new Leveraging Pedagogical Theories to Understand Student Learning Process with Graph-based Reasonable Knowledge Tracing

Authors: Jiajun Cui, Hong Qian, Bo Jiang, Wei Zhang

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT) is a crucial task in intelligent education, focusing on predicting students' performance on given questions to trace their evolving knowledge. The advancement of deep learning in this field has led to deep-learning knowledge tracing (DLKT) models that prioritize high predictive accuracy. However, many existing DLKT methods overlook the fundamental goal of tracking students' dynamical knowledge mastery. These models do not explicitly model knowledge mastery tracing processes or yield unreasonable results that educators find difficulty to comprehend and apply in real teaching scenarios. In response, our research conducts a preliminary analysis of mainstream KT approaches to highlight and explain such unreasonableness. We introduce GRKT, a graph-based reasonable knowledge tracing method to address these issues. By leveraging graph neural networks, our approach delves into the mutual influences of knowledge concepts, offering a more accurate representation of how the knowledge mastery evolves throughout the learning process. Additionally, we propose a fine-grained and psychological three-stage modeling process as knowledge retrieval, memory strengthening, and knowledge learning/forgetting, to conduct a more reasonable knowledge tracing process. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that GRKT outperforms eleven baselines across three datasets, not only enhancing predictive accuracy but also generating more reasonable knowledge tracing results. This makes our model a promising advancement for practical implementation in educational settings. The source code is available at


new Deriving Hematological Disease Classes Using Fuzzy Logic and Expert Knowledge: A Comprehensive Machine Learning Approach with CBC Parameters

Authors: Salem Ameen, Ravivarman Balachandran, Theodoros Theodoridis

Abstract: In the intricate field of medical diagnostics, capturing the subtle manifestations of diseases remains a challenge. Traditional methods, often binary in nature, may not encapsulate the nuanced variances that exist in real-world clinical scenarios. This paper introduces a novel approach by leveraging Fuzzy Logic Rules to derive disease classes based on expert domain knowledge from a medical practitioner. By recognizing that diseases do not always fit into neat categories, and that expert knowledge can guide the fuzzification of these boundaries, our methodology offers a more sophisticated and nuanced diagnostic tool. Using a dataset procured from a prominent hospital, containing detailed patient blood count records, we harness Fuzzy Logic Rules, a computational technique celebrated for its ability to handle ambiguity. This approach, moving through stages of fuzzification, rule application, inference, and ultimately defuzzification, produces refined diagnostic predictions. When combined with the Random Forest classifier, the system adeptly predicts hematological conditions using Complete Blood Count (CBC) parameters. Preliminary results showcase high accuracy levels, underscoring the advantages of integrating fuzzy logic into the diagnostic process. When juxtaposed with traditional diagnostic techniques, it becomes evident that Fuzzy Logic, especially when guided by medical expertise, offers significant advancements in the realm of hematological diagnostics. This paper not only paves the path for enhanced patient care but also beckons a deeper dive into the potentialities of fuzzy logic in various medical diagnostic applications.

new Traffic Prediction considering Multiple Levels of Spatial-temporal Information: A Multi-scale Graph Wavelet-based Approach

Authors: Zilin Bian, Jingqin Gao, Kaan Ozbay, Zhenning Li

Abstract: Although traffic prediction has been receiving considerable attention with a number of successes in the context of intelligent transportation systems, the prediction of traffic states over a complex transportation network that contains different road types has remained a challenge. This study proposes a multi-scale graph wavelet temporal convolution network (MSGWTCN) to predict the traffic states in complex transportation networks. Specifically, a multi-scale spatial block is designed to simultaneously capture the spatial information at different levels, and the gated temporal convolution network is employed to extract the temporal dependencies of the data. The model jointly learns to mount multiple levels of the spatial interactions by stacking graph wavelets with different scales. Two real-world datasets are used in this study to investigate the model performance, including a highway network in Seattle and a dense road network of Manhattan in New York City. Experiment results show that the proposed model outperforms other baseline models. Furthermore, different scales of graph wavelets are found to be effective in extracting local, intermediate and global information at the same time and thus enable the model to learn a complex transportation network topology with various types of road segments. By carefully customizing the scales of wavelets, the model is able to improve the prediction performance and better adapt to different network configurations.

new Bayesian-LoRA: LoRA based Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning using Optimal Quantization levels and Rank Values trough Differentiable Bayesian Gates

Authors: Cristian Meo, Ksenia Sycheva, Anirudh Goyal, Justin Dauwels

Abstract: It is a common practice in natural language processing to pre-train a single model on a general domain and then fine-tune it for downstream tasks. However, when it comes to Large Language Models, fine-tuning the entire model can be computationally expensive, resulting in very intensive energy consumption. As a result, several Parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) approaches were recently proposed. One of the most popular approaches is low-rank adaptation (LoRA), where the key insight is decomposing the update weights of the pre-trained model into two low-rank matrices. However, the proposed approaches either use the same rank value across all different weight matrices or do not use any quantization technique, which has been shown to be one of the most important factors when it comes to a model's energy consumption. In this work, we propose Bayesian-LoRA (B-LoRA) which approaches matrix decomposition and quantization from a Bayesian perspective by employing a prior distribution on both quantization levels and rank values of the learned low-rank matrices. As a result, B-LoRA is able to fine-tune a pre-trained model on a specific downstream task, finding the optimal rank values and quantization levels for every low-rank matrix. We validate the proposed model fine-tuning a pre-trained DeBERTaV3 on the GLUE benchmark. Moreover, we compare it to relevant baselines and present both qualitative and quantitative results, showing how the proposed approach is able to learn optimal-rank quantized matrices. B-LoRA performs on par or better than baselines while reducing the total amount of bit operations of roughly 70% with respect to the baselines ones.

new A Generic Method for Fine-grained Category Discovery in Natural Language Texts

Authors: Chang Tian, Matthew B. Blaschko, Wenpeng Yin, Mingzhe Xing, Yinliang Yue, Marie-Francine Moens

Abstract: Fine-grained category discovery using only coarse-grained supervision is a cost-effective yet challenging task. Previous training methods focus on aligning query samples with positive samples and distancing them from negatives. They often neglect intra-category and inter-category semantic similarities of fine-grained categories when navigating sample distributions in the embedding space. Furthermore, some evaluation techniques that rely on pre-collected test samples are inadequate for real-time applications. To address these shortcomings, we introduce a method that successfully detects fine-grained clusters of semantically similar texts guided by a novel objective function. The method uses semantic similarities in a logarithmic space to guide sample distributions in the Euclidean space and to form distinct clusters that represent fine-grained categories. We also propose a centroid inference mechanism to support real-time applications. The efficacy of the method is both theoretically justified and empirically confirmed on three benchmark tasks. The proposed objective function is integrated in multiple contrastive learning based neural models. Its results surpass existing state-of-the-art approaches in terms of Accuracy, Adjusted Rand Index and Normalized Mutual Information of the detected fine-grained categories. Code and data will be available at upon publication.


new Accelerating Complex Disease Treatment through Network Medicine and GenAI: A Case Study on Drug Repurposing for Breast Cancer

Authors: Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, Tamer E. Fandy, Xindong Wu

Abstract: The objective of this research is to introduce a network specialized in predicting drugs that can be repurposed by investigating real-world evidence sources, such as clinical trials and biomedical literature. Specifically, it aims to generate drug combination therapies for complex diseases (e.g., cancer, Alzheimer's). We present a multilayered network medicine approach, empowered by a highly configured ChatGPT prompt engineering system, which is constructed on the fly to extract drug mentions in clinical trials. Additionally, we introduce a novel algorithm that connects real-world evidence with disease-specific signaling pathways (e.g., KEGG database). This sheds light on the repurposability of drugs if they are found to bind with one or more protein constituents of a signaling pathway. To demonstrate, we instantiated the framework for breast cancer and found that, out of 46 breast cancer signaling pathways, the framework identified 38 pathways that were covered by at least two drugs. This evidence signals the potential for combining those drugs. Specifically, the most covered signaling pathway, ID hsa:2064, was covered by 108 drugs, some of which can be combined. Conversely, the signaling pathway ID hsa:1499 was covered by only two drugs, indicating a significant gap for further research. Our network medicine framework, empowered by GenAI, shows promise in identifying drug combinations with a high degree of specificity, knowing the exact signaling pathways and proteins that serve as targets. It is noteworthy that ChatGPT successfully accelerated the process of identifying drug mentions in clinical trials, though further investigations are required to determine the relationships among the drug mentions.

new State-of-the-Art Review: The Use of Digital Twins to Support Artificial Intelligence-Guided Predictive Maintenance

Authors: Sizhe Ma, Katherine A. Flanigan, Mario Berg\'es

Abstract: In recent years, predictive maintenance (PMx) has gained prominence for its potential to enhance efficiency, automation, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness while reducing human involvement. Importantly, PMx has evolved in tandem with digital advancements, such as Big Data and the Internet of Things (IOT). These technological strides have enabled Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionize PMx processes, with increasing capacities for real-time automation of monitoring, analysis, and prediction tasks. However, PMx still faces challenges such as poor explainability and sample inefficiency in data-driven methods and high complexity in physics-based models, hindering broader adoption. This paper posits that Digital Twins (DTs) can be integrated into PMx to overcome these challenges, paving the way for more automated PMx applications across various stakeholders. Despite their potential, current DTs have not fully matured to bridge existing gaps. Our paper provides a comprehensive roadmap for DT evolution, addressing current limitations to foster large-scale automated PMx progression. We structure our approach in three stages: First, we reference prior work where we identified and defined the Information Requirements (IRs) and Functional Requirements (FRs) for PMx, forming the blueprint for a unified framework. Second, we conduct a literature review to assess current DT applications integrating these IRs and FRs, revealing standardized DT models and tools that support automated PMx. Lastly, we highlight gaps in current DT implementations, particularly those IRs and FRs not fully supported, and outline the necessary components for a comprehensive, automated PMx system. Our paper concludes with research directions aimed at seamlessly integrating DTs into the PMx paradigm to achieve this ambitious vision.

new ViLCo-Bench: VIdeo Language COntinual learning Benchmark

Authors: Tianqi Tang, Shohreh Deldari, Hao Xue, Celso De Melo, Flora D. Salim

Abstract: Video language continual learning involves continuously adapting to information from video and text inputs, enhancing a model's ability to handle new tasks while retaining prior knowledge. This field is a relatively under-explored area, and establishing appropriate datasets is crucial for facilitating communication and research in this field. In this study, we present the first dedicated benchmark, ViLCo-Bench, designed to evaluate continual learning models across a range of video-text tasks. The dataset comprises ten-minute-long videos and corresponding language queries collected from publicly available datasets. Additionally, we introduce a novel memory-efficient framework that incorporates self-supervised learning and mimics long-term and short-term memory effects. This framework addresses challenges including memory complexity from long video clips, natural language complexity from open queries, and text-video misalignment. We posit that ViLCo-Bench, with greater complexity compared to existing continual learning benchmarks, would serve as a critical tool for exploring the video-language domain, extending beyond conventional class-incremental tasks, and addressing complex and limited annotation issues. The curated data, evaluations, and our novel method are available at .


new A Unified Framework for Combinatorial Optimization Based on Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Yaochu Jin, Xueming Yan, Shiqing Liu, Xiangyu Wang

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for solving combinatorial optimization problems (COPs), exhibiting state-of-the-art performance in both graph-structured and non-graph-structured domains. However, existing approaches lack a unified framework capable of addressing a wide range of COPs. After presenting a summary of representative COPs and a brief review of recent advancements in GNNs for solving COPs, this paper proposes a unified framework for solving COPs based on GNNs, including graph representation of COPs, equivalent conversion of non-graph structured COPs to graph-structured COPs, graph decomposition, and graph simplification. The proposed framework leverages the ability of GNNs to effectively capture the relational information and extract features from the graph representation of COPs, offering a generic solution to COPs that can address the limitations of state-of-the-art in solving non-graph-structured and highly complex graph-structured COPs.

new Oralytics Reinforcement Learning Algorithm

Authors: Anna L. Trella, Kelly W. Zhang, Stephanie M. Carpenter, David Elashoff, Zara M. Greer, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Dennis Ruenger, Vivek Shetty, Susan A. Murphy

Abstract: Dental disease is still one of the most common chronic diseases in the United States. While dental disease is preventable through healthy oral self-care behaviors (OSCB), this basic behavior is not consistently practiced. We have developed Oralytics, an online, reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm that optimizes the delivery of personalized intervention prompts to improve OSCB. In this paper, we offer a full overview of algorithm design decisions made using prior data, domain expertise, and experiments in a simulation test bed. The finalized RL algorithm was deployed in the Oralytics clinical trial, conducted from fall 2023 to summer 2024.

new APPL: A Prompt Programming Language for Harmonious Integration of Programs and Large Language Model Prompts

Authors: Honghua Dong, Qidong Su, Yubo Gao, Zhaoyu Li, Yangjun Ruan, Gennady Pekhimenko, Chris J. Maddison, Xujie Si

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become increasingly capable of handling diverse tasks with the aid of well-crafted prompts and integration of external tools, but as task complexity rises, the workflow involving LLMs can be complicated and thus challenging to implement and maintain. To address this challenge, we propose APPL, A Prompt Programming Language that acts as a bridge between computer programs and LLMs, allowing seamless embedding of prompts into Python functions, and vice versa. APPL provides an intuitive and Python-native syntax, an efficient parallelized runtime with asynchronous semantics, and a tracing module supporting effective failure diagnosis and replaying without extra costs. We demonstrate that APPL programs are intuitive, concise, and efficient through three representative scenarios: Chain-of-Thought with self-consistency (CoT-SC), ReAct tool use agent, and multi-agent chat. Experiments on three parallelizable workflows further show that APPL can effectively parallelize independent LLM calls, with a significant speedup ratio that almost matches the estimation.

new Amphista: Accelerate LLM Inference with Bi-directional Multiple Drafting Heads in a Non-autoregressive Style

Authors: Zeping Li, Xinlong Yang, Ziheng Gao, Ji Liu, Zhuang Liu, Dong Li, Jinzhang Peng, Lu Tian, Emad Barsoum

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) inherently use autoregressive decoding, which lacks parallelism in inference and results in significantly slow inference speeds, especially when hardware parallel accelerators and memory bandwidth are not fully utilized. In this work, we propose Amphista, a speculative decoding algorithm that adheres to a non-autoregressive decoding paradigm. Owing to the increased parallelism, our method demonstrates higher efficiency in inference compared to autoregressive methods. Specifically, Amphista models an Auto-embedding Block capable of parallel inference, incorporating bi-directional attention to enable interaction between different drafting heads. Additionally, Amphista implements Staged Adaptation Layers to facilitate the transition of semantic information from the base model's autoregressive inference to the drafting heads' non-autoregressive speculation, thereby achieving paradigm transformation and feature fusion. We conduct a series of experiments on a suite of Vicuna models using MT-Bench and Spec-Bench. For the Vicuna 33B model, Amphista achieves up to 2.75$\times$ and 1.40$\times$ wall-clock acceleration compared to vanilla autoregressive decoding and Medusa, respectively, while preserving lossless generation quality.

new AdaMoE: Token-Adaptive Routing with Null Experts for Mixture-of-Experts Language Models

Authors: Zihao Zeng, Yibo Miao, Hongcheng Gao, Hao Zhang, Zhijie Deng

Abstract: Mixture of experts (MoE) has become the standard for constructing production-level large language models (LLMs) due to its promise to boost model capacity without causing significant overheads. Nevertheless, existing MoE methods usually enforce a constant top-k routing for all tokens, which is arguably restrictive because various tokens (e.g., "" vs. "apple") may require various numbers of experts for feature abstraction. Lifting such a constraint can help make the most of limited resources and unleash the potential of the model for downstream tasks. In this sense, we introduce AdaMoE to realize token-adaptive routing for MoE, where different tokens are permitted to select a various number of experts. AdaMoE makes minimal modifications to the vanilla MoE with top-k routing -- it simply introduces a fixed number of null experts, which do not consume any FLOPs, to the expert set and increases the value of k. AdaMoE does not force each token to occupy a fixed number of null experts but ensures the average usage of the null experts with a load-balancing loss, leading to an adaptive number of null/true experts used by each token. AdaMoE exhibits a strong resemblance to MoEs with expert choice routing while allowing for trivial auto-regressive modeling. AdaMoE is easy to implement and can be effectively applied to pre-trained (MoE-)LLMs. Extensive studies show that AdaMoE can reduce average expert load (FLOPs) while achieving superior performance. For example, on the ARC-C dataset, applying our method to fine-tuning Mixtral-8x7B can reduce FLOPs by 14.5% while increasing accuracy by 1.69%.

new LangTopo: Aligning Language Descriptions of Graphs with Tokenized Topological Modeling

Authors: Zhong Guan, Hongke Zhao, Likang Wu, Ming He, Jianpin Fan

Abstract: Recently, large language models (LLMs) have been widely researched in the field of graph machine learning due to their outstanding abilities in language comprehension and learning. However, the significant gap between natural language tasks and topological structure modeling poses a nonnegligible challenge. Specifically, since natural language descriptions are not sufficient for LLMs to understand and process graph-structured data, fine-tuned LLMs perform even worse than some traditional GNN models on graph tasks, lacking inherent modeling capabilities for graph structures. Existing research overly emphasizes LLMs' understanding of semantic information captured by external models, while inadequately exploring graph topological structure modeling, thereby overlooking the genuine capabilities that LLMs lack. Consequently, in this paper, we introduce a new framework, LangTopo, which aligns graph structure modeling with natural language understanding at the token level. LangTopo quantifies the graph structure modeling capabilities of GNNs and LLMs by constructing a codebook for the graph modality and performs consistency maximization. This process aligns the text description of LLM with the topological modeling of GNN, allowing LLM to learn the ability of GNN to capture graph structures, enabling LLM to handle graph-structured data independently. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on multiple datasets.

new Reasoning with trees: interpreting CNNs using hierarchies

Authors: Caroline Mazini Rodrigues (LIGM, LRE), Nicolas Boutry (LRE), Laurent Najman (LIGM)

Abstract: Challenges persist in providing interpretable explanations for neural network reasoning in explainable AI (xAI). Existing methods like Integrated Gradients produce noisy maps, and LIME, while intuitive, may deviate from the model's reasoning. We introduce a framework that uses hierarchical segmentation techniques for faithful and interpretable explanations of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Our method constructs model-based hierarchical segmentations that maintain the model's reasoning fidelity and allows both human-centric and model-centric segmentation. This approach offers multiscale explanations, aiding bias identification and enhancing understanding of neural network decision-making. Experiments show that our framework, xAiTrees, delivers highly interpretable and faithful model explanations, not only surpassing traditional xAI methods but shedding new light on a novel approach to enhancing xAI interpretability. Code at: .


new Do Multimodal Foundation Models Understand Enterprise Workflows? A Benchmark for Business Process Management Tasks

Authors: Michael Wornow, Avanika Narayan, Ben Viggiano, Ishan S. Khare, Tathagat Verma, Tibor Thompson, Miguel Angel Fuentes Hernandez, Sudharsan Sundar, Chloe Trujillo, Krrish Chawla, Rongfei Lu, Justin Shen, Divya Nagaraj, Joshua Martinez, Vardhan Agrawal, Althea Hudson, Nigam H. Shah, Christopher Re

Abstract: Existing ML benchmarks lack the depth and diversity of annotations needed for evaluating models on business process management (BPM) tasks. BPM is the practice of documenting, measuring, improving, and automating enterprise workflows. However, research has focused almost exclusively on one task - full end-to-end automation using agents based on multimodal foundation models (FMs) like GPT-4. This focus on automation ignores the reality of how most BPM tools are applied today - simply documenting the relevant workflow takes 60% of the time of the typical process optimization project. To address this gap we present WONDERBREAD, the first benchmark for evaluating multimodal FMs on BPM tasks beyond automation. Our contributions are: (1) a dataset containing 2928 documented workflow demonstrations; (2) 6 novel BPM tasks sourced from real-world applications ranging from workflow documentation to knowledge transfer to process improvement; and (3) an automated evaluation harness. Our benchmark shows that while state-of-the-art FMs can automatically generate documentation (e.g. recalling 88% of the steps taken in a video demonstration of a workflow), they struggle to re-apply that knowledge towards finer-grained validation of workflow completion (F1 < 0.3). We hope WONDERBREAD encourages the development of more "human-centered" AI tooling for enterprise applications and furthers the exploration of multimodal FMs for the broader universe of BPM tasks. We publish our dataset and experiments here:


new Investigating Low-Cost LLM Annotation for~Spoken Dialogue Understanding Datasets

Authors: Lucas Druart (LIA), Valentin Vielzeuf (LIA), Yannick Est\`eve (LIA)

Abstract: In spoken Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD) systems, the choice of the semantic representation describing the users' requests is key to a smooth interaction. Indeed, the system uses this representation to reason over a database and its domain knowledge to choose its next action. The dialogue course thus depends on the information provided by this semantic representation. While textual datasets provide fine-grained semantic representations, spoken dialogue datasets fall behind. This paper provides insights into automatic enhancement of spoken dialogue datasets' semantic representations. Our contributions are three fold: (1) assess the relevance of Large Language Model fine-tuning, (2) evaluate the knowledge captured by the produced annotations and (3) highlight semi-automatic annotation implications.

new Integration of Policy and Reputation based Trust Mechanisms in e-Commerce Industry

Authors: Muhammad Yasir Siddiqui, Alam Gir

Abstract: The e-commerce systems are being tackled from commerce behavior and internet technologies. Therefore, trust aspect between buyer-seller transactions is a potential element which needs to be addressed in competitive e-commerce industry. The e-commerce industry is currently handling two different trust approaches. First approach consists on centralized mechanism where digital credentials/set of rules assembled, called Policy based trust mechanisms . Second approach consists on decentralized trust mechanisms where reputation, points assembled and shared, called Reputation based trust mechanisms. The difference between reputation and policy based trust mechanism will be analyzed and recommendations would be proposed to increase trust between buyer and seller in e-commerce industry. The integration of trust mechanism is proposed through mapping process, strength of one mechanism with the weakness of other. The proposed model for integrated mechanism will be presented and illustrated how the proposed model will be used in real world e-commerce industry.

new Multimodal MRI-based Detection of Amyloid Status in Alzheimer's Disease Continuum

Authors: Giorgio Dolci (Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science), Charles A. Ellis (Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science), Federica Cruciani (Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy), Lorenza Brusini (Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy), Anees Abrol (Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science), Ilaria Boscolo Galazzo (Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy), Gloria Menegaz (Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy), Vince D. Calhoun (Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science)

Abstract: Amyloid-$\beta$ (A$\beta$) plaques in conjunction with hyperphosphorylated tau proteins in the form of neurofibrillary tangles are the two neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In particular, the accumulation of A$\beta$ plaques, as evinced by the A/T/N (amyloid/tau/neurodegeneration) framework, marks the initial stage. Thus, the identification of individuals with A$\beta$ positivity could enable early diagnosis and potentially lead to more effective interventions. Deep learning methods relying mainly on amyloid PET images have been employed to this end. However, PET imaging has some disadvantages, including the need of radiotracers and expensive acquisitions. Hence, in this work, we propose a novel multimodal approach that integrates information from structural, functional, and diffusion MRI data to discriminate A$\beta$ status in the AD continuum. Our method achieved an accuracy of $0.762\pm0.04$. Furthermore, a \textit{post-hoc} explainability analysis (guided backpropagation) was performed to retrieve the brain regions that most influenced the model predictions. This analysis identified some key regions that were common across modalities, some of which were well-established AD-discriminative biomarkers and related to A$\beta$ deposition, such as the hippocampus, thalamus, precuneus, and cingulate gyrus. Hence, our study demonstrates the potential viability of MRI-based characterization of A$\beta$ status, paving the way for further research in this domain.

new Thread: A Logic-Based Data Organization Paradigm for How-To Question Answering with Retrieval Augmented Generation

Authors: Kaikai An, Fangkai Yang, Liqun Li, Junting Lu, Sitao Cheng, Lu Wang, Pu Zhao, Lele Cao, Qingwei Lin, Saravan Rajmohan, Dongmei Zhang, Qi Zhang

Abstract: Current question answering systems leveraging retrieval augmented generation perform well in answering factoid questions but face challenges with non-factoid questions, particularly how-to queries requiring detailed step-by-step instructions and explanations. In this paper, we introduce Thread, a novel data organization paradigm that transforms documents into logic units based on their inter-connectivity. Extensive experiments across open-domain and industrial scenarios demonstrate that Thread outperforms existing data organization paradigms in RAG-based QA systems, significantly improving the handling of how-to questions.

new VELO: A Vector Database-Assisted Cloud-Edge Collaborative LLM QoS Optimization Framework

Authors: Zhi Yao, Zhiqing Tang, Jiong Lou, Ping Shen, Weijia Jia

Abstract: The Large Language Model (LLM) has gained significant popularity and is extensively utilized across various domains. Most LLM deployments occur within cloud data centers, where they encounter substantial response delays and incur high costs, thereby impacting the Quality of Services (QoS) at the network edge. Leveraging vector database caching to store LLM request results at the edge can substantially mitigate response delays and cost associated with similar requests, which has been overlooked by previous research. Addressing these gaps, this paper introduces a novel Vector database-assisted cloud-Edge collaborative LLM QoS Optimization (VELO) framework. Firstly, we propose the VELO framework, which ingeniously employs vector database to cache the results of some LLM requests at the edge to reduce the response time of subsequent similar requests. Diverging from direct optimization of the LLM, our VELO framework does not necessitate altering the internal structure of LLM and is broadly applicable to diverse LLMs. Subsequently, building upon the VELO framework, we formulate the QoS optimization problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and devise an algorithm grounded in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) to decide whether to request the LLM in the cloud or directly return the results from the vector database at the edge. Moreover, to enhance request feature extraction and expedite training, we refine the policy network of MARL and integrate expert demonstrations. Finally, we implement the proposed algorithm within a real edge system. Experimental findings confirm that our VELO framework substantially enhances user satisfaction by concurrently diminishing delay and resource consumption for edge users utilizing LLMs.

new Federating to Grow Transformers with Constrained Resources without Model Sharing

Authors: Shikun Shen, Yifei Zou, Yuan Yuan, Yanwei Zheng, Peng Li, Xiuzhen Cheng, Dongxiao Yu

Abstract: The high resource consumption of large-scale models discourages resource-constrained users from developing their customized transformers. To this end, this paper considers a federated framework named Fed-Grow for multiple participants to cooperatively scale a transformer from their pre-trained small models. Under the Fed-Grow, a Dual-LiGO (Dual Linear Growth Operator) architecture is designed to help participants expand their pre-trained small models to a transformer. In Dual-LiGO, the Local-LiGO part is used to address the heterogeneity problem caused by the various pre-trained models, and the Global-LiGO part is shared to exchange the implicit knowledge from the pre-trained models, local data, and training process of participants. Instead of model sharing, only sharing the Global-LiGO strengthens the privacy of our approach. Compared with several state-of-the-art methods in simulation, our approach has higher accuracy, better precision, and lower resource consumption on computations and communications. To the best of our knowledge, most of the previous model-scaling works are centralized, and our work is the first one that cooperatively grows a transformer from multiple pre-trained heterogeneous models with the user privacy protected in terms of local data and models. We hope that our approach can extend the transformers to the broadly distributed scenarios and encourage more resource-constrained users to enjoy the bonus taken by the large-scale transformers.

new Enhancing Travel Choice Modeling with Large Language Models: A Prompt-Learning Approach

Authors: Xuehao Zhai, Hanlin Tian, Lintong Li, Tianyu Zhao

Abstract: Travel choice analysis is crucial for understanding individual travel behavior to develop appropriate transport policies and recommendation systems in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Despite extensive research, this domain faces two critical challenges: a) modeling with limited survey data, and b) simultaneously achieving high model explainability and accuracy. In this paper, we introduce a novel prompt-learning-based Large Language Model(LLM) framework that significantly improves prediction accuracy and provides explicit explanations for individual predictions. This framework involves three main steps: transforming input variables into textual form; building of demonstrations similar to the object, and applying these to a well-trained LLM. We tested the framework's efficacy using two widely used choice datasets: London Passenger Mode Choice (LPMC) and Optima-Mode collected in Switzerland. The results indicate that the LLM significantly outperforms state-of-the-art deep learning methods and discrete choice models in predicting people's choices. Additionally, we present a case of explanation illustrating how the LLM framework generates understandable and explicit explanations at the individual level.

new Trapezoidal Gradient Descent for Effective Reinforcement Learning in Spiking Networks

Authors: Yuhao Pan, Xiucheng Wang, Nan Cheng, Qi Qiu

Abstract: With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, the field of reinforcement learning has continuously achieved breakthroughs in both theory and practice. However, traditional reinforcement learning algorithms often entail high energy consumption during interactions with the environment. Spiking Neural Network (SNN), with their low energy consumption characteristics and performance comparable to deep neural networks, have garnered widespread attention. To reduce the energy consumption of practical applications of reinforcement learning, researchers have successively proposed the Pop-SAN and MDC-SAN algorithms. Nonetheless, these algorithms use rectangular functions to approximate the spike network during the training process, resulting in low sensitivity, thus indicating room for improvement in the training effectiveness of SNN. Based on this, we propose a trapezoidal approximation gradient method to replace the spike network, which not only preserves the original stable learning state but also enhances the model's adaptability and response sensitivity under various signal dynamics. Simulation results show that the improved algorithm, using the trapezoidal approximation gradient to replace the spike network, achieves better convergence speed and performance compared to the original algorithm and demonstrates good training stability.

new CoDreamer: Communication-Based Decentralised World Models

Authors: Edan Toledo, Amanda Prorok

Abstract: Sample efficiency is a critical challenge in reinforcement learning. Model-based RL has emerged as a solution, but its application has largely been confined to single-agent scenarios. In this work, we introduce CoDreamer, an extension of the Dreamer algorithm for multi-agent environments. CoDreamer leverages Graph Neural Networks for a two-level communication system to tackle challenges such as partial observability and inter-agent cooperation. Communication is separately utilised within the learned world models and within the learned policies of each agent to enhance modelling and task-solving. We show that CoDreamer offers greater expressive power than a naive application of Dreamer, and we demonstrate its superiority over baseline methods across various multi-agent environments.

new Stability and Generalizability in SDE Diffusion Models with Measure-Preserving Dynamics

Authors: Weitong Zhang, Chengqi Zang, Liu Li, Sarah Cechnicka, Cheng Ouyang, Bernhard Kainz

Abstract: Inverse problems describe the process of estimating the causal factors from a set of measurements or data. Mapping of often incomplete or degraded data to parameters is ill-posed, thus data-driven iterative solutions are required, for example when reconstructing clean images from poor signals. Diffusion models have shown promise as potent generative tools for solving inverse problems due to their superior reconstruction quality and their compatibility with iterative solvers. However, most existing approaches are limited to linear inverse problems represented as Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs). This simplification falls short of addressing the challenging nature of real-world problems, leading to amplified cumulative errors and biases. We provide an explanation for this gap through the lens of measure-preserving dynamics of Random Dynamical Systems (RDS) with which we analyse Temporal Distribution Discrepancy and thus introduce a theoretical framework based on RDS for SDE diffusion models. We uncover several strategies that inherently enhance the stability and generalizability of diffusion models for inverse problems and introduce a novel score-based diffusion framework, the \textbf{D}ynamics-aware S\textbf{D}E \textbf{D}iffusion \textbf{G}enerative \textbf{M}odel (D$^3$GM). The \textit{Measure-preserving property} can return the degraded measurement to the original state despite complex degradation with the RDS concept of \textit{stability}. Our extensive experimental results corroborate the effectiveness of D$^3$GM across multiple benchmarks including a prominent application for inverse problems, magnetic resonance imaging. Code and data will be publicly available.

new Leveraging Large Language Models for Patient Engagement: The Power of Conversational AI in Digital Health

Authors: Bo Wen, Raquel Norel, Julia Liu, Thaddeus Stappenbeck, Farhana Zulkernine, Huamin Chen

Abstract: The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have opened up new opportunities for transforming patient engagement in healthcare through conversational AI. This paper presents an overview of the current landscape of LLMs in healthcare, specifically focusing on their applications in analyzing and generating conversations for improved patient engagement. We showcase the power of LLMs in handling unstructured conversational data through four case studies: (1) analyzing mental health discussions on Reddit, (2) developing a personalized chatbot for cognitive engagement in seniors, (3) summarizing medical conversation datasets, and (4) designing an AI-powered patient engagement system. These case studies demonstrate how LLMs can effectively extract insights and summarizations from unstructured dialogues and engage patients in guided, goal-oriented conversations. Leveraging LLMs for conversational analysis and generation opens new doors for many patient-centered outcomes research opportunities. However, integrating LLMs into healthcare raises important ethical considerations regarding data privacy, bias, transparency, and regulatory compliance. We discuss best practices and guidelines for the responsible development and deployment of LLMs in healthcare settings. Realizing the full potential of LLMs in digital health will require close collaboration between the AI and healthcare professionals communities to address technical challenges and ensure these powerful tools' safety, efficacy, and equity.

new Root-KGD: A Novel Framework for Root Cause Diagnosis Based on Knowledge Graph and Industrial Data

Authors: Jiyu Chen, Jinchuan Qian, Xinmin Zhang, Zhihuan Song

Abstract: With the development of intelligent manufacturing and the increasing complexity of industrial production, root cause diagnosis has gradually become an important research direction in the field of industrial fault diagnosis. However, existing research methods struggle to effectively combine domain knowledge and industrial data, failing to provide accurate, online, and reliable root cause diagnosis results for industrial processes. To address these issues, a novel fault root cause diagnosis framework based on knowledge graph and industrial data, called Root-KGD, is proposed. Root-KGD uses the knowledge graph to represent domain knowledge and employs data-driven modeling to extract fault features from industrial data. It then combines the knowledge graph and data features to perform knowledge graph reasoning for root cause identification. The performance of the proposed method is validated using two industrial process cases, Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP) and Multiphase Flow Facility (MFF). Compared to existing methods, Root-KGD not only gives more accurate root cause variable diagnosis results but also provides interpretable fault-related information by locating faults to corresponding physical entities in knowledge graph (such as devices and streams). In addition, combined with its lightweight nature, Root-KGD is more effective in online industrial applications.

new From Single Agent to Multi-Agent: Improving Traffic Signal Control

Authors: Maksim Tislenko, Dmitrii Kisilev

Abstract: Due to accelerating urbanization, the importance of solving the signal control problem increases. This paper analyzes various existing methods and suggests options for increasing the number of agents to reduce the average travel time. Experiments were carried out with 2 datasets. The results show that in some cases, the implementation of multiple agents can improve existing methods. For a fine-tuned large language model approach there is small enhancement on all metrics.

new An Embedded Intelligent System for Attendance Monitoring

Authors: Touzene Abderraouf, Abed Abdeljalil Wassim, Slimane Larabi

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an intelligent embedded system for monitoring class attendance and sending the attendance list to a remote computer. The proposed system consists of two parts : an embedded device (Raspberry with PI camera) for facial recognition and a web application for attendance management. The proposed solution take into account the different challenges: the limited resources of the Raspberry Pi, the need to adapt the facial recognition model and achieving acceptable performance using images provided by the Raspberry Pi camera.

new Multilingual De-Duplication Strategies: Applying scalable similarity search with monolingual & multilingual embedding models

Authors: Stefan Pasch, Dimitirios Petridis, Jannic Cutura

Abstract: This paper addresses the deduplication of multilingual textual data using advanced NLP tools. We compare a two-step method involving translation to English followed by embedding with mpnet, and a multilingual embedding model (distiluse). The two-step approach achieved a higher F1 score (82% vs. 60%), particularly with less widely used languages, which can be increased up to 89% by leveraging expert rules based on domain knowledge. We also highlight limitations related to token length constraints and computational efficiency. Our methodology suggests improvements for future multilingual deduplication tasks.

new BEACON: Balancing Convenience and Nutrition in Meals With Long-Term Group Recommendations and Reasoning on Multimodal Recipes

Authors: Vansh Nagpal, Siva Likitha Valluru, Kausik Lakkaraju, Biplav Srivastava

Abstract: A common, yet regular, decision made by people, whether healthy or with any health condition, is to decide what to have in meals like breakfast, lunch, and dinner, consisting of a combination of foods for appetizer, main course, side dishes, desserts, and beverages. However, often this decision is seen as a trade-off between nutritious choices (e.g., low salt and sugar) or convenience (e.g., inexpensive, fast to prepare/obtain, taste better). In this preliminary work, we present a data-driven approach for the novel meal recommendation problem that can explore and balance choices for both considerations while also reasoning about a food's constituents and cooking process. Beyond the problem formulation, our contributions also include a goodness measure, a recipe conversion method from text to the recently introduced multimodal rich recipe representation (R3) format, and learning methods using contextual bandits that show promising results.

new Converging Dimensions: Information Extraction and Summarization through Multisource, Multimodal, and Multilingual Fusion

Authors: Pranav Janjani, Mayank Palan, Sarvesh Shirude, Ninad Shegokar, Sunny Kumar, Faruk Kazi

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have led to new summarization strategies, offering an extensive toolkit for extracting important information. However, these approaches are frequently limited by their reliance on isolated sources of data. The amount of information that can be gathered is limited and covers a smaller range of themes, which introduces the possibility of falsified content and limited support for multilingual and multimodal data. The paper proposes a novel approach to summarization that tackles such challenges by utilizing the strength of multiple sources to deliver a more exhaustive and informative understanding of intricate topics. The research progresses beyond conventional, unimodal sources such as text documents and integrates a more diverse range of data, including YouTube playlists, pre-prints, and Wikipedia pages. The aforementioned varied sources are then converted into a unified textual representation, enabling a more holistic analysis. This multifaceted approach to summary generation empowers us to extract pertinent information from a wider array of sources. The primary tenet of this approach is to maximize information gain while minimizing information overlap and maintaining a high level of informativeness, which encourages the generation of highly coherent summaries.

new Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks with Post-hoc Explanations for Multi-modal and Explainable Land Use Inference

Authors: Xuehao Zhai, Junqi Jiang, Adam Dejl, Antonio Rago, Fangce Guo, Francesca Toni, Aruna Sivakumar

Abstract: Urban land use inference is a critically important task that aids in city planning and policy-making. Recently, the increased use of sensor and location technologies has facilitated the collection of multi-modal mobility data, offering valuable insights into daily activity patterns. Many studies have adopted advanced data-driven techniques to explore the potential of these multi-modal mobility data in land use inference. However, existing studies often process samples independently, ignoring the spatial correlations among neighbouring objects and heterogeneity among different services. Furthermore, the inherently low interpretability of complex deep learning methods poses a significant barrier in urban planning, where transparency and extrapolability are crucial for making long-term policy decisions. To overcome these challenges, we introduce an explainable framework for inferring land use that synergises heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNs) with Explainable AI techniques, enhancing both accuracy and explainability. The empirical experiments demonstrate that the proposed HGNs significantly outperform baseline graph neural networks for all six land-use indicators, especially in terms of 'office' and 'sustenance'. As explanations, we consider feature attribution and counterfactual explanations. The analysis of feature attribution explanations shows that the symmetrical nature of the `residence' and 'work' categories predicted by the framework aligns well with the commuter's 'work' and 'recreation' activities in London. The analysis of the counterfactual explanations reveals that variations in node features and types are primarily responsible for the differences observed between the predicted land use distribution and the ideal mixed state. These analyses demonstrate that the proposed HGNs can suitably support urban stakeholders in their urban planning and policy-making.

new Integrating Fuzzy Logic with Causal Inference: Enhancing the Pearl and Neyman-Rubin Methodologies

Authors: Amir Saki, Usef Faghihi

Abstract: In this paper, we generalize the Pearl and Neyman-Rubin methodologies in causal inference by introducing a generalized approach that incorporates fuzzy logic. Indeed, we introduce a fuzzy causal inference approach that consider both the vagueness and imprecision inherent in data, as well as the subjective human perspective characterized by fuzzy terms such as 'high', 'medium', and 'low'. To do so, we introduce two fuzzy causal effect formulas: the Fuzzy Average Treatment Effect (FATE) and the Generalized Fuzzy Average Treatment Effect (GFATE), together with their normalized versions: NFATE and NGFATE. When dealing with a binary treatment variable, our fuzzy causal effect formulas coincide with classical Average Treatment Effect (ATE) formula, that is a well-established and popular metric in causal inference. In FATE, all values of the treatment variable are considered equally important. In contrast, GFATE takes into account the rarity and frequency of these values. We show that for linear Structural Equation Models (SEMs), the normalized versions of our formulas, NFATE and NGFATE, are equivalent to ATE. Further, we provide identifiability criteria for these formulas and show their stability with respect to minor variations in the fuzzy subsets and the probability distributions involved. This ensures the robustness of our approach in handling small perturbations in the data. Finally, we provide several experimental examples to empirically validate and demonstrate the practical application of our proposed fuzzy causal inference methods.

new IoT-Based Preventive Mental Health Using Knowledge Graphs and Standards for Better Well-Being

Authors: Amelie Gyrard, Seyedali Mohammadi, Manas Gaur, Antonio Kung

Abstract: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give the UN a road map for development with Agenda 2030 as a target. SDG3 "Good Health and Well-Being" ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being for all ages. Digital technologies can support SDG3. Burnout and even depression could be reduced by encouraging better preventive health. Due to the lack of patient knowledge and focus to take care of their health, it is necessary to help patients before it is too late. New trends such as positive psychology and mindfulness are highly encouraged in the USA. Digital Twin (DT) can help with the continuous monitoring of emotion using physiological signals (e.g., collected via wearables). Digital twins facilitate monitoring and provide constant health insight to improve quality of life and well-being with better personalization. Healthcare DT challenges are standardizing data formats, communication protocols, and data exchange mechanisms. To achieve those data integration and knowledge challenges, we designed the Mental Health Knowledge Graph (ontology and dataset) to boost mental health. The Knowledge Graph (KG) acquires knowledge from ontology-based mental health projects classified within the LOV4IoT ontology catalog (Emotion, Depression, and Mental Health). Furthermore, the KG is mapped to standards (e.g., ontologies) when possible. Standards from ETSI SmartM2M, ITU/WHO, ISO, W3C, NIST, and IEEE are relevant to mental health.

new StackRAG Agent: Improving Developer Answers with Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Davit Abrahamyan, Fatemeh H. Fard

Abstract: Developers spend much time finding information that is relevant to their questions. Stack Overflow has been the leading resource, and with the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), generative models such as ChatGPT are used frequently. However, there is a catch in using each one separately. Searching for answers is time-consuming and tedious, as shown by the many tools developed by researchers to address this issue. On the other, using LLMs is not reliable, as they might produce irrelevant or unreliable answers (i.e., hallucination). In this work, we present StackRAG, a retrieval-augmented Multiagent generation tool based on LLMs that combines the two worlds: aggregating the knowledge from SO to enhance the reliability of the generated answers. Initial evaluations show that the generated answers are correct, accurate, relevant, and useful.

new Generative AI Misuse: A Taxonomy of Tactics and Insights from Real-World Data

Authors: Nahema Marchal, Rachel Xu, Rasmi Elasmar, Iason Gabriel, Beth Goldberg, William Isaac

Abstract: Generative, multimodal artificial intelligence (GenAI) offers transformative potential across industries, but its misuse poses significant risks. Prior research has shed light on the potential of advanced AI systems to be exploited for malicious purposes. However, we still lack a concrete understanding of how GenAI models are specifically exploited or abused in practice, including the tactics employed to inflict harm. In this paper, we present a taxonomy of GenAI misuse tactics, informed by existing academic literature and a qualitative analysis of approximately 200 observed incidents of misuse reported between January 2023 and March 2024. Through this analysis, we illuminate key and novel patterns in misuse during this time period, including potential motivations, strategies, and how attackers leverage and abuse system capabilities across modalities (e.g. image, text, audio, video) in the wild.

new A Pure Transformer Pretraining Framework on Text-attributed Graphs

Authors: Yu Song, Haitao Mao, Jiachen Xiao, Jingzhe Liu, Zhikai Chen, Wei Jin, Carl Yang, Jiliang Tang, Hui Liu

Abstract: Pretraining plays a pivotal role in acquiring generalized knowledge from large-scale data, achieving remarkable successes as evidenced by large models in CV and NLP. However, progress in the graph domain remains limited due to fundamental challenges such as feature heterogeneity and structural heterogeneity. Recently, increasing efforts have been made to enhance node feature quality with Large Language Models (LLMs) on text-attributed graphs (TAGs), demonstrating superiority to traditional bag-of-words or word2vec techniques. These high-quality node features reduce the previously critical role of graph structure, resulting in a modest performance gap between Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and structure-agnostic Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs). Motivated by this, we introduce a feature-centric pretraining perspective by treating graph structure as a prior and leveraging the rich, unified feature space to learn refined interaction patterns that generalizes across graphs. Our framework, Graph Sequence Pretraining with Transformer (GSPT), samples node contexts through random walks and employs masked feature reconstruction to capture pairwise proximity in the LLM-unified feature space using a standard Transformer. By utilizing unified text representations rather than varying structures, our framework achieves significantly better transferability among graphs within the same domain. GSPT can be easily adapted to both node classification and link prediction, demonstrating promising empirical success on various datasets.

new SPL: A Socratic Playground for Learning Powered by Large Language Mode

Authors: Liang Zhang, Jionghao Lin, Ziyi Kuang, Sheng Xu, Mohammed Yeasin, Xiangen Hu

Abstract: Dialogue-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have significantly advanced adaptive and personalized learning by automating sophisticated human tutoring strategies within interactive dialogues. However, replicating the nuanced patterns of expert human communication remains a challenge in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Recent advancements in NLP, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs) such as OpenAI's GPT-4, offer promising solutions by providing human-like and context-aware responses based on extensive pre-trained knowledge. Motivated by the effectiveness of LLMs in various educational tasks (e.g., content creation and summarization, problem-solving, and automated feedback provision), our study introduces the Socratic Playground for Learning (SPL), a dialogue-based ITS powered by the GPT-4 model, which employs the Socratic teaching method to foster critical thinking among learners. Through extensive prompt engineering, SPL can generate specific learning scenarios and facilitates efficient multi-turn tutoring dialogues. The SPL system aims to enhance personalized and adaptive learning experiences tailored to individual needs, specifically focusing on improving critical thinking skills. Our pilot experimental results from essay writing tasks demonstrate SPL has the potential to improve tutoring interactions and further enhance dialogue-based ITS functionalities. Our study, exemplified by SPL, demonstrates how LLMs enhance dialogue-based ITSs and expand the accessibility and efficacy of educational technologies.

new PIN: A Knowledge-Intensive Dataset for Paired and Interleaved Multimodal Documents

Authors: Junjie Wang, Yin Zhang, Yatai Ji, Yuxiang Zhang, Chunyang Jiang, Yubo Wang, Kang Zhu, Zekun Wang, Tiezhen Wang, Wenhao Huang, Jie Fu, Bei Chen, Qunshu Lin, Minghao Liu, Ge Zhang, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have leveraged extensive multimodal datasets to enhance capabilities in complex knowledge-driven tasks. However, persistent challenges in perceptual and reasoning errors limit their efficacy, particularly in interpreting intricate visual data and deducing multimodal relationships. Addressing these issues, we introduce a novel dataset format, PIN (Paired and INterleaved multimodal documents), designed to significantly improve both the depth and breadth of multimodal training. The PIN format is built on three foundational principles: knowledge intensity, scalability, and support for diverse training modalities. This innovative format combines markdown files and comprehensive images to enrich training data with a dense knowledge structure and versatile training strategies. We present PIN-14M, an open-source dataset comprising 14 million samples derived from a diverse range of Chinese and English sources, tailored to include complex web and scientific content. This dataset is constructed meticulously to ensure data quality and ethical integrity, aiming to facilitate advanced training strategies and improve model robustness against common multimodal training pitfalls. Our initial results, forming the basis of this technical report, suggest significant potential for the PIN format in refining LMM performance, with plans for future expansions and detailed evaluations of its impact on model capabilities.

new CityBench: Evaluating the Capabilities of Large Language Model as World Model

Authors: Jie Feng, Jun Zhang, Junbo Yan, Xin Zhang, Tianjian Ouyang, Tianhui Liu, Yuwei Du, Siqi Guo, Yong Li

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) with powerful generalization ability has been widely used in many domains. A systematic and reliable evaluation of LLMs is a crucial step in their development and applications, especially for specific professional fields. In the urban domain, there have been some early explorations about the usability of LLMs, but a systematic and scalable evaluation benchmark is still lacking. The challenge in constructing a systematic evaluation benchmark for the urban domain lies in the diversity of data and scenarios, as well as the complex and dynamic nature of cities. In this paper, we propose CityBench, an interactive simulator based evaluation platform, as the first systematic evaluation benchmark for the capability of LLMs for urban domain. First, we build CitySim to integrate the multi-source data and simulate fine-grained urban dynamics. Based on CitySim, we design 7 tasks in 2 categories of perception-understanding and decision-making group to evaluate the capability of LLMs as city-scale world model for urban domain. Due to the flexibility and ease-of-use of CitySim, our evaluation platform CityBench can be easily extended to any city in the world. We evaluate 13 well-known LLMs including open source LLMs and commercial LLMs in 13 cities around the world. Extensive experiments demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of proposed CityBench and shed lights for the future development of LLMs in urban domain. The dataset, benchmark and source codes are openly accessible to the research community via


new AspirinSum: an Aspect-based utility-preserved de-identification Summarization framework

Authors: Ya-Lun Li

Abstract: Due to the rapid advancement of Large Language Model (LLM), the whole community eagerly consumes any available text data in order to train the LLM. Currently, large portion of the available text data are collected from internet, which has been thought as a cheap source of the training data. However, when people try to extend the LLM's capability to the personal related domain, such as healthcare or education, the lack of public dataset in these domains make the adaption of the LLM in such domains much slower. The reason of lacking public available dataset in such domains is because they usually contain personal sensitive information. In order to comply with privacy law, the data in such domains need to be de-identified before any kind of dissemination. It had been much research tried to address this problem for the image or tabular data. However, there was limited research on the efficient and general de-identification method for text data. Most of the method based on human annotation or predefined category list. It usually can not be easily adapted to specific domains. The goal of this proposal is to develop a text de-identification framework, which can be easily adapted to the specific domain, leverage the existing expert knowledge without further human annotation. We propose an aspect-based utility-preserved de-identification summarization framework, AspirinSum, by learning to align expert's aspect from existing comment data, it can efficiently summarize the personal sensitive document by extracting personal sensitive aspect related sub-sentence and de-identify it by substituting it with similar aspect sub-sentence. We envision that the de-identified text can then be used in data publishing, eventually publishing our de-identified dataset for downstream task use.

new CityGPT: Empowering Urban Spatial Cognition of Large Language Models

Authors: Jie Feng, Yuwei Du, Tianhui Liu, Siqi Guo, Yuming Lin, Yong Li

Abstract: Large language models(LLMs) with powerful language generation and reasoning capabilities have already achieved success in many domains, e.g., math and code generation. However, due to the lacking of physical world's corpus and knowledge during training, they usually fail to solve many real-life tasks in the urban space. In this paper, we propose CityGPT, a systematic framework for enhancing the capability of LLMs on understanding urban space and solving the related urban tasks by building a city-scale world model in the model. First, we construct a diverse instruction tuning dataset CityInstruction for injecting urban knowledge and enhancing spatial reasoning capability effectively. By using a mixture of CityInstruction and general instruction data, we fine-tune various LLMs (e.g., ChatGLM3-6B, Qwen1.5 and LLama3 series) to enhance their capability without sacrificing general abilities. To further validate the effectiveness of proposed methods, we construct a comprehensive benchmark CityEval to evaluate the capability of LLMs on diverse urban scenarios and problems. Extensive evaluation results demonstrate that small LLMs trained with CityInstruction can achieve competitive performance with commercial LLMs in the comprehensive evaluation of CityEval. The source codes are openly accessible to the research community via


new Research on Flight Accidents Prediction based Back Propagation Neural Network

Authors: Haoxing Liu, Fangzhou Shen, Haoshen Qin and, Fanru Gao

Abstract: With the rapid development of civil aviation and the significant improvement of people's living standards, taking an air plane has become a common and efficient way of travel. However, due to the flight characteris-tics of the aircraft and the sophistication of the fuselage structure, flight de-lays and flight accidents occur from time to time. In addition, the life risk factor brought by aircraft after an accident is also the highest among all means of transportation. In this work, a model based on back-propagation neural network was used to predict flight accidents. By collecting historical flight data, including a variety of factors such as meteorological conditions, aircraft technical condition, and pilot experience, we trained a backpropaga-tion neural network model to identify potential accident risks. In the model design, a multi-layer perceptron structure is used to optimize the network performance by adjusting the number of hidden layer nodes and the learning rate. Experimental analysis shows that the model can effectively predict flight accidents with high accuracy and reliability.

new How to design a dataset compliant with an ML-based system ODD?

