new LM-IGTD: a 2D image generator for low-dimensional and mixed-type tabular data to leverage the potential of convolutional neural networks

Authors: Vanesa G\'omez-Mart\'inez, Francisco J. Lara-Abelenda, Pablo Peiro-Corbacho, David Chushig-Muzo, Conceicao Granja, Cristina Soguero-Ruiz

Abstract: Tabular data have been extensively used in different knowledge domains. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been successfully used in many applications where important information about data is embedded in the order of features (images), outperforming predictive results of traditional models. Recently, several researchers have proposed transforming tabular data into images to leverage the potential of CNNs and obtain high results in predictive tasks such as classification and regression. In this paper, we present a novel and effective approach for transforming tabular data into images, addressing the inherent limitations associated with low-dimensional and mixed-type datasets. Our method, named Low Mixed-Image Generator for Tabular Data (LM-IGTD), integrates a stochastic feature generation process and a modified version of the IGTD. We introduce an automatic and interpretable end-to-end pipeline, enabling the creation of images from tabular data. A mapping between original features and the generated images is established, and post hoc interpretability methods are employed to identify crucial areas of these images, enhancing interpretability for predictive tasks. An extensive evaluation of the tabular-to-image generation approach proposed on 12 low-dimensional and mixed-type datasets, including binary and multi-class classification scenarios. In particular, our method outperformed all traditional ML models trained on tabular data in five out of twelve datasets when using images generated with LM-IGTD and CNN. In the remaining datasets, LM-IGTD images and CNN consistently surpassed three out of four traditional ML models, achieving similar results to the fourth model.

new 3D Instance Segmentation Using Deep Learning on RGB-D Indoor Data

Authors: Siddiqui Muhammad Yasir, Amin Muhammad Sadiq, Hyunsik Ahn

Abstract: 3D object recognition is a challenging task for intelligent and robot systems in industrial and home indoor environments. It is critical for such systems to recognize and segment the 3D object instances that they encounter on a frequent basis. The computer vision, graphics, and machine learning fields have all given it a lot of attention. Traditionally, 3D segmentation was done with hand-crafted features and designed approaches that did not achieve acceptable performance and could not be generalized to large-scale data. Deep learning approaches have lately become the preferred method for 3D segmentation challenges by their great success in 2D computer vision. However, the task of instance segmentation is currently less explored. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for efficient 3D instance segmentation using red green blue and depth (RGB-D) data based on deep learning. The 2D region based convolutional neural networks (Mask R-CNN) deep learning model with point based rending module is adapted to integrate with depth information to recognize and segment 3D instances of objects. In order to generate 3D point cloud coordinates (x, y, z), segmented 2D pixels (u, v) of recognized object regions in the RGB image are merged into (u, v) points of the depth image. Moreover, we conducted an experiment and analysis to compare our proposed method from various points of view and distances. The experimentation shows the proposed 3D object recognition and instance segmentation are sufficiently beneficial to support object handling in robotic and intelligent systems.

new Faster Metallic Surface Defect Detection Using Deep Learning with Channel Shuffling

Authors: Siddiqui Muhammad Yasir, Hyunsik Ahn

Abstract: Deep learning has been constantly improving in recent years and a significant number of researchers have devoted themselves to the research of defect detection algorithms. Detection and recognition of small and complex targets is still a problem that needs to be solved. The authors of this research would like to present an improved defect detection model for detecting small and complex defect targets in steel surfaces. During steel strip production mechanical forces and environmental factors cause surface defects of the steel strip. Therefore the detection of such defects is key to the production of high-quality products. Moreover surface defects of the steel strip cause great economic losses to the high-tech industry. So far few studies have explored methods of identifying the defects and most of the currently available algorithms are not sufficiently effective. Therefore this study presents an improved real-time metallic surface defect detection model based on You Only Look Once (YOLOv5) specially designed for small networks. For the smaller features of the target the conventional part is replaced with a depth-wise convolution and channel shuffle mechanism. Then assigning weights to Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN) output features and fusing them increases feature propagation and the networks characterization ability. The experimental results reveal that the improved proposed model outperforms other comparable models in terms of accuracy and detection time. The precision of the proposed model achieved by @mAP is 77.5% on the Northeastern University Dataset NEU-DET and 70.18% on the GC10-DET datasets

new Modeling & Evaluating the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks for Classifying Steel Surface Defects

Authors: Nadeem Jabbar Chaudhry, M. Bilal Khan, M. Javaid Iqbal, Siddiqui Muhammad Yasir

Abstract: Recently, outstanding identification rates in image classification tasks were achieved by convolutional neural networks (CNNs). to use such skills, selective CNNs trained on a dataset of well-known images of metal surface defects captured with an RGB camera. Defects must be detected early to take timely corrective action due to production concerns. For image classification up till now, a model-based method has been utilized, which indicated the predicted reflection characteristics of surface defects in comparison to flaw-free surfaces. The problem of detecting steel surface defects has grown in importance as a result of the vast range of steel applications in end-product sectors such as automobiles, households, construction, etc. The manual processes for detections are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and expensive. Different strategies have been used to automate manual processes, but CNN models have proven to be the most effective rather than image processing and machine learning techniques. By using different CNN models with fine-tuning, easily compare their performance and select the best-performing model for the same kinds of tasks. However, it is important that using different CNN models either from fine tuning can be computationally expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, our study helps the upcoming researchers to choose the CNN without considering the issues of model complexity, performance, and computational resources. In this article, the performance of various CNN models with transfer learning techniques are evaluated. These models were chosen based on their popularity and impact in the field of computer vision research, as well as their performance on benchmark datasets. According to the outcomes, DenseNet201 outperformed the other CNN models and had the greatest detection rate on the NEU dataset, falling in at 98.37 percent.

new ICAL: Continual Learning of Multimodal Agents by Transforming Trajectories into Actionable Insights

Authors: Gabriel Sarch, Lawrence Jang, Michael J. Tarr, William W. Cohen, Kenneth Marino, Katerina Fragkiadaki

Abstract: Large-scale generative language and vision-language models (LLMs and VLMs) excel in few-shot in-context learning for decision making and instruction following. However, they require high-quality exemplar demonstrations to be included in their context window. In this work, we ask: Can LLMs and VLMs generate their own prompt examples from generic, sub-optimal demonstrations? We propose In-Context Abstraction Learning (ICAL), a method that builds a memory of multimodal experience insights from sub-optimal demonstrations and human feedback. Given a noisy demonstration in a new domain, VLMs abstract the trajectory into a general program by fixing inefficient actions and annotating cognitive abstractions: task relationships, object state changes, temporal subgoals, and task construals. These abstractions are refined and adapted interactively through human feedback while the agent attempts to execute the trajectory in a similar environment. The resulting abstractions, when used as exemplars in the prompt, significantly improve decision-making in retrieval-augmented LLM and VLM agents. Our ICAL agent surpasses the state-of-the-art in dialogue-based instruction following in TEACh, multimodal web agents in VisualWebArena, and action anticipation in Ego4D. In TEACh, we achieve a 12.6% improvement in goal-condition success. In VisualWebArena, our task success rate improves over the SOTA from 14.3% to 22.7%. In Ego4D action forecasting, we improve over few-shot GPT-4V and remain competitive with supervised models. We show finetuning our retrieval-augmented in-context agent yields additional improvements. Our approach significantly reduces reliance on expert-crafted examples and consistently outperforms in-context learning from action plans that lack such insights.

new Stylebreeder: Exploring and Democratizing Artistic Styles through Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Matthew Zheng, Enis Simsar, Hidir Yesiltepe, Federico Tombari, Joel Simon, Pinar Yanardag

Abstract: Text-to-image models are becoming increasingly popular, revolutionizing the landscape of digital art creation by enabling highly detailed and creative visual content generation. These models have been widely employed across various domains, particularly in art generation, where they facilitate a broad spectrum of creative expression and democratize access to artistic creation. In this paper, we introduce \texttt{STYLEBREEDER}, a comprehensive dataset of 6.8M images and 1.8M prompts generated by 95K users on Artbreeder, a platform that has emerged as a significant hub for creative exploration with over 13M users. We introduce a series of tasks with this dataset aimed at identifying diverse artistic styles, generating personalized content, and recommending styles based on user interests. By documenting unique, user-generated styles that transcend conventional categories like 'cyberpunk' or 'Picasso,' we explore the potential for unique, crowd-sourced styles that could provide deep insights into the collective creative psyche of users worldwide. We also evaluate different personalization methods to enhance artistic expression and introduce a style atlas, making these models available in LoRA format for public use. Our research demonstrates the potential of text-to-image diffusion models to uncover and promote unique artistic expressions, further democratizing AI in art and fostering a more diverse and inclusive artistic community. The dataset, code and models are available at under a Public Domain (CC0) license.


new Holistic Evaluation for Interleaved Text-and-Image Generation

Authors: Minqian Liu, Zhiyang Xu, Zihao Lin, Trevor Ashby, Joy Rimchala, Jiaxin Zhang, Lifu Huang

Abstract: Interleaved text-and-image generation has been an intriguing research direction, where the models are required to generate both images and text pieces in an arbitrary order. Despite the emerging advancements in interleaved generation, the progress in its evaluation still significantly lags behind. Existing evaluation benchmarks do not support arbitrarily interleaved images and text for both inputs and outputs, and they only cover a limited number of domains and use cases. Also, current works predominantly use similarity-based metrics which fall short in assessing the quality in open-ended scenarios. To this end, we introduce InterleavedBench, the first benchmark carefully curated for the evaluation of interleaved text-and-image generation. InterleavedBench features a rich array of tasks to cover diverse real-world use cases. In addition, we present InterleavedEval, a strong reference-free metric powered by GPT-4o to deliver accurate and explainable evaluation. We carefully define five essential evaluation aspects for InterleavedEval, including text quality, perceptual quality, image coherence, text-image coherence, and helpfulness, to ensure a comprehensive and fine-grained assessment. Through extensive experiments and rigorous human evaluation, we show that our benchmark and metric can effectively evaluate the existing models with a strong correlation with human judgments surpassing previous reference-based metrics. We also provide substantial findings and insights to foster future research in interleaved generation and its evaluation.

new This Looks Better than That: Better Interpretable Models with ProtoPNeXt

Authors: Frank Willard, Luke Moffett, Emmanuel Mokel, Jon Donnelly, Stark Guo, Julia Yang, Giyoung Kim, Alina Jade Barnett, Cynthia Rudin

Abstract: Prototypical-part models are a popular interpretable alternative to black-box deep learning models for computer vision. However, they are difficult to train, with high sensitivity to hyperparameter tuning, inhibiting their application to new datasets and our understanding of which methods truly improve their performance. To facilitate the careful study of prototypical-part networks (ProtoPNets), we create a new framework for integrating components of prototypical-part models -- ProtoPNeXt. Using ProtoPNeXt, we show that applying Bayesian hyperparameter tuning and an angular prototype similarity metric to the original ProtoPNet is sufficient to produce new state-of-the-art accuracy for prototypical-part models on CUB-200 across multiple backbones. We further deploy this framework to jointly optimize for accuracy and prototype interpretability as measured by metrics included in ProtoPNeXt. Using the same resources, this produces models with substantially superior semantics and changes in accuracy between +1.3% and -1.5%. The code and trained models will be made publicly available upon publication.

new Regularized Distribution Matching Distillation for One-step Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation

Authors: Denis Rakitin, Ivan Shchekotov, Dmitry Vetrov

Abstract: Diffusion distillation methods aim to compress the diffusion models into efficient one-step generators while trying to preserve quality. Among them, Distribution Matching Distillation (DMD) offers a suitable framework for training general-form one-step generators, applicable beyond unconditional generation. In this work, we introduce its modification, called Regularized Distribution Matching Distillation, applicable to unpaired image-to-image (I2I) problems. We demonstrate its empirical performance in application to several translation tasks, including 2D examples and I2I between different image datasets, where it performs on par or better than multi-step diffusion baselines.

new Camera-Invariant Meta-Learning Network for Single-Camera-Training Person Re-identification

Authors: Jiangbo Pei, Zhuqing Jiang, Aidong Men, Haiying Wang, Haiyong Luo, Shiping Wen

Abstract: Single-camera-training person re-identification (SCT re-ID) aims to train a re-ID model using SCT datasets where each person appears in only one camera. The main challenge of SCT re-ID is to learn camera-invariant feature representations without cross-camera same-person (CCSP) data as supervision. Previous methods address it by assuming that the most similar person should be found in another camera. However, this assumption is not guaranteed to be correct. In this paper, we propose a Camera-Invariant Meta-Learning Network (CIMN) for SCT re-ID. CIMN assumes that the camera-invariant feature representations should be robust to camera changes. To this end, we split the training data into meta-train set and meta-test set based on camera IDs and perform a cross-camera simulation via meta-learning strategy, aiming to enforce the representations learned from the meta-train set to be robust to the meta-test set. With the cross-camera simulation, CIMN can learn camera-invariant and identity-discriminative representations even there are no CCSP data. However, this simulation also causes the separation of the meta-train set and the meta-test set, which ignores some beneficial relations between them. Thus, we introduce three losses: meta triplet loss, meta classification loss, and meta camera alignment loss, to leverage the ignored relations. The experiment results demonstrate that our method achieves comparable performance with and without CCSP data, and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on SCT re-ID benchmarks. In addition, it is also effective in improving the domain generalization ability of the model.

new Relighting Scenes with Object Insertions in Neural Radiance Fields

Authors: Xuening Zhu, Renjiao Yi, Xin Wen, Chenyang Zhu, Kai Xu

Abstract: The insertion of objects into a scene and relighting are commonly utilized applications in augmented reality (AR). Previous methods focused on inserting virtual objects using CAD models or real objects from single-view images, resulting in highly limited AR application scenarios. We propose a novel NeRF-based pipeline for inserting object NeRFs into scene NeRFs, enabling novel view synthesis and realistic relighting, supporting physical interactions like casting shadows onto each other, from two sets of images depicting the object and scene. The lighting environment is in a hybrid representation of Spherical Harmonics and Spherical Gaussians, representing both high- and low-frequency lighting components very well, and supporting non-Lambertian surfaces. Specifically, we leverage the benefits of volume rendering and introduce an innovative approach for efficient shadow rendering by comparing the depth maps between the camera view and the light source view and generating vivid soft shadows. The proposed method achieves realistic relighting effects in extensive experimental evaluations.

new Latent diffusion models for parameterization and data assimilation of facies-based geomodels

Authors: Guido Di Federico, Louis J. Durlofsky

Abstract: Geological parameterization entails the representation of a geomodel using a small set of latent variables and a mapping from these variables to grid-block properties such as porosity and permeability. Parameterization is useful for data assimilation (history matching), as it maintains geological realism while reducing the number of variables to be determined. Diffusion models are a new class of generative deep-learning procedures that have been shown to outperform previous methods, such as generative adversarial networks, for image generation tasks. Diffusion models are trained to "denoise", which enables them to generate new geological realizations from input fields characterized by random noise. Latent diffusion models, which are the specific variant considered in this study, provide dimension reduction through use of a low-dimensional latent variable. The model developed in this work includes a variational autoencoder for dimension reduction and a U-net for the denoising process. Our application involves conditional 2D three-facies (channel-levee-mud) systems. The latent diffusion model is shown to provide realizations that are visually consistent with samples from geomodeling software. Quantitative metrics involving spatial and flow-response statistics are evaluated, and general agreement between the diffusion-generated models and reference realizations is observed. Stability tests are performed to assess the smoothness of the parameterization method. The latent diffusion model is then used for ensemble-based data assimilation. Two synthetic "true" models are considered. Significant uncertainty reduction, posterior P$_{10}$-P$_{90}$ forecasts that generally bracket observed data, and consistent posterior geomodels, are achieved in both cases.

new SAM-EG: Segment Anything Model with Egde Guidance framework for efficient Polyp Segmentation

Authors: Quoc-Huy Trinh, Hai-Dang Nguyen, Bao-Tram Nguyen Ngoc, Debesh Jha, Ulas Bagci, Minh-Triet Tran

Abstract: Polyp segmentation, a critical concern in medical imaging, has prompted numerous proposed methods aimed at enhancing the quality of segmented masks. While current state-of-the-art techniques produce impressive results, the size and computational cost of these models pose challenges for practical industry applications. Recently, the Segment Anything Model (SAM) has been proposed as a robust foundation model, showing promise for adaptation to medical image segmentation. Inspired by this concept, we propose SAM-EG, a framework that guides small segmentation models for polyp segmentation to address the computation cost challenge. Additionally, in this study, we introduce the Edge Guiding module, which integrates edge information into image features to assist the segmentation model in addressing boundary issues from current segmentation model in this task. Through extensive experiments, our small models showcase their efficacy by achieving competitive results with state-of-the-art methods, offering a promising approach to developing compact models with high accuracy for polyp segmentation and in the broader field of medical imaging.

new CLIP-Decoder : ZeroShot Multilabel Classification using Multimodal CLIP Aligned Representation

Authors: Muhammad Ali, Salman Khan

Abstract: Multi-label classification is an essential task utilized in a wide variety of real-world applications. Multi-label zero-shot learning is a method for classifying images into multiple unseen categories for which no training data is available, while in general zero-shot situations, the test set may include observed classes. The CLIP-Decoder is a novel method based on the state-of-the-art ML-Decoder attention-based head. We introduce multi-modal representation learning in CLIP-Decoder, utilizing the text encoder to extract text features and the image encoder for image feature extraction. Furthermore, we minimize semantic mismatch by aligning image and word embeddings in the same dimension and comparing their respective representations using a combined loss, which comprises classification loss and CLIP loss. This strategy outperforms other methods and we achieve cutting-edge results on zero-shot multilabel classification tasks using CLIP-Decoder. Our method achieves an absolute increase of 3.9% in performance compared to existing methods for zero-shot learning multi-label classification tasks. Additionally, in the generalized zero-shot learning multi-label classification task, our method shows an impressive increase of almost 2.3%.

new Fair Text to Medical Image Diffusion Model with Subgroup Distribution Aligned Tuning

Authors: Xu Han, Fangfang Fan, Jingzhao Rong, Xiaofeng Liu

Abstract: The text to medical image (T2MedI) with latent diffusion model has great potential to alleviate the scarcity of medical imaging data and explore the underlying appearance distribution of lesions in a specific patient status description. However, as the text to nature image models, we show that the T2MedI model can also bias to some subgroups to overlook the minority ones in the training set. In this work, we first build a T2MedI model based on the pre-trained Imagen model, which has the fixed contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) text encoder, while its decoder has been fine-tuned on medical images from the Radiology Objects in COntext (ROCO) dataset. Its gender bias is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Toward this issue, we propose to fine-tune the T2MedI toward the target application dataset to align their sensitive subgroups distribution probability. Specifically, the alignment loss for fine-tuning is guided by an off-the-shelf sensitivity-subgroup classifier to match the classification probability between the generated images and the expected target dataset. In addition, the image quality is maintained by a CLIP-consistency regularization term following a knowledge distillation scheme. For evaluation, we set the target dataset to be enhanced as the BraST18 dataset, and trained a brain magnetic resonance (MR) slice-based gender classifier from it. With our method, the generated MR image can markedly reduce the inconsistency with the gender proportion in the BraTS18 dataset.

new Is A Picture Worth A Thousand Words? Delving Into Spatial Reasoning for Vision Language Models

