new Towards a Science Exocortex

Authors: Kevin G. Yager

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) methods are poised to revolutionize intellectual work, with generative AI enabling automation of text analysis, text generation, and simple decision making or reasoning. The impact to science is only just beginning, but the opportunity is significant since scientific research relies fundamentally on extended chains of cognitive work. Here, we review the state of the art in agentic AI systems, and discuss how these methods could be extended to have even greater impact on science. We propose the development of an exocortex, a synthetic extension of a person's cognition. A science exocortex could be designed as a swarm of AI agents, with each agent individually streamlining specific researcher tasks, and whose inter-communication leads to emergent behavior that greatly extend the researcher's cognition and volition.

new A Moonshot for AI Oracles in the Sciences

Authors: Bryan Kaiser, Tailin Wu, Maike Sonnewald, Colin Thackray, Skylar Callis

Abstract: Nobel laureate Philip Anderson and Elihu Abrahams once stated that, "even if machines did contribute to normal science, we see no mechanism by which they could create a Kuhnian revolution and thereby establish a new physical law." In this Perspective, we draw upon insights from the philosophies of science and artificial intelligence (AI) to propose necessary conditions of precisely such a mechanism for generating revolutionary mathematical theories. Recent advancements in AI suggest that satisfying the proposed necessary conditions by machines may be plausible; thus, our proposed necessary conditions also define a moonshot challenge. We also propose a heuristic definition of the intelligibility of mathematical theories to accelerate the development of machine theorists.

new Human-Object Interaction from Human-Level Instructions

Authors: Zhen Wu, Jiaman Li, C. Karen Liu

Abstract: Intelligent agents need to autonomously navigate and interact within contextual environments to perform a wide range of daily tasks based on human-level instructions. These agents require a foundational understanding of the world, incorporating common sense and knowledge, to interpret such instructions. Moreover, they must possess precise low-level skills for movement and interaction to execute the detailed task plans derived from these instructions. In this work, we address the task of synthesizing continuous human-object interactions for manipulating large objects within contextual environments, guided by human-level instructions. Our goal is to generate synchronized object motion, full-body human motion, and detailed finger motion, all essential for realistic interactions. Our framework consists of a large language model (LLM) planning module and a low-level motion generator. We use LLMs to deduce spatial object relationships and devise a method for accurately determining their positions and orientations in target scene layouts. Additionally, the LLM planner outlines a detailed task plan specifying a sequence of sub-tasks. This task plan, along with the target object poses, serves as input for our low-level motion generator, which seamlessly alternates between navigation and interaction modules. We present the first complete system that can synthesize object motion, full-body motion, and finger motion simultaneously from human-level instructions. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our high-level planner in generating plausible target layouts and our low-level motion generator in synthesizing realistic interactions for diverse objects. Please refer to our project page for more results:


new What type of inference is planning?

Authors: Miguel L\'azaro-Gredilla, Li Yang Ku, Kevin P. Murphy, Dileep George

Abstract: Multiple types of inference are available for probabilistic graphical models, e.g., marginal, maximum-a-posteriori, and even marginal maximum-a-posteriori. Which one do researchers mean when they talk about "planning as inference"? There is no consistency in the literature, different types are used, and their ability to do planning is further entangled with specific approximations or additional constraints. In this work we use the variational framework to show that all commonly used types of inference correspond to different weightings of the entropy terms in the variational problem, and that planning corresponds _exactly_ to a _different_ set of weights. This means that all the tricks of variational inference are readily applicable to planning. We develop an analogue of loopy belief propagation that allows us to perform approximate planning in factored state Markov decisions processes without incurring intractability due to the exponentially large state space. The variational perspective shows that the previous types of inference for planning are only adequate in environments with low stochasticity, and allows us to characterize each type by its own merits, disentangling the type of inference from the additional approximations that its practical use requires. We validate these results empirically on synthetic MDPs and tasks posed in the International Planning Competition.

new Unbiasing on the Fly: Explanation-Guided Human Oversight of Machine Learning System Decisions

Authors: Hussaini Mamman, Shuib Basri, Abdullateef Balogun, Abubakar Abdullahi Imam, Ganesh Kumar, Luiz Fernando Capretz

Abstract: The widespread adoption of ML systems across critical domains like hiring, finance, and healthcare raises growing concerns about their potential for discriminatory decision-making based on protected attributes. While efforts to ensure fairness during development are crucial, they leave deployed ML systems vulnerable to potentially exhibiting discrimination during their operations. To address this gap, we propose a novel framework for on-the-fly tracking and correction of discrimination in deployed ML systems. Leveraging counterfactual explanations, the framework continuously monitors the predictions made by an ML system and flags discriminatory outcomes. When flagged, post-hoc explanations related to the original prediction and the counterfactual alternatives are presented to a human reviewer for real-time intervention. This human-in-the-loop approach empowers reviewers to accept or override the ML system decision, enabling fair and responsible ML operation under dynamic settings. While further work is needed for validation and refinement, this framework offers a promising avenue for mitigating discrimination and building trust in ML systems deployed in a wide range of domains.

new Multimodal foundation world models for generalist embodied agents

Authors: Pietro Mazzaglia, Tim Verbelen, Bart Dhoedt, Aaron Courville, Sai Rajeswar

Abstract: Learning generalist embodied agents, able to solve multitudes of tasks in different domains is a long-standing problem. Reinforcement learning (RL) is hard to scale up as it requires a complex reward design for each task. In contrast, language can specify tasks in a more natural way. Current foundation vision-language models (VLMs) generally require fine-tuning or other adaptations to be functional, due to the significant domain gap. However, the lack of multimodal data in such domains represents an obstacle toward developing foundation models for embodied applications. In this work, we overcome these problems by presenting multimodal foundation world models, able to connect and align the representation of foundation VLMs with the latent space of generative world models for RL, without any language annotations. The resulting agent learning framework, GenRL, allows one to specify tasks through vision and/or language prompts, ground them in the embodied domain's dynamics, and learns the corresponding behaviors in imagination. As assessed through large-scale multi-task benchmarking, GenRL exhibits strong multi-task generalization performance in several locomotion and manipulation domains. Furthermore, by introducing a data-free RL strategy, it lays the groundwork for foundation model-based RL for generalist embodied agents.

new Start from Zero: Triple Set Prediction for Automatic Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Wen Zhang, Yajing Xu, Peng Ye, Zhiwei Huang, Zezhong Xu, Jiaoyan Chen, Jeff Z. Pan, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Knowledge graph (KG) completion aims to find out missing triples in a KG. Some tasks, such as link prediction and instance completion, have been proposed for KG completion. They are triple-level tasks with some elements in a missing triple given to predict the missing element of the triple. However, knowing some elements of the missing triple in advance is not always a realistic setting. In this paper, we propose a novel graph-level automatic KG completion task called Triple Set Prediction (TSP) which assumes none of the elements in the missing triples is given. TSP is to predict a set of missing triples given a set of known triples. To properly and accurately evaluate this new task, we propose 4 evaluation metrics including 3 classification metrics and 1 ranking metric, considering both the partial-open-world and the closed-world assumptions. Furthermore, to tackle the huge candidate triples for prediction, we propose a novel and efficient subgraph-based method GPHT that can predict the triple set fast. To fairly compare the TSP results, we also propose two types of methods RuleTensor-TSP and KGE-TSP applying the existing rule- and embedding-based methods for TSP as baselines. During experiments, we evaluate the proposed methods on two datasets extracted from Wikidata following the relation-similarity partial-open-world assumption proposed by us, and also create a complete family data set to evaluate TSP results following the closed-world assumption. Results prove that the methods can successfully generate a set of missing triples and achieve reasonable scores on the new task, and GPHT performs better than the baselines with significantly shorter prediction time. The datasets and code for experiments are available at


new Games of Knightian Uncertainty

Authors: Spyridon Samothrakis, Dennis J. N. J. Soemers, Damian Machlanski

Abstract: Arguably, for the latter part of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, games have been seen as the drosophila of AI. Games are a set of exciting testbeds, whose solutions (in terms of identifying optimal players) would lead to machines that would possess some form of general intelligence, or at the very least help us gain insights toward building intelligent machines. Following impressive successes in traditional board games like Go, Chess, and Poker, but also video games like the Atari 2600 collection, it is clear that this is not the case. Games have been attacked successfully, but we are nowhere near AGI developments (or, as harsher critics might say, useful AI developments!). In this short vision paper, we argue that for game research to become again relevant to the AGI pathway, we need to be able to address \textit{Knightian uncertainty} in the context of games, i.e. agents need to be able to adapt to rapid changes in game rules on the fly with no warning, no previous data, and no model access.

