new Unifying Unsupervised Graph-Level Anomaly Detection and Out-of-Distribution Detection: A Benchmark

Authors: Yili Wang, Yixin Liu, Xu Shen, Chenyu Li, Kaize Ding, Rui Miao, Ying Wang, Shirui Pan, Xin Wang

Abstract: To build safe and reliable graph machine learning systems, unsupervised graph-level anomaly detection (GLAD) and unsupervised graph-level out-of-distribution (OOD) detection (GLOD) have received significant attention in recent years. Though those two lines of research indeed share the same objective, they have been studied independently in the community due to distinct evaluation setups, creating a gap that hinders the application and evaluation of methods from one to the other. To bridge the gap, in this work, we present a Unified Benchmark for unsupervised Graph-level OOD and anomaly Detection (our method), a comprehensive evaluation framework that unifies GLAD and GLOD under the concept of generalized graph-level OOD detection. Our benchmark encompasses 35 datasets spanning four practical anomaly and OOD detection scenarios, facilitating the comparison of 16 representative GLAD/GLOD methods. We conduct multi-dimensional analyses to explore the effectiveness, generalizability, robustness, and efficiency of existing methods, shedding light on their strengths and limitations. Furthermore, we provide an open-source codebase ( of our method to foster reproducible research and outline potential directions for future investigations based on our insights.


new Data Efficient Evaluation of Large Language Models and Text-to-Image Models via Adaptive Sampling

Authors: Cong Xu, Gayathri Saranathan, Mahammad Parwez Alam, Arpit Shah, James Lim, Soon Yee Wong, Foltin Martin, Suparna Bhattacharya

Abstract: Evaluating LLMs and text-to-image models is a computationally intensive task often overlooked. Efficient evaluation is crucial for understanding the diverse capabilities of these models and enabling comparisons across a growing number of new models and benchmarks. To address this, we introduce SubLIME, a data-efficient evaluation framework that employs adaptive sampling techniques, such as clustering and quality-based methods, to create representative subsets of benchmarks. Our approach ensures statistically aligned model rankings compared to full datasets, evidenced by high Pearson correlation coefficients. Empirical analysis across six NLP benchmarks reveals that: (1) quality-based sampling consistently achieves strong correlations (0.85 to 0.95) with full datasets at a 10\% sampling rate such as Quality SE and Quality CPD (2) clustering methods excel in specific benchmarks such as MMLU (3) no single method universally outperforms others across all metrics. Extending this framework, we leverage the HEIM leaderboard to cover 25 text-to-image models on 17 different benchmarks. SubLIME dynamically selects the optimal technique for each benchmark, significantly reducing evaluation costs while preserving ranking integrity and score distribution. Notably, a minimal sampling rate of 1% proves effective for benchmarks like MMLU. Additionally, we demonstrate that employing difficulty-based sampling to target more challenging benchmark segments enhances model differentiation with broader score distributions. We also combine semantic search, tool use, and GPT-4 review to identify redundancy across benchmarks within specific LLM categories, such as coding benchmarks. This allows us to further reduce the number of samples needed to maintain targeted rank preservation. Overall, SubLIME offers a versatile and cost-effective solution for the robust evaluation of LLMs and text-to-image models.

new Geneverse: A collection of Open-source Multimodal Large Language Models for Genomic and Proteomic Research

Authors: Tianyu Liu, Yijia Xiao, Xiao Luo, Hua Xu, W. Jim Zheng, Hongyu Zhao

Abstract: The applications of large language models (LLMs) are promising for biomedical and healthcare research. Despite the availability of open-source LLMs trained using a wide range of biomedical data, current research on the applications of LLMs to genomics and proteomics is still limited. To fill this gap, we propose a collection of finetuned LLMs and multimodal LLMs (MLLMs), known as Geneverse, for three novel tasks in genomic and proteomic research. The models in Geneverse are trained and evaluated based on domain-specific datasets, and we use advanced parameter-efficient finetuning techniques to achieve the model adaptation for tasks including the generation of descriptions for gene functions, protein function inference from its structure, and marker gene selection from spatial transcriptomic data. We demonstrate that adapted LLMs and MLLMs perform well for these tasks and may outperform closed-source large-scale models based on our evaluations focusing on both truthfulness and structural correctness. All of the training strategies and base models we used are freely accessible.

new SAIL: Self-Improving Efficient Online Alignment of Large Language Models

Authors: Mucong Ding, Souradip Chakraborty, Vibhu Agrawal, Zora Che, Alec Koppel, Mengdi Wang, Amrit Bedi, Furong Huang

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a key method for aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. However, current offline alignment approaches like DPO, IPO, and SLiC rely heavily on fixed preference datasets, which can lead to sub-optimal performance. On the other hand, recent literature has focused on designing online RLHF methods but still lacks a unified conceptual formulation and suffers from distribution shift issues. To address this, we establish that online LLM alignment is underpinned by bilevel optimization. By reducing this formulation to an efficient single-level first-order method (using the reward-policy equivalence), our approach generates new samples and iteratively refines model alignment by exploring responses and regulating preference labels. In doing so, we permit alignment methods to operate in an online and self-improving manner, as well as generalize prior online RLHF methods as special cases. Compared to state-of-the-art iterative RLHF methods, our approach significantly improves alignment performance on open-sourced datasets with minimal computational overhead.

new Robust Reinforcement Learning from Corrupted Human Feedback

Authors: Alexander Bukharin, Ilgee Hong, Haoming Jiang, Qingru Zhang, Zixuan Zhang, Tuo Zhao

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) provides a principled framework for aligning AI systems with human preference data. For various reasons, e.g., personal bias, context ambiguity, lack of training, etc, human annotators may give incorrect or inconsistent preference labels. To tackle this challenge, we propose a robust RLHF approach -- $R^3M$, which models the potentially corrupted preference label as sparse outliers. Accordingly, we formulate the robust reward learning as an $\ell_1$-regularized maximum likelihood estimation problem. Computationally, we develop an efficient alternating optimization algorithm, which only incurs negligible computational overhead compared with the standard RLHF approach. Theoretically, we prove that under proper regularity conditions, $R^3M$ can consistently learn the underlying reward and identify outliers, provided that the number of outlier labels scales sublinearly with the preference sample size. Furthermore, we remark that $R^3M$ is versatile and can be extended to various preference optimization methods, including direct preference optimization (DPO). Our experiments on robotic control and natural language generation with large language models (LLMs) show that $R^3M$ improves robustness of the reward against several types of perturbations to the preference data.

new Sketch-GNN: Scalable Graph Neural Networks with Sublinear Training Complexity

Authors: Mucong Ding, Tahseen Rabbani, Bang An, Evan Z Wang, Furong Huang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are widely applied to graph learning problems such as node classification. When scaling up the underlying graphs of GNNs to a larger size, we are forced to either train on the complete graph and keep the full graph adjacency and node embeddings in memory (which is often infeasible) or mini-batch sample the graph (which results in exponentially growing computational complexities with respect to the number of GNN layers). Various sampling-based and historical-embedding-based methods are proposed to avoid this exponential growth of complexities. However, none of these solutions eliminates the linear dependence on graph size. This paper proposes a sketch-based algorithm whose training time and memory grow sublinearly with respect to graph size by training GNNs atop a few compact sketches of graph adjacency and node embeddings. Based on polynomial tensor-sketch (PTS) theory, our framework provides a novel protocol for sketching non-linear activations and graph convolution matrices in GNNs, as opposed to existing methods that sketch linear weights or gradients in neural networks. In addition, we develop a locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) technique that can be trained to improve the quality of sketches. Experiments on large-graph benchmarks demonstrate the scalability and competitive performance of our Sketch-GNNs versus their full-size GNN counterparts.

new Pareto-Optimal Learning from Preferences with Hidden Context

Authors: Ryan Boldi, Li Ding, Lee Spector, Scott Niekum

Abstract: Ensuring AI models align with human values is essential for their safety and functionality. Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) uses human preferences to achieve this alignment. However, preferences sourced from diverse populations can result in point estimates of human values that may be sub-optimal or unfair to specific groups. We propose Pareto Optimal Preference Learning (POPL), which frames discrepant group preferences as objectives with potential trade-offs, aiming for policies that are Pareto-optimal on the preference dataset. POPL utilizes Lexicase selection, an iterative process to select diverse and Pareto-optimal solutions. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that POPL surpasses baseline methods in learning sets of reward functions, effectively catering to distinct groups without access to group numbers or membership labels. Furthermore, we illustrate that POPL can serve as a foundation for techniques optimizing specific notions of group fairness, ensuring inclusive and equitable AI model alignment.

new Catastrophic-risk-aware reinforcement learning with extreme-value-theory-based policy gradients

Authors: Parisa Davar, Fr\'ed\'eric Godin, Jose Garrido

Abstract: This paper tackles the problem of mitigating catastrophic risk (which is risk with very low frequency but very high severity) in the context of a sequential decision making process. This problem is particularly challenging due to the scarcity of observations in the far tail of the distribution of cumulative costs (negative rewards). A policy gradient algorithm is developed, that we call POTPG. It is based on approximations of the tail risk derived from extreme value theory. Numerical experiments highlight the out-performance of our method over common benchmarks, relying on the empirical distribution. An application to financial risk management, more precisely to the dynamic hedging of a financial option, is presented.

new MOUNTAINEER: Topology-Driven Visual Analytics for Comparing Local Explanations

Authors: Parikshit Solunke, Vitoria Guardieiro, Joao Rulff, Peter Xenopoulos, Gromit Yeuk-Yin Chan, Brian Barr, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Claudio Silva

Abstract: With the increasing use of black-box Machine Learning (ML) techniques in critical applications, there is a growing demand for methods that can provide transparency and accountability for model predictions. As a result, a large number of local explainability methods for black-box models have been developed and popularized. However, machine learning explanations are still hard to evaluate and compare due to the high dimensionality, heterogeneous representations, varying scales, and stochastic nature of some of these methods. Topological Data Analysis (TDA) can be an effective method in this domain since it can be used to transform attributions into uniform graph representations, providing a common ground for comparison across different explanation methods. We present a novel topology-driven visual analytics tool, Mountaineer, that allows ML practitioners to interactively analyze and compare these representations by linking the topological graphs back to the original data distribution, model predictions, and feature attributions. Mountaineer facilitates rapid and iterative exploration of ML explanations, enabling experts to gain deeper insights into the explanation techniques, understand the underlying data distributions, and thus reach well-founded conclusions about model behavior. Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of Mountaineer through two case studies using real-world data. In the first, we show how Mountaineer enabled us to compare black-box ML explanations and discern regions of and causes of disagreements between different explanations. In the second, we demonstrate how the tool can be used to compare and understand ML models themselves. Finally, we conducted interviews with three industry experts to help us evaluate our work.

new BrowNNe: Brownian Nonlocal Neurons & Activation Functions

Authors: Sriram Nagaraj, Truman Hickok

Abstract: It is generally thought that the use of stochastic activation functions in deep learning architectures yield models with superior generalization abilities. However, a sufficiently rigorous statement and theoretical proof of this heuristic is lacking in the literature. In this paper, we provide several novel contributions to the literature in this regard. Defining a new notion of nonlocal directional derivative, we analyze its theoretical properties (existence and convergence). Second, using a probabilistic reformulation, we show that nonlocal derivatives are epsilon-sub gradients, and derive sample complexity results for convergence of stochastic gradient descent-like methods using nonlocal derivatives. Finally, using our analysis of the nonlocal gradient of Holder continuous functions, we observe that sample paths of Brownian motion admit nonlocal directional derivatives, and the nonlocal derivatives of Brownian motion are seen to be Gaussian processes with computable mean and standard deviation. Using the theory of nonlocal directional derivatives, we solve a highly nondifferentiable and nonconvex model problem of parameter estimation on image articulation manifolds. Using Brownian motion infused ReLU activation functions with the nonlocal gradient in place of the usual gradient during backpropagation, we also perform experiments on multiple well-studied deep learning architectures. Our experiments indicate the superior generalization capabilities of Brownian neural activation functions in low-training data regimes, where the use of stochastic neurons beats the deterministic ReLU counterpart.

new Physics Informed Machine Learning (PIML) methods for estimating the remaining useful lifetime (RUL) of aircraft engines

Authors: Sriram Nagaraj, Truman Hickok

Abstract: This paper is aimed at using the newly developing field of physics informed machine learning (PIML) to develop models for predicting the remaining useful lifetime (RUL) aircraft engines. We consider the well-known benchmark NASA Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation (C-MAPSS) data as the main data for this paper, which consists of sensor outputs in a variety of different operating modes. C-MAPSS is a well-studied dataset with much existing work in the literature that address RUL prediction with classical and deep learning methods. In the absence of published empirical physical laws governing the C-MAPSS data, our approach first uses stochastic methods to estimate the governing physics models from the noisy time series data. In our approach, we model the various sensor readings as being governed by stochastic differential equations, and we estimate the corresponding transition density mean and variance functions of the underlying processes. We then augment LSTM (long-short term memory) models with the learned mean and variance functions during training and inferencing. Our PIML based approach is different from previous methods, and we use the data to first learn the physics. Our results indicate that PIML discovery and solutions methods are well suited for this problem and outperform previous data-only deep learning methods for this data set and task. Moreover, the framework developed herein is flexible, and can be adapted to other situations (other sensor modalities or combined multi-physics environments), including cases where the underlying physics is only partially observed or known.

new DataFreeShield: Defending Adversarial Attacks without Training Data

Authors: Hyeyoon Lee, Kanghyun Choi, Dain Kwon, Sunjong Park, Mayoore Selvarasa Jaiswal, Noseong Park, Jonghyun Choi, Jinho Lee

Abstract: Recent advances in adversarial robustness rely on an abundant set of training data, where using external or additional datasets has become a common setting. However, in real life, the training data is often kept private for security and privacy issues, while only the pretrained weight is available to the public. In such scenarios, existing methods that assume accessibility to the original data become inapplicable. Thus we investigate the pivotal problem of data-free adversarial robustness, where we try to achieve adversarial robustness without accessing any real data. Through a preliminary study, we highlight the severity of the problem by showing that robustness without the original dataset is difficult to achieve, even with similar domain datasets. To address this issue, we propose DataFreeShield, which tackles the problem from two perspectives: surrogate dataset generation and adversarial training using the generated data. Through extensive validation, we show that DataFreeShield outperforms baselines, demonstrating that the proposed method sets the first entirely data-free solution for the adversarial robustness problem.

new Testing the Feasibility of Linear Programs with Bandit Feedback

Authors: Aditya Gangrade, Aditya Gopalan, Venkatesh Saligrama, Clayton Scott

Abstract: While the recent literature has seen a surge in the study of constrained bandit problems, all existing methods for these begin by assuming the feasibility of the underlying problem. We initiate the study of testing such feasibility assumptions, and in particular address the problem in the linear bandit setting, thus characterising the costs of feasibility testing for an unknown linear program using bandit feedback. Concretely, we test if $\exists x: Ax \ge 0$ for an unknown $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times d}$, by playing a sequence of actions $x_t\in \mathbb{R}^d$, and observing $Ax_t + \mathrm{noise}$ in response. By identifying the hypothesis as determining the sign of the value of a minimax game, we construct a novel test based on low-regret algorithms and a nonasymptotic law of iterated logarithms. We prove that this test is reliable, and adapts to the `signal level,' $\Gamma,$ of any instance, with mean sample costs scaling as $\widetilde{O}(d^2/\Gamma^2)$. We complement this by a minimax lower bound of $\Omega(d/\Gamma^2)$ for sample costs of reliable tests, dominating prior asymptotic lower bounds by capturing the dependence on $d$, and thus elucidating a basic insight missing in the extant literature on such problems.

new Contextual Sprint Classification in Soccer Based on Deep Learning

Authors: Hyunsung Kim, Gun-Hee Joe, Jinsung Yoon, Sang-Ki Ko

Abstract: The analysis of high-intensity runs (or sprints) in soccer has long been a topic of interest for sports science researchers and practitioners. In particular, recent studies suggested contextualizing sprints based on their tactical purposes to better understand the physical-tactical requirements of modern match-play. However, they have a limitation in scalability, as human experts have to manually classify hundreds of sprints for every match. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a deep learning framework for automatically classifying sprints in soccer into contextual categories. The proposed model covers the permutation-invariant and sequential nature of multi-agent trajectories in soccer by deploying Set Transformers and a bidirectional GRU. We train the model with category labels made through the collaboration of human annotators and a rule-based classifier. Experimental results show that our model classifies sprints in the test dataset into 15 categories with the accuracy of 77.65%, implying the potential of the proposed framework for facilitating the integrated analysis of soccer sprints at scale.

new Matching Problems to Solutions: An Explainable Way of Solving Machine Learning Problems

Authors: Lokman Saleh, Hafedh Mili, Mounir Boukadoum

Abstract: Domain experts from all fields are called upon, working with data scientists, to explore the use of ML techniques to solve their problems. Starting from a domain problem/question, ML-based problem-solving typically involves three steps: (1) formulating the business problem (problem domain) as a data analysis problem (solution domain), (2) sketching a high-level ML-based solution pattern, given the domain requirements and the properties of the available data, and (3) designing and refining the different components of the solution pattern. There has to be a substantial body of ML problem solving knowledge that ML researchers agree on, and that ML practitioners routinely apply to solve the most common problems. Our work deals with capturing this body of knowledge, and embodying it in a ML problem solving workbench to helps domain specialists who are not ML experts to explore the ML solution space. This paper focuses on: 1) the representation of domain problems, ML problems, and the main ML solution artefacts, and 2) a heuristic matching function that helps identify the ML algorithm family that is most appropriate for the domain problem at hand, given the domain (expert) requirements, and the characteristics of the training data. We review related work and outline our strategy for validating the workbench

new Evaluating Large Vision-and-Language Models on Children's Mathematical Olympiads

Authors: Anoop Cherian, Kuan-Chuan Peng, Suhas Lohit, Joanna Matthiesen, Kevin Smith, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Abstract: Recent years have seen a significant progress in the general-purpose problem solving abilities of large vision and language models (LVLMs), such as ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.; some of these breakthroughs even seem to enable AI models to outperform human abilities in varied tasks that demand higher-order cognitive skills. Are the current large AI models indeed capable of generalized problem solving as humans do? A systematic analysis of AI capabilities for joint vision and text reasoning, however, is missing in the current scientific literature. In this paper, we make an effort towards filling this gap, by evaluating state-of-the-art LVLMs on their mathematical and algorithmic reasoning abilities using visuo-linguistic problems from children's Olympiads. Specifically, we consider problems from the Mathematical Kangaroo (MK) Olympiad, which is a popular international competition targeted at children from grades 1-12, that tests children's deeper mathematical abilities using puzzles that are appropriately gauged to their age and skills. Using the puzzles from MK, we created a dataset, dubbed SMART-840, consisting of 840 problems from years 2020-2024. With our dataset, we analyze LVLMs power on mathematical reasoning; their responses on our puzzles offer a direct way to compare against that of children. Our results show that modern LVLMs do demonstrate increasingly powerful reasoning skills in solving problems for higher grades, but lack the foundations to correctly answer problems designed for younger children. Further analysis shows that there is no significant correlation between the reasoning capabilities of AI models and that of young children, and their capabilities appear to be based on a different type of reasoning than the cumulative knowledge that underlies children's mathematics and logic skills.

new Modeling Unknown Stochastic Dynamical System Subject to External Excitation

Authors: Yuan Chen, Dongbin Xiu

Abstract: We present a numerical method for learning unknown nonautonomous stochastic dynamical system, i.e., stochastic system subject to time dependent excitation or control signals. Our basic assumption is that the governing equations for the stochastic system are unavailable. However, short bursts of input/output (I/O) data consisting of certain known excitation signals and their corresponding system responses are available. When a sufficient amount of such I/O data are available, our method is capable of learning the unknown dynamics and producing an accurate predictive model for the stochastic responses of the system subject to arbitrary excitation signals not in the training data. Our method has two key components: (1) a local approximation of the training I/O data to transfer the learning into a parameterized form; and (2) a generative model to approximate the underlying unknown stochastic flow map in distribution. After presenting the method in detail, we present a comprehensive set of numerical examples to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method, especially for long-term system predictions.

new The Perils of Optimizing Learned Reward Functions: Low Training Error Does Not Guarantee Low Regret

Authors: Lukas Fluri, Leon Lang, Alessandro Abate, Patrick Forr\'e, David Krueger, Joar Skalse

Abstract: In reinforcement learning, specifying reward functions that capture the intended task can be very challenging. Reward learning aims to address this issue by learning the reward function. However, a learned reward model may have a low error on the training distribution, and yet subsequently produce a policy with large regret. We say that such a reward model has an error-regret mismatch. The main source of an error-regret mismatch is the distributional shift that commonly occurs during policy optimization. In this paper, we mathematically show that a sufficiently low expected test error of the reward model guarantees low worst-case regret, but that for any fixed expected test error, there exist realistic data distributions that allow for error-regret mismatch to occur. We then show that similar problems persist even when using policy regularization techniques, commonly employed in methods such as RLHF. Our theoretical results highlight the importance of developing new ways to measure the quality of learned reward models.

new EDGE-LLM: Enabling Efficient Large Language Model Adaptation on Edge Devices via Layerwise Unified Compression and Adaptive Layer Tuning and Voting

Authors: Zhongzhi Yu, Zheng Wang, Yuhan Li, Haoran You, Ruijie Gao, Xiaoya Zhou, Sreenidhi Reedy Bommu, Yang Katie Zhao, Yingyan Celine Lin

Abstract: Efficient adaption of large language models (LLMs) on edge devices is essential for applications requiring continuous and privacy-preserving adaptation and inference. However, existing tuning techniques fall short because of the high computation and memory overheads. To this end, we introduce a computation- and memory-efficient LLM tuning framework, called Edge-LLM, to facilitate affordable and effective LLM adaptation on edge devices. Specifically, Edge-LLM features three core components: (1) a layer-wise unified compression (LUC) technique to reduce the computation overhead by generating layer-wise pruning sparsity and quantization bit-width policies, (2) an adaptive layer tuning and voting scheme to reduce the memory overhead by reducing the backpropagation depth, and (3) a complementary hardware scheduling strategy to handle the irregular computation patterns introduced by LUC and adaptive layer tuning, thereby achieving efficient computation and data movements. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Edge-LLM achieves a 2.92x speed up and a 4x memory overhead reduction as compared to vanilla tuning methods with comparable task accuracy. Our code is available at


new ICM Ensemble with Novel Betting Functions for Concept Drift

Authors: Charalambos Eliades, Harris Papadopoulos

Abstract: This study builds upon our previous work by introducing a refined Inductive Conformal Martingale (ICM) approach for addressing Concept Drift (CD). Specifically, we enhance our previously proposed CAUTIOUS betting function to incorporate multiple density estimators for improving detection ability. We also combine this betting function with two base estimators that have not been previously utilized within the ICM framework: the Interpolated Histogram and Nearest Neighbor Density Estimators. We assess these extensions using both a single ICM and an ensemble of ICMs. For the latter, we conduct a comprehensive experimental investigation into the influence of the ensemble size on prediction accuracy and the number of available predictions. Our experimental results on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach surpasses our previous methodology in terms of performance while matching or in many cases exceeding that of three contemporary state-of-the-art techniques.

new Rethinking the Diffusion Models for Numerical Tabular Data Imputation from the Perspective of Wasserstein Gradient Flow

Authors: Zhichao Chen, Haoxuan Li, Fangyikang Wang, Odin Zhang, Hu Xu, Xiaoyu Jiang, Zhihuan Song, Eric H. Wang

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) have gained attention in Missing Data Imputation (MDI), but there remain two long-neglected issues to be addressed: (1). Inaccurate Imputation, which arises from inherently sample-diversification-pursuing generative process of DMs. (2). Difficult Training, which stems from intricate design required for the mask matrix in model training stage. To address these concerns within the realm of numerical tabular datasets, we introduce a novel principled approach termed Kernelized Negative Entropy-regularized Wasserstein gradient flow Imputation (KnewImp). Specifically, based on Wasserstein gradient flow (WGF) framework, we first prove that issue (1) stems from the cost functionals implicitly maximized in DM-based MDI are equivalent to the MDI's objective plus diversification-promoting non-negative terms. Based on this, we then design a novel cost functional with diversification-discouraging negative entropy and derive our KnewImp approach within WGF framework and reproducing kernel Hilbert space. After that, we prove that the imputation procedure of KnewImp can be derived from another cost functional related to the joint distribution, eliminating the need for the mask matrix and hence naturally addressing issue (2). Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed KnewImp approach significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods.

new AllMatch: Exploiting All Unlabeled Data for Semi-Supervised Learning

Authors: Zhiyu Wu, Jinshi Cui

Abstract: Existing semi-supervised learning algorithms adopt pseudo-labeling and consistency regulation techniques to introduce supervision signals for unlabeled samples. To overcome the inherent limitation of threshold-based pseudo-labeling, prior studies have attempted to align the confidence threshold with the evolving learning status of the model, which is estimated through the predictions made on the unlabeled data. In this paper, we further reveal that classifier weights can reflect the differentiated learning status across categories and consequently propose a class-specific adaptive threshold mechanism. Additionally, considering that even the optimal threshold scheme cannot resolve the problem of discarding unlabeled samples, a binary classification consistency regulation approach is designed to distinguish candidate classes from negative options for all unlabeled samples. By combining the above strategies, we present a novel SSL algorithm named AllMatch, which achieves improved pseudo-label accuracy and a 100\% utilization ratio for the unlabeled data. We extensively evaluate our approach on multiple benchmarks, encompassing both balanced and imbalanced settings. The results demonstrate that AllMatch consistently outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods.

new Unveiling and Harnessing Hidden Attention Sinks: Enhancing Large Language Models without Training through Attention Calibration

Authors: Zhongzhi Yu, Zheng Wang, Yonggan Fu, Huihong Shi, Khalid Shaikh, Yingyan Celine Lin

Abstract: Attention is a fundamental component behind the remarkable achievements of large language models (LLMs). However, our current understanding of the attention mechanism, especially regarding how attention distributions are established, remains limited. Inspired by recent studies that explore the presence of attention sink in the initial token, which receives disproportionately large attention scores despite their lack of semantic importance, this work delves deeper into this phenomenon. We aim to provide a more profound understanding of the existence of attention sinks within LLMs and to uncover ways to enhance the achievable accuracy of LLMs by directly optimizing the attention distributions, without the need for weight finetuning. Specifically, this work begins with comprehensive visualizations of the attention distributions in LLMs during inference across various inputs and tasks. Based on these visualizations, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to discover that (1) attention sinks occur not only at the start of sequences but also within later tokens of the input, and (2) not all attention sinks have a positive impact on the achievable accuracy of LLMs. Building upon our findings, we propose a training-free Attention Calibration Technique (ACT) that automatically optimizes the attention distributions on the fly during inference in an input-adaptive manner. Extensive experiments validate that ACT consistently enhances the accuracy of various LLMs across different applications. Specifically, ACT achieves an average improvement of up to 7.30% in accuracy across different datasets when applied to Llama-30B. Our code is available at


new Continual Learning with Diffusion-based Generative Replay for Industrial Streaming Data

Authors: Jiayi He, Jiao Chen, Qianmiao Liu, Suyan Dai, Jianhua Tang, Dongpo Liu

Abstract: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) integrates interconnected sensors and devices to support industrial applications, but its dynamic environments pose challenges related to data drift. Considering the limited resources and the need to effectively adapt models to new data distributions, this paper introduces a Continual Learning (CL) approach, i.e., Distillation-based Self-Guidance (DSG), to address challenges presented by industrial streaming data via a novel generative replay mechanism. DSG utilizes knowledge distillation to transfer knowledge from the previous diffusion-based generator to the updated one, improving both the stability of the generator and the quality of reproduced data, thereby enhancing the mitigation of catastrophic forgetting. Experimental results on CWRU, DSA, and WISDM datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of DSG. DSG outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline in accuracy, demonstrating improvements ranging from 2.9% to 5.0% on key datasets, showcasing its potential for practical industrial applications.

new What Matters in Transformers? Not All Attention is Needed

Authors: Shwai He, Guoheng Sun, Zheyu Shen, Ang Li

Abstract: Scaling Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) has demonstrated promising performance across various tasks. However, this scaling also introduces redundant structures, posing challenges for real-world deployment. Despite some recognition of redundancy in LLMs, the variability of redundancy across different structures, such as MLP and Attention layers, is under-explored. In this work, we investigate the varying redundancy across different modules within Transformers, including Blocks, MLP, and Attention layers, using a similarity-based metric. This metric operates on the premise that redundant structures produce outputs highly similar to their inputs. Surprisingly, while attention layers are essential for transformers and distinguish them from other mainstream architectures, we found that a large proportion of attention layers exhibit excessively high similarity and can be safely pruned without degrading performance, leading to reduced memory and computation costs. Additionally, we further propose a method that jointly drops Attention and MLP layers, achieving improved performance and dropping ratios. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, e.g., Llama-3-70B maintains comparable performance even after pruning half of the attention layers. Our findings provide valuable insights for future network architecture design. The code will be released at: \url{}.


new Distributionally Robust Constrained Reinforcement Learning under Strong Duality

Authors: Zhengfei Zhang, Kishan Panaganti, Laixi Shi, Yanan Sui, Adam Wierman, Yisong Yue

Abstract: We study the problem of Distributionally Robust Constrained RL (DRC-RL), where the goal is to maximize the expected reward subject to environmental distribution shifts and constraints. This setting captures situations where training and testing environments differ, and policies must satisfy constraints motivated by safety or limited budgets. Despite significant progress toward algorithm design for the separate problems of distributionally robust RL and constrained RL, there do not yet exist algorithms with end-to-end convergence guarantees for DRC-RL. We develop an algorithmic framework based on strong duality that enables the first efficient and provable solution in a class of environmental uncertainties. Further, our framework exposes an inherent structure of DRC-RL that arises from the combination of distributional robustness and constraints, which prevents a popular class of iterative methods from tractably solving DRC-RL, despite such frameworks being applicable for each of distributionally robust RL and constrained RL individually. Finally, we conduct experiments on a car racing benchmark to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

new Privacy Implications of Explainable AI in Data-Driven Systems

Authors: Fatima Ezzeddine

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) models, demonstrably powerful, suffer from a lack of interpretability. The absence of transparency, often referred to as the black box nature of ML models, undermines trust and urges the need for efforts to enhance their explainability. Explainable AI (XAI) techniques address this challenge by providing frameworks and methods to explain the internal decision-making processes of these complex models. Techniques like Counterfactual Explanations (CF) and Feature Importance play a crucial role in achieving this goal. Furthermore, high-quality and diverse data remains the foundational element for robust and trustworthy ML applications. In many applications, the data used to train ML and XAI explainers contain sensitive information. In this context, numerous privacy-preserving techniques can be employed to safeguard sensitive information in the data, such as differential privacy. Subsequently, a conflict between XAI and privacy solutions emerges due to their opposing goals. Since XAI techniques provide reasoning for the model behavior, they reveal information relative to ML models, such as their decision boundaries, the values of features, or the gradients of deep learning models when explanations are exposed to a third entity. Attackers can initiate privacy breaching attacks using these explanations, to perform model extraction, inference, and membership attacks. This dilemma underscores the challenge of finding the right equilibrium between understanding ML decision-making and safeguarding privacy.

new Synergistic Deep Graph Clustering Network

Authors: Benyu Wu, Shifei Ding, Xiao Xu, Lili Guo, Ling Ding, Xindong Wu

Abstract: Employing graph neural networks (GNNs) to learn cohesive and discriminative node representations for clustering has shown promising results in deep graph clustering. However, existing methods disregard the reciprocal relationship between representation learning and structure augmentation. This study suggests that enhancing embedding and structure synergistically becomes imperative for GNNs to unleash their potential in deep graph clustering. A reliable structure promotes obtaining more cohesive node representations, while high-quality node representations can guide the augmentation of the structure, enhancing structural reliability in return. Moreover, the generalization ability of existing GNNs-based models is relatively poor. While they perform well on graphs with high homogeneity, they perform poorly on graphs with low homogeneity. To this end, we propose a graph clustering framework named Synergistic Deep Graph Clustering Network (SynC). In our approach, we design a Transform Input Graph Auto-Encoder (TIGAE) to obtain high-quality embeddings for guiding structure augmentation. Then, we re-capture neighborhood representations on the augmented graph to obtain clustering-friendly embeddings and conduct self-supervised clustering. Notably, representation learning and structure augmentation share weights, significantly reducing the number of model parameters. Additionally, we introduce a structure fine-tuning strategy to improve the model's generalization. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of our method. The code is released on GitHub and Code Ocean.

new Intrinsic Dimension Correlation: uncovering nonlinear connections in multimodal representations

Authors: Lorenzo Basile, Santiago Acevedo, Luca Bortolussi, Fabio Anselmi, Alex Rodriguez

Abstract: To gain insight into the mechanisms behind machine learning methods, it is crucial to establish connections among the features describing data points. However, these correlations often exhibit a high-dimensional and strongly nonlinear nature, which makes them challenging to detect using standard methods. This paper exploits the entanglement between intrinsic dimensionality and correlation to propose a metric that quantifies the (potentially nonlinear) correlation between high-dimensional manifolds. We first validate our method on synthetic data in controlled environments, showcasing its advantages and drawbacks compared to existing techniques. Subsequently, we extend our analysis to large-scale applications in neural network representations. Specifically, we focus on latent representations of multimodal data, uncovering clear correlations between paired visual and textual embeddings, whereas existing methods struggle significantly in detecting similarity. Our results indicate the presence of highly nonlinear correlation patterns between latent manifolds.

new Automatic AI Model Selection for Wireless Systems: Online Learning via Digital Twinning

Authors: Qiushuo Hou, Matteo Zecchin, Sangwoo Park, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu, Kaushik Chowdhury, Osvaldo Simeone

Abstract: In modern wireless network architectures, such as O-RAN, artificial intelligence (AI)-based applications are deployed at intelligent controllers to carry out functionalities like scheduling or power control. The AI "apps" are selected on the basis of contextual information such as network conditions, topology, traffic statistics, and design goals. The mapping between context and AI model parameters is ideally done in a zero-shot fashion via an automatic model selection (AMS) mapping that leverages only contextual information without requiring any current data. This paper introduces a general methodology for the online optimization of AMS mappings. Optimizing an AMS mapping is challenging, as it requires exposure to data collected from many different contexts. Therefore, if carried out online, this initial optimization phase would be extremely time consuming. A possible solution is to leverage a digital twin of the physical system to generate synthetic data from multiple simulated contexts. However, given that the simulator at the digital twin is imperfect, a direct use of simulated data for the optimization of the AMS mapping would yield poor performance when tested in the real system. This paper proposes a novel method for the online optimization of AMS mapping that corrects for the bias of the simulator by means of limited real data collected from the physical system. Experimental results for a graph neural network-based power control app demonstrate the significant advantages of the proposed approach.

new Decentralized Transformers with Centralized Aggregation are Sample-Efficient Multi-Agent World Models

Authors: Yang Zhang, Chenjia Bai, Bin Zhao, Junchi Yan, Xiu Li, Xuelong Li

Abstract: Learning a world model for model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents can significantly improve the sample efficiency by learning policies in imagination. However, building a world model for Multi-Agent RL (MARL) can be particularly challenging due to the scalability issue in a centralized architecture arising from a large number of agents, and also the non-stationarity issue in a decentralized architecture stemming from the inter-dependency among agents. To address both challenges, we propose a novel world model for MARL that learns decentralized local dynamics for scalability, combined with a centralized representation aggregation from all agents. We cast the dynamics learning as an auto-regressive sequence modeling problem over discrete tokens by leveraging the expressive Transformer architecture, in order to model complex local dynamics across different agents and provide accurate and consistent long-term imaginations. As the first pioneering Transformer-based world model for multi-agent systems, we introduce a Perceiver Transformer as an effective solution to enable centralized representation aggregation within this context. Results on Starcraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) show that it outperforms strong model-free approaches and existing model-based methods in both sample efficiency and overall performance.

new The Effect of Similarity Measures on Accurate Stability Estimates for Local Surrogate Models in Text-based Explainable AI

Authors: Christopher Burger, Charles Walter, Thai Le

Abstract: Recent work has investigated the vulnerability of local surrogate methods to adversarial perturbations on a machine learning (ML) model's inputs, where the explanation is manipulated while the meaning and structure of the original input remains similar under the complex model. While weaknesses across many methods have been shown to exist, the reasons behind why still remain little explored. Central to the concept of adversarial attacks on explainable AI (XAI) is the similarity measure used to calculate how one explanation differs from another A poor choice of similarity measure can result in erroneous conclusions on the efficacy of an XAI method. Too sensitive a measure results in exaggerated vulnerability, while too coarse understates its weakness. We investigate a variety of similarity measures designed for text-based ranked lists including Kendall's Tau, Spearman's Footrule and Rank-biased Overlap to determine how substantial changes in the type of measure or threshold of success affect the conclusions generated from common adversarial attack processes. Certain measures are found to be overly sensitive, resulting in erroneous estimates of stability.

new Learning Abstract World Model for Value-preserving Planning with Options

Authors: Rafael Rodriguez-Sanchez, George Konidaris

Abstract: General-purpose agents require fine-grained controls and rich sensory inputs to perform a wide range of tasks. However, this complexity often leads to intractable decision-making. Traditionally, agents are provided with task-specific action and observation spaces to mitigate this challenge, but this reduces autonomy. Instead, agents must be capable of building state-action spaces at the correct abstraction level from their sensorimotor experiences. We leverage the structure of a given set of temporally-extended actions to learn abstract Markov decision processes (MDPs) that operate at a higher level of temporal and state granularity. We characterize state abstractions necessary to ensure that planning with these skills, by simulating trajectories in the abstract MDP, results in policies with bounded value loss in the original MDP. We evaluate our approach in goal-based navigation environments that require continuous abstract states to plan successfully and show that abstract model learning improves the sample efficiency of planning and learning.

new Next Level Message-Passing with Hierarchical Support Graphs

Authors: Carlos Vonessen, Florian Gr\"otschla, Roger Wattenhofer

Abstract: Message-Passing Neural Networks (MPNNs) are extensively employed in graph learning tasks but suffer from limitations such as the restricted scope of information exchange, by being confined to neighboring nodes during each round of message passing. Various strategies have been proposed to address these limitations, including incorporating virtual nodes to facilitate global information exchange. In this study, we introduce the Hierarchical Support Graph (HSG), an extension of the virtual node concept created through recursive coarsening of the original graph. This approach provides a flexible framework for enhancing information flow in graphs, independent of the specific MPNN layers utilized. We present a theoretical analysis of HSGs, investigate their empirical performance, and demonstrate that HSGs can surpass other methods augmented with virtual nodes, achieving state-of-the-art results across multiple datasets.

new Injectivity of ReLU-layers: Perspectives from Frame Theory

Authors: Daniel Haider, Martin Ehler, Peter Balazs

Abstract: Injectivity is the defining property of a mapping that ensures no information is lost and any input can be perfectly reconstructed from its output. By performing hard thresholding, the ReLU function naturally interferes with this property, making the injectivity analysis of ReLU-layers in neural networks a challenging yet intriguing task that has not yet been fully solved. This article establishes a frame theoretic perspective to approach this problem. The main objective is to develop the most general characterization of the injectivity behavior of ReLU-layers in terms of all three involved ingredients: (i) the weights, (ii) the bias, and (iii) the domain where the data is drawn from. Maintaining a focus on practical applications, we limit our attention to bounded domains and present two methods for numerically approximating a maximal bias for given weights and data domains. These methods provide sufficient conditions for the injectivity of a ReLU-layer on those domains and yield a novel practical methodology for studying the information loss in ReLU layers. Finally, we derive explicit reconstruction formulas based on the duality concept from frame theory.

new Fast Tree-Field Integrators: From Low Displacement Rank to Topological Transformers

Authors: Krzysztof Choromanski, Arijit Sehanobish, Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury, Han Lin, Avinava Dubey, Tamas Sarlos, Snigdha Chaturvedi

Abstract: We present a new class of fast polylog-linear algorithms based on the theory of structured matrices (in particular low displacement rank) for integrating tensor fields defined on weighted trees. Several applications of the resulting fast tree-field integrators (FTFIs) are presented, including (a) approximation of graph metrics with tree metrics, (b) graph classification, (c) modeling on meshes, and finally (d) Topological Transformers (TTs) (Choromanski et al., 2022) for images. For Topological Transformers, we propose new relative position encoding (RPE) masking mechanisms with as few as three extra learnable parameters per Transformer layer, leading to 1.0-1.5%+ accuracy gains. Importantly, most of FTFIs are exact methods, thus numerically equivalent to their brute-force counterparts. When applied to graphs with thousands of nodes, those exact algorithms provide 5.7-13x speedups. We also provide an extensive theoretical analysis of our methods.

new Language Alignment via Nash-learning and Adaptive feedback

Authors: Ari Azarafrooz, Farshid Faal

Abstract: Recent research has shown the potential of Nash Learning via Human Feedback for large language model alignment by incorporating the notion of a preference model in a minimax game setup. We take this idea further by casting the alignment as a mirror descent algorithm against the adaptive feedback of an improved opponent, thereby removing the need for learning a preference model or the existence of an annotated dataset altogether. The resulting algorithm, which we refer to as Language Alignment via Nash-learning and Adaptive feedback (LANA), is capable of self-alignment without the need for a human-annotated preference dataset. We support this statement with various experiments and mathematical discussion.

new Statistical Models of Top-$k$ Partial Orders

Authors: Amel Awadelkarim, Johan Ugander

Abstract: In many contexts involving ranked preferences, agents submit partial orders over available alternatives. Statistical models often treat these as marginal in the space of total orders, but this approach overlooks information contained in the list length itself. In this work, we introduce and taxonomize approaches for jointly modeling distributions over top-$k$ partial orders and list lengths $k$, considering two classes of approaches: composite models that view a partial order as a truncation of a total order, and augmented ranking models that model the construction of the list as a sequence of choice decisions, including the decision to stop. For composite models, we consider three dependency structures for joint modeling of order and truncation length. For augmented ranking models, we consider different assumptions on how the stop-token choice is modeled. Using data consisting of partial rankings from San Francisco school choice and San Francisco ranked choice elections, we evaluate how well the models predict observed data and generate realistic synthetic datasets. We find that composite models, explicitly modeling length as a categorical variable, produce synthetic datasets with accurate length distributions, and an augmented model with position-dependent item utilities jointly models length and preferences in the training data best, as measured by negative log loss. Methods from this work have significant implications on the simulation and evaluation of real-world social systems that solicit ranked preferences.

new Learning When the Concept Shifts: Confounding, Invariance, and Dimension Reduction

Authors: Kulunu Dharmakeerthi, YoonHaeng Hur, Tengyuan Liang

Abstract: Practitioners often deploy a learned prediction model in a new environment where the joint distribution of covariate and response has shifted. In observational data, the distribution shift is often driven by unobserved confounding factors lurking in the environment, with the underlying mechanism unknown. Confounding can obfuscate the definition of the best prediction model (concept shift) and shift covariates to domains yet unseen (covariate shift). Therefore, a model maximizing prediction accuracy in the source environment could suffer a significant accuracy drop in the target environment. This motivates us to study the domain adaptation problem with observational data: given labeled covariate and response pairs from a source environment, and unlabeled covariates from a target environment, how can one predict the missing target response reliably? We root the adaptation problem in a linear structural causal model to address endogeneity and unobserved confounding. We study the necessity and benefit of leveraging exogenous, invariant covariate representations to cure concept shifts and improve target prediction. This further motivates a new representation learning method for adaptation that optimizes for a lower-dimensional linear subspace and, subsequently, a prediction model confined to that subspace. The procedure operates on a non-convex objective-that naturally interpolates between predictability and stability/invariance-constrained on the Stiefel manifold. We study the optimization landscape and prove that, when the regularization is sufficient, nearly all local optima align with an invariant linear subspace resilient to both concept and covariate shift. In terms of predictability, we show a model that uses the learned lower-dimensional subspace can incur a nearly ideal gap between target and source risk. Three real-world data sets are investigated to validate our method and theory.

new Credit Attribution and Stable Compression

Authors: Roi Livni, Shay Moran, Kobbi Nissim, Chirag Pabbaraju

Abstract: Credit attribution is crucial across various fields. In academic research, proper citation acknowledges prior work and establishes original contributions. Similarly, in generative models, such as those trained on existing artworks or music, it is important to ensure that any generated content influenced by these works appropriately credits the original creators. We study credit attribution by machine learning algorithms. We propose new definitions--relaxations of Differential Privacy--that weaken the stability guarantees for a designated subset of $k$ datapoints. These $k$ datapoints can be used non-stably with permission from their owners, potentially in exchange for compensation. Meanwhile, the remaining datapoints are guaranteed to have no significant influence on the algorithm's output. Our framework extends well-studied notions of stability, including Differential Privacy ($k = 0$), differentially private learning with public data (where the $k$ public datapoints are fixed in advance), and stable sample compression (where the $k$ datapoints are selected adaptively by the algorithm). We examine the expressive power of these stability notions within the PAC learning framework, provide a comprehensive characterization of learnability for algorithms adhering to these principles, and propose directions and questions for future research.

new Beyond Individual Facts: Investigating Categorical Knowledge Locality of Taxonomy and Meronomy Concepts in GPT Models

Authors: Christopher Burger, Yifan Hu, Thai Le

Abstract: The location of knowledge within Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)-like models has seen extensive recent investigation. However, much of the work is focused towards determining locations of individual facts, with the end goal being the editing of facts that are outdated, erroneous, or otherwise harmful, without the time and expense of retraining the entire model. In this work, we investigate a broader view of knowledge location, that of concepts or clusters of related information, instead of disparate individual facts. To do this, we first curate a novel dataset, called DARC, that includes a total of 34 concepts of ~120K factual statements divided into two types of hierarchical categories, namely taxonomy and meronomy. Next, we utilize existing causal mediation analysis methods developed for determining regions of importance for individual facts and apply them to a series of related categories to provide detailed investigation into whether concepts are associated with distinct regions within these models. We find that related categories exhibit similar areas of importance in contrast to less similar categories. However, fine-grained localization of individual category subsets to specific regions is not apparent.

new Towards Exact Computation of Inductive Bias

Authors: Akhilan Boopathy, William Yue, Jaedong Hwang, Abhiram Iyer, Ila Fiete

Abstract: Much research in machine learning involves finding appropriate inductive biases (e.g. convolutional neural networks, momentum-based optimizers, transformers) to promote generalization on tasks. However, quantification of the amount of inductive bias associated with these architectures and hyperparameters has been limited. We propose a novel method for efficiently computing the inductive bias required for generalization on a task with a fixed training data budget; formally, this corresponds to the amount of information required to specify well-generalizing models within a specific hypothesis space of models. Our approach involves modeling the loss distribution of random hypotheses drawn from a hypothesis space to estimate the required inductive bias for a task relative to these hypotheses. Unlike prior work, our method provides a direct estimate of inductive bias without using bounds and is applicable to diverse hypothesis spaces. Moreover, we derive approximation error bounds for our estimation approach in terms of the number of sampled hypotheses. Consistent with prior results, our empirical results demonstrate that higher dimensional tasks require greater inductive bias. We show that relative to other expressive model classes, neural networks as a model class encode large amounts of inductive bias. Furthermore, our measure quantifies the relative difference in inductive bias between different neural network architectures. Our proposed inductive bias metric provides an information-theoretic interpretation of the benefits of specific model architectures for certain tasks and provides a quantitative guide to developing tasks requiring greater inductive bias, thereby encouraging the development of more powerful inductive biases.

new Fair Clustering: Critique, Caveats, and Future Directions

Authors: John Dickerson, Seyed A. Esmaeili, Jamie Morgenstern, Claire Jie Zhang

Abstract: Clustering is a fundamental problem in machine learning and operations research. Therefore, given the fact that fairness considerations have become of paramount importance in algorithm design, fairness in clustering has received significant attention from the research community. The literature on fair clustering has resulted in a collection of interesting fairness notions and elaborate algorithms. In this paper, we take a critical view of fair clustering, identifying a collection of ignored issues such as the lack of a clear utility characterization and the difficulty in accounting for the downstream effects of a fair clustering algorithm in machine learning settings. In some cases, we demonstrate examples where the application of a fair clustering algorithm can have significant negative impacts on social welfare. We end by identifying a collection of steps that would lead towards more impactful research in fair clustering.

new Privacy Preserving Machine Learning for Electronic Health Records using Federated Learning and Differential Privacy

Authors: Naif A. Ganadily, Han J. Xia

Abstract: An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is an electronic database used by healthcare providers to store patients' medical records which may include diagnoses, treatments, costs, and other personal information. Machine learning (ML) algorithms can be used to extract and analyze patient data to improve patient care. Patient records contain highly sensitive information, such as social security numbers (SSNs) and residential addresses, which introduces a need to apply privacy-preserving techniques for these ML models using federated learning and differential privacy.

new EVCL: Elastic Variational Continual Learning with Weight Consolidation

Authors: Hunar Batra, Ronald Clark

Abstract: Continual learning aims to allow models to learn new tasks without forgetting what has been learned before. This work introduces Elastic Variational Continual Learning with Weight Consolidation (EVCL), a novel hybrid model that integrates the variational posterior approximation mechanism of Variational Continual Learning (VCL) with the regularization-based parameter-protection strategy of Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC). By combining the strengths of both methods, EVCL effectively mitigates catastrophic forgetting and enables better capture of dependencies between model parameters and task-specific data. Evaluated on five discriminative tasks, EVCL consistently outperforms existing baselines in both domain-incremental and task-incremental learning scenarios for deep discriminative models.

new Bounding-Box Inference for Error-Aware Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Erin J. Talvitie, Zilei Shao, Huiying Li, Jinghan Hu, Jacob Boerma, Rory Zhao, Xintong Wang

Abstract: In model-based reinforcement learning, simulated experiences from the learned model are often treated as equivalent to experience from the real environment. However, when the model is inaccurate, it can catastrophically interfere with policy learning. Alternatively, the agent might learn about the model's accuracy and selectively use it only when it can provide reliable predictions. We empirically explore model uncertainty measures for selective planning and show that best results require distribution insensitive inference to estimate the uncertainty over model-based updates. To that end, we propose and evaluate bounding-box inference, which operates on bounding-boxes around sets of possible states and other quantities. We find that bounding-box inference can reliably support effective selective planning.

new TimeAutoDiff: Combining Autoencoder and Diffusion model for time series tabular data synthesizing

Authors: Namjoon Suh, Yuning Yang, Din-Yin Hsieh, Qitong Luan, Shirong Xu, Shixiang Zhu, Guang Cheng

Abstract: In this paper, we leverage the power of latent diffusion models to generate synthetic time series tabular data. Along with the temporal and feature correlations, the heterogeneous nature of the feature in the table has been one of the main obstacles in time series tabular data modeling. We tackle this problem by combining the ideas of the variational auto-encoder (VAE) and the denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM). Our model named as \texttt{TimeAutoDiff} has several key advantages including (1) Generality: the ability to handle the broad spectrum of time series tabular data from single to multi-sequence datasets; (2) Good fidelity and utility guarantees: numerical experiments on six publicly available datasets demonstrating significant improvements over state-of-the-art models in generating time series tabular data, across four metrics measuring fidelity and utility; (3) Fast sampling speed: entire time series data generation as opposed to the sequential data sampling schemes implemented in the existing diffusion-based models, eventually leading to significant improvements in sampling speed, (4) Entity conditional generation: the first implementation of conditional generation of multi-sequence time series tabular data with heterogenous features in the literature, enabling scenario exploration across multiple scientific and engineering domains. Codes are in preparation for release to the public, but available upon request.

new Meta-FL: A Novel Meta-Learning Framework for Optimizing Heterogeneous Model Aggregation in Federated Learning

Authors: Zahir Alsulaimawi

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) enables collaborative model training across diverse entities while safeguarding data privacy. However, FL faces challenges such as data heterogeneity and model diversity. The Meta-Federated Learning (Meta-FL) framework has been introduced to tackle these challenges. Meta-FL employs an optimization-based Meta-Aggregator to navigate the complexities of heterogeneous model updates. The Meta-Aggregator enhances the global model's performance by leveraging meta-features, ensuring a tailored aggregation that accounts for each local model's accuracy. Empirical evaluation across four healthcare-related datasets demonstrates the Meta-FL framework's adaptability, efficiency, scalability, and robustness, outperforming conventional FL approaches. Furthermore, Meta-FL's remarkable efficiency and scalability are evident in its achievement of superior accuracy with fewer communication rounds and its capacity to manage expanding federated networks without compromising performance.

new Pivotal Auto-Encoder via Self-Normalizing ReLU

Authors: Nelson Goldenstein, Jeremias Sulam, Yaniv Romano

Abstract: Sparse auto-encoders are useful for extracting low-dimensional representations from high-dimensional data. However, their performance degrades sharply when the input noise at test time differs from the noise employed during training. This limitation hinders the applicability of auto-encoders in real-world scenarios where the level of noise in the input is unpredictable. In this paper, we formalize single hidden layer sparse auto-encoders as a transform learning problem. Leveraging the transform modeling interpretation, we propose an optimization problem that leads to a predictive model invariant to the noise level at test time. In other words, the same pre-trained model is able to generalize to different noise levels. The proposed optimization algorithm, derived from the square root lasso, is translated into a new, computationally efficient auto-encoding architecture. After proving that our new method is invariant to the noise level, we evaluate our approach by training networks using the proposed architecture for denoising tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate that the trained models yield a significant improvement in stability against varying types of noise compared to commonly used architectures.

new PORT: Preference Optimization on Reasoning Traces

Authors: Salem Lahlou, Abdalgader Abubaker, Hakim Hacid

Abstract: Preference optimization methods have been successfully applied to improve not only the alignment of large language models (LLMs) with human values, but also specific natural language tasks such as summarization and stylistic continuations. This paper proposes using preference optimization methods on Chain-of-Thought steps in order to improve the reasoning performances of language models. While the chosen answers are obtained from datasets that include reasoning traces, we propose two complementary schemes for generating rejected answers: digit corruption, and weak LLM prompting. Our approach leads to increased accuracy on the GSM8K, AQuA-RAT, and ARC benchmarks for Falcon2-11B and Mistral-7B. For example, the approach can lead to up to a relative 8.47% increase in accuracy on the GSM8K benchmark without any extra annotations. This work suggests that spending resources on creating more datasets of reasoning traces would further boost LLM performances on informal reasoning tasks.

new Detecting Abnormal Operations in Concentrated Solar Power Plants from Irregular Sequences of Thermal Images

Authors: Sukanya Patra, Nicolas Sournac, Souhaib Ben Taieb

Abstract: Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants store energy by heating a storage medium with an array of mirrors that focus sunlight onto solar receivers atop a central tower. Operating at high temperatures these receivers face risks such as freezing, deformation, and corrosion, leading to operational failures, downtime, or costly equipment damage. We study the problem of anomaly detection (AD) in sequences of thermal images collected over a year from an operational CSP plant. These images are captured at irregular intervals ranging from one to five minutes throughout the day by infrared cameras mounted on solar receivers. Our goal is to develop a method to extract useful representations from high-dimensional thermal images for AD. It should be able to handle temporal features of the data, which include irregularity, temporal dependency between images and non-stationarity due to a strong daily seasonal pattern. The co-occurrence of low-temperature anomalies that resemble normal images from the start and the end of the operational cycle with high-temperature anomalies poses an additional challenge. We first evaluate state-of-the-art deep image-based AD methods, which have been shown to be effective in deriving meaningful image representations for the detection of anomalies. Then, we introduce a forecasting-based AD method that predicts future thermal images from past sequences and timestamps via a deep sequence model. This method effectively captures specific temporal data features and distinguishes between difficult-to-detect temperature-based anomalies. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared to multiple SOTA baselines across multiple evaluation metrics. We have also successfully deployed our solution on five months of unseen data, providing critical insights for the maintenance of the CSP plant. Our code is available at:


new Diffusion Spectral Representation for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Dmitry Shribak, Chen-Xiao Gao, Yitong Li, Chenjun Xiao, Bo Dai

Abstract: Diffusion-based models have achieved notable empirical successes in reinforcement learning (RL) due to their expressiveness in modeling complex distributions. Despite existing methods being promising, the key challenge of extending existing methods for broader real-world applications lies in the computational cost at inference time, i.e., sampling from a diffusion model is considerably slow as it often requires tens to hundreds of iterations to generate even one sample. To circumvent this issue, we propose to leverage the flexibility of diffusion models for RL from a representation learning perspective. In particular, by exploiting the connection between diffusion model and energy-based model, we develop Diffusion Spectral Representation (Diff-SR), a coherent algorithm framework that enables extracting sufficient representations for value functions in Markov decision processes (MDP) and partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP). We further demonstrate how Diff-SR facilitates efficient policy optimization and practical algorithms while explicitly bypassing the difficulty and inference cost of sampling from the diffusion model. Finally, we provide comprehensive empirical studies to verify the benefits of Diff-SR in delivering robust and advantageous performance across various benchmarks with both fully and partially observable settings.

