new Mitigating Noisy Supervision Using Synthetic Samples with Soft Labels

Authors: Yangdi Lu, Wenbo He

Abstract: Noisy labels are ubiquitous in real-world datasets, especially in the large-scale ones derived from crowdsourcing and web searching. It is challenging to train deep neural networks with noisy datasets since the networks are prone to overfitting the noisy labels during training, resulting in poor generalization performance. During an early learning phase, deep neural networks have been observed to fit the clean samples before memorizing the mislabeled samples. In this paper, we dig deeper into the representation distributions in the early learning phase and find that, regardless of their noisy labels, learned representations of images from the same category still congregate together. Inspired by it, we propose a framework that trains the model with new synthetic samples to mitigate the impact of noisy labels. Specifically, we propose a mixing strategy to create the synthetic samples by aggregating original samples with their top-K nearest neighbours, wherein the weights are calculated using a mixture model learning from the per-sample loss distribution. To enhance the performance in the presence of extreme label noise, we estimate the soft targets by gradually correcting the noisy labels. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the estimated soft targets yield a more accurate approximation to ground truth labels and the proposed method produces a superior quality of learned representations with more separated and clearly bounded clusters. The extensive experiments in two benchmarks (CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100) and two larg-scale real-world datasets (Clothing1M and Webvision) demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and robustness of the learned representation.

new PVUW 2024 Challenge on Complex Video Understanding: Methods and Results

Authors: Henghui Ding, Chang Liu, Yunchao Wei, Nikhila Ravi, Shuting He, Song Bai, Philip Torr, Deshui Miao, Xin Li, Zhenyu He, Yaowei Wang, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Zhensong Xu, Jiangtao Yao, Chengjing Wu, Ting Liu, Luoqi Liu, Xinyu Liu, Jing Zhang, Kexin Zhang, Yuting Yang, Licheng Jiao, Shuyuan Yang, Mingqi Gao, Jingnan Luo, Jinyu Yang, Jungong Han, Feng Zheng, Bin Cao, Yisi Zhang, Xuanxu Lin, Xingjian He, Bo Zhao, Jing Liu, Feiyu Pan, Hao Fang, Xiankai Lu

Abstract: Pixel-level Video Understanding in the Wild Challenge (PVUW) focus on complex video understanding. In this CVPR 2024 workshop, we add two new tracks, Complex Video Object Segmentation Track based on MOSE dataset and Motion Expression guided Video Segmentation track based on MeViS dataset. In the two new tracks, we provide additional videos and annotations that feature challenging elements, such as the disappearance and reappearance of objects, inconspicuous small objects, heavy occlusions, and crowded environments in MOSE. Moreover, we provide a new motion expression guided video segmentation dataset MeViS to study the natural language-guided video understanding in complex environments. These new videos, sentences, and annotations enable us to foster the development of a more comprehensive and robust pixel-level understanding of video scenes in complex environments and realistic scenarios. The MOSE challenge had 140 registered teams in total, 65 teams participated the validation phase and 12 teams made valid submissions in the final challenge phase. The MeViS challenge had 225 registered teams in total, 50 teams participated the validation phase and 5 teams made valid submissions in the final challenge phase.

new Dwarf: Disease-weighted network for attention map refinement

Authors: Haozhe Luo, Aur\'elie Pahud de Mortanges, Oana Inel, Mauricio Reyes

Abstract: The interpretability of deep learning is crucial for evaluating the reliability of medical imaging models and reducing the risks of inaccurate patient recommendations. This study addresses the "human out of the loop" and "trustworthiness" issues in medical image analysis by integrating medical professionals into the interpretability process. We propose a disease-weighted attention map refinement network (Dwarf) that leverages expert feedback to enhance model relevance and accuracy. Our method employs cyclic training to iteratively improve diagnostic performance, generating precise and interpretable feature maps. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in interpretability and diagnostic accuracy across multiple medical imaging datasets. This approach fosters effective collaboration between AI systems and healthcare professionals, ultimately aiming to improve patient outcomes

new Enhancing Scientific Figure Captioning Through Cross-modal Learning

Authors: Mateo Alejandro Rojas, Rafael Carranza

Abstract: Scientific charts are essential tools for effectively communicating research findings, serving as a vital medium for conveying information and revealing data patterns. With the rapid advancement of science and technology, coupled with the advent of the big data era, the volume and diversity of scientific research data have surged, leading to an increase in the number and variety of charts. This trend presents new challenges for researchers, particularly in efficiently and accurately generating appropriate titles for these charts to better convey their information and results. Automatically generated chart titles can enhance information retrieval systems by providing precise data for detailed chart classification. As research in image captioning and text summarization matures, the automatic generation of scientific chart titles has gained significant attention. By leveraging natural language processing, machine learning, and multimodal techniques, it is possible to automatically extract key information from charts and generate accurate, concise titles that better serve the needs of researchers. This paper presents a novel approach to scientific chart title generation, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving the clarity and accessibility of research data.

new Reducing the Memory Footprint of 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Panagiotis Papantonakis, Georgios Kopanas, Bernhard Kerbl, Alexandre Lanvin, George Drettakis

Abstract: 3D Gaussian splatting provides excellent visual quality for novel view synthesis, with fast training and real-time rendering; unfortunately, the memory requirements of this method for storing and transmission are unreasonably high. We first analyze the reasons for this, identifying three main areas where storage can be reduced: the number of 3D Gaussian primitives used to represent a scene, the number of coefficients for the spherical harmonics used to represent directional radiance, and the precision required to store Gaussian primitive attributes. We present a solution to each of these issues. First, we propose an efficient, resolution-aware primitive pruning approach, reducing the primitive count by half. Second, we introduce an adaptive adjustment method to choose the number of coefficients used to represent directional radiance for each Gaussian primitive, and finally a codebook-based quantization method, together with a half-float representation for further memory reduction. Taken together, these three components result in a 27 reduction in overall size on disk on the standard datasets we tested, along with a 1.7 speedup in rendering speed. We demonstrate our method on standard datasets and show how our solution results in significantly reduced download times when using the method on a mobile device.

new Fine-tuning Diffusion Models for Enhancing Face Quality in Text-to-image Generation

Authors: Zhenyi Liao, Qingsong Xie, Chen Chen, Hannan Lu, Zhijie Deng

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) have achieved significant success in generating imaginative images given textual descriptions. However, they are likely to fall short when it comes to real-life scenarios with intricate details.The low-quality, unrealistic human faces in text-to-image generation are one of the most prominent issues, hindering the wide application of DMs in practice. Targeting addressing such an issue, we first assess the face quality of generations from popular pre-trained DMs with the aid of human annotators and then evaluate the alignment between existing metrics such as ImageReward, Human Preference Score, Aesthetic Score Predictor, and Face Quality Assessment, with human judgments. Observing that existing metrics can be unsatisfactory for quantifying face quality, we develop a novel metric named Face Score (FS) by fine-tuning ImageReward on a dataset of (good, bad) face pairs cheaply crafted by an inpainting pipeline of DMs. Extensive studies reveal that FS enjoys a superior alignment with humans. On the other hand, FS opens up the door for refining DMs for better face generation. To achieve this, we incorporate a guidance loss on the denoising trajectories of the aforementioned face pairs for fine-tuning pre-trained DMs such as Stable Diffusion V1.5 and Realistic Vision V5.1. Intuitively, such a loss pushes the trajectory of bad faces toward that of good ones. Comprehensive experiments verify the efficacy of our approach for improving face quality while preserving general capability.

new GMT: Guided Mask Transformer for Leaf Instance Segmentation

Authors: Feng Chen, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, Mario Valerio Giuffrida

Abstract: Leaf instance segmentation is a challenging multi-instance segmentation task, aiming to separate and delineate each leaf in an image of a plant. The delineation of each leaf is a necessary prerequisite task for several biology-related applications such as the fine-grained monitoring of plant growth, and crop yield estimation. The task is challenging because self-similarity of instances is high (similar shape and colour) and instances vary greatly in size under heavy occulusion. We believe that the key to overcoming the aforementioned challenges lies in the specific spatial patterns of leaf distribution. For example, leaves typically grow around the plant's center, with smaller leaves clustering and overlapped near this central point. In this paper, we propose a novel approach named Guided Mask Transformer (GMT), which contains three key components, namely Guided Positional Encoding (GPE), Guided Embedding Fusion Module (GEFM) and Guided Dynamic Positional Queries (GDPQ), to extend the meta-architecture of Mask2Former and incorporate with a set of harmonic guide functions. These guide functions are tailored to the pixel positions of instances and trained to separate distinct instances in an embedding space. The proposed GMT consistently outperforms State-of-the-Art models on three public plant datasets.

new Evaluating the Quality of Hallucination Benchmarks for Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Bei Yan, Jie Zhang, Zheng Yuan, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen

Abstract: Despite the rapid progress and outstanding performance of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) in recent years, LVLMs have been plagued by the issue of hallucination, i.e., LVLMs tend to generate responses that are inconsistent with the corresponding visual inputs. To evaluate the degree of hallucination in LVLMs, previous works have proposed a series of benchmarks featuring different types of tasks and evaluation metrics. However, we find that the quality of the existing hallucination benchmarks varies, with some suffering from problems, e.g., inconsistent evaluation results under repeated tests, and misalignment with human evaluation. To this end, we propose a Hallucination benchmark Quality Measurement framework (HQM), which leverages various indicators to assess the reliability and validity of existing hallucination benchmarks separately. Specifically, for reliability we explore test-retest reliability and parallel-forms reliability, while for validity we examine criterion validity and coverage of hallucination types. Furthermore, based on the results of our quality measurement, we construct a High-Quality Hallucination Benchmark (HQH) for LVLMs. We conduct an extensive evaluation of over 10 representative LVLMs, including GPT-4o and Gemini-Vision-Pro, to provide an in-depth analysis of the hallucination issues in existing models. Our benchmark is publicly available at


new Speeding Up Image Classifiers with Little Companions

Authors: Yang Liu, Kowshik Thopalli, Jayaraman Thiagarajan

Abstract: Scaling up neural networks has been a key recipe to the success of large language and vision models. However, in practice, up-scaled models can be disproportionately costly in terms of computations, providing only marginal improvements in performance; for example, EfficientViT-L3-384 achieves <2% improvement on ImageNet-1K accuracy over the base L1-224 model, while requiring $14\times$ more multiply-accumulate operations (MACs). In this paper, we investigate scaling properties of popular families of neural networks for image classification, and find that scaled-up models mostly help with "difficult" samples. Decomposing the samples by difficulty, we develop a simple model-agnostic two-pass Little-Big algorithm that first uses a light-weight "little" model to make predictions of all samples, and only passes the difficult ones for the "big" model to solve. Good little companion achieve drastic MACs reduction for a wide variety of model families and scales. Without loss of accuracy or modification of existing models, our Little-Big models achieve MACs reductions of 76% for EfficientViT-L3-384, 81% for EfficientNet-B7-600, 71% for DeiT3-L-384 on ImageNet-1K. Little-Big also speeds up the InternImage-G-512 model by 62% while achieving 90% ImageNet-1K top-1 accuracy, serving both as a strong baseline and as a simple practical method for large model compression.

new MM-SpuBench: Towards Better Understanding of Spurious Biases in Multimodal LLMs

Authors: Wenqian Ye, Guangtao Zheng, Yunsheng Ma, Xu Cao, Bolin Lai, James M. Rehg, Aidong Zhang

Abstract: Spurious bias, a tendency to use spurious correlations between non-essential input attributes and target variables for predictions, has revealed a severe robustness pitfall in deep learning models trained on single modality data. Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), which integrate both vision and language models, have demonstrated strong capability in joint vision-language understanding. However, whether spurious biases are prevalent in MLLMs remains under-explored. We mitigate this gap by analyzing the spurious biases in a multimodal setting, uncovering the specific test data patterns that can manifest this problem when biases in the vision model cascade into the alignment between visual and text tokens in MLLMs. To better understand this problem, we introduce MM-SpuBench, a comprehensive visual question-answering (VQA) benchmark designed to evaluate MLLMs' reliance on nine distinct categories of spurious correlations from five open-source image datasets. The VQA dataset is built from human-understandable concept information (attributes). Leveraging this benchmark, we conduct a thorough evaluation of current state-of-the-art MLLMs. Our findings illuminate the persistence of the reliance on spurious correlations from these models and underscore the urge for new methodologies to mitigate spurious biases. To support the MLLM robustness research, we release our VQA benchmark at


new Vastextures: Vast repository of textures and PBR materials extracted from real-world images using unsupervised methods

Authors: Sagi Eppel

Abstract: Vastextures is a vast repository of 500,000 textures and PBR materials extracted from real-world images using an unsupervised process. The extracted materials and textures are extremely diverse and cover a vast range of real-world patterns, but at the same time less refined compared to existing repositories. The repository is composed of 2D textures cropped from natural images and SVBRDF/PBR materials generated from these textures. Textures and PBR materials are essential for CGI. Existing materials repositories focus on games, animation, and arts, that demand a limited amount of high-quality assets. However, virtual worlds and synthetic data are becoming increasingly important for training A.I systems for computer vision. This application demands a huge amount of diverse assets but at the same time less affected by noisy and unrefined assets. Vastexture aims to address this need by creating a free, huge, and diverse assets repository that covers as many real-world materials as possible. The materials are automatically extracted from natural images in two steps: 1) Automatically scanning a giant amount of images to identify and crop regions with uniform textures. This is done by splitting the image into a grid of cells and identifying regions in which all of the cells share a similar statistical distribution. 2) Extracting the properties of the PBR material from the cropped texture. This is done by randomly guessing every correlation between the properties of the texture image and the properties of the PBR material. The resulting PBR materials exhibit a vast amount of real-world patterns as well as unexpected emergent properties. Neutral nets trained on this repository outperformed nets trained using handcrafted assets.

new Unambiguous Recognition Should Not Rely Solely on Natural Language Training

Authors: Renqing Luo, Yuhan Xu

Abstract: In LaTeX text recognition using Transformer-based architectures, this paper identifies certain "bias" issues. For instance, $e-t$ is frequently misrecognized as $e^{-t}$. This bias stems from the inherent characteristics of the dataset. To mitigate this bias, we propose a LaTeX printed text recognition model trained on a mixed dataset of pseudo-formulas and pseudo-text. The model employs a Swin Transformer as the encoder and a RoBERTa model as the decoder. Experimental results demonstrate that this approach reduces "bias", enhancing the accuracy and robustness of text recognition. For clear images, the model strictly adheres to the image content; for blurred images, it integrates both image and contextual information to produce reasonable recognition results.

new Virtual Mines -- Component-level recycling of printed circuit boards using deep learning

Authors: Muhammad Mohsin, Stefano Rovetta, Francesco Masulli, Alberto Cabri

Abstract: This contribution gives an overview of an ongoing project using machine learning and computer vision components for improving the electronic waste recycling process. In circular economy, the "virtual mines" concept refers to production cycles where interesting raw materials are reclaimed in an efficient and cost-effective manner from end-of-life items. In particular, the growth of e-waste, due to the increasingly shorter life cycle of hi-tech goods, is a global problem. In this paper, we describe a pipeline based on deep learning model to recycle printed circuit boards at the component level. A pre-trained YOLOv5 model is used to analyze the results of the locally developed dataset. With a different distribution of class instances, YOLOv5 managed to achieve satisfactory precision and recall, with the ability to optimize with large component instances.

new POPCat: Propagation of particles for complex annotation tasks

Authors: Adam Srebrnjak Yang, Dheeraj Khanna, John S. Zelek

Abstract: Novel dataset creation for all multi-object tracking, crowd-counting, and industrial-based videos is arduous and time-consuming when faced with a unique class that densely populates a video sequence. We propose a time efficient method called POPCat that exploits the multi-target and temporal features of video data to produce a semi-supervised pipeline for segmentation or box-based video annotation. The method retains the accuracy level associated with human level annotation while generating a large volume of semi-supervised annotations for greater generalization. The method capitalizes on temporal features through the use of a particle tracker to expand the domain of human-provided target points. This is done through the use of a particle tracker to reassociate the initial points to a set of images that follow the labeled frame. A YOLO model is then trained with this generated data, and then rapidly infers on the target video. Evaluations are conducted on GMOT-40, AnimalTrack, and Visdrone-2019 benchmarks. These multi-target video tracking/detection sets contain multiple similar-looking targets, camera movements, and other features that would commonly be seen in "wild" situations. We specifically choose these difficult datasets to demonstrate the efficacy of the pipeline and for comparison purposes. The method applied on GMOT-40, AnimalTrack, and Visdrone shows a margin of improvement on recall/mAP50/mAP over the best results by a value of 24.5%/9.6%/4.8%, -/43.1%/27.8%, and 7.5%/9.4%/7.5% where metrics were collected.

new Facial Identity Anonymization via Intrinsic and Extrinsic Attention Distraction

Authors: Zhenzhong Kuang, Xiaochen Yang, Yingjie Shen, Chao Hu, Jun Yu

Abstract: The unprecedented capture and application of face images raise increasing concerns on anonymization to fight against privacy disclosure. Most existing methods may suffer from the problem of excessive change of the identity-independent information or insufficient identity protection. In this paper, we present a new face anonymization approach by distracting the intrinsic and extrinsic identity attentions. On the one hand, we anonymize the identity information in the feature space by distracting the intrinsic identity attention. On the other, we anonymize the visual clues (i.e. appearance and geometry structure) by distracting the extrinsic identity attention. Our approach allows for flexible and intuitive manipulation of face appearance and geometry structure to produce diverse results, and it can also be used to instruct users to perform personalized anonymization. We conduct extensive experiments on multiple datasets and demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

new Task-Agnostic Federated Learning

Authors: Zhengtao Yao, Hong Nguyen, Ajitesh Srivastava, Jose Luis Ambite

Abstract: In the realm of medical imaging, leveraging large-scale datasets from various institutions is crucial for developing precise deep learning models, yet privacy concerns frequently impede data sharing. federated learning (FL) emerges as a prominent solution for preserving privacy while facilitating collaborative learning. However, its application in real-world scenarios faces several obstacles, such as task & data heterogeneity, label scarcity, non-identically distributed (non-IID) data, computational vaiation, etc. In real-world, medical institutions may not want to disclose their tasks to FL server and generalization challenge of out-of-network institutions with un-seen task want to join the on-going federated system. This study address task-agnostic and generalization problem on un-seen tasks by adapting self-supervised FL framework. Utilizing Vision Transformer (ViT) as consensus feature encoder for self-supervised pre-training, no initial labels required, the framework enabling effective representation learning across diverse datasets and tasks. Our extensive evaluations, using various real-world non-IID medical imaging datasets, validate our approach's efficacy, retaining 90\% of F1 accuracy with only 5\% of the training data typically required for centralized approaches and exhibiting superior adaptability to out-of-distribution task. The result indicate that federated learning architecture can be a potential approach toward multi-task foundation modeling.

new LIPE: Learning Personalized Identity Prior for Non-rigid Image Editing

Authors: Aoyang Liu, Qingnan Fan, Shuai Qin, Hong Gu, Yansong Tang

Abstract: Although recent years have witnessed significant advancements in image editing thanks to the remarkable progress of text-to-image diffusion models, the problem of non-rigid image editing still presents its complexities and challenges. Existing methods often fail to achieve consistent results due to the absence of unique identity characteristics. Thus, learning a personalized identity prior might help with consistency in the edited results. In this paper, we explore a novel task: learning the personalized identity prior for text-based non-rigid image editing. To address the problems in jointly learning prior and editing the image, we present LIPE, a two-stage framework designed to customize the generative model utilizing a limited set of images of the same subject, and subsequently employ the model with learned prior for non-rigid image editing. Experimental results demonstrate the advantages of our approach in various editing scenarios over past related leading methods in qualitative and quantitative ways.

new Scalp Diagnostic System With Label-Free Segmentation and Training-Free Image Translation

Authors: Youngmin Kim, Saejin Kim, Hoyeon Moon, Youngjae Yu, Junhyug Noh

Abstract: Scalp diseases and alopecia affect millions of people around the world, underscoring the urgent need for early diagnosis and management of the disease.However, the development of a comprehensive AI-based diagnosis system encompassing these conditions remains an underexplored domain due to the challenges associated with data imbalance and the costly nature of labeling. To address these issues, we propose ``ScalpVision", an AI-driven system for the holistic diagnosis of scalp diseases and alopecia.In ScalpVision, effective hair segmentation is achieved using pseudo image-label pairs and an innovative prompting method in the absence of traditional hair masking labels. This approach is crucial for extracting key features such as hair thickness and count, which are then used to assess alopecia severity. Additionally, ScalpVision introduces DiffuseIT-M, a generative model adept at dataset augmentation while maintaining hair information, facilitating improved predictions of scalp disease severity. Our experimental results affirm ScalpVision's efficiency in diagnosing a variety of scalp conditions and alopecia, showcasing its potential as a valuable tool in dermatological care.

new Disentangled Motion Modeling for Video Frame Interpolation

Authors: Jaihyun Lew, Jooyoung Choi, Chaehun Shin, Dahuin Jung, Sungroh Yoon

Abstract: Video frame interpolation (VFI) aims to synthesize intermediate frames in between existing frames to enhance visual smoothness and quality. Beyond the conventional methods based on the reconstruction loss, recent works employ the high quality generative models for perceptual quality. However, they require complex training and large computational cost for modeling on the pixel space. In this paper, we introduce disentangled Motion Modeling (MoMo), a diffusion-based approach for VFI that enhances visual quality by focusing on intermediate motion modeling. We propose disentangled two-stage training process, initially training a frame synthesis model to generate frames from input pairs and their optical flows. Subsequently, we propose a motion diffusion model, equipped with our novel diffusion U-Net architecture designed for optical flow, to produce bi-directional flows between frames. This method, by leveraging the simpler low-frequency representation of motions, achieves superior perceptual quality with reduced computational demands compared to generative modeling methods on the pixel space. Our method surpasses state-of-the-art methods in perceptual metrics across various benchmarks, demonstrating its efficacy and efficiency in VFI. Our code is available at:


new Image-Guided Outdoor LiDAR Perception Quality Assessment for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Ce Zhang, Azim Eskandarian

Abstract: LiDAR is one of the most crucial sensors for autonomous vehicle perception. However, current LiDAR-based point cloud perception algorithms lack comprehensive and rigorous LiDAR quality assessment methods, leading to uncertainty in detection performance. Additionally, existing point cloud quality assessment algorithms are predominantly designed for indoor environments or single-object scenarios. In this paper, we introduce a novel image-guided point cloud quality assessment algorithm for outdoor autonomous driving environments, named the Image-Guided Outdoor Point Cloud Quality Assessment (IGO-PQA) algorithm. Our proposed algorithm comprises two main components. The first component is the IGO-PQA generation algorithm, which leverages point cloud data, corresponding RGB surrounding view images, and agent objects' ground truth annotations to generate an overall quality score for a single-frame LiDAR-based point cloud. The second component is a transformer-based IGO-PQA regression algorithm for no-reference outdoor point cloud quality assessment. This regression algorithm allows for the direct prediction of IGO-PQA scores in an online manner, without requiring image data and object ground truth annotations. We evaluate our proposed algorithm using the nuScenes and Waymo open datasets. The IGO-PQA generation algorithm provides consistent and reasonable perception quality indices. Furthermore, our proposed IGO-PQA regression algorithm achieves a Pearson Linear Correlation Coefficient (PLCC) of 0.86 on the nuScenes dataset and 0.97 on the Waymo dataset.

