

Authors: Alexander Gao, Maurice Chu, Mubbasir Kapadia, Ming C. Lin, Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu

Abstract: Vector fields are widely used to represent and model flows for many science and engineering applications. This paper introduces a novel neural network architecture for learning tangent vector fields that are intrinsically defined on manifold surfaces embedded in 3D. Previous approaches to learning vector fields on surfaces treat vectors as multi-dimensional scalar fields, using traditional scalar-valued architectures to process channels individually, thus fail to preserve fundamental intrinsic properties of the vector field. The core idea of this work is to introduce a trainable vector heat diffusion module to spatially propagate vector-valued feature data across the surface, which we incorporate into our proposed architecture that consists of vector-valued neurons. Our architecture is invariant to rigid motion of the input, isometric deformation, and choice of local tangent bases, and is robust to discretizations of the surface. We evaluate our Vector Heat Network on triangle meshes, and empirically validate its invariant properties. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on the useful industrial application of quadrilateral mesh generation.

new ScaLES: Scalable Latent Exploration Score for Pre-Trained Generative Networks

Authors: Omer Ronen, Ahmed Imtiaz Humayun, Randall Balestriero, Richard Baraniuk, Bin Yu

Abstract: We develop Scalable Latent Exploration Score (ScaLES) to mitigate over-exploration in Latent Space Optimization (LSO), a popular method for solving black-box discrete optimization problems. LSO utilizes continuous optimization within the latent space of a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and is known to be susceptible to over-exploration, which manifests in unrealistic solutions that reduce its practicality. ScaLES is an exact and theoretically motivated method leveraging the trained decoder's approximation of the data distribution. ScaLES can be calculated with any existing decoder, e.g. from a VAE, without additional training, architectural changes, or access to the training data. Our evaluation across five LSO benchmark tasks and three VAE architectures demonstrates that ScaLES enhances the quality of the solutions while maintaining high objective values, leading to improvements over existing solutions. We believe that new avenues to LSO will be opened by ScaLES ability to identify out of distribution areas, differentiability, and computational tractability. Open source code for ScaLES is available at


new Benchmarking Spectral Graph Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Study on Effectiveness and Efficiency

Authors: Ningyi Liao, Haoyu Liu, Zulun Zhu, Siqiang Luo, Laks V. S. Lakshmanan

Abstract: With the recent advancements in graph neural networks (GNNs), spectral GNNs have received increasing popularity by virtue of their specialty in capturing graph signals in the frequency domain, demonstrating promising capability in specific tasks. However, few systematic studies have been conducted on assessing their spectral characteristics. This emerging family of models also varies in terms of designs and settings, leading to difficulties in comparing their performance and deciding on the suitable model for specific scenarios, especially for large-scale tasks. In this work, we extensively benchmark spectral GNNs with a focus on the frequency perspective. We analyze and categorize over 30 GNNs with 27 corresponding filters. Then, we implement these spectral models under a unified framework with dedicated graph computations and efficient training schemes. Thorough experiments are conducted on the spectral models with inclusive metrics on effectiveness and efficiency, offering practical guidelines on evaluating and selecting spectral GNNs with desirable performance. Our implementation enables application on larger graphs with comparable performance and less overhead, which is available at:


new Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Convolutional and Spiking Neural Networks

Authors: Yingchao Yu, Yuping Yan, Jisong Cai, Yaochu Jin

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a promising paradigm for training models on decentralized data while safeguarding data privacy. Most existing FL systems, however, assume that all machine learning models are of the same type, although it becomes more likely that different edge devices adopt different types of AI models, including both conventional analogue artificial neural networks (ANNs) and biologically more plausible spiking neural networks (SNNs). This diversity empowers the efficient handling of specific tasks and requirements, showcasing the adaptability and versatility of edge computing platforms. One main challenge of such heterogeneous FL system lies in effectively aggregating models from the local devices in a privacy-preserving manner. To address the above issue, this work benchmarks FL systems containing both convoluntional neural networks (CNNs) and SNNs by comparing various aggregation approaches, including federated CNNs, federated SNNs, federated CNNs for SNNs, federated SNNs for CNNs, and federated CNNs with SNN fusion. Experimental results demonstrate that the CNN-SNN fusion framework exhibits the best performance among the above settings on the MNIST dataset. Additionally, intriguing phenomena of competitive suppression are noted during the convergence process of multi-model FL.

new Explainable AI for Comparative Analysis of Intrusion Detection Models

Authors: Pap M. Corea, Yongxin Liu, Jian Wang, Shuteng Niu, Houbing Song

Abstract: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has become a widely discussed topic, the related technologies facilitate better understanding of conventional black-box models like Random Forest, Neural Networks and etc. However, domain-specific applications of XAI are still insufficient. To fill this gap, this research analyzes various machine learning models to the tasks of binary and multi-class classification for intrusion detection from network traffic on the same dataset using occlusion sensitivity. The models evaluated include Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forest, Decision Trees, and Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP). We trained all models to the accuracy of 90\% on the UNSW-NB15 Dataset. We found that most classifiers leverage only less than three critical features to achieve such accuracies, indicating that effective feature engineering could actually be far more important for intrusion detection than applying complicated models. We also discover that Random Forest provides the best performance in terms of accuracy, time efficiency and robustness. Data and code available at


new Meta-Learning Loss Functions for Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Christian Raymond

Abstract: Humans can often quickly and efficiently solve complex new learning tasks given only a small set of examples. In contrast, modern artificially intelligent systems often require thousands or millions of observations in order to solve even the most basic tasks. Meta-learning aims to resolve this issue by leveraging past experiences from similar learning tasks to embed the appropriate inductive biases into the learning system. Historically methods for meta-learning components such as optimizers, parameter initializations, and more have led to significant performance increases. This thesis aims to explore the concept of meta-learning to improve performance, through the often-overlooked component of the loss function. The loss function is a vital component of a learning system, as it represents the primary learning objective, where success is determined and quantified by the system's ability to optimize for that objective successfully.

new When Will Gradient Regularization Be Harmful?

Authors: Yang Zhao, Hao Zhang, Xiuyuan Hu

Abstract: Gradient regularization (GR), which aims to penalize the gradient norm atop the loss function, has shown promising results in training modern over-parameterized deep neural networks. However, can we trust this powerful technique? This paper reveals that GR can cause performance degeneration in adaptive optimization scenarios, particularly with learning rate warmup. Our empirical and theoretical analyses suggest this is due to GR inducing instability and divergence in gradient statistics of adaptive optimizers at the initial training stage. Inspired by the warmup heuristic, we propose three GR warmup strategies, each relaxing the regularization effect to a certain extent during the warmup course to ensure the accurate and stable accumulation of gradients. With experiments on Vision Transformer family, we confirm the three GR warmup strategies can effectively circumvent these issues, thereby largely improving the model performance. Meanwhile, we note that scalable models tend to rely more on the GR warmup, where the performance can be improved by up to 3\% on Cifar10 compared to baseline GR. Code is available at \href{}{}.


new Deep Symbolic Optimization for Combinatorial Optimization: Accelerating Node Selection by Discovering Potential Heuristics

Authors: Hongyu Liu, Haoyang Liu, Yufei Kuang, Jie Wang, Bin Li

Abstract: Combinatorial optimization (CO) is one of the most fundamental mathematical models in real-world applications. Traditional CO solvers, such as Branch-and-Bound (B&B) solvers, heavily rely on expert-designed heuristics, which are reliable but require substantial manual tuning. Recent studies have leveraged deep learning (DL) models as an alternative to capture rich feature patterns for improved performance on GPU machines. Nonetheless, the drawbacks of high training and inference costs, as well as limited interpretability, severely hinder the adoption of DL methods in real-world applications. To address these challenges, we propose a novel deep symbolic optimization learning framework that combines their advantages. Specifically, we focus on the node selection module within B&B solvers -- namely, deep symbolic optimization for node selection (Dso4NS). With data-driven approaches, Dso4NS guides the search for mathematical expressions within the high-dimensional discrete symbolic space and then incorporates the highest-performing mathematical expressions into a solver. The data-driven model captures the rich feature information in the input data and generates symbolic expressions, while the expressions deployed in solvers enable fast inference with high interpretability. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of Dso4NS in learning high-quality expressions, outperforming existing approaches on a CPU machine. Encouragingly, the learned CPU-based policies consistently achieve performance comparable to state-of-the-art GPU-based approaches.

new How Does Distribution Matching Help Domain Generalization: An Information-theoretic Analysis

Authors: Yuxin Dong, Tieliang Gong, Hong Chen, Shuangyong Song, Weizhan Zhang, Chen Li

Abstract: Domain generalization aims to learn invariance across multiple training domains, thereby enhancing generalization against out-of-distribution data. While gradient or representation matching algorithms have achieved remarkable success, these methods generally lack generalization guarantees or depend on strong assumptions, leaving a gap in understanding the underlying mechanism of distribution matching. In this work, we formulate domain generalization from a novel probabilistic perspective, ensuring robustness while avoiding overly conservative solutions. Through comprehensive information-theoretic analysis, we provide key insights into the roles of gradient and representation matching in promoting generalization. Our results reveal the complementary relationship between these two components, indicating that existing works focusing solely on either gradient or representation alignment are insufficient to solve the domain generalization problem. In light of these theoretical findings, we introduce IDM to simultaneously align the inter-domain gradients and representations. Integrated with the proposed PDM method for complex distribution matching, IDM achieves superior performance over various baseline methods.

new Towards Efficient Pareto Set Approximation via Mixture of Experts Based Model Fusion

Authors: Anke Tang, Li Shen, Yong Luo, Shiwei Liu, Han Hu, Bo Du

Abstract: Solving multi-objective optimization problems for large deep neural networks is a challenging task due to the complexity of the loss landscape and the expensive computational cost of training and evaluating models. Efficient Pareto front approximation of large models enables multi-objective optimization for various tasks such as multi-task learning and trade-off analysis. Existing algorithms for learning Pareto set, including (1) evolutionary, hypernetworks, and hypervolume-maximization methods, are computationally expensive and have restricted scalability to large models; (2) Scalarization algorithms, where a separate model is trained for each objective ray, which is inefficient for learning the entire Pareto set and fails to capture the objective trade-offs effectively. Inspired by the recent success of model merging, we propose a practical and scalable approach to Pareto set learning problem via mixture of experts (MoE) based model fusion. By ensembling the weights of specialized single-task models, the MoE module can effectively capture the trade-offs between multiple objectives and closely approximate the entire Pareto set of large neural networks. Once the routers are learned and a preference vector is set, the MoE module can be unloaded, thus no additional computational cost is introduced during inference. We conduct extensive experiments on vision and language tasks using large-scale models such as CLIP-ViT and GPT-2. The experimental results demonstrate that our method efficiently approximates the entire Pareto front of large models. Using only hundreds of trainable parameters of the MoE routers, our method even has lower memory usage compared to linear scalarization and algorithms that learn a single Pareto optimal solution, and are scalable to both the number of objectives and the size of the model.

new Faster Convergence on Heterogeneous Federated Edge Learning: An Adaptive Sidelink-Assisted Data Multicasting Approach

Authors: Gang Hu, Yinglei Teng, Nan Wang, Zhu Han

Abstract: Federated Edge Learning (FEEL) emerges as a pioneering distributed machine learning paradigm for the 6G Hyper-Connectivity, harnessing data from the Internet of Things (IoT) devices while upholding data privacy. However, current FEEL algorithms struggle with non-independent and non-identically distributed (non-IID) data, leading to elevated communication costs and compromised model accuracy. To address these statistical imbalances within FEEL, we introduce a clustered data sharing framework, mitigating data heterogeneity by selectively sharing partial data from cluster heads to trusted associates through sidelink-aided multicasting. The collective communication pattern is integral to FEEL training, where both cluster formation and the efficiency of communication and computation impact training latency and accuracy simultaneously. To tackle the strictly coupled data sharing and resource optimization, we decompose the overall optimization problem into the clients clustering and effective data sharing subproblems. Specifically, a distribution-based adaptive clustering algorithm (DACA) is devised basing on three deductive cluster forming conditions, which ensures the maximum sharing yield. Meanwhile, we design a stochastic optimization based joint computed frequency and shared data volume optimization (JFVO) algorithm, determining the optimal resource allocation with an uncertain objective function. The experiments show that the proposed framework facilitates FEEL on non-IID datasets with faster convergence rate and higher model accuracy in a limited communication environment.

new DeltaPhi: Learning Physical Trajectory Residual for PDE Solving

Authors: Xihang Yue, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang

Abstract: Although neural operator networks theoretically approximate any operator mapping, the limited generalization capability prevents them from learning correct physical dynamics when potential data biases exist, particularly in the practical PDE solving scenario where the available data amount is restricted or the resolution is extremely low. To address this issue, we propose and formulate the Physical Trajectory Residual Learning (DeltaPhi), which learns to predict the physical residuals between the pending solved trajectory and a known similar auxiliary trajectory. First, we transform the direct operator mapping between input-output function fields in original training data to residual operator mapping between input function pairs and output function residuals. Next, we learn the surrogate model for the residual operator mapping based on existing neural operator networks. Additionally, we design helpful customized auxiliary inputs for efficient optimization. Through extensive experiments, we conclude that, compared to direct learning, physical residual learning is preferred for PDE solving.

new Unraveling Anomalies in Time: Unsupervised Discovery and Isolation of Anomalous Behavior in Bio-regenerative Life Support System Telemetry

Authors: Ferdinand Rewicki, Jakob Gawlikowski, Julia Niebling, Joachim Denzler

Abstract: The detection of abnormal or critical system states is essential in condition monitoring. While much attention is given to promptly identifying anomalies, a retrospective analysis of these anomalies can significantly enhance our comprehension of the underlying causes of observed undesired behavior. This aspect becomes particularly critical when the monitored system is deployed in a vital environment. In this study, we delve into anomalies within the domain of Bio-Regenerative Life Support Systems (BLSS) for space exploration and analyze anomalies found in telemetry data stemming from the EDEN ISS space greenhouse in Antarctica. We employ time series clustering on anomaly detection results to categorize various types of anomalies in both uni- and multivariate settings. We then assess the effectiveness of these methods in identifying systematic anomalous behavior. Additionally, we illustrate that the anomaly detection methods MDI and DAMP produce complementary results, as previously indicated by research.

new Federated Learning driven Large Language Models for Swarm Intelligence: A Survey

Authors: Youyang Qu

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) offers a compelling framework for training large language models (LLMs) while addressing data privacy and decentralization challenges. This paper surveys recent advancements in the federated learning of large language models, with a particular focus on machine unlearning, a crucial aspect for complying with privacy regulations like the Right to be Forgotten. Machine unlearning in the context of federated LLMs involves systematically and securely removing individual data contributions from the learned model without retraining from scratch. We explore various strategies that enable effective unlearning, such as perturbation techniques, model decomposition, and incremental learning, highlighting their implications for maintaining model performance and data privacy. Furthermore, we examine case studies and experimental results from recent literature to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of these approaches in real-world scenarios. Our survey reveals a growing interest in developing more robust and scalable federated unlearning methods, suggesting a vital area for future research in the intersection of AI ethics and distributed machine learning technologies.

new I Know How: Combining Prior Policies to Solve New Tasks

Authors: Malio Li, Elia Piccoli, Vincenzo Lomonaco, Davide Bacciu

Abstract: Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning aims at developing agents that are able to continually evolve and adapt to new scenarios. However, this goal is challenging to achieve due to the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting and the high demand of computational resources. Learning from scratch for each new task is not a viable or sustainable option, and thus agents should be able to collect and exploit prior knowledge while facing new problems. While several methodologies have attempted to address the problem from different perspectives, they lack a common structure. In this work, we propose a new framework, I Know How (IKH), which provides a common formalization. Our methodology focuses on modularity and compositionality of knowledge in order to achieve and enhance agent's ability to learn and adapt efficiently to dynamic environments. To support our framework definition, we present a simple application of it in a simulated driving environment and compare its performance with that of state-of-the-art approaches.

new Robustness-Inspired Defense Against Backdoor Attacks on Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Zhiwei Zhang, Minhua Lin, Junjie Xu, Zongyu Wu, Enyan Dai, Suhang Wang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved promising results in tasks such as node classification and graph classification. However, recent studies reveal that GNNs are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, posing a significant threat to their real-world adoption. Despite initial efforts to defend against specific graph backdoor attacks, there is no work on defending against various types of backdoor attacks where generated triggers have different properties. Hence, we first empirically verify that prediction variance under edge dropping is a crucial indicator for identifying poisoned nodes. With this observation, we propose using random edge dropping to detect backdoors and theoretically show that it can efficiently distinguish poisoned nodes from clean ones. Furthermore, we introduce a novel robust training strategy to efficiently counteract the impact of the triggers. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show that our framework can effectively identify poisoned nodes, significantly degrade the attack success rate, and maintain clean accuracy when defending against various types of graph backdoor attacks with different properties.

new TabularFM: An Open Framework For Tabular Foundational Models

Authors: Quan M. Tran, Suong N. Hoang, Lam M. Nguyen, Dzung Phan, Hoang Thanh Lam

Abstract: Foundational models (FMs), pretrained on extensive datasets using self-supervised techniques, are capable of learning generalized patterns from large amounts of data. This reduces the need for extensive labeled datasets for each new task, saving both time and resources by leveraging the broad knowledge base established during pretraining. Most research on FMs has primarily focused on unstructured data, such as text and images, or semi-structured data, like time-series. However, there has been limited attention to structured data, such as tabular data, which, despite its prevalence, remains under-studied due to a lack of clean datasets and insufficient research on the transferability of FMs for various tabular data tasks. In response to this gap, we introduce a framework called TabularFM (\url{}), which incorporates state-of-the-art methods for developing FMs specifically for tabular data. This includes variations of neural architectures such as GANs, VAEs, and Transformers. We have curated a million of tabular datasets and released cleaned versions to facilitate the development of tabular FMs. We pretrained FMs on this curated data, benchmarked various learning methods on these datasets, and released the pretrained models along with leaderboards for future comparative studies. Our fully open-sourced system provides a comprehensive analysis of the transferability of tabular FMs. By releasing these datasets, pretrained models, and leaderboards, we aim to enhance the validity and usability of tabular FMs in the near future.


new Learning Multi-view Molecular Representations with Structured and Unstructured Knowledge

Authors: Yizhen Luo, Kai Yang, Massimo Hong, Xing Yi Liu, Zikun Nie, Hao Zhou, Zaiqing Nie

Abstract: Capturing molecular knowledge with representation learning approaches holds significant potential in vast scientific fields such as chemistry and life science. An effective and generalizable molecular representation is expected to capture the consensus and complementary molecular expertise from diverse views and perspectives. However, existing works fall short in learning multi-view molecular representations, due to challenges in explicitly incorporating view information and handling molecular knowledge from heterogeneous sources. To address these issues, we present MV-Mol, a molecular representation learning model that harvests multi-view molecular expertise from chemical structures, unstructured knowledge from biomedical texts, and structured knowledge from knowledge graphs. We utilize text prompts to model view information and design a fusion architecture to extract view-based molecular representations. We develop a two-stage pre-training procedure, exploiting heterogeneous data of varying quality and quantity. Through extensive experiments, we show that MV-Mol provides improved representations that substantially benefit molecular property prediction. Additionally, MV-Mol exhibits state-of-the-art performance in multi-modal comprehension of molecular structures and texts. Code and data are available at


new Dataset Condensation with Latent Quantile Matching

Authors: Wei Wei, Tom De Schepper, Kevin Mets

Abstract: Dataset condensation (DC) methods aim to learn a smaller synthesized dataset with informative data records to accelerate the training of machine learning models. Current distribution matching (DM) based DC methods learn a synthesized dataset by matching the mean of the latent embeddings between the synthetic and the real dataset. However two distributions with the same mean can still be vastly different. In this work we demonstrate the shortcomings of using Maximum Mean Discrepancy to match latent distributions i.e. the weak matching power and lack of outlier regularization. To alleviate these shortcomings we propose our new method: Latent Quantile Matching (LQM) which matches the quantiles of the latent embeddings to minimize the goodness of fit test statistic between two distributions. Empirical experiments on both image and graph-structured datasets show that LQM matches or outperforms previous state of the art in distribution matching based DC. Moreover we show that LQM improves the performance in continual graph learning (CGL) setting where memory efficiency and privacy can be important. Our work sheds light on the application of DM based DC for CGL.

new LUMA: A Benchmark Dataset for Learning from Uncertain and Multimodal Data

Authors: Grigor Bezirganyan, Sana Sellami, Laure Berti-\'Equille, S\'ebastien Fournier

Abstract: Multimodal Deep Learning enhances decision-making by integrating diverse information sources, such as texts, images, audio, and videos. To develop trustworthy multimodal approaches, it is essential to understand how uncertainty impacts these models. We introduce LUMA, a unique benchmark dataset, featuring audio, image, and textual data from 50 classes, for learning from uncertain and multimodal data. It extends the well-known CIFAR 10/100 dataset with audio samples extracted from three audio corpora, and text data generated using the Gemma-7B Large Language Model (LLM). The LUMA dataset enables the controlled injection of varying types and degrees of uncertainty to achieve and tailor specific experiments and benchmarking initiatives. LUMA is also available as a Python package including the functions for generating multiple variants of the dataset with controlling the diversity of the data, the amount of noise for each modality, and adding out-of-distribution samples. A baseline pre-trained model is also provided alongside three uncertainty quantification methods: Monte-Carlo Dropout, Deep Ensemble, and Reliable Conflictive Multi-View Learning. This comprehensive dataset and its tools are intended to promote and support the development and benchmarking of trustworthy and robust multimodal deep learning approaches.

new IGL-Bench: Establishing the Comprehensive Benchmark for Imbalanced Graph Learning

Authors: Jiawen Qin, Haonan Yuan, Qingyun Sun, Lyujin Xu, Jiaqi Yuan, Pengfeng Huang, Zhaonan Wang, Xingcheng Fu, Hao Peng, Jianxin Li, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Deep graph learning has gained grand popularity over the past years due to its versatility and success in representing graph data across a wide range of domains. However, the pervasive issue of imbalanced graph data distributions, where certain parts exhibit disproportionally abundant data while others remain sparse, undermines the efficacy of conventional graph learning algorithms, leading to biased outcomes. To address this challenge, Imbalanced Graph Learning (IGL) has garnered substantial attention, enabling more balanced data distributions and better task performance. Despite the proliferation of IGL algorithms, the absence of consistent experimental protocols and fair performance comparisons pose a significant barrier to comprehending advancements in this field. To bridge this gap, we introduce IGL-Bench, a foundational comprehensive benchmark for imbalanced graph learning, embarking on 16 diverse graph datasets and 24 distinct IGL algorithms with uniform data processing and splitting strategies. Specifically, IGL-Bench systematically investigates state-of-the-art IGL algorithms in terms of effectiveness, robustness, and efficiency on node-level and graph-level tasks, with the scope of class-imbalance and topology-imbalance. Extensive experiments demonstrate the potential benefits of IGL algorithms on various imbalanced conditions, offering insights and opportunities in the IGL field. Further, we have developed an open-sourced and unified package to facilitate reproducible evaluation and inspire further innovative research, which is available at


new Sailing in high-dimensional spaces: Low-dimensional embeddings through angle preservation

Authors: Jonas Fischer, Rong Ma

Abstract: Low-dimensional embeddings (LDEs) of high-dimensional data are ubiquitous in science and engineering. They allow us to quickly understand the main properties of the data, identify outliers and processing errors, and inform the next steps of data analysis. As such, LDEs have to be faithful to the original high-dimensional data, i.e., they should represent the relationships that are encoded in the data, both at a local as well as global scale. The current generation of LDE approaches focus on reconstructing local distances between any pair of samples correctly, often out-performing traditional approaches aiming at all distances. For these approaches, global relationships are, however, usually strongly distorted, often argued to be an inherent trade-off between local and global structure learning for embeddings. We suggest a new perspective on LDE learning, reconstructing angles between data points. We show that this approach, Mercat, yields good reconstruction across a diverse set of experiments and metrics, and preserve structures well across all scales. Compared to existing work, our approach also has a simple formulation, facilitating future theoretical analysis and algorithmic improvements.

new Federated Learning with Flexible Architectures

Authors: Jong-Ik Park, Carlee Joe-Wong

Abstract: Traditional federated learning (FL) methods have limited support for clients with varying computational and communication abilities, leading to inefficiencies and potential inaccuracies in model training. This limitation hinders the widespread adoption of FL in diverse and resource-constrained environments, such as those with client devices ranging from powerful servers to mobile devices. To address this need, this paper introduces Federated Learning with Flexible Architectures (FedFA), an FL training algorithm that allows clients to train models of different widths and depths. Each client can select a network architecture suitable for its resources, with shallower and thinner networks requiring fewer computing resources for training. Unlike prior work in this area, FedFA incorporates the layer grafting technique to align clients' local architectures with the largest network architecture in the FL system during model aggregation. Layer grafting ensures that all client contributions are uniformly integrated into the global model, thereby minimizing the risk of any individual client's data skewing the model's parameters disproportionately and introducing security benefits. Moreover, FedFA introduces the scalable aggregation method to manage scale variations in weights among different network architectures. Experimentally, FedFA outperforms previous width and depth flexible aggregation strategies. Furthermore, FedFA demonstrates increased robustness against performance degradation in backdoor attack scenarios compared to earlier strategies.

new Positive-Unlabelled Learning for Identifying New Candidate Dietary Restriction-related Genes among Ageing-related Genes

Authors: Jorge Paz-Ruza, Alex A. Freitas, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Bertha Guijarro-Berdi\~nas

Abstract: Dietary Restriction (DR) is one of the most popular anti-ageing interventions, prompting exhaustive research into genes associated with its mechanisms. Recently, Machine Learning (ML) has been explored to identify potential DR-related genes among ageing-related genes, aiming to minimize costly wet lab experiments needed to expand our knowledge on DR. However, to train a model from positive (DR-related) and negative (non-DR-related) examples, existing ML methods naively label genes without known DR relation as negative examples, assuming that lack of DR-related annotation for a gene represents evidence of absence of DR-relatedness, rather than absence of evidence; this hinders the reliability of the negative examples (non-DR-related genes) and the method's ability to identify novel DR-related genes. This work introduces a novel gene prioritization method based on the two-step Positive-Unlabelled (PU) Learning paradigm: using a similarity-based, KNN-inspired approach, our method first selects reliable negative examples among the genes without known DR associations. Then, these reliable negatives and all known positives are used to train a classifier that effectively differentiates DR-related and non-DR-related genes, which is finally employed to generate a more reliable ranking of promising genes for novel DR-relatedness. Our method significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art non-PU approach for DR-relatedness prediction in three relevant performance metrics. In addition, curation of existing literature finds support for the top-ranked candidate DR-related genes identified by our model.

new Learning Solution-Aware Transformers for Efficiently Solving Quadratic Assignment Problem

Authors: Zhentao Tan, Yadong Mu

Abstract: Recently various optimization problems, such as Mixed Integer Linear Programming Problems (MILPs), have undergone comprehensive investigation, leveraging the capabilities of machine learning. This work focuses on learning-based solutions for efficiently solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAPs), which stands as a formidable challenge in combinatorial optimization. While many instances of simpler problems admit fully polynomial-time approximate solution (FPTAS), QAP is shown to be strongly NP-hard. Even finding a FPTAS for QAP is difficult, in the sense that the existence of a FPTAS implies $P = NP$. Current research on QAPs suffer from limited scale and computational inefficiency. To attack the aforementioned issues, we here propose the first solution of its kind for QAP in the learn-to-improve category. This work encodes facility and location nodes separately, instead of forming computationally intensive association graphs prevalent in current approaches. This design choice enables scalability to larger problem sizes. Furthermore, a \textbf{S}olution \textbf{AW}are \textbf{T}ransformer (SAWT) architecture integrates the incumbent solution matrix with the attention score to effectively capture higher-order information of the QAPs. Our model's effectiveness is validated through extensive experiments on self-generated QAP instances of varying sizes and the QAPLIB benchmark.

new QQQ: Quality Quattuor-Bit Quantization for Large Language Models

Authors: Ying Zhang, Peng Zhang, Mincong Huang, Jingyang Xiang, Yujie Wang, Chao Wang, Yineng Zhang, Lei Yu, Chuan Liu, Wei Lin

Abstract: Quantization is a proven effective method for compressing large language models. Although popular techniques like W8A8 and W4A16 effectively maintain model performance, they often fail to concurrently speed up the prefill and decoding stages of inference. W4A8 is a promising strategy to accelerate both of them while usually leads to a significant performance degradation. To address these issues, we present QQQ, a Quality Quattuor-bit Quantization method with 4-bit weights and 8-bit activations. QQQ employs adaptive smoothing and Hessian-based compensation, significantly enhancing the performance of quantized models without extensive training. Furthermore, we meticulously engineer W4A8 GEMM kernels to increase inference speed. Our specialized per-channel W4A8 GEMM and per-group W4A8 GEMM achieve impressive speed increases of 3.67$\times$ and 3.29 $\times$ over FP16 GEMM. Our extensive experiments show that QQQ achieves performance on par with existing state-of-the-art LLM quantization methods while significantly accelerating inference, achieving speed boosts up to 2.24 $\times$, 2.10$\times$, and 1.25$\times$ compared to FP16, W8A8, and W4A16, respectively.

new What Does Softmax Probability Tell Us about Classifiers Ranking Across Diverse Test Conditions?