Authors: Jiayu Wang, Yifei Ming, Zhenmei Shi, Vibhav Vineet, Xin Wang, Neel Joshi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) and vision-language models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide range of tasks and domains. Despite this promise, spatial understanding and reasoning -- a fundamental component of human cognition -- remains under-explored. We develop novel benchmarks that cover diverse aspects of spatial reasoning such as relationship understanding, navigation, and counting. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of competitive language and vision-language models. Our findings reveal several counter-intuitive insights that have been overlooked in the literature: (1) Spatial reasoning poses significant challenges where competitive models can fall behind random guessing; (2) Despite additional visual input, VLMs often under-perform compared to their LLM counterparts; (3) When both textual and visual information is available, multi-modal language models become less reliant on visual information if sufficient textual clues are provided. Additionally, we demonstrate that leveraging redundancy between vision and text can significantly enhance model performance. We hope our study will inform the development of multimodal models to improve spatial intelligence and further close the gap with human intelligence.

new PEANO-ViT: Power-Efficient Approximations of Non-Linearities in Vision Transformers

Authors: Mohammad Erfan Sadeghi, Arash Fayyazi, Seyedarmin Azizi, Massoud Pedram

Abstract: The deployment of Vision Transformers (ViTs) on hardware platforms, specially Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), presents many challenges, which are mainly due to the substantial computational and power requirements of their non-linear functions, notably layer normalization, softmax, and Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU). These critical functions pose significant obstacles to efficient hardware implementation due to their complex mathematical operations and the inherent resource count and architectural limitations of FPGAs. PEANO-ViT offers a novel approach to streamlining the implementation of the layer normalization layer by introducing a division-free technique that simultaneously approximates the division and square root function. Additionally, PEANO-ViT provides a multi-scale division strategy to eliminate division operations in the softmax layer, aided by a Pade-based approximation for the exponential function. Finally, PEANO-ViT introduces a piece-wise linear approximation for the GELU function, carefully designed to bypass the computationally intensive operations associated with GELU. In our comprehensive evaluations, PEANO-ViT exhibits minimal accuracy degradation (<= 0.5% for DeiT-B) while significantly enhancing power efficiency, achieving improvements of 1.91x, 1.39x, 8.01x for layer normalization, softmax, and GELU, respectively. This improvement is achieved through substantial reductions in DSP, LUT, and register counts for these non-linear operations. Consequently, PEANO-ViT enables efficient deployment of Vision Transformers on resource- and power-constrained FPGA platforms.

new Six-CD: Benchmarking Concept Removals for Benign Text-to-image Diffusion Models

Authors: Jie Ren, Kangrui Chen, Yingqian Cui, Shenglai Zeng, Hui Liu, Yue Xing, Jiliang Tang, Lingjuan Lyu

Abstract: Text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models have shown exceptional capabilities in generating images that closely correspond to textual prompts. However, the advancement of T2I diffusion models presents significant risks, as the models could be exploited for malicious purposes, such as generating images with violence or nudity, or creating unauthorized portraits of public figures in inappropriate contexts. To mitigate these risks, concept removal methods have been proposed. These methods aim to modify diffusion models to prevent the generation of malicious and unwanted concepts. Despite these efforts, existing research faces several challenges: (1) a lack of consistent comparisons on a comprehensive dataset, (2) ineffective prompts in harmful and nudity concepts, (3) overlooked evaluation of the ability to generate the benign part within prompts containing malicious concepts. To address these gaps, we propose to benchmark the concept removal methods by introducing a new dataset, Six-CD, along with a novel evaluation metric. In this benchmark, we conduct a thorough evaluation of concept removals, with the experimental observations and discussions offering valuable insights in the field.

new Accessible, At-Home Detection of Parkinson's Disease via Multi-task Video Analysis

Authors: Md Saiful Islam, Tariq Adnan, Jan Freyberg, Sangwu Lee, Abdelrahman Abdelkader, Meghan Pawlik, Cathe Schwartz, Karen Jaffe, Ruth B. Schneider, E Ray Dorsey, Ehsan Hoque

Abstract: Limited access to neurological care leads to missed diagnoses of Parkinson's disease (PD), leaving many individuals unidentified and untreated. We trained a novel neural network-based fusion architecture to detect Parkinson's disease (PD) by analyzing features extracted from webcam recordings of three tasks: finger tapping, facial expression (smiling), and speech (uttering a sentence containing all letters of the alphabet). Additionally, the model incorporated Monte Carlo Dropout to improve prediction accuracy by considering uncertainties. The study participants (n = 845, 272 with PD) were randomly split into three sets: 60% for training, 20% for model selection (hyper-parameter tuning), and 20% for final performance evaluation. The dataset consists of 1102 sessions, each session containing videos of all three tasks. Our proposed model achieved significantly better accuracy, area under the ROC curve (AUROC), and sensitivity at non-inferior specificity compared to any single-task model. Withholding uncertain predictions further boosted the performance, achieving 88.0% (95% CI: 87.7% - 88.4%) accuracy, 93.0% (92.8% - 93.2%) AUROC, 79.3% (78.4% - 80.2%) sensitivity, and 92.6% (92.3% - 92.8%) specificity, at the expense of not being able to predict for 2.3% (2.0% - 2.6%) data. Further analysis suggests that the trained model does not exhibit any detectable bias across sex and ethnic subgroups and is most effective for individuals aged between 50 and 80. This accessible, low-cost approach requiring only an internet-enabled device with a webcam and microphone paves the way for convenient PD screening at home, particularly in regions with limited access to clinical specialists.

new TraceNet: Segment one thing efficiently

Authors: Mingyuan Wu, Zichuan Liu, Haozhen Zheng, Hongpeng Guo, Bo Chen, Xin Lu, Klara Nahrstedt

Abstract: Efficient single instance segmentation is essential for unlocking features in the mobile imaging applications, such as capture or editing. Existing on-the-fly mobile imaging applications scope the segmentation task to portraits or the salient subject due to the computational constraints. Instance segmentation, despite its recent developments towards efficient networks, is still heavy due to the cost of computation on the entire image to identify all instances. To address this, we propose and formulate a one tap driven single instance segmentation task that segments a single instance selected by a user via a positive tap. This task, in contrast to the broader task of segmenting anything as suggested in the Segment Anything Model \cite{sam}, focuses on efficient segmentation of a single instance specified by the user. To solve this problem, we present TraceNet, which explicitly locates the selected instance by way of receptive field tracing. TraceNet identifies image regions that are related to the user tap and heavy computations are only performed on selected regions of the image. Therefore overall computation cost and memory consumption are reduced during inference. We evaluate the performance of TraceNet on instance IoU average over taps and the proportion of the region that a user tap can fall into for a high-quality single-instance mask. Experimental results on MS-COCO and LVIS demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach. TraceNet can jointly achieve the efficiency and interactivity, filling in the gap between needs for efficient mobile inference and recent research trend towards multimodal and interactive segmentation models.

new MOS: Model Synergy for Test-Time Adaptation on LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detection

Authors: Zhuoxiao Chen, Junjie Meng, Mahsa Baktashmotlagh, Zi Huang, Yadan Luo

Abstract: LiDAR-based 3D object detection is pivotal across many applications, yet the performance of such detection systems often degrades after deployment, especially when faced with unseen test point clouds originating from diverse locations or subjected to corruption. In this work, we introduce a new online adaptation framework for detectors named Model Synergy (MOS). Specifically, MOS dynamically assembles best-fit supermodels for each test batch from a bank of historical checkpoints, leveraging long-term knowledge to guide model updates without forgetting. The model assembly is directed by the proposed synergy weights (SW), employed for weighted averaging of the selected checkpoints to minimize redundancy in the composite supermodel. These weights are calculated by evaluating the similarity of predicted bounding boxes on test data and the feature independence among model pairs in the bank. To maintain an informative yet compact model bank, we pop out checkpoints with the lowest average SW scores and insert newly updated model weights. Our method was rigorously tested against prior test-time domain adaptation strategies on three datasets and under eight types of corruptions, demonstrating its superior adaptability to changing scenes and conditions. Remarkably, our approach achieved a 67.3% increase in performance in a complex "cross-corruption" scenario, which involves cross-dataset inconsistencies and real-world scene corruptions, providing a more realistic testbed of adaptation capabilities. The code is available at


new FC3DNet: A Fully Connected Encoder-Decoder for Efficient Demoir'eing

Authors: Zhibo Du, Long Peng, Yang Wang, Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha

Abstract: Moir\'e patterns are commonly seen when taking photos of screens. Camera devices usually have limited hardware performance but take high-resolution photos. However, users are sensitive to the photo processing time, which presents a hardly considered challenge of efficiency for demoir\'eing methods. To balance the network speed and quality of results, we propose a \textbf{F}ully \textbf{C}onnected en\textbf{C}oder-de\textbf{C}oder based \textbf{D}emoir\'eing \textbf{Net}work (FC3DNet). FC3DNet utilizes features with multiple scales in each stage of the decoder for comprehensive information, which contains long-range patterns as well as various local moir\'e styles that both are crucial aspects in demoir\'eing. Besides, to make full use of multiple features, we design a Multi-Feature Multi-Attention Fusion (MFMAF) module to weigh the importance of each feature and compress them for efficiency. These designs enable our network to achieve performance comparable to state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods in real-world datasets while utilizing only a fraction of parameters, FLOPs, and runtime.

new Demonstrating the Efficacy of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks in Vision Tasks

Authors: Minjong Cheon

Abstract: In the realm of deep learning, the Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) has emerged as a potential alternative to multilayer projections (MLPs). However, its applicability to vision tasks has not been extensively validated. In our study, we demonstrated the effectiveness of KAN for vision tasks through multiple trials on the MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 datasets, using a training batch size of 32. Our results showed that while KAN outperformed the original MLP-Mixer on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100, it performed slightly worse than the state-of-the-art ResNet-18. These findings suggest that KAN holds significant promise for vision tasks, and further modifications could enhance its performance in future evaluations.Our contributions are threefold: first, we showcase the efficiency of KAN-based algorithms for visual tasks; second, we provide extensive empirical assessments across various vision benchmarks, comparing KAN's performance with MLP-Mixer, CNNs, and Vision Transformers (ViT); and third, we pioneer the use of natural KAN layers in visual tasks, addressing a gap in previous research. This paper lays the foundation for future studies on KANs, highlighting their potential as a reliable alternative for image classification tasks.

new DiPEx: Dispersing Prompt Expansion for Class-Agnostic Object Detection

Authors: Jia Syuen Lim, Zhuoxiao Chen, Mahsa Baktashmotlagh, Zhi Chen, Xin Yu, Zi Huang, Yadan Luo

Abstract: Class-agnostic object detection (OD) can be a cornerstone or a bottleneck for many downstream vision tasks. Despite considerable advancements in bottom-up and multi-object discovery methods that leverage basic visual cues to identify salient objects, consistently achieving a high recall rate remains difficult due to the diversity of object types and their contextual complexity. In this work, we investigate using vision-language models (VLMs) to enhance object detection via a self-supervised prompt learning strategy. Our initial findings indicate that manually crafted text queries often result in undetected objects, primarily because detection confidence diminishes when the query words exhibit semantic overlap. To address this, we propose a Dispersing Prompt Expansion (DiPEx) approach. DiPEx progressively learns to expand a set of distinct, non-overlapping hyperspherical prompts to enhance recall rates, thereby improving performance in downstream tasks such as out-of-distribution OD. Specifically, DiPEx initiates the process by self-training generic parent prompts and selecting the one with the highest semantic uncertainty for further expansion. The resulting child prompts are expected to inherit semantics from their parent prompts while capturing more fine-grained semantics. We apply dispersion losses to ensure high inter-class discrepancy among child prompts while preserving semantic consistency between parent-child prompt pairs. To prevent excessive growth of the prompt sets, we utilize the maximum angular coverage (MAC) of the semantic space as a criterion for early termination. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DiPEx through extensive class-agnostic OD and OOD-OD experiments on MS-COCO and LVIS, surpassing other prompting methods by up to 20.1% in AR and achieving a 21.3% AP improvement over SAM. The code is available at


new Gaussian-Informed Continuum for Physical Property Identification and Simulation

Authors: Junhao Cai, Yuji Yang, Weihao Yuan, Yisheng He, Zilong Dong, Liefeng Bo, Hui Cheng, Qifeng Chen

Abstract: This paper studies the problem of estimating physical properties (system identification) through visual observations. To facilitate geometry-aware guidance in physical property estimation, we introduce a novel hybrid framework that leverages 3D Gaussian representation to not only capture explicit shapes but also enable the simulated continuum to deduce implicit shapes during training. We propose a new dynamic 3D Gaussian framework based on motion factorization to recover the object as 3D Gaussian point sets across different time states. Furthermore, we develop a coarse-to-fine filling strategy to generate the density fields of the object from the Gaussian reconstruction, allowing for the extraction of object continuums along with their surfaces and the integration of Gaussian attributes into these continuums. In addition to the extracted object surfaces, the Gaussian-informed continuum also enables the rendering of object masks during simulations, serving as implicit shape guidance for physical property estimation. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that our pipeline achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple benchmarks and metrics. Additionally, we illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method through real-world demonstrations, showcasing its practical utility. Our project page is at


new Brightearth roads: Towards fully automatic road network extraction from satellite imagery

Authors: Liuyun Duan (LCT), Willard Mapurisa (LCT), Maxime Leras (LCT), Leigh Lotter (LCT), Yuliya Tarabalka (LCT)

Abstract: The modern road network topology comprises intricately designed structures that introduce complexity when automatically reconstructing road networks. While open resources like OpenStreetMap (OSM) offer road networks with well-defined topology, they may not always be up to date worldwide. In this paper, we propose a fully automated pipeline for extracting road networks from very-high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery. Our approach directly generates road line-strings that are seamlessly connected and precisely positioned. The process involves three key modules: a CNN-based neural network for road segmentation, a graph optimization algorithm to convert road predictions into vector line-strings, and a machine learning model for classifying road materials. Compared to OSM data, our results demonstrate significant potential for providing the latest road layouts and precise positions of road segments.

new Deep Imbalanced Regression to Estimate Vascular Age from PPG Data: a Novel Digital Biomarker for Cardiovascular Health

Authors: Guangkun Nie, Qinghao Zhao, Gongzheng Tang, Jun Li, Shenda Hong

Abstract: Photoplethysmography (PPG) is emerging as a crucial tool for monitoring human hemodynamics, with recent studies highlighting its potential in assessing vascular aging through deep learning. However, real-world age distributions are often imbalanced, posing significant challenges for deep learning models. In this paper, we introduce a novel, simple, and effective loss function named the Dist Loss to address deep imbalanced regression tasks. We trained a one-dimensional convolutional neural network (Net1D) incorporating the Dist Loss on the extensive UK Biobank dataset (n=502,389) to estimate vascular age from PPG signals and validate its efficacy in characterizing cardiovascular health. The model's performance was validated on a 40% held-out test set, achieving state-of-the-art results, especially in regions with small sample sizes. Furthermore, we divided the population into three subgroups based on the difference between predicted vascular age and chronological age: less than -10 years, between -10 and 10 years, and greater than 10 years. We analyzed the relationship between predicted vascular age and several cardiovascular events over a follow-up period of up to 10 years, including death, coronary heart disease, and heart failure. Our results indicate that the predicted vascular age has significant potential to reflect an individual's cardiovascular health status. Our code will be available at


new Skip and Skip: Segmenting Medical Images with Prompts

Authors: Jiawei Chen, Dingkang Yang, Yuxuan Lei, Lihua Zhang

Abstract: Most medical image lesion segmentation methods rely on hand-crafted accurate annotations of the original image for supervised learning. Recently, a series of weakly supervised or unsupervised methods have been proposed to reduce the dependence on pixel-level annotations. However, these methods are essentially based on pixel-level annotation, ignoring the image-level diagnostic results of the current massive medical images. In this paper, we propose a dual U-shaped two-stage framework that utilizes image-level labels to prompt the segmentation. In the first stage, we pre-train a classification network with image-level labels, which is used to obtain the hierarchical pyramid features and guide the learning of downstream branches. In the second stage, we feed the hierarchical features obtained from the classification branch into the downstream branch through short-skip and long-skip and get the lesion masks under the supervised learning of pixel-level labels. Experiments show that our framework achieves better results than networks simply using pixel-level annotations.

new Contextual Interaction via Primitive-based Adversarial Training For Compositional Zero-shot Learning

Authors: Suyi Li, Chenyi Jiang, Shidong Wang, Yang Long, Zheng Zhang, Haofeng Zhang

Abstract: Compositional Zero-shot Learning (CZSL) aims to identify novel compositions via known attribute-object pairs. The primary challenge in CZSL tasks lies in the significant discrepancies introduced by the complex interaction between the visual primitives of attribute and object, consequently decreasing the classification performance towards novel compositions. Previous remarkable works primarily addressed this issue by focusing on disentangling strategy or utilizing object-based conditional probabilities to constrain the selection space of attributes. Unfortunately, few studies have explored the problem from the perspective of modeling the mechanism of visual primitive interactions. Inspired by the success of vanilla adversarial learning in Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning, we take a step further and devise a model-agnostic and Primitive-Based Adversarial training (PBadv) method to deal with this problem. Besides, the latest studies highlight the weakness of the perception of hard compositions even under data-balanced conditions. To this end, we propose a novel over-sampling strategy with object-similarity guidance to augment target compositional training data. We performed detailed quantitative analysis and retrieval experiments on well-established datasets, such as UT-Zappos50K, MIT-States, and C-GQA, to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, and the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance demonstrates the superiority of our approach. The code is available at


new VividDreamer: Towards High-Fidelity and Efficient Text-to-3D Generation

Authors: Zixuan Chen, Ruijie Su, Jiahao Zhu, Lingxiao Yang, Jian-Huang Lai, Xiaohua Xie

Abstract: Text-to-3D generation aims to create 3D assets from text-to-image diffusion models. However, existing methods face an inherent bottleneck in generation quality because the widely-used objectives such as Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) inappropriately omit U-Net jacobians for swift generation, leading to significant bias compared to the "true" gradient obtained by full denoising sampling. This bias brings inconsistent updating direction, resulting in implausible 3D generation e.g., color deviation, Janus problem, and semantically inconsistent details). In this work, we propose Pose-dependent Consistency Distillation Sampling (PCDS), a novel yet efficient objective for diffusion-based 3D generation tasks. Specifically, PCDS builds the pose-dependent consistency function within diffusion trajectories, allowing to approximate true gradients through minimal sampling steps (1-3). Compared to SDS, PCDS can acquire a more accurate updating direction with the same sampling time (1 sampling step), while enabling few-step (2-3) sampling to trade compute for higher generation quality. For efficient generation, we propose a coarse-to-fine optimization strategy, which first utilizes 1-step PCDS to create the basic structure of 3D objects, and then gradually increases PCDS steps to generate fine-grained details. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in generation quality and training efficiency, conspicuously alleviating the implausible 3D generation issues caused by the deviated updating direction. Moreover, it can be simply applied to many 3D generative applications to yield impressive 3D assets, please see our project page:


new LU2Net: A Lightweight Network for Real-time Underwater Image Enhancement

Authors: Haodong Yang, Jisheng Xu, Zhiliang Lin, Jianping He

Abstract: Computer vision techniques have empowered underwater robots to effectively undertake a multitude of tasks, including object tracking and path planning. However, underwater optical factors like light refraction and absorption present challenges to underwater vision, which cause degradation of underwater images. A variety of underwater image enhancement methods have been proposed to improve the effectiveness of underwater vision perception. Nevertheless, for real-time vision tasks on underwater robots, it is necessary to overcome the challenges associated with algorithmic efficiency and real-time capabilities. In this paper, we introduce Lightweight Underwater Unet (LU2Net), a novel U-shape network designed specifically for real-time enhancement of underwater images. The proposed model incorporates axial depthwise convolution and the channel attention module, enabling it to significantly reduce computational demands and model parameters, thereby improving processing speed. The extensive experiments conducted on the dataset and real-world underwater robots demonstrate the exceptional performance and speed of proposed model. It is capable of providing well-enhanced underwater images at a speed 8 times faster than the current state-of-the-art underwater image enhancement method. Moreover, LU2Net is able to handle real-time underwater video enhancement.