new Towards Open-set Camera 3D Object Detection

Authors: Zhuolin He, Xinrun Li, Heng Gao, Jiachen Tang, Shoumeng Qiu, Wenfu Wang, Lvjian Lu, Xiuchong Qiu, Xiangyang Xue, Jian Pu

Abstract: Traditional camera 3D object detectors are typically trained to recognize a predefined set of known object classes. In real-world scenarios, these detectors may encounter unknown objects outside the training categories and fail to identify them correctly. To address this gap, we present OS-Det3D (Open-set Camera 3D Object Detection), a two-stage training framework enhancing the ability of camera 3D detectors to identify both known and unknown objects. The framework involves our proposed 3D Object Discovery Network (ODN3D), which is specifically trained using geometric cues such as the location and scale of 3D boxes to discover general 3D objects. ODN3D is trained in a class-agnostic manner, and the provided 3D object region proposals inherently come with data noise. To boost accuracy in identifying unknown objects, we introduce a Joint Objectness Selection (JOS) module. JOS selects the pseudo ground truth for unknown objects from the 3D object region proposals of ODN3D by combining the ODN3D objectness and camera feature attention objectness. Experiments on the nuScenes and KITTI datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in enabling camera 3D detectors to successfully identify unknown objects while also improving their performance on known objects.

new Zero-Shot Long-Form Video Understanding through Screenplay

Authors: Yongliang Wu, Bozheng Li, Jiawang Cao, Wenbo Zhu, Yi Lu, Weiheng Chi, Chuyun Xie, Haolin Zheng, Ziyue Su, Jay Wu, Xu Yang

Abstract: The Long-form Video Question-Answering task requires the comprehension and analysis of extended video content to respond accurately to questions by utilizing both temporal and contextual information. In this paper, we present MM-Screenplayer, an advanced video understanding system with multi-modal perception capabilities that can convert any video into textual screenplay representations. Unlike previous storytelling methods, we organize video content into scenes as the basic unit, rather than just visually continuous shots. Additionally, we developed a ``Look Back'' strategy to reassess and validate uncertain information, particularly targeting breakpoint mode. MM-Screenplayer achieved highest score in the CVPR'2024 LOng-form VidEo Understanding (LOVEU) Track 1 Challenge, with a global accuracy of 87.5% and a breakpoint accuracy of 68.8%.

new DMF-Net: Image-Guided Point Cloud Completion with Dual-Channel Modality Fusion and Shape-Aware Upsampling Transformer

Authors: Aihua Mao, Yuxuan Tang, Jiangtao Huang, Ying He

Abstract: In this paper we study the task of a single-view image-guided point cloud completion. Existing methods have got promising results by fusing the information of image into point cloud explicitly or implicitly. However, given that the image has global shape information and the partial point cloud has rich local details, We believe that both modalities need to be given equal attention when performing modality fusion. To this end, we propose a novel dual-channel modality fusion network for image-guided point cloud completion(named DMF-Net), in a coarse-to-fine manner. In the first stage, DMF-Net takes a partial point cloud and corresponding image as input to recover a coarse point cloud. In the second stage, the coarse point cloud will be upsampled twice with shape-aware upsampling transformer to get the dense and complete point cloud. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experimental results show that DMF-Net outperforms the state-of-the-art unimodal and multimodal point cloud completion works on ShapeNet-ViPC dataset.

new XAMI -- A Benchmark Dataset for Artefact Detection in XMM-Newton Optical Images

Authors: Elisabeta-Iulia Dima, Pablo G\'omez, Sandor Kruk, Peter Kretschmar, Simon Rosen, C\u{a}lin-Adrian Popa

Abstract: Reflected or scattered light produce artefacts in astronomical observations that can negatively impact the scientific study. Hence, automated detection of these artefacts is highly beneficial, especially with the increasing amounts of data gathered. Machine learning methods are well-suited to this problem, but currently there is a lack of annotated data to train such approaches to detect artefacts in astronomical observations. In this work, we present a dataset of images from the XMM-Newton space telescope Optical Monitoring camera showing different types of artefacts. We hand-annotated a sample of 1000 images with artefacts which we use to train automated ML methods. We further demonstrate techniques tailored for accurate detection and masking of artefacts using instance segmentation. We adopt a hybrid approach, combining knowledge from both convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformer-based models and use their advantages in segmentation. The presented method and dataset will advance artefact detection in astronomical observations by providing a reproducible baseline. All code and data are made available ( and


new Masked Generative Extractor for Synergistic Representation and 3D Generation of Point Clouds

Authors: Hongliang Zeng, Ping Zhang, Fang Li, Jiahua Wang, Tingyu Ye, Pengteng Guo

Abstract: In the field of 2D image generation modeling and representation learning, Masked Generative Encoder (MAGE) has demonstrated the synergistic potential between generative modeling and representation learning. Inspired by this, we propose Point-MAGE to extend this concept to point cloud data. Specifically, this framework first utilizes a Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder (VQVAE) to reconstruct a neural field representation of 3D shapes, thereby learning discrete semantic features of point patches. Subsequently, by combining the masking model with variable masking ratios, we achieve synchronous training for both generation and representation learning. Furthermore, our framework seamlessly integrates with existing point cloud self-supervised learning (SSL) models, thereby enhancing their performance. We extensively evaluate the representation learning and generation capabilities of Point-MAGE. In shape classification tasks, Point-MAGE achieved an accuracy of 94.2% on the ModelNet40 dataset and 92.9% (+1.3%) on the ScanObjectNN dataset. Additionally, it achieved new state-of-the-art performance in few-shot learning and part segmentation tasks. Experimental results also confirmed that Point-MAGE can generate detailed and high-quality 3D shapes in both unconditional and conditional settings.

new Q-DiT: Accurate Post-Training Quantization for Diffusion Transformers

Authors: Lei Chen, Yuan Meng, Chen Tang, Xinzhu Ma, Jingyan Jiang, Xin Wang, Zhi Wang, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: Recent advancements in diffusion models, particularly the trend of architectural transformation from UNet-based Diffusion to Diffusion Transformer (DiT), have significantly improved the quality and scalability of image synthesis. Despite the incredible generative quality, the large computational requirements of these large-scale models significantly hinder the deployments in real-world scenarios. Post-training Quantization (PTQ) offers a promising solution by compressing model sizes and speeding up inference for the pretrained models while eliminating model retraining. However, we have observed the existing PTQ frameworks exclusively designed for both ViT and conventional Diffusion models fall into biased quantization and result in remarkable performance degradation. In this paper, we find that the DiTs typically exhibit considerable variance in terms of both weight and activation, which easily runs out of the limited numerical representations. To address this issue, we devise Q-DiT, which seamlessly integrates three techniques: fine-grained quantization to manage substantial variance across input channels of weights and activations, an automatic search strategy to optimize the quantization granularity and mitigate redundancies, and dynamic activation quantization to capture the activation changes across timesteps. Extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed Q-DiT. Specifically, when quantizing DiT-XL/2 to W8A8 on ImageNet 256x256, Q-DiT achieves a remarkable reduction in FID by 1.26 compared to the baseline. Under a W4A8 setting, it maintains high fidelity in image generation, showcasing only a marginal increase in FID and setting a new benchmark for efficient, high-quality quantization in diffusion transformers. Code is available at \href{}{}.


new NerfBaselines: Consistent and Reproducible Evaluation of Novel View Synthesis Methods

Authors: Jonas Kulhanek, Torsten Sattler

Abstract: Novel view synthesis is an important problem with many applications, including AR/VR, gaming, and simulations for robotics. With the recent rapid development of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) methods, it is becoming difficult to keep track of the current state of the art (SoTA) due to methods using different evaluation protocols, codebases being difficult to install and use, and methods not generalizing well to novel 3D scenes. Our experiments support this claim by showing that tiny differences in evaluation protocols of various methods can lead to inconsistent reported metrics. To address these issues, we propose a framework called NerfBaselines, which simplifies the installation of various methods, provides consistent benchmarking tools, and ensures reproducibility. We validate our implementation experimentally by reproducing numbers reported in the original papers. To further improve the accessibility, we release a web platform where commonly used methods are compared on standard benchmarks. Web:


new Automatic infant 2D pose estimation from videos: comparing seven deep neural network methods

Authors: Filipe Gama, Matej Misar, Lukas Navara, Jason Khoury, Sergiu T. Popescu, Matej Hoffmann

Abstract: Automatic markerless estimation of infant posture and motion from ordinary videos carries great potential for movement studies "in the wild", facilitating understanding of motor development and massively increasing the chances of early diagnosis of disorders. There is rapid development of human pose estimation methods in computer vision thanks to advances in deep learning and machine learning. However, these methods are trained on datasets featuring adults in different contexts. This work tests and compares seven popular methods (AlphaPose, DeepLabCut/DeeperCut, Detectron2, HRNet, MediaPipe/BlazePose, OpenPose, and ViTPose) on videos of infants in supine position. Surprisingly, all methods except DeepLabCut and MediaPipe have competitive performance without additional finetuning, with ViTPose performing best. Next to standard performance metrics (object keypoint similarity, average precision and recall), we introduce errors expressed in the neck-mid-hip ratio and additionally study missed and redundant detections and the reliability of the internal confidence ratings of the different methods, which are relevant for downstream tasks. Among the networks with competitive performance, only AlphaPose could run close to real time (27 fps) on our machine. We provide documented Docker containers or instructions for all the methods we used, our analysis scripts, and processed data at and


new SyncNoise: Geometrically Consistent Noise Prediction for Text-based 3D Scene Editing

Authors: Ruihuang Li, Liyi Chen, Zhengqiang Zhang, Varun Jampani, Vishal M. Patel, Lei Zhang

Abstract: Text-based 2D diffusion models have demonstrated impressive capabilities in image generation and editing. Meanwhile, the 2D diffusion models also exhibit substantial potentials for 3D editing tasks. However, how to achieve consistent edits across multiple viewpoints remains a challenge. While the iterative dataset update method is capable of achieving global consistency, it suffers from slow convergence and over-smoothed textures. We propose SyncNoise, a novel geometry-guided multi-view consistent noise editing approach for high-fidelity 3D scene editing. SyncNoise synchronously edits multiple views with 2D diffusion models while enforcing multi-view noise predictions to be geometrically consistent, which ensures global consistency in both semantic structure and low-frequency appearance. To further enhance local consistency in high-frequency details, we set a group of anchor views and propagate them to their neighboring frames through cross-view reprojection. To improve the reliability of multi-view correspondences, we introduce depth supervision during training to enhance the reconstruction of precise geometries. Our method achieves high-quality 3D editing results respecting the textual instructions, especially in scenes with complex textures, by enhancing geometric consistency at the noise and pixel levels.

new Less can be more: representational vs. stereotypical gender bias in facial expression recognition

Authors: Iris Dominguez-Catena, Daniel Paternain, Aranzazu Jurio, Mikel Galar

Abstract: Machine learning models can inherit biases from their training data, leading to discriminatory or inaccurate predictions. This is particularly concerning with the increasing use of large, unsupervised datasets for training foundational models. Traditionally, demographic biases within these datasets have not been well-understood, limiting our ability to understand how they propagate to the models themselves. To address this issue, this paper investigates the propagation of demographic biases from datasets into machine learning models. We focus on the gender demographic component, analyzing two types of bias: representational and stereotypical. For our analysis, we consider the domain of facial expression recognition (FER), a field known to exhibit biases in most popular datasets. We use Affectnet, one of the largest FER datasets, as our baseline for carefully designing and generating subsets that incorporate varying strengths of both representational and stereotypical bias. Subsequently, we train several models on these biased subsets, evaluating their performance on a common test set to assess the propagation of bias into the models' predictions. Our results show that representational bias has a weaker impact than expected. Models exhibit a good generalization ability even in the absence of one gender in the training dataset. Conversely, stereotypical bias has a significantly stronger impact, primarily concentrated on the biased class, although it can also influence predictions for unbiased classes. These results highlight the need for a bias analysis that differentiates between types of bias, which is crucial for the development of effective bias mitigation strategies.

new Depth-Guided Semi-Supervised Instance Segmentation

Authors: Xin Chen, Jie Hu, Xiawu Zheng, Jianghang Lin, Liujuan Cao, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: Semi-Supervised Instance Segmentation (SSIS) aims to leverage an amount of unlabeled data during training. Previous frameworks primarily utilized the RGB information of unlabeled images to generate pseudo-labels. However, such a mechanism often introduces unstable noise, as a single instance can display multiple RGB values. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a Depth-Guided (DG) SSIS framework. This framework uses depth maps extracted from input images, which represent individual instances with closely associated distance values, offering precise contours for distinct instances. Unlike RGB data, depth maps provide a unique perspective, making their integration into the SSIS process complex. To this end, we propose Depth Feature Fusion, which integrates features extracted from depth estimation. This integration allows the model to understand depth information better and ensure its effective utilization. Additionally, to manage the variability of depth images during training, we introduce the Depth Controller. This component enables adaptive adjustments of the depth map, enhancing convergence speed and dynamically balancing the loss weights between RGB and depth maps. Extensive experiments conducted on the COCO and Cityscapes datasets validate the efficacy of our proposed method. Our approach establishes a new benchmark for SSIS, outperforming previous methods. Specifically, our DG achieves 22.29%, 31.47%, and 35.14% mAP for 1%, 5%, and 10% labeled data on the COCO dataset, respectively.

new Consensus Learning with Deep Sets for Essential Matrix Estimation

Authors: Dror Moran, Yuval Margalit, Guy Trostianetsky, Fadi Khatib, Meirav Galun, Ronen Basri

Abstract: Robust estimation of the essential matrix, which encodes the relative position and orientation of two cameras, is a fundamental step in structure from motion pipelines. Recent deep-based methods achieved accurate estimation by using complex network architectures that involve graphs, attention layers, and hard pruning steps. Here, we propose a simpler network architecture based on Deep Sets. Given a collection of point matches extracted from two images, our method identifies outlier point matches and models the displacement noise in inlier matches. A weighted DLT module uses these predictions to regress the essential matrix. Our network achieves accurate recovery that is superior to existing networks with significantly more complex architectures.

new Advancing Question Answering on Handwritten Documents: A State-of-the-Art Recognition-Based Model for HW-SQuAD

Authors: Aniket Pal, Ajoy Mondal, C. V. Jawahar

Abstract: Question-answering handwritten documents is a challenging task with numerous real-world applications. This paper proposes a novel recognition-based approach that improves upon the previous state-of-the-art on the HW-SQuAD and BenthamQA datasets. Our model incorporates transformer-based document retrieval and ensemble methods at the model level, achieving an Exact Match score of 82.02% and 92.55% in HW-SQuAD and BenthamQA datasets, respectively, surpassing the previous best recognition-based approach by 10.89% and 26%. We also enhance the document retrieval component, boosting the top-5 retrieval accuracy from 90% to 95.30%. Our results demonstrate the significance of our proposed approach in advancing question answering on handwritten documents. The code and trained models will be publicly available to facilitate future research in this critical area of natural language.

new Implicit-Zoo: A Large-Scale Dataset of Neural Implicit Functions for 2D Images and 3D Scenes

Authors: Qi Ma, Danda Pani Paudel, Ender Konukoglu, Luc Van Gool

Abstract: Neural implicit functions have demonstrated significant importance in various areas such as computer vision, graphics. Their advantages include the ability to represent complex shapes and scenes with high fidelity, smooth interpolation capabilities, and continuous representations. Despite these benefits, the development and analysis of implicit functions have been limited by the lack of comprehensive datasets and the substantial computational resources required for their implementation and evaluation. To address these challenges, we introduce "Implicit-Zoo": a large-scale dataset requiring thousands of GPU training days designed to facilitate research and development in this field. Our dataset includes diverse 2D and 3D scenes, such as CIFAR-10, ImageNet-1K, and Cityscapes for 2D image tasks, and the OmniObject3D dataset for 3D vision tasks. We ensure high quality through strict checks, refining or filtering out low-quality data. Using Implicit-Zoo, we showcase two immediate benefits as it enables to: (1) learn token locations for transformer models; (2) directly regress 3D cameras poses of 2D images with respect to NeRF models. This in turn leads to an improved performance in all three task of image classification, semantic segmentation, and 3D pose regression, thereby unlocking new avenues for research.

new Mamba24/8D: Enhancing Global Interaction in Point Clouds via State Space Model

Authors: Zhuoyuan Li, Yubo Ai, Jiahao Lu, ChuXin Wang, Jiacheng Deng, Hanzhi Chang, Yanzhe Liang, Wenfei Yang, Shifeng Zhang, Tianzhu Zhang

Abstract: Transformers have demonstrated impressive results for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation. However, the quadratic complexity of transformer makes computation cost high, limiting the number of points that can be processed simultaneously and impeding the modeling of long-range dependencies. Drawing inspiration from the great potential of recent state space models (SSM) for long sequence modeling, we introduce Mamba, a SSM-based architecture, to the point cloud domain and propose Mamba24/8D, which has strong global modeling capability under linear complexity. Specifically, to make disorderness of point clouds fit in with the causal nature of Mamba, we propose a multi-path serialization strategy applicable to point clouds. Besides, we propose the ConvMamba block to compensate for the shortcomings of Mamba in modeling local geometries and in unidirectional modeling. Mamba24/8D obtains state of the art results on several 3D point cloud segmentation tasks, including ScanNet v2, ScanNet200 and nuScenes, while its effectiveness is validated by extensive experiments.

new Using joint angles based on the international biomechanical standards for human action recognition and related tasks

Authors: Kevin Schlegel, Lei Jiang, Hao Ni

Abstract: Keypoint data has received a considerable amount of attention in machine learning for tasks like action detection and recognition. However, human experts in movement such as doctors, physiotherapists, sports scientists and coaches use a notion of joint angles standardised by the International Society of Biomechanics to precisely and efficiently communicate static body poses and movements. In this paper, we introduce the basic biomechanical notions and show how they can be used to convert common keypoint data into joint angles that uniquely describe the given pose and have various desirable mathematical properties, such as independence of both the camera viewpoint and the person performing the action. We experimentally demonstrate that the joint angle representation of keypoint data is suitable for machine learning applications and can in some cases bring an immediate performance gain. The use of joint angles as a human meaningful representation of kinematic data is in particular promising for applications where interpretability and dialog with human experts is important, such as many sports and medical applications. To facilitate further research in this direction, we will release a python package to convert keypoint data into joint angles as outlined in this paper.

new Pseudo Labelling for Enhanced Masked Autoencoders

Authors: Srinivasa Rao Nandam, Sara Atito, Zhenhua Feng, Josef Kittler, Muhammad Awais

Abstract: Masked Image Modeling (MIM)-based models, such as SdAE, CAE, GreenMIM, and MixAE, have explored different strategies to enhance the performance of Masked Autoencoders (MAE) by modifying prediction, loss functions, or incorporating additional architectural components. In this paper, we propose an enhanced approach that boosts MAE performance by integrating pseudo labelling for both class and data tokens, alongside replacing the traditional pixel-level reconstruction with token-level reconstruction. This strategy uses cluster assignments as pseudo labels to promote instance-level discrimination within the network, while token reconstruction requires generation of discrete tokens encapturing local context. The targets for pseudo labelling and reconstruction needs to be generated by a teacher network. To disentangle the generation of target pseudo labels and the reconstruction of the token features, we decouple the teacher into two distinct models, where one serves as a labelling teacher and the other as a reconstruction teacher. This separation proves empirically superior to a single teacher, while having negligible impact on throughput and memory consumption. Incorporating pseudo-labelling as an auxiliary task has demonstrated notable improvements in ImageNet-1K and other downstream tasks, including classification, semantic segmentation, and detection.

new Continuous Urban Change Detection from Satellite Image Time Series with Temporal Feature Refinement and Multi-Task Integration

Authors: Sebastian Hafner, Heng Fang, Hossein Azizpour, Yifang Ban

Abstract: Urbanization advances at unprecedented rates, resulting in negative effects on the environment and human well-being. Remote sensing has the potential to mitigate these effects by supporting sustainable development strategies with accurate information on urban growth. Deep learning-based methods have achieved promising urban change detection results from optical satellite image pairs using convolutional neural networks (ConvNets), transformers, and a multi-task learning setup. However, transformers have not been leveraged for urban change detection with multi-temporal data, i.e., >2 images, and multi-task learning methods lack integration approaches that combine change and segmentation outputs. To fill this research gap, we propose a continuous urban change detection method that identifies changes in each consecutive image pair of a satellite image time series. Specifically, we propose a temporal feature refinement (TFR) module that utilizes self-attention to improve ConvNet-based multi-temporal building representations. Furthermore, we propose a multi-task integration (MTI) module that utilizes Markov networks to find an optimal building map time series based on segmentation and dense change outputs. The proposed method effectively identifies urban changes based on high-resolution satellite image time series acquired by the PlanetScope constellation (F1 score 0.551) and Gaofen-2 (F1 score 0.440). Moreover, our experiments on two challenging datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to bi-temporal and multi-temporal urban change detection and segmentation methods.

new Investigating Self-Supervised Methods for Label-Efficient Learning

Authors: Srinivasa Rao Nandam, Sara Atito, Zhenhua Feng, Josef Kittler, Muhammad Awais

Abstract: Vision transformers combined with self-supervised learning have enabled the development of models which scale across large datasets for several downstream tasks like classification, segmentation and detection. The low-shot learning capability of these models, across several low-shot downstream tasks, has been largely under explored. We perform a system level study of different self supervised pretext tasks, namely contrastive learning, clustering, and masked image modelling for their low-shot capabilities by comparing the pretrained models. In addition we also study the effects of collapse avoidance methods, namely centring, ME-MAX, sinkhorn, on these downstream tasks. Based on our detailed analysis, we introduce a framework involving both mask image modelling and clustering as pretext tasks, which performs better across all low-shot downstream tasks, including multi-class classification, multi-label classification and semantic segmentation. Furthermore, when testing the model on full scale datasets, we show performance gains in multi-class classification, multi-label classification and semantic segmentation.

new The Tree of Diffusion Life: Evolutionary Embeddings to Understand the Generation Process of Diffusion Models

Authors: Vidya Prasad, Hans van Gorp, Christina Humer, Anna Vilanova, Nicola Pezzotti