new Predefined Prototypes for Intra-Class Separation and Disentanglement

Authors: Antonio Almud\'evar, Th\'eo Mariotte, Alfonso Ortega, Marie Tahon, Luis Vicente, Antonio Miguel, Eduardo Lleida

Abstract: Prototypical Learning is based on the idea that there is a point (which we call prototype) around which the embeddings of a class are clustered. It has shown promising results in scenarios with little labeled data or to design explainable models. Typically, prototypes are either defined as the average of the embeddings of a class or are designed to be trainable. In this work, we propose to predefine prototypes following human-specified criteria, which simplify the training pipeline and brings different advantages. Specifically, in this work we explore two of these advantages: increasing the inter-class separability of embeddings and disentangling embeddings with respect to different variance factors, which can translate into the possibility of having explainable predictions. Finally, we propose different experiments that help to understand our proposal and demonstrate empirically the mentioned advantages.

new An All-MLP Sequence Modeling Architecture That Excels at Copying

Authors: Chenwei Cui, Zehao Yan, Gedeon Muhawenayo, Hannah Kerner

Abstract: Recent work demonstrated Transformers' ability to efficiently copy strings of exponential sizes, distinguishing them from other architectures. We present the Causal Relation Network (CausalRN), an all-MLP sequence modeling architecture that can match Transformers on the copying task. Extending Relation Networks (RNs), we implemented key innovations to support autoregressive sequence modeling while maintaining computational feasibility. We discovered that exponentially-activated RNs are reducible to linear time complexity, and pre-activation normalization induces an infinitely growing memory pool, similar to a KV cache. In ablation study, we found both exponential activation and pre-activation normalization are indispensable for Transformer-level copying. Our findings provide new insights into what actually constitutes strong in-context retrieval.

new Accelerating Matrix Diagonalization through Decision Transformers with Epsilon-Greedy Optimization

Authors: Kshitij Bhatta, Geigh Zollicoffer, Manish Bhattarai, Phil Romero, Christian F. A. Negre, Anders M. N. Niklasson, Adetokunbo Adedoyin

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel framework for matrix diagonalization, recasting it as a sequential decision-making problem and applying the power of Decision Transformers (DTs). Our approach determines optimal pivot selection during diagonalization with the Jacobi algorithm, leading to significant speedups compared to the traditional max-element Jacobi method. To bolster robustness, we integrate an epsilon-greedy strategy, enabling success in scenarios where deterministic approaches fail. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of DTs in complex computational tasks and highlights the potential of reimagining mathematical operations through a machine learning lens. Furthermore, we establish the generalizability of our method by using transfer learning to diagonalize matrices of smaller sizes than those trained.

new Semi-Variance Reduction for Fair Federated Learning

Authors: Saber Malekmohammadi

Abstract: Ensuring fairness in a Federated Learning (FL) system, i.e., a satisfactory performance for all of the participating diverse clients, is an important and challenging problem. There are multiple fair FL algorithms in the literature, which have been relatively successful in providing fairness. However, these algorithms mostly emphasize on the loss functions of worst-off clients to improve their performance, which often results in the suppression of well-performing ones. As a consequence, they usually sacrifice the system's overall average performance for achieving fairness. Motivated by this and inspired by two well-known risk modeling methods in Finance, Mean-Variance and Mean-Semi-Variance, we propose and study two new fair FL algorithms, Variance Reduction (VRed) and Semi-Variance Reduction (SemiVRed). VRed encourages equality between clients' loss functions by penalizing their variance. In contrast, SemiVRed penalizes the discrepancy of only the worst-off clients' loss functions from the average loss. Through extensive experiments on multiple vision and language datasets, we show that, SemiVRed achieves SoTA performance in scenarios with heterogeneous data distributions and improves both fairness and system overall average performance.

new Hardware-Aware Neural Dropout Search for Reliable Uncertainty Prediction on FPGA

Authors: Zehuan Zhang, Hongxiang Fan, Hao Mark Chen, Lukasz Dudziak, Wayne Luk

Abstract: The increasing deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) for critical decision-making amplifies the necessity for trustworthy AI, where uncertainty estimation plays a pivotal role in ensuring trustworthiness. Dropout-based Bayesian Neural Networks (BayesNNs) are prominent in this field, offering reliable uncertainty estimates. Despite their effectiveness, existing dropout-based BayesNNs typically employ a uniform dropout design across different layers, leading to suboptimal performance. Moreover, as diverse applications require tailored dropout strategies for optimal performance, manually optimizing dropout configurations for various applications is both error-prone and labor-intensive. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a novel neural dropout search framework that automatically optimizes both the dropout-based BayesNNs and their hardware implementations on FPGA. We leverage one-shot supernet training with an evolutionary algorithm for efficient dropout optimization. A layer-wise dropout search space is introduced to enable the automatic design of dropout-based BayesNNs with heterogeneous dropout configurations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed framework can effectively find design configurations on the Pareto frontier. Compared to manually-designed dropout-based BayesNNs on GPU, our search approach produces FPGA designs that can achieve up to 33X higher energy efficiency. Compared to state-of-the-art FPGA designs of BayesNN, the solutions from our approach can achieve higher algorithmic performance and energy efficiency.

new Towards unlocking the mystery of adversarial fragility of neural networks

Authors: Jingchao Gao, Raghu Mudumbai, Xiaodong Wu, Jirong Yi, Catherine Xu, Hui Xie, Weiyu Xu

Abstract: In this paper, we study the adversarial robustness of deep neural networks for classification tasks. We look at the smallest magnitude of possible additive perturbations that can change the output of a classification algorithm. We provide a matrix-theoretic explanation of the adversarial fragility of deep neural network for classification. In particular, our theoretical results show that neural network's adversarial robustness can degrade as the input dimension $d$ increases. Analytically we show that neural networks' adversarial robustness can be only $1/\sqrt{d}$ of the best possible adversarial robustness. Our matrix-theoretic explanation is consistent with an earlier information-theoretic feature-compression-based explanation for the adversarial fragility of neural networks.

new Zero-Inflated Tweedie Boosted Trees with CatBoost for Insurance Loss Analytics

Authors: Banghee So, Emiliano A. Valdez

Abstract: In this paper, we explore advanced modifications to the Tweedie regression model in order to address its limitations in modeling aggregate claims for various types of insurance such as automobile, health, and liability. Traditional Tweedie models, while effective in capturing the probability and magnitude of claims, usually fall short in accurately representing the large incidence of zero claims. Our recommended approach involves a refined modeling of the zero-claim process, together with the integration of boosting methods in order to help leverage an iterative process to enhance predictive accuracy. Despite the inherent slowdown in learning algorithms due to this iteration, several efficient implementation techniques that also help precise tuning of parameter like XGBoost, LightGBM, and CatBoost have emerged. Nonetheless, we chose to utilize CatBoost, a efficient boosting approach that effectively handles categorical and other special types of data. The core contribution of our paper is the assembly of separate modeling for zero claims and the application of tree-based boosting ensemble methods within a CatBoost framework, assuming that the inflated probability of zero is a function of the mean parameter. The efficacy of our enhanced Tweedie model is demonstrated through the application of an insurance telematics dataset, which presents the additional complexity of compositional feature variables. Our modeling results reveal a marked improvement in model performance, showcasing its potential to deliver more accurate predictions suitable for insurance claim analytics.

new Provable Statistical Rates for Consistency Diffusion Models

Authors: Zehao Dou, Minshuo Chen, Mengdi Wang, Zhuoran Yang

Abstract: Diffusion models have revolutionized various application domains, including computer vision and audio generation. Despite the state-of-the-art performance, diffusion models are known for their slow sample generation due to the extensive number of steps involved. In response, consistency models have been developed to merge multiple steps in the sampling process, thereby significantly boosting the speed of sample generation without compromising quality. This paper contributes towards the first statistical theory for consistency models, formulating their training as a distribution discrepancy minimization problem. Our analysis yields statistical estimation rates based on the Wasserstein distance for consistency models, matching those of vanilla diffusion models. Additionally, our results encompass the training of consistency models through both distillation and isolation methods, demystifying their underlying advantage.

new Learning Run-time Safety Monitors for Machine Learning Components

Authors: Ozan Vardal, Richard Hawkins, Colin Paterson, Chiara Picardi, Daniel Omeiza, Lars Kunze, Ibrahim Habli

Abstract: For machine learning components used as part of autonomous systems (AS) in carrying out critical tasks it is crucial that assurance of the models can be maintained in the face of post-deployment changes (such as changes in the operating environment of the system). A critical part of this is to be able to monitor when the performance of the model at runtime (as a result of changes) poses a safety risk to the system. This is a particularly difficult challenge when ground truth is unavailable at runtime. In this paper we introduce a process for creating safety monitors for ML components through the use of degraded datasets and machine learning. The safety monitor that is created is deployed to the AS in parallel to the ML component to provide a prediction of the safety risk associated with the model output. We demonstrate the viability of our approach through some initial experiments using publicly available speed sign datasets.

new F-FOMAML: GNN-Enhanced Meta-Learning for Peak Period Demand Forecasting with Proxy Data

Authors: Zexing Xu, Linjun Zhang, Sitan Yang, Rasoul Etesami, Hanghang Tong, Huan Zhang, Jiawei Han

Abstract: Demand prediction is a crucial task for e-commerce and physical retail businesses, especially during high-stake sales events. However, the limited availability of historical data from these peak periods poses a significant challenge for traditional forecasting methods. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that leverages strategically chosen proxy data reflective of potential sales patterns from similar entities during non-peak periods, enriched by features learned from a graph neural networks (GNNs)-based forecasting model, to predict demand during peak events. We formulate the demand prediction as a meta-learning problem and develop the Feature-based First-Order Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (F-FOMAML) algorithm that leverages proxy data from non-peak periods and GNN-generated relational metadata to learn feature-specific layer parameters, thereby adapting to demand forecasts for peak events. Theoretically, we show that by considering domain similarities through task-specific metadata, our model achieves improved generalization, where the excess risk decreases as the number of training tasks increases. Empirical evaluations on large-scale industrial datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach. Compared to existing state-of-the-art models, our method demonstrates a notable improvement in demand prediction accuracy, reducing the Mean Absolute Error by 26.24% on an internal vending machine dataset and by 1.04% on the publicly accessible dataset.

new Gradual Divergence for Seamless Adaptation: A Novel Domain Incremental Learning Method

Authors: Kishaan Jeeveswaran, Elahe Arani, Bahram Zonooz

Abstract: Domain incremental learning (DIL) poses a significant challenge in real-world scenarios, as models need to be sequentially trained on diverse domains over time, all the while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Mitigating representation drift, which refers to the phenomenon of learned representations undergoing changes as the model adapts to new tasks, can help alleviate catastrophic forgetting. In this study, we propose a novel DIL method named DARE, featuring a three-stage training process: Divergence, Adaptation, and REfinement. This process gradually adapts the representations associated with new tasks into the feature space spanned by samples from previous tasks, simultaneously integrating task-specific decision boundaries. Additionally, we introduce a novel strategy for buffer sampling and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, combined with this sampling strategy, in reducing representation drift within the feature encoder. This contribution effectively alleviates catastrophic forgetting across multiple DIL benchmarks. Furthermore, our approach prevents sudden representation drift at task boundaries, resulting in a well-calibrated DIL model that maintains the performance on previous tasks.

new Jacobian Descent for Multi-Objective Optimization

Authors: Pierre Quinton, Val\'erian Rey

Abstract: Many optimization problems are inherently multi-objective. To address them, we formalize Jacobian descent (JD), a direct generalization of gradient descent for vector-valued functions. Each step of this algorithm relies on a Jacobian matrix consisting of one gradient per objective. The aggregator, responsible for reducing this matrix into an update vector, characterizes JD. While the multi-task learning literature already contains a variety of aggregators, they often lack some natural properties. In particular, the update should not conflict with any objective and should scale proportionally to the norm of each gradient. We propose a new aggregator specifically designed to satisfy this. Emphasizing conflict between objectives, we then highlight direct applications for our methods. Most notably, we introduce instance-wise risk minimization (IWRM), a learning paradigm in which the loss of each training example is considered a separate objective. On simple image classification tasks, IWRM exhibits promising results compared to the direct minimization of the average loss. The performance of our aggregator in those experiments also corroborates our theoretical findings. Lastly, as speed is the main limitation of JD, we provide a path towards a more efficient implementation.

new Position: Benchmarking is Limited in Reinforcement Learning Research

Authors: Scott M. Jordan, Adam White, Bruno Castro da Silva, Martha White, Philip S. Thomas

Abstract: Novel reinforcement learning algorithms, or improvements on existing ones, are commonly justified by evaluating their performance on benchmark environments and are compared to an ever-changing set of standard algorithms. However, despite numerous calls for improvements, experimental practices continue to produce misleading or unsupported claims. One reason for the ongoing substandard practices is that conducting rigorous benchmarking experiments requires substantial computational time. This work investigates the sources of increased computation costs in rigorous experiment designs. We show that conducting rigorous performance benchmarks will likely have computational costs that are often prohibitive. As a result, we argue for using an additional experimentation paradigm to overcome the limitations of benchmarking.

new An Optimal Tightness Bound for the Simulation Lemma

Authors: Sam Lobel, Ronald Parr

Abstract: We present a bound for value-prediction error with respect to model misspecification that is tight, including constant factors. This is a direct improvement of the "simulation lemma," a foundational result in reinforcement learning. We demonstrate that existing bounds are quite loose, becoming vacuous for large discount factors, due to the suboptimal treatment of compounding probability errors. By carefully considering this quantity on its own, instead of as a subcomponent of value error, we derive a bound that is sub-linear with respect to transition function misspecification. We then demonstrate broader applicability of this technique, improving a similar bound in the related subfield of hierarchical abstraction.

new Graph-Augmented LLMs for Personalized Health Insights: A Case Study in Sleep Analysis

Authors: Ajan Subramanian, Zhongqi Yang, Iman Azimi, Amir M. Rahmani

Abstract: Health monitoring systems have revolutionized modern healthcare by enabling the continuous capture of physiological and behavioral data, essential for preventive measures and early health intervention. While integrating this data with Large Language Models (LLMs) has shown promise in delivering interactive health advice, traditional methods like Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and fine-tuning often fail to fully utilize the complex, multi-dimensional, and temporally relevant data from wearable devices. These conventional approaches typically provide limited actionable and personalized health insights due to their inadequate capacity to dynamically integrate and interpret diverse health data streams. In response, this paper introduces a graph-augmented LLM framework designed to significantly enhance the personalization and clarity of health insights. Utilizing a hierarchical graph structure, the framework captures inter and intra-patient relationships, enriching LLM prompts with dynamic feature importance scores derived from a Random Forest Model. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated through a sleep analysis case study involving 20 college students during the COVID-19 lockdown, highlighting the potential of our model to generate actionable and personalized health insights efficiently. We leverage another LLM to evaluate the insights for relevance, comprehensiveness, actionability, and personalization, addressing the critical need for models that process and interpret complex health data effectively. Our findings show that augmenting prompts with our framework yields significant improvements in all 4 criteria. Through our framework, we can elicit well-crafted, more thoughtful responses tailored to a specific patient.

new Confidence Regulation Neurons in Language Models

Authors: Alessandro Stolfo, Ben Wu, Wes Gurnee, Yonatan Belinkov, Xingyi Song, Mrinmaya Sachan, Neel Nanda

Abstract: Despite their widespread use, the mechanisms by which large language models (LLMs) represent and regulate uncertainty in next-token predictions remain largely unexplored. This study investigates two critical components believed to influence this uncertainty: the recently discovered entropy neurons and a new set of components that we term token frequency neurons. Entropy neurons are characterized by an unusually high weight norm and influence the final layer normalization (LayerNorm) scale to effectively scale down the logits. Our work shows that entropy neurons operate by writing onto an unembedding null space, allowing them to impact the residual stream norm with minimal direct effect on the logits themselves. We observe the presence of entropy neurons across a range of models, up to 7 billion parameters. On the other hand, token frequency neurons, which we discover and describe here for the first time, boost or suppress each token's logit proportionally to its log frequency, thereby shifting the output distribution towards or away from the unigram distribution. Finally, we present a detailed case study where entropy neurons actively manage confidence in the setting of induction, i.e. detecting and continuing repeated subsequences.

new Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation

Authors: Junkai Zhang, Weitong Zhang, Dongruo Zhou, Quanquan Gu

Abstract: Mastering multiple tasks through exploration and learning in an environment poses a significant challenge in reinforcement learning (RL). Unsupervised RL has been introduced to address this challenge by training policies with intrinsic rewards rather than extrinsic rewards. However, current intrinsic reward designs and unsupervised RL algorithms often overlook the heterogeneous nature of collected samples, thereby diminishing their sample efficiency. To overcome this limitation, in this paper, we propose a reward-free RL algorithm called \alg. The key idea behind our algorithm is an uncertainty-aware intrinsic reward for exploring the environment and an uncertainty-weighted learning process to handle heterogeneous uncertainty in different samples. Theoretically, we show that in order to find an $\epsilon$-optimal policy, GFA-RFE needs to collect $\tilde{O} (H^2 \log N_{\mathcal F} (\epsilon) \mathrm{dim} (\mathcal F) / \epsilon^2 )$ number of episodes, where $\mathcal F$ is the value function class with covering number $N_{\mathcal F} (\epsilon)$ and generalized eluder dimension $\mathrm{dim} (\mathcal F)$. Such a result outperforms all existing reward-free RL algorithms. We further implement and evaluate GFA-RFE across various domains and tasks in the DeepMind Control Suite. Experiment results show that GFA-RFE outperforms or is comparable to the performance of state-of-the-art unsupervised RL algorithms.

new Towards Scalable Exact Machine Unlearning Using Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning

Authors: Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury, Krzysztof Choromanski, Arijit Sehanobish, Avinava Dubey, Snigdha Chaturvedi

Abstract: Machine unlearning is the process of efficiently removing the influence of a training data instance from a trained machine learning model without retraining it from scratch. A popular subclass of unlearning approaches is exact machine unlearning, which focuses on techniques that explicitly guarantee the removal of the influence of a data instance from a model. Exact unlearning approaches use a machine learning model in which individual components are trained on disjoint subsets of the data. During deletion, exact unlearning approaches only retrain the affected components rather than the entire model. While existing approaches reduce retraining costs, it can still be expensive for an organization to retrain a model component as it requires halting a system in production, which leads to service failure and adversely impacts customers. To address these challenges, we introduce an exact unlearning framework -- Sequence-aware Sharded Sliced Training (S3T), designed to enhance the deletion capabilities of an exact unlearning system while minimizing the impact on model's performance. At the core of S3T, we utilize a lightweight parameter-efficient fine-tuning approach that enables parameter isolation by sequentially training layers with disjoint data slices. This enables efficient unlearning by simply deactivating the layers affected by data deletion. Furthermore, to reduce the retraining cost and improve model performance, we train the model on multiple data sequences, which allows S3T to handle an increased number of deletion requests. Both theoretically and empirically, we demonstrate that S3T attains superior deletion capabilities and enhanced performance compared to baselines across a wide range of settings.

new Reducing Fine-Tuning Memory Overhead by Approximate and Memory-Sharing Backpropagation

Authors: Yuchen Yang, Yingdong Shi, Cheems Wang, Xiantong Zhen, Yuxuan Shi, Jun Xu

Abstract: Fine-tuning pretrained large models to downstream tasks is an important problem, which however suffers from huge memory overhead due to large-scale parameters. This work strives to reduce memory overhead in fine-tuning from perspectives of activation function and layer normalization. To this end, we propose the Approximate Backpropagation (Approx-BP) theory, which provides the theoretical feasibility of decoupling the forward and backward passes. We apply our Approx-BP theory to backpropagation training and derive memory-efficient alternatives of GELU and SiLU activation functions, which use derivative functions of ReLUs in the backward pass while keeping their forward pass unchanged. In addition, we introduce a Memory-Sharing Backpropagation strategy, which enables the activation memory to be shared by two adjacent layers, thereby removing activation memory usage redundancy. Our method neither induces extra computation nor reduces training efficiency. We conduct extensive experiments with pretrained vision and language models, and the results demonstrate that our proposal can reduce up to $\sim$$30\%$ of the peak memory usage. Our code is released at


new Relaxing Continuous Constraints of Equivariant Graph Neural Networks for Physical Dynamics Learning

Authors: Zinan Zheng, Yang Liu, Jia Li, Jianhua Yao, Yu Rong

Abstract: Incorporating Euclidean symmetries (e.g. rotation equivariance) as inductive biases into graph neural networks has improved their generalization ability and data efficiency in unbounded physical dynamics modeling. However, in various scientific and engineering applications, the symmetries of dynamics are frequently discrete due to the boundary conditions. Thus, existing GNNs either overlook necessary symmetry, resulting in suboptimal representation ability, or impose excessive equivariance, which fails to generalize to unobserved symmetric dynamics. In this work, we propose a general Discrete Equivariant Graph Neural Network (DEGNN) that guarantees equivariance to a given discrete point group. Specifically, we show that such discrete equivariant message passing could be constructed by transforming geometric features into permutation-invariant embeddings. Through relaxing continuous equivariant constraints, DEGNN can employ more geometric feature combinations to approximate unobserved physical object interaction functions. Two implementation approaches of DEGNN are proposed based on ranking or pooling permutation-invariant functions. We apply DEGNN to various physical dynamics, ranging from particle, molecular, crowd to vehicle dynamics. In twenty scenarios, DEGNN significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches. Moreover, we show that DEGNN is data efficient, learning with less data, and can generalize across scenarios such as unobserved orientation.

new Landscaping Linear Mode Connectivity

Authors: Sidak Pal Singh, Linara Adilova, Michael Kamp, Asja Fischer, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Thomas Hofmann

Abstract: The presence of linear paths in parameter space between two different network solutions in certain cases, i.e., linear mode connectivity (LMC), has garnered interest from both theoretical and practical fronts. There has been significant research that either practically designs algorithms catered for connecting networks by adjusting for the permutation symmetries as well as some others that more theoretically construct paths through which networks can be connected. Yet, the core reasons for the occurrence of LMC, when in fact it does occur, in the highly non-convex loss landscapes of neural networks are far from clear. In this work, we take a step towards understanding it by providing a model of how the loss landscape needs to behave topographically for LMC (or the lack thereof) to manifest. Concretely, we present a `mountainside and ridge' perspective that helps to neatly tie together different geometric features that can be spotted in the loss landscape along the training runs. We also complement this perspective by providing a theoretical analysis of the barrier height, for which we provide empirical support, and which additionally extends as a faithful predictor of layer-wise LMC. We close with a toy example that provides further intuition on how barriers arise in the first place, all in all, showcasing the larger aim of the work -- to provide a working model of the landscape and its topography for the occurrence of LMC.

new Anomaly Detection of Tabular Data Using LLMs

Authors: Aodong Li, Yunhan Zhao, Chen Qiu, Marius Kloft, Padhraic Smyth, Maja Rudolph, Stephan Mandt

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown their potential in long-context understanding and mathematical reasoning. In this paper, we study the problem of using LLMs to detect tabular anomalies and show that pre-trained LLMs are zero-shot batch-level anomaly detectors. That is, without extra distribution-specific model fitting, they can discover hidden outliers in a batch of data, demonstrating their ability to identify low-density data regions. For LLMs that are not well aligned with anomaly detection and frequently output factual errors, we apply simple yet effective data-generating processes to simulate synthetic batch-level anomaly detection datasets and propose an end-to-end fine-tuning strategy to bring out the potential of LLMs in detecting real anomalies. Experiments on a large anomaly detection benchmark (ODDS) showcase i) GPT-4 has on-par performance with the state-of-the-art transductive learning-based anomaly detection methods and ii) the efficacy of our synthetic dataset and fine-tuning strategy in aligning LLMs to this task.

new Multimodal Graph Benchmark

Authors: Jing Zhu, Yuhang Zhou, Shengyi Qian, Zhongmou He, Tong Zhao, Neil Shah, Danai Koutra

Abstract: Associating unstructured data with structured information is crucial for real-world tasks that require relevance search. However, existing graph learning benchmarks often overlook the rich semantic information associate with each node. To bridge such gap, we introduce the Multimodal Graph Benchmark (MM-GRAPH), the first comprehensive multi-modal graph benchmark that incorporates both textual and visual information. MM-GRAPH surpasses previous efforts, which have primarily focused on text-attributed graphs with various connectivity patterns. MM-GRAPH consists of five graph learning datasets of various scales that are appropriate for different learning tasks. Their multimodal node features, enabling a more comprehensive evaluation of graph learning algorithms in real-world scenarios. To facilitate research on multimodal graph learning, we further provide an extensive study on the performance of various graph neural networks in the presence of features from various modalities. MM-GRAPH aims to foster research on multimodal graph learning and drive the development of more advanced and robust graph learning algorithms. By providing a diverse set of datasets and benchmarks, MM-GRAPH enables researchers to evaluate and compare their models in realistic settings, ultimately leading to improved performance on real-world applications that rely on multimodal graph data.

new AnnotatedTables: A Large Tabular Dataset with Language Model Annotations

Authors: Yaojie Hu, Ilias Fountalis, Jin Tian, Nikolaos Vasiloglou

Abstract: Tabular data is ubiquitous in real-world applications and abundant on the web, yet its annotation has traditionally required human labor, posing a significant scalability bottleneck for tabular machine learning. Our methodology can successfully annotate a large amount of tabular data and can be flexibly steered to generate various types of annotations based on specific research objectives, as we demonstrate with SQL annotation and input-target column annotation as examples. As a result, we release AnnotatedTables, a collection of 32,119 databases with LLM-generated annotations. The dataset includes 405,616 valid SQL programs, making it the largest SQL dataset with associated tabular data that supports query execution. To further demonstrate the value of our methodology and dataset, we perform two follow-up research studies. 1) We investigate whether LLMs can translate SQL programs to Rel programs, a database language previously unknown to LLMs, while obtaining the same execution results. Using our Incremental Prompt Engineering methods based on execution feedback, we show that LLMs can produce adequate translations with few-shot learning. 2) We evaluate the performance of TabPFN, a recent neural tabular classifier trained on Bayesian priors, on 2,720 tables with input-target columns identified and annotated by LLMs. On average, TabPFN performs on par with the baseline AutoML method, though the relative performance can vary significantly from one data table to another, making both models viable for practical applications depending on the situation. Our findings underscore the potential of LLMs in automating the annotation of large volumes of diverse tabular data.

new METRIK: Measurement-Efficient Randomized Controlled Trials using Transformers with Input Masking

Authors: Sayeri Lala (Princeton University, Princeton, USA), Niraj K. Jha (Princeton University, Princeton, USA)

Abstract: Clinical randomized controlled trials (RCTs) collect hundreds of measurements spanning various metric types (e.g., laboratory tests, cognitive/motor assessments, etc.) across 100s-1000s of subjects to evaluate the effect of a treatment, but do so at the cost of significant trial expense. To reduce the number of measurements, trial protocols can be revised to remove metrics extraneous to the study's objective, but doing so requires additional human labor and limits the set of hypotheses that can be studied with the collected data. In contrast, a planned missing design (PMD) can reduce the amount of data collected without removing any metric by imputing the unsampled data. Standard PMDs randomly sample data to leverage statistical properties of imputation algorithms, but are ad hoc, hence suboptimal. Methods that learn PMDs produce more sample-efficient PMDs, but are not suitable for RCTs because they require ample prior data (150+ subjects) to model the data distribution. Therefore, we introduce a framework called Measurement EfficienT Randomized Controlled Trials using Transformers with Input MasKing (METRIK), which, for the first time, calculates a PMD specific to the RCT from a modest amount of prior data (e.g., 60 subjects). Specifically, METRIK models the PMD as a learnable input masking layer that is optimized with a state-of-the-art imputer based on the Transformer architecture. METRIK implements a novel sampling and selection algorithm to generate a PMD that satisfies the trial designer's objective, i.e., whether to maximize sampling efficiency or imputation performance for a given sampling budget. Evaluated across five real-world clinical RCT datasets, METRIK increases the sampling efficiency of and imputation performance under the generated PMD by leveraging correlations over time and across metrics, thereby removing the need to manually remove metrics from the RCT.

new Compact Model Parameter Extraction via Derivative-Free Optimization

Authors: Rafael Perez Martinez, Masaya Iwamoto, Kelly Woo, Zhengliang Bian, Roberto Tinti, Stephen Boyd, Srabanti Chowdhury

Abstract: In this paper, we address the problem of compact model parameter extraction to simultaneously extract tens of parameters via derivative-free optimization. Traditionally, parameter extraction is performed manually by dividing the complete set of parameters into smaller subsets, each targeting different operational regions of the device, a process that can take several days or even weeks. Our approach streamlines this process by employing derivative-free optimization to identify a good parameter set that best fits the compact model without performing an exhaustive number of simulations. We further enhance the optimization process to address critical issues in device modeling by carefully choosing a loss function that evaluates model performance consistently across varying magnitudes by focusing on relative errors (as opposed to absolute errors), prioritizing accuracy in key operational regions of the device above a certain threshold, and reducing sensitivity to outliers. Furthermore, we utilize the concept of train-test split to assess the model fit and avoid overfitting. This is done by fitting 80% of the data and testing the model efficacy with the remaining 20%. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology by successfully modeling two semiconductor devices: a diamond Schottky diode and a GaN-on-SiC HEMT, with the latter involving the ASM-HEMT DC model, which requires simultaneously extracting 35 model parameters to fit the model to the measured data. These examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and showcase the practical benefits of derivative-free optimization in device modeling.

new Towards Lightweight Graph Neural Network Search with Curriculum Graph Sparsification

Authors: Beini Xie, Heng Chang, Ziwei Zhang, Zeyang Zhang, Simin Wu, Xin Wang, Yuan Meng, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: Graph Neural Architecture Search (GNAS) has achieved superior performance on various graph-structured tasks. However, existing GNAS studies overlook the applications of GNAS in resource-constraint scenarios. This paper proposes to design a joint graph data and architecture mechanism, which identifies important sub-architectures via the valuable graph data. To search for optimal lightweight Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), we propose a Lightweight Graph Neural Architecture Search with Graph SparsIfication and Network Pruning (GASSIP) method. In particular, GASSIP comprises an operation-pruned architecture search module to enable efficient lightweight GNN search. Meanwhile, we design a novel curriculum graph data sparsification module with an architecture-aware edge-removing difficulty measurement to help select optimal sub-architectures. With the aid of two differentiable masks, we iteratively optimize these two modules to efficiently search for the optimal lightweight architecture. Extensive experiments on five benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of GASSIP. Particularly, our method achieves on-par or even higher node classification performance with half or fewer model parameters of searched GNNs and a sparser graph.

new Fault Detection for agents on power grid topology optimization: A Comprehensive analysis

Authors: Malte Lehna, Mohamed Hassouna, Dmitry Degtyar, Sven Tomforde, Christoph Scholz

Abstract: The topology optimization of transmission networks using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has increasingly come into focus. Various researchers have proposed different DRL agents, which are often benchmarked on the Grid2Op environment from the Learning to Run a Power Network (L2RPN) challenges. The environments have many advantages with their realistic chronics and underlying power flow backends. However, the interpretation of agent survival or failure is not always clear, as there are a variety of potential causes. In this work, we focus on the failures of the power grid to identify patterns and detect them a priori. We collect the failed chronics of three different agents on the WCCI 2022 L2RPN environment, totaling about 40k data points. By clustering, we are able to detect five distinct clusters, identifying different failure types. Further, we propose a multi-class prediction approach to detect failures beforehand and evaluate five different models. Here, the Light Gradient-Boosting Machine (LightGBM) shows the best performance, with an accuracy of 86%. It also correctly identifies in 91% of the time failure and survival observations. Finally, we provide a detailed feature importance analysis that identifies critical features and regions in the grid.

new Theory on Mixture-of-Experts in Continual Learning

Authors: Hongbo Li, Sen Lin, Lingjie Duan, Yingbin Liang, Ness B. Shroff

Abstract: Continual learning (CL) has garnered significant attention because of its ability to adapt to new tasks that arrive over time. Catastrophic forgetting (of old tasks) has been identified as a major issue in CL, as the model adapts to new tasks. The Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) model has recently been shown to effectively mitigate catastrophic forgetting in CL, by employing a gating network to sparsify and distribute diverse tasks among multiple experts. However, there is a lack of theoretical analysis of MoE and its impact on the learning performance in CL. This paper provides the first theoretical results to characterize the impact of MoE in CL via the lens of overparameterized linear regression tasks. We establish the benefit of MoE over a single expert by proving that the MoE model can diversify its experts to specialize in different tasks, while its router learns to select the right expert for each task and balance the loads across all experts. Our study further suggests an intriguing fact that the MoE in CL needs to terminate the update of the gating network after sufficient training rounds to attain system convergence, which is not needed in the existing MoE studies that do not consider the continual task arrival. Furthermore, we provide explicit expressions for the expected forgetting and overall generalization error to characterize the benefit of MoE in the learning performance in CL. Interestingly, adding more experts requires additional rounds before convergence, which may not enhance the learning performance. Finally, we conduct experiments on both synthetic and real datasets to extend these insights from linear models to deep neural networks (DNNs), which also shed light on the practical algorithm design for MoE in CL.

new Automated Privacy-Preserving Techniques via Meta-Learning

Authors: T\^ania Carvalho, Nuno Moniz, Lu\'is Antunes

Abstract: Sharing private data for learning tasks is pivotal for transparent and secure machine learning applications. Many privacy-preserving techniques have been proposed for this task aiming to transform the data while ensuring the privacy of individuals. Some of these techniques have been incorporated into tools, whereas others are accessed through various online platforms. However, such tools require manual configuration, which can be complex and time-consuming. Moreover, they require substantial expertise, potentially restricting their use to those with advanced technical knowledge. In this paper, we propose AUTOPRIV, the first automated privacy-preservation method, that eliminates the need for any manual configuration. AUTOPRIV employs meta-learning to automate the de-identification process, facilitating the secure release of data for machine learning tasks. The main goal is to anticipate the predictive performance and privacy risk of a large set of privacy configurations. We provide a ranked list of the most promising solutions, which are likely to achieve an optimal approximation within a new domain. AUTOPRIV is highly effective as it reduces computational complexity and energy consumption considerably.

new The Hidden Pitfalls of the Cosine Similarity Loss

Authors: Andrew Draganov, Sharvaree Vadgama, Erik J. Bekkers

Abstract: We show that the gradient of the cosine similarity between two points goes to zero in two under-explored settings: (1) if a point has large magnitude or (2) if the points are on opposite ends of the latent space. Counterintuitively, we prove that optimizing the cosine similarity between points forces them to grow in magnitude. Thus, (1) is unavoidable in practice. We then observe that these derivations are extremely general -- they hold across deep learning architectures and for many of the standard self-supervised learning (SSL) loss functions. This leads us to propose cut-initialization: a simple change to network initialization that helps all studied SSL methods converge faster.

new Improving Quaternion Neural Networks with Quaternionic Activation Functions

Authors: Johannes P\"oppelbaum, Andreas Schwung

Abstract: In this paper, we propose novel quaternion activation functions where we modify either the quaternion magnitude or the phase, as an alternative to the commonly used split activation functions. We define criteria that are relevant for quaternion activation functions, and subsequently we propose our novel activation functions based on this analysis. Instead of applying a known activation function like the ReLU or Tanh on the quaternion elements separately, these activation functions consider the quaternion properties and respect the quaternion space $\mathbb{H}$. In particular, all quaternion components are utilized to calculate all output components, carrying out the benefit of the Hamilton product in e.g. the quaternion convolution to the activation functions. The proposed activation functions can be incorporated in arbitrary quaternion valued neural networks trained with gradient descent techniques. We further discuss the derivatives of the proposed activation functions where we observe beneficial properties for the activation functions affecting the phase. Specifically, they prove to be sensitive on basically the whole input range, thus improved gradient flow can be expected. We provide an elaborate experimental evaluation of our proposed quaternion activation functions including comparison with the split ReLU and split Tanh on two image classification tasks using the CIFAR-10 and SVHN dataset. There, especially the quaternion activation functions affecting the phase consistently prove to provide better performance.

new Inference of Sequential Patterns for Neural Message Passing in Temporal Graphs

Authors: Jan von Pichowski, Vincenzo Perri, Lisi Qarkaxhija, Ingo Scholtes

Abstract: The modelling of temporal patterns in dynamic graphs is an important current research issue in the development of time-aware GNNs. Whether or not a specific sequence of events in a temporal graph constitutes a temporal pattern not only depends on the frequency of its occurrence. We consider whether it deviates from what is expected in a temporal graph where timestamps are randomly shuffled. While accounting for such a random baseline is important to model temporal patterns, it has mostly been ignored by current temporal graph neural networks. To address this issue we propose HYPA-DBGNN, a novel two-step approach that combines (i) the inference of anomalous sequential patterns in time series data on graphs based on a statistically principled null model, with (ii) a neural message passing approach that utilizes a higher-order De Bruijn graph whose edges capture overrepresented sequential patterns. Our method leverages hypergeometric graph ensembles to identify anomalous edges within both first- and higher-order De Bruijn graphs, which encode the temporal ordering of events. The model introduces an inductive bias that enhances model interpretability. We evaluate our approach for static node classification using benchmark datasets and a synthetic dataset that showcases its ability to incorporate the observed inductive bias regarding over- and under-represented temporal edges. We demonstrate the framework's effectiveness in detecting similar patterns within empirical datasets, resulting in superior performance compared to baseline methods in node classification tasks. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to introduce statistically informed GNNs that leverage temporal and causal sequence anomalies. HYPA-DBGNN represents a path for bridging the gap between statistical graph inference and neural graph representation learning, with potential applications to static GNNs.

new Efficient k-means with Individual Fairness via Exponential Tilting

Authors: Shengkun Zhu, Jinshan Zeng, Yuan Sun, Sheng Wang, Xiaodong Li, Zhiyong Peng

Abstract: In location-based resource allocation scenarios, the distances between each individual and the facility are desired to be approximately equal, thereby ensuring fairness. Individually fair clustering is often employed to achieve the principle of treating all points equally, which can be applied in these scenarios. This paper proposes a novel algorithm, tilted k-means (TKM), aiming to achieve individual fairness in clustering. We integrate the exponential tilting into the sum of squared errors (SSE) to formulate a novel objective function called tilted SSE. We demonstrate that the tilted SSE can generalize to SSE and employ the coordinate descent and first-order gradient method for optimization. We propose a novel fairness metric, the variance of the distances within each cluster, which can alleviate the Matthew Effect typically caused by existing fairness metrics. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that the well-known k-means++ incurs a multiplicative error of O(k log k), and we establish the convergence of TKM under mild conditions. In terms of fairness, we prove that the variance generated by TKM decreases with a scaled hyperparameter. In terms of efficiency, we demonstrate the time complexity is linear with the dataset size. Our experiments demonstrate that TKM outperforms state-of-the-art methods in effectiveness, fairness, and efficiency.

new Personalized federated learning based on feature fusion

Authors: Wolong Xing, Zhenkui Shi, Hongyan Peng, Xiantao Hu, Xianxian Li

Abstract: Federated learning enables distributed clients to collaborate on training while storing their data locally to protect client privacy. However, due to the heterogeneity of data, models, and devices, the final global model may need to perform better for tasks on each client. Communication bottlenecks, data heterogeneity, and model heterogeneity have been common challenges in federated learning. In this work, we considered a label distribution skew problem, a type of data heterogeneity easily overlooked. In the context of classification, we propose a personalized federated learning approach called pFedPM. In our process, we replace traditional gradient uploading with feature uploading, which helps reduce communication costs and allows for heterogeneous client models. These feature representations play a role in preserving privacy to some extent. We use a hyperparameter $a$ to mix local and global features, which enables us to control the degree of personalization. We also introduced a relation network as an additional decision layer, which provides a non-linear learnable classifier to predict labels. Experimental results show that, with an appropriate setting of $a$, our scheme outperforms several recent FL methods on MNIST, FEMNIST, and CRIFAR10 datasets and achieves fewer communications.

new Cherry on the Cake: Fairness is NOT an Optimization Problem

Authors: Marco Favier, Toon Calders

Abstract: Fair cake-cutting is a mathematical subfield that studies the problem of fairly dividing a resource among a number of participants. The so-called ``cake,'' as an object, represents any resource that can be distributed among players. This concept is connected to supervised multi-label classification: any dataset can be thought of as a cake that needs to be distributed, where each label is a player that receives its share of the dataset. In particular, any efficient cake-cutting solution for the dataset is equivalent to an optimal decision function. Although we are not the first to demonstrate this connection, the important ramifications of this parallel seem to have been partially forgotten. We revisit these classical results and demonstrate how this connection can be prolifically used for fairness in machine learning problems. Understanding the set of achievable fair decisions is a fundamental step in finding optimal fair solutions and satisfying fairness requirements. By employing the tools of cake-cutting theory, we have been able to describe the behavior of optimal fair decisions, which, counterintuitively, often exhibit quite unfair properties. Specifically, in order to satisfy fairness constraints, it is sometimes preferable, in the name of optimality, to purposefully make mistakes and deny giving the positive label to deserving individuals in a community in favor of less worthy individuals within the same community. This practice is known in the literature as cherry-picking and has been described as ``blatantly unfair.''

new When Invariant Representation Learning Meets Label Shift: Insufficiency and Theoretical Insights

Authors: You-Wei Luo, Chuan-Xian Ren

Abstract: As a crucial step toward real-world learning scenarios with changing environments, dataset shift theory and invariant representation learning algorithm have been extensively studied to relax the identical distribution assumption in classical learning setting. Among the different assumptions on the essential of shifting distributions, generalized label shift (GLS) is the latest developed one which shows great potential to deal with the complex factors within the shift. In this paper, we aim to explore the limitations of current dataset shift theory and algorithm, and further provide new insights by presenting a comprehensive understanding of GLS. From theoretical aspect, two informative generalization bounds are derived, and the GLS learner is proved to be sufficiently close to optimal target model from the Bayesian perspective. The main results show the insufficiency of invariant representation learning, and prove the sufficiency and necessity of GLS correction for generalization, which provide theoretical supports and innovations for exploring generalizable model under dataset shift. From methodological aspect, we provide a unified view of existing shift correction frameworks, and propose a kernel embedding-based correction algorithm (KECA) to minimize the generalization error and achieve successful knowledge transfer. Both theoretical results and extensive experiment evaluations demonstrate the sufficiency and necessity of GLS correction for addressing dataset shift and the superiority of proposed algorithm.

new No More Sliding-Windows: Dynamic Functional Connectivity Based On Random Convolutions Without Learning

Authors: Yongjie Duan, Zhiying Long

Abstract: In the field of dynamic functional connectivity, the sliding-window method is widely used and its stability is generally recognized. However, the sliding-window method's data processing within the window is overly simplistic, which to some extent limits its effectiveness. This study proposes a feature expansion method based on random convolution, which achieves better and more noise-resistant results than the sliding-window method without requiring training. Experiments on simulated data show that the dynamic functional connectivity matrix and time series obtained using the random convolution method have a higher degree of fit (95.59\%) with the standard answers within shorter time windows, compared to the sliding-window method (45.99\%). Gender difference studies on real data also reveal that the random convolution method uncovers more gender differences than the sliding-window method. Through theoretical analysis, we propose a more comprehensive convolutional functional connectivity computation model, with the sliding-window method being a special case of this model, thereby opening up vast potential for research methods in dynamic functional connectivity.

new ShadowLLM: Predictor-based Contextual Sparsity for Large Language Models

Authors: Yash Akhauri, Ahmed F AbouElhamayed, Jordan Dotzel, Zhiru Zhang, Alexander M Rush, Safeen Huda, Mohamed S Abdelfattah

Abstract: The high power consumption and latency-sensitive deployments of large language models (LLMs) have motivated techniques like quantization and sparsity. Contextual sparsity, where the sparsity pattern is input-dependent, is crucial in LLMs because the permanent removal of attention heads or neurons from LLMs can significantly degrade accuracy. Prior work has attempted to model contextual sparsity using neural networks trained to predict activation magnitudes, which can be used to dynamically prune structures with low predicted activation magnitude. In this paper, we look beyond magnitude-based pruning criteria to assess attention head and neuron importance in LLMs. We developed a novel predictor called ShadowLLM, which can shadow the LLM behavior and enforce better sparsity patterns, resulting in over 15% improvement in end-to-end accuracy without increasing latency compared to previous methods. ShadowLLM achieves up to a 20\% speed-up over the state-of-the-art DejaVu framework. These enhancements are validated on models with up to 30 billion parameters. Our code is available at \href{}{ShadowLLM}.


new Data-driven Modeling in Metrology -- A Short Introduction, Current Developments and Future Perspectives

Authors: Linda-Sophie Schneider, Patrick Krauss, Nadine Schiering, Christopher Syben, Richard Schielein, Andreas Maier

Abstract: Mathematical models are vital to the field of metrology, playing a key role in the derivation of measurement results and the calculation of uncertainties from measurement data, informed by an understanding of the measurement process. These models generally represent the correlation between the quantity being measured and all other pertinent quantities. Such relationships are used to construct measurement systems that can interpret measurement data to generate conclusions and predictions about the measurement system itself. Classic models are typically analytical, built on fundamental physical principles. However, the rise of digital technology, expansive sensor networks, and high-performance computing hardware have led to a growing shift towards data-driven methodologies. This trend is especially prominent when dealing with large, intricate networked sensor systems in situations where there is limited expert understanding of the frequently changing real-world contexts. Here, we demonstrate the variety of opportunities that data-driven modeling presents, and how they have been already implemented in various real-world applications.

new Cubic regularized subspace Newton for non-convex optimization

Authors: Jim Zhao, Aurelien Lucchi, Nikita Doikov

Abstract: This paper addresses the optimization problem of minimizing non-convex continuous functions, which is relevant in the context of high-dimensional machine learning applications characterized by over-parametrization. We analyze a randomized coordinate second-order method named SSCN which can be interpreted as applying cubic regularization in random subspaces. This approach effectively reduces the computational complexity associated with utilizing second-order information, rendering it applicable in higher-dimensional scenarios. Theoretically, we establish convergence guarantees for non-convex functions, with interpolating rates for arbitrary subspace sizes and allowing inexact curvature estimation. When increasing subspace size, our complexity matches $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3/2})$ of the cubic regularization (CR) rate. Additionally, we propose an adaptive sampling scheme ensuring exact convergence rate of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3/2}, \epsilon^{-3})$ to a second-order stationary point, even without sampling all coordinates. Experimental results demonstrate substantial speed-ups achieved by SSCN compared to conventional first-order methods.

new Repulsive Score Distillation for Diverse Sampling of Diffusion Models

Authors: Nicolas Zilberstein, Morteza Mardani, Santiago Segarra

Abstract: Score distillation sampling has been pivotal for integrating diffusion models into generation of complex visuals. Despite impressive results it suffers from mode collapse and lack of diversity. To cope with this challenge, we leverage the gradient flow interpretation of score distillation to propose Repulsive Score Distillation (RSD). In particular, we propose a variational framework based on repulsion of an ensemble of particles that promotes diversity. Using a variational approximation that incorporates a coupling among particles, the repulsion appears as a simple regularization that allows interaction of particles based on their relative pairwise similarity, measured e.g., via radial basis kernels. We design RSD for both unconstrained and constrained sampling scenarios. For constrained sampling we focus on inverse problems in the latent space that leads to an augmented variational formulation, that strikes a good balance between compute, quality and diversity. Our extensive experiments for text-to-image generation, and inverse problems demonstrate that RSD achieves a superior trade-off between diversity and quality compared with state-of-the-art alternatives.

new Link Prediction with Untrained Message Passing Layers

Authors: Lisi Qarkaxhija, Anatol E. Wegner, Ingo Scholtes

Abstract: Message passing neural networks (MPNNs) operate on graphs by exchanging information between neigbouring nodes. MPNNs have been successfully applied to various node-, edge-, and graph-level tasks in areas like molecular science, computer vision, natural language processing, and combinatorial optimization. However, most MPNNs require training on large amounts of labeled data, which can be costly and time-consuming. In this work, we explore the use of various untrained message passing layers in graph neural networks, i.e. variants of popular message passing architecture where we remove all trainable parameters that are used to transform node features in the message passing step. Focusing on link prediction, we find that untrained message passing layers can lead to competitive and even superior performance compared to fully trained MPNNs, especially in the presence of high-dimensional features. We provide a theoretical analysis of untrained message passing by relating the inner products of features implicitly produced by untrained message passing layers to path-based topological node similarity measures. As such, untrained message passing architectures can be viewed as a highly efficient and interpretable approach to link prediction.

new Coding schemes in neural networks learning classification tasks

Authors: Alexander van Meegen, Haim Sompolinsky

Abstract: Neural networks posses the crucial ability to generate meaningful representations of task-dependent features. Indeed, with appropriate scaling, supervised learning in neural networks can result in strong, task-dependent feature learning. However, the nature of the emergent representations, which we call the `coding scheme', is still unclear. To understand the emergent coding scheme, we investigate fully-connected, wide neural networks learning classification tasks using the Bayesian framework where learning shapes the posterior distribution of the network weights. Consistent with previous findings, our analysis of the feature learning regime (also known as `non-lazy', `rich', or `mean-field' regime) shows that the networks acquire strong, data-dependent features. Surprisingly, the nature of the internal representations depends crucially on the neuronal nonlinearity. In linear networks, an analog coding scheme of the task emerges. Despite the strong representations, the mean predictor is identical to the lazy case. In nonlinear networks, spontaneous symmetry breaking leads to either redundant or sparse coding schemes. Our findings highlight how network properties such as scaling of weights and neuronal nonlinearity can profoundly influence the emergent representations.

new Learning Interpretable Fair Representations

Authors: Tianhao Wang, Zana Bu\c{c}inca, Zilin Ma

Abstract: Numerous approaches have been recently proposed for learning fair representations that mitigate unfair outcomes in prediction tasks. A key motivation for these methods is that the representations can be used by third parties with unknown objectives. However, because current fair representations are generally not interpretable, the third party cannot use these fair representations for exploration, or to obtain any additional insights, besides the pre-contracted prediction tasks. Thus, to increase data utility beyond prediction tasks, we argue that the representations need to be fair, yet interpretable. We propose a general framework for learning interpretable fair representations by introducing an interpretable "prior knowledge" during the representation learning process. We implement this idea and conduct experiments with ColorMNIST and Dsprite datasets. The results indicate that in addition to being interpretable, our representations attain slightly higher accuracy and fairer outcomes in a downstream classification task compared to state-of-the-art fair representations.

new Probabilistic Subgoal Representations for Hierarchical Reinforcement learning

Authors: Vivienne Huiling Wang, Tinghuai Wang, Wenyan Yang, Joni-Kristian K\"am\"ar\"ainen, Joni Pajarinen

Abstract: In goal-conditioned hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL), a high-level policy specifies a subgoal for the low-level policy to reach. Effective HRL hinges on a suitable subgoal represen tation function, abstracting state space into latent subgoal space and inducing varied low-level behaviors. Existing methods adopt a subgoal representation that provides a deterministic mapping from state space to latent subgoal space. Instead, this paper utilizes Gaussian Processes (GPs) for the first probabilistic subgoal representation. Our method employs a GP prior on the latent subgoal space to learn a posterior distribution over the subgoal representation functions while exploiting the long-range correlation in the state space through learnable kernels. This enables an adaptive memory that integrates long-range subgoal information from prior planning steps allowing to cope with stochastic uncertainties. Furthermore, we propose a novel learning objective to facilitate the simultaneous learning of probabilistic subgoal representations and policies within a unified framework. In experiments, our approach outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in standard benchmarks but also in environments with stochastic elements and under diverse reward conditions. Additionally, our model shows promising capabilities in transferring low-level policies across different tasks.

new CausalFormer: An Interpretable Transformer for Temporal Causal Discovery

Authors: Lingbai Kong, Wengen Li, Hanchen Yang, Yichao Zhang, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou

Abstract: Temporal causal discovery is a crucial task aimed at uncovering the causal relations within time series data. The latest temporal causal discovery methods usually train deep learning models on prediction tasks to uncover the causality between time series. They capture causal relations by analyzing the parameters of some components of the trained models, e.g., attention weights and convolution weights. However, this is an incomplete mapping process from the model parameters to the causality and fails to investigate the other components, e.g., fully connected layers and activation functions, that are also significant for causal discovery. To facilitate the utilization of the whole deep learning models in temporal causal discovery, we proposed an interpretable transformer-based causal discovery model termed CausalFormer, which consists of the causality-aware transformer and the decomposition-based causality detector. The causality-aware transformer learns the causal representation of time series data using a prediction task with the designed multi-kernel causal convolution which aggregates each input time series along the temporal dimension under the temporal priority constraint. Then, the decomposition-based causality detector interprets the global structure of the trained causality-aware transformer with the proposed regression relevance propagation to identify potential causal relations and finally construct the causal graph. Experiments on synthetic, simulated, and real datasets demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of CausalFormer on discovering temporal causality. Our code is available at


new GC-Bench: A Benchmark Framework for Graph Condensation with New Insights

Authors: Shengbo Gong, Juntong Ni, Noveen Sachdeva, Carl Yang, Wei Jin

Abstract: Graph condensation (GC) is an emerging technique designed to learn a significantly smaller graph that retains the essential information of the original graph. This condensed graph has shown promise in accelerating graph neural networks while preserving performance comparable to those achieved with the original, larger graphs. Additionally, this technique facilitates downstream applications such as neural architecture search and enhances our understanding of redundancy in large graphs. Despite the rapid development of GC methods, a systematic evaluation framework remains absent, which is necessary to clarify the critical designs for particular evaluative aspects. Furthermore, several meaningful questions have not been investigated, such as whether GC inherently preserves certain graph properties and offers robustness even without targeted design efforts. In this paper, we introduce GC-Bench, a comprehensive framework to evaluate recent GC methods across multiple dimensions and to generate new insights. Our experimental findings provide a deeper insights into the GC process and the characteristics of condensed graphs, guiding future efforts in enhancing performance and exploring new applications. Our code is available at \url{}.


new Inducing Group Fairness in LLM-Based Decisions

Authors: James Atwood, Preethi Lahoti, Ananth Balashankar, Flavien Prost, Ahmad Beirami

Abstract: Prompting Large Language Models (LLMs) has created new and interesting means for classifying textual data. While evaluating and remediating group fairness is a well-studied problem in classifier fairness literature, some classical approaches (e.g., regularization) do not carry over, and some new opportunities arise (e.g., prompt-based remediation). We measure fairness of LLM-based classifiers on a toxicity classification task, and empirically show that prompt-based classifiers may lead to unfair decisions. We introduce several remediation techniques and benchmark their fairness and performance trade-offs. We hope our work encourages more research on group fairness in LLM-based classifiers.

new Learning the boundary-to-domain mapping using Lifting Product Fourier Neural Operators for partial differential equations

Authors: Aditya Kashi, Arka Daw, Muralikrishnan Gopalakrishnan Meena, Hao Lu

Abstract: Neural operators such as the Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) have been shown to provide resolution-independent deep learning models that can learn mappings between function spaces. For example, an initial condition can be mapped to the solution of a partial differential equation (PDE) at a future time-step using a neural operator. Despite the popularity of neural operators, their use to predict solution functions over a domain given only data over the boundary (such as a spatially varying Dirichlet boundary condition) remains unexplored. In this paper, we refer to such problems as boundary-to-domain problems; they have a wide range of applications in areas such as fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, heat transfer etc. We present a novel FNO-based architecture, named Lifting Product FNO (or LP-FNO) which can map arbitrary boundary functions defined on the lower-dimensional boundary to a solution in the entire domain. Specifically, two FNOs defined on the lower-dimensional boundary are lifted into the higher dimensional domain using our proposed lifting product layer. We demonstrate the efficacy and resolution independence of the proposed LP-FNO for the 2D Poisson equation.

