new Development and Validation of a Machine Learning Algorithm for Clinical Wellness Visit Classification in Cats and Dogs

Authors: Donald Szlosek, Michael Coyne, Julia Riggot, Kevin Knight, DJ McCrann, Dave Kincaid

Abstract: Early disease detection in veterinary care relies on identifying subclinical abnormalities in asymptomatic animals during wellness visits. This study introduces an algorithm designed to distinguish between wellness and other veterinary visits.The purpose of this study is to validate the use of a visit classification algorithm compared to manual classification of veterinary visits by three board-certified veterinarians. Using a dataset of 11,105 clinical visits from 2012 to 2017 involving 655 animals (85.3% canines and 14.7% felines) across 544 U.S. veterinary establishments, the model was trained using a Gradient Boosting Machine model. Three validators were tasked with classifying 400 visits, including both wellness and other types of visits, selected randomly from the same database used for initial algorithm training, aiming to maintain consistency and relevance between the training and application phases; visit classifications were subsequently categorized into "wellness" or "other" based on majority consensus among validators to assess the algorithm's performance in identifying wellness visits. The algorithm demonstrated a specificity of 0.94 (95% CI: 0.91 to 0.96), implying its accuracy in distinguishing non-wellness visits. The algorithm had a sensitivity of 0.86 (95% CI: 0.80 to 0.92), indicating its ability to correctly identify wellness visits as compared to the annotations provided by veterinary experts. The balanced accuracy, calculated as 0.90 (95% CI: 0.87 to 0.93), further confirms the algorithm's overall effectiveness. The algorithm exhibits strong specificity and sensitivity, ensuring accurate identification of a high proportion of wellness visits. Overall, this algorithm holds promise for advancing research on preventive care's role in subclinical disease identification, but prospective studies are needed for validation.

new SigDiffusions: Score-Based Diffusion Models for Long Time Series via Log-Signature Embeddings

Authors: Barbora Barancikova, Zhuoyue Huang, Cristopher Salvi

Abstract: Score-based diffusion models have recently emerged as state-of-the-art generative models for a variety of data modalities. Nonetheless, it remains unclear how to adapt these models to generate long multivariate time series. Viewing a time series as the discretization of an underlying continuous process, we introduce SigDiffusion, a novel diffusion model operating on log-signature embeddings of the data. The forward and backward processes gradually perturb and denoise log-signatures preserving their algebraic structure. To recover a signal from its log-signature, we provide new closed-form inversion formulae expressing the coefficients obtained by expanding the signal in a given basis (e.g. Fourier or orthogonal polynomials) as explicit polynomial functions of the log-signature. Finally, we show that combining SigDiffusion with these inversion formulae results in highly realistic time series generation, competitive with the current state-of-the-art on various datasets of synthetic and real-world examples.

new Improving the Validity and Practical Usefulness of AI/ML Evaluations Using an Estimands Framework

Authors: Olivier Binette, Jerome P. Reiter

Abstract: Commonly, AI or machine learning (ML) models are evaluated on benchmark datasets. This practice supports innovative methodological research, but benchmark performance can be poorly correlated with performance in real-world applications -- a construct validity issue. To improve the validity and practical usefulness of evaluations, we propose using an estimands framework adapted from international clinical trials guidelines. This framework provides a systematic structure for inference and reporting in evaluations, emphasizing the importance of a well-defined estimation target. We illustrate our proposal on examples of commonly used evaluation methodologies - involving cross-validation, clustering evaluation, and LLM benchmarking - that can lead to incorrect rankings of competing models (rank reversals) with high probability, even when performance differences are large. We demonstrate how the estimands framework can help uncover underlying issues, their causes, and potential solutions. Ultimately, we believe this framework can improve the validity of evaluations through better-aligned inference, and help decision-makers and model users interpret reported results more effectively.

new Disentangled Hyperbolic Representation Learning for Heterogeneous Graphs

Authors: Qijie Bai, Changli Nie, Haiwei Zhang, Zhicheng Dou, Xiaojie Yuan

Abstract: Heterogeneous graphs have attracted a lot of research interests recently due to the success for representing complex real-world systems. However, existing methods have two pain points in embedding them into low-dimensional spaces: the mixing of structural and semantic information, and the distributional mismatch between data and embedding spaces. These two challenges require representation methods to consider the global and partial data distributions while unmixing the information. Therefore, in this paper, we propose $\text{Dis-H}^2\text{GCN}$, a Disentangled Hyperbolic Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network. On the one hand, we leverage the mutual information minimization and discrimination maximization constraints to disentangle the semantic features from comprehensively learned representations by independent message propagation for each edge type, away from the pure structural features. On the other hand, the entire model is constructed upon the hyperbolic geometry to narrow the gap between data distributions and representing spaces. We evaluate our proposed $\text{Dis-H}^2\text{GCN}$ on five real-world heterogeneous graph datasets across two downstream tasks: node classification and link prediction. The results demonstrate its superiority over state-of-the-art methods, showcasing the effectiveness of our method in disentangling and representing heterogeneous graph data in hyperbolic spaces.

new A Benchmark Suite for Systematically Evaluating Reasoning Shortcuts

Authors: Samuele Bortolotti, Emanuele Marconato, Tommaso Carraro, Paolo Morettin, Emile van Krieken, Antonio Vergari, Stefano Teso, Andrea Passerini

Abstract: The advent of powerful neural classifiers has increased interest in problems that require both learning and reasoning. These problems are critical for understanding important properties of models, such as trustworthiness, generalization, interpretability, and compliance to safety and structural constraints. However, recent research observed that tasks requiring both learning and reasoning on background knowledge often suffer from reasoning shortcuts (RSs): predictors can solve the downstream reasoning task without associating the correct concepts to the high-dimensional data. To address this issue, we introduce rsbench, a comprehensive benchmark suite designed to systematically evaluate the impact of RSs on models by providing easy access to highly customizable tasks affected by RSs. Furthermore, rsbench implements common metrics for evaluating concept quality and introduces novel formal verification procedures for assessing the presence of RSs in learning tasks. Using rsbench, we highlight that obtaining high quality concepts in both purely neural and neuro-symbolic models is a far-from-solved problem. rsbench is available at:


new Learning Flexible Time-windowed Granger Causality Integrating Heterogeneous Interventional Time Series Data

Authors: Ziyi Zhang, Shaogang Ren, Xiaoning Qian, Nick Duffield

Abstract: Granger causality, commonly used for inferring causal structures from time series data, has been adopted in widespread applications across various fields due to its intuitive explainability and high compatibility with emerging deep neural network prediction models. To alleviate challenges in better deciphering causal structures unambiguously from time series, the use of interventional data has become a practical approach. However, existing methods have yet to be explored in the context of imperfect interventions with unknown targets, which are more common and often more beneficial in a wide range of real-world applications. Additionally, the identifiability issues of Granger causality with unknown interventional targets in complex network models remain unsolved. Our work presents a theoretically-grounded method that infers Granger causal structure and identifies unknown targets by leveraging heterogeneous interventional time series data. We further illustrate that learning Granger causal structure and recovering interventional targets can mutually promote each other. Comparative experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms several robust baseline methods in learning Granger causal structure from interventional time series data.

new Multi-source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Graphs with Transferability Modeling

Authors: Tianxiang Zhao, Dongsheng Luo, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we tackle a new problem of \textit{multi-source unsupervised domain adaptation (MSUDA) for graphs}, where models trained on annotated source domains need to be transferred to the unsupervised target graph for node classification. Due to the discrepancy in distribution across domains, the key challenge is how to select good source instances and how to adapt the model. Diverse graph structures further complicate this problem, rendering previous MSUDA approaches less effective. In this work, we present the framework Selective Multi-source Adaptation for Graph ({\method}), with a graph-modeling-based domain selector, a sub-graph node selector, and a bi-level alignment objective for the adaptation. Concretely, to facilitate the identification of informative source data, the similarity across graphs is disentangled and measured with the transferability of a graph-modeling task set, and we use it as evidence for source domain selection. A node selector is further incorporated to capture the variation in transferability of nodes within the same source domain. To learn invariant features for adaptation, we align the target domain to selected source data both at the embedding space by minimizing the optimal transport distance and at the classification level by distilling the label function. Modules are explicitly learned to select informative source data and conduct the alignment in virtual training splits with a meta-learning strategy. Experimental results on five graph datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

new Towards Neural Scaling Laws for Foundation Models on Temporal Graphs

Authors: Razieh Shirzadkhani, Tran Gia Bao Ngo, Kiarash Shamsi, Shenyang Huang, Farimah Poursafaei, Poupak Azad, Reihaneh Rabbany, Baris Coskunuzer, Guillaume Rabusseau, Cuneyt Gurcan Akcora

Abstract: The field of temporal graph learning aims to learn from evolving network data to forecast future interactions. Given a collection of observed temporal graphs, is it possible to predict the evolution of an unseen network from the same domain? To answer this question, we first present the Temporal Graph Scaling (TGS) dataset, a large collection of temporal graphs consisting of eighty-four ERC20 token transaction networks collected from 2017 to 2023. Next, we evaluate the transferability of Temporal Graph Neural Networks (TGNNs) for the temporal graph property prediction task by pre-training on a collection of up to sixty-four token transaction networks and then evaluating the downstream performance on twenty unseen token networks. We find that the neural scaling law observed in NLP and Computer Vision also applies in temporal graph learning, where pre-training on greater number of networks leads to improved downstream performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical demonstration of the transferability of temporal graphs learning. On downstream token networks, the largest pre-trained model outperforms single model TGNNs on thirteen unseen test networks. Therefore, we believe that this is a promising first step towards building foundation models for temporal graphs.

new Adaptive Randomized Smoothing: Certifying Multi-Step Defences against Adversarial Examples

Authors: Saiyue Lyu, Shadab Shaikh, Frederick Shpilevskiy, Evan Shelhamer, Mathias L\'ecuyer

Abstract: We propose Adaptive Randomized Smoothing (ARS) to certify the predictions of our test-time adaptive models against adversarial examples. ARS extends the analysis of randomized smoothing using f-Differential Privacy to certify the adaptive composition of multiple steps. For the first time, our theory covers the sound adaptive composition of general and high-dimensional functions of noisy input. We instantiate ARS on deep image classification to certify predictions against adversarial examples of bounded $L_{\infty}$ norm. In the $L_{\infty}$ threat model, our flexibility enables adaptation through high-dimensional input-dependent masking. We design adaptivity benchmarks, based on CIFAR-10 and CelebA, and show that ARS improves accuracy by $2$ to $5\%$ points. On ImageNet, ARS improves accuracy by $1$ to $3\%$ points over standard RS without adaptivity.

new Optimal Reward Labeling: Bridging Offline Preference and Reward-Based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yinglun Xu, David Zhu, Rohan Gumastate, Gagandeep Singh

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning has become one of the most practical RL settings. A recent success story has been RLHF, offline preference-based RL (PBRL) with preference from humans. However, most existing works on offline RL focus on the standard setting with scalar reward feedback. It remains unknown how to universally transfer the existing rich understanding of offline RL from the reward-based to the preference-based setting. In this work, we propose a general framework to bridge this gap. Our key insight is transforming preference feedback to scalar rewards via optimal reward labeling (ORL), and then any reward-based offline RL algorithms can be applied to the dataset with the reward labels. We theoretically show the connection between several recent PBRL techniques and our framework combined with specific offline RL algorithms in terms of how they utilize the preference signals. By combining reward labeling with different algorithms, our framework can lead to new and potentially more efficient offline PBRL algorithms. We empirically test our framework on preference datasets based on the standard D4RL benchmark. When combined with a variety of efficient reward-based offline RL algorithms, the learning result achieved under our framework is comparable to training the same algorithm on the dataset with actual rewards in many cases and better than the recent PBRL baselines in most cases.

new Learning Temporal Logic Predicates from Data with Statistical Guarantees

Authors: Emi Soroka, Rohan Sinha, Sanjay Lall

Abstract: Temporal logic rules are often used in control and robotics to provide structured, human-interpretable descriptions of high-dimensional trajectory data. These rules have numerous applications including safety validation using formal methods, constraining motion planning among autonomous agents, and classifying data. However, existing methods for learning temporal logic predicates from data provide no assurances about the correctness of the resulting predicate. We present a novel method to learn temporal logic predicates from data with finite-sample correctness guarantees. Our approach leverages expression optimization and conformal prediction to learn predicates that correctly describe future trajectories under mild assumptions with a user-defined confidence level. We provide experimental results showing the performance of our approach on a simulated trajectory dataset and perform ablation studies to understand how each component of our algorithm contributes to its performance.

new DCDILP: a distributed learning method for large-scale causal structure learning

Authors: Shuyu Dong, Mich\`ele Sebag, Kento Uemura, Akito Fujii, Shuang Chang, Yusuke Koyanagi, Koji Maruhashi

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach to causal discovery through a divide-and-conquer framework. By decomposing the problem into smaller subproblems defined on Markov blankets, the proposed DCDILP method first explores in parallel the local causal graphs of these subproblems. However, this local discovery phase encounters systematic challenges due to the presence of hidden confounders (variables within each Markov blanket may be influenced by external variables). Moreover, aggregating these local causal graphs in a consistent global graph defines a large size combinatorial optimization problem. DCDILP addresses these challenges by: i) restricting the local subgraphs to causal links only related with the central variable of the Markov blanket; ii) formulating the reconciliation of local causal graphs as an integer linear programming method. The merits of the approach, in both terms of causal discovery accuracy and scalability in the size of the problem, are showcased by experiments and comparisons with the state of the art.

new A Label is Worth a Thousand Images in Dataset Distillation

Authors: Tian Qin, Zhiwei Deng, David Alvarez-Melis

Abstract: Data $\textit{quality}$ is a crucial factor in the performance of machine learning models, a principle that dataset distillation methods exploit by compressing training datasets into much smaller counterparts that maintain similar downstream performance. Understanding how and why data distillation methods work is vital not only for improving these methods but also for revealing fundamental characteristics of "good" training data. However, a major challenge in achieving this goal is the observation that distillation approaches, which rely on sophisticated but mostly disparate methods to generate synthetic data, have little in common with each other. In this work, we highlight a largely overlooked aspect common to most of these methods: the use of soft (probabilistic) labels. Through a series of ablation experiments, we study the role of soft labels in depth. Our results reveal that the main factor explaining the performance of state-of-the-art distillation methods is not the specific techniques used to generate synthetic data but rather the use of soft labels. Furthermore, we demonstrate that not all soft labels are created equal; they must contain $\textit{structured information}$ to be beneficial. We also provide empirical scaling laws that characterize the effectiveness of soft labels as a function of images-per-class in the distilled dataset and establish an empirical Pareto frontier for data-efficient learning. Combined, our findings challenge conventional wisdom in dataset distillation, underscore the importance of soft labels in learning, and suggest new directions for improving distillation methods. Code for all experiments is available at


new A Unified Graph Selective Prompt Learning for Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Bo Jiang, Hao Wu, Ziyan Zhang, Beibei Wang, Jin Tang

Abstract: In recent years, graph prompt learning/tuning has garnered increasing attention in adapting pre-trained models for graph representation learning. As a kind of universal graph prompt learning method, Graph Prompt Feature (GPF) has achieved remarkable success in adapting pre-trained models for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). By fixing the parameters of a pre-trained GNN model, the aim of GPF is to modify the input graph data by adding some (learnable) prompt vectors into graph node features to better align with the downstream tasks on the smaller dataset. However, existing GPFs generally suffer from two main limitations. First, GPFs generally focus on node prompt learning which ignore the prompting for graph edges. Second, existing GPFs generally conduct the prompt learning on all nodes equally which fails to capture the importances of different nodes and may perform sensitively w.r.t noisy nodes in aligning with the downstream tasks. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a new unified Graph Selective Prompt Feature learning (GSPF) for GNN fine-tuning. The proposed GSPF integrates the prompt learning on both graph node and edge together, which thus provides a unified prompt model for the graph data. Moreover, it conducts prompt learning selectively on nodes and edges by concentrating on the important nodes and edges for prompting which thus make our model be more reliable and compact. Experimental results on many benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed GSPF method.

new Geodesic Distance Between Graphs: A Spectral Metric for Assessing the Stability of Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Soumen Sikder Shuvo, Ali Aghdaei, Zhuo Feng

Abstract: This paper presents a spectral framework for assessing the generalization and stability of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) by introducing a Graph Geodesic Distance (GGD) metric. For two different graphs with the same number of nodes, our framework leverages a spectral graph matching procedure to find node correspondence so that the geodesic distance between them can be subsequently computed by solving a generalized eigenvalue problem associated with their Laplacian matrices. For graphs with different sizes, a resistance-based spectral graph coarsening scheme is introduced to reduce the size of the bigger graph while preserving the original spectral properties. We show that the proposed GGD metric can effectively quantify dissimilarities between two graphs by encapsulating their differences in key structural (spectral) properties, such as effective resistances between nodes, cuts, the mixing time of random walks, etc. Through extensive experiments comparing with the state-of-the-art metrics, such as the latest Tree-Mover's Distance (TMD) metric, the proposed GGD metric shows significantly improved performance for stability evaluation of GNNs especially when only partial node features are available.

new Candidate Pseudolabel Learning: Enhancing Vision-Language Models by Prompt Tuning with Unlabeled Data

Authors: Jiahan Zhang, Qi Wei, Feng Liu, Lei Feng

Abstract: Fine-tuning vision-language models (VLMs) with abundant unlabeled data recently has attracted increasing attention. Existing methods that resort to the pseudolabeling strategy would suffer from heavily incorrect hard pseudolabels when VLMs exhibit low zero-shot performance in downstream tasks. To alleviate this issue, we propose a Candidate Pseudolabel Learning method, termed CPL, to fine-tune VLMs with suitable candidate pseudolabels of unlabeled data in downstream tasks. The core of our method lies in the generation strategy of candidate pseudolabels, which progressively generates refined candidate pseudolabels by both intra- and inter-instance label selection, based on a confidence score matrix for all unlabeled data. This strategy can result in better performance in true label inclusion and class-balanced instance selection. In this way, we can directly apply existing loss functions to learn with generated candidate psueudolabels. Extensive experiments on nine benchmark datasets with three learning paradigms demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our code can be found at


new Lift Your Molecules: Molecular Graph Generation in Latent Euclidean Space

Authors: Mohamed Amine Ketata, Nicholas Gao, Johanna Sommer, Tom Wollschl\"ager, Stephan G\"unnemann

Abstract: We introduce a new framework for molecular graph generation with 3D molecular generative models. Our Synthetic Coordinate Embedding (SyCo) framework maps molecular graphs to Euclidean point clouds via synthetic conformer coordinates and learns the inverse map using an E(n)-Equivariant Graph Neural Network (EGNN). The induced point cloud-structured latent space is well-suited to apply existing 3D molecular generative models. This approach simplifies the graph generation problem - without relying on molecular fragments nor autoregressive decoding - into a point cloud generation problem followed by node and edge classification tasks. Further, we propose a novel similarity-constrained optimization scheme for 3D diffusion models based on inpainting and guidance. As a concrete implementation of our framework, we develop EDM-SyCo based on the E(3) Equivariant Diffusion Model (EDM). EDM-SyCo achieves state-of-the-art performance in distribution learning of molecular graphs, outperforming the best non-autoregressive methods by more than 30% on ZINC250K and 16% on the large-scale GuacaMol dataset while improving conditional generation by up to 3.9 times.

new MALLM-GAN: Multi-Agent Large Language Model as Generative Adversarial Network for Synthesizing Tabular Data

Authors: Yaobin Ling, Xiaoqian Jiang, Yejin Kim

Abstract: In the era of big data, access to abundant data is crucial for driving research forward. However, such data is often inaccessible due to privacy concerns or high costs, particularly in healthcare domain. Generating synthetic (tabular) data can address this, but existing models typically require substantial amounts of data to train effectively, contradicting our objective to solve data scarcity. To address this challenge, we propose a novel framework to generate synthetic tabular data, powered by large language models (LLMs) that emulates the architecture of a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). By incorporating data generation process as contextual information and utilizing LLM as the optimizer, our approach significantly enhance the quality of synthetic data generation in common scenarios with small sample sizes. Our experimental results on public and private datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms several state-of-art models regarding generating higher quality synthetic data for downstream tasks while keeping privacy of the real data.

new Humor in AI: Massive Scale Crowd-Sourced Preferences and Benchmarks for Cartoon Captioning

Authors: Jifan Zhang, Lalit Jain, Yang Guo, Jiayi Chen, Kuan Lok Zhou, Siddharth Suresh, Andrew Wagenmaker, Scott Sievert, Timothy Rogers, Kevin Jamieson, Robert Mankoff, Robert Nowak

Abstract: We present a novel multimodal preference dataset for creative tasks, consisting of over 250 million human ratings on more than 2.2 million captions, collected through crowdsourcing rating data for The New Yorker's weekly cartoon caption contest over the past eight years. This unique dataset supports the development and evaluation of multimodal large language models and preference-based fine-tuning algorithms for humorous caption generation. We propose novel benchmarks for judging the quality of model-generated captions, utilizing both GPT4 and human judgments to establish ranking-based evaluation strategies. Our experimental results highlight the limitations of current fine-tuning methods, such as RLHF and DPO, when applied to creative tasks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that even state-of-the-art models like GPT4 and Claude currently underperform top human contestants in generating humorous captions. As we conclude this extensive data collection effort, we release the entire preference dataset to the research community, fostering further advancements in AI humor generation and evaluation.

new Memory Faults in Activation-sparse Quantized Deep Neural Networks: Analysis and Mitigation using Sharpness-aware Training

Authors: Akul Malhotra, Sumeet Kumar Gupta

Abstract: Improving the hardware efficiency of deep neural network (DNN) accelerators with techniques such as quantization and sparsity enhancement have shown an immense promise. However, their inference accuracy in non-ideal real-world settings (such as in the presence of hardware faults) is yet to be systematically analyzed. In this work, we investigate the impact of memory faults on activation-sparse quantized DNNs (AS QDNNs). We show that a high level of activation sparsity comes at the cost of larger vulnerability to faults, with AS QDNNs exhibiting up to 11.13% lower accuracy than the standard QDNNs. We establish that the degraded accuracy correlates with a sharper minima in the loss landscape for AS QDNNs, which makes them more sensitive to perturbations in the weight values due to faults. Based on this observation, we employ sharpness-aware quantization (SAQ) training to mitigate the impact of memory faults. The AS and standard QDNNs trained with SAQ have up to 19.50% and 15.82% higher inference accuracy, respectively compared to their conventionally trained equivalents. Moreover, we show that SAQ-trained AS QDNNs show higher accuracy in faulty settings than standard QDNNs trained conventionally. Thus, sharpness-aware training can be instrumental in achieving sparsity-related latency benefits without compromising on fault tolerance.

new A Theory of Interpretable Approximations

Authors: Marco Bressan, Nicol\`o Cesa-Bianchi, Emmanuel Esposito, Yishay Mansour, Shay Moran, Maximilian Thiessen

Abstract: Can a deep neural network be approximated by a small decision tree based on simple features? This question and its variants are behind the growing demand for machine learning models that are *interpretable* by humans. In this work we study such questions by introducing *interpretable approximations*, a notion that captures the idea of approximating a target concept $c$ by a small aggregation of concepts from some base class $\mathcal{H}$. In particular, we consider the approximation of a binary concept $c$ by decision trees based on a simple class $\mathcal{H}$ (e.g., of bounded VC dimension), and use the tree depth as a measure of complexity. Our primary contribution is the following remarkable trichotomy. For any given pair of $\mathcal{H}$ and $c$, exactly one of these cases holds: (i) $c$ cannot be approximated by $\mathcal{H}$ with arbitrary accuracy; (ii) $c$ can be approximated by $\mathcal{H}$ with arbitrary accuracy, but there exists no universal rate that bounds the complexity of the approximations as a function of the accuracy; or (iii) there exists a constant $\kappa$ that depends only on $\mathcal{H}$ and $c$ such that, for *any* data distribution and *any* desired accuracy level, $c$ can be approximated by $\mathcal{H}$ with a complexity not exceeding $\kappa$. This taxonomy stands in stark contrast to the landscape of supervised classification, which offers a complex array of distribution-free and universally learnable scenarios. We show that, in the case of interpretable approximations, even a slightly nontrivial a-priori guarantee on the complexity of approximations implies approximations with constant (distribution-free and accuracy-free) complexity. We extend our trichotomy to classes $\mathcal{H}$ of unbounded VC dimension and give characterizations of interpretability based on the algebra generated by $\mathcal{H}$.

new A Finite Difference Informed Graph Network for Solving Steady-State Incompressible Flows on Block-Structured Grids

Authors: Yiye Zou, Tianyu Li, Shufan Zou, Jingyu Wang, Laiping Zhang, Xiaogang Deng

Abstract: Recently, advancements in deep learning have enabled physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to solve partial differential equations (PDEs). Numerical differentiation (ND) using the finite difference (FD) method is efficient in physics-constrained designs, even in parameterized settings, often employing body-fitted block-structured grids for complex flow cases. However, convolution operators in CNNs for finite differences are typically limited to single-block grids. To address this, we use graphs and graph networks (GNs) to learn flow representations across multi-block structured grids. We propose a graph convolution-based finite difference method (GC-FDM) to train GNs in a physics-constrained manner, enabling differentiable finite difference operations on graph unstructured outputs. Our goal is to solve parametric steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for flows around a backward-facing step, a circular cylinder, and double cylinders, using multi-block structured grids. Comparing our method to a CFD solver under various boundary conditions, we demonstrate improved training efficiency and accuracy, achieving a minimum relative error of $10^{-3}$ in velocity field prediction and a 20\% reduction in training cost compared to PINNs.

new Scalable Differentiable Causal Discovery in the Presence of Latent Confounders with Skeleton Posterior (Extended Version)

Authors: Pingchuan Ma, Rui Ding, Qiang Fu, Jiaru Zhang, Shuai Wang, Shi Han, Dongmei Zhang

Abstract: Differentiable causal discovery has made significant advancements in the learning of directed acyclic graphs. However, its application to real-world datasets remains restricted due to the ubiquity of latent confounders and the requirement to learn maximal ancestral graphs (MAGs). To date, existing differentiable MAG learning algorithms have been limited to small datasets and failed to scale to larger ones (e.g., with more than 50 variables). The key insight in this paper is that the causal skeleton, which is the undirected version of the causal graph, has potential for improving accuracy and reducing the search space of the optimization procedure, thereby enhancing the performance of differentiable causal discovery. Therefore, we seek to address a two-fold challenge to harness the potential of the causal skeleton for differentiable causal discovery in the presence of latent confounders: (1) scalable and accurate estimation of skeleton and (2) universal integration of skeleton estimation with differentiable causal discovery. To this end, we propose SPOT (Skeleton Posterior-guided OpTimization), a two-phase framework that harnesses skeleton posterior for differentiable causal discovery in the presence of latent confounders. On the contrary to a ``point-estimation'', SPOT seeks to estimate the posterior distribution of skeletons given the dataset. It first formulates the posterior inference as an instance of amortized inference problem and concretizes it with a supervised causal learning (SCL)-enabled solution to estimate the skeleton posterior. To incorporate the skeleton posterior with differentiable causal discovery, SPOT then features a skeleton posterior-guided stochastic optimization procedure to guide the optimization of MAGs. [abridged due to length limit]

new Large Reasoning Models for 3D Floorplanning in EDA: Learning from Imperfections

Authors: Fin Amin, Nirjhor Rouf, Tse-Han Pan, Md Kamal Ibn Shafi, Paul D. Franzon

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce Dreamweaver, which belongs to a new class of auto-regressive decision-making models known as large reasoning models (LRMs). Dreamweaver is designed to improve 3D floorplanning in electronic design automation (EDA) via an architecture that melds advancements in sequence-to-sequence reinforcement learning algorithms. A significant advantage of our approach is its ability to effectively reason over large discrete action spaces, which is essential for handling the numerous potential positions for various functional blocks in floorplanning. Additionally, Dreamweaver demonstrates strong performance even when trained on entirely random trajectories, showcasing its capacity to leverage sub-optimal or non-expert trajectories to enhance its results. This innovative approach contributes to streamlining the integrated circuit (IC) design flow and reducing the high computational costs typically associated with floorplanning. We evaluate its performance against a current state-of-the-art method, highlighting notable improvements.

new Grad-Instructor: Universal Backpropagation with Explainable Evaluation Neural Networks for Meta-learning and AutoML

Authors: Ryohei Ino

Abstract: This paper presents a novel method for autonomously enhancing deep neural network training. My approach employs an Evaluation Neural Network (ENN) trained via deep reinforcement learning to predict the performance of the target network. The ENN then works as an additional evaluation function during backpropagation. Computational experiments with Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) demonstrate the method's effectiveness. By processing input data at 0.15^2 times its original resolution, the ENNs facilitated efficient inference. Results indicate that MLPs trained with the proposed method achieved a mean test accuracy of 93.02%, which is 2.8% higher than those trained solely with conventional backpropagation or with L1 regularization. The proposed method's test accuracy is comparable to networks initialized with He initialization while reducing the difference between test and training errors. These improvements are achieved without increasing the number of epochs, thus avoiding the risk of overfitting. Additionally, the proposed method dynamically adjusts gradient magnitudes according to the training stage. The optimal ENN for enhancing MLPs can be predicted, reducing the time spent exploring optimal training methodologies. The explainability of ENNs is also analyzed using Grad-CAM, demonstrating their ability to visualize evaluation bases and supporting the Strong Lottery Ticket hypothesis.

new Privacy-Preserving Heterogeneous Federated Learning for Sensitive Healthcare Data

Authors: Yukai Xu, Jingfeng Zhang, Yujie Gu

Abstract: In the realm of healthcare where decentralized facilities are prevalent, machine learning faces two major challenges concerning the protection of data and models. The data-level challenge concerns the data privacy leakage when centralizing data with sensitive personal information. While the model-level challenge arises from the heterogeneity of local models, which need to be collaboratively trained while ensuring their confidentiality to address intellectual property concerns. To tackle these challenges, we propose a new framework termed Abstention-Aware Federated Voting (AAFV) that can collaboratively and confidentially train heterogeneous local models while simultaneously protecting the data privacy. This is achieved by integrating a novel abstention-aware voting mechanism and a differential privacy mechanism onto local models' predictions. In particular, the proposed abstention-aware voting mechanism exploits a threshold-based abstention method to select high-confidence votes from heterogeneous local models, which not only enhances the learning utility but also protects model confidentiality. Furthermore, we implement AAFV on two practical prediction tasks of diabetes and in-hospital patient mortality. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and confidentiality of AAFV in testing accuracy and privacy protection.

new MDA: An Interpretable Multi-Modal Fusion with Missing Modalities and Intrinsic Noise

Authors: Lin Fan, Yafei Ou, Cenyang Zheng, Pengyu Dai, Tamotsu Kamishima, Masayuki Ikebe, Kenji Suzuki, Xun Gong

Abstract: Multi-modal fusion is crucial in medical data research, enabling a comprehensive understanding of diseases and improving diagnostic performance by combining diverse modalities. However, multi-modal fusion faces challenges, including capturing interactions between modalities, addressing missing modalities, handling erroneous modal information, and ensuring interpretability. Many existing researchers tend to design different solutions for these problems, often overlooking the commonalities among them. This paper proposes a novel multi-modal fusion framework that achieves adaptive adjustment over the weights of each modality by introducing the Modal-Domain Attention (MDA). It aims to facilitate the fusion of multi-modal information while allowing for the inclusion of missing modalities or intrinsic noise, thereby enhancing the representation of multi-modal data. We provide visualizations of accuracy changes and MDA weights by observing the process of modal fusion, offering a comprehensive analysis of its interpretability. Extensive experiments on various gastrointestinal disease benchmarks, the proposed MDA maintains high accuracy even in the presence of missing modalities and intrinsic noise. One thing worth mentioning is that the visualization of MDA is highly consistent with the conclusions of existing clinical studies on the dependence of different diseases on various modalities. Code and dataset will be made available.

new Graph Neural Backdoor: Fundamentals, Methodologies, Applications, and Future Directions

Authors: Xiao Yang, Gaolei Li, Jianhua Li

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have significantly advanced various downstream graph-relevant tasks, encompassing recommender systems, molecular structure prediction, social media analysis, etc. Despite the boosts of GNN, recent research has empirically demonstrated its potential vulnerability to backdoor attacks, wherein adversaries employ triggers to poison input samples, inducing GNN to adversary-premeditated malicious outputs. This is typically due to the controlled training process, or the deployment of untrusted models, such as delegating model training to third-party service, leveraging external training sets, and employing pre-trained models from online sources. Although there's an ongoing increase in research on GNN backdoors, comprehensive investigation into this field is lacking. To bridge this gap, we propose the first survey dedicated to GNN backdoors. We begin by outlining the fundamental definition of GNN, followed by the detailed summarization and categorization of current GNN backdoor attacks and defenses based on their technical characteristics and application scenarios. Subsequently, the analysis of the applicability and use cases of GNN backdoors is undertaken. Finally, the exploration of potential research directions of GNN backdoors is presented. This survey aims to explore the principles of graph backdoors, provide insights to defenders, and promote future security research.

new Optimization-based Structural Pruning for Large Language Models without Back-Propagation

Authors: Yuan Gao, Zujing Liu, Weizhong Zhang, Bo Du, Gui-Song Xia

Abstract: Compared to the moderate size of neural network models, structural weight pruning on the Large-Language Models (LLMs) imposes a novel challenge on the efficiency of the pruning algorithms, due to the heavy computation/memory demands of the LLMs. Recent efficient LLM pruning methods typically operate at the post-training phase without the expensive weight finetuning, however, their pruning criteria often rely on heuristically designed metrics, potentially leading to suboptimal performance. We instead propose a novel optimization-based structural pruning that learns the pruning masks in a probabilistic space directly by optimizing the loss of the pruned model. To preserve the efficiency, our method 1) works at post-training phase} and 2) eliminates the back-propagation through the LLM per se during the optimization (i.e., only requires the forward pass of the LLM). We achieve this by learning an underlying Bernoulli distribution to sample binary pruning masks, where we decouple the Bernoulli parameters from the LLM loss, thus facilitating an efficient optimization via a policy gradient estimator without back-propagation. As a result, our method is able to 1) operate at structural granularities of channels, heads, and layers, 2) support global and heterogeneous pruning (i.e., our method automatically determines different redundancy for different layers), and 3) optionally use a metric-based method as initialization (of our Bernoulli distributions). Extensive experiments on LLaMA, LLaMA-2, and Vicuna using the C4 and WikiText2 datasets demonstrate that our method operates for 2.7 hours with around 35GB memory for the 13B models on a single A100 GPU, and our pruned models outperform the state-of-the-arts w.r.t. perplexity. Codes will be released.

new Last-iterate Convergence Separation between Extra-gradient and Optimism in Constrained Periodic Games

Authors: Yi Feng, Ping Li, Ioannis Panageas, Xiao Wang

Abstract: Last-iterate behaviors of learning algorithms in repeated two-player zero-sum games have been extensively studied due to their wide applications in machine learning and related tasks. Typical algorithms that exhibit the last-iterate convergence property include optimistic and extra-gradient methods. However, most existing results establish these properties under the assumption that the game is time-independent. Recently, (Feng et al, 2023) studied the last-iterate behaviors of optimistic and extra-gradient methods in games with a time-varying payoff matrix, and proved that in an unconstrained periodic game, extra-gradient method converges to the equilibrium while optimistic method diverges. This finding challenges the conventional wisdom that these two methods are expected to behave similarly as they do in time-independent games. However, compared to unconstrained games, games with constrains are more common both in practical and theoretical studies. In this paper, we investigate the last-iterate behaviors of optimistic and extra-gradient methods in the constrained periodic games, demonstrating that similar separation results for last-iterate convergence also hold in this setting.

new HiFGL: A Hierarchical Framework for Cross-silo Cross-device Federated Graph Learning

Authors: Zhuoning Guo, Duanyi Yao, Qiang Yang, Hao Liu

Abstract: Federated Graph Learning (FGL) has emerged as a promising way to learn high-quality representations from distributed graph data with privacy preservation. Despite considerable efforts have been made for FGL under either cross-device or cross-silo paradigm, how to effectively capture graph knowledge in a more complicated cross-silo cross-device environment remains an under-explored problem. However, this task is challenging because of the inherent hierarchy and heterogeneity of decentralized clients, diversified privacy constraints in different clients, and the cross-client graph integrity requirement. To this end, in this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Federated Graph Learning (HiFGL) framework for cross-silo cross-device FGL. Specifically, we devise a unified hierarchical architecture to safeguard federated GNN training on heterogeneous clients while ensuring graph integrity. Moreover, we propose a Secret Message Passing (SecMP) scheme to shield unauthorized access to subgraph-level and node-level sensitive information simultaneously. Theoretical analysis proves that HiFGL achieves multi-level privacy preservation with complexity guarantees. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets validate the superiority of the proposed framework against several baselines. Furthermore, HiFGL's versatile nature allows for its application in either solely cross-silo or cross-device settings, further broadening its utility in real-world FGL applications.

new UniZero: Generalized and Efficient Planning with Scalable Latent World Models

Authors: Yuan Pu, Yazhe Niu, Jiyuan Ren, Zhenjie Yang, Hongsheng Li, Yu Liu

Abstract: Learning predictive world models is essential for enhancing the planning capabilities of reinforcement learning agents. Notably, the MuZero-style algorithms, based on the value equivalence principle and Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), have achieved superhuman performance in various domains. However, in environments that require capturing long-term dependencies, MuZero's performance deteriorates rapidly. We identify that this is partially due to the \textit{entanglement} of latent representations with historical information, which results in incompatibility with the auxiliary self-supervised state regularization. To overcome this limitation, we present \textit{UniZero}, a novel approach that \textit{disentangles} latent states from implicit latent history using a transformer-based latent world model. By concurrently predicting latent dynamics and decision-oriented quantities conditioned on the learned latent history, UniZero enables joint optimization of the long-horizon world model and policy, facilitating broader and more efficient planning in latent space. We demonstrate that UniZero, even with single-frame inputs, matches or surpasses the performance of MuZero-style algorithms on the Atari 100k benchmark. Furthermore, it significantly outperforms prior baselines in benchmarks that require long-term memory. Lastly, we validate the effectiveness and scalability of our design choices through extensive ablation studies, visual analyses, and multi-task learning results. The code is available at \textcolor{magenta}{}.


new CoLoR-Filter: Conditional Loss Reduction Filtering for Targeted Language Model Pre-training

Authors: David Brandfonbrener, Hanlin Zhang, Andreas Kirsch, Jonathan Richard Schwarz, Sham Kakade

Abstract: Selecting high-quality data for pre-training is crucial in shaping the downstream task performance of language models. A major challenge lies in identifying this optimal subset, a problem generally considered intractable, thus necessitating scalable and effective heuristics. In this work, we propose a data selection method, CoLoR-Filter (Conditional Loss Reduction Filtering), which leverages an empirical Bayes-inspired approach to derive a simple and computationally efficient selection criterion based on the relative loss values of two auxiliary models. In addition to the modeling rationale, we evaluate CoLoR-Filter empirically on two language modeling tasks: (1) selecting data from C4 for domain adaptation to evaluation on Books and (2) selecting data from C4 for a suite of downstream multiple-choice question answering tasks. We demonstrate favorable scaling both as we subselect more aggressively and using small auxiliary models to select data for large target models. As one headline result, CoLoR-Filter data selected using a pair of 150m parameter auxiliary models can train a 1.2b parameter target model to match a 1.2b parameter model trained on 25b randomly selected tokens with 25x less data for Books and 11x less data for the downstream tasks. Code: Filtered data:


new Scale Equivariant Graph Metanetworks

Authors: Ioannis Kalogeropoulos, Giorgos Bouritsas, Yannis Panagakis

Abstract: This paper pertains to an emerging machine learning paradigm: learning higher-order functions, i.e. functions whose inputs are functions themselves, $\textit{particularly when these inputs are Neural Networks (NNs)}$. With the growing interest in architectures that process NNs, a recurring design principle has permeated the field: adhering to the permutation symmetries arising from the connectionist structure of NNs. $\textit{However, are these the sole symmetries present in NN parameterizations}$? Zooming into most practical activation functions (e.g. sine, ReLU, tanh) answers this question negatively and gives rise to intriguing new symmetries, which we collectively refer to as $\textit{scaling symmetries}$, that is, non-zero scalar multiplications and divisions of weights and biases. In this work, we propose $\textit{Scale Equivariant Graph MetaNetworks - ScaleGMNs}$, a framework that adapts the Graph Metanetwork (message-passing) paradigm by incorporating scaling symmetries and thus rendering neuron and edge representations equivariant to valid scalings. We introduce novel building blocks, of independent technical interest, that allow for equivariance or invariance with respect to individual scalar multipliers or their product and use them in all components of ScaleGMN. Furthermore, we prove that, under certain expressivity conditions, ScaleGMN can simulate the forward and backward pass of any input feedforward neural network. Experimental results demonstrate that our method advances the state-of-the-art performance for several datasets and activation functions, highlighting the power of scaling symmetries as an inductive bias for NN processing.

new Graph Neural Thompson Sampling

Authors: Shuang Wu, Arash A. Amini

Abstract: We consider an online decision-making problem with a reward function defined over graph-structured data. We formally formulate the problem as an instance of graph action bandit. We then propose \texttt{GNN-TS}, a Graph Neural Network (GNN) powered Thompson Sampling (TS) algorithm which employs a GNN approximator for estimating the mean reward function and the graph neural tangent features for uncertainty estimation. We prove that, under certain boundness assumptions on the reward function, GNN-TS achieves a state-of-the-art regret bound which is (1) sub-linear of order $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}((\tilde{d} T)^{1/2})$ in the number of interaction rounds, $T$, and a notion of effective dimension $\tilde{d}$, and (2) independent of the number of graph nodes. Empirical results validate that our proposed \texttt{GNN-TS} exhibits competitive performance and scales well on graph action bandit problems.

new Stacking for Probabilistic Short-term Load Forecasting

Authors: Grzegorz Dudek

Abstract: In this study, we delve into the realm of meta-learning to combine point base forecasts for probabilistic short-term electricity demand forecasting. Our approach encompasses the utilization of quantile linear regression, quantile regression forest, and post-processing techniques involving residual simulation to generate quantile forecasts. Furthermore, we introduce both global and local variants of meta-learning. In the local-learning mode, the meta-model is trained using patterns most similar to the query pattern.Through extensive experimental studies across 35 forecasting scenarios and employing 16 base forecasting models, our findings underscored the superiority of quantile regression forest over its competitors

new Text-space Graph Foundation Models: Comprehensive Benchmarks and New Insights

Authors: Zhikai Chen, Haitao Mao, Jingzhe Liu, Yu Song, Bingheng Li, Wei Jin, Bahare Fatemi, Anton Tsitsulin, Bryan Perozzi, Hui Liu, Jiliang Tang

Abstract: Given the ubiquity of graph data and its applications in diverse domains, building a Graph Foundation Model (GFM) that can work well across different graphs and tasks with a unified backbone has recently garnered significant interests. A major obstacle to achieving this goal stems from the fact that graphs from different domains often exhibit diverse node features. Inspired by multi-modal models that align different modalities with natural language, the text has recently been adopted to provide a unified feature space for diverse graphs. Despite the great potential of these text-space GFMs, current research in this field is hampered by two problems. First, the absence of a comprehensive benchmark with unified problem settings hinders a clear understanding of the comparative effectiveness and practical value of different text-space GFMs. Second, there is a lack of sufficient datasets to thoroughly explore the methods' full potential and verify their effectiveness across diverse settings. To address these issues, we conduct a comprehensive benchmark providing novel text-space datasets and comprehensive evaluation under unified problem settings. Empirical results provide new insights and inspire future research directions. Our code and data are publicly available from \url{}.


new A Comprehensive Survey of Foundation Models in Medicine

Authors: Wasif Khan, Seowung Leem, Kyle B. See, Joshua K. Wong, Shaoting Zhang, Ruogu Fang

Abstract: Foundation models (FMs) are large-scale deep-learning models trained on extensive datasets using self-supervised techniques. These models serve as a base for various downstream tasks, including healthcare. FMs have been adopted with great success across various domains within healthcare, including natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, graph learning, biology, and omics. Existing healthcare-based surveys have not yet included all of these domains. Therefore, this survey provides a comprehensive overview of FMs in healthcare. We focus on the history, learning strategies, flagship models, applications, and challenges of FMs. We explore how FMs such as the BERT and GPT families are reshaping various healthcare domains, including clinical large language models, medical image analysis, and omics data. Furthermore, we provide a detailed taxonomy of healthcare applications facilitated by FMs, such as clinical NLP, medical computer vision, graph learning, and other biology-related tasks. Despite the promising opportunities FMs provide, they also have several associated challenges, which are explained in detail. We also outline potential future directions to provide researchers and practitioners with insights into the potential and limitations of FMs in healthcare to advance their deployment and mitigate associated risks.

new Dynamic Domains, Dynamic Solutions: DPCore for Continual Test-Time Adaptation

Authors: Yunbei Zhang, Akshay Mehra, Jihun Hamm

Abstract: Continual Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) seeks to adapt a source pre-trained model to continually changing, unlabeled target domains. Existing TTA methods are typically designed for environments where domain changes occur gradually and can struggle in more dynamic scenarios. Inspired by the principles of online K-Means, this paper introduces a novel approach to continual TTA through visual prompting. We propose a Dynamic Prompt Coreset that not only preserves knowledge from previously visited domains but also accommodates learning from new potential domains. This is complemented by a distance-based weight updating mechanism that ensures the coreset remains current and relevant. Our approach employs a fixed model architecture alongside the coreset and an innovative updating system to effectively mitigate challenges such as catastrophic forgetting and error accumulation. Extensive testing across various benchmarks-including ImageNet-C, CIFAR100-C, and CIFAR10-C-demonstrates that our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) alternatives, particularly excelling in dynamically changing environments.

new Adaptive Experimentation When You Can't Experiment

Authors: Yao Zhao, Kwang-Sung Jun, Tanner Fiez, Lalit Jain

Abstract: This paper introduces the \emph{confounded pure exploration transductive linear bandit} (\texttt{CPET-LB}) problem. As a motivating example, often online services cannot directly assign users to specific control or treatment experiences either for business or practical reasons. In these settings, naively comparing treatment and control groups that may result from self-selection can lead to biased estimates of underlying treatment effects. Instead, online services can employ a properly randomized encouragement that incentivizes users toward a specific treatment. Our methodology provides online services with an adaptive experimental design approach for learning the best-performing treatment for such \textit{encouragement designs}. We consider a more general underlying model captured by a linear structural equation and formulate pure exploration linear bandits in this setting. Though pure exploration has been extensively studied in standard adaptive experimental design settings, we believe this is the first work considering a setting where noise is confounded. Elimination-style algorithms using experimental design methods in combination with a novel finite-time confidence interval on an instrumental variable style estimator are presented with sample complexity upper bounds nearly matching a minimax lower bound. Finally, experiments are conducted that demonstrate the efficacy of our approach.

new Occam's Razor for Self Supervised Learning: What is Sufficient to Learn Good Representations?

Authors: Mark Ibrahim, David Klindt, Randall Balestriero

Abstract: Deep Learning is often depicted as a trio of data-architecture-loss. Yet, recent Self Supervised Learning (SSL) solutions have introduced numerous additional design choices, e.g., a projector network, positive views, or teacher-student networks. These additions pose two challenges. First, they limit the impact of theoretical studies that often fail to incorporate all those intertwined designs. Second, they slow-down the deployment of SSL methods to new domains as numerous hyper-parameters need to be carefully tuned. In this study, we bring forward the surprising observation that--at least for pretraining datasets of up to a few hundred thousands samples--the additional designs introduced by SSL do not contribute to the quality of the learned representations. That finding not only provides legitimacy to existing theoretical studies, but also simplifies the practitioner's path to SSL deployment in numerous small and medium scale settings. Our finding answers a long-lasting question: the often-experienced sensitivity to training settings and hyper-parameters encountered in SSL come from their design, rather than the absence of supervised guidance.

new A Rate-Distortion View of Uncertainty Quantification

Authors: Ifigeneia Apostolopoulou, Benjamin Eysenbach, Frank Nielsen, Artur Dubrawski

Abstract: While powerful probabilistic models such as Gaussian Processes naturally have this property, deep neural networks often lack it. In this paper, we introduce Distance Aware Bottleneck (DAB), i.e., a new method for enriching deep neural networks with this property. Building on prior information bottleneck approaches, our method learns a codebook that stores a compressed representation of all inputs seen during training. The distance of a new example from this codebook can serve as an uncertainty estimate for the example. The resulting model is simple to train and provides deterministic uncertainty estimates by a single forward pass. Finally, our method achieves better out-of-distribution (OOD) detection and misclassification prediction than prior methods, including expensive ensemble methods, deep kernel Gaussian Processes, and approaches based on the standard information bottleneck.

new Evidential Uncertainty Sets in Deep Classifiers Using Conformal Prediction

Authors: Hamed Karimi, Reza Samavi

Abstract: In this paper, we propose Evidential Conformal Prediction (ECP) method for image classifiers to generate the conformal prediction sets. Our method is designed based on a non-conformity score function that has its roots in Evidential Deep Learning (EDL) as a method of quantifying model (epistemic) uncertainty in DNN classifiers. We use evidence that are derived from the logit values of target labels to compute the components of our non-conformity score function: the heuristic notion of uncertainty in CP, uncertainty surprisal, and expected utility. Our extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that ECP outperforms three state-of-the-art methods for generating CP sets, in terms of their set sizes and adaptivity while maintaining the coverage of true labels.

new Improving Reward-Conditioned Policies for Multi-Armed Bandits using Normalized Weight Functions

Authors: Kai Xu, Farid Tajaddodianfar, Ben Allison

Abstract: Recently proposed reward-conditioned policies (RCPs) offer an appealing alternative in reinforcement learning. Compared with policy gradient methods, policy learning in RCPs is simpler since it is based on supervised learning, and unlike value-based methods, it does not require optimization in the action space to take actions. However, for multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems, we find that RCPs are slower to converge and have inferior expected rewards at convergence, compared with classic methods such as the upper confidence bound and Thompson sampling. In this work, we show that the performance of RCPs can be enhanced by constructing policies through the marginalization of rewards using normalized weight functions, whose sum or integral equal $1$, although the function values may be negative. We refer to this technique as generalized marginalization, whose advantage is that negative weights for policies conditioned on low rewards can make the resulting policies more distinct from them. Strategies to perform generalized marginalization in MAB with discrete action spaces are studied. Through simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed technique improves RCPs and makes them competitive with classic methods, showing superior performance on challenging MABs with large action spaces and sparse reward signals.

new Federated Learning Optimization: A Comparative Study of Data and Model Exchange Strategies in Dynamic Networks

Authors: Alka Luqman, Yeow Wei Liang Brandon, Anupam Chattopadhyay

Abstract: The promise and proliferation of large-scale dynamic federated learning gives rise to a prominent open question - is it prudent to share data or model across nodes, if efficiency of transmission and fast knowledge transfer are the prime objectives. This work investigates exactly that. Specifically, we study the choices of exchanging raw data, synthetic data, or (partial) model updates among devices. The implications of these strategies in the context of foundational models are also examined in detail. Accordingly, we obtain key insights about optimal data and model exchange mechanisms considering various environments with different data distributions and dynamic device and network connections. Across various scenarios that we considered, time-limited knowledge transfer efficiency can differ by up to 9.08\%, thus highlighting the importance of this work.

new Diffusion Model With Optimal Covariance Matching

Authors: Zijing Ou, Mingtian Zhang, Andi Zhang, Tim Z. Xiao, Yingzhen Li, David Barber

Abstract: The probabilistic diffusion model has become highly effective across various domains. Typically, sampling from a diffusion model involves using a denoising distribution characterized by a Gaussian with a learned mean and either fixed or learned covariances. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed full covariance moment matching technique and introduce a novel method for learning covariances. Unlike traditional data-driven covariance approximation approaches, our method involves directly regressing the optimal analytic covariance using a new, unbiased objective named Optimal Covariance Matching (OCM). This approach can significantly reduce the approximation error in covariance prediction. We demonstrate how our method can substantially enhance the sampling efficiency of both Markovian (DDPM) and non-Markovian (DDIM) diffusion model families.

new On the Effectiveness of Supervision in Asymmetric Non-Contrastive Learning

Authors: Jeongheon Oh, Kibok Lee

Abstract: Supervised contrastive representation learning has been shown to be effective in various transfer learning scenarios. However, while asymmetric non-contrastive learning (ANCL) often outperforms its contrastive learning counterpart in self-supervised representation learning, the extension of ANCL to supervised scenarios is less explored. To bridge the gap, we study ANCL for supervised representation learning, coined SupSiam and SupBYOL, leveraging labels in ANCL to achieve better representations. The proposed supervised ANCL framework improves representation learning while avoiding collapse. Our analysis reveals that providing supervision to ANCL reduces intra-class variance, and the contribution of supervision should be adjusted to achieve the best performance. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of supervised ANCL across various datasets and tasks. The code is available at:


new CBGBench: Fill in the Blank of Protein-Molecule Complex Binding Graph

Authors: Haitao Lin, Guojiang Zhao, Odin Zhang, Yufei Huang, Lirong Wu, Zicheng Liu, Siyuan Li, Cheng Tan, Zhifeng Gao, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Structure-based drug design (SBDD) aims to generate potential drugs that can bind to a target protein and is greatly expedited by the aid of AI techniques in generative models. However, a lack of systematic understanding persists due to the diverse settings, complex implementation, difficult reproducibility, and task singularity. Firstly, the absence of standardization can lead to unfair comparisons and inconclusive insights. To address this dilemma, we propose CBGBench, a comprehensive benchmark for SBDD, that unifies the task as a generative heterogeneous graph completion, analogous to fill-in-the-blank of the 3D complex binding graph. By categorizing existing methods based on their attributes, CBGBench facilitates a modular and extensible framework that implements various cutting-edge methods. Secondly, a single task on \textit{de novo} molecule generation can hardly reflect their capabilities. To broaden the scope, we have adapted these models to a range of tasks essential in drug design, which are considered sub-tasks within the graph fill-in-the-blank tasks. These tasks include the generative designation of \textit{de novo} molecules, linkers, fragments, scaffolds, and sidechains, all conditioned on the structures of protein pockets. Our evaluations are conducted with fairness, encompassing comprehensive perspectives on interaction, chemical properties, geometry authenticity, and substructure validity. We further provide the pre-trained versions of the state-of-the-art models and deep insights with analysis from empirical studies. The codebase for CBGBench is publicly accessible at \url{}.


new Enriching the Machine Learning Workloads in BigBench

Authors: Matthias Polag, Todor Ivanov, Timo Eichhorn

Abstract: In the era of Big Data and the growing support for Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms in the current software systems, there is an urgent need of standardized application benchmarks that stress test and evaluate these new technologies. Relying on the standardized BigBench (TPCx-BB) benchmark, this work enriches the improved BigBench V2 with three new workloads and expands the coverage of machine learning algorithms. Our workloads utilize multiple algorithms and compare different implementations for the same algorithm across several popular libraries like MLlib, SystemML, Scikit-learn and Pandas, demonstrating the relevance and usability of our benchmark extension.

new Knowledge Distillation in Federated Learning: a Survey on Long Lasting Challenges and New Solutions

Authors: Laiqiao Qin, Tianqing Zhu, Wanlei Zhou, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed and privacy-preserving machine learning paradigm that coordinates multiple clients to train a model while keeping the raw data localized. However, this traditional FL poses some challenges, including privacy risks, data heterogeneity, communication bottlenecks, and system heterogeneity issues. To tackle these challenges, knowledge distillation (KD) has been widely applied in FL since 2020. KD is a validated and efficacious model compression and enhancement algorithm. The core concept of KD involves facilitating knowledge transfer between models by exchanging logits at intermediate or output layers. These properties make KD an excellent solution for the long-lasting challenges in FL. Up to now, there have been few reviews that summarize and analyze the current trend and methods for how KD can be applied in FL efficiently. This article aims to provide a comprehensive survey of KD-based FL, focusing on addressing the above challenges. First, we provide an overview of KD-based FL, including its motivation, basics, taxonomy, and a comparison with traditional FL and where KD should execute. We also analyze the critical factors in KD-based FL in the appendix, including teachers, knowledge, data, and methods. We discuss how KD can address the challenges in FL, including privacy protection, data heterogeneity, communication efficiency, and personalization. Finally, we discuss the challenges facing KD-based FL algorithms and future research directions. We hope this survey can provide insights and guidance for researchers and practitioners in the FL area.

new Global-Local Graph Neural Networks for Node-Classification

Authors: Moshe Eliasof, Eran Treister

Abstract: The task of graph node classification is often approached by utilizing a local Graph Neural Network (GNN), that learns only local information from the node input features and their adjacency. In this paper, we propose to improve the performance of node classification GNNs by utilizing both global and local information, specifically by learning label- and node- features. We therefore call our method Global-Local-GNN (GLGNN). To learn proper label features, for each label, we maximize the similarity between its features and nodes features that belong to the label, while maximizing the distance between nodes that do not belong to the considered label. We then use the learnt label features to predict the node classification map. We demonstrate our GLGNN using three different GNN backbones, and show that our approach improves baseline performance, revealing the importance of global information utilization for node classification.

new Geometric-informed GFlowNets for Structure-Based Drug Design

Authors: Grayson Lee, Tony Shen, Martin Ester

Abstract: The rise of cost involved with drug discovery and current speed of which they are discover, underscore the need for more efficient structure-based drug design (SBDD) methods. We employ Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets), to effectively explore the vast combinatorial space of drug-like molecules, which traditional virtual screening methods fail to cover. We introduce a novel modification to the GFlowNet framework by incorporating trigonometrically consistent embeddings, previously utilized in tasks involving protein conformation and protein-ligand interactions, to enhance the model's ability to generate molecules tailored to specific protein pockets. We have modified the existing protein conditioning used by GFlowNets, blending geometric information from both protein and ligand embeddings to achieve more geometrically consistent embeddings. Experiments conducted using CrossDocked2020 demonstrated an improvement in the binding affinity between generated molecules and protein pockets for both single and multi-objective tasks, compared to previous work. Additionally, we propose future work aimed at further increasing the geometric information captured in protein-ligand interactions.

new Graph Neural Reaction Diffusion Models

Authors: Moshe Eliasof, Eldad Haber, Eran Treister

Abstract: The integration of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Neural Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations has been extensively studied in recent years. GNN architectures powered by neural differential equations allow us to reason about their behavior, and develop GNNs with desired properties such as controlled smoothing or energy conservation. In this paper we take inspiration from Turing instabilities in a Reaction Diffusion (RD) system of partial differential equations, and propose a novel family of GNNs based on neural RD systems. We \textcolor{black}{demonstrate} that our RDGNN is powerful for the modeling of various data types, from homophilic, to heterophilic, and spatio-temporal datasets. We discuss the theoretical properties of our RDGNN, its implementation, and show that it improves or offers competitive performance to state-of-the-art methods.

new Deep neural networks with ReLU, leaky ReLU, and softplus activation provably overcome the curse of dimensionality for space-time solutions of semilinear partial differential equations

Authors: Julia Ackermann, Arnulf Jentzen, Benno Kuckuck, Joshua Lee Padgett

Abstract: It is a challenging topic in applied mathematics to solve high-dimensional nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). Standard approximation methods for nonlinear PDEs suffer under the curse of dimensionality (COD) in the sense that the number of computational operations of the approximation method grows at least exponentially in the PDE dimension and with such methods it is essentially impossible to approximately solve high-dimensional PDEs even when the fastest currently available computers are used. However, in the last years great progress has been made in this area of research through suitable deep learning (DL) based methods for PDEs in which deep neural networks (DNNs) are used to approximate solutions of PDEs. Despite the remarkable success of such DL methods in simulations, it remains a fundamental open problem of research to prove (or disprove) that such methods can overcome the COD in the approximation of PDEs. However, there are nowadays several partial error analysis results for DL methods for high-dimensional nonlinear PDEs in the literature which prove that DNNs can overcome the COD in the sense that the number of parameters of the approximating DNN grows at most polynomially in both the reciprocal of the prescribed approximation accuracy $\varepsilon>0$ and the PDE dimension $d\in\mathbb{N}$. In the main result of this article we prove that for all $T,p\in(0,\infty)$ it holds that solutions $u_d\colon[0,T]\times\mathbb{R}^d\to\mathbb{R}$, $d\in\mathbb{N}$, of semilinear heat equations with Lipschitz continuous nonlinearities can be approximated in the $L^p$-sense on space-time regions without the COD by DNNs with the rectified linear unit (ReLU), the leaky ReLU, or the softplus activation function. In previous articles similar results have been established not for space-time regions but for the solutions $u_d(T,\cdot)$, $d\in\mathbb{N}$, at the terminal time $T$.

new Linkage on Security, Privacy and Fairness in Federated Learning: New Balances and New Perspectives

Authors: Linlin Wang, Tianqing Zhu, Wanlei Zhou, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Federated learning is fast becoming a popular paradigm for applications involving mobile devices, banking systems, healthcare, and IoT systems. Hence, over the past five years, researchers have undertaken extensive studies on the privacy leaks, security threats, and fairness associated with these emerging models. For the most part, these three critical concepts have been studied in isolation; however, recent research has revealed that there may be an intricate interplay between them. For instance, some researchers have discovered that pursuing fairness may compromise privacy, or that efforts to enhance security can impact fairness. These emerging insights shed light on the fundamental connections between privacy, security, and fairness within federated learning, and, by delving deeper into these interconnections, we may be able to significantly augment research and development across the field. Consequently, the aim of this survey is to offer comprehensive descriptions of the privacy, security, and fairness issues in federated learning. Moreover, we analyze the complex relationships between these three dimensions of cyber safety and pinpoint the fundamental elements that influence each of them. We contend that there exists a trade-off between privacy and fairness and between security and gradient sharing. On this basis, fairness can function as a bridge between privacy and security to build models that are either more secure or more private. Building upon our observations, we identify the trade-offs between privacy and fairness and between security and fairness within the context of federated learning. The survey then concludes with promising directions for future research in this vanguard field.

new DIPPER: Direct Preference Optimization to Accelerate Primitive-Enabled Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Utsav Singh, Souradip Chakraborty, Wesley A. Suttle, Brian M. Sadler, Vinay P Namboodiri, Amrit Singh Bedi

Abstract: Learning control policies to perform complex robotics tasks from human preference data presents significant challenges. On the one hand, the complexity of such tasks typically requires learning policies to perform a variety of subtasks, then combining them to achieve the overall goal. At the same time, comprehensive, well-engineered reward functions are typically unavailable in such problems, while limited human preference data often is; making efficient use of such data to guide learning is therefore essential. Methods for learning to perform complex robotics tasks from human preference data must overcome both these challenges simultaneously. In this work, we introduce DIPPER: Direct Preference Optimization to Accelerate Primitive-Enabled Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, an efficient hierarchical approach that leverages direct preference optimization to learn a higher-level policy and reinforcement learning to learn a lower-level policy. DIPPER enjoys improved computational efficiency due to its use of direct preference optimization instead of standard preference-based approaches such as reinforcement learning from human feedback, while it also mitigates the well-known hierarchical reinforcement learning issues of non-stationarity and infeasible subgoal generation due to our use of primitive-informed regularization inspired by a novel bi-level optimization formulation of the hierarchical reinforcement learning problem. To validate our approach, we perform extensive experimental analysis on a variety of challenging robotics tasks, demonstrating that DIPPER outperforms hierarchical and non-hierarchical baselines, while ameliorating the non-stationarity and infeasible subgoal generation issues of hierarchical reinforcement learning.

new New Solutions on LLM Acceleration, Optimization, and Application

Authors: Yingbing Huang, Lily Jiaxin Wan, Hanchen Ye, Manvi Jha, Jinghua Wang, Yuhong Li, Xiaofan Zhang, Deming Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become extremely potent instruments with exceptional capacities for comprehending and producing human-like text in a wide range of applications. However, the increasing size and complexity of LLMs present significant challenges in both training and deployment, leading to substantial computational and storage costs as well as heightened energy consumption. In this paper, we provide a review of recent advancements and research directions aimed at addressing these challenges and enhancing the efficiency of LLM-based systems. We begin by discussing algorithm-level acceleration techniques focused on optimizing LLM inference speed and resource utilization. We also explore LLM-hardware co-design strategies with a vision to improve system efficiency by tailoring hardware architectures to LLM requirements. Further, we delve into LLM-to-accelerator compilation approaches, which involve customizing hardware accelerators for efficient LLM deployment. Finally, as a case study to leverage LLMs for assisting circuit design, we examine LLM-aided design methodologies for an important task: High-Level Synthesis (HLS) functional verification, by creating a new dataset that contains a large number of buggy and bug-free codes, which can be essential for training LLMs to specialize on HLS verification and debugging. For each aspect mentioned above, we begin with a detailed background study, followed by the presentation of several novel solutions proposed to overcome specific challenges. We then outline future research directions to drive further advancements. Through these efforts, we aim to pave the way for more efficient and scalable deployment of LLMs across a diverse range of applications.

new Breaking the Attention Bottleneck

Authors: Kalle Hilsenbek

Abstract: Attention-based transformers have become the standard architecture in many deep learning fields, primarily due to their ability to model long-range dependencies and handle variable-length input sequences. However, the attention mechanism with its quadratic complexity is a significant bottleneck in the transformer architecture. This algorithm is only uni-directional in the decoder and converges to a static pattern in over-parametrized decoder-only models. I address this issue by developing a generative function as attention or activation replacement. It still has the auto-regressive character by comparing each token with the previous one. In my test setting with nanoGPT this yields a smaller loss while having a smaller model. The loss further drops by incorporating an average context vector. This concept of attention replacement is distributed under the GNU AGPL v3 license at


new First-Order Manifold Data Augmentation for Regression Learning

Authors: Ilya Kaufman, Omri Azencot

Abstract: Data augmentation (DA) methods tailored to specific domains generate synthetic samples by applying transformations that are appropriate for the characteristics of the underlying data domain, such as rotations on images and time warping on time series data. In contrast, domain-independent approaches, e.g. mixup, are applicable to various data modalities, and as such they are general and versatile. While regularizing classification tasks via DA is a well-explored research topic, the effect of DA on regression problems received less attention. To bridge this gap, we study the problem of domain-independent augmentation for regression, and we introduce FOMA: a new data-driven domain-independent data augmentation method. Essentially, our approach samples new examples from the tangent planes of the train distribution. Augmenting data in this way aligns with the network tendency towards capturing the dominant features of its input signals. We evaluate FOMA on in-distribution generalization and out-of-distribution robustness benchmarks, and we show that it improves the generalization of several neural architectures. We also find that strong baselines based on mixup are less effective in comparison to our approach. Our code is publicly available at


new Bayesian Intervention Optimization for Causal Discovery

Authors: Yuxuan Wang, Mingzhou Liu, Xinwei Sun, Wei Wang, Yizhou Wang

Abstract: Causal discovery is crucial for understanding complex systems and informing decisions. While observational data can uncover causal relationships under certain assumptions, it often falls short, making active interventions necessary. Current methods, such as Bayesian and graph-theoretical approaches, do not prioritize decision-making and often rely on ideal conditions or information gain, which is not directly related to hypothesis testing. We propose a novel Bayesian optimization-based method inspired by Bayes factors that aims to maximize the probability of obtaining decisive and correct evidence. Our approach uses observational data to estimate causal models under different hypotheses, evaluates potential interventions pre-experimentally, and iteratively updates priors to refine interventions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through various experiments. Our contributions provide a robust framework for efficient causal discovery through active interventions, enhancing the practical application of theoretical advancements.

new Embodied Question Answering via Multi-LLM Systems

Authors: Bhrij Patel, Vishnu Sashank Dorbala, Amrit Singh Bedi

Abstract: Embodied Question Answering (EQA) is an important problem, which involves an agent exploring the environment to answer user queries. In the existing literature, EQA has exclusively been studied in single-agent scenarios, where exploration can be time-consuming and costly. In this work, we consider EQA in a multi-agent framework involving multiple large language models (LLM) based agents independently answering queries about a household environment. To generate one answer for each query, we use the individual responses to train a Central Answer Model (CAM) that aggregates responses for a robust answer. Using CAM, we observe a $50\%$ higher EQA accuracy when compared against aggregation methods for ensemble LLM, such as voting schemes and debates. CAM does not require any form of agent communication, alleviating it from the associated costs. We ablate CAM with various nonlinear (neural network, random forest, decision tree, XGBoost) and linear (logistic regression classifier, SVM) algorithms. Finally, we present a feature importance analysis for CAM via permutation feature importance (PFI), quantifying CAMs reliance on each independent agent and query context.

new Incorporating uncertainty quantification into travel mode choice modeling: a Bayesian neural network (BNN) approach and an uncertainty-guided active survey framework