Authors: Weijie Tu, Weijian Deng, Liang Zheng, Tom Gedeon

Abstract: This work aims to develop a measure that can accurately rank the performance of various classifiers when they are tested on unlabeled data from out-of-distribution (OOD) distributions. We commence by demonstrating that conventional uncertainty metrics, notably the maximum Softmax prediction probability, possess inherent utility in forecasting model generalization across certain OOD contexts. Building on this insight, we introduce a new measure called Softmax Correlation (SoftmaxCorr). It calculates the cosine similarity between a class-class correlation matrix, constructed from Softmax output vectors across an unlabeled test dataset, and a predefined reference matrix that embodies ideal class correlations. A high resemblance of predictions to the reference matrix signals that the model delivers confident and uniform predictions across all categories, reflecting minimal uncertainty and confusion. Through rigorous evaluation across a suite of datasets, including ImageNet, CIFAR-10, and WILDS, we affirm the predictive validity of SoftmaxCorr in accurately forecasting model performance within both in-distribution (ID) and OOD settings. Furthermore, we discuss the limitations of our proposed measure and suggest avenues for future research.

new POWN: Prototypical Open-World Node Classification

Authors: Marcel Hoffmann, Lukas Galke, Ansgar Scherp

Abstract: We consider the problem of \textit{true} open-world semi-supervised node classification, in which nodes in a graph either belong to known or new classes, with the latter not present during training. Existing methods detect and reject new classes but fail to distinguish between different new classes. We adapt existing methods and show they do not solve the problem sufficiently. We introduce a novel end-to-end approach for classification into known classes and new classes based on class prototypes, which we call Prototypical Open-World Learning for Node Classification (POWN). Our method combines graph semi-supervised learning, self-supervised learning, and pseudo-labeling to learn prototype representations of new classes in a zero-shot way. In contrast to existing solutions from the vision domain, POWN does not require data augmentation techniques for node classification. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of POWN, where it outperforms baselines by up to $20\%$ accuracy on the small and up to $30\%$ on the large datasets. Source code is available at


new Forgetting Order of Continual Learning: Examples That are Learned First are Forgotten Last

Authors: Guy Hacohen, Tinne Tuytelaars

Abstract: Catastrophic forgetting poses a significant challenge in continual learning, where models often forget previous tasks when trained on new data. Our empirical analysis reveals a strong correlation between catastrophic forgetting and the learning speed of examples: examples learned early are rarely forgotten, while those learned later are more susceptible to forgetting. We demonstrate that replay-based continual learning methods can leverage this phenomenon by focusing on mid-learned examples for rehearsal. We introduce Goldilocks, a novel replay buffer sampling method that filters out examples learned too quickly or too slowly, keeping those learned at an intermediate speed. Goldilocks improves existing continual learning algorithms, leading to state-of-the-art performance across several image classification tasks.

new Finite-Time Analysis of Simultaneous Double Q-learning

Authors: Hyunjun Na, Donghwan Lee

Abstract: $Q$-learning is one of the most fundamental reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. Despite its widespread success in various applications, it is prone to overestimation bias in the $Q$-learning update. To address this issue, double $Q$-learning employs two independent $Q$-estimators which are randomly selected and updated during the learning process. This paper proposes a modified double $Q$-learning, called simultaneous double $Q$-learning (SDQ), with its finite-time analysis. SDQ eliminates the need for random selection between the two $Q$-estimators, and this modification allows us to analyze double $Q$-learning through the lens of a novel switching system framework facilitating efficient finite-time analysis. Empirical studies demonstrate that SDQ converges faster than double $Q$-learning while retaining the ability to mitigate the maximization bias. Finally, we derive a finite-time expected error bound for SDQ.

new Rule Based Learning with Dynamic (Graph) Neural Networks

Authors: Florian Seiffarth

Abstract: A common problem of classical neural network architectures is that additional information or expert knowledge cannot be naturally integrated into the learning process. To overcome this limitation, we propose a two-step approach consisting of (1) generating rule functions from knowledge and (2) using these rules to define rule based layers -- a new type of dynamic neural network layer. The focus of this work is on the second step, i.e., rule based layers that are designed to dynamically arrange learnable parameters in the weight matrices and bias vectors depending on the input samples. Indeed, we prove that our approach generalizes classical feed-forward layers such as fully connected and convolutional layers by choosing appropriate rules. As a concrete application we present rule based graph neural networks (RuleGNNs) that overcome some limitations of ordinary graph neural networks. Our experiments show that the predictive performance of RuleGNNs is comparable to state-of-the-art graph classifiers using simple rules based on Weisfeiler-Leman labeling and pattern counting. Moreover, we introduce new synthetic benchmark graph datasets to show how to integrate expert knowledge into RuleGNNs making them more powerful than ordinary graph neural networks.

new H-Fac: Memory-Efficient Optimization with Factorized Hamiltonian Descent

Authors: Son Nguyen, Lizhang Chen, Bo Liu, Qiang Liu

Abstract: In this study, we introduce a novel adaptive optimizer, H-Fac, which incorporates a factorized approach to momentum and scaling parameters. Our algorithm demonstrates competitive performances on both ResNets and Vision Transformers, while achieving sublinear memory costs through the use of rank-1 parameterizations for moment estimators. We develop our algorithms based on principles derived from Hamiltonian dynamics, providing robust theoretical underpinnings. These optimization algorithms are designed to be both straightforward and adaptable, facilitating easy implementation in diverse settings.

new Outlier detection in maritime environments using AIS data and deep recurrent architectures

Authors: Constantine Maganaris, Eftychios Protopapadakis, Nikolaos Doulamis

Abstract: A methodology based on deep recurrent models for maritime surveillance, over publicly available Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, is presented in this paper. The setup employs a deep Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)-based model, for encoding and reconstructing the observed ships' motion patterns. Our approach is based on a thresholding mechanism, over the calculated errors between observed and reconstructed motion patterns of maritime vessels. Specifically, a deep-learning framework, i.e. an encoder-decoder architecture, is trained using the observed motion patterns, enabling the models to learn and predict the expected trajectory, which will be compared to the effective ones. Our models, particularly the bidirectional GRU with recurrent dropouts, showcased superior performance in capturing the temporal dynamics of maritime data, illustrating the potential of deep learning to enhance maritime surveillance capabilities. Our work lays a solid foundation for future research in this domain, highlighting a path toward improved maritime safety through the innovative application of technology.

new Impact of Speech Mode in Automatic Pathological Speech Detection

Authors: Shakeel A. Sheikh, Ina Kodrasi

Abstract: Automatic pathological speech detection approaches yield promising results in identifying various pathologies. These approaches are typically designed and evaluated for phonetically-controlled speech scenarios, where speakers are prompted to articulate identical phonetic content. While gathering controlled speech recordings can be laborious, spontaneous speech can be conveniently acquired as potential patients navigate their daily routines. Further, spontaneous speech can be valuable in detecting subtle and abstract cues of pathological speech. Nonetheless, the efficacy of automatic pathological speech detection for spontaneous speech remains unexplored. This paper analyzes the influence of speech mode on pathological speech detection approaches, examining two distinct categories of approaches, i.e., classical machine learning and deep learning. Results indicate that classical approaches may struggle to capture pathology-discriminant cues in spontaneous speech. In contrast, deep learning approaches demonstrate superior performance, managing to extract additional cues that were previously inaccessible in non-spontaneous speech

new Robust Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with an Adversarial Auxiliary Model

Authors: Siemen Herremans, Ali Anwar, Siegfried Mercelis

Abstract: Reinforcement learning has demonstrated impressive performance in various challenging problems such as robotics, board games, and classical arcade games. However, its real-world applications can be hindered by the absence of robustness and safety in the learned policies. More specifically, an RL agent that trains in a certain Markov decision process (MDP) often struggles to perform well in nearly identical MDPs. To address this issue, we employ the framework of Robust MDPs (RMDPs) in a model-based setting and introduce a novel learned transition model. Our method specifically incorporates an auxiliary pessimistic model, updated adversarially, to estimate the worst-case MDP within a Kullback-Leibler uncertainty set. In comparison to several existing works, our work does not impose any additional conditions on the training environment, such as the need for a parametric simulator. To test the effectiveness of the proposed pessimistic model in enhancing policy robustness, we integrate it into a practical RL algorithm, called Robust Model-Based Policy Optimization (RMBPO). Our experimental results indicate a notable improvement in policy robustness on high-dimensional MuJoCo control tasks, with the auxiliary model enhancing the performance of the learned policy in distorted MDPs. We further explore the learned deviation between the proposed auxiliary world model and the nominal model, to examine how pessimism is achieved. By learning a pessimistic world model and demonstrating its role in improving policy robustness, our research contributes towards making (model-based) RL more robust.

new Challenges in explaining deep learning models for data with biological variation

Authors: Lenka T\v{e}tkov\'a, Erik Schou Dreier, Robin Malm, Lars Kai Hansen

Abstract: Much machine learning research progress is based on developing models and evaluating them on a benchmark dataset (e.g., ImageNet for images). However, applying such benchmark-successful methods to real-world data often does not work as expected. This is particularly the case for biological data where we expect variability at multiple time and spatial scales. In this work, we are using grain data and the goal is to detect diseases and damages. Pink fusarium, skinned grains, and other diseases and damages are key factors in setting the price of grains or excluding dangerous grains from food production. Apart from challenges stemming from differences of the data from the standard toy datasets, we also present challenges that need to be overcome when explaining deep learning models. For example, explainability methods have many hyperparameters that can give different results, and the ones published in the papers do not work on dissimilar images. Other challenges are more general: problems with visualization of the explanations and their comparison since the magnitudes of their values differ from method to method. An open fundamental question also is: How to evaluate explanations? It is a non-trivial task because the "ground truth" is usually missing or ill-defined. Also, human annotators may create what they think is an explanation of the task at hand, yet the machine learning model might solve it in a different and perhaps counter-intuitive way. We discuss several of these challenges and evaluate various post-hoc explainability methods on grain data. We focus on robustness, quality of explanations, and similarity to particular "ground truth" annotations made by experts. The goal is to find the methods that overall perform well and could be used in this challenging task. We hope the proposed pipeline will be used as a framework for evaluating explainability methods in specific use cases.

new Self-Supervised and Few-Shot Learning for Robust Bioaerosol Monitoring

Authors: Adrian Willi, Pascal Baumann, Sophie Erb, Fabian Gr\"oger, Yanick Zeder, Simone Lionetti

Abstract: Real-time bioaerosol monitoring is improving the quality of life for people affected by allergies, but it often relies on deep-learning models which pose challenges for widespread adoption. These models are typically trained in a supervised fashion and require considerable effort to produce large amounts of annotated data, an effort that must be repeated for new particles, geographical regions, or measurement systems. In this work, we show that self-supervised learning and few-shot learning can be combined to classify holographic images of bioaerosol particles using a large collection of unlabelled data and only a few examples for each particle type. We first demonstrate that self-supervision on pictures of unidentified particles from ambient air measurements enhances identification even when labelled data is abundant. Most importantly, it greatly improves few-shot classification when only a handful of labelled images are available. Our findings suggest that real-time bioaerosol monitoring workflows can be substantially optimized, and the effort required to adapt models for different situations considerably reduced.

new Towards Scalable and Versatile Weight Space Learning

Authors: Konstantin Sch\"urholt, Michael W. Mahoney, Damian Borth

Abstract: Learning representations of well-trained neural network models holds the promise to provide an understanding of the inner workings of those models. However, previous work has either faced limitations when processing larger networks or was task-specific to either discriminative or generative tasks. This paper introduces the SANE approach to weight-space learning. SANE overcomes previous limitations by learning task-agnostic representations of neural networks that are scalable to larger models of varying architectures and that show capabilities beyond a single task. Our method extends the idea of hyper-representations towards sequential processing of subsets of neural network weights, thus allowing one to embed larger neural networks as a set of tokens into the learned representation space. SANE reveals global model information from layer-wise embeddings, and it can sequentially generate unseen neural network models, which was unattainable with previous hyper-representation learning methods. Extensive empirical evaluation demonstrates that SANE matches or exceeds state-of-the-art performance on several weight representation learning benchmarks, particularly in initialization for new tasks and larger ResNet architectures.

new An elementary proof of a universal approximation theorem

Authors: Chris Monico

Abstract: In this short note, we give an elementary proof of a universal approximation theorem for neural networks with three hidden layers and increasing, continuous, bounded activation function. The result is weaker than the best known results, but the proof is elementary in the sense that no machinery beyond undergraduate analysis is used.

new Beyond Slow Signs in High-fidelity Model Extraction

Authors: Hanna Foerster, Robert Mullins, Ilia Shumailov, Jamie Hayes

Abstract: Deep neural networks, costly to train and rich in intellectual property value, are increasingly threatened by model extraction attacks that compromise their confidentiality. Previous attacks have succeeded in reverse-engineering model parameters up to a precision of float64 for models trained on random data with at most three hidden layers using cryptanalytical techniques. However, the process was identified to be very time consuming and not feasible for larger and deeper models trained on standard benchmarks. Our study evaluates the feasibility of parameter extraction methods of Carlini et al. [1] further enhanced by Canales-Mart\'inez et al. [2] for models trained on standard benchmarks. We introduce a unified codebase that integrates previous methods and reveal that computational tools can significantly influence performance. We develop further optimisations to the end-to-end attack and improve the efficiency of extracting weight signs by up to 14.8 times compared to former methods through the identification of easier and harder to extract neurons. Contrary to prior assumptions, we identify extraction of weights, not extraction of weight signs, as the critical bottleneck. With our improvements, a 16,721 parameter model with 2 hidden layers trained on MNIST is extracted within only 98 minutes compared to at least 150 minutes previously. Finally, addressing methodological deficiencies observed in previous studies, we propose new ways of robust benchmarking for future model extraction attacks.

new Gradient-based Learning in State-based Potential Games for Self-Learning Production Systems

Authors: Steve Yuwono, Marlon L\"oppenberg, Dorothea Schwung, Andreas Schwung

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce novel gradient-based optimization methods for state-based potential games (SbPGs) within self-learning distributed production systems. SbPGs are recognised for their efficacy in enabling self-optimizing distributed multi-agent systems and offer a proven convergence guarantee, which facilitates collaborative player efforts towards global objectives. Our study strives to replace conventional ad-hoc random exploration-based learning in SbPGs with contemporary gradient-based approaches, which aim for faster convergence and smoother exploration dynamics, thereby shortening training duration while upholding the efficacy of SbPGs. Moreover, we propose three distinct variants for estimating the objective function of gradient-based learning, each developed to suit the unique characteristics of the systems under consideration. To validate our methodology, we apply it to a laboratory testbed, namely Bulk Good Laboratory Plant, which represents a smart and flexible distributed multi-agent production system. The incorporation of gradient-based learning in SbPGs reduces training times and achieves more optimal policies than its baseline.

new Group and Shuffle: Efficient Structured Orthogonal Parametrization

Authors: Mikhail Gorbunov, Nikolay Yudin, Vera Soboleva, Aibek Alanov, Alexey Naumov, Maxim Rakhuba

Abstract: The increasing size of neural networks has led to a growing demand for methods of efficient fine-tuning. Recently, an orthogonal fine-tuning paradigm was introduced that uses orthogonal matrices for adapting the weights of a pretrained model. In this paper, we introduce a new class of structured matrices, which unifies and generalizes structured classes from previous works. We examine properties of this class and build a structured orthogonal parametrization upon it. We then use this parametrization to modify the orthogonal fine-tuning framework, improving parameter and computational efficiency. We empirically validate our method on different domains, including adapting of text-to-image diffusion models and downstream task fine-tuning in language modeling. Additionally, we adapt our construction for orthogonal convolutions and conduct experiments with 1-Lipschitz neural networks.

new Deep Bayesian Active Learning for Preference Modeling in Large Language Models

Authors: Luckeciano C. Melo, Panagiotis Tigas, Alessandro Abate, Yarin Gal

Abstract: Leveraging human preferences for steering the behavior of Large Language Models (LLMs) has demonstrated notable success in recent years. Nonetheless, data selection and labeling are still a bottleneck for these systems, particularly at large scale. Hence, selecting the most informative points for acquiring human feedback may considerably reduce the cost of preference labeling and unleash the further development of LLMs. Bayesian Active Learning provides a principled framework for addressing this challenge and has demonstrated remarkable success in diverse settings. However, previous attempts to employ it for Preference Modeling did not meet such expectations. In this work, we identify that naive epistemic uncertainty estimation leads to the acquisition of redundant samples. We address this by proposing the Bayesian Active Learner for Preference Modeling (BAL-PM), a novel stochastic acquisition policy that not only targets points of high epistemic uncertainty according to the preference model but also seeks to maximize the entropy of the acquired prompt distribution in the feature space spanned by the employed LLM. Notably, our experiments demonstrate that BAL-PM requires 33% to 68% fewer preference labels in two popular human preference datasets and exceeds previous stochastic Bayesian acquisition policies.

new Off-Policy Evaluation from Logged Human Feedback

Authors: Aniruddha Bhargava, Lalit Jain, Branislav Kveton, Ge Liu, Subhojyoti Mukherjee

Abstract: Learning from human feedback has been central to recent advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Since the collection of human feedback is costly, a natural question to ask is if the new feedback always needs to collected. Or could we evaluate a new model with the human feedback on responses of another model? This motivates us to study off-policy evaluation from logged human feedback. We formalize the problem, propose both model-based and model-free estimators for policy values, and show how to optimize them. We analyze unbiasedness of our estimators and evaluate them empirically. Our estimators can predict the absolute values of evaluated policies, rank them, and be optimized.

new Intepretative Deep Learning using Domain Adaptation for Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Authors: Umberto Michelucci, Francesca Venturini

Abstract: Fluorescence spectroscopy is a fundamental tool in life sciences and chemistry, widely used for applications such as environmental monitoring, food quality control, and biomedical diagnostics. However, analysis of spectroscopic data with deep learning, in particular of fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEMs), presents significant challenges due mainly to the typically small and sparse datasets available. Furthermore, the analysis of EEMs is difficult due to their high dimensionality and overlapping spectral features. This study proposes a new approach that exploits domain adaptation with pretrained vision models, alongside a novel interpretability algorithm to address these challenges. Thanks to specialised feature engineering of the neural networks described in this work, we are now able to provide deeper and meaningful insights into the physico-chemical processes underlying the data. The proposed approach is demonstrated through the analysis of the oxidation process in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), showing its effectiveness in predicting quality indicators and identifying relevant spectral bands. This work describes significantly innovative results in the use of deep learning for spectroscopy, transforming it from a black box into a tool for understanding complex biological and chemical processes.

new TACCO: Task-guided Co-clustering of Clinical Concepts and Patient Visits for Disease Subtyping based on EHR Data

Authors: Ziyang Zhang, Hejie Cui, Ran Xu, Yuzhang Xie, Joyce C. Ho, Carl Yang

Abstract: The growing availability of well-organized Electronic Health Records (EHR) data has enabled the development of various machine learning models towards disease risk prediction. However, existing risk prediction methods overlook the heterogeneity of complex diseases, failing to model the potential disease subtypes regarding their corresponding patient visits and clinical concept subgroups. In this work, we introduce TACCO, a novel framework that jointly discovers clusters of clinical concepts and patient visits based on a hypergraph modeling of EHR data. Specifically, we develop a novel self-supervised co-clustering framework that can be guided by the risk prediction task of specific diseases. Furthermore, we enhance the hypergraph model of EHR data with textual embeddings and enforce the alignment between the clusters of clinical concepts and patient visits through a contrastive objective. Comprehensive experiments conducted on the public MIMIC-III dataset and Emory internal CRADLE dataset over the downstream clinical tasks of phenotype classification and cardiovascular risk prediction demonstrate an average 31.25% performance improvement compared to traditional ML baselines and a 5.26% improvement on top of the vanilla hypergraph model without our co-clustering mechanism. In-depth model analysis, clustering results analysis, and clinical case studies further validate the improved utilities and insightful interpretations delivered by TACCO. Code is available at


new Biomarker based Cancer Classification using an Ensemble with Pre-trained Models

Authors: Chongmin Lee, Jihie Kim

Abstract: Certain cancer types, namely pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect at an early stage; sparking the importance of discovering the causal relationship between biomarkers and cancer to identify cancer efficiently. By allowing for the detection and monitoring of specific biomarkers through a non-invasive method, liquid biopsies enhance the precision and efficacy of medical interventions, advocating the move towards personalized healthcare. Several machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest, SVM are utilized for classification, yet causing inefficiency due to the need for conducting hyperparameter tuning. We leverage a meta-trained Hyperfast model for classifying cancer, accomplishing the highest AUC of 0.9929 and simultaneously achieving robustness especially on highly imbalanced datasets compared to other ML algorithms in several binary classification tasks (e.g. breast invasive carcinoma; BRCA vs. non-BRCA). We also propose a novel ensemble model combining pre-trained Hyperfast model, XGBoost, and LightGBM for multi-class classification tasks, achieving an incremental increase in accuracy (0.9464) while merely using 500 PCA features; distinguishable from previous studies where they used more than 2,000 features for similar results.

new Over-parameterization and Adversarial Robustness in Neural Networks: An Overview and Empirical Analysis

Authors: Zhang Chen, Luca Demetrio, Srishti Gupta, Xiaoyi Feng, Zhaoqiang Xia, Antonio Emanuele Cin\`a, Maura Pintor, Luca Oneto, Ambra Demontis, Battista Biggio, Fabio Roli

Abstract: Thanks to their extensive capacity, over-parameterized neural networks exhibit superior predictive capabilities and generalization. However, having a large parameter space is considered one of the main suspects of the neural networks' vulnerability to adversarial example -- input samples crafted ad-hoc to induce a desired misclassification. Relevant literature has claimed contradictory remarks in support of and against the robustness of over-parameterized networks. These contradictory findings might be due to the failure of the attack employed to evaluate the networks' robustness. Previous research has demonstrated that depending on the considered model, the algorithm employed to generate adversarial examples may not function properly, leading to overestimating the model's robustness. In this work, we empirically study the robustness of over-parameterized networks against adversarial examples. However, unlike the previous works, we also evaluate the considered attack's reliability to support the results' veracity. Our results show that over-parameterized networks are robust against adversarial attacks as opposed to their under-parameterized counterparts.

new ECGMamba: Towards Efficient ECG Classification with BiSSM

Authors: Yupeng Qiang, Xunde Dong, Xiuling Liu, Yang Yang, Yihai Fang, Jianhong Dou

Abstract: Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal analysis represents a pivotal technique in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Although transformer-based models have made significant progress in ECG classification, they exhibit inefficiencies in the inference phase. The issue is primarily attributable to the secondary computational complexity of Transformer's self-attention mechanism. particularly when processing lengthy sequences. To address this issue, we propose a novel model, ECGMamba, which employs a bidirectional state-space model (BiSSM) to enhance classification efficiency. ECGMamba is based on the innovative Mamba-based block, which incorporates a range of time series modeling techniques to enhance performance while maintaining the efficiency of inference. The experimental results on two publicly available ECG datasets demonstrate that ECGMamba effectively balances the effectiveness and efficiency of classification, achieving competitive performance. This study not only contributes to the body of knowledge in the field of ECG classification but also provides a new research path for efficient and accurate ECG signal analysis. This is of guiding significance for the development of diagnostic models for cardiovascular diseases.

new Precipitation Nowcasting Using Physics Informed Discriminator Generative Models

Authors: Junzhe Yin, Cristian Meo, Ankush Roy, Zeineh Bou Cher, Yanbo Wang, Ruben Imhoff, Remko Uijlenhoet, Justin Dauwels

Abstract: Nowcasting leverages real-time atmospheric conditions to forecast weather over short periods. State-of-the-art models, including PySTEPS, encounter difficulties in accurately forecasting extreme weather events because of their unpredictable distribution patterns. In this study, we design a physics-informed neural network to perform precipitation nowcasting using the precipitation and meteorological data from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). This model draws inspiration from the novel Physics-Informed Discriminator GAN (PID-GAN) formulation, directly integrating physics-based supervision within the adversarial learning framework. The proposed model adopts a GAN structure, featuring a Vector Quantization Generative Adversarial Network (VQ-GAN) and a Transformer as the generator, with a temporal discriminator serving as the discriminator. Our findings demonstrate that the PID-GAN model outperforms numerical and SOTA deep generative models in terms of precipitation nowcasting downstream metrics.

new Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Metrology

Authors: Tameem Adel, Sam Bilson, Mark Levene, Andrew Thompson

Abstract: We review research at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the area of trustworthy artificial intelligence (TAI), and more specifically trustworthy machine learning (TML), in the context of metrology, the science of measurement. We describe three broad themes of TAI: technical, socio-technical and social, which play key roles in ensuring that the developed models are trustworthy and can be relied upon to make responsible decisions. From a metrology perspective we emphasise uncertainty quantification (UQ), and its importance within the framework of TAI to enhance transparency and trust in the outputs of AI systems. We then discuss three research areas within TAI that we are working on at NPL, and examine the certification of AI systems in terms of adherence to the characteristics of TAI.

new Linear Contextual Bandits with Hybrid Payoff: Revisited

Authors: Nirjhar Das, Gaurav Sinha

Abstract: We study the Linear Contextual Bandit problem in the hybrid reward setting. In this setting every arm's reward model contains arm specific parameters in addition to parameters shared across the reward models of all the arms. We can reduce this setting to two closely related settings (a) Shared - no arm specific parameters, and (b) Disjoint - only arm specific parameters, enabling the application of two popular state of the art algorithms - $\texttt{LinUCB}$ and $\texttt{DisLinUCB}$ (Algorithm 1 in (Li et al. 2010)). When the arm features are stochastic and satisfy a popular diversity condition, we provide new regret analyses for both algorithms, significantly improving on the known regret guarantees of these algorithms. Our novel analysis critically exploits the hybrid reward structure and the diversity condition. Moreover, we introduce a new algorithm $\texttt{HyLinUCB}$ that crucially modifies $\texttt{LinUCB}$ (using a new exploration coefficient) to account for sparsity in the hybrid setting. Under the same diversity assumptions, we prove that $\texttt{HyLinUCB}$ also incurs only $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret for $T$ rounds. We perform extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrating strong empirical performance of $\texttt{HyLinUCB}$.For number of arm specific parameters much larger than the number of shared parameters, we observe that $\texttt{DisLinUCB}$ incurs the lowest regret. In this case, regret of $\texttt{HyLinUCB}$ is the second best and extremely competitive to $\texttt{DisLinUCB}$. In all other situations, including our real-world dataset, $\texttt{HyLinUCB}$ has significantly lower regret than $\texttt{LinUCB}$, $\texttt{DisLinUCB}$ and other SOTA baselines we considered. We also empirically observe that the regret of $\texttt{HyLinUCB}$ grows much slower with the number of arms compared to baselines, making it suitable even for very large action spaces.

new Automated Design of Linear Bounding Functions for Sigmoidal Nonlinearities in Neural Networks

Authors: Matthias K\"onig, Xiyue Zhang, Holger H. Hoos, Marta Kwiatkowska, Jan N. van Rijn

Abstract: The ubiquity of deep learning algorithms in various applications has amplified the need for assuring their robustness against small input perturbations such as those occurring in adversarial attacks. Existing complete verification techniques offer provable guarantees for all robustness queries but struggle to scale beyond small neural networks. To overcome this computational intractability, incomplete verification methods often rely on convex relaxation to over-approximate the nonlinearities in neural networks. Progress in tighter approximations has been achieved for piecewise linear functions. However, robustness verification of neural networks for general activation functions (e.g., Sigmoid, Tanh) remains under-explored and poses new challenges. Typically, these networks are verified using convex relaxation techniques, which involve computing linear upper and lower bounds of the nonlinear activation functions. In this work, we propose a novel parameter search method to improve the quality of these linear approximations. Specifically, we show that using a simple search method, carefully adapted to the given verification problem through state-of-the-art algorithm configuration techniques, improves the average global lower bound by 25% on average over the current state of the art on several commonly used local robustness verification benchmarks.

new On the Computability of Robust PAC Learning

Authors: Pascale Gourdeau, Tosca Lechner, Ruth Urner

Abstract: We initiate the study of computability requirements for adversarially robust learning. Adversarially robust PAC-type learnability is by now an established field of research. However, the effects of computability requirements in PAC-type frameworks are only just starting to emerge. We introduce the problem of robust computable PAC (robust CPAC) learning and provide some simple sufficient conditions for this. We then show that learnability in this setup is not implied by the combination of its components: classes that are both CPAC and robustly PAC learnable are not necessarily robustly CPAC learnable. Furthermore, we show that the novel framework exhibits some surprising effects: for robust CPAC learnability it is not required that the robust loss is computably evaluable! Towards understanding characterizing properties, we introduce a novel dimension, the computable robust shattering dimension. We prove that its finiteness is necessary, but not sufficient for robust CPAC learnability. This might yield novel insights for the corresponding phenomenon in the context of robust PAC learnability, where insufficiency of the robust shattering dimension for learnability has been conjectured, but so far a resolution has remained elusive.

new Misam: Using ML in Dataflow Selection of Sparse-Sparse Matrix Multiplication

Authors: Sanjali Yadav, Bahar Asgari

Abstract: Sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM) is a critical operation in numerous fields, including scientific computing, graph analytics, and deep learning. These applications exploit the sparsity of matrices to reduce storage and computational demands. However, the irregular structure of sparse matrices poses significant challenges for performance optimization. Traditional hardware accelerators are tailored for specific sparsity patterns with fixed dataflow schemes - inner, outer, and row-wise but often perform suboptimally when the actual sparsity deviates from these predetermined patterns. As the use of SpGEMM expands across various domains, each with distinct sparsity characteristics, the demand for hardware accelerators that can efficiently handle a range of sparsity patterns is increasing. This paper presents a machine learning based approach for adaptively selecting the most appropriate dataflow scheme for SpGEMM tasks with diverse sparsity patterns. By employing decision trees and deep reinforcement learning, we explore the potential of these techniques to surpass heuristic-based methods in identifying optimal dataflow schemes. We evaluate our models by comparing their performance with that of a heuristic, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Our findings suggest that using machine learning for dynamic dataflow selection in hardware accelerators can provide upto 28 times gains.