Authors: Cyril Cappi, No\'emie Cohen, M\'elanie Ducoffe, Christophe Gabreau, Laurent Gardes, Adrien Gauffriau, Jean-Brice Ginestet, Franck Mamalet, Vincent Mussot, Claire Pagetti, David Vigouroux

Abstract: This paper focuses on a Vision-based Landing task and presents the design and the validation of a dataset that would comply with the Operational Design Domain (ODD) of a Machine-Learning (ML) system. Relying on emerging certification standards, we describe the process for establishing ODDs at both the system and image levels. In the process, we present the translation of high-level system constraints into actionable image-level properties, allowing for the definition of verifiable Data Quality Requirements (DQRs). To illustrate this approach, we use the Landing Approach Runway Detection (LARD) dataset which combines synthetic imagery and real footage, and we focus on the steps required to verify the DQRs. The replicable framework presented in this paper addresses the challenges of designing a dataset compliant with the stringent needs of ML-based systems certification in safety-critical applications.

new CryptoGPT: a 7B model rivaling GPT-4 in the task of analyzing and classifying real-time financial news

Authors: Ying Zhang (BH), Matthieu Petit Guillaume (BH), Aur\'elien Krauth (ON), Manel Labidi

Abstract: CryptoGPT: a 7B model competing with GPT-4 in a specific task -- The Impact of Automatic Annotation and Strategic Fine-Tuning via QLoRAIn this article, we present a method aimed at refining a dedicated LLM of reasonable quality with limited resources in an industrial setting via CryptoGPT. It is an LLM designed for financial news analysis for the cryptocurrency market in real-time. This project was launched in an industrial context. This model allows not only for the classification of financial information but also for providing comprehensive analysis. We refined different LLMs of the same size such as Mistral-7B and LLama-7B using semi-automatic annotation and compared them with various LLMs such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. Our goal is to find a balance among several needs: 1. Protecting data (by avoiding their transfer to external servers), 2. Limiting annotation cost and time, 3. Controlling the model's size (to manage deployment costs), and 4. Maintaining better analysis quality.

new Optimizing Speculative Decoding for Serving Large Language Models Using Goodput

Authors: Xiaoxuan Liu, Cade Daniel, Langxiang Hu, Woosuk Kwon, Zhuohan Li, Xiangxi Mo, Alvin Cheung, Zhijie Deng, Ion Stoica, Hao Zhang

Abstract: Reducing the inference latency of large language models (LLMs) is crucial, and speculative decoding (SD) stands out as one of the most effective techniques. Rather than letting the LLM generate all tokens directly, speculative decoding employs effective proxies to predict potential outputs, which are then verified by the LLM without compromising the generation quality. Yet, deploying SD in real online LLM serving systems (with continuous batching) does not always yield improvement -- under higher request rates or low speculation accuracy, it paradoxically increases latency. Furthermore, there is no best speculation length work for all workloads under different system loads. Based on the observations, we develop a dynamic framework SmartSpec. SmartSpec dynamically determines the best speculation length for each request (from 0, i.e., no speculation, to many tokens) -- hence the associated speculative execution costs -- based on a new metric called goodput, which characterizes the current observed load of the entire system and the speculation accuracy. We show that SmartSpec consistently reduces average request latency by up to 3.2x compared to non-speculative decoding baselines across different sizes of target models, draft models, request rates, and datasets. Moreover, SmartSpec can be applied to different styles of speculative decoding, including traditional, model-based approaches as well as model-free methods like prompt lookup and tree-style decoding.

new Teaching Models To Survive: Proper Scoring Rule and Stochastic Optimization with Competing Risks

Authors: Julie Alberge (SODA), Vincent Maladi\`ere (SODA), Olivier Grisel (SODA), Judith Ab\'ecassis (SODA), Ga\"el Varoquaux (SODA)

Abstract: When data are right-censored, i.e. some outcomes are missing due to a limited period of observation, survival analysis can compute the "time to event". Multiple classes of outcomes lead to a classification variant: predicting the most likely event, known as competing risks, which has been less studied. To build a loss that estimates outcome probabilities for such settings, we introduce a strictly proper censoring-adjusted separable scoring rule that can be optimized on a subpart of the data because the evaluation is made independently of observations. It enables stochastic optimization for competing risks which we use to train gradient boosting trees. Compared to 11 state-of-the-art models, this model, MultiIncidence, performs best in estimating the probability of outcomes in survival and competing risks. It can predict at any time horizon and is much faster than existing alternatives.

new Semi Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation via Disentanglement and Pseudo-Labelling

Authors: Cassio F. Dantas (EVERGREEN, INRAE), Raffaele Gaetano (EVERGREEN), Dino Ienco (EVERGREEN)

Abstract: Semi-supervised domain adaptation methods leverage information from a source labelled domain with the goal of generalizing over a scarcely labelled target domain. While this setting already poses challenges due to potential distribution shifts between domains, an even more complex scenario arises when source and target data differs in modality representation (e.g. they are acquired by sensors with different characteristics). For instance, in remote sensing, images may be collected via various acquisition modes (e.g. optical or radar), different spectral characteristics (e.g. RGB or multi-spectral) and spatial resolutions. Such a setting is denoted as Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation (SSHDA) and it exhibits an even more severe distribution shift due to modality heterogeneity across domains.To cope with the challenging SSHDA setting, here we introduce SHeDD (Semi-supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation via Disentanglement) an end-to-end neural framework tailored to learning a target domain classifier by leveraging both labelled and unlabelled data from heterogeneous data sources. SHeDD is designed to effectively disentangle domain-invariant representations, relevant for the downstream task, from domain-specific information, that can hinder the cross-modality transfer. Additionally, SHeDD adopts an augmentation-based consistency regularization mechanism that takes advantages of reliable pseudo-labels on the unlabelled target samples to further boost its generalization ability on the target domain. Empirical evaluations on two remote sensing benchmarks, encompassing heterogeneous data in terms of acquisition modes and spectral/spatial resolutions, demonstrate the quality of SHeDD compared to both baseline and state-of-the-art competing approaches. Our code is publicly available here:


new Personalized Music Recommendation with a Heterogeneity-aware Deep Bayesian Network

Authors: Erkang Jing, Yezheng Liu, Yidong Chai, Shuo Yu, Longshun Liu, Yuanchun Jiang, Yang Wang

Abstract: Music recommender systems are crucial in music streaming platforms, providing users with music they would enjoy. Recent studies have shown that user emotions can affect users' music mood preferences. However, existing emotion-aware music recommender systems (EMRSs) explicitly or implicitly assume that users' actual emotional states expressed by an identical emotion word are homogeneous. They also assume that users' music mood preferences are homogeneous under an identical emotional state. In this article, we propose four types of heterogeneity that an EMRS should consider: emotion heterogeneity across users, emotion heterogeneity within a user, music mood preference heterogeneity across users, and music mood preference heterogeneity within a user. We further propose a Heterogeneity-aware Deep Bayesian Network (HDBN) to model these assumptions. The HDBN mimics a user's decision process to choose music with four components: personalized prior user emotion distribution modeling, posterior user emotion distribution modeling, user grouping, and Bayesian neural network-based music mood preference prediction. We constructed a large-scale dataset called EmoMusicLJ to validate our method. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms baseline approaches on widely used HR and NDCG recommendation metrics. Ablation experiments and case studies further validate the effectiveness of our HDBN. The source code is available at


new Graph Neural Networks for Job Shop Scheduling Problems: A Survey

Authors: Igor G. Smit, Jianan Zhou, Robbert Reijnen, Yaoxin Wu, Jian Chen, Cong Zhang, Zaharah Bukhsh, Wim Nuijten, Yingqian Zhang

Abstract: Job shop scheduling problems (JSSPs) represent a critical and challenging class of combinatorial optimization problems. Recent years have witnessed a rapid increase in the application of graph neural networks (GNNs) to solve JSSPs, albeit lacking a systematic survey of the relevant literature. This paper aims to thoroughly review prevailing GNN methods for different types of JSSPs and the closely related flow-shop scheduling problems (FSPs), especially those leveraging deep reinforcement learning (DRL). We begin by presenting the graph representations of various JSSPs, followed by an introduction to the most commonly used GNN architectures. We then review current GNN-based methods for each problem type, highlighting key technical elements such as graph representations, GNN architectures, GNN tasks, and training algorithms. Finally, we summarize and analyze the advantages and limitations of GNNs in solving JSSPs and provide potential future research opportunities. We hope this survey can motivate and inspire innovative approaches for more powerful GNN-based approaches in tackling JSSPs and other scheduling problems.

new Two-Stage Depth Enhanced Learning with Obstacle Map For Object Navigation

Authors: Yanwei Zheng, Shaopu Feng, Bowen Huang, Changrui Li, Xiao Zhang, Dongxiao Yu

Abstract: The task that requires an agent to navigate to a given object through only visual observation is called visual object navigation (VON). The main bottlenecks of VON are strategies exploration and prior knowledge exploitation. Traditional strategies exploration ignores the differences of searching and navigating stages, using the same reward in two stages, which reduces navigation performance and training efficiency. Our study enables the agent to explore larger area in searching stage and seek the optimal path in navigating stage, improving the success rate of navigation. Traditional prior knowledge exploitation focused on learning and utilizing object association, which ignored the depth and obstacle information in the environment. This paper uses the RGB and depth information of the training scene to pretrain the feature extractor, which improves navigation efficiency. The obstacle information is memorized by the agent during the navigation, reducing the probability of collision and deadlock. Depth, obstacle and other prior knowledge are concatenated and input into the policy network, and navigation actions are output under the training of two-stage rewards. We evaluated our method on AI2-Thor and RoboTHOR and demonstrated that it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on success rate and navigation efficiency.

new EasyECR: A Library for Easy Implementation and Evaluation of Event Coreference Resolution Models

Authors: Yuncong Li, Tianhua Xu, Sheng-hua Zhong, Haiqin Yang

Abstract: Event Coreference Resolution (ECR) is the task of clustering event mentions that refer to the same real-world event. Despite significant advancements, ECR research faces two main challenges: limited generalizability across domains due to narrow dataset evaluations, and difficulties in comparing models within diverse ECR pipelines. To address these issues, we develop EasyECR, the first open-source library designed to standardize data structures and abstract ECR pipelines for easy implementation and fair evaluation. More specifically, EasyECR integrates seven representative pipelines and ten popular benchmark datasets, enabling model evaluations on various datasets and promoting the development of robust ECR pipelines. By conducting extensive evaluation via our EasyECR, we find that, \lowercase\expandafter{\romannumeral1}) the representative ECR pipelines cannot generalize across multiple datasets, hence evaluating ECR pipelines on multiple datasets is necessary, \lowercase\expandafter{\romannumeral2}) all models in ECR pipelines have a great effect on pipeline performance, therefore, when one model in ECR pipelines are compared, it is essential to ensure that the other models remain consistent. Additionally, reproducing ECR results is not trivial, and the developed library can help reduce this discrepancy. The experimental results provide valuable baselines for future research.

new EduQate: Generating Adaptive Curricula through RMABs in Education Settings

Authors: Sidney Tio, Dexun Li, Pradeep Varakantham

Abstract: There has been significant interest in the development of personalized and adaptive educational tools that cater to a student's individual learning progress. A crucial aspect in developing such tools is in exploring how mastery can be achieved across a diverse yet related range of content in an efficient manner. While Reinforcement Learning and Multi-armed Bandits have shown promise in educational settings, existing works often assume the independence of learning content, neglecting the prevalent interdependencies between such content. In response, we introduce Education Network Restless Multi-armed Bandits (EdNetRMABs), utilizing a network to represent the relationships between interdependent arms. Subsequently, we propose EduQate, a method employing interdependency-aware Q-learning to make informed decisions on arm selection at each time step. We establish the optimality guarantee of EduQate and demonstrate its efficacy compared to baseline policies, using students modeled from both synthetic and real-world data.

new Measuring Sample Importance in Data Pruning for Training LLMs from a Data Compression Perspective

Authors: Minsang Kim, Seungjun Baek

Abstract: Compute-efficient training of large language models (LLMs) has become an important research problem. In this work, we consider data pruning as a method of data-efficient training of LLMs, where we take a data compression view on data pruning. We argue that the amount of information of a sample, or the achievable compression on its description length, represents its sample importance. The key idea is that, less informative samples are likely to contain redundant information, and thus should be pruned first. We leverage log-likelihood function of trained models as a surrogate to measure information content of samples. Experiments reveal a surprising insight that information-based pruning can enhance the generalization capability of the model, improves upon language modeling and downstream tasks as compared to the model trained on the entire dataset.

new Enhancing Monotonic Modeling with Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Awareness in Diverse Marketing

Authors: Bin Li, Jiayan Pei, Feiyang Xiao, Yifan Zhao, Zhixing Zhang, Diwei Liu, HengXu He, Jia Jia

Abstract: In the mobile internet era, the Online Food Ordering Service (OFOS) emerges as an integral component of inclusive finance owing to the convenience it brings to people. OFOS platforms offer dynamic allocation incentives to users and merchants through diverse marketing campaigns to encourage payments while maintaining the platforms' budget efficiency. Despite significant progress, the marketing domain continues to face two primary challenges: (i) how to allocate a limited budget with greater efficiency, demanding precision in predicting users' monotonic response (i.e. sensitivity) to incentives, and (ii) ensuring spatio-temporal adaptability and robustness in diverse marketing campaigns across different times and locations. To address these issues, we propose a Constrained Monotonic Adaptive Network (CoMAN) method for spatio-temporal perception within marketing pricing. Specifically, we capture spatio-temporal preferences within attribute features through two foundational spatio-temporal perception modules. To further enhance catching the user sensitivity differentials to incentives across varied times and locations, we design modules for learning spatio-temporal convexity and concavity as well as for expressing sensitivity functions. CoMAN can achieve a more efficient allocation of incentive investments during pricing, thus increasing the conversion rate and orders while maintaining budget efficiency. Extensive offline and online experimental results within our diverse marketing campaigns demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach while outperforming the monotonic state-of-the-art method.

new A Data-Driven Guided Decoding Mechanism for Diagnostic Captioning

Authors: Panagiotis Kaliosis, John Pavlopoulos, Foivos Charalampakos, Georgios Moschovis, Ion Androutsopoulos

Abstract: Diagnostic Captioning (DC) automatically generates a diagnostic text from one or more medical images (e.g., X-rays, MRIs) of a patient. Treated as a draft, the generated text may assist clinicians, by providing an initial estimation of the patient's condition, speeding up and helping safeguard the diagnostic process. The accuracy of a diagnostic text, however, strongly depends on how well the key medical conditions depicted in the images are expressed. We propose a new data-driven guided decoding method that incorporates medical information, in the form of existing tags capturing key conditions of the image(s), into the beam search of the diagnostic text generation process. We evaluate the proposed method on two medical datasets using four DC systems that range from generic image-to-text systems with CNN encoders and RNN decoders to pre-trained Large Language Models. The latter can also be used in few- and zero-shot learning scenarios. In most cases, the proposed mechanism improves performance with respect to all evaluation measures. We provide an open-source implementation of the proposed method at


new Ranking LLMs by compression

Authors: Peijia Guo, Ziguang Li, Haibo Hu, Chao Huang, Ming Li, Rui Zhang

Abstract: We conceptualize the process of understanding as information compression, and propose a method for ranking large language models (LLMs) based on lossless data compression. We demonstrate the equivalence of compression length under arithmetic coding with cumulative negative log probabilities when using a large language model as a prior, that is, the pre-training phase of the model is essentially the process of learning the optimal coding length. At the same time, the evaluation metric compression ratio can be obtained without actual compression, which greatly saves overhead. In this paper, we use five large language models as priors for compression, then compare their performance on challenging natural language processing tasks, including sentence completion, question answering, and coreference resolution. Experimental results show that compression ratio and model performance are positively correlated, so it can be used as a general metric to evaluate large language models.

new SeCoKD: Aligning Large Language Models for In-Context Learning with Fewer Shots

Authors: Weixing Wang, Haojin Yang, Christoph Meinel

Abstract: Previous studies have shown that demonstrations can significantly help Large Language Models (LLMs ) perform better on the given tasks. However, this so-called In-Context Learning ( ICL ) ability is very sensitive to the presenting context, and often dozens of demonstrations are needed. In this work, we investigate if we can reduce the shot number while still maintaining a competitive performance. We present SeCoKD, a self-Knowledge Distillation ( KD ) training framework that aligns the student model with a heavily prompted variation, thereby increasing the utilization of a single demonstration. We experiment with the SeCoKD across three LLMs and six benchmarks focusing mainly on reasoning tasks. Results show that our method outperforms the base model and Supervised Fine-tuning ( SFT ), especially in zero-shot and one-shot settings by 30% and 10%, respectively. Moreover, SeCoKD brings little negative artifacts when evaluated on new tasks, which is more robust than Supervised Fine-tuning.

new REVEAL-IT: REinforcement learning with Visibility of Evolving Agent poLicy for InTerpretability

Authors: Shuang Ao, Simon Khan, Haris Aziz, Flora D. Salim

Abstract: Understanding the agent's learning process, particularly the factors that contribute to its success or failure post-training, is crucial for comprehending the rationale behind the agent's decision-making process. Prior methods clarify the learning process by creating a structural causal model (SCM) or visually representing the distribution of value functions. Nevertheless, these approaches have constraints as they exclusively function in 2D-environments or with uncomplicated transition dynamics. Understanding the agent's learning process in complicated environments or tasks is more challenging. In this paper, we propose REVEAL-IT, a novel framework for explaining the learning process of an agent in complex environments. Initially, we visualize the policy structure and the agent's learning process for various training tasks. By visualizing these findings, we can understand how much a particular training task or stage affects the agent's performance in test. Then, a GNN-based explainer learns to highlight the most important section of the policy, providing a more clear and robust explanation of the agent's learning process. The experiments demonstrate that explanations derived from this framework can effectively help in the optimization of the

new Proving Olympiad Algebraic Inequalities without Human Demonstrations

Authors: Chenrui Wei, Mengzhou Sun, Wei Wang

Abstract: Solving Olympiad-level mathematical problems represents a significant advancement in machine intelligence and automated reasoning. Current machine learning methods, however, struggle to solve Olympiad-level problems beyond Euclidean plane geometry due to a lack of large-scale, high-quality datasets. The challenge is even greater in algebraic systems, which involve infinite reasoning spaces within finite conditions. To address these issues, we propose AIPS, an Algebraic Inequality Proving System capable of autonomously generating complex inequality theorems and effectively solving Olympiad-level inequality problems without requiring human demonstrations. During proof search in a mixed reasoning manner, a value curriculum learning strategy on generated datasets is implemented to improve proving performance, demonstrating strong mathematical intuitions. On a test set of 20 International Mathematical Olympiad-level inequality problems, AIPS successfully solved 10, outperforming state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, AIPS automatically generated a vast array of non-trivial theorems without human intervention, some of which have been evaluated by professional contestants and deemed to reach the level of the International Mathematical Olympiad. Notably, one theorem was selected as a competition problem in a major city 2024 Mathematical Olympiad.

new EvoAgent: Towards Automatic Multi-Agent Generation via Evolutionary Algorithms

Authors: Siyu Yuan, Kaitao Song, Jiangjie Chen, Xu Tan, Dongsheng Li, Deqing Yang

Abstract: The rise of powerful large language models (LLMs) has spurred a new trend in building LLM-based autonomous agents for solving complex tasks, especially multi-agent systems. Despite the remarkable progress, we notice that existing works are heavily dependent on human-designed frameworks, which greatly limits the functional scope and scalability of agent systems. How to automatically extend the specialized agent to multi-agent systems to improve task-solving capability still remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we introduce EvoAgent, a generic method to automatically extend expert agents to multi-agent systems via the evolutionary algorithm, thereby improving the effectiveness of LLM-based agents in solving tasks. Specifically, we consider the existing agent frameworks as the initial individual and then apply a series of evolutionary operators (e.g., mutation, crossover, selection, etc.) to generate multiple agents with diverse agent settings. EvoAgent can be generalized to any LLM-based agent framework, and can automatically extend the existing agent framework to multi-agent systems without any extra human designs. Experimental results across various tasks have shown that EvoAgent can automatically generate multiple expert agents and significantly enhance the task-solving capabilities of LLM-based agents.

new Intelligent Interface: Enhancing Lecture Engagement with Didactic Activity Summaries

Authors: Anna Wr\'oblewska, Marcel Witas, Kinga Fra\'nczak, Arkadiusz Knia\'z, Siew Ann Cheong, Tan Seng Chee, Janusz Ho{\l}yst, Marcin Paprzycki

Abstract: Recently, multiple applications of machine learning have been introduced. They include various possibilities arising when image analysis methods are applied to, broadly understood, video streams. In this context, a novel tool, developed for academic educators to enhance the teaching process by automating, summarizing, and offering prompt feedback on conducting lectures, has been developed. The implemented prototype utilizes machine learning-based techniques to recognise selected didactic and behavioural teachers' features within lecture video recordings. Specifically, users (teachers) can upload their lecture videos, which are preprocessed and analysed using machine learning models. Next, users can view summaries of recognized didactic features through interactive charts and tables. Additionally, stored ML-based prediction results support comparisons between lectures based on their didactic content. In the developed application text-based models trained on lecture transcriptions, with enhancements to the transcription quality, by adopting an automatic speech recognition solution are applied. Furthermore, the system offers flexibility for (future) integration of new/additional machine-learning models and software modules for image and video analysis.

new The Impact of AI on Perceived Job Decency and Meaningfulness: A Case Study

Authors: Kuntal Ghosh, Shadan Sadeghian

Abstract: The proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in workplaces stands to change the way humans work, with job satisfaction intrinsically linked to work life. Existing research on human-AI collaboration tends to prioritize performance over the experiential aspects of work. In contrast, this paper explores the impact of AI on job decency and meaningfulness in workplaces. Through interviews in the Information Technology (IT) domain, we not only examined the current work environment, but also explored the perceived evolution of the workplace ecosystem with the introduction of an AI. Findings from the preliminary exploratory study reveal that respondents tend to visualize a workplace where humans continue to play a dominant role, even with the introduction of advanced AIs. In this prospective scenario, AI is seen as serving as a complement rather than replacing the human workforce. Furthermore, respondents believe that the introduction of AI will maintain or potentially increase overall job satisfaction.

new Q*: Improving Multi-step Reasoning for LLMs with Deliberative Planning

Authors: Chaojie Wang, Yanchen Deng, Zhiyi Lv, Shuicheng Yan, An Bo

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capability in many nature language tasks. However, the auto-regressive generation process makes LLMs prone to produce errors, hallucinations and inconsistent statements when performing multi-step reasoning. In this paper, we aim to alleviate the pathology by introducing Q*, a general, versatile and agile framework for guiding LLMs decoding process with deliberative planning. By learning a plug-and-play Q-value model as heuristic function, our Q* can effectively guide LLMs to select the most promising next step without fine-tuning LLMs for each task, which avoids the significant computational overhead and potential risk of performance degeneration on other tasks. Extensive experiments on GSM8K, MATH and MBPP confirm the superiority of our method.

new AI in Space for Scientific Missions: Strategies for Minimizing Neural-Network Model Upload

Authors: Jonah Ekelund, Ricardo Vinuesa, Yuri Khotyaintsev, Pierre Henri, Gian Luca Delzanno, Stefano Markidis

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize space exploration by delegating several spacecraft decisions to an onboard AI instead of relying on ground control and predefined procedures. It is likely that there will be an AI/ML Processing Unit onboard the spacecraft running an inference engine. The neural-network will have pre-installed parameters that can be updated onboard by uploading, by telecommands, parameters obtained by training on the ground. However, satellite uplinks have limited bandwidth and transmissions can be costly. Furthermore, a mission operating with a suboptimal neural network will miss out on valuable scientific data. Smaller networks can thereby decrease the uplink cost, while increasing the value of the scientific data that is downloaded. In this work, we evaluate and discuss the use of reduced-precision and bare-minimum neural networks to reduce the time for upload. As an example of an AI use case, we focus on the NASA's Magnetosperic MultiScale (MMS) mission. We show how an AI onboard could be used in the Earth's magnetosphere to classify data to selectively downlink higher value data or to recognize a region-of-interest to trigger a burst-mode, collecting data at a high-rate. Using a simple filtering scheme and algorithm, we show how the start and end of a region-of-interest can be detected in on a stream of classifications. To provide the classifications, we use an established Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained to an accuracy >94%. We also show how the network can be reduced to a single linear layer and trained to the same accuracy as the established CNN. Thereby, reducing the overall size of the model by up to 98.9%. We further show how each network can be reduced by up to 75% of its original size, by using lower-precision formats to represent the network parameters, with a change in accuracy of less than 0.6 percentage points.

new Cross-level Requirement Traceability: A Novel Approach Integrating Bag-of-Words and Word Embedding for Enhanced Similarity Functionality

Authors: Baher Mohammad, Riad Sonbol, Ghaida Rebdawi

Abstract: Requirement traceability is the process of identifying the inter-dependencies between requirements. It poses a significant challenge when conducted manually, especially when dealing with requirements at various levels of abstraction. In this work, we propose a novel approach to automate the task of linking high-level business requirements with more technical system requirements. The proposed approach begins by representing each requirement using a Bag of-Words (BOW) model combined with the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) scoring function. Then, we suggested an enhanced cosine similarity that uses recent advances in word embedding representation to correct traditional cosine similarity function limitations. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we conducted experiments on three well-known datasets: COEST, WARC(NFR), and WARC(FRS). The results demonstrate that our approach significantly improves efficiency compared to existing methods. We achieved better results with an increase of approximately 18.4% in one of the datasets, as measured by the F2 score.

new LiveMind: Low-latency Large Language Models with Simultaneous Inference

Authors: Chuangtao Chen, Grace Li Zhang, Xunzhao Yin, Cheng Zhuo, Ulf Schlichtmann, Bing Li

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel low-latency inference framework for large language models (LLMs) inference which enables LLMs to perform inferences with incomplete prompts. By reallocating computational processes to prompt input phase, we achieve a substantial reduction in latency, thereby significantly enhancing the interactive experience for users of LLMs. The framework adeptly manages the visibility of the streaming prompt to the model, allowing it to infer from incomplete prompts or await additional prompts. Compared with traditional inference methods that utilize complete prompts, our approach demonstrates an average reduction of 59% in response latency on the MMLU-Pro dataset, while maintaining comparable accuracy. Additionally, our framework facilitates collaborative inference and output across different models. By employing an LLM for inference and a small language model (SLM) for output, we achieve an average 68% reduction in response latency, alongside a 5.5% improvement in accuracy on the MMLU-Pro dataset compared with the SLM baseline. For long prompts exceeding 20 sentences, the response latency can be reduced by up to 93%.

new iWISDM: Assessing instruction following in multimodal models at scale

Authors: Xiaoxuan Lei, Lucas Gomez, Hao Yuan Bai, Pouya Bashivan

Abstract: The ability to perform complex tasks from detailed instructions is a key to many remarkable achievements of our species. As humans, we are not only capable of performing a wide variety of tasks but also very complex ones that may entail hundreds or thousands of steps to complete. Large language models and their more recent multimodal counterparts that integrate textual and visual inputs have achieved unprecedented success in performing complex tasks. Yet, most existing benchmarks are largely confined to single-modality inputs (either text or vision), narrowing the scope of multimodal assessments, particularly for instruction-following in multimodal contexts. To bridge this gap, we introduce the instructed-Virtual VISual Decision Making (iWISDM) environment engineered to generate a limitless array of vision-language tasks of varying complexity. Using iWISDM, we compiled three distinct benchmarks of instruction following visual tasks across varying complexity levels and evaluated several newly developed multimodal models on these benchmarks. Our findings establish iWISDM as a robust benchmark for assessing the instructional adherence of both existing and emergent multimodal models and highlight a large gap between these models' ability to precisely follow instructions with that of humans.

new Robustness Analysis of AI Models in Critical Energy Systems

Authors: Pantelis Dogoulis, Matthieu Jimenez, Salah Ghamizi, Maxime Cordy, Yves Le Traon

Abstract: This paper analyzes the robustness of state-of-the-art AI-based models for power grid operations under the $N-1$ security criterion. While these models perform well in regular grid settings, our results highlight a significant loss in accuracy following the disconnection of a line.%under this security criterion. Using graph theory-based analysis, we demonstrate the impact of node connectivity on this loss. Our findings emphasize the need for practical scenario considerations in developing AI methodologies for critical infrastructure.

new Artificial Leviathan: Exploring Social Evolution of LLM Agents Through the Lens of Hobbesian Social Contract Theory

Authors: Gordon Dai, Weijia Zhang, Jinhan Li, Siqi Yang, Chidera Onochie lbe, Srihas Rao, Arthur Caetano, Misha Sra

Abstract: The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) and advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) offer an opportunity for computational social science research at scale. Building upon prior explorations of LLM agent design, our work introduces a simulated agent society where complex social relationships dynamically form and evolve over time. Agents are imbued with psychological drives and placed in a sandbox survival environment. We conduct an evaluation of the agent society through the lens of Thomas Hobbes's seminal Social Contract Theory (SCT). We analyze whether, as the theory postulates, agents seek to escape a brutish "state of nature" by surrendering rights to an absolute sovereign in exchange for order and security. Our experiments unveil an alignment: Initially, agents engage in unrestrained conflict, mirroring Hobbes's depiction of the state of nature. However, as the simulation progresses, social contracts emerge, leading to the authorization of an absolute sovereign and the establishment of a peaceful commonwealth founded on mutual cooperation. This congruence between our LLM agent society's evolutionary trajectory and Hobbes's theoretical account indicates LLMs' capability to model intricate social dynamics and potentially replicate forces that shape human societies. By enabling such insights into group behavior and emergent societal phenomena, LLM-driven multi-agent simulations, while unable to simulate all the nuances of human behavior, may hold potential for advancing our understanding of social structures, group dynamics, and complex human systems.

new FVEL: Interactive Formal Verification Environment with Large Language Models via Theorem Proving

Authors: Xiaohan Lin, Qingxing Cao, Yinya Huang, Haiming Wang, Jianqiao Lu, Zhengying Liu, Linqi Song, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Formal verification (FV) has witnessed growing significance with current emerging program synthesis by the evolving large language models (LLMs). However, current formal verification mainly resorts to symbolic verifiers or hand-craft rules, resulting in limitations for extensive and flexible verification. On the other hand, formal languages for automated theorem proving, such as Isabelle, as another line of rigorous verification, are maintained with comprehensive rules and theorems. In this paper, we propose FVEL, an interactive Formal Verification Environment with LLMs. Specifically, FVEL transforms a given code to be verified into Isabelle, and then conducts verification via neural automated theorem proving with an LLM. The joined paradigm leverages the rigorous yet abundant formulated and organized rules in Isabelle and is also convenient for introducing and adjusting cutting-edge LLMs. To achieve this goal, we extract a large-scale FVELER3. The FVELER dataset includes code dependencies and verification processes that are formulated in Isabelle, containing 758 theories, 29,125 lemmas, and 200,646 proof steps in total with in-depth dependencies. We benchmark FVELER in the FVEL environment by first fine-tuning LLMs with FVELER and then evaluating them on Code2Inv and SV-COMP. The results show that FVEL with FVELER fine-tuned Llama3- 8B solves 17.39% (69 -> 81) more problems, and Mistral-7B 12% (75 -> 84) more problems in SV-COMP. And the proportion of proof errors is reduced. Project page:


new Control when confidence is costly

Authors: Itzel Olivos-Castillo, Paul Schrater, Xaq Pitkow

Abstract: We develop a version of stochastic control that accounts for computational costs of inference. Past studies identified efficient coding without control, or efficient control that neglects the cost of synthesizing information. Here we combine these concepts into a framework where agents rationally approximate inference for efficient control. Specifically, we study Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control with an added internal cost on the relative precision of the posterior probability over the world state. This creates a trade-off: an agent can obtain more utility overall by sacrificing some task performance, if doing so saves enough bits during inference. We discover that the rational strategy that solves the joint inference and control problem goes through phase transitions depending on the task demands, switching from a costly but optimal inference to a family of suboptimal inferences related by rotation transformations, each misestimate the stability of the world. In all cases, the agent moves more to think less. This work provides a foundation for a new type of rational computations that could be used by both brains and machines for efficient but computationally constrained control.

new APEER: Automatic Prompt Engineering Enhances Large Language Model Reranking

Authors: Can Jin, Hongwu Peng, Shiyu Zhao, Zhenting Wang, Wujiang Xu, Ligong Han, Jiahui Zhao, Kai Zhong, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Dimitris N. Metaxas

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly enhanced Information Retrieval (IR) across various modules, such as reranking. Despite impressive performance, current zero-shot relevance ranking with LLMs heavily relies on human prompt engineering. Existing automatic prompt engineering algorithms primarily focus on language modeling and classification tasks, leaving the domain of IR, particularly reranking, underexplored. Directly applying current prompt engineering algorithms to relevance ranking is challenging due to the integration of query and long passage pairs in the input, where the ranking complexity surpasses classification tasks. To reduce human effort and unlock the potential of prompt optimization in reranking, we introduce a novel automatic prompt engineering algorithm named APEER. APEER iteratively generates refined prompts through feedback and preference optimization. Extensive experiments with four LLMs and ten datasets demonstrate the substantial performance improvement of APEER over existing state-of-the-art (SoTA) manual prompts. Furthermore, we find that the prompts generated by APEER exhibit better transferability across diverse tasks and LLMs. Code is available at


new Rewarding What Matters: Step-by-Step Reinforcement Learning for Task-Oriented Dialogue

Authors: Huifang Du, Shuqin Li, Minghao Wu, Xuejing Feng, Yuan-Fang Li, Haofen Wang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful approach to enhance task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems. However, existing RL methods tend to mainly focus on generation tasks, such as dialogue policy learning (DPL) or response generation (RG), while neglecting dialogue state tracking (DST) for understanding. This narrow focus limits the systems to achieve globally optimal performance by overlooking the interdependence between understanding and generation. Additionally, RL methods face challenges with sparse and delayed rewards, which complicates training and optimization. To address these issues, we extend RL into both understanding and generation tasks by introducing step-by-step rewards throughout the token generation. The understanding reward increases as more slots are correctly filled in DST, while the generation reward grows with the accurate inclusion of user requests. Our approach provides a balanced optimization aligned with task completion. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach effectively enhances the performance of TOD systems and achieves new state-of-the-art results on three widely used datasets, including MultiWOZ2.0, MultiWOZ2.1, and In-Car. Our approach also shows superior few-shot ability in low-resource settings compared to current models.

new Learning telic-controllable state representations

Authors: Nadav Amir, Stas Tiomkin, Angela Langdon

Abstract: Computational accounts of purposeful behavior consist of descriptive and normative aspects. The former enable agents to ascertain the current (or future) state of affairs in the world and the latter to evaluate the desirability, or lack thereof, of these states with respect to the agent's goals. In Reinforcement Learning, the normative aspect (reward and value functions) is assumed to depend on a pre-defined and fixed descriptive one (state representation). Alternatively, these two aspects may emerge interdependently: goals can be, and indeed often are, expressed in terms of state representation features, but they may also serve to shape state representations themselves. Here, we illustrate a novel theoretical framing of state representation learning in bounded agents, coupling descriptive and normative aspects via the notion of goal-directed, or telic, states. We define a new controllability property of telic state representations to characterize the tradeoff between their granularity and the policy complexity capacity required to reach all telic states. We propose an algorithm for learning controllable state representations and demonstrate it using a simple navigation task with changing goals. Our framework highlights the crucial role of deliberate ignorance - knowing what to ignore - for learning state representations that are both goal-flexible and simple. More broadly, our work provides a concrete step towards a unified theoretical view of natural and artificial learning through the lens of goals.

new On Layer-wise Representation Similarity: Application for Multi-Exit Models with a Single Classifier

Authors: Jiachen Jiang, Jinxin Zhou, Zhihui Zhu

Abstract: Analyzing the similarity of internal representations within and across different models has been an important technique for understanding the behavior of deep neural networks. Most existing methods for analyzing the similarity between representations of high dimensions, such as those based on Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) and widely used Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA), rely on statistical properties of the representations for a set of data points. In this paper, we focus on transformer models and study the similarity of representations between the hidden layers of individual transformers. In this context, we show that a simple sample-wise cosine similarity metric is capable of capturing the similarity and aligns with the complicated CKA. Our experimental results on common transformers reveal that representations across layers are positively correlated, albeit the similarity decreases when layers are far apart. We then propose an aligned training approach to enhance the similarity between internal representations, with trained models that enjoy the following properties: (1) the last-layer classifier can be directly applied right after any hidden layers, yielding intermediate layer accuracies much higher than those under standard training, (2) the layer-wise accuracies monotonically increase and reveal the minimal depth needed for the given task, (3) when served as multi-exit models, they achieve on-par performance with standard multi-exit architectures which consist of additional classifiers designed for early exiting in shallow layers. To our knowledge, our work is the first to show that one common classifier is sufficient for multi-exit models. We conduct experiments on both vision and NLP tasks to demonstrate the performance of the proposed aligned training.

new Proceedings of The second international workshop on eXplainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts)

Authors: Nick Bryan-Kinns, Corey Ford, Shuoyang Zheng, Helen Kennedy, Alan Chamberlain, Makayla Lewis, Drew Hemment, Zijin Li, Qiong Wu, Lanxi Xiao, Gus Xia, Jeba Rezwana, Michael Clemens, Gabriel Vigliensoni

Abstract: This second international workshop on explainable AI for the Arts (XAIxArts) brought together a community of researchers in HCI, Interaction Design, AI, explainable AI (XAI), and digital arts to explore the role of XAI for the Arts. Workshop held at the 16th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition (C&C 2024), Chicago, USA.

new Solving a Stackelberg Game on Transportation Networks in a Dynamic Crime Scenario: A Mixed Approach on Multi-Layer Networks

Authors: Sukanya Samanta, Kei Kimura, Makoto Yokoo

Abstract: Interdicting a criminal with limited police resources is a challenging task as the criminal changes location over time. The size of the large transportation network further adds to the difficulty of this scenario. To tackle this issue, we consider the concept of a layered graph. At each time stamp, we create a copy of the entire transportation network to track the possible movements of both players, the attacker and the defenders. We consider a Stackelberg game in a dynamic crime scenario where the attacker changes location over time while the defenders attempt to interdict the attacker on his escape route. Given a set of defender strategies, the optimal attacker strategy is determined by applying Dijkstra's algorithm on the layered networks. Here, the attacker aims to minimize while the defenders aim to maximize the probability of interdiction. We develop an approximation algorithm on the layered networks to find near-optimal strategy for defenders. The efficacy of the developed approach is compared with the adopted MILP approach. We compare the results in terms of computational time and solution quality. The quality of the results demonstrates the need for the developed approach, as it effectively solves the complex problem within a short amount of time.

cross Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion: Temporally-smooth Procrustean Alignment and Spatially-variant Deformation Modeling

Authors: Jiawei Shi, Hui Deng, Yuchao Dai

Abstract: Even though Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion (NRSfM) has been extensively studied and great progress has been made, there are still key challenges that hinder their broad real-world applications: 1) the inherent motion/rotation ambiguity requires either explicit camera motion recovery with extra constraint or complex Procrustean Alignment; 2) existing low-rank modeling of the global shape can over-penalize drastic deformations in the 3D shape sequence. This paper proposes to resolve the above issues from a spatial-temporal modeling perspective. First, we propose a novel Temporally-smooth Procrustean Alignment module that estimates 3D deforming shapes and adjusts the camera motion by aligning the 3D shape sequence consecutively. Our new alignment module remedies the requirement of complex reference 3D shape during alignment, which is more conductive to non-isotropic deformation modeling. Second, we propose a spatial-weighted approach to enforce the low-rank constraint adaptively at different locations to accommodate drastic spatially-variant deformation reconstruction better. Our modeling outperform existing low-rank based methods, and extensive experiments across different datasets validate the effectiveness of our method.

cross A Space Group Symmetry Informed Network for O(3) Equivariant Crystal Tensor Prediction

Authors: Keqiang Yan, Alexandra Saxton, Xiaofeng Qian, Xiaoning Qian, Shuiwang Ji

Abstract: We consider the prediction of general tensor properties of crystalline materials, including dielectric, piezoelectric, and elastic tensors. A key challenge here is how to make the predictions satisfy the unique tensor equivariance to O(3) group and invariance to crystal space groups. To this end, we propose a General Materials Tensor Network (GMTNet), which is carefully designed to satisfy the required symmetries. To evaluate our method, we curate a dataset and establish evaluation metrics that are tailored to the intricacies of crystal tensor predictions. Experimental results show that our GMTNet not only achieves promising performance on crystal tensors of various orders but also generates predictions fully consistent with the intrinsic crystal symmetries. Our code is publicly available as part of the AIRS library (


cross Advancing Histopathology-Based Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Insights into Multi-Modality and Explainability

Authors: Faseela Abdullakutty, Younes Akbari, Somaya Al-Maadeed, Ahmed Bouridane, Rifat Hamoudi

Abstract: It is imperative that breast cancer is detected precisely and timely to improve patient outcomes. Diagnostic methodologies have traditionally relied on unimodal approaches; however, medical data analytics is integrating diverse data sources beyond conventional imaging. Using multi-modal techniques, integrating both image and non-image data, marks a transformative advancement in breast cancer diagnosis. The purpose of this review is to explore the burgeoning field of multimodal techniques, particularly the fusion of histopathology images with non-image data. Further, Explainable AI (XAI) will be used to elucidate the decision-making processes of complex algorithms, emphasizing the necessity of explainability in diagnostic processes. This review utilizes multi-modal data and emphasizes explainability to enhance diagnostic accuracy, clinician confidence, and patient engagement, ultimately fostering more personalized treatment strategies for breast cancer, while also identifying research gaps in multi-modality and explainability, guiding future studies, and contributing to the strategic direction of the field.

cross A Comprehensive Evaluation of Generative Models in Calorimeter Shower Simulation

Authors: Farzana Yasmin Ahmad, Vanamala Venkataswamy, Geoffrey Fox

Abstract: The pursuit of understanding fundamental particle interactions has reached unparalleled precision levels. Particle physics detectors play a crucial role in generating low-level object signatures that encode collision physics. However, simulating these particle collisions is a demanding task in terms of memory and computation which will be exasperated with larger data volumes, more complex detectors, and a higher pileup environment in the High-Luminosity LHC. The introduction of "Fast Simulation" has been pivotal in overcoming computational bottlenecks. The use of deep-generative models has sparked a surge of interest in surrogate modeling for detector simulations, generating particle showers that closely resemble the observed data. Nonetheless, there is a pressing need for a comprehensive evaluation of their performance using a standardized set of metrics. In this study, we conducted a rigorous evaluation of three generative models using standard datasets and a diverse set of metrics derived from physics, computer vision, and statistics. Furthermore, we explored the impact of using full versus mixed precision modes during inference. Our evaluation revealed that the CaloDiffusion and CaloScore generative models demonstrate the most accurate simulation of particle showers, yet there remains substantial room for improvement. Our findings identified areas where the evaluated models fell short in accurately replicating Geant4 data.

cross Factor Graph Optimization of Error-Correcting Codes for Belief Propagation Decoding

Authors: Yoni Choukroun, Lior Wolf

Abstract: The design of optimal linear block codes capable of being efficiently decoded is of major concern, especially for short block lengths. As near capacity-approaching codes, Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes possess several advantages over other families of codes, the most notable being its efficient decoding via Belief Propagation. While many LDPC code design methods exist, the development of efficient sparse codes that meet the constraints of modern short code lengths and accommodate new channel models remains a challenge. In this work, we propose for the first time a data-driven approach for the design of sparse codes. We develop locally optimal codes with respect to Belief Propagation decoding via the learning on the Factor graph (also called the Tanner graph) under channel noise simulations. This is performed via a novel tensor representation of the Belief Propagation algorithm, optimized over finite fields via backpropagation coupled with an efficient line-search method. The proposed approach is shown to outperform the decoding performance of existing popular codes by orders of magnitude and demonstrates the power of data-driven approaches for code design.

cross Can AI Beat Undergraduates in Entry-level Java Assignments? Benchmarking Large Language Models on JavaBench

Authors: Jialun Cao, Zhiyong Chen, Jiarong Wu, Shing-chi Cheung, Chang Xu

Abstract: Code generation benchmarks such as HumanEval are widely adopted to evaluate LLMs' capabilities. However, after consolidating the latest 24 benchmarks, we noticed three significant imbalances. First, imbalanced programming language. 95.8% of benchmarks involve Python, while only 5 benchmarks involve Java. Second, imbalanced code granularity. Function-/statement-level benchmarks account for over 83.3% of benchmarks. Only a mere handful extends to class-/project-levels, and all are limited to Python. Third, lacking advanced features. Existing benchmarks primarily assess basic coding skills, while overlooking advanced Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) features (i.e., encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism). To fill these gaps, we propose JavaBench, a project-level Java benchmark that exercises OOP features. It comprises four Java projects with 389 methods in 106 Java classes. The test coverage is up to 92%, and JavaBench is attested by 282 undergraduate students, reaching a 90.93/100 average score (i.e., pass rate against the test suite), ensuring the quality of documentation, code skeleton, and tests. To better evaluate LLM's capability against JavaBench, we introduce a systematic evaluation design covering three context settings and five synthesis strategies at two granularities using three hierarchical metrics. Our extensive experiment yields several interesting findings. First, we noticed that regarding project-level Java programming, LLMs are far behind undergraduate students (no project can be correctly completed by any studied LLMs, and at most 41.17% Pass@5 in a more relaxed evaluation). Second, using method signature as prompt context may strike an ideal balance for project-level code generation. JavaBench is publicly available at


cross PufferLib: Making Reinforcement Learning Libraries and Environments Play Nice

Authors: Joseph Suarez

Abstract: You have an environment, a model, and a reinforcement learning library that are designed to work together but don't. PufferLib makes them play nice. The library provides one-line environment wrappers that eliminate common compatibility problems and fast vectorization to accelerate training. With PufferLib, you can use familiar libraries like CleanRL and SB3 to scale from classic benchmarks like Atari and Procgen to complex simulators like NetHack and Neural MMO. We release pip packages and prebuilt images with dependencies for dozens of environments. All of our code is free and open-source software under the MIT license, complete with baselines, documentation, and support at

cross Rating Multi-Modal Time-Series Forecasting Models (MM-TSFM) for Robustness Through a Causal Lens

Authors: Kausik Lakkaraju, Rachneet Kaur, Zhen Zeng, Parisa Zehtabi, Sunandita Patra, Biplav Srivastava, Marco Valtorta

Abstract: AI systems are notorious for their fragility; minor input changes can potentially cause major output swings. When such systems are deployed in critical areas like finance, the consequences of their uncertain behavior could be severe. In this paper, we focus on multi-modal time-series forecasting, where imprecision due to noisy or incorrect data can lead to erroneous predictions, impacting stakeholders such as analysts, investors, and traders. Recently, it has been shown that beyond numeric data, graphical transformations can be used with advanced visual models to achieve better performance. In this context, we introduce a rating methodology to assess the robustness of Multi-Modal Time-Series Forecasting Models (MM-TSFM) through causal analysis, which helps us understand and quantify the isolated impact of various attributes on the forecasting accuracy of MM-TSFM. We apply our novel rating method on a variety of numeric and multi-modal forecasting models in a large experimental setup (six input settings of control and perturbations, ten data distributions, time series from six leading stocks in three industries over a year of data, and five time-series forecasters) to draw insights on robust forecasting models and the context of their strengths. Within the scope of our study, our main result is that multi-modal (numeric + visual) forecasting, which was found to be more accurate than numeric forecasting in previous studies, can also be more robust in diverse settings. Our work will help different stakeholders of time-series forecasting understand the models` behaviors along trust (robustness) and accuracy dimensions to select an appropriate model for forecasting using our rating method, leading to improved decision-making.

cross Human-level molecular optimization driven by mol-gene evolution

Authors: Jiebin Fang (Hainan Institute of Zhejiang University, Institute of Marine Biology and Pharmacology, Ocean College, Zhejiang University), Churu Mao (Institute of Marine Biology and Pharmacology, Ocean College, Zhejiang University), Yuchen Zhu (College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Cancer Center, Zhejiang University), Xiaoming Chen (Institute of Marine Biology and Pharmacology, Ocean College, Zhejiang University), Chang-Yu Hsieh (College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Cancer Center, Zhejiang University), Zhongjun Ma (Hainan Institute of Zhejiang University, Institute of Marine Biology and Pharmacology, Ocean College, Zhejiang University)

Abstract: De novo molecule generation allows the search for more drug-like hits across a vast chemical space. However, lead optimization is still required, and the process of optimizing molecular structures faces the challenge of balancing structural novelty with pharmacological properties. This study introduces the Deep Genetic Molecular Modification Algorithm (DGMM), which brings structure modification to the level of medicinal chemists. A discrete variational autoencoder (D-VAE) is used in DGMM to encode molecules as quantization code, mol-gene, which incorporates deep learning into genetic algorithms for flexible structural optimization. The mol-gene allows for the discovery of pharmacologically similar but structurally distinct compounds, and reveals the trade-offs of structural optimization in drug discovery. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the DGMM in several applications.

cross The Promise of Analog Deep Learning: Recent Advances, Challenges and Opportunities

Authors: Aditya Datar, Pramit Saha

Abstract: Much of the present-day Artificial Intelligence (AI) utilizes artificial neural networks, which are sophisticated computational models designed to recognize patterns and solve complex problems by learning from data. However, a major bottleneck occurs during a device's calculation of weighted sums for forward propagation and optimization procedure for backpropagation, especially for deep neural networks, or networks with numerous layers. Exploration into different methods of implementing neural networks is necessary for further advancement of the area. While a great deal of research into AI hardware in both directions, analog and digital implementation widely exists, much of the existing survey works lacks discussion on the progress of analog deep learning. To this end, we attempt to evaluate and specify the advantages and disadvantages, along with the current progress with regards to deep learning, for analog implementations. In this paper, our focus lies on the comprehensive examination of eight distinct analog deep learning methodologies across multiple key parameters. These parameters include attained accuracy levels, application domains, algorithmic advancements, computational speed, and considerations of energy efficiency and power consumption. We also identify the neural network-based experiments implemented using these hardware devices and discuss comparative performance achieved by the different analog deep learning methods along with an analysis of their current limitations. Overall, we find that Analog Deep Learning has great potential for future consumer-level applications, but there is still a long road ahead in terms of scalability. Most of the current implementations are more proof of concept and are not yet practically deployable for large-scale models.

cross T-JEPA: A Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture for Trajectory Similarity Computation

Authors: Lihuan Li, Hao Xue, Yang Song, Flora Salim

Abstract: Trajectory similarity computation is an essential technique for analyzing moving patterns of spatial data across various applications such as traffic management, wildlife tracking, and location-based services. Modern methods often apply deep learning techniques to approximate heuristic metrics but struggle to learn more robust and generalized representations from the vast amounts of unlabeled trajectory data. Recent approaches focus on self-supervised learning methods such as contrastive learning, which have made significant advancements in trajectory representation learning. However, contrastive learning-based methods heavily depend on manually pre-defined data augmentation schemes, limiting the diversity of generated trajectories and resulting in learning from such variations in 2D Euclidean space, which prevents capturing high-level semantic variations. To address these limitations, we propose T-JEPA, a self-supervised trajectory similarity computation method employing Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) to enhance trajectory representation learning. T-JEPA samples and predicts trajectory information in representation space, enabling the model to infer the missing components of trajectories at high-level semantics without relying on domain knowledge or manual effort. Extensive experiments conducted on three urban trajectory datasets and two Foursquare datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of T-JEPA in trajectory similarity computation.

cross The Significance of Latent Data Divergence in Predicting System Degradation

Authors: Miguel Fernandes, Catarina Silva, Alberto Cardoso, Bernardete Ribeiro

Abstract: Condition-Based Maintenance is pivotal in enabling the early detection of potential failures in engineering systems, where precise prediction of the Remaining Useful Life is essential for effective maintenance and operation. However, a predominant focus in the field centers on predicting the Remaining Useful Life using unprocessed or minimally processed data, frequently neglecting the intricate dynamics inherent in the dataset. In this work we introduce a novel methodology grounded in the analysis of statistical similarity within latent data from system components. Leveraging a specifically designed architecture based on a Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder, we create a sequence of discrete vectors which is used to estimate system-specific priors. We infer the similarity between systems by evaluating the divergence of these priors, offering a nuanced understanding of individual system behaviors. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated through experiments on the NASA commercial modular aero-propulsion system simulation (C-MAPSS) dataset. Our validation not only underscores the potential of our method in advancing the study of latent statistical divergence but also demonstrates its superiority over existing techniques.

cross GLiNER multi-task: Generalist Lightweight Model for Various Information Extraction Tasks

Authors: Ihor Stepanov, Mykhailo Shtopko

Abstract: Information extraction tasks require both accurate, efficient, and generalisable models. Classical supervised deep learning approaches can achieve the required performance, but they need large datasets and are limited in their ability to adapt to different tasks. On the other hand, large language models (LLMs) demonstrate good generalization, meaning that they can adapt to many different tasks based on user requests. However, LLMs are computationally expensive and tend to fail to generate structured outputs. In this article, we will introduce a new kind of GLiNER model that can be used for various information extraction tasks while being a small encoder model. Our model achieved SoTA performance on zero-shot NER benchmarks and leading performance on question-answering, summarization and relation extraction tasks. Additionally, in this article, we will cover experimental results on self-learning approaches for named entity recognition using GLiNER models.

cross Evaluating the Generalization Ability of Quantized LLMs: Benchmark, Analysis, and Toolbox

Authors: Yijun Liu, Yuan Meng, Fang Wu, Shenhao Peng, Hang Yao, Chaoyu Guan, Chen Tang, Xinzhu Ma, Zhi Wang, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited exciting progress in multiple scenarios, while the huge computational demands hinder their deployments in lots of real-world applications. As an effective means to reduce memory footprint and inference cost, quantization also faces challenges in performance degradation at low bit-widths. Understanding the impact of quantization on LLM capabilities, especially the generalization ability, is crucial. However, the community's main focus remains on the algorithms and models of quantization, with insufficient attention given to whether the quantized models can retain the strong generalization abilities of LLMs. In this work, we fill this gap by providing a comprehensive benchmark suite for this research topic, including an evaluation system, detailed analyses, and a general toolbox. Specifically, based on the dominant pipeline in LLM quantization, we primarily explore the impact of calibration data distribution on the generalization of quantized LLMs and conduct the benchmark using more than 40 datasets within two main scenarios. Based on this benchmark, we conduct extensive experiments with two well-known LLMs (English and Chinese) and four quantization algorithms to investigate this topic in-depth, yielding several counter-intuitive and valuable findings, e.g., models quantized using a calibration set with the same distribution as the test data are not necessarily optimal. Besides, to facilitate future research, we also release a modular-designed toolbox, which decouples the overall pipeline into several separate components, e.g., base LLM module, dataset module, quantizer module, etc. and allows subsequent researchers to easily assemble their methods through a simple configuration. Our benchmark suite is publicly available at


cross RMF: A Risk Measurement Framework for Machine Learning Models

Authors: Jan Schr\"oder, Jakub Breier

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) models are used in many safety- and security-critical applications nowadays. It is therefore important to measure the security of a system that uses ML as a component. This paper focuses on the field of ML, particularly the security of autonomous vehicles. For this purpose, a technical framework will be described, implemented, and evaluated in a case study. Based on ISO/IEC 27004:2016, risk indicators are utilized to measure and evaluate the extent of damage and the effort required by an attacker. It is not possible, however, to determine a single risk value that represents the attacker's effort. Therefore, four different values must be interpreted individually.

cross Current state of LLM Risks and AI Guardrails

Authors: Suriya Ganesh Ayyamperumal, Limin Ge

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have become increasingly sophisticated, leading to widespread deployment in sensitive applications where safety and reliability are paramount. However, LLMs have inherent risks accompanying them, including bias, potential for unsafe actions, dataset poisoning, lack of explainability, hallucinations, and non-reproducibility. These risks necessitate the development of "guardrails" to align LLMs with desired behaviors and mitigate potential harm. This work explores the risks associated with deploying LLMs and evaluates current approaches to implementing guardrails and model alignment techniques. We examine intrinsic and extrinsic bias evaluation methods and discuss the importance of fairness metrics for responsible AI development. The safety and reliability of agentic LLMs (those capable of real-world actions) are explored, emphasizing the need for testability, fail-safes, and situational awareness. Technical strategies for securing LLMs are presented, including a layered protection model operating at external, secondary, and internal levels. System prompts, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) architectures, and techniques to minimize bias and protect privacy are highlighted. Effective guardrail design requires a deep understanding of the LLM's intended use case, relevant regulations, and ethical considerations. Striking a balance between competing requirements, such as accuracy and privacy, remains an ongoing challenge. This work underscores the importance of continuous research and development to ensure the safe and responsible use of LLMs in real-world applications.

cross ChatBug: A Common Vulnerability of Aligned LLMs Induced by Chat Templates

Authors: Fengqing Jiang, Zhangchen Xu, Luyao Niu, Bill Yuchen Lin, Radha Poovendran

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are expected to follow instructions from users and engage in conversations. Techniques to enhance LLMs' instruction-following capabilities typically fine-tune them using data structured according to a predefined chat template. Although chat templates are shown to be effective in optimizing LLM performance, their impact on safety alignment of LLMs has been less understood, which is crucial for deploying LLMs safely at scale. In this paper, we investigate how chat templates affect safety alignment of LLMs. We identify a common vulnerability, named ChatBug, that is introduced by chat templates. Our key insight to identify ChatBug is that the chat templates provide a rigid format that need to be followed by LLMs, but not by users. Hence, a malicious user may not necessarily follow the chat template when prompting LLMs. Instead, malicious users could leverage their knowledge of the chat template and accordingly craft their prompts to bypass safety alignments of LLMs. We develop two attacks to exploit the ChatBug vulnerability. We demonstrate that a malicious user can exploit the ChatBug vulnerability of eight state-of-the-art (SOTA) LLMs and effectively elicit unintended responses from these models. Moreover, we show that ChatBug can be exploited by existing jailbreak attacks to enhance their attack success rates. We investigate potential countermeasures to ChatBug. Our results show that while adversarial training effectively mitigates the ChatBug vulnerability, the victim model incurs significant performance degradation. These results highlight the trade-off between safety alignment and helpfulness. Developing new methods for instruction tuning to balance this trade-off is an open and critical direction for future research

cross Instruction Data Generation and Unsupervised Adaptation for Speech Language Models

Authors: Vahid Noroozi, Zhehuai Chen, Somshubra Majumdar, Steve Huang, Jagadeesh Balam, Boris Ginsburg

Abstract: In this paper, we propose three methods for generating synthetic samples to train and evaluate multimodal large language models capable of processing both text and speech inputs. Addressing the scarcity of samples containing both modalities, synthetic data generation emerges as a crucial strategy to enhance the performance of such systems and facilitate the modeling of cross-modal relationships between the speech and text domains. Our process employs large language models to generate textual components and text-to-speech systems to generate speech components. The proposed methods offer a practical and effective means to expand the training dataset for these models. Experimental results show progress in achieving an integrated understanding of text and speech. We also highlight the potential of using unlabeled speech data to generate synthetic samples comparable in quality to those with available transcriptions, enabling the expansion of these models to more languages.

cross MolecularGPT: Open Large Language Model (LLM) for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction

Authors: Yuyan Liu, Sirui Ding, Sheng Zhou, Wenqi Fan, Qiaoyu Tan

Abstract: Molecular property prediction (MPP) is a fundamental and crucial task in drug discovery. However, prior methods are limited by the requirement for a large number of labeled molecules and their restricted ability to generalize for unseen and new tasks, both of which are essential for real-world applications. To address these challenges, we present MolecularGPT for few-shot MPP. From a perspective on instruction tuning, we fine-tune large language models (LLMs) based on curated molecular instructions spanning over 1000 property prediction tasks. This enables building a versatile and specialized LLM that can be adapted to novel MPP tasks without any fine-tuning through zero- and few-shot in-context learning (ICL). MolecularGPT exhibits competitive in-context reasoning capabilities across 10 downstream evaluation datasets, setting new benchmarks for few-shot molecular prediction tasks. More importantly, with just two-shot examples, MolecularGPT can outperform standard supervised graph neural network methods on 4 out of 7 datasets. It also excels state-of-the-art LLM baselines by up to 16.6% increase on classification accuracy and decrease of 199.17 on regression metrics (e.g., RMSE) under zero-shot. This study demonstrates the potential of LLMs as effective few-shot molecular property predictors. The code is available at


cross Code Agents are State of the Art Software Testers

Authors: Niels M\"undler, Mark Niklas M\"uller, Jingxuan He, Martin Vechev

Abstract: Rigorous software testing is crucial for developing and maintaining high-quality code, making automated test generation a promising avenue for both improving software quality and boosting the effectiveness of code generation methods. However, while code generation with Large Language Models (LLMs) is an extraordinarily active research area, test generation remains relatively unexplored. We address this gap and investigate the capability of LLM-based Code Agents for formalizing user issues into test cases. To this end, we propose a novel benchmark based on popular GitHub repositories, containing real-world issues, ground-truth patches, and golden tests. We find that LLMs generally perform surprisingly well at generating relevant test cases with Code Agents designed for code repair exceeding the performance of systems designed specifically for test generation. Further, as test generation is a similar but more structured task than code generation, it allows for a more fine-grained analysis using fail-to-pass rate and coverage metrics, providing a dual metric for analyzing systems designed for code repair. Finally, we find that generated tests are an effective filter for proposed code fixes, doubling the precision of SWE-Agent.

cross Skin Cancer Images Classification using Transfer Learning Techniques

Authors: Md Sirajul Islam, Sanjeev Panta

Abstract: Skin cancer is one of the most common and deadliest types of cancer. Early diagnosis of skin cancer at a benign stage is critical to reducing cancer mortality. To detect skin cancer at an earlier stage an automated system is compulsory that can save the life of many patients. Many previous studies have addressed the problem of skin cancer diagnosis using various deep learning and transfer learning models. However, existing literature has limitations in its accuracy and time-consuming procedure. In this work, we applied five different pre-trained transfer learning approaches for binary classification of skin cancer detection at benign and malignant stages. To increase the accuracy of these models we fine-tune different layers and activation functions. We used a publicly available ISIC dataset to evaluate transfer learning approaches. For model stability, data augmentation techniques are applied to improve the randomness of the input dataset. These approaches are evaluated using different hyperparameters such as batch sizes, epochs, and optimizers. The experimental results show that the ResNet-50 model provides an accuracy of 0.935, F1-score of 0.86, and precision of 0.94.

cross SHIELD: Evaluation and Defense Strategies for Copyright Compliance in LLM Text Generation

Authors: Xiaoze Liu, Ting Sun, Tianyang Xu, Feijie Wu, Cunxiang Wang, Xiaoqian Wang, Jing Gao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have transformed machine learning but raised significant legal concerns due to their potential to produce text that infringes on copyrights, resulting in several high-profile lawsuits. The legal landscape is struggling to keep pace with these rapid advancements, with ongoing debates about whether generated text might plagiarize copyrighted materials. Current LLMs may infringe on copyrights or overly restrict non-copyrighted texts, leading to these challenges: (i) the need for a comprehensive evaluation benchmark to assess copyright compliance from multiple aspects; (ii) evaluating robustness against safeguard bypassing attacks; and (iii) developing effective defenses targeted against the generation of copyrighted text. To tackle these challenges, we introduce a curated dataset to evaluate methods, test attack strategies, and propose lightweight, real-time defenses to prevent the generation of copyrighted text, ensuring the safe and lawful use of LLMs. Our experiments demonstrate that current LLMs frequently output copyrighted text, and that jailbreaking attacks can significantly increase the volume of copyrighted output. Our proposed defense mechanisms significantly reduce the volume of copyrighted text generated by LLMs by effectively refusing malicious requests. Code is publicly available at


cross Articulatory Encodec: Vocal Tract Kinematics as a Codec for Speech

Authors: Cheol Jun Cho, Peter Wu, Tejas S. Prabhune, Dhruv Agarwal, Gopala K. Anumanchipalli

Abstract: Vocal tract articulation is a natural, grounded control space of speech production. The spatiotemporal coordination of articulators combined with the vocal source shapes intelligible speech sounds to enable effective spoken communication. Based on this physiological grounding of speech, we propose a new framework of neural encoding-decoding of speech -- articulatory encodec. The articulatory encodec comprises an articulatory analysis model that infers articulatory features from speech audio, and an articulatory synthesis model that synthesizes speech audio from articulatory features. The articulatory features are kinematic traces of vocal tract articulators and source features, which are intuitively interpretable and controllable, being the actual physical interface of speech production. An additional speaker identity encoder is jointly trained with the articulatory synthesizer to inform the voice texture of individual speakers. By training on large-scale speech data, we achieve a fully intelligible, high-quality articulatory synthesizer that generalizes to unseen speakers. Furthermore, the speaker embedding is effectively disentangled from articulations, which enables accent-perserving zero-shot voice conversion. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of universal, high-performance articulatory inference and synthesis, suggesting the proposed framework as a powerful coding system of speech.

cross ClaudesLens: Uncertainty Quantification in Computer Vision Models

Authors: Mohamad Al Shaar, Nils Ekstr\"om, Gustav Gille, Reza Rezvan, Ivan Wely

Abstract: In a world where more decisions are made using artificial intelligence, it is of utmost importance to ensure these decisions are well-grounded. Neural networks are the modern building blocks for artificial intelligence. Modern neural network-based computer vision models are often used for object classification tasks. Correctly classifying objects with \textit{certainty} has become of great importance in recent times. However, quantifying the inherent \textit{uncertainty} of the output from neural networks is a challenging task. Here we show a possible method to quantify and evaluate the uncertainty of the output of different computer vision models based on Shannon entropy. By adding perturbation of different levels, on different parts, ranging from the input to the parameters of the network, one introduces entropy to the system. By quantifying and evaluating the perturbed models on the proposed PI and PSI metrics, we can conclude that our theoretical framework can grant insight into the uncertainty of predictions of computer vision models. We believe that this theoretical framework can be applied to different applications for neural networks. We believe that Shannon entropy may eventually have a bigger role in the SOTA (State-of-the-art) methods to quantify uncertainty in artificial intelligence. One day we might be able to apply Shannon entropy to our neural systems.

cross Detecting Errors through Ensembling Prompts (DEEP): An End-to-End LLM Framework for Detecting Factual Errors

Authors: Alex Chandler, Devesh Surve, Hui Su

Abstract: Accurate text summarization is one of the most common and important tasks performed by Large Language Models, where the costs of human review for an entire document may be high, but the costs of errors in summarization may be even greater. We propose Detecting Errors through Ensembling Prompts (DEEP) - an end-to-end large language model framework for detecting factual errors in text summarization. Our framework uses a diverse set of LLM prompts to identify factual inconsistencies, treating their outputs as binary features, which are then fed into ensembling models. We then calibrate the ensembled models to produce empirically accurate probabilities that a text is factually consistent or free of hallucination. We demonstrate that prior models for detecting factual errors in summaries perform significantly worse without optimizing the thresholds on subsets of the evaluated dataset. Our framework achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) balanced accuracy on the AggreFact-XSUM FTSOTA, TofuEval Summary-Level, and HaluEval Summarization benchmarks in detecting factual errors within transformer-generated text summaries. It does so without any fine-tuning of the language model or reliance on thresholding techniques not available in practical settings.

cross Real-time Yemeni Currency Detection

Authors: Edrees AL-Edreesi, Ghaleb Al-Gaphari

Abstract: Banknote recognition is a major problem faced by visually Challenged people. So we propose a application to help the visually Challenged people to identify the different types of Yemenian currencies through deep learning technique. As money has a significant role in daily life for any business transactions, real-time detection and recognition of banknotes become necessary for a person, especially blind or visually impaired, or for a system that sorts the data. This paper presents a real-time Yemeni currency detection system for visually impaired persons. The proposed system exploits the deep learning approach to facilitate the visually impaired people to prosperously recognize banknotes. For real-time recognition, we have deployed the system into a mobile application.

cross Assessing AI vs Human-Authored Spear Phishing SMS Attacks: An Empirical Study Using the TRAPD Method

Authors: Jerson Francia, Derek Hansen, Ben Schooley, Matthew Taylor, Shydra Murray, Greg Snow

Abstract: This paper explores the rising concern of utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) in spear phishing message generation, and their performance compared to human-authored counterparts. Our pilot study compares the effectiveness of smishing (SMS phishing) messages created by GPT-4 and human authors, which have been personalized to willing targets. The targets assessed the messages in a modified ranked-order experiment using a novel methodology we call TRAPD (Threshold Ranking Approach for Personalized Deception). Specifically, targets provide personal information (job title and location, hobby, item purchased online), spear smishing messages are created using this information by humans and GPT-4, targets are invited back to rank-order 12 messages from most to least convincing (and identify which they would click on), and then asked questions about why they ranked messages the way they did. They also guess which messages are created by an LLM and their reasoning. Results from 25 targets show that LLM-generated messages are most often perceived as more convincing than those authored by humans, with messages related to jobs being the most convincing. We characterize different criteria used when assessing the authenticity of messages including word choice, style, and personal relevance. Results also show that targets were unable to identify whether the messages was AI-generated or human-authored and struggled to identify criteria to use in order to make this distinction. This study aims to highlight the urgent need for further research and improved countermeasures against personalized AI-enabled social engineering attacks.

cross Informed along the road: roadway capacity driven graph convolution network for network-wide traffic prediction

Authors: Zilin Bian, Jingqin Gao, Kaan Ozbay, Fan Zuo, Dachuan Zuo, Zhenning Li

Abstract: While deep learning has shown success in predicting traffic states, most methods treat it as a general prediction task without considering transportation aspects. Recently, graph neural networks have proven effective for this task, but few incorporate external factors that impact roadway capacity and traffic flow. This study introduces the Roadway Capacity Driven Graph Convolution Network (RCDGCN) model, which incorporates static and dynamic roadway capacity attributes in spatio-temporal settings to predict network-wide traffic states. The model was evaluated on two real-world datasets with different transportation factors: the ICM-495 highway network and an urban network in Manhattan, New York City. Results show RCDGCN outperformed baseline methods in forecasting accuracy. Analyses, including ablation experiments, weight analysis, and case studies, investigated the effect of capacity-related factors. The study demonstrates the potential of using RCDGCN for transportation system management.