Authors: Shuwen Zheng, Zhou Fang, Liang Zhao

Abstract: Existing deep learning approaches for travel mode choice modeling fail to inform modelers about their prediction uncertainty. Even when facing scenarios that are out of the distribution of training data, which implies high prediction uncertainty, these approaches still provide deterministic answers, potentially leading to misguidance. To address this limitation, this study introduces the concept of uncertainty from the field of explainable artificial intelligence into travel mode choice modeling. We propose a Bayesian neural network-based travel mode prediction model (BTMP) that quantifies the uncertainty of travel mode predictions, enabling the model itself to "know" and "tell" what it doesn't know. With BTMP, we further propose an uncertainty-guided active survey framework, which dynamically formulates survey questions representing travel mode choice scenarios with high prediction uncertainty. Through iterative collection of responses to these dynamically tailored survey questions, BTMP is iteratively trained to achieve the desired accuracy faster with fewer questions, thereby reducing survey costs. Experimental validation using synthetic datasets confirms the effectiveness of BTMP in quantifying prediction uncertainty. Furthermore, experiments, utilizing both synthetic and real-world data, demonstrate that the BTMP model, trained with the uncertainty-guided active survey framework, requires 20% to 50% fewer survey responses to match the performance of the model trained on randomly collected survey data. Overall, the proposed BTMP model and active survey framework innovatively incorporate uncertainty quantification into travel mode choice modeling, providing model users with essential insights into prediction reliability while optimizing data collection for deep learning model training in a cost-efficient manner.

new Towards Efficient Target-Level Machine Unlearning Based on Essential Graph

Authors: Heng Xu, Tianqing Zhu, Lefeng Zhang, Wanlei Zhou, Wei Zhao

Abstract: Machine unlearning is an emerging technology that has come to attract widespread attention. A number of factors, including regulations and laws, privacy, and usability concerns, have resulted in this need to allow a trained model to forget some of its training data. Existing studies of machine unlearning mainly focus on unlearning requests that forget a cluster of instances or all instances from one class. While these approaches are effective in removing instances, they do not scale to scenarios where partial targets within an instance need to be forgotten. For example, one would like to only unlearn a person from all instances that simultaneously contain the person and other targets. Directly migrating instance-level unlearning to target-level unlearning will reduce the performance of the model after the unlearning process, or fail to erase information completely. To address these concerns, we have proposed a more effective and efficient unlearning scheme that focuses on removing partial targets from the model, which we name "target unlearning". Specifically, we first construct an essential graph data structure to describe the relationships between all important parameters that are selected based on the model explanation method. After that, we simultaneously filter parameters that are also important for the remaining targets and use the pruning-based unlearning method, which is a simple but effective solution to remove information about the target that needs to be forgotten. Experiments with different training models on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

new Promoting Data and Model Privacy in Federated Learning through Quantized LoRA

Authors: JianHao Zhu, Changze Lv, Xiaohua Wang, Muling Wu, Wenhao Liu, Tianlong Li, Zixuan Ling, Cenyuan Zhang, Xiaoqing Zheng, Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: Conventional federated learning primarily aims to secure the privacy of data distributed across multiple edge devices, with the global model dispatched to edge devices for parameter updates during the learning process. However, the development of large language models (LLMs) requires substantial data and computational resources, rendering them valuable intellectual properties for their developers and owners. To establish a mechanism that protects both data and model privacy in a federated learning context, we introduce a method that just needs to distribute a quantized version of the model's parameters during training. This method enables accurate gradient estimations for parameter updates while preventing clients from accessing a model whose performance is comparable to the centrally hosted one. Moreover, we combine this quantization strategy with LoRA, a popular and parameter-efficient fine-tuning method, to significantly reduce communication costs in federated learning. The proposed framework, named \textsc{FedLPP}, successfully ensures both data and model privacy in the federated learning context. Additionally, the learned central model exhibits good generalization and can be trained in a resource-efficient manner.

new WeShap: Weak Supervision Source Evaluation with Shapley Values

Authors: Naiqing Guan, Nick Koudas

Abstract: Efficient data annotation stands as a significant bottleneck in training contemporary machine learning models. The Programmatic Weak Supervision (PWS) pipeline presents a solution by utilizing multiple weak supervision sources to automatically label data, thereby expediting the annotation process. Given the varied contributions of these weak supervision sources to the accuracy of PWS, it is imperative to employ a robust and efficient metric for their evaluation. This is crucial not only for understanding the behavior and performance of the PWS pipeline but also for facilitating corrective measures. In our study, we introduce WeShap values as an evaluation metric, which quantifies the average contribution of weak supervision sources within a proxy PWS pipeline, leveraging the theoretical underpinnings of Shapley values. We demonstrate efficient computation of WeShap values using dynamic programming, achieving quadratic computational complexity relative to the number of weak supervision sources. Our experiments demonstrate the versatility of WeShap values across various applications, including the identification of beneficial or detrimental labeling functions, refinement of the PWS pipeline, and rectification of mislabeled data. Furthermore, WeShap values aid in comprehending the behavior of the PWS pipeline and scrutinizing specific instances of mislabeled data. Although initially derived from a specific proxy PWS pipeline, we empirically demonstrate the generalizability of WeShap values to other PWS pipeline configurations. Our findings indicate a noteworthy average improvement of 4.8 points in downstream model accuracy through the revision of the PWS pipeline compared to previous state-of-the-art methods, underscoring the efficacy of WeShap values in enhancing data quality for training machine learning models.

new Data Shapley in One Training Run

Authors: Jiachen T. Wang, Prateek Mittal, Dawn Song, Ruoxi Jia

Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems are trained on large data corpora to generate new pieces of text, images, videos, and other media. There is growing concern that such systems may infringe on the copyright interests of training data contributors. To address the copyright challenges of generative AI, we propose a framework that compensates copyright owners proportionally to their contributions to the creation of AI-generated content. The metric for contributions is quantitatively determined by leveraging the probabilistic nature of modern generative AI models and using techniques from cooperative game theory in economics. This framework enables a platform where AI developers benefit from access to high-quality training data, thus improving model performance. Meanwhile, copyright owners receive fair compensation, driving the continued provision of relevant data for generative model training. Experiments demonstrate that our framework successfully identifies the most relevant data sources used in artwork generation, ensuring a fair and interpretable distribution of revenues among copyright owners.

new Latent Communication in Artificial Neural Networks

Authors: Luca Moschella

Abstract: As NNs permeate various scientific and industrial domains, understanding the universality and reusability of their representations becomes crucial. At their core, these networks create intermediate neural representations, indicated as latent spaces, of the input data and subsequently leverage them to perform specific downstream tasks. This dissertation focuses on the universality and reusability of neural representations. Do the latent representations crafted by a NN remain exclusive to a particular trained instance, or can they generalize across models, adapting to factors such as randomness during training, model architecture, or even data domain? This adaptive quality introduces the notion of Latent Communication -- a phenomenon that describes when representations can be unified or reused across neural spaces. A salient observation from our research is the emergence of similarities in latent representations, even when these originate from distinct or seemingly unrelated NNs. By exploiting a partial correspondence between the two data distributions that establishes a semantic link, we found that these representations can either be projected into a universal representation, coined as Relative Representation, or be directly translated from one space to another. Latent Communication allows for a bridge between independently trained NN, irrespective of their training regimen, architecture, or the data modality they were trained on -- as long as the data semantic content stays the same (e.g., images and their captions). This holds true for both generation, classification and retrieval downstream tasks; in supervised, weakly supervised, and unsupervised settings; and spans various data modalities including images, text, audio, and graphs -- showcasing the universality of the Latent Communication phenomenon. [...]

new Optimized Speculative Sampling for GPU Hardware Accelerators

Authors: Dominik Wagner, Seanie Lee, Ilja Baumann, Philipp Seeberger, Korbinian Riedhammer, Tobias Bocklet

Abstract: In this work, we optimize speculative sampling for parallel hardware accelerators to improve sampling speed. We notice that substantial portions of the intermediate matrices necessary for speculative sampling can be computed concurrently. This allows us to distribute the workload across multiple GPU threads, enabling simultaneous operations on matrix segments within thread blocks. Additionally, we use fast on-chip memory to store intermediate results, thereby minimizing the frequency of slow read and write operations across different types of memory. This results in profiling time improvements ranging from 6% to 13% relative to the baseline implementation, without compromising accuracy. To further accelerate speculative sampling, probability distributions parameterized by softmax are approximated by sigmoid. This approximation approach results in significantly greater relative improvements in profiling time, ranging from 37% to 94%, with a slight decline in accuracy. We conduct extensive experiments on both automatic speech recognition and summarization tasks to validate the effectiveness of our optimization methods.

new Kolmogorov Arnold Informed neural network: A physics-informed deep learning framework for solving PDEs based on Kolmogorov Arnold Networks

Authors: Yizheng Wang, Jia Sun, Jinshuai Bai, Cosmin Anitescu, Mohammad Sadegh Eshaghi, Xiaoying Zhuang, Timon Rabczuk, Yinghua Liu

Abstract: AI for partial differential equations (PDEs) has garnered significant attention, particularly with the emergence of Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs). The recent advent of Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) indicates that there is potential to revisit and enhance the previously MLP-based PINNs. Compared to MLPs, KANs offer interpretability and require fewer parameters. PDEs can be described in various forms, such as strong form, energy form, and inverse form. While mathematically equivalent, these forms are not computationally equivalent, making the exploration of different PDE formulations significant in computational physics. Thus, we propose different PDE forms based on KAN instead of MLP, termed Kolmogorov-Arnold-Informed Neural Network (KINN). We systematically compare MLP and KAN in various numerical examples of PDEs, including multi-scale, singularity, stress concentration, nonlinear hyperelasticity, heterogeneous, and complex geometry problems. Our results demonstrate that KINN significantly outperforms MLP in terms of accuracy and convergence speed for numerous PDEs in computational solid mechanics, except for the complex geometry problem. This highlights KINN's potential for more efficient and accurate PDE solutions in AI for PDEs.

new Leveraging Foundation Models for Multi-modal Federated Learning with Incomplete Modality

Authors: Liwei Che, Jiaqi Wang, Xinyue Liu, Fenglong Ma

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) has obtained tremendous progress in providing collaborative training solutions for distributed data silos with privacy guarantees. However, few existing works explore a more realistic scenario where the clients hold multiple data modalities. In this paper, we aim to solve a novel challenge in multi-modal federated learning (MFL) -- modality missing -- the clients may lose part of the modalities in their local data sets. To tackle the problems, we propose a novel multi-modal federated learning method, Federated Multi-modal contrastiVe training with Pre-trained completion (FedMVP), which integrates the large-scale pre-trained models to enhance the federated training. In the proposed FedMVP framework, each client deploys a large-scale pre-trained model with frozen parameters for modality completion and representation knowledge transfer, enabling efficient and robust local training. On the server side, we utilize generated data to uniformly measure the representation similarity among the uploaded client models and construct a graph perspective to aggregate them according to their importance in the system. We demonstrate that the model achieves superior performance over two real-world image-text classification datasets and is robust to the performance degradation caused by missing modality.

new Fine-grained Classes and How to Find Them

Authors: Matej Grci\'c, Artyom Gadetsky, Maria Brbi\'c

Abstract: In many practical applications, coarse-grained labels are readily available compared to fine-grained labels that reflect subtle differences between classes. However, existing methods cannot leverage coarse labels to infer fine-grained labels in an unsupervised manner. To bridge this gap, we propose FALCON, a method that discovers fine-grained classes from coarsely labeled data without any supervision at the fine-grained level. FALCON simultaneously infers unknown fine-grained classes and underlying relationships between coarse and fine-grained classes. Moreover, FALCON is a modular method that can effectively learn from multiple datasets labeled with different strategies. We evaluate FALCON on eight image classification tasks and a single-cell classification task. FALCON outperforms baselines by a large margin, achieving 22% improvement over the best baseline on the tieredImageNet dataset with over 600 fine-grained classes.

new Guaranteed Sampling Flexibility for Low-tubal-rank Tensor Completion

Authors: Bowen Su, Juntao You, HanQin Cai, Longxiu Huang

Abstract: While Bernoulli sampling is extensively studied in tensor completion, t-CUR sampling approximates low-tubal-rank tensors via lateral and horizontal subtensors. However, both methods lack sufficient flexibility for diverse practical applications. To address this, we introduce Tensor Cross-Concentrated Sampling (t-CCS), a novel and straightforward sampling model that advances the matrix cross-concentrated sampling concept within a tensor framework. t-CCS effectively bridges the gap between Bernoulli and t-CUR sampling, offering additional flexibility that can lead to computational savings in various contexts. A key aspect of our work is the comprehensive theoretical analysis provided. We establish a sufficient condition for the successful recovery of a low-rank tensor from its t-CCS samples. In support of this, we also develop a theoretical framework validating the feasibility of t-CUR via uniform random sampling and conduct a detailed theoretical sampling complexity analysis for tensor completion problems utilizing the general Bernoulli sampling model. Moreover, we introduce an efficient non-convex algorithm, the Iterative t-CUR Tensor Completion (ITCURTC) algorithm, specifically designed to tackle the t-CCS-based tensor completion. We have intensively tested and validated the effectiveness of the t-CCS model and the ITCURTC algorithm across both synthetic and real-world datasets.

new How Neural Networks Learn the Support is an Implicit Regularization Effect of SGD

Authors: Pierfrancesco Beneventano, Andrea Pinto, Tomaso Poggio

Abstract: We investigate the ability of deep neural networks to identify the support of the target function. Our findings reveal that mini-batch SGD effectively learns the support in the first layer of the network by shrinking to zero the weights associated with irrelevant components of input. In contrast, we demonstrate that while vanilla GD also approximates the target function, it requires an explicit regularization term to learn the support in the first layer. We prove that this property of mini-batch SGD is due to a second-order implicit regularization effect which is proportional to $\eta / b$ (step size / batch size). Our results are not only another proof that implicit regularization has a significant impact on training optimization dynamics but they also shed light on the structure of the features that are learned by the network. Additionally, they suggest that smaller batches enhance feature interpretability and reduce dependency on initialization.

new Model Adaptation for Time Constrained Embodied Control

Authors: Jaehyun Song, Minjong Yoo, Honguk Woo

Abstract: When adopting a deep learning model for embodied agents, it is required that the model structure be optimized for specific tasks and operational conditions. Such optimization can be static such as model compression or dynamic such as adaptive inference. Yet, these techniques have not been fully investigated for embodied control systems subject to time constraints, which necessitate sequential decision-making for multiple tasks, each with distinct inference latency limitations. In this paper, we present MoDeC, a time constraint-aware embodied control framework using the modular model adaptation. We formulate model adaptation to varying operational conditions on resource and time restrictions as dynamic routing on a modular network, incorporating these conditions as part of multi-task objectives. Our evaluation across several vision-based embodied environments demonstrates the robustness of MoDeC, showing that it outperforms other model adaptation methods in both performance and adherence to time constraints in robotic manipulation and autonomous driving applications

new Active search for Bifurcations

Authors: Yorgos M. Psarellis, Themistoklis P. Sapsis, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis

Abstract: Bifurcations mark qualitative changes of long-term behavior in dynamical systems and can often signal sudden ("hard") transitions or catastrophic events (divergences). Accurately locating them is critical not just for deeper understanding of observed dynamic behavior, but also for designing efficient interventions. When the dynamical system at hand is complex, possibly noisy, and expensive to sample, standard (e.g. continuation based) numerical methods may become impractical. We propose an active learning framework, where Bayesian Optimization is leveraged to discover saddle-node or Hopf bifurcations, from a judiciously chosen small number of vector field observations. Such an approach becomes especially attractive in systems whose state x parameter space exploration is resource-limited. It also naturally provides a framework for uncertainty quantification (aleatoric and epistemic), useful in systems with inherent stochasticity.

new Recent and Upcoming Developments in Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra for Machine Learning

Authors: Micha{\l} Derezi\'nski, Michael W. Mahoney

Abstract: Large matrices arise in many machine learning and data analysis applications, including as representations of datasets, graphs, model weights, and first and second-order derivatives. Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra (RandNLA) is an area which uses randomness to develop improved algorithms for ubiquitous matrix problems. The area has reached a certain level of maturity; but recent hardware trends, efforts to incorporate RandNLA algorithms into core numerical libraries, and advances in machine learning, statistics, and random matrix theory, have lead to new theoretical and practical challenges. This article provides a self-contained overview of RandNLA, in light of these developments.

new Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent with Staleness: A Stochastic Delay Differential Equation Based Framework

Authors: Siyuan Yu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor

Abstract: Distributed stochastic gradient descent (SGD) has attracted considerable recent attention due to its potential for scaling computational resources, reducing training time, and helping protect user privacy in machine learning. However, the staggers and limited bandwidth may induce random computational/communication delays, thereby severely hindering the learning process. Therefore, how to accelerate asynchronous SGD by efficiently scheduling multiple workers is an important issue. In this paper, a unified framework is presented to analyze and optimize the convergence of asynchronous SGD based on stochastic delay differential equations (SDDEs) and the Poisson approximation of aggregated gradient arrivals. In particular, we present the run time and staleness of distributed SGD without a memorylessness assumption on the computation times. Given the learning rate, we reveal the relevant SDDE's damping coefficient and its delay statistics, as functions of the number of activated clients, staleness threshold, the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix of the objective function, and the overall computational/communication delay. The formulated SDDE allows us to present both the distributed SGD's convergence condition and speed by calculating its characteristic roots, thereby optimizing the scheduling policies for asynchronous/event-triggered SGD. It is interestingly shown that increasing the number of activated workers does not necessarily accelerate distributed SGD due to staleness. Moreover, a small degree of staleness does not necessarily slow down the convergence, while a large degree of staleness will result in the divergence of distributed SGD. Numerical results demonstrate the potential of our SDDE framework, even in complex learning tasks with non-convex objective functions.

new Learning Iterative Reasoning through Energy Diffusion

Authors: Yilun Du, Jiayuan Mao, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Abstract: We introduce iterative reasoning through energy diffusion (IRED), a novel framework for learning to reason for a variety of tasks by formulating reasoning and decision-making problems with energy-based optimization. IRED learns energy functions to represent the constraints between input conditions and desired outputs. After training, IRED adapts the number of optimization steps during inference based on problem difficulty, enabling it to solve problems outside its training distribution -- such as more complex Sudoku puzzles, matrix completion with large value magnitudes, and pathfinding in larger graphs. Key to our method's success is two novel techniques: learning a sequence of annealed energy landscapes for easier inference and a combination of score function and energy landscape supervision for faster and more stable training. Our experiments show that IRED outperforms existing methods in continuous-space reasoning, discrete-space reasoning, and planning tasks, particularly in more challenging scenarios. Code and visualizations at


new Save It All: Enabling Full Parameter Tuning for Federated Large Language Models via Cycle Black Gradient Descent

Authors: Lin Wang, Zhichao Wang, Xiaoying Tang

Abstract: The advent of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the deep learning paradigm, yielding impressive results across a wide array of tasks. However, the pre-training or fine-tuning of LLMs within a federated learning (FL) framework poses substantial challenges, including considerable computational and memory resource demands, as well as communication bottlenecks between servers and clients. Existing solutions either make the unrealistic assumption that the entire model is exchanged for training, or apply parameter-effective fine-tuning methods from centralized learning to train LLMs in FL which tend to underperform during training or fine-tuning stages due to the limited search subspace of parameter updating. In this paper, we introduce a novel method for the efficient training and fine-tuning of LLMs in FL, with minimal resource consumption. Our approach, termed FedCyBGD, utilizes Cycle Block Gradient Descent to periodically update the model. In particular, we design a compression scheme for FedCyBGD, aiming to further decrease the model download cost. It enables full parameter training in FL with only selected block updates and uploads, thereby reducing communication, computation, and memory costs. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance for FL LLM training, while significantly reducing associated costs. Codes are provided here.

new AvaTaR: Optimizing LLM Agents for Tool-Assisted Knowledge Retrieval

Authors: Shirley Wu, Shiyu Zhao, Qian Huang, Kexin Huang, Michihiro Yasunaga, Vassilis N. Ioannidis, Karthik Subbian, Jure Leskovec, James Zou

Abstract: Large language model (LLM) agents have demonstrated impressive capability in utilizing external tools and knowledge to boost accuracy and reduce hallucinations. However, developing the prompting techniques that make LLM agents able to effectively use external tools and knowledge is a heuristic and laborious task. Here, we introduce AvaTaR, a novel and automatic framework that optimizes an LLM agent to effectively use the provided tools and improve its performance on a given task/domain. During optimization, we design a comparator module to iteratively provide insightful and holistic prompts to the LLM agent via reasoning between positive and negative examples sampled from training data. We demonstrate AvaTaR on four complex multimodal retrieval datasets featuring textual, visual, and relational information. We find AvaTaR consistently outperforms state-of-the-art approaches across all four challenging tasks and exhibits strong generalization ability when applied to novel cases, achieving an average relative improvement of 14% on the Hit@1 metric. Code and dataset are available at


new Retraining with Predicted Hard Labels Provably Increases Model Accuracy

Authors: Rudrajit Das, Inderjit S. Dhillon, Alessandro Epasto, Adel Javanmard, Jieming Mao, Vahab Mirrokni, Sujay Sanghavi, Peilin Zhong

Abstract: The performance of a model trained with \textit{noisy labels} is often improved by simply \textit{retraining} the model with its own predicted \textit{hard} labels (i.e., $1$/$0$ labels). Yet, a detailed theoretical characterization of this phenomenon is lacking. In this paper, we theoretically analyze retraining in a linearly separable setting with randomly corrupted labels given to us and prove that retraining can improve the population accuracy obtained by initially training with the given (noisy) labels. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such theoretical result. Retraining finds application in improving training with label differential privacy (DP) which involves training with noisy labels. We empirically show that retraining selectively on the samples for which the predicted label matches the given label significantly improves label DP training at \textit{no extra privacy cost}; we call this \textit{consensus-based retraining}. For e.g., when training ResNet-18 on CIFAR-100 with $\epsilon=3$ label DP, we obtain $6.4\%$ improvement in accuracy with consensus-based retraining.

new Multimodal Needle in a Haystack: Benchmarking Long-Context Capability of Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Hengyi Wang, Haizhou Shi, Shiwei Tan, Weiyi Qin, Wenyuan Wang, Tunyu Zhang, Akshay Nambi, Tanuja Ganu, Hao Wang

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have shown significant promise in various applications, leading to broad interest from researchers and practitioners alike. However, a comprehensive evaluation of their long-context capabilities remains underexplored. To address these gaps, we introduce the MultiModal Needle-in-a-haystack (MMNeedle) benchmark, specifically designed to assess the long-context capabilities of MLLMs. Besides multi-image input, we employ image stitching to further increase the input context length, and develop a protocol to automatically generate labels for sub-image level retrieval. Essentially, MMNeedle evaluates MLLMs by stress-testing their capability to locate a target sub-image (needle) within a set of images (haystack) based on textual instructions and descriptions of image contents. This setup necessitates an advanced understanding of extensive visual contexts and effective information retrieval within long-context image inputs. With this benchmark, we evaluate state-of-the-art MLLMs, encompassing both API-based and open-source models. The findings reveal that GPT-4o consistently surpasses other models in long-context scenarios, but suffers from hallucination problems in negative samples, i.e., when needles are not in the haystacks. Our comprehensive long-context evaluation of MLLMs also sheds lights on the considerable performance gap between API-based and open-source models. All the code, data, and instructions required to reproduce the main results are available at


new Probing the Decision Boundaries of In-context Learning in Large Language Models

Authors: Siyan Zhao, Tung Nguyen, Aditya Grover

Abstract: In-context learning is a key paradigm in large language models (LLMs) that enables them to generalize to new tasks and domains by simply prompting these models with a few exemplars without explicit parameter updates. Many attempts have been made to understand in-context learning in LLMs as a function of model scale, pretraining data, and other factors. In this work, we propose a new mechanism to probe and understand in-context learning from the lens of decision boundaries for in-context binary classification. Decision boundaries are straightforward to visualize and provide important information about the qualitative behavior of the inductive biases of standard classifiers. To our surprise, we find that the decision boundaries learned by current LLMs in simple binary classification tasks are often irregular and non-smooth, regardless of linear separability in the underlying task. This paper investigates the factors influencing these decision boundaries and explores methods to enhance their generalizability. We assess various approaches, including training-free and fine-tuning methods for LLMs, the impact of model architecture, and the effectiveness of active prompting techniques for smoothing decision boundaries in a data-efficient manner. Our findings provide a deeper understanding of in-context learning dynamics and offer practical improvements for enhancing robustness and generalizability of in-context learning.

new QTIP: Quantization with Trellises and Incoherence Processing

Authors: Albert Tseng, Qingyao Sun, David Hou, Christopher De Sa

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) reduces the memory footprint of LLMs by quantizing weights to low-precision datatypes. Since LLM inference is usually memory-bound, PTQ methods can improve inference throughput. Recent state-of-the-art PTQ approaches have converged on using vector quantization (VQ) to quantize multiple weights at once, which improves information utilization through better shaping. However, VQ requires a codebook with size exponential in the dimension. This limits current VQ-based PTQ works to low VQ dimensions ($\le 8$) that in turn limit quantization quality. Here, we introduce QTIP, which instead uses trellis coded quantization (TCQ) to achieve ultra-high-dimensional quantization. TCQ uses a stateful decoder that separates the codebook size from the bitrate and effective dimension. QTIP introduces a spectrum of lookup-only to computed lookup-free trellis codes designed for a hardware-efficient "bitshift" trellis structure; these codes achieve state-of-the-art results in both quantization quality and inference speed.

new The Benefits of Power Regularization in Cooperative Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Michelle Li, Michael Dennis

Abstract: Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms, trained only to optimize task reward, can lead to a concentration of power where the failure or adversarial intent of a single agent could decimate the reward of every agent in the system. In the context of teams of people, it is often useful to explicitly consider how power is distributed to ensure no person becomes a single point of failure. Here, we argue that explicitly regularizing the concentration of power in cooperative RL systems can result in systems which are more robust to single agent failure, adversarial attacks, and incentive changes of co-players. To this end, we define a practical pairwise measure of power that captures the ability of any co-player to influence the ego agent's reward, and then propose a power-regularized objective which balances task reward and power concentration. Given this new objective, we show that there always exists an equilibrium where every agent is playing a power-regularized best-response balancing power and task reward. Moreover, we present two algorithms for training agents towards this power-regularized objective: Sample Based Power Regularization (SBPR), which injects adversarial data during training; and Power Regularization via Intrinsic Motivation (PRIM), which adds an intrinsic motivation to regulate power to the training objective. Our experiments demonstrate that both algorithms successfully balance task reward and power, leading to lower power behavior than the baseline of task-only reward and avoid catastrophic events in case an agent in the system goes off-policy.

new SpoT-Mamba: Learning Long-Range Dependency on Spatio-Temporal Graphs with Selective State Spaces

Authors: Jinhyeok Choi, Heehyeon Kim, Minhyeong An, Joyce Jiyoung Whang

Abstract: Spatio-temporal graph (STG) forecasting is a critical task with extensive applications in the real world, including traffic and weather forecasting. Although several recent methods have been proposed to model complex dynamics in STGs, addressing long-range spatio-temporal dependencies remains a significant challenge, leading to limited performance gains. Inspired by a recently proposed state space model named Mamba, which has shown remarkable capability of capturing long-range dependency, we propose a new STG forecasting framework named SpoT-Mamba. SpoT-Mamba generates node embeddings by scanning various node-specific walk sequences. Based on the node embeddings, it conducts temporal scans to capture long-range spatio-temporal dependencies. Experimental results on the real-world traffic forecasting dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of SpoT-Mamba.

new Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based AoI-Aware Resource Allocation for RIS-Aided IoV Networks

Authors: Kangwei Qi, Qiong Wu, Pingyi Fan, Nan Cheng, Wen Chen, Jiangzhou Wang, Khaled B. Letaief

Abstract: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is a pivotal technology in communication, offering an alternative path that significantly enhances the link quality in wireless communication environments. In this paper, we propose a RIS-assisted internet of vehicles (IoV) network, considering the vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication method. In addition, in order to improve the timeliness of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) links and the stability of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) links, we introduce the age of information (AoI) model and the payload transmission probability model. Therefore, with the objective of minimizing the AoI of V2I links and prioritizing transmission of V2V links payload, we construct this optimization problem as an Markov decision process (MDP) problem in which the BS serves as an agent to allocate resources and control phase-shift for the vehicles using the soft actor-critic (SAC) algorithm, which gradually converges and maintains a high stability. A AoI-aware joint vehicular resource allocation and RIS phase-shift control scheme based on SAC algorithm is proposed and simulation results show that its convergence speed, cumulative reward, AoI performance, and payload transmission probability outperforms those of proximal policy optimization (PPO), deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG), twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient (TD3) and stochastic algorithms.

new ExCP: Extreme LLM Checkpoint Compression via Weight-Momentum Joint Shrinking

Authors: Wenshuo Li, Xinghao Chen, Han Shu, Yehui Tang, Yunhe Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLM) have recently attracted significant attention in the field of artificial intelligence. However, the training process of these models poses significant challenges in terms of computational and storage capacities, thus compressing checkpoints has become an urgent problem. In this paper, we propose a novel Extreme Checkpoint Compression (ExCP) framework, which significantly reduces the required storage of training checkpoints while achieving nearly lossless performance. We first calculate the residuals of adjacent checkpoints to obtain the essential but sparse information for higher compression ratio. To further excavate the redundancy parameters in checkpoints, we then propose a weight-momentum joint shrinking method to utilize another important information during the model optimization, i.e., momentum. In particular, we exploit the information of both model and optimizer to discard as many parameters as possible while preserving critical information to ensure optimal performance. Furthermore, we utilize non-uniform quantization to further compress the storage of checkpoints. We extensively evaluate our proposed ExCP framework on several models ranging from 410M to 7B parameters and demonstrate significant storage reduction while maintaining strong performance. For instance, we achieve approximately $70\times$ compression for the Pythia-410M model, with the final performance being as accurate as the original model on various downstream tasks. Codes will be available at


new Management Decisions in Manufacturing using Causal Machine Learning -- To Rework, or not to Rework?

Authors: Philipp Schwarz, Oliver Schacht, Sven Klaassen, Daniel Gr\"unbaum, Sebastian Imhof, Martin Spindler

Abstract: In this paper, we present a data-driven model for estimating optimal rework policies in manufacturing systems. We consider a single production stage within a multistage, lot-based system that allows for optional rework steps. While the rework decision depends on an intermediate state of the lot and system, the final product inspection, and thus the assessment of the actual yield, is delayed until production is complete. Repair steps are applied uniformly to the lot, potentially improving some of the individual items while degrading others. The challenge is thus to balance potential yield improvement with the rework costs incurred. Given the inherently causal nature of this decision problem, we propose a causal model to estimate yield improvement. We apply methods from causal machine learning, in particular double/debiased machine learning (DML) techniques, to estimate conditional treatment effects from data and derive policies for rework decisions. We validate our decision model using real-world data from opto-electronic semiconductor manufacturing, achieving a yield improvement of 2 - 3% during the color-conversion process of white light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

new $\texttt{MoE-RBench}$: Towards Building Reliable Language Models with Sparse Mixture-of-Experts

Authors: Guanjie Chen, Xinyu Zhao, Tianlong Chen, Yu Cheng

Abstract: Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) has gained increasing popularity as a promising framework for scaling up large language models (LLMs). However, the reliability assessment of MoE lags behind its surging applications. Moreover, when transferred to new domains such as in fine-tuning MoE models sometimes underperform their dense counterparts. Motivated by the research gap and counter-intuitive phenomenon, we propose $\texttt{MoE-RBench}$, the first comprehensive assessment of SMoE reliability from three aspects: $\textit{(i)}$ safety and hallucination, $\textit{(ii)}$ resilience to adversarial attacks, and $\textit{(iii)}$ out-of-distribution robustness. Extensive models and datasets are tested to compare the MoE to dense networks from these reliability dimensions. Our empirical observations suggest that with appropriate hyperparameters, training recipes, and inference techniques, we can build the MoE model more reliably than the dense LLM. In particular, we find that the robustness of SMoE is sensitive to the basic training settings. We hope that this study can provide deeper insights into how to adapt the pre-trained MoE model to other tasks with higher-generation security, quality, and stability. Codes are available at


new SEFraud: Graph-based Self-Explainable Fraud Detection via Interpretative Mask Learning

Authors: Kaidi Li, Tianmeng Yang, Min Zhou, Jiahao Meng, Shendi Wang, Yihui Wu, Boshuai Tan, Hu Song, Lujia Pan, Fan Yu, Zhenli Sheng, Yunhai Tong

Abstract: Graph-based fraud detection has widespread application in modern industry scenarios, such as spam review and malicious account detection. While considerable efforts have been devoted to designing adequate fraud detectors, the interpretability of their results has often been overlooked. Previous works have attempted to generate explanations for specific instances using post-hoc explaining methods such as a GNNExplainer. However, post-hoc explanations can not facilitate the model predictions and the computational cost of these methods cannot meet practical requirements, thus limiting their application in real-world scenarios. To address these issues, we propose SEFraud, a novel graph-based self-explainable fraud detection framework that simultaneously tackles fraud detection and result in interpretability. Concretely, SEFraud first leverages customized heterogeneous graph transformer networks with learnable feature masks and edge masks to learn expressive representations from the informative heterogeneously typed transactions. A new triplet loss is further designed to enhance the performance of mask learning. Empirical results on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of SEFraud as it shows considerable advantages in both the fraud detection performance and interpretability of prediction results. Moreover, SEFraud has been deployed and offers explainable fraud detection service for the largest bank in China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (ICBC). Results collected from the production environment of ICBC show that SEFraud can provide accurate detection results and comprehensive explanations that align with the expert business understanding, confirming its efficiency and applicability in large-scale online services.

new P-TA: Using Proximal Policy Optimization to Enhance Tabular Data Augmentation via Large Language Models

Authors: Shuo Yang, Chenchen Yuan, Yao Rong, Felix Steinbauer, Gjergji Kasneci

Abstract: A multitude of industries depend on accurate and reasonable tabular data augmentation for their business processes. Contemporary methodologies in generating tabular data revolve around utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) or fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLM). However, GAN-based approaches are documented to produce samples with common-sense errors attributed to the absence of external knowledge. On the other hand, LLM-based methods exhibit a limited capacity to capture the disparities between synthesized and actual data distribution due to the absence of feedback from a discriminator during training. Furthermore, the decoding of LLM-based generation introduces gradient breakpoints, impeding the backpropagation of loss from a discriminator, thereby complicating the integration of these two approaches. To solve this challenge, we propose using proximal policy optimization (PPO) to apply GANs, guiding LLMs to enhance the probability distribution of tabular features. This approach enables the utilization of LLMs as generators for GANs in synthesizing tabular data. Our experiments demonstrate that PPO leads to an approximately 4\% improvement in the accuracy of models trained on synthetically generated data over state-of-the-art across three real-world datasets.

new DistPred: A Distribution-Free Probabilistic Inference Method for Regression and Forecasting

Authors: Daojun Liang, Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan

Abstract: Traditional regression and prediction tasks often only provide deterministic point estimates. To estimate the uncertainty or distribution information of the response variable, methods such as Bayesian inference, model ensembling, or MC Dropout are typically used. These methods either assume that the posterior distribution of samples follows a Gaussian process or require thousands of forward passes for sample generation. We propose a novel approach called DistPred for regression and forecasting tasks, which overcomes the limitations of existing methods while remaining simple and powerful. Specifically, we transform proper scoring rules that measure the discrepancy between the predicted distribution and the target distribution into a differentiable discrete form and use it as a loss function to train the model end-to-end. This allows the model to sample numerous samples in a single forward pass to estimate the potential distribution of the response variable. We have compared our method with several existing approaches on multiple datasets and achieved state-of-the-art performance. Additionally, our method significantly improves computational efficiency. For example, compared to state-of-the-art models, DistPred has a 90x faster inference speed. Experimental results can be reproduced through


new Cross-domain Open-world Discovery

Authors: Shuo Wen, Maria Brbic

Abstract: In many real-world applications, test data may commonly exhibit categorical shifts, characterized by the emergence of novel classes, as well as distribution shifts arising from feature distributions different from the ones the model was trained on. However, existing methods either discover novel classes in the open-world setting or assume domain shifts without the ability to discover novel classes. In this work, we consider a cross-domain open-world discovery setting, where the goal is to assign samples to seen classes and discover unseen classes under a domain shift. To address this challenging problem, we present CROW, a prototype-based approach that introduces a cluster-then-match strategy enabled by a well-structured representation space of foundation models. In this way, CROW discovers novel classes by robustly matching clusters with previously seen classes, followed by fine-tuning the representation space using an objective designed for cross-domain open-world discovery. Extensive experimental results on image classification benchmark datasets demonstrate that CROW outperforms alternative baselines, achieving an 8% average performance improvement across 75 experimental settings.

new Analysing the Behaviour of Tree-Based Neural Networks in Regression Tasks

Authors: Peter Samoaa, Mehrdad Farahani, Antonio Longa, Philipp Leitner, Morteza Haghir Chehreghani

Abstract: The landscape of deep learning has vastly expanded the frontiers of source code analysis, particularly through the utilization of structural representations such as Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). While these methodologies have demonstrated effectiveness in classification tasks, their efficacy in regression applications, such as execution time prediction from source code, remains underexplored. This paper endeavours to decode the behaviour of tree-based neural network models in the context of such regression challenges. We extend the application of established models--tree-based Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Code2Vec, and Transformer-based methods--to predict the execution time of source code by parsing it to an AST. Our comparative analysis reveals that while these models are benchmarks in code representation, they exhibit limitations when tasked with regression. To address these deficiencies, we propose a novel dual-transformer approach that operates on both source code tokens and AST representations, employing cross-attention mechanisms to enhance interpretability between the two domains. Furthermore, we explore the adaptation of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to this tree-based problem, theorizing the inherent compatibility due to the graphical nature of ASTs. Empirical evaluations on real-world datasets showcase that our dual-transformer model outperforms all other tree-based neural networks and the GNN-based models. Moreover, our proposed dual transformer demonstrates remarkable adaptability and robust performance across diverse datasets.

new Calibrating Where It Matters: Constrained Temperature Scaling

Authors: Stephen McKenna, Jacob Carse

Abstract: We consider calibration of convolutional classifiers for diagnostic decision making. Clinical decision makers can use calibrated classifiers to minimise expected costs given their own cost function. Such functions are usually unknown at training time. If minimising expected costs is the primary aim, algorithms should focus on tuning calibration in regions of probability simplex likely to effect decisions. We give an example, modifying temperature scaling calibration, and demonstrate improved calibration where it matters using convnets trained to classify dermoscopy images.

new Adversaries With Incentives: A Strategic Alternative to Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Maayan Ehrenberg, Roy Ganz, Nir Rosenfeld

Abstract: Adversarial training aims to defend against *adversaries*: malicious opponents whose sole aim is to harm predictive performance in any way possible - a rather harsh perspective, which we assert results in unnecessarily conservative models. Instead, we propose to model opponents as simply pursuing their own goals, rather than working directly against the classifier. Employing tools from strategic modeling, our approach uses knowledge or beliefs regarding the opponent's possible incentives as inductive bias for learning. Our method of *strategic training* is designed to defend against opponents within an *incentive uncertainty set*: this resorts to adversarial learning when the set is maximal, but offers potential gains when it can be appropriately reduced. We conduct a series of experiments that show how even mild knowledge regarding the adversary's incentives can be useful, and that the degree of potential gains depends on how incentives relate to the structure of the learning task.

new Just How Flexible are Neural Networks in Practice?

Authors: Ravid Shwartz-Ziv, Micah Goldblum, Arpit Bansal, C. Bayan Bruss, Yann LeCun, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Abstract: It is widely believed that a neural network can fit a training set containing at least as many samples as it has parameters, underpinning notions of overparameterized and underparameterized models. In practice, however, we only find solutions accessible via our training procedure, including the optimizer and regularizers, limiting flexibility. Moreover, the exact parameterization of the function class, built into an architecture, shapes its loss surface and impacts the minima we find. In this work, we examine the ability of neural networks to fit data in practice. Our findings indicate that: (1) standard optimizers find minima where the model can only fit training sets with significantly fewer samples than it has parameters; (2) convolutional networks are more parameter-efficient than MLPs and ViTs, even on randomly labeled data; (3) while stochastic training is thought to have a regularizing effect, SGD actually finds minima that fit more training data than full-batch gradient descent; (4) the difference in capacity to fit correctly labeled and incorrectly labeled samples can be predictive of generalization; (5) ReLU activation functions result in finding minima that fit more data despite being designed to avoid vanishing and exploding gradients in deep architectures.

new Constrained Reinforcement Learning with Average Reward Objective: Model-Based and Model-Free Algorithms

Authors: Vaneet Aggarwal, Washim Uddin Mondal, Qinbo Bai

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) serves as a versatile framework for sequential decision-making, finding applications across diverse domains such as robotics, autonomous driving, recommendation systems, supply chain optimization, biology, mechanics, and finance. The primary objective in these applications is to maximize the average reward. Real-world scenarios often necessitate adherence to specific constraints during the learning process. This monograph focuses on the exploration of various model-based and model-free approaches for Constrained RL within the context of average reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). The investigation commences with an examination of model-based strategies, delving into two foundational methods - optimism in the face of uncertainty and posterior sampling. Subsequently, the discussion transitions to parametrized model-free approaches, where the primal-dual policy gradient-based algorithm is explored as a solution for constrained MDPs. The monograph provides regret guarantees and analyzes constraint violation for each of the discussed setups. For the above exploration, we assume the underlying MDP to be ergodic. Further, this monograph extends its discussion to encompass results tailored for weakly communicating MDPs, thereby broadening the scope of its findings and their relevance to a wider range of practical scenarios.

new Interventional Imbalanced Multi-Modal Representation Learning via $\beta$-Generalization Front-Door Criterion

Authors: Yi Li, Jiangmeng Li, Fei Song, Qingmeng Zhu, Changwen Zheng, Wenwen Qiang

Abstract: Multi-modal methods establish comprehensive superiority over uni-modal methods. However, the imbalanced contributions of different modalities to task-dependent predictions constantly degrade the discriminative performance of canonical multi-modal methods. Based on the contribution to task-dependent predictions, modalities can be identified as predominant and auxiliary modalities. Benchmark methods raise a tractable solution: augmenting the auxiliary modality with a minor contribution during training. However, our empirical explorations challenge the fundamental idea behind such behavior, and we further conclude that benchmark approaches suffer from certain defects: insufficient theoretical interpretability and limited exploration capability of discriminative knowledge. To this end, we revisit multi-modal representation learning from a causal perspective and build the Structural Causal Model. Following the empirical explorations, we determine to capture the true causality between the discriminative knowledge of predominant modality and predictive label while considering the auxiliary modality. Thus, we introduce the $\beta$-generalization front-door criterion. Furthermore, we propose a novel network for sufficiently exploring multi-modal discriminative knowledge. Rigorous theoretical analyses and various empirical evaluations are provided to support the effectiveness of the innate mechanism behind our proposed method.

new Teleporter Theory: A General and Simple Approach for Modeling Cross-World Counterfactual Causality

Authors: Jiangmeng Li, Bin Qin, Qirui Ji, Yi Li, Wenwen Qiang, Jianwen Cao, Fanjiang Xu

Abstract: Leveraging the development of structural causal model (SCM), researchers can establish graphical models for exploring the causal mechanisms behind machine learning techniques. As the complexity of machine learning applications rises, single-world interventionism causal analysis encounters theoretical adaptation limitations. Accordingly, cross-world counterfactual approach extends our understanding of causality beyond observed data, enabling hypothetical reasoning about alternative scenarios. However, the joint involvement of cross-world variables, encompassing counterfactual variables and real-world variables, challenges the construction of the graphical model. Twin network is a subtle attempt, establishing a symbiotic relationship, to bridge the gap between graphical modeling and the introduction of counterfactuals albeit with room for improvement in generalization. In this regard, we demonstrate the theoretical breakdowns of twin networks in certain cross-world counterfactual scenarios. To this end, we propose a novel teleporter theory to establish a general and simple graphical representation of counterfactuals, which provides criteria for determining teleporter variables to connect multiple worlds. In theoretical application, we determine that introducing the proposed teleporter theory can directly obtain the conditional independence between counterfactual variables and real-world variables from the cross-world SCM without requiring complex algebraic derivations. Accordingly, we can further identify counterfactual causal effects through cross-world symbolic derivation. We demonstrate the generality of the teleporter theory to the practical application. Adhering to the proposed theory, we build a plug-and-play module, and the effectiveness of which are substantiated by experiments on benchmarks.

new On the Feasibility of Fidelity$^-$ for Graph Pruning

Authors: Yong-Min Shin, Won-Yong Shin

Abstract: As one of popular quantitative metrics to assess the quality of explanation of graph neural networks (GNNs), fidelity measures the output difference after removing unimportant parts of the input graph. Fidelity has been widely used due to its straightforward interpretation that the underlying model should produce similar predictions when features deemed unimportant from the explanation are removed. This raises a natural question: "Does fidelity induce a global (soft) mask for graph pruning?" To solve this, we aim to explore the potential of the fidelity measure to be used for graph pruning, eventually enhancing the GNN models for better efficiency. To this end, we propose Fidelity$^-$-inspired Pruning (FiP), an effective framework to construct global edge masks from local explanations. Our empirical observations using 7 edge attribution methods demonstrate that, surprisingly, general eXplainable AI methods outperform methods tailored to GNNs in terms of graph pruning performance.

new Revisiting Spurious Correlation in Domain Generalization

Authors: Bin Qin, Jiangmeng Li, Yi Li, Xuesong Wu, Yupeng Wang, Wenwen Qiang, Jianwen Cao

Abstract: Without loss of generality, existing machine learning techniques may learn spurious correlation dependent on the domain, which exacerbates the generalization of models in out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios. To address this issue, recent works build a structural causal model (SCM) to describe the causality within data generation process, thereby motivating methods to avoid the learning of spurious correlation by models. However, from the machine learning viewpoint, such a theoretical analysis omits the nuanced difference between the data generation process and representation learning process, resulting in that the causal analysis based on the former cannot well adapt to the latter. To this end, we explore to build a SCM for representation learning process and further conduct a thorough analysis of the mechanisms underlying spurious correlation. We underscore that adjusting erroneous covariates introduces bias, thus necessitating the correct selection of spurious correlation mechanisms based on practical application scenarios. In this regard, we substantiate the correctness of the proposed SCM and further propose to control confounding bias in OOD generalization by introducing a propensity score weighted estimator, which can be integrated into any existing OOD method as a plug-and-play module. The empirical results comprehensively demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on synthetic and large-scale real OOD datasets.

new FullCert: Deterministic End-to-End Certification for Training and Inference of Neural Networks

Authors: Tobias Lorenz, Marta Kwiatkowska, Mario Fritz

Abstract: Modern machine learning models are sensitive to the manipulation of both the training data (poisoning attacks) and inference data (adversarial examples). Recognizing this issue, the community has developed many empirical defenses against both attacks and, more recently, provable certification methods against inference-time attacks. However, such guarantees are still largely lacking for training-time attacks. In this work, we present FullCert, the first end-to-end certifier with sound, deterministic bounds, which proves robustness against both training-time and inference-time attacks. We first bound all possible perturbations an adversary can make to the training data under the considered threat model. Using these constraints, we bound the perturbations' influence on the model's parameters. Finally, we bound the impact of these parameter changes on the model's prediction, resulting in joint robustness guarantees against poisoning and adversarial examples. To facilitate this novel certification paradigm, we combine our theoretical work with a new open-source library BoundFlow, which enables model training on bounded datasets. We experimentally demonstrate FullCert's feasibility on two different datasets.

new Do Parameters Reveal More than Loss for Membership Inference?

Authors: Anshuman Suri, Xiao Zhang, David Evans

Abstract: Membership inference attacks aim to infer whether an individual record was used to train a model, serving as a key tool for disclosure auditing. While such evaluations are useful to demonstrate risk, they are computationally expensive and often make strong assumptions about potential adversaries' access to models and training environments, and thus do not provide very tight bounds on leakage from potential attacks. We show how prior claims around black-box access being sufficient for optimal membership inference do not hold for most useful settings such as stochastic gradient descent, and that optimal membership inference indeed requires white-box access. We validate our findings with a new white-box inference attack IHA (Inverse Hessian Attack) that explicitly uses model parameters by taking advantage of computing inverse-Hessian vector products. Our results show that both audits and adversaries may be able to benefit from access to model parameters, and we advocate for further research into white-box methods for membership privacy auditing.

new GECOBench: A Gender-Controlled Text Dataset and Benchmark for Quantifying Biases in Explanations

Authors: Rick Wilming, Artur Dox, Hjalmar Schulz, Marta Oliveira, Benedict Clark, Stefan Haufe

Abstract: Large pre-trained language models have become popular for many applications and form an important backbone of many downstream tasks in natural language processing (NLP). Applying 'explainable artificial intelligence' (XAI) techniques to enrich such models' outputs is considered crucial for assuring their quality and shedding light on their inner workings. However, large language models are trained on a plethora of data containing a variety of biases, such as gender biases, affecting model weights and, potentially, behavior. Currently, it is unclear to what extent such biases also impact model explanations in possibly unfavorable ways. We create a gender-controlled text dataset, GECO, in which otherwise identical sentences appear in male and female forms. This gives rise to ground-truth 'world explanations' for gender classification tasks, enabling the objective evaluation of the correctness of XAI methods. We also provide GECOBench, a rigorous quantitative evaluation framework benchmarking popular XAI methods, applying them to pre-trained language models fine-tuned to different degrees. This allows us to investigate how pre-training induces undesirable bias in model explanations and to what extent fine-tuning can mitigate such explanation bias. We show a clear dependency between explanation performance and the number of fine-tuned layers, where XAI methods are observed to particularly benefit from fine-tuning or complete retraining of embedding layers. Remarkably, this relationship holds for models achieving similar classification performance on the same task. With that, we highlight the utility of the proposed gender-controlled dataset and novel benchmarking approach for research and development of novel XAI methods. All code including dataset generation, model training, evaluation and visualization is available at:


new An Imitative Reinforcement Learning Framework for Autonomous Dogfight

Authors: Siyuan Li, Rongchang Zuo, Peng Liu, Yingnan Zhao

Abstract: Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) dogfight, which refers to a fight between two or more UCAVs usually at close quarters, plays a decisive role on the aerial battlefields. With the evolution of artificial intelligence, dogfight progressively transits towards intelligent and autonomous modes. However, the development of autonomous dogfight policy learning is hindered by challenges such as weak exploration capabilities, low learning efficiency, and unrealistic simulated environments. To overcome these challenges, this paper proposes a novel imitative reinforcement learning framework, which efficiently leverages expert data while enabling autonomous exploration. The proposed framework not only enhances learning efficiency through expert imitation, but also ensures adaptability to dynamic environments via autonomous exploration with reinforcement learning. Therefore, the proposed framework can learn a successful dogfight policy of 'pursuit-lock-launch' for UCAVs. To support data-driven learning, we establish a dogfight environment based on the Harfang3D sandbox, where we conduct extensive experiments. The results indicate that the proposed framework excels in multistage dogfight, significantly outperforms state-of-the-art reinforcement learning and imitation learning methods. Thanks to the ability of imitating experts and autonomous exploration, our framework can quickly learn the critical knowledge in complex aerial combat tasks, achieving up to a 100% success rate and demonstrating excellent robustness.

new Pre-Training and Personalized Fine-Tuning via Over-the-Air Federated Meta-Learning: Convergence-Generalization Trade-Offs

Authors: Haifeng Wen, Hong Xing, Osvaldo Simeone

Abstract: For modern artificial intelligence (AI) applications such as large language models (LLMs), the training paradigm has recently shifted to pre-training followed by fine-tuning. Furthermore, owing to dwindling open repositories of data and thanks to efforts to democratize access to AI models, pre-training is expected to increasingly migrate from the current centralized deployments to federated learning (FL) implementations. Meta-learning provides a general framework in which pre-training and fine-tuning can be formalized. Meta-learning-based personalized FL (meta-pFL) moves beyond basic personalization by targeting generalization to new agents and tasks. This paper studies the generalization performance of meta-pFL for a wireless setting in which the agents participating in the pre-training phase, i.e., meta-learning, are connected via a shared wireless channel to the server. Adopting over-the-air computing, we study the trade-off between generalization to new agents and tasks, on the one hand, and convergence, on the other hand. The trade-off arises from the fact that channel impairments may enhance generalization, while degrading convergence. Extensive numerical results validate the theory.

new On GNN explanability with activation rules

Authors: Luca Veyrin-Forrer, Ataollah Kamal, Stefan Duffner, Marc Plantevit, C\'eline Robardet

Abstract: GNNs are powerful models based on node representation learning that perform particularly well in many machine learning problems related to graphs. The major obstacle to the deployment of GNNs is mostly a problem of societal acceptability and trustworthiness, properties which require making explicit the internal functioning of such models. Here, we propose to mine activation rules in the hidden layers to understand how the GNNs perceive the world. The problem is not to discover activation rules that are individually highly discriminating for an output of the model. Instead, the challenge is to provide a small set of rules that cover all input graphs. To this end, we introduce the subjective activation pattern domain. We define an effective and principled algorithm to enumerate activations rules in each hidden layer. The proposed approach for quantifying the interest of these rules is rooted in information theory and is able to account for background knowledge on the input graph data. The activation rules can then be redescribed thanks to pattern languages involving interpretable features. We show that the activation rules provide insights on the characteristics used by the GNN to classify the graphs. Especially, this allows to identify the hidden features built by the GNN through its different layers. Also, these rules can subsequently be used for explaining GNN decisions. Experiments on both synthetic and real-life datasets show highly competitive performance, with up to 200% improvement in fidelity on explaining graph classification over the SOTA methods.

new Standardizing Structural Causal Models

Authors: Weronika Ormaniec, Scott Sussex, Lars Lorch, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Andreas Krause

Abstract: Synthetic datasets generated by structural causal models (SCMs) are commonly used for benchmarking causal structure learning algorithms. However, the variances and pairwise correlations in SCM data tend to increase along the causal ordering. Several popular algorithms exploit these artifacts, possibly leading to conclusions that do not generalize to real-world settings. Existing metrics like $\operatorname{Var}$-sortability and $\operatorname{R^2}$-sortability quantify these patterns, but they do not provide tools to remedy them. To address this, we propose internally-standardized structural causal models (iSCMs), a modification of SCMs that introduces a standardization operation at each variable during the generative process. By construction, iSCMs are not $\operatorname{Var}$-sortable, and as we show experimentally, not $\operatorname{R^2}$-sortable either for commonly-used graph families. Moreover, contrary to the post-hoc standardization of data generated by standard SCMs, we prove that linear iSCMs are less identifiable from prior knowledge on the weights and do not collapse to deterministic relationships in large systems, which may make iSCMs a useful model in causal inference beyond the benchmarking problem studied here.

new Long Code Arena: a Set of Benchmarks for Long-Context Code Models

Authors: Egor Bogomolov, Aleksandra Eliseeva, Timur Galimzyanov, Evgeniy Glukhov, Anton Shapkin, Maria Tigina, Yaroslav Golubev, Alexander Kovrigin, Arie van Deursen, Maliheh Izadi, Timofey Bryksin

Abstract: Nowadays, the fields of code and natural language processing are evolving rapidly. In particular, models become better at processing long context windows - supported context sizes have increased by orders of magnitude over the last few years. However, there is a shortage of benchmarks for code processing that go beyond a single file of context, while the most popular ones are limited to a single method. With this work, we aim to close this gap by introducing Long Code Arena, a suite of six benchmarks for code processing tasks that require project-wide context. These tasks cover different aspects of code processing: library-based code generation, CI builds repair, project-level code completion, commit message generation, bug localization, and module summarization. For each task, we provide a manually verified dataset for testing, an evaluation suite, and open-source baseline solutions based on popular LLMs to showcase the usage of the dataset and to simplify adoption by other researchers. We publish the benchmark page on HuggingFace Spaces with the leaderboard, links to HuggingFace Hub for all the datasets, and link to the GitHub repository with baselines:


new Words in Motion: Representation Engineering for Motion Forecasting

Authors: Omer Sahin Tas, Royden Wagner

Abstract: Motion forecasting transforms sequences of past movements and environment context into future motion. Recent methods rely on learned representations, resulting in hidden states that are difficult to interpret. In this work, we use natural language to quantize motion features in a human-interpretable way, and measure the degree to which they are embedded in hidden states. Our experiments reveal that hidden states of motion sequences are arranged with respect to our discrete sets of motion features. Following these insights, we fit control vectors to motion features, which allow for controlling motion forecasts at inference. Consequently, our method enables controlling transformer-based motion forecasting models with textual inputs, providing a unique interface to interact with and understand these models. Our implementation is available at


new Linear Bellman Completeness Suffices for Efficient Online Reinforcement Learning with Few Actions

Authors: Noah Golowich, Ankur Moitra

Abstract: One of the most natural approaches to reinforcement learning (RL) with function approximation is value iteration, which inductively generates approximations to the optimal value function by solving a sequence of regression problems. To ensure the success of value iteration, it is typically assumed that Bellman completeness holds, which ensures that these regression problems are well-specified. We study the problem of learning an optimal policy under Bellman completeness in the online model of RL with linear function approximation. In the linear setting, while statistically efficient algorithms are known under Bellman completeness (e.g., Jiang et al. (2017); Zanette et al. (2020)), these algorithms all rely on the principle of global optimism which requires solving a nonconvex optimization problem. In particular, it has remained open as to whether computationally efficient algorithms exist. In this paper we give the first polynomial-time algorithm for RL under linear Bellman completeness when the number of actions is any constant.

new Is Efficient PAC Learning Possible with an Oracle That Responds 'Yes' or 'No'?

Authors: Constantinos Daskalakis, Noah Golowich

Abstract: The empirical risk minimization (ERM) principle has been highly impactful in machine learning, leading both to near-optimal theoretical guarantees for ERM-based learning algorithms as well as driving many of the recent empirical successes in deep learning. In this paper, we investigate the question of whether the ability to perform ERM, which computes a hypothesis minimizing empirical risk on a given dataset, is necessary for efficient learning: in particular, is there a weaker oracle than ERM which can nevertheless enable learnability? We answer this question affirmatively, showing that in the realizable setting of PAC learning for binary classification, a concept class can be learned using an oracle which only returns a single bit indicating whether a given dataset is realizable by some concept in the class. The sample complexity and oracle complexity of our algorithm depend polynomially on the VC dimension of the hypothesis class, thus showing that there is only a polynomial price to pay for use of our weaker oracle. Our results extend to the agnostic learning setting with a slight strengthening of the oracle, as well as to the partial concept, multiclass and real-valued learning settings. In the setting of partial concept classes, prior to our work no oracle-efficient algorithms were known, even with a standard ERM oracle. Thus, our results address a question of Alon et al. (2021) who asked whether there are algorithmic principles which enable efficient learnability in this setting.

new BLoB: Bayesian Low-Rank Adaptation by Backpropagation for Large Language Models

Authors: Yibin Wang, Haizhou Shi, Ligong Han, Dimitris Metaxas, Hao Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) often suffer from overconfidence during inference, particularly when adapted to downstream domain-specific tasks with limited data. Previous work addresses this issue by employing approximate Bayesian estimation after the LLMs are trained, enabling them to quantify uncertainty. However, such post-training approaches' performance is severely limited by the parameters learned during training. In this paper, we go beyond post-training Bayesianization and propose Bayesian Low-Rank Adaptation by Backpropagation (BLoB), an algorithm that continuously and jointly adjusts both the mean and covariance of LLM parameters throughout the whole fine-tuning process. Our empirical results verify the effectiveness of BLoB in terms of generalization and uncertainty estimation, when evaluated on both in-distribution and out-of-distribution data.

new Score-fPINN: Fractional Score-Based Physics-Informed Neural Networks for High-Dimensional Fokker-Planck-Levy Equations

Authors: Zheyuan Hu, Zhongqiang Zhang, George Em Karniadakis, Kenji Kawaguchi

Abstract: We introduce an innovative approach for solving high-dimensional Fokker-Planck-L\'evy (FPL) equations in modeling non-Brownian processes across disciplines such as physics, finance, and ecology. We utilize a fractional score function and Physical-informed neural networks (PINN) to lift the curse of dimensionality (CoD) and alleviate numerical overflow from exponentially decaying solutions with dimensions. The introduction of a fractional score function allows us to transform the FPL equation into a second-order partial differential equation without fractional Laplacian and thus can be readily solved with standard physics-informed neural networks (PINNs). We propose two methods to obtain a fractional score function: fractional score matching (FSM) and score-fPINN for fitting the fractional score function. While FSM is more cost-effective, it relies on known conditional distributions. On the other hand, score-fPINN is independent of specific stochastic differential equations (SDEs) but requires evaluating the PINN model's derivatives, which may be more costly. We conduct our experiments on various SDEs and demonstrate numerical stability and effectiveness of our method in dealing with high-dimensional problems, marking a significant advancement in addressing the CoD in FPL equations.

new Edge Classification on Graphs: New Directions in Topological Imbalance

Authors: Xueqi Cheng (Lance), Yu Wang (Lance), Yunchao (Lance), Liu, Yuying Zhao, Charu C. Aggarwal, Tyler Derr

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed the remarkable success of applying Graph machine learning (GML) to node/graph classification and link prediction. However, edge classification task that enjoys numerous real-world applications such as social network analysis and cybersecurity, has not seen significant advancement. To address this gap, our study pioneers a comprehensive approach to edge classification. We identify a novel `Topological Imbalance Issue', which arises from the skewed distribution of edges across different classes, affecting the local subgraph of each edge and harming the performance of edge classifications. Inspired by the recent studies in node classification that the performance discrepancy exists with varying local structural patterns, we aim to investigate if the performance discrepancy in topological imbalanced edge classification can also be mitigated by characterizing the local class distribution variance. To overcome this challenge, we introduce Topological Entropy (TE), a novel topological-based metric that measures the topological imbalance for each edge. Our empirical studies confirm that TE effectively measures local class distribution variance, and indicate that prioritizing edges with high TE values can help address the issue of topological imbalance. Based on this, we develop two strategies - Topological Reweighting and TE Wedge-based Mixup - to focus training on (synthetic) edges based on their TEs. While topological reweighting directly manipulates training edge weights according to TE, our wedge-based mixup interpolates synthetic edges between high TE wedges. Ultimately, we integrate these strategies into a novel topological imbalance strategy for edge classification: TopoEdge. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed strategies on newly curated datasets and thus establish a new benchmark for (imbalanced) edge classification.

new The Role of Inherent Bellman Error in Offline Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation

Authors: Noah Golowich, Ankur Moitra

Abstract: In this paper, we study the offline RL problem with linear function approximation. Our main structural assumption is that the MDP has low inherent Bellman error, which stipulates that linear value functions have linear Bellman backups with respect to the greedy policy. This assumption is natural in that it is essentially the minimal assumption required for value iteration to succeed. We give a computationally efficient algorithm which succeeds under a single-policy coverage condition on the dataset, namely which outputs a policy whose value is at least that of any policy which is well-covered by the dataset. Even in the setting when the inherent Bellman error is 0 (termed linear Bellman completeness), our algorithm yields the first known guarantee under single-policy coverage. In the setting of positive inherent Bellman error ${\varepsilon_{\mathrm{BE}}} > 0$, we show that the suboptimality error of our algorithm scales with $\sqrt{\varepsilon_{\mathrm{BE}}}$. Furthermore, we prove that the scaling of the suboptimality with $\sqrt{\varepsilon_{\mathrm{BE}}}$ cannot be improved for any algorithm. Our lower bound stands in contrast to many other settings in reinforcement learning with misspecification, where one can typically obtain performance that degrades linearly with the misspecification error.

new Multiple Descents in Unsupervised Learning: The Role of Noise, Domain Shift and Anomalies

Authors: Kobi Rahimi, Tom Tirer, Ofir Lindenbaum

Abstract: The phenomenon of double descent has recently gained attention in supervised learning. It challenges the conventional wisdom of the bias-variance trade-off by showcasing a surprising behavior. As the complexity of the model increases, the test error initially decreases until reaching a certain point where the model starts to overfit the train set, causing the test error to rise. However, deviating from classical theory, the error exhibits another decline when exceeding a certain degree of over-parameterization. We study the presence of double descent in unsupervised learning, an area that has received little attention and is not yet fully understood. We conduct extensive experiments using under-complete auto-encoders (AEs) for various applications, such as dealing with noisy data, domain shifts, and anomalies. We use synthetic and real data and identify model-wise, epoch-wise, and sample-wise double descent for all the aforementioned applications. Finally, we assessed the usability of the AEs for detecting anomalies and mitigating the domain shift between datasets. Our findings indicate that over-parameterized models can improve performance not only in terms of reconstruction, but also in enhancing capabilities for the downstream task.

new Scalable Expressiveness through Preprocessed Graph Perturbations

Authors: Danial Saber, Amirali Salehi-Abari

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as the predominant method for analyzing graph-structured data. However, canonical GNNs have limited expressive power and generalization capability, thus triggering the development of more expressive yet computationally intensive methods. One such approach is to create a series of perturbed versions of input graphs and then repeatedly conduct multiple message-passing operations on all variations during training. Despite their expressive power, this approach does not scale well on larger graphs. To address this scalability issue, we introduce Scalable Expressiveness through Preprocessed Graph Perturbation (SE2P). This model offers a flexible, configurable balance between scalability and generalizability with four distinct configuration classes. At one extreme, the configuration prioritizes scalability through minimal learnable feature extraction and extensive preprocessing; at the other extreme, it enhances generalizability with more learnable feature extractions, though this increases scalability costs. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets to evaluate the generalizability and scalability of SE2P variants compared to various state-of-the-art benchmarks. Our results indicate that, depending on the chosen SE2P configuration, the model can enhance generalizability compared to benchmarks while achieving significant speed improvements of up to 8-fold.

new Measuring memorization in RLHF for code completion

Authors: Aneesh Pappu, Billy Porter, Ilia Shumailov, Jamie Hayes

Abstract: Reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) has become the dominant method to align large models to user preferences. Unlike fine-tuning, for which there are many studies regarding training data memorization, it is not clear how memorization is affected by or introduced in the RLHF alignment process. Understanding this relationship is important as real user data may be collected and used to align large models; if user data is memorized during RLHF and later regurgitated, this could raise privacy concerns. In this work, we analyze how training data memorization can surface and propagate through each phase of RLHF. We focus our study on code completion models, as code completion is one of the most popular use cases for large language models. We find that RLHF significantly decreases the chance that data used for reward modeling and reinforcement learning is memorized, in comparison to aligning via directly fine-tuning on this data, but that examples already memorized during the fine-tuning stage of RLHF, will, in the majority of cases, remain memorized after RLHF.

new Refusal in Language Models Is Mediated by a Single Direction

Authors: Andy Arditi, Oscar Obeso, Aaquib Syed, Daniel Paleka, Nina Rimsky, Wes Gurnee, Neel Nanda

Abstract: Conversational large language models are fine-tuned for both instruction-following and safety, resulting in models that obey benign requests but refuse harmful ones. While this refusal behavior is widespread across chat models, its underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this work, we show that refusal is mediated by a one-dimensional subspace, across 13 popular open-source chat models up to 72B parameters in size. Specifically, for each model, we find a single direction such that erasing this direction from the model's residual stream activations prevents it from refusing harmful instructions, while adding this direction elicits refusal on even harmless instructions. Leveraging this insight, we propose a novel white-box jailbreak method that surgically disables refusal with minimal effect on other capabilities. Finally, we mechanistically analyze how adversarial suffixes suppress propagation of the refusal-mediating direction. Our findings underscore the brittleness of current safety fine-tuning methods. More broadly, our work showcases how an understanding of model internals can be leveraged to develop practical methods for controlling model behavior.

new Transcendence: Generative Models Can Outperform The Experts That Train Them

Authors: Edwin Zhang, Vincent Zhu, Naomi Saphra, Anat Kleiman, Benjamin L. Edelman, Milind Tambe, Sham M. Kakade, Eran Malach

Abstract: Generative models are trained with the simple objective of imitating the conditional probability distribution induced by the data they are trained on. Therefore, when trained on data generated by humans, we may not expect the artificial model to outperform the humans on their original objectives. In this work, we study the phenomenon of transcendence: when a generative model achieves capabilities that surpass the abilities of the experts generating its data. We demonstrate transcendence by training an autoregressive transformer to play chess from game transcripts, and show that the trained model can sometimes achieve better performance than all players in the dataset. We theoretically prove that transcendence is enabled by low-temperature sampling, and rigorously assess this experimentally. Finally, we discuss other sources of transcendence, laying the groundwork for future investigation of this phenomenon in a broader setting.