new E2GS: Event Enhanced Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Hiroyuki Deguchi, Mana Masuda, Takuya Nakabayashi, Hideo Saito

Abstract: Event cameras, known for their high dynamic range, absence of motion blur, and low energy usage, have recently found a wide range of applications thanks to these attributes. In the past few years, the field of event-based 3D reconstruction saw remarkable progress, with the Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) based approach demonstrating photorealistic view synthesis results. However, the volume rendering paradigm of NeRF necessitates extensive training and rendering times. In this paper, we introduce Event Enhanced Gaussian Splatting (E2GS), a novel method that incorporates event data into Gaussian Splatting, which has recently made significant advances in the field of novel view synthesis. Our E2GS effectively utilizes both blurry images and event data, significantly improving image deblurring and producing high-quality novel view synthesis. Our comprehensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate our E2GS can generate visually appealing renderings while offering faster training and rendering speed (140 FPS). Our code is available at


new Disability Representations: Finding Biases in Automatic Image Generation

Authors: Yannis Tevissen

Abstract: Recent advancements in image generation technology have enabled widespread access to AI-generated imagery, prominently used in advertising, entertainment, and progressively in every form of visual content. However, these technologies often perpetuate societal biases. This study investigates the representation biases in popular image generation models towards people with disabilities (PWD). Through a comprehensive experiment involving several popular text-to-image models, we analyzed the depiction of disability. The results indicate a significant bias, with most generated images portraying disabled individuals as old, sad, and predominantly using manual wheelchairs. These findings highlight the urgent need for more inclusive AI development, ensuring diverse and accurate representation of PWD in generated images. This research underscores the importance of addressing and mitigating biases in AI models to foster equitable and realistic representations.

new Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition: Integrating Skeleton-Based Data Fusion and Multi-Stream CNN

Authors: Oluwaleke Yusuf, Maki Habib, Mohamed Moustafa

Abstract: This study focuses on Hand Gesture Recognition (HGR), which is vital for perceptual computing across various real-world contexts. The primary challenge in the HGR domain lies in dealing with the individual variations inherent in human hand morphology. To tackle this challenge, we introduce an innovative HGR framework that combines data-level fusion and an Ensemble Tuner Multi-stream CNN architecture. This approach effectively encodes spatiotemporal gesture information from the skeleton modality into RGB images, thereby minimizing noise while improving semantic gesture comprehension. Our framework operates in real-time, significantly reducing hardware requirements and computational complexity while maintaining competitive performance on benchmark datasets such as SHREC2017, DHG1428, FPHA, LMDHG and CNR. This improvement in HGR demonstrates robustness and paves the way for practical, real-time applications that leverage resource-limited devices for human-machine interaction and ambient intelligence.

new A3D: Does Diffusion Dream about 3D Alignment?

Authors: Savva Ignatyev, Nina Konovalova, Daniil Selikhanovych, Nikolay Patakin, Oleg Voynov, Dmitry Senushkin, Alexander Filippov, Anton Konushin, Peter Wonka, Evgeny Burnaev

Abstract: We tackle the problem of text-driven 3D generation from a geometry alignment perspective. We aim at the generation of multiple objects which are consistent in terms of semantics and geometry. Recent methods based on Score Distillation have succeeded in distilling the knowledge from 2D diffusion models to high-quality objects represented by 3D neural radiance fields. These methods handle multiple text queries separately, and therefore, the resulting objects have a high variability in object pose and structure. However, in some applications such as geometry editing, it is desirable to obtain aligned objects. In order to achieve alignment, we propose to optimize the continuous trajectories between the aligned objects, by modeling a space of linear pairwise interpolations of the textual embeddings with a single NeRF representation. We demonstrate that similar objects, consisting of semantically corresponding parts, can be well aligned in 3D space without costly modifications to the generation process. We provide several practical scenarios including mesh editing and object hybridization that benefit from geometry alignment and experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of our method.


new SVFormer: A Direct Training Spiking Transformer for Efficient Video Action Recognition

Authors: Liutao Yu, Liwei Huang, Chenlin Zhou, Han Zhang, Zhengyu Ma, Huihui Zhou, Yonghong Tian

Abstract: Video action recognition (VAR) plays crucial roles in various domains such as surveillance, healthcare, and industrial automation, making it highly significant for the society. Consequently, it has long been a research spot in the computer vision field. As artificial neural networks (ANNs) are flourishing, convolution neural networks (CNNs), including 2D-CNNs and 3D-CNNs, as well as variants of the vision transformer (ViT), have shown impressive performance on VAR. However, they usually demand huge computational cost due to the large data volume and heavy information redundancy introduced by the temporal dimension. To address this challenge, some researchers have turned to brain-inspired spiking neural networks (SNNs), such as recurrent SNNs and ANN-converted SNNs, leveraging their inherent temporal dynamics and energy efficiency. Yet, current SNNs for VAR also encounter limitations, such as nontrivial input preprocessing, intricate network construction/training, and the need for repetitive processing of the same video clip, hindering their practical deployment. In this study, we innovatively propose the directly trained SVFormer (Spiking Video transFormer) for VAR. SVFormer integrates local feature extraction, global self-attention, and the intrinsic dynamics, sparsity, and spike-driven nature of SNNs, to efficiently and effectively extract spatio-temporal features. We evaluate SVFormer on two RGB datasets (UCF101, NTU-RGBD60) and one neuromorphic dataset (DVS128-Gesture), demonstrating comparable performance to the mainstream models in a more efficient way. Notably, SVFormer achieves a top-1 accuracy of 84.03% with ultra-low power consumption (21 mJ/video) on UCF101, which is state-of-the-art among directly trained deep SNNs, showcasing significant advantages over prior models.

new Improving Interpretability and Robustness for the Detection of AI-Generated Images

Authors: Tatiana Gaintseva, Laida Kushnareva, German Magai, Irina Piontkovskaya, Sergey Nikolenko, Martin Benning, Serguei Barannikov, Gregory Slabaugh

Abstract: With growing abilities of generative models, artificial content detection becomes an increasingly important and difficult task. However, all popular approaches to this problem suffer from poor generalization across domains and generative models. In this work, we focus on the robustness of AI-generated image (AIGI) detectors. We analyze existing state-of-the-art AIGI detection methods based on frozen CLIP embeddings and show how to interpret them, shedding light on how images produced by various AI generators differ from real ones. Next we propose two ways to improve robustness: based on removing harmful components of the embedding vector and based on selecting the best performing attention heads in the image encoder model. Our methods increase the mean out-of-distribution (OOD) classification score by up to 6% for cross-model transfer. We also propose a new dataset for AIGI detection and use it in our evaluation; we believe this dataset will help boost further research. The dataset and code are provided as a supplement.

new HLQ: Fast and Efficient Backpropagation via Hadamard Low-rank Quantization

Authors: Seonggon Kim, Eunhyeok Park

Abstract: With the rapid increase in model size and the growing importance of various fine-tuning applications, lightweight training has become crucial. Since the backward pass is twice as expensive as the forward pass, optimizing backpropagation is particularly important. However, modifications to this process can lead to suboptimal convergence, so training optimization should minimize perturbations, which is a highly challenging task. In this study, we introduce a novel optimization strategy called Hadamard Low-rank Quantization (HLQ), focusing on reducing the cost of backpropagation in convolutional and linear layers. We first analyze the sensitivity of gradient computation with respect to activation and weight, and judiciously design the HLQ pipeline to apply 4-bit Hadamard quantization to the activation gradient and Hadamard low-rank approximation to the weight gradient. This combination was found to be the best for maximizing benefits, and our extensive experiments demonstrate the outstanding performance of HLQ in both training from scratch and fine-tuning, achieving significant memory savings and acceleration on real GPUs with negligible quality degradation.

new Surface Normal Reconstruction Using Polarization-Unet

Authors: F. S. Mortazavi, S. Dajkhosh, M. Saadatseresht

Abstract: Today, three-dimensional reconstruction of objects has many applications in various fields, and therefore, choosing a suitable method for high resolution three-dimensional reconstruction is an important issue and displaying high-level details in three-dimensional models is a serious challenge in this field. Until now, active methods have been used for high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction. But the problem of active three-dimensional reconstruction methods is that they require a light source close to the object. Shape from polarization (SfP) is one of the best solutions for high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction of objects, which is a passive method and does not have the drawbacks of active methods. The changes in polarization of the reflected light from an object can be analyzed by using a polarization camera or locating polarizing filter in front of the digital camera and rotating the filter. Using this information, the surface normal can be reconstructed with high accuracy, which will lead to local reconstruction of the surface details. In this paper, an end-to-end deep learning approach has been presented to produce the surface normal of objects. In this method a benchmark dataset has been used to train the neural network and evaluate the results. The results have been evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively by other methods and under different lighting conditions. The MAE value (Mean-Angular-Error) has been used for results evaluation. The evaluations showed that the proposed method could accurately reconstruct the surface normal of objects with the lowest MAE value which is equal to 18.06 degree on the whole dataset, in comparison to previous physics-based methods which are between 41.44 and 49.03 degree.

new High Resolution Surface Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Objects Using Shape from Polarization Method

Authors: F. S. Mortazavi, M. Saadatseresht

Abstract: Nowadays, three-dimensional reconstruction is used in various fields like computer vision, computer graphics, mixed reality and digital twin. The three-dimensional reconstruction of cultural heritage objects is one of the most important applications in this area which is usually accomplished by close range photogrammetry. The problem here is that the images are often noisy, and the dense image matching method has significant limitations to reconstruct the geometric details of cultural heritage objects in practice. Therefore, displaying high-level details in three-dimensional models, especially for cultural heritage objects, is a severe challenge in this field. In this paper, the shape from polarization method has been investigated, a passive method with no drawbacks of active methods. In this method, the resolution of the depth maps can be dramatically increased using the information obtained from the polarization light by rotating a linear polarizing filter in front of a digital camera. Through these polarized images, the surface details of the object can be reconstructed locally with high accuracy. The fusion of polarization and photogrammetric methods is an appropriate solution for achieving high resolution three-dimensional reconstruction. The surface reconstruction assessments have been performed visually and quantitatively. The evaluations showed that the proposed method could significantly reconstruct the surfaces' details in the three-dimensional model compared to the photogrammetric method with 10 times higher depth resolution.

new DiffExplainer: Unveiling Black Box Models Via Counterfactual Generation

Authors: Yingying Fang, Shuang Wu, Zihao Jin, Caiwen Xu, Shiyi Wang, Simon Walsh, Guang Yang

Abstract: In the field of medical imaging, particularly in tasks related to early disease detection and prognosis, understanding the reasoning behind AI model predictions is imperative for assessing their reliability. Conventional explanation methods encounter challenges in identifying decisive features in medical image classifications, especially when discriminative features are subtle or not immediately evident. To address this limitation, we propose an agent model capable of generating counterfactual images that prompt different decisions when plugged into a black box model. By employing this agent model, we can uncover influential image patterns that impact the black model's final predictions. Through our methodology, we efficiently identify features that influence decisions of the deep black box. We validated our approach in the rigorous domain of medical prognosis tasks, showcasing its efficacy and potential to enhance the reliability of deep learning models in medical image classification compared to existing interpretation methods. The code will be publicly available at


new MantisScore: Building Automatic Metrics to Simulate Fine-grained Human Feedback for Video Generation

Authors: Xuan He, Dongfu Jiang, Ge Zhang, Max Ku, Achint Soni, Sherman Siu, Haonan Chen, Abhranil Chandra, Ziyan Jiang, Aaran Arulraj, Kai Wang, Quy Duc Do, Yuansheng Ni, Bohan Lyu, Yaswanth Narsupalli, Rongqi Fan, Zhiheng Lyu, Yuchen Lin, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: The recent years have witnessed great advances in video generation. However, the development of automatic video metrics is lagging significantly behind. None of the existing metric is able to provide reliable scores over generated videos. The main barrier is the lack of large-scale human-annotated dataset. In this paper, we release VideoFeedback, the first large-scale dataset containing human-provided multi-aspect score over 37.6K synthesized videos from 11 existing video generative models. We train MantisScore (initialized from Mantis) based on VideoFeedback to enable automatic video quality assessment. Experiments show that the Spearman correlation between MantisScore and humans can reach 77.1 on VideoFeedback-test, beating the prior best metrics by about 50 points. Further result on other held-out EvalCrafter, GenAI-Bench, and VBench show that MantisScore has consistently much higher correlation with human judges than other metrics. Due to these results, we believe MantisScore can serve as a great proxy for human raters to (1) rate different video models to track progress (2) simulate fine-grained human feedback in Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) to improve current video generation models.

new Fingerprint Membership and Identity Inference Against Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Saverio Cavasin, Daniele Mari, Simone Milani, Mauro Conti

Abstract: Generative models are gaining significant attention as potential catalysts for a novel industrial revolution. Since automated sample generation can be useful to solve privacy and data scarcity issues that usually affect learned biometric models, such technologies became widely spread in this field. In this paper, we assess the vulnerabilities of generative machine learning models concerning identity protection by designing and testing an identity inference attack on fingerprint datasets created by means of a generative adversarial network. Experimental results show that the proposed solution proves to be effective under different configurations and easily extendable to other biometric measurements.

new You Only Acquire Sparse-channel (YOAS): A Unified Framework for Dense-channel EEG Generation

Authors: Hongyu Chen, Weiming Zeng, Luhui Cai, Yueyang Li, Lei Wang, Jia Lu, Hongjie Yan, Wai Ting Siok, Nizhuan Wang

Abstract: High-precision acquisition of dense-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) signals is often impeded by the costliness and lack of portability of equipment. In contrast, generating dense-channel EEG signals effectively from sparse channels shows promise and economic viability. However, sparse-channel EEG poses challenges such as reduced spatial resolution, information loss, signal mixing, and heightened susceptibility to noise and interference. To address these challenges, we first theoretically formulate the dense-channel EEG generation problem as by optimizing a set of cross-channel EEG signal generation problems. Then, we propose the YOAS framework for generating dense-channel data from sparse-channel EEG signals. The YOAS totally consists of four sequential stages: Data Preparation, Data Preprocessing, Biased-EEG Generation, and Synthetic EEG Generation. Data Preparation and Preprocessing carefully consider the distribution of EEG electrodes and low signal-to-noise ratio problem of EEG signals. Biased-EEG Generation includes sub-modules of BiasEEGGanFormer and BiasEEGDiffFormer, which facilitate long-term feature extraction with attention and generate signals by combining electrode position alignment with diffusion model, respectively. Synthetic EEG Generation synthesizes the final signals, employing a deduction paradigm for multi-channel EEG generation. Extensive experiments confirmed YOAS's feasibility, efficiency, and theoretical validity, even remarkably enhancing data discernibility. This breakthrough in dense-channel EEG signal generation from sparse-channel data opens new avenues for exploration in EEG signal processing and application.

new ADR: Attention Diversification Regularization for Mitigating Overfitting in Multiple Instance Learning based Whole Slide Image Classification

Authors: Yunlong Zhang, Zhongyi Shui, Yunxuan Sun, Honglin Li, Jingxiong Li, Chenglu Zhu, Sunyi Zheng, Lin Yang

Abstract: Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) has demonstrated effectiveness in analyzing whole slide images (WSIs), yet it often encounters overfitting challenges in real-world applications. This paper reveals the correlation between MIL's performance and the entropy of attention values. Based on this observation, we propose Attention Diversity Regularization (ADR), a simple but effective technique aimed at promoting high entropy in attention values. Specifically, ADR introduces a negative Shannon entropy loss for attention values into the regular MIL framework. Compared to existing methods aimed at alleviating overfitting, which often necessitate additional modules or processing steps, our ADR approach requires no such extras, demonstrating simplicity and efficiency. We evaluate our ADR on three WSI classification tasks. ADR achieves superior performance over the state-of-the-art on most of them. We also show that ADR can enhance heatmaps, aligning them better with pathologists' diagnostic criteria. The source code is available at \url{}.


new Rethinking Remote Sensing Change Detection With A Mask View

Authors: Xiaowen Ma, Zhenkai Wu, Rongrong Lian, Wei Zhang, Siyang Song

Abstract: Remote sensing change detection aims to compare two or more images recorded for the same area but taken at different time stamps to quantitatively and qualitatively assess changes in geographical entities and environmental factors. Mainstream models usually built on pixel-by-pixel change detection paradigms, which cannot tolerate the diversity of changes due to complex scenes and variation in imaging conditions. To address this shortcoming, this paper rethinks the change detection with the mask view, and further proposes the corresponding: 1) meta-architecture CDMask and 2) instance network CDMaskFormer. Components of CDMask include Siamese backbone, change extractor, pixel decoder, transformer decoder and normalized detector, which ensures the proper functioning of the mask detection paradigm. Since the change query can be adaptively updated based on the bi-temporal feature content, the proposed CDMask can adapt to different latent data distributions, thus accurately identifying regions of interest changes in complex scenarios. Consequently, we further propose the instance network CDMaskFormer customized for the change detection task, which includes: (i) a Spatial-temporal convolutional attention-based instantiated change extractor to capture spatio-temporal context simultaneously with lightweight operations; and (ii) a scene-guided axial attention-instantiated transformer decoder to extract more spatial details. State-of-the-art performance of CDMaskFormer is achieved on five benchmark datasets with a satisfactory efficiency-accuracy trade-off. Code is available at


new An End-to-End, Segmentation-Free, Arabic Handwritten Recognition Model on KHATT

Authors: Sondos Aabed, Ahmad Khairaldin

Abstract: An end-to-end, segmentation-free, deep learning model trained from scratch is proposed, leveraging DCNN for feature extraction, alongside Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (BLSTM) for sequence recognition and Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss function on the KHATT database. The training phase yields remarkable results 84% recognition rate on the test dataset at the character level and 71% on the word level, establishing an image-based sequence recognition framework that operates without segmentation only at the line level. The analysis and preprocessing of the KFUPM Handwritten Arabic TexT (KHATT) database are also presented. Finally, advanced image processing techniques, including filtering, transformation, and line segmentation are implemented. The importance of this work is highlighted by its wide-ranging applications. Including digitizing, documentation, archiving, and text translation in fields such as banking. Moreover, AHR serves as a pivotal tool for making images searchable, enhancing information retrieval capabilities, and enabling effortless editing. This functionality significantly reduces the time and effort required for tasks such as Arabic data organization and manipulation.

new Masked Extended Attention for Zero-Shot Virtual Try-On In The Wild

Authors: Nadav Orzech, Yotam Nitzan, Ulysse Mizrahi, Dov Danon, Amit H. Bermano

Abstract: Virtual Try-On (VTON) is a highly active line of research, with increasing demand. It aims to replace a piece of garment in an image with one from another, while preserving person and garment characteristics as well as image fidelity. Current literature takes a supervised approach for the task, impairing generalization and imposing heavy computation. In this paper, we present a novel zero-shot training-free method for inpainting a clothing garment by reference. Our approach employs the prior of a diffusion model with no additional training, fully leveraging its native generalization capabilities. The method employs extended attention to transfer image information from reference to target images, overcoming two significant challenges. We first initially warp the reference garment over the target human using deep features, alleviating "texture sticking". We then leverage the extended attention mechanism with careful masking, eliminating leakage of reference background and unwanted influence. Through a user study, qualitative, and quantitative comparison to state-of-the-art approaches, we demonstrate superior image quality and garment preservation compared unseen clothing pieces or human figures.

