new Generative AI Voting: Fair Collective Choice is Resilient to LLM Biases and Inconsistencies

Authors: Srijoni Majumdar, Edith Elkind, Evangelos Pournaras

Abstract: Scaling up deliberative and voting participation is a longstanding endeavor -- a cornerstone for direct democracy and legitimate collective choice. Recent breakthroughs in generative artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) provide unprecedented opportunities, but also alerting risks for digital democracy. AI personal assistants can overcome cognitive bandwidth limitations of humans, providing decision support capabilities or even direct AI representation of human voters at large scale. However, the quality of this representation and what underlying biases manifest when delegating collective decision making to LLMs is an alarming and timely challenge to tackle. By rigorously emulating with high realism more than >50K LLM voting personas in 81 real-world voting elections, we show that different LLMs (GPT 3, GPT 3.5, and Llama2) come with biases and significant inconsistencies in complex preferential ballot formats, compared to simpler and more consistent majoritarian elections. Strikingly, fair voting aggregation methods, such as equal shares, prove to be a win-win: fairer voting outcomes for humans with fairer AI representation. This novel underlying relationship proves paramount for democratic resilience in progressives scenarios with low voters turnout and voter fatigue supported by AI representatives: abstained voters are mitigated by recovering highly representative voting outcomes that are fairer. These insights provide remarkable foundations for science, policymakers and citizens in explaining and mitigating AI risks in democratic innovations.

new Logic-Based Explainability: Past, Present & Future

Authors: Joao Marques-Silva

Abstract: In recent years, the impact of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) in society has been absolutely remarkable. This impact is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. However,the adoption of AI/ML is also a cause of grave concern. The operation of the most advances AI/ML models is often beyond the grasp of human decision makers. As a result, decisions that impact humans may not be understood and may lack rigorous validation. Explainable AI (XAI) is concerned with providing human decision-makers with understandable explanations for the predictions made by ML models. As a result, XAI is a cornerstone of trustworthy AI. Despite its strategic importance, most work on XAI lacks rigor, and so its use in high-risk or safety-critical domains serves to foster distrust instead of contributing to build much-needed trust. Logic-based XAI has recently emerged as a rigorous alternative to those other non-rigorous methods of XAI. This paper provides a technical survey of logic-based XAI, its origins, the current topics of research, and emerging future topics of research. The paper also highlights the many myths that pervade non-rigorous approaches for XAI.

new ChatPCG: Large Language Model-Driven Reward Design for Procedural Content Generation

Authors: In-Chang Baek, Tae-Hwa Park, Jin-Ha Noh, Cheong-Mok Bae, Kyung-Joong Kim

Abstract: Driven by the rapid growth of machine learning, recent advances in game artificial intelligence (AI) have significantly impacted productivity across various gaming genres. Reward design plays a pivotal role in training game AI models, wherein researchers implement concepts of specific reward functions. However, despite the presence of AI, the reward design process predominantly remains in the domain of human experts, as it is heavily reliant on their creativity and engineering skills. Therefore, this paper proposes ChatPCG, a large language model (LLM)-driven reward design framework.It leverages human-level insights, coupled with game expertise, to generate rewards tailored to specific game features automatically. Moreover, ChatPCG is integrated with deep reinforcement learning, demonstrating its potential for multiplayer game content generation tasks. The results suggest that the proposed LLM exhibits the capability to comprehend game mechanics and content generation tasks, enabling tailored content generation for a specified game. This study not only highlights the potential for improving accessibility in content generation but also aims to streamline the game AI development process.

new Applications of Explainable artificial intelligence in Earth system science

Authors: Feini Huang, Shijie Jiang, Lu Li, Yongkun Zhang, Ye Zhang, Ruqing Zhang, Qingliang Li, Danxi Li, Wei Shangguan, Yongjiu Dai

Abstract: In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly accelerated its influence and is expected to promote the development of Earth system science (ESS) if properly harnessed. In application of AI to ESS, a significant hurdle lies in the interpretability conundrum, an inherent problem of black-box nature arising from the complexity of AI algorithms. To address this, explainable AI (XAI) offers a set of powerful tools that make the models more transparent. The purpose of this review is twofold: First, to provide ESS scholars, especially newcomers, with a foundational understanding of XAI, serving as a primer to inspire future research advances; second, to encourage ESS professionals to embrace the benefits of AI, free from preconceived biases due to its lack of interpretability. We begin with elucidating the concept of XAI, along with typical methods. We then delve into a review of XAI applications in the ESS literature, highlighting the important role that XAI has played in facilitating communication with AI model decisions, improving model diagnosis, and uncovering scientific insights. We identify four significant challenges that XAI faces within the ESS, and propose solutions. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive illustration of multifaceted perspectives. Given the unique challenges in ESS, an interpretable hybrid approach that seamlessly integrates AI with domain-specific knowledge appears to be a promising way to enhance the utility of AI in ESS. A visionary outlook for ESS envisions a harmonious blend where process-based models govern the known, AI models explore the unknown, and XAI bridges the gap by providing explanations.

new Predicting User Perception of Move Brilliance in Chess

Authors: Kamron Zaidi, Michael Guerzhoy

Abstract: AI research in chess has been primarily focused on producing stronger agents that can maximize the probability of winning. However, there is another aspect to chess that has largely gone unexamined: its aesthetic appeal. Specifically, there exists a category of chess moves called ``brilliant" moves. These moves are appreciated and admired by players for their high intellectual aesthetics. We demonstrate the first system for classifying chess moves as brilliant. The system uses a neural network, using the output of a chess engine as well as features that describe the shape of the game tree. The system achieves an accuracy of 79% (with 50% base-rate), a PPV of 83%, and an NPV of 75%. We demonstrate that what humans perceive as ``brilliant" moves is not merely the best possible move. We show that a move is more likely to be predicted as brilliant, all things being equal, if a weaker engine considers it lower-quality (for the same rating by a stronger engine). Our system opens the avenues for computer chess engines to (appear to) display human-like brilliance, and, hence, creativity.

new A Benchmark for Maximum Cut: Towards Standardization of the Evaluation of Learned Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization

Authors: Ankur Nath, Alan Kuhnle

Abstract: Recently, there has been much work on the design of general heuristics for graph-based, combinatorial optimization problems via the incorporation of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to learn distribution-specific solution structures.However, there is a lack of consistency in the evaluation of these heuristics, in terms of the baselines and instances chosen, which makes it difficult to assess the relative performance of the algorithms. In this paper, we propose an open-source benchmark suite MaxCut-Bench dedicated to the NP-hard Maximum Cut problem in both its weighted and unweighted variants, based on a careful selection of instances curated from diverse graph datasets. The suite offers a unified interface to various heuristics, both traditional and machine learning-based. Next, we use the benchmark in an attempt to systematically corroborate or reproduce the results of several, popular learning-based approaches, including S2V-DQN [31], ECO-DQN [4], among others, in terms of three dimensions: objective value, generalization, and scalability. Our empirical results show that several of the learned heuristics fail to outperform a naive greedy algorithm, and that only one of them consistently outperforms Tabu Search, a simple, general heuristic based upon local search. Furthermore, we find that the performance of ECO-DQN remains the same or is improved if the GNN is replaced by a simple linear regression on a subset of the features that are related to Tabu Search. Code, data, and pretrained models are available at: \url{}.


new Towards Better Benchmark Datasets for Inductive Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Harry Shomer, Jay Revolinsky, Jiliang Tang

Abstract: Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) attempts to predict missing facts in a Knowledge Graph (KG). Recently, there's been an increased focus on designing KGC methods that can excel in the {\it inductive setting}, where a portion or all of the entities and relations seen in inference are unobserved during training. Numerous benchmark datasets have been proposed for inductive KGC, all of which are subsets of existing KGs used for transductive KGC. However, we find that the current procedure for constructing inductive KGC datasets inadvertently creates a shortcut that can be exploited even while disregarding the relational information. Specifically, we observe that the Personalized PageRank (PPR) score can achieve strong or near SOTA performance on most inductive datasets. In this paper, we study the root cause of this problem. Using these insights, we propose an alternative strategy for constructing inductive KGC datasets that helps mitigate the PPR shortcut. We then benchmark multiple popular methods using the newly constructed datasets and analyze their performance. The new benchmark datasets help promote a better understanding of the capabilities and challenges of inductive KGC by removing any shortcuts that obfuscate performance.

new A Notion of Complexity for Theory of Mind via Discrete World Models

Authors: X. Angelo Huang, Emanuele La Malfa, Samuele Marro, Andrea Asperti, Anthony Cohn, Michael Wooldridge

Abstract: Theory of Mind (ToM) can be used to assess the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in complex scenarios where social reasoning is required. While the research community has proposed many ToM benchmarks, their hardness varies greatly, and their complexity is not well defined. This work proposes a framework to measure the complexity of ToM tasks. We quantify a problem's complexity as the number of states necessary to solve it correctly. Our complexity measure also accounts for spurious states of a ToM problem designed to make it apparently harder. We use our method to assess the complexity of five widely adopted ToM benchmarks. On top of this framework, we design a prompting technique that augments the information available to a model with a description of how the environment changes with the agents' interactions. We name this technique Discrete World Models (DWM) and show how it elicits superior performance on ToM tasks.

new Tracking the perspectives of interacting language models

Authors: Hayden Helm, Brandon Duderstadt, Youngser Park, Carey E. Priebe

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are capable of producing high quality information at unprecedented rates. As these models continue to entrench themselves in society, the content they produce will become increasingly pervasive in databases that are, in turn, incorporated into the pre-training data, fine-tuning data, retrieval data, etc. of other language models. In this paper we formalize the idea of a communication network of LLMs and introduce a method for representing the perspective of individual models within a collection of LLMs. Given these tools we systematically study information diffusion in the communication network of LLMs in various simulated settings.

new Prompt Design Matters for Computational Social Science Tasks but in Unpredictable Ways

Authors: Shubham Atreja, Joshua Ashkinaze, Lingyao Li, Julia Mendelsohn, Libby Hemphill

Abstract: Manually annotating data for computational social science tasks can be costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. While recent work suggests that LLMs can perform such annotation tasks in zero-shot settings, little is known about how prompt design impacts LLMs' compliance and accuracy. We conduct a large-scale multi-prompt experiment to test how model selection (ChatGPT, PaLM2, and Falcon7b) and prompt design features (definition inclusion, output type, explanation, and prompt length) impact the compliance and accuracy of LLM-generated annotations on four CSS tasks (toxicity, sentiment, rumor stance, and news frames). Our results show that LLM compliance and accuracy are highly prompt-dependent. For instance, prompting for numerical scores instead of labels reduces all LLMs' compliance and accuracy. The overall best prompting setup is task-dependent, and minor prompt changes can cause large changes in the distribution of generated labels. By showing that prompt design significantly impacts the quality and distribution of LLM-generated annotations, this work serves as both a warning and practical guide for researchers and practitioners.

new Look Further Ahead: Testing the Limits of GPT-4 in Path Planning

Authors: Mohamed Aghzal, Erion Plaku, Ziyu Yao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities across a wide variety of tasks. However, they still face challenges with long-horizon planning. To study this, we propose path planning tasks as a platform to evaluate LLMs' ability to navigate long trajectories under geometric constraints. Our proposed benchmark systematically tests path-planning skills in complex settings. Using this, we examined GPT-4's planning abilities using various task representations and prompting approaches. We found that framing prompts as Python code and decomposing long trajectory tasks improve GPT-4's path planning effectiveness. However, while these approaches show some promise toward improving the planning ability of the model, they do not obtain optimal paths and fail at generalizing over extended horizons.

new Grade Score: Quantifying LLM Performance in Option Selection

Authors: Dmitri Iourovitski

Abstract: This study introduces the "Grade Score", a novel metric designed to evaluate the consistency and fairness of Large Language Models (LLMs) when used as multiple-choice judges with respect to order bias and choice consistency. The Grade Score combines Entropy, which measures order bias, and Mode Frequency, which assesses choice stability, offering insights into LLMs' reliability and impartiality. The study explores techniques such as prompt engineering and option sampling strategies to optimize the Grade Score, demonstrating their effectiveness in enhancing LLMs' performance. Results showcase varying performances among LLMs with respect to prompts and highlight the positive impact of including irrelevant options. The study also identifies an emergent behavior in instruction-following models, where they adapt to instructions targeting specific biases, demonstrating their adaptability. The Grade Score facilitates comparisons between LLMs and encourages ongoing research towards optimizing their decision-making processes, with potential implications for improving their reliability and fairness in various applications. All code is available on GitHub


new $\tau$-bench: A Benchmark for Tool-Agent-User Interaction in Real-World Domains

Authors: Shunyu Yao, Noah Shinn, Pedram Razavi, Karthik Narasimhan

Abstract: Existing benchmarks do not test language agents on their interaction with human users or ability to follow domain-specific rules, both of which are vital for deploying them in real world applications. We propose $\tau$-bench, a benchmark emulating dynamic conversations between a user (simulated by language models) and a language agent provided with domain-specific API tools and policy guidelines. We employ an efficient and faithful evaluation process that compares the database state at the end of a conversation with the annotated goal state. We also propose a new metric (pass^k) to evaluate the reliability of agent behavior over multiple trials. Our experiments show that even state-of-the-art function calling agents (like gpt-4o) succeed on <50% of the tasks, and are quite inconsistent (pass^8 <25% in retail). Our findings point to the need for methods that can improve the ability of agents to act consistently and follow rules reliably.

new WellDunn: On the Robustness and Explainability of Language Models and Large Language Models in Identifying Wellness Dimensions

Authors: Seyedali Mohammadi (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), Edward Raff (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Booz Allen Hamilton), Jinendra Malekar (University of South Carolina), Vedant Palit (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur), Francis Ferraro (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), Manas Gaur (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) are being proposed for mental health applications where the heightened risk of adverse outcomes means predictive performance may not be a sufficient litmus test of a model's utility in clinical practice. A model that can be trusted for practice should have a correspondence between explanation and clinical determination, yet no prior research has examined the attention fidelity of these models and their effect on ground truth explanations. We introduce an evaluation design that focuses on the robustness and explainability of LMs in identifying Wellness Dimensions (WD). We focus on two mental health and well-being datasets: (a) Multi-label Classification-based MultiWD, and (b) WellXplain for evaluating attention mechanism veracity against expert-labeled explanations. The labels are based on Halbert Dunn's theory of wellness, which gives grounding to our evaluation. We reveal four surprising results about LMs/LLMs: (1) Despite their human-like capabilities, GPT-3.5/4 lag behind RoBERTa, and MedAlpaca, a fine-tuned LLM fails to deliver any remarkable improvements in performance or explanations. (2) Re-examining LMs' predictions based on a confidence-oriented loss function reveals a significant performance drop. (3) Across all LMs/LLMs, the alignment between attention and explanations remains low, with LLMs scoring a dismal 0.0. (4) Most mental health-specific LMs/LLMs overlook domain-specific knowledge and undervalue explanations, causing these discrepancies. This study highlights the need for further research into their consistency and explanations in mental health and well-being.

new DTGB: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Dynamic Text-Attributed Graphs

Authors: Jiasheng Zhang, Jialin Chen, Menglin Yang, Aosong Feng, Shuang Liang, Jie Shao, Rex Ying

Abstract: Dynamic text-attributed graphs (DyTAGs) are prevalent in various real-world scenarios, where each node and edge are associated with text descriptions, and both the graph structure and text descriptions evolve over time. Despite their broad applicability, there is a notable scarcity of benchmark datasets tailored to DyTAGs, which hinders the potential advancement in many research fields. To address this gap, we introduce Dynamic Text-attributed Graph Benchmark (DTGB), a collection of large-scale, time-evolving graphs from diverse domains, with nodes and edges enriched by dynamically changing text attributes and categories. To facilitate the use of DTGB, we design standardized evaluation procedures based on four real-world use cases: future link prediction, destination node retrieval, edge classification, and textual relation generation. These tasks require models to understand both dynamic graph structures and natural language, highlighting the unique challenges posed by DyTAGs. Moreover, we conduct extensive benchmark experiments on DTGB, evaluating 7 popular dynamic graph learning algorithms and their variants of adapting to text attributes with LLM embeddings, along with 6 powerful large language models (LLMs). Our results show the limitations of existing models in handling DyTAGs. Our analysis also demonstrates the utility of DTGB in investigating the incorporation of structural and textual dynamics. The proposed DTGB fosters research on DyTAGs and their broad applications. It offers a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating and advancing models to handle the interplay between dynamic graph structures and natural language. The dataset and source code are available at


new Conformance Checking of Fuzzy Logs against Declarative Temporal Specifications

Authors: Ivan Donadello, Paolo Felli, Craig Innes, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Marco Montali

Abstract: Traditional conformance checking tasks assume that event data provide a faithful and complete representation of the actual process executions. This assumption has been recently questioned: more and more often events are not traced explicitly, but are instead indirectly obtained as the result of event recognition pipelines, and thus inherently come with uncertainty. In this work, differently from the typical probabilistic interpretation of uncertainty, we consider the relevant case where uncertainty refers to which activity is actually conducted, under a fuzzy semantics. In this novel setting, we consider the problem of checking whether fuzzy event data conform with declarative temporal rules specified as Declare patterns or, more generally, as formulae of linear temporal logic over finite traces (LTLf). This requires to relax the assumption that at each instant only one activity is executed, and to correspondingly redefine boolean operators of the logic with a fuzzy semantics. Specifically, we provide a threefold contribution. First, we define a fuzzy counterpart of LTLf tailored to our purpose. Second, we cast conformance checking over fuzzy logs as a verification problem in this logic. Third, we provide a proof-of-concept, efficient implementation based on the PyTorch Python library, suited to check conformance of multiple fuzzy traces at once.

new IDs for AI Systems

Authors: Alan Chan, Noam Kolt, Peter Wills, Usman Anwar, Christian Schroeder de Witt, Nitarshan Rajkumar, Lewis Hammond, David Krueger, Lennart Heim, Markus Anderljung

Abstract: AI systems are increasingly pervasive, yet information needed to decide whether and how to engage with them may not exist or be accessible. A user may not be able to verify whether a system satisfies certain safety standards. An investigator may not know whom to investigate when a system causes an incident. A platform may find it difficult to penalize repeated negative interactions with the same system. Across a number of domains, IDs address analogous problems by identifying \textit{particular} entities (e.g., a particular Boeing 747) and providing information about other entities of the same class (e.g., some or all Boeing 747s). We propose a framework in which IDs are ascribed to \textbf{instances} of AI systems (e.g., a particular chat session with Claude 3), and associated information is accessible to parties seeking to interact with that system. We characterize IDs for AI systems, argue that there could be significant demand for IDs from key actors, analyze how those actors could incentivize ID adoption, explore potential implementations of our framework, and highlight limitations and risks. IDs seem most warranted in high-stakes settings, where certain actors (e.g., those that enable AI systems to make financial transactions) could experiment with incentives for ID use. Deployers of AI systems could experiment with developing ID implementations. With further study, IDs could help to manage a world where AI systems pervade society.

new Bias in Text Embedding Models

Authors: Vasyl Rakivnenko, Nestor Maslej, Jessica Cervi, Volodymyr Zhukov

Abstract: Text embedding is becoming an increasingly popular AI methodology, especially among businesses, yet the potential of text embedding models to be biased is not well understood. This paper examines the degree to which a selection of popular text embedding models are biased, particularly along gendered dimensions. More specifically, this paper studies the degree to which these models associate a list of given professions with gendered terms. The analysis reveals that text embedding models are prone to gendered biases but in varying ways. Although there are certain inter-model commonalities, for instance, greater association of professions like nurse, homemaker, and socialite with female identifiers, and greater association of professions like CEO, manager, and boss with male identifiers, not all models make the same gendered associations for each occupation. Furthermore, the magnitude and directionality of bias can also vary on a model-by-model basis and depend on the particular words models are prompted with. This paper demonstrates that gender bias afflicts text embedding models and suggests that businesses using this technology need to be mindful of the specific dimensions of this problem.

new Should AI Optimize Your Code? A Comparative Study of Current Large Language Models Versus Classical Optimizing Compilers

Authors: Miguel Romero Rosas, Miguel Torres Sanchez, Rudolf Eigenmann

Abstract: In the contemporary landscape of computer architecture, the demand for efficient parallel programming persists, needing robust optimization techniques. Traditional optimizing compilers have historically been pivotal in this endeavor, adapting to the evolving complexities of modern software systems. The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) raises intriguing questions about the potential for AI-driven approaches to revolutionize code optimization methodologies. This paper presents a comparative analysis between two state-of-the-art Large Language Models, GPT-4.0 and CodeLlama-70B, and traditional optimizing compilers, assessing their respective abilities and limitations in optimizing code for maximum efficiency. Additionally, we introduce a benchmark suite of challenging optimization patterns and an automatic mechanism for evaluating performance and correctness of the code generated by such tools. We used two different prompting methodologies to assess the performance of the LLMs -- Chain of Thought (CoT) and Instruction Prompting (IP). We then compared these results with three traditional optimizing compilers, CETUS, PLUTO and ROSE, across a range of real-world use cases. A key finding is that while LLMs have the potential to outperform current optimizing compilers, they often generate incorrect code on large code sizes, calling for automated verification methods. Our extensive evaluation across 3 different benchmarks suites shows CodeLlama-70B as the superior optimizer among the two LLMs, capable of achieving speedups of up to 2.1x. Additionally, CETUS is the best among the optimizing compilers, achieving a maximum speedup of 1.9x. We also found no significant difference between the two prompting methods: Chain of Thought (Cot) and Instructing prompting (IP).

new Metacognitive AI: Framework and the Case for a Neurosymbolic Approach

Authors: Hua Wei, Paulo Shakarian, Christian Lebiere, Bruce Draper, Nikhil Krishnaswamy, Sergei Nirenburg

Abstract: Metacognition is the concept of reasoning about an agent's own internal processes and was originally introduced in the field of developmental psychology. In this position paper, we examine the concept of applying metacognition to artificial intelligence. We introduce a framework for understanding metacognitive artificial intelligence (AI) that we call TRAP: transparency, reasoning, adaptation, and perception. We discuss each of these aspects in-turn and explore how neurosymbolic AI (NSAI) can be leveraged to address challenges of metacognition.

new Discussion Graph Semantics of First-Order Logic with Equality for Reasoning about Discussion and Argumentation

Authors: Ryuta Arisaka

Abstract: We formulate discussion graph semantics of first-order logic with equality for reasoning about discussion and argumentation as naturally as we would reason about sentences. While there are a few existing proposals to use a formal logic for reasoning about argumentation, they are constructed bottom-up and specialised to the argumentation model by Dung. There is indeed a conspicuous lack of a formal reasoning framework for handling general discussion and argumentation models. We achieve the generality through a top-down formulation of the semantics of first-order logic (with equality) formulas, addressing the current shortage.

new Navigating the Labyrinth: Evaluating and Enhancing LLMs' Ability to Reason About Search Problems

Authors: Nasim Borazjanizadeh, Roei Herzig, Trevor Darrell, Rogerio Feris, Leonid Karlinsky

Abstract: Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) attained impressive performance in math and reasoning benchmarks. However, they still often struggle with logic problems and puzzles that are relatively easy for humans. To further investigate this, we introduce a new benchmark, SearchBench, containing 11 unique search problem types, each equipped with automated pipelines to generate an arbitrary number of instances and analyze the feasibility, correctness, and optimality of LLM-generated solutions. We show that even the most advanced LLMs fail to solve these problems end-to-end in text, e.g. GPT4 solves only 1.4%. SearchBench problems require considering multiple pathways to the solution as well as backtracking, posing a significant challenge to auto-regressive models. Instructing LLMs to generate code that solves the problem helps, but only slightly, e.g., GPT4's performance rises to 11.7%. In this work, we show that in-context learning with A* algorithm implementations enhances performance. The full potential of this promoting approach emerges when combined with our proposed Multi-Stage-Multi-Try method, which breaks down the algorithm implementation into two stages and verifies the first stage against unit tests, raising GPT-4's performance above 57%.

new InterIntent: Investigating Social Intelligence of LLMs via Intention Understanding in an Interactive Game Context

Authors: Ziyi Liu, Abhishek Anand, Pei Zhou, Jen-tse Huang, Jieyu Zhao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated the potential to mimic human social intelligence. However, most studies focus on simplistic and static self-report or performance-based tests, which limits the depth and validity of the analysis. In this paper, we developed a novel framework, InterIntent, to assess LLMs' social intelligence by mapping their ability to understand and manage intentions in a game setting. We focus on four dimensions of social intelligence: situational awareness, self-regulation, self-awareness, and theory of mind. Each dimension is linked to a specific game task: intention selection, intention following, intention summarization, and intention guessing. Our findings indicate that while LLMs exhibit high proficiency in selecting intentions, achieving an accuracy of 88\%, their ability to infer the intentions of others is significantly weaker, trailing human performance by 20\%. Additionally, game performance correlates with intention understanding, highlighting the importance of the four components towards success in this game. These findings underline the crucial role of intention understanding in evaluating LLMs' social intelligence and highlight the potential of using social deduction games as a complex testbed to enhance LLM evaluation. InterIntent contributes a structured approach to bridging the evaluation gap in social intelligence within multiplayer games.

new Interpretable Catastrophic Forgetting of Large Language Model Fine-tuning via Instruction Vector

Authors: Gangwei Jiang, Zhaoyi Li, Caigao Jiang, Siqiao Xue, Jun Zhou, Linqi Song, Defu Lian, Ying Wei

Abstract: Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) can cause them to lose their general capabilities. However, the intrinsic mechanisms behind such forgetting remain unexplored. In this paper, we begin by examining this phenomenon by focusing on knowledge understanding and instruction following, with the latter identified as the main contributor to forgetting during fine-tuning. Consequently, we propose the Instruction Vector (IV) framework to capture model representations highly related to specific instruction-following capabilities, thereby making it possible to understand model-intrinsic forgetting. Through the analysis of IV dynamics pre and post-training, we suggest that fine-tuning mostly adds specialized reasoning patterns instead of erasing previous skills, which may appear as forgetting. Building on this insight, we develop IV-guided training, which aims to preserve original computation graph, thereby mitigating catastrophic forgetting. Empirical tests on three benchmarks confirm the efficacy of this new approach, supporting the relationship between IVs and forgetting. Our code will be made available soon.

new Spatially Resolved Gene Expression Prediction from Histology via Multi-view Graph Contrastive Learning with HSIC-bottleneck Regularization

Authors: Changxi Chi, Hang Shi, Qi Zhu, Daoqiang Zhang, Wei Shao

Abstract: The rapid development of spatial transcriptomics(ST) enables the measurement of gene expression at spatial resolution, making it possible to simultaneously profile the gene expression, spatial locations of spots, and the matched histopathological images. However, the cost for collecting ST data is much higher than acquiring histopathological images, and thus several studies attempt to predict the gene expression on ST by leveraging their corresponding histopathological images. Most of the existing image-based gene prediction models treat the prediction task on each spot of ST data independently, which ignores the spatial dependency among spots. In addition, while the histology images share phenotypic characteristics with the ST data, it is still challenge to extract such common information to help align paired image and expression representations. To address the above issues, we propose a Multi-view Graph Contrastive Learning framework with HSIC-bottleneck Regularization(ST-GCHB) aiming at learning shared representation to help impute the gene expression of the queried imagingspots by considering their spatial dependency.

new "You Gotta be a Doctor, Lin": An Investigation of Name-Based Bias of Large Language Models in Employment Recommendations

Authors: Huy Nghiem, John Prindle, Jieyu Zhao, Hal Daum\'e III

Abstract: Social science research has shown that candidates with names indicative of certain races or genders often face discrimination in employment practices. Similarly, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated racial and gender biases in various applications. In this study, we utilize GPT-3.5-Turbo and Llama 3-70B-Instruct to simulate hiring decisions and salary recommendations for candidates with 320 first names that strongly signal their race and gender, across over 750,000 prompts. Our empirical results indicate a preference among these models for hiring candidates with White female-sounding names over other demographic groups across 40 occupations. Additionally, even among candidates with identical qualifications, salary recommendations vary by as much as 5% between different subgroups. A comparison with real-world labor data reveals inconsistent alignment with U.S. labor market characteristics, underscoring the necessity of risk investigation of LLM-powered systems.

new SyncVSR: Data-Efficient Visual Speech Recognition with End-to-End Crossmodal Audio Token Synchronization

Authors: Young Jin Ahn, Jungwoo Park, Sangha Park, Jonghyun Choi, Kee-Eung Kim

Abstract: Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) stands at the intersection of computer vision and speech recognition, aiming to interpret spoken content from visual cues. A prominent challenge in VSR is the presence of homophenes-visually similar lip gestures that represent different phonemes. Prior approaches have sought to distinguish fine-grained visemes by aligning visual and auditory semantics, but often fell short of full synchronization. To address this, we present SyncVSR, an end-to-end learning framework that leverages quantized audio for frame-level crossmodal supervision. By integrating a projection layer that synchronizes visual representation with acoustic data, our encoder learns to generate discrete audio tokens from a video sequence in a non-autoregressive manner. SyncVSR shows versatility across tasks, languages, and modalities at the cost of a forward pass. Our empirical evaluations show that it not only achieves state-of-the-art results but also reduces data usage by up to ninefold.

new CleanGen: Mitigating Backdoor Attacks for Generation Tasks in Large Language Models

Authors: Yuetai Li, Zhangchen Xu, Fengqing Jiang, Luyao Niu, Dinuka Sahabandu, Bhaskar Ramasubramanian, Radha Poovendran

Abstract: The remarkable performance of large language models (LLMs) in generation tasks has enabled practitioners to leverage publicly available models to power custom applications, such as chatbots and virtual assistants. However, the data used to train or fine-tune these LLMs is often undisclosed, allowing an attacker to compromise the data and inject backdoors into the models. In this paper, we develop a novel inference time defense, named CleanGen, to mitigate backdoor attacks for generation tasks in LLMs. CleanGenis a lightweight and effective decoding strategy that is compatible with the state-of-the-art (SOTA) LLMs. Our insight behind CleanGen is that compared to other LLMs, backdoored LLMs assign significantly higher probabilities to tokens representing the attacker-desired contents. These discrepancies in token probabilities enable CleanGen to identify suspicious tokens favored by the attacker and replace them with tokens generated by another LLM that is not compromised by the same attacker, thereby avoiding generation of attacker-desired content. We evaluate CleanGen against five SOTA backdoor attacks. Our results show that CleanGen achieves lower attack success rates (ASR) compared to five SOTA baseline defenses for all five backdoor attacks. Moreover, LLMs deploying CleanGen maintain helpfulness in their responses when serving benign user queries with minimal added computational overhead.

new Adversarial Attacks on Large Language Models in Medicine

Authors: Yifan Yang, Qiao Jin, Furong Huang, Zhiyong Lu

Abstract: The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into healthcare applications offers promising advancements in medical diagnostics, treatment recommendations, and patient care. However, the susceptibility of LLMs to adversarial attacks poses a significant threat, potentially leading to harmful outcomes in delicate medical contexts. This study investigates the vulnerability of LLMs to two types of adversarial attacks in three medical tasks. Utilizing real-world patient data, we demonstrate that both open-source and proprietary LLMs are susceptible to manipulation across multiple tasks. This research further reveals that domain-specific tasks demand more adversarial data in model fine-tuning than general domain tasks for effective attack execution, especially for more capable models. We discover that while integrating adversarial data does not markedly degrade overall model performance on medical benchmarks, it does lead to noticeable shifts in fine-tuned model weights, suggesting a potential pathway for detecting and countering model attacks. This research highlights the urgent need for robust security measures and the development of defensive mechanisms to safeguard LLMs in medical applications, to ensure their safe and effective deployment in healthcare settings.

new Slot State Space Models

Authors: Jindong Jiang, Fei Deng, Gautam Singh, Minseung Lee, Sungjin Ahn

Abstract: Recent State Space Models (SSMs) such as S4, S5, and Mamba have shown remarkable computational benefits in long-range temporal dependency modeling. However, in many sequence modeling problems, the underlying process is inherently modular and it is of interest to have inductive biases that mimic this modular structure. In this paper, we introduce SlotSSMs, a novel framework for incorporating independent mechanisms into SSMs to preserve or encourage separation of information. Unlike conventional SSMs that maintain a monolithic state vector, SlotSSMs maintains the state as a collection of multiple vectors called slots. Crucially, the state transitions are performed independently per slot with sparse interactions across slots implemented via the bottleneck of self-attention. In experiments, we evaluate our model in object-centric video understanding, 3D visual reasoning, and video prediction tasks, which involve modeling multiple objects and their long-range temporal dependencies. We find that our proposed design offers substantial performance gains over existing sequence modeling methods.

new CodeNav: Beyond tool-use to using real-world codebases with LLM agents

Authors: Tanmay Gupta, Luca Weihs, Aniruddha Kembhavi

Abstract: We present CodeNav, an LLM agent that navigates and leverages previously unseen code repositories to solve user queries. In contrast to tool-use LLM agents that require ``registration'' of all relevant tools via manual descriptions within the LLM context, CodeNav automatically indexes and searches over code blocks in the target codebase, finds relevant code snippets, imports them, and uses them to iteratively generate a solution with execution feedback. To highlight the core-capabilities of CodeNav, we first showcase three case studies where we use CodeNav for solving complex user queries using three diverse codebases. Next, on three benchmarks, we quantitatively compare the effectiveness of code-use (which only has access to the target codebase) to tool-use (which has privileged access to all tool names and descriptions). Finally, we study the effect of varying kinds of tool and library descriptions on code-use performance, as well as investigate the advantage of the agent seeing source code as opposed to natural descriptions of code. All code will be made open source under a permissive license.

new An Investigation of Neuron Activation as a Unified Lens to Explain Chain-of-Thought Eliciting Arithmetic Reasoning of LLMs

Authors: Daking Rai, Ziyu Yao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown strong arithmetic reasoning capabilities when prompted with Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompts. However, we have only a limited understanding of how they are processed by LLMs. To demystify it, prior work has primarily focused on ablating different components in the CoT prompt and empirically observing their resulting LLM performance change. Yet, the reason why these components are important to LLM reasoning is not explored. To fill this gap, in this work, we investigate ``neuron activation'' as a lens to provide a unified explanation to observations made by prior work. Specifically, we look into neurons within the feed-forward layers of LLMs that may have activated their arithmetic reasoning capabilities, using Llama2 as an example. To facilitate this investigation, we also propose an approach based on GPT-4 to automatically identify neurons that imply arithmetic reasoning. Our analyses revealed that the activation of reasoning neurons in the feed-forward layers of an LLM can explain the importance of various components in a CoT prompt, and future research can extend it for a more complete understanding.

new Research on Dangerous Flight Weather Prediction based on Machine Learning

Authors: Haoxing Liu, Renjie Xie, Haoshen Qin, Yizhou Li

Abstract: With the continuous expansion of the scale of air transport, the demand for aviation meteorological support also continues to grow. The impact of hazardous weather on flight safety is critical. How to effectively use meteorological data to improve the early warning capability of flight dangerous weather and ensure the safe flight of aircraft is the primary task of aviation meteorological services. In this work, support vector machine (SVM) models are used to predict hazardous flight weather, especially for meteorological conditions with high uncertainty such as storms and turbulence. SVM is a supervised learning method that distinguishes between different classes of data by finding optimal decision boundaries in a high-dimensional space. In order to meet the needs of this study, we chose the radial basis function (RBF) as the kernel function, which helps to deal with nonlinear problems and enables the model to better capture complex meteorological data structures. During the model training phase, we used historical meteorological observations from multiple weather stations, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and other meteorological indicators closely related to flight safety. From this data, the SVM model learns how to distinguish between normal and dangerous flight weather conditions.

new PruningBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Structural Pruning

Authors: Haoling Li, Changhao Li, Mengqi Xue, Gongfan Fang, Sheng Zhou, Zunlei Feng, Huiqiong Wang, Yong Wang, Lechao Cheng, Mingli Song, Jie Song

Abstract: Structural pruning has emerged as a promising approach for producing more efficient models. Nevertheless, the community suffers from a lack of standardized benchmarks and metrics, leaving the progress in this area not fully comprehended. To fill this gap, we present the first comprehensive benchmark, termed \textit{PruningBench}, for structural pruning. PruningBench showcases the following three characteristics: 1) PruningBench employs a unified and consistent framework for evaluating the effectiveness of diverse structural pruning techniques; 2) PruningBench systematically evaluates 16 existing pruning methods, encompassing a wide array of models (e.g., CNNs and ViTs) and tasks (e.g., classification and detection); 3) PruningBench provides easily implementable interfaces to facilitate the implementation of future pruning methods, and enables the subsequent researchers to incorporate their work into our leaderboards. We provide an online pruning platform for customizing pruning tasks and reproducing all results in this paper. Codes will be made publicly available.


new Automatic benchmarking of large multimodal models via iterative experiment programming

Authors: Alessandro Conti, Enrico Fini, Paolo Rota, Yiming Wang, Massimiliano Mancini, Elisa Ricci

Abstract: Assessing the capabilities of large multimodal models (LMMs) often requires the creation of ad-hoc evaluations. Currently, building new benchmarks requires tremendous amounts of manual work for each specific analysis. This makes the evaluation process tedious and costly. In this paper, we present APEx, Automatic Programming of Experiments, the first framework for automatic benchmarking of LMMs. Given a research question expressed in natural language, APEx leverages a large language model (LLM) and a library of pre-specified tools to generate a set of experiments for the model at hand, and progressively compile a scientific report. The report drives the testing procedure: based on the current status of the investigation, APEx chooses which experiments to perform and whether the results are sufficient to draw conclusions. Finally, the LLM refines the report, presenting the results to the user in natural language. Thanks to its modularity, our framework is flexible and extensible as new tools become available. Empirically, APEx reproduces the findings of existing studies while allowing for arbitrary analyses and hypothesis testing.

new Certified ML Object Detection for Surveillance Missions

Authors: Mohammed Belcaid (C-S Group), Eric Bonnafous (C-S Group), Louis Crison (C-S Group), Christophe Faure (C-S Group), Eric Jenn, Claire Pagetti

Abstract: In this paper, we present a development process of a drone detection system involving a machine learning object detection component. The purpose is to reach acceptable performance objectives and provide sufficient evidences, required by the recommendations (soon to be published) of the ED 324 / ARP 6983 standard, to gain confidence in the dependability of the designed system.

new Problem-Solving in Language Model Networks

Authors: Ciaran Regan, Alexandre Gournail, Mizuki Oka

Abstract: To improve the reasoning and question-answering capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), several multi-agent approaches have been introduced. While these methods enhance performance, the application of collective intelligence-based approaches to complex network structures and the dynamics of agent interactions remain underexplored. This work extends the concept of multi-agent debate to more general network topologies, measuring the question-answering accuracy, influence, consensus, and the effects of bias on the collective. The results show that random networks perform similarly to fully connected networks despite using significantly fewer tokens. Furthermore, a strong consensus among agents in correlates with correct answers, whereas divided responses typically indicate incorrect answers. Analysing the influence of the agents reveals a balance between self-reflection and interconnectedness; self-reflection aids when local interactions are incorrect, and local interactions aid when the agent itself is incorrect. Additionally, bias plays a strong role in system performance with correctly biased hub nodes boosting performance. These insights suggest that using random networks or scale-free networks with knowledgeable agents placed in central positions can enhance the overall performance of multi-agent systems.

new A Cutting-Edge Deep Learning Method For Enhancing IoT Security

Authors: Nadia Ansar, Mohammad Sadique Ansari, Mohammad Sharique, Aamina Khatoon, Md Abdul Malik, Md Munir Siddiqui

Abstract: There have been significant issues given the IoT, with heterogeneity of billions of devices and with a large amount of data. This paper proposed an innovative design of the Internet of Things (IoT) Environment Intrusion Detection System (or IDS) using Deep Learning-integrated Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Our model, based on the CICIDS2017 dataset, achieved an accuracy of 99.52% in classifying network traffic as either benign or malicious. The real-time processing capability, scalability, and low false alarm rate in our model surpass some traditional IDS approaches and, therefore, prove successful for application in today's IoT networks. The development and the performance of the model, with possible applications that may extend to other related fields of adaptive learning techniques and cross-domain applicability, are discussed. The research involving deep learning for IoT cybersecurity offers a potent solution for significantly improving network security.

new A Novel Algorithm for Community Detection in Networks using Rough Sets and Consensus Clustering

Authors: Darian H. Grass-Boada, Leandro Gonz\'alez-Montesino, Rub\'en Arma\~nanzas

Abstract: Complex networks, such as those in social, biological, and technological systems, often present challenges to the task of community detection. Our research introduces a novel rough clustering based consensus community framework (RC-CCD) for effective structure identification of network communities. The RC-CCD method employs rough set theory to handle uncertainties within data and utilizes a consensus clustering approach to aggregate multiple clustering results, enhancing the reliability and accuracy of community detection. This integration allows the RC-CCD to effectively manage overlapping communities, which are often present in complex networks. This approach excels at detecting overlapping communities, offering a detailed and accurate representation of network structures. Comprehensive testing on benchmark networks generated by the Lancichinetti-Fortunato-Radicchi method showcased the strength and adaptability of the new proposal to varying node degrees and community sizes. Cross-comparisons of RC-CCD versus other well known detection algorithms outcomes highlighted its stability and adaptability.

new Adaptive Selection for Homogeneous Tools: An Instantiation in the RAG Scenario

Authors: Feiteng Mu, Yong Jiang, Liwen Zhang, Chu Liu, Wenjie Li, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang

Abstract: Current research on tool learning primarily focuses on selecting the most effective tool from a wide array of options, often overlooking cost-effectiveness, a crucial factor in human problem-solving. In this paper, we address the selection of homogeneous tools by predicting both their performance and the associated cost required to accomplish a given task. We then assign queries to the optimal tools in a cost-effective manner. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves higher performance at a lower cost compared to strong baseline approaches.

new Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Authors: Rui Yang, Yilin Ning, Emilia Keppo, Mingxuan Liu, Chuan Hong, Danielle S Bitterman, Jasmine Chiat Ling Ong, Daniel Shu Wei Ting, Nan Liu

Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has brought revolutionary innovations in various fields, including medicine. However, it also exhibits limitations. In response, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) provides a potential solution, enabling models to generate more accurate contents by leveraging the retrieval of external knowledge. With the rapid advancement of generative AI, RAG can pave the way for connecting this transformative technology with medical applications and is expected to bring innovations in equity, reliability, and personalization to health care.

new A Neural Column Generation Approach to the Vehicle Routing Problem with Two-Dimensional Loading and Last-In-First-Out Constraints

Authors: Yifan Xia, Xiangyi Zhang

Abstract: The vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints (2L-CVRP) and the last-in-first-out (LIFO) rule presents significant practical and algorithmic challenges. While numerous heuristic approaches have been proposed to address its complexity, stemming from two NP-hard problems: the vehicle routing problem (VRP) and the two-dimensional bin packing problem (2D-BPP), less attention has been paid to developing exact algorithms. Bridging this gap, this article presents an exact algorithm that integrates advanced machine learning techniques, specifically a novel combination of attention and recurrence mechanisms. This integration accelerates the state-of-the-art exact algorithm by a median of 29.79% across various problem instances. Moreover, the proposed algorithm successfully resolves an open instance in the standard test-bed, demonstrating significant improvements brought about by the incorporation of machine learning models. Code is available at


new Benchmarks and Metrics for Evaluations of Code Generation: A Critical Review

Authors: Debalina Ghosh Paul, Hong Zhu, Ian Bayley

Abstract: With the rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs), a large number of machine learning models have been developed to assist programming tasks including the generation of program code from natural language input. However, how to evaluate such LLMs for this task is still an open problem despite of the great amount of research efforts that have been made and reported to evaluate and compare them. This paper provides a critical review of the existing work on the testing and evaluation of these tools with a focus on two key aspects: the benchmarks and the metrics used in the evaluations. Based on the review, further research directions are discussed.

new Investigating the Role of Explainability and AI Literacy in User Compliance

Authors: Niklas K\"uhl, Christian Meske, Maximilian Nitsche, Jodie Lobana

Abstract: AI is becoming increasingly common across different domains. However, as sophisticated AI-based systems are often black-boxed, rendering the decision-making logic opaque, users find it challenging to comply with their recommendations. Although researchers are investigating Explainable AI (XAI) to increase the transparency of the underlying machine learning models, it is unclear what types of explanations are effective and what other factors increase compliance. To better understand the interplay of these factors, we conducted an experiment with 562 participants who were presented with the recommendations of an AI and two different types of XAI. We find that users' compliance increases with the introduction of XAI but is also affected by AI literacy. We also find that the relationships between AI literacy XAI and users' compliance are mediated by the users' mental model of AI. Our study has several implications for successfully designing AI-based systems utilizing XAI.

new Stealth edits for provably fixing or attacking large language models

Authors: Oliver J. Sutton, Qinghua Zhou, Wei Wang, Desmond J. Higham, Alexander N. Gorban, Alexander Bastounis, Ivan Y. Tyukin

Abstract: We reveal new methods and the theoretical foundations of techniques for editing large language models. We also show how the new theory can be used to assess the editability of models and to expose their susceptibility to previously unknown malicious attacks. Our theoretical approach shows that a single metric (a specific measure of the intrinsic dimensionality of the model's features) is fundamental to predicting the success of popular editing approaches, and reveals new bridges between disparate families of editing methods. We collectively refer to these approaches as stealth editing methods, because they aim to directly and inexpensively update a model's weights to correct the model's responses to known hallucinating prompts without otherwise affecting the model's behaviour, without requiring retraining. By carefully applying the insight gleaned from our theoretical investigation, we are able to introduce a new network block -- named a jet-pack block -- which is optimised for highly selective model editing, uses only standard network operations, and can be inserted into existing networks. The intrinsic dimensionality metric also determines the vulnerability of a language model to a stealth attack: a small change to a model's weights which changes its response to a single attacker-chosen prompt. Stealth attacks do not require access to or knowledge of the model's training data, therefore representing a potent yet previously unrecognised threat to redistributed foundation models. They are computationally simple enough to be implemented in malware in many cases. Extensive experimental results illustrate and support the method and its theoretical underpinnings. Demos and source code for editing language models are available at


new Automatic generation of insights from workers' actions in industrial workflows with explainable Machine Learning

Authors: Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Javier Otero-Mosquera, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no, Felipe Gil-Casti\~neira

Abstract: New technologies such as Machine Learning (ML) gave great potential for evaluating industry workflows and automatically generating key performance indicators (KPIs). However, despite established standards for measuring the efficiency of industrial machinery, there is no precise equivalent for workers' productivity, which would be highly desirable given the lack of a skilled workforce for the next generation of industry workflows. Therefore, an ML solution combining data from manufacturing processes and workers' performance for that goal is required. Additionally, in recent times intense effort has been devoted to explainable ML approaches that can automatically explain their decisions to a human operator, thus increasing their trustworthiness. We propose to apply explainable ML solutions to differentiate between expert and inexpert workers in industrial workflows, which we validate at a quality assessment industrial workstation. Regarding the methodology used, input data are captured by a manufacturing machine and stored in a NoSQL database. Data are processed to engineer features used in automatic classification and to compute workers' KPIs to predict their level of expertise (with all classification metrics exceeding 90 %). These KPIs, and the relevant features in the decisions are textually explained by natural language expansion on an explainability dashboard. These automatic explanations made it possible to infer knowledge from expert workers for inexpert workers. The latter illustrates the interest of research in self-explainable ML for automatically generating insights to improve productivity in industrial workflows.

new Latent Intuitive Physics: Learning to Transfer Hidden Physics from A 3D Video

Authors: Xiangming Zhu, Huayu Deng, Haochen Yuan, Yunbo Wang, Xiaokang Yang

Abstract: We introduce latent intuitive physics, a transfer learning framework for physics simulation that can infer hidden properties of fluids from a single 3D video and simulate the observed fluid in novel scenes. Our key insight is to use latent features drawn from a learnable prior distribution conditioned on the underlying particle states to capture the invisible and complex physical properties. To achieve this, we train a parametrized prior learner given visual observations to approximate the visual posterior of inverse graphics, and both the particle states and the visual posterior are obtained from a learned neural renderer. The converged prior learner is embedded in our probabilistic physics engine, allowing us to perform novel simulations on unseen geometries, boundaries, and dynamics without knowledge of the true physical parameters. We validate our model in three ways: (i) novel scene simulation with the learned visual-world physics, (ii) future prediction of the observed fluid dynamics, and (iii) supervised particle simulation. Our model demonstrates strong performance in all three tasks.

new Formatics & dairy industry coalition: AI trends and present challenges

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Mar\'ia del Carmen Somoza-L\'opez

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can potentially transform the industry, enhancing the production process and minimizing manual, repetitive tasks. Accordingly, the synergy between high-performance computing and powerful mathematical models enables the application of sophisticated data analysis procedures like Machine Learning. However, challenges exist regarding effective, efficient, and flexible processing to generate valuable knowledge. Consequently, this work comprehensively describes industrial challenges where AI can be exploited, focusing on the dairy industry. The conclusions presented can help researchers apply novel approaches for cattle monitoring and farmers by proposing advanced technological solutions to their needs.

new Probabilistic Temporal Prediction of Continuous Disease Trajectories and Treatment Effects Using Neural SDEs

Authors: Joshua Durso-Finley, Berardino Barile, Jean-Pierre Falet, Douglas L. Arnold, Nick Pawlowski, Tal Arbel

Abstract: Personalized medicine based on medical images, including predicting future individualized clinical disease progression and treatment response, would have an enormous impact on healthcare and drug development, particularly for diseases (e.g. multiple sclerosis (MS)) with long term, complex, heterogeneous evolutions and no cure. In this work, we present the first stochastic causal temporal framework to model the continuous temporal evolution of disease progression via Neural Stochastic Differential Equations (NSDE). The proposed causal inference model takes as input the patient's high dimensional images (MRI) and tabular data, and predicts both factual and counterfactual progression trajectories on different treatments in latent space. The NSDE permits the estimation of high-confidence personalized trajectories and treatment effects. Extensive experiments were performed on a large, multi-centre, proprietary dataset of patient 3D MRI and clinical data acquired during several randomized clinical trials for MS treatments. Our results present the first successful uncertainty-based causal Deep Learning (DL) model to: (a) accurately predict future patient MS disability evolution (e.g. EDSS) and treatment effects leveraging baseline MRI, and (b) permit the discovery of subgroups of patients for which the model has high confidence in their response to treatment even in clinical trials which did not reach their clinical endpoints.