new Optimal Transport-Assisted Risk-Sensitive Q-Learning

Authors: Zahra Shahrooei, Ali Baheri

Abstract: The primary goal of reinforcement learning is to develop decision-making policies that prioritize optimal performance without considering risk or safety. In contrast, safe reinforcement learning aims to mitigate or avoid unsafe states. This paper presents a risk-sensitive Q-learning algorithm that leverages optimal transport theory to enhance the agent safety. By integrating optimal transport into the Q-learning framework, our approach seeks to optimize the policy's expected return while minimizing the Wasserstein distance between the policy's stationary distribution and a predefined risk distribution, which encapsulates safety preferences from domain experts. We validate the proposed algorithm in a Gridworld environment. The results indicate that our method significantly reduces the frequency of visits to risky states and achieves faster convergence to a stable policy compared to the traditional Q-learning algorithm.

new Provable Guarantees for Model Performance via Mechanistic Interpretability

Authors: Jason Gross, Rajashree Agrawal, Thomas Kwa, Euan Ong, Chun Hei Yip, Alex Gibson, Soufiane Noubir, Lawrence Chan

Abstract: In this work, we propose using mechanistic interpretability -- techniques for reverse engineering model weights into human-interpretable algorithms -- to derive and compactly prove formal guarantees on model performance. We prototype this approach by formally lower bounding the accuracy of 151 small transformers trained on a Max-of-$k$ task. We create 102 different computer-assisted proof strategies and assess their length and tightness of bound on each of our models. Using quantitative metrics, we show that shorter proofs seem to require and provide more mechanistic understanding, and that more faithful mechanistic understanding leads to tighter performance bounds. We confirm these connections by qualitatively examining a subset of our proofs. Finally, we identify compounding structureless noise as a key challenge for using mechanistic interpretability to generate compact proofs on model performance.

new Split, Unlearn, Merge: Leveraging Data Attributes for More Effective Unlearning in LLMs

Authors: Swanand Ravindra Kadhe, Farhan Ahmed, Dennis Wei, Nathalie Baracaldo, Inkit Padhi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown to pose social and ethical risks such as generating toxic language or facilitating malicious use of hazardous knowledge. Machine unlearning is a promising approach to improve LLM safety by directly removing harmful behaviors and knowledge. In this paper, we propose "SPlit, UNlearn, MerGE" (SPUNGE), a framework that can be used with any unlearning method to amplify its effectiveness. SPUNGE leverages data attributes during unlearning by splitting unlearning data into subsets based on specific attribute values, unlearning each subset separately, and merging the unlearned models. We empirically demonstrate that SPUNGE significantly improves the performance of two recent unlearning methods on state-of-the-art LLMs while maintaining their general capabilities on standard academic benchmarks.

new DataComp-LM: In search of the next generation of training sets for language models

Authors: Jeffrey Li, Alex Fang, Georgios Smyrnis, Maor Ivgi, Matt Jordan, Samir Gadre, Hritik Bansal, Etash Guha, Sedrick Keh, Kushal Arora, Saurabh Garg, Rui Xin, Niklas Muenninghoff, Reinhard Heckel, Jean Mercat, Mayee Chen, Suchin Gururangan, Mitchell Wortsman, Alon Albalak, Yonatan Bitton, Marianna Nezhurina, Amro Abbas, Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Dhruba Ghosh, Josh Gardner, Maciej Kilian, Hanlin Zhang, Rulin Shao, Sarah Pratt, Sunny Sanyal, Gabriel Ilharco, Giannis Daras, Kalyani Marathe, Aaron Gokaslan, Jieyu Zhang, Khyathi Chandu, Thao Nguyen, Igor Vasiljevic, Sham Kakade, Shuran Song, Sujay Sanghavi, Fartash Faghri, Sewoong Oh, Luke Zettlemoyer, Kyle Lo, Alaaeldin El-Nouby, Hadi Pouransari, Alexander Toshev, Stephanie Wang, Dirk Groeneveld, Luca Soldani, Pang Wei Koh, Jenia Jitsev, Thomas Kollar, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Yair Carmon, Achal Dave, Ludwig Schmidt, Vaishaal Shankar

Abstract: We introduce DataComp for Language Models (DCLM), a testbed for controlled dataset experiments with the goal of improving language models. As part of DCLM, we provide a standardized corpus of 240T tokens extracted from Common Crawl, effective pretraining recipes based on the OpenLM framework, and a broad suite of 53 downstream evaluations. Participants in the DCLM benchmark can experiment with data curation strategies such as deduplication, filtering, and data mixing at model scales ranging from 412M to 7B parameters. As a baseline for DCLM, we conduct extensive experiments and find that model-based filtering is key to assembling a high-quality training set. The resulting dataset, DCLM-Baseline enables training a 7B parameter language model from scratch to 64% 5-shot accuracy on MMLU with 2.6T training tokens. Compared to MAP-Neo, the previous state-of-the-art in open-data language models, DCLM-Baseline represents a 6.6 percentage point improvement on MMLU while being trained with 40% less compute. Our baseline model is also comparable to Mistral-7B-v0.3 and Llama 3 8B on MMLU (63% & 66%), and performs similarly on an average of 53 natural language understanding tasks while being trained with 6.6x less compute than Llama 3 8B. Our results highlight the importance of dataset design for training language models and offer a starting point for further research on data curation.

new Efficient Discovery of Significant Patterns with Few-Shot Resampling

Authors: Leonardo Pellegrina, Fabio Vandin

Abstract: Significant pattern mining is a fundamental task in mining transactional data, requiring to identify patterns significantly associated with the value of a given feature, the target. In several applications, such as biomedicine, basket market analysis, and social networks, the goal is to discover patterns whose association with the target is defined with respect to an underlying population, or process, of which the dataset represents only a collection of observations, or samples. A natural way to capture the association of a pattern with the target is to consider its statistical significance, assessing its deviation from the (null) hypothesis of independence between the pattern and the target. While several algorithms have been proposed to find statistically significant patterns, it remains a computationally demanding task, and for complex patterns such as subgroups, no efficient solution exists. We present FSR, an efficient algorithm to identify statistically significant patterns with rigorous guarantees on the probability of false discoveries. FSR builds on a novel general framework for mining significant patterns that captures some of the most commonly considered patterns, including itemsets, sequential patterns, and subgroups. FSR uses a small number of resampled datasets, obtained by assigning i.i.d. labels to each transaction, to rigorously bound the supremum deviation of a quality statistic measuring the significance of patterns. FSR builds on novel tight bounds on the supremum deviation that require to mine a small number of resampled datasets, while providing a high effectiveness in discovering significant patterns. As a test case, we consider significant subgroup mining, and our evaluation on several real datasets shows that FSR is effective in discovering significant subgroups, while requiring a small number of resampled datasets.

new Physics-Constrained Learning for PDE Systems with Uncertainty Quantified Port-Hamiltonian Models

Authors: Kaiyuan Tan, Peilun Li, Thomas Beckers

Abstract: Modeling the dynamics of flexible objects has become an emerging topic in the community as these objects become more present in many applications, e.g., soft robotics. Due to the properties of flexible materials, the movements of soft objects are often highly nonlinear and, thus, complex to predict. Data-driven approaches seem promising for modeling those complex dynamics but often neglect basic physical principles, which consequently makes them untrustworthy and limits generalization. To address this problem, we propose a physics-constrained learning method that combines powerful learning tools and reliable physical models. Our method leverages the data collected from observations by sending them into a Gaussian process that is physically constrained by a distributed Port-Hamiltonian model. Based on the Bayesian nature of the Gaussian process, we not only learn the dynamics of the system, but also enable uncertainty quantification. Furthermore, the proposed approach preserves the compositional nature of Port-Hamiltonian systems.

new Computationally Efficient RL under Linear Bellman Completeness for Deterministic Dynamics

Authors: Runzhe Wu, Ayush Sekhari, Akshay Krishnamurthy, Wen Sun

Abstract: We study computationally and statistically efficient Reinforcement Learning algorithms for the linear Bellman Complete setting, a setting that uses linear function approximation to capture value functions and unifies existing models like linear Markov Decision Processes (MDP) and Linear Quadratic Regulators (LQR). While it is known from the prior works that this setting is statistically tractable, it remained open whether a computationally efficient algorithm exists. Our work provides a computationally efficient algorithm for the linear Bellman complete setting that works for MDPs with large action spaces, random initial states, and random rewards but relies on the underlying dynamics to be deterministic. Our approach is based on randomization: we inject random noise into least square regression problems to perform optimistic value iteration. Our key technical contribution is to carefully design the noise to only act in the null space of the training data to ensure optimism while circumventing a subtle error amplification issue.

new Spectral Introspection Identifies Group Training Dynamics in Deep Neural Networks for Neuroimaging

Authors: Bradley T. Baker, Vince D. Calhoun, Sergey M. Plis

Abstract: Neural networks, whice have had a profound effect on how researchers study complex phenomena, do so through a complex, nonlinear mathematical structure which can be difficult for human researchers to interpret. This obstacle can be especially salient when researchers want to better understand the emergence of particular model behaviors such as bias, overfitting, overparametrization, and more. In Neuroimaging, the understanding of how such phenomena emerge is fundamental to preventing and informing users of the potential risks involved in practice. In this work, we present a novel introspection framework for Deep Learning on Neuroimaging data, which exploits the natural structure of gradient computations via the singular value decomposition of gradient components during reverse-mode auto-differentiation. Unlike post-hoc introspection techniques, which require fully-trained models for evaluation, our method allows for the study of training dynamics on the fly, and even more interestingly, allow for the decomposition of gradients based on which samples belong to particular groups of interest. We demonstrate how the gradient spectra for several common deep learning models differ between schizophrenia and control participants from the COBRE study, and illustrate how these trajectories may reveal specific training dynamics helpful for further analysis.

new Learning sum of diverse features: computational hardness and efficient gradient-based training for ridge combinations

Authors: Kazusato Oko, Yujin Song, Taiji Suzuki, Denny Wu

Abstract: We study the computational and sample complexity of learning a target function $f_*:\mathbb{R}^d\to\mathbb{R}$ with additive structure, that is, $f_*(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{M}}\sum_{m=1}^M f_m(\langle x, v_m\rangle)$, where $f_1,f_2,...,f_M:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ are nonlinear link functions of single-index models (ridge functions) with diverse and near-orthogonal index features $\{v_m\}_{m=1}^M$, and the number of additive tasks $M$ grows with the dimensionality $M\asymp d^\gamma$ for $\gamma\ge 0$. This problem setting is motivated by the classical additive model literature, the recent representation learning theory of two-layer neural network, and large-scale pretraining where the model simultaneously acquires a large number of "skills" that are often localized in distinct parts of the trained network. We prove that a large subset of polynomial $f_*$ can be efficiently learned by gradient descent training of a two-layer neural network, with a polynomial statistical and computational complexity that depends on the number of tasks $M$ and the information exponent of $f_m$, despite the unknown link function and $M$ growing with the dimensionality. We complement this learnability guarantee with computational hardness result by establishing statistical query (SQ) lower bounds for both the correlational SQ and full SQ algorithms.

cross One-Shot Imitation Learning with Invariance Matching for Robotic Manipulation

Authors: Xinyu Zhang, Abdeslam Boularias

Abstract: Learning a single universal policy that can perform a diverse set of manipulation tasks is a promising new direction in robotics. However, existing techniques are limited to learning policies that can only perform tasks that are encountered during training, and require a large number of demonstrations to learn new tasks. Humans, on the other hand, often can learn a new task from a single unannotated demonstration. In this work, we propose the Invariance-Matching One-shot Policy Learning (IMOP) algorithm. In contrast to the standard practice of learning the end-effector's pose directly, IMOP first learns invariant regions of the state space for a given task, and then computes the end-effector's pose through matching the invariant regions between demonstrations and test scenes. Trained on the 18 RLBench tasks, IMOP achieves a success rate that outperforms the state-of-the-art consistently, by 4.5% on average over the 18 tasks. More importantly, IMOP can learn a novel task from a single unannotated demonstration, and without any fine-tuning, and achieves an average success rate improvement of $11.5\%$ over the state-of-the-art on 22 novel tasks selected across nine categories. IMOP can also generalize to new shapes and learn to manipulate objects that are different from those in the demonstration. Further, IMOP can perform one-shot sim-to-real transfer using a single real-robot demonstration.

cross Anomaly Multi-classification in Industrial Scenarios: Transferring Few-shot Learning to a New Task

Authors: Jie Liu, Yao Wu, Xiaotong Luo, Zongze Wu

Abstract: In industrial scenarios, it is crucial not only to identify anomalous items but also to classify the type of anomaly. However, research on anomaly multi-classification remains largely unexplored. This paper proposes a novel and valuable research task called anomaly multi-classification. Given the challenges in applying few-shot learning to this task, due to limited training data and unique characteristics of anomaly images, we introduce a baseline model that combines RelationNet and PatchCore. We propose a data generation method that creates pseudo classes and a corresponding proxy task, aiming to bridge the gap in transferring few-shot learning to industrial scenarios. Furthermore, we utilize contrastive learning to improve the vanilla baseline, achieving much better performance than directly fine-tune a ResNet. Experiments conducted on MvTec AD and MvTec3D AD demonstrate that our approach shows superior performance in this novel task.

cross A Primal-Dual-Assisted Penalty Approach to Bilevel Optimization with Coupled Constraints

Authors: Liuyuan Jiang, Quan Xiao, Victor M. Tenorio, Fernando Real-Rojas, Antonio Marques, Tianyi Chen

Abstract: Interest in bilevel optimization has grown in recent years, partially due to its applications to tackle challenging machine-learning problems. Several exciting recent works have been centered around developing efficient gradient-based algorithms that can solve bilevel optimization problems with provable guarantees. However, the existing literature mainly focuses on bilevel problems either without constraints, or featuring only simple constraints that do not couple variables across the upper and lower levels, excluding a range of complex applications. Our paper studies this challenging but less explored scenario and develops a (fully) first-order algorithm, which we term BLOCC, to tackle BiLevel Optimization problems with Coupled Constraints. We establish rigorous convergence theory for the proposed algorithm and demonstrate its effectiveness on two well-known real-world applications - hyperparameter selection in support vector machine (SVM) and infrastructure planning in transportation networks using the real data from the city of Seville.

cross Review and Prospect of Algebraic Research in Equivalent Framework between Statistical Mechanics and Machine Learning Theory

Authors: Sumio Watanabe

Abstract: Mathematical equivalence between statistical mechanics and machine learning theory has been known since the 20th century, and researches based on such equivalence has provided novel methodology in both theoretical physics and statistical learning theory. For example, algebraic approach in statistical mechanics such as operator algebra enables us to analyze phase transition phenomena mathematically. In this paper, for theoretical physicists who are interested in artificial intelligence, we review and prospect algebraic researches in machine learning theory. If a learning machine has hierarchical structure or latent variables, then the random Hamiltonian cannot be expressed by any quadratic perturbation because it has singularities. To study an equilibrium state defined by such a singular random Hamiltonian, algebraic approach is necessary to derive asymptotic form of the free energy and the generalization error. We also introduce the most recent advance, in fact,theoretical foundation for alignment of artificial intelligence is now being constructed based on algebraic learning theory. This paper is devoted to the memory of Professor Huzihiro Araki who is a pioneer founder of algebraic research in both statistical mechanics and quantum field theory.

cross Towards commands recommender system in BIM authoring tool using transformers

Authors: Changyu Du, Zihan Deng, Stavros Nousias, Andr\'e Borrmann

Abstract: The complexity of BIM software presents significant barriers to the widespread adoption of BIM and model-based design within the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector. End-users frequently express concerns regarding the additional effort required to create a sufficiently detailed BIM model when compared with conventional 2D drafting. This study explores the potential of sequential recommendation systems to accelerate the BIM modeling process. By treating BIM software commands as recommendable items, we introduce a novel end-to-end approach that predicts the next-best command based on user historical interactions. Our framework extensively preprocesses real-world, large-scale BIM log data, utilizes the transformer architectures from the latest large language models as the backbone network, and ultimately results in a prototype that provides real-time command suggestions within the BIM authoring tool Vectorworks. Subsequent experiments validated that our proposed model outperforms the previous study, demonstrating the immense potential of the recommendation system in enhancing design efficiency.

cross Early Detection of Misinformation for Infodemic Management: A Domain Adaptation Approach

Authors: Minjia Mao, Xiaohang Zhao, Xiao Fang

Abstract: An infodemic refers to an enormous amount of true information and misinformation disseminated during a disease outbreak. Detecting misinformation at the early stage of an infodemic is key to manage it and reduce its harm to public health. An early stage infodemic is characterized by a large volume of unlabeled information concerning a disease. As a result, conventional misinformation detection methods are not suitable for this misinformation detection task because they rely on labeled information in the infodemic domain to train their models. To address the limitation of conventional methods, state-of-the-art methods learn their models using labeled information in other domains to detect misinformation in the infodemic domain. The efficacy of these methods depends on their ability to mitigate both covariate shift and concept shift between the infodemic domain and the domains from which they leverage labeled information. These methods focus on mitigating covariate shift but overlook concept shift, rendering them less effective for the task. In response, we theoretically show the necessity of tackling both covariate shift and concept shift as well as how to operationalize each of them. Built on the theoretical analysis, we develop a novel misinformation detection method that addresses both covariate shift and concept shift. Using two real-world datasets, we conduct extensive empirical evaluations to demonstrate the superior performance of our method over state-of-the-art misinformation detection methods as well as prevalent domain adaptation methods that can be tailored to solve the misinformation detection task.

cross Predict Click-Through Rates with Deep Interest Network Model in E-commerce Advertising

Authors: Chang Zhou, Yang Zhao, Yuelin Zou, Jin Cao, Wenhan Fan, Yi Zhao, Chiyu Cheng

Abstract: This paper proposes new methods to enhance click-through rate (CTR) prediction models using the Deep Interest Network (DIN) model, specifically applied to the advertising system of Alibaba's Taobao platform. Unlike traditional deep learning approaches, this research focuses on localized user behavior activation for tailored ad targeting by leveraging extensive user behavior data. Compared to traditional models, this method demonstrates superior ability to handle diverse and dynamic user data, thereby improving the efficiency of ad systems and increasing revenue.

cross Physics-Informed Critic in an Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Swimming in Turbulence

Authors: Christopher Koh, Laurent Pagnier, Michael Chertkov

Abstract: Turbulent diffusion causes particles placed in proximity to separate. We investigate the required swimming efforts to maintain a particle close to its passively advected counterpart. We explore optimally balancing these efforts with the intended goal by developing and comparing a novel Physics-Informed Reinforcement Learning (PIRL) strategy with prescribed control (PC) and standard physics-agnostic Reinforcement Learning strategies. Our PIRL scheme, coined the Actor-Physicist, is an adaptation of the Actor-Critic algorithm in which the Neural Network parameterized Critic is replaced with an analytically derived physical heuristic function (the physicist). This strategy is then compared with an analytically computed optimal PC policy derived from a stochastic optimal control formulation and standard physics-agnostic Actor-Critic type algorithms.

cross On conceptualisation and an overview of learning path recommender systems in e-learning

Authors: A. Fuster-L\'opez, J. M. Cruz, P. Guerrero-Garc\'ia, E. M. T. Hendrix, A. Ko\v{s}ir, I. Nowak, L. Oneto, S. Sirmakessis, M. F. Pacheco, F. P. Fernandes, A. I. Pereira

Abstract: The use of e-learning systems has a long tradition, where students can study online helped by a system. In this context, the use of recommender systems is relatively new. In our research project, we investigated various ways to create a recommender system. They all aim at facilitating the learning and understanding of a student. We present a common concept of the learning path and its learning indicators and embed 5 different recommenders in this context.

cross Robust portfolio optimization for recommender systems considering uncertainty of estimated statistics

Authors: Tomoya Yanagi, Shunnosuke Ikeda, Yuichi Takano

Abstract: This paper is concerned with portfolio optimization models for creating high-quality lists of recommended items to balance the accuracy and diversity of recommendations. However, the statistics (i.e., expectation and covariance of ratings) required for mean--variance portfolio optimization are subject to inevitable estimation errors. To remedy this situation, we focus on robust optimization techniques that derive reliable solutions to uncertain optimization problems. Specifically, we propose a robust portfolio optimization model that copes with the uncertainty of estimated statistics based on the cardinality-based uncertainty sets. This robust portfolio optimization model can be reduced to a mixed-integer linear optimization problem, which can be solved exactly using mathematical optimization solvers. Experimental results using two publicly available rating datasets demonstrate that our method can improve not only the recommendation accuracy but also the diversity of recommendations compared with conventional mean--variance portfolio optimization models. Notably, our method has the potential to improve the recommendation quality of various rating prediction algorithms.

cross D\'eveloppement automatique de lexiques pour les concepts \'emergents : une exploration m\'ethodologique

Authors: Revekka Kyriakoglou, Anna Pappa, Jilin He, Antoine Schoen, Patricia Laurens, Markarit Vartampetian, Philippe Laredo, Tita Kyriacopoulou

Abstract: This paper presents the development of a lexicon centered on emerging concepts, focusing on non-technological innovation. It introduces a four-step methodology that combines human expertise, statistical analysis, and machine learning techniques to establish a model that can be generalized across multiple domains. This process includes the creation of a thematic corpus, the development of a Gold Standard Lexicon, annotation and preparation of a training corpus, and finally, the implementation of learning models to identify new terms. The results demonstrate the robustness and relevance of our approach, highlighting its adaptability to various contexts and its contribution to lexical research. The developed methodology promises applicability in conceptual fields.

cross Towards Signal Processing In Large Language Models

Authors: Prateek Verma, Mert Pilanci

Abstract: This paper introduces the idea of applying signal processing inside a Large Language Model (LLM). With the recent explosion of generative AI, our work can help bridge two fields together, namely the field of signal processing and large language models. We draw parallels between classical Fourier-Transforms and Fourier Transform-like learnable time-frequency representations for every intermediate activation signal of an LLM. Once we decompose every activation signal across tokens into a time-frequency representation, we learn how to filter and reconstruct them, with all components learned from scratch, to predict the next token given the previous context. We show that for GPT-like architectures, our work achieves faster convergence and significantly increases performance by adding a minuscule number of extra parameters when trained for the same epochs. We hope this work paves the way for algorithms exploring signal processing inside the signals found in neural architectures like LLMs and beyond.

cross Explicit Word Density Estimation for Language Modelling

Authors: Jovan Andonov, Octavian Ganea, Paulina Grnarova, Gary B\'ecigneul, Thomas Hofmann

Abstract: Language Modelling has been a central part of Natural Language Processing for a very long time and in the past few years LSTM-based language models have been the go-to method for commercial language modeling. Recently, it has been shown that when looking at language modelling from a matrix factorization point of view, the final Softmax layer limits the expressiveness of the model, by putting an upper bound on the rank of the resulting matrix. Additionally, a new family of neural networks based called NeuralODEs, has been introduced as a continuous alternative to Residual Networks. Moreover, it has been shown that there is a connection between these models and Normalizing Flows. In this work we propose a new family of language models based on NeuralODEs and the continuous analogue of Normalizing Flows and manage to improve on some of the baselines.

cross Optimal synthesis embeddings

Authors: Roberto Santana, Mauricio Romero Sicre

Abstract: In this paper we introduce a word embedding composition method based on the intuitive idea that a fair embedding representation for a given set of words should satisfy that the new vector will be at the same distance of the vector representation of each of its constituents, and this distance should be minimized. The embedding composition method can work with static and contextualized word representations, it can be applied to create representations of sentences and learn also representations of sets of words that are not necessarily organized as a sequence. We theoretically characterize the conditions for the existence of this type of representation and derive the solution. We evaluate the method in data augmentation and sentence classification tasks, investigating several design choices of embeddings and composition methods. We show that our approach excels in solving probing tasks designed to capture simple linguistic features of sentences.

cross Flextron: Many-in-One Flexible Large Language Model

Authors: Ruisi Cai, Saurav Muralidharan, Greg Heinrich, Hongxu Yin, Zhangyang Wang, Jan Kautz, Pavlo Molchanov

Abstract: Training modern LLMs is extremely resource intensive, and customizing them for various deployment scenarios characterized by limited compute and memory resources through repeated training is impractical. In this paper, we introduce Flextron, a network architecture and post-training model optimization framework supporting flexible model deployment. The Flextron architecture utilizes a nested elastic structure to rapidly adapt to specific user-defined latency and accuracy targets during inference with no additional fine-tuning required. It is also input-adaptive, and can automatically route tokens through its sub-networks for improved performance and efficiency. We present a sample-efficient training method and associated routing algorithms for systematically transforming an existing trained LLM into a Flextron model. We evaluate Flextron on the GPT-3 and LLama-2 family of LLMs, and demonstrate superior performance over multiple end-to-end trained variants and other state-of-the-art elastic networks, all with a single pretraining run that consumes a mere 7.63% tokens compared to original pretraining.

cross Markov Constraint as Large Language Model Surrogate

Authors: Alexandre Bonlarron, Jean-Charles R\'egin

Abstract: This paper presents NgramMarkov, a variant of the Markov constraints. It is dedicated to text generation in constraint programming (CP). It involves a set of n-grams (i.e., sequence of n words) associated with probabilities given by a large language model (LLM). It limits the product of the probabilities of the n-gram of a sentence. The propagator of this constraint can be seen as an extension of the ElementaryMarkov constraint propagator, incorporating the LLM distribution instead of the maximum likelihood estimation of n-grams. It uses a gliding threshold, i.e., it rejects n-grams whose local probabilities are too low, to guarantee balanced solutions. It can also be combined with a "look-ahead" approach to remove n-grams that are very unlikely to lead to acceptable sentences for a fixed-length horizon. This idea is based on the MDDMarkovProcess constraint propagator, but without explicitly using an MDD (Multi-Valued Decision Diagram). The experimental results show that the generated text is valued in a similar way to the LLM perplexity function. Using this new constraint dramatically reduces the number of candidate sentences produced, improves computation times, and allows larger corpora or smaller n-grams to be used. A real-world problem has been solved for the first time using 4-grams instead of 5-grams.

cross A Conceptual Framework For Trie-Augmented Neural Networks (TANNS)

Authors: Temitayo Adefemi

Abstract: Trie-Augmented Neural Networks (TANNs) combine trie structures with neural networks, forming a hierarchical design that enhances decision-making transparency and efficiency in machine learning. This paper investigates the use of TANNs for text and document classification, applying Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Feed forward Neural Networks (FNNs). We evaluated TANNs on the 20 NewsGroup and SMS Spam Collection datasets, comparing their performance with traditional RNN and FFN Networks with and without dropout regularization. The results show that TANNs achieve similar or slightly better performance in text classification. The primary advantage of TANNs is their structured decision-making process, which improves interpretability. We discuss implementation challenges and practical limitations. Future work will aim to refine the TANNs architecture for more complex classification tasks.

cross Connected Speech-Based Cognitive Assessment in Chinese and English

Authors: aturnino Luz, Sofia De La Fuente Garcia, Fasih Haider, Davida Fromm, Brian MacWhinney, Alyssa Lanzi, Ya-Ning Chang, Chia-Ju Chou, Yi-Chien Liu

Abstract: We present a novel benchmark dataset and prediction tasks for investigating approaches to assess cognitive function through analysis of connected speech. The dataset consists of speech samples and clinical information for speakers of Mandarin Chinese and English with different levels of cognitive impairment as well as individuals with normal cognition. These data have been carefully matched by age and sex by propensity score analysis to ensure balance and representativity in model training. The prediction tasks encompass mild cognitive impairment diagnosis and cognitive test score prediction. This framework was designed to encourage the development of approaches to speech-based cognitive assessment which generalise across languages. We illustrate it by presenting baseline prediction models that employ language-agnostic and comparable features for diagnosis and cognitive test score prediction. The models achieved unweighted average recall was 59.2% in diagnosis, and root mean squared error of 2.89 in score prediction.

cross We Have a Package for You! A Comprehensive Analysis of Package Hallucinations by Code Generating LLMs

Authors: Joseph Spracklen, Raveen Wijewickrama, A H M Nazmus Sakib, Anindya Maiti, Murtuza Jadliwala

Abstract: The reliance of popular programming languages such as Python and JavaScript on centralized package repositories and open-source software, combined with the emergence of code-generating Large Language Models (LLMs), has created a new type of threat to the software supply chain: package hallucinations. These hallucinations, which arise from fact-conflicting errors when generating code using LLMs, represent a novel form of package confusion attack that poses a critical threat to the integrity of the software supply chain. This paper conducts a rigorous and comprehensive evaluation of package hallucinations across different programming languages, settings, and parameters, exploring how different configurations of LLMs affect the likelihood of generating erroneous package recommendations and identifying the root causes of this phenomena. Using 16 different popular code generation models, across two programming languages and two unique prompt datasets, we collect 576,000 code samples which we analyze for package hallucinations. Our findings reveal that 19.7% of generated packages across all the tested LLMs are hallucinated, including a staggering 205,474 unique examples of hallucinated package names, further underscoring the severity and pervasiveness of this threat. We also implemented and evaluated mitigation strategies based on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), self-detected feedback, and supervised fine-tuning. These techniques demonstrably reduced package hallucinations, with hallucination rates for one model dropping below 3%. While the mitigation efforts were effective in reducing hallucination rates, our study reveals that package hallucinations are a systemic and persistent phenomenon that pose a significant challenge for code generating LLMs.

cross Transferable Embedding Inversion Attack: Uncovering Privacy Risks in Text Embeddings without Model Queries

Authors: Yu-Hsiang Huang, Yuche Tsai, Hsiang Hsiao, Hong-Yi Lin, Shou-De Lin

Abstract: This study investigates the privacy risks associated with text embeddings, focusing on the scenario where attackers cannot access the original embedding model. Contrary to previous research requiring direct model access, we explore a more realistic threat model by developing a transfer attack method. This approach uses a surrogate model to mimic the victim model's behavior, allowing the attacker to infer sensitive information from text embeddings without direct access. Our experiments across various embedding models and a clinical dataset demonstrate that our transfer attack significantly outperforms traditional methods, revealing the potential privacy vulnerabilities in embedding technologies and emphasizing the need for enhanced security measures.

cross Watermarking Language Models with Error Correcting Codes

Authors: Patrick Chao, Edgar Dobriban, Hamed Hassani

Abstract: Recent progress in large language models enables the creation of realistic machine-generated content. Watermarking is a promising approach to distinguish machine-generated text from human text, embedding statistical signals in the output that are ideally undetectable to humans. We propose a watermarking framework that encodes such signals through an error correcting code. Our method, termed robust binary code (RBC) watermark, introduces no distortion compared to the original probability distribution, and no noticeable degradation in quality. We evaluate our watermark on base and instruction fine-tuned models and find our watermark is robust to edits, deletions, and translations. We provide an information-theoretic perspective on watermarking, a powerful statistical test for detection and for generating p-values, and theoretical guarantees. Our empirical findings suggest our watermark is fast, powerful, and robust, comparing favorably to the state-of-the-art.

cross Malicious URL Detection using optimized Hist Gradient Boosting Classifier based on grid search method

Authors: Mohammad Maftoun, Nima Shadkam, Seyedeh Somayeh Salehi Komamardakhi, Zulkefli Mansor, Javad Hassannataj Joloudari

Abstract: Trusting the accuracy of data inputted on online platforms can be difficult due to the possibility of malicious websites gathering information for unlawful reasons. Analyzing each website individually becomes challenging with the presence of such malicious sites, making it hard to efficiently list all Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) on a blacklist. This ongoing challenge emphasizes the crucial need for strong security measures to safeguard against potential threats and unauthorized data collection. To detect the risk posed by malicious websites, it is proposed to utilize Machine Learning (ML)-based techniques. To this, we used several ML techniques such as Hist Gradient Boosting Classifier (HGBC), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for detection of the benign and malicious website dataset. The dataset used contains 1781 records of malicious and benign website data with 13 features. First, we investigated missing value imputation on the dataset. Then, we normalized this data by scaling to a range of zero and one. Next, we utilized the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) to balance the training data since the data set was unbalanced. After that, we applied ML algorithms to the balanced training set. Meanwhile, all algorithms were optimized based on grid search. Finally, the models were evaluated based on accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and the Area Under the Curve (AUC) metrics. The results demonstrated that the HGBC classifier has the best performance in terms of the mentioned metrics compared to the other classifiers.

cross Mimicking User Data: On Mitigating Fine-Tuning Risks in Closed Large Language Models

Authors: Francisco Eiras, Aleksandar Petrov, Phillip H. S. Torr, M. Pawan Kumar, Adel Bibi

Abstract: Fine-tuning large language models on small, high-quality datasets can enhance their performance on specific downstream tasks. Recent research shows that fine-tuning on benign, instruction-following data can inadvertently undo the safety alignment process and increase a model's propensity to comply with harmful queries. Although critical, understanding and mitigating safety risks in well-defined tasks remains distinct from the instruction-following context due to structural differences in the data. Our work explores the risks associated with fine-tuning closed models - where providers control how user data is utilized in the process - across diverse task-specific data. We demonstrate how malicious actors can subtly manipulate the structure of almost any task-specific dataset to foster significantly more dangerous model behaviors, while maintaining an appearance of innocuity and reasonable downstream task performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel mitigation strategy that mixes in safety data which mimics the task format and prompting style of the user data, showing this is more effective than existing baselines at re-establishing safety alignment while maintaining similar task performance.

cross MobileAIBench: Benchmarking LLMs and LMMs for On-Device Use Cases

Authors: Rithesh Murthy, Liangwei Yang, Juntao Tan, Tulika Manoj Awalgaonkar, Yilun Zhou, Shelby Heinecke, Sachin Desai, Jason Wu, Ran Xu, Sarah Tan, Jianguo Zhang, Zhiwei Liu, Shirley Kokane, Zuxin Liu, Ming Zhu, Huan Wang, Caiming Xiong, Silvio Savarese

Abstract: The deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) on mobile devices has gained significant attention due to the benefits of enhanced privacy, stability, and personalization. However, the hardware constraints of mobile devices necessitate the use of models with fewer parameters and model compression techniques like quantization. Currently, there is limited understanding of quantization's impact on various task performances, including LLM tasks, LMM tasks, and, critically, trust and safety. There is a lack of adequate tools for systematically testing these models on mobile devices. To address these gaps, we introduce MobileAIBench, a comprehensive benchmarking framework for evaluating mobile-optimized LLMs and LMMs. MobileAIBench assesses models across different sizes, quantization levels, and tasks, measuring latency and resource consumption on real devices. Our two-part open-source framework includes a library for running evaluations on desktops and an iOS app for on-device latency and hardware utilization measurements. Our thorough analysis aims to accelerate mobile AI research and deployment by providing insights into the performance and feasibility of deploying LLMs and LMMs on mobile platforms.

cross Automatically Labeling $200B Life-Saving Datasets: A Large Clinical Trial Outcome Benchmark

Authors: Chufan Gao, Jathurshan Pradeepkumar, Trisha Das, Shivashankar Thati, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: The global cost of drug discovery and development exceeds $200 billion annually. The main results of drug discovery and development are the outcomes of clinical trials, which directly influence the regulatory approval of new drug candidates and ultimately affect patient outcomes. Despite their significance, large-scale, high-quality clinical trial outcome data are not readily available to the public. Suppose a large clinical trial outcome dataset is provided; machine learning researchers can potentially develop accurate prediction models using past trials and outcome labels, which could help prioritize and optimize therapeutic programs, ultimately benefiting patients. This paper introduces Clinical Trial Outcome (CTO) dataset, the largest trial outcome dataset with around 479K clinical trials, aggregating outcomes from multiple sources of weakly supervised labels, minimizing the noise from individual sources, and eliminating the need for human annotation. These sources include large language model (LLM) decisions on trial-related documents, news headline sentiments, stock prices of trial sponsors, trial linkages across phases, and other signals such as patient dropout rates and adverse events. CTO's labels show unprecedented agreement with supervised clinical trial outcome labels from test split of the supervised TOP dataset, with a 91 F1.

cross RelevAI-Reviewer: A Benchmark on AI Reviewers for Survey Paper Relevance

Authors: Paulo Henrique Couto (TAU, LISN), Quang Phuoc Ho (TAU, LISN), Nageeta Kumari (TAU, LISN), Benedictus Kent Rachmat (TAU, LISN), Thanh Gia Hieu Khuong (TAU, LISN), Ihsan Ullah (TAU, LISN), Lisheng Sun-Hosoya (TAU, LISN)

Abstract: Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly the widespread adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs), have significantly enhanced text analysis capabilities. This technological evolution offers considerable promise for automating the review of scientific papers, a task traditionally managed through peer review by fellow researchers. Despite its critical role in maintaining research quality, the conventional peer-review process is often slow and subject to biases, potentially impeding the swift propagation of scientific knowledge. In this paper, we propose RelevAI-Reviewer, an automatic system that conceptualizes the task of survey paper review as a classification problem, aimed at assessing the relevance of a paper in relation to a specified prompt, analogous to a "call for papers". To address this, we introduce a novel dataset comprised of 25,164 instances. Each instance contains one prompt and four candidate papers, each varying in relevance to the prompt. The objective is to develop a machine learning (ML) model capable of determining the relevance of each paper and identifying the most pertinent one. We explore various baseline approaches, including traditional ML classifiers like Support Vector Machine (SVM) and advanced language models such as BERT. Preliminary findings indicate that the BERT-based end-to-end classifier surpasses other conventional ML methods in performance. We present this problem as a public challenge to foster engagement and interest in this area of research.

cross Large Language Models as Software Components: A Taxonomy for LLM-Integrated Applications

Authors: Irene Weber

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become widely adopted recently. Research explores their use both as autonomous agents and as tools for software engineering. LLM-integrated applications, on the other hand, are software systems that leverage an LLM to perform tasks that would otherwise be impossible or require significant coding effort. While LLM-integrated application engineering is emerging as new discipline, its terminology, concepts and methods need to be established. This study provides a taxonomy for LLM-integrated applications, offering a framework for analyzing and describing these systems. It also demonstrates various ways to utilize LLMs in applications, as well as options for implementing such integrations. Following established methods, we analyze a sample of recent LLM-integrated applications to identify relevant dimensions. We evaluate the taxonomy by applying it to additional cases. This review shows that applications integrate LLMs in numerous ways for various purposes. Frequently, they comprise multiple LLM integrations, which we term ``LLM components''. To gain a clear understanding of an application's architecture, we examine each LLM component separately. We identify thirteen dimensions along which to characterize an LLM component, including the LLM skills leveraged, the format of the output, and more. LLM-integrated applications are described as combinations of their LLM components. We suggest a concise representation using feature vectors for visualization. The taxonomy is effective for describing LLM-integrated applications. It can contribute to theory building in the nascent field of LLM-integrated application engineering and aid in developing such systems. Researchers and practitioners explore numerous creative ways to leverage LLMs in applications. Though challenges persist, integrating LLMs may revolutionize the way software systems are built.

cross Unlock the Correlation between Supervised Fine-Tuning and Reinforcement Learning in Training Code Large Language Models

Authors: Jie Chen, Xintian Han, Yu Ma, Xun Zhou, Liang Xiang

Abstract: Automatic code generation has been a longstanding research topic. With the advancement of general-purpose large language models (LLMs), the ability to code stands out as one important measure to the model's reasoning performance. Usually, a two-stage training paradigm is implemented to obtain a Code LLM, namely the pretraining and the fine-tuning. Within the fine-tuning, supervised fine-tuning (SFT), and reinforcement learning (RL) are often used to improve the model's zero-shot ability. A large number of work has been conducted to improve the model's performance on code-related benchmarks with either modifications to the algorithm or refinement of the dataset. However, we still lack a deep insight into the correlation between SFT and RL. For instance, what kind of dataset should be used to ensure generalization, or what if we abandon the SFT phase in fine-tuning. In this work, we make an attempt to understand the correlation between SFT and RL. To facilitate our research, we manually craft 100 basis python functions, called atomic functions, and then a synthesizing pipeline is deployed to create a large number of synthetic functions on top of the atomic ones. In this manner, we ensure that the train and test sets remain distinct, preventing data contamination. Through comprehensive ablation study, we find: (1) Both atomic and synthetic functions are indispensable for SFT's generalization, and only a handful of synthetic functions are adequate; (2) Through RL, the SFT's generalization to target domain can be greatly enhanced, even with the same training prompts; (3) Training RL from scratch can alleviate the over-fitting issue introduced in the SFT phase.

cross A Simple, Solid, and Reproducible Baseline for Bridge Bidding AI

Authors: Haruka Kita, Sotetsu Koyamada, Yotaro Yamaguchi, Shin Ishii

Abstract: Contract bridge, a cooperative game characterized by imperfect information and multi-agent dynamics, poses significant challenges and serves as a critical benchmark in artificial intelligence (AI) research. Success in this domain requires agents to effectively cooperate with their partners. This study demonstrates that an appropriate combination of existing methods can perform surprisingly well in bridge bidding against WBridge5, a leading benchmark in the bridge bidding system and a multiple-time World Computer-Bridge Championship winner. Our approach is notably simple, yet it outperforms the current state-of-the-art methodologies in this field. Furthermore, we have made our code and models publicly available as open-source software. This initiative provides a strong starting foundation for future bridge AI research, facilitating the development and verification of new strategies and advancements in the field.

cross LieRE: Generalizing Rotary Position Encodings

Authors: Sophie Ostmeier, Brian Axelrod, Michael E. Moseley, Akshay Chaudhari, Curtis Langlotz

Abstract: While Rotary Position Embeddings (RoPE) for natural language performs well and has become widely adopted, its adoption for other modalities has been slower. Here, we introduce Lie group Relative position Encodings (LieRE) that goes beyond RoPE in supporting higher dimensional inputs. We evaluate the performance of LieRE on 2D and 3D image classification tasks and observe that LieRE leads to marked improvements in performance (up to 6%), training efficiency (3.5x reduction), data efficiency (30%) compared to the baselines of RoFormer, DeiT III, RoPE-Mixed and Vision-Llama

cross L4GM: Large 4D Gaussian Reconstruction Model

Authors: Jiawei Ren, Kevin Xie, Ashkan Mirzaei, Hanxue Liang, Xiaohui Zeng, Karsten Kreis, Ziwei Liu, Antonio Torralba, Sanja Fidler, Seung Wook Kim, Huan Ling

Abstract: We present L4GM, the first 4D Large Reconstruction Model that produces animated objects from a single-view video input -- in a single feed-forward pass that takes only a second. Key to our success is a novel dataset of multiview videos containing curated, rendered animated objects from Objaverse. This dataset depicts 44K diverse objects with 110K animations rendered in 48 viewpoints, resulting in 12M videos with a total of 300M frames. We keep our L4GM simple for scalability and build directly on top of LGM, a pretrained 3D Large Reconstruction Model that outputs 3D Gaussian ellipsoids from multiview image input. L4GM outputs a per-frame 3D Gaussian Splatting representation from video frames sampled at a low fps and then upsamples the representation to a higher fps to achieve temporal smoothness. We add temporal self-attention layers to the base LGM to help it learn consistency across time, and utilize a per-timestep multiview rendering loss to train the model. The representation is upsampled to a higher framerate by training an interpolation model which produces intermediate 3D Gaussian representations. We showcase that L4GM that is only trained on synthetic data generalizes extremely well on in-the-wild videos, producing high quality animated 3D assets.

cross Enhancing Multilingual Voice Toxicity Detection with Speech-Text Alignment

Authors: Joseph Liu, Mahesh Kumar Nandwana, Janne Pylkk\"onen, Hannes Heikinheimo, Morgan McGuire

Abstract: Toxicity classification for voice heavily relies on the semantic content of speech. We propose a novel framework that utilizes cross-modal learning to integrate the semantic embedding of text into a multilabel speech toxicity classifier during training. This enables us to incorporate textual information during training while still requiring only audio during inference. We evaluate this classifier on large-scale datasets with real-world characteristics to validate the effectiveness of this framework. Through ablation studies, we demonstrate that general-purpose semantic text embeddings are rich and aligned with speech for toxicity classification purposes. Conducting experiments across multiple languages at scale, we show improvements in voice toxicity classification across five languages and different toxicity categories.

cross Analysing Multi-Task Regression via Random Matrix Theory with Application to Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Romain Ilbert, Malik Tiomoko, Cosme Louart, Ambroise Odonnat, Vasilii Feofanov, Themis Palpanas, Ievgen Redko

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel theoretical framework for multi-task regression, applying random matrix theory to provide precise performance estimations, under high-dimensional, non-Gaussian data distributions. We formulate a multi-task optimization problem as a regularization technique to enable single-task models to leverage multi-task learning information. We derive a closed-form solution for multi-task optimization in the context of linear models. Our analysis provides valuable insights by linking the multi-task learning performance to various model statistics such as raw data covariances, signal-generating hyperplanes, noise levels, as well as the size and number of datasets. We finally propose a consistent estimation of training and testing errors, thereby offering a robust foundation for hyperparameter optimization in multi-task regression scenarios. Experimental validations on both synthetic and real-world datasets in regression and multivariate time series forecasting demonstrate improvements on univariate models, incorporating our method into the training loss and thus leveraging multivariate information.

cross From Pixels to Prose: A Large Dataset of Dense Image Captions

Authors: Vasu Singla, Kaiyu Yue, Sukriti Paul, Reza Shirkavand, Mayuka Jayawardhana, Alireza Ganjdanesh, Heng Huang, Abhinav Bhatele, Gowthami Somepalli, Tom Goldstein

Abstract: Training large vision-language models requires extensive, high-quality image-text pairs. Existing web-scraped datasets, however, are noisy and lack detailed image descriptions. To bridge this gap, we introduce PixelProse, a comprehensive dataset of over 16M (million) synthetically generated captions, leveraging cutting-edge vision-language models for detailed and accurate descriptions. To ensure data integrity, we rigorously analyze our dataset for problematic content, including child sexual abuse material (CSAM), personally identifiable information (PII), and toxicity. We also provide valuable metadata such as watermark presence and aesthetic scores, aiding in further dataset filtering. We hope PixelProse will be a valuable resource for future vision-language research. PixelProse is available at


cross BEACON: Benchmark for Comprehensive RNA Tasks and Language Models

Authors: Yuchen Ren, Zhiyuan Chen, Lifeng Qiao, Hongtai Jing, Yuchen Cai, Sheng Xu, Peng Ye, Xinzhu Ma, Siqi Sun, Hongliang Yan, Dong Yuan, Wanli Ouyang, Xihui Liu

Abstract: RNA plays a pivotal role in translating genetic instructions into functional outcomes, underscoring its importance in biological processes and disease mechanisms. Despite the emergence of numerous deep learning approaches for RNA, particularly universal RNA language models, there remains a significant lack of standardized benchmarks to assess the effectiveness of these methods. In this study, we introduce the first comprehensive RNA benchmark BEACON (\textbf{BE}nchm\textbf{A}rk for \textbf{CO}mprehensive R\textbf{N}A Task and Language Models). First, BEACON comprises 13 distinct tasks derived from extensive previous work covering structural analysis, functional studies, and engineering applications, enabling a comprehensive assessment of the performance of methods on various RNA understanding tasks. Second, we examine a range of models, including traditional approaches like CNNs, as well as advanced RNA foundation models based on language models, offering valuable insights into the task-specific performances of these models. Third, we investigate the vital RNA language model components from the tokenizer and positional encoding aspects. Notably, our findings emphasize the superiority of single nucleotide tokenization and the effectiveness of Attention with Linear Biases (ALiBi) over traditional positional encoding methods. Based on these insights, a simple yet strong baseline called BEACON-B is proposed, which can achieve outstanding performance with limited data and computational resources. The datasets and source code of our benchmark are available at


cross Suboptimality bounds for trace-bounded SDPs enable a faster and scalable low-rank SDP solver SDPLR+

Authors: Yufan Huang, David F. Gleich

Abstract: Semidefinite programs (SDPs) and their solvers are powerful tools with many applications in machine learning and data science. Designing scalable SDP solvers is challenging because by standard the positive semidefinite decision variable is an $n \times n$ dense matrix, even though the input is often an $n \times n$ sparse matrix. However, the information in the solution may not correspond to a full-rank dense matrix as shown by Bavinok and Pataki. Two decades ago, Burer and Monterio developed an SDP solver $\texttt{SDPLR}$ that optimizes over a low-rank factorization instead of the full matrix. This greatly decreases the storage cost and works well for many problems. The original solver $\texttt{SDPLR}$ tracks only the primal infeasibility of the solution, limiting the technique's flexibility to produce moderate accuracy solutions. We use a suboptimality bound for trace-bounded SDP problems that enables us to track the progress better and perform early termination. We then develop $\texttt{SDPLR+}$, which starts the optimization with an extremely low-rank factorization and dynamically updates the rank based on the primal infeasibility and suboptimality. This further speeds up the computation and saves the storage cost. Numerical experiments on Max Cut, Minimum Bisection, Cut Norm, and Lov\'{a}sz Theta problems with many recent memory-efficient scalable SDP solvers demonstrate its scalability up to problems with million-by-million decision variables and it is often the fastest solver to a moderate accuracy of $10^{-2}$.

cross Byzantine-Robust Decentralized Federated Learning

Authors: Minghong Fang, Zifan Zhang, Hairi, Prashant Khanduri, Jia Liu, Songtao Lu, Yuchen Liu, Neil Gong

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) enables multiple clients to collaboratively train machine learning models without revealing their private training data. In conventional FL, the system follows the server-assisted architecture (server-assisted FL), where the training process is coordinated by a central server. However, the server-assisted FL framework suffers from poor scalability due to a communication bottleneck at the server, and trust dependency issues. To address challenges, decentralized federated learning (DFL) architecture has been proposed to allow clients to train models collaboratively in a serverless and peer-to-peer manner. However, due to its fully decentralized nature, DFL is highly vulnerable to poisoning attacks, where malicious clients could manipulate the system by sending carefully-crafted local models to their neighboring clients. To date, only a limited number of Byzantine-robust DFL methods have been proposed, most of which are either communication-inefficient or remain vulnerable to advanced poisoning attacks. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm called BALANCE (Byzantine-robust averaging through local similarity in decentralization) to defend against poisoning attacks in DFL. In BALANCE, each client leverages its own local model as a similarity reference to determine if the received model is malicious or benign. We establish the theoretical convergence guarantee for BALANCE under poisoning attacks in both strongly convex and non-convex settings. Furthermore, the convergence rate of BALANCE under poisoning attacks matches those of the state-of-the-art counterparts in Byzantine-free settings. Extensive experiments also demonstrate that BALANCE outperforms existing DFL methods and effectively defends against poisoning attacks.

cross Enhanced Intrusion Detection System for Multiclass Classification in UAV Networks

Authors: Safaa Menssouri, Mamady Delamou, Khalil Ibrahimi, El Mehdi Amhoud

Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly popular in various applications, especially with the emergence of 6G systems and networks. However, their widespread adoption has also led to concerns regarding security vulnerabilities, making the development of reliable intrusion detection systems (IDS) essential for ensuring UAVs safety and mission success. This paper presents a new IDS for UAV networks. A binary-tuple representation was used for encoding class labels, along with a deep learning-based approach employed for classification. The proposed system enhances the intrusion detection by capturing complex class relationships and temporal network patterns. Moreover, a cross-correlation study between common features of different UAVs was conducted to discard correlated features that might mislead the classification of the proposed IDS. The full study was carried out using the UAV-IDS-2020 dataset, and we assessed the performance of the proposed IDS using different evaluation metrics. The experimental results highlighted the effectiveness of the proposed multiclass classifier model with an accuracy of 95%.

cross Differentiable Predictive Control for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks

Authors: Renukanandan Tumu, Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, J\'an Drgo\v{n}a, Draguna L. Vrabie, Sonja Glavaski

Abstract: Transportation is a major contributor to CO2 emissions, making it essential to optimize traffic networks to reduce energy-related emissions. This paper presents a novel approach to traffic network control using Differentiable Predictive Control (DPC), a physics-informed machine learning methodology. We base our model on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) and the Networked Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (NMFD), offering a simplified representation of citywide traffic networks. Our approach ensures compliance with system constraints by construction. In empirical comparisons with existing state-of-the-art Model Predictive Control (MPC) methods, our approach demonstrates a 4 order of magnitude reduction in computation time and an up to 37% improvement in traffic performance. Furthermore, we assess the robustness of our controller to scenario shifts and find that it adapts well to changes in traffic patterns. This work proposes more efficient traffic control methods, particularly in large-scale urban networks, and aims to mitigate emissions and alleviate congestion in the future.

cross HumanPlus: Humanoid Shadowing and Imitation from Humans

Authors: Zipeng Fu, Qingqing Zhao, Qi Wu, Gordon Wetzstein, Chelsea Finn

Abstract: One of the key arguments for building robots that have similar form factors to human beings is that we can leverage the massive human data for training. Yet, doing so has remained challenging in practice due to the complexities in humanoid perception and control, lingering physical gaps between humanoids and humans in morphologies and actuation, and lack of a data pipeline for humanoids to learn autonomous skills from egocentric vision. In this paper, we introduce a full-stack system for humanoids to learn motion and autonomous skills from human data. We first train a low-level policy in simulation via reinforcement learning using existing 40-hour human motion datasets. This policy transfers to the real world and allows humanoid robots to follow human body and hand motion in real time using only a RGB camera, i.e. shadowing. Through shadowing, human operators can teleoperate humanoids to collect whole-body data for learning different tasks in the real world. Using the data collected, we then perform supervised behavior cloning to train skill policies using egocentric vision, allowing humanoids to complete different tasks autonomously by imitating human skills. We demonstrate the system on our customized 33-DoF 180cm humanoid, autonomously completing tasks such as wearing a shoe to stand up and walk, unloading objects from warehouse racks, folding a sweatshirt, rearranging objects, typing, and greeting another robot with 60-100% success rates using up to 40 demonstrations. Project website:


cross Improving Ab-Initio Cryo-EM Reconstruction with Semi-Amortized Pose Inference

Authors: Shayan Shekarforoush, David B. Lindell, Marcus A. Brubaker, David J. Fleet

Abstract: Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) is an increasingly popular experimental technique for estimating the 3D structure of macromolecular complexes such as proteins based on 2D images. These images are notoriously noisy, and the pose of the structure in each image is unknown \textit{a priori}. Ab-initio 3D reconstruction from 2D images entails estimating the pose in addition to the structure. In this work, we propose a new approach to this problem. We first adopt a multi-head architecture as a pose encoder to infer multiple plausible poses per-image in an amortized fashion. This approach mitigates the high uncertainty in pose estimation by encouraging exploration of pose space early in reconstruction. Once uncertainty is reduced, we refine poses in an auto-decoding fashion. In particular, we initialize with the most likely pose and iteratively update it for individual images using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Through evaluation on synthetic datasets, we demonstrate that our method is able to handle multi-modal pose distributions during the amortized inference stage, while the later, more flexible stage of direct pose optimization yields faster and more accurate convergence of poses compared to baselines. Finally, on experimental data, we show that our approach is faster than state-of-the-art cryoAI and achieves higher-resolution reconstruction.

cross Active, anytime-valid risk controlling prediction sets

Authors: Ziyu Xu, Nikos Karampatziakis, Paul Mineiro

Abstract: Rigorously establishing the safety of black-box machine learning models concerning critical risk measures is important for providing guarantees about model behavior. Recently, Bates et. al. (JACM '24) introduced the notion of a risk controlling prediction set (RCPS) for producing prediction sets that are statistically guaranteed low risk from machine learning models. Our method extends this notion to the sequential setting, where we provide guarantees even when the data is collected adaptively, and ensures that the risk guarantee is anytime-valid, i.e., simultaneously holds at all time steps. Further, we propose a framework for constructing RCPSes for active labeling, i.e., allowing one to use a labeling policy that chooses whether to query the true label for each received data point and ensures that the expected proportion of data points whose labels are queried are below a predetermined label budget. We also describe how to use predictors (i.e., the machine learning model for which we provide risk control guarantees) to further improve the utility of our RCPSes by estimating the expected risk conditioned on the covariates. We characterize the optimal choices of label policy and predictor under a fixed label budget and show a regret result that relates the estimation error of the optimal labeling policy and predictor to the wealth process that underlies our RCPSes. Lastly, we present practical ways of formulating label policies and empirically show that our label policies use fewer labels to reach higher utility than naive baseline labeling strategies (e.g., labeling all points, randomly labeling points) on both simulations and real data.

cross Large Language Models as Event Forecasters

Authors: Libo Zhang, Yue Ning

Abstract: Key elements of human events are extracted as quadruples that consist of subject, relation, object, and timestamp. This representation can be extended to a quintuple by adding a fifth element: a textual summary that briefly describes the event. These quadruples or quintuples, when organized within a specific domain, form a temporal knowledge graph (TKG). Current learning frameworks focus on a few TKG-related tasks, such as predicting an object given a subject and a relation or forecasting the occurrences of multiple types of events (i.e., relation) in the next time window. They typically rely on complex structural and sequential models like graph neural networks (GNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to update intermediate embeddings. However, these methods often neglect the contextual information inherent in each quintuple, which can be effectively captured through concise textual descriptions. In this paper, we investigate how large language models (LLMs) can streamline the design of TKG learning frameworks while maintaining competitive accuracy in prediction and forecasting tasks. We develop multiple prompt templates to frame the object prediction (OP) task as a standard question-answering (QA) task, suitable for instruction fine-tuning with an encoder-decoder generative LLM. For multi-event forecasting (MEF), we design simple yet effective prompt templates for each TKG quintuple. This novel approach removes the need for GNNs and RNNs, instead utilizing an encoder-only LLM to generate fixed intermediate embeddings, which are subsequently processed by a prediction head with a self-attention mechanism to forecast potential future relations. Extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets using various evaluation metrics validate the effectiveness and robustness of our approach.

cross Task Facet Learning: A Structured Approach to Prompt Optimization

Authors: Gurusha Juneja, Nagarajan Natarajan, Hua Li, Jian Jiao, Amit Sharma

Abstract: Given a task in the form of a basic description and its training examples, prompt optimization is the problem of synthesizing the given information into a text prompt for a large language model (LLM). Humans solve this problem by also considering the different facets that define a task (e.g., counter-examples, explanations, analogies) and including them in the prompt. However, it is unclear whether existing algorithmic approaches, based on iteratively editing a given prompt or automatically selecting a few in-context examples, can cover the multiple facets required to solve a complex task. In this work, we view prompt optimization as that of learning multiple facets of a task from a set of training examples. We identify and exploit structure in the prompt optimization problem -- first, we find that prompts can be broken down into loosely coupled semantic sections that have a relatively independent effect on the prompt's performance; second, we cluster the input space and use clustered batches so that the optimization procedure can learn the different facets of a task across batches. The resulting algorithm, UniPrompt, consists of a generative model to generate initial candidates for each prompt section; and a feedback mechanism that aggregates suggested edits from multiple mini-batches into a conceptual description for the section. Empirical evaluation on multiple datasets and a real-world task shows that prompts generated using UniPrompt obtain higher accuracy than human-tuned prompts and those from state-of-the-art methods. In particular, our algorithm can generate long, complex prompts that existing methods are unable to generate. Code for UniPrompt will be available at \url{}.


cross Articulatory Phonetics Informed Controllable Expressive Speech Synthesis

Authors: Zehua Kcriss Li, Meiying Melissa Chen, Yi Zhong, Pinxin Liu, Zhiyao Duan

Abstract: Expressive speech synthesis aims to generate speech that captures a wide range of para-linguistic features, including emotion and articulation, though current research primarily emphasizes emotional aspects over the nuanced articulatory features mastered by professional voice actors. Inspired by this, we explore expressive speech synthesis through the lens of articulatory phonetics. Specifically, we define a framework with three dimensions: Glottalization, Tenseness, and Resonance (GTR), to guide the synthesis at the voice production level. With this framework, we record a high-quality speech dataset named GTR-Voice, featuring 20 Chinese sentences articulated by a professional voice actor across 125 distinct GTR combinations. We verify the framework and GTR annotations through automatic classification and listening tests, and demonstrate precise controllability along the GTR dimensions on two fine-tuned expressive TTS models. We open-source the dataset and TTS models.

cross ADSNet: Cross-Domain LTV Prediction with an Adaptive Siamese Network in Advertising

Authors: Ruize Wang, Hui Xu, Ying Cheng, Qi He, Xing Zhou, Rui Feng, Wei Xu, Lei Huang, Jie Jiang

Abstract: Advertising platforms have evolved in estimating Lifetime Value (LTV) to better align with advertisers' true performance metric. However, the sparsity of real-world LTV data presents a significant challenge to LTV predictive model(i.e., pLTV), severely limiting the their capabilities. Therefore, we propose to utilize external data, in addition to the internal data of advertising platform, to expand the size of purchase samples and enhance the LTV prediction model of the advertising platform. To tackle the issue of data distribution shift between internal and external platforms, we introduce an Adaptive Difference Siamese Network (ADSNet), which employs cross-domain transfer learning to prevent negative transfer. Specifically, ADSNet is designed to learn information that is beneficial to the target domain. We introduce a gain evaluation strategy to calculate information gain, aiding the model in learning helpful information for the target domain and providing the ability to reject noisy samples, thus avoiding negative transfer. Additionally, we also design a Domain Adaptation Module as a bridge to connect different domains, reduce the distribution distance between them, and enhance the consistency of representation space distribution. We conduct extensive offline experiments and online A/B tests on a real advertising platform. Our proposed ADSNet method outperforms other methods, improving GINI by 2$\%$. The ablation study highlights the importance of the gain evaluation strategy in negative gain sample rejection and improving model performance. Additionally, ADSNet significantly improves long-tail prediction. The online A/B tests confirm ADSNet's efficacy, increasing online LTV by 3.47$\%$ and GMV by 3.89$\%$.

cross Large Language Model Enhanced Clustering for News Event Detection

Authors: Adane Nega Tarekegn, Fazle Rabbi, Bj{\o}rnar Tessem

Abstract: The news landscape is continuously evolving, with an ever-increasing volume of information from around the world. Automated event detection within this vast data repository is essential for monitoring, identifying, and categorizing significant news occurrences across diverse platforms. This paper presents an event detection framework that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) combined with clustering analysis to detect news events from the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT). The framework enhances event clustering through both pre-event detection tasks (keyword extraction and text embedding) and post-event detection tasks (event summarization and topic labeling). We also evaluate the impact of various textual embeddings on the quality of clustering outcomes, ensuring robust news categorization. Additionally, we introduce a novel Cluster Stability Assessment Index (CSAI) to assess the validity and robustness of clustering results. CSAI utilizes latent feature vectors to provide a new way of measuring clustering quality. Our experiments indicate that combining LLM embeddings with clustering algorithms yields the best results, demonstrating greater robustness in terms of CSAI scores. Moreover, post-event detection tasks generate meaningful insights, facilitating effective interpretation of event clustering results. Overall, our experimental results indicate that the proposed framework offers valuable insights and could enhance the accuracy and depth of news reporting.

cross Robust Image Classification in the Presence of Out-of-Distribution and Adversarial Samples Using Attractors in Neural Networks

Authors: Nasrin Alipour, Seyyed Ali SeyyedSalehi

Abstract: The proper handling of out-of-distribution (OOD) samples in deep classifiers is a critical concern for ensuring the suitability of deep neural networks in safety-critical systems. Existing approaches developed for robust OOD detection in the presence of adversarial attacks lose their performance by increasing the perturbation levels. This study proposes a method for robust classification in the presence of OOD samples and adversarial attacks with high perturbation levels. The proposed approach utilizes a fully connected neural network that is trained to use training samples as its attractors, enhancing its robustness. This network has the ability to classify inputs and identify OOD samples as well. To evaluate this method, the network is trained on the MNIST dataset, and its performance is tested on adversarial examples. The results indicate that the network maintains its performance even when classifying adversarial examples, achieving 87.13% accuracy when dealing with highly perturbed MNIST test data. Furthermore, by using fashion-MNIST and CIFAR-10-bw as OOD samples, the network can distinguish these samples from MNIST samples with an accuracy of 98.84% and 99.28%, respectively. In the presence of severe adversarial attacks, these measures decrease slightly to 98.48% and 98.88%, indicating the robustness of the proposed method.

cross Leveraging Locality to Boost Sample Efficiency in Robotic Manipulation

Authors: Tong Zhang, Yingdong Hu, Jiacheng You, Yang Gao

Abstract: Given the high cost of collecting robotic data in the real world, sample efficiency is a consistently compelling pursuit in robotics. In this paper, we introduce SGRv2, an imitation learning framework that enhances sample efficiency through improved visual and action representations. Central to the design of SGRv2 is the incorporation of a critical inductive bias-action locality, which posits that robot's actions are predominantly influenced by the target object and its interactions with the local environment. Extensive experiments in both simulated and real-world settings demonstrate that action locality is essential for boosting sample efficiency. SGRv2 excels in RLBench tasks with keyframe control using merely 5 demonstrations and surpasses the RVT baseline in 23 of 26 tasks. Furthermore, when evaluated on ManiSkill2 and MimicGen using dense control, SGRv2's success rate is 2.54 times that of SGR. In real-world environments, with only eight demonstrations, SGRv2 can perform a variety of tasks at a markedly higher success rate compared to baseline models. Project website:


cross Fast Last-Iterate Convergence of Learning in Games Requires Forgetful Algorithms

Authors: Yang Cai, Gabriele Farina, Julien Grand-Cl\'ement, Christian Kroer, Chung-Wei Lee, Haipeng Luo, Weiqiang Zheng

Abstract: Self-play via online learning is one of the premier ways to solve large-scale two-player zero-sum games, both in theory and practice. Particularly popular algorithms include optimistic multiplicative weights update (OMWU) and optimistic gradient-descent-ascent (OGDA). While both algorithms enjoy $O(1/T)$ ergodic convergence to Nash equilibrium in two-player zero-sum games, OMWU offers several advantages including logarithmic dependence on the size of the payoff matrix and $\widetilde{O}(1/T)$ convergence to coarse correlated equilibria even in general-sum games. However, in terms of last-iterate convergence in two-player zero-sum games, an increasingly popular topic in this area, OGDA guarantees that the duality gap shrinks at a rate of $O(1/\sqrt{T})$, while the best existing last-iterate convergence for OMWU depends on some game-dependent constant that could be arbitrarily large. This begs the question: is this potentially slow last-iterate convergence an inherent disadvantage of OMWU, or is the current analysis too loose? Somewhat surprisingly, we show that the former is true. More generally, we prove that a broad class of algorithms that do not forget the past quickly all suffer the same issue: for any arbitrarily small $\delta>0$, there exists a $2\times 2$ matrix game such that the algorithm admits a constant duality gap even after $1/\delta$ rounds. This class of algorithms includes OMWU and other standard optimistic follow-the-regularized-leader algorithms.

cross The Implicit Bias of Adam on Separable Data

Authors: Chenyang Zhang, Difan Zou, Yuan Cao

Abstract: Adam has become one of the most favored optimizers in deep learning problems. Despite its success in practice, numerous mysteries persist regarding its theoretical understanding. In this paper, we study the implicit bias of Adam in linear logistic regression. Specifically, we show that when the training data are linearly separable, Adam converges towards a linear classifier that achieves the maximum $\ell_\infty$-margin. Notably, for a general class of diminishing learning rates, this convergence occurs within polynomial time. Our result shed light on the difference between Adam and (stochastic) gradient descent from a theoretical perspective.

cross A GPU-accelerated Large-scale Simulator for Transportation System Optimization Benchmarking

Authors: Jun Zhang, Wenxuan Ao, Junbo Yan, Depeng Jin, Yong Li

Abstract: With the development of artificial intelligence techniques, transportation system optimization is evolving from traditional methods relying on expert experience to simulation and learning-based decision optimization methods. Learning-based optimization methods require extensive interaction with highly realistic microscopic traffic simulators for optimization. However, existing microscopic traffic simulators are computationally inefficient in large-scale scenarios and therefore significantly reduce the efficiency of the data sampling process of optimization algorithms. In addition, the optimization scenarios supported by existing simulators are limited, mainly focusing on the traffic signal control. To address these challenges and limitations, we propose the first open-source GPU-accelerated large-scale microscopic simulator for transportation system simulation. The simulator is able to iterate at 84.09Hz, which achieves 88.92 times computational acceleration in the large-scale scenario with more than a million vehicles compared to the best baseline. Based on the simulator, we implement a set of microscopic and macroscopic controllable objects and metrics to support most typical transportation system optimization scenarios. These controllable objects and metrics are all provided by Python API for ease of use. We choose five important and representative transportation system optimization scenarios and benchmark classical rule-based algorithms, reinforcement learning, and black-box optimization in four cities. The codes are available at \url{} with the MIT License.