new GeoLRM: Geometry-Aware Large Reconstruction Model for High-Quality 3D Gaussian Generation

Authors: Chubin Zhang, Hongliang Song, Yi Wei, Yu Chen, Jiwen Lu, Yansong Tang

Abstract: In this work, we introduce the Geometry-Aware Large Reconstruction Model (GeoLRM), an approach which can predict high-quality assets with 512k Gaussians and 21 input images in only 11 GB GPU memory. Previous works neglect the inherent sparsity of 3D structure and do not utilize explicit geometric relationships between 3D and 2D images. This limits these methods to a low-resolution representation and makes it difficult to scale up to the dense views for better quality. GeoLRM tackles these issues by incorporating a novel 3D-aware transformer structure that directly processes 3D points and uses deformable cross-attention mechanisms to effectively integrate image features into 3D representations. We implement this solution through a two-stage pipeline: initially, a lightweight proposal network generates a sparse set of 3D anchor points from the posed image inputs; subsequently, a specialized reconstruction transformer refines the geometry and retrieves textural details. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that GeoLRM significantly outperforms existing models, especially for dense view inputs. We also demonstrate the practical applicability of our model with 3D generation tasks, showcasing its versatility and potential for broader adoption in real-world applications.

new Multimodal Task Vectors Enable Many-Shot Multimodal In-Context Learning

Authors: Brandon Huang, Chancharik Mitra, Assaf Arbelle, Leonid Karlinsky, Trevor Darrell, Roei Herzig

Abstract: The recent success of interleaved Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) in few-shot learning suggests that in-context learning (ICL) with many examples can be promising for learning new tasks. However, this many-shot multimodal ICL setting has one crucial problem: it is fundamentally limited by the model's context length set at pretraining. The problem is especially prominent in the multimodal domain, which processes both text and images, requiring additional tokens. This motivates the need for a multimodal method to compress many shots into fewer tokens without finetuning. In this work, we enable LMMs to perform multimodal, many-shot in-context learning by leveraging Multimodal Task Vectors (MTV)--compact implicit representations of in-context examples compressed in the model's attention heads. Specifically, we first demonstrate the existence of such MTV in LMMs and then leverage these extracted MTV to enable many-shot in-context learning for various vision-and-language tasks. Our experiments suggest that MTV can scale in performance with the number of compressed shots and generalize to similar out-of-domain tasks without additional context length for inference.

new Keystroke Dynamics Against Academic Dishonesty in the Age of LLMs

Authors: Debnath Kundu, Atharva Mehta, Rajesh Kumar, Naman Lal, Avinash Anand, Apoorv Singh, Rajiv Ratn Shah

Abstract: The transition to online examinations and assignments raises significant concerns about academic integrity. Traditional plagiarism detection systems often struggle to identify instances of intelligent cheating, particularly when students utilize advanced generative AI tools to craft their responses. This study proposes a keystroke dynamics-based method to differentiate between bona fide and assisted writing within academic contexts. To facilitate this, a dataset was developed to capture the keystroke patterns of individuals engaged in writing tasks, both with and without the assistance of generative AI. The detector, trained using a modified TypeNet architecture, achieved accuracies ranging from 74.98% to 85.72% in condition-specific scenarios and from 52.24% to 80.54% in condition-agnostic scenarios. The findings highlight significant differences in keystroke dynamics between genuine and assisted writing. The outcomes of this study enhance our understanding of how users interact with generative AI and have implications for improving the reliability of digital educational platforms.

new Image Conductor: Precision Control for Interactive Video Synthesis

Authors: Yaowei Li, Xintao Wang, Zhaoyang Zhang, Zhouxia Wang, Ziyang Yuan, Liangbin Xie, Yuexian Zou, Ying Shan

Abstract: Filmmaking and animation production often require sophisticated techniques for coordinating camera transitions and object movements, typically involving labor-intensive real-world capturing. Despite advancements in generative AI for video creation, achieving precise control over motion for interactive video asset generation remains challenging. To this end, we propose Image Conductor, a method for precise control of camera transitions and object movements to generate video assets from a single image. An well-cultivated training strategy is proposed to separate distinct camera and object motion by camera LoRA weights and object LoRA weights. To further address cinematographic variations from ill-posed trajectories, we introduce a camera-free guidance technique during inference, enhancing object movements while eliminating camera transitions. Additionally, we develop a trajectory-oriented video motion data curation pipeline for training. Quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate our method's precision and fine-grained control in generating motion-controllable videos from images, advancing the practical application of interactive video synthesis. Project webpage available at


new NAVSIM: Data-Driven Non-Reactive Autonomous Vehicle Simulation and Benchmarking

Authors: Daniel Dauner, Marcel Hallgarten, Tianyu Li, Xinshuo Weng, Zhiyu Huang, Zetong Yang, Hongyang Li, Igor Gilitschenski, Boris Ivanovic, Marco Pavone, Andreas Geiger, Kashyap Chitta

Abstract: Benchmarking vision-based driving policies is challenging. On one hand, open-loop evaluation with real data is easy, but these results do not reflect closed-loop performance. On the other, closed-loop evaluation is possible in simulation, but is hard to scale due to its significant computational demands. Further, the simulators available today exhibit a large domain gap to real data. This has resulted in an inability to draw clear conclusions from the rapidly growing body of research on end-to-end autonomous driving. In this paper, we present NAVSIM, a middle ground between these evaluation paradigms, where we use large datasets in combination with a non-reactive simulator to enable large-scale real-world benchmarking. Specifically, we gather simulation-based metrics, such as progress and time to collision, by unrolling bird's eye view abstractions of the test scenes for a short simulation horizon. Our simulation is non-reactive, i.e., the evaluated policy and environment do not influence each other. As we demonstrate empirically, this decoupling allows open-loop metric computation while being better aligned with closed-loop evaluations than traditional displacement errors. NAVSIM enabled a new competition held at CVPR 2024, where 143 teams submitted 463 entries, resulting in several new insights. On a large set of challenging scenarios, we observe that simple methods with moderate compute requirements such as TransFuser can match recent large-scale end-to-end driving architectures such as UniAD. Our modular framework can potentially be extended with new datasets, data curation strategies, and metrics, and will be continually maintained to host future challenges. Our code is available at


cross ReflectanceFusion: Diffusion-based text to SVBRDF Generation

Authors: Bowen Xue, Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera, Shuang Zhao, Zahra Montazeri

Abstract: We introduce Reflectance Diffusion, a new neural text-to-texture model capable of generating high-fidelity SVBRDF maps from textual descriptions. Our method leverages a tandem neural approach, consisting of two modules, to accurately model the distribution of spatially varying reflectance as described by text prompts. Initially, we employ a pre-trained stable diffusion 2 model to generate a latent representation that informs the overall shape of the material and serves as our backbone model. Then, our ReflectanceUNet enables fine-tuning control over the material's physical appearance and generates SVBRDF maps. ReflectanceUNet module is trained on an extensive dataset comprising approximately 200,000 synthetic spatially varying materials. Our generative SVBRDF diffusion model allows for the synthesis of multiple SVBRDF estimates from a single textual input, offering users the possibility to choose the output that best aligns with their requirements. We illustrate our method's versatility by generating SVBRDF maps from a range of textual descriptions, both specific and broad. Our ReflectanceUNet model can integrate optional physical parameters, such as roughness and specularity, enhancing customization. When the backbone module is fixed, the ReflectanceUNet module refines the material, allowing direct edits to its physical attributes. Comparative evaluations demonstrate that ReflectanceFusion achieves better accuracy than existing text-to-material models, such as Text2Mat, while also providing the benefits of editable and relightable SVBRDF maps.

cross DragPoser: Motion Reconstruction from Variable Sparse Tracking Signals via Latent Space Optimization

Authors: Jose Luis Ponton, Eduard Pujol, Andreas Aristidou, Carlos Andujar, Nuria Pelechano

Abstract: High-quality motion reconstruction that follows the user's movements can be achieved by high-end mocap systems with many sensors. However, obtaining such animation quality with fewer input devices is gaining popularity as it brings mocap closer to the general public. The main challenges include the loss of end-effector accuracy in learning-based approaches, or the lack of naturalness and smoothness in IK-based solutions. In addition, such systems are often finely tuned to a specific number of trackers and are highly sensitive to missing data e.g., in scenarios where a sensor is occluded or malfunctions. In response to these challenges, we introduce DragPoser, a novel deep-learning-based motion reconstruction system that accurately represents hard and dynamic on-the-fly constraints, attaining real-time high end-effectors position accuracy. This is achieved through a pose optimization process within a structured latent space. Our system requires only one-time training on a large human motion dataset, and then constraints can be dynamically defined as losses, while the pose is iteratively refined by computing the gradients of these losses within the latent space. To further enhance our approach, we incorporate a Temporal Predictor network, which employs a Transformer architecture to directly encode temporality within the latent space. This network ensures the pose optimization is confined to the manifold of valid poses and also leverages past pose data to predict temporally coherent poses. Results demonstrate that DragPoser surpasses both IK-based and the latest data-driven methods in achieving precise end-effector positioning, while it produces natural poses and temporally coherent motion. In addition, our system showcases robustness against on-the-fly constraint modifications, and exhibits exceptional adaptability to various input configurations and changes.

cross Policy Gradient-Driven Noise Mask

Authors: Mehmet Can Yavuz, Yang Yang

Abstract: Deep learning classifiers face significant challenges when dealing with heterogeneous multi-modal and multi-organ biomedical datasets. The low-level feature distinguishability limited to imaging-modality hinders the classifiers' ability to learn high-level semantic relationships, resulting in sub-optimal performance. To address this issue, image augmentation strategies are employed as regularization techniques. While additive noise input during network training is a well-established augmentation as regularization method, modern pipelines often favor more robust techniques such as dropout and weight decay. This preference stems from the observation that combining these established techniques with noise input can adversely affect model performance. In this study, we propose a novel pretraining pipeline that learns to generate conditional noise mask specifically tailored to improve performance on multi-modal and multi-organ datasets. As a reinforcement learning algorithm, our approach employs a dual-component system comprising a very light-weight policy network that learns to sample conditional noise using a differentiable beta distribution and a classifier network. The policy network is trained using the reinforce algorithm to generate image-specific noise masks that regularize the classifier during pretraining. A key aspect is that the policy network's role is limited to obtaining an intermediate (or heated) model before fine-tuning. During inference, the policy network is omitted, allowing direct comparison between the baseline and noise-regularized models. We conducted experiments and related analyses on RadImageNet datasets. Results demonstrate that fine-tuning the intermediate models consistently outperforms conventional training algorithms on both classification and generalization to unseen concept tasks.

cross Evaluating Numerical Reasoning in Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Ivana Kaji\'c, Olivia Wiles, Isabela Albuquerque, Matthias Bauer, Su Wang, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Aida Nematzadeh

Abstract: Text-to-image generative models are capable of producing high-quality images that often faithfully depict concepts described using natural language. In this work, we comprehensively evaluate a range of text-to-image models on numerical reasoning tasks of varying difficulty, and show that even the most advanced models have only rudimentary numerical skills. Specifically, their ability to correctly generate an exact number of objects in an image is limited to small numbers, it is highly dependent on the context the number term appears in, and it deteriorates quickly with each successive number. We also demonstrate that models have poor understanding of linguistic quantifiers (such as "a few" or "as many as"), the concept of zero, and struggle with more advanced concepts such as partial quantities and fractional representations. We bundle prompts, generated images and human annotations into GeckoNum, a novel benchmark for evaluation of numerical reasoning.

cross ImageFlowNet: Forecasting Multiscale Trajectories of Disease Progression with Irregularly-Sampled Longitudinal Medical Images

Authors: Chen Liu, Ke Xu, Liangbo L. Shen, Guillaume Huguet, Zilong Wang, Alexander Tong, Danilo Bzdok, Jay Stewart, Jay C. Wang, Lucian V. Del Priore, Smita Krishnaswamy

Abstract: The forecasting of disease progression from images is a holy grail for clinical decision making. However, this task is complicated by the inherent high dimensionality, temporal sparsity and sampling irregularity in longitudinal image acquisitions. Existing methods often rely on extracting hand-crafted features and performing time-series analysis in this vector space, leading to a loss of rich spatial information within the images. To overcome these challenges, we introduce ImageFlowNet, a novel framework that learns latent-space flow fields that evolve multiscale representations in joint embedding spaces using neural ODEs and SDEs to model disease progression in the image domain. Notably, ImageFlowNet learns multiscale joint representation spaces by combining cohorts of patients together so that information can be transferred between the patient samples. The dynamics then provide plausible trajectories of progression, with the SDE providing alternative trajectories from the same starting point. We provide theoretical insights that support our formulation of ODEs, and motivate our regularizations involving high-level visual features, latent space organization, and trajectory smoothness. We then demonstrate ImageFlowNet's effectiveness through empirical evaluations on three longitudinal medical image datasets depicting progression in retinal geographic atrophy, multiple sclerosis, and glioblastoma.

cross LatentExplainer: Explaining Latent Representations in Deep Generative Models with Multi-modal Foundation Models

Authors: Mengdan Zhu, Raasikh Kanjiani, Jiahui Lu, Andrew Choi, Qirui Ye, Liang Zhao

Abstract: Deep generative models like VAEs and diffusion models have advanced various generation tasks by leveraging latent variables to learn data distributions and generate high-quality samples. Despite the field of explainable AI making strides in interpreting machine learning models, understanding latent variables in generative models remains challenging. This paper introduces LatentExplainer, a framework for automatically generating semantically meaningful explanations of latent variables in deep generative models. LatentExplainer tackles three main challenges: inferring the meaning of latent variables, aligning explanations with inductive biases, and handling varying degrees of explainability. By perturbing latent variables and interpreting changes in generated data, the framework provides a systematic approach to understanding and controlling the data generation process, enhancing the transparency and interpretability of deep generative models. We evaluate our proposed method on several real-world and synthetic datasets, and the results demonstrate superior performance in generating high-quality explanations of latent variables.

cross SelfReg-UNet: Self-Regularized UNet for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Wenhui Zhu, Xiwen Chen, Peijie Qiu, Mohammad Farazi, Aristeidis Sotiras, Abolfazl Razi, Yalin Wang

Abstract: Since its introduction, UNet has been leading a variety of medical image segmentation tasks. Although numerous follow-up studies have also been dedicated to improving the performance of standard UNet, few have conducted in-depth analyses of the underlying interest pattern of UNet in medical image segmentation. In this paper, we explore the patterns learned in a UNet and observe two important factors that potentially affect its performance: (i) irrelative feature learned caused by asymmetric supervision; (ii) feature redundancy in the feature map. To this end, we propose to balance the supervision between encoder and decoder and reduce the redundant information in the UNet. Specifically, we use the feature map that contains the most semantic information (i.e., the last layer of the decoder) to provide additional supervision to other blocks to provide additional supervision and reduce feature redundancy by leveraging feature distillation. The proposed method can be easily integrated into existing UNet architecture in a plug-and-play fashion with negligible computational cost. The experimental results suggest that the proposed method consistently improves the performance of standard UNets on four medical image segmentation datasets. The code is available at \url{}


cross LLM2FEA: Discover Novel Designs with Generative Evolutionary Multitasking

Authors: Melvin Wong, Jiao Liu, Thiago Rios, Stefan Menzel, Yew Soon Ong

Abstract: The rapid research and development of generative artificial intelligence has enabled the generation of high-quality images, text, and 3D models from text prompts. This advancement impels an inquiry into whether these models can be leveraged to create digital artifacts for both creative and engineering applications. Drawing on innovative designs from other domains may be one answer to this question, much like the historical practice of ``bionics", where humans have sought inspiration from nature's exemplary designs. This raises the intriguing possibility of using generative models to simultaneously tackle design tasks across multiple domains, facilitating cross-domain learning and resulting in a series of innovative design solutions. In this paper, we propose LLM2FEA as the first attempt to discover novel designs in generative models by transferring knowledge across multiple domains. By utilizing a multi-factorial evolutionary algorithm (MFEA) to drive a large language model, LLM2FEA integrates knowledge from various fields to generate prompts that guide the generative model in discovering novel and practical objects. Experimental results in the context of 3D aerodynamic design verify the discovery capabilities of the proposed LLM2FEA. The designs generated by LLM2FEA not only satisfy practicality requirements to a certain degree but also feature novel and aesthetically pleasing shapes, demonstrating the potential applications of LLM2FEA in discovery tasks.

cross A Unified Framework for Synthesizing Multisequence Brain MRI via Hybrid Fusion

Authors: Jihoon Cho, Jonghye Woo, Jinah Park

Abstract: Multisequence Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides a reliable diagnosis in clinical applications through complementary information within sequences. However, in practice, the absence of certain MR sequences is a common problem that can lead to inconsistent analysis results. In this work, we propose a novel unified framework for synthesizing multisequence MR images, called Hybrid Fusion GAN (HF-GAN). We introduce a hybrid fusion encoder designed to ensure the disentangled extraction of complementary and modality-specific information, along with a channel attention-based feature fusion module that integrates the features into a common latent space handling the complexity from combinations of accessible MR sequences. Common feature representations are transformed into a target latent space via the modality infuser to synthesize missing MR sequences. We have performed experiments on multisequence brain MRI datasets from healthy individuals and patients diagnosed with brain tumors. Experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both quantitative and qualitative comparisons. In addition, a detailed analysis of our framework demonstrates the superiority of our designed modules and their effectiveness for use in data imputation tasks.

cross CoCPF: Coordinate-based Continuous Projection Field for Ill-Posed Inverse Problem in Imaging

Authors: Zixuan Chen, Lingxiao Yang, Jian-Huang Lai, Xiaohua Xie

Abstract: Sparse-view computed tomography (SVCT) reconstruction aims to acquire CT images based on sparsely-sampled measurements. It allows the subjects exposed to less ionizing radiation, reducing the lifetime risk of developing cancers. Recent researches employ implicit neural representation (INR) techniques to reconstruct CT images from a single SV sinogram. However, due to ill-posedness, these INR-based methods may leave considerable ``holes'' (i.e., unmodeled spaces) in their fields, leading to sub-optimal results. In this paper, we propose the Coordinate-based Continuous Projection Field (CoCPF), which aims to build hole-free representation fields for SVCT reconstruction, achieving better reconstruction quality. Specifically, to fill the holes, CoCPF first employs the stripe-based volume sampling module to broaden the sampling regions of Radon transformation from rays (1D space) to stripes (2D space), which can well cover the internal regions between SV projections. Then, by feeding the sampling regions into the proposed differentiable rendering modules, the holes can be jointly optimized during training, reducing the ill-posed levels. As a result, CoCPF can accurately estimate the internal measurements between SV projections (i.e., DV sinograms), producing high-quality CT images after re-projection. Extensive experiments on simulated and real projection datasets demonstrate that CoCPF outperforms state-of-the-art methods for 2D and 3D SVCT reconstructions under various projection numbers and geometries, yielding fine-grained details and fewer artifacts. Our code will be publicly available.

cross Benchmarking Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Models for Cross-Dataset and Cross-Disease Generalization

Authors: Jeremiah Fadugba, Patrick K\"ohler, Lisa Koch, Petru Manescu, Philipp Berens