cross Scale-Translation Equivariant Network for Oceanic Internal Solitary Wave Localization

Authors: Zhang Wan, Shuo Wang, Xudong Zhang

Abstract: Internal solitary waves (ISWs) are gravity waves that are often observed in the interior ocean rather than the surface. They hold significant importance due to their capacity to carry substantial energy, thus influence pollutant transport, oil platform operations, submarine navigation, etc. Researchers have studied ISWs through optical images, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, and altimeter data from remote sensing instruments. However, cloud cover in optical remote sensing images variably obscures ground information, leading to blurred or missing surface observations. As such, this paper aims at altimeter-based machine learning solutions to automatically locate ISWs. The challenges, however, lie in the following two aspects: 1) the altimeter data has low resolution, which requires a strong machine learner; 2) labeling data is extremely labor-intensive, leading to very limited data for training. In recent years, the grand progress of deep learning demonstrates strong learning capacity given abundant data. Besides, more recent studies on efficient learning and self-supervised learning laid solid foundations to tackle the aforementioned challenges. In this paper, we propose to inject prior knowledge to achieve a strong and efficient learner. Specifically, intrinsic patterns in altimetry data are efficiently captured using a scale-translation equivariant convolutional neural network (ST-ECNN). By considering inherent symmetries in neural network design, ST-ECNN achieves higher efficiency and better performance than baseline models. Furthermore, we also introduce prior knowledge from massive unsupervised data to enhance our solution using the SimCLR framework for pre-training. Our final solution achieves an overall better performance than baselines on our handcrafted altimetry dataset. Data and codes are available at .


cross Machine Learning and Optimization Techniques for Solving Inverse Kinematics in a 7-DOF Robotic Arm

Authors: Enoch Adediran, Salem Ameen

Abstract: As the pace of AI technology continues to accelerate, more tools have become available to researchers to solve longstanding problems, Hybrid approaches available today continue to push the computational limits of efficiency and precision. One of such problems is the inverse kinematics of redundant systems. This paper explores the complexities of a 7 degree of freedom manipulator and explores 13 optimization techniques to solve it. Additionally, a novel approach is proposed to contribute to the field of algorithmic research. This was found to be over 200 times faster than the well-known traditional Particle Swarm Optimization technique. This new method may serve as a new field of search that combines the explorative capabilities of Machine Learning with the exploitative capabilities of numerical methods.

cross MaskPure: Improving Defense Against Text Adversaries with Stochastic Purification

Authors: Harrison Gietz, Jugal Kalita

Abstract: The improvement of language model robustness, including successful defense against adversarial attacks, remains an open problem. In computer vision settings, the stochastic noising and de-noising process provided by diffusion models has proven useful for purifying input images, thus improving model robustness against adversarial attacks. Similarly, some initial work has explored the use of random noising and de-noising to mitigate adversarial attacks in an NLP setting, but improving the quality and efficiency of these methods is necessary for them to remain competitive. We extend upon methods of input text purification that are inspired by diffusion processes, which randomly mask and refill portions of the input text before classification. Our novel method, MaskPure, exceeds or matches robustness compared to other contemporary defenses, while also requiring no adversarial classifier training and without assuming knowledge of the attack type. In addition, we show that MaskPure is provably certifiably robust. To our knowledge, MaskPure is the first stochastic-purification method with demonstrated success against both character-level and word-level attacks, indicating the generalizable and promising nature of stochastic denoising defenses. In summary: the MaskPure algorithm bridges literature on the current strongest certifiable and empirical adversarial defense methods, showing that both theoretical and practical robustness can be obtained together. Code is available on GitHub at


cross Evaluating $n$-Gram Novelty of Language Models Using Rusty-DAWG

Authors: William Merrill, Noah A. Smith, Yanai Elazar

Abstract: How novel are texts generated by language models (LMs) relative to their training corpora? In this work, we investigate the extent to which modern LMs generate $n$-grams from their training data, evaluating both (i) the probability LMs assign to complete training $n$-grams and (ii) $n$-novelty, the proportion of $n$-grams generated by an LM that did not appear in the training data (for arbitrarily large $n$). To enable arbitrary-length $n$-gram search over a corpus in constant time, we develop Rusty-DAWG, a novel search tool inspired by indexing of genomic data. We compare the novelty of LM-generated text to human-written text and explore factors that affect generation novelty, focusing on the Pythia models. We find that, for $n > 4$, LM-generated text is less novel than human-written text, though it is more novel for smaller $n$. Larger LMs and more constrained decoding strategies both decrease novelty. Finally, we show that LMs complete $n$-grams with lower loss if they are less frequent in the training data. Overall, our results reveal factors influencing the novelty of LM-generated text, and we release Rusty-DAWG to facilitate further pretraining data research.

cross NaviSplit: Dynamic Multi-Branch Split DNNs for Efficient Distributed Autonomous Navigation

Authors: Timothy K Johnsen, Ian Harshbarger, Zixia Xia, Marco Levorato

Abstract: Lightweight autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are emerging as a central component of a broad range of applications. However, autonomous navigation necessitates the implementation of perception algorithms, often deep neural networks (DNN), that process the input of sensor observations, such as that from cameras and LiDARs, for control logic. The complexity of such algorithms clashes with the severe constraints of these devices in terms of computing power, energy, memory, and execution time. In this paper, we propose NaviSplit, the first instance of a lightweight navigation framework embedding a distributed and dynamic multi-branched neural model. At its core is a DNN split at a compression point, resulting in two model parts: (1) the head model, that is executed at the vehicle, which partially processes and compacts perception from sensors; and (2) the tail model, that is executed at an interconnected compute-capable device, which processes the remainder of the compacted perception and infers navigation commands. Different from prior work, the NaviSplit framework includes a neural gate that dynamically selects a specific head model to minimize channel usage while efficiently supporting the navigation network. In our implementation, the perception model extracts a 2D depth map from a monocular RGB image captured by the drone using the robust simulator Microsoft AirSim. Our results demonstrate that the NaviSplit depth model achieves an extraction accuracy of 72-81% while transmitting an extremely small amount of data (1.2-18 KB) to the edge server. When using the neural gate, as utilized by NaviSplit, we obtain a slightly higher navigation accuracy as compared to a larger static network by 0.3% while significantly reducing the data rate by 95%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first exemplar of dynamic multi-branched model based on split DNNs for autonomous navigation.

cross RITA: A Real-time Interactive Talking Avatars Framework

Authors: Wuxinlin Cheng, Cheng Wan, Yupeng Cao, Sihan Chen

Abstract: RITA presents a high-quality real-time interactive framework built upon generative models, designed with practical applications in mind. Our framework enables the transformation of user-uploaded photos into digital avatars that can engage in real-time dialogue interactions. By leveraging the latest advancements in generative modeling, we have developed a versatile platform that not only enhances the user experience through dynamic conversational avatars but also opens new avenues for applications in virtual reality, online education, and interactive gaming. This work showcases the potential of integrating computer vision and natural language processing technologies to create immersive and interactive digital personas, pushing the boundaries of how we interact with digital content.

cross Exploring and Benchmarking the Planning Capabilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Bernd Bohnet, Azade Nova, Aaron T Parisi, Kevin Swersky, Katayoon Goshvadi, Hanjun Dai, Dale Schuurmans, Noah Fiedel, Hanie Sedghi

Abstract: We seek to elevate the planning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs)investigating four main directions. First, we construct a comprehensive benchmark suite encompassing both classical planning domains and natural language scenarios. This suite includes algorithms to generate instances with varying levels of difficulty, allowing for rigorous and systematic evaluation of LLM performance. Second, we investigate the use of in-context learning (ICL) to enhance LLM planning, exploring the direct relationship between increased context length and improved planning performance. Third, we demonstrate the positive impact of fine-tuning LLMs on optimal planning paths, as well as the effectiveness of incorporating model-driven search procedures. Finally, we investigate the performance of the proposed methods in out-of-distribution scenarios, assessing the ability to generalize to novel and unseen planning challenges.

cross CU-Net: a U-Net architecture for efficient brain-tumor segmentation on BraTS 2019 dataset

Authors: Qimin Zhang, Weiwei Qi, Huili Zheng, Xinyu Shen

Abstract: Accurately segmenting brain tumors from MRI scans is important for developing effective treatment plans and improving patient outcomes. This study introduces a new implementation of the Columbia-University-Net (CU-Net) architecture for brain tumor segmentation using the BraTS 2019 dataset. The CU-Net model has a symmetrical U-shaped structure and uses convolutional layers, max pooling, and upsampling operations to achieve high-resolution segmentation. Our CU-Net model achieved a Dice score of 82.41%, surpassing two other state-of-the-art models. This improvement in segmentation accuracy highlights the robustness and effectiveness of the model, which helps to accurately delineate tumor boundaries, which is crucial for surgical planning and radiation therapy, and ultimately has the potential to improve patient outcomes.

cross Multi-Stage Balanced Distillation: Addressing Long-Tail Challenges in Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Yuhang Zhou, Jing Zhu, Paiheng Xu, Xiaoyu Liu, Xiyao Wang, Danai Koutra, Wei Ai, Furong Huang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced various natural language processing tasks, but deploying them remains computationally expensive. Knowledge distillation (KD) is a promising solution, enabling the transfer of capabilities from larger teacher LLMs to more compact student models. Particularly, sequence-level KD, which distills rationale-based reasoning processes instead of merely final outcomes, shows great potential in enhancing students' reasoning capabilities. However, current methods struggle with sequence level KD under long-tailed data distributions, adversely affecting generalization on sparsely represented domains. We introduce the Multi-Stage Balanced Distillation (BalDistill) framework, which iteratively balances training data within a fixed computational budget. By dynamically selecting representative head domain examples and synthesizing tail domain examples, BalDistill achieves state-of-the-art performance across diverse long-tailed datasets, enhancing both the efficiency and efficacy of the distilled models.

cross Can Long-Context Language Models Subsume Retrieval, RAG, SQL, and More?

Authors: Jinhyuk Lee, Anthony Chen, Zhuyun Dai, Dheeru Dua, Devendra Singh Sachan, Michael Boratko, Yi Luan, S\'ebastien M. R. Arnold, Vincent Perot, Siddharth Dalmia, Hexiang Hu, Xudong Lin, Panupong Pasupat, Aida Amini, Jeremy R. Cole, Sebastian Riedel, Iftekhar Naim, Ming-Wei Chang, Kelvin Guu

Abstract: Long-context language models (LCLMs) have the potential to revolutionize our approach to tasks traditionally reliant on external tools like retrieval systems or databases. Leveraging LCLMs' ability to natively ingest and process entire corpora of information offers numerous advantages. It enhances user-friendliness by eliminating the need for specialized knowledge of tools, provides robust end-to-end modeling that minimizes cascading errors in complex pipelines, and allows for the application of sophisticated prompting techniques across the entire system. To assess this paradigm shift, we introduce LOFT, a benchmark of real-world tasks requiring context up to millions of tokens designed to evaluate LCLMs' performance on in-context retrieval and reasoning. Our findings reveal LCLMs' surprising ability to rival state-of-the-art retrieval and RAG systems, despite never having been explicitly trained for these tasks. However, LCLMs still face challenges in areas like compositional reasoning that are required in SQL-like tasks. Notably, prompting strategies significantly influence performance, emphasizing the need for continued research as context lengths grow. Overall, LOFT provides a rigorous testing ground for LCLMs, showcasing their potential to supplant existing paradigms and tackle novel tasks as model capabilities scale.

cross Large Language Models are Biased Because They Are Large Language Models

Authors: Philip Resnik

Abstract: This paper's primary goal is to provoke thoughtful discussion about the relationship between bias and fundamental properties of large language models. We do this by seeking to convince the reader that harmful biases are an inevitable consequence arising from the design of any large language model as LLMs are currently formulated. To the extent that this is true, it suggests that the problem of harmful bias cannot be properly addressed without a serious reconsideration of AI driven by LLMs, going back to the foundational assumptions underlying their design.

cross DialSim: A Real-Time Simulator for Evaluating Long-Term Dialogue Understanding of Conversational Agents

Authors: Jiho Kim, Woosog Chay, Hyeonji Hwang, Daeun Kyung, Hyunseung Chung, Eunbyeol Cho, Yohan Jo, Edward Choi

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly enhanced the capabilities of conversational agents, making them applicable to various fields (e.g., education). Despite their progress, the evaluation of the agents often overlooks the complexities of real-world conversations, such as real-time interactions, multi-party dialogues, and extended contextual dependencies. To bridge this gap, we introduce DialSim, a real-time dialogue simulator. In this simulator, an agent is assigned the role of a character from popular TV shows, requiring it to respond to spontaneous questions using past dialogue information and to distinguish between known and unknown information. Key features of DialSim include evaluating the agent's ability to respond within a reasonable time limit, handling long-term multi-party dialogues, and managing adversarial settings (e.g., swap character names) to challenge the agent's reliance on pre-trained knowledge. We utilized this simulator to evaluate the latest conversational agents and analyze their limitations. Our experiments highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of these agents, providing valuable insights for future improvements in the field of conversational AI. DialSim is available at


cross Conditional score-based diffusion models for solving inverse problems in mechanics

Authors: Agnimitra Dasgupta, Harisankar Ramaswamy, Javier Murgoitio Esandi, Ken Foo, Runze Li, Qifa Zhou, Brendan Kennedy, Assad Oberai

Abstract: We propose a framework to perform Bayesian inference using conditional score-based diffusion models to solve a class of inverse problems in mechanics involving the inference of a specimen's spatially varying material properties from noisy measurements of its mechanical response to loading. Conditional score-based diffusion models are generative models that learn to approximate the score function of a conditional distribution using samples from the joint distribution. More specifically, the score functions corresponding to multiple realizations of the measurement are approximated using a single neural network, the so-called score network, which is subsequently used to sample the posterior distribution using an appropriate Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme based on Langevin dynamics. Training the score network only requires simulating the forward model. Hence, the proposed approach can accommodate black-box forward models and complex measurement noise. Moreover, once the score network has been trained, it can be re-used to solve the inverse problem for different realizations of the measurements. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach on a suite of high-dimensional inverse problems in mechanics that involve inferring heterogeneous material properties from noisy measurements. Some examples we consider involve synthetic data, while others include data collected from actual elastography experiments. Further, our applications demonstrate that the proposed approach can handle different measurement modalities, complex patterns in the inferred quantities, non-Gaussian and non-additive noise models, and nonlinear black-box forward models. The results show that the proposed framework can solve large-scale physics-based inverse problems efficiently.

cross Convolutional Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

Authors: Alexander Dylan Bodner, Antonio Santiago Tepsich, Jack Natan Spolski, Santiago Pourteau

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the Convolutional Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (Convolutional KANs), an innovative alternative to the standard Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that have revolutionized the field of computer vision. We integrate the non-linear activation functions presented in Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) into convolutions to build a new layer. Throughout the paper, we empirically validate the performance of Convolutional KANs against traditional architectures across MNIST and Fashion-MNIST benchmarks, illustrating that this new approach maintains a similar level of accuracy while using half the amount of parameters. This significant reduction of parameters opens up a new approach to advance the optimization of neural network architectures.

cross AntibodyFlow: Normalizing Flow Model for Designing Antibody Complementarity-Determining Regions

Authors: Bohao Xu, Yanbo Wang, Wenyu Chen, Shimin Shan

Abstract: Therapeutic antibodies have been extensively studied in drug discovery and development in the past decades. Antibodies are specialized protective proteins that bind to antigens in a lock-to-key manner. The binding strength/affinity between an antibody and a specific antigen is heavily determined by the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) on the antibodies. Existing machine learning methods cast in silico development of CDRs as either sequence or 3D graph (with a single chain) generation tasks and have achieved initial success. However, with CDR loops having specific geometry shapes, learning the 3D geometric structures of CDRs remains a challenge. To address this issue, we propose AntibodyFlow, a 3D flow model to design antibody CDR loops. Specifically, AntibodyFlow first constructs the distance matrix, then predicts amino acids conditioned on the distance matrix. Also, AntibodyFlow conducts constraint learning and constrained generation to ensure valid 3D structures. Experimental results indicate that AntibodyFlow outperforms the best baseline consistently with up to 16.0% relative improvement in validity rate and 24.3% relative reduction in geometric graph level error (root mean square deviation, RMSD).

cross LLMatDesign: Autonomous Materials Discovery with Large Language Models

Authors: Shuyi Jia, Chao Zhang, Victor Fung

Abstract: Discovering new materials can have significant scientific and technological implications but remains a challenging problem today due to the enormity of the chemical space. Recent advances in machine learning have enabled data-driven methods to rapidly screen or generate promising materials, but these methods still depend heavily on very large quantities of training data and often lack the flexibility and chemical understanding often desired in materials discovery. We introduce LLMatDesign, a novel language-based framework for interpretable materials design powered by large language models (LLMs). LLMatDesign utilizes LLM agents to translate human instructions, apply modifications to materials, and evaluate outcomes using provided tools. By incorporating self-reflection on its previous decisions, LLMatDesign adapts rapidly to new tasks and conditions in a zero-shot manner. A systematic evaluation of LLMatDesign on several materials design tasks, in silico, validates LLMatDesign's effectiveness in developing new materials with user-defined target properties in the small data regime. Our framework demonstrates the remarkable potential of autonomous LLM-guided materials discovery in the computational setting and towards self-driving laboratories in the future.

cross Cardiac Copilot: Automatic Probe Guidance for Echocardiography with World Model

Authors: Haojun Jiang, Zhenguo Sun, Ning Jia, Meng Li, Yu Sun, Shaqi Luo, Shiji Song, Gao Huang

Abstract: Echocardiography is the only technique capable of real-time imaging of the heart and is vital for diagnosing the majority of cardiac diseases. However, there is a severe shortage of experienced cardiac sonographers, due to the heart's complex structure and significant operational challenges. To mitigate this situation, we present a Cardiac Copilot system capable of providing real-time probe movement guidance to assist less experienced sonographers in conducting freehand echocardiography. This system can enable non-experts, especially in primary departments and medically underserved areas, to perform cardiac ultrasound examinations, potentially improving global healthcare delivery. The core innovation lies in proposing a data-driven world model, named Cardiac Dreamer, for representing cardiac spatial structures. This world model can provide structure features of any cardiac planes around the current probe position in the latent space, serving as an precise navigation map for autonomous plane localization. We train our model with real-world ultrasound data and corresponding probe motion from 110 routine clinical scans with 151K sample pairs by three certified sonographers. Evaluations on three standard planes with 37K sample pairs demonstrate that the world model can reduce navigation errors by up to 33\% and exhibit more stable performance.

cross Biomedical Visual Instruction Tuning with Clinician Preference Alignment

Authors: Hejie Cui, Lingjun Mao, Xin Liang, Jieyu Zhang, Hui Ren, Quanzheng Li, Xiang Li, Carl Yang

Abstract: Recent advancements in multimodal foundation models have showcased impressive capabilities in understanding and reasoning with visual and textual information. Adapting these foundation models trained for general usage to specialized domains like biomedicine requires large-scale domain-specific instruction datasets. While existing works have explored curating such datasets automatically, the resultant datasets are not explicitly aligned with domain expertise. In this work, we propose a data-centric framework, Biomedical Visual Instruction Tuning with Clinician Preference Alignment (BioMed-VITAL), that incorporates clinician preferences into both stages of generating and selecting instruction data for tuning biomedical multimodal foundation models. First, during the generation stage, we prompt the GPT-4V generator with a diverse set of clinician-selected demonstrations for preference-aligned data candidate generation. Then, during the selection phase, we train a separate selection model, which explicitly distills clinician and policy-guided model preferences into a rating function to select high-quality data for medical instruction tuning. Results show that the model tuned with the instruction-following data from our method demonstrates a significant improvement in open visual chat (18.5% relatively) and medical VQA (win rate up to 81.73%). Our instruction-following data and models are available at

cross Sparse High Rank Adapters

Authors: Kartikeya Bhardwaj, Nilesh Prasad Pandey, Sweta Priyadarshi, Viswanath Ganapathy, Rafael Esteves, Shreya Kadambi, Shubhankar Borse, Paul Whatmough, Risheek Garrepalli, Mart Van Baalen, Harris Teague, Markus Nagel

Abstract: Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has gained massive attention in the recent generative AI research. One of the main advantages of LoRA is its ability to be fused with pretrained models adding no overhead during inference. However, from a mobile deployment standpoint, we can either avoid inference overhead in the fused mode but lose the ability to switch adapters rapidly, or suffer significant (up to 30% higher) inference latency while enabling rapid switching in the unfused mode. LoRA also exhibits concept-loss when multiple adapters are used concurrently. In this paper, we propose Sparse High Rank Adapters (SHiRA), a new paradigm which incurs no inference overhead, enables rapid switching, and significantly reduces concept-loss. Specifically, SHiRA can be trained by directly tuning only 1-2% of the base model weights while leaving others unchanged. This results in a highly sparse adapter which can be switched directly in the fused mode. We further provide theoretical and empirical insights on how high sparsity in SHiRA can aid multi-adapter fusion by reducing concept loss. Our extensive experiments on LVMs and LLMs demonstrate that finetuning only a small fraction of the parameters in the base model is sufficient for many tasks while enabling both rapid switching and multi-adapter fusion. Finally, we provide a latency- and memory-efficient SHiRA implementation based on Parameter-Efficient Finetuning (PEFT) Library. This implementation trains at nearly the same speed as LoRA while consuming lower peak GPU memory, thus making SHiRA easy to adopt for practical use cases.

cross Global-Local Convolution with Spiking Neural Networks for Energy-efficient Keyword Spotting

Authors: Shuai Wang, Dehao Zhang, Kexin Shi, Yuchen Wang, Wenjie Wei, Jibin Wu, Malu Zhang

Abstract: Thanks to Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), the accuracy of Keyword Spotting (KWS) has made substantial progress. However, as KWS systems are usually implemented on edge devices, energy efficiency becomes a critical requirement besides performance. Here, we take advantage of spiking neural networks' energy efficiency and propose an end-to-end lightweight KWS model. The model consists of two innovative modules: 1) Global-Local Spiking Convolution (GLSC) module and 2) Bottleneck-PLIF module. Compared to the hand-crafted feature extraction methods, the GLSC module achieves speech feature extraction that is sparser, more energy-efficient, and yields better performance. The Bottleneck-PLIF module further processes the signals from GLSC with the aim to achieve higher accuracy with fewer parameters. Extensive experiments are conducted on the Google Speech Commands Dataset (V1 and V2). The results show our method achieves competitive performance among SNN-based KWS models with fewer parameters.

cross PRESTO: Progressive Pretraining Enhances Synthetic Chemistry Outcomes

Authors: He Cao, Yanjun Shao, Zhiyuan Liu, Zijing Liu, Xiangru Tang, Yuan Yao, Yu Li

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have seen growing adoption across various scientific disciplines. These advancements encourage the investigation of molecule-text modeling within synthetic chemistry, a field dedicated to designing and conducting chemical reactions to synthesize new compounds with desired properties and applications. Current approaches, however, often neglect the critical role of multiple molecule graph interaction in understanding chemical reactions, leading to suboptimal performance in synthetic chemistry tasks. This study introduces PRESTO(Progressive Pretraining Enhances Synthetic Chemistry Outcomes), a new framework that bridges the molecule-text modality gap by integrating a comprehensive benchmark of pretraining strategies and dataset configurations. It progressively improves multimodal LLMs through cross-modal alignment and multi-graph understanding. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that PRESTO offers competitive results in downstream synthetic chemistry tasks. The code can be found at


cross Surgical Triplet Recognition via Diffusion Model

Authors: Daochang Liu, Xintao Hu, Mubarak Shah, Chang Xu

Abstract: Surgical triplet recognition is an essential building block to enable next-generation context-aware operating rooms. The goal is to identify the combinations of instruments, verbs, and targets presented in surgical video frames. In this paper, we propose DiffTriplet, a new generative framework for surgical triplet recognition employing the diffusion model, which predicts surgical triplets via iterative denoising. To handle the challenge of triplet association, two unique designs are proposed in our diffusion framework, i.e., association learning and association guidance. During training, we optimize the model in the joint space of triplets and individual components to capture the dependencies among them. At inference, we integrate association constraints into each update of the iterative denoising process, which refines the triplet prediction using the information of individual components. Experiments on the CholecT45 and CholecT50 datasets show the superiority of the proposed method in achieving a new state-of-the-art performance for surgical triplet recognition. Our codes will be released.

cross Multi-Meta-RAG: Improving RAG for Multi-Hop Queries using Database Filtering with LLM-Extracted Metadata

Authors: Mykhailo Poliakov, Nadiya Shvai

Abstract: The retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) enables retrieval of relevant information from an external knowledge source and allows large language models (LLMs) to answer queries over previously unseen document collections. However, it was demonstrated that traditional RAG applications perform poorly in answering multi-hop questions, which require retrieving and reasoning over multiple elements of supporting evidence. We introduce a new method called Multi-Meta-RAG, which uses database filtering with LLM-extracted metadata to improve the RAG selection of the relevant documents from various sources, relevant to the question. While database filtering is specific to a set of questions from a particular domain and format, we found out that Multi-Meta-RAG greatly improves the results on the MultiHop-RAG benchmark. The code is available at


cross Neural Residual Diffusion Models for Deep Scalable Vision Generation

Authors: Zhiyuan Ma, Liangliang Zhao, Biqing Qi, Bowen Zhou

Abstract: The most advanced diffusion models have recently adopted increasingly deep stacked networks (e.g., U-Net or Transformer) to promote the generative emergence capabilities of vision generation models similar to large language models (LLMs). However, progressively deeper stacked networks will intuitively cause numerical propagation errors and reduce noisy prediction capabilities on generative data, which hinders massively deep scalable training of vision generation models. In this paper, we first uncover the nature that neural networks being able to effectively perform generative denoising lies in the fact that the intrinsic residual unit has consistent dynamic property with the input signal's reverse diffusion process, thus supporting excellent generative abilities. Afterwards, we stand on the shoulders of two common types of deep stacked networks to propose a unified and massively scalable Neural Residual Diffusion Models framework (Neural-RDM for short), which is a simple yet meaningful change to the common architecture of deep generative networks by introducing a series of learnable gated residual parameters that conform to the generative dynamics. Experimental results on various generative tasks show that the proposed neural residual models obtain state-of-the-art scores on image's and video's generative benchmarks. Rigorous theoretical proofs and extensive experiments also demonstrate the advantages of this simple gated residual mechanism consistent with dynamic modeling in improving the fidelity and consistency of generated content and supporting large-scale scalable training. Code is available at


cross Combining Optimal Transport and Embedding-Based Approaches for More Expressiveness in Unsupervised Graph Alignment

Authors: Songyang Chen, Yu Liu, Lei Zou, Zexuan Wang, Youfang Lin, Yuxing Chen, Anqun Pan

Abstract: Unsupervised graph alignment finds the one-to-one node correspondence between a pair of attributed graphs by only exploiting graph structure and node features. One category of existing works first computes the node representation and then matches nodes with close embeddings, which is intuitive but lacks a clear objective tailored for graph alignment in the unsupervised setting. The other category reduces the problem to optimal transport (OT) via Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) learning with a well-defined objective but leaves a large room for exploring the design of transport cost. We propose a principled approach to combine their advantages motivated by theoretical analysis of model expressiveness. By noticing the limitation of discriminative power in separating matched and unmatched node pairs, we improve the cost design of GW learning with feature transformation, which enables feature interaction across dimensions. Besides, we propose a simple yet effective embedding-based heuristic inspired by the Weisfeiler-Lehman test and add its prior knowledge to OT for more expressiveness when handling non-Euclidean data. Moreover, we are the first to guarantee the one-to-one matching constraint by reducing the problem to maximum weight matching. The algorithm design effectively combines our OT and embedding-based predictions via stacking, an ensemble learning strategy. We propose a model framework named \texttt{CombAlign} integrating all the above modules to refine node alignment progressively. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate significant improvements in alignment accuracy compared to state-of-the-art approaches and validate the effectiveness of the proposed modules.

cross Communication-Efficient Federated Knowledge Graph Embedding with Entity-Wise Top-K Sparsification

Authors: Xiaoxiong Zhang, Zhiwei Zeng, Xin Zhou, Dusit Niyato, Zhiqi Shen

Abstract: Federated Knowledge Graphs Embedding learning (FKGE) encounters challenges in communication efficiency stemming from the considerable size of parameters and extensive communication rounds. However, existing FKGE methods only focus on reducing communication rounds by conducting multiple rounds of local training in each communication round, and ignore reducing the size of parameters transmitted within each communication round. To tackle the problem, we first find that universal reduction in embedding precision across all entities during compression can significantly impede convergence speed, underscoring the importance of maintaining embedding precision. We then propose bidirectional communication-efficient FedS based on Entity-Wise Top-K Sparsification strategy. During upload, clients dynamically identify and upload only the Top-K entity embeddings with the greater changes to the server. During download, the server first performs personalized embedding aggregation for each client. It then identifies and transmits the Top-K aggregated embeddings to each client. Besides, an Intermittent Synchronization Mechanism is used by FedS to mitigate negative effect of embedding inconsistency among shared entities of clients caused by heterogeneity of Federated Knowledge Graph. Extensive experiments across three datasets showcase that FedS significantly enhances communication efficiency with negligible (even no) performance degradation.

cross AGSOA:Graph Neural Network Targeted Attack Based on Average Gradient and Structure Optimization

Authors: Yang Chen, Bin Zhou

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks(GNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial attack that cause performance degradation by adding small perturbations to the graph. Gradient-based attacks are one of the most commonly used methods and have achieved good performance in many attack scenarios. However, current gradient attacks face the problems of easy to fall into local optima and poor attack invisibility. Specifically, most gradient attacks use greedy strategies to generate perturbations, which tend to fall into local optima leading to underperformance of the attack. In addition, many attacks only consider the effectiveness of the attack and ignore the invisibility of the attack, making the attacks easily exposed leading to failure. To address the above problems, this paper proposes an attack on GNNs, called AGSOA, which consists of an average gradient calculation and a structre optimization module. In the average gradient calculation module, we compute the average of the gradient information over all moments to guide the attack to generate perturbed edges, which stabilizes the direction of the attack update and gets rid of undesirable local maxima. In the structure optimization module, we calculate the similarity and homogeneity of the target node's with other nodes to adjust the graph structure so as to improve the invisibility and transferability of the attack. Extensive experiments on three commonly used datasets show that AGSOA improves the misclassification rate by 2$\%$-8$\%$ compared to other state-of-the-art models.

cross Probing the Emergence of Cross-lingual Alignment during LLM Training

Authors: Hetong Wang, Pasquale Minervini, Edoardo M. Ponti

Abstract: Multilingual Large Language Models (LLMs) achieve remarkable levels of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer performance. We speculate that this is predicated on their ability to align languages without explicit supervision from parallel sentences. While representations of translationally equivalent sentences in different languages are known to be similar after convergence, however, it remains unclear how such cross-lingual alignment emerges during pre-training of LLMs. Our study leverages intrinsic probing techniques, which identify which subsets of neurons encode linguistic features, to correlate the degree of cross-lingual neuron overlap with the zero-shot cross-lingual transfer performance for a given model. In particular, we rely on checkpoints of BLOOM, a multilingual autoregressive LLM, across different training steps and model scales. We observe a high correlation between neuron overlap and downstream performance, which supports our hypothesis on the conditions leading to effective cross-lingual transfer. Interestingly, we also detect a degradation of both implicit alignment and multilingual abilities in certain phases of the pre-training process, providing new insights into the multilingual pretraining dynamics.

cross Towards Robust Evaluation: A Comprehensive Taxonomy of Datasets and Metrics for Open Domain Question Answering in the Era of Large Language Models

Authors: Akchay Srivastava, Atif Memon

Abstract: Open Domain Question Answering (ODQA) within natural language processing involves building systems that answer factual questions using large-scale knowledge corpora. Recent advances stem from the confluence of several factors, such as large-scale training datasets, deep learning techniques, and the rise of large language models. High-quality datasets are used to train models on realistic scenarios and enable the evaluation of the system on potentially unseen data. Standardized metrics facilitate comparisons between different ODQA systems, allowing researchers to objectively track advancements in the field. Our study presents a thorough examination of the current landscape of ODQA benchmarking by reviewing 52 datasets and 20 evaluation techniques across textual and multimodal modalities. We introduce a novel taxonomy for ODQA datasets that incorporates both the modality and difficulty of the question types. Additionally, we present a structured organization of ODQA evaluation metrics along with a critical analysis of their inherent trade-offs. Our study aims to empower researchers by providing a framework for the robust evaluation of modern question-answering systems. We conclude by identifying the current challenges and outlining promising avenues for future research and development.

cross Enhancing Collaborative Semantics of Language Model-Driven Recommendations via Graph-Aware Learning

Authors: Zhong Guan, Likang Wu, Hongke Zhao, Ming He, Jianpin Fan

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly prominent in the recommendation systems domain. Existing studies usually utilize in-context learning or supervised fine-tuning on task-specific data to align LLMs into recommendations. However, the substantial bias in semantic spaces between language processing tasks and recommendation tasks poses a nonnegligible challenge. Specifically, without the adequate capturing ability of collaborative information, existing modeling paradigms struggle to capture behavior patterns within community groups, leading to LLMs' ineffectiveness in discerning implicit interaction semantic in recommendation scenarios. To address this, we consider enhancing the learning capability of language model-driven recommendation models for structured data, specifically by utilizing interaction graphs rich in collaborative semantics. We propose a Graph-Aware Learning for Language Model-Driven Recommendations (GAL-Rec). GAL-Rec enhances the understanding of user-item collaborative semantics by imitating the intent of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to aggregate multi-hop information, thereby fully exploiting the substantial learning capacity of LLMs to independently address the complex graphs in the recommendation system. Sufficient experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate that GAL-Rec significantly enhances the comprehension of collaborative semantics, and improves recommendation performance.

cross Data Contamination Can Cross Language Barriers

Authors: Feng Yao, Yufan Zhuang, Zihao Sun, Sunan Xu, Animesh Kumar, Jingbo Shang

Abstract: The opacity in developing large language models (LLMs) is raising growing concerns about the potential contamination of public benchmarks in the pre-training data. Existing contamination detection methods are typically based on the text overlap between training and evaluation data, which can be too superficial to reflect deeper forms of contamination. In this paper, we first present a cross-lingual form of contamination that inflates LLMs' performance while evading current detection methods, deliberately injected by overfitting LLMs on the translated versions of benchmark test sets. Then, we propose generalization-based approaches to unmask such deeply concealed contamination. Specifically, we examine the LLM's performance change after modifying the original benchmark by replacing the false answer choices with correct ones from other questions. Contaminated models can hardly generalize to such easier situations, where the false choices can be \emph{not even wrong}, as all choices are correct in their memorization. Experimental results demonstrate that cross-lingual contamination can easily fool existing detection methods, but not ours. In addition, we discuss the potential utilization of cross-lingual contamination in interpreting LLMs' working mechanisms and in post-training LLMs for enhanced multilingual capabilities. The code and dataset we use can be obtained from \url{}.


cross R^2AG: Incorporating Retrieval Information into Retrieval Augmented Generation

Authors: Fuda Ye, Shuangyin Li, Yongqi Zhang, Lei Chen

Abstract: Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) has been applied in many scenarios to augment large language models (LLMs) with external documents provided by retrievers. However, a semantic gap exists between LLMs and retrievers due to differences in their training objectives and architectures. This misalignment forces LLMs to passively accept the documents provided by the retrievers, leading to incomprehension in the generation process, where the LLMs are burdened with the task of distinguishing these documents using their inherent knowledge. This paper proposes R$^2$AG, a novel enhanced RAG framework to fill this gap by incorporating Retrieval information into Retrieval Augmented Generation. Specifically, R$^2$AG utilizes the nuanced features from the retrievers and employs a R$^2$-Former to capture retrieval information. Then, a retrieval-aware prompting strategy is designed to integrate retrieval information into LLMs' generation. Notably, R$^2$AG suits low-source scenarios where LLMs and retrievers are frozen. Extensive experiments across five datasets validate the effectiveness, robustness, and efficiency of R$^2$AG. Our analysis reveals that retrieval information serves as an anchor to aid LLMs in the generation process, thereby filling the semantic gap.

cross BeHonest: Benchmarking Honesty of Large Language Models

Authors: Steffi Chern, Zhulin Hu, Yuqing Yang, Ethan Chern, Yuan Guo, Jiahe Jin, Binjie Wang, Pengfei Liu

Abstract: Previous works on Large Language Models (LLMs) have mainly focused on evaluating their helpfulness or harmlessness. However, honesty, another crucial alignment criterion, has received relatively less attention. Dishonest behaviors in LLMs, such as spreading misinformation and defrauding users, eroding user trust, and causing real-world harm, present severe risks that intensify as these models approach superintelligence levels. Enhancing honesty in LLMs addresses critical deficiencies and helps uncover latent capabilities that are not readily expressed. This underscores the urgent need for reliable methods and benchmarks to effectively ensure and evaluate the honesty of LLMs. In this paper, we introduce BeHonest, a pioneering benchmark specifically designed to assess honesty in LLMs comprehensively. BeHonest evaluates three essential aspects of honesty: awareness of knowledge boundaries, avoidance of deceit, and consistency in responses. Building on this foundation, we designed 10 scenarios to evaluate and analyze 9 popular LLMs on the market, including both closed-source and open-source models from different model families with varied model sizes. Our findings indicate that there is still significant room for improvement in the honesty of LLMs. We also encourage the AI community to prioritize honesty alignment in LLMs. Our benchmark and code can be found at: \url{}.


cross Design Optimization of NOMA Aided Multi-STAR-RIS for Indoor Environments: A Convex Approximation Imitated Reinforcement Learning Approach

Authors: Yu Min Park, Sheikh Salman Hassan, Yan Kyaw Tun, Eui-Nam Huh, Walid Saad, Choong Seon Hong

Abstract: Sixth-generation (6G) networks leverage simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (STAR-RISs) to overcome the limitations of traditional RISs. STAR-RISs offer 360-degree full-space coverage and optimized transmission and reflection for enhanced network performance and dynamic control of the indoor propagation environment. However, deploying STAR-RISs indoors presents challenges in interference mitigation, power consumption, and real-time configuration. In this work, a novel network architecture utilizing multiple access points (APs) and STAR-RISs is proposed for indoor communication. An optimization problem encompassing user assignment, access point beamforming, and STAR-RIS phase control for reflection and transmission is formulated. The inherent complexity of the formulated problem necessitates a decomposition approach for an efficient solution. This involves tackling different sub-problems with specialized techniques: a many-to-one matching algorithm is employed to assign users to appropriate access points, optimizing resource allocation. To facilitate efficient resource management, access points are grouped using a correlation-based K-means clustering algorithm. Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) is leveraged to optimize the control of the STAR-RIS. Within the proposed MADRL framework, a novel approach is introduced where each decision variable acts as an independent agent, enabling collaborative learning and decision-making. Additionally, the proposed MADRL approach incorporates convex approximation (CA). This technique utilizes suboptimal solutions from successive convex approximation (SCA) to accelerate policy learning for the agents, thereby leading to faster environment adaptation and convergence. Simulations demonstrate significant network utility improvements compared to baseline approaches.

cross An interpretable generative multimodal neuroimaging-genomics framework for decoding Alzheimer's disease

Authors: Giorgio Dolci (Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science), Federica Cruciani (Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy), Md Abdur Rahaman (Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science), Anees Abrol (Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science), Jiayu Chen (Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science), Zening Fu (Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science), Ilaria Boscolo Galazzo (Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy), Gloria Menegaz (Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy), Vince D. Calhoun (Tri-Institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science)

Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia with a progressive decline in cognitive abilities. The AD continuum encompasses a prodormal stage known as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), where patients may either progress to AD or remain stable. In this study, we leveraged structural and functional MRI to investigate the disease-induced grey matter and functional network connectivity changes. Moreover, considering AD's strong genetic component, we introduce SNPs as a third channel. Given such diverse inputs, missing one or more modalities is a typical concern of multimodal methods. We hence propose a novel deep learning-based classification framework where generative module employing Cycle GANs was adopted to impute missing data within the latent space. Additionally, we adopted an Explainable AI method, Integrated Gradients, to extract input features relevance, enhancing our understanding of the learned representations. Two critical tasks were addressed: AD detection and MCI conversion prediction. Experimental results showed that our model was able to reach the SOA in the classification of CN/AD reaching an average test accuracy of $0.926\pm0.02$. For the MCI task, we achieved an average prediction accuracy of $0.711\pm0.01$ using the pre-trained model for CN/AD. The interpretability analysis revealed significant grey matter modulations in cortical and subcortical brain areas well known for their association with AD. Moreover, impairments in sensory-motor and visual resting state network connectivity along the disease continuum, as well as mutations in SNPs defining biological processes linked to amyloid-beta and cholesterol formation clearance and regulation, were identified as contributors to the achieved performance. Overall, our integrative deep learning approach shows promise for AD detection and MCI prediction, while shading light on important biological insights.

cross Media Forensics and Deepfake Systematic Survey

Authors: Nadeem Jabbar CH, Aqib Saghir, Ayaz Ahmad Meer, Salman Ahmad Sahi, Bilal Hassan, Siddiqui Muhammad Yasir

Abstract: Deepfake is a generative deep learning algorithm that creates or changes facial features in a very realistic way making it hard to differentiate the real from the fake features It can be used to make movies look better as well as to spread false information by imitating famous people In this paper many different ways to make a Deepfake are explained analyzed and separated categorically Using Deepfake datasets models are trained and tested for reliability through experiments Deepfakes are a type of facial manipulation that allow people to change their entire faces identities attributes and expressions The trends in the available Deepfake datasets are also discussed with a focus on how they have changed Using Deep learning a general Deepfake detection model is made Moreover the problems in making and detecting Deepfakes are also mentioned As a result of this survey it is expected that the development of new Deepfake based imaging tools will speed up in the future This survey gives indepth review of methods for manipulating images of face and various techniques to spot altered face images Four types of facial manipulation are specifically discussed which are attribute manipulation expression swap entire face synthesis and identity swap Across every manipulation category we yield information on manipulation techniques significant benchmarks for technical evaluation of counterfeit detection techniques available public databases and a summary of the outcomes of all such analyses From all of the topics in the survey we focus on the most recent development of Deepfake showing its advances and obstacles in detecting fake images

cross Empirical Evaluation of Integrated Trust Mechanism to Improve Trust in E-commerce Services

Authors: Siddiqui Muhammad Yasir, Hyunsik Ahn

Abstract: There are mostly two approaches to tackle trust management worldwide Strong and crisp and Soft and Social. We analyze the impact of integrated trust mechanism in three different e-commerce services. The trust aspect is a dormant element between potential users and being developed expert or internet systems. We support our integration by preside over an experiment in controlled laboratory environment. The model selected for the experiment is a composite of policy and reputation based trust mechanisms and widely acknowledged in e-commerce industry. The integration between policy and trust mechanism was accomplished through mapping process, weakness of one brought to a close with the strength of other. Furthermore, experiment has been supervised to validate the effectiveness of implementation by segregating both integrated and traditional trust mechanisms in learning system

cross Deep Learning-Based 3D Instance and Semantic Segmentation: A Review

Authors: Siddiqui Muhammad Yasir, Hyunsik Ahn

Abstract: The process of segmenting point cloud data into several homogeneous areas with points in the same region having the same attributes is known as 3D segmentation. Segmentation is challenging with point cloud data due to substantial redundancy, fluctuating sample density and lack of apparent organization. The research area has a wide range of robotics applications, including intelligent vehicles, autonomous mapping and navigation. A number of researchers have introduced various methodologies and algorithms. Deep learning has been successfully used to a spectrum of 2D vision domains as a prevailing A.I. methods. However, due to the specific problems of processing point clouds with deep neural networks, deep learning on point clouds is still in its initial stages. This study examines many strategies that have been presented to 3D instance and semantic segmentation and gives a complete assessment of current developments in deep learning-based 3D segmentation. In these approaches benefits, draw backs, and design mechanisms are studied and addressed. This study evaluates the impact of various segmentation algorithms on competitiveness on various publicly accessible datasets, as well as the most often used pipelines, their advantages and limits, insightful findings and intriguing future research directions.

cross ZeroDL: Zero-shot Distribution Learning for Text Clustering via Large Language Models

Authors: Hwiyeol Jo, Hyunwoo Lee, Taiwoo Park

Abstract: The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have brought significant progress in solving NLP tasks. Notably, in-context learning (ICL) is the key enabling mechanism for LLMs to understand specific tasks and grasping nuances. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method to contextualize a task toward a specific LLM, by (1) observing how a given LLM describes (all or a part of) target datasets, i.e., open-ended zero-shot inference, and (2) aggregating the open-ended inference results by the LLM, and (3) finally incorporate the aggregated meta-information for the actual task. We show the effectiveness of this approach in text clustering tasks, and also highlight the importance of the contextualization through examples of the above procedure.

cross Textual Unlearning Gives a False Sense of Unlearning

Authors: Jiacheng Du, Zhibo Wang, Kui Ren

Abstract: Language models (LMs) are susceptible to "memorizing" training data, including a large amount of private or copyright-protected content. To safeguard the right to be forgotten (RTBF), machine unlearning has emerged as a promising method for LMs to efficiently "forget" sensitive training content and mitigate knowledge leakage risks. However, despite its good intentions, could the unlearning mechanism be counterproductive? In this paper, we propose the Textual Unlearning Leakage Attack (TULA), where an adversary can infer information about the unlearned data only by accessing the models before and after unlearning. Furthermore, we present variants of TULA in both black-box and white-box scenarios. Through various experimental results, we critically demonstrate that machine unlearning amplifies the risk of knowledge leakage from LMs. Specifically, TULA can increase an adversary's ability to infer membership information about the unlearned data by more than 20% in black-box scenario. Moreover, TULA can even reconstruct the unlearned data directly with more than 60% accuracy with white-box access. Our work is the first to reveal that machine unlearning in LMs can inversely create greater knowledge risks and inspire the development of more secure unlearning mechanisms.

cross A Resource-Adaptive Approach for Federated Learning under Resource-Constrained Environments

Authors: Ruirui Zhang, Xingze Wu, Yifei Zou, Zhenzhen Xie, Peng Li, Xiuzhen Cheng, Dongxiao Yu

Abstract: The paper studies a fundamental federated learning (FL) problem involving multiple clients with heterogeneous constrained resources. Compared with the numerous training parameters, the computing and communication resources of clients are insufficient for fast local training and real-time knowledge sharing. Besides, training on clients with heterogeneous resources may result in the straggler problem. To address these issues, we propose Fed-RAA: a Resource-Adaptive Asynchronous Federated learning algorithm. Different from vanilla FL methods, where all parameters are trained by each participating client regardless of resource diversity, Fed-RAA adaptively allocates fragments of the global model to clients based on their computing and communication capabilities. Each client then individually trains its assigned model fragment and asynchronously uploads the updated result. Theoretical analysis confirms the convergence of our approach. Additionally, we design an online greedy-based algorithm for fragment allocation in Fed-RAA, achieving fairness comparable to an offline strategy. We present numerical results on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100, along with necessary comparisons and ablation studies, demonstrating the advantages of our work. To the best of our knowledge, this paper represents the first resource-adaptive asynchronous method for fragment-based FL with guaranteed theoretical convergence.

cross PPT-GNN: A Practical Pre-Trained Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network for Network Security

Authors: Louis Van Langendonck, Ismael Castell-Uroz, Pere Barlet-Ros

Abstract: Recent works have demonstrated the potential of Graph Neural Networks (GNN) for network intrusion detection. Despite their advantages, a significant gap persists between real-world scenarios, where detection speed is critical, and existing proposals, which operate on large graphs representing several hours of traffic. This gap results in unrealistic operational conditions and impractical detection delays. Moreover, existing models do not generalize well across different networks, hampering their deployment in production environments. To address these issues, we introduce PPTGNN, a practical spatio-temporal GNN for intrusion detection. PPTGNN enables near real-time predictions, while better capturing the spatio-temporal dynamics of network attacks. PPTGNN employs self-supervised pre-training for improved performance and reduced dependency on labeled data. We evaluate PPTGNN on three public datasets and show that it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art models, such as E-ResGAT and E-GraphSAGE, with an average accuracy improvement of 10.38%. Finally, we show that a pre-trained PPTGNN can easily be fine-tuned to unseen networks with minimal labeled examples. This highlights the potential of PPTGNN as a general, large-scale pre-trained model that can effectively operate in diverse network environments.

cross Identifiable Causal Representation Learning: Unsupervised, Multi-View, and Multi-Environment

Authors: Julius von K\"ugelgen

Abstract: Causal models provide rich descriptions of complex systems as sets of mechanisms by which each variable is influenced by its direct causes. They support reasoning about manipulating parts of the system and thus hold promise for addressing some of the open challenges of artificial intelligence (AI), such as planning, transferring knowledge in changing environments, or robustness to distribution shifts. However, a key obstacle to more widespread use of causal models in AI is the requirement that the relevant variables be specified a priori, which is typically not the case for the high-dimensional, unstructured data processed by modern AI systems. At the same time, machine learning (ML) has proven quite successful at automatically extracting useful and compact representations of such complex data. Causal representation learning (CRL) aims to combine the core strengths of ML and causality by learning representations in the form of latent variables endowed with causal model semantics. In this thesis, we study and present new results for different CRL settings. A central theme is the question of identifiability: Given infinite data, when are representations satisfying the same learning objective guaranteed to be equivalent? This is an important prerequisite for CRL, as it formally characterises if and when a learning task is, at least in principle, feasible. Since learning causal models, even without a representation learning component, is notoriously difficult, we require additional assumptions on the model class or rich data beyond the classical i.i.d. setting. By partially characterising identifiability for different settings, this thesis investigates what is possible for CRL without direct supervision, and thus contributes to its theoretical foundations. Ideally, the developed insights can help inform data collection practices or inspire the design of new practical estimation methods.

cross Explainable by-design Audio Segmentation through Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and Probing

Authors: Martin Lebourdais, Th\'eo Mariotte, Antonio Almud\'evar, Marie Tahon, Alfonso Ortega

Abstract: Audio segmentation is a key task for many speech technologies, most of which are based on neural networks, usually considered as black boxes, with high-level performances. However, in many domains, among which health or forensics, there is not only a need for good performance but also for explanations about the output decision. Explanations derived directly from latent representations need to satisfy "good" properties, such as informativeness, compactness, or modularity, to be interpretable. In this article, we propose an explainable-by-design audio segmentation model based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) which is a good candidate for the design of interpretable representations. This paper shows that our model reaches good segmentation performances, and presents deep analyses of the latent representation extracted from the non-negative matrix. The proposed approach opens new perspectives toward the evaluation of interpretable representations according to "good" properties.

cross Archive-based Single-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Submodular Optimization

Authors: Frank Neumann, G\"unter Rudolph

Abstract: Constrained submodular optimization problems play a key role in the area of combinatorial optimization as they capture many NP-hard optimization problems. So far, Pareto optimization approaches using multi-objective formulations have been shown to be successful to tackle these problems while single-objective formulations lead to difficulties for algorithms such as the $(1+1)$-EA due to the presence of local optima. We introduce for the first time single-objective algorithms that are provably successful for different classes of constrained submodular maximization problems. Our algorithms are variants of the $(1+\lambda)$-EA and $(1+1)$-EA and increase the feasible region of the search space incrementally in order to deal with the considered submodular problems.

cross Certificates of Differential Privacy and Unlearning for Gradient-Based Training

Authors: Matthew Wicker, Philip Sosnin, Adrianna Janik, Mark N. M\"uller, Adrian Weller, Calvin Tsay

Abstract: Proper data stewardship requires that model owners protect the privacy of individuals' data used during training. Whether through anonymization with differential privacy or the use of unlearning in non-anonymized settings, the gold-standard techniques for providing privacy guarantees can come with significant performance penalties or be too weak to provide practical assurances. In part, this is due to the fact that the guarantee provided by differential privacy represents the worst-case privacy leakage for any individual, while the true privacy leakage of releasing the prediction for a given individual might be substantially smaller or even, as we show, non-existent. This work provides a novel framework based on convex relaxations and bounds propagation that can compute formal guarantees (certificates) that releasing specific predictions satisfies $\epsilon=0$ privacy guarantees or do not depend on data that is subject to an unlearning request. Our framework offers a new verification-centric approach to privacy and unlearning guarantees, that can be used to further engender user trust with tighter privacy guarantees, provide formal proofs of robustness to certain membership inference attacks, identify potentially vulnerable records, and enhance current unlearning approaches. We validate the effectiveness of our approach on tasks from financial services, medical imaging, and natural language processing.

cross What's Next? Exploring Utilization, Challenges, and Future Directions of AI-Generated Image Tools in Graphic Design

Authors: Yuying Tang, Mariana Ciancia, Zhigang Wang, Ze Gao

Abstract: Recent advancements in artificial intelligence, such as computer vision and deep learning, have led to the emergence of numerous generative AI platforms, particularly for image generation. However, the application of AI-generated image tools in graphic design has not been extensively explored. This study conducted semi-structured interviews with seven designers of varying experience levels to understand their current usage, challenges, and future functional needs for AI-generated image tools in graphic design. As our findings suggest, AI tools serve as creative partners in design, enhancing human creativity, offering strategic insights, and fostering team collaboration and communication. The findings provide guiding recommendations for the future development of AI-generated image tools, aimed at helping engineers optimize these tools to better meet the needs of graphic designers.

cross Robust Melanoma Thickness Prediction via Deep Transfer Learning enhanced by XAI Techniques

Authors: Miguel Nogales, Bego\~na Acha, Fernando Alarc\'on, Jos\'e Pereyra, Carmen Serrano

Abstract: This study focuses on analyzing dermoscopy images to determine the depth of melanomas, which is a critical factor in diagnosing and treating skin cancer. The Breslow depth, measured from the top of the granular layer to the deepest point of tumor invasion, serves as a crucial parameter for staging melanoma and guiding treatment decisions. This research aims to improve the prediction of the depth of melanoma through the use of machine learning models, specifically deep learning, while also providing an analysis of the possible existance of graduation in the images characteristics which correlates with the depth of the melanomas. Various datasets, including ISIC and private collections, were used, comprising a total of 1162 images. The datasets were combined and balanced to ensure robust model training. The study utilized pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Results indicated that the models achieved significant improvements over previous methods. Additionally, the study conducted a correlation analysis between model's predictions and actual melanoma thickness, revealing a moderate correlation that improves with higher thickness values. Explainability methods such as feature visualization through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) demonstrated the capability of deep features to distinguish between different depths of melanoma, providing insight into the data distribution and model behavior. In summary, this research presents a dual contribution: enhancing the state-of-the-art classification results through advanced training techniques and offering a detailed analysis of the data and model behavior to better understand the relationship between dermoscopy images and melanoma thickness.

cross Lost in UNet: Improving Infrared Small Target Detection by Underappreciated Local Features

Authors: Wuzhou Quan, Wei Zhao, Weiming Wang, Haoran Xie, Fu Lee Wang, Mingqiang Wei

Abstract: Many targets are often very small in infrared images due to the long-distance imaging meachnism. UNet and its variants, as popular detection backbone networks, downsample the local features early and cause the irreversible loss of these local features, leading to both the missed and false detection of small targets in infrared images. We propose HintU, a novel network to recover the local features lost by various UNet-based methods for effective infrared small target detection. HintU has two key contributions. First, it introduces the "Hint" mechanism for the first time, i.e., leveraging the prior knowledge of target locations to highlight critical local features. Second, it improves the mainstream UNet-based architecture to preserve target pixels even after downsampling. HintU can shift the focus of various networks (e.g., vanilla UNet, UNet++, UIUNet, MiM+, and HCFNet) from the irrelevant background pixels to a more restricted area from the beginning. Experimental results on three datasets NUDT-SIRST, SIRSTv2 and IRSTD1K demonstrate that HintU enhances the performance of existing methods with only an additional 1.88 ms cost (on RTX Titan). Additionally, the explicit constraints of HintU enhance the generalization ability of UNet-based methods. Code is available at


cross EvTexture: Event-driven Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution

Authors: Dachun Kai, Jiayao Lu, Yueyi Zhang, Xiaoyan Sun

Abstract: Event-based vision has drawn increasing attention due to its unique characteristics, such as high temporal resolution and high dynamic range. It has been used in video super-resolution (VSR) recently to enhance the flow estimation and temporal alignment. Rather than for motion learning, we propose in this paper the first VSR method that utilizes event signals for texture enhancement. Our method, called EvTexture, leverages high-frequency details of events to better recover texture regions in VSR. In our EvTexture, a new texture enhancement branch is presented. We further introduce an iterative texture enhancement module to progressively explore the high-temporal-resolution event information for texture restoration. This allows for gradual refinement of texture regions across multiple iterations, leading to more accurate and rich high-resolution details. Experimental results show that our EvTexture achieves state-of-the-art performance on four datasets. For the Vid4 dataset with rich textures, our method can get up to 4.67dB gain compared with recent event-based methods. Code:


cross Encoder vs Decoder: Comparative Analysis of Encoder and Decoder Language Models on Multilingual NLU Tasks

Authors: Dan Saattrup Nielsen, Kenneth Enevoldsen, Peter Schneider-Kamp

Abstract: This paper explores the performance of encoder and decoder language models on multilingual Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks, with a broad focus on Germanic languages. Building upon the ScandEval benchmark, which initially was restricted to evaluating encoder models, we extend the evaluation framework to include decoder models. We introduce a method for evaluating decoder models on NLU tasks and apply it to the languages Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese, German, Dutch, and English. Through a series of experiments and analyses, we address key research questions regarding the comparative performance of encoder and decoder models, the impact of NLU task types, and the variation across language resources. Our findings reveal that decoder models can achieve significantly better NLU performance than encoder models, with nuances observed across different tasks and languages. Additionally, we investigate the correlation between decoders and task performance via a UMAP analysis, shedding light on the unique capabilities of decoder and encoder models. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of language model paradigms in NLU tasks and provides valuable insights for model selection and evaluation in multilingual settings.

cross Attention-aware Post-training Quantization without Backpropagation

Authors: Junhan Kim, Ho-young Kim, Eulrang Cho, Chungman Lee, Joonyoung Kim, Yongkweon Jeon

Abstract: Quantization is a promising solution for deploying large-scale language models (LLMs) on resource-constrained devices. Existing quantization approaches, however, rely on gradient-based optimization, regardless of it being post-training quantization (PTQ) or quantization-aware training (QAT), which becomes problematic for hyper-scale LLMs with billions of parameters. This overhead can be alleviated via recently proposed backpropagation-free PTQ methods; however, their performance is somewhat limited by their lack of consideration of inter-layer dependencies. In this paper, we thus propose a novel PTQ algorithm that considers inter-layer dependencies without relying on backpropagation. The fundamental concept involved is the development of attention-aware Hessian matrices, which facilitates the consideration of inter-layer dependencies within the attention module. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms conventional PTQ methods, particularly for low bit-widths.

cross Self-play with Execution Feedback: Improving Instruction-following Capabilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Guanting Dong, Keming Lu, Chengpeng Li, Tingyu Xia, Bowen Yu, Chang Zhou, Jingren Zhou

Abstract: One core capability of large language models (LLMs) is to follow natural language instructions. However, the issue of automatically constructing high-quality training data to enhance the complex instruction-following abilities of LLMs without manual annotation remains unresolved. In this paper, we introduce AutoIF, the first scalable and reliable method for automatically generating instruction-following training data. AutoIF transforms the validation of instruction-following data quality into code verification, requiring LLMs to generate instructions, the corresponding code to check the correctness of the instruction responses, and unit test samples to verify the code's correctness. Then, execution feedback-based rejection sampling can generate data for Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) training. AutoIF achieves significant improvements across three training algorithms, SFT, Offline DPO, and Online DPO, when applied to the top open-source LLMs, Qwen2 and LLaMA3, in self-alignment and strong-to-weak distillation settings. Our code is publicly available at


cross Mitigating Social Biases in Language Models through Unlearning

Authors: Omkar Dige, Diljot Singh, Tsz Fung Yau, Qixuan Zhang, Borna Bolandraftar, Xiaodan Zhu, Faiza Khan Khattak

Abstract: Mitigating bias in language models (LMs) has become a critical problem due to the widespread deployment of LMs. Numerous approaches revolve around data pre-processing and fine-tuning of language models, tasks that can be both time-consuming and computationally demanding. Consequently, there is a growing interest in machine unlearning techniques given their capacity to induce the forgetting of undesired behaviors of the existing pre-trained or fine-tuned models with lower computational cost. In this work, we explore two unlearning methods, (1) Partitioned Contrastive Gradient Unlearning (PCGU) applied on decoder models and (2) Negation via Task Vector, to reduce social biases in state-of-the-art and open-source LMs such as LLaMA-2 and OPT. We also implement distributed PCGU for large models. It is empirically shown, through quantitative and qualitative analyses, that negation via Task Vector method outperforms PCGU in debiasing with minimum deterioration in performance and perplexity of the models. On LLaMA-27B, negation via Task Vector reduces the bias score by 11.8%

cross BiLD: Bi-directional Logits Difference Loss for Large Language Model Distillation

Authors: Minchong Li, Feng Zhou, Xiaohui Song

Abstract: In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have shown exceptional capabilities across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, such impressive performance often comes with the trade-off of an increased parameter size, posing significant challenges for widespread deployment. Knowledge distillation (KD) provides a solution by transferring knowledge from a large teacher model to a smaller student model. In this paper, we explore the task-specific distillation of LLMs at the logit level. Our investigation reveals that the logits of fine-tuned LLMs exhibit a more extreme long-tail distribution than those from vision models, with hidden "noise" in the long tail affecting distillation performance. Furthermore, existing logits distillation methods often struggle to effectively utilize the internal ranking information from the logits. To address these, we propose the Bi-directional Logits Difference (BiLD) loss. The BiLD loss filters out the long-tail noise by utilizing only top-$k$ teacher and student logits, and leverages the internal logits ranking information by constructing logits differences. To evaluate BiLD loss, we conduct comprehensive experiments on 13 datasets using two types of LLMs. Our results show that the BiLD loss, with only the top-8 logits, outperforms supervised fine-tuning (SFT), vanilla KL loss, and five other distillation methods from both NLP and CV fields.

cross Is AI fun? HumorDB: a curated dataset and benchmark to investigate graphical humor

Authors: Veedant Jain, Felipe dos Santos Alves Feitosa, Gabriel Kreiman

Abstract: Despite significant advancements in computer vision, understanding complex scenes, particularly those involving humor, remains a substantial challenge. This paper introduces HumorDB, a novel image-only dataset specifically designed to advance visual humor understanding. HumorDB consists of meticulously curated image pairs with contrasting humor ratings, emphasizing subtle visual cues that trigger humor and mitigating potential biases. The dataset enables evaluation through binary classification(Funny or Not Funny), range regression(funniness on a scale from 1 to 10), and pairwise comparison tasks(Which Image is Funnier?), effectively capturing the subjective nature of humor perception. Initial experiments reveal that while vision-only models struggle, vision-language models, particularly those leveraging large language models, show promising results. HumorDB also shows potential as a valuable zero-shot benchmark for powerful large multimodal models. We open-source both the dataset and code under the CC BY 4.0 license.

cross Bayes' capacity as a measure for reconstruction attacks in federated learning

Authors: Sayan Biswas, Mark Dras, Pedro Faustini, Natasha Fernandes, Annabelle McIver, Catuscia Palamidessi, Parastoo Sadeghi

Abstract: Within the machine learning community, reconstruction attacks are a principal attack of concern and have been identified even in federated learning, which was designed with privacy preservation in mind. In federated learning, it has been shown that an adversary with knowledge of the machine learning architecture is able to infer the exact value of a training element given an observation of the weight updates performed during stochastic gradient descent. In response to these threats, the privacy community recommends the use of differential privacy in the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, termed DP-SGD. However, DP has not yet been formally established as an effective countermeasure against reconstruction attacks. In this paper, we formalise the reconstruction threat model using the information-theoretic framework of quantitative information flow. We show that the Bayes' capacity, related to the Sibson mutual information of order infinity, represents a tight upper bound on the leakage of the DP-SGD algorithm to an adversary interested in performing a reconstruction attack. We provide empirical results demonstrating the effectiveness of this measure for comparing mechanisms against reconstruction threats.

cross Submodular Participatory Budgeting

Authors: Jing Yuan, Shaojie Tang

Abstract: Participatory budgeting refers to the practice of allocating public resources by collecting and aggregating individual preferences. Most existing studies in this field often assume an additive utility function, where each individual holds a private utility for each candidate project, and the total utility of a set of funded projects is simply the sum of the utilities of all projects. We argue that this assumption does not always hold in reality. For example, building two playgrounds in the same neighborhood does not necessarily lead to twice the utility of building a single playground. To address this, we extend the existing study by proposing a submodular participatory budgeting problem, assuming that the utility function of each individual is a monotone and submodular function over funded projects. We propose and examine three preference elicitation methods, including \emph{ranking-by-marginal-values}, \emph{ranking-by-values} and \emph{threshold approval votes}, and analyze their performances in terms of distortion. Notably, if the utility function is addicative, our aggregation rule designed for threshold approval votes achieves a better distortion than the state-of-the-art approach.

cross GraphKAN: Enhancing Feature Extraction with Graph Kolmogorov Arnold Networks

Authors: Fan Zhang, Xin Zhang

Abstract: Massive number of applications involve data with underlying relationships embedded in non-Euclidean space. Graph neural networks (GNNs) are utilized to extract features by capturing the dependencies within graphs. Despite groundbreaking performances, we argue that Multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) and fixed activation functions impede the feature extraction due to information loss. Inspired by Kolmogorov Arnold Networks (KANs), we make the first attempt to GNNs with KANs. We discard MLPs and activation functions, and instead used KANs for feature extraction. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of GraphKAN, emphasizing the potential of KANs as a powerful tool. Code is available at


cross Root Cause Localization for Microservice Systems in Cloud-edge Collaborative Environments

Authors: Yuhan Zhu, Jian Wang, Bing Li, Xuxian Tang, Hao Li, Neng Zhang, Yuqi Zhao

Abstract: With the development of cloud-native technologies, microservice-based software systems face challenges in accurately localizing root causes when failures occur. Additionally, the cloud-edge collaborative environment introduces more difficulties, such as unstable networks and high latency across network segments. Accurately identifying the root cause of microservices in a cloud-edge collaborative environment has thus become an urgent problem. In this paper, we propose MicroCERCL, a novel approach that pinpoints root causes at the kernel and application level in the cloud-edge collaborative environment. Our key insight is that failures propagate through direct invocations and indirect resource-competition dependencies in a cloud-edge collaborative environment characterized by instability and high latency. This will become more complex in the hybrid deployment that simultaneously involves multiple microservice systems. Leveraging this insight, we extract valid contents from kernel-level logs to prioritize localizing the kernel-level root cause. Moreover, we construct a heterogeneous dynamic topology stack and train a graph neural network model to accurately localize the application-level root cause without relying on historical data. Notably, we released the first benchmark hybrid deployment microservice system in a cloud-edge collaborative environment (the largest and most complex within our knowledge). Experiments conducted on the dataset collected from the benchmark show that MicroCERCL can accurately localize the root cause of microservice systems in such environments, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art approaches with an increase of at least 24.1% in top-1 accuracy.

cross Nicer Than Humans: How do Large Language Models Behave in the Prisoner's Dilemma?