cross Integration of Programmable Diffraction with Digital Neural Networks

Authors: Md Sadman Sakib Rahman, Aydogan Ozcan

Abstract: Optical imaging and sensing systems based on diffractive elements have seen massive advances over the last several decades. Earlier generations of diffractive optical processors were, in general, designed to deliver information to an independent system that was separately optimized, primarily driven by human vision or perception. With the recent advances in deep learning and digital neural networks, there have been efforts to establish diffractive processors that are jointly optimized with digital neural networks serving as their back-end. These jointly optimized hybrid (optical+digital) processors establish a new "diffractive language" between input electromagnetic waves that carry analog information and neural networks that process the digitized information at the back-end, providing the best of both worlds. Such hybrid designs can process spatially and temporally coherent, partially coherent, or incoherent input waves, providing universal coverage for any spatially varying set of point spread functions that can be optimized for a given task, executed in collaboration with digital neural networks. In this article, we highlight the utility of this exciting collaboration between engineered and programmed diffraction and digital neural networks for a diverse range of applications. We survey some of the major innovations enabled by the push-pull relationship between analog wave processing and digital neural networks, also covering the significant benefits that could be reaped through the synergy between these two complementary paradigms.

cross Calibrating Neural Networks' parameters through Optimal Contraction in a Prediction Problem

Authors: Valdes Gonzalo

Abstract: This study introduces a novel approach to ensure the existence and uniqueness of optimal parameters in neural networks. The paper details how a recurrent neural networks (RNN) can be transformed into a contraction in a domain where its parameters are linear. It then demonstrates that a prediction problem modeled through an RNN, with a specific regularization term in the loss function, can have its first-order conditions expressed analytically. This system of equations is reduced to two matrix equations involving Sylvester equations, which can be partially solved. We establish that, if certain conditions are met, optimal parameters exist, are unique, and can be found through a straightforward algorithm to any desired precision. Also, as the number of neurons grows the conditions of convergence become easier to fulfill. Feedforward neural networks (FNNs) are also explored by including linear constraints on parameters. According to our model, incorporating loops (with fixed or variable weights) will produce loss functions that train easier, because it assures the existence of a region where an iterative method converges.

cross DataStates-LLM: Lazy Asynchronous Checkpointing for Large Language Models

Authors: Avinash Maurya, Robert Underwood, M. Mustafa Rafique, Franck Cappello, Bogdan Nicolae

Abstract: LLMs have seen rapid adoption in all domains. They need to be trained on high-end high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures and ingest massive amounts of input data. Unsurprisingly, at such a large scale, unexpected events (e.g., failures of components, instability of the software, undesirable learning patterns, etc.), are frequent and typically impact the training in a negative fashion. Thus, LLMs need to be checkpointed frequently so that they can be rolled back to a stable state and subsequently fine-tuned. However, given the large sizes of LLMs, a straightforward checkpointing solution that directly writes the model parameters and optimizer state to persistent storage (e.g., a parallel file system), incurs significant I/O overheads. To address this challenge, in this paper we study how to reduce the I/O overheads for enabling fast and scalable checkpointing for LLMs that can be applied at high frequency (up to the granularity of individual iterations) without significant impact on the training process. Specifically, we introduce a lazy asynchronous multi-level approach that takes advantage of the fact that the tensors making up the model and optimizer state shards remain immutable for extended periods of time, which makes it possible to copy their content in the background with minimal interference during the training process. We evaluate our approach at scales of up to 180 GPUs using different model sizes, parallelism settings, and checkpointing frequencies. The results show up to 48$\times$ faster checkpointing and 2.2$\times$ faster end-to-end training runtime compared with the state-of-art checkpointing approaches.

cross Planning with Adaptive World Models for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Arun Balajee Vasudevan, Neehar Peri, Jeff Schneider, Deva Ramanan

Abstract: Motion planning is crucial for safe navigation in complex urban environments. Historically, motion planners (MPs) have been evaluated with procedurally-generated simulators like CARLA. However, such synthetic benchmarks do not capture real-world multi-agent interactions. nuPlan, a recently released MP benchmark, addresses this limitation by augmenting real-world driving logs with closed-loop simulation logic, effectively turning the fixed dataset into a reactive simulator. We analyze the characteristics of nuPlan's recorded logs and find that each city has its own unique driving behaviors, suggesting that robust planners must adapt to different environments. We learn to model such unique behaviors with BehaviorNet, a graph convolutional neural network (GCNN) that predicts reactive agent behaviors using features derived from recently-observed agent histories; intuitively, some aggressive agents may tailgate lead vehicles, while others may not. To model such phenomena, BehaviorNet predicts parameters of an agent's motion controller rather than predicting its spacetime trajectory (as most forecasters do). Finally, we present AdaptiveDriver, a model-predictive control (MPC) based planner that unrolls different world models conditioned on BehaviorNet's predictions. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that AdaptiveDriver achieves state-of-the-art results on the nuPlan closed-loop planning benchmark, reducing test error from 6.4% to 4.6%, even when applied to never-before-seen cities.

cross Trading Devil: Robust backdoor attack via Stochastic investment models and Bayesian approach

Authors: Orson Mengara

Abstract: With the growing use of voice-activated systems and speech recognition technologies, the danger of backdoor attacks on audio data has grown significantly. This research looks at a specific type of attack, known as a Stochastic investment-based backdoor attack (MarketBack), in which adversaries strategically manipulate the stylistic properties of audio to fool speech recognition systems. The security and integrity of machine learning models are seriously threatened by backdoor attacks, in order to maintain the reliability of audio applications and systems, the identification of such attacks becomes crucial in the context of audio data. Experimental results demonstrated that MarketBack is feasible to achieve an average attack success rate close to 100% in seven victim models when poisoning less than 1% of the training data.

cross GenMM: Geometrically and Temporally Consistent Multimodal Data Generation for Video and LiDAR

Authors: Bharat Singh, Viveka Kulharia, Luyu Yang, Avinash Ravichandran, Ambrish Tyagi, Ashish Shrivastava

Abstract: Multimodal synthetic data generation is crucial in domains such as autonomous driving, robotics, augmented/virtual reality, and retail. We propose a novel approach, GenMM, for jointly editing RGB videos and LiDAR scans by inserting temporally and geometrically consistent 3D objects. Our method uses a reference image and 3D bounding boxes to seamlessly insert and blend new objects into target videos. We inpaint the 2D Regions of Interest (consistent with 3D boxes) using a diffusion-based video inpainting model. We then compute semantic boundaries of the object and estimate it's surface depth using state-of-the-art semantic segmentation and monocular depth estimation techniques. Subsequently, we employ a geometry-based optimization algorithm to recover the 3D shape of the object's surface, ensuring it fits precisely within the 3D bounding box. Finally, LiDAR rays intersecting with the new object surface are updated to reflect consistent depths with its geometry. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of GenMM in inserting various 3D objects across video and LiDAR modalities.

cross Beyond the Visible: Jointly Attending to Spectral and Spatial Dimensions with HSI-Diffusion for the FINCH Spacecraft

Authors: Ian Vyse, Rishit Dagli, Dav Vrat Chadha, John P. Ma, Hector Chen, Isha Ruparelia, Prithvi Seran, Matthew Xie, Eesa Aamer, Aidan Armstrong, Naveen Black, Ben Borstein, Kevin Caldwell, Orrin Dahanaggamaarachchi, Joe Dai, Abeer Fatima, Stephanie Lu, Maxime Michet, Anoushka Paul, Carrie Ann Po, Shivesh Prakash, Noa Prosser, Riddhiman Roy, Mirai Shinjo, Iliya Shofman, Coby Silayan, Reid Sox-Harris, Shuhan Zheng, Khang Nguyen

Abstract: Satellite remote sensing missions have gained popularity over the past fifteen years due to their ability to cover large swaths of land at regular intervals, making them ideal for monitoring environmental trends. The FINCH mission, a 3U+ CubeSat equipped with a hyperspectral camera, aims to monitor crop residue cover in agricultural fields. Although hyperspectral imaging captures both spectral and spatial information, it is prone to various types of noise, including random noise, stripe noise, and dead pixels. Effective denoising of these images is crucial for downstream scientific tasks. Traditional methods, including hand-crafted techniques encoding strong priors, learned 2D image denoising methods applied across different hyperspectral bands, or diffusion generative models applied independently on bands, often struggle with varying noise strengths across spectral bands, leading to significant spectral distortion. This paper presents a novel approach to hyperspectral image denoising using latent diffusion models that integrate spatial and spectral information. We particularly do so by building a 3D diffusion model and presenting a 3-stage training approach on real and synthetically crafted datasets. The proposed method preserves image structure while reducing noise. Evaluations on both popular hyperspectral denoising datasets and synthetically crafted datasets for the FINCH mission demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.

cross Speech Emotion Recognition Using CNN and Its Use Case in Digital Healthcare

Authors: Nishargo Nigar

Abstract: The process of identifying human emotion and affective states from speech is known as speech emotion recognition (SER). This is based on the observation that tone and pitch in the voice frequently convey underlying emotion. Speech recognition includes the ability to recognize emotions, which is becoming increasingly popular and in high demand. With the help of appropriate factors (such modalities, emotions, intensities, repetitions, etc.) found in the data, my research seeks to use the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to distinguish emotions from audio recordings and label them in accordance with the range of different emotions. I have developed a machine learning model to identify emotions from supplied audio files with the aid of machine learning methods. The evaluation is mostly focused on precision, recall, and F1 score, which are common machine learning metrics. To properly set up and train the machine learning framework, the main objective is to investigate the influence and cross-relation of all input and output parameters. To improve the ability to recognize intentions, a key condition for communication, I have evaluated emotions using my specialized machine learning algorithm via voice that would address the emotional state from voice with the help of digital healthcare, bridging the gap between human and artificial intelligence (AI).

cross Predicting Exoplanetary Features with a Residual Model for Uniform and Gaussian Distributions

Authors: Andrew Sweet

Abstract: The advancement of technology has led to rampant growth in data collection across almost every field, including astrophysics, with researchers turning to machine learning to process and analyze this data. One prominent example of this data in astrophysics is the atmospheric retrievals of exoplanets. In order to help bridge the gap between machine learning and astrophysics domain experts, the 2023 Ariel Data Challenge was hosted to predict posterior distributions of 7 exoplanetary features. The procedure outlined in this paper leveraged a combination of two deep learning models to address this challenge: a Multivariate Gaussian model that generates the mean and covariance matrix of a multivariate Gaussian distribution, and a Uniform Quantile model that predicts quantiles for use as the upper and lower bounds of a uniform distribution. Training of the Multivariate Gaussian model was found to be unstable, while training of the Uniform Quantile model was stable. An ensemble of uniform distributions was found to have competitive results during testing (posterior score of 696.43), and when combined with a multivariate Gaussian distribution achieved a final rank of third in the 2023 Ariel Data Challenge (final score of 681.57).

cross Quest: Query-Aware Sparsity for Efficient Long-Context LLM Inference

Authors: Jiaming Tang, Yilong Zhao, Kan Zhu, Guangxuan Xiao, Baris Kasikci, Song Han

Abstract: As the demand for long-context large language models (LLMs) increases, models with context windows of up to 128K or 1M tokens are becoming increasingly prevalent. However, long-context LLM inference is challenging since the inference speed decreases significantly as the sequence length grows. This slowdown is primarily caused by loading a large KV cache during self-attention. Previous works have shown that a small portion of critical tokens will dominate the attention outcomes. However, we observe the criticality of a token highly depends on the query. To this end, we propose Quest, a query-aware KV cache selection algorithm. Quest keeps track of the minimal and maximal Key values in KV cache pages and estimates the criticality of a given page using Query vectors. By only loading the Top-K critical KV cache pages for attention, Quest significantly speeds up self-attention without sacrificing accuracy. We show that Quest can achieve up to 2.23x self-attention speedup, which reduces inference latency by 7.03x while performing well on tasks with long dependencies with negligible accuracy loss. Code is available at .


cross Diffusion Models Are Promising for Ab Initio Structure Solutions from Nanocrystalline Powder Diffraction Data

Authors: Gabe Guo, Tristan Saidi, Maxwell Terban, Simon JL Billinge, Hod Lipson

Abstract: A major challenge in materials science is the determination of the structure of nanometer sized objects. Here we present a novel approach that uses a generative machine learning model based on a Diffusion model that is trained on 45,229 known structures. The model factors both the measured diffraction pattern as well as relevant statistical priors on the unit cell of atomic cluster structures. Conditioned only on the chemical formula and the information-scarce finite-size broadened powder diffraction pattern, we find that our model, PXRDnet, can successfully solve simulated nanocrystals as small as 10 angstroms across 200 materials of varying symmetry and complexity, including structures from all seven crystal systems. We show that our model can determine structural solutions with up to $81.5\%$ accuracy, as measured by structural correlation. Furthermore, PXRDnet is capable of solving structures from noisy diffraction patterns gathered in real-world experiments. We suggest that data driven approaches, bootstrapped from theoretical simulation, will ultimately provide a path towards determining the structure of previously unsolved nano-materials.

cross Bayesian Networks and Machine Learning for COVID-19 Severity Explanation and Demographic Symptom Classification

Authors: Oluwaseun T. Ajayi, Yu Cheng

Abstract: With the prevailing efforts to combat the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there are still uncertainties that are yet to be discovered about its spread, future impact, and resurgence. In this paper, we present a three-stage data-driven approach to distill the hidden information about COVID-19. The first stage employs a Bayesian network structure learning method to identify the causal relationships among COVID-19 symptoms and their intrinsic demographic variables. As a second stage, the output from the Bayesian network structure learning, serves as a useful guide to train an unsupervised machine learning (ML) algorithm that uncovers the similarities in patients' symptoms through clustering. The final stage then leverages the labels obtained from clustering to train a demographic symptom identification (DSID) model which predicts a patient's symptom class and the corresponding demographic probability distribution. We applied our method on the COVID-19 dataset obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States. Results from the experiments show a testing accuracy of 99.99\%, as against the 41.15\% accuracy of a heuristic ML method. This strongly reveals the viability of our Bayesian network and ML approach in understanding the relationship between the virus symptoms, and providing insights on patients' stratification towards reducing the severity of the virus.

cross Exposing the Achilles' Heel: Evaluating LLMs Ability to Handle Mistakes in Mathematical Reasoning

Authors: Joykirat Singh, Akshay Nambi, Vibhav Vineet

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have been applied to Math Word Problems (MWPs) with transformative impacts, revolutionizing how these complex problems are approached and solved in various domains including educational settings. However, the evaluation of these models often prioritizes final accuracy, overlooking the crucial aspect of reasoning capabilities. This work addresses this gap by focusing on the ability of LLMs to detect and correct reasoning mistakes. We introduce a novel dataset MWP-MISTAKE, incorporating MWPs with both correct and incorrect reasoning steps generated through rule-based methods and smaller language models. Our comprehensive benchmarking reveals significant insights into the strengths and weaknesses of state-of-the-art models, such as GPT-4o, GPT-4, GPT-3.5Turbo, and others. We highlight GPT-$o's superior performance in mistake detection and rectification and the persistent challenges faced by smaller models. Additionally, we identify issues related to data contamination and memorization, impacting the reliability of LLMs in real-world applications. Our findings emphasize the importance of rigorous evaluation of reasoning processes and propose future directions to enhance the generalization and robustness of LLMs in mathematical problem-solving.

cross Distilling Opinions at Scale: Incremental Opinion Summarization using XL-OPSUMM

Authors: Sri Raghava Muddu, Rupasai Rangaraju, Tejpalsingh Siledar, Swaroop Nath, Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Swaprava Nath, Suman Banerjee, Amey Patil, Muthusamy Chelliah, Sudhanshu Shekhar Singh, Nikesh Garera

Abstract: Opinion summarization in e-commerce encapsulates the collective views of numerous users about a product based on their reviews. Typically, a product on an e-commerce platform has thousands of reviews, each review comprising around 10-15 words. While Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown proficiency in summarization tasks, they struggle to handle such a large volume of reviews due to context limitations. To mitigate, we propose a scalable framework called Xl-OpSumm that generates summaries incrementally. However, the existing test set, AMASUM has only 560 reviews per product on average. Due to the lack of a test set with thousands of reviews, we created a new test set called Xl-Flipkart by gathering data from the Flipkart website and generating summaries using GPT-4. Through various automatic evaluations and extensive analysis, we evaluated the framework's efficiency on two datasets, AMASUM and Xl-Flipkart. Experimental results show that our framework, Xl-OpSumm powered by Llama-3-8B-8k, achieves an average ROUGE-1 F1 gain of 4.38% and a ROUGE-L F1 gain of 3.70% over the next best-performing model.

cross VELOCITI: Can Video-Language Models Bind Semantic Concepts through Time?

Authors: Darshana Saravanan, Darshan Singh, Varun Gupta, Zeeshan Khan, Vineet Gandhi, Makarand Tapaswi

Abstract: Compositionality is a fundamental aspect of vision-language understanding and is especially required for videos since they contain multiple entities (e.g. persons, actions, and scenes) interacting dynamically over time. Existing benchmarks focus primarily on perception capabilities. However, they do not study binding, the ability of a model to associate entities through appropriate relationships. To this end, we propose VELOCITI, a new benchmark building on complex movie clips and dense semantic role label annotations to test perception and binding in video language models (contrastive and Video-LLMs). Our perception-based tests require discriminating video-caption pairs that share similar entities, and the binding tests require models to associate the correct entity to a given situation while ignoring the different yet plausible entities that also appear in the same video. While current state-of-the-art models perform moderately well on perception tests, accuracy is near random when both entities are present in the same video, indicating that they fail at binding tests. Even the powerful Gemini 1.5 Flash has a substantial gap (16-28%) with respect to human accuracy in such binding tests.

cross RWKU: Benchmarking Real-World Knowledge Unlearning for Large Language Models

Authors: Zhuoran Jin, Pengfei Cao, Chenhao Wang, Zhitao He, Hongbang Yuan, Jiachun Li, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) inevitably memorize sensitive, copyrighted, and harmful knowledge from the training corpus; therefore, it is crucial to erase this knowledge from the models. Machine unlearning is a promising solution for efficiently removing specific knowledge by post hoc modifying models. In this paper, we propose a Real-World Knowledge Unlearning benchmark (RWKU) for LLM unlearning. RWKU is designed based on the following three key factors: (1) For the task setting, we consider a more practical and challenging unlearning setting, where neither the forget corpus nor the retain corpus is accessible. (2) For the knowledge source, we choose 200 real-world famous people as the unlearning targets and show that such popular knowledge is widely present in various LLMs. (3) For the evaluation framework, we design the forget set and the retain set to evaluate the model's capabilities across various real-world applications. Regarding the forget set, we provide four four membership inference attack (MIA) methods and nine kinds of adversarial attack probes to rigorously test unlearning efficacy. Regarding the retain set, we assess locality and utility in terms of neighbor perturbation, general ability, reasoning ability, truthfulness, factuality, and fluency. We conduct extensive experiments across two unlearning scenarios, two models and six baseline methods and obtain some meaningful findings. We release our benchmark and code publicly at for future work.


cross Benchmarking Label Noise in Instance Segmentation: Spatial Noise Matters

Authors: Moshe Kimhi, Eden Grad, Lion Halika, Chaim Baskin

Abstract: Obtaining accurate labels for instance segmentation is particularly challenging due to the complex nature of the task. Each image necessitates multiple annotations, encompassing not only the object's class but also its precise spatial boundaries. These requirements elevate the likelihood of errors and inconsistencies in both manual and automated annotation processes. By simulating different noise conditions, we provide a realistic scenario for assessing the robustness and generalization capabilities of instance segmentation models in different segmentation tasks, introducing COCO-N and Cityscapes-N. We also propose a benchmark for weakly annotation noise, dubbed COCO-WAN, which utilizes foundation models and weak annotations to simulate semi-automated annotation tools and their noisy labels. This study sheds light on the quality of segmentation masks produced by various models and challenges the efficacy of popular methods designed to address learning with label noise.

cross Hamilton-Jacobi Based Policy-Iteration via Deep Operator Learning

Authors: Jae Yong Lee, Yeoneung Kim

Abstract: The framework of deep operator network (DeepONet) has been widely exploited thanks to its capability of solving high dimensional partial differential equations. In this paper, we incorporate DeepONet with a recently developed policy iteration scheme to numerically solve optimal control problems and the corresponding Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman (HJB) equations. A notable feature of our approach is that once the neural network is trained, the solution to the optimal control problem and HJB equations with different terminal functions can be inferred quickly thanks to the unique feature of operator learning. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis of the accuracy of the algorithm is carried out via comparison principles of viscosity solutions. The effectiveness of the method is verified with various examples, including 10-dimensional linear quadratic regulator problems (LQRs).

cross Investigating Video Reasoning Capability of Large Language Models with Tropes in Movies

Authors: Hung-Ting Su, Chun-Tong Chao, Ya-Ching Hsu, Xudong Lin, Yulei Niu, Hung-Yi Lee, Winston H. Hsu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated effectiveness not only in language tasks but also in video reasoning. This paper introduces a novel dataset, Tropes in Movies (TiM), designed as a testbed for exploring two critical yet previously overlooked video reasoning skills: (1) Abstract Perception: understanding and tokenizing abstract concepts in videos, and (2) Long-range Compositional Reasoning: planning and integrating intermediate reasoning steps for understanding long-range videos with numerous frames. Utilizing tropes from movie storytelling, TiM evaluates the reasoning capabilities of state-of-the-art LLM-based approaches. Our experiments show that current methods, including Captioner-Reasoner, Large Multimodal Model Instruction Fine-tuning, and Visual Programming, only marginally outperform a random baseline when tackling the challenges of Abstract Perception and Long-range Compositional Reasoning. To address these deficiencies, we propose Face-Enhanced Viper of Role Interactions (FEVoRI) and Context Query Reduction (ConQueR), which enhance Visual Programming by fostering role interaction awareness and progressively refining movie contexts and trope queries during reasoning processes, significantly improving performance by 15 F1 points. However, this performance still lags behind human levels (40 vs. 65 F1). Additionally, we introduce a new protocol to evaluate the necessity of Abstract Perception and Long-range Compositional Reasoning for task resolution. This is done by analyzing the code generated through Visual Programming using an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), thereby confirming the increased complexity of TiM. The dataset and code are available at:


cross Understanding Understanding: A Pragmatic Framework Motivated by Large Language Models

Authors: Kevin Leyton-Brown, Yoav Shoham

Abstract: Motivated by the rapid ascent of Large Language Models (LLMs) and debates about the extent to which they possess human-level qualities, we propose a framework for testing whether any agent (be it a machine or a human) understands a subject matter. In Turing-test fashion, the framework is based solely on the agent's performance, and specifically on how well it answers questions. Elements of the framework include circumscribing the set of questions (the "scope of understanding"), requiring general competence ("passing grade"), avoiding "ridiculous answers", but still allowing wrong and "I don't know" answers to some questions. Reaching certainty about these conditions requires exhaustive testing of the questions which is impossible for nontrivial scopes, but we show how high confidence can be achieved via random sampling and the application of probabilistic confidence bounds. We also show that accompanying answers with explanations can improve the sample complexity required to achieve acceptable bounds, because an explanation of an answer implies the ability to answer many similar questions. According to our framework, current LLMs cannot be said to understand nontrivial domains, but as the framework provides a practical recipe for testing understanding, it thus also constitutes a tool for building AI agents that do understand.

cross Effective Generative AI: The Human-Algorithm Centaur

Authors: Soroush Saghafian, Lihi Idan

Abstract: Advanced analytics science methods have enabled combining the power of artificial and human intelligence, creating \textit{centaurs} that allow superior decision-making. Centaurs are hybrid human-algorithm AI models that combine both formal analytics and human intuition in a symbiotic manner within their learning and reasoning process. We argue that the future of AI development and use in many domains needs to focus on centaurs as opposed to traditional AI approaches. This paradigm shift from traditional AI methods to centaur-based AI methods raises some fundamental questions: How are centaurs different from traditional human-in-the-loop methods? What are the most effective methods for creating centaurs? When should centaurs be used, and when should the lead be given to traditional AI models? Doesn't the incorporation of human intuition -- which at times can be misleading -- in centaurs' decision-making process degrade its performance compared to traditional AI methods? This work aims to address these fundamental questions, focusing on recent advancements in generative AI, and especially in Large Language Models (LLMs), as a main case study to illustrate centaurs' critical essentiality to future AI endeavors.

cross Robust Channel Learning for Large-Scale Radio Speaker Verification

Authors: Wenhao Yang, Jianguo Wei, Wenhuan Lu, Lei Li, Xugang Lu

Abstract: Recent research in speaker verification has increasingly focused on achieving robust and reliable recognition under challenging channel conditions and noisy environments. Identifying speakers in radio communications is particularly difficult due to inherent limitations such as constrained bandwidth and pervasive noise interference. To address this issue, we present a Channel Robust Speaker Learning (CRSL) framework that enhances the robustness of the current speaker verification pipeline, considering data source, data augmentation, and the efficiency of model transfer processes. Our framework introduces an augmentation module that mitigates bandwidth variations in radio speech datasets by manipulating the bandwidth of training inputs. It also addresses unknown noise by introducing noise within the manifold space. Additionally, we propose an efficient fine-tuning method that reduces the need for extensive additional training time and large amounts of data. Moreover, we develop a toolkit for assembling a large-scale radio speech corpus and establish a benchmark specifically tailored for radio scenario speaker verification studies. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed methodology effectively enhances performance and mitigates degradation caused by radio transmission in speaker verification tasks. The code will be available on Github.

cross On Convergence and Rate of Convergence of Policy Improvement Algorithms

Authors: Jin Ma, Gaozhan Wang, Jianfeng Zhang

Abstract: In this paper, we provide a simple proof from scratch for the convergence of the Policy Improvement Algorithm(PIA) for a continuous time entropy-regularized stochastic control problem. Such convergence has been established by Huang-Wang-Zhou(2023) by using sophisticated PDE estimates for the iterative PDEs involved in the PIA. Our approach builds on some Feynman-Kac type probabilistic representation formulae for solutions of PDEs and their derivatives. Moreover, in the infinite horizon model with a large discount factor and in the finite horizon model, we obtain the exponential rate of convergence with similar arguments.

cross CoSTA: Code-Switched Speech Translation using Aligned Speech-Text Interleaving

Authors: Bhavani Shankar, Preethi Jyothi, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Abstract: Code-switching is a widely prevalent linguistic phenomenon in multilingual societies like India. Building speech-to-text models for code-switched speech is challenging due to limited availability of datasets. In this work, we focus on the problem of spoken translation (ST) of code-switched speech in Indian languages to English text. We present a new end-to-end model architecture COSTA that scaffolds on pretrained automatic speech recognition (ASR) and machine translation (MT) modules (that are more widely available for many languages). Speech and ASR text representations are fused using an aligned interleaving scheme and are fed further as input to a pretrained MT module; the whole pipeline is then trained end-to-end for spoken translation using synthetically created ST data. We also release a new evaluation benchmark for code-switched Bengali-English, Hindi-English, Marathi-English and Telugu- English speech to English text. COSTA significantly outperforms many competitive cascaded and end-to-end multimodal baselines by up to 3.5 BLEU points.

cross Concept-skill Transferability-based Data Selection for Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Jaewoo Lee, Boyang Li, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: Instruction tuning, or supervised finetuning on extensive task-specific data, is necessary for Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) to generalize well across a broad range of vision-language (VL) tasks. However, training on large VL datasets can become prohibitively expensive. In this work, we introduce COINCIDE, an effective and scalable data selection technique that uses a small model as a reference model to select visual instruction tuning data for efficient finetuning of a target LVLM, focusing on diversity and transferability. Specifically, we cluster the training data using internal activations from a small model, which identifies VL concept-skill compositions needed by a target LVLM. We then sample data from these diverse clusters by considering their density and transferability, or the ability to transfer well to other concept-skill compositions. This approach ensures the diversity of these compositions, which is vital for LVLM generalization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that COINCIDE achieves superior performance and data selection efficiency against 8 strong baselines on two distinct datasets: LLaVA-1.5 and Vision-Flan. Using only 20% of the LLaVA-1.5 dataset, COINCIDE achieves performance comparable to the LVLM finetuned on the whole dataset, with 70% reduction of the wall-clock running time. On the Vision-Flan dataset, our method achieves superior results with only 16.7% of the training data.

cross Two-level overlapping additive Schwarz preconditioner for training scientific machine learning applications

Authors: Youngkyu Lee, Alena Kopani\v{c}\'akov\'a, George Em Karniadakis

Abstract: We introduce a novel two-level overlapping additive Schwarz preconditioner for accelerating the training of scientific machine learning applications. The design of the proposed preconditioner is motivated by the nonlinear two-level overlapping additive Schwarz preconditioner. The neural network parameters are decomposed into groups (subdomains) with overlapping regions. In addition, the network's feed-forward structure is indirectly imposed through a novel subdomain-wise synchronization strategy and a coarse-level training step. Through a series of numerical experiments, which consider physics-informed neural networks and operator learning approaches, we demonstrate that the proposed two-level preconditioner significantly speeds up the convergence of the standard (LBFGS) optimizer while also yielding more accurate machine learning models. Moreover, the devised preconditioner is designed to take advantage of model-parallel computations, which can further reduce the training time.

cross Physics-Informed Deep Learning and Partial Transfer Learning for Bearing Fault Diagnosis in the Presence of Highly Missing Data

Authors: Mohammadreza Kavianpour, Parisa Kavianpour, Amin Ramezani

Abstract: One of the most significant obstacles in bearing fault diagnosis is a lack of labeled data for various fault types. Also, sensor-acquired data frequently lack labels and have a large amount of missing data. This paper tackles these issues by presenting the PTPAI method, which uses a physics-informed deep learning-based technique to generate synthetic labeled data. Labeled synthetic data makes up the source domain, whereas unlabeled data with missing data is present in the target domain. Consequently, imbalanced class problems and partial-set fault diagnosis hurdles emerge. To address these challenges, the RF-Mixup approach is used to handle imbalanced classes. As domain adaptation strategies, the MK-MMSD and CDAN are employed to mitigate the disparity in distribution between synthetic and actual data. Furthermore, the partial-set challenge is tackled by applying weighting methods at the class and instance levels. Experimental outcomes on the CWRU and JNU datasets indicate that the proposed approach effectively addresses these problems.

cross Universal Cross-Lingual Text Classification

Authors: Riya Savant, Anushka Shelke, Sakshi Todmal, Sanskruti Kanphade, Ananya Joshi, Raviraj Joshi

Abstract: Text classification, an integral task in natural language processing, involves the automatic categorization of text into predefined classes. Creating supervised labeled datasets for low-resource languages poses a considerable challenge. Unlocking the language potential of low-resource languages requires robust datasets with supervised labels. However, such datasets are scarce, and the label space is often limited. In our pursuit to address this gap, we aim to optimize existing labels/datasets in different languages. This research proposes a novel perspective on Universal Cross-Lingual Text Classification, leveraging a unified model across languages. Our approach involves blending supervised data from different languages during training to create a universal model. The supervised data for a target classification task might come from different languages covering different labels. The primary goal is to enhance label and language coverage, aiming for a label set that represents a union of labels from various languages. We propose the usage of a strong multilingual SBERT as our base model, making our novel training strategy feasible. This strategy contributes to the adaptability and effectiveness of the model in cross-lingual language transfer scenarios, where it can categorize text in languages not encountered during training. Thus, the paper delves into the intricacies of cross-lingual text classification, with a particular focus on its application for low-resource languages, exploring methodologies and implications for the development of a robust and adaptable universal cross-lingual model.

cross Curating Stopwords in Marathi: A TF-IDF Approach for Improved Text Analysis and Information Retrieval

Authors: Rohan Chavan, Gaurav Patil, Vishal Madle, Raviraj Joshi

Abstract: Stopwords are commonly used words in a language that are often considered to be of little value in determining the meaning or significance of a document. These words occur frequently in most texts and don't provide much useful information for tasks like sentiment analysis and text classification. English, which is a high-resource language, takes advantage of the availability of stopwords, whereas low-resource Indian languages like Marathi are very limited, standardized, and can be used in available packages, but the number of available words in those packages is low. Our work targets the curation of stopwords in the Marathi language using the MahaCorpus, with 24.8 million sentences. We make use of the TF-IDF approach coupled with human evaluation to curate a strong stopword list of 400 words. We apply the stop word removal to the text classification task and show its efficacy. The work also presents a simple recipe for stopword curation in a low-resource language. The stopwords are integrated into the mahaNLP library and publicly available on .


cross Evaluating the Performance of Large Language Models via Debates

Authors: Behrad Moniri, Hamed Hassani, Edgar Dobriban

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are rapidly evolving and impacting various fields, necessitating the development of effective methods to evaluate and compare their performance. Most current approaches for performance evaluation are either based on fixed, domain-specific questions that lack the flexibility required in many real-world applications where tasks are not always from a single domain, or rely on human input, making them unscalable. We propose an automated benchmarking framework based on debates between LLMs, judged by another LLM. This method assesses not only domain knowledge, but also skills such as problem definition and inconsistency recognition. We evaluate the performance of various state-of-the-art LLMs using the debate framework and achieve rankings that align closely with popular rankings based on human input, eliminating the need for costly human crowdsourcing.

cross Generalization and Knowledge Transfer in Abstract Visual Reasoning Models

Authors: Miko{\l}aj Ma{\l}ki\'nski, Jacek Ma\'ndziuk

Abstract: We study generalization and knowledge reuse capabilities of deep neural networks in the domain of abstract visual reasoning (AVR), employing Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPMs), a recognized benchmark task for assessing AVR abilities. Two knowledge transfer scenarios referring to the I-RAVEN dataset are investigated. Firstly, inspired by generalization assessment capabilities of the PGM dataset and popularity of I-RAVEN, we introduce Attributeless-I-RAVEN, a benchmark with four generalization regimes that allow to test generalization of abstract rules applied to held-out attributes. Secondly, we construct I-RAVEN-Mesh, a dataset that enriches RPMs with a novel component structure comprising line-based patterns, facilitating assessment of progressive knowledge acquisition in transfer learning setting. The developed benchmarks reveal shortcomings of the contemporary deep learning models, which we partly address with Pathways of Normalized Group Convolution (PoNG) model, a novel neural architecture for solving AVR tasks. PoNG excels in both presented challenges, as well as the standard I-RAVEN and PGM setups.

cross A Unified View of Abstract Visual Reasoning Problems

Authors: Miko{\l}aj Ma{\l}ki\'nski, Jacek Ma\'ndziuk

Abstract: The field of Abstract Visual Reasoning (AVR) encompasses a wide range of problems, many of which are inspired by human IQ tests. The variety of AVR tasks has resulted in state-of-the-art AVR methods being task-specific approaches. Furthermore, contemporary methods consider each AVR problem instance not as a whole, but in the form of a set of individual panels with particular locations and roles (context vs. answer panels) pre-assigned according to the task-specific arrangements. While these highly specialized approaches have recently led to significant progress in solving particular AVR tasks, considering each task in isolation hinders the development of universal learning systems in this domain. In this paper, we introduce a unified view of AVR tasks, where each problem instance is rendered as a single image, with no a priori assumptions about the number of panels, their location, or role. The main advantage of the proposed unified view is the ability to develop universal learning models applicable to various AVR tasks. What is more, the proposed approach inherently facilitates transfer learning in the AVR domain, as various types of problems share a common representation. The experiments conducted on four AVR datasets with Raven's Progressive Matrices and Visual Analogy Problems, and one real-world visual analogy dataset show that the proposed unified representation of AVR tasks poses a challenge to state-of-the-art Deep Learning (DL) AVR models and, more broadly, contemporary DL image recognition methods. In order to address this challenge, we introduce the Unified Model for Abstract Visual Reasoning (UMAVR) capable of dealing with various types of AVR problems in a unified manner. UMAVR outperforms existing AVR methods in selected single-task learning experiments, and demonstrates effective knowledge reuse in transfer learning and curriculum learning setups.

cross MemDPT: Differential Privacy for Memory Efficient Language Models

Authors: Yanming Liu, Xinyue Peng, Jiannan Cao, Yuwei Zhang, Chen Ma, Songhang Deng, Mengchen Fu, Xuhong Zhang, Sheng Cheng, Xun Wang, Jianwei Yin, Tianyu Du

Abstract: Large language models have consistently demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide spectrum of applications. Nonetheless, the deployment of these models can inadvertently expose user privacy to potential risks. The substantial memory demands of these models during training represent a significant resource consumption challenge. The sheer size of these models imposes a considerable burden on memory resources, which is a matter of significant concern in practice. In this paper, we present an innovative training framework MemDPT that not only reduces the memory cost of large language models but also places a strong emphasis on safeguarding user data privacy. MemDPT provides edge network and reverse network designs to accommodate various differential privacy memory-efficient fine-tuning schemes. Our approach not only achieves $2 \sim 3 \times$ memory optimization but also provides robust privacy protection, ensuring that user data remains secure and confidential. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that MemDPT can effectively provide differential privacy efficient fine-tuning across various task scenarios.

cross Investigating Annotator Bias in Large Language Models for Hate Speech Detection

Authors: Amit Das, Zheng Zhang, Fatemeh Jamshidi, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha, Nilanjana Raychawdhary, Mary Sandage, Lauramarie Pope, Gerry Dozier, Cheryl Seals

Abstract: Data annotation, the practice of assigning descriptive labels to raw data, is pivotal in optimizing the performance of machine learning models. However, it is a resource-intensive process susceptible to biases introduced by annotators. The emergence of sophisticated Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT presents a unique opportunity to modernize and streamline this complex procedure. While existing research extensively evaluates the efficacy of LLMs, as annotators, this paper delves into the biases present in LLMs, specifically GPT 3.5 and GPT 4o when annotating hate speech data. Our research contributes to understanding biases in four key categories: gender, race, religion, and disability. Specifically targeting highly vulnerable groups within these categories, we analyze annotator biases. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive examination of potential factors contributing to these biases by scrutinizing the annotated data. We introduce our custom hate speech detection dataset, HateSpeechCorpus, to conduct this research. Additionally, we perform the same experiments on the ETHOS (Mollas et al., 2022) dataset also for comparative analysis. This paper serves as a crucial resource, guiding researchers and practitioners in harnessing the potential of LLMs for dataannotation, thereby fostering advancements in this critical field. The HateSpeechCorpus dataset is available here:


cross Incentivizing Quality Text Generation via Statistical Contracts

Authors: Eden Saig, Ohad Einav, Inbal Talgam-Cohen

Abstract: While the success of large language models (LLMs) increases demand for machine-generated text, current pay-per-token pricing schemes create a misalignment of incentives known in economics as moral hazard: Text-generating agents have strong incentive to cut costs by preferring a cheaper model over the cutting-edge one, and this can be done "behind the scenes" since the agent performs inference internally. In this work, we approach this issue from an economic perspective, by proposing a pay-for-performance, contract-based framework for incentivizing quality. We study a principal-agent game where the agent generates text using costly inference, and the contract determines the principal's payment for the text according to an automated quality evaluation. Since standard contract theory is inapplicable when internal inference costs are unknown, we introduce cost-robust contracts. As our main theoretical contribution, we characterize optimal cost-robust contracts through a direct correspondence to optimal composite hypothesis tests from statistics, generalizing a result of Saig et al. (NeurIPS'23). We evaluate our framework empirically by deriving contracts for a range of objectives and LLM evaluation benchmarks, and find that cost-robust contracts sacrifice only a marginal increase in objective value compared to their cost-aware counterparts.

cross RePrompt: Planning by Automatic Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models Agents

Authors: Weizhe Chen, Sven Koenig, Bistra Dilkina

Abstract: In this past year, large language models (LLMs) have had remarkable success in domains outside the traditional natural language processing, and people are starting to explore the usage of LLMs in more general and close to application domains like code generation, travel planning, and robot controls. Connecting these LLMs with great capacity and external tools, people are building the so-called LLM agents, which are supposed to help people do all kinds of work in everyday life. In all these domains, the prompt to the LLMs has been shown to make a big difference in what the LLM would generate and thus affect the performance of the LLM agents. Therefore, automatic prompt engineering has become an important question for many researchers and users of LLMs. In this paper, we propose a novel method, \textsc{RePrompt}, which does "gradient descent" to optimize the step-by-step instructions in the prompt of the LLM agents based on the chat history obtained from interactions with LLM agents. By optimizing the prompt, the LLM will learn how to plan in specific domains. We have used experiments in PDDL generation and travel planning to show that our method could generally improve the performance for different reasoning tasks when using the updated prompt as the initial prompt.

cross Few-Shot Recognition via Stage-Wise Augmented Finetuning

Authors: Tian Liu, Huixin Zhang, Shubham Parashar, Shu Kong

Abstract: Few-shot recognition aims to train a classification model with only a few labeled examples of pre-defined concepts, where annotation can be costly in a downstream task. In another related research area, zero-shot recognition, which assumes no access to any downstream-task data, has been greatly advanced by using pretrained Vision-Language Models (VLMs). In this area, retrieval-augmented learning (RAL) effectively boosts zero-shot accuracy by retrieving and learning from external data relevant to downstream concepts. Motivated by these advancements, our work explores RAL for few-shot recognition. While seemingly straightforward despite being under-explored in the literature (till now!), we present novel challenges and opportunities for applying RAL for few-shot recognition. First, perhaps surprisingly, simply finetuning the VLM on a large amount of retrieved data barely surpasses state-of-the-art zero-shot methods due to the imbalanced distribution of retrieved data and its domain gaps compared to few-shot annotated data. Second, finetuning a VLM on few-shot examples alone significantly outperforms prior methods, and finetuning on the mix of retrieved and few-shot data yields even better results. Third, to mitigate the imbalanced distribution and domain gap issue, we propose Stage-Wise Augmented fineTuning (SWAT) method, which involves end-to-end finetuning on mixed data for the first stage and retraining the classifier solely on the few-shot data in the second stage. Extensive experiments show that SWAT achieves the best performance on standard benchmark datasets, resoundingly outperforming prior works by ~10% in accuracy. Code is available at


cross Two-Timescale Optimization Framework for Decentralized Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control

Authors: Lechen Feng, Yuan-Hua Ni, Xuebo Zhang

Abstract: This study investigates a decentralized linear-quadratic optimal control problem, and several approximate separable constrained optimization problems are formulated for the first time based on the selection of sparsity promoting functions. First, for the optimization problem with weighted $\ell_1$ sparsity promoting function, a two-timescale algorithm is adopted that is based on the BSUM (Block Successive Upper-bound Minimization) framework and a differential equation solver. Second, a piecewise quadratic sparsity promoting function is introduced, and the induced optimization problem demonstrates an accelerated convergence rate by performing the same two-timescale algorithm. Finally, the optimization problem with $\ell_0$ sparsity promoting function is considered that is nonconvex and discontinuous, and can be approximated by successive coordinatewise convex optimization problems.

cross SUGARCREPE++ Dataset: Vision-Language Model Sensitivity to Semantic and Lexical Alterations

Authors: Sri Harsha Dumpala, Aman Jaiswal, Chandramouli Sastry, Evangelos Milios, Sageev Oore, Hassan Sajjad

Abstract: Despite their remarkable successes, state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs), including vision-and-language models (VLMs) and unimodal language models (ULMs), fail to understand precise semantics. For example, semantically equivalent sentences expressed using different lexical compositions elicit diverging representations. The degree of this divergence and its impact on encoded semantics is not very well understood. In this paper, we introduce the SUGARCREPE++ dataset to analyze the sensitivity of VLMs and ULMs to lexical and semantic alterations. Each sample in SUGARCREPE++ dataset consists of an image and a corresponding triplet of captions: a pair of semantically equivalent but lexically different positive captions and one hard negative caption. This poses a 3-way semantic (in)equivalence problem to the language models. We comprehensively evaluate VLMs and ULMs that differ in architecture, pre-training objectives and datasets to benchmark the performance of SUGARCREPE++ dataset. Experimental results highlight the difficulties of VLMs in distinguishing between lexical and semantic variations, particularly in object attributes and spatial relations. Although VLMs with larger pre-training datasets, model sizes, and multiple pre-training objectives achieve better performance on SUGARCREPE++, there is a significant opportunity for improvement. We show that all the models which achieve better performance on compositionality datasets need not perform equally well on SUGARCREPE++, signifying that compositionality alone may not be sufficient for understanding semantic and lexical alterations. Given the importance of the property that the SUGARCREPE++ dataset targets, it serves as a new challenge to the vision-and-language community.

cross What Operations can be Performed Directly on Compressed Arrays, and with What Error?

Authors: Tripti Agarwal, Harvey Dam, Dorra Ben Khalifa, Matthieu Martel, P. Sadayappan, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan

Abstract: In response to the rapidly escalating costs of computing with large matrices and tensors caused by data movement, several lossy compression methods have been developed to significantly reduce data volumes. Unfortunately, all these methods require the data to be decompressed before further computations are done. In this work, we develop a lossy compressor that allows a dozen fairly fundamental operations directly on compressed data while offering good compression ratios and modest errors. We implement a new compressor PyBlaz based on the familiar GPU-powered PyTorch framework, and evaluate it on three non-trivial applications, choosing different number systems for internal representation. Our results demonstrate that the compressed-domain operations achieve good scalability with problem sizes while incurring errors well within acceptable limits. To our best knowledge, this is the first such lossy compressor that supports compressed-domain operations while achieving acceptable performance as well as error.

cross Enabling robots to follow abstract instructions and complete complex dynamic tasks

Authors: Ruaridh Mon-Williams, Gen Li, Ran Long, Wenqian Du, Chris Lucas

Abstract: Completing complex tasks in unpredictable settings like home kitchens challenges robotic systems. These challenges include interpreting high-level human commands, such as "make me a hot beverage" and performing actions like pouring a precise amount of water into a moving mug. To address these challenges, we present a novel framework that combines Large Language Models (LLMs), a curated Knowledge Base, and Integrated Force and Visual Feedback (IFVF). Our approach interprets abstract instructions, performs long-horizon tasks, and handles various uncertainties. It utilises GPT-4 to analyse the user's query and surroundings, then generates code that accesses a curated database of functions during execution. It translates abstract instructions into actionable steps. Each step involves generating custom code by employing retrieval-augmented generalisation to pull IFVF-relevant examples from the Knowledge Base. IFVF allows the robot to respond to noise and disturbances during execution. We use coffee making and plate decoration to demonstrate our approach, including components ranging from pouring to drawer opening, each benefiting from distinct feedback types and methods. This novel advancement marks significant progress toward a scalable, efficient robotic framework for completing complex tasks in uncertain environments. Our findings are illustrated in an accompanying video and supported by an open-source GitHub repository (released upon paper acceptance).

cross Relational Learning in Pre-Trained Models: A Theory from Hypergraph Recovery Perspective

Authors: Yang Chen, Cong Fang, Zhouchen Lin, Bing Liu

Abstract: Foundation Models (FMs) have demonstrated remarkable insights into the relational dynamics of the world, leading to the crucial question: how do these models acquire an understanding of world hybrid relations? Traditional statistical learning, particularly for prediction problems, may overlook the rich and inherently structured information from the data, especially regarding the relationships between objects. We introduce a mathematical model that formalizes relational learning as hypergraph recovery to study pre-training of FMs. In our framework, the world is represented as a hypergraph, with data abstracted as random samples from hyperedges. We theoretically examine the feasibility of a Pre-Trained Model (PTM) to recover this hypergraph and analyze the data efficiency in a minimax near-optimal style. By integrating rich graph theories into the realm of PTMs, our mathematical framework offers powerful tools for an in-depth understanding of pre-training from a unique perspective and can be used under various scenarios. As an example, we extend the framework to entity alignment in multimodal learning.

cross MINT-1T: Scaling Open-Source Multimodal Data by 10x: A Multimodal Dataset with One Trillion Tokens

Authors: Anas Awadalla, Le Xue, Oscar Lo, Manli Shu, Hannah Lee, Etash Kumar Guha, Matt Jordan, Sheng Shen, Mohamed Awadalla, Silvio Savarese, Caiming Xiong, Ran Xu, Yejin Choi, Ludwig Schmidt

Abstract: Multimodal interleaved datasets featuring free-form interleaved sequences of images and text are crucial for training frontier large multimodal models (LMMs). Despite the rapid progression of open-source LMMs, there remains a pronounced scarcity of large-scale, diverse open-source multimodal interleaved datasets. In response, we introduce MINT-1T, the most extensive and diverse open-source Multimodal INTerleaved dataset to date. MINT-1T comprises one trillion text tokens and three billion images, a 10x scale-up from existing open-source datasets. Additionally, we include previously untapped sources such as PDFs and ArXiv papers. As scaling multimodal interleaved datasets requires substantial engineering effort, sharing the data curation process and releasing the dataset greatly benefits the community. Our experiments show that LMMs trained on MINT-1T rival the performance of models trained on the previous leading dataset, OBELICS. Our data and code will be released at


cross Statistical Learning of Distributionally Robust Stochastic Control in Continuous State Spaces

Authors: Shengbo Wang, Nian Si, Jose Blanchet, Zhengyuan Zhou

Abstract: We explore the control of stochastic systems with potentially continuous state and action spaces, characterized by the state dynamics $X_{t+1} = f(X_t, A_t, W_t)$. Here, $X$, $A$, and $W$ represent the state, action, and exogenous random noise processes, respectively, with $f$ denoting a known function that describes state transitions. Traditionally, the noise process $\{W_t, t \geq 0\}$ is assumed to be independent and identically distributed, with a distribution that is either fully known or can be consistently estimated. However, the occurrence of distributional shifts, typical in engineering settings, necessitates the consideration of the robustness of the policy. This paper introduces a distributionally robust stochastic control paradigm that accommodates possibly adaptive adversarial perturbation to the noise distribution within a prescribed ambiguity set. We examine two adversary models: current-action-aware and current-action-unaware, leading to different dynamic programming equations. Furthermore, we characterize the optimal finite sample minimax rates for achieving uniform learning of the robust value function across continuum states under both adversary types, considering ambiguity sets defined by $f_k$-divergence and Wasserstein distance. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our framework across various real-world settings.

cross Iterative Utility Judgment Framework via LLMs Inspired by Relevance in Philosophy

Authors: Hengran Zhang, Keping Bi, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: Utility and topical relevance are critical measures in information retrieval (IR), reflecting system and user perspectives, respectively. While topical relevance has long been emphasized, utility is a higher standard of relevance and is more useful for facilitating downstream tasks, e.g., in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). When we incorporate utility judgments into RAG, we realize that the topical relevance, utility, and answering in RAG are closely related to the three types of relevance that Schutz discussed from a philosophical perspective. They are topical relevance, interpretational relevance, and motivational relevance, respectively. Inspired by the dynamic iterations of the three types of relevance, we propose an Iterative utiliTy judgmEnt fraMework (ITEM) to promote each step of the cycle of RAG. We conducted extensive experiments on multi-grade passage retrieval and factoid question-answering datasets (i.e., TREC DL, WebAP, and NQ). Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in utility judgments, ranking of topical relevance, and answer generation upon representative baselines, including multiple single-shot utility judging approaches. Our code and benchmark can be found at


cross Optimizing and Testing Instruction-Following: Analyzing the Impact of Fine-Grained Instruction Variants on instruction-tuned LLMs

Authors: Jiuding Yang, Weidong Guo, Kaitong Yang, Xiangyang Li, Zhuwei Rao, Yu Xu, Di Niu

Abstract: The effective alignment of Large Language Models (LLMs) with precise instructions is essential for their application in diverse real-world scenarios. Current methods focus on enhancing the diversity and complexity of training and evaluation samples, yet they fall short in accurately assessing LLMs' ability to follow similar instruction variants. We introduce an effective data augmentation technique that decomposes complex instructions into simpler sub-components, modifies these, and reconstructs them into new variants, thereby preserves the original instruction's context and complexity while introducing variability, which is critical for training and evaluating LLMs' instruction-following precision. We developed the DeMoRecon dataset using this method to both fine-tune and evaluate LLMs. Our findings show that LLMs fine-tuned with DeMoRecon will gain significant performance boost on both ours and commonly used instructions-following benchmarks.

cross Federated Active Learning Framework for Efficient Annotation Strategy in Skin-lesion Classification

Authors: Zhipeng Deng, Yuqiao Yang, Kenji Suzuki

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) enables multiple institutes to train models collaboratively without sharing private data. Current FL research focuses on communication efficiency, privacy protection, and personalization and assumes that the data of FL have already been ideally collected. In medical scenarios, however, data annotation demands both expertise and intensive labor, which is a critical problem in FL. Active learning (AL), has shown promising performance in reducing the number of data annotations in medical image analysis. We propose a federated AL (FedAL) framework in which AL is executed periodically and interactively under FL. We exploit a local model in each hospital and a global model acquired from FL to construct an ensemble. We use ensemble-entropy-based AL as an efficient data-annotation strategy in FL. Therefore, our FedAL framework can decrease the amount of annotated data and preserve patient privacy while maintaining the performance of FL. To our knowledge, this is the first FedAL framework applied to medical images. We validated our framework on real-world dermoscopic datasets. Using only 50% of samples, our framework was able to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a skin-lesion classification task. Our framework performed better than several state-of-the-art AL methods under FL and achieved comparable performance to full-data FL.

cross Improved Algorithms for Contextual Dynamic Pricing

Authors: Matilde Tullii, Solenne Gaucher, Nadav Merlis, Vianney Perchet

Abstract: In contextual dynamic pricing, a seller sequentially prices goods based on contextual information. Buyers will purchase products only if the prices are below their valuations. The goal of the seller is to design a pricing strategy that collects as much revenue as possible. We focus on two different valuation models. The first assumes that valuations linearly depend on the context and are further distorted by noise. Under minor regularity assumptions, our algorithm achieves an optimal regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{2/3})$, improving the existing results. The second model removes the linearity assumption, requiring only that the expected buyer valuation is $\beta$-H\"older in the context. For this model, our algorithm obtains a regret $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{d+2\beta/d+3\beta})$, where $d$ is the dimension of the context space.

cross Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted VEC Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Kangwei Qi, Qiong Wu, Pingyi Fan, Nan Cheng, Qiang Fan, Jiangzhou Wang

Abstract: Vehicular edge computing (VEC) is an emerging technology that enables vehicles to perform high-intensity tasks by executing tasks locally or offloading them to nearby edge devices. However, obstacles such as buildings may degrade the communications and incur communication interruptions, and thus the vehicle may not meet the requirement for task offloading. Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) is introduced to support vehicle communication and provide an alternative communication path. The system performance can be improved by flexibly adjusting the phase-shift of the RIS. For RIS-assisted VEC system where tasks arrive randomly, we design a control scheme that considers offloading power, local power allocation and phase-shift optimization. To solve this non-convex problem, we propose a new deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework that employs modified multi-agent deep deterministic policy gradient (MADDPG) approach to optimize the power allocation for vehicle users (VUs) and block coordinate descent (BCD) algorithm to optimize the phase-shift of the RIS. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme outperforms the centralized deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) scheme and random scheme.

cross Deep-Learning-Based Channel Estimation for Distributed MIMO with 1-bit Radio-Over-Fiber Fronthaul

Authors: Alireza Bordbar, Lise Aabel, Christian H\"ager, Christian Fager, Giuseppe Durisi

Abstract: We consider the problem of pilot-aided, uplink channel estimation in a distributed massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) architecture, in which the access points are connected to a central processing unit via fiber-optical fronthaul links, carrying a two-level-quantized version of the received analog radio-frequency signal. We adapt to this architecture the deep-learning-based channel-estimation algorithm recently proposed by Nguyen et al. (2023), and explore its robustness to the additional signal distortions (beyond 1-bit quantization) introduced in the considered architecture by the automatic gain controllers (AGCs) and by the comparators. These components are used at the access points to generate the two-level analog waveform from the received signal. Via simulation results, we illustrate that the proposed channel-estimation method outperforms significantly the Bussgang linear minimum mean-square error channel estimator, and it is robust against the additional impairments introduced by the AGCs and the comparators.

cross They're All Doctors: Synthesizing Diverse Counterfactuals to Mitigate Associative Bias

Authors: Salma Abdel Magid, Jui-Hsien Wang, Kushal Kafle, Hanspeter Pfister

Abstract: Vision Language Models (VLMs) such as CLIP are powerful models; however they can exhibit unwanted biases, making them less safe when deployed directly in applications such as text-to-image, text-to-video retrievals, reverse search, or classification tasks. In this work, we propose a novel framework to generate synthetic counterfactual images to create a diverse and balanced dataset that can be used to fine-tune CLIP. Given a set of diverse synthetic base images from text-to-image models, we leverage off-the-shelf segmentation and inpainting models to place humans with diverse visual appearances in context. We show that CLIP trained on such datasets learns to disentangle the human appearance from the context of an image, i.e., what makes a doctor is not correlated to the person's visual appearance, like skin color or body type, but to the context, such as background, the attire they are wearing, or the objects they are holding. We demonstrate that our fine-tuned CLIP model, $CF_\alpha$, improves key fairness metrics such as MaxSkew, MinSkew, and NDKL by 40-66\% for image retrieval tasks, while still achieving similar levels of performance in downstream tasks. We show that, by design, our model retains maximal compatibility with the original CLIP models, and can be easily controlled to support different accuracy versus fairness trade-offs in a plug-n-play fashion.

cross CM2-Net: Continual Cross-Modal Mapping Network for Driver Action Recognition

Authors: Ruoyu Wang, Chen Cai, Wenqian Wang, Jianjun Gao, Dan Lin, Wenyang Liu, Kim-Hui Yap

Abstract: Driver action recognition has significantly advanced in enhancing driver-vehicle interactions and ensuring driving safety by integrating multiple modalities, such as infrared and depth. Nevertheless, compared to RGB modality only, it is always laborious and costly to collect extensive data for all types of non-RGB modalities in car cabin environments. Therefore, previous works have suggested independently learning each non-RGB modality by fine-tuning a model pre-trained on RGB videos, but these methods are less effective in extracting informative features when faced with newly-incoming modalities due to large domain gaps. In contrast, we propose a Continual Cross-Modal Mapping Network (CM2-Net) to continually learn each newly-incoming modality with instructive prompts from the previously-learned modalities. Specifically, we have developed Accumulative Cross-modal Mapping Prompting (ACMP), to map the discriminative and informative features learned from previous modalities into the feature space of newly-incoming modalities. Then, when faced with newly-incoming modalities, these mapped features are able to provide effective prompts for which features should be extracted and prioritized. These prompts are accumulating throughout the continual learning process, thereby boosting further recognition performances. Extensive experiments conducted on the Drive&Act dataset demonstrate the performance superiority of CM2-Net on both uni- and multi-modal driver action recognition.

cross Fairer Preferences Elicit Improved Human-Aligned Large Language Model Judgments

Authors: Han Zhou, Xingchen Wan, Yinhong Liu, Nigel Collier, Ivan Vuli\'c, Anna Korhonen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown promising abilities as cost-effective and reference-free evaluators for assessing language generation quality. In particular, pairwise LLM evaluators, which compare two generated texts and determine the preferred one, have been employed in a wide range of applications. However, LLMs exhibit preference biases and worrying sensitivity to prompt designs. In this work, we first reveal that the predictive preference of LLMs can be highly brittle and skewed, even with semantically equivalent instructions. We find that fairer predictive preferences from LLMs consistently lead to judgments that are better aligned with humans. Motivated by this phenomenon, we propose an automatic Zero-shot Evaluation-oriented Prompt Optimization framework, ZEPO, which aims to produce fairer preference decisions and improve the alignment of LLM evaluators with human judgments. To this end, we propose a zero-shot learning objective based on the preference decision fairness. ZEPO demonstrates substantial performance improvements over state-of-the-art LLM evaluators, without requiring labeled data, on representative meta-evaluation benchmarks. Our findings underscore the critical correlation between preference fairness and human alignment, positioning ZEPO as an efficient prompt optimizer for bridging the gap between LLM evaluators and human judgments.

cross Unfolding Time: Generative Modeling for Turbulent Flows in 4D

Authors: Abdullah Saydemir, Marten Lienen, Stephan G\"unnemann

Abstract: A recent study in turbulent flow simulation demonstrated the potential of generative diffusion models for fast 3D surrogate modeling. This approach eliminates the need for specifying initial states or performing lengthy simulations, significantly accelerating the process. While adept at sampling individual frames from the learned manifold of turbulent flow states, the previous model lacks the capability to generate sequences, hindering analysis of dynamic phenomena. This work addresses this limitation by introducing a 4D generative diffusion model and a physics-informed guidance technique that enables the generation of realistic sequences of flow states. Our findings indicate that the proposed method can successfully sample entire subsequences from the turbulent manifold, even though generalizing from individual frames to sequences remains a challenging task. This advancement opens doors for the application of generative modeling in analyzing the temporal evolution of turbulent flows, providing valuable insights into their complex dynamics.

cross Evaluating Open Language Models Across Task Types, Application Domains, and Reasoning Types: An In-Depth Experimental Analysis

Authors: Neelabh Sinha, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha

Abstract: The rapid rise of Language Models (LMs) has expanded their use in several applications. Yet, due to constraints of model size, associated cost, or proprietary restrictions, utilizing state-of-the-art (SOTA) LLMs is not always feasible. With open, smaller LMs emerging, more applications can leverage their capabilities, but selecting the right LM can be challenging. This work conducts an in-depth experimental analysis of the semantic correctness of outputs of 10 smaller, open LMs across three aspects: task types, application domains and reasoning types, using diverse prompt styles. We demonstrate that most effective models and prompt styles vary depending on the specific requirements. Our analysis provides a comparative assessment of LMs and prompt styles using a proposed three-tier schema of aspects for their strategic selection based on use-case and other constraints. We also show that if utilized appropriately, these LMs can compete with, and sometimes outperform, SOTA LLMs like DeepSeek-v2, GPT-3.5-Turbo, and GPT-4o.

cross Dredge Word, Social Media, and Webgraph Networks for Unreliable Website Classification and Identification

Authors: Evan M. Williams, Peter Carragher, Kathleen M. Carley

Abstract: In an attempt to mimic the complex paths through which unreliable content spreads between search engines and social media, we explore the impact of incorporating both webgraph and large-scale social media contexts into website credibility classification and discovery systems. We further explore the usage of what we define as \textit{dredge words} on social media -- terms or phrases for which unreliable domains rank highly. Through comprehensive graph neural network ablations, we demonstrate that curriculum-based heterogeneous graph models that leverage context from both webgraphs and social media data outperform homogeneous and single-mode approaches. We further demonstrate that the incorporation of dredge words into our model strongly associates unreliable websites with social media and online commerce platforms. Finally, we show our heterogeneous model greatly outperforms competing systems in the top-k identification of unlabeled unreliable websites. We demonstrate the strong unreliability signals present in the diverse paths that users follow to uncover unreliable content, and we release a novel dataset of dredge words.

cross DiTTo-TTS: Efficient and Scalable Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech with Diffusion Transformer

Authors: Keon Lee, Dong Won Kim, Jaehyeon Kim, Jaewoong Cho

Abstract: Large-scale diffusion models have shown outstanding generative abilities across multiple modalities including images, videos, and audio. However, text-to-speech (TTS) systems typically involve domain-specific modeling factors (e.g., phonemes and phoneme-level durations) to ensure precise temporal alignments between text and speech, which hinders the efficiency and scalability of diffusion models for TTS. In this work, we present an efficient and scalable Diffusion Transformer (DiT) that utilizes off-the-shelf pre-trained text and speech encoders. Our approach addresses the challenge of text-speech alignment via cross-attention mechanisms with the prediction of the total length of speech representations. To achieve this, we enhance the DiT architecture to suit TTS and improve the alignment by incorporating semantic guidance into the latent space of speech. We scale the training dataset and the model size to 82K hours and 790M parameters, respectively. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that the large-scale diffusion model for TTS without domain-specific modeling not only simplifies the training pipeline but also yields superior or comparable zero-shot performance to state-of-the-art TTS models in terms of naturalness, intelligibility, and speaker similarity. Our speech samples are available at


cross PrAViC: Probabilistic Adaptation Framework for Real-Time Video Classification

Authors: Magdalena Tr\k{e}dowicz, {\L}ukasz Struski, Marcin Mazur, Szymon Janusz, Arkadiusz Lewicki, Jacek Tabor

Abstract: Video processing is generally divided into two main categories: processing of the entire video, which typically yields optimal classification outcomes, and real-time processing, where the objective is to make a decision as promptly as possible. The latter is often driven by the need to identify rapidly potential critical or dangerous situations. These could include machine failure, traffic accidents, heart problems, or dangerous behavior. Although the models dedicated to the processing of entire videos are typically well-defined and clearly presented in the literature, this is not the case for online processing, where a plethora of hand-devised methods exist. To address this, we present \our{}, a novel, unified, and theoretically-based adaptation framework for dealing with the online classification problem for video data. The initial phase of our study is to establish a robust mathematical foundation for the theory of classification of sequential data, with the potential to make a decision at an early stage. This allows us to construct a natural function that encourages the model to return an outcome much faster. The subsequent phase is to demonstrate a straightforward and readily implementable method for adapting offline models to online and recurrent operations. Finally, by comparing the proposed approach to the non-online state-of-the-art baseline, it is demonstrated that the use of \our{} encourages the network to make earlier classification decisions without compromising accuracy.

cross Active clustering with bandit feedback

Authors: Victor Thuot (MISTEA), Alexandra Carpentier (CELESTE), Christophe Giraud (CELESTE), Nicolas Verzelen (MISTEA)

Abstract: We investigate the Active Clustering Problem (ACP). A learner interacts with an $N$-armed stochastic bandit with $d$-dimensional subGaussian feedback. There exists a hidden partition of the arms into $K$ groups, such that arms within the same group, share the same mean vector. The learner's task is to uncover this hidden partition with the smallest budget - i.e., the least number of observation - and with a probability of error smaller than a prescribed constant $\delta$. In this paper, (i) we derive a non-asymptotic lower bound for the budget, and (ii) we introduce the computationally efficient ACB algorithm, whose budget matches the lower bound in most regimes. We improve on the performance of a uniform sampling strategy. Importantly, contrary to the batch setting, we establish that there is no computation-information gap in the active setting.

cross Analysing zero-shot temporal relation extraction on clinical notes using temporal consistency

Authors: Vasiliki Kougia, Anastasiia Sedova, Andreas Stephan, Klim Zaporojets, Benjamin Roth

Abstract: This paper presents the first study for temporal relation extraction in a zero-shot setting focusing on biomedical text. We employ two types of prompts and five LLMs (GPT-3.5, Mixtral, Llama 2, Gemma, and PMC-LLaMA) to obtain responses about the temporal relations between two events. Our experiments demonstrate that LLMs struggle in the zero-shot setting performing worse than fine-tuned specialized models in terms of F1 score, showing that this is a challenging task for LLMs. We further contribute a novel comprehensive temporal analysis by calculating consistency scores for each LLM. Our findings reveal that LLMs face challenges in providing responses consistent to the temporal properties of uniqueness and transitivity. Moreover, we study the relation between the temporal consistency of an LLM and its accuracy and whether the latter can be improved by solving temporal inconsistencies. Our analysis shows that even when temporal consistency is achieved, the predictions can remain inaccurate.

cross Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Multicollinearity : A Mini Review of Current Approaches

Authors: Ahmed M Salih

Abstract: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods help to understand the internal mechanism of machine learning models and how they reach a specific decision or made a specific action. The list of informative features is one of the most common output of XAI methods. Multicollinearity is one of the big issue that should be considered when XAI generates the explanation in terms of the most informative features in an AI system. No review has been dedicated to investigate the current approaches to handle such significant issue. In this paper, we provide a review of the current state-of-the-art approaches in relation to the XAI in the context of recent advances in dealing with the multicollinearity issue. To do so, we searched in three repositories that are: Web of Science, Scopus and IEEE Xplore to find pertinent published papers. After excluding irrelevant papers, seven papers were considered in the review. In addition, we discuss the current XAI methods and their limitations in dealing with the multicollinearity and suggest future directions.

cross AV-CrossNet: an Audiovisual Complex Spectral Mapping Network for Speech Separation By Leveraging Narrow- and Cross-Band Modeling

Authors: Vahid Ahmadi Kalkhorani, Cheng Yu, Anurag Kumar, Ke Tan, Buye Xu, DeLiang Wang

Abstract: Adding visual cues to audio-based speech separation can improve separation performance. This paper introduces AV-CrossNet, an \gls{av} system for speech enhancement, target speaker extraction, and multi-talker speaker separation. AV-CrossNet is extended from the CrossNet architecture, which is a recently proposed network that performs complex spectral mapping for speech separation by leveraging global attention and positional encoding. To effectively utilize visual cues, the proposed system incorporates pre-extracted visual embeddings and employs a visual encoder comprising temporal convolutional layers. Audio and visual features are fused in an early fusion layer before feeding to AV-CrossNet blocks. We evaluate AV-CrossNet on multiple datasets, including LRS, VoxCeleb, and COG-MHEAR challenge. Evaluation results demonstrate that AV-CrossNet advances the state-of-the-art performance in all audiovisual tasks, even on untrained and mismatched datasets.