Abstract: Retinal blood vessel segmentation can extract clinically relevant information from fundus images. As manual tracing is cumbersome, algorithms based on Convolution Neural Networks have been developed. Such studies have used small publicly available datasets for training and measuring performance, running the risk of overfitting. Here, we provide a rigorous benchmark for various architectural and training choices commonly used in the literature on the largest dataset published to date. We train and evaluate five published models on the publicly available FIVES fundus image dataset, which exceeds previous ones in size and quality and which contains also images from common ophthalmological conditions (diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma). We compare the performance of different model architectures across different loss functions, levels of image qualitiy and ophthalmological conditions and assess their ability to perform well in the face of disease-induced domain shifts. Given sufficient training data, basic architectures such as U-Net perform just as well as more advanced ones, and transfer across disease-induced domain shifts typically works well for most architectures. However, we find that image quality is a key factor determining segmentation outcomes. When optimizing for segmentation performance, investing into a well curated dataset to train a standard architecture yields better results than tuning a sophisticated architecture on a smaller dataset or one with lower image quality. We distilled the utility of architectural advances in terms of their clinical relevance therefore providing practical guidance for model choices depending on the circumstances of the clinical setting

cross Tri-VQA: Triangular Reasoning Medical Visual Question Answering for Multi-Attribute Analysis

Authors: Lin Fan, Xun Gong, Cenyang Zheng, Yafei Ou

Abstract: The intersection of medical Visual Question Answering (Med-VQA) is a challenging research topic with advantages including patient engagement and clinical expert involvement for second opinions. However, existing Med-VQA methods based on joint embedding fail to explain whether their provided results are based on correct reasoning or coincidental answers, which undermines the credibility of VQA answers. In this paper, we investigate the construction of a more cohesive and stable Med-VQA structure. Motivated by causal effect, we propose a novel Triangular Reasoning VQA (Tri-VQA) framework, which constructs reverse causal questions from the perspective of "Why this answer?" to elucidate the source of the answer and stimulate more reasonable forward reasoning processes. We evaluate our method on the Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) multi-attribute annotated dataset from five centers, and test it on medical VQA datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach over existing methods. Our codes and pre-trained models are available at


cross ECLIPSE: Expunging Clean-label Indiscriminate Poisons via Sparse Diffusion Purification

Authors: Xianlong Wang, Shengshan Hu, Yechao Zhang, Ziqi Zhou, Leo Yu Zhang, Peng Xu, Wei Wan, Hai Jin

Abstract: Clean-label indiscriminate poisoning attacks add invisible perturbations to correctly labeled training images, thus dramatically reducing the generalization capability of the victim models. Recently, some defense mechanisms have been proposed such as adversarial training, image transformation techniques, and image purification. However, these schemes are either susceptible to adaptive attacks, built on unrealistic assumptions, or only effective against specific poison types, limiting their universal applicability. In this research, we propose a more universally effective, practical, and robust defense scheme called ECLIPSE. We first investigate the impact of Gaussian noise on the poisons and theoretically prove that any kind of poison will be largely assimilated when imposing sufficient random noise. In light of this, we assume the victim has access to an extremely limited number of clean images (a more practical scene) and subsequently enlarge this sparse set for training a denoising probabilistic model (a universal denoising tool). We then begin by introducing Gaussian noise to absorb the poisons and then apply the model for denoising, resulting in a roughly purified dataset. Finally, to address the trade-off of the inconsistency in the assimilation sensitivity of different poisons by Gaussian noise, we propose a lightweight corruption compensation module to effectively eliminate residual poisons, providing a more universal defense approach. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our defense approach outperforms 10 state-of-the-art defenses. We also propose an adaptive attack against ECLIPSE and verify the robustness of our defense scheme. Our code is available at


cross Deciphering the Definition of Adversarial Robustness for post-hoc OOD Detectors

Authors: Peter Lorenz, Mario Fernandez, Jens M\"uller, Ullrich K\"othe

Abstract: Detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs is critical for safely deploying deep learning models in real-world scenarios. In recent years, many OOD detectors have been developed, and even the benchmarking has been standardized, i.e. OpenOOD. The number of post-hoc detectors is growing fast and showing an option to protect a pre-trained classifier against natural distribution shifts, claiming to be ready for real-world scenarios. However, its efficacy in handling adversarial examples has been neglected in the majority of studies. This paper investigates the adversarial robustness of the 16 post-hoc detectors on several evasion attacks and discuss a roadmap towards adversarial defense in OOD detectors.

cross Investigating the impact of 2D gesture representation on co-speech gesture generation

Authors: Teo Guichoux, Laure Soulier, Nicolas Obin, Catherine Pelachaud

Abstract: Co-speech gestures play a crucial role in the interactions between humans and embodied conversational agents (ECA). Recent deep learning methods enable the generation of realistic, natural co-speech gestures synchronized with speech, but such approaches require large amounts of training data. "In-the-wild" datasets, which compile videos from sources such as YouTube through human pose detection models, offer a solution by providing 2D skeleton sequences that are paired with speech. Concurrently, innovative lifting models have emerged, capable of transforming these 2D pose sequences into their 3D counterparts, leading to large and diverse datasets of 3D gestures. However, the derived 3D pose estimation is essentially a pseudo-ground truth, with the actual ground truth being the 2D motion data. This distinction raises questions about the impact of gesture representation dimensionality on the quality of generated motions, a topic that, to our knowledge, remains largely unexplored. In this work, we evaluate the impact of the dimensionality of the training data, 2D or 3D joint coordinates, on the performance of a multimodal speech-to-gesture deep generative model. We use a lifting model to convert 2D-generated sequences of body pose to 3D. Then, we compare the sequence of gestures generated directly in 3D to the gestures generated in 2D and lifted to 3D as post-processing.

cross A Dual Attention-aided DenseNet-121 for Classification of Glaucoma from Fundus Images

Authors: Soham Chakraborty, Ayush Roy, Payel Pramanik, Daria Valenkova, Ram Sarkar

Abstract: Deep learning and computer vision methods are nowadays predominantly used in the field of ophthalmology. In this paper, we present an attention-aided DenseNet-121 for classifying normal and glaucomatous eyes from fundus images. It involves the convolutional block attention module to highlight relevant spatial and channel features extracted by DenseNet-121. The channel recalibration module further enriches the features by utilizing edge information along with the statistical features of the spatial dimension. For the experiments, two standard datasets, namely RIM-ONE and ACRIMA, have been used. Our method has shown superior results than state-of-the-art models. An ablation study has also been conducted to show the effectiveness of each of the components. The code of the proposed work is available at:


cross FA-Net: A Fuzzy Attention-aided Deep Neural Network for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Rays

Authors: Ayush Roy, Anurag Bhattacharjee, Diego Oliva, Oscar Ramos-Soto, Francisco J. Alvarez-Padilla, Ram Sarkar

Abstract: Pneumonia is a respiratory infection caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses. It affects many people, particularly those in developing or underdeveloped nations with high pollution levels, unhygienic living conditions, overcrowding, and insufficient medical infrastructure. Pneumonia can cause pleural effusion, where fluids fill the lungs, leading to respiratory difficulty. Early diagnosis is crucial to ensure effective treatment and increase survival rates. Chest X-ray imaging is the most commonly used method for diagnosing pneumonia. However, visual examination of chest X-rays can be difficult and subjective. In this study, we have developed a computer-aided diagnosis system for automatic pneumonia detection using chest X-ray images. We have used DenseNet-121 and ResNet50 as the backbone for the binary class (pneumonia and normal) and multi-class (bacterial pneumonia, viral pneumonia, and normal) classification tasks, respectively. We have also implemented a channel-specific spatial attention mechanism, called Fuzzy Channel Selective Spatial Attention Module (FCSSAM), to highlight the specific spatial regions of relevant channels while removing the irrelevant channels of the extracted features by the backbone. We evaluated the proposed approach on a publicly available chest X-ray dataset, using binary and multi-class classification setups. Our proposed method achieves accuracy rates of 97.15\% and 79.79\% for the binary and multi-class classification setups, respectively. The results of our proposed method are superior to state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. The code of the proposed model will be available at:


cross A Wavelet Guided Attention Module for Skin Cancer Classification with Gradient-based Feature Fusion

Authors: Ayush Roy, Sujan Sarkar, Sohom Ghosal, Dmitrii Kaplun, Asya Lyanova, Ram Sarkar

Abstract: Skin cancer is a highly dangerous type of cancer that requires an accurate diagnosis from experienced physicians. To help physicians diagnose skin cancer more efficiently, a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system can be very helpful. In this paper, we propose a novel model, which uses a novel attention mechanism to pinpoint the differences in features across the spatial dimensions and symmetry of the lesion, thereby focusing on the dissimilarities of various classes based on symmetry, uniformity in texture and color, etc. Additionally, to take into account the variations in the boundaries of the lesions for different classes, we employ a gradient-based fusion of wavelet and soft attention-aided features to extract boundary information of skin lesions. We have tested our model on the multi-class and highly class-imbalanced dataset, called HAM10000, and achieved promising results, with a 91.17\% F1-score and 90.75\% accuracy. The code is made available at:


cross Gaussian Splatting to Real World Flight Navigation Transfer with Liquid Networks

Authors: Alex Quach, Makram Chahine, Alexander Amini, Ramin Hasani, Daniela Rus

Abstract: Simulators are powerful tools for autonomous robot learning as they offer scalable data generation, flexible design, and optimization of trajectories. However, transferring behavior learned from simulation data into the real world proves to be difficult, usually mitigated with compute-heavy domain randomization methods or further model fine-tuning. We present a method to improve generalization and robustness to distribution shifts in sim-to-real visual quadrotor navigation tasks. To this end, we first build a simulator by integrating Gaussian Splatting with quadrotor flight dynamics, and then, train robust navigation policies using Liquid neural networks. In this way, we obtain a full-stack imitation learning protocol that combines advances in 3D Gaussian splatting radiance field rendering, crafty programming of expert demonstration training data, and the task understanding capabilities of Liquid networks. Through a series of quantitative flight tests, we demonstrate the robust transfer of navigation skills learned in a single simulation scene directly to the real world. We further show the ability to maintain performance beyond the training environment under drastic distribution and physical environment changes. Our learned Liquid policies, trained on single target manoeuvres curated from a photorealistic simulated indoor flight only, generalize to multi-step hikes onboard a real hardware platform outdoors.

cross Stochastic Optimisation Framework using the Core Imaging Library and Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework for PET Reconstruction

Authors: Evangelos Papoutsellis, Casper da Costa-Luis, Daniel Deidda, Claire Delplancke, Margaret Duff, Gemma Fardell, Ashley Gillman, Jakob S. J{\o}rgensen, Zeljko Kereta, Evgueni Ovtchinnikov, Edoardo Pasca, Georg Schramm, Kris Thielemans

Abstract: We introduce a stochastic framework into the open--source Core Imaging Library (CIL) which enables easy development of stochastic algorithms. Five such algorithms from the literature are developed, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Stochastic Average Gradient (-Am\'elior\'e), (Loopless) Stochastic Variance Reduced Gradient. We showcase the functionality of the framework with a comparative study against a deterministic algorithm on a simulated 2D PET dataset, with the use of the open-source Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework. We observe that stochastic optimisation methods can converge in fewer passes of the data than a standard deterministic algorithm.

cross Multimodal Deformable Image Registration for Long-COVID Analysis Based on Progressive Alignment and Multi-perspective Loss

Authors: Jiahua Li, James T. Grist, Fergus V. Gleeson, Bart{\l}omiej W. Papie\.z

Abstract: Long COVID is characterized by persistent symptoms, particularly pulmonary impairment, which necessitates advanced imaging for accurate diagnosis. Hyperpolarised Xenon-129 MRI (XeMRI) offers a promising avenue by visualising lung ventilation, perfusion, as well as gas transfer. Integrating functional data from XeMRI with structural data from Computed Tomography (CT) is crucial for comprehensive analysis and effective treatment strategies in long COVID, requiring precise data alignment from those complementary imaging modalities. To this end, CT-MRI registration is an essential intermediate step, given the significant challenges posed by the direct alignment of CT and Xe-MRI. Therefore, we proposed an end-to-end multimodal deformable image registration method that achieves superior performance for aligning long-COVID lung CT and proton density MRI (pMRI) data. Moreover, our method incorporates a novel Multi-perspective Loss (MPL) function, enhancing state-of-the-art deep learning methods for monomodal registration by making them adaptable for multimodal tasks. The registration results achieve a Dice coefficient score of 0.913, indicating a substantial improvement over the state-of-the-art multimodal image registration techniques. Since the XeMRI and pMRI images are acquired in the same sessions and can be roughly aligned, our results facilitate subsequent registration between XeMRI and CT, thereby potentially enhancing clinical decision-making for long COVID management.

cross Landscape More Secure Than Portrait? Zooming Into the Directionality of Digital Images With Security Implications

Authors: Benedikt Lorch, Rainer B\"ohme

Abstract: The orientation in which a source image is captured can affect the resulting security in downstream applications. One reason for this is that many state-of-the-art methods in media security assume that image statistics are similar in the horizontal and vertical directions, allowing them to reduce the number of features (or trainable weights) by merging coefficients. We show that this artificial symmetrization tends to suppress important properties of natural images and common processing operations, causing a loss of performance. We also observe the opposite problem, where unaddressed directionality causes learning-based methods to overfit to a single orientation. These are vulnerable to manipulation if an adversary chooses inputs with the less common orientation. This paper takes a comprehensive approach, identifies and systematizes causes of directionality at several stages of a typical acquisition pipeline, measures their effect, and demonstrates for three selected security applications (steganalysis, forensic source identification, and the detection of synthetic images) how the performance of state-of-the-art methods can be improved by properly accounting for directionality.

cross Rapid and Accurate Diagnosis of Acute Aortic Syndrome using Non-contrast CT: A Large-scale, Retrospective, Multi-center and AI-based Study

Authors: Yujian Hu, Yilang Xiang, Yan-Jie Zhou, Yangyan He, Shifeng Yang, Xiaolong Du, Chunlan Den, Youyao Xu, Gaofeng Wang, Zhengyao Ding, Jingyong Huang, Wenjun Zhao, Xuejun Wu, Donglin Li, Qianqian Zhu, Zhenjiang Li, Chenyang Qiu, Ziheng Wu, Yunjun He, Chen Tian, Yihui Qiu, Zuodong Lin, Xiaolong Zhang, Yuan He, Zhenpeng Yuan, Xiaoxiang Zhou, Rong Fan, Ruihan Chen, Wenchao Guo, Jianpeng Zhang, Tony C. W. Mok, Zi Li, Le Lu, Dehai Lang, Xiaoqiang Li, Guofu Wang, Wei Lu, Zhengxing Huang, Minfeng Xu, Hongkun Zhang

Abstract: Chest pain symptoms are highly prevalent in emergency departments (EDs), where acute aortic syndrome (AAS) is a catastrophic cardiovascular emergency with a high fatality rate, especially when timely and accurate treatment is not administered. However, current triage practices in the ED can cause up to approximately half of patients with AAS to have an initially missed diagnosis or be misdiagnosed as having other acute chest pain conditions. Subsequently, these AAS patients will undergo clinically inaccurate or suboptimal differential diagnosis. Fortunately, even under these suboptimal protocols, nearly all these patients underwent non-contrast CT covering the aorta anatomy at the early stage of differential diagnosis. In this study, we developed an artificial intelligence model (DeepAAS) using non-contrast CT, which is highly accurate for identifying AAS and provides interpretable results to assist in clinical decision-making. Performance was assessed in two major phases: a multi-center retrospective study (n = 20,750) and an exploration in real-world emergency scenarios (n = 137,525). In the multi-center cohort, DeepAAS achieved a mean area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.958 (95% CI 0.950-0.967). In the real-world cohort, DeepAAS detected 109 AAS patients with misguided initial suspicion, achieving 92.6% (95% CI 76.2%-97.5%) in mean sensitivity and 99.2% (95% CI 99.1%-99.3%) in mean specificity. Our AI model performed well on non-contrast CT at all applicable early stages of differential diagnosis workflows, effectively reduced the overall missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis rate from 48.8% to 4.8% and shortened the diagnosis time for patients with misguided initial suspicion from an average of 681.8 (74-11,820) mins to 68.5 (23-195) mins. DeepAAS could effectively fill the gap in the current clinical workflow without requiring additional tests.

cross Learning Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Polar Ice Layers With Physics-Informed Graph Neural Network

Authors: Zesheng Liu, Maryam Rahnemoonfar

Abstract: Learning spatio-temporal patterns of polar ice layers is crucial for monitoring the change in ice sheet balance and evaluating ice dynamic processes. While a few researchers focus on learning ice layer patterns from echogram images captured by airborne snow radar sensors via different convolutional neural networks, the noise in the echogram images proves to be a major obstacle. Instead, we focus on geometric deep learning based on graph neural networks to learn the spatio-temporal patterns from thickness information of shallow ice layers and make predictions for deep layers. In this paper, we propose a physics-informed hybrid graph neural network that combines the GraphSAGE framework for graph feature learning with the long short-term memory (LSTM) structure for learning temporal changes, and introduce measurements of physical ice properties from Model Atmospheric Regional (MAR) weather model as physical node features. We found that our proposed network can consistently outperform the current non-inductive or non-physical model in predicting deep ice layer thickness.

cross Advanced Multimodal Deep Learning Architecture for Image-Text Matching

Authors: Jinyin Wang, Haijing Zhang, Yihao Zhong, Yingbin Liang, Rongwei Ji, Yiru Cang

Abstract: Image-text matching is a key multimodal task that aims to model the semantic association between images and text as a matching relationship. With the advent of the multimedia information age, image, and text data show explosive growth, and how to accurately realize the efficient and accurate semantic correspondence between them has become the core issue of common concern in academia and industry. In this study, we delve into the limitations of current multimodal deep learning models in processing image-text pairing tasks. Therefore, we innovatively design an advanced multimodal deep learning architecture, which combines the high-level abstract representation ability of deep neural networks for visual information with the advantages of natural language processing models for text semantic understanding. By introducing a novel cross-modal attention mechanism and hierarchical feature fusion strategy, the model achieves deep fusion and two-way interaction between image and text feature space. In addition, we also optimize the training objectives and loss functions to ensure that the model can better map the potential association structure between images and text during the learning process. Experiments show that compared with existing image-text matching models, the optimized new model has significantly improved performance on a series of benchmark data sets. In addition, the new model also shows excellent generalization and robustness on large and diverse open scenario datasets and can maintain high matching performance even in the face of previously unseen complex situations.

cross Full-Scale Indexing and Semantic Annotation of CT Imaging: Boosting FAIRness

Authors: Hannes Ulrich, Robin Hendel, Santiago Pazmino, Bj\"orn Bergh, Bj\"orn Schreiweis

Abstract: Background: The integration of artificial intelligence into medicine has led to significant advances, particularly in diagnostics and treatment planning. However, the reliability of AI models is highly dependent on the quality of the training data, especially in medical imaging, where varying patient data and evolving medical knowledge pose a challenge to the accuracy and generalizability of given datasets. Results: The proposed approach focuses on the integration and enhancement of clinical computed tomography (CT) image series for better findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability. Through an automated indexing process, CT image series are semantically enhanced using the TotalSegmentator framework for segmentation and resulting SNOMED CT annotations. The metadata is standardized with HL7 FHIR resources to enable efficient data recognition and data exchange between research projects. Conclusions: The study successfully integrates a robust process within the UKSH MeDIC, leading to the semantic enrichment of over 230,000 CT image series and over 8 million SNOMED CT annotations. The standardized representation using HL7 FHIR resources improves discoverability and facilitates interoperability, providing a foundation for the FAIRness of medical imaging data. However, developing automated annotation methods that can keep pace with growing clinical datasets remains a challenge to ensure continued progress in large-scale integration and indexing of medical imaging for advanced healthcare AI applications.