cross The Ethics of AI in Education

Authors: Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Wayne Holmes, Selena Nemorin

Abstract: The transition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from a lab-based science to live human contexts brings into sharp focus many historic, socio-cultural biases, inequalities, and moral dilemmas. Many questions that have been raised regarding the broader ethics of AI are also relevant for AI in Education (AIED). AIED raises further specific challenges related to the impact of its technologies on users, how such technologies might be used to reinforce or alter the way that we learn and teach, and what we, as a society and individuals, value as outcomes of education. This chapter discusses key ethical dimensions of AI and contextualises them within AIED design and engineering practices to draw connections between the AIED systems we build, the questions about human learning and development we ask, the ethics of the pedagogies we use, and the considerations of values that we promote in and through AIED within a wider socio-technical system.

cross Explanation Hacking: The perils of algorithmic recourse

Authors: Emily Sullivan, Atoosa Kasirzadeh

Abstract: We argue that the trend toward providing users with feasible and actionable explanations of AI decisions, known as recourse explanations, comes with ethical downsides. Specifically, we argue that recourse explanations face several conceptual pitfalls and can lead to problematic explanation hacking, which undermines their ethical status. As an alternative, we advocate that explanations of AI decisions should aim at understanding.

cross Prompting the E-Brushes: Users as Authors in Generative AI

Authors: Yiyang Mei

Abstract: Since its introduction in 2022, Generative AI has significantly impacted the art world, from winning state art fairs to creating complex videos from simple prompts. Amid this renaissance, a pivotal issue emerges: should users of Generative AI be recognized as authors eligible for copyright protection? The Copyright Office, in its March 2023 Guidance, argues against this notion. By comparing the prompts to clients' instructions for commissioned art, the Office denies users authorship due to their limited role in the creative process. This Article challenges this viewpoint and advocates for the recognition of Generative AI users who incorporate these tools into their creative endeavors. It argues that the current policy fails to consider the intricate and dynamic interaction between Generative AI users and the models, where users actively influence the output through a process of adjustment, refinement, selection, and arrangement. Rather than dismissing the contributions generated by AI, this Article suggests a simplified and streamlined registration process that acknowledges the role of AI in creation. This approach not only aligns with the constitutional goal of promoting the progress of science and useful arts but also encourages public engagement in the creative process, which contributes to the pool of training data for AI. Moreover, it advocates for a flexible framework that evolves alongside technological advancements while ensuring safety and public interest. In conclusion, by examining text-to-image generators and addressing misconceptions about Generative AI and user interaction, this Article calls for a regulatory framework that adapts to technological developments and safeguards public interests

cross Closed-loop Teaching via Demonstrations to Improve Policy Transparency

Authors: Michael S. Lee, Reid Simmons, Henny Admoni

Abstract: Demonstrations are a powerful way of increasing the transparency of AI policies. Though informative demonstrations may be selected a priori through the machine teaching paradigm, student learning may deviate from the preselected curriculum in situ. This paper thus explores augmenting a curriculum with a closed-loop teaching framework inspired by principles from the education literature, such as the zone of proximal development and the testing effect. We utilize tests accordingly to close to the loop and maintain a novel particle filter model of human beliefs throughout the learning process, allowing us to provide demonstrations that are targeted to the human's current understanding in real time. A user study finds that our proposed closed-loop teaching framework reduces the regret in human test responses by 43% over a baseline.

cross Risks from Language Models for Automated Mental Healthcare: Ethics and Structure for Implementation

Authors: Declan Grabb, Max Lamparth, Nina Vasan

Abstract: Amidst the growing interest in developing task-autonomous AI for automated mental health care, this paper addresses the ethical and practical challenges associated with the issue and proposes a structured framework that delineates levels of autonomy, outlines ethical requirements, and defines beneficial default behaviors for AI agents in the context of mental health support. We also evaluate ten state-of-the-art language models using 16 mental health-related questions designed to reflect various mental health conditions, such as psychosis, mania, depression, suicidal thoughts, and homicidal tendencies. The question design and response evaluations were conducted by mental health clinicians (M.D.s). We find that existing language models are insufficient to match the standard provided by human professionals who can navigate nuances and appreciate context. This is due to a range of issues, including overly cautious or sycophantic responses and the absence of necessary safeguards. Alarmingly, we find that most of the tested models could cause harm if accessed in mental health emergencies, failing to protect users and potentially exacerbating existing symptoms. We explore solutions to enhance the safety of current models. Before the release of increasingly task-autonomous AI systems in mental health, it is crucial to ensure that these models can reliably detect and manage symptoms of common psychiatric disorders to prevent harm to users. This involves aligning with the ethical framework and default behaviors outlined in our study. We contend that model developers are responsible for refining their systems per these guidelines to safeguard against the risks posed by current AI technologies to user mental health and safety. Trigger warning: Contains and discusses examples of sensitive mental health topics, including suicide and self-harm.

cross Attributions toward Artificial Agents in a modified Moral Turing Test

Authors: Eyal Aharoni, Sharlene Fernandes, Daniel J. Brady, Caelan Alexander, Michael Criner, Kara Queen, Javier Rando, Eddy Nahmias, Victor Crespo

Abstract: Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) raise important questions about whether people view moral evaluations by AI systems similarly to human-generated moral evaluations. We conducted a modified Moral Turing Test (m-MTT), inspired by Allen and colleagues' (2000) proposal, by asking people to distinguish real human moral evaluations from those made by a popular advanced AI language model: GPT-4. A representative sample of 299 U.S. adults first rated the quality of moral evaluations when blinded to their source. Remarkably, they rated the AI's moral reasoning as superior in quality to humans' along almost all dimensions, including virtuousness, intelligence, and trustworthiness, consistent with passing what Allen and colleagues call the comparative MTT. Next, when tasked with identifying the source of each evaluation (human or computer), people performed significantly above chance levels. Although the AI did not pass this test, this was not because of its inferior moral reasoning but, potentially, its perceived superiority, among other possible explanations. The emergence of language models capable of producing moral responses perceived as superior in quality to humans' raises concerns that people may uncritically accept potentially harmful moral guidance from AI. This possibility highlights the need for safeguards around generative language models in matters of morality.

cross Law and the Emerging Political Economy of Algorithmic Audits

Authors: Petros Terzis, Michael Veale, No\"elle Gaumann

Abstract: For almost a decade now, scholarship in and beyond the ACM FAccT community has been focusing on novel and innovative ways and methodologies to audit the functioning of algorithmic systems. Over the years, this research idea and technical project has matured enough to become a regulatory mandate. Today, the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Online Safety Act (OSA) have established the framework within which technology corporations and (traditional) auditors will develop the `practice' of algorithmic auditing thereby presaging how this `ecosystem' will develop. In this paper, we systematically review the auditing provisions in the DSA and the OSA in light of observations from the emerging industry of algorithmic auditing. Who is likely to occupy this space? What are some political and ethical tensions that are likely to arise? How are the mandates of `independent auditing' or `the evaluation of the societal context of an algorithmic function' likely to play out in practice? By shaping the picture of the emerging political economy of algorithmic auditing, we draw attention to strategies and cultures of traditional auditors that risk eroding important regulatory pillars of the DSA and the OSA. Importantly, we warn that ambitious research ideas and technical projects of/for algorithmic auditing may end up crashed by the standardising grip of traditional auditors and/or diluted within a complex web of (sub-)contractual arrangements, diverse portfolios, and tight timelines.

cross AI Royalties -- an IP Framework to Compensate Artists & IP Holders for AI-Generated Content

Authors: Pablo Ducru, Jonathan Raiman, Ronaldo Lemos, Clay Garner, George He, Hanna Balcha, Gabriel Souto, Sergio Branco, Celina Bottino

Abstract: This article investigates how AI-generated content can disrupt central revenue streams of the creative industries, in particular the collection of dividends from intellectual property (IP) rights. It reviews the IP and copyright questions related to the input and output of generative AI systems. A systematic method is proposed to assess whether AI-generated outputs, especially images, infringe previous copyrights, using a similarity metric (CLIP) between images against historical copyright rulings. An examination (economic and technical feasibility) of previously proposed compensation frameworks reveals their financial implications for creatives and IP holders. Lastly, we propose a novel IP framework for compensation of artists and IP holders based on their published "licensed AIs" as a new medium and asset from which to collect AI royalties.

cross "Sora is Incredible and Scary": Emerging Governance Challenges of Text-to-Video Generative AI Models

Authors: Kyrie Zhixuan Zhou, Abhinav Choudhry, Ece Gumusel, Madelyn Rose Sanfilippo

Abstract: Text-to-video generative AI models such as Sora OpenAI have the potential to disrupt multiple industries. In this paper, we report a qualitative social media analysis aiming to uncover people's perceived impact of and concerns about Sora's integration. We collected and analyzed comments (N=292) under popular posts about Sora-generated videos, comparison between Sora videos and Midjourney images, and artists' complaints about copyright infringement by Generative AI. We found that people were most concerned about Sora's impact on content creation-related industries. Emerging governance challenges included the for-profit nature of OpenAI, the blurred boundaries between real and fake content, human autonomy, data privacy, copyright issues, and environmental impact. Potential regulatory solutions proposed by people included law-enforced labeling of AI content and AI literacy education for the public. Based on the findings, we discuss the importance of gauging people's tech perceptions early and propose policy recommendations to regulate Sora before its public release.

cross The Transformation Risk-Benefit Model of Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Risks and Benefits Through Practical Solutions and Use Cases

Authors: Richard Fulton (Department of Computer Science, Troy University, Troy, Alabama, USA), Diane Fulton (Department of Management, Clayton State University, Morrow, Georgia, USA), Nate Hayes (Modal Technologies, Minneapolis, Minnesota), Susan Kaplan (Modal Technologies, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Abstract: This paper summarizes the most cogent advantages and risks associated with Artificial Intelligence from an in-depth review of the literature. Then the authors synthesize the salient risk-related models currently being used in AI, technology and business-related scenarios. Next, in view of an updated context of AI along with theories and models reviewed and expanded constructs, the writers propose a new framework called "The Transformation Risk-Benefit Model of Artificial Intelligence" to address the increasing fears and levels of AI risk. Using the model characteristics, the article emphasizes practical and innovative solutions where benefits outweigh risks and three use cases in healthcare, climate change/environment and cyber security to illustrate unique interplay of principles, dimensions and processes of this powerful AI transformational model.

cross Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life 2.0: Educating University Students from Different Majors

Authors: Maria Kasinidou (Open University of Cyprus), Styliani Kleanthous (CYENS Centre of Excellence, Open University of Cyprus), Matteo Busso (University of Trento), Marcelo Rodas (University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler), Jahna Otterbacher (Open University of Cyprus, CYENS Centre of Excellence), Fausto Giunchiglia (University of Trento)

Abstract: With the surge in data-centric AI and its increasing capabilities, AI applications have become a part of our everyday lives. However, misunderstandings regarding their capabilities, limitations, and associated advantages and disadvantages are widespread. Consequently, in the university setting, there is a crucial need to educate not only computer science majors but also students from various disciplines about AI. In this experience report, we present an overview of an introductory course that we offered to students coming from different majors. Moreover, we discuss the assignments and quizzes of the course, which provided students with a firsthand experience of AI processes and insights into their learning patterns. Additionally, we provide a summary of the course evaluation, as well as students' performance. Finally, we present insights gained from teaching this course and elaborate on our future plans.

cross Ethical Framework for Responsible Foundational Models in Medical Imaging

Authors: Abhijit Das, Debesh Jha, Jasmer Sanjotra, Onkar Susladkar, Suramyaa Sarkar, Ashish Rauniyar, Nikhil Tomar, Vanshali Sharma, Ulas Bagci

Abstract: Foundational models (FMs) have tremendous potential to revolutionize medical imaging. However, their deployment in real-world clinical settings demands extensive ethical considerations. This paper aims to highlight the ethical concerns related to FMs and propose a framework to guide their responsible development and implementation within medicine. We meticulously examine ethical issues such as privacy of patient data, bias mitigation, algorithmic transparency, explainability and accountability. The proposed framework is designed to prioritize patient welfare, mitigate potential risks, and foster trust in AI-assisted healthcare.

cross Sisteme Hibride de Invatare Automata si Aplicatii

Authors: Eduard Hogea, Darian Onchis

Abstract: In this paper, a deep neural network approach and a neuro-symbolic one are proposed for classification and regression. The neuro-symbolic predictive models based on Logic Tensor Networks are capable of discriminating and in the same time of explaining the characterization of bad connections, called alerts or attacks, and of normal connections. The proposed hybrid systems incorporate both the ability of deep neural networks to improve on their own through experience and the interpretability of the results provided by symbolic artificial intelligence approach. To justify the need for shifting towards hybrid systems, explanation, implementation, and comparison of the dense neural network and the neuro-symbolic network is performed in detail. For the comparison to be relevant, the same datasets were used in training and the metrics resulted have been compared. A review of the resulted metrics shows that while both methods have similar precision in their predictive models, with Logic Tensor Networks being also possible to have interactive accuracy and deductive reasoning over data. Other advantages and disadvantages such as overfitting mitigation and scalability issues are also further discussed.

cross The EarlyBird Gets the WORM: Heuristically Accelerating EarlyBird Convergence

Authors: Adithya Vasudev

Abstract: The Lottery Ticket hypothesis proposes that ideal sparse subnetworks called lottery tickets exist in the untrained dense network. The Early Bird hypothesis proposes an efficient algorithm to find these winning lottery tickets in convolutional neural networks using the novel concept of distance between subnetworks to detect convergence in the subnetworks of a model. However, this approach overlooks unchanging groups of unimportant neurons near the end of the search. We propose WORM, a method that exploits these static groups by truncating their gradients, forcing the model to rely on other neurons. Experiments show WORM achieves faster ticket identification training and uses fewer FLOPs, despite the additional computational overhead. Additionally WORM pruned models lose less accuracy during pruning and recover accuracy faster, improving the robustness of the model. Furthermore, WORM is also able to generalize the Early Bird hypothesis reasonably well to larger models such as transformers, displaying its flexibility to adapt to various architectures.

cross Data Petri Nets meet Probabilistic Programming (Extended version)

Authors: Martin Kuhn, Joscha Gr\"uger, Christoph Matheja, Andrey Rivkin

Abstract: Probabilistic programming (PP) is a programming paradigm that allows for writing statistical models like ordinary programs, performing simulations by running those programs, and analyzing and refining their statistical behavior using powerful inference engines. This paper takes a step towards leveraging PP for reasoning about data-aware processes. To this end, we present a systematic translation of Data Petri Nets (DPNs) into a model written in a PP language whose features are supported by most PP systems. We show that our translation is sound and provides statistical guarantees for simulating DPNs. Furthermore, we discuss how PP can be used for process mining tasks and report on a prototype implementation of our translation. We also discuss further analysis scenarios that could be easily approached based on the proposed translation and available PP tools.

cross Hierarchical Compression of Text-Rich Graphs via Large Language Models

Authors: Shichang Zhang, Da Zheng, Jiani Zhang, Qi Zhu, Xiang song, Soji Adeshina, Christos Faloutsos, George Karypis, Yizhou Sun

Abstract: Text-rich graphs, prevalent in data mining contexts like e-commerce and academic graphs, consist of nodes with textual features linked by various relations. Traditional graph machine learning models, such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), excel in encoding the graph structural information, but have limited capability in handling rich text on graph nodes. Large Language Models (LLMs), noted for their superior text understanding abilities, offer a solution for processing the text in graphs but face integration challenges due to their limitation for encoding graph structures and their computational complexities when dealing with extensive text in large neighborhoods of interconnected nodes. This paper introduces ``Hierarchical Compression'' (HiCom), a novel method to align the capabilities of LLMs with the structure of text-rich graphs. HiCom processes text in a node's neighborhood in a structured manner by organizing the extensive textual information into a more manageable hierarchy and compressing node text step by step. Therefore, HiCom not only preserves the contextual richness of the text but also addresses the computational challenges of LLMs, which presents an advancement in integrating the text processing power of LLMs with the structural complexities of text-rich graphs. Empirical results show that HiCom can outperform both GNNs and LLM backbones for node classification on e-commerce and citation graphs. HiCom is especially effective for nodes from a dense region in a graph, where it achieves a 3.48% average performance improvement on five datasets while being more efficient than LLM backbones.

cross Financial Assets Dependency Prediction Utilizing Spatiotemporal Patterns

Authors: Haoren Zhu, Pengfei Zhao, Wilfred Siu Hung NG, Dik Lun Lee

Abstract: Financial assets exhibit complex dependency structures, which are crucial for investors to create diversified portfolios to mitigate risk in volatile financial markets. To explore the financial asset dependencies dynamics, we propose a novel approach that models the dependencies of assets as an Asset Dependency Matrix (ADM) and treats the ADM sequences as image sequences. This allows us to leverage deep learning-based video prediction methods to capture the spatiotemporal dependencies among assets. However, unlike images where neighboring pixels exhibit explicit spatiotemporal dependencies due to the natural continuity of object movements, assets in ADM do not have a natural order. This poses challenges to organizing the relational assets to reveal better the spatiotemporal dependencies among neighboring assets for ADM forecasting. To tackle the challenges, we propose the Asset Dependency Neural Network (ADNN), which employs the Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (ConvLSTM) network, a highly successful method for video prediction. ADNN can employ static and dynamic transformation functions to optimize the representations of the ADM. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed framework consistently outperforms the baselines in the ADM prediction and downstream application tasks. This research contributes to understanding and predicting asset dependencies, offering valuable insights for financial market participants.

cross Neural logic programs and neural nets

Authors: Christian Anti\'c

Abstract: Neural-symbolic integration aims to combine the connectionist subsymbolic with the logical symbolic approach to artificial intelligence. In this paper, we first define the answer set semantics of (boolean) neural nets and then introduce from first principles a class of neural logic programs and show that nets and programs are equivalent.

cross Hyperdimensional Quantum Factorization

Authors: Prathyush Poduval, Zhuowen Zou, Alvaro Velasquez, Mohsen Imani

Abstract: This paper presents a quantum algorithm for efficiently decoding hypervectors, a crucial process in extracting atomic elements from hypervectors - an essential task in Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC) models for interpretable learning and information retrieval. HDC employs high-dimensional vectors and efficient operators to encode and manipulate information, representing complex objects from atomic concepts. When one attempts to decode a hypervector that is the product (binding) of multiple hypervectors, the factorization becomes prohibitively costly with classical optimization-based methods and specialized recurrent networks, an inherent consequence of the binding operation. We propose HDQF, an innovative quantum computing approach, to address this challenge. By exploiting parallels between HDC and quantum computing and capitalizing on quantum algorithms' speedup capabilities, HDQF encodes potential factors as a quantum superposition using qubit states and bipolar vector representation. This yields a quadratic speedup over classical search methods and effectively mitigates Hypervector Factorization capacity issues.

cross Unraveling the Mechanics of Learning-Based Demonstration Selection for In-Context Learning

Authors: Hui Liu, Wenya Wang, Hao Sun, Chris Xing Tian, Chenqi Kong, Xin Dong, Haoliang Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive in-context learning (ICL) capabilities from few-shot demonstration exemplars. While recent learning-based demonstration selection methods have proven beneficial to ICL by choosing more useful exemplars, their underlying mechanisms are opaque, hindering efforts to address limitations such as high training costs and poor generalization across tasks. These methods generally assume the selection process captures similarities between the exemplar and the target instance, however, it remains unknown what kinds of similarities are captured and vital to performing ICL. To dive into this question, we analyze the working mechanisms of the learning-based demonstration selection methods and empirically identify two important factors related to similarity measurement: 1) The ability to integrate different levels of task-agnostic text similarities between the input of exemplars and test cases enhances generalization power across different tasks. 2) Incorporating task-specific labels when measuring the similarities significantly improves the performance on each specific task. We validate these two findings through extensive quantitative and qualitative analyses across ten datasets and various LLMs. Based on our findings, we introduce two effective yet simplified exemplar selection methods catering to task-agnostic and task-specific demands, eliminating the costly LLM inference overhead.

cross Towards Adaptive Neighborhood for Advancing Temporal Interaction Graph Modeling

Authors: Siwei Zhang, Xi Chen, Yun Xiong, Xixi Wu, Yao Zhang, Yongrui Fu, Yinglong Zhao, Jiawei Zhang

Abstract: Temporal Graph Networks (TGNs) have demonstrated their remarkable performance in modeling temporal interaction graphs. These works can generate temporal node representations by encoding the surrounding neighborhoods for the target node. However, an inherent limitation of existing TGNs is their reliance on fixed, hand-crafted rules for neighborhood encoding, overlooking the necessity for an adaptive and learnable neighborhood that can accommodate both personalization and temporal evolution across different timestamps. In this paper, we aim to enhance existing TGNs by introducing an adaptive neighborhood encoding mechanism. We present SEAN, a flexible plug-and-play model that can be seamlessly integrated with existing TGNs, effectively boosting their performance. To achieve this, we decompose the adaptive neighborhood encoding process into two phases: (i) representative neighbor selection, and (ii) temporal-aware neighborhood information aggregation. Specifically, we propose the Representative Neighbor Selector component, which automatically pinpoints the most important neighbors for the target node. It offers a tailored understanding of each node's unique surrounding context, facilitating personalization. Subsequently, we propose a Temporal-aware Aggregator, which synthesizes neighborhood aggregation by selectively determining the utilization of aggregation routes and decaying the outdated information, allowing our model to adaptively leverage both the contextually significant and current information during aggregation. We conduct extensive experiments by integrating SEAN into three representative TGNs, evaluating their performance on four public datasets and one financial benchmark dataset introduced in this paper. The results demonstrate that SEAN consistently leads to performance improvements across all models, achieving SOTA performance and exceptional robustness.

cross Horizon-wise Learning Paradigm Promotes Gene Splicing Identification

Authors: Qi-Jie Li, Qian Sun, Shao-Qun Zhang

Abstract: Identifying gene splicing is a core and significant task confronted in modern collaboration between artificial intelligence and bioinformatics. Past decades have witnessed great efforts on this concern, such as the bio-plausible splicing pattern AT-CG and the famous SpliceAI. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for the task of gene splicing identification, named Horizon-wise Gene Splicing Identification (H-GSI). The proposed H-GSI follows the horizon-wise identification paradigm and comprises four components: the pre-processing procedure transforming string data into tensors, the sliding window technique handling long sequences, the SeqLab model, and the predictor. In contrast to existing studies that process gene information with a truncated fixed-length sequence, H-GSI employs a horizon-wise identification paradigm in which all positions in a sequence are predicted with only one forward computation, improving accuracy and efficiency. The experiments conducted on the real-world Human dataset show that our proposed H-GSI outperforms SpliceAI and achieves the best accuracy of 97.20\%. The source code is available from this link.

cross A Survey of Large Language Models for Financial Applications: Progress, Prospects and Challenges

Authors: Yuqi Nie, Yaxuan Kong, Xiaowen Dong, John M. Mulvey, H. Vincent Poor, Qingsong Wen, Stefan Zohren

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have unlocked novel opportunities for machine learning applications in the financial domain. These models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in understanding context, processing vast amounts of data, and generating human-preferred contents. In this survey, we explore the application of LLMs on various financial tasks, focusing on their potential to transform traditional practices and drive innovation. We provide a discussion of the progress and advantages of LLMs in financial contexts, analyzing their advanced technologies as well as prospective capabilities in contextual understanding, transfer learning flexibility, complex emotion detection, etc. We then highlight this survey for categorizing the existing literature into key application areas, including linguistic tasks, sentiment analysis, financial time series, financial reasoning, agent-based modeling, and other applications. For each application area, we delve into specific methodologies, such as textual analysis, knowledge-based analysis, forecasting, data augmentation, planning, decision support, and simulations. Furthermore, a comprehensive collection of datasets, model assets, and useful codes associated with mainstream applications are presented as resources for the researchers and practitioners. Finally, we outline the challenges and opportunities for future research, particularly emphasizing a number of distinctive aspects in this field. We hope our work can help facilitate the adoption and further development of LLMs in the financial sector.

cross NovoBench: Benchmarking Deep Learning-based De Novo Peptide Sequencing Methods in Proteomics

Authors: Jingbo Zhou, Shaorong Chen, Jun Xia, Sizhe Liu, Tianze Ling, Wenjie Du, Yue Liu, Jianwei Yin, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Tandem mass spectrometry has played a pivotal role in advancing proteomics, enabling the high-throughput analysis of protein composition in biological tissues. Many deep learning methods have been developed for \emph{de novo} peptide sequencing task, i.e., predicting the peptide sequence for the observed mass spectrum. However, two key challenges seriously hinder the further advancement of this important task. Firstly, since there is no consensus for the evaluation datasets, the empirical results in different research papers are often not comparable, leading to unfair comparison. Secondly, the current methods are usually limited to amino acid-level or peptide-level precision and recall metrics. In this work, we present the first unified benchmark NovoBench for \emph{de novo} peptide sequencing, which comprises diverse mass spectrum data, integrated models, and comprehensive evaluation metrics. Recent impressive methods, including DeepNovo, PointNovo, Casanovo, InstaNovo, AdaNovo and $\pi$-HelixNovo are integrated into our framework. In addition to amino acid-level and peptide-level precision and recall, we evaluate the models' performance in terms of identifying post-tranlational modifications (PTMs), efficiency and robustness to peptide length, noise peaks and missing fragment ratio, which are important influencing factors while seldom be considered. Leveraging this benchmark, we conduct a large-scale study of current methods, report many insightful findings that open up new possibilities for future development. The benchmark will be open-sourced to facilitate future research and application.

cross Mixture-of-Subspaces in Low-Rank Adaptation

Authors: Taiqiang Wu, Jiahao Wang, Zhe Zhao, Ngai Wong

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a subspace-inspired Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) method, which is computationally efficient, easy to implement, and readily applicable to large language, multimodal, and diffusion models. Initially, we equivalently decompose the weights of LoRA into two subspaces, and find that simply mixing them can enhance performance. To study such a phenomenon, we revisit it through a fine-grained subspace lens, showing that such modification is equivalent to employing a fixed mixer to fuse the subspaces. To be more flexible, we jointly learn the mixer with the original LoRA weights, and term the method Mixture-of-Subspaces LoRA (MoSLoRA). MoSLoRA consistently outperforms LoRA on tasks in different modalities, including commonsense reasoning, visual instruction tuning, and subject-driven text-to-image generation, demonstrating its effectiveness and robustness. Codes are available at \href{}{github}.


cross AgileCoder: Dynamic Collaborative Agents for Software Development based on Agile Methodology

Authors: Minh Huynh Nguyen, Thang Phan Chau, Phong X. Nguyen, Nghi D. Q. Bui

Abstract: Software agents have emerged as promising tools for addressing complex software engineering tasks. However, existing works oversimplify software development workflows by following the waterfall model. Thus, we propose AgileCoder, a multi-agent system that integrates Agile Methodology (AM) into the framework. This system assigns specific AM roles such as Product Manager, Developer, and Tester to different agents, who then collaboratively develop software based on user inputs. AgileCoder enhances development efficiency by organizing work into sprints, focusing on incrementally developing software through sprints. Additionally, we introduce Dynamic Code Graph Generator, a module that creates a Code Dependency Graph dynamically as updates are made to the codebase. This allows agents to better comprehend the codebase, leading to more precise code generation and modifications throughout the software development process. AgileCoder surpasses existing benchmarks, like ChatDev and MetaGPT, establishing a new standard and showcasing the capabilities of multi-agent systems in advanced software engineering environments. Our source code can be found at


cross miniCodeProps: a Minimal Benchmark for Proving Code Properties

Authors: Evan Lohn, Sean Welleck

Abstract: Neural networks have shown initial promise in automating mathematical theorem proving in proof assistants such as Lean. The same proof assistants can be used to verify the correctness of code by pairing code with specifications and proofs that the specifications hold. Automating the writing of code, specifications, and proofs could lower the cost of verification, or, ambitiously, enable a machine learning system to output provably correct code. However, it remains unclear whether current neural theorem provers can automatically verify even relatively simple programs. We present miniCodeProps, a benchmark of 177 program specifications in the Lean proof assistant, aimed at the subproblem of automatically generating a proof for a provided program and specification. miniCodeProps contains specifications about simple, self-contained programs (e.g., lists, natural numbers, binary trees) with varied proof difficulty. Despite its simplicity, miniCodeProps is challenging for current LLM-based provers, which succeed in proving about 25 percent of the specifications. We publicly release miniCodeProps as a benchmark for furthering automated theorem proving in the context of formally verified code.

cross Enhanced Elephant Herding Optimization for Large Scale Information Access on Social Media

Authors: Yassine Drias, Habiba Drias, Ilyes Khennak

Abstract: In this article, we present a novel information access approach inspired by the information foraging theory (IFT) and elephant herding optimization (EHO). First, we propose a model for information access on social media based on the IFT. We then elaborate an adaptation of the original EHO algorithm to apply it to the information access problem. The combination of the IFT and EHO constitutes a good opportunity to find relevant information on social media. However, when dealing with voluminous data, the performance undergoes a sharp drop. To overcome this issue, we developed an enhanced version of EHO for large scale information access. We introduce new operators to the algorithm, including territories delimitation and clan migration using clustering. To validate our work, we created a dataset of more than 1.4 million tweets, on which we carried out extensive experiments. The outcomes reveal the ability of our approach to find relevant information in an effective and efficient way. They also highlight the advantages of the improved version of EHO over the original algorithm regarding different aspects. Furthermore, we undertook a comparative study with two other metaheuristic-based information foraging approaches, namely ant colony system and particle swarm optimization. Overall, the results are very promising.

cross Graph Knowledge Distillation to Mixture of Experts

Authors: Pavel Rumiantsev, Mark Coates

Abstract: In terms of accuracy, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are the best architectural choice for the node classification task. Their drawback in real-world deployment is the latency that emerges from the neighbourhood processing operation. One solution to the latency issue is to perform knowledge distillation from a trained GNN to a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), where the MLP processes only the features of the node being classified (and possibly some pre-computed structural information). However, the performance of such MLPs in both transductive and inductive settings remains inconsistent for existing knowledge distillation techniques. We propose to address the performance concerns by using a specially-designed student model instead of an MLP. Our model, named Routing-by-Memory (RbM), is a form of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE), with a design that enforces expert specialization. By encouraging each expert to specialize on a certain region on the hidden representation space, we demonstrate experimentally that it is possible to derive considerably more consistent performance across multiple datasets.

cross Job-SDF: A Multi-Granularity Dataset for Job Skill Demand Forecasting and Benchmarking

Authors: Xi Chen, Chuan Qin, Chuyu Fang, Chao Wang, Chen Zhu, Fuzhen Zhuang, Hengshu Zhu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: In a rapidly evolving job market, skill demand forecasting is crucial as it enables policymakers and businesses to anticipate and adapt to changes, ensuring that workforce skills align with market needs, thereby enhancing productivity and competitiveness. Additionally, by identifying emerging skill requirements, it directs individuals towards relevant training and education opportunities, promoting continuous self-learning and development. However, the absence of comprehensive datasets presents a significant challenge, impeding research and the advancement of this field. To bridge this gap, we present Job-SDF, a dataset designed to train and benchmark job-skill demand forecasting models. Based on 10.35 million public job advertisements collected from major online recruitment platforms in China between 2021 and 2023, this dataset encompasses monthly recruitment demand for 2,324 types of skills across 521 companies. Our dataset uniquely enables evaluating skill demand forecasting models at various granularities, including occupation, company, and regional levels. We benchmark a range of models on this dataset, evaluating their performance in standard scenarios, in predictions focused on lower value ranges, and in the presence of structural breaks, providing new insights for further research. Our code and dataset are publicly accessible via the


cross Rethinking Spatio-Temporal Transformer for Traffic Prediction:Multi-level Multi-view Augmented Learning Framework

Authors: Jiaqi Lin, Qianqian Ren

Abstract: Traffic prediction is a challenging spatio-temporal forecasting problem that involves highly complex spatio-temporal correlations. This paper proposes a Multi-level Multi-view Augmented Spatio-temporal Transformer (LVSTformer) for traffic prediction. The model aims to capture spatial dependencies from three different levels: local geographic, global semantic, and pivotal nodes, along with long- and short-term temporal dependencies. Specifically, we design three spatial augmented views to delve into the spatial information from the perspectives of local, global, and pivotal nodes. By combining three spatial augmented views with three parallel spatial self-attention mechanisms, the model can comprehensively captures spatial dependencies at different levels. We design a gated temporal self-attention mechanism to effectively capture long- and short-term temporal dependencies. Furthermore, a spatio-temporal context broadcasting module is introduced between two spatio-temporal layers to ensure a well-distributed allocation of attention scores, alleviating overfitting and information loss, and enhancing the generalization ability and robustness of the model. A comprehensive set of experiments is conducted on six well-known traffic benchmarks, the experimental results demonstrate that LVSTformer achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to competing baselines, with the maximum improvement reaching up to 4.32%.

cross Explainable assessment of financial experts' credibility by classifying social media forecasts and checking the predictions with actual market data

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Jaime Gonz\'alez-Gonz\'aleza, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no

Abstract: Social media include diverse interaction metrics related to user popularity, the most evident example being the number of user followers. The latter has raised concerns about the credibility of the posts by the most popular creators. However, most existing approaches to assess credibility in social media strictly consider this problem a binary classification, often based on a priori information, without checking if actual real-world facts back the users' comments. In addition, they do not provide automatic explanations of their predictions to foster their trustworthiness. In this work, we propose a credibility assessment solution for financial creators in social media that combines Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. The reputation of the contributors is assessed by automatically classifying their forecasts on asset values by type and verifying these predictions with actual market data to approximate their probability of success. The outcome of this verification is a continuous credibility score instead of a binary result, an entirely novel contribution by this work. Moreover, social media metrics (i.e., user context) are exploited by calculating their correlation with the credibility rankings, providing insights on the interest of the end-users in financial posts and their forecasts (i.e., drop or rise). Finally, the system provides natural language explanations of its decisions based on a model-agnostic analysis of relevant features.

cross DocCGen: Document-based Controlled Code Generation

Authors: Sameer Pimparkhede, Mehant Kammakomati, Srikanth G. Tamilselvam, Prince Kumar, Ashok Pon Kumar, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Abstract: Recent developments show that Large Language Models (LLMs) produce state-of-the-art performance on natural language (NL) to code generation for resource-rich general-purpose languages like C++, Java, and Python. However, their practical usage for structured domain-specific languages (DSLs) such as YAML, JSON is limited due to domain-specific schema, grammar, and customizations generally unseen by LLMs during pre-training. Efforts have been made to mitigate this challenge via in-context learning through relevant examples or by fine-tuning. However, it suffers from problems, such as limited DSL samples and prompt sensitivity but enterprises maintain good documentation of the DSLs. Therefore, we propose DocCGen, a framework that can leverage such rich knowledge by breaking the NL-to-Code generation task for structured code languages into a two-step process. First, it detects the correct libraries using the library documentation that best matches the NL query. Then, it utilizes schema rules extracted from the documentation of these libraries to constrain the decoding. We evaluate our framework for two complex structured languages, Ansible YAML and Bash command, consisting of two settings: Out-of-domain (OOD) and In-domain (ID). Our extensive experiments show that DocCGen consistently improves different-sized language models across all six evaluation metrics, reducing syntactic and semantic errors in structured code. We plan to open-source the datasets and code to motivate research in constrained code generation.

cross REPOEXEC: Evaluate Code Generation with a Repository-Level Executable Benchmark

Authors: Nam Le Hai, Dung Manh Nguyen, Nghi D. Q. Bui

Abstract: The ability of CodeLLMs to generate executable and functionally correct code at the \textit{repository-level scale }remains largely unexplored. We introduce \methodnamews, a novel benchmark for evaluating code generation at the repository-level scale, emphasizing executability and correctness. \methodnamews provides an automated system that verifies requirements and incorporates a mechanism for dynamically generating high-coverage test cases to assess the functionality of generated code. Our work explores a controlled scenario where developers specify necessary code dependencies, challenging the model to integrate these accurately. Experiments show that while pretrained LLMs outperform instruction-tuning models in correctness, the latter excel in utilizing provided dependencies and demonstrating debugging capabilities. \methodnamews aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of code functionality and alignment with developer intent, paving the way for more reliable and applicable CodeLLMs in real-world scenarios.

cross FlexCare: Leveraging Cross-Task Synergy for Flexible Multimodal Healthcare Prediction

Authors: Muhao Xu, Zhenfeng Zhu, Youru Li, Shuai Zheng, Yawei Zhao, Kunlun He, Yao Zhao

Abstract: Multimodal electronic health record (EHR) data can offer a holistic assessment of a patient's health status, supporting various predictive healthcare tasks. Recently, several studies have embraced the multitask learning approach in the healthcare domain, exploiting the inherent correlations among clinical tasks to predict multiple outcomes simultaneously. However, existing methods necessitate samples to possess complete labels for all tasks, which places heavy demands on the data and restricts the flexibility of the model. Meanwhile, within a multitask framework with multimodal inputs, how to comprehensively consider the information disparity among modalities and among tasks still remains a challenging problem. To tackle these issues, a unified healthcare prediction model, also named by \textbf{FlexCare}, is proposed to flexibly accommodate incomplete multimodal inputs, promoting the adaption to multiple healthcare tasks. The proposed model breaks the conventional paradigm of parallel multitask prediction by decomposing it into a series of asynchronous single-task prediction. Specifically, a task-agnostic multimodal information extraction module is presented to capture decorrelated representations of diverse intra- and inter-modality patterns. Taking full account of the information disparities between different modalities and different tasks, we present a task-guided hierarchical multimodal fusion module that integrates the refined modality-level representations into an individual patient-level representation. Experimental results on multiple tasks from MIMIC-IV/MIMIC-CXR/MIMIC-NOTE datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Additionally, further analysis underscores the feasibility and potential of employing such a multitask strategy in the healthcare domain. The source code is available at


cross A Critical Study of What Code-LLMs (Do Not) Learn

Authors: Abhinav Anand, Shweta Verma, Krishna Narasimhan, Mira Mezini

Abstract: Large Language Models trained on code corpora (code-LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance in various coding assistance tasks. However, despite their increased size and training dataset, code-LLMs still have limitations such as suggesting codes with syntactic errors, variable misuse etc. Some studies argue that code-LLMs perform well on coding tasks because they use self-attention and hidden representations to encode relations among input tokens. However, previous works have not studied what code properties are not encoded by code-LLMs. In this paper, we conduct a fine-grained analysis of attention maps and hidden representations of code-LLMs. Our study indicates that code-LLMs only encode relations among specific subsets of input tokens. Specifically, by categorizing input tokens into syntactic tokens and identifiers, we found that models encode relations among syntactic tokens and among identifiers, but they fail to encode relations between syntactic tokens and identifiers. We also found that fine-tuned models encode these relations poorly compared to their pre-trained counterparts. Additionally, larger models with billions of parameters encode significantly less information about code than models with only a few hundred million parameters.

cross DeepSeek-Coder-V2: Breaking the Barrier of Closed-Source Models in Code Intelligence

Authors: DeepSeek-AI, Qihao Zhu, Daya Guo, Zhihong Shao, Dejian Yang, Peiyi Wang, Runxin Xu, Y. Wu, Yukun Li, Huazuo Gao, Shirong Ma, Wangding Zeng, Xiao Bi, Zihui Gu, Hanwei Xu, Damai Dai, Kai Dong, Liyue Zhang, Yishi Piao, Zhibin Gou, Zhenda Xie, Zhewen Hao, Bingxuan Wang, Junxiao Song, Deli Chen, Xin Xie, Kang Guan, Yuxiang You, Aixin Liu, Qiushi Du, Wenjun Gao, Xuan Lu, Qinyu Chen, Yaohui Wang, Chengqi Deng, Jiashi Li, Chenggang Zhao, Chong Ruan, Fuli Luo, Wenfeng Liang

Abstract: We present DeepSeek-Coder-V2, an open-source Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) code language model that achieves performance comparable to GPT4-Turbo in code-specific tasks. Specifically, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 is further pre-trained from an intermediate checkpoint of DeepSeek-V2 with additional 6 trillion tokens. Through this continued pre-training, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 substantially enhances the coding and mathematical reasoning capabilities of DeepSeek-V2, while maintaining comparable performance in general language tasks. Compared to DeepSeek-Coder-33B, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 demonstrates significant advancements in various aspects of code-related tasks, as well as reasoning and general capabilities. Additionally, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 expands its support for programming languages from 86 to 338, while extending the context length from 16K to 128K. In standard benchmark evaluations, DeepSeek-Coder-V2 achieves superior performance compared to closed-source models such as GPT4-Turbo, Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini 1.5 Pro in coding and math benchmarks.

cross Bridging Design Gaps: A Parametric Data Completion Approach With Graph Guided Diffusion Models

Authors: Rui Zhou, Chenyang Yuan, Frank Permenter, Yanxia Zhang, Nikos Arechiga, Matt Klenk, Faez Ahmed

Abstract: This study introduces a generative imputation model leveraging graph attention networks and tabular diffusion models for completing missing parametric data in engineering designs. This model functions as an AI design co-pilot, providing multiple design options for incomplete designs, which we demonstrate using the bicycle design CAD dataset. Through comparative evaluations, we demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms existing classical methods, such as MissForest, hotDeck, PPCA, and tabular generative method TabCSDI in both the accuracy and diversity of imputation options. Generative modeling also enables a broader exploration of design possibilities, thereby enhancing design decision-making by allowing engineers to explore a variety of design completions. The graph model combines GNNs with the structural information contained in assembly graphs, enabling the model to understand and predict the complex interdependencies between different design parameters. The graph model helps accurately capture and impute complex parametric interdependencies from an assembly graph, which is key for design problems. By learning from an existing dataset of designs, the imputation capability allows the model to act as an intelligent assistant that autocompletes CAD designs based on user-defined partial parametric design, effectively bridging the gap between ideation and realization. The proposed work provides a pathway to not only facilitate informed design decisions but also promote creative exploration in design.

cross Iterative or Innovative? A Problem-Oriented Perspective for Code Optimization

Authors: Tong Ye, Tengfei Ma, Lingfei Wu, Xuhong Zhang, Shouling Ji, Wenhai Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated strong capabilities in solving a wide range of programming tasks. However, LLMs have rarely been explored for code optimization. In this paper, we explore code optimization with a focus on performance enhancement, specifically aiming to optimize code for minimal execution time. The recently proposed first PIE dataset for performance optimization constructs program optimization pairs based on iterative submissions from the same programmer for the same problem. However, this approach restricts LLMs to local performance improvements, neglecting global algorithmic innovation. Therefore, we adopt a completely different perspective by reconstructing the optimization pairs into a problem-oriented approach. This allows for the integration of various ingenious ideas from different programmers tackling the same problem. Experimental results demonstrate that adapting LLMs to problem-oriented optimization pairs significantly enhances their optimization capabilities. Meanwhile, we identified performance bottlenecks within the problem-oriented perspective. By employing model merge, we further overcame bottlenecks and ultimately elevated the program optimization ratio ($51.76\%\rightarrow76.65\%$) and speedup ($2.65\times\rightarrow5.09\times$) to new levels.

cross From Crowdsourced Data to High-Quality Benchmarks: Arena-Hard and BenchBuilder Pipeline

Authors: Tianle Li, Wei-Lin Chiang, Evan Frick, Lisa Dunlap, Tianhao Wu, Banghua Zhu, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica

Abstract: The rapid evolution of language models has necessitated the development of more challenging benchmarks. Current static benchmarks often struggle to consistently distinguish between the capabilities of different models and fail to align with real-world user preferences. On the other hand, live crowd-sourced platforms like the Chatbot Arena collect a wide range of natural prompts and user feedback. However, these prompts vary in sophistication and the feedback cannot be applied offline to new models. In order to ensure that benchmarks keep up with the pace of LLM development, we address how one can evaluate benchmarks on their ability to confidently separate models and their alignment with human preference. Under these principles, we developed BenchBuilder, a living benchmark that filters high-quality prompts from live data sources to enable offline evaluation on fresh, challenging prompts. BenchBuilder identifies seven indicators of a high-quality prompt, such as the requirement for domain knowledge, and utilizes an LLM annotator to select a high-quality subset of prompts from various topic clusters. The LLM evaluation process employs an LLM judge to ensure a fully automated, high-quality, and constantly updating benchmark. We apply BenchBuilder on prompts from the Chatbot Arena to create Arena-Hard-Auto v0.1: 500 challenging user prompts from a wide range of tasks. Arena-Hard-Auto v0.1 offers 3x tighter confidence intervals than MT-Bench and achieves a state-of-the-art 89.1% agreement with human preference rankings, all at a cost of only $25 and without human labelers. The BenchBuilder pipeline enhances evaluation benchmarks and provides a valuable tool for developers, enabling them to extract high-quality benchmarks from extensive data with minimal effort.

cross Crossfusor: A Cross-Attention Transformer Enhanced Conditional Diffusion Model for Car-Following Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Junwei You, Haotian Shi, Keshu Wu, Keke Long, Sicheng Fu, Sikai Chen, Bin Ran

Abstract: Vehicle trajectory prediction is crucial for advancing autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), enhancing road safety and traffic efficiency. While traditional methods have laid foundational work, modern deep learning techniques, particularly transformer-based models and generative approaches, have significantly improved prediction accuracy by capturing complex and non-linear patterns in vehicle motion and traffic interactions. However, these models often overlook the detailed car-following behaviors and inter-vehicle interactions essential for real-world driving scenarios. This study introduces a Cross-Attention Transformer Enhanced Conditional Diffusion Model (Crossfusor) specifically designed for car-following trajectory prediction. Crossfusor integrates detailed inter-vehicular interactions and car-following dynamics into a robust diffusion framework, improving both the accuracy and realism of predicted trajectories. The model leverages a novel temporal feature encoding framework combining GRU, location-based attention mechanisms, and Fourier embedding to capture historical vehicle dynamics. It employs noise scaled by these encoded historical features in the forward diffusion process, and uses a cross-attention transformer to model intricate inter-vehicle dependencies in the reverse denoising process. Experimental results on the NGSIM dataset demonstrate that Crossfusor outperforms state-of-the-art models, particularly in long-term predictions, showcasing its potential for enhancing the predictive capabilities of autonomous driving systems.

cross Personalized Federated Knowledge Graph Embedding with Client-Wise Relation Graph

Authors: Xiaoxiong Zhang, Zhiwei Zeng, Xin Zhou, Dusit Niyato, Zhiqi Shen

Abstract: Federated Knowledge Graph Embedding (FKGE) has recently garnered considerable interest due to its capacity to extract expressive representations from distributed knowledge graphs, while concurrently safeguarding the privacy of individual clients. Existing FKGE methods typically harness the arithmetic mean of entity embeddings from all clients as the global supplementary knowledge, and learn a replica of global consensus entities embeddings for each client. However, these methods usually neglect the inherent semantic disparities among distinct clients. This oversight not only results in the globally shared complementary knowledge being inundated with too much noise when tailored to a specific client, but also instigates a discrepancy between local and global optimization objectives. Consequently, the quality of the learned embeddings is compromised. To address this, we propose Personalized Federated knowledge graph Embedding with client-wise relation Graph (PFedEG), a novel approach that employs a client-wise relation graph to learn personalized embeddings by discerning the semantic relevance of embeddings from other clients. Specifically, PFedEG learns personalized supplementary knowledge for each client by amalgamating entity embedding from its neighboring clients based on their "affinity" on the client-wise relation graph. Each client then conducts personalized embedding learning based on its local triples and personalized supplementary knowledge. We conduct extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets to evaluate our method against state-of-the-art models and results demonstrate the superiority of our method.

cross GAugLLM: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning for Text-Attributed Graphs with Large Language Models

Authors: Yi Fang, Dongzhe Fan, Daochen Zha, Qiaoyu Tan

Abstract: This work studies self-supervised graph learning for text-attributed graphs (TAGs) where nodes are represented by textual attributes. Unlike traditional graph contrastive methods that perturb the numerical feature space and alter the graph's topological structure, we aim to improve view generation through language supervision. This is driven by the prevalence of textual attributes in real applications, which complement graph structures with rich semantic information. However, this presents challenges because of two major reasons. First, text attributes often vary in length and quality, making it difficulty to perturb raw text descriptions without altering their original semantic meanings. Second, although text attributes complement graph structures, they are not inherently well-aligned. To bridge the gap, we introduce GAugLLM, a novel framework for augmenting TAGs. It leverages advanced large language models like Mistral to enhance self-supervised graph learning. Specifically, we introduce a mixture-of-prompt-expert technique to generate augmented node features. This approach adaptively maps multiple prompt experts, each of which modifies raw text attributes using prompt engineering, into numerical feature space. Additionally, we devise a collaborative edge modifier to leverage structural and textual commonalities, enhancing edge augmentation by examining or building connections between nodes. Empirical results across five benchmark datasets spanning various domains underscore our framework's ability to enhance the performance of leading contrastive methods as a plug-in tool. Notably, we observe that the augmented features and graph structure can also enhance the performance of standard generative methods, as well as popular graph neural networks. The open-sourced implementation of our GAugLLM is available at Github.

cross Dialogue Action Tokens: Steering Language Models in Goal-Directed Dialogue with a Multi-Turn Planner

Authors: Kenneth Li, Yiming Wang, Fernanda Vi\'egas, Martin Wattenberg

Abstract: We present an approach called Dialogue Action Tokens (DAT) that adapts language model agents to plan goal-directed dialogues. The core idea is to treat each utterance as an action, thereby converting dialogues into games where existing approaches such as reinforcement learning can be applied. Specifically, we freeze a pretrained language model and train a small planner model that predicts a continuous action vector, used for controlled generation in each round. This design avoids the problem of language degradation under reward optimization. When evaluated on the Sotopia platform for social simulations, the DAT-steered LLaMA model surpasses GPT-4's performance. We also apply DAT to steer an attacker language model in a novel multi-turn red-teaming setting, revealing a potential new attack surface.

cross Online Pareto-Optimal Decision-Making for Complex Tasks using Active Inference