cross The Liouville Generator for Producing Integrable Expressions

Authors: Rashid Barket, Matthew England, J\"urgen Gerhard

Abstract: There has been a growing need to devise processes that can create comprehensive datasets in the world of Computer Algebra, both for accurate benchmarking and for new intersections with machine learning technology. We present here a method to generate integrands that are guaranteed to be integrable, dubbed the LIOUVILLE method. It is based on Liouville's theorem and the Parallel Risch Algorithm for symbolic integration. We show that this data generation method retains the best qualities of previous data generation methods, while overcoming some of the issues built into that prior work. The LIOUVILLE generator is able to generate sufficiently complex and realistic integrands, and could be used for benchmarking or machine learning training tasks related to symbolic integration.

cross Feasibility of Federated Learning from Client Databases with Different Brain Diseases and MRI Modalities

Authors: Felix Wagner, Wentian Xu, Pramit Saha, Ziyun Liang, Daniel Whitehouse, David Menon, Natalie Voets, J. Alison Noble, Konstantinos Kamnitsas

Abstract: Segmentation models for brain lesions in MRI are commonly developed for a specific disease and trained on data with a predefined set of MRI modalities. Each such model cannot segment the disease using data with a different set of MRI modalities, nor can it segment any other type of disease. Moreover, this training paradigm does not allow a model to benefit from learning from heterogeneous databases that may contain scans and segmentation labels for different types of brain pathologies and diverse sets of MRI modalities. Is it feasible to use Federated Learning (FL) for training a single model on client databases that contain scans and labels of different brain pathologies and diverse sets of MRI modalities? We demonstrate promising results by combining appropriate, simple, and practical modifications to the model and training strategy: Designing a model with input channels that cover the whole set of modalities available across clients, training with random modality drop, and exploring the effects of feature normalization methods. Evaluation on 7 brain MRI databases with 5 different diseases shows that such FL framework can train a single model that is shown to be very promising in segmenting all disease types seen during training. Importantly, it is able to segment these diseases in new databases that contain sets of modalities different from those in training clients. These results demonstrate, for the first time, feasibility and effectiveness of using FL to train a single segmentation model on decentralised data with diverse brain diseases and MRI modalities, a necessary step towards leveraging heterogeneous real-world databases. Code will be made available at:


cross Making Old Things New: A Unified Algorithm for Differentially Private Clustering

Authors: Max Dupr\'e la Tour, Monika Henzinger, David Saulpic

Abstract: As a staple of data analysis and unsupervised learning, the problem of private clustering has been widely studied under various privacy models. Centralized differential privacy is the first of them, and the problem has also been studied for the local and the shuffle variation. In each case, the goal is to design an algorithm that computes privately a clustering, with the smallest possible error. The study of each variation gave rise to new algorithms: the landscape of private clustering algorithms is therefore quite intricate. In this paper, we show that a 20-year-old algorithm can be slightly modified to work for any of these models. This provides a unified picture: while matching almost all previously known results, it allows us to improve some of them and extend it to a new privacy model, the continual observation setting, where the input is changing over time and the algorithm must output a new solution at each time step.

cross Multimodal Learning To Improve Segmentation With Intraoperative CBCT & Preoperative CT

Authors: Maximilian E. Tschuchnig, Philipp Steininger, Michael Gadermayr

Abstract: Intraoperative medical imaging, particularly Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), is an important tool facilitating computer aided interventions, despite a lower visual quality. While this degraded image quality can affect downstream segmentation, the availability of high quality preoperative scans represents potential for improvements. Here we consider a setting where preoperative CT and intraoperative CBCT scans are available, however, the alignment (registration) between the scans is imperfect. We propose a multimodal learning method that fuses roughly aligned CBCT and CT scans and investigate the effect of CBCT quality and misalignment (affine and elastic transformations facilitating misalignment) on the final segmentation performance. As an application scenario, we focus on the segmentation of liver and liver tumor semantic segmentation and evaluate the effect of intraoperative image quality and misalignment on segmentation performance. To accomplish this, high quality, labelled CTs are defined as preoperative and used as a basis to simulate intraoperative CBCT. We show that the fusion of preoperative CT and simulated, intraoperative CBCT mostly improves segmentation performance and that even clearly misaligned preoperative data has the potential to improve segmentation performance.

cross Diffusion Generative Modelling for Divide-and-Conquer MCMC

Authors: C. Trojan, P. Fearnhead, C. Nemeth

Abstract: Divide-and-conquer MCMC is a strategy for parallelising Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling by running independent samplers on disjoint subsets of a dataset and merging their output. An ongoing challenge in the literature is to efficiently perform this merging without imposing distributional assumptions on the posteriors. We propose using diffusion generative modelling to fit density approximations to the subposterior distributions. This approach outperforms existing methods on challenging merging problems, while its computational cost scales more efficiently to high dimensional problems than existing density estimation approaches.

cross ROTI-GCV: Generalized Cross-Validation for right-ROTationally Invariant Data

Authors: Kevin Luo, Yufan Li, Pragya Sur

Abstract: Two key tasks in high-dimensional regularized regression are tuning the regularization strength for good predictions and estimating the out-of-sample risk. It is known that the standard approach -- $k$-fold cross-validation -- is inconsistent in modern high-dimensional settings. While leave-one-out and generalized cross-validation remain consistent in some high-dimensional cases, they become inconsistent when samples are dependent or contain heavy-tailed covariates. To model structured sample dependence and heavy tails, we use right-rotationally invariant covariate distributions - a crucial concept from compressed sensing. In the common modern proportional asymptotics regime where the number of features and samples grow comparably, we introduce a new framework, ROTI-GCV, for reliably performing cross-validation. Along the way, we propose new estimators for the signal-to-noise ratio and noise variance under these challenging conditions. We conduct extensive experiments that demonstrate the power of our approach and its superiority over existing methods.

cross Optimizing Instructions and Demonstrations for Multi-Stage Language Model Programs

Authors: Krista Opsahl-Ong, Michael J Ryan, Josh Purtell, David Broman, Christopher Potts, Matei Zaharia, Omar Khattab

Abstract: Language Model Programs, i.e. sophisticated pipelines of modular language model (LM) calls, are increasingly advancing NLP tasks, but they require crafting prompts that are jointly effective for all modules. We study prompt optimization for LM programs, i.e. how to update these prompts to maximize a downstream metric without access to module-level labels or gradients. To make this tractable, we factorize our problem into optimizing the free-form instructions and few-shot demonstrations of every module and introduce several strategies to craft task-grounded instructions and navigate credit assignment across modules. Our strategies include (i) program- and data-aware techniques for proposing effective instructions, (ii) a stochastic mini-batch evaluation function for learning a surrogate model of our objective, and (iii) a meta-optimization procedure in which we refine how LMs construct proposals over time. Using these insights we develop MIPRO, a novel optimizer that outperforms baselines on five of six diverse LM programs using a best-in-class open-source model (Llama-3-8B), by as high as 12.9% accuracy. We will release our new optimizers and benchmark in DSPy at


cross Nemotron-4 340B Technical Report

Authors: Nvidia, :, Bo Adler, Niket Agarwal, Ashwath Aithal, Dong H. Anh, Pallab Bhattacharya, Annika Brundyn, Jared Casper, Bryan Catanzaro, Sharon Clay, Jonathan Cohen, Sirshak Das, Ayush Dattagupta, Olivier Delalleau, Leon Derczynski, Yi Dong, Daniel Egert, Ellie Evans, Aleksander Ficek, Denys Fridman, Shaona Ghosh, Boris Ginsburg, Igor Gitman, Tomasz Grzegorzek, Robert Hero, Jining Huang, Vibhu Jawa, Joseph Jennings, Aastha Jhunjhunwala, John Kamalu, Sadaf Khan, Oleksii Kuchaiev, Patrick LeGresley, Hui Li, Jiwei Liu, Zihan Liu, Eileen Long, Ameya Sunil Mahabaleshwarkar, Somshubra Majumdar, James Maki, Miguel Martinez, Maer Rodrigues de Melo, Ivan Moshkov, Deepak Narayanan, Sean Narenthiran, Jesus Navarro, Phong Nguyen, Osvald Nitski, Vahid Noroozi, Guruprasad Nutheti, Christopher Parisien, Jupinder Parmar, Mostofa Patwary, Krzysztof Pawelec, Wei Ping, Shrimai Prabhumoye, Rajarshi Roy, Trisha Saar, Vasanth Rao Naik Sabavat, Sanjeev Satheesh, Jane Polak Scowcroft, Jason Sewall, Pavel Shamis, Gerald Shen, Mohammad Shoeybi, Dave Sizer, Misha Smelyanskiy, Felipe Soares, Makesh Narsimhan Sreedhar, Dan Su, Sandeep Subramanian, Shengyang Sun, Shubham Toshniwal, Hao Wang, Zhilin Wang, Jiaxuan You, Jiaqi Zeng, Jimmy Zhang, Jing Zhang, Vivienne Zhang, Yian Zhang, Chen Zhu

Abstract: We release the Nemotron-4 340B model family, including Nemotron-4-340B-Base, Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct, and Nemotron-4-340B-Reward. Our models are open access under the NVIDIA Open Model License Agreement, a permissive model license that allows distribution, modification, and use of the models and its outputs. These models perform competitively to open access models on a wide range of evaluation benchmarks, and were sized to fit on a single DGX H100 with 8 GPUs when deployed in FP8 precision. We believe that the community can benefit from these models in various research studies and commercial applications, especially for generating synthetic data to train smaller language models. Notably, over 98% of data used in our model alignment process is synthetically generated, showcasing the effectiveness of these models in generating synthetic data. To further support open research and facilitate model development, we are also open-sourcing the synthetic data generation pipeline used in our model alignment process.

cross Prompts as Auto-Optimized Training Hyperparameters: Training Best-in-Class IR Models from Scratch with 10 Gold Labels

Authors: Jasper Xian, Saron Samuel, Faraz Khoubsirat, Ronak Pradeep, Md Arafat Sultan, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos, Avirup Sil, Christopher Potts, Omar Khattab

Abstract: We develop a method for training small-scale (under 100M parameter) neural information retrieval models with as few as 10 gold relevance labels. The method depends on generating synthetic queries for documents using a language model (LM), and the key step is that we automatically optimize the LM prompt that is used to generate these queries based on training quality. In experiments with the BIRCO benchmark, we find that models trained with our method outperform RankZephyr and are competitive with RankLLama, both of which are 7B parameter models trained on over 100K labels. These findings point to the power of automatic prompt optimization for synthetic dataset generation.

cross A First Physical-World Trajectory Prediction Attack via LiDAR-induced Deceptions in Autonomous Driving

Authors: Yang Lou, Yi Zhu, Qun Song, Rui Tan, Chunming Qiao, Wei-Bin Lee, Jianping Wang

Abstract: Trajectory prediction forecasts nearby agents' moves based on their historical trajectories. Accurate trajectory prediction is crucial for autonomous vehicles. Existing attacks compromise the prediction model of a victim AV by directly manipulating the historical trajectory of an attacker AV, which has limited real-world applicability. This paper, for the first time, explores an indirect attack approach that induces prediction errors via attacks against the perception module of a victim AV. Although it has been shown that physically realizable attacks against LiDAR-based perception are possible by placing a few objects at strategic locations, it is still an open challenge to find an object location from the vast search space in order to launch effective attacks against prediction under varying victim AV velocities. Through analysis, we observe that a prediction model is prone to an attack focusing on a single point in the scene. Consequently, we propose a novel two-stage attack framework to realize the single-point attack. The first stage of prediction-side attack efficiently identifies, guided by the distribution of detection results under object-based attacks against perception, the state perturbations for the prediction model that are effective and velocity-insensitive. In the second stage of location matching, we match the feasible object locations with the found state perturbations. Our evaluation using a public autonomous driving dataset shows that our attack causes a collision rate of up to 63% and various hazardous responses of the victim AV. The effectiveness of our attack is also demonstrated on a real testbed car. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first security analysis spanning from LiDAR-based perception to prediction in autonomous driving, leading to a realistic attack on prediction. To counteract the proposed attack, potential defenses are discussed.

cross Tackling the Curse of Dimensionality in Fractional and Tempered Fractional PDEs with Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Zheyuan Hu, Kenji Kawaguchi, Zhongqiang Zhang, George Em Karniadakis

Abstract: Fractional and tempered fractional partial differential equations (PDEs) are effective models of long-range interactions, anomalous diffusion, and non-local effects. Traditional numerical methods for these problems are mesh-based, thus struggling with the curse of dimensionality (CoD). Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) offer a promising solution due to their universal approximation, generalization ability, and mesh-free training. In principle, Monte Carlo fractional PINN (MC-fPINN) estimates fractional derivatives using Monte Carlo methods and thus could lift CoD. However, this may cause significant variance and errors, hence affecting convergence; in addition, MC-fPINN is sensitive to hyperparameters. In general, numerical methods and specifically PINNs for tempered fractional PDEs are under-developed. Herein, we extend MC-fPINN to tempered fractional PDEs to address these issues, resulting in the Monte Carlo tempered fractional PINN (MC-tfPINN). To reduce possible high variance and errors from Monte Carlo sampling, we replace the one-dimensional (1D) Monte Carlo with 1D Gaussian quadrature, applicable to both MC-fPINN and MC-tfPINN. We validate our methods on various forward and inverse problems of fractional and tempered fractional PDEs, scaling up to 100,000 dimensions. Our improved MC-fPINN/MC-tfPINN using quadrature consistently outperforms the original versions in accuracy and convergence speed in very high dimensions.

cross Zero-Shot Generalization during Instruction Tuning: Insights from Similarity and Granularity

Authors: Bingxiang He, Ning Ding, Cheng Qian, Jia Deng, Ganqu Cui, Lifan Yuan, Huan-ang Gao, Huimin Chen, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Understanding alignment techniques begins with comprehending zero-shot generalization brought by instruction tuning, but little of the mechanism has been understood. Existing work has largely been confined to the task level, without considering that tasks are artificially defined and, to LLMs, merely consist of tokens and representations. This line of research has been limited to examining transfer between tasks from a task-pair perspective, with few studies focusing on understanding zero-shot generalization from the perspective of the data itself. To bridge this gap, we first demonstrate through multiple metrics that zero-shot generalization during instruction tuning happens very early. Next, we investigate the facilitation of zero-shot generalization from both data similarity and granularity perspectives, confirming that encountering highly similar and fine-grained training data earlier during instruction tuning, without the constraints of defined "tasks", enables better generalization. Finally, we propose a more grounded training data arrangement method, Test-centric Multi-turn Arrangement, and show its effectiveness in promoting continual learning and further loss reduction. For the first time, we show that zero-shot generalization during instruction tuning is a form of similarity-based generalization between training and test data at the instance level. We hope our analysis will advance the understanding of zero-shot generalization during instruction tuning and contribute to the development of more aligned LLMs. Our code is released at


cross CHG Shapley: Efficient Data Valuation and Selection towards Trustworthy Machine Learning

Authors: Huaiguang Cai

Abstract: Understanding the decision-making process of machine learning models is crucial for ensuring trustworthy machine learning. Data Shapley, a landmark study on data valuation, has significantly advanced this understanding by assessing the contribution of each datum to model accuracy. However, the resource-intensive and time-consuming nature of multiple model retraining poses significant challenges for applying Data Shapley to large datasets. To address this, we propose the CHG (Conduct of Hardness and Gradient) score, which approximates the utility of each data subset on model accuracy during a single model training. By deriving the closed-form expression of the Shapley value for each data point under the CHG score utility function, we reduce the computational complexity to the equivalent of a single model retraining, an exponential improvement over existing methods. Additionally, we employ CHG Shapley for real-time data selection, demonstrating its effectiveness in identifying high-value and noisy data. CHG Shapley facilitates trustworthy model training through efficient data valuation, introducing a novel data-centric perspective on trustworthy machine learning.

cross A Clipped Trip: the Dynamics of SGD with Gradient Clipping in High-Dimensions

Authors: Noah Marshall, Ke Liang Xiao, Atish Agarwala, Elliot Paquette

Abstract: The success of modern machine learning is due in part to the adaptive optimization methods that have been developed to deal with the difficulties of training large models over complex datasets. One such method is gradient clipping: a practical procedure with limited theoretical underpinnings. In this work, we study clipping in a least squares problem under streaming SGD. We develop a theoretical analysis of the learning dynamics in the limit of large intrinsic dimension-a model and dataset dependent notion of dimensionality. In this limit we find a deterministic equation that describes the evolution of the loss. We show that with Gaussian noise clipping cannot improve SGD performance. Yet, in other noisy settings, clipping can provide benefits with tuning of the clipping threshold. In these cases, clipping biases updates in a way beneficial to training which cannot be recovered by SGD under any schedule. We conclude with a discussion about the links between high-dimensional clipping and neural network training.

cross Imagination Policy: Using Generative Point Cloud Models for Learning Manipulation Policies

Authors: Haojie Huang, Karl Schmeckpeper, Dian Wang, Ondrej Biza, Yaoyao Qian, Haotian Liu, Mingxi Jia, Robert Platt, Robin Walters

Abstract: Humans can imagine goal states during planning and perform actions to match those goals. In this work, we propose Imagination Policy, a novel multi-task key-frame policy network for solving high-precision pick and place tasks. Instead of learning actions directly, Imagination Policy generates point clouds to imagine desired states which are then translated to actions using rigid action estimation. This transforms action inference into a local generative task. We leverage pick and place symmetries underlying the tasks in the generation process and achieve extremely high sample efficiency and generalizability to unseen configurations. Finally, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance across various tasks on the RLbench benchmark compared with several strong baselines.

cross A Semantic-based Layer Freezing Approach to Efficient Fine-Tuning of Language Models

Authors: Jian Gu, Aldeida Aleti, Chunyang Chen, Hongyu Zhang

Abstract: Finetuning language models (LMs) is crucial for adapting the models to downstream data and tasks. However, full finetuning is usually costly. Existing work, such as parameter-efficient finetuning (PEFT), often focuses on \textit{how to finetune} but neglects the issue of \textit{where to finetune}. As a pioneering work on answering where to finetune (at the layer level), we conduct a semantic analysis of the LM inference process. We first propose a virtual transition of the latent representation and then trace its factual transition. Based on the deviation in transitions, we estimate the gain of finetuning each model layer, and further, narrow down the scope for finetuning. We perform extensive experiments across well-known LMs and datasets. The results show that our approach is effective and efficient, and outperforms the existing baselines. Our approach is orthogonal to existing efficient techniques, such as PEFT methods, offering practical values on LM finetuning.

cross Joint Linked Component Analysis for Multiview Data

Authors: Lin Xiao, Luo Xiao

Abstract: In this work, we propose the joint linked component analysis (joint\_LCA) for multiview data. Unlike classic methods which extract the shared components in a sequential manner, the objective of joint\_LCA is to identify the view-specific loading matrices and the rank of the common latent subspace simultaneously. We formulate a matrix decomposition model where a joint structure and an individual structure are present in each data view, which enables us to arrive at a clean svd representation for the cross covariance between any pair of data views. An objective function with a novel penalty term is then proposed to achieve simultaneous estimation and rank selection. In addition, a refitting procedure is employed as a remedy to reduce the shrinkage bias caused by the penalization.

cross CELL your Model: Contrastive Explanation Methods for Large Language Models

Authors: Ronny Luss, Erik Miehling, Amit Dhurandhar

Abstract: The advent of black-box deep neural network classification models has sparked the need to explain their decisions. However, in the case of generative AI such as large language models (LLMs), there is no class prediction to explain. Rather, one can ask why an LLM output a particular response to a given prompt. In this paper, we answer this question by proposing, to the best of our knowledge, the first contrastive explanation methods requiring simply black-box/query access. Our explanations suggest that an LLM outputs a reply to a given prompt because if the prompt was slightly modified, the LLM would have given a different response that is either less preferable or contradicts the original response. The key insight is that contrastive explanations simply require a distance function that has meaning to the user and not necessarily a real valued representation of a specific response (viz. class label). We offer two algorithms for finding contrastive explanations: i) A myopic algorithm, which although effective in creating contrasts, requires many model calls and ii) A budgeted algorithm, our main algorithmic contribution, which intelligently creates contrasts adhering to a query budget, necessary for longer contexts. We show the efficacy of these methods on diverse natural language tasks such as open-text generation, automated red teaming, and explaining conversational degradation.

cross Mix-Domain Contrastive Learning for Unpaired H&E-to-IHC Stain Translation

Authors: Song Wang, Zhong Zhang, Huan Yan, Ming Xu, Guanghui Wang

Abstract: H&E-to-IHC stain translation techniques offer a promising solution for precise cancer diagnosis, especially in low-resource regions where there is a shortage of health professionals and limited access to expensive equipment. Considering the pixel-level misalignment of H&E-IHC image pairs, current research explores the pathological consistency between patches from the same positions of the image pair. However, most of them overemphasize the correspondence between domains or patches, overlooking the side information provided by the non-corresponding objects. In this paper, we propose a Mix-Domain Contrastive Learning (MDCL) method to leverage the supervision information in unpaired H&E-to-IHC stain translation. Specifically, the proposed MDCL method aggregates the inter-domain and intra-domain pathology information by estimating the correlation between the anchor patch and all the patches from the matching images, encouraging the network to learn additional contrastive knowledge from mixed domains. With the mix-domain pathology information aggregation, MDCL enhances the pathological consistency between the corresponding patches and the component discrepancy of the patches from the different positions of the generated IHC image. Extensive experiments on two H&E-to-IHC stain translation datasets, namely MIST and BCI, demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple metrics.

cross Stochastic Neural Network Symmetrisation in Markov Categories

Authors: Rob Cornish

Abstract: We consider the problem of symmetrising a neural network along a group homomorphism: given a homomorphism $\varphi : H \to G$, we would like a procedure that converts $H$-equivariant neural networks into $G$-equivariant ones. We formulate this in terms of Markov categories, which allows us to consider neural networks whose outputs may be stochastic, but with measure-theoretic details abstracted away. We obtain a flexible, compositional, and generic framework for symmetrisation that relies on minimal assumptions about the structure of the group and the underlying neural network architecture. Our approach recovers existing methods for deterministic symmetrisation as special cases, and extends directly to provide a novel methodology for stochastic symmetrisation also. Beyond this, we believe our findings also demonstrate the utility of Markov categories for addressing problems in machine learning in a conceptual yet mathematically rigorous way.

cross LLARVA: Vision-Action Instruction Tuning Enhances Robot Learning

Authors: Dantong Niu, Yuvan Sharma, Giscard Biamby, Jerome Quenum, Yutong Bai, Baifeng Shi, Trevor Darrell, Roei Herzig

Abstract: In recent years, instruction-tuned Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have been successful at several tasks, including image captioning and visual question answering; yet leveraging these models remains an open question for robotics. Prior LMMs for robotics applications have been extensively trained on language and action data, but their ability to generalize in different settings has often been less than desired. To address this, we introduce LLARVA, a model trained with a novel instruction tuning method that leverages structured prompts to unify a range of robotic learning tasks, scenarios, and environments. Additionally, we show that predicting intermediate 2-D representations, which we refer to as "visual traces", can help further align vision and action spaces for robot learning. We generate 8.5M image-visual trace pairs from the Open X-Embodiment dataset in order to pre-train our model, and we evaluate on 12 different tasks in the RLBench simulator as well as a physical Franka Emika Panda 7-DoF robot. Our experiments yield strong performance, demonstrating that LLARVA - using 2-D and language representations - performs well compared to several contemporary baselines, and can generalize across various robot environments and configurations.

cross Iterative Length-Regularized Direct Preference Optimization: A Case Study on Improving 7B Language Models to GPT-4 Level

Authors: Jie Liu, Zhanhui Zhou, Jiaheng Liu, Xingyuan Bu, Chao Yang, Han-Sen Zhong, Wanli Ouyang

Abstract: Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), a standard method for aligning language models with human preferences, is traditionally applied to offline preferences. Recent studies show that DPO benefits from iterative training with online preferences labeled by a trained reward model. In this work, we identify a pitfall of vanilla iterative DPO - improved response quality can lead to increased verbosity. To address this, we introduce iterative length-regularized DPO (iLR-DPO) to penalize response length. Our empirical results show that iLR-DPO can enhance a 7B model to perform on par with GPT-4 without increasing verbosity. Specifically, our 7B model achieves a $50.5\%$ length-controlled win rate against $\texttt{GPT-4 Preview}$ on AlpacaEval 2.0, and excels across standard benchmarks including MT-Bench, Arena-Hard and OpenLLM Leaderboard. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of iterative DPO in aligning language models with human feedback.

cross WPO: Enhancing RLHF with Weighted Preference Optimization

Authors: Wenxuan Zhou, Ravi Agrawal, Shujian Zhang, Sathish Reddy Indurthi, Sanqiang Zhao, Kaiqiang Song, Silei Xu, Chenguang Zhu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a promising solution to align large language models (LLMs) more closely with human values. Off-policy preference optimization, where the preference data is obtained from other models, is widely adopted due to its cost efficiency and scalability. However, off-policy preference optimization often suffers from a distributional gap between the policy used for data collection and the target policy, leading to suboptimal optimization. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy to mitigate this problem by simulating on-policy learning with off-policy preference data. Our Weighted Preference Optimization (WPO) method adapts off-policy data to resemble on-policy data more closely by reweighting preference pairs according to their probability under the current policy. This method not only addresses the distributional gap problem but also enhances the optimization process without incurring additional costs. We validate our method on instruction following benchmarks including Alpaca Eval 2 and MT-bench. WPO not only outperforms Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) by up to 5.6% on Alpaca Eval 2 but also establishes a remarkable length-controlled winning rate against GPT-4-turbo of 48.6% based on Llama-3-8B-Instruct, making it the strongest 8B model on the leaderboard. We will release the code and models at


cross MMDU: A Multi-Turn Multi-Image Dialog Understanding Benchmark and Instruction-Tuning Dataset for LVLMs

Authors: Ziyu Liu, Tao Chu, Yuhang Zang, Xilin Wei, Xiaoyi Dong, Pan Zhang, Zijian Liang, Yuanjun Xiong, Yu Qiao, Dahua Lin, Jiaqi Wang

Abstract: Generating natural and meaningful responses to communicate with multi-modal human inputs is a fundamental capability of Large Vision-Language Models(LVLMs). While current open-source LVLMs demonstrate promising performance in simplified scenarios such as single-turn single-image input, they fall short in real-world conversation scenarios such as following instructions in a long context history with multi-turn and multi-images. Existing LVLM benchmarks primarily focus on single-choice questions or short-form responses, which do not adequately assess the capabilities of LVLMs in real-world human-AI interaction applications. Therefore, we introduce MMDU, a comprehensive benchmark, and MMDU-45k, a large-scale instruction tuning dataset, designed to evaluate and improve LVLMs' abilities in multi-turn and multi-image conversations. We employ the clustering algorithm to ffnd the relevant images and textual descriptions from the open-source Wikipedia and construct the question-answer pairs by human annotators with the assistance of the GPT-4o model. MMDU has a maximum of 18k image+text tokens, 20 images, and 27 turns, which is at least 5x longer than previous benchmarks and poses challenges to current LVLMs. Our in-depth analysis of 15 representative LVLMs using MMDU reveals that open-source LVLMs lag behind closed-source counterparts due to limited conversational instruction tuning data. We demonstrate that ffne-tuning open-source LVLMs on MMDU-45k signiffcantly address this gap, generating longer and more accurate conversations, and improving scores on MMDU and existing benchmarks (MMStar: +1.1%, MathVista: +1.5%, ChartQA:+1.2%). Our contributions pave the way for bridging the gap between current LVLM models and real-world application demands. This project is available at


cross mDPO: Conditional Preference Optimization for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Fei Wang, Wenxuan Zhou, James Y. Huang, Nan Xu, Sheng Zhang, Hoifung Poon, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Direct preference optimization (DPO) has shown to be an effective method for large language model (LLM) alignment. Recent works have attempted to apply DPO to multimodal scenarios but have found it challenging to achieve consistent improvement. Through a comparative experiment, we identify the unconditional preference problem in multimodal preference optimization, where the model overlooks the image condition. To address this problem, we propose mDPO, a multimodal DPO objective that prevents the over-prioritization of language-only preferences by also optimizing image preference. Moreover, we introduce a reward anchor that forces the reward to be positive for chosen responses, thereby avoiding the decrease in their likelihood -- an intrinsic problem of relative preference optimization. Experiments on two multimodal LLMs of different sizes and three widely used benchmarks demonstrate that mDPO effectively addresses the unconditional preference problem in multimodal preference optimization and significantly improves model performance, particularly in reducing hallucination.

replace FedCVT: Semi-supervised Vertical Federated Learning with Cross-view Training

Authors: Yan Kang, Yang Liu, Xinle Liang

Abstract: Federated learning allows multiple parties to build machine learning models collaboratively without exposing data. In particular, vertical federated learning (VFL) enables participating parties to build a joint machine learning model based on distributed features of aligned samples. However, VFL requires all parties to share a sufficient amount of aligned samples. In reality, the set of aligned samples may be small, leaving the majority of the non-aligned data unused. In this article, we propose Federated Cross-view Training (FedCVT), a semi-supervised learning approach that improves the performance of the VFL model with limited aligned samples. More specifically, FedCVT estimates representations for missing features, predicts pseudo-labels for unlabeled samples to expand the training set, and trains three classifiers jointly based on different views of the expanded training set to improve the VFL model's performance. FedCVT does not require parties to share their original data and model parameters, thus preserving data privacy. We conduct experiments on NUS-WIDE, Vehicle, and CIFAR10 datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that FedCVT significantly outperforms vanilla VFL that only utilizes aligned samples. Finally, we perform ablation studies to investigate the contribution of each component of FedCVT to the performance of FedCVT. Code is available at


replace An Experimental Study of Semantic Continuity for Deep Learning Models

Authors: Shangxi Wu, Dongyuan Lu, Xian Zhao, Lizhang Chen, Jitao Sang

Abstract: Deep learning models suffer from the problem of semantic discontinuity: small perturbations in the input space tend to cause semantic-level interference to the model output. We argue that the semantic discontinuity results from these inappropriate training targets and contributes to notorious issues such as adversarial robustness, interpretability, etc. We first conduct data analysis to provide evidence of semantic discontinuity in existing deep learning models, and then design a simple semantic continuity constraint which theoretically enables models to obtain smooth gradients and learn semantic-oriented features. Qualitative and quantitative experiments prove that semantically continuous models successfully reduce the use of non-semantic information, which further contributes to the improvement in adversarial robustness, interpretability, model transfer, and machine bias.

replace Simple and near-optimal algorithms for hidden stratification and multi-group learning

Authors: Christopher Tosh, Daniel Hsu

Abstract: Multi-group agnostic learning is a formal learning criterion that is concerned with the conditional risks of predictors within subgroups of a population. The criterion addresses recent practical concerns such as subgroup fairness and hidden stratification. This paper studies the structure of solutions to the multi-group learning problem, and provides simple and near-optimal algorithms for the learning problem.

replace Federated Multi-Armed Bandits Under Byzantine Attacks

Authors: Artun Saday, \.Ilker Demirel, Yi\u{g}it Y{\i}ld{\i}r{\i}m, Cem Tekin

Abstract: Multi-armed bandits (MAB) is a sequential decision-making model in which the learner controls the trade-off between exploration and exploitation to maximize its cumulative reward. Federated multi-armed bandits (FMAB) is an emerging framework where a cohort of learners with heterogeneous local models play an MAB game and communicate their aggregated feedback to a server to learn a globally optimal arm. Two key hurdles in FMAB are communication-efficient learning and resilience to adversarial attacks. To address these issues, we study the FMAB problem in the presence of Byzantine clients who can send false model updates threatening the learning process. We analyze the sample complexity and the regret of $\beta$-optimal arm identification. We borrow tools from robust statistics and propose a median-of-means (MoM)-based online algorithm, Fed-MoM-UCB, to cope with Byzantine clients. In particular, we show that if the Byzantine clients constitute less than half of the cohort, the cumulative regret with respect to $\beta$-optimal arms is bounded over time with high probability, showcasing both communication efficiency and Byzantine resilience. We analyze the interplay between the algorithm parameters, a discernibility margin, regret, communication cost, and the arms' suboptimality gaps. We demonstrate Fed-MoM-UCB's effectiveness against the baselines in the presence of Byzantine attacks via experiments.

replace A New Index for Clustering Evaluation Based on Density Estimation

Authors: Gangli Liu

Abstract: A new index for internal evaluation of clustering is introduced. The index is defined as a mixture of two sub-indices. The first sub-index $ I_a $ is called the Ambiguous Index; the second sub-index $ I_s $ is called the Similarity Index. Calculation of the two sub-indices is based on density estimation to each cluster of a partition of the data. An experiment is conducted to test the performance of the new index, and compared with six other internal clustering evaluation indices -- Calinski-Harabasz index, Silhouette coefficient, Davies-Bouldin index, CDbw, DBCV, and VIASCKDE, on a set of 145 datasets. The result shows the new index significantly improves other internal clustering evaluation indices.

replace Rethink Tree Traversal

Authors: Jinxiong Zhang

Abstract: We will show how to implement binary decision tree traversal in the language of matrix computation. Our main contribution is to propose some equivalent algorithms of binary tree traversal based on a novel matrix representation of the hierarchical structure of the decision tree. Our key idea is to travel the binary decision tree by maximum inner product search. We not only implement decision tree methods without the recursive traverse but also delve into the partitioning nature of tree-based methods.

replace Convergence Acceleration in Wireless Federated Learning: A Stackelberg Game Approach

Authors: Kaidi Wang, Yi Ma, Mahdi Boloursaz Mashhadi, Chuan Heng Foh, Rahim Tafazolli, Zhi Ding

Abstract: This paper studies issues that arise with respect to the joint optimization for convergence time in federated learning over wireless networks (FLOWN). We consider the criterion and protocol for selection of participating devices in FLOWN under the energy constraint and derive its impact on device selection. In order to improve the training efficiency, age-of-information (AoI) enables FLOWN to assess the freshness of gradient updates among participants. Aiming to speed up convergence, we jointly investigate global loss minimization and latency minimization in a Stackelberg game based framework. Specifically, we formulate global loss minimization as a leader-level problem for reducing the number of required rounds, and latency minimization as a follower-level problem to reduce time consumption of each round. By decoupling the follower-level problem into two sub-problems, including resource allocation and sub-channel assignment, we achieve an optimal strategy of the follower through monotonic optimization and matching theory. At the leader-level, we derive an upper bound of convergence rate and subsequently reformulate the global loss minimization problem and propose a new age-of-update (AoU) based device selection algorithm. Simulation results indicate the superior performance of the proposed AoU based device selection scheme in terms of the convergence rate, as well as efficient utilization of available sub-channels.

replace Enhancing the Inductive Biases of Graph Neural ODE for Modeling Dynamical Systems

Authors: Suresh Bishnoi, Ravinder Bhattoo, Sayan Ranu, N. M. Anoop Krishnan

Abstract: Neural networks with physics based inductive biases such as Lagrangian neural networks (LNN), and Hamiltonian neural networks (HNN) learn the dynamics of physical systems by encoding strong inductive biases. Alternatively, Neural ODEs with appropriate inductive biases have also been shown to give similar performances. However, these models, when applied to particle based systems, are transductive in nature and hence, do not generalize to large system sizes. In this paper, we present a graph based neural ODE, GNODE, to learn the time evolution of dynamical systems. Further, we carefully analyse the role of different inductive biases on the performance of GNODE. We show that, similar to LNN and HNN, encoding the constraints explicitly can significantly improve the training efficiency and performance of GNODE significantly. Our experiments also assess the value of additional inductive biases, such as Newtons third law, on the final performance of the model. We demonstrate that inducing these biases can enhance the performance of model by orders of magnitude in terms of both energy violation and rollout error. Interestingly, we observe that the GNODE trained with the most effective inductive biases, namely MCGNODE, outperforms the graph versions of LNN and HNN, namely, Lagrangian graph networks (LGN) and Hamiltonian graph networks (HGN) in terms of energy violation error by approx 4 orders of magnitude for a pendulum system, and approx 2 orders of magnitude for spring systems. These results suggest that competitive performances with energy conserving neural networks can be obtained for NODE based systems by inducing appropriate inductive biases.

replace Mesh Neural Networks for SE(3)-Equivariant Hemodynamics Estimation on the Artery Wall

Authors: Julian Suk, Pim de Haan, Phillip Lippe, Christoph Brune, Jelmer M. Wolterink

Abstract: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a valuable asset for patient-specific cardiovascular-disease diagnosis and prognosis, but its high computational demands hamper its adoption in practice. Machine-learning methods that estimate blood flow in individual patients could accelerate or replace CFD simulation to overcome these limitations. In this work, we consider the estimation of vector-valued quantities on the wall of three-dimensional geometric artery models. We employ group equivariant graph convolution in an end-to-end SE(3)-equivariant neural network that operates directly on triangular surface meshes and makes efficient use of training data. We run experiments on a large dataset of synthetic coronary arteries and find that our method estimates directional wall shear stress (WSS) with an approximation error of 7.6% and normalised mean absolute error (NMAE) of 0.4% while up to two orders of magnitude faster than CFD. Furthermore, we show that our method is powerful enough to accurately predict transient, vector-valued WSS over the cardiac cycle while conditioned on a range of different inflow boundary conditions. These results demonstrate the potential of our proposed method as a plugin replacement for CFD in the personalised prediction of hemodynamic vector and scalar fields.

replace Topology-aware Federated Learning in Edge Computing: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Jiajun Wu, Steve Drew, Fan Dong, Zhuangdi Zhu, Jiayu Zhou

Abstract: The ultra-low latency requirements of 5G/6G applications and privacy constraints call for distributed machine learning systems to be deployed at the edge. With its simple yet effective approach, federated learning (FL) is a natural solution for massive user-owned devices in edge computing with distributed and private training data. FL methods based on FedAvg typically follow a naive star topology, ignoring the heterogeneity and hierarchy of the volatile edge computing architectures and topologies in reality. Several other network topologies exist and can address the limitations and bottlenecks of the star topology. This motivates us to survey network topology-related FL solutions. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the existing FL works focusing on network topologies. After a brief overview of FL and edge computing networks, we discuss various edge network topologies as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Lastly, we discuss the remaining challenges and future works for applying FL to topology-specific edge networks.

replace Backdoor for Debias: Mitigating Model Bias with Backdoor Attack-based Artificial Bias

Authors: Shangxi Wu, Qiuyang He, Dongyuan Lu, Jian Yu, Jitao Sang

Abstract: With the swift advancement of deep learning, state-of-the-art algorithms have been utilized in various social situations. Nonetheless, some algorithms have been discovered to exhibit biases and provide unequal results. The current debiasing methods face challenges such as poor utilization of data or intricate training requirements. In this work, we found that the backdoor attack can construct an artificial bias similar to the model bias derived in standard training. Considering the strong adjustability of backdoor triggers, we are motivated to mitigate the model bias by carefully designing reverse artificial bias created from backdoor attack. Based on this, we propose a backdoor debiasing framework based on knowledge distillation, which effectively reduces the model bias from original data and minimizes security risks from the backdoor attack. The proposed solution is validated on both image and structured datasets, showing promising results. This work advances the understanding of backdoor attacks and highlights its potential for beneficial applications. The code for the study can be found at \url{}.


replace Uncovering Challenges of Solving the Continuous Gromov-Wasserstein Problem

Authors: Xavier Aramayo Carrasco, Maksim Nekrashevich, Petr Mokrov, Evgeny Burnaev, Alexander Korotin

Abstract: Recently, the Gromov-Wasserstein Optimal Transport (GWOT) problem has attracted the special attention of the ML community. In this problem, given two distributions supported on two (possibly different) spaces, one has to find the most isometric map between them. In the discrete variant of GWOT, the task is to learn an assignment between given discrete sets of points. In the more advanced continuous formulation, one aims at recovering a parametric mapping between unknown continuous distributions based on i.i.d. samples derived from them. The clear geometrical intuition behind the GWOT makes it a natural choice for several practical use cases, giving rise to a number of proposed solvers. Some of them claim to solve the continuous version of the problem. At the same time, GWOT is notoriously hard, both theoretically and numerically. Moreover, all existing continuous GWOT solvers still heavily rely on discrete techniques. Natural questions arise: to what extent existing methods unravel GWOT problem, what difficulties they encounter, and under which conditions they are successful. Our benchmark paper is an attempt to answer these questions. We specifically focus on the continuous GWOT as the most interesting and debatable setup. We crash-test existing continuous GWOT approaches on different scenarios, carefully record and analyze the obtained results, and identify issues. Our findings experimentally testify that the scientific community is still missing a reliable continuous GWOT solver, which necessitates further research efforts. As the first step in this direction, we propose a new continuous GWOT method which does not rely on discrete techniques and partially solves some of the problems of the competitors. Our code is available at


replace FedML-HE: An Efficient Homomorphic-Encryption-Based Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning System

Authors: Weizhao Jin, Yuhang Yao, Shanshan Han, Jiajun Gu, Carlee Joe-Wong, Srivatsan Ravi, Salman Avestimehr, Chaoyang He

Abstract: Federated Learning trains machine learning models on distributed devices by aggregating local model updates instead of local data. However, privacy concerns arise as the aggregated local models on the server may reveal sensitive personal information by inversion attacks. Privacy-preserving methods, such as homomorphic encryption (HE), then become necessary for FL training. Despite HE's privacy advantages, its applications suffer from impractical overheads, especially for foundation models. In this paper, we present FedML-HE, the first practical federated learning system with efficient HE-based secure model aggregation. FedML-HE proposes to selectively encrypt sensitive parameters, significantly reducing both computation and communication overheads during training while providing customizable privacy preservation. Our optimized system demonstrates considerable overhead reduction, particularly for large foundation models (e.g., ~10x reduction for ResNet-50, and up to ~40x reduction for BERT), demonstrating the potential for scalable HE-based FL deployment.

replace Mildly Constrained Evaluation Policy for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Linjie Xu, Zhengyao Jiang, Jinyu Wang, Lei Song, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) methodologies enforce constraints on the policy to adhere closely to the behavior policy, thereby stabilizing value learning and mitigating the selection of out-of-distribution (OOD) actions during test time. Conventional approaches apply identical constraints for both value learning and test time inference. However, our findings indicate that the constraints suitable for value estimation may in fact be excessively restrictive for action selection during test time. To address this issue, we propose a \textit{Mildly Constrained Evaluation Policy (MCEP)} for test time inference with a more constrained \textit{target policy} for value estimation. Since the \textit{target policy} has been adopted in various prior approaches, MCEP can be seamlessly integrated with them as a plug-in. We instantiate MCEP based on TD3BC (Fujimoto & Gu, 2021), AWAC (Nair et al., 2020) and DQL (Wang et al., 2023) algorithms. The empirical results on D4RL MuJoCo locomotion, high-dimensional humanoid and a set of 16 robotic manipulation tasks show that the MCEP brought significant performance improvement on classic offline RL methods and can further improve SOTA methods. The codes are open-sourced at \url{}.


replace Predicting Consultation Success in Online Health Platforms Using Dynamic Knowledge Networks and Multimodal Data Fusion

Authors: Shuang Geng, Wenli Zhang, Jiaheng Xie, Gemin Liang, Ben Niu, Sudha Ram

Abstract: Online healthcare consultation in virtual health is an emerging industry marked by innovation and fierce competition. Accurate and timely prediction of healthcare consultation success can proactively help online platforms address patient concerns and improve retention rates. However, predicting online consultation success is challenging due to the partial role of virtual consultations in patients' overall healthcare journey and the disconnect between online and in-person healthcare IT systems. Patient data in online consultations is often sparse and incomplete, presenting significant technical challenges and a research gap. To address these issues, we propose the Dynamic Knowledge Network and Multimodal Data Fusion (DyKoNeM) framework, which enhances the predictive power of online healthcare consultations. Our work has important implications for new business models where specific and detailed online communication processes are stored in the IT database, and at the same time, latent information with predictive power is embedded in the network formed by stakeholders' digital traces. It can be extended to diverse industries and domains, where the virtual or hybrid model (e.g., integration of online and offline services) is emerging as a prevailing trend.

replace Intelligent Energy Management with IoT Framework in Smart Cities Using Intelligent Analysis: An Application of Machine Learning Methods for Complex Networks and Systems

Authors: Maryam Nikpour, Parisa Behvand Yousefi, Hadi Jafarzadeh, Kasra Danesh, Roya Shomali, Mohsen Ahmadi

Abstract: This study confronts the growing challenges of energy consumption and the depletion of energy resources, particularly in the context of smart buildings. As the demand for energy increases alongside the necessity for efficient building maintenance, it becomes imperative to explore innovative energy management solutions. We present a comprehensive review of Internet of Things (IoT)-based frameworks aimed at smart city energy management, highlighting the pivotal role of IoT devices in addressing these issues due to their compactness, sensing, measurement, and computing capabilities. Our review methodology encompasses a thorough analysis of existing literature on IoT architectures and frameworks for intelligent energy management applications. We focus on systems that not only collect and store data but also support intelligent analysis for monitoring, controlling, and enhancing system efficiency. Additionally, we examine the potential for these frameworks to serve as platforms for the development of third-party applications, thereby extending their utility and adaptability. The findings from our review indicate that IoT-based frameworks offer significant potential to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact in smart buildings. Through the adoption of intelligent mechanisms and solutions, these frameworks facilitate effective energy management, leading to improved system efficiency and sustainability. Considering these findings, we recommend further exploration and adoption of IoT-based wireless sensing systems in smart buildings as a strategic approach to energy management. Our review underscores the importance of incorporating intelligent analysis and enabling the development of third-party applications within the IoT framework to efficiently meet the evolving energy demands and maintenance challenges

replace Exact Mean Square Linear Stability Analysis for SGD

Authors: Rotem Mulayoff, Tomer Michaeli

Abstract: The dynamical stability of optimization methods at the vicinity of minima of the loss has recently attracted significant attention. For gradient descent (GD), stable convergence is possible only to minima that are sufficiently flat w.r.t. the step size, and those have been linked with favorable properties of the trained model. However, while the stability threshold of GD is well-known, to date, no explicit expression has been derived for the exact threshold of stochastic GD (SGD). In this paper, we derive such a closed-form expression. Specifically, we provide an explicit condition on the step size that is both necessary and sufficient for the linear stability of SGD in the mean square sense. Our analysis sheds light on the precise role of the batch size $B$. In particular, we show that the stability threshold is monotonically non-decreasing in the batch size, which means that reducing the batch size can only decrease stability. Furthermore, we show that SGD's stability threshold is equivalent to that of a mixture process which takes in each iteration a full batch gradient step w.p. $1-p$, and a single sample gradient step w.p. $p$, where $p \approx 1/B $. This indicates that even with moderate batch sizes, SGD's stability threshold is very close to that of GD's. We also prove simple necessary conditions for linear stability, which depend on the batch size, and are easier to compute than the precise threshold. Finally, we derive the asymptotic covariance of the dynamics around the minimum, and discuss its dependence on the learning rate. We validate our theoretical findings through experiments on the MNIST dataset.

replace Mitigating Accuracy-Robustness Trade-off via Balanced Multi-Teacher Adversarial Distillation

Authors: Shiji Zhao, Xizhe Wang, Xingxing Wei

Abstract: Adversarial Training is a practical approach for improving the robustness of deep neural networks against adversarial attacks. Although bringing reliable robustness, the performance towards clean examples is negatively affected after Adversarial Training, which means a trade-off exists between accuracy and robustness. Recently, some studies have tried to use knowledge distillation methods in Adversarial Training, achieving competitive performance in improving the robustness but the accuracy for clean samples is still limited. In this paper, to mitigate the accuracy-robustness trade-off, we introduce the Balanced Multi-Teacher Adversarial Robustness Distillation (B-MTARD) to guide the model's Adversarial Training process by applying a strong clean teacher and a strong robust teacher to handle the clean examples and adversarial examples, respectively. During the optimization process, to ensure that different teachers show similar knowledge scales, we design the Entropy-Based Balance algorithm to adjust the teacher's temperature and keep the teachers' information entropy consistent. Besides, to ensure that the student has a relatively consistent learning speed from multiple teachers, we propose the Normalization Loss Balance algorithm to adjust the learning weights of different types of knowledge. A series of experiments conducted on three public datasets demonstrate that B-MTARD outperforms the state-of-the-art methods against various adversarial attacks.

replace Score Function Gradient Estimation to Widen the Applicability of Decision-Focused Learning

Authors: Mattia Silvestri, Senne Berden, Jayanta Mandi, Ali \.Irfan Mahmuto\u{g}ullar{\i}, Brandon Amos, Tias Guns, Michele Lombardi

Abstract: Many real-world optimization problems contain parameters that are unknown before deployment time, either due to stochasticity or to lack of information (e.g., demand or travel times in delivery problems). A common strategy in such cases is to estimate said parameters via machine learning (ML) models trained to minimize the prediction error, which however is not necessarily aligned with the downstream task-level error. The decision-focused learning (DFL) paradigm overcomes this limitation by training to directly minimize a task loss, e.g. regret. Since the latter has non-informative gradients for combinatorial problems, state-of-the-art DFL methods introduce surrogates and approximations that enable training. But these methods exploit specific assumptions about the problem structures (e.g., convex or linear problems, unknown parameters only in the objective function). We propose an alternative method that makes no such assumptions, it combines stochastic smoothing with score function gradient estimation which works on any task loss. This opens up the use of DFL methods to nonlinear objectives, uncertain parameters in the problem constraints, and even two-stage stochastic optimization. Experiments show that it typically requires more epochs, but that it is on par with specialized methods and performs especially well for the difficult case of problems with uncertainty in the constraints, in terms of solution quality, scalability, or both.

replace Quantitative CLTs in Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Stefano Favaro, Boris Hanin, Domenico Marinucci, Ivan Nourdin, Giovanni Peccati

Abstract: We study the distribution of a fully connected neural network with random Gaussian weights and biases in which the hidden layer widths are proportional to a large constant $n$. Under mild assumptions on the non-linearity, we obtain quantitative bounds on normal approximations valid at large but finite $n$ and any fixed network depth. Our theorems show both for the finite-dimensional distributions and the entire process, that the distance between a random fully connected network (and its derivatives) to the corresponding infinite width Gaussian process scales like $n^{-\gamma}$ for $\gamma>0$, with the exponent depending on the metric used to measure discrepancy. Our bounds are strictly stronger in terms of their dependence on network width than any previously available in the literature; in the one-dimensional case, we also prove that they are optimal, i.e., we establish matching lower bounds.

replace Probabilistic Constrained Reinforcement Learning with Formal Interpretability

Authors: Yanran Wang, Qiuchen Qian, David Boyle

Abstract: Reinforcement learning can provide effective reasoning for sequential decision-making problems with variable dynamics. Such reasoning in practical implementation, however, poses a persistent challenge in interpreting the reward function and the corresponding optimal policy. Consequently, representing sequential decision-making problems as probabilistic inference can have considerable value, as, in principle, the inference offers diverse and powerful mathematical tools to infer the stochastic dynamics whilst suggesting a probabilistic interpretation of policy optimization. In this study, we propose a novel Adaptive Wasserstein Variational Optimization, namely AWaVO, to tackle these interpretability challenges. Our approach uses formal methods to achieve the interpretability for convergence guarantee, training transparency, and intrinsic decision-interpretation. To demonstrate its practicality, we showcase guaranteed interpretability with an optimal global convergence rate in simulation and in practical quadrotor tasks. In comparison with state-of-the-art benchmarks including TRPO-IPO, PCPO and CRPO, we empirically verify that AWaVO offers a reasonable trade-off between high performance and sufficient interpretability.

replace Minimax Optimal Q Learning with Nearest Neighbors

Authors: Puning Zhao, Lifeng Lai

Abstract: Analyzing the Markov decision process (MDP) with continuous state spaces is generally challenging. A recent interesting work \cite{shah2018q} solves MDP with bounded continuous state space by a nearest neighbor $Q$ learning approach, which has a sample complexity of $\tilde{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon^{d+3}(1-\gamma)^{d+7}})$ for $\epsilon$-accurate $Q$ function estimation with discount factor $\gamma$. In this paper, we propose two new nearest neighbor $Q$ learning methods, one for the offline setting and the other for the online setting. We show that the sample complexities of these two methods are $\tilde{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon^{d+2}(1-\gamma)^{d+2}})$ and $\tilde{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon^{d+2}(1-\gamma)^{d+3}})$ for offline and online methods respectively, which significantly improve over existing results and have minimax optimal dependence over $\epsilon$. We achieve such improvement by utilizing the samples more efficiently. In particular, the method in \cite{shah2018q} clears up all samples after each iteration, thus these samples are somewhat wasted. On the other hand, our offline method does not remove any samples, and our online method only removes samples with time earlier than $\beta t$ at time $t$ with $\beta$ being a tunable parameter, thus our methods significantly reduce the loss of information. Apart from the sample complexity, our methods also have additional advantages of better computational complexity, as well as suitability to unbounded state spaces.

replace ULDP-FL: Federated Learning with Across Silo User-Level Differential Privacy

Authors: Fumiyuki Kato, Li Xiong, Shun Takagi, Yang Cao, Masatoshi Yoshikawa

Abstract: Differentially Private Federated Learning (DP-FL) has garnered attention as a collaborative machine learning approach that ensures formal privacy. Most DP-FL approaches ensure DP at the record-level within each silo for cross-silo FL. However, a single user's data may extend across multiple silos, and the desired user-level DP guarantee for such a setting remains unknown. In this study, we present Uldp-FL, a novel FL framework designed to guarantee user-level DP in cross-silo FL where a single user's data may belong to multiple silos. Our proposed algorithm directly ensures user-level DP through per-user weighted clipping, departing from group-privacy approaches. We provide a theoretical analysis of the algorithm's privacy and utility. Additionally, we enhance the utility of the proposed algorithm with an enhanced weighting strategy based on user record distribution and design a novel private protocol that ensures no additional information is revealed to the silos and the server. Experiments on real-world datasets show substantial improvements in our methods in privacy-utility trade-offs under user-level DP compared to baseline methods. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first FL framework that effectively provides user-level DP in the general cross-silo FL setting.

replace On the Implicit Bias of Adam

Authors: Matias D. Cattaneo, Jason M. Klusowski, Boris Shigida

Abstract: In previous literature, backward error analysis was used to find ordinary differential equations (ODEs) approximating the gradient descent trajectory. It was found that finite step sizes implicitly regularize solutions because terms appearing in the ODEs penalize the two-norm of the loss gradients. We prove that the existence of similar implicit regularization in RMSProp and Adam depends on their hyperparameters and the training stage, but with a different "norm" involved: the corresponding ODE terms either penalize the (perturbed) one-norm of the loss gradients or, conversely, impede its reduction (the latter case being typical). We also conduct numerical experiments and discuss how the proven facts can influence generalization.

replace Can LLMs Effectively Leverage Graph Structural Information through Prompts, and Why?

Authors: Jin Huang, Xingjian Zhang, Qiaozhu Mei, Jiaqi Ma

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are gaining increasing attention for their capability to process graphs with rich text attributes, especially in a zero-shot fashion. Recent studies demonstrate that LLMs obtain decent text classification performance on common text-rich graph benchmarks, and the performance can be improved by appending encoded structural information as natural languages into prompts. We aim to understand why the incorporation of structural information inherent in graph data can improve the prediction performance of LLMs. First, we rule out the concern of data leakage by curating a novel leakage-free dataset and conducting a comparative analysis alongside a previously widely-used dataset. Second, as past work usually encodes the ego-graph by describing the graph structure in natural language, we ask the question: do LLMs understand the graph structure in accordance with the intent of the prompt designers? Third, we investigate why LLMs can improve their performance after incorporating structural information. Our exploration of these questions reveals that (i) there is no substantial evidence that the performance of LLMs is significantly attributed to data leakage; (ii) instead of understanding prompts as graph structures as intended by the prompt designers, LLMs tend to process prompts more as contextual paragraphs and (iii) the most efficient elements of the local neighborhood included in the prompt are phrases that are pertinent to the node label, rather than the graph structure.

replace Fool Your (Vision and) Language Model With Embarrassingly Simple Permutations

Authors: Yongshuo Zong, Tingyang Yu, Ruchika Chavhan, Bingchen Zhao, Timothy Hospedales

Abstract: Large language and vision-language models are rapidly being deployed in practice thanks to their impressive capabilities in instruction following, in-context learning, and so on. This raises an urgent need to carefully analyse their robustness so that stakeholders can understand if and when such models are trustworthy enough to be relied upon in any given application. In this paper, we highlight a specific vulnerability in popular models, namely permutation sensitivity in multiple-choice question answering (MCQA). Specifically, we show empirically that popular models are vulnerable to adversarial permutation in answer sets for multiple-choice prompting, which is surprising as models should ideally be as invariant to prompt permutation as humans are. These vulnerabilities persist across various model sizes, and exist in very recent language and vision-language models. Code is available at


replace ProbTS: Benchmarking Point and Distributional Forecasting across Diverse Prediction Horizons

Authors: Jiawen Zhang, Xumeng Wen, Zhenwei Zhang, Shun Zheng, Jia Li, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Delivering precise point and distributional forecasts across a spectrum of prediction horizons represents a significant and enduring challenge in the application of time-series forecasting within various industries. Prior research on developing deep learning models for time-series forecasting has often concentrated on isolated aspects, such as long-term point forecasting or short-term probabilistic estimations. This narrow focus may result in skewed methodological choices and hinder the adaptability of these models to uncharted scenarios. While there is a rising trend in developing universal forecasting models, a thorough understanding of their advantages and drawbacks, especially regarding essential forecasting needs like point and distributional forecasts across short and long horizons, is still lacking. In this paper, we present ProbTS, a benchmark tool designed as a unified platform to evaluate these fundamental forecasting needs and to conduct a rigorous comparative analysis of numerous cutting-edge studies from recent years. We dissect the distinctive data characteristics arising from disparate forecasting requirements and elucidate how these characteristics can skew methodological preferences in typical research trajectories, which often fail to fully accommodate essential forecasting needs. Building on this, we examine the latest models for universal time-series forecasting and discover that our analyses of methodological strengths and weaknesses are also applicable to these universal models. Finally, we outline the limitations inherent in current research and underscore several avenues for future exploration.

replace From Trojan Horses to Castle Walls: Unveiling Bilateral Data Poisoning Effects in Diffusion Models

Authors: Zhuoshi Pan, Yuguang Yao, Gaowen Liu, Bingquan Shen, H. Vicky Zhao, Ramana Rao Kompella, Sijia Liu

Abstract: While state-of-the-art diffusion models (DMs) excel in image generation, concerns regarding their security persist. Earlier research highlighted DMs' vulnerability to data poisoning attacks, but these studies placed stricter requirements than conventional methods like `BadNets' in image classification. This is because the art necessitates modifications to the diffusion training and sampling procedures. Unlike the prior work, we investigate whether BadNets-like data poisoning methods can directly degrade the generation by DMs. In other words, if only the training dataset is contaminated (without manipulating the diffusion process), how will this affect the performance of learned DMs? In this setting, we uncover bilateral data poisoning effects that not only serve an adversarial purpose (compromising the functionality of DMs) but also offer a defensive advantage (which can be leveraged for defense in classification tasks against poisoning attacks). We show that a BadNets-like data poisoning attack remains effective in DMs for producing incorrect images (misaligned with the intended text conditions). Meanwhile, poisoned DMs exhibit an increased ratio of triggers, a phenomenon we refer to as `trigger amplification', among the generated images. This insight can be then used to enhance the detection of poisoned training data. In addition, even under a low poisoning ratio, studying the poisoning effects of DMs is also valuable for designing robust image classifiers against such attacks. Last but not least, we establish a meaningful linkage between data poisoning and the phenomenon of data replications by exploring DMs' inherent data memorization tendencies.

replace Pointer Networks with Q-Learning for Combinatorial Optimization

Authors: Alessandro Barro

Abstract: We introduce the Pointer Q-Network (PQN), a hybrid neural architecture that integrates model-free Q-value policy approximation with Pointer Networks (Ptr-Nets) to enhance the optimality of attention-based sequence generation, focusing on long-term outcomes. This integration proves particularly effective in solving combinatorial optimization (CO) tasks, especially the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), which is the focus of our study. We address this challenge by defining a Markov Decision Process (MDP) compatible with PQN, which involves iterative graph embedding, encoding and decoding by an LSTM-based recurrent neural network. This process generates a context vector and computes raw attention scores, which are dynamically adjusted by Q-values calculated for all available state-action pairs before applying softmax. The resulting attention vector is utilized as an action distribution, with actions selected hinged to exploration-exploitation dynamic adaptibility of PQN. Our empirical results demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, also testing the model in unstable environments.

replace Auto-ICL: In-Context Learning without Human Supervision

Authors: Jinghan Yang, Shuming Ma, Furu Wei

Abstract: With in-context learning ability, the performance of large language models can be significantly boosted when provided with appropriate context. However, existing in-context learning methods mainly rely on human-provided contexts, such as labeled examples and explicit instructions. Writing context by humans is labor-intensive on various tasks and limits the model to tasks manageable by humans. To overcome these limitations, we propose Automatic In-Context Learning framework that enables the model to autonomously generate examples and instructions for problem-solving. With experiments across various models and datasets, results show that model-generated contexts outperform human-annotated contexts, including Few-Shot and Few-Shot-CoT methods, and surpass existing self-generated context methods like Zero-CoT and Auto-CoT.

replace Hijacking Large Language Models via Adversarial In-Context Learning

Authors: Yao Qiang, Xiangyu Zhou, Dongxiao Zhu

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm leveraging LLMs for specific downstream tasks by utilizing labeled examples as demonstrations (demos) in the precondition prompts. Despite its promising performance, ICL suffers from instability with the choice and arrangement of examples. Additionally, crafted adversarial attacks pose a notable threat to the robustness of ICL. However, existing attacks are either easy to detect, rely on external models, or lack specificity towards ICL. This work introduces a novel transferable attack against ICL to address these issues, aiming to hijack LLMs to generate the target response or jailbreak. Our hijacking attack leverages a gradient-based prompt search method to learn and append imperceptible adversarial suffixes to the in-context demos without directly contaminating the user queries. Comprehensive experimental results across different generation and jailbreaking tasks highlight the effectiveness of our hijacking attack, resulting in distracted attention towards adversarial tokens and consequently leading to unwanted target outputs. We also propose a defense strategy against hijacking attacks through the use of extra clean demos, which enhances the robustness of LLMs during ICL. Broadly, this work reveals the significant security vulnerabilities of LLMs and emphasizes the necessity for in-depth studies on their robustness.

replace LABCAT: Locally adaptive Bayesian optimization using principal-component-aligned trust regions

Authors: E. Visser, C. E. van Daalen, J. C. Schoeman

Abstract: Bayesian optimization (BO) is a popular method for optimizing expensive black-box functions. BO has several well-documented shortcomings, including computational slowdown with longer optimization runs, poor suitability for non-stationary or ill-conditioned objective functions, and poor convergence characteristics. Several algorithms have been proposed that incorporate local strategies, such as trust regions, into BO to mitigate these limitations; however, none address all of them satisfactorily. To address these shortcomings, we propose the LABCAT algorithm, which extends trust-region-based BO by adding a rotation aligning the trust region with the weighted principal components and an adaptive rescaling strategy based on the length-scales of a local Gaussian process surrogate model with automatic relevance determination. Through extensive numerical experiments using a set of synthetic test functions and the well-known COCO benchmarking software, we show that the LABCAT algorithm outperforms several state-of-the-art BO and other black-box optimization algorithms.

replace Large Language Models Suffer From Their Own Output: An Analysis of the Self-Consuming Training Loop

Authors: Martin Briesch, Dominik Sobania, Franz Rothlauf

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLM) are already widely used to generate content for a variety of online platforms. As we are not able to safely distinguish LLM-generated content from human-produced content, LLM-generated content is used to train the next generation of LLMs, giving rise to a self-consuming training loop. From the image generation domain we know that such a self-consuming training loop reduces both quality and diversity of images finally ending in a model collapse. However, it is unclear whether this alarming effect can also be observed for LLMs. Therefore, we present the first study investigating the self-consuming training loop for LLMs. Further, we propose a novel method based on logic expressions that allows us to unambiguously verify the correctness of LLM-generated content, which is difficult for natural language text. We find that the self-consuming training loop produces correct outputs, however, the output declines in its diversity depending on the proportion of the used generated data. Fresh data can slow down this decline, but not stop it. Given these concerning results, we encourage researchers to study methods to negate this process.

replace Optimal Attack and Defense for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jeremy McMahan, Young Wu, Xiaojin Zhu, Qiaomin Xie

Abstract: To ensure the usefulness of Reinforcement Learning (RL) in real systems, it is crucial to ensure they are robust to noise and adversarial attacks. In adversarial RL, an external attacker has the power to manipulate the victim agent's interaction with the environment. We study the full class of online manipulation attacks, which include (i) state attacks, (ii) observation attacks (which are a generalization of perceived-state attacks), (iii) action attacks, and (iv) reward attacks. We show the attacker's problem of designing a stealthy attack that maximizes its own expected reward, which often corresponds to minimizing the victim's value, is captured by a Markov Decision Process (MDP) that we call a meta-MDP since it is not the true environment but a higher level environment induced by the attacked interaction. We show that the attacker can derive optimal attacks by planning in polynomial time or learning with polynomial sample complexity using standard RL techniques. We argue that the optimal defense policy for the victim can be computed as the solution to a stochastic Stackelberg game, which can be further simplified into a partially-observable turn-based stochastic game (POTBSG). Neither the attacker nor the victim would benefit from deviating from their respective optimal policies, thus such solutions are truly robust. Although the defense problem is NP-hard, we show that optimal Markovian defenses can be computed (learned) in polynomial time (sample complexity) in many scenarios.

replace EE-LLM: Large-Scale Training and Inference of Early-Exit Large Language Models with 3D Parallelism

Authors: Yanxi Chen, Xuchen Pan, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding, Jingren Zhou

Abstract: We present EE-LLM, a framework for large-scale training and inference of early-exit large language models (LLMs). While recent works have shown preliminary evidence for the efficacy of early exiting in accelerating LLM inference, EE-LLM makes a foundational step towards scaling up early-exit LLMs by supporting their training and inference with massive 3D parallelism. Built upon Megatron-LM, EE-LLM implements a variety of algorithmic innovations and performance optimizations tailored to early exiting, including a lightweight method that facilitates backpropagation for the early-exit training objective with pipeline parallelism, techniques of leveraging idle resources in the original pipeline schedule for computation related to early-exit layers, and two approaches of early-exit inference that are compatible with KV caching for autoregressive generation. Our analytical and empirical study shows that EE-LLM achieves great training efficiency with negligible computational overhead compared to standard LLM training, as well as outstanding inference speedup without compromising output quality. To facilitate further research and adoption, we release EE-LLM at


replace Structured Inverse-Free Natural Gradient: Memory-Efficient & Numerically-Stable KFAC

Authors: Wu Lin, Felix Dangel, Runa Eschenhagen, Kirill Neklyudov, Agustinus Kristiadi, Richard E. Turner, Alireza Makhzani

Abstract: Second-order methods such as KFAC can be useful for neural net training. However, they are often memory-inefficient since their preconditioning Kronecker factors are dense, and numerically unstable in low precision as they require matrix inversion or decomposition. These limitations render such methods unpopular for modern mixed-precision training. We address them by (i) formulating an inverse-free KFAC update and (ii) imposing structures in the Kronecker factors, resulting in structured inverse-free natural gradient descent (SINGD). On modern neural networks, we show that SINGD is memory-efficient and numerically robust, in contrast to KFAC, and often outperforms AdamW even in half precision. Our work closes a gap between first- and second-order methods in modern low-precision training.

replace Grokking Group Multiplication with Cosets

Authors: Dashiell Stander, Qinan Yu, Honglu Fan, Stella Biderman

Abstract: The complex and unpredictable nature of deep neural networks prevents their safe use in many high-stakes applications. There have been many techniques developed to interpret deep neural networks, but all have substantial limitations. Algorithmic tasks have proven to be a fruitful test ground for interpreting a neural network end-to-end. Building on previous work, we completely reverse engineer fully connected one-hidden layer networks that have ``grokked'' the arithmetic of the permutation groups $S_5$ and $S_6$. The models discover the true subgroup structure of the full group and converge on neural circuits that decompose the group arithmetic using the permutation group's subgroups. We relate how we reverse engineered the model's mechanisms and confirmed our theory was a faithful description of the circuit's functionality. We also draw attention to current challenges in conducting interpretability research by comparing our work to Chughtai et al. [4] which alleges to find a different algorithm for this same problem.

replace Towards Safe Multi-Task Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Jannis O. L\"ubsen, Christian Hespe, Annika Eichler