new PlaMo: Plan and Move in Rich 3D Physical Environments

Authors: Assaf Hallak, Gal Dalal, Chen Tessler, Kelly Guo, Shie Mannor, Gal Chechik

Abstract: Controlling humanoids in complex physically simulated worlds is a long-standing challenge with numerous applications in gaming, simulation, and visual content creation. In our setup, given a rich and complex 3D scene, the user provides a list of instructions composed of target locations and locomotion types. To solve this task we present PlaMo, a scene-aware path planner and a robust physics-based controller. The path planner produces a sequence of motion paths, considering the various limitations the scene imposes on the motion, such as location, height, and speed. Complementing the planner, our control policy generates rich and realistic physical motion adhering to the plan. We demonstrate how the combination of both modules enables traversing complex landscapes in diverse forms while responding to real-time changes in the environment. Video: .


new AI Alignment through Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback? Contradictions and Limitations

Authors: Adam Dahlgren Lindstr\"om, Leila Methnani, Lea Krause, Petter Ericson, \'I\~nigo Mart\'inez de Rituerto de Troya, Dimitri Coelho Mollo, Roel Dobbe

Abstract: This paper critically evaluates the attempts to align Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, especially Large Language Models (LLMs), with human values and intentions through Reinforcement Learning from Feedback (RLxF) methods, involving either human feedback (RLHF) or AI feedback (RLAIF). Specifically, we show the shortcomings of the broadly pursued alignment goals of honesty, harmlessness, and helpfulness. Through a multidisciplinary sociotechnical critique, we examine both the theoretical underpinnings and practical implementations of RLxF techniques, revealing significant limitations in their approach to capturing the complexities of human ethics and contributing to AI safety. We highlight tensions and contradictions inherent in the goals of RLxF. In addition, we discuss ethically-relevant issues that tend to be neglected in discussions about alignment and RLxF, among which the trade-offs between user-friendliness and deception, flexibility and interpretability, and system safety. We conclude by urging researchers and practitioners alike to critically assess the sociotechnical ramifications of RLxF, advocating for a more nuanced and reflective approach to its application in AI development.

cross Large Language Models estimate fine-grained human color-concept associations

Authors: Kushin Mukherjee, Timothy T. Rogers, Karen B. Schloss

Abstract: Concepts, both abstract and concrete, elicit a distribution of association strengths across perceptual color space, which influence aspects of visual cognition ranging from object recognition to interpretation of information visualizations. While prior work has hypothesized that color-concept associations may be learned from the cross-modal statistical structure of experience, it has been unclear whether natural environments possess such structure or, if so, whether learning systems are capable of discovering and exploiting it without strong prior constraints. We addressed these questions by investigating the ability of GPT-4, a multimodal large language model, to estimate human-like color-concept associations without any additional training. Starting with human color-concept association ratings for 71 color set spanning perceptual color space (\texttt{UW-71}) and concepts that varied in abstractness, we assessed how well association ratings generated by GPT-4 could predict human ratings. GPT-4 ratings were correlated with human ratings, with performance comparable to state-of-the-art methods for automatically estimating color-concept associations from images. Variability in GPT-4's performance across concepts could be explained by specificity of the concept's color-concept association distribution. This study suggests that high-order covariances between language and perception, as expressed in the natural environment of the internet, contain sufficient information to support learning of human-like color-concept associations, and provides an existence proof that a learning system can encode such associations without initial constraints. The work further shows that GPT-4 can be used to efficiently estimate distributions of color associations for a broad range of concepts, potentially serving as a critical tool for designing effective and intuitive information visualizations.

cross Spanish and LLM Benchmarks: is MMLU Lost in Translation?

Authors: Irene Plaza, Nina Melero, Cristina del Pozo, Javier Conde, Pedro Reviriego, Marina Mayor-Rocher, Mar\'ia Grandury

Abstract: The evaluation of Large Language Models (LLMs) is a key element in their continuous improvement process and many benchmarks have been developed to assess the performance of LLMs in different tasks and topics. As LLMs become adopted worldwide, evaluating them in languages other than English is increasingly important. However, most LLM benchmarks are simply translated using an automated tool and then run in the target language. This means that the results depend not only on the LLM performance in that language but also on the quality of the translation. In this paper, we consider the case of the well-known Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) benchmark. Selected categories of the benchmark are translated into Spanish using Azure Translator and ChatGPT4 and run on ChatGPT4. Next, the results are processed to identify the test items that produce different answers in Spanish and English. Those are then analyzed manually to understand if the automatic translation caused the change. The results show that a significant fraction of the failing items can be attributed to mistakes in the translation of the benchmark. These results make a strong case for improving benchmarks in languages other than English by at least revising the translations of the items and preferably by adapting the tests to the target language by experts.

cross MoleculeCLA: Rethinking Molecular Benchmark via Computational Ligand-Target Binding Analysis

Authors: Shikun Feng, Jiaxin Zheng, Yinjun Jia, Yanwen Huang, Fengfeng Zhou, Wei-Ying Ma, Yanyan Lan

Abstract: Molecular representation learning is pivotal for various molecular property prediction tasks related to drug discovery. Robust and accurate benchmarks are essential for refining and validating current methods. Existing molecular property benchmarks derived from wet experiments, however, face limitations such as data volume constraints, unbalanced label distribution, and noisy labels. To address these issues, we construct a large-scale and precise molecular representation dataset of approximately 140,000 small molecules, meticulously designed to capture an extensive array of chemical, physical, and biological properties, derived through a robust computational ligand-target binding analysis pipeline. We conduct extensive experiments on various deep learning models, demonstrating that our dataset offers significant physicochemical interpretability to guide model development and design. Notably, the dataset's properties are linked to binding affinity metrics, providing additional insights into model performance in drug-target interaction tasks. We believe this dataset will serve as a more accurate and reliable benchmark for molecular representation learning, thereby expediting progress in the field of artificial intelligence-driven drug discovery.

cross Understanding the Role of User Profile in the Personalization of Large Language Models

Authors: Bin Wu, Zhengyan Shi, Hossein A. Rahmani, Varsha Ramineni, Emine Yilmaz

Abstract: Utilizing user profiles to personalize Large Language Models (LLMs) has been shown to enhance the performance on a wide range of tasks. However, the precise role of user profiles and their effect mechanism on LLMs remains unclear. This study first confirms that the effectiveness of user profiles is primarily due to personalization information rather than semantic information. Furthermore, we investigate how user profiles affect the personalization of LLMs. Within the user profile, we reveal that it is the historical personalized response produced or approved by users that plays a pivotal role in personalizing LLMs. This discovery unlocks the potential of LLMs to incorporate a greater number of user profiles within the constraints of limited input length. As for the position of user profiles, we observe that user profiles integrated into different positions of the input context do not contribute equally to personalization. Instead, where the user profile that is closer to the beginning affects more on the personalization of LLMs. Our findings reveal the role of user profiles for the personalization of LLMs, and showcase how incorporating user profiles impacts performance providing insight to leverage user profiles effectively.

cross Can LLMs Generate Visualizations with Dataless Prompts?