new Bandits with Preference Feedback: A Stackelberg Game Perspective

Authors: Barna P\'asztor, Parnian Kassraie, Andreas Krause

Abstract: Bandits with preference feedback present a powerful tool for optimizing unknown target functions when only pairwise comparisons are allowed instead of direct value queries. This model allows for incorporating human feedback into online inference and optimization and has been employed in systems for fine-tuning large language models. The problem is well understood in simplified settings with linear target functions or over finite small domains that limit practical interest. Taking the next step, we consider infinite domains and nonlinear (kernelized) rewards. In this setting, selecting a pair of actions is quite challenging and requires balancing exploration and exploitation at two levels: within the pair, and along the iterations of the algorithm. We propose MAXMINLCB, which emulates this trade-off as a zero-sum Stackelberg game, and chooses action pairs that are informative and yield favorable rewards. MAXMINLCB consistently outperforms existing algorithms and satisfies an anytime-valid rate-optimal regret guarantee. This is due to our novel preference-based confidence sequences for kernelized logistic estimators.

new The Responsible Foundation Model Development Cheatsheet: A Review of Tools & Resources

Authors: Shayne Longpre, Stella Biderman, Alon Albalak, Hailey Schoelkopf, Daniel McDuff, Sayash Kapoor, Kevin Klyman, Kyle Lo, Gabriel Ilharco, Nay San, Maribeth Rauh, Aviya Skowron, Bertie Vidgen, Laura Weidinger, Arvind Narayanan, Victor Sanh, David Adelani, Percy Liang, Rishi Bommasani, Peter Henderson, Sasha Luccioni, Yacine Jernite, Luca Soldaini

Abstract: Foundation model development attracts a rapidly expanding body of contributors, scientists, and applications. To help shape responsible development practices, we introduce the Foundation Model Development Cheatsheet: a growing collection of 250+ tools and resources spanning text, vision, and speech modalities. We draw on a large body of prior work to survey resources (e.g. software, documentation, frameworks, guides, and practical tools) that support informed data selection, processing, and understanding, precise and limitation-aware artifact documentation, efficient model training, advance awareness of the environmental impact from training, careful model evaluation of capabilities, risks, and claims, as well as responsible model release, licensing and deployment practices. We hope this curated collection of resources helps guide more responsible development. The process of curating this list, enabled us to review the AI development ecosystem, revealing what tools are critically missing, misused, or over-used in existing practices. We find that (i) tools for data sourcing, model evaluation, and monitoring are critically under-serving ethical and real-world needs, (ii) evaluations for model safety, capabilities, and environmental impact all lack reproducibility and transparency, (iii) text and particularly English-centric analyses continue to dominate over multilingual and multi-modal analyses, and (iv) evaluation of systems, rather than just models, is needed so that capabilities and impact are assessed in context.

new OCALM: Object-Centric Assessment with Language Models

Authors: Timo Kaufmann, Jannis Bl\"uml, Antonia W\"ust, Quentin Delfosse, Kristian Kersting, Eyke H\"ullermeier

Abstract: Properly defining a reward signal to efficiently train a reinforcement learning (RL) agent is a challenging task. Designing balanced objective functions from which a desired behavior can emerge requires expert knowledge, especially for complex environments. Learning rewards from human feedback or using large language models (LLMs) to directly provide rewards are promising alternatives, allowing non-experts to specify goals for the agent. However, black-box reward models make it difficult to debug the reward. In this work, we propose Object-Centric Assessment with Language Models (OCALM) to derive inherently interpretable reward functions for RL agents from natural language task descriptions. OCALM uses the extensive world-knowledge of LLMs while leveraging the object-centric nature common to many environments to derive reward functions focused on relational concepts, providing RL agents with the ability to derive policies from task descriptions.

new Inferring stochastic low-rank recurrent neural networks from neural data

Authors: Matthijs Pals, A Erdem Sa\u{g}tekin, Felix Pei, Manuel Gloeckler, Jakob H Macke

Abstract: A central aim in computational neuroscience is to relate the activity of large populations of neurons to an underlying dynamical system. Models of these neural dynamics should ideally be both interpretable and fit the observed data well. Low-rank recurrent neural networks (RNNs) exhibit such interpretability by having tractable dynamics. However, it is unclear how to best fit low-rank RNNs to data consisting of noisy observations of an underlying stochastic system. Here, we propose to fit stochastic low-rank RNNs with variational sequential Monte Carlo methods. We validate our method on several datasets consisting of both continuous and spiking neural data, where we obtain lower dimensional latent dynamics than current state of the art methods. Additionally, for low-rank models with piecewise linear nonlinearities, we show how to efficiently identify all fixed points in polynomial rather than exponential cost in the number of units, making analysis of the inferred dynamics tractable for large RNNs. Our method both elucidates the dynamical systems underlying experimental recordings and provides a generative model whose trajectories match observed trial-to-trial variability.

new The MRI Scanner as a Diagnostic: Image-less Active Sampling

Authors: Yuning Du, Rohan Dharmakumar, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris

Abstract: Despite the high diagnostic accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), using MRI as a Point-of-Care (POC) disease identification tool poses significant accessibility challenges due to the use of high magnetic field strength and lengthy acquisition times. We ask a simple question: Can we dynamically optimise acquired samples, at the patient level, according to an (automated) downstream decision task, while discounting image reconstruction? We propose an ML-based framework that learns an active sampling strategy, via reinforcement learning, at a patient-level to directly infer disease from undersampled k-space. We validate our approach by inferring Meniscus Tear in undersampled knee MRI data, where we achieve diagnostic performance comparable with ML-based diagnosis, using fully sampled k-space data. We analyse task-specific sampling policies, showcasing the adaptability of our active sampling approach. The introduced frugal sampling strategies have the potential to reduce high field strength requirements that in turn strengthen the viability of MRI-based POC disease identification and associated preliminary screening tools.

new Addressing Polarization and Unfairness in Performative Prediction

Authors: Kun Jin, Tian Xie, Yang Liu, Xueru Zhang

Abstract: When machine learning (ML) models are used in applications that involve humans (e.g., online recommendation, school admission, hiring, lending), the model itself may trigger changes in the distribution of targeted data it aims to predict. Performative prediction (PP) is a framework that explicitly considers such model-dependent distribution shifts when learning ML models. While significant efforts have been devoted to finding performative stable (PS) solutions in PP for system robustness, their societal implications are less explored and it is unclear whether PS solutions are aligned with social norms such as fairness. In this paper, we set out to examine the fairness property of PS solutions in performative prediction. We first show that PS solutions can incur severe polarization effects and group-wise loss disparity. Although existing fairness mechanisms commonly used in literature can help mitigate unfairness, they may fail and disrupt the stability under model-dependent distribution shifts. We thus propose novel fairness intervention mechanisms that can simultaneously achieve both stability and fairness in PP settings. Both theoretical analysis and experiments are provided to validate the proposed method.

new WARP: On the Benefits of Weight Averaged Rewarded Policies

Authors: Alexandre Ram\'e, Johan Ferret, Nino Vieillard, Robert Dadashi, L\'eonard Hussenot, Pierre-Louis Cedoz, Pier Giuseppe Sessa, Sertan Girgin, Arthur Douillard, Olivier Bachem

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) aligns large language models (LLMs) by encouraging their generations to have high rewards, using a reward model trained on human preferences. To prevent the forgetting of pre-trained knowledge, RLHF usually incorporates a KL regularization; this forces the policy to remain close to its supervised fine-tuned initialization, though it hinders the reward optimization. To tackle the trade-off between KL and reward, in this paper we introduce a novel alignment strategy named Weight Averaged Rewarded Policies (WARP). WARP merges policies in the weight space at three distinct stages. First, it uses the exponential moving average of the policy as a dynamic anchor in the KL regularization. Second, it applies spherical interpolation to merge independently fine-tuned policies into a new enhanced one. Third, it linearly interpolates between this merged model and the initialization, to recover features from pre-training. This procedure is then applied iteratively, with each iteration's final model used as an advanced initialization for the next, progressively refining the KL-reward Pareto front, achieving superior rewards at fixed KL. Experiments with GEMMA policies validate that WARP improves their quality and alignment, outperforming other open-source LLMs.

new Confidence Aware Inverse Constrained Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Sriram Ganapathi Subramanian, Guiliang Liu, Mohammed Elmahgiubi, Kasra Rezaee, Pascal Poupart

Abstract: In coming up with solutions to real-world problems, humans implicitly adhere to constraints that are too numerous and complex to be specified completely. However, reinforcement learning (RL) agents need these constraints to learn the correct optimal policy in these settings. The field of Inverse Constraint Reinforcement Learning (ICRL) deals with this problem and provides algorithms that aim to estimate the constraints from expert demonstrations collected offline. Practitioners prefer to know a measure of confidence in the estimated constraints, before deciding to use these constraints, which allows them to only use the constraints that satisfy a desired level of confidence. However, prior works do not allow users to provide the desired level of confidence for the inferred constraints. This work provides a principled ICRL method that can take a confidence level with a set of expert demonstrations and outputs a constraint that is at least as constraining as the true underlying constraint with the desired level of confidence. Further, unlike previous methods, this method allows a user to know if the number of expert trajectories is insufficient to learn a constraint with a desired level of confidence, and therefore collect more expert trajectories as required to simultaneously learn constraints with the desired level of confidence and a policy that achieves the desired level of performance.

new Enabling more efficient and cost-effective AI/ML systems with Collective Mind, virtualized MLOps, MLPerf, Collective Knowledge Playground and reproducible optimization tournaments

Authors: Grigori Fursin

Abstract: In this white paper, I present my community effort to automatically co-design cheaper, faster and more energy-efficient software and hardware for AI, ML and other popular workloads with the help of the Collective Mind framework (CM), virtualized MLOps, MLPerf benchmarks and reproducible optimization tournaments. I developed CM to modularize, automate and virtualize the tedious process of building, running, profiling and optimizing complex applications across rapidly evolving open-source and proprietary AI/ML models, datasets, software and hardware. I achieved that with the help of portable, reusable and technology-agnostic automation recipes (ResearchOps) for MLOps and DevOps (CM4MLOps) discovered in close collaboration with academia and industry when reproducing more than 150 research papers and organizing the 1st mass-scale community benchmarking of ML and AI systems using CM and MLPerf. I donated CM and CM4MLOps to MLCommons to help connect academia and industry to learn how to build and run AI and other emerging workloads in the most efficient and cost-effective way using a common and technology-agnostic automation, virtualization and reproducibility framework while unifying knowledge exchange, protecting everyone's intellectual property, enabling portable skills, and accelerating transfer of the state-of-the-art research to production. My long-term vision is to make AI accessible to everyone by making it a commodity automatically produced from the most suitable open-source and proprietary components from different vendors based on user demand, requirements and constraints such as cost, latency, throughput, accuracy, energy, size and other important characteristics.

new Adam-mini: Use Fewer Learning Rates To Gain More

Authors: Yushun Zhang, Congliang Chen, Ziniu Li, Tian Ding, Chenwei Wu, Yinyu Ye, Zhi-Quan Luo, Ruoyu Sun

Abstract: We propose Adam-mini, an optimizer that achieves on-par or better performance than AdamW with 45% to 50% less memory footprint. Adam-mini reduces memory by cutting down the number of learning rates in Adam: Instead of assigning an individual learning rate for each parameter using $1/\sqrt{v}$, Adam-mini uses the average of $v$ within a pre-defined parameter block as the learning rate for that block. Such a design is inspired by two empirical findings. First, the Hessian of Transformers exhibits a near-block diagonal structure with different sizes of dense sub-blocks. Second, for each of these dense sub-blocks, there exists a single high-quality learning rate that can outperform Adam, provided that sufficient resources are available to search it out. Adam-mini provides one cost-effective way to find these good learning rates and manage to cut down $\geq 90% v$ in Adam. Empirically, we verify that Adam-mini performs on par or better than AdamW on various language models sized from 125M to 7B for pre-training, supervised fine-tuning, and RLHF. The reduced memory footprint of Adam-mini also alleviates communication overheads among GPUs and CPUs, thereby increasing throughput. For instance, Adam-mini achieves 49.6% higher throughput than AdamW when pre-training Llama2-7B on 2x A800-80GB GPUs, which saves 33% wall-clock time for pre-training.

new Improved Regret Bounds for Bandits with Expert Advice

Authors: Nicol\`o Cesa-Bianchi, Khaled Eldowa, Emmanuel Esposito, Julia Olkhovskaya

Abstract: In this research note, we revisit the bandits with expert advice problem. Under a restricted feedback model, we prove a lower bound of order $\sqrt{K T \ln(N/K)}$ for the worst-case regret, where $K$ is the number of actions, $N>K$ the number of experts, and $T$ the time horizon. This matches a previously known upper bound of the same order and improves upon the best available lower bound of $\sqrt{K T (\ln N) / (\ln K)}$. For the standard feedback model, we prove a new instance-based upper bound that depends on the agreement between the experts and provides a logarithmic improvement compared to prior results.

new Beyond Thumbs Up/Down: Untangling Challenges of Fine-Grained Feedback for Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Katherine M. Collins, Najoung Kim, Yonatan Bitton, Verena Rieser, Shayegan Omidshafiei, Yushi Hu, Sherol Chen, Senjuti Dutta, Minsuk Chang, Kimin Lee, Youwei Liang, Georgina Evans, Sahil Singla, Gang Li, Adrian Weller, Junfeng He, Deepak Ramachandran, Krishnamurthy Dj Dvijotham

Abstract: Human feedback plays a critical role in learning and refining reward models for text-to-image generation, but the optimal form the feedback should take for learning an accurate reward function has not been conclusively established. This paper investigates the effectiveness of fine-grained feedback which captures nuanced distinctions in image quality and prompt-alignment, compared to traditional coarse-grained feedback (for example, thumbs up/down or ranking between a set of options). While fine-grained feedback holds promise, particularly for systems catering to diverse societal preferences, we show that demonstrating its superiority to coarse-grained feedback is not automatic. Through experiments on real and synthetic preference data, we surface the complexities of building effective models due to the interplay of model choice, feedback type, and the alignment between human judgment and computational interpretation. We identify key challenges in eliciting and utilizing fine-grained feedback, prompting a reassessment of its assumed benefits and practicality. Our findings -- e.g., that fine-grained feedback can lead to worse models for a fixed budget, in some settings; however, in controlled settings with known attributes, fine grained rewards can indeed be more helpful -- call for careful consideration of feedback attributes and potentially beckon novel modeling approaches to appropriately unlock the potential value of fine-grained feedback in-the-wild.

new PISTOL: Dataset Compilation Pipeline for Structural Unlearning of LLMs

Authors: Xinchi Qiu, William F. Shen, Yihong Chen, Nicola Cancedda, Pontus Stenetorp, Nicholas D. Lane

Abstract: Recently, machine unlearning, which seeks to erase specific data stored in the pre-trained or fine-tuned models, has emerged as a crucial protective measure for LLMs. However, unlearning approaches for LLMs that have been considered thus far have focused on the removal of independent data points and have not taken into account that the stored facts are logically connected to one another and form an implicit knowledge graph. To facilitate the development of structural unlearning methods, which are essential for the practical application of unlearning, we propose PISTOL, a pipeline for compiling multi-scenario datasets for benchmarking structural LLM unlearning. Additionally, leveraging sample datasets synthesized using PISTOL, we conducted benchmarks with four distinct unlearning methods on both Llama2-7B and Mistral-7B models. This analysis helps to illustrate the prevailing challenges in effectively and robustly removing highly inter-connected data, batched data, or data skewed towards a specific domain. It also highlights the choice of pre-trained model can impact unlearning performance. This work not only advances our understandings on the limitation of current LLMs unlearning methods and proposes future research directions, but also provides a replicable framework for ongoing exploration and validation in the field.

new General Binding Affinity Guidance for Diffusion Models in Structure-Based Drug Design

Authors: Yue Jian, Curtis Wu, Danny Reidenbach, Aditi S. Krishnapriyan

Abstract: Structure-Based Drug Design (SBDD) focuses on generating valid ligands that strongly and specifically bind to a designated protein pocket. Several methods use machine learning for SBDD to generate these ligands in 3D space, conditioned on the structure of a desired protein pocket. Recently, diffusion models have shown success here by modeling the underlying distributions of atomic positions and types. While these methods are effective in considering the structural details of the protein pocket, they often fail to explicitly consider the binding affinity. Binding affinity characterizes how tightly the ligand binds to the protein pocket, and is measured by the change in free energy associated with the binding process. It is one of the most crucial metrics for benchmarking the effectiveness of the interaction between a ligand and protein pocket. To address this, we propose BADGER: Binding Affinity Diffusion Guidance with Enhanced Refinement. BADGER is a general guidance method to steer the diffusion sampling process towards improved protein-ligand binding, allowing us to adjust the distribution of the binding affinity between ligands and proteins. Our method is enabled by using a neural network (NN) to model the energy function, which is commonly approximated by AutoDock Vina (ADV). ADV's energy function is non-differentiable, and estimates the affinity based on the interactions between a ligand and target protein receptor. By using a NN as a differentiable energy function proxy, we utilize the gradient of our learned energy function as a guidance method on top of any trained diffusion model. We show that our method improves the binding affinity of generated ligands to their protein receptors by up to 60\%, significantly surpassing previous machine learning methods. We also show that our guidance method is flexible and can be easily applied to other diffusion-based SBDD frameworks.

new Data Debiasing with Datamodels (D3M): Improving Subgroup Robustness via Data Selection

Authors: Saachi Jain, Kimia Hamidieh, Kristian Georgiev, Andrew Ilyas, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Aleksander Madry

Abstract: Machine learning models can fail on subgroups that are underrepresented during training. While techniques such as dataset balancing can improve performance on underperforming groups, they require access to training group annotations and can end up removing large portions of the dataset. In this paper, we introduce Data Debiasing with Datamodels (D3M), a debiasing approach which isolates and removes specific training examples that drive the model's failures on minority groups. Our approach enables us to efficiently train debiased classifiers while removing only a small number of examples, and does not require training group annotations or additional hyperparameter tuning.

new GeoMFormer: A General Architecture for Geometric Molecular Representation Learning

Authors: Tianlang Chen, Shengjie Luo, Di He, Shuxin Zheng, Tie-Yan Liu, Liwei Wang

Abstract: Molecular modeling, a central topic in quantum mechanics, aims to accurately calculate the properties and simulate the behaviors of molecular systems. The molecular model is governed by physical laws, which impose geometric constraints such as invariance and equivariance to coordinate rotation and translation. While numerous deep learning approaches have been developed to learn molecular representations under these constraints, most of them are built upon heuristic and costly modules. We argue that there is a strong need for a general and flexible framework for learning both invariant and equivariant features. In this work, we introduce a novel Transformer-based molecular model called GeoMFormer to achieve this goal. Using the standard Transformer modules, two separate streams are developed to maintain and learn invariant and equivariant representations. Carefully designed cross-attention modules bridge the two streams, allowing information fusion and enhancing geometric modeling in each stream. As a general and flexible architecture, we show that many previous architectures can be viewed as special instantiations of GeoMFormer. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the power of GeoMFormer. All empirical results show that GeoMFormer achieves strong performance on both invariant and equivariant tasks of different types and scales. Code and models will be made publicly available at


cross Model Callers for Transforming Predictive and Generative AI Applications

Authors: Mukesh Dalal

Abstract: We introduce a novel software abstraction termed "model caller," acting as an intermediary for AI and ML model calling, advocating its transformative utility beyond existing model-serving frameworks. This abstraction offers multiple advantages: enhanced accuracy and reduced latency in model predictions, superior monitoring and observability of models, more streamlined AI system architectures, simplified AI development and management processes, and improved collaboration and accountability across AI/ML/Data Science, software, data, and operations teams. Model callers are valuable for both creators and users of models within both predictive and generative AI applications. Additionally, we have developed and released a prototype Python library for model callers, accessible for installation via pip or for download from GitHub.

cross Feature Purified Transformer With Cross-level Feature Guiding Decoder For Multi-class OOD and Anomaly Deteciton

Authors: Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Pi-Wei Chen, Chao-Chun Chen

Abstract: Reconstruction networks are prevalently used in unsupervised anomaly and Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection due to their independence from labeled anomaly data. However, in multi-class datasets, the effectiveness of anomaly detection is often compromised by the models' generalized reconstruction capabilities, which allow anomalies to blend within the expanded boundaries of normality resulting from the added categories, thereby reducing detection accuracy. We introduce the FUTUREG framework, which incorporates two innovative modules: the Feature Purification Module (FPM) and the CFG Decoder. The FPM constrains the normality boundary within the latent space to effectively filter out anomalous features, while the CFG Decoder uses layer-wise encoder representations to guide the reconstruction of filtered features, preserving fine-grained details. Together, these modules enhance the reconstruction error for anomalies, ensuring high-quality reconstructions for normal samples. Our results demonstrate that FUTUREG achieves state-of-the-art performance in multi-class OOD settings and remains competitive in industrial anomaly detection scenarios.

cross Deep Vision-Based Framework for Coastal Flood Prediction Under Climate Change Impacts and Shoreline Adaptations

Authors: Areg Karapetyan, Aaron Chung Hin Chow, Samer Madanat

Abstract: In light of growing threats posed by climate change in general and sea level rise (SLR) in particular, the necessity for computationally efficient means to estimate and analyze potential coastal flood hazards has become increasingly pressing. Data-driven supervised learning methods serve as promising candidates that can dramatically expedite the process, thereby eliminating the computational bottleneck associated with traditional physics-based hydrodynamic simulators. Yet, the development of accurate and reliable coastal flood prediction models, especially those based on Deep Learning (DL) techniques, has been plagued with two major issues: (1) the scarcity of training data and (2) the high-dimensional output required for detailed inundation mapping. To remove this barrier, we present a systematic framework for training high-fidelity Deep Vision-based coastal flood prediction models in low-data settings. We test the proposed workflow on different existing vision models, including a fully transformer-based architecture and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with additive attention gates. Additionally, we introduce a deep CNN architecture tailored specifically to the coastal flood prediction problem at hand. The model was designed with a particular focus on its compactness so as to cater to resource-constrained scenarios and accessibility aspects. The performance of the developed DL models is validated against commonly adopted geostatistical regression methods and traditional Machine Learning (ML) approaches, demonstrating substantial improvement in prediction quality. Lastly, we round up the contributions by providing a meticulously curated dataset of synthetic flood inundation maps of Abu Dhabi's coast produced with a physics-based hydrodynamic simulator, which can serve as a benchmark for evaluating future coastal flood prediction models.

cross Large-Scale Contextual Market Equilibrium Computation through Deep Learning

Authors: Yunxuan Ma, Yide Bian, Hao Xu, Weitao Yang, Jingshu Zhao, Zhijian Duan, Feng Wang, Xiaotie Deng

Abstract: Market equilibrium is one of the most fundamental solution concepts in economics and social optimization analysis. Existing works on market equilibrium computation primarily focus on settings with a relatively small number of buyers. Motivated by this, our paper investigates the computation of market equilibrium in scenarios with a large-scale buyer population, where buyers and goods are represented by their contexts. Building on this realistic and generalized contextual market model, we introduce MarketFCNet, a deep learning-based method for approximating market equilibrium. We start by parameterizing the allocation of each good to each buyer using a neural network, which depends solely on the context of the buyer and the good. Next, we propose an efficient method to estimate the loss function of the training algorithm unbiasedly, enabling us to optimize the network parameters through gradient descent. To evaluate the approximated solution, we introduce a metric called Nash Gap, which quantifies the deviation of the given allocation and price pair from the market equilibrium. Experimental results indicate that MarketFCNet delivers competitive performance and significantly lower running times compared to existing methods as the market scale expands, demonstrating the potential of deep learning-based methods to accelerate the approximation of large-scale contextual market equilibrium.

cross Reasoning or Simply Next Token Prediction? A Benchmark for Stress-Testing Large Language Models

Authors: Wentian Wang, Paul Kantor, Jacob Feldman, Lazaros Gallos, Hao Wang

Abstract: We propose MMLU-SR, a novel dataset designed to measure the true comprehension abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) by challenging their performance in question-answering tasks with modified terms. We reasoned that an agent that ``truly'' understands a concept can still evaluate it when key terms are replaced by suitably defined alternate terms, and sought to differentiate such comprehension from mere text replacement. In our study, we modified standardized test questions by replacing a key term with a dummy word along with its definition. The key term could be in the context of questions, answers, or both questions and answers. Notwithstanding the high scores achieved by recent popular LLMs on the MMLU leaderboard, we found a substantial reduction in model performance after such replacement, suggesting poor comprehension. This new benchmark provides a rigorous benchmark for testing true model comprehension, and poses a challenge to the broader scientific community.

cross Improving Large Models with Small models: Lower Costs and Better Performance

Authors: Dong Chen, Shuo Zhang, Yueting Zhuang, Siliang Tang, Qidong Liu, Hua Wang, Mingliang Xu

Abstract: Pretrained large models (PLMs), such as ChatGPT, have demonstrated remarkable performance across diverse tasks. However, the significant computational requirements of PLMs have discouraged most product teams from running or fine-tuning them. In such cases, to harness the exceptional performance of PLMs, one must rely on expensive APIs, thereby exacerbating the economic burden. Despite the overall inferior performance of small models, in specific distributions, they can achieve comparable or even superior results. Consequently, some input can be processed exclusively by small models. On the other hand, certain tasks can be broken down into multiple subtasks, some of which can be completed without powerful capabilities. Under these circumstances, small models can handle the simple subtasks, allowing large models to focus on challenging subtasks, thus improving the performance. We propose Data Shunt$^+$ (DS$^+$), a general paradigm for collaboration of small and large models. DS$^+$ not only substantially reduces the cost associated with querying large models but also effectively improves large models' performance. For instance, ChatGPT achieves an accuracy of $94.43\%$ on Amazon Product sentiment analysis, and DS$^+$ achieves an accuracy of $95.64\%$, while the cost has been reduced to only $31.18\%$. Besides, experiments also prove that the proposed collaborative-based paradigm can better inject specific task knowledge into PLMs compared to fine-tuning.

cross Hyperbolic sentence representations for solving Textual Entailment

Authors: Igor Petrovski

Abstract: Hyperbolic spaces have proven to be suitable for modeling data of hierarchical nature. As such we use the Poincare ball to embed sentences with the goal of proving how hyperbolic spaces can be used for solving Textual Entailment. To this end, apart from the standard datasets used for evaluating textual entailment, we developed two additional datasets. We evaluate against baselines of various backgrounds, including LSTMs, Order Embeddings and Euclidean Averaging, which comes as a natural counterpart to representing sentences into the Euclidean space. We consistently outperform the baselines on the SICK dataset and are second only to Order Embeddings on the SNLI dataset, for the binary classification version of the entailment task.

cross Twin-Merging: Dynamic Integration of Modular Expertise in Model Merging

Authors: Zhenyi Lu, Chenghao Fan, Wei Wei, Xiaoye Qu, Dangyang Chen, Yu Cheng

Abstract: In the era of large language models, model merging is a promising way to combine multiple task-specific models into a single multitask model without extra training. However, two challenges remain: (a) interference between different models and (b) heterogeneous data during testing. Traditional model merging methods often show significant performance gaps compared to fine-tuned models due to these issues. Additionally, a one-size-fits-all model lacks flexibility for diverse test data, leading to performance degradation. We show that both shared and exclusive task-specific knowledge are crucial for merging performance, but directly merging exclusive knowledge hinders overall performance. In view of this, we propose Twin-Merging, a method that encompasses two principal stages: (1) modularizing knowledge into shared and exclusive components, with compression to reduce redundancy and enhance efficiency; (2) dynamically merging shared and task-specific knowledge based on the input. This approach narrows the performance gap between merged and fine-tuned models and improves adaptability to heterogeneous data. Extensive experiments on $12$ datasets for both discriminative and generative tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, showing an average improvement of $28.34\%$ in absolute normalized score for discriminative tasks and even surpassing the fine-tuned upper bound on the generative tasks. (Our implementation is available in


cross On Giant's Shoulders: Effortless Weak to Strong by Dynamic Logits Fusion

Authors: Chenghao Fan, Zhenyi Lu, Wei Wei, Jie Tian, Xiaoye Qu, Dangyang Chen, Yu Cheng

Abstract: Efficient fine-tuning of large language models for task-specific applications is imperative, yet the vast number of parameters in these models makes their training increasingly challenging. Despite numerous proposals for effective methods, a substantial memory overhead remains for gradient computations during updates. \thm{Can we fine-tune a series of task-specific small models and transfer their knowledge directly to a much larger model without additional training?} In this paper, we explore weak-to-strong specialization using logit arithmetic, facilitating a direct answer to this question. Existing weak-to-strong methods often employ a static knowledge transfer ratio and a single small model for transferring complex knowledge, which leads to suboptimal performance. % To address this, To surmount these limitations, we propose a dynamic logit fusion approach that works with a series of task-specific small models, each specialized in a different task. This method adaptively allocates weights among these models at each decoding step, learning the weights through Kullback-Leibler divergence constrained optimization problems. We conduct extensive experiments across various benchmarks in both single-task and multi-task settings, achieving leading results. By transferring expertise from the 7B model to the 13B model, our method closes the performance gap by 96.4\% in single-task scenarios and by 86.3\% in multi-task scenarios compared to full fine-tuning of the 13B model. Notably, we achieve surpassing performance on unseen tasks. Moreover, we further demonstrate that our method can effortlessly integrate in-context learning for single tasks and task arithmetic for multi-task scenarios. (Our implementation is available in


cross Duplicate Detection with GenAI

Authors: Ian Ormesher

Abstract: Customer data is often stored as records in Customer Relations Management systems (CRMs). Data which is manually entered into such systems by one of more users over time leads to data replication, partial duplication or fuzzy duplication. This in turn means that there no longer a single source of truth for customers, contacts, accounts, etc. Downstream business processes become increasing complex and contrived without a unique mapping between a record in a CRM and the target customer. Current methods to detect and de-duplicate records use traditional Natural Language Processing techniques known as Entity Matching. In this paper we show how using the latest advancements in Large Language Models and Generative AI can vastly improve the identification and repair of duplicated records. On common benchmark datasets we find an improvement in the accuracy of data de-duplication rates from 30 percent using NLP techniques to almost 60 percent using our proposed method.

cross Near-Lossless Acceleration of Long Context LLM Inference with Adaptive Structured Sparse Attention

Authors: Qianchao Zhu, Jiangfei Duan, Chang Chen, Siran Liu, Xiuhong Li, Guanyu Feng, Xin Lv, Huanqi Cao, Xiao Chuanfu, Xingcheng Zhang, Dahua Lin, Chao Yang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) now support extremely long context windows, but the quadratic complexity of vanilla attention results in significantly long Time-to-First-Token (TTFT) latency. Existing approaches to address this complexity require additional pretraining or finetuning, and often sacrifice model accuracy. In this paper, we first provide both theoretical and empirical foundations for near-lossless sparse attention. We find dynamically capturing head-specific sparse patterns at runtime with low overhead is crucial. To address this, we propose SampleAttention, an adaptive structured and near-lossless sparse attention. Leveraging observed significant sparse patterns, SampleAttention attends to a fixed percentage of adjacent tokens to capture local window patterns, and employs a two-stage query-guided key-value filtering approach, which adaptively select a minimum set of key-values with low overhead, to capture column stripe patterns. Comprehensive evaluations show that SampleAttention can seamlessly replace vanilla attention in off-the-shelf LLMs with nearly no accuracy loss, and reduces TTFT by up to $2.42\times$ compared with FlashAttention.

cross Improving Text-To-Audio Models with Synthetic Captions

Authors: Zhifeng Kong, Sang-gil Lee, Deepanway Ghosal, Navonil Majumder, Ambuj Mehrish, Rafael Valle, Soujanya Poria, Bryan Catanzaro

Abstract: It is an open challenge to obtain high quality training data, especially captions, for text-to-audio models. Although prior methods have leveraged \textit{text-only language models} to augment and improve captions, such methods have limitations related to scale and coherence between audio and captions. In this work, we propose an audio captioning pipeline that uses an \textit{audio language model} to synthesize accurate and diverse captions for audio at scale. We leverage this pipeline to produce a dataset of synthetic captions for AudioSet, named \texttt{AF-AudioSet}, and then evaluate the benefit of pre-training text-to-audio models on these synthetic captions. Through systematic evaluations on AudioCaps and MusicCaps, we find leveraging our pipeline and synthetic captions leads to significant improvements on audio generation quality, achieving a new \textit{state-of-the-art}.

cross Causal Discovery Inspired Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction

Authors: Yuncheng Hua, Yujin Huang, Shuo Huang, Tao Feng, Lizhen Qu, Chris Bain, Richard Bassed, Gholamreza Haffari

Abstract: This paper tackles the task of emotion-cause pair extraction in the unsupervised domain adaptation setting. The problem is challenging as the distributions of the events causing emotions in target domains are dramatically different than those in source domains, despite the distributions of emotional expressions between domains are overlapped. Inspired by causal discovery, we propose a novel deep latent model in the variational autoencoder (VAE) framework, which not only captures the underlying latent structures of data but also utilizes the easily transferable knowledge of emotions as the bridge to link the distributions of events in different domains. To facilitate knowledge transfer across domains, we also propose a novel variational posterior regularization technique to disentangle the latent representations of emotions from those of events in order to mitigate the damage caused by the spurious correlations related to the events in source domains. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our model outperforms the strongest baseline by approximately 11.05% on a Chinese benchmark and 2.45% on a English benchmark in terms of weighted-average F1 score. The source code will be publicly available upon acceptance.

cross On the Principles behind Opinion Dynamics in Multi-Agent Systems of Large Language Models

Authors: Pedro Cisneros-Velarde

Abstract: We study the evolution of opinions inside a population of interacting large language models (LLMs). Every LLM needs to decide how much funding to allocate to an item with three initial possibilities: full, partial, or no funding. We identify biases that drive the exchange of opinions based on the LLM's tendency to (i) find consensus with the other LLM's opinion, (ii) display caution when specifying funding, and (iii) consider ethical concerns in its opinion. We find these biases are affected by the perceived absence of compelling reasons for opinion change, the perceived willingness to engage in discussion, and the distribution of allocation values. Moreover, tensions among biases can lead to the survival of funding for items with negative connotations. We also find that the final distribution of full, partial, and no funding opinions is more diverse when an LLM freely forms its opinion after an interaction than when its opinion is a multiple-choice selection among the three allocation options. In the latter case, consensus or polarization is generally attained. When agents are aware of past opinions, they seek to maintain consistency with them, and more diverse updating rules emerge. Our study is performed using a Llama 3 LLM.

cross Hidden Variables unseen by Random Forests

Authors: Ricardo Blum, Munir Hiabu, Enno Mammen, Joseph Theo Meyer

Abstract: Random Forests are widely claimed to capture interactions well. However, some simple examples suggest that they perform poorly in the presence of certain pure interactions that the conventional CART criterion struggles to capture during tree construction. We argue that simple alternative partitioning schemes used in the tree growing procedure can enhance identification of these interactions. In a simulation study we compare these variants to conventional Random Forests and Extremely Randomized trees. Our results validate that the modifications considered enhance the model's fitting ability in scenarios where pure interactions play a crucial role.

cross Dr.E Bridges Graphs with Large Language Models through Words

Authors: Zipeng Liu, Likang Wu, Ming He, Zhong Guan, Hongke Zhao, Nan Feng

Abstract: Significant efforts have been directed toward integrating powerful Large Language Models (LLMs) with diverse modalities, particularly focusing on the fusion of vision, language, and audio data. However, the graph-structured data, inherently rich in structural and domain-specific knowledge, have not yet been gracefully adapted to LLMs. Existing methods either describe the graph with raw text, suffering the loss of graph structural information, or feed Graph Neural Network (GNN) embeddings directly into LLM at the cost of losing semantic representation. To bridge this gap, we introduce an innovative, end-to-end modality-aligning framework, equipped with a pretrained Dual-Residual Vector Quantized-Variational AutoEncoder (Dr.E). This framework is specifically designed to facilitate token-level alignment with LLMs, enabling an effective translation of the intrinsic `language' of graphs into comprehensible natural language. Our experimental evaluations on standard GNN node classification tasks demonstrate competitive performance against other state-of-the-art approaches. Additionally, our framework ensures interpretability, efficiency, and robustness, with its effectiveness further validated under both fine-tuning and few-shot settings. This study marks the first successful endeavor to achieve token-level alignment between GNNs and LLMs.

cross Few-shot Knowledge Graph Relational Reasoning via Subgraph Adaptation

Authors: Haochen Liu, Song Wang, Chen Chen, Jundong Li

Abstract: Few-shot Knowledge Graph (KG) Relational Reasoning aims to predict unseen triplets (i.e., query triplets) for rare relations in KGs, given only several triplets of these relations as references (i.e., support triplets). This task has gained significant traction due to the widespread use of knowledge graphs in various natural language processing applications. Previous approaches have utilized meta-training methods and manually constructed meta-relation sets to tackle this task. Recent efforts have focused on edge-mask-based methods, which exploit the structure of the contextualized graphs of target triplets (i.e., a subgraph containing relevant triplets in the KG). However, existing edge-mask-based methods have limitations in extracting insufficient information from KG and are highly influenced by spurious information in KG. To overcome these challenges, we propose SAFER (Subgraph Adaptation for Few-shot Relational Reasoning), a novel approach that effectively adapts the information in contextualized graphs to various subgraphs generated from support and query triplets to perform the prediction. Specifically, SAFER enables the extraction of more comprehensive information from support triplets while minimizing the impact of spurious information when predicting query triplets. Experimental results on three prevalent datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed framework SAFER.

cross What Teaches Robots to Walk, Teaches Them to Trade too -- Regime Adaptive Execution using Informed Data and LLMs

Authors: Raeid Saqur

Abstract: Machine learning techniques applied to the problem of financial market forecasting struggle with dynamic regime switching, or underlying correlation and covariance shifts in true (hidden) market variables. Drawing inspiration from the success of reinforcement learning in robotics, particularly in agile locomotion adaptation of quadruped robots to unseen terrains, we introduce an innovative approach that leverages world knowledge of pretrained LLMs (aka. 'privileged information' in robotics) and dynamically adapts them using intrinsic, natural market rewards using LLM alignment technique we dub as "Reinforcement Learning from Market Feedback" (**RLMF**). Strong empirical results demonstrate the efficacy of our method in adapting to regime shifts in financial markets, a challenge that has long plagued predictive models in this domain. The proposed algorithmic framework outperforms best-performing SOTA LLM models on the existing (FLARE) benchmark stock-movement (SM) tasks by more than 15\% improved accuracy. On the recently proposed NIFTY SM task, our adaptive policy outperforms the SOTA best performing trillion parameter models like GPT-4. The paper details the dual-phase, teacher-student architecture and implementation of our model, the empirical results obtained, and an analysis of the role of language embeddings in terms of Information Gain.

cross Machine Learning Visualization Tool for Exploring Parameterized Hydrodynamics

Authors: C. F. Jekel, D. M. Sterbentz, T. M. Stitt, P. Mocz, R. N. Rieben, D. A. White, J. L. Belof

Abstract: We are interested in the computational study of shock hydrodynamics, i.e. problems involving compressible solids, liquids, and gases that undergo large deformation. These problems are dynamic and nonlinear and can exhibit complex instabilities. Due to advances in high performance computing it is possible to parameterize a hydrodynamic problem and perform a computational study yielding $\mathcal{O}\left({\rm TB}\right)$ of simulation state data. We present an interactive machine learning tool that can be used to compress, browse, and interpolate these large simulation datasets. This tool allows computational scientists and researchers to quickly visualize "what-if" situations, perform sensitivity analyses, and optimize complex hydrodynamic experiments.

cross Machine Learning Models for Accurately Predicting Properties of CsPbCl3 Perovskite Quantum Dots

Authors: Mehmet S{\i}dd{\i}k \c{C}ad{\i}rc{\i}, Musa \c{C}ad{\i}rc{\i}

Abstract: Perovskite Quantum Dots (PQDs) have a promising future for several applications due to their unique properties. This study investigates the effectiveness of Machine Learning (ML) in predicting the size, absorbance (1S abs) and photoluminescence (PL) properties of $\mathrm{CsPbCl}_3$ PQDs using synthesizing features as the input dataset. the study employed ML models of Support Vector Regression (SVR), Nearest Neighbour Distance (NND), Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Decision Tree (DT) and Deep Learning (DL). Although all models performed highly accurate results, SVR and NND demonstrated the best accurate property prediction by achieving excellent performance on the test and training datasets, with high $\mathrm{R}^2$ and low Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and low Mean Absolute Error (MAE) metric values. Given that ML is becoming more superior, its ability to understand the QDs field could prove invaluable to shape the future of nanomaterials designing.

cross Steering Without Side Effects: Improving Post-Deployment Control of Language Models

Authors: Asa Cooper Stickland, Alexander Lyzhov, Jacob Pfau, Salsabila Mahdi, Samuel R. Bowman

Abstract: Language models (LMs) have been shown to behave unexpectedly post-deployment. For example, new jailbreaks continually arise, allowing model misuse, despite extensive red-teaming and adversarial training from developers. Given most model queries are unproblematic and frequent retraining results in unstable user experience, methods for mitigation of worst-case behavior should be targeted. One such method is classifying inputs as potentially problematic, then selectively applying steering vectors on these problematic inputs, i.e. adding particular vectors to model hidden states. However, steering vectors can also negatively affect model performance, which will be an issue on cases where the classifier was incorrect. We present KL-then-steer (KTS), a technique that decreases the side effects of steering while retaining its benefits, by first training a model to minimize Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between a steered and unsteered model on benign inputs, then steering the model that has undergone this training. Our best method prevents 44% of jailbreak attacks compared to the original Llama-2-chat-7B model while maintaining helpfulness (as measured by MT-Bench) on benign requests almost on par with the original LM. To demonstrate the generality and transferability of our method beyond jailbreaks, we show that our KTS model can be steered to reduce bias towards user-suggested answers on TruthfulQA. Code is available:


cross Rethinking Pruning Large Language Models: Benefits and Pitfalls of Reconstruction Error Minimization

Authors: Sungbin Shin, Wonpyo Park, Jaeho Lee, Namhoon Lee

Abstract: This work suggests fundamentally rethinking the current practice of pruning large language models (LLMs). The way it is done is by divide and conquer: split the model into submodels, sequentially prune them, and reconstruct predictions of the dense counterparts on small calibration data one at a time; the final model is obtained simply by putting the resulting sparse submodels together. While this approach enables pruning under memory constraints, it generates high reconstruction errors. In this work, we first present an array of reconstruction techniques that can significantly reduce this error by more than $90\%$. Unwittingly, however, we discover that minimizing reconstruction error is not always ideal and can overfit the given calibration data, resulting in rather increased language perplexity and poor performance at downstream tasks. We find out that a strategy of self-generating calibration data can mitigate this trade-off between reconstruction and generalization, suggesting new directions in the presence of both benefits and pitfalls of reconstruction for pruning LLMs.

cross Supersonic OT: Fast Unconditionally Secure Oblivious Transfer

Authors: Aydin Abadi, Yvo Desmedt

Abstract: Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol with applications in secure Multi-Party Computation, Federated Learning, and Private Set Intersection. With the advent of quantum computing, it is crucial to develop unconditionally secure core primitives like OT to ensure their continued security in the post-quantum era. Despite over four decades since OT's introduction, the literature has predominantly relied on computational assumptions, except in cases using unconventional methods like noisy channels or a fully trusted party. Introducing "Supersonic OT", a highly efficient and unconditionally secure OT scheme that avoids public-key-based primitives, we offer an alternative to traditional approaches. Supersonic OT enables a receiver to obtain a response of size O(1). Its simple (yet non-trivial) design facilitates easy security analysis and implementation. The protocol employs a basic secret-sharing scheme, controlled swaps, the one-time pad, and a third-party helper who may be corrupted by a semi-honest adversary. Our implementation and runtime analysis indicate that a single instance of Supersonic OT completes in 0.35 milliseconds, making it up to 2000 times faster than the state-of-the-art base OT.

cross Specify What? Enhancing Neural Specification Synthesis by Symbolic Methods

Authors: George Granberry, Wolfgang Ahrendt, Moa Johansson

Abstract: We investigate how combinations of Large Language Models (LLMs) and symbolic analyses can be used to synthesise specifications of C programs. The LLM prompts are augmented with outputs from two formal methods tools in the Frama-C ecosystem, Pathcrawler and EVA, to produce C program annotations in the specification language ACSL. We demonstrate how the addition of symbolic analysis to the workflow impacts the quality of annotations: information about input/output examples from Pathcrawler produce more context-aware annotations, while the inclusion of EVA reports yields annotations more attuned to runtime errors. In addition, we show that the method infers rather the programs intent than its behaviour, by generating specifications for buggy programs and observing robustness of the result against bugs.

cross Unseen Object Reasoning with Shared Appearance Cues

Authors: Paridhi Singh, Arun Kumar

Abstract: This paper introduces an innovative approach to open world recognition (OWR), where we leverage knowledge acquired from known objects to address the recognition of previously unseen objects. The traditional method of object modeling relies on supervised learning with strict closed-set assumptions, presupposing that objects encountered during inference are already known at the training phase. However, this assumption proves inadequate for real-world scenarios due to the impracticality of accounting for the immense diversity of objects. Our hypothesis posits that object appearances can be represented as collections of "shareable" mid-level features, arranged in constellations to form object instances. By adopting this framework, we can efficiently dissect and represent both known and unknown objects in terms of their appearance cues. Our paper introduces a straightforward yet elegant method for modeling novel or unseen objects, utilizing established appearance cues and accounting for inherent uncertainties. This representation not only enables the detection of out-of-distribution objects or novel categories among unseen objects but also facilitates a deeper level of reasoning, empowering the identification of the superclass to which an unknown instance belongs. This novel approach holds promise for advancing open world recognition in diverse applications.

cross DEM: Distribution Edited Model for Training with Mixed Data Distributions

Authors: Dhananjay Ram, Aditya Rawal, Momchil Hardalov, Nikolaos Pappas, Sheng Zha

Abstract: Training with mixed data distributions is a common and important part of creating multi-task and instruction-following models. The diversity of the data distributions and cost of joint training makes the optimization procedure extremely challenging. Data mixing methods partially address this problem, albeit having a sub-optimal performance across data sources and require multiple expensive training runs. In this paper, we propose a simple and efficient alternative for better optimization of the data sources by combining models individually trained on each data source with the base model using basic element-wise vector operations. The resulting model, namely Distribution Edited Model (DEM), is 11x cheaper than standard data mixing and outperforms strong baselines on a variety of benchmarks, yielding up to 6.2% improvement on MMLU, 11.5% on BBH, 16.1% on DROP, and 9.3% on HELM with models of size 3B to 13B. Notably, DEM does not require full re-training when modifying a single data-source, thus making it very flexible and scalable for training with diverse data sources.

cross Detecting and Classifying Flares in High-Resolution Solar Spectra with Supervised Machine Learning

Authors: Nicole Hao, Laura Flagg, Ray Jayawardhana

Abstract: Flares are a well-studied aspect of the Sun's magnetic activity. Detecting and classifying solar flares can inform the analysis of contamination caused by stellar flares in exoplanet transmission spectra. In this paper, we present a standardized procedure to classify solar flares with the aid of supervised machine learning. Using flare data from the RHESSI mission and solar spectra from the HARPS-N instrument, we trained several supervised machine learning models, and found that the best performing algorithm is a C-Support Vector Machine (SVC) with non-linear kernels, specifically Radial Basis Functions (RBF). The best-trained model, SVC with RBF kernels, achieves an average aggregate accuracy score of 0.65, and categorical accuracy scores of over 0.70 for the no-flare and weak-flare classes, respectively. In comparison, a blind classification algorithm would have an accuracy score of 0.33. Testing showed that the model is able to detect and classify solar flares in entirely new data with different characteristics and distributions from those of the training set. Future efforts could focus on enhancing classification accuracy, investigating the efficacy of alternative models, particularly deep learning models, and incorporating more datasets to extend the application of this framework to stars that host exoplanets.

cross Shortcomings of LLMs for Low-Resource Translation: Retrieval and Understanding are Both the Problem

Authors: Sara Court, Micha Elsner

Abstract: This work investigates the in-context learning abilities of pretrained large language models (LLMs) when instructed to translate text from a low-resource language into a high-resource language as part of an automated machine translation pipeline. We conduct a set of experiments translating Southern Quechua to Spanish and examine the informativity of various types of information retrieved from a constrained database of digitized pedagogical materials (dictionaries and grammar lessons) and parallel corpora. Using both automatic and human evaluation of model output, we conduct ablation studies that manipulate (1) context type (morpheme translations, grammar descriptions, and corpus examples), (2) retrieval methods (automated vs. manual), and (3) model type. Our results suggest that even relatively small LLMs are capable of utilizing prompt context for zero-shot low-resource translation when provided a minimally sufficient amount of relevant linguistic information. However, the variable effects of prompt type, retrieval method, model type, and language-specific factors highlight the limitations of using even the best LLMs as translation systems for the majority of the world's 7,000+ languages and their speakers.

cross Benchmarking Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Large Language Models with LM-Polygraph

Authors: Roman Vashurin, Ekaterina Fadeeva, Artem Vazhentsev, Akim Tsvigun, Daniil Vasilev, Rui Xing, Abdelrahman Boda Sadallah, Lyudmila Rvanova, Sergey Petrakov, Alexander Panchenko, Timothy Baldwin, Preslav Nakov, Maxim Panov, Artem Shelmanov

Abstract: Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is becoming increasingly recognized as a critical component of applications that rely on machine learning (ML). The rapid proliferation of large language models (LLMs) has stimulated researchers to seek efficient and effective approaches to UQ in text generation tasks, as in addition to their emerging capabilities, these models have introduced new challenges for building safe applications. As with other ML models, LLMs are prone to make incorrect predictions, ``hallucinate'' by fabricating claims, or simply generate low-quality output for a given input. UQ is a key element in dealing with these challenges. However research to date on UQ methods for LLMs has been fragmented, with disparate evaluation methods. In this work, we tackle this issue by introducing a novel benchmark that implements a collection of state-of-the-art UQ baselines, and provides an environment for controllable and consistent evaluation of novel techniques by researchers in various text generation tasks. Our benchmark also supports the assessment of confidence normalization methods in terms of their ability to provide interpretable scores. Using our benchmark, we conduct a large-scale empirical investigation of UQ and normalization techniques across nine tasks and shed light on the most promising approaches.

cross Root Cause Analysis of Anomalies in 5G RAN Using Graph Neural Network and Transformer

Authors: Antor Hasan, Conrado Boeira, Khaleda Papry, Yue Ju, Zhongwen Zhu, Israat Haque

Abstract: The emergence of 5G technology marks a significant milestone in developing telecommunication networks, enabling exciting new applications such as augmented reality and self-driving vehicles. However, these improvements bring an increased management complexity and a special concern in dealing with failures, as the applications 5G intends to support heavily rely on high network performance and low latency. Thus, automatic self-healing solutions have become effective in dealing with this requirement, allowing a learning-based system to automatically detect anomalies and perform Root Cause Analysis (RCA). However, there are inherent challenges to the implementation of such intelligent systems. First, there is a lack of suitable data for anomaly detection and RCA, as labelled data for failure scenarios is uncommon. Secondly, current intelligent solutions are tailored to LTE networks and do not fully capture the spatio-temporal characteristics present in the data. Considering this, we utilize a calibrated simulator, Simu5G, and generate open-source data for normal and failure scenarios. Using this data, we propose Simba, a state-of-the-art approach for anomaly detection and root cause analysis in 5G Radio Access Networks (RANs). We leverage Graph Neural Networks to capture spatial relationships while a Transformer model is used to learn the temporal dependencies of the data. We implement a prototype of Simba and evaluate it over multiple failures. The outcomes are compared against existing solutions to confirm the superiority of Simba.

cross Generating Music with Structure Using Self-Similarity as Attention

Authors: Sophia Hager, Kathleen Hablutzel, Katherine Kinnaird

Abstract: Despite the innovations in deep learning and generative AI, creating long term structure as well as the layers of repeated structure common in musical works remains an open challenge in music generation. We propose an attention layer that uses a novel approach applying user-supplied self-similarity matrices to previous time steps, and demonstrate it in our Similarity Incentivized Neural Generator (SING) system, a deep learning autonomous music generation system with two layers. The first is a vanilla Long Short Term Memory layer, and the second is the proposed attention layer. During generation, this attention mechanism imposes a suggested structure from a template piece on the generated music. We train SING on the MAESTRO dataset using a novel variable batching method, and compare its performance to the same model without the attention mechanism. The addition of our proposed attention mechanism significantly improves the network's ability to replicate specific structures, and it performs better on an unseen test set than a model without the attention mechanism.

cross The Stochastic Occupation Kernel Method for System Identification

Authors: Michael Wells, Kamel Lahouel, Bruno Jedynak

Abstract: The method of occupation kernels has been used to learn ordinary differential equations from data in a non-parametric way. We propose a two-step method for learning the drift and diffusion of a stochastic differential equation given snapshots of the process. In the first step, we learn the drift by applying the occupation kernel algorithm to the expected value of the process. In the second step, we learn the diffusion given the drift using a semi-definite program. Specifically, we learn the diffusion squared as a non-negative function in a RKHS associated with the square of a kernel. We present examples and simulations.

cross Flat Posterior Does Matter For Bayesian Transfer Learning

Authors: Sungjun Lim, Jeyoon Yeom, Sooyon Kim, Hoyoon Byun, Jinho Kang, Yohan Jung, Jiyoung Jung, Kyungwoo Song

Abstract: The large-scale pre-trained neural network has achieved notable success in enhancing performance for downstream tasks. Another promising approach for generalization is Bayesian Neural Network (BNN), which integrates Bayesian methods into neural network architectures, offering advantages such as Bayesian Model averaging (BMA) and uncertainty quantification. Despite these benefits, transfer learning for BNNs has not been widely investigated and shows limited improvement. We hypothesize that this issue arises from the inability to find flat minima, which is crucial for generalization performance. To address this, we evaluate the sharpness of BNNs in various settings, revealing their insufficiency in seeking flat minima and the influence of flatness on BMA performance. Therefore, we propose Sharpness-aware Bayesian Model Averaging (SA-BMA), a Bayesian-fitting flat posterior seeking optimizer integrated with Bayesian transfer learning. SA-BMA calculates the divergence between posteriors in the parameter space, aligning with the nature of BNNs, and serves as a generalized version of existing sharpness-aware optimizers. We validate that SA-BMA improves generalization performance in few-shot classification and distribution shift scenarios by ensuring flatness.

cross Teach Better or Show Smarter? On Instructions and Exemplars in Automatic Prompt Optimization

Authors: Xingchen Wan, Ruoxi Sun, Hootan Nakhost, Sercan O. Arik

Abstract: Large language models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities, but their performance is heavily reliant on effective prompt engineering. Automatic prompt optimization (APO) methods are designed to automate this and can be broadly categorized into those targeting instructions (instruction optimization, IO) vs. those targeting exemplars (exemplar selection, ES). Despite their shared objective, these have evolved rather independently, with IO recently receiving more research attention. This paper seeks to bridge this gap by comprehensively comparing the performance of representative IO and ES techniques, both isolation and combination, on a diverse set of challenging tasks. Our findings reveal that intelligently reusing model-generated input-output pairs obtained from evaluating prompts on the validation set as exemplars consistently improves performance over IO methods but is currently under-investigated. We also find that despite the recent focus on IO, how we select exemplars can outweigh how we optimize instructions, with ES strategies as simple as random search outperforming state-of-the-art IO methods with seed instructions without any optimization. Moreover, we observe synergy between ES and IO, with optimal combinations surpassing individual contributions. We conclude that studying exemplar selection as a standalone method and its optimal combination with instruction optimization remains a crucial aspect of APO and deserves greater consideration in future research, even in the era of highly capable instruction-following models.

cross Efficient Low-rank Identification via Accelerated Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm Minimization

Authors: Hao Wang, Ye Wang, Xiangyu Yang

Abstract: This paper considers the problem of minimizing the sum of a smooth function and the Schatten-$p$ norm of the matrix. Our contribution involves proposing accelerated iteratively reweighted nuclear norm methods designed for solving the nonconvex low-rank minimization problem. Two major novelties characterize our approach. Firstly, the proposed method possesses a rank identification property, enabling the provable identification of the "correct" rank of the stationary point within a finite number of iterations. Secondly, we introduce an adaptive updating strategy for smoothing parameters. This strategy automatically fixes parameters associated with zero singular values as constants upon detecting the "correct" rank while quickly driving the rest parameters to zero. This adaptive behavior transforms the algorithm into one that effectively solves smooth problems after a few iterations, setting our work apart from existing iteratively reweighted methods for low-rank optimization. We prove the global convergence of the proposed algorithm, guaranteeing that every limit point of the iterates is a critical point. Furthermore, a local convergence rate analysis is provided under the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz property. We conduct numerical experiments using both synthetic and real data to showcase our algorithm's efficiency and superiority over existing methods.

cross Ladder: A Model-Agnostic Framework Boosting LLM-based Machine Translation to the Next Level