Abstract: Bayesian optimization has emerged as a highly effective tool for the safe online optimization of systems, due to its high sample efficiency and noise robustness. To further enhance its efficiency, reduced physical models of the system can be incorporated into the optimization process, accelerating it. These models are able to offer an approximation of the actual system, and evaluating them is significantly cheaper. The similarity between the model and reality is represented by additional hyperparameters, which are learned within the optimization process. Safety is a crucial criterion for online optimization methods such as Bayesian optimization, which has been addressed by recent works that provide safety guarantees under the assumption of known hyperparameters. In practice, however, this does not apply. Therefore, we extend the robust Gaussian process uniform error bounds to meet the multi-task setting, which involves the calculation of a confidence region from the hyperparameter posterior distribution utilizing Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Subsequently, the robust safety bounds are employed to facilitate the safe optimization of the system, while incorporating measurements of the models. Simulation results indicate that the optimization can be significantly accelerated for expensive to evaluate functions in comparison to other state-of-the-art safe Bayesian optimization methods, contingent on the fidelity of the models.

replace CAT: A Causally Graph Attention Network for Trimming Heterophilic Graph

Authors: Silu He, Qinyao Luo, Xinsha Fu, Ling Zhao, Ronghua Du, Haifeng Li

Abstract: Local Attention-guided Message Passing Mechanism (LAMP) adopted in Graph Attention Networks (GATs) is designed to adaptively learn the importance of neighboring nodes for better local aggregation on the graph, which can bring the representations of similar neighbors closer effectively, thus showing stronger discrimination ability. However, existing GATs suffer from a significant discrimination ability decline in heterophilic graphs because the high proportion of dissimilar neighbors can weaken the self-attention of the central node, jointly resulting in the deviation of the central node from similar nodes in the representation space. This kind of effect generated by neighboring nodes is called the Distraction Effect (DE) in this paper. To estimate and weaken the DE of neighboring nodes, we propose a Causally graph Attention network for Trimming heterophilic graph (CAT). To estimate the DE, since the DE are generated through two paths (grab the attention assigned to neighbors and reduce the self-attention of the central node), we use Total Effect to model DE, which is a kind of causal estimand and can be estimated from intervened data; To weaken the DE, we identify the neighbors with the highest DE (we call them Distraction Neighbors) and remove them. We adopt three representative GATs as the base model within the proposed CAT framework and conduct experiments on seven heterophilic datasets in three different sizes. Comparative experiments show that CAT can improve the node classification accuracy of all base GAT models. Ablation experiments and visualization further validate the enhancement of discrimination ability brought by CAT. The source code is available at


replace Physics-informed Neural Network Estimation of Material Properties in Soft Tissue Nonlinear Biomechanical Models

Authors: Federica Caforio, Francesco Regazzoni, Stefano Pagani, Elias Karabelas, Christoph Augustin, Gundolf Haase, Gernot Plank, Alfio Quarteroni

Abstract: The development of biophysical models for clinical applications is rapidly advancing in the research community, thanks to their predictive nature and their ability to assist the interpretation of clinical data. However, high-resolution and accurate multi-physics computational models are computationally expensive and their personalisation involves fine calibration of a large number of parameters, which may be space-dependent, challenging their clinical translation. In this work, we propose a new approach which relies on the combination of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) with three-dimensional soft tissue nonlinear biomechanical models, capable of reconstructing displacement fields and estimating heterogeneous patient-specific biophysical properties. The proposed learning algorithm encodes information from a limited amount of displacement and, in some cases, strain data, that can be routinely acquired in the clinical setting, and combines it with the physics of the problem, represented by a mathematical model based on partial differential equations, to regularise the problem and improve its convergence properties. Several benchmarks are presented to show the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method and its great potential to enable the robust and effective identification of patient-specific, heterogeneous physical properties, s.a. tissue stiffness properties. In particular, we demonstrate the capability of the PINN to detect the presence, location and severity of scar tissue, which is beneficial to develop personalised simulation models for disease diagnosis, especially for cardiac applications.

replace Sketch and shift: a robust decoder for compressive clustering

Authors: Ayoub Belhadji, R\'emi Gribonval

Abstract: Compressive learning is an emerging approach to drastically reduce the memory footprint of large-scale learning, by first summarizing a large dataset into a low-dimensional sketch vector, and then decoding from this sketch the latent information needed for learning. In light of recent progress on information preservation guarantees for sketches based on random features, a major objective is to design easy-to-tune algorithms (called decoders) to robustly and efficiently extract this information. To address the underlying non-convex optimization problems, various heuristics have been proposed. In the case of compressive clustering, the standard heuristic is CL-OMPR, a variant of sliding Frank-Wolfe. Yet, CL-OMPR is hard to tune, and the examination of its robustness was overlooked. In this work, we undertake a scrutinized examination of CL-OMPR to circumvent its limitations. In particular, we show how this algorithm can fail to recover the clusters even in advantageous scenarios. To gain insight, we show how the deficiencies of this algorithm can be attributed to optimization difficulties related to the structure of a correlation function appearing at core steps of the algorithm. To address these limitations, we propose an alternative decoder offering substantial improvements over CL-OMPR. Its design is notably inspired from the mean shift algorithm, a classic approach to detect the local maxima of kernel density estimators. The proposed algorithm can extract clustering information from a sketch of the MNIST dataset that is 10 times smaller than previously.

replace Colored Noise in PPO: Improved Exploration and Performance through Correlated Action Sampling

Authors: Jakob Hollenstein, Georg Martius, Justus Piater

Abstract: Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), a popular on-policy deep reinforcement learning method, employs a stochastic policy for exploration. In this paper, we propose a colored noise-based stochastic policy variant of PPO. Previous research highlighted the importance of temporal correlation in action noise for effective exploration in off-policy reinforcement learning. Building on this, we investigate whether correlated noise can also enhance exploration in on-policy methods like PPO. We discovered that correlated noise for action selection improves learning performance and outperforms the currently popular uncorrelated white noise approach in on-policy methods. Unlike off-policy learning, where pink noise was found to be highly effective, we found that a colored noise, intermediate between white and pink, performed best for on-policy learning in PPO. We examined the impact of varying the amount of data collected for each update by modifying the number of parallel simulation environments for data collection and observed that with a larger number of parallel environments, more strongly correlated noise is beneficial. Due to the significant impact and ease of implementation, we recommend switching to correlated noise as the default noise source in PPO.

replace Learning a Diffusion Model Policy from Rewards via Q-Score Matching

Authors: Michael Psenka, Alejandro Escontrela, Pieter Abbeel, Yi Ma

Abstract: Diffusion models have become a popular choice for representing actor policies in behavior cloning and offline reinforcement learning. This is due to their natural ability to optimize an expressive class of distributions over a continuous space. However, previous works fail to exploit the score-based structure of diffusion models, and instead utilize a simple behavior cloning term to train the actor, limiting their ability in the actor-critic setting. In this paper, we present a theoretical framework linking the structure of diffusion model policies to a learned Q-function, by linking the structure between the score of the policy to the action gradient of the Q-function. We focus on off-policy reinforcement learning and propose a new policy update method from this theory, which we denote Q-score matching. Notably, this algorithm only needs to differentiate through the denoising model rather than the entire diffusion model evaluation, and converged policies through Q-score matching are implicitly multi-modal and explorative in continuous domains. We conduct experiments in simulated environments to demonstrate the viability of our proposed method and compare to popular baselines. Source code is available from the project website:


replace Shaping Up SHAP: Enhancing Stability through Layer-Wise Neighbor Selection

Authors: Gwladys Kelodjou, Laurence Roz\'e, V\'eronique Masson, Luis Gal\'arraga, Romaric Gaudel, Maurice Tchuente, Alexandre Termier

Abstract: Machine learning techniques, such as deep learning and ensemble methods, are widely used in various domains due to their ability to handle complex real-world tasks. However, their black-box nature has raised multiple concerns about the fairness, trustworthiness, and transparency of computer-assisted decision-making. This has led to the emergence of local post-hoc explainability methods, which offer explanations for individual decisions made by black-box algorithms. Among these methods, Kernel SHAP is widely used due to its model-agnostic nature and its well-founded theoretical framework. Despite these strengths, Kernel SHAP suffers from high instability: different executions of the method with the same inputs can lead to significantly different explanations, which diminishes the relevance of the explanations. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. On the one hand, we show that Kernel SHAP's instability is caused by its stochastic neighbor selection procedure, which we adapt to achieve full stability without compromising explanation fidelity. On the other hand, we show that by restricting the neighbors generation to perturbations of size 1 -- which we call the coalitions of Layer 1 -- we obtain a novel feature-attribution method that is fully stable, computationally efficient, and still meaningful.

replace When Graph Neural Network Meets Causality: Opportunities, Methodologies and An Outlook

Authors: Wenzhao Jiang, Hao Liu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as powerful representation learning tools for capturing complex dependencies within diverse graph-structured data. Despite their success in a wide range of graph mining tasks, GNNs have raised serious concerns regarding their trustworthiness, including susceptibility to distribution shift, biases towards certain populations, and lack of explainability. Recently, integrating causal learning techniques into GNNs has sparked numerous ground-breaking studies since many GNN trustworthiness issues can be alleviated by capturing the underlying data causality rather than superficial correlations. In this survey, we comprehensively review recent research efforts on Causality-Inspired GNNs (CIGNNs). Specifically, we first employ causal tools to analyze the primary trustworthiness risks of existing GNNs, underscoring the necessity for GNNs to comprehend the causal mechanisms within graph data. Moreover, we introduce a taxonomy of CIGNNs based on the type of causal learning capability they are equipped with, i.e., causal reasoning and causal representation learning. Besides, we systematically introduce typical methods within each category and discuss how they mitigate trustworthiness risks. Finally, we summarize useful resources and discuss several future directions, hoping to shed light on new research opportunities in this emerging field. The representative papers, along with open-source data and codes, are available in


replace Self-Play Fine-Tuning Converts Weak Language Models to Strong Language Models

Authors: Zixiang Chen, Yihe Deng, Huizhuo Yuan, Kaixuan Ji, Quanquan Gu

Abstract: Harnessing the power of human-annotated data through Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) is pivotal for advancing Large Language Models (LLMs). In this paper, we delve into the prospect of growing a strong LLM out of a weak one without the need for acquiring additional human-annotated data. We propose a new fine-tuning method called Self-Play fIne-tuNing (SPIN), which starts from a supervised fine-tuned model. At the heart of SPIN lies a self-play mechanism, where the LLM refines its capability by playing against instances of itself. More specifically, the LLM generates its own training data from its previous iterations, refining its policy by discerning these self-generated responses from those obtained from human-annotated data. Our method progressively elevates the LLM from a nascent model to a formidable one, unlocking the full potential of human-annotated demonstration data for SFT. Theoretically, we prove that the global optimum to the training objective function of our method is achieved only when the LLM policy aligns with the target data distribution. Empirically, we evaluate our method on several benchmark datasets including the HuggingFace Open LLM Leaderboard, MT-Bench, and datasets from Big-Bench. Our results show that SPIN can significantly improve the LLM's performance across a variety of benchmarks and even outperform models trained through direct preference optimization (DPO) supplemented with extra GPT-4 preference data. This sheds light on the promise of self-play, enabling the achievement of human-level performance in LLMs without the need for expert opponents. Codes are available at


replace t-DGR: A Trajectory-Based Deep Generative Replay Method for Continual Learning in Decision Making

Authors: William Yue, Bo Liu, Peter Stone

Abstract: Deep generative replay has emerged as a promising approach for continual learning in decision-making tasks. This approach addresses the problem of catastrophic forgetting by leveraging the generation of trajectories from previously encountered tasks to augment the current dataset. However, existing deep generative replay methods for continual learning rely on autoregressive models, which suffer from compounding errors in the generated trajectories. In this paper, we propose a simple, scalable, and non-autoregressive method for continual learning in decision-making tasks using a generative model that generates task samples conditioned on the trajectory timestep. We evaluate our method on Continual World benchmarks and find that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the average success rate metric among continual learning methods. Code is available at


replace HAIM-DRL: Enhanced Human-in-the-loop Reinforcement Learning for Safe and Efficient Autonomous Driving

Authors: Zilin Huang, Zihao Sheng, Chengyuan Ma, Sikai Chen

Abstract: Despite significant progress in autonomous vehicles (AVs), the development of driving policies that ensure both the safety of AVs and traffic flow efficiency has not yet been fully explored. In this paper, we propose an enhanced human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning method, termed the Human as AI mentor-based deep reinforcement learning (HAIM-DRL) framework, which facilitates safe and efficient autonomous driving in mixed traffic platoon. Drawing inspiration from the human learning process, we first introduce an innovative learning paradigm that effectively injects human intelligence into AI, termed Human as AI mentor (HAIM). In this paradigm, the human expert serves as a mentor to the AI agent. While allowing the agent to sufficiently explore uncertain environments, the human expert can take control in dangerous situations and demonstrate correct actions to avoid potential accidents. On the other hand, the agent could be guided to minimize traffic flow disturbance, thereby optimizing traffic flow efficiency. In detail, HAIM-DRL leverages data collected from free exploration and partial human demonstrations as its two training sources. Remarkably, we circumvent the intricate process of manually designing reward functions; instead, we directly derive proxy state-action values from partial human demonstrations to guide the agents' policy learning. Additionally, we employ a minimal intervention technique to reduce the human mentor's cognitive load. Comparative results show that HAIM-DRL outperforms traditional methods in driving safety, sampling efficiency, mitigation of traffic flow disturbance, and generalizability to unseen traffic scenarios. The code and demo videos for this paper can be accessed at:


replace A Closed-form Solution for Weight Optimization in Fully-connected Feed-forward Neural Networks

Authors: Slavisa Tomic, Jo\~ao Pedro Matos-Carvalho, Marko Beko

Abstract: This work addresses weight optimization problem for fully-connected feed-forward neural networks. Unlike existing approaches that are based on back-propagation (BP) and chain rule gradient-based optimization (which implies iterative execution, potentially burdensome and time-consuming in some cases), the proposed approach offers the solution for weight optimization in closed-form by means of least squares (LS) methodology. In the case where the input-to-output mapping is injective, the new approach optimizes the weights in a back-propagating fashion in a single iteration by jointly optimizing a set of weights in each layer for each neuron. In the case where the input-to-output mapping is not injective (e.g., in classification problems), the proposed solution is easily adapted to obtain its final solution in a few iterations. An important advantage over the existing solutions is that these computations (for all neurons in a layer) are independent from each other; thus, they can be carried out in parallel to optimize all weights in a given layer simultaneously. Furthermore, its running time is deterministic in the sense that one can obtain the exact number of computations necessary to optimize the weights in all network layers (per iteration, in the case of non-injective mapping). Our simulation and empirical results show that the proposed scheme, BPLS, works well and is competitive with existing ones in terms of accuracy, but significantly surpasses them in terms of running time. To summarize, the new method is straightforward to implement, is competitive and computationally more efficient than the existing ones, and is well-tailored for parallel implementation.

replace MADA: Meta-Adaptive Optimizers through hyper-gradient Descent

Authors: Kaan Ozkara, Can Karakus, Parameswaran Raman, Mingyi Hong, Shoham Sabach, Branislav Kveton, Volkan Cevher

Abstract: Following the introduction of Adam, several novel adaptive optimizers for deep learning have been proposed. These optimizers typically excel in some tasks but may not outperform Adam uniformly across all tasks. In this work, we introduce Meta-Adaptive Optimizers (MADA), a unified optimizer framework that can generalize several known optimizers and dynamically learn the most suitable one during training. The key idea in MADA is to parameterize the space of optimizers and dynamically search through it using hyper-gradient descent during training. We empirically compare MADA to other popular optimizers on vision and language tasks, and find that MADA consistently outperforms Adam and other popular optimizers, and is robust against sub-optimally tuned hyper-parameters. MADA achieves a greater validation performance improvement over Adam compared to other popular optimizers during GPT-2 training and fine-tuning. We also propose AVGrad, a modification of AMSGrad that replaces the maximum operator with averaging, which is more suitable for hyper-gradient optimization. Finally, we provide a convergence analysis to show that parameterized interpolations of optimizers can improve their error bounds (up to constants), hinting at an advantage for meta-optimizers.

replace A novel hybrid time-varying graph neural network for traffic flow forecasting

Authors: Ben-Ao Dai, Bao-Lin Ye, Lingxi Li

Abstract: Real-time and precise traffic flow prediction is vital for the efficiency of intelligent transportation systems. Traditional methods often employ graph neural networks (GNNs) with predefined graphs to describe spatial correlations among traffic nodes in urban road networks. However, these pre-defined graphs are limited by existing knowledge and graph generation methodologies, offering an incomplete picture of spatial correlations. While time-varying graphs based on data-driven learning have attempted to address these limitations, they still struggle with adequately capturing the inherent spatial correlations in traffic data. Moreover, most current methods for capturing dynamic temporal correlations rely on a unified calculation scheme using a temporal multi-head self-attention mechanism, which at some level might leads to inaccuracies. In order to overcome these challenges, we have proposed a novel hybrid time-varying graph neural network (HTVGNN) for traffic flow prediction. Firstly, a novel enhanced temporal perception multi-head self-attention mechanism based on time-varying mask enhancement was reported to more accurately model the dynamic temporal dependencies among distinct traffic nodes in the traffic network. Secondly, we have proposed a novel graph learning strategy to concurrently learn both static and dynamic spatial associations between different traffic nodes in road networks. Meanwhile, in order to enhance the learning ability of time-varying graphs, a coupled graph learning mechanism was designed to couple the graphs learned at each time step. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method HTVGNN was demonstrated with four real data sets. Simulation results revealed that HTVGNN achieves superior prediction accuracy compared to the state of the art spatio-temporal graph neural network models. Additionally, the ablation experiment verifies that the coupled graph learning mechanism can effectively improve the long-term prediction performance of HTVGNN.

replace Medusa: Simple LLM Inference Acceleration Framework with Multiple Decoding Heads

Authors: Tianle Cai, Yuhong Li, Zhengyang Geng, Hongwu Peng, Jason D. Lee, Deming Chen, Tri Dao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) employ auto-regressive decoding that requires sequential computation, with each step reliant on the previous one's output. This creates a bottleneck as each step necessitates moving the full model parameters from High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM) to the accelerator's cache. While methods such as speculative decoding have been suggested to address this issue, their implementation is impeded by the challenges associated with acquiring and maintaining a separate draft model. In this paper, we present Medusa, an efficient method that augments LLM inference by adding extra decoding heads to predict multiple subsequent tokens in parallel. Using a tree-based attention mechanism, Medusa constructs multiple candidate continuations and verifies them simultaneously in each decoding step. By leveraging parallel processing, Medusa substantially reduces the number of decoding steps required. We present two levels of fine-tuning procedures for Medusa to meet the needs of different use cases: Medusa-1: Medusa is directly fine-tuned on top of a frozen backbone LLM, enabling lossless inference acceleration. Medusa-2: Medusa is fine-tuned together with the backbone LLM, enabling better prediction accuracy of Medusa heads and higher speedup but needing a special training recipe that preserves the backbone model's capabilities. Moreover, we propose several extensions that improve or expand the utility of Medusa, including a self-distillation to handle situations where no training data is available and a typical acceptance scheme to boost the acceptance rate while maintaining generation quality. We evaluate Medusa on models of various sizes and training procedures. Our experiments demonstrate that Medusa-1 can achieve over 2.2x speedup without compromising generation quality, while Medusa-2 further improves the speedup to 2.3-3.6x.

replace AFS-BM: Enhancing Model Performance through Adaptive Feature Selection with Binary Masking

Authors: Mehmet Y. Turali, Mehmet E. Lorasdagi, Ali T. Koc, Suleyman S. Kozat

Abstract: We study the problem of feature selection in general machine learning (ML) context, which is one of the most critical subjects in the field. Although, there exist many feature selection methods, however, these methods face challenges such as scalability, managing high-dimensional data, dealing with correlated features, adapting to variable feature importance, and integrating domain knowledge. To this end, we introduce the "Adaptive Feature Selection with Binary Masking" (AFS-BM) which remedies these problems. AFS-BM achieves this by joint optimization for simultaneous feature selection and model training. In particular, we do the joint optimization and binary masking to continuously adapt the set of features and model parameters during the training process. This approach leads to significant improvements in model accuracy and a reduction in computational requirements. We provide an extensive set of experiments where we compare AFS-BM with the established feature selection methods using well-known datasets from real-life competitions. Our results show that AFS-BM makes significant improvement in terms of accuracy and requires significantly less computational complexity. This is due to AFS-BM's ability to dynamically adjust to the changing importance of features during the training process, which an important contribution to the field. We openly share our code for the replicability of our results and to facilitate further research.

replace HiFT: A Hierarchical Full Parameter Fine-Tuning Strategy

Authors: Yongkang Liu, Yiqun Zhang, Qian Li, Tong Liu, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang, Hinrich Sch\"utze

Abstract: Full-parameter fine-tuning has become the go-to choice for adapting language models (LMs) to downstream tasks due to its excellent performance. As LMs grow in size, fine-tuning the full parameters of LMs requires a prohibitively large amount of GPU memory. Existing approaches utilize zeroth-order optimizer to conserve GPU memory, which can potentially compromise the performance of LMs as non-zero order optimizers tend to converge more readily on most downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel optimizer-independent end-to-end hierarchical fine-tuning strategy, HiFT, which only updates a subset of parameters at each training step. HiFT can significantly reduce the amount of gradients and optimizer state parameters residing in GPU memory at the same time, thereby reducing GPU memory usage. Our results demonstrate that: (1) HiFT achieves comparable performance to parameter-efficient fine-tuning and standard full parameter fine-tuning. (2) HiFT supports various optimizers including AdamW, AdaGrad, SGD, etc. (3) HiFT can save more than 60\% GPU memory compared with standard full-parameter fine-tuning for 7B model. (4) HiFT enables full-parameter fine-tuning of a 7B model on single 48G A6000 with a precision of 32 using the AdamW optimizer, without using any memory saving techniques.

replace PICL: Physics Informed Contrastive Learning for Partial Differential Equations

Authors: Cooper Lorsung, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: Neural operators have recently grown in popularity as Partial Differential Equation (PDE) surrogate models. Learning solution functionals, rather than functions, has proven to be a powerful approach to calculate fast, accurate solutions to complex PDEs. While much work has been done evaluating neural operator performance on a wide variety of surrogate modeling tasks, these works normally evaluate performance on a single equation at a time. In this work, we develop a novel contrastive pretraining framework utilizing Generalized Contrastive Loss that improves neural operator generalization across multiple governing equations simultaneously. Governing equation coefficients are used to measure ground-truth similarity between systems. A combination of physics-informed system evolution and latent-space model output are anchored to input data and used in our distance function. We find that physics-informed contrastive pretraining improves accuracy for the Fourier Neural Operator in fixed-future and autoregressive rollout tasks for the 1D and 2D Heat, Burgers', and linear advection equations.

replace Two Stones Hit One Bird: Bilevel Positional Encoding for Better Length Extrapolation

Authors: Zhenyu He, Guhao Feng, Shengjie Luo, Kai Yang, Liwei Wang, Jingjing Xu, Zhi Zhang, Hongxia Yang, Di He

Abstract: In this work, we leverage the intrinsic segmentation of language sequences and design a new positional encoding method called Bilevel Positional Encoding (BiPE). For each position, our BiPE blends an intra-segment encoding and an inter-segment encoding. The intra-segment encoding identifies the locations within a segment and helps the model capture the semantic information therein via absolute positional encoding. The inter-segment encoding specifies the segment index, models the relationships between segments, and aims to improve extrapolation capabilities via relative positional encoding. Theoretical analysis shows this disentanglement of positional information makes learning more effective. The empirical results also show that our BiPE has superior length extrapolation capabilities across a wide range of tasks in diverse text modalities.

replace Positional Encoding Helps Recurrent Neural Networks Handle a Large Vocabulary

Authors: Takashi Morita

Abstract: This study reports an unintuitive finding that positional encoding enhances learning of recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Positional encoding is a high-dimensional representation of time indices on input data. Most famously, positional encoding complements the capabilities of Transformer neural networks, which lack an inherent mechanism for representing the data order. By contrast, RNNs can encode the temporal information of data points on their own, rendering their use of positional encoding seemingly redundant/unnecessary. Nonetheless, investigations through synthetic benchmarks reveal an advantage of coupling positional encoding and RNNs, especially for handling a large vocabulary that yields low-frequency tokens. Further scrutinization unveils that these low-frequency tokens destabilizes the gradients of vanilla RNNs, and the positional encoding resolves this instability. These results shed a new light on the utility of positional encoding beyond its canonical role as a timekeeper for Transformers.

replace Minusformer: Improving Time Series Forecasting by Progressively Learning Residuals

Authors: Daojun Liang, Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, Bingzheng Zhang, Minggao Zhang

Abstract: In this paper, we find that ubiquitous time series (TS) forecasting models are prone to severe overfitting. To cope with this problem, we embrace a de-redundancy approach to progressively reinstate the intrinsic values of TS for future intervals. Specifically, we introduce a dual-stream and subtraction mechanism, which is a deep Boosting ensemble learning method. And the vanilla Transformer is renovated by reorienting the information aggregation mechanism from addition to subtraction. Then, we incorporate an auxiliary output branch into each block of the original model to construct a highway leading to the ultimate prediction. The output of subsequent modules in this branch will subtract the previously learned results, enabling the model to learn the residuals of the supervision signal, layer by layer. This designing facilitates the learning-driven implicit progressive decomposition of the input and output streams, empowering the model with heightened versatility, interpretability, and resilience against overfitting. Since all aggregations in the model are minus signs, which is called Minusformer. Extensive experiments demonstrate the proposed method outperform existing state-of-the-art methods, yielding an average performance improvement of 11.9% across various datasets.The code has been released at


replace Learning to Understand: Identifying Interactions via the M\"obius Transform

Authors: Justin S. Kang, Yigit E. Erginbas, Landon Butler, Ramtin Pedarsani, Kannan Ramchandran

Abstract: One of the key challenges in machine learning is to find interpretable representations of learned functions. The M\"obius transform is essential for this purpose, as its coefficients correspond to unique importance scores for sets of input variables. This transform is closely related to widely used game-theoretic notions of importance like the Shapley and Bhanzaf value, but it also captures crucial higher-order interactions. Although computing the obius Transform of a function with $n$ inputs involves $2^n$ coefficients, it becomes tractable when the function is sparse and of low-degree as we show is the case for many real-world functions. Under these conditions, the complexity of the transform computation is significantly reduced. When there are $K$ non-zero coefficients, our algorithm recovers the M\"obius transform in $O(Kn)$ samples and $O(Kn^2)$ time asymptotically under certain assumptions, the first non-adaptive algorithm to do so. We also uncover a surprising connection between group testing and the M\"obius transform. For functions where all interactions involve at most $t$ inputs, we use group testing results to compute the M\"obius transform with $O(Kt\log n)$ sample complexity and $O(K\mathrm{poly}(n))$ time. A robust version of this algorithm withstands noise and maintains this complexity. This marks the first $n$ sub-linear query complexity, noise-tolerant algorithm for the M\"obius transform. In several examples, we observe that representations generated via sparse M\"obius transform are up to twice as faithful to the original function, as compared to Shaply and Banzhaf values, while using the same number of terms.

replace Contrastive Diffuser: Planning Towards High Return States via Contrastive Learning

Authors: Yixiang Shan, Zhengbang Zhu, Ting Long, Qifan Liang, Yi Chang, Weinan Zhang, Liang Yin

Abstract: The performance of offline reinforcement learning (RL) is sensitive to the proportion of high-return trajectories in the offline dataset. However, in many simulation environments and real-world scenarios, there are large ratios of low-return trajectories rather than high-return trajectories, which makes learning an efficient policy challenging. In this paper, we propose a method called Contrastive Diffuser (CDiffuser) to make full use of low-return trajectories and improve the performance of offline RL algorithms. Specifically, CDiffuser groups the states of trajectories in the offline dataset into high-return states and low-return states and treats them as positive and negative samples correspondingly. Then, it designs a contrastive mechanism to pull the trajectory of an agent toward high-return states and push them away from low-return states. Through the contrast mechanism, trajectories with low returns can serve as negative examples for policy learning, guiding the agent to avoid areas associated with low returns and achieve better performance. Experiments on 14 commonly used D4RL benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Our code is publicly available at \url{}.


replace Dynamic Byzantine-Robust Learning: Adapting to Switching Byzantine Workers

Authors: Ron Dorfman, Naseem Yehya, Kfir Y. Levy

Abstract: Byzantine-robust learning has emerged as a prominent fault-tolerant distributed machine learning framework. However, most techniques focus on the static setting, wherein the identity of Byzantine workers remains unchanged throughout the learning process. This assumption fails to capture real-world dynamic Byzantine behaviors, which may include intermittent malfunctions or targeted, time-limited attacks. Addressing this limitation, we propose DynaBRO -- a new method capable of withstanding any sub-linear number of identity changes across rounds. Specifically, when the number of such changes is $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ (where $T$ is the total number of training rounds), DynaBRO nearly matches the state-of-the-art asymptotic convergence rate of the static setting. Our method utilizes a multi-level Monte Carlo (MLMC) gradient estimation technique applied at the server to robustly aggregated worker updates. By additionally leveraging an adaptive learning rate, we circumvent the need for prior knowledge of the fraction of Byzantine workers.

replace Can We Remove the Square-Root in Adaptive Gradient Methods? A Second-Order Perspective

Authors: Wu Lin, Felix Dangel, Runa Eschenhagen, Juhan Bae, Richard E. Turner, Alireza Makhzani

Abstract: Adaptive gradient optimizers like Adam(W) are the default training algorithms for many deep learning architectures, such as transformers. Their diagonal preconditioner is based on the gradient outer product which is incorporated into the parameter update via a square root. While these methods are often motivated as approximate second-order methods, the square root represents a fundamental difference. In this work, we investigate how the behavior of adaptive methods changes when we remove the root, i.e. strengthen their second-order motivation. Surprisingly, we find that such square-root-free adaptive methods close the generalization gap to SGD on convolutional architectures, while maintaining their root-based counterpart's performance on transformers. The second-order perspective also has practical benefits for developing non-diagonal adaptive methods through the concept of preconditioner invariance. In contrast to root-based methods like Shampoo, root-free counterparts work well and fast with half-precision since they do not require numerically unstable matrix root decompositions and inversions. This is useful to bridge the computation gap between diagonal and non-diagonal methods. Our findings provide new insights into the development of adaptive methods and raise important questions regarding the currently overlooked role of adaptivity for their success. (experiment code: optimizer code:


replace Diffusion World Model: Future Modeling Beyond Step-by-Step Rollout for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zihan Ding, Amy Zhang, Yuandong Tian, Qinqing Zheng

Abstract: We introduce Diffusion World Model (DWM), a conditional diffusion model capable of predicting multistep future states and rewards concurrently. As opposed to traditional one-step dynamics models, DWM offers long-horizon predictions in a single forward pass, eliminating the need for recursive queries. We integrate DWM into model-based value estimation, where the short-term return is simulated by future trajectories sampled from DWM. In the context of offline reinforcement learning, DWM can be viewed as a conservative value regularization through generative modeling. Alternatively, it can be seen as a data source that enables offline Q-learning with synthetic data. Our experiments on the D4RL dataset confirm the robustness of DWM to long-horizon simulation. In terms of absolute performance, DWM significantly surpasses one-step dynamics models with a $44\%$ performance gain, and is comparable to or slightly surpassing their model-free counterparts.

replace SUB-PLAY: Adversarial Policies against Partially Observed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems

Authors: Oubo Ma, Yuwen Pu, Linkang Du, Yang Dai, Ruo Wang, Xiaolei Liu, Yingcai Wu, Shouling Ji

Abstract: Recent advancements in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) have opened up vast application prospects, such as swarm control of drones, collaborative manipulation by robotic arms, and multi-target encirclement. However, potential security threats during the MARL deployment need more attention and thorough investigation. Recent research reveals that attackers can rapidly exploit the victim's vulnerabilities, generating adversarial policies that result in the failure of specific tasks. For instance, reducing the winning rate of a superhuman-level Go AI to around 20%. Existing studies predominantly focus on two-player competitive environments, assuming attackers possess complete global state observation. In this study, we unveil, for the first time, the capability of attackers to generate adversarial policies even when restricted to partial observations of the victims in multi-agent competitive environments. Specifically, we propose a novel black-box attack (SUB-PLAY) that incorporates the concept of constructing multiple subgames to mitigate the impact of partial observability and suggests sharing transitions among subpolicies to improve attackers' exploitative ability. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of SUB-PLAY under three typical partial observability limitations. Visualization results indicate that adversarial policies induce significantly different activations of the victims' policy networks. Furthermore, we evaluate three potential defenses aimed at exploring ways to mitigate security threats posed by adversarial policies, providing constructive recommendations for deploying MARL in competitive environments.

replace Mitigating Privacy Risk in Membership Inference by Convex-Concave Loss

Authors: Zhenlong Liu, Lei Feng, Huiping Zhuang, Xiaofeng Cao, Hongxin Wei

Abstract: Machine learning models are susceptible to membership inference attacks (MIAs), which aim to infer whether a sample is in the training set. Existing work utilizes gradient ascent to enlarge the loss variance of training data, alleviating the privacy risk. However, optimizing toward a reverse direction may cause the model parameters to oscillate near local minima, leading to instability and suboptimal performance. In this work, we propose a novel method -- Convex-Concave Loss, which enables a high variance of training loss distribution by gradient descent. Our method is motivated by the theoretical analysis that convex losses tend to decrease the loss variance during training. Thus, our key idea behind CCL is to reduce the convexity of loss functions with a concave term. Trained with CCL, neural networks produce losses with high variance for training data, reinforcing the defense against MIAs. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of CCL, achieving state-of-the-art balance in the privacy-utility trade-off.

replace On the Convergence of Zeroth-Order Federated Tuning for Large Language Models

Authors: Zhenqing Ling, Daoyuan Chen, Liuyi Yao, Yaliang Li, Ying Shen

Abstract: The confluence of Federated Learning (FL) and Large Language Models (LLMs) is ushering in a new era in privacy-preserving natural language processing. However, the intensive memory requirements for fine-tuning LLMs pose significant challenges, especially when deploying on clients with limited computational resources. To circumvent this, we explore the novel integration of Memory-efficient Zeroth-Order Optimization within a federated setting, a synergy we term as FedMeZO. Our study is the first to examine the theoretical underpinnings of FedMeZO in the context of LLMs, tackling key questions regarding the influence of large parameter spaces on optimization behavior, the establishment of convergence properties, and the identification of critical parameters for convergence to inform personalized federated strategies. Our extensive empirical evidence supports the theory, showing that FedMeZO not only converges faster than traditional first-order methods such as FedAvg but also significantly reduces GPU memory usage during training to levels comparable to those during inference. Moreover, the proposed personalized FL strategy that is built upon the theoretical insights to customize the client-wise learning rate can effectively accelerate loss reduction. We hope our work can help to bridge theoretical and practical aspects of federated fine-tuning for LLMs, thereby stimulating further advancements and research in this area.

replace Breaking Symmetry When Training Transformers

Authors: Chunsheng Zuo, Michael Guerzhoy

Abstract: As we show in this paper, the prediction for output token $n+1$ of Transformer architectures without one of the mechanisms of positional encodings and causal attention is invariant to permutations of input tokens $1, 2, ..., n-1$. Usually, both mechanisms are employed and the symmetry with respect to the input tokens is broken. Recently, it has been shown that one can train Transformers without positional encodings. This must be enabled by the causal attention mechanism. In this paper, we elaborate on the argument that the causal connection mechanism must be responsible for the fact that Transformers are able to model input sequences where the order is important. Vertical "slices" of Transformers are all encouraged to represent the same location $k$ in the input sequence. We hypothesize that residual connections contribute to this phenomenon, and demonstrate evidence for this.

replace Where is the Truth? The Risk of Getting Confounded in a Continual World

Authors: Florian Peter Busch, Roshni Kamath, Rupert Mitchell, Wolfgang Stammer, Kristian Kersting, Martin Mundt

Abstract: A dataset is confounded if it is most easily solved via a spurious correlation, which fails to generalize to new data. In this work, we show that, in a continual learning setting where confounders may vary in time across tasks, the challenge of mitigating the effect of confounders far exceeds the standard forgetting problem normally considered. In particular, we provide a formal description of such continual confounders and identify that, in general, spurious correlations are easily ignored when training for all tasks jointly, but it is harder to avoid confounding when they are considered sequentially. These descriptions serve as a basis for constructing a novel CLEVR-based continually confounded dataset, which we term the ConCon dataset. Our evaluations demonstrate that standard continual learning methods fail to ignore the dataset's confounders. Overall, our work highlights the challenges of confounding factors, particularly in continual learning settings, and demonstrates the need for developing continual learning methods to robustly tackle these.

replace Approximation of relation functions and attention mechanisms

Authors: Awni Altabaa, John Lafferty

Abstract: Inner products of neural network feature maps arise in a wide variety of machine learning frameworks as a method of modeling relations between inputs. This work studies the approximation properties of inner products of neural networks. It is shown that the inner product of a multi-layer perceptron with itself is a universal approximator for symmetric positive-definite relation functions. In the case of asymmetric relation functions, it is shown that the inner product of two different multi-layer perceptrons is a universal approximator. In both cases, a bound is obtained on the number of neurons required to achieve a given accuracy of approximation. In the symmetric case, the function class can be identified with kernels of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, whereas in the asymmetric case the function class can be identified with kernels of reproducing kernel Banach spaces. Finally, these approximation results are applied to analyzing the attention mechanism underlying Transformers, showing that any retrieval mechanism defined by an abstract preorder can be approximated by attention through its inner product relations. This result uses the Debreu representation theorem in economics to represent preference relations in terms of utility functions.

replace Reward Generalization in RLHF: A Topological Perspective

Authors: Tianyi Qiu, Fanzhi Zeng, Jiaming Ji, Dong Yan, Kaile Wang, Jiayi Zhou, Yang Han, Josef Dai, Xuehai Pan, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: Existing alignment methods share a common topology of information flow, where reward information is collected from humans, modeled with preference learning, and used to tune language models. However, this shared topology has not been systematically characterized, nor have its alternatives been thoroughly explored, leaving the problems of low data efficiency and unreliable generalization unaddressed. As a solution, we introduce a theoretical framework for investigating reward generalization in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), focusing on the topology of information flow at both macro and micro levels. At the macro level, we portray the RLHF information flow as an autoencoding process over behavior distributions, formalizing the RLHF objective of distributional consistency between human preference and model behavior. At the micro level, we present induced Bayesian networks as a theory of reward generalization in RLHF, introducing fine-grained dataset topologies into generalization bounds. Combining analysis on both levels, we propose reward modeling from tree-structured preference information. It is shown to reduce reward uncertainty by up to $\Theta(\log n/\log\log n)$ times compared to baselines, where $n$ is the dataset size. Validation on three NLP tasks shows that our tree-based reward model achieves an average win rate of 65% against baseline methods, thus improving reward generalization for free via topology design.

replace Self-AMPLIFY: Improving Small Language Models with Self Post Hoc Explanations

Authors: Milan Bhan, Jean-Noel Vittaut, Nicolas Chesneau, Marie-Jeanne Lesot

Abstract: Incorporating natural language rationales in the prompt and In-Context Learning (ICL) have led to a significant improvement of Large Language Models (LLMs) performance. However, generating high-quality rationales require human-annotation or the use of auxiliary proxy models. In this work, we propose Self-AMPLIFY to automatically generate rationales from post hoc explanation methods applied to Small Language Models (SLMs) to improve their own performance. Self-AMPLIFY is a 3-step method that targets samples, generates rationales and builds a final prompt to leverage ICL. Self-AMPLIFY performance is evaluated on four SLMs and five datasets requiring strong reasoning abilities. Self-AMPLIFY achieves good results against competitors, leading to strong accuracy improvement. Self-AMPLIFY is the first method to apply post hoc explanation methods to autoregressive language models to generate rationales to improve their own performance in a fully automated manner.

replace MLXP: A Framework for Conducting Replicable Experiments in Python

Authors: Michael Arbel, Alexandre Zouaoui

Abstract: Replicability in machine learning (ML) research is increasingly concerning due to the utilization of complex non-deterministic algorithms and the dependence on numerous hyper-parameter choices, such as model architecture and training datasets. Ensuring reproducible and replicable results is crucial for advancing the field, yet often requires significant technical effort to conduct systematic and well-organized experiments that yield robust conclusions. Several tools have been developed to facilitate experiment management and enhance reproducibility; however, they often introduce complexity that hinders adoption within the research community, despite being well-handled in industrial settings. To address the challenge of low adoption, we propose MLXP, an open-source, simple, and lightweight experiment management tool based on Python, available at . MLXP streamlines the experimental process with minimal practitioner overhead while ensuring a high level of reproducibility.


replace Stable Neural Stochastic Differential Equations in Analyzing Irregular Time Series Data

Authors: YongKyung Oh, Dongyoung Lim, Sungil Kim

Abstract: Irregular sampling intervals and missing values in real-world time series data present challenges for conventional methods that assume consistent intervals and complete data. Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Neural ODEs) offer an alternative approach, utilizing neural networks combined with ODE solvers to learn continuous latent representations through parameterized vector fields. Neural Stochastic Differential Equations (Neural SDEs) extend Neural ODEs by incorporating a diffusion term, although this addition is not trivial, particularly when addressing irregular intervals and missing values. Consequently, careful design of drift and diffusion functions is crucial for maintaining stability and enhancing performance, while incautious choices can result in adverse properties such as the absence of strong solutions, stochastic destabilization, or unstable Euler discretizations, significantly affecting Neural SDEs' performance. In this study, we propose three stable classes of Neural SDEs: Langevin-type SDE, Linear Noise SDE, and Geometric SDE. Then, we rigorously demonstrate their robustness in maintaining excellent performance under distribution shift, while effectively preventing overfitting. To assess the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets for interpolation, forecasting, and classification tasks, and analyze the robustness of our methods with 30 public datasets under different missing rates. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method in handling real-world irregular time series data.

replace How Do Nonlinear Transformers Learn and Generalize in In-Context Learning?

Authors: Hongkang Li, Meng Wang, Songtao Lu, Xiaodong Cui, Pin-Yu Chen

Abstract: Transformer-based large language models have displayed impressive in-context learning capabilities, where a pre-trained model can handle new tasks without fine-tuning by simply augmenting the query with some input-output examples from that task. Despite the empirical success, the mechanics of how to train a Transformer to achieve ICL and the corresponding ICL capacity is mostly elusive due to the technical challenges of analyzing the nonconvex training problems resulting from the nonlinear self-attention and nonlinear activation in Transformers. To the best of our knowledge, this paper provides the first theoretical analysis of the training dynamics of Transformers with nonlinear self-attention and nonlinear MLP, together with the ICL generalization capability of the resulting model. Focusing on a group of binary classification tasks, we train Transformers using data from a subset of these tasks and quantify the impact of various factors on the ICL generalization performance on the remaining unseen tasks with and without data distribution shifts. We also analyze how different components in the learned Transformers contribute to the ICL performance. Furthermore, we provide the first theoretical analysis of how model pruning affects ICL performance and prove that proper magnitude-based pruning can have a minimal impact on ICL while reducing inference costs. These theoretical findings are justified through numerical experiments.

replace Deep Learning for Cross-Domain Data Fusion in Urban Computing: Taxonomy, Advances, and Outlook

Authors: Xingchen Zou, Yibo Yan, Xixuan Hao, Yuehong Hu, Haomin Wen, Erdong Liu, Junbo Zhang, Yong Li, Tianrui Li, Yu Zheng, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: As cities continue to burgeon, Urban Computing emerges as a pivotal discipline for sustainable development by harnessing the power of cross-domain data fusion from diverse sources (e.g., geographical, traffic, social media, and environmental data) and modalities (e.g., spatio-temporal, visual, and textual modalities). Recently, we are witnessing a rising trend that utilizes various deep-learning methods to facilitate cross-domain data fusion in smart cities. To this end, we propose the first survey that systematically reviews the latest advancements in deep learning-based data fusion methods tailored for urban computing. Specifically, we first delve into data perspective to comprehend the role of each modality and data source. Secondly, we classify the methodology into four primary categories: feature-based, alignment-based, contrast-based, and generation-based fusion methods. Thirdly, we further categorize multi-modal urban applications into seven types: urban planning, transportation, economy, public safety, society, environment, and energy. Compared with previous surveys, we focus more on the synergy of deep learning methods with urban computing applications. Furthermore, we shed light on the interplay between Large Language Models (LLMs) and urban computing, postulating future research directions that could revolutionize the field. We firmly believe that the taxonomy, progress, and prospects delineated in our survey stand poised to significantly enrich the research community. The summary of the comprehensive and up-to-date paper list can be found at


replace Emergent Equivariance in Deep Ensembles

Authors: Jan E. Gerken, Pan Kessel

Abstract: We show that deep ensembles become equivariant for all inputs and at all training times by simply using data augmentation. Crucially, equivariance holds off-manifold and for any architecture in the infinite width limit. The equivariance is emergent in the sense that predictions of individual ensemble members are not equivariant but their collective prediction is. Neural tangent kernel theory is used to derive this result and we verify our theoretical insights using detailed numerical experiments.

replace Complexity Matters: Dynamics of Feature Learning in the Presence of Spurious Correlations

Authors: GuanWen Qiu, Da Kuang, Surbhi Goel

Abstract: Existing research often posits spurious features as easier to learn than core features in neural network optimization, but the impact of their relative simplicity remains under-explored. Moreover, studies mainly focus on end performance rather than the learning dynamics of feature learning. In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework and an associated synthetic dataset grounded in boolean function analysis. This setup allows for fine-grained control over the relative complexity (compared to core features) and correlation strength (with respect to the label) of spurious features to study the dynamics of feature learning under spurious correlations. Our findings uncover several interesting phenomena: (1) stronger spurious correlations or simpler spurious features slow down the learning rate of the core features, (2) two distinct subnetworks are formed to learn core and spurious features separately, (3) learning phases of spurious and core features are not always separable, (4) spurious features are not forgotten even after core features are fully learned. We demonstrate that our findings justify the success of retraining the last layer to remove spurious correlation and also identifies limitations of popular debiasing algorithms that exploit early learning of spurious features. We support our empirical findings with theoretical analyses for the case of learning XOR features with a one-hidden-layer ReLU network.

replace RATSF: Empowering Customer Service Volume Management through Retrieval-Augmented Time-Series Forecasting

Authors: Tianfeng Wang, Gaojie Cui

Abstract: An efficient customer service management system hinges on precise forecasting of service volume. In this scenario, where data non-stationarity is pronounced, successful forecasting heavily relies on identifying and leveraging similar historical data rather than merely summarizing periodic patterns. Existing models based on RNN or Transformer architectures may struggle with this flexible and effective utilization. To tackle this challenge, we initially developed the Time Series Knowledge Base (TSKB) with an advanced indexing system for efficient historical data retrieval. We also developed the Retrieval Augmented Cross-Attention (RACA) module, a variant of the cross-attention mechanism within Transformer's decoder layers, designed to be seamlessly integrated into the vanilla Transformer architecture to assimilate key historical data segments. The synergy between TSKB and RACA forms the backbone of our Retrieval-Augmented Time Series Forecasting (RATSF) framework. Based on the above two components, RATSF not only significantly enhances performance in the context of Fliggy hotel service volume forecasting but also adapts flexibly to various scenarios and integrates with a multitude of Transformer variants for time-series forecasting. Extensive experimentation has validated the effectiveness and generalizability of this system design across multiple diverse contexts.

replace WorkArena: How Capable Are Web Agents at Solving Common Knowledge Work Tasks?

Authors: Alexandre Drouin, Maxime Gasse, Massimo Caccia, Issam H. Laradji, Manuel Del Verme, Tom Marty, L\'eo Boisvert, Megh Thakkar, Quentin Cappart, David Vazquez, Nicolas Chapados, Alexandre Lacoste

Abstract: We study the use of large language model-based agents for interacting with software via web browsers. Unlike prior work, we focus on measuring the agents' ability to perform tasks that span the typical daily work of knowledge workers utilizing enterprise software systems. To this end, we propose WorkArena, a remote-hosted benchmark of 33 tasks based on the widely-used ServiceNow platform. We also introduce BrowserGym, an environment for the design and evaluation of such agents, offering a rich set of actions as well as multimodal observations. Our empirical evaluation reveals that while current agents show promise on WorkArena, there remains a considerable gap towards achieving full task automation. Notably, our analysis uncovers a significant performance disparity between open and closed-source LLMs, highlighting a critical area for future exploration and development in the field.

replace A Sparsity Principle for Partially Observable Causal Representation Learning

Authors: Danru Xu, Dingling Yao, S\'ebastien Lachapelle, Perouz Taslakian, Julius von K\"ugelgen, Francesco Locatello, Sara Magliacane

Abstract: Causal representation learning aims at identifying high-level causal variables from perceptual data. Most methods assume that all latent causal variables are captured in the high-dimensional observations. We instead consider a partially observed setting, in which each measurement only provides information about a subset of the underlying causal state. Prior work has studied this setting with multiple domains or views, each depending on a fixed subset of latents. Here, we focus on learning from unpaired observations from a dataset with an instance-dependent partial observability pattern. Our main contribution is to establish two identifiability results for this setting: one for linear mixing functions without parametric assumptions on the underlying causal model, and one for piecewise linear mixing functions with Gaussian latent causal variables. Based on these insights, we propose two methods for estimating the underlying causal variables by enforcing sparsity in the inferred representation. Experiments on different simulated datasets and established benchmarks highlight the effectiveness of our approach in recovering the ground-truth latents.

replace Towards Global Optimality for Practical Average Reward Reinforcement Learning without Mixing Time Oracles

Authors: Bhrij Patel, Wesley A. Suttle, Alec Koppel, Vaneet Aggarwal, Brian M. Sadler, Amrit Singh Bedi, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: In the context of average-reward reinforcement learning, the requirement for oracle knowledge of the mixing time, a measure of the duration a Markov chain under a fixed policy needs to achieve its stationary distribution, poses a significant challenge for the global convergence of policy gradient methods. This requirement is particularly problematic due to the difficulty and expense of estimating mixing time in environments with large state spaces, leading to the necessity of impractically long trajectories for effective gradient estimation in practical applications.To address this limitation, we consider the Multi-level Actor-Critic (MAC) framework, which incorporates a Multi-level Monte-Carlo (MLMC) gradient estimator. With our approach, we effectively alleviate the dependency on mixing time knowledge, a first for average-reward MDPs global convergence. Furthermore, our approach exhibits the tightest available dependence of $\mathcal{O}\left( \sqrt{\tau_{mix}} \right)$known from prior work. With a 2D grid world goal-reaching navigation experiment, we demonstrate that MAC outperforms the existing state-of-the-art policy gradient-based method for average reward settings.

replace Sim2Real in Reconstructive Spectroscopy: Deep Learning with Augmented Device-Informed Data Simulation

Authors: Jiyi Chen, Pengyu Li, Yutong Wang, Pei-Cheng Ku, Qing Qu

Abstract: This work proposes a deep learning (DL)-based framework, namely Sim2Real, for spectral signal reconstruction in reconstructive spectroscopy, focusing on efficient data sampling and fast inference time. The work focuses on the challenge of reconstructing real-world spectral signals under the extreme setting where only device-informed simulated data are available for training. Such device-informed simulated data are much easier to collect than real-world data but exhibit large distribution shifts from their real-world counterparts. To leverage such simulated data effectively, a hierarchical data augmentation strategy is introduced to mitigate the adverse effects of this domain shift, and a corresponding neural network for the spectral signal reconstruction with our augmented data is designed. Experiments using a real dataset measured from our spectrometer device demonstrate that Sim2Real achieves significant speed-up during the inference while attaining on-par performance with the state-of-the-art optimization-based methods.

replace Eigenpruning: an Interpretability-Inspired PEFT Method

Authors: Tom\'as Vergara-Browne, \'Alvaro Soto, Akiko Aizawa

Abstract: We introduce eigenpruning, a method that removes singular values from weight matrices in an LLM to improve its performance in a particular task. This method is inspired by interpretability methods designed to automatically find subnetworks of a model which solve a specific task. In our tests, the pruned model outperforms the original model by a large margin, while only requiring minimal computation to prune the weight matrices. In the case of a small synthetic task in integer multiplication, the Phi-2 model can improve its accuracy in the test set from 13.75% to 97.50%. Interestingly, these results seem to indicate the existence of a computation path that can solve the task very effectively, but it was not being used by the original model. Finally, we publicly release our implementation.

replace To Cool or not to Cool? Temperature Network Meets Large Foundation Models via DRO

Authors: Zi-Hao Qiu, Siqi Guo, Mao Xu, Tuo Zhao, Lijun Zhang, Tianbao Yang

Abstract: The temperature parameter plays a profound role during training and/or inference with large foundation models (LFMs) such as large language models (LLMs) and CLIP models. Particularly, it adjusts the logits in the softmax function in LLMs, which is crucial for next token generation, and it scales the similarities in the contrastive loss for training CLIP models. A significant question remains: Is it viable to learn a neural network to predict a personalized temperature of any input data for enhancing LFMs"? In this paper, we present a principled framework for learning a small yet generalizable temperature prediction network (TempNet) to improve LFMs. Our solution is composed of a novel learning framework with a robust loss underpinned by constrained distributionally robust optimization (DRO), and a properly designed TempNet with theoretical inspiration. TempNet can be trained together with a large foundation model from scratch or learned separately given a pretrained foundation model. It is not only useful for predicting personalized temperature to promote the training of LFMs but also generalizable and transferable to new tasks. Our experiments on LLMs and CLIP models demonstrate that TempNet greatly improves the performance of existing solutions or models, e.g. Table 1. The code to reproduce the experimental results in this paper can be found at


replace Large Language Model Can Continue Evolving From Mistakes

Authors: Haokun Zhao, Haixia Han, Jie Shi, Chengyu Du, Jiaqing Liang, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: As world knowledge evolves and new task paradigms emerge, Continual Learning (CL) is crucial for keeping Large Language Models (LLMs) up-to-date and addressing their shortcomings. In practical applications, LLMs often require both continual instruction tuning (CIT) and continual pre-training (CPT) to adapt to new task paradigms and acquire necessary knowledge for task-solving. However, it remains challenging to collect CPT data that addresses the knowledge deficiencies in models while maintaining adequate volume, and improving the efficiency of utilizing this data also presents significant difficulties. Inspired by the 'summarizing mistakes' learning skill, we propose the Continue Evolving from Mistakes (CEM) method, aiming to provide a data-efficient approach for collecting CPT data and continually improving LLMs' performance through iterative evaluation and supplementation with mistake-relevant knowledge. To efficiently utilize these CPT data and mitigate forgetting, we design a novel CL training set construction paradigm that integrates parallel CIT and CPT data. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the CEM method, achieving up to a 17% improvement in accuracy in the best case. Furthermore, additional experiments confirm the potential of combining CEM with catastrophic forgetting mitigation methods, enabling iterative and continual model evolution.

replace Guided Discrete Diffusion for Electronic Health Record Generation

Authors: Jun Han, Zixiang Chen, Yongqian Li, Yiwen Kou, Eran Halperin, Robert E. Tillman, Quanquan Gu

Abstract: Electronic health records (EHRs) are a pivotal data source that enables numerous applications in computational medicine, e.g., disease progression prediction, clinical trial design, and health economics and outcomes research. Despite wide usability, their sensitive nature raises privacy and confidentially concerns, which limit potential use cases. To tackle these challenges, we explore the use of generative models to synthesize artificial, yet realistic EHRs. While diffusion-based methods have recently demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in generating other data modalities and overcome the training instability and mode collapse issues that plague previous GAN-based approaches, their applications in EHR generation remain underexplored. The discrete nature of tabular medical code data in EHRs poses challenges for high-quality data generation, especially for continuous diffusion models. To this end, we introduce a novel tabular EHR generation method, EHR-D3PM, which enables both unconditional and conditional generation using the discrete diffusion model. Our experiments demonstrate that EHR-D3PM significantly outperforms existing generative baselines on comprehensive fidelity and utility metrics while maintaining less attribute and membership vulnerability risks. Furthermore, we show EHR-D3PM is effective as a data augmentation method and enhances performance on downstream tasks when combined with real data.

replace MergeNet: Knowledge Migration across Heterogeneous Models, Tasks, and Modalities

Authors: Kunxi Li, Tianyu Zhan, Kairui Fu, Shengyu Zhang, Kun Kuang, Jiwei Li, Zhou Zhao, Fei Wu

Abstract: In this study, we focus on heterogeneous knowledge transfer across entirely different model architectures, tasks, and modalities. Existing knowledge transfer methods (e.g., backbone sharing, knowledge distillation) often hinge on shared elements within model structures or task-specific features/labels, limiting transfers to complex model types or tasks. To overcome these challenges, we present MergeNet, which learns to bridge the gap of parameter spaces of heterogeneous models, facilitating the direct interaction, extraction, and application of knowledge within these parameter spaces. The core mechanism of MergeNet lies in the parameter adapter, which operates by querying the source model's low-rank parameters and adeptly learning to identify and map parameters into the target model. MergeNet is learned alongside both models, allowing our framework to dynamically transfer and adapt knowledge relevant to the current stage, including the training trajectory knowledge of the source model. Extensive experiments on heterogeneous knowledge transfer demonstrate significant improvements in challenging settings, where representative approaches may falter or prove less applicable.

replace PIPER: Primitive-Informed Preference-based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning via Hindsight Relabeling

Authors: Utsav Singh, Wesley A. Suttle, Brian M. Sadler, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Amrit Singh Bedi

Abstract: In this work, we introduce PIPER: Primitive-Informed Preference-based Hierarchical reinforcement learning via Hindsight Relabeling, a novel approach that leverages preference-based learning to learn a reward model, and subsequently uses this reward model to relabel higher-level replay buffers. Since this reward is unaffected by lower primitive behavior, our relabeling-based approach is able to mitigate non-stationarity, which is common in existing hierarchical approaches, and demonstrates impressive performance across a range of challenging sparse-reward tasks. Since obtaining human feedback is typically impractical, we propose to replace the human-in-the-loop approach with our primitive-in-the-loop approach, which generates feedback using sparse rewards provided by the environment. Moreover, in order to prevent infeasible subgoal prediction and avoid degenerate solutions, we propose primitive-informed regularization that conditions higher-level policies to generate feasible subgoals for lower-level policies. We perform extensive experiments to show that PIPER mitigates non-stationarity in hierarchical reinforcement learning and achieves greater than 50$\%$ success rates in challenging, sparse-reward robotic environments, where most other baselines fail to achieve any significant progress.

replace KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

Authors: Ziming Liu, Yixuan Wang, Sachin Vaidya, Fabian Ruehle, James Halverson, Marin Solja\v{c}i\'c, Thomas Y. Hou, Max Tegmark

Abstract: Inspired by the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem, we propose Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) as promising alternatives to Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs). While MLPs have fixed activation functions on nodes ("neurons"), KANs have learnable activation functions on edges ("weights"). KANs have no linear weights at all -- every weight parameter is replaced by a univariate function parametrized as a spline. We show that this seemingly simple change makes KANs outperform MLPs in terms of accuracy and interpretability. For accuracy, much smaller KANs can achieve comparable or better accuracy than much larger MLPs in data fitting and PDE solving. Theoretically and empirically, KANs possess faster neural scaling laws than MLPs. For interpretability, KANs can be intuitively visualized and can easily interact with human users. Through two examples in mathematics and physics, KANs are shown to be useful collaborators helping scientists (re)discover mathematical and physical laws. In summary, KANs are promising alternatives for MLPs, opening opportunities for further improving today's deep learning models which rely heavily on MLPs.

replace An Online Gradient-Based Caching Policy with Logarithmic Complexity and Regret Guarantees

Authors: Damiano Carra, Giovanni Neglia

Abstract: Commonly used caching policies, such as LRU (Least Recently Used) or LFU (Least Frequently Used), exhibit optimal performance only under specific traffic patterns. Even advanced machine learning-based methods, which detect patterns in historical request data, struggle when future requests deviate from past trends. Recently, a new class of policies has emerged that are robust to varying traffic patterns. These algorithms address an online optimization problem, enabling continuous adaptation to the context. They offer theoretical guarantees on the regret metric, which measures the performance gap between the online policy and the optimal static cache allocation in hindsight. However, the high computational complexity of these solutions hinders their practical adoption. In this study, we introduce a new variant of the gradient-based online caching policy that achieves groundbreaking logarithmic computational complexity relative to catalog size, while also providing regret guarantees. This advancement allows us to test the policy on large-scale, real-world traces featuring millions of requests and items - a significant achievement, as such scales have been beyond the reach of existing policies with regret guarantees. To the best of our knowledge, our experimental results demonstrate for the first time that the regret guarantees of gradient-based caching policies offer substantial benefits in practical scenarios.

replace COPAL: Continual Pruning in Large Language Generative Models

Authors: Srikanth Malla, Joon Hee Choi, Chiho Choi

Abstract: Adapting pre-trained large language models to different domains in natural language processing requires two key considerations: high computational demands and model's inability to continual adaptation. To simultaneously address both issues, this paper presents COPAL (COntinual Pruning in Adaptive Language settings), an algorithm developed for pruning large language generative models under a continual model adaptation setting. While avoiding resource-heavy finetuning or retraining, our pruning process is guided by the proposed sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity effectively measures model's ability to withstand perturbations introduced by the new dataset and finds model's weights that are relevant for all encountered datasets. As a result, COPAL allows seamless model adaptation to new domains while enhancing the resource efficiency. Our empirical evaluation on a various size of LLMs show that COPAL outperforms baseline models, demonstrating its efficacy in efficiency and adaptability.

replace Towards General Neural Surrogate Solvers with Specialized Neural Accelerators

Authors: Chenkai Mao, Robert Lupoiu, Tianxiang Dai, Mingkun Chen, Jonathan A. Fan

Abstract: Surrogate neural network-based partial differential equation (PDE) solvers have the potential to solve PDEs in an accelerated manner, but they are largely limited to systems featuring fixed domain sizes, geometric layouts, and boundary conditions. We propose Specialized Neural Accelerator-Powered Domain Decomposition Methods (SNAP-DDM), a DDM-based approach to PDE solving in which subdomain problems containing arbitrary boundary conditions and geometric parameters are accurately solved using an ensemble of specialized neural operators. We tailor SNAP-DDM to 2D electromagnetics and fluidic flow problems and show how innovations in network architecture and loss function engineering can produce specialized surrogate subdomain solvers with near unity accuracy. We utilize these solvers with standard DDM algorithms to accurately solve freeform electromagnetics and fluids problems featuring a wide range of domain sizes.

replace Exploring the Efficacy of Federated-Continual Learning Nodes with Attention-Based Classifier for Robust Web Phishing Detection: An Empirical Investigation

Authors: Jesher Joshua M, Adhithya R, Sree Dananjay S, M Revathi

Abstract: Web phishing poses a dynamic threat, requiring detection systems to quickly adapt to the latest tactics. Traditional approaches of accumulating data and periodically retraining models are outpaced. We propose a novel paradigm combining federated learning and continual learning, enabling distributed nodes to continually update models on streams of new phishing data, without accumulating data. These locally adapted models are then aggregated at a central server via federated learning. To enhance detection, we introduce a custom attention-based classifier model with residual connections, tailored for web phishing, leveraging attention mechanisms to capture intricate phishing patterns. We evaluate our hybrid learning paradigm across continual learning strategies (cumulative, replay, MIR, LwF) and model architectures through an empirical investigation. Our main contributions are: (1) a new hybrid federated-continual learning paradigm for robust web phishing detection, and (2) a novel attention + residual connections based model explicitly designed for this task, attaining 0.93 accuracy, 0.90 precision, 0.96 recall and 0.93 f1-score with the LwF strategy, outperforming traditional approaches in detecting emerging phishing threats while retaining past knowledge.

replace Self-Supervised Learning of Time Series Representation via Diffusion Process and Imputation-Interpolation-Forecasting Mask

Authors: Zineb Senane, Lele Cao, Valentin Leonhard Buchner, Yusuke Tashiro, Lei You, Pawel Herman, Mats Nordahl, Ruibo Tu, Vilhelm von Ehrenheim

Abstract: Time Series Representation Learning (TSRL) focuses on generating informative representations for various Time Series (TS) modeling tasks. Traditional Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods in TSRL fall into four main categories: reconstructive, adversarial, contrastive, and predictive, each with a common challenge of sensitivity to noise and intricate data nuances. Recently, diffusion-based methods have shown advanced generative capabilities. However, they primarily target specific application scenarios like imputation and forecasting, leaving a gap in leveraging diffusion models for generic TSRL. Our work, Time Series Diffusion Embedding (TSDE), bridges this gap as the first diffusion-based SSL TSRL approach. TSDE segments TS data into observed and masked parts using an Imputation-Interpolation-Forecasting (IIF) mask. It applies a trainable embedding function, featuring dual-orthogonal Transformer encoders with a crossover mechanism, to the observed part. We train a reverse diffusion process conditioned on the embeddings, designed to predict noise added to the masked part. Extensive experiments demonstrate TSDE's superiority in imputation, interpolation, forecasting, anomaly detection, classification, and clustering. We also conduct an ablation study, present embedding visualizations, and compare inference speed, further substantiating TSDE's efficiency and validity in learning representations of TS data.

replace Distributed Harmonization: Federated Clustered Batch Effect Adjustment and Generalization

Authors: Bao Hoang, Yijiang Pang, Siqi Liang, Liang Zhan, Paul Thompson, Jiayu Zhou

Abstract: Independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data is essential to many data analysis and modeling techniques. In the medical domain, collecting data from multiple sites or institutions is a common strategy that guarantees sufficient clinical diversity, determined by the decentralized nature of medical data. However, data from various sites are easily biased by the local environment or facilities, thereby violating the i.i.d. rule. A common strategy is to harmonize the site bias while retaining important biological information. The ComBat is among the most popular harmonization approaches and has recently been extended to handle distributed sites. However, when faced with situations involving newly joined sites in training or evaluating data from unknown/unseen sites, ComBat lacks compatibility and requires retraining with data from all the sites. The retraining leads to significant computational and logistic overhead that is usually prohibitive. In this work, we develop a novel Cluster ComBat harmonization algorithm, which leverages cluster patterns of the data in different sites and greatly advances the usability of ComBat harmonization. We use extensive simulation and real medical imaging data from ADNI to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach. Our codes are provided in


replace Diffusion Actor-Critic with Entropy Regulator

Authors: Yinuo Wang, Likun Wang, Yuxuan Jiang, Wenjun Zou, Tong Liu, Xujie Song, Wenxuan Wang, Liming Xiao, Jiang Wu, Jingliang Duan, Shengbo Eben Li

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has proven highly effective in addressing complex decision-making and control tasks. However, in most traditional RL algorithms, the policy is typically parameterized as a diagonal Gaussian distribution with learned mean and variance, which constrains their capability to acquire complex policies. In response to this problem, we propose an online RL algorithm termed diffusion actor-critic with entropy regulator (DACER). This algorithm conceptualizes the reverse process of the diffusion model as a novel policy function and leverages the capability of the diffusion model to fit multimodal distributions, thereby enhancing the representational capacity of the policy. Since the distribution of the diffusion policy lacks an analytical expression, its entropy cannot be determined analytically. To mitigate this, we propose a method to estimate the entropy of the diffusion policy utilizing Gaussian mixture model. Building on the estimated entropy, we can learn a parameter $\alpha$ that modulates the degree of exploration and exploitation. Parameter $\alpha$ will be employed to adaptively regulate the variance of the added noise, which is applied to the action output by the diffusion model. Experimental trials on MuJoCo benchmarks and a multimodal task demonstrate that the DACER algorithm achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in most MuJoCo control tasks while exhibiting a stronger representational capacity of the diffusion policy.

replace MindStar: Enhancing Math Reasoning in Pre-trained LLMs at Inference Time

Authors: Jikun Kang, Xin Zhe Li, Xi Chen, Amirreza Kazemi, Boxing Chen

Abstract: Although Large Language Models (LLMs) achieve remarkable performance across various tasks, they often struggle with complex reasoning tasks, such as answering mathematical questions. Recent efforts to address this issue have primarily focused on leveraging mathematical datasets through supervised fine-tuning or self-improvement techniques. However, these methods often depend on high-quality datasets that are difficult to prepare, or they require substantial computational resources for fine-tuning. Inspired by findings that LLMs know how to produce the right answer but struggle to select the correct reasoning path, we propose a purely inference-based searching method -- MindStar (M*). This method formulates reasoning tasks as searching problems and proposes two search ideas to identify the optimal reasoning paths. We evaluate the M* framework on both the GSM8K and MATH datasets, comparing its performance with existing open and closed-source LLMs. Our results demonstrate that M* significantly enhances the reasoning abilities of open-source models, such as Llama-2-13B and Mistral-7B, and achieves comparable performance to GPT-3.5 and Grok-1, but with substantially reduced model size and computational costs.

replace Reward Machines for Deep RL in Noisy and Uncertain Environments

Authors: Andrew C. Li, Zizhao Chen, Toryn Q. Klassen, Pashootan Vaezipoor, Rodrigo Toro Icarte, Sheila A. McIlraith