replace Gap-closing Matters: Perceptual Quality Evaluation and Optimization of Low-Light Image Enhancement

Authors: Baoliang Chen, Lingyu Zhu, Hanwei Zhu, Wenhan Yang, Linqi Song, Shiqi Wang

Abstract: There is a growing consensus in the research community that the optimization of low-light image enhancement approaches should be guided by the visual quality perceived by end users. Despite the substantial efforts invested in the design of low-light enhancement algorithms, there has been comparatively limited focus on assessing subjective and objective quality systematically. To mitigate this gap and provide a clear path towards optimizing low-light image enhancement for better visual quality, we propose a gap-closing framework. In particular, our gap-closing framework starts with the creation of a large-scale dataset for Subjective QUality Assessment of REconstructed LOw-Light Images (SQUARE-LOL). This database serves as the foundation for studying the quality of enhanced images and conducting a comprehensive subjective user study. Subsequently, we propose an objective quality assessment measure that plays a critical role in bridging the gap between visual quality and enhancement. Finally, we demonstrate that our proposed objective quality measure can be incorporated into the process of optimizing the learning of the enhancement model toward perceptual optimality. We validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework through both the accuracy of quality prediction and the perceptual quality of image enhancement. Our database and codes are publicly available at


replace GridFormer: Residual Dense Transformer with Grid Structure for Image Restoration in Adverse Weather Conditions

Authors: Tao Wang, Kaihao Zhang, Ziqian Shao, Wenhan Luo, Bjorn Stenger, Tong Lu, Tae-Kyun Kim, Wei Liu, Hongdong Li

Abstract: Image restoration in adverse weather conditions is a difficult task in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a novel transformer-based framework called GridFormer which serves as a backbone for image restoration under adverse weather conditions. GridFormer is designed in a grid structure using a residual dense transformer block, and it introduces two core designs. First, it uses an enhanced attention mechanism in the transformer layer. The mechanism includes stages of the sampler and compact self-attention to improve efficiency, and a local enhancement stage to strengthen local information. Second, we introduce a residual dense transformer block (RDTB) as the final GridFormer layer. This design further improves the network's ability to learn effective features from both preceding and current local features. The GridFormer framework achieves state-of-the-art results on five diverse image restoration tasks in adverse weather conditions, including image deraining, dehazing, deraining \& dehazing, desnowing, and multi-weather restoration. The source code and pre-trained models are available at


replace RoMe: Towards Large Scale Road Surface Reconstruction via Mesh Representation

Authors: Ruohong Mei, Wei Sui, Jiaxin Zhang, Xue Qin, Gang Wang, Tao Peng, Cong Yang

Abstract: In autonomous driving applications, accurate and efficient road surface reconstruction is paramount. This paper introduces RoMe, a novel framework designed for the robust reconstruction of large-scale road surfaces. Leveraging a unique mesh representation, RoMe ensures that the reconstructed road surfaces are accurate and seamlessly aligned with semantics. To address challenges in computational efficiency, we propose a waypoint sampling strategy, enabling RoMe to reconstruct vast environments by focusing on sub-areas and subsequently merging them. Furthermore, we incorporate an extrinsic optimization module to enhance the robustness against inaccuracies in extrinsic calibration. Our extensive evaluations of both public datasets and wild data underscore RoMe's superiority in terms of speed, accuracy, and robustness. For instance, it costs only 2 GPU hours to recover a road surface of 600*600 square meters from thousands of images. Notably, RoMe's capability extends beyond mere reconstruction, offering significant value for autolabeling tasks in autonomous driving applications. All related data and code are available at


replace Directly Fine-Tuning Diffusion Models on Differentiable Rewards

Authors: Kevin Clark, Paul Vicol, Kevin Swersky, David J Fleet

Abstract: We present Direct Reward Fine-Tuning (DRaFT), a simple and effective method for fine-tuning diffusion models to maximize differentiable reward functions, such as scores from human preference models. We first show that it is possible to backpropagate the reward function gradient through the full sampling procedure, and that doing so achieves strong performance on a variety of rewards, outperforming reinforcement learning-based approaches. We then propose more efficient variants of DRaFT: DRaFT-K, which truncates backpropagation to only the last K steps of sampling, and DRaFT-LV, which obtains lower-variance gradient estimates for the case when K=1. We show that our methods work well for a variety of reward functions and can be used to substantially improve the aesthetic quality of images generated by Stable Diffusion 1.4. Finally, we draw connections between our approach and prior work, providing a unifying perspective on the design space of gradient-based fine-tuning algorithms.

replace ZoomNeXt: A Unified Collaborative Pyramid Network for Camouflaged Object Detection

Authors: Youwei Pang, Xiaoqi Zhao, Tian-Zhu Xiang, Lihe Zhang, Huchuan Lu

Abstract: Recent camouflaged object detection (COD) attempts to segment objects visually blended into their surroundings, which is extremely complex and difficult in real-world scenarios. Apart from the high intrinsic similarity between camouflaged objects and their background, objects are usually diverse in scale, fuzzy in appearance, and even severely occluded. To this end, we propose an effective unified collaborative pyramid network that mimics human behavior when observing vague images and videos, \ie zooming in and out. Specifically, our approach employs the zooming strategy to learn discriminative mixed-scale semantics by the multi-head scale integration and rich granularity perception units, which are designed to fully explore imperceptible clues between candidate objects and background surroundings. The former's intrinsic multi-head aggregation provides more diverse visual patterns. The latter's routing mechanism can effectively propagate inter-frame differences in spatiotemporal scenarios and be adaptively deactivated and output all-zero results for static representations. They provide a solid foundation for realizing a unified architecture for static and dynamic COD. Moreover, considering the uncertainty and ambiguity derived from indistinguishable textures, we construct a simple yet effective regularization, uncertainty awareness loss, to encourage predictions with higher confidence in candidate regions. Our highly task-friendly framework consistently outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in image and video COD benchmarks.

replace Benchmarking Pathology Feature Extractors for Whole Slide Image Classification

Authors: Georg W\"olflein (University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom, Else Kr\"oner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany), Dyke Ferber (Else Kr\"oner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany, Department of Medical Oncology, National Center for Tumor Diseases, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany), Asier R. Meneghetti (Else Kr\"oner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany), Omar S. M. El Nahhas (Else Kr\"oner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany), Daniel Truhn (University Hospital Aachen, Germany), Zunamys I. Carrero (Else Kr\"oner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany), David J. Harrison (University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom), Ognjen Arandjelovi\'c (University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom), Jakob Nikolas Kather (Else Kr\"oner Fresenius Center for Digital Health, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany, Department of Medical Oncology, National Center for Tumor Diseases, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, Department of Medicine I, University Hospital Dresden, Dresden, Germany)

Abstract: Weakly supervised whole slide image classification is a key task in computational pathology, which involves predicting a slide-level label from a set of image patches constituting the slide. Constructing models to solve this task involves multiple design choices, often made without robust empirical or conclusive theoretical justification. To address this, we conduct a comprehensive benchmarking of feature extractors to answer three critical questions: 1) Is stain normalisation still a necessary preprocessing step? 2) Which feature extractors are best for downstream slide-level classification? 3) How does magnification affect downstream performance? Our study constitutes the most comprehensive evaluation of publicly available pathology feature extractors to date, involving more than 10,000 training runs across 14 feature extractors, 9 tasks, 5 datasets, 3 downstream architectures, 2 levels of magnification, and various preprocessing setups. Our findings challenge existing assumptions: 1) We observe empirically, and by analysing the latent space, that skipping stain normalisation and image augmentations does not degrade performance, while significantly reducing memory and computational demands. 2) We develop a novel evaluation metric to compare relative downstream performance, and show that the choice of feature extractor is the most consequential factor for downstream performance. 3) We find that lower-magnification slides are sufficient for accurate slide-level classification. Contrary to previous patch-level benchmarking studies, our approach emphasises clinical relevance by focusing on slide-level biomarker prediction tasks in a weakly supervised setting with external validation cohorts. Our findings stand to streamline digital pathology workflows by minimising preprocessing needs and informing the selection of feature extractors.

replace Unsupervised Multimodal Deepfake Detection Using Intra- and Cross-Modal Inconsistencies

Authors: Mulin Tian, Mahyar Khayatkhoei, Joe Mathai, Wael AbdAlmageed

Abstract: Deepfake videos present an increasing threat to society with potentially negative impact on criminal justice, democracy, and personal safety and privacy. Meanwhile, detecting deepfakes, at scale, remains a very challenging task that often requires labeled training data from existing deepfake generation methods. Further, even the most accurate supervised deepfake detection methods do not generalize to deepfakes generated using new generation methods. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised method for detecting deepfake videos by directly identifying intra-modal and cross-modal inconsistency between video segments. The fundamental hypothesis behind the proposed detection method is that motion or identity inconsistencies are inevitable in deepfake videos. We will mathematically and empirically support this hypothesis, and then proceed to constructing our method grounded in our theoretical analysis. Our proposed method outperforms prior state-of-the-art unsupervised deepfake detection methods on the challenging FakeAVCeleb dataset, and also has several additional advantages: it is scalable because it does not require pristine (real) samples for each identity during inference and therefore can apply to arbitrarily many identities, generalizable because it is trained only on real videos and therefore does not rely on a particular deepfake method, reliable because it does not rely on any likelihood estimation in high dimensions, and explainable because it can pinpoint the exact location of modality inconsistencies which are then verifiable by a human expert.

replace TinyGPT-V: Efficient Multimodal Large Language Model via Small Backbones

Authors: Zhengqing Yuan, Zhaoxu Li, Weiran Huang, Yanfang Ye, Lichao Sun

Abstract: In recent years, multimodal large language models (MLLMs) such as GPT-4V have demonstrated remarkable advancements, excelling in a variety of vision-language tasks. Despite their prowess, the closed-source nature and computational demands of such models limit their accessibility and applicability. This study introduces TinyGPT-V, a novel open-source MLLM, designed for efficient training and inference across various vision-language tasks, including image captioning (IC) and visual question answering (VQA). Leveraging a compact yet powerful architecture, TinyGPT-V integrates the Phi-2 language model with pre-trained vision encoders, utilizing a unique mapping module for visual and linguistic information fusion. With a training regimen optimized for small backbones and employing a diverse dataset amalgam, TinyGPT-V requires significantly lower computational resources 24GB for training and as little as 8GB for inference without compromising on performance. Our experiments demonstrate that TinyGPT-V, with its language model 2.8 billion parameters, achieves comparable results in VQA and image inference tasks to its larger counterparts while being uniquely suited for deployment on resource-constrained devices through innovative quantization techniques. This work not only paves the way for more accessible and efficient MLLMs but also underscores the potential of smaller, optimized models in bridging the gap between high performance and computational efficiency in real-world applications. Additionally, this paper introduces a new approach to multimodal large language models using smaller backbones. Our code and training weights are available in the supplementary material.

replace Connect Later: Improving Fine-tuning for Robustness with Targeted Augmentations

Authors: Helen Qu, Sang Michael Xie

Abstract: Models trained on a labeled source domain (e.g., labeled images from wildlife camera traps) often generalize poorly when deployed on an out-of-distribution (OOD) target domain (e.g., images from new camera trap locations). In the domain adaptation setting where unlabeled target data is available, self-supervised pretraining (e.g., masked autoencoding or contrastive learning) is a promising method to mitigate this performance drop. Pretraining improves OOD error when the generic data augmentations used (e.g., masking or cropping) connect the source and target domains, which may be far apart in the input space. In this paper, we show on real-world tasks that standard fine-tuning after pretraining does not consistently improve OOD error over simply training from scratch on labeled source data. To better leverage pretraining for distribution shifts, we propose Connect Later: after pretraining with generic augmentations, fine-tune with targeted augmentations designed with knowledge of the distribution shift. Pretraining learns good representations within the source and target domains, while targeted augmentations connect the domains better during fine-tuning. Connect Later improves average OOD error over standard fine-tuning and supervised learning with targeted augmentations on 4 real-world datasets: Connect Later achieves the state-of-the-art on astronomical time-series classification (AstroClassification) by 2.5%, wildlife species identification (iWildCam-WILDS) with ResNet-50 by 0.9%, and tumor identification (Camelyon17-WILDS) with DenseNet121 by 1.1%; as well as best performance on a new dataset for astronomical time-series redshift prediction (Redshifts) by 0.03 RMSE (11% relative). Code and datasets are available at


replace Major TOM: Expandable Datasets for Earth Observation

Authors: Alistair Francis, Mikolaj Czerkawski

Abstract: Deep learning models are increasingly data-hungry, requiring significant resources to collect and compile the datasets needed to train them, with Earth Observation (EO) models being no exception. However, the landscape of datasets in EO is relatively atomised, with interoperability made difficult by diverse formats and data structures. If ever larger datasets are to be built, and duplication of effort minimised, then a shared framework that allows users to combine and access multiple datasets is needed. Here, Major TOM (Terrestrial Observation Metaset) is proposed as this extensible framework. Primarily, it consists of a geographical indexing system based on a set of grid points and a metadata structure that allows multiple datasets with different sources to be merged. Besides the specification of Major TOM as a framework, this work also presents a large, open-access dataset, MajorTOM-Core, which covers the vast majority of the Earth's land surface. This dataset provides the community with both an immediately useful resource, as well as acting as a template for future additions to the Major TOM ecosystem. Access:


replace Dynamic 3D Point Cloud Sequences as 2D Videos

Authors: Yiming Zeng, Junhui Hou, Qijian Zhang, Siyu Ren, Wenping Wang

Abstract: Dynamic 3D point cloud sequences serve as one of the most common and practical representation modalities of dynamic real-world environments. However, their unstructured nature in both spatial and temporal domains poses significant challenges to effective and efficient processing. Existing deep point cloud sequence modeling approaches imitate the mature 2D video learning mechanisms by developing complex spatio-temporal point neighbor grouping and feature aggregation schemes, often resulting in methods lacking effectiveness, efficiency, and expressive power. In this paper, we propose a novel generic representation called \textit{Structured Point Cloud Videos} (SPCVs). Intuitively, by leveraging the fact that 3D geometric shapes are essentially 2D manifolds, SPCV re-organizes a point cloud sequence as a 2D video with spatial smoothness and temporal consistency, where the pixel values correspond to the 3D coordinates of points. The structured nature of our SPCV representation allows for the seamless adaptation of well-established 2D image/video techniques, enabling efficient and effective processing and analysis of 3D point cloud sequences. To achieve such re-organization, we design a self-supervised learning pipeline that is geometrically regularized and driven by self-reconstructive and deformation field learning objectives. Additionally, we construct SPCV-based frameworks for both low-level and high-level 3D point cloud sequence processing and analysis tasks, including action recognition, temporal interpolation, and compression. Extensive experiments demonstrate the versatility and superiority of the proposed SPCV, which has the potential to offer new possibilities for deep learning on unstructured 3D point cloud sequences. Code will be released at


replace SHAN: Object-Level Privacy Detection via Inference on Scene Heterogeneous Graph

Authors: Zhuohang Jiang, Bingkui Tong, Xia Du, Ahmed Alhammadi, Jizhe Zhou

Abstract: With the rise of social platforms, protecting privacy has become an important issue. Privacy object detection aims to accurately locate private objects in images. It is the foundation of safeguarding individuals' privacy rights and ensuring responsible data handling practices in the digital age. Since privacy of object is not shift-invariant, the essence of the privacy object detection task is inferring object privacy based on scene information. However, privacy object detection has long been studied as a subproblem of common object detection tasks. Therefore, existing methods suffer from serious deficiencies in accuracy, generalization, and interpretability. Moreover, creating large-scale privacy datasets is difficult due to legal constraints and existing privacy datasets lack label granularity. The granularity of existing privacy detection methods remains limited to the image level. To address the above two issues, we introduce two benchmark datasets for object-level privacy detection and propose SHAN, Scene Heterogeneous graph Attention Network, a model constructs a scene heterogeneous graph from an image and utilizes self-attention mechanisms for scene inference to obtain object privacy. Through experiments, we demonstrated that SHAN performs excellently in privacy object detection tasks, with all metrics surpassing those of the baseline model.

replace A Dataset and Benchmark for Copyright Infringement Unlearning from Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Rui Ma, Qiang Zhou, Yizhu Jin, Daquan Zhou, Bangjun Xiao, Xiuyu Li, Yi Qu, Aishani Singh, Kurt Keutzer, Jingtong Hu, Xiaodong Xie, Zhen Dong, Shanghang Zhang, Shiji Zhou

Abstract: Copyright law confers upon creators the exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and monetize their creative works. However, recent progress in text-to-image generation has introduced formidable challenges to copyright enforcement. These technologies enable the unauthorized learning and replication of copyrighted content, artistic creations, and likenesses, leading to the proliferation of unregulated content. Notably, models like stable diffusion, which excel in text-to-image synthesis, heighten the risk of copyright infringement and unauthorized distribution.Machine unlearning, which seeks to eradicate the influence of specific data or concepts from machine learning models, emerges as a promising solution by eliminating the \enquote{copyright memories} ingrained in diffusion models. Yet, the absence of comprehensive large-scale datasets and standardized benchmarks for evaluating the efficacy of unlearning techniques in the copyright protection scenarios impedes the development of more effective unlearning methods. To address this gap, we introduce a novel pipeline that harmonizes CLIP, ChatGPT, and diffusion models to curate a dataset. This dataset encompasses anchor images, associated prompts, and images synthesized by text-to-image models. Additionally, we have developed a mixed metric based on semantic and style information, validated through both human and artist assessments, to gauge the effectiveness of unlearning approaches. Our dataset, benchmark library, and evaluation metrics will be made publicly available to foster future research and practical applications (, website /, dataset).


replace What if...?: Thinking Counterfactual Keywords Helps to Mitigate Hallucination in Large Multi-modal Models

Authors: Junho Kim, Yeon Ju Kim, Yong Man Ro

Abstract: This paper presents a way of enhancing the reliability of Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) in addressing hallucination, where the models generate cross-modal inconsistent responses. Without additional training, we propose Counterfactual Inception, a novel method that implants counterfactual thinking into LMMs using self-generated counterfactual keywords. Our method is grounded in the concept of counterfactual thinking, a cognitive process where human considers alternative realities, enabling more extensive context exploration. Bridging the human cognition mechanism into LMMs, we aim for the models to engage with and generate responses that span a wider contextual scene understanding, mitigating hallucinatory outputs. We further introduce Plausibility Verification Process (PVP), a simple yet robust keyword constraint that effectively filters out sub-optimal keywords to enable the consistent triggering of counterfactual thinking in the model responses. Comprehensive analyses across various LMMs, including both open-source and proprietary models, corroborate that counterfactual thinking significantly reduces hallucination and helps to broaden contextual understanding based on true visual clues.

replace MonoBox: Tightness-free Box-supervised Polyp Segmentation using Monotonicity Constraint

Authors: Qiang Hu, Zhenyu Yi, Ying Zhou, Ting Li, Fan Huang, Mei Liu, Qiang Li, Zhiwei Wang