Authors: Zhaopeng Feng, Ruizhe Chen, Yan Zhang, Zijie Meng, Zuozhu Liu

Abstract: General-purpose Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have achieved remarkable advancements in machine translation (MT) by leveraging extensive web content. On the other hand, translation-specific LLMs are built by pre-training on domain-specific monolingual corpora and fine-tuning with human-annotated translation data. Despite the superior performance, these methods either demand an unprecedented scale of computing and data or substantial human editing and annotation efforts. In this paper, we develop Ladder, a novel model-agnostic and cost-effective tool to refine the performance of general LLMs for MT. Ladder is trained on pseudo-refinement triplets which can be easily obtained from existing LLMs without additional human cost. During training, we propose a hierarchical fine-tuning strategy with an easy-to-hard schema, improving Ladder's refining performance progressively. The trained Ladder can be seamlessly integrated with any general-purpose LLMs to boost their translation performance. By utilizing Gemma-2B/7B as the backbone, Ladder-2B can elevate raw translations to the level of top-tier open-source models (e.g., refining BigTranslate-13B with +6.91 BLEU and +3.52 COMET for XX-En), and Ladder-7B can further enhance model performance to be on par with the state-of-the-art GPT-4. Extensive ablation and analysis corroborate the effectiveness of Ladder in diverse settings. Our code is available at


cross Probabilistic Programming with Programmable Variational Inference

Authors: McCoy R. Becker, Alexander K. Lew, Xiaoyan Wang, Matin Ghavami, Mathieu Huot, Martin C. Rinard, Vikash K. Mansinghka

Abstract: Compared to the wide array of advanced Monte Carlo methods supported by modern probabilistic programming languages (PPLs), PPL support for variational inference (VI) is less developed: users are typically limited to a predefined selection of variational objectives and gradient estimators, which are implemented monolithically (and without formal correctness arguments) in PPL backends. In this paper, we propose a more modular approach to supporting variational inference in PPLs, based on compositional program transformation. In our approach, variational objectives are expressed as programs, that may employ first-class constructs for computing densities of and expected values under user-defined models and variational families. We then transform these programs systematically into unbiased gradient estimators for optimizing the objectives they define. Our design enables modular reasoning about many interacting concerns, including automatic differentiation, density accumulation, tracing, and the application of unbiased gradient estimation strategies. Additionally, relative to existing support for VI in PPLs, our design increases expressiveness along three axes: (1) it supports an open-ended set of user-defined variational objectives, rather than a fixed menu of options; (2) it supports a combinatorial space of gradient estimation strategies, many not automated by today's PPLs; and (3) it supports a broader class of models and variational families, because it supports constructs for approximate marginalization and normalization (previously introduced only for Monte Carlo inference). We implement our approach in an extension to the Gen probabilistic programming system (, implemented in JAX), and evaluate on several deep generative modeling tasks, showing minimal performance overhead vs. hand-coded implementations and performance competitive with well-established open-source PPLs.

cross Multimodal Segmentation for Vocal Tract Modeling

Authors: Rishi Jain, Bohan Yu, Peter Wu, Tejas Prabhune, Gopala Anumanchipalli

Abstract: Accurate modeling of the vocal tract is necessary to construct articulatory representations for interpretable speech processing and linguistics. However, vocal tract modeling is challenging because many internal articulators are occluded from external motion capture technologies. Real-time magnetic resonance imaging (RT-MRI) allows measuring precise movements of internal articulators during speech, but annotated datasets of MRI are limited in size due to time-consuming and computationally expensive labeling methods. We first present a deep labeling strategy for the RT-MRI video using a vision-only segmentation approach. We then introduce a multimodal algorithm using audio to improve segmentation of vocal articulators. Together, we set a new benchmark for vocal tract modeling in MRI video segmentation and use this to release labels for a 75-speaker RT-MRI dataset, increasing the amount of labeled public RT-MRI data of the vocal tract by over a factor of 9. The code and dataset labels can be found at \url{}.

cross LaMSUM: A Novel Framework for Extractive Summarization of User Generated Content using LLMs

Authors: Garima Chhikara, Anurag Sharma, V. Gurucharan, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Abhijnan Chakraborty

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance across a wide range of NLP tasks, including summarization. Inherently LLMs produce abstractive summaries, and the task of achieving extractive summaries through LLMs still remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, in this work, we propose a novel framework LaMSUM to generate extractive summaries through LLMs for large user-generated text by leveraging voting algorithms. Our evaluation on three popular open-source LLMs (Llama 3, Mixtral and Gemini) reveal that the LaMSUM outperforms state-of-the-art extractive summarization methods. We further attempt to provide the rationale behind the output summary produced by LLMs. Overall, this is one of the early attempts to achieve extractive summarization for large user-generated text by utilizing LLMs, and likely to generate further interest in the community.

cross Enhancing Solar Driver Forecasting with Multivariate Transformers

Authors: Sergio Sanchez-Hurtado, Victor Rodriguez-Fernandez, Julia Briden, Peng Mun Siew, Richard Linares

Abstract: In this work, we develop a comprehensive framework for F10.7, S10.7, M10.7, and Y10.7 solar driver forecasting with a time series Transformer (PatchTST). To ensure an equal representation of high and low levels of solar activity, we construct a custom loss function to weight samples based on the distance between the solar driver's historical distribution and the training set. The solar driver forecasting framework includes an 18-day lookback window and forecasts 6 days into the future. When benchmarked against the Space Environment Technologies (SET) dataset, our model consistently produces forecasts with a lower standard mean error in nearly all cases, with improved prediction accuracy during periods of high solar activity. All the code is available on Github


cross NeuralSCF: Neural network self-consistent fields for density functional theory

Authors: Feitong Song, Ji Feng

Abstract: Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) has found widespread application in accurate electronic structure calculations. However, it can be computationally demanding especially for large-scale simulations, motivating recent efforts toward its machine-learning (ML) acceleration. We propose a neural network self-consistent fields (NeuralSCF) framework that establishes the Kohn-Sham density map as a deep learning objective, which encodes the mechanics of the Kohn-Sham equations. Modeling this map with an SE(3)-equivariant graph transformer, NeuralSCF emulates the Kohn-Sham self-consistent iterations to obtain electron densities, from which other properties can be derived. NeuralSCF achieves state-of-the-art accuracy in electron density prediction and derived properties, featuring exceptional zero-shot generalization to a remarkable range of out-of-distribution systems. NeuralSCF reveals that learning from KS-DFT's intrinsic mechanics significantly enhances the model's accuracy and transferability, offering a promising stepping stone for accelerating electronic structure calculations through mechanics learning.

cross Real-time Speech Summarization for Medical Conversations

Authors: Khai Le-Duc, Khai-Nguyen Nguyen, Long Vo-Dang, Truong-Son Hy

Abstract: In doctor-patient conversations, identifying medically relevant information is crucial, posing the need for conversation summarization. In this work, we propose the first deployable real-time speech summarization system for real-world applications in industry, which generates a local summary after every N speech utterances within a conversation and a global summary after the end of a conversation. Our system could enhance user experience from a business standpoint, while also reducing computational costs from a technical perspective. Secondly, we present VietMed-Sum which, to our knowledge, is the first speech summarization dataset for medical conversations. Thirdly, we are the first to utilize LLM and human annotators collaboratively to create gold standard and synthetic summaries for medical conversation summarization. Finally, we present baseline results of state-of-the-art models on VietMed-Sum. All code, data (English-translated and Vietnamese) and models are available online:


cross Fusing Audio and Metadata Embeddings Improves Language-based Audio Retrieval

Authors: Paul Primus, Gerhard Widmer

Abstract: Matching raw audio signals with textual descriptions requires understanding the audio's content and the description's semantics and then drawing connections between the two modalities. This paper investigates a hybrid retrieval system that utilizes audio metadata as an additional clue to understand the content of audio signals before matching them with textual queries. We experimented with metadata often attached to audio recordings, such as keywords and natural-language descriptions, and we investigated late and mid-level fusion strategies to merge audio and metadata. Our hybrid approach with keyword metadata and late fusion improved the retrieval performance over a content-based baseline by 2.36 and 3.69 pp. mAP@10 on the ClothoV2 and AudioCaps benchmarks, respectively.

cross Defection-Free Collaboration between Competitors in a Learning System

Authors: Mariel Werner, Sai Praneeth Karimireddy, Michael I. Jordan

Abstract: We study collaborative learning systems in which the participants are competitors who will defect from the system if they lose revenue by collaborating. As such, we frame the system as a duopoly of competitive firms who are each engaged in training machine-learning models and selling their predictions to a market of consumers. We first examine a fully collaborative scheme in which both firms share their models with each other and show that this leads to a market collapse with the revenues of both firms going to zero. We next show that one-sided collaboration in which only the firm with the lower-quality model shares improves the revenue of both firms. Finally, we propose a more equitable, *defection-free* scheme in which both firms share with each other while losing no revenue, and we show that our algorithm converges to the Nash bargaining solution.

cross Semantic Entropy Probes: Robust and Cheap Hallucination Detection in LLMs

Authors: Jannik Kossen, Jiatong Han, Muhammed Razzak, Lisa Schut, Shreshth Malik, Yarin Gal

Abstract: We propose semantic entropy probes (SEPs), a cheap and reliable method for uncertainty quantification in Large Language Models (LLMs). Hallucinations, which are plausible-sounding but factually incorrect and arbitrary model generations, present a major challenge to the practical adoption of LLMs. Recent work by Farquhar et al. (2024) proposes semantic entropy (SE), which can detect hallucinations by estimating uncertainty in the space semantic meaning for a set of model generations. However, the 5-to-10-fold increase in computation cost associated with SE computation hinders practical adoption. To address this, we propose SEPs, which directly approximate SE from the hidden states of a single generation. SEPs are simple to train and do not require sampling multiple model generations at test time, reducing the overhead of semantic uncertainty quantification to almost zero. We show that SEPs retain high performance for hallucination detection and generalize better to out-of-distribution data than previous probing methods that directly predict model accuracy. Our results across models and tasks suggest that model hidden states capture SE, and our ablation studies give further insights into the token positions and model layers for which this is the case.

cross Multistep Criticality Search and Power Shaping in Microreactors with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Majdi I. Radaideh, Leo Tunkle, Dean Price, Kamal Abdulraheem, Linyu Lin, Moutaz Elias

Abstract: Reducing operation and maintenance costs is a key objective for advanced reactors in general and microreactors in particular. To achieve this reduction, developing robust autonomous control algorithms is essential to ensure safe and autonomous reactor operation. Recently, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, specifically reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, have seen rapid increased application to control problems, such as plasma control in fusion tokamaks and building energy management. In this work, we introduce the use of RL for intelligent control in nuclear microreactors. The RL agent is trained using proximal policy optimization (PPO) and advantage actor-critic (A2C), cutting-edge deep RL techniques, based on a high-fidelity simulation of a microreactor design inspired by the Westinghouse eVinci\textsuperscript{TM} design. We utilized a Serpent model to generate data on drum positions, core criticality, and core power distribution for training a feedforward neural network surrogate model. This surrogate model was then used to guide a PPO and A2C control policies in determining the optimal drum position across various reactor burnup states, ensuring critical core conditions and symmetrical power distribution across all six core portions. The results demonstrate the excellent performance of PPO in identifying optimal drum positions, achieving a hextant power tilt ratio of approximately 1.002 (within the limit of $<$ 1.02) and maintaining criticality within a 10 pcm range. A2C did not provide as competitive of a performance as PPO in terms of performance metrics for all burnup steps considered in the cycle. Additionally, the results highlight the capability of well-trained RL control policies to quickly identify control actions, suggesting a promising approach for enabling real-time autonomous control through digital twins.

cross An Automated SQL Query Grading System Using An Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network

Authors: Donald R. Schwartz, Pablo Rivas

Abstract: Grading SQL queries can be a time-consuming, tedious and challenging task, especially as the number of student submissions increases. Several systems have been introduced in an attempt to mitigate these challenges, but those systems have their own limitations. This paper describes our novel approach to automating the process of grading SQL queries. Unlike previous approaches, we employ a unique convolutional neural network architecture that employs a parameter-sharing approach for different machine learning tasks that enables the architecture to induce different knowledge representations of the data to increase its potential for understanding SQL statements.

cross RuleR: Improving LLM Controllability by Rule-based Data Recycling

Authors: Ming Li, Han Chen, Chenguang Wang, Dang Nguyen, Dianqi Li, Tianyi Zhou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) still lack delicate controllability over their responses, which is critical to enhancing their performance and the user experience. However, curating supervised fine-tuning (SFT) datasets to improve LLM controllability usually relies on human experts or proprietary LLMs, which requires additional costs. To bridge this gap, we propose Rule-based Data Recycling (RuleR), a data augmentation method incorporating multiple constraints into the original data samples according to predefined rules, which creates new training tasks to consolidate the controllability of LLMs. Instead of creating new data from scratch, RuleR ``recycles'' existing data by simply applying rule-based edits to their responses and appending the rule-instructions in their original instructions. Experimental results demonstrate RuleR's effectiveness in improving LLM controllability while maintaining general instruction-following capabilities. The code will be released on


cross LaneSegNet Design Study

Authors: William Stevens, Vishal Urs, Karthik Selvaraj, Gabriel Torres, Gaurish Lakhanpal

Abstract: With the increasing prevalence of autonomous vehicles, it is essential for computer vision algorithms to accurately assess road features in real-time. This study explores the LaneSegNet architecture, a new approach to lane topology prediction which integrates topological information with lane-line data to provide a more contextual understanding of road environments. The LaneSegNet architecture includes a feature extractor, lane encoder, lane decoder, and prediction head, leveraging components from ResNet-50, BEVFormer, and various attention mechanisms. We experimented with optimizations to the LaneSegNet architecture through feature extractor modification and transformer encoder-decoder stack modification. We found that modifying the encoder and decoder stacks offered an interesting tradeoff between training time and prediction accuracy, with certain combinations showing promising results. Our implementation, trained on a single NVIDIA Tesla A100 GPU, found that a 2:4 ratio reduced training time by 22.3% with only a 7.1% drop in mean average precision, while a 4:8 ratio increased training time by only 11.1% but improved mean average precision by a significant 23.7%. These results indicate that strategic hyperparameter tuning can yield substantial improvements depending on the resources of the user. This study provides valuable insights for optimizing LaneSegNet according to available computation power, making it more accessible for users with limited resources and increasing the capabilities for users with more powerful resources.

cross Bone Fracture Classification using Transfer Learning

Authors: Shyam Gupta, Dhanisha Sharma

Abstract: The manual examination of X-ray images for fractures is a time-consuming process that is prone to human error. In this work, we introduce a robust yet simple training loop for the classification of fractures, which significantly outperforms existing methods. Our method achieves superior performance in less than ten epochs and utilizes the latest dataset to deliver the best-performing model for this task. We emphasize the importance of training deep learning models responsibly and efficiently, as well as the critical role of selecting high-quality datasets.

cross A Nonoverlapping Domain Decomposition Method for Extreme Learning Machines: Elliptic Problems

Authors: Chang-Ock Lee, Youngkyu Lee, Byungeun Ryoo

Abstract: Extreme learning machine (ELM) is a methodology for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using a single hidden layer feed-forward neural network. It presets the weight/bias coefficients in the hidden layer with random values, which remain fixed throughout the computation, and uses a linear least squares method for training the parameters of the output layer of the neural network. It is known to be much faster than Physics informed neural networks. However, classical ELM is still computationally expensive when a high level of representation is desired in the solution as this requires solving a large least squares system. In this paper, we propose a nonoverlapping domain decomposition method (DDM) for ELMs that not only reduces the training time of ELMs, but is also suitable for parallel computation. In numerical analysis, DDMs have been widely studied to reduce the time to obtain finite element solutions for elliptic PDEs through parallel computation. Among these approaches, nonoverlapping DDMs are attracting the most attention. Motivated by these methods, we introduce local neural networks, which are valid only at corresponding subdomains, and an auxiliary variable at the interface. We construct a system on the variable and the parameters of local neural networks. A Schur complement system on the interface can be derived by eliminating the parameters of the output layer. The auxiliary variable is then directly obtained by solving the reduced system after which the parameters for each local neural network are solved in parallel. A method for initializing the hidden layer parameters suitable for high approximation quality in large systems is also proposed. Numerical results that verify the acceleration performance of the proposed method with respect to the number of subdomains are presented.

cross ReCaLL: Membership Inference via Relative Conditional Log-Likelihoods

Authors: Roy Xie, Junlin Wang, Ruomin Huang, Minxing Zhang, Rong Ge, Jian Pei, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Bhuwan Dhingra

Abstract: The rapid scaling of large language models (LLMs) has raised concerns about the transparency and fair use of the pretraining data used for training them. Detecting such content is challenging due to the scale of the data and limited exposure of each instance during training. We propose ReCaLL (Relative Conditional Log-Likelihood), a novel membership inference attack (MIA) to detect LLMs' pretraining data by leveraging their conditional language modeling capabilities. ReCaLL examines the relative change in conditional log-likelihoods when prefixing target data points with non-member context. Our empirical findings show that conditioning member data on non-member prefixes induces a larger decrease in log-likelihood compared to non-member data. We conduct comprehensive experiments and show that ReCaLL achieves state-of-the-art performance on the WikiMIA dataset, even with random and synthetic prefixes, and can be further improved using an ensemble approach. Moreover, we conduct an in-depth analysis of LLMs' behavior with different membership contexts, providing insights into how LLMs leverage membership information for effective inference at both the sequence and token level.

cross Learning with Noisy Ground Truth: From 2D Classification to 3D Reconstruction

Authors: Yangdi Lu, Wenbo He

Abstract: Deep neural networks has been highly successful in data-intense computer vision applications, while such success relies heavily on the massive and clean data. In real-world scenarios, clean data sometimes is difficult to obtain. For example, in image classification and segmentation tasks, precise annotations of millions samples are generally very expensive and time-consuming. In 3D static scene reconstruction task, most NeRF related methods require the foundational assumption of the static scene (e.g. consistent lighting condition and persistent object positions), which is often violated in real-world scenarios. To address these problem, learning with noisy ground truth (LNGT) has emerged as an effective learning method and shows great potential. In this short survey, we propose a formal definition unify the analysis of LNGT LNGT in the context of different machine learning tasks (classification and regression). Based on this definition, we propose a novel taxonomy to classify the existing work according to the error decomposition with the fundamental definition of machine learning. Further, we provide in-depth analysis on memorization effect and insightful discussion about potential future research opportunities from 2D classification to 3D reconstruction, in the hope of providing guidance to follow-up research.

cross Predicting Individual Depression Symptoms from Acoustic Features During Speech

Authors: Sebastian Rodriguez, Sri Harsha Dumpala, Katerina Dikaios, Sheri Rempel, Rudolf Uher, Sageev Oore

Abstract: Current automatic depression detection systems provide predictions directly without relying on the individual symptoms/items of depression as denoted in the clinical depression rating scales. In contrast, clinicians assess each item in the depression rating scale in a clinical setting, thus implicitly providing a more detailed rationale for a depression diagnosis. In this work, we make a first step towards using the acoustic features of speech to predict individual items of the depression rating scale before obtaining the final depression prediction. For this, we use convolutional (CNN) and recurrent (long short-term memory (LSTM)) neural networks. We consider different approaches to learning the temporal context of speech. Further, we analyze two variants of voting schemes for individual item prediction and depression detection. We also include an animated visualization that shows an example of item prediction over time as the speech progresses.

cross Found in the Middle: Calibrating Positional Attention Bias Improves Long Context Utilization

Authors: Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Yung-Sung Chuang, Chun-Liang Li, Zifeng Wang, Long T. Le, Abhishek Kumar, James Glass, Alexander Ratner, Chen-Yu Lee, Ranjay Krishna, Tomas Pfister

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs), even when specifically trained to process long input contexts, struggle to capture relevant information located in the middle of their input. This phenomenon has been known as the lost-in-the-middle problem. In this work, we make three contributions. First, we set out to understand the factors that cause this phenomenon. In doing so, we establish a connection between lost-in-the-middle to LLMs' intrinsic attention bias: LLMs exhibit a U-shaped attention bias where the tokens at the beginning and at the end of its input receive higher attention, regardless of their relevance. Second, we mitigate this positional bias through a calibration mechanism, found-in-the-middle, that allows the model to attend to contexts faithfully according to their relevance, even though when they are in the middle. Third, we show found-in-the-middle not only achieves better performance in locating relevant information within a long context, but also eventually leads to improved retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) performance across various tasks, outperforming existing methods by up to 15 percentage points. These findings open up future directions in understanding LLM attention bias and its potential consequences.

cross CEST-KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for CEST MRI Data Analysis

Authors: Jiawen Wang, Pei Cai, Ziyan Wang, Huabin Zhang, Jianpan Huang

Abstract: Purpose: To propose and investigate the feasibility of using Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) for CEST MRI data analysis (CEST-KAN). Methods: CEST MRI data were acquired from twelve healthy volunteers at 3T. Data from ten subjects were used for training, while the remaining two were reserved for testing. The performance of multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and KAN models with the same network settings were evaluated and compared to the conventional multi-pool Lorentzian fitting (MPLF) method in generating water and multiple CEST contrasts, including amide, relayed nuclear Overhauser effect (rNOE), and magnetization transfer (MT). Results: The water and CEST maps generated by both MLP and KAN were visually comparable to the MPLF results. However, the KAN model demonstrated higher accuracy in extrapolating the CEST fitting metrics, as evidenced by the smaller validation loss during training and smaller absolute error during testing. Voxel-wise correlation analysis showed that all four CEST fitting metrics generated by KAN consistently exhibited higher Pearson coefficients than the MLP results, indicating superior performance. Moreover, the KAN models consistently outperformed the MLP models in varying hidden layer numbers despite longer training time. Conclusion: In this study, we demonstrated for the first time the feasibility of utilizing KAN for CEST MRI data analysis, highlighting its superiority over MLP in this task. The findings suggest that CEST-KAN has the potential to be a robust and reliable post-analysis tool for CEST MRI in clinical settings.

cross Effect of Random Learning Rate: Theoretical Analysis of SGD Dynamics in Non-Convex Optimization via Stationary Distribution

Authors: Naoki Yoshida, Shogo Nakakita, Masaaki Imaizumi

Abstract: We consider a variant of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with a random learning rate and reveal its convergence properties. SGD is a widely used stochastic optimization algorithm in machine learning, especially deep learning. Numerous studies reveal the convergence properties of SGD and its simplified variants. Among these, the analysis of convergence using a stationary distribution of updated parameters provides generalizable results. However, to obtain a stationary distribution, the update direction of the parameters must not degenerate, which limits the applicable variants of SGD. In this study, we consider a novel SGD variant, Poisson SGD, which has degenerated parameter update directions and instead utilizes a random learning rate. Consequently, we demonstrate that a distribution of a parameter updated by Poisson SGD converges to a stationary distribution under weak assumptions on a loss function. Based on this, we further show that Poisson SGD finds global minima in non-convex optimization problems and also evaluate the generalization error using this method. As a proof technique, we approximate the distribution by Poisson SGD with that of the bouncy particle sampler (BPS) and derive its stationary distribution, using the theoretical advance of the piece-wise deterministic Markov process (PDMP).

cross Combine and Conquer: A Meta-Analysis on Data Shift and Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors: Eduardo Dadalto, Florence Alberge, Pierre Duhamel, Pablo Piantanida

Abstract: This paper introduces a universal approach to seamlessly combine out-of-distribution (OOD) detection scores. These scores encompass a wide range of techniques that leverage the self-confidence of deep learning models and the anomalous behavior of features in the latent space. Not surprisingly, combining such a varied population using simple statistics proves inadequate. To overcome this challenge, we propose a quantile normalization to map these scores into p-values, effectively framing the problem into a multi-variate hypothesis test. Then, we combine these tests using established meta-analysis tools, resulting in a more effective detector with consolidated decision boundaries. Furthermore, we create a probabilistic interpretable criterion by mapping the final statistics into a distribution with known parameters. Through empirical investigation, we explore different types of shifts, each exerting varying degrees of impact on data. Our results demonstrate that our approach significantly improves overall robustness and performance across diverse OOD detection scenarios. Notably, our framework is easily extensible for future developments in detection scores and stands as the first to combine decision boundaries in this context. The code and artifacts associated with this work are publicly available\footnote{\url{}}.


cross Imperative Learning: A Self-supervised Neural-Symbolic Learning Framework for Robot Autonomy

Authors: Chen Wang, Kaiyi Ji, Junyi Geng, Zhongqiang Ren, Taimeng Fu, Fan Yang, Yifan Guo, Haonan He, Xiangyu Chen, Zitong Zhan, Qiwei Du, Shaoshu Su, Bowen Li, Yuheng Qiu, Yi Du, Qihang Li, Yifan Yang, Xiao Lin, Zhipeng Zhao

Abstract: Data-driven methods such as reinforcement and imitation learning have achieved remarkable success in robot autonomy. However, their data-centric nature still hinders them from generalizing well to ever-changing environments. Moreover, collecting large datasets for robotic tasks is often impractical and expensive. To overcome these challenges, we introduce a new self-supervised neural-symbolic (NeSy) computational framework, imperative learning (IL), for robot autonomy, leveraging the generalization abilities of symbolic reasoning. The framework of IL consists of three primary components: a neural module, a reasoning engine, and a memory system. We formulate IL as a special bilevel optimization (BLO), which enables reciprocal learning over the three modules. This overcomes the label-intensive obstacles associated with data-driven approaches and takes advantage of symbolic reasoning concerning logical reasoning, physical principles, geometric analysis, etc. We discuss several optimization techniques for IL and verify their effectiveness in five distinct robot autonomy tasks including path planning, rule induction, optimal control, visual odometry, and multi-robot routing. Through various experiments, we show that IL can significantly enhance robot autonomy capabilities and we anticipate that it will catalyze further research across diverse domains.

cross Towards Natural Language-Driven Assembly Using Foundation Models

Authors: Omkar Joglekar, Tal Lancewicki, Shir Kozlovsky, Vladimir Tchuiev, Zohar Feldman, Dotan Di Castro

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) and strong vision models have enabled rapid research and development in the field of Vision-Language-Action models that enable robotic control. The main objective of these methods is to develop a generalist policy that can control robots with various embodiments. However, in industrial robotic applications such as automated assembly and disassembly, some tasks, such as insertion, demand greater accuracy and involve intricate factors like contact engagement, friction handling, and refined motor skills. Implementing these skills using a generalist policy is challenging because these policies might integrate further sensory data, including force or torque measurements, for enhanced precision. In our method, we present a global control policy based on LLMs that can transfer the control policy to a finite set of skills that are specifically trained to perform high-precision tasks through dynamic context switching. The integration of LLMs into this framework underscores their significance in not only interpreting and processing language inputs but also in enriching the control mechanisms for diverse and intricate robotic operations.

cross Crosslingual Capabilities and Knowledge Barriers in Multilingual Large Language Models

Authors: Lynn Chua, Badih Ghazi, Yangsibo Huang, Pritish Kamath, Ravi Kumar, Pasin Manurangsi, Amer Sinha, Chulin Xie, Chiyuan Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are typically multilingual due to pretraining on diverse multilingual corpora. But can these models relate corresponding concepts across languages, effectively being crosslingual? This study evaluates six state-of-the-art LLMs on inherently crosslingual tasks. We observe that while these models show promising surface-level crosslingual abilities on machine translation and embedding space analyses, they struggle with deeper crosslingual knowledge transfer, revealing a crosslingual knowledge barrier in both general (MMLU benchmark) and domain-specific (Harry Potter quiz) contexts. We observe that simple inference-time mitigation methods offer only limited improvement. On the other hand, we propose fine-tuning of LLMs on mixed-language data, which effectively reduces these gaps, even when using out-of-domain datasets like WikiText. Our findings suggest the need for explicit optimization to unlock the full crosslingual potential of LLMs. Our code is publicly available at


cross Towards Open Respiratory Acoustic Foundation Models: Pretraining and Benchmarking

Authors: Yuwei Zhang, Tong Xia, Jing Han, Yu Wu, Georgios Rizos, Yang Liu, Mohammed Mosuily, Jagmohan Chauhan, Cecilia Mascolo

Abstract: Respiratory audio, such as coughing and breathing sounds, has predictive power for a wide range of healthcare applications, yet is currently under-explored. The main problem for those applications arises from the difficulty in collecting large labeled task-specific data for model development. Generalizable respiratory acoustic foundation models pretrained with unlabeled data would offer appealing advantages and possibly unlock this impasse. However, given the safety-critical nature of healthcare applications, it is pivotal to also ensure openness and replicability for any proposed foundation model solution. To this end, we introduce OPERA, an OPEn Respiratory Acoustic foundation model pretraining and benchmarking system, as the first approach answering this need. We curate large-scale respiratory audio datasets (~136K samples, 440 hours), pretrain three pioneering foundation models, and build a benchmark consisting of 19 downstream respiratory health tasks for evaluation. Our pretrained models demonstrate superior performance (against existing acoustic models pretrained with general audio on 16 out of 19 tasks) and generalizability (to unseen datasets and new respiratory audio modalities). This highlights the great promise of respiratory acoustic foundation models and encourages more studies using OPERA as an open resource to accelerate research on respiratory audio for health. The system is accessible from


cross Monte Carlo Planning for Stochastic Control on Constrained Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Larkin Liu, Shiqi Liu, Matej Jusup

Abstract: In the world of stochastic control, especially in economics and engineering, Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) can effectively model various stochastic decision processes, from asset management to transportation optimization. These underlying MDPs, upon closer examination, often reveal a specifically constrained causal structure concerning the transition and reward dynamics. By exploiting this structure, we can obtain a reduction in the causal representation of the problem setting, allowing us to solve of the optimal value function more efficiently. This work defines an MDP framework, the \texttt{SD-MDP}, where we disentangle the causal structure of MDPs' transition and reward dynamics, providing distinct partitions on the temporal causal graph. With this stochastic reduction, the \texttt{SD-MDP} reflects a general class of resource allocation problems. This disentanglement further enables us to derive theoretical guarantees on the estimation error of the value function under an optimal policy by allowing independent value estimation from Monte Carlo sampling. Subsequently, by integrating this estimator into well-known Monte Carlo planning algorithms, such as Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), we derive bounds on the simple regret of the algorithm. Finally, we quantify the policy improvement of MCTS under the \texttt{SD-MDP} framework by demonstrating that the MCTS planning algorithm achieves higher expected reward (lower costs) under a constant simulation budget, on a tangible economic example based on maritime refuelling.

cross Composite Material Design for Optimized Fracture Toughness Using Machine Learning

Authors: Mohammad Naqizadeh Jahromi (Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA), Mohammad Ravandi (Aerostructures Innovation Research Hub)

Abstract: This paper investigates the optimization of 2D and 3D composite structures using machine learning (ML) techniques, focusing on fracture toughness and crack propagation in the Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test. By exploring the intricate relationship between microstructural arrangements and macroscopic properties of composites, the study demonstrates the potential of ML as a powerful tool to expedite the design optimization process, offering notable advantages over traditional finite element analysis. The research encompasses four distinct cases, examining crack propagation and fracture toughness in both 2D and 3D composite models. Through the application of ML algorithms, the study showcases the capability for rapid and accurate exploration of vast design spaces in composite materials. The findings highlight the efficiency of ML in predicting mechanical behaviors with limited training data, paving the way for broader applications in composite design and optimization. This work contributes to advancing the understanding of ML's role in enhancing the efficiency of composite material design processes.

cross GraphEval2000: Benchmarking and Improving Large Language Models on Graph Datasets

Authors: Qiming Wu, Zichen Chen, Will Corcoran, Misha Sra, Ambuj K. Singh

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success in natural language processing (NLP), demonstrating significant capabilities in processing and understanding text data. However, recent studies have identified limitations in LLMs' ability to reason about graph-structured data. To address this gap, we introduce GraphEval2000, the first comprehensive graph dataset, comprising 40 graph data structure problems along with 2000 test cases. Additionally, we introduce an evaluation framework based on GraphEval2000, designed to assess the graph reasoning abilities of LLMs through coding challenges. Our dataset categorizes test cases into four primary and four sub-categories, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation. We evaluate eight popular LLMs on GraphEval2000, revealing that LLMs exhibit a better understanding of directed graphs compared to undirected ones. While private LLMs consistently outperform open-source models, the performance gap is narrowing. Furthermore, to improve the usability of our evaluation framework, we propose Structured Symbolic Decomposition (SSD), an instruction-based method designed to enhance LLM performance on GraphEval2000. Results show that SSD improves the performance of GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and GPT-4o on complex graph problems, with an increase of 11.11\%, 33.37\%, and 33.37\%, respectively.

cross Evaluation and Comparison of Emotionally Evocative Image Augmentation Methods

Authors: Jan Ignatowicz, Krzysztof Kutt, Grzegorz J. Nalepa

Abstract: Experiments in affective computing are based on stimulus datasets that, in the process of standardization, receive metadata describing which emotions each stimulus evokes. In this paper, we explore an approach to creating stimulus datasets for affective computing using generative adversarial networks (GANs). Traditional dataset preparation methods are costly and time consuming, prompting our investigation of alternatives. We conducted experiments with various GAN architectures, including Deep Convolutional GAN, Conditional GAN, Auxiliary Classifier GAN, Progressive Augmentation GAN, and Wasserstein GAN, alongside data augmentation and transfer learning techniques. Our findings highlight promising advances in the generation of emotionally evocative synthetic images, suggesting significant potential for future research and improvements in this domain.

cross Blind Baselines Beat Membership Inference Attacks for Foundation Models

Authors: Debeshee Das, Jie Zhang, Florian Tram\`er

Abstract: Membership inference (MI) attacks try to determine if a data sample was used to train a machine learning model. For foundation models trained on unknown Web data, MI attacks can be used to detect copyrighted training materials, measure test set contamination, or audit machine unlearning. Unfortunately, we find that evaluations of MI attacks for foundation models are flawed, because they sample members and non-members from different distributions. For 8 published MI evaluation datasets, we show that blind attacks -- that distinguish the member and non-member distributions without looking at any trained model -- outperform state-of-the-art MI attacks. Existing evaluations thus tell us nothing about membership leakage of a foundation model's training data.

cross Trace is the New AutoDiff -- Unlocking Efficient Optimization of Computational Workflows

Authors: Ching-An Cheng, Allen Nie, Adith Swaminathan

Abstract: We study a class of optimization problems motivated by automating the design and update of AI systems like coding assistants, robots, and copilots. We propose an end-to-end optimization framework, Trace, which treats the computational workflow of an AI system as a graph akin to neural networks, based on a generalization of back-propagation. Optimization of computational workflows often involves rich feedback (e.g. console output or user's responses), heterogeneous parameters (e.g. prompts, hyper-parameters, codes), and intricate objectives (beyond maximizing a score). Moreover, its computation graph can change dynamically with the inputs and parameters. We frame a new mathematical setup of iterative optimization, Optimization with Trace Oracle (OPTO), to capture and abstract these properties so as to design optimizers that work across many domains. In OPTO, an optimizer receives an execution trace along with feedback on the computed output and updates parameters iteratively. Trace is the tool to implement OPTO in practice. Trace has a Python interface that efficiently converts a computational workflow into an OPTO instance using a PyTorch-like interface. Using Trace, we develop a general-purpose LLM-based optimizer called OptoPrime that can effectively solve OPTO problems. In empirical studies, we find that OptoPrime is capable of first-order numerical optimization, prompt optimization, hyper-parameter tuning, robot controller design, code debugging, etc., and is often competitive with specialized optimizers for each domain. We believe that Trace, OptoPrime and the OPTO framework will enable the next generation of interactive agents that automatically adapt using various kinds of feedback. Website:


cross VICatMix: variational Bayesian clustering and variable selection for discrete biomedical data

Authors: Paul D. W. Kirk, Jackie Rao

Abstract: Effective clustering of biomedical data is crucial in precision medicine, enabling accurate stratifiction of patients or samples. However, the growth in availability of high-dimensional categorical data, including `omics data, necessitates computationally efficient clustering algorithms. We present VICatMix, a variational Bayesian finite mixture model designed for the clustering of categorical data. The use of variational inference (VI) in its training allows the model to outperform competitors in term of efficiency, while maintaining high accuracy. VICatMix furthermore performs variable selection, enhancing its performance on high-dimensional, noisy data. The proposed model incorporates summarisation and model averaging to mitigate poor local optima in VI, allowing for improved estimation of the true number of clusters simultaneously with feature saliency. We demonstrate the performance of VICatMix with both simulated and real-world data, including applications to datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), showing its use in cancer subtyping and driver gene discovery. We demonstrate VICatMix's utility in integrative cluster analysis with different `omics datasets, enabling the discovery of novel subtypes. \textbf{Availability:} VICatMix is freely available as an R package, incorporating C++ for faster computation, at \url{}.


cross Preference Tuning For Toxicity Mitigation Generalizes Across Languages

Authors: Xiaochen Li, Zheng-Xin Yong, Stephen H. Bach

Abstract: Detoxifying multilingual Large Language Models (LLMs) has become crucial due to their increasing global use. In this work, we explore zero-shot cross-lingual generalization of preference tuning in detoxifying LLMs. Unlike previous studies that show limited cross-lingual generalization for other safety tasks, we demonstrate that Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) training with only English data can significantly reduce toxicity in multilingual open-ended generations. For example, the probability of mGPT-1.3B generating toxic continuations drops from 46.8% to 3.9% across 17 different languages after training. Our results also extend to other multilingual LLMs, such as BLOOM, Llama3, and Aya-23. Using mechanistic interpretability tools like causal intervention and activation analysis, we identified the dual multilinguality property of MLP layers in LLMs, which explains the cross-lingual generalization of DPO. Finally, we show that bilingual sentence retrieval can predict the cross-lingual transferability of DPO preference tuning.

cross MEReQ: Max-Ent Residual-Q Inverse RL for Sample-Efficient Alignment from Intervention

Authors: Yuxin Chen, Chen Tang, Chenran Li, Ran Tian, Peter Stone, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei Zhan

Abstract: Aligning robot behavior with human preferences is crucial for deploying embodied AI agents in human-centered environments. A promising solution is interactive imitation learning from human intervention, where a human expert observes the policy's execution and provides interventions as feedback. However, existing methods often fail to utilize the prior policy efficiently to facilitate learning, thus hindering sample efficiency. In this work, we introduce MEReQ (Maximum-Entropy Residual-Q Inverse Reinforcement Learning), designed for sample-efficient alignment from human intervention. Instead of inferring the complete human behavior characteristics, MEReQ infers a residual reward function that captures the discrepancy between the human expert's and the prior policy's underlying reward functions. It then employs Residual Q-Learning (RQL) to align the policy with human preferences using this residual reward function. Extensive evaluations on simulated and real-world tasks demonstrate that MEReQ achieves sample-efficient policy alignment from human intervention.

cross Learning-Based Heavy Hitters and Flow Frequency Estimation in Streams

Authors: Rana Shahout, Michael Mitzenmacher

Abstract: Identifying heavy hitters and estimating the frequencies of flows are fundamental tasks in various network domains. Existing approaches to this challenge can broadly be categorized into two groups, hashing-based and competing-counter-based. The Count-Min sketch is a standard example of a hashing-based algorithm, and the Space Saving algorithm is an example of a competing-counter algorithm. Recent works have explored the use of machine learning to enhance algorithms for frequency estimation problems, under the algorithms with prediction framework. However, these works have focused solely on the hashing-based approach, which may not be best for identifying heavy hitters. In this paper, we present the first learned competing-counter-based algorithm, called LSS, for identifying heavy hitters, top k, and flow frequency estimation that utilizes the well-known Space Saving algorithm. We provide theoretical insights into how and to what extent our approach can improve upon Space Saving, backed by experimental results on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Our evaluation demonstrates that LSS can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of Space Saving in identifying heavy hitters, top k, and estimating flow frequencies.

cross Cascade Reward Sampling for Efficient Decoding-Time Alignment

Authors: Bolian Li, Yifan Wang, Ananth Grama, Ruqi Zhang

Abstract: Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences is critical for their deployment. Recently, decoding-time alignment has emerged as an effective plug-and-play technique that requires no fine-tuning of model parameters. However, generating text that achieves both high reward and high likelihood remains a significant challenge. Existing methods often fail to generate high-reward text or incur substantial computational costs. In this paper, we propose Cascade Reward Sampling (CARDS) to address both issues, guaranteeing the generation of high-reward and high-likelihood text with significantly low costs. Based on our analysis of reward models (RMs) on incomplete text and our observation that high-reward prefixes induce high-reward complete text, we use rejection sampling to iteratively generate small semantic segments to form such prefixes. The segment length is dynamically determined by the predictive uncertainty of LLMs. This strategy guarantees desirable prefixes for subsequent generations and significantly reduces wasteful token re-generations and the number of reward model scoring. Our experiments demonstrate substantial gains in both generation efficiency and alignment ratings compared to the baselines, achieving five times faster text generation and 99\% win-ties in GPT-4/Claude-3 helpfulness evaluation.

cross Does Cross-Cultural Alignment Change the Commonsense Morality of Language Models?

Authors: Yuu Jinnai

Abstract: Alignment of the language model with human preferences is a common approach to making a language model useful to end users. However, most alignment work is done in English, and human preference datasets are dominated by English, reflecting only the preferences of English-speaking annotators. Nevertheless, it is common practice to use the English preference data, either directly or by translating it into the target language, when aligning a multilingual language model. The question is whether such an alignment strategy marginalizes the preference of non-English speaking users. To this end, we investigate the effect of aligning Japanese language models with (mostly) English resources. In particular, we focus on evaluating whether the commonsense morality of the resulting fine-tuned models is aligned with Japanese culture using the JCommonsenseMorality (JCM) and ETHICS datasets. The experimental results show that the fine-tuned model outperforms the SFT model. However, it does not demonstrate the same level of improvement as a model fine-tuned using the JCM, suggesting that while some aspects of commonsense morality are transferable, others may not be.

cross Lesion-Aware Cross-Phase Attention Network for Renal Tumor Subtype Classification on Multi-Phase CT Scans

Authors: Kwang-Hyun Uhm, Seung-Won Jung, Sung-Hoo Hong, Sung-Jea Ko

Abstract: Multi-phase computed tomography (CT) has been widely used for the preoperative diagnosis of kidney cancer due to its non-invasive nature and ability to characterize renal lesions. However, since enhancement patterns of renal lesions across CT phases are different even for the same lesion type, the visual assessment by radiologists suffers from inter-observer variability in clinical practice. Although deep learning-based approaches have been recently explored for differential diagnosis of kidney cancer, they do not explicitly model the relationships between CT phases in the network design, limiting the diagnostic performance. In this paper, we propose a novel lesion-aware cross-phase attention network (LACPANet) that can effectively capture temporal dependencies of renal lesions across CT phases to accurately classify the lesions into five major pathological subtypes from time-series multi-phase CT images. We introduce a 3D inter-phase lesion-aware attention mechanism to learn effective 3D lesion features that are used to estimate attention weights describing the inter-phase relations of the enhancement patterns. We also present a multi-scale attention scheme to capture and aggregate temporal patterns of lesion features at different spatial scales for further improvement. Extensive experiments on multi-phase CT scans of kidney cancer patients from the collected dataset demonstrate that our LACPANet outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in diagnostic accuracy.

cross Memory-Enhanced Neural Solvers for Efficient Adaptation in Combinatorial Optimization

Authors: Felix Chalumeau, Refiloe Shabe, Noah de Nicola, Arnu Pretorius, Thomas D. Barrett, Nathan Grinsztajn

Abstract: Combinatorial Optimization is crucial to numerous real-world applications, yet still presents challenges due to its (NP-)hard nature. Amongst existing approaches, heuristics often offer the best trade-off between quality and scalability, making them suitable for industrial use. While Reinforcement Learning (RL) offers a flexible framework for designing heuristics, its adoption over handcrafted heuristics remains incomplete within industrial solvers. Existing learned methods still lack the ability to adapt to specific instances and fully leverage the available computational budget. The current best methods either rely on a collection of pre-trained policies, or on data-inefficient fine-tuning; hence failing to fully utilize newly available information within the constraints of the budget. In response, we present MEMENTO, an RL approach that leverages memory to improve the adaptation of neural solvers at inference time. MEMENTO enables updating the action distribution dynamically based on the outcome of previous decisions. We validate its effectiveness on benchmark problems, in particular Traveling Salesman and Capacitated Vehicle Routing, demonstrating it can successfully be combined with standard methods to boost their performance under a given budget, both in and out-of-distribution, improving their performance on all 12 evaluated tasks.

cross SLOctolyzer: Fully automatic analysis toolkit for segmentation and feature extracting in scanning laser ophthalmoscopy images

Authors: Jamie Burke, Samuel Gibbon, Justin Engelmann, Adam Threlfall, Ylenia Giarratano, Charlene Hamid, Stuart King, Ian J. C. MacCormick, Tom MacGillivray

Abstract: Purpose: To describe SLOctolyzer: an open-source analysis toolkit for en face retinal vessels appearing in infrared reflectance scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) images. Methods: SLOctolyzer includes two main modules: segmentation and measurement. The segmentation module use deep learning methods to delineate retinal anatomy, while the measurement module quantifies key retinal vascular features such as vessel complexity, density, tortuosity, and calibre. We evaluate the segmentation module using unseen data and measure its reproducibility. Results: SLOctolyzer's segmentation module performed well against unseen internal test data (Dice for all-vessels, 0.9097; arteries, 0.8376; veins, 0.8525; optic disc, 0.9430; fovea, 0.8837). External validation against severe retinal pathology showed decreased performance (Dice for arteries, 0.7180; veins, 0.7470; optic disc, 0.9032). SLOctolyzer had good reproducibility (mean difference for fractal dimension, -0.0007; vessel density, -0.0003; vessel calibre, -0.3154 $\mu$m; tortuosity density, 0.0013). SLOctolyzer can process a macula-centred SLO image in under 20 seconds and a disc-centred SLO image in under 30 seconds using a standard laptop CPU. Conclusions: To our knowledge, SLOctolyzer is the first open-source tool to convert raw SLO images into reproducible and clinically meaningful retinal vascular parameters. SLO images are captured simultaneous to optical coherence tomography (OCT), and we believe our software will be useful for extracting retinal vascular measurements from large OCT image sets and linking them to ocular or systemic diseases. It requires no specialist knowledge or proprietary software, and allows manual correction of segmentations and re-computing of vascular metrics. SLOctolyzer is freely available at


cross Robust prediction under missingness shifts

Authors: Patrick Rockenschaub, Zhicong Xian, Alireza Zamanian, Marta Piperno, Octavia-Andreea Ciora, Elisabeth Pachl, Narges Ahmidi

Abstract: Prediction becomes more challenging with missing covariates. What method is chosen to handle missingness can greatly affect how models perform. In many real-world problems, the best prediction performance is achieved by models that can leverage the informative nature of a value being missing. Yet, the reasons why a covariate goes missing can change once a model is deployed in practice. If such a missingness shift occurs, the conditional probability of a value being missing differs in the target data. Prediction performance in the source data may no longer be a good selection criterion, and approaches that do not rely on informative missingness may be preferable. However, we show that the Bayes predictor remains unchanged by ignorable shifts for which the probability of missingness only depends on observed data. Any consistent estimator of the Bayes predictor may therefore result in robust prediction under those conditions, although we show empirically that different methods appear robust to different types of shifts. If the missingness shift is non-ignorable, the Bayes predictor may change due to the shift. While neither approach recovers the Bayes predictor in this case, we found empirically that disregarding missingness was most beneficial when it was highly informative.

cross UNICAD: A Unified Approach for Attack Detection, Noise Reduction and Novel Class Identification

Authors: Alvaro Lopez Pellicer, Kittipos Giatgong, Yi Li, Neeraj Suri, Plamen Angelov

Abstract: As the use of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) becomes pervasive, their vulnerability to adversarial attacks and limitations in handling unseen classes poses significant challenges. The state-of-the-art offers discrete solutions aimed to tackle individual issues covering specific adversarial attack scenarios, classification or evolving learning. However, real-world systems need to be able to detect and recover from a wide range of adversarial attacks without sacrificing classification accuracy and to flexibly act in {\bf unseen} scenarios. In this paper, UNICAD, is proposed as a novel framework that integrates a variety of techniques to provide an adaptive solution. For the targeted image classification, UNICAD achieves accurate image classification, detects unseen classes, and recovers from adversarial attacks using Prototype and Similarity-based DNNs with denoising autoencoders. Our experiments performed on the CIFAR-10 dataset highlight UNICAD's effectiveness in adversarial mitigation and unseen class classification, outperforming traditional models.

cross OAML: Outlier Aware Metric Learning for OOD Detection Enhancement

Authors: Heng Gao, Zhuolin He, Shoumeng Qiu, Jian Pu

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection methods have been developed to identify objects that a model has not seen during training. The Outlier Exposure (OE) methods use auxiliary datasets to train OOD detectors directly. However, the collection and learning of representative OOD samples may pose challenges. To tackle these issues, we propose the Outlier Aware Metric Learning (OAML) framework. The main idea of our method is to use the k-NN algorithm and Stable Diffusion model to generate outliers for training at the feature level without making any distributional assumptions. To increase feature discrepancies in the semantic space, we develop a mutual information-based contrastive learning approach for learning from OOD data effectively. Both theoretical and empirical results confirm the effectiveness of this contrastive learning technique. Furthermore, we incorporate knowledge distillation into our learning framework to prevent degradation of in-distribution classification accuracy. The combination of contrastive learning and knowledge distillation algorithms significantly enhances the performance of OOD detection. Experimental results across various datasets show that our method significantly outperforms previous OE methods.

cross SyROCCo: Enhancing Systematic Reviews using Machine Learning

Authors: Zheng Fang, Miguel Arana-Catania, Felix-Anselm van Lier, Juliana Outes Velarde, Harry Bregazzi, Mara Airoldi, Eleanor Carter, Rob Procter

Abstract: The sheer number of research outputs published every year makes systematic reviewing increasingly time- and resource-intensive. This paper explores the use of machine learning techniques to help navigate the systematic review process. ML has previously been used to reliably 'screen' articles for review - that is, identify relevant articles based on reviewers' inclusion criteria. The application of ML techniques to subsequent stages of a review, however, such as data extraction and evidence mapping, is in its infancy. We therefore set out to develop a series of tools that would assist in the profiling and analysis of 1,952 publications on the theme of 'outcomes-based contracting'. Tools were developed for the following tasks: assign publications into 'policy area' categories; identify and extract key information for evidence mapping, such as organisations, laws, and geographical information; connect the evidence base to an existing dataset on the same topic; and identify subgroups of articles that may share thematic content. An interactive tool using these techniques and a public dataset with their outputs have been released. Our results demonstrate the utility of ML techniques to enhance evidence accessibility and analysis within the systematic review processes. These efforts show promise in potentially yielding substantial efficiencies for future systematic reviewing and for broadening their analytical scope. Our work suggests that there may be implications for the ease with which policymakers and practitioners can access evidence. While ML techniques seem poised to play a significant role in bridging the gap between research and policy by offering innovative ways of gathering, accessing, and analysing data from systematic reviews, we also highlight their current limitations and the need to exercise caution in their application, particularly given the potential for errors and biases.

cross Conditional Bayesian Quadrature

Authors: Zonghao Chen, Masha Naslidnyk, Arthur Gretton, Fran\c{c}ois-Xavier Briol

Abstract: We propose a novel approach for estimating conditional or parametric expectations in the setting where obtaining samples or evaluating integrands is costly. Through the framework of probabilistic numerical methods (such as Bayesian quadrature), our novel approach allows to incorporates prior information about the integrands especially the prior smoothness knowledge about the integrands and the conditional expectation. As a result, our approach provides a way of quantifying uncertainty and leads to a fast convergence rate, which is confirmed both theoretically and empirically on challenging tasks in Bayesian sensitivity analysis, computational finance and decision making under uncertainty.

cross Token-based Decision Criteria Are Suboptimal in In-context Learning

Authors: Hakaze Cho, Yoshihiro Sakai, Mariko Kato, Kenshiro Tanaka, Akira Ishii, Naoya Inoue

Abstract: In-Context Learning (ICL) typically utilizes classification criteria from probabilities of manually selected label tokens. However, we argue that such token-based classification criteria lead to suboptimal decision boundaries, despite delicate calibrations through translation and constrained rotation. To address this problem, we propose Hidden Calibration, which renounces token probabilities and uses the nearest centroid classifier on the LM's last hidden states. In detail, we use the nearest centroid classification on the hidden states, assigning the category of the nearest centroid previously observed from a few-shot calibration set to the test sample as the predicted label. Our experiments on 3 models and 10 classification datasets indicate that Hidden Calibration consistently outperforms current token-based calibrations by about 20%. Our further analysis demonstrates that Hidden Calibration finds better classification criteria with less inter-categories overlap, and LMs provide linearly separable intra-category clusters with the help of demonstrations, which supports Hidden Calibration and gives new insights into the conventional ICL.

cross Improving robustness to corruptions with multiplicative weight perturbations

Authors: Trung Trinh, Markus Heinonen, Luigi Acerbi, Samuel Kaski

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) excel on clean images but struggle with corrupted ones. Incorporating specific corruptions into the data augmentation pipeline can improve robustness to those corruptions but may harm performance on clean images and other types of distortion. In this paper, we introduce an alternative approach that improves the robustness of DNNs to a wide range of corruptions without compromising accuracy on clean images. We first demonstrate that input perturbations can be mimicked by multiplicative perturbations in the weight space. Leveraging this, we propose Data Augmentation via Multiplicative Perturbation (DAMP), a training method that optimizes DNNs under random multiplicative weight perturbations. We also examine the recently proposed Adaptive Sharpness-Aware Minimization (ASAM) and show that it optimizes DNNs under adversarial multiplicative weight perturbations. Experiments on image classification datasets (CIFAR-10/100, TinyImageNet and ImageNet) and neural network architectures (ResNet50, ViT-S/16) show that DAMP enhances model generalization performance in the presence of corruptions across different settings. Notably, DAMP is able to train a ViT-S/16 on ImageNet from scratch, reaching the top-1 error of 23.7% which is comparable to ResNet50 without extensive data augmentations.

cross Noisy Neighbors: Efficient membership inference attacks against LLMs

Authors: Filippo Galli, Luca Melis, Tommaso Cucinotta

Abstract: The potential of transformer-based LLMs risks being hindered by privacy concerns due to their reliance on extensive datasets, possibly including sensitive information. Regulatory measures like GDPR and CCPA call for using robust auditing tools to address potential privacy issues, with Membership Inference Attacks (MIA) being the primary method for assessing LLMs' privacy risks. Differently from traditional MIA approaches, often requiring computationally intensive training of additional models, this paper introduces an efficient methodology that generates \textit{noisy neighbors} for a target sample by adding stochastic noise in the embedding space, requiring operating the target model in inference mode only. Our findings demonstrate that this approach closely matches the effectiveness of employing shadow models, showing its usability in practical privacy auditing scenarios.

cross Differentiable Distributionally Robust Optimization Layers

Authors: Xutao Ma, Chao Ning, Wenli Du

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing research interest in decision-focused learning, which embeds optimization problems as a layer in learning pipelines and demonstrates a superior performance than the prediction-focused approach. However, for distributionally robust optimization (DRO), a popular paradigm for decision-making under uncertainty, it is still unknown how to embed it as a layer, i.e., how to differentiate decisions with respect to an ambiguity set. In this paper, we develop such differentiable DRO layers for generic mixed-integer DRO problems with parameterized second-order conic ambiguity sets and discuss its extension to Wasserstein ambiguity sets. To differentiate the mixed-integer decisions, we propose a novel dual-view methodology by handling continuous and discrete parts of decisions via different principles. Specifically, we construct a differentiable energy-based surrogate to implement the dual-view methodology and use importance sampling to estimate its gradient. We further prove that such a surrogate enjoys the asymptotic convergency under regularization. As an application of the proposed differentiable DRO layers, we develop a novel decision-focused learning pipeline for contextual distributionally robust decision-making tasks and compare it with the prediction-focused approach in experiments.

cross Forecasting with Deep Learning: Beyond Average of Average of Average Performance

Authors: Vitor Cerqueira, Luis Roque, Carlos Soares

Abstract: Accurate evaluation of forecasting models is essential for ensuring reliable predictions. Current practices for evaluating and comparing forecasting models focus on summarising performance into a single score, using metrics such as SMAPE. We hypothesize that averaging performance over all samples dilutes relevant information about the relative performance of models. Particularly, conditions in which this relative performance is different than the overall accuracy. We address this limitation by proposing a novel framework for evaluating univariate time series forecasting models from multiple perspectives, such as one-step ahead forecasting versus multi-step ahead forecasting. We show the advantages of this framework by comparing a state-of-the-art deep learning approach with classical forecasting techniques. While classical methods (e.g. ARIMA) are long-standing approaches to forecasting, deep neural networks (e.g. NHITS) have recently shown state-of-the-art forecasting performance in benchmark datasets. We conducted extensive experiments that show NHITS generally performs best, but its superiority varies with forecasting conditions. For instance, concerning the forecasting horizon, NHITS only outperforms classical approaches for multi-step ahead forecasting. Another relevant insight is that, when dealing with anomalies, NHITS is outperformed by methods such as Theta. These findings highlight the importance of aspect-based model evaluation.

cross Measuring the Recyclability of Electronic Components to Assist Automatic Disassembly and Sorting Waste Printed Circuit Boards

Authors: Muhammad Mohsin, Xianlai Zeng, Stefano Rovetta, Francesco Masulli

Abstract: The waste of electrical and electronic equipment has been increased due to the fast evolution of technology products and competition of many IT sectors. Every year millions of tons of electronic waste are thrown into the environment which causes high consequences for human health. Therefore, it is crucial to control this waste flow using technology, especially using Artificial Intelligence but also reclamation of critical raw materials for new production processes. In this paper, we focused on the measurement of recyclability of waste electronic components (WECs) from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) using mathematical innovation model. This innovative approach evaluates both the recyclability and recycling difficulties of WECs, integrating an AI model for improved disassembly and sorting. Assessing the recyclability of individual electronic components present on WPCBs provides insight into the recovery potential of valuable materials and indicates the level of complexity involved in recycling in terms of economic worth and production utility. This novel measurement approach helps AI models in accurately determining the number of classes to be identified and sorted during the automated disassembly of discarded PCBs. It also facilitates the model in iterative training and validation of individual electronic components.

cross CLEAR: Can Language Models Really Understand Causal Graphs?