Abstract: Diffusion models generate high-quality samples by corrupting data with Gaussian noise and iteratively reconstructing it with deep learning, slowly transforming noisy images into refined outputs. Understanding this data evolution is important for interpretability but is complex due to its high-dimensional evolutionary nature. While traditional dimensionality reduction methods like t-distributed stochastic neighborhood embedding (t-SNE) aid in understanding high-dimensional spaces, they neglect evolutionary structure preservation. Hence, we propose Tree of Diffusion Life (TDL), a method to understand data evolution in the generative process of diffusion models. TDL samples a diffusion model's generative space via instances with varying prompts and employs image encoders to extract semantic meaning from these samples, projecting them to an intermediate space. It employs a novel evolutionary embedding algorithm that explicitly encodes the iterations while preserving the high-dimensional relations, facilitating the visualization of data evolution. This embedding leverages three metrics: a standard t-SNE loss to group semantically similar elements, a displacement loss to group elements from the same iteration step, and an instance alignment loss to align elements of the same instance across iterations. We present rectilinear and radial layouts to represent iterations, enabling comprehensive exploration. We assess various feature extractors and highlight TDL's potential with prominent diffusion models like GLIDE and Stable Diffusion with different prompt sets. TDL simplifies understanding data evolution within diffusion models, offering valuable insights into their functioning.

new Cross-Modal Spherical Aggregation for Weakly Supervised Remote Sensing Shadow Removal

Authors: Kaichen Chi, Wei Jing, Junjie Li, Qiang Li, Qi Wang

Abstract: Remote sensing shadow removal, which aims to recover contaminated surface information, is tricky since shadows typically display overwhelmingly low illumination intensities. In contrast, the infrared image is robust toward significant light changes, providing visual clues complementary to the visible image. Nevertheless, the existing methods ignore the collaboration between heterogeneous modalities, leading to undesired quality degradation. To fill this gap, we propose a weakly supervised shadow removal network with a spherical feature space, dubbed S2-ShadowNet, to explore the best of both worlds for visible and infrared modalities. Specifically, we employ a modal translation (visible-to-infrared) model to learn the cross-domain mapping, thus generating realistic infrared samples. Then, Swin Transformer is utilized to extract strong representational visible/infrared features. Simultaneously, the extracted features are mapped to the smooth spherical manifold, which alleviates the domain shift through regularization. Well-designed similarity loss and orthogonality loss are embedded into the spherical space, prompting the separation of private visible/infrared features and the alignment of shared visible/infrared features through constraints on both representation content and orientation. Such a manner encourages implicit reciprocity between modalities, thus providing a novel insight into shadow removal. Notably, ground truth is not available in practice, thus S2-ShadowNet is trained by cropping shadow and shadow-free patches from the shadow image itself, avoiding stereotypical and strict pair data acquisition. More importantly, we contribute a large-scale weakly supervised shadow removal benchmark, including 4000 shadow images with corresponding shadow masks.

new UHD-IQA Benchmark Database: Pushing the Boundaries of Blind Photo Quality Assessment

Authors: Vlad Hosu, Lorenzo Agnolucci, Oliver Wiedemann, Daisuke Iso

Abstract: We introduce a novel Image Quality Assessment (IQA) dataset comprising 6073 UHD-1 (4K) images, annotated at a fixed width of 3840 pixels. Contrary to existing No-Reference (NR) IQA datasets, ours focuses on highly aesthetic photos of high technical quality, filling a gap in the literature. The images, carefully curated to exclude synthetic content, are sufficiently diverse to train general NR-IQA models. The dataset is annotated with perceptual quality ratings obtained through a crowdsourcing study. Ten expert raters, comprising photographers and graphics artists, assessed each image at least twice in multiple sessions spanning several days, resulting in highly reliable labels. Annotators were rigorously selected based on several metrics, including self-consistency, to ensure their reliability. The dataset includes rich metadata with user and machine-generated tags from over 5,000 categories and popularity indicators such as favorites, likes, downloads, and views. With its unique characteristics, such as its focus on high-quality images, reliable crowdsourced annotations, and high annotation resolution, our dataset opens up new opportunities for advancing perceptual image quality assessment research and developing practical NR-IQA models that apply to modern photos. Our dataset is available at


new TSynD: Targeted Synthetic Data Generation for Enhanced Medical Image Classification

Authors: Joshua Niemeijer, Jan Ehrhardt, Hristina Uzunova, Heinz Handels

Abstract: The usage of medical image data for the training of large-scale machine learning approaches is particularly challenging due to its scarce availability and the costly generation of data annotations, typically requiring the engagement of medical professionals. The rapid development of generative models allows towards tackling this problem by leveraging large amounts of realistic synthetically generated data for the training process. However, randomly choosing synthetic samples, might not be an optimal strategy. In this work, we investigate the targeted generation of synthetic training data, in order to improve the accuracy and robustness of image classification. Therefore, our approach aims to guide the generative model to synthesize data with high epistemic uncertainty, since large measures of epistemic uncertainty indicate underrepresented data points in the training set. During the image generation we feed images reconstructed by an auto encoder into the classifier and compute the mutual information over the class-probability distribution as a measure for uncertainty.We alter the feature space of the autoencoder through an optimization process with the objective of maximizing the classifier uncertainty on the decoded image. By training on such data we improve the performance and robustness against test time data augmentations and adversarial attacks on several classifications tasks.

new TRIP: Trainable Region-of-Interest Prediction for Hardware-Efficient Neuromorphic Processing on Event-based Vision

Authors: Cina Arjmand, Yingfu Xu, Kevin Shidqi, Alexandra F. Dobrita, Kanishkan Vadivel, Paul Detterer, Manolis Sifalakis, Amirreza Yousefzadeh, Guangzhi Tang

Abstract: Neuromorphic processors are well-suited for efficiently handling sparse events from event-based cameras. However, they face significant challenges in the growth of computing demand and hardware costs as the input resolution increases. This paper proposes the Trainable Region-of-Interest Prediction (TRIP), the first hardware-efficient hard attention framework for event-based vision processing on a neuromorphic processor. Our TRIP framework actively produces low-resolution Region-of-Interest (ROIs) for efficient and accurate classification. The framework exploits sparse events' inherent low information density to reduce the overhead of ROI prediction. We introduced extensive hardware-aware optimizations for TRIP and implemented the hardware-optimized algorithm on the SENECA neuromorphic processor. We utilized multiple event-based classification datasets for evaluation. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art accuracies in all datasets and produces reasonable ROIs with varying locations and sizes. On the DvsGesture dataset, our solution requires 46x less computation than the state-of-the-art while achieving higher accuracy. Furthermore, TRIP enables more than 2x latency and energy improvements on the SENECA neuromorphic processor compared to the conventional solution.

new Tell Me Where You Are: Multimodal LLMs Meet Place Recognition

Authors: Zonglin Lyu, Juexiao Zhang, Mingxuan Lu, Yiming Li, Chen Feng

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit a variety of promising capabilities in robotics, including long-horizon planning and commonsense reasoning. However, their performance in place recognition is still underexplored. In this work, we introduce multimodal LLMs (MLLMs) to visual place recognition (VPR), where a robot must localize itself using visual observations. Our key design is to use vision-based retrieval to propose several candidates and then leverage language-based reasoning to carefully inspect each candidate for a final decision. Specifically, we leverage the robust visual features produced by off-the-shelf vision foundation models (VFMs) to obtain several candidate locations. We then prompt an MLLM to describe the differences between the current observation and each candidate in a pairwise manner, and reason about the best candidate based on these descriptions. Our results on three datasets demonstrate that integrating the general-purpose visual features from VFMs with the reasoning capabilities of MLLMs already provides an effective place recognition solution, without any VPR-specific supervised training. We believe our work can inspire new possibilities for applying and designing foundation models, i.e., VFMs, LLMs, and MLLMs, to enhance the localization and navigation of mobile robots.

new Point Tree Transformer for Point Cloud Registration

Authors: Meiling Wang, Guangyan Chen, Yi Yang, Li Yuan, Yufeng Yue

Abstract: Point cloud registration is a fundamental task in the fields of computer vision and robotics. Recent developments in transformer-based methods have demonstrated enhanced performance in this domain. However, the standard attention mechanism utilized in these methods often integrates many low-relevance points, thereby struggling to prioritize its attention weights on sparse yet meaningful points. This inefficiency leads to limited local structure modeling capabilities and quadratic computational complexity. To overcome these limitations, we propose the Point Tree Transformer (PTT), a novel transformer-based approach for point cloud registration that efficiently extracts comprehensive local and global features while maintaining linear computational complexity. The PTT constructs hierarchical feature trees from point clouds in a coarse-to-dense manner, and introduces a novel Point Tree Attention (PTA) mechanism, which follows the tree structure to facilitate the progressive convergence of attended regions towards salient points. Specifically, each tree layer selectively identifies a subset of key points with the highest attention scores. Subsequent layers focus attention on areas of significant relevance, derived from the child points of the selected point set. The feature extraction process additionally incorporates coarse point features that capture high-level semantic information, thus facilitating local structure modeling and the progressive integration of multiscale information. Consequently, PTA empowers the model to concentrate on crucial local structures and derive detailed local information while maintaining linear computational complexity. Extensive experiments conducted on the 3DMatch, ModelNet40, and KITTI datasets demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods.

new SKD-TSTSAN: Three-Stream Temporal-Shift Attention Network Based on Self-Knowledge Distillation for Micro-Expression Recognition

Authors: Guanghao Zhu, Lin Liu, Yuhao Hu, Haixin Sun, Fang Liu, Xiaohui Du, Ruqian Hao, Juanxiu Liu, Yong Liu, Hao Deng, Jing Zhang

Abstract: Micro-expressions (MEs) are subtle facial movements that occur spontaneously when people try to conceal the real emotions. Micro-expression recognition (MER) is crucial in many fields, including criminal analysis and psychotherapy. However, MER is challenging since MEs have low intensity and ME datasets are small in size. To this end, a three-stream temporal-shift attention network based on self-knowledge distillation (SKD-TSTSAN) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, to address the low intensity of ME muscle movements, we utilize learning-based motion magnification modules to enhance the intensity of ME muscle movements. Secondly, we employ efficient channel attention (ECA) modules in the local-spatial stream to make the network focus on facial regions that are highly relevant to MEs. In addition, temporal shift modules (TSMs) are used in the dynamic-temporal stream, which enables temporal modeling with no additional parameters by mixing ME motion information from two different temporal domains. Furthermore, we introduce self-knowledge distillation (SKD) into the MER task by introducing auxiliary classifiers and using the deepest section of the network for supervision, encouraging all blocks to fully explore the features of the training set. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted on four ME datasets: CASME II, SAMM, MMEW, and CAS(ME)3. The experimental results demonstrate that our SKD-TSTSAN outperforms other existing methods and achieves new state-of-the-art performance. Our code will be available at


new Principal Component Clustering for Semantic Segmentation in Synthetic Data Generation

Authors: Felix Stillger, Frederik Hasecke, Tobias Meisen

Abstract: This technical report outlines our method for generating a synthetic dataset for semantic segmentation using a latent diffusion model. Our approach eliminates the need for additional models specifically trained on segmentation data and is part of our submission to the CVPR 2024 workshop challenge, entitled CVPR 2024 workshop challenge "SyntaGen Harnessing Generative Models for Synthetic Visual Datasets". Our methodology uses self-attentions to facilitate a novel head-wise semantic information condensation, thereby enabling the direct acquisition of class-agnostic image segmentation from the Stable Diffusion latents. Furthermore, we employ non-prompt-influencing cross-attentions from text to pixel, thus facilitating the classification of the previously generated masks. Finally, we propose a mask refinement step by using only the output image by Stable Diffusion.

new Detection of Synthetic Face Images: Accuracy, Robustness, Generalization

Authors: Nela Petrzelkova, Jan Cech

Abstract: An experimental study on detecting synthetic face images is presented. We collected a dataset, called FF5, of five fake face image generators, including recent diffusion models. We find that a simple model trained on a specific image generator can achieve near-perfect accuracy in separating synthetic and real images. The model handles common image distortions (reduced resolution, compression) by using data augmentation. Moreover, partial manipulations, where synthetic images are blended into real ones by inpainting, are identified and the area of the manipulation is localized by a simple model of YOLO architecture. However, the model turned out to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks and does not generalize to unseen generators. Failure to generalize to detect images produced by a newer generator also occurs for recent state-of-the-art methods, which we tested on Realistic Vision, a fine-tuned version of StabilityAI's Stable Diffusion image generator.

new Minimal Interaction Edge Tuning: A New Paradigm for Visual Adaptation

Authors: Ningyuan Tang, Minghao Fu, Jianxin Wu

Abstract: The rapid scaling of large vision pretrained models makes fine-tuning tasks more and more difficult on edge devices with low computational resources. We explore a new visual adaptation paradigm called edge tuning, which treats large pretrained models as standalone feature extractors that run on powerful cloud servers. The fine-tuning carries out on edge devices with small networks which require low computational resources. Existing methods that are potentially suitable for our edge tuning paradigm are discussed. But, three major drawbacks hinder their application in edge tuning: low adaptation capability, large adapter network, and high information transfer overhead. To address these issues, we propose Minimal Interaction Edge Tuning, or MIET, which reveals that the sum of intermediate features from pretrained models not only has minimal information transfer but also has high adaptation capability. With a lightweight attention-based adaptor network, MIET achieves information transfer efficiency, parameter efficiency, computational and memory efficiency, and at the same time demonstrates competitive results on various visual adaptation benchmarks.

new Toward Universal Medical Image Registration via Sharpness-Aware Meta-Continual Learning

Authors: Bomin Wang, Xinzhe Luo, Xiahai Zhuang

Abstract: Current deep learning approaches in medical image registration usually face the challenges of distribution shift and data collection, hindering real-world deployment. In contrast, universal medical image registration aims to perform registration on a wide range of clinically relevant tasks simultaneously, thus having tremendous potential for clinical applications. In this paper, we present the first attempt to achieve the goal of universal 3D medical image registration in sequential learning scenarios by proposing a continual learning method. Specifically, we utilize meta-learning with experience replay to mitigating the problem of catastrophic forgetting. To promote the generalizability of meta-continual learning, we further propose sharpness-aware meta-continual learning (SAMCL). We validate the effectiveness of our method on four datasets in a continual learning setup, including brain MR, abdomen CT, lung CT, and abdomen MR-CT image pairs. Results have shown the potential of SAMCL in realizing universal image registration, which performs better than or on par with vanilla sequential or centralized multi-task training strategies.The source code will be available from


new DocParseNet: Advanced Semantic Segmentation and OCR Embeddings for Efficient Scanned Document Annotation

Authors: Ahmad Mohammadshirazi, Ali Nosrati Firoozsalari, Mengxi Zhou, Dheeraj Kulshrestha, Rajiv Ramnath

Abstract: Automating the annotation of scanned documents is challenging, requiring a balance between computational efficiency and accuracy. DocParseNet addresses this by combining deep learning and multi-modal learning to process both text and visual data. This model goes beyond traditional OCR and semantic segmentation, capturing the interplay between text and images to preserve contextual nuances in complex document structures. Our evaluations show that DocParseNet significantly outperforms conventional models, achieving mIoU scores of 49.12 on validation and 49.78 on the test set. This reflects a 58% accuracy improvement over state-of-the-art baseline models and an 18% gain compared to the UNext baseline. Remarkably, DocParseNet achieves these results with only 2.8 million parameters, reducing the model size by approximately 25 times and speeding up training by 5 times compared to other models. These metrics, coupled with a computational efficiency of 0.034 TFLOPs (BS=1), highlight DocParseNet's high performance in document annotation. The model's adaptability and scalability make it well-suited for real-world corporate document processing applications. The code is available at


new Director3D: Real-world Camera Trajectory and 3D Scene Generation from Text

Authors: Xinyang Li, Zhangyu Lai, Linning Xu, Yansong Qu, Liujuan Cao, Shengchuan Zhang, Bo Dai, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: Recent advancements in 3D generation have leveraged synthetic datasets with ground truth 3D assets and predefined cameras. However, the potential of adopting real-world datasets, which can produce significantly more realistic 3D scenes, remains largely unexplored. In this work, we delve into the key challenge of the complex and scene-specific camera trajectories found in real-world captures. We introduce Director3D, a robust open-world text-to-3D generation framework, designed to generate both real-world 3D scenes and adaptive camera trajectories. To achieve this, (1) we first utilize a Trajectory Diffusion Transformer, acting as the Cinematographer, to model the distribution of camera trajectories based on textual descriptions. (2) Next, a Gaussian-driven Multi-view Latent Diffusion Model serves as the Decorator, modeling the image sequence distribution given the camera trajectories and texts. This model, fine-tuned from a 2D diffusion model, directly generates pixel-aligned 3D Gaussians as an immediate 3D scene representation for consistent denoising. (3) Lastly, the 3D Gaussians are refined by a novel SDS++ loss as the Detailer, which incorporates the prior of the 2D diffusion model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Director3D outperforms existing methods, offering superior performance in real-world 3D generation.

new Test-Time Generative Augmentation for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Xiao Ma, Yuhui Tao, Yuhan Zhang, Zexuan Ji, Yizhe Zhang, Qiang Chen

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel approach to enhance medical image segmentation during test time. Instead of employing hand-crafted transforms or functions on the input test image to create multiple views for test-time augmentation, we advocate for the utilization of an advanced domain-fine-tuned generative model (GM), e.g., stable diffusion (SD), for test-time augmentation. Given that the GM has been trained to comprehend and encapsulate comprehensive domain data knowledge, it is superior than segmentation models in terms of representing the data characteristics and distribution. Hence, by integrating the GM into test-time augmentation, we can effectively generate multiple views of a given test sample, aligning with the content and appearance characteristics of the sample and the related local data distribution. This approach renders the augmentation process more adaptable and resilient compared to conventional handcrafted transforms. Comprehensive experiments conducted across three medical image segmentation tasks (nine datasets) demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of the proposed TTGA in enhancing segmentation outcomes. Moreover, TTGA significantly improves pixel-wise error estimation, thereby facilitating the deployment of a more reliable segmentation system. Code will be released at:


new MSRS: Training Multimodal Speech Recognition Models from Scratch with Sparse Mask Optimization

Authors: Adriana Fernandez-Lopez, Honglie Chen, Pingchuan Ma, Lu Yin, Qiao Xiao, Stavros Petridis, Shiwei Liu, Maja Pantic

Abstract: Pre-trained models have been a foundational approach in speech recognition, albeit with associated additional costs. In this study, we propose a regularization technique that facilitates the training of visual and audio-visual speech recognition models (VSR and AVSR) from scratch. This approach, abbreviated as \textbf{MSRS} (Multimodal Speech Recognition from Scratch), introduces a sparse regularization that rapidly learns sparse structures within the dense model at the very beginning of training, which receives healthier gradient flow than the dense equivalent. Once the sparse mask stabilizes, our method allows transitioning to a dense model or keeping a sparse model by updating non-zero values. MSRS achieves competitive results in VSR and AVSR with 21.1% and 0.9% WER on the LRS3 benchmark, while reducing training time by at least 2x. We explore other sparse approaches and show that only MSRS enables training from scratch by implicitly masking the weights affected by vanishing gradients.

new Embedded event based object detection with spiking neural network

Authors: Jonathan Courtois, Pierre-Emmanuel Novac, Edgar Lemaire, Alain Pegatoquet, Benoit Miramond

Abstract: The complexity of event-based object detection (OD) poses considerable challenges. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) show promising results and pave the way for efficient event-based OD. Despite this success, the path to efficient SNNs on embedded devices remains a challenge. This is due to the size of the networks required to accomplish the task and the ability of devices to take advantage of SNNs benefits. Even when "edge" devices are considered, they typically use embedded GPUs that consume tens of watts. In response to these challenges, our research introduces an embedded neuromorphic testbench that utilizes the SPiking Low-power Event-based ArchiTecture (SPLEAT) accelerator. Using an extended version of the Qualia framework, we can train, evaluate, quantize, and deploy spiking neural networks on an FPGA implementation of SPLEAT. We used this testbench to load a state-of-the-art SNN solution, estimate the performance loss associated with deploying the network on dedicated hardware, and run real-world event-based OD on neuromorphic hardware specifically designed for low-power spiking neural networks. Remarkably, our embedded spiking solution, which includes a model with 1.08 million parameters, operates efficiently with 490 mJ per prediction.

new Video Inpainting Localization with Contrastive Learning

Authors: Zijie Lou, Gang Cao, Man Lin

Abstract: Deep video inpainting is typically used as malicious manipulation to remove important objects for creating fake videos. It is significant to identify the inpainted regions blindly. This letter proposes a simple yet effective forensic scheme for Video Inpainting LOcalization with ContrAstive Learning (ViLocal). Specifically, a 3D Uniformer encoder is applied to the video noise residual for learning effective spatiotemporal forensic features. To enhance the discriminative power, supervised contrastive learning is adopted to capture the local inconsistency of inpainted videos through attracting/repelling the positive/negative pristine and forged pixel pairs. A pixel-wise inpainting localization map is yielded by a lightweight convolution decoder with a specialized two-stage training strategy. To prepare enough training samples, we build a video object segmentation dataset of 2500 videos with pixel-level annotations per frame. Extensive experimental results validate the superiority of ViLocal over state-of-the-arts. Code and dataset will be available at


new Aligning Diffusion Models with Noise-Conditioned Perception

Authors: Alexander Gambashidze, Anton Kulikov, Yuriy Sosnin, Ilya Makarov

Abstract: Recent advancements in human preference optimization, initially developed for Language Models (LMs), have shown promise for text-to-image Diffusion Models, enhancing prompt alignment, visual appeal, and user preference. Unlike LMs, Diffusion Models typically optimize in pixel or VAE space, which does not align well with human perception, leading to slower and less efficient training during the preference alignment stage. We propose using a perceptual objective in the U-Net embedding space of the diffusion model to address these issues. Our approach involves fine-tuning Stable Diffusion 1.5 and XL using Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), Contrastive Preference Optimization (CPO), and supervised fine-tuning (SFT) within this embedding space. This method significantly outperforms standard latent-space implementations across various metrics, including quality and computational cost. For SDXL, our approach provides 60.8\% general preference, 62.2\% visual appeal, and 52.1\% prompt following against original open-sourced SDXL-DPO on the PartiPrompts dataset, while significantly reducing compute. Our approach not only improves the efficiency and quality of human preference alignment for diffusion models but is also easily integrable with other optimization techniques. The training code and LoRA weights will be available here:\_NCP-DPO\_v0.1


new Mitigate the Gap: Investigating Approaches for Improving Cross-Modal Alignment in CLIP

Authors: Sedigheh Eslami, Gerard de Melo

Abstract: Contrastive Language--Image Pre-training (CLIP) has manifested remarkable improvements in zero-shot classification and cross-modal vision-language tasks. Yet, from a geometrical point of view, the CLIP embedding space has been found to have a pronounced modality gap. This gap renders the embedding space overly sparse and disconnected, with different modalities being densely distributed in distinct subregions of the hypersphere. In this work, we aim at answering two main questions: 1. Does sharing the parameter space between the multi-modal encoders reduce the modality gap? 2. Can the gap be mitigated by pushing apart the uni-modal embeddings via intra-modality separation? We design AlignCLIP, in order to answer these questions and show that answers to both questions are positive. Through extensive experiments, we show that AlignCLIP achieves noticeable enhancements in the cross-modal alignment of the embeddings, and thereby, reduces the modality gap, while maintaining the performance across several downstream evaluations, such as zero-shot image classification, zero-shot multi-modal retrieval and zero-shot semantic text similarity.