Abstract: Reward Machines provide an automata-inspired structure for specifying instructions, safety constraints, and other temporally extended reward-worthy behaviour. By exposing complex reward function structure, they enable counterfactual learning updates that have resulted in impressive sample efficiency gains. While Reward Machines have been employed in both tabular and deep RL settings, they have typically relied on a ground-truth interpretation of the domain-specific vocabulary that form the building blocks of the reward function. Such ground-truth interpretations can be elusive in many real-world settings, due in part to partial observability or noisy sensing. In this paper, we explore the use of Reward Machines for Deep RL in noisy and uncertain environments. We characterize this problem as a POMDP and propose a suite of RL algorithms that leverage task structure under uncertain interpretation of domain-specific vocabulary. Theoretical analysis exposes pitfalls in naive approaches to this problem, while experimental results show that our algorithms successfully leverage task structure to improve performance under noisy interpretations of the vocabulary. Our results provide a general framework for exploiting Reward Machines in partially observable environments.

replace Improving GFlowNets for Text-to-Image Diffusion Alignment

Authors: Dinghuai Zhang, Yizhe Zhang, Jiatao Gu, Ruixiang Zhang, Josh Susskind, Navdeep Jaitly, Shuangfei Zhai

Abstract: Diffusion models have become the de-facto approach for generating visual data, which are trained to match the distribution of the training dataset. In addition, we also want to control generation to fulfill desired properties such as alignment to a text description, which can be specified with a black-box reward function. Prior works fine-tune pretrained diffusion models to achieve this goal through reinforcement learning-based algorithms. Nonetheless, they suffer from issues including slow credit assignment as well as low quality in their generated samples. In this work, we explore techniques that do not directly maximize the reward but rather generate high-reward images with relatively high probability -- a natural scenario for the framework of generative flow networks (GFlowNets). To this end, we propose the Diffusion Alignment with GFlowNet (DAG) algorithm to post-train diffusion models with black-box property functions. Extensive experiments on Stable Diffusion and various reward specifications corroborate that our method could effectively align large-scale text-to-image diffusion models with given reward information.

replace Fuzzy Convolution Neural Networks for Tabular Data Classification

Authors: Arun D. Kulkarni

Abstract: Recently, convolution neural networks (CNNs) have attracted a great deal of attention due to their remarkable performance in various domains, particularly in image and text classification tasks. However, their application to tabular data classification remains underexplored. There are many fields such as bioinformatics, finance, medicine where nonimage data are prevalent. Adaption of CNNs to classify nonimage data remains highly challenging. This paper investigates the efficacy of CNNs for tabular data classification, aiming to bridge the gap between traditional machine learning approaches and deep learning techniques. We propose a novel framework fuzzy convolution neural network (FCNN) tailored specifically for tabular data to capture local patterns within feature vectors. In our approach, we map feature values to fuzzy memberships. The fuzzy membership vectors are converted into images that are used to train the CNN model. The trained CNN model is used to classify unknown feature vectors. To validate our approach, we generated six complex noisy data sets. We used randomly selected seventy percent samples from each data set for training and thirty percent for testing. The data sets were also classified using the state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms such as the decision tree (DT), support vector machine (SVM), fuzzy neural network (FNN), Bayes classifier, and Random Forest (RF). Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model can effectively learn meaningful representations from tabular data, achieving competitive or superior performance compared to existing methods. Overall, our finding suggests that the proposed FCNN model holds promise as a viable alternative for tabular data classification tasks, offering a fresh prospective and potentially unlocking new opportunities for leveraging deep learning in structured data analysis.

replace Element-wise Multiplication Based Physics-informed Neural Networks

Authors: Feilong Jiang, Xiaonan Hou, Min Xia

Abstract: As a promising framework for resolving partial differential equations (PDEs), physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have received widespread attention from industrial and scientific fields. However, lack of expressive ability and initialization pathology issues are found to prevent the application of PINNs in complex PDEs. In this work, we propose Element-wise Multiplication Based Physics-informed Neural Networks (EM-PINNs) to resolve these issues. The element-wise multiplication operation is adopted to transform features into high-dimensional, non-linear spaces, which effectively enhance the expressive capability of PINNs. Benefiting from element-wise multiplication operation, EM-PINNs can eliminate the initialization pathologies of PINNs. The proposed structure is verified on various benchmarks. The results show that EM-PINNs have strong expressive ability.

replace Optimizing Automatic Differentiation with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jamie Lohoff, Emre Neftci

Abstract: Computing Jacobians with automatic differentiation is ubiquitous in many scientific domains such as machine learning, computational fluid dynamics, robotics and finance. Even small savings in the number of computations or memory usage in Jacobian computations can already incur massive savings in energy consumption and runtime. While there exist many methods that allow for such savings, they generally trade computational efficiency for approximations of the exact Jacobian. In this paper, we present a novel method to optimize the number of necessary multiplications for Jacobian computation by leveraging deep reinforcement learning (RL) and a concept called cross-country elimination while still computing the exact Jacobian. Cross-country elimination is a framework for automatic differentiation that phrases Jacobian accumulation as ordered elimination of all vertices on the computational graph where every elimination incurs a certain computational cost. We formulate the search for the optimal elimination order that minimizes the number of necessary multiplications as a single player game which is played by an RL agent. We demonstrate that this method achieves up to 33% improvements over state-of-the-art methods on several relevant tasks taken from diverse domains. Furthermore, we show that these theoretical gains translate into actual runtime improvements by providing a cross-country elimination interpreter in JAX that can efficiently execute the obtained elimination orders.

replace Efficient Topology-aware Data Augmentation for High-Degree Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Yurui Lai, Xiaoyang Lin, Renchi Yang, Hongtao Wang

Abstract: In recent years, graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a potent tool for learning on graph-structured data and won fruitful successes in varied fields. The majority of GNNs follow the message-passing paradigm, where representations of each node are learned by recursively aggregating features of its neighbors. However, this mechanism brings severe over-smoothing and efficiency issues over high-degree graphs (HDGs), wherein most nodes have dozens (or even hundreds) of neighbors, such as social networks, transaction graphs, power grids, etc. Additionally, such graphs usually encompass rich and complex structure semantics, which are hard to capture merely by feature aggregations in GNNs. Motivated by the above limitations, we propose TADA, an efficient and effective front-mounted data augmentation framework for GNNs on HDGs. Under the hood, TADA includes two key modules: (i) feature expansion with structure embeddings, and (ii) topology- and attribute-aware graph sparsification. The former obtains augmented node features and enhanced model capacity by encoding the graph structure into high-quality structure embeddings with our highly-efficient sketching method. Further, by exploiting task-relevant features extracted from graph structures and attributes, the second module enables the accurate identification and reduction of numerous redundant/noisy edges from the input graph, thereby alleviating over-smoothing and facilitating faster feature aggregations over HDGs. Empirically, TADA considerably improves the predictive performance of mainstream GNN models on 8 real homophilic/heterophilic HDGs in terms of node classification, while achieving efficient training and inference processes.

replace Grounding Continuous Representations in Geometry: Equivariant Neural Fields

Authors: David R Wessels, David M Knigge, Samuele Papa, Riccardo Valperga, Sharvaree Vadgama, Efstratios Gavves, Erik J Bekkers

Abstract: Recently, Neural Fields have emerged as a powerful modelling paradigm to represent continuous signals. In a conditional neural field, a field is represented by a latent variable that conditions the NeF, whose parametrisation is otherwise shared over an entire dataset. We propose Equivariant Neural Fields based on cross attention transformers, in which NeFs are conditioned on a geometric conditioning variable, a latent point cloud, that enables an equivariant decoding from latent to field. Our equivariant approach induces a steerability property by which both field and latent are grounded in geometry and amenable to transformation laws if the field transforms, the latent represents transforms accordingly and vice versa. Crucially, the equivariance relation ensures that the latent is capable of (1) representing geometric patterns faitfhully, allowing for geometric reasoning in latent space, (2) weightsharing over spatially similar patterns, allowing for efficient learning of datasets of fields. These main properties are validated using classification experiments and a verification of the capability of fitting entire datasets, in comparison to other non-equivariant NeF approaches. We further validate the potential of ENFs by demonstrate unique local field editing properties.

replace LGR2: Language Guided Reward Relabeling for Accelerating Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Utsav Singh, Pramit Bhattacharyya, Vinay P. Namboodiri

Abstract: Developing interactive systems that leverage natural language instructions to solve complex robotic control tasks has been a long-desired goal in the robotics community. Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional abilities in handling complex tasks, including logical reasoning, in-context learning, and code generation. However, predicting low-level robotic actions using LLMs poses significant challenges. Additionally, the complexity of such tasks usually demands the acquisition of policies to execute diverse subtasks and combine them to attain the ultimate objective. Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) is an elegant approach for solving such tasks, which provides the intuitive benefits of temporal abstraction and improved exploration. However, HRL faces the recurring issue of non-stationarity due to unstable lower primitive behaviour. In this work, we propose LGR2, a novel HRL framework that leverages language instructions to generate a stationary reward function for the higher-level policy. Since the language-guided reward is unaffected by the lower primitive behaviour, LGR2 mitigates non-stationarity and is thus an elegant method for leveraging language instructions to solve robotic control tasks. To analyze the efficacy of our approach, we perform empirical analysis and demonstrate that LGR2 effectively alleviates non-stationarity in HRL. Our approach attains success rates exceeding 70$\%$ in challenging, sparse-reward robotic navigation and manipulation environments where the baselines fail to achieve any significant progress. Additionally, we conduct real-world robotic manipulation experiments and demonstrate that CRISP shows impressive generalization in real-world scenarios.

replace An Open and Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-Modal Climate Change-aware Crop Yield Predictions

Authors: Fudong Lin, Kaleb Guillot, Summer Crawford, Yihe Zhang, Xu Yuan, Nian-Feng Tzeng

Abstract: Precise crop yield predictions are of national importance for ensuring food security and sustainable agricultural practices. While AI-for-science approaches have exhibited promising achievements in solving many scientific problems such as drug discovery, precipitation nowcasting, etc., the development of deep learning models for predicting crop yields is constantly hindered by the lack of an open and large-scale deep learning-ready dataset with multiple modalities to accommodate sufficient information. To remedy this, we introduce the CropNet dataset, the first terabyte-sized, publicly available, and multi-modal dataset specifically targeting climate change-aware crop yield predictions for the contiguous United States (U.S.) continent at the county level. Our CropNet dataset is composed of three modalities of data, i.e., Sentinel-2 Imagery, WRF-HRRR Computed Dataset, and USDA Crop Dataset, for over 2200 U.S. counties spanning 6 years (2017-2022), expected to facilitate researchers in developing versatile deep learning models for timely and precisely predicting crop yields at the county-level, by accounting for the effects of both short-term growing season weather variations and long-term climate change on crop yields. Besides, we develop the CropNet package, offering three types of APIs, for facilitating researchers in downloading the CropNet data on the fly over the time and region of interest, and flexibly building their deep learning models for accurate crop yield predictions. Extensive experiments have been conducted on our CropNet dataset via employing various types of deep learning solutions, with the results validating the general applicability and the efficacy of the CropNet dataset in climate change-aware crop yield predictions.

replace Direct Preference Optimization for Suppressing Hallucinated Prior Exams in Radiology Report Generation

Authors: Oishi Banerjee, Hong-Yu Zhou, Subathra Adithan, Stephen Kwak, Kay Wu, Pranav Rajpurkar

Abstract: Recent advances in generative vision-language models (VLMs) have exciting potential implications for AI in radiology, yet VLMs are also known to produce hallucinations, nonsensical text, and other unwanted behaviors that can waste clinicians' time and cause patient harm. Drawing on recent work on direct preference optimization (DPO), we propose a simple method for modifying the behavior of pretrained VLMs performing radiology report generation by suppressing unwanted types of generations. We apply our method to the prevention of hallucinations of prior exams, addressing a long-established problem behavior in models performing chest X-ray report generation. Across our experiments, we find that DPO fine-tuning achieves a 3.2-4.8x reduction in lines hallucinating prior exams while maintaining model performance on clinical accuracy metrics. Our work is, to the best of our knowledge, the first work to apply DPO to medical VLMs, providing a data- and compute- efficient way to suppress problem behaviors while maintaining overall clinical accuracy.

replace Improving Generalization of Neural Vehicle Routing Problem Solvers Through the Lens of Model Architecture

Authors: Yubin Xiao, Di Wang, Xuan Wu, Yuesong Wu, Boyang Li, Wei Du, Liupu Wang, You Zhou

Abstract: Neural models produce promising results when solving Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs), but often fall short in generalization. Recent attempts to enhance model generalization often incur unnecessarily large training cost or cannot be directly applied to other models solving different VRP variants. To address these issues, we take a novel perspective on model architecture in this study. Specifically, we propose a plug-and-play Entropy-based Scaling Factor (ESF) and a Distribution-Specific (DS) decoder to enhance the size and distribution generalization, respectively. ESF adjusts the attention weight pattern of the model towards familiar ones discovered during training when solving VRPs of varying sizes. The DS decoder explicitly models VRPs of multiple training distribution patterns through multiple auxiliary light decoders, expanding the model representation space to encompass a broader range of distributional scenarios. We conduct extensive experiments on both synthetic and widely recognized real-world benchmarking datasets and compare the performance with seven baseline models. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of using ESF and DS decoder to obtain a more generalizable model and showcase their applicability to solve different VRP variants, i.e., travelling salesman problem and capacitated VRP. Notably, our proposed generic components require minimal computational resources, and can be effortlessly integrated into conventional generalization strategies to further elevate model generalization.

replace Semantic-Aware Spectrum Sharing in Internet of Vehicles Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zhiyu Shao, Qiong Wu, Pingyi Fan, Nan Cheng, Wen Chen, Jiangzhou Wang, Khaled B. Letaief

Abstract: This work aims to investigate semantic communication in high-speed mobile Internet of vehicles (IoV) environments, with a focus on the spectrum sharing between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. We specifically address spectrum scarcity and network traffic and then propose a semantic-aware spectrum sharing algorithm (SSS) based on the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) soft actor-critic (SAC) approach. Firstly, we delve into the extraction of semantic information. Secondly, we redefine metrics for semantic information in V2V and V2I spectrum sharing in IoV environments, introducing high-speed semantic spectrum efficiency (HSSE) and semantic transmission rate (HSR). Finally, we employ the SAC algorithm for decision optimization in V2V and V2I spectrum sharing based on semantic information. This optimization encompasses the optimal link of V2V and V2I sharing strategies, the transmission power for vehicles sending semantic information and the length of transmitted semantic symbols, aiming at maximizing HSSE of V2I and enhancing success rate of effective semantic information transmission (SRS) of V2V. Experimental results demonstrate that the SSS algorithm outperforms other baseline algorithms, including other traditional-communication-based spectrum sharing algorithms and spectrum sharing algorithm using other reinforcement learning approaches. The SSS algorithm exhibits a 15% increase in HSSE and approximately a 7% increase in SRS.

replace DR-RAG: Applying Dynamic Document Relevance to Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Question-Answering

Authors: Zijian Hei, Weiling Liu, Wenjie Ou, Juyi Qiao, Junming Jiao, Guowen Song, Ting Tian, Yi Lin

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has recently demonstrated the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the knowledge-intensive tasks such as Question-Answering (QA). RAG expands the query context by incorporating external knowledge bases to enhance the response accuracy. However, it would be inefficient to access LLMs multiple times for each query and unreliable to retrieve all the relevant documents by a single query. We have found that even though there is low relevance between some critical documents and query, it is possible to retrieve the remaining documents by combining parts of the documents with the query. To mine the relevance, a two-stage retrieval framework called Dynamic-Relevant Retrieval-Augmented Generation (DR-RAG) is proposed to improve document retrieval recall and the accuracy of answers while maintaining efficiency. Additionally, a compact classifier is applied to two different selection strategies to determine the contribution of the retrieved documents to answering the query and retrieve the relatively relevant documents. Meanwhile, DR-RAG call the LLMs only once, which significantly improves the efficiency of the experiment. The experimental results on multi-hop QA datasets show that DR-RAG can significantly improve the accuracy of the answers and achieve new progress in QA systems.

replace Decoupling the Class Label and the Target Concept in Machine Unlearning

Authors: Jianing Zhu, Bo Han, Jiangchao Yao, Jianliang Xu, Gang Niu, Masashi Sugiyama

Abstract: Machine unlearning as an emerging research topic for data regulations, aims to adjust a trained model to approximate a retrained one that excludes a portion of training data. Previous studies showed that class-wise unlearning is successful in forgetting the knowledge of a target class, through gradient ascent on the forgetting data or fine-tuning with the remaining data. However, while these methods are useful, they are insufficient as the class label and the target concept are often considered to coincide. In this work, we decouple them by considering the label domain mismatch and investigate three problems beyond the conventional all matched forgetting, e.g., target mismatch, model mismatch, and data mismatch forgetting. We systematically analyze the new challenges in restrictively forgetting the target concept and also reveal crucial forgetting dynamics in the representation level to realize these tasks. Based on that, we propose a general framework, namely, TARget-aware Forgetting (TARF). It enables the additional tasks to actively forget the target concept while maintaining the rest part, by simultaneously conducting annealed gradient ascent on the forgetting data and selected gradient descent on the hard-to-affect remaining data. Empirically, various experiments under the newly introduced settings are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of our TARF.

replace CIMRL: Combining IMitation and Reinforcement Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving

Authors: Jonathan Booher, Khashayar Rohanimanesh, Junhong Xu, Aleksandr Petiushko

Abstract: Modern approaches to autonomous driving rely heavily on learned components trained with large amounts of human driving data via imitation learning. However, these methods require large amounts of expensive data collection and even then face challenges with safely handling long-tail scenarios and compounding errors over time. At the same time, pure Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods can fail to learn performant policies in sparse, constrained, and challenging-to-define reward settings like driving. Both of these challenges make deploying purely cloned policies in safety critical applications like autonomous vehicles challenging. In this paper we propose Combining IMitation and Reinforcement Learning (CIMRL) approach - a framework that enables training driving policies in simulation through leveraging imitative motion priors and safety constraints. CIMRL does not require extensive reward specification and improves on the closed loop behavior of pure cloning methods. By combining RL and imitation, we demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results in closed loop simulation driving benchmarks.

replace A Comprehensive Graph Pooling Benchmark: Effectiveness, Robustness and Generalizability

Authors: Pengyun Wang, Junyu Luo, Yanxin Shen, Siyu Heng, Xiao Luo

Abstract: Graph pooling has gained attention for its ability to obtain effective node and graph representations for various downstream tasks. Despite the recent surge in graph pooling approaches, there is a lack of standardized experimental settings and fair benchmarks to evaluate their performance. To address this issue, we have constructed a comprehensive benchmark that includes 15 graph pooling methods and 21 different graph datasets. This benchmark systematically assesses the performance of graph pooling methods in three dimensions, i.e., effectiveness, robustness, and generalizability. We first evaluate the performance of these graph pooling approaches across different tasks including graph classification, graph regression and node classification. Then, we investigate their performance under potential noise attacks and out-of-distribution shifts in real-world scenarios. We also involve detailed efficiency analysis and parameter analysis. Extensive experiments validate the strong capability and applicability of graph pooling approaches in various scenarios, which can provide valuable insights and guidance for deep geometric learning research. The source code of our benchmark is available at


replace MLKV: Multi-Layer Key-Value Heads for Memory Efficient Transformer Decoding

Authors: Zayd Muhammad Kawakibi Zuhri, Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda, Ayu Purwarianti, Alham Fikri Aji

Abstract: Auto-regressive inference of transformers benefit greatly from Key-Value (KV) caching, but can lead to major memory bottlenecks as model size, batch size, and sequence length grow at scale. We introduce Multi-Layer Key-Value (MLKV) sharing, a novel approach extending KV sharing across transformer layers to reduce memory usage beyond what was possible with Multi-Query Attention (MQA) and Grouped-Query Attention (GQA). Evaluations on various NLP benchmarks and inference metrics using uptrained Pythia-160M variants demonstrate that MLKV significantly reduces memory usage with minimal performance loss, reducing KV cache size down to a factor of 6x compared to MQA. These results highlight MLKV's potential for efficient deployment of transformer models at scale. We provide code at


replace A tutorial on fairness in machine learning in healthcare

Authors: Jianhui Gao, Benson Chou, Zachary R. McCaw, Hilary Thurston, Paul Varghese, Chuan Hong, Jessica Gronsbell

Abstract: $\textbf{OBJECTIVE}$: Ensuring that machine learning (ML) algorithms are safe and effective within all patient groups, and do not disadvantage particular patients, is essential to clinical decision making and preventing the reinforcement of existing healthcare inequities. The objective of this tutorial is to introduce the medical informatics community to the common notions of fairness within ML, focusing on clinical applications and implementation in practice. $\textbf{TARGET AUDIENCE}$: As gaps in fairness arise in a variety of healthcare applications, this tutorial is designed to provide an understanding of fairness, without assuming prior knowledge, to researchers and clinicians who make use of modern clinical data. $\textbf{SCOPE}$: We describe the fundamental concepts and methods used to define fairness in ML, including an overview of why models in healthcare may be unfair, a summary and comparison of the metrics used to quantify fairness, and a discussion of some ongoing research. We illustrate some of the fairness methods introduced through a case study of mortality prediction in a publicly available electronic health record dataset. Finally, we provide a user-friendly R package for comprehensive group fairness evaluation, enabling researchers and clinicians to assess fairness in their own ML work.

replace H-Fac: Memory-Efficient Optimization with Factorized Hamiltonian Descent

Authors: Son Nguyen, Lizhang Chen, Bo Liu, Qiang Liu

Abstract: In this study, we introduce a novel adaptive optimizer, H-Fac, which incorporates a factorized approach to momentum and scaling parameters. Our algorithm demonstrates competitive performances on both ResNets and Vision Transformers, while achieving sublinear memory costs through the use of rank-1 parameterizations for moment estimators. We develop our algorithms based on principles derived from Hamiltonian dynamics, providing robust theoretical underpinnings. These optimization algorithms are designed to be both straightforward and adaptable, facilitating easy implementation in diverse settings.

replace-cross On a Novel Application of Wasserstein-Procrustes for Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Learning

Authors: Guillem Ram\'irez, Rumen Dangovski, Preslav Nakov, Marin Solja\v{c}i\'c

Abstract: The emergence of unsupervised word embeddings, pre-trained on very large monolingual text corpora, is at the core of the ongoing neural revolution in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Initially introduced for English, such pre-trained word embeddings quickly emerged for a number of other languages. Subsequently, there have been a number of attempts to align the embedding spaces across languages, which could enable a number of cross-language NLP applications. Performing the alignment using unsupervised cross-lingual learning (UCL) is especially attractive as it requires little data and often rivals supervised and semi-supervised approaches. Here, we analyze popular methods for UCL and we find that often their objectives are, intrinsically, versions of the Wasserstein-Procrustes problem. Hence, we devise an approach to solve Wasserstein-Procrustes in a direct way, which can be used to refine and to improve popular UCL methods such as iterative closest point (ICP), multilingual unsupervised and supervised embeddings (MUSE) and supervised Procrustes methods. Our evaluation experiments on standard datasets show sizable improvements over these approaches. We believe that our rethinking of the Wasserstein-Procrustes problem could enable further research, thus helping to develop better algorithms for aligning word embeddings across languages. Our code and instructions to reproduce the experiments are available at


replace-cross PEPit: computer-assisted worst-case analyses of first-order optimization methods in Python

Authors: Baptiste Goujaud, C\'eline Moucer, Fran\c{c}ois Glineur, Julien Hendrickx, Adrien Taylor, Aymeric Dieuleveut

Abstract: PEPit is a Python package aiming at simplifying the access to worst-case analyses of a large family of first-order optimization methods possibly involving gradient, projection, proximal, or linear optimization oracles, along with their approximate, or Bregman variants. In short, PEPit is a package enabling computer-assisted worst-case analyses of first-order optimization methods. The key underlying idea is to cast the problem of performing a worst-case analysis, often referred to as a performance estimation problem (PEP), as a semidefinite program (SDP) which can be solved numerically. To do that, the package users are only required to write first-order methods nearly as they would have implemented them. The package then takes care of the SDP modeling parts, and the worst-case analysis is performed numerically via a standard solver.

replace-cross Daisy Bloom Filters

Authors: Ioana O. Bercea, Jakob B{\ae}k Tejs Houen, Rasmus Pagh

Abstract: A filter is a widely used data structure for storing an approximation of a given set $S$ of elements from some universe $U$ (a countable set).It represents a superset $S'\supseteq S$ that is ''close to $S$'' in the sense that for $x\not\in S$, the probability that $x\in S'$ is bounded by some $\varepsilon > 0$. The advantage of using a Bloom filter, when some false positives are acceptable, is that the space usage becomes smaller than what is required to store $S$ exactly. Though filters are well-understood from a worst-case perspective, it is clear that state-of-the-art constructions may not be close to optimal for particular distributions of data and queries. Suppose, for instance, that some elements are in $S$ with probability close to 1. Then it would make sense to always include them in $S'$, saving space by not having to represent these elements in the filter. Questions like this have been raised in the context of Weighted Bloom filters (Bruck, Gao and Jiang, ISIT 2006) and Bloom filter implementations that make use of access to learned components (Vaidya, Knorr, Mitzenmacher, and Krask, ICLR 2021). In this paper, we present a lower bound for the expected space that such a filter requires. We also show that the lower bound is asymptotically tight by exhibiting a filter construction that executes queries and insertions in worst-case constant time, and has a false positive rate at most $\varepsilon $ with high probability over input sets drawn from a product distribution. We also present a Bloom filter alternative, which we call the $\textit{Daisy Bloom filter}$, that executes operations faster and uses significantly less space than the standard Bloom filter.

replace-cross Enhancing Generative Networks for Chest Anomaly Localization through Automatic Registration-Based Unpaired-to-Pseudo-Paired Training Data Translation

Authors: Kyungsu Kim, Seong Je Oh, Chae Yeon Lim, Ju Hwan Lee, Tae Uk Kim, Myung Jin Chung

Abstract: Image translation based on a generative adversarial network (GAN-IT) is a promising method for the precise localization of abnormal regions in chest X-ray images (AL-CXR) even without the pixel-level annotation. However, heterogeneous unpaired datasets undermine existing methods to extract key features and distinguish normal from abnormal cases, resulting in inaccurate and unstable AL-CXR. To address this problem, we propose an improved two-stage GAN-IT involving registration and data augmentation. For the first stage, we introduce an advanced deep-learning-based registration technique that virtually and reasonably converts unpaired data into paired data for learning registration maps, by sequentially utilizing linear-based global and uniform coordinate transformation and AI-based non-linear coordinate fine-tuning. This approach enables independent and complex coordinate transformation of each detailed location of the lung while recognizing the entire lung structure, thereby achieving higher registration performance with resolving inherent artifacts caused by unpaired conditions. For the second stage, we apply data augmentation to diversify anomaly locations by swapping the left and right lung regions on the uniform registered frames, further improving the performance by alleviating imbalance in data distribution showing left and right lung lesions. The proposed method is model agnostic and shows consistent AL-CXR performance improvement in representative AI models. Therefore, we believe GAN-IT for AL-CXR can be clinically implemented by using our basis framework, even if learning data are scarce or difficult for the pixel-level disease annotation.

replace-cross Lifelong and Continual Learning Dialogue Systems

Authors: Sahisnu Mazumder, Bing Liu

Abstract: Dialogue systems, commonly known as chatbots, have gained escalating popularity in recent times due to their wide-spread applications in carrying out chit-chat conversations with users and task-oriented dialogues to accomplish various user tasks. Existing chatbots are usually trained from pre-collected and manually-labeled data and/or written with handcrafted rules. Many also use manually-compiled knowledge bases (KBs). Their ability to understand natural language is still limited, and they tend to produce many errors resulting in poor user satisfaction. Typically, they need to be constantly improved by engineers with more labeled data and more manually compiled knowledge. This book introduces the new paradigm of lifelong learning dialogue systems to endow chatbots the ability to learn continually by themselves through their own self-initiated interactions with their users and working environments to improve themselves. As the systems chat more and more with users or learn more and more from external sources, they become more and more knowledgeable and better and better at conversing. The book presents the latest developments and techniques for building such continual learning dialogue systems that continuously learn new language expressions and lexical and factual knowledge during conversation from users and off conversation from external sources, acquire new training examples during conversation, and learn conversational skills. Apart from these general topics, existing works on continual learning of some specific aspects of dialogue systems are also surveyed. The book concludes with a discussion of open challenges for future research.

replace-cross Novel Fundus Image Preprocessing for Retcam Images to Improve Deep Learning Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity

Authors: Sajid Rahim, Kourosh Sabri, Anna Ells, Alan Wassyng, Mark Lawford, Linyang Chu, Wenbo He

Abstract: Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a potentially blinding eye disorder because of damage to the eye's retina which can affect babies born prematurely. Screening of ROP is essential for early detection and treatment. This is a laborious and manual process which requires trained physician performing dilated ophthalmological examination which can be subjective resulting in lower diagnosis success for clinically significant disease. Automated diagnostic methods can assist ophthalmologists increase diagnosis accuracy using deep learning. Several research groups have highlighted various approaches. Captured ROP Retcam images suffer from poor quality. This paper proposes the use of improved novel fundus preprocessing methods using pretrained transfer learning frameworks to create hybrid models to give higher diagnosis accuracy. Once trained and validated, the evaluations showed that these novel methods in comparison to traditional imaging processing contribute to better and in many aspects higher accuracy in classifying Plus disease, Stages of ROP and Zones in comparison to peer papers.

replace-cross Mpox-AISM: AI-Mediated Super Monitoring for Mpox and Like-Mpox

Authors: Yubiao Yue, Minghua Jiang, Xinyue Zhang, Jialong Xu, Huacong Ye, Fan Zhang, Zhenzhang Li, Yang Li

Abstract: Swift and accurate diagnosis for earlier-stage monkeypox (mpox) patients is crucial to avoiding its spread. However, the similarities between common skin disorders and mpox and the need for professional diagnosis unavoidably impaired the diagnosis of earlier-stage mpox patients and contributed to mpox outbreak. To address the challenge, we proposed "Super Monitoring", a real-time visualization technique employing artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet technology to diagnose earlier-stage mpox cheaply, conveniently, and quickly. Concretely, AI-mediated "Super Monitoring" (mpox-AISM) integrates deep learning models, data augmentation, self-supervised learning, and cloud services. According to publicly accessible datasets, mpox-AISM's Precision, Recall, Specificity, and F1-score in diagnosing mpox reach 99.3%, 94.1%, 99.9%, and 96.6%, respectively, and it achieves 94.51% accuracy in diagnosing mpox, six like-mpox skin disorders, and normal skin. With the Internet and communication terminal, mpox-AISM has the potential to perform real-time and accurate diagnosis for earlier-stage mpox in real-world scenarios, thereby preventing mpox outbreak.

replace-cross Nonlocality and Nonlinearity Implies Universality in Operator Learning

Authors: Samuel Lanthaler, Zongyi Li, Andrew M. Stuart

Abstract: Neural operator architectures approximate operators between infinite-dimensional Banach spaces of functions. They are gaining increased attention in computational science and engineering, due to their potential both to accelerate traditional numerical methods and to enable data-driven discovery. As the field is in its infancy basic questions about minimal requirements for universal approximation remain open. It is clear that any general approximation of operators between spaces of functions must be both nonlocal and nonlinear. In this paper we describe how these two attributes may be combined in a simple way to deduce universal approximation. In so doing we unify the analysis of a wide range of neural operator architectures and open up consideration of new ones. A popular variant of neural operators is the Fourier neural operator (FNO). Previous analysis proving universal operator approximation theorems for FNOs resorts to use of an unbounded number of Fourier modes, relying on intuition from traditional analysis of spectral methods. The present work challenges this point of view: (i) the work reduces FNO to its core essence, resulting in a minimal architecture termed the ``averaging neural operator'' (ANO); and (ii) analysis of the ANO shows that even this minimal ANO architecture benefits from universal approximation. This result is obtained based on only a spatial average as its only nonlocal ingredient (corresponding to retaining only a \emph{single} Fourier mode in the special case of the FNO). The analysis paves the way for a more systematic exploration of nonlocality, both through the development of new operator learning architectures and the analysis of existing and new architectures. Numerical results are presented which give insight into complexity issues related to the roles of channel width (embedding dimension) and number of Fourier modes.

replace-cross A Perspective on Explainable Artificial Intelligence Methods: SHAP and LIME

Authors: Ahmed Salih, Zahra Raisi-Estabragh, Ilaria Boscolo Galazzo, Petia Radeva, Steffen E. Petersen, Gloria Menegaz, Karim Lekadir

Abstract: eXplainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods have emerged to convert the black box of machine learning (ML) models into a more digestible form. These methods help to communicate how the model works with the aim of making ML models more transparent and increasing the trust of end-users into their output. SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) and Local Interpretable Model Agnostic Explanation (LIME) are two widely used XAI methods, particularly with tabular data. In this perspective piece, we discuss the way the explainability metrics of these two methods are generated and propose a framework for interpretation of their outputs, highlighting their weaknesses and strengths. Specifically, we discuss their outcomes in terms of model-dependency and in the presence of collinearity among the features, relying on a case study from the biomedical domain (classification of individuals with or without myocardial infarction). The results indicate that SHAP and LIME are highly affected by the adopted ML model and feature collinearity, raising a note of caution on their usage and interpretation.

replace-cross Counterfactual Generative Models for Time-Varying Treatments

Authors: Shenghao Wu, Wenbin Zhou, Minshuo Chen, Shixiang Zhu

Abstract: Estimating the counterfactual outcome of treatment is essential for decision-making in public health and clinical science, among others. Often, treatments are administered in a sequential, time-varying manner, leading to an exponentially increased number of possible counterfactual outcomes. Furthermore, in modern applications, the outcomes are high-dimensional and conventional average treatment effect estimation fails to capture disparities in individuals. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel conditional generative framework capable of producing counterfactual samples under time-varying treatment, without the need for explicit density estimation. Our method carefully addresses the distribution mismatch between the observed and counterfactual distributions via a loss function based on inverse probability re-weighting, and supports integration with state-of-the-art conditional generative models such as the guided diffusion and conditional variational autoencoder. We present a thorough evaluation of our method using both synthetic and real-world data. Our results demonstrate that our method is capable of generating high-quality counterfactual samples and outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines.

replace-cross SiBBlInGS: Similarity-driven Building-Block Inference using Graphs across States

Authors: Noga Mudrik, Gal Mishne, Adam S. Charles

Abstract: Time series data across scientific domains are often collected under distinct states (e.g., tasks), wherein latent processes (e.g., biological factors) create complex inter- and intra-state variability. A key approach to capture this complexity is to uncover fundamental interpretable units within the data, Building Blocks (BBs), which modulate their activity and adjust their structure across observations. Existing methods for identifying BBs in multi-way data often overlook inter- vs. intra-state variability, produce uninterpretable components, or do not align with properties of real-world data, such as missing samples and sessions of different duration. Here, we present a framework for Similarity-driven Building Block Inference using Graphs across States (SiBBlInGS). SiBBlInGS offers a graph-based dictionary learning approach for discovering sparse BBs along with their temporal traces, based on co-activity patterns and inter- vs. intra-state relationships. Moreover, SiBBlInGS captures per-trial temporal variability and controlled cross-state structural BB adaptations, identifies state-specific vs. state-invariant components, and accommodates variability in the number and duration of observed sessions across states. We demonstrate SiBBlInGS's ability to reveal insights into complex phenomena as well as its robustness to noise and missing samples through several synthetic and real-world examples, including web search and neural data.

replace-cross ArtWhisperer: A Dataset for Characterizing Human-AI Interactions in Artistic Creations

Authors: Kailas Vodrahalli, James Zou

Abstract: As generative AI becomes more prevalent, it is important to study how human users interact with such models. In this work, we investigate how people use text-to-image models to generate desired target images. To study this interaction, we created ArtWhisperer, an online game where users are given a target image and are tasked with iteratively finding a prompt that creates a similar-looking image as the target. Through this game, we recorded over 50,000 human-AI interactions; each interaction corresponds to one text prompt created by a user and the corresponding generated image. The majority of these are repeated interactions where a user iterates to find the best prompt for their target image, making this a unique sequential dataset for studying human-AI collaborations. In an initial analysis of this dataset, we identify several characteristics of prompt interactions and user strategies. People submit diverse prompts and are able to discover a variety of text descriptions that generate similar images. Interestingly, prompt diversity does not decrease as users find better prompts. We further propose a new metric to quantify the steerability of AI using our dataset. We define steerability as the expected number of interactions required to adequately complete a task. We estimate this value by fitting a Markov chain for each target task and calculating the expected time to reach an adequate score in the Markov chain. We quantify and compare AI steerability across different types of target images and two different models, finding that images of cities and natural world images are more steerable than artistic and fantasy images. These findings provide insights into human-AI interaction behavior, present a concrete method of assessing AI steerability, and demonstrate the general utility of the ArtWhisperer dataset.

replace-cross A Lightweight Generative Model for Interpretable Subject-level Prediction

Authors: Chiara Mauri, Stefano Cerri, Oula Puonti, Mark M\"uhlau, Koen Van Leemput

Abstract: Recent years have seen a growing interest in methods for predicting an unknown variable of interest, such as a subject's diagnosis, from medical images depicting its anatomical-functional effects. Methods based on discriminative modeling excel at making accurate predictions, but are challenged in their ability to explain their decisions in anatomically meaningful terms. In this paper, we propose a simple technique for single-subject prediction that is inherently interpretable. It augments the generative models used in classical human brain mapping techniques, in which the underlying cause-effect relations can be encoded, with a multivariate noise model that captures dominant spatial correlations. Experiments demonstrate that the resulting model can be efficiently inverted to make accurate subject-level predictions, while at the same time offering intuitive visual explanations of its inner workings. The method is easy to use: training is fast for typical training set sizes, and only a single hyperparameter needs to be set by the user. Our code is available at


replace-cross Soft Prompt Tuning for Augmenting Dense Retrieval with Large Language Models

Authors: Zhiyuan Peng, Xuyang Wu, Qifan Wang, Yi Fang

Abstract: Dense retrieval (DR) converts queries and documents into dense embeddings and measures the similarity between queries and documents in vector space. One of the challenges in DR is the lack of domain-specific training data. While DR models can learn from large-scale public datasets like MS MARCO through transfer learning, evidence shows that not all DR models and domains can benefit from transfer learning equally. Recently, some researchers have resorted to large language models (LLMs) to improve the zero-shot and few-shot DR models. However, the hard prompts or human-written prompts utilized in these works cannot guarantee the good quality of generated weak queries. To tackle this, we propose soft prompt tuning for augmenting DR (SPTAR): For each task, we leverage soft prompt-tuning to optimize a task-specific soft prompt on limited ground truth data and then prompt the LLMs to tag unlabeled documents with weak queries, yielding enough weak document-query pairs to train task-specific dense retrievers. We design a filter to select high-quality example document-query pairs in the prompt to further improve the quality of weak tagged queries. To the best of our knowledge, there is no prior work utilizing soft prompt tuning to augment DR models. The experiments demonstrate that SPTAR outperforms the unsupervised baselines BM25 and the recently proposed LLMs-based augmentation method for DR.

replace-cross Adversarial Illusions in Multi-Modal Embeddings

Authors: Tingwei Zhang, Rishi Jha, Eugene Bagdasaryan, Vitaly Shmatikov

Abstract: Multi-modal embeddings encode texts, images, thermal images, sounds, and videos into a single embedding space, aligning representations across different modalities (e.g., associate an image of a dog with a barking sound). In this paper, we show that multi-modal embeddings can be vulnerable to an attack we call "adversarial illusions." Given an image or a sound, an adversary can perturb it to make its embedding close to an arbitrary, adversary-chosen input in another modality. These attacks are cross-modal and targeted: the adversary can align any image or sound with any target of his choice. Adversarial illusions exploit proximity in the embedding space and are thus agnostic to downstream tasks and modalities, enabling a wholesale compromise of current and future tasks, as well as modalities not available to the adversary. Using ImageBind and AudioCLIP embeddings, we demonstrate how adversarially aligned inputs, generated without knowledge of specific downstream tasks, mislead image generation, text generation, zero-shot classification, and audio retrieval. We investigate transferability of illusions across different embeddings and develop a black-box version of our method that we use to demonstrate the first adversarial alignment attack on Amazon's commercial, proprietary Titan embedding. Finally, we analyze countermeasures and evasion attacks.

replace-cross A Tutorial on the Non-Asymptotic Theory of System Identification

Authors: Ingvar Ziemann, Anastasios Tsiamis, Bruce Lee, Yassir Jedra, Nikolai Matni, George J. Pappas

Abstract: This tutorial serves as an introduction to recently developed non-asymptotic methods in the theory of -- mainly linear -- system identification. We emphasize tools we deem particularly useful for a range of problems in this domain, such as the covering technique, the Hanson-Wright Inequality and the method of self-normalized martingales. We then employ these tools to give streamlined proofs of the performance of various least-squares based estimators for identifying the parameters in autoregressive models. We conclude by sketching out how the ideas presented herein can be extended to certain nonlinear identification problems.

replace-cross Choosing a Proxy Metric from Past Experiments

Authors: Nilesh Tripuraneni, Lee Richardson, Alexander D'Amour, Jacopo Soriano, Steve Yadlowsky

Abstract: In many randomized experiments, the treatment effect of the long-term metric (i.e. the primary outcome of interest) is often difficult or infeasible to measure. Such long-term metrics are often slow to react to changes and sufficiently noisy they are challenging to faithfully estimate in short-horizon experiments. A common alternative is to measure several short-term proxy metrics in the hope they closely track the long-term metric -- so they can be used to effectively guide decision-making in the near-term. We introduce a new statistical framework to both define and construct an optimal proxy metric for use in a homogeneous population of randomized experiments. Our procedure first reduces the construction of an optimal proxy metric in a given experiment to a portfolio optimization problem which depends on the true latent treatment effects and noise level of experiment under consideration. We then denoise the observed treatment effects of the long-term metric and a set of proxies in a historical corpus of randomized experiments to extract estimates of the latent treatment effects for use in the optimization problem. One key insight derived from our approach is that the optimal proxy metric for a given experiment is not apriori fixed; rather it should depend on the sample size (or effective noise level) of the randomized experiment for which it is deployed. To instantiate and evaluate our framework, we employ our methodology in a large corpus of randomized experiments from an industrial recommendation system and construct proxy metrics that perform favorably relative to several baselines.

replace-cross Invariant Probabilistic Prediction

Authors: Alexander Henzi, Xinwei Shen, Michael Law, Peter B\"uhlmann

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in statistical methods that exhibit robust performance under distribution changes between training and test data. While most of the related research focuses on point predictions with the squared error loss, this article turns the focus towards probabilistic predictions, which aim to comprehensively quantify the uncertainty of an outcome variable given covariates. Within a causality-inspired framework, we investigate the invariance and robustness of probabilistic predictions with respect to proper scoring rules. We show that arbitrary distribution shifts do not, in general, admit invariant and robust probabilistic predictions, in contrast to the setting of point prediction. We illustrate how to choose evaluation metrics and restrict the class of distribution shifts to allow for identifiability and invariance in the prototypical Gaussian heteroscedastic linear model. Motivated by these findings, we propose a method to yield invariant probabilistic predictions, called IPP, and study the consistency of the underlying parameters. Finally, we demonstrate the empirical performance of our proposed procedure on simulated as well as on single-cell data.

replace-cross Deep learning probability flows and entropy production rates in active matter

Authors: Nicholas M. Boffi, Eric Vanden-Eijnden

Abstract: Active matter systems, from self-propelled colloids to motile bacteria, are characterized by the conversion of free energy into useful work at the microscopic scale. They involve physics beyond the reach of equilibrium statistical mechanics, and a persistent challenge has been to understand the nature of their nonequilibrium states. The entropy production rate and the probability current provide quantitative ways to do so by measuring the breakdown of time-reversal symmetry. Yet, their efficient computation has remained elusive, as they depend on the system's unknown and high-dimensional probability density. Here, building upon recent advances in generative modeling, we develop a deep learning framework to estimate the score of this density. We show that the score, together with the microscopic equations of motion, gives access to the entropy production rate, the probability current, and their decomposition into local contributions from individual particles. To represent the score, we introduce a novel, spatially-local transformer network architecture that learns high-order interactions between particles while respecting their underlying permutation symmetry. We demonstrate the broad utility and scalability of the method by applying it to several high-dimensional systems of active particles undergoing motility-induced phase separation (MIPS). We show that a single network trained on a system of 4096 particles at one packing fraction can generalize to other regions of the phase diagram, including systems with as many as 32768 particles. We use this observation to quantify the spatial structure of the departure from equilibrium in MIPS as a function of the number of particles and the packing fraction.

replace-cross A Theory of Non-Linear Feature Learning with One Gradient Step in Two-Layer Neural Networks

Authors: Behrad Moniri, Donghwan Lee, Hamed Hassani, Edgar Dobriban

Abstract: Feature learning is thought to be one of the fundamental reasons for the success of deep neural networks. It is rigorously known that in two-layer fully-connected neural networks under certain conditions, one step of gradient descent on the first layer can lead to feature learning; characterized by the appearance of a separated rank-one component -- spike -- in the spectrum of the feature matrix. However, with a constant gradient descent step size, this spike only carries information from the linear component of the target function and therefore learning non-linear components is impossible. We show that with a learning rate that grows with the sample size, such training in fact introduces multiple rank-one components, each corresponding to a specific polynomial feature. We further prove that the limiting large-dimensional and large sample training and test errors of the updated neural networks are fully characterized by these spikes. By precisely analyzing the improvement in the training and test errors, we demonstrate that these non-linear features can enhance learning.

replace-cross Mitigating Bias for Question Answering Models by Tracking Bias Influence

Authors: Mingyu Derek Ma, Jiun-Yu Kao, Arpit Gupta, Yu-Hsiang Lin, Wenbo Zhao, Tagyoung Chung, Wei Wang, Kai-Wei Chang, Nanyun Peng

Abstract: Models of various NLP tasks have been shown to exhibit stereotypes, and the bias in the question answering (QA) models is especially harmful as the output answers might be directly consumed by the end users. There have been datasets to evaluate bias in QA models, while bias mitigation technique for the QA models is still under-explored. In this work, we propose BMBI, an approach to mitigate the bias of multiple-choice QA models. Based on the intuition that a model would lean to be more biased if it learns from a biased example, we measure the bias level of a query instance by observing its influence on another instance. If the influenced instance is more biased, we derive that the query instance is biased. We then use the bias level detected as an optimization objective to form a multi-task learning setting in addition to the original QA task. We further introduce a new bias evaluation metric to quantify bias in a comprehensive and sensitive way. We show that our method could be applied to multiple QA formulations across multiple bias categories. It can significantly reduce the bias level in all 9 bias categories in the BBQ dataset while maintaining comparable QA accuracy.

replace-cross Instruction Tuning with Human Curriculum

Authors: Bruce W. Lee, Hyunsoo Cho, Kang Min Yoo

Abstract: In this work, we (1) introduce Curriculum Instruction Tuning, (2) explore the potential advantages of employing diverse curriculum strategies, and (3) delineate a synthetic instruction-response generation framework that complements our theoretical approach. Distinct from the existing instruction tuning dataset, our generation pipeline is systematically structured to emulate the sequential and orderly characteristic of human learning. Additionally, we describe a methodology for generating instruction-response datasets that extensively span the various stages of human education, from middle school through the graduate level, utilizing educational subject catalogs. Before training, we meticulously organize the instruction data to ensure that questions escalate in difficulty regarding (A) the subject matter and (B) the intricacy of the instructions. The findings of our study reveal that substantial improvements in performance can be achieved through the mere application of curriculum ordering to instruction data (achieving gains of +4.76 on TruthfulQA, +2.98 on MMLU, +2.8 on OpenbookQA, and +1.28 on ARC-hard) compared to random shuffling. This enhancement is achieved without incurring additional computational expenses. Through comprehensive experimentation, we observe that the advantages of our proposed method are consistently evident across nine benchmarks.

replace-cross Progressive Dual Priori Network for Generalized Breast Tumor Segmentation

Authors: Li Wang, Lihui Wang, Zixiang Kuai, Lei Tang, Yingfeng Ou, Chen Ye, Yuemin Zhu

Abstract: To promote the generalization ability of breast tumor segmentation models, as well as to improve the segmentation performance for breast tumors with smaller size, low-contrast and irregular shape, we propose a progressive dual priori network (PDPNet) to segment breast tumors from dynamic enhanced magnetic resonance images (DCE-MRI) acquired at different centers. The PDPNet first cropped tumor regions with a coarse-segmentation based localization module, then the breast tumor mask was progressively refined by using the weak semantic priori and cross-scale correlation prior knowledge. To validate the effectiveness of PDPNet, we compared it with several state-of-the-art methods on multi-center datasets. The results showed that, comparing against the suboptimal method, the DSC and HD95 of PDPNet were improved at least by 5.13% and 7.58% respectively on multi-center test sets. In addition, through ablations, we demonstrated that the proposed localization module can decrease the influence of normal tissues and therefore improve the generalization ability of the model. The weak semantic priors allow focusing on tumor regions to avoid missing small tumors and low-contrast tumors. The cross-scale correlation priors are beneficial for promoting the shape-aware ability for irregular tumors. Thus integrating them in a unified framework improved the multi-center breast tumor segmentation performance. The source code and open data can be accessed at


replace-cross Improved High-Probability Bounds for the Temporal Difference Learning Algorithm via Exponential Stability

Authors: Sergey Samsonov, Daniil Tiapkin, Alexey Naumov, Eric Moulines

Abstract: In this paper we consider the problem of obtaining sharp bounds for the performance of temporal difference (TD) methods with linear function approximation for policy evaluation in discounted Markov decision processes. We show that a simple algorithm with a universal and instance-independent step size together with Polyak-Ruppert tail averaging is sufficient to obtain near-optimal variance and bias terms. We also provide the respective sample complexity bounds. Our proof technique is based on refined error bounds for linear stochastic approximation together with the novel stability result for the product of random matrices that arise from the TD-type recurrence.

replace-cross Modeling groundwater levels in California's Central Valley by hierarchical Gaussian process and neural network regression

Authors: Anshuman Pradhan, Kyra H. Adams, Venkat Chandrasekaran, Zhen Liu, John T. Reager, Andrew M. Stuart, Michael J. Turmon

Abstract: Modeling groundwater levels continuously across California's Central Valley (CV) hydrological system is challenging due to low-quality well data which is sparsely and noisily sampled across time and space. The lack of consistent well data makes it difficult to evaluate the impact of 2017 and 2019 wet years on CV groundwater following a severe drought during 2012-2015. A novel machine learning method is formulated for modeling groundwater levels by learning from a 3D lithological texture model of the CV aquifer. The proposed formulation performs multivariate regression by combining Gaussian processes (GP) and deep neural networks (DNN). The hierarchical modeling approach constitutes training the DNN to learn a lithologically informed latent space where non-parametric regression with GP is performed. We demonstrate the efficacy of GP-DNN regression for modeling non-stationary features in the well data with fast and reliable uncertainty quantification, as validated to be statistically consistent with the empirical data distribution from 90 blind wells across CV. We show how the model predictions may be used to supplement hydrological understanding of aquifer responses in basins with irregular well data. Our results indicate that on average the 2017 and 2019 wet years in California were largely ineffective in replenishing the groundwater loss caused during previous drought years.

replace-cross Towards the Theory of Unsupervised Federated Learning: Non-asymptotic Analysis of Federated EM Algorithms

Authors: Ye Tian, Haolei Weng, Yang Feng

Abstract: While supervised federated learning approaches have enjoyed significant success, the domain of unsupervised federated learning remains relatively underexplored. Several federated EM algorithms have gained popularity in practice, however, their theoretical foundations are often lacking. In this paper, we first introduce a federated gradient EM algorithm (FedGrEM) designed for the unsupervised learning of mixture models, which supplements the existing federated EM algorithms by considering task heterogeneity and potential adversarial attacks. We present a comprehensive finite-sample theory that holds for general mixture models, then apply this general theory on specific statistical models to characterize the explicit estimation error of model parameters and mixture proportions. Our theory elucidates when and how FedGrEM outperforms local single-task learning with insights extending to existing federated EM algorithms. This bridges the gap between their practical success and theoretical understanding. Our numerical results validate our theory, and demonstrate FedGrEM's superiority over existing unsupervised federated learning benchmarks.

replace-cross Transformers are Provably Optimal In-context Estimators for Wireless Communications

Authors: Vishnu Teja Kunde, Vicram Rajagopalan, Chandra Shekhara Kaushik Valmeekam, Krishna Narayanan, Srinivas Shakkottai, Dileep Kalathil, Jean-Francois Chamberland

Abstract: Pre-trained transformers exhibit the capability of adapting to new tasks through in-context learning (ICL), where they efficiently utilize a limited set of prompts without explicit model optimization. The canonical communication problem of estimating transmitted symbols from received observations can be modelled as an in-context learning problem: Received observations are essentially a noisy function of transmitted symbols, and this function can be represented by an unknown parameter whose statistics depend on an (also unknown) latent context. This problem, which we term in-context estimation (ICE), has significantly greater complexity than the extensively studied linear regression problem. The optimal solution to the ICE problem is a non-linear function of the underlying context. In this paper, we prove that, for a subclass of such problems, a single layer softmax attention transformer (SAT) computes the optimal solution of the above estimation problem in the limit of large prompt length. We also prove that the optimal configuration of such transformer is indeed the minimizer of the corresponding training loss. Further, we empirically demonstrate the proficiency of multi-layer transformers in efficiently solving broader in-context estimation problems. Through extensive simulations, we show that solving ICE problems using transformers significantly outperforms standard approaches. Moreover, just with a few context examples, it achieves the same performance as an estimator with perfect knowledge of the latent context.

replace-cross RoboGen: Towards Unleashing Infinite Data for Automated Robot Learning via Generative Simulation

Authors: Yufei Wang, Zhou Xian, Feng Chen, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Yian Wang, Katerina Fragkiadaki, Zackory Erickson, David Held, Chuang Gan

Abstract: We present RoboGen, a generative robotic agent that automatically learns diverse robotic skills at scale via generative simulation. RoboGen leverages the latest advancements in foundation and generative models. Instead of directly using or adapting these models to produce policies or low-level actions, we advocate for a generative scheme, which uses these models to automatically generate diversified tasks, scenes, and training supervisions, thereby scaling up robotic skill learning with minimal human supervision. Our approach equips a robotic agent with a self-guided propose-generate-learn cycle: the agent first proposes interesting tasks and skills to develop, and then generates corresponding simulation environments by populating pertinent objects and assets with proper spatial configurations. Afterwards, the agent decomposes the proposed high-level task into sub-tasks, selects the optimal learning approach (reinforcement learning, motion planning, or trajectory optimization), generates required training supervision, and then learns policies to acquire the proposed skill. Our work attempts to extract the extensive and versatile knowledge embedded in large-scale models and transfer them to the field of robotics. Our fully generative pipeline can be queried repeatedly, producing an endless stream of skill demonstrations associated with diverse tasks and environments.

replace-cross Perturbed examples reveal invariances shared by language models

Authors: Ruchit Rawal, Mariya Toneva

Abstract: The rapid growth in natural language processing (NLP) research has led to numerous new models, outpacing our understanding of how they compare to established ones. One major reason for this difficulty is saturating benchmarks, which may not well reflect differences in model performance in the wild. In this work, we introduce a novel framework to compare two NLP models by revealing their shared invariance to interpretable input perturbations targeting a specific linguistic capability. Via experiments on models from the same and different architecture families, this framework offers insights about how changes in models (e.g., distillation, size increase) affect linguistic capabilities. Furthermore, our framework enables evaluation of invariances between commercial black-box models (e.g., InstructGPT family) and models that are better understood (e.g., GPT-2). Across experiments, we observe that large language models share many invariances encoded by models of various sizes, whereas the invariances by large models are only shared by other large models. Possessing a wide variety of invariances may be key to the recent successes of large language models, and our framework can shed light on the types of invariances retained or emerging in new models. We make the code publicly available.

replace-cross Speech language models lack important brain-relevant semantics

Authors: Subba Reddy Oota, Emin \c{C}elik, Fatma Deniz, Mariya Toneva

Abstract: Despite known differences between reading and listening in the brain, recent work has shown that text-based language models predict both text-evoked and speech-evoked brain activity to an impressive degree. This poses the question of what types of information language models truly predict in the brain. We investigate this question via a direct approach, in which we systematically remove specific low-level stimulus features (textual, speech, and visual) from language model representations to assess their impact on alignment with fMRI brain recordings during reading and listening. Comparing these findings with speech-based language models reveals starkly different effects of low-level features on brain alignment. While text-based models show reduced alignment in early sensory regions post-removal, they retain significant predictive power in late language regions. In contrast, speech-based models maintain strong alignment in early auditory regions even after feature removal but lose all predictive power in late language regions. These results suggest that speech-based models provide insights into additional information processed by early auditory regions, but caution is needed when using them to model processing in late language regions. We make our code publicly available. []


replace-cross An Experimental Design for Anytime-Valid Causal Inference on Multi-Armed Bandits

Authors: Biyonka Liang, Iavor Bojinov

Abstract: Experimentation is crucial for managers to rigorously quantify the value of a change and determine if it leads to a statistically significant improvement over the status quo, thus augmenting their decision-making. Many companies now mandate that all changes undergo experimentation, presenting two challenges: (1) reducing the risk/cost of experimentation by minimizing the proportion of customers assigned to the inferior treatment and (2) increasing the experimentation velocity by enabling managers to stop experiments as soon as results are statistically significant. This paper simultaneously addresses both challenges by proposing the Mixture Adaptive Design (MAD), a new experimental design for multi-armed bandit (MAB) algorithms that enables anytime valid inference on the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) for any MAB algorithm. Intuitively, the MAB "mixes" any bandit algorithm with a Bernoulli design such that at each time step, the probability that a customer is assigned via the Bernoulli design is controlled by a user-specified deterministic sequence that can converge to zero. The sequence enables managers to directly and interpretably control the trade-off between regret minimization and inferential precision. Under mild conditions on the rate the sequence converges to zero, we provide a confidence sequence that is asymptotically anytime valid and demonstrate that the MAD is guaranteed to have a finite stopping time in the presence of a true non-zero ATE. Hence, the MAD allows managers to stop experiments early when a significant ATE is detected while ensuring valid inference, enhancing both the efficiency and reliability of adaptive experiments. Empirically, we demonstrate that the MAD achieves finite-sample anytime-validity while accurately and precisely estimating the ATE, all without incurring significant losses in reward compared to standard bandit designs.

replace-cross Quantum Algorithms for the Pathwise Lasso

Authors: Joao F. Doriguello, Debbie Lim, Chi Seng Pun, Patrick Rebentrost, Tushar Vaidya

Abstract: We present a novel quantum high-dimensional linear regression algorithm with an $\ell_1$-penalty based on the classical LARS (Least Angle Regression) pathwise algorithm. Similarly to available classical algorithms for Lasso, our quantum algorithm provides the full regularisation path as the penalty term varies, but quadratically faster per iteration under specific conditions. A quadratic speedup on the number of features $d$ is possible by using the quantum minimum-finding routine from D\"urr and Hoyer (arXiv'96) in order to obtain the joining time at each iteration. We then improve upon this simple quantum algorithm and obtain a quadratic speedup both in the number of features $d$ and the number of observations $n$ by using the approximate quantum minimum-finding routine from Chen and de Wolf (ICALP'23). As one of our main contributions, we construct a quantum unitary to approximately compute the joining times to be searched over by the approximate quantum minimum finding. Since the joining times are no longer exactly computed, it is no longer clear that the resulting approximate quantum algorithm obtains a good solution. As our second main contribution, we prove, via an approximate version of the KKT conditions and a duality gap, that the LARS algorithm (and thus our quantum algorithm) is robust to errors. This means that it still outputs a path that minimises the Lasso cost function up to a small error if the joining times are approximately computed. Moreover, we show that, when the observations are sampled from a Gaussian distribution, our quantum algorithm's complexity only depends polylogarithmically on $n$, exponentially better than the classical LARS algorithm, while keeping the quadratic improvement on $d$. Finally, we propose a dequantised algorithm that also retains the polylogarithmic dependence on $n$, albeit with the linear scaling on $d$ from the standard LARS algorithm.

replace-cross SAFE-SIM: Safety-Critical Closed-Loop Traffic Simulation with Controllable Adversaries

Authors: Wei-Jer Chang, Francesco Pittaluga, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei Zhan, Manmohan Chandraker

Abstract: Evaluating the performance of autonomous vehicle planning algorithms necessitates simulating long-tail safety-critical traffic scenarios. However, traditional methods for generating such scenarios often fall short in terms of controllability and realism and neglect the dynamics of agent interactions. To mitigate these limitations, we introduce SAFE-SIM, a novel diffusion-based controllable closed-loop safety-critical simulation framework. Our approach yields two distinct advantages: 1) the generation of realistic long-tail safety-critical scenarios that closely emulate real-world conditions, and 2) enhanced controllability, enabling more comprehensive and interactive evaluations. We develop a novel approach to simulate safety-critical scenarios through an adversarial term in the denoising process, which allows an adversarial agent to challenge a planner with plausible maneuvers while all agents in the scene exhibit reactive and realistic behaviors. Furthermore, we propose novel guidance objectives and a partial diffusion process that enables a user to control key aspects of the generated scenarios, such as the collision type and aggressiveness of the adversarial driver, while maintaining the realism of the behavior. We validate our framework empirically using the NuScenes dataset, demonstrating improvements in both realism and controllability. These findings affirm that diffusion models provide a robust and versatile foundation for safety-critical, interactive traffic simulation, extending their utility across the broader landscape of autonomous driving. For supplementary videos, visit our project at


replace-cross Stockformer: A Price-Volume Factor Stock Selection Model Based on Wavelet Transform and Multi-Task Self-Attention Networks

Authors: Bohan Ma, Yushan Xue, Yuan Lu, Jing Chen

Abstract: As the Chinese stock market continues to evolve and its market structure grows increasingly complex, traditional quantitative trading methods are facing escalating challenges. Particularly, due to policy uncertainty and the frequent market fluctuations triggered by sudden economic events, existing models often struggle to accurately predict market dynamics. To address these challenges, this paper introduces Stockformer, a price-volume factor stock selection model that integrates wavelet transformation and a multitask self-attention network, aimed at enhancing responsiveness and predictive accuracy regarding market instabilities. Through discrete wavelet transform, Stockformer decomposes stock returns into high and low frequencies, meticulously capturing long-term market trends and short-term fluctuations, including abrupt events. Moreover, the model incorporates a Dual-Frequency Spatiotemporal Encoder and graph embedding techniques to effectively capture complex temporal and spatial relationships among stocks. Employing a multitask learning strategy, it simultaneously predicts stock returns and directional trends. Experimental results show that Stockformer outperforms existing advanced methods on multiple real stock market datasets. In strategy backtesting, Stockformer consistently demonstrates exceptional stability and reliability across market conditions-whether rising, falling, or fluctuating-particularly maintaining high performance during downturns or volatile periods, indicating a high adaptability to market fluctuations. To foster innovation and collaboration in the financial analysis sector, the Stockformer model's code has been open-sourced and is available on the GitHub repository:


replace-cross Synthetic Data Generation Framework, Dataset, and Efficient Deep Model for Pedestrian Intention Prediction

Authors: Muhammad Naveed Riaz, Maciej Wielgosz, Abel Garcia Romera, Antonio M. Lopez

Abstract: Pedestrian intention prediction is crucial for autonomous driving. In particular, knowing if pedestrians are going to cross in front of the ego-vehicle is core to performing safe and comfortable maneuvers. Creating accurate and fast models that predict such intentions from sequential images is challenging. A factor contributing to this is the lack of datasets with diverse crossing and non-crossing (C/NC) scenarios. We address this scarceness by introducing a framework, named ARCANE, which allows programmatically generating synthetic datasets consisting of C/NC video clip samples. As an example, we use ARCANE to generate a large and diverse dataset named PedSynth. We will show how PedSynth complements widely used real-world datasets such as JAAD and PIE, so enabling more accurate models for C/NC prediction. Considering the onboard deployment of C/NC prediction models, we also propose a deep model named PedGNN, which is fast and has a very low memory footprint. PedGNN is based on a GNN-GRU architecture that takes a sequence of pedestrian skeletons as input to predict crossing intentions.

replace-cross MMToM-QA: Multimodal Theory of Mind Question Answering

Authors: Chuanyang Jin, Yutong Wu, Jing Cao, Jiannan Xiang, Yen-Ling Kuo, Zhiting Hu, Tomer Ullman, Antonio Torralba, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Tianmin Shu

Abstract: Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to understand people's mental states, is an essential ingredient for developing machines with human-level social intelligence. Recent machine learning models, particularly large language models, seem to show some aspects of ToM understanding. However, existing ToM benchmarks use unimodal datasets - either video or text. Human ToM, on the other hand, is more than video or text understanding. People can flexibly reason about another person's mind based on conceptual representations (e.g., goals, beliefs, plans) extracted from any available data. To address this, we introduce a multimodal Theory of Mind question answering (MMToM-QA) benchmark. MMToM-QA comprehensively evaluates machine ToM both on multimodal data and on different kinds of unimodal data about a person's activity in a household environment. To engineer multimodal ToM capacity, we propose a novel method, BIP-ALM (Bayesian Inverse Planning Accelerated by Language Models). BIP-ALM extracts unified representations from multimodal data and utilizes language models for scalable Bayesian inverse planning. We conducted a systematic comparison of human performance, BIP-ALM, and state-of-the-art models, including GPT-4. The experiments demonstrate that large language models and large multimodal models still lack robust ToM capacity. BIP-ALM, on the other hand, shows promising results, by leveraging the power of both model-based mental inference and language models.

replace-cross Eloquent: A More Robust Transmission Scheme for LLM Token Streaming

Authors: Hanchen Li, Yuhan Liu, Yihua Cheng, Siddhant Ray, Kuntai Du, Junchen Jiang

Abstract: To render each generated token in real-time for users, the Large Language Model (LLM) server generates tokens one by one and streams each token (or group of a few tokens) through the network to the user right after generation, which we refer to as LLM token streaming. However, under unstable network conditions, the LLM token streaming experience could suffer greatly from stalls since one packet loss could block the rendering of later tokens even if the packets containing them arrive on time. With a measurement study, we show that current applications suffer from increased stalls under unstable networks. For this emerging token streaming problem in LLM Chatbots that differs from previous multimedia and text applications, we propose a novel transmission scheme, called Eloquent, which puts newly generated tokens as well as currently unacknowledged tokens in the next outgoing packet. This ensures that each packet contains some new tokens and, in the meantime, is independently rendered when received, avoiding the aforementioned stalls caused by missing packets. Through simulation under various networks, we show Eloquent reduces stall ratio (proportion of token rendering wait time) by 71.0% compared to the retransmission method commonly used by real chatbot applications and by 31.6% compared to the baseline packet duplication scheme. By tailoring Eloquent to fit the token-by-token generation of LLM, we enable the Chatbots to respond like an eloquent speaker for users to better enjoy pervasive AI.

replace-cross ConTextual: Evaluating Context-Sensitive Text-Rich Visual Reasoning in Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Rohan Wadhawan, Hritik Bansal, Kai-Wei Chang, Nanyun Peng

Abstract: Many real-world tasks require an agent to reason jointly over text and visual objects, (e.g., navigating in public spaces), which we refer to as context-sensitive text-rich visual reasoning. Specifically, these tasks require an understanding of the context in which the text interacts with visual elements within an image. However, there is a lack of existing datasets to benchmark the state-of-the-art multimodal models' capability on context-sensitive text-rich visual reasoning. In this paper, we introduce ConTextual, a novel dataset featuring human-crafted instructions that require context-sensitive reasoning for text-rich images. We conduct experiments to assess the performance of 14 foundation models (GPT-4V, Gemini-Pro-Vision, LLaVA-Next) and establish a human performance baseline. Further, we perform human evaluations of the model responses and observe a significant performance gap of 30.8% between GPT-4V (the current best-performing Large Multimodal Model) and human performance. Our fine-grained analysis reveals that GPT-4V encounters difficulties interpreting time-related data and infographics. However, it demonstrates proficiency in comprehending abstract visual contexts such as memes and quotes. Finally, our qualitative analysis uncovers various factors contributing to poor performance including lack of precise visual perception and hallucinations. Our dataset, code, and leaderboard can be found on the project page


replace-cross Causal Machine Learning for Cost-Effective Allocation of Development Aid

Authors: Milan Kuzmanovic, Dennis Frauen, Tobias Hatt, Stefan Feuerriegel

Abstract: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations provide a blueprint of a better future by 'leaving no one behind', and, to achieve the SDGs by 2030, poor countries require immense volumes of development aid. In this paper, we develop a causal machine learning framework for predicting heterogeneous treatment effects of aid disbursements to inform effective aid allocation. Specifically, our framework comprises three components: (i) a balancing autoencoder that uses representation learning to embed high-dimensional country characteristics while addressing treatment selection bias; (ii) a counterfactual generator to compute counterfactual outcomes for varying aid volumes to address small sample-size settings; and (iii) an inference model that is used to predict heterogeneous treatment-response curves. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework using data with official development aid earmarked to end HIV/AIDS in 105 countries, amounting to more than USD 5.2 billion. For this, we first show that our framework successfully computes heterogeneous treatment-response curves using semi-synthetic data. Then, we demonstrate our framework using real-world HIV data. Our framework points to large opportunities for a more effective aid allocation, suggesting that the total number of new HIV infections could be reduced by up to 3.3% (~50,000 cases) compared to the current allocation practice.

replace-cross Do Language Models Exhibit the Same Cognitive Biases in Problem Solving as Human Learners?