Authors: Darius Coelho, Harshit Barot, Naitik Rathod, Klaus Mueller

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models have revolutionized information access, as these models harness data available on the web to address complex queries, becoming the preferred information source for many users. In certain cases, queries are about publicly available data, which can be effectively answered with data visualizations. In this paper, we investigate the ability of large language models to provide accurate data and relevant visualizations in response to such queries. Specifically, we investigate the ability of GPT-3 and GPT-4 to generate visualizations with dataless prompts, where no data accompanies the query. We evaluate the results of the models by comparing them to visualization cheat sheets created by visualization experts.

cross MOSSBench: Is Your Multimodal Language Model Oversensitive to Safe Queries?

Authors: Xirui Li, Hengguang Zhou, Ruochen Wang, Tianyi Zhou, Minhao Cheng, Cho-Jui Hsieh

Abstract: Humans are prone to cognitive distortions -- biased thinking patterns that lead to exaggerated responses to specific stimuli, albeit in very different contexts. This paper demonstrates that advanced Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) exhibit similar tendencies. While these models are designed to respond queries under safety mechanism, they sometimes reject harmless queries in the presence of certain visual stimuli, disregarding the benign nature of their contexts. As the initial step in investigating this behavior, we identify three types of stimuli that trigger the oversensitivity of existing MLLMs: Exaggerated Risk, Negated Harm, and Counterintuitive Interpretation. To systematically evaluate MLLMs' oversensitivity to these stimuli, we propose the Multimodal OverSenSitivity Benchmark (MOSSBench). This toolkit consists of 300 manually collected benign multimodal queries, cross-verified by third-party reviewers (AMT). Empirical studies using MOSSBench on 20 MLLMs reveal several insights: (1). Oversensitivity is prevalent among SOTA MLLMs, with refusal rates reaching up to 76% for harmless queries. (2). Safer models are more oversensitive: increasing safety may inadvertently raise caution and conservatism in the model's responses. (3). Different types of stimuli tend to cause errors at specific stages -- perception, intent reasoning, and safety judgement -- in the response process of MLLMs. These findings highlight the need for refined safety mechanisms that balance caution with contextually appropriate responses, improving the reliability of MLLMs in real-world applications. We make our project available at


cross Enhancing Commentary Strategies for Imperfect Information Card Games: A Study of Large Language Models in Guandan Commentary

Authors: Meiling Tao. Xuechen Liang, Yiling Tao, Tianyu Shi

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have unlocked the potential for generating high-quality game commentary. However, producing insightful and engaging commentary for complex games with incomplete information remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we introduce a novel commentary method that combine Reinforcement Learning (RL) and LLMs, tailored specifically for the Chinese card game \textit{Guandan}. Our system leverages RL to generate intricate card-playing scenarios and employs LLMs to generate corresponding commentary text, effectively emulating the strategic analysis and narrative prowess of professional commentators. The framework comprises a state commentary guide, a Theory of Mind (ToM)-based strategy analyzer, and a style retrieval module, which seamlessly collaborate to deliver detailed and context-relevant game commentary in the Chinese language environment. We empower LLMs with ToM capabilities and refine both retrieval and information filtering mechanisms. This facilitates the generation of personalized commentary content. Our experimental results showcase the substantial enhancement in performance achieved by the proposed commentary framework when applied to open-source LLMs, surpassing the performance of GPT-4 across multiple evaluation metrics.

cross Training-Free Exponential Extension of Sliding Window Context with Cascading KV Cache

Authors: Jeffrey Willette, Heejun Lee, Youngwan Lee, Myeongjae Jeon, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: The context window within a transformer provides a form of active memory for the current task, which can be useful for few-shot learning and conditional generation, both which depend heavily on previous context tokens. However, as the context length grows, the computational cost increases quadratically. Recent works have shown that saving a few initial tokens along with a fixed-sized sliding window leads to stable streaming generation with linear complexity in transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs). However, they make suboptimal use of the fixed window by naively evicting all tokens unconditionally from the key-value (KV) cache once they reach the end of the window, resulting in tokens being forgotten and no longer able to affect subsequent predictions. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel mechanism for storing longer sliding window contexts with the same total cache size by keeping separate cascading sub-cache buffers whereby each subsequent buffer conditionally accepts a fraction of the relatively more important tokens evicted from the previous buffer. Our method results in a dynamic KV cache that can store tokens from the more distant past than a fixed, static sliding window approach. Our experiments show improvements of 5.6% on long context generation (LongBench), 1.2% in streaming perplexity (PG19), and 0.6% in language understanding (MMLU STEM) using LLMs given the same fixed cache size. Additionally, we provide an efficient implementation that improves the KV cache latency from 1.33ms per caching operation to 0.54ms, a 59% speedup over previous work.

cross PIC2O-Sim: A Physics-Inspired Causality-Aware Dynamic Convolutional Neural Operator for Ultra-Fast Photonic Device FDTD Simulation

Authors: Pingchuan Ma, Haoyu Yang, Zhengqi Gao, Duane S. Boning, Jiaqi Gu

Abstract: The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, which is important in photonic hardware design flow, is widely adopted to solve time-domain Maxwell equations. However, FDTD is known for its prohibitive runtime cost, taking minutes to hours to simulate a single device. Recently, AI has been applied to realize orders-of-magnitude speedup in partial differential equation (PDE) solving. However, AI-based FDTD solvers for photonic devices have not been clearly formulated. Directly applying off-the-shelf models to predict the optical field dynamics shows unsatisfying fidelity and efficiency since the model primitives are agnostic to the unique physical properties of Maxwell equations and lack algorithmic customization. In this work, we thoroughly investigate the synergy between neural operator designs and the physical property of Maxwell equations and introduce a physics-inspired AI-based FDTD prediction framework PIC2O-Sim which features a causality-aware dynamic convolutional neural operator as its backbone model that honors the space-time causality constraints via careful receptive field configuration and explicitly captures the permittivity-dependent light propagation behavior via an efficient dynamic convolution operator. Meanwhile, we explore the trade-offs among prediction scalability, fidelity, and efficiency via a multi-stage partitioned time-bundling technique in autoregressive prediction. Multiple key techniques have been introduced to mitigate iterative error accumulation while maintaining efficiency advantages during autoregressive field prediction. Extensive evaluations on three challenging photonic device simulation tasks have shown the superiority of our PIC2O-Sim method, showing 51.2% lower roll-out prediction error, 23.5 times fewer parameters than state-of-the-art neural operators, providing 300-600x higher simulation speed than an open-source FDTD numerical solver.

cross CATBench: A Compiler Autotuning Benchmarking Suite for Black-box Optimization

Authors: Jacob O. T{\o}rring, Carl Hvarfner, Luigi Nardi, Magnus Sj\"alander

Abstract: Bayesian optimization is a powerful method for automating tuning of compilers. The complex landscape of autotuning provides a myriad of rarely considered structural challenges for black-box optimizers, and the lack of standardized benchmarks has limited the study of Bayesian optimization within the domain. To address this, we present CATBench, a comprehensive benchmarking suite that captures the complexities of compiler autotuning, ranging from discrete, conditional, and permutation parameter types to known and unknown binary constraints, as well as both multi-fidelity and multi-objective evaluations. The benchmarks in CATBench span a range of machine learning-oriented computations, from tensor algebra to image processing and clustering, and uses state-of-the-art compilers, such as TACO and RISE/ELEVATE. CATBench offers a unified interface for evaluating Bayesian optimization algorithms, promoting reproducibility and innovation through an easy-to-use, fully containerized setup of both surrogate and real-world compiler optimization tasks. We validate CATBench on several state-of-the-art algorithms, revealing their strengths and weaknesses and demonstrating the suite's potential for advancing both Bayesian optimization and compiler autotuning research.

cross Scalable Artificial Intelligence for Science: Perspectives, Methods and Exemplars

Authors: Wesley Brewer, Aditya Kashi, Sajal Dash, Aristeidis Tsaris, Junqi Yin, Mallikarjun Shankar, Feiyi Wang