Authors: Peter Amorese, Shohei Wakayama, Nisar Ahmed, Morteza Lahijanian

Abstract: When a robot autonomously performs a complex task, it frequently must balance competing objectives while maintaining safety. This becomes more difficult in uncertain environments with stochastic outcomes. Enhancing transparency in the robot's behavior and aligning with user preferences are also crucial. This paper introduces a novel framework for multi-objective reinforcement learning that ensures safe task execution, optimizes trade-offs between objectives, and adheres to user preferences. The framework has two main layers: a multi-objective task planner and a high-level selector. The planning layer generates a set of optimal trade-off plans that guarantee satisfaction of a temporal logic task. The selector uses active inference to decide which generated plan best complies with user preferences and aids learning. Operating iteratively, the framework updates a parameterized learning model based on collected data. Case studies and benchmarks on both manipulation and mobile robots show that our framework outperforms other methods and (i) learns multiple optimal trade-offs, (ii) adheres to a user preference, and (iii) allows the user to adjust the balance between (i) and (ii).

cross Decomposed evaluations of geographic disparities in text-to-image models

Authors: Abhishek Sureddy, Dishant Padalia, Nandhinee Periyakaruppa, Oindrila Saha, Adina Williams, Adriana Romero-Soriano, Megan Richards, Polina Kirichenko, Melissa Hall

Abstract: Recent work has identified substantial disparities in generated images of different geographic regions, including stereotypical depictions of everyday objects like houses and cars. However, existing measures for these disparities have been limited to either human evaluations, which are time-consuming and costly, or automatic metrics evaluating full images, which are unable to attribute these disparities to specific parts of the generated images. In this work, we introduce a new set of metrics, Decomposed Indicators of Disparities in Image Generation (Decomposed-DIG), that allows us to separately measure geographic disparities in the depiction of objects and backgrounds in generated images. Using Decomposed-DIG, we audit a widely used latent diffusion model and find that generated images depict objects with better realism than backgrounds and that backgrounds in generated images tend to contain larger regional disparities than objects. We use Decomposed-DIG to pinpoint specific examples of disparities, such as stereotypical background generation in Africa, struggling to generate modern vehicles in Africa, and unrealistically placing some objects in outdoor settings. Informed by our metric, we use a new prompting structure that enables a 52% worst-region improvement and a 20% average improvement in generated background diversity.

cross When Box Meets Graph Neural Network in Tag-aware Recommendation

Authors: Fake Lin, Ziwei Zhao, Xi Zhu, Da Zhang, Shitian Shen, Xueying Li, Tong Xu, Suojuan Zhang, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Last year has witnessed the re-flourishment of tag-aware recommender systems supported by the LLM-enriched tags. Unfortunately, though large efforts have been made, current solutions may fail to describe the diversity and uncertainty inherent in user preferences with only tag-driven profiles. Recently, with the development of geometry-based techniques, e.g., box embedding, diversity of user preferences now could be fully modeled as the range within a box in high dimension space. However, defect still exists as these approaches are incapable of capturing high-order neighbor signals, i.e., semantic-rich multi-hop relations within the user-tag-item tripartite graph, which severely limits the effectiveness of user modeling. To deal with this challenge, in this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, called BoxGNN, to perform the message aggregation via combination of logical operations, thereby incorporating high-order signals. Specifically, we first embed users, items, and tags as hyper-boxes rather than simple points in the representation space, and define two logical operations to facilitate the subsequent process. Next, we perform the message aggregation mechanism via the combination of logical operations, to obtain the corresponding high-order box representations. Finally, we adopt a volume-based learning objective with Gumbel smoothing techniques to refine the representation of boxes. Extensive experiments on two publicly available datasets and one LLM-enhanced e-commerce dataset have validated the superiority of BoxGNN compared with various state-of-the-art baselines. The code is released online

cross Constructing Ancestral Recombination Graphs through Reinforcement Learning

Authors: M\'elanie Raymond (Universit\'e du Qu\'ebec \`a Montr\'eal), Marie-H\'el\`ene Descary (Universit\'e du Qu\'ebec \`a Montr\'eal), C\'edric Beaulac (Universit\'e du Qu\'ebec \`a Montr\'eal), Fabrice Larribe (Universit\'e du Qu\'ebec \`a Montr\'eal)

Abstract: Over the years, many approaches have been proposed to build ancestral recombination graphs (ARGs), graphs used to represent the genetic relationship between individuals. Among these methods, many rely on the assumption that the most likely graph is among the shortest ones. In this paper, we propose a new approach to build short ARGs: Reinforcement Learning (RL). We exploit the similarities between finding the shortest path between a set of genetic sequences and their most recent common ancestor and finding the shortest path between the entrance and exit of a maze, a classic RL problem. In the maze problem, the learner, called the agent, must learn the directions to take in order to escape as quickly as possible, whereas in our problem, the agent must learn the actions to take between coalescence, mutation, and recombination in order to reach the most recent common ancestor as quickly as possible. Our results show that RL can be used to build ARGs as short as those built with a heuristic algorithm optimized to build short ARGs, and sometimes even shorter. Moreover, our method allows to build a distribution of short ARGs for a given sample, and can also generalize learning to new samples not used during the learning process.

cross SPA-VL: A Comprehensive Safety Preference Alignment Dataset for Vision Language Model

Authors: Yongting Zhang, Lu Chen, Guodong Zheng, Yifeng Gao, Rui Zheng, Jinlan Fu, Zhenfei Yin, Senjie Jin, Yu Qiao, Xuanjing Huang, Feng Zhao, Tao Gui, Jing Shao

Abstract: The emergence of Vision Language Models (VLMs) has brought unprecedented advances in understanding multimodal information. The combination of textual and visual semantics in VLMs is highly complex and diverse, making the safety alignment of these models challenging. Furthermore, due to the limited study on the safety alignment of VLMs, there is a lack of large-scale, high-quality datasets. To address these limitations, we propose a Safety Preference Alignment dataset for Vision Language Models named SPA-VL. In terms of breadth, SPA-VL covers 6 harmfulness domains, 13 categories, and 53 subcategories, and contains 100,788 samples of the quadruple (question, image, chosen response, rejected response). In terms of depth, the responses are collected from 12 open- (e.g., QwenVL) and closed-source (e.g., Gemini) VLMs to ensure diversity. The experimental results indicate that models trained with alignment techniques on the SPA-VL dataset exhibit substantial improvements in harmlessness and helpfulness while maintaining core capabilities. SPA-VL, as a large-scale, high-quality, and diverse dataset, represents a significant milestone in ensuring that VLMs achieve both harmlessness and helpfulness. We have made our code and SPA-VL dataset url publicly available.


cross Large Scale Transfer Learning for Tabular Data via Language Modeling

Authors: Josh Gardner, Juan C. Perdomo, Ludwig Schmidt

Abstract: Tabular data -- structured, heterogeneous, spreadsheet-style data with rows and columns -- is widely used in practice across many domains. However, while recent foundation models have reduced the need for developing task-specific datasets and predictors in domains such as language modeling and computer vision, this transfer learning paradigm has not had similar impact in the tabular domain. In this work, we seek to narrow this gap and present TabuLa-8B, a language model for tabular prediction. We define a process for extracting a large, high-quality training dataset from the TabLib corpus, proposing methods for tabular data filtering and quality control. Using the resulting dataset, which comprises over 1.6B rows from 3.1M unique tables, we fine-tune a Llama 3-8B large language model (LLM) for tabular data prediction (classification and binned regression) using a novel packing and attention scheme for tabular prediction. Through evaluation across a test suite of 329 datasets, we find that TabuLa-8B has zero-shot accuracy on unseen tables that is over 15 percentage points (pp) higher than random guessing, a feat that is not possible with existing state-of-the-art tabular prediction models (e.g. XGBoost, TabPFN). In the few-shot setting (1-32 shots), without any fine-tuning on the target datasets, TabuLa-8B is 5-15 pp more accurate than XGBoost and TabPFN models that are explicitly trained on equal, or even up to 16x more data. We release our model, code, and data along with the publication of this paper.

cross Socially Interactive Agents for Robotic Neurorehabilitation Training: Conceptualization and Proof-of-concept Study

Authors: Rhythm Arora, Pooja Prajod, Matteo Lavit Nicora, Daniele Panzeri, Giovanni Tauro, Rocco Vertechy, Matteo Malosio, Elisabeth Andr\'e, Patrick Gebhard

Abstract: Individuals with diverse motor abilities often benefit from intensive and specialized rehabilitation therapies aimed at enhancing their functional recovery. Nevertheless, the challenge lies in the restricted availability of neurorehabilitation professionals, hindering the effective delivery of the necessary level of care. Robotic devices hold great potential in reducing the dependence on medical personnel during therapy but, at the same time, they generally lack the crucial human interaction and motivation that traditional in-person sessions provide. To bridge this gap, we introduce an AI-based system aimed at delivering personalized, out-of-hospital assistance during neurorehabilitation training. This system includes a rehabilitation training device, affective signal classification models, training exercises, and a socially interactive agent as the user interface. With the assistance of a professional, the envisioned system is designed to be tailored to accommodate the unique rehabilitation requirements of an individual patient. Conceptually, after a preliminary setup and instruction phase, the patient is equipped to continue their rehabilitation regimen autonomously in the comfort of their home, facilitated by a socially interactive agent functioning as a virtual coaching assistant. Our approach involves the integration of an interactive socially-aware virtual agent into a neurorehabilitation robotic framework, with the primary objective of recreating the social aspects inherent to in-person rehabilitation sessions. We also conducted a feasibility study to test the framework with healthy patients. The results of our preliminary investigation indicate that participants demonstrated a propensity to adapt to the system. Notably, the presence of the interactive agent during the proposed exercises did not act as a source of distraction; instead, it positively impacted users' engagement.

cross MedCalc-Bench: Evaluating Large Language Models for Medical Calculations

Authors: Nikhil Khandekar, Qiao Jin, Guangzhi Xiong, Soren Dunn, Serina S Applebaum, Zain Anwar, Maame Sarfo-Gyamfi, Conrad W Safranek, Abid A Anwar, Andrew Zhang, Aidan Gilson, Maxwell B Singer, Amisha Dave, Andrew Taylor, Aidong Zhang, Qingyu Chen, Zhiyong Lu

Abstract: As opposed to evaluating computation and logic-based reasoning, current bench2 marks for evaluating large language models (LLMs) in medicine are primarily focused on question-answering involving domain knowledge and descriptive rea4 soning. While such qualitative capabilities are vital to medical diagnosis, in real5 world scenarios, doctors frequently use clinical calculators that follow quantitative equations and rule-based reasoning paradigms for evidence-based decision support. To this end, we propose MedCalc-Bench, a first-of-its-kind dataset focused on evaluating the medical calculation capability of LLMs. MedCalc-Bench contains an evaluation set of over 1000 manually reviewed instances from 55 different medical calculation tasks. Each instance in MedCalc-Bench consists of a patient note, a question requesting to compute a specific medical value, a ground truth answer, and a step-by-step explanation showing how the answer is obtained. While our evaluation results show the potential of LLMs in this area, none of them are effective enough for clinical settings. Common issues include extracting the incorrect entities, not using the correct equation or rules for a calculation task, or incorrectly performing the arithmetic for the computation. We hope our study highlights the quantitative knowledge and reasoning gaps in LLMs within medical settings, encouraging future improvements of LLMs for various clinical calculation tasks.

cross Soft Prompting for Unlearning in Large Language Models

Authors: Karuna Bhaila, Minh-Hao Van, Xintao Wu

Abstract: The widespread popularity of Large Language Models (LLMs), partly due to their unique ability to perform in-context learning, has also brought to light the importance of ethical and safety considerations when deploying these pre-trained models. In this work, we focus on investigating machine unlearning for LLMs motivated by data protection regulations. In contrast to the growing literature on fine-tuning methods to achieve unlearning, we focus on a comparatively lightweight alternative called soft prompting to realize the unlearning of a subset of training data. With losses designed to enforce forgetting as well as utility preservation, our framework \textbf{S}oft \textbf{P}rompting for \textbf{U}n\textbf{l}earning (SPUL) learns prompt tokens that can be appended to an arbitrary query to induce unlearning of specific examples at inference time without updating LLM parameters. We conduct a rigorous evaluation of the proposed method and our results indicate that SPUL can significantly improve the trade-off between utility and forgetting in the context of text classification with LLMs. We further validate our method using multiple LLMs to highlight the scalability of our framework and provide detailed insights into the choice of hyperparameters and the influence of the size of unlearning data. Our implementation is available at \url{}.


cross MEDeA: Multi-view Efficient Depth Adjustment

Authors: Mikhail Artemyev, Anna Vorontsova, Anna Sokolova, Alexander Limonov

Abstract: The majority of modern single-view depth estimation methods predict relative depth and thus cannot be directly applied in many real-world scenarios, despite impressive performance in the benchmarks. Moreover, single-view approaches cannot guarantee consistency across a sequence of frames. Consistency is typically addressed with test-time optimization of discrepancy across views; however, it takes hours to process a single scene. In this paper, we present MEDeA, an efficient multi-view test-time depth adjustment method, that is an order of magnitude faster than existing test-time approaches. Given RGB frames with camera parameters, MEDeA predicts initial depth maps, adjusts them by optimizing local scaling coefficients, and outputs temporally-consistent depth maps. Contrary to test-time methods requiring normals, optical flow, or semantics estimation, MEDeA produces high-quality predictions with a depth estimation network solely. Our method sets a new state-of-the-art on TUM RGB-D, 7Scenes, and ScanNet benchmarks and successfully handles smartphone-captured data from ARKitScenes dataset.

cross UniGLM: Training One Unified Language Model for Text-Attributed Graphs

Authors: Yi Fang, Dongzhe Fan, Sirui Ding, Ninghao Liu, Qiaoyu Tan

Abstract: Representation learning on text-attributed graphs (TAGs), where nodes are represented by textual descriptions, is crucial for textual and relational knowledge systems and recommendation systems. Currently, state-of-the-art embedding methods for TAGs primarily focus on fine-tuning language models (e.g., BERT) using structure-aware training signals. While effective, these methods are tailored for individual TAG and cannot generalize across various graph scenarios. Given the shared textual space, leveraging multiple TAGs for joint fine-tuning, aligning text and graph structure from different aspects, would be more beneficial. Motivated by this, we introduce a novel Unified Graph Language Model (UniGLM) framework, the first graph embedding model that generalizes well to both in-domain and cross-domain TAGs. Specifically, UniGLM is trained over multiple TAGs with different domains and scales using self-supervised contrastive learning. UniGLM includes an adaptive positive sample selection technique for identifying structurally similar nodes and a lazy contrastive module that is devised to accelerate training by minimizing repetitive encoding calculations. Extensive empirical results across 9 benchmark TAGs demonstrate UniGLM's efficacy against leading embedding baselines in terms of generalization (various downstream tasks and backbones) and transfer learning (in and out of domain scenarios). The code is available at


cross Multi-Dimensional Pruning: Joint Channel, Layer and Block Pruning with Latency Constraint

Authors: Xinglong Sun, Barath Lakshmanan, Maying Shen, Shiyi Lan, Jingde Chen, Jose Alvarez

Abstract: As we push the boundaries of performance in various vision tasks, the models grow in size correspondingly. To keep up with this growth, we need very aggressive pruning techniques for efficient inference and deployment on edge devices. Existing pruning approaches are limited to channel pruning and struggle with aggressive parameter reductions. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-dimensional pruning framework that jointly optimizes pruning across channels, layers, and blocks while adhering to latency constraints. We develop a latency modeling technique that accurately captures model-wide latency variations during pruning, which is crucial for achieving an optimal latency-accuracy trade-offs at high pruning ratio. We reformulate pruning as a Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Program (MINLP) to efficiently determine the optimal pruned structure with only a single pass. Our extensive results demonstrate substantial improvements over previous methods, particularly at large pruning ratios. In classification, our method significantly outperforms prior art HALP with a Top-1 accuracy of 70.0(v.s. 68.6) and an FPS of 5262 im/s(v.s. 4101 im/s). In 3D object detection, we establish a new state-of-the-art by pruning StreamPETR at a 45% pruning ratio, achieving higher FPS (37.3 vs. 31.7) and mAP (0.451 vs. 0.449) than the dense baseline.

cross Uncertainty modeling for fine-tuned implicit functions

Authors: Anna Susmelj, Mael Macuglia, Nata\v{s}a Tagasovska, Reto Sutter, Sebastiano Caprara, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Ender Konukoglu

Abstract: Implicit functions such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs), occupancy networks, and signed distance functions (SDFs) have become pivotal in computer vision for reconstructing detailed object shapes from sparse views. Achieving optimal performance with these models can be challenging due to the extreme sparsity of inputs and distribution shifts induced by data corruptions. To this end, large, noise-free synthetic datasets can serve as shape priors to help models fill in gaps, but the resulting reconstructions must be approached with caution. Uncertainty estimation is crucial for assessing the quality of these reconstructions, particularly in identifying areas where the model is uncertain about the parts it has inferred from the prior. In this paper, we introduce Dropsembles, a novel method for uncertainty estimation in tuned implicit functions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach through a series of experiments, starting with toy examples and progressing to a real-world scenario. Specifically, we train a Convolutional Occupancy Network on synthetic anatomical data and test it on low-resolution MRI segmentations of the lumbar spine. Our results show that Dropsembles achieve the accuracy and calibration levels of deep ensembles but with significantly less computational cost.

cross When Reasoning Meets Information Aggregation: A Case Study with Sports Narratives

Authors: Yebowen Hu, Kaiqiang Song, Sangwoo Cho, Xiaoyang Wang, Wenlin Yao, Hassan Foroosh, Dong Yu, Fei Liu

Abstract: Reasoning is most powerful when an LLM accurately aggregates relevant information. We examine the critical role of information aggregation in reasoning by requiring the LLM to analyze sports narratives. To succeed at this task, an LLM must infer points from actions, identify related entities, attribute points accurately to players and teams, and compile key statistics to draw conclusions. We conduct comprehensive experiments with real NBA basketball data and present SportsGen, a new method to synthesize game narratives. By synthesizing data, we can rigorously evaluate LLMs' reasoning capabilities under complex scenarios with varying narrative lengths and density of information. Our findings show that most models, including GPT-4o, often fail to accurately aggregate basketball scores due to frequent scoring patterns. Open-source models like Llama-3 further suffer from significant score hallucinations. Finally, the effectiveness of reasoning is influenced by narrative complexity, information density, and domain-specific terms, highlighting the challenges in analytical reasoning tasks.

cross Who's asking? User personas and the mechanics of latent misalignment

Authors: Asma Ghandeharioun, Ann Yuan, Marius Guerard, Emily Reif, Michael A. Lepori, Lucas Dixon

Abstract: Despite investments in improving model safety, studies show that misaligned capabilities remain latent in safety-tuned models. In this work, we shed light on the mechanics of this phenomenon. First, we show that even when model generations are safe, harmful content can persist in hidden representations and can be extracted by decoding from earlier layers. Then, we show that whether the model divulges such content depends significantly on its perception of who it is talking to, which we refer to as user persona. In fact, we find manipulating user persona to be even more effective for eliciting harmful content than direct attempts to control model refusal. We study both natural language prompting and activation steering as control methods and show that activation steering is significantly more effective at bypassing safety filters. We investigate why certain personas break model safeguards and find that they enable the model to form more charitable interpretations of otherwise dangerous queries. Finally, we show we can predict a persona's effect on refusal given only the geometry of its steering vector.

cross DistillNeRF: Perceiving 3D Scenes from Single-Glance Images by Distilling Neural Fields and Foundation Model Features

Authors: Letian Wang, Seung Wook Kim, Jiawei Yang, Cunjun Yu, Boris Ivanovic, Steven L. Waslander, Yue Wang, Sanja Fidler, Marco Pavone, Peter Karkus

Abstract: We propose DistillNeRF, a self-supervised learning framework addressing the challenge of understanding 3D environments from limited 2D observations in autonomous driving. Our method is a generalizable feedforward model that predicts a rich neural scene representation from sparse, single-frame multi-view camera inputs, and is trained self-supervised with differentiable rendering to reconstruct RGB, depth, or feature images. Our first insight is to exploit per-scene optimized Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) by generating dense depth and virtual camera targets for training, thereby helping our model to learn 3D geometry from sparse non-overlapping image inputs. Second, to learn a semantically rich 3D representation, we propose distilling features from pre-trained 2D foundation models, such as CLIP or DINOv2, thereby enabling various downstream tasks without the need for costly 3D human annotations. To leverage these two insights, we introduce a novel model architecture with a two-stage lift-splat-shoot encoder and a parameterized sparse hierarchical voxel representation. Experimental results on the NuScenes dataset demonstrate that DistillNeRF significantly outperforms existing comparable self-supervised methods for scene reconstruction, novel view synthesis, and depth estimation; and it allows for competitive zero-shot 3D semantic occupancy prediction, as well as open-world scene understanding through distilled foundation model features. Demos and code will be available at


cross End-to-end Text-to-SQL Generation within an Analytics Insight Engine

Authors: Karime Maamari, Amine Mhedhbi

Abstract: Recent advancements in Text-to-SQL have pushed database management systems towards greater democratization of data access. Today's language models are at the core of these advancements. They enable impressive Text-to-SQL generation as experienced in the development of Distyl AI's Analytics Insight Engine. Its early deployment with enterprise customers has highlighted three core challenges. First, data analysts expect support with authoring SQL queries of very high complexity. Second, requests are ad-hoc and, as such, require low latency. Finally, generation requires an understanding of domain-specific terminology and practices. The design and implementation of our Text-to-SQL generation pipeline, powered by large language models, tackles these challenges. The core tenants of our approach rely on external knowledge that we extract in a pre-processing phase, on retrieving the appropriate external knowledge at query generation time, and on decomposing SQL query generation following a hierarchical CTE-based structure. Finally, an adaptation framework leverages feedback to update the external knowledge, in turn improving query generation over time. We give an overview of our end-to-end approach and highlight the operators generating SQL during inference.

cross Computing in the Life Sciences: From Early Algorithms to Modern AI

Authors: Samuel A. Donkor, Matthew E. Walsh, Alexander J. Titus

Abstract: Computing in the life sciences has undergone a transformative evolution, from early computational models in the 1950s to the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) seen today. This paper highlights key milestones and technological advancements through the historical development of computing in the life sciences. The discussion includes the inception of computational models for biological processes, the advent of bioinformatics tools, and the integration of AI/ML in modern life sciences research. Attention is given to AI-enabled tools used in the life sciences, such as scientific large language models and bio-AI tools, examining their capabilities, limitations, and impact to biological risk. This paper seeks to clarify and establish essential terminology and concepts to ensure informed decision-making and effective communication across disciplines.

cross Enhancing Text Classification through LLM-Driven Active Learning and Human Annotation

Authors: Hamidreza Rouzegar, Masoud Makrehchi

Abstract: In the context of text classification, the financial burden of annotation exercises for creating training data is a critical issue. Active learning techniques, particularly those rooted in uncertainty sampling, offer a cost-effective solution by pinpointing the most instructive samples for manual annotation. Similarly, Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3.5 provide an alternative for automated annotation but come with concerns regarding their reliability. This study introduces a novel methodology that integrates human annotators and LLMs within an Active Learning framework. We conducted evaluations on three public datasets. IMDB for sentiment analysis, a Fake News dataset for authenticity discernment, and a Movie Genres dataset for multi-label classification.The proposed framework integrates human annotation with the output of LLMs, depending on the model uncertainty levels. This strategy achieves an optimal balance between cost efficiency and classification performance. The empirical results show a substantial decrease in the costs associated with data annotation while either maintaining or improving model accuracy.

cross Deploying scalable traffic prediction models for efficient management in real-world large transportation networks during hurricane evacuations

Authors: Qinhua Jiang, Brian Yueshuai He, Changju Lee, Jiaqi Ma

Abstract: Accurate traffic prediction is vital for effective traffic management during hurricane evacuation. This paper proposes a predictive modeling system that integrates Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) models to capture both long-term congestion patterns and short-term speed patterns. Leveraging various input variables, including archived traffic data, spatial-temporal road network information, and hurricane forecast data, the framework is designed to address challenges posed by heterogeneous human behaviors, limited evacuation data, and hurricane event uncertainties. Deployed in a real-world traffic prediction system in Louisiana, the model achieved an 82% accuracy in predicting long-term congestion states over a 6-hour period during a 7-day hurricane-impacted duration. The short-term speed prediction model exhibited Mean Absolute Percentage Errors (MAPEs) ranging from 7% to 13% across evacuation horizons from 1 to 6 hours. Evaluation results underscore the model's potential to enhance traffic management during hurricane evacuations, and real-world deployment highlights its adaptability and scalability in diverse hurricane scenarios within extensive transportation networks.

cross Adding Conditional Control to Diffusion Models with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yulai Zhao, Masatoshi Uehara, Gabriele Scalia, Tommaso Biancalani, Sergey Levine, Ehsan Hajiramezanali

Abstract: Diffusion models are powerful generative models that allow for precise control over the characteristics of the generated samples. While these diffusion models trained on large datasets have achieved success, there is often a need to introduce additional controls in downstream fine-tuning processes, treating these powerful models as pre-trained diffusion models. This work presents a novel method based on reinforcement learning (RL) to add additional controls, leveraging an offline dataset comprising inputs and corresponding labels. We formulate this task as an RL problem, with the classifier learned from the offline dataset and the KL divergence against pre-trained models serving as the reward functions. We introduce our method, $\textbf{CTRL}$ ($\textbf{C}$onditioning pre-$\textbf{T}$rained diffusion models with $\textbf{R}$einforcement $\textbf{L}$earning), which produces soft-optimal policies that maximize the abovementioned reward functions. We formally demonstrate that our method enables sampling from the conditional distribution conditioned on additional controls during inference. Our RL-based approach offers several advantages over existing methods. Compared to commonly used classifier-free guidance, our approach improves sample efficiency, and can greatly simplify offline dataset construction by exploiting conditional independence between the inputs and additional controls. Furthermore, unlike classifier guidance, we avoid the need to train classifiers from intermediate states to additional controls.

cross ChatEMG: Synthetic Data Generation to Control a Robotic Hand Orthosis for Stroke

Authors: Jingxi Xu, Runsheng Wang, Siqi Shang, Ava Chen, Lauren Winterbottom, To-Liang Hsu, Wenxi Chen, Khondoker Ahmed, Pedro Leandro La Rotta, Xinyue Zhu, Dawn M. Nilsen, Joel Stein, Matei Ciocarlie

Abstract: Intent inferral on a hand orthosis for stroke patients is challenging due to the difficulty of data collection from impaired subjects. Additionally, EMG signals exhibit significant variations across different conditions, sessions, and subjects, making it hard for classifiers to generalize. Traditional approaches require a large labeled dataset from the new condition, session, or subject to train intent classifiers; however, this data collection process is burdensome and time-consuming. In this paper, we propose ChatEMG, an autoregressive generative model that can generate synthetic EMG signals conditioned on prompts (i.e., a given sequence of EMG signals). ChatEMG enables us to collect only a small dataset from the new condition, session, or subject and expand it with synthetic samples conditioned on prompts from this new context. ChatEMG leverages a vast repository of previous data via generative training while still remaining context-specific via prompting. Our experiments show that these synthetic samples are classifier-agnostic and can improve intent inferral accuracy for different types of classifiers. We demonstrate that our complete approach can be integrated into a single patient session, including the use of the classifier for functional orthosis-assisted tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time an intent classifier trained partially on synthetic data has been deployed for functional control of an orthosis by a stroke survivor. Videos and additional information can be found at


cross COT Flow: Learning Optimal-Transport Image Sampling and Editing by Contrastive Pairs

Authors: Xinrui Zu, Qian Tao

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated strong performance in sampling and editing multi-modal data with high generation quality, yet they suffer from the iterative generation process which is computationally expensive and slow. In addition, most methods are constrained to generate data from Gaussian noise, which limits their sampling and editing flexibility. To overcome both disadvantages, we present Contrastive Optimal Transport Flow (COT Flow), a new method that achieves fast and high-quality generation with improved zero-shot editing flexibility compared to previous diffusion models. Benefiting from optimal transport (OT), our method has no limitation on the prior distribution, enabling unpaired image-to-image (I2I) translation and doubling the editable space (at both the start and end of the trajectory) compared to other zero-shot editing methods. In terms of quality, COT Flow can generate competitive results in merely one step compared to previous state-of-the-art unpaired image-to-image (I2I) translation methods. To highlight the advantages of COT Flow through the introduction of OT, we introduce the COT Editor to perform user-guided editing with excellent flexibility and quality. The code will be released at


cross Slicing Through Bias: Explaining Performance Gaps in Medical Image Analysis using Slice Discovery Methods

Authors: Vincent Olesen, Nina Weng, Aasa Feragen, Eike Petersen

Abstract: Machine learning models have achieved high overall accuracy in medical image analysis. However, performance disparities on specific patient groups pose challenges to their clinical utility, safety, and fairness. This can affect known patient groups - such as those based on sex, age, or disease subtype - as well as previously unknown and unlabeled groups. Furthermore, the root cause of such observed performance disparities is often challenging to uncover, hindering mitigation efforts. In this paper, to address these issues, we leverage Slice Discovery Methods (SDMs) to identify interpretable underperforming subsets of data and formulate hypotheses regarding the cause of observed performance disparities. We introduce a novel SDM and apply it in a case study on the classification of pneumothorax and atelectasis from chest x-rays. Our study demonstrates the effectiveness of SDMs in hypothesis formulation and yields an explanation of previously observed but unexplained performance disparities between male and female patients in widely used chest X-ray datasets and models. Our findings indicate shortcut learning in both classification tasks, through the presence of chest drains and ECG wires, respectively. Sex-based differences in the prevalence of these shortcut features appear to cause the observed classification performance gap, representing a previously underappreciated interaction between shortcut learning and model fairness analyses.

cross ChaosMining: A Benchmark to Evaluate Post-Hoc Local Attribution Methods in Low SNR Environments

Authors: Ge Shi, Ziwen Kan, Jason Smucny, Ian Davidson

Abstract: In this study, we examine the efficacy of post-hoc local attribution methods in identifying features with predictive power from irrelevant ones in domains characterized by a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), a common scenario in real-world machine learning applications. We developed synthetic datasets encompassing symbolic functional, image, and audio data, incorporating a benchmark on the {\it (Model \(\times\) Attribution\(\times\) Noise Condition)} triplet. By rigorously testing various classic models trained from scratch, we gained valuable insights into the performance of these attribution methods in multiple conditions. Based on these findings, we introduce a novel extension to the notable recursive feature elimination (RFE) algorithm, enhancing its applicability for neural networks. Our experiments highlight its strengths in prediction and feature selection, alongside limitations in scalability. Further details and additional minor findings are included in the appendix, with extensive discussions. The codes and resources are available at \href{}{URL}.


cross LLMs Are Prone to Fallacies in Causal Inference

Authors: Nitish Joshi, Abulhair Saparov, Yixin Wang, He He

Abstract: Recent work shows that causal facts can be effectively extracted from LLMs through prompting, facilitating the creation of causal graphs for causal inference tasks. However, it is unclear if this success is limited to explicitly-mentioned causal facts in the pretraining data which the model can memorize. Thus, this work investigates: Can LLMs infer causal relations from other relational data in text? To disentangle the role of memorized causal facts vs inferred causal relations, we finetune LLMs on synthetic data containing temporal, spatial and counterfactual relations, and measure whether the LLM can then infer causal relations. We find that: (a) LLMs are susceptible to inferring causal relations from the order of two entity mentions in text (e.g. X mentioned before Y implies X causes Y); (b) if the order is randomized, LLMs still suffer from the post hoc fallacy, i.e. X occurs before Y (temporal relation) implies X causes Y. We also find that while LLMs can correctly deduce the absence of causal relations from temporal and spatial relations, they have difficulty inferring causal relations from counterfactuals, questioning their understanding of causality.

cross A Mel Spectrogram Enhancement Paradigm Based on CWT in Speech Synthesis

Authors: Guoqiang Hu, Huaning Tan, Ruilai Li

Abstract: Acoustic features play an important role in improving the quality of the synthesised speech. Currently, the Mel spectrogram is a widely employed acoustic feature in most acoustic models. However, due to the fine-grained loss caused by its Fourier transform process, the clarity of speech synthesised by Mel spectrogram is compromised in mutant signals. In order to obtain a more detailed Mel spectrogram, we propose a Mel spectrogram enhancement paradigm based on the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). This paradigm introduces an additional task: a more detailed wavelet spectrogram, which like the post-processing network takes as input the Mel spectrogram output by the decoder. We choose Tacotron2 and Fastspeech2 for experimental validation in order to test autoregressive (AR) and non-autoregressive (NAR) speech systems, respectively. The experimental results demonstrate that the speech synthesised using the model with the Mel spectrogram enhancement paradigm exhibits higher MOS, with an improvement of 0.14 and 0.09 compared to the baseline model, respectively. These findings provide some validation for the universality of the enhancement paradigm, as they demonstrate the success of the paradigm in different architectures.

cross BPO: Supercharging Online Preference Learning by Adhering to the Proximity of Behavior LLM

Authors: Wenda Xu, Jiachen Li, William Yang Wang, Lei Li

Abstract: Direct alignment from preferences (DAP) has emerged as a promising paradigm for aligning large language models (LLMs) to human desiderata from pre-collected, offline preference datasets. While recent studies indicate that existing offline DAP methods can directly benefit from online training samples, we highlight the need to develop specific online DAP algorithms to fully harness the power of online training. Specifically, we identify that the learned LLM should adhere to the proximity of the behavior LLM, which collects the training samples. To this end, we propose online Preference Optimization in proximity to the Behavior LLM (BPO), emphasizing the importance of constructing a proper trust region for LLM alignment. We conduct extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness and applicability of our approach by integrating it with various DAP methods, resulting in significant performance improvements across a wide range of tasks when training with the same amount of preference data. Even when only introducing one additional data collection phase, our online BPO improves its offline DAP baseline from 72.0% to 80.2% on TL;DR and from 82.2% to 89.1% on Anthropic Helpfulness in terms of win rate against human reference text.

cross Aqulia-Med LLM: Pioneering Full-Process Open-Source Medical Language Models

Authors: Lulu Zhao, Weihao Zeng, Xiaofeng Shi, Hua Zhou, Donglin Hao, Yonghua Lin

Abstract: Recently, both closed-source LLMs and open-source communities have made significant strides, outperforming humans in various general domains. However, their performance in specific professional fields such as medicine, especially within the open-source community, remains suboptimal due to the complexity of medical knowledge. We propose Aquila-Med, a bilingual medical LLM based on Aquila, addressing these challenges through continue pre-training, supervised fine-tuning (SFT), and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). We construct a large-scale Chinese and English medical dataset for continue pre-training and a high-quality SFT dataset, covering extensive medical specialties. Additionally, we develop a high-quality Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) dataset for further alignment. Aquila-Med achieves notable results across single-turn, multi-turn dialogues, and medical multiple-choice questions, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach. We open-source the datasets and the entire training process, contributing valuable resources to the research community. Our models and datasets will released at


cross Debate as Optimization: Adaptive Conformal Prediction and Diverse Retrieval for Event Extraction

Authors: Sijia Wang, Lifu Huang

Abstract: We propose a multi-agent debate as optimization (DAO) system for event extraction, where the primary objective is to iteratively refine the large language models (LLMs) outputs through debating without parameter tuning. In DAO, we introduce two novel modules: the Diverse-RAG (DRAG) module and the Adaptive Conformal Prediction (AdaCP) module. DRAG systematically retrieves supporting information that best fits the debate discussion, while AdaCP enhances the accuracy and reliability of event extraction by effectively rejecting less promising answers. Experimental results demonstrate a significant reduction in the performance gap between supervised approaches and tuning-free LLM-based methods by 18.1% and 17.8% on ACE05 and 17.9% and 15.2% on CASIE for event detection and argument extraction respectively.

cross Time Series Modeling for Heart Rate Prediction: From ARIMA to Transformers

Authors: Haowei Ni, Shuchen Meng, Xieming Geng, Panfeng Li, Zhuoying Li, Xupeng Chen, Xiaotong Wang, Shiyao Zhang

Abstract: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death globally, necessitating precise forecasting models for monitoring vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and ECG. Traditional models, such as ARIMA and Prophet, are limited by their need for manual parameter tuning and challenges in handling noisy, sparse, and highly variable medical data. This study investigates advanced deep learning models, including LSTM, and transformer-based architectures, for predicting heart rate time series from the MIT-BIH Database. Results demonstrate that deep learning models, particularly PatchTST, significantly outperform traditional models across multiple metrics, capturing complex patterns and dependencies more effectively. This research underscores the potential of deep learning to enhance patient monitoring and CVD management, suggesting substantial clinical benefits. Future work should extend these findings to larger, more diverse datasets and real-world clinical applications to further validate and optimize model performance.

cross Order-Optimal Instance-Dependent Bounds for Offline Reinforcement Learning with Preference Feedback

Authors: Zhirui Chen, Vincent Y. F. Tan

Abstract: We consider offline reinforcement learning (RL) with preference feedback in which the implicit reward is a linear function of an unknown parameter. Given an offline dataset, our objective consists in ascertaining the optimal action for each state, with the ultimate goal of minimizing the {\em simple regret}. We propose an algorithm, \underline{RL} with \underline{L}ocally \underline{O}ptimal \underline{W}eights or {\sc RL-LOW}, which yields a simple regret of $\exp ( - \Omega(n/H) )$ where $n$ is the number of data samples and $H$ denotes an instance-dependent hardness quantity that depends explicitly on the suboptimality gap of each action. Furthermore, we derive a first-of-its-kind instance-dependent lower bound in offline RL with preference feedback. Interestingly, we observe that the lower and upper bounds on the simple regret match order-wise in the exponent, demonstrating order-wise optimality of {\sc RL-LOW}. In view of privacy considerations in practical applications, we also extend {\sc RL-LOW} to the setting of $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differential privacy and show, somewhat surprisingly, that the hardness parameter $H$ is unchanged in the asymptotic regime as $n$ tends to infinity; this underscores the inherent efficiency of {\sc RL-LOW} in terms of preserving the privacy of the observed rewards. Given our focus on establishing instance-dependent bounds, our work stands in stark contrast to previous works that focus on establishing worst-case regrets for offline RL with preference feedback.

cross Knowledge Fusion By Evolving Weights of Language Models

Authors: Guodong Du, Jing Li, Hanting Liu, Runhua Jiang, Shuyang Yu, Yifei Guo, Sim Kuan Goh, Ho-Kin Tang

Abstract: Fine-tuning pre-trained language models, particularly large language models, demands extensive computing resources and can result in varying performance outcomes across different domains and datasets. This paper examines the approach of integrating multiple models from diverse training scenarios into a unified model. This unified model excels across various data domains and exhibits the ability to generalize well on out-of-domain data. We propose a knowledge fusion method named Evolver, inspired by evolutionary algorithms, which does not need further training or additional training data. Specifically, our method involves aggregating the weights of different language models into a population and subsequently generating offspring models through mutation and crossover operations. These offspring models are then evaluated against their parents, allowing for the preservation of those models that show enhanced performance on development datasets. Importantly, our model evolving strategy can be seamlessly integrated with existing model merging frameworks, offering a versatile tool for model enhancement. Experimental results on mainstream language models (i.e., encoder-only, decoder-only, encoder-decoder) reveal that Evolver outperforms previous state-of-the-art models by large margins. The code is publicly available at {}.


cross LLM-Oracle Machines

Authors: Jie Wang

Abstract: Contemporary AI applications leverage large language models (LLMs) for their knowledge and inference capabilities in natural language processing tasks. This approach aligns with the concept of oracle Turing machines (OTMs). To capture the essence of these computations, including those desired but not yet in practice, we extend the notion of OTMs by employing a cluster of LLMs as the oracle. We present four variants: basic, augmented, fault-avoidance, and $\epsilon$-fault. The first two variants are commonly observed, whereas the latter two are specifically designed to ensure reliable outcomes by addressing LLM hallucinations, biases, and inconsistencies.

cross Is persona enough for personality? Using ChatGPT to reconstruct an agent's latent personality from simple descriptions

Authors: Yongyi Ji, Zhisheng Tang, Mayank Kejriwal

Abstract: Personality, a fundamental aspect of human cognition, contains a range of traits that influence behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. This paper explores the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) in reconstructing these complex cognitive attributes based only on simple descriptions containing socio-demographic and personality type information. Utilizing the HEXACO personality framework, our study examines the consistency of LLMs in recovering and predicting underlying (latent) personality dimensions from simple descriptions. Our experiments reveal a significant degree of consistency in personality reconstruction, although some inconsistencies and biases, such as a tendency to default to positive traits in the absence of explicit information, are also observed. Additionally, socio-demographic factors like age and number of children were found to influence the reconstructed personality dimensions. These findings have implications for building sophisticated agent-based simulacra using LLMs and highlight the need for further research on robust personality generation in LLMs.

cross BadSampler: Harnessing the Power of Catastrophic Forgetting to Poison Byzantine-robust Federated Learning

Authors: Yi Liu, Cong Wang, Xingliang Yuan

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is susceptible to poisoning attacks, wherein compromised clients manipulate the global model by modifying local datasets or sending manipulated model updates. Experienced defenders can readily detect and mitigate the poisoning effects of malicious behaviors using Byzantine-robust aggregation rules. However, the exploration of poisoning attacks in scenarios where such behaviors are absent remains largely unexplored for Byzantine-robust FL. This paper addresses the challenging problem of poisoning Byzantine-robust FL by introducing catastrophic forgetting. To fill this gap, we first formally define generalization error and establish its connection to catastrophic forgetting, paving the way for the development of a clean-label data poisoning attack named BadSampler. This attack leverages only clean-label data (i.e., without poisoned data) to poison Byzantine-robust FL and requires the adversary to selectively sample training data with high loss to feed model training and maximize the model's generalization error. We formulate the attack as an optimization problem and present two elegant adversarial sampling strategies, Top-$\kappa$ sampling, and meta-sampling, to approximately solve it. Additionally, our formal error upper bound and time complexity analysis demonstrate that our design can preserve attack utility with high efficiency. Extensive evaluations on two real-world datasets illustrate the effectiveness and performance of our proposed attacks.

cross MCSD: An Efficient Language Model with Diverse Fusion

Authors: Hua Yang, Duohai Li, Shiman Li

Abstract: Transformers excel in Natural Language Processing (NLP) due to their prowess in capturing long-term dependencies but suffer from exponential resource consumption with increasing sequence lengths. To address these challenges, we propose MCSD model, an efficient language model with linear scaling and fast inference speed. MCSD model leverages diverse feature fusion, primarily through the multi-channel slope and decay (MCSD) block, to robustly represent features. This block comprises slope and decay sections that extract features across diverse temporal receptive fields, facilitating capture of both local and global information. In addition, MCSD block conducts element-wise fusion of diverse features to further enhance the delicate feature extraction capability. For inference, we formulate the inference process into a recurrent representation, slashing space complexity to $O(1)$ and time complexity to $O(N)$ respectively. Our experiments show that MCSD attains higher throughput and lower GPU memory consumption compared to Transformers, while maintaining comparable performance to larger-scale language learning models on benchmark tests. These attributes position MCSD as a promising base for edge deployment and embodied intelligence.

cross More Efficient Randomized Exploration for Reinforcement Learning via Approximate Sampling

Authors: Haque Ishfaq, Yixin Tan, Yu Yang, Qingfeng Lan, Jianfeng Lu, A. Rupam Mahmood, Doina Precup, Pan Xu

Abstract: Thompson sampling (TS) is one of the most popular exploration techniques in reinforcement learning (RL). However, most TS algorithms with theoretical guarantees are difficult to implement and not generalizable to Deep RL. While the emerging approximate sampling-based exploration schemes are promising, most existing algorithms are specific to linear Markov Decision Processes (MDP) with suboptimal regret bounds, or only use the most basic samplers such as Langevin Monte Carlo. In this work, we propose an algorithmic framework that incorporates different approximate sampling methods with the recently proposed Feel-Good Thompson Sampling (FGTS) approach (Zhang, 2022; Dann et al., 2021), which was previously known to be computationally intractable in general. When applied to linear MDPs, our regret analysis yields the best known dependency of regret on dimensionality, surpassing existing randomized algorithms. Additionally, we provide explicit sampling complexity for each employed sampler. Empirically, we show that in tasks where deep exploration is necessary, our proposed algorithms that combine FGTS and approximate sampling perform significantly better compared to other strong baselines. On several challenging games from the Atari 57 suite, our algorithms achieve performance that is either better than or on par with other strong baselines from the deep RL literature.

cross GMP-AR: Granularity Message Passing and Adaptive Reconciliation for Temporal Hierarchy Forecasting

Authors: Fan Zhou, Chen Pan, Lintao Ma, Yu Liu, James Zhang, Jun Zhou, Hongyuan Mei, Weitao Lin, Zi Zhuang, Wenxin Ning, Yunhua Hu, Siqiao Xue

Abstract: Time series forecasts of different temporal granularity are widely used in real-world applications, e.g., sales prediction in days and weeks for making different inventory plans. However, these tasks are usually solved separately without ensuring coherence, which is crucial for aligning downstream decisions. Previous works mainly focus on ensuring coherence with some straightforward methods, e.g., aggregation from the forecasts of fine granularity to the coarse ones, and allocation from the coarse granularity to the fine ones. These methods merely take the temporal hierarchical structure to maintain coherence without improving the forecasting accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel granularity message-passing mechanism (GMP) that leverages temporal hierarchy information to improve forecasting performance and also utilizes an adaptive reconciliation (AR) strategy to maintain coherence without performance loss. Furthermore, we introduce an optimization module to achieve task-based targets while adhering to more real-world constraints. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that our framework (GMP-AR) achieves superior performances on temporal hierarchical forecasting tasks compared to state-of-the-art methods. In addition, our framework has been successfully applied to a real-world task of payment traffic management in Alipay by integrating with the task-based optimization module.

cross CherryRec: Enhancing News Recommendation Quality via LLM-driven Framework

Authors: Shaohuang Wang, Lun Wang, Yunhan Bu, Tianwei Huang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable progress in language understanding and generation. Custom LLMs leveraging textual features have been applied to recommendation systems, demonstrating improvements across various recommendation scenarios. However, most existing methods perform untrained recommendation based on pre-trained knowledge (e.g., movie recommendation), and the auto-regressive generation of LLMs leads to slow inference speeds, making them less effective in real-time recommendations.To address this, we propose a framework for news recommendation using LLMs, named \textit{CherryRec}, which ensures the quality of recommendations while accelerating the recommendation process. Specifically, we employ a Knowledge-aware News Rapid Selector to retrieve candidate options based on the user's interaction history. The history and retrieved items are then input as text into a fine-tuned LLM, the Content-aware News Llm Evaluator, designed to enhance news recommendation capabilities. Finally, the Value-aware News Scorer integrates the scores to compute the CherryRec Score, which serves as the basis for the final recommendation.We validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework by comparing it with state-of-the-art baseline methods on benchmark datasets. Our experimental results consistently show that CherryRec outperforms the baselines in both recommendation performance and efficiency.The project resource can be accessed at: \url{}


cross Mitigate Negative Transfer with Similarity Heuristic Lifelong Prompt Tuning

Authors: Chenyuan Wu, Gangwei Jiang, Defu Lian

Abstract: Lifelong prompt tuning has significantly advanced parameter-efficient lifelong learning with its efficiency and minimal storage demands on various tasks. Our empirical studies, however, highlights certain transferability constraints in the current methodologies: a universal algorithm that guarantees consistent positive transfer across all tasks is currently unattainable, especially when dealing dissimilar tasks that may engender negative transfer. Identifying the misalignment between algorithm selection and task specificity as the primary cause of negative transfer, we present the Similarity Heuristic Lifelong Prompt Tuning (SHLPT) framework. This innovative strategy partitions tasks into two distinct subsets by harnessing a learnable similarity metric, thereby facilitating fruitful transfer from tasks regardless of their similarity or dissimilarity. Additionally, SHLPT incorporates a parameter pool to combat catastrophic forgetting effectively. Our experiments shows that SHLPT outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in lifelong learning benchmarks and demonstrates robustness against negative transfer in diverse task sequences.

cross A Hopfieldian View-based Interpretation for Chain-of-Thought Reasoning

Authors: Lijie Hu, Liang Liu, Shu Yang, Xin Chen, Hongru Xiao, Mengdi Li, Pan Zhou, Muhammad Asif Ali, Di Wang

Abstract: Chain-of-Thought (CoT) holds a significant place in augmenting the reasoning performance for large language models (LLMs). While some studies focus on improving CoT accuracy through methods like retrieval enhancement, yet a rigorous explanation for why CoT achieves such success remains unclear. In this paper, we analyze CoT methods under two different settings by asking the following questions: (1) For zero-shot CoT, why does prompting the model with "let's think step by step" significantly impact its outputs? (2) For few-shot CoT, why does providing examples before questioning the model could substantially improve its reasoning ability? To answer these questions, we conduct a top-down explainable analysis from the Hopfieldian view and propose a Read-and-Control approach for controlling the accuracy of CoT. Through extensive experiments on seven datasets for three different tasks, we demonstrate that our framework can decipher the inner workings of CoT, provide reasoning error localization, and control to come up with the correct reasoning path.

cross Self-Supervised Time-Series Anomaly Detection Using Learnable Data Augmentation

Authors: Kukjin Choi, Jihun Yi, Jisoo Mok, Sungroh Yoon

Abstract: Continuous efforts are being made to advance anomaly detection in various manufacturing processes to increase the productivity and safety of industrial sites. Deep learning replaced rule-based methods and recently emerged as a promising method for anomaly detection in diverse industries. However, in the real world, the scarcity of abnormal data and difficulties in obtaining labeled data create limitations in the training of detection models. In this study, we addressed these shortcomings by proposing a learnable data augmentation-based time-series anomaly detection (LATAD) technique that is trained in a self-supervised manner. LATAD extracts discriminative features from time-series data through contrastive learning. At the same time, learnable data augmentation produces challenging negative samples to enhance learning efficiency. We measured anomaly scores of the proposed technique based on latent feature similarities. As per the results, LATAD exhibited comparable or improved performance to the state-of-the-art anomaly detection assessments on several benchmark datasets and provided a gradient-based diagnosis technique to help identify root causes.