new BayTTA: Uncertainty-aware medical image classification with optimized test-time augmentation using Bayesian model averaging

Authors: Zeinab Sherkatghanad, Moloud Abdar, Mohammadreza Bakhtyari, Vladimir Makarenkov

Abstract: Test-time augmentation (TTA) is a well-known technique employed during the testing phase of computer vision tasks. It involves aggregating multiple augmented versions of input data. Combining predictions using a simple average formulation is a common and straightforward approach after performing TTA. This paper introduces a novel framework for optimizing TTA, called BayTTA (Bayesian-based TTA), which is based on Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). First, we generate a model list associated with different variations of the input data created through TTA. Then, we use BMA to combine model predictions weighted by their respective posterior probabilities. Such an approach allows one to take into account model uncertainty, and thus to enhance the predictive performance of the related machine learning or deep learning model. We evaluate the performance of BayTTA on various public data, including three medical image datasets comprising skin cancer, breast cancer, and chest X-ray images and two well-known gene editing datasets, CRISPOR and GUIDE-seq. Our experimental results indicate that BayTTA can be effectively integrated into state-of-the-art deep learning models used in medical image analysis as well as into some popular pre-trained CNN models such as VGG-16, MobileNetV2, DenseNet201, ResNet152V2, and InceptionRes-NetV2, leading to the enhancement in their accuracy and robustness performance.

new Local-to-Global Cross-Modal Attention-Aware Fusion for HSI-X Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Xuming Zhang, Naoto Yokoya, Xingfa Gu, Qingjiu Tian, Lorenzo Bruzzone

Abstract: Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification has recently reached its performance bottleneck. Multimodal data fusion is emerging as a promising approach to overcome this bottleneck by providing rich complementary information from the supplementary modality (X-modality). However, achieving comprehensive cross-modal interaction and fusion that can be generalized across different sensing modalities is challenging due to the disparity in imaging sensors, resolution, and content of different modalities. In this study, we propose a Local-to-Global Cross-modal Attention-aware Fusion (LoGoCAF) framework for HSI-X classification that jointly considers efficiency, accuracy, and generalizability. LoGoCAF adopts a pixel-to-pixel two-branch semantic segmentation architecture to learn information from HSI and X modalities. The pipeline of LoGoCAF consists of a local-to-global encoder and a lightweight multilayer perceptron (MLP) decoder. In the encoder, convolutions are used to encode local and high-resolution fine details in shallow layers, while transformers are used to integrate global and low-resolution coarse features in deeper layers. The MLP decoder aggregates information from the encoder for feature fusion and prediction. In particular, two cross-modality modules, the feature enhancement module (FEM) and the feature interaction and fusion module (FIFM), are introduced in each encoder stage. The FEM is used to enhance complementary information by combining the feature from the other modality across direction-aware, position-sensitive, and channel-wise dimensions. With the enhanced features, the FIFM is designed to promote cross-modality information interaction and fusion for the final semantic prediction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our LoGoCAF achieves superior performance and generalizes well. The code will be made publicly available.

new End-to-End Autonomous Driving without Costly Modularization and 3D Manual Annotation

Authors: Mingzhe Guo, Zhipeng Zhang, Yuan He, Ke Wang, Liping Jing

Abstract: We propose UAD, a method for vision-based end-to-end autonomous driving (E2EAD), achieving the best open-loop evaluation performance in nuScenes, meanwhile showing robust closed-loop driving quality in CARLA. Our motivation stems from the observation that current E2EAD models still mimic the modular architecture in typical driving stacks, with carefully designed supervised perception and prediction subtasks to provide environment information for oriented planning. Although achieving groundbreaking progress, such design has certain drawbacks: 1) preceding subtasks require massive high-quality 3D annotations as supervision, posing a significant impediment to scaling the training data; 2) each submodule entails substantial computation overhead in both training and inference. To this end, we propose UAD, an E2EAD framework with an unsupervised proxy to address all these issues. Firstly, we design a novel Angular Perception Pretext to eliminate the annotation requirement. The pretext models the driving scene by predicting the angular-wise spatial objectness and temporal dynamics, without manual annotation. Secondly, a self-supervised training strategy, which learns the consistency of the predicted trajectories under different augment views, is proposed to enhance the planning robustness in steering scenarios. Our UAD achieves 38.7% relative improvements over UniAD on the average collision rate in nuScenes and surpasses VAD for 41.32 points on the driving score in CARLA's Town05 Long benchmark. Moreover, the proposed method only consumes 44.3% training resources of UniAD and runs 3.4 times faster in inference. Our innovative design not only for the first time demonstrates unarguable performance advantages over supervised counterparts, but also enjoys unprecedented efficiency in data, training, and inference. Code and models will be released at


new Unified Auto-Encoding with Masked Diffusion

Authors: Philippe Hansen-Estruch, Sriram Vishwanath, Amy Zhang, Manan Tomar

Abstract: At the core of both successful generative and self-supervised representation learning models there is a reconstruction objective that incorporates some form of image corruption. Diffusion models implement this approach through a scheduled Gaussian corruption process, while masked auto-encoder models do so by masking patches of the image. Despite their different approaches, the underlying similarity in their methodologies suggests a promising avenue for an auto-encoder capable of both de-noising tasks. We propose a unified self-supervised objective, dubbed Unified Masked Diffusion (UMD), that combines patch-based and noise-based corruption techniques within a single auto-encoding framework. Specifically, UMD modifies the diffusion transformer (DiT) training process by introducing an additional noise-free, high masking representation step in the diffusion noising schedule, and utilizes a mixed masked and noised image for subsequent timesteps. By integrating features useful for diffusion modeling and for predicting masked patch tokens, UMD achieves strong performance in downstream generative and representation learning tasks, including linear probing and class-conditional generation. This is achieved without the need for heavy data augmentations, multiple views, or additional encoders. Furthermore, UMD improves over the computational efficiency of prior diffusion based methods in total training time. We release our code at


new SurgeMOD: Translating image-space tissue motions into vision-based surgical forces

Authors: Mikel De Iturrate Reyzabal, Dionysios Malas, Shuai Wang, Sebastien Ourselin, Hongbin Liu

Abstract: We present a new approach for vision-based force estimation in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery based on frequency domain basis of motion of organs derived directly from video. Using internal movements generated by natural processes like breathing or the cardiac cycle, we infer the image-space basis of the motion on the frequency domain. As we are working with this representation, we discretize the problem to a limited amount of low-frequencies to build an image-space mechanical model of the environment. We use this pre-built model to define our force estimation problem as a dynamic constraint problem. We demonstrate that this method can estimate point contact forces reliably for silicone phantom and ex-vivo experiments, matching real readings from a force sensor. In addition, we perform qualitative experiments in which we synthesize coherent force textures from surgical videos over a certain region of interest selected by the user. Our method demonstrates good results for both quantitative and qualitative analysis, providing a good starting point for a purely vision-based method for surgical force estimation.

new Arboretum: A Large Multimodal Dataset Enabling AI for Biodiversity

Authors: Chih-Hsuan Yang, Benjamin Feuer, Zaki Jubery, Zi K. Deng, Andre Nakkab, Md Zahid Hasan, Shivani Chiranjeevi, Kelly Marshall, Nirmal Baishnab, Asheesh K Singh, Arti Singh, Soumik Sarkar, Nirav Merchant, Chinmay Hegde, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian

Abstract: We introduce Arboretum, the largest publicly accessible dataset designed to advance AI for biodiversity applications. This dataset, curated from the iNaturalist community science platform and vetted by domain experts to ensure accuracy, includes 134.6 million images, surpassing existing datasets in scale by an order of magnitude. The dataset encompasses image-language paired data for a diverse set of species from birds (Aves), spiders/ticks/mites (Arachnida), insects (Insecta), plants (Plantae), fungus/mushrooms (Fungi), snails (Mollusca), and snakes/lizards (Reptilia), making it a valuable resource for multimodal vision-language AI models for biodiversity assessment and agriculture research. Each image is annotated with scientific names, taxonomic details, and common names, enhancing the robustness of AI model training. We showcase the value of Arboretum by releasing a suite of CLIP models trained using a subset of 40 million captioned images. We introduce several new benchmarks for rigorous assessment, report accuracy for zero-shot learning, and evaluations across life stages, rare species, confounding species, and various levels of the taxonomic hierarchy. We anticipate that Arboretum will spur the development of AI models that can enable a variety of digital tools ranging from pest control strategies, crop monitoring, and worldwide biodiversity assessment and environmental conservation. These advancements are critical for ensuring food security, preserving ecosystems, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Arboretum is publicly available, easily accessible, and ready for immediate use. Please see the \href{}{project website} for links to our data, models, and code.


new Point-SAM: Promptable 3D Segmentation Model for Point Clouds

Authors: Yuchen Zhou, Jiayuan Gu, Tung Yen Chiang, Fanbo Xiang, Hao Su

Abstract: The development of 2D foundation models for image segmentation has been significantly advanced by the Segment Anything Model (SAM). However, achieving similar success in 3D models remains a challenge due to issues such as non-unified data formats, lightweight models, and the scarcity of labeled data with diverse masks. To this end, we propose a 3D promptable segmentation model (Point-SAM) focusing on point clouds. Our approach utilizes a transformer-based method, extending SAM to the 3D domain. We leverage part-level and object-level annotations and introduce a data engine to generate pseudo labels from SAM, thereby distilling 2D knowledge into our 3D model. Our model outperforms state-of-the-art models on several indoor and outdoor benchmarks and demonstrates a variety of applications, such as 3D annotation. Codes and demo can be found at


new MotionBooth: Motion-Aware Customized Text-to-Video Generation

Authors: Jianzong Wu, Xiangtai Li, Yanhong Zeng, Jiangning Zhang, Qianyu Zhou, Yining Li, Yunhai Tong, Kai Chen

Abstract: In this work, we present MotionBooth, an innovative framework designed for animating customized subjects with precise control over both object and camera movements. By leveraging a few images of a specific object, we efficiently fine-tune a text-to-video model to capture the object's shape and attributes accurately. Our approach presents subject region loss and video preservation loss to enhance the subject's learning performance, along with a subject token cross-attention loss to integrate the customized subject with motion control signals. Additionally, we propose training-free techniques for managing subject and camera motions during inference. In particular, we utilize cross-attention map manipulation to govern subject motion and introduce a novel latent shift module for camera movement control as well. MotionBooth excels in preserving the appearance of subjects while simultaneously controlling the motions in generated videos. Extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of our method. Our project page is at


new MG-LLaVA: Towards Multi-Granularity Visual Instruction Tuning

Authors: Xiangyu Zhao, Xiangtai Li, Haodong Duan, Haian Huang, Yining Li, Kai Chen, Hua Yang

Abstract: Multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) have made significant strides in various visual understanding tasks. However, the majority of these models are constrained to process low-resolution images, which limits their effectiveness in perception tasks that necessitate detailed visual information. In our study, we present MG-LLaVA, an innovative MLLM that enhances the model's visual processing capabilities by incorporating a multi-granularity vision flow, which includes low-resolution, high-resolution, and object-centric features. We propose the integration of an additional high-resolution visual encoder to capture fine-grained details, which are then fused with base visual features through a Conv-Gate fusion network. To further refine the model's object recognition abilities, we incorporate object-level features derived from bounding boxes identified by offline detectors. Being trained solely on publicly available multimodal data through instruction tuning, MG-LLaVA demonstrates exceptional perception skills. We instantiate MG-LLaVA with a wide variety of language encoders, ranging from 3.8B to 34B, to evaluate the model's performance comprehensively. Extensive evaluations across multiple benchmarks demonstrate that MG-LLaVA outperforms existing MLLMs of comparable parameter sizes, showcasing its remarkable efficacy. The code will be available at


new Fast and Uncertainty-Aware SVBRDF Recovery from Multi-View Capture using Frequency Domain Analysis

Authors: Ruben Wiersma, Julien Philip, Milo\v{s} Ha\v{s}an, Krishna Mullia, Fujun Luan, Elmar Eisemann, Valentin Deschaintre

Abstract: Relightable object acquisition is a key challenge in simplifying digital asset creation. Complete reconstruction of an object typically requires capturing hundreds to thousands of photographs under controlled illumination, with specialized equipment. The recent progress in differentiable rendering improved the quality and accessibility of inverse rendering optimization. Nevertheless, under uncontrolled illumination and unstructured viewpoints, there is no guarantee that the observations contain enough information to reconstruct the appearance properties of the captured object. We thus propose to consider the acquisition process from a signal-processing perspective. Given an object's geometry and a lighting environment, we estimate the properties of the materials on the object's surface in seconds. We do so by leveraging frequency domain analysis, considering the recovery of material properties as a deconvolution, enabling fast error estimation. We then quantify the uncertainty of the estimation, based on the available data, highlighting the areas for which priors or additional samples would be required for improved acquisition quality. We compare our approach to previous work and quantitatively evaluate our results, showing similar quality as previous work in a fraction of the time, and providing key information about the certainty of the results.

new Text-Animator: Controllable Visual Text Video Generation

Authors: Lin Liu, Quande Liu, Shengju Qian, Yuan Zhou, Wengang Zhou, Houqiang Li, Lingxi Xie, Qi Tian

Abstract: Video generation is a challenging yet pivotal task in various industries, such as gaming, e-commerce, and advertising. One significant unresolved aspect within T2V is the effective visualization of text within generated videos. Despite the progress achieved in Text-to-Video~(T2V) generation, current methods still cannot effectively visualize texts in videos directly, as they mainly focus on summarizing semantic scene information, understanding, and depicting actions. While recent advances in image-level visual text generation show promise, transitioning these techniques into the video domain faces problems, notably in preserving textual fidelity and motion coherence. In this paper, we propose an innovative approach termed Text-Animator for visual text video generation. Text-Animator contains a text embedding injection module to precisely depict the structures of visual text in generated videos. Besides, we develop a camera control module and a text refinement module to improve the stability of generated visual text by controlling the camera movement as well as the motion of visualized text. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach to the accuracy of generated visual text over state-of-the-art video generation methods. The project page can be found at


cross Sensor Data Augmentation from Skeleton Pose Sequences for Improving Human Activity Recognition

Authors: Parham Zolfaghari, Vitor Fortes Rey, Lala Ray, Hyun Kim, Sungho Suh, Paul Lukowicz

Abstract: The proliferation of deep learning has significantly advanced various fields, yet Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has not fully capitalized on these developments, primarily due to the scarcity of labeled datasets. Despite the integration of advanced Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) in ubiquitous wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers, which offer self-labeled activity data from users, the volume of labeled data remains insufficient compared to domains where deep learning has achieved remarkable success. Addressing this gap, in this paper, we propose a novel approach to improve wearable sensor-based HAR by introducing a pose-to-sensor network model that generates sensor data directly from 3D skeleton pose sequences. our method simultaneously trains the pose-to-sensor network and a human activity classifier, optimizing both data reconstruction and activity recognition. Our contributions include the integration of simultaneous training, direct pose-to-sensor generation, and a comprehensive evaluation on the MM-Fit dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our framework with significant performance improvements over baseline methods.

cross Utilizing Weak-to-Strong Consistency for Semi-Supervised Glomeruli Segmentation

Authors: Irina Zhang, Jim Denholm, Azam Hamidinekoo, Oskar {\AA}lund, Christopher Bagnall, Joana Pal\'es Huix, Michal Sulikowski, Ortensia Vito, Arthur Lewis, Robert Unwin, Magnus Soderberg, Nikolay Burlutskiy, Talha Qaiser

Abstract: Accurate segmentation of glomerulus instances attains high clinical significance in the automated analysis of renal biopsies to aid in diagnosing and monitoring kidney disease. Analyzing real-world histopathology images often encompasses inter-observer variability and requires a labor-intensive process of data annotation. Therefore, conventional supervised learning approaches generally achieve sub-optimal performance when applied to external datasets. Considering these challenges, we present a semi-supervised learning approach for glomeruli segmentation based on the weak-to-strong consistency framework validated on multiple real-world datasets. Our experimental results on 3 independent datasets indicate superior performance of our approach as compared with existing supervised baseline models such as U-Net and SegFormer.

cross ECGrecover: a Deep Learning Approach for Electrocardiogram Signal Completion

Authors: Alex Lence, Ahmad Fall, Federica Granese, Blaise Hanczar, Joe-Elie Salem, Jean-Daniel Zucker, Edi Prifti

Abstract: In this work, we address the challenge of reconstructing the complete 12-lead ECG signal from incomplete parts of it. We focus on two main scenarii: (i) reconstructing missing signal segments within an ECG lead and (ii) recovering missing leads from a single-lead. We propose a model with a U-Net architecture trained on a novel objective function to address the reconstruction problem. This function incorporates both spatial and temporal aspects of the ECG by combining the distance in amplitude between the reconstructed and real signals with the signal trend. Through comprehensive assessments using both a real-life dataset and a publicly accessible one, we demonstrate that the proposed approach consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods based on generative adversarial networks and a CopyPaste strategy. Our proposed model demonstrates superior performance in standard distortion metrics and preserves critical ECG characteristics, particularly the P, Q, R, S, and T wave coordinates. Two emerging clinical applications emphasize the relevance of our work. The first is the increasing need to digitize paper-stored ECGs for utilization in AI-based applications (automatic annotation and risk-quantification), often limited to digital ECG complete 10s recordings. The second is the widespread use of wearable devices that record ECGs but typically capture only a small subset of the 12 standard leads. In both cases, a non-negligible amount of information is lost or not recorded, which our approach aims to recover to overcome these limitations.

cross Evaluating the Influence of Temporal Context on Automatic Mouse Sleep Staging through the Application of Human Models

Authors: Javier Garc\'ia Ciudad, Morten M{\o}rup, Birgitte Rahbek Kornum, Alexander Neergaard Zahid

Abstract: In human sleep staging models, augmenting the temporal context of the input to the range of tens of minutes has recently demonstrated performance improvement. In contrast, the temporal context of mouse sleep staging models is typically in the order of tens of seconds. While long-term time patterns are less clear in mouse sleep, increasing the temporal context further than that of the current mouse sleep staging models might still result in a performance increase, given that the current methods only model very short term patterns. In this study, we examine the influence of increasing the temporal context in mouse sleep staging up to 15 minutes in three mouse cohorts using two recent and high-performing human sleep staging models that account for long-term dependencies. These are compared to two prominent mouse sleep staging models that use a local context of 12 s and 20 s, respectively. An increase in context up to 28 s is observed to have a positive impact on sleep stage classification performance, especially in REM sleep. However, the impact is limited for longer context windows. One of the human sleep scoring models, L-SeqSleepNet, outperforms both mouse models in all cohorts. This suggests that mouse sleep staging can benefit from more temporal context than currently used.

cross Enhancing Diagnostic Reliability of Foundation Model with Uncertainty Estimation in OCT Images

Authors: Yuanyuan Peng, Aidi Lin, Meng Wang, Tian Lin, Ke Zou, Yinglin Cheng, Tingkun Shi, Xulong Liao, Lixia Feng, Zhen Liang, Xinjian Chen, Huazhu Fu, Haoyu Chen

Abstract: Inability to express the confidence level and detect unseen classes has limited the clinical implementation of artificial intelligence in the real-world. We developed a foundation model with uncertainty estimation (FMUE) to detect 11 retinal conditions on optical coherence tomography (OCT). In the internal test set, FMUE achieved a higher F1 score of 96.76% than two state-of-the-art algorithms, RETFound and UIOS, and got further improvement with thresholding strategy to 98.44%. In the external test sets obtained from other OCT devices, FMUE achieved an accuracy of 88.75% and 92.73% before and after thresholding. Our model is superior to two ophthalmologists with a higher F1 score (95.17% vs. 61.93% &71.72%). Besides, our model correctly predicts high uncertainty scores for samples with ambiguous features, of non-target-category diseases, or with low-quality to prompt manual checks and prevent misdiagnosis. FMUE provides a trustworthy method for automatic retinal anomalies detection in the real-world clinical open set environment.

cross SRViT: Vision Transformers for Estimating Radar Reflectivity from Satellite Observations at Scale

Authors: Jason Stock, Kyle Hilburn, Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Charles Anderson

Abstract: We introduce a transformer-based neural network to generate high-resolution (3km) synthetic radar reflectivity fields at scale from geostationary satellite imagery. This work aims to enhance short-term convective-scale forecasts of high-impact weather events and aid in data assimilation for numerical weather prediction over the United States. Compared to convolutional approaches, which have limited receptive fields, our results show improved sharpness and higher accuracy across various composite reflectivity thresholds. Additional case studies over specific atmospheric phenomena support our quantitative findings, while a novel attribution method is introduced to guide domain experts in understanding model outputs.

cross Are Vision xLSTM Embedded UNet More Reliable in Medical 3D Image Segmentation?