new Selecting Interpretability Techniques for Healthcare Machine Learning models

Authors: Daniel Sierra-Botero, Ana Molina-Taborda, Mario S. Vald\'es-Tresanco, Alejandro Hern\'andez-Arango, Leonardo Espinosa-Leal, Alexander Karpenko, Olga Lopez-Acevedo

Abstract: In healthcare there is a pursuit for employing interpretable algorithms to assist healthcare professionals in several decision scenarios. Following the Predictive, Descriptive and Relevant (PDR) framework, the definition of interpretable machine learning as a machine-learning model that explicitly and in a simple frame determines relationships either contained in data or learned by the model that are relevant for its functioning and the categorization of models by post-hoc, acquiring interpretability after training, or model-based, being intrinsically embedded in the algorithm design. We overview a selection of eight algorithms, both post-hoc and model-based, that can be used for such purposes.

new Universal randomised signatures for generative time series modelling

Authors: Francesca Biagini, Lukas Gonon, Niklas Walter

Abstract: Randomised signature has been proposed as a flexible and easily implementable alternative to the well-established path signature. In this article, we employ randomised signature to introduce a generative model for financial time series data in the spirit of reservoir computing. Specifically, we propose a novel Wasserstein-type distance based on discrete-time randomised signatures. This metric on the space of probability measures captures the distance between (conditional) distributions. Its use is justified by our novel universal approximation results for randomised signatures on the space of continuous functions taking the underlying path as an input. We then use our metric as the loss function in a non-adversarial generator model for synthetic time series data based on a reservoir neural stochastic differential equation. We compare the results of our model to benchmarks from the existing literature.

new Semantic Membership Inference Attack against Large Language Models

Authors: Hamid Mozaffari, Virendra J. Marathe

Abstract: Membership Inference Attacks (MIAs) determine whether a specific data point was included in the training set of a target model. In this paper, we introduce the Semantic Membership Inference Attack (SMIA), a novel approach that enhances MIA performance by leveraging the semantic content of inputs and their perturbations. SMIA trains a neural network to analyze the target model's behavior on perturbed inputs, effectively capturing variations in output probability distributions between members and non-members. We conduct comprehensive evaluations on the Pythia and GPT-Neo model families using the Wikipedia dataset. Our results show that SMIA significantly outperforms existing MIAs; for instance, SMIA achieves an AUC-ROC of 67.39% on Pythia-12B, compared to 58.90% by the second-best attack.

new Diffusion Synthesizer for Efficient Multilingual Speech to Speech Translation

Authors: Nameer Hirschkind, Xiao Yu, Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, Joseph Liu, Eloi DuBois, Dao Le, Nicolas Thiebaut, Colin Sinclair, Kyle Spence, Charles Shang, Zoe Abrams, Morgan McGuire

Abstract: We introduce DiffuseST, a low-latency, direct speech-to-speech translation system capable of preserving the input speaker's voice zero-shot while translating from multiple source languages into English. We experiment with the synthesizer component of the architecture, comparing a Tacotron-based synthesizer to a novel diffusion-based synthesizer. We find the diffusion-based synthesizer to improve MOS and PESQ audio quality metrics by 23\% each and speaker similarity by 5\% while maintaining comparable BLEU scores. Despite having more than double the parameter count, the diffusion synthesizer has lower latency, allowing the entire model to run more than 5$\times$ faster than real-time.

new Quantifying Variance in Evaluation Benchmarks

Authors: Lovish Madaan, Aaditya K. Singh, Rylan Schaeffer, Andrew Poulton, Sanmi Koyejo, Pontus Stenetorp, Sharan Narang, Dieuwke Hupkes

Abstract: Evaluation benchmarks are the cornerstone of measuring capabilities of large language models (LLMs), as well as driving progress in said capabilities. Originally designed to make claims about capabilities (or lack thereof) in fully pretrained models, evaluation benchmarks are now also extensively used to decide between various training choices. Despite this widespread usage, we rarely quantify the variance in our evaluation benchmarks, which dictates whether differences in performance are meaningful. Here, we define and measure a range of metrics geared towards measuring variance in evaluation benchmarks, including seed variance across initialisations, and monotonicity during training. By studying a large number of models -- both openly available and pretrained from scratch -- we provide empirical estimates for a variety of variance metrics, with considerations and recommendations for practitioners. We also evaluate the utility and tradeoffs of continuous versus discrete performance measures and explore options for better understanding and reducing this variance. We find that simple changes, such as framing choice tasks (like MMLU) as completion tasks, can often reduce variance for smaller scale ($\sim$7B) models, while more involved methods inspired from human testing literature (such as item analysis and item response theory) struggle to meaningfully reduce variance. Overall, our work provides insights into variance in evaluation benchmarks, suggests LM-specific techniques to reduce variance, and more generally encourages practitioners to carefully factor in variance when comparing models.

cross Comment on paper: Position: Rethinking Post-Hoc Search-Based Neural Approaches for Solving Large-Scale Traveling Salesman Problems

Authors: Yimeng Min

Abstract: We identify two major issues in the SoftDist paper (Xia et al.): (1) the failure to run all steps of different baselines on the same hardware environment, and (2) the use of inconsistent time measurements when comparing to other baselines. These issues lead to flawed conclusions. When all steps are executed in the same hardware environment, the primary claim made in SoftDist is no longer supported.

cross An insertable glucose sensor using a compact and cost-effective phosphorescence lifetime imager and machine learning

Authors: Artem Goncharov, Zoltan Gorocs, Ridhi Pradhan, Brian Ko, Ajmal Ajmal, Andres Rodriguez, David Baum, Marcell Veszpremi, Xilin Yang, Maxime Pindrys, Tianle Zheng, Oliver Wang, Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, Michael J. McShane, Aydogan Ozcan

Abstract: Optical continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems are emerging for personalized glucose management owing to their lower cost and prolonged durability compared to conventional electrochemical CGMs. Here, we report a computational CGM system, which integrates a biocompatible phosphorescence-based insertable biosensor and a custom-designed phosphorescence lifetime imager (PLI). This compact and cost-effective PLI is designed to capture phosphorescence lifetime images of an insertable sensor through the skin, where the lifetime of the emitted phosphorescence signal is modulated by the local concentration of glucose. Because this phosphorescence signal has a very long lifetime compared to tissue autofluorescence or excitation leakage processes, it completely bypasses these noise sources by measuring the sensor emission over several tens of microseconds after the excitation light is turned off. The lifetime images acquired through the skin are processed by neural network-based models for misalignment-tolerant inference of glucose levels, accurately revealing normal, low (hypoglycemia) and high (hyperglycemia) concentration ranges. Using a 1-mm thick skin phantom mimicking the optical properties of human skin, we performed in vitro testing of the PLI using glucose-spiked samples, yielding 88.8% inference accuracy, also showing resilience to random and unknown misalignments within a lateral distance of ~4.7 mm with respect to the position of the insertable sensor underneath the skin phantom. Furthermore, the PLI accurately identified larger lateral misalignments beyond 5 mm, prompting user intervention for re-alignment. The misalignment-resilient glucose concentration inference capability of this compact and cost-effective phosphorescence lifetime imager makes it an appealing wearable diagnostics tool for real-time tracking of glucose and other biomarkers.

cross Comparative Analysis of Personalized Voice Activity Detection Systems: Assessing Real-World Effectiveness

Authors: Satyam Kumar (Oggi), Sai Srujana Buddi (Oggi), Utkarsh Oggy Sarawgi (Oggi), Vineet Garg (Oggi), Shivesh Ranjan (Oggi), Ognjen (Oggi), Rudovic, Ahmed Hussen Abdelaziz, Saurabh Adya

Abstract: Voice activity detection (VAD) is a critical component in various applications such as speech recognition, speech enhancement, and hands-free communication systems. With the increasing demand for personalized and context-aware technologies, the need for effective personalized VAD systems has become paramount. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis of Personalized Voice Activity Detection (PVAD) systems to assess their real-world effectiveness. We introduce a comprehensive approach to assess PVAD systems, incorporating various performance metrics such as frame-level and utterance-level error rates, detection latency and accuracy, alongside user-level analysis. Through extensive experimentation and evaluation, we provide a thorough understanding of the strengths and limitations of various PVAD variants. This paper advances the understanding of PVAD technology by offering insights into its efficacy and viability in practical applications using a comprehensive set of metrics.

cross A topological analysis of the space of recipes

Authors: Emerson G. Escolar, Yuta Shimada, Masahiro Yuasa

Abstract: In recent years, the use of data-driven methods has provided insights into underlying patterns and principles behind culinary recipes. In this exploratory work, we introduce the use of topological data analysis, especially persistent homology, in order to study the space of culinary recipes. In particular, persistent homology analysis provides a set of recipes surrounding the multiscale "holes" in the space of existing recipes. We then propose a method to generate novel ingredient combinations using combinatorial optimization on this topological information. We made biscuits using the novel ingredient combinations, which were confirmed to be acceptable enough by a sensory evaluation study. Our findings indicate that topological data analysis has the potential for providing new tools and insights in the study of culinary recipes.

cross Ad Auctions for LLMs via Retrieval Augmented Generation

Authors: MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, S\'ebastien Lahaie, Keivan Rezaei, Suho Shin

Abstract: In the field of computational advertising, the integration of ads into the outputs of large language models (LLMs) presents an opportunity to support these services without compromising content integrity. This paper introduces novel auction mechanisms for ad allocation and pricing within the textual outputs of LLMs, leveraging retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). We propose a segment auction where an ad is probabilistically retrieved for each discourse segment (paragraph, section, or entire output) according to its bid and relevance, following the RAG framework, and priced according to competing bids. We show that our auction maximizes logarithmic social welfare, a new notion of welfare that balances allocation efficiency and fairness, and we characterize the associated incentive-compatible pricing rule. These results are extended to multi-ad allocation per segment. An empirical evaluation validates the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach over several ad auction scenarios, and exhibits inherent tradeoffs in metrics as we allow the LLM more flexibility to allocate ads.

cross An effective software risk prediction management analysis of data using machine learning and data mining method

Authors: Jinxin Xu, Yue Wang, Ruisi Li, Ziyue Wang, Qian Zhao

Abstract: For one to guarantee higher-quality software development processes, risk management is essential. Furthermore, risks are those that could negatively impact an organization's operations or a project's progress. The appropriate prioritisation of software project risks is a crucial factor in ascertaining the software project's performance features and eventual success. They can be used harmoniously with the same training samples and have good complement and compatibility. We carried out in-depth tests on four benchmark datasets to confirm the efficacy of our CIA approach in closed-world and open-world scenarios, with and without defence. We also present a sequential augmentation parameter optimisation technique that captures the interdependencies of the latest deep learning state-of-the-art WF attack models. To achieve precise software risk assessment, the enhanced crow search algorithm (ECSA) is used to modify the ANFIS settings. Solutions that very slightly alter the local optimum and stay inside it are extracted using the ECSA. ANFIS variable when utilising the ANFIS technique. An experimental validation with NASA 93 dataset and 93 software project values was performed. This method's output presents a clear image of the software risk elements that are essential to achieving project performance. The results of our experiments show that, when compared to other current methods, our integrative fuzzy techniques may perform more accurately and effectively in the evaluation of software project risks.

cross Optimal Kernel Orchestration for Tensor Programs with Korch

Authors: Muyan Hu, Ashwin Venkatram, Shreyashri Biswas, Balamurugan Marimuthu, Bohan Hou, Gabriele Oliaro, Haojie Wang, Liyan Zheng, Xupeng Miao, Jidong Zhai

Abstract: Kernel orchestration is the task of mapping the computation defined in different operators of a deep neural network (DNN) to the execution of GPU kernels on modern hardware platforms. Prior approaches optimize kernel orchestration by greedily applying operator fusion, which fuses the computation of multiple operators into a single kernel, and miss a variety of optimization opportunities in kernel orchestration. This paper presents Korch, a tensor program optimizer that discovers optimal kernel orchestration strategies for tensor programs. Instead of directly fusing operators, Korch first applies operator fission to decompose tensor operators into a small set of basic tensor algebra primitives. This decomposition enables a diversity of fine-grained, inter-operator optimizations. Next, Korch optimizes kernel orchestration by formalizing it as a constrained optimization problem, leveraging an off-the-shelf binary linear programming solver to discover an optimal orchestration strategy, and generating an executable that can be directly deployed on modern GPU platforms. Evaluation on a variety of DNNs shows that Korch outperforms existing tensor program optimizers by up to 1.7x on V100 GPUs and up to 1.6x on A100 GPUs. Korch is publicly available at


cross Lightning-Fast Thunderstorm Warnings: Predicting Severe Convective Environments with Global Neural Weather Models

Authors: Monika Feldmann, Tom Beucler, Milton Gomez, Olivia Martius

Abstract: The recently released suite of AI weather models can produce multi-day, medium-range forecasts within seconds, with a skill on par with state-of-the-art operational forecasts. Traditional AI model evaluation predominantly targets global scores on single levels. Specific prediction tasks, such as severe convective environments, require much more precision on a local scale and with the correct vertical gradients between levels. With a focus on the convective season of global hotspots in 2020, we assess the skill of three top-performing AI models (Pangu-Weather, GraphCast, FourCastNet) for Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) and Deep Layer Shear (DLS) at lead-times of up to 10 days against the ERA-5 reanalysis and the IFS operational numerical weather prediction model. Looking at the example of a US tornado outbreak on April 12 and 13, 2020, all models predict elevated CAPE and DLS values multiple days in advance. The spatial structures in the AI models are smoothed in comparison to IFS and ERA-5. The models show differing biases in the prediction of CAPE values, with GraphCast capturing the value distribution the most accurately and FourCastNet showing a consistent underestimation. In seasonal analyses around the globe, we generally see the highest performance by GraphCast and Pangu-Weather, which match or even exceed the performance of IFS. CAPE derived from vertically coarse pressure levels of neural weather models lacks the precision of the vertically fine resolution of numerical models. The promising results here indicate that a direct prediction of CAPE in AI models is likely to be skillful. This would open unprecedented opportunities for fast and inexpensive predictions of severe weather phenomena. By advancing the assessment of AI models towards process-based evaluations we lay the foundation for hazard-driven applications of AI-based weather forecasts.

cross The Second DISPLACE Challenge : DIarization of SPeaker and LAnguage in Conversational Environments

Authors: Shareef Babu Kalluri, Prachi Singh, Pratik Roy Chowdhuri, Apoorva Kulkarni, Shikha Baghel, Pradyoth Hegde, Swapnil Sontakke, Deepak K T, S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna, Deepu Vijayasenan, Sriram Ganapathy

Abstract: The DIarization of SPeaker and LAnguage in Conversational Environments (DISPLACE) 2024 challenge is the second in the series of DISPLACE challenges, which involves tasks of speaker diarization (SD) and language diarization (LD) on a challenging multilingual conversational speech dataset. In the DISPLACE 2024 challenge, we also introduced the task of automatic speech recognition (ASR) on this dataset. The dataset containing 158 hours of speech, consisting of both supervised and unsupervised mono-channel far-field recordings, was released for LD and SD tracks. Further, 12 hours of close-field mono-channel recordings were provided for the ASR track conducted on 5 Indian languages. The details of the dataset, baseline systems and the leader board results are highlighted in this paper. We have also compared our baseline models and the team's performances on evaluation data of DISPLACE-2023 to emphasize the advancements made in this second version of the challenge.

cross CleanDiffuser: An Easy-to-use Modularized Library for Diffusion Models in Decision Making

Authors: Zibin Dong, Yifu Yuan, Jianye Hao, Fei Ni, Yi Ma, Pengyi Li, Yan Zheng

Abstract: Leveraging the powerful generative capability of diffusion models (DMs) to build decision-making agents has achieved extensive success. However, there is still a demand for an easy-to-use and modularized open-source library that offers customized and efficient development for DM-based decision-making algorithms. In this work, we introduce CleanDiffuser, the first DM library specifically designed for decision-making algorithms. By revisiting the roles of DMs in the decision-making domain, we identify a set of essential sub-modules that constitute the core of CleanDiffuser, allowing for the implementation of various DM algorithms with simple and flexible building blocks. To demonstrate the reliability and flexibility of CleanDiffuser, we conduct comprehensive evaluations of various DM algorithms implemented with CleanDiffuser across an extensive range of tasks. The analytical experiments provide a wealth of valuable design choices and insights, reveal opportunities and challenges, and lay a solid groundwork for future research. CleanDiffuser will provide long-term support to the decision-making community, enhancing reproducibility and fostering the development of more robust solutions. The code and documentation of CleanDiffuser are open-sourced on the


cross Fair GLASSO: Estimating Fair Graphical Models with Unbiased Statistical Behavior

Authors: Madeline Navarro, Samuel Rey, Andrei Buciulea, Antonio G. Marques, Santiago Segarra

Abstract: We propose estimating Gaussian graphical models (GGMs) that are fair with respect to sensitive nodal attributes. Many real-world models exhibit unfair discriminatory behavior due to biases in data. Such discrimination is known to be exacerbated when data is equipped with pairwise relationships encoded in a graph. Additionally, the effect of biased data on graphical models is largely underexplored. We thus introduce fairness for graphical models in the form of two bias metrics to promote balance in statistical similarities across nodal groups with different sensitive attributes. Leveraging these metrics, we present Fair GLASSO, a regularized graphical lasso approach to obtain sparse Gaussian precision matrices with unbiased statistical dependencies across groups. We also propose an efficient proximal gradient algorithm to obtain the estimates. Theoretically, we express the tradeoff between fair and accurate estimated precision matrices. Critically, this includes demonstrating when accuracy can be preserved in the presence of a fairness regularizer. On top of this, we study the complexity of Fair GLASSO and demonstrate that our algorithm enjoys a fast convergence rate. Our empirical validation includes synthetic and real-world simulations that illustrate the value and effectiveness of our proposed optimization problem and iterative algorithm.

cross A Systematic Review of Generative AI for Teaching and Learning Practice

Authors: Bayode Ogunleye, Kudirat Ibilola Zakariyyah, Oluwaseun Ajao, Olakunle Olayinka, Hemlata Sharma

Abstract: The use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in academia is a subjective and hotly debated topic. Currently, there are no agreed guidelines towards the usage of GenAI systems in higher education (HE) and, thus, it is still unclear how to make effective use of the technology for teaching and learning practice. This paper provides an overview of the current state of research on GenAI for teaching and learning in HE. To this end, this study conducted a systematic review of relevant studies indexed by Scopus, using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The search criteria revealed a total of 625 research papers, of which 355 met the final inclusion criteria. The findings from the review showed the current state and the future trends in documents, citations, document sources/authors, keywords, and co-authorship. The research gaps identified suggest that while some authors have looked at understanding the detection of AI-generated text, it may be beneficial to understand how GenAI can be incorporated into supporting the educational curriculum for assessments, teaching, and learning delivery. Furthermore, there is a need for additional interdisciplinary, multidimensional studies in HE through collaboration. This will strengthen the awareness and understanding of students, tutors, and other stakeholders, which will be instrumental in formulating guidelines, frameworks, and policies for GenAI usage.

cross Differentiable Reasoning about Knowledge Graphs with Region-based Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Aleksandar Pavlovic, Emanuel Sallinger, Steven Schockaert

Abstract: Methods for knowledge graph (KG) completion need to capture semantic regularities and use these regularities to infer plausible knowledge that is not explicitly stated. Most embedding-based methods are opaque in the kinds of regularities they can capture, although region-based KG embedding models have emerged as a more transparent alternative. By modeling relations as geometric regions in high-dimensional vector spaces, such models can explicitly capture semantic regularities in terms of the spatial arrangement of these regions. Unfortunately, existing region-based approaches are severely limited in the kinds of rules they can capture. We argue that this limitation arises because the considered regions are defined as the Cartesian product of two-dimensional regions. As an alternative, in this paper, we propose RESHUFFLE, a simple model based on ordering constraints that can faithfully capture a much larger class of rule bases than existing approaches. Moreover, the embeddings in our framework can be learned by a monotonic Graph Neural Network (GNN), which effectively acts as a differentiable rule base. This approach has the important advantage that embeddings can be easily updated as new knowledge is added to the KG. At the same time, since the resulting representations can be used similarly to standard KG embeddings, our approach is significantly more efficient than existing approaches to differentiable reasoning.

cross FeatNavigator: Automatic Feature Augmentation on Tabular Data

Authors: Jiaming Liang, Chuan Lei, Xiao Qin, Jiani Zhang, Asterios Katsifodimos, Christos Faloutsos, Huzefa Rangwala

Abstract: Data-centric AI focuses on understanding and utilizing high-quality, relevant data in training machine learning (ML) models, thereby increasing the likelihood of producing accurate and useful results. Automatic feature augmentation, aiming to augment the initial base table with useful features from other tables, is critical in data preparation as it improves model performance, robustness, and generalizability. While recent works have investigated automatic feature augmentation, most of them have limited capabilities in utilizing all useful features as many of them are in candidate tables not directly joinable with the base table. Worse yet, with numerous join paths leading to these distant features, existing solutions fail to fully exploit them within a reasonable compute budget. We present FeatNavigator, an effective and efficient framework that explores and integrates high-quality features in relational tables for ML models. FeatNavigator evaluates a feature from two aspects: (1) the intrinsic value of a feature towards an ML task (i.e., feature importance) and (2) the efficacy of a join path connecting the feature to the base table (i.e., integration quality). FeatNavigator strategically selects a small set of available features and their corresponding join paths to train a feature importance estimation model and an integration quality prediction model. Furthermore, FeatNavigator's search algorithm exploits both estimated feature importance and integration quality to identify the optimized feature augmentation plan. Our experimental results show that FeatNavigator outperforms state-of-the-art solutions on five public datasets by up to 40.1% in ML model performance.

cross Exploring Syntactic Patterns in Urdu: A Deep Dive into Dependency Analysis

Authors: Nudrat Habib

Abstract: Parsing is the process of breaking a sentence into its grammatical components and identifying the syntactic structure of the sentence. The syntactically correct sentence structure is achieved by assigning grammatical labels to its constituents using lexicon and syntactic rules. In linguistics, parser is extremely useful due to the number of different applications like name entity recognition, QA systems and information extraction, etc. The two most common techniques used for parsing are phrase structure and dependency Structure. Because Urdu is a low-resource language, there has been little progress in building an Urdu parser. A comparison of several parsers revealed that the dependency parsing approach is better suited for order-free languages such as Urdu. We have made significant progress in parsing Urdu, a South Asian language with a complex morphology. For Urdu dependency parsing, a basic feature model consisting of word location, word head, and dependency relation is employed as a starting point, followed by more complex feature models. The dependency tagset is designed after careful consideration of the complex morphological structure of the Urdu language, word order variation, and lexical ambiguity and it contains 22 tags. Our dataset comprises of sentences from news articles, and we tried to include sentences of different complexity (which is quite challenging), to get reliable results. All experiments are performed using MaltParser, exploring all 9 algorithms and classifiers. We have achieved a 70 percent overall best-labeled accuracy (LA), as well as an 84 percent overall best-unlabeled attachment score (UAS) using the Nivreeager algorithm. The comparison of output data with treebank test data that has been manually parsed is then used to carry out error assessment and to identify the errors produced by the parser.

cross Embedding machine-learnt sub-grid variability improves climate model biases

Authors: Daniel Giles, James Briant, Cyril J. Morcrette, Serge Guillas

Abstract: The under-representation of cloud formation is a long-standing bias associated with climate simulations. Parameterisation schemes are required to capture cloud processes within current climate models but have known biases. We overcome these biases by embedding a Multi-Output Gaussian Process (MOGP) trained on high resolution Unified Model simulations to represent the variability of temperature and specific humidity within a climate model. A trained MOGP model is coupled in-situ with a simplified Atmospheric General Circulation Model named SPEEDY. The temperature and specific humidity profiles of SPEEDY are perturbed at fixed intervals according to the variability predicted from the MOGP. Ten-year predictions are generated for both control and ML-hybrid models. The hybrid model reduces the global precipitation bias by 18\% and over the tropics by 22\%. To further understand the drivers of these improvements, physical quantities of interest are explored, such as the distribution of lifted index values and the alteration of the Hadley cell. The control and hybrid set-ups are also run in a plus 4K sea-surface temperature experiment to explore the effects of the approach on patterns relating to cloud cover and precipitation in a warmed climate setting.

cross Decoding the Diversity: A Review of the Indic AI Research Landscape

Authors: Sankalp KJ, Vinija Jain, Sreyoshi Bhaduri, Tamoghna Roy, Aman Chadha

Abstract: This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of large language model (LLM) research directions within Indic languages. Indic languages are those spoken in the Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan, among others. These languages have a rich cultural and linguistic heritage and are spoken by over 1.5 billion people worldwide. With the tremendous market potential and growing demand for natural language processing (NLP) based applications in diverse languages, generative applications for Indic languages pose unique challenges and opportunities for research. Our paper deep dives into the recent advancements in Indic generative modeling, contributing with a taxonomy of research directions, tabulating 84 recent publications. Research directions surveyed in this paper include LLM development, fine-tuning existing LLMs, development of corpora, benchmarking and evaluation, as well as publications around specific techniques, tools, and applications. We found that researchers across the publications emphasize the challenges associated with limited data availability, lack of standardization, and the peculiar linguistic complexities of Indic languages. This work aims to serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working in the field of NLP, particularly those focused on Indic languages, and contributes to the development of more accurate and efficient LLM applications for these languages.

cross Causal Fine-Tuning and Effect Calibration of Non-Causal Predictive Models

Authors: Carlos Fern\'andez-Lor\'ia, Yanfang Hou, Foster Provost, Jennifer Hill

Abstract: This paper proposes techniques to enhance the performance of non-causal models for causal inference using data from randomized experiments. In domains like advertising, customer retention, and precision medicine, non-causal models that predict outcomes under no intervention are often used to score individuals and rank them according to the expected effectiveness of an intervention (e.g, an ad, a retention incentive, a nudge). However, these scores may not perfectly correspond to intervention effects due to the inherent non-causal nature of the models. To address this limitation, we propose causal fine-tuning and effect calibration, two techniques that leverage experimental data to refine the output of non-causal models for different causal tasks, including effect estimation, effect ordering, and effect classification. They are underpinned by two key advantages. First, they can effectively integrate the predictive capabilities of general non-causal models with the requirements of a causal task in a specific context, allowing decision makers to support diverse causal applications with a "foundational" scoring model. Second, through simulations and an empirical example, we demonstrate that they can outperform the alternative of building a causal-effect model from scratch, particularly when the available experimental data is limited and the non-causal scores already capture substantial information about the relative sizes of causal effects. Overall, this research underscores the practical advantages of combining experimental data with non-causal models to support causal applications.

cross Color Equivariant Network

Authors: Felix O'Mahony, Yulong Yang, Christine Allen-Blanchette

Abstract: Group equivariant convolutional neural networks have been designed for a variety of geometric transformations from 2D and 3D rotation groups, to semi-groups such as scale. Despite the improved interpretability, accuracy and generalizability afforded by these architectures, group equivariant networks have seen limited application in the context of perceptual quantities such as hue and saturation, even though their variation can lead to significant reductions in classification performance. In this paper, we introduce convolutional neural networks equivariant to variations in hue and saturation by design. To achieve this, we leverage the observation that hue and saturation transformations can be identified with the 2D rotation and 1D translation groups respectively. Our hue-, saturation-, and fully color-equivariant networks achieve equivariance to these perceptual transformations without an increase in network parameters. We demonstrate the utility of our networks on synthetic and real world datasets where color and lighting variations are commonplace.

cross Automated Molecular Concept Generation and Labeling with Large Language Models

Authors: Shichang Zhang, Botao Xia, Zimin Zhang, Qianli Wu, Fang Sun, Ziniu Hu, Yizhou Sun

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is significantly transforming scientific research. Explainable AI methods, such as concept-based models (CMs), are promising for driving new scientific discoveries because they make predictions based on meaningful concepts and offer insights into the prediction process. In molecular science, however, explainable CMs are not as common compared to black-box models like Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), primarily due to their requirement for predefined concepts and manual label for each instance, which demand domain knowledge and can be labor-intensive. This paper introduces a novel framework for Automated Molecular Concept (AutoMolCo) generation and labeling. AutoMolCo leverages the knowledge in Large Language Models (LLMs) to automatically generate predictive molecular concepts and label them for each molecule. Such procedures are repeated through iterative interactions with LLMs to refine concepts, enabling simple linear models on the refined concepts to outperform GNNs and LLM in-context learning on several benchmarks. The whole AutoMolCo framework is automated without any human knowledge inputs in either concept generation, labeling, or refinement, thereby surpassing the limitations of extant CMs while maintaining their explainability and allowing easy intervention. Through systematic experiments on MoleculeNet and High-Throughput Experimentation (HTE) datasets, we demonstrate that the AutoMolCo-induced explainable CMs are beneficial and promising for molecular science research.