Authors: Sirui Chen, Mengying Xu, Kun Wang, Xingyu Zeng, Rui Zhao, Shengjie Zhao, Chaochao Lu

Abstract: Causal reasoning is a cornerstone of how humans interpret the world. To model and reason about causality, causal graphs offer a concise yet effective solution. Given the impressive advancements in language models, a crucial question arises: can they really understand causal graphs? To this end, we pioneer an investigation into language models' understanding of causal graphs. Specifically, we develop a framework to define causal graph understanding, by assessing language models' behaviors through four practical criteria derived from diverse disciplines (e.g., philosophy and psychology). We then develop CLEAR, a novel benchmark that defines three complexity levels and encompasses 20 causal graph-based tasks across these levels. Finally, based on our framework and benchmark, we conduct extensive experiments on six leading language models and summarize five empirical findings. Our results indicate that while language models demonstrate a preliminary understanding of causal graphs, significant potential for improvement remains. Our project website is at


cross Evaluating the Robustness of Deep-Learning Algorithm-Selection Models by Evolving Adversarial Instances

Authors: Emma Hart, Quentin Renau, Kevin Sim, Mohamad Alissa

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNN) are increasingly being used to perform algorithm-selection in combinatorial optimisation domains, particularly as they accommodate input representations which avoid designing and calculating features. Mounting evidence from domains that use images as input shows that deep convolutional networks are vulnerable to adversarial samples, in which a small perturbation of an instance can cause the DNN to misclassify. However, it remains unknown as to whether deep recurrent networks (DRN) which have recently been shown promise as algorithm-selectors in the bin-packing domain are equally vulnerable. We use an evolutionary algorithm (EA) to find perturbations of instances from two existing benchmarks for online bin packing that cause trained DRNs to misclassify: adversarial samples are successfully generated from up to 56% of the original instances depending on the dataset. Analysis of the new misclassified instances sheds light on the `fragility' of some training instances, i.e. instances where it is trivial to find a small perturbation that results in a misclassification and the factors that influence this. Finally, the method generates a large number of new instances misclassified with a wide variation in confidence, providing a rich new source of training data to create more robust models.

cross Segment Any Text: A Universal Approach for Robust, Efficient and Adaptable Sentence Segmentation

Authors: Markus Frohmann, Igor Sterner, Ivan Vuli\'c, Benjamin Minixhofer, Markus Schedl

Abstract: Segmenting text into sentences plays an early and crucial role in many NLP systems. This is commonly achieved by using rule-based or statistical methods relying on lexical features such as punctuation. Although some recent works no longer exclusively rely on punctuation, we find that no prior method achieves all of (i) robustness to missing punctuation, (ii) effective adaptability to new domains, and (iii) high efficiency. We introduce a new model - Segment any Text (SaT) - to solve this problem. To enhance robustness, we propose a new pretraining scheme that ensures less reliance on punctuation. To address adaptability, we introduce an extra stage of parameter-efficient fine-tuning, establishing state-of-the-art performance in distinct domains such as verses from lyrics and legal documents. Along the way, we introduce architectural modifications that result in a threefold gain in speed over the previous state of the art and solve spurious reliance on context far in the future. Finally, we introduce a variant of our model with fine-tuning on a diverse, multilingual mixture of sentence-segmented data, acting as a drop-in replacement and enhancement for existing segmentation tools. Overall, our contributions provide a universal approach for segmenting any text. Our method outperforms all baselines - including strong LLMs - across 8 corpora spanning diverse domains and languages, especially in practically relevant situations where text is poorly formatted. Our models and code, including documentation, are available at under the MIT license.


cross A Comprehensive Review of Emerging Approaches in Machine Learning for De Novo PROTAC Design

Authors: Yossra Gharbi, Roc\'io Mercado

Abstract: Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is a rapidly growing field in modern drug discovery that aims to regulate the intracellular levels of proteins by harnessing the cell's innate degradation pathways to selectively target and degrade disease-related proteins. This strategy creates new opportunities for therapeutic intervention in cases where occupancy-based inhibitors have not been successful. Proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs) are at the heart of TPD strategies, which leverage the ubiquitin-proteasome system for the selective targeting and proteasomal degradation of pathogenic proteins. As the field evolves, it becomes increasingly apparent that the traditional methodologies for designing such complex molecules have limitations. This has led to the use of machine learning (ML) and generative modeling to improve and accelerate the development process. In this review, we explore the impact of ML on de novo PROTAC design $-$ an aspect of molecular design that has not been comprehensively reviewed despite its significance. We delve into the distinct characteristics of PROTAC linker design, underscoring the complexities required to create effective bifunctional molecules capable of TPD. We then examine how ML in the context of fragment-based drug design (FBDD), honed in the realm of small-molecule drug discovery, is paving the way for PROTAC linker design. Our review provides a critical evaluation of the limitations inherent in applying this method to the complex field of PROTAC development. Moreover, we review existing ML works applied to PROTAC design, highlighting pioneering efforts and, importantly, the limitations these studies face. By offering insights into the current state of PROTAC development and the integral role of ML in PROTAC design, we aim to provide valuable perspectives for researchers in their pursuit of better design strategies for this new modality.

cross AutoDetect: Towards a Unified Framework for Automated Weakness Detection in Large Language Models

Authors: Jiale Cheng, Yida Lu, Xiaotao Gu, Pei Ke, Xiao Liu, Yuxiao Dong, Hongning Wang, Jie Tang, Minlie Huang

Abstract: Although Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly powerful, they still exhibit significant but subtle weaknesses, such as mistakes in instruction-following or coding tasks. As these unexpected errors could lead to severe consequences in practical deployments, it is crucial to investigate the limitations within LLMs systematically. Traditional benchmarking approaches cannot thoroughly pinpoint specific model deficiencies, while manual inspections are costly and not scalable. In this paper, we introduce a unified framework, AutoDetect, to automatically expose weaknesses in LLMs across various tasks. Inspired by the educational assessment process that measures students' learning outcomes, AutoDetect consists of three LLM-powered agents: Examiner, Questioner, and Assessor. The collaboration among these three agents is designed to realize comprehensive and in-depth weakness identification. Our framework demonstrates significant success in uncovering flaws, with an identification success rate exceeding 30% in prominent models such as ChatGPT and Claude. More importantly, these identified weaknesses can guide specific model improvements, proving more effective than untargeted data augmentation methods like Self-Instruct. Our approach has led to substantial enhancements in popular LLMs, including the Llama series and Mistral-7b, boosting their performance by over 10% across several benchmarks. Code and data are publicly available at


cross Sparser is Faster and Less is More: Efficient Sparse Attention for Long-Range Transformers

Authors: Chao Lou, Zixia Jia, Zilong Zheng, Kewei Tu

Abstract: Accommodating long sequences efficiently in autoregressive Transformers, especially within an extended context window, poses significant challenges due to the quadratic computational complexity and substantial KV memory requirements inherent in self-attention mechanisms. In this work, we introduce SPARSEK Attention, a novel sparse attention mechanism designed to overcome these computational and memory obstacles while maintaining performance. Our approach integrates a scoring network and a differentiable top-k mask operator, SPARSEK, to select a constant number of KV pairs for each query, thereby enabling gradient-based optimization. As a result, SPARSEK Attention offers linear time complexity and constant memory footprint during generation. Experimental results reveal that SPARSEK Attention outperforms previous sparse attention methods and provides significant speed improvements during both training and inference, particularly in language modeling and downstream tasks. Furthermore, our method can be seamlessly integrated into pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) with minimal fine-tuning, offering a practical solution for effectively managing long-range dependencies in diverse applications.

cross Conformal time series decomposition with component-wise exchangeability

Authors: Derck W. E. Prinzhorn, Thijmen Nijdam, Putri A. van der Linden, Alexander Timans

Abstract: Conformal prediction offers a practical framework for distribution-free uncertainty quantification, providing finite-sample coverage guarantees under relatively mild assumptions on data exchangeability. However, these assumptions cease to hold for time series due to their temporally correlated nature. In this work, we present a novel use of conformal prediction for time series forecasting that incorporates time series decomposition. This approach allows us to model different temporal components individually. By applying specific conformal algorithms to each component and then merging the obtained prediction intervals, we customize our methods to account for the different exchangeability regimes underlying each component. Our decomposition-based approach is thoroughly discussed and empirically evaluated on synthetic and real-world data. We find that the method provides promising results on well-structured time series, but can be limited by factors such as the decomposition step for more complex data.

cross M2Lingual: Enhancing Multilingual, Multi-Turn Instruction Alignment in Large Language Models

Authors: Rishabh Maheshwary, Vikas Yadav, Hoang Nguyen, Khyati Mahajan, Sathwik Tejaswi Madhusudhan

Abstract: Instruction finetuning (IFT) is critical for aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) to follow instructions. Numerous effective IFT datasets have been proposed in the recent past, but most focus on high resource languages such as English. In this work, we propose a fully synthetic, novel taxonomy (Evol) guided Multilingual, Multi-turn instruction finetuning dataset, called M2Lingual, to better align LLMs on a diverse set of languages and tasks. M2Lingual contains a total of 182K IFT pairs that are built upon diverse seeds, covering 70 languages, 17 NLP tasks and general instruction-response pairs. LLMs finetuned with M2Lingual substantially outperform the majority of existing multilingual IFT datasets. Importantly, LLMs trained with M2Lingual consistently achieve competitive results across a wide variety of evaluation benchmarks compared to existing multilingual IFT datasets. Specifically, LLMs finetuned with M2Lingual achieve strong performance on our translated multilingual, multi-turn evaluation benchmark as well as a wide variety of multilingual tasks. Thus we contribute, and the 2 step Evol taxonomy used for its creation. M2Lingual repository -


cross Understanding and Mitigating Tokenization Bias in Language Models

Authors: Buu Phan, Marton Havasi, Matthew Muckley, Karen Ullrich

Abstract: State-of-the-art language models are autoregressive and operate on subword units known as tokens. Specifically, one must encode the conditioning string into a list of tokens before passing to the language models for next-token prediction. We show that, for encoding schemes such as maximum prefix matching, tokenization induces a sampling bias that cannot be mitigated with more training or data. To counter this universal problem, we propose a novel algorithm to obtain unbiased estimates from a model that was trained on tokenized data. Our method does not require finetuning the model, and its complexity, defined as the number of model runs, scales linearly with the sequence length. As a consequence, we show that one can simulate token-free behavior from a tokenized language model. We empirically verify the correctness of our method through a Markov-chain setup, where it accurately recovers the transition probabilities, as opposed to the conventional method of directly prompting tokens into the language model.

cross USDC: A Dataset of $\underline{U}$ser $\underline{S}$tance and $\underline{D}$ogmatism in Long $\underline{C}$onversations

Authors: Mounika Marreddy, Subba Reddy Oota, Venkata Charan Chinni, Manish Gupta, Lucie Flek

Abstract: Identifying user's opinions and stances in long conversation threads on various topics can be extremely critical for enhanced personalization, market research, political campaigns, customer service, conflict resolution, targeted advertising, and content moderation. Hence, training language models to automate this task is critical. However, to train such models, gathering manual annotations has multiple challenges: 1) It is time-consuming and costly; 2) Conversation threads could be very long, increasing chances of noisy annotations; and 3) Interpreting instances where a user changes their opinion within a conversation is difficult because often such transitions are subtle and not expressed explicitly. Inspired by the recent success of large language models (LLMs) for complex natural language processing (NLP) tasks, we leverage Mistral Large and GPT-4 to automate the human annotation process on the following two tasks while also providing reasoning: i) User Stance classification, which involves labeling a user's stance of a post in a conversation on a five-point scale; ii) User Dogmatism classification, which deals with labeling a user's overall opinion in the conversation on a four-point scale. The majority voting on zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot annotations from these two LLMs on 764 multi-user Reddit conversations helps us curate the USDC dataset. USDC is then used to finetune and instruction-tune multiple deployable small language models for the 5-class stance and 4-class dogmatism classification tasks. We make the code and dataset publicly available [].


cross Concentration Inequalities for $(f,\Gamma)$-GANs

Authors: Jeremiah Birrell

Abstract: Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are unsupervised learning methods for training a generator distribution to produce samples that approximate those drawn from a target distribution. Many such methods can be formulated as minimization of a metric or divergence. Recent works have proven the statistical consistency of GANs that are based on integral probability metrics (IPMs), e.g., WGAN which is based on the 1-Wasserstein metric. IPMs are defined by optimizing a linear functional (difference of expectations) over a space of discriminators. A much larger class of GANs, which allow for the use of nonlinear objective functionals, can be constructed using $(f,\Gamma)$-divergences; these generalize and interpolate between IPMs and $f$-divergences (e.g., KL or $\alpha$-divergences). Instances of $(f,\Gamma)$-GANs have been shown to exhibit improved performance in a number of applications. In this work we study the statistical consistency of $(f,\Gamma)$-GANs for general $f$ and $\Gamma$. Specifically, we derive finite-sample concentration inequalities. These derivations require novel arguments due to nonlinearity of the objective functional. We demonstrate that our new results reduce to the known results for IPM-GANs in the appropriate limit while also significantly extending the domain of applicability of this theory.

cross From Decoding to Meta-Generation: Inference-time Algorithms for Large Language Models

Authors: Sean Welleck, Amanda Bertsch, Matthew Finlayson, Hailey Schoelkopf, Alex Xie, Graham Neubig, Ilia Kulikov, Zaid Harchaoui

Abstract: One of the most striking findings in modern research on large language models (LLMs) is that scaling up compute during training leads to better results. However, less attention has been given to the benefits of scaling compute during inference. This survey focuses on these inference-time approaches. We explore three areas under a unified mathematical formalism: token-level generation algorithms, meta-generation algorithms, and efficient generation. Token-level generation algorithms, often called decoding algorithms, operate by sampling a single token at a time or constructing a token-level search space and then selecting an output. These methods typically assume access to a language model's logits, next-token distributions, or probability scores. Meta-generation algorithms work on partial or full sequences, incorporating domain knowledge, enabling backtracking, and integrating external information. Efficient generation methods aim to reduce token costs and improve the speed of generation. Our survey unifies perspectives from three research communities: traditional natural language processing, modern LLMs, and machine learning systems.

cross EAGLE-2: Faster Inference of Language Models with Dynamic Draft Trees

Authors: Yuhui Li, Fangyun Wei, Chao Zhang, Hongyang Zhang

Abstract: Inference with modern Large Language Models (LLMs) is expensive and time-consuming, and speculative sampling has proven to be an effective solution. Most speculative sampling methods such as EAGLE use a static draft tree, implicitly assuming that the acceptance rate of draft tokens depends only on their position. Interestingly, we found that the acceptance rate of draft tokens is also context-dependent. In this paper, building upon EAGLE, we propose EAGLE-2, which introduces a new technique of context-aware dynamic draft tree into drafting modeling. This improvement leverages the fact that the draft model of EAGLE is well-calibrated: the confidence scores from the draft model approximate acceptance rates with small errors. We conducted extensive evaluations on three series of LLMs and six tasks, with EAGLE-2 achieving speedup ratios 3.05x-4.26x, which is 20%-40% faster than EAGLE-1. EAGLE-2 also ensures that the distribution of the generated text remains unchanged, making it a lossless acceleration algorithm.

replace Two Ridge Solutions for the Incremental Broad Learning System on Added Nodes

Authors: Hufei Zhu

Abstract: The original Broad Learning System (BLS) on new added nodes and its existing efficient implementation both assume the ridge parameter lambda -> 0 in the ridge inverse to approximate the generalized inverse, and compute the generalized inverse solution for the output weights. In this paper, we propose two ridge solutions for the output weights in the BLS on added nodes, where lambda -> 0 is no longer assumed, and lambda can be any positive real number. One of the proposed ridge solutions computes the output weights from the inverse Cholesky factor, which is updated efficiently by extending the existing inverse Cholesky factorization. The other proposed ridge solution computes the output weights from the ridge inverse, and updates the ridge inverse by extending the Greville's method that is a classical tool to compute the generalized inverse of partitioned matrices. For the proposed efficient ridge solution based on the inverse Cholesky factor, we also develop another implementation that is numerically more stable when the ridge parameter lambda is very small. The proposed ridge solution based on the ridge inverse and the numerically more stable implementation of the proposed efficient ridge solution require the same complexity as the original BLS and the existing efficient BLS, respectively. Moreover, the speedups of the proposed efficient ridge solution to the original BLS and the existing efficient BLS are 3 and more than 1.67 respectively, when the computational complexities for each update are compared, and the speedups are 1.99 - 2.52 and 1.31 - 1.58, respectively, when the total training time is compared by numerical experiments. On the other hand, our numerical experiments show that both the proposed ridge solutions for BLS achieve better testing accuracies than the original BLS and the existing efficient BLS.

replace Function approximation by neural nets in the mean-field regime: Entropic regularization and controlled McKean-Vlasov dynamics

Authors: Belinda Tzen, Maxim Raginsky

Abstract: We consider the problem of function approximation by two-layer neural nets with random weights that are "nearly Gaussian" in the sense of Kullback-Leibler divergence. Our setting is the mean-field limit, where the finite population of neurons in the hidden layer is replaced by a continuous ensemble. We show that the problem can be phrased as global minimization of a free energy functional on the space of (finite-length) paths over probability measures on the weights. This functional trades off the $L^2$ approximation risk of the terminal measure against the KL divergence of the path with respect to an isotropic Brownian motion prior. We characterize the unique global minimizer and examine the dynamics in the space of probability measures over weights that can achieve it. In particular, we show that the optimal path-space measure corresponds to the F\"ollmer drift, the solution to a McKean-Vlasov optimal control problem closely related to the classic Schr\"odinger bridge problem. While the F\"ollmer drift cannot in general be obtained in closed form, thus limiting its potential algorithmic utility, we illustrate the viability of the mean-field Langevin diffusion as a finite-time approximation under various conditions on entropic regularization. Specifically, we show that it closely tracks the F\"ollmer drift when the regularization is such that the minimizing density is log-concave.

replace Approximate Multiplication of Sparse Matrices with Limited Space

Authors: Yuanyu Wan, Lijun Zhang

Abstract: Approximate matrix multiplication with limited space has received ever-increasing attention due to the emergence of large-scale applications. Recently, based on a popular matrix sketching algorithm -- frequent directions, previous work has introduced co-occuring directions (COD) to reduce the approximation error for this problem. Although it enjoys the space complexity of $O((m_x+m_y)\ell)$ for two input matrices $X\in\mathbb{R}^{m_x\times n}$ and $Y\in\mathbb{R}^{m_y\times n}$ where $\ell$ is the sketch size, its time complexity is $O\left(n(m_x+m_y+\ell)\ell\right)$, which is still very high for large input matrices. In this paper, we propose to reduce the time complexity by exploiting the sparsity of the input matrices. The key idea is to employ an approximate singular value decomposition (SVD) method which can utilize the sparsity, to reduce the number of QR decompositions required by COD. In this way, we develop sparse co-occuring directions, which reduces the time complexity to $\widetilde{O}\left((\nnz(X)+\nnz(Y))\ell+n\ell^2\right)$ in expectation while keeps the same space complexity as $O((m_x+m_y)\ell)$, where $\nnz(X)$ denotes the number of non-zero entries in $X$ and the $\widetilde{O}$ notation hides constant factors as well as polylogarithmic factors. Theoretical analysis reveals that the approximation error of our algorithm is almost the same as that of COD. Furthermore, we empirically verify the efficiency and effectiveness of our algorithm.

replace Projection-free Online Learning over Strongly Convex Sets

Authors: Yuanyu Wan, Lijun Zhang

Abstract: To efficiently solve online problems with complicated constraints, projection-free algorithms including online frank-wolfe (OFW) and its variants have received significant interest recently. However, in the general case, existing efficient projection-free algorithms only achieved the regret bound of $O(T^{3/4})$, which is worse than the regret of projection-based algorithms, where $T$ is the number of decision rounds. In this paper, we study the special case of online learning over strongly convex sets, for which we first prove that OFW can enjoy a better regret bound of $O(T^{2/3})$ for general convex losses. The key idea is to refine the decaying step-size in the original OFW by a simple line search rule. Furthermore, for strongly convex losses, we propose a strongly convex variant of OFW by redefining the surrogate loss function in OFW. We show that it achieves a regret bound of $O(T^{2/3})$ over general convex sets and a better regret bound of $O(\sqrt{T})$ over strongly convex sets.

replace Expert Q-learning: Deep Reinforcement Learning with Coarse State Values from Offline Expert Examples

Authors: Li Meng, Anis Yazidi, Morten Goodwin, Paal Engelstad

Abstract: In this article, we propose a novel algorithm for deep reinforcement learning named Expert Q-learning. Expert Q-learning is inspired by Dueling Q-learning and aims at incorporating semi-supervised learning into reinforcement learning through splitting Q-values into state values and action advantages. We require that an offline expert assesses the value of a state in a coarse manner using three discrete values. An expert network is designed in addition to the Q-network, which updates each time following the regular offline minibatch update whenever the expert example buffer is not empty. Using the board game Othello, we compare our algorithm with the baseline Q-learning algorithm, which is a combination of Double Q-learning and Dueling Q-learning. Our results show that Expert Q-learning is indeed useful and more resistant to the overestimation bias. The baseline Q-learning algorithm exhibits unstable and suboptimal behavior in non-deterministic settings, whereas Expert Q-learning demonstrates more robust performance with higher scores, illustrating that our algorithm is indeed suitable to integrate state values from expert examples into Q-learning.

replace Pareto Adversarial Robustness: Balancing Spatial Robustness and Sensitivity-based Robustness

Authors: Ke Sun, Mingjie Li, Zhouchen Lin

Abstract: Adversarial robustness, which primarily comprises sensitivity-based robustness and spatial robustness, plays an integral part in achieving robust generalization. In this paper, we endeavor to design strategies to achieve universal adversarial robustness. To achieve this, we first investigate the relatively less-explored realm of spatial robustness. Then, we integrate the existing spatial robustness methods by incorporating both local and global spatial vulnerability into a unified spatial attack and adversarial training approach. Furthermore, we present a comprehensive relationship between natural accuracy, sensitivity-based robustness, and spatial robustness, supported by strong evidence from the perspective of robust representation. Crucially, to reconcile the interplay between the mutual impacts of various robustness components into one unified framework, we incorporate the \textit{Pareto criterion} into the adversarial robustness analysis, yielding a novel strategy called Pareto Adversarial Training for achieving universal robustness. The resulting Pareto front, which delineates the set of optimal solutions, provides an optimal balance between natural accuracy and various adversarial robustness. This sheds light on solutions for achieving universal robustness in the future. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to consider universal adversarial robustness via multi-objective optimization.

replace A policy gradient approach for optimization of smooth risk measures

Authors: Nithia Vijayan, Prashanth L. A

Abstract: We propose policy gradient algorithms for solving a risk-sensitive reinforcement learning (RL) problem in on-policy as well as off-policy settings. We consider episodic Markov decision processes, and model the risk using the broad class of smooth risk measures of the cumulative discounted reward. We propose two template policy gradient algorithms that optimize a smooth risk measure in on-policy and off-policy RL settings, respectively. We derive non-asymptotic bounds that quantify the rate of convergence of our proposed algorithms to a stationary point of the smooth risk measure. As special cases, we establish that our algorithms apply to optimization of mean-variance and distortion risk measures, respectively.

replace Improving the Diversity of Bootstrapped DQN by Replacing Priors With Noise

Authors: Li Meng, Morten Goodwin, Anis Yazidi, Paal Engelstad

Abstract: Q-learning is one of the most well-known Reinforcement Learning algorithms. There have been tremendous efforts to develop this algorithm using neural networks. Bootstrapped Deep Q-Learning Network is amongst them. It utilizes multiple neural network heads to introduce diversity into Q-learning. Diversity can sometimes be viewed as the amount of reasonable moves an agent can take at a given state, analogous to the definition of the exploration ratio in RL. Thus, the performance of Bootstrapped Deep Q-Learning Network is deeply connected with the level of diversity within the algorithm. In the original research, it was pointed out that a random prior could improve the performance of the model. In this article, we further explore the possibility of replacing priors with noise and sample the noise from a Gaussian distribution to introduce more diversity into this algorithm. We conduct our experiment on the Atari benchmark and compare our algorithm to both the original and other related algorithms. The results show that our modification of the Bootstrapped Deep Q-Learning algorithm achieves significantly higher evaluation scores across different types of Atari games. Thus, we conclude that replacing priors with noise can improve Bootstrapped Deep Q-Learning's performance by ensuring the integrity of diversities.

replace Deep Reinforcement Learning with Swin Transformers

Authors: Li Meng, Morten Goodwin, Anis Yazidi, Paal Engelstad

Abstract: Transformers are neural network models that utilize multiple layers of self-attention heads and have exhibited enormous potential in natural language processing tasks. Meanwhile, there have been efforts to adapt transformers to visual tasks of machine learning, including Vision Transformers and Swin Transformers. Although some researchers use Vision Transformers for reinforcement learning tasks, their experiments remain at a small scale due to the high computational cost. This article presents the first online reinforcement learning scheme that is based on Swin Transformers: Swin DQN. In contrast to existing research, our novel approach demonstrate the superior performance with experiments on 49 games in the Arcade Learning Environment. The results show that our approach achieves significantly higher maximal evaluation scores than the baseline method in 45 of all the 49 games (92%), and higher mean evaluation scores than the baseline method in 40 of all the 49 games (82%).

replace Provable Adaptivity of Adam under Non-uniform Smoothness

Authors: Bohan Wang, Yushun Zhang, Huishuai Zhang, Qi Meng, Ruoyu Sun, Zhi-Ming Ma, Tie-Yan Liu, Zhi-Quan Luo, Wei Chen

Abstract: Adam is widely adopted in practical applications due to its fast convergence. However, its theoretical analysis is still far from satisfactory. Existing convergence analyses for Adam rely on the bounded smoothness assumption, referred to as the \emph{L-smooth condition}. Unfortunately, this assumption does not hold for many deep learning tasks. Moreover, we believe that this assumption obscures the true benefit of Adam, as the algorithm can adapt its update magnitude according to local smoothness. This important feature of Adam becomes irrelevant when assuming globally bounded smoothness. This paper studies the convergence of randomly reshuffled Adam (RR Adam) with diminishing learning rate, which is the major version of Adam adopted in deep learning tasks. We present the first convergence analysis of RR Adam without the bounded smoothness assumption. We demonstrate that RR Adam can maintain its convergence properties when smoothness is linearly bounded by the gradient norm, referred to as the \emph{$(L_0, L_1)$-smooth condition. We further compare Adam to SGD when both methods use diminishing learning rate. We refine the existing lower bound of SGD and show that SGD can be slower than Adam. To our knowledge, this is the first time that Adam and SGD are rigorously compared in the same setting and the advantage of Adam is revealed.

replace Improved Dynamic Regret for Online Frank-Wolfe

Authors: Yuanyu Wan, Lijun Zhang, Mingli Song

Abstract: To deal with non-stationary online problems with complex constraints, we investigate the dynamic regret of online Frank-Wolfe (OFW), which is an efficient projection-free algorithm for online convex optimization. It is well-known that in the setting of offline optimization, the smoothness of functions and the strong convexity of functions accompanying specific properties of constraint sets can be utilized to achieve fast convergence rates for the Frank-Wolfe (FW) algorithm. However, for OFW, previous studies only establish a dynamic regret bound of $O(\sqrt{T}(V_T+\sqrt{D_T}+1))$ by utilizing the convexity of problems, where $T$ is the number of rounds, $V_T$ is the function variation, and $D_T$ is the gradient variation. In this paper, we derive improved dynamic regret bounds for OFW by extending the fast convergence rates of FW from offline optimization to online optimization. The key technique for this extension is to set the step size of OFW with a line search rule. In this way, we first show that the dynamic regret bound of OFW can be improved to $O(\sqrt{T(V_T+1)})$ for smooth functions. Second, we achieve a better dynamic regret bound of $O(T^{1/3}(V_T+1)^{2/3})$ when functions are smooth and strongly convex, and the constraint set is strongly convex. Finally, for smooth and strongly convex functions with minimizers in the interior of the constraint set, we demonstrate that the dynamic regret of OFW reduces to $O(V_T+1)$, and can be further strengthened to $O(\min\{P_T^\ast,S_T^\ast,V_T\}+1)$ by performing a constant number of FW iterations per round, where $P_T^\ast$ and $S_T^\ast$ denote the path length and squared path length of minimizers, respectively.

replace Comparison of High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization Algorithms on BBOB

Authors: Maria Laura Santoni, Elena Raponi, Renato De Leone, Carola Doerr

Abstract: Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a class of black-box, surrogate-based heuristics that can efficiently optimize problems that are expensive to evaluate, and hence admit only small evaluation budgets. BO is particularly popular for solving numerical optimization problems in industry, where the evaluation of objective functions often relies on time-consuming simulations or physical experiments. However, many industrial problems depend on a large number of parameters. This poses a challenge for BO algorithms, whose performance is often reported to suffer when the dimension grows beyond 15 variables. Although many new algorithms have been proposed to address this problem, it is not well understood which one is the best for which optimization scenario. In this work, we compare five state-of-the-art high-dimensional BO algorithms, with vanilla BO and CMA-ES on the 24 BBOB functions of the COCO environment at increasing dimensionality, ranging from 10 to 60 variables. Our results confirm the superiority of BO over CMA-ES for limited evaluation budgets and suggest that the most promising approach to improve BO is the use of trust regions. However, we also observe significant performance differences for different function landscapes and budget exploitation phases, indicating improvement potential, e.g., through hybridization of algorithmic components.

replace Knowledge Accumulation in Continually Learned Representations and the Issue of Feature Forgetting

Authors: Timm Hess, Eli Verwimp, Gido M. van de Ven, Tinne Tuytelaars

Abstract: Continual learning research has shown that neural networks suffer from catastrophic forgetting "at the output level", but it is debated whether this is also the case at the level of learned representations. Multiple recent studies ascribe representations a certain level of innate robustness against forgetting -- that they only forget minimally in comparison with forgetting at the output level. We revisit and expand upon the experiments that revealed this difference in forgetting and illustrate the coexistence of two phenomena that affect the quality of continually learned representations: knowledge accumulation and feature forgetting. Taking both aspects into account, we show that, even though forgetting in the representation (i.e. feature forgetting) can be small in absolute terms, when measuring relative to how much was learned during a task, forgetting in the representation tends to be just as catastrophic as forgetting at the output level. Next we show that this feature forgetting is problematic as it substantially slows down the incremental learning of good general representations (i.e. knowledge accumulation). Finally, we study how feature forgetting and knowledge accumulation are affected by different types of continual learning methods.

replace A Non-autoregressive Multi-Horizon Flight Trajectory Prediction Framework with Gray Code Representation

Authors: Dongyue Guo, Zheng Zhang, Zhen Yan, Jianwei Zhang, Yi Lin

Abstract: Flight Trajectory Prediction (FTP) is an essential task in Air Traffic Control (ATC), which can assist air traffic controllers in managing airspace more safely and efficiently. Existing approaches generally perform multi-horizon FTP tasks in an autoregressive manner, thereby suffering from error accumulation and low-efficiency problems. In this paper, a novel framework, called FlightBERT++, is proposed to i) forecast multi-horizon flight trajectories directly in a non-autoregressive way, and ii) improve the limitation of the binary encoding (BE) representation in the FlightBERT framework. Specifically, the proposed framework is implemented by a generalized encoder-decoder architecture, in which the encoder learns the temporal-spatial patterns from historical observations and the decoder predicts the flight status for the future horizons. Compared to conventional architecture, an innovative horizon-aware contexts generator is dedicatedly designed to consider the prior horizon information, which further enables non-autoregressive multi-horizon prediction. Additionally, the Gray code representation and the differential prediction paradigm are designed to cope with the high-bit misclassifications of the BE representation, which significantly reduces the outliers in the predictions. Moreover, a differential prompted decoder is proposed to enhance the capability of the differential predictions by leveraging the stationarity of the differential sequence. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the proposed framework on a real-world flight trajectory dataset. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed framework outperformed the competitive baselines in both FTP performance and computational efficiency.

replace CLImage: Human-Annotated Datasets for Complementary-Label Learning

Authors: Hsiu-Hsuan Wang, Tan-Ha Mai, Nai-Xuan Ye, Wei-I Lin, Hsuan-Tien Lin

Abstract: Complementary-label learning (CLL) is a weakly-supervised learning paradigm that aims to train a multi-class classifier using only complementary labels, which indicate classes to which an instance does not belong. Despite numerous algorithmic proposals for CLL, their practical applicability remains unverified for two reasons. Firstly, these algorithms often rely on assumptions about the generation of complementary labels, and it is not clear how far the assumptions are from reality. Secondly, their evaluation has been limited to synthetic datasets. To gain insights into the real-world performance of CLL algorithms, we developed a protocol to collect complementary labels from human annotators. Our efforts resulted in the creation of four datasets: CLCIFAR10, CLCIFAR20, CLMicroImageNet10, and CLMicroImageNet20, derived from well-known classification datasets CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and TinyImageNet200. These datasets represent the very first real-world CLL datasets. Through extensive benchmark experiments, we discovered a notable decrease in performance when transitioning from synthetic datasets to real-world datasets. We investigated the key factors contributing to the decrease with a thorough dataset-level ablation study. Our analyses highlight annotation noise as the most influential factor in the real-world datasets. In addition, we discover that the biased-nature of human-annotated complementary labels and the difficulty to validate with only complementary labels are two outstanding barriers to practical CLL. These findings suggest that the community focus more research efforts on developing CLL algorithms and validation schemes that are robust to noisy and biased complementary-label distributions.

replace State Representation Learning Using an Unbalanced Atlas

Authors: Li Meng, Morten Goodwin, Anis Yazidi, Paal Engelstad

Abstract: The manifold hypothesis posits that high-dimensional data often lies on a lower-dimensional manifold and that utilizing this manifold as the target space yields more efficient representations. While numerous traditional manifold-based techniques exist for dimensionality reduction, their application in self-supervised learning has witnessed slow progress. The recent MSimCLR method combines manifold encoding with SimCLR but requires extremely low target encoding dimensions to outperform SimCLR, limiting its applicability. This paper introduces a novel learning paradigm using an unbalanced atlas (UA), capable of surpassing state-of-the-art self-supervised learning approaches. We investigated and engineered the DeepInfomax with an unbalanced atlas (DIM-UA) method by adapting the Spatiotemporal DeepInfomax (ST-DIM) framework to align with our proposed UA paradigm. The efficacy of DIM-UA is demonstrated through training and evaluation on the Atari Annotated RAM Interface (AtariARI) benchmark, a modified version of the Atari 2600 framework that produces annotated image samples for representation learning. The UA paradigm improves existing algorithms significantly as the number of target encoding dimensions grows. For instance, the mean F1 score averaged over categories of DIM-UA is ~75% compared to ~70% of ST-DIM when using 16384 hidden units.

replace Non-stationary Online Convex Optimization with Arbitrary Delays

Authors: Yuanyu Wan, Chang Yao, Mingli Song, Lijun Zhang

Abstract: Online convex optimization (OCO) with arbitrary delays, in which gradients or other information of functions could be arbitrarily delayed, has received increasing attention recently. Different from previous studies that focus on stationary environments, this paper investigates the delayed OCO in non-stationary environments, and aims to minimize the dynamic regret with respect to any sequence of comparators. To this end, we first propose a simple algorithm, namely DOGD, which performs a gradient descent step for each delayed gradient according to their arrival order. Despite its simplicity, our novel analysis shows that the dynamic regret of DOGD can be automatically bounded by $O(\sqrt{\bar{d}T}(P_T+1))$ under mild assumptions, and $O(\sqrt{dT}(P_T+1))$ in the worst case, where $\bar{d}$ and $d$ denote the average and maximum delay respectively, $T$ is the time horizon, and $P_T$ is the path-length of comparators. Furthermore, we develop an improved algorithm, which reduces those dynamic regret bounds achieved by DOGD to $O(\sqrt{\bar{d}T(P_T+1)})$ and $O(\sqrt{dT(P_T+1)})$, respectively. The key idea is to run multiple DOGD with different learning rates, and utilize a meta-algorithm to track the best one based on their delayed performance. Finally, we demonstrate that our improved algorithm is optimal in the worst case by deriving a matching lower bound.

replace Bad Habits: Policy Confounding and Out-of-Trajectory Generalization in RL

Authors: Miguel Suau, Matthijs T. J. Spaan, Frans A. Oliehoek

Abstract: Reinforcement learning agents tend to develop habits that are effective only under specific policies. Following an initial exploration phase where agents try out different actions, they eventually converge onto a particular policy. As this occurs, the distribution over state-action trajectories becomes narrower, leading agents to repeatedly experience the same transitions. This repetitive exposure fosters spurious correlations between certain observations and rewards. Agents may then pick up on these correlations and develop simplistic habits tailored to the specific set of trajectories dictated by their policy. The problem is that these habits may yield incorrect outcomes when agents are forced to deviate from their typical trajectories, prompted by changes in the environment. This paper presents a mathematical characterization of this phenomenon, termed policy confounding, and illustrates, through a series of examples, the circumstances under which it occurs.

replace On the Need of a Modeling Language for Distribution Shifts: Illustrations on Tabular Datasets

Authors: Jiashuo Liu, Tianyu Wang, Peng Cui, Hongseok Namkoong

Abstract: Different distribution shifts require different interventions, and algorithms must be grounded in the specific shifts they address. However, methodological development for ''robust'' methods typically relies on structural assumptions that lack empirical validation. Advocating for an empirically grounded inductive approach to research, we build an empirical testbed comprising natural shifts across 5 tabular datasets and 60,000 method configurations encompassing imbalanced learning methods and distributionally robust optimization (DRO) methods. We find $Y|X$-shifts are most prevalent on our testbed, in stark contrast to the heavy focus on $X$ (covariate)-shifts in the ML literature. The performance of ''robust'' methods varies significantly over shift types, and is no better than that of vanilla methods. To understand why, we conduct an in-depth empirical analysis of DRO methods and find that although often neglected by researchers, implementation details -- such as the choice of underlying model class (e.g., XGBoost) and hyperparameter selection -- have a bigger impact on performance than the ambiguity set or its radius. To further bridge that gap between methodological research and practice, we design case studies that illustrate how such a refined, inductive understanding of distribution shifts can enhance both data-centric and algorithmic interventions.

replace Causal Fair Machine Learning via Rank-Preserving Interventional Distributions

Authors: Ludwig Bothmann, Susanne Dandl, Michael Schomaker

Abstract: A decision can be defined as fair if equal individuals are treated equally and unequals unequally. Adopting this definition, the task of designing machine learning (ML) models that mitigate unfairness in automated decision-making systems must include causal thinking when introducing protected attributes: Following a recent proposal, we define individuals as being normatively equal if they are equal in a fictitious, normatively desired (FiND) world, where the protected attributes have no (direct or indirect) causal effect on the target. We propose rank-preserving interventional distributions to define a specific FiND world in which this holds and a warping method for estimation. Evaluation criteria for both the method and the resulting ML model are presented and validated through simulations. Experiments on empirical data showcase the practical application of our method and compare results with "fairadapt" (Ple\v{c}ko and Meinshausen, 2020), a different approach for mitigating unfairness by causally preprocessing data that uses quantile regression forests. With this, we show that our warping approach effectively identifies the most discriminated individuals and mitigates unfairness.

replace Hyperbolic Random Forests

Authors: Lars Doorenbos, Pablo M\'arquez-Neila, Raphael Sznitman, Pascal Mettes

Abstract: Hyperbolic space is becoming a popular choice for representing data due to the hierarchical structure - whether implicit or explicit - of many real-world datasets. Along with it comes a need for algorithms capable of solving fundamental tasks, such as classification, in hyperbolic space. Recently, multiple papers have investigated hyperbolic alternatives to hyperplane-based classifiers, such as logistic regression and SVMs. While effective, these approaches struggle with more complex hierarchical data. We, therefore, propose to generalize the well-known random forests to hyperbolic space. We do this by redefining the notion of a split using horospheres. Since finding the globally optimal split is computationally intractable, we find candidate horospheres through a large-margin classifier. To make hyperbolic random forests work on multi-class data and imbalanced experiments, we furthermore outline a new method for combining classes based on their lowest common ancestor and a class-balanced version of the large-margin loss. Experiments on standard and new benchmarks show that our approach outperforms both conventional random forest algorithms and recent hyperbolic classifiers.

replace Neural Koopman prior for data assimilation

Authors: Anthony Frion, Lucas Drumetz, Mauro Dalla Mura, Guillaume Tochon, Abdeldjalil A\"issa El Bey

Abstract: With the increasing availability of large scale datasets, computational power and tools like automatic differentiation and expressive neural network architectures, sequential data are now often treated in a data-driven way, with a dynamical model trained from the observation data. While neural networks are often seen as uninterpretable black-box architectures, they can still benefit from physical priors on the data and from mathematical knowledge. In this paper, we use a neural network architecture which leverages the long-known Koopman operator theory to embed dynamical systems in latent spaces where their dynamics can be described linearly, enabling a number of appealing features. We introduce methods that enable to train such a model for long-term continuous reconstruction, even in difficult contexts where the data comes in irregularly-sampled time series. The potential for self-supervised learning is also demonstrated, as we show the promising use of trained dynamical models as priors for variational data assimilation techniques, with applications to e.g. time series interpolation and forecasting.

replace Improving physics-informed DeepONets with hard constraints

Authors: R\"udiger Brecht, Dmytro R. Popovych, Alex Bihlo, Roman O. Popovych

Abstract: Current physics-informed (standard or deep operator) neural networks still rely on accurately learning the initial and/or boundary conditions of the system of differential equations they are solving. In contrast, standard numerical methods involve such conditions in computations without needing to learn them. In this study, we propose to improve current physics-informed deep learning strategies such that initial and/or boundary conditions do not need to be learned and are represented exactly in the predicted solution. Moreover, this method guarantees that when a deep operator network is applied multiple times to time-step a solution of an initial value problem, the resulting function is at least continuous.

replace How to train your VAE

Authors: Mariano Rivera

Abstract: Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) have become a cornerstone in generative modeling and representation learning within machine learning. This paper explores a nuanced aspect of VAEs, focusing on interpreting the Kullback-Leibler (KL) Divergence, a critical component within the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO) that governs the trade-off between reconstruction accuracy and regularization. Meanwhile, the KL Divergence enforces alignment between latent variable distributions and a prior imposing a structure on the overall latent space but leaves individual variable distributions unconstrained. The proposed method redefines the ELBO with a mixture of Gaussians for the posterior probability, introduces a regularization term to prevent variance collapse, and employs a PatchGAN discriminator to enhance texture realism. Implementation details involve ResNetV2 architectures for both the Encoder and Decoder. The experiments demonstrate the ability to generate realistic faces, offering a promising solution for enhancing VAE-based generative models.

replace Detach-ROCKET: Sequential feature selection for time series classification with random convolutional kernels

Authors: Gonzalo Uribarri, Federico Barone, Alessio Ansuini, Erik Frans\'en

Abstract: Time Series Classification (TSC) is essential in fields like medicine, environmental science, and finance, enabling tasks such as disease diagnosis, anomaly detection, and stock price analysis. While machine learning models like Recurrent Neural Networks and InceptionTime are successful in numerous applications, they can face scalability issues due to computational requirements. Recently, ROCKET has emerged as an efficient alternative, achieving state-of-the-art performance and simplifying training by utilizing a large number of randomly generated features from the time series data. However, many of these features are redundant or non-informative, increasing computational load and compromising generalization. Here we introduce Sequential Feature Detachment (SFD) to identify and prune non-essential features in ROCKET-based models, such as ROCKET, MiniRocket, and MultiRocket. SFD estimates feature importance using model coefficients and can handle large feature sets without complex hyperparameter tuning. Testing on the UCR archive shows that SFD can produce models with better test accuracy using only 10\% of the original features. We named these pruned models Detach-ROCKET. We also present an end-to-end procedure for determining an optimal balance between the number of features and model accuracy. On the largest binary UCR dataset, Detach-ROCKET improves test accuracy by 0.6\% while reducing features by 98.9\%. By enabling a significant reduction in model size without sacrificing accuracy, our methodology improves computational efficiency and contributes to model interpretability. We believe that Detach-ROCKET will be a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners working with time series data, who can find a user-friendly implementation of the model at \url{}.


replace Graph-level Representation Learning with Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures

Authors: Geri Skenderi, Hang Li, Jiliang Tang, Marco Cristani

Abstract: Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures (JEPAs) have recently emerged as a novel and powerful technique for self-supervised representation learning. They aim to learn an energy-based model by predicting the latent representation of a target signal y from the latent representation of a context signal x. JEPAs bypass the need for negative and positive samples, traditionally required by contrastive learning while avoiding the overfitting issues associated with generative pretraining. In this paper, we show that graph-level representations can be effectively modeled using this paradigm by proposing a Graph Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture (Graph-JEPA). In particular, we employ masked modeling and focus on predicting the latent representations of masked subgraphs starting from the latent representation of a context subgraph. To endow the representations with the implicit hierarchy that is often present in graph-level concepts, we devise an alternative prediction objective that consists of predicting the coordinates of the encoded subgraphs on the unit hyperbola in the 2D plane. Through multiple experimental evaluations, we show that Graph-JEPA can learn highly semantic and expressive representations, as shown by the downstream performance in graph classification, regression, and distinguishing non-isomorphic graphs. The code will be made available upon acceptance.

replace A Recipe for Improved Certifiable Robustness

Authors: Kai Hu, Klas Leino, Zifan Wang, Matt Fredrikson

Abstract: Recent studies have highlighted the potential of Lipschitz-based methods for training certifiably robust neural networks against adversarial attacks. A key challenge, supported both theoretically and empirically, is that robustness demands greater network capacity and more data than standard training. However, effectively adding capacity under stringent Lipschitz constraints has proven more difficult than it may seem, evident by the fact that state-of-the-art approach tend more towards \emph{underfitting} than overfitting. Moreover, we posit that a lack of careful exploration of the design space for Lipshitz-based approaches has left potential performance gains on the table. In this work, we provide a more comprehensive evaluation to better uncover the potential of Lipschitz-based certification methods. Using a combination of novel techniques, design optimizations, and synthesis of prior work, we are able to significantly improve the state-of-the-art VRA for deterministic certification on a variety of benchmark datasets, and over a range of perturbation sizes. Of particular note, we discover that the addition of large ``Cholesky-orthogonalized residual dense'' layers to the end of existing state-of-the-art Lipschitz-controlled ResNet architectures is especially effective for increasing network capacity and performance. Combined with filtered generative data augmentation, our final results further the state of the art deterministic VRA by up to 8.5 percentage points\footnote{Code is available at \url{}}.


replace Use Your INSTINCT: INSTruction optimization for LLMs usIng Neural bandits Coupled with Transformers

Authors: Xiaoqiang Lin, Zhaoxuan Wu, Zhongxiang Dai, Wenyang Hu, Yao Shu, See-Kiong Ng, Patrick Jaillet, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable instruction-following capabilities and achieved impressive performances in various applications. However, the performances of LLMs depend heavily on the instructions given to them, which are typically manually tuned with substantial human efforts. Recent work has used the query-efficient Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithm to automatically optimize the instructions given to black-box LLMs. However, BO usually falls short when optimizing highly sophisticated (e.g., high-dimensional) objective functions, such as the functions mapping an instruction to the performance of an LLM. This is mainly due to the limited expressive power of the Gaussian process (GP) which is used by BO as a surrogate to model the objective function. Meanwhile, it has been repeatedly shown that neural networks (NNs), especially pre-trained transformers, possess strong expressive power and can model highly complex functions. So, we adopt a neural bandit algorithm which replaces the GP in BO by an NN surrogate to optimize instructions for black-box LLMs. More importantly, the neural bandit algorithm allows us to naturally couple the NN surrogate with the hidden representation learned by a pre-trained transformer (i.e., an open-source LLM), which significantly boosts its performance. These motivate us to propose our INSTruction optimization usIng Neural bandits Coupled with Transformers (INSTINCT) algorithm. We perform instruction optimization for ChatGPT and use extensive experiments to show that INSTINCT consistently outperforms baselines in different tasks, e.g., various instruction induction tasks and the task of improving zero-shot chain-of-thought instructions. Our code is available at


replace Discovering Mixtures of Structural Causal Models from Time Series Data

Authors: Sumanth Varambally, Yi-An Ma, Rose Yu

Abstract: Discovering causal relationships from time series data is significant in fields such as finance, climate science, and neuroscience. However, contemporary techniques rely on the simplifying assumption that data originates from the same causal model, while in practice, data is heterogeneous and can stem from different causal models. In this work, we relax this assumption and perform causal discovery from time series data originating from a mixture of causal models. We propose a general variational inference-based framework called MCD to infer the underlying causal models as well as the mixing probability of each sample. Our approach employs an end-to-end training process that maximizes an evidence-lower bound for the data likelihood. We present two variants: MCD-Linear for linear relationships and independent noise, and MCD-Nonlinear for nonlinear causal relationships and history-dependent noise. We demonstrate that our method surpasses state-of-the-art benchmarks in causal discovery tasks through extensive experimentation on synthetic and real-world datasets, particularly when the data emanates from diverse underlying causal graphs. Theoretically, we prove the identifiability of such a model under some mild assumptions.

replace Generative Fractional Diffusion Models

Authors: Gabriel Nobis, Maximilian Springenberg, Marco Aversa, Michael Detzel, Rembert Daems, Roderick Murray-Smith, Shinichi Nakajima, Sebastian Lapuschkin, Stefano Ermon, Tolga Birdal, Manfred Opper, Christoph Knochenhauer, Luis Oala, Wojciech Samek

Abstract: We introduce the first continuous-time score-based generative model that leverages fractional diffusion processes for its underlying dynamics. Although diffusion models have excelled at capturing data distributions, they still suffer from various limitations such as slow convergence, mode-collapse on imbalanced data, and lack of diversity. These issues are partially linked to the use of light-tailed Brownian motion (BM) with independent increments. In this paper, we replace BM with an approximation of its non-Markovian counterpart, fractional Brownian motion (fBM), characterized by correlated increments and Hurst index $H \in (0,1)$, where $H=1/2$ recovers the classical BM. To ensure tractable inference and learning, we employ a recently popularized Markov approximation of fBM (MA-fBM) and derive its reverse time model, resulting in generative fractional diffusion models (GFDMs). We characterize the forward dynamics using a continuous reparameterization trick and propose an augmented score matching loss to efficiently learn the score-function, which is partly known in closed form, at minimal added cost. The ability to drive our diffusion model via fBM provides flexibility and control. $H \leq 1/2$ enters the regime of rough paths whereas $H>1/2$ regularizes diffusion paths and invokes long-term memory as well as a heavy-tailed behaviour (super-diffusion). The Markov approximation allows added control by varying the number of Markov processes linearly combined to approximate fBM. Our evaluations on real image datasets demonstrate that GFDM achieves greater pixel-wise diversity and enhanced image quality, as indicated by a lower FID, offering a promising alternative to traditional diffusion models.

replace Incorporating temporal dynamics of mutations to enhance the prediction capability of antiretroviral therapy's outcome for HIV-1

Authors: Giulia Di Teodoro, Martin Pirkl, Francesca Incardona, Ilaria Vicenti, Anders S\"onnerborg, Rolf Kaiser, Laura Palagi, Maurizio Zazzi, Thomas Lengauer

Abstract: Motivation: In predicting HIV therapy outcomes, a critical clinical question is whether using historical information can enhance predictive capabilities compared with current or latest available data analysis. This study analyses whether historical knowledge, which includes viral mutations detected in all genotypic tests before therapy, their temporal occurrence, and concomitant viral load measurements, can bring improvements. We introduce a method to weigh mutations, considering the previously enumerated factors and the reference mutation-drug Stanford resistance tables. We compare a model encompassing history (H) with one not using it (NH). Results: The H-model demonstrates superior discriminative ability, with a higher ROC-AUC score (76.34%) than the NH-model (74.98%). Significant Wilcoxon test results confirm that incorporating historical information improves consistently predictive accuracy for treatment outcomes. The better performance of the H-model might be attributed to its consideration of latent HIV reservoirs, probably obtained when leveraging historical information. The findings emphasize the importance of temporal dynamics in mutations, offering insights into HIV infection complexities. However, our result also shows that prediction accuracy remains relatively high even when no historical information is available. Supplementary information: Supplementary material is available.

replace Mixture of Weak & Strong Experts on Graphs

Authors: Hanqing Zeng, Hanjia Lyu, Diyi Hu, Yinglong Xia, Jiebo Luo

Abstract: Realistic graphs contain both (1) rich self-features of nodes and (2) informative structures of neighborhoods, jointly handled by a Graph Neural Network (GNN) in the typical setup. We propose to decouple the two modalities by Mixture of weak and strong experts (Mowst), where the weak expert is a light-weight Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), and the strong expert is an off-the-shelf GNN. To adapt the experts' collaboration to different target nodes, we propose a "confidence" mechanism based on the dispersion of the weak expert's prediction logits. The strong expert is conditionally activated in the low-confidence region when either the node's classification relies on neighborhood information, or the weak expert has low model quality. We reveal interesting training dynamics by analyzing the influence of the confidence function on loss: our training algorithm encourages the specialization of each expert by effectively generating soft splitting of the graph. In addition, our "confidence" design imposes a desirable bias toward the strong expert to benefit from GNN's better generalization capability. Mowst is easy to optimize and achieves strong expressive power, with a computation cost comparable to a single GNN. Empirically, Mowst on 4 backbone GNN architectures show significant accuracy improvement on 6 standard node classification benchmarks, including both homophilous and heterophilous graphs (


replace Attribute Diversity Determines the Systematicity Gap in VQA

Authors: Ian Berlot-Attwell, Kumar Krishna Agrawal, A. Michael Carrell, Yash Sharma, Naomi Saphra

Abstract: The degree to which neural networks can generalize to new combinations of familiar concepts, and the conditions under which they are able to do so, has long been an open question. In this work, we study the systematicity gap in visual question answering: the performance difference between reasoning on previously seen and unseen combinations of object attributes. To test, we introduce a novel diagnostic dataset, CLEVR-HOPE. We find that while increased quantity of training data does not reduce the systematicity gap, increased training data diversity of the attributes in the unseen combination does. In all, our experiments suggest that the more distinct attribute type combinations are seen during training, the more systematic we can expect the resulting model to be.

replace Weight fluctuations in (deep) linear neural networks and a derivation of the inverse-variance flatness relation