Authors: Pallabi Dutta, Soham Bose, Swalpa Kumar Roy, Sushmita Mitra

Abstract: The advancement of developing efficient medical image segmentation has evolved from initial dependence on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to the present investigation of hybrid models that combine CNNs with Vision Transformers. Furthermore, there is an increasing focus on creating architectures that are both high-performing in medical image segmentation tasks and computationally efficient to be deployed on systems with limited resources. Although transformers have several advantages like capturing global dependencies in the input data, they face challenges such as high computational and memory complexity. This paper investigates the integration of CNNs and Vision Extended Long Short-Term Memory (Vision-xLSTM) models by introducing a novel approach called UVixLSTM. The Vision-xLSTM blocks captures temporal and global relationships within the patches extracted from the CNN feature maps. The convolutional feature reconstruction path upsamples the output volume from the Vision-xLSTM blocks to produce the segmentation output. Our primary objective is to propose that Vision-xLSTM forms a reliable backbone for medical image segmentation tasks, offering excellent segmentation performance and reduced computational complexity. UVixLSTM exhibits superior performance compared to state-of-the-art networks on the publicly-available Synapse dataset. Code is available at:


cross Leveraging Knowledge Distillation for Lightweight Skin Cancer Classification: Balancing Accuracy and Computational Efficiency

Authors: Niful Islam, Khan Md Hasib, Fahmida Akter Joti, Asif Karim, Sami Azam

Abstract: Skin cancer is a major concern to public health, accounting for one-third of the reported cancers. If not detected early, the cancer has the potential for severe consequences. Recognizing the critical need for effective skin cancer classification, we address the limitations of existing models, which are often too large to deploy in areas with limited computational resources. In response, we present a knowledge distillation based approach for creating a lightweight yet high-performing classifier. The proposed solution involves fusing three models, namely ResNet152V2, ConvNeXtBase, and ViT Base, to create an effective teacher model. The teacher model is then employed to guide a lightweight student model of size 2.03 MB. This student model is further compressed to 469.77 KB using 16-bit quantization, enabling smooth incorporation into edge devices. With six-stage image preprocessing, data augmentation, and a rigorous ablation study, the model achieves an impressive accuracy of 98.75% on the HAM10000 dataset and 98.94% on the Kaggle dataset in classifying benign and malignant skin cancers. With its high accuracy and compact size, our model appears to be a potential choice for accurate skin cancer classification, particularly in resource-constrained settings.

cross Multi-Aperture Fusion of Transformer-Convolutional Network (MFTC-Net) for 3D Medical Image Segmentation and Visualization

Authors: Siyavash Shabani, Muhammad Sohaib, Sahar A. Mohammed, Bahram Parvin

Abstract: Vision Transformers have shown superior performance to the traditional convolutional-based frameworks in many vision applications, including but not limited to the segmentation of 3D medical images. To further advance this area, this study introduces the Multi-Aperture Fusion of Transformer-Convolutional Network (MFTC-Net), which integrates the output of Swin Transformers and their corresponding convolutional blocks using 3D fusion blocks. The Multi-Aperture incorporates each image patch at its original resolutions with its pyramid representation to better preserve minute details. The proposed architecture has demonstrated a score of 89.73 and 7.31 for Dice and HD95, respectively, on the Synapse multi-organs dataset an improvement over the published results. The improved performance also comes with the added benefits of the reduced complexity of approximately 40 million parameters. Our code is available at


cross Accelerating Phase Field Simulations Through a Hybrid Adaptive Fourier Neural Operator with U-Net Backbone

Authors: Christophe Bonneville, Nathan Bieberdorf, Arun Hegde, Mark Asta, Habib N. Najm, Laurent Capolungo, Cosmin Safta

Abstract: Prolonged contact between a corrosive liquid and metal alloys can cause progressive dealloying. For such liquid-metal dealloying (LMD) process, phase field models have been developed. However, the governing equations often involve coupled non-linear partial differential equations (PDE), which are challenging to solve numerically. In particular, stiffness in the PDEs requires an extremely small time steps (e.g. $10^{-12}$ or smaller). This computational bottleneck is especially problematic when running LMD simulation until a late time horizon is required. This motivates the development of surrogate models capable of leaping forward in time, by skipping several consecutive time steps at-once. In this paper, we propose U-Shaped Adaptive Fourier Neural Operators (U-AFNO), a machine learning (ML) model inspired by recent advances in neural operator learning. U-AFNO employs U-Nets for extracting and reconstructing local features within the physical fields, and passes the latent space through a vision transformer (ViT) implemented in the Fourier space (AFNO). We use U-AFNOs to learn the dynamics mapping the field at a current time step into a later time step. We also identify global quantities of interest (QoI) describing the corrosion process (e.g. the deformation of the liquid-metal interface) and show that our proposed U-AFNO model is able to accurately predict the field dynamics, in-spite of the chaotic nature of LMD. Our model reproduces the key micro-structure statistics and QoIs with a level of accuracy on-par with the high-fidelity numerical solver. We also investigate the opportunity of using hybrid simulations, in which we alternate forward leap in time using the U-AFNO with high-fidelity time stepping. We demonstrate that while advantageous for some surrogate model design choices, our proposed U-AFNO model in fully auto-regressive settings consistently outperforms hybrid schemes.

cross Diff3Dformer: Leveraging Slice Sequence Diffusion for Enhanced 3D CT Classification with Transformer Networks

Authors: Zihao Jin, Yingying Fang, Jiahao Huang, Caiwen Xu, Simon Walsh, Guang Yang

Abstract: The manifestation of symptoms associated with lung diseases can vary in different depths for individual patients, highlighting the significance of 3D information in CT scans for medical image classification. While Vision Transformer has shown superior performance over convolutional neural networks in image classification tasks, their effectiveness is often demonstrated on sufficiently large 2D datasets and they easily encounter overfitting issues on small medical image datasets. To address this limitation, we propose a Diffusion-based 3D Vision Transformer (Diff3Dformer), which utilizes the latent space of the Diffusion model to form the slice sequence for 3D analysis and incorporates clustering attention into ViT to aggregate repetitive information within 3D CT scans, thereby harnessing the power of the advanced transformer in 3D classification tasks on small datasets. Our method exhibits improved performance on two different scales of small datasets of 3D lung CT scans, surpassing the state of the art 3D methods and other transformer-based approaches that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating its robust and superior performance across different scales of data. Experimental results underscore the superiority of our proposed method, indicating its potential for enhancing medical image classification tasks in real-world scenarios.

cross Large Language Models are Interpretable Learners

Authors: Ruochen Wang, Si Si, Felix Yu, Dorothea Wiesmann, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Inderjit Dhillon

Abstract: The trade-off between expressiveness and interpretability remains a core challenge when building human-centric predictive models for classification and decision-making. While symbolic rules offer interpretability, they often lack expressiveness, whereas neural networks excel in performance but are known for being black boxes. In this paper, we show a combination of Large Language Models (LLMs) and symbolic programs can bridge this gap. In the proposed LLM-based Symbolic Programs (LSPs), the pretrained LLM with natural language prompts provides a massive set of interpretable modules that can transform raw input into natural language concepts. Symbolic programs then integrate these modules into an interpretable decision rule. To train LSPs, we develop a divide-and-conquer approach to incrementally build the program from scratch, where the learning process of each step is guided by LLMs. To evaluate the effectiveness of LSPs in extracting interpretable and accurate knowledge from data, we introduce IL-Bench, a collection of diverse tasks, including both synthetic and real-world scenarios across different modalities. Empirical results demonstrate LSP's superior performance compared to traditional neurosymbolic programs and vanilla automatic prompt tuning methods. Moreover, as the knowledge learned by LSP is a combination of natural language descriptions and symbolic rules, it is easily transferable to humans (interpretable), and other LLMs, and generalizes well to out-of-distribution samples.

cross Multimodal Cross-Task Interaction for Survival Analysis in Whole Slide Pathological Images

Authors: Songhan Jiang, Zhengyu Gan, Linghan Cai, Yifeng Wang, Yongbing Zhang

Abstract: Survival prediction, utilizing pathological images and genomic profiles, is increasingly important in cancer analysis and prognosis. Despite significant progress, precise survival analysis still faces two main challenges: (1) The massive pixels contained in whole slide images (WSIs) complicate the process of pathological images, making it difficult to generate an effective representation of the tumor microenvironment (TME). (2) Existing multimodal methods often rely on alignment strategies to integrate complementary information, which may lead to information loss due to the inherent heterogeneity between pathology and genes. In this paper, we propose a Multimodal Cross-Task Interaction (MCTI) framework to explore the intrinsic correlations between subtype classification and survival analysis tasks. Specifically, to capture TME-related features in WSIs, we leverage the subtype classification task to mine tumor regions. Simultaneously, multi-head attention mechanisms are applied in genomic feature extraction, adaptively performing genes grouping to obtain task-related genomic embedding. With the joint representation of pathological images and genomic data, we further introduce a Transport-Guided Attention (TGA) module that uses optimal transport theory to model the correlation between subtype classification and survival analysis tasks, effectively transferring potential information. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approaches, with MCTI outperforming state-of-the-art frameworks on three public benchmarks. \href{}{}.


cross Expansive Synthesis: Generating Large-Scale Datasets from Minimal Samples

Authors: Vahid Jebraeeli, Bo Jiang, Hamid Krim, Derya Cansever

Abstract: The challenge of limited availability of data for training in machine learning arises in many applications and the impact on performance and generalization is serious. Traditional data augmentation methods aim to enhance training with a moderately sufficient data set. Generative models like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) often face problematic convergence when generating significant and diverse data samples. Diffusion models, though effective, still struggle with high computational cost and long training times. This paper introduces an innovative Expansive Synthesis model that generates large-scale, high-fidelity datasets from minimal samples. The proposed approach exploits expander graph mappings and feature interpolation to synthesize expanded datasets while preserving the intrinsic data distribution and feature structural relationships. The rationale of the model is rooted in the non-linear property of neural networks' latent space and in its capture by a Koopman operator to yield a linear space of features to facilitate the construction of larger and enriched consistent datasets starting with a much smaller dataset. This process is optimized by an autoencoder architecture enhanced with self-attention layers and further refined for distributional consistency by optimal transport. We validate our Expansive Synthesis by training classifiers on the generated datasets and comparing their performance to classifiers trained on larger, original datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that classifiers trained on synthesized data achieve performance metrics on par with those trained on full-scale datasets, showcasing the model's potential to effectively augment training data. This work represents a significant advancement in data generation, offering a robust solution to data scarcity and paving the way for enhanced data availability in machine learning applications.

cross A benchmark for 2D foetal brain ultrasound analysis

Authors: Mariano Cabezas, Yago Diez, Clara Martinez-Diago, Anna Maroto

Abstract: Brain development involves a sequence of structural changes from early stages of the embryo until several months after birth. Currently, ultrasound is the established technique for screening due to its ability to acquire dynamic images in real-time without radiation and to its cost-efficiency. However, identifying abnormalities remains challenging due to the difficulty in interpreting foetal brain images. In this work we present a set of 104 2D foetal brain ultrasound images acquired during the 20th week of gestation that have been co-registered to a common space from a rough skull segmentation. The images are provided both on the original space and template space centred on the ellipses of all the subjects. Furthermore, the images have been annotated to highlight landmark points from structures of interest to analyse brain development. Both the final atlas template with probabilistic maps and the original images can be used to develop new segmentation techniques, test registration approaches for foetal brain ultrasound, extend our work to longitudinal datasets and to detect anomalies in new images.

cross Robustly Optimized Deep Feature Decoupling Network for Fatty Liver Diseases Detection

Authors: Peng Huang, Shu Hu, Bo Peng, Jiashu Zhang, Xi Wu, Xin Wang

Abstract: Current medical image classification efforts mainly aim for higher average performance, often neglecting the balance between different classes. This can lead to significant differences in recognition accuracy between classes and obvious recognition weaknesses. Without the support of massive data, deep learning faces challenges in fine-grained classification of fatty liver. In this paper, we propose an innovative deep learning framework that combines feature decoupling and adaptive adversarial training. Firstly, we employ two iteratively compressed decouplers to supervised decouple common features and specific features related to fatty liver in abdominal ultrasound images. Subsequently, the decoupled features are concatenated with the original image after transforming the color space and are fed into the classifier. During adversarial training, we adaptively adjust the perturbation and balance the adversarial strength by the accuracy of each class. The model will eliminate recognition weaknesses by correctly classifying adversarial samples, thus improving recognition robustness. Finally, the accuracy of our method improved by 4.16%, achieving 82.95%. As demonstrated by extensive experiments, our method is a generalized learning framework that can be directly used to eliminate the recognition weaknesses of any classifier while improving its average performance. Code is available at


cross Semantic Deep Hiding for Robust Unlearnable Examples

Authors: Ruohan Meng, Chenyu Yi, Yi Yu, Siyuan Yang, Bingquan Shen, Alex C. Kot

Abstract: Ensuring data privacy and protection has become paramount in the era of deep learning. Unlearnable examples are proposed to mislead the deep learning models and prevent data from unauthorized exploration by adding small perturbations to data. However, such perturbations (e.g., noise, texture, color change) predominantly impact low-level features, making them vulnerable to common countermeasures. In contrast, semantic images with intricate shapes have a wealth of high-level features, making them more resilient to countermeasures and potential for producing robust unlearnable examples. In this paper, we propose a Deep Hiding (DH) scheme that adaptively hides semantic images enriched with high-level features. We employ an Invertible Neural Network (INN) to invisibly integrate predefined images, inherently hiding them with deceptive perturbations. To enhance data unlearnability, we introduce a Latent Feature Concentration module, designed to work with the INN, regularizing the intra-class variance of these perturbations. To further boost the robustness of unlearnable examples, we design a Semantic Images Generation module that produces hidden semantic images. By utilizing similar semantic information, this module generates similar semantic images for samples within the same classes, thereby enlarging the inter-class distance and narrowing the intra-class distance. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and an ImageNet subset, against 18 countermeasures, reveal that our proposed method exhibits outstanding robustness for unlearnable examples, demonstrating its efficacy in preventing unauthorized data exploitation.

cross Forget but Recall: Incremental Latent Rectification in Continual Learning

Authors: Nghia D. Nguyen, Hieu Trung Nguyen, Ang Li, Hoang Pham, Viet Anh Nguyen, Khoa D. Doan

Abstract: Intrinsic capability to continuously learn a changing data stream is a desideratum of deep neural networks (DNNs). However, current DNNs suffer from catastrophic forgetting, which hinders remembering past knowledge. To mitigate this issue, existing Continual Learning (CL) approaches either retain exemplars for replay, regularize learning, or allocate dedicated capacity for new tasks. This paper investigates an unexplored CL direction for incremental learning called Incremental Latent Rectification or ILR. In a nutshell, ILR learns to propagate with correction (or rectify) the representation from the current trained DNN backward to the representation space of the old task, where performing predictive decisions is easier. This rectification process only employs a chain of small representation mapping networks, called rectifier units. Empirical experiments on several continual learning benchmarks, including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and Tiny ImageNet, demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of this novel CL direction compared to existing representative CL methods.

cross Real-Time Remote Control via VR over Limited Wireless Connectivity

Authors: H. P. Madushanka, Rafaela Scaciota, Sumudu Samarakoon, Mehdi Bennis

Abstract: This work introduces a solution to enhance human-robot interaction over limited wireless connectivity. The goal is toenable remote control of a robot through a virtual reality (VR)interface, ensuring a smooth transition to autonomous mode in the event of connectivity loss. The VR interface provides accessto a dynamic 3D virtual map that undergoes continuous updatesusing real-time sensor data collected and transmitted by therobot. Furthermore, the robot monitors wireless connectivity and automatically switches to a autonomous mode in scenarios with limited connectivity. By integrating four key functionalities: real-time mapping, remote control through glasses VR, continuous monitoring of wireless connectivity, and autonomous navigation during limited connectivity, we achieve seamless end-to-end operation.

cross Deep learning-based brain segmentation model performance validation with clinical radiotherapy CT

Authors: Selena Huisman, Matteo Maspero, Marielle Philippens, Joost Verhoeff, Szabolcs David

Abstract: Manual segmentation of medical images is labor intensive and especially challenging for images with poor contrast or resolution. The presence of disease exacerbates this further, increasing the need for an automated solution. To this extent, SynthSeg is a robust deep learning model designed for automatic brain segmentation across various contrasts and resolutions. This study validates the SynthSeg robust brain segmentation model on computed tomography (CT), using a multi-center dataset. An open access dataset of 260 paired CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) from radiotherapy patients treated in 5 centers was collected. Brain segmentations from CT and MRI were obtained with SynthSeg model, a component of the Freesurfer imaging suite. These segmentations were compared and evaluated using Dice scores and Hausdorff 95 distance (HD95), treating MRI-based segmentations as the ground truth. Brain regions that failed to meet performance criteria were excluded based on automated quality control (QC) scores. Dice scores indicate a median overlap of 0.76 (IQR: 0.65-0.83). The median HD95 is 2.95 mm (IQR: 1.73-5.39). QC score based thresholding improves median dice by 0.1 and median HD95 by 0.05mm. Morphological differences related to sex and age, as detected by MRI, were also replicated with CT, with an approximate 17% difference between the CT and MRI results for sex and 10% difference between the results for age. SynthSeg can be utilized for CT-based automatic brain segmentation, but only in applications where precision is not essential. CT performance is lower than MRI based on the integrated QC scores, but low-quality segmentations can be excluded with QC-based thresholding. Additionally, performing CT-based neuroanatomical studies is encouraged, as the results show correlations in sex- and age-based analyses similar to those found with MRI.

cross Medical Image Segmentation Using Directional Window Attention

Authors: Daniya Najiha Abdul Kareem, Mustansar Fiaz, Noa Novershtern, Hisham Cholakkal

Abstract: Accurate segmentation of medical images is crucial for diagnostic purposes, including cell segmentation, tumor identification, and organ localization. Traditional convolutional neural network (CNN)-based approaches struggled to achieve precise segmentation results due to their limited receptive fields, particularly in cases involving multi-organ segmentation with varying shapes and sizes. The transformer-based approaches address this limitation by leveraging the global receptive field, but they often face challenges in capturing local information required for pixel-precise segmentation. In this work, we introduce DwinFormer, a hierarchical encoder-decoder architecture for medical image segmentation comprising a directional window (Dwin) attention and global self-attention (GSA) for feature encoding. The focus of our design is the introduction of Dwin block within DwinFormer that effectively captures local and global information along the horizontal, vertical, and depthwise directions of the input feature map by separately performing attention in each of these directional volumes. To this end, our Dwin block introduces a nested Dwin attention (NDA) that progressively increases the receptive field in horizontal, vertical, and depthwise directions and a convolutional Dwin attention (CDA) that captures local contextual information for the attention computation. While the proposed Dwin block captures local and global dependencies at the first two high-resolution stages of DwinFormer, the GSA block encodes global dependencies at the last two lower-resolution stages. Experiments over the challenging 3D Synapse Multi-organ dataset and Cell HMS dataset demonstrate the benefits of our DwinFormer over the state-of-the-art approaches. Our source code will be publicly available at \url{}.


cross MedMNIST-C: Comprehensive benchmark and improved classifier robustness by simulating realistic image corruptions

Authors: Francesco Di Salvo, Sebastian Doerrich, Christian Ledig

Abstract: The integration of neural-network-based systems into clinical practice is limited by challenges related to domain generalization and robustness. The computer vision community established benchmarks such as ImageNet-C as a fundamental prerequisite to measure progress towards those challenges. Similar datasets are largely absent in the medical imaging community which lacks a comprehensive benchmark that spans across imaging modalities and applications. To address this gap, we create and open-source MedMNIST-C, a benchmark dataset based on the MedMNIST+ collection covering 12 datasets and 9 imaging modalities. We simulate task and modality-specific image corruptions of varying severity to comprehensively evaluate the robustness of established algorithms against real-world artifacts and distribution shifts. We further provide quantitative evidence that our simple-to-use artificial corruptions allow for highly performant, lightweight data augmentation to enhance model robustness. Unlike traditional, generic augmentation strategies, our approach leverages domain knowledge, exhibiting significantly higher robustness when compared to widely adopted methods. By introducing MedMNIST-C and open-sourcing the corresponding library allowing for targeted data augmentations, we contribute to the development of increasingly robust methods tailored to the challenges of medical imaging. The code is available at}{


cross Advancing Cell Detection in Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Images

Authors: Boyu Chen, Ameenat L. Solebo, Paul Taylor

Abstract: Anterior uveitis, a common form of eye inflammation, can lead to permanent vision loss if not promptly diagnosed. Monitoring this condition involves quantifying inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber (AC) of the eye, which can be captured using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT). However, manually identifying cells in AS-OCT images is time-consuming and subjective. Moreover, existing automated approaches may have limitations in both the effectiveness of detecting cells and the reliability of their detection results. To address these challenges, we propose an automated framework to detect cells in the AS-OCT images. This framework consists of a zero-shot chamber segmentation module and a cell detection module. The first module segments the AC area in the image without requiring human-annotated training data. Subsequently, the second module identifies individual cells within the segmented AC region. Through experiments, our framework demonstrates superior performance compared to current state-of-the-art methods for both AC segmentation and cell detection tasks. Notably, we find that previous cell detection approaches could suffer from low recall, potentially overlooking a significant number of cells. In contrast, our framework offers an improved solution, which could benefit the diagnosis and study of anterior uveitis. Our code for cell detection is publicly available at:


cross Multimodal Chaptering for Long-Form TV Newscast Video

Authors: Khalil Guetari (ARMEDIA-SAMOVAR), Yannis Tevissen (ARMEDIA-SAMOVAR), Fr\'ed\'eric Petitpont

Abstract: We propose a novel approach for automatic chaptering of TV newscast videos, addressing the challenge of structuring and organizing large collections of unsegmented broadcast content. Our method integrates both audio and visual cues through a two-stage process involving frozen neural networks and a trained LSTM network. The first stage extracts essential features from separate modalities, while the LSTM effectively fuses these features to generate accurate segment boundaries. Our proposed model has been evaluated on a diverse dataset comprising over 500 TV newscast videos of an average of 41 minutes gathered from TF1, a French TV channel, with varying lengths and topics. Experimental results demonstrate that this innovative fusion strategy achieves state of the art performance, yielding a high precision rate of 82% at IoU of 90%. Consequently, this approach significantly enhances analysis, indexing and storage capabilities for TV newscast archives, paving the way towards efficient management and utilization of vast audiovisual resources.

cross NativE: Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion in the Wild

Authors: Yichi Zhang, Zhuo Chen, Lingbing Guo, Yajing Xu, Binbin Hu, Ziqi Liu, Wen Zhang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Multi-modal knowledge graph completion (MMKGC) aims to automatically discover the unobserved factual knowledge from a given multi-modal knowledge graph by collaboratively modeling the triple structure and multi-modal information from entities. However, real-world MMKGs present challenges due to their diverse and imbalanced nature, which means that the modality information can span various types (e.g., image, text, numeric, audio, video) but its distribution among entities is uneven, leading to missing modalities for certain entities. Existing works usually focus on common modalities like image and text while neglecting the imbalanced distribution phenomenon of modal information. To address these issues, we propose a comprehensive framework NativE to achieve MMKGC in the wild. NativE proposes a relation-guided dual adaptive fusion module that enables adaptive fusion for any modalities and employs a collaborative modality adversarial training framework to augment the imbalanced modality information. We construct a new benchmark called WildKGC with five datasets to evaluate our method. The empirical results compared with 21 recent baselines confirm the superiority of our method, consistently achieving state-of-the-art performance across different datasets and various scenarios while keeping efficient and generalizable. Our code and data are released at


cross Time-varying Extremum Graphs

Authors: Somenath Das, Raghavendra Sridharamurthy, Vijay Natarajan

Abstract: We introduce time-varying extremum graph (TVEG), a topological structure to support visualization and analysis of a time-varying scalar field. The extremum graph is a substructure of the Morse-Smale complex. It captures the adjacency relationship between cells in the Morse decomposition of a scalar field. We define the TVEG as a time-varying extension of the extremum graph and demonstrate how it captures salient feature tracks within a dynamic scalar field. We formulate the construction of the TVEG as an optimization problem and describe an algorithm for computing the graph. We also demonstrate the capabilities of \TVEG towards identification and exploration of topological events such as deletion, generation, split, and merge within a dynamic scalar field via comprehensive case studies including a viscous fingers and a 3D von K\'arm\'an vortex street dataset.

cross Brain Tumor Classification using Vision Transformer with Selective Cross-Attention Mechanism and Feature Calibration

Authors: Mohammad Ali Labbaf Khaniki, Alireza Golkarieh, Mohammad Manthouri

Abstract: Brain tumor classification is a challenging task in medical image analysis. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to brain tumor classification using a vision transformer with a novel cross-attention mechanism. Our approach leverages the strengths of transformers in modeling long-range dependencies and multi-scale feature fusion. We introduce two new mechanisms to improve the performance of the cross-attention fusion module: Feature Calibration Mechanism (FCM) and Selective Cross-Attention (SCA). FCM calibrates the features from different branches to make them more compatible, while SCA selectively attends to the most informative features. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in brain tumor classification, achieving improved accuracy and efficiency. The proposed FCM and SCA mechanisms can be easily integrated into other vision transformer architectures, making them a promising direction for future research in medical image analysis. Experimental results confirm that our approach surpasses existing methods, achieving state-of-the-art performance in brain tumor classification tasks.