cross Trainability issues in quantum policy gradients

Authors: Andr\'e Sequeira, Luis Paulo Santos, Luis Soares Barbosa

Abstract: This research explores the trainability of Parameterized Quantum circuit-based policies in Reinforcement Learning, an area that has recently seen a surge in empirical exploration. While some studies suggest improved sample complexity using quantum gradient estimation, the efficient trainability of these policies remains an open question. Our findings reveal significant challenges, including standard Barren Plateaus with exponentially small gradients and gradient explosion. These phenomena depend on the type of basis-state partitioning and mapping these partitions onto actions. For a polynomial number of actions, a trainable window can be ensured with a polynomial number of measurements if a contiguous-like partitioning of basis-states is employed. These results are empirically validated in a multi-armed bandit environment.

cross Muharaf: Manuscripts of Handwritten Arabic Dataset for Cursive Text Recognition

Authors: Mehreen Saeed, Adrian Chan, Anupam Mijar, Joseph Moukarzel, Georges Habchi, Carlos Younes, Amin Elias, Chau-Wai Wong, Akram Khater

Abstract: We present the Manuscripts of Handwritten Arabic~(Muharaf) dataset, which is a machine learning dataset consisting of more than 1,600 historic handwritten page images transcribed by experts in archival Arabic. Each document image is accompanied by spatial polygonal coordinates of its text lines as well as basic page elements. This dataset was compiled to advance the state of the art in handwritten text recognition (HTR), not only for Arabic manuscripts but also for cursive text in general. The Muharaf dataset includes diverse handwriting styles and a wide range of document types, including personal letters, diaries, notes, poems, church records, and legal correspondences. In this paper, we describe the data acquisition pipeline, notable dataset features, and statistics. We also provide a preliminary baseline result achieved by training convolutional neural networks using this data.

cross Coralai: Intrinsic Evolution of Embodied Neural Cellular Automata Ecosystems

Authors: Aidan Barbieux, Rodrigo Canaan

Abstract: This paper presents Coralai, a framework for exploring diverse ecosystems of Neural Cellular Automata (NCA). Organisms in Coralai utilize modular, GPU-accelerated Taichi kernels to interact, enact environmental changes, and evolve through local survival, merging, and mutation operations implemented with HyperNEAT and PyTorch. We provide an exploratory experiment implementing physics inspired by slime mold behavior showcasing the emergence of competition between sessile and mobile organisms, cycles of resource depletion and recovery, and symbiosis between diverse organisms. We conclude by outlining future work to discover simulation parameters through measures of multi-scale complexity and diversity. Code for Coralai is available at , video demos are available at .


cross RSEND: Retinex-based Squeeze and Excitation Network with Dark Region Detection for Efficient Low Light Image Enhancement

Authors: Jingcheng Li, Ye Qiao, Haocheng Xu, Sitao Huang

Abstract: Images captured under low-light scenarios often suffer from low quality. Previous CNN-based deep learning methods often involve using Retinex theory. Nevertheless, most of them cannot perform well in more complicated datasets like LOL-v2 while consuming too much computational resources. Besides, some of these methods require sophisticated training at different stages, making the procedure even more time-consuming and tedious. In this paper, we propose a more accurate, concise, and one-stage Retinex theory based framework, RSEND. RSEND first divides the low-light image into the illumination map and reflectance map, then captures the important details in the illumination map and performs light enhancement. After this step, it refines the enhanced gray-scale image and does element-wise matrix multiplication with the reflectance map. By denoising the output it has from the previous step, it obtains the final result. In all the steps, RSEND utilizes Squeeze and Excitation network to better capture the details. Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative experiments show that our Efficient Retinex model significantly outperforms other CNN-based models, achieving a PSNR improvement ranging from 0.44 dB to 4.2 dB in different datasets and even outperforms transformer-based models in the LOL-v2-real dataset.

cross An Efficient Approach to Regression Problems with Tensor Neural Networks

Authors: Yongxin Li

Abstract: This paper introduces a tensor neural network (TNN) to address nonparametric regression problems. Characterized by its distinct sub-network structure, the TNN effectively facilitates variable separation, thereby enhancing the approximation of complex, unknown functions. Our comparative analysis reveals that the TNN outperforms conventional Feed-Forward Networks (FFN) and Radial Basis Function Networks (RBN) in terms of both approximation accuracy and generalization potential, despite a similar scale of parameters. A key innovation of our approach is the integration of statistical regression and numerical integration within the TNN framework. This integration allows for the efficient computation of high-dimensional integrals associated with the regression function. The implications of this advancement extend to a broader range of applications, particularly in scenarios demanding precise high-dimensional data analysis and prediction.

cross Large language model validity via enhanced conformal prediction methods

Authors: John J. Cherian, Isaac Gibbs, Emmanuel J. Cand\`es

Abstract: We develop new conformal inference methods for obtaining validity guarantees on the output of large language models (LLMs). Prior work in conformal language modeling identifies a subset of the text that satisfies a high-probability guarantee of correctness. These methods work by filtering claims from the LLM's original response if a scoring function evaluated on the claim fails to exceed a threshold calibrated via split conformal prediction. Existing methods in this area suffer from two deficiencies. First, the guarantee stated is not conditionally valid. The trustworthiness of the filtering step may vary based on the topic of the response. Second, because the scoring function is imperfect, the filtering step can remove many valuable and accurate claims. We address both of these challenges via two new conformal methods. First, we generalize the conditional conformal procedure of Gibbs et al. (2023) in order to adaptively issue weaker guarantees when they are required to preserve the utility of the output. Second, we show how to systematically improve the quality of the scoring function via a novel algorithm for differentiating through the conditional conformal procedure. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

cross Speed-up of Data Analysis with Kernel Trick in Encrypted Domain

Authors: Joon Soo Yoo, Baek Kyung Song, Tae Min Ahn, Ji Won Heo, Ji Won Yoon

Abstract: Homomorphic encryption (HE) is pivotal for secure computation on encrypted data, crucial in privacy-preserving data analysis. However, efficiently processing high-dimensional data in HE, especially for machine learning and statistical (ML/STAT) algorithms, poses a challenge. In this paper, we present an effective acceleration method using the kernel method for HE schemes, enhancing time performance in ML/STAT algorithms within encrypted domains. This technique, independent of underlying HE mechanisms and complementing existing optimizations, notably reduces costly HE multiplications, offering near constant time complexity relative to data dimension. Aimed at accessibility, this method is tailored for data scientists and developers with limited cryptography background, facilitating advanced data analysis in secure environments.

cross Cross-view geo-localization: a survey

Authors: Abhilash Durgam, Sidike Paheding, Vikas Dhiman, Vijay Devabhaktuni

Abstract: Cross-view geo-localization has garnered notable attention in the realm of computer vision, spurred by the widespread availability of copious geotagged datasets and the advancements in machine learning techniques. This paper provides a thorough survey of cutting-edge methodologies, techniques, and associated challenges that are integral to this domain, with a focus on feature-based and deep learning strategies. Feature-based methods capitalize on unique features to establish correspondences across disparate viewpoints, whereas deep learning-based methodologies deploy convolutional neural networks to embed view-invariant attributes. This work also delineates the multifaceted challenges encountered in cross-view geo-localization, such as variations in viewpoints and illumination, the occurrence of occlusions, and it elucidates innovative solutions that have been formulated to tackle these issues. Furthermore, we delineate benchmark datasets and relevant evaluation metrics, and also perform a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art techniques. Finally, we conclude the paper with a discussion on prospective avenues for future research and the burgeoning applications of cross-view geo-localization in an intricately interconnected global landscape.

cross Evaluating LLM-driven User-Intent Formalization for Verification-Aware Languages

Authors: Shuvendu K. Lahiri

Abstract: Verification-aware programming languages such as Dafny and F* provide means to formally specify and prove properties of programs. Although the problem of checking an implementation against a specification can be defined mechanically, there is no algorithmic way of ensuring the correctness of the user-intent formalization for programs -- that a specification adheres to the user's intent behind the program. The intent or requirement is expressed informally in natural language and the specification is a formal artefact. The advent of large language models (LLMs) has made strides bridging the gap between informal intent and formal program implementations recently, driven in large parts due to benchmarks and automated metrics for evaluation. Recent work has proposed evaluating {\it user-intent formalization} problem for mainstream programming languages~\cite{endres-fse24}. However, such an approach does not readily extend to verification-aware languages that support rich specifications (containing quantifiers and ghost variables) that cannot be evaluated through dynamic execution. Previous work also required generating program mutants using LLMs to create the benchmark. We advocate an alternate approach of {\it symbolically testing specifications} to provide an intuitive metric for evaluating the quality of specifications for verification-aware languages. We demonstrate that our automated metric agrees closely with mostly GPT-4 generated and human-labeled dataset of roughly 150 Dafny specifications for the popular MBPP code-generation benchmark, yet demonstrates cases where the human labeling is not perfect. We believe our work provides a stepping stone to enable the establishment of a benchmark and research agenda for the problem of user-intent formalization for programs.

cross Bootstrapping Language Models with DPO Implicit Rewards

Authors: Changyu Chen, Zichen Liu, Chao Du, Tianyu Pang, Qian Liu, Arunesh Sinha, Pradeep Varakantham, Min Lin

Abstract: Human alignment in large language models (LLMs) is an active area of research. A recent groundbreaking work, direct preference optimization (DPO), has greatly simplified the process from past work in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) by bypassing the reward learning stage in RLHF. DPO, after training, provides an implicit reward model. In this work, we make a novel observation that this implicit reward model can by itself be used in a bootstrapping fashion to further align the LLM. Our approach is to use the rewards from a current LLM model to construct a preference dataset, which is then used in subsequent DPO rounds. We incorporate refinements that debias the length of the responses and improve the quality of the preference dataset to further improve our approach. Our approach, named self-alignment with DPO ImpliCit rEwards (DICE), shows great improvements in alignment and achieves superior performance than Gemini Pro on AlpacaEval 2, reaching 27.55% length-controlled win rate against GPT-4 Turbo, but with only 8B parameters and no external feedback. Our code is available at


cross Towards Full Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Colon Capsule Endoscopy's Pathway

Authors: Esmaeil S. Nadimi, Jan-Matthias Braun, Benedicte Schelde-Olesen, Emile Prudhomme, Victoria Blanes-Vidal, Gunnar Baatrup

Abstract: Despite recent surge of interest in deploying colon capsule endoscopy (CCE) for early diagnosis of colorectal diseases, there remains a large gap between the current state of CCE in clinical practice, and the state of its counterpart optical colonoscopy (OC). Our study is aimed at closing this gap, by focusing on the full integration of AI in CCE's pathway, where image processing steps linked to the detection, localization and characterisation of important findings are carried out autonomously using various AI algorithms. We developed a recognition network, that with an impressive sensitivity of 99.9%, a specificity of 99.4%, and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 99.8%, detected colorectal polyps. After recognising a polyp within a sequence of images, only those images containing polyps were fed into two parallel independent networks for characterisation, and estimation of the size of those important findings. The characterisation network reached a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 80% in classifying polyps to two groups, namely neoplastic vs. non-neoplastic. The size estimation network reached an accuracy of 88% in correctly segmenting the polyps. By automatically incorporating this crucial information into CCE's pathway, we moved a step closer towards the full integration of AI in CCE's routine clinical practice.

cross Bayesian Conditioned Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems

Authors: Alper G\"ung\"or, Bahri Batuhan Bilecen, Tolga \c{C}ukur

Abstract: Diffusion models have recently been shown to excel in many image reconstruction tasks that involve inverse problems based on a forward measurement operator. A common framework uses task-agnostic unconditional models that are later post-conditioned for reconstruction, an approach that typically suffers from suboptimal task performance. While task-specific conditional models have also been proposed, current methods heuristically inject measured data as a naive input channel that elicits sampling inaccuracies. Here, we address the optimal conditioning of diffusion models for solving challenging inverse problems that arise during image reconstruction. Specifically, we propose a novel Bayesian conditioning technique for diffusion models, BCDM, based on score-functions associated with the conditional distribution of desired images given measured data. We rigorously derive the theory to express and train the conditional score-function. Finally, we show state-of-the-art performance in image dealiasing, deblurring, super-resolution, and inpainting with the proposed technique.

cross An I2I Inpainting Approach for Efficient Channel Knowledge Map Construction

Authors: Zhenzhou Jin, Li You, Jue Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Xiqi Gao

Abstract: Channel knowledge map (CKM) has received widespread attention as an emerging enabling technology for environment-aware wireless communications. It involves the construction of databases containing location-specific channel knowledge, which are then leveraged to facilitate channel state information (CSI) acquisition and transceiver design. In this context, a fundamental challenge lies in efficiently constructing the CKM based on a given wireless propagation environment. Most existing methods are based on stochastic modeling and sequence prediction, which do not fully exploit the inherent physical characteristics of the propagation environment, resulting in low accuracy and high computational complexity. To address these limitations, we propose a Laplacian pyramid (LP)-based CKM construction scheme to predict the channel knowledge at arbitrary locations in a targeted area. Specifically, we first view the channel knowledge as a 2-D image and transform the CKM construction problem into an image-to-image (I2I) inpainting task, which predicts the channel knowledge at a specific location by recovering the corresponding pixel value in the image matrix. Then, inspired by the reversible and closed-form structure of the LP, we show its natural suitability for our task in designing a fast I2I mapping network. For different frequency components of LP decomposition, we design tailored networks accordingly. Besides, to encode the global structural information of the propagation environment, we introduce self-attention and cross-covariance attention mechanisms in different layers, respectively. Finally, experimental results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the benchmark, achieving higher reconstruction accuracy while with lower computational complexity. Moreover, the proposed approach has a strong generalization ability and can be implemented in different wireless communication scenarios.

cross HiP Attention: Sparse Sub-Quadratic Attention with Hierarchical Attention Pruning

Authors: Heejun Lee, Geon Park, Youngwan Lee, Jina Kim, Wonyoung Jeong, Myeongjae Jeon, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: In modern large language models (LLMs), increasing sequence lengths is a crucial challenge for enhancing their comprehension and coherence in handling complex tasks such as multi-modal question answering. However, handling long context sequences with LLMs is prohibitively costly due to the conventional attention mechanism's quadratic time and space complexity, and the context window size is limited by the GPU memory. Although recent works have proposed linear and sparse attention mechanisms to address this issue, their real-world applicability is often limited by the need to re-train pre-trained models. In response, we propose a novel approach, Hierarchically Pruned Attention (HiP), which simultaneously reduces the training and inference time complexity from $O(T^2)$ to $O(T \log T)$ and the space complexity from $O(T^2)$ to $O(T)$. To this end, we devise a dynamic sparse attention mechanism that generates an attention mask through a novel tree-search-like algorithm for a given query on the fly. HiP is training-free as it only utilizes the pre-trained attention scores to spot the positions of the top-$k$ most significant elements for each query. Moreover, it ensures that no token is overlooked, unlike the sliding window-based sub-quadratic attention methods, such as StreamingLLM. Extensive experiments on diverse real-world benchmarks demonstrate that HiP significantly reduces prompt (i.e., prefill) and decoding latency and memory usage while maintaining high generation performance with little or no degradation. As HiP allows pretrained LLMs to scale to millions of tokens on commodity GPUs with no additional engineering due to its easy plug-and-play deployment, we believe that our work will have a large practical impact, opening up the possibility to many long-context LLM applications previously infeasible.

cross Harm Mitigation in Recommender Systems under User Preference Dynamics

Authors: Jerry Chee, Shankar Kalyanaraman, Sindhu Kiranmai Ernala, Udi Weinsberg, Sarah Dean, Stratis Ioannidis

Abstract: We consider a recommender system that takes into account the interplay between recommendations, the evolution of user interests, and harmful content. We model the impact of recommendations on user behavior, particularly the tendency to consume harmful content. We seek recommendation policies that establish a tradeoff between maximizing click-through rate (CTR) and mitigating harm. We establish conditions under which the user profile dynamics have a stationary point, and propose algorithms for finding an optimal recommendation policy at stationarity. We experiment on a semi-synthetic movie recommendation setting initialized with real data and observe that our policies outperform baselines at simultaneously maximizing CTR and mitigating harm.

cross CliBench: Multifaceted Evaluation of Large Language Models in Clinical Decisions on Diagnoses, Procedures, Lab Tests Orders and Prescriptions

Authors: Mingyu Derek Ma, Chenchen Ye, Yu Yan, Xiaoxuan Wang, Peipei Ping, Timothy S Chang, Wei Wang

Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially Large Language Models (LLMs), into the clinical diagnosis process offers significant potential to improve the efficiency and accessibility of medical care. While LLMs have shown some promise in the medical domain, their application in clinical diagnosis remains underexplored, especially in real-world clinical practice, where highly sophisticated, patient-specific decisions need to be made. Current evaluations of LLMs in this field are often narrow in scope, focusing on specific diseases or specialties and employing simplified diagnostic tasks. To bridge this gap, we introduce CliBench, a novel benchmark developed from the MIMIC IV dataset, offering a comprehensive and realistic assessment of LLMs' capabilities in clinical diagnosis. This benchmark not only covers diagnoses from a diverse range of medical cases across various specialties but also incorporates tasks of clinical significance: treatment procedure identification, lab test ordering and medication prescriptions. Supported by structured output ontologies, CliBench enables a precise and multi-granular evaluation, offering an in-depth understanding of LLM's capability on diverse clinical tasks of desired granularity. We conduct a zero-shot evaluation of leading LLMs to assess their proficiency in clinical decision-making. Our preliminary results shed light on the potential and limitations of current LLMs in clinical settings, providing valuable insights for future advancements in LLM-powered healthcare.

cross Fundamental operating regimes, hyper-parameter fine-tuning and glassiness: towards an interpretable replica-theory for trained restricted Boltzmann machines

Authors: Alberto Fachechi, Elena Agliari, Miriam Aquaro, Anthony Coolen, Menno Mulder

Abstract: We consider restricted Boltzmann machines with a binary visible layer and a Gaussian hidden layer trained by an unlabelled dataset composed of noisy realizations of a single ground pattern. We develop a statistical mechanics framework to describe the network generative capabilities, by exploiting the replica trick and assuming self-averaging of the underlying order parameters (i.e., replica symmetry). In particular, we outline the effective control parameters (e.g., the relative number of weights to be trained, the regularization parameter), whose tuning can yield qualitatively-different operative regimes. Further, we provide analytical and numerical evidence for the existence of a sub-region in the space of the hyperparameters where replica-symmetry breaking occurs.

cross Personalized Speech Enhancement Without a Separate Speaker Embedding Model

Authors: Tanel P\"arnamaa, Ando Saabas

Abstract: Personalized speech enhancement (PSE) models can improve the audio quality of teleconferencing systems by adapting to the characteristics of a speaker's voice. However, most existing methods require a separate speaker embedding model to extract a vector representation of the speaker from enrollment audio, which adds complexity to the training and deployment process. We propose to use the internal representation of the PSE model itself as the speaker embedding, thereby avoiding the need for a separate model. We show that our approach performs equally well or better than the standard method of using a pre-trained speaker embedding model on noise suppression and echo cancellation tasks. Moreover, our approach surpasses the ICASSP 2023 Deep Noise Suppression Challenge winner by 0.15 in Mean Opinion Score.

cross SCKansformer: Fine-Grained Classification of Bone Marrow Cells via Kansformer Backbone and Hierarchical Attention Mechanisms

Authors: Yifei Chen, Zhu Zhu, Shenghao Zhu, Linwei Qiu, Binfeng Zou, Fan Jia, Yunpeng Zhu, Chenyan Zhang, Zhaojie Fang, Feiwei Qin, Jin Fan, Changmiao Wang, Yu Gao, Gang Yu

Abstract: The incidence and mortality rates of malignant tumors, such as acute leukemia, have risen significantly. Clinically, hospitals rely on cytological examination of peripheral blood and bone marrow smears to diagnose malignant tumors, with accurate blood cell counting being crucial. Existing automated methods face challenges such as low feature expression capability, poor interpretability, and redundant feature extraction when processing high-dimensional microimage data. We propose a novel fine-grained classification model, SCKansformer, for bone marrow blood cells, which addresses these challenges and enhances classification accuracy and efficiency. The model integrates the Kansformer Encoder, SCConv Encoder, and Global-Local Attention Encoder. The Kansformer Encoder replaces the traditional MLP layer with the KAN, improving nonlinear feature representation and interpretability. The SCConv Encoder, with its Spatial and Channel Reconstruction Units, enhances feature representation and reduces redundancy. The Global-Local Attention Encoder combines Multi-head Self-Attention with a Local Part module to capture both global and local features. We validated our model using the Bone Marrow Blood Cell Fine-Grained Classification Dataset (BMCD-FGCD), comprising over 10,000 samples and nearly 40 classifications, developed with a partner hospital. Comparative experiments on our private dataset, as well as the publicly available PBC and ALL-IDB datasets, demonstrate that SCKansformer outperforms both typical and advanced microcell classification methods across all datasets. Our source code and private BMCD-FGCD dataset are available at


cross What Does it Take to Generalize SER Model Across Datasets? A Comprehensive Benchmark

Authors: Adham Ibrahim, Shady Shehata, Ajinkya Kulkarni, Mukhtar Mohamed, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Abstract: Speech emotion recognition (SER) is essential for enhancing human-computer interaction in speech-based applications. Despite improvements in specific emotional datasets, there is still a research gap in SER's capability to generalize across real-world situations. In this paper, we investigate approaches to generalize the SER system across different emotion datasets. In particular, we incorporate 11 emotional speech datasets and illustrate a comprehensive benchmark on the SER task. We also address the challenge of imbalanced data distribution using over-sampling methods when combining SER datasets for training. Furthermore, we explore various evaluation protocols for adeptness in the generalization of SER. Building on this, we explore the potential of Whisper for SER, emphasizing the importance of thorough evaluation. Our approach is designed to advance SER technology by integrating speaker-independent methods.

cross Neural Concept Binder

Authors: Wolfgang Stammer, Antonia W\"ust, David Steinmann, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: The challenge in object-based visual reasoning lies in generating descriptive yet distinct concept representations. Moreover, doing this in an unsupervised fashion requires human users to understand a model's learned concepts and potentially revise false concepts. In addressing this challenge, we introduce the Neural Concept Binder, a new framework for deriving discrete concept representations resulting in what we term "concept-slot encodings". These encodings leverage both "soft binding" via object-centric block-slot encodings and "hard binding" via retrieval-based inference. The Neural Concept Binder facilitates straightforward concept inspection and direct integration of external knowledge, such as human input or insights from other AI models like GPT-4. Additionally, we demonstrate that incorporating the hard binding mechanism does not compromise performance; instead, it enables seamless integration into both neural and symbolic modules for intricate reasoning tasks, as evidenced by evaluations on our newly introduced CLEVR-Sudoku dataset.

cross BiVLC: Extending Vision-Language Compositionality Evaluation with Text-to-Image Retrieval

Authors: Imanol Miranda, Ander Salaberria, Eneko Agirre, Gorka Azkune

Abstract: Existing Vision-Language Compositionality (VLC) benchmarks like SugarCrepe are formulated as image-to-text retrieval problems, where, given an image, the models need to select between the correct textual description and a synthetic hard negative text. In this work we present the Bidirectional Vision-Language Compositionality (BiVLC) dataset. The novelty of BiVLC is to add a synthetic hard negative image generated from the synthetic text, resulting in two image-to-text retrieval examples (one for each image) and, more importantly, two text-to-image retrieval examples (one for each text). Human annotators filter out ill-formed examples ensuring the validity of the benchmark. The experiments on BiVLC uncover a weakness of current multimodal models, as they perform poorly in the text-to-image direction. In fact, when considering both retrieval directions, the conclusions obtained in previous works change significantly. In addition to the benchmark, we show that a contrastive model trained using synthetic images and texts improves the state of the art in SugarCrepe and in BiVLC for both retrieval directions. The gap to human performance in BiVLC confirms that Vision-Language Compositionality is still a challenging problem. BiVLC and code are available at


cross Understanding Pedestrian Movement Using Urban Sensing Technologies: The Promise of Audio-based Sensors

Authors: Chaeyeon Han, Pavan Seshadri, Yiwei Ding, Noah Posner, Bon Woo Koo, Animesh Agrawal, Alexander Lerch, Subhrajit Guhathakurta

Abstract: While various sensors have been deployed to monitor vehicular flows, sensing pedestrian movement is still nascent. Yet walking is a significant mode of travel in many cities, especially those in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Understanding pedestrian volumes and flows is essential for designing safer and more attractive pedestrian infrastructure and for controlling periodic overcrowding. This study discusses a new approach to scale up urban sensing of people with the help of novel audio-based technology. It assesses the benefits and limitations of microphone-based sensors as compared to other forms of pedestrian sensing. A large-scale dataset called ASPED is presented, which includes high-quality audio recordings along with video recordings used for labeling the pedestrian count data. The baseline analyses highlight the promise of using audio sensors for pedestrian tracking, although algorithmic and technological improvements to make the sensors practically usable continue. This study also demonstrates how the data can be leveraged to predict pedestrian trajectories. Finally, it discusses the use cases and scenarios where audio-based pedestrian sensing can support better urban and transportation planning.

cross ProtoS-ViT: Visual foundation models for sparse self-explainable classifications

Authors: Hugues Turb\'e, Mina Bjelogrlic, Gianmarco Mengaldo, Christian Lovis

Abstract: Prototypical networks aim to build intrinsically explainable models based on the linear summation of concepts. However, important challenges remain in the transparency, compactness, and meaningfulness of the explanations provided by these models. This work demonstrates how frozen pre-trained ViT backbones can be effectively turned into prototypical models for both general and domain-specific tasks, in our case biomedical image classifiers. By leveraging strong spatial features combined with a novel prototypical head, ProtoS-ViT surpasses existing prototypical models showing strong performance in terms of accuracy, compactness, and explainability. Model explainability is evaluated through an extensive set of quantitative and qualitative metrics which serve as a general benchmark for the development of prototypical models. Code is available at


cross Bridging the Communication Gap: Artificial Agents Learning Sign Language through Imitation

Authors: Federico Tavella, Aphrodite Galata, Angelo Cangelosi

Abstract: Artificial agents, particularly humanoid robots, interact with their environment, objects, and people using cameras, actuators, and physical presence. Their communication methods are often pre-programmed, limiting their actions and interactions. Our research explores acquiring non-verbal communication skills through learning from demonstrations, with potential applications in sign language comprehension and expression. In particular, we focus on imitation learning for artificial agents, exemplified by teaching a simulated humanoid American Sign Language. We use computer vision and deep learning to extract information from videos, and reinforcement learning to enable the agent to replicate observed actions. Compared to other methods, our approach eliminates the need for additional hardware to acquire information. We demonstrate how the combination of these different techniques offers a viable way to learn sign language. Our methodology successfully teaches 5 different signs involving the upper body (i.e., arms and hands). This research paves the way for advanced communication skills in artificial agents.

cross Comparison of fine-tuning strategies for transfer learning in medical image classification

Authors: Ana Davila, Jacinto Colan, Yasuhisa Hasegawa

Abstract: In the context of medical imaging and machine learning, one of the most pressing challenges is the effective adaptation of pre-trained models to specialized medical contexts. Despite the availability of advanced pre-trained models, their direct application to the highly specialized and diverse field of medical imaging often falls short due to the unique characteristics of medical data. This study provides a comprehensive analysis on the performance of various fine-tuning methods applied to pre-trained models across a spectrum of medical imaging domains, including X-ray, MRI, Histology, Dermoscopy, and Endoscopic surgery. We evaluated eight fine-tuning strategies, including standard techniques such as fine-tuning all layers or fine-tuning only the classifier layers, alongside methods such as gradually unfreezing layers, regularization based fine-tuning and adaptive learning rates. We selected three well-established CNN architectures (ResNet-50, DenseNet-121, and VGG-19) to cover a range of learning and feature extraction scenarios. Although our results indicate that the efficacy of these fine-tuning methods significantly varies depending on both the architecture and the medical imaging type, strategies such as combining Linear Probing with Full Fine-tuning resulted in notable improvements in over 50% of the evaluated cases, demonstrating general effectiveness across medical domains. Moreover, Auto-RGN, which dynamically adjusts learning rates, led to performance enhancements of up to 11% for specific modalities. Additionally, the DenseNet architecture showed more pronounced benefits from alternative fine-tuning approaches compared to traditional full fine-tuning. This work not only provides valuable insights for optimizing pre-trained models in medical image analysis but also suggests the potential for future research into more advanced architectures and fine-tuning methods.

cross PRIMER: Perception-Aware Robust Learning-based Multiagent Trajectory Planner

Authors: Kota Kondo, Claudius T. Tewari, Andrea Tagliabue, Jesus Tordesillas, Parker C. Lusk, Jonathan P. How

Abstract: In decentralized multiagent trajectory planners, agents need to communicate and exchange their positions to generate collision-free trajectories. However, due to localization errors/uncertainties, trajectory deconfliction can fail even if trajectories are perfectly shared between agents. To address this issue, we first present PARM and PARM*, perception-aware, decentralized, asynchronous multiagent trajectory planners that enable a team of agents to navigate uncertain environments while deconflicting trajectories and avoiding obstacles using perception information. PARM* differs from PARM as it is less conservative, using more computation to find closer-to-optimal solutions. While these methods achieve state-of-the-art performance, they suffer from high computational costs as they need to solve large optimization problems onboard, making it difficult for agents to replan at high rates. To overcome this challenge, we present our second key contribution, PRIMER, a learning-based planner trained with imitation learning (IL) using PARM* as the expert demonstrator. PRIMER leverages the low computational requirements at deployment of neural networks and achieves a computation speed up to 5500 times faster than optimization-based approaches.

cross D-NPC: Dynamic Neural Point Clouds for Non-Rigid View Synthesis from Monocular Video

Authors: Moritz Kappel, Florian Hahlbohm, Timon Scholz, Susana Castillo, Christian Theobalt, Martin Eisemann, Vladislav Golyanik, Marcus Magnor