Authors: Nicol\'o Fontana, Francesco Pierri, Luca Maria Aiello

Abstract: The behavior of Large Language Models (LLMs) as artificial social agents is largely unexplored, and we still lack extensive evidence of how these agents react to simple social stimuli. Testing the behavior of AI agents in classic Game Theory experiments provides a promising theoretical framework for evaluating the norms and values of these agents in archetypal social situations. In this work, we investigate the cooperative behavior of Llama2 when playing the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma against random adversaries displaying various levels of hostility. We introduce a systematic methodology to evaluate an LLM's comprehension of the game's rules and its capability to parse historical gameplay logs for decision-making. We conducted simulations of games lasting for 100 rounds, and analyzed the LLM's decisions in terms of dimensions defined in behavioral economics literature. We find that Llama2 tends not to initiate defection but it adopts a cautious approach towards cooperation, sharply shifting towards a behavior that is both forgiving and non-retaliatory only when the opponent reduces its rate of defection below 30%. In comparison to prior research on human participants, Llama2 exhibits a greater inclination towards cooperative behavior. Our systematic approach to the study of LLMs in game theoretical scenarios is a step towards using these simulations to inform practices of LLM auditing and alignment.

cross Optimizing Psychological Counseling with Instruction-Tuned Large Language Models

Authors: Wenjie Li, Tianyu Sun, Kun Qian, Wenhong Wang

Abstract: The advent of large language models (LLMs) has significantly advanced various fields, including natural language processing and automated dialogue systems. This paper explores the application of LLMs in psychological counseling, addressing the increasing demand for mental health services. We present a method for instruction tuning LLMs with specialized prompts to enhance their performance in providing empathetic, relevant, and supportive responses. Our approach involves developing a comprehensive dataset of counseling-specific prompts, refining them through feedback from professional counselors, and conducting rigorous evaluations using both automatic metrics and human assessments. The results demonstrate that our instruction-tuned model outperforms several baseline LLMs, highlighting its potential as a scalable and accessible tool for mental health support.

cross Enhance the Image: Super Resolution using Artificial Intelligence in MRI

Authors: Ziyu Li, Zihan Li, Haoxiang Li, Qiuyun Fan, Karla L. Miller, Wenchuan Wu, Akshay S. Chaudhari, Qiyuan Tian

Abstract: This chapter provides an overview of deep learning techniques for improving the spatial resolution of MRI, ranging from convolutional neural networks, generative adversarial networks, to more advanced models including transformers, diffusion models, and implicit neural representations. Our exploration extends beyond the methodologies to scrutinize the impact of super-resolved images on clinical and neuroscientific assessments. We also cover various practical topics such as network architectures, image evaluation metrics, network loss functions, and training data specifics, including downsampling methods for simulating low-resolution images and dataset selection. Finally, we discuss existing challenges and potential future directions regarding the feasibility and reliability of deep learning-based MRI super-resolution, with the aim to facilitate its wider adoption to benefit various clinical and neuroscientific applications.

cross Fine-Tuning Gemma-7B for Enhanced Sentiment Analysis of Financial News Headlines

Authors: Kangtong Mo, Wenyan Liu, Xuanzhen Xu, Chang Yu, Yuelin Zou, Fangqing Xia

Abstract: In this study, we explore the application of sentiment analysis on financial news headlines to understand investor sentiment. By leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLM), we analyze sentiment from the perspective of retail investors. The FinancialPhraseBank dataset, which contains categorized sentiments of financial news headlines, serves as the basis for our analysis. We fine-tuned several models, including distilbert-base-uncased, Llama, and gemma-7b, to evaluate their effectiveness in sentiment classification. Our experiments demonstrate that the fine-tuned gemma-7b model outperforms others, achieving the highest precision, recall, and F1 score. Specifically, the gemma-7b model showed significant improvements in accuracy after fine-tuning, indicating its robustness in capturing the nuances of financial sentiment. This model can be instrumental in providing market insights, risk management, and aiding investment decisions by accurately predicting the sentiment of financial news. The results highlight the potential of advanced LLMs in transforming how we analyze and interpret financial information, offering a powerful tool for stakeholders in the financial industry.

cross On AI-Inspired UI-Design

Authors: Jialiang Wei, Anne-Lise Courbis, Thomas Lambolais, G\'erard Dray, Walid Maalej

Abstract: Graphical User Interface (or simply UI) is a primary mean of interaction between users and their device. In this paper, we discuss three major complementary approaches on how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support app designers create better, more diverse, and creative UI of mobile apps. First, designers can prompt a Large Language Model (LLM) like GPT to directly generate and adjust one or multiple UIs. Second, a Vision-Language Model (VLM) enables designers to effectively search a large screenshot dataset, e.g. from apps published in app stores. The third approach is to train a Diffusion Model (DM) specifically designed to generate app UIs as inspirational images. We discuss how AI should be used, in general, to inspire and assist creative app design rather than automating it.

cross Improving GFlowNets with Monte Carlo Tree Search

Authors: Nikita Morozov, Daniil Tiapkin, Sergey Samsonov, Alexey Naumov, Dmitry Vetrov

Abstract: Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) treat sampling from distributions over compositional discrete spaces as a sequential decision-making problem, training a stochastic policy to construct objects step by step. Recent studies have revealed strong connections between GFlowNets and entropy-regularized reinforcement learning. Building on these insights, we propose to enhance planning capabilities of GFlowNets by applying Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). Specifically, we show how the MENTS algorithm (Xiao et al., 2019) can be adapted for GFlowNets and used during both training and inference. Our experiments demonstrate that this approach improves the sample efficiency of GFlowNet training and the generation fidelity of pre-trained GFlowNet models.

cross Towards Minimal Targeted Updates of Language Models with Targeted Negative Training

Authors: Lily H. Zhang, Rajesh Ranganath, Arya Tafvizi

Abstract: Generative models of language exhibit impressive capabilities but still place non-negligible probability mass over undesirable outputs. In this work, we address the task of updating a model to avoid unwanted outputs while minimally changing model behavior otherwise, a challenge we refer to as a minimal targeted update. We first formalize the notion of a minimal targeted update and propose a method to achieve such updates using negative examples from a model's generations. Our proposed Targeted Negative Training (TNT) results in updates that keep the new distribution close to the original, unlike existing losses for negative signal which push down probability but do not control what the updated distribution will be. In experiments, we demonstrate that TNT yields a better trade-off between reducing unwanted behavior and maintaining model generation behavior than baselines, paving the way towards a modeling paradigm based on iterative training updates that constrain models from generating undesirable outputs while preserving their impressive capabilities.

cross Model Internals-based Answer Attribution for Trustworthy Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Jirui Qi, Gabriele Sarti, Raquel Fern\'andez, Arianna Bisazza

Abstract: Ensuring the verifiability of model answers is a fundamental challenge for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) in the question answering (QA) domain. Recently, self-citation prompting was proposed to make large language models (LLMs) generate citations to supporting documents along with their answers. However, self-citing LLMs often struggle to match the required format, refer to non-existent sources, and fail to faithfully reflect LLMs' context usage throughout the generation. In this work, we present MIRAGE --Model Internals-based RAG Explanations -- a plug-and-play approach using model internals for faithful answer attribution in RAG applications. MIRAGE detects context-sensitive answer tokens and pairs them with retrieved documents contributing to their prediction via saliency methods. We evaluate our proposed approach on a multilingual extractive QA dataset, finding high agreement with human answer attribution. On open-ended QA, MIRAGE achieves citation quality and efficiency comparable to self-citation while also allowing for a finer-grained control of attribution parameters. Our qualitative evaluation highlights the faithfulness of MIRAGE's attributions and underscores the promising application of model internals for RAG answer attribution.

cross IntCoOp: Interpretability-Aware Vision-Language Prompt Tuning

Authors: Soumya Suvra Ghosal, Samyadeep Basu, Soheil Feizi, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: Image-text contrastive models such as CLIP learn transferable and robust representations for zero-shot transfer to a variety of downstream tasks. However, to obtain strong downstream performances, prompts need to be carefully curated, which can be a tedious engineering task. To address the issue of manual prompt engineering, prompt-tuning is used where a set of contextual vectors are learned by leveraging information from the training data. Despite their effectiveness, existing prompt-tuning frameworks often lack interpretability, thus limiting their ability to understand the compositional nature of images. In this work, we first identify that incorporating compositional attributes (e.g., a "green" tree frog) in the design of manual prompts can significantly enhance image-text alignment scores. Building upon this observation, we propose a novel and interpretable prompt-tuning method named IntCoOp, which learns to jointly align attribute-level inductive biases and class embeddings during prompt-tuning. To assess the effectiveness of our approach, we evaluate IntCoOp across two representative tasks in a few-shot learning setup: generalization to novel classes, and unseen domain shifts. Through extensive experiments across 10 downstream datasets on CLIP, we find that introducing attribute-level inductive biases leads to superior performance against state-of-the-art prompt tuning frameworks. Notably, in a 16-shot setup, IntCoOp improves CoOp by 7.35% in average performance across 10 diverse datasets.

cross Development of a Dual-Input Neural Model for Detecting AI-Generated Imagery

Authors: Jonathan Gallagher, William Pugsley

Abstract: Over the past years, images generated by artificial intelligence have become more prevalent and more realistic. Their advent raises ethical questions relating to misinformation, artistic expression, and identity theft, among others. The crux of many of these moral questions is the difficulty in distinguishing between real and fake images. It is important to develop tools that are able to detect AI-generated images, especially when these images are too realistic-looking for the human eye to identify as fake. This paper proposes a dual-branch neural network architecture that takes both images and their Fourier frequency decomposition as inputs. We use standard CNN-based methods for both branches as described in Stuchi et al. [7], followed by fully-connected layers. Our proposed model achieves an accuracy of 94% on the CIFAKE dataset, which significantly outperforms classic ML methods and CNNs, achieving performance comparable to some state-of-the-art architectures, such as ResNet.

cross EndoUIC: Promptable Diffusion Transformer for Unified Illumination Correction in Capsule Endoscopy

Authors: Long Bai, Qiaozhi Tan, Tong Chen, Wan Jun Nah, Yanheng Li, Zhicheng He, Sishen Yuan, Zhen Chen, Jinlin Wu, Mobarakol Islam, Zhen Li, Hongbin Liu, Hongliang Ren

Abstract: Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE) is highly valued for its non-invasive and painless approach, though its effectiveness is compromised by uneven illumination from hardware constraints and complex internal dynamics, leading to overexposed or underexposed images. While researchers have discussed the challenges of low-light enhancement in WCE, the issue of correcting for different exposure levels remains underexplored. To tackle this, we introduce EndoUIC, a WCE unified illumination correction solution using an end-to-end promptable diffusion transformer (DFT) model. In our work, the illumination prompt module shall navigate the model to adapt to different exposure levels and perform targeted image enhancement, in which the Adaptive Prompt Integration (API) and Global Prompt Scanner (GPS) modules shall further boost the concurrent representation learning between the prompt parameters and features. Besides, the U-shaped restoration DFT model shall capture the long-range dependencies and contextual information for unified illumination restoration. Moreover, we present a novel Capsule-endoscopy Exposure Correction (CEC) dataset, including ground-truth and corrupted image pairs annotated by expert photographers. Extensive experiments against a variety of state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on four datasets showcase the effectiveness of our proposed method and components in WCE illumination restoration, and the additional downstream experiments further demonstrate its utility for clinical diagnosis and surgical assistance.

cross Breaking News: Case Studies of Generative AI's Use in Journalism

Authors: Natalie Grace Brigham, Chongjiu Gao, Tadayoshi Kohno, Franziska Roesner, Niloofar Mireshghallah

Abstract: Journalists are among the many users of large language models (LLMs). To better understand the journalist-AI interactions, we conduct a study of LLM usage by two news agencies through browsing the WildChat dataset, identifying candidate interactions, and verifying them by matching to online published articles. Our analysis uncovers instances where journalists provide sensitive material such as confidential correspondence with sources or articles from other agencies to the LLM as stimuli and prompt it to generate articles, and publish these machine-generated articles with limited intervention (median output-publication ROUGE-L of 0.62). Based on our findings, we call for further research into what constitutes responsible use of AI, and the establishment of clear guidelines and best practices on using LLMs in a journalistic context.

cross Imagining In-distribution States: How Predictable Robot Behavior Can Enable User Control Over Learned Policies

Authors: Isaac Sheidlower, Emma Bethel, Douglas Lilly, Reuben M. Aronson, Elaine Schaertl Short

Abstract: It is crucial that users are empowered to take advantage of the functionality of a robot and use their understanding of that functionality to perform novel and creative tasks. Given a robot trained with Reinforcement Learning (RL), a user may wish to leverage that autonomy along with their familiarity of how they expect the robot to behave to collaborate with the robot. One technique is for the user to take control of some of the robot's action space through teleoperation, allowing the RL policy to simultaneously control the rest. We formalize this type of shared control as Partitioned Control (PC). However, this may not be possible using an out-of-the-box RL policy. For example, a user's control may bring the robot into a failure state from the policy's perspective, causing it to act unexpectedly and hindering the success of the user's desired task. In this work, we formalize this problem and present Imaginary Out-of-Distribution Actions, IODA, an initial algorithm which empowers users to leverage their expectations of a robot's behavior to accomplish new tasks. We deploy IODA in a user study with a real robot and find that IODA leads to both better task performance and a higher degree of alignment between robot behavior and user expectation. We also show that in PC, there is a strong and significant correlation between task performance and the robot's ability to meet user expectations, highlighting the need for approaches like IODA. Code is available at


cross Tree-Sliced Wasserstein Distance on a System of Lines

Authors: Viet-Hoang Tran, Trang Pham, Tho Tran, Tam Le, Tan M. Nguyen

Abstract: Sliced Wasserstein (SW) distance in Optimal Transport (OT) is widely used in various applications thanks to its statistical effectiveness and computational efficiency. On the other hand, Tree Wassenstein (TW) and Tree-sliced Wassenstein (TSW) are instances of OT for probability measures where its ground cost is a tree metric. TSW also has a low computational complexity, i.e. linear to the number of edges in the tree. Especially, TSW is identical to SW when the tree is a chain. While SW is prone to loss of topological information of input measures due to relying on one-dimensional projection, TSW is more flexible and has a higher degree of freedom by choosing a tree rather than a line to alleviate the curse of dimensionality in SW. However, for practical applications, popular tree metric sampling methods are heavily built upon given supports, which limits their capacity to adapt to new supports. In this paper, we propose the Tree-Sliced Wasserstein distance on a System of Lines (TSW-SL), which brings a connection between SW and TSW. Compared to SW and TSW, our TSW-SL benefits from the higher degree of freedom of TSW while being suitable to dynamic settings as SW. In TSW-SL, we use a variant of the Radon Transform to project measures onto a system of lines, resulting in measures on a space with a tree metric, then leverage TW to efficiently compute distances between them. We empirically verify the advantages of TSW-SL over the traditional SW by conducting a variety of experiments on gradient flows, image style transfer, and generative models.

cross You can't handle the (dirty) truth: Data-centric insights improve pseudo-labeling

Authors: Nabeel Seedat, Nicolas Huynh, Fergus Imrie, Mihaela van der Schaar

Abstract: Pseudo-labeling is a popular semi-supervised learning technique to leverage unlabeled data when labeled samples are scarce. The generation and selection of pseudo-labels heavily rely on labeled data. Existing approaches implicitly assume that the labeled data is gold standard and 'perfect'. However, this can be violated in reality with issues such as mislabeling or ambiguity. We address this overlooked aspect and show the importance of investigating labeled data quality to improve any pseudo-labeling method. Specifically, we introduce a novel data characterization and selection framework called DIPS to extend pseudo-labeling. We select useful labeled and pseudo-labeled samples via analysis of learning dynamics. We demonstrate the applicability and impact of DIPS for various pseudo-labeling methods across an extensive range of real-world tabular and image datasets. Additionally, DIPS improves data efficiency and reduces the performance distinctions between different pseudo-labelers. Overall, we highlight the significant benefits of a data-centric rethinking of pseudo-labeling in real-world settings.

cross GenAI-Bench: Evaluating and Improving Compositional Text-to-Visual Generation

Authors: Baiqi Li, Zhiqiu Lin, Deepak Pathak, Jiayao Li, Yixin Fei, Kewen Wu, Tiffany Ling, Xide Xia, Pengchuan Zhang, Graham Neubig, Deva Ramanan

Abstract: While text-to-visual models now produce photo-realistic images and videos, they struggle with compositional text prompts involving attributes, relationships, and higher-order reasoning such as logic and comparison. In this work, we conduct an extensive human study on GenAI-Bench to evaluate the performance of leading image and video generation models in various aspects of compositional text-to-visual generation. We also compare automated evaluation metrics against our collected human ratings and find that VQAScore -- a metric measuring the likelihood that a VQA model views an image as accurately depicting the prompt -- significantly outperforms previous metrics such as CLIPScore. In addition, VQAScore can improve generation in a black-box manner (without finetuning) via simply ranking a few (3 to 9) candidate images. Ranking by VQAScore is 2x to 3x more effective than other scoring methods like PickScore, HPSv2, and ImageReward at improving human alignment ratings for DALL-E 3 and Stable Diffusion, especially on compositional prompts that require advanced visio-linguistic reasoning. We will release a new GenAI-Rank benchmark with over 40,000 human ratings to evaluate scoring metrics on ranking images generated from the same prompt. Lastly, we discuss promising areas for improvement in VQAScore, such as addressing fine-grained visual details. We will release all human ratings (over 80,000) to facilitate scientific benchmarking of both generative models and automated metrics.

cross Unveiling the Hidden Structure of Self-Attention via Kernel Principal Component Analysis

Authors: Rachel S. Y. Teo, Tan M. Nguyen

Abstract: The remarkable success of transformers in sequence modeling tasks, spanning various applications in natural language processing and computer vision, is attributed to the critical role of self-attention. Similar to the development of most deep learning models, the construction of these attention mechanisms rely on heuristics and experience. In our work, we derive self-attention from kernel principal component analysis (kernel PCA) and show that self-attention projects its query vectors onto the principal component axes of its key matrix in a feature space. We then formulate the exact formula for the value matrix in self-attention, theoretically and empirically demonstrating that this value matrix captures the eigenvectors of the Gram matrix of the key vectors in self-attention. Leveraging our kernel PCA framework, we propose Attention with Robust Principal Components (RPC-Attention), a novel class of robust attention that is resilient to data contamination. We empirically demonstrate the advantages of RPC-Attention over softmax attention on the ImageNet-1K object classification, WikiText-103 language modeling, and ADE20K image segmentation task.

cross Through the Theory of Mind's Eye: Reading Minds with Multimodal Video Large Language Models

Authors: Zhawnen Chen, Tianchun Wang, Yizhou Wang, Michal Kosinski, Xiang Zhang, Yun Fu, Sheng Li

Abstract: Can large multimodal models have a human-like ability for emotional and social reasoning, and if so, how does it work? Recent research has discovered emergent theory-of-mind (ToM) reasoning capabilities in large language models (LLMs). LLMs can reason about people's mental states by solving various text-based ToM tasks that ask questions about the actors' ToM (e.g., human belief, desire, intention). However, human reasoning in the wild is often grounded in dynamic scenes across time. Thus, we consider videos a new medium for examining spatio-temporal ToM reasoning ability. Specifically, we ask explicit probing questions about videos with abundant social and emotional reasoning content. We develop a pipeline for multimodal LLM for ToM reasoning using video and text. We also enable explicit ToM reasoning by retrieving key frames for answering a ToM question, which reveals how multimodal LLMs reason about ToM.

cross FastPersist: Accelerating Model Checkpointing in Deep Learning

Authors: Guanhua Wang, Olatunji Ruwase, Bing Xie, Yuxiong He

Abstract: Model checkpoints are critical Deep Learning (DL) artifacts that enable fault tolerance for training and downstream applications, such as inference. However, writing checkpoints to persistent storage, and other I/O aspects of DL training, are mostly ignored by compute-focused optimization efforts for faster training of rapidly growing models and datasets. Towards addressing this imbalance, we propose FastPersist to accelerate checkpoint creation in DL training. FastPersist combines three novel techniques: (i) NVMe optimizations for faster checkpoint writes to SSDs, (ii) efficient write parallelism using the available SSDs in training environments, and (iii) overlapping checkpointing with independent training computations. Our evaluation using real world dense and sparse DL models shows that FastPersist creates checkpoints in persistent storage up to 116x faster than baseline, and enables per-iteration checkpointing with negligible overhead.

cross Elliptical Attention

Authors: Stefan K. Nielsen, Laziz U. Abdullaev, Rachel Teo, Tan M. Nguyen

Abstract: Pairwise dot-product self-attention is key to the success of transformers that achieve state-of-the-art performance across a variety of applications in language and vision. This dot-product self-attention computes attention weights among the input tokens using Euclidean distance, which makes the model prone to representation collapse and vulnerable to contaminated samples. In this paper, we propose using a Mahalanobis distance metric for computing the attention weights to stretch the underlying feature space in directions of high contextual relevance. In particular, we define a hyper-ellipsoidal neighborhood around each query to increase the attention weights of the tokens lying in the contextually important directions. We term this novel class of attention Elliptical Attention. Our Elliptical Attention provides two benefits: 1) reducing representation collapse and 2) enhancing the model's robustness as the Elliptical Attention pays more attention to contextually relevant information rather than focusing on some small subset of informative features. We empirically demonstrate the advantages of Elliptical Attention over the baseline dot-product attention and state-of-the-art attention methods on various practical tasks, including object classification, image segmentation, and language modeling across different data modalities.

cross A Primal-Dual Framework for Transformers and Neural Networks

Authors: Tan M. Nguyen, Tam Nguyen, Nhat Ho, Andrea L. Bertozzi, Richard G. Baraniuk, Stanley J. Osher

Abstract: Self-attention is key to the remarkable success of transformers in sequence modeling tasks including many applications in natural language processing and computer vision. Like neural network layers, these attention mechanisms are often developed by heuristics and experience. To provide a principled framework for constructing attention layers in transformers, we show that the self-attention corresponds to the support vector expansion derived from a support vector regression problem, whose primal formulation has the form of a neural network layer. Using our framework, we derive popular attention layers used in practice and propose two new attentions: 1) the Batch Normalized Attention (Attention-BN) derived from the batch normalization layer and 2) the Attention with Scaled Head (Attention-SH) derived from using less training data to fit the SVR model. We empirically demonstrate the advantages of the Attention-BN and Attention-SH in reducing head redundancy, increasing the model's accuracy, and improving the model's efficiency in a variety of practical applications including image and time-series classification.

cross WikiContradict: A Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs on Real-World Knowledge Conflicts from Wikipedia

Authors: Yufang Hou, Alessandra Pascale, Javier Carnerero-Cano, Tigran Tchrakian, Radu Marinescu, Elizabeth Daly, Inkit Padhi, Prasanna Sattigeri

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has emerged as a promising solution to mitigate the limitations of large language models (LLMs), such as hallucinations and outdated information. However, it remains unclear how LLMs handle knowledge conflicts arising from different augmented retrieved passages, especially when these passages originate from the same source and have equal trustworthiness. In this work, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of LLM-generated answers to questions that have varying answers based on contradictory passages from Wikipedia, a dataset widely regarded as a high-quality pre-training resource for most LLMs. Specifically, we introduce WikiContradict, a benchmark consisting of 253 high-quality, human-annotated instances designed to assess LLM performance when augmented with retrieved passages containing real-world knowledge conflicts. We benchmark a diverse range of both closed and open-source LLMs under different QA scenarios, including RAG with a single passage, and RAG with 2 contradictory passages. Through rigorous human evaluations on a subset of WikiContradict instances involving 5 LLMs and over 3,500 judgements, we shed light on the behaviour and limitations of these models. For instance, when provided with two passages containing contradictory facts, all models struggle to generate answers that accurately reflect the conflicting nature of the context, especially for implicit conflicts requiring reasoning. Since human evaluation is costly, we also introduce an automated model that estimates LLM performance using a strong open-source language model, achieving an F-score of 0.8. Using this automated metric, we evaluate more than 1,500 answers from seven LLMs across all WikiContradict instances. To facilitate future work, we release WikiContradict on:


cross AlanaVLM: A Multimodal Embodied AI Foundation Model for Egocentric Video Understanding

Authors: Alessandro Suglia, Claudio Greco, Katie Baker, Jose L. Part, Ioannis Papaionnou, Arash Eshghi, Ioannis Konstas, Oliver Lemon

Abstract: AI personal assistants deployed via robots or wearables require embodied understanding to collaborate with humans effectively. However, current Vision-Language Models (VLMs) primarily focus on third-person view videos, neglecting the richness of egocentric perceptual experience. To address this gap, we propose three key contributions. First, we introduce the Egocentric Video Understanding Dataset (EVUD) for training VLMs on video captioning and question answering tasks specific to egocentric videos. Second, we present AlanaVLM, a 7B parameter VLM trained using parameter-efficient methods on EVUD. Finally, we evaluate AlanaVLM's capabilities on OpenEQA, a challenging benchmark for embodied video question answering. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance, outperforming open-source models including strong Socratic models using GPT-4 as a planner by 3.6%. Additionally, we outperform Claude 3 and Gemini Pro Vision 1.0 and showcase competitive results compared to Gemini Pro 1.5 and GPT-4V, even surpassing the latter in spatial reasoning. This research paves the way for building efficient VLMs that can be deployed in robots or wearables, leveraging embodied video understanding to collaborate seamlessly with humans in everyday tasks, contributing to the next generation of Embodied AI

cross MAMA-MIA: A Large-Scale Multi-Center Breast Cancer DCE-MRI Benchmark Dataset with Expert Segmentations

Authors: Lidia Garrucho, Claire-Anne Reidel, Kaisar Kushibar, Smriti Joshi, Richard Osuala, Apostolia Tsirikoglou, Maciej Bobowicz, Javier del Riego, Alessandro Catanese, Katarzyna Gwo\'zdziewicz, Maria-Laura Cosaka, Pasant M. Abo-Elhoda, Sara W. Tantawy, Shorouq S. Sakrana, Norhan O. Shawky-Abdelfatah, Amr Muhammad Abdo-Salem, Androniki Kozana, Eugen Divjak, Gordana Ivanac, Katerina Nikiforaki, Michail E. Klontzas, Rosa Garc\'ia-Dosd\'a, Meltem Gulsun-Akpinar, O\u{g}uz Lafc{\i}, Ritse Mann, Carlos Mart\'in-Isla, Fred Prior, Kostas Marias, Martijn P. A. Starmans, Fredrik Strand, Oliver D\'iaz, Laura Igual, Karim Lekadir

Abstract: Current research in breast cancer Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), especially with Artificial Intelligence (AI), faces challenges due to the lack of expert segmentations. To address this, we introduce the MAMA-MIA dataset, comprising 1506 multi-center dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI cases with expert segmentations of primary tumors and non-mass enhancement areas. These cases were sourced from four publicly available collections in The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA). Initially, we trained a deep learning model to automatically segment the cases, generating preliminary segmentations that significantly reduced expert segmentation time. Sixteen experts, averaging 9 years of experience in breast cancer, then corrected these segmentations, resulting in the final expert segmentations. Additionally, two radiologists conducted a visual inspection of the automatic segmentations to support future quality control studies. Alongside the expert segmentations, we provide 49 harmonized demographic and clinical variables and the pretrained weights of the well-known nnUNet architecture trained using the DCE-MRI full-images and expert segmentations. This dataset aims to accelerate the development and benchmarking of deep learning models and foster innovation in breast cancer diagnostics and treatment planning.

cross Optimizing Quantile-based Trading Strategies in Electricity Arbitrage

Authors: Ciaran O'Connor, Joseph Collins, Steven Prestwich, Andrea Visentin

Abstract: Efficiently integrating renewable resources into electricity markets is vital for addressing the challenges of matching real-time supply and demand while reducing the significant energy wastage resulting from curtailments. To address this challenge effectively, the incorporation of storage devices can enhance the reliability and efficiency of the grid, improving market liquidity and reducing price volatility. In short-term electricity markets, participants navigate numerous options, each presenting unique challenges and opportunities, underscoring the critical role of the trading strategy in maximizing profits. This study delves into the optimization of day-ahead and balancing market trading, leveraging quantile-based forecasts. Employing three trading approaches with practical constraints, our research enhances forecast assessment, increases trading frequency, and employs flexible timestamp orders. Our findings underscore the profit potential of simultaneous participation in both day-ahead and balancing markets, especially with larger battery storage systems; despite increased costs and narrower profit margins associated with higher-volume trading, the implementation of high-frequency strategies plays a significant role in maximizing profits and addressing market challenges. Finally, we modelled four commercial battery storage systems and evaluated their economic viability through a scenario analysis, with larger batteries showing a shorter return on investment.

cross Knowledge Graph-Enhanced Large Language Models via Path Selection

Authors: Haochen Liu, Song Wang, Yaochen Zhu, Yushun Dong, Jundong Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown unprecedented performance in various real-world applications. However, they are known to generate factually inaccurate outputs, a.k.a. the hallucination problem. In recent years, incorporating external knowledge extracted from Knowledge Graphs (KGs) has become a promising strategy to improve the factual accuracy of LLM-generated outputs. Nevertheless, most existing explorations rely on LLMs themselves to perform KG knowledge extraction, which is highly inflexible as LLMs can only provide binary judgment on whether a certain knowledge (e.g., a knowledge path in KG) should be used. In addition, LLMs tend to pick only knowledge with direct semantic relationship with the input text, while potentially useful knowledge with indirect semantics can be ignored. In this work, we propose a principled framework KELP with three stages to handle the above problems. Specifically, KELP is able to achieve finer granularity of flexible knowledge extraction by generating scores for knowledge paths with input texts via latent semantic matching. Meanwhile, knowledge paths with indirect semantic relationships with the input text can also be considered via trained encoding between the selected paths in KG and the input text. Experiments on real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of KELP.

cross SDQ: Sparse Decomposed Quantization for LLM Inference

Authors: Geonhwa Jeong, Po-An Tsai, Stephen W. Keckler, Tushar Krishna

Abstract: Recently, large language models (LLMs) have shown surprising performance in task-specific workloads as well as general tasks with the given prompts. However, to achieve unprecedented performance, recent LLMs use billions to trillions of parameters, which hinder the wide adaptation of those models due to their extremely large compute and memory requirements. To resolve the issue, various model compression methods are being actively investigated. In this work, we propose SDQ (Sparse Decomposed Quantization) to exploit both structured sparsity and quantization to achieve both high compute and memory efficiency. From our evaluations, we observe that SDQ can achieve 4x effective compute throughput with <1% quality drop.

cross Knowledge Tagging System on Math Questions via LLMs with Flexible Demonstration Retriever

Authors: Hang Li, Tianlong Xu, Jiliang Tang, Qingsong Wen

Abstract: Knowledge tagging for questions plays a crucial role in contemporary intelligent educational applications, including learning progress diagnosis, practice question recommendations, and course content organization. Traditionally, these annotations are always conducted by pedagogical experts, as the task requires not only a strong semantic understanding of both question stems and knowledge definitions but also deep insights into connecting question-solving logic with corresponding knowledge concepts. With the recent emergence of advanced text encoding algorithms, such as pre-trained language models, many researchers have developed automatic knowledge tagging systems based on calculating the semantic similarity between the knowledge and question embeddings. In this paper, we explore automating the task using Large Language Models (LLMs), in response to the inability of prior encoding-based methods to deal with the hard cases which involve strong domain knowledge and complicated concept definitions. By showing the strong performance of zero- and few-shot results over math questions knowledge tagging tasks, we demonstrate LLMs' great potential in conquering the challenges faced by prior methods. Furthermore, by proposing a reinforcement learning-based demonstration retriever, we successfully exploit the great potential of different-sized LLMs in achieving better performance results while keeping the in-context demonstration usage efficiency high.

cross ClinicalLab: Aligning Agents for Multi-Departmental Clinical Diagnostics in the Real World

Authors: Weixiang Yan, Haitian Liu, Tengxiao Wu, Qian Chen, Wen Wang, Haoyuan Chai, Jiayi Wang, Weishan Zhao, Yixin Zhang, Renjun Zhang, Li Zhu

Abstract: LLMs have achieved significant performance progress in various NLP applications. However, LLMs still struggle to meet the strict requirements for accuracy and reliability in the medical field and face many challenges in clinical applications. Existing clinical diagnostic evaluation benchmarks for evaluating medical agents powered by LLMs have severe limitations. Firstly, most existing medical evaluation benchmarks face the risk of data leakage or contamination. Secondly, existing benchmarks often neglect the characteristics of multiple departments and specializations in modern medical practice. Thirdly, existing evaluation methods are limited to multiple-choice questions, which do not align with the real-world diagnostic scenarios. Lastly, existing evaluation methods lack comprehensive evaluations of end-to-end real clinical scenarios. These limitations in benchmarks in turn obstruct advancements of LLMs and agents for medicine. To address these limitations, we introduce ClinicalLab, a comprehensive clinical diagnosis agent alignment suite. ClinicalLab includes ClinicalBench, an end-to-end multi-departmental clinical diagnostic evaluation benchmark for evaluating medical agents and LLMs. ClinicalBench is based on real cases that cover 24 departments and 150 diseases. ClinicalLab also includes four novel metrics (ClinicalMetrics) for evaluating the effectiveness of LLMs in clinical diagnostic tasks. We evaluate 17 LLMs and find that their performance varies significantly across different departments. Based on these findings, in ClinicalLab, we propose ClinicalAgent, an end-to-end clinical agent that aligns with real-world clinical diagnostic practices. We systematically investigate the performance and applicable scenarios of variants of ClinicalAgent on ClinicalBench. Our findings demonstrate the importance of aligning with modern medical practices in designing medical agents.

cross DPO: Dual-Perturbation Optimization for Test-time Adaptation in 3D Object Detection

Authors: Zhuoxiao Chen, Zixin Wang, Sen Wang, Zi Huang, Yadan Luo

Abstract: LiDAR-based 3D object detection has seen impressive advances in recent times. However, deploying trained 3D detectors in the real world often yields unsatisfactory performance when the distribution of the test data significantly deviates from the training data due to different weather conditions, object sizes, \textit{etc}. A key factor in this performance degradation is the diminished generalizability of pre-trained models, which creates a sharp loss landscape during training. Such sharpness, when encountered during testing, can precipitate significant performance declines, even with minor data variations. To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose \textbf{dual-perturbation optimization (DPO)} for \textbf{\underline{T}est-\underline{t}ime \underline{A}daptation in \underline{3}D \underline{O}bject \underline{D}etection (TTA-3OD)}. We minimize the sharpness to cultivate a flat loss landscape to ensure model resiliency to minor data variations, thereby enhancing the generalization of the adaptation process. To fully capture the inherent variability of the test point clouds, we further introduce adversarial perturbation to the input BEV features to better simulate the noisy test environment. As the dual perturbation strategy relies on trustworthy supervision signals, we utilize a reliable Hungarian matcher to filter out pseudo-labels sensitive to perturbations. Additionally, we introduce early Hungarian cutoff to avoid error accumulation from incorrect pseudo-labels by halting the adaptation process. Extensive experiments across three types of transfer tasks demonstrate that the proposed DPO significantly surpasses previous state-of-the-art approaches, specifically on Waymo $\rightarrow$ KITTI, outperforming the most competitive baseline by 57.72\% in $\text{AP}_\text{3D}$ and reaching 91\% of the fully supervised upper bound.

cross Generative AI for Enhancing Active Learning in Education: A Comparative Study of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in Crafting Customized Test Questions

Authors: Hamdireza Rouzegar, Masoud Makrehchi

Abstract: This study investigates how LLMs, specifically GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, can develop tailored questions for Grade 9 math, aligning with active learning principles. By utilizing an iterative method, these models adjust questions based on difficulty and content, responding to feedback from a simulated 'student' model. A novel aspect of the research involved using GPT-4 as a 'teacher' to create complex questions, with GPT-3.5 as the 'student' responding to these challenges. This setup mirrors active learning, promoting deeper engagement. The findings demonstrate GPT-4's superior ability to generate precise, challenging questions and notable improvements in GPT-3.5's ability to handle more complex problems after receiving instruction from GPT-4. These results underscore the potential of LLMs to mimic and enhance active learning scenarios, offering a promising path for AI in customized education. This research contributes to understanding how AI can support personalized learning experiences, highlighting the need for further exploration in various educational contexts

cross GenderAlign: An Alignment Dataset for Mitigating Gender Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Tao Zhang, Ziqian Zeng, Yuxiang Xiao, Huiping Zhuang, Cen Chen, James Foulds, Shimei Pan

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are prone to generating content that exhibits gender biases, raising significant ethical concerns. Alignment, the process of fine-tuning LLMs to better align with desired behaviors, is recognized as an effective approach to mitigate gender biases. Although proprietary LLMs have made significant strides in mitigating gender bias, their alignment datasets are not publicly available. The commonly used and publicly available alignment dataset, HH-RLHF, still exhibits gender bias to some extent. There is a lack of publicly available alignment datasets specifically designed to address gender bias. Hence, we developed a new dataset named GenderAlign, aiming at mitigating a comprehensive set of gender biases in LLMs. This dataset comprises 8k single-turn dialogues, each paired with a "chosen" and a "rejected" response. Compared to the "rejected" responses, the "chosen" responses demonstrate lower levels of gender bias and higher quality. Furthermore, we categorized the gender biases in the "rejected" responses of GenderAlign into 4 principal categories. The experimental results show the effectiveness of GenderAlign in reducing gender bias in LLMs.

cross Large Language Models are Skeptics: False Negative Problem of Input-conflicting Hallucination

Authors: Jongyoon Song, Sangwon Yu, Sungroh Yoon

Abstract: In this paper, we identify a new category of bias that induces input-conflicting hallucinations, where large language models (LLMs) generate responses inconsistent with the content of the input context. This issue we have termed the false negative problem refers to the phenomenon where LLMs are predisposed to return negative judgments when assessing the correctness of a statement given the context. In experiments involving pairs of statements that contain the same information but have contradictory factual directions, we observe that LLMs exhibit a bias toward false negatives. Specifically, the model presents greater overconfidence when responding with False. Furthermore, we analyze the relationship between the false negative problem and context and query rewriting and observe that both effectively tackle false negatives in LLMs.

cross Reasoning Like a Doctor: Improving Medical Dialogue Systems via Diagnostic Reasoning Process Alignment

Authors: Kaishuai Xu, Yi Cheng, Wenjun Hou, Qiaoyu Tan, Wenjie Li

Abstract: Medical dialogue systems have attracted significant attention for their potential to act as medical assistants. Enabling these medical systems to emulate clinicians' diagnostic reasoning process has been the long-standing research focus. Previous studies rudimentarily realized the simulation of clinicians' diagnostic process by fine-tuning language models on high-quality dialogue datasets. Nonetheless, they overly focus on the outcomes of the clinician's reasoning process while ignoring their internal thought processes and alignment with clinician preferences. Our work aims to build a medical dialogue system that aligns with clinicians' diagnostic reasoning processes. We propose a novel framework, Emulation, designed to generate an appropriate response that relies on abductive and deductive diagnostic reasoning analyses and aligns with clinician preferences through thought process modeling. Experimental results on two datasets confirm the efficacy of Emulation. Crucially, our framework furnishes clear explanations for the generated responses, enhancing its transparency in medical consultations.

cross CONMOD: Controllable Neural Frame-based Modulation Effects

Authors: Gyubin Lee, Hounsu Kim, Junwon Lee, Juhan Nam

Abstract: Deep learning models have seen widespread use in modelling LFO-driven audio effects, such as phaser and flanger. Although existing neural architectures exhibit high-quality emulation of individual effects, they do not possess the capability to manipulate the output via control parameters. To address this issue, we introduce Controllable Neural Frame-based Modulation Effects (CONMOD), a single black-box model which emulates various LFO-driven effects in a frame-wise manner, offering control over LFO frequency and feedback parameters. Additionally, the model is capable of learning the continuous embedding space of two distinct phaser effects, enabling us to steer between effects and achieve creative outputs. Our model outperforms previous work while possessing both controllability and universality, presenting opportunities to enhance creativity in modern LFO-driven audio effects.

cross UpDLRM: Accelerating Personalized Recommendation using Real-World PIM Architecture

Authors: Sitian Chen, Haobin Tan, Amelie Chi Zhou, Yusen Li, Pavan Balaji

Abstract: Deep Learning Recommendation Models (DLRMs) have gained popularity in recommendation systems due to their effectiveness in handling large-scale recommendation tasks. The embedding layers of DLRMs have become the performance bottleneck due to their intensive needs on memory capacity and memory bandwidth. In this paper, we propose UpDLRM, which utilizes real-world processingin-memory (PIM) hardware, UPMEM DPU, to boost the memory bandwidth and reduce recommendation latency. The parallel nature of the DPU memory can provide high aggregated bandwidth for the large number of irregular memory accesses in embedding lookups, thus offering great potential to reduce the inference latency. To fully utilize the DPU memory bandwidth, we further studied the embedding table partitioning problem to achieve good workload-balance and efficient data caching. Evaluations using real-world datasets show that, UpDLRM achieves much lower inference time for DLRM compared to both CPU-only and CPU-GPU hybrid counterparts.

cross Evolving to be Your Soulmate: Personalized Dialogue Agents with Dynamically Adapted Personas

Authors: Yi Cheng, Wenge Liu, Kaishuai Xu, Wenjun Hou, Yi Ouyang, Chak Tou Leong, Xian Wu, Yefeng Zheng

Abstract: Previous research on persona-based dialogue agents typically preset the agent's persona before deployment, which remains static thereafter. In this paper, we take a step further and explore a new paradigm called Self-evolving Personalized Dialogue Agents (SPDA), where the agent continuously evolves during the conversation to better align with the user's anticipation by dynamically adapting its persona. This paradigm could enable better personalization for each user, but also introduce unique challenges, which mainly lie in the process of persona adaptation. Two key issues include how to achieve persona alignment with the user and how to ensure smooth transition in the adaptation process. To address them, we propose a novel framework that refines the persona at hierarchical levels to progressively align better with the user in a controllable way. Experiments show that integrating the personas adapted by our framework consistently enhances personalization and overall dialogue performance across various base systems.

cross MR-BEN: A Comprehensive Meta-Reasoning Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Zhongshen Zeng, Yinhong Liu, Yingjia Wan, Jingyao Li, Pengguang Chen, Jianbo Dai, Yuxuan Yao, Rongwu Xu, Zehan Qi, Wanru Zhao, Linling Shen, Jianqiao Lu, Haochen Tan, Yukang Chen, Hao Zhang, Zhan Shi, Bailin Wang, Zhijiang Guo, Jiaya Jia

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown increasing capability in problem-solving and decision-making, largely based on the step-by-step chain-of-thought reasoning processes. However, it has been increasingly challenging to evaluate the reasoning capability of LLMs. Concretely, existing outcome-based benchmarks begin to saturate and become less sufficient to monitor the progress. To this end, we present a process-based benchmark MR-BEN that demands a meta reasoning skill, where LMs are asked to locate and analyse potential errors in automatically generated reasoning steps. MR-BEN is a comprehensive benchmark comprising 5,975 questions collected from human experts, covering various subjects such as physics, chemistry, logic, coding, and more. Through our designed metrics for assessing meta-reasoning on this benchmark, we identify interesting limitations and weaknesses of current LLMs (open-source and closed-source models). For example, open-source models are seemingly comparable to GPT-4 on outcome-based benchmarks, but they lag far behind on our benchmark, revealing the underlying reasoning capability gap between them. Our dataset and codes are available on


cross Deep Optimal Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation Problems

Authors: Md Shahriar Rahim Siddiqui, Arman Rahmim, Eldad Haber

Abstract: Optimal experimental design is a well studied field in applied science and engineering. Techniques for estimating such a design are commonly used within the framework of parameter estimation. Nonetheless, in recent years parameter estimation techniques are changing rapidly with the introduction of deep learning techniques to replace traditional estimation methods. This in turn requires the adaptation of optimal experimental design that is associated with these new techniques. In this paper we investigate a new experimental design methodology that uses deep learning. We show that the training of a network as a Likelihood Free Estimator can be used to significantly simplify the design process and circumvent the need for the computationally expensive bi-level optimization problem that is inherent in optimal experimental design for non-linear systems. Furthermore, deep design improves the quality of the recovery process for parameter estimation problems. As proof of concept we apply our methodology to two different systems of Ordinary Differential Equations.

cross Information Guided Regularization for Fine-tuning Language Models

Authors: Mandar Sharma, Nikhil Muralidhar, Shengzhe Xu, Raquib Bin Yosuf, Naren Ramakrishnan

Abstract: The pretraining-fine-tuning paradigm has been the de facto strategy for transfer learning in modern language modeling. With the understanding that task adaptation in LMs is often a function of parameters shared across tasks, we argue that a more surgical approach to regularization needs to exist for smoother transfer learning. Towards this end, we investigate how the pretraining loss landscape is affected by these task-sensitive parameters through an information-theoretic lens. We then leverage the findings from our investigations to devise a novel approach to dropout for improved model regularization and better downstream generalization. This approach, named guided dropout, is both task & architecture agnostic and adds no computational overhead to the fine-tuning process. Through empirical evaluations, we showcase that our approach to regularization yields consistently better performance, even in scenarios of data paucity, compared to standardized baselines.

cross Seeing Through AI's Lens: Enhancing Human Skepticism Towards LLM-Generated Fake News

Authors: Navid Ayoobi, Sadat Shahriar, Arjun Mukherjee

Abstract: LLMs offer valuable capabilities, yet they can be utilized by malicious users to disseminate deceptive information and generate fake news. The growing prevalence of LLMs poses difficulties in crafting detection approaches that remain effective across various text domains. Additionally, the absence of precautionary measures for AI-generated news on online social platforms is concerning. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve people's ability to differentiate between news articles written by humans and those produced by LLMs. By providing cues in human-written and LLM-generated news, we can help individuals increase their skepticism towards fake LLM-generated news. This paper aims to elucidate simple markers that help individuals distinguish between articles penned by humans and those created by LLMs. To achieve this, we initially collected a dataset comprising 39k news articles authored by humans or generated by four distinct LLMs with varying degrees of fake. We then devise a metric named Entropy-Shift Authorship Signature (ESAS) based on the information theory and entropy principles. The proposed ESAS ranks terms or entities, like POS tagging, within news articles based on their relevance in discerning article authorship. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our metric by showing the high accuracy attained by a basic method, i.e., TF-IDF combined with logistic regression classifier, using a small set of terms with the highest ESAS score. Consequently, we introduce and scrutinize these top ESAS-ranked terms to aid individuals in strengthening their skepticism towards LLM-generated fake news.

cross Feature Fusion Based on Mutual-Cross-Attention Mechanism for EEG Emotion Recognition

Authors: Yimin Zhao, Jin Gu

Abstract: An objective and accurate emotion diagnostic reference is vital to psychologists, especially when dealing with patients who are difficult to communicate with for pathological reasons. Nevertheless, current systems based on Electroencephalography (EEG) data utilized for sentiment discrimination have some problems, including excessive model complexity, mediocre accuracy, and limited interpretability. Consequently, we propose a novel and effective feature fusion mechanism named Mutual-Cross-Attention (MCA). Combining with a specially customized 3D Convolutional Neural Network (3D-CNN), this purely mathematical mechanism adeptly discovers the complementary relationship between time-domain and frequency-domain features in EEG data. Furthermore, the new designed Channel-PSD-DE 3D feature also contributes to the high performance. The proposed method eventually achieves 99.49% (valence) and 99.30% (arousal) accuracy on DEAP dataset.

cross Leveraging eBPF and AI for Ransomware Nose Out

Authors: Arjun Sekar, Sameer G. Kulkarni, Joy Kuri

Abstract: In this work, we propose a two-phased approach for real-time detection and deterrence of ransomware. To achieve this, we leverage the capabilities of eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter) and artificial intelligence to develop both proactive and reactive methods. In the first phase, we utilize signature based detection, where we employ custom eBPF programs to trace the execution of new processes and perform hash-based analysis against a known ransomware dataset. In the second, we employ a behavior-based technique that focuses on monitoring the process activities using a custom eBPF program and the creation of ransom notes, a prominent indicator of ransomware activity through the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP). By leveraging low-level tracing capabilities of eBPF and integrating NLP based machine learning algorithms, our solution achieves an impressive 99.76% accuracy in identifying ransomware incidents within a few seconds on the onset of zero-day attacks.

cross Evaluating Implicit Bias in Large Language Models by Attacking From a Psychometric Perspective

Authors: Yuchen Wen, Keping Bi, Wei Chen, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) become an important way of information seeking, there have been increasing concerns about the unethical content LLMs may generate. In this paper, we conduct a rigorous evaluation of LLMs' implicit bias towards certain groups by attacking them with carefully crafted instructions to elicit biased responses. Our attack methodology is inspired by psychometric principles in cognitive and social psychology. We propose three attack approaches, i.e., Disguise, Deception, and Teaching, based on which we built evaluation datasets for four common bias types. Each prompt attack has bilingual versions. Extensive evaluation of representative LLMs shows that 1) all three attack methods work effectively, especially the Deception attacks; 2) GLM-3 performs the best in defending our attacks, compared to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4; 3) LLMs could output content of other bias types when being taught with one type of bias. Our methodology provides a rigorous and effective way of evaluating LLMs' implicit bias and will benefit the assessments of LLMs' potential ethical risks.

cross Two Giraffes in a Dirt Field: Using Game Play to Investigate Situation Modelling in Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Sherzod Hakimov, Yerkezhan Abdullayeva, Kushal Koshti, Antonia Schmidt, Yan Weiser, Anne Beyer, David Schlangen

Abstract: While the situation has improved for text-only models, it again seems to be the case currently that multimodal (text and image) models develop faster than ways to evaluate them. In this paper, we bring a recently developed evaluation paradigm from text models to multimodal models, namely evaluation through the goal-oriented game (self) play, complementing reference-based and preference-based evaluation. Specifically, we define games that challenge a model's capability to represent a situation from visual information and align such representations through dialogue. We find that the largest closed models perform rather well on the games that we define, while even the best open-weight models struggle with them. On further analysis, we find that the exceptional deep captioning capabilities of the largest models drive some of the performance. There is still room to grow for both kinds of models, ensuring the continued relevance of the benchmark.

cross Toward Infinite-Long Prefix in Transformer

Authors: Jiuxiang Gu, Yingyu Liang, Zhenmei Shi, Zhao Song, Chiwun Yang

Abstract: Prompting and contextual-based fine-tuning methods, which we call Prefix Learning, have been proposed to enhance the performance of language models on various downstream tasks that can match full parameter fine-tuning. There remains a limited theoretical understanding of how these methods work. In this paper, we aim to relieve this limitation by studying the learning ability of Prefix Learning from the perspective of prefix length. In particular, we approximate the infinite-long Prefix Learning optimization process by the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) technique. We formulate and solve it as a learning problem of the infinite-long prefix in a one-layer attention network. Our results confirm the over-parameterization property and arbitrary small loss convergence guarantee of the infinite-long Prefix Learning in attention. To the implementation end, we propose our NTK-Attention method, which is "equivalent" to attention computation with arbitrary prefix length efficiently. Its time complexity mainly depends on the sub-quadratic of input length (without prefix), and our method only requires $d^2 + d$ extra parameters for representation, where $d$ is the feature dimension. In addition, we conducted experiments that compare our NTK-Attention with full parameters fine-tuning, LoRA, and P-Tuning V2 methods across vision or natural language datasets. The results indicate our approach may be a promising parameter-efficient-fine-tuning method since it has demonstrated superior performance in numerous scenarios. Our code can be found at \url{}.


cross Resource-efficient Medical Image Analysis with Self-adapting Forward-Forward Networks

Authors: Johanna P. M\"uller, Bernhard Kainz

Abstract: We introduce a fast Self-adapting Forward-Forward Network (SaFF-Net) for medical imaging analysis, mitigating power consumption and resource limitations, which currently primarily stem from the prevalent reliance on back-propagation for model training and fine-tuning. Building upon the recently proposed Forward-Forward Algorithm (FFA), we introduce the Convolutional Forward-Forward Algorithm (CFFA), a parameter-efficient reformulation that is suitable for advanced image analysis and overcomes the speed and generalisation constraints of the original FFA. To address hyper-parameter sensitivity of FFAs we are also introducing a self-adapting framework SaFF-Net fine-tuning parameters during warmup and training in parallel. Our approach enables more effective model training and eliminates the previously essential requirement for an arbitrarily chosen Goodness function in FFA. We evaluate our approach on several benchmarking datasets in comparison with standard Back-Propagation (BP) neural networks showing that FFA-based networks with notably fewer parameters and function evaluations can compete with standard models, especially, in one-shot scenarios and large batch sizes. The code will be available at the time of the conference.

cross Understanding Different Design Choices in Training Large Time Series Models

Authors: Yu-Neng Chuang, Songchen Li, Jiayi Yuan, Guanchu Wang, Kwei-Herng Lai, Leisheng Yu, Sirui Ding, Chia-Yuan Chang, Qiaoyu Tan, Daochen Zha, Xia Hu

Abstract: Inspired by Large Language Models (LLMs), Time Series Forecasting (TSF), a long-standing task in time series analysis, is undergoing a transition towards Large Time Series Models (LTSMs), aiming to train universal transformer-based models for TSF. However, training LTSMs on heterogeneous time series data poses unique challenges, including diverse frequencies, dimensions, and patterns across datasets. Recent endeavors have studied and evaluated various design choices aimed at enhancing LTSM training and generalization capabilities, spanning pre-processing techniques, model configurations, and dataset configurations. In this work, we comprehensively analyze these design choices and aim to identify the best practices for training LTSM. Moreover, we propose \emph{time series prompt}, a novel statistical prompting strategy tailored to time series data. Furthermore, based on the observations in our analysis, we introduce \texttt{LTSM-bundle}, which bundles the best design choices we have identified. Empirical results demonstrate that \texttt{LTSM-bundle} achieves superior zero-shot and few-shot performances compared to state-of-the-art LSTMs and traditional TSF methods on benchmark datasets.

cross How Many Parameters Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb? Evaluating Performance in Self-Play of Conversational Games as a Function of Model Characteristics

Authors: Nidhir Bhavsar, Jonathan Jordan, Sherzod Hakimov, David Schlangen

Abstract: What makes a good Large Language Model (LLM)? That it performs well on the relevant benchmarks -- which hopefully measure, with some validity, the presence of capabilities that are also challenged in real application. But what makes the model perform well? What gives a model its abilities? We take a recently introduced type of benchmark that is meant to challenge capabilities in a goal-directed, agentive context through self-play of conversational games, and analyse how performance develops as a function of model characteristics like number of parameters, or type of training. We find that while there is a clear relationship between number of parameters and performance, there is still a wide spread of performance points within a given size bracket, which is to be accounted for by training parameters such as fine-tuning data quality and method. From a more practical angle, we also find a certain degree of unpredictability about performance across access methods, possible due to unexposed sampling parameters, and a, very welcome, performance stability against at least moderate weight quantisation during inference.

cross Exploring Layerwise Adversarial Robustness Through the Lens of t-SNE

Authors: In\^es Valentim, Nuno Antunes, Nuno Louren\c{c}o

Abstract: Adversarial examples, designed to trick Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) into producing wrong outputs, highlight vulnerabilities in these models. Exploring these weaknesses is crucial for developing defenses, and so, we propose a method to assess the adversarial robustness of image-classifying ANNs. The t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) technique is used for visual inspection, and a metric, which compares the clean and perturbed embeddings, helps pinpoint weak spots in the layers. Analyzing two ANNs on CIFAR-10, one designed by humans and another via NeuroEvolution, we found that differences between clean and perturbed representations emerge early on, in the feature extraction layers, affecting subsequent classification. The findings with our metric are supported by the visual analysis of the t-SNE maps.