Authors: Markus Gross, Arne P. Raulf, Christoph R\"ath

Abstract: We investigate the stationary (late-time) training regime of single- and two-layer underparameterized linear neural networks within the continuum limit of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for synthetic Gaussian data. In the case of a single-layer network in the weakly underparameterized regime, the spectrum of the noise covariance matrix deviates notably from the Hessian, which can be attributed to the broken detailed balance of SGD dynamics. The weight fluctuations are in this case generally anisotropic, but effectively experience an isotropic loss. For an underparameterized two-layer network, we describe the stochastic dynamics of the weights in each layer and analyze the associated stationary covariances. We identify the inter-layer coupling as a distinct source of anisotropy for the weight fluctuations. In contrast to the single-layer case, the weight fluctuations are effectively subject to an anisotropic loss, the flatness of which is inversely related to the fluctuation variance. We thereby provide an analytical derivation of the recently observed inverse variance-flatness relation in a model of a deep linear neural network.

replace On-Device Soft Sensors: Real-Time Fluid Flow Estimation from Level Sensor Data

Authors: Tianheng Ling, Chao Qian, Gregor Schiele

Abstract: Soft sensors are crucial in bridging autonomous systems' physical and digital realms, enhancing sensor fusion and perception. Instead of deploying soft sensors on the Cloud, this study shift towards employing on-device soft sensors, promising heightened efficiency and bolstering data security. Our approach substantially improves energy efficiency by deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) directly on devices within a wireless sensor network. Furthermore, the synergistic integration of the Microcontroller Unit and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) leverages the rapid AI inference capabilities of the latter. Empirical evidence from our real-world use case demonstrates that FPGA-based soft sensors achieve inference times ranging remarkably from 1.04 to 12.04 microseconds. These compelling results highlight the considerable potential of our innovative approach for executing real-time inference tasks efficiently, thereby presenting a feasible alternative that effectively addresses the latency challenges intrinsic to Cloud-based deployments.

replace The Feature Speed Formula: a flexible approach to scale hyper-parameters of deep neural networks

Authors: L\'ena\"ic Chizat, Praneeth Netrapalli

Abstract: Deep learning succeeds by doing hierarchical feature learning, yet tuning hyper-parameters (HP) such as initialization scales, learning rates etc., only give indirect control over this behavior. In this paper, we introduce a key notion to predict and control feature learning: the angle $\theta_\ell$ between the feature updates and the backward pass (at layer index $\ell$). We show that the magnitude of feature updates after one GD step, at any training time, can be expressed via a simple and general \emph{feature speed formula} in terms of this angle $\theta_\ell$, the loss decay, and the magnitude of the backward pass. This angle $\theta_\ell$ is controlled by the conditioning of the layer-to-layer Jacobians and at random initialization, it is determined by the spectrum of a certain kernel, which coincides with the Neural Tangent Kernel when $\ell=\text{depth}$. Given $\theta_\ell$, the feature speed formula provides us with rules to adjust HPs (scales and learning rates) so as to satisfy certain dynamical properties, such as feature learning and loss decay. We investigate the implications of our approach for ReLU MLPs and ResNets in the large width-then-depth limit. Relying on prior work, we show that in ReLU MLPs with iid initialization, the angle degenerates with depth as $\cos(\theta_\ell)=\Theta(1/\sqrt{\ell})$. In contrast, ResNets with branch scale $O(1/\sqrt{\text{depth}})$ maintain a non-degenerate angle $\cos(\theta_\ell)=\Theta(1)$. We use these insights to recover key properties of known HP scalings and also to introduce a new HP scaling for large depth ReLU MLPs with favorable theoretical properties.

replace Prompt Optimization via Adversarial In-Context Learning

Authors: Xuan Long Do, Yiran Zhao, Hannah Brown, Yuxi Xie, James Xu Zhao, Nancy F. Chen, Kenji Kawaguchi, Michael Shieh, Junxian He

Abstract: We propose a new method, Adversarial In-Context Learning (adv-ICL), to optimize prompt for in-context learning (ICL) by employing one LLM as a generator, another as a discriminator, and a third as a prompt modifier. As in traditional adversarial learning, adv-ICL is implemented as a two-player game between the generator and discriminator, where the generator tries to generate realistic enough output to fool the discriminator. In each round, given an input prefixed by task instructions and several exemplars, the generator produces an output. The discriminator is then tasked with classifying the generator input-output pair as model-generated or real data. Based on the discriminator loss, the prompt modifier proposes possible edits to the generator and discriminator prompts, and the edits that most improve the adversarial loss are selected. We show that adv-ICL results in significant improvements over state-of-the-art prompt optimization techniques for both open and closed-source models on 11 generation and classification tasks including summarization, arithmetic reasoning, machine translation, data-to-text generation, and the MMLU and big-bench hard benchmarks. In addition, because our method uses pre-trained models and updates only prompts rather than model parameters, it is computationally efficient, easy to extend to any LLM and task, and effective in low-resource settings.

replace Better, Not Just More: Data-Centric Machine Learning for Earth Observation

Authors: Ribana Roscher, Marc Ru{\ss}wurm, Caroline Gevaert, Michael Kampffmeyer, Jefersson A. dos Santos, Maria Vakalopoulou, Ronny H\"ansch, Stine Hansen, Keiller Nogueira, Jonathan Prexl, Devis Tuia

Abstract: Recent developments and research in modern machine learning have led to substantial improvements in the geospatial field. Although numerous deep learning architectures and models have been proposed, the majority of them have been solely developed on benchmark datasets that lack strong real-world relevance. Furthermore, the performance of many methods has already saturated on these datasets. We argue that a shift from a model-centric view to a complementary data-centric perspective is necessary for further improvements in accuracy, generalization ability, and real impact on end-user applications. Furthermore, considering the entire machine learning cycle - from problem definition to model deployment with feedback - is crucial for enhancing machine learning models that can be reliable in unforeseen situations. This work presents a definition as well as a precise categorization and overview of automated data-centric learning approaches for geospatial data. It highlights the complementary role of data-centric learning with respect to model-centric in the larger machine learning deployment cycle. We review papers across the entire geospatial field and categorize them into different groups. A set of representative experiments shows concrete implementation examples. These examples provide concrete steps to act on geospatial data with data-centric machine learning approaches.

replace Continuous-time Autoencoders for Regular and Irregular Time Series Imputation

Authors: Hyowon Wi, Yehjin Shin, Noseong Park

Abstract: Time series imputation is one of the most fundamental tasks for time series. Real-world time series datasets are frequently incomplete (or irregular with missing observations), in which case imputation is strongly required. Many different time series imputation methods have been proposed. Recent self-attention-based methods show the state-of-the-art imputation performance. However, it has been overlooked for a long time to design an imputation method based on continuous-time recurrent neural networks (RNNs), i.e., neural controlled differential equations (NCDEs). To this end, we redesign time series (variational) autoencoders based on NCDEs. Our method, called continuous-time autoencoder (CTA), encodes an input time series sample into a continuous hidden path (rather than a hidden vector) and decodes it to reconstruct and impute the input. In our experiments with 4 datasets and 19 baselines, our method shows the best imputation performance in almost all cases.

replace Graph2Tac: Online Representation Learning of Formal Math Concepts

Authors: Lasse Blaauwbroek, Miroslav Ol\v{s}\'ak, Jason Rute, Fidel Ivan Schaposnik Massolo, Jelle Piepenbrock, Vasily Pestun

Abstract: In proof assistants, the physical proximity between two formal mathematical concepts is a strong predictor of their mutual relevance. Furthermore, lemmas with close proximity regularly exhibit similar proof structures. We show that this locality property can be exploited through online learning techniques to obtain solving agents that far surpass offline learners when asked to prove theorems in an unseen mathematical setting. We extensively benchmark two such online solvers implemented in the Tactician platform for the Coq proof assistant: First, Tactician's online $k$-nearest neighbor solver, which can learn from recent proofs, shows a $1.72\times$ improvement in theorems proved over an offline equivalent. Second, we introduce a graph neural network, Graph2Tac, with a novel approach to build hierarchical representations for new definitions. Graph2Tac's online definition task realizes a $1.5\times$ improvement in theorems solved over an offline baseline. The $k$-NN and Graph2Tac solvers rely on orthogonal online data, making them highly complementary. Their combination improves $1.27\times$ over their individual performances. Both solvers outperform all other general-purpose provers for Coq, including CoqHammer, Proverbot9001, and a transformer baseline by at least $1.48\times$ and are available for practical use by end-users.

replace Revisiting Silhouette Aggregation

Authors: John Pavlopoulos, Georgios Vardakas, Aristidis Likas

Abstract: Silhouette coefficient is an established internal clustering evaluation measure that produces a score per data point, assessing the quality of its clustering assignment. To assess the quality of the clustering of the whole dataset, the scores of all the points in the dataset are typically (micro) averaged into a single value. An alternative path, however, that is rarely employed, is to average first at the cluster level and then (macro) average across clusters. As we illustrate in this work with a synthetic example, the typical micro-averaging strategy is sensitive to cluster imbalance while the overlooked macro-averaging strategy is far more robust. By investigating macro-Silhouette further, we find that uniform sub-sampling, the only available strategy in existing libraries, harms the measure's robustness against imbalance. We address this issue by proposing a per-cluster sampling method. An experimental study on eight real-world datasets is then used to analyse both coefficients in two clustering tasks.

replace Expert with Clustering: Hierarchical Online Preference Learning Framework

Authors: Tianyue Zhou, Jung-Hoon Cho, Babak Rahimi Ardabili, Hamed Tabkhi, Cathy Wu

Abstract: Emerging mobility systems are increasingly capable of recommending options to mobility users, to guide them towards personalized yet sustainable system outcomes. Even more so than the typical recommendation system, it is crucial to minimize regret, because 1) the mobility options directly affect the lives of the users, and 2) the system sustainability relies on sufficient user participation. In this study, we consider accelerating user preference learning by exploiting a low-dimensional latent space that captures the mobility preferences of users. We introduce a hierarchical contextual bandit framework named Expert with Clustering (EWC), which integrates clustering techniques and prediction with expert advice. EWC efficiently utilizes hierarchical user information and incorporates a novel Loss-guided Distance metric. This metric is instrumental in generating more representative cluster centroids. In a recommendation scenario with $N$ users, $T$ rounds per user, and $K$ options, our algorithm achieves a regret bound of $O(N\sqrt{T\log K} + NT)$. This bound consists of two parts: the first term is the regret from the Hedge algorithm, and the second term depends on the average loss from clustering. To the best of the authors knowledge, this is the first work to analyze the regret of an integrated expert algorithm with k-Means clustering. This regret bound underscores the theoretical and experimental efficacy of EWC, particularly in scenarios that demand rapid learning and adaptation. Experimental results highlight that EWC can substantially reduce regret by 27.57% compared to the LinUCB baseline. Our work offers a data-efficient approach to capturing both individual and collective behaviors, making it highly applicable to contexts with hierarchical structures. We expect the algorithm to be applicable to other settings with layered nuances of user preferences and information.

replace Shortened LLaMA: Depth Pruning for Large Language Models with Comparison of Retraining Methods

Authors: Bo-Kyeong Kim, Geonmin Kim, Tae-Ho Kim, Thibault Castells, Shinkook Choi, Junho Shin, Hyoung-Kyu Song

Abstract: Structured pruning of modern large language models (LLMs) has emerged as a way of decreasing their high computational needs. Width pruning reduces the size of projection weight matrices (e.g., by removing attention heads) while maintaining the number of layers. Depth pruning, in contrast, removes entire layers or blocks, while keeping the size of the remaining weights unchanged. Most current research focuses on either width-only or a blend of width and depth pruning, with little comparative analysis between the two units (width vs. depth) concerning their impact on LLM inference efficiency. In this work, we show that simple depth pruning can effectively compress LLMs while achieving comparable or superior performance to recent width pruning studies. Our pruning method boosts inference speeds, especially under memory-constrained conditions that require limited batch sizes for running LLMs, where width pruning is ineffective. In retraining pruned models for quality recovery, continued pretraining on a large corpus markedly outperforms LoRA-based tuning, particularly at severe pruning ratios. We hope this work can help build compact yet capable LLMs. Code and models can be found at:


replace Skill Set Optimization: Reinforcing Language Model Behavior via Transferable Skills

Authors: Kolby Nottingham, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, Sameer Singh, Peter Clark, Roy Fox

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have recently been used for sequential decision making in interactive environments. However, leveraging environment reward signals for continual LLM actor improvement is not straightforward. We propose Skill Set Optimization (SSO) for improving LLM actor performance through constructing and refining sets of transferable skills. SSO constructs skills by extracting common subtrajectories with high rewards and generating subgoals and instructions to represent each skill. These skills are provided to the LLM actor in-context to reinforce behaviors with high rewards. Then, SSO further refines the skill set by pruning skills that do not continue to result in high rewards. We evaluate our method in the classic videogame NetHack and the text environment ScienceWorld to demonstrate SSO's ability to optimize a set of skills and perform in-context policy improvement. SSO outperforms baselines by 40% in our custom NetHack task and outperforms the previous state-of-the-art in ScienceWorld by 35%.

replace Positive concave deep equilibrium models

Authors: Mateusz Gabor, Tomasz Piotrowski, Renato L. G. Cavalcante

Abstract: Deep equilibrium (DEQ) models are widely recognized as a memory efficient alternative to standard neural networks, achieving state-of-the-art performance in language modeling and computer vision tasks. These models solve a fixed point equation instead of explicitly computing the output, which sets them apart from standard neural networks. However, existing DEQ models often lack formal guarantees of the existence and uniqueness of the fixed point, and the convergence of the numerical scheme used for computing the fixed point is not formally established. As a result, DEQ models are potentially unstable in practice. To address these drawbacks, we introduce a novel class of DEQ models called positive concave deep equilibrium (pcDEQ) models. Our approach, which is based on nonlinear Perron-Frobenius theory, enforces nonnegative weights and activation functions that are concave on the positive orthant. By imposing these constraints, we can easily ensure the existence and uniqueness of the fixed point without relying on additional complex assumptions commonly found in the DEQ literature, such as those based on monotone operator theory in convex analysis. Furthermore, the fixed point can be computed with the standard fixed point algorithm, and we provide theoretical guarantees of its geometric convergence, which, in particular, simplifies the training process. Experiments demonstrate the competitiveness of our pcDEQ models against other implicit models.

replace Score-based Diffusion Models via Stochastic Differential Equations -- a Technical Tutorial

Authors: Wenpin Tang, Hanyang Zhao

Abstract: This is an expository article on the score-based diffusion models, with a particular focus on the formulation via stochastic differential equations (SDE). After a gentle introduction, we discuss the two pillars in the diffusion modeling -- sampling and score matching, which encompass the SDE/ODE sampling, score matching efficiency, the consistency models, and reinforcement learning. Short proofs are given to illustrate the main idea of the stated results. The article is primarily a technical introduction to the field, and practitioners may also find some analysis useful in designing new models or algorithms.

replace Two Tales of Single-Phase Contrastive Hebbian Learning

Authors: Rasmus Kj{\ae}r H{\o}ier, Christopher Zach

Abstract: The search for ``biologically plausible'' learning algorithms has converged on the idea of representing gradients as activity differences. However, most approaches require a high degree of synchronization (distinct phases during learning) and introduce substantial computational overhead, which raises doubts regarding their biological plausibility as well as their potential utility for neuromorphic computing. Furthermore, they commonly rely on applying infinitesimal perturbations (nudges) to output units, which is impractical in noisy environments. Recently it has been shown that by modelling artificial neurons as dyads with two oppositely nudged compartments, it is possible for a fully local learning algorithm named ``dual propagation'' to bridge the performance gap to backpropagation, without requiring separate learning phases or infinitesimal nudging. However, the algorithm has the drawback that its numerical stability relies on symmetric nudging, which may be restrictive in biological and analog implementations. In this work we first provide a solid foundation for the objective underlying the dual propagation method, which also reveals a surprising connection with adversarial robustness. Second, we demonstrate how dual propagation is related to a particular adjoint state method, which is stable regardless of asymmetric nudging.

replace Improved Regret for Bandit Convex Optimization with Delayed Feedback

Authors: Yuanyu Wan, Chang Yao, Mingli Song, Lijun Zhang

Abstract: We investigate bandit convex optimization (BCO) with delayed feedback, where only the loss value of the action is revealed under an arbitrary delay. Let $n,T,\bar{d}$ denote the dimensionality, time horizon, and average delay, respectively. Previous studies have achieved an $O(\sqrt{n}T^{3/4}+(n\bar{d})^{1/3}T^{2/3})$ regret bound for this problem, whose delay-independent part matches the regret of the classical non-delayed bandit gradient descent algorithm. However, there is a large gap between its delay-dependent part, i.e., $O((n\bar{d})^{1/3}T^{2/3})$, and an existing $\Omega(\sqrt{\bar{d}T})$ lower bound. In this paper, we illustrate that this gap can be filled in the worst case, where $\bar{d}$ is very close to the maximum delay $d$. Specifically, we first develop a novel algorithm, and prove that it enjoys a regret bound of $O(\sqrt{n}T^{3/4}+\sqrt{dT})$ in general. Compared with the previous result, our regret bound is better for $d=O((n\bar{d})^{2/3}T^{1/3})$, and the delay-dependent part is tight in the worst case. The primary idea is to decouple the joint effect of the delays and the bandit feedback on the regret by carefully incorporating the delayed bandit feedback with a blocking update mechanism. Furthermore, we show that the proposed algorithm can improve the regret bound to $O((nT)^{2/3}\log^{1/3}T+d\log T)$ for strongly convex functions. Finally, if the action sets are unconstrained, we demonstrate that it can be simply extended to achieve an $O(n\sqrt{T\log T}+d\log T)$ regret bound for strongly convex and smooth functions.

replace Nearly Optimal Regret for Decentralized Online Convex Optimization

Authors: Yuanyu Wan, Tong Wei, Mingli Song, Lijun Zhang

Abstract: We investigate decentralized online convex optimization (D-OCO), in which a set of local learners are required to minimize a sequence of global loss functions using only local computations and communications. Previous studies have established $O(n^{5/4}\rho^{-1/2}\sqrt{T})$ and ${O}(n^{3/2}\rho^{-1}\log T)$ regret bounds for convex and strongly convex functions respectively, where $n$ is the number of local learners, $\rho<1$ is the spectral gap of the communication matrix, and $T$ is the time horizon. However, there exist large gaps from the existing lower bounds, i.e., $\Omega(n\sqrt{T})$ for convex functions and $\Omega(n)$ for strongly convex functions. To fill these gaps, in this paper, we first develop novel D-OCO algorithms that can respectively reduce the regret bounds for convex and strongly convex functions to $\tilde{O}(n\rho^{-1/4}\sqrt{T})$ and $\tilde{O}(n\rho^{-1/2}\log T)$. The primary technique is to design an online accelerated gossip strategy that enjoys a faster average consensus among local learners. Furthermore, by carefully exploiting the spectral properties of a specific network topology, we enhance the lower bounds for convex and strongly convex functions to $\Omega(n\rho^{-1/4}\sqrt{T})$ and $\Omega(n\rho^{-1/2})$, respectively. These lower bounds suggest that our algorithms are nearly optimal in terms of $T$, $n$, and $\rho$.

replace All in One and One for All: A Simple yet Effective Method towards Cross-domain Graph Pretraining

Authors: Haihong Zhao, Aochuan Chen, Xiangguo Sun, Hong Cheng, Jia Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the fields of computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP). One of the most notable advancements of LLMs is that a single model is trained on vast and diverse datasets spanning multiple domains -- a paradigm we term `All in One'. This methodology empowers LLMs with super generalization capabilities, facilitating an encompassing comprehension of varied data distributions. Leveraging these capabilities, a single LLM demonstrates remarkable versatility across a variety of domains -- a paradigm we term `One for All'. However, applying this idea to the graph field remains a formidable challenge, with cross-domain pretraining often resulting in negative transfer. This issue is particularly important in few-shot learning scenarios, where the paucity of training data necessitates the incorporation of external knowledge sources. In response to this challenge, we propose a novel approach called Graph COordinators for PrEtraining (GCOPE), that harnesses the underlying commonalities across diverse graph datasets to enhance few-shot learning. Our novel methodology involves a unification framework that amalgamates disparate graph datasets during the pretraining phase to distill and transfer meaningful knowledge to target tasks. Extensive experiments across multiple graph datasets demonstrate the superior efficacy of our approach. By successfully leveraging the synergistic potential of multiple graph datasets for pretraining, our work stands as a pioneering contribution to the realm of graph foundational model.

replace ZeroG: Investigating Cross-dataset Zero-shot Transferability in Graphs

Authors: Yuhan Li, Peisong Wang, Zhixun Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Jia Li

Abstract: With the development of foundation models such as large language models, zero-shot transfer learning has become increasingly significant. This is highlighted by the generative capabilities of NLP models like GPT-4, and the retrieval-based approaches of CV models like CLIP, both of which effectively bridge the gap between seen and unseen data. In the realm of graph learning, the continuous emergence of new graphs and the challenges of human labeling also amplify the necessity for zero-shot transfer learning, driving the exploration of approaches that can generalize across diverse graph data without necessitating dataset-specific and label-specific fine-tuning. In this study, we extend such paradigms to zero-shot transferability in graphs by introducing ZeroG, a new framework tailored to enable cross-dataset generalization. Addressing the inherent challenges such as feature misalignment, mismatched label spaces, and negative transfer, we leverage a language model to encode both node attributes and class semantics, ensuring consistent feature dimensions across datasets. We also propose a prompt-based subgraph sampling module that enriches the semantic information and structure information of extracted subgraphs using prompting nodes and neighborhood aggregation, respectively. We further adopt a lightweight fine-tuning strategy that reduces the risk of overfitting and maintains the zero-shot learning efficacy of the language model. The results underscore the effectiveness of our model in achieving significant cross-dataset zero-shot transferability, opening pathways for the development of graph foundation models. Codes and data are available at


replace Large Language Model-driven Meta-structure Discovery in Heterogeneous Information Network

Authors: Lin Chen, Fengli Xu, Nian Li, Zhenyu Han, Meng Wang, Yong Li, Pan Hui

Abstract: Heterogeneous information networks (HIN) have gained increasing popularity in recent years for capturing complex relations between diverse types of nodes. Meta-structures are proposed as a useful tool to identify the important patterns in HINs, but hand-crafted meta-structures pose significant challenges for scaling up, drawing wide research attention towards developing automatic search algorithms. Previous efforts primarily focused on searching for meta-structures with good empirical performance, overlooking the importance of human comprehensibility and generalizability. To address this challenge, we draw inspiration from the emergent reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs). We propose ReStruct, a meta-structure search framework that integrates LLM reasoning into the evolutionary procedure. ReStruct uses a grammar translator to encode the meta-structures into natural language sentences, and leverages the reasoning power of LLMs to evaluate their semantic feasibility. Besides, ReStruct also employs performance-oriented evolutionary operations. These two competing forces allow ReStruct to jointly optimize the semantic explainability and empirical performance of meta-structures. Furthermore, ReStruct contains a differential LLM explainer to generate and refine natural language explanations for the discovered meta-structures by reasoning through the search history. Experiments on eight representative HIN datasets demonstrate that ReStruct achieves state-of-the-art performance in both recommendation and node classification tasks. Moreover, a survey study involving 73 graduate students shows that the discovered meta-structures and generated explanations by ReStruct are substantially more comprehensible. Our code and questionnaire are available at


replace Towards Theoretical Understandings of Self-Consuming Generative Models

Authors: Shi Fu, Sen Zhang, Yingjie Wang, Xinmei Tian, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: This paper tackles the emerging challenge of training generative models within a self-consuming loop, wherein successive generations of models are recursively trained on mixtures of real and synthetic data from previous generations. We construct a theoretical framework to rigorously evaluate how this training procedure impacts the data distributions learned by future models, including parametric and non-parametric models. Specifically, we derive bounds on the total variation (TV) distance between the synthetic data distributions produced by future models and the original real data distribution under various mixed training scenarios for diffusion models with a one-hidden-layer neural network score function. Our analysis demonstrates that this distance can be effectively controlled under the condition that mixed training dataset sizes or proportions of real data are large enough. Interestingly, we further unveil a phase transition induced by expanding synthetic data amounts, proving theoretically that while the TV distance exhibits an initial ascent, it declines beyond a threshold point. Finally, we present results for kernel density estimation, delivering nuanced insights such as the impact of mixed data training on error propagation.

replace UniST: A Prompt-Empowered Universal Model for Urban Spatio-Temporal Prediction

Authors: Yuan Yuan, Jingtao Ding, Jie Feng, Depeng Jin, Yong Li

Abstract: Urban spatio-temporal prediction is crucial for informed decision-making, such as traffic management, resource optimization, and emergence response. Despite remarkable breakthroughs in pretrained natural language models that enable one model to handle diverse tasks, a universal solution for spatio-temporal prediction remains challenging Existing prediction approaches are typically tailored for specific spatio-temporal scenarios, requiring task-specific model designs and extensive domain-specific training data. In this study, we introduce UniST, a universal model designed for general urban spatio-temporal prediction across a wide range of scenarios. Inspired by large language models, UniST achieves success through: (i) utilizing diverse spatio-temporal data from different scenarios, (ii) effective pre-training to capture complex spatio-temporal dynamics, (iii) knowledge-guided prompts to enhance generalization capabilities. These designs together unlock the potential of building a universal model for various scenarios Extensive experiments on more than 20 spatio-temporal scenarios demonstrate UniST's efficacy in advancing state-of-the-art performance, especially in few-shot and zero-shot prediction. The datasets and code implementation are released on


replace Classification Under Strategic Self-Selection

Authors: Guy Horowitz, Yonatan Sommer, Moran Koren, Nir Rosenfeld

Abstract: When users stand to gain from certain predictions, they are prone to act strategically to obtain favorable predictive outcomes. Whereas most works on strategic classification consider user actions that manifest as feature modifications, we study a novel setting in which users decide -- in response to the learned classifier -- whether to at all participate (or not). For learning approaches of increasing strategic awareness, we study the effects of self-selection on learning, and the implications of learning on the composition of the self-selected population. We then propose a differentiable framework for learning under self-selective behavior, which can be optimized effectively. We conclude with experiments on real data and simulated behavior that both complement our analysis and demonstrate the utility of our approach.

replace Why Transformers Need Adam: A Hessian Perspective

Authors: Yushun Zhang, Congliang Chen, Tian Ding, Ziniu Li, Ruoyu Sun, Zhi-Quan Luo

Abstract: SGD performs worse than Adam by a significant margin on Transformers, but the reason remains unclear. In this work, we provide an explanation through the lens of Hessian: (i) Transformers are "heterogeneous": the Hessian spectrum across parameter blocks vary dramatically, a phenomenon we call "block heterogeneity"; (ii) Heterogeneity hampers SGD: SGD performs worse than Adam on problems with block heterogeneity. To validate (i) and (ii), we check various Transformers, CNNs, MLPs, and quadratic problems, and find that SGD can perform on par with Adam on problems without block heterogeneity, but performs worse than Adam when the heterogeneity exists. Our initial theoretical analysis indicates that SGD performs worse because it applies one single learning rate to all blocks, which cannot handle the heterogeneity among blocks. This limitation could be ameliorated if we use coordinate-wise learning rates, as designed in Adam.

replace Federated Learning for Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

Authors: Disha Makhija, Joydeep Ghosh, Yejin Kim

Abstract: Machine learning methods for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects (HTE) facilitate large-scale personalized decision-making across various domains such as healthcare, policy making, education, and more. Current machine learning approaches for HTE require access to substantial amounts of data per treatment, and the high costs associated with interventions makes centrally collecting so much data for each intervention a formidable challenge. To overcome this obstacle, in this work, we propose a novel framework for collaborative learning of HTE estimators across institutions via Federated Learning. We show that even under a diversity of interventions and subject populations across clients, one can jointly learn a common feature representation, while concurrently and privately learning the specific predictive functions for outcomes under distinct interventions across institutions. Our framework and the associated algorithm are based on this insight, and leverage tabular transformers to map multiple input data to feature representations which are then used for outcome prediction via multi-task learning. We also propose a novel way of federated training of personalised transformers that can work with heterogeneous input feature spaces. Experimental results on real-world clinical trial data demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

replace Automated Statistical Model Discovery with Language Models

Authors: Michael Y. Li, Emily B. Fox, Noah D. Goodman

Abstract: Statistical model discovery is a challenging search over a vast space of models subject to domain-specific constraints. Efficiently searching over this space requires expertise in modeling and the problem domain. Motivated by the domain knowledge and programming capabilities of large language models (LMs), we introduce a method for language model driven automated statistical model discovery. We cast our automated procedure within the principled framework of Box's Loop: the LM iterates between proposing statistical models represented as probabilistic programs, acting as a modeler, and critiquing those models, acting as a domain expert. By leveraging LMs, we do not have to define a domain-specific language of models or design a handcrafted search procedure, which are key restrictions of previous systems. We evaluate our method in three settings in probabilistic modeling: searching within a restricted space of models, searching over an open-ended space, and improving expert models under natural language constraints (e.g., this model should be interpretable to an ecologist). Our method identifies models on par with human expert designed models and extends classic models in interpretable ways. Our results highlight the promise of LM-driven model discovery.

replace Multi-Fidelity Residual Neural Processes for Scalable Surrogate Modeling

Authors: Ruijia Niu, Dongxia Wu, Kai Kim, Yi-An Ma, Duncan Watson-Parris, Rose Yu

Abstract: Multi-fidelity surrogate modeling aims to learn an accurate surrogate at the highest fidelity level by combining data from multiple sources. Traditional methods relying on Gaussian processes can hardly scale to high-dimensional data. Deep learning approaches utilize neural network based encoders and decoders to improve scalability. These approaches share encoded representations across fidelities without including corresponding decoder parameters. This hinders inference performance, especially in out-of-distribution scenarios when the highest fidelity data has limited domain coverage. To address these limitations, we propose Multi-fidelity Residual Neural Processes (MFRNP), a novel multi-fidelity surrogate modeling framework. MFRNP explicitly models the residual between the aggregated output from lower fidelities and ground truth at the highest fidelity. The aggregation introduces decoders into the information sharing step and optimizes lower fidelity decoders to accurately capture both in-fidelity and cross-fidelity information. We show that MFRNP significantly outperforms state-of-the-art in learning partial differential equations and a real-world climate modeling task. Our code is published at:


replace Watermark Stealing in Large Language Models

Authors: Nikola Jovanovi\'c, Robin Staab, Martin Vechev

Abstract: LLM watermarking has attracted attention as a promising way to detect AI-generated content, with some works suggesting that current schemes may already be fit for deployment. In this work we dispute this claim, identifying watermark stealing (WS) as a fundamental vulnerability of these schemes. We show that querying the API of the watermarked LLM to approximately reverse-engineer a watermark enables practical spoofing attacks, as hypothesized in prior work, but also greatly boosts scrubbing attacks, which was previously unnoticed. We are the first to propose an automated WS algorithm and use it in the first comprehensive study of spoofing and scrubbing in realistic settings. We show that for under $50 an attacker can both spoof and scrub state-of-the-art schemes previously considered safe, with average success rate of over 80%. Our findings challenge common beliefs about LLM watermarking, stressing the need for more robust schemes. We make all our code and additional examples available at


replace SWAP-NAS: Sample-Wise Activation Patterns for Ultra-fast NAS

Authors: Yameng Peng, Andy Song, Haytham M. Fayek, Vic Ciesielski, Xiaojun Chang

Abstract: Training-free metrics (a.k.a. zero-cost proxies) are widely used to avoid resource-intensive neural network training, especially in Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Recent studies show that existing training-free metrics have several limitations, such as limited correlation and poor generalisation across different search spaces and tasks. Hence, we propose Sample-Wise Activation Patterns and its derivative, SWAP-Score, a novel high-performance training-free metric. It measures the expressivity of networks over a batch of input samples. The SWAP-Score is strongly correlated with ground-truth performance across various search spaces and tasks, outperforming 15 existing training-free metrics on NAS-Bench-101/201/301 and TransNAS-Bench-101. The SWAP-Score can be further enhanced by regularisation, which leads to even higher correlations in cell-based search space and enables model size control during the search. For example, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between regularised SWAP-Score and CIFAR-100 validation accuracies on NAS-Bench-201 networks is 0.90, significantly higher than 0.80 from the second-best metric, NWOT. When integrated with an evolutionary algorithm for NAS, our SWAP-NAS achieves competitive performance on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet in approximately 6 minutes and 9 minutes of GPU time respectively.

replace Hallmarks of Optimization Trajectories in Neural Networks: Directional Exploration and Redundancy

Authors: Sidak Pal Singh, Bobby He, Thomas Hofmann, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: We propose a fresh take on understanding the mechanisms of neural networks by analyzing the rich directional structure of optimization trajectories, represented by their pointwise parameters. Towards this end, we introduce some natural notions of the complexity of optimization trajectories, both qualitative and quantitative, which hallmark the directional nature of optimization in neural networks: when is there redundancy, and when exploration. We use them to reveal the inherent nuance and interplay involved between various optimization choices, such as momentum and weight decay. Further, the trajectory perspective helps us see the effect of scale on regularizing the directional nature of trajectories, and as a by-product, we also observe an intriguing heterogeneity of Q,K,V dynamics in the middle attention layers in LLMs and which is homogenized by scale. Importantly, we put the significant directional redundancy observed to the test by demonstrating that training only scalar batchnorm parameters some while into training matches the performance of training the entire network, which thus exhibits the potential of hybrid optimization schemes that are geared towards efficiency.

replace Learning Action-based Representations Using Invariance

Authors: Max Rudolph, Caleb Chuck, Kevin Black, Misha Lvovsky, Scott Niekum, Amy Zhang

Abstract: Robust reinforcement learning agents using high-dimensional observations must be able to identify relevant state features amidst many exogeneous distractors. A representation that captures controllability identifies these state elements by determining what affects agent control. While methods such as inverse dynamics and mutual information capture controllability for a limited number of timesteps, capturing long-horizon elements remains a challenging problem. Myopic controllability can capture the moment right before an agent crashes into a wall, but not the control-relevance of the wall while the agent is still some distance away. To address this we introduce action-bisimulation encoding, a method inspired by the bisimulation invariance pseudometric, that extends single-step controllability with a recursive invariance constraint. By doing this, action-bisimulation learns a multi-step controllability metric that smoothly discounts distant state features that are relevant for control. We demonstrate that action-bisimulation pretraining on reward-free, uniformly random data improves sample efficiency in several environments, including a photorealistic 3D simulation domain, Habitat. Additionally, we provide theoretical analysis and qualitative results demonstrating the information captured by action-bisimulation.

replace Spatial Transfer Learning for Estimating PM2.5 in Data-poor Regions

Authors: Shrey Gupta, Yongbee Park, Jianzhao Bi, Suyash Gupta, Andreas Z\"ufle, Avani Wildani, Yang Liu

Abstract: Air pollution, especially particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5), is a pressing concern for public health and is difficult to estimate in developing countries (data-poor regions) due to a lack of ground sensors. Transfer learning models can be leveraged to solve this problem, as they use alternate data sources to gain knowledge (i.e., data from data-rich regions). However, current transfer learning methodologies do not account for dependencies between the source and the target domains. We recognize this transfer problem as spatial transfer learning and propose a new feature named Latent Dependency Factor (LDF) that captures spatial and semantic dependencies of both domains and is subsequently added to the feature spaces of the domains. We generate LDF using a novel two-stage autoencoder model that learns from clusters of similar source and target domain data. Our experiments show that transfer learning models using LDF have a 19.34% improvement over the baselines. We additionally support our experiments with qualitative findings.

replace Node-like as a Whole: Structure-aware Searching and Coarsening for Graph Classification

Authors: Xiaorui Qi, Qijie Bai, Yanlong Wen, Haiwei Zhang, Xiaojie Yuan

Abstract: Graph Transformers (GTs) have made remarkable achievements in graph-level tasks. However, most existing works regard graph structures as a form of guidance or bias for enhancing node representations, which focuses on node-central perspectives and lacks explicit representations of edges and structures. One natural question is, can we treat graph structures node-like as a whole to learn high-level features? Through experimental analysis, we explore the feasibility of this assumption. Based on our findings, we propose a novel multi-view graph representation learning model via structure-aware searching and coarsening (GRLsc) on GT architecture for graph classification. Specifically, we build three unique views, original, coarsening, and conversion, to learn a thorough structural representation. We compress loops and cliques via hierarchical heuristic graph coarsening and restrict them with well-designed constraints, which builds the coarsening view to learn high-level interactions between structures. We also introduce line graphs for edge embeddings and switch to edge-central perspective to construct the conversion view. Experiments on eight real-world datasets demonstrate the improvements of GRLsc over 28 baselines from various architectures.

replace Mapping the Potential of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Fairness Along the AI Lifecycle

Authors: Luca Deck, Astrid Schom\"acker, Timo Speith, Jakob Sch\"offer, Lena K\"astner, Niklas K\"uhl

Abstract: The widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems across various domains is increasingly highlighting issues related to algorithmic fairness, especially in high-stakes scenarios. Thus, critical considerations of how fairness in AI systems might be improved, and what measures are available to aid this process, are overdue. Many researchers and policymakers see explainable AI (XAI) as a promising way to increase fairness in AI systems. However, there is a wide variety of XAI methods and fairness conceptions expressing different desiderata, and the precise connections between XAI and fairness remain largely nebulous. Besides, different measures to increase algorithmic fairness might be applicable at different points throughout an AI system's lifecycle. Yet, there currently is no coherent mapping of fairness desiderata along the AI lifecycle. In this paper, we set out to bridge both these gaps: We distill eight fairness desiderata, map them along the AI lifecycle, and discuss how XAI could help address each of them. We hope to provide orientation for practical applications and to inspire XAI research specifically focused on these fairness desiderata.

replace An Experimental Study on the Rashomon Effect of Balancing Methods in Imbalanced Classification

Authors: Mustafa Cavus, Przemys{\l}aw Biecek

Abstract: Predictive models may generate biased predictions when classifying imbalanced datasets. This happens when the model favors the majority class, leading to low performance in accurately predicting the minority class. To address this issue, balancing or resampling methods are critical pre-processing steps in the modeling process. However, there have been debates and questioning of the functionality of these methods in recent years. In particular, many candidate models may exhibit very similar predictive performance, which is called the Rashomon effect, in model selection. Selecting one of them without considering predictive multiplicity which is the case of yielding conflicting models' predictions for any sample may lead to a loss of using another model. In this study, in addition to the existing debates, the impact of balancing methods on predictive multiplicity is examined through the Rashomon effect. It is important because the blind model selection is risky from a set of approximately equally accurate models. This may lead to serious problems in model selection, validation, and explanation. To tackle this matter, we conducted real dataset experiments to observe the impact of balancing methods on predictive multiplicity through the Rashomon effect. Our findings showed that balancing methods inflate the predictive multiplicity, and they yield varying results. To monitor the trade-off between performance and predictive multiplicity for conducting the modeling process responsibly, we proposed using the extended performance-gain plot for the Rashomon effect.

replace Multi-Margin Loss: Proposal and Application in Recommender Systems

Authors: Makbule Gulcin Ozsoy

Abstract: Recommender systems guide users through vast amounts of information by suggesting items based on their predicted preferences. Collaborative filtering-based deep learning techniques have regained popularity due to their simplicity, using only user-item interactions. Typically, these systems consist of three main components: an interaction module, a loss function, and a negative sampling strategy. Initially, researchers focused on enhancing performance by developing complex interaction modules with techniques like multi-layer perceptrons, transformers, or graph neural networks. However, there has been a recent shift toward refining loss functions and negative sampling strategies. This shift has increased interest in contrastive learning, which pulls similar pairs closer while pushing dissimilar ones apart. Contrastive learning involves key practices such as heavy data augmentation, large batch sizes, and hard-negative sampling, but these also bring challenges like high memory demands and under-utilization of some negative samples. The proposed Multi-Margin Loss (MML) addresses these challenges by introducing multiple margins and varying weights for negative samples. MML efficiently utilizes not only the hardest negatives but also other non-trivial negatives, offering a simpler yet effective loss function that outperforms more complex methods, especially when resources are limited. Experiments on two well-known datasets showed MML achieved up to a 20\% performance improvement compared to a baseline contrastive loss function with fewer negative samples.

replace Universal Batch Learning Under The Misspecification Setting

Authors: Shlomi Vituri, Meir Feder

Abstract: In this paper we consider the problem of universal {\em batch} learning in a misspecification setting with log-loss. In this setting the hypothesis class is a set of models $\Theta$. However, the data is generated by an unknown distribution that may not belong to this set but comes from a larger set of models $\Phi \supset \Theta$. Given a training sample, a universal learner is requested to predict a probability distribution for the next outcome and a log-loss is incurred. The universal learner performance is measured by the regret relative to the best hypothesis matching the data, chosen from $\Theta$. Utilizing the minimax theorem and information theoretical tools, we derive the optimal universal learner, a mixture over the set of the data generating distributions, and get a closed form expression for the min-max regret. We show that this regret can be considered as a constrained version of the conditional capacity between the data and its generating distributions set. We present tight bounds for this min-max regret, implying that the complexity of the problem is dominated by the richness of the hypotheses models $\Theta$ and not by the data generating distributions set $\Phi$. We develop an extension to the Arimoto-Blahut algorithm for numerical evaluation of the regret and its capacity achieving prior distribution. We demonstrate our results for the case where the observations come from a $K$-parameters multinomial distributions while the hypothesis class $\Theta$ is only a subset of this family of distributions.

replace A Survey of Large Language Models for Graphs

Authors: Xubin Ren, Jiabin Tang, Dawei Yin, Nitesh Chawla, Chao Huang

Abstract: Graphs are an essential data structure utilized to represent relationships in real-world scenarios. Prior research has established that Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) deliver impressive outcomes in graph-centric tasks, such as link prediction and node classification. Despite these advancements, challenges like data sparsity and limited generalization capabilities continue to persist. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained attention in natural language processing. They excel in language comprehension and summarization. Integrating LLMs with graph learning techniques has attracted interest as a way to enhance performance in graph learning tasks. In this survey, we conduct an in-depth review of the latest state-of-the-art LLMs applied in graph learning and introduce a novel taxonomy to categorize existing methods based on their framework design. We detail four unique designs: i) GNNs as Prefix, ii) LLMs as Prefix, iii) LLMs-Graphs Integration, and iv) LLMs-Only, highlighting key methodologies within each category. We explore the strengths and limitations of each framework, and emphasize potential avenues for future research, including overcoming current integration challenges between LLMs and graph learning techniques, and venturing into new application areas. This survey aims to serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners eager to leverage large language models in graph learning, and to inspire continued progress in this dynamic field. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at \url{}.


replace An Embarrassingly Simple Approach to Enhance Transformer Performance in Genomic Selection for Crop Breeding

Authors: Renqi Chen, Wenwei Han, Haohao Zhang, Haoyang Su, Zhefan Wang, Xiaolei Liu, Hao Jiang, Wanli Ouyang, Nanqing Dong

Abstract: Genomic selection (GS), as a critical crop breeding strategy, plays a key role in enhancing food production and addressing the global hunger crisis. The predominant approaches in GS currently revolve around employing statistical methods for prediction. However, statistical methods often come with two main limitations: strong statistical priors and linear assumptions. A recent trend is to capture the non-linear relationships between markers by deep learning. However, as crop datasets are commonly long sequences with limited samples, the robustness of deep learning models, especially Transformers, remains a challenge. In this work, to unleash the unexplored potential of attention mechanism for the task of interest, we propose a simple yet effective Transformer-based framework that enables end-to-end training of the whole sequence. Via experiments on rice3k and wheat3k datasets, we show that, with simple tricks such as k-mer tokenization and random masking, Transformer can achieve overall superior performance against seminal methods on GS tasks of interest.

replace Adaptive Online Experimental Design for Causal Discovery

Authors: Muhammad Qasim Elahi, Lai Wei, Murat Kocaoglu, Mahsa Ghasemi

Abstract: Causal discovery aims to uncover cause-and-effect relationships encoded in causal graphs by leveraging observational, interventional data, or their combination. The majority of existing causal discovery methods are developed assuming infinite interventional data. We focus on data interventional efficiency and formalize causal discovery from the perspective of online learning, inspired by pure exploration in bandit problems. A graph separating system, consisting of interventions that cut every edge of the graph at least once, is sufficient for learning causal graphs when infinite interventional data is available, even in the worst case. We propose a track-and-stop causal discovery algorithm that adaptively selects interventions from the graph separating system via allocation matching and learns the causal graph based on sampling history. Given any desired confidence value, the algorithm determines a termination condition and runs until it is met. We analyze the algorithm to establish a problem-dependent upper bound on the expected number of required interventional samples. Our proposed algorithm outperforms existing methods in simulations across various randomly generated causal graphs. It achieves higher accuracy, measured by the structural hamming distance (SHD) between the learned causal graph and the ground truth, with significantly fewer samples.

replace Efficient Adversarial Training in LLMs with Continuous Attacks

Authors: Sophie Xhonneux, Alessandro Sordoni, Stephan G\"unnemann, Gauthier Gidel, Leo Schwinn

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are vulnerable to adversarial attacks that can bypass their safety guardrails. In many domains, adversarial training has proven to be one of the most promising methods to reliably improve robustness against such attacks. Yet, in the context of LLMs, current methods for adversarial training are hindered by the high computational costs required to perform discrete adversarial attacks at each training iteration. We address this problem by instead calculating adversarial attacks in the continuous embedding space of the LLM, which is orders of magnitudes more efficient. We propose a fast adversarial training algorithm (C-AdvUL) composed of two losses: the first makes the model robust on continuous embedding attacks computed on an adversarial behaviour dataset; the second ensures the usefulness of the final model by fine-tuning on utility data. Moreover, we introduce C-AdvIPO, an adversarial variant of IPO that does not require utility data for adversarially robust alignment. Our empirical evaluation on four models from different families (Gemma, Phi3, Mistral, Zephyr) and at different scales (2B, 3.8B, 7B) shows that both algorithms substantially enhance LLM robustness against discrete attacks (GCG, AutoDAN, PAIR), while maintaining utility. Our results demonstrate that robustness to continuous perturbations can extrapolate to discrete threat models. Thereby, we present a path toward scalable adversarial training algorithms for robustly aligning LLMs.

replace MCDFN: Supply Chain Demand Forecasting via an Explainable Multi-Channel Data Fusion Network Model

Authors: Md Abrar Jahin, Asef Shahriar, Md Al Amin

Abstract: Accurate demand forecasting is crucial for optimizing supply chain management. Traditional methods often fail to capture complex patterns from seasonal variability and special events. Despite advancements in deep learning, interpretable forecasting models remain a challenge. To address this, we introduce the Multi-Channel Data Fusion Network (MCDFN), a hybrid architecture that integrates Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) to enhance predictive performance by extracting spatial and temporal features from time series data. Our rigorous benchmarking demonstrates that MCDFN outperforms seven other deep-learning models, achieving superior metrics: MSE (23.5738%), RMSE (4.8553%), MAE (3.9991%), and MAPE (20.1575%). Additionally, MCDFN's predictions were statistically indistinguishable from actual values, confirmed by a paired t-test with a 5% p-value and a 10-fold cross-validated statistical paired t-test. We apply explainable AI techniques like ShapTime and Permutation Feature Importance to enhance interpretability. This research advances demand forecasting methodologies and offers practical guidelines for integrating MCDFN into supply chain systems, highlighting future research directions for scalability and user-friendly deployment.

replace Achieving Dimension-Free Communication in Federated Learning via Zeroth-Order Optimization

Authors: Zhe Li, Bicheng Ying, Zidong Liu, Haibo Yang

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) offers a promising framework for collaborative and privacy-preserving machine learning across distributed data sources. However, the substantial communication costs associated with FL pose a significant challenge to its efficiency. Specifically, in each communication round, the communication costs scale linearly with the model's dimension, which presents a formidable obstacle, especially in large model scenarios. Despite various communication efficient strategies, the intrinsic dimension-dependent communication cost remains a major bottleneck for current FL implementations. In this paper, we introduce a novel dimension-free communication strategy for FL, leveraging zero-order optimization techniques. We propose a new algorithm, FedDisco, which facilitates the transmission of only a constant number of scalar values between clients and the server in each communication round, thereby reducing the communication cost from $\mathscr{O}(d)$ to $\mathscr{O}(1)$, where $d$ is the dimension of the model parameters. Theoretically, in non-convex functions, we prove that our algorithm achieves state-of-the-art rates, which show a linear speedup of the number of clients and local steps under standard assumptions and dimension-free rate for low effective rank scenarios. Empirical evaluations through classic deep learning training and large language model fine-tuning substantiate significant reductions in communication overhead compared to traditional FL approaches. Our code is available at


replace MindStar: Enhancing Math Reasoning in Pre-trained LLMs at Inference Time

Authors: Jikun Kang, Xin Zhe Li, Xi Chen, Amirreza Kazemi, Boxing Chen, Dong Li, Feng Wen, Jianye Hao

Abstract: Although Large Language Models (LLMs) achieve remarkable performance across various tasks, they often struggle with complex reasoning tasks, such as answering mathematical questions. Recent efforts to address this issue have primarily focused on leveraging mathematical datasets through supervised fine-tuning or self-improvement techniques. However, these methods often depend on high-quality datasets that are difficult to prepare, or they require substantial computational resources for fine-tuning. Inspired by findings that LLMs know how to produce the right answer but struggle to select the correct reasoning path, we propose a purely inference-based searching method -- MindStar (M*). This method formulates reasoning tasks as searching problems and proposes two search ideas to identify the optimal reasoning paths. We evaluate the M* framework on both the GSM8K and MATH datasets, comparing its performance with existing open and closed-source LLMs. Our results demonstrate that M* significantly enhances the reasoning abilities of open-source models, such as Llama-2-13B and Mistral-7B, and achieves comparable performance to GPT-3.5 and Grok-1, but with substantially reduced model size and computational costs.

replace MANO: Exploiting Matrix Norm for Unsupervised Accuracy Estimation Under Distribution Shifts

Authors: Renchunzi Xie, Ambroise Odonnat, Vasilii Feofanov, Weijian Deng, Jianfeng Zhang, Bo An

Abstract: Leveraging the models' outputs, specifically the logits, is a common approach to estimating the test accuracy of a pre-trained neural network on out-of-distribution (OOD) samples without requiring access to the corresponding ground truth labels. Despite their ease of implementation and computational efficiency, current logit-based methods are vulnerable to overconfidence issues, leading to prediction bias, especially under the natural shift. In this work, we first study the relationship between logits and generalization performance from the view of low-density separation assumption. Our findings motivate our proposed method MaNo which (1) applies a data-dependent normalization on the logits to reduce prediction bias, and (2) takes the $L_p$ norm of the matrix of normalized logits as the estimation score. Our theoretical analysis highlights the connection between the provided score and the model's uncertainty. We conduct an extensive empirical study on common unsupervised accuracy estimation benchmarks and demonstrate that MaNo achieves state-of-the-art performance across various architectures in the presence of synthetic, natural, or subpopulation shifts.

replace Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Advanced Transformer Model

Authors: Chang Yu, Yongshun Xu, Jin Cao, Ye Zhang, Yinxin Jin, Mengran Zhu

Abstract: With the proliferation of various online and mobile payment systems, credit card fraud has emerged as a significant threat to financial security. This study focuses on innovative applications of the latest Transformer models for more robust and precise fraud detection. To ensure the reliability of the data, we meticulously processed the data sources, balancing the dataset to address the issue of data sparsity significantly. We also selected highly correlated vectors to strengthen the training process.To guarantee the reliability and practicality of the new Transformer model, we conducted performance comparisons with several widely adopted models, including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, Neural Network, and Logistic Regression. We rigorously compared these models using metrics such as Precision, Recall, and F1 Score. Through these detailed analyses and comparisons, we present to the readers a highly efficient and powerful anti-fraud mechanism with promising prospects. The results demonstrate that the Transformer model not only excels in traditional applications but also shows great potential in niche areas like fraud detection, offering a substantial advancement in the field.

replace Beyond Efficiency: Scaling AI Sustainably

Authors: Carole-Jean Wu, Bilge Acun, Ramya Raghavendra, Kim Hazelwood

Abstract: Barroso's seminal contributions in energy-proportional warehouse-scale computing launched an era where modern datacenters have become more energy efficient and cost effective than ever before. At the same time, modern AI applications have driven ever-increasing demands in computing, highlighting the importance of optimizing efficiency across the entire deep learning model development cycle. This paper characterizes the carbon impact of AI, including both operational carbon emissions from training and inference as well as embodied carbon emissions from datacenter construction and hardware manufacturing. We highlight key efficiency optimization opportunities for cutting-edge AI technologies, from deep learning recommendation models to multi-modal generative AI tasks. To scale AI sustainably, we must also go beyond efficiency and optimize across the life cycle of computing infrastructures, from hardware manufacturing to datacenter operations and end-of-life processing for the hardware.

replace Step-by-Step Diffusion: An Elementary Tutorial

Authors: Preetum Nakkiran, Arwen Bradley, Hattie Zhou, Madhu Advani

Abstract: We present an accessible first course on diffusion models and flow matching for machine learning, aimed at a technical audience with no diffusion experience. We try to simplify the mathematical details as much as possible (sometimes heuristically), while retaining enough precision to derive correct algorithms.

replace Deep Learning Domain Adaptation to Understand Physico-Chemical Processes from Fluorescence Spectroscopy Small Datasets: Application to Ageing of Olive Oil

Authors: Umberto Michelucci, Francesca Venturini

Abstract: Fluorescence spectroscopy is a fundamental tool in life sciences and chemistry, widely used for applications such as environmental monitoring, food quality control, and biomedical diagnostics. However, analysis of spectroscopic data with deep learning, in particular of fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEMs), presents significant challenges due to the typically small and sparse datasets available. Furthermore, the analysis of EEMs is difficult due to their high dimensionality and overlapping spectral features. This study proposes a new approach that exploits domain adaptation with pretrained vision models, alongside a novel interpretability algorithm to address these challenges. Thanks to specialised feature engineering of the neural networks described in this work, we are now able to provide deeper insights into the physico-chemical processes underlying the data. The proposed approach is demonstrated through the analysis of the oxidation process in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) during ageing, showing its effectiveness in predicting quality indicators and identifying the spectral bands, and thus the molecules involved in the process. This work describes a significantly innovative approach in the use of deep learning for spectroscopy, transforming it from a black box into a tool for understanding complex biological and chemical processes.

replace Multi-source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Graphs with Transferability Modeling

Authors: Tianxiang Zhao, Dongsheng Luo, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we tackle a new problem of \textit{multi-source unsupervised domain adaptation (MSUDA) for graphs}, where models trained on annotated source domains need to be transferred to the unsupervised target graph for node classification. Due to the discrepancy in distribution across domains, the key challenge is how to select good source instances and how to adapt the model. Diverse graph structures further complicate this problem, rendering previous MSUDA approaches less effective. In this work, we present the framework Selective Multi-source Adaptation for Graph ({\method}), with a graph-modeling-based domain selector, a sub-graph node selector, and a bi-level alignment objective for the adaptation. Concretely, to facilitate the identification of informative source data, the similarity across graphs is disentangled and measured with the transferability of a graph-modeling task set, and we use it as evidence for source domain selection. A node selector is further incorporated to capture the variation in transferability of nodes within the same source domain. To learn invariant features for adaptation, we align the target domain to selected source data both at the embedding space by minimizing the optimal transport distance and at the classification level by distilling the label function. Modules are explicitly learned to select informative source data and conduct the alignment in virtual training splits with a meta-learning strategy. Experimental results on five graph datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

replace CoLoR-Filter: Conditional Loss Reduction Filtering for Targeted Language Model Pre-training

Authors: David Brandfonbrener, Hanlin Zhang, Andreas Kirsch, Jonathan Richard Schwarz, Sham Kakade

Abstract: Selecting high-quality data for pre-training is crucial in shaping the downstream task performance of language models. A major challenge lies in identifying this optimal subset, a problem generally considered intractable, thus necessitating scalable and effective heuristics. In this work, we propose a data selection method, CoLoR-Filter (Conditional Loss Reduction Filtering), which leverages an empirical Bayes-inspired approach to derive a simple and computationally efficient selection criterion based on the relative loss values of two auxiliary models. In addition to the modeling rationale, we evaluate CoLoR-Filter empirically on two language modeling tasks: (1) selecting data from C4 for domain adaptation to evaluation on Books and (2) selecting data from C4 for a suite of downstream multiple-choice question answering tasks. We demonstrate favorable scaling both as we subselect more aggressively and using small auxiliary models to select data for large target models. As one headline result, CoLoR-Filter data selected using a pair of 150m parameter auxiliary models can train a 1.2b parameter target model to match a 1.2b parameter model trained on 25b randomly selected tokens with 25x less data for Books and 11x less data for the downstream tasks. Code: Filtered data:


replace Transcendence: Generative Models Can Outperform The Experts That Train Them

Authors: Edwin Zhang, Vincent Zhu, Naomi Saphra, Anat Kleiman, Benjamin L. Edelman, Milind Tambe, Sham M. Kakade, Eran Malach