Abstract: Dynamic reconstruction and spatiotemporal novel-view synthesis of non-rigidly deforming scenes recently gained increased attention. While existing work achieves impressive quality and performance on multi-view or teleporting camera setups, most methods fail to efficiently and faithfully recover motion and appearance from casual monocular captures. This paper contributes to the field by introducing a new method for dynamic novel view synthesis from monocular video, such as casual smartphone captures. Our approach represents the scene as a $\textit{dynamic neural point cloud}$, an implicit time-conditioned point distribution that encodes local geometry and appearance in separate hash-encoded neural feature grids for static and dynamic regions. By sampling a discrete point cloud from our model, we can efficiently render high-quality novel views using a fast differentiable rasterizer and neural rendering network. Similar to recent work, we leverage advances in neural scene analysis by incorporating data-driven priors like monocular depth estimation and object segmentation to resolve motion and depth ambiguities originating from the monocular captures. In addition to guiding the optimization process, we show that these priors can be exploited to explicitly initialize our scene representation to drastically improve optimization speed and final image quality. As evidenced by our experimental evaluation, our dynamic point cloud model not only enables fast optimization and real-time frame rates for interactive applications, but also achieves competitive image quality on monocular benchmark sequences. Our project page is available at


cross Discovering influential text using convolutional neural networks

Authors: Megan Ayers, Luke Sanford, Margaret Roberts, Eddie Yang

Abstract: Experimental methods for estimating the impacts of text on human evaluation have been widely used in the social sciences. However, researchers in experimental settings are usually limited to testing a small number of pre-specified text treatments. While efforts to mine unstructured texts for features that causally affect outcomes have been ongoing in recent years, these models have primarily focused on the topics or specific words of text, which may not always be the mechanism of the effect. We connect these efforts with NLP interpretability techniques and present a method for flexibly discovering clusters of similar text phrases that are predictive of human reactions to texts using convolutional neural networks. When used in an experimental setting, this method can identify text treatments and their effects under certain assumptions. We apply the method to two datasets. The first enables direct validation of the model's ability to detect phrases known to cause the outcome. The second demonstrates its ability to flexibly discover text treatments with varying textual structures. In both cases, the model learns a greater variety of text treatments compared to benchmark methods, and these text features quantitatively meet or exceed the ability of benchmark methods to predict the outcome.

cross BiKC: Keypose-Conditioned Consistency Policy for Bimanual Robotic Manipulation

Authors: Dongjie Yu, Hang Xu, Yizhou Chen, Yi Ren, Jia Pan

Abstract: Bimanual manipulation tasks typically involve multiple stages which require efficient interactions between two arms, posing step-wise and stage-wise challenges for imitation learning systems. Specifically, failure and delay of one step will broadcast through time, hinder success and efficiency of each sub-stage task, and thereby overall task performance. Although recent works have made strides in addressing certain challenges, few approaches explicitly consider the multi-stage nature of bimanual tasks while simultaneously emphasizing the importance of inference speed. In this paper, we introduce a novel keypose-conditioned consistency policy tailored for bimanual manipulation. It is a hierarchical imitation learning framework that consists of a high-level keypose predictor and a low-level trajectory generator. The predicted keyposes provide guidance for trajectory generation and also mark the completion of one sub-stage task. The trajectory generator is designed as a consistency model trained from scratch without distillation, which generates action sequences conditioning on current observations and predicted keyposes with fast inference speed. Simulated and real-world experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach surpasses baseline methods in terms of success rate and operational efficiency.

cross Shelf-Supervised Multi-Modal Pre-Training for 3D Object Detection

Authors: Mehar Khurana, Neehar Peri, Deva Ramanan, James Hays

Abstract: State-of-the-art 3D object detectors are often trained on massive labeled datasets. However, annotating 3D bounding boxes remains prohibitively expensive and time-consuming, particularly for LiDAR. Instead, recent works demonstrate that self-supervised pre-training with unlabeled data can improve detection accuracy with limited labels. Contemporary methods adapt best-practices for self-supervised learning from the image domain to point clouds (such as contrastive learning). However, publicly available 3D datasets are considerably smaller and less diverse than those used for image-based self-supervised learning, limiting their effectiveness. We do note, however, that such data is naturally collected in a multimodal fashion, often paired with images. Rather than pre-training with only self-supervised objectives, we argue that it is better to bootstrap point cloud representations using image-based foundation models trained on internet-scale image data. Specifically, we propose a shelf-supervised approach (e.g. supervised with off-the-shelf image foundation models) for generating zero-shot 3D bounding boxes from paired RGB and LiDAR data. Pre-training 3D detectors with such pseudo-labels yields significantly better semi-supervised detection accuracy than prior self-supervised pretext tasks. Importantly, we show that image-based shelf-supervision is helpful for training LiDAR-only and multi-modal (RGB + LiDAR) detectors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on nuScenes and WOD, significantly improving over prior work in limited data settings.

cross Compressed Sensor Caching and Collaborative Sparse Data Recovery with Anchor Alignment

Authors: Yi-Jen Yang, Ming-Hsun Yang, Jwo-Yuh Wu, Y. -W. Peter Hong

Abstract: This work examines the compressed sensor caching problem in wireless sensor networks and devises efficient distributed sparse data recovery algorithms to enable collaboration among multiple caches. In this problem, each cache is only allowed to access measurements from a small subset of sensors within its vicinity to reduce both cache size and data acquisition overhead. To enable reliable data recovery with limited access to measurements, we propose a distributed sparse data recovery method, called the collaborative sparse recovery by anchor alignment (CoSR-AA) algorithm, where collaboration among caches is enabled by aligning their locally recovered data at a few anchor nodes. The proposed algorithm is based on the consensus alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm but with message exchange that is reduced by considering the proposed anchor alignment strategy. Then, by the deep unfolding of the ADMM iterations, we further propose the Deep CoSR-AA algorithm that can be used to significantly reduce the number of iterations. We obtain a graph neural network architecture where message exchange is done more efficiently by an embedded autoencoder. Simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed collaborative recovery algorithms in terms of the improved reconstruction quality and the reduced communication overhead due to anchor alignment.

cross Crafting Parts for Expressive Object Composition

Authors: Harsh Rangwani, Aishwarya Agarwal, Kuldeep Kulkarni, R. Venkatesh Babu, Srikrishna Karanam

Abstract: Text-to-image generation from large generative models like Stable Diffusion, DALLE-2, etc., have become a common base for various tasks due to their superior quality and extensive knowledge bases. As image composition and generation are creative processes the artists need control over various parts of the images being generated. We find that just adding details about parts in the base text prompt either leads to an entirely different image (e.g., missing/incorrect identity) or the extra part details simply being ignored. To mitigate these issues, we introduce PartCraft, which enables image generation based on fine-grained part-level details specified for objects in the base text prompt. This allows more control for artists and enables novel object compositions by combining distinctive object parts. PartCraft first localizes object parts by denoising the object region from a specific diffusion process. This enables each part token to be localized to the right object region. After obtaining part masks, we run a localized diffusion process in each of the part regions based on fine-grained part descriptions and combine them to produce the final image. All the stages of PartCraft are based on repurposing a pre-trained diffusion model, which enables it to generalize across various domains without training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of part-level control provided by PartCraft qualitatively through visual examples and quantitatively in comparison to the contemporary baselines.

cross DevBench: A multimodal developmental benchmark for language learning

Authors: Alvin Wei Ming Tan, Sunny Yu, Bria Long, Wanjing Anya Ma, Tonya Murray, Rebecca D. Silverman, Jason D. Yeatman, Michael C. Frank

Abstract: How (dis)similar are the learning trajectories of vision-language models and children? Recent modeling work has attempted to understand the gap between models' and humans' data efficiency by constructing models trained on less data, especially multimodal naturalistic data. However, such models are often evaluated on adult-level benchmarks, with limited breadth in language abilities tested, and without direct comparison to behavioral data. We introduce DevBench, a multimodal benchmark comprising seven language evaluation tasks spanning the domains of lexical, syntactic, and semantic ability, with behavioral data from both children and adults. We evaluate a set of vision-language models on these tasks, comparing models and humans not only on accuracy but on their response patterns. Across tasks, models exhibit variation in their closeness to human response patterns, and models that perform better on a task also more closely resemble human behavioral responses. We also examine the developmental trajectory of OpenCLIP over training, finding that greater training results in closer approximations to adult response patterns. DevBench thus provides a benchmark for comparing models to human language development. These comparisons highlight ways in which model and human language learning processes diverge, providing insight into entry points for improving language models.

replace Lost in Latent Space: Disentangled Models and the Challenge of Combinatorial Generalisation

Authors: Milton L. Montero, Jeffrey S. Bowers, Rui Ponte Costa, Casimir J. H. Ludwig, Gaurav Malhotra

Abstract: Recent research has shown that generative models with highly disentangled representations fail to generalise to unseen combination of generative factor values. These findings contradict earlier research which showed improved performance in out-of-training distribution settings when compared to entangled representations. Additionally, it is not clear if the reported failures are due to (a) encoders failing to map novel combinations to the proper regions of the latent space or (b) novel combinations being mapped correctly but the decoder/downstream process is unable to render the correct output for the unseen combinations. We investigate these alternatives by testing several models on a range of datasets and training settings. We find that (i) when models fail, their encoders also fail to map unseen combinations to correct regions of the latent space and (ii) when models succeed, it is either because the test conditions do not exclude enough examples, or because excluded generative factors determine independent parts of the output image. Based on these results, we argue that to generalise properly, models not only need to capture factors of variation, but also understand how to invert the generative process that was used to generate the data.

replace Training from Zero: Radio Frequency Machine Learning Data Quantity Forecasting

Authors: William H. Clark IV, Alan J. Michaels

Abstract: The data used during training in any given application space is directly tied to the performance of the system once deployed. While there are many other factors that go into producing high performance models within machine learning, there is no doubt that the data used to train a system provides the foundation from which to build. One of the underlying rule of thumb heuristics used within the machine learning space is that more data leads to better models, but there is no easy answer for the question, "How much data is needed?" This work examines a modulation classification problem in the Radio Frequency domain space, attempting to answer the question of how much training data is required to achieve a desired level of performance, but the procedure readily applies to classification problems across modalities. The ultimate goal is determining an approach that requires the least amount of data collection to better inform a more thorough collection effort to achieve the desired performance metric. While this approach will require an initial dataset that is germane to the problem space to act as a \textit{target} dataset on which metrics are extracted, the goal is to allow for the initial data to be orders of magnitude smaller than what is required for delivering a system that achieves the desired performance. An additional benefit of the techniques presented here is that the quality of different datasets can be numerically evaluated and tied together with the quantity of data, and ultimately, the performance of the architecture in the problem domain.

replace L2XGNN: Learning to Explain Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Giuseppe Serra, Mathias Niepert

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a popular class of machine learning models. Inspired by the learning to explain (L2X) paradigm, we propose L2XGNN, a framework for explainable GNNs which provides faithful explanations by design. L2XGNN learns a mechanism for selecting explanatory subgraphs (motifs) which are exclusively used in the GNNs message-passing operations. L2XGNN is able to select, for each input graph, a subgraph with specific properties such as being sparse and connected. Imposing such constraints on the motifs often leads to more interpretable and effective explanations. Experiments on several datasets suggest that L2XGNN achieves the same classification accuracy as baseline methods using the entire input graph while ensuring that only the provided explanations are used to make predictions. Moreover, we show that L2XGNN is able to identify motifs responsible for the graph's properties it is intended to predict.

replace Walking Noise: On Layer-Specific Robustness of Neural Architectures against Noisy Computations and Associated Characteristic Learning Dynamics

Authors: Hendrik Borras, Bernhard Klein, Holger Fr\"oning

Abstract: Deep neural networks are extremely successful in various applications, however they exhibit high computational demands and energy consumption. This is exacerbated by stuttering technology scaling, prompting the need for novel approaches to handle increasingly complex neural architectures. At the same time, alternative computing technologies such as analog computing, which promise groundbreaking improvements in energy efficiency, are inevitably fraught with noise and inaccurate calculations. Such noisy computations are more energy efficient, and, given a fixed power budget, also more time efficient. However, like any kind of unsafe optimization, they require countermeasures to ensure functionally correct results. This work considers noisy computations in an abstract form, and gears to understand the implications of such noise on the accuracy of neural network classifiers as an exemplary workload. We propose a methodology called Walking Noise which injects layer-specific noise to measure the robustness and to provide insights on the learning dynamics. In more detail, we investigate the implications of additive, multiplicative and mixed noise for different classification tasks and model architectures. While noisy training significantly increases robustness for all noise types, we observe in particular that it results in increased weight magnitudes and thus inherently improves the signal-to-noise ratio for additive noise injection. Contrarily, training with multiplicative noise can lead to a form of self-binarization of the model parameters, leading to extreme robustness. We conclude with a discussion of the use of this methodology in practice, among others, discussing its use for tailored multi-execution in noisy environments.

replace Initial Guessing Bias: How Untrained Networks Favor Some Classes

Authors: Emanuele Francazi, Aurelien Lucchi, Marco Baity-Jesi

Abstract: Understanding and controlling biasing effects in neural networks is crucial for ensuring accurate and fair model performance. In the context of classification problems, we provide a theoretical analysis demonstrating that the structure of a deep neural network (DNN) can condition the model to assign all predictions to the same class, even before the beginning of training, and in the absence of explicit biases. We prove that, besides dataset properties, the presence of this phenomenon, which we call \textit{Initial Guessing Bias} (IGB), is influenced by model choices including dataset preprocessing methods, and architectural decisions, such as activation functions, max-pooling layers, and network depth. Our analysis of IGB provides information for architecture selection and model initialization. We also highlight theoretical consequences, such as the breakdown of node-permutation symmetry, the violation of self-averaging and the non-trivial effects that depth has on the phenomenon.

replace Large-scale Dataset Pruning with Dynamic Uncertainty

Authors: Muyang He, Shuo Yang, Tiejun Huang, Bo Zhao

Abstract: The state of the art of many learning tasks, e.g., image classification, is advanced by collecting larger datasets and then training larger models on them. As the outcome, the increasing computational cost is becoming unaffordable. In this paper, we investigate how to prune the large-scale datasets, and thus produce an informative subset for training sophisticated deep models with negligible performance drop. We propose a simple yet effective dataset pruning method by exploring both the prediction uncertainty and training dynamics. We study dataset pruning by measuring the variation of predictions during the whole training process on large-scale datasets, i.e., ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-21K, and advanced models, i.e., Swin Transformer and ConvNeXt. Extensive experimental results indicate that our method outperforms the state of the art and achieves 25% lossless pruning ratio on both ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-21K. The code and pruned datasets are available at


replace Relating tSNE and UMAP to Classical Dimensionality Reduction

Authors: Andrew Draganov, Simon Dohn

Abstract: It has become standard to use gradient-based dimensionality reduction (DR) methods like tSNE and UMAP when explaining what AI models have learned. This makes sense: these methods are fast, robust, and have an uncanny ability to find semantic patterns in high-dimensional data without supervision. Despite this, gradient-based DR methods lack the most important quality that an explainability method should possess: themselves being explainable. That is, given a UMAP output, it is currently unclear what one can say about the corresponding input. We work towards closing this question by relating UMAP to classical DR techniques. Specifically, we show that one can fully recover methods like PCA, MDS, and ISOMAP in the modern DR paradigm: by applying attractions and repulsions onto a randomly initialized dataset. We also show that, with a small change, Locally Linear Embeddings (LLE) can indistinguishably reproduce UMAP outputs. This implies that the UMAP effective objective is minimized by this modified version of LLE (and vice versa). Given this, we discuss what must be true of UMAP emebddings and present avenues for future work.

replace Sparse Graphical Linear Dynamical Systems

Authors: Emilie Chouzenoux, Victor Elvira

Abstract: Time-series datasets are central in machine learning with applications in numerous fields of science and engineering, such as biomedicine, Earth observation, and network analysis. Extensive research exists on state-space models (SSMs), which are powerful mathematical tools that allow for probabilistic and interpretable learning on time series. Learning the model parameters in SSMs is arguably one of the most complicated tasks, and the inclusion of prior knowledge is known to both ease the interpretation but also to complicate the inferential tasks. Very recent works have attempted to incorporate a graphical perspective on some of those model parameters, but they present notable limitations that this work addresses. More generally, existing graphical modeling tools are designed to incorporate either static information, focusing on statistical dependencies among independent random variables (e.g., graphical Lasso approach), or dynamic information, emphasizing causal relationships among time series samples (e.g., graphical Granger approaches). However, there are no joint approaches combining static and dynamic graphical modeling within the context of SSMs. This work proposes a novel approach to fill this gap by introducing a joint graphical modeling framework that bridges the graphical Lasso model and a causal-based graphical approach for the linear-Gaussian SSM. We present DGLASSO (Dynamic Graphical Lasso), a new inference method within this framework that implements an efficient block alternating majorization-minimization algorithm. The algorithm's convergence is established by departing from modern tools from nonlinear analysis. Experimental validation on various synthetic data showcases the effectiveness of the proposed model and inference algorithm.

replace Maestro: Uncovering Low-Rank Structures via Trainable Decomposition

Authors: Samuel Horvath, Stefanos Laskaridis, Shashank Rajput, Hongyi Wang

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been a large driver for AI breakthroughs in recent years. However, these models have been getting increasingly large as they become more accurate and safe. This means that their training becomes increasingly costly and time-consuming and typically yields a single model to fit all targets. Various techniques have been proposed in the literature to mitigate this, including pruning, sparsification, or quantization of model weights and updates. While achieving high compression rates, they often incur significant computational overheads at training or lead to non-negligible accuracy penalty. Alternatively, factorization methods have been leveraged for low-rank compression of DNNs. Similarly, such techniques (e.g., SVD) frequently rely on heavy iterative decompositions of layers and are potentially sub-optimal for non-linear models, such as DNNs. We take a further step in designing efficient low-rank models and propose Maestro, a framework for trainable low-rank layers. Instead of iteratively applying a priori decompositions, the low-rank structure is baked into the training process through LoD, a low-rank ordered decomposition. Not only is this the first time importance ordering via sampling is applied on the decomposed DNN structure, but it also allows selecting ranks at a layer granularity. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that in special cases LoD recovers the SVD decomposition and PCA. Applied to DNNs, Maestro enables the extraction of lower footprint models that preserve performance. Simultaneously, it enables the graceful trade-off between accuracy-latency for deployment to even more constrained devices without retraining.

replace Beyond Gut Feel: Using Time Series Transformers to Find Investment Gems

Authors: Lele Cao, Gustaf Halvardsson, Andrew McCornack, Vilhelm von Ehrenheim, Pawel Herman

Abstract: This paper addresses the growing application of data-driven approaches within the Private Equity (PE) industry, particularly in sourcing investment targets (i.e., companies) for Venture Capital (VC) and Growth Capital (GC). We present a comprehensive review of the relevant approaches and propose a novel approach leveraging a Transformer-based Multivariate Time Series Classifier (TMTSC) for predicting the success likelihood of any candidate company. The objective of our research is to optimize sourcing performance for VC and GC investments by formally defining the sourcing problem as a multivariate time series classification task. We consecutively introduce the key components of our implementation which collectively contribute to the successful application of TMTSC in VC/GC sourcing: input features, model architecture, optimization target, and investor-centric data processing. Our extensive experiments on two real-world investment tasks, benchmarked towards three popular baselines, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in improving decision making within the VC and GC industry.

replace SmoothLLM: Defending Large Language Models Against Jailbreaking Attacks

Authors: Alexander Robey, Eric Wong, Hamed Hassani, George J. Pappas

Abstract: Despite efforts to align large language models (LLMs) with human intentions, widely-used LLMs such as GPT, Llama, and Claude are susceptible to jailbreaking attacks, wherein an adversary fools a targeted LLM into generating objectionable content. To address this vulnerability, we propose SmoothLLM, the first algorithm designed to mitigate jailbreaking attacks. Based on our finding that adversarially-generated prompts are brittle to character-level changes, our defense randomly perturbs multiple copies of a given input prompt, and then aggregates the corresponding predictions to detect adversarial inputs. Across a range of popular LLMs, SmoothLLM sets the state-of-the-art for robustness against the GCG, PAIR, RandomSearch, and AmpleGCG jailbreaks. SmoothLLM is also resistant against adaptive GCG attacks, exhibits a small, though non-negligible trade-off between robustness and nominal performance, and is compatible with any LLM. Our code is publicly available at \url{}.


replace LUNA: A Model-Based Universal Analysis Framework for Large Language Models

Authors: Da Song, Xuan Xie, Jiayang Song, Derui Zhu, Yuheng Huang, Felix Juefei-Xu, Lei Ma

Abstract: Over the past decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had great success recently and is being used in a wide range of academic and industrial fields. More recently, LLMs have made rapid advancements that have propelled AI to a new level, enabling even more diverse applications and industrial domains with intelligence, particularly in areas like software engineering and natural language processing. Nevertheless, a number of emerging trustworthiness concerns and issues exhibited in LLMs have already recently received much attention, without properly solving which the widespread adoption of LLMs could be greatly hindered in practice. The distinctive characteristics of LLMs, such as the self-attention mechanism, extremely large model scale, and autoregressive generation schema, differ from classic AI software based on CNNs and RNNs and present new challenges for quality analysis. Up to the present, it still lacks universal and systematic analysis techniques for LLMs despite the urgent industrial demand. Towards bridging this gap, we initiate an early exploratory study and propose a universal analysis framework for LLMs, LUNA, designed to be general and extensible, to enable versatile analysis of LLMs from multiple quality perspectives in a human-interpretable manner. In particular, we first leverage the data from desired trustworthiness perspectives to construct an abstract model as an auxiliary analysis asset, which is empowered by various abstract model construction methods. To assess the quality of the abstract model, we collect and define a number of evaluation metrics, aiming at both abstract model level and the semantics level. Then, the semantics, which is the degree of satisfaction of the LLM w.r.t. the trustworthiness perspective, is bound to and enriches the abstract model with semantics, which enables more detailed analysis applications for diverse purposes.

replace Context-Aware Prediction of User Engagement on Online Social Platforms

Authors: Heinrich Peters, Yozen Liu, Francesco Barbieri, Raiyan Abdul Baten, Sandra C. Matz, Maarten W. Bos

Abstract: The success of online social platforms hinges on their ability to predict and understand user behavior at scale. Here, we present data suggesting that context-aware modeling approaches may offer a holistic yet lightweight and potentially privacy-preserving representation of user engagement on online social platforms. Leveraging deep LSTM neural networks to analyze more than 100 million Snapchat sessions from almost 80.000 users, we demonstrate that patterns of active and passive use are predictable from past behavior (R2=0.345) and that the integration of context features substantially improves predictive performance compared to the behavioral baseline model (R2=0.522). Features related to smartphone connectivity status, location, temporal context, and weather were found to capture non-redundant variance in user engagement relative to features derived from histories of in-app behaviors. Further, we show that a large proportion of variance can be accounted for with minimal behavioral histories if momentary context is considered (R2=0.442). These results indicate the potential of context-aware approaches for making models more efficient and privacy-preserving by reducing the need for long data histories. Finally, we employ model explainability techniques to glean preliminary insights into the underlying behavioral mechanisms. Our findings are consistent with the notion of context-contingent, habit-driven patterns of active and passive use, underscoring the value of contextualized representations of user behavior for predicting user engagement on social platforms.

replace Studying K-FAC Heuristics by Viewing Adam through a Second-Order Lens

Authors: Ross M. Clarke, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato

Abstract: Research into optimisation for deep learning is characterised by a tension between the computational efficiency of first-order, gradient-based methods (such as SGD and Adam) and the theoretical efficiency of second-order, curvature-based methods (such as quasi-Newton methods and K-FAC). Noting that second-order methods often only function effectively with the addition of stabilising heuristics (such as Levenberg-Marquardt damping), we ask how much these (as opposed to the second-order curvature model) contribute to second-order algorithms' performance. We thus study AdamQLR: an optimiser combining damping and learning rate selection techniques from K-FAC (Martens & Grosse, 2015) with the update directions proposed by Adam, inspired by considering Adam through a second-order lens. We evaluate AdamQLR on a range of regression and classification tasks at various scales and hyperparameter tuning methodologies, concluding K-FAC's adaptive heuristics are of variable standalone general effectiveness, and finding an untuned AdamQLR setting can achieve comparable performance vs runtime to tuned benchmarks.

replace HOT: Higher-Order Dynamic Graph Representation Learning with Efficient Transformers

Authors: Maciej Besta, Afonso Claudino Catarino, Lukas Gianinazzi, Nils Blach, Piotr Nyczyk, Hubert Niewiadomski, Torsten Hoefler

Abstract: Many graph representation learning (GRL) problems are dynamic, with millions of edges added or removed per second. A fundamental workload in this setting is dynamic link prediction: using a history of graph updates to predict whether a given pair of vertices will become connected. Recent schemes for link prediction in such dynamic settings employ Transformers, modeling individual graph updates as single tokens. In this work, we propose HOT: a model that enhances this line of works by harnessing higher-order (HO) graph structures; specifically, k-hop neighbors and more general subgraphs containing a given pair of vertices. Harnessing such HO structures by encoding them into the attention matrix of the underlying Transformer results in higher accuracy of link prediction outcomes, but at the expense of increased memory pressure. To alleviate this, we resort to a recent class of schemes that impose hierarchy on the attention matrix, significantly reducing memory footprint. The final design offers a sweetspot between high accuracy and low memory utilization. HOT outperforms other dynamic GRL schemes, for example achieving 9%, 7%, and 15% higher accuracy than - respectively - DyGFormer, TGN, and GraphMixer, for the MOOC dataset. Our design can be seamlessly extended towards other dynamic GRL workloads.

replace Score-Aware Policy-Gradient Methods and Performance Guarantees using Local Lyapunov Conditions: Applications to Product-Form Stochastic Networks and Queueing Systems

Authors: C\'eline Comte, Matthieu Jonckheere, Jaron Sanders, Albert Senen-Cerda

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a policy-gradient method for model-based reinforcement learning (RL) that exploits a type of stationary distributions commonly obtained from Markov decision processes (MDPs) in stochastic networks, queueing systems, and statistical mechanics. Specifically, when the stationary distribution of the MDP belongs to an exponential family that is parametrized by policy parameters, we can improve existing policy gradient methods for average-reward RL. Our key identification is a family of gradient estimators, called score-aware gradient estimators (SAGEs), that enable policy gradient estimation without relying on value-function approximation in the aforementioned setting. This contrasts with other common policy-gradient algorithms such as actor-critic methods. We first show that policy-gradient with SAGE locally converges, including in cases when the objective function is nonconvex, presents multiple maximizers, and the state space of the MDP is not finite. Under appropriate assumptions such as starting sufficiently close to a maximizer, the policy under stochastic gradient ascent with SAGE has an overwhelming probability of converging to the associated optimal policy. Other key assumptions are that a local Lyapunov function exists, and a nondegeneracy property of the Hessian of the objective function holds locally around a maximizer. Furthermore, we conduct a numerical comparison between a SAGE-based policy-gradient method and an actor-critic method. We specifically focus on several examples inspired from stochastic networks, queueing systems, and models derived from statistical physics, where parametrizable exponential families are commonplace. Our results demonstrate that a SAGE-based method finds close-to-optimal policies faster than an actor-critic method.

replace Run LoRA Run: Faster and Lighter LoRA Implementations

Authors: Daria Cherniuk, Aleksandr Mikhalev, Ivan Oseledets

Abstract: LoRA is a technique that reduces the number of trainable parameters in a neural network by introducing low-rank adapters to linear layers. This technique is used both for fine-tuning and full training of large language models. This paper presents the RunLoRA framework for efficient implementations of LoRA that significantly improves the speed of neural network training and fine-tuning using low-rank adapters. The proposed implementation optimizes the computation of LoRA operations based on dimensions of corresponding linear layer, layer input dimensions and lora rank by choosing best forward and backward computation graph based on FLOPs and time estimations, resulting in faster training without sacrificing accuracy. The experimental results show up to 28\% speedup on language modeling networks.

replace Harmonics of Learning: Universal Fourier Features Emerge in Invariant Networks

Authors: Giovanni Luca Marchetti, Christopher Hillar, Danica Kragic, Sophia Sanborn

Abstract: In this work, we formally prove that, under certain conditions, if a neural network is invariant to a finite group then its weights recover the Fourier transform on that group. This provides a mathematical explanation for the emergence of Fourier features -- a ubiquitous phenomenon in both biological and artificial learning systems. The results hold even for non-commutative groups, in which case the Fourier transform encodes all the irreducible unitary group representations. Our findings have consequences for the problem of symmetry discovery. Specifically, we demonstrate that the algebraic structure of an unknown group can be recovered from the weights of a network that is at least approximately invariant within certain bounds. Overall, this work contributes to a foundation for an algebraic learning theory of invariant neural network representations.

replace In-Context Reinforcement Learning for Variable Action Spaces

Authors: Viacheslav Sinii, Alexander Nikulin, Vladislav Kurenkov, Ilya Zisman, Sergey Kolesnikov

Abstract: Recently, it has been shown that transformers pre-trained on diverse datasets with multi-episode contexts can generalize to new reinforcement learning tasks in-context. A key limitation of previously proposed models is their reliance on a predefined action space size and structure. The introduction of a new action space often requires data re-collection and model re-training, which can be costly for some applications. In our work, we show that it is possible to mitigate this issue by proposing the Headless-AD model that, despite being trained only once, is capable of generalizing to discrete action spaces of variable size, semantic content and order. By experimenting with Bernoulli and contextual bandits, as well as a gridworld environment, we show that Headless-AD exhibits significant capability to generalize to action spaces it has never encountered, even outperforming specialized models trained for a specific set of actions on several environment configurations.