cross Seg-LSTM: Performance of xLSTM for Semantic Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Images

Authors: Qinfeng Zhu, Yuanzhi Cai, Lei Fan

Abstract: Recent advancements in autoregressive networks with linear complexity have driven significant research progress, demonstrating exceptional performance in large language models. A representative model is the Extended Long Short-Term Memory (xLSTM), which incorporates gating mechanisms and memory structures, performing comparably to Transformer architectures in long-sequence language tasks. Autoregressive networks such as xLSTM can utilize image serialization to extend their application to visual tasks such as classification and segmentation. Although existing studies have demonstrated Vision-LSTM's impressive results in image classification, its performance in image semantic segmentation remains unverified. Our study represents the first attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of Vision-LSTM in the semantic segmentation of remotely sensed images. This evaluation is based on a specifically designed encoder-decoder architecture named Seg-LSTM, and comparisons with state-of-the-art segmentation networks. Our study found that Vision-LSTM's performance in semantic segmentation was limited and generally inferior to Vision-Transformers-based and Vision-Mamba-based models in most comparative tests. Future research directions for enhancing Vision-LSTM are recommended. The source code is available from


cross ReaLHF: Optimized RLHF Training for Large Language Models through Parameter Reallocation

Authors: Zhiyu Mei, Wei Fu, Kaiwei Li, Guangju Wang, Huanchen Zhang, Yi Wu

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) stands as a pivotal technique in empowering large language model (LLM) applications. Since RLHF involves diverse computational workloads and intricate dependencies among multiple LLMs, directly adopting parallelization techniques from supervised training can result in sub-optimal performance. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel approach named parameter ReaLlocation, which dynamically redistributes LLM parameters in the cluster and adapts parallelization strategies during training. Building upon this idea, we introduce ReaLHF, a pioneering system capable of automatically discovering and running efficient execution plans for RLHF training given the desired algorithmic and hardware configurations. ReaLHF formulates the execution plan for RLHF as an augmented dataflow graph. Based on this formulation, ReaLHF employs a tailored search algorithm with a lightweight cost estimator to discover an efficient execution plan. Subsequently, the runtime engine deploys the selected plan by effectively parallelizing computations and redistributing parameters. We evaluate ReaLHF on the LLaMA-2 models with up to $4\times70$ billion parameters and 128 GPUs. The experiment results showcase ReaLHF's substantial speedups of $2.0-10.6\times$ compared to baselines. Furthermore, the execution plans generated by ReaLHF exhibit an average of $26\%$ performance improvement over heuristic approaches based on Megatron-LM. The source code of ReaLHF is publicly available at .


cross Memory-Efficient Gradient Unrolling for Large-Scale Bi-level Optimization

Authors: Qianli Shen, Yezhen Wang, Zhouhao Yang, Xiang Li, Haonan Wang, Yang Zhang, Jonathan Scarlett, Zhanxing Zhu, Kenji Kawaguchi

Abstract: Bi-level optimization (BO) has become a fundamental mathematical framework for addressing hierarchical machine learning problems. As deep learning models continue to grow in size, the demand for scalable bi-level optimization solutions has become increasingly critical. Traditional gradient-based bi-level optimization algorithms, due to their inherent characteristics, are ill-suited to meet the demands of large-scale applications. In this paper, we introduce $\textbf{F}$orward $\textbf{G}$radient $\textbf{U}$nrolling with $\textbf{F}$orward $\textbf{F}$radient, abbreviated as $(\textbf{FG})^2\textbf{U}$, which achieves an unbiased stochastic approximation of the meta gradient for bi-level optimization. $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$ circumvents the memory and approximation issues associated with classical bi-level optimization approaches, and delivers significantly more accurate gradient estimates than existing large-scale bi-level optimization approaches. Additionally, $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$ is inherently designed to support parallel computing, enabling it to effectively leverage large-scale distributed computing systems to achieve significant computational efficiency. In practice, $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$ and other methods can be strategically placed at different stages of the training process to achieve a more cost-effective two-phase paradigm. Further, $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$ is easy to implement within popular deep learning frameworks, and can be conveniently adapted to address more challenging zeroth-order bi-level optimization scenarios. We provide a thorough convergence analysis and a comprehensive practical discussion for $(\text{FG})^2\text{U}$, complemented by extensive empirical evaluations, showcasing its superior performance in diverse large-scale bi-level optimization tasks.

cross Enhancing the LLM-Based Robot Manipulation Through Human-Robot Collaboration

Authors: Haokun Liu, Yaonan Zhu, Kenji Kato, Atsushi Tsukahara, Izumi Kondo, Tadayoshi Aoyama, Yasuhisa Hasegawa

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are gaining popularity in the field of robotics. However, LLM-based robots are limited to simple, repetitive motions due to the poor integration between language models, robots, and the environment. This paper proposes a novel approach to enhance the performance of LLM-based autonomous manipulation through Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). The approach involves using a prompted GPT-4 language model to decompose high-level language commands into sequences of motions that can be executed by the robot. The system also employs a YOLO-based perception algorithm, providing visual cues to the LLM, which aids in planning feasible motions within the specific environment. Additionally, an HRC method is proposed by combining teleoperation and Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMP), allowing the LLM-based robot to learn from human guidance. Real-world experiments have been conducted using the Toyota Human Support Robot for manipulation tasks. The outcomes indicate that tasks requiring complex trajectory planning and reasoning over environments can be efficiently accomplished through the incorporation of human demonstrations.

cross Autonomous Robotic Drilling System for Mice Cranial Window Creation

Authors: Enduo Zhao, Murilo M. Marinho, Kanako Harada

Abstract: Robotic assistance for experimental manipulation in the life sciences is expected to enable favorable outcomes, regardless of the skill of the scientist. Experimental specimens in the life sciences are subject to individual variability hence require intricate algorithms for successful autonomous robotic control. As a use case, we are studying the creation of cranial windows in mice. This operation requires the removal of an 8-mm-circular patch of the skull, which is approximately 300 um thick, but the shape and thickness of the mouse skull significantly varies depending on the strain of mouse, sex, and age. In this work, we propose an autonomous robotic drilling method with no offline planning, consisting of a trajectory planning block with execution-time feedback with completion level recognition based on image and force information. The force information allows for completion-level resolution to increase 10 fold. We evaluate the proposed method in two ways. First, in an eggshell drilling task and achieved a success rate of 95% and average drilling time of 7.1 min out of 20 trials. Second, in postmortem mice and with a success rate of 70% and average drilling time of 9.3 min out of 20 trials.

cross Online Learning of Weakly Coupled MDP Policies for Load Balancing and Auto Scaling

Authors: S. R. Eshwar, Lucas Lopes Felipe, Alexandre Reiffers-Masson, Daniel Sadoc Menasch\'e, Gugan Thoppe

Abstract: Load balancing and auto scaling are at the core of scalable, contemporary systems, addressing dynamic resource allocation and service rate adjustments in response to workload changes. This paper introduces a novel model and algorithms for tuning load balancers coupled with auto scalers, considering bursty traffic arriving at finite queues. We begin by presenting the problem as a weakly coupled Markov Decision Processes (MDP), solvable via a linear program (LP). However, as the number of control variables of such LP grows combinatorially, we introduce a more tractable relaxed LP formulation, and extend it to tackle the problem of online parameter learning and policy optimization using a two-timescale algorithm based on the LP Lagrangian.

cross Finding Safety Neurons in Large Language Models

Authors: Jianhui Chen, Xiaozhi Wang, Zijun Yao, Yushi Bai, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) excel in various capabilities but also pose safety risks such as generating harmful content and misinformation, even after safety alignment. In this paper, we explore the inner mechanisms of safety alignment from the perspective of mechanistic interpretability, focusing on identifying and analyzing safety neurons within LLMs that are responsible for safety behaviors. We propose generation-time activation contrasting to locate these neurons and dynamic activation patching to evaluate their causal effects. Experiments on multiple recent LLMs show that: (1) Safety neurons are sparse and effective. We can restore $90$% safety performance with intervention only on about $5$% of all the neurons. (2) Safety neurons encode transferrable mechanisms. They exhibit consistent effectiveness on different red-teaming datasets. The finding of safety neurons also interprets "alignment tax". We observe that the identified key neurons for safety and helpfulness significantly overlap, but they require different activation patterns of the shared neurons. Furthermore, we demonstrate an application of safety neurons in detecting unsafe outputs before generation. Our findings may promote further research on understanding LLM alignment. The source codes will be publicly released to facilitate future research.

cross DIRAS: Efficient LLM-Assisted Annotation of Document Relevance in Retrieval Augmented Generation

Authors: Jingwei Ni, Tobias Schimanski, Meihong Lin, Mrinmaya Sachan, Elliott Ash, Markus Leippold

Abstract: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is widely employed to ground responses to queries on domain-specific documents. But do RAG implementations leave out important information or excessively include irrelevant information? To allay these concerns, it is necessary to annotate domain-specific benchmarks to evaluate information retrieval (IR) performance, as relevance definitions vary across queries and domains. Furthermore, such benchmarks should be cost-efficiently annotated to avoid annotation selection bias. In this paper, we propose DIRAS (Domain-specific Information Retrieval Annotation with Scalability), a manual-annotation-free schema that fine-tunes open-sourced LLMs to annotate relevance labels with calibrated relevance probabilities. Extensive evaluation shows that DIRAS fine-tuned models achieve GPT-4-level performance on annotating and ranking unseen (query, document) pairs, and is helpful for real-world RAG development.

cross A Multi-Stream Fusion Approach with One-Class Learning for Audio-Visual Deepfake Detection

Authors: Kyungbok Lee, You Zhang, Zhiyao Duan

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of developing a robust audio-visual deepfake detection model. In practical use cases, new generation algorithms are continually emerging, and these algorithms are not encountered during the development of detection methods. This calls for the generalization ability of the method. Additionally, to ensure the credibility of detection methods, it is beneficial for the model to interpret which cues from the video indicate it is fake. Motivated by these considerations, we then propose a multi-stream fusion approach with one-class learning as a representation-level regularization technique. We study the generalization problem of audio-visual deepfake detection by creating a new benchmark by extending and re-splitting the existing FakeAVCeleb dataset. The benchmark contains four categories of fake video(Real Audio-Fake Visual, Fake Audio-Fake Visual, Fake Audio-Real Visual, and unsynchronized video). The experimental results show that our approach improves the model's detection of unseen attacks by an average of 7.31% across four test sets, compared to the baseline model. Additionally, our proposed framework offers interpretability, indicating which modality the model identifies as fake.

cross SimulSeamless: FBK at IWSLT 2024 Simultaneous Speech Translation

Authors: Sara Papi, Marco Gaido, Matteo Negri, Luisa Bentivogli

Abstract: This paper describes the FBK's participation in the Simultaneous Translation Evaluation Campaign at IWSLT 2024. For this year's submission in the speech-to-text translation (ST) sub-track, we propose SimulSeamless, which is realized by combining AlignAtt and SeamlessM4T in its medium configuration. The SeamlessM4T model is used "off-the-shelf" and its simultaneous inference is enabled through the adoption of AlignAtt, a SimulST policy based on cross-attention that can be applied without any retraining or adaptation of the underlying model for the simultaneous task. We participated in all the Shared Task languages (English->{German, Japanese, Chinese}, and Czech->English), achieving acceptable or even better results compared to last year's submissions. SimulSeamless, covering more than 143 source languages and 200 target languages, is released at:


cross Failure-Resilient Distributed Inference with Model Compression over Heterogeneous Edge Devices

Authors: Li Wang, Liang Li, Lianming Xu, Xian Peng, Aiguo Fei

Abstract: The distributed inference paradigm enables the computation workload to be distributed across multiple devices, facilitating the implementations of deep learning based intelligent services on extremely resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios. Yet it raises great challenges to perform complicated inference tasks relying on a cluster of IoT devices that are heterogeneous in their computing/communication capacity and prone to crash or timeout failures. In this paper, we present RoCoIn, a robust cooperative inference mechanism for locally distributed execution of deep neural network-based inference tasks over heterogeneous edge devices. It creates a set of independent and compact student models that are learned from a large model using knowledge distillation for distributed deployment. In particular, the devices are strategically grouped to redundantly deploy and execute the same student model such that the inference process is resilient to any local failures, while a joint knowledge partition and student model assignment scheme are designed to minimize the response latency of the distributed inference system in the presence of devices with diverse capacities. Extensive simulations are conducted to corroborate the superior performance of our RoCoIn for distributed inference compared to several baselines, and the results demonstrate its efficacy in timely inference and failure resiliency.

cross Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering: A Survey

Authors: Miao Su, ZiXuan Li, Zhuo Chen, Long Bai, Xiaolong Jin, Jiafeng Guo

Abstract: Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA) has been a long-standing field to answer questions based on knowledge bases. Recently, the evolving dynamics of knowledge have attracted a growing interest in Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering (TKGQA), an emerging task to answer temporal questions. However, this field grapples with ambiguities in defining temporal questions and lacks a systematic categorization of existing methods for TKGQA. In response, this paper provides a thorough survey from two perspectives: the taxonomy of temporal questions and the methodological categorization for TKGQA. Specifically, we first establish a detailed taxonomy of temporal questions engaged in prior studies. Subsequently, we provide a comprehensive review of TKGQA techniques of two categories: semantic parsing-based and TKG embedding-based. Building on this review, the paper outlines potential research directions aimed at advancing the field of TKGQA. This work aims to serve as a comprehensive reference for TKGQA and to stimulate further research.

cross Timo: Towards Better Temporal Reasoning for Language Models

Authors: Zhaochen Su, Jun Zhang, Tong Zhu, Xiaoye Qu, Juntao Li, Min Zhang, Yu Cheng

Abstract: Reasoning about time is essential for Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand the world. Previous works focus on solving specific tasks, primarily on time-sensitive question answering. While these methods have proven effective, they cannot generalize to a wider spectrum of temporal reasoning tasks. Therefore, we propose a crucial question: Can we build a universal framework to handle a variety of temporal reasoning tasks? To that end, we systematically study 38 temporal reasoning tasks. Based on the observation that 19 tasks are directly related to mathematics, we first leverage the available mathematical dataset to set a solid foundation for temporal reasoning. However, the in-depth study indicates that focusing solely on mathematical enhancement falls short of addressing pure temporal reasoning tasks. To mitigate this limitation, we propose a simple but effective self-critic temporal optimization method to enhance the model's temporal reasoning capabilities without sacrificing general task abilities. Finally, we develop Timo, a model designed to excel in temporal reasoning at the 7B and 13B scales. Notably, Timo outperforms the counterpart LLMs by 10.0 and 7.6 in average accuracy scores and achieves the new state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance of comparable size. Extensive experiments further validate our framework's effectiveness and its generalization across diverse temporal tasks. The code is available at


cross VLBiasBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Bias in Large Vision-Language Model

Authors: Jie Zhang, Sibo Wang, Xiangkui Cao, Zheng Yuan, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao

Abstract: The emergence of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) marks significant strides towards achieving general artificial intelligence. However, these advancements are tempered by the outputs that often reflect biases, a concern not yet extensively investigated. Existing benchmarks are not sufficiently comprehensive in evaluating biases due to their limited data scale, single questioning format and narrow sources of bias. To address this problem, we introduce VLBiasBench, a benchmark aimed at evaluating biases in LVLMs comprehensively. In VLBiasBench, we construct a dataset encompassing nine distinct categories of social biases, including age, disability status, gender, nationality, physical appearance, race, religion, profession, social economic status and two intersectional bias categories (race x gender, and race x social economic status). To create a large-scale dataset, we use Stable Diffusion XL model to generate 46,848 high-quality images, which are combined with different questions to form 128,342 samples. These questions are categorized into open and close ended types, fully considering the sources of bias and comprehensively evaluating the biases of LVLM from multiple perspectives. We subsequently conduct extensive evaluations on 15 open-source models as well as one advanced closed-source model, providing some new insights into the biases revealing from these models. Our benchmark is available at


cross Raising the Bar: Investigating the Values of Large Language Models via Generative Evolving Testing

Authors: Han Jiang, Xiaoyuan Yi, Zhihua Wei, Shu Wang, Xing Xie

Abstract: Warning: this paper contains model outputs exhibiting unethical information. Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved significant breakthroughs, but their generated unethical content poses potential risks. Measuring value alignment of LLMs becomes crucial for their regulation and responsible deployment. Numerous datasets have been constructed to assess social bias, toxicity, and ethics in LLMs, but they suffer from evaluation chronoeffect, that is, as models rapidly evolve, existing data becomes leaked or undemanding, overestimating ever-developing LLMs. To tackle this problem, we propose GETA, a novel generative evolving testing approach that dynamically probes the underlying moral baselines of LLMs. Distinct from previous adaptive testing methods that rely on static datasets with limited difficulty, GETA incorporates an iteratively-updated item generator which infers each LLM's moral boundaries and generates difficulty-tailored testing items, accurately reflecting the true alignment extent. This process theoretically learns a joint distribution of item and model response, with item difficulty and value conformity as latent variables, where the generator co-evolves with the LLM, addressing chronoeffect. We evaluate various popular LLMs with diverse capabilities and demonstrate that GETA can create difficulty-matching testing items and more accurately assess LLMs' values, better consistent with their performance on unseen OOD and i.i.d. items, laying the groundwork for future evaluation paradigms.

cross Enhancing robustness of data-driven SHM models: adversarial training with circle loss

Authors: Xiangli Yang, Xijie Deng, Hanwei Zhang, Yang Zou, Jianxi Yang

Abstract: Structural health monitoring (SHM) is critical to safeguarding the safety and reliability of aerospace, civil, and mechanical infrastructure. Machine learning-based data-driven approaches have gained popularity in SHM due to advancements in sensors and computational power. However, machine learning models used in SHM are vulnerable to adversarial examples -- even small changes in input can lead to different model outputs. This paper aims to address this problem by discussing adversarial defenses in SHM. In this paper, we propose an adversarial training method for defense, which uses circle loss to optimize the distance between features in training to keep examples away from the decision boundary. Through this simple yet effective constraint, our method demonstrates substantial improvements in model robustness, surpassing existing defense mechanisms.

cross CityNav: Language-Goal Aerial Navigation Dataset with Geographic Information

Authors: Jungdae Lee, Taiki Miyanishi, Shuhei Kurita, Koya Sakamoto, Daichi Azuma, Yutaka Matsuo, Nakamasa Inoue

Abstract: Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) aims to guide autonomous agents through real-world environments by integrating visual and linguistic cues. While substantial progress has been made in understanding these interactive modalities in ground-level navigation, aerial navigation remains largely underexplored. This is primarily due to the scarcity of resources suitable for real-world, city-scale aerial navigation studies. To bridge this gap, we introduce CityNav, a new dataset for language-goal aerial navigation using a 3D point cloud representation from real-world cities. CityNav includes 32,637 natural language descriptions paired with human demonstration trajectories, collected from participants via a new web-based 3D simulator developed for this research. Each description specifies a navigation goal, leveraging the names and locations of landmarks within real-world cities. We also provide baseline models of navigation agents that incorporate an internal 2D spatial map representing landmarks referenced in the descriptions. We benchmark the latest aerial navigation baselines and our proposed model on the CityNav dataset. The results using this dataset reveal the following key findings: (i) Our aerial agent models trained on human demonstration trajectories outperform those trained on shortest path trajectories, highlighting the importance of human-driven navigation strategies; (ii) The integration of a 2D spatial map significantly enhances navigation efficiency at city scale. Our dataset and code are available at


cross VeriFlow: Modeling Distributions for Neural Network Verification

Authors: Faried Abu Zaid, Daniel Neider, Mustafa Yal\c{c}{\i}ner

Abstract: Formal verification has emerged as a promising method to ensure the safety and reliability of neural networks. Naively verifying a safety property amounts to ensuring the safety of a neural network for the whole input space irrespective of any training or test set. However, this also implies that the safety of the neural network is checked even for inputs that do not occur in the real-world and have no meaning at all, often resulting in spurious errors. To tackle this shortcoming, we propose the VeriFlow architecture as a flow based density model tailored to allow any verification approach to restrict its search to the some data distribution of interest. We argue that our architecture is particularly well suited for this purpose because of two major properties. First, we show that the transformation and log-density function that are defined by our model are piece-wise affine. Therefore, the model allows the usage of verifiers based on SMT with linear arithmetic. Second, upper density level sets (UDL) of the data distribution take the shape of an $L^p$-ball in the latent space. As a consequence, representations of UDLs specified by a given probability are effectively computable in latent space. This allows for SMT and abstract interpretation approaches with fine-grained, probabilistically interpretable, control regarding on how (a)typical the inputs subject to verification are.

cross On the Evaluation Practices in Multilingual NLP: Can Machine Translation Offer an Alternative to Human Translations?

Authors: Rochelle Choenni, Sara Rajaee, Christof Monz, Ekaterina Shutova

Abstract: While multilingual language models (MLMs) have been trained on 100+ languages, they are typically only evaluated across a handful of them due to a lack of available test data in most languages. This is particularly problematic when assessing MLM's potential for low-resource and unseen languages. In this paper, we present an analysis of existing evaluation frameworks in multilingual NLP, discuss their limitations, and propose several directions for more robust and reliable evaluation practices. Furthermore, we empirically study to what extent machine translation offers a {reliable alternative to human translation} for large-scale evaluation of MLMs across a wide set of languages. We use a SOTA translation model to translate test data from 4 tasks to 198 languages and use them to evaluate three MLMs. We show that while the selected subsets of high-resource test languages are generally sufficiently representative of a wider range of high-resource languages, we tend to overestimate MLMs' ability on low-resource languages. Finally, we show that simpler baselines can achieve relatively strong performance without having benefited from large-scale multilingual pretraining.

cross Step-Back Profiling: Distilling User History for Personalized Scientific Writing

Authors: Xiangru Tang, Xingyao Zhang, Yanjun Shao, Jie Wu, Yilun Zhao, Arman Cohan, Ming Gong, Dongmei Zhang, Mark Gerstein

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) excel at a variety of natural language processing tasks, yet they struggle to generate personalized content for individuals, particularly in real-world scenarios like scientific writing. Addressing this challenge, we introduce Step-Back Profiling to personalize LLMs by distilling user history into concise profiles, including essential traits and preferences of users. Regarding our experiments, we construct a Personalized Scientific Writing (PSW) dataset to study multiuser personalization. PSW requires the models to write scientific papers given specialized author groups with diverse academic backgrounds. As for the results, we demonstrate the effectiveness of capturing user characteristics via Step-Back Profiling for collaborative writing. Moreover, our approach outperforms the baselines by up to 3.6 points on the general personalization benchmark (LaMP), including 7 personalization LLM tasks. Our extensive ablation studies validate the contributions of different components in our method and provide insights into our task definition. Our dataset and code are available at \url{}.


cross Augmenting Query and Passage for Retrieval-Augmented Generation using LLMs for Open-Domain Question Answering

Authors: Minsang Kim, Cheoneum Park, Seungjun Baek

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has received much attention for Open-domain question-answering (ODQA) tasks as a means to compensate for the parametric knowledge of large language models (LLMs). While previous approaches focused on processing retrieved passages to remove irrelevant context, they still rely heavily on the quality of retrieved passages which can degrade if the question is ambiguous or complex. In this paper, we propose a simple yet efficient method called question and passage augmentation via LLMs for open-domain QA. Our method first decomposes the original questions into multiple-step sub-questions. By augmenting the original question with detailed sub-questions and planning, we are able to make the query more specific on what needs to be retrieved, improving the retrieval performance. In addition, to compensate for the case where the retrieved passages contain distracting information or divided opinions, we augment the retrieved passages with self-generated passages by LLMs to guide the answer extraction. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the previous state-of-the-art and achieves significant performance gain over existing RAG methods.

cross FairX: A comprehensive benchmarking tool for model analysis using fairness, utility, and explainability

Authors: Md Fahim Sikder, Resmi Ramachandranpillai, Daniel de Leng, Fredrik Heintz

Abstract: We present FairX, an open-source Python-based benchmarking tool designed for the comprehensive analysis of models under the umbrella of fairness, utility, and eXplainability (XAI). FairX enables users to train benchmarking bias-removal models and evaluate their fairness using a wide array of fairness metrics, data utility metrics, and generate explanations for model predictions, all within a unified framework. Existing benchmarking tools do not have the way to evaluate synthetic data generated from fair generative models, also they do not have the support for training fair generative models either. In FairX, we add fair generative models in the collection of our fair-model library (pre-processing, in-processing, post-processing) and evaluation metrics for evaluating the quality of synthetic fair data. This version of FairX supports both tabular and image datasets. It also allows users to provide their own custom datasets. The open-source FairX benchmarking package is publicly available at


cross Learning to Plan for Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models from Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Junjie Wang, Mingyang Chen, Binbin Hu, Dan Yang, Ziqi Liu, Yue Shen, Peng Wei, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jinjie Gu, Jun Zhou, Jeff Z. Pan, Wen Zhang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Improving the performance of large language models (LLMs) in complex question-answering (QA) scenarios has always been a research focal point. Recent studies have attempted to enhance LLMs' performance by combining step-wise planning with external retrieval. While effective for advanced models like GPT-3.5, smaller LLMs face challenges in decomposing complex questions, necessitating supervised fine-tuning. Previous work has relied on manual annotation and knowledge distillation from teacher LLMs, which are time-consuming and not accurate enough. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework for enhancing LLMs' planning capabilities by using planning data derived from knowledge graphs (KGs). LLMs fine-tuned with this data have improved planning capabilities, better equipping them to handle complex QA tasks that involve retrieval. Evaluations on multiple datasets, including our newly proposed benchmark, highlight the effectiveness of our framework and the benefits of KG-derived planning data.

cross VAIYAKARANA : A Benchmark for Automatic Grammar Correction in Bangla

Authors: Pramit Bhattacharyya, Arnab Bhattacharya

Abstract: Bangla (Bengali) is the fifth most spoken language globally and, yet, the problem of automatic grammar correction in Bangla is still in its nascent stage. This is mostly due to the need for a large corpus of grammatically incorrect sentences, with their corresponding correct counterparts. The present state-of-the-art techniques to curate a corpus for grammatically wrong sentences involve random swapping, insertion and deletion of words. However,these steps may not always generate grammatically wrong sentences in Bangla. In this work, we propose a pragmatic approach to generate grammatically wrong sentences in Bangla. We first categorize the different kinds of errors in Bangla into 5 broad classes and 12 finer classes. We then use these to generate grammatically wrong sentences systematically from a correct sentence. This approach can generate a large number of wrong sentences and can, thus, mitigate the challenge of lacking a large corpus for neural networks. We provide a dataset, Vaiyakarana, consisting of 92,830 grammatically incorrect sentences as well as 18,426 correct sentences. We also collected 619 human-generated sentences from essays written by Bangla native speakers. This helped us to understand errors that are more frequent. We evaluated our corpus against neural models and LLMs and also benchmark it against human evaluators who are native speakers of Bangla. Our analysis shows that native speakers are far more accurate than state-of-the-art models to detect whether the sentence is grammatically correct. Our methodology of generating erroneous sentences can be applied for most other Indian languages as well.

cross Revisiting Modularity Maximization for Graph Clustering: A Contrastive Learning Perspective

Authors: Yunfei Liu, Jintang Li, Yuehe Chen, Ruofan Wu, Ericbk Wang, Jing Zhou, Sheng Tian, Shuheng Shen, Xing Fu, Changhua Meng, Weiqiang Wang, Liang Chen

Abstract: Graph clustering, a fundamental and challenging task in graph mining, aims to classify nodes in a graph into several disjoint clusters. In recent years, graph contrastive learning (GCL) has emerged as a dominant line of research in graph clustering and advances the new state-of-the-art. However, GCL-based methods heavily rely on graph augmentations and contrastive schemes, which may potentially introduce challenges such as semantic drift and scalability issues. Another promising line of research involves the adoption of modularity maximization, a popular and effective measure for community detection, as the guiding principle for clustering tasks. Despite the recent progress, the underlying mechanism of modularity maximization is still not well understood. In this work, we dig into the hidden success of modularity maximization for graph clustering. Our analysis reveals the strong connections between modularity maximization and graph contrastive learning, where positive and negative examples are naturally defined by modularity. In light of our results, we propose a community-aware graph clustering framework, coined MAGI, which leverages modularity maximization as a contrastive pretext task to effectively uncover the underlying information of communities in graphs, while avoiding the problem of semantic drift. Extensive experiments on multiple graph datasets verify the effectiveness of MAGI in terms of scalability and clustering performance compared to state-of-the-art graph clustering methods. Notably, MAGI easily scales a sufficiently large graph with 100M nodes while outperforming strong baselines.

cross DASB -- Discrete Audio and Speech Benchmark

Authors: Pooneh Mousavi, Luca Della Libera, Jarod Duret, Artem Ploujnikov, Cem Subakan, Mirco Ravanelli

Abstract: Discrete audio tokens have recently gained considerable attention for their potential to connect audio and language processing, enabling the creation of modern multimodal large language models. Ideal audio tokens must effectively preserve phonetic and semantic content along with paralinguistic information, speaker identity, and other details. While several types of audio tokens have been recently proposed, identifying the optimal tokenizer for various tasks is challenging due to the inconsistent evaluation settings in existing studies. To address this gap, we release the Discrete Audio and Speech Benchmark (DASB), a comprehensive leaderboard for benchmarking discrete audio tokens across a wide range of discriminative tasks, including speech recognition, speaker identification and verification, emotion recognition, keyword spotting, and intent classification, as well as generative tasks such as speech enhancement, separation, and text-to-speech. Our results show that, on average, semantic tokens outperform compression tokens across most discriminative and generative tasks. However, the performance gap between semantic tokens and standard continuous representations remains substantial, highlighting the need for further research in this field.

cross Identifiable Exchangeable Mechanisms for Causal Structure and Representation Learning

Authors: Patrik Reizinger, Siyuan Guo, Ferenc Husz\'ar, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Wieland Brendel

Abstract: Identifying latent representations or causal structures is important for good generalization and downstream task performance. However, both fields have been developed rather independently. We observe that several methods in both representation and causal structure learning rely on the same data-generating process (DGP), namely, exchangeable but not i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed) data. We provide a unified framework, termed Identifiable Exchangeable Mechanisms (IEM), for representation and structure learning under the lens of exchangeability. IEM provides new insights that let us relax the necessary conditions for causal structure identification in exchangeable non--i.i.d. data. We also demonstrate the existence of a duality condition in identifiable representation learning, leading to new identifiability results. We hope this work will pave the way for further research in causal representation learning.

cross Infusing clinical knowledge into tokenisers for language models

Authors: Abul Hasan, Jinge Wu, Quang Ngoc Nguyen, Salom\'e Andres, Imane Guellil, Huayu Zhang, Arlene Casey, Beatrice Alex, Bruce Guthrie, Honghan Wu

Abstract: This study introduces a novel knowledge enhanced tokenisation mechanism, K-Tokeniser, for clinical text processing. Technically, at initialisation stage, K-Tokeniser populates global representations of tokens based on semantic types of domain concepts (such as drugs or diseases) from either a domain ontology like Unified Medical Language System or the training data of the task related corpus. At training or inference stage, sentence level localised context will be utilised for choosing the optimal global token representation to realise the semantic-based tokenisation. To avoid pretraining using the new tokeniser, an embedding initialisation approach is proposed to generate representations for new tokens. Using three transformer-based language models, a comprehensive set of experiments are conducted on four real-world datasets for evaluating K-Tokeniser in a wide range of clinical text analytics tasks including clinical concept and relation extraction, automated clinical coding, clinical phenotype identification, and clinical research article classification. Overall, our models demonstrate consistent improvements over their counterparts in all tasks. In particular, substantial improvements are observed in the automated clinical coding task with 13\% increase on Micro $F_1$ score. Furthermore, K-Tokeniser also shows significant capacities in facilitating quicker converge of language models. Specifically, using K-Tokeniser, the language models would only require 50\% of the training data to achieve the best performance of the baseline tokeniser using all training data in the concept extraction task and less than 20\% of the data for the automated coding task. It is worth mentioning that all these improvements require no pre-training process, making the approach generalisable.

cross Robust Few-shot Transfer Learning for Knowledge Base Question Answering with Unanswerable Questions

Authors: Riya Sawhney, Indrajit Bhattacharya, Mausam

Abstract: Real-world KBQA applications require models that are (1) robust -- e.g., can differentiate between answerable and unanswerable questions, and (2) low-resource -- do not require large training data. Towards this goal, we propose the novel task of few-shot transfer for KBQA with unanswerable questions. We present FUn-FuSIC that extends the state-of-the-art (SoTA) few-shot transfer model for answerable-only KBQA to handle unanswerability. It iteratively prompts an LLM to generate logical forms for the question by providing feedback using a diverse suite of syntactic, semantic and execution guided checks, and adapts self-consistency to assess confidence of the LLM to decide answerability. Experiments over newly constructed datasets show that FUn-FuSIC outperforms suitable adaptations of the SoTA model for KBQA with unanswerability, and the SoTA model for answerable-only few-shot-transfer KBQA.

cross Identifying User Goals from UI Trajectories

Authors: Omri Berkovitch, Sapir Caduri, Noam Kahlon, Anatoly Efros, Avi Caciularu, Ido Dagan

Abstract: Autonomous agents that interact with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) hold significant potential for enhancing user experiences. To further improve these experiences, agents need to be personalized and proactive. By effectively comprehending user intentions through their actions and interactions with GUIs, agents will be better positioned to achieve these goals. This paper introduces the task of goal identification from observed UI trajectories, aiming to infer the user's intended task based on their GUI interactions. We propose a novel evaluation metric to assess whether two task descriptions are paraphrases within a specific UI environment. By Leveraging the inverse relation with the UI automation task, we utilized the Android-In-The-Wild and Mind2Web datasets for our experiments. Using our metric and these datasets, we conducted several experiments comparing the performance of humans and state-of-the-art models, specifically GPT-4 and Gemini-1.5 Pro. Our results show that Gemini performs better than GPT but still underperforms compared to humans, indicating significant room for improvement.

cross The Fire Thief Is Also the Keeper: Balancing Usability and Privacy in Prompts

Authors: Zhili Shen, Zihang Xi, Ying He, Wei Tong, Jingyu Hua, Sheng Zhong

Abstract: The rapid adoption of online chatbots represents a significant advancement in artificial intelligence. However, this convenience brings considerable privacy concerns, as prompts can inadvertently contain sensitive information exposed to large language models (LLMs). Limited by high computational costs, reduced task usability, and excessive system modifications, previous works based on local deployment, embedding perturbation, and homomorphic encryption are inapplicable to online prompt-based LLM applications. To address these issues, this paper introduces Prompt Privacy Sanitizer (i.e., ProSan), an end-to-end prompt privacy protection framework that can produce anonymized prompts with contextual privacy removed while maintaining task usability and human readability. It can also be seamlessly integrated into the online LLM service pipeline. To achieve high usability and dynamic anonymity, ProSan flexibly adjusts its protection targets and strength based on the importance of the words and the privacy leakage risk of the prompts. Additionally, ProSan is capable of adapting to diverse computational resource conditions, ensuring privacy protection even for mobile devices with limited computing power. Our experiments demonstrate that ProSan effectively removes private information across various tasks, including question answering, text summarization, and code generation, with minimal reduction in task performance.

cross Self-supervised Interpretable Concept-based Models for Text Classification

Authors: Francesco De Santis, Philippe Bich, Gabriele Ciravegna, Pietro Barbiero, Danilo Giordano, Tania Cerquitelli

Abstract: Despite their success, Large-Language Models (LLMs) still face criticism as their lack of interpretability limits their controllability and reliability. Traditional post-hoc interpretation methods, based on attention and gradient-based analysis, offer limited insight into the model's decision-making processes. In the image field, Concept-based models have emerged as explainable-by-design architectures, employing human-interpretable features as intermediate representations. However, these methods have not been yet adapted to textual data, mainly because they require expensive concept annotations, which are impractical for real-world text data. This paper addresses this challenge by proposing a self-supervised Interpretable Concept Embedding Models (ICEMs). We leverage the generalization abilities of LLMs to predict the concepts labels in a self-supervised way, while we deliver the final predictions with an interpretable function. The results of our experiments show that ICEMs can be trained in a self-supervised way achieving similar performance to fully supervised concept-based models and end-to-end black-box ones. Additionally, we show that our models are (i) interpretable, offering meaningful logical explanations for their predictions; (ii) interactable, allowing humans to modify intermediate predictions through concept interventions; and (iii) controllable, guiding the LLMs' decoding process to follow a required decision-making path.

cross Exploring Spatial Representations in the Historical Lake District Texts with LLM-based Relation Extraction

Authors: Erum Haris, Anthony G. Cohn, John G. Stell

Abstract: Navigating historical narratives poses a challenge in unveiling the spatial intricacies of past landscapes. The proposed work addresses this challenge within the context of the English Lake District, employing the Corpus of the Lake District Writing. The method utilizes a generative pre-trained transformer model to extract spatial relations from the textual descriptions in the corpus. The study applies this large language model to understand the spatial dimensions inherent in historical narratives comprehensively. The outcomes are presented as semantic triples, capturing the nuanced connections between entities and locations, and visualized as a network, offering a graphical representation of the spatial narrative. The study contributes to a deeper comprehension of the English Lake District's spatial tapestry and provides an approach to uncovering spatial relations within diverse historical contexts.

cross Automatic Labels are as Effective as Manual Labels in Biomedical Images Classification with Deep Learning

Authors: Niccol\`o Marini, Stefano Marchesin, Lluis Borras Ferris, Simon P\"uttmann, Marek Wodzinski, Riccardo Fratti, Damian Podareanu, Alessandro Caputo, Svetla Boytcheva, Simona Vatrano, Filippo Fraggetta, Iris Nagtegaal, Gianmaria Silvello, Manfredo Atzori, Henning M\"uller

Abstract: The increasing availability of biomedical data is helping to design more robust deep learning (DL) algorithms to analyze biomedical samples. Currently, one of the main limitations to train DL algorithms to perform a specific task is the need for medical experts to label data. Automatic methods to label data exist, however automatic labels can be noisy and it is not completely clear when automatic labels can be adopted to train DL models. This paper aims to investigate under which circumstances automatic labels can be adopted to train a DL model on the classification of Whole Slide Images (WSI). The analysis involves multiple architectures, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Vision Transformer (ViT), and over 10000 WSIs, collected from three use cases: celiac disease, lung cancer and colon cancer, which one including respectively binary, multiclass and multilabel data. The results allow identifying 10% as the percentage of noisy labels that lead to train competitive models for the classification of WSIs. Therefore, an algorithm generating automatic labels needs to fit this criterion to be adopted. The application of the Semantic Knowledge Extractor Tool (SKET) algorithm to generate automatic labels leads to performance comparable to the one obtained with manual labels, since it generates a percentage of noisy labels between 2-5%. Automatic labels are as effective as manual ones, reaching solid performance comparable to the one obtained training models with manual labels.

cross The neural correlates of logical-mathematical symbol systems processing resemble that of spatial cognition more than natural language processing

Authors: Yuannan Li, Shan Xu, Jia Liu

Abstract: The ability to manipulate logical-mathematical symbols (LMS), encompassing tasks such as calculation, reasoning, and programming, is a cognitive skill arguably unique to humans. Considering the relatively recent emergence of this ability in human evolutionary history, it has been suggested that LMS processing may build upon more fundamental cognitive systems, possibly through neuronal recycling. Previous studies have pinpointed two primary candidates, natural language processing and spatial cognition. Existing comparisons between these domains largely relied on task-level comparison, which may be confounded by task idiosyncrasy. The present study instead compared the neural correlates at the domain level with both automated meta-analysis and synthesized maps based on three representative LMS tasks, reasoning, calculation, and mental programming. Our results revealed a more substantial cortical overlap between LMS processing and spatial cognition, in contrast to language processing. Furthermore, in regions activated by both spatial and language processing, the multivariate activation pattern for LMS processing exhibited greater multivariate similarity to spatial cognition than to language processing. A hierarchical clustering analysis further indicated that typical LMS tasks were indistinguishable from spatial cognition tasks at the neural level, suggesting an inherent connection between these two cognitive processes. Taken together, our findings support the hypothesis that spatial cognition is likely the basis of LMS processing, which may shed light on the limitations of large language models in logical reasoning, particularly those trained exclusively on textual data without explicit emphasis on spatial content.

cross Communication-Efficient Byzantine-Resilient Federated Zero-Order Optimization

Authors: Afonso de S\'a Delgado Neto, Maximilian Egger, Mayank Bakshi, Rawad Bitar

Abstract: We introduce CYBER-0, the first zero-order optimization algorithm for memory-and-communication efficient Federated Learning, resilient to Byzantine faults. We show through extensive numerical experiments on the MNIST dataset and finetuning RoBERTa-Large that CYBER-0 outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of communication and memory efficiency while reaching similar accuracy. We provide theoretical guarantees on its convergence for convex loss functions.

cross PoseBench: Benchmarking the Robustness of Pose Estimation Models under Corruptions

Authors: Sihan Ma, Jing Zhang, Qiong Cao, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Pose estimation aims to accurately identify anatomical keypoints in humans and animals using monocular images, which is crucial for various applications such as human-machine interaction, embodied AI, and autonomous driving. While current models show promising results, they are typically trained and tested on clean data, potentially overlooking the corruption during real-world deployment and thus posing safety risks in practical scenarios. To address this issue, we introduce PoseBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the robustness of pose estimation models against real-world corruption. We evaluated 60 representative models, including top-down, bottom-up, heatmap-based, regression-based, and classification-based methods, across three datasets for human and animal pose estimation. Our evaluation involves 10 types of corruption in four categories: 1) blur and noise, 2) compression and color loss, 3) severe lighting, and 4) masks. Our findings reveal that state-of-the-art models are vulnerable to common real-world corruptions and exhibit distinct behaviors when tackling human and animal pose estimation tasks. To improve model robustness, we delve into various design considerations, including input resolution, pre-training datasets, backbone capacity, post-processing, and data augmentations. We hope that our benchmark will serve as a foundation for advancing research in robust pose estimation. The benchmark and source code will be released at


cross Computation-Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning for ECG-based Cardiovascular Diseases Detection

Authors: Rushuang Zhou, Zijun Liu, Lei Clifton, David A. Clifton, Kannie W. Y. Chan, Yuan-Ting Zhang, Yining Dong

Abstract: Label scarcity problem is the main challenge that hinders the wide application of deep learning systems in automatic cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) detection using electrocardiography (ECG). Tuning pre-trained models alleviates this problem by transferring knowledge learned from large datasets to downstream small datasets. However, bottlenecks in computational efficiency and CVDs detection performance limit its clinical applications. It is difficult to improve the detection performance without significantly sacrificing model computational efficiency. Here, we propose a computation-efficient semi-supervised learning paradigm (FastECG) for robust and computation-efficient CVDs detection using ECG. It enables a robust adaptation of pre-trained models on downstream datasets with limited supervision and high computational efficiency. First, a random-deactivation technique is developed to achieve robust and fast low-rank adaptation of pre-trained weights. Subsequently, we propose a one-shot rank allocation module to determine the optimal ranks for the update matrices of the pre-trained weights. Finally, a lightweight semi-supervised learning pipeline is introduced to enhance model performance by leveraging labeled and unlabeled data with high computational efficiency. Extensive experiments on four downstream ECG datasets demonstrate that FastECG not only outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in multi-label CVDs detection but also consumes fewer GPU footprints, training time, and parameter storage space. As such, this paradigm provides an effective solution for achieving high computational efficiency and robust detection performance in the clinical applications of pre-trained models under limited supervision.

cross Fair Streaming Feature Selection

Authors: Zhangling Duan, Tianci Li, Xingyu Wu, Zhaolong Ling, Jingye Yang, Zhaohong Jia

Abstract: Streaming feature selection techniques have become essential in processing real-time data streams, as they facilitate the identification of the most relevant attributes from continuously updating information. Despite their performance, current algorithms to streaming feature selection frequently fall short in managing biases and avoiding discrimination that could be perpetuated by sensitive attributes, potentially leading to unfair outcomes in the resulting models. To address this issue, we propose FairSFS, a novel algorithm for Fair Streaming Feature Selection, to uphold fairness in the feature selection process without compromising the ability to handle data in an online manner. FairSFS adapts to incoming feature vectors by dynamically adjusting the feature set and discerns the correlations between classification attributes and sensitive attributes from this revised set, thereby forestalling the propagation of sensitive data. Empirical evaluations show that FairSFS not only maintains accuracy that is on par with leading streaming feature selection methods and existing fair feature techniques but also significantly improves fairness metrics.

cross FutureNet-LOF: Joint Trajectory Prediction and Lane Occupancy Field Prediction with Future Context Encoding

Authors: Mingkun Wang, Xiaoguang Ren, Ruochun Jin, Minglong Li, Xiaochuan Zhang, Changqian Yu, Mingxu Wang, Wenjing Yang

Abstract: Most prior motion prediction endeavors in autonomous driving have inadequately encoded future scenarios, leading to predictions that may fail to accurately capture the diverse movements of agents (e.g., vehicles or pedestrians). To address this, we propose FutureNet, which explicitly integrates initially predicted trajectories into the future scenario and further encodes these future contexts to enhance subsequent forecasting. Additionally, most previous motion forecasting works have focused on predicting independent futures for each agent. However, safe and smooth autonomous driving requires accurately predicting the diverse future behaviors of numerous surrounding agents jointly in complex dynamic environments. Given that all agents occupy certain potential travel spaces and possess lane driving priority, we propose Lane Occupancy Field (LOF), a new representation with lane semantics for motion forecasting in autonomous driving. LOF can simultaneously capture the joint probability distribution of all road participants' future spatial-temporal positions. Due to the high compatibility between lane occupancy field prediction and trajectory prediction, we propose a novel network with future context encoding for the joint prediction of these two tasks. Our approach ranks 1st on two large-scale motion forecasting benchmarks: Argoverse 1 and Argoverse 2.

cross SynDARin: Synthesising Datasets for Automated Reasoning in Low-Resource Languages

Authors: Gayane Ghazaryan, Erik Arakelyan, Pasquale Minervini, Isabelle Augenstein

Abstract: Question Answering (QA) datasets have been instrumental in developing and evaluating Large Language Model (LLM) capabilities. However, such datasets are scarce for languages other than English due to the cost and difficulties of collection and manual annotation. This means that producing novel models and measuring the performance of multilingual LLMs in low-resource languages is challenging. To mitigate this, we propose $\textbf{S}$yn$\textbf{DAR}$in, a method for generating and validating QA datasets for low-resource languages. We utilize parallel content mining to obtain $\textit{human-curated}$ paragraphs between English and the target language. We use the English data as context to $\textit{generate}$ synthetic multiple-choice (MC) question-answer pairs, which are automatically translated and further validated for quality. Combining these with their designated non-English $\textit{human-curated}$ paragraphs form the final QA dataset. The method allows to maintain the content quality, reduces the likelihood of factual errors, and circumvents the need for costly annotation. To test the method, we created a QA dataset with $1.2$K samples for the Armenian language. The human evaluation shows that $98\%$ of the generated English data maintains quality and diversity in the question types and topics, while the translation validation pipeline can filter out $\sim70\%$ of data with poor quality. We use the dataset to benchmark state-of-the-art LLMs, showing their inability to achieve human accuracy with some model performances closer to random chance. This shows that the generated dataset is non-trivial and can be used to evaluate reasoning capabilities in low-resource language.

cross CollaFuse: Collaborative Diffusion Models

Authors: Simeon Allmendinger, Domenique Zipperling, Lukas Struppek, Niklas K\"uhl

Abstract: In the landscape of generative artificial intelligence, diffusion-based models have emerged as a promising method for generating synthetic images. However, the application of diffusion models poses numerous challenges, particularly concerning data availability, computational requirements, and privacy. Traditional approaches to address these shortcomings, like federated learning, often impose significant computational burdens on individual clients, especially those with constrained resources. In response to these challenges, we introduce a novel approach for distributed collaborative diffusion models inspired by split learning. Our approach facilitates collaborative training of diffusion models while alleviating client computational burdens during image synthesis. This reduced computational burden is achieved by retaining data and computationally inexpensive processes locally at each client while outsourcing the computationally expensive processes to shared, more efficient server resources. Through experiments on the common CelebA dataset, our approach demonstrates enhanced privacy by reducing the necessity for sharing raw data. These capabilities hold significant potential across various application areas, including the design of edge computing solutions. Thus, our work advances distributed machine learning by contributing to the evolution of collaborative diffusion models.

cross Graph Representation Learning Strategies for Omics Data: A Case Study on Parkinson's Disease

Authors: Elisa G\'omez de Lope (University of Luxembourg), Saurabh Deshpande (University of Luxembourg), Ram\'on Vi\~nas Torn\'e (\'Ecole polytechnique f\'ed\'erale de Lausanne), Pietro Li\`o (University of Cambridge), Enrico Glaab (University of Luxembourg, On behalf of the NCER-PD Consortium), St\'ephane P. A. Bordas (University of Luxembourg)

Abstract: Omics data analysis is crucial for studying complex diseases, but its high dimensionality and heterogeneity challenge classical statistical and machine learning methods. Graph neural networks have emerged as promising alternatives, yet the optimal strategies for their design and optimization in real-world biomedical challenges remain unclear. This study evaluates various graph representation learning models for case-control classification using high-throughput biological data from Parkinson's disease and control samples. We compare topologies derived from sample similarity networks and molecular interaction networks, including protein-protein and metabolite-metabolite interactions (PPI, MMI). Graph Convolutional Network (GCNs), Chebyshev spectral graph convolution (ChebyNet), and Graph Attention Network (GAT), are evaluated alongside advanced architectures like graph transformers, the graph U-net, and simpler models like multilayer perceptron (MLP). These models are systematically applied to transcriptomics and metabolomics data independently. Our comparative analysis highlights the benefits and limitations of various architectures in extracting patterns from omics data, paving the way for more accurate and interpretable models in biomedical research.

cross Centimeter Positioning Accuracy using AI/ML for 6G Applications

Authors: Sai Prasanth Kotturi, Radha Krishna Ganti

Abstract: This research looks at using AI/ML to achieve centimeter-level user positioning in 6G applications such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Initial results show that our AI/ML-based method can estimate user positions with an accuracy of 17 cm in an indoor factory environment. In this proposal, we highlight our approaches and future directions.

cross Fusion of Movement and Naive Predictions for Point Forecasting in Univariate Random Walks

Authors: Cheng Zhang

Abstract: Traditional methods for point forecasting in univariate random walks often fail to surpass naive benchmarks due to data unpredictability. This study introduces a novel forecasting method that fuses movement prediction (binary classification) with naive forecasts for accurate one-step-ahead point forecasting. The method's efficacy is demonstrated through theoretical analysis, simulations, and real-world data experiments. It reliably exceeds naive forecasts with movement prediction accuracies as low as 0.55, outperforming baseline models like ARIMA, linear regression, MLP, and LSTM networks in forecasting the S\&P 500 index and Bitcoin prices. This method is particularly advantageous when accurate point predictions are challenging but accurate movement predictions are attainable, translating movement predictions into point forecasts in random walk contexts.

cross SafeSora: Towards Safety Alignment of Text2Video Generation via a Human Preference Dataset

Authors: Josef Dai, Tianle Chen, Xuyao Wang, Ziran Yang, Taiye Chen, Jiaming Ji, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: To mitigate the risk of harmful outputs from large vision models (LVMs), we introduce the SafeSora dataset to promote research on aligning text-to-video generation with human values. This dataset encompasses human preferences in text-to-video generation tasks along two primary dimensions: helpfulness and harmlessness. To capture in-depth human preferences and facilitate structured reasoning by crowdworkers, we subdivide helpfulness into 4 sub-dimensions and harmlessness into 12 sub-categories, serving as the basis for pilot annotations. The SafeSora dataset includes 14,711 unique prompts, 57,333 unique videos generated by 4 distinct LVMs, and 51,691 pairs of preference annotations labeled by humans. We further demonstrate the utility of the SafeSora dataset through several applications, including training the text-video moderation model and aligning LVMs with human preference by fine-tuning a prompt augmentation module or the diffusion model. These applications highlight its potential as the foundation for text-to-video alignment research, such as human preference modeling and the development and validation of alignment algorithms.

cross Revealing Vision-Language Integration in the Brain with Multimodal Networks

Authors: Vighnesh Subramaniam, Colin Conwell, Christopher Wang, Gabriel Kreiman, Boris Katz, Ignacio Cases, Andrei Barbu

Abstract: We use (multi)modal deep neural networks (DNNs) to probe for sites of multimodal integration in the human brain by predicting stereoencephalography (SEEG) recordings taken while human subjects watched movies. We operationalize sites of multimodal integration as regions where a multimodal vision-language model predicts recordings better than unimodal language, unimodal vision, or linearly-integrated language-vision models. Our target DNN models span different architectures (e.g., convolutional networks and transformers) and multimodal training techniques (e.g., cross-attention and contrastive learning). As a key enabling step, we first demonstrate that trained vision and language models systematically outperform their randomly initialized counterparts in their ability to predict SEEG signals. We then compare unimodal and multimodal models against one another. Because our target DNN models often have different architectures, number of parameters, and training sets (possibly obscuring those differences attributable to integration), we carry out a controlled comparison of two models (SLIP and SimCLR), which keep all of these attributes the same aside from input modality. Using this approach, we identify a sizable number of neural sites (on average 141 out of 1090 total sites or 12.94%) and brain regions where multimodal integration seems to occur. Additionally, we find that among the variants of multimodal training techniques we assess, CLIP-style training is the best suited for downstream prediction of the neural activity in these sites.

cross On Newton's Method to Unlearn Neural Networks

Authors: Nhung Bui, Xinyang Lu, See-Kiong Ng, Bryan Kian Hsian Low

Abstract: Machine unlearning facilitates personal data ownership, including the ``right to be forgotten''. The proliferation of applications of \emph{neural networks} (NNs) trained on users' personal data calls for the need to develop algorithms to unlearn an NN. Since retraining is costly, efficiency is often achieved through approximate unlearning which aims to unlearn a trained NN to be close to the retrained one (in distribution). Though the Newton's method has been used by previous works to approximately unlearn linear models, adapting it for unlearning an NN often encounters degenerate Hessians that make computing the Newton's update impossible. In this paper, we will first show that when coupled with naive yet often effective solutions to mitigate the degeneracy issue for unlearning, the Newton's method surprisingly suffers from catastrophic forgetting. To overcome this difficulty, we revise the Newton's method to include a theoretically justified regularizer and propose a cubic-regularized Newton's method for unlearning an NN. The cubic regularizer comes with the benefits of not requiring manual finetuning and affording a natural interpretation. Empirical evaluation on several models and real-world datasets shows that our method is more resilient to catastrophic forgetting and performs better than the baselines, especially in sequential unlearning.

cross Evidence of a log scaling law for political persuasion with large language models

Authors: Kobi Hackenburg, Ben M. Tappin, Paul R\"ottger, Scott Hale, Jonathan Bright, Helen Margetts

Abstract: Large language models can now generate political messages as persuasive as those written by humans, raising concerns about how far this persuasiveness may continue to increase with model size. Here, we generate 720 persuasive messages on 10 U.S. political issues from 24 language models spanning several orders of magnitude in size. We then deploy these messages in a large-scale randomized survey experiment (N = 25,982) to estimate the persuasive capability of each model. Our findings are twofold. First, we find evidence of a log scaling law: model persuasiveness is characterized by sharply diminishing returns, such that current frontier models are barely more persuasive than models smaller in size by an order of magnitude or more. Second, mere task completion (coherence, staying on topic) appears to account for larger models' persuasive advantage. These findings suggest that further scaling model size will not much increase the persuasiveness of static LLM-generated messages.

cross V-LASIK: Consistent Glasses-Removal from Videos Using Synthetic Data

Authors: Rotem Shalev-Arkushin, Aharon Azulay, Tavi Halperin, Eitan Richardson, Amit H. Bermano, Ohad Fried

Abstract: Diffusion-based generative models have recently shown remarkable image and video editing capabilities. However, local video editing, particularly removal of small attributes like glasses, remains a challenge. Existing methods either alter the videos excessively, generate unrealistic artifacts, or fail to perform the requested edit consistently throughout the video. In this work, we focus on consistent and identity-preserving removal of glasses in videos, using it as a case study for consistent local attribute removal in videos. Due to the lack of paired data, we adopt a weakly supervised approach and generate synthetic imperfect data, using an adjusted pretrained diffusion model. We show that despite data imperfection, by learning from our generated data and leveraging the prior of pretrained diffusion models, our model is able to perform the desired edit consistently while preserving the original video content. Furthermore, we exemplify the generalization ability of our method to other local video editing tasks by applying it successfully to facial sticker-removal. Our approach demonstrates significant improvement over existing methods, showcasing the potential of leveraging synthetic data and strong video priors for local video editing tasks.

cross PostMark: A Robust Blackbox Watermark for Large Language Models

Authors: Yapei Chang, Kalpesh Krishna, Amir Houmansadr, John Wieting, Mohit Iyyer

Abstract: The most effective techniques to detect LLM-generated text rely on inserting a detectable signature -- or watermark -- during the model's decoding process. Most existing watermarking methods require access to the underlying LLM's logits, which LLM API providers are loath to share due to fears of model distillation. As such, these watermarks must be implemented independently by each LLM provider. In this paper, we develop PostMark, a modular post-hoc watermarking procedure in which an input-dependent set of words (determined via a semantic embedding) is inserted into the text after the decoding process has completed. Critically, PostMark does not require logit access, which means it can be implemented by a third party. We also show that PostMark is more robust to paraphrasing attacks than existing watermarking methods: our experiments cover eight baseline algorithms, five base LLMs, and three datasets. Finally, we evaluate the impact of PostMark on text quality using both automated and human assessments, highlighting the trade-off between quality and robustness to paraphrasing. We release our code, outputs, and annotations at


cross Towards evolution of Deep Neural Networks through contrastive Self-Supervised learning

Authors: Adriano Vinhas, Jo\~ao Correia, Penousal Machado

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been successfully applied to a wide range of problems. However, two main limitations are commonly pointed out. The first one is that they require long time to design. The other is that they heavily rely on labelled data, which can sometimes be costly and hard to obtain. In order to address the first problem, neuroevolution has been proved to be a plausible option to automate the design of DNNs. As for the second problem, self-supervised learning has been used to leverage unlabelled data to learn representations. Our goal is to study how neuroevolution can help self-supervised learning to bridge the gap to supervised learning in terms of performance. In this work, we propose a framework that is able to evolve deep neural networks using self-supervised learning. Our results on the CIFAR-10 dataset show that it is possible to evolve adequate neural networks while reducing the reliance on labelled data. Moreover, an analysis to the structure of the evolved networks suggests that the amount of labelled data fed to them has less effect on the structure of networks that learned via self-supervised learning, when compared to individuals that relied on supervised learning.

cross Fantastic Copyrighted Beasts and How (Not) to Generate Them

Authors: Luxi He, Yangsibo Huang, Weijia Shi, Tinghao Xie, Haotian Liu, Yue Wang, Luke Zettlemoyer, Chiyuan Zhang, Danqi Chen, Peter Henderson

Abstract: Recent studies show that image and video generation models can be prompted to reproduce copyrighted content from their training data, raising serious legal concerns around copyright infringement. Copyrighted characters, in particular, pose a difficult challenge for image generation services, with at least one lawsuit already awarding damages based on the generation of these characters. Yet, little research has empirically examined this issue. We conduct a systematic evaluation to fill this gap. First, we build CopyCat, an evaluation suite consisting of diverse copyrighted characters and a novel evaluation pipeline. Our evaluation considers both the detection of similarity to copyrighted characters and generated image's consistency with user input. Our evaluation systematically shows that both image and video generation models can still generate characters even if characters' names are not explicitly mentioned in the prompt, sometimes with only two generic keywords (e.g., prompting with "videogame, plumber" consistently generates Nintendo's Mario character). We then introduce techniques to semi-automatically identify such keywords or descriptions that trigger character generation. Using our evaluation suite, we study runtime mitigation strategies, including both existing methods and new strategies we propose. Our findings reveal that commonly employed strategies, such as prompt rewriting in the DALL-E system, are not sufficient as standalone guardrails. These strategies must be coupled with other approaches, like negative prompting, to effectively reduce the unintended generation of copyrighted characters. Our work provides empirical grounding to the discussion of copyright mitigation strategies and offers actionable insights for model deployers actively implementing them.

cross DeciMamba: Exploring the Length Extrapolation Potential of Mamba

Authors: Assaf Ben-Kish, Itamar Zimerman, Shady Abu-Hussein, Nadav Cohen, Amir Globerson, Lior Wolf, Raja Giryes

Abstract: Long-range sequence processing poses a significant challenge for Transformers due to their quadratic complexity in input length. A promising alternative is Mamba, which demonstrates high performance and achieves Transformer-level capabilities while requiring substantially fewer computational resources. In this paper we explore the length-generalization capabilities of Mamba, which we find to be relatively limited. Through a series of visualizations and analyses we identify that the limitations arise from a restricted effective receptive field, dictated by the sequence length used during training. To address this constraint, we introduce DeciMamba, a context-extension method specifically designed for Mamba. This mechanism, built on top of a hidden filtering mechanism embedded within the S6 layer, enables the trained model to extrapolate well even without additional training. Empirical experiments over real-world long-range NLP tasks show that DeciMamba can extrapolate to context lengths that are 25x times longer than the ones seen during training, and does so without utilizing additional computational resources. We will release our code and models.