Abstract: In a post-ChatGPT world, this paper explores the potential of leveraging scalable artificial intelligence for scientific discovery. We propose that scaling up artificial intelligence on high-performance computing platforms is essential to address such complex problems. This perspective focuses on scientific use cases like cognitive simulations, large language models for scientific inquiry, medical image analysis, and physics-informed approaches. The study outlines the methodologies needed to address such challenges at scale on supercomputers or the cloud and provides exemplars of such approaches applied to solve a variety of scientific problems.

cross Unsupervised Concept Drift Detection from Deep Learning Representations in Real-time

Authors: Salvatore Greco, Bartolomeo Vacchetti, Daniele Apiletti, Tania Cerquitelli

Abstract: Concept Drift is a phenomenon in which the underlying data distribution and statistical properties of a target domain change over time, leading to a degradation of the model's performance. Consequently, models deployed in production require continuous monitoring through drift detection techniques. Most drift detection methods to date are supervised, i.e., based on ground-truth labels. However, true labels are usually not available in many real-world scenarios. Although recent efforts have been made to develop unsupervised methods, they often lack the required accuracy, have a complexity that makes real-time implementation in production environments difficult, or are unable to effectively characterize drift. To address these challenges, we propose DriftLens, an unsupervised real-time concept drift detection framework. It works on unstructured data by exploiting the distribution distances of deep learning representations. DriftLens can also provide drift characterization by analyzing each label separately. A comprehensive experimental evaluation is presented with multiple deep learning classifiers for text, image, and speech. Results show that (i) DriftLens performs better than previous methods in detecting drift in $11/13$ use cases; (ii) it runs at least 5 times faster; (iii) its detected drift value is very coherent with the amount of drift (correlation $\geq 0.85$); (iv) it is robust to parameter changes.

cross SUM: Saliency Unification through Mamba for Visual Attention Modeling

Authors: Alireza Hosseini, Amirhossein Kazerouni, Saeed Akhavan, Michael Brudno, Babak Taati

Abstract: Visual attention modeling, important for interpreting and prioritizing visual stimuli, plays a significant role in applications such as marketing, multimedia, and robotics. Traditional saliency prediction models, especially those based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Transformers, achieve notable success by leveraging large-scale annotated datasets. However, the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) models that use Transformers are computationally expensive. Additionally, separate models are often required for each image type, lacking a unified approach. In this paper, we propose Saliency Unification through Mamba (SUM), a novel approach that integrates the efficient long-range dependency modeling of Mamba with U-Net to provide a unified model for diverse image types. Using a novel Conditional Visual State Space (C-VSS) block, SUM dynamically adapts to various image types, including natural scenes, web pages, and commercial imagery, ensuring universal applicability across different data types. Our comprehensive evaluations across five benchmarks demonstrate that SUM seamlessly adapts to different visual characteristics and consistently outperforms existing models. These results position SUM as a versatile and powerful tool for advancing visual attention modeling, offering a robust solution universally applicable across different types of visual content.

cross Towards Hypermedia Environments for Adaptive Coordination in Industrial Automation

Authors: Ganesh Ramanathan, Simon Mayer, Andrei Ciortea

Abstract: Electromechanical systems manage physical processes through a network of inter-connected components. Today, programming the interactions required for coordinating these components is largely a manual process. This process is time-consuming and requires manual adaptation when system features change. To overcome this issue, we use autonomous software agents that process semantic descriptions of the system to determine coordination requirements and constraints; on this basis, they then interact with one another to control the system in a decentralized and coordinated manner.Our core insight is that coordination requirements between individual components are, ultimately, largely due to underlying physical interdependencies between the components, which can be (and, in many cases, already are) semantically modeled in automation projects. Agents then use hypermedia to discover, at run time, the plans and protocols required for enacting the coordination. A key novelty of our approach is the use of hypermedia-driven interaction: it reduces coupling in the system and enables its run-time adaptation as features change.

cross Temporal Prototype-Aware Learning for Active Voltage Control on Power Distribution Networks

Authors: Feiyang Xu, Shunyu Liu, Yunpeng Qing, Yihe Zhou, Yuwen Wang, Mingli Song

Abstract: Active Voltage Control (AVC) on the Power Distribution Networks (PDNs) aims to stabilize the voltage levels to ensure efficient and reliable operation of power systems. With the increasing integration of distributed energy resources, recent efforts have explored employing multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) techniques to realize effective AVC. Existing methods mainly focus on the acquisition of short-term AVC strategies, i.e., only learning AVC within the short-term training trajectories of a singular diurnal cycle. However, due to the dynamic nature of load demands and renewable energy, the operation states of real-world PDNs may exhibit significant distribution shifts across varying timescales (e.g., daily and seasonal changes). This can render those short-term strategies suboptimal or even obsolete when performing continuous AVC over extended periods. In this paper, we propose a novel temporal prototype-aware learning method, abbreviated as TPA, to learn time-adaptive AVC under short-term training trajectories. At the heart of TPA are two complementary components, namely multi-scale dynamic encoder and temporal prototype-aware policy, that can be readily incorporated into various MARL methods. The former component integrates a stacked transformer network to learn underlying temporal dependencies at different timescales of the PDNs, while the latter implements a learnable prototype matching mechanism to construct a dedicated AVC policy that can dynamically adapt to the evolving operation states. Experimental results on the AVC benchmark with different PDN sizes demonstrate that the proposed TPA surpasses the state-of-the-art counterparts not only in terms of control performance but also by offering model transferability. Our code is available at


cross Automatically Adaptive Conformal Risk Control

Authors: Vincent Blot (LISN, CNRS), Anastasios N Angelopoulos (UC Berkeley), Michael I Jordan (UC Berkeley, Inria), Nicolas J-B Brunel (ENSIIE)

Abstract: Science and technology have a growing need for effective mechanisms that ensure reliable, controlled performance from black-box machine learning algorithms. These performance guarantees should ideally hold conditionally on the input-that is the performance guarantees should hold, at least approximately, no matter what the input. However, beyond stylized discrete groupings such as ethnicity and gender, the right notion of conditioning can be difficult to define. For example, in problems such as image segmentation, we want the uncertainty to reflect the intrinsic difficulty of the test sample, but this may be difficult to capture via a conditioning event. Building on the recent work of Gibbs et al. [2023], we propose a methodology for achieving approximate conditional control of statistical risks-the expected value of loss functions-by adapting to the difficulty of test samples. Our framework goes beyond traditional conditional risk control based on user-provided conditioning events to the algorithmic, data-driven determination of appropriate function classes for conditioning. We apply this framework to various regression and segmentation tasks, enabling finer-grained control over model performance and demonstrating that by continuously monitoring and adjusting these parameters, we can achieve superior precision compared to conventional risk-control methods.

cross AI for the prediction of early stages of Alzheimer's disease from neuroimaging biomarkers -- A narrative review of a growing field

Authors: Thorsten Rudroff, Oona Rainio, Riku Kl\'en

Abstract: Objectives: The objectives of this narrative review are to summarize the current state of AI applications in neuroimaging for early Alzheimer's disease (AD) prediction and to highlight the potential of AI techniques in improving early AD diagnosis, prognosis, and management. Methods: We conducted a narrative review of studies using AI techniques applied to neuroimaging data for early AD prediction. We examined single-modality studies using structural MRI and PET imaging, as well as multi-modality studies integrating multiple neuroimaging techniques and biomarkers. Furthermore, they reviewed longitudinal studies that model AD progression and identify individuals at risk of rapid decline. Results: Single-modality studies using structural MRI and PET imaging have demonstrated high accuracy in classifying AD and predicting progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to AD. Multi-modality studies, integrating multiple neuroimaging techniques and biomarkers, have shown improved performance and robustness compared to single-modality approaches. Longitudinal studies have highlighted the value of AI in modeling AD progression and identifying individuals at risk of rapid decline. However, challenges remain in data standardization, model interpretability, generalizability, clinical integration, and ethical considerations. Conclusion: AI techniques applied to neuroimaging data have the potential to improve early AD diagnosis, prognosis, and management. Addressing challenges related to data standardization, model interpretability, generalizability, clinical integration, and ethical considerations is crucial for realizing the full potential of AI in AD research and clinical practice. Collaborative efforts among researchers, clinicians, and regulatory agencies are needed to develop reliable, robust, and ethical AI tools that can benefit AD patients and society.