Abstract: Generative models are trained with the simple objective of imitating the conditional probability distribution induced by the data they are trained on. Therefore, when trained on data generated by humans, we may not expect the artificial model to outperform the humans on their original objectives. In this work, we study the phenomenon of transcendence: when a generative model achieves capabilities that surpass the abilities of the experts generating its data. We demonstrate transcendence by training an autoregressive transformer to play chess from game transcripts, and show that the trained model can sometimes achieve better performance than all players in the dataset. We theoretically prove that transcendence can be enabled by low-temperature sampling, and rigorously assess this claim experimentally. Finally, we discuss other sources of transcendence, laying the groundwork for future investigation of this phenomenon in a broader setting.

replace Compact Proofs of Model Performance via Mechanistic Interpretability

Authors: Jason Gross, Rajashree Agrawal, Thomas Kwa, Euan Ong, Chun Hei Yip, Alex Gibson, Soufiane Noubir, Lawrence Chan

Abstract: In this work, we propose using mechanistic interpretability -- techniques for reverse engineering model weights into human-interpretable algorithms -- to derive and compactly prove formal guarantees on model performance. We prototype this approach by formally proving lower bounds on the accuracy of 151 small transformers trained on a Max-of-$K$ task. We create 102 different computer-assisted proof strategies and assess their length and tightness of bound on each of our models. Using quantitative metrics, we find that shorter proofs seem to require and provide more mechanistic understanding. Moreover, we find that more faithful mechanistic understanding leads to tighter performance bounds. We confirm these connections by qualitatively examining a subset of our proofs. Finally, we identify compounding structureless noise as a key challenge for using mechanistic interpretability to generate compact proofs on model performance.

replace Learning Molecular Representation in a Cell

Authors: Gang Liu, Srijit Seal, John Arevalo, Zhenwen Liang, Anne E. Carpenter, Meng Jiang, Shantanu Singh

Abstract: Predicting drug efficacy and safety in vivo requires information on biological responses (e.g., cell morphology and gene expression) to small molecule perturbations. However, current molecular representation learning methods do not provide a comprehensive view of cell states under these perturbations and struggle to remove noise, hindering model generalization. We introduce the Information Alignment (InfoAlign) approach to learn molecular representations through the information bottleneck method in cells. We integrate molecules and cellular response data as nodes into a context graph, connecting them with weighted edges based on chemical, biological, and computational criteria. For each molecule in a training batch, InfoAlign optimizes the encoder's latent representation with a minimality objective to discard redundant structural information. A sufficiency objective decodes the representation to align with different feature spaces from the molecule's neighborhood in the context graph. We demonstrate that the proposed sufficiency objective for alignment is tighter than existing encoder-based contrastive methods. Empirically, we validate representations from InfoAlign in two downstream tasks: molecular property prediction against up to 19 baseline methods across four datasets, plus zero-shot molecule-morphology matching.

replace BIOSCAN-5M: A Multimodal Dataset for Insect Biodiversity

Authors: Zahra Gharaee, Scott C. Lowe, ZeMing Gong, Pablo A. Millan, Nicholas Pellegrino, Austin T. Wang, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Iuliia Zarubiieva, Lila Kari, Dirk Steinke, Graham W. Taylor, Paul Fieguth, Angel X. Chang

Abstract: As part of an ongoing worldwide effort to comprehend and monitor insect biodiversity, this paper presents the BIOSCAN-5M Insect dataset to the machine learning community and establish several benchmark tasks. BIOSCAN-5M is a comprehensive dataset containing multi-modal information for over 5 million insect specimens, and it significantly expands existing image-based biological datasets by including taxonomic labels, raw nucleotide barcode sequences, assigned barcode index numbers, and geographical information. We propose three benchmark experiments to demonstrate the impact of the multi-modal data types on the classification and clustering accuracy. First, we pretrain a masked language model on the DNA barcode sequences of the \mbox{BIOSCAN-5M} dataset, and demonstrate the impact of using this large reference library on species- and genus-level classification performance. Second, we propose a zero-shot transfer learning task applied to images and DNA barcodes to cluster feature embeddings obtained from self-supervised learning, to investigate whether meaningful clusters can be derived from these representation embeddings. Third, we benchmark multi-modality by performing contrastive learning on DNA barcodes, image data, and taxonomic information. This yields a general shared embedding space enabling taxonomic classification using multiple types of information and modalities. The code repository of the BIOSCAN-5M Insect dataset is available at {\url{}}


replace Machine Learning Applications of Quantum Computing: A Review

Authors: Thien Nguyen, Tuomo Sipola, Jari Hautam\"aki

Abstract: At the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning, this review paper explores the transformative impact these technologies are having on the capabilities of data processing and analysis, far surpassing the bounds of traditional computational methods. Drawing upon an in-depth analysis of 32 seminal papers, this review delves into the interplay between quantum computing and machine learning, focusing on transcending the limitations of classical computing in advanced data processing and applications. This review emphasizes the potential of quantum-enhanced methods in enhancing cybersecurity, a critical sector that stands to benefit significantly from these advancements. The literature review, primarily leveraging Science Direct as an academic database, delves into the transformative effects of quantum technologies on machine learning, drawing insights from a diverse collection of studies and scholarly articles. While the focus is primarily on the growing significance of quantum computing in cybersecurity, the review also acknowledges the promising implications for other sectors as the field matures. Our systematic approach categorizes sources based on quantum machine learning algorithms, applications, challenges, and potential future developments, uncovering that quantum computing is increasingly being implemented in practical machine learning scenarios. The review highlights advancements in quantum-enhanced machine learning algorithms and their potential applications in sectors such as cybersecurity, emphasizing the need for industry-specific solutions while considering ethical and security concerns. By presenting an overview of the current state and projecting future directions, the paper sets a foundation for ongoing research and strategic advancement in quantum machine learning.

replace Enhancing Dropout-based Bayesian Neural Networks with Multi-Exit on FPGA

Authors: Hao Mark Chen, Liam Castelli, Martin Ferianc, Hongyu Zhou, Shuanglong Liu, Wayne Luk, Hongxiang Fan

Abstract: Reliable uncertainty estimation plays a crucial role in various safety-critical applications such as medical diagnosis and autonomous driving. In recent years, Bayesian neural networks (BayesNNs) have gained substantial research and industrial interests due to their capability to make accurate predictions with reliable uncertainty estimation. However, the algorithmic complexity and the resulting hardware performance of BayesNNs hinder their adoption in real-life applications. To bridge this gap, this paper proposes an algorithm and hardware co-design framework that can generate field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based accelerators for efficient BayesNNs. At the algorithm level, we propose novel multi-exit dropout-based BayesNNs with reduced computational and memory overheads while achieving high accuracy and quality of uncertainty estimation. At the hardware level, this paper introduces a transformation framework that can generate FPGA-based accelerators for the proposed efficient multi-exit BayesNNs. Several optimization techniques such as the mix of spatial and temporal mappings are introduced to reduce resource consumption and improve the overall hardware performance. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our approach can achieve higher energy efficiency compared to CPU, GPU, and other state-of-the-art hardware implementations. To support the future development of this research, we have open-sourced our code at:


replace LatentExplainer: Explaining Latent Representations in Deep Generative Models with Multi-modal Foundation Models

Authors: Mengdan Zhu, Raasikh Kanjiani, Jiahui Lu, Andrew Choi, Qirui Ye, Liang Zhao

Abstract: Deep generative models like VAEs and diffusion models have advanced various generation tasks by leveraging latent variables to learn data distributions and generate high-quality samples. Despite the field of explainable AI making strides in interpreting machine learning models, understanding latent variables in generative models remains challenging. This paper introduces LatentExplainer, a framework for automatically generating semantically meaningful explanations of latent variables in deep generative models. LatentExplainer tackles three main challenges: inferring the meaning of latent variables, aligning explanations with inductive biases, and handling varying degrees of explainability. By perturbing latent variables and interpreting changes in generated data, the framework provides a systematic approach to understanding and controlling the data generation process, enhancing the transparency and interpretability of deep generative models. We evaluate our proposed method on several real-world and synthetic datasets, and the results demonstrate superior performance in generating high-quality explanations of latent variables.

replace FT-AED: Benchmark Dataset for Early Freeway Traffic Anomalous Event Detection

Authors: Austin Coursey, Junyi Ji, Marcos Quinones-Grueiro, William Barbour, Yuhang Zhang, Tyler Derr, Gautam Biswas, Daniel B. Work

Abstract: Early and accurate detection of anomalous events on the freeway, such as accidents, can improve emergency response and clearance. However, existing delays and errors in event identification and reporting make it a difficult problem to solve. Current large-scale freeway traffic datasets are not designed for anomaly detection and ignore these challenges. In this paper, we introduce the first large-scale lane-level freeway traffic dataset for anomaly detection. Our dataset consists of a month of weekday radar detection sensor data collected in 4 lanes along an 18-mile stretch of Interstate 24 heading toward Nashville, TN, comprising over 3.7 million sensor measurements. We also collect official crash reports from the Nashville Traffic Management Center and manually label all other potential anomalies in the dataset. To show the potential for our dataset to be used in future machine learning and traffic research, we benchmark numerous deep learning anomaly detection models on our dataset. We find that unsupervised graph neural network autoencoders are a promising solution for this problem and that ignoring spatial relationships leads to decreased performance. We demonstrate that our methods can reduce reporting delays by over 10 minutes on average while detecting 75% of crashes. Our dataset and all preprocessing code needed to get started are publicly released at to facilitate future research.


replace-cross A new model for natural groupings in high-dimensional data

Authors: Mireille Boutin, Evzenie Coupkova

Abstract: Clustering aims to divide a set of points into groups. The current paradigm assumes that the grouping is well-defined (unique) given the probability model from which the data is drawn. Yet, recent experiments have uncovered several high-dimensional datasets that form different binary groupings after projecting the data to randomly chosen one-dimensional subspaces. This paper describes a probability model for the data that could explain this phenomenon. It is a simple model to serve as a proof of concept for understanding the geometry of high-dimensional data. We start by building a rescaled multivariate Bernouilli model (stretched hypercube) so to create several overlapping grouping structures in the data. The size of each scaling parameter is related to the likelihood of uncovering the corresponding grouping by random 1D projection. Clusters in the original space are then created by adding noise to this cluster-free model. In high dimension, these clusters would hardly be observable given a sample set from the distribution because of the curse of dimensionality, but the binary groupings are clear. Our construction makes it clear that one needs to make a distinction between "groupings" and "clusters" in the original space. It also highlights the need to interpret any clustering found in projected data as merely one among potentially many other groupings in a dataset.

replace-cross Image Restoration Using Deep Regulated Convolutional Networks

Authors: Peng Liu, Xiaoxiao Zhou, Yangjunyi Li, El Basha Mohammad D, Ruogu Fang

Abstract: While the depth of convolutional neural networks has attracted substantial attention in the deep learning research, the width of these networks has recently received greater interest. The width of networks, defined as the size of the receptive fields and the density of the channels, has demonstrated crucial importance in low-level vision tasks such as image denoising and restoration. However, the limited generalization ability, due to the increased width of networks, creates a bottleneck in designing wider networks. In this paper, we propose the Deep Regulated Convolutional Network (RC-Net), a deep network composed of regulated sub-network blocks cascaded by skip-connections, to overcome this bottleneck. Specifically, the Regulated Convolution block (RC-block), featured by a combination of large and small convolution filters, balances the effectiveness of prominent feature extraction and the generalization ability of the network. RC-Nets have several compelling advantages: they embrace diversified features through large-small filter combinations, alleviate the hazy boundary and blurred details in image denoising and super-resolution problems, and stabilize the learning process. Our proposed RC-Nets outperform state-of-the-art approaches with significant performance gains in various image restoration tasks while demonstrating promising generalization ability. The code is available at


replace-cross Approximation Theory of Tree Tensor Networks: Tensorized Multivariate Functions

Authors: Mazen Ali, Anthony Nouy

Abstract: We study the approximation of multivariate functions with tensor networks (TNs). The main conclusion of this work is an answer to the following two questions: ``What are the approximation capabilities of TNs?" and "What is an appropriate model class of functions that can be approximated with TNs?" To answer the former, we show that TNs can (near to) optimally replicate $h$-uniform and $h$-adaptive approximation, for any smoothness order of the target function. Tensor networks thus exhibit universal expressivity w.r.t. isotropic, anisotropic and mixed smoothness spaces that is comparable with more general neural networks families such as deep rectified linear unit (ReLU) networks. Put differently, TNs have the capacity to (near to) optimally approximate many function classes -- without being adapted to the particular class in question. To answer the latter, as a candidate model class we consider approximation classes of TNs and show that these are (quasi-)Banach spaces, that many types of classical smoothness spaces are continuously embedded into said approximation classes and that TN approximation classes are themselves not embedded in any classical smoothness space.

replace-cross Quantum Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robot Navigation Tasks

Authors: Hans Hohenfeld, Dirk Heimann, Felix Wiebe, Frank Kirchner

Abstract: We utilize hybrid quantum deep reinforcement learning to learn navigation tasks for a simple, wheeled robot in simulated environments of increasing complexity. For this, we train parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) with two different encoding strategies in a hybrid quantum-classical setup as well as a classical neural network baseline with the double deep Q network (DDQN) reinforcement learning algorithm. Quantum deep reinforcement learning (QDRL) has previously been studied in several relatively simple benchmark environments, mainly from the OpenAI gym suite. However, scaling behavior and applicability of QDRL to more demanding tasks closer to real-world problems e. g., from the robotics domain, have not been studied previously. Here, we show that quantum circuits in hybrid quantum-classic reinforcement learning setups are capable of learning optimal policies in multiple robotic navigation scenarios with notably fewer trainable parameters compared to a classical baseline. Across a large number of experimental configurations, we find that the employed quantum circuits outperform the classical neural network baselines when equating for the number of trainable parameters. Yet, the classical neural network consistently showed better results concerning training times and stability, with at least one order of magnitude of trainable parameters more than the best-performing quantum circuits. However, validating the robustness of the learning methods in a large and dynamic environment, we find that the classical baseline produces more stable and better performing policies overall.

replace-cross Exact and Approximate Conformal Inference for Multi-Output Regression

Authors: Chancellor Johnstone, Eugene Ndiaye

Abstract: It is common in machine learning to estimate a response $y$ given covariate information $x$. However, these predictions alone do not quantify any uncertainty associated with said predictions. One way to overcome this deficiency is with conformal inference methods, which construct a set containing the unobserved response $y$ with a prescribed probability. Unfortunately, even with a one-dimensional response, conformal inference is computationally expensive despite recent encouraging advances. In this paper, we explore multi-output regression, delivering exact derivations of conformal inference $p$-values when the predictive model can be described as a linear function of $y$. Additionally, we propose \texttt{unionCP} and a multivariate extension of \texttt{rootCP} as efficient ways of approximating the conformal prediction region for a wide array of multi-output predictors, both linear and nonlinear, while preserving computational advantages. We also provide both theoretical and empirical evidence of the effectiveness of these methods using both real-world and simulated data.

replace-cross In-situ surface porosity prediction in DED (directed energy deposition) printed SS316L parts using multimodal sensor fusion

Authors: Adithyaa Karthikeyan, Himanshu Balhara, Abhishek Hanchate, Andreas K Lianos, Satish TS Bukkapatnam

Abstract: This study aims to relate the time-frequency patterns of acoustic emission (AE) and other multi-modal sensor data collected in a hybrid directed energy deposition (DED) process to the pore formations at high spatial (0.5 mm) and time (< 1ms) resolutions. Adapting an explainable AI method in LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations), certain high-frequency waveform signatures of AE are to be attributed to two major pathways for pore formation in a DED process, namely, spatter events and insufficient fusion between adjacent printing tracks from low heat input. This approach opens an exciting possibility to predict, in real-time, the presence of a pore in every voxel (0.5 mm in size) as they are printed, a major leap forward compared to prior efforts. Synchronized multimodal sensor data including force, AE, vibration and temperature were gathered while an SS316L material sample was printed and subsequently machined. A deep convolution neural network classifier was used to identify the presence of pores on a voxel surface based on time-frequency patterns (spectrograms) of the sensor data collected during the process chain. The results suggest signals collected during DED were more sensitive compared to those from machining for detecting porosity in voxels (classification test accuracy of 87%). The underlying explanations drawn from LIME analysis suggests that energy captured in high frequency AE waveforms are 33% lower for porous voxels indicating a relatively lower laser-material interaction in the melt pool, and hence insufficient fusion and poor overlap between adjacent printing tracks. The porous voxels for which spatter events were prevalent during printing had about 27% higher energy contents in the high frequency AE band compared to other porous voxels. These signatures from AE signal can further the understanding of pore formation from spatter and insufficient fusion.

replace-cross Jacobian-Scaled K-means Clustering for Physics-Informed Segmentation of Reacting Flows

Authors: Shivam Barwey, Venkat Raman

Abstract: This work introduces Jacobian-scaled K-means (JSK-means) clustering, which is a physics-informed clustering strategy centered on the K-means framework. The method allows for the injection of underlying physical knowledge into the clustering procedure through a distance function modification: instead of leveraging conventional Euclidean distance vectors, the JSK-means procedure operates on distance vectors scaled by matrices obtained from dynamical system Jacobians evaluated at the cluster centroids. The goal of this work is to show how the JSK-means algorithm -- without modifying the input dataset -- produces clusters that capture regions of dynamical similarity, in that the clusters are redistributed towards high-sensitivity regions in phase space and are described by similarity in the source terms of samples instead of the samples themselves. The algorithm is demonstrated on a complex reacting flow simulation dataset (a channel detonation configuration), where the dynamics in the thermochemical composition space are known through the highly nonlinear and stiff Arrhenius-based chemical source terms. Interpretations of cluster partitions in both physical space and composition space reveal how JSK-means shifts clusters produced by standard K-means towards regions of high chemical sensitivity (e.g., towards regions of peak heat release rate near the detonation reaction zone). The findings presented here illustrate the benefits of utilizing Jacobian-scaled distances in clustering techniques, and the JSK-means method in particular displays promising potential for improving former partition-based modeling strategies in reacting flow (and other multi-physics) applications.

replace-cross Adaptively Perturbed Mirror Descent for Learning in Games

Authors: Kenshi Abe, Kaito Ariu, Mitsuki Sakamoto, Atsushi Iwasaki

Abstract: This paper proposes a payoff perturbation technique for the Mirror Descent (MD) algorithm in games where the gradient of the payoff functions is monotone in the strategy profile space, potentially containing additive noise. The optimistic family of learning algorithms, exemplified by optimistic MD, successfully achieves {\it last-iterate} convergence in scenarios devoid of noise, leading the dynamics to a Nash equilibrium. A recent re-emerging trend underscores the promise of the perturbation approach, where payoff functions are perturbed based on the distance from an anchoring, or {\it slingshot}, strategy. In response, we propose {\it Adaptively Perturbed MD} (APMD), which adjusts the magnitude of the perturbation by repeatedly updating the slingshot strategy at a predefined interval. This innovation empowers us to find a Nash equilibrium of the underlying game with guaranteed rates. Empirical demonstrations affirm that our algorithm exhibits significantly accelerated convergence.

replace-cross Of Mice and Mates: Automated Classification and Modelling of Mouse Behaviour in Groups using a Single Model across Cages

Authors: Michael P. J. Camilleri, Rasneer S. Bains, Christopher K. I. Williams

Abstract: Behavioural experiments often happen in specialised arenas, but this may confound the analysis. To address this issue, we provide tools to study mice in the home-cage environment, equipping biologists with the possibility to capture the temporal aspect of the individual's behaviour and model the interaction and interdependence between cage-mates with minimal human intervention. Our main contribution is the novel Group Behaviour Model (GBM) which summarises the joint behaviour of groups of mice across cages, using a permutation matrix to match the mouse identities in each cage to the model. In support of the above, we also (a) developed the Activity Labelling Module (ALM) to automatically classify mouse behaviour from video, and (b) released two datasets, ABODe for training behaviour classifiers and IMADGE for modelling behaviour.

replace-cross Sigma-point Kalman Filter with Nonlinear Unknown Input Estimation via Optimization and Data-driven Approach for Dynamic Systems

Authors: Junn Yong Loo, Ze Yang Ding, Vishnu Monn Baskaran, Surya Girinatha Nurzaman, Chee Pin Tan

Abstract: Most works on joint state and unknown input (UI) estimation require the assumption that the UIs are linear; this is potentially restrictive as it does not hold in many intelligent autonomous systems. To overcome this restriction and circumvent the need to linearize the system, we propose a derivative-free Unknown Input Sigma-point Kalman Filter (SPKF-nUI) where the SPKF is interconnected with a general nonlinear UI estimator that can be implemented via nonlinear optimization and data-driven approaches. The nonlinear UI estimator uses the posterior state estimate which is less susceptible to state prediction error. In addition, we introduce a joint sigma-point transformation scheme to incorporate both the state and UI uncertainties in the estimation of SPKF-nUI. An in-depth stochastic stability analysis proves that the proposed SPKF-nUI yields exponentially converging estimation error bounds under reasonable assumptions. Finally, two case studies are carried out on a simulation-based rigid robot and a physical soft robot, i.e., robots made of soft materials with complex dynamics to validate effectiveness of the proposed filter on nonlinear dynamic systems. Our results demonstrate that the proposed SPKF-nUI achieves the lowest state and UI estimation errors when compared to the existing nonlinear state-UI filters.

replace-cross Local primordial non-Gaussianity from the large-scale clustering of photometric DESI luminous red galaxies

Authors: Mehdi Rezaie, Ashley J. Ross, Hee-Jong Seo, Hui Kong, Anna Porredon, Lado Samushia, Edmond Chaussidon, Alex Krolewski, Arnaud de Mattia, Florian Beutler, Jessica Nicole Aguilar, Steven Ahlen, Shadab Alam, Santiago Avila, Benedict Bahr-Kalus, Jose Bermejo-Climent, David Brooks, Todd Claybaugh, Shaun Cole, Kyle Dawson, Axel de la Macorra, Peter Doel, Andreu Font-Ribera, Jaime E. Forero-Romero, Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, Julien Guy, Klaus Honscheid, Dragan Huterer, Theodore Kisner, Martin Landriau, Michael Levi, Marc Manera, Aaron Meisner, Ramon Miquel, Eva-Maria Mueller, Adam Myers, Jeffrey A. Newman, Jundan Nie, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, Will Percival, Claire Poppett, Graziano Rossi, Eusebio Sanchez, Michael Schubnell, Gregory Tarl\'e, Benjamin Alan Weaver, Christophe Y\`eche, Zhimin Zhou, Hu Zou

Abstract: We use angular clustering of luminous red galaxies from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) imaging surveys to constrain the local primordial non-Gaussianity parameter $\fnl$. Our sample comprises over 12 million targets, covering 14,000 square degrees of the sky, with redshifts in the range $0.2< z < 1.35$. We identify Galactic extinction, survey depth, and astronomical seeing as the primary sources of systematic error, and employ linear regression and artificial neural networks to alleviate non-cosmological excess clustering on large scales. Our methods are tested against simulations with and without $\fnl$ and systematics, showing superior performance of the neural network treatment. The neural network with a set of nine imaging property maps passes our systematic null test criteria, and is chosen as the fiducial treatment. Assuming the universality relation, we find $\fnl = 34^{+24(+50)}_{-44(-73)}$ at 68\%(95\%) confidence. We apply a series of robustness tests (e.g., cuts on imaging, declination, or scales used) that show consistency in the obtained constraints. We study how the regression method biases the measured angular power-spectrum and degrades the $\fnl$ constraining power. The use of the nine maps more than doubles the uncertainty compared to using only the three primary maps in the regression. Our results thus motivate the development of more efficient methods that avoid over-correction, protect large-scale clustering information, and preserve constraining power. Additionally, our results encourage further studies of $\fnl$ with DESI spectroscopic samples, where the inclusion of 3D clustering modes should help separate imaging systematics and lessen the degradation in the $\fnl$ uncertainty.

replace-cross EasyEdit: An Easy-to-use Knowledge Editing Framework for Large Language Models

Authors: Peng Wang, Ningyu Zhang, Bozhong Tian, Zekun Xi, Yunzhi Yao, Ziwen Xu, Mengru Wang, Shengyu Mao, Xiaohan Wang, Siyuan Cheng, Kangwei Liu, Yuansheng Ni, Guozhou Zheng, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) usually suffer from knowledge cutoff or fallacy issues, which means they are unaware of unseen events or generate text with incorrect facts owing to outdated/noisy data. To this end, many knowledge editing approaches for LLMs have emerged -- aiming to subtly inject/edit updated knowledge or adjust undesired behavior while minimizing the impact on unrelated inputs. Nevertheless, due to significant differences among various knowledge editing methods and the variations in task setups, there is no standard implementation framework available for the community, which hinders practitioners from applying knowledge editing to applications. To address these issues, we propose EasyEdit, an easy-to-use knowledge editing framework for LLMs. It supports various cutting-edge knowledge editing approaches and can be readily applied to many well-known LLMs such as T5, GPT-J, LlaMA, etc. Empirically, we report the knowledge editing results on LlaMA-2 with EasyEdit, demonstrating that knowledge editing surpasses traditional fine-tuning in terms of reliability and generalization. We have released the source code on GitHub, along with Google Colab tutorials and comprehensive documentation for beginners to get started. Besides, we present an online system for real-time knowledge editing, and a demo video.

replace-cross Manipulating Embeddings of Stable Diffusion Prompts

Authors: Niklas Deckers, Julia Peters, Martin Potthast

Abstract: Prompt engineering is still the primary way for users of generative text-to-image models to manipulate generated images in a targeted way. Based on treating the model as a continuous function and by passing gradients between the image space and the prompt embedding space, we propose and analyze a new method to directly manipulate the embedding of a prompt instead of the prompt text. We then derive three practical interaction tools to support users with image generation: (1) Optimization of a metric defined in the image space that measures, for example, the image style. (2) Supporting a user in creative tasks by allowing them to navigate in the image space along a selection of directions of "near" prompt embeddings. (3) Changing the embedding of the prompt to include information that a user has seen in a particular seed but has difficulty describing in the prompt. Compared to prompt engineering, user-driven prompt embedding manipulation enables a more fine-grained, targeted control that integrates a user's intentions. Our user study shows that our methods are considered less tedious and that the resulting images are often preferred.

replace-cross Identifying Constitutive Parameters for Complex Hyperelastic Materials using Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Siyuan Song, Hanxun Jin

Abstract: Identifying constitutive parameters in engineering and biological materials, particularly those with intricate geometries and mechanical behaviors, remains a longstanding challenge. The recent advent of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) offers promising solutions, but current frameworks are often limited to basic constitutive laws and encounter practical constraints when combined with experimental data. In this paper, we introduce a robust PINN-based framework designed to identify material parameters for soft materials, specifically those exhibiting complex constitutive behaviors, under large deformation in plane stress conditions. Distinctively, our model emphasizes training PINNs with multi-modal synthetic experimental datasets consisting of full-field deformation and loading history, ensuring algorithm robustness even with noisy data. Our results reveal that the PINNs framework can accurately identify constitutive parameters of the incompressible Arruda-Boyce model for samples with intricate geometries, maintaining an error below 5%, even with an experimental noise level of 5%. We believe our framework provides a robust modulus identification approach for complex solids, especially for those with geometrical and constitutive complexity.

replace-cross An Explainable Deep-learning Model of Proton Auroras on Mars

Authors: Dattaraj B. Dhuri, Dimitra Atri, Ahmed AlHantoobi

Abstract: Proton auroras are widely observed on the dayside of Mars, identified as a significant intensity enhancement in the hydrogen Lyman alpha (121.6 nm) emission between 110 - 150 km altitudes. Solar wind protons penetrating as energetic neutral atoms into Mars thermosphere are thought to be primarily responsible for these auroras. Recent observations of spatially localized (patchy) proton auroras suggest a possible direct deposition of protons into Mars atmosphere during unstable solar wind conditions. Improving our understanding of proton auroras is therefore important for characterizing the solar wind interaction with Mars atmosphere. Here, we develop a first purely data-driven model of proton auroras using Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) in-situ observations and limb scans of Ly-alpha emissions between 2014 - 2022. We train an artificial neural network (ANN) that reproduces individual Lyman alpha intensities and relative Lyman alpha peak intensity enhancements with a Pearson correlation of 0.94 and 0.60 respectively for the test data, along with a faithful reconstruction of the shape of the observed Lyman alpha emission altitude profiles. By performing a SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) analysis, we find that solar zenith angle, solar longitude, CO2 atmosphere variability, solar wind speed and temperature are the most important features for the modeled Lyman alpha peak intensity enhancements. Additionally, we find that the modeled peak intensity enhancements are high for early local time hours, particularly near polar latitudes, as well as weaker induced magnetic fields. Through SHAP analysis, we also identify the influence of biases in the training data and interdependecies between the measurements used for the modeling, and an improvement on those aspects can significantly improve the performance and applicability of the ANN model.

replace-cross ConsistencyTTA: Accelerating Diffusion-Based Text-to-Audio Generation with Consistency Distillation

Authors: Yatong Bai, Trung Dang, Dung Tran, Kazuhito Koishida, Somayeh Sojoudi

Abstract: Diffusion models are instrumental in text-to-audio (TTA) generation. Unfortunately, they suffer from slow inference due to an excessive number of queries to the underlying denoising network per generation. To address this bottleneck, we introduce ConsistencyTTA, a framework requiring only a single non-autoregressive network query, thereby accelerating TTA by hundreds of times. We achieve so by proposing "CFG-aware latent consistency model," which adapts consistency generation into a latent space and incorporates classifier-free guidance (CFG) into model training. Moreover, unlike diffusion models, ConsistencyTTA can be finetuned closed-loop with audio-space text-aware metrics, such as CLAP score, to further enhance the generations. Our objective and subjective evaluation on the AudioCaps dataset shows that compared to diffusion-based counterparts, ConsistencyTTA reduces inference computation by 400x while retaining generation quality and diversity.

replace-cross LMDX: Language Model-based Document Information Extraction and Localization

Authors: Vincent Perot, Kai Kang, Florian Luisier, Guolong Su, Xiaoyu Sun, Ramya Sree Boppana, Zilong Wang, Zifeng Wang, Jiaqi Mu, Hao Zhang, Chen-Yu Lee, Nan Hua

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLM) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP), improving state-of-the-art and exhibiting emergent capabilities across various tasks. However, their application in extracting information from visually rich documents, which is at the core of many document processing workflows and involving the extraction of key entities from semi-structured documents, has not yet been successful. The main obstacles to adopting LLMs for this task include the absence of layout encoding within LLMs, which is critical for high quality extraction, and the lack of a grounding mechanism to localize the predicted entities within the document. In this paper, we introduce Language Model-based Document Information Extraction and Localization (LMDX), a methodology to reframe the document information extraction task for a LLM. LMDX enables extraction of singular, repeated, and hierarchical entities, both with and without training data, while providing grounding guarantees and localizing the entities within the document. Finally, we apply LMDX to the PaLM 2-S and Gemini Pro LLMs and evaluate it on VRDU and CORD benchmarks, setting a new state-of-the-art and showing how LMDX enables the creation of high quality, data-efficient parsers.

replace-cross ReConcile: Round-Table Conference Improves Reasoning via Consensus among Diverse LLMs

Authors: Justin Chih-Yao Chen, Swarnadeep Saha, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) still struggle with natural language reasoning tasks. Motivated by the society of minds (Minsky, 1988), we propose ReConcile, a multi-model multi-agent framework designed as a round table conference among diverse LLM agents. ReConcile enhances collaborative reasoning between LLM agents via multiple rounds of discussion, learning to convince other agents to improve their answers, and employing a confidence-weighted voting mechanism that leads to a better consensus. In each round, ReConcile initiates discussion between agents via a 'discussion prompt' that consists of (a) grouped answers and explanations generated by each agent in the previous round, (b) their confidence scores, and (c) demonstrations of answer-rectifying human explanations, used for convincing other agents. Experiments on seven benchmarks demonstrate that ReConcile significantly improves LLMs' reasoning -- both individually and as a team -- surpassing prior single-agent and multi-agent baselines by up to 11.4% and even outperforming GPT-4 on three datasets. ReConcile also flexibly incorporates different combinations of agents, including API-based, open-source, and domain-specific models, leading to an 8% improvement on MATH. Finally, we analyze the individual components of ReConcile, demonstrating that the diversity originating from different models is critical to its superior performance. Code:


replace-cross Aligning Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Reward Backpropagation

Authors: Mihir Prabhudesai, Anirudh Goyal, Deepak Pathak, Katerina Fragkiadaki

Abstract: Text-to-image diffusion models have recently emerged at the forefront of image generation, powered by very large-scale unsupervised or weakly supervised text-to-image training datasets. Due to their unsupervised training, controlling their behavior in downstream tasks, such as maximizing human-perceived image quality, image-text alignment, or ethical image generation, is difficult. Recent works finetune diffusion models to downstream reward functions using vanilla reinforcement learning, notorious for the high variance of the gradient estimators. In this paper, we propose AlignProp, a method that aligns diffusion models to downstream reward functions using end-to-end backpropagation of the reward gradient through the denoising process. While naive implementation of such backpropagation would require prohibitive memory resources for storing the partial derivatives of modern text-to-image models, AlignProp finetunes low-rank adapter weight modules and uses gradient checkpointing, to render its memory usage viable. We test AlignProp in finetuning diffusion models to various objectives, such as image-text semantic alignment, aesthetics, compressibility and controllability of the number of objects present, as well as their combinations. We show AlignProp achieves higher rewards in fewer training steps than alternatives, while being conceptually simpler, making it a straightforward choice for optimizing diffusion models for differentiable reward functions of interest. Code and Visualization results are available at


replace-cross Optimal Best Arm Identification with Fixed Confidence in Restless Bandits

Authors: P. N. Karthik, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Arpan Mukherjee, Ali Tajer

Abstract: We study best arm identification in a restless multi-armed bandit setting with finitely many arms. The discrete-time data generated by each arm forms a homogeneous Markov chain taking values in a common, finite state space. The state transitions in each arm are captured by an ergodic transition probability matrix (TPM) that is a member of a single-parameter exponential family of TPMs. The real-valued parameters of the arm TPMs are unknown and belong to a given space. Given a function $f$ defined on the common state space of the arms, the goal is to identify the best arm -- the arm with the largest average value of $f$ evaluated under the arm's stationary distribution -- with the fewest number of samples, subject to an upper bound on the decision's error probability (i.e., the fixed-confidence regime). A lower bound on the growth rate of the expected stopping time is established in the asymptote of a vanishing error probability. Furthermore, a policy for best arm identification is proposed, and its expected stopping time is proved to have an asymptotic growth rate that matches the lower bound. It is demonstrated that tracking the long-term behavior of a certain Markov decision process and its state-action visitation proportions are the key ingredients in analyzing the converse and achievability bounds. It is shown that under every policy, the state-action visitation proportions satisfy a specific approximate flow conservation constraint and that these proportions match the optimal proportions dictated by the lower bound under any asymptotically optimal policy. The prior studies on best arm identification in restless bandits focus on independent observations from the arms, rested Markov arms, and restless Markov arms with known arm TPMs. In contrast, this work is the first to study best arm identification in restless bandits with unknown arm TPMs.

replace-cross A General Theory for Softmax Gating Multinomial Logistic Mixture of Experts

Authors: Huy Nguyen, Pedram Akbarian, TrungTin Nguyen, Nhat Ho

Abstract: Mixture-of-experts (MoE) model incorporates the power of multiple submodels via gating functions to achieve greater performance in numerous regression and classification applications. From a theoretical perspective, while there have been previous attempts to comprehend the behavior of that model under the regression settings through the convergence analysis of maximum likelihood estimation in the Gaussian MoE model, such analysis under the setting of a classification problem has remained missing in the literature. We close this gap by establishing the convergence rates of density estimation and parameter estimation in the softmax gating multinomial logistic MoE model. Notably, when part of the expert parameters vanish, these rates are shown to be slower than polynomial rates owing to an inherent interaction between the softmax gating and expert functions via partial differential equations. To address this issue, we propose using a novel class of modified softmax gating functions which transform the input before delivering them to the gating functions. As a result, the previous interaction disappears and the parameter estimation rates are significantly improved.

replace-cross Functional Overlap Reranking for Neural Code Generation

Authors: Hung Quoc To, Minh Huynh Nguyen, Nghi D. Q. Bui

Abstract: Code Large Language Models (CodeLLMs) have ushered in a new era in code generation advancements. However, selecting the best code solutions from all possible CodeLLM outputs remains a challenge. Previous methods often overlooked the intricate functional similarities and interactions between solution clusters. We introduce SRank, a novel reranking strategy for selecting the best solutions from code generation, focusing on modeling the relationships between clusters of solutions. By quantifying the functional overlap between solution clusters, our approach provides a better ranking strategy for code solutions. Empirical results show that our method achieves remarkable results on the pass@1 score. For instance, on the Human-Eval benchmark, we achieve 69.66% in pass@1 with Codex002, 75.31% with WizardCoder, 53.99% with StarCoder, and 60.55% with CodeGen, surpassing state-of-the-art code generation reranking methods such as CodeT and Coder-Reviewer on the same CodeLLM by a significant margin (approximately 6.1% improvement on average). Even in scenarios with a limited number of sampled solutions and test cases, our approach demonstrates robustness and superiority, marking a new benchmark in code generation reranking. Our implementation can be found at


replace-cross Graph Elicitation for Guiding Multi-Step Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Jinyoung Park, Ameen Patel, Omar Zia Khan, Hyunwoo J. Kim, Joo-Kyung Kim

Abstract: Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting along with sub-question generation and answering has enhanced multi-step reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). However, prompting the LLMs to directly generate sub-questions is suboptimal since they sometimes generate redundant or irrelevant questions. To deal with them, we propose a GE-Reasoning method, which directs LLMs to generate proper sub-questions and corresponding answers. Concretely, given an input question, we first prompt the LLM to generate knowledge triplets, forming a graph representation of the question. Unlike conventional knowledge triplets, our approach allows variables as head or tail entities, effectively representing a question as knowledge triplets. Second, for each triplet, the LLM generates a corresponding sub-question and answer along with using knowledge retrieval. If the prediction confidence exceeds a threshold, the sub-question and prediction are incorporated into the prompt for subsequent processing. This approach encourages that sub-questions are grounded in the extracted knowledge triplets, reducing redundancy and irrelevance. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms previous CoT prompting methods and their variants on multi-hop question answering benchmark datasets.

replace-cross Intrinsic LoRA: A Generalist Approach for Discovering Knowledge in Generative Models

Authors: Xiaodan Du, Nicholas Kolkin, Greg Shakhnarovich, Anand Bhattad

Abstract: Generative models excel at creating images that closely mimic real scenes, suggesting they inherently encode scene representations. We introduce Intrinsic LoRA (I-LoRA), a general approach that uses Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) to discover scene intrinsics such as normals, depth, albedo, and shading from a wide array of generative models. I-LoRA is lightweight, adding minimally to the model's parameters and requiring very small datasets for this knowledge discovery. Our approach, applicable to Diffusion models, GANs, and Autoregressive models alike, generates intrinsics using the same output head as the original images. Through control experiments, we establish a correlation between the generative model's quality and the extracted intrinsics' accuracy. Finally, scene intrinsics obtained by our method with just hundreds to thousands of labeled images, perform on par with those from supervised methods trained on millions of labeled examples.

replace-cross Clustered Switchback Experiments: Near-Optimal Rates Under Spatiotemporal Interference

Authors: Su Jia, Nathan Kallus, Christina Lee Yu

Abstract: We consider experimentation in the presence of non-stationarity, inter-unit (spatial) interference, and carry-over effects (temporal interference), where we wish to estimate the global average treatment effect (GATE), the difference between average outcomes having exposed all units at all times to treatment or to control. We suppose spatial interference is described by a graph, where a unit's outcome depends on its neighborhood's treatment assignments, and that temporal interference is described by a hidden Markov decision process, where the transition kernel under either treatment (action) satisfies a rapid mixing condition. We propose a clustered switchback design, where units are grouped into clusters and time steps are grouped into blocks and each whole cluster-block combination is assigned a single random treatment. Under this design, we show that for graphs that admit good clustering, a truncated exposure-mapping Horvitz-Thompson estimator achieves $\tilde O(1/NT)$ mean-squared error (MSE), matching an $\Omega(1/NT)$ lower bound up to logarithmic terms. Our results simultaneously generalize the $N=1$ setting of Hu, Wager 2022 (and improves on the MSE bound shown therein for difference-in-means estimators) as well as the $T=1$ settings of Ugander et al 2013 and Leung 2022. Simulation studies validate the favorable performance of our approach.

replace-cross Visual Explanations of Image-Text Representations via Multi-Modal Information Bottleneck Attribution

Authors: Ying Wang, Tim G. J. Rudner, Andrew Gordon Wilson

Abstract: Vision-language pretrained models have seen remarkable success, but their application to safety-critical settings is limited by their lack of interpretability. To improve the interpretability of vision-language models such as CLIP, we propose a multi-modal information bottleneck (M2IB) approach that learns latent representations that compress irrelevant information while preserving relevant visual and textual features. We demonstrate how M2IB can be applied to attribution analysis of vision-language pretrained models, increasing attribution accuracy and improving the interpretability of such models when applied to safety-critical domains such as healthcare. Crucially, unlike commonly used unimodal attribution methods, M2IB does not require ground truth labels, making it possible to audit representations of vision-language pretrained models when multiple modalities but no ground-truth data is available. Using CLIP as an example, we demonstrate the effectiveness of M2IB attribution and show that it outperforms gradient-based, perturbation-based, and attention-based attribution methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.

replace-cross Diffusion Models, Image Super-Resolution And Everything: A Survey

Authors: Brian B. Moser, Arundhati S. Shanbhag, Federico Raue, Stanislav Frolov, Sebastian Palacio, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Diffusion Models (DMs) have disrupted the image Super-Resolution (SR) field and further closed the gap between image quality and human perceptual preferences. They are easy to train and can produce very high-quality samples that exceed the realism of those produced by previous generative methods. Despite their promising results, they also come with new challenges that need further research: high computational demands, comparability, lack of explainability, color shifts, and more. Unfortunately, entry into this field is overwhelming because of the abundance of publications. To address this, we provide a unified recount of the theoretical foundations underlying DMs applied to image SR and offer a detailed analysis that underscores the unique characteristics and methodologies within this domain, distinct from broader existing reviews in the field. This survey articulates a cohesive understanding of DM principles and explores current research avenues, including alternative input domains, conditioning techniques, guidance mechanisms, corruption spaces, and zero-shot learning approaches. By offering a detailed examination of the evolution and current trends in image SR through the lens of DMs, this survey sheds light on the existing challenges and charts potential future directions, aiming to inspire further innovation in this rapidly advancing area.

replace-cross AST-T5: Structure-Aware Pretraining for Code Generation and Understanding

Authors: Linyuan Gong, Mostafa Elhoushi, Alvin Cheung

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have made significant advancements in code-related tasks, yet many LLMs treat code as simple sequences, neglecting its structured nature. We introduce AST-T5, a novel pretraining paradigm that leverages the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for enhanced code generation, transpilation, and understanding. Using dynamic programming, our AST-Aware Segmentation retains code structure, while our AST-Aware Span Corruption objective equips the model to reconstruct various code structures. Unlike other models, AST-T5 avoids intricate program analyses or architectural changes, so it integrates seamlessly with any encoder-decoder Transformer. Evaluations show that AST-T5 consistently outperforms similar-sized LMs across various code-related tasks. Structure-awareness makes AST-T5 particularly powerful in code-to-code tasks, surpassing CodeT5 by 2 points in exact match score for the Bugs2Fix task and by 3 points in exact match score for Java-C# Transpilation in CodeXGLUE. Our code and model are publicly available at


replace-cross Bridging Evolutionary Algorithms and Reinforcement Learning: A Comprehensive Survey on Hybrid Algorithms

Authors: Pengyi Li, Jianye Hao, Hongyao Tang, Xian Fu, Yan Zheng, Ke Tang

Abstract: Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning (ERL), which integrates Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) for optimization, has demonstrated remarkable performance advancements. By fusing both approaches, ERL has emerged as a promising research direction. This survey offers a comprehensive overview of the diverse research branches in ERL. Specifically, we systematically summarize recent advancements in related algorithms and identify three primary research directions: EA-assisted Optimization of RL, RL-assisted Optimization of EA, and synergistic optimization of EA and RL. Following that, we conduct an in-depth analysis of each research direction, organizing multiple research branches. We elucidate the problems that each branch aims to tackle and how the integration of EAs and RL addresses these challenges. In conclusion, we discuss potential challenges and prospective future research directions across various research directions. To facilitate researchers in delving into ERL, we organize the algorithms and codes involved on


replace-cross Is Temperature Sample Efficient for Softmax Gaussian Mixture of Experts?

Authors: Huy Nguyen, Pedram Akbarian, Nhat Ho

Abstract: Dense-to-sparse gating mixture of experts (MoE) has recently become an effective alternative to a well-known sparse MoE. Rather than fixing the number of activated experts as in the latter model, which could limit the investigation of potential experts, the former model utilizes the temperature to control the softmax weight distribution and the sparsity of the MoE during training in order to stabilize the expert specialization. Nevertheless, while there are previous attempts to theoretically comprehend the sparse MoE, a comprehensive analysis of the dense-to-sparse gating MoE has remained elusive. Therefore, we aim to explore the impacts of the dense-to-sparse gate on the maximum likelihood estimation under the Gaussian MoE in this paper. We demonstrate that due to interactions between the temperature and other model parameters via some partial differential equations, the convergence rates of parameter estimations are slower than any polynomial rates, and could be as slow as $\mathcal{O}(1/\log(n))$, where $n$ denotes the sample size. To address this issue, we propose using a novel activation dense-to-sparse gate, which routes the output of a linear layer to an activation function before delivering them to the softmax function. By imposing linearly independence conditions on the activation function and its derivatives, we show that the parameter estimation rates are significantly improved to polynomial rates. Finally, we conduct a simulation study to empirically validate our theoretical results.

replace-cross OMPGPT: A Generative Pre-trained Transformer Model for OpenMP

Authors: Le Chen, Arijit Bhattacharjee, Nesreen Ahmed, Niranjan Hasabnis, Gal Oren, Vy Vo, Ali Jannesari

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs)such as ChatGPT have significantly advanced the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This trend led to the development of code-based large language models such as StarCoder, WizardCoder, and CodeLlama, which are trained extensively on vast repositories of code and programming languages. While the generic abilities of these code LLMs are useful for many programmers in tasks like code generation, the area of high-performance computing (HPC) has a narrower set of requirements that make a smaller and more domain-specific model a smarter choice. This paper presents OMPGPT, a novel domain-specific model meticulously designed to harness the inherent strengths of language models for OpenMP pragma generation. Furthermore, we leverage prompt engineering techniques from the NLP domain to create Chain-of-OMP, an innovative strategy designed to enhance OMPGPT's effectiveness. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate that OMPGPT outperforms existing large language models specialized in OpenMP tasks and maintains a notably smaller size, aligning it more closely with the typical hardware constraints of HPC environments. We consider our contribution as a pivotal bridge, connecting the advantage of language models with the specific demands of HPC tasks.

replace-cross A practical existence theorem for reduced order models based on convolutional autoencoders

Authors: Nicola Rares Franco, Simone Brugiapaglia

Abstract: In recent years, deep learning has gained increasing popularity in the fields of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and Reduced Order Modeling (ROM), providing domain practitioners with new powerful data-driven techniques such as Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), Neural Operators, Deep Operator Networks (DeepONets) and Deep-Learning based ROMs (DL-ROMs). In this context, deep autoencoders based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have proven extremely effective, outperforming established techniques, such as the reduced basis method, when dealing with complex nonlinear problems. However, despite the empirical success of CNN-based autoencoders, there are only a few theoretical results supporting these architectures, usually stated in the form of universal approximation theorems. In particular, although the existing literature provides users with guidelines for designing convolutional autoencoders, the subsequent challenge of learning the latent features has been barely investigated. Furthermore, many practical questions remain unanswered, e.g., the number of snapshots needed for convergence or the neural network training strategy. In this work, using recent techniques from sparse high-dimensional function approximation, we fill some of these gaps by providing a new practical existence theorem for CNN-based autoencoders when the parameter-to-solution map is holomorphic. This regularity assumption arises in many relevant classes of parametric PDEs, such as the parametric diffusion equation, for which we discuss an explicit application of our general theory.

replace-cross A Dynamical Model of Neural Scaling Laws

Authors: Blake Bordelon, Alexander Atanasov, Cengiz Pehlevan

Abstract: On a variety of tasks, the performance of neural networks predictably improves with training time, dataset size and model size across many orders of magnitude. This phenomenon is known as a neural scaling law. Of fundamental importance is the compute-optimal scaling law, which reports the performance as a function of units of compute when choosing model sizes optimally. We analyze a random feature model trained with gradient descent as a solvable model of network training and generalization. This reproduces many observations about neural scaling laws. First, our model makes a prediction about why the scaling of performance with training time and with model size have different power law exponents. Consequently, the theory predicts an asymmetric compute-optimal scaling rule where the number of training steps are increased faster than model parameters, consistent with recent empirical observations. Second, it has been observed that early in training, networks converge to their infinite-width dynamics at a rate $1/\textit{width}$ but at late time exhibit a rate $\textit{width}^{-c}$, where $c$ depends on the structure of the architecture and task. We show that our model exhibits this behavior. Lastly, our theory shows how the gap between training and test loss can gradually build up over time due to repeated reuse of data.

replace-cross On Least Square Estimation in Softmax Gating Mixture of Experts

Authors: Huy Nguyen, Nhat Ho, Alessandro Rinaldo

Abstract: Mixture of experts (MoE) model is a statistical machine learning design that aggregates multiple expert networks using a softmax gating function in order to form a more intricate and expressive model. Despite being commonly used in several applications owing to their scalability, the mathematical and statistical properties of MoE models are complex and difficult to analyze. As a result, previous theoretical works have primarily focused on probabilistic MoE models by imposing the impractical assumption that the data are generated from a Gaussian MoE model. In this work, we investigate the performance of the least squares estimators (LSE) under a deterministic MoE model where the data are sampled according to a regression model, a setting that has remained largely unexplored. We establish a condition called strong identifiability to characterize the convergence behavior of various types of expert functions. We demonstrate that the rates for estimating strongly identifiable experts, namely the widely used feed-forward networks with activation functions $\mathrm{sigmoid}(\cdot)$ and $\tanh(\cdot)$, are substantially faster than those of polynomial experts, which we show to exhibit a surprising slow estimation rate. Our findings have important practical implications for expert selection.

replace-cross AdaTreeFormer: Few Shot Domain Adaptation for Tree Counting from a Single High-Resolution Image

Authors: Hamed Amini Amirkolaee, Miaojing Shi, Lianghua He, Mark Mulligan

Abstract: The process of estimating and counting tree density using only a single aerial or satellite image is a difficult task in the fields of photogrammetry and remote sensing. However, it plays a crucial role in the management of forests. The huge variety of trees in varied topography severely hinders tree counting models to perform well. The purpose of this paper is to propose a framework that is learnt from the source domain with sufficient labeled trees and is adapted to the target domain with only a limited number of labeled trees. Our method, termed as AdaTreeFormer, contains one shared encoder with a hierarchical feature extraction scheme to extract robust features from the source and target domains. It also consists of three subnets: two for extracting self-domain attention maps from source and target domains respectively and one for extracting cross-domain attention maps. For the latter, an attention-to-adapt mechanism is introduced to distill relevant information from different domains while generating tree density maps; a hierarchical cross-domain feature alignment scheme is proposed that progressively aligns the features from the source and target domains. We also adopt adversarial learning into the framework to further reduce the gap between source and target domains. Our AdaTreeFormer is evaluated on six designed domain adaptation tasks using three tree counting datasets, \ie Jiangsu, Yosemite, and London. Experimental results show that AdaTreeFormer significantly surpasses the state of the art, \eg in the cross domain from the Yosemite to Jiangsu dataset, it achieves a reduction of 15.9 points in terms of the absolute counting errors and an increase of 10.8\% in the accuracy of the detected trees' locations. The codes and datasets are available at \emph{\color{magenta}{}}.


replace-cross EasyInstruct: An Easy-to-use Instruction Processing Framework for Large Language Models

Authors: Yixin Ou, Ningyu Zhang, Honghao Gui, Ziwen Xu, Shuofei Qiao, Yida Xue, Runnan Fang, Kangwei Liu, Lei Li, Zhen Bi, Guozhou Zheng, Huajun Chen

Abstract: In recent years, instruction tuning has gained increasing attention and emerged as a crucial technique to enhance the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). To construct high-quality instruction datasets, many instruction processing approaches have been proposed, aiming to achieve a delicate balance between data quantity and data quality. Nevertheless, due to inconsistencies that persist among various instruction processing methods, there is no standard open-source instruction processing implementation framework available for the community, which hinders practitioners from further developing and advancing. To facilitate instruction processing research and development, we present EasyInstruct, an easy-to-use instruction processing framework for LLMs, which modularizes instruction generation, selection, and prompting, while also considering their combination and interaction. EasyInstruct is publicly released and actively maintained at, along with an online demo app and a demo video for quick-start, calling for broader research centered on instruction data and synthetic data.


replace-cross FaithLM: Towards Faithful Explanations for Large Language Models

Authors: Yu-Neng Chuang, Guanchu Wang, Chia-Yuan Chang, Ruixiang Tang, Shaochen Zhong, Fan Yang, Mengnan Du, Xuanting Cai, Xia Hu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become proficient in addressing complex tasks by leveraging their extensive internal knowledge and reasoning capabilities. However, the black-box nature of these models complicates the task of explaining their decision-making processes. While recent advancements demonstrate the potential of leveraging LLMs to self-explain their predictions through natural language (NL) explanations, their explanations may not accurately reflect the LLMs' decision-making process due to a lack of fidelity optimization on the derived explanations. Measuring the fidelity of NL explanations is a challenging issue, as it is difficult to manipulate the input context to mask the semantics of these explanations. To this end, we introduce FaithLM to explain the decision of LLMs with NL explanations. Specifically, FaithLM designs a method for evaluating the fidelity of NL explanations by incorporating the contrary explanations to the query process. Moreover, FaithLM conducts an iterative process to improve the fidelity of derived explanations. Experiment results on three datasets from multiple domains demonstrate that FaithLM can significantly improve the fidelity of derived explanations, which also provides a better alignment with the ground-truth explanations.

replace-cross Source-Free Domain Adaptation with Diffusion-Guided Source Data Generation

Authors: Shivang Chopra, Suraj Kothawade, Houda Aynaou, Aman Chadha

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach to leverage the generalizability of Diffusion Models for Source-Free Domain Adaptation (DM-SFDA). Our proposed DMSFDA method involves fine-tuning a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model to generate source domain images using features from the target images to guide the diffusion process. Specifically, the pre-trained diffusion model is fine-tuned to generate source samples that minimize entropy and maximize confidence for the pre-trained source model. We then use a diffusion model-based image mixup strategy to bridge the domain gap between the source and target domains. We validate our approach through comprehensive experiments across a range of datasets, including Office-31 [39], Office-Home [48], and VisDA [35]. The results demonstrate significant improvements in SFDA performance, highlighting the potential of diffusion models in generating contextually relevant, domain-specific images.

replace-cross On Parameter Estimation in Deviated Gaussian Mixture of Experts

Authors: Huy Nguyen, Khai Nguyen, Nhat Ho

Abstract: We consider the parameter estimation problem in the deviated Gaussian mixture of experts in which the data are generated from $(1 - \lambda^{\ast}) g_0(Y| X)+ \lambda^{\ast} \sum_{i = 1}^{k_{\ast}} p_{i}^{\ast} f(Y|(a_{i}^{\ast})^{\top}X+b_i^{\ast},\sigma_{i}^{\ast})$, where $X, Y$ are respectively a covariate vector and a response variable, $g_{0}(Y|X)$ is a known function, $\lambda^{\ast} \in [0, 1]$ is true but unknown mixing proportion, and $(p_{i}^{\ast}, a_{i}^{\ast}, b_{i}^{\ast}, \sigma_{i}^{\ast})$ for $1 \leq i \leq k^{\ast}$ are unknown parameters of the Gaussian mixture of experts. This problem arises from the goodness-of-fit test when we would like to test whether the data are generated from $g_{0}(Y|X)$ (null hypothesis) or they are generated from the whole mixture (alternative hypothesis). Based on the algebraic structure of the expert functions and the distinguishability between $g_0$ and the mixture part, we construct novel Voronoi-based loss functions to capture the convergence rates of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for our models. We further demonstrate that our proposed loss functions characterize the local convergence rates of parameter estimation more accurately than the generalized Wasserstein, a loss function being commonly used for estimating parameters in the Gaussian mixture of experts.