Abstract: We propose MonoBox, an innovative box-supervised segmentation method constrained by monotonicity to liberate its training from the user-unfriendly box-tightness assumption. In contrast to conventional box-supervised segmentation, where the box edges must precisely touch the target boundaries, MonoBox leverages imprecisely-annotated boxes to achieve robust pixel-wise segmentation. The 'linchpin' is that, within the noisy zones around box edges, MonoBox discards the traditional misguiding multiple-instance learning loss, and instead optimizes a carefully-designed objective, termed monotonicity constraint. Along directions transitioning from the foreground to background, this new constraint steers responses to adhere to a trend of monotonically decreasing values. Consequently, the originally unreliable learning within the noisy zones is transformed into a correct and effective monotonicity optimization. Moreover, an adaptive label correction is introduced, enabling MonoBox to enhance the tightness of box annotations using predicted masks from the previous epoch and dynamically shrink the noisy zones as training progresses. We verify MonoBox in the box-supervised segmentation task of polyps, where satisfying box-tightness is challenging due to the vague boundaries between the polyp and normal tissues. Experiments on both public synthetic and in-house real noisy datasets demonstrate that MonoBox exceeds other anti-noise state-of-the-arts by improving Dice by at least 5.5% and 3.3%, respectively. Codes are at


replace Unfolding ADMM for Enhanced Subspace Clustering of Hyperspectral Images

Authors: Xianlu Li, Nicolas Nadisic, Shaoguang Huang, Aleksandra Pi\v{z}urica

Abstract: Deep subspace clustering methods are now prominent in clustering, typically using fully connected networks and a self-representation loss function. However, these methods often struggle with overfitting and lack interpretability. In this paper, we explore an alternative clustering approach based on deep unfolding. By unfolding iterative optimization methods into neural networks, this approach offers enhanced interpretability and reliability compared to data-driven deep learning methods, and greater adaptability and generalization than model-based approaches. Hence, unfolding has become widely used in inverse imaging problems, such as image restoration, reconstruction, and super-resolution, but has not been sufficiently explored yet in the context of clustering. In this work, we introduce an innovative clustering architecture for hyperspectral images (HSI) by unfolding an iterative solver based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) for sparse subspace clustering. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to apply unfolding ADMM for computing the self-representation matrix in subspace clustering. Moreover, our approach captures well the structural characteristics of HSI data by employing the K nearest neighbors algorithm as part of a structure preservation module. Experimental evaluation of three established HSI datasets shows clearly the potential of the unfolding approach in HSI clustering and even demonstrates superior performance compared to state-of-the-art techniques.

replace Residual Connections Harm Abstract Feature Learning in Masked Autoencoders

Authors: Xiao Zhang, Ruoxi Jiang, William Gao, Rebecca Willett, Michael Maire

Abstract: We demonstrate that adding a weighting factor to decay the strength of identity shortcuts within residual networks substantially improves semantic feature learning in the state-of-the-art self-supervised masked autoencoding (MAE) paradigm. Our modification to the identity shortcuts within a VIT-B/16 backbone of an MAE boosts linear probing accuracy on ImageNet from 67.8% to 72.7%. This significant gap suggests that, while residual connection structure serves an essential role in facilitating gradient propagation, it may have a harmful side effect of reducing capacity for abstract learning by virtue of injecting an echo of shallower representations into deeper layers. We ameliorate this downside via a fixed formula for monotonically decreasing the contribution of identity connections as layer depth increases. Our design promotes the gradual development of feature abstractions, without impacting network trainability. Analyzing the representations learned by our modified residual networks, we find correlation between low effective feature rank and downstream task performance.

replace Leveraging Fine-Grained Information and Noise Decoupling for Remote Sensing Change Detection

Authors: Qiangang Du, Jinlong Peng, Changan Wang, Xu Chen, Qingdong He, Wenbing Zhu, Mingmin Chi, Yabiao Wang, Chengjie Wang

Abstract: Change detection aims to identify remote sense object changes by analyzing data between bitemporal image pairs. Due to the large temporal and spatial span of data collection in change detection image pairs, there are often a significant amount of task-specific and task-agnostic noise. Previous effort has focused excessively on denoising, with this goes a great deal of loss of fine-grained information. In this paper, we revisit the importance of fine-grained features in change detection and propose a series of operations for fine-grained information compensation and noise decoupling (FINO). First, the context is utilized to compensate for the fine-grained information in the feature space. Next, a shape-aware and a brightness-aware module are designed to improve the capacity for representation learning. The shape-aware module guides the backbone for more precise shape estimation, guiding the backbone network in extracting object shape features. The brightness-aware module learns a overall brightness estimation to improve the model's robustness to task-agnostic noise. Finally, a task-specific noise decoupling structure is designed as a way to improve the model's ability to separate noise interference from feature similarity. With these training schemes, our proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art (SOTA) results in multiple change detection benchmarks. The code will be made available.

replace Part-aware Shape Generation with Latent 3D Diffusion of Neural Voxel Fields

Authors: Yuhang Huang, SHilong Zou, Xinwang Liu, Kai Xu

Abstract: This paper presents a novel latent 3D diffusion model for the generation of neural voxel fields, aiming to achieve accurate part-aware structures. Compared to existing methods, there are two key designs to ensure high-quality and accurate part-aware generation. On one hand, we introduce a latent 3D diffusion process for neural voxel fields, enabling generation at significantly higher resolutions that can accurately capture rich textural and geometric details. On the other hand, a part-aware shape decoder is introduced to integrate the part codes into the neural voxel fields, guiding the accurate part decomposition and producing high-quality rendering results. Through extensive experimentation and comparisons with state-of-the-art methods, we evaluate our approach across four different classes of data. The results demonstrate the superior generative capabilities of our proposed method in part-aware shape generation, outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods.

replace Open-Vocabulary SAM3D: Understand Any 3D Scene

Authors: Hanchen Tai, Qingdong He, Jiangning Zhang, Yijie Qian, Zhenyu Zhang, Xiaobin Hu, Yabiao Wang, Yong Liu

Abstract: Open-vocabulary 3D scene understanding presents a significant challenge in the field. Recent advancements have sought to transfer knowledge embedded in vision language models from the 2D domain to 3D domain. However, these approaches often require learning prior knowledge from specific 3D scene datasets, which limits their applicability in open-world scenarios. The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has demonstrated remarkable zero-shot segmentation capabilities, prompting us to investigate its potential for comprehending 3D scenes without the need for training. In this paper, we introduce OV-SAM3D, a universal framework for open-vocabulary 3D scene understanding. This framework is designed to perform understanding tasks for any 3D scene without requiring prior knowledge of the scene. Specifically, our method is composed of two key sub-modules: First, we initiate the process by generating superpoints as the initial 3D prompts and refine these prompts using segment masks derived from SAM. Moreover, we then integrate a specially designed overlapping score table with open tags from the Recognize Anything Model (RAM) to produce final 3D instances with open-world label. Empirical evaluations conducted on the ScanNet200 and nuScenes datasets demonstrate that our approach surpasses existing open-vocabulary methods in unknown open-world environments.

replace UniUSNet: A Promptable Framework for Universal Ultrasound Disease Prediction and Tissue Segmentation

Authors: Zehui Lin, Zhuoneng Zhang, Xindi Hu, Zhifan Gao, Xin Yang, Yue Sun, Dong Ni, Tao Tan

Abstract: Ultrasound is a widely used imaging modality in clinical practice due to its low cost, portability, and safety. Current research in general AI for healthcare focuses on large language models and general segmentation models, with insufficient attention to solutions addressing both disease prediction and tissue segmentation. In this study, we propose a novel universal framework for ultrasound, namely UniUSNet, which is a promptable framework for ultrasound image classification and segmentation. The universality of this model is derived from its versatility across various aspects. It proficiently manages any ultrasound nature, any anatomical position, any input type and excelling not only in segmentation tasks but also in classification tasks. We introduce a novel module that incorporates this information as a prompt and seamlessly embedding it within the model's learning process. To train and validate our proposed model, we curated a comprehensive ultrasound dataset from publicly accessible sources, encompassing up to 7 distinct anatomical positions with over 9.7K annotations. Experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves performance comparable to state-of-the-art models, and surpasses both a model trained on a single dataset and an ablated version of the network lacking prompt guidance. Additionally, we conducted zero-shot and fine-tuning experiments on new datasets, which proved that our model possesses strong generalization capabilities and can be effectively adapted to new data at low cost through its adapter module. We will continuously expand the dataset and optimize the task specific prompting mechanism towards the universality in medical ultrasound. Model weights, data processing workflows, and code will be open source to the public (


replace YouTube SFV+HDR Quality Dataset

Authors: Yilin Wang, Joong Gon Yim, Neil Birkbeck, Balu Adsumilli

Abstract: The popularity of Short form videos (SFV) has grown dramatically in the past few years, and has become a phenomenal video category with billions of viewers. Meanwhile, High Dynamic Range (HDR) as an advanced feature also becomes more and more popular on video sharing platforms. As a hot topic with huge impact, SFV and HDR bring new questions to video quality research: 1) is SFV+HDR quality assessment significantly different from traditional User Generated Content (UGC) quality assessment? 2) do objective quality metrics designed for traditional UGC still work well for SFV+HDR? To answer the above questions, we created the first large scale SFV+HDR dataset with reliable subjective quality scores, covering 10 popular content categories. Further, we also introduce a general sampling framework to maximize the representativeness of the dataset. We provided a comprehensive analysis of subjective quality scores for Short form SDR and HDR videos, and discuss the reliability of state-of-the-art UGC quality metrics and potential improvements.

replace AdaNCA: Neural Cellular Automata As Adaptors For More Robust Vision Transformer

Authors: Yitao Xu, Tong Zhang, Sabine S\"usstrunk

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in image classification tasks, particularly when equipped with local information via region attention or convolutions. While such architectures improve the feature aggregation from different granularities, they often fail to contribute to the robustness of the networks. Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) enables the modeling of global cell representations through local interactions, with its training strategies and architecture design conferring strong generalization ability and robustness against noisy inputs. In this paper, we propose Adaptor Neural Cellular Automata (AdaNCA) for Vision Transformer that uses NCA as plug-in-play adaptors between ViT layers, enhancing ViT's performance and robustness against adversarial samples as well as out-of-distribution inputs. To overcome the large computational overhead of standard NCAs, we propose Dynamic Interaction for more efficient interaction learning. Furthermore, we develop an algorithm for identifying the most effective insertion points for AdaNCA based on our analysis of AdaNCA placement and robustness improvement. With less than a 3% increase in parameters, AdaNCA contributes to more than 10% absolute improvement in accuracy under adversarial attacks on the ImageNet1K benchmark. Moreover, we demonstrate with extensive evaluations across 8 robustness benchmarks and 4 ViT architectures that AdaNCA, as a plug-in-play module, consistently improves the robustness of ViTs.

replace Enhanced Object Detection: A Study on Vast Vocabulary Object Detection Track for V3Det Challenge 2024

Authors: Peixi Wu, Bosong Chai, Xuan Nie, Longquan Yan, Zeyu Wang, Qifan Zhou, Boning Wang, Yansong Peng, Hebei Li

Abstract: In this technical report, we present our findings from the research conducted on the Vast Vocabulary Visual Detection (V3Det) dataset for Supervised Vast Vocabulary Visual Detection task. How to deal with complex categories and detection boxes has become a difficulty in this track. The original supervised detector is not suitable for this task. We have designed a series of improvements, including adjustments to the network structure, changes to the loss function, and design of training strategies. Our model has shown improvement over the baseline and achieved excellent rankings on the Leaderboard for both the Vast Vocabulary Object Detection (Supervised) track and the Open Vocabulary Object Detection (OVD) track of the V3Det Challenge 2024.

replace Vision Language Modeling of Content, Distortion and Appearance for Image Quality Assessment

Authors: Fei Zhou, Zhicong Huang, Tianhao Gu, Guoping Qiu

Abstract: The visual quality of an image is confounded by a number of intertwined factors including its semantic content, distortion characteristics and appearance properties such as brightness, contrast, sharpness, and colourfulness. Distilling high level knowledge about all these quality bearing attributes is crucial for developing objective Image Quality Assessment (IQA).While existing solutions have modeled some of these aspects, a comprehensive solution that involves all these important quality related attributes has not yet been developed. In this paper, we present a new blind IQA (BIQA) model termed Self-supervision and Vision-Language supervision Image QUality Evaluator (SLIQUE) that features a joint vision-language and visual contrastive representation learning framework for acquiring high level knowledge about the images semantic contents, distortion characteristics and appearance properties for IQA. For training SLIQUE, we have developed a systematic approach to constructing a first of its kind large image database annotated with all three categories of quality relevant texts. The Text Annotated Distortion, Appearance and Content (TADAC) database has over 1.6 million images annotated with textual descriptions of their semantic contents, distortion characteristics and appearance properties. The method for constructing TADAC and the database itself will be particularly useful for exploiting vision-language modeling for advanced IQA applications. Extensive experimental results show that SLIQUE has superior performances over state of the art, demonstrating the soundness of its design principle and the effectiveness of its implementation.

replace FreeMotion: MoCap-Free Human Motion Synthesis with Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Zhikai Zhang, Yitang Li, Haofeng Huang, Mingxian Lin, Li Yi

Abstract: Human motion synthesis is a fundamental task in computer animation. Despite recent progress in this field utilizing deep learning and motion capture data, existing methods are always limited to specific motion categories, environments, and styles. This poor generalizability can be partially attributed to the difficulty and expense of collecting large-scale and high-quality motion data. At the same time, foundation models trained with internet-scale image and text data have demonstrated surprising world knowledge and reasoning ability for various downstream tasks. Utilizing these foundation models may help with human motion synthesis, which some recent works have superficially explored. However, these methods didn't fully unveil the foundation models' potential for this task and only support several simple actions and environments. In this paper, we for the first time, without any motion data, explore open-set human motion synthesis using natural language instructions as user control signals based on MLLMs across any motion task and environment. Our framework can be split into two stages: 1) sequential keyframe generation by utilizing MLLMs as a keyframe designer and animator; 2) motion filling between keyframes through interpolation and motion tracking. Our method can achieve general human motion synthesis for many downstream tasks. The promising results demonstrate the worth of mocap-free human motion synthesis aided by MLLMs and pave the way for future research.

replace $\alpha$-SSC: Uncertainty-Aware Camera-based 3D Semantic Scene Completion

Authors: Sanbao Su, Nuo Chen, Felix Juefei-Xu, Chen Feng, Fei Miao

Abstract: In the realm of autonomous vehicle (AV) perception, comprehending 3D scenes is paramount for tasks such as planning and mapping. Semantic scene completion (SSC) aims to infer scene geometry and semantics from limited observations. While camera-based SSC has gained popularity due to affordability and rich visual cues, existing methods often neglect the inherent uncertainty in models. To address this, we propose an uncertainty-aware camera-based 3D semantic scene completion method ($\alpha$-SSC). Our approach includes an uncertainty propagation framework from depth models (Depth-UP) to enhance geometry completion (up to 11.58% improvement) and semantic segmentation (up to 14.61% improvement). Additionally, we propose a hierarchical conformal prediction (HCP) method to quantify SSC uncertainty, effectively addressing high-level class imbalance in SSC datasets. On the geometry level, we present a novel KL divergence-based score function that significantly improves the occupied recall of safety-critical classes (45% improvement) with minimal performance overhead (3.4% reduction). For uncertainty quantification, we demonstrate the ability to achieve smaller prediction set sizes while maintaining a defined coverage guarantee. Compared with baselines, it achieves up to 85% reduction in set sizes. Our contributions collectively signify significant advancements in SSC accuracy and robustness, marking a noteworthy step forward in autonomous perception systems.

replace Exploring the Role of Large Language Models in Prompt Encoding for Diffusion Models

Authors: Bingqi Ma, Zhuofan Zong, Guanglu Song, Hongsheng Li, Yu Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) based on decoder-only transformers have demonstrated superior text understanding capabilities compared to CLIP and T5-series models. However, the paradigm for utilizing current advanced LLMs in text-to-image diffusion models remains to be explored. We observed an unusual phenomenon: directly using a large language model as the prompt encoder significantly degrades the prompt-following ability in image generation. We identified two main obstacles behind this issue. One is the misalignment between the next token prediction training in LLM and the requirement for discriminative prompt features in diffusion models. The other is the intrinsic positional bias introduced by the decoder-only architecture. To deal with this issue, we propose a novel framework to fully harness the capabilities of LLMs. Through the carefully designed usage guidance, we effectively enhance the text representation capability for prompt encoding and eliminate its inherent positional bias. This allows us to integrate state-of-the-art LLMs into the text-to-image generation model flexibly. Furthermore, we also provide an effective manner to fuse multiple LLMs into our framework. Considering the excellent performance and scaling capabilities demonstrated by the transformer architecture, we further design an LLM-Infused Diffusion Transformer (LI-DiT) based on the framework. We conduct extensive experiments to validate LI-DiT across model size and data size. Benefiting from the inherent ability of the LLMs and our innovative designs, the prompt understanding performance of LI-DiT easily surpasses state-of-the-art open-source models as well as mainstream closed-source commercial models including Stable Diffusion 3, DALL-E 3, and Midjourney V6. The powerful LI-DiT-10B will be available through the online platform and API after further optimization and security checks.

replace GeoBench: Benchmarking and Analyzing Monocular Geometry Estimation Models

Authors: Yongtao Ge, Guangkai Xu, Zhiyue Zhao, Libo Sun, Zheng Huang, Yanlong Sun, Hao Chen, Chunhua Shen

Abstract: Recent advances in discriminative and generative pretraining have yielded geometry estimation models with strong generalization capabilities. While discriminative monocular geometry estimation methods rely on large-scale fine-tuning data to achieve zero-shot generalization, several generative-based paradigms show the potential of achieving impressive generalization performance on unseen scenes by leveraging pre-trained diffusion models and fine-tuning on even a small scale of synthetic training data. Frustratingly, these models are trained with different recipes on different datasets, making it hard to find out the critical factors that determine the evaluation performance. Besides, current geometry evaluation benchmarks have two main drawbacks that may prevent the development of the field, i.e., limited scene diversity and unfavorable label quality. To resolve the above issues, (1) we build fair and strong baselines in a unified codebase for evaluating and analyzing the geometry estimation models; (2) we evaluate monocular geometry estimators on more challenging benchmarks for geometry estimation task with diverse scenes and high-quality annotations. Our results reveal that pre-trained using large data, discriminative models such as DINOv2, can outperform generative counterparts with a small amount of high-quality synthetic data under the same training configuration, which suggests that fine-tuning data quality is a more important factor than the data scale and model architecture. Our observation also raises a question: if simply fine-tuning a general vision model such as DINOv2 using a small amount of synthetic depth data produces SOTA results, do we really need complex generative models for depth estimation? We believe this work can propel advancements in geometry estimation tasks as well as a wide range of downstream applications.

replace AGLA: Mitigating Object Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models with Assembly of Global and Local Attention

Authors: Wenbin An, Feng Tian, Sicong Leng, Jiahao Nie, Haonan Lin, QianYing Wang, Guang Dai, Ping Chen, Shijian Lu

Abstract: Despite their great success across various multimodal tasks, Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) are facing a prevalent problem with object hallucinations, where the generated textual responses are inconsistent with ground-truth objects in the given image. This paper investigates various LVLMs and pinpoints attention deficiency toward discriminative local image features as one root cause of object hallucinations. Specifically, LVLMs predominantly attend to prompt-independent global image features, while failing to capture prompt-relevant local features, consequently undermining the visual grounding capacity of LVLMs and leading to hallucinations. To this end, we propose Assembly of Global and Local Attention (AGLA), a training-free and plug-and-play approach that mitigates object hallucinations by exploring an ensemble of global features for response generation and local features for visual discrimination simultaneously. Our approach exhibits an image-prompt matching scheme that captures prompt-relevant local features from images, leading to an augmented view of the input image where prompt-relevant content is reserved while irrelevant distractions are masked. With the augmented view, a calibrated decoding distribution can be derived by integrating generative global features from the original image and discriminative local features from the augmented image. Extensive experiments show that AGLA consistently mitigates object hallucinations and enhances general perception capability for LVLMs across various discriminative and generative benchmarks. Our code will be released at


replace Graph Neural Networks in Histopathology: Emerging Trends and Future Directions