cross A Benchmarking Study of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks on Tabular Data

Authors: Eleonora Poeta, Flavio Giobergia, Eliana Pastor, Tania Cerquitelli, Elena Baralis

Abstract: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) have very recently been introduced into the world of machine learning, quickly capturing the attention of the entire community. However, KANs have mostly been tested for approximating complex functions or processing synthetic data, while a test on real-world tabular datasets is currently lacking. In this paper, we present a benchmarking study comparing KANs and Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) on tabular datasets. The study evaluates task performance and training times. From the results obtained on the various datasets, KANs demonstrate superior or comparable accuracy and F1 scores, excelling particularly in datasets with numerous instances, suggesting robust handling of complex data. We also highlight that this performance improvement of KANs comes with a higher computational cost when compared to MLPs of comparable sizes.

cross IRASim: Learning Interactive Real-Robot Action Simulators

Authors: Fangqi Zhu, Hongtao Wu, Song Guo, Yuxiao Liu, Chilam Cheang, Tao Kong

Abstract: Scalable robot learning in the real world is limited by the cost and safety issues of real robots. In addition, rolling out robot trajectories in the real world can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this paper, we propose to learn an interactive real-robot action simulator as an alternative. We introduce a novel method, IRASim, which leverages the power of generative models to generate extremely realistic videos of a robot arm that executes a given action trajectory, starting from an initial given frame. To validate the effectiveness of our method, we create a new benchmark, IRASim Benchmark, based on three real-robot datasets and perform extensive experiments on the benchmark. Results show that IRASim outperforms all the baseline methods and is more preferable in human evaluations. We hope that IRASim can serve as an effective and scalable approach to enhance robot learning in the real world. To promote research for generative real-robot action simulators, we open-source code, benchmark, and checkpoints at https: //

cross Connecting the Dots: LLMs can Infer and Verbalize Latent Structure from Disparate Training Data

Authors: Johannes Treutlein, Dami Choi, Jan Betley, Cem Anil, Samuel Marks, Roger Baker Grosse, Owain Evans

Abstract: One way to address safety risks from large language models (LLMs) is to censor dangerous knowledge from their training data. While this removes the explicit information, implicit information can remain scattered across various training documents. Could an LLM infer the censored knowledge by piecing together these implicit hints? As a step towards answering this question, we study inductive out-of-context reasoning (OOCR), a type of generalization in which LLMs infer latent information from evidence distributed across training documents and apply it to downstream tasks without in-context learning. Using a suite of five tasks, we demonstrate that frontier LLMs can perform inductive OOCR. In one experiment we finetune an LLM on a corpus consisting only of distances between an unknown city and other known cities. Remarkably, without in-context examples or Chain of Thought, the LLM can verbalize that the unknown city is Paris and use this fact to answer downstream questions. Further experiments show that LLMs trained only on individual coin flip outcomes can verbalize whether the coin is biased, and those trained only on pairs $(x,f(x))$ can articulate a definition of $f$ and compute inverses. While OOCR succeeds in a range of cases, we also show that it is unreliable, particularly for smaller LLMs learning complex structures. Overall, the ability of LLMs to "connect the dots" without explicit in-context learning poses a potential obstacle to monitoring and controlling the knowledge acquired by LLMs.

cross GraphReader: Building Graph-based Agent to Enhance Long-Context Abilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Shilong Li, Yancheng He, Hangyu Guo, Xingyuan Bu, Ge Bai, Jie Liu, Jiaheng Liu, Xingwei Qu, Yangguang Li, Wanli Ouyang, Wenbo Su, Bo Zheng

Abstract: Long-context capabilities are essential for large language models (LLMs) to tackle complex and long-input tasks. Despite numerous efforts made to optimize LLMs for long contexts, challenges persist in robustly processing long inputs. In this paper, we introduce GraphReader, a graph-based agent system designed to handle long texts by structuring them into a graph and employing an agent to explore this graph autonomously. Upon receiving a question, the agent first undertakes a step-by-step analysis and devises a rational plan. It then invokes a set of predefined functions to read node content and neighbors, facilitating a coarse-to-fine exploration of the graph. Throughout the exploration, the agent continuously records new insights and reflects on current circumstances to optimize the process until it has gathered sufficient information to generate an answer. Experimental results on the LV-Eval dataset reveal that GraphReader, using a 4k context window, consistently outperforms GPT-4-128k across context lengths from 16k to 256k by a large margin. Additionally, our approach demonstrates superior performance on four challenging single-hop and multi-hop benchmarks.

cross CooHOI: Learning Cooperative Human-Object Interaction with Manipulated Object Dynamics

Authors: Jiawei Gao, Ziqin Wang, Zeqi Xiao, Jingbo Wang, Tai Wang, Jinkun Cao, Xiaolin Hu, Si Liu, Jifeng Dai, Jiangmiao Pang

Abstract: Recent years have seen significant advancements in humanoid control, largely due to the availability of large-scale motion capture data and the application of reinforcement learning methodologies. However, many real-world tasks, such as moving large and heavy furniture, require multi-character collaboration. Given the scarcity of data on multi-character collaboration and the efficiency challenges associated with multi-agent learning, these tasks cannot be straightforwardly addressed using training paradigms designed for single-agent scenarios. In this paper, we introduce Cooperative Human-Object Interaction (CooHOI), a novel framework that addresses multi-character objects transporting through a two-phase learning paradigm: individual skill acquisition and subsequent transfer. Initially, a single agent learns to perform tasks using the Adversarial Motion Priors (AMP) framework. Following this, the agent learns to collaborate with others by considering the shared dynamics of the manipulated object during parallel training using Multi Agent Proximal Policy Optimization (MAPPO). When one agent interacts with the object, resulting in specific object dynamics changes, the other agents learn to respond appropriately, thereby achieving implicit communication and coordination between teammates. Unlike previous approaches that relied on tracking-based methods for multi-character HOI, CooHOI is inherently efficient, does not depend on motion capture data of multi-character interactions, and can be seamlessly extended to include more participants and a wide range of object types

cross Whiteboard-of-Thought: Thinking Step-by-Step Across Modalities

Authors: Sachit Menon, Richard Zemel, Carl Vondrick

Abstract: When presented with questions involving visual thinking, humans naturally switch reasoning modalities, often forming mental images or drawing visual aids. Large language models have shown promising results in arithmetic and symbolic reasoning by expressing intermediate reasoning in text as a chain of thought, yet struggle to extend this capability to answer text queries that are easily solved by visual reasoning, even with extensive multimodal pretraining. We introduce a simple method, whiteboard-of-thought prompting, to unlock the visual reasoning capabilities of multimodal large language models across modalities. Whiteboard-of-thought prompting provides multimodal large language models with a metaphorical `whiteboard' to draw out reasoning steps as images, then returns these images back to the model for further processing. We find this can be accomplished with no demonstrations or specialized modules, instead leveraging models' existing ability to write code with libraries such as Matplotlib and Turtle. This simple approach shows state-of-the-art results on four difficult natural language tasks that involve visual and spatial reasoning. We identify multiple settings where GPT-4o using chain-of-thought fails dramatically, including more than one where it achieves $0\%$ accuracy, while whiteboard-of-thought enables up to $92\%$ accuracy in these same settings. We present a detailed exploration of where the technique succeeds as well as its sources of error.

cross Model Merging and Safety Alignment: One Bad Model Spoils the Bunch

Authors: Hasan Abed Al Kader Hammoud, Umberto Michieli, Fabio Pizzati, Philip Torr, Adel Bibi, Bernard Ghanem, Mete Ozay

Abstract: Merging Large Language Models (LLMs) is a cost-effective technique for combining multiple expert LLMs into a single versatile model, retaining the expertise of the original ones. However, current approaches often overlook the importance of safety alignment during merging, leading to highly misaligned models. This work investigates the effects of model merging on alignment. We evaluate several popular model merging techniques, demonstrating that existing methods do not only transfer domain expertise but also propagate misalignment. We propose a simple two-step approach to address this problem: (i) generating synthetic safety and domain-specific data, and (ii) incorporating these generated data into the optimization process of existing data-aware model merging techniques. This allows us to treat alignment as a skill that can be maximized in the resulting merged LLM. Our experiments illustrate the effectiveness of integrating alignment-related data during merging, resulting in models that excel in both domain expertise and alignment.

replace Understanding User Preferences in Explainable Artificial Intelligence: A Survey and a Mapping Function Proposal

Authors: Maryam Hashemi, Ali Darejeh, Francisco Cruz

Abstract: The increasing complexity of AI systems has led to the growth of the field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), which aims to provide explanations and justifications for the outputs of AI algorithms. While there is considerable demand for XAI, there remains a scarcity of studies aimed at comprehensively understanding the practical distinctions among different methods and effectively aligning each method with users individual needs, and ideally, offer a mapping function which can map each user with its specific needs to a method of explainability. This study endeavors to bridge this gap by conducting a thorough review of extant research in XAI, with a specific focus on Explainable Machine Learning (XML), and a keen eye on user needs. Our main objective is to offer a classification of XAI methods within the realm of XML, categorizing current works into three distinct domains: philosophy, theory, and practice, and providing a critical review for each category. Moreover, our study seeks to facilitate the connection between XAI users and the most suitable methods for them and tailor explanations to meet their specific needs by proposing a mapping function that take to account users and their desired properties and suggest an XAI method to them. This entails an examination of prevalent XAI approaches and an evaluation of their properties. The primary outcome of this study is the formulation of a clear and concise strategy for selecting the optimal XAI method to achieve a given goal, all while delivering personalized explanations tailored to individual users.

replace Why is plausibility surprisingly problematic as an XAI criterion?

Authors: Weina Jin, Xiaoxiao Li, Ghassan Hamarneh

Abstract: Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is motivated by the problem of making AI predictions understandable, transparent, and responsible, as AI becomes increasingly impactful in society and high-stakes domains. XAI algorithms are designed to explain AI decisions in human-understandable ways. The evaluation and optimization criteria of XAI are gatekeepers for XAI algorithms to achieve their expected goals and should withstand rigorous inspection. To improve the scientific rigor of XAI, we conduct the first critical examination of a common XAI criterion: plausibility. It measures how convincing the AI explanation is to humans, and is usually quantified by metrics on feature localization or correlation of feature attribution. Our examination shows, although plausible explanations can improve users' understanding and local trust in an AI decision, doing so is at the cost of abandoning other possible approaches of enhancing understandability, increasing misleading explanations that manipulate users, being unable to achieve complementary human-AI task performance, and deteriorating users' global trust in the overall AI system. Because the flaws outweigh the benefits, we do not recommend using plausibility as a criterion to evaluate or optimize XAI algorithms. We also identify new directions to improve XAI on understandability and utility to users including complementary human-AI task performance.

replace Optimal Control of Logically Constrained Partially Observable and Multi-Agent Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Krishna C. Kalagarla, Dhruva Kartik, Dongming Shen, Rahul Jain, Ashutosh Nayyar, Pierluigi Nuzzo

Abstract: Autonomous systems often have logical constraints arising, for example, from safety, operational, or regulatory requirements. Such constraints can be expressed using temporal logic specifications. The system state is often partially observable. Moreover, it could encompass a team of multiple agents with a common objective but disparate information structures and constraints. In this paper, we first introduce an optimal control theory for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) with finite linear temporal logic constraints. We provide a structured methodology for synthesizing policies that maximize a cumulative reward while ensuring that the probability of satisfying a temporal logic constraint is sufficiently high. Our approach comes with guarantees on approximate reward optimality and constraint satisfaction. We then build on this approach to design an optimal control framework for logically constrained multi-agent settings with information asymmetry. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by implementing it on several case studies.

replace Adaptive Taxonomy Learning and Historical Patterns Modelling for Patent Classification

Authors: Tao Zou, Le Yu, Junchen Ye, Leilei Sun, Bowen Du, Deqing Wang

Abstract: Patent classification aims to assign multiple International Patent Classification (IPC) codes to a given patent. Recent methods for automatically classifying patents mainly focus on analyzing the text descriptions of patents. However, apart from the texts, each patent is also associated with some assignees, and the knowledge of their applied patents is often valuable for classification. Furthermore, the hierarchical taxonomy formulated by the IPC system provides important contextual information and enables models to leverage the correlations between IPC codes for more accurate classification. However, existing methods fail to incorporate the above aspects. In this paper, we propose an integrated framework that comprehensively considers the information on patents for patent classification. To be specific, we first present an IPC codes correlations learning module to derive their semantic representations via adaptively passing and aggregating messages within the same level and across different levels along the hierarchical taxonomy. Moreover, we design a historical application patterns learning component to incorporate the corresponding assignee's previous patents by a dual channel aggregation mechanism. Finally, we combine the contextual information of patent texts that contains the semantics of IPC codes, and assignees' sequential preferences to make predictions. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach over the existing methods. Besides, we present the model's ability to capture the temporal patterns of assignees and the semantic dependencies among IPC codes.

replace RLHFPoison: Reward Poisoning Attack for Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback in Large Language Models

Authors: Jiongxiao Wang, Junlin Wu, Muhao Chen, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Chaowei Xiao

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) is a methodology designed to align Large Language Models (LLMs) with human preferences, playing an important role in LLMs alignment. Despite its advantages, RLHF relies on human annotators to rank the text, which can introduce potential security vulnerabilities if any adversarial annotator (i.e., attackers) manipulates the ranking score by up-ranking any malicious text to steer the LLM adversarially. To assess the red-teaming of RLHF against human preference data poisoning, we propose RankPoison, a poisoning attack method on candidates' selection of preference rank flipping to reach certain malicious behaviors (e.g., generating longer sequences, which can increase the computational cost). With poisoned dataset generated by RankPoison, we can perform poisoning attacks on LLMs to generate longer tokens without hurting the original safety alignment performance. Moreover, applying RankPoison, we also successfully implement a backdoor attack where LLMs can generate longer answers under questions with the trigger word. Our findings highlight critical security challenges in RLHF, underscoring the necessity for more robust alignment methods for LLMs.

replace TaskWeaver: A Code-First Agent Framework

Authors: Bo Qiao, Liqun Li, Xu Zhang, Shilin He, Yu Kang, Chaoyun Zhang, Fangkai Yang, Hang Dong, Jue Zhang, Lu Wang, Minghua Ma, Pu Zhao, Si Qin, Xiaoting Qin, Chao Du, Yong Xu, Qingwei Lin, Saravan Rajmohan, Dongmei Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive abilities in natural language understanding and generation, leading to their widespread use in applications such as chatbots and virtual assistants. However, existing LLM frameworks face limitations in handling domain-specific data analytics tasks with rich data structures. Moreover, they struggle with flexibility to meet diverse user requirements. To address these issues, TaskWeaver is proposed as a code-first framework for building LLM-powered autonomous agents. It converts user requests into executable code and treats user-defined plugins as callable functions. TaskWeaver provides support for rich data structures, flexible plugin usage, and dynamic plugin selection, and leverages LLM coding capabilities for complex logic. It also incorporates domain-specific knowledge through examples and ensures the secure execution of generated code. TaskWeaver offers a powerful and flexible framework for creating intelligent conversational agents that can handle complex tasks and adapt to domain-specific scenarios. The code is open sourced at


replace Remembering to Be Fair: Non-Markovian Fairness in Sequential Decision Making

Authors: Parand A. Alamdari, Toryn Q. Klassen, Elliot Creager, Sheila A. McIlraith

Abstract: Fair decision making has largely been studied with respect to a single decision. Here we investigate the notion of fairness in the context of sequential decision making where multiple stakeholders can be affected by the outcomes of decisions. We observe that fairness often depends on the history of the sequential decision-making process, and in this sense that it is inherently non-Markovian. We further observe that fairness often needs to be assessed at time points within the process, not just at the end of the process. To advance our understanding of this class of fairness problems, we explore the notion of non-Markovian fairness in the context of sequential decision making. We identify properties of non-Markovian fairness, including notions of long-term, anytime, periodic, and bounded fairness. We explore the interplay between non-Markovian fairness and memory and how memory can support construction of fair policies. Finally, we introduce the FairQCM algorithm, which can automatically augment its training data to improve sample efficiency in the synthesis of fair policies via reinforcement learning.

replace Advancing Abductive Reasoning in Knowledge Graphs through Complex Logical Hypothesis Generation

Authors: Jiaxin Bai, Yicheng Wang, Tianshi Zheng, Yue Guo, Xin Liu, Yangqiu Song

Abstract: Abductive reasoning is the process of making educated guesses to provide explanations for observations. Although many applications require the use of knowledge for explanations, the utilization of abductive reasoning in conjunction with structured knowledge, such as a knowledge graph, remains largely unexplored. To fill this gap, this paper introduces the task of complex logical hypothesis generation, as an initial step towards abductive logical reasoning with KG. In this task, we aim to generate a complex logical hypothesis so that it can explain a set of observations. We find that the supervised trained generative model can generate logical hypotheses that are structurally closer to the reference hypothesis. However, when generalized to unseen observations, this training objective does not guarantee better hypothesis generation. To address this, we introduce the Reinforcement Learning from Knowledge Graph (RLF-KG) method, which minimizes differences between observations and conclusions drawn from generated hypotheses according to the KG. Experiments show that, with RLF-KG's assistance, the generated hypotheses provide better explanations, and achieve state-of-the-art results on three widely used KGs.

replace MapGPT: Map-Guided Prompting with Adaptive Path Planning for Vision-and-Language Navigation

Authors: Jiaqi Chen, Bingqian Lin, Ran Xu, Zhenhua Chai, Xiaodan Liang, Kwan-Yee K. Wong

Abstract: Embodied agents equipped with GPT as their brains have exhibited extraordinary decision-making and generalization abilities across various tasks. However, existing zero-shot agents for vision-and-language navigation (VLN) only prompt GPT-4 to select potential locations within localized environments, without constructing an effective "global-view" for the agent to understand the overall environment. In this work, we present a novel map-guided GPT-based agent, dubbed MapGPT, which introduces an online linguistic-formed map to encourage global exploration. Specifically, we build an online map and incorporate it into the prompts that include node information and topological relationships, to help GPT understand the spatial environment. Benefiting from this design, we further propose an adaptive planning mechanism to assist the agent in performing multi-step path planning based on a map, systematically exploring multiple candidate nodes or sub-goals step by step. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our MapGPT is applicable to both GPT-4 and GPT-4V, achieving state-of-the-art zero-shot performance on R2R and REVERIE simultaneously (~10% and ~12% improvements in SR), and showcasing the newly emergent global thinking and path planning abilities of the GPT.

replace Toward Human-AI Alignment in Large-Scale Multi-Player Games

Authors: Sugandha Sharma, Guy Davidson, Khimya Khetarpal, Anssi Kanervisto, Udit Arora, Katja Hofmann, Ida Momennejad

Abstract: Achieving human-AI alignment in complex multi-agent games is crucial for creating trustworthy AI agents that enhance gameplay. We propose a method to evaluate this alignment using an interpretable task-sets framework, focusing on high-level behavioral tasks instead of low-level policies. Our approach has three components. First, we analyze extensive human gameplay data from Xbox's Bleeding Edge (100K+ games), uncovering behavioral patterns in a complex task space. This task space serves as a basis set for a behavior manifold capturing interpretable axes: fight-flight, explore-exploit, and solo-multi-agent. Second, we train an AI agent to play Bleeding Edge using a Generative Pretrained Causal Transformer and measure its behavior. Third, we project human and AI gameplay to the proposed behavior manifold to compare and contrast. This allows us to interpret differences in policy as higher-level behavioral concepts, e.g., we find that while human players exhibit variability in fight-flight and explore-exploit behavior, AI players tend towards uniformity. Furthermore, AI agents predominantly engage in solo play, while humans often engage in cooperative and competitive multi-agent patterns. These stark differences underscore the need for interpretable evaluation, design, and integration of AI in human-aligned applications. Our study advances the alignment discussion in AI and especially generative AI research, offering a measurable framework for interpretable human-agent alignment in multiplayer gaming.

replace Multi-Sender Persuasion: A Computational Perspective

Authors: Safwan Hossain, Tonghan Wang, Tao Lin, Yiling Chen, David C. Parkes, Haifeng Xu

Abstract: We consider the multi-sender persuasion problem: multiple players with informational advantage signal to convince a single self-interested actor to take certain actions. This problem generalizes the seminal Bayesian Persuasion framework and is ubiquitous in computational economics, multi-agent learning, and multi-objective machine learning. The core solution concept here is the Nash equilibrium of senders' signaling policies. Theoretically, we prove that finding an equilibrium in general is PPAD-Hard; in fact, even computing a sender's best response is NP-Hard. Given these intrinsic difficulties, we turn to finding local Nash equilibria. We propose a novel differentiable neural network to approximate this game's non-linear and discontinuous utilities. Complementing this with the extra-gradient algorithm, we discover local equilibria that Pareto dominates full-revelation equilibria and those found by existing neural networks. Broadly, our theoretical and empirical contributions are of interest to a large class of economic problems.

replace VisLingInstruct: Elevating Zero-Shot Learning in Multi-Modal Language Models with Autonomous Instruction Optimization

Authors: Dongsheng Zhu, Xunzhu Tang, Weidong Han, Jinghui Lu, Yukun Zhao, Guoliang Xing, Junfeng Wang, Dawei Yin

Abstract: This paper presents VisLingInstruct, a novel approach to advancing Multi-Modal Language Models (MMLMs) in zero-shot learning. Current MMLMs show impressive zero-shot abilities in multi-modal tasks, but their performance depends heavily on the quality of instructions. VisLingInstruct tackles this by autonomously evaluating and optimizing instructional texts through In-Context Learning, improving the synergy between visual perception and linguistic expression in MMLMs. Alongside this instructional advancement, we have also optimized the visual feature extraction modules in MMLMs, further augmenting their responsiveness to textual content. Our comprehensive experiments on MMLMs, based on FlanT5 and Vicuna, show that VisLingInstruct significantly improves zero-shot performance in visual multi-modal tasks. Notably, it achieves a 13.1% and 9% increase in accuracy over the prior state-of-the-art on the TextVQA and HatefulMemes datasets. Our main code is available at


replace Physics-informed machine learning as a kernel method

Authors: Nathan Doum\`eche (LPSM), Francis Bach (DI-ENS, SIERRA), G\'erard Biau (LPSM), Claire Boyer (IUF, LPSM)

Abstract: Physics-informed machine learning combines the expressiveness of data-based approaches with the interpretability of physical models. In this context, we consider a general regression problem where the empirical risk is regularized by a partial differential equation that quantifies the physical inconsistency. We prove that for linear differential priors, the problem can be formulated as a kernel regression task. Taking advantage of kernel theory, we derive convergence rates for the minimizer of the regularized risk and show that it converges at least at the Sobolev minimax rate. However, faster rates can be achieved, depending on the physical error. This principle is illustrated with a one-dimensional example, supporting the claim that regularizing the empirical risk with physical information can be beneficial to the statistical performance of estimators.

replace LLM as Prompter: Low-resource Inductive Reasoning on Arbitrary Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Kai Wang, Yuwei Xu, Zhiyong Wu, Siqiang Luo

Abstract: Knowledge Graph (KG) inductive reasoning, which aims to infer missing facts from new KGs that are not seen during training, has been widely adopted in various applications. One critical challenge of KG inductive reasoning is handling low-resource scenarios with scarcity in both textual and structural aspects. In this paper, we attempt to address this challenge with Large Language Models (LLMs). Particularly, we utilize the state-of-the-art LLMs to generate a graph-structural prompt to enhance the pre-trained Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which brings us new methodological insights into the KG inductive reasoning methods, as well as high generalizability in practice. On the methodological side, we introduce a novel pretraining and prompting framework ProLINK, designed for low-resource inductive reasoning across arbitrary KGs without requiring additional training. On the practical side, we experimentally evaluate our approach on 36 low-resource KG datasets and find that ProLINK outperforms previous methods in three-shot, one-shot, and zero-shot reasoning tasks, exhibiting average performance improvements by 20%, 45%, and 147%, respectively. Furthermore, ProLINK demonstrates strong robustness for various LLM promptings as well as full-shot scenarios.

replace Discerning and Resolving Knowledge Conflicts through Adaptive Decoding with Contextual Information-Entropy Constraint

Authors: Xiaowei Yuan, Zhao Yang, Yequan Wang, Shengping Liu, Jun Zhao, Kang Liu

Abstract: Large language models internalize enormous parametric knowledge during pre-training. Concurrently, realistic applications necessitate external contextual knowledge to aid models on the underlying tasks. This raises a crucial dilemma known as knowledge conflicts, where the contextual knowledge clashes with the However, existing decoding works are specialized in resolving knowledge conflicts and could inadvertently deteriorate performance in absence of conflicts. In this paper, we propose an adaptive decoding method, termed as contextual information-entropy constraint decoding (COIECD), to discern whether the knowledge conflicts occur and resolve them. It can improve the model's faithfulness to conflicting context, and simultaneously maintain high performance among non- Our experiments show that COIECD exhibits strong performance and robustness over knowledge conflicts in realistic datasets. Code is available.

replace Can LLM-Augmented autonomous agents cooperate?, An evaluation of their cooperative capabilities through Melting Pot

Authors: Manuel Mosquera, Juan Sebastian Pinzon, Manuel Rios, Yesid Fonseca, Luis Felipe Giraldo, Nicanor Quijano, Ruben Manrique

Abstract: As the field of AI continues to evolve, a significant dimension of this progression is the development of Large Language Models and their potential to enhance multi-agent artificial intelligence systems. This paper explores the cooperative capabilities of Large Language Model-augmented Autonomous Agents (LAAs) using the well-known Meltin Pot environments along with reference models such as GPT4 and GPT3.5. Preliminary results suggest that while these agents demonstrate a propensity for cooperation, they still struggle with effective collaboration in given environments, emphasizing the need for more robust architectures. The study's contributions include an abstraction layer to adapt Melting Pot game scenarios for LLMs, the implementation of a reusable architecture for LLM-mediated agent development - which includes short and long-term memories and different cognitive modules, and the evaluation of cooperation capabilities using a set of metrics tied to the Melting Pot's "Commons Harvest" game. The paper closes, by discussing the limitations of the current architectural framework and the potential of a new set of modules that fosters better cooperation among LAAs.

replace TrustSQL: Benchmarking Text-to-SQL Reliability with Penalty-Based Scoring

Authors: Gyubok Lee, Woosog Chay, Seonhee Cho, Edward Choi

Abstract: Text-to-SQL enables users to interact with databases using natural language, simplifying the retrieval and synthesis of information. Despite the remarkable success of large language models (LLMs) in translating natural language questions into SQL queries, widespread deployment remains limited due to two primary challenges. First, the effective use of text-to-SQL models depends on users' understanding of the model's capabilities-the scope of questions the model can correctly answer. Second, the absence of abstention mechanisms can lead to incorrect SQL generation going unnoticed, thereby undermining trust in the model's output. To enable wider deployment, it is crucial to address these challenges in model design and enhance model evaluation to build trust in the model's output. To this end, we introduce TrustSQL, a novel comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate text-to-SQL reliability-defined as a model's ability to correctly handle any type of input question by generating correct SQL queries for feasible questions and abstaining from generating infeasible ones (e.g., due to schema incompatibility or functionalities beyond SQL). We evaluate existing methods using a novel penalty-based scoring metric with two modeling approaches: (1) pipeline-based methods combining SQL generators with infeasible question detectors and SQL error detectors for abstention; and (2) unified methods using a single model for the entire task. Our experimental results reveal that achieving high scores under severe penalties requires significant effort and provide a new perspective on developing text-to-SQL models for safer deployment. TrustSQL is available at


replace MatchSeg: Towards Better Segmentation via Reference Image Matching

Authors: Ruiqiang Xiao, Jiayu Huo, Haotian Zheng, Yang Liu, Sebastien Ourselin, Rachel Sparks

Abstract: Recently, automated medical image segmentation methods based on deep learning have achieved great success. However, they heavily rely on large annotated datasets, which are costly and time-consuming to acquire. Few-shot learning aims to overcome the need for annotated data by using a small labeled dataset, known as a support set, to guide predicting labels for new, unlabeled images, known as the query set. Inspired by this paradigm, we introduce MatchSeg, a novel framework that enhances medical image segmentation through strategic reference image matching. We leverage contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) to select highly relevant samples when defining the support set. Additionally, we design a joint attention module to strengthen the interaction between support and query features, facilitating a more effective knowledge transfer between support and query sets. We validated our method across four public datasets. Experimental results demonstrate superior segmentation performance and powerful domain generalization ability of MatchSeg against existing methods for domain-specific and cross-domain segmentation tasks. Our code is made available at


replace Generation of Asset Administration Shell with Large Language Model Agents: Towards Semantic Interoperability in Digital Twins in the Context of Industry 4.0

Authors: Yuchen Xia, Zhewen Xiao, Nasser Jazdi, Michael Weyrich

Abstract: This research introduces a novel approach for achieving semantic interoperability in digital twins and assisting the creation of Asset Administration Shell (AAS) as digital twin model within the context of Industry 4.0. The foundational idea of our research is that the communication based on semantics and the generation of meaningful textual data are directly linked, and we posit that these processes are equivalent if the exchanged information can be serialized in text form. Based on this, we construct a "semantic node" data structure in our research to capture the semantic essence of textual data. Then, a system powered by large language models is designed and implemented to process the "semantic node" and generate standardized digital twin models from raw textual data collected from datasheets describing technical assets. Our evaluation demonstrates an effective generation rate of 62-79%, indicating a substantial proportion of the information from the source text can be translated error-free to the target digital twin instance model with the generative capability of large language models. This result has a direct application in the context of Industry 4.0, and the designed system is implemented as a data model generation tool for reducing the manual effort in creating AAS model. In our evaluation, a comparative analysis of different LLMs and an in-depth ablation study of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) mechanisms provide insights into the effectiveness of LLM systems for interpreting technical concepts and translating data. Our findings emphasize LLMs' capability to automate AAS instance creation and contribute to the broader field of semantic interoperability for digital twins in industrial applications. The prototype implementation and evaluation results are presented on our GitHub Repository:


replace The Importance of Directional Feedback for LLM-based Optimizers

Authors: Allen Nie, Ching-An Cheng, Andrey Kolobov, Adith Swaminathan

Abstract: We study the potential of using large language models (LLMs) as an interactive optimizer for solving maximization problems in a text space using natural language and numerical feedback. Inspired by the classical optimization literature, we classify the natural language feedback into directional and non-directional, where the former is a generalization of the first-order feedback to the natural language space. We find that LLMs are especially capable of optimization when they are provided with {directional feedback}. Based on this insight, we design a new LLM-based optimizer that synthesizes directional feedback from the historical optimization trace to achieve reliable improvement over iterations. Empirically, we show our LLM-based optimizer is more stable and efficient in solving optimization problems, from maximizing mathematical functions to optimizing prompts for writing poems, compared with existing techniques.

replace On Creativity and Open-Endedness

Authors: L. B. Soros, Alyssa Adams, Stefano Kalonaris, Olaf Witkowski, Christian Guckelsberger

Abstract: Artificial Life (ALife) as an interdisciplinary field draws inspiration and influence from a variety of perspectives. Scientific progress crucially depends, then, on concerted efforts to invite cross-disciplinary dialogue. The goal of this paper is to revitalize discussions of potential connections between the fields of Computational Creativity (CC) and ALife, focusing specifically on the concept of Open-Endedness (OE); the primary goal of CC is to endow artificial systems with creativity, and ALife has dedicated much research effort into studying and synthesizing OE and artificial innovation. However, despite the close proximity of these concepts, their use so far remains confined to their respective communities, and their relationship is largely unclear. We provide historical context for research in both domains, and review the limited work connecting research on creativity and OE explicitly. We then highlight specific questions to be considered, with the eventual goals of (i) decreasing conceptual ambiguity by highlighting similarities and differences between the concepts of OE and creativity, (ii) identifying synergy effects of a research agenda that encompasses both concepts, and (iii) establishing a dialogue between ALife and CC research.

replace LLM-Enhanced Bayesian Optimization for Efficient Analog Layout Constraint Generation

Authors: Guojin Chen, Keren Zhu, Seunggeun Kim, Hanqing Zhu, Yao Lai, Bei Yu, David Z. Pan

Abstract: Analog layout synthesis faces significant challenges due to its dependence on manual processes, considerable time requirements, and performance instability. Current Bayesian Optimization (BO)-based techniques for analog layout synthesis, despite their potential for automation, suffer from slow convergence and extensive data needs, limiting their practical application. This paper presents the \texttt{LLANA} framework, a novel approach that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance BO by exploiting the few-shot learning abilities of LLMs for more efficient generation of analog design-dependent parameter constraints. Experimental results demonstrate that \texttt{LLANA} not only achieves performance comparable to state-of-the-art (SOTA) BO methods but also enables a more effective exploration of the analog circuit design space, thanks to LLM's superior contextual understanding and learning efficiency. The code is available at


replace Joint Demonstration and Preference Learning Improves Policy Alignment with Human Feedback

Authors: Chenliang Li, Siliang Zeng, Zeyi Liao, Jiaxiang Li, Dongyeop Kang, Alfredo Garcia, Mingyi Hong

Abstract: Aligning human preference and value is an important requirement for building contemporary foundation models and embodied AI. However, popular approaches such as reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) break down the task into successive stages, such as supervised fine-tuning (SFT), reward modeling (RM), and reinforcement learning (RL), each performing one specific learning task. Such a sequential approach results in serious issues such as significant under-utilization of data and distribution mismatch between the learned reward model and generated policy, which eventually lead to poor alignment performance. We develop a single stage approach named Alignment with Integrated Human Feedback (AIHF), capable of integrating both human preference and demonstration to train reward models and the policy. The proposed approach admits a suite of efficient algorithms, which can easily reduce to, and leverage, popular alignment algorithms such as RLHF and Directly Policy Optimization (DPO), and only requires minor changes to the existing alignment pipelines. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed solutions with extensive experiments involving alignment problems in LLMs and robotic control problems in MuJoCo. We observe that the proposed solutions outperform the existing alignment algorithms such as RLHF and DPO by large margins, especially when the amount of high-quality preference data is relatively limited.

replace ElicitationGPT: Text Elicitation Mechanisms via Language Models

Authors: Yifan Wu, Jason Hartline

Abstract: Scoring rules evaluate probabilistic forecasts of an unknown state against the realized state and are a fundamental building block in the incentivized elicitation of information and the training of machine learning models. This paper develops mechanisms for scoring elicited text against ground truth text using domain-knowledge-free queries to a large language model (specifically ChatGPT) and empirically evaluates their alignment with human preferences. The empirical evaluation is conducted on peer reviews from a peer-grading dataset and in comparison to manual instructor scores for the peer reviews.

replace Bridging the Gap in Drug Safety Data Analysis: Large Language Models for SQL Query Generation

Authors: Jeffery L. Painter, Venkateswara Rao Chalamalasetti, Raymond Kassekert, Andrew Bate

Abstract: Pharmacovigilance (PV) is essential for drug safety, primarily focusing on adverse event monitoring. Traditionally, accessing safety data required database expertise, limiting broader use. This paper introduces a novel application of Large Language Models (LLMs) to democratize database access for non-technical users. Utilizing OpenAI's GPT-4, we developed a chatbot that generates structured query language (SQL) queries from natural language, bridging the gap between domain knowledge and technical requirements. The proposed application aims for more inclusive and efficient data access, enhancing decision making in drug safety. By providing LLMs with plain language summaries of expert knowledge, our approach significantly improves query accuracy over methods relying solely on database schemas. The application of LLMs in this context not only optimizes PV data analysis, ensuring timely and precise drug safety reporting -- a crucial component in adverse drug reaction monitoring -- but also promotes safer pharmacological practices and informed decision making across various data intensive fields.

replace Understanding Understanding: A Pragmatic Framework Motivated by Large Language Models

Authors: Kevin Leyton-Brown, Yoav Shoham

Abstract: Motivated by the rapid ascent of Large Language Models (LLMs) and debates about the extent to which they possess human-level qualities, we propose a framework for testing whether any agent (be it a machine or a human) understands a subject matter. In Turing-test fashion, the framework is based solely on the agent's performance, and specifically on how well it answers questions. Elements of the framework include circumscribing the set of questions (the "scope of understanding"), requiring general competence ("passing grade"), avoiding "ridiculous answers", but still allowing wrong and "I don't know" answers to some questions. Reaching certainty about these conditions requires exhaustive testing of the questions which is impossible for nontrivial scopes, but we show how high confidence can be achieved via random sampling and the application of probabilistic confidence bounds. We also show that accompanying answers with explanations can improve the sample complexity required to achieve acceptable bounds, because an explanation of an answer implies the ability to answer many similar questions. According to our framework, current LLMs cannot be said to understand nontrivial domains, but as the framework provides a practical recipe for testing understanding, it thus also constitutes a tool for building AI agents that do understand.

replace WellDunn: On the Robustness and Explainability of Language Models and Large Language Models in Identifying Wellness Dimensions

Authors: Seyedali Mohammadi, Edward Raff, Jinendra Malekar, Vedant Palit, Francis Ferraro, Manas Gaur

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) are being proposed for mental health applications where the heightened risk of adverse outcomes means predictive performance may not be a sufficient litmus test of a model's utility in clinical practice. A model that can be trusted for practice should have a correspondence between explanation and clinical determination, yet no prior research has examined the attention fidelity of these models and their effect on ground truth explanations. We introduce an evaluation design that focuses on the robustness and explainability of LMs in identifying Wellness Dimensions (WD). We focus on two mental health and well-being datasets: (a) Multi-label Classification-based MultiWD, and (b) WellXplain for evaluating attention mechanism veracity against expert-labeled explanations. The labels are based on Halbert Dunn's theory of wellness, which gives grounding to our evaluation. We reveal four surprising results about LMs/LLMs: (1) Despite their human-like capabilities, GPT-3.5/4 lag behind RoBERTa, and MedAlpaca, a fine-tuned LLM fails to deliver any remarkable improvements in performance or explanations. (2) Re-examining LMs' predictions based on a confidence-oriented loss function reveals a significant performance drop. (3) Across all LMs/LLMs, the alignment between attention and explanations remains low, with LLMs scoring a dismal 0.0. (4) Most mental health-specific LMs/LLMs overlook domain-specific knowledge and undervalue explanations, causing these discrepancies. This study highlights the need for further research into their consistency and explanations in mental health and well-being.

replace DTGB: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Dynamic Text-Attributed Graphs

Authors: Jiasheng Zhang, Jialin Chen, Menglin Yang, Aosong Feng, Shuang Liang, Jie Shao, Rex Ying

Abstract: Dynamic text-attributed graphs (DyTAGs) are prevalent in various real-world scenarios, where each node and edge are associated with text descriptions, and both the graph structure and text descriptions evolve over time. Despite their broad applicability, there is a notable scarcity of benchmark datasets tailored to DyTAGs, which hinders the potential advancement in many research fields. To address this gap, we introduce Dynamic Text-attributed Graph Benchmark (DTGB), a collection of large-scale, time-evolving graphs from diverse domains, with nodes and edges enriched by dynamically changing text attributes and categories. To facilitate the use of DTGB, we design standardized evaluation procedures based on four real-world use cases: future link prediction, destination node retrieval, edge classification, and textual relation generation. These tasks require models to understand both dynamic graph structures and natural language, highlighting the unique challenges posed by DyTAGs. Moreover, we conduct extensive benchmark experiments on DTGB, evaluating 7 popular dynamic graph learning algorithms and their variants of adapting to text attributes with LLM embeddings, along with 6 powerful large language models (LLMs). Our results show the limitations of existing models in handling DyTAGs. Our analysis also demonstrates the utility of DTGB in investigating the incorporation of structural and textual dynamics. The proposed DTGB fosters research on DyTAGs and their broad applications. It offers a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating and advancing models to handle the interplay between dynamic graph structures and natural language. The dataset and source code are available at


replace Slot State Space Models

Authors: Jindong Jiang, Fei Deng, Gautam Singh, Minseung Lee, Sungjin Ahn

Abstract: Recent State Space Models (SSMs) such as S4, S5, and Mamba have shown remarkable computational benefits in long-range temporal dependency modeling. However, in many sequence modeling problems, the underlying process is inherently modular and it is of interest to have inductive biases that mimic this modular structure. In this paper, we introduce SlotSSMs, a novel framework for incorporating independent mechanisms into SSMs to preserve or encourage separation of information. Unlike conventional SSMs that maintain a monolithic state vector, SlotSSMs maintains the state as a collection of multiple vectors called slots. Crucially, the state transitions are performed independently per slot with sparse interactions across slots implemented via the bottleneck of self-attention. In experiments, we evaluate our model in object-centric video understanding, 3D visual reasoning, and video prediction tasks, which involve modeling multiple objects and their long-range temporal dependencies. We find that our proposed design offers substantial performance gains over existing sequence modeling methods.

replace Informatics & dairy industry coalition: AI trends and present challenges

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Mar\'ia del Carmen Somoza-L\'opez

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can potentially transform the industry, enhancing the production process and minimizing manual, repetitive tasks. Accordingly, the synergy between high-performance computing and powerful mathematical models enables the application of sophisticated data analysis procedures like Machine Learning. However, challenges exist regarding effective, efficient, and flexible processing to generate valuable knowledge. Consequently, this work comprehensively describes industrial challenges where AI can be exploited, focusing on the dairy industry. The conclusions presented can help researchers apply novel approaches for cattle monitoring and farmers by proposing advanced technological solutions to their needs.

replace-cross SecureBoost+: Large Scale and High-Performance Vertical Federated Gradient Boosting Decision Tree

Authors: Tao Fan, Weijing Chen, Guoqiang Ma, Yan Kang, Lixin Fan, Qiang Yang

Abstract: Gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT) is an ensemble machine learning algorithm, which is widely used in industry, due to its good performance and easy interpretation. Due to the problem of data isolation and the requirement of privacy, many works try to use vertical federated learning to train machine learning models collaboratively with privacy guarantees between different data owners. SecureBoost is one of the most popular vertical federated learning algorithms for GBDT. However, in order to achieve privacy preservation, SecureBoost involves complex training procedures and time-consuming cryptography operations. This causes SecureBoost to be slow to train and does not scale to large scale data. In this work, we propose SecureBoost+, a large-scale and high-performance vertical federated gradient boosting decision tree framework. SecureBoost+ is secure in the semi-honest model, which is the same as SecureBoost. SecureBoost+ can be scaled up to tens of millions of data samples easily. SecureBoost+ achieves high performance through several novel optimizations for SecureBoost, including ciphertext operation optimization, the introduction of new training mechanisms, and multi-classification training optimization. The experimental results show that SecureBoost+ is 6-35x faster than SecureBoost, but with the same accuracy and can be scaled up to tens of millions of data samples and thousands of feature dimensions.

replace-cross Self-supervised Learning for Human Activity Recognition Using 700,000 Person-days of Wearable Data

Authors: Hang Yuan, Shing Chan, Andrew P. Creagh, Catherine Tong, Aidan Acquah, David A. Clifton, Aiden Doherty

Abstract: Advances in deep learning for human activity recognition have been relatively limited due to the lack of large labelled datasets. In this study, we leverage self-supervised learning techniques on the UK-Biobank activity tracker dataset--the largest of its kind to date--containing more than 700,000 person-days of unlabelled wearable sensor data. Our resulting activity recognition model consistently outperformed strong baselines across seven benchmark datasets, with an F1 relative improvement of 2.5%-100% (median 18.4%), the largest improvements occurring in the smaller datasets. In contrast to previous studies, our results generalise across external datasets, devices, and environments. Our open-source model will help researchers and developers to build customisable and generalisable activity classifiers with high performance.

replace-cross Robust $Q$-learning Algorithm for Markov Decision Processes under Wasserstein Uncertainty

Authors: Ariel Neufeld, Julian Sester

Abstract: We present a novel $Q$-learning algorithm tailored to solve distributionally robust Markov decision problems where the corresponding ambiguity set of transition probabilities for the underlying Markov decision process is a Wasserstein ball around a (possibly estimated) reference measure. We prove convergence of the presented algorithm and provide several examples also using real data to illustrate both the tractability of our algorithm as well as the benefits of considering distributional robustness when solving stochastic optimal control problems, in particular when the estimated distributions turn out to be misspecified in practice.

replace-cross Deciphering RNA Secondary Structure Prediction: A Probabilistic K-Rook Matching Perspective

Authors: Cheng Tan, Zhangyang Gao, Hanqun Cao, Xingran Chen, Ge Wang, Lirong Wu, Jun Xia, Jiangbin Zheng, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: The secondary structure of ribonucleic acid (RNA) is more stable and accessible in the cell than its tertiary structure, making it essential for functional prediction. Although deep learning has shown promising results in this field, current methods suffer from poor generalization and high complexity. In this work, we reformulate the RNA secondary structure prediction as a K-Rook problem, thereby simplifying the prediction process into probabilistic matching within a finite solution space. Building on this innovative perspective, we introduce RFold, a simple yet effective method that learns to predict the most matching K-Rook solution from the given sequence. RFold employs a bi-dimensional optimization strategy that decomposes the probabilistic matching problem into row-wise and column-wise components to reduce the matching complexity, simplifying the solving process while guaranteeing the validity of the output. Extensive experiments demonstrate that RFold achieves competitive performance and about eight times faster inference efficiency than the state-of-the-art approaches. The code and Colab demo are available in (


replace-cross Simulating the Integration of Urban Air Mobility into Existing Transportation Systems: A Survey

Authors: Xuan Jiang (Frank), Yuhan Tang (Frank), Junzhe Cao (Frank), Vishwanath Bulusu (Frank), Hao (Frank), Yang, Xin Peng, Yunhan Zheng, Jinhua Zhao, Raja Sengupta

Abstract: Urban air mobility (UAM) has the potential to revolutionize transportation in metropolitan areas, providing a new mode of transportation that could alleviate congestion and improve accessibility. However, the integration of UAM into existing transportation systems is a complex task that requires a thorough understanding of its impact on traffic flow and capacity. In this paper, we conduct a survey to investigate the current state of research on UAM in metropolitan-scale traffic using simulation techniques. We identify key challenges and opportunities for the integration of UAM into urban transportation systems, including impacts on existing traffic patterns and congestion; safety analysis and risk assessment; potential economic and environmental benefits; and the development of shared infrastructure and routes for UAM and ground-based transportation. We also discuss the potential benefits of UAM, such as reduced travel times and improved accessibility for underserved areas. Our survey provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on UAM in metropolitan-scale traffic using simulation and highlights key areas for future research and development.

replace-cross The logic behind desirable sets of things, and its filter representation

Authors: Gert de Cooman, Arthur Van Camp, Jasper De Bock

Abstract: We identify the (filter representation of the) logic behind the recent theory of coherent sets of desirable (sets of) things, which generalise coherent sets of desirable (sets of) gambles as well as coherent choice functions, and show that this identification allows us to establish various representation results for such coherent models in terms of simpler ones.

replace-cross Construction numbers: How to build a graph?

Authors: Paul C. Kainen

Abstract: Counting the number of linear extensions of a partial order was considered by Stanley about 50 years ago. For the partial order on the vertices and edges of a graph given by inclusion, we call a linear extension a {\it construction sequence} for the graph as each edge follows the vertices where it is attached. The number of these c-sequences is counted for various graph families. We also consider the set of all length-$n$ c-sequences produced by the graphs with $n$ elements, simplified to their structural skeleton: vertex or edge, and further allow the generating graph to be structurally constrained. Efficiency is analyzed.

replace-cross CONTAIN: A Community-based Algorithm for Network Immunization

Authors: Elena-Simona Apostol, \"Ozgur Coban, Ciprian-Octavian Truic\u{a}

Abstract: Network immunization is an automated task in the field of network analysis that involves protecting a network (modeled as a graph) from being infected by an undesired arbitrary diffusion. In this article, we consider the spread of harmful content in social networks, and we propose CONTAIN, a novel COmmuNiTy-based Algorithm for network ImmuNization. Our solution uses the network information to (1) detect harmful content spreaders, and (2) generate partitions and rank them for immunization using the subgraphs induced by each spreader, i.e., employing CONTAIN. The experimental results obtained on real-world datasets show that CONTAIN outperforms state-of-the-art solutions, i.e., NetShield and SparseShield, by immunizing the network in fewer iterations, thus, converging significantly faster than the state-of-the-art algorithms. We also compared our solution in terms of scalability with the state-of-the-art tree-based mitigation algorithm MCWDST, as well as with NetShield and SparseShield. We can conclude that our solution outperforms MCWDST and NetShield.

replace-cross [Experiments & Analysis] Evaluating the Feasibility of Sampling-Based Techniques for Training Multilayer Perceptrons

Authors: Sana Ebrahimi, Rishi Advani, Abolfazl Asudeh

Abstract: The training process of neural networks is known to be time-consuming, and having a deep architecture only aggravates the issue. This process consists mostly of matrix operations, among which matrix multiplication is the bottleneck. Several sampling-based techniques have been proposed for speeding up the training time of deep neural networks by approximating the matrix products. These techniques fall under two categories: (i) sampling a subset of nodes in every hidden layer as active at every iteration and (ii) sampling a subset of nodes from the previous layer to approximate the current layer's activations using the edges from the sampled nodes. In both cases, the matrix products are computed using only the selected samples. In this paper, we evaluate the feasibility of these approaches on CPU machines with limited computational resources. Making a connection between the two research directions as special cases of approximating matrix multiplications in the context of neural networks, we provide a negative theoretical analysis that shows feedforward approximation is an obstacle against scalability. We conduct comprehensive experimental evaluations that demonstrate the most pressing challenges and limitations associated with the studied approaches. We observe that the hashing-based node selection method is not scalable to a large number of layers, confirming our theoretical analysis. Finally, we identify directions for future research.

replace-cross Physics-inspired spatiotemporal-graph AI ensemble for the detection of higher order wave mode signals of spinning binary black hole mergers

Authors: Minyang Tian, E. A. Huerta, Huihuo Zheng, Prayush Kumar

Abstract: We present a new class of AI models for the detection of quasi-circular, spinning, non-precessing binary black hole mergers whose waveforms include the higher order gravitational wave modes $(l, |m|)=\{(2, 2), (2, 1), (3, 3), (3, 2), (4, 4)\}$, and mode mixing effects in the $l = 3, |m| = 2$ harmonics. These AI models combine hybrid dilated convolution neural networks to accurately model both short- and long-range temporal sequential information of gravitational waves; and graph neural networks to capture spatial correlations among gravitational wave observatories to consistently describe and identify the presence of a signal in a three detector network encompassing the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors. We first trained these spatiotemporal-graph AI models using synthetic noise, using 1.2 million modeled waveforms to densely sample this signal manifold, within 1.7 hours using 256 A100 GPUs in the Polaris supercomputer at the ALCF. Our distributed training approach had optimal performance, and strong scaling up to 512 A100 GPUs. With these AI ensembles we processed data from a three detector network, and found that an ensemble of 4 AI models achieves state-of-the-art performance for signal detection, and reports two misclassifications for every decade of searched data. We distributed AI inference over 128 GPUs in the Polaris supercomputer and 128 nodes in the Theta supercomputer, and completed the processing of a decade of gravitational wave data from a three detector network within 3.5 hours. Finally, we fine-tuned these AI ensembles to process the entire month of February 2020, which is part of the O3b LIGO/Virgo observation run, and found 6 gravitational waves, concurrently identified in Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo data, and zero false positives. This analysis was completed in one hour using one A100 GPU.

replace-cross SwinGNN: Rethinking Permutation Invariance in Diffusion Models for Graph Generation

Authors: Qi Yan, Zhengyang Liang, Yang Song, Renjie Liao, Lele Wang

Abstract: Diffusion models based on permutation-equivariant networks can learn permutation-invariant distributions for graph data. However, in comparison to their non-invariant counterparts, we have found that these invariant models encounter greater learning challenges since 1) their effective target distributions exhibit more modes; 2) their optimal one-step denoising scores are the score functions of Gaussian mixtures with more components. Motivated by this analysis, we propose a non-invariant diffusion model, called $\textit{SwinGNN}$, which employs an efficient edge-to-edge 2-WL message passing network and utilizes shifted window based self-attention inspired by SwinTransformers. Further, through systematic ablations, we identify several critical training and sampling techniques that significantly improve the sample quality of graph generation. At last, we introduce a simple post-processing trick, $\textit{i.e.}$, randomly permuting the generated graphs, which provably converts any graph generative model to a permutation-invariant one. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world protein and molecule datasets show that our SwinGNN achieves state-of-the-art performances. Our code is released at


replace-cross NNPP: A Learning-Based Heuristic Model for Accelerating Optimal Path Planning on Uneven Terrain

Authors: Yiming Ji, Yang Liu, Guanghu Xie, Boyu Ma, Zongwu Xie, Baoshi Cao

Abstract: Intelligent autonomous path planning is essential for enhancing the exploration efficiency of mobile robots operating in uneven terrains like planetary surfaces and off-road environments.In this paper, we propose the NNPP model for computing the heuristic region, enabling foundation algorithms like Astar to find the optimal path solely within this reduced search space, effectively decreasing the search time. The NNPP model learns semantic information about start and goal locations, as well as map representations, from numerous pre-annotated optimal path demonstrations, and produces a probabilistic distribution over each pixel representing the likelihood of it belonging to an optimal path on the map. More specifically, the paper computes the traversal cost for each grid cell from the slope, roughness and elevation difference obtained from the digital elevation model. Subsequently, the start and goal locations are encoded using a Gaussian distribution and different location encoding parameters are analyzed for their effect on model performance. After training, the NNPP model is able to \textcolor{revision}{accelerate} path planning on novel maps.

replace-cross Exploring Transfer Learning in Medical Image Segmentation using Vision-Language Models

Authors: Kanchan Poudel, Manish Dhakal, Prasiddha Bhandari, Rabin Adhikari, Safal Thapaliya, Bishesh Khanal

Abstract: Medical image segmentation allows quantifying target structure size and shape, aiding in disease diagnosis, prognosis, surgery planning, and comprehension.Building upon recent advancements in foundation Vision-Language Models (VLMs) from natural image-text pairs, several studies have proposed adapting them to Vision-Language Segmentation Models (VLSMs) that allow using language text as an additional input to segmentation models. Introducing auxiliary information via text with human-in-the-loop prompting during inference opens up unique opportunities, such as open vocabulary segmentation and potentially more robust segmentation models against out-of-distribution data. Although transfer learning from natural to medical images has been explored for image-only segmentation models, the joint representation of vision-language in segmentation problems remains underexplored. This study introduces the first systematic study on transferring VLSMs to 2D medical images, using carefully curated $11$ datasets encompassing diverse modalities and insightful language prompts and experiments. Our findings demonstrate that although VLSMs show competitive performance compared to image-only models for segmentation after finetuning in limited medical image datasets, not all VLSMs utilize the additional information from language prompts, with image features playing a dominant role. While VLSMs exhibit enhanced performance in handling pooled datasets with diverse modalities and show potential robustness to domain shifts compared to conventional segmentation models, our results suggest that novel approaches are required to enable VLSMs to leverage the various auxiliary information available through language prompts. The code and datasets are available at


replace-cross CoT-BERT: Enhancing Unsupervised Sentence Representation through Chain-of-Thought

Authors: Bowen Zhang, Kehua Chang, Chunping Li

Abstract: Unsupervised sentence representation learning aims to transform input sentences into fixed-length vectors enriched with intricate semantic information while obviating the reliance on labeled data. Recent strides within this domain have been significantly propelled by breakthroughs in contrastive learning and prompt engineering. Despite these advancements, the field has reached a plateau, leading some researchers to incorporate external components to enhance the quality of sentence embeddings. Such integration, though beneficial, complicates solutions and inflates demands for computational resources. In response to these challenges, this paper presents CoT-BERT, an innovative method that harnesses the progressive thinking of Chain-of-Thought reasoning to tap into the latent potential of pre-trained models like BERT. Additionally, we develop an advanced contrastive learning loss function and propose a novel template denoising strategy. Rigorous experimentation demonstrates that CoT-BERT surpasses a range of well-established baselines by relying exclusively on the intrinsic strengths of pre-trained models.

replace-cross Transferring climate change knowledge

Authors: Francesco Immorlano, Veronika Eyring, Thomas le Monnier de Gouville, Gabriele Accarino, Donatello Elia, Giovanni Aloisio, Pierre Gentine

Abstract: Accurate and precise climate projections are required for climate adaptation and mitigation, but Earth system models still exhibit great uncertainties. Several approaches have been developed to reduce the spread of climate projections and feedbacks, yet those methods cannot capture the non-linear complexity inherent in the climate system. Using a Transfer Learning approach, we show that Machine Learning can be used to optimally leverage and merge the knowledge gained from Earth system models simulations and historical observations to more accurately project global surface air temperature fields in the 21st century. We reach an uncertainty reduction of more than 50% with respect to state-of-the-art approaches. We give evidence that our novel method provides narrower projection uncertainty together with more accurate mean climate projections, urgently required for climate adaptation.

replace-cross A Survey on Image-text Multimodal Models

Authors: Ruifeng Guo, Jingxuan Wei, Linzhuang Sun, Bihui Yu, Guiyong Chang, Dawei Liu, Sibo Zhang, Zhengbing Yao, Mingjun Xu, Liping Bu

Abstract: With the significant advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), the development of image-text multimodal models has garnered widespread attention. Current surveys on image-text multimodal models mainly focus on representative models or application domains, but lack a review on how general technical models influence the development of domain-specific models, which is crucial for domain researchers. Based on this, this paper first reviews the technological evolution of image-text multimodal models, from early explorations of feature space to visual language encoding structures, and then to the latest large model architectures. Next, from the perspective of technological evolution, we explain how the development of general image-text multimodal technologies promotes the progress of multimodal technologies in the biomedical field, as well as the importance and complexity of specific datasets in the biomedical domain. Then, centered on the tasks of image-text multimodal models, we analyze their common components and challenges. After that, we summarize the architecture, components, and data of general image-text multimodal models, and introduce the applications and improvements of image-text multimodal models in the biomedical field. Finally, we categorize the challenges faced in the development and application of general models into external factors and intrinsic factors, further refining them into 2 external factors and 5 intrinsic factors, and propose targeted solutions, providing guidance for future research directions. For more details and data, please visit our GitHub page: \url{}.


replace-cross All Languages Matter: On the Multilingual Safety of Large Language Models

Authors: Wenxuan Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Chang Chen, Youliang Yuan, Jen-tse Huang, Wenxiang Jiao, Michael R. Lyu

Abstract: Safety lies at the core of developing and deploying large language models (LLMs). However, previous safety benchmarks only concern the safety in one language, e.g. the majority language in the pretraining data such as English. In this work, we build the first multilingual safety benchmark for LLMs, XSafety, in response to the global deployment of LLMs in practice. XSafety covers 14 kinds of commonly used safety issues across 10 languages that span several language families. We utilize XSafety to empirically study the multilingual safety for 4 widely-used LLMs, including both close-API and open-source models. Experimental results show that all LLMs produce significantly more unsafe responses for non-English queries than English ones, indicating the necessity of developing safety alignment for non-English languages. In addition, we propose several simple and effective prompting methods to improve the multilingual safety of ChatGPT by evoking safety knowledge and improving cross-lingual generalization of safety alignment. Our prompting method can significantly reduce the ratio of unsafe responses from 19.1% to 9.7% for non-English queries. We release our data at


replace-cross Can GPT-4 Replicate Empirical Software Engineering Research?