cross Projection Methods for Operator Learning and Universal Approximation

Authors: Emanuele Zappala

Abstract: We obtain a new universal approximation theorem for continuous operators on arbitrary Banach spaces using the Leray-Schauder mapping. Moreover, we introduce and study a method for operator learning in Banach spaces $L^p$ of functions with multiple variables, based on orthogonal projections on polynomial bases. We derive a universal approximation result for operators where we learn a linear projection and a finite dimensional mapping under some additional assumptions. For the case of $p=2$, we give some sufficient conditions for the approximation results to hold. This article serves as the theoretical framework for a deep learning methodology whose implementation will be provided in subsequent work.

cross Demystifying the Recency Heuristic in Temporal-Difference Learning

Authors: Brett Daley, Marlos C. Machado, Martha White

Abstract: The recency heuristic in reinforcement learning is the assumption that stimuli that occurred closer in time to an acquired reward should be more heavily reinforced. The recency heuristic is one of the key assumptions made by TD($\lambda$), which reinforces recent experiences according to an exponentially decaying weighting. In fact, all other widely used return estimators for TD learning, such as $n$-step returns, satisfy a weaker (i.e., non-monotonic) recency heuristic. Why is the recency heuristic effective for temporal credit assignment? What happens when credit is assigned in a way that violates this heuristic? In this paper, we analyze the specific mathematical implications of adopting the recency heuristic in TD learning. We prove that any return estimator satisfying this heuristic: 1) is guaranteed to converge to the correct value function, 2) has a relatively fast contraction rate, and 3) has a long window of effective credit assignment, yet bounded worst-case variance. We also give a counterexample where on-policy, tabular TD methods violating the recency heuristic diverge. Our results offer some of the first theoretical evidence that credit assignment based on the recency heuristic facilitates learning.

cross DASSF: Dynamic-Attention Scale-Sequence Fusion for Aerial Object Detection

Authors: Haodong Li, Haicheng Qu

Abstract: The detection of small objects in aerial images is a fundamental task in the field of computer vision. Moving objects in aerial photography have problems such as different shapes and sizes, dense overlap, occlusion by the background, and object blur, however, the original YOLO algorithm has low overall detection accuracy due to its weak ability to perceive targets of different scales. In order to improve the detection accuracy of densely overlapping small targets and fuzzy targets, this paper proposes a dynamic-attention scale-sequence fusion algorithm (DASSF) for small target detection in aerial images. First, we propose a dynamic scale sequence feature fusion (DSSFF) module that improves the up-sampling mechanism and reduces computational load. Secondly, a x-small object detection head is specially added to enhance the detection capability of small targets. Finally, in order to improve the expressive ability of targets of different types and sizes, we use the dynamic head (DyHead). The model we proposed solves the problem of small target detection in aerial images and can be applied to multiple different versions of the YOLO algorithm, which is universal. Experimental results show that when the DASSF method is applied to YOLOv8, compared to YOLOv8n, on the VisDrone-2019 and DIOR datasets, the model shows an increase of 9.2% and 2.4% in the mean average precision (mAP), respectively, and outperforms the current mainstream methods.

cross JEN-1 DreamStyler: Customized Musical Concept Learning via Pivotal Parameters Tuning

Authors: Boyu Chen, Peike Li, Yao Yao, Alex Wang

Abstract: Large models for text-to-music generation have achieved significant progress, facilitating the creation of high-quality and varied musical compositions from provided text prompts. However, input text prompts may not precisely capture user requirements, particularly when the objective is to generate music that embodies a specific concept derived from a designated reference collection. In this paper, we propose a novel method for customized text-to-music generation, which can capture the concept from a two-minute reference music and generate a new piece of music conforming to the concept. We achieve this by fine-tuning a pretrained text-to-music model using the reference music. However, directly fine-tuning all parameters leads to overfitting issues. To address this problem, we propose a Pivotal Parameters Tuning method that enables the model to assimilate the new concept while preserving its original generative capabilities. Additionally, we identify a potential concept conflict when introducing multiple concepts into the pretrained model. We present a concept enhancement strategy to distinguish multiple concepts, enabling the fine-tuned model to generate music incorporating either individual or multiple concepts simultaneously. Since we are the first to work on the customized music generation task, we also introduce a new dataset and evaluation protocol for the new task. Our proposed Jen1-DreamStyler outperforms several baselines in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Demos will be available at


cross Generative Artificial Intelligence-Guided User Studies: An Application for Air Taxi Services

Authors: Shengdi Xiao, Jingjing Li, Tatsuki Fushimi, Yoichi Ochiai

Abstract: User studies are crucial for meeting user needs. In user studies, real experimental scenarios and participants are constructed and recruited. However, emerging and unfamiliar studies face limitations, including safety concerns and iterative efficiency. To address these challenges, this study utilizes a large language model (LLM) to create generative AI virtual scenarios for user experience. By recruiting real users to evaluate this experience, we can collect feedback that enables rapid iteration in the early design phase. The air taxi is particularly representative of these challenges and has been chosen as the case study for this research. The key contribution was designing a virtual ATJ using OpenAI's GPT-4 model and AI image and video generators. Based on the LLM-generated scripts, key visuals were created for the air taxi, and the ATJ was evaluated by 72 participants. Furthermore, the LLM demonstrated the ability to identify and suggest environments that significantly improve participants' attitudes toward air taxis. Education level and gender significantly influenced participants' attitudes and their satisfaction with the ATJ. Our study confirms the capability of generative AI to support user studies, providing a feasible approach and valuable insights for designing air taxi user experiences in the early design phase.

cross Faithful Density-Peaks Clustering via Matrix Computations on MPI Parallelization System

Authors: Ji Xu, Tianlong Xiao, Jinye Yang, Panpan Zhu

Abstract: Density peaks clustering (DP) has the ability of detecting clusters of arbitrary shape and clustering non-Euclidean space data, but its quadratic complexity in both computing and storage makes it difficult to scale for big data. Various approaches have been proposed in this regard, including MapReduce based distribution computing, multi-core parallelism, presentation transformation (e.g., kd-tree, Z-value), granular computing, and so forth. However, most of these existing methods face two limitations. One is their target datasets are mostly constrained to be in Euclidian space, the other is they emphasize only on local neighbors while ignoring global data distribution due to restriction to cut-off kernel when computing density. To address the two issues, we present a faithful and parallel DP method that makes use of two types of vector-like distance matrices and an inverse leading-node-finding policy. The method is implemented on a message passing interface (MPI) system. Extensive experiments showed that our method is capable of clustering non-Euclidean data such as in community detection, while outperforming the state-of-the-art counterpart methods in accuracy when clustering large Euclidean data. Our code is publicly available at


cross Enhancing Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification with Modality- and Instance-aware Visual Prompt Learning

Authors: Ruiqi Wu, Bingliang Jiao, Wenxuan Wang, Meng Liu, Peng Wang

Abstract: The Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification (VI ReID) aims to match visible and infrared images of the same pedestrians across non-overlapped camera views. These two input modalities contain both invariant information, such as shape, and modality-specific details, such as color. An ideal model should utilize valuable information from both modalities during training for enhanced representational capability. However, the gap caused by modality-specific information poses substantial challenges for the VI ReID model to handle distinct modality inputs simultaneously. To address this, we introduce the Modality-aware and Instance-aware Visual Prompts (MIP) network in our work, designed to effectively utilize both invariant and specific information for identification. Specifically, our MIP model is built on the transformer architecture. In this model, we have designed a series of modality-specific prompts, which could enable our model to adapt to and make use of the specific information inherent in different modality inputs, thereby reducing the interference caused by the modality gap and achieving better identification. Besides, we also employ each pedestrian feature to construct a group of instance-specific prompts. These customized prompts are responsible for guiding our model to adapt to each pedestrian instance dynamically, thereby capturing identity-level discriminative clues for identification. Through extensive experiments on SYSU-MM01 and RegDB datasets, the effectiveness of both our designed modules is evaluated. Additionally, our proposed MIP performs better than most state-of-the-art methods.

cross Toward Exploring the Code Understanding Capabilities of Pre-trained Code Generation Models

Authors: Jiayi Lin, Yutao Xie, Yue Yu, Yibiao Yang, Lei Zhang

Abstract: Recently, large code generation models trained in a self-supervised manner on extensive unlabeled programming language data have achieved remarkable success. While these models acquire vast amounts of code knowledge, they perform poorly on code understanding tasks, such as code search and clone detection, as they are specifically trained for generation. Pre-training a larger encoder-only architecture model from scratch on massive code data can improve understanding performance. However, this approach is costly and time-consuming, making it suboptimal. In this paper, we pioneer the transfer of knowledge from pre-trained code generation models to code understanding tasks, significantly reducing training costs. We examine effective strategies for enabling decoder-only models to acquire robust code representations. Furthermore, we introduce CL4D, a contrastive learning method designed to enhance the representation capabilities of decoder-only models. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in understanding tasks such as code search and clone detection. Our analysis shows that our method effectively reduces the distance between semantically identical samples in the representation space. These findings suggest the potential for unifying code understanding and generation tasks using a decoder-only structured model.

cross Retrieval Meets Reasoning: Dynamic In-Context Editing for Long-Text Understanding

Authors: Weizhi Fei, Xueyan Niu, Guoqing Xie, Yanhua Zhang, Bo Bai, Lei Deng, Wei Han

Abstract: Current Large Language Models (LLMs) face inherent limitations due to their pre-defined context lengths, which impede their capacity for multi-hop reasoning within extensive textual contexts. While existing techniques like Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) have attempted to bridge this gap by sourcing external information, they fall short when direct answers are not readily available. We introduce a novel approach that re-imagines information retrieval through dynamic in-context editing, inspired by recent breakthroughs in knowledge editing. By treating lengthy contexts as malleable external knowledge, our method interactively gathers and integrates relevant information, thereby enabling LLMs to perform sophisticated reasoning steps. Experimental results demonstrate that our method effectively empowers context-limited LLMs, such as Llama2, to engage in multi-hop reasoning with improved performance, which outperforms state-of-the-art context window extrapolation methods and even compares favorably to more advanced commercial long-context models. Our interactive method not only enhances reasoning capabilities but also mitigates the associated training and computational costs, making it a pragmatic solution for enhancing LLMs' reasoning within expansive contexts.

cross Navigating Knowledge Management Implementation Success in Government Organizations: A type-2 fuzzy approach

Authors: Saman Foroutani, Nasim Fahimian, Reyhaneh Jalalinejad, Morteza Hezarkhani, Samaneh Mahmoudi, Behrooz Gharleghi

Abstract: Optimal information and knowledge management is crucial for organizations to achieve their objectives efficiently. As a rare and valuable resource, effective knowledge management provides a strategic advantage and has become a key determinant of organizational success. The study aims to identify critical success and failure factors for implementing knowledge management systems in government organizations. This research employs a descriptive survey methodology, collecting data through random interviews and questionnaires. The study highlights the critical success factors for knowledge management systems in government organizations, including cooperation, an open atmosphere, staff training, creativity and innovation, removal of organizational constraints, reward policies, role modeling, and focus. Conversely, failure to consider formality, staff participation, collaboration technologies, network and hardware infrastructure, complexity, IT staff, and trust can pose significant obstacles to successful implementation.

cross Memory Sequence Length of Data Sampling Impacts the Adaptation of Meta-Reinforcement Learning Agents

Authors: Menglong Zhang, Fuyuan Qian, Quanying Liu

Abstract: Fast adaptation to new tasks is extremely important for embodied agents in the real world. Meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) has emerged as an effective method to enable fast adaptation in unknown environments. Compared to on-policy meta-RL algorithms, off-policy algorithms rely heavily on efficient data sampling strategies to extract and represent the historical trajectories. However, little is known about how different data sampling methods impact the ability of meta-RL agents to represent unknown environments. Here, we investigate the impact of data sampling strategies on the exploration and adaptability of meta-RL agents. Specifically, we conducted experiments with two types of off-policy meta-RL algorithms based on Thompson sampling and Bayes-optimality theories in continuous control tasks within the MuJoCo environment and sparse reward navigation tasks. Our analysis revealed the long-memory and short-memory sequence sampling strategies affect the representation and adaptive capabilities of meta-RL agents. We found that the algorithm based on Bayes-optimality theory exhibited more robust and better adaptability than the algorithm based on Thompson sampling, highlighting the importance of appropriate data sampling strategies for the agent's representation of an unknown environment, especially in the case of sparse rewards.

cross UAV-based Intelligent Information Systems on Winter Road Safety for Autonomous Vehicles

Authors: Siva Ariram, Veikko Pekkala, Timo M\"aenp\"a\"a, Antti Tik\"anmaki, Juha R\"oning

Abstract: As autonomous vehicles continue to revolutionize transportation, addressing challenges posed by adverse weather conditions, particularly during winter, becomes paramount for ensuring safe and efficient operations. One of the most important aspects of a road safety inspection during adverse weather is when a limited lane width can reduce the capacity of the road and raise the risk of serious accidents involving autonomous vehicles. In this research, a method for improving driving challenges on roads in winter conditions, with a model that segments and estimates the width of the road from the perspectives of Uncrewed aerial vehicles and autonomous vehicles. The proposed approach in this article is needed to empower self-driving cars with up-to-date and accurate insights, enhancing their adaptability and decision-making capabilities in winter landscapes.

cross WebCanvas: Benchmarking Web Agents in Online Environments

Authors: Yichen Pan, Dehan Kong, Sida Zhou, Cheng Cui, Yifei Leng, Bing Jiang, Hangyu Liu, Yanyi Shang, Shuyan Zhou, Tongshuang Wu, Zhengyang Wu

Abstract: For web agents to be practically useful, they must adapt to the continuously evolving web environment characterized by frequent updates to user interfaces and content. However, most existing benchmarks only capture the static aspects of the web. To bridge this gap, we introduce WebCanvas, an innovative online evaluation framework for web agents that effectively addresses the dynamic nature of web interactions. WebCanvas contains three main components to facilitate realistic assessments: (1) A novel evaluation metric which reliably capture critical intermediate actions or states necessary for task completions while disregarding noise caused by insignificant events or changed web-elements. (2) A benchmark dataset called Mind2Web-Live, a refined version of original Mind2Web static dataset containing 542 tasks with 2439 intermediate evaluation states; (3) Lightweight and generalizable annotation tools and testing pipelines that enables the community to collect and maintain the high-quality, up-to-date dataset. Building on WebCanvas, we open-source an agent framework with extensible modules for reasoning, providing a foundation for the community to conduct online inference and evaluations. Our best-performing agent achieves a task success rate of 23.1% and a task completion rate of 48.8% on the Mind2Web-Live test set. Additionally, we analyze the performance discrepancies across various websites, domains, and experimental environments. We encourage the community to contribute further insights on online agent evaluation, thereby advancing this field of research.

cross GW-MoE: Resolving Uncertainty in MoE Router with Global Workspace Theory

Authors: Haoze Wu, Zihan Qiu, Zili Wang, Hang Zhao, Jie Fu

Abstract: Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) has been demonstrated as an efficient method to scale up models. By dynamically and sparsely selecting activated experts, MoE can effectively reduce computational costs. Despite the success, we observe that many tokens in the MoE models have uncertain routing results. These tokens have nearly equal scores for choosing each expert, and we demonstrate that this uncertainty can lead to incorrect selections. Inspired by the Global Workspace Theory (GWT), we propose a new fine-tuning method, GW-MoE, to address this issue. The core idea is to broadcast the uncertain tokens across experts during fine-tuning. Therefore, these tokens can acquire the necessary knowledge from any expert during inference and become less sensitive to the choice. GW-MoE does not introduce additional inference overhead. We validate that GW can mitigate the uncertain problem and consistently improve in different tasks (text classification, question answering, summarization, code generation, and mathematical problem solving) and model sizes (650M and 8B parameters).

cross QueerBench: Quantifying Discrimination in Language Models Toward Queer Identities

Authors: Mae Sosto, Alberto Barr\'on-Cede\~no

Abstract: With the increasing role of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in various applications, challenges concerning bias and stereotype perpetuation are accentuated, which often leads to hate speech and harm. Despite existing studies on sexism and misogyny, issues like homophobia and transphobia remain underexplored and often adopt binary perspectives, putting the safety of LGBTQIA+ individuals at high risk in online spaces. In this paper, we assess the potential harm caused by sentence completions generated by English large language models (LLMs) concerning LGBTQIA+ individuals. This is achieved using QueerBench, our new assessment framework, which employs a template-based approach and a Masked Language Modeling (MLM) task. The analysis indicates that large language models tend to exhibit discriminatory behaviour more frequently towards individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community, reaching a difference gap of 7.2% in the QueerBench score of harmfulness.

cross PDSS: A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Step-by-Step Distillation of Large Language Models

Authors: Tao Fan, Yan Kang, Weijing Chen, Hanlin Gu, Yuanfeng Song, Lixin Fan, Kai Chen, Qiang Yang

Abstract: In the context of real-world applications, leveraging large language models (LLMs) for domain-specific tasks often faces two major challenges: domain-specific knowledge privacy and constrained resources. To address these issues, we propose PDSS, a privacy-preserving framework for step-by-step distillation of LLMs. PDSS works on a server-client architecture, wherein client transmits perturbed prompts to the server's LLM for rationale generation. The generated rationales are then decoded by the client and used to enrich the training of task-specific small language model(SLM) within a multi-task learning paradigm. PDSS introduces two privacy protection strategies: the Exponential Mechanism Strategy and the Encoder-Decoder Strategy, balancing prompt privacy and rationale usability. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of PDSS in various text generation tasks, enabling the training of task-specific SLM with enhanced performance while prioritizing data privacy protection.

cross Fast Rates for Bandit PAC Multiclass Classification

Authors: Liad Erez, Alon Cohen, Tomer Koren, Yishay Mansour, Shay Moran

Abstract: We study multiclass PAC learning with bandit feedback, where inputs are classified into one of $K$ possible labels and feedback is limited to whether or not the predicted labels are correct. Our main contribution is in designing a novel learning algorithm for the agnostic $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-PAC version of the problem, with sample complexity of $O\big( (\operatorname{poly}(K) + 1 / \varepsilon^2) \log (|H| / \delta) \big)$ for any finite hypothesis class $H$. In terms of the leading dependence on $\varepsilon$, this improves upon existing bounds for the problem, that are of the form $O(K/\varepsilon^2)$. We also provide an extension of this result to general classes and establish similar sample complexity bounds in which $\log |H|$ is replaced by the Natarajan dimension. This matches the optimal rate in the full-information version of the problem and resolves an open question studied by Daniely, Sabato, Ben-David, and Shalev-Shwartz (2011) who demonstrated that the multiplicative price of bandit feedback in realizable PAC learning is $\Theta(K)$. We complement this by revealing a stark contrast with the agnostic case, where the price of bandit feedback is only $O(1)$ as $\varepsilon \to 0$. Our algorithm utilizes a stochastic optimization technique to minimize a log-barrier potential based on Frank-Wolfe updates for computing a low-variance exploration distribution over the hypotheses, and is made computationally efficient provided access to an ERM oracle over $H$.

cross Pushing the Frontier on Approximate EFX Allocations

Authors: Georgios Amanatidis, Aris Filos-Ratsikas, Alkmini Sgouritsa

Abstract: We study the problem of allocating a set of indivisible goods to a set of agents with additive valuation functions, aiming to achieve approximate envy-freeness up to any good ($\alpha$-EFX). The state-of-the-art results on the problem include that (exact) EFX allocations exist when (a) there are at most three agents, or (b) the agents' valuation functions can take at most two values, or (c) the agents' valuation functions can be represented via a graph. For $\alpha$-EFX, it is known that a $0.618$-EFX allocation exists for any number of agents with additive valuation functions. In this paper, we show that $2/3$-EFX allocations exist when (a) there are at most \emph{seven agents}, (b) the agents' valuation functions can take at most \emph{three values}, or (c) the agents' valuation functions can be represented via a \emph{multigraph}. Our results can be interpreted in two ways. First, by relaxing the notion of EFX to $2/3$-EFX, we obtain existence results for strict generalizations of the settings for which exact EFX allocations are known to exist. Secondly, by imposing restrictions on the setting, we manage to beat the barrier of $0.618$ and achieve an approximation guarantee of $2/3$. Therefore, our results push the \emph{frontier} of existence and computation of approximate EFX allocations, and provide insights into the challenges of settling the existence of exact EFX allocations.

cross Beyond Under-Alignment: Atomic Preference Enhanced Factuality Tuning for Large Language Models

Authors: Hongbang Yuan, Yubo Chen, Pengfei Cao, Zhuoran Jin, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success but still tend to generate factually erroneous responses, a phenomenon known as hallucination. A recent trend is to use preference learning to fine-tune models to align with factuality. However, existing work primarily evaluates fine-tuned models on in-domain (ID) datasets and the factuality on out-of-domain (OOD) datasets remains underexplored. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the factuality of different models tuned by various preference learning algorithms and demonstrate that their performance on OOD datasets either increases minimally or decreases. Subsequently, we reveal that the main cause of model's failure to uphold factuality under a distribution shift is \textbf{under-alignment}, rather than \textbf{over-alignment}, by analyzing the token distribution shift of the models before and after tuning. Finally, we propose \textbf{APEFT} (\textbf{A}tomic \textbf{P}reference \textbf{E}nhanced \textbf{F}actuality \textbf{T}uning), a framework that enhances model's awareness of factuality at the granularity of individual facts. Extensive experiments demonstrate that APEFT improves model performance by an average of $\boldsymbol{3.45\%}$ on both ID and OOD datasets, which is highly effective.

cross PSLM: Parallel Generation of Text and Speech with LLMs for Low-Latency Spoken Dialogue Systems

Authors: Kentaro Mitsui, Koh Mitsuda, Toshiaki Wakatsuki, Yukiya Hono, Kei Sawada

Abstract: Multimodal language models that process both text and speech have a potential for applications in spoken dialogue systems. However, current models face two major challenges in response generation latency: (1) generating a spoken response requires the prior generation of a written response, and (2) speech sequences are significantly longer than text sequences. This study addresses these issues by extending the input and output sequences of the language model to support the parallel generation of text and speech. Our experiments on spoken question answering tasks demonstrate that our approach improves latency while maintaining the quality of response content. Additionally, we show that latency can be further reduced by generating speech in multiple sequences. Demo samples are available at


cross PlanRAG: A Plan-then-Retrieval Augmented Generation for Generative Large Language Models as Decision Makers

Authors: Myeonghwa Lee, Seonho An, Min-Soo Kim

Abstract: In this paper, we conduct a study to utilize LLMs as a solution for decision making that requires complex data analysis. We define Decision QA as the task of answering the best decision, $d_{best}$, for a decision-making question $Q$, business rules $R$ and a database $D$. Since there is no benchmark that can examine Decision QA, we propose Decision QA benchmark, DQA. It has two scenarios, Locating and Building, constructed from two video games (Europa Universalis IV and Victoria 3) that have almost the same goal as Decision QA. To address Decision QA effectively, we also propose a new RAG technique called the iterative plan-then-retrieval augmented generation (PlanRAG). Our PlanRAG-based LM generates the plan for decision making as the first step, and the retriever generates the queries for data analysis as the second step. The proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art iterative RAG method by 15.8% in the Locating scenario and by 7.4% in the Building scenario, respectively. We release our code and benchmark at


cross Exploring Sensing Devices for Heart and Lung Sound Monitoring

Authors: Yasaman Torabi, Shahram Shirani, James P. Reilly

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive review of cardiorespiratory auscultation sensing devices which is useful for understanding the theoretical aspects of sensing devices, as well as practical notes to design novel sensing devices. One of the methods to design a stethoscope is using electret condenser microphones (ECM). In this paper, we first introduce the acoustic properties of the heart and lungs, as well as a brief history of stethoscope evolution. Then, we discuss the basic concept of ECM sensors and a recent stethoscope based on this technology. In response to the limitations of ECM-based systems, we explore the potential of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), particularly focusing on piezoelectric transducer (PZT) sensors. This paper comprehensively reviews sensing technologies, emphasizing innovative MEMS-based designs for wearable cardiopulmonary auscultation in the past decade. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to summarize ECM and MEMS applications for heart and lung sound analysis. Keywords: Micro-electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS); Electret Condenser Microphone (ECM); Wearable Sensing Devices; Cardiorespiratory Auscultation; Phonocardiography (PCG); Heart Sound; Lung Sound

cross Federated Learning with Limited Node Labels

Authors: Bisheng Tang, Xiaojun Chen, Shaopu Wang, Yuexin Xuan, Zhendong Zhao

Abstract: Subgraph federated learning (SFL) is a research methodology that has gained significant attention for its potential to handle distributed graph-structured data. In SFL, the local model comprises graph neural networks (GNNs) with a partial graph structure. However, some SFL models have overlooked the significance of missing cross-subgraph edges, which can lead to local GNNs being unable to message-pass global representations to other parties' GNNs. Moreover, existing SFL models require substantial labeled data, which limits their practical applications. To overcome these limitations, we present a novel SFL framework called FedMpa that aims to learn cross-subgraph node representations. FedMpa first trains a multilayer perceptron (MLP) model using a small amount of data and then propagates the federated feature to the local structures. To further improve the embedding representation of nodes with local subgraphs, we introduce the FedMpae method, which reconstructs the local graph structure with an innovation view that applies pooling operation to form super-nodes. Our extensive experiments on six graph datasets demonstrate that FedMpa is highly effective in node classification. Furthermore, our ablation experiments verify the effectiveness of FedMpa.

cross Cycle-Correspondence Loss: Learning Dense View-Invariant Visual Features from Unlabeled and Unordered RGB Images

Authors: David B. Adrian, Andras Gabor Kupcsik, Markus Spies, Heiko Neumann

Abstract: Robot manipulation relying on learned object-centric descriptors became popular in recent years. Visual descriptors can easily describe manipulation task objectives, they can be learned efficiently using self-supervision, and they can encode actuated and even non-rigid objects. However, learning robust, view-invariant keypoints in a self-supervised approach requires a meticulous data collection approach involving precise calibration and expert supervision. In this paper we introduce Cycle-Correspondence Loss (CCL) for view-invariant dense descriptor learning, which adopts the concept of cycle-consistency, enabling a simple data collection pipeline and training on unpaired RGB camera views. The key idea is to autonomously detect valid pixel correspondences by attempting to use a prediction over a new image to predict the original pixel in the original image, while scaling error terms based on the estimated confidence. Our evaluation shows that we outperform other self-supervised RGB-only methods, and approach performance of supervised methods, both with respect to keypoint tracking as well as for a robot grasping downstream task.

cross Abstraction-of-Thought Makes Language Models Better Reasoners

Authors: Ruixin Hong, Hongming Zhang, Xiaoman Pan, Dong Yu, Changshui Zhang

Abstract: Abstract reasoning, the ability to reason from the abstract essence of a problem, serves as a key to generalization in human reasoning. However, eliciting language models to perform reasoning with abstraction remains unexplored. This paper seeks to bridge this gap by introducing a novel structured reasoning format called Abstraction-of-Thought (AoT). The uniqueness of AoT lies in its explicit requirement for varying levels of abstraction within the reasoning process. This approach could elicit language models to first contemplate on the abstract level before incorporating concrete details, which is overlooked by the prevailing step-by-step Chain-of-Thought (CoT) method. To align models with the AoT format, we present AoT Collection, a generic finetuning dataset consisting of 348k high-quality samples with AoT reasoning processes, collected via an automated and scalable pipeline. We finetune a wide range of language models with AoT Collection and conduct extensive evaluations on 23 unseen tasks from the challenging benchmark Big-Bench Hard. Experimental results indicate that models aligned to AoT reasoning format substantially outperform those aligned to CoT in many reasoning tasks.

cross Insect Identification in the Wild: The AMI Dataset

Authors: Aditya Jain, Fagner Cunha, Michael James Bunsen, Juan Sebasti\'an Ca\~nas, L\'eonard Pasi, Nathan Pinoy, Flemming Helsing, JoAnne Russo, Marc Botham, Michael Sabourin, Jonathan Fr\'echette, Alexandre Anctil, Yacksecari Lopez, Eduardo Navarro, Filonila Perez Pimentel, Ana Cecilia Zamora, Jos\'e Alejandro Ramirez Silva, Jonathan Gagnon, Tom August, Kim Bjerge, Alba Gomez Segura, Marc B\'elisle, Yves Basset, Kent P. McFarland, David Roy, Toke Thomas H{\o}ye, Maxim Larriv\'ee, David Rolnick

Abstract: Insects represent half of all global biodiversity, yet many of the world's insects are disappearing, with severe implications for ecosystems and agriculture. Despite this crisis, data on insect diversity and abundance remain woefully inadequate, due to the scarcity of human experts and the lack of scalable tools for monitoring. Ecologists have started to adopt camera traps to record and study insects, and have proposed computer vision algorithms as an answer for scalable data processing. However, insect monitoring in the wild poses unique challenges that have not yet been addressed within computer vision, including the combination of long-tailed data, extremely similar classes, and significant distribution shifts. We provide the first large-scale machine learning benchmarks for fine-grained insect recognition, designed to match real-world tasks faced by ecologists. Our contributions include a curated dataset of images from citizen science platforms and museums, and an expert-annotated dataset drawn from automated camera traps across multiple continents, designed to test out-of-distribution generalization under field conditions. We train and evaluate a variety of baseline algorithms and introduce a combination of data augmentation techniques that enhance generalization across geographies and hardware setups. Code and datasets are made publicly available.

cross RIGL: A Unified Reciprocal Approach for Tracing the Independent and Group Learning Processes

Authors: Xiaoshan Yu, Chuan Qin, Dazhong Shen, Shangshang Yang, Haiping Ma, Hengshu Zhu, Xingyi Zhang

Abstract: In the realm of education, both independent learning and group learning are esteemed as the most classic paradigms. The former allows learners to self-direct their studies, while the latter is typically characterized by teacher-directed scenarios. Recent studies in the field of intelligent education have leveraged deep temporal models to trace the learning process, capturing the dynamics of students' knowledge states, and have achieved remarkable performance. However, existing approaches have primarily focused on modeling the independent learning process, with the group learning paradigm receiving less attention. Moreover, the reciprocal effect between the two learning processes, especially their combined potential to foster holistic student development, remains inadequately explored. To this end, in this paper, we propose RIGL, a unified Reciprocal model to trace knowledge states at both the individual and group levels, drawing from the Independent and Group Learning processes. Specifically, we first introduce a time frame-aware reciprocal embedding module to concurrently model both student and group response interactions across various time frames. Subsequently, we employ reciprocal enhanced learning modeling to fully exploit the comprehensive and complementary information between the two behaviors. Furthermore, we design a relation-guided temporal attentive network, comprised of dynamic graph modeling coupled with a temporal self-attention mechanism. It is used to delve into the dynamic influence of individual and group interactions throughout the learning processes. Conclusively, we introduce a bias-aware contrastive learning module to bolster the stability of the model's training. Extensive experiments on four real-world educational datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed RIGL model.

cross Adaptive Token Biaser: Knowledge Editing via Biasing Key Entities

Authors: Baolong Bi, Shenghua Liu, Yiwei Wang, Lingrui Mei, Hongcheng Gao, Yilong Xu, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: The parametric knowledge memorized by large language models (LLMs) becomes outdated quickly. In-context editing (ICE) is currently the most effective method for updating the knowledge of LLMs. Recent advancements involve enhancing ICE by modifying the decoding strategy, obviating the need for altering internal model structures or adjusting external prompts. However, this enhancement operates across the entire sequence generation, encompassing a plethora of non-critical tokens. In this work, we introduce $\textbf{A}$daptive $\textbf{T}$oken $\textbf{Bias}$er ($\textbf{ATBias}$), a new decoding technique designed to enhance ICE. It focuses on the tokens that are mostly related to knowledge during decoding, biasing their logits by matching key entities related to new and parametric knowledge. Experimental results show that ATBias significantly enhances ICE performance, achieving up to a 32.3% improvement over state-of-the-art ICE methods while incurring only half the latency. ATBias not only improves the knowledge editing capabilities of ICE but can also be widely applied to LLMs with negligible cost.

cross RS-GPT4V: A Unified Multimodal Instruction-Following Dataset for Remote Sensing Image Understanding

Authors: Linrui Xu, Ling Zhao, Wang Guo, Qiujun Li, Kewang Long, Kaiqi Zou, Yuhan Wang, Haifeng Li

Abstract: The remote sensing image intelligence understanding model is undergoing a new profound paradigm shift which has been promoted by multi-modal large language model (MLLM), i.e. from the paradigm learning a domain model (LaDM) shifts to paradigm learning a pre-trained general foundation model followed by an adaptive domain model (LaGD). Under the new LaGD paradigm, the old datasets, which have led to advances in RSI intelligence understanding in the last decade, are no longer suitable for fire-new tasks. We argued that a new dataset must be designed to lighten tasks with the following features: 1) Generalization: training model to learn shared knowledge among tasks and to adapt to different tasks; 2) Understanding complex scenes: training model to understand the fine-grained attribute of the objects of interest, and to be able to describe the scene with natural language; 3) Reasoning: training model to be able to realize high-level visual reasoning. In this paper, we designed a high-quality, diversified, and unified multimodal instruction-following dataset for RSI understanding produced by GPT-4V and existing datasets, which we called RS-GPT4V. To achieve generalization, we used a (Question, Answer) which was deduced from GPT-4V via instruction-following to unify the tasks such as captioning and localization; To achieve complex scene, we proposed a hierarchical instruction description with local strategy in which the fine-grained attributes of the objects and their spatial relationships are described and global strategy in which all the local information are integrated to yield detailed instruction descript; To achieve reasoning, we designed multiple-turn QA pair to provide the reasoning ability for a model. The empirical results show that the fine-tuned MLLMs by RS-GPT4V can describe fine-grained information. The dataset is available at:


cross Autonomous navigation of catheters and guidewires in mechanical thrombectomy using inverse reinforcement learning

Authors: Harry Robertshaw, Lennart Karstensen, Benjamin Jackson, Alejandro Granados, Thomas C. Booth

Abstract: Purpose: Autonomous navigation of catheters and guidewires can enhance endovascular surgery safety and efficacy, reducing procedure times and operator radiation exposure. Integrating tele-operated robotics could widen access to time-sensitive emergency procedures like mechanical thrombectomy (MT). Reinforcement learning (RL) shows potential in endovascular navigation, yet its application encounters challenges without a reward signal. This study explores the viability of autonomous navigation in MT vasculature using inverse RL (IRL) to leverage expert demonstrations. Methods: This study established a simulation-based training and evaluation environment for MT navigation. We used IRL to infer reward functions from expert behaviour when navigating a guidewire and catheter. We utilized soft actor-critic to train models with various reward functions and compared their performance in silico. Results: We demonstrated feasibility of navigation using IRL. When evaluating single versus dual device (i.e. guidewire versus catheter and guidewire) tracking, both methods achieved high success rates of 95% and 96%, respectively. Dual-tracking, however, utilized both devices mimicking an expert. A success rate of 100% and procedure time of 22.6 s were obtained when training with a reward function obtained through reward shaping. This outperformed a dense reward function (96%, 24.9 s) and an IRL-derived reward function (48%, 59.2 s). Conclusions: We have contributed to the advancement of autonomous endovascular intervention navigation, particularly MT, by employing IRL. The results underscore the potential of using reward shaping to train models, offering a promising avenue for enhancing the accessibility and precision of MT. We envisage that future research can extend our methodology to diverse anatomical structures to enhance generalizability.

cross LLM4MSR: An LLM-Enhanced Paradigm for Multi-Scenario Recommendation

Authors: Yuhao Wang, Yichao Wang, Zichuan Fu, Xiangyang Li, Xiangyu Zhao, Huifeng Guo, Ruiming Tang

Abstract: As the demand for more personalized recommendation grows and a dramatic boom in commercial scenarios arises, the study on multi-scenario recommendation (MSR) has attracted much attention, which uses the data from all scenarios to simultaneously improve their recommendation performance. However, existing methods tend to integrate insufficient scenario knowledge and neglect learning personalized cross-scenario preferences, thus leading to suboptimal performance and inadequate interpretability. Meanwhile, though large language model (LLM) has shown great capability of reasoning and capturing semantic information, the high inference latency and high computation cost of tuning hinder its implementation in industrial recommender systems. To fill these gaps, we propose an effective efficient interpretable LLM-enhanced paradigm LLM4MSR in this work. Specifically, we first leverage LLM to uncover multi-level knowledge including scenario correlations and users' cross-scenario interests from the designed scenario- and user-level prompt without fine-tuning the LLM, then adopt hierarchical meta networks to generate multi-level meta layers to explicitly improves the scenario-aware and personalized recommendation capability. Our experiments on KuaiSAR-small, KuaiSAR, and Amazon datasets validate two significant advantages of LLM4MSR: (i) the effectiveness and compatibility with different multi-scenario backbone models (achieving 1.5%, 1%, and 40% AUC improvement on three datasets), (ii) high efficiency and deployability on industrial recommender systems, and (iii) improved interpretability. The implemented code and data is available to ease reproduction.

cross Variational Distillation of Diffusion Policies into Mixture of Experts

Authors: Hongyi Zhou, Denis Blessing, Ge Li, Onur Celik, Xiaogang Jia, Gerhard Neumann, Rudolf Lioutikov

Abstract: This work introduces Variational Diffusion Distillation (VDD), a novel method that distills denoising diffusion policies into Mixtures of Experts (MoE) through variational inference. Diffusion Models are the current state-of-the-art in generative modeling due to their exceptional ability to accurately learn and represent complex, multi-modal distributions. This ability allows Diffusion Models to replicate the inherent diversity in human behavior, making them the preferred models in behavior learning such as Learning from Human Demonstrations (LfD). However, diffusion models come with some drawbacks, including the intractability of likelihoods and long inference times due to their iterative sampling process. The inference times, in particular, pose a significant challenge to real-time applications such as robot control. In contrast, MoEs effectively address the aforementioned issues while retaining the ability to represent complex distributions but are notoriously difficult to train. VDD is the first method that distills pre-trained diffusion models into MoE models, and hence, combines the expressiveness of Diffusion Models with the benefits of Mixture Models. Specifically, VDD leverages a decompositional upper bound of the variational objective that allows the training of each expert separately, resulting in a robust optimization scheme for MoEs. VDD demonstrates across nine complex behavior learning tasks, that it is able to: i) accurately distill complex distributions learned by the diffusion model, ii) outperform existing state-of-the-art distillation methods, and iii) surpass conventional methods for training MoE.

cross The Heterophilic Snowflake Hypothesis: Training and Empowering GNNs for Heterophilic Graphs

Authors: Kun Wang, Guibin Zhang, Xinnan Zhang, Junfeng Fang, Xun Wu, Guohao Li, Shirui Pan, Wei Huang, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become pivotal tools for a range of graph-based learning tasks. Notably, most current GNN architectures operate under the assumption of homophily, whether explicitly or implicitly. While this underlying assumption is frequently adopted, it is not universally applicable, which can result in potential shortcomings in learning effectiveness. In this paper, \textbf{for the first time}, we transfer the prevailing concept of ``one node one receptive field" to the heterophilic graph. By constructing a proxy label predictor, we enable each node to possess a latent prediction distribution, which assists connected nodes in determining whether they should aggregate their associated neighbors. Ultimately, every node can have its own unique aggregation hop and pattern, much like each snowflake is unique and possesses its own characteristics. Based on observations, we innovatively introduce the Heterophily Snowflake Hypothesis and provide an effective solution to guide and facilitate research on heterophilic graphs and beyond. We conduct comprehensive experiments including (1) main results on 10 graphs with varying heterophily ratios across 10 backbones; (2) scalability on various deep GNN backbones (SGC, JKNet, etc.) across various large number of layers (2,4,6,8,16,32 layers); (3) comparison with conventional snowflake hypothesis; (4) efficiency comparison with existing graph pruning algorithms. Our observations show that our framework acts as a versatile operator for diverse tasks. It can be integrated into various GNN frameworks, boosting performance in-depth and offering an explainable approach to choosing the optimal network depth. The source code is available at \url{}.


cross MultiSocial: Multilingual Benchmark of Machine-Generated Text Detection of Social-Media Texts

Authors: Dominik Macko, Jakub Kopal, Robert Moro, Ivan Srba

Abstract: Recent LLMs are able to generate high-quality multilingual texts, indistinguishable for humans from authentic human-written ones. Research in machine-generated text detection is however mostly focused on the English language and longer texts, such as news articles, scientific papers or student essays. Social-media texts are usually much shorter and often feature informal language, grammatical errors, or distinct linguistic items (e.g., emoticons, hashtags). There is a gap in studying the ability of existing methods in detection of such texts, reflected also in the lack of existing multilingual benchmark datasets. To fill this gap we propose the first multilingual (22 languages) and multi-platform (5 social media platforms) dataset for benchmarking machine-generated text detection in the social-media domain, called MultiSocial. It contains 472,097 texts, of which about 58k are human-written and approximately the same amount is generated by each of 7 multilingual LLMs. We use this benchmark to compare existing detection methods in zero-shot as well as fine-tuned form. Our results indicate that the fine-tuned detectors have no problem to be trained on social-media texts and that the platform selection for training matters.

cross Offline Imitation Learning with Model-based Reverse Augmentation

Authors: Jie-Jing Shao, Hao-Sen Shi, Lan-Zhe Guo, Yu-Feng Li

Abstract: In offline Imitation Learning (IL), one of the main challenges is the \textit{covariate shift} between the expert observations and the actual distribution encountered by the agent, because it is difficult to determine what action an agent should take when outside the state distribution of the expert demonstrations. Recently, the model-free solutions introduce the supplementary data and identify the latent expert-similar samples to augment the reliable samples during learning. Model-based solutions build forward dynamic models with conservatism quantification and then generate additional trajectories in the neighborhood of expert demonstrations. However, without reward supervision, these methods are often over-conservative in the out-of-expert-support regions, because only in states close to expert-observed states can there be a preferred action enabling policy optimization. To encourage more exploration on expert-unobserved states, we propose a novel model-based framework, called offline Imitation Learning with Self-paced Reverse Augmentation (SRA). Specifically, we build a reverse dynamic model from the offline demonstrations, which can efficiently generate trajectories leading to the expert-observed states in a self-paced style. Then, we use the subsequent reinforcement learning method to learn from the augmented trajectories and transit from expert-unobserved states to expert-observed states. This framework not only explores the expert-unobserved states but also guides maximizing long-term returns on these states, ultimately enabling generalization beyond the expert data. Empirical results show that our proposal could effectively mitigate the covariate shift and achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the offline imitation learning benchmarks. Project website: \url{}.


cross Bayesian Data Selection

Authors: Julian Rodemann

Abstract: A wide range of machine learning algorithms iteratively add data to the training sample. Examples include semi-supervised learning, active learning, multi-armed bandits, and Bayesian optimization. We embed this kind of data addition into decision theory by framing data selection as a decision problem. This paves the way for finding Bayes-optimal selections of data. For the illustrative case of self-training in semi-supervised learning, we derive the respective Bayes criterion. We further show that deploying this criterion mitigates the issue of confirmation bias by empirically assessing our method for generalized linear models, semi-parametric generalized additive models, and Bayesian neural networks on simulated and real-world data.

cross Mathador-LM: A Dynamic Benchmark for Mathematical Reasoning on Large Language Models

Authors: Eldar Kurtic, Amir Moeini, Dan Alistarh

Abstract: We introduce Mathador-LM, a new benchmark for evaluating the mathematical reasoning on large language models (LLMs), combining ruleset interpretation, planning, and problem-solving. This benchmark is inspired by the Mathador game, where the objective is to reach a target number using basic arithmetic operations on a given set of base numbers, following a simple set of rules. We show that, across leading LLMs, we obtain stable average performance while generating benchmark instances dynamically, following a target difficulty level. Thus, our benchmark alleviates concerns about test-set leakage into training data, an issue that often undermines popular benchmarks. Additionally, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of both open and closed-source state-of-the-art LLMs on Mathador-LM. Our findings reveal that contemporary models struggle with Mathador-LM, scoring significantly lower than average 5th graders. This stands in stark contrast to their strong performance on popular mathematical reasoning benchmarks.

cross Breaking the Ceiling of the LLM Community by Treating Token Generation as a Classification for Ensembling

Authors: Yao-Ching Yu, Chun-Chih Kuo, Ziqi Ye, Yu-Cheng Chang, Yueh-Se Li

Abstract: Ensembling multiple models has always been an effective approach to push the limits of existing performance and is widely used in classification tasks by simply averaging the classification probability vectors from multiple classifiers to achieve better accuracy. However, in the thriving open-source Large Language Model (LLM) community, ensembling methods are rare and typically limited to ensembling the full-text outputs of LLMs, such as selecting the best output using a ranker, which leads to underutilization of token-level probability information. In this paper, we treat the Generation of each token by LLMs as a Classification (GaC) for ensembling. This approach fully exploits the probability information at each generation step and better prevents LLMs from producing early incorrect tokens that lead to snowballing errors. In experiments, we ensemble state-of-the-art LLMs on several benchmarks, including exams, mathematics and reasoning, and observe that our method breaks the existing community performance ceiling. Furthermore, we observed that most of the tokens in the answer are simple and do not affect the correctness of the final answer. Therefore, we also experimented with ensembling only key tokens, and the results showed better performance with lower latency across benchmarks.

cross UIFV: Data Reconstruction Attack in Vertical Federated Learning

Authors: Jirui Yang, Peng Chen, Zhihui Lu, Qiang Duan, Yubing Bao

Abstract: Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) facilitates collaborative machine learning without the need for participants to share raw private data. However, recent studies have revealed privacy risks where adversaries might reconstruct sensitive features through data leakage during the learning process. Although data reconstruction methods based on gradient or model information are somewhat effective, they reveal limitations in VFL application scenarios. This is because these traditional methods heavily rely on specific model structures and/or have strict limitations on application scenarios. To address this, our study introduces the Unified InverNet Framework into VFL, which yields a novel and flexible approach (dubbed UIFV) that leverages intermediate feature data to reconstruct original data, instead of relying on gradients or model details. The intermediate feature data is the feature exchanged by different participants during the inference phase of VFL. Experiments on four datasets demonstrate that our methods significantly outperform state-of-the-art techniques in attack precision. Our work exposes severe privacy vulnerabilities within VFL systems that pose real threats to practical VFL applications and thus confirms the necessity of further enhancing privacy protection in the VFL architecture.

cross PromptDSI: Prompt-based Rehearsal-free Instance-wise Incremental Learning for Document Retrieval

Authors: Tuan-Luc Huynh, Thuy-Trang Vu, Weiqing Wang, Yinwei Wei, Trung Le, Dragan Gasevic, Yuan-Fang Li, Thanh-Toan Do

Abstract: Differentiable Search Index (DSI) utilizes Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) for efficient document retrieval without relying on external indexes. However, DSIs need full re-training to handle updates in dynamic corpora, causing significant computational inefficiencies. We introduce PromptDSI, a rehearsal-free, prompt-based approach for instance-wise incremental learning in document retrieval. PromptDSI attaches prompts to the frozen PLM's encoder of DSI, leveraging its powerful representation to efficiently index new corpora while maintaining a balance between stability and plasticity. We eliminate the initial forward pass of prompt-based continual learning methods that doubles training and inference time. Moreover, we propose a topic-aware prompt pool that employs neural topic embeddings as fixed keys. This strategy ensures diverse and effective prompt usage, addressing the challenge of parameter underutilization caused by the collapse of the query-key matching mechanism. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that PromptDSI matches IncDSI in managing forgetting while significantly enhancing recall by over 4% on new corpora.

cross Bridging Local Details and Global Context in Text-Attributed Graphs

Authors: Yaoke Wang, Yun Zhu, Wenqiao Zhang, Yueting Zhuang, Yunfei Li, Siliang Tang

Abstract: Representation learning on text-attributed graphs (TAGs) is vital for real-world applications, as they combine semantic textual and contextual structural information. Research in this field generally consist of two main perspectives: local-level encoding and global-level aggregating, respectively refer to textual node information unification (e.g., using Language Models) and structure-augmented modeling (e.g., using Graph Neural Networks). Most existing works focus on combining different information levels but overlook the interconnections, i.e., the contextual textual information among nodes, which provides semantic insights to bridge local and global levels. In this paper, we propose GraphBridge, a multi-granularity integration framework that bridges local and global perspectives by leveraging contextual textual information, enhancing fine-grained understanding of TAGs. Besides, to tackle scalability and efficiency challenges, we introduce a graphaware token reduction module. Extensive experiments across various models and datasets show that our method achieves state-of-theart performance, while our graph-aware token reduction module significantly enhances efficiency and solves scalability issues.

cross Judging the Judges: Evaluating Alignment and Vulnerabilities in LLMs-as-Judges

Authors: Aman Singh Thakur, Kartik Choudhary, Venkat Srinik Ramayapally, Sankaran Vaidyanathan, Dieuwke Hupkes

Abstract: Offering a promising solution to the scalability challenges associated with human evaluation, the LLM-as-a-judge paradigm is rapidly gaining traction as an approach to evaluating large language models (LLMs). However, there are still many open questions about the strengths and weaknesses of this paradigm, and what potential biases it may hold. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of the performance of various LLMs acting as judges. We leverage TriviaQA as a benchmark for assessing objective knowledge reasoning of LLMs and evaluate them alongside human annotations which we found to have a high inter-annotator agreement. Our study includes 9 judge models and 9 exam taker models -- both base and instruction-tuned. We assess the judge model's alignment across different model sizes, families, and judge prompts. Among other results, our research rediscovers the importance of using Cohen's kappa as a metric of alignment as opposed to simple percent agreement, showing that judges with high percent agreement can still assign vastly different scores. We find that both Llama-3 70B and GPT-4 Turbo have an excellent alignment with humans, but in terms of ranking exam taker models, they are outperformed by both JudgeLM-7B and the lexical judge Contains, which have up to 34 points lower human alignment. Through error analysis and various other studies, including the effects of instruction length and leniency bias, we hope to provide valuable lessons for using LLMs as judges in the future.