replace-cross Feature learning as alignment: a structural property of gradient descent in non-linear neural networks

Authors: Daniel Beaglehole, Ioannis Mitliagkas, Atish Agarwala

Abstract: Understanding the mechanisms through which neural networks extract statistics from input-label pairs through feature learning is one of the most important unsolved problems in supervised learning. Prior works demonstrated that the gram matrices of the weights (the neural feature matrices, NFM) and the average gradient outer products (AGOP) become correlated during training, in a statement known as the neural feature ansatz (NFA). Through the NFA, the authors introduce mapping with the AGOP as a general mechanism for neural feature learning. However, these works do not provide a theoretical explanation for this correlation or its origins. In this work, we further clarify the nature of this correlation, and explain its emergence. We show that this correlation is equivalent to alignment between the left singular structure of the weight matrices and the newly defined pre-activation tangent features at each layer. We further establish that the alignment is driven by the interaction of weight changes induced by SGD with the pre-activation features, and analyze the resulting dynamics analytically at early times in terms of simple statistics of the inputs and labels. Finally, motivated by the observation that the NFA is driven by this centered correlation, we introduce a simple optimization rule that dramatically increases the NFA correlations at any given layer and improves the quality of features learned.

replace-cross Prompting with Divide-and-Conquer Program Makes Large Language Models Discerning to Hallucination and Deception

Authors: Yizhou Zhang, Lun Du, Defu Cao, Qiang Fu, Yan Liu

Abstract: Foundation models, such as Large language Models (LLMs), have attracted significant amount of interest due to their large number of applications. However, when handling tasks involving repetitive sub-tasks and/or deceptive contents, such as arithmetic calculation and article-level fake news detection, simple instructional prompts suffer from inaccurate responses. Existing works show that more complicated prompting strategies, such as Chain-of-Thoughts and Least-to-Most, can unlock LLM's powerful capacity in diverse areas. Recent researches reveal that simple divide-and-conquer prompting strategy, i.e. simply dividing the input sequence to multiple sub-inputs, can also substantially improve LLM's performance in some specific tasks such as misinformation detection. In this paper, we aim at examining the utility of divide-and-conquer prompting strategy and answer on which kind of tasks this strategy gets advantages. Specifically, we provide a theoretic analysis to divide-and-conquer prompting strategy and help us identify the specific tasks where DaC prompting can bring performance boost with theoretic guarantee. We then present two cases (large integer arithmetic and fact verification) where experimental results aligns with our theoretic analysis.

replace-cross Fixed Confidence Best Arm Identification in the Bayesian Setting

Authors: Kyoungseok Jang, Junpei Komiyama, Kazutoshi Yamazaki

Abstract: We consider the fixed-confidence best arm identification (FC-BAI) problem in the Bayesian setting. This problem aims to find the arm of the largest mean with a fixed confidence level when the bandit model has been sampled from the known prior. Most studies on the FC-BAI problem have been conducted in the frequentist setting, where the bandit model is predetermined before the game starts. We show that the traditional FC-BAI algorithms studied in the frequentist setting, such as track-and-stop and top-two algorithms, result in arbitrarily suboptimal performances in the Bayesian setting. We also obtain a lower bound of the expected number of samples in the Bayesian setting and introduce a variant of successive elimination that has a matching performance with the lower bound up to a logarithmic factor. Simulations verify the theoretical results.

replace-cross PromptKD: Distilling Student-Friendly Knowledge for Generative Language Models via Prompt Tuning

Authors: Gyeongman Kim, Doohyuk Jang, Eunho Yang

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have raised concerns about inference costs, increasing the need for research into model compression. While knowledge distillation (KD) is a prominent method for this, research on KD for generative language models like LLMs is relatively sparse, and the approach of distilling student-friendly knowledge, which has shown promising performance in KD for classification models, remains unexplored in generative language models. To explore this approach, we propose PromptKD, a simple yet effective method that utilizes prompt tuning - for the first time in KD - to enable generative language models to transfer student-friendly knowledge. Unlike previous works in classification that require fine-tuning the entire teacher model for extracting student-friendly knowledge, PromptKD achieves similar effects by adding a small number of prompt tokens and tuning only the prompt with student guidance. Extensive experiments on instruction-following datasets show that PromptKD achieves state-of-the-art performance while adding only 0.0007% of the teacher's parameters as prompts. Further analysis suggests that distilling student-friendly knowledge alleviates exposure bias effectively throughout the entire training process, leading to performance enhancements.

replace-cross Best of Many in Both Worlds: Online Resource Allocation with Predictions under Unknown Arrival Model

Authors: Lin An, Andrew A. Li, Benjamin Moseley, Gabriel Visotsky

Abstract: Online decision-makers often obtain predictions on future variables, such as arrivals, demands, inventories, and so on. These predictions can be generated from simple forecasting algorithms for univariate time-series, all the way to state-of-the-art machine learning models that leverage multiple time-series and additional feature information. However, the prediction accuracy is unknown to decision-makers a priori, hence blindly following the predictions can be harmful. In this paper, we address this problem by developing algorithms that utilize predictions in a manner that is robust to the unknown prediction accuracy. We consider the Online Resource Allocation Problem, a generic model for online decision-making, in which a limited amount of resources may be used to satisfy a sequence of arriving requests. Prior work has characterized the best achievable performances when the arrivals are either generated stochastically (i.i.d.) or completely adversarially, and shown that algorithms exist which match these bounds under both arrival models, without ``knowing'' the underlying model. To this backdrop, we introduce predictions in the form of shadow prices on each type of resource. Prediction accuracy is naturally defined to be the distance between the predictions and the actual shadow prices. We tightly characterize, via a formal lower bound, the extent to which any algorithm can optimally leverage predictions (that is, to ``follow'' the predictions when accurate, and ``ignore'' them when inaccurate) without knowing the prediction accuracy or the underlying arrival model. Our main contribution is then an algorithm which achieves this lower bound. Finally, we empirically validate our algorithm with a large-scale experiment on real data from the retailer H&M.

replace-cross LLM-Assisted Content Conditional Debiasing for Fair Text Embedding

Authors: Wenlong Deng, Blair Chen, Beidi Zhao, Chiyu Zhang, Xiaoxiao Li, Christos Thrampoulidis

Abstract: Mitigating biases in machine learning models has become an increasing concern in Natural Language Processing (NLP), particularly in developing fair text embeddings, which are crucial yet challenging for real-world applications like search engines. In response, this paper proposes a novel method for learning fair text embeddings. First, we define a novel content-conditional equal distance (CCED) fairness for text embeddings, ensuring content-conditional independence between sensitive attributes and text embeddings. Building on CCED, we introduce a content-conditional debiasing (CCD) loss to ensure that embeddings of texts with different sensitive attributes but identical content maintain the same distance from the embedding of their corresponding neutral text. Additionally, we tackle the issue of insufficient training data by using Large Language Models (LLMs) with instructions to fairly augment texts into different sensitive groups. Our extensive evaluations show that our approach effectively enhances fairness while maintaining the utility of embeddings. Furthermore, our augmented dataset, combined with the CCED metric, serves as an new benchmark for evaluating fairness.

replace-cross Pandora's White-Box: Precise Training Data Detection and Extraction in Large Language Models

Authors: Jeffrey G. Wang, Jason Wang, Marvin Li, Seth Neel

Abstract: In this paper we develop state-of-the-art privacy attacks against Large Language Models (LLMs), where an adversary with some access to the model tries to learn something about the underlying training data. Our headline results are new membership inference attacks (MIAs) against pretrained LLMs that perform hundreds of times better than baseline attacks, and a pipeline showing that over 50% (!) of the fine-tuning dataset can be extracted from a fine-tuned LLM in natural settings. We consider varying degrees of access to the underlying model, pretraining and fine-tuning data, and both MIAs and training data extraction. For pretraining data, we propose two new MIAs: a supervised neural network classifier that predicts training data membership on the basis of (dimensionality-reduced) model gradients, as well as a variant of this attack that only requires logit access to the model by leveraging recent model-stealing work on LLMs. To our knowledge this is the first MIA that explicitly incorporates model-stealing information. Both attacks outperform existing black-box baselines, and our supervised attack closes the gap between MIA attack success against LLMs and the strongest known attacks for other machine learning models. In fine-tuning, we find that a simple attack based on the ratio of the loss between the base and fine-tuned models is able to achieve near-perfect MIA performance; we then leverage our MIA to extract a large fraction of the fine-tuning dataset from fine-tuned Pythia and Llama models. Our code is available at

replace-cross Validation of ML-UQ calibration statistics using simulated reference values: a sensitivity analysis

Authors: Pascal Pernot

Abstract: Some popular Machine Learning Uncertainty Quantification (ML-UQ) calibration statistics do not have predefined reference values and are mostly used in comparative studies. In consequence, calibration is almost never validated and the diagnostic is left to the appreciation of the reader. Simulated reference values, based on synthetic calibrated datasets derived from actual uncertainties, have been proposed to palliate this problem. As the generative probability distribution for the simulation of synthetic errors is often not constrained, the sensitivity of simulated reference values to the choice of generative distribution might be problematic, shedding a doubt on the calibration diagnostic. This study explores various facets of this problem, and shows that some statistics are excessively sensitive to the choice of generative distribution to be used for validation when the generative distribution is unknown. This is the case, for instance, of the correlation coefficient between absolute errors and uncertainties (CC) and of the expected normalized calibration error (ENCE). A robust validation workflow to deal with simulated reference values is proposed.

replace-cross Evaluation of LLMs on Syntax-Aware Code Fill-in-the-Middle Tasks

Authors: Linyuan Gong, Sida Wang, Mostafa Elhoushi, Alvin Cheung

Abstract: We introduce Syntax-Aware Fill-In-the-Middle (SAFIM), a new benchmark for evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) on the code Fill-in-the-Middle (FIM) task. This benchmark focuses on syntax-aware completions of program structures such as code blocks and conditional expressions, and includes 17,720 examples from multiple programming languages, sourced from recent code submissions after April 2022 to minimize data contamination. SAFIM provides a robust framework with various prompt designs and novel syntax-aware post-processing techniques, facilitating accurate and fair comparisons across LLMs. Our comprehensive evaluation of 15 LLMs shows that FIM pretraining not only enhances FIM proficiency but also improves Left-to-Right (L2R) inference using LLMs. Our findings challenge conventional beliefs and suggest that pretraining methods and data quality have more impact than model size. SAFIM thus serves as a foundational platform for future research in effective pretraining strategies for code LLMs. The evaluation toolkit and dataset are available at, and the leaderboard is available at


replace-cross Deep Prompt Multi-task Network for Abuse Language Detection

Authors: Jian Zhu, Yuping Ruan, Jingfei Chang, Wenhui Sun, Hui Wan, Jian Long, Cheng Luo

Abstract: The detection of abusive language remains a long-standing challenge with the extensive use of social networks. The detection task of abusive language suffers from limited accuracy. We argue that the existing detection methods utilize the fine-tuning technique of the pre-trained language models (PLMs) to handle downstream tasks. Hence, these methods fail to stimulate the general knowledge of the PLMs. To address the problem, we propose a novel Deep Prompt Multi-task Network (DPMN) for abuse language detection. Specifically, DPMN first attempts to design two forms of deep prompt tuning and light prompt tuning for the PLMs. The effects of different prompt lengths, tuning strategies, and prompt initialization methods on detecting abusive language are studied. In addition, we propose a Task Head based on Bi-LSTM and FFN, which can be used as a short text classifier. Eventually, DPMN utilizes multi-task learning to improve detection metrics further. The multi-task network has the function of transferring effective knowledge. The proposed DPMN is evaluated against eight typical methods on three public datasets: OLID, SOLID, and AbuseAnalyzer. The experimental results show that our DPMN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross Unpacking Tokenization: Evaluating Text Compression and its Correlation with Model Performance

Authors: Omer Goldman, Avi Caciularu, Matan Eyal, Kris Cao, Idan Szpektor, Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: Despite it being the cornerstone of BPE, the most common tokenization algorithm, the importance of compression in the tokenization process is still unclear. In this paper, we argue for the theoretical importance of compression, that can be viewed as 0-gram language modeling where equal probability is assigned to all tokens. We also demonstrate the empirical importance of compression for downstream success of pre-trained language models. We control the compression ability of several BPE tokenizers by varying the amount of documents available during their training: from 1 million documents to a character-based tokenizer equivalent to no training data at all. We then pre-train English language models based on those tokenizers and fine-tune them over several tasks. We show that there is a correlation between tokenizers' compression and models' downstream performance, suggesting that compression is a reliable intrinsic indicator of tokenization quality. These correlations are more pronounced for generation tasks (over classification) or for smaller models (over large ones). We replicated a representative part of our experiments on Turkish and found similar results, confirming that our results hold for languages with typological characteristics dissimilar to English. We conclude that building better compressing tokenizers is a fruitful avenue for further research and for improving overall model performance.

replace-cross Fast, accurate and lightweight sequential simulation-based inference using Gaussian locally linear mappings

Authors: Henrik H\"aggstr\"om, Pedro L. C. Rodrigues, Geoffroy Oudoumanessah, Florence Forbes, Umberto Picchini

Abstract: Bayesian inference for complex models with an intractable likelihood can be tackled using algorithms performing many calls to computer simulators. These approaches are collectively known as "simulation-based inference" (SBI). Recent SBI methods have made use of neural networks (NN) to provide approximate, yet expressive constructs for the unavailable likelihood function and the posterior distribution. However, the trade-off between accuracy and computational demand leaves much space for improvement. In this work, we propose an alternative that provides both approximations to the likelihood and the posterior distribution, using structured mixtures of probability distributions. Our approach produces accurate posterior inference when compared to state-of-the-art NN-based SBI methods, even for multimodal posteriors, while exhibiting a much smaller computational footprint. We illustrate our results on several benchmark models from the SBI literature and on a biological model of the translation kinetics after mRNA transfection.

replace-cross Knowledge Conflicts for LLMs: A Survey

Authors: Rongwu Xu, Zehan Qi, Zhijiang Guo, Cunxiang Wang, Hongru Wang, Yue Zhang, Wei Xu

Abstract: This survey provides an in-depth analysis of knowledge conflicts for large language models (LLMs), highlighting the complex challenges they encounter when blending contextual and parametric knowledge. Our focus is on three categories of knowledge conflicts: context-memory, inter-context, and intra-memory conflict. These conflicts can significantly impact the trustworthiness and performance of LLMs, especially in real-world applications where noise and misinformation are common. By categorizing these conflicts, exploring the causes, examining the behaviors of LLMs under such conflicts, and reviewing available solutions, this survey aims to shed light on strategies for improving the robustness of LLMs, thereby serving as a valuable resource for advancing research in this evolving area.

replace-cross Unleashing the Power of Meta-tuning for Few-shot Generalization Through Sparse Interpolated Experts

Authors: Shengzhuang Chen, Jihoon Tack, Yunqiao Yang, Yee Whye Teh, Jonathan Richard Schwarz, Ying Wei

Abstract: Recent successes suggest that parameter-efficient fine-tuning of foundation models as the state-of-the-art method for transfer learning in vision, replacing the rich literature of alternatives such as meta-learning. In trying to harness the best of both worlds, meta-tuning introduces a subsequent optimization stage of foundation models but has so far only shown limited success and crucially tends to underperform on out-of-distribution (OOD) tasks. In this paper, we introduce Sparse MetA-Tuning (SMAT), a method inspired by sparse mixture-of-experts approaches and trained to isolate subsets of pre-trained parameters automatically for meta-tuning on each task. SMAT successfully overcomes OOD sensitivity and delivers on the promise of enhancing the transfer abilities of vision foundation models beyond parameter-efficient fine-tuning. We establish new state-of-the-art results on a challenging combination of Meta-Dataset augmented with additional OOD tasks in both zero-shot and gradient-based adaptation settings. In addition, we provide a thorough analysis of the superiority of learned over hand-designed sparsity patterns for sparse expert methods and the pivotal importance of the sparsity level in balancing between in-distribution and out-of-distribution generalization. Our code is publicly available.

replace-cross Mixture of Mixups for Multi-label Classification of Rare Anuran Sounds

Authors: Ilyass Moummad, Nicolas Farrugia, Romain Serizel, Jeremy Froidevaux, Vincent Lostanlen

Abstract: Multi-label imbalanced classification poses a significant challenge in machine learning, particularly evident in bioacoustics where animal sounds often co-occur, and certain sounds are much less frequent than others. This paper focuses on the specific case of classifying anuran species sounds using the dataset AnuraSet, that contains both class imbalance and multi-label examples. To address these challenges, we introduce Mixture of Mixups (Mix2), a framework that leverages mixing regularization methods Mixup, Manifold Mixup, and MultiMix. Experimental results show that these methods, individually, may lead to suboptimal results; however, when applied randomly, with one selected at each training iteration, they prove effective in addressing the mentioned challenges, particularly for rare classes with few occurrences. Further analysis reveals that Mix2 is also proficient in classifying sounds across various levels of class co-occurrences.

replace-cross ClaimVer: Explainable Claim-Level Verification and Evidence Attribution of Text Through Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Preetam Prabhu Srikar Dammu, Himanshu Naidu, Mouly Dewan, YoungMin Kim, Tanya Roosta, Aman Chadha, Chirag Shah

Abstract: In the midst of widespread misinformation and disinformation through social media and the proliferation of AI-generated texts, it has become increasingly difficult for people to validate and trust information they encounter. Many fact-checking approaches and tools have been developed, but they often lack appropriate explainability or granularity to be useful in various contexts. A text validation method that is easy to use, accessible, and can perform fine-grained evidence attribution has become crucial. More importantly, building user trust in such a method requires presenting the rationale behind each prediction, as research shows this significantly influences people's belief in automated systems. Localizing and bringing users' attention to the specific problematic content is also paramount, instead of providing simple blanket labels. In this paper, we present ClaimVer, a human-centric framework tailored to meet users' informational and verification needs by generating rich annotations and thereby reducing cognitive load. Designed to deliver comprehensive evaluations of texts, it highlights each claim, verifies it against a trusted knowledge graph (KG), presents the evidence, and provides succinct, clear explanations for each claim prediction. Finally, our framework introduces an attribution score, enhancing applicability across a wide range of downstream tasks.

replace-cross LSKNet: A Foundation Lightweight Backbone for Remote Sensing

Authors: Yuxuan Li, Xiang Li, Yimian Dai, Qibin Hou, Li Liu, Yongxiang Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Jian Yang

Abstract: Remote sensing images pose distinct challenges for downstream tasks due to their inherent complexity. While a considerable amount of research has been dedicated to remote sensing classification, object detection and semantic segmentation, most of these studies have overlooked the valuable prior knowledge embedded within remote sensing scenarios. Such prior knowledge can be useful because remote sensing objects may be mistakenly recognized without referencing a sufficiently long-range context, which can vary for different objects. This paper considers these priors and proposes a lightweight Large Selective Kernel Network (LSKNet) backbone. LSKNet can dynamically adjust its large spatial receptive field to better model the ranging context of various objects in remote sensing scenarios. To our knowledge, large and selective kernel mechanisms have not been previously explored in remote sensing images. Without bells and whistles, our lightweight LSKNet sets new state-of-the-art scores on standard remote sensing classification, object detection and semantic segmentation benchmarks. Our comprehensive analysis further validated the significance of the identified priors and the effectiveness of LSKNet. The code is available at


replace-cross Testing the Limits of Jailbreaking Defenses with the Purple Problem

Authors: Taeyoun Kim, Suhas Kotha, Aditi Raghunathan

Abstract: The rise of "jailbreak" attacks on language models has led to a flurry of defenses aimed at preventing undesirable responses. We critically examine the two stages of the defense pipeline: (i) defining what constitutes unsafe outputs, and (ii) enforcing the definition via methods such as input processing or fine-tuning. To test the efficacy of existing enforcement mechanisms, we consider a simple and well-specified definition of unsafe outputs--outputs that contain the word "purple". Surprisingly, existing fine-tuning and input defenses fail on this simple problem, casting doubt on whether enforcement algorithms can be robust for more complicated definitions. We find that real safety benchmarks similarly test enforcement for a fixed definition. We hope that future research can lead to effective/fast enforcement as well as high quality definitions used for enforcement and evaluation.

replace-cross Comprehensive Reassessment of Large-Scale Evaluation Outcomes in LLMs: A Multifaceted Statistical Approach

Authors: Kun Sun, Rong Wang, Anders S{\o}gaard

Abstract: Amidst the rapid evolution of LLMs, the significance of evaluation in comprehending and propelling these models forward is increasingly paramount. Evaluations have revealed that factors such as scaling, training types, architectures and other factors profoundly impact the performance of LLMs. However, the extent and nature of these impacts continue to be subjects of debate because most assessments have been restricted to a limited number of models and data points. Clarifying the effects of these factors on performance scores can be more effectively achieved through a statistical lens. Our study embarks on a thorough re-examination of these LLMs, targeting the inadequacies in current evaluation methods. With the advent of a uniform evaluation framework, our research leverages an expansive dataset of evaluation results, introducing a comprehensive statistical methodology. This includes the application of ANOVA, Tukey HSD tests, GAMM, and clustering technique, offering a robust and transparent approach to deciphering LLM performance data. Contrary to prevailing findings, our results challenge assumptions about emergent abilities and the influence of given training types and architectures in LLMs. These findings furnish new perspectives on the characteristics, intrinsic nature, and developmental trajectories of LLMs. By providing straightforward and reliable methods to scrutinize and reassess LLM performance data, this study contributes a nuanced perspective on LLM efficiency and potentials.

replace-cross Make Large Language Model a Better Ranker

Authors: Wenshuo Chao, Zhi Zheng, Hengshu Zhu, Hao Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate robust capabilities across various fields, leading to a paradigm shift in LLM-enhanced Recommender System (RS). Research to date focuses on point-wise and pair-wise recommendation paradigms, which are inefficient for LLM-based recommenders due to high computational costs. However, existing list-wise approaches also fall short in ranking tasks due to misalignment between ranking objectives and next-token prediction. Moreover, these LLM-based methods struggle to effectively address the order relation among candidates, particularly given the scale of ratings. To address these challenges, this paper introduces the large language model framework with Aligned Listwise Ranking Objectives (ALRO). ALRO is designed to bridge the gap between the capabilities of LLMs and the nuanced requirements of ranking tasks. Specifically, ALRO employs explicit feedback in a listwise manner by introducing soft lambda loss, a customized adaptation of lambda loss designed for optimizing order relations. This mechanism provides more accurate optimization goals, enhancing the ranking process. Additionally, ALRO incorporates a permutation-sensitive learning mechanism that addresses position bias, a prevalent issue in generative models, without imposing additional computational burdens during inference. Our evaluative studies reveal that ALRO outperforms both existing embedding-based recommendation methods and LLM-based recommendation baselines.

replace-cross Human-compatible driving partners through data-regularized self-play reinforcement learning

Authors: Daphne Cornelisse, Eugene Vinitsky

Abstract: A central challenge for autonomous vehicles is coordinating with humans. Therefore, incorporating realistic human agents is essential for scalable training and evaluation of autonomous driving systems in simulation. Simulation agents are typically developed by imitating large-scale, high-quality datasets of human driving. However, pure imitation learning agents empirically have high collision rates when executed in a multi-agent closed-loop setting. To build agents that are realistic and effective in closed-loop settings, we propose Human-Regularized PPO (HR-PPO), a multi-agent algorithm where agents are trained through self-play with a small penalty for deviating from a human reference policy. In contrast to prior work, our approach is RL-first and only uses 30 minutes of imperfect human demonstrations. We evaluate agents in a large set of multi-agent traffic scenes. Results show our HR-PPO agents are highly effective in achieving goals, with a success rate of 93%, an off-road rate of 3.5%, and a collision rate of 3%. At the same time, the agents drive in a human-like manner, as measured by their similarity to existing human driving logs. We also find that HR-PPO agents show considerable improvements on proxy measures for coordination with human driving, particularly in highly interactive scenarios. We open-source our code and trained agents at and provide demonstrations of agent behaviors at


replace-cross EGTR: Extracting Graph from Transformer for Scene Graph Generation

Authors: Jinbae Im, JeongYeon Nam, Nokyung Park, Hyungmin Lee, Seunghyun Park

Abstract: Scene Graph Generation (SGG) is a challenging task of detecting objects and predicting relationships between objects. After DETR was developed, one-stage SGG models based on a one-stage object detector have been actively studied. However, complex modeling is used to predict the relationship between objects, and the inherent relationship between object queries learned in the multi-head self-attention of the object detector has been neglected. We propose a lightweight one-stage SGG model that extracts the relation graph from the various relationships learned in the multi-head self-attention layers of the DETR decoder. By fully utilizing the self-attention by-products, the relation graph can be extracted effectively with a shallow relation extraction head. Considering the dependency of the relation extraction task on the object detection task, we propose a novel relation smoothing technique that adjusts the relation label adaptively according to the quality of the detected objects. By the relation smoothing, the model is trained according to the continuous curriculum that focuses on object detection task at the beginning of training and performs multi-task learning as the object detection performance gradually improves. Furthermore, we propose a connectivity prediction task that predicts whether a relation exists between object pairs as an auxiliary task of the relation extraction. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method for the Visual Genome and Open Image V6 datasets. Our code is publicly available at


replace-cross LLMs in the Loop: Leveraging Large Language Model Annotations for Active Learning in Low-Resource Languages

Authors: Nataliia Kholodna, Sahib Julka, Mohammad Khodadadi, Muhammed Nurullah Gumus, Michael Granitzer

Abstract: Low-resource languages face significant barriers in AI development due to limited linguistic resources and expertise for data labeling, rendering them rare and costly. The scarcity of data and the absence of preexisting tools exacerbate these challenges, especially since these languages may not be adequately represented in various NLP datasets. To address this gap, we propose leveraging the potential of LLMs in the active learning loop for data annotation. Initially, we conduct evaluations to assess inter-annotator agreement and consistency, facilitating the selection of a suitable LLM annotator. The chosen annotator is then integrated into a training loop for a classifier using an active learning paradigm, minimizing the amount of queried data required. Empirical evaluations, notably employing GPT-4-Turbo, demonstrate near-state-of-the-art performance with significantly reduced data requirements, as indicated by estimated potential cost savings of at least 42.45 times compared to human annotation. Our proposed solution shows promising potential to substantially reduce both the monetary and computational costs associated with automation in low-resource settings. By bridging the gap between low-resource languages and AI, this approach fosters broader inclusion and shows the potential to enable automation across diverse linguistic landscapes.

replace-cross RL for Consistency Models: Faster Reward Guided Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Owen Oertell, Jonathan D. Chang, Yiyi Zhang, Kiant\'e Brantley, Wen Sun

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has improved guided image generation with diffusion models by directly optimizing rewards that capture image quality, aesthetics, and instruction following capabilities. However, the resulting generative policies inherit the same iterative sampling process of diffusion models that causes slow generation. To overcome this limitation, consistency models proposed learning a new class of generative models that directly map noise to data, resulting in a model that can generate an image in as few as one sampling iteration. In this work, to optimize text-to-image generative models for task specific rewards and enable fast training and inference, we propose a framework for fine-tuning consistency models via RL. Our framework, called Reinforcement Learning for Consistency Model (RLCM), frames the iterative inference process of a consistency model as an RL procedure. Comparing to RL finetuned diffusion models, RLCM trains significantly faster, improves the quality of the generation measured under the reward objectives, and speeds up the inference procedure by generating high quality images with as few as two inference steps. Experimentally, we show that RLCM can adapt text-to-image consistency models to objectives that are challenging to express with prompting, such as image compressibility, and those derived from human feedback, such as aesthetic quality. Our code is available at


replace-cross Accurately Classifying Out-Of-Distribution Data in Facial Recognition

Authors: Gianluca Barone, Aashrit Cunchala, Rudy Nunez

Abstract: Standard classification theory assumes that the distribution of images in the test and training sets are identical. Unfortunately, real-life scenarios typically feature unseen data ("out-of-distribution data") which is different from data in the training distribution("in-distribution"). This issue is most prevalent in social justice problems where data from under-represented groups may appear in the test data without representing an equal proportion of the training data. This may result in a model returning confidently wrong decisions and predictions. We are interested in the following question: Can the performance of a neural network improve on facial images of out-of-distribution data when it is trained simultaneously on multiple datasets of in-distribution data? We approach this problem by incorporating the Outlier Exposure model and investigate how the model's performance changes when other datasets of facial images were implemented. We observe that the accuracy and other metrics of the model can be increased by applying Outlier Exposure, incorporating a trainable weight parameter to increase the machine's emphasis on outlier images, and by re-weighting the importance of different class labels. We also experimented with whether sorting the images and determining outliers via image features would have more of an effect on the metrics than sorting by average pixel value. Our goal was to make models not only more accurate but also more fair by scanning a more expanded range of images. We also tested the datasets in reverse order to see whether a more fair dataset with balanced features has an effect on the model's accuracy.

replace-cross CLUE: A Clinical Language Understanding Evaluation for LLMs

Authors: Amin Dada, Marie Bauer, Amanda Butler Contreras, Osman Alperen Kora\c{s}, Constantin Marc Seibold, Kaleb E Smith, Jens Kleesiek

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are expected to significantly contribute to patient care, diagnostics, and administrative processes. Emerging biomedical LLMs aim to address healthcare-specific challenges, including privacy demands and computational constraints. Assessing the models' suitability for this sensitive application area is of the utmost importance. However, evaluation has primarily been limited to non-clinical tasks, which do not reflect the complexity of practical clinical applications. To fill this gap, we present the Clinical Language Understanding Evaluation (CLUE), a benchmark tailored to evaluate LLMs on clinical tasks. CLUE includes six tasks to test the practical applicability of LLMs in complex healthcare settings. Our evaluation includes a total of $25$ LLMs. In contrast to previous evaluations, CLUE shows a decrease in performance for nine out of twelve biomedical models. Our benchmark represents a step towards a standardized approach to evaluating and developing LLMs in healthcare to align future model development with the real-world needs of clinical application. We open-source all evaluation scripts and datasets for future research at


replace-cross Leveraging Latents for Efficient Thermography Classification and Segmentation

Authors: Tamir Shor, Chaim Baskin, Alex Bronstein

Abstract: Breast cancer is a prominent health concern worldwide, currently being the secondmost common and second-deadliest type of cancer in women. While current breast cancer diagnosis mainly relies on mammography imaging, in recent years the use of thermography for breast cancer imaging has been garnering growing popularity. Thermographic imaging relies on infrared cameras to capture body-emitted heat distributions. While these heat signatures have proven useful for computer-vision systems for accurate breast cancer segmentation and classification, prior work often relies on handcrafted feature engineering or complex architectures, potentially limiting the comparability and applicability of these methods. In this work, we present a novel algorithm for both breast cancer classification and segmentation. Rather than focusing efforts on manual feature and architecture engineering, our algorithm focuses on leveraging an informative, learned feature space, thus making our solution simpler to use and extend to other frameworks and downstream tasks, as well as more applicable to data-scarce settings. Our classification produces SOTA results, while we are the first work to produce segmentation regions studied in this paper.

replace-cross The Impact of Speech Anonymization on Pathology and Its Limits

Authors: Soroosh Tayebi Arasteh, Tomas Arias-Vergara, Paula Andrea Perez-Toro, Tobias Weise, Kai Packhaeuser, Maria Schuster, Elmar Noeth, Andreas Maier, Seung Hee Yang

Abstract: Integration of speech into healthcare has intensified privacy concerns due to its potential as a non-invasive biomarker containing individual biometric information. In response, speaker anonymization aims to conceal personally identifiable information while retaining crucial linguistic content. However, the application of anonymization techniques to pathological speech, a critical area where privacy is especially vital, has not been extensively examined. This study investigates anonymization's impact on pathological speech across over 2,700 speakers from multiple German institutions, focusing on privacy, pathological utility, and demographic fairness. We explore both deep-learning-based and signal processing-based anonymization methods, and document substantial privacy improvements across disorders-evidenced by equal error rate increases up to 1933%, with minimal overall impact on utility. Specific disorders such as Dysarthria, Dysphonia, and Cleft Lip and Palate experienced minimal utility changes, while Dysglossia showed slight improvements. Our findings underscore that the impact of anonymization varies substantially across different disorders. This necessitates disorder-specific anonymization strategies to optimally balance privacy with diagnostic utility. Additionally, our fairness analysis revealed consistent anonymization effects across most of the demographics. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of anonymization in pathological speech for enhancing privacy, while also highlighting the importance of customized and disorder-specific approaches to account for inversion attacks.

replace-cross ALERT: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Assessing Large Language Models' Safety through Red Teaming

Authors: Simone Tedeschi, Felix Friedrich, Patrick Schramowski, Kristian Kersting, Roberto Navigli, Huu Nguyen, Bo Li

Abstract: When building Large Language Models (LLMs), it is paramount to bear safety in mind and protect them with guardrails. Indeed, LLMs should never generate content promoting or normalizing harmful, illegal, or unethical behavior that may contribute to harm to individuals or society. This principle applies to both normal and adversarial use. In response, we introduce ALERT, a large-scale benchmark to assess safety based on a novel fine-grained risk taxonomy. It is designed to evaluate the safety of LLMs through red teaming methodologies and consists of more than 45k instructions categorized using our novel taxonomy. By subjecting LLMs to adversarial testing scenarios, ALERT aims to identify vulnerabilities, inform improvements, and enhance the overall safety of the language models. Furthermore, the fine-grained taxonomy enables researchers to perform an in-depth evaluation that also helps one to assess the alignment with various policies. In our experiments, we extensively evaluate 10 popular open- and closed-source LLMs and demonstrate that many of them still struggle to attain reasonable levels of safety.

replace-cross Using Game Engines and Machine Learning to Create Synthetic Satellite Imagery for a Tabletop Verification Exercise

Authors: Johannes Hoster, Sara Al-Sayed, Felix Biessmann, Alexander Glaser, Kristian Hildebrand, Igor Moric, Tuong Vy Nguyen

Abstract: Satellite imagery is regarded as a great opportunity for citizen-based monitoring of activities of interest. Relevant imagery may however not be available at sufficiently high resolution, quality, or cadence -- let alone be uniformly accessible to open-source analysts. This limits an assessment of the true long-term potential of citizen-based monitoring of nuclear activities using publicly available satellite imagery. In this article, we demonstrate how modern game engines combined with advanced machine-learning techniques can be used to generate synthetic imagery of sites of interest with the ability to choose relevant parameters upon request; these include time of day, cloud cover, season, or level of activity onsite. At the same time, resolution and off-nadir angle can be adjusted to simulate different characteristics of the satellite. While there are several possible use-cases for synthetic imagery, here we focus on its usefulness to support tabletop exercises in which simple monitoring scenarios can be examined to better understand verification capabilities enabled by new satellite constellations and very short revisit times.

replace-cross EEGEncoder: Advancing BCI with Transformer-Based Motor Imagery Classification

Authors: Wangdan Liao, Weidong Wang

Abstract: Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) harness electroencephalographic signals for direct neural control of devices, offering a significant benefit for individuals with motor impairments. Traditional machine learning methods for EEG-based motor imagery (MI) classification encounter challenges such as manual feature extraction and susceptibility to noise.This paper introduces EEGEncoder, a deep learning framework that employs modified transformers and TCNs to surmount these limitations. We innovatively propose a fusion architecture, namely Dual-Stream Temporal-Spatial Block (DSTS), to capture temporal and spatial features, improving the accuracy of Motor Imagery classification task. Additionally, we use multiple parallel structures to enhance the performance of the model. When tested on the BCI Competition IV-2a dataset, our model results outperform current state-of-the-art techniques.

replace-cross Social Media Use is Predictable from App Sequences: Using LSTM and Transformer Neural Networks to Model Habitual Behavior

Authors: Heinrich Peters, Joseph B. Bayer, Sandra C. Matz, Yikun Chi, Sumer S. Vaid, Gabriella M. Harari

Abstract: The present paper introduces a novel approach to studying social media habits through predictive modeling of sequential smartphone user behaviors. While much of the literature on media and technology habits has relied on self-report questionnaires and simple behavioral frequency measures, we examine an important yet understudied aspect of media and technology habits: their embeddedness in repetitive behavioral sequences. Leveraging Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and transformer neural networks, we show that (i) social media use is predictable at the within and between-person level and that (ii) there are robust individual differences in the predictability of social media use. We examine the performance of several modeling approaches, including (i) global models trained on the pooled data from all participants, (ii) idiographic person-specific models, and (iii) global models fine-tuned on person-specific data. Neither person-specific modeling nor fine-tuning on person-specific data substantially outperformed the global models, indicating that the global models were able to represent a variety of idiosyncratic behavioral patterns. Additionally, our analyses reveal that the person-level predictability of social media use is not substantially related to the frequency of smartphone use in general or the frequency of social media use, indicating that our approach captures an aspect of habits that is distinct from behavioral frequency. Implications for habit modeling and theoretical development are discussed.

replace-cross Scaling and renormalization in high-dimensional regression

Authors: Alexander Atanasov, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

Abstract: This paper presents a succinct derivation of the training and generalization performance of a variety of high-dimensional ridge regression models using the basic tools of random matrix theory and free probability. We provide an introduction and review of recent results on these topics, aimed at readers with backgrounds in physics and deep learning. Analytic formulas for the training and generalization errors are obtained in a few lines of algebra directly from the properties of the $S$-transform of free probability. This allows for a straightforward identification of the sources of power-law scaling in model performance. We compute the generalization error of a broad class of random feature models. We find that in all models, the $S$-transform corresponds to the train-test generalization gap, and yields an analogue of the generalized-cross-validation estimator. Using these techniques, we derive fine-grained bias-variance decompositions for a very general class of random feature models with structured covariates. These novel results allow us to discover a scaling regime for random feature models where the variance due to the features limits performance in the overparameterized setting. We also demonstrate how anisotropic weight structure in random feature models can limit performance and lead to nontrivial exponents for finite-width corrections in the overparameterized setting. Our results extend and provide a unifying perspective on earlier models of neural scaling laws.

replace-cross Dynamic Embeddings with Task-Oriented prompting

Authors: Allmin Balloccu, Jack Zhang

Abstract: This paper introduces Dynamic Embeddings with Task-Oriented prompting (DETOT), a novel approach aimed at improving the adaptability and efficiency of machine learning models by implementing a flexible embedding layer. Unlike traditional static embeddings [14], DETOT dynamically adjusts embeddings based on task-specific requirements and performance feedback, optimizing input data representation for individual tasks [4]. This method enhances both accuracy and computational performance by tailoring the representation layer to meet the unique needs of each task. The structure of DETOT is detailed, highlighting its task-specific adaptation, continuous feedback loop, and mechanisms for preventing overfitting. Empirical evaluations demonstrate its superiority over existing methods.

replace-cross Convergence of SGD with momentum in the nonconvex case: A time window-based analysis

Authors: Junwen Qiu, Bohao Ma, Andre Milzarek

Abstract: We propose a novel time window-based analysis technique to investigate the convergence properties of the stochastic gradient descent method with momentum (SGDM) in nonconvex settings. Despite its popularity, the convergence behavior of SGDM remains less understood in nonconvex scenarios. This is primarily due to the absence of a sufficient descent property and challenges in simultaneously controlling the momentum and stochastic errors in an almost sure sense. To address these challenges, we investigate the behavior of SGDM over specific time windows, rather than examining the descent of consecutive iterates as in traditional studies. This time window-based approach simplifies the convergence analysis and enables us to establish the first iterate convergence result for SGDM under the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz (KL) property. We further provide local convergence rates which depend on the underlying KL exponent and the utilized step size schemes.

replace-cross SketchQL Demonstration: Zero-shot Video Moment Querying with Sketches

Authors: Renzhi Wu, Pramod Chunduri, Dristi J Shah, Ashmitha Julius Aravind, Ali Payani, Xu Chu, Joy Arulraj, Kexin Rong

Abstract: In this paper, we will present SketchQL, a video database management system (VDBMS) for retrieving video moments with a sketch-based query interface. This novel interface allows users to specify object trajectory events with simple mouse drag-and-drop operations. Users can use trajectories of single objects as building blocks to compose complex events. Using a pre-trained model that encodes trajectory similarity, SketchQL achieves zero-shot video moments retrieval by performing similarity searches over the video to identify clips that are the most similar to the visual query. In this demonstration, we introduce the graphic user interface of SketchQL and detail its functionalities and interaction mechanisms. We also demonstrate the end-to-end usage of SketchQL from query composition to video moments retrieval using real-world scenarios.

replace-cross Long and Short Guidance in Score identity Distillation for One-Step Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Mingyuan Zhou, Zhendong Wang, Huangjie Zheng, Hai Huang

Abstract: Diffusion-based text-to-image generation models trained on extensive text-image pairs have shown the capacity to generate photorealistic images consistent with textual descriptions. However, a significant limitation of these models is their slow sample generation, which requires iterative refinement through the same network. In this paper, we enhance Score identity Distillation (SiD) by developing long and short classifier-free guidance (LSG) to efficiently distill pretrained Stable Diffusion models without using real training data. SiD aims to optimize a model-based explicit score matching loss, utilizing a score-identity-based approximation alongside the proposed LSG for practical computation. By training exclusively with fake images synthesized with its one-step generator, SiD equipped with LSG rapidly improves FID and CLIP scores, achieving state-of-the-art FID performance while maintaining a competitive CLIP score. Specifically, its data-free distillation of Stable Diffusion 1.5 achieves a record low FID of 8.15 on the COCO-2014 validation set, with a CLIP score of 0.304 at an LSG scale of 1.5, and a FID of 9.56 with a CLIP score of 0.313 at an LSG scale of 2. Our SiD-LSG code and distilled one-step text-to-image generators are available at


replace-cross FightLadder: A Benchmark for Competitive Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Wenzhe Li, Zihan Ding, Seth Karten, Chi Jin

Abstract: Recent advances in reinforcement learning (RL) heavily rely on a variety of well-designed benchmarks, which provide environmental platforms and consistent criteria to evaluate existing and novel algorithms. Specifically, in multi-agent RL (MARL), a plethora of benchmarks based on cooperative games have spurred the development of algorithms that improve the scalability of cooperative multi-agent systems. However, for the competitive setting, a lightweight and open-sourced benchmark with challenging gaming dynamics and visual inputs has not yet been established. In this work, we present FightLadder, a real-time fighting game platform, to empower competitive MARL research. Along with the platform, we provide implementations of state-of-the-art MARL algorithms for competitive games, as well as a set of evaluation metrics to characterize the performance and exploitability of agents. We demonstrate the feasibility of this platform by training a general agent that consistently defeats 12 built-in characters in single-player mode, and expose the difficulty of training a non-exploitable agent without human knowledge and demonstrations in two-player mode. FightLadder provides meticulously designed environments to address critical challenges in competitive MARL research, aiming to catalyze a new era of discovery and advancement in the field. Videos and code at


replace-cross CaLM: Contrasting Large and Small Language Models to Verify Grounded Generation

Authors: I-Hung Hsu, Zifeng Wang, Long T. Le, Lesly Miculicich, Nanyun Peng, Chen-Yu Lee, Tomas Pfister

Abstract: Grounded generation aims to equip language models (LMs) with the ability to produce more credible and accountable responses by accurately citing verifiable sources. However, existing methods, by either feeding LMs with raw or preprocessed materials, remain prone to errors. To address this, we introduce CaLM, a novel verification framework. CaLM leverages the insight that a robust grounded response should be consistent with information derived solely from its cited sources. Our framework empowers smaller LMs, which rely less on parametric memory and excel at processing relevant information given a query, to validate the output of larger LMs. Larger LM responses that closely align with the smaller LMs' output, which relies exclusively on cited documents, are verified. Responses showing discrepancies are iteratively refined through a feedback loop. Experiments on three open-domain question-answering datasets demonstrate significant performance gains of 1.5% to 7% absolute average without any required model fine-tuning.

replace-cross Async Learned User Embeddings for Ads Delivery Optimization

Authors: Mingwei Tang, Meng Liu, Hong Li, Junjie Yang, Chenglin Wei, Boyang Li, Dai Li, Rengan Xu, Yifan Xu, Zehua Zhang, Xiangyu Wang, Linfeng Liu, Yuelei Xie, Chengye Liu, Labib Fawaz, Li Li, Hongnan Wang, Bill Zhu, Sri Reddy

Abstract: In recommendation systems, high-quality user embeddings can capture subtle preferences, enable precise similarity calculations, and adapt to changing preferences over time to maintain relevance. The effectiveness of recommendation systems depends on the quality of user embedding. We propose to asynchronously learn high fidelity user embeddings for billions of users each day from sequence based multimodal user activities through a Transformer-like large scale feature learning module. The async learned user representations embeddings (ALURE) are further converted to user similarity graphs through graph learning and then combined with user realtime activities to retrieval highly related ads candidates for the ads delivery system. Our method shows significant gains in both offline and online experiments.

replace-cross VCR: Visual Caption Restoration

Authors: Tianyu Zhang, Suyuchen Wang, Lu Li, Ge Zhang, Perouz Taslakian, Sai Rajeswar, Jie Fu, Bang Liu, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: We introduce Visual Caption Restoration (VCR), a novel vision-language task that challenges models to accurately restore partially obscured texts using pixel-level hints within images. This task stems from the observation that text embedded in images is intrinsically different from common visual elements and natural language due to the need to align the modalities of vision, text, and text embedded in images. While numerous works have integrated text embedded in images into visual question-answering tasks, approaches to these tasks generally rely on optical character recognition or masked language modeling, thus reducing the task to mainly text-based processing. However, text-based processing becomes ineffective in VCR as accurate text restoration depends on the combined information from provided images, context, and subtle cues from the tiny exposed areas of masked texts. We develop a pipeline to generate synthetic images for the VCR task using image-caption pairs, with adjustable caption visibility to control the task difficulty. With this pipeline, we construct a dataset for VCR called VCR-Wiki using images with captions from Wikipedia, comprising 2.11M English and 346K Chinese entities in both easy and hard split variants. Our results reveal that current vision language models significantly lag behind human performance in the VCR task, and merely fine-tuning the models on our dataset does not lead to notable improvements. We release VCR-Wiki and the data construction code to facilitate future research.

replace-cross Progress Towards Decoding Visual Imagery via fNIRS

Authors: Michel Adamic, Wellington Avelino, Anna Brandenberger, Bryan Chiang, Hunter Davis, Stephen Fay, Andrew Gregory, Aayush Gupta, Raphael Hotter, Grace Jiang, Fiona Leng, Stephen Polcyn, Thomas Ribeiro, Paul Scotti, Michelle Wang, Marley Xiong, Jonathan Xu

Abstract: We demonstrate the possibility of reconstructing images from fNIRS brain activity and start building a prototype to match the required specs. By training an image reconstruction model on downsampled fMRI data, we discovered that cm-scale spatial resolution is sufficient for image generation. We obtained 71% retrieval accuracy with 1-cm resolution, compared to 93% on the full-resolution fMRI, and 20% with 2-cm resolution. With simulations and high-density tomography, we found that time-domain fNIRS can achieve 1-cm resolution, compared to 2-cm resolution for continuous-wave fNIRS. Lastly, we share designs for a prototype time-domain fNIRS device, consisting of a laser driver, a single photon detector, and a time-to-digital converter system.

replace-cross Discovering influential text using convolutional neural networks

Authors: Megan Ayers, Luke Sanford, Margaret Roberts, Eddie Yang

Abstract: Experimental methods for estimating the impacts of text on human evaluation have been widely used in the social sciences. However, researchers in experimental settings are usually limited to testing a small number of pre-specified text treatments. While efforts to mine unstructured texts for features that causally affect outcomes have been ongoing in recent years, these models have primarily focused on the topics or specific words of text, which may not always be the mechanism of the effect. We connect these efforts with NLP interpretability techniques and present a method for flexibly discovering clusters of similar text phrases that are predictive of human reactions to texts using convolutional neural networks. When used in an experimental setting, this method can identify text treatments and their effects under certain assumptions. We apply the method to two datasets. The first enables direct validation of the model's ability to detect phrases known to cause the outcome. The second demonstrates its ability to flexibly discover text treatments with varying textual structures. In both cases, the model learns a greater variety of text treatments compared to benchmark methods, and these text features quantitatively meet or exceed the ability of benchmark methods to predict the outcome.

replace-cross Trading Devil: Robust backdoor attack via Stochastic investment models and Bayesian approach

Authors: Orson Mengara

Abstract: With the growing use of voice-activated systems and speech recognition technologies, the danger of backdoor attacks on audio data has grown significantly. This research looks at a specific type of attack, known as a Stochastic investment-based backdoor attack (MarketBack), in which adversaries strategically manipulate the stylistic properties of audio to fool speech recognition systems. The security and integrity of machine learning models are seriously threatened by backdoor attacks, in order to maintain the reliability of audio applications and systems, the identification of such attacks becomes crucial in the context of audio data. Experimental results demonstrated that MarketBack is feasible to achieve an average attack success rate close to 100% in seven victim models when poisoning less than 1% of the training data.

replace-cross Towards Bayesian Data Selection

Authors: Julian Rodemann

Abstract: A wide range of machine learning algorithms iteratively add data to the training sample. Examples include semi-supervised learning, active learning, multi-armed bandits, and Bayesian optimization. We embed this kind of data addition into decision theory by framing data selection as a decision problem. This paves the way for finding Bayes-optimal selections of data. For the illustrative case of self-training in semi-supervised learning, we derive the respective Bayes criterion. We further show that deploying this criterion mitigates the issue of confirmation bias by empirically assessing our method for generalized linear models, semi-parametric generalized additive models, and Bayesian neural networks on simulated and real-world data.

replace-cross Stackelberg Games with $k$-Submodular Function under Distributional Risk-Receptiveness and Robustness

Authors: Seonghun Park, Manish Bansal

Abstract: We study submodular optimization in adversarial context, applicable to machine learning problems such as feature selection using data susceptible to uncertainties and attacks. We focus on Stackelberg games between an attacker (or interdictor) and a defender where the attacker aims to minimize the defender's objective of maximizing a $k$-submodular function. We allow uncertainties arising from the success of attacks and inherent data noise, and address challenges due to incomplete knowledge of the probability distribution of random parameters. Specifically, we introduce Distributionally Risk-Averse $k$-Submodular Interdiction Problem (DRA $k$-SIP) and Distributionally Risk-Receptive $k$-Submodular Interdiction Problem (DRR $k$-SIP) along with finitely convergent exact algorithms for solving them. The DRA $k$-SIP solution allows risk-averse interdictor to develop robust strategies for real-world uncertainties. Conversely, DRR $k$-SIP solution suggests aggressive tactics for attackers, willing to embrace (distributional) risk to inflict maximum damage, identifying critical vulnerable components, which can be used for the defender's defensive strategies. The optimal values derived from both DRA $k$-SIP and DRR $k$-SIP offer a confidence interval-like range for the expected value of the defender's objective function, capturing distributional ambiguity. We conduct computational experiments using instances of feature selection and sensor placement problems, and Wisconsin breast cancer data and synthetic data, respectively.

replace-cross Conditional score-based diffusion models for solving inverse problems in mechanics

Authors: Agnimitra Dasgupta, Harisankar Ramaswamy, Javier Murgoitio Esandi, Ken Foo, Runze Li, Qifa Zhou, Brendan Kennedy, Assad Oberai

Abstract: We propose a framework to perform Bayesian inference using conditional score-based diffusion models to solve a class of inverse problems in mechanics involving the inference of a specimen's spatially varying material properties from noisy measurements of its mechanical response to loading. Conditional score-based diffusion models are generative models that learn to approximate the score function of a conditional distribution using samples from the joint distribution. More specifically, the score functions corresponding to multiple realizations of the measurement are approximated using a single neural network, the so-called score network, which is subsequently used to sample the posterior distribution using an appropriate Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme based on Langevin dynamics. Training the score network only requires simulating the forward model. Hence, the proposed approach can accommodate black-box forward models and complex measurement noise. Moreover, once the score network has been trained, it can be re-used to solve the inverse problem for different realizations of the measurements. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach on a suite of high-dimensional inverse problems in mechanics that involve inferring heterogeneous material properties from noisy measurements. Some examples we consider involve synthetic data, while others include data collected from actual elastography experiments. Further, our applications demonstrate that the proposed approach can handle different measurement modalities, complex patterns in the inferred quantities, non-Gaussian and non-additive noise models, and nonlinear black-box forward models. The results show that the proposed framework can solve large-scale physics-based inverse problems efficiently.

replace-cross GenAI-Bench: Evaluating and Improving Compositional Text-to-Visual Generation

Authors: Baiqi Li, Zhiqiu Lin, Deepak Pathak, Jiayao Li, Yixin Fei, Kewen Wu, Tiffany Ling, Xide Xia, Pengchuan Zhang, Graham Neubig, Deva Ramanan

Abstract: While text-to-visual models now produce photo-realistic images and videos, they struggle with compositional text prompts involving attributes, relationships, and higher-order reasoning such as logic and comparison. In this work, we conduct an extensive human study on GenAI-Bench to evaluate the performance of leading image and video generation models in various aspects of compositional text-to-visual generation. We also compare automated evaluation metrics against our collected human ratings and find that VQAScore -- a metric measuring the likelihood that a VQA model views an image as accurately depicting the prompt -- significantly outperforms previous metrics such as CLIPScore. In addition, VQAScore can improve generation in a black-box manner (without finetuning) via simply ranking a few (3 to 9) candidate images. Ranking by VQAScore is 2x to 3x more effective than other scoring methods like PickScore, HPSv2, and ImageReward at improving human alignment ratings for DALL-E 3 and Stable Diffusion, especially on compositional prompts that require advanced visio-linguistic reasoning. We will release a new GenAI-Rank benchmark with over 40,000 human ratings to evaluate scoring metrics on ranking images generated from the same prompt. Lastly, we discuss promising areas for improvement in VQAScore, such as addressing fine-grained visual details. We will release all human ratings (over 80,000) to facilitate scientific benchmarking of both generative models and automated metrics.

replace-cross Deep Optimal Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation Problems

Authors: Md Shahriar Rahim Siddiqui, Arman Rahmim, Eldad Haber

Abstract: Optimal experimental design is a well studied field in applied science and engineering. Techniques for estimating such a design are commonly used within the framework of parameter estimation. Nonetheless, in recent years parameter estimation techniques are changing rapidly with the introduction of deep learning techniques to replace traditional estimation methods. This in turn requires the adaptation of optimal experimental design that is associated with these new techniques. In this paper we investigate a new experimental design methodology that uses deep learning. We show that the training of a network as a Likelihood Free Estimator can be used to significantly simplify the design process and circumvent the need for the computationally expensive bi-level optimization problem that is inherent in optimal experimental design for non-linear systems. Furthermore, deep design improves the quality of the recovery process for parameter estimation problems. As proof of concept we apply our methodology to two different systems of Ordinary Differential Equations.

replace-cross Fusion of Movement and Naive Predictions for Point Forecasting in Univariate Random Walks

Authors: Cheng Zhang

Abstract: Traditional methods for point forecasting in univariate random walks often fail to surpass naive benchmarks due to data unpredictability. This study introduces a novel forecasting method that fuses movement prediction (binary classification) with naive forecasts for accurate one-step-ahead point forecasting. The method's efficacy is demonstrated through theoretical analysis, simulations, and real-world data experiments. It reliably exceeds naive forecasts with movement prediction accuracies as low as 0.55, outperforming baseline models like ARIMA, linear regression, MLP, and LSTM networks in forecasting the S\&P 500 index and Bitcoin prices. This method is particularly advantageous when accurate point predictions are challenging but accurate movement predictions are attainable, translating movement predictions into point forecasts in random walk contexts.

replace-cross Tempora-Fusion: Time-Lock Puzzle with Efficient Verifiable Homomorphic Linear Combination

Authors: Aydin Abadi

Abstract: To securely transmit sensitive information into the future, Time-Lock Puzzles (TLPs) have been developed. Their applications include scheduled payments, timed commitments, e-voting, and sealed-bid auctions. Homomorphic TLP is a key variant of TLP that enables computation on puzzles from different clients. This allows a solver/server to tackle only a single puzzle encoding the computation's result. However, existing homomorphic TLPs lack support for verifying the correctness of the computation results. We address this limitation by introducing Tempora-Fusion, a TLP that allows a server to perform homomorphic linear combinations of puzzles from different clients while ensuring verification of computation correctness. This scheme avoids asymmetric-key cryptography for verification, thus paving the way for efficient implementations. We discuss our scheme's application in various domains, such as federated learning, scheduled payments in online banking, and e-voting.