Authors: Jenny T. Liang, Carmen Badea, Christian Bird, Robert DeLine, Denae Ford, Nicole Forsgren, Thomas Zimmermann

Abstract: Empirical software engineering research on production systems has brought forth a better understanding of the software engineering process for practitioners and researchers alike. However, only a small subset of production systems is studied, limiting the impact of this research. While software engineering practitioners could benefit from replicating research on their own data, this poses its own set of challenges, since performing replications requires a deep understanding of research methodologies and subtle nuances in software engineering data. Given that large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, show promise in tackling both software engineering- and science-related tasks, these models could help replicate and thus democratize empirical software engineering research. In this paper, we examine GPT-4's abilities to perform replications of empirical software engineering research on new data. We study their ability to surface assumptions made in empirical software engineering research methodologies, as well as their ability to plan and generate code for analysis pipelines on seven empirical software engineering papers. We perform a user study with 14 participants with software engineering research expertise, who evaluate GPT-4-generated assumptions and analysis plans (i.e., a list of module specifications) from the papers. We find that GPT-4 is able to surface correct assumptions, but struggles to generate ones that apply common knowledge about software engineering data. In a manual analysis of the generated code, we find that the GPT-4-generated code contains correct high-level logic, given a subset of the methodology. However, the code contains many small implementation-level errors, reflecting a lack of software engineering knowledge. Our findings have implications for leveraging LLMs for software engineering research as well as practitioner data scientists in software teams.

replace-cross Instances and Labels: Hierarchy-aware Joint Supervised Contrastive Learning for Hierarchical Multi-Label Text Classification

Authors: Simon Yu, Jie He, V\'ictor Guti\'errez-Basulto, Jeff Z. Pan

Abstract: Hierarchical multi-label text classification (HMTC) aims at utilizing a label hierarchy in multi-label classification. Recent approaches to HMTC deal with the problem of imposing an over-constrained premise on the output space by using contrastive learning on generated samples in a semi-supervised manner to bring text and label embeddings closer. However, the generation of samples tends to introduce noise as it ignores the correlation between similar samples in the same batch. One solution to this issue is supervised contrastive learning, but it remains an underexplored topic in HMTC due to its complex structured labels. To overcome this challenge, we propose $\textbf{HJCL}$, a $\textbf{H}$ierarchy-aware $\textbf{J}$oint Supervised $\textbf{C}$ontrastive $\textbf{L}$earning method that bridges the gap between supervised contrastive learning and HMTC. Specifically, we employ both instance-wise and label-wise contrastive learning techniques and carefully construct batches to fulfill the contrastive learning objective. Extensive experiments on four multi-path HMTC datasets demonstrate that HJCL achieves promising results and the effectiveness of Contrastive Learning on HMTC.

replace-cross Physics-aware Machine Learning Revolutionizes Scientific Paradigm for Machine Learning and Process-based Hydrology

Authors: Qingsong Xu, Yilei Shi, Jonathan Bamber, Ye Tuo, Ralf Ludwig, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Abstract: Accurate hydrological understanding and water cycle prediction are crucial for addressing scientific and societal challenges associated with the management of water resources, particularly under the dynamic influence of anthropogenic climate change. Existing reviews predominantly concentrate on the development of machine learning (ML) in this field, yet there is a clear distinction between hydrology and ML as separate paradigms. Here, we introduce physics-aware ML as a transformative approach to overcome the perceived barrier and revolutionize both fields. Specifically, we present a comprehensive review of the physics-aware ML methods, building a structured community (PaML) of existing methodologies that integrate prior physical knowledge or physics-based modeling into ML. We systematically analyze these PaML methodologies with respect to four aspects: physical data-guided ML, physics-informed ML, physics-embedded ML, and physics-aware hybrid learning. PaML facilitates ML-aided hypotheses, accelerating insights from big data and fostering scientific discoveries. We first conduct a systematic review of hydrology in PaML, including rainfall-runoff hydrological processes and hydrodynamic processes, and highlight the most promising and challenging directions for different objectives and PaML methods. Finally, a new PaML-based hydrology platform, termed HydroPML, is released as a foundation for hydrological applications. HydroPML enhances the explainability and causality of ML and lays the groundwork for the digital water cycle's realization. The HydroPML platform is publicly available at


replace-cross DKEC: Domain Knowledge Enhanced Multi-Label Classification for Diagnosis Prediction

Authors: Xueren Ge, Satpathy Abhishek, Ronald Dean Williams, John A. Stankovic, Homa Alemzadeh

Abstract: Multi-label text classification (MLTC) tasks in the medical domain often face the long-tail label distribution problem. Prior works have explored hierarchical label structures to find relevant information for few-shot classes, but mostly neglected to incorporate external knowledge from medical guidelines. This paper presents DKEC, Domain Knowledge Enhanced Classification for diagnosis prediction with two innovations: (1) automated construction of heterogeneous knowledge graphs from external sources to capture semantic relations among diverse medical entities, (2) incorporating the heterogeneous knowledge graphs in few-shot classification using a label-wise attention mechanism. We construct DKEC using three online medical knowledge sources and evaluate it on a real-world Emergency Medical Services (EMS) dataset and a public electronic health record (EHR) dataset. Results show that DKEC outperforms the state-of-the-art label-wise attention networks and transformer models of different sizes, particularly for the few-shot classes. More importantly, it helps the smaller language models achieve comparable performance to large language models.

replace-cross CompA: Addressing the Gap in Compositional Reasoning in Audio-Language Models

Authors: Sreyan Ghosh, Ashish Seth, Sonal Kumar, Utkarsh Tyagi, Chandra Kiran Evuru, Ramaneswaran S, S. Sakshi, Oriol Nieto, Ramani Duraiswami, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: A fundamental characteristic of audio is its compositional nature. Audio-language models (ALMs) trained using a contrastive approach (e.g., CLAP) that learns a shared representation between audio and language modalities have improved performance in many downstream applications, including zero-shot audio classification, audio retrieval, etc. However, the ability of these models to effectively perform compositional reasoning remains largely unexplored and necessitates additional research. In this paper, we propose CompA, a collection of two expert-annotated benchmarks with a majority of real-world audio samples, to evaluate compositional reasoning in ALMs. Our proposed CompA-order evaluates how well an ALM understands the order or occurrence of acoustic events in audio, and CompA-attribute evaluates attribute-binding of acoustic events. An instance from either benchmark consists of two audio-caption pairs, where both audios have the same acoustic events but with different compositions. An ALM is evaluated on how well it matches the right audio to the right caption. Using this benchmark, we first show that current ALMs perform only marginally better than random chance, thereby struggling with compositional reasoning. Next, we propose CompA-CLAP, where we fine-tune CLAP using a novel learning method to improve its compositional reasoning abilities. To train CompA-CLAP, we first propose improvements to contrastive training with composition-aware hard negatives, allowing for more focused training. Next, we propose a novel modular contrastive loss that helps the model learn fine-grained compositional understanding and overcomes the acute scarcity of openly available compositional audios. CompA-CLAP significantly improves over all our baseline models on the CompA benchmark, indicating its superior compositional reasoning capabilities.

replace-cross Multi-Resolution Diffusion for Privacy-Sensitive Recommender Systems

Authors: Derek Lilienthal, Paul Mello, Magdalini Eirinaki, Stas Tiomkin

Abstract: While recommender systems have become an integral component of the Web experience, their heavy reliance on user data raises privacy and security concerns. Substituting user data with synthetic data can address these concerns, but accurately replicating these real-world datasets has been a notoriously challenging problem. Recent advancements in generative AI have demonstrated the impressive capabilities of diffusion models in generating realistic data across various domains. In this work we introduce a Score-based Diffusion Recommendation Module (SDRM), which captures the intricate patterns of real-world datasets required for training highly accurate recommender systems. SDRM allows for the generation of synthetic data that can replace existing datasets to preserve user privacy, or augment existing datasets to address excessive data sparsity. Our method outperforms competing baselines such as generative adversarial networks, variational autoencoders, and recently proposed diffusion models in synthesizing various datasets to replace or augment the original data by an average improvement of 4.30% in Recall@k and 4.65% in NDCG@k.

replace-cross Exploring ChatGPT's Capabilities on Vulnerability Management

Authors: Peiyu Liu, Junming Liu, Lirong Fu, Kangjie Lu, Yifan Xia, Xuhong Zhang, Wenzhi Chen, Haiqin Weng, Shouling Ji, Wenhai Wang

Abstract: Recently, ChatGPT has attracted great attention from the code analysis domain. Prior works show that ChatGPT has the capabilities of processing foundational code analysis tasks, such as abstract syntax tree generation, which indicates the potential of using ChatGPT to comprehend code syntax and static behaviors. However, it is unclear whether ChatGPT can complete more complicated real-world vulnerability management tasks, such as the prediction of security relevance and patch correctness, which require an all-encompassing understanding of various aspects, including code syntax, program semantics, and related manual comments. In this paper, we explore ChatGPT's capabilities on 6 tasks involving the complete vulnerability management process with a large-scale dataset containing 70,346 samples. For each task, we compare ChatGPT against SOTA approaches, investigate the impact of different prompts, and explore the difficulties. The results suggest promising potential in leveraging ChatGPT to assist vulnerability management. One notable example is ChatGPT's proficiency in tasks like generating titles for software bug reports. Furthermore, our findings reveal the difficulties encountered by ChatGPT and shed light on promising future directions. For instance, directly providing random demonstration examples in the prompt cannot consistently guarantee good performance in vulnerability management. By contrast, leveraging ChatGPT in a self-heuristic way -- extracting expertise from demonstration examples itself and integrating the extracted expertise in the prompt is a promising research direction. Besides, ChatGPT may misunderstand and misuse the information in the prompt. Consequently, effectively guiding ChatGPT to focus on helpful information rather than the irrelevant content is still an open problem.

replace-cross A Tree-of-Thoughts to Broaden Multi-step Reasoning across Languages

Authors: Leonardo Ranaldi, Giulia Pucci, Federico Ranaldi, Elena Sofia Ruzzetti, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

Abstract: Reasoning methods, best exemplified by the well-known Chain-of-Thought (CoT), empower the reasoning abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) by eliciting them to solve complex tasks in a step-by-step manner. Although they are achieving significant success, the ability to deliver multi-step reasoning remains limited to English because of the imbalance in the distribution of pre-training data, which makes other languages a barrier. In this paper, we propose Cross-lingual Tree-of-Thoughts (Cross-ToT), a method for aligning Cross-lingual CoT reasoning across languages. The proposed method, through a self-consistent cross-lingual prompting mechanism inspired by the Tree-of-Thoughts approach, provides multi-step reasoning paths in different languages that, during the steps, lead to the final solution. Experimental evaluations show that our method significantly outperforms existing prompting methods by reducing the number of interactions and achieving state-of-the-art performance.

replace-cross The Uli Dataset: An Exercise in Experience Led Annotation of oGBV

Authors: Arnav Arora, Maha Jinadoss, Cheshta Arora, Denny George, Brindaalakshmi, Haseena Dawood Khan, Kirti Rawat, Div, Ritash, Seema Mathur, Shivani Yadav, Shehla Rashid Shora, Rie Raut, Sumit Pawar, Apurva Paithane, Sonia, Vivek, Dharini Priscilla, Khairunnisha, Grace Banu, Ambika Tandon, Rishav Thakker, Rahul Dev Korra, Aatman Vaidya, Tarunima Prabhakar

Abstract: Online gender based violence has grown concomitantly with adoption of the internet and social media. Its effects are worse in the Global majority where many users use social media in languages other than English. The scale and volume of conversations on the internet has necessitated the need for automated detection of hate speech, and more specifically gendered abuse. There is, however, a lack of language specific and contextual data to build such automated tools. In this paper we present a dataset on gendered abuse in three languages- Hindi, Tamil and Indian English. The dataset comprises of tweets annotated along three questions pertaining to the experience of gender abuse, by experts who identify as women or a member of the LGBTQIA community in South Asia. Through this dataset we demonstrate a participatory approach to creating datasets that drive AI systems.

replace-cross Confidence Is All You Need for MI Attacks

Authors: Abhishek Sinha, Himanshi Tibrewal, Mansi Gupta, Nikhar Waghela, Shivank Garg

Abstract: In this evolving era of machine learning security, membership inference attacks have emerged as a potent threat to the confidentiality of sensitive data. In this attack, adversaries aim to determine whether a particular point was used during the training of a target model. This paper proposes a new method to gauge a data point's membership in a model's training set. Instead of correlating loss with membership, as is traditionally done, we have leveraged the fact that training examples generally exhibit higher confidence values when classified into their actual class. During training, the model is essentially being 'fit' to the training data and might face particular difficulties in generalization to unseen data. This asymmetry leads to the model achieving higher confidence on the training data as it exploits the specific patterns and noise present in the training data. Our proposed approach leverages the confidence values generated by the machine learning model. These confidence values provide a probabilistic measure of the model's certainty in its predictions and can further be used to infer the membership of a given data point. Additionally, we also introduce another variant of our method that allows us to carry out this attack without knowing the ground truth(true class) of a given data point, thus offering an edge over existing label-dependent attack methods.

replace-cross Revisiting Non-separable Binary Classification and its Applications in Anomaly Detection

Authors: Matthew Lau, Ismaila Seck, Athanasios P Meliopoulos, Wenke Lee, Eugene Ndiaye

Abstract: The inability to linearly classify XOR has motivated much of deep learning. We revisit this age-old problem and show that linear classification of XOR is indeed possible. Instead of separating data between halfspaces, we propose a slightly different paradigm, equality separation, that adapts the SVM objective to distinguish data within or outside the margin. Our classifier can then be integrated into neural network pipelines with a smooth approximation. From its properties, we intuit that equality separation is suitable for anomaly detection. To formalize this notion, we introduce closing numbers, a quantitative measure on the capacity for classifiers to form closed decision regions for anomaly detection. Springboarding from this theoretical connection between binary classification and anomaly detection, we test our hypothesis on supervised anomaly detection experiments, showing that equality separation can detect both seen and unseen anomalies.

replace-cross Learning from Emergence: A Study on Proactively Inhibiting the Monosemantic Neurons of Artificial Neural Networks

Authors: Jiachuan Wang, Shimin Di, Lei Chen, Charles Wang Wai Ng

Abstract: Recently, emergence has received widespread attention from the research community along with the success of large-scale models. Different from the literature, we hypothesize a key factor that promotes the performance during the increase of scale: the reduction of monosemantic neurons that can only form one-to-one correlations with specific features. Monosemantic neurons tend to be sparser and have negative impacts on the performance in large models. Inspired by this insight, we propose an intuitive idea to identify monosemantic neurons and inhibit them. However, achieving this goal is a non-trivial task as there is no unified quantitative evaluation metric and simply banning monosemantic neurons does not promote polysemanticity in neural networks. Therefore, we first propose a new metric to measure the monosemanticity of neurons with the guarantee of efficiency for online computation, then introduce a theoretically supported method to suppress monosemantic neurons and proactively promote the ratios of polysemantic neurons in training neural networks. We validate our conjecture that monosemanticity brings about performance change at different model scales on a variety of neural networks and benchmark datasets in different areas, including language, image, and physics simulation tasks. Further experiments validate our analysis and theory regarding the inhibition of monosemanticity.

replace-cross Jack of All Tasks, Master of Many: Designing General-purpose Coarse-to-Fine Vision-Language Model

Authors: Shraman Pramanick, Guangxing Han, Rui Hou, Sayan Nag, Ser-Nam Lim, Nicolas Ballas, Qifan Wang, Rama Chellappa, Amjad Almahairi

Abstract: The ability of large language models (LLMs) to process visual inputs has given rise to general-purpose vision systems, unifying various vision-language (VL) tasks by instruction tuning. However, due to the enormous diversity in input-output formats in the vision domain, existing general-purpose models fail to successfully integrate segmentation and multi-image inputs with coarse-level tasks into a single framework. In this work, we introduce VistaLLM, a powerful visual system that addresses coarse- and fine-grained VL tasks over single and multiple input images using a unified framework. VistaLLM utilizes an instruction-guided image tokenizer that filters global embeddings using task descriptions to extract compressed and refined features from numerous images. Moreover, VistaLLM employs a gradient-aware adaptive sampling technique to represent binary segmentation masks as sequences, significantly improving over previously used uniform sampling. To bolster the desired capability of VistaLLM, we curate CoinIt, a comprehensive coarse-to-fine instruction tuning dataset with 6.8M samples. We also address the lack of multi-image grounding datasets by introducing a novel task, AttCoSeg (Attribute-level Co-Segmentation), which boosts the model's reasoning and grounding capability over multiple input images. Extensive experiments on a wide range of V- and VL tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of VistaLLM by achieving consistent state-of-the-art performance over strong baselines across all downstream tasks. Our project page can be found at


replace-cross In-Context Reinforcement Learning for Variable Action Spaces

Authors: Viacheslav Sinii, Alexander Nikulin, Vladislav Kurenkov, Ilya Zisman, Sergey Kolesnikov

Abstract: Recently, it has been shown that transformers pre-trained on diverse datasets with multi-episode contexts can generalize to new reinforcement learning tasks in-context. A key limitation of previously proposed models is their reliance on a predefined action space size and structure. The introduction of a new action space often requires data re-collection and model re-training, which can be costly for some applications. In our work, we show that it is possible to mitigate this issue by proposing the Headless-AD model that, despite being trained only once, is capable of generalizing to discrete action spaces of variable size, semantic content and order. By experimenting with Bernoulli and contextual bandits, as well as a gridworld environment, we show that Headless-AD exhibits significant capability to generalize to action spaces it has never encountered, even outperforming specialized models trained for a specific set of actions on several environment configurations. Implementation is available at:


replace-cross FAST: Feature Aware Similarity Thresholding for Weak Unlearning in Black-Box Generative Models

Authors: Subhodip Panda, Prathosh AP

Abstract: The heightened emphasis on the regulation of deep generative models, propelled by escalating concerns pertaining to privacy and compliance with regulatory frameworks, underscores the imperative need for precise control mechanisms over these models. This urgency is particularly underscored by instances in which generative models generate outputs that encompass objectionable, offensive, or potentially injurious content. In response, machine unlearning has emerged to selectively forget specific knowledge or remove the influence of undesirable data subsets from pre-trained models. However, modern machine unlearning approaches typically assume access to model parameters and architectural details during unlearning, which is not always feasible. In multitude of downstream tasks, these models function as black-box systems, with inaccessible pre-trained parameters, architectures, and training data. In such scenarios, the possibility of filtering undesired outputs becomes a practical alternative. The primary goal of this study is twofold: first, to elucidate the relationship between filtering and unlearning processes, and second, to formulate a methodology aimed at mitigating the display of undesirable outputs generated from models characterized as black-box systems. Theoretical analysis in this study demonstrates that, in the context of black-box models, filtering can be seen as a form of weak unlearning. Our proposed \textbf{\textit{Feature Aware Similarity Thresholding(FAST)}} method effectively suppresses undesired outputs by systematically encoding the representation of unwanted features in the latent space.

replace-cross Diffusion-EXR: Controllable Review Generation for Explainable Recommendation via Diffusion Models

Authors: Ling Li, Shaohua Li, Winda Marantika, Alex C. Kot, Huijing Zhan

Abstract: Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) has shown great competence in image and audio generation tasks. However, there exist few attempts to employ DDPM in the text generation, especially review generation under recommendation systems. Fueled by the predicted reviews explainability that justifies recommendations could assist users better understand the recommended items and increase the transparency of recommendation system, we propose a Diffusion Model-based Review Generation towards EXplainable Recommendation named Diffusion-EXR. Diffusion-EXR corrupts the sequence of review embeddings by incrementally introducing varied levels of Gaussian noise to the sequence of word embeddings and learns to reconstruct the original word representations in the reverse process. The nature of DDPM enables our lightweight Transformer backbone to perform excellently in the recommendation review generation task. Extensive experimental results have demonstrated that Diffusion-EXR can achieve state-of-the-art review generation for recommendation on two publicly available benchmark datasets.

replace-cross MISS: A Generative Pretraining and Finetuning Approach for Med-VQA

Authors: Jiawei Chen, Dingkang Yang, Yue Jiang, Yuxuan Lei, Lihua Zhang

Abstract: Medical visual question answering (VQA) is a challenging multimodal task, where Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) models can effectively improve the generalization performance. However, most methods in the medical field treat VQA as an answer classification task which is difficult to transfer to practical application scenarios. Additionally, due to the privacy of medical images and the expensive annotation process, large-scale medical image-text pairs datasets for pretraining are severely lacking. In this paper, we propose a large-scale MultI-task Self-Supervised learning based framework (MISS) for medical VQA tasks. Unlike existing methods, we treat medical VQA as a generative task. We unify the text encoder and multimodal encoder and align image-text features through multi-task learning. Furthermore, we propose a Transfer-and-Caption method that extends the feature space of single-modal image datasets using Large Language Models (LLMs), enabling those traditional medical vision field task data to be applied to VLP. Experiments show that our method achieves excellent results with fewer multimodal datasets and demonstrates the advantages of generative VQA models.

replace-cross Structsum Generation for Faster Text Comprehension

Authors: Parag Jain, Andreea Marzoca, Francesco Piccinno

Abstract: We consider the task of generating structured representations of text using large language models (LLMs). We focus on tables and mind maps as representative modalities. Tables are more organized way of representing data, while mind maps provide a visually dynamic and flexible approach, particularly suitable for sparse content. Despite the effectiveness of LLMs on different tasks, we show that current models struggle with generating structured outputs. In response, we present effective prompting strategies for both of these tasks. We introduce a taxonomy of problems around factuality, global and local structure, common to both modalities and propose a set of critiques to tackle these issues resulting in an absolute improvement in accuracy of +37pp (79%) for mind maps and +15pp (78%) for tables. To evaluate semantic coverage of generated structured representations we propose Auto-QA, and we verify the adequacy of Auto-QA using SQuAD dataset. We further evaluate the usefulness of structured representations via a text comprehension user study. The results show a significant reduction in comprehension time compared to text when using table (42.9%) and mind map (31.9%), without loss in accuracy.

replace-cross Fairness Concerns in App Reviews: A Study on AI-based Mobile Apps

Authors: Ali Rezaei Nasab, Maedeh Dashti, Mojtaba Shahin, Mansooreh Zahedi, Hourieh Khalajzadeh, Chetan Arora, Peng Liang

Abstract: Fairness is one of the socio-technical concerns that must be addressed in AI-based systems. Unfair AI-based systems, particularly unfair AI-based mobile apps, can pose difficulties for a significant proportion of the global population. This paper aims to analyze fairness concerns in AI-based app reviews. We first manually constructed a ground-truth dataset, including 1,132 fairness and 1,473 non-fairness reviews. Leveraging the ground-truth dataset, we developed and evaluated a set of machine learning and deep learning models that distinguish fairness reviews from non-fairness reviews. Our experiments show that our best-performing model can detect fairness reviews with a precision of 94%. We then applied the best-performing model on approximately 9.5M reviews collected from 108 AI-based apps and identified around 92K fairness reviews. Next, applying the K-means clustering technique to the 92K fairness reviews, followed by manual analysis, led to the identification of six distinct types of fairness concerns (e.g., 'receiving different quality of features and services in different platforms and devices' and 'lack of transparency and fairness in dealing with user-generated content'). Finally, the manual analysis of 2,248 app owners' responses to the fairness reviews identified six root causes (e.g., 'copyright issues') that app owners report to justify fairness concerns.

replace-cross DeepEdit: Knowledge Editing as Decoding with Constraints

Authors: Yiwei Wang, Muhao Chen, Nanyun Peng, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: How to edit the knowledge in multi-step reasoning has become the major challenge in the knowledge editing (KE) of large language models (LLMs). The difficulty arises because the hallucinations of LLMs during multi-step reasoning often lead to incorrect use of new knowledge and incorrect answers. To address this issue, we design decoding constraints to "regulate" LLMs' reasoning, enhancing logical coherence when incorporating new knowledge. We propose a new KE framework: DEEPEDIT (Depth-first Search-based Constrained Decoding for Knowledge Editing), which enhances LLMs's ability to generate coherent reasoning chains with new knowledge through depth-first search. Our search selects the most important knowledge that satisfies our constraints as the reasoning step to efficiently increase the reasoning depth. In addition to DEEPEDIT, we propose two new KE benchmarks: MQUAKE-2002 and MQUAKE-HARD, which provide more precise and challenging assessments of KE approaches. Qualitatively, DEEPEDIT enables LLMs to produce succinct and coherent reasoning chains involving new knowledge. Quantitatively, it yields significant improvements on multiple KE benchmarks.

replace-cross Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Missing Modality: A Knowledge-Transfer Approach

Authors: Weide Liu, Huijing Zhan, Hao Chen, Fengmao Lv

Abstract: Multimodal sentiment analysis aims to identify the emotions expressed by individuals through visual, language, and acoustic cues. However, most of the existing research efforts assume that all modalities are available during both training and testing, making their algorithms susceptible to the missing modality scenario. In this paper, we propose a novel knowledge-transfer network to translate between different modalities to reconstruct the missing audio modalities. Moreover, we develop a cross-modality attention mechanism to retain the maximal information of the reconstructed and observed modalities for sentiment prediction. Extensive experiments on three publicly available datasets demonstrate significant improvements over baselines and achieve comparable results to the previous methods with complete multi-modality supervision.

replace-cross Learning to Maximize Gains From Trade in Small Markets

Authors: Moshe Babaioff, Amitai Frey, Noam Nisan

Abstract: We study the problem of designing a two-sided market (double auction) to maximize the gains from trade (social welfare) under the constraints of (dominant-strategy) incentive compatibility and budget-balance. Our goal is to do so for an unknown distribution from which we are given a polynomial number of samples. Our first result is a general impossibility for the case of correlated distributions of values even between just one seller and two buyers, in contrast to the case of one seller and one buyer (bilateral trade) where this is possible. Our second result is an efficient learning algorithm for one seller and two buyers in the case of independent distributions which is based on a novel algorithm for computing optimal mechanisms for finitely supported and explicitly given independent distributions. Both results rely heavily on characterizations of (dominant-strategy) incentive compatible mechanisms that are strongly budget-balanced.

replace-cross Diffusion model for relational inference

Authors: Shuhan Zheng, Ziqiang Li, Kantaro Fujiwara, Gouhei Tanaka

Abstract: Dynamical behaviors of complex interacting systems, including brain activities, financial price movements, and physical collective phenomena, are associated with underlying interactions between the system's components. The issue of uncovering interaction relations in such systems using observable dynamics is called relational inference. In this study, we propose a Diffusion model for Relational Inference (DiffRI), inspired by a self-supervised method for probabilistic time series imputation. DiffRI learns to infer the probability of the presence of connections between components through conditional diffusion modeling.

replace-cross A Survey of Data-Efficient Graph Learning

Authors: Wei Ju, Siyu Yi, Yifan Wang, Qingqing Long, Junyu Luo, Zhiping Xiao, Ming Zhang

Abstract: Graph-structured data, prevalent in domains ranging from social networks to biochemical analysis, serve as the foundation for diverse real-world systems. While graph neural networks demonstrate proficiency in modeling this type of data, their success is often reliant on significant amounts of labeled data, posing a challenge in practical scenarios with limited annotation resources. To tackle this problem, tremendous efforts have been devoted to enhancing graph machine learning performance under low-resource settings by exploring various approaches to minimal supervision. In this paper, we introduce a novel concept of Data-Efficient Graph Learning (DEGL) as a research frontier, and present the first survey that summarizes the current progress of DEGL. We initiate by highlighting the challenges inherent in training models with large labeled data, paving the way for our exploration into DEGL. Next, we systematically review recent advances on this topic from several key aspects, including self-supervised graph learning, semi-supervised graph learning, and few-shot graph learning. Also, we state promising directions for future research, contributing to the evolution of graph machine learning.

replace-cross Embedding Large Language Models into Extended Reality: Opportunities and Challenges for Inclusion, Engagement, and Privacy

Authors: Efe Bozkir, S\"uleyman \"Ozdel, Ka Hei Carrie Lau, Mengdi Wang, Hong Gao, Enkelejda Kasneci

Abstract: Advances in artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction will likely lead to extended reality (XR) becoming pervasive. While XR can provide users with interactive, engaging, and immersive experiences, non-player characters are often utilized in pre-scripted and conventional ways. This paper argues for using large language models (LLMs) in XR by embedding them in avatars or as narratives to facilitate inclusion through prompt engineering and fine-tuning the LLMs. We argue that this inclusion will promote diversity for XR use. Furthermore, the versatile conversational capabilities of LLMs will likely increase engagement in XR, helping XR become ubiquitous. Lastly, we speculate that combining the information provided to LLM-powered spaces by users and the biometric data obtained might lead to novel privacy invasions. While exploring potential privacy breaches, examining user privacy concerns and preferences is also essential. Therefore, despite challenges, LLM-powered XR is a promising area with several opportunities.

replace-cross LEVI: Generalizable Fine-tuning via Layer-wise Ensemble of Different Views

Authors: Yuji Roh, Qingyun Liu, Huan Gui, Zhe Yuan, Yujin Tang, Steven Euijong Whang, Liang Liu, Shuchao Bi, Lichan Hong, Ed H. Chi, Zhe Zhao

Abstract: Fine-tuning is becoming widely used for leveraging the power of pre-trained foundation models in new downstream tasks. While there are many successes of fine-tuning on various tasks, recent studies have observed challenges in the generalization of fine-tuned models to unseen distributions (i.e., out-of-distribution; OOD). To improve OOD generalization, some previous studies identify the limitations of fine-tuning data and regulate fine-tuning to preserve the general representation learned from pre-training data. However, potential limitations in the pre-training data and models are often ignored. In this paper, we contend that overly relying on the pre-trained representation may hinder fine-tuning from learning essential representations for downstream tasks and thus hurt its OOD generalization. It can be especially catastrophic when new tasks are from different (sub)domains compared to pre-training data. To address the issues in both pre-training and fine-tuning data, we propose a novel generalizable fine-tuning method LEVI (Layer-wise Ensemble of different VIews), where the pre-trained model is adaptively ensembled layer-wise with a small task-specific model, while preserving its efficiencies. By combining two complementing models, LEVI effectively suppresses problematic features in both the fine-tuning data and pre-trained model and preserves useful features for new tasks. Broad experiments with large language and vision models show that LEVI greatly improves fine-tuning generalization via emphasizing different views from fine-tuning data and pre-trained features.

replace-cross A Bandit Approach with Evolutionary Operators for Model Selection

Authors: Margaux Br\'eg\`ere (LPSM), Julie Keisler (CRIStAL, EDF R\&D)

Abstract: This work formulates model selection as an infinite-armed bandit problem, namely, a problem in which a decision maker iteratively selects one of an infinite number of fixed choices (i.e., arms) when the properties of each choice are only partially known at the time of allocation and may become better understood over time, via the attainment of rewards.Here, the arms are machine learning models to train and selecting an arm corresponds to a partial training of the model (resource allocation).The reward is the accuracy of the selected model after its partial training.We aim to identify the best model at the end of a finite number of resource allocations and thus consider the best arm identification setup. We propose the algorithm Mutant-UCB that incorporates operators from evolutionary algorithms into the UCB-E (Upper Confidence Bound Exploration) bandit algorithm introduced by Audiber et al.Tests carried out on three open source image classification data sets attest to the relevance of this novel combining approach, which outperforms the state-of-the-art for a fixed budget.

replace-cross Feature learning as alignment: a structural property of gradient descent in non-linear neural networks

Authors: Daniel Beaglehole, Ioannis Mitliagkas, Atish Agarwala

Abstract: Understanding the mechanisms through which neural networks extract statistics from input-label pairs through feature learning is one of the most important unsolved problems in supervised learning. Prior works demonstrated that the gram matrices of the weights (the neural feature matrices, NFM) and the average gradient outer products (AGOP) become correlated during training, in a statement known as the neural feature ansatz (NFA). Through the NFA, the authors introduce mapping with the AGOP as a general mechanism for neural feature learning. However, these works do not provide a theoretical explanation for this correlation or its origins. In this work, we further clarify the nature of this correlation, and explain its emergence. We show that this correlation is equivalent to alignment between the left singular structure of the weight matrices and the newly defined pre-activation tangent features at each layer. We further establish that the alignment is driven by the interaction of weight changes induced by SGD with the pre-activation features, and analyze the resulting dynamics analytically at early times in terms of simple statistics of the inputs and labels. Finally, motivated by the observation that the NFA is driven by this centered correlation, we introduce a simple optimization rule that dramatically increases the NFA correlations at any given layer and improves the quality of features learned.

replace-cross The Male CEO and the Female Assistant: Gender Biases in Text-To-Image Generation of Dual Subjects

Authors: Yixin Wan, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Recent large-scale T2I models like DALLE-3 have made progress on improving fairness in single-subject generation, i.e. generating a one-person image. However, we reveal that these improved models still demonstrate considerable biases when simply generating two people. To systematically evaluate T2I models in this challenging generation setting, we propose the Paired Stereotype Test (PST) framework, established as a dual-subject generation task, i.e. generating two people in the same image. The setting in PST is especially challenging, as the two individuals are described with social identities that are male-stereotyped and female-stereotyped, respectively, e.g. "a CEO" and "an Assistant". It is easy for T2I models to unfairly follow gender stereotypes in this contrastive setting. We establish a metric, Stereotype Score (SS), to quantitatively measure the adherence to gender stereotypes in generated images. Using PST, we evaluate two aspects of gender biases in DALLE-3 -- the widely-identified bias in gendered occupation, as well as a novel aspect: bias in organizational power. Results show that despite generating seemingly fair or even anti-stereotype single-person images, DALLE-3 still shows notable biases under PST -- for instance, in experiments on gender-occupational stereotypes, over 74% model generations demonstrate biases. Moreover, compared to single-person settings, DALLE-3 is more likely to perpetuate male-associated stereotypes under PST. Our work pioneers the research on bias in dual-subject generation, and our proposed PST framework can be easily extended for further experiments, establishing a valuable contribution.

replace-cross Attractor Memory for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting: A Chaos Perspective

Authors: Jiaxi Hu, Yuehong Hu, Wei Chen, Ming Jin, Shirui Pan, Qingsong Wen, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: In long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) tasks, an increasing number of models have acknowledged that discrete time series originate from continuous dynamic systems and have attempted to model their dynamical structures. Recognizing the chaotic nature of real-world data, our model, \textbf{\textit{Attraos}}, incorporates chaos theory into LTSF, perceiving real-world time series as observations from unknown high-dimensional chaotic dynamic systems. Under the concept of attractor invariance, Attraos utilizes non-parametric Phase Space Reconstruction embedding and the proposed multi-scale dynamic memory unit to memorize historical dynamics structure and predicts by a frequency-enhanced local evolution strategy. Detailed theoretical analysis and abundant empirical evidence consistently show that Attraos outperforms various LTSF methods on mainstream LTSF datasets and chaotic datasets with only one-twelfth of the parameters compared to PatchTST.

replace-cross Prospector Heads: Generalized Feature Attribution for Large Models & Data

Authors: Gautam Machiraju, Alexander Derry, Arjun Desai, Neel Guha, Amir-Hossein Karimi, James Zou, Russ Altman, Christopher R\'e, Parag Mallick

Abstract: Feature attribution, the ability to localize regions of the input data that are relevant for classification, is an important capability for ML models in scientific and biomedical domains. Current methods for feature attribution, which rely on "explaining" the predictions of end-to-end classifiers, suffer from imprecise feature localization and are inadequate for use with small sample sizes and high-dimensional datasets due to computational challenges. We introduce prospector heads, an efficient and interpretable alternative to explanation-based attribution methods that can be applied to any encoder and any data modality. Prospector heads generalize across modalities through experiments on sequences (text), images (pathology), and graphs (protein structures), outperforming baseline attribution methods by up to 26.3 points in mean localization AUPRC. We also demonstrate how prospector heads enable improved interpretation and discovery of class-specific patterns in input data. Through their high performance, flexibility, and generalizability, prospectors provide a framework for improving trust and transparency for ML models in complex domains.

replace-cross DiLA: Enhancing LLM Tool Learning with Differential Logic Layer

Authors: Yu Zhang, Hui-Ling Zhen, Zehua Pei, Yingzhao Lian, Lihao Yin, Mingxuan Yuan, Bei Yu

Abstract: Considering the challenges faced by large language models (LLMs) in logical reasoning and planning, prior efforts have sought to augment LLMs with access to external solvers. While progress has been made on simple reasoning problems, solving classical constraint satisfaction problems, such as the Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT) and Graph Coloring Problem (GCP), remains difficult for off-the-shelf solvers due to their intricate expressions and exponential search spaces. In this paper, we propose a novel differential logic layer-aided language modeling (DiLA) approach, where logical constraints are integrated into the forward and backward passes of a network layer, to provide another option for LLM tool learning. In DiLA, LLM aims to transform the language description to logic constraints and identify initial solutions of the highest quality, while the differential logic layer focuses on iteratively refining the LLM-prompted solution. Leveraging the logic layer as a bridge, DiLA enhances the logical reasoning ability of LLMs on a range of reasoning problems encoded by Boolean variables, guaranteeing the efficiency and correctness of the solution process. We evaluate the performance of DiLA on two classic reasoning problems and empirically demonstrate its consistent outperformance against existing prompt-based and solver-aided approaches.

replace-cross FinBen: A Holistic Financial Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Qianqian Xie, Weiguang Han, Zhengyu Chen, Ruoyu Xiang, Xiao Zhang, Yueru He, Mengxi Xiao, Dong Li, Yongfu Dai, Duanyu Feng, Yijing Xu, Haoqiang Kang, Ziyan Kuang, Chenhan Yuan, Kailai Yang, Zheheng Luo, Tianlin Zhang, Zhiwei Liu, Guojun Xiong, Zhiyang Deng, Yuechen Jiang, Zhiyuan Yao, Haohang Li, Yangyang Yu, Gang Hu, Jiajia Huang, Xiao-Yang Liu, Alejandro Lopez-Lira, Benyou Wang, Yanzhao Lai, Hao Wang, Min Peng, Sophia Ananiadou, Jimin Huang

Abstract: LLMs have transformed NLP and shown promise in various fields, yet their potential in finance is underexplored due to a lack of comprehensive evaluation benchmarks, the rapid development of LLMs, and the complexity of financial tasks. In this paper, we introduce FinBen, the first extensive open-source evaluation benchmark, including 36 datasets spanning 24 financial tasks, covering seven critical aspects: information extraction (IE), textual analysis, question answering (QA), text generation, risk management, forecasting, and decision-making. FinBen offers several key innovations: a broader range of tasks and datasets, the first evaluation of stock trading, novel agent and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) evaluation, and three novel open-source evaluation datasets for text summarization, question answering, and stock trading. Our evaluation of 15 representative LLMs, including GPT-4, ChatGPT, and the latest Gemini, reveals several key findings: While LLMs excel in IE and textual analysis, they struggle with advanced reasoning and complex tasks like text generation and forecasting. GPT-4 excels in IE and stock trading, while Gemini is better at text generation and forecasting. Instruction-tuned LLMs improve textual analysis but offer limited benefits for complex tasks such as QA. FinBen has been used to host the first financial LLMs shared task at the FinNLP-AgentScen workshop during IJCAI-2024, attracting 12 teams. Their novel solutions outperformed GPT-4, showcasing FinBen's potential to drive innovation in financial LLMs. All datasets, results, and codes are released for the research community:


replace-cross MSynFD: Multi-hop Syntax aware Fake News Detection

Authors: Liang Xiao, Qi Zhang, Chongyang Shi, Shoujin Wang, Usman Naseem, Liang Hu

Abstract: The proliferation of social media platforms has fueled the rapid dissemination of fake news, posing threats to our real-life society. Existing methods use multimodal data or contextual information to enhance the detection of fake news by analyzing news content and/or its social context. However, these methods often overlook essential textual news content (articles) and heavily rely on sequential modeling and global attention to extract semantic information. These existing methods fail to handle the complex, subtle twists in news articles, such as syntax-semantics mismatches and prior biases, leading to lower performance and potential failure when modalities or social context are missing. To bridge these significant gaps, we propose a novel multi-hop syntax aware fake news detection (MSynFD) method, which incorporates complementary syntax information to deal with subtle twists in fake news. Specifically, we introduce a syntactical dependency graph and design a multi-hop subgraph aggregation mechanism to capture multi-hop syntax. It extends the effect of word perception, leading to effective noise filtering and adjacent relation enhancement. Subsequently, a sequential relative position-aware Transformer is designed to capture the sequential information, together with an elaborate keyword debiasing module to mitigate the prior bias. Extensive experimental results on two public benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness and superior performance of our proposed MSynFD over state-of-the-art detection models.

replace-cross Is the System Message Really Important to Jailbreaks in Large Language Models?

Authors: Xiaotian Zou, Yongkang Chen, Ke Li

Abstract: The rapid evolution of Large Language Models (LLMs) has rendered them indispensable in modern society. While security measures are typically to align LLMs with human values prior to release, recent studies have unveiled a concerning phenomenon named "Jailbreak". This term refers to the unexpected and potentially harmful responses generated by LLMs when prompted with malicious questions. Most existing research focus on generating jailbreak prompts but system message configurations vary significantly in experiments. In this paper, we aim to answer a question: Is the system message really important for jailbreaks in LLMs? We conduct experiments in mainstream LLMs to generate jailbreak prompts with varying system messages: short, long, and none. We discover that different system messages have distinct resistances to jailbreaks. Therefore, we explore the transferability of jailbreaks across LLMs with different system messages. Furthermore, we propose the System Messages Evolutionary Algorithm (SMEA) to generate system messages that are more resistant to jailbreak prompts, even with minor changes. Through SMEA, we get a robust system messages population with little change in the length of system messages. Our research not only bolsters LLMs security but also raises the bar for jailbreaks, fostering advancements in this field of study.

replace-cross Chain-of-Thought Unfaithfulness as Disguised Accuracy

Authors: Oliver Bentham, Nathan Stringham, Ana Marasovi\'c

Abstract: Understanding the extent to which Chain-of-Thought (CoT) generations align with a large language model's (LLM) internal computations is critical for deciding whether to trust an LLM's output. As a proxy for CoT faithfulness, Lanham et al. (2023) propose a metric that measures a model's dependence on its CoT for producing an answer. Within a single family of proprietary models, they find that LLMs exhibit a scaling-then-inverse-scaling relationship between model size and their measure of faithfulness, and that a 13 billion parameter model exhibits increased faithfulness compared to models ranging from 810 million to 175 billion parameters in size. We evaluate whether these results generalize as a property of all LLMs. We replicate their experimental setup with three different families of models and, under specific conditions, successfully reproduce the scaling trends for CoT faithfulness they report. However, we discover that simply changing the order of answer choices in the prompt can reduce the metric by 73 percentage points. The faithfulness metric is also highly correlated ($R^2$ = 0.91) with accuracy, raising doubts about its validity for evaluating faithfulness.

replace-cross Active Few-Shot Fine-Tuning

Authors: Jonas H\"ubotter, Bhavya Sukhija, Lenart Treven, Yarden As, Andreas Krause

Abstract: We study the question: How can we select the right data for fine-tuning to a specific task? We call this data selection problem active fine-tuning and show that it is an instance of transductive active learning, a novel generalization of classical active learning. We propose ITL, short for information-based transductive learning, an approach which samples adaptively to maximize information gained about the specified task. We are the first to show, under general regularity assumptions, that such decision rules converge uniformly to the smallest possible uncertainty obtainable from the accessible data. We apply ITL to the few-shot fine-tuning of large neural networks and show that fine-tuning with ITL learns the task with significantly fewer examples than the state-of-the-art.

replace-cross Evaluating the Performance of ChatGPT for Spam Email Detection

Authors: Shijing Si, Yuwei Wu, Le Tang, Yugui Zhang, Jedrek Wosik

Abstract: Email continues to be a pivotal and extensively utilized communication medium within professional and commercial domains. Nonetheless, the prevalence of spam emails poses a significant challenge for users, disrupting their daily routines and diminishing productivity. Consequently, accurately identifying and filtering spam based on content has become crucial for cybersecurity. Recent advancements in natural language processing, particularly with large language models like ChatGPT, have shown remarkable performance in tasks such as question answering and text generation. However, its potential in spam identification remains underexplored. To fill in the gap, this study attempts to evaluate ChatGPT's capabilities for spam identification in both English and Chinese email datasets. We employ ChatGPT for spam email detection using in-context learning, which requires a prompt instruction and a few demonstrations. We also investigate how the number of demonstrations in the prompt affects the performance of ChatGPT. For comparison, we also implement five popular benchmark methods, including naive Bayes, support vector machines (SVM), logistic regression (LR), feedforward dense neural networks (DNN), and BERT classifiers. Through extensive experiments, the performance of ChatGPT is significantly worse than deep supervised learning methods in the large English dataset, while it presents superior performance on the low-resourced Chinese dataset.

replace-cross On the Inductive Biases of Demographic Parity-based Fair Learning Algorithms

Authors: Haoyu Lei, Amin Gohari, Farzan Farnia

Abstract: Fair supervised learning algorithms assigning labels with little dependence on a sensitive attribute have attracted great attention in the machine learning community. While the demographic parity (DP) notion has been frequently used to measure a model's fairness in training fair classifiers, several studies in the literature suggest potential impacts of enforcing DP in fair learning algorithms. In this work, we analytically study the effect of standard DP-based regularization methods on the conditional distribution of the predicted label given the sensitive attribute. Our analysis shows that an imbalanced training dataset with a non-uniform distribution of the sensitive attribute could lead to a classification rule biased toward the sensitive attribute outcome holding the majority of training data. To control such inductive biases in DP-based fair learning, we propose a sensitive attribute-based distributionally robust optimization (SA-DRO) method improving robustness against the marginal distribution of the sensitive attribute. Finally, we present several numerical results on the application of DP-based learning methods to standard centralized and distributed learning problems. The empirical findings support our theoretical results on the inductive biases in DP-based fair learning algorithms and the debiasing effects of the proposed SA-DRO method.

replace-cross Beyond Natural Language: LLMs Leveraging Alternative Formats for Enhanced Reasoning and Communication

Authors: Weize Chen, Chenfei Yuan, Jiarui Yuan, Yusheng Su, Chen Qian, Cheng Yang, Ruobing Xie, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Natural language (NL) has long been the predominant format for human cognition and communication, and by extension, has been similarly pivotal in the development and application of Large Language Models (LLMs). Yet, besides NL, LLMs have seen various non-NL formats during pre-training, such as code and logical expression. NL's status as the optimal format for LLMs, particularly in single-LLM reasoning and multi-agent communication, has not been thoroughly examined. In this work, we challenge the default use of NL by exploring the utility of non-NL formats in these contexts. We show that allowing LLMs to autonomously select the most suitable format before reasoning or communicating leads to a 3.3 to 5.7\% improvement in reasoning efficiency for different LLMs, and up to a 72.7\% reduction in token usage in multi-agent communication, all while maintaining communicative effectiveness. Our comprehensive analysis further reveals that LLMs can devise a format from limited task instructions and that the devised format is effectively transferable across different LLMs. Intriguingly, the structured communication format decided by LLMs exhibits notable parallels with established agent communication languages, suggesting a natural evolution towards efficient, structured communication in agent communication. Our code is released at \url{}.


replace-cross LLM-Ensemble: Optimal Large Language Model Ensemble Method for E-commerce Product Attribute Value Extraction

Authors: Chenhao Fang, Xiaohan Li, Zezhong Fan, Jianpeng Xu, Kaushiki Nag, Evren Korpeoglu, Sushant Kumar, Kannan Achan

Abstract: Product attribute value extraction is a pivotal component in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the contemporary e-commerce industry. The provision of precise product attribute values is fundamental in ensuring high-quality recommendations and enhancing customer satisfaction. The recently emerging Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in numerous attribute extraction tasks, without the need for domain-specific training data. Nevertheless, varying strengths and weaknesses are exhibited by different LLMs due to the diversity in data, architectures, and hyperparameters. This variation makes them complementary to each other, with no single LLM dominating all others. Considering the diverse strengths and weaknesses of LLMs, it becomes necessary to develop an ensemble method that leverages their complementary potentials. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm called LLM-ensemble to ensemble different LLMs' outputs for attribute value extraction. We iteratively learn the weights for different LLMs to aggregate the labels with weights to predict the final attribute value. Not only can our proposed method be proven theoretically optimal, but it also ensures efficient computation, fast convergence, and safe deployment. We have also conducted extensive experiments with various state-of-the-art LLMs, including Llama2-13B, Llama2-70B, PaLM-2, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4, on Walmart's internal data. Our offline metrics demonstrate that the LLM-ensemble method outperforms all the state-of-the-art single LLMs on Walmart's internal dataset. This method has been launched in several production models, leading to improved Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV), Click-Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate (CVR), and Add-to-Cart Rate (ATC).

replace-cross Evidence-Focused Fact Summarization for Knowledge-Augmented Zero-Shot Question Answering

Authors: Sungho Ko, Hyunjin Cho, Hyungjoo Chae, Jinyoung Yeo, Dongha Lee

Abstract: Recent studies have investigated utilizing Knowledge Graphs (KGs) to enhance Quesetion Answering (QA) performance of Large Language Models (LLMs), yet structured KG verbalization remains challengin. Existing methods, such as triple-form or free-form textual conversion of triple-form facts, encounter several issues. These include reduced evidence density due to duplicated entities or relationships, and reduced evidence clarity due to an inability to emphasize crucial evidence. To address these issues, we propose EFSum, an Evidence-focused Fact Summarization framework for enhanced QA with knowledge-augmented LLMs. We optimize an open-source LLM as a fact summarizer through distillation and preference alignment. Our extensive experiments show that EFSum improves LLM's zero-shot QA performance, and it is possible to ensure both the helpfulness and faithfulness of the summary.

replace-cross Decoding the AI Pen: Techniques and Challenges in Detecting AI-Generated Text

Authors: Sara Abdali, Richard Anarfi, CJ Barberan, Jia He

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of Natural Language Generation (NLG) by demonstrating an impressive ability to generate human-like text. However, their widespread usage introduces challenges that necessitate thoughtful examination, ethical scrutiny, and responsible practices. In this study, we delve into these challenges, explore existing strategies for mitigating them, with a particular emphasis on identifying AI-generated text as the ultimate solution. Additionally, we assess the feasibility of detection from a theoretical perspective and propose novel research directions to address the current limitations in this domain.

replace-cross FewFedPIT: Towards Privacy-preserving and Few-shot Federated Instruction Tuning

Authors: Zhuo Zhang, Jingyuan Zhang, Jintao Huang, Lizhen Qu, Hongzhi Zhang, Qifan Wang, Xun Zhou, Zenglin Xu

Abstract: Instruction tuning has been identified as a crucial technique for optimizing the performance of large language models (LLMs) in generating human-aligned responses. Nonetheless, gathering diversified and superior-quality instruction data for such tuning presents notable obstacles, especially in domains with rigid privacy provisions. Federated instruction tuning (FedIT) has emerged as a promising solution, by consolidating collaborative training across multiple data owners, thereby resulting in a privacy-preserving learning model. However, FedIT encounters limitations such as scarcity of instructional data and risk of exposure to training data extraction attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel federated algorithm, FewFedPIT, designed to simultaneously enhance privacy protection and model performance of federated few-shot learning. FewFedPITcomprises three vital components on the client side: (1) synthetic data generation, which utilizes LLMs' in-context learning capacity to generate synthetic data autonomously, thus expanding the local database; (2) parameter isolation training, which individually updates the public parameters in the synthetic data and the private parameters in the local data, consequently mitigating the noise impact of the synthetic data; (3) local aggregation sharing, which mixes public and private parameters before uploading, effectively preventing data extraction attacks. Extensive experiments on three open-source datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of FewFedPITin, enhancing privacy preservation and improving federated few-shot performance.

replace-cross On the Diminishing Returns of Width for Continual Learning

Authors: Etash Guha, Vihan Lakshman

Abstract: While deep neural networks have demonstrated groundbreaking performance in various settings, these models often suffer from \emph{catastrophic forgetting} when trained on new tasks in sequence. Several works have empirically demonstrated that increasing the width of a neural network leads to a decrease in catastrophic forgetting but have yet to characterize the exact relationship between width and continual learning. We design one of the first frameworks to analyze Continual Learning Theory and prove that width is directly related to forgetting in Feed-Forward Networks (FFN). Specifically, we demonstrate that increasing network widths to reduce forgetting yields diminishing returns. We empirically verify our claims at widths hitherto unexplored in prior studies where the diminishing returns are clearly observed as predicted by our theory.

replace-cross A Question-centric Multi-experts Contrastive Learning Framework for Improving the Accuracy and Interpretability of Deep Sequential Knowledge Tracing Models

Authors: Hengyuan Zhang, Zitao Liu, Chenming Shang, Dawei Li, Yong Jiang

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT) plays a crucial role in predicting students' future performance by analyzing their historical learning processes. Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown great potential in solving the KT problem. However, there still exist some important challenges when applying deep learning techniques to model the KT process. The first challenge lies in taking the individual information of the question into modeling. This is crucial because, despite questions sharing the same knowledge component (KC), students' knowledge acquisition on homogeneous questions can vary significantly. The second challenge lies in interpreting the prediction results from existing deep learning-based KT models. In real-world applications, while it may not be necessary to have complete transparency and interpretability of the model parameters, it is crucial to present the model's prediction results in a manner that teachers find interpretable. This makes teachers accept the rationale behind the prediction results and utilize them to design teaching activities and tailored learning strategies for students. However, the inherent black-box nature of deep learning techniques often poses a hurdle for teachers to fully embrace the model's prediction results. To address these challenges, we propose a Question-centric Multi-experts Contrastive Learning framework for KT called Q-MCKT. We have provided all the datasets and code on our website at


replace-cross $TrIND$: Representing Anatomical Trees by Denoising Diffusion of Implicit Neural Fields

Authors: Ashish Sinha, Ghassan Hamarneh

Abstract: Anatomical trees play a central role in clinical diagnosis and treatment planning. However, accurately representing anatomical trees is challenging due to their varying and complex topology and geometry. Traditional methods for representing tree structures, captured using medical imaging, while invaluable for visualizing vascular and bronchial networks, exhibit drawbacks in terms of limited resolution, flexibility, and efficiency. Recently, implicit neural representations (INRs) have emerged as a powerful tool for representing shapes accurately and efficiently. We propose a novel approach, $TrIND$, for representing anatomical trees using INR, while also capturing the distribution of a set of trees via denoising diffusion in the space of INRs. We accurately capture the intricate geometries and topologies of anatomical trees at any desired resolution. Through extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation, we demonstrate high-fidelity tree reconstruction with arbitrary resolution yet compact storage, and versatility across anatomical sites and tree complexities. The code is available at: \texttt{\url{}}.


replace-cross EquiAV: Leveraging Equivariance for Audio-Visual Contrastive Learning

Authors: Jongsuk Kim, Hyeongkeun Lee, Kyeongha Rho, Junmo Kim, Joon Son Chung

Abstract: Recent advancements in self-supervised audio-visual representation learning have demonstrated its potential to capture rich and comprehensive representations. However, despite the advantages of data augmentation verified in many learning methods, audio-visual learning has struggled to fully harness these benefits, as augmentations can easily disrupt the correspondence between input pairs. To address this limitation, we introduce EquiAV, a novel framework that leverages equivariance for audio-visual contrastive learning. Our approach begins with extending equivariance to audio-visual learning, facilitated by a shared attention-based transformation predictor. It enables the aggregation of features from diverse augmentations into a representative embedding, providing robust supervision. Notably, this is achieved with minimal computational overhead. Extensive ablation studies and qualitative results verify the effectiveness of our method. EquiAV outperforms previous works across various audio-visual benchmarks. The code is available on


replace-cross HumanoidBench: Simulated Humanoid Benchmark for Whole-Body Locomotion and Manipulation

Authors: Carmelo Sferrazza, Dun-Ming Huang, Xingyu Lin, Youngwoon Lee, Pieter Abbeel

Abstract: Humanoid robots hold great promise in assisting humans in diverse environments and tasks, due to their flexibility and adaptability leveraging human-like morphology. However, research in humanoid robots is often bottlenecked by the costly and fragile hardware setups. To accelerate algorithmic research in humanoid robots, we present a high-dimensional, simulated robot learning benchmark, HumanoidBench, featuring a humanoid robot equipped with dexterous hands and a variety of challenging whole-body manipulation and locomotion tasks. Our findings reveal that state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms struggle with most tasks, whereas a hierarchical learning approach achieves superior performance when supported by robust low-level policies, such as walking or reaching. With HumanoidBench, we provide the robotics community with a platform to identify the challenges arising when solving diverse tasks with humanoid robots, facilitating prompt verification of algorithms and ideas. The open-source code is available at


replace-cross ERASE: Benchmarking Feature Selection Methods for Deep Recommender Systems

Authors: Pengyue Jia, Yejing Wang, Zhaocheng Du, Xiangyu Zhao, Yichao Wang, Bo Chen, Wanyu Wang, Huifeng Guo, Ruiming Tang

Abstract: Deep Recommender Systems (DRS) are increasingly dependent on a large number of feature fields for more precise recommendations. Effective feature selection methods are consequently becoming critical for further enhancing the accuracy and optimizing storage efficiencies to align with the deployment demands. This research area, particularly in the context of DRS, is nascent and faces three core challenges. Firstly, variant experimental setups across research papers often yield unfair comparisons, obscuring practical insights. Secondly, the existing literature's lack of detailed analysis on selection attributes, based on large-scale datasets and a thorough comparison among selection techniques and DRS backbones, restricts the generalizability of findings and impedes deployment on DRS. Lastly, research often focuses on comparing the peak performance achievable by feature selection methods, an approach that is typically computationally infeasible for identifying the optimal hyperparameters and overlooks evaluating the robustness and stability of these methods. To bridge these gaps, this paper presents ERASE, a comprehensive bEnchmaRk for feAture SElection for DRS. ERASE comprises a thorough evaluation of eleven feature selection methods, covering both traditional and deep learning approaches, across four public datasets, private industrial datasets, and a real-world commercial platform, achieving significant enhancement. Our code is available online for ease of reproduction.

replace-cross Towards Measuring and Modeling "Culture" in LLMs: A Survey

Authors: Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda, Sagnik Mukherjee, Pradhyumna Lavania, Siddhant Singh, Alham Fikri Aji, Jacki O'Neill, Ashutosh Modi, Monojit Choudhury

Abstract: We present a survey of more than 90 recent papers that aim to study cultural representation and inclusion in large language models (LLMs). We observe that none of the studies explicitly define "culture, which is a complex, multifaceted concept; instead, they probe the models on some specially designed datasets which represent certain aspects of "culture". We call these aspects the proxies of culture, and organize them across two dimensions of demographic and semantic proxies. We also categorize the probing methods employed. Our analysis indicates that only certain aspects of ``culture,'' such as values and objectives, have been studied, leaving several other interesting and important facets, especially the multitude of semantic domains (Thompson et al., 2020) and aboutness (Hershcovich et al., 2022), unexplored. Two other crucial gaps are the lack of robustness of probing techniques and situated studies on the impact of cultural mis- and under-representation in LLM-based applications.

replace-cross Detecting Generative Parroting through Overfitting Masked Autoencoders

Authors: Saeid Asgari Taghanaki, Joseph Lambourne

Abstract: The advent of generative AI models has revolutionized digital content creation, yet it introduces challenges in maintaining copyright integrity due to generative parroting, where models mimic their training data too closely. Our research presents a novel approach to tackle this issue by employing an overfitted Masked Autoencoder (MAE) to detect such parroted samples effectively. We establish a detection threshold based on the mean loss across the training dataset, allowing for the precise identification of parroted content in modified datasets. Preliminary evaluations demonstrate promising results, suggesting our method's potential to ensure ethical use and enhance the legal compliance of generative models.

replace-cross MambaMixer: Efficient Selective State Space Models with Dual Token and Channel Selection

Authors: Ali Behrouz, Michele Santacatterina, Ramin Zabih

Abstract: Recent advances in deep learning have mainly relied on Transformers due to their data dependency and ability to learn at scale. The attention module in these architectures, however, exhibits quadratic time and space in input size, limiting their scalability for long-sequence modeling. State Space Models (SSMs), and more specifically Selective SSMs (S6), with efficient hardware-aware implementation, have shown promising potential for long causal sequence modeling. They, however, use separate blocks for each channel and fail to filter irrelevant channels and capture inter-channel dependencies. Natural attempt to mix information across channels using MLP, attention, or SSMs results in further instability in the training of SSMs for large networks and/or nearly double the number of parameters. We present the MambaMixer block, a new SSM-based architecture with data-dependent weights that uses a dual selection mechanism across tokens and channels-called Selective Token and Channel Mixer. To mitigate doubling the number of parameters, we present a new non-causal heuristic of the S6 block with a hardware-friendly implementation. We further present an efficient variant of MambaMixer, called QSMixer, that mixes information along both sequence and embedding dimensions. As a proof of concept, we design Vision MambaMixer (ViM2) and Vision QSMixer (ViQS) architectures. To enhance their ability to capture spatial information in images, we present Switch of Scans (SoS) that dynamically uses a set of useful image scans to traverse image patches. We evaluate the performance of our methods in image classification, segmentation, and object detection. Our results underline the importance of selectively mixing across both tokens and channels and show the competitive (resp. superior) performance of our methods with well-established vision models (resp. SSM-based models).

replace-cross TFB: Towards Comprehensive and Fair Benchmarking of Time Series Forecasting Methods

Authors: Xiangfei Qiu, Jilin Hu, Lekui Zhou, Xingjian Wu, Junyang Du, Buang Zhang, Chenjuan Guo, Aoying Zhou, Christian S. Jensen, Zhenli Sheng, Bin Yang

Abstract: Time series are generated in diverse domains such as economic, traffic, health, and energy, where forecasting of future values has numerous important applications. Not surprisingly, many forecasting methods are being proposed. To ensure progress, it is essential to be able to study and compare such methods empirically in a comprehensive and reliable manner. To achieve this, we propose TFB, an automated benchmark for Time Series Forecasting (TSF) methods. TFB advances the state-of-the-art by addressing shortcomings related to datasets, comparison methods, and evaluation pipelines: 1) insufficient coverage of data domains, 2) stereotype bias against traditional methods, and 3) inconsistent and inflexible pipelines. To achieve better domain coverage, we include datasets from 10 different domains: traffic, electricity, energy, the environment, nature, economic, stock markets, banking, health, and the web. We also provide a time series characterization to ensure that the selected datasets are comprehensive. To remove biases against some methods, we include a diverse range of methods, including statistical learning, machine learning, and deep learning methods, and we also support a variety of evaluation strategies and metrics to ensure a more comprehensive evaluations of different methods. To support the integration of different methods into the benchmark and enable fair comparisons, TFB features a flexible and scalable pipeline that eliminates biases. Next, we employ TFB to perform a thorough evaluation of 21 Univariate Time Series Forecasting (UTSF) methods on 8,068 univariate time series and 14 Multivariate Time Series Forecasting (MTSF) methods on 25 datasets. The benchmark code and data are available at


replace-cross Eigenpruning: an Interpretability-Inspired PEFT Method

Authors: Tom\'as Vergara-Browne, \'Alvaro Soto, Akiko Aizawa

Abstract: We introduce eigenpruning, a method that removes singular values from weight matrices in an LLM to improve its performance in a particular task. This method is inspired by interpretability methods designed to automatically find subnetworks of a model which solve a specific task. In our tests, the pruned model outperforms the original model by a large margin, while only requiring minimal computation to prune the weight matrices. In the case of a small synthetic task in integer multiplication, the Phi-2 model can improve its accuracy in the test set from 13.75% to 97.50%. Interestingly, these results seem to indicate the existence of a computation path that can solve the task very effectively, but it was not being used by the original model. Finally, we publicly release our implementation.