replace Future Directions in the Theory of Graph Machine Learning

Authors: Christopher Morris, Fabrizio Frasca, Nadav Dym, Haggai Maron, \.Ismail \.Ilkan Ceylan, Ron Levie, Derek Lim, Michael Bronstein, Martin Grohe, Stefanie Jegelka

Abstract: Machine learning on graphs, especially using graph neural networks (GNNs), has seen a surge in interest due to the wide availability of graph data across a broad spectrum of disciplines, from life to social and engineering sciences. Despite their practical success, our theoretical understanding of the properties of GNNs remains highly incomplete. Recent theoretical advancements primarily focus on elucidating the coarse-grained expressive power of GNNs, predominantly employing combinatorial techniques. However, these studies do not perfectly align with practice, particularly in understanding the generalization behavior of GNNs when trained with stochastic first-order optimization techniques. In this position paper, we argue that the graph machine learning community needs to shift its attention to developing a balanced theory of graph machine learning, focusing on a more thorough understanding of the interplay of expressive power, generalization, and optimization.

replace DRED: Zero-Shot Transfer in Reinforcement Learning via Data-Regularised Environment Design

Authors: Samuel Garcin, James Doran, Shangmin Guo, Christopher G. Lucas, Stefano V. Albrecht

Abstract: Autonomous agents trained using deep reinforcement learning (RL) often lack the ability to successfully generalise to new environments, even when these environments share characteristics with the ones they have encountered during training. In this work, we investigate how the sampling of individual environment instances, or levels, affects the zero-shot generalisation (ZSG) ability of RL agents. We discover that, for deep actor-critic architectures sharing their base layers, prioritising levels according to their value loss minimises the mutual information between the agent's internal representation and the set of training levels in the generated training data. This provides a novel theoretical justification for the regularisation achieved by certain adaptive sampling strategies. We then turn our attention to unsupervised environment design (UED) methods, which assume control over level generation. We find that existing UED methods can significantly shift the training distribution, which translates to low ZSG performance. To prevent both overfitting and distributional shift, we introduce data-regularised environment design (DRED). DRED generates levels using a generative model trained to approximate the ground truth distribution of an initial set of level parameters. Through its grounding, DRED achieves significant improvements in ZSG over adaptive level sampling strategies and UED methods. Our code and experimental data are available at


replace Disparate Impact on Group Accuracy of Linearization for Private Inference

Authors: Saswat Das, Marco Romanelli, Ferdinando Fioretto

Abstract: Ensuring privacy-preserving inference on cryptographically secure data is a well-known computational challenge. To alleviate the bottleneck of costly cryptographic computations in non-linear activations, recent methods have suggested linearizing a targeted portion of these activations in neural networks. This technique results in significantly reduced runtimes with often negligible impacts on accuracy. In this paper, we demonstrate that such computational benefits may lead to increased fairness costs. Specifically, we find that reducing the number of ReLU activations disproportionately decreases the accuracy for minority groups compared to majority groups. To explain these observations, we provide a mathematical interpretation under restricted assumptions about the nature of the decision boundary, while also showing the prevalence of this problem across widely used datasets and architectures. Finally, we show how a simple procedure altering the fine-tuning step for linearized models can serve as an effective mitigation strategy.

replace Gradient Coding in Decentralized Learning for Evading Stragglers

Authors: Chengxi Li, Mikael Skoglund

Abstract: In this paper, we consider a decentralized learning problem in the presence of stragglers. Although gradient coding techniques have been developed for distributed learning to evade stragglers, where the devices send encoded gradients with redundant training data, it is difficult to apply those techniques directly to decentralized learning scenarios. To deal with this problem, we propose a new gossip-based decentralized learning method with gradient coding (GOCO). In the proposed method, to avoid the negative impact of stragglers, the parameter vectors are updated locally using encoded gradients based on the framework of stochastic gradient coding and then averaged in a gossip-based manner. We analyze the convergence performance of GOCO for strongly convex loss functions. And we also provide simulation results to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in terms of learning performance compared with the baseline methods.

replace Open-Vocabulary Calibration for Fine-tuned CLIP

Authors: Shuoyuan Wang, Jindong Wang, Guoqing Wang, Bob Zhang, Kaiyang Zhou, Hongxin Wei

Abstract: Vision-language models (VLMs) have emerged as formidable tools, showing their strong capability in handling various open-vocabulary tasks in image recognition, text-driven visual content generation, and visual chatbots, to name a few. In recent years, considerable efforts and resources have been devoted to adaptation methods for improving downstream performance of VLMs, particularly on parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods like prompt learning. However, a crucial aspect that has been largely overlooked is the confidence calibration problem in fine-tuned VLMs, which could greatly reduce reliability when deploying such models in the real world. This paper bridges the gap by systematically investigating the confidence calibration problem in the context of prompt learning and reveals that existing calibration methods are insufficient to address the problem, especially in the open-vocabulary setting. To solve the problem, we present a simple and effective approach called Distance-Aware Calibration (DAC), which is based on scaling the temperature using as guidance the distance between predicted text labels and base classes. The experiments with 7 distinct prompt learning methods applied across 11 diverse downstream datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of DAC, which achieves high efficacy without sacrificing the inference speed. Our code is available at


replace Changes by Butterflies: Farsighted Forecasting with Group Reservoir Transformer

Authors: Md Kowsher, Abdul Rafae Khan, Jia Xu

Abstract: In Chaos, a minor divergence between two initial conditions exhibits exponential amplification over time, leading to far-away outcomes, known as the butterfly effect. Thus, the distant future is full of uncertainty and hard to forecast. We introduce Group Reservoir Transformer to predict long-term events more accurately and robustly by overcoming two challenges in Chaos: (1) the extensive historical sequences and (2) the sensitivity to initial conditions. A reservoir is attached to a Transformer to efficiently handle arbitrarily long historical lengths, with an extension of a group of reservoirs to reduce the sensitivity to the initialization variations. Our architecture consistently outperforms state-of-the-art models in multivariate time series, including TimeLLM, GPT2TS, PatchTST, DLinear, TimeNet, and the baseline Transformer, with an error reduction of up to -59\% in various fields such as ETTh, ETTm, and air quality, demonstrating that an ensemble of butterfly learning can improve the adequacy and certainty of event prediction, despite of the traveling time to the unknown future.

replace Explaining Probabilistic Models with Distributional Values

Authors: Luca Franceschi, Michele Donini, C\'edric Archambeau, Matthias Seeger

Abstract: A large branch of explainable machine learning is grounded in cooperative game theory. However, research indicates that game-theoretic explanations may mislead or be hard to interpret. We argue that often there is a critical mismatch between what one wishes to explain (e.g. the output of a classifier) and what current methods such as SHAP explain (e.g. the scalar probability of a class). This paper addresses such gap for probabilistic models by generalising cooperative games and value operators. We introduce the distributional values, random variables that track changes in the model output (e.g. flipping of the predicted class) and derive their analytic expressions for games with Gaussian, Bernoulli and Categorical payoffs. We further establish several characterising properties, and show that our framework provides fine-grained and insightful explanations with case studies on vision and language models.

replace Q-Star Meets Scalable Posterior Sampling: Bridging Theory and Practice via HyperAgent

Authors: Yingru Li, Jiawei Xu, Lei Han, Zhi-Quan Luo

Abstract: We propose HyperAgent, a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm based on the hypermodel framework for exploration in RL. HyperAgent allows for the efficient incremental approximation of posteriors associated with an optimal action-value function ($Q^\star$) without the need for conjugacy and follows the greedy policies w.r.t. these approximate posterior samples. We demonstrate that HyperAgent offers robust performance in large-scale deep RL benchmarks. It can solve Deep Sea hard exploration problems with episodes that optimally scale with problem size and exhibits significant efficiency gains in the Atari suite. Implementing HyperAgent requires minimal code addition to well-established deep RL frameworks like DQN. We theoretically prove that, under tabular assumptions, HyperAgent achieves logarithmic per-step computational complexity while attaining sublinear regret, matching the best known randomized tabular RL algorithm.

replace Any2Graph: Deep End-To-End Supervised Graph Prediction With An Optimal Transport Loss

Authors: Paul Krzakala, Junjie Yang, R\'emi Flamary, Florence d'Alch\'e-Buc, Charlotte Laclau, Matthieu Labeau

Abstract: We propose Any2graph, a generic framework for end-to-end Supervised Graph Prediction (SGP) i.e. a deep learning model that predicts an entire graph for any kind of input. The framework is built on a novel Optimal Transport loss, the Partially-Masked Fused Gromov-Wasserstein, that exhibits all necessary properties (permutation invariance, differentiability and scalability) and is designed to handle any-sized graphs. Numerical experiments showcase the versatility of the approach that outperform existing competitors on a novel challenging synthetic dataset and a variety of real-world tasks such as map construction from satellite image (Sat2Graph) or molecule prediction from fingerprint (Fingerprint2Graph).

replace An Interpretable Evaluation of Entropy-based Novelty of Generative Models

Authors: Jingwei Zhang, Cheuk Ting Li, Farzan Farnia

Abstract: The massive developments of generative model frameworks require principled methods for the evaluation of a model's novelty compared to a reference dataset. While the literature has extensively studied the evaluation of the quality, diversity, and generalizability of generative models, the assessment of a model's novelty compared to a reference model has not been adequately explored in the machine learning community. In this work, we focus on the novelty assessment for multi-modal distributions and attempt to address the following differential clustering task: Given samples of a generative model $P_\mathcal{G}$ and a reference model $P_\mathrm{ref}$, how can we discover the sample types expressed by $P_\mathcal{G}$ more frequently than in $P_\mathrm{ref}$? We introduce a spectral approach to the differential clustering task and propose the Kernel-based Entropic Novelty (KEN) score to quantify the mode-based novelty of $P_\mathcal{G}$ with respect to $P_\mathrm{ref}$. We analyze the KEN score for mixture distributions with well-separable components and develop a kernel-based method to compute the KEN score from empirical data. We support the KEN framework by presenting numerical results on synthetic and real image datasets, indicating the framework's effectiveness in detecting novel modes and comparing generative models. The paper's code is available at:

replace Investigating Gender Fairness in Machine Learning-driven Personalized Care for Chronic Pain

Authors: Pratik Gajane, Sean Newman, Mykola Pechenizkiy, John D. Piette

Abstract: Chronic pain significantly diminishes the quality of life for millions worldwide. While psychoeducation and therapy can improve pain outcomes, many individuals experiencing pain lack access to evidence-based treatments or fail to complete the necessary number of sessions to achieve benefit. Reinforcement learning (RL) shows potential in tailoring personalized pain management interventions according to patients' individual needs while ensuring the efficient use of scarce clinical resources. However, clinicians, patients, and healthcare decision-makers are concerned that RL solutions could exacerbate disparities associated with patient characteristics like race or gender. In this article, we study gender fairness in personalized pain care recommendations using a real-world application of reinforcement learning (Piette et al., 2022a). Here, adhering to gender fairness translates to minimal or no disparity in the utility received by subpopulations as defined by gender. We investigate whether the selection of relevant patient information (referred to as features) used to assist decision-making affects gender fairness. Our experiments, conducted using real-world data Piette, 2022), indicate that included features can impact gender fairness. Moreover, we propose an RL solution, NestedRecommendation, that demonstrates the ability: i) to adaptively learn to select the features that optimize for utility and fairness, and ii) to accelerate feature selection and in turn, improve pain care recommendations from early on, by leveraging clinicians' domain expertise.

replace Architectural Blueprint For Heterogeneity-Resilient Federated Learning

Authors: Satwat Bashir, Tasos Dagiuklas, Kasra Kassai, Muddesar Iqbal

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel three tier architecture for federated learning to optimize edge computing environments. The proposed architecture addresses the challenges associated with client data heterogeneity and computational constraints. It introduces a scalable, privacy preserving framework that enhances the efficiency of distributed machine learning. Through experimentation, the paper demonstrates the architecture capability to manage non IID data sets more effectively than traditional federated learning models. Additionally, the paper highlights the potential of this innovative approach to significantly improve model accuracy, reduce communication overhead, and facilitate broader adoption of federated learning technologies.

replace L^2GC:Lorentzian Linear Graph Convolutional Networks for Node Classification

Authors: Qiuyu Liang, Weihua Wang, Feilong Bao, Guanglai Gao

Abstract: Linear Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are used to classify the node in the graph data. However, we note that most existing linear GCN models perform neural network operations in Euclidean space, which do not explicitly capture the tree-like hierarchical structure exhibited in real-world datasets that modeled as graphs. In this paper, we attempt to introduce hyperbolic space into linear GCN and propose a novel framework for Lorentzian linear GCN. Specifically, we map the learned features of graph nodes into hyperbolic space, and then perform a Lorentzian linear feature transformation to capture the underlying tree-like structure of data. Experimental results on standard citation networks datasets with semi-supervised learning show that our approach yields new state-of-the-art results of accuracy 74.7$\%$ on Citeseer and 81.3$\%$ on PubMed datasets. Furthermore, we observe that our approach can be trained up to two orders of magnitude faster than other nonlinear GCN models on PubMed dataset. Our code is publicly available at


replace Challenging Forgets: Unveiling the Worst-Case Forget Sets in Machine Unlearning

Authors: Chongyu Fan, Jiancheng Liu, Alfred Hero, Sijia Liu

Abstract: The trustworthy machine learning (ML) community is increasingly recognizing the crucial need for models capable of selectively 'unlearning' data points after training. This leads to the problem of machine unlearning (MU), aiming to eliminate the influence of chosen data points on model performance, while still maintaining the model's utility post-unlearning. Despite various MU methods for data influence erasure, evaluations have largely focused on random data forgetting, ignoring the vital inquiry into which subset should be chosen to truly gauge the authenticity of unlearning performance. To tackle this issue, we introduce a new evaluative angle for MU from an adversarial viewpoint. We propose identifying the data subset that presents the most significant challenge for influence erasure, i.e., pinpointing the worst-case forget set. Utilizing a bi-level optimization principle, we amplify unlearning challenges at the upper optimization level to emulate worst-case scenarios, while simultaneously engaging in standard training and unlearning at the lower level, achieving a balance between data influence erasure and model utility. Our proposal offers a worst-case evaluation of MU's resilience and effectiveness. Through extensive experiments across different datasets (including CIFAR-10, 100, CelebA, Tiny ImageNet, and ImageNet) and models (including both image classifiers and generative models), we expose critical pros and cons in existing (approximate) unlearning strategies. Our results illuminate the complex challenges of MU in practice, guiding the future development of more accurate and robust unlearning algorithms. The code is available at


replace Secure Aggregation is Not Private Against Membership Inference Attacks

Authors: Khac-Hoang Ngo, Johan \"Ostman, Giuseppe Durisi, Alexandre Graell i Amat

Abstract: Secure aggregation (SecAgg) is a commonly-used privacy-enhancing mechanism in federated learning, affording the server access only to the aggregate of model updates while safeguarding the confidentiality of individual updates. Despite widespread claims regarding SecAgg's privacy-preserving capabilities, a formal analysis of its privacy is lacking, making such presumptions unjustified. In this paper, we delve into the privacy implications of SecAgg by treating it as a local differential privacy (LDP) mechanism for each local update. We design a simple attack wherein an adversarial server seeks to discern which update vector a client submitted, out of two possible ones, in a single training round of federated learning under SecAgg. By conducting privacy auditing, we assess the success probability of this attack and quantify the LDP guarantees provided by SecAgg. Our numerical results unveil that, contrary to prevailing claims, SecAgg offers weak privacy against membership inference attacks even in a single training round. Indeed, it is difficult to hide a local update by adding other independent local updates when the updates are of high dimension. Our findings underscore the imperative for additional privacy-enhancing mechanisms, such as noise injection, in federated learning.

replace Generalized Linear Bandits with Limited Adaptivity

Authors: Ayush Sawarni, Nirjhar Das, Siddharth Barman, Gaurav Sinha

Abstract: We study the generalized linear contextual bandit problem within the constraints of limited adaptivity. In this paper, we present two algorithms, $\texttt{B-GLinCB}$ and $\texttt{RS-GLinCB}$, that address, respectively, two prevalent limited adaptivity settings. Given a budget $M$ on the number of policy updates, in the first setting, the algorithm needs to decide upfront $M$ rounds at which it will update its policy, while in the second setting it can adaptively perform $M$ policy updates during its course. For the first setting, we design an algorithm $\texttt{B-GLinCB}$, that incurs $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret when $M = \Omega\left( \log{\log T} \right)$ and the arm feature vectors are generated stochastically. For the second setting, we design an algorithm $\texttt{RS-GLinCB}$ that updates its policy $\tilde{O}(\log^2 T)$ times and achieves a regret of $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ even when the arm feature vectors are adversarially generated. Notably, in these bounds, we manage to eliminate the dependence on a key instance dependent parameter $\kappa$, that captures non-linearity of the underlying reward model. Our novel approach for removing this dependence for generalized linear contextual bandits might be of independent interest.

replace Self-Play Preference Optimization for Language Model Alignment

Authors: Yue Wu, Zhiqing Sun, Huizhuo Yuan, Kaixuan Ji, Yiming Yang, Quanquan Gu

Abstract: Traditional reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) approaches relying on parametric models like the Bradley-Terry model fall short in capturing the intransitivity and irrationality in human preferences. Recent advancements suggest that directly working with preference probabilities can yield a more accurate reflection of human preferences, enabling more flexible and accurate language model alignment. In this paper, we propose a self-play-based method for language model alignment, which treats the problem as a constant-sum two-player game aimed at identifying the Nash equilibrium policy. Our approach, dubbed Self-Play Preference Optimization (SPPO), approximates the Nash equilibrium through iterative policy updates and enjoys a theoretical convergence guarantee. Our method can effectively increase the log-likelihood of the chosen response and decrease that of the rejected response, which cannot be trivially achieved by symmetric pairwise loss such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Identity Preference Optimization (IPO). In our experiments, using only 60k prompts (without responses) from the UltraFeedback dataset and without any prompt augmentation, by leveraging a pre-trained preference model PairRM with only 0.4B parameters, SPPO can obtain a model from fine-tuning Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 that achieves the state-of-the-art length-controlled win-rate of 28.53% against GPT-4-Turbo on AlpacaEval 2.0. It also outperforms the (iterative) DPO and IPO on MT-Bench and the Open LLM Leaderboard. Starting from a stronger base model Llama-3-8B-Instruct, we are able to achieve a length-controlled win rate of 38.77%. Notably, the strong performance of SPPO is achieved without additional external supervision (e.g., responses, preferences, etc.) from GPT-4 or other stronger language models. Codes are available at


replace Chebyshev Polynomial-Based Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks: An Efficient Architecture for Nonlinear Function Approximation

Authors: Sidharth SS, Keerthana AR, Gokul R, Anas KP

Abstract: Accurate approximation of complex nonlinear functions is a fundamental challenge across many scientific and engineering domains. Traditional neural network architectures, such as Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), often struggle to efficiently capture intricate patterns and irregularities present in high-dimensional functions. This paper presents the Chebyshev Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (Chebyshev KAN), a new neural network architecture inspired by the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem, incorporating the powerful approximation capabilities of Chebyshev polynomials. By utilizing learnable functions parametrized by Chebyshev polynomials on the network's edges, Chebyshev KANs enhance flexibility, efficiency, and interpretability in function approximation tasks. We demonstrate the efficacy of Chebyshev KANs through experiments on digit classification, synthetic function approximation, and fractal function generation, highlighting their superiority over traditional MLPs in terms of parameter efficiency and interpretability. Our comprehensive evaluation, including ablation studies, confirms the potential of Chebyshev KANs to address longstanding challenges in nonlinear function approximation, paving the way for further advancements in various scientific and engineering applications.

replace Ada-HGNN: Adaptive Sampling for Scalable Hypergraph Neural Networks

Authors: Shuai Wang, David W. Zhang, Jia-Hong Huang, Stevan Rudinac, Monika Kackovic, Nachoem Wijnberg, Marcel Worring

Abstract: Hypergraphs serve as an effective model for depicting complex connections in various real-world scenarios, from social to biological networks. The development of Hypergraph Neural Networks (HGNNs) has emerged as a valuable method to manage the intricate associations in data, though scalability is a notable challenge due to memory limitations. In this study, we introduce a new adaptive sampling strategy specifically designed for hypergraphs, which tackles their unique complexities in an efficient manner. We also present a Random Hyperedge Augmentation (RHA) technique and an additional Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) module to improve the robustness and generalization capabilities of our approach. Thorough experiments with real-world datasets have proven the effectiveness of our method, markedly reducing computational and memory demands while maintaining performance levels akin to conventional HGNNs and other baseline models. This research paves the way for improving both the scalability and efficacy of HGNNs in extensive applications. We will also make our codebase publicly accessible.

replace Improved Particle Approximation Error for Mean Field Neural Networks

Authors: Atsushi Nitanda

Abstract: Mean-field Langevin dynamics (MFLD) minimizes an entropy-regularized nonlinear convex functional defined over the space of probability distributions. MFLD has gained attention due to its connection with noisy gradient descent for mean-field two-layer neural networks. Unlike standard Langevin dynamics, the nonlinearity of the objective functional induces particle interactions, necessitating multiple particles to approximate the dynamics in a finite-particle setting. Recent works (Chen et al., 2022; Suzuki et al., 2023b) have demonstrated the uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for MFLD, showing that the gap between the particle system and its mean-field limit uniformly shrinks over time as the number of particles increases. In this work, we improve the dependence on logarithmic Sobolev inequality (LSI) constants in their particle approximation errors, which can exponentially deteriorate with the regularization coefficient. Specifically, we establish an LSI-constant-free particle approximation error concerning the objective gap by leveraging the problem structure in risk minimization. As the application, we demonstrate improved convergence of MFLD, sampling guarantee for the mean-field stationary distribution, and uniform-in-time Wasserstein propagation of chaos in terms of particle complexity.

replace SLoPe: Double-Pruned Sparse Plus Lazy Low-Rank Adapter Pretraining of LLMs

Authors: Mohammad Mozaffari, Amir Yazdanbakhsh, Zhao Zhang, Maryam Mehri Dehnavi

Abstract: We propose SLoPe, a Double-Pruned Sparse Plus Lazy Low-rank Adapter Pretraining method for LLMs that improves the accuracy of sparse LLMs while accelerating their pretraining and inference and reducing their memory footprint. Sparse pretraining of LLMs reduces the accuracy of the model, to overcome this, prior work uses dense models during fine-tuning. SLoPe improves the accuracy of sparsely pretrained models by adding low-rank adapters in the final 1% iterations of pretraining without adding significant overheads to the model pretraining and inference. In addition, SLoPe uses a double-pruned backward pass formulation that prunes the transposed weight matrix using N:M sparsity structures to enable an accelerated sparse backward pass. SLoPe accelerates the training and inference of models with billions of parameters up to $1.14\times$ and $1.34\times$ respectively (OPT-33B and OPT-66B) while reducing their memory usage by up to $0.77\times$ and $0.51\times$ for training and inference respectively.

replace Forecasting Four Business Cycle Phases Using Machine Learning: A Case Study of US and EuroZone

Authors: Elvys Linhares Pontes, Mohamed Benjannet, Raymond Yung

Abstract: Understanding the business cycle is crucial for building economic stability, guiding business planning, and informing investment decisions. The business cycle refers to the recurring pattern of expansion and contraction in economic activity over time. Economic analysis is inherently complex, incorporating a myriad of factors (such as macroeconomic indicators, political decisions). This complexity makes it challenging to fully account for all variables when determining the current state of the economy and predicting its future trajectory in the upcoming months. The objective of this study is to investigate the capacity of machine learning models in automatically analyzing the state of the economic, with the goal of forecasting business phases (expansion, slowdown, recession and recovery) in the United States and the EuroZone. We compared three different machine learning approaches to classify the phases of the business cycle, and among them, the Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) achieved the best results. Specifically, MLR got the best results by achieving the accuracy of 65.25% (Top1) and 84.74% (Top2) for the EuroZone and 75% (Top1) and 92.14% (Top2) for the United States. These results demonstrate the potential of machine learning techniques to predict business cycles accurately, which can aid in making informed decisions in the fields of economics and finance.

replace Vulnerable Road User Detection and Safety Enhancement: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Renato M. Silva, Greg\'orio F. Azevedo, Matheus V. V. Berto, Jean R. Rocha, Eduardo C. Fidelis, Matheus V. Nogueira, Pedro H. Lisboa, Tiago A. Almeida

Abstract: Traffic incidents involving vulnerable road users (VRUs) constitute a significant proportion of global road accidents. Advances in traffic communication ecosystems, coupled with sophisticated signal processing and machine learning techniques, have facilitated the utilization of data from diverse sensors. Despite these advancements and the availability of extensive datasets, substantial progress is required to mitigate traffic casualties. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies to enhance the safety of VRUs. The study delves into the communication networks between vehicles and VRUs, emphasizing the integration of advanced sensors and the availability of relevant datasets. It explores preprocessing techniques and data fusion methods to enhance sensor data quality. Furthermore, our study assesses critical simulation environments essential for developing and testing VRU safety systems. Our research also highlights recent advances in VRU detection and classification algorithms, addressing challenges such as variable environmental conditions. Additionally, we cover cutting-edge research in predicting VRU intentions and behaviors, which is crucial for proactive collision avoidance strategies. Through this survey, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape of VRU safety technologies, identifying areas of progress and areas needing further research and development.

replace TimeCMA: Towards LLM-Empowered Time Series Forecasting via Cross-Modality Alignment

Authors: Chenxi Liu, Qianxiong Xu, Hao Miao, Sun Yang, Lingzheng Zhang, Cheng Long, Ziyue Li, Rui Zhao

Abstract: The widespread adoption of scalable mobile sensing has led to large amounts of time series data for real-world applications. A fundamental application is multivariate time series forecasting (MTSF), which aims to predict future time series values based on historical observations. Existing MTSF methods suffer from limited parameterization and small-scale training data. Recently, Large language models (LLMs) have been introduced in time series, which achieve promising forecasting performance but incur heavy computational costs. To solve these challenges, we propose TimeCMA, an LLM-empowered framework for time series forecasting with cross-modality alignment. We design a dual-modality encoding module with two branches, where the time series encoding branch extracts relatively low-quality yet pure embeddings of time series through an inverted Transformer. In addition, the LLM-empowered encoding branch wraps the same time series as prompts to obtain high-quality yet entangled prompt embeddings via a Pre-trained LLM. Then, we design a cross-modality alignment module to retrieve high-quality and pure time series embeddings from the prompt embeddings. Moreover, we develop a time series forecasting module to decode the aligned embeddings while capturing dependencies among multiple variables for forecasting. Notably, we tailor the prompt to encode sufficient temporal information into a last token and design the last token embedding storage to reduce computational costs. Extensive experiments on real data offer insight into the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed framework.

replace FusionBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Deep Model Fusion

Authors: Anke Tang, Li Shen, Yong Luo, Han Hu, Bo Du, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Deep model fusion is an emerging technique that unifies the predictions or parameters of several deep neural networks into a single model in a cost-effective and data-efficient manner. This enables the unified model to take advantage of the original models' strengths, potentially exceeding their performance. Although a variety of deep model fusion techniques have been introduced, their evaluations tend to be inconsistent and often inadequate to validate their effectiveness and robustness against distribution shifts. To address this issue, we introduce FusionBench, which is the first comprehensive benchmark dedicated to deep model fusion. FusionBench covers a wide range of tasks, including open-vocabulary image classification, text classification, and text-to-text generation. Each category includes up to eight tasks with corresponding task-specific models, featuring both full fine-tuning and LoRA fine-tuning, as well as models of different sizes, to ensure fair and balanced comparisons of various multi-task model fusion techniques across different tasks, model scales, and fine-tuning strategies. We implement and evaluate a broad spectrum of deep model fusion techniques. These techniques range from model ensemble methods, which combine the predictions to improve the overall performance, to model merging, which integrates different models into a single one, and model mixing methods, which upscale or recombine the components of the original models. FusionBench now contains 26 distinct tasks, 74 fine-tuned models, and 16 fusion techniques, and we are committed to consistently expanding the benchmark with more tasks, models, and fusion techniques. In addition, we offer a well-documented set of resources and guidelines to aid researchers in understanding and replicating the benchmark results. Homepage


replace Empirical Guidelines for Deploying LLMs onto Resource-constrained Edge Devices

Authors: Ruiyang Qin, Dancheng Liu, Zheyu Yan, Zhaoxuan Tan, Zixuan Pan, Zhenge Jia, Meng Jiang, Ahmed Abbasi, Jinjun Xiong, Yiyu Shi

Abstract: The scaling laws have become the de facto guidelines for designing large language models (LLMs), but they were studied under the assumption of unlimited computing resources for both training and inference. As LLMs are increasingly used as personalized intelligent assistants, their customization (i.e., learning through fine-tuning) and deployment onto resource-constrained edge devices will become more and more prevalent. An urging but open question is how a resource-constrained computing environment would affect the design choices for a personalized LLM. We study this problem empirically in this work. In particular, we consider the tradeoffs among a number of key design factors and their intertwined impacts on learning efficiency and accuracy. The factors include the learning methods for LLM customization, the amount of personalized data used for learning customization, the types and sizes of LLMs, the compression methods of LLMs, the amount of time afforded to learn, and the difficulty levels of the target use cases. Through extensive experimentation and benchmarking, we draw a number of surprisingly insightful guidelines for deploying LLMs onto resource-constrained devices. For example, an optimal choice between parameter learning and RAG may vary depending on the difficulty of the downstream task, the longer fine-tuning time does not necessarily help the model, and a compressed LLM may be a better choice than an uncompressed LLM to learn from limited personalized data.