cross European Space Agency Benchmark for Anomaly Detection in Satellite Telemetry

Authors: Krzysztof Kotowski, Christoph Haskamp, Jacek Andrzejewski, Bogdan Ruszczak, Jakub Nalepa, Daniel Lakey, Peter Collins, Aybike Kolmas, Mauro Bartesaghi, Jose Martinez-Heras, Gabriele De Canio

Abstract: Machine learning has vast potential to improve anomaly detection in satellite telemetry which is a crucial task for spacecraft operations. This potential is currently hampered by a lack of comprehensible benchmarks for multivariate time series anomaly detection, especially for the challenging case of satellite telemetry. The European Space Agency Benchmark for Anomaly Detection in Satellite Telemetry (ESA-ADB) aims to address this challenge and establish a new standard in the domain. It is a result of close cooperation between spacecraft operations engineers from the European Space Agency (ESA) and machine learning experts. The newly introduced ESA Anomalies Dataset contains annotated real-life telemetry from three different ESA missions, out of which two are included in ESA-ADB. Results of typical anomaly detection algorithms assessed in our novel hierarchical evaluation pipeline show that new approaches are necessary to address operators' needs. All elements of ESA-ADB are publicly available to ensure its full reproducibility.

cross Extreme Learning Machines for Fast Training of Click-Through Rate Prediction Models

Authors: Ergun Bi\c{c}ici

Abstract: Extreme Learning Machines (ELM) provide a fast alternative to traditional gradient-based learning in neural networks, offering rapid training and robust generalization capabilities. Its theoretical basis shows its universal approximation capability. We explore the application of ELMs for the task of Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction, which is largely unexplored by ELMs due to the high dimensionality of the problem. We introduce an ELM-based model enhanced with embedding layers to improve the performance on CTR tasks, which is a novel addition to the field. Experimental results on benchmark datasets, including Avazu and Criteo, demonstrate that our proposed ELM with embeddings achieves competitive F1 results while significantly reducing training time compared to state-of-the-art models such as Masknet. Our findings show that ELMs can be useful for CTR prediction, especially when fast training is needed.

cross Univariate Skeleton Prediction in Multivariate Systems Using Transformers

Authors: Giorgio Morales, John W. Sheppard

Abstract: Symbolic regression (SR) methods attempt to learn mathematical expressions that approximate the behavior of an observed system. However, when dealing with multivariate systems, they often fail to identify the functional form that explains the relationship between each variable and the system's response. To begin to address this, we propose an explainable neural SR method that generates univariate symbolic skeletons that aim to explain how each variable influences the system's response. By analyzing multiple sets of data generated artificially, where one input variable varies while others are fixed, relationships are modeled separately for each input variable. The response of such artificial data sets is estimated using a regression neural network (NN). Finally, the multiple sets of input-response pairs are processed by a pre-trained Multi-Set Transformer that solves a problem we termed Multi-Set Skeleton Prediction and outputs a univariate symbolic skeleton. Thus, such skeletons represent explanations of the function approximated by the regression NN. Experimental results demonstrate that this method learns skeleton expressions matching the underlying functions and outperforms two GP-based and two neural SR methods.

cross The Use of AI-Robotic Systems for Scientific Discovery

Authors: Alexander H. Gower, Konstantin Korovin, Daniel Brunns{\aa}ker, Filip Kronstr\"om, Gabriel K. Reder, Ievgeniia A. Tiukova, Ronald S. Reiserer, John P. Wikswo, Ross D. King

Abstract: The process of developing theories and models and testing them with experiments is fundamental to the scientific method. Automating the entire scientific method then requires not only automation of the induction of theories from data, but also experimentation from design to implementation. This is the idea behind a robot scientist -- a coupled system of AI and laboratory robotics that has agency to test hypotheses with real-world experiments. In this chapter we explore some of the fundamentals of robot scientists in the philosophy of science. We also map the activities of a robot scientist to machine learning paradigms, and argue that the scientific method shares an analogy with active learning. We demonstrate these concepts using examples from previous robot scientists, and also from Genesis: a next generation robot scientist designed for research in systems biology, comprising a micro-fluidic system with 1000 computer-controlled micro-bioreactors and interpretable models based in controlled vocabularies and logic.

cross Transformer Normalisation Layers and the Independence of Semantic Subspaces

Authors: Stephen Menary, Samuel Kaski, Andre Freitas

Abstract: Recent works have shown that transformers can solve contextual reasoning tasks by internally executing computational graphs called circuits. Circuits often use attention to logically match information from subspaces of the representation, e.g. using position-in-sequence to identify the previous token. In this work, we consider a semantic subspace to be any independent subspace of the latent representation that can fully determine an attention distribution. We show that Pre-Norm, the placement of normalisation layer used by state-of-the-art transformers, violates this ability unless the model learns a strict representation structure of orthogonal spheres. This is because it causes linear subspaces to interfere through their common normalisation factor. Theoretically, we analyse circuit stability by modelling this interference as random noise on the $L_2$-norms of the query/key/value vectors, predicting a phenomenon of circuit collapse when sparse-attention shifts to a different token. Empirically, we investigate the sensitivity of real-world models trained for mathematical addition, observing a 1% rate of circuit collapse when the norms are artificially perturbed by $\lesssim$10%. We contrast Pre-Norm with QKV-Norm, which places normalisation after the attention head's linear operators. Theoretically this relaxes the representational constraints. Empirically we observe comparable in-distribution but worse out-of-distribution performance.

cross InFiConD: Interactive No-code Fine-tuning with Concept-based Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Jinbin Huang, Wenbin He, Liang Gou, Liu Ren, Chris Bryan

Abstract: The emergence of large-scale pre-trained models has heightened their application in various downstream tasks, yet deployment is a challenge in environments with limited computational resources. Knowledge distillation has emerged as a solution in such scenarios, whereby knowledge from large teacher models is transferred into smaller student' models, but this is a non-trivial process that traditionally requires technical expertise in AI/ML. To address these challenges, this paper presents InFiConD, a novel framework that leverages visual concepts to implement the knowledge distillation process and enable subsequent no-code fine-tuning of student models. We develop a novel knowledge distillation pipeline based on extracting text-aligned visual concepts from a concept corpus using multimodal models, and construct highly interpretable linear student models based on visual concepts that mimic a teacher model in a response-based manner. InFiConD's interface allows users to interactively fine-tune the student model by manipulating concept influences directly in the user interface. We validate InFiConD via a robust usage scenario and user study. Our findings indicate that InFiConD's human-in-the-loop and visualization-driven approach enables users to effectively create and analyze student models, understand how knowledge is transferred, and efficiently perform fine-tuning operations. We discuss how this work highlights the potential of interactive and visual methods in making knowledge distillation and subsequent no-code fine-tuning more accessible and adaptable to a wider range of users with domain-specific demands.

cross Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits

Authors: Ke Wang, Weikang Li, Shibo Xu, Mengyao Hu, Jiachen Chen, Yaozu Wu, Chuanyu Zhang, Feitong Jin, Xuhao Zhu, Yu Gao, Ziqi Tan, Aosai Zhang, Ning Wang, Yiren Zou, Tingting Li, Fanhao Shen, Jiarun Zhong, Zehang Bao, Zitian Zhu, Zixuan Song, Jinfeng Deng, Hang Dong, Xu Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Wenjie Jiang, Zhide Lu, Zheng-Zhi Sun, Hekang Li, Qiujiang Guo, Zhen Wang, Patrick Emonts, Jordi Tura, Chao Song, H. Wang, Dong-Ling Deng