cross SeTAR: Out-of-Distribution Detection with Selective Low-Rank Approximation

Authors: Yixia Li, Boya Xiong, Guanhua Chen, Yun Chen

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is crucial for the safe deployment of neural networks. Existing CLIP-based approaches perform OOD detection by devising novel scoring functions or sophisticated fine-tuning methods. In this work, we propose SeTAR, a novel, training-free OOD detection method that leverages selective low-rank approximation of weight matrices in vision-language and vision-only models. SeTAR enhances OOD detection via post-hoc modification of the model's weight matrices using a simple greedy search algorithm. Based on SeTAR, we further propose SeTAR+FT, a fine-tuning extension optimizing model performance for OOD detection tasks. Extensive evaluations on ImageNet1K and Pascal-VOC benchmarks show SeTAR's superior performance, reducing the false positive rate by up to 18.95% and 36.80% compared to zero-shot and fine-tuning baselines. Ablation studies further validate our approach's effectiveness, robustness, and generalizability across different model backbones. Our work offers a scalable, efficient solution for OOD detection, setting a new state-of-the-art in this area.

cross News Without Borders: Domain Adaptation of Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Cross-lingual News Recommendation

Authors: Andreea Iana, Fabian David Schmidt, Goran Glava\v{s}, Heiko Paulheim

Abstract: Rapidly growing numbers of multilingual news consumers pose an increasing challenge to news recommender systems in terms of providing customized recommendations. First, existing neural news recommenders, even when powered by multilingual language models (LMs), suffer substantial performance losses in zero-shot cross-lingual transfer (ZS-XLT). Second, the current paradigm of fine-tuning the backbone LM of a neural recommender on task-specific data is computationally expensive and infeasible in few-shot recommendation and cold-start setups, where data is scarce or completely unavailable. In this work, we propose a news-adapted sentence encoder (NaSE), domain-specialized from a pretrained massively multilingual sentence encoder (SE). To this end, we construct and leverage PolyNews and PolyNewsParallel, two multilingual news-specific corpora. With the news-adapted multilingual SE in place, we test the effectiveness of (i.e., question the need for) supervised fine-tuning for news recommendation, and propose a simple and strong baseline based on (i) frozen NaSE embeddings and (ii) late click-behavior fusion. We show that NaSE achieves state-of-the-art performance in ZS-XLT in true cold-start and few-shot news recommendation.

cross ScenEval: A Benchmark for Scenario-Based Evaluation of Code Generation

Authors: Debalina Ghosh Paul, Hong Zhu, Ian Bayley

Abstract: In the scenario-based evaluation of machine learning models, a key problem is how to construct test datasets that represent various scenarios. The methodology proposed in this paper is to construct a benchmark and attach metadata to each test case. Then a test system can be constructed with test morphisms that filter the test cases based on metadata to form a dataset. The paper demonstrates this methodology with large language models for code generation. A benchmark called ScenEval is constructed from problems in textbooks, an online tutorial website and Stack Overflow. Filtering by scenario is demonstrated and the test sets are used to evaluate ChatGPT for Java code generation. Our experiments found that the performance of ChatGPT decreases with the complexity of the coding task. It is weakest for advanced topics like multi-threading, data structure algorithms and recursive methods. The Java code generated by ChatGPT tends to be much shorter than reference solution in terms of number of lines, while it is more likely to be more complex in both cyclomatic and cognitive complexity metrics, if the generated code is correct. However, the generated code is more likely to be less complex than the reference solution if the code is incorrect.

cross Ask-before-Plan: Proactive Language Agents for Real-World Planning

Authors: Xuan Zhang, Yang Deng, Zifeng Ren, See-Kiong Ng, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: The evolution of large language models (LLMs) has enhanced the planning capabilities of language agents in diverse real-world scenarios. Despite these advancements, the potential of LLM-powered agents to comprehend ambiguous user instructions for reasoning and decision-making is still under exploration. In this work, we introduce a new task, Proactive Agent Planning, which requires language agents to predict clarification needs based on user-agent conversation and agent-environment interaction, invoke external tools to collect valid information, and generate a plan to fulfill the user's demands. To study this practical problem, we establish a new benchmark dataset, Ask-before-Plan. To tackle the deficiency of LLMs in proactive planning, we propose a novel multi-agent framework, Clarification-Execution-Planning (\texttt{CEP}), which consists of three agents specialized in clarification, execution, and planning. We introduce the trajectory tuning scheme for the clarification agent and static execution agent, as well as the memory recollection mechanism for the dynamic execution agent. Extensive evaluations and comprehensive analyses conducted on the Ask-before-Plan dataset validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.

cross Hierarchical Prompting Taxonomy: A Universal Evaluation Framework for Large Language Models

Authors: Devichand Budagam, Sankalp KJ, Ashutosh Kumar, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha

Abstract: Assessing the effectiveness of large language models (LLMs) in addressing diverse tasks is essential for comprehending their strengths and weaknesses. Conventional evaluation techniques typically apply a single prompting strategy uniformly across datasets, not considering the varying degrees of task complexity. We introduce the Hierarchical Prompting Taxonomy (HPT), a taxonomy that employs a Hierarchical Prompt Framework (HPF) composed of five unique prompting strategies, arranged from the simplest to the most complex, to assess LLMs more precisely and to offer a clearer perspective. This taxonomy assigns a score, called the Hierarchical Prompting Score (HP-Score), to datasets as well as LLMs based on the rules of the taxonomy, providing a nuanced understanding of their ability to solve diverse tasks and offering a universal measure of task complexity. Additionally, we introduce the Adaptive Hierarchical Prompt framework, which automates the selection of appropriate prompting strategies for each task. This study compares manual and adaptive hierarchical prompt frameworks using four instruction-tuned LLMs, namely Llama 3 8B, Phi 3 3.8B, Mistral 7B, and Gemma 7B, across four datasets: BoolQ, CommonSenseQA (CSQA), IWSLT-2017 en-fr (IWSLT), and SamSum. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of HPT, providing a reliable way to compare different tasks and LLM capabilities. This paper leads to the development of a universal evaluation metric that can be used to evaluate both the complexity of the datasets and the capabilities of LLMs. The implementation of both manual HPF and adaptive HPF is publicly available.

cross Evaluating Transparency of Machine Generated Fact Checking Explanations

Authors: Rui Xing, Timothy Baldwin, Jey Han Lau

Abstract: An important factor when it comes to generating fact-checking explanations is the selection of evidence: intuitively, high-quality explanations can only be generated given the right evidence. In this work, we investigate the impact of human-curated vs. machine-selected evidence for explanation generation using large language models. To assess the quality of explanations, we focus on transparency (whether an explanation cites sources properly) and utility (whether an explanation is helpful in clarifying a claim). Surprisingly, we found that large language models generate similar or higher quality explanations using machine-selected evidence, suggesting carefully curated evidence (by humans) may not be necessary. That said, even with the best model, the generated explanations are not always faithful to the sources, suggesting further room for improvement in explanation generation for fact-checking.

cross An Empirical Study on the Fairness of Foundation Models for Multi-Organ Image Segmentation

Authors: Qin Li, Yizhe Zhang, Yan Li, Jun Lyu, Meng Liu, Longyu Sun, Mengting Sun, Qirong Li, Wenyue Mao, Xinran Wu, Yajing Zhang, Yinghua Chu, Shuo Wang, Chengyan Wang

Abstract: The segmentation foundation model, e.g., Segment Anything Model (SAM), has attracted increasing interest in the medical image community. Early pioneering studies primarily concentrated on assessing and improving SAM's performance from the perspectives of overall accuracy and efficiency, yet little attention was given to the fairness considerations. This oversight raises questions about the potential for performance biases that could mirror those found in task-specific deep learning models like nnU-Net. In this paper, we explored the fairness dilemma concerning large segmentation foundation models. We prospectively curate a benchmark dataset of 3D MRI and CT scans of the organs including liver, kidney, spleen, lung and aorta from a total of 1056 healthy subjects with expert segmentations. Crucially, we document demographic details such as gender, age, and body mass index (BMI) for each subject to facilitate a nuanced fairness analysis. We test state-of-the-art foundation models for medical image segmentation, including the original SAM, medical SAM and SAT models, to evaluate segmentation efficacy across different demographic groups and identify disparities. Our comprehensive analysis, which accounts for various confounding factors, reveals significant fairness concerns within these foundational models. Moreover, our findings highlight not only disparities in overall segmentation metrics, such as the Dice Similarity Coefficient but also significant variations in the spatial distribution of segmentation errors, offering empirical evidence of the nuanced challenges in ensuring fairness in medical image segmentation.

cross Probabilistic Conceptual Explainers: Trustworthy Conceptual Explanations for Vision Foundation Models

Authors: Hengyi Wang, Shiwei Tan, Hao Wang

Abstract: Vision transformers (ViTs) have emerged as a significant area of focus, particularly for their capacity to be jointly trained with large language models and to serve as robust vision foundation models. Yet, the development of trustworthy explanation methods for ViTs has lagged, particularly in the context of post-hoc interpretations of ViT predictions. Existing sub-image selection approaches, such as feature-attribution and conceptual models, fall short in this regard. This paper proposes five desiderata for explaining ViTs -- faithfulness, stability, sparsity, multi-level structure, and parsimony -- and demonstrates the inadequacy of current methods in meeting these criteria comprehensively. We introduce a variational Bayesian explanation framework, dubbed ProbAbilistic Concept Explainers (PACE), which models the distributions of patch embeddings to provide trustworthy post-hoc conceptual explanations. Our qualitative analysis reveals the distributions of patch-level concepts, elucidating the effectiveness of ViTs by modeling the joint distribution of patch embeddings and ViT's predictions. Moreover, these patch-level explanations bridge the gap between image-level and dataset-level explanations, thus completing the multi-level structure of PACE. Through extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, we demonstrate that PACE surpasses state-of-the-art methods in terms of the defined desiderata.

cross Transforming Surgical Interventions with Embodied Intelligence for Ultrasound Robotics

Authors: Huan Xu, Jinlin Wu, Guanglin Cao, Zhen Chen, Zhen Lei, Hongbin Liu

Abstract: Ultrasonography has revolutionized non-invasive diagnostic methodologies, significantly enhancing patient outcomes across various medical domains. Despite its advancements, integrating ultrasound technology with robotic systems for automated scans presents challenges, including limited command understanding and dynamic execution capabilities. To address these challenges, this paper introduces a novel Ultrasound Embodied Intelligence system that synergistically combines ultrasound robots with large language models (LLMs) and domain-specific knowledge augmentation, enhancing ultrasound robots' intelligence and operational efficiency. Our approach employs a dual strategy: firstly, integrating LLMs with ultrasound robots to interpret doctors' verbal instructions into precise motion planning through a comprehensive understanding of ultrasound domain knowledge, including APIs and operational manuals; secondly, incorporating a dynamic execution mechanism, allowing for real-time adjustments to scanning plans based on patient movements or procedural errors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system through extensive experiments, including ablation studies and comparisons across various models, showcasing significant improvements in executing medical procedures from verbal commands. Our findings suggest that the proposed system improves the efficiency and quality of ultrasound scans and paves the way for further advancements in autonomous medical scanning technologies, with the potential to transform non-invasive diagnostics and streamline medical workflows.

cross Do More Details Always Introduce More Hallucinations in LVLM-based Image Captioning?

Authors: Mingqian Feng, Yunlong Tang, Zeliang Zhang, Chenliang Xu

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) excel in integrating visual and linguistic contexts to produce detailed content, facilitating applications such as image captioning. However, using LVLMs to generate descriptions often faces the challenge of object hallucination (OH), where the output text misrepresents actual objects in the input image. While previous studies attribute the occurrence of OH to the inclusion of more details, our study finds technical flaws in existing metrics, leading to unreliable evaluations of models and conclusions about OH. This has sparked a debate on the question: Do more details always introduce more hallucinations in LVLM-based image captioning? In this paper, we address this debate by proposing a novel decoding strategy, Differentiated Beam Decoding (DBD), along with a reliable new set of evaluation metrics: CLIP-Precision, CLIP-Recall, and CLIP-F1. DBD decodes the wealth of information hidden in visual input into distinct language representations called unit facts in parallel. This decoding is achieved via a well-designed differential score that guides the parallel search and candidate screening. The selected unit facts are then aggregated to generate the final caption. Our proposed metrics evaluate the comprehensiveness and accuracy of image captions by comparing the embedding groups of ground-truth image regions and generated text partitions. Extensive experiments on the Visual Genome dataset validate the effectiveness of our approach, demonstrating that it produces detailed descriptions while maintaining low hallucination levels.

cross CollabStory: Multi-LLM Collaborative Story Generation and Authorship Analysis

Authors: Saranya Venkatraman, Nafis Irtiza Tripto, Dongwon Lee

Abstract: The rise of unifying frameworks that enable seamless interoperability of Large Language Models (LLMs) has made LLM-LLM collaboration for open-ended tasks a possibility. Despite this, there have not been efforts to explore such collaborative writing. We take the next step beyond human-LLM collaboration to explore this multi-LLM scenario by generating the first exclusively LLM-generated collaborative stories dataset called CollabStory. We focus on single-author ($N=1$) to multi-author (up to $N=5$) scenarios, where multiple LLMs co-author stories. We generate over 32k stories using open-source instruction-tuned LLMs. Further, we take inspiration from the PAN tasks that have set the standard for human-human multi-author writing tasks and analysis. We extend their authorship-related tasks for multi-LLM settings and present baselines for LLM-LLM collaboration. We find that current baselines are not able to handle this emerging scenario. Thus, CollabStory is a resource that could help propel an understanding as well as the development of techniques to discern the use of multiple LLMs. This is crucial to study in the context of writing tasks since LLM-LLM collaboration could potentially overwhelm ongoing challenges related to plagiarism detection, credit assignment, maintaining academic integrity in educational settings, and addressing copyright infringement concerns. We make our dataset and code available at \texttt{\url{}}.


cross Sparsifying dimensionality reduction of PDE solution data with Bregman learning

Authors: Tjeerd Jan Heeringa, Christoph Brune, Mengwu Guo

Abstract: Classical model reduction techniques project the governing equations onto a linear subspace of the original state space. More recent data-driven techniques use neural networks to enable nonlinear projections. Whilst those often enable stronger compression, they may have redundant parameters and lead to suboptimal latent dimensionality. To overcome these, we propose a multistep algorithm that induces sparsity in the encoder-decoder networks for effective reduction in the number of parameters and additional compression of the latent space. This algorithm starts with sparsely initialized a network and training it using linearized Bregman iterations. These iterations have been very successful in computer vision and compressed sensing tasks, but have not yet been used for reduced-order modelling. After the training, we further compress the latent space dimensionality by using a form of proper orthogonal decomposition. Last, we use a bias propagation technique to change the induced sparsity into an effective reduction of parameters. We apply this algorithm to three representative PDE models: 1D diffusion, 1D advection, and 2D reaction-diffusion. Compared to conventional training methods like Adam, the proposed method achieves similar accuracy with 30% less parameters and a significantly smaller latent space.

cross MAGIC: Generating Self-Correction Guideline for In-Context Text-to-SQL

Authors: Arian Askari, Christian Poelitz, Xinye Tang

Abstract: Self-correction in text-to-SQL is the process of prompting large language model (LLM) to revise its previously incorrectly generated SQL, and commonly relies on manually crafted self-correction guidelines by human experts that are not only labor-intensive to produce but also limited by the human ability in identifying all potential error patterns in LLM responses. We introduce MAGIC, a novel multi-agent method that automates the creation of the self-correction guideline. MAGIC uses three specialized agents: a manager, a correction, and a feedback agent. These agents collaborate on the failures of an LLM-based method on the training set to iteratively generate and refine a self-correction guideline tailored to LLM mistakes, mirroring human processes but without human involvement. Our extensive experiments show that MAGIC's guideline outperforms expert human's created ones. We empirically find out that the guideline produced by MAGIC enhance the interpretability of the corrections made, providing insights in analyzing the reason behind the failures and successes of LLMs in self-correction. We make all agent interactions publicly available to the research community, to foster further research in this area, offering a synthetic dataset for future explorations into automatic self-correction guideline generation.

cross XXLTraffic: Expanding and Extremely Long Traffic Dataset for Ultra-Dynamic Forecasting Challenges

Authors: Du Yin, Hao Xue, Arian Prabowo, Shuang Ao, Flora Salim

Abstract: Traffic forecasting is crucial for smart cities and intelligent transportation initiatives, where deep learning has made significant progress in modeling complex spatio-temporal patterns in recent years. However, current public datasets have limitations in reflecting the ultra-dynamic nature of real-world scenarios, characterized by continuously evolving infrastructures, varying temporal distributions, and temporal gaps due to sensor downtimes or changes in traffic patterns. These limitations inevitably restrict the practical applicability of existing traffic forecasting datasets. To bridge this gap, we present XXLTraffic, the largest available public traffic dataset with the longest timespan and increasing number of sensor nodes over the multiple years observed in the data, curated to support research in ultra-dynamic forecasting. Our benchmark includes both typical time-series forecasting settings with hourly and daily aggregated data and novel configurations that introduce gaps and down-sample the training size to better simulate practical constraints. We anticipate the new XXLTraffic will provide a fresh perspective for the time-series and traffic forecasting communities. It would also offer a robust platform for developing and evaluating models designed to tackle ultra-dynamic and extremely long forecasting problems. Our dataset supplements existing spatio-temporal data resources and leads to new research directions in this domain.

cross Online-Adaptive Anomaly Detection for Defect Identification in Aircraft Assembly

Authors: Siddhant Shete, Dennis Mronga, Ankita Jadhav, Frank Kirchner

Abstract: Anomaly detection deals with detecting deviations from established patterns within data. It has various applications like autonomous driving, predictive maintenance, and medical diagnosis. To improve anomaly detection accuracy, transfer learning can be applied to large, pre-trained models and adapt them to the specific application context. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for online-adaptive anomaly detection using transfer learning. The approach adapts to different environments by selecting visually similar training images and online fitting a normality model to EfficientNet features extracted from the training subset. Anomaly detection is then performed by computing the Mahalanobis distance between the normality model and the test image features. Different similarity measures (SIFT/FLANN, Cosine) and normality models (MVG, OCSVM) are employed and compared with each other. We evaluate the approach on different anomaly detection benchmarks and data collected in controlled laboratory settings. Experimental results showcase a detection accuracy exceeding 0.975, outperforming the state-of-the-art ET-NET approach.

cross Talk With Human-like Agents: Empathetic Dialogue Through Perceptible Acoustic Reception and Reaction

Authors: Haoqiu Yan, Yongxin Zhu, Kai Zheng, Bing Liu, Haoyu Cao, Deqiang Jiang, Linli Xu

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM)-enhanced agents become increasingly prevalent in Human-AI communication, offering vast potential from entertainment to professional domains. However, current multi-modal dialogue systems overlook the acoustic information present in speech, which is crucial for understanding human communication nuances. This oversight can lead to misinterpretations of speakers' intentions, resulting in inconsistent or even contradictory responses within dialogues. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we propose PerceptiveAgent, an empathetic multi-modal dialogue system designed to discern deeper or more subtle meanings beyond the literal interpretations of words through the integration of speech modality perception. Employing LLMs as a cognitive core, PerceptiveAgent perceives acoustic information from input speech and generates empathetic responses based on speaking styles described in natural language. Experimental results indicate that PerceptiveAgent excels in contextual understanding by accurately discerning the speakers' true intentions in scenarios where the linguistic meaning is either contrary to or inconsistent with the speaker's true feelings, producing more nuanced and expressive spoken dialogues. Code is publicly available at: \url{}.


cross Enhancing Spatio-temporal Quantile Forecasting with Curriculum Learning: Lessons Learned

Authors: Du Yin, Jinliang Deng, Shuang Ao, Zechen Li, Hao Xue, Arian Prabowo, Renhe Jiang, Xuan Song, Flora Salim

Abstract: Training models on spatio-temporal (ST) data poses an open problem due to the complicated and diverse nature of the data itself, and it is challenging to ensure the model's performance directly trained on the original ST data. While limiting the variety of training data can make training easier, it can also lead to a lack of knowledge and information for the model, resulting in a decrease in performance. To address this challenge, we presented an innovative paradigm that incorporates three separate forms of curriculum learning specifically targeting from spatial, temporal, and quantile perspectives. Furthermore, our framework incorporates a stacking fusion module to combine diverse information from three types of curriculum learning, resulting in a strong and thorough learning process. We demonstrated the effectiveness of this framework with extensive empirical evaluations, highlighting its better performance in addressing complex ST challenges. We provided thorough ablation studies to investigate the effectiveness of our curriculum and to explain how it contributes to the improvement of learning efficiency on ST data.

cross AGLA: Mitigating Object Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models with Assembly of Global and Local Attention

Authors: Wenbin An, Feng Tian, Sicong Leng, Jiahao Nie, Haonan Lin, QianYing Wang, Guang Dai, Ping Chen, Shijian Lu

Abstract: Despite their great success across various multimodal tasks, Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) are facing a prevalent problem with object hallucinations, where the generated textual responses are inconsistent with ground-truth objects in the given image. This paper investigates various LVLMs and pinpoints attention deficiency toward discriminative local image features as one root cause of object hallucinations. Specifically, LVLMs predominantly attend to prompt-independent global image features, while failing to capture prompt-relevant local features, consequently undermining the visual grounding capacity of LVLMs and leading to hallucinations. To this end, we propose Assembly of Global and Local Attention (AGLA), a training-free and plug-and-play approach that mitigates object hallucinations by exploring an ensemble of global features for response generation and local features for visual discrimination simultaneously. Our approach exhibits an image-prompt matching scheme that captures prompt-relevant local features from images, leading to an augmented view of the input image where prompt-relevant content is reserved while irrelevant distractions are masked. With the augmented view, a calibrated decoding distribution can be derived by integrating generative global features from the original image and discriminative local features from the augmented image. Extensive experiments show that AGLA consistently mitigates object hallucinations and enhances general perception capability for LVLMs across various discriminative and generative benchmarks. Our code will be released at


cross On the Robustness of Language Models for Tabular Question Answering

Authors: Kushal Raj Bhandari, Sixue Xing, Soham Dan, Jianxi Gao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), originally shown to ace various text comprehension tasks have also remarkably been shown to tackle table comprehension tasks without specific training. While previous research has explored LLM capabilities with tabular dataset tasks, our study assesses the influence of $\textit{in-context learning}$,$ \textit{model scale}$, $\textit{instruction tuning}$, and $\textit{domain biases}$ on Tabular Question Answering (TQA). We evaluate the robustness of LLMs on Wikipedia-based $\textbf{WTQ}$ and financial report-based $\textbf{TAT-QA}$ TQA datasets, focusing on their ability to robustly interpret tabular data under various augmentations and perturbations. Our findings indicate that instructions significantly enhance performance, with recent models like Llama3 exhibiting greater robustness over earlier versions. However, data contamination and practical reliability issues persist, especially with WTQ. We highlight the need for improved methodologies, including structure-aware self-attention mechanisms and better handling of domain-specific tabular data, to develop more reliable LLMs for table comprehension.

cross Can Large Language Models Code Like a Linguist?: A Case Study in Low Resource Sound Law Induction

Authors: Atharva Naik, Kexun Zhang, Nathaniel Robinson, Aravind Mysore, Clayton Marr, Hong Sng Rebecca Byrnes, Anna Cai, Kalvin Chang, David Mortensen

Abstract: Historical linguists have long written a kind of incompletely formalized ''program'' that converts reconstructed words in an ancestor language into words in one of its attested descendants that consist of a series of ordered string rewrite functions (called sound laws). They do this by observing pairs of words in the reconstructed language (protoforms) and the descendent language (reflexes) and constructing a program that transforms protoforms into reflexes. However, writing these programs is error-prone and time-consuming. Prior work has successfully scaffolded this process computationally, but fewer researchers have tackled Sound Law Induction (SLI), which we approach in this paper by casting it as Programming by Examples. We propose a language-agnostic solution that utilizes the programming ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) by generating Python sound law programs from sound change examples. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach for various LLMs, propose effective methods to generate additional language-agnostic synthetic data to fine-tune LLMs for SLI, and compare our method with existing automated SLI methods showing that while LLMs lag behind them they can complement some of their weaknesses.

cross ED-sKWS: Early-Decision Spiking Neural Networks for Rapid,and Energy-Efficient Keyword Spotting

Authors: Zeyang Song, Qianhui Liu, Qu Yang, Yizhou Peng, Haizhou Li

Abstract: Keyword Spotting (KWS) is essential in edge computing requiring rapid and energy-efficient responses. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are well-suited for KWS for their efficiency and temporal capacity for speech. To further reduce the latency and energy consumption, this study introduces ED-sKWS, an SNN-based KWS model with an early-decision mechanism that can stop speech processing and output the result before the end of speech utterance. Furthermore, we introduce a Cumulative Temporal (CT) loss that can enhance prediction accuracy at both the intermediate and final timesteps. To evaluate early-decision performance, we present the SC-100 dataset including 100 speech commands with beginning and end timestamp annotation. Experiments on the Google Speech Commands v2 and our SC-100 datasets show that ED-sKWS maintains competitive accuracy with 61% timesteps and 52% energy consumption compared to SNN models without early-decision mechanism, ensuring rapid response and energy efficiency.

cross Beyond Visual Appearances: Privacy-sensitive Objects Identification via Hybrid Graph Reasoning

Authors: Zhuohang Jiang, Bingkui Tong, Xia Du, Ahmed Alhammadi, Jizhe Zhou

Abstract: The Privacy-sensitive Object Identification (POI) task allocates bounding boxes for privacy-sensitive objects in a scene. The key to POI is settling an object's privacy class (privacy-sensitive or non-privacy-sensitive). In contrast to conventional object classes which are determined by the visual appearance of an object, one object's privacy class is derived from the scene contexts and is subject to various implicit factors beyond its visual appearance. That is, visually similar objects may be totally opposite in their privacy classes. To explicitly derive the objects' privacy class from the scene contexts, in this paper, we interpret the POI task as a visual reasoning task aimed at the privacy of each object in the scene. Following this interpretation, we propose the PrivacyGuard framework for POI. PrivacyGuard contains three stages. i) Structuring: an unstructured image is first converted into a structured, heterogeneous scene graph that embeds rich scene contexts. ii) Data Augmentation: a contextual perturbation oversampling strategy is proposed to create slightly perturbed privacy-sensitive objects in a scene graph, thereby balancing the skewed distribution of privacy classes. iii) Hybrid Graph Generation & Reasoning: the balanced, heterogeneous scene graph is then transformed into a hybrid graph by endowing it with extra "node-node" and "edge-edge" homogeneous paths. These homogeneous paths allow direct message passing between nodes or edges, thereby accelerating reasoning and facilitating the capturing of subtle context changes. Based on this hybrid graph... **For the full abstract, see the original paper.**

cross Large Language Model as a Universal Clinical Multi-task Decoder

Authors: Yujiang Wu, Hongjian Song, Jiawen Zhang, Xumeng Wen, Shun Zheng, Jiang Bian

Abstract: The development of effective machine learning methodologies for enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of clinical systems is crucial. Despite significant research efforts, managing a plethora of diversified clinical tasks and adapting to emerging new tasks remain significant challenges. This paper presents a novel paradigm that employs a pre-trained large language model as a universal clinical multi-task decoder. This approach leverages the flexibility and diversity of language expressions to handle task topic variations and associated arguments. The introduction of a new task simply requires the addition of a new instruction template. We validate this framework across hundreds of tasks, demonstrating its robustness in facilitating multi-task predictions, performing on par with traditional multi-task learning and single-task learning approaches. Moreover, it shows exceptional adaptability to new tasks, with impressive zero-shot performance in some instances and superior data efficiency in few-shot scenarios. This novel approach offers a unified solution to manage a wide array of new and emerging tasks in clinical applications.

cross Benchmarking Multi-Image Understanding in Vision and Language Models: Perception, Knowledge, Reasoning, and Multi-Hop Reasoning

Authors: Bingchen Zhao, Yongshuo Zong, Letian Zhang, Timothy Hospedales

Abstract: The advancement of large language models (LLMs) has significantly broadened the scope of applications in natural language processing, with multi-modal LLMs extending these capabilities to integrate and interpret visual data. However, existing benchmarks for visual language models (VLMs) predominantly focus on single-image inputs, neglecting the crucial aspect of multi-image understanding. In this paper, we introduce a Multi-Image Relational Benchmark MIRB, designed to evaluate VLMs' ability to compare, analyze, and reason across multiple images. Our benchmark encompasses four categories: perception, visual world knowledge, reasoning, and multi-hop reasoning. Through a comprehensive evaluation of a wide range of open-source and closed-source models, we demonstrate that while open-source VLMs were shown to approach the performance of GPT-4V in single-image tasks, a significant performance gap remains in multi-image reasoning tasks. Our findings also reveal that even the state-of-the-art GPT-4V model struggles with our benchmark, underscoring the need for further research and development in this area. We believe our contribution of MIRB could serve as a testbed for developing the next-generation multi-modal models.

cross Ensuring Both Positivity and Stability Using Sector-Bounded Nonlinearity for Systems with Neural Network Controllers

Authors: Hamidreza Montazeri Hedesh, Milad Siami

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel method for the stability analysis of positive feedback systems with a class of fully connected feedforward neural networks (FFNN) controllers. By establishing sector bounds for fully connected FFNNs without biases, we present a stability theorem that demonstrates the global exponential stability of linear systems under fully connected FFNN control. Utilizing principles from positive Lur'e systems and the positive Aizerman conjecture, our approach effectively addresses the challenge of ensuring stability in highly nonlinear systems. The crux of our method lies in maintaining sector bounds that preserve the positivity and Hurwitz property of the overall Lur'e system. We showcase the practical applicability of our methodology through its implementation in a linear system managed by a FFNN trained on output feedback controller data, highlighting its potential for enhancing stability in dynamic systems.

cross TSI-Bench: Benchmarking Time Series Imputation

Authors: Wenjie Du, Jun Wang, Linglong Qian, Yiyuan Yang, Fanxing Liu, Zepu Wang, Zina Ibrahim, Haoxin Liu, Zhiyuan Zhao, Yingjie Zhou, Wenjia Wang, Kaize Ding, Yuxuan Liang, B. Aditya Prakash, Qingsong Wen

Abstract: Effective imputation is a crucial preprocessing step for time series analysis. Despite the development of numerous deep learning algorithms for time series imputation, the community lacks standardized and comprehensive benchmark platforms to effectively evaluate imputation performance across different settings. Moreover, although many deep learning forecasting algorithms have demonstrated excellent performance, whether their modeling achievements can be transferred to time series imputation tasks remains unexplored. To bridge these gaps, we develop TSI-Bench, the first (to our knowledge) comprehensive benchmark suite for time series imputation utilizing deep learning techniques. The TSI-Bench pipeline standardizes experimental settings to enable fair evaluation of imputation algorithms and identification of meaningful insights into the influence of domain-appropriate missingness ratios and patterns on model performance. Furthermore, TSI-Bench innovatively provides a systematic paradigm to tailor time series forecasting algorithms for imputation purposes. Our extensive study across 34,804 experiments, 28 algorithms, and 8 datasets with diverse missingness scenarios demonstrates TSI-Bench's effectiveness in diverse downstream tasks and potential to unlock future directions in time series imputation research and analysis. The source code and experiment logs are available at


cross OlympicArena: Benchmarking Multi-discipline Cognitive Reasoning for Superintelligent AI

Authors: Zhen Huang, Zengzhi Wang, Shijie Xia, Xuefeng Li, Haoyang Zou, Ruijie Xu, Run-Ze Fan, Lyumanshan Ye, Ethan Chern, Yixin Ye, Yikai Zhang, Yuqing Yang, Ting Wu, Binjie Wang, Shichao Sun, Yang Xiao, Yiyuan Li, Fan Zhou, Steffi Chern, Yiwei Qin, Yan Ma, Jiadi Su, Yixiu Liu, Yuxiang Zheng, Shaoting Zhang, Dahua Lin, Yu Qiao, Pengfei Liu

Abstract: The evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been significantly accelerated by advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), gradually showcasing potential cognitive reasoning abilities in problem-solving and scientific discovery (i.e., AI4Science) once exclusive to human intellect. To comprehensively evaluate current models' performance in cognitive reasoning abilities, we introduce OlympicArena, which includes 11,163 bilingual problems across both text-only and interleaved text-image modalities. These challenges encompass a wide range of disciplines spanning seven fields and 62 international Olympic competitions, rigorously examined for data leakage. We argue that the challenges in Olympic competition problems are ideal for evaluating AI's cognitive reasoning due to their complexity and interdisciplinary nature, which are essential for tackling complex scientific challenges and facilitating discoveries. Beyond evaluating performance across various disciplines using answer-only criteria, we conduct detailed experiments and analyses from multiple perspectives. We delve into the models' cognitive reasoning abilities, their performance across different modalities, and their outcomes in process-level evaluations, which are vital for tasks requiring complex reasoning with lengthy solutions. Our extensive evaluations reveal that even advanced models like GPT-4o only achieve a 39.97% overall accuracy, illustrating current AI limitations in complex reasoning and multimodal integration. Through the OlympicArena, we aim to advance AI towards superintelligence, equipping it to address more complex challenges in science and beyond. We also provide a comprehensive set of resources to support AI research, including a benchmark dataset, an open-source annotation platform, a detailed evaluation tool, and a leaderboard with automatic submission features.

cross Chumor 1.0: A Truly Funny and Challenging Chinese Humor Understanding Dataset from Ruo Zhi Ba

Authors: Ruiqi He, Yushu He, Longju Bai, Jiarui Liu, Zhenjie Sun, Zenghao Tang, He Wang, Hanchen Xia, Naihao Deng

Abstract: Existing humor datasets and evaluations predominantly focus on English, lacking resources for culturally nuanced humor in non-English languages like Chinese. To address this gap, we construct Chumor, a dataset sourced from Ruo Zhi Ba (RZB), a Chinese Reddit-like platform dedicated to sharing intellectually challenging and culturally specific jokes. We annotate explanations for each joke and evaluate human explanations against two state-of-the-art LLMs, GPT-4o and ERNIE Bot, through A/B testing by native Chinese speakers. Our evaluation shows that Chumor is challenging even for SOTA LLMs, and the human explanations for Chumor jokes are significantly better than explanations generated by the LLMs.

cross Unsupervised explainable activity prediction in competitive Nordic Walking from experimental data

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no, Javier Vales-Alonso

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has found application in Human Activity Recognition (HAR) in competitive sports. To date, most Machine Learning (ML) approaches for HAR have relied on offline (batch) training, imposing higher computational and tagging burdens compared to online processing unsupervised approaches. Additionally, the decisions behind traditional ML predictors are opaque and require human interpretation. In this work, we apply an online processing unsupervised clustering approach based on low-cost wearable Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs). The outcomes generated by the system allow for the automatic expansion of limited tagging available (e.g., by referees) within those clusters, producing pertinent information for the explainable classification stage. Specifically, our work focuses on achieving automatic explainability for predictions related to athletes' activities, distinguishing between correct, incorrect, and cheating practices in Nordic Walking. The proposed solution achieved performance metrics of close to 100 % on average.

cross Identifying Performance-Sensitive Configurations in Software Systems through Code Analysis with LLM Agents

Authors: Zehao Wang, Dong Jae Kim, Tse-Hsun Chen

Abstract: Configuration settings are essential for tailoring software behavior to meet specific performance requirements. However, incorrect configurations are widespread, and identifying those that impact system performance is challenging due to the vast number and complexity of possible settings. In this work, we present PerfSense, a lightweight framework that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to efficiently identify performance-sensitive configurations with minimal overhead. PerfSense employs LLM agents to simulate interactions between developers and performance engineers using advanced prompting techniques such as prompt chaining and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). Our evaluation of seven open-source Java systems demonstrates that PerfSense achieves an average accuracy of 64.77% in classifying performance-sensitive configurations, outperforming both our LLM baseline (50.36%) and the previous state-of-the-art method (61.75%). Notably, our prompt chaining technique improves recall by 10% to 30% while maintaining similar precision levels. Additionally, a manual analysis of 362 misclassifications reveals common issues, including LLMs' misunderstandings of requirements (26.8%). In summary, PerfSense significantly reduces manual effort in classifying performance-sensitive configurations and offers valuable insights for future LLM-based code analysis research.

cross Graph Neural Networks in Histopathology: Emerging Trends and Future Directions

Authors: Siemen Brussee, Giorgio Buzzanca, Anne M. R. Schrader, Jesper Kers

Abstract: Histopathological analysis of Whole Slide Images (WSIs) has seen a surge in the utilization of deep learning methods, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). However, CNNs often fall short in capturing the intricate spatial dependencies inherent in WSIs. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) present a promising alternative, adept at directly modeling pairwise interactions and effectively discerning the topological tissue and cellular structures within WSIs. Recognizing the pressing need for deep learning techniques that harness the topological structure of WSIs, the application of GNNs in histopathology has experienced rapid growth. In this comprehensive review, we survey GNNs in histopathology, discuss their applications, and exploring emerging trends that pave the way for future advancements in the field. We begin by elucidating the fundamentals of GNNs and their potential applications in histopathology. Leveraging quantitative literature analysis, we identify four emerging trends: Hierarchical GNNs, Adaptive Graph Structure Learning, Multimodal GNNs, and Higher-order GNNs. Through an in-depth exploration of these trends, we offer insights into the evolving landscape of GNNs in histopathological analysis. Based on our findings, we propose future directions to propel the field forward. Our analysis serves to guide researchers and practitioners towards innovative approaches and methodologies, fostering advancements in histopathological analysis through the lens of graph neural networks.

cross Privacy Preserving Federated Learning in Medical Imaging with Uncertainty Estimation

Authors: Nikolas Koutsoubis, Yasin Yilmaz, Ravi P. Ramachandran, Matthew Schabath, Ghulam Rasool

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have fueled remarkable advancements, particularly in healthcare. Within medical imaging, ML models hold the promise of improving disease diagnoses, treatment planning, and post-treatment monitoring. Various computer vision tasks like image classification, object detection, and image segmentation are poised to become routine in clinical analysis. However, privacy concerns surrounding patient data hinder the assembly of large training datasets needed for developing and training accurate, robust, and generalizable models. Federated Learning (FL) emerges as a compelling solution, enabling organizations to collaborate on ML model training by sharing model training information (gradients) rather than data (e.g., medical images). FL's distributed learning framework facilitates inter-institutional collaboration while preserving patient privacy. However, FL, while robust in privacy preservation, faces several challenges. Sensitive information can still be gleaned from shared gradients that are passed on between organizations during model training. Additionally, in medical imaging, quantifying model confidence\uncertainty accurately is crucial due to the noise and artifacts present in the data. Uncertainty estimation in FL encounters unique hurdles due to data heterogeneity across organizations. This paper offers a comprehensive review of FL, privacy preservation, and uncertainty estimation, with a focus on medical imaging. Alongside a survey of current research, we identify gaps in the field and suggest future directions for FL research to enhance privacy and address noisy medical imaging data challenges.

cross Is It Good Data for Multilingual Instruction Tuning or Just Bad Multilingual Evaluation for Large Language Models?

Authors: Pinzhen Chen, Simon Yu, Zhicheng Guo, Barry Haddow

Abstract: Large language models, particularly multilingual ones, are designed, claimed, and expected to cater to native speakers of varied languages. We hypothesise that the current practices of fine-tuning and evaluating these models may mismatch this intention owing to a heavy reliance on translation, which can introduce translation artefacts and defects. It remains unknown whether the nature of the instruction data has an impact on the model output; on the other hand, it remains questionable whether translated test sets can capture such nuances. Due to the often coupled practices of using translated data in both stages, such imperfections could have been overlooked. This work investigates these issues by using controlled native or translated data during instruction tuning and evaluation stages and observing model results. Experiments on eight base models and eight different benchmarks reveal that native or generation benchmarks display a notable difference between native and translated instruction data especially when model performance is high, whereas other types of test sets cannot. Finally, we demonstrate that regularization is beneficial to bridging this gap on structured but not generative tasks.

cross From RAGs to rich parameters: Probing how language models utilize external knowledge over parametric information for factual queries

Authors: Hitesh Wadhwa, Rahul Seetharaman, Somyaa Aggarwal, Reshmi Ghosh, Samyadeep Basu, Soundararajan Srinivasan, Wenlong Zhao, Shreyas Chaudhari, Ehsan Aghazadeh

Abstract: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) enriches the ability of language models to reason using external context to augment responses for a given user prompt. This approach has risen in popularity due to practical applications in various applications of language models in search, question/answering, and chat-bots. However, the exact nature of how this approach works isn't clearly understood. In this paper, we mechanistically examine the RAG pipeline to highlight that language models take shortcut and have a strong bias towards utilizing only the context information to answer the question, while relying minimally on their parametric memory. We probe this mechanistic behavior in language models with: (i) Causal Mediation Analysis to show that the parametric memory is minimally utilized when answering a question and (ii) Attention Contributions and Knockouts to show that the last token residual stream do not get enriched from the subject token in the question, but gets enriched from other informative tokens in the context. We find this pronounced shortcut behaviour true across both LLaMa and Phi family of models.

cross VIA: A Spatiotemporal Video Adaptation Framework for Global and Local Video Editing

Authors: Jing Gu, Yuwei Fang, Ivan Skorokhodov, Peter Wonka, Xinya Du, Sergey Tulyakov, Xin Eric Wang

Abstract: Video editing stands as a cornerstone of digital media, from entertainment and education to professional communication. However, previous methods often overlook the necessity of comprehensively understanding both global and local contexts, leading to inaccurate and inconsistency edits in the spatiotemporal dimension, especially for long videos. In this paper, we introduce VIA, a unified spatiotemporal VIdeo Adaptation framework for global and local video editing, pushing the limits of consistently editing minute-long videos. First, to ensure local consistency within individual frames, the foundation of VIA is a novel test-time editing adaptation method, which adapts a pre-trained image editing model for improving consistency between potential editing directions and the text instruction, and adapts masked latent variables for precise local control. Furthermore, to maintain global consistency over the video sequence, we introduce spatiotemporal adaptation that adapts consistent attention variables in key frames and strategically applies them across the whole sequence to realize the editing effects. Extensive experiments demonstrate that, compared to baseline methods, our VIA approach produces edits that are more faithful to the source videos, more coherent in the spatiotemporal context, and more precise in local control. More importantly, we show that VIA can achieve consistent long video editing in minutes, unlocking the potentials for advanced video editing tasks over long video sequences.

cross LaMDA: Large Model Fine-Tuning via Spectrally Decomposed Low-Dimensional Adaptation

Authors: Seyedarmin Azizi, Souvik Kundu, Massoud Pedram

Abstract: Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) has become the default approach to fine-tune large language models (LLMs) due to its significant reduction in trainable parameters. However, trainable parameter demand for LoRA increases with increasing model embedding dimensions, leading to high compute costs. Additionally, its backward updates require storing high-dimensional intermediate activations and optimizer states, demanding high peak GPU memory. In this paper, we introduce large model fine-tuning via spectrally decomposed low-dimensional adaptation (LaMDA), a novel approach to fine-tuning large language models, which leverages low-dimensional adaptation to achieve significant reductions in trainable parameters and peak GPU memory footprint. LaMDA freezes a first projection matrix (PMA) in the adaptation path while introducing a low-dimensional trainable square matrix, resulting in substantial reductions in trainable parameters and peak GPU memory usage. LaMDA gradually freezes a second projection matrix (PMB) during the early fine-tuning stages, reducing the compute cost associated with weight updates to enhance parameter efficiency further. We also present an enhancement, LaMDA++, incorporating a ``lite-weight" adaptive rank allocation for the LoRA path via normalized spectrum analysis of pre-trained model weights. We evaluate LaMDA/LaMDA++ across various tasks, including natural language understanding with the GLUE benchmark, text summarization, natural language generation, and complex reasoning on different LLMs. Results show that LaMDA matches or surpasses the performance of existing alternatives while requiring up to 17.7x fewer parameter updates and up to 1.32x lower peak GPU memory usage during fine-tuning. Code will be publicly available.

cross Influence Maximization via Graph Neural Bandits

Authors: Yuting Feng, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Bogdan Cautis

Abstract: We consider a ubiquitous scenario in the study of Influence Maximization (IM), in which there is limited knowledge about the topology of the diffusion network. We set the IM problem in a multi-round diffusion campaign, aiming to maximize the number of distinct users that are influenced. Leveraging the capability of bandit algorithms to effectively balance the objectives of exploration and exploitation, as well as the expressivity of neural networks, our study explores the application of neural bandit algorithms to the IM problem. We propose the framework IM-GNB (Influence Maximization with Graph Neural Bandits), where we provide an estimate of the users' probabilities of being influenced by influencers (also known as diffusion seeds). This initial estimate forms the basis for constructing both an exploitation graph and an exploration one. Subsequently, IM-GNB handles the exploration-exploitation tradeoff, by selecting seed nodes in real-time using Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN), in which the pre-estimated graphs are employed to refine the influencers' estimated rewards in each contextual setting. Through extensive experiments on two large real-world datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of IM-GNB compared with other baseline methods, significantly improving the spread outcome of such diffusion campaigns, when the underlying network is unknown.

cross Demystifying Higher-Order Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Maciej Besta, Florian Scheidl, Lukas Gianinazzi, Shachar Klaiman, J\"urgen M\"uller, Torsten Hoefler

Abstract: Higher-order graph neural networks (HOGNNs) are an important class of GNN models that harness polyadic relations between vertices beyond plain edges. They have been used to eliminate issues such as over-smoothing or over-squashing, to significantly enhance the accuracy of GNN predictions, to improve the expressiveness of GNN architectures, and for numerous other goals. A plethora of HOGNN models have been introduced, and they come with diverse neural architectures, and even with different notions of what the "higher-order" means. This richness makes it very challenging to appropriately analyze and compare HOGNN models, and to decide in what scenario to use specific ones. To alleviate this, we first design an in-depth taxonomy and a blueprint for HOGNNs. This facilitates designing models that maximize performance. Then, we use our taxonomy to analyze and compare the available HOGNN models. The outcomes of our analysis are synthesized in a set of insights that help to select the most beneficial GNN model in a given scenario, and a comprehensive list of challenges and opportunities for further research into more powerful HOGNNs.

cross Can Go AIs be adversarially robust?