replace Deep learning for precipitation nowcasting: A survey from the perspective of time series forecasting

Authors: Sojung An, Tae-Jin Oh, Eunha Sohn, Donghyun Kim

Abstract: Deep learning-based time series forecasting has dominated the short-term precipitation forecasting field with the help of its ability to estimate motion flow in high-resolution datasets. The growing interest in precipitation nowcasting offers substantial opportunities for the advancement of current forecasting technologies. Nevertheless, there has been a scarcity of in-depth surveys of time series precipitation forecasting using deep learning. Thus, this paper systemically reviews recent progress in time series precipitation forecasting models. Specifically, we investigate the following key points within background components, covering: i) preprocessing, ii) objective functions, and iii) evaluation metrics. We then categorize forecasting models into \textit{recursive} and \textit{multiple} strategies based on their approaches to predict future frames, investigate the impacts of models using the strategies, and performance assessments. Finally, we evaluate current deep learning-based models for precipitation forecasting on a public benchmark, discuss their limitations and challenges, and present some promising research directions. Our contribution lies in providing insights for a better understanding of time series precipitation forecasting and in aiding the development of robust AI solutions for the future.

replace Self-Distilled Disentangled Learning for Counterfactual Prediction

Authors: Xinshu Li, Mingming Gong, Lina Yao

Abstract: The advancements in disentangled representation learning significantly enhance the accuracy of counterfactual predictions by granting precise control over instrumental variables, confounders, and adjustable variables. An appealing method for achieving the independent separation of these factors is mutual information minimization, a task that presents challenges in numerous machine learning scenarios, especially within high-dimensional spaces. To circumvent this challenge, we propose the Self-Distilled Disentanglement framework, referred to as $SD^2$. Grounded in information theory, it ensures theoretically sound independent disentangled representations without intricate mutual information estimator designs for high-dimensional representations. Our comprehensive experiments, conducted on both synthetic and real-world datasets, confirms the effectiveness of our approach in facilitating counterfactual inference in the presence of both observed and unobserved confounders.

replace Network-Based Transfer Learning Helps Improve Short-Term Crime Prediction Accuracy

Authors: Jiahui Wu, Vanessa Frias-Martinez

Abstract: Deep learning architectures enhanced with human mobility data have been shown to improve the accuracy of short-term crime prediction models trained with historical crime data. However, human mobility data may be scarce in some regions, negatively impacting the correct training of these models. To address this issue, we propose a novel transfer learning framework for short-term crime prediction models, whereby weights from the deep learning crime prediction models trained in source regions with plenty of mobility data are transferred to target regions to fine-tune their local crime prediction models and improve crime prediction accuracy. Our results show that the proposed transfer learning framework improves the F1 scores for target cities with mobility data scarcity, especially when the number of months of available mobility data is small. We also show that the F1 score improvements are pervasive across different types of crimes and diverse cities in the US.

replace Reinforced Compressive Neural Architecture Search for Versatile Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Dingrong Wang, Hitesh Sapkota, Zhiqiang Tao, Qi Yu

Abstract: Prior neural architecture search (NAS) for adversarial robustness works have discovered that a lightweight and adversarially robust neural network architecture could exist in a non-robust large teacher network, generally disclosed by heuristic rules through statistical analysis and neural architecture search, generally disclosed by heuristic rules from neural architecture search. However, heuristic methods cannot uniformly handle different adversarial attacks and "teacher" network capacity. To solve this challenge, we propose a Reinforced Compressive Neural Architecture Search (RC-NAS) for Versatile Adversarial Robustness. Specifically, we define task settings that compose datasets, adversarial attacks, and teacher network information. Given diverse tasks, we conduct a novel dual-level training paradigm that consists of a meta-training and a fine-tuning phase to effectively expose the RL agent to diverse attack scenarios (in meta-training), and making it adapt quickly to locate a sub-network (in fine-tuning) for any previously unseen scenarios. Experiments show that our framework could achieve adaptive compression towards different initial teacher networks, datasets, and adversarial attacks, resulting in more lightweight and adversarially robust architectures.

replace FLUX: Fast Software-based Communication Overlap On GPUs Through Kernel Fusion

Authors: Li-Wen Chang, Wenlei Bao, Qi Hou, Chengquan Jiang, Ningxin Zheng, Yinmin Zhong, Xuanrun Zhang, Zuquan Song, Ziheng Jiang, Haibin Lin, Xin Jin, Xin Liu

Abstract: Large deep learning models have demonstrated strong ability to solve many tasks across a wide range of applications. Those large models typically require training and inference to be distributed. Tensor parallelism is a common technique partitioning computation of an operation or layer across devices to overcome the memory capacity limitation of a single processor, and/or to accelerate computation to meet a certain latency requirement. However, this kind of parallelism introduces additional communication that might contribute a significant portion of overall runtime. Thus limits scalability of this technique within a group of devices with high speed interconnects, such as GPUs with NVLinks in a node. This paper proposes a novel method, Flux, to significantly hide communication latencies with dependent computations for GPUs. Flux over-decomposes communication and computation operations into much finer-grained operations and further fuses them into a larger kernel to effectively hide communication without compromising kernel efficiency. Flux can potentially overlap up to 96% of communication given a fused kernel. Overall, it can achieve up to 1.24x speedups for training over Megatron-LM on a cluster of 128 GPUs with various GPU generations and interconnects, and up to 1.66x and 1.30x speedups for prefill and decoding inference over vLLM on a cluster with 8 GPUs with various GPU generations and interconnects.

replace Failures Are Fated, But Can Be Faded: Characterizing and Mitigating Unwanted Behaviors in Large-Scale Vision and Language Models

Authors: Som Sagar, Aditya Taparia, Ransalu Senanayake

Abstract: In large deep neural networks that seem to perform surprisingly well on many tasks, we also observe a few failures related to accuracy, social biases, and alignment with human values, among others. Therefore, before deploying these models, it is crucial to characterize this failure landscape for engineers to debug and legislative bodies to audit models. Nevertheless, it is infeasible to exhaustively test for all possible combinations of factors that could lead to a model's failure. In this paper, we introduce a post-hoc method that utilizes \emph{deep reinforcement learning} to explore and construct the landscape of failure modes in pre-trained discriminative and generative models. With the aid of limited human feedback, we then demonstrate how to restructure the failure landscape to be more desirable by moving away from the discovered failure modes. We empirically show the effectiveness of the proposed method across common Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Vision-Language tasks.

replace Equivariance via Minimal Frame Averaging for More Symmetries and Efficiency

Authors: Yuchao Lin, Jacob Helwig, Shurui Gui, Shuiwang Ji

Abstract: We consider achieving equivariance in machine learning systems via frame averaging. Current frame averaging methods involve a costly sum over large frames or rely on sampling-based approaches that only yield approximate equivariance. Here, we propose Minimal Frame Averaging (MFA), a mathematical framework for constructing provably minimal frames that are exactly equivariant. The general foundations of MFA also allow us to extend frame averaging to more groups than previously considered, including the Lorentz group for describing symmetries in space-time, and the unitary group for complex-valued domains. Results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of encoding symmetries via MFA across a diverse range of tasks, including $n$-body simulation, top tagging in collider physics, and relaxed energy prediction. Our code is available at


replace Heuristic Learning with Graph Neural Networks: A Unified Framework for Link Prediction

Authors: Juzheng Zhang, Lanning Wei, Zhen Xu, Quanming Yao

Abstract: Link prediction is a fundamental task in graph learning, inherently shaped by the topology of the graph. While traditional heuristics are grounded in graph topology, they encounter challenges in generalizing across diverse graphs. Recent research efforts have aimed to leverage the potential of heuristics, yet a unified formulation accommodating both local and global heuristics remains undiscovered. Drawing insights from the fact that both local and global heuristics can be represented by adjacency matrix multiplications, we propose a unified matrix formulation to accommodate and generalize various heuristics. We further propose the Heuristic Learning Graph Neural Network (HL-GNN) to efficiently implement the formulation. HL-GNN adopts intra-layer propagation and inter-layer connections, allowing it to reach a depth of around 20 layers with lower time complexity than GCN. Extensive experiments on the Planetoid, Amazon, and OGB datasets underscore the effectiveness and efficiency of HL-GNN. It outperforms existing methods by a large margin in prediction performance. Additionally, HL-GNN is several orders of magnitude faster than heuristic-inspired methods while requiring only a few trainable parameters. The case study further demonstrates that the generalized heuristics and learned weights are highly interpretable.

replace Short-Long Convolutions Help Hardware-Efficient Linear Attention to Focus on Long Sequences

Authors: Zicheng Liu, Siyuan Li, Li Wang, Zedong Wang, Yunfan Liu, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: To mitigate the computational complexity in the self-attention mechanism on long sequences, linear attention utilizes computation tricks to achieve linear complexity, while state space models (SSMs) popularize a favorable practice of using non-data-dependent memory pattern, i.e., emphasize the near and neglect the distant, to processing sequences. Recent studies have shown the priorities by combining them as one. However, the efficiency of linear attention remains only at the theoretical level in a causal setting, and SSMs require various designed constraints to operate effectively on specific data. Therefore, in order to unveil the true power of the hybrid design, the following two issues need to be addressed: (1) hardware-efficient implementation for linear attention and (2) stabilization of SSMs. To achieve this, we leverage the thought of tiling and hierarchy to propose CHELA (short-long Convolutions with Hardware-Efficient Linear Attention), which replaces SSMs with short-long convolutions and implements linear attention in a divide-and-conquer manner. This approach enjoys global abstraction and data-dependent selection from stable SSM and linear attention while maintaining real linear complexity. Our comprehensive experiments on the Long Range Arena benchmark and language modeling tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

replace Pre-Training Identification of Graph Winning Tickets in Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Wenying Duan, Tianxiang Fang, Hong Rao, Xiaoxi He

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel method to significantly enhance the computational efficiency of Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Networks (ASTGNNs) by introducing the concept of the Graph Winning Ticket (GWT), derived from the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH). By adopting a pre-determined star topology as a GWT prior to training, we balance edge reduction with efficient information propagation, reducing computational demands while maintaining high model performance. Both the time and memory computational complexity of generating adaptive spatial-temporal graphs is significantly reduced from $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(N)$. Our approach streamlines the ASTGNN deployment by eliminating the need for exhaustive training, pruning, and retraining cycles, and demonstrates empirically across various datasets that it is possible to achieve comparable performance to full models with substantially lower computational costs. Specifically, our approach enables training ASTGNNs on the largest scale spatial-temporal dataset using a single A6000 equipped with 48 GB of memory, overcoming the out-of-memory issue encountered during original training and even achieving state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, we delve into the effectiveness of the GWT from the perspective of spectral graph theory, providing substantial theoretical support. This advancement not only proves the existence of efficient sub-networks within ASTGNNs but also broadens the applicability of the LTH in resource-constrained settings, marking a significant step forward in the field of graph neural networks. Code is available at


replace GraphFM: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Graph Foundation Model

Authors: Yuhao Xu, Xinqi Liu, Keyu Duan, Yi Fang, Yu-Neng Chuang, Daochen Zha, Qiaoyu Tan

Abstract: Foundation Models (FMs) serve as a general class for the development of artificial intelligence systems, offering broad potential for generalization across a spectrum of downstream tasks. Despite extensive research into self-supervised learning as the cornerstone of FMs, several outstanding issues persist in Graph Foundation Models that rely on graph self-supervised learning, namely: 1) Homogenization. The extent of generalization capability on downstream tasks remains unclear. 2) Scalability. It is unknown how effectively these models can scale to large datasets. 3) Efficiency. The training time and memory usage of these models require evaluation. 4) Training Stop Criteria. Determining the optimal stopping strategy for pre-training across multiple tasks to maximize performance on downstream tasks. To address these questions, we have constructed a rigorous benchmark that thoroughly analyzes and studies the generalization and scalability of self-supervised Graph Neural Network (GNN) models. Regarding generalization, we have implemented and compared the performance of various self-supervised GNN models, trained to generate node representations, across tasks such as node classification, link prediction, and node clustering. For scalability, we have compared the performance of various models after training using full-batch and mini-batch strategies. Additionally, we have assessed the training efficiency of these models by conducting experiments to test their GPU memory usage and throughput. Through these experiments, we aim to provide insights to motivate future research. The code for this benchmark is publicly available at


replace Fredformer: Frequency Debiased Transformer for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Xihao Piao, Zheng Chen, Taichi Murayama, Yasuko Matsubara, Yasushi Sakurai

Abstract: The Transformer model has shown leading performance in time series forecasting. Nevertheless, in some complex scenarios, it tends to learn low-frequency features in the data and overlook high-frequency features, showing a frequency bias. This bias prevents the model from accurately capturing important high-frequency data features. In this paper, we undertook empirical analyses to understand this bias and discovered that frequency bias results from the model disproportionately focusing on frequency features with higher energy. Based on our analysis, we formulate this bias and propose Fredformer, a Transformer-based framework designed to mitigate frequency bias by learning features equally across different frequency bands. This approach prevents the model from overlooking lower amplitude features important for accurate forecasting. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our proposed approach, which can outperform other baselines in different real-world time-series datasets. Furthermore, we introduce a lightweight variant of the Fredformer with an attention matrix approximation, which achieves comparable performance but with much fewer parameters and lower computation costs. The code is available at:


replace Deep learning empowered sensor fusion to improve infant movement classification

Authors: Tomas Kulvicius, Dajie Zhang, Luise Poustka, Sven B\"olte, Lennart Jahn, Sarah Fl\"ugge, Marc Kraft, Markus Zweckstetter, Karin Nielsen-Saines, Florentin W\"org\"otter, Peter B Marschik

Abstract: There is a recent boom in the development of AI solutions to facilitate and enhance diagnostic procedures for established clinical tools. To assess the integrity of the developing nervous system, the Prechtl general movement assessment (GMA) is recognized for its clinical value in diagnosing neurological impairments in early infancy. GMA has been increasingly augmented through machine learning approaches intending to scale-up its application, circumvent costs in the training of human assessors and further standardize classification of spontaneous motor patterns. Available deep learning tools, all of which are based on single sensor modalities, are however still considerably inferior to that of well-trained human assessors. These approaches are hardly comparable as all models are designed, trained and evaluated on proprietary/silo-data sets. With this study we propose a sensor fusion approach for assessing fidgety movements (FMs) comparing three different sensor modalities (pressure, inertial, and visual sensors). Various combinations and two sensor fusion approaches (late and early fusion) for infant movement classification were tested to evaluate whether a multi-sensor system outperforms single modality assessments. The performance of the three-sensor fusion (classification accuracy of 94.5\%) was significantly higher than that of any single modality evaluated, suggesting the sensor fusion approach is a promising avenue for automated classification of infant motor patterns. The development of a robust sensor fusion system may significantly enhance AI-based early recognition of neurofunctions, ultimately facilitating automated early detection of neurodevelopmental conditions.

replace-cross Anatomy-aware and acquisition-agnostic joint registration with SynthMorph

Authors: Malte Hoffmann, Andrew Hoopes, Douglas N. Greve, Bruce Fischl, Adrian V. Dalca

Abstract: Affine image registration is a cornerstone of medical image analysis. While classical algorithms can achieve excellent accuracy, they solve a time-consuming optimization for every image pair. Deep-learning (DL) methods learn a function that maps an image pair to an output transform. Evaluating the function is fast, but capturing large transforms can be challenging, and networks tend to struggle if a test-image characteristic shifts from the training domain, such as resolution. Most affine methods are agnostic to the anatomy the user wishes to align, meaning the registration will be inaccurate if algorithms consider all structures in the image. We address these shortcomings with SynthMorph, a fast, symmetric, diffeomorphic, and easy-to-use DL tool for joint affine-deformable registration of any brain image without preprocessing. First, we leverage a strategy that trains networks with widely varying images synthesized from label maps, yielding robust performance for image types unseen at training. Second, we optimize the spatial overlap of select anatomical labels. This enables networks to distinguish anatomy of interest from irrelevant structures, removing the need for preprocessing that excludes content that may impinge on anatomy-specific registration. Third, we combine the affine model with a deformable hypernetwork that lets users choose the optimal deformation-field regularity for their specific data, at registration time, in a fraction of the time required by classical methods. We analyze how competing architectures learn affine transforms and compare state-of-the-art registration tools across an extremely diverse set of neuroimaging data, aiming to truly capture the behavior of methods in the real world. SynthMorph demonstrates high accuracy and is available at, as a single complete end-to-end solution for registration of brain MRI.


replace-cross Diversifying Deep Ensembles: A Saliency Map Approach for Enhanced OOD Detection, Calibration, and Accuracy

Authors: Stanislav Dereka, Ivan Karpukhin, Maksim Zhdanov, Sergey Kolesnikov

Abstract: Deep ensembles are capable of achieving state-of-the-art results in classification and out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. However, their effectiveness is limited due to the homogeneity of learned patterns within ensembles. To overcome this issue, our study introduces Saliency Diversified Deep Ensemble (SDDE), a novel approach that promotes diversity among ensemble members by leveraging saliency maps. Through incorporating saliency map diversification, our method outperforms conventional ensemble techniques and improves calibration in multiple classification and OOD detection tasks. In particular, the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art OOD detection quality, calibration, and accuracy on multiple benchmarks, including CIFAR10/100 and large-scale ImageNet datasets.

replace-cross GSURE-Based Diffusion Model Training with Corrupted Data

Authors: Bahjat Kawar, Noam Elata, Tomer Michaeli, Michael Elad

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated impressive results in both data generation and downstream tasks such as inverse problems, text-based editing, classification, and more. However, training such models usually requires large amounts of clean signals which are often difficult or impossible to obtain. In this work, we propose a novel training technique for generative diffusion models based only on corrupted data. We introduce a loss function based on the Generalized Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimator (GSURE), and prove that under some conditions, it is equivalent to the training objective used in fully supervised diffusion models. We demonstrate our technique on face images as well as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), where the use of undersampled data significantly alleviates data collection costs. Our approach achieves generative performance comparable to its fully supervised counterpart without training on any clean signals. In addition, we deploy the resulting diffusion model in various downstream tasks beyond the degradation present in the training set, showcasing promising results.

replace-cross Neural Operators for PDE Backstepping Control of First-Order Hyperbolic PIDE with Recycle and Delay

Authors: Jie Qi, Jing Zhang, Miroslav Krstic

Abstract: The recently introduced DeepONet operator-learning framework for PDE control is extended from the results for basic hyperbolic and parabolic PDEs to an advanced hyperbolic class that involves delays on both the state and the system output or input. The PDE backstepping design produces gain functions that are outputs of a nonlinear operator, mapping functions on a spatial domain into functions on a spatial domain, and where this gain-generating operator's inputs are the PDE's coefficients. The operator is approximated with a DeepONet neural network to a degree of accuracy that is provably arbitrarily tight. Once we produce this approximation-theoretic result in infinite dimension, with it we establish stability in closed loop under feedback that employs approximate gains. In addition to supplying such results under full-state feedback, we also develop DeepONet-approximated observers and output-feedback laws and prove their own stabilizing properties under neural operator approximations. With numerical simulations we illustrate the theoretical results and quantify the numerical effort savings, which are of two orders of magnitude, thanks to replacing the numerical PDE solving with the DeepONet.

replace-cross NeuralClothSim: Neural Deformation Fields Meet the Thin Shell Theory

Authors: Navami Kairanda, Marc Habermann, Christian Theobalt, Vladislav Golyanik

Abstract: Despite existing 3D cloth simulators producing realistic results, they predominantly operate on discrete surface representations (e.g. points and meshes) with a fixed spatial resolution, which often leads to large memory consumption and resolution-dependent simulations. Moreover, back-propagating gradients through the existing solvers is difficult, and they cannot be easily integrated into modern neural architectures. In response, this paper re-thinks physically plausible cloth simulation: We propose NeuralClothSim, i.e., a new quasistatic cloth simulator using thin shells, in which surface deformation is encoded in neural network weights in the form of a neural field. Our memory-efficient solver operates on a new continuous coordinate-based surface representation called neural deformation fields (NDFs); it supervises NDF equilibria with the laws of the non-linear Kirchhoff-Love shell theory with a non-linear anisotropic material model. NDFs are adaptive: They 1) allocate their capacity to the deformation details and 2) allow surface state queries at arbitrary spatial resolutions without re-training. We show how to train NeuralClothSim while imposing hard boundary conditions and demonstrate multiple applications, such as material interpolation and simulation editing. The experimental results highlight the effectiveness of our continuous neural formulation.

replace-cross Neural Implicit Morphing of Face Images

Authors: Guilherme Schardong, Tiago Novello, Hallison Paz, Iurii Medvedev, Vin\'icius da Silva, Luiz Velho, Nuno Gon\c{c}alves

Abstract: Face morphing is a problem in computer graphics with numerous artistic and forensic applications. It is challenging due to variations in pose, lighting, gender, and ethnicity. This task consists of a warping for feature alignment and a blending for a seamless transition between the warped images. We propose to leverage coord-based neural networks to represent such warpings and blendings of face images. During training, we exploit the smoothness and flexibility of such networks by combining energy functionals employed in classical approaches without discretizations. Additionally, our method is time-dependent, allowing a continuous warping/blending of the images. During morphing inference, we need both direct and inverse transformations of the time-dependent warping. The first (second) is responsible for warping the target (source) image into the source (target) image. Our neural warping stores those maps in a single network dismissing the need for inverting them. The results of our experiments indicate that our method is competitive with both classical and generative models under the lens of image quality and face-morphing detectors. Aesthetically, the resulting images present a seamless blending of diverse faces not yet usual in the literature.

replace-cross Enhancing multimodal cooperation via sample-level modality valuation

Authors: Yake Wei, Ruoxuan Feng, Zihe Wang, Di Hu

Abstract: One primary topic of multimodal learning is to jointly incorporate heterogeneous information from different modalities. However most models often suffer from unsatisfactory multimodal cooperation which cannot jointly utilize all modalities well. Some methods are proposed to identify and enhance the worse learnt modality but they are often hard to provide the fine-grained observation of multimodal cooperation at sample-level with theoretical support. Hence it is essential to reasonably observe and improve the fine-grained cooperation between modalities especially when facing realistic scenarios where the modality discrepancy could vary across different samples. To this end we introduce a sample-level modality valuation metric to evaluate the contribution of each modality for each sample. Via modality valuation we observe that modality discrepancy indeed could be different at sample-level beyond the global contribution discrepancy at dataset-level. We further analyze this issue and improve cooperation between modalities at sample-level by enhancing the discriminative ability of low-contributing modalities in a targeted manner. Overall our methods reasonably observe the fine-grained uni-modal contribution and achieve considerable improvement. The source code and dataset are available at


replace-cross Towards the TopMost: A Topic Modeling System Toolkit

Authors: Xiaobao Wu, Fengjun Pan, Anh Tuan Luu

Abstract: Topic models have a rich history with various applications and have recently been reinvigorated by neural topic modeling. However, these numerous topic models adopt totally distinct datasets, implementations, and evaluations. This impedes quick utilization and fair comparisons, and thereby hinders their research progress and applications. To tackle this challenge, we in this paper propose a Topic Modeling System Toolkit (TopMost). Compared to existing toolkits, TopMost stands out by supporting more extensive features. It covers a broader spectrum of topic modeling scenarios with their complete lifecycles, including datasets, preprocessing, models, training, and evaluations. Thanks to its highly cohesive and decoupled modular design, TopMost enables rapid utilization, fair comparisons, and flexible extensions of diverse cutting-edge topic models. Our code, tutorials, and documentation are available at


replace-cross A Neural-preconditioned Poisson Solver for Mixed Dirichlet and Neumann Boundary Conditions

Authors: Kai Weixian Lan, Elias Gueidon, Ayano Kaneda, Julian Panetta, Joseph Teran

Abstract: We introduce a neural-preconditioned iterative solver for Poisson equations with mixed boundary conditions. Typical Poisson discretizations yield large, ill-conditioned linear systems. Iterative solvers can be effective for these problems, but only when equipped with powerful preconditioners. Unfortunately, effective preconditioners like multigrid require costly setup phases that must be re-executed every time domain shapes or boundary conditions change, forming a severe bottleneck for problems with evolving boundaries. In contrast, we present a neural preconditioner trained to efficiently approximate the inverse of the discrete Laplacian in the presence of such changes. Our approach generalizes to domain shapes, boundary conditions, and grid sizes outside the training set. The key to our preconditioner's success is a novel, lightweight neural network architecture featuring spatially varying convolution kernels and supporting fast inference. We demonstrate that our solver outperforms state-of-the-art methods like algebraic multigrid as well as recently proposed neural preconditioners on challenging test cases arising from incompressible fluid simulations.

replace-cross Improved Crop and Weed Detection with Diverse Data Ensemble Learning

Authors: Muhammad Hamza Asad, Saeed Anwar, Abdul Bais

Abstract: Modern agriculture heavily relies on Site-Specific Farm Management practices, necessitating accurate detection, localization, and quantification of crops and weeds in the field, which can be achieved using deep learning techniques. In this regard, crop and weed-specific binary segmentation models have shown promise. However, uncontrolled field conditions limit their performance from one field to the other. To improve semantic model generalization, existing methods augment and synthesize agricultural data to account for uncontrolled field conditions. However, given highly varied field conditions, these methods have limitations. To overcome the challenges of model deterioration in such conditions, we propose utilizing data specific to other crops and weeds for our specific target problem. To achieve this, we propose a novel ensemble framework. Our approach involves utilizing different crop and weed models trained on diverse datasets and employing a teacher-student configuration. By using homogeneous stacking of base models and a trainable meta-architecture to combine their outputs, we achieve significant improvements for Canola crops and Kochia weeds on unseen test data, surpassing the performance of single semantic segmentation models. We identify the UNET meta-architecture as the most effective in this context. Finally, through ablation studies, we demonstrate and validate the effectiveness of our proposed model. We observe that including base models trained on other target crops and weeds can help generalize the model to capture varied field conditions. Lastly, we propose two novel datasets with varied conditions for comparisons.

replace-cross AstroCLIP: A Cross-Modal Foundation Model for Galaxies

Authors: Liam Parker, Francois Lanusse, Siavash Golkar, Leopoldo Sarra, Miles Cranmer, Alberto Bietti, Michael Eickenberg, Geraud Krawezik, Michael McCabe, Ruben Ohana, Mariel Pettee, Bruno Regaldo-Saint Blancard, Tiberiu Tesileanu, Kyunghyun Cho, Shirley Ho

Abstract: We present AstroCLIP, a single, versatile model that can embed both galaxy images and spectra into a shared, physically meaningful latent space. These embeddings can then be used - without any model fine-tuning - for a variety of downstream tasks including (1) accurate in-modality and cross-modality semantic similarity search, (2) photometric redshift estimation, (3) galaxy property estimation from both images and spectra, and (4) morphology classification. Our approach to implementing AstroCLIP consists of two parts. First, we embed galaxy images and spectra separately by pretraining separate transformer-based image and spectrum encoders in self-supervised settings. We then align the encoders using a contrastive loss. We apply our method to spectra from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument and images from its corresponding Legacy Imaging Survey. Overall, we find remarkable performance on all downstream tasks, even relative to supervised baselines. For example, for a task like photometric redshift prediction, we find similar performance to a specifically-trained ResNet18, and for additional tasks like physical property estimation (stellar mass, age, metallicity, and sSFR), we beat this supervised baseline by 19\% in terms of $R^2$. We also compare our results to a state-of-the-art self-supervised single-modal model for galaxy images, and find that our approach outperforms this benchmark by roughly a factor of two on photometric redshift estimation and physical property prediction in terms of $R^2$, while remaining roughly in-line in terms of morphology classification. Ultimately, our approach represents the first cross-modal self-supervised model for galaxies, and the first self-supervised transformer-based architectures for galaxy images and spectra.

replace-cross SemantIC: Semantic Interference Cancellation Towards 6G Wireless Communications

Authors: Wensheng Lin, Yuna Yan, Lixin Li, Zhu Han, Tad Matsumoto

Abstract: This letter proposes a novel anti-interference technique, semantic interference cancellation (SemantIC), for enhancing information quality towards the sixth-generation (6G) wireless networks. SemantIC only requires the receiver to concatenate the channel decoder with a semantic auto-encoder. This constructs a turbo loop which iteratively and alternately eliminates noise in the signal domain and the semantic domain. From the viewpoint of network information theory, the neural network of the semantic auto-encoder stores side information by training, and provides side information in iterative decoding, as an implementation of the Wyner-Ziv theorem. Simulation results verify the performance improvement by SemantIC without extra channel resource cost.

replace-cross Bayesian Optimization of Function Networks with Partial Evaluations

Authors: Poompol Buathong, Jiayue Wan, Raul Astudillo, Samuel Daulton, Maximilian Balandat, Peter I. Frazier

Abstract: Bayesian optimization is a powerful framework for optimizing functions that are expensive or time-consuming to evaluate. Recent work has considered Bayesian optimization of function networks (BOFN), where the objective function is given by a network of functions, each taking as input the output of previous nodes in the network as well as additional parameters. Leveraging this network structure has been shown to yield significant performance improvements. Existing BOFN algorithms for general-purpose networks evaluate the full network at each iteration. However, many real-world applications allow for evaluating nodes individually. To exploit this, we propose a novel knowledge gradient acquisition function that chooses which node and corresponding inputs to evaluate in a cost-aware manner, thereby reducing query costs by evaluating only on a part of the network at each step. We provide an efficient approach to optimizing our acquisition function and show that it outperforms existing BOFN methods and other benchmarks across several synthetic and real-world problems. Our acquisition function is the first to enable cost-aware optimization of a broad class of function networks.

replace-cross Can Authorship Attribution Models Distinguish Speakers in Speech Transcripts?