Abstract: Quantum nonlocality describes a stronger form of quantum correlation than that of entanglement. It refutes Einstein's belief of local realism and is among the most distinctive and enigmatic features of quantum mechanics. It is a crucial resource for achieving quantum advantages in a variety of practical applications, ranging from cryptography and certified random number generation via self-testing to machine learning. Nevertheless, the detection of nonlocality, especially in quantum many-body systems, is notoriously challenging. Here, we report an experimental certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations, which signal nonlocality in quantum many-body systems, up to 24 qubits with a fully programmable superconducting quantum processor. In particular, we employ energy as a Bell correlation witness and variationally decrease the energy of a many-body system across a hierarchy of thresholds, below which an increasing Bell correlation depth can be certified from experimental data. As an illustrating example, we variationally prepare the low-energy state of a two-dimensional honeycomb model with 73 qubits and certify its Bell correlations by measuring an energy that surpasses the corresponding classical bound with up to 48 standard deviations. In addition, we variationally prepare a sequence of low-energy states and certify their genuine multipartite Bell correlations up to 24 qubits via energies measured efficiently by parity oscillation and multiple quantum coherence techniques. Our results establish a viable approach for preparing and certifying multipartite Bell correlations, which provide not only a finer benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices, but also a valuable guide towards exploiting multipartite Bell correlation in a wide spectrum of practical applications.

cross AI Risk Categorization Decoded (AIR 2024): From Government Regulations to Corporate Policies

Authors: Yi Zeng, Kevin Klyman, Andy Zhou, Yu Yang, Minzhou Pan, Ruoxi Jia, Dawn Song, Percy Liang, Bo Li

Abstract: We present a comprehensive AI risk taxonomy derived from eight government policies from the European Union, United States, and China and 16 company policies worldwide, making a significant step towards establishing a unified language for generative AI safety evaluation. We identify 314 unique risk categories organized into a four-tiered taxonomy. At the highest level, this taxonomy encompasses System & Operational Risks, Content Safety Risks, Societal Risks, and Legal & Rights Risks. The taxonomy establishes connections between various descriptions and approaches to risk, highlighting the overlaps and discrepancies between public and private sector conceptions of risk. By providing this unified framework, we aim to advance AI safety through information sharing across sectors and the promotion of best practices in risk mitigation for generative AI models and systems.

cross Improving Arithmetic Reasoning Ability of Large Language Models through Relation Tuples, Verification and Dynamic Feedback

Authors: Zhongtao Miao, Kaiyan Zhao, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka

Abstract: Current representations used in reasoning steps of large language models can mostly be categorized into two main types: (1) natural language, which is difficult to verify; and (2) non-natural language, usually programming code, which is difficult for people who are unfamiliar with coding to read. In this paper, we propose to use a semi-structured form to represent reasoning steps of large language models. Specifically, we use relation tuples, which are not only human-readable but also machine-friendly and easier to verify than natural language. We implement a framework that includes three main components: (1) introducing relation tuples into the reasoning steps of large language models; (2) implementing an automatic verification process of reasoning steps with a local code interpreter based on relation tuples; and (3) integrating a simple and effective dynamic feedback mechanism, which we found helpful for self-improvement of large language models. The experimental results on various arithmetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in improving the arithmetic reasoning ability of large language models. The source code is available at


cross ET tu, CLIP? Addressing Common Object Errors for Unseen Environments

Authors: Ye Won Byun, Cathy Jiao, Shahriar Noroozizadeh, Jimin Sun, Rosa Vitiello

Abstract: We introduce a simple method that employs pre-trained CLIP encoders to enhance model generalization in the ALFRED task. In contrast to previous literature where CLIP replaces the visual encoder, we suggest using CLIP as an additional module through an auxiliary object detection objective. We validate our method on the recently proposed Episodic Transformer architecture and demonstrate that incorporating CLIP improves task performance on the unseen validation set. Additionally, our analysis results support that CLIP especially helps with leveraging object descriptions, detecting small objects, and interpreting rare words.

cross Enabling Regional Explainability by Automatic and Model-agnostic Rule Extraction

Authors: Yu Chen, Tianyu Cui, Alexander Capstick, Nan Fletcher-Loyd, Payam Barnaghi

Abstract: In Explainable AI, rule extraction translates model knowledge into logical rules, such as IF-THEN statements, crucial for understanding patterns learned by black-box models. This could significantly aid in fields like disease diagnosis, disease progression estimation, or drug discovery. However, such application domains often contain imbalanced data, with the class of interest underrepresented. Existing methods inevitably compromise the performance of rules for the minor class to maximise the overall performance. As the first attempt in this field, we propose a model-agnostic approach for extracting rules from specific subgroups of data, featuring automatic rule generation for numerical features. This method enhances the regional explainability of machine learning models and offers wider applicability compared to existing methods. We additionally introduce a new method for selecting features to compose rules, reducing computational costs in high-dimensional spaces. Experiments across various datasets and models demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods.

cross Federated Dynamical Low-Rank Training with Global Loss Convergence Guarantees

Authors: Steffen Schotth\"ofer, M. Paul Laiu

Abstract: In this work, we propose a federated dynamical low-rank training (FeDLRT) scheme to reduce client compute and communication costs - two significant performance bottlenecks in horizontal federated learning. Our method builds upon dynamical low-rank splitting schemes for manifold-constrained optimization to create a global low-rank basis of network weights, which enables client training on a small coefficient matrix. A consistent global low-rank basis allows us to incorporate a variance correction scheme and prove global loss descent and convergence to a stationary point. Dynamic augmentation and truncation of the low-rank bases automatically optimizes computing and communication resource utilization. We demonstrate the efficiency of FeDLRT in an array of computer vision benchmarks and show a reduction of client compute and communication costs by up to an order of magnitude with minimal impacts on global accuracy.

cross CTBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Language Model Capabilities in Clinical Trial Design

Authors: Nafis Neehal, Bowen Wang, Shayom Debopadhaya, Soham Dan, Keerthiram Murugesan, Vibha Anand, Kristin P. Bennett

Abstract: CTBench is introduced as a benchmark to assess language models (LMs) in aiding clinical study design. Given study-specific metadata, CTBench evaluates AI models' ability to determine the baseline features of a clinical trial (CT), which include demographic and relevant features collected at the trial's start from all participants. These baseline features, typically presented in CT publications (often as Table 1), are crucial for characterizing study cohorts and validating results. Baseline features, including confounders and covariates, are also necessary for accurate treatment effect estimation in studies involving observational data. CTBench consists of two datasets: "CT-Repo," containing baseline features from 1,690 clinical trials sourced from, and "CT-Pub," a subset of 100 trials with more comprehensive baseline features gathered from relevant publications. Two LM-based evaluation methods are developed to compare the actual baseline feature lists against LM-generated responses. "ListMatch-LM" and "ListMatch-BERT" use GPT-4o and BERT scores (at various thresholds), respectively, for evaluation. To establish baseline results, advanced prompt engineering techniques using LLaMa3-70B-Instruct and GPT-4o in zero-shot and three-shot learning settings are applied to generate potential baseline features. The performance of GPT-4o as an evaluator is validated through human-in-the-loop evaluations on the CT-Pub dataset, where clinical experts confirm matches between actual and LM-generated features. The results highlight a promising direction with significant potential for improvement, positioning CTBench as a useful tool for advancing research on AI in CT design and potentially enhancing the efficacy and robustness of CTs.

cross Human-centered In-building Embodied Delivery Benchmark

Authors: Zhuoqun Xu, Yang Liu, Xiaoqi Li, Jiyao Zhang, Hao Dong

Abstract: Recently, the concept of embodied intelligence has been widely accepted and popularized, leading people to naturally consider the potential for commercialization in this field. In this work, we propose a specific commercial scenario simulation, human-centered in-building embodied delivery. Furthermore, for this scenario, we have developed a brand-new virtual environment system from scratch, constructing a multi-level connected building space modeled after a polar research station. This environment also includes autonomous human characters and robots with grasping and mobility capabilities, as well as a large number of interactive items. Based on this environment, we have built a delivery dataset containing 13k language instructions to guide robots in providing services. We simulate human behavior through human characters and sample their various needs in daily life. Finally, we proposed a method centered around a large multimodal model to serve as the baseline system for this dataset. Compared to past embodied data work, our work focuses on a virtual environment centered around human-robot interaction for commercial scenarios. We believe this will bring new perspectives and exploration angles to the embodied community.