Authors: Siemen Brussee, Giorgio Buzzanca, Anne M. R. Schrader, Jesper Kers

Abstract: Histopathological analysis of Whole Slide Images (WSIs) has seen a surge in the utilization of deep learning methods, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). However, CNNs often fall short in capturing the intricate spatial dependencies inherent in WSIs. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) present a promising alternative, adept at directly modeling pairwise interactions and effectively discerning the topological tissue and cellular structures within WSIs. Recognizing the pressing need for deep learning techniques that harness the topological structure of WSIs, the application of GNNs in histopathology has experienced rapid growth. In this comprehensive review, we survey GNNs in histopathology, discuss their applications, and explore emerging trends that pave the way for future advancements in the field. We begin by elucidating the fundamentals of GNNs and their potential applications in histopathology. Leveraging quantitative literature analysis, we identify four emerging trends: Hierarchical GNNs, Adaptive Graph Structure Learning, Multimodal GNNs, and Higher-order GNNs. Through an in-depth exploration of these trends, we offer insights into the evolving landscape of GNNs in histopathological analysis. Based on our findings, we propose future directions to propel the field forward. Our analysis serves to guide researchers and practitioners towards innovative approaches and methodologies, fostering advancements in histopathological analysis through the lens of graph neural networks.

replace Composite Concept Extraction through Backdooring

Authors: Banibrata Ghosh, Haripriya Harikumar, Khoa D Doan, Svetha Venkatesh, Santu Rana

Abstract: Learning composite concepts, such as \textquotedbl red car\textquotedbl , from individual examples -- like a white car representing the concept of \textquotedbl car\textquotedbl{} and a red strawberry representing the concept of \textquotedbl red\textquotedbl -- is inherently challenging. This paper introduces a novel method called Composite Concept Extractor (CoCE), which leverages techniques from traditional backdoor attacks to learn these composite concepts in a zero-shot setting, requiring only examples of individual concepts. By repurposing the trigger-based model backdooring mechanism, we create a strategic distortion in the manifold of the target object (e.g., \textquotedbl car\textquotedbl ) induced by example objects with the target property (e.g., \textquotedbl red\textquotedbl ) from objects \textquotedbl red strawberry\textquotedbl , ensuring the distortion selectively affects the target objects with the target property. Contrastive learning is then employed to further refine this distortion, and a method is formulated for detecting objects that are influenced by the distortion. Extensive experiments with in-depth analysis across different datasets demonstrate the utility and applicability of our proposed approach.

replace AlanaVLM: A Multimodal Embodied AI Foundation Model for Egocentric Video Understanding

Authors: Alessandro Suglia, Claudio Greco, Katie Baker, Jose L. Part, Ioannis Papaioannou, Arash Eshghi, Ioannis Konstas, Oliver Lemon

Abstract: AI personal assistants deployed via robots or wearables require embodied understanding to collaborate with humans effectively. However, current Vision-Language Models (VLMs) primarily focus on third-person view videos, neglecting the richness of egocentric perceptual experience. To address this gap, we propose three key contributions. First, we introduce the Egocentric Video Understanding Dataset (EVUD) for training VLMs on video captioning and question answering tasks specific to egocentric videos. Second, we present AlanaVLM, a 7B parameter VLM trained using parameter-efficient methods on EVUD. Finally, we evaluate AlanaVLM's capabilities on OpenEQA, a challenging benchmark for embodied video question answering. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance, outperforming open-source models including strong Socratic models using GPT-4 as a planner by 3.6%. Additionally, we outperform Claude 3 and Gemini Pro Vision 1.0 and showcase competitive results compared to Gemini Pro 1.5 and GPT-4V, even surpassing the latter in spatial reasoning. This research paves the way for building efficient VLMs that can be deployed in robots or wearables, leveraging embodied video understanding to collaborate seamlessly with humans in everyday tasks, contributing to the next generation of Embodied AI.

replace Image anomaly detection and prediction scheme based on SSA optimized ResNet50-BiGRU model

Authors: Qianhui Wan, Zecheng Zhang, Liheng Jiang, Zhaoqi Wang, Yan Zhou

Abstract: Image anomaly detection is a popular research direction, with many methods emerging in recent years due to rapid advancements in computing. The use of artificial intelligence for image anomaly detection has been widely studied. By analyzing images of athlete posture and movement, it is possible to predict injury status and suggest necessary adjustments. Most existing methods rely on convolutional networks to extract information from irrelevant pixel data, limiting model accuracy. This paper introduces a network combining Residual Network (ResNet) and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU), which can predict potential injury types and provide early warnings by analyzing changes in muscle and bone poses from video images. To address the high complexity of this network, the Sparrow search algorithm was used for optimization. Experiments conducted on four datasets demonstrated that our model has the smallest error in image anomaly detection compared to other models, showing strong adaptability. This provides a new approach for anomaly detection and predictive analysis in images, contributing to the sustainable development of human health and performance.

replace VGA: Vision GUI Assistant -- Minimizing Hallucinations through Image-Centric Fine-Tuning

Authors: Ziyang Meng, Yu Dai, Zezheng Gong, Shaoxiong Guo, Minglong Tang, Tongquan Wei

Abstract: Recent advances in Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have significantly improve performance in image comprehension tasks, such as formatted charts and rich-content images. Yet, Graphical User Interface (GUI) pose a greater challenge due to their structured format and detailed textual information. Existing LVLMs often overly depend on internal knowledge and neglect image content, resulting in hallucinations and incorrect responses in GUI comprehension. To address these issues, we introduce VGA, a fine-tuned model designed for comprehensive GUI understanding. Our model aims to enhance the interpretation of visual data of GUI and reduce hallucinations. We first construct a Vision Question Answering (VQA) dataset of 63.8k high-quality examples with our propose Referent Method, which ensures the model's responses are highly depend on visual content within the image. We then design a two-stage fine-tuning method called Foundation and Advanced Comprehension (FAC) to enhance both the model's ability to extract information from image content and alignment with human intent. Experiments show that our approach enhances the model's ability to extract information from images and achieves state-of-the-art results in GUI understanding tasks. Our dataset and fine-tuning script will be released soon.

replace CMTNet: Convolutional Meets Transformer Network for Hyperspectral Images Classification

Authors: Faxu Guo, Quan Feng, Sen Yang, Wanxia Yang

Abstract: Hyperspectral remote sensing (HIS) enables the detailed capture of spectral information from the Earth's surface, facilitating precise classification and identification of surface crops due to its superior spectral diagnostic capabilities. However, current convolutional neural networks (CNNs) focus on local features in hyperspectral data, leading to suboptimal performance when classifying intricate crop types and addressing imbalanced sample distributions. In contrast, the Transformer framework excels at extracting global features from hyperspectral imagery. To leverage the strengths of both approaches, this research introduces the Convolutional Meet Transformer Network (CMTNet). This innovative model includes a spectral-spatial feature extraction module for shallow feature capture, a dual-branch structure combining CNN and Transformer branches for local and global feature extraction, and a multi-output constraint module that enhances classification accuracy through multi-output loss calculations and cross constraints across local, international, and joint features. Extensive experiments conducted on three datasets (WHU-Hi-LongKou, WHU-Hi-HanChuan, and WHU-Hi-HongHu) demonstrate that CTDBNet significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art networks in classification performance, validating its effectiveness in hyperspectral crop classification.

replace E-ANT: A Large-Scale Dataset for Efficient Automatic GUI NavigaTion

Authors: Ke Wang, Tianyu Xia, Zhangxuan Gu, Yi Zhao, Shuheng Shen, Changhua Meng, Weiqiang Wang, Ke Xu

Abstract: Online GUI navigation on mobile devices has driven a lot of attention recent years since it contributes to many real-world applications. With the rapid development of large language models (LLM), multimodal large language models (MLLM) have tremendous potential on this task. However, existing MLLMs need high quality data to improve its abilities of making the correct navigation decisions according to the human user inputs. In this paper, we developed a novel and highly valuable dataset, named \textbf{E-ANT}, as the first Chinese GUI navigation dataset that contains real human behaviour and high quality screenshots with annotations, containing nearly 40,000 real human traces over 5000+ different tinyAPPs. Furthermore, we evaluate various powerful MLLMs on E-ANT and show their experiments results with sufficient ablations. We believe that our proposed dataset will be beneficial for both the evaluation and development of GUI navigation and LLM/MLLM decision-making capabilities.

replace Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation

Authors: Eyal Michaeli, Ohad Fried

Abstract: Fine-grained visual classification (FGVC) involves classifying closely related sub-classes. This task is difficult due to the subtle differences between classes and the high intra-class variance. Moreover, FGVC datasets are typically small and challenging to gather, thus highlighting a significant need for effective data augmentation. Recent advancements in text-to-image diffusion models offer new possibilities for augmenting classification datasets. While these models have been used to generate training data for classification tasks, their effectiveness in full-dataset training of FGVC models remains under-explored. Recent techniques that rely on Text2Image generation or Img2Img methods, often struggle to generate images that accurately represent the class while modifying them to a degree that significantly increases the dataset's diversity. To address these challenges, we present SaSPA: Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation. Contrary to recent methods, our method does not use real images as guidance, thereby increasing generation flexibility and promoting greater diversity. To ensure accurate class representation, we employ conditioning mechanisms, specifically by conditioning on image edges and subject representation. We conduct extensive experiments and benchmark SaSPA against both traditional and recent generative data augmentation methods. SaSPA consistently outperforms all established baselines across multiple settings, including full dataset training, contextual bias, and few-shot classification. Additionally, our results reveal interesting patterns in using synthetic data for FGVC models; for instance, we find a relationship between the amount of real data used and the optimal proportion of synthetic data. Code is available at


replace-cross Weakly Supervised YOLO Network for Surgical Instrument Localization in Endoscopic Videos

Authors: Rongfeng Wei, Jinlin Wu, Xuexue Bai, Ming Feng, Zhen Lei, Hongbin Liu, Zhen Chen

Abstract: In minimally invasive surgery, surgical instrument localization is a crucial task for endoscopic videos, which enables various applications for improving surgical outcomes. However, annotating the instrument localization in endoscopic videos is tedious and labor-intensive. In contrast, obtaining the category information is easy and efficient in real-world applications. To fully utilize the category information and address the localization problem, we propose a weakly supervised localization framework named WS-YOLO for surgical instruments. By leveraging the instrument category information as the weak supervision, our WS-YOLO framework adopts an unsupervised multi-round training strategy for the localization capability training. We validate our WS-YOLO framework on the Endoscopic Vision Challenge 2023 dataset, which achieves remarkable performance in the weakly supervised surgical instrument localization. The source code is available at


replace-cross AcTExplore: Active Tactile Exploration of Unknown Objects

Authors: Amir-Hossein Shahidzadeh, Seong Jong Yoo, Pavan Mantripragada, Chahat Deep Singh, Cornelia Ferm\"uller, Yiannis Aloimonos

Abstract: Tactile exploration plays a crucial role in understanding object structures for fundamental robotics tasks such as grasping and manipulation. However, efficiently exploring such objects using tactile sensors is challenging, primarily due to the large-scale unknown environments and limited sensing coverage of these sensors. To this end, we present AcTExplore, an active tactile exploration method driven by reinforcement learning for object reconstruction at scales that automatically explores the object surfaces in a limited number of steps. Through sufficient exploration, our algorithm incrementally collects tactile data and reconstructs 3D shapes of the objects as well, which can serve as a representation for higher-level downstream tasks. Our method achieves an average of 95.97% IoU coverage on unseen YCB objects while just being trained on primitive shapes. Project Webpage:


replace-cross Two Complementary Perspectives to Continual Learning: Ask Not Only What to Optimize, But Also How

Authors: Timm Hess, Tinne Tuytelaars, Gido M. van de Ven

Abstract: Recent years have seen considerable progress in the continual training of deep neural networks, predominantly thanks to approaches that add replay or regularization terms to the loss function to approximate the joint loss over all tasks so far. However, we show that even with a perfect approximation to the joint loss, these approaches still suffer from temporary but substantial forgetting when starting to train on a new task. Motivated by this 'stability gap', we propose that continual learning strategies should focus not only on the optimization objective, but also on the way this objective is optimized. While there is some continual learning work that alters the optimization trajectory (e.g., using gradient projection techniques), this line of research is positioned as alternative to improving the optimization objective, while we argue it should be complementary. In search of empirical support for our proposition, we perform a series of pre-registered experiments combining replay-approximated joint objectives with gradient projection-based optimization routines. However, this first experimental attempt fails to show clear and consistent benefits. Nevertheless, our conceptual arguments, as well as some of our empirical results, demonstrate the distinctive importance of the optimization trajectory in continual learning, thereby opening up a new direction for continual learning research.

replace-cross Towards Enhanced Analysis of Lung Cancer Lesions in EBUS-TBNA -- A Semi-Supervised Video Object Detection Method

Authors: Jyun-An Lin, Yun-Chien Cheng, Ching-Kai Lin

Abstract: This study aims to establish a computer-aided diagnostic system for lung lesions using endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) to assist physicians in identifying lesion areas. During EBUS-transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) procedures, hysicians rely on grayscale ultrasound images to determine the location of lesions. However, these images often contain significant noise and can be influenced by surrounding tissues or blood vessels, making identification challenging. Previous research has lacked the application of object detection models to EBUS-TBNA, and there has been no well-defined solution for the lack of annotated data in the EBUS-TBNA dataset. In related studies on ultrasound images, although models have been successful in capturing target regions for their respective tasks, their training and predictions have been based on two-dimensional images, limiting their ability to leverage temporal features for improved predictions. This study introduces a three-dimensional video-based object detection model. It first generates a set of improved queries using a diffusion model, then captures temporal correlations through an attention mechanism. A filtering mechanism selects relevant information from previous frames to pass to the current frame. Subsequently, a teacher-student model training approach is employed to further optimize the model using unlabeled data. By incorporating various data augmentation and feature alignment, the model gains robustness against interference. Test results demonstrate that this model, which captures spatiotemporal information and employs semi-supervised learning methods, achieves an Average Precision (AP) of 48.7 on the test dataset, outperforming other models. It also achieves an Average Recall (AR) of 79.2, significantly leading over existing models.

replace-cross Multi-view Disentanglement for Reinforcement Learning with Multiple Cameras

Authors: Mhairi Dunion, Stefano V. Albrecht

Abstract: The performance of image-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents can vary depending on the position of the camera used to capture the images. Training on multiple cameras simultaneously, including a first-person egocentric camera, can leverage information from different camera perspectives to improve the performance of RL. However, hardware constraints may limit the availability of multiple cameras in real-world deployment. Additionally, cameras may become damaged in the real-world preventing access to all cameras that were used during training. To overcome these hardware constraints, we propose Multi-View Disentanglement (MVD), which uses multiple cameras to learn a policy that is robust to a reduction in the number of cameras to generalise to any single camera from the training set. Our approach is a self-supervised auxiliary task for RL that learns a disentangled representation from multiple cameras, with a shared representation that is aligned across all cameras to allow generalisation to a single camera, and a private representation that is camera-specific. We show experimentally that an RL agent trained on a single third-person camera is unable to learn an optimal policy in many control tasks; but, our approach, benefiting from multiple cameras during training, is able to solve the task using only the same single third-person camera.

replace-cross The ULS23 Challenge: a Baseline Model and Benchmark Dataset for 3D Universal Lesion Segmentation in Computed Tomography

Authors: M. J. J. de Grauw, E. Th. Scholten, E. J. Smit, M. J. C. M. Rutten, M. Prokop, B. van Ginneken, A. Hering

Abstract: Size measurements of tumor manifestations on follow-up CT examinations are crucial for evaluating treatment outcomes in cancer patients. Efficient lesion segmentation can speed up these radiological workflows. While numerous benchmarks and challenges address lesion segmentation in specific organs like the liver, kidneys, and lungs, the larger variety of lesion types encountered in clinical practice demands a more universal approach. To address this gap, we introduced the ULS23 benchmark for 3D universal lesion segmentation in chest-abdomen-pelvis CT examinations. The ULS23 training dataset contains 38,693 lesions across this region, including challenging pancreatic, colon and bone lesions. For evaluation purposes, we curated a dataset comprising 775 lesions from 284 patients. Each of these lesions was identified as a target lesion in a clinical context, ensuring diversity and clinical relevance within this dataset. The ULS23 benchmark is publicly accessible via, enabling researchers worldwide to assess the performance of their segmentation methods. Furthermore, we have developed and publicly released our baseline semi-supervised 3D lesion segmentation model. This model achieved an average Dice coefficient of 0.703 $\pm$ 0.240 on the challenge test set. We invite ongoing submissions to advance the development of future ULS models.

replace-cross Deep-learning-based groupwise registration for motion correction of cardiac $T_1$ mapping

Authors: Yi Zhang, Yidong Zhao, Lu Huang, Liming Xia, Qian Tao

Abstract: Quantitative $T_1$ mapping by MRI is an increasingly important tool for clinical assessment of cardiovascular diseases. The cardiac $T_1$ map is derived by fitting a known signal model to a series of baseline images, while the quality of this map can be deteriorated by involuntary respiratory and cardiac motion. To correct motion, a template image is often needed to register all baseline images, but the choice of template is nontrivial, leading to inconsistent performance sensitive to image contrast. In this work, we propose a novel deep-learning-based groupwise registration framework, which omits the need for a template, and registers all baseline images simultaneously. We design two groupwise losses for this registration framework: the first is a linear principal component analysis (PCA) loss that enforces alignment of baseline images irrespective of the intensity variation, and the second is an auxiliary relaxometry loss that enforces adherence of intensity profile to the signal model. We extensively evaluated our method, termed ``PCA-Relax'', and other baseline methods on an in-house cardiac MRI dataset including both pre- and post-contrast $T_1$ sequences. All methods were evaluated under three distinct training-and-evaluation strategies, namely, standard, one-shot, and test-time-adaptation. The proposed PCA-Relax showed further improved performance of registration and mapping over well-established baselines. The proposed groupwise framework is generic and can be adapted to applications involving multiple images.

replace-cross Asynchronous Large Language Model Enhanced Planner for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Yuan Chen, Zi-han Ding, Ziqin Wang, Yan Wang, Lijun Zhang, Si Liu

Abstract: Despite real-time planners exhibiting remarkable performance in autonomous driving, the growing exploration of Large Language Models (LLMs) has opened avenues for enhancing the interpretability and controllability of motion planning. Nevertheless, LLM-based planners continue to encounter significant challenges, including elevated resource consumption and extended inference times, which pose substantial obstacles to practical deployment. In light of these challenges, we introduce AsyncDriver, a new asynchronous LLM-enhanced closed-loop framework designed to leverage scene-associated instruction features produced by LLM to guide real-time planners in making precise and controllable trajectory predictions. On one hand, our method highlights the prowess of LLMs in comprehending and reasoning with vectorized scene data and a series of routing instructions, demonstrating its effective assistance to real-time planners. On the other hand, the proposed framework decouples the inference processes of the LLM and real-time planners. By capitalizing on the asynchronous nature of their inference frequencies, our approach have successfully reduced the computational cost introduced by LLM, while maintaining comparable performance. Experiments show that our approach achieves superior closed-loop evaluation performance on nuPlan's challenging scenarios.