Authors: Tom Tseng, Euan McLean, Kellin Pelrine, Tony T. Wang, Adam Gleave

Abstract: Prior work found that superhuman Go AIs like KataGo can be defeated by simple adversarial strategies. In this paper, we study if simple defenses can improve KataGo's worst-case performance. We test three natural defenses: adversarial training on hand-constructed positions, iterated adversarial training, and changing the network architecture. We find that some of these defenses are able to protect against previously discovered attacks. Unfortunately, we also find that none of these defenses are able to withstand adaptive attacks. In particular, we are able to train new adversaries that reliably defeat our defended agents by causing them to blunder in ways humans would not. Our results suggest that building robust AI systems is challenging even in narrow domains such as Go. For interactive examples of attacks and a link to our codebase, see


cross Synergizing Foundation Models and Federated Learning: A Survey

Authors: Shenghui Li, Fanghua Ye, Meng Fang, Jiaxu Zhao, Yun-Hin Chan, Edith C. -H. Ngai, Thiemo Voigt

Abstract: The recent development of Foundation Models (FMs), represented by large language models, vision transformers, and multimodal models, has been making a significant impact on both academia and industry. Compared with small-scale models, FMs have a much stronger demand for high-volume data during the pre-training phase. Although general FMs can be pre-trained on data collected from open sources such as the Internet, domain-specific FMs need proprietary data, posing a practical challenge regarding the amount of data available due to privacy concerns. Federated Learning (FL) is a collaborative learning paradigm that breaks the barrier of data availability from different participants. Therefore, it provides a promising solution to customize and adapt FMs to a wide range of domain-specific tasks using distributed datasets whilst preserving privacy. This survey paper discusses the potentials and challenges of synergizing FL and FMs and summarizes core techniques, future directions, and applications. A periodically updated paper collection on FM-FL is available at


replace DU-Shapley: A Shapley Value Proxy for Efficient Dataset Valuation

Authors: Felipe Garrido-Lucero, Benjamin Heymann, Maxime Vono, Patrick Loiseau, Vianney Perchet

Abstract: We consider the dataset valuation problem, that is, the problem of quantifying the incremental gain, to some relevant pre-defined utility of a machine learning task, of aggregating an individual dataset to others. The Shapley value is a natural tool to perform dataset valuation due to its formal axiomatic justification, which can be combined with Monte Carlo integration to overcome the computational tractability challenges. Such generic approximation methods, however, remain expensive in some cases. In this paper, we exploit the knowledge about the structure of the dataset valuation problem to devise more efficient Shapley value estimators. We propose a novel approximation, referred to as discrete uniform Shapley, which is expressed as an expectation under a discrete uniform distribution with support of reasonable size. We justify the relevancy of the proposed framework via asymptotic and non-asymptotic theoretical guarantees and illustrate its benefits via an extensive set of numerical experiments.

replace Integrated Planning in Hospitals: A Review

Authors: Sebastian Rachuba, Melanie Reuter-Oppermann, Clemens Thielen

Abstract: Efficient planning of scarce resources in hospitals is a challenging task for which a large variety of Operations Research and Management Science approaches have been developed since the 1950s. While efficient planning of single resources such as operating rooms, beds, or specific types of staff can already lead to enormous efficiency gains, integrated planning of several resources has been shown to hold even greater potential, and a large number of integrated planning approaches have been presented in the literature over the past decades. This paper provides the first literature review that focuses specifically on the Operations Research and Management Science literature related to integrated planning of different resources in hospitals. We collect the relevant literature and analyze it regarding different aspects such as uncertainty modeling and the use of real-life data. Several cross comparisons reveal interesting insights concerning, e.g., relations between the modeling and solution methods used and the practical implementation of the approaches developed. Moreover, we provide a high-level taxonomy for classifying different resource-focused integration approaches and point out gaps in the literature as well as promising directions for future research.

replace Multimodal Pretrained Models for Verifiable Sequential Decision-Making: Planning, Grounding, and Perception

Authors: Yunhao Yang, Cyrus Neary, Ufuk Topcu

Abstract: Recently developed pretrained models can encode rich world knowledge expressed in multiple modalities, such as text and images. However, the outputs of these models cannot be integrated into algorithms to solve sequential decision-making tasks. We develop an algorithm that utilizes the knowledge from pretrained models to construct and verify controllers for sequential decision-making tasks, and to ground these controllers to task environments through visual observations with formal guarantees. In particular, the algorithm queries a pretrained model with a user-provided, text-based task description and uses the model's output to construct an automaton-based controller that encodes the model's task-relevant knowledge. It allows formal verification of whether the knowledge encoded in the controller is consistent with other independently available knowledge, which may include abstract information on the environment or user-provided specifications. Next, the algorithm leverages the vision and language capabilities of pretrained models to link the observations from the task environment to the text-based control logic from the controller (e.g., actions and conditions that trigger the actions). We propose a mechanism to provide probabilistic guarantees on whether the controller satisfies the user-provided specifications under perceptual uncertainties. We demonstrate the algorithm's ability to construct, verify, and ground automaton-based controllers through a suite of real-world tasks, including daily life and robot manipulation tasks.

replace Uncovering communities of pipelines in the task-fMRI analytical space

Authors: Elodie Germani (EMPENN), Elisa Fromont (LACODAM), Camille Maumet (EMPENN)

Abstract: Analytical workflows in functional magnetic resonance imaging are highly flexible with limited best practices as to how to choose a pipeline. While it has been shown that the use of different pipelines might lead to different results, there is still a lack of understanding of the factors that drive these differences and of the stability of these differences across contexts. We use community detection algorithms to explore the pipeline space and assess the stability of pipeline relationships across different contexts. We show that there are subsets of pipelines that give similar results, especially those sharing specific parameters (e.g. number of motion regressors, software packages, etc.). Those pipeline-to-pipeline patterns are stable across groups of participants but not across different tasks. By visualizing the differences between communities, we show that the pipeline space is mainly driven by the size of the activation area in the brain and the scale of statistic values in statistic maps.

replace Large Language Models Play StarCraft II: Benchmarks and A Chain of Summarization Approach

Authors: Weiyu Ma, Qirui Mi, Yongcheng Zeng, Xue Yan, Yuqiao Wu, Runji Lin, Haifeng Zhang, Jun Wang

Abstract: StarCraft II is a challenging benchmark for AI agents due to the necessity of both precise micro level operations and strategic macro awareness. Previous works, such as Alphastar and SCC, achieve impressive performance on tackling StarCraft II , however, still exhibit deficiencies in long term strategic planning and strategy interpretability. Emerging large language model (LLM) agents, such as Voyage and MetaGPT, presents the immense potential in solving intricate tasks. Motivated by this, we aim to validate the capabilities of LLMs on StarCraft II, a highly complex RTS game.To conveniently take full advantage of LLMs` reasoning abilities, we first develop textual StratCraft II environment, called TextStarCraft II, which LLM agent can interact. Secondly, we propose a Chain of Summarization method, including single frame summarization for processing raw observations and multi frame summarization for analyzing game information, providing command recommendations, and generating strategic decisions. Our experiment consists of two parts: first, an evaluation by human experts, which includes assessing the LLMs`s mastery of StarCraft II knowledge and the performance of LLM agents in the game; second, the in game performance of LLM agents, encompassing aspects like win rate and the impact of Chain of Summarization.Experiment results demonstrate that: 1. LLMs possess the relevant knowledge and complex planning abilities needed to address StarCraft II scenarios; 2. Human experts consider the performance of LLM agents to be close to that of an average player who has played StarCraft II for eight years; 3. LLM agents are capable of defeating the built in AI at the Harder(Lv5) difficulty level. We have open sourced the code and released demo videos of LLM agent playing StarCraft II.

replace Capturing Knowledge Graphs and Rules with Octagon Embeddings

Authors: Victor Charpenay, Steven Schockaert

Abstract: Region based knowledge graph embeddings represent relations as geometric regions. This has the advantage that the rules which are captured by the model are made explicit, making it straightforward to incorporate prior knowledge and to inspect learned models. Unfortunately, existing approaches are severely restricted in their ability to model relational composition, and hence also their ability to model rules, thus failing to deliver on the main promise of region based models. With the aim of addressing these limitations, we investigate regions which are composed of axis-aligned octagons. Such octagons are particularly easy to work with, as intersections and compositions can be straightforwardly computed, while they are still sufficiently expressive to model arbitrary knowledge graphs. Among others, we also show that our octagon embeddings can properly capture a non-trivial class of rule bases. Finally, we show that our model achieves competitive experimental results.

replace Multi-Sender Persuasion: A Computational Perspective

Authors: Safwan Hossain, Tonghan Wang, Tao Lin, Yiling Chen, David C. Parkes, Haifeng Xu

Abstract: We consider the multi-sender persuasion problem: multiple players with informational advantage signal to convince a single self-interested actor to take certain actions. This problem generalizes the seminal Bayesian Persuasion framework and is ubiquitous in computational economics, multi-agent learning, and machine learning with multiple objectives. The core solution concept here is the Nash equilibrium of senders' signaling policies. Theoretically, we prove that finding an equilibrium in general is PPAD-Hard; in fact, even computing a sender's best response is NP-Hard. Given these intrinsic difficulties, we turn to finding local Nash equilibria. We propose a novel differentiable neural network to approximate this game's non-linear and discontinuous utilities. Complementing this with the extra-gradient algorithm, we discover local equilibria that Pareto dominates full-revelation equilibria and those found by existing neural networks. Broadly, our theoretical and empirical contributions are of interest to a large class of economic problems.

replace AuditLLM: A Tool for Auditing Large Language Models Using Multiprobe Approach

Authors: Maryam Amirizaniani, Elias Martin, Tanya Roosta, Aman Chadha, Chirag Shah

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) are integrated into various sectors, ensuring their reliability and safety is crucial. This necessitates rigorous probing and auditing to maintain their effectiveness and trustworthiness in practical applications. Subjecting LLMs to varied iterations of a single query can unveil potential inconsistencies in their knowledge base or functional capacity. However, a tool for performing such audits with a easy to execute workflow, and low technical threshold is lacking. In this demo, we introduce ``AuditLLM,'' a novel tool designed to audit the performance of various LLMs in a methodical way. AuditLLM's primary function is to audit a given LLM by deploying multiple probes derived from a single question, thus detecting any inconsistencies in the model's comprehension or performance. A robust, reliable, and consistent LLM is expected to generate semantically similar responses to variably phrased versions of the same question. Building on this premise, AuditLLM generates easily interpretable results that reflect the LLM's consistency based on a single input question provided by the user. A certain level of inconsistency has been shown to be an indicator of potential bias, hallucinations, and other issues. One could then use the output of AuditLLM to further investigate issues with the aforementioned LLM. To facilitate demonstration and practical uses, AuditLLM offers two key modes: (1) Live mode which allows instant auditing of LLMs by analyzing responses to real-time queries; and (2) Batch mode which facilitates comprehensive LLM auditing by processing multiple queries at once for in-depth analysis. This tool is beneficial for both researchers and general users, as it enhances our understanding of LLMs' capabilities in generating responses, using a standardized auditing platform.

replace How Well Do Multi-modal LLMs Interpret CT Scans? An Auto-Evaluation Framework for Analyses

Authors: Qingqing Zhu, Benjamin Hou, Tejas S. Mathai, Pritam Mukherjee, Qiao Jin, Xiuying Chen, Zhizheng Wang, Ruida Cheng, Ronald M. Summers, Zhiyong Lu

Abstract: Automatically interpreting CT scans can ease the workload of radiologists. However, this is challenging mainly due to the scarcity of adequate datasets and reference standards for evaluation. This study aims to bridge this gap by introducing a novel evaluation framework, named ``GPTRadScore''. This framework assesses the capabilities of multi-modal LLMs, such as GPT-4 with Vision (GPT-4V), Gemini Pro Vision, LLaVA-Med, and RadFM, in generating descriptions for prospectively-identified findings. By employing a decomposition technique based on GPT-4, GPTRadScore compares these generated descriptions with gold-standard report sentences, analyzing their accuracy in terms of body part, location, and type of finding. Evaluations demonstrated a high correlation with clinician assessments and highlighted its potential over traditional metrics, such as BLEU, METEOR, and ROUGE. Furthermore, to contribute to future studies, we plan to release a benchmark dataset annotated by clinicians. Using GPTRadScore, we found that while GPT-4V and Gemini Pro Vision fare better, their performance revealed significant areas for improvement, primarily due to limitations in the dataset used for training these models. To demonstrate this potential, RadFM was fine-tuned and it resulted in significant accuracy improvements: location accuracy rose from 3.41\% to 12.8\%, body part accuracy from 29.12\% to 53\%, and type accuracy from 9.24\% to 30\%, thereby validating our hypothesis.

replace Reinforcement Learning from Multi-role Debates as Feedback for Bias Mitigation in LLMs

Authors: Ruoxi Cheng, Haoxuan Ma, Shuirong Cao, Jiaqi Li, Aihua Pei, Zhiqiang Wang, Pengliang Ji, Haoyu Wang, Jiaqi Huo

Abstract: Bias in LLMs can harm user experience and societal outcomes. However, current bias mitigation methods often require intensive human feedback, lack transferability to other topics or yield overconfident and random outputs. We find that involving LLMs in role-playing scenario boosts their ability to recognize and mitigate biases. Based on this, we propose Reinforcement Learning from Multi-role Debates as Feedback (RLDF), a novel approach for bias mitigation replacing human feedback in traditional RLHF. We utilize LLMs in multi-role debates to create a dataset that includes both high-bias and low-bias instances for training the reward model in reinforcement learning. Our approach comprises two modes: (1) self-reflection, where the same LLM participates in multi-role debates, and (2) teacher-student, where a more advanced LLM like GPT-3.5-turbo guides the LLM to perform this task. Experimental results across different LLMs demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in bias mitigation.

replace On the Empirical Complexity of Reasoning and Planning in LLMs

Authors: Liwei Kang, Zirui Zhao, David Hsu, Wee Sun Lee

Abstract: Chain-of-thought (CoT), tree-of-thought (ToT), and related techniques work surprisingly well in practice for some complex reasoning tasks with Large Language Models (LLMs), but why? This work seeks the underlying reasons by conducting experimental case studies and linking the performance benefits to well-established sample and computational complexity principles in machine learning. We experimented with 6 reasoning tasks, ranging from grade school math, air travel planning, ..., to Blocksworld. The results suggest that (i) both CoT and ToT benefit significantly from task decomposition, which breaks a complex reasoning task into a sequence of steps with low sample complexity and explicitly outlines the reasoning structure, and (ii) for computationally hard reasoning tasks, the more sophisticated tree structure of ToT outperforms the linear structure of CoT. These findings provide useful guidelines for the use of LLM in solving reasoning tasks in practice.

replace Cross-Problem Learning for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems

Authors: Zhuoyi Lin, Yaoxin Wu, Bangjian Zhou, Zhiguang Cao, Wen Song, Yingqian Zhang, Senthilnath Jayavelu

Abstract: Existing neural heuristics often train a deep architecture from scratch for each specific vehicle routing problem (VRP), ignoring the transferable knowledge across different VRP variants. This paper proposes the cross-problem learning to assist heuristics training for different downstream VRP variants. Particularly, we modularize neural architectures for complex VRPs into 1) the backbone Transformer for tackling the travelling salesman problem (TSP), and 2) the additional lightweight modules for processing problem-specific features in complex VRPs. Accordingly, we propose to pre-train the backbone Transformer for TSP, and then apply it in the process of fine-tuning the Transformer models for each target VRP variant. On the one hand, we fully fine-tune the trained backbone Transformer and problem-specific modules simultaneously. On the other hand, we only fine-tune small adapter networks along with the modules, keeping the backbone Transformer still. Extensive experiments on typical VRPs substantiate that 1) the full fine-tuning achieves significantly better performance than the one trained from scratch, and 2) the adapter-based fine-tuning also delivers comparable performance while being notably parameter-efficient. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate the favorable effect of our method in terms of cross-distribution application and versatility.

replace Data Set Terminology of Deep Learning in Medicine: A Historical Review and Recommendation

Authors: Shannon L. Walston, Hiroshi Seki, Hirotaka Takita, Yasuhito Mitsuyama, Shingo Sato, Akifumi Hagiwara, Rintaro Ito, Shouhei Hanaoka, Yukio Miki, Daiju Ueda

Abstract: Medicine and deep learning-based artificial intelligence (AI) engineering represent two distinct fields each with decades of published history. With such history comes a set of terminology that has a specific way in which it is applied. However, when two distinct fields with overlapping terminology start to collaborate, miscommunication and misunderstandings can occur. This narrative review aims to give historical context for these terms, accentuate the importance of clarity when these terms are used in medical AI contexts, and offer solutions to mitigate misunderstandings by readers from either field. Through an examination of historical documents, including articles, writing guidelines, and textbooks, this review traces the divergent evolution of terms for data sets and their impact. Initially, the discordant interpretations of the word 'validation' in medical and AI contexts are explored. Then the data sets used for AI evaluation are classified, namely random splitting, cross-validation, temporal, geographic, internal, and external sets. The accurate and standardized description of these data sets is crucial for demonstrating the robustness and generalizability of AI applications in medicine. This review clarifies existing literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of these classifications and their implications in AI evaluation. This review then identifies often misunderstood terms and proposes pragmatic solutions to mitigate terminological confusion. Among these solutions are the use of standardized terminology such as 'training set,' 'validation (or tuning) set,' and 'test set,' and explicit definition of data set splitting terminologies in each medical AI research publication. This review aspires to enhance the precision of communication in medical AI, thereby fostering more effective and transparent research methodologies in this interdisciplinary field.

replace Monte Carlo Tree Search Boosts Reasoning via Iterative Preference Learning

Authors: Yuxi Xie, Anirudh Goyal, Wenyue Zheng, Min-Yen Kan, Timothy P. Lillicrap, Kenji Kawaguchi, Michael Shieh

Abstract: We introduce an approach aimed at enhancing the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) through an iterative preference learning process inspired by the successful strategy employed by AlphaZero. Our work leverages Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to iteratively collect preference data, utilizing its look-ahead ability to break down instance-level rewards into more granular step-level signals. To enhance consistency in intermediate steps, we combine outcome validation and stepwise self-evaluation, continually updating the quality assessment of newly generated data. The proposed algorithm employs Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to update the LLM policy using this newly generated step-level preference data. Theoretical analysis reveals the importance of using on-policy sampled data for successful self-improving. Extensive evaluations on various arithmetic and commonsense reasoning tasks demonstrate remarkable performance improvements over existing models. For instance, our approach outperforms the Mistral-7B Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) baseline on GSM8K, MATH, and ARC-C, with substantial increases in accuracy to $81.8\%$ (+$5.9\%$), $34.7\%$ (+$5.8\%$), and $76.4\%$ (+$15.8\%$), respectively. Additionally, our research delves into the training and inference compute tradeoff, providing insights into how our method effectively maximizes performance gains. Our code is publicly available at


replace Multi-Modal and Multi-Agent Systems Meet Rationality: A Survey

Authors: Bowen Jiang, Yangxinyu Xie, Xiaomeng Wang, Weijie J. Su, Camillo J. Taylor, Tanwi Mallick

Abstract: Rationality is the quality of being guided by reason, characterized by logical thinking and decision-making that align with evidence and logical rules. This quality is essential for effective problem-solving, as it ensures that solutions are well-founded and systematically derived. Despite the advancements of large language models (LLMs) in generating human-like text with remarkable accuracy, they present biases inherited from the training data, inconsistency across different contexts, and difficulty understanding complex scenarios involving multiple layers of context. Therefore, recent research attempts to leverage the strength of multiple agents working collaboratively with various types of data and tools for enhanced consistency and reliability. To that end, this paper aims to understand whether multi-modal and multi-agent systems are advancing toward rationality by surveying the state-of-the-art works, identifying advancements over single-agent and single-modal systems in terms of rationality, and discussing open problems and future directions. We maintain an open repository at


replace VLind-Bench: Measuring Language Priors in Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Kang-il Lee, Minbeom Kim, Minsung Kim, Dongryeol Lee, Hyukhun Koh, Kyomin Jung

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated outstanding performance across various multimodal tasks. However, they suffer from a problem known as language prior, where responses are generated based solely on textual patterns while disregarding image information. Addressing the issue of language prior is crucial, as it can lead to undesirable biases or hallucinations when dealing with images that are out of training distribution. Despite its importance, current methods for accurately measuring language priors in LVLMs are poorly studied. Although existing benchmarks based on counterfactual or out-of-distribution images can partially be used to measure language priors, they fail to disentangle language priors from other confounding factors. To this end, we propose a new benchmark called VLind-Bench, which is the first benchmark specifically designed to measure the language priors, or blindness, of LVLMs. It not only includes tests on counterfactual images to assess language priors but also involves a series of tests to evaluate more basic capabilities such as commonsense knowledge, visual perception, and commonsense biases. For each instance in our benchmark, we ensure that all these basic tests are passed before evaluating the language priors, thereby minimizing the influence of other factors on the assessment. The evaluation and analysis of recent LVLMs in our benchmark reveal that almost all models exhibit a significant reliance on language priors, presenting a strong challenge in the field.

replace Efficient Prompting for LLM-based Generative Internet of Things

Authors: Bin Xiao, Burak Kantarci, Jiawen Kang, Dusit Niyato, Mohsen Guizani

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capacities on various tasks, and integrating the capacities of LLMs into the Internet of Things (IoT) applications has drawn much research attention recently. Due to security concerns, many institutions avoid accessing state-of-the-art commercial LLM services, requiring the deployment and utilization of open-source LLMs in a local network setting. However, open-source LLMs usually have more limitations regarding their performance, such as their arithmetic calculation and reasoning capacities, and practical systems of applying LLMs to IoT have yet to be well-explored. Therefore, we propose a text-based generative IoT (GIoT) system deployed in the local network setting in this study. To alleviate the limitations of LLMs and provide service with competitive performance, we apply prompt engineering methods to enhance the capacities of the open-source LLMs, design a Prompt Management Module and a Post-processing Module to manage the tailored prompts for different tasks and process the results generated by the LLMs. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system, we discuss a challenging Table Question Answering (Table-QA) task as a case study of the proposed system, as tabular data is usually more challenging than plain text because of their complex structures, heterogeneous data types and sometimes huge sizes. We conduct comprehensive experiments on two popular Table-QA datasets, and the results show that our proposal can achieve competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art LLMs, demonstrating that the proposed LLM-based GIoT system can provide competitive performance with tailored prompting methods and is easily extensible to new tasks without training.

replace Dynamic Normativity: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Value Alignment

Authors: Nicholas Kluge Corr\^ea

Abstract: The critical inquiry pervading the realm of Philosophy, and perhaps extending its influence across all Humanities disciplines, revolves around the intricacies of morality and normativity. Surprisingly, in recent years, this thematic thread has woven its way into an unexpected domain, one not conventionally associated with pondering "what ought to be": the field of artificial intelligence (AI) research. Central to morality and AI, we find "alignment", a problem related to the challenges of expressing human goals and values in a manner that artificial systems can follow without leading to unwanted adversarial effects. More explicitly and with our current paradigm of AI development in mind, we can think of alignment as teaching human values to non-anthropomorphic entities trained through opaque, gradient-based learning techniques. This work addresses alignment as a technical-philosophical problem that requires solid philosophical foundations and practical implementations that bring normative theory to AI system development. To accomplish this, we propose two sets of necessary and sufficient conditions that, we argue, should be considered in any alignment process. While necessary conditions serve as metaphysical and metaethical roots that pertain to the permissibility of alignment, sufficient conditions establish a blueprint for aligning AI systems under a learning-based paradigm. After laying such foundations, we present implementations of this approach by using state-of-the-art techniques and methods for aligning general-purpose language systems. We call this framework Dynamic Normativity. Its central thesis is that any alignment process under a learning paradigm that cannot fulfill its necessary and sufficient conditions will fail in producing aligned systems.

replace-cross The Lie Derivative for Measuring Learned Equivariance

Authors: Nate Gruver, Marc Finzi, Micah Goldblum, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Abstract: Equivariance guarantees that a model's predictions capture key symmetries in data. When an image is translated or rotated, an equivariant model's representation of that image will translate or rotate accordingly. The success of convolutional neural networks has historically been tied to translation equivariance directly encoded in their architecture. The rising success of vision transformers, which have no explicit architectural bias towards equivariance, challenges this narrative and suggests that augmentations and training data might also play a significant role in their performance. In order to better understand the role of equivariance in recent vision models, we introduce the Lie derivative, a method for measuring equivariance with strong mathematical foundations and minimal hyperparameters. Using the Lie derivative, we study the equivariance properties of hundreds of pretrained models, spanning CNNs, transformers, and Mixer architectures. The scale of our analysis allows us to separate the impact of architecture from other factors like model size or training method. Surprisingly, we find that many violations of equivariance can be linked to spatial aliasing in ubiquitous network layers, such as pointwise non-linearities, and that as models get larger and more accurate they tend to display more equivariance, regardless of architecture. For example, transformers can be more equivariant than convolutional neural networks after training.

replace-cross A Survey on In-context Learning

Authors: Qingxiu Dong, Lei Li, Damai Dai, Ce Zheng, Jingyuan Ma, Rui Li, Heming Xia, Jingjing Xu, Zhiyong Wu, Baobao Chang, Xu Sun, Lei Li, Zhifang Sui

Abstract: With the increasing capabilities of large language models (LLMs), in-context learning (ICL) has emerged as a new paradigm for natural language processing (NLP), where LLMs make predictions based on contexts augmented with a few examples. It has been a significant trend to explore ICL to evaluate and extrapolate the ability of LLMs. In this paper, we aim to survey and summarize the progress and challenges of ICL. We first present a formal definition of ICL and clarify its correlation to related studies. Then, we organize and discuss advanced techniques, including training strategies, prompt designing strategies, and related analysis. Additionally, we explore various ICL application scenarios, such as data engineering and knowledge updating. Finally, we address the challenges of ICL and suggest potential directions for further research. We hope that our work can encourage more research on uncovering how ICL works and improving ICL.

replace-cross Investigating the Impact of Direct Punishment on the Emergence of Cooperation in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems

Authors: Nayana Dasgupta, Mirco Musolesi

Abstract: Solving the problem of cooperation is fundamentally important for the creation and maintenance of functional societies. Problems of cooperation are omnipresent within human society, with examples ranging from navigating busy road junctions to negotiating treaties. As the use of AI becomes more pervasive throughout society, the need for socially intelligent agents capable of navigating these complex cooperative dilemmas is becoming increasingly evident. Direct punishment is a ubiquitous social mechanism that has been shown to foster the emergence of cooperation in both humans and non-humans. In the natural world, direct punishment is often strongly coupled with partner selection and reputation and used in conjunction with third-party punishment. The interactions between these mechanisms could potentially enhance the emergence of cooperation within populations. However, no previous work has evaluated the learning dynamics and outcomes emerging from Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) populations that combine these mechanisms. This paper addresses this gap. It presents a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the behaviors and learning dynamics associated with direct punishment, third-party punishment, partner selection, and reputation. Finally, we discuss the implications of using these mechanisms on the design of cooperative AI systems.

replace-cross A generalizable framework for low-rank tensor completion with numerical priors

Authors: Shiran Yuan, Kaizhu Huang

Abstract: Low-Rank Tensor Completion, a method which exploits the inherent structure of tensors, has been studied extensively as an effective approach to tensor completion. Whilst such methods attained great success, none have systematically considered exploiting the numerical priors of tensor elements. Ignoring numerical priors causes loss of important information regarding the data, and therefore prevents the algorithms from reaching optimal accuracy. Despite the existence of some individual works which consider ad hoc numerical priors for specific tasks, no generalizable frameworks for incorporating numerical priors have appeared. We present the Generalized CP Decomposition Tensor Completion (GCDTC) framework, the first generalizable framework for low-rank tensor completion that takes numerical priors of the data into account. We test GCDTC by further proposing the Smooth Poisson Tensor Completion (SPTC) algorithm, an instantiation of the GCDTC framework, whose performance exceeds current state-of-the-arts by considerable margins in the task of non-negative tensor completion, exemplifying GCDTC's effectiveness. Our code is open-source.

replace-cross ChatLog: Carefully Evaluating the Evolution of ChatGPT Across Time

Authors: Shangqing Tu, Chunyang Li, Jifan Yu, Xiaozhi Wang, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li

Abstract: ChatGPT has achieved great success and can be considered to have acquired an infrastructural status. There are abundant works for evaluating ChatGPT on benchmarks. However, existing benchmarks encounter two challenges: (1) Disregard for periodical evaluation and (2) Lack of fine-grained features. In this paper, we construct ChatLog, an ever-updating dataset with large-scale records of diverse long-form ChatGPT responses for 21 NLP benchmarks from March, 2023 to now. We conduct a comprehensive performance evaluation to find that most capabilities of ChatGPT improve over time except for some abilities, and there exists a step-wise evolving pattern of ChatGPT. We further analyze the inherent characteristics of ChatGPT by extracting the knowledge and linguistic features. We find some stable features that stay unchanged and apply them on the detection of ChatGPT-generated texts to improve the robustness of cross-version detection. We will continuously maintain our project at \url{}.


replace-cross A Survey on Large Language Models for Recommendation

Authors: Likang Wu, Zhi Zheng, Zhaopeng Qiu, Hao Wang, Hongchao Gu, Tingjia Shen, Chuan Qin, Chen Zhu, Hengshu Zhu, Qi Liu, Hui Xiong, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and have recently gained significant attention in the domain of Recommendation Systems (RS). These models, trained on massive amounts of data using self-supervised learning, have demonstrated remarkable success in learning universal representations and have the potential to enhance various aspects of recommendation systems by some effective transfer techniques such as fine-tuning and prompt tuning, and so on. The crucial aspect of harnessing the power of language models in enhancing recommendation quality is the utilization of their high-quality representations of textual features and their extensive coverage of external knowledge to establish correlations between items and users. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the existing LLM-based recommendation systems, this survey presents a taxonomy that categorizes these models into two major paradigms, respectively Discriminative LLM for Recommendation (DLLM4Rec) and Generative LLM for Recommendation (GLLM4Rec), with the latter being systematically sorted out for the first time. Furthermore, we systematically review and analyze existing LLM-based recommendation systems within each paradigm, providing insights into their methodologies, techniques, and performance. Additionally, we identify key challenges and several valuable findings to provide researchers and practitioners with inspiration. We have also created a GitHub repository to index relevant papers on LLMs for recommendation,


replace-cross Data Poisoning to Fake a Nash Equilibrium in Markov Games

Authors: Young Wu, Jeremy McMahan, Xiaojin Zhu, Qiaomin Xie

Abstract: We characterize offline data poisoning attacks on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), where an attacker may change a data set in an attempt to install a (potentially fictitious) unique Markov-perfect Nash equilibrium for a two-player zero-sum Markov game. We propose the unique Nash set, namely the set of games, specified by their Q functions, with a specific joint policy being the unique Nash equilibrium. The unique Nash set is central to poisoning attacks because the attack is successful if and only if data poisoning pushes all plausible games inside the set. The unique Nash set generalizes the reward polytope commonly used in inverse reinforcement learning to MARL. For zero-sum Markov games, both the inverse Nash set and the set of plausible games induced by data are polytopes in the Q function space. We exhibit a linear program to efficiently compute the optimal poisoning attack. Our work sheds light on the structure of data poisoning attacks on offline MARL, a necessary step before one can design more robust MARL algorithms.

replace-cross Benchmarking Zero-Shot Recognition with Vision-Language Models: Challenges on Granularity and Specificity

Authors: Zhenlin Xu, Yi Zhu, Tiffany Deng, Abhay Mittal, Yanbei Chen, Manchen Wang, Paolo Favaro, Joseph Tighe, Davide Modolo

Abstract: This paper presents novel benchmarks for evaluating vision-language models (VLMs) in zero-shot recognition, focusing on granularity and specificity. Although VLMs excel in tasks like image captioning, they face challenges in open-world settings. Our benchmarks test VLMs' consistency in understanding concepts across semantic granularity levels and their response to varying text specificity. Findings show that VLMs favor moderately fine-grained concepts and struggle with specificity, often misjudging texts that differ from their training data. Extensive evaluations reveal limitations in current VLMs, particularly in distinguishing between correct and subtly incorrect descriptions. While fine-tuning offers some improvements, it doesn't fully address these issues, highlighting the need for VLMs with enhanced generalization capabilities for real-world applications. This study provides insights into VLM limitations and suggests directions for developing more robust models.

replace-cross STG4Traffic: A Survey and Benchmark of Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Networks for Traffic Prediction

Authors: Xunlian Luo, Chunjiang Zhu, Detian Zhang, Qing Li

Abstract: Traffic prediction has been an active research topic in the domain of spatial-temporal data mining. Accurate real-time traffic prediction is essential to improve the safety, stability, and versatility of smart city systems, i.e., traffic control and optimal routing. The complex and highly dynamic spatial-temporal dependencies make effective predictions still face many challenges. Recent studies have shown that spatial-temporal graph neural networks exhibit great potential applied to traffic prediction, which combines sequential models with graph convolutional networks to jointly model temporal and spatial correlations. However, a survey study of graph learning, spatial-temporal graph models for traffic, as well as a fair comparison of baseline models are pending and unavoidable issues. In this paper, we first provide a systematic review of graph learning strategies and commonly used graph convolution algorithms. Then we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of recently proposed spatial-temporal graph network models. Furthermore, we build a study called STG4Traffic using the deep learning framework PyTorch to establish a standardized and scalable benchmark on two types of traffic datasets. We can evaluate their performance by personalizing the model settings with uniform metrics. Finally, we point out some problems in the current study and discuss future directions. Source codes are available at


replace-cross SwinGNN: Rethinking Permutation Invariance in Diffusion Models for Graph Generation

Authors: Qi Yan, Zhengyang Liang, Yang Song, Renjie Liao, Lele Wang

Abstract: Diffusion models based on permutation-equivariant networks can learn permutation-invariant distributions for graph data. However, in comparison to their non-invariant counterparts, we have found that these invariant models encounter greater learning challenges since 1) their effective target distributions exhibit more modes; 2) their optimal one-step denoising scores are the score functions of Gaussian mixtures with more components. Motivated by this analysis, we propose a non-invariant diffusion model, called $\textit{SwinGNN}$, which employs an efficient edge-to-edge 2-WL message passing network and utilizes shifted window based self-attention inspired by SwinTransformers. Further, through systematic ablations, we identify several critical training and sampling techniques that significantly improve the sample quality of graph generation. At last, we introduce a simple post-processing trick, $\textit{i.e.}$, randomly permuting the generated graphs, which provably converts any graph generative model to a permutation-invariant one. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world protein and molecule datasets show that our SwinGNN achieves state-of-the-art performances. Our code is released at


replace-cross Promoting Exploration in Memory-Augmented Adam using Critical Momenta

Authors: Pranshu Malviya, Gon\c{c}alo Mordido, Aristide Baratin, Reza Babanezhad Harikandeh, Jerry Huang, Simon Lacoste-Julien, Razvan Pascanu, Sarath Chandar

Abstract: Adaptive gradient-based optimizers, notably Adam, have left their mark in training large-scale deep learning models, offering fast convergence and robustness to hyperparameter settings. However, they often struggle with generalization, attributed to their tendency to converge to sharp minima in the loss landscape. To address this, we propose a new memory-augmented version of Adam that encourages exploration towards flatter minima by incorporating a buffer of critical momentum terms during training. This buffer prompts the optimizer to overshoot beyond narrow minima, promoting exploration. Through comprehensive analysis in simple settings, we illustrate the efficacy of our approach in increasing exploration and bias towards flatter minima. We empirically demonstrate that it can improve model performance for image classification on ImageNet and CIFAR10/100, language modelling on Penn Treebank, and online learning tasks on TinyImageNet and 5-dataset. Our code is available at \url{}.


replace-cross Generative Escher Meshes

Authors: Noam Aigerman, Thibault Groueix

Abstract: This paper proposes a fully-automatic, text-guided generative method for producing perfectly-repeating, periodic, tile-able 2D imagery, such as the one seen on floors, mosaics, ceramics, and the work of M.C. Escher. In contrast to square texture images that are seamless when tiled, our method generates non-square tilings which comprise solely of repeating copies of the same object. It achieves this by optimizing both geometry and texture of a 2D mesh, yielding a non-square tile in the shape and appearance of the desired object, with close to no additional background details, that can tile the plane without gaps nor overlaps. We enable optimization of the tile's shape by an unconstrained, differentiable parameterization of the space of all valid tileable meshes for given boundary conditions stemming from a symmetry group. Namely, we construct a differentiable family of linear systems derived from a 2D mesh-mapping technique - Orbifold Tutte Embedding - by considering the mesh's Laplacian matrix as differentiable parameters. We prove that the solution space of these linear systems is exactly all possible valid tiling configurations, thereby providing an end-to-end differentiable representation for the entire space of valid tiles. We render the textured mesh via a differentiable renderer, and leverage a pre-trained image diffusion model to induce a loss on the resulting image, updating the mesh's parameters so as to make its appearance match the text prompt. We show our method is able to produce plausible, appealing results, with non-trivial tiles, for a variety of different periodic tiling patterns.

replace-cross RoleLLM: Benchmarking, Eliciting, and Enhancing Role-Playing Abilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Zekun Moore Wang, Zhongyuan Peng, Haoran Que, Jiaheng Liu, Wangchunshu Zhou, Yuhan Wu, Hongcheng Guo, Ruitong Gan, Zehao Ni, Jian Yang, Man Zhang, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Wanli Ouyang, Ke Xu, Stephen W. Huang, Jie Fu, Junran Peng

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has paved the way for complex tasks such as role-playing, which enhances user interactions by enabling models to imitate various characters. However, the closed-source nature of state-of-the-art LLMs and their general-purpose training limit role-playing optimization. In this paper, we introduce RoleLLM, a framework to benchmark, elicit, and enhance role-playing abilities in LLMs. RoleLLM comprises four stages: (1) Role Profile Construction for 100 roles; (2) Context-Based Instruction Generation (Context-Instruct) for role-specific knowledge extraction; (3) Role Prompting using GPT (RoleGPT) for speaking style imitation; and (4) Role-Conditioned Instruction Tuning (RoCIT) for fine-tuning open-source models along with role customization. By Context-Instruct and RoleGPT, we create RoleBench, the first systematic and fine-grained character-level benchmark dataset for role-playing with 168,093 samples. Moreover, RoCIT on RoleBench yields RoleLLaMA (English) and RoleGLM (Chinese), significantly enhancing role-playing abilities and even achieving comparable results with RoleGPT (using GPT-4).

replace-cross Identifying and Mitigating Privacy Risks Stemming from Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Victoria Smith, Ali Shahin Shamsabadi, Carolyn Ashurst, Adrian Weller

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown greatly enhanced performance in recent years, attributed to increased size and extensive training data. This advancement has led to widespread interest and adoption across industries and the public. However, training data memorization in Machine Learning models scales with model size, particularly concerning for LLMs. Memorized text sequences have the potential to be directly leaked from LLMs, posing a serious threat to data privacy. Various techniques have been developed to attack LLMs and extract their training data. As these models continue to grow, this issue becomes increasingly critical. To help researchers and policymakers understand the state of knowledge around privacy attacks and mitigations, including where more work is needed, we present the first SoK on data privacy for LLMs. We (i) identify a taxonomy of salient dimensions where attacks differ on LLMs, (ii) systematize existing attacks, using our taxonomy of dimensions to highlight key trends, (iii) survey existing mitigation strategies, highlighting their strengths and limitations, and (iv) identify key gaps, demonstrating open problems and areas for concern.

replace-cross Language Models as Zero-Shot Trajectory Generators

Authors: Teyun Kwon, Norman Di Palo, Edward Johns

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently shown promise as high-level planners for robots when given access to a selection of low-level skills. However, it is often assumed that LLMs do not possess sufficient knowledge to be used for the low-level trajectories themselves. In this work, we address this assumption thoroughly, and investigate if an LLM (GPT-4) can directly predict a dense sequence of end-effector poses for manipulation tasks, when given access to only object detection and segmentation vision models. We designed a single, task-agnostic prompt, without any in-context examples, motion primitives, or external trajectory optimisers. Then we studied how well it can perform across 30 real-world language-based tasks, such as "open the bottle cap" and "wipe the plate with the sponge", and we investigated which design choices in this prompt are the most important. Our conclusions raise the assumed limit of LLMs for robotics, and we reveal for the first time that LLMs do indeed possess an understanding of low-level robot control sufficient for a range of common tasks, and that they can additionally detect failures and then re-plan trajectories accordingly. Videos, prompts, and code are available at:


replace-cross Unleashing the potential of prompt engineering in Large Language Models: a comprehensive review

Authors: Banghao Chen, Zhaofeng Zhang, Nicolas Langren\'e, Shengxin Zhu

Abstract: This paper delves into the pivotal role of prompt engineering in unleashing the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Prompt engineering is the process of structuring input text for LLMs and is a technique integral to optimizing the efficacy of LLMs. This survey elucidates foundational principles of prompt engineering, such as role-prompting, one-shot, and few-shot prompting, as well as more advanced methodologies such as the chain-of-thought and tree-of-thoughts prompting. The paper sheds light on how external assistance in the form of plugins can assist in this task, and reduce machine hallucination by retrieving external knowledge. We subsequently delineate prospective directions in prompt engineering research, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of structures and the role of agents in Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content (AIGC) tools. We discuss how to assess the efficacy of prompt methods from different perspectives and using different methods. Finally, we gather information about the application of prompt engineering in such fields as education and programming, showing its transformative potential. This comprehensive survey aims to serve as a friendly guide for anyone venturing through the big world of LLMs and prompt engineering.

replace-cross ML-Bench: Evaluating Large Language Models and Agents for Machine Learning Tasks on Repository-Level Code

Authors: Xiangru Tang, Yuliang Liu, Zefan Cai, Yanjun Shao, Junjie Lu, Yichi Zhang, Zexuan Deng, Helan Hu, Kaikai An, Ruijun Huang, Shuzheng Si, Sheng Chen, Haozhe Zhao, Liang Chen, Yan Wang, Tianyu Liu, Zhiwei Jiang, Baobao Chang, Yin Fang, Yujia Qin, Wangchunshu Zhou, Yilun Zhao, Arman Cohan, Mark Gerstein

Abstract: Despite Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 achieving impressive results in function-level code generation, they struggle with repository-scale code understanding (e.g., coming up with the right arguments for calling routines), requiring a deeper comprehension of complex file interactions. Also, recently, people have developed LLM agents that attempt to interact with repository code (e.g., compiling and evaluating its execution), prompting the need to evaluate their performance. These gaps have motivated our development of ML-Bench, a benchmark rooted in real-world programming applications that leverage existing code repositories to perform tasks. Addressing the need for LLMs to interpret long code contexts and translate instructions into precise, executable scripts, ML-Bench encompasses annotated 9,641 examples across 18 GitHub repositories, challenging LLMs to accommodate user-specified arguments and documentation intricacies effectively. To evaluate both LLMs and AI agents, two setups are employed: ML-LLM-Bench for assessing LLMs' text-to-code conversion within a predefined deployment environment, and ML-Agent-Bench for testing autonomous agents in an end-to-end task execution within a Linux sandbox environment. Our findings indicate that while GPT-4o leads with a Pass@5 rate surpassing 50%, there remains significant scope for improvement, highlighted by issues such as hallucinated outputs and difficulties with bash script generation. Notably, in the more demanding ML-Agent-Bench, GPT-4o achieves a 76.47% success rate, reflecting the efficacy of iterative action and feedback in complex task resolution. Our code, dataset, and models are available at


replace-cross Nova: Generative Language Models for Assembly Code with Hierarchical Attention and Contrastive Learning

Authors: Nan Jiang, Chengxiao Wang, Kevin Liu, Xiangzhe Xu, Lin Tan, Xiangyu Zhang

Abstract: Binary code analysis is the foundation of crucial tasks in the security domain; thus building effective binary analysis techniques is more important than ever. Large language models (LLMs) although have brought impressive improvement to source code tasks, do not directly generalize to assembly code due to the unique challenges of assembly: (1) the low information density of assembly and (2) the diverse optimizations in assembly code. To overcome these challenges, this work proposes a hierarchical attention mechanism that builds attention summaries to capture the semantics more effectively, and designs contrastive learning objectives to train LLMs to learn assembly optimization. Equipped with these techniques, this work develops Nova, a generative LLM for assembly code. Nova outperforms existing techniques on binary code decompilation by up to 146.54%, and outperforms the latest binary code similarity detection techniques by up to 6.17%, showing promising abilities on both assembly generation and understanding tasks.

replace-cross ERASER: Machine Unlearning in MLaaS via an Inference Serving-Aware Approach

Authors: Yuke Hu, Jian Lou, Jiaqi Liu, Wangze Ni, Feng Lin, Zhan Qin, Kui Ren

Abstract: Over the past years, Machine Learning-as-a-Service (MLaaS) has received a surging demand for supporting Machine Learning-driven services to offer revolutionized user experience across diverse application areas. MLaaS provides inference service with low inference latency based on an ML model trained using a dataset collected from numerous individual data owners. Recently, for the sake of data owners' privacy and to comply with the "right to be forgotten (RTBF)" as enacted by data protection legislation, many machine unlearning methods have been proposed to remove data owners' data from trained models upon their unlearning requests. However, despite their promising efficiency, almost all existing machine unlearning methods handle unlearning requests independently from inference requests, which unfortunately introduces a new security issue of inference service obsolescence and a privacy vulnerability of undesirable exposure for machine unlearning in MLaaS. In this paper, we propose the ERASER framework for machinE unleaRning in MLaAS via an inferencE seRving-aware approach. ERASER strategically choose appropriate unlearning execution timing to address the inference service obsolescence issue. A novel inference consistency certification mechanism is proposed to avoid the violation of RTBF principle caused by postponed unlearning executions, thereby mitigating the undesirable exposure vulnerability. ERASER offers three groups of design choices to allow for tailor-made variants that best suit the specific environments and preferences of various MLaaS systems. Extensive empirical evaluations across various settings confirm ERASER's effectiveness, e.g., it can effectively save up to 99% of inference latency and 31% of computation overhead over the inference-oblivion baseline.

replace-cross Advances in 3D Neural Stylization: A Survey

Authors: Yingshu Chen, Guocheng Shao, Ka Chun Shum, Binh-Son Hua, Sai-Kit Yeung

Abstract: Modern artificial intelligence offers a novel and transformative approach to creating digital art across diverse styles and modalities like images, videos and 3D data, unleashing the power of creativity and revolutionizing the way that we perceive and interact with visual content. This paper reports on recent advances in stylized 3D asset creation and manipulation with the expressive power of neural networks. We establish a taxonomy for neural stylization, considering crucial design choices such as scene representation, guidance data, optimization strategies, and output styles. Building on such taxonomy, our survey first revisits the background of neural stylization on 2D images, and then presents in-depth discussions on recent neural stylization methods for 3D data, accompanied by a mini-benchmark evaluating selected neural field stylization methods. Based on the insights gained from the survey, we highlight the practical significance, open challenges, future research, and potential impacts of neural stylization, which facilitates researchers and practitioners to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of 3D content creation using modern artificial intelligence.