cross Domain Adaptation of Echocardiography Segmentation Via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Arnaud Judge, Thierry Judge, Nicolas Duchateau, Roman A. Sandler, Joseph Z. Sokol, Olivier Bernard, Pierre-Marc Jodoin

Abstract: Performance of deep learning segmentation models is significantly challenged in its transferability across different medical imaging domains, particularly when aiming to adapt these models to a target domain with insufficient annotated data for effective fine-tuning. While existing domain adaptation (DA) methods propose strategies to alleviate this problem, these methods do not explicitly incorporate human-verified segmentation priors, compromising the potential of a model to produce anatomically plausible segmentations. We introduce RL4Seg, an innovative reinforcement learning framework that reduces the need to otherwise incorporate large expertly annotated datasets in the target domain, and eliminates the need for lengthy manual human review. Using a target dataset of 10,000 unannotated 2D echocardiographic images, RL4Seg not only outperforms existing state-of-the-art DA methods in accuracy but also achieves 99% anatomical validity on a subset of 220 expert-validated subjects from the target domain. Furthermore, our framework's reward network offers uncertainty estimates comparable with dedicated state-of-the-art uncertainty methods, demonstrating the utility and effectiveness of RL4Seg in overcoming domain adaptation challenges in medical image segmentation.

cross Application of Liquid Rank Reputation System for Twitter Trend Analysis on Bitcoin

Authors: Abhishek Saxena (Novosibirsk State University), Anton Kolonin (Novosibirsk State University)

Abstract: Analyzing social media trends can create a win-win situation for both creators and consumers. Creators can receive fair compensation, while consumers gain access to engaging, relevant, and personalized content. This paper proposes a new model for analyzing Bitcoin trends on Twitter by incorporating a 'liquid democracy' approach based on user reputation. This system aims to identify the most impactful trends and their influence on Bitcoin prices and trading volume. It uses a Twitter sentiment analysis model based on a reputation rating system to determine the impact on Bitcoin price change and traded volume. In addition, the reputation model considers the users' higher-order friends on the social network (the initial Twitter input channels in our case study) to improve the accuracy and diversity of the reputation results. We analyze Bitcoin-related news on Twitter to understand how trends and user sentiment, measured through our Liquid Rank Reputation System, affect Bitcoin price fluctuations and trading activity within the studied time frame. This reputation model can also be used as an additional layer in other trend and sentiment analysis models. The paper proposes the implementation, challenges, and future scope of the liquid rank reputation model.

cross Transforming Software Development: Evaluating the Efficiency and Challenges of GitHub Copilot in Real-World Projects

Authors: Ruchika Pandey, Prabhat Singh, Raymond Wei, Shaila Shankar

Abstract: Generative AI technologies promise to transform the product development lifecycle. This study evaluates the efficiency gains, areas for improvement, and emerging challenges of using GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered coding assistant. We identified 15 software development tasks and assessed Copilot's benefits through real-world projects on large proprietary code bases. Our findings indicate significant reductions in developer toil, with up to 50% time saved in code documentation and autocompletion, and 30-40% in repetitive coding tasks, unit test generation, debugging, and pair programming. However, Copilot struggles with complex tasks, large functions, multiple files, and proprietary contexts, particularly with C/C++ code. We project a 33-36% time reduction for coding-related tasks in a cloud-first software development lifecycle. This study aims to quantify productivity improvements, identify underperforming scenarios, examine practical benefits and challenges, investigate performance variations across programming languages, and discuss emerging issues related to code quality, security, and developer experience.

cross Semi-supervised classification of dental conditions in panoramic radiographs using large language model and instance segmentation: A real-world dataset evaluation

Authors: Bernardo Silva, Jefferson Fontinele, Carolina Let\'icia Zilli Vieira, Jo\~ao Manuel R. S. Tavares, Patricia Ramos Cury, Luciano Oliveira

Abstract: Dental panoramic radiographs offer vast diagnostic opportunities, but training supervised deep learning networks for automatic analysis of those radiology images is hampered by a shortage of labeled data. Here, a different perspective on this problem is introduced. A semi-supervised learning framework is proposed to classify thirteen dental conditions on panoramic radiographs, with a particular emphasis on teeth. Large language models were explored to annotate the most common dental conditions based on dental reports. Additionally, a masked autoencoder was employed to pre-train the classification neural network, and a Vision Transformer was used to leverage the unlabeled data. The analyses were validated using two of the most extensive datasets in the literature, comprising 8,795 panoramic radiographs and 8,029 paired reports and images. Encouragingly, the results consistently met or surpassed the baseline metrics for the Matthews correlation coefficient. A comparison of the proposed solution with human practitioners, supported by statistical analysis, highlighted its effectiveness and performance limitations; based on the degree of agreement among specialists, the solution demonstrated an accuracy level comparable to that of a junior specialist.

cross The Overcooked Generalisation Challenge

Authors: Constantin Ruhdorfer, Matteo Bortoletto, Anna Penzkofer, Andreas Bulling

Abstract: We introduce the Overcooked Generalisation Challenge (OGC) - the first benchmark to study agents' zero-shot cooperation abilities when faced with novel partners and levels in the Overcooked-AI environment. This perspective starkly contrasts a large body of previous work that has trained and evaluated cooperating agents only on the same level, failing to capture generalisation abilities required for real-world human-AI cooperation. Our challenge interfaces with state-of-the-art dual curriculum design (DCD) methods to generate auto-curricula for training general agents in Overcooked. It is the first cooperative multi-agent environment specially designed for DCD methods and, consequently, the first benchmarked with state-of-the-art methods. It is fully GPU-accelerated, built on the DCD benchmark suite minimax, and freely available under an open-source license: We show that current DCD algorithms struggle to produce useful policies in this novel challenge, even if combined with recent network architectures that were designed for scalability and generalisability. The OGC pushes the boundaries of real-world human-AI cooperation by enabling the research community to study the impact of generalisation on cooperating agents.


cross Improving Robustness of LLM-based Speech Synthesis by Learning Monotonic Alignment

Authors: Paarth Neekhara, Shehzeen Hussain, Subhankar Ghosh, Jason Li, Rafael Valle, Rohan Badlani, Boris Ginsburg

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM) based text-to-speech (TTS) systems have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in handling large speech datasets and generating natural speech for new speakers. However, LLM-based TTS models are not robust as the generated output can contain repeating words, missing words and mis-aligned speech (referred to as hallucinations or attention errors), especially when the text contains multiple occurrences of the same token. We examine these challenges in an encoder-decoder transformer model and find that certain cross-attention heads in such models implicitly learn the text and speech alignment when trained for predicting speech tokens for a given text. To make the alignment more robust, we propose techniques utilizing CTC loss and attention priors that encourage monotonic cross-attention over the text tokens. Our guided attention training technique does not introduce any new learnable parameters and significantly improves robustness of LLM-based TTS models.

cross MAGIC: Meta-Ability Guided Interactive Chain-of-Distillation for Effective-and-Efficient Vision-and-Language Navigation

Authors: Liuyi Wang, Zongtao He, Mengjiao Shen, Jingwei Yang, Chengju Liu, Qijun Chen