cross HGTDP-DTA: Hybrid Graph-Transformer with Dynamic Prompt for Drug-Target Binding Affinity Prediction

Authors: Xi Xiao, Wentao Wang, Jiacheng Xie, Lijing Zhu, Gaofei Chen, Zhengji Li, Tianyang Wang, Min Xu

Abstract: Drug target binding affinity (DTA) is a key criterion for drug screening. Existing experimental methods are time-consuming and rely on limited structural and domain information. While learning-based methods can model sequence and structural information, they struggle to integrate contextual data and often lack comprehensive modeling of drug-target interactions. In this study, we propose a novel DTA prediction method, termed HGTDP-DTA, which utilizes dynamic prompts within a hybrid Graph-Transformer framework. Our method generates context-specific prompts for each drug-target pair, enhancing the model's ability to capture unique interactions. The introduction of prompt tuning further optimizes the prediction process by filtering out irrelevant noise and emphasizing task-relevant information, dynamically adjusting the input features of the molecular graph. The proposed hybrid Graph-Transformer architecture combines structural information from Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) with sequence information captured by Transformers, facilitating the interaction between global and local information. Additionally, we adopted the multi-view feature fusion method to project molecular graph views and affinity subgraph views into a common feature space, effectively combining structural and contextual information. Experiments on two widely used public datasets, Davis and KIBA, show that HGTDP-DTA outperforms state-of-the-art DTA prediction methods in both prediction performance and generalization ability.

cross Mask-Guided Attention U-Net for Enhanced Neonatal Brain Extraction and Image Preprocessing

Authors: Bahram Jafrasteh, Simon Pedro Lubian-Lopez, Emiliano Trimarco, Macarena Roman Ruiz, Carmen Rodriguez Barrios, Yolanda Marin Almagro, Isabel Benavente-Fernandez

Abstract: In this study, we introduce MGA-Net, a novel mask-guided attention neural network, which extends the U-net model for precision neonatal brain imaging. MGA-Net is designed to extract the brain from other structures and reconstruct high-quality brain images. The network employs a common encoder and two decoders: one for brain mask extraction and the other for brain region reconstruction. A key feature of MGA-Net is its high-level mask-guided attention module, which leverages features from the brain mask decoder to enhance image reconstruction. To enable the same encoder and decoder to process both MRI and ultrasound (US) images, MGA-Net integrates sinusoidal positional encoding. This encoding assigns distinct positional values to MRI and US images, allowing the model to effectively learn from both modalities. Consequently, features learned from a single modality can aid in learning a modality with less available data, such as US. We extensively validated the proposed MGA-Net on diverse datasets from varied clinical settings and neonatal age groups. The metrics used for assessment included the DICE similarity coefficient, recall, and accuracy for image segmentation; structural similarity for image reconstruction; and root mean squared error for total brain volume estimation from 3D ultrasound images. Our results demonstrate that MGA-Net significantly outperforms traditional methods, offering superior performance in brain extraction and segmentation while achieving high precision in image reconstruction and volumetric analysis. Thus, MGA-Net represents a robust and effective preprocessing tool for MRI and 3D ultrasound images, marking a significant advance in neuroimaging that enhances both research and clinical diagnostics in the neonatal period and beyond.

cross Structured Unrestricted-Rank Matrices for Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning

Authors: Arijit Sehanobish, Avinava Dubey, Krzysztof Choromanski, Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury, Deepali Jain, Vikas Sindhwani, Snigdha Chaturvedi

Abstract: Recent efforts to scale Transformer models have demonstrated rapid progress across a wide range of tasks (Wei et al., 2022). However, fine-tuning these models for downstream tasks is expensive due to their large parameter counts. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) approaches have emerged as a viable alternative by allowing us to fine-tune models by updating only a small number of parameters. In this work, we propose a general framework for parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), based on structured unrestricted-rank matrices (SURM) which can serve as a drop-in replacement for popular approaches such as Adapters and LoRA. Unlike other methods like LoRA, SURMs provides more flexibility in finding the right balance between compactness and expressiveness. This is achieved by using low displacement rank matrices (LDRMs), which hasn't been used in this context before. SURMs remain competitive with baselines, often providing significant quality improvements while using a smaller parameter budget. SURMs achieve 5-7% accuracy gains on various image classification tasks while replacing low-rank matrices in LoRA. It also results in up to 12x reduction of the number of parameters in adapters (with virtually no loss in quality) on the GLUE benchmark.

cross Benchmarking Deep Learning Models on NVIDIA Jetson Nano for Real-Time Systems: An Empirical Investigation

Authors: Tushar Prasanna Swaminathan, Christopher Silver, Thangarajah Akilan

Abstract: The proliferation of complex deep learning (DL) models has revolutionized various applications, including computer vision-based solutions, prompting their integration into real-time systems. However, the resource-intensive nature of these models poses challenges for deployment on low-computational power and low-memory devices, like embedded and edge devices. This work empirically investigates the optimization of such complex DL models to analyze their functionality on an embedded device, particularly on the NVIDIA Jetson Nano. It evaluates the effectiveness of the optimized models in terms of their inference speed for image classification and video action detection. The experimental results reveal that, on average, optimized models exhibit a 16.11% speed improvement over their non-optimized counterparts. This not only emphasizes the critical need to consider hardware constraints and environmental sustainability in model development and deployment but also underscores the pivotal role of model optimization in enabling the widespread deployment of AI-assisted technologies on resource-constrained computational systems. It also serves as proof that prioritizing hardware-specific model optimization leads to efficient and scalable solutions that substantially decrease energy consumption and carbon footprint.

cross DiffusionPDE: Generative PDE-Solving Under Partial Observation

Authors: Jiahe Huang, Guandao Yang, Zichen Wang, Jeong Joon Park

Abstract: We introduce a general framework for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using generative diffusion models. In particular, we focus on the scenarios where we do not have the full knowledge of the scene necessary to apply classical solvers. Most existing forward or inverse PDE approaches perform poorly when the observations on the data or the underlying coefficients are incomplete, which is a common assumption for real-world measurements. In this work, we propose DiffusionPDE that can simultaneously fill in the missing information and solve a PDE by modeling the joint distribution of the solution and coefficient spaces. We show that the learned generative priors lead to a versatile framework for accurately solving a wide range of PDEs under partial observation, significantly outperforming the state-of-the-art methods for both forward and inverse directions.

replace AAformer: Auto-Aligned Transformer for Person Re-Identification

Authors: Kuan Zhu, Haiyun Guo, Shiliang Zhang, Yaowei Wang, Jing Liu, Jinqiao Wang, Ming Tang

Abstract: In person re-identification (re-ID), extracting part-level features from person images has been verified to be crucial to offer fine-grained information. Most of the existing CNN-based methods only locate the human parts coarsely, or rely on pretrained human parsing models and fail in locating the identifiable nonhuman parts (e.g., knapsack). In this article, we introduce an alignment scheme in transformer architecture for the first time and propose the auto-aligned transformer (AAformer) to automatically locate both the human parts and nonhuman ones at patch level. We introduce the "Part tokens ([PART]s)", which are learnable vectors, to extract part features in the transformer. A [PART] only interacts with a local subset of patches in self-attention and learns to be the part representation. To adaptively group the image patches into different subsets, we design the auto-alignment. Auto-alignment employs a fast variant of optimal transport (OT) algorithm to online cluster the patch embeddings into several groups with the [PART]s as their prototypes. AAformer integrates the part alignment into the self-attention and the output [PART]s can be directly used as part features for retrieval. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of [PART]s and the superiority of AAformer over various state-of-the-art methods.

replace Probabilistic Approach for Detection of High-Frequency Periodic Signals using an Event Camera

Authors: David El-Chai Ben-Ezra, Ron Arad, Ayelet Padowicz, Israel Tugendhaft

Abstract: Being inspired by the biological eye, event camera is a novel asynchronous technology that pose a paradigm shift in acquisition of visual information. This paradigm enables event cameras to capture pixel-size fast motions much more naturally compared to classical cameras. In this paper we present a new asynchronous event-driven algorithm for detection of high-frequency pixel-size periodic signals using an event camera. Development of such new algorithms, to efficiently process the asynchronous information of event cameras, is essential and being a main challenge in the research community, in order to utilize its special properties and potential. It turns out that this algorithm, that was developed in order to satisfy the new paradigm, is related to an untreated theoretical problem in probability: let $0\leq\tau_{1}\leq\tau_{2}\leq\cdots\leq\tau_{m}\leq1$, originated from an unknown distribution. Let also $\epsilon,\delta\in\mathbb{R}$, and $d\in\mathbb{N}$. What can be said about the probability $\Phi(m,d)$ of having more than $d$ adjacent $\tau_{i}$-s pairs that the distance between them is $\delta$, up to an error $\epsilon$ ? This problem, that reminds the area of order statistic, shows how the new visualization paradigm is also an opportunity to develop new areas and problems in mathematics.

replace Videogenic: Identifying Highlight Moments in Videos with Professional Photographs as a Prior

Authors: David Chuan-En Lin, Fabian Caba Heilbron, Joon-Young Lee, Oliver Wang, Nikolas Martelaro

Abstract: This paper investigates the challenge of extracting highlight moments from videos. To perform this task, we need to understand what constitutes a highlight for arbitrary video domains while at the same time being able to scale across different domains. Our key insight is that photographs taken by photographers tend to capture the most remarkable or photogenic moments of an activity. Drawing on this insight, we present Videogenic, a technique capable of creating domain-specific highlight videos for a diverse range of domains. In a human evaluation study (N=50), we show that a high-quality photograph collection combined with CLIP-based retrieval (which uses a neural network with semantic knowledge of images) can serve as an excellent prior for finding video highlights. In a within-subjects expert study (N=12), we demonstrate the usefulness of Videogenic in helping video editors create highlight videos with lighter workload, shorter task completion time, and better usability.

replace Metrics for Dataset Demographic Bias: A Case Study on Facial Expression Recognition

Authors: Iris Dominguez-Catena, Daniel Paternain, Mikel Galar

Abstract: Demographic biases in source datasets have been shown as one of the causes of unfairness and discrimination in the predictions of Machine Learning models. One of the most prominent types of demographic bias are statistical imbalances in the representation of demographic groups in the datasets. In this paper, we study the measurement of these biases by reviewing the existing metrics, including those that can be borrowed from other disciplines. We develop a taxonomy for the classification of these metrics, providing a practical guide for the selection of appropriate metrics. To illustrate the utility of our framework, and to further understand the practical characteristics of the metrics, we conduct a case study of 20 datasets used in Facial Emotion Recognition (FER), analyzing the biases present in them. Our experimental results show that many metrics are redundant and that a reduced subset of metrics may be sufficient to measure the amount of demographic bias. The paper provides valuable insights for researchers in AI and related fields to mitigate dataset bias and improve the fairness and accuracy of AI models. The code is available at


replace Domain Adaptation based Object Detection for Autonomous Driving in Foggy and Rainy Weather

Authors: Jinlong Li, Runsheng Xu, Xinyu Liu, Jin Ma, Baolu Li, Qin Zou, Jiaqi Ma, Hongkai Yu

Abstract: Typically, object detection methods for autonomous driving that rely on supervised learning make the assumption of a consistent feature distribution between the training and testing data, this such assumption may fail in different weather conditions. Due to the domain gap, a detection model trained under clear weather may not perform well in foggy and rainy conditions. Overcoming detection bottlenecks in foggy and rainy weather is a real challenge for autonomous vehicles deployed in the wild. To bridge the domain gap and improve the performance of object detection in foggy and rainy weather, this paper presents a novel framework for domain-adaptive object detection. The adaptations at both the image-level and object-level are intended to minimize the differences in image style and object appearance between domains. Furthermore, in order to improve the model's performance on challenging examples, we introduce a novel adversarial gradient reversal layer that conducts adversarial mining on difficult instances in addition to domain adaptation. Additionally, we suggest generating an auxiliary domain through data augmentation to enforce a new domain-level metric regularization. Experimental findings on public V2V benchmark exhibit a substantial enhancement in object detection specifically for foggy and rainy driving scenarios.

replace Open-vocabulary object 6D pose estimation

Authors: Jaime Corsetti, Davide Boscaini, Changjae Oh, Andrea Cavallaro, Fabio Poiesi

Abstract: We introduce the new setting of open-vocabulary object 6D pose estimation, in which a textual prompt is used to specify the object of interest. In contrast to existing approaches, in our setting (i) the object of interest is specified solely through the textual prompt, (ii) no object model (e.g., CAD or video sequence) is required at inference, and (iii) the object is imaged from two RGBD viewpoints of different scenes. To operate in this setting, we introduce a novel approach that leverages a Vision-Language Model to segment the object of interest from the scenes and to estimate its relative 6D pose. The key of our approach is a carefully devised strategy to fuse object-level information provided by the prompt with local image features, resulting in a feature space that can generalize to novel concepts. We validate our approach on a new benchmark based on two popular datasets, REAL275 and Toyota-Light, which collectively encompass 34 object instances appearing in four thousand image pairs. The results demonstrate that our approach outperforms both a well-established hand-crafted method and a recent deep learning-based baseline in estimating the relative 6D pose of objects in different scenes. Code and dataset are available at


replace XCube: Large-Scale 3D Generative Modeling using Sparse Voxel Hierarchies

Authors: Xuanchi Ren, Jiahui Huang, Xiaohui Zeng, Ken Museth, Sanja Fidler, Francis Williams

Abstract: We present XCube (abbreviated as $\mathcal{X}^3$), a novel generative model for high-resolution sparse 3D voxel grids with arbitrary attributes. Our model can generate millions of voxels with a finest effective resolution of up to $1024^3$ in a feed-forward fashion without time-consuming test-time optimization. To achieve this, we employ a hierarchical voxel latent diffusion model which generates progressively higher resolution grids in a coarse-to-fine manner using a custom framework built on the highly efficient VDB data structure. Apart from generating high-resolution objects, we demonstrate the effectiveness of XCube on large outdoor scenes at scales of 100m$\times$100m with a voxel size as small as 10cm. We observe clear qualitative and quantitative improvements over past approaches. In addition to unconditional generation, we show that our model can be used to solve a variety of tasks such as user-guided editing, scene completion from a single scan, and text-to-3D. The source code and more results can be found at


replace Bilateral Reference for High-Resolution Dichotomous Image Segmentation

Authors: Peng Zheng, Dehong Gao, Deng-Ping Fan, Li Liu, Jorma Laaksonen, Wanli Ouyang, Nicu Sebe

Abstract: We introduce a novel bilateral reference framework (BiRefNet) for high-resolution dichotomous image segmentation (DIS). It comprises two essential components: the localization module (LM) and the reconstruction module (RM) with our proposed bilateral reference (BiRef). The LM aids in object localization using global semantic information. Within the RM, we utilize BiRef for the reconstruction process, where hierarchical patches of images provide the source reference and gradient maps serve as the target reference. These components collaborate to generate the final predicted maps. We also introduce auxiliary gradient supervision to enhance focus on regions with finer details. Furthermore, we outline practical training strategies tailored for DIS to improve map quality and training process. To validate the general applicability of our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on four tasks to evince that BiRefNet exhibits remarkable performance, outperforming task-specific cutting-edge methods across all benchmarks. Our codes are available at


replace SoK: Facial Deepfake Detectors

Authors: Binh M. Le, Jiwon Kim, Shahroz Tariq, Kristen Moore, Alsharif Abuadbba, Simon S. Woo

Abstract: Deepfakes have rapidly emerged as a profound and serious threat to society, primarily due to their ease of creation and dissemination. This situation has triggered an accelerated development of deepfake detection technologies. However, many existing detectors rely heavily on lab-generated datasets for validation, which may not effectively prepare them for novel, emerging, and real-world deepfake techniques. In this paper, we conduct an extensive and comprehensive review and analysis of the latest state-of-the-art deepfake detectors, evaluating them against several critical criteria. These criteria facilitate the categorization of these detectors into 4 high-level groups and 13 fine-grained sub-groups, all aligned with a unified standard conceptual framework. This classification and framework offer deep and practical insights into the factors that affect detector efficacy. We assess the generalizability of 16 leading detectors across various standard attack scenarios, including black-box, white-box, and gray-box settings. Our systematized analysis and experimentation lay the groundwork for a deeper understanding of deepfake detectors and their generalizability, paving the way for future research focused on creating detectors adept at countering various attack scenarios. Additionally, this work offers insights for developing more proactive defenses against deepfakes.

replace Revisiting Active Learning in the Era of Vision Foundation Models

Authors: Sanket Rajan Gupte, Josiah Aklilu, Jeffrey J. Nirschl, Serena Yeung-Levy

Abstract: Foundation vision or vision-language models are trained on large unlabeled or noisy data and learn robust representations that can achieve impressive zero- or few-shot performance on diverse tasks. Given these properties, they are a natural fit for active learning (AL), which aims to maximize labeling efficiency. However, the full potential of foundation models has not been explored in the context of AL, specifically in the low-budget regime. In this work, we evaluate how foundation models influence three critical components of effective AL, namely, 1) initial labeled pool selection, 2) ensuring diverse sampling, and 3) the trade-off between representative and uncertainty sampling. We systematically study how the robust representations of foundation models (DINOv2, OpenCLIP) challenge existing findings in active learning. Our observations inform the principled construction of a new simple and elegant AL strategy that balances uncertainty estimated via dropout with sample diversity. We extensively test our strategy on many challenging image classification benchmarks, including natural images as well as out-of-domain biomedical images that are relatively understudied in the AL literature. We also provide a highly performant and efficient implementation of modern AL strategies (including our method) at


replace Deep Frequency-Aware Functional Maps for Robust Shape Matching

Authors: Feifan Luo, Qinsong Li, Ling Hu, Haibo Wang, Xinru Liu, Shengjun Liu, Hongyang Chen

Abstract: Deep functional map frameworks are widely employed for 3D shape matching. However, most existing deep functional map methods cannot adaptively capture important frequency information for functional map estimation in specific matching scenarios, i.e., lacking \textit{frequency awareness}, resulting in poor performance when dealing with large deformable shape matching. To this end, we propose a novel unsupervised learning-based framework called Deep Frequency-Aware Functional Maps, which can gracefully cope with various shape matching scenarios. We first introduce a general constraint called Spectral Filter Operator Preservation to compute desirable functional maps, where the spectral filter operator encodes informative frequency information and can promote frequency awareness for deep functional map frameworks by learning a set of filter functions. Then, we directly utilize the proposed constraint as a loss function to supervise functional maps, pointwise maps, and filter functions simultaneously, where the filter functions are derived from the orthonormal Jacobi basis, and the coefficients of the basis are learnable parameters. Finally, we develop an effective refinement strategy to improve the final pointwise map, which incorporates our constraint and learned filter functions, leading to more robust and accurate correspondences during the inference process. Extensive experimental results on various datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods, especially in challenging settings like datasets with non-isometric deformation and inconsistent topology.

replace Universal Prompt Optimizer for Safe Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Zongyu Wu, Hongcheng Gao, Yueze Wang, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang

Abstract: Text-to-Image (T2I) models have shown great performance in generating images based on textual prompts. However, these models are vulnerable to unsafe input to generate unsafe content like sexual, harassment and illegal-activity images. Existing studies based on image checker, model fine-tuning and embedding blocking are impractical in real-world applications. Hence, we propose the first universal prompt optimizer for safe T2I (POSI) generation in black-box scenario. We first construct a dataset consisting of toxic-clean prompt pairs by GPT-3.5 Turbo. To guide the optimizer to have the ability of converting toxic prompt to clean prompt while preserving semantic information, we design a novel reward function measuring toxicity and text alignment of generated images and train the optimizer through Proximal Policy Optimization. Experiments show that our approach can effectively reduce the likelihood of various T2I models in generating inappropriate images, with no significant impact on text alignment. It is also flexible to be combined with methods to achieve better performance. Our code is available at


replace DriveVLM: The Convergence of Autonomous Driving and Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Xiaoyu Tian, Junru Gu, Bailin Li, Yicheng Liu, Yang Wang, Zhiyong Zhao, Kun Zhan, Peng Jia, Xianpeng Lang, Hang Zhao

Abstract: A primary hurdle of autonomous driving in urban environments is understanding complex and long-tail scenarios, such as challenging road conditions and delicate human behaviors. We introduce DriveVLM, an autonomous driving system leveraging Vision-Language Models (VLMs) for enhanced scene understanding and planning capabilities. DriveVLM integrates a unique combination of reasoning modules for scene description, scene analysis, and hierarchical planning. Furthermore, recognizing the limitations of VLMs in spatial reasoning and heavy computational requirements, we propose DriveVLM-Dual, a hybrid system that synergizes the strengths of DriveVLM with the traditional autonomous driving pipeline. Experiments on both the nuScenes dataset and our SUP-AD dataset demonstrate the efficacy of DriveVLM and DriveVLM-Dual in handling complex and unpredictable driving conditions. Finally, we deploy the DriveVLM-Dual on a production vehicle, verifying it is effective in real-world autonomous driving environments.

replace DITTO: Dual and Integrated Latent Topologies for Implicit 3D Reconstruction

Authors: Jaehyeok Shim, Kyungdon Joo

Abstract: We propose a novel concept of dual and integrated latent topologies (DITTO in short) for implicit 3D reconstruction from noisy and sparse point clouds. Most existing methods predominantly focus on single latent type, such as point or grid latents. In contrast, the proposed DITTO leverages both point and grid latents (i.e., dual latent) to enhance their strengths, the stability of grid latents and the detail-rich capability of point latents. Concretely, DITTO consists of dual latent encoder and integrated implicit decoder. In the dual latent encoder, a dual latent layer, which is the key module block composing the encoder, refines both latents in parallel, maintaining their distinct shapes and enabling recursive interaction. Notably, a newly proposed dynamic sparse point transformer within the dual latent layer effectively refines point latents. Then, the integrated implicit decoder systematically combines these refined latents, achieving high-fidelity 3D reconstruction and surpassing previous state-of-the-art methods on object- and scene-level datasets, especially in thin and detailed structures.

replace LKM-UNet: Large Kernel Vision Mamba UNet for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Jinhong Wang, Jintai Chen, Danny Chen, Jian Wu

Abstract: In clinical practice, medical image segmentation provides useful information on the contours and dimensions of target organs or tissues, facilitating improved diagnosis, analysis, and treatment. In the past few years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformers have dominated this area, but they still suffer from either limited receptive fields or costly long-range modeling. Mamba, a State Space Sequence Model (SSM), recently emerged as a promising paradigm for long-range dependency modeling with linear complexity. In this paper, we introduce a Large Kernel Vision Mamba U-shape Network, or LKM-UNet, for medical image segmentation. A distinguishing feature of our LKM-UNet is its utilization of large Mamba kernels, excelling in locally spatial modeling compared to small kernel-based CNNs and Transformers, while maintaining superior efficiency in global modeling compared to self-attention with quadratic complexity. Additionally, we design a novel hierarchical and bidirectional Mamba block to further enhance Mamba's global and neighborhood spatial modeling capability for vision inputs. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the feasibility and the effectiveness of using large-size Mamba kernels to achieve large receptive fields. Codes are available at


replace Fine-grained Prompt Tuning: A Parameter and Memory Efficient Transfer Learning Method for High-resolution Medical Image Classification