replace-cross Gemini: A Family of Highly Capable Multimodal Models

Authors: Gemini Team, Rohan Anil, Sebastian Borgeaud, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Jiahui Yu, Radu Soricut, Johan Schalkwyk, Andrew M. Dai, Anja Hauth, Katie Millican, David Silver, Melvin Johnson, Ioannis Antonoglou, Julian Schrittwieser, Amelia Glaese, Jilin Chen, Emily Pitler, Timothy Lillicrap, Angeliki Lazaridou, Orhan Firat, James Molloy, Michael Isard, Paul R. Barham, Tom Hennigan, Benjamin Lee, Fabio Viola, Malcolm Reynolds, Yuanzhong Xu, Ryan Doherty, Eli Collins, Clemens Meyer, Eliza Rutherford, Erica Moreira, Kareem Ayoub, Megha Goel, Jack Krawczyk, Cosmo Du, Ed Chi, Heng-Tze Cheng, Eric Ni, Purvi Shah, Patrick Kane, Betty Chan, Manaal Faruqui, Aliaksei Severyn, Hanzhao Lin, YaGuang Li, Yong Cheng, Abe Ittycheriah, Mahdis Mahdieh, Mia Chen, Pei Sun, Dustin Tran, Sumit Bagri, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Jeremiah Liu, Andras Orban, Fabian G\"ura, Hao Zhou, Xinying Song, Aurelien Boffy, Harish Ganapathy, Steven Zheng, HyunJeong Choe, \'Agoston Weisz, Tao Zhu, Yifeng Lu, Siddharth Gopal, Jarrod Kahn, Maciej Kula, Jeff Pitman, Rushin Shah, Emanuel Taropa, Majd Al Merey, Martin Baeuml, Zhifeng Chen, Laurent El Shafey, Yujing Zhang, Olcan Sercinoglu, George Tucker, Enrique Piqueras, Maxim Krikun, Iain Barr, Nikolay Savinov, Ivo Danihelka, Becca Roelofs, Ana\"is White, Anders Andreassen, Tamara von Glehn, Lakshman Yagati, Mehran Kazemi, Lucas Gonzalez, Misha Khalman, Jakub Sygnowski, Alexandre Frechette, Charlotte Smith, Laura Culp, Lev Proleev, Yi Luan, Xi Chen, James Lottes, Nathan Schucher, Federico Lebron, Alban Rrustemi, Natalie Clay, Phil Crone, Tomas Kocisky, Jeffrey Zhao, Bartek Perz, Dian Yu, Heidi Howard, Adam Bloniarz, Jack W. Rae, Han Lu, Laurent Sifre, Marcello Maggioni, Fred Alcober, Dan Garrette, Megan Barnes, Shantanu Thakoor, Jacob Austin, Gabriel Barth-Maron, William Wong, Rishabh Joshi, Rahma Chaabouni, Deeni Fatiha, Arun Ahuja, Gaurav Singh Tomar, Evan Senter, Martin Chadwick, Ilya Kornakov, Nithya Attaluri, I\~naki Iturrate, Ruibo Liu, Yunxuan Li, Sarah Cogan, Jeremy Chen, Chao Jia, Chenjie Gu, Qiao Zhang, Jordan Grimstad, Ale Jakse Hartman, Xavier Garcia, Thanumalayan Sankaranarayana Pillai, Jacob Devlin, Michael Laskin, Diego de Las Casas, Dasha Valter, Connie Tao, Lorenzo Blanco, Adri\`a Puigdom\`enech Badia, David Reitter, Mianna Chen, Jenny Brennan, Clara Rivera, Sergey Brin, Shariq Iqbal, Gabriela Surita, Jane Labanowski, Abhi Rao, Stephanie Winkler, Emilio Parisotto, Yiming Gu, Kate Olszewska, Ravi Addanki, Antoine Miech, Annie Louis, Denis Teplyashin, Geoff Brown, Elliot Catt, Jan Balaguer, Jackie Xiang, Pidong Wang, Zoe Ashwood, Anton Briukhov, Albert Webson, Sanjay Ganapathy, Smit Sanghavi, Ajay Kannan, Ming-Wei Chang, Axel Stjerngren, Josip Djolonga, Yuting Sun, Ankur Bapna, Matthew Aitchison, Pedram Pejman, Henryk Michalewski, Tianhe Yu, Cindy Wang, Juliette Love, Junwhan Ahn, Dawn Bloxwich, Kehang Han, Peter Humphreys, Thibault Sellam, James Bradbury, Varun Godbole, Sina Samangooei, Bogdan Damoc, Alex Kaskasoli, S\'ebastien M. R. Arnold, Vijay Vasudevan, Shubham Agrawal, Jason Riesa, Dmitry Lepikhin, Richard Tanburn, Srivatsan Srinivasan, Hyeontaek Lim, Sarah Hodkinson, Pranav Shyam, Johan Ferret, Steven Hand, Ankush Garg, Tom Le Paine, Jian Li, Yujia Li, Minh Giang, Alexander Neitz, Zaheer Abbas, Sarah York, Machel Reid, Elizabeth Cole, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Dipanjan Das, Dominika Rogozi\'nska, Vitaliy Nikolaev, Pablo Sprechmann, Zachary Nado, Lukas Zilka, Flavien Prost, Luheng He, Marianne Monteiro, Gaurav Mishra, Chris Welty, Josh Newlan, Dawei Jia, Miltiadis Allamanis, Clara Huiyi Hu, Raoul de Liedekerke, Justin Gilmer, Carl Saroufim, Shruti Rijhwani, Shaobo Hou, Disha Shrivastava, Anirudh Baddepudi, Alex Goldin, Adnan Ozturel, Albin Cassirer, Yunhan Xu, Daniel Sohn, Devendra Sachan, Reinald Kim Amplayo, Craig Swanson, Dessie Petrova, Shashi Narayan, Arthur Guez, Siddhartha Brahma, Jessica Landon, Miteyan Patel, Ruizhe Zhao, Kevin Villela, Luyu Wang, Wenhao Jia, Matthew Rahtz, Mai Gim\'enez, Legg Yeung, James Keeling, Petko Georgiev, Diana Mincu, Boxi Wu, Salem Haykal, Rachel Saputro, Kiran Vodrahalli, James Qin, Zeynep Cankara, Abhanshu Sharma, Nick Fernando, Will Hawkins, Behnam Neyshabur, Solomon Kim, Adrian Hutter, Priyanka Agrawal, Alex Castro-Ros, George van den Driessche, Tao Wang, Fan Yang, Shuo-yiin Chang, Paul Komarek, Ross McIlroy, Mario Lu\v{c}i\'c, Guodong Zhang, Wael Farhan, Michael Sharman, Paul Natsev, Paul Michel, Yamini Bansal, Siyuan Qiao, Kris Cao, Siamak Shakeri, Christina Butterfield, Justin Chung, Paul Kishan Rubenstein, Shivani Agrawal, Arthur Mensch, Kedar Soparkar, Karel Lenc, Timothy Chung, Aedan Pope, Loren Maggiore, Jackie Kay, Priya Jhakra, Shibo Wang, Joshua Maynez, Mary Phuong, Taylor Tobin, Andrea Tacchetti, Maja Trebacz, Kevin Robinson, Yash Katariya, Sebastian Riedel, Paige Bailey, Kefan Xiao, Nimesh Ghelani, Lora Aroyo, Ambrose Slone, Neil Houlsby, Xuehan Xiong, Zhen Yang, Elena Gribovskaya, Jonas Adler, Mateo Wirth, Lisa Lee, Music Li, Thais Kagohara, Jay Pavagadhi, Sophie Bridgers, Anna Bortsova, Sanjay Ghemawat, Zafarali Ahmed, Tianqi Liu, Richard Powell, Vijay Bolina, Mariko Iinuma, Polina Zablotskaia, James Besley, Da-Woon Chung, Timothy Dozat, Ramona Comanescu, Xiance Si, Jeremy Greer, Guolong Su, Martin Polacek, Rapha\"el Lopez Kaufman, Simon Tokumine, Hexiang Hu, Elena Buchatskaya, Yingjie Miao, Mohamed Elhawaty, Aditya Siddhant, Nenad Tomasev, Jinwei Xing, Christina Greer, Helen Miller, Shereen Ashraf, Aurko Roy, Zizhao Zhang, Ada Ma, Angelos Filos, Milos Besta, Rory Blevins, Ted Klimenko, Chih-Kuan Yeh, Soravit Changpinyo, Jiaqi Mu, Oscar Chang, Mantas Pajarskas, Carrie Muir, Vered Cohen, Charline Le Lan, Krishna Haridasan, Amit Marathe, Steven Hansen, Sholto Douglas, Rajkumar Samuel, Mingqiu Wang, Sophia Austin, Chang Lan, Jiepu Jiang, Justin Chiu, Jaime Alonso Lorenzo, Lars Lowe Sj\"osund, S\'ebastien Cevey, Zach Gleicher, Thi Avrahami, Anudhyan Boral, Hansa Srinivasan, Vittorio Selo, Rhys May, Konstantinos Aisopos, L\'eonard Hussenot, Livio Baldini Soares, Kate Baumli, Michael B. Chang, Adri\`a Recasens, Ben Caine, Alexander Pritzel, Filip Pavetic, Fabio Pardo, Anita Gergely, Justin Frye, Vinay Ramasesh, Dan Horgan, Kartikeya Badola, Nora Kassner, Subhrajit Roy, Ethan Dyer, V\'ictor Campos Campos, Alex Tomala, Yunhao Tang, Dalia El Badawy, Elspeth White, Basil Mustafa, Oran Lang, Abhishek Jindal, Sharad Vikram, Zhitao Gong, Sergi Caelles, Ross Hemsley, Gregory Thornton, Fangxiaoyu Feng, Wojciech Stokowiec, Ce Zheng, Phoebe Thacker, \c{C}a\u{g}lar \"Unl\"u, Zhishuai Zhang, Mohammad Saleh, James Svensson, Max Bileschi, Piyush Patil, Ankesh Anand, Roman Ring, Katerina Tsihlas, Arpi Vezer, Marco Selvi, Toby Shevlane, Mikel Rodriguez, Tom Kwiatkowski, Samira Daruki, Keran Rong, Allan Dafoe, Nicholas FitzGerald, Keren Gu-Lemberg, Mina Khan, Lisa Anne Hendricks, Marie Pellat, Vladimir Feinberg, James Cobon-Kerr, Tara Sainath, Maribeth Rauh, Sayed Hadi Hashemi, Richard Ives, Yana Hasson, Eric Noland, Yuan Cao, Nathan Byrd, Le Hou, Qingze Wang, Thibault Sottiaux, Michela Paganini, Jean-Baptiste Lespiau, Alexandre Moufarek, Samer Hassan, Kaushik Shivakumar, Joost van Amersfoort, Amol Mandhane, Pratik Joshi, Anirudh Goyal, Matthew Tung, Andrew Brock, Hannah Sheahan, Vedant Misra, Cheng Li, Nemanja Raki\'cevi\'c, Mostafa Dehghani, Fangyu Liu, Sid Mittal, Junhyuk Oh, Seb Noury, Eren Sezener, Fantine Huot, Matthew Lamm, Nicola De Cao, Charlie Chen, Sidharth Mudgal, Romina Stella, Kevin Brooks, Gautam Vasudevan, Chenxi Liu, Mainak Chain, Nivedita Melinkeri, Aaron Cohen, Venus Wang, Kristie Seymore, Sergey Zubkov, Rahul Goel, Summer Yue, Sai Krishnakumaran, Brian Albert, Nate Hurley, Motoki Sano, Anhad Mohananey, Jonah Joughin, Egor Filonov, Tomasz K\k{e}pa, Yomna Eldawy, Jiawern Lim, Rahul Rishi, Shirin Badiezadegan, Taylor Bos, Jerry Chang, Sanil Jain, Sri Gayatri Sundara Padmanabhan, Subha Puttagunta, Kalpesh Krishna, Leslie Baker, Norbert Kalb, Vamsi Bedapudi, Adam Kurzrok, Shuntong Lei, Anthony Yu, Oren Litvin, Xiang Zhou, Zhichun Wu, Sam Sobell, Andrea Siciliano, Alan Papir, Robby Neale, Jonas Bragagnolo, Tej Toor, Tina Chen, Valentin Anklin, Feiran Wang, Richie Feng, Milad Gholami, Kevin Ling, Lijuan Liu, Jules Walter, Hamid Moghaddam, Arun Kishore, Jakub Adamek, Tyler Mercado, Jonathan Mallinson, Siddhinita Wandekar, Stephen Cagle, Eran Ofek, Guillermo Garrido, Clemens Lombriser, Maksim Mukha, Botu Sun, Hafeezul Rahman Mohammad, Josip Matak, Yadi Qian, Vikas Peswani, Pawel Janus, Quan Yuan, Leif Schelin, Oana David, Ankur Garg, Yifan He, Oleksii Duzhyi, Anton \"Algmyr, Timoth\'ee Lottaz, Qi Li, Vikas Yadav, Luyao Xu, Alex Chinien, Rakesh Shivanna, Aleksandr Chuklin, Josie Li, Carrie Spadine, Travis Wolfe, Kareem Mohamed, Subhabrata Das, Zihang Dai, Kyle He, Daniel von Dincklage, Shyam Upadhyay, Akanksha Maurya, Luyan Chi, Sebastian Krause, Khalid Salama, Pam G Rabinovitch, Pavan Kumar Reddy M, Aarush Selvan, Mikhail Dektiarev, Golnaz Ghiasi, Erdem Guven, Himanshu Gupta, Boyi Liu, Deepak Sharma, Idan Heimlich Shtacher, Shachi Paul, Oscar Akerlund, Fran\c{c}ois-Xavier Aubet, Terry Huang, Chen Zhu, Eric Zhu, Elico Teixeira, Matthew Fritze, Francesco Bertolini, Liana-Eleonora Marinescu, Martin B\"olle, Dominik Paulus, Khyatti Gupta, Tejasi Latkar, Max Chang, Jason Sanders, Roopa Wilson, Xuewei Wu, Yi-Xuan Tan, Lam Nguyen Thiet, Tulsee Doshi, Sid Lall, Swaroop Mishra, Wanming Chen, Thang Luong, Seth Benjamin, Jasmine Lee, Ewa Andrejczuk, Dominik Rabiej, Vipul Ranjan, Krzysztof Styrc, Pengcheng Yin, Jon Simon, Malcolm Rose Harriott, Mudit Bansal, Alexei Robsky, Geoff Bacon, David Greene, Daniil Mirylenka, Chen Zhou, Obaid Sarvana, Abhimanyu Goyal, Samuel Andermatt, Patrick Siegler, Ben Horn, Assaf Israel, Francesco Pongetti, Chih-Wei "Louis" Chen, Marco Selvatici, Pedro Silva, Kathie Wang, Jackson Tolins, Kelvin Guu, Roey Yogev, Xiaochen Cai, Alessandro Agostini, Maulik Shah, Hung Nguyen, Noah \'O Donnaile, S\'ebastien Pereira, Linda Friso, Adam Stambler, Adam Kurzrok, Chenkai Kuang, Yan Romanikhin, Mark Geller, ZJ Yan, Kane Jang, Cheng-Chun Lee, Wojciech Fica, Eric Malmi, Qijun Tan, Dan Banica, Daniel Balle, Ryan Pham, Yanping Huang, Diana Avram, Hongzhi Shi, Jasjot Singh, Chris Hidey, Niharika Ahuja, Pranab Saxena, Dan Dooley, Srividya Pranavi Potharaju, Eileen O'Neill, Anand Gokulchandran, Ryan Foley, Kai Zhao, Mike Dusenberry, Yuan Liu, Pulkit Mehta, Ragha Kotikalapudi, Chalence Safranek-Shrader, Andrew Goodman, Joshua Kessinger, Eran Globen, Prateek Kolhar, Chris Gorgolewski, Ali Ibrahim, Yang Song, Ali Eichenbaum, Thomas Brovelli, Sahitya Potluri, Preethi Lahoti, Cip Baetu, Ali Ghorbani, Charles Chen, Andy Crawford, Shalini Pal, Mukund Sridhar, Petru Gurita, Asier Mujika, Igor Petrovski, Pierre-Louis Cedoz, Chenmei Li, Shiyuan Chen, Niccol\`o Dal Santo, Siddharth Goyal, Jitesh Punjabi, Karthik Kappaganthu, Chester Kwak, Pallavi LV, Sarmishta Velury, Himadri Choudhury, Jamie Hall, Premal Shah, Ricardo Figueira, Matt Thomas, Minjie Lu, Ting Zhou, Chintu Kumar, Thomas Jurdi, Sharat Chikkerur, Yenai Ma, Adams Yu, Soo Kwak, Victor \"Ahdel, Sujeevan Rajayogam, Travis Choma, Fei Liu, Aditya Barua, Colin Ji, Ji Ho Park, Vincent Hellendoorn, Alex Bailey, Taylan Bilal, Huanjie Zhou, Mehrdad Khatir, Charles Sutton, Wojciech Rzadkowski, Fiona Macintosh, Konstantin Shagin, Paul Medina, Chen Liang, Jinjing Zhou, Pararth Shah, Yingying Bi, Attila Dankovics, Shipra Banga, Sabine Lehmann, Marissa Bredesen, Zifan Lin, John Eric Hoffmann, Jonathan Lai, Raynald Chung, Kai Yang, Nihal Balani, Arthur Bra\v{z}inskas, Andrei Sozanschi, Matthew Hayes, H\'ector Fern\'andez Alcalde, Peter Makarov, Will Chen, Antonio Stella, Liselotte Snijders, Michael Mandl, Ante K\"arrman, Pawe{\l} Nowak, Xinyi Wu, Alex Dyck, Krishnan Vaidyanathan, Raghavender R, Jessica Mallet, Mitch Rudominer, Eric Johnston, Sushil Mittal, Akhil Udathu, Janara Christensen, Vishal Verma, Zach Irving, Andreas Santucci, Gamaleldin Elsayed, Elnaz Davoodi, Marin Georgiev, Ian Tenney, Nan Hua, Geoffrey Cideron, Edouard Leurent, Mahmoud Alnahlawi, Ionut Georgescu, Nan Wei, Ivy Zheng, Dylan Scandinaro, Heinrich Jiang, Jasper Snoek, Mukund Sundararajan, Xuezhi Wang, Zack Ontiveros, Itay Karo, Jeremy Cole, Vinu Rajashekhar, Lara Tumeh, Eyal Ben-David, Rishub Jain, Jonathan Uesato, Romina Datta, Oskar Bunyan, Shimu Wu, John Zhang, Piotr Stanczyk, Ye Zhang, David Steiner, Subhajit Naskar, Michael Azzam, Matthew Johnson, Adam Paszke, Chung-Cheng Chiu, Jaume Sanchez Elias, Afroz Mohiuddin, Faizan Muhammad, Jin Miao, Andrew Lee, Nino Vieillard, Jane Park, Jiageng Zhang, Jeff Stanway, Drew Garmon, Abhijit Karmarkar, Zhe Dong, Jong Lee, Aviral Kumar, Luowei Zhou, Jonathan Evens, William Isaac, Geoffrey Irving, Edward Loper, Michael Fink, Isha Arkatkar, Nanxin Chen, Izhak Shafran, Ivan Petrychenko, Zhe Chen, Johnson Jia, Anselm Levskaya, Zhenkai Zhu, Peter Grabowski, Yu Mao, Alberto Magni, Kaisheng Yao, Javier Snaider, Norman Casagrande, Evan Palmer, Paul Suganthan, Alfonso Casta\~no, Irene Giannoumis, Wooyeol Kim, Miko{\l}aj Rybi\'nski, Ashwin Sreevatsa, Jennifer Prendki, David Soergel, Adrian Goedeckemeyer, Willi Gierke, Mohsen Jafari, Meenu Gaba, Jeremy Wiesner, Diana Gage Wright, Yawen Wei, Harsha Vashisht, Yana Kulizhskaya, Jay Hoover, Maigo Le, Lu Li, Chimezie Iwuanyanwu, Lu Liu, Kevin Ramirez, Andrey Khorlin, Albert Cui, Tian LIN, Marcus Wu, Ricardo Aguilar, Keith Pallo, Abhishek Chakladar, Ginger Perng, Elena Allica Abellan, Mingyang Zhang, Ishita Dasgupta, Nate Kushman, Ivo Penchev, Alena Repina, Xihui Wu, Tom van der Weide, Priya Ponnapalli, Caroline Kaplan, Jiri Simsa, Shuangfeng Li, Olivier Dousse, Fan Yang, Jeff Piper, Nathan Ie, Rama Pasumarthi, Nathan Lintz, Anitha Vijayakumar, Daniel Andor, Pedro Valenzuela, Minnie Lui, Cosmin Paduraru, Daiyi Peng, Katherine Lee, Shuyuan Zhang, Somer Greene, Duc Dung Nguyen, Paula Kurylowicz, Cassidy Hardin, Lucas Dixon, Lili Janzer, Kiam Choo, Ziqiang Feng, Biao Zhang, Achintya Singhal, Dayou Du, Dan McKinnon, Natasha Antropova, Tolga Bolukbasi, Orgad Keller, David Reid, Daniel Finchelstein, Maria Abi Raad, Remi Crocker, Peter Hawkins, Robert Dadashi, Colin Gaffney, Ken Franko, Anna Bulanova, R\'emi Leblond, Shirley Chung, Harry Askham, Luis C. Cobo, Kelvin Xu, Felix Fischer, Jun Xu, Christina Sorokin, Chris Alberti, Chu-Cheng Lin, Colin Evans, Alek Dimitriev, Hannah Forbes, Dylan Banarse, Zora Tung, Mark Omernick, Colton Bishop, Rachel Sterneck, Rohan Jain, Jiawei Xia, Ehsan Amid, Francesco Piccinno, Xingyu Wang, Praseem Banzal, Daniel J. Mankowitz, Alex Polozov, Victoria Krakovna, Sasha Brown, MohammadHossein Bateni, Dennis Duan, Vlad Firoiu, Meghana Thotakuri, Tom Natan, Matthieu Geist, Ser tan Girgin, Hui Li, Jiayu Ye, Ofir Roval, Reiko Tojo, Michael Kwong, James Lee-Thorp, Christopher Yew, Danila Sinopalnikov, Sabela Ramos, John Mellor, Abhishek Sharma, Kathy Wu, David Miller, Nicolas Sonnerat, Denis Vnukov, Rory Greig, Jennifer Beattie, Emily Caveness, Libin Bai, Julian Eisenschlos, Alex Korchemniy, Tomy Tsai, Mimi Jasarevic, Weize Kong, Phuong Dao, Zeyu Zheng, Frederick Liu, Fan Yang, Rui Zhu, Tian Huey Teh, Jason Sanmiya, Evgeny Gladchenko, Nejc Trdin, Daniel Toyama, Evan Rosen, Sasan Tavakkol, Linting Xue, Chen Elkind, Oliver Woodman, John Carpenter, George Papamakarios, Rupert Kemp, Sushant Kafle, Tanya Grunina, Rishika Sinha, Alice Talbert, Diane Wu, Denese Owusu-Afriyie, Cosmo Du, Chloe Thornton, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Pradyumna Narayana, Jing Li, Saaber Fatehi, John Wieting, Omar Ajmeri, Benigno Uria, Yeongil Ko, Laura Knight, Am\'elie H\'eliou, Ning Niu, Shane Gu, Chenxi Pang, Yeqing Li, Nir Levine, Ariel Stolovich, Rebeca Santamaria-Fernandez, Sonam Goenka, Wenny Yustalim, Robin Strudel, Ali Elqursh, Charlie Deck, Hyo Lee, Zonglin Li, Kyle Levin, Raphael Hoffmann, Dan Holtmann-Rice, Olivier Bachem, Sho Arora, Christy Koh, Soheil Hassas Yeganeh, Siim P\~oder, Mukarram Tariq, Yanhua Sun, Lucian Ionita, Mojtaba Seyedhosseini, Pouya Tafti, Zhiyu Liu, Anmol Gulati, Jasmine Liu, Xinyu Ye, Bart Chrzaszcz, Lily Wang, Nikhil Sethi, Tianrun Li, Ben Brown, Shreya Singh, Wei Fan, Aaron Parisi, Joe Stanton, Vinod Koverkathu, Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Yunjie Li, TJ Lu, Abe Ittycheriah, Prakash Shroff, Mani Varadarajan, Sanaz Bahargam, Rob Willoughby, David Gaddy, Guillaume Desjardins, Marco Cornero, Brona Robenek, Bhavishya Mittal, Ben Albrecht, Ashish Shenoy, Fedor Moiseev, Henrik Jacobsson, Alireza Ghaffarkhah, Morgane Rivi\`ere, Alanna Walton, Cl\'ement Crepy, Alicia Parrish, Zongwei Zhou, Clement Farabet, Carey Radebaugh, Praveen Srinivasan, Claudia van der Salm, Andreas Fidjeland, Salvatore Scellato, Eri Latorre-Chimoto, Hanna Klimczak-Pluci\'nska, David Bridson, Dario de Cesare, Tom Hudson, Piermaria Mendolicchio, Lexi Walker, Alex Morris, Matthew Mauger, Alexey Guseynov, Alison Reid, Seth Odoom, Lucia Loher, Victor Cotruta, Madhavi Yenugula, Dominik Grewe, Anastasia Petrushkina, Tom Duerig, Antonio Sanchez, Steve Yadlowsky, Amy Shen, Amir Globerson, Lynette Webb, Sahil Dua, Dong Li, Surya Bhupatiraju, Dan Hurt, Haroon Qureshi, Ananth Agarwal, Tomer Shani, Matan Eyal, Anuj Khare, Shreyas Rammohan Belle, Lei Wang, Chetan Tekur, Mihir Sanjay Kale, Jinliang Wei, Ruoxin Sang, Brennan Saeta, Tyler Liechty, Yi Sun, Yao Zhao, Stephan Lee, Pandu Nayak, Doug Fritz, Manish Reddy Vuyyuru, John Aslanides, Nidhi Vyas, Martin Wicke, Xiao Ma, Evgenii Eltyshev, Nina Martin, Hardie Cate, James Manyika, Keyvan Amiri, Yelin Kim, Xi Xiong, Kai Kang, Florian Luisier, Nilesh Tripuraneni, David Madras, Mandy Guo, Austin Waters, Oliver Wang, Joshua Ainslie, Jason Baldridge, Han Zhang, Garima Pruthi, Jakob Bauer, Feng Yang, Riham Mansour, Jason Gelman, Yang Xu, George Polovets, Ji Liu, Honglong Cai, Warren Chen, XiangHai Sheng, Emily Xue, Sherjil Ozair, Christof Angermueller, Xiaowei Li, Anoop Sinha, Weiren Wang, Julia Wiesinger, Emmanouil Koukoumidis, Yuan Tian, Anand Iyer, Madhu Gurumurthy, Mark Goldenson, Parashar Shah, MK Blake, Hongkun Yu, Anthony Urbanowicz, Jennimaria Palomaki, Chrisantha Fernando, Ken Durden, Harsh Mehta, Nikola Momchev, Elahe Rahimtoroghi, Maria Georgaki, Amit Raul, Sebastian Ruder, Morgan Redshaw, Jinhyuk Lee, Denny Zhou, Komal Jalan, Dinghua Li, Blake Hechtman, Parker Schuh, Milad Nasr, Kieran Milan, Vladimir Mikulik, Juliana Franco, Tim Green, Nam Nguyen, Joe Kelley, Aroma Mahendru, Andrea Hu, Joshua Howland, Ben Vargas, Jeffrey Hui, Kshitij Bansal, Vikram Rao, Rakesh Ghiya, Emma Wang, Ke Ye, Jean Michel Sarr, Melanie Moranski Preston, Madeleine Elish, Steve Li, Aakash Kaku, Jigar Gupta, Ice Pasupat, Da-Cheng Juan, Milan Someswar, Tejvi M., Xinyun Chen, Aida Amini, Alex Fabrikant, Eric Chu, Xuanyi Dong, Amruta Muthal, Senaka Buthpitiya, Sarthak Jauhari, Nan Hua, Urvashi Khandelwal, Ayal Hitron, Jie Ren, Larissa Rinaldi, Shahar Drath, Avigail Dabush, Nan-Jiang Jiang, Harshal Godhia, Uli Sachs, Anthony Chen, Yicheng Fan, Hagai Taitelbaum, Hila Noga, Zhuyun Dai, James Wang, Chen Liang, Jenny Hamer, Chun-Sung Ferng, Chenel Elkind, Aviel Atias, Paulina Lee, V\'it List\'ik, Mathias Carlen, Jan van de Kerkhof, Marcin Pikus, Krunoslav Zaher, Paul M\"uller, Sasha Zykova, Richard Stefanec, Vitaly Gatsko, Christoph Hirnschall, Ashwin Sethi, Xingyu Federico Xu, Chetan Ahuja, Beth Tsai, Anca Stefanoiu, Bo Feng, Keshav Dhandhania, Manish Katyal, Akshay Gupta, Atharva Parulekar, Divya Pitta, Jing Zhao, Vivaan Bhatia, Yashodha Bhavnani, Omar Alhadlaq, Xiaolin Li, Peter Danenberg, Dennis Tu, Alex Pine, Vera Filippova, Abhipso Ghosh, Ben Limonchik, Bhargava Urala, Chaitanya Krishna Lanka, Derik Clive, Yi Sun, Edward Li, Hao Wu, Kevin Hongtongsak, Ianna Li, Kalind Thakkar, Kuanysh Omarov, Kushal Majmundar, Michael Alverson, Michael Kucharski, Mohak Patel, Mudit Jain, Maksim Zabelin, Paolo Pelagatti, Rohan Kohli, Saurabh Kumar, Joseph Kim, Swetha Sankar, Vineet Shah, Lakshmi Ramachandruni, Xiangkai Zeng, Ben Bariach, Laura Weidinger, Tu Vu, Alek Andreev, Antoine He, Kevin Hui, Sheleem Kashem, Amar Subramanya, Sissie Hsiao, Demis Hassabis, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Adam Sadovsky, Quoc Le, Trevor Strohman, Yonghui Wu, Slav Petrov, Jeffrey Dean, Oriol Vinyals

Abstract: This report introduces a new family of multimodal models, Gemini, that exhibit remarkable capabilities across image, audio, video, and text understanding. The Gemini family consists of Ultra, Pro, and Nano sizes, suitable for applications ranging from complex reasoning tasks to on-device memory-constrained use-cases. Evaluation on a broad range of benchmarks shows that our most-capable Gemini Ultra model advances the state of the art in 30 of 32 of these benchmarks - notably being the first model to achieve human-expert performance on the well-studied exam benchmark MMLU, and improving the state of the art in every one of the 20 multimodal benchmarks we examined. We believe that the new capabilities of the Gemini family in cross-modal reasoning and language understanding will enable a wide variety of use cases. We discuss our approach toward post-training and deploying Gemini models responsibly to users through services including Gemini, Gemini Advanced, Google AI Studio, and Cloud Vertex AI.

replace-cross When Graph Neural Network Meets Causality: Opportunities, Methodologies and An Outlook

Authors: Wenzhao Jiang, Hao Liu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as powerful representation learning tools for capturing complex dependencies within diverse graph-structured data. Despite their success in a wide range of graph mining tasks, GNNs have raised serious concerns regarding their trustworthiness, including susceptibility to distribution shift, biases towards certain populations, and lack of explainability. Recently, integrating causal learning techniques into GNNs has sparked numerous ground-breaking studies since many GNN trustworthiness issues can be alleviated by capturing the underlying data causality rather than superficial correlations. In this survey, we comprehensively review recent research efforts on Causality-Inspired GNNs (CIGNNs). Specifically, we first employ causal tools to analyze the primary trustworthiness risks of existing GNNs, underscoring the necessity for GNNs to comprehend the causal mechanisms within graph data. Moreover, we introduce a taxonomy of CIGNNs based on the type of causal learning capability they are equipped with, i.e., causal reasoning and causal representation learning. Besides, we systematically introduce typical methods within each category and discuss how they mitigate trustworthiness risks. Finally, we summarize useful resources and discuss several future directions, hoping to shed light on new research opportunities in this emerging field. The representative papers, along with open-source data and codes, are available in


replace-cross BEV-TSR: Text-Scene Retrieval in BEV Space for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Tao Tang, Dafeng Wei, Zhengyu Jia, Tian Gao, Changwei Cai, Chengkai Hou, Peng Jia, Kun Zhan, Haiyang Sun, Jingchen Fan, Yixing Zhao, Fu Liu, Xiaodan Liang, Xianpeng Lang, Yang Wang

Abstract: The rapid development of the autonomous driving industry has led to a significant accumulation of autonomous driving data. Consequently, there comes a growing demand for retrieving data to provide specialized optimization. However, directly applying previous image retrieval methods faces several challenges, such as the lack of global feature representation and inadequate text retrieval ability for complex driving scenes. To address these issues, firstly, we propose the BEV-TSR framework which leverages descriptive text as an input to retrieve corresponding scenes in the Bird's Eye View (BEV) space. Then to facilitate complex scene retrieval with extensive text descriptions, we employ a large language model (LLM) to extract the semantic features of the text inputs and incorporate knowledge graph embeddings to enhance the semantic richness of the language embedding. To achieve feature alignment between the BEV feature and language embedding, we propose Shared Cross-modal Embedding with a set of shared learnable embeddings to bridge the gap between these two modalities, and employ a caption generation task to further enhance the alignment. Furthermore, there lack of well-formed retrieval datasets for effective evaluation. To this end, we establish a multi-level retrieval dataset, nuScenes-Retrieval, based on the widely adopted nuScenes dataset. Experimental results on the multi-level nuScenes-Retrieval show that BEV-TSR achieves state-of-the-art performance, e.g., 85.78% and 87.66% top-1 accuracy on scene-to-text and text-to-scene retrieval respectively. Codes and datasets will be available.

replace-cross Semi-Supervised Coupled Thin-Plate Spline Model for Rotation Correction and Beyond

Authors: Lang Nie, Chunyu Lin, Kang Liao, Shuaicheng Liu, Yao Zhao

Abstract: Thin-plate spline (TPS) is a principal warp that allows for representing elastic, nonlinear transformation with control point motions. With the increase of control points, the warp becomes increasingly flexible but usually encounters a bottleneck caused by undesired issues, e.g., content distortion. In this paper, we explore generic applications of TPS in single-image-based warping tasks, such as rotation correction, rectangling, and portrait correction. To break this bottleneck, we propose the coupled thin-plate spline model (CoupledTPS), which iteratively couples multiple TPS with limited control points into a more flexible and powerful transformation. Concretely, we first design an iterative search to predict new control points according to the current latent condition. Then, we present the warping flow as a bridge for the coupling of different TPS transformations, effectively eliminating interpolation errors caused by multiple warps. Besides, in light of the laborious annotation cost, we develop a semi-supervised learning scheme to improve warping quality by exploiting unlabeled data. It is formulated through dual transformation between the searched control points of unlabeled data and its graphic augmentation, yielding an implicit correction consistency constraint. Finally, we collect massive unlabeled data to exhibit the benefit of our semi-supervised scheme in rotation correction. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority and universality of CoupledTPS over the existing state-of-the-art (SoTA) solutions for rotation correction and beyond. The code and data are available at


replace-cross Instruction Fine-Tuning: Does Prompt Loss Matter?

Authors: Mathew Huerta-Enochian, Seung Yong Ko

Abstract: We present a novel study analyzing the effects of various prompt loss token weights (PLW) for supervised instruction fine-tuning (SIFT). While prompt-masking (PLW = 0) is common for SIFT, some fine-tuning APIs support fractional PLWs and suggest that using a small non-zero PLW can help stabilize learning when fine-tuning on short-completion data. However, there has never been a study confirming this claim, and OpenAI, a major cloud-based SIFT provider, recently removed this parameter from their fine-tuning API. We found that performance of models fine-tuned on short-completion data had a statistically-significant negative quadratic relationship with PLW. Using small values (0.01 - 0.5) of PLW produced better results on multiple-choice and short-generation benchmarks (outperforming models fine-tuned on long-completion data) while large values (~ 1.0) of PLW produced better results on long-generation benchmarks. We explained this effect and verified its importance through additional experiments. This research serves as a warning to API providers about the importance of providing a PLW parameter for SIFT.

replace-cross Towards Goal-oriented Prompt Engineering for Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Haochen Li, Jonathan Leung, Zhiqi Shen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown prominent performance in various downstream tasks and prompt engineering plays a pivotal role in optimizing LLMs' performance. This paper, not only as an overview of current prompt engineering methods, but also aims to highlight the limitation of designing prompts based on an anthropomorphic assumption that expects LLMs to think like humans. From our review of 36 representative studies, we demonstrate that a goal-oriented prompt formulation, which guides LLMs to follow established human logical thinking, significantly improves the performance of LLMs. Furthermore, We introduce a novel taxonomy that categorizes goal-oriented prompting methods into five interconnected stages and we demonstrate the broad applicability of our framework. With four future directions proposed, we hope to further emphasize the power and potential of goal-oriented prompt engineering in all fields.

replace-cross Improving Medical Reasoning through Retrieval and Self-Reflection with Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Authors: Minbyul Jeong, Jiwoong Sohn, Mujeen Sung, Jaewoo Kang

Abstract: Recent proprietary large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, have achieved a milestone in tackling diverse challenges in the biomedical domain, ranging from multiple-choice questions to long-form generations. To address challenges that still cannot be handled with the encoded knowledge of LLMs, various retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) methods have been developed by searching documents from the knowledge corpus and appending them unconditionally or selectively to the input of LLMs for generation. However, when applying existing methods to different domain-specific problems, poor generalization becomes apparent, leading to fetching incorrect documents or making inaccurate judgments. In this paper, we introduce Self-BioRAG, a framework reliable for biomedical text that specializes in generating explanations, retrieving domain-specific documents, and self-reflecting generated responses. We utilize 84k filtered biomedical instruction sets to train Self-BioRAG that can assess its generated explanations with customized reflective tokens. Our work proves that domain-specific components, such as a retriever, domain-related document corpus, and instruction sets are necessary for adhering to domain-related instructions. Using three major medical question-answering benchmark datasets, experimental results of Self-BioRAG demonstrate significant performance gains by achieving a 7.2% absolute improvement on average over the state-of-the-art open-foundation model with a parameter size of 7B or less. Overall, we analyze that Self-BioRAG finds the clues in the question, retrieves relevant documents if needed, and understands how to answer with information from retrieved documents and encoded knowledge as a medical expert does. We release our data and code for training our framework components and model weights (7B and 13B) to enhance capabilities in biomedical and clinical domains.

replace-cross MLEM: Generative and Contrastive Learning as Distinct Modalities for Event Sequences

Authors: Viktor Moskvoretskii, Dmitry Osin, Egor Shvetsov, Igor Udovichenko, Maxim Zhelnin, Andrey Dukhovny, Anna Zhimerikina, Evgeny Burnaev

Abstract: This study explores the application of self-supervised learning techniques for event sequences. It is a key modality in various applications such as banking, e-commerce, and healthcare. However, there is limited research on self-supervised learning for event sequences, and methods from other domains like images, texts, and speech may not easily transfer. To determine the most suitable approach, we conduct a detailed comparative analysis of previously identified best-performing methods. We find that neither the contrastive nor generative method is superior. Our assessment includes classifying event sequences, predicting the next event, and evaluating embedding quality. These results further highlight the potential benefits of combining both methods. Given the lack of research on hybrid models in this domain, we initially adapt the baseline model from another domain. However, upon observing its underperformance, we develop a novel method called the Multimodal-Learning Event Model (MLEM). MLEM treats contrastive learning and generative modeling as distinct yet complementary modalities, aligning their embeddings. The results of our study demonstrate that combining contrastive and generative approaches into one procedure with MLEM achieves superior performance across multiple metrics.

replace-cross Formal-LLM: Integrating Formal Language and Natural Language for Controllable LLM-based Agents

Authors: Zelong Li, Wenyue Hua, Hao Wang, He Zhu, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: Recent advancements on Large Language Models (LLMs) enable AI Agents to automatically generate and execute multi-step plans to solve complex tasks. However, since LLM's content generation process is hardly controllable, current LLM-based agents frequently generate invalid or non-executable plans, which jeopardizes the performance of the generated plans and corrupts users' trust in LLM-based agents. In response, this paper proposes a novel ``Formal-LLM'' framework for LLM-based agents by integrating the expressiveness of natural language and the precision of formal language. Specifically, the framework allows human users to express their requirements or constraints for the planning process as an automaton. A stack-based LLM plan generation process is then conducted under the supervision of the automaton to ensure that the generated plan satisfies the constraints, making the planning process controllable. We conduct experiments on both benchmark tasks and practical real-life tasks, and our framework achieves over 50% overall performance increase, which validates the feasibility and effectiveness of employing Formal-LLM to guide the plan generation of agents, preventing the agents from generating invalid and unsuccessful plans. Further, more controllable LLM-based agents can facilitate the broader utilization of LLM in application scenarios where high validity of planning is essential. The work is open-sourced at


replace-cross Assistive Large Language Model Agents for Socially-Aware Negotiation Dialogues

Authors: Yuncheng Hua, Lizhen Qu, Gholamreza Haffari

Abstract: We develop assistive agents based on Large Language Models (LLMs) that aid interlocutors in business negotiations. Specifically, we simulate business negotiations by letting two LLM-based agents engage in role play. A third LLM acts as a remediator agent to rewrite utterances violating norms for improving negotiation outcomes. We introduce a simple tuning-free and label-free In-Context Learning (ICL) method to identify high-quality ICL exemplars for the remediator, where we propose a novel select criteria, called value impact, to measure the quality of the negotiation outcomes. We provide rich empirical evidence to demonstrate its effectiveness in negotiations across three different negotiation topics. The source code and the generated dataset will be publicly available upon acceptance.

replace-cross User Centric Evaluation of Code Generation Tools

Authors: Tanha Miah, Hong Zhu

Abstract: With the rapid advance of machine learning (ML) technology, large language models (LLMs) are increasingly explored as an intelligent tool to generate program code from natural language specifications. However, existing evaluations of LLMs have focused on their capabilities in comparison with humans. It is desirable to evaluate their usability when deciding on whether to use a LLM in software production. This paper proposes a user centric method for this purpose. It includes metadata in the test cases of a benchmark to describe their usages, conducts testing in a multi-attempt process that mimics the uses of LLMs, measures LLM generated solutions on a set of quality attributes that reflect usability, and evaluates the performance based on user experiences in the uses of LLMs as a tool. The paper also reports a case study with the method in the evaluation of ChatGPT's usability as a code generation tool for the R programming language. Our experiments demonstrated that ChatGPT is highly useful for generating R program code although it may fail on hard programming tasks. The user experiences are good with overall average number of attempts being 1.61 and the average time of completion being 47.02 seconds. Our experiments also found that the weakest aspect of usability is conciseness, which has a score of 3.80 out of 5.

replace-cross You Only Need One Color Space: An Efficient Network for Low-light Image Enhancement

Authors: Qingsen Yan, Yixu Feng, Cheng Zhang, Pei Wang, Peng Wu, Wei Dong, Jinqiu Sun, Yanning Zhang

Abstract: Low-Light Image Enhancement (LLIE) task tends to restore the details and visual information from corrupted low-light images. Most existing methods learn the mapping function between low/normal-light images by Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on sRGB and HSV color space. Nevertheless, enhancement involves amplifying image signals, and applying these color spaces to low-light images with a low signal-to-noise ratio can introduce sensitivity and instability into the enhancement process. Consequently, this results in the presence of color artifacts and brightness artifacts in the enhanced images. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel trainable color space, named Horizontal/Vertical-Intensity (HVI). It not only decouples brightness and color from RGB channels to mitigate the instability during enhancement but also adapts to low-light images in different illumination ranges due to the trainable parameters. Further, we design a novel Color and Intensity Decoupling Network (CIDNet) with two branches dedicated to processing the decoupled image brightness and color in the HVI space. Within CIDNet, we introduce the Lightweight Cross-Attention (LCA) module to facilitate interaction between image structure and content information in both branches, while also suppressing noise in low-light images. Finally, we conducted 22 quantitative and qualitative experiments to show that the proposed CIDNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on 11 datasets. The code is available at


replace-cross Non-autoregressive Generative Models for Reranking Recommendation

Authors: Yuxin Ren, Qiya Yang, Yichun Wu, Wei Xu, Yalong Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang

Abstract: Contemporary recommendation systems are designed to meet users' needs by delivering tailored lists of items that align with their specific demands or interests. In a multi-stage recommendation system, reranking plays a crucial role by modeling the intra-list correlations among items. The key challenge of reranking lies in the exploration of optimal sequences within the combinatorial space of permutations. Recent research proposes a generator-evaluator learning paradigm, where the generator generates multiple feasible sequences and the evaluator picks out the best sequence based on the estimated listwise score. The generator is of vital importance, and generative models are well-suited for the generator function. Current generative models employ an autoregressive strategy for sequence generation. However, deploying autoregressive models in real-time industrial systems is challenging. To address these issues, we propose a Non-AutoRegressive generative model for reranking Recommendation (NAR4Rec) designed to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. To tackle challenges such as sparse training samples and dynamic candidates, we introduce a matching model. Considering the diverse nature of user feedback, we employ a sequence-level unlikelihood training objective to differentiate feasible sequences from unfeasible ones. Additionally, to overcome the lack of dependency modeling in non-autoregressive models regarding target items, we introduce contrastive decoding to capture correlations among these items. Extensive offline experiments validate the superior performance of NAR4Rec over state-of-the-art reranking methods. Online A/B tests reveal that NAR4Rec significantly enhances the user experience. Furthermore, NAR4Rec has been fully deployed in a popular video app Kuaishou with over 300 million daily active users.

replace-cross Can LLMs Recognize Toxicity? Definition-Based Toxicity Metric

Authors: Hyukhun Koh, Dohyung Kim, Minwoo Lee, Kyomin Jung

Abstract: In the pursuit of developing Large Language Models (LLMs) that adhere to societal standards, it is imperative to detect the toxicity in the generated text. The majority of existing toxicity metrics rely on encoder models trained on specific toxicity datasets, which are susceptible to out-of-distribution (OOD) problems and depend on the dataset's definition of toxicity. In this paper, we introduce a robust metric grounded on LLMs to flexibly measure toxicity according to the given definition. We first analyze the toxicity factors, followed by an examination of the intrinsic toxic attributes of LLMs to ascertain their suitability as evaluators. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our metric with detailed analysis. Our empirical results demonstrate outstanding performance in measuring toxicity within verified factors, improving on conventional metrics by 12 points in the F1 score. Our findings also indicate that upstream toxicity significantly influences downstream metrics, suggesting that LLMs are unsuitable for toxicity evaluations within unverified factors.

replace-cross Evaluating the Data Model Robustness of Text-to-SQL Systems Based on Real User Queries

Authors: Jonathan F\"urst, Catherine Kosten, Farhard Nooralahzadeh, Yi Zhang, Kurt Stockinger

Abstract: Text-to-SQL systems (also known as NL-to-SQL systems) have become an increasingly popular solution for bridging the gap between user capabilities and SQL-based data access. These systems translate user requests in natural language to valid SQL statements for a specific database. Recent Text-to-SQL systems have benefited from the rapid improvement of transformer-based language models. However, while Text-to-SQL systems that incorporate such models continuously reach new high scores on -- often synthetic -- benchmark datasets, a systematic exploration of their robustness towards different data models in a real-world, realistic scenario is notably missing. This paper provides the first in-depth evaluation of the data model robustness of Text-to-SQL systems in practice based on a multi-year international project focused on Text-to-SQL interfaces. Our evaluation is based on a real-world deployment of FootballDB, a system that was deployed over a 9 month period in the context of the FIFA World Cup 2022, during which about 6K natural language questions were asked and executed. All of our data is based on real user questions that were asked live to the system. We manually labeled and translated a subset of these questions for three different data models. For each data model, we explore the performance of representative Text-to-SQL systems and language models. We further quantify the impact of training data size, pre-, and post-processing steps as well as language model inference time. Our comprehensive evaluation sheds light on the design choices of real-world Text-to-SQL systems and their impact on moving from research prototypes to real deployments. Last, we provide a new benchmark dataset to the community, which is the first to enable the evaluation of different data models for the same dataset and is substantially more challenging than most previous datasets in terms of query complexity.

replace-cross Pseudorandom Error-Correcting Codes

Authors: Miranda Christ, Sam Gunn

Abstract: We construct pseudorandom error-correcting codes (or simply pseudorandom codes), which are error-correcting codes with the property that any polynomial number of codewords are pseudorandom to any computationally-bounded adversary. Efficient decoding of corrupted codewords is possible with the help of a decoding key. We build pseudorandom codes that are robust to substitution and deletion errors, where pseudorandomness rests on standard cryptographic assumptions. Specifically, pseudorandomness is based on either $2^{O(\sqrt{n})}$-hardness of LPN, or polynomial hardness of LPN and the planted XOR problem at low density. As our primary application of pseudorandom codes, we present an undetectable watermarking scheme for outputs of language models that is robust to cropping and a constant rate of random substitutions and deletions. The watermark is undetectable in the sense that any number of samples of watermarked text are computationally indistinguishable from text output by the original model. This is the first undetectable watermarking scheme that can tolerate a constant rate of errors. Our second application is to steganography, where a secret message is hidden in innocent-looking content. We present a constant-rate stateless steganography scheme with robustness to a constant rate of substitutions. Ours is the first stateless steganography scheme with provable steganographic security and any robustness to errors.

replace-cross Pride and Prejudice: LLM Amplifies Self-Bias in Self-Refinement

Authors: Wenda Xu, Guanglei Zhu, Xuandong Zhao, Liangming Pan, Lei Li, William Yang Wang

Abstract: Recent studies show that large language models (LLMs) improve their performance through self-feedback on certain tasks while degrade on others. We discovered that such a contrary is due to LLM's bias in evaluating their own output. In this paper, we formally define LLM's self-bias - the tendency to favor its own generation - using two statistics. We analyze six LLMs (GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Gemini, LLaMA2, Mixtral and DeepSeek) on translation, constrained text generation, and mathematical reasoning tasks. We find that self-bias is prevalent in all examined LLMs across multiple languages and tasks. Our analysis reveals that while the self-refine pipeline improves the fluency and understandability of model outputs, it further amplifies self-bias. To mitigate such biases, we discover that larger model size and external feedback with accurate assessment can significantly reduce bias in the self-refine pipeline, leading to actual performance improvement in downstream tasks. The code and data are released at


replace-cross PANDA: Preference Adaptation for Enhancing Domain-Specific Abilities of LLMs

Authors: An Liu, Zonghan Yang, Zhenhe Zhang, Qingyuan Hu, Peng Li, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Yang Liu

Abstract: While Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated considerable capabilities across various natural language tasks, they often fall short of the performance achieved by domain-specific state-of-the-art models. One potential approach to enhance domain-specific capabilities of LLMs involves fine-tuning them using corresponding datasets. However, this method can be both resource and time-intensive, and not applicable to closed-source commercial LLMs. In this paper, we propose Preference Adaptation for Enhancing Domain-specific Abilities of LLMs (PANDA), a method designed to augment the domain-specific capabilities of LLMs by leveraging insights from the response preference of expert models without requiring fine-tuning. Our experimental results reveal that PANDA significantly enhances the domain-specific ability of LLMs on text classification and interactive decision tasks. Moreover, LLM with PANDA even outperforms the expert model that being learned on 4 tasks of ScienceWorld. This finding highlights the potential of exploring tuning-free approaches to achieve weak-to-strong generalization.

replace-cross Beyond Natural Language: LLMs Leveraging Alternative Formats for Enhanced Reasoning and Communication

Authors: Weize Chen, Chenfei Yuan, Jiarui Yuan, Yusheng Su, Chen Qian, Cheng Yang, Ruobing Xie, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Natural language (NL) has long been the predominant format for human cognition and communication, and by extension, has been similarly pivotal in the development and application of Large Language Models (LLMs). Yet, besides NL, LLMs have seen various non-NL formats during pre-training, such as code and logical expression. NL's status as the optimal format for LLMs, particularly in single-LLM reasoning and multi-agent communication, has not been thoroughly examined. In this work, we challenge the default use of NL by exploring the utility of non-NL formats in these contexts. We show that allowing LLMs to autonomously select the most suitable format before reasoning or communicating leads to a 3.3 to 5.7\% improvement in reasoning efficiency for different LLMs, and up to a 72.7\% reduction in token usage in multi-agent communication, all while maintaining communicative effectiveness. Our comprehensive analysis further reveals that LLMs can devise a format from limited task instructions and that the devised format is effectively transferable across different LLMs. Intriguingly, the structured communication format decided by LLMs exhibits notable parallels with established agent communication languages, suggesting a natural evolution towards efficient, structured communication in agent communication. Our code is released at \url{}.


replace-cross HistGen: Histopathology Report Generation via Local-Global Feature Encoding and Cross-modal Context Interaction

Authors: Zhengrui Guo, Jiabo Ma, Yingxue Xu, Yihui Wang, Liansheng Wang, Hao Chen

Abstract: Histopathology serves as the gold standard in cancer diagnosis, with clinical reports being vital in interpreting and understanding this process, guiding cancer treatment and patient care. The automation of histopathology report generation with deep learning stands to significantly enhance clinical efficiency and lessen the labor-intensive, time-consuming burden on pathologists in report writing. In pursuit of this advancement, we introduce HistGen, a multiple instance learning-empowered framework for histopathology report generation together with the first benchmark dataset for evaluation. Inspired by diagnostic and report-writing workflows, HistGen features two delicately designed modules, aiming to boost report generation by aligning whole slide images (WSIs) and diagnostic reports from local and global granularity. To achieve this, a local-global hierarchical encoder is developed for efficient visual feature aggregation from a region-to-slide perspective. Meanwhile, a cross-modal context module is proposed to explicitly facilitate alignment and interaction between distinct modalities, effectively bridging the gap between the extensive visual sequences of WSIs and corresponding highly summarized reports. Experimental results on WSI report generation show the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) models by a large margin. Moreover, the results of fine-tuning our model on cancer subtyping and survival analysis tasks further demonstrate superior performance compared to SOTA methods, showcasing strong transfer learning capability. Dataset, model weights, and source code are available in


replace-cross Qibo: A Large Language Model for Traditional Chinese Medicine

Authors: Heyi Zhang, Xin Wang, Zhaopeng Meng, Zhe Chen, Pengwei Zhuang, Yongzhe Jia, Dawei Xu, Wenbin Guo

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) has made significant progress in a number of professional fields, including medicine, law, and finance. However, in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there are challenges such as the essential differences between theory and modern medicine, the lack of specialized corpus resources, and the fact that relying only on supervised fine-tuning may lead to overconfident predictions. To address these challenges, we propose a two-stage training approach that combines continuous pre-training and supervised fine-tuning. A notable contribution of our study is the processing of a 2Gb corpus dedicated to TCM, constructing pre-training and instruction fine-tuning datasets for TCM, respectively. In addition, we have developed Qibo-Benchmark, a tool that evaluates the performance of LLM in the TCM on multiple dimensions, including subjective, objective, and three TCM NLP tasks. The medical LLM trained with our pipeline, named \emph{\textbf{Qibo}}, exhibits significant performance boosts. Compared to the baselines, the average subjective win rate is 63\%, the average objective accuracy improved by 23\% to 58\%, and the Rouge-L scores for the three TCM NLP tasks are 0.72, 0.61, and 0.55. Finally, we propose a pipline to apply Qibo to TCM consultation and demonstrate the model performance through the case study.

replace-cross Mixing Artificial and Natural Intelligence: From Statistical Mechanics to AI and Back to Turbulence

Authors: Michael Chertkov

Abstract: The paper reflects on the future role of AI in scientific research, with a special focus on turbulence studies, and examines the evolution of AI, particularly through Diffusion Models rooted in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. It underscores the significant impact of AI on advancing reduced, Lagrangian models of turbulence through innovative use of deep neural networks. Additionally, the paper reviews various other AI applications in turbulence research and outlines potential challenges and opportunities in the concurrent advancement of AI and statistical hydrodynamics. This discussion sets the stage for a future where AI and turbulence research are intricately intertwined, leading to more profound insights and advancements in both fields.

replace-cross Mechanistic Understanding and Mitigation of Language Model Non-Factual Hallucinations

Authors: Lei Yu, Meng Cao, Jackie Chi Kit Cheung, Yue Dong

Abstract: State-of-the-art language models (LMs) sometimes generate non-factual hallucinations that misalign with world knowledge. To explore the mechanistic causes of these hallucinations, we create diagnostic datasets with subject-relation queries and adapt interpretability methods to trace hallucinations through internal model representations. We discover two general and distinct mechanistic causes of hallucinations shared across LMs (Llama-2, Pythia, GPT-J): 1) knowledge enrichment hallucinations: insufficient subject attribute knowledge in lower layer MLPs, and 2) answer extraction hallucinations: failure to select the correct object attribute in upper layer attention heads. We also found these two internal mechanistic causes of hallucinations are reflected in external manifestations. Based on insights from our mechanistic analysis, we propose a novel hallucination mitigation method through targeted restoration of the LM's internal fact recall pipeline, demonstrating superior performance compared to baselines.

replace-cross Evaluating Text-to-Visual Generation with Image-to-Text Generation

Authors: Zhiqiu Lin, Deepak Pathak, Baiqi Li, Jiayao Li, Xide Xia, Graham Neubig, Pengchuan Zhang, Deva Ramanan