Authors: Cristina Aggazzotti, Nicholas Andrews, Elizabeth Allyn Smith

Abstract: Authorship verification is the task of determining if two distinct writing samples share the same author and is typically concerned with the attribution of written text. In this paper, we explore the attribution of transcribed speech, which poses novel challenges. The main challenge is that many stylistic features, such as punctuation and capitalization, are not informative in this setting. On the other hand, transcribed speech exhibits other patterns, such as filler words and backchannels (e.g., 'um', 'uh-huh'), which may be characteristic of different speakers. We propose a new benchmark for speaker attribution focused on human-transcribed conversational speech transcripts. To limit spurious associations of speakers with topic, we employ both conversation prompts and speakers participating in the same conversation to construct verification trials of varying difficulties. We establish the state of the art on this new benchmark by comparing a suite of neural and non-neural baselines, finding that although written text attribution models achieve surprisingly good performance in certain settings, they perform markedly worse as conversational topic is increasingly controlled. We present analyses of the impact of transcription style on performance as well as the ability of fine-tuning on speech transcripts to improve performance.

replace-cross Shedding the Bits: Pushing the Boundaries of Quantization with Minifloats on FPGAs

Authors: Shivam Aggarwal, Hans Jakob Damsgaard, Alessandro Pappalardo, Giuseppe Franco, Thomas B. Preu{\ss}er, Michaela Blott, Tulika Mitra

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) is a powerful technique for model compression, reducing the numerical precision in neural networks without additional training overhead. Recent works have investigated adopting 8-bit floating-point formats(FP8) in the context of PTQ for model inference. However, floating-point formats smaller than 8 bits and their relative comparison in terms of accuracy-hardware cost with integers remains unexplored on FPGAs. In this work, we present minifloats, which are reduced-precision floating-point formats capable of further reducing the memory footprint, latency, and energy cost of a model while approaching full-precision model accuracy. We implement a custom FPGA-based multiply-accumulate operator library and explore the vast design space, comparing minifloat and integer representations across 3 to 8 bits for both weights and activations. We also examine the applicability of various integerbased quantization techniques to minifloats. Our experiments show that minifloats offer a promising alternative for emerging workloads such as vision transformers.

replace-cross Immunohistochemistry guided segmentation of benign epithelial cells, in situ lesions, and invasive epithelial cells in breast cancer slides

Authors: Maren H{\o}ib{\o}, Andr\'e Pedersen, Vibeke Grotnes Dale, Sissel Marie Berget, Borgny Ytterhus, Cecilia Lindskog, Elisabeth Wik, Lars A. Akslen, Ingerid Reinertsen, Erik Smistad, Marit Valla

Abstract: Digital pathology enables automatic analysis of histopathological sections using artificial intelligence (AI). Automatic evaluation could improve diagnostic efficiency and help find associations between morphological features and clinical outcome. For development of such prediction models, identifying invasive epithelial cells, and separating these from benign epithelial cells and in situ lesions would be the first step. In this study, we aimed to develop an AI model for segmentation of epithelial cells in sections from breast cancer. We generated epithelial ground truth masks by restaining hematoxylin and eosin (HE) sections with cytokeratin (CK) AE1/AE3, and by pathologists' annotations. HE/CK image pairs were used to train a convolutional neural network, and data augmentation was used to make the model more robust. Tissue microarrays (TMAs) from 839 patients, and whole slide images from two patients were used for training and evaluation of the models. The sections were derived from four cohorts of breast cancer patients. TMAs from 21 patients from a fifth cohort was used as a second test set. In quantitative evaluation, a mean Dice score of 0.70, 0.79, and 0.75 for invasive epithelial cells, benign epithelial cells, and in situ lesions, respectively, were achieved. In qualitative scoring (0-5) by pathologists, results were best for all epithelium and invasive epithelium, with scores of 4.7 and 4.4. Scores for benign epithelium and in situ lesions were 3.7 and 2.0. The proposed model segmented epithelial cells in HE stained breast cancer slides well, but further work is needed for accurate division between the classes. Immunohistochemistry, together with pathologists' annotations, enabled the creation of accurate ground truths. The model is made freely available in FastPathology and the code is available at


replace-cross Adaptive Robust Learning using Latent Bernoulli Variables

Authors: Aleksandr Karakulev (Uppsala University, Sweden), Dave Zachariah (Uppsala University, Sweden), Prashant Singh (Uppsala University, Sweden, Science for Life Laboratory, Sweden)

Abstract: We present an adaptive approach for robust learning from corrupted training sets. We identify corrupted and non-corrupted samples with latent Bernoulli variables and thus formulate the learning problem as maximization of the likelihood where latent variables are marginalized. The resulting problem is solved via variational inference, using an efficient Expectation-Maximization based method. The proposed approach improves over the state-of-the-art by automatically inferring the corruption level, while adding minimal computational overhead. We demonstrate our robust learning method and its parameter-free nature on a wide variety of machine learning tasks including online learning and deep learning where it adapts to different levels of noise and maintains high prediction accuracy.

replace-cross Exploring the Reversal Curse and Other Deductive Logical Reasoning in BERT and GPT-Based Large Language Models

Authors: Da Wu, Jingye Yang, Kai Wang

Abstract: The term "Reversal Curse" refers to the scenario where auto-regressive decoder large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, trained on "A is B" fail to learn "B is A," assuming that B and A are distinct and can be uniquely identified from each other, demonstrating a basic failure of logical deduction. This raises a red flag in the use of GPT models for certain general tasks such as constructing knowledge graphs, considering their adherence to this symmetric principle. In our study, we examined a bidirectional LLM, BERT, and found that it is immune to the reversal curse. Driven by ongoing efforts to construct biomedical knowledge graphs with LLMs, we also embarked on evaluating more complex but essential deductive reasoning capabilities. This process included first training encoder and decoder language models to master the intersection and union operations on two sets and then moving on to assess their capability to infer different combinations of union and intersection operations on three newly created sets. The findings showed that while both encoder and decoder language models, trained for tasks involving two sets (union/intersection), were proficient in such scenarios, they encountered difficulties when dealing with operations that included three sets (various combinations of union and intersection). Our research highlights the distinct characteristics of encoder and decoder models in simple and complex logical reasoning. In practice, the choice between BERT and GPT should be guided by the specific requirements and nature of the task at hand, leveraging their respective strengths in bidirectional context comprehension and sequence prediction.

replace-cross Metric Entropy-Free Sample Complexity Bounds for Sample Average Approximation in Convex Stochastic Programming

Authors: Hongcheng Liu, Jindong Tong

Abstract: This paper studies sample average approximation (SAA) in solving convex or strongly convex stochastic programming problems. Under some common regularity conditions, we show -- perhaps for the first time -- that SAA's sample complexity can be completely free from any quantification of metric entropy (such as the logarithm of the covering number), leading to a significantly more efficient rate with dimensionality $d$ than most existing results. From the newly established complexity bounds, an important revelation is that SAA and the canonical stochastic mirror descent (SMD) method, two mainstream solution approaches to SP, entail almost identical rates of sample efficiency, rectifying a persistent theoretical discrepancy of SAA from SMD by the order of $O(d)$. Furthermore, this paper explores non-Lipschitzian scenarios where SAA maintains provable efficacy but the corresponding results for SMD remain mostly unexplored, indicating the potential of SAA's better applicability in some irregular settings.

replace-cross Generative AI to Generate Test Data Generators

Authors: Benoit Baudry, Khashayar Etemadi, Sen Fang, Yogya Gamage, Yi Liu, Yuxin Liu, Martin Monperrus, Javier Ron, Andr\'e Silva, Deepika Tiwari

Abstract: Generating fake data is an essential dimension of modern software testing, as demonstrated by the number and significance of data faking libraries. Yet, developers of faking libraries cannot keep up with the wide range of data to be generated for different natural languages and domains. In this paper, we assess the ability of generative AI for generating test data in different domains. We design three types of prompts for Large Language Models (LLMs), which perform test data generation tasks at different levels of integrability: 1) raw test data generation, 2) synthesizing programs in a specific language that generate useful test data, and 3) producing programs that use state-of-the-art faker libraries. We evaluate our approach by prompting LLMs to generate test data for 11 domains. The results show that LLMs can successfully generate realistic test data generators in a wide range of domains at all three levels of integrability.

replace-cross An Empirical Study Into What Matters for Calibrating Vision-Language Models

Authors: Weijie Tu, Weijian Deng, Dylan Campbell, Stephen Gould, Tom Gedeon

Abstract: Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have emerged as the dominant approach for zero-shot recognition, adept at handling diverse scenarios and significant distribution changes. However, their deployment in risk-sensitive areas requires a deeper understanding of their uncertainty estimation capabilities, a relatively uncharted area. In this study, we explore the calibration properties of VLMs across different architectures, datasets, and training strategies. In particular, we analyze the uncertainty estimation performance of VLMs when calibrated in one domain, label set or hierarchy level, and tested in a different one. Our findings reveal that while VLMs are not inherently calibrated for uncertainty, temperature scaling significantly and consistently improves calibration, even across shifts in distribution and changes in label set. Moreover, VLMs can be calibrated with a very small set of examples. Through detailed experimentation, we highlight the potential applications and importance of our insights, aiming for more reliable and effective use of VLMs in critical, real-world scenarios.

replace-cross QuRating: Selecting High-Quality Data for Training Language Models

Authors: Alexander Wettig, Aatmik Gupta, Saumya Malik, Danqi Chen

Abstract: Selecting high-quality pre-training data is important for creating capable language models, but existing methods rely on simple heuristics. We introduce QuRating, a method for selecting pre-training data that can capture human intuitions about data quality. In this paper, we investigate four qualities - writing style, required expertise, facts & trivia, and educational value - and find that LLMs are able to discern these qualities, especially when making pairwise judgments of texts. We train a QuRater model to learn scalar ratings from pairwise judgments, and use it to annotate a 260B training corpus with quality ratings for each of the four criteria. In our experiments, we select 30B tokens according to the different quality ratings and train 1.3B-parameter language models on the selected data. We find that it is important to balance quality and diversity. When we sample using quality ratings as logits over documents, our models obtain lower perplexity and stronger in-context learning performance than baselines. Our best model is based on educational value and performs similarly to a model trained with uniform sampling for 50% more steps. Beyond data selection, we use the quality ratings to construct a training curriculum which improves performance without changing the training dataset. We extensively analyze the quality ratings and discuss their characteristics, biases, and wider implications.

replace-cross Provably Safe Neural Network Controllers via Differential Dynamic Logic

Authors: Samuel Teuber, Stefan Mitsch, Andr\'e Platzer

Abstract: While neural networks (NNs) have potential as autonomous controllers for Cyber-Physical Systems, verifying the safety of NN based control systems (NNCSs) poses significant challenges for the practical use of NNs, especially when safety is needed for unbounded time horizons. One reason is the intractability of analyzing NNs, ODEs and hybrid systems. To this end, we introduce VerSAILLE (Verifiably Safe AI via Logically Linked Envelopes): The first general approach that allows reusing control theory results for NNCS verification. By joining forces, we exploit the efficiency of NN verification tools while retaining the rigor of differential dynamic logic (dL). Based on provably safe control envelopes in dL, we derive specifications for the NN which is proven via NN verification. We show that a proof of the NN adhering to the specification is mirrored by a dL proof on the infinite-time safety of the NNCS. The NN verification properties resulting from hybrid systems typically contain nonlinear arithmetic and arbitrary logical structures while efficient NN verification merely supports linear constraints. To overcome this divide, we present Mosaic: An efficient, sound and complete verification approach for polynomial real arithmetic properties on piece-wise linear NNs. Mosaic partitions complex verification queries into simple queries and lifts off-the-shelf linear constraint tools to the nonlinear setting in a completeness-preserving manner by combining approximation with exact reasoning for counterexample regions. Our evaluation demonstrates the versatility of VerSAILLE and Mosaic: We prove infinite-time safety on the classical Vertical Airborne Collision Avoidance NNCS verification benchmark for two scenarios while (exhaustively) enumerating counterexample regions in unsafe scenarios. We also show that our approach significantly outperforms State-of-the-Art tools in closed-loop NNV.

replace-cross Neural Networks and Friction: Slide, Hold, Learn

Authors: Joaquin Garcia-Suarez

Abstract: In this study, it is demonstrated that Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), specifically those utilizing Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) architecture, possess the capability to learn the complex dynamics of rate-and-state friction laws from synthetic data. The data employed for training the network is generated through the application of traditional rate-and-state friction equations coupled with the aging law for state evolution. A novel aspect of our approach is the formulation of a loss function that explicitly accounts for the direct effect by means of automatic differentiation. It is found that the RNN, with its GRU architecture, effectively learns to predict changes in the friction coefficient resulting from velocity jumps (with and without noise in the target data), thereby showcasing the potential of machine learning models in understanding and simulating the physics of frictional processes.

replace-cross EUROPA: A Legal Multilingual Keyphrase Generation Dataset

Authors: Olivier Sala\"un, Fr\'ed\'eric Piedboeuf, Guillaume Le Berre, David Alfonso Hermelo, Philippe Langlais

Abstract: Keyphrase generation has primarily been explored within the context of academic research articles, with a particular focus on scientific domains and the English language. In this work, we present EUROPA, a dataset for multilingual keyphrase generation in the legal domain. It is derived from legal judgments from the Court of Justice of the European Union (EU), and contains instances in all 24 EU official languages. We run multilingual models on our corpus and analyze the results, showing room for improvement on a domain-specific multilingual corpus such as the one we present.

replace-cross Exponential Expressivity of ReLU$^k$ Neural Networks on Gevrey Classes with Point Singularities

Authors: Joost A. A. Opschoor, Christoph Schwab

Abstract: We analyze deep Neural Network emulation rates of smooth functions with point singularities in bounded, polytopal domains $\mathrm{D} \subset \mathbb{R}^d$, $d=2,3$. We prove exponential emulation rates in Sobolev spaces in terms of the number of neurons and in terms of the number of nonzero coefficients for Gevrey-regular solution classes defined in terms of weighted Sobolev scales in $\mathrm{D}$, comprising the countably-normed spaces of I.M. Babu\v{s}ka and B.Q. Guo. As intermediate result, we prove that continuous, piecewise polynomial high order (``$p$-version'') finite elements with elementwise polynomial degree $p\in\mathbb{N}$ on arbitrary, regular, simplicial partitions of polyhedral domains $\mathrm{D} \subset \mathbb{R}^d$, $d\geq 2$ can be exactly emulated by neural networks combining ReLU and ReLU$^2$ activations. On shape-regular, simplicial partitions of polytopal domains $\mathrm{D}$, both the number of neurons and the number of nonzero parameters are proportional to the number of degrees of freedom of the finite element space, in particular for the $hp$-Finite Element Method of I.M. Babu\v{s}ka and B.Q. Guo.

replace-cross NiNformer: A Network in Network Transformer with Token Mixing Generated Gating Function

Authors: Abdullah Nazhat Abdullah, Tarkan Aydin

Abstract: The attention mechanism is the main component of the transformer architecture, and since its introduction, it has led to significant advancements in deep learning that span many domains and multiple tasks. The attention mechanism was utilized in computer vision as the Vision Transformer ViT, and its usage has expanded into many tasks in the vision domain, such as classification, segmentation, object detection, and image generation. While this mechanism is very expressive and capable, it comes with the drawback of being computationally expensive and requiring datasets of considerable size for effective optimization. To address these shortcomings, many designs have been proposed in the literature to reduce the computational burden and alleviate the data size requirements. Examples of such attempts in the vision domain are the MLP-Mixer, the Conv-Mixer, the Perciver-IO, and many more. This paper introduces a new computational block as an alternative to the standard ViT block that reduces the compute burdens by replacing the normal attention layers with a Network in Network structure that enhances the static approach of the MLP-Mixer with a dynamic system of learning an element-wise gating function by a token mixing process. Extensive experimentation shows that the proposed design provides better performance than the baseline architectures on multiple datasets applied in the image classification task of the vision domain.

replace-cross VoiceCraft: Zero-Shot Speech Editing and Text-to-Speech in the Wild

Authors: Puyuan Peng, Po-Yao Huang, Shang-Wen Li, Abdelrahman Mohamed, David Harwath

Abstract: We introduce VoiceCraft, a token infilling neural codec language model, that achieves state-of-the-art performance on both speech editing and zero-shot text-to-speech (TTS) on audiobooks, internet videos, and podcasts. VoiceCraft employs a Transformer decoder architecture and introduces a token rearrangement procedure that combines causal masking and delayed stacking to enable generation within an existing sequence. On speech editing tasks, VoiceCraft produces edited speech that is nearly indistinguishable from unedited recordings in terms of naturalness, as evaluated by humans; for zero-shot TTS, our model outperforms prior SotA models including VALLE and the popular commercial model XTTS-v2. Crucially, the models are evaluated on challenging and realistic datasets, that consist of diverse accents, speaking styles, recording conditions, and background noise and music, and our model performs consistently well compared to other models and real recordings. In particular, for speech editing evaluation, we introduce a high quality, challenging, and realistic dataset named RealEdit. We encourage readers to listen to the demos at


replace-cross CausalChaos! Dataset for Comprehensive Causal Action Question Answering Over Longer Causal Chains Grounded in Dynamic Visual Scenes

Authors: Paritosh Parmar, Eric Peh, Ruirui Chen, Ting En Lam, Yuhan Chen, Elston Tan, Basura Fernando

Abstract: Causal video question answering (QA) has garnered increasing interest, yet existing datasets often lack depth in causal reasoning. To address this gap, we capitalize on the unique properties of cartoons and construct CausalChaos!, a novel, challenging causal Why-QA dataset built upon the iconic "Tom and Jerry" cartoon series. Cartoons use the principles of animation that allow animators to create expressive, unambiguous causal relationships between events to form a coherent storyline. Utilizing these properties, along with thought-provoking questions and multi-level answers (answer and detailed causal explanation), our questions involve causal chains that interconnect multiple dynamic interactions between characters and visual scenes. These factors demand models to solve more challenging, yet well-defined causal relationships. We also introduce hard incorrect answer mining, including a causally confusing version that is even more challenging. While models perform well, there is much room for improvement, especially, on open-ended answers. We identify more advanced/explicit causal relationship modeling & joint modeling of vision and language as the immediate areas for future efforts to focus upon. Along with the other complementary datasets, our new challenging dataset will pave the way for these developments in the field.

replace-cross Perturbing Attention Gives You More Bang for the Buck: Subtle Imaging Perturbations That Efficiently Fool Customized Diffusion Models

Authors: Jingyao Xu, Yuetong Lu, Yandong Li, Siyang Lu, Dongdong Wang, Xiang Wei

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) embark a new era of generative modeling and offer more opportunities for efficient generating high-quality and realistic data samples. However, their widespread use has also brought forth new challenges in model security, which motivates the creation of more effective adversarial attackers on DMs to understand its vulnerability. We propose CAAT, a simple but generic and efficient approach that does not require costly training to effectively fool latent diffusion models (LDMs). The approach is based on the observation that cross-attention layers exhibits higher sensitivity to gradient change, allowing for leveraging subtle perturbations on published images to significantly corrupt the generated images. We show that a subtle perturbation on an image can significantly impact the cross-attention layers, thus changing the mapping between text and image during the fine-tuning of customized diffusion models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CAAT is compatible with diverse diffusion models and outperforms baseline attack methods in a more effective (more noise) and efficient (twice as fast as Anti-DreamBooth and Mist) manner.

replace-cross Distilling Diffusion Models into Conditional GANs

Authors: Minguk Kang, Richard Zhang, Connelly Barnes, Sylvain Paris, Suha Kwak, Jaesik Park, Eli Shechtman, Jun-Yan Zhu, Taesung Park

Abstract: We propose a method to distill a complex multistep diffusion model into a single-step conditional GAN student model, dramatically accelerating inference, while preserving image quality. Our approach interprets diffusion distillation as a paired image-to-image translation task, using noise-to-image pairs of the diffusion model's ODE trajectory. For efficient regression loss computation, we propose E-LatentLPIPS, a perceptual loss operating directly in diffusion model's latent space, utilizing an ensemble of augmentations. Furthermore, we adapt a diffusion model to construct a multi-scale discriminator with a text alignment loss to build an effective conditional GAN-based formulation. E-LatentLPIPS converges more efficiently than many existing distillation methods, even accounting for dataset construction costs. We demonstrate that our one-step generator outperforms cutting-edge one-step diffusion distillation models -- DMD, SDXL-Turbo, and SDXL-Lightning -- on the zero-shot COCO benchmark.

replace-cross CinePile: A Long Video Question Answering Dataset and Benchmark

Authors: Ruchit Rawal, Khalid Saifullah, Ronen Basri, David Jacobs, Gowthami Somepalli, Tom Goldstein

Abstract: Current datasets for long-form video understanding often fall short of providing genuine long-form comprehension challenges, as many tasks derived from these datasets can be successfully tackled by analyzing just one or a few random frames from a video. To address this issue, we present a novel dataset and benchmark, CinePile, specifically designed for authentic long-form video understanding. This paper details our innovative approach for creating a question-answer dataset, utilizing advanced LLMs with human-in-the-loop and building upon human-generated raw data. Our comprehensive dataset comprises 305,000 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), covering various visual and multimodal aspects, including temporal comprehension, understanding human-object interactions, and reasoning about events or actions within a scene. Additionally, we evaluate recent video-centric LLMs, both open-source and proprietary, on the test split of our dataset. The findings reveal that even state-of-the-art video-centric LLMs significantly lag behind human performance in these tasks, highlighting the complexity and challenge inherent in video understanding. The dataset is available at


replace-cross Gemini & Physical World: Large Language Models Can Estimate the Intensity of Earthquake Shaking from Multi-Modal Social Media Posts

Authors: S. Mostafa Mousavi, Marc Stogaitis, Tajinder Gadh, Richard M Allen, Alexei Barski, Robert Bosch, Patrick Robertson, Nivetha Thiruverahan, Youngmin Cho, Aman Raj

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach to extract scientifically valuable information about Earth's physical phenomena from unconventional sources, such as multi-modal social media posts. Employing a state-of-the-art large language model (LLM), Gemini 1.5 Pro (Reid et al. 2024), we estimate earthquake ground shaking intensity from these unstructured posts. The model's output, in the form of Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) values, aligns well with independent observational data. Furthermore, our results suggest that LLMs, trained on vast internet data, may have developed a unique understanding of physical phenomena. Specifically, Google's Gemini models demonstrate a simplified understanding of the general relationship between earthquake magnitude, distance, and MMI intensity, accurately describing observational data even though it's not identical to established models. These findings raise intriguing questions about the extent to which Gemini's training has led to a broader understanding of the physical world and its phenomena. The ability of Generative AI models like Gemini to generate results consistent with established scientific knowledge highlights their potential to augment our understanding of complex physical phenomena like earthquakes. The flexible and effective approach proposed in this study holds immense potential for enriching our understanding of the impact of physical phenomena and improving resilience during natural disasters. This research is a significant step toward harnessing the power of social media and AI for natural disaster mitigation, opening new avenues for understanding the emerging capabilities of Generative AI and LLMs for scientific applications.

replace-cross Generalization Beyond Data Imbalance: A Controlled Study on CLIP for Transferable Insights

Authors: Xin Wen, Bingchen Zhao, Yilun Chen, Jiangmiao Pang, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract: Severe data imbalance naturally exists among web-scale vision-language datasets. Despite this, we find CLIP pre-trained thereupon exhibits notable robustness to the data imbalance compared to supervised learning, and demonstrates significant effectiveness in learning generalizable representations. With an aim to investigate the reasons behind this finding, we conduct controlled experiments to study various underlying factors, and reveal that CLIP's pretext task forms a dynamic classification problem wherein only a subset of classes is present in training. This isolates the bias from dominant classes and implicitly balances the learning signal. Furthermore, the robustness and discriminability of CLIP improve with more descriptive language supervision, larger data scale, and broader open-world concepts, which are inaccessible to supervised learning. Our study not only uncovers the mechanisms behind CLIP's generalizability beyond data imbalance but also provides transferable insights for the research community. The findings are validated in both supervised and self-supervised learning, enabling models trained on imbalanced data to achieve CLIP-level performance on diverse recognition tasks. Code and data are available at:


replace-cross Adaptive Teaching with Shared Classifier for Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Jaeyeon Jang, Young-Ik Kim, Jisu Lim, Hyeonseong Lee

Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) is a technique used to transfer knowledge from an overparameterized teacher network to a less-parameterized student network, thereby minimizing the incurred performance loss. KD methods can be categorized into offline and online approaches. Offline KD leverages a powerful pretrained teacher network, while online KD allows the teacher network to be adjusted dynamically to enhance the learning effectiveness of the student network. Recently, it has been discovered that sharing the classifier of the teacher network can significantly boost the performance of the student network with only a minimal increase in the number of network parameters. Building on these insights, we propose adaptive teaching with a shared classifier (ATSC). In ATSC, the pretrained teacher network self-adjusts to better align with the learning needs of the student network based on its capabilities, and the student network benefits from the shared classifier, enhancing its performance. Additionally, we extend ATSC to environments with multiple teachers. We conduct extensive experiments, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed KD method. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on the CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets in both single-teacher and multiteacher scenarios, with only a modest increase in the number of required model parameters. The source code is publicly available at


replace-cross Generative AI-based Prompt Evolution Engineering Design Optimization With Vision-Language Model

Authors: Melvin Wong, Thiago Rios, Stefan Menzel, Yew Soon Ong

Abstract: Engineering design optimization requires an efficient combination of a 3D shape representation, an optimization algorithm, and a design performance evaluation method, which is often computationally expensive. We present a prompt evolution design optimization (PEDO) framework contextualized in a vehicle design scenario that leverages a vision-language model for penalizing impractical car designs synthesized by a generative model. The backbone of our framework is an evolutionary strategy coupled with an optimization objective function that comprises a physics-based solver and a vision-language model for practical or functional guidance in the generated car designs. In the prompt evolutionary search, the optimizer iteratively generates a population of text prompts, which embed user specifications on the aerodynamic performance and visual preferences of the 3D car designs. Then, in addition to the computational fluid dynamics simulations, the pre-trained vision-language model is used to penalize impractical designs and, thus, foster the evolutionary algorithm to seek more viable designs. Our investigations on a car design optimization problem show a wide spread of potential car designs generated at the early phase of the search, which indicates a good diversity of designs in the initial populations, and an increase of over 20\% in the probability of generating practical designs compared to a baseline framework without using a vision-language model. Visual inspection of the designs against the performance results demonstrates prompt evolution as a very promising paradigm for finding novel designs with good optimization performance while providing ease of use in specifying design specifications and preferences via a natural language interface.

replace-cross Generative Inverse Design of Crystal Structures via Diffusion Models with Transformers

Authors: Izumi Takahara, Kiyou Shibata, Teruyasu Mizoguchi

Abstract: Recent advances in deep learning have enabled the generation of realistic data by training generative models on large datasets of text, images, and audio. While these models have demonstrated exceptional performance in generating novel and plausible data, it remains an open question whether they can effectively accelerate scientific discovery through the data generation and drive significant advancements across various scientific fields. In particular, the discovery of new inorganic materials with promising properties poses a critical challenge, both scientifically and for industrial applications. However, unlike textual or image data, materials, or more specifically crystal structures, consist of multiple types of variables - including lattice vectors, atom positions, and atomic species. This complexity in data give rise to a variety of approaches for representing and generating such data. Consequently, the design choices of generative models for crystal structures remain an open question. In this study, we explore a new type of diffusion model for the generative inverse design of crystal structures, with a backbone based on a Transformer architecture. We demonstrate our models are superior to previous methods in their versatility for generating crystal structures with desired properties. Furthermore, our empirical results suggest that the optimal conditioning methods vary depending on the dataset.

replace-cross 4M-21: An Any-to-Any Vision Model for Tens of Tasks and Modalities

Authors: Roman Bachmann, O\u{g}uzhan Fatih Kar, David Mizrahi, Ali Garjani, Mingfei Gao, David Griffiths, Jiaming Hu, Afshin Dehghan, Amir Zamir

Abstract: Current multimodal and multitask foundation models like 4M or UnifiedIO show promising results, but in practice their out-of-the-box abilities to accept diverse inputs and perform diverse tasks are limited by the (usually rather small) number of modalities and tasks they are trained on. In this paper, we expand upon the capabilities of them by training a single model on tens of highly diverse modalities and by performing co-training on large-scale multimodal datasets and text corpora. This includes training on several semantic and geometric modalities, feature maps from recent state of the art models like DINOv2 and ImageBind, pseudo labels of specialist models like SAM and 4DHumans, and a range of new modalities that allow for novel ways to interact with the model and steer the generation, for example image metadata or color palettes. A crucial step in this process is performing discrete tokenization on various modalities, whether they are image-like, neural network feature maps, vectors, structured data like instance segmentation or human poses, or data that can be represented as text. Through this, we expand on the out-of-the-box capabilities of multimodal models and specifically show the possibility of training one model to solve at least 3x more tasks/modalities than existing ones and doing so without a loss in performance. This enables more fine-grained and controllable multimodal generation capabilities and allows us to study the distillation of models trained on diverse data and objectives into a unified model. We successfully scale the training to a three billion parameter model using tens of modalities and different datasets. The resulting models and training code are open sourced at