Authors: Yijin Huang, Pujin Cheng, Roger Tam, Xiaoying Tang

Abstract: Parameter-efficient transfer learning (PETL) is proposed as a cost-effective way to transfer pre-trained models to downstream tasks, avoiding the high cost of updating entire large-scale pre-trained models (LPMs). In this work, we present Fine-grained Prompt Tuning (FPT), a novel PETL method for medical image classification. FPT significantly reduces memory consumption compared to other PETL methods, especially in high-resolution input contexts. To achieve this, we first freeze the weights of the LPM and construct a learnable lightweight side network. The frozen LPM takes high-resolution images as input to extract fine-grained features, while the side network is fed low-resolution images to reduce memory usage. To allow the side network to access pre-trained knowledge, we introduce fine-grained prompts that summarize information from the LPM through a fusion module. Important tokens selection and preloading techniques are employed to further reduce training cost and memory requirements. We evaluate FPT on four medical datasets with varying sizes, modalities, and complexities. Experimental results demonstrate that FPT achieves comparable performance to fine-tuning the entire LPM while using only 1.8% of the learnable parameters and 13% of the memory costs of an encoder ViT-B model with a 512 x 512 input resolution.

replace CT-Bound: Robust Boundary Detection From Noisy Images Via Hybrid Convolution and Transformer Neural Networks

Authors: Wei Xu, Junjie Luo, Qi Guo

Abstract: We present CT-Bound, a robust and fast boundary detection method for very noisy images using a hybrid Convolution and Transformer neural network. The proposed architecture decomposes boundary estimation into two tasks: local detection and global regularization. During the local detection, the model uses a convolutional architecture to predict the boundary structure of each image patch in the form of a pre-defined local boundary representation, the field-of-junctions (FoJ). Then, it uses a feed-forward transformer architecture to globally refine the boundary structures of each patch to generate an edge map and a smoothed color map simultaneously. Our quantitative analysis shows that CT-Bound outperforms the previous best algorithms in edge detection on very noisy images. It also increases the edge detection accuracy of FoJ-based methods while having a 3-time speed improvement. Finally, we demonstrate that CT-Bound can produce boundary and color maps on real captured images without extra fine-tuning and real-time boundary map and color map videos at ten frames per second.

replace MagicLens: Self-Supervised Image Retrieval with Open-Ended Instructions

Authors: Kai Zhang, Yi Luan, Hexiang Hu, Kenton Lee, Siyuan Qiao, Wenhu Chen, Yu Su, Ming-Wei Chang

Abstract: Image retrieval, i.e., finding desired images given a reference image, inherently encompasses rich, multi-faceted search intents that are difficult to capture solely using image-based measures. Recent works leverage text instructions to allow users to more freely express their search intents. However, they primarily focus on image pairs that are visually similar and/or can be characterized by a small set of pre-defined relations. The core thesis of this paper is that text instructions can enable retrieving images with richer relations beyond visual similarity. To show this, we introduce MagicLens, a series of self-supervised image retrieval models that support open-ended instructions. MagicLens is built on a key novel insight: image pairs that naturally occur on the same web pages contain a wide range of implicit relations (e.g., inside view of), and we can bring those implicit relations explicit by synthesizing instructions via foundation models. Trained on 36.7M (query image, instruction, target image) triplets with rich semantic relations mined from the web, MagicLens achieves results comparable with or better than prior best on eight benchmarks of various image retrieval tasks, while maintaining high parameter efficiency with a significantly smaller model size. Additional human analyses on a 1.4M-image unseen corpus further demonstrate the diversity of search intents supported by MagicLens. Code and models are publicly available at


replace LVLM-Interpret: An Interpretability Tool for Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Gabriela Ben Melech Stan, Estelle Aflalo, Raanan Yehezkel Rohekar, Anahita Bhiwandiwalla, Shao-Yen Tseng, Matthew Lyle Olson, Yaniv Gurwicz, Chenfei Wu, Nan Duan, Vasudev Lal

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, multi-modal large language models are emerging as a significant area of interest. These models, which combine various forms of data input, are becoming increasingly popular. However, understanding their internal mechanisms remains a complex task. Numerous advancements have been made in the field of explainability tools and mechanisms, yet there is still much to explore. In this work, we present a novel interactive application aimed towards understanding the internal mechanisms of large vision-language models. Our interface is designed to enhance the interpretability of the image patches, which are instrumental in generating an answer, and assess the efficacy of the language model in grounding its output in the image. With our application, a user can systematically investigate the model and uncover system limitations, paving the way for enhancements in system capabilities. Finally, we present a case study of how our application can aid in understanding failure mechanisms in a popular large multi-modal model: LLaVA.

replace Accurately Classifying Out-Of-Distribution Data in Facial Recognition

Authors: Gianluca Barone, Aashrit Cunchala, Rudy Nunez

Abstract: Standard classification theory assumes that the distribution of images in the test and training sets are identical. Unfortunately, real-life scenarios typically feature unseen data ("out-of-distribution data") which is different from data in the training distribution("in-distribution"). This issue is most prevalent in social justice problems where data from under-represented groups may appear in the test data without representing an equal proportion of the training data. This may result in a model returning confidently wrong decisions and predictions. We are interested in the following question: Can the performance of a neural network improve on facial images of out-of-distribution data when it is trained simultaneously on multiple datasets of in-distribution data? We approach this problem by incorporating the Outlier Exposure model and investigate how the model's performance changes when other datasets of facial images were implemented. We observe that the accuracy and other metrics of the model can be increased by applying Outlier Exposure, incorporating a trainable weight parameter to increase the machine's emphasis on outlier images, and by re-weighting the importance of different class labels. We also experimented with whether sorting the images and determining outliers via image features would have more of an effect on the metrics than sorting by average pixel value. Our goal was to make models not only more accurate but also more fair by scanning a more expanded range of images. We also tested the datasets in reverse order to see whether a more fair dataset with balanced features has an effect on the model's accuracy.

replace The Ninth NTIRE 2024 Efficient Super-Resolution Challenge Report

Authors: Bin Ren, Yawei Li, Nancy Mehta, Radu Timofte, Hongyuan Yu, Cheng Wan, Yuxin Hong, Bingnan Han, Zhuoyuan Wu, Yajun Zou, Yuqing Liu, Jizhe Li, Keji He, Chao Fan, Heng Zhang, Xiaolin Zhang, Xuanwu Yin, Kunlong Zuo, Bohao Liao, Peizhe Xia, Long Peng, Zhibo Du, Xin Di, Wangkai Li, Yang Wang, Wei Zhai, Renjing Pei, Jiaming Guo, Songcen Xu, Yang Cao, Zhengjun Zha, Yan Wang, Yi Liu, Qing Wang, Gang Zhang, Liou Zhang, Shijie Zhao, Long Sun, Jinshan Pan, Jiangxin Dong, Jinhui Tang, Xin Liu, Min Yan, Qian Wang, Menghan Zhou, Yiqiang Yan, Yixuan Liu, Wensong Chan, Dehua Tang, Dong Zhou, Li Wang, Lu Tian, Barsoum Emad, Bohan Jia, Junbo Qiao, Yunshuai Zhou, Yun Zhang, Wei Li, Shaohui Lin, Shenglong Zhou, Binbin Chen, Jincheng Liao, Suiyi Zhao, Zhao Zhang, Bo Wang, Yan Luo, Yanyan Wei, Feng Li, Mingshen Wang, Yawei Li, Jinhan Guan, Dehua Hu, Jiawei Yu, Qisheng Xu, Tao Sun, Long Lan, Kele Xu, Xin Lin, Jingtong Yue, Lehan Yang, Shiyi Du, Lu Qi, Chao Ren, Zeyu Han, Yuhan Wang, Chaolin Chen, Haobo Li, Mingjun Zheng, Zhongbao Yang, Lianhong Song, Xingzhuo Yan, Minghan Fu, Jingyi Zhang, Baiang Li, Qi Zhu, Xiaogang Xu, Dan Guo, Chunle Guo, Jiadi Chen, Huanhuan Long, Chunjiang Duanmu, Xiaoyan Lei, Jie Liu, Weilin Jia, Weifeng Cao, Wenlong Zhang, Yanyu Mao, Ruilong Guo, Nihao Zhang, Qian Wang, Manoj Pandey, Maksym Chernozhukov, Giang Le, Shuli Cheng, Hongyuan Wang, Ziyan Wei, Qingting Tang, Liejun Wang, Yongming Li, Yanhui Guo, Hao Xu, Akram Khatami-Rizi, Ahmad Mahmoudi-Aznaveh, Chih-Chung Hsu, Chia-Ming Lee, Yi-Shiuan Chou, Amogh Joshi, Nikhil Akalwadi, Sampada Malagi, Palani Yashaswini, Chaitra Desai, Ramesh Ashok Tabib, Ujwala Patil, Uma Mudenagudi

Abstract: This paper provides a comprehensive review of the NTIRE 2024 challenge, focusing on efficient single-image super-resolution (ESR) solutions and their outcomes. The task of this challenge is to super-resolve an input image with a magnification factor of x4 based on pairs of low and corresponding high-resolution images. The primary objective is to develop networks that optimize various aspects such as runtime, parameters, and FLOPs, while still maintaining a peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of approximately 26.90 dB on the DIV2K_LSDIR_valid dataset and 26.99 dB on the DIV2K_LSDIR_test dataset. In addition, this challenge has 4 tracks including the main track (overall performance), sub-track 1 (runtime), sub-track 2 (FLOPs), and sub-track 3 (parameters). In the main track, all three metrics (ie runtime, FLOPs, and parameter count) were considered. The ranking of the main track is calculated based on a weighted sum-up of the scores of all other sub-tracks. In sub-track 1, the practical runtime performance of the submissions was evaluated, and the corresponding score was used to determine the ranking. In sub-track 2, the number of FLOPs was considered. The score calculated based on the corresponding FLOPs was used to determine the ranking. In sub-track 3, the number of parameters was considered. The score calculated based on the corresponding parameters was used to determine the ranking. RLFN is set as the baseline for efficiency measurement. The challenge had 262 registered participants, and 34 teams made valid submissions. They gauge the state-of-the-art in efficient single-image super-resolution. To facilitate the reproducibility of the challenge and enable other researchers to build upon these findings, the code and the pre-trained model of validated solutions are made publicly available at


replace ID-Animator: Zero-Shot Identity-Preserving Human Video Generation

Authors: Xuanhua He, Quande Liu, Shengju Qian, Xin Wang, Tao Hu, Ke Cao, Keyu Yan, Jie Zhang

Abstract: Generating high-fidelity human video with specified identities has attracted significant attention in the content generation community. However, existing techniques struggle to strike a balance between training efficiency and identity preservation, either requiring tedious case-by-case fine-tuning or usually missing identity details in the video generation process. In this study, we present \textbf{ID-Animator}, a zero-shot human-video generation approach that can perform personalized video generation given a single reference facial image without further training. ID-Animator inherits existing diffusion-based video generation backbones with a face adapter to encode the ID-relevant embeddings from learnable facial latent queries. To facilitate the extraction of identity information in video generation, we introduce an ID-oriented dataset construction pipeline that incorporates unified human attributes and action captioning techniques from a constructed facial image pool. Based on this pipeline, a random reference training strategy is further devised to precisely capture the ID-relevant embeddings with an ID-preserving loss, thus improving the fidelity and generalization capacity of our model for ID-specific video generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of ID-Animator to generate personalized human videos over previous models. Moreover, our method is highly compatible with popular pre-trained T2V models like animatediff and various community backbone models, showing high extendability in real-world applications for video generation where identity preservation is highly desired. Our codes and checkpoints are released at


replace MaPa: Text-driven Photorealistic Material Painting for 3D Shapes

Authors: Shangzhan Zhang, Sida Peng, Tao Xu, Yuanbo Yang, Tianrun Chen, Nan Xue, Yujun Shen, Hujun Bao, Ruizhen Hu, Xiaowei Zhou

Abstract: This paper aims to generate materials for 3D meshes from text descriptions. Unlike existing methods that synthesize texture maps, we propose to generate segment-wise procedural material graphs as the appearance representation, which supports high-quality rendering and provides substantial flexibility in editing. Instead of relying on extensive paired data, i.e., 3D meshes with material graphs and corresponding text descriptions, to train a material graph generative model, we propose to leverage the pre-trained 2D diffusion model as a bridge to connect the text and material graphs. Specifically, our approach decomposes a shape into a set of segments and designs a segment-controlled diffusion model to synthesize 2D images that are aligned with mesh parts. Based on generated images, we initialize parameters of material graphs and fine-tune them through the differentiable rendering module to produce materials in accordance with the textual description. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our framework in photorealism, resolution, and editability over existing methods. Project page:


replace Deep Pulse-Signal Magnification for remote Heart Rate Estimation in Compressed Videos

Authors: Joaquim Comas, Adria Ruiz, Federico Sukno

Abstract: Recent advancements in data-driven approaches for remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) have significantly improved the accuracy of remote heart rate estimation. However, the performance of such approaches worsens considerably under video compression, which is nevertheless necessary to store and transmit video data efficiently. In this paper, we present a novel approach to address the impact of video compression on rPPG estimation, which leverages a pulse-signal magnification transformation to adapt compressed videos to an uncompressed data domain in which the rPPG signal is magnified. We validate the effectiveness of our model by exhaustive evaluations on two publicly available datasets, UCLA-rPPG and UBFC-rPPG, employing both intra- and cross-database performance at several compression rates. Additionally, we assess the robustness of our approach on two additional highly compressed and widely-used datasets, MAHNOB-HCI and COHFACE, which reveal outstanding heart rate estimation results.

replace Improving the Explain-Any-Concept by Introducing Nonlinearity to the Trainable Surrogate Model

Authors: Mounes Zaval, Sedat Ozer

Abstract: In the evolving field of Explainable AI (XAI), interpreting the decisions of deep neural networks (DNNs) in computer vision tasks is an important process. While pixel-based XAI methods focus on identifying significant pixels, existing concept-based XAI methods use pre-defined or human-annotated concepts. The recently proposed Segment Anything Model (SAM) achieved a significant step forward to prepare automatic concept sets via comprehensive instance segmentation. Building upon this, the Explain Any Concept (EAC) model emerged as a flexible method for explaining DNN decisions. EAC model is based on using a surrogate model which has one trainable linear layer to simulate the target model. In this paper, by introducing an additional nonlinear layer to the original surrogate model, we show that we can improve the performance of the EAC model. We compare our proposed approach to the original EAC model and report improvements obtained on both ImageNet and MS COCO datasets.

replace Enhancing Active Learning for Sentinel 2 Imagery through Contrastive Learning and Uncertainty Estimation

Authors: David Pogorzelski, Peter Arlinghaus, Wenyan Zhang

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel method designed to enhance label efficiency in satellite imagery analysis by integrating semi-supervised learning (SSL) with active learning strategies. Our approach utilizes contrastive learning together with uncertainty estimations via Monte Carlo Dropout (MC Dropout), with a particular focus on Sentinel-2 imagery analyzed using the Eurosat dataset. We explore the effectiveness of our method in scenarios featuring both balanced and unbalanced class distributions. Our results show that the proposed method performs better than several other popular methods in this field, enabling significant savings in labeling effort while maintaining high classification accuracy. These findings highlight the potential of our approach to facilitate scalable and cost-effective satellite image analysis, particularly advantageous for extensive environmental monitoring and land use classification tasks.

replace Text-to-Image Rectified Flow as Plug-and-Play Priors

Authors: Xiaofeng Yang, Cheng Chen, Xulei Yang, Fayao Liu, Guosheng Lin

Abstract: Large-scale diffusion models have achieved remarkable performance in generative tasks. Beyond their initial training applications, these models have proven their ability to function as versatile plug-and-play priors. For instance, 2D diffusion models can serve as loss functions to optimize 3D implicit models. Rectified flow, a novel class of generative models, enforces a linear progression from the source to the target distribution and has demonstrated superior performance across various domains. Compared to diffusion-based methods, rectified flow approaches surpass in terms of generation quality and efficiency, requiring fewer inference steps. In this work, we present theoretical and experimental evidence demonstrating that rectified flow based methods offer similar functionalities to diffusion models - they can also serve as effective priors. Besides the generative capabilities of diffusion priors, motivated by the unique time-symmetry properties of rectified flow models, a variant of our method can additionally perform image inversion. Experimentally, our rectified flow-based priors outperform their diffusion counterparts - the SDS and VSD losses - in text-to-3D generation. Our method also displays competitive performance in image inversion and editing.

replace Comparative Benchmarking of Failure Detection Methods in Medical Image Segmentation: Unveiling the Role of Confidence Aggregation

Authors: Maximilian Zenk, David Zimmerer, Fabian Isensee, Jeremias Traub, Tobias Norajitra, Paul F. J\"ager, Klaus Maier-Hein

Abstract: Semantic segmentation is an essential component of medical image analysis research, with recent deep learning algorithms offering out-of-the-box applicability across diverse datasets. Despite these advancements, segmentation failures remain a significant concern for real-world clinical applications, necessitating reliable detection mechanisms. This paper introduces a comprehensive benchmarking framework aimed at evaluating failure detection methodologies within medical image segmentation. Through our analysis, we identify the strengths and limitations of current failure detection metrics, advocating for the risk-coverage analysis as a holistic evaluation approach. Utilizing a collective dataset comprising five public 3D medical image collections, we assess the efficacy of various failure detection strategies under realistic test-time distribution shifts. Our findings highlight the importance of pixel confidence aggregation and we observe superior performance of the pairwise Dice score (Roy et al., 2019) between ensemble predictions, positioning it as a simple and robust baseline for failure detection in medical image segmentation. To promote ongoing research, we make the benchmarking framework available to the community.

replace FSBI: Deepfakes Detection with Frequency Enhanced Self-Blended Images

Authors: Ahmed Abul Hasanaath, Hamzah Luqman, Raed Katib, Saeed Anwar

Abstract: Advances in deepfake research have led to the creation of almost perfect manipulations undetectable by human eyes and some deepfakes detection tools. Recently, several techniques have been proposed to differentiate deepfakes from realistic images and videos. This paper introduces a Frequency Enhanced Self-Blended Images (FSBI) approach for deepfakes detection. This proposed approach utilizes Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT) to extract discriminative features from the self-blended images (SBI) to be used for training a convolutional network architecture model. The SBIs blend the image with itself by introducing several forgery artifacts in a copy of the image before blending it. This prevents the classifier from overfitting specific artifacts by learning more generic representations. These blended images are then fed into the frequency features extractor to detect artifacts that can not be detected easily in the time domain. The proposed approach has been evaluated on FF++ and Celeb-DF datasets and the obtained results outperformed the state-of-the-art techniques with the cross-dataset evaluation protocol.

replace Image Distillation for Safe Data Sharing in Histopathology

Authors: Zhe Li, Bernhard Kainz

Abstract: Histopathology can help clinicians make accurate diagnoses, determine disease prognosis, and plan appropriate treatment strategies. As deep learning techniques prove successful in the medical domain, the primary challenges become limited data availability and concerns about data sharing and privacy. Federated learning has addressed this challenge by training models locally and updating parameters on a server. However, issues, such as domain shift and bias, persist and impact overall performance. Dataset distillation presents an alternative approach to overcoming these challenges. It involves creating a small synthetic dataset that encapsulates essential information, which can be shared without constraints. At present, this paradigm is not practicable as current distillation approaches only generate non human readable representations and exhibit insufficient performance for downstream learning tasks. We train a latent diffusion model and construct a new distilled synthetic dataset with a small number of human readable synthetic images. Selection of maximally informative synthetic images is done via graph community analysis of the representation space. We compare downstream classification models trained on our synthetic distillation data to models trained on real data and reach performances suitable for practical application.

replace WATT: Weight Average Test-Time Adaptation of CLIP

Authors: David Osowiechi, Mehrdad Noori, Gustavo Adolfo Vargas Hakim, Moslem Yazdanpanah, Ali Bahri, Milad Cheraghalikhani, Sahar Dastani, Farzad Beizaee, Ismail Ben Ayed, Christian Desrosiers

Abstract: Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as CLIP have yielded unprecedented performance for zero-shot image classification, yet their generalization capability may still be seriously challenged when confronted to domain shifts. In response, we present Weight Average Test-Time Adaptation (WATT) of CLIP, a pioneering approach facilitating full test-time adaptation (TTA) of this VLM. Our method employs a diverse set of templates for text prompts, augmenting the existing framework of CLIP. Predictions are utilized as pseudo labels for model updates, followed by weight averaging to consolidate the learned information globally. Furthermore, we introduce a text ensemble strategy, enhancing overall test performance by aggregating diverse textual cues. Our findings underscore the efficacy of WATT in enhancing performance across diverse datasets, including CIFAR-10-C, CIFAR-10.1, CIFAR-100-C, VisDA-C, and several other challenging datasets, effectively covering a wide range of domain shifts. Notably, these enhancements are achieved without necessitating additional model transformations or trainable modules. Moreover, compared to other Test-Time Adaptation methods, our approach can operate effectively with just a single image. Highlighting the potential of innovative test-time strategies, this research emphasizes their role in fortifying the adaptability of VLMs. The implementation is available at: \url{}.


replace MIRReS: Multi-bounce Inverse Rendering using Reservoir Sampling

Authors: Yuxin Dai, Qi Wang, Jingsen Zhu, Dianbing Xi, Yuchi Huo, Chen Qian, Ying He

Abstract: We present MIRReS, a novel two-stage inverse rendering framework that jointly reconstructs and optimizes the explicit geometry, material, and lighting from multi-view images. Unlike previous methods that rely on implicit irradiance fields or simplified path tracing algorithms, our method extracts an explicit geometry (triangular mesh) in stage one, and introduces a more realistic physically-based inverse rendering model that utilizes multi-bounce path tracing and Monte Carlo integration. By leveraging multi-bounce path tracing, our method effectively estimates indirect illumination, including self-shadowing and internal reflections, which improves the intrinsic decomposition of shape, material, and lighting. Moreover, we incorporate reservoir sampling into our framework to address the noise in Monte Carlo integration, enhancing convergence and facilitating gradient-based optimization with low sample counts. Through qualitative and quantitative evaluation of several scenarios, especially in challenging scenarios with complex shadows, we demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on decomposition results. Additionally, our optimized explicit geometry enables applications such as scene editing, relighting, and material editing with modern graphics engines or CAD software. The source code is available at


replace Exploring Test-Time Adaptation for Object Detection in Continually Changing Environments