replace-cross RankCLIP: Ranking-Consistent Language-Image Pretraining

Authors: Yiming Zhang, Zhuokai Zhao, Zhaorun Chen, Zhili Feng, Zenghui Ding, Yining Sun

Abstract: Self-supervised contrastive learning models, such as CLIP, have set new benchmarks for vision-language models in many downstream tasks. However, their dependency on rigid one-to-one mappings overlooks the complex and often multifaceted relationships between and within texts and images. To this end, we introduce RANKCLIP, a novel pretraining method that extends beyond the rigid one-to-one matching framework of CLIP and its variants. By extending the traditional pair-wise loss to list-wise, and leveraging both in-modal and cross-modal ranking consistency, RANKCLIP improves the alignment process, enabling it to capture the nuanced many-to-many relationships between and within each modality. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of RANKCLIP in various downstream tasks, notably achieving significant gains in zero-shot classifications over state-of-the-art methods, underscoring the importance of this enhanced learning process.

replace-cross White Men Lead, Black Women Help? Benchmarking Language Agency Social Biases in LLMs

Authors: Yixin Wan, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Language agency is an important aspect of evaluating social biases in texts. While several studies approached agency-related bias in human-written language, very limited research has investigated such biases in Large Language Model (LLM)-generated content. In addition, previous research often relies on string-matching techniques to identify agentic and communal words within texts, which fall short of accurately classifying language agency. We introduce the novel Language Agency Bias Evaluation (LABE) benchmark, which comprehensively evaluates biases in LLMs by analyzing agency levels attributed to different demographic groups in model generations. LABE leverages 5,400 template-based prompts, an accurate agency classifier, and corresponding bias metrics to test for gender, racial, and intersectional language agency biases in LLMs on 3 text generation tasks: biographies, professor reviews, and reference letters. To build better and more accurate automated agency classifiers, we also contribute and release the Language Agency Classification (LAC) dataset, consisting of 3,724 agentic and communal sentences. Using LABE, we unveil previously under-explored language agency social biases in 3 recent LLMs: ChatGPT, Llama3, and Mistral. We observe that: (1) For the same text category, LLM generations demonstrate higher levels of gender bias than human-written texts; (2) On most generation tasks, models show remarkably higher levels of intersectional bias than the other bias aspects. Those who are at the intersection of gender and racial minority groups -- such as Black females -- are consistently described by texts with lower levels of agency; (3) Among the 3 LLMs investigated, Llama3 demonstrates greatest overall bias in language agency; (4) Not only does prompt-based mitigation fail to resolve language agency bias in LLMs, but it frequently leads to the exacerbation of biases in generated texts.

replace-cross Cross-cultural Inspiration Detection and Analysis in Real and LLM-generated Social Media Data

Authors: Oana Ignat, Gayathri Ganesh Lakshmy, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: Inspiration is linked to various positive outcomes, such as increased creativity, productivity, and happiness. Although inspiration has great potential, there has been limited effort toward identifying content that is inspiring, as opposed to just engaging or positive. Additionally, most research has concentrated on Western data, with little attention paid to other cultures. This work is the first to study cross-cultural inspiration through machine learning methods. We aim to identify and analyze real and AI-generated cross-cultural inspiring posts. To this end, we compile and make publicly available the InspAIred dataset, which consists of 2,000 real inspiring posts, 2,000 real non-inspiring posts, and 2,000 generated inspiring posts evenly distributed across India and the UK. The real posts are sourced from Reddit, while the generated posts are created using the GPT-4 model. Using this dataset, we conduct extensive computational linguistic analyses to (1) compare inspiring content across cultures, (2) compare AI-generated inspiring posts to real inspiring posts, and (3) determine if detection models can accurately distinguish between inspiring content across cultures and data sources.

replace-cross MAiDE-up: Multilingual Deception Detection of GPT-generated Hotel Reviews

Authors: Oana Ignat, Xiaomeng Xu, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: Deceptive reviews are becoming increasingly common, especially given the increase in performance and the prevalence of LLMs. While work to date has addressed the development of models to differentiate between truthful and deceptive human reviews, much less is known about the distinction between real reviews and AI-authored fake reviews. Moreover, most of the research so far has focused primarily on English, with very little work dedicated to other languages. In this paper, we compile and make publicly available the MAiDE-up dataset, consisting of 10,000 real and 10,000 AI-generated fake hotel reviews, balanced across ten languages. Using this dataset, we conduct extensive linguistic analyses to (1) compare the AI fake hotel reviews to real hotel reviews, and (2) identify the factors that influence the deception detection model performance. We explore the effectiveness of several models for deception detection in hotel reviews across three main dimensions: sentiment, location, and language. We find that these dimensions influence how well we can detect AI-generated fake reviews.

replace-cross Transformers Can Represent $n$-gram Language Models

Authors: Anej Svete, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Existing work has analyzed the representational capacity of the transformer architecture by means of formal models of computation. However, the focus so far has been on analyzing the architecture in terms of language \emph{acceptance}. We contend that this is an ill-suited problem in the study of \emph{language models} (LMs), which are definitionally \emph{probability distributions} over strings. In this paper, we focus on the relationship between transformer LMs and $n$-gram LMs, a simple and historically relevant class of language models. We show that transformer LMs using the hard or sparse attention mechanisms can exactly represent any $n$-gram LM, giving us a concrete lower bound on their probabilistic representational capacity. This provides a first step towards understanding the mechanisms that transformer LMs can use to represent probability distributions over strings.

replace-cross CoSD: Collaborative Stance Detection with Contrastive Heterogeneous Topic Graph Learning

Authors: Yinghan Cheng, Qi Zhang, Chongyang Shi, Liang Xiao, Shufeng Hao, Liang Hu

Abstract: Stance detection seeks to identify the viewpoints of individuals either in favor or against a given target or a controversial topic. Current advanced neural models for stance detection typically employ fully parametric softmax classifiers. However, these methods suffer from several limitations, including lack of explainability, insensitivity to the latent data structure, and unimodality, which greatly restrict their performance and applications. To address these challenges, we present a novel collaborative stance detection framework called (CoSD) which leverages contrastive heterogeneous topic graph learning to learn topic-aware semantics and collaborative signals among texts, topics, and stance labels for enhancing stance detection. During training, we construct a heterogeneous graph to structurally organize texts and stances through implicit topics via employing latent Dirichlet allocation. We then perform contrastive graph learning to learn heterogeneous node representations, aggregating informative multi-hop collaborative signals via an elaborate Collaboration Propagation Aggregation (CPA) module. During inference, we introduce a hybrid similarity scoring module to enable the comprehensive incorporation of topic-aware semantics and collaborative signals for stance detection. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the state-of-the-art detection performance of CoSD, verifying the effectiveness and explainability of our collaborative framework.

replace-cross Online,Target-Free LiDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration via Cross-Modal Mask Matching

Authors: Zhiwei Huang, Yikang Zhang, Qijun Chen, Rui Fan

Abstract: LiDAR-camera extrinsic calibration (LCEC) is crucial for data fusion in intelligent vehicles. Offline, target-based approaches have long been the preferred choice in this field. However, they often demonstrate poor adaptability to real-world environments. This is largely because extrinsic parameters may change significantly due to moderate shocks or during extended operations in environments with vibrations. In contrast, online, target-free approaches provide greater adaptability yet typically lack robustness, primarily due to the challenges in cross-modal feature matching. Therefore, in this article, we unleash the full potential of large vision models (LVMs), which are emerging as a significant trend in the fields of computer vision and robotics, especially for embodied artificial intelligence, to achieve robust and accurate online, target-free LCEC across a variety of challenging scenarios. Our main contributions are threefold: we introduce a novel framework known as MIAS-LCEC, provide an open-source versatile calibration toolbox with an interactive visualization interface, and publish three real-world datasets captured from various indoor and outdoor environments. The cornerstone of our framework and toolbox is the cross-modal mask matching (C3M) algorithm, developed based on a state-of-the-art (SoTA) LVM and capable of generating sufficient and reliable matches. Extensive experiments conducted on these real-world datasets demonstrate the robustness of our approach and its superior performance compared to SoTA methods, particularly for the solid-state LiDARs with super-wide fields of view.

replace-cross Dependency-Aware Semi-Structured Sparsity: Declining Roles of Outliers in Pruning GLU-based LLMs

Authors: Zhiyu Guo, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Taro Wanatnabe

Abstract: The rapid growth in the scale of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to significant computational and memory costs, making model compression techniques such as network pruning increasingly crucial for their efficient deployment. Recent LLMs such as LLaMA2 and Mistral have adopted GLU-based MLP architectures. However, current LLM pruning strategies are primarily based on insights from older LLM architectures, necessitating a reevaluation of these strategies to suit the new architectural characteristics. Contrary to traditional beliefs, we find that outliers play a diminished role in the input projections of GLU-based MLPs. Leveraging this new insight, we propose Dependency-aware Semi-structured Sparsity (DaSS), a novel pruning method for GLU-based LLMs. DaSS balances the flexibility of unstructured pruning and the structural consistency of dependency-based structured pruning by considering both of weight magnitude and corresponding intermediate activation norms in weight pruning metric. Empirical evaluations on the Mistral, Gemma, and LLaMA2 model families demonstrate the consistent effectiveness of DaSS in the prevailing GLU variants.

replace-cross Learning Linear Utility Functions From Pairwise Comparison Queries

Authors: Luise Ge, Brendan Juba, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik

Abstract: We study learnability of linear utility functions from pairwise comparison queries. In particular, we consider two learning objectives. The first objective is to predict out-of-sample responses to pairwise comparisons, whereas the second is to approximately recover the true parameters of the utility function. We show that in the passive learning setting, linear utilities are efficiently learnable with respect to the first objective, both when query responses are uncorrupted by noise, and under Tsybakov noise when the distributions are sufficiently "nice". In contrast, we show that utility parameters are not learnable for a large set of data distributions without strong modeling assumptions, even when query responses are noise-free. Next, we proceed to analyze the learning problem in an active learning setting. In this case, we show that even the second objective is efficiently learnable, and present algorithms for both the noise-free and noisy query response settings. Our results thus exhibit a qualitative learnability gap between passive and active learning from pairwise preference queries, demonstrating the value of the ability to select pairwise queries for utility learning.

replace-cross FedConPE: Efficient Federated Conversational Bandits with Heterogeneous Clients

Authors: Zhuohua Li, Maoli Liu, John C. S. Lui

Abstract: Conversational recommender systems have emerged as a potent solution for efficiently eliciting user preferences. These systems interactively present queries associated with "key terms" to users and leverage user feedback to estimate user preferences more efficiently. Nonetheless, most existing algorithms adopt a centralized approach. In this paper, we introduce FedConPE, a phase elimination-based federated conversational bandit algorithm, where $M$ agents collaboratively solve a global contextual linear bandit problem with the help of a central server while ensuring secure data management. To effectively coordinate all the clients and aggregate their collected data, FedConPE uses an adaptive approach to construct key terms that minimize uncertainty across all dimensions in the feature space. Furthermore, compared with existing federated linear bandit algorithms, FedConPE offers improved computational and communication efficiency as well as enhanced privacy protections. Our theoretical analysis shows that FedConPE is minimax near-optimal in terms of cumulative regret. We also establish upper bounds for communication costs and conversation frequency. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that FedConPE outperforms existing conversational bandit algorithms while using fewer conversations.

replace-cross DeepSeek-V2: A Strong, Economical, and Efficient Mixture-of-Experts Language Model

Authors: DeepSeek-AI, Aixin Liu, Bei Feng, Bin Wang, Bingxuan Wang, Bo Liu, Chenggang Zhao, Chengqi Dengr, Chong Ruan, Damai Dai, Daya Guo, Dejian Yang, Deli Chen, Dongjie Ji, Erhang Li, Fangyun Lin, Fuli Luo, Guangbo Hao, Guanting Chen, Guowei Li, H. Zhang, Hanwei Xu, Hao Yang, Haowei Zhang, Honghui Ding, Huajian Xin, Huazuo Gao, Hui Li, Hui Qu, J. L. Cai, Jian Liang, Jianzhong Guo, Jiaqi Ni, Jiashi Li, Jin Chen, Jingyang Yuan, Junjie Qiu, Junxiao Song, Kai Dong, Kaige Gao, Kang Guan, Lean Wang, Lecong Zhang, Lei Xu, Leyi Xia, Liang Zhao, Liyue Zhang, Meng Li, Miaojun Wang, Mingchuan Zhang, Minghua Zhang, Minghui Tang, Mingming Li, Ning Tian, Panpan Huang, Peiyi Wang, Peng Zhang, Qihao Zhu, Qinyu Chen, Qiushi Du, R. J. Chen, R. L. Jin, Ruiqi Ge, Ruizhe Pan, Runxin Xu, Ruyi Chen, S. S. Li, Shanghao Lu, Shangyan Zhou, Shanhuang Chen, Shaoqing Wu, Shengfeng Ye, Shirong Ma, Shiyu Wang, Shuang Zhou, Shuiping Yu, Shunfeng Zhou, Size Zheng, T. Wang, Tian Pei, Tian Yuan, Tianyu Sun, W. L. Xiao, Wangding Zeng, Wei An, Wen Liu, Wenfeng Liang, Wenjun Gao, Wentao Zhang, X. Q. Li, Xiangyue Jin, Xianzu Wang, Xiao Bi, Xiaodong Liu, Xiaohan Wang, Xiaojin Shen, Xiaokang Chen, Xiaosha Chen, Xiaotao Nie, Xiaowen Sun, Xiaoxiang Wang, Xin Liu, Xin Xie, Xingkai Yu, Xinnan Song, Xinyi Zhou, Xinyu Yang, Xuan Lu, Xuecheng Su, Y. Wu, Y. K. Li, Y. X. Wei, Y. X. Zhu, Yanhong Xu, Yanping Huang, Yao Li, Yao Zhao, Yaofeng Sun, Yaohui Li, Yaohui Wang, Yi Zheng, Yichao Zhang, Yiliang Xiong, Yilong Zhao, Ying He, Ying Tang, Yishi Piao, Yixin Dong, Yixuan Tan, Yiyuan Liu, Yongji Wang, Yongqiang Guo, Yuchen Zhu, Yuduan Wang, Yuheng Zou, Yukun Zha, Yunxian Ma, Yuting Yan, Yuxiang You, Yuxuan Liu, Z. Z. Ren, Zehui Ren, Zhangli Sha, Zhe Fu, Zhen Huang, Zhen Zhang, Zhenda Xie, Zhewen Hao, Zhihong Shao, Zhiniu Wen, Zhipeng Xu, Zhongyu Zhang, Zhuoshu Li, Zihan Wang, Zihui Gu, Zilin Li, Ziwei Xie

Abstract: We present DeepSeek-V2, a strong Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) language model characterized by economical training and efficient inference. It comprises 236B total parameters, of which 21B are activated for each token, and supports a context length of 128K tokens. DeepSeek-V2 adopts innovative architectures including Multi-head Latent Attention (MLA) and DeepSeekMoE. MLA guarantees efficient inference through significantly compressing the Key-Value (KV) cache into a latent vector, while DeepSeekMoE enables training strong models at an economical cost through sparse computation. Compared with DeepSeek 67B, DeepSeek-V2 achieves significantly stronger performance, and meanwhile saves 42.5% of training costs, reduces the KV cache by 93.3%, and boosts the maximum generation throughput to 5.76 times. We pretrain DeepSeek-V2 on a high-quality and multi-source corpus consisting of 8.1T tokens, and further perform Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) to fully unlock its potential. Evaluation results show that, even with only 21B activated parameters, DeepSeek-V2 and its chat versions still achieve top-tier performance among open-source models.

replace-cross Is the Pope Catholic? Yes, the Pope is Catholic. Generative Evaluation of Non-Literal Intent Resolution in LLMs

Authors: Akhila Yerukola, Saujas Vaduguru, Daniel Fried, Maarten Sap

Abstract: Humans often express their communicative intents indirectly or non-literally, which requires their interlocutors -- human or AI -- to understand beyond the literal meaning of words. While most existing work has focused on discriminative evaluations, we present a new approach to generatively evaluate large language models' (LLMs') intention understanding by examining their responses to non-literal utterances. Ideally, an LLM should respond in line with the true intention of a non-literal utterance, not its literal interpretation. Our findings show that LLMs struggle to generate pragmatically relevant responses to non-literal language, achieving only 50-55% accuracy on average. While explicitly providing oracle intentions significantly improves performance (e.g., 75% for Mistral-Instruct), this still indicates challenges in leveraging given intentions to produce appropriate responses. Using chain-of-thought to make models spell out intentions yields much smaller gains (60% for Mistral-Instruct). These findings suggest that LLMs are not yet effective pragmatic interlocutors, highlighting the need for better approaches for modeling intentions and utilizing them for pragmatic generation.

replace-cross Xmodel-VLM: A Simple Baseline for Multimodal Vision Language Model

Authors: Wanting Xu, Yang Liu, Langping He, Xucheng Huang, Ling Jiang

Abstract: We introduce Xmodel-VLM, a cutting-edge multimodal vision language model. It is designed for efficient deployment on consumer GPU servers. Our work directly confronts a pivotal industry issue by grappling with the prohibitive service costs that hinder the broad adoption of large-scale multimodal systems. Through rigorous training, we have developed a 1B-scale language model from the ground up, employing the LLaVA paradigm for modal alignment. The result, which we call Xmodel-VLM, is a lightweight yet powerful multimodal vision language model. Extensive testing across numerous classic multimodal benchmarks has revealed that despite its smaller size and faster execution, Xmodel-VLM delivers performance comparable to that of larger models. Our model checkpoints and code are publicly available on GitHub at


replace-cross The Real Price of Bandit Information in Multiclass Classification

Authors: Liad Erez, Alon Cohen, Tomer Koren, Yishay Mansour, Shay Moran

Abstract: We revisit the classical problem of multiclass classification with bandit feedback (Kakade, Shalev-Shwartz and Tewari, 2008), where each input classifies to one of $K$ possible labels and feedback is restricted to whether the predicted label is correct or not. Our primary inquiry is with regard to the dependency on the number of labels $K$, and whether $T$-step regret bounds in this setting can be improved beyond the $\smash{\sqrt{KT}}$ dependence exhibited by existing algorithms. Our main contribution is in showing that the minimax regret of bandit multiclass is in fact more nuanced, and is of the form $\smash{\widetilde{\Theta}\left(\min \left\{|H| + \sqrt{T}, \sqrt{KT \log |H|} \right\} \right) }$, where $H$ is the underlying (finite) hypothesis class. In particular, we present a new bandit classification algorithm that guarantees regret $\smash{\widetilde{O}(|H|+\sqrt{T})}$, improving over classical algorithms for moderately-sized hypothesis classes, and give a matching lower bound establishing tightness of the upper bounds (up to log-factors) in all parameter regimes.

replace-cross Progress Measures for Grokking on Real-world Tasks

Authors: Satvik Golechha

Abstract: Grokking, a phenomenon where machine learning models generalize long after overfitting, has been primarily observed and studied in algorithmic tasks. This paper explores grokking in real-world datasets using deep neural networks for classification under the cross-entropy loss. We challenge the prevalent hypothesis that the $L_2$ norm of weights is the primary cause of grokking by demonstrating that grokking can occur outside the expected range of weight norms. To better understand grokking, we introduce three new progress measures: activation sparsity, absolute weight entropy, and approximate local circuit complexity. These measures are conceptually related to generalization and demonstrate a stronger correlation with grokking in real-world datasets compared to weight norms. Our findings suggest that while weight norms might usually correlate with grokking and our progress measures, they are not causative, and our proposed measures provide a better understanding of the dynamics of grokking.

replace-cross Lockpicking LLMs: A Logit-Based Jailbreak Using Token-level Manipulation

Authors: Yuxi Li, Yi Liu, Yuekang Li, Ling Shi, Gelei Deng, Shengquan Chen, Kailong Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have transformed the field of natural language processing, but they remain susceptible to jailbreaking attacks that exploit their capabilities to generate unintended and potentially harmful content. Existing token-level jailbreaking techniques, while effective, face scalability and efficiency challenges, especially as models undergo frequent updates and incorporate advanced defensive measures. In this paper, we introduce JailMine, an innovative token-level manipulation approach that addresses these limitations effectively. JailMine employs an automated "mining" process to elicit malicious responses from LLMs by strategically selecting affirmative outputs and iteratively reducing the likelihood of rejection. Through rigorous testing across multiple well-known LLMs and datasets, we demonstrate JailMine's effectiveness and efficiency, achieving a significant average reduction of 86% in time consumed while maintaining high success rates averaging 95%, even in the face of evolving defensive strategies. Our work contributes to the ongoing effort to assess and mitigate the vulnerability of LLMs to jailbreaking attacks, underscoring the importance of continued vigilance and proactive measures to enhance the security and reliability of these powerful language models.

replace-cross Vikhr: The Family of Open-Source Instruction-Tuned Large Language Models for Russian

Authors: Aleksandr Nikolich, Konstantin Korolev, Artem Shelmanov, Igor Kiselev

Abstract: There has been a surge in the development of various Large Language Models (LLMs). However, text generation for languages other than English often faces significant challenges, including poor generation quality and the reduced computational performance due to the disproportionate representation of tokens in model's vocabulary. In this work, we address these issues and introduce Vikhr, a new state-of-the-art open-source instruction-tuned LLM designed specifically for the Russian language. Unlike previous efforts for Russian that utilize computationally inexpensive LoRA adapters on top of English-oriented models, Vikhr features an adapted tokenizer vocabulary and undergoes the continued pre-training and instruction tuning of all weights. This approach not only enhances the model's performance but also significantly improves its computational and contextual efficiency. The remarkable performance of Vikhr across various Russian-language benchmarks can also be attributed to our efforts in expanding instruction datasets and corpora for continued pre-training. Vikhr not only sets the new state of the art among open-source LLMs for Russian, but even outperforms some proprietary closed-source models on certain benchmarks. The model weights, instruction sets, and code are publicly available

replace-cross DefSent+: Improving sentence embeddings of language models by projecting definition sentences into a quasi-isotropic or isotropic vector space of unlimited dictionary entries

Authors: Xiaodong Liu

Abstract: This paper presents a significant improvement on the previous conference paper known as DefSent. The prior study seeks to improve sentence embeddings of language models by projecting definition sentences into the vector space of dictionary entries. We discover that this approach is not fully explored due to the methodological limitation of using word embeddings of language models to represent dictionary entries. This leads to two hindrances. First, dictionary entries are constrained by the single-word vocabulary, and thus cannot be fully exploited. Second, semantic representations of language models are known to be anisotropic, but pre-processing word embeddings for DefSent is not allowed because its weight is frozen during training and tied to the prediction layer. In this paper, we propose a novel method to progressively build entry embeddings not subject to the limitations. As a result, definition sentences can be projected into a quasi-isotropic or isotropic vector space of unlimited dictionary entries, so that sentence embeddings of noticeably better quality are attainable. We abbreviate our approach as DefSent+ (a plus version of DefSent), involving the following strengths: 1) the task performance on measuring sentence similarities is significantly improved compared to DefSent; 2) when DefSent+ is used to further train data-augmented models like SIMCSE, SNCSE, and SynCSE, state-of-the-art performance on measuring sentence similarities can be achieved among the approaches without using manually labeled datasets; 3) DefSent+ is also competitive in feature-based transfer for NLP downstream tasks.

replace-cross Scorch: A Library for Sparse Deep Learning

Authors: Bobby Yan, Alexander J. Root, Trevor Gale, David Broman, Fredrik Kjolstad

Abstract: The rapid growth in the size of deep learning models strains the capabilities of traditional dense computation paradigms. Leveraging sparse computation has become increasingly popular for training and deploying large-scale models, but existing deep learning frameworks lack extensive support for sparse operations. To bridge this gap, we introduce Scorch, a library that seamlessly integrates efficient sparse tensor computation into the PyTorch ecosystem, with an initial focus on inference workloads on CPUs. Scorch provides a flexible and intuitive interface for sparse tensors, supporting diverse sparse data structures. Scorch introduces a compiler stack that automates key optimizations, including automatic loop ordering, tiling, and format inference. Combined with a runtime that adapts its execution to both dense and sparse data, Scorch delivers substantial speedups over hand-written PyTorch Sparse (torch.sparse) operations without sacrificing usability. More importantly, Scorch enables efficient computation of complex sparse operations that lack hand-optimized PyTorch implementations. This flexibility is crucial for exploring novel sparse architectures. We demonstrate Scorch's ease of use and performance gains on diverse deep learning models across multiple domains. With only minimal code changes, Scorch achieves 1.05-5.78x speedups over PyTorch Sparse on end-to-end tasks. Scorch's seamless integration and performance gains make it a valuable addition to the PyTorch ecosystem. We believe Scorch will enable wider exploration of sparsity as a tool for scaling deep learning and inform the development of other sparse libraries.

replace-cross CoSLight: Co-optimizing Collaborator Selection and Decision-making to Enhance Traffic Signal Control

Authors: Jingqing Ruan, Ziyue Li, Hua Wei, Haoyuan Jiang, Jiaming Lu, Xuantang Xiong, Hangyu Mao, Rui Zhao

Abstract: Effective multi-intersection collaboration is pivotal for reinforcement-learning-based traffic signal control to alleviate congestion. Existing work mainly chooses neighboring intersections as collaborators. However, quite an amount of congestion, even some wide-range congestion, is caused by non-neighbors failing to collaborate. To address these issues, we propose to separate the collaborator selection as a second policy to be learned, concurrently being updated with the original signal-controlling policy. Specifically, the selection policy in real-time adaptively selects the best teammates according to phase- and intersection-level features. Empirical results on both synthetic and real-world datasets provide robust validation for the superiority of our approach, offering significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at


replace-cross Repeat-Aware Neighbor Sampling for Dynamic Graph Learning

Authors: Tao Zou, Yuhao Mao, Junchen Ye, Bowen Du

Abstract: Dynamic graph learning equips the edges with time attributes and allows multiple links between two nodes, which is a crucial technology for understanding evolving data scenarios like traffic prediction and recommendation systems. Existing works obtain the evolving patterns mainly depending on the most recent neighbor sequences. However, we argue that whether two nodes will have interaction with each other in the future is highly correlated with the same interaction that happened in the past. Only considering the recent neighbors overlooks the phenomenon of repeat behavior and fails to accurately capture the temporal evolution of interactions. To fill this gap, this paper presents RepeatMixer, which considers evolving patterns of first and high-order repeat behavior in the neighbor sampling strategy and temporal information learning. Firstly, we define the first-order repeat-aware nodes of the source node as the destination nodes that have interacted historically and extend this concept to high orders as nodes in the destination node's high-order neighbors. Then, we extract neighbors of the source node that interacted before the appearance of repeat-aware nodes with a slide window strategy as its neighbor sequence. Next, we leverage both the first and high-order neighbor sequences of source and destination nodes to learn temporal patterns of interactions via an MLP-based encoder. Furthermore, considering the varying temporal patterns on different orders, we introduce a time-aware aggregation mechanism that adaptively aggregates the temporal representations from different orders based on the significance of their interaction time sequences. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of RepeatMixer over state-of-the-art models in link prediction tasks, underscoring the effectiveness of the proposed repeat-aware neighbor sampling strategy.

replace-cross Quest: Query-centric Data Synthesis Approach for Long-context Scaling of Large Language Model

Authors: Chaochen Gao, Xing Wu, Qi Fu, Songlin Hu

Abstract: Large language models, initially pre-trained with a limited context length, can better handle longer texts by continuing training on a corpus with extended contexts. However, obtaining effective long-context data is challenging due to the scarcity and uneven distribution of long documents across different domains. To address this issue, we propose a Query-centric data synthesis method, abbreviated as Quest. Quest is an interpretable method based on the observation that documents retrieved by similar queries are relevant but low-redundant, thus well-suited for synthesizing long-context data. The method is also scalable and capable of constructing large amounts of long-context data. Using Quest, we synthesize a long-context dataset up to 128k context length, significantly outperforming other data synthesis methods on multiple long-context benchmark datasets. In addition, we further verify that the Quest method is predictable through scaling law experiments, making it a reliable solution for advancing long-context models.

replace-cross The Empirical Impact of Neural Parameter Symmetries, or Lack Thereof

Authors: Derek Lim, Moe Putterman, Robin Walters, Haggai Maron, Stefanie Jegelka

Abstract: Many algorithms and observed phenomena in deep learning appear to be affected by parameter symmetries -- transformations of neural network parameters that do not change the underlying neural network function. These include linear mode connectivity, model merging, Bayesian neural network inference, metanetworks, and several other characteristics of optimization or loss-landscapes. However, theoretical analysis of the relationship between parameter space symmetries and these phenomena is difficult. In this work, we empirically investigate the impact of neural parameter symmetries by introducing new neural network architectures that have reduced parameter space symmetries. We develop two methods, with some provable guarantees, of modifying standard neural networks to reduce parameter space symmetries. With these new methods, we conduct a comprehensive experimental study consisting of multiple tasks aimed at assessing the effect of removing parameter symmetries. Our experiments reveal several interesting observations on the empirical impact of parameter symmetries; for instance, we observe linear mode connectivity between our networks without alignment of weight spaces, and we find that our networks allow for faster and more effective Bayesian neural network training.

replace-cross OR-Bench: An Over-Refusal Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Justin Cui, Wei-Lin Chiang, Ion Stoica, Cho-Jui Hsieh

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) require careful safety alignment to prevent malicious outputs. While significant research focuses on mitigating harmful content generation, the enhanced safety often come with the side effect of over-refusal, where LLMs may reject innocuous prompts and become less helpful. Although the issue of over-refusal has been empirically observed, a systematic measurement is challenging due to the difficulty of crafting prompts that appear harmful but are benign. This study proposes a novel method for automatically generating large-scale sets of "seemingly toxic prompts" (benign prompts likely rejected by LLMs). Leveraging this technique, we introduce OR-Bench, the first large-scale over-refusal benchmark. OR-Bench comprises 80,000 seemingly toxic prompts across 10 common rejection categories, a subset of around 1,000 hard prompts that are challenging even for state-of-the-art LLMs, and an additional 600 toxic prompts to prevent indiscriminate responses. We then conduct a comprehensive study to measure the over-refusal of 25 popular LLMs across 8 model families. Our datasets are available at and the demo can be found at We hope this benchmark can help the community develop better safety aligned models.


replace-cross Fusion-PSRO: Nash Policy Fusion for Policy Space Response Oracles

Authors: Jiesong Lian, Yucong Huang, Mingzhi Wang, Chengdong Ma, Yixue Hao, Ying Wen, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: A popular approach for solving zero-sum games is to maintain populations of policies to approximate the Nash Equilibrium (NE). Previous studies have shown that Policy Space Response Oracle (PSRO) algorithm is an effective multi-agent reinforcement learning framework for solving such games. However, repeatedly training new policies from scratch to approximate Best Response (BR) to opponents' mixed policies at each iteration is both inefficient and costly. While some PSRO variants initialize a new policy by inheriting from past BR policies, this approach limits the exploration of new policies, especially against challenging opponents. To address this issue, we propose Fusion-PSRO, which employs policy fusion to initialize policies for better approximation to BR. By selecting high-quality base policies from meta-NE, policy fusion fuses the base policies into a new policy through model averaging. This approach allows the initialized policies to incorporate multiple expert policies, making it easier to handle difficult opponents compared to inheriting from past BR policies or initializing from scratch. Moreover, our method only modifies the policy initialization phase, allowing its application to nearly all PSRO variants without additional training overhead. Our experiments on non-transitive matrix games, Leduc Poker, and the more complex Liars Dice demonstrate that Fusion-PSRO enhances the performance of nearly all PSRO variants, achieving lower exploitability.

replace-cross KU-DMIS at EHRSQL 2024:Generating SQL query via question templatization in EHR

Authors: Hajung Kim, Chanhwi Kim, Hoonick Lee, Kyochul Jang, Jiwoo Lee, Kyungjae Lee, Gangwoo Kim, Jaewoo Kang

Abstract: Transforming natural language questions into SQL queries is crucial for precise data retrieval from electronic health record (EHR) databases. A significant challenge in this process is detecting and rejecting unanswerable questions that request information beyond the database's scope or exceed the system's capabilities. In this paper, we introduce a novel text-to-SQL framework that robustly handles out-of-domain questions and verifies the generated queries with query execution.Our framework begins by standardizing the structure of questions into a templated format. We use a powerful large language model (LLM), fine-tuned GPT-3.5 with detailed prompts involving the table schemas of the EHR database system. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on the EHRSQL-2024 benchmark benchmark, a shared task in the ClinicalNLP workshop. Although a straightforward fine-tuning of GPT shows promising results on the development set, it struggled with the out-of-domain questions in the test set. With our framework, we improve our system's adaptability and achieve competitive performances in the official leaderboard of the EHRSQL-2024 challenge.

replace-cross Recent advances in text embedding: A Comprehensive Review of Top-Performing Methods on the MTEB Benchmark

Authors: Hongliu Cao

Abstract: Text embedding methods have become increasingly popular in both industrial and academic fields due to their critical role in a variety of natural language processing tasks. The significance of universal text embeddings has been further highlighted with the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) applications such as Retrieval-Augmented Systems (RAGs). While previous models have attempted to be general-purpose, they often struggle to generalize across tasks and domains. However, recent advancements in training data quantity, quality and diversity; synthetic data generation from LLMs as well as using LLMs as backbones encourage great improvements in pursuing universal text embeddings. In this paper, we provide an overview of the recent advances in universal text embedding models with a focus on the top performing text embeddings on Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB). Through detailed comparison and analysis, we highlight the key contributions and limitations in this area, and propose potentially inspiring future research directions.

replace-cross MLVU: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multi-Task Long Video Understanding

Authors: Junjie Zhou, Yan Shu, Bo Zhao, Boya Wu, Shitao Xiao, Xi Yang, Yongping Xiong, Bo Zhang, Tiejun Huang, Zheng Liu

Abstract: The evaluation of Long Video Understanding (LVU) performance poses an important but challenging research problem. Despite previous efforts, the existing video understanding benchmarks are severely constrained by several issues, especially the insufficient lengths of videos, a lack of diversity in video types and evaluation tasks, and the inappropriateness for evaluating LVU performances. To address the above problems, we propose a new benchmark, called MLVU (Multi-task Long Video Understanding Benchmark), for the comprehensive and in-depth evaluation of LVU. MLVU presents the following critical values: 1) The substantial and flexible extension of video lengths, which enables the benchmark to evaluate LVU performance across a wide range of durations. 2) The inclusion of various video genres, e.g., movies, surveillance footage, egocentric videos, cartoons, game videos, etc., which reflects the models' LVU performances in different scenarios. 3) The development of diversified evaluation tasks, which enables a comprehensive examination of MLLMs' key abilities in long-video understanding. The empirical study with 20 latest MLLMs reveals significant room for improvement in today's technique, as all existing methods struggle with most of the evaluation tasks and exhibit severe performance degradation when handling longer videos. Additionally, it suggests that factors such as context length, image-understanding quality, and the choice of LLM backbone can play critical roles in future advancements. We anticipate that MLVU will advance the research of long video understanding by providing a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of MLLMs.

replace-cross A Survey of Fragile Model Watermarking

Authors: Zhenzhe Gao, Yu Cheng, Zhaoxia Yin

Abstract: Model fragile watermarking, inspired by both the field of adversarial attacks on neural networks and traditional multimedia fragile watermarking, has gradually emerged as a potent tool for detecting tampering, and has witnessed rapid development in recent years. Unlike robust watermarks, which are widely used for identifying model copyrights, fragile watermarks for models are designed to identify whether models have been subjected to unexpected alterations such as backdoors, poisoning, compression, among others. These alterations can pose unknown risks to model users, such as misidentifying stop signs as speed limit signs in classic autonomous driving scenarios. This paper provides an overview of the relevant work in the field of model fragile watermarking since its inception, categorizing them and revealing the developmental trajectory of the field, thus offering a comprehensive survey for future endeavors in model fragile watermarking.

replace-cross Fighting Against the Repetitive Training and Sample Dependency Problem in Few-shot Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Chang Tian, Wenpeng Yin, Dan Li, Marie-Francine Moens

Abstract: Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) systems recognize entities using a few labeled training examples. The general pipeline consists of a span detector to identify entity spans in text and an entity-type classifier to assign types to entities. Current span detectors rely on extensive manual labeling to guide training. Almost every span detector requires initial training on basic span features followed by adaptation to task-specific features. This process leads to repetitive training of the basic span features among span detectors. Additionally, metric-based entity-type classifiers, such as prototypical networks, typically employ a specific metric that gauges the distance between the query sample and entity-type referents, ultimately assigning the most probable entity type to the query sample. However, these classifiers encounter the sample dependency problem, primarily stemming from the limited samples available for each entity-type referent. To address these challenges, we proposed an improved few-shot NER pipeline. First, we introduce a steppingstone span detector that is pre-trained on open-domain Wikipedia data. It can be used to initialize the pipeline span detector to reduce the repetitive training of basic features. Second, we leverage a large language model (LLM) to set reliable entity-type referents, eliminating reliance on few-shot samples of each type. Our model exhibits superior performance with fewer training steps and human-labeled data compared with baselines, as demonstrated through extensive experiments on various datasets. Particularly in fine-grained few-shot NER settings, our model outperforms strong baselines, including ChatGPT. We will publicly release the code, datasets, LLM outputs, and model checkpoints.

replace-cross Low-Rank Quantization-Aware Training for LLMs

Authors: Yelysei Bondarenko, Riccardo Del Chiaro, Markus Nagel

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are omnipresent, however their practical deployment is challenging due to their ever increasing computational and memory demands. Quantization is one of the most effective ways to make them more compute and memory efficient. Quantization-aware training (QAT) methods, generally produce the best quantized performance, however it comes at the cost of potentially long training time and excessive memory usage, making it impractical when applying for LLMs. Inspired by parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) and low-rank adaptation (LoRA) literature, we propose LR-QAT -- a lightweight and memory-efficient QAT algorithm for LLMs. LR-QAT employs several components to save memory without sacrificing predictive performance: (a) low-rank auxiliary weights that are aware of the quantization grid; (b) a downcasting operator using fixed-point or double-packed integers and (c) checkpointing. Unlike most related work, our method (i) is inference-efficient, leading to no additional overhead compared to traditional PTQ; (ii) can be seen as a general extended pretraining framework, meaning that the resulting model can still be utilized for any downstream task afterwards; (iii) can be applied across a wide range of quantization settings, such as different choices quantization granularity, activation quantization, and seamlessly combined with many PTQ techniques. We apply LR-QAT to LLaMA-2/3 and Mistral model families and validate its effectiveness on several downstream tasks. Our method outperforms common post-training quantization (PTQ) approaches and reaches the same model performance as full-model QAT at the fraction of its memory usage. Specifically, we can train a 7B LLM on a single consumer grade GPU with 24GB of memory.

replace-cross Security of AI Agents

Authors: Yifeng He, Ethan Wang, Yuyang Rong, Zifei Cheng, Hao Chen

Abstract: The study and development of AI agents have been boosted by large language models. AI agents can function as intelligent assistants and complete tasks on behalf of their users with access to tools and the ability to execute commands in their environments, Through studying and experiencing the workflow of typical AI agents, we have raised several concerns regarding their security. These potential vulnerabilities are not addressed by the frameworks used to build the agents, nor by research aimed at improving the agents. In this paper, we identify and describe these vulnerabilities in detail from a system security perspective, emphasizing their causes and severe effects. Furthermore, we introduce defense mechanisms corresponding to each vulnerability with meticulous design and experiments to evaluate their viability. Altogether, this paper contextualizes the security issues in the current development of AI agents and delineates methods to make AI agents safer and more reliable.

replace-cross Exploring Multilingual Unseen Speaker Emotion Recognition: Leveraging Co-Attention Cues in Multitask Learning

Authors: Arnav Goel, Medha Hira, Anubha Gupta

Abstract: Advent of modern deep learning techniques has given rise to advancements in the field of Speech Emotion Recognition (SER). However, most systems prevalent in the field fail to generalize to speakers not seen during training. This study focuses on handling challenges of multilingual SER, specifically on unseen speakers. We introduce CAMuLeNet, a novel architecture leveraging co-attention based fusion and multitask learning to address this problem. Additionally, we benchmark pretrained encoders of Whisper, HuBERT, Wav2Vec2.0, and WavLM using 10-fold leave-speaker-out cross-validation on five existing multilingual benchmark datasets: IEMOCAP, RAVDESS, CREMA-D, EmoDB and CaFE and, release a novel dataset for SER on the Hindi language (BhavVani). CAMuLeNet shows an average improvement of approximately 8% over all benchmarks on unseen speakers determined by our cross-validation strategy.

replace-cross Fredformer: Frequency Debiased Transformer for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Xihao Piao, Zheng Chen, Taichi Murayama, Yasuko Matsubara, Yasushi Sakurai

Abstract: The Transformer model has shown leading performance in time series forecasting. Nevertheless, in some complex scenarios, it tends to learn low-frequency features in the data and overlook high-frequency features, showing a frequency bias. This bias prevents the model from accurately capturing important high-frequency data features. In this paper, we undertook empirical analyses to understand this bias and discovered that frequency bias results from the model disproportionately focusing on frequency features with higher energy. Based on our analysis, we formulate this bias and propose Fredformer, a Transformer-based framework designed to mitigate frequency bias by learning features equally across different frequency bands. This approach prevents the model from overlooking lower amplitude features important for accurate forecasting. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our proposed approach, which can outperform other baselines in different real-world time-series datasets. Furthermore, we introduce a lightweight variant of the Fredformer with an attention matrix approximation, which achieves comparable performance but with much fewer parameters and lower computation costs. The code is available at:


replace-cross Action2Sound: Ambient-Aware Generation of Action Sounds from Egocentric Videos

Authors: Changan Chen, Puyuan Peng, Ami Baid, Zihui Xue, Wei-Ning Hsu, David Harwath, Kristen Grauman

Abstract: Generating realistic audio for human interactions is important for many applications, such as creating sound effects for films or virtual reality games. Existing approaches implicitly assume total correspondence between the video and audio during training, yet many sounds happen off-screen and have weak to no correspondence with the visuals -- resulting in uncontrolled ambient sounds or hallucinations at test time. We propose a novel ambient-aware audio generation model, AV-LDM. We devise a novel audio-conditioning mechanism to learn to disentangle foreground action sounds from the ambient background sounds in in-the-wild training videos. Given a novel silent video, our model uses retrieval-augmented generation to create audio that matches the visual content both semantically and temporally. We train and evaluate our model on two in-the-wild egocentric video datasets Ego4D and EPIC-KITCHENS. Our model outperforms an array of existing methods, allows controllable generation of the ambient sound, and even shows promise for generalizing to computer graphics game clips. Overall, our work is the first to focus video-to-audio generation faithfully on the observed visual content despite training from uncurated clips with natural background sounds.

replace-cross IGL-Bench: Establishing the Comprehensive Benchmark for Imbalanced Graph Learning

Authors: Jiawen Qin, Haonan Yuan, Qingyun Sun, Lyujin Xu, Jiaqi Yuan, Pengfeng Huang, Zhaonan Wang, Xingcheng Fu, Hao Peng, Jianxin Li, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Deep graph learning has gained grand popularity over the past years due to its versatility and success in representing graph data across a wide range of domains. However, the pervasive issue of imbalanced graph data distributions, where certain parts exhibit disproportionally abundant data while others remain sparse, undermines the efficacy of conventional graph learning algorithms, leading to biased outcomes. To address this challenge, Imbalanced Graph Learning (IGL) has garnered substantial attention, enabling more balanced data distributions and better task performance. Despite the proliferation of IGL algorithms, the absence of consistent experimental protocols and fair performance comparisons pose a significant barrier to comprehending advancements in this field. To bridge this gap, we introduce IGL-Bench, a foundational comprehensive benchmark for imbalanced graph learning, embarking on 16 diverse graph datasets and 24 distinct IGL algorithms with uniform data processing and splitting strategies. Specifically, IGL-Bench systematically investigates state-of-the-art IGL algorithms in terms of effectiveness, robustness, and efficiency on node-level and graph-level tasks, with the scope of class-imbalance and topology-imbalance. Extensive experiments demonstrate the potential benefits of IGL algorithms on various imbalanced conditions, offering insights and opportunities in the IGL field. Further, we have developed an open-sourced and unified package to facilitate reproducible evaluation and inspire further innovative research, which is available at


replace-cross Learning Solution-Aware Transformers for Efficiently Solving Quadratic Assignment Problem

Authors: Zhentao Tan, Yadong Mu

Abstract: Recently various optimization problems, such as Mixed Integer Linear Programming Problems (MILPs), have undergone comprehensive investigation, leveraging the capabilities of machine learning. This work focuses on learning-based solutions for efficiently solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAPs), which stands as a formidable challenge in combinatorial optimization. While many instances of simpler problems admit fully polynomial-time approximate solution (FPTAS), QAP is shown to be strongly NP-hard. Even finding a FPTAS for QAP is difficult, in the sense that the existence of a FPTAS implies $P = NP$. Current research on QAPs suffer from limited scale and computational inefficiency. To attack the aforementioned issues, we here propose the first solution of its kind for QAP in the learn-to-improve category. This work encodes facility and location nodes separately, instead of forming computationally intensive association graphs prevalent in current approaches. This design choice enables scalability to larger problem sizes. Furthermore, a \textbf{S}olution \textbf{AW}are \textbf{T}ransformer (SAWT) architecture integrates the incumbent solution matrix with the attention score to effectively capture higher-order information of the QAPs. Our model's effectiveness is validated through extensive experiments on self-generated QAP instances of varying sizes and the QAPLIB benchmark.

replace-cross MemDPT: Differential Privacy for Memory Efficient Language Models

Authors: Yanming Liu, Xinyue Peng, Jiannan Cao, Yuwei Zhang, Chen Ma, Songhang Deng, Mengchen Fu, Xuhong Zhang, Sheng Cheng, Xun Wang, Jianwei Yin, Tianyu Du

Abstract: Large language models have consistently demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide spectrum of applications. Nonetheless, the deployment of these models can inadvertently expose user privacy to potential risks. The substantial memory demands of these models during training represent a significant resource consumption challenge. The sheer size of these models imposes a considerable burden on memory resources, which is a matter of significant concern in practice. In this paper, we present an innovative training framework MemDPT that not only reduces the memory cost of large language models but also places a strong emphasis on safeguarding user data privacy. MemDPT provides edge network and reverse network designs to accommodate various differential privacy memory-efficient fine-tuning schemes. Our approach not only achieves $2 \sim 3 \times$ memory optimization but also provides robust privacy protection, ensuring that user data remains secure and confidential. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that MemDPT can effectively provide differential privacy efficient fine-tuning across various task scenarios.

replace-cross InstructCMP: Length Control in Sentence Compression through Instruction-based Large Language Models

Authors: Juseon-Do, Jingun Kwon, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Manabu Okumura

Abstract: Extractive summarization can produce faithful summaries but often requires additional constraints such as a desired summary length. Traditional sentence compression models do not typically consider the constraints because of their restricted model abilities, which require model modifications for coping with them. To bridge this gap, we propose Instruction-based Compression (InstructCMP), an approach to the sentence compression task that can consider the length constraint through instructions by leveraging the zero-shot task-solving abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). For this purpose, we created new evaluation datasets by transforming traditional sentence compression datasets into an instruction format. By using the datasets, we first reveal that the current LLMs still face challenges in accurately controlling the length for a compressed text. To address this issue, we propose an approach named "length priming," that incorporates additional length information into the instructions without external resources. While the length priming effectively works in a zero-shot setting, a training dataset with the instructions would further improve the ability of length control. Thus, we additionally created a training dataset in an instruction format to fine-tune the model on it. Experimental results and analysis show that applying the length priming significantly improves performances of InstructCMP in both zero-shot and fine-tuning settings without the need of any model modifications.

replace-cross Are Large Language Models a Good Replacement of Taxonomies?

Authors: Yushi Sun, Hao Xin, Kai Sun, Yifan Ethan Xu, Xiao Yang, Xin Luna Dong, Nan Tang, Lei Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate an impressive ability to internalize knowledge and answer natural language questions. Although previous studies validate that LLMs perform well on general knowledge while presenting poor performance on long-tail nuanced knowledge, the community is still doubtful about whether the traditional knowledge graphs should be replaced by LLMs. In this paper, we ask if the schema of knowledge graph (i.e., taxonomy) is made obsolete by LLMs. Intuitively, LLMs should perform well on common taxonomies and at taxonomy levels that are common to people. Unfortunately, there lacks a comprehensive benchmark that evaluates the LLMs over a wide range of taxonomies from common to specialized domains and at levels from root to leaf so that we can draw a confident conclusion. To narrow the research gap, we constructed a novel taxonomy hierarchical structure discovery benchmark named TaxoGlimpse to evaluate the performance of LLMs over taxonomies. TaxoGlimpse covers ten representative taxonomies from common to specialized domains with in-depth experiments of different levels of entities in this taxonomy from root to leaf. Our comprehensive experiments of eighteen state-of-the-art LLMs under three prompting settings validate that LLMs can still not well capture the knowledge of specialized taxonomies and leaf-level entities.

replace-cross Vul-RAG: Enhancing LLM-based Vulnerability Detection via Knowledge-level RAG

Authors: Xueying Du, Geng Zheng, Kaixin Wang, Jiayi Feng, Wentai Deng, Mingwei Liu, Bihuan Chen, Xin Peng, Tao Ma, Yiling Lou

Abstract: Vulnerability detection is essential for software quality assurance. In recent years, deep learning models (especially large language models) have shown promise in vulnerability detection. In this work, we propose a novel LLM-based vulnerability detection technique Vul-RAG, which leverages knowledge-level retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) framework to detect vulnerability for the given code in three phases. First, Vul-RAG constructs a vulnerability knowledge base by extracting multi-dimension knowledge via LLMs from existing CVE instances; second, for a given code snippet, Vul-RAG} retrieves the relevant vulnerability knowledge from the constructed knowledge base based on functional semantics; third, Vul-RAG leverages LLMs to check the vulnerability of the given code snippet by reasoning the presence of vulnerability causes and fixing solutions of the retrieved vulnerability knowledge. Our evaluation of Vul-RAG on our constructed benchmark PairVul shows that Vul-RAG substantially outperforms all baselines by 12.96\%/110\% relative improvement in accuracy/pairwise-accuracy. In addition, our user study shows that the vulnerability knowledge generated by Vul-RAG can serve as high-quality explanations which can improve the manual detection accuracy from 0.60 to 0.77.

replace-cross Preserving Knowledge in Large Language Model with Model-Agnostic Self-Decompression

Authors: Zilun Zhang, Yutao Sun, Tiancheng Zhao, Leigang Sha, Ruochen Xu, Kyusong Lee, Jianwei Yin

Abstract: Humans can retain old knowledge while learning new information, but Large Language Models (LLMs) often suffer from catastrophic forgetting when post-pretrained or supervised fine-tuned (SFT) on domain-specific data. Moreover, for Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) which are composed of the LLM base and visual projector (e.g. LLaVA), a significant decline in performance on language benchmarks was observed compared to their single-modality counterparts. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel model-agnostic self-decompression method, Tree Generation (TG), that decompresses knowledge within LLMs into the training corpus. This paper focuses on TG-SFT, which can synthetically generate SFT data for the instruction tuning steps. By incorporating the dumped corpus during SFT for MLLMs, we significantly reduce the forgetting problem.

replace-cross CodeGemma: Open Code Models Based on Gemma

Authors: CodeGemma Team, Heri Zhao, Jeffrey Hui, Joshua Howland, Nam Nguyen, Siqi Zuo, Andrea Hu, Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Jingyue Shen, Joe Kelley, Kshitij Bansal, Luke Vilnis, Mateo Wirth, Paul Michel, Peter Choy, Pratik Joshi, Ravin Kumar, Sarmad Hashmi, Shubham Agrawal, Zhitao Gong, Jane Fine, Tris Warkentin, Ale Jakse Hartman, Bin Ni, Kathy Korevec, Kelly Schaefer, Scott Huffman

Abstract: This paper introduces CodeGemma, a collection of specialized open code models built on top of Gemma, capable of a variety of code and natural language generation tasks. We release three model variants. CodeGemma 7B pretrained (PT) and instruction-tuned (IT) variants have remarkably resilient natural language understanding, excel in mathematical reasoning, and match code capabilities of other open models. CodeGemma 2B is a state-of-the-art code completion model designed for fast code infilling and open-ended generation in latency-sensitive settings.

replace-cross Formally Certified Approximate Model Counting

Authors: Yong Kiam Tan, Jiong Yang, Mate Soos, Magnus O. Myreen, Kuldeep S. Meel

Abstract: Approximate model counting is the task of approximating the number of solutions to an input Boolean formula. The state-of-the-art approximate model counter for formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNF), ApproxMC, provides a scalable means of obtaining model counts with probably approximately correct (PAC)-style guarantees. Nevertheless, the validity of ApproxMC's approximation relies on a careful theoretical analysis of its randomized algorithm and the correctness of its highly optimized implementation, especially the latter's stateful interactions with an incremental CNF satisfiability solver capable of natively handling parity (XOR) constraints. We present the first certification framework for approximate model counting with formally verified guarantees on the quality of its output approximation. Our approach combines: (i) a static, once-off, formal proof of the algorithm's PAC guarantee in the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant; and (ii) dynamic, per-run, verification of ApproxMC's calls to an external CNF-XOR solver using proof certificates. We detail our general approach to establish a rigorous connection between these two parts of the verification, including our blueprint for turning the formalized, randomized algorithm into a verified proof checker, and our design of proof certificates for both ApproxMC and its internal CNF-XOR solving steps. Experimentally, we show that certificate generation adds little overhead to an approximate counter implementation, and that our certificate checker is able to fully certify $84.7\%$ of instances with generated certificates when given the same time and memory limits as the counter.

replace-cross Job-SDF: A Multi-Granularity Dataset for Job Skill Demand Forecasting and Benchmarking

Authors: Xi Chen, Chuan Qin, Chuyu Fang, Chao Wang, Chen Zhu, Fuzhen Zhuang, Hengshu Zhu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: In a rapidly evolving job market, skill demand forecasting is crucial as it enables policymakers and businesses to anticipate and adapt to changes, ensuring that workforce skills align with market needs, thereby enhancing productivity and competitiveness. Additionally, by identifying emerging skill requirements, it directs individuals towards relevant training and education opportunities, promoting continuous self-learning and development. However, the absence of comprehensive datasets presents a significant challenge, impeding research and the advancement of this field. To bridge this gap, we present Job-SDF, a dataset designed to train and benchmark job-skill demand forecasting models. Based on 10.35 million public job advertisements collected from major online recruitment platforms in China between 2021 and 2023, this dataset encompasses monthly recruitment demand for 2,324 types of skills across 521 companies. Our dataset uniquely enables evaluating skill demand forecasting models at various granularities, including occupation, company, and regional levels. We benchmark a range of models on this dataset, evaluating their performance in standard scenarios, in predictions focused on lower value ranges, and in the presence of structural breaks, providing new insights for further research. Our code and dataset are publicly accessible via the


replace-cross REPOEXEC: Evaluate Code Generation with a Repository-Level Executable Benchmark

Authors: Nam Le Hai, Dung Manh Nguyen, Nghi D. Q. Bui

Abstract: The ability of CodeLLMs to generate executable and functionally correct code at the repository-level scale remains largely unexplored. We introduce RepoExec, a novel benchmark for evaluating code generation at the repository-level scale. RepoExec focuses on three main aspects: executability, functional correctness through automated test case generation with high coverage rate, and carefully crafted cross-file contexts to accurately generate code. Our work explores a controlled scenario where developers specify necessary code dependencies, challenging the model to integrate these accurately. Experiments show that while pretrained LLMs outperform instruction-tuned models in correctness, the latter excel in utilizing provided dependencies and demonstrating debugging capabilities. We also introduce a new instruction-tuned dataset that focuses on code dependencies and demonstrate that CodeLLMs fine-tuned on our dataset have a better capability to leverage these dependencies effectively. RepoExec aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of code functionality and alignment with developer intent, paving the way for more reliable and applicable CodeLLMs in real-world scenarios. The dataset and source code can be found at~\url{}.


replace-cross Computing in the Life Sciences: From Early Algorithms to Modern AI

Authors: Samuel A. Donkor, Matthew E. Walsh, Alexander J. Titus

Abstract: Computing in the life sciences has undergone a transformative evolution, from early computational models in the 1950s to the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) seen today. This paper highlights key milestones and technological advancements through the historical development of computing in the life sciences. The discussion includes the inception of computational models for biological processes, the advent of bioinformatics tools, and the integration of AI/ML in modern life sciences research. Attention is given to AI-enabled tools used in the life sciences, such as scientific large language models and bio-AI tools, examining their capabilities, limitations, and impact to biological risk. This paper seeks to clarify and establish essential terminology and concepts to ensure informed decision-making and effective communication across disciplines.

replace-cross BPO: Supercharging Online Preference Learning by Adhering to the Proximity of Behavior LLM

Authors: Wenda Xu, Jiachen Li, William Yang Wang, Lei Li

Abstract: Direct alignment from preferences (DAP) has emerged as a promising paradigm for aligning large language models (LLMs) to human desiderata from pre-collected, offline preference datasets. While recent studies indicate that existing offline DAP methods can directly benefit from online training samples, we highlight the need to develop specific online DAP algorithms to fully harness the power of online training. Specifically, we identify that the learned LLM should adhere to the proximity of the behavior LLM, which collects the training samples. To this end, we propose online Preference Optimization in proximity to the Behavior LLM (BPO), emphasizing the importance of constructing a proper trust region for LLM alignment. We conduct extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness and applicability of our approach by integrating it with various DAP methods, resulting in significant performance improvements across a wide range of tasks when training with the same amount of preference data. Even when only introducing one additional data collection phase, our online BPO improves its offline DAP baseline from 72.0% to 80.2% on TL;DR and from 82.2% to 89.1% on Anthropic Helpfulness in terms of win rate against human reference text.

replace-cross Mathador-LM: A Dynamic Benchmark for Mathematical Reasoning on Large Language Models

Authors: Eldar Kurtic, Amir Moeini, Dan Alistarh

Abstract: We introduce Mathador-LM, a new benchmark for evaluating the mathematical reasoning on large language models (LLMs), combining ruleset interpretation, planning, and problem-solving. This benchmark is inspired by the Mathador game, where the objective is to reach a target number using basic arithmetic operations on a given set of base numbers, following a simple set of rules. We show that, across leading LLMs, we obtain stable average performance while generating benchmark instances dynamically, following a target difficulty level. Thus, our benchmark alleviates concerns about test-set leakage into training data, an issue that often undermines popular benchmarks. Additionally, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of both open and closed-source state-of-the-art LLMs on Mathador-LM. Our findings reveal that contemporary models struggle with Mathador-LM, scoring significantly lower than average 3rd graders. This stands in stark contrast to their strong performance on popular mathematical reasoning benchmarks.

replace-cross Probabilistic Conceptual Explainers: Trustworthy Conceptual Explanations for Vision Foundation Models

Authors: Hengyi Wang, Shiwei Tan, Hao Wang

Abstract: Vision transformers (ViTs) have emerged as a significant area of focus, particularly for their capacity to be jointly trained with large language models and to serve as robust vision foundation models. Yet, the development of trustworthy explanation methods for ViTs has lagged, particularly in the context of post-hoc interpretations of ViT predictions. Existing sub-image selection approaches, such as feature-attribution and conceptual models, fall short in this regard. This paper proposes five desiderata for explaining ViTs -- faithfulness, stability, sparsity, multi-level structure, and parsimony -- and demonstrates the inadequacy of current methods in meeting these criteria comprehensively. We introduce a variational Bayesian explanation framework, dubbed ProbAbilistic Concept Explainers (PACE), which models the distributions of patch embeddings to provide trustworthy post-hoc conceptual explanations. Our qualitative analysis reveals the distributions of patch-level concepts, elucidating the effectiveness of ViTs by modeling the joint distribution of patch embeddings and ViT's predictions. Moreover, these patch-level explanations bridge the gap between image-level and dataset-level explanations, thus completing the multi-level structure of PACE. Through extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, we demonstrate that PACE surpasses state-of-the-art methods in terms of the defined desiderata.

replace-cross Graph Neural Networks in Histopathology: Emerging Trends and Future Directions

Authors: Siemen Brussee, Giorgio Buzzanca, Anne M. R. Schrader, Jesper Kers

Abstract: Histopathological analysis of Whole Slide Images (WSIs) has seen a surge in the utilization of deep learning methods, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). However, CNNs often fall short in capturing the intricate spatial dependencies inherent in WSIs. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) present a promising alternative, adept at directly modeling pairwise interactions and effectively discerning the topological tissue and cellular structures within WSIs. Recognizing the pressing need for deep learning techniques that harness the topological structure of WSIs, the application of GNNs in histopathology has experienced rapid growth. In this comprehensive review, we survey GNNs in histopathology, discuss their applications, and explore emerging trends that pave the way for future advancements in the field. We begin by elucidating the fundamentals of GNNs and their potential applications in histopathology. Leveraging quantitative literature analysis, we identify four emerging trends: Hierarchical GNNs, Adaptive Graph Structure Learning, Multimodal GNNs, and Higher-order GNNs. Through an in-depth exploration of these trends, we offer insights into the evolving landscape of GNNs in histopathological analysis. Based on our findings, we propose future directions to propel the field forward. Our analysis serves to guide researchers and practitioners towards innovative approaches and methodologies, fostering advancements in histopathological analysis through the lens of graph neural networks.