Abstract: Despite significant progress in generative AI, comprehensive evaluation remains challenging because of the lack of effective metrics and standardized benchmarks. For instance, the widely-used CLIPScore measures the alignment between a (generated) image and text prompt, but it fails to produce reliable scores for complex prompts involving compositions of objects, attributes, and relations. One reason is that text encoders of CLIP can notoriously act as a "bag of words", conflating prompts such as "the horse is eating the grass" with "the grass is eating the horse". To address this, we introduce the VQAScore, which uses a visual-question-answering (VQA) model to produce an alignment score by computing the probability of a "Yes" answer to a simple "Does this figure show '{text}'?" question. Though simpler than prior art, VQAScore computed with off-the-shelf models produces state-of-the-art results across many (8) image-text alignment benchmarks. We also compute VQAScore with an in-house model that follows best practices in the literature. For example, we use a bidirectional image-question encoder that allows image embeddings to depend on the question being asked (and vice versa). Our in-house model, CLIP-FlanT5, outperforms even the strongest baselines that make use of the proprietary GPT-4V. Interestingly, although we train with only images, VQAScore can also align text with video and 3D models. VQAScore allows researchers to benchmark text-to-visual generation using complex texts that capture the compositional structure of real-world prompts. We introduce GenAI-Bench, a more challenging benchmark with 1,600 compositional text prompts that require parsing scenes, objects, attributes, relationships, and high-order reasoning like comparison and logic. GenAI-Bench also offers over 15,000 human ratings for leading image and video generation models such as Stable Diffusion, DALL-E 3, and Gen2.

replace-cross Jailbreaking Leading Safety-Aligned LLMs with Simple Adaptive Attacks

Authors: Maksym Andriushchenko, Francesco Croce, Nicolas Flammarion

Abstract: We show that even the most recent safety-aligned LLMs are not robust to simple adaptive jailbreaking attacks. First, we demonstrate how to successfully leverage access to logprobs for jailbreaking: we initially design an adversarial prompt template (sometimes adapted to the target LLM), and then we apply random search on a suffix to maximize a target logprob (e.g., of the token ``Sure''), potentially with multiple restarts. In this way, we achieve nearly 100% attack success rate -- according to GPT-4 as a judge -- on Vicuna-13B, Mistral-7B, Phi-3-Mini, Nemotron-4-340B, Llama-2-Chat-7B/13B/70B, Llama-3-Instruct-8B, Gemma-7B, GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and R2D2 from HarmBench that was adversarially trained against the GCG attack. We also show how to jailbreak all Claude models -- that do not expose logprobs -- via either a transfer or prefilling attack with a 100% success rate. In addition, we show how to use random search on a restricted set of tokens for finding trojan strings in poisoned models -- a task that shares many similarities with jailbreaking -- which is the algorithm that brought us the first place in the SaTML'24 Trojan Detection Competition. The common theme behind these attacks is that adaptivity is crucial: different models are vulnerable to different prompting templates (e.g., R2D2 is very sensitive to in-context learning prompts), some models have unique vulnerabilities based on their APIs (e.g., prefilling for Claude), and in some settings, it is crucial to restrict the token search space based on prior knowledge (e.g., for trojan detection). For reproducibility purposes, we provide the code, logs, and jailbreak artifacts in the JailbreakBench format at


replace-cross ChangeMamba: Remote Sensing Change Detection with Spatio-Temporal State Space Model

Authors: Hongruixuan Chen, Jian Song, Chengxi Han, Junshi Xia, Naoto Yokoya

Abstract: Convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Transformers have made impressive progress in the field of remote sensing change detection (CD). However, both architectures have inherent shortcomings: CNN are constrained by a limited receptive field that may hinder their ability to capture broader spatial contexts, while Transformers are computationally intensive, making them costly to train and deploy on large datasets. Recently, the Mamba architecture, based on state space models, has shown remarkable performance in a series of natural language processing tasks, which can effectively compensate for the shortcomings of the above two architectures. In this paper, we explore for the first time the potential of the Mamba architecture for remote sensing CD tasks. We tailor the corresponding frameworks, called MambaBCD, MambaSCD, and MambaBDA, for binary change detection (BCD), semantic change detection (SCD), and building damage assessment (BDA), respectively. All three frameworks adopt the cutting-edge Visual Mamba architecture as the encoder, which allows full learning of global spatial contextual information from the input images. For the change decoder, which is available in all three architectures, we propose three spatio-temporal relationship modeling mechanisms, which can be naturally combined with the Mamba architecture and fully utilize its attribute to achieve spatio-temporal interaction of multi-temporal features, thereby obtaining accurate change information. On five benchmark datasets, our proposed frameworks outperform current CNN- and Transformer-based approaches without using any complex training strategies or tricks, fully demonstrating the potential of the Mamba architecture in CD tasks. Further experiments show that our architecture is quite robust to degraded data. The source code will be available in


replace-cross PagPassGPT: Pattern Guided Password Guessing via Generative Pretrained Transformer

Authors: Xingyu Su, Xiaojie Zhu, Yang Li, Yong Li, Chi Chen, Paulo Esteves-Ver\'issimo

Abstract: Amidst the surge in deep learning-based password guessing models, challenges of generating high-quality passwords and reducing duplicate passwords persist. To address these challenges, we present PagPassGPT, a password guessing model constructed on Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT). It can perform pattern guided guessing by incorporating pattern structure information as background knowledge, resulting in a significant increase in the hit rate. Furthermore, we propose D&C-GEN to reduce the repeat rate of generated passwords, which adopts the concept of a divide-and-conquer approach. The primary task of guessing passwords is recursively divided into non-overlapping subtasks. Each subtask inherits the knowledge from the parent task and predicts succeeding tokens. In comparison to the state-of-the-art model, our proposed scheme exhibits the capability to correctly guess 12% more passwords while producing 25% fewer duplicates.

replace-cross A Comprehensive Survey on AI-based Methods for Patents

Authors: Homaira Huda Shomee, Zhu Wang, Sathya N. Ravi, Sourav Medya

Abstract: Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have demonstrated transformative capabilities across diverse domains. This progress extends to the field of patent analysis and innovation, where AI-based tools present opportunities to streamline and enhance important tasks in the patent cycle such as classification, retrieval, and valuation prediction. This not only accelerates the efficiency of patent researchers and applicants but also opens new avenues for technological innovation and discovery. Our survey provides a comprehensive summary of recent AI tools in patent analysis from more than 40 papers from 26 venues between 2017 and 2023. Unlike existing surveys, we include methods that work for patent image and text data. Furthermore, we introduce a novel taxonomy for the categorization based on the tasks in the patent life cycle as well as the specifics of the AI methods. This interdisciplinary survey aims to serve as a resource for researchers and practitioners who are working at the intersection of AI and patent analysis as well as the patent offices that are aiming to build efficient patent systems.

replace-cross SNN4Agents: A Framework for Developing Energy-Efficient Embodied Spiking Neural Networks for Autonomous Agents

Authors: Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Alberto Marchisio, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Recent trends have shown that autonomous agents, such as Autonomous Ground Vehicles (AGVs), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and mobile robots, effectively improve human productivity in solving diverse tasks. However, since these agents are typically powered by portable batteries, they require extremely low power/energy consumption to operate in a long lifespan. To solve this challenge, neuromorphic computing has emerged as a promising solution, where bio-inspired Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) use spikes from event-based cameras or data conversion pre-processing to perform sparse computations efficiently. However, the studies of SNN deployments for autonomous agents are still at an early stage. Hence, the optimization stages for enabling efficient embodied SNN deployments for autonomous agents have not been defined systematically. Toward this, we propose a novel framework called SNN4Agents that consists of a set of optimization techniques for designing energy-efficient embodied SNNs targeting autonomous agent applications. Our SNN4Agents employs weight quantization, timestep reduction, and attention window reduction to jointly improve the energy efficiency, reduce the memory footprint, optimize the processing latency, while maintaining high accuracy. In the evaluation, we investigate use cases of event-based car recognition, and explore the trade-offs among accuracy, latency, memory, and energy consumption. The experimental results show that our proposed framework can maintain high accuracy (i.e., 84.12% accuracy) with 68.75% memory saving, 3.58x speed-up, and 4.03x energy efficiency improvement as compared to the state-of-the-art work for NCARS dataset. In this manner, our SNN4Agents framework paves the way toward enabling energy-efficient embodied SNN deployments for autonomous agents.

replace-cross White Men Lead, Black Women Help? Benchmarking Language Agency Social Biases in LLMs

Authors: Yixin Wan, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Language agency is an important aspect of evaluating social biases in texts. While several studies approached agency-related bias in human-written language, very limited research has investigated such biases in Large Language Model (LLM)-generated content. In addition, previous research often relies on string-matching techniques to identify agentic and communal words within texts, which fall short of accurately classifying language agency. We introduce the novel Language Agency Bias Evaluation (LABE) benchmark, which comprehensively evaluates biases in LLMs by analyzing agency levels attributed to different demographic groups in model generations. LABE leverages 5,400 template-based prompts, an accurate agency classifier, and corresponding bias metrics to test for gender, racial, and intersectional language agency biases in LLMs on 3 text generation tasks: biographies, professor reviews, and reference letters. To build better and more accurate automated agency classifiers, we also contribute and release the Language Agency Classification (LAC) dataset, consisting of 3,724 agentic and communal sentences. Using LABE, we unveil previously under-explored language agency social biases in 3 recent LLMs: ChatGPT, Llama3, and Mistral. We observe that: (1) For the same text category, LLM generations demonstrate higher levels of gender bias than human-written texts; (2) On most generation tasks, models show remarkably higher levels of intersectional bias than the other bias aspects. Those who are at the intersection of gender and racial minority groups -- such as Black females -- are consistently described by texts with lower levels of agency; (3) Among the 3 LLMs investigated, Llama3 demonstrates greatest overall bias in language agency; (4) Not only does prompt-based mitigation fail to resolve language agency bias in LLMs, but it frequently leads to the exacerbation of biases in generated texts.

replace-cross Language-Driven Active Learning for Diverse Open-Set 3D Object Detection

Authors: Ross Greer, Bj{\o}rk Antoniussen, Andreas M{\o}gelmose, Mohan Trivedi

Abstract: Object detection is crucial for ensuring safe autonomous driving. However, data-driven approaches face challenges when encountering minority or novel objects in the 3D driving scene. In this paper, we propose VisLED, a language-driven active learning framework for diverse open-set 3D Object Detection. Our method leverages active learning techniques to query diverse and informative data samples from an unlabeled pool, enhancing the model's ability to detect underrepresented or novel objects. Specifically, we introduce the Vision-Language Embedding Diversity Querying (VisLED-Querying) algorithm, which operates in both open-world exploring and closed-world mining settings. In open-world exploring, VisLED-Querying selects data points most novel relative to existing data, while in closed-world mining, it mines novel instances of known classes. We evaluate our approach on the nuScenes dataset and demonstrate its efficiency compared to random sampling and entropy-querying methods. Our results show that VisLED-Querying consistently outperforms random sampling and offers competitive performance compared to entropy-querying despite the latter's model-optimality, highlighting the potential of VisLED for improving object detection in autonomous driving scenarios. We make our code publicly available at


replace-cross Transformers Can Represent $n$-gram Language Models

Authors: Anej Svete, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Existing work has analyzed the representational capacity of the transformer architecture by means of formal models of computation. However, the focus so far has been on analyzing the architecture in terms of language \emph{acceptance}. We contend that this is an ill-suited problem in the study of \emph{language models} (LMs), which are definitionally \emph{probability distributions} over strings. In this paper, we focus on the relationship between transformer LMs and $n$-gram LMs, a simple and historically relevant class of language models. We show that transformer LMs using the hard or sparse attention mechanisms can exactly represent any $n$-gram LM, giving us a concrete lower bound on their probabilistic representational capacity. This provides a first step towards understanding the mechanisms that transformer LMs can use to represent probability distributions over strings.

replace-cross Timeline-based Sentence Decomposition with In-Context Learning for Temporal Fact Extraction

Authors: Jianhao Chen, Haoyuan Ouyang, Junyang Ren, Wentao Ding, Wei Hu, Yuzhong Qu

Abstract: Facts extraction is pivotal for constructing knowledge graphs. Recently, the increasing demand for temporal facts in downstream tasks has led to the emergence of the task of temporal fact extraction. In this paper, we specifically address the extraction of temporal facts from natural language text. Previous studies fail to handle the challenge of establishing time-to-fact correspondences in complex sentences. To overcome this hurdle, we propose a timeline-based sentence decomposition strategy using large language models (LLMs) with in-context learning, ensuring a fine-grained understanding of the timeline associated with various facts. In addition, we evaluate the performance of LLMs for direct temporal fact extraction and get unsatisfactory results. To this end, we introduce TSDRE, a method that incorporates the decomposition capabilities of LLMs into the traditional fine-tuning of smaller pre-trained language models (PLMs). To support the evaluation, we construct ComplexTRED, a complex temporal fact extraction dataset. Our experiments show that TSDRE achieves state-of-the-art results on both HyperRED-Temporal and ComplexTRED datasets.

replace-cross Tiny Refinements Elicit Resilience: Toward Efficient Prefix-Model Against LLM Red-Teaming

Authors: Jiaxu Liu, Xiangyu Yin, Sihao Wu, Jianhong Wang, Meng Fang, Xinping Yi, Xiaowei Huang

Abstract: With the proliferation of red-teaming strategies for Large Language Models (LLMs), the deficiency in the literature about improving the safety and robustness of LLM defense strategies is becoming increasingly pronounced. This paper introduces the LLM-based \textbf{sentinel} model as a plug-and-play prefix module designed to reconstruct the input prompt with just a few ($<30$) additional tokens, effectively reducing toxicity in responses from target LLMs. The sentinel model naturally overcomes the \textit{parameter inefficiency} and \textit{limited model accessibility} for fine-tuning large target models. We employ an interleaved training regimen using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to optimize both red team and sentinel models dynamically, incorporating a value head-sharing mechanism inspired by the multi-agent centralized critic to manage the complex interplay between agents. Our extensive experiments across text-to-text and text-to-image demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating toxic outputs, even when dealing with larger models like \texttt{Llama-2}, \texttt{GPT-3.5} and \texttt{Stable-Diffusion}, highlighting the potential of our framework in enhancing safety and robustness in various applications.

replace-cross The Influencer Next Door: How Misinformation Creators Use GenAI

Authors: Amelia Hassoun, Ariel Abonizio, Katy Osborn, Cameron Wu, Beth Goldberg

Abstract: Advances in generative AI (GenAI) have raised concerns about detecting and discerning AI-generated content from human-generated content. Most existing literature assumes a paradigm where 'expert' organized disinformation creators and flawed AI models deceive 'ordinary' users. Based on longitudinal ethnographic research with misinformation creators and consumers between 2022-2023, we instead find that GenAI supports bricolage work, where non-experts increasingly use GenAI to remix, repackage, and (re)produce content to meet their personal needs and desires. This research yielded four key findings: First, participants primarily used GenAI for creation, rather than truth-seeking. Second, a spreading 'influencer millionaire' narrative drove participants to become content creators, using GenAI as a productivity tool to generate a volume of (often misinformative) content. Third, GenAI lowered the barrier to entry for content creation across modalities, enticing consumers to become creators and significantly increasing existing creators' output. Finally, participants used Gen AI to learn and deploy marketing tactics to expand engagement and monetize their content. We argue for shifting analysis from the public as consumers of AI content to bricoleurs who use GenAI creatively, often without a detailed understanding of its underlying technology. We analyze how these understudied emergent uses of GenAI produce new or accelerated misinformation harms, and their implications for AI products, platforms and policies.

replace-cross DefSent+: Improving sentence embeddings of language models by projecting definition sentences into a quasi-isotropic or isotropic vector space of unlimited dictionary entries

Authors: Xiaodong Liu

Abstract: This paper presents a significant improvement on the previous conference paper known as DefSent. The prior study seeks to improve sentence embeddings of language models by projecting definition sentences into the vector space of dictionary entries. We discover that this approach is not fully explored due to the methodological limitation of using word embeddings of language models to represent dictionary entries. This leads to two hindrances. First, dictionary entries are constrained by the single-word vocabulary, and thus cannot be fully exploited. Second, semantic representations of language models are known to be anisotropic, but pre-processing word embeddings for DefSent is not allowed because its weight is frozen during training and tied to the prediction layer. In this paper, we propose a novel method to progressively build entry embeddings not subject to the limitations. As a result, definition sentences can be projected into a quasi-isotropic or isotropic vector space of unlimited dictionary entries, so that sentence embeddings of noticeably better quality are attainable. We abbreviate our approach as DefSent+ (a plus version of DefSent), involving the following strengths: 1) the task performance on measuring sentence similarities is significantly improved compared to DefSent; 2) when DefSent+ is used to further train data-augmented models like SIMCSE, SNCSE, and SynCSE, state-of-the-art performance on measuring sentence similarities can be achieved among the approaches without using manually labeled datasets; 3) DefSent+ is also competitive in feature-based transfer for NLP downstream tasks.

replace-cross CoSLight: Co-optimizing Collaborator Selection and Decision-making to Enhance Traffic Signal Control

Authors: Jingqing Ruan, Ziyue Li, Hua Wei, Haoyuan Jiang, Jiaming Lu, Xuantang Xiong, Hangyu Mao, Rui Zhao

Abstract: Effective multi-intersection collaboration is pivotal for reinforcement-learning-based traffic signal control to alleviate congestion. Existing work mainly chooses neighboring intersections as collaborators. However, quite an amount of congestion, even some wide-range congestion, is caused by non-neighbors failing to collaborate. To address these issues, we propose to separate the collaborator selection as a second policy to be learned, concurrently being updated with the original signal-controlling policy. Specifically, the selection policy in real-time adaptively selects the best teammates according to phase- and intersection-level features. Empirical results on both synthetic and real-world datasets provide robust validation for the superiority of our approach, offering significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at


replace-cross WRDScore: New Metric for Evaluation of Natural Language Generation Models

Authors: Ravil Mussabayev

Abstract: The problem of natural language generation, and, more specifically, method name prediction, faces significant difficulties when proposed models need to be evaluated on test data. Such a metric would need to consider the versatility with which a single method can be named, with respect to both semantics and syntax. Measuring the direct overlap between the predicted and reference (true) sequences will not be able to capture these subtleties. Other existing embedding based metrics either do not measure precision and recall or impose strict unrealistic assumptions on both sequences. To address these issues, we propose a new metric that, on the one hand, is very simple and lightweight, and, on the other hand, is able to calculate precision and recall without resorting to any assumptions while obtaining good performance with respect to the human judgement.

replace-cross FedMKT: Federated Mutual Knowledge Transfer for Large and Small Language Models

Authors: Tao Fan, Guoqiang Ma, Yan Kang, Hanlin Gu, Yuanfeng Song, Lixin Fan, Kai Chen, Qiang Yang

Abstract: Recent research in federated large language models (LLMs) has primarily focused on enabling clients to fine-tune their locally deployed homogeneous LLMs collaboratively or on transferring knowledge from server-based LLMs to small language models (SLMs) at downstream clients. However, a significant gap remains in the simultaneous mutual enhancement of both the server's LLM and clients' SLMs. To bridge this gap, we propose FedMKT, a parameter-efficient federated mutual knowledge transfer framework for large and small language models. This framework is designed to adaptively transfer knowledge from the server's LLM to clients' SLMs while concurrently enriching the LLM with clients' unique domain insights. We facilitate token alignment using minimum edit distance (MinED) and then selective mutual knowledge transfer between client-side SLMs and a server-side LLM, aiming to collectively enhance their performance. Through extensive experiments across three distinct scenarios, we evaluate the effectiveness of FedMKT using various public LLMs and SLMs on a range of NLP text generation tasks. Empirical results demonstrate that FedMKT simultaneously boosts the performance of both LLMs and SLMs.

replace-cross Self-Control of LLM Behaviors by Compressing Suffix Gradient into Prefix Controller

Authors: Min Cai, Yuchen Zhang, Shichang Zhang, Fan Yin, Difan Zou, Yisong Yue, Ziniu Hu

Abstract: We propose Self-Control, a novel method utilizing suffix gradients to control the behavior of large language models (LLMs) without explicit human annotations. Given a guideline expressed in suffix string and the model's self-assessment of adherence, Self-Control computes the gradient of this self-judgment concerning the model's hidden states, directly influencing the auto-regressive generation process towards desired behaviors. To enhance efficiency, we introduce Self-Control_{prefix}, a compact module that encapsulates the learned representations from suffix gradients into a Prefix Controller, facilitating inference-time control for various LLM behaviors. Our experiments demonstrate Self-Control's efficacy across multiple domains, including emotional modulation, ensuring harmlessness, and enhancing complex reasoning. Especially, Self-Control_{prefix} enables a plug-and-play control and jointly controls multiple attributes, improving model outputs without altering model parameters or increasing inference-time costs.

replace-cross Fuzzy Convolution Neural Networks for Tabular Data Classification

Authors: Arun D. Kulkarni

Abstract: Recently, convolution neural networks (CNNs) have attracted a great deal of attention due to their remarkable performance in various domains, particularly in image and text classification tasks. However, their application to tabular data classification remains underexplored. There are many fields such as bioinformatics, finance, medicine where nonimage data are prevalent. Adaption of CNNs to classify nonimage data remains highly challenging. This paper investigates the efficacy of CNNs for tabular data classification, aiming to bridge the gap between traditional machine learning approaches and deep learning techniques. We propose a novel framework fuzzy convolution neural network (FCNN) tailored specifically for tabular data to capture local patterns within feature vectors. In our approach, we map feature values to fuzzy memberships. The fuzzy membership vectors are converted into images that are used to train the CNN model. The trained CNN model is used to classify unknown feature vectors. To validate our approach, we generated six complex noisy data sets. We used randomly selected seventy percent samples from each data set for training and thirty percent for testing. The data sets were also classified using the state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms such as the decision tree (DT), support vector machine (SVM), fuzzy neural network (FNN), Bayes classifier, and Random Forest (RF). Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model can effectively learn meaningful representations from tabular data, achieving competitive or superior performance compared to existing methods. Overall, our finding suggests that the proposed FCNN model holds promise as a viable alternative for tabular data classification tasks, offering a fresh prospective and potentially unlocking new opportunities for leveraging deep learning in structured data analysis.

replace-cross STEMO: Early Spatio-temporal Forecasting with Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Wei Shao, Yufan Kang, Ziyan Peng, Xiao Xiao, Lei Wang, Yuhui Yang, Flora D Salim

Abstract: Accuracy and timeliness are indeed often conflicting goals in prediction tasks. Premature predictions may yield a higher rate of false alarms, whereas delaying predictions to gather more information can render them too late to be useful. In applications such as wildfires, crimes, and traffic jams, timely forecasting are vital for safeguarding human life and property. Consequently, finding a balance between accuracy and timeliness is crucial. In this paper, we propose an early spatio-temporal forecasting model based on Multi-Objective reinforcement learning that can either implement an optimal policy given a preference or infer the preference based on a small number of samples. The model addresses two primary challenges: 1) enhancing the accuracy of early forecasting and 2) providing the optimal policy for determining the most suitable prediction time for each area. Our method demonstrates superior performance on three large-scale real-world datasets, surpassing existing methods in early spatio-temporal forecasting tasks.

replace-cross A Survey of Fragile Model Watermarking

Authors: Zhenzhe Gao, Yu Cheng, Zhaoxia Yin

Abstract: Model fragile watermarking, inspired by both the field of adversarial attacks on neural networks and traditional multimedia fragile watermarking, has gradually emerged as a potent tool for detecting tampering, and has witnessed rapid development in recent years. Unlike robust watermarks, which are widely used for identifying model copyrights, fragile watermarks for models are designed to identify whether models have been subjected to unexpected alterations such as backdoors, poisoning, compression, among others. These alterations can pose unknown risks to model users, such as misidentifying stop signs as speed limit signs in classic autonomous driving scenarios. This paper provides an overview of the relevant work in the field of model fragile watermarking since its inception, categorizing them and revealing the developmental trajectory of the field, thus offering a comprehensive survey for future endeavors in model fragile watermarking.

replace-cross OccamLLM: Fast and Exact Language Model Arithmetic in a Single Step

Authors: Owen Dugan, Donato Manuel Jimenez Beneto, Charlotte Loh, Zhuo Chen, Rumen Dangovski, Marin Solja\v{c}i\'c

Abstract: Despite significant advancements in text generation and reasoning, Large Language Models (LLMs) still face challenges in accurately performing complex arithmetic operations. To achieve accurate calculations, language model systems often enable LLMs to generate code for arithmetic operations. However, this approach compromises speed and security and, if finetuning is involved, risks the language model losing prior capabilities. We propose a framework that enables exact arithmetic in \textit{a single autoregressive step}, providing faster, more secure, and more interpretable LLM systems with arithmetic capabilities. We use the hidden states of an LLM to control a symbolic architecture which performs arithmetic. Our implementation using Llama 3 8B Instruct with OccamNet as a symbolic model (OccamLlama) achieves 100\% accuracy on single arithmetic operations ($+,-,\times,\div,\sin{},\cos{},\log{},\exp{},\sqrt{}$), outperforming GPT 4o and on par with GPT 4o using a code interpreter. OccamLlama also outperforms GPT 4o both with and without a code interpreter on mathematical problem solving benchmarks involving challenging arithmetic, thus enabling small LLMs to match the arithmetic performance of even much larger models. We will make our code public shortly.

replace-cross Ents: An Efficient Three-party Training Framework for Decision Trees by Communication Optimization

Authors: Guopeng Lin, Weili Han, Wenqiang Ruan, Ruisheng Zhou, Lushan Song, Bingshuai Li, Yunfeng Shao

Abstract: Multi-party training frameworks for decision trees based on secure multi-party computation enable multiple parties to train high-performance models on distributed private data with privacy preservation. The training process essentially involves frequent dataset splitting according to the splitting criterion (e.g. Gini impurity). However, existing multi-party training frameworks for decision trees demonstrate communication inefficiency due to the following issues: (1) They suffer from huge communication overhead in securely splitting a dataset with continuous attributes. (2) They suffer from huge communication overhead due to performing almost all the computations on a large ring to accommodate the secure computations for the splitting criterion. In this paper, we are motivated to present an efficient three-party training framework, namely Ents, for decision trees by communication optimization. For the first issue, we present a series of training protocols based on the secure radix sort protocols to efficiently and securely split a dataset with continuous attributes. For the second issue, we propose an efficient share conversion protocol to convert shares between a small ring and a large ring to reduce the communication overhead incurred by performing almost all the computations on a large ring. Experimental results from eight widely used datasets show that Ents outperforms state-of-the-art frameworks by $5.5\times \sim 9.3\times$ in communication sizes and $3.9\times \sim 5.3\times$ in communication rounds. In terms of training time, Ents yields an improvement of $3.5\times \sim 6.7\times$. To demonstrate its practicality, Ents requires less than three hours to securely train a decision tree on a widely used real-world dataset (Skin Segmentation) with more than 245,000 samples in the WAN setting.

replace-cross Prediction of the Realisation of an Information Need: An EEG Study

Authors: Niall McGuire, Dr Yashar Moshfeghi

Abstract: One of the foundational goals of Information Retrieval (IR) is to satisfy searchers' Information Needs (IN). Understanding how INs physically manifest has long been a complex and elusive process. However, recent studies utilising Electroencephalography (EEG) data have provided real-time insights into the neural processes associated with INs. Unfortunately, they have yet to demonstrate how this insight can practically benefit the search experience. As such, within this study, we explore the ability to predict the realisation of IN within EEG data across 14 subjects whilst partaking in a Question-Answering (Q/A) task. Furthermore, we investigate the combinations of EEG features that yield optimal predictive performance, as well as identify regions within the Q/A queries where a subject's realisation of IN is more pronounced. The findings from this work demonstrate that EEG data is sufficient for the real-time prediction of the realisation of an IN across all subjects with an accuracy of 73.5% (SD 2.6%) and on a per-subject basis with an accuracy of 90.1% (SD 22.1%). This work helps to close the gap by bridging theoretical neuroscientific advancements with tangible improvements in information retrieval practices, paving the way for real-time prediction of the realisation of IN.

replace-cross AIM: Attributing, Interpreting, Mitigating Data Unfairness

Authors: Zhining Liu, Ruizhong Qiu, Zhichen Zeng, Yada Zhu, Hendrik Hamann, Hanghang Tong

Abstract: Data collected in the real world often encapsulates historical discrimination against disadvantaged groups and individuals. Existing fair machine learning (FairML) research has predominantly focused on mitigating discriminative bias in the model prediction, with far less effort dedicated towards exploring how to trace biases present in the data, despite its importance for the transparency and interpretability of FairML. To fill this gap, we investigate a novel research problem: discovering samples that reflect biases/prejudices from the training data. Grounding on the existing fairness notions, we lay out a sample bias criterion and propose practical algorithms for measuring and countering sample bias. The derived bias score provides intuitive sample-level attribution and explanation of historical bias in data. On this basis, we further design two FairML strategies via sample-bias-informed minimal data editing. They can mitigate both group and individual unfairness at the cost of minimal or zero predictive utility loss. Extensive experiments and analyses on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods in explaining and mitigating unfairness. Code is available at


replace-cross Self-supervised Graph Neural Network for Mechanical CAD Retrieval

Authors: Yuhan Quan, Huan Zhao, Jinfeng Yi, Yuqiang Chen

Abstract: CAD (Computer-Aided Design) plays a crucial role in mechanical industry, where large numbers of similar-shaped CAD parts are often created. Efficiently reusing these parts is key to reducing design and production costs for enterprises. Retrieval systems are vital for achieving CAD reuse, but the complex shapes of CAD models are difficult to accurately describe using text or keywords, making traditional retrieval methods ineffective. While existing representation learning approaches have been developed for CAD, manually labeling similar samples in these methods is expensive. Additionally, CAD models' unique parameterized data structure presents challenges for applying existing 3D shape representation learning techniques directly. In this work, we propose GC-CAD, a self-supervised contrastive graph neural network-based method for mechanical CAD retrieval that directly models parameterized CAD raw files. GC-CAD consists of two key modules: structure-aware representation learning and contrastive graph learning framework. The method leverages graph neural networks to extract both geometric and topological information from CAD models, generating feature representations. We then introduce a simple yet effective contrastive graph learning framework approach, enabling the model to train without manual labels and generate retrieval-ready representations. Experimental results on four datasets including human evaluation demonstrate that the proposed method achieves significant accuracy improvements and up to 100 times efficiency improvement over the baseline methods.

replace-cross First Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Flowchart Comprehension for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Enming Zhang, Ruobing Yao, Huanyong Liu, Junhui Yu, Jiale Wang

Abstract: With the development of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) technology, its general capabilities are increasingly powerful. To evaluate the various abilities of MLLMs, numerous evaluation systems have emerged. But now there is still a lack of a comprehensive method to evaluate MLLMs in the tasks related to flowcharts, which are very important in daily life and work. We propose the first comprehensive method, FlowCE, to assess MLLMs across various dimensions for tasks related to flowcharts. It encompasses evaluating MLLMs' abilities in Reasoning, Localization Recognition, Information Extraction, Logical Verification, and Summarization on flowcharts. However, we find that even the GPT4o model achieves only a score of 56.63. Among open-source models, Phi-3-Vision obtained the highest score of 49.97. We hope that FlowCE can contribute to future research on MLLMs for tasks based on flowcharts. \url{} \end{abstract}


replace-cross AutoSurvey: Large Language Models Can Automatically Write Surveys

Authors: Yidong Wang, Qi Guo, Wenjin Yao, Hongbo Zhang, Xin Zhang, Zhen Wu, Meishan Zhang, Xinyu Dai, Min Zhang, Qingsong Wen, Wei Ye, Shikun Zhang, Yue Zhang

Abstract: This paper introduces AutoSurvey, a speedy and well-organized methodology for automating the creation of comprehensive literature surveys in rapidly evolving fields like artificial intelligence. Traditional survey paper creation faces challenges due to the vast volume and complexity of information, prompting the need for efficient survey methods. While large language models (LLMs) offer promise in automating this process, challenges such as context window limitations, parametric knowledge constraints, and the lack of evaluation benchmarks remain. AutoSurvey addresses these challenges through a systematic approach that involves initial retrieval and outline generation, subsection drafting by specialized LLMs, integration and refinement, and rigorous evaluation and iteration. Our contributions include a comprehensive solution to the survey problem, a reliable evaluation method, and experimental validation demonstrating AutoSurvey's effectiveness.We open our resources at \url{}.


replace-cross CLST: Cold-Start Mitigation in Knowledge Tracing by Aligning a Generative Language Model as a Students' Knowledge Tracer

Authors: Heeseok Jung, Jaesang Yoo, Yohaan Yoon, Yeonju Jang

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT), wherein students' problem-solving histories are used to estimate their current levels of knowledge, has attracted significant interest from researchers. However, most existing KT models were developed with an ID-based paradigm, which exhibits limitations in cold-start performance. These limitations can be mitigated by leveraging the vast quantities of external knowledge possessed by generative large language models (LLMs). In this study, we propose cold-start mitigation in knowledge tracing by aligning a generative language model as a students' knowledge tracer (CLST) as a framework that utilizes a generative LLM as a knowledge tracer. Upon collecting data from math, social studies, and science subjects, we framed the KT task as a natural language processing task, wherein problem-solving data are expressed in natural language, and fine-tuned the generative LLM using the formatted KT dataset. Subsequently, we evaluated the performance of the CLST in situations of data scarcity using various baseline models for comparison. The results indicate that the CLST significantly enhanced performance with a dataset of fewer than 100 students in terms of prediction, reliability, and cross-domain generalization.

replace-cross A Rate-Distortion View of Uncertainty Quantification

Authors: Ifigeneia Apostolopoulou, Benjamin Eysenbach, Frank Nielsen, Artur Dubrawski

Abstract: In supervised learning, understanding an input's proximity to the training data can help a model decide whether it has sufficient evidence for reaching a reliable prediction. While powerful probabilistic models such as Gaussian Processes naturally have this property, deep neural networks often lack it. In this paper, we introduce Distance Aware Bottleneck (DAB), i.e., a new method for enriching deep neural networks with this property. Building on prior information bottleneck approaches, our method learns a codebook that stores a compressed representation of all inputs seen during training. The distance of a new example from this codebook can serve as an uncertainty estimate for the example. The resulting model is simple to train and provides deterministic uncertainty estimates by a single forward pass. Finally, our method achieves better out-of-distribution (OOD) detection and misclassification prediction than prior methods, including expensive ensemble methods, deep kernel Gaussian Processes, and approaches based on the standard information bottleneck.

replace-cross Bayesian Networks and Machine Learning for COVID-19 Severity Explanation and Demographic Symptom Classification

Authors: Oluwaseun T. Ajayi, Yu Cheng

Abstract: With the prevailing efforts to combat the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there are still uncertainties that are yet to be discovered about its spread, future impact, and resurgence. In this paper, we present a three-stage data-driven approach to distill the hidden information about COVID-19. The first stage employs a Bayesian network structure learning method to identify the causal relationships among COVID-19 symptoms and their intrinsic demographic variables. As a second stage, the output from the Bayesian network structure learning, serves as a useful guide to train an unsupervised machine learning (ML) algorithm that uncovers the similarities in patients' symptoms through clustering. The final stage then leverages the labels obtained from clustering to train a demographic symptom identification (DSID) model which predicts a patient's symptom class and the corresponding demographic probability distribution. We applied our method on the COVID-19 dataset obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States. Results from the experiments show a testing accuracy of 99.99%, as against the 41.15% accuracy of a heuristic ML method. This strongly reveals the viability of our Bayesian network and ML approach in understanding the relationship between the virus symptoms, and providing insights on patients' stratification towards reducing the severity of the virus.

replace-cross Embodied Question Answering via Multi-LLM Systems

Authors: Bhrij Patel, Vishnu Sashank Dorbala, Dinesh Manocha, Amrit Singh Bedi

Abstract: Embodied Question Answering (EQA) is an important problem, which involves an agent exploring the environment to answer user queries. In the existing literature, EQA has exclusively been studied in single-agent scenarios, where exploration can be time-consuming and costly. In this work, we consider EQA in a multi-agent framework involving multiple large language models (LLM) based agents independently answering queries about a household environment. To generate one answer for each query, we use the individual responses to train a Central Answer Model (CAM) that aggregates responses for a robust answer. Using CAM, we observe a $50\%$ higher EQA accuracy when compared against aggregation methods for ensemble LLM, such as voting schemes and debates. CAM does not require any form of agent communication, alleviating it from the associated costs. We ablate CAM with various nonlinear (neural network, random forest, decision tree, XGBoost) and linear (logistic regression classifier, SVM) algorithms. Finally, we present a feature importance analysis for CAM via permutation feature importance (PFI), quantifying CAMs reliance on each independent agent and query context.

replace-cross Make Your Home Safe: Time-aware Unsupervised User Behavior Anomaly Detection in Smart Homes via Loss-guided Mask

Authors: Jingyu Xiao, Zhiyao Xu, Qingsong Zou, Qing Li, Dan Zhao, Dong Fang, Ruoyu Li, Wenxin Tang, Kang Li, Xudong Zuo, Penghui Hu, Yong Jiang, Zixuan Weng, Michael R. Lyv

Abstract: Smart homes, powered by the Internet of Things, offer great convenience but also pose security concerns due to abnormal behaviors, such as improper operations of users and potential attacks from malicious attackers. Several behavior modeling methods have been proposed to identify abnormal behaviors and mitigate potential risks. However, their performance often falls short because they do not effectively learn less frequent behaviors, consider temporal context, or account for the impact of noise in human behaviors. In this paper, we propose SmartGuard, an autoencoder-based unsupervised user behavior anomaly detection framework. First, we design a Loss-guided Dynamic Mask Strategy (LDMS) to encourage the model to learn less frequent behaviors, which are often overlooked during learning. Second, we propose a Three-level Time-aware Position Embedding (TTPE) to incorporate temporal information into positional embedding to detect temporal context anomaly. Third, we propose a Noise-aware Weighted Reconstruction Loss (NWRL) that assigns different weights for routine behaviors and noise behaviors to mitigate the interference of noise behaviors during inference. Comprehensive experiments on three datasets with ten types of anomaly behaviors demonstrates that SmartGuard consistently outperforms state-of-the-art baselines and also offers highly interpretable results.

replace-cross Connecting the Dots: Evaluating Abstract Reasoning Capabilities of LLMs Using the New York Times Connections Word Game

Authors: Prisha Samadarshi, Mariam Mustafa, Anushka Kulkarni, Raven Rothkopf, Tuhin Chakrabarty, Smaranda Muresan

Abstract: The New York Times Connections game has emerged as a popular and challenging pursuit for word puzzle enthusiasts. We collect 200 Connections games to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) against expert and novice human players. Our results show that even the best-performing LLM, GPT-4o, which has otherwise shown impressive reasoning abilities on a wide variety of benchmarks, can only fully solve 8% of the games. Compared to GPT-4o, novice and expert players perform better, with expert human players significantly outperforming GPT-4o. To deepen our understanding we create a taxonomy of the knowledge types required to successfully categorize words in the Connections game, revealing that LLMs struggle with associative, encyclopedic, and linguistic knowledge. Our findings establish the New York Times Connections game as a challenging benchmark for evaluating abstract reasoning capabilities in humans and AI systems.

replace-cross Investigating Annotator Bias in Large Language Models for Hate Speech Detection

Authors: Amit Das, Zheng Zhang, Fatemeh Jamshidi, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha, Nilanjana Raychawdhary, Mary Sandage, Lauramarie Pope, Gerry Dozier, Cheryl Seals

Abstract: Data annotation, the practice of assigning descriptive labels to raw data, is pivotal in optimizing the performance of machine learning models. However, it is a resource-intensive process susceptible to biases introduced by annotators. The emergence of sophisticated Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT presents a unique opportunity to modernize and streamline this complex procedure. While existing research extensively evaluates the efficacy of LLMs, as annotators, this paper delves into the biases present in LLMs, specifically GPT 3.5 and GPT 4o when annotating hate speech data. Our research contributes to understanding biases in four key categories: gender, race, religion, and disability. Specifically targeting highly vulnerable groups within these categories, we analyze annotator biases. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive examination of potential factors contributing to these biases by scrutinizing the annotated data. We introduce our custom hate speech detection dataset, HateSpeechCorpus, to conduct this research. Additionally, we perform the same experiments on the ETHOS (Mollas et al., 2022) dataset also for comparative analysis. This paper serves as a crucial resource, guiding researchers and practitioners in harnessing the potential of LLMs for dataannotation, thereby fostering advancements in this critical field. The HateSpeechCorpus dataset is available here:


replace-cross DELRec: Distilling Sequential Pattern to Enhance LLM-based Recommendation

Authors: Guohao Sun, Haoyi Zhang

Abstract: Sequential recommendation (SR) tasks enhance recommendation accuracy by capturing the connection between users' past interactions and their changing preferences. Conventional models often focus solely on capturing sequential patterns within the training data, neglecting the broader context and semantic information embedded in item titles from external sources. This limits their predictive power and adaptability. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have shown promise in SR tasks due to their advanced understanding capabilities and strong generalization abilities. Researchers have attempted to enhance LLMs' recommendation performance by incorporating information from SR models. However, previous approaches have encountered problems such as 1) only influencing LLMs at the result level; 2) increased complexity of LLMs recommendation methods leading to reduced interpretability; 3) incomplete understanding and utilization of SR models information by LLMs. To address these problems, we proposes a novel framework, DELRec, which aims to extract knowledge from SR models and enable LLMs to easily comprehend and utilize this supplementary information for more effective sequential recommendations. DELRec consists of two main stages: 1) SR Models Pattern Distilling, focusing on extracting behavioral patterns exhibited by SR models using soft prompts through two well-designed strategies; 2) LLMs-based Sequential Recommendation, aiming to fine-tune LLMs to effectively use the distilled auxiliary information to perform SR tasks. Extensive experimental results conducted on three real datasets validate the effectiveness of the DELRec framework.

replace-cross Refiner: Restructure Retrieval Content Efficiently to Advance Question-Answering Capabilities

Authors: Zhonghao Li, Xuming Hu, Aiwei Liu, Kening Zheng, Sirui Huang, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are limited by their parametric knowledge, leading to hallucinations in knowledge-extensive tasks. To address this, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) incorporates external document chunks to expand LLM knowledge. Furthermore, compressing information from document chunks through extraction or summarization can improve LLM performance. Nonetheless, LLMs still struggle to notice and utilize scattered key information, a problem known as the "lost-in-the-middle" syndrome. Therefore, we typically need to restructure the content for LLM to recognize the key information. We propose $\textit{Refiner}$, an end-to-end extract-and-restructure paradigm that operates in the post-retrieval process of RAG. $\textit{Refiner}$ leverages a single decoder-only LLM to adaptively extract query-relevant contents verbatim along with the necessary context, and section them based on their interconnectedness, thereby highlights information distinction, and aligns downstream LLMs with the original context effectively. Experiments show that a trained $\textit{Refiner}$ (with 7B parameters) exhibits significant gain to downstream LLM in improving answer accuracy, and outperforms other state-of-the-art advanced RAG and concurrent compressing approaches in various single-hop and multi-hop QA tasks. Notably, $\textit{Refiner}$ achieves a 80.5% tokens reduction and a 1.6-7.0% improvement margin in multi-hop tasks compared to the next best solution. $\textit{Refiner}$ is a plug-and-play solution that can be seamlessly integrated with RAG systems, facilitating its application across diverse open-source frameworks.

replace-cross HARE: HumAn pRiors, a key to small language model Efficiency

Authors: Lingyun Zhang, Bin jin, Gaojian Ge, Lunhui Liu, Xuewen Shen, Mingyong Wu, Houqian Zhang, Yongneng Jiang, Shiqi Chen, Shi Pu

Abstract: Human priors play a crucial role in efficiently utilizing data in deep learning. However, with the development of large language models (LLMs), there is an increasing emphasis on scaling both model size and data volume, which often diminishes the importance of human priors in data construction. Influenced by these trends, existing Small Language Models (SLMs) mainly rely on web-scraped large-scale training data, neglecting the proper incorporation of human priors. This oversight limits the training efficiency of language models in resource-constrained settings. In this paper, we propose a principle to leverage human priors for data construction. This principle emphasizes achieving high-performance SLMs by training on a concise dataset that accommodates both semantic diversity and data quality consistency, while avoiding benchmark data leakage. Following this principle, we train an SLM named HARE-1.1B. Extensive experiments on large-scale benchmark datasets demonstrate that HARE-1.1B performs favorably against state-of-the-art SLMs, validating the effectiveness of the proposed principle. Additionally, this provides new insights into efficient language model training in resource-constrained environments from the view of human priors.

replace-cross Teleporter Theory: A General and Simple Approach for Modeling Cross-World Counterfactual Causality

Authors: Jiangmeng Li, Bin Qin, Qirui Ji, Yi Li, Wenwen Qiang, Jianwen Cao, Fanjiang Xu

Abstract: Leveraging the development of structural causal model (SCM), researchers can establish graphical models for exploring the causal mechanisms behind machine learning techniques. As the complexity of machine learning applications rises, single-world interventionism causal analysis encounters theoretical adaptation limitations. Accordingly, cross-world counterfactual approach extends our understanding of causality beyond observed data, enabling hypothetical reasoning about alternative scenarios. However, the joint involvement of cross-world variables, encompassing counterfactual variables and real-world variables, challenges the construction of the graphical model. Twin network is a subtle attempt, establishing a symbiotic relationship, to bridge the gap between graphical modeling and the introduction of counterfactuals albeit with room for improvement in generalization. In this regard, we demonstrate the theoretical breakdowns of twin networks in certain cross-world counterfactual scenarios. To this end, we propose a novel teleporter theory to establish a general and simple graphical representation of counterfactuals, which provides criteria for determining teleporter variables to connect multiple worlds. In theoretical application, we determine that introducing the proposed teleporter theory can directly obtain the conditional independence between counterfactual variables and real-world variables from the cross-world SCM without requiring complex algebraic derivations. Accordingly, we can further identify counterfactual causal effects through cross-world symbolic derivation. We demonstrate the generality of the teleporter theory to the practical application. Adhering to the proposed theory, we build a plug-and-play module, and the effectiveness of which are substantiated by experiments on benchmarks.

replace-cross Linear Bellman Completeness Suffices for Efficient Online Reinforcement Learning with Few Actions

Authors: Noah Golowich, Ankur Moitra

Abstract: One of the most natural approaches to reinforcement learning (RL) with function approximation is value iteration, which inductively generates approximations to the optimal value function by solving a sequence of regression problems. To ensure the success of value iteration, it is typically assumed that Bellman completeness holds, which ensures that these regression problems are well-specified. We study the problem of learning an optimal policy under Bellman completeness in the online model of RL with linear function approximation. In the linear setting, while statistically efficient algorithms are known under Bellman completeness (e.g., Jiang et al. (2017); Zanette et al. (2020)), these algorithms all rely on the principle of global optimism which requires solving a nonconvex optimization problem. In particular, it has remained open as to whether computationally efficient algorithms exist. In this paper we give the first polynomial-time algorithm for RL under linear Bellman completeness when the number of actions is any constant.

replace-cross Is Efficient PAC Learning Possible with an Oracle That Responds 'Yes' or 'No'?

Authors: Constantinos Daskalakis, Noah Golowich

Abstract: The empirical risk minimization (ERM) principle has been highly impactful in machine learning, leading both to near-optimal theoretical guarantees for ERM-based learning algorithms as well as driving many of the recent empirical successes in deep learning. In this paper, we investigate the question of whether the ability to perform ERM, which computes a hypothesis minimizing empirical risk on a given dataset, is necessary for efficient learning: in particular, is there a weaker oracle than ERM which can nevertheless enable learnability? We answer this question affirmatively, showing that in the realizable setting of PAC learning for binary classification, a concept class can be learned using an oracle which only returns a single bit indicating whether a given dataset is realizable by some concept in the class. The sample complexity and oracle complexity of our algorithm depend polynomially on the VC dimension of the hypothesis class, thus showing that there is only a polynomial price to pay for use of our weaker oracle. Our results extend to the agnostic learning setting with a slight strengthening of the oracle, as well as to the partial concept, multiclass and real-valued learning settings. In the setting of partial concept classes, prior to our work no oracle-efficient algorithms were known, even with a standard ERM oracle. Thus, our results address a question of Alon et al. (2021) who asked whether there are algorithmic principles which enable efficient learnability in this setting.

replace-cross BLoB: Bayesian Low-Rank Adaptation by Backpropagation for Large Language Models

Authors: Yibin Wang, Haizhou Shi, Ligong Han, Dimitris Metaxas, Hao Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) often suffer from overconfidence during inference, particularly when adapted to downstream domain-specific tasks with limited data. Previous work addresses this issue by employing approximate Bayesian estimation after the LLMs are trained, enabling them to quantify uncertainty. However, such post-training approaches' performance is severely limited by the parameters learned during training. In this paper, we go beyond post-training Bayesianization and propose Bayesian Low-Rank Adaptation by Backpropagation (BLoB), an algorithm that continuously and jointly adjusts both the mean and covariance of LLM parameters throughout the whole fine-tuning process. Our empirical results verify the effectiveness of BLoB in terms of generalization and uncertainty estimation, when evaluated on both in-distribution and out-of-distribution data.

replace-cross The Role of Inherent Bellman Error in Offline Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation

Authors: Noah Golowich, Ankur Moitra

Abstract: In this paper, we study the offline RL problem with linear function approximation. Our main structural assumption is that the MDP has low inherent Bellman error, which stipulates that linear value functions have linear Bellman backups with respect to the greedy policy. This assumption is natural in that it is essentially the minimal assumption required for value iteration to succeed. We give a computationally efficient algorithm which succeeds under a single-policy coverage condition on the dataset, namely which outputs a policy whose value is at least that of any policy which is well-covered by the dataset. Even in the setting when the inherent Bellman error is 0 (termed linear Bellman completeness), our algorithm yields the first known guarantee under single-policy coverage. In the setting of positive inherent Bellman error ${\varepsilon_{\mathrm{BE}}} > 0$, we show that the suboptimality error of our algorithm scales with $\sqrt{\varepsilon_{\mathrm{BE}}}$. Furthermore, we prove that the scaling of the suboptimality with $\sqrt{\varepsilon_{\mathrm{BE}}}$ cannot be improved for any algorithm. Our lower bound stands in contrast to many other settings in reinforcement learning with misspecification, where one can typically obtain performance that degrades linearly with the misspecification error.