Authors: Shilei Cao, Yan Liu, Juepeng Zheng, Weijia Li, Runmin Dong, Haohuan Fu

Abstract: For real-world applications, neural network models are commonly deployed in dynamic environments, where the distribution of the target domain undergoes temporal changes. Continual Test-Time Adaptation (CTTA) has recently emerged as a promising technique to gradually adapt a source-trained model to test data drawn from a continually changing target domain. Despite recent advancements in addressing CTTA, two critical issues remain: 1) The use of a fixed threshold for pseudo-labeling in existing methodologies leads to the generation of low-quality pseudo-labels, as model confidence varies across categories and domains; 2) While current solutions utilize stochastic parameter restoration to mitigate catastrophic forgetting, their capacity to preserve critical information is undermined by its intrinsic randomness. To tackle these challenges, we present CTAOD, aiming to enhance the performance of detection models in CTTA scenarios. Inspired by prior CTTA works for effective adaptation, CTAOD is founded on the mean-teacher framework, characterized by three core components. Firstly, the object-level contrastive learning module tailored for object detection extracts object-level features using the teacher's region of interest features and optimizes them through contrastive learning. Secondly, the dynamic threshold strategy updates the category-specific threshold based on predicted confidence scores to improve the quality of pseudo-labels. Lastly, we design a data-driven stochastic restoration mechanism to selectively reset inactive parameters using the gradients as weights for a random mask matrix, thereby ensuring the retention of essential knowledge. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on four CTTA tasks for object detection, where CTAOD outperforms existing methods, especially achieving a 3.0 mAP improvement on the Cityscapes-to-Cityscapes-C CTTA task.

replace OmAgent: A Multi-modal Agent Framework for Complex Video Understanding with Task Divide-and-Conquer

Authors: Lu Zhang, Tiancheng Zhao, Heting Ying, Yibo Ma, Kyusong Lee

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have expanded their capabilities to multimodal contexts, including comprehensive video understanding. However, processing extensive videos such as 24-hour CCTV footage or full-length films presents significant challenges due to the vast data and processing demands. Traditional methods, like extracting key frames or converting frames to text, often result in substantial information loss. To address these shortcomings, we develop OmAgent, efficiently stores and retrieves relevant video frames for specific queries, preserving the detailed content of videos. Additionally, it features an Divide-and-Conquer Loop capable of autonomous reasoning, dynamically invoking APIs and tools to enhance query processing and accuracy. This approach ensures robust video understanding, significantly reducing information loss. Experimental results affirm OmAgent's efficacy in handling various types of videos and complex tasks. Moreover, we have endowed it with greater autonomy and a robust tool-calling system, enabling it to accomplish even more intricate tasks.

replace-cross Soundify: Matching Sound Effects to Video

Authors: David Chuan-En Lin, Anastasis Germanidis, Crist\'obal Valenzuela, Yining Shi, Nikolas Martelaro

Abstract: In the art of video editing, sound helps add character to an object and immerse the viewer within a space. Through formative interviews with professional editors (N=10), we found that the task of adding sounds to video can be challenging. This paper presents Soundify, a system that assists editors in matching sounds to video. Given a video, Soundify identifies matching sounds, synchronizes the sounds to the video, and dynamically adjusts panning and volume to create spatial audio. In a human evaluation study (N=889), we show that Soundify is capable of matching sounds to video out-of-the-box for a diverse range of audio categories. In a within-subjects expert study (N=12), we demonstrate the usefulness of Soundify in helping video editors match sounds to video with lighter workload, reduced task completion time, and improved usability.

replace-cross VideoMap: Supporting Video Editing Exploration, Brainstorming, and Prototyping in the Latent Space

Authors: David Chuan-En Lin, Fabian Caba Heilbron, Joon-Young Lee, Oliver Wang, Nikolas Martelaro

Abstract: Video editing is a creative and complex endeavor and we believe that there is potential for reimagining a new video editing interface to better support the creative and exploratory nature of video editing. We take inspiration from latent space exploration tools that help users find patterns and connections within complex datasets. We present VideoMap, a proof-of-concept video editing interface that operates on video frames projected onto a latent space. We support intuitive navigation through map-inspired navigational elements and facilitate transitioning between different latent spaces through swappable lenses. We built three VideoMap components to support editors in three common video tasks. In a user study with both professionals and non-professionals, editors found that VideoMap helps reduce grunt work, offers a user-friendly experience, provides an inspirational way of editing, and effectively supports the exploratory nature of video editing. We further demonstrate the versatility of VideoMap by implementing three extended applications. For interactive examples, we invite you to visit our project page:


replace-cross A Probabilistic Fluctuation based Membership Inference Attack for Diffusion Models

Authors: Wenjie Fu, Huandong Wang, Chen Gao, Guanghua Liu, Yong Li, Tao Jiang

Abstract: Membership Inference Attack (MIA) identifies whether a record exists in a machine learning model's training set by querying the model. MIAs on the classic classification models have been well-studied, and recent works have started to explore how to transplant MIA onto generative models. Our investigation indicates that existing MIAs designed for generative models mainly depend on the overfitting in target models. However, overfitting can be avoided by employing various regularization techniques, whereas existing MIAs demonstrate poor performance in practice. Unlike overfitting, memorization is essential for deep learning models to attain optimal performance, making it a more prevalent phenomenon. Memorization in generative models leads to an increasing trend in the probability distribution of generating records around the member record. Therefore, we propose a Probabilistic Fluctuation Assessing Membership Inference Attack (PFAMI), a black-box MIA that infers memberships by detecting these trends via analyzing the overall probabilistic fluctuations around given records. We conduct extensive experiments across multiple generative models and datasets, which demonstrate PFAMI can improve the attack success rate (ASR) by about 27.9% when compared with the best baseline.

replace-cross UCM-Net: A Lightweight and Efficient Solution for Skin Lesion Segmentation using MLP and CNN

Authors: Chunyu Yuan, Dongfang Zhao, Sos S. Agaian

Abstract: Skin cancer poses a significant public health challenge, necessitating efficient diagnostic tools. We introduce UCM-Net, a novel skin lesion segmentation model combining Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). This lightweight, efficient architecture, deviating from traditional UNet designs, dramatically reduces computational demands, making it ideal for mobile health applications. Evaluated on PH2, ISIC 2017, and ISIC 2018 datasets, UCM-Net demonstrates robust performance with fewer than 50KB parameters and requires less than 0.05 Giga Operations Per Second (GLOPs). Moreover, its minimal memory requirement is just 1.19MB in CPU environment positions. It is a potential benchmark for efficiency in skin lesion segmentation, suitable for deployment in resource-constrained settings. In order to facilitate accessibility and further research in the field, the UCM-Net source code is


replace-cross DK-SLAM: Monocular Visual SLAM with Deep Keypoint Learning, Tracking and Loop-Closing

Authors: Hao Qu, Lilian Zhang, Jun Mao, Junbo Tie, Xiaofeng He, Xiaoping Hu, Yifei Shi, Changhao Chen

Abstract: The performance of visual SLAM in complex, real-world scenarios is often compromised by unreliable feature extraction and matching when using handcrafted features. Although deep learning-based local features excel at capturing high-level information and perform well on matching benchmarks, they struggle with generalization in continuous motion scenes, adversely affecting loop detection accuracy. Our system employs a Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) strategy to optimize the training of keypoint extraction networks, enhancing their adaptability to diverse environments. Additionally, we introduce a coarse-to-fine feature tracking mechanism for learned keypoints. It begins with a direct method to approximate the relative pose between consecutive frames, followed by a feature matching method for refined pose estimation. To mitigate cumulative positioning errors, DK-SLAM incorporates a novel online learning module that utilizes binary features for loop closure detection. This module dynamically identifies loop nodes within a sequence, ensuring accurate and efficient localization. Experimental evaluations on publicly available datasets demonstrate that DK-SLAM outperforms leading traditional and learning based SLAM systems, such as ORB-SLAM3 and LIFT-SLAM. These results underscore the efficacy and robustness of our DK-SLAM in varied and challenging real-world environments.

replace-cross Diverse Part Synthesis for 3D Shape Creation

Authors: Yanran Guan, Oliver van Kaick

Abstract: Methods that use neural networks for synthesizing 3D shapes in the form of a part-based representation have been introduced over the last few years. These methods represent shapes as a graph or hierarchy of parts and enable a variety of applications such as shape sampling and reconstruction. However, current methods do not allow easily regenerating individual shape parts according to user preferences. In this paper, we investigate techniques that allow the user to generate multiple, diverse suggestions for individual parts. Specifically, we experiment with multimodal deep generative models that allow sampling diverse suggestions for shape parts and focus on models which have not been considered in previous work on shape synthesis. To provide a comparative study of these techniques, we introduce a method for synthesizing 3D shapes in a part-based representation and evaluate all the part suggestion techniques within this synthesis method. In our method, which is inspired by previous work, shapes are represented as a set of parts in the form of implicit functions which are then positioned in space to form the final shape. Synthesis in this representation is enabled by a neural network architecture based on an implicit decoder and a spatial transformer. We compare the various multimodal generative models by evaluating their performance in generating part suggestions. Our contribution is to show with qualitative and quantitative evaluations which of the new techniques for multimodal part generation perform the best and that a synthesis method based on the top-performing techniques allows the user to more finely control the parts that are generated in the 3D shapes while maintaining high shape fidelity when reconstructing shapes.

replace-cross Advancing dermatological diagnosis: Development of a hyperspectral dermatoscope for enhanced skin imaging

Authors: Martin J. Hetz, Carina Nogueira Garcia, Sarah Haggenm\"uller, Titus J. Brinker

Abstract: Clinical dermatology necessitates precision and innovation for efficient diagnosis and treatment of various skin conditions. This paper introduces the development of a cutting-edge hyperspectral dermatoscope (the Hyperscope) tailored for human skin analysis. We detail the requirements to such a device and the design considerations, from optical configurations to sensor selection, necessary to capture a wide spectral range with high fidelity. Preliminary results from 15 individuals and 160 recorded skin images demonstrate the potential of the Hyperscope in identifying and characterizing various skin conditions, offering a promising avenue for non-invasive skin evaluation and a platform for future research in dermatology-related hyperspectral imaging.

replace-cross Graph Image Prior for Unsupervised Dynamic Cardiac Cine MRI Reconstruction

Authors: Zhongsen Li, Wenxuan Chen, Shuai Wang, Chuyu Liu, Qing Zou, Rui Li

Abstract: The inductive bias of the convolutional neural network (CNN) can be a strong prior for image restoration, which is known as the Deep Image Prior (DIP). Recently, DIP is utilized in unsupervised dynamic MRI reconstruction, which adopts a generative model from the latent space to the image space. However, existing methods usually use a pyramid-shaped CNN generator shared by all frames, embedding the temporal modeling within the latent space, which may hamper the model expression capability. In this work, we propose a novel scheme for dynamic MRI representation, named ``Graph Image Prior'' (GIP). GIP adopts a two-stage generative network in a new modeling methodology, which first employs independent CNNs to recover the image structure for each frame, and then exploits the spatio-temporal correlations within the feature space parameterized by a graph model. A graph convolutional network is utilized for feature fusion and dynamic image generation. In addition, we devise an ADMM algorithm to alternately optimize the images and the network parameters to improve the reconstruction performance. Experiments were conducted on cardiac cine MRI reconstruction, which demonstrate that GIP outperforms compressed sensing methods and other DIP-based unsupervised methods, significantly reducing the performance gap with state-of-the-art supervised algorithms. Moreover, GIP displays superior generalization ability when transferred to a different reconstruction setting, without the need for any additional data.

replace-cross Rethinking Pruning for Vision-Language Models: Strategies for Effective Sparsity and Performance Restoration

Authors: Shwai He, Ang Li, Tianlong Chen

Abstract: Vision-Language Models (VLMs) integrate information from multiple modalities and have shown remarkable success across various tasks. However, deploying large-scale VLMs in resource-constrained scenarios is challenging. Pruning followed by finetuning offers a potential solution but remains underexplored for VLMs. This study addresses two key questions: how to distribute sparsity across different modality-specific models, and how to restore the performance of pruned sparse VLMs. Our preliminary studies identified two effective pruning settings: applying the same sparsity to both vision and language models, and pruning only the language models. While LoRA finetuning aims to restore sparse models, it faces challenges due to incompatibility with sparse models, disrupting the pruned sparsity. To overcome these issues, we propose SparseLoRA, which applies sparsity directly to LoRA weights. Our experimental results demonstrate significant improvements, including an 11.3\% boost under 2:4 sparsity and a 47.6\% enhancement under unstructured 70\% sparsity. Code is released at: \url{}.


replace-cross MRISegmentator-Abdomen: A Fully Automated Multi-Organ and Structure Segmentation Tool for T1-weighted Abdominal MRI

Authors: Yan Zhuang, Tejas Sudharshan Mathai, Pritam Mukherjee, Brandon Khoury, Boah Kim, Benjamin Hou, Nusrat Rabbee, Abhinav Suri, Ronald M. Summers

Abstract: Background: Segmentation of organs and structures in abdominal MRI is useful for many clinical applications, such as disease diagnosis and radiotherapy. Current approaches have focused on delineating a limited set of abdominal structures (13 types). To date, there is no publicly available abdominal MRI dataset with voxel-level annotations of multiple organs and structures. Consequently, a segmentation tool for multi-structure segmentation is also unavailable. Methods: We curated a T1-weighted abdominal MRI dataset consisting of 195 patients who underwent imaging at National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center. The dataset comprises of axial pre-contrast T1, arterial, venous, and delayed phases for each patient, thereby amounting to a total of 780 series (69,248 2D slices). Each series contains voxel-level annotations of 62 abdominal organs and structures. A 3D nnUNet model, dubbed as MRISegmentator-Abdomen (MRISegmentator in short), was trained on this dataset, and evaluation was conducted on an internal test set and two large external datasets: AMOS22 and Duke Liver. The predicted segmentations were compared against the ground-truth using the Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and Normalized Surface Distance (NSD). Findings: MRISegmentator achieved an average DSC of 0.861$\pm$0.170 and a NSD of 0.924$\pm$0.163 in the internal test set. On the AMOS22 dataset, MRISegmentator attained an average DSC of 0.829$\pm$0.133 and a NSD of 0.908$\pm$0.067. For the Duke Liver dataset, an average DSC of 0.933$\pm$0.015 and a NSD of 0.929$\pm$0.021 was obtained. Interpretation: The proposed MRISegmentator provides automatic, accurate, and robust segmentations of 62 organs and structures in T1-weighted abdominal MRI sequences. The tool has the potential to accelerate research on various clinical topics, such as abnormality detection, radiotherapy, disease classification among others.

replace-cross Instance-level quantitative saliency in multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation

Authors: Federico Spagnolo, Nataliia Molchanova, Roger Schaer, Meritxell Bach Cuadra, Mario Ocampo Pineda, Lester Melie-Garcia, Cristina Granziera, Vincent Andrearczyk, Adrien Depeursinge

Abstract: In recent years, explainable methods for artificial intelligence (XAI) have tried to reveal and describe models' decision mechanisms in the case of classification tasks. However, XAI for semantic segmentation and in particular for single instances has been little studied to date. Understanding the process underlying automatic segmentation of single instances is crucial to reveal what information was used to detect and segment a given object of interest. In this study, we proposed two instance-level explanation maps for semantic segmentation based on SmoothGrad and Grad-CAM++ methods. Then, we investigated their relevance for the detection and segmentation of white matter lesions (WML), a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) biomarker in multiple sclerosis (MS). 687 patients diagnosed with MS for a total of 4043 FLAIR and MPRAGE MRI scans were collected at the University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland. Data were randomly split into training, validation and test sets to train a 3D U-Net for MS lesion segmentation. We observed 3050 true positive (TP), 1818 false positive (FP), and 789 false negative (FN) cases. We generated instance-level explanation maps for semantic segmentation, by developing two XAI methods based on SmoothGrad and Grad-CAM++. We investigated: 1) the distribution of gradients in saliency maps with respect to both input MRI sequences; 2) the model's response in the case of synthetic lesions; 3) the amount of perilesional tissue needed by the model to segment a lesion. Saliency maps (based on SmoothGrad) in FLAIR showed positive values inside a lesion and negative in its neighborhood. Peak values of saliency maps generated for these four groups of volumes presented distributions that differ significantly from one another, suggesting a quantitative nature of the proposed saliency. Contextual information of 7mm around the lesion border was required for their segmentation.

replace-cross ECLIPSE: Expunging Clean-label Indiscriminate Poisons via Sparse Diffusion Purification

Authors: Xianlong Wang, Shengshan Hu, Yechao Zhang, Ziqi Zhou, Leo Yu Zhang, Peng Xu, Wei Wan, Hai Jin

Abstract: Clean-label indiscriminate poisoning attacks add invisible perturbations to correctly labeled training images, thus dramatically reducing the generalization capability of the victim models. Recently, some defense mechanisms have been proposed such as adversarial training, image transformation techniques, and image purification. However, these schemes are either susceptible to adaptive attacks, built on unrealistic assumptions, or only effective against specific poison types, limiting their universal applicability. In this research, we propose a more universally effective, practical, and robust defense scheme called ECLIPSE. We first investigate the impact of Gaussian noise on the poisons and theoretically prove that any kind of poison will be largely assimilated when imposing sufficient random noise. In light of this, we assume the victim has access to an extremely limited number of clean images (a more practical scene) and subsequently enlarge this sparse set for training a denoising probabilistic model (a universal denoising tool). We then begin by introducing Gaussian noise to absorb the poisons and then apply the model for denoising, resulting in a roughly purified dataset. Finally, to address the trade-off of the inconsistency in the assimilation sensitivity of different poisons by Gaussian noise, we propose a lightweight corruption compensation module to effectively eliminate residual poisons, providing a more universal defense approach. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our defense approach outperforms 10 state-of-the-art defenses. We also propose an adaptive attack against ECLIPSE and verify the robustness of our defense scheme. Our code is available at


replace-cross Rapid and Accurate Diagnosis of Acute Aortic Syndrome using Non-contrast CT: A Large-scale, Retrospective, Multi-center and AI-based Study

Authors: Yujian Hu, Yilang Xiang, Yan-Jie Zhou, Yangyan He, Shifeng Yang, Xiaolong Du, Chunlan Den, Youyao Xu, Gaofeng Wang, Zhengyao Ding, Jingyong Huang, Wenjun Zhao, Xuejun Wu, Donglin Li, Qianqian Zhu, Zhenjiang Li, Chenyang Qiu, Ziheng Wu, Yunjun He, Chen Tian, Yihui Qiu, Zuodong Lin, Xiaolong Zhang, Yuan He, Zhenpeng Yuan, Xiaoxiang Zhou, Rong Fan, Ruihan Chen, Wenchao Guo, Jianpeng Zhang, Tony C. W. Mok, Zi Li, Le Lu, Dehai Lang, Xiaoqiang Li, Guofu Wang, Wei Lu, Zhengxing Huang, Minfeng Xu, Hongkun Zhang

Abstract: Chest pain symptoms are highly prevalent in emergency departments (EDs), where acute aortic syndrome (AAS) is a catastrophic cardiovascular emergency with a high fatality rate, especially when timely and accurate treatment is not administered. However, current triage practices in the ED can cause up to approximately half of patients with AAS to have an initially missed diagnosis or be misdiagnosed as having other acute chest pain conditions. Subsequently, these AAS patients will undergo clinically inaccurate or suboptimal differential diagnosis. Fortunately, even under these suboptimal protocols, nearly all these patients underwent non-contrast CT covering the aorta anatomy at the early stage of differential diagnosis. In this study, we developed an artificial intelligence model (DeepAAS) using non-contrast CT, which is highly accurate for identifying AAS and provides interpretable results to assist in clinical decision-making. Performance was assessed in two major phases: a multi-center retrospective study (n = 20,750) and an exploration in real-world emergency scenarios (n = 137,525). In the multi-center cohort, DeepAAS achieved a mean area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.958 (95% CI 0.950-0.967). In the real-world cohort, DeepAAS detected 109 AAS patients with misguided initial suspicion, achieving 92.6% (95% CI 76.2%-97.5%) in mean sensitivity and 99.2% (95% CI 99.1%-99.3%) in mean specificity. Our AI model performed well on non-contrast CT at all applicable early stages of differential diagnosis workflows, effectively reduced the overall missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis rate from 48.8% to 4.8% and shortened the diagnosis time for patients with misguided initial suspicion from an average of 681.8 (74-11,820) mins to 68.5 (23-195) mins. DeepAAS could effectively fill the gap in the current clinical workflow without requiring additional tests.

replace-cross SegHist: A General Segmentation-based Framework for Chinese Historical Document Text Line Detection

Authors: Xingjian Hu, Baole Wei, Liangcai Gao

Abstract: Text line detection is a key task in historical document analysis facing many challenges of arbitrary-shaped text lines, dense texts, and text lines with high aspect ratios, etc. In this paper, we propose a general framework for historical document text detection (SegHist), enabling existing segmentation-based text detection methods to effectively address the challenges, especially text lines with high aspect ratios. Integrating the SegHist framework with the commonly used method DB++, we develop DB-SegHist. This approach achieves SOTA on the CHDAC, MTHv2, and competitive results on HDRC datasets, with a significant improvement of 1.19% on the most challenging CHDAC dataset which features more text lines with high aspect ratios. Moreover, our method attains SOTA on rotated MTHv2 and rotated HDRC, demonstrating its rotational robustness. The code is available at


replace-cross X-ray2CTPA: Generating 3D CTPA scans from 2D X-ray conditioning

Authors: Noa Cahan, Eyal Klang, Galit Aviram, Yiftach Barash, Eli Konen, Raja Giryes, Hayit Greenspan

Abstract: Chest X-rays or chest radiography (CXR), commonly used for medical diagnostics, typically enables limited imaging compared to computed tomography (CT) scans, which offer more detailed and accurate three-dimensional data, particularly contrast-enhanced scans like CT Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA). However, CT scans entail higher costs, greater radiation exposure, and are less accessible than CXRs. In this work we explore cross-modal translation from a 2D low contrast-resolution X-ray input to a 3D high contrast and spatial-resolution CTPA scan. Driven by recent advances in generative AI, we introduce a novel diffusion-based approach to this task. We evaluate the models performance using both quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback from radiologists, ensuring diagnostic relevance of the generated images. Furthermore, we employ the synthesized 3D images in a classification framework and show improved AUC in a PE categorization task, using the initial CXR input. The proposed method is generalizable and capable of performing additional cross-modality translations in medical imaging. It may pave the way for more accessible and cost-effective advanced diagnostic tools. The code for this project is available: .


replace-cross Sampling Strategies in Bayesian Inversion: A Study of RTO and Langevin Methods

Authors: Remi Laumont, Yiqiu Dong, Martin Skovgaard Andersen

Abstract: This paper studies two classes of sampling methods for the solution of inverse problems, namely Randomize-Then-Optimize (RTO), which is rooted in sensitivity analysis, and Langevin methods, which are rooted in the Bayesian framework. The two classes of methods correspond to different assumptions and yield samples from different target distributions. We highlight the main conceptual and theoretical differences between the two approaches and compare them from a practical point of view by tackling two classical inverse problems in imaging: deblurring and inpainting. We show that the choice of the sampling method has a significant impact on the quality of the reconstruction and that the RTO method is more robust to the choice of the parameters.