Authors: Andreas Opedal, Alessandro Stolfo, Haruki Shirakami, Ying Jiao, Ryan Cotterell, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Abulhair Saparov, Mrinmaya Sachan

Abstract: There is increasing interest in employing large language models (LLMs) as cognitive models. For such purposes, it is central to understand which properties of human cognition are well-modeled by LLMs, and which are not. In this work, we study the biases of LLMs in relation to those known in children when solving arithmetic word problems. Surveying the learning science literature, we posit that the problem-solving process can be split into three distinct steps: text comprehension, solution planning and solution execution. We construct tests for each one in order to understand whether current LLMs display the same cognitive biases as children in these steps. We generate a novel set of word problems for each of these tests, using a neuro-symbolic approach that enables fine-grained control over the problem features. We find evidence that LLMs, with and without instruction-tuning, exhibit human-like biases in both the text-comprehension and the solution-planning steps of the solving process, but not in the final step, in which the arithmetic expressions are executed to obtain the answer.

replace-cross Weakly Convex Regularisers for Inverse Problems: Convergence of Critical Points and Primal-Dual Optimisation

Authors: Zakhar Shumaylov, Jeremy Budd, Subhadip Mukherjee, Carola-Bibiane Sch\"onlieb

Abstract: Variational regularisation is the primary method for solving inverse problems, and recently there has been considerable work leveraging deeply learned regularisation for enhanced performance. However, few results exist addressing the convergence of such regularisation, particularly within the context of critical points as opposed to global minimisers. In this paper, we present a generalised formulation of convergent regularisation in terms of critical points, and show that this is achieved by a class of weakly convex regularisers. We prove convergence of the primal-dual hybrid gradient method for the associated variational problem, and, given a Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz condition, an $\mathcal{O}(\log{k}/k)$ ergodic convergence rate. Finally, applying this theory to learned regularisation, we prove universal approximation for input weakly convex neural networks (IWCNN), and show empirically that IWCNNs can lead to improved performance of learned adversarial regularisers for computed tomography (CT) reconstruction.

replace-cross Killer Apps: Low-Speed, Large-Scale AI Weapons

Authors: Philip Feldman, Aaron Dant, James R. Foulds

Abstract: The accelerating advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), highlighted by the development of cutting-edge Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models by organizations such as OpenAI, Meta, and Anthropic, present new challenges and opportunities in warfare and security. Much of the current focus is on AI's integration within weapons systems and its role in rapid decision-making in kinetic conflict. However, an equally important but often overlooked aspect is the potential of AI-based psychological manipulation at internet scales within the information domain. These capabilities could pose significant threats to individuals, organizations, and societies globally. This paper explores the concept of AI weapons, their deployment, detection, and potential countermeasures.

replace-cross Attention Meets Post-hoc Interpretability: A Mathematical Perspective

Authors: Gianluigi Lopardo, Frederic Precioso, Damien Garreau

Abstract: Attention-based architectures, in particular transformers, are at the heart of a technological revolution. Interestingly, in addition to helping obtain state-of-the-art results on a wide range of applications, the attention mechanism intrinsically provides meaningful insights on the internal behavior of the model. Can these insights be used as explanations? Debate rages on. In this paper, we mathematically study a simple attention-based architecture and pinpoint the differences between post-hoc and attention-based explanations. We show that they provide quite different results, and that, despite their limitations, post-hoc methods are capable of capturing more useful insights than merely examining the attention weights.

replace-cross RL-VLM-F: Reinforcement Learning from Vision Language Foundation Model Feedback

Authors: Yufei Wang, Zhanyi Sun, Jesse Zhang, Zhou Xian, Erdem Biyik, David Held, Zackory Erickson

Abstract: Reward engineering has long been a challenge in Reinforcement Learning (RL) research, as it often requires extensive human effort and iterative processes of trial-and-error to design effective reward functions. In this paper, we propose RL-VLM-F, a method that automatically generates reward functions for agents to learn new tasks, using only a text description of the task goal and the agent's visual observations, by leveraging feedbacks from vision language foundation models (VLMs). The key to our approach is to query these models to give preferences over pairs of the agent's image observations based on the text description of the task goal, and then learn a reward function from the preference labels, rather than directly prompting these models to output a raw reward score, which can be noisy and inconsistent. We demonstrate that RL-VLM-F successfully produces effective rewards and policies across various domains - including classic control, as well as manipulation of rigid, articulated, and deformable objects - without the need for human supervision, outperforming prior methods that use large pretrained models for reward generation under the same assumptions. Videos can be found on our project website:


replace-cross An Interactive Agent Foundation Model

Authors: Zane Durante, Bidipta Sarkar, Ran Gong, Rohan Taori, Yusuke Noda, Paul Tang, Ehsan Adeli, Shrinidhi Kowshika Lakshmikanth, Kevin Schulman, Arnold Milstein, Demetri Terzopoulos, Ade Famoti, Noboru Kuno, Ashley Llorens, Hoi Vo, Katsu Ikeuchi, Li Fei-Fei, Jianfeng Gao, Naoki Wake, Qiuyuan Huang

Abstract: The development of artificial intelligence systems is transitioning from creating static, task-specific models to dynamic, agent-based systems capable of performing well in a wide range of applications. We propose an Interactive Agent Foundation Model that uses a novel multi-task agent training paradigm for training AI agents across a wide range of domains, datasets, and tasks. Our training paradigm unifies diverse pre-training strategies, including visual masked auto-encoders, language modeling, and next-action prediction, enabling a versatile and adaptable AI framework. We demonstrate the performance of our framework across three separate domains -- Robotics, Gaming AI, and Healthcare. Our model demonstrates its ability to generate meaningful and contextually relevant outputs in each area. The strength of our approach lies in its generality, leveraging a variety of data sources such as robotics sequences, gameplay data, large-scale video datasets, and textual information for effective multimodal and multi-task learning. Our approach provides a promising avenue for developing generalist, action-taking, multimodal systems.

replace-cross Particle Denoising Diffusion Sampler

Authors: Angus Phillips, Hai-Dang Dau, Michael John Hutchinson, Valentin De Bortoli, George Deligiannidis, Arnaud Doucet

Abstract: Denoising diffusion models have become ubiquitous for generative modeling. The core idea is to transport the data distribution to a Gaussian by using a diffusion. Approximate samples from the data distribution are then obtained by estimating the time-reversal of this diffusion using score matching ideas. We follow here a similar strategy to sample from unnormalized probability densities and compute their normalizing constants. However, the time-reversed diffusion is here simulated by using an original iterative particle scheme relying on a novel score matching loss. Contrary to standard denoising diffusion models, the resulting Particle Denoising Diffusion Sampler (PDDS) provides asymptotically consistent estimates under mild assumptions. We demonstrate PDDS on multimodal and high dimensional sampling tasks.

replace-cross Generalization Error of Graph Neural Networks in the Mean-field Regime

Authors: Gholamali Aminian, Yixuan He, Gesine Reinert, {\L}ukasz Szpruch, Samuel N. Cohen

Abstract: This work provides a theoretical framework for assessing the generalization error of graph neural networks in the over-parameterized regime, where the number of parameters surpasses the quantity of data points. We explore two widely utilized types of graph neural networks: graph convolutional neural networks and message passing graph neural networks. Prior to this study, existing bounds on the generalization error in the over-parametrized regime were uninformative, limiting our understanding of over-parameterized network performance. Our novel approach involves deriving upper bounds within the mean-field regime for evaluating the generalization error of these graph neural networks. We establish upper bounds with a convergence rate of $O(1/n)$, where $n$ is the number of graph samples. These upper bounds offer a theoretical assurance of the networks' performance on unseen data in the challenging over-parameterized regime and overall contribute to our understanding of their performance.

replace-cross Forecasting for Swap Regret for All Downstream Agents

Authors: Aaron Roth, Mirah Shi

Abstract: We study the problem of making predictions so that downstream agents who best respond to them will be guaranteed diminishing swap regret, no matter what their utility functions are. It has been known since Foster and Vohra (1997) that agents who best-respond to calibrated forecasts have no swap regret. Unfortunately, the best known algorithms for guaranteeing calibrated forecasts in sequential adversarial environments do so at rates that degrade exponentially with the dimension of the prediction space. In this work, we show that by making predictions that are not calibrated, but are unbiased subject to a carefully selected collection of events, we can guarantee arbitrary downstream agents diminishing swap regret at rates that substantially improve over the rates that result from calibrated forecasts -- while maintaining the appealing property that our forecasts give guarantees for any downstream agent, without our forecasting algorithm needing to know their utility function. We give separate results in the ``low'' (1 or 2) dimensional setting and the ``high'' ($> 2$) dimensional setting. In the low dimensional setting, we show how to make predictions such that all agents who best respond to our predictions have diminishing swap regret -- in 1 dimension, at the optimal $O(\sqrt{T})$ rate. In the high dimensional setting we show how to make forecasts that guarantee regret scaling at a rate of $O(T^{2/3})$ (crucially, a dimension independent exponent), under the assumption that downstream agents smoothly best respond. Our results stand in contrast to rates that derive from agents who best respond to calibrated forecasts, which have an exponential dependence on the dimension of the prediction space.

replace-cross Auto-Encoding Bayesian Inverse Games

Authors: Xinjie Liu, Lasse Peters, Javier Alonso-Mora, Ufuk Topcu, David Fridovich-Keil

Abstract: When multiple agents interact in a common environment, each agent's actions impact others' future decisions, and noncooperative dynamic games naturally capture this coupling. In interactive motion planning, however, agents typically do not have access to a complete model of the game, e.g., due to unknown objectives of other players. Therefore, we consider the inverse game problem, in which some properties of the game are unknown a priori and must be inferred from observations. Existing maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) approaches to solve inverse games provide only point estimates of unknown parameters without quantifying uncertainty, and perform poorly when many parameter values explain the observed behavior. To address these limitations, we take a Bayesian perspective and construct posterior distributions of game parameters. To render inference tractable, we employ a variational autoencoder (VAE) with an embedded differentiable game solver. This structured VAE can be trained from an unlabeled dataset of observed interactions, naturally handles continuous, multi-modal distributions, and supports efficient sampling from the inferred posteriors without computing game solutions at runtime. Extensive evaluations in simulated driving scenarios demonstrate that the proposed approach successfully learns the prior and posterior game parameter distributions, provides more accurate objective estimates than MLE baselines, and facilitates safer and more efficient game-theoretic motion planning.

replace-cross Visual Hallucinations of Multi-modal Large Language Models

Authors: Wen Huang, Hongbin Liu, Minxin Guo, Neil Zhenqiang Gong

Abstract: Visual hallucination (VH) means that a multi-modal LLM (MLLM) imagines incorrect details about an image in visual question answering. Existing studies find VH instances only in existing image datasets, which results in biased understanding of MLLMs' performance under VH due to limited diversity of such VH instances. In this work, we propose a tool called VHTest to generate a diverse set of VH instances. Specifically, VHTest finds some initial VH instances in existing image datasets (e.g., COCO), generates a text description for each VH mode, and uses a text-to-image generative model (e.g., DALL-E-3) to generate VH images based on the text descriptions. We collect a benchmark dataset with 1,200 VH instances in 8 VH modes using VHTest. We find that existing MLLMs such as GPT-4V, LLaVA-1.5, and MiniGPT-v2 hallucinate for a large fraction of the instances in our benchmark. Moreover, we find that fine-tuning an MLLM using our benchmark dataset reduces its likelihood to hallucinate without sacrificing its performance on other benchmarks. Our benchmarks are publicly available:


replace-cross Chu-ko-nu: A Reliable, Efficient, and Anonymously Authentication-Enabled Realization for Multi-Round Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning

Authors: Kaiping Cui, Xia Feng, Liangmin Wang, Haiqin Wu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Boris D\"udder

Abstract: Secure aggregation enables federated learning (FL) to perform collaborative training of clients from local gradient updates without exposing raw data. However, existing secure aggregation schemes inevitably perform an expensive fresh setup per round because each client needs to establish fresh input-independent secrets over different rounds. The latest research, Flamingo (S&P 2023), designed a share-transfer-based reusable secret key to support the server continuously performing multiple rounds of aggregation. Nevertheless, the share transfer mechanism it proposed can only be achieved with P probability, which has limited reliability. To tackle the aforementioned problems, we propose a more reliable and anonymously authenticated scheme called Chu-ko-nu for multi-round secure aggregation. Specifically, in terms of share transfer, Chu-ko-nu breaks the probability P barrier by supplementing a redistribution process of secret key components (the sum of all components is the secret key), thus ensuring the reusability of the secret key. Based on this reusable secret key, Chu-ko-nu can efficiently perform consecutive aggregation in the following rounds. Furthermore, considering the client identity authentication and privacy protection issue most approaches ignore, Chu-ko-nu introduces a zero-knowledge proof-based authentication mechanism. It can support clients anonymously participating in FL training and enables the server to authenticate clients effectively in the presence of various attacks. Rigorous security proofs and extensive experiments demonstrated that Chu-ko-nu can provide reliable and anonymously authenticated aggregation for FL with low aggregation costs, at least a 21.02% reduction compared to the state-of-the-art schemes.

replace-cross Re-Envisioning Numerical Information Field Theory ( A Library for Gaussian Processes and Variational Inference

Authors: Gordian Edenhofer, Philipp Frank, Jakob Roth, Reimar H. Leike, Massin Guerdi, Lukas I. Scheel-Platz, Matteo Guardiani, Vincent Eberle, Margret Westerkamp, Torsten A. En{\ss}lin

Abstract: Imaging is the process of transforming noisy, incomplete data into a space that humans can interpret. NIFTy is a Bayesian framework for imaging and has already successfully been applied to many fields in astrophysics. Previous design decisions held the performance and the development of methods in NIFTy back. We present a rewrite of NIFTy, coined, which reworks the modeling principle, extends the inference strategies, and outsources much of the heavy lifting to JAX. The rewrite dramatically accelerates models written in NIFTy, lays the foundation for new types of inference machineries, improves maintainability, and enables interoperability between NIFTy and the JAX machine learning ecosystem.

replace-cross Taming the Tail in Class-Conditional GANs: Knowledge Sharing via Unconditional Training at Lower Resolutions

Authors: Saeed Khorram, Mingqi Jiang, Mohamad Shahbazi, Mohamad H. Danesh, Li Fuxin

Abstract: Despite extensive research on training generative adversarial networks (GANs) with limited training data, learning to generate images from long-tailed training distributions remains fairly unexplored. In the presence of imbalanced multi-class training data, GANs tend to favor classes with more samples, leading to the generation of low-quality and less diverse samples in tail classes. In this study, we aim to improve the training of class-conditional GANs with long-tailed data. We propose a straightforward yet effective method for knowledge sharing, allowing tail classes to borrow from the rich information from classes with more abundant training data. More concretely, we propose modifications to existing class-conditional GAN architectures to ensure that the lower-resolution layers of the generator are trained entirely unconditionally while reserving class-conditional generation for the higher-resolution layers. Experiments on several long-tail benchmarks and GAN architectures demonstrate a significant improvement over existing methods in both the diversity and fidelity of the generated images. The code is available at


replace-cross Wisdom of the Silicon Crowd: LLM Ensemble Prediction Capabilities Rival Human Crowd Accuracy

Authors: Philipp Schoenegger, Indre Tuminauskaite, Peter S. Park, Rafael Valdece Sousa Bastos, Philip E. Tetlock

Abstract: Human forecasting accuracy in practice relies on the 'wisdom of the crowd' effect, in which predictions about future events are significantly improved by aggregating across a crowd of individual forecasters. Past work on the forecasting ability of large language models (LLMs) suggests that frontier LLMs, as individual forecasters, underperform compared to the gold standard of a human-crowd forecasting-tournament aggregate. In Study 1, we expand this research by using an LLM ensemble approach consisting of a crowd of 12 LLMs. We compare the aggregated LLM predictions on 31 binary questions to those of a crowd of 925 human forecasters from a three-month forecasting tournament. Our preregistered main analysis shows that the LLM crowd outperforms a simple no-information benchmark, and is not statistically different from the human crowd. We also observe a set of human-like biases in machine responses, such as an acquiescence effect and a tendency to favour round numbers. In Study 2, we test whether LLM predictions (of GPT-4 and Claude 2) can be improved by drawing on human cognitive output. We find that both models' forecasting accuracy benefits from exposure to the median human prediction as information, improving accuracy by between 17% and 28%, though this leads to less accurate predictions than simply averaging human and machine forecasts. Our results suggest that LLMs can achieve forecasting accuracy rivaling that of the human crowd: via the simple, practically applicable method of forecast aggregation.

replace-cross TELEClass: Taxonomy Enrichment and LLM-Enhanced Hierarchical Text Classification with Minimal Supervision

Authors: Yunyi Zhang, Ruozhen Yang, Xueqiang Xu, Rui Li, Jinfeng Xiao, Jiaming Shen, Jiawei Han

Abstract: Hierarchical text classification aims to categorize each document into a set of classes in a label taxonomy. Most earlier works focus on fully or semi-supervised methods that require a large amount of human annotated data which is costly and time-consuming to acquire. To alleviate human efforts, in this paper, we work on hierarchical text classification with the minimal amount of supervision: using the sole class name of each node as the only supervision. Recently, large language models (LLM) show competitive performance on various tasks through zero-shot prompting, but this method performs poorly in the hierarchical setting, because it is ineffective to include the large and structured label space in a prompt. On the other hand, previous weakly-supervised hierarchical text classification methods only utilize the raw taxonomy skeleton and ignore the rich information hidden in the text corpus that can serve as additional class-indicative features. To tackle the above challenges, we propose TELEClass, Taxonomy Enrichment and LLM-Enhanced weakly-supervised hierarchical text Classification, which (1) automatically enriches the label taxonomy with class-indicative terms to facilitate classifier training and (2) utilizes LLMs for both data annotation and creation tailored for the hierarchical label space. Experiments show that TELEClass can outperform previous weakly-supervised methods and LLM-based zero-shot prompting methods on two public datasets.

replace-cross Data Science Education in Undergraduate Physics: Lessons Learned from a Community of Practice

Authors: Karan Shah, Julie Butler, Alexis Knaub, An{\i}l Zengino\u{g}lu, William Ratcliff, Mohammad Soltanieh-ha

Abstract: It is becoming increasingly important that physics educators equip their students with the skills to work with data effectively. However, many educators may lack the necessary training and expertise in data science to teach these skills. To address this gap, we created the Data Science Education Community of Practice (DSECOP), bringing together graduate students and physics educators from different institutions and backgrounds to share best practices and lessons learned from integrating data science into undergraduate physics education. In this article we present insights and experiences from this community of practice, highlighting key strategies and challenges in incorporating data science into the introductory physics curriculum. Our goal is to provide guidance and inspiration to educators who seek to integrate data science into their teaching, helping to prepare the next generation of physicists for a data-driven world.

replace-cross Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium for Crowd Navigation

Authors: Muchen Sun, Francesca Baldini, Katie Hughes, Peter Trautman, Todd Murphey

Abstract: Robots navigating in crowded areas should negotiate free space with humans rather than fully controlling collision avoidance, as this can lead to freezing behavior. Game theory provides a framework for the robot to reason about potential cooperation from humans for collision avoidance during path planning. In particular, the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium captures the negotiation behavior under uncertainty, making it well suited for crowd navigation. However, computing the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium is often prohibitively expensive for real-time decision-making. In this paper, we propose an iterative Bayesian update scheme over probability distributions of trajectories. The algorithm simultaneously generates a stochastic plan for the robot and probabilistic predictions of other pedestrians' paths. We prove that the proposed algorithm is equivalent to solving a mixed strategy game for crowd navigation, and the algorithm guarantees the recovery of the global Nash equilibrium of the game. We name our algorithm Bayes' Rule Nash Equilibrium (BRNE) and develop a real-time model prediction crowd navigation framework. Since BRNE is not solving a general-purpose mixed strategy Nash equilibrium but a tailored formula specifically for crowd navigation, it can compute the solution in real-time on a low-power embedded computer. We evaluate BRNE in both simulated environments and real-world pedestrian datasets. BRNE consistently outperforms non-learning and learning-based methods regarding safety and navigation efficiency. It also reaches human-level crowd navigation performance in the pedestrian dataset benchmark. Lastly, we demonstrate the practicality of our algorithm with real humans on an untethered quadruped robot with fully onboard perception and computation.

replace-cross KnowPhish: Large Language Models Meet Multimodal Knowledge Graphs for Enhancing Reference-Based Phishing Detection

Authors: Yuexin Li, Chengyu Huang, Shumin Deng, Mei Lin Lock, Tri Cao, Nay Oo, Hoon Wei Lim, Bryan Hooi

Abstract: Phishing attacks have inflicted substantial losses on individuals and businesses alike, necessitating the development of robust and efficient automated phishing detection approaches. Reference-based phishing detectors (RBPDs), which compare the logos on a target webpage to a known set of logos, have emerged as the state-of-the-art approach. However, a major limitation of existing RBPDs is that they rely on a manually constructed brand knowledge base, making it infeasible to scale to a large number of brands, which results in false negative errors due to the insufficient brand coverage of the knowledge base. To address this issue, we propose an automated knowledge collection pipeline, using which we collect a large-scale multimodal brand knowledge base, KnowPhish, containing 20k brands with rich information about each brand. KnowPhish can be used to boost the performance of existing RBPDs in a plug-and-play manner. A second limitation of existing RBPDs is that they solely rely on the image modality, ignoring useful textual information present in the webpage HTML. To utilize this textual information, we propose a Large Language Model (LLM)-based approach to extract brand information of webpages from text. Our resulting multimodal phishing detection approach, KnowPhish Detector (KPD), can detect phishing webpages with or without logos. We evaluate KnowPhish and KPD on a manually validated dataset, and a field study under Singapore's local context, showing substantial improvements in effectiveness and efficiency compared to state-of-the-art baselines.

replace-cross Aligners: Decoupling LLMs and Alignment

Authors: Lilian Ngweta, Mayank Agarwal, Subha Maity, Alex Gittens, Yuekai Sun, Mikhail Yurochkin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) need to be aligned with human expectations to ensure their safety and utility in most applications. Alignment is challenging, costly, and needs to be repeated for every LLM and alignment criterion. We propose to decouple LLMs and alignment by training aligner models that can be used to align any LLM for a given criteria on an as-needed basis, thus also reducing the potential negative impacts of alignment on performance. Our recipe for training the aligner models solely relies on synthetic data generated with a (prompted) LLM and can be easily adjusted for a variety of alignment criteria. We use the same synthetic data to train inspectors, binary miss-alignment classification models to guide a "squad" of multiple aligners. Our empirical results demonstrate consistent improvements when applying aligner squad to various LLMs, including chat-aligned models, across several instruction-following and red-teaming datasets.

replace-cross Monitoring AI-Modified Content at Scale: A Case Study on the Impact of ChatGPT on AI Conference Peer Reviews

Authors: Weixin Liang, Zachary Izzo, Yaohui Zhang, Haley Lepp, Hancheng Cao, Xuandong Zhao, Lingjiao Chen, Haotian Ye, Sheng Liu, Zhi Huang, Daniel A. McFarland, James Y. Zou

Abstract: We present an approach for estimating the fraction of text in a large corpus which is likely to be substantially modified or produced by a large language model (LLM). Our maximum likelihood model leverages expert-written and AI-generated reference texts to accurately and efficiently examine real-world LLM-use at the corpus level. We apply this approach to a case study of scientific peer review in AI conferences that took place after the release of ChatGPT: ICLR 2024, NeurIPS 2023, CoRL 2023 and EMNLP 2023. Our results suggest that between 6.5% and 16.9% of text submitted as peer reviews to these conferences could have been substantially modified by LLMs, i.e. beyond spell-checking or minor writing updates. The circumstances in which generated text occurs offer insight into user behavior: the estimated fraction of LLM-generated text is higher in reviews which report lower confidence, were submitted close to the deadline, and from reviewers who are less likely to respond to author rebuttals. We also observe corpus-level trends in generated text which may be too subtle to detect at the individual level, and discuss the implications of such trends on peer review. We call for future interdisciplinary work to examine how LLM use is changing our information and knowledge practices.

replace-cross Language models scale reliably with over-training and on downstream tasks

Authors: Samir Yitzhak Gadre, Georgios Smyrnis, Vaishaal Shankar, Suchin Gururangan, Mitchell Wortsman, Rulin Shao, Jean Mercat, Alex Fang, Jeffrey Li, Sedrick Keh, Rui Xin, Marianna Nezhurina, Igor Vasiljevic, Jenia Jitsev, Luca Soldaini, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Gabriel Ilharco, Pang Wei Koh, Shuran Song, Thomas Kollar, Yair Carmon, Achal Dave, Reinhard Heckel, Niklas Muennighoff, Ludwig Schmidt

Abstract: Scaling laws are useful guides for derisking expensive training runs, as they predict performance of large models using cheaper, small-scale experiments. However, there remain gaps between current scaling studies and how language models are ultimately trained and evaluated. For instance, scaling is usually studied in the compute-optimal training regime (i.e., "Chinchilla optimal" regime). In contrast, models are often over-trained to reduce inference costs. Moreover, scaling laws mostly predict loss on next-token prediction, but models are usually compared on downstream task performance. To address both shortcomings, we create a testbed of 104 models with 0.011B to 6.9B parameters trained with various numbers of tokens on three data distributions. First, we fit scaling laws that extrapolate in both the amount of over-training and the number of model parameters. This enables us to predict the validation loss of a 1.4B parameter, 900B token run (i.e., 32$\times$ over-trained) and a 6.9B parameter, 138B token run (i.e., a compute-optimal run)$\unicode{x2014}$each from experiments that take 300$\times$ less compute. Second, we relate the perplexity of a language model to its downstream task performance by proposing a power law. We use this law to predict top-1 error averaged over downstream tasks for the two aforementioned models, using experiments that take 20$\times$ less compute. Our experiments are available at


replace-cross Reference-based Metrics Disprove Themselves in Question Generation

Authors: Bang Nguyen, Mengxia Yu, Yun Huang, Meng Jiang

Abstract: Reference-based metrics such as BLEU and BERTScore are widely used to evaluate question generation (QG). In this study, on QG benchmarks such as SQuAD and HotpotQA, we find that using human-written references cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the reference-based metrics. Most QG benchmarks have only one reference; we replicated the annotation process and collect another reference. A good metric was expected to grade a human-validated question no worse than generated questions. However, the results of reference-based metrics on our newly collected reference disproved the metrics themselves. We propose a reference-free metric consisted of multi-dimensional criteria such as naturalness, answerability, and complexity, utilizing large language models. These criteria are not constrained to the syntactic or semantic of a single reference question, and the metric does not require a diverse set of references. Experiments reveal that our metric accurately distinguishes between high-quality questions and flawed ones, and achieves state-of-the-art alignment with human judgment.

replace-cross Extended Reality for Enhanced Human-Robot Collaboration: a Human-in-the-Loop Approach

Authors: Yehor Karpichev, Todd Charter, Jayden Hong, Amir M. Soufi Enayati, Homayoun Honari, Mehran Ghafarian Tamizi, Homayoun Najjaran

Abstract: The rise of automation has provided an opportunity to achieve higher efficiency in manufacturing processes, yet it often compromises the flexibility required to promptly respond to evolving market needs and meet the demand for customization. Human-robot collaboration attempts to tackle these challenges by combining the strength and precision of machines with human ingenuity and perceptual understanding. In this paper, we conceptualize and propose an implementation framework for an autonomous, machine learning-based manipulator that incorporates human-in-the-loop principles and leverages Extended Reality (XR) to facilitate intuitive communication and programming between humans and robots. Furthermore, the conceptual framework foresees human involvement directly in the robot learning process, resulting in higher adaptability and task generalization. The paper highlights key technologies enabling the proposed framework, emphasizing the importance of developing the digital ecosystem as a whole. Additionally, we review the existent implementation approaches of XR in human-robot collaboration, showcasing diverse perspectives and methodologies. The challenges and future outlooks are discussed, delving into the major obstacles and potential research avenues of XR for more natural human-robot interaction and integration in the industrial landscape.

replace-cross Ultrasound Imaging based on the Variance of a Diffusion Restoration Model

Authors: Yuxin Zhang, Cl\'ement Huneau, J\'er\^ome Idier, Diana Mateus

Abstract: Despite today's prevalence of ultrasound imaging in medicine, ultrasound signal-to-noise ratio is still affected by several sources of noise and artefacts. Moreover, enhancing ultrasound image quality involves balancing concurrent factors like contrast, resolution, and speckle preservation. Recently, there has been progress in both model-based and learning-based approaches addressing the problem of ultrasound image reconstruction. Bringing the best from both worlds, we propose a hybrid reconstruction method combining an ultrasound linear direct model with a learning-based prior coming from a generative Denoising Diffusion model. More specifically, we rely on the unsupervised fine-tuning of a pre-trained Denoising Diffusion Restoration Model (DDRM). Given the nature of multiplicative noise inherent to ultrasound, this paper proposes an empirical model to characterize the stochasticity of diffusion reconstruction of ultrasound images, and shows the interest of its variance as an echogenicity map estimator. We conduct experiments on synthetic, in-vitro, and in-vivo data, demonstrating the efficacy of our variance imaging approach in achieving high-quality image reconstructions from single plane-wave acquisitions and in comparison to state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at:


replace-cross Sequential Decision-Making for Inline Text Autocomplete

Authors: Rohan Chitnis, Shentao Yang, Alborz Geramifard

Abstract: Autocomplete suggestions are fundamental to modern text entry systems, with applications in domains such as messaging and email composition. Typically, autocomplete suggestions are generated from a language model with a confidence threshold. However, this threshold does not directly take into account the cognitive load imposed on the user by surfacing suggestions, such as the effort to switch contexts from typing to reading the suggestion, and the time to decide whether to accept the suggestion. In this paper, we study the problem of improving inline autocomplete suggestions in text entry systems via a sequential decision-making formulation, and use reinforcement learning to learn suggestion policies through repeated interactions with a target user over time. This formulation allows us to factor cognitive load into the objective of training an autocomplete model, through a reward function based on text entry speed. We acquired theoretical and experimental evidence that, under certain objectives, the sequential decision-making formulation of the autocomplete problem provides a better suggestion policy than myopic single-step reasoning. However, aligning these objectives with real users requires further exploration. In particular, we hypothesize that the objectives under which sequential decision-making can improve autocomplete systems are not tailored solely to text entry speed, but more broadly to metrics such as user satisfaction and convenience.

replace-cross Beyond Embeddings: The Promise of Visual Table in Visual Reasoning

Authors: Yiwu Zhong, Zi-Yuan Hu, Michael R. Lyu, Liwei Wang

Abstract: Visual representation learning has been a cornerstone in computer vision, involving typical forms such as visual embeddings, structural symbols, and text-based representations. Despite the success of CLIP-type visual embeddings, they often lack access to world knowledge critical for visual reasoning. In this work, we propose Visual Table, a novel form of visual representation tailored for visual reasoning. Visual tables are constructed as hierarchical descriptions of visual scenes, featuring a scene description and multiple object-centric descriptions covering categories, attributes, and knowledge. Thanks to the structural and textual formats, visual tables offer unique advantages over mere visual embeddings, such as interpretability and controllable editing. Furthermore, they deliver instance-level world knowledge and detailed attributes that are essential for visual reasoning. To create visual tables, we develop a generator trained on the dataset with collected, small-scale annotations. Extensive results on 11 visual reasoning benchmarks demonstrate that the generated visual tables significantly outperform previous structural and text-based representations. Moreover, they consistently enhance state-of-the-art multimodal large language models across diverse benchmarks, showcasing their potential for advancing visual reasoning tasks. Our code is available at


replace-cross Distributed Maximum Consensus over Noisy Links

Authors: Ehsan Lari, Reza Arablouei, Naveen K. D. Venkategowda, Stefan Werner

Abstract: We introduce a distributed algorithm, termed noise-robust distributed maximum consensus (RD-MC), for estimating the maximum value within a multi-agent network in the presence of noisy communication links. Our approach entails redefining the maximum consensus problem as a distributed optimization problem, allowing a solution using the alternating direction method of multipliers. Unlike existing algorithms that rely on multiple sets of noise-corrupted estimates, RD-MC employs a single set, enhancing both robustness and efficiency. To further mitigate the effects of link noise and improve robustness, we apply moving averaging to the local estimates. Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate that RD-MC is significantly more robust to communication link noise compared to existing maximum-consensus algorithms.

replace-cross CtRL-Sim: Reactive and Controllable Driving Agents with Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Luke Rowe, Roger Girgis, Anthony Gosselin, Bruno Carrez, Florian Golemo, Felix Heide, Liam Paull, Christopher Pal

Abstract: Evaluating autonomous vehicle stacks (AVs) in simulation typically involves replaying driving logs from real-world recorded traffic. However, agents replayed from offline data are not reactive and hard to intuitively control. Existing approaches address these challenges by proposing methods that rely on heuristics or generative models of real-world data but these approaches either lack realism or necessitate costly iterative sampling procedures to control the generated behaviours. In this work, we take an alternative approach and propose CtRL-Sim, a method that leverages return-conditioned offline reinforcement learning to efficiently generate reactive and controllable traffic agents. Specifically, we process real-world driving data through a physics-enhanced Nocturne simulator to generate a diverse offline reinforcement learning dataset, annotated with various reward terms. With this dataset, we train a return-conditioned multi-agent behaviour model that allows for fine-grained manipulation of agent behaviours by modifying the desired returns for the various reward components. This capability enables the generation of a wide range of driving behaviours beyond the scope of the initial dataset, including adversarial behaviours. We demonstrate that CtRL-Sim can generate diverse and realistic safety-critical scenarios while providing fine-grained control over agent behaviours.

replace-cross Query Performance Prediction using Relevance Judgments Generated by Large Language Models

Authors: Chuan Meng, Negar Arabzadeh, Arian Askari, Mohammad Aliannejadi, Maarten de Rijke

Abstract: Query performance prediction (QPP) aims to estimate the retrieval quality of a search system for a query without human relevance judgments. Previous QPP methods typically return a single scalar value and do not require the predicted values to approximate a specific information retrieval (IR) evaluation measure, leading to certain drawbacks: (i) a single scalar is insufficient to accurately represent different IR evaluation measures, especially when metrics do not highly correlate, and (ii) a single scalar limits the interpretability of QPP methods because solely using a scalar is insufficient to explain QPP results. To address these issues, we propose a QPP framework using automatically generated relevance judgments (QPP-GenRE), which decomposes QPP into independent subtasks of predicting the relevance of each item in a ranked list to a given query. This allows us to predict any IR evaluation measure using the generated relevance judgments as pseudo-labels. This also allows us to interpret predicted IR evaluation measures, and identify, track and rectify errors in generated relevance judgments to improve QPP quality. We predict an item's relevance by using open-source large language models (LLMs) to ensure scientific reproducibility. We face two main challenges: (i) excessive computational costs of judging an entire corpus for predicting a metric considering recall, and (ii) limited performance in prompting open-source LLMs in a zero-/few-shot manner. To solve the challenges, we devise an approximation strategy to predict an IR measure considering recall and propose to fine-tune open-source LLMs using human-labeled relevance judgments. Experiments on the TREC 2019-2022 deep learning tracks show that QPP-GenRE achieves state-of-the-art QPP quality for both lexical and neural rankers.

replace-cross JailbreakBench: An Open Robustness Benchmark for Jailbreaking Large Language Models

Authors: Patrick Chao, Edoardo Debenedetti, Alexander Robey, Maksym Andriushchenko, Francesco Croce, Vikash Sehwag, Edgar Dobriban, Nicolas Flammarion, George J. Pappas, Florian Tramer, Hamed Hassani, Eric Wong

Abstract: Jailbreak attacks cause large language models (LLMs) to generate harmful, unethical, or otherwise objectionable content. Evaluating these attacks presents a number of challenges, which the current collection of benchmarks and evaluation techniques do not adequately address. First, there is no clear standard of practice regarding jailbreaking evaluation. Second, existing works compute costs and success rates in incomparable ways. And third, numerous works are not reproducible, as they withhold adversarial prompts, involve closed-source code, or rely on evolving proprietary APIs. To address these challenges, we introduce JailbreakBench, an open-sourced benchmark with the following components: (1) an evolving repository of state-of-the-art adversarial prompts, which we refer to as jailbreak artifacts; (2) a jailbreaking dataset comprising 100 behaviors -- both original and sourced from prior work -- which align with OpenAI's usage policies; (3) a standardized evaluation framework at that includes a clearly defined threat model, system prompts, chat templates, and scoring functions; and (4) a leaderboard at that tracks the performance of attacks and defenses for various LLMs. We have carefully considered the potential ethical implications of releasing this benchmark, and believe that it will be a net positive for the community.


replace-cross Bayesian Inference for Consistent Predictions in Overparameterized Nonlinear Regression

Authors: Tomoya Wakayama

Abstract: The remarkable generalization performance of large-scale models has been challenging the conventional wisdom of the statistical learning theory. Although recent theoretical studies have shed light on this behavior in linear models and nonlinear classifiers, a comprehensive understanding of overparameterization in nonlinear regression models is still lacking. This study explores the predictive properties of overparameterized nonlinear regression within the Bayesian framework, extending the methodology of the adaptive prior considering the intrinsic spectral structure of the data. Posterior contraction is established for generalized linear and single-neuron models with Lipschitz continuous activation functions, demonstrating the consistency in the predictions of the proposed approach. Moreover, the Bayesian framework enables uncertainty estimation of the predictions. The proposed method was validated via numerical simulations and a real data application, showing its ability to achieve accurate predictions and reliable uncertainty estimates. This work provides a theoretical understanding of the advantages of overparameterization and a principled Bayesian approach to large nonlinear models.

replace-cross PhyloLM : Inferring the Phylogeny of Large Language Models and Predicting their Performances in Benchmarks

Authors: Nicolas Yax, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Stefano Palminteri

Abstract: This paper introduces PhyloLM, a method adapting phylogenetic algorithms to Large Language Models (LLMs) to explore whether and how they relate to each other and to predict their performance characteristics. Our method calculates a phylogenetic distance metrics based on the similarity of LLMs' output. The resulting metric is then used to construct dendrograms, which satisfactorily capture known relationships across a set of 111 open-source and 45 closed models. Furthermore, our phylogenetic distance predicts performance in standard benchmarks, thus demonstrating its functional validity and paving the way for a time and cost-effective estimation of LLM capabilities. To sum up, by translating population genetic concepts to machine learning, we propose and validate a tool to evaluate LLM development, relationships and capabilities, even in the absence of transparent training information.

replace-cross Mitigating the Curse of Dimensionality for Certified Robustness via Dual Randomized Smoothing

Authors: Song Xia, Yi Yu, Xudong Jiang, Henghui Ding

Abstract: Randomized Smoothing (RS) has been proven a promising method for endowing an arbitrary image classifier with certified robustness. However, the substantial uncertainty inherent in the high-dimensional isotropic Gaussian noise imposes the curse of dimensionality on RS. Specifically, the upper bound of ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius provided by RS exhibits a diminishing trend with the expansion of the input dimension $d$, proportionally decreasing at a rate of $1/\sqrt{d}$. This paper explores the feasibility of providing ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness for high-dimensional input through the utilization of dual smoothing in the lower-dimensional space. The proposed Dual Randomized Smoothing (DRS) down-samples the input image into two sub-images and smooths the two sub-images in lower dimensions. Theoretically, we prove that DRS guarantees a tight ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius for the original input and reveal that DRS attains a superior upper bound on the ${\ell_2}$ robustness radius, which decreases proportionally at a rate of $(1/\sqrt m + 1/\sqrt n )$ with $m+n=d$. Extensive experiments demonstrate the generalizability and effectiveness of DRS, which exhibits a notable capability to integrate with established methodologies, yielding substantial improvements in both accuracy and ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness baselines of RS on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. Code is available at


replace-cross Quantifying Multilingual Performance of Large Language Models Across Languages

Authors: Zihao Li, Yucheng Shi, Zirui Liu, Fan Yang, Ali Payani, Ninghao Liu, Mengnan Du

Abstract: The development of Large Language Models (LLMs) relies on extensive text corpora, which are often unevenly distributed across languages. This imbalance results in LLMs performing significantly better on high-resource languages like English, German, and French, while their capabilities in low-resource languages remain inadequate. Currently, there is a lack of quantitative methods to evaluate the performance of LLMs in these low-resource languages. To address this gap, we propose the Language Ranker, an intrinsic metric designed to benchmark and rank languages based on LLM performance using internal representations. By comparing the LLM's internal representation of various languages against a baseline derived from English, we can assess the model's multilingual capabilities in a robust and language-agnostic manner. Our analysis reveals that high-resource languages exhibit higher similarity scores with English, demonstrating superior performance, while low-resource languages show lower similarity scores, underscoring the effectiveness of our metric in assessing language-specific capabilities. Besides, the experiments show that there is a strong correlation between the LLM's performance in different languages and the proportion of those languages in its pre-training corpus. These insights underscore the efficacy of the Language Ranker as a tool for evaluating LLM performance across different languages, particularly those with limited resources.

replace-cross Position: Understanding LLMs Requires More Than Statistical Generalization

Authors: Patrik Reizinger, Szilvia Ujv\'ary, Anna M\'esz\'aros, Anna Kerekes, Wieland Brendel, Ferenc Husz\'ar

Abstract: The last decade has seen blossoming research in deep learning theory attempting to answer, "Why does deep learning generalize?" A powerful shift in perspective precipitated this progress: the study of overparametrized models in the interpolation regime. In this paper, we argue that another perspective shift is due, since some of the desirable qualities of LLMs are not a consequence of good statistical generalization and require a separate theoretical explanation. Our core argument relies on the observation that AR probabilistic models are inherently non-identifiable: models zero or near-zero KL divergence apart -- thus, equivalent test loss -- can exhibit markedly different behaviors. We support our position with mathematical examples and empirical observations, illustrating why non-identifiability has practical relevance through three case studies: (1) the non-identifiability of zero-shot rule extrapolation; (2) the approximate non-identifiability of in-context learning; and (3) the non-identifiability of fine-tunability. We review promising research directions focusing on LLM-relevant generalization measures, transferability, and inductive biases.

replace-cross PPFlow: Target-aware Peptide Design with Torsional Flow Matching

Authors: Haitao Lin, Odin Zhang, Huifeng Zhao, Dejun Jiang, Lirong Wu, Zicheng Liu, Yufei Huang, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Therapeutic peptides have proven to have great pharmaceutical value and potential in recent decades. However, methods of AI-assisted peptide drug discovery are not fully explored. To fill the gap, we propose a target-aware peptide design method called \textsc{PPFlow}, based on conditional flow matching on torus manifolds, to model the internal geometries of torsion angles for the peptide structure design. Besides, we establish a protein-peptide binding dataset named PPBench2024 to fill the void of massive data for the task of structure-based peptide drug design and to allow the training of deep learning methods. Extensive experiments show that PPFlow reaches state-of-the-art performance in tasks of peptide drug generation and optimization in comparison with baseline models, and can be generalized to other tasks including docking and side-chain packing.

replace-cross Model Free Prediction with Uncertainty Assessment

Authors: Yuling Jiao, Lican Kang, Jin Liu, Heng Peng, Heng Zuo

Abstract: Deep nonparametric regression, characterized by the utilization of deep neural networks to learn target functions, has emerged as a focus of research attention in recent years. Despite considerable progress in understanding convergence rates, the absence of asymptotic properties hinders rigorous statistical inference. To address this gap, we propose a novel framework that transforms the deep estimation paradigm into a platform conducive to conditional mean estimation, leveraging the conditional diffusion model. Theoretically, we develop an end-to-end convergence rate for the conditional diffusion model and establish the asymptotic normality of the generated samples. Consequently, we are equipped to construct confidence regions, facilitating robust statistical inference. Furthermore, through numerical experiments, we empirically validate the efficacy of our proposed methodology.

replace-cross Confidence Under the Hood: An Investigation into the Confidence-Probability Alignment in Large Language Models

Authors: Abhishek Kumar, Robert Morabito, Sanzhar Umbet, Jad Kabbara, Ali Emami

Abstract: As the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) becomes more widespread, understanding their self-evaluation of confidence in generated responses becomes increasingly important as it is integral to the reliability of the output of these models. We introduce the concept of Confidence-Probability Alignment, that connects an LLM's internal confidence, quantified by token probabilities, to the confidence conveyed in the model's response when explicitly asked about its certainty. Using various datasets and prompting techniques that encourage model introspection, we probe the alignment between models' internal and expressed confidence. These techniques encompass using structured evaluation scales to rate confidence, including answer options when prompting, and eliciting the model's confidence level for outputs it does not recognize as its own. Notably, among the models analyzed, OpenAI's GPT-4 showed the strongest confidence-probability alignment, with an average Spearman's $\hat{\rho}$ of 0.42, across a wide range of tasks. Our work contributes to the ongoing efforts to facilitate risk assessment in the application of LLMs and to further our understanding of model trustworthiness.

replace-cross WirelessLLM: Empowering Large Language Models Towards Wireless Intelligence

Authors: Jiawei Shao, Jingwen Tong, Qiong Wu, Wei Guo, Zijian Li, Zehong Lin, Jun Zhang

Abstract: The rapid evolution of wireless technologies and the growing complexity of network infrastructures necessitate a paradigm shift in how communication networks are designed, configured, and managed. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked interest in their potential to revolutionize wireless communication systems. However, existing studies on LLMs for wireless systems are limited to a direct application for telecom language understanding. To empower LLMs with knowledge and expertise in the wireless domain, this paper proposes WirelessLLM, a comprehensive framework for adapting and enhancing LLMs to address the unique challenges and requirements of wireless communication networks. We first identify three foundational principles that underpin WirelessLLM: knowledge alignment, knowledge fusion, and knowledge evolution. Then, we investigate the enabling technologies to build WirelessLLM, including prompt engineering, retrieval augmented generation, tool usage, multi-modal pre-training, and domain-specific fine-tuning. Moreover, we present three case studies to demonstrate the practical applicability and benefits of WirelessLLM for solving typical problems in wireless networks. Finally, we conclude this paper by highlighting key challenges and outlining potential avenues for future research.

replace-cross The Scaling Law in Stellar Light Curves

Authors: Jia-Shu Pan, Yuan-Sen Ting, Yang Huang, Jie Yu, Ji-Feng Liu

Abstract: Analyzing time series of fluxes from stars, known as stellar light curves, can reveal valuable information about stellar properties. However, most current methods rely on extracting summary statistics, and studies using deep learning have been limited to supervised approaches. In this research, we investigate the scaling law properties that emerge when learning from astronomical time series data using self-supervised techniques. By employing the GPT-2 architecture, we show the learned representation improves as the number of parameters increases from $10^4$ to $10^9$, with no signs of performance plateauing. We demonstrate that a self-supervised Transformer model achieves 3-10 times the sample efficiency compared to the state-of-the-art supervised learning model when inferring the surface gravity of stars as a downstream task. Our research lays the groundwork for analyzing stellar light curves by examining them through large-scale auto-regressive generative models.

replace-cross Benchmarking General Purpose In-Context Learning

Authors: Fan Wang, Chuan Lin, Yang Cao, Yu Kang

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) is becoming increasingly appealing to the AI community due to its flexibility, generality, sample efficiency, and exemption from artificial optimization skills. It is desirable to further enhance the generality and capability of ICL, which gives rise to the concept of general-purpose in-context learning (GPICL). We aim to extend ICL to address a broader range of tasks with an extended learning horizon and higher improvement potential, albeit with relatively limited zero-shot generalization. To this end, we introduce two lightweight but insightful benchmarks specifically crafted to train and evaluate GPICL functionalities. Each benchmark includes a vast number of tasks characterized by significant task variance, featuring minimal inductive bias. These tasks are also designed to facilitate lifelong in-context learning through continuous generation and interaction. These features pose significant challenges for models that rely on context or interactions to improve their proficiency, including language models, decision models, and world models. Our experiments reveal that the scale of parameters alone may not be crucial for ICL or GPICL, suggesting alternative approaches such as increasing the scale of contexts and memory states.

replace-cross MTEB-French: Resources for French Sentence Embedding Evaluation and Analysis

Authors: Mathieu Ciancone, Imene Kerboua, Marion Schaeffer, Wissam Siblini

Abstract: Recently, numerous embedding models have been made available and widely used for various NLP tasks. The Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) has primarily simplified the process of choosing a model that performs well for several tasks in English, but extensions to other languages remain challenging. This is why we expand MTEB to propose the first massive benchmark of sentence embeddings for French. We gather 15 existing datasets in an easy-to-use interface and create three new French datasets for a global evaluation of 8 task categories. We compare 51 carefully selected embedding models on a large scale, conduct comprehensive statistical tests, and analyze the correlation between model performance and many of their characteristics. We find out that even if no model is the best on all tasks, large multilingual models pre-trained on sentence similarity perform exceptionally well. Our work comes with open-source code, new datasets and a public leaderboard.

replace-cross Ovis: Structural Embedding Alignment for Multimodal Large Language Model

Authors: Shiyin Lu, Yang Li, Qing-Guo Chen, Zhao Xu, Weihua Luo, Kaifu Zhang, Han-Jia Ye

Abstract: Current Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) typically integrate a pre-trained LLM with another pre-trained vision transformer through a connector, such as an MLP, endowing the LLM with visual capabilities. However, the misalignment between two embedding strategies in MLLMs -- the structural textual embeddings based on an embedding look-up table and the continuous embeddings generated directly by the vision encoder -- makes challenges for a more seamless fusion of visual and textual information. We propose Ovis, a novel MLLM architecture designed to structurally align visual and textual embeddings. Ovis integrates an additional learnable visual embedding table into the visual encoder's process. To capture rich visual semantics, each image patch indexes the visual embedding table multiple times, resulting in a final visual embedding that is a probabilistic combination of the indexed embeddings. This structural approach mirrors the method used for generating textual embeddings. Empirical evaluations on various multimodal benchmarks show that Ovis outperforms open-source MLLMs of similar parameter scales and even surpasses the proprietary model Qwen-VL-Plus overall. These results highlight the potential of Ovis' structured visual representation for advancing MLLM architectural design and promoting more effective multimodal learning. Code, datasets, and models are available at


replace-cross Fair Allocation in Dynamic Mechanism Design

Authors: Alireza Fallah, Michael I. Jordan, Annie Ulichney

Abstract: We consider a dynamic mechanism design problem where an auctioneer sells an indivisible good to two groups of buyers in every round, for a total of $T$ rounds. The auctioneer aims to maximize their discounted overall revenue while adhering to a fairness constraint that guarantees a minimum average allocation for each group. We begin by studying the static case ($T=1$) and establish that the optimal mechanism involves two types of subsidization: one that increases the overall probability of allocation to all buyers, and another that favors the group which otherwise has a lower probability of winning the item. We then extend our results to the dynamic case by characterizing a set of recursive functions that determine the optimal allocation and payments in each round. Notably, our results establish that in the dynamic case, the seller, on the one hand, commits to a participation reward to incentivize truth-telling, and on the other hand, charges an entry fee for every round. Moreover, the optimal allocation once more involves subsidization in favor of one group, where the extent of subsidization depends on the difference in future utilities for both the seller and buyers when allocating the item to one group versus the other. Finally, we present an approximation scheme to solve the recursive equations and determine an approximately optimal and fair allocation efficiently.

replace-cross CASE: Efficient Curricular Data Pre-training for Building Assistive Psychology Expert Models

Authors: Sarthak Harne, Monjoy Narayan Choudhury, Madhav Rao, TK Srikanth, Seema Mehrotra, Apoorva Vashisht, Aarushi Basu, Manjit Sodhi

Abstract: The limited availability of psychologists necessitates efficient identification of individuals requiring urgent mental healthcare. This study explores the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipelines to analyze text data from online mental health forums used for consultations. By analyzing forum posts, these pipelines can flag users who may require immediate professional attention. A crucial challenge in this domain is data privacy and scarcity. To address this, we propose utilizing readily available curricular texts used in institutes specializing in mental health for pre-training the NLP pipelines. This helps us mimic the training process of a psychologist. Our work presents CASE-BERT that flags potential mental health disorders based on forum text. CASE-BERT demonstrates superior performance compared to existing methods, achieving an f1 score of 0.91 for Depression and 0.88 for Anxiety, two of the most commonly reported mental health disorders. Our code is publicly available.

replace-cross Schr\"{o}dinger Bridge with Quadratic State Cost is Exactly Solvable

Authors: Alexis M. H. Teter, Wenqing Wang, Abhishek Halder

Abstract: Schr\"odinger bridge is a diffusion process that steers a given distribution to another in a prescribed time while minimizing the effort to do so. It can be seen as the stochastic dynamical version of the optimal mass transport, and has growing applications in generative diffusion models and stochastic optimal control. In this work, we propose a regularized variant of the Schr\"odinger bridge with a quadratic state cost-to-go that incentivizes the optimal sample paths to stay close to a nominal level. Unlike the conventional Schr\"odinger bridge, the regularization induces a state-dependent rate of killing and creation of probability mass, and its solution requires determining the Markov kernel of a reaction-diffusion partial differential equation. We derive this Markov kernel in closed form. Our solution recovers the heat kernel in the vanishing regularization (i.e., diffusion without reaction) limit, thereby recovering the solution of the conventional Schr\"odinger bridge. Our results enable the use of dynamic Sinkhorn recursion for computing the Schr\"odinger bridge with a quadratic state cost-to-go, which would otherwise be challenging to use in this setting. We deduce properties of the new kernel and explain its connections with certain exactly solvable models in quantum mechanics.

replace-cross Less Peaky and More Accurate CTC Forced Alignment by Label Priors

Authors: Ruizhe Huang, Xiaohui Zhang, Zhaoheng Ni, Li Sun, Moto Hira, Jeff Hwang, Vimal Manohar, Vineel Pratap, Matthew Wiesner, Shinji Watanabe, Daniel Povey, Sanjeev Khudanpur

Abstract: Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) models are known to have peaky output distributions. Such behavior is not a problem for automatic speech recognition (ASR), but it can cause inaccurate forced alignments (FA), especially at finer granularity, e.g., phoneme level. This paper aims at alleviating the peaky behavior for CTC and improve its suitability for forced alignment generation, by leveraging label priors, so that the scores of alignment paths containing fewer blanks are boosted and maximized during training. As a result, our CTC model produces less peaky posteriors and is able to more accurately predict the offset of the tokens besides their onset. It outperforms the standard CTC model and a heuristics-based approach for obtaining CTC's token offset timestamps by 12-40% in phoneme and word boundary errors (PBE and WBE) measured on the Buckeye and TIMIT data. Compared with the most widely used FA toolkit Montreal Forced Aligner (MFA), our method performs similarly on PBE/WBE on Buckeye, yet falls behind MFA on TIMIT. Nevertheless, our method has a much simpler training pipeline and better runtime efficiency. Our training recipe and pretrained model are released in TorchAudio.

replace-cross Task Arithmetic can Mitigate Synthetic-to-Real Gap in Automatic Speech Recognition

Authors: Hsuan Su, Hua Farn, Fan-Yun Sun, Shang-Tse Chen, Hung-yi Lee

Abstract: Synthetic data is widely used in speech recognition due to the availability of text-to-speech models, which facilitate adapting models to previously unseen text domains. However, existing methods suffer in performance when they fine-tune an automatic speech recognition (ASR) model on synthetic data as they suffer from the distributional shift commonly referred to as the synthetic-to-real gap. In this paper, we find that task vector arithmetic is effective at mitigating this gap. Our proposed method, SYN2REAL task vector, shows an average improvement of 10.03\% improvement in word error rate over baselines on the SLURP dataset. Additionally, we show that an average of SYN2REAL task vectors, when we have real speeches from multiple different domains, can further adapt the original ASR model to perform better on the target text domain.

replace-cross Synthetic Programming Elicitation and Repair for Text-to-Code in Very Low-Resource Programming Languages

Authors: Federico Mora, Justin Wong, Haley Lepe, Sahil Bhatia, Karim Elmaaroufi, George Varghese, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Elizabeth Polgreen, Sanjit A. Seshia

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) for code applications have demonstrated remarkable zero-shot fluency and instruction following on challenging code related tasks ranging from test case generation to self-repair. Unsurprisingly, however, models struggle to compose syntactically valid programs in programming languages unrepresented in pre-training, referred to as very low-resource Programming Languages (VLPLs). VLPLs appear in crucial settings, including domain-specific languages for internal tools and tool-chains for legacy languages. Inspired by an HCI technique called natural program elicitation, we propose designing an intermediate language that LLMs ``naturally'' know how to use and which can be automatically compiled to a target VLPL. When LLMs generate code that lies outside of this intermediate language, we use compiler techniques to repair the code into programs in the intermediate language. Overall, we introduce \emph{synthetic programming elicitation and compilation} (SPEAC), an approach that enables LLMs to generate syntactically valid code even for VLPLs. We empirically evaluate the performance of SPEAC in a case study and find that, compared to existing retrieval and fine-tuning baselines, SPEAC produces syntactically correct programs significantly more frequently without sacrificing semantic correctness.

replace-cross Mini Honor of Kings: A Lightweight Environment for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Lin Liu, Jian Zhao, Cheng Hu, Zhengtao Cao, Youpeng Zhao, Zhenbin Ye, Meng Meng, Wenjun Wang, Zhaofeng He, Houqiang Li, Xia Lin, Lanxiao Huang

Abstract: Games are widely used as research environments for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), but they pose three significant challenges: limited customization, high computational demands, and oversimplification. To address these issues, we introduce the first publicly available map editor for the popular mobile game Honor of Kings and design a lightweight environment, Mini Honor of Kings (Mini HoK), for researchers to conduct experiments. Mini HoK is highly efficient, allowing experiments to be run on personal PCs or laptops while still presenting sufficient challenges for existing MARL algorithms. We have tested our environment on common MARL algorithms and demonstrated that these algorithms have yet to find optimal solutions within this environment. This facilitates the dissemination and advancement of MARL methods within the research community. Additionally, we hope that more researchers will leverage the Honor of Kings map editor to develop innovative and scientifically valuable new maps. Our code and user manual are available at:


replace-cross How Efficient is LLM-Generated Code? A Rigorous & High-Standard Benchmark

Authors: Ruizhong Qiu, Weiliang Will Zeng, Hanghang Tong, James Ezick, Christopher Lott

Abstract: The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has significantly pushed the frontiers of program synthesis. Advancement of LLM-based program synthesis calls for a thorough evaluation of LLM-generated code. Most evaluation frameworks focus on the (functional) correctness of generated code; efficiency, as an important measure of code quality, has been overlooked in existing evaluations. In this work, we develop ENAMEL (EfficeNcy AutoMatic EvaLuator), a rigorous and high-standard benchmark for evaluating the capability of LLMs in generating efficient code. Firstly, we propose a new efficiency metric called eff@k, which generalizes the pass@k metric from correctness to efficiency and appropriately handles right-censored execution time. Furthermore, we derive an unbiased and variance-reduced estimator of eff@k via Rao--Blackwellization; we also provide a numerically stable implementation for the new estimator. Secondly, to set a high-standard for efficiency evaluation, we employ a human expert to design best algorithms and implementations as our reference solutions of efficiency, many of which are much more efficient than existing canonical solutions in HumanEval and HumanEval+. Moreover, to ensure a rigorous evaluation, we employ a human expert to curate strong test case generators to filter out wrong code and differentiate suboptimal algorithms. An extensive study across 30 popular LLMs using our benchmark ENAMEL shows that LLMs still fall short of generating expert-level efficient code. Using two subsets of our problem set, we demonstrate that such deficiency is because current LLMs struggle in designing advanced algorithms and are barely aware of implementation optimization. Our benchmark is publicly available at .


replace-cross Flexible Parametric Inference for Space-Time Hawkes Processes

Authors: Emilia Siviero, Guillaume Staerman, Stephan Cl\'emen\c{c}on, Thomas Moreau

Abstract: Many modern spatio-temporal data sets, in sociology, epidemiology or seismology, for example, exhibit self-exciting characteristics, triggering and clustering behaviors both at the same time, that a suitable Hawkes space-time process can accurately capture. This paper aims to develop a fast and flexible parametric inference technique to recover the parameters of the kernel functions involved in the intensity function of a space-time Hawkes process based on such data. Our statistical approach combines three key ingredients: 1) kernels with finite support are considered, 2) the space-time domain is appropriately discretized, and 3) (approximate) precomputations are used. The inference technique we propose then consists of a $\ell_2$ gradient-based solver that is fast and statistically accurate. In addition to describing the algorithmic aspects, numerical experiments have been carried out on synthetic and real spatio-temporal data, providing solid empirical evidence of the relevance of the proposed methodology.

replace-cross AI Sandbagging: Language Models can Strategically Underperform on Evaluations

Authors: Teun van der Weij, Felix Hofst\"atter, Ollie Jaffe, Samuel F. Brown, Francis Rhys Ward

Abstract: Trustworthy capability evaluations are crucial for ensuring the safety of AI systems, and are becoming a key component of AI regulation. However, the developers of an AI system, or the AI system itself, may have incentives for evaluations to understate the AI's actual capability. These conflicting interests lead to the problem of sandbagging $\unicode{x2013}$ which we define as "strategic underperformance on an evaluation". In this paper we assess sandbagging capabilities in contemporary language models (LMs). We prompt frontier LMs, like GPT-4 and Claude 3 Opus, to selectively underperform on dangerous capability evaluations, while maintaining performance on general (harmless) capability evaluations. Moreover, we find that models can be fine-tuned, on a synthetic dataset, to hide specific capabilities unless given a password. This behaviour generalizes to high-quality, held-out benchmarks such as WMDP. In addition, we show that both frontier and smaller models can be prompted, or password-locked, to target specific scores on a capability evaluation. Even more, we found that a capable password-locked model (Llama 3 70b) is reasonably able to emulate a less capable model (Llama 2 7b). Overall, our results suggest that capability evaluations are vulnerable to sandbagging. This vulnerability decreases the trustworthiness of evaluations, and thereby undermines important safety decisions regarding the development and deployment of advanced AI systems.

replace-cross Quantifying Local Model Validity using Active Learning

Authors: Sven L\"ammle, Can Bogoclu, Robert Vo{\ss}hall, Anselm Haselhoff, Dirk Roos

Abstract: Real-world applications of machine learning models are often subject to legal or policy-based regulations. Some of these regulations require ensuring the validity of the model, i.e., the approximation error being smaller than a threshold. A global metric is generally too insensitive to determine the validity of a specific prediction, whereas evaluating local validity is costly since it requires gathering additional data.We propose learning the model error to acquire a local validity estimate while reducing the amount of required data through active learning. Using model validation benchmarks, we provide empirical evidence that the proposed method can lead to an error model with sufficient discriminative properties using a relatively small amount of data. Furthermore, an increased sensitivity to local changes of the validity bounds compared to alternative approaches is demonstrated.

replace-cross A Labelled Dataset for Sentiment Analysis of Videos on YouTube, TikTok, and Other Sources about the 2024 Outbreak of Measles

Authors: Nirmalya Thakur, Vanessa Su, Mingchen Shao, Kesha A. Patel, Hongseok Jeong, Victoria Knieling, Andrew Bian

Abstract: The work of this paper presents a dataset that contains the data of 4011 videos about the ongoing outbreak of measles published on 264 websites on the internet between January 1, 2024, and May 31, 2024. The dataset is available at These websites primarily include YouTube and TikTok, which account for 48.6% and 15.2% of the videos, respectively. The remainder of the websites include Instagram and Facebook as well as the websites of various global and local news organizations. For each of these videos, the URL of the video, title of the post, description of the post, and the date of publication of the video are presented as separate attributes in the dataset. After developing this dataset, sentiment analysis (using VADER), subjectivity analysis (using TextBlob), and fine-grain sentiment analysis (using DistilRoBERTa-base) of the video titles and video descriptions were performed. This included classifying each video title and video description into (i) one of the sentiment classes i.e. positive, negative, or neutral, (ii) one of the subjectivity classes i.e. highly opinionated, neutral opinionated, or least opinionated, and (iii) one of the fine-grain sentiment classes i.e. fear, surprise, joy, sadness, anger, disgust, or neutral. These results are presented as separate attributes in the dataset for the training and testing of machine learning algorithms for performing sentiment analysis or subjectivity analysis in this field as well as for other applications. Finally, this paper also presents a list of open research questions that may be investigated using this dataset.


replace-cross Toward Enhanced Reinforcement Learning-Based Resource Management via Digital Twin: Opportunities, Applications, and Challenges

Authors: Nan Cheng, Xiucheng Wang, Zan Li, Zhisheng Yin, Tom Luan, Xuemin Shen

Abstract: This article presents a digital twin (DT)-enhanced reinforcement learning (RL) framework aimed at optimizing performance and reliability in network resource management, since the traditional RL methods face several unified challenges when applied to physical networks, including limited exploration efficiency, slow convergence, poor long-term performance, and safety concerns during the exploration phase. To deal with the above challenges, a comprehensive DT-based framework is proposed to enhance the convergence speed and performance for unified RL-based resource management. The proposed framework provides safe action exploration, more accurate estimates of long-term returns, faster training convergence, higher convergence performance, and real-time adaptation to varying network conditions. Then, two case studies on ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (URLLC) services and multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) network are presented, demonstrating improvements of the proposed framework in performance, convergence speed, and training cost reduction both on traditional RL and neural network based Deep RL (DRL). Finally, the article identifies and explores some of the research challenges and open issues in this rapidly evolving field.

replace-cross Analyzing constrained LLM through PDFA-learning

Authors: Mat\'ias Carrasco, Franz Mayr, Sergio Yovine, Johny Kidd, Mart\'in Iturbide, Juan Pedro da Silva, Alejo Garat

Abstract: We define a congruence that copes with null next-symbol probabilities that arise when the output of a language model is constrained by some means during text generation. We develop an algorithm for efficiently learning the quotient with respect to this congruence and evaluate it on case studies for analyzing statistical properties of LLM.

replace-cross MEMO-QCD: Quantum Density Estimation through Memetic Optimisation for Quantum Circuit Design

Authors: Juan E. Ardila-Garc\'ia, Vladimir Vargas-Calder\'on, Fabio A. Gonz\'alez, Diego H. Useche, Herbert Vinck-Posada

Abstract: This paper presents a strategy for efficient quantum circuit design for density estimation. The strategy is based on a quantum-inspired algorithm for density estimation and a circuit optimisation routine based on memetic algorithms. The model maps a training dataset to a quantum state represented by a density matrix through a quantum feature map. This training state encodes the probability distribution of the dataset in a quantum state, such that the density of a new sample can be estimated by projecting its corresponding quantum state onto the training state. We propose the application of a memetic algorithm to find the architecture and parameters of a variational quantum circuit that implements the quantum feature map, along with a variational learning strategy to prepare the training state. Demonstrations of the proposed strategy show an accurate approximation of the Gaussian kernel density estimation method through shallow quantum circuits illustrating the feasibility of the algorithm for near-term quantum hardware.

replace-cross Benign overfitting in Fixed Dimension via Physics-Informed Learning with Smooth Inductive Bias

Authors: Honam Wong, Wendao Wu, Fanghui Liu, Yiping Lu

Abstract: Recent advances in machine learning have inspired a surge of research into reconstructing specific quantities of interest from measurements that comply with certain physical laws. These efforts focus on inverse problems that are governed by partial differential equations (PDEs). In this work, we develop an asymptotic Sobolev norm learning curve for kernel ridge(less) regression when addressing (elliptical) linear inverse problems. Our results show that the PDE operators in the inverse problem can stabilize the variance and even behave benign overfitting for fixed-dimensional problems, exhibiting different behaviors from regression problems. Besides, our investigation also demonstrates the impact of various inductive biases introduced by minimizing different Sobolev norms as a form of implicit regularization. For the regularized least squares estimator, we find that all considered inductive biases can achieve the optimal convergence rate, provided the regularization parameter is appropriately chosen. The convergence rate is actually independent to the choice of (smooth enough) inductive bias for both ridge and ridgeless regression. Surprisingly, our smoothness requirement recovered the condition found in Bayesian setting and extend the conclusion to the minimum norm interpolation estimators.