Abstract: Despite the remarkable developments of recent large models in Embodied Artificial Intelligence (E-AI), their integration into robotics is hampered by their excessive parameter sizes and computational demands. Towards the Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) task, a core task in E-AI, this paper reveals the great potential of using knowledge distillation for obtaining lightweight student models by proposing a Meta-Ability Guided Interactive Chain-of-distillation (MAGIC) method. Specifically, a Meta-Ability Knowledge Distillation (MAKD) framework is proposed for decoupling and refining the necessary meta-abilities of VLN agents. A Meta-Knowledge Randomization Weighting (MKRW) and a Meta-Knowledge Transferable Determination (MKTD) module are incorporated to dynamically adjust aggregation weights at the meta-ability and sample levels, respectively. Move beyond the traditional one-step unidirectional distillation, an Interactive Chain-of-Distillation (ICoD) learning strategy is proposed to allow students to give feedback to teachers, forming a new multi-step teacher-student co-evolution pipeline. Remarkably, on the R2R test unseen public leaderboard, our smallest model, MAGIC-S, with only 5% (11M) of the teacher's size, outperforms all previous methods under the same training data. Additionally, our largest model, MAGIC-L, surpasses the previous state-of-the-art by 5.84% in SPL and 3.18% in SR. Furthermore, a new dataset was collected and annotated from our living environments, where MAGIC-S demonstrated superior performance and real-time efficiency. Our code is publicly available on


cross NormTab: Improving Symbolic Reasoning in LLMs Through Tabular Data Normalization

Authors: Md Mahadi Hasan Nahid, Davood Rafiei

Abstract: In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in parsing textual data and generating code. However, their performance in tasks involving tabular data, especially those requiring symbolic reasoning, faces challenges due to the structural variance and inconsistency in table cell values often found in web tables. In this paper, we introduce NormTab, a novel framework aimed at enhancing the symbolic reasoning performance of LLMs by normalizing web tables. We study table normalization as a stand-alone, one-time preprocessing step using LLMs to support symbolic reasoning on tabular data. Our experimental evaluation, conducted on challenging web table datasets such as WikiTableQuestion and TabFact, demonstrates that leveraging NormTab significantly improves symbolic reasoning performance, showcasing the importance and effectiveness of web table normalization for enhancing LLM-based symbolic reasoning tasks.

cross Efficient Document Ranking with Learnable Late Interactions

Authors: Ziwei Ji, Himanshu Jain, Andreas Veit, Sashank J. Reddi, Sadeep Jayasumana, Ankit Singh Rawat, Aditya Krishna Menon, Felix Yu, Sanjiv Kumar

Abstract: Cross-Encoder (CE) and Dual-Encoder (DE) models are two fundamental approaches for query-document relevance in information retrieval. To predict relevance, CE models use joint query-document embeddings, while DE models maintain factorized query and document embeddings; usually, the former has higher quality while the latter benefits from lower latency. Recently, late-interaction models have been proposed to realize more favorable latency-quality tradeoffs, by using a DE structure followed by a lightweight scorer based on query and document token embeddings. However, these lightweight scorers are often hand-crafted, and there is no understanding of their approximation power; further, such scorers require access to individual document token embeddings, which imposes an increased latency and storage burden. In this paper, we propose novel learnable late-interaction models (LITE) that resolve these issues. Theoretically, we prove that LITE is a universal approximator of continuous scoring functions, even for relatively small embedding dimension. Empirically, LITE outperforms previous late-interaction models such as ColBERT on both in-domain and zero-shot re-ranking tasks. For instance, experiments on MS MARCO passage re-ranking show that LITE not only yields a model with better generalization, but also lowers latency and requires 0.25x storage compared to ColBERT.

cross Encourage or Inhibit Monosemanticity? Revisit Monosemanticity from a Feature Decorrelation Perspective

Authors: Hanqi Yan, Yanzheng Xiang, Guangyi Chen, Yifei Wang, Lin Gui, Yulan He

Abstract: To better interpret the intrinsic mechanism of large language models (LLMs), recent studies focus on monosemanticity on its basic units. A monosemantic neuron is dedicated to a single and specific concept, which forms a one-to-one correlation between neurons and concepts. Despite extensive research in monosemanticity probing, it remains unclear whether monosemanticity is beneficial or harmful to model capacity. To explore this question, we revisit monosemanticity from the feature decorrelation perspective and advocate for its encouragement. We experimentally observe that the current conclusion by wang2024learning, which suggests that decreasing monosemanticity enhances model performance, does not hold when the model changes. Instead, we demonstrate that monosemanticity consistently exhibits a positive correlation with model capacity, in the preference alignment process. Consequently, we apply feature correlation as a proxy for monosemanticity and incorporate a feature decorrelation regularizer into the dynamic preference optimization process. The experiments show that our method not only enhances representation diversity and activation sparsity but also improves preference alignment performance.

cross Multi-step Knowledge Retrieval and Inference over Unstructured Data

Authors: Aditya Kalyanpur, Kailash Saravanakumar, Victor Barres, CJ McFate, Lori Moon, Nati Seifu, Maksim Eremeev, Jose Barrera, Eric Brown, David Ferrucci

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI has revolutionized natural language applications across various domains. However, high-stakes decision-making tasks in fields such as medical, legal and finance require a level of precision, comprehensiveness, and logical consistency that pure LLM or Retrieval-Augmented-Generation (RAG) approaches often fail to deliver. At Elemental Cognition (EC), we have developed a neuro-symbolic AI platform to tackle these problems. The platform integrates fine-tuned LLMs for knowledge extraction and alignment with a robust symbolic reasoning engine for logical inference, planning and interactive constraint solving. We describe Cora, a Collaborative Research Assistant built on this platform, that is designed to perform complex research and discovery tasks in high-stakes domains. This paper discusses the multi-step inference challenges inherent in such domains, critiques the limitations of existing LLM-based methods, and demonstrates how Cora's neuro-symbolic approach effectively addresses these issues. We provide an overview of the system architecture, key algorithms for knowledge extraction and formal reasoning, and present preliminary evaluation results that highlight Cora's superior performance compared to well-known LLM and RAG baselines.

cross Explicit Diversity Conditions for Effective Question Answer Generation with Large Language Models

Authors: Vikas Yadav, Hyuk Joon Kwon, Vijay Srinivasan, Hongxia Jin

Abstract: Question Answer Generation (QAG) is an effective data augmentation technique to improve the accuracy of question answering systems, especially in low-resource domains. While recent pretrained and large language model-based QAG methods have made substantial progress, they face the critical issue of redundant QA pair generation, affecting downstream QA systems. Implicit diversity techniques such as sampling and diverse beam search are proven effective solutions but often yield smaller diversity. We present explicit diversity conditions for QAG, focusing on spatial aspects, question types, and entities, substantially increasing diversity in QA generation. Our work emphasizes the need of explicit diversity conditions for generating diverse question-answer synthetic data by showing significant improvements in downstream QA task over existing widely adopted implicit diversity techniques. In particular, generated QA pairs from explicit diversity conditions when used to train the downstream QA model results in an average 4.1% exact match and 4.5% F1 improvement over QAG from implicit sampling techniques on SQuADDU. Our work emphasizes the need for explicit diversity conditions even more in low-resource datasets (SubjQA), where average downstream QA performance improvements are around 12% EM.

cross Catching Chameleons: Detecting Evolving Disinformation Generated using Large Language Models

Authors: Bohan Jiang, Chengshuai Zhao, Zhen Tan, Huan Liu

Abstract: Despite recent advancements in detecting disinformation generated by large language models (LLMs), current efforts overlook the ever-evolving nature of this disinformation. In this work, we investigate a challenging yet practical research problem of detecting evolving LLM-generated disinformation. Disinformation evolves constantly through the rapid development of LLMs and their variants. As a consequence, the detection model faces significant challenges. First, it is inefficient to train separate models for each disinformation generator. Second, the performance decreases in scenarios when evolving LLM-generated disinformation is encountered in sequential order. To address this problem, we propose DELD (Detecting Evolving LLM-generated Disinformation), a parameter-efficient approach that jointly leverages the general fact-checking capabilities of pre-trained language models (PLM) and the independent disinformation generation characteristics of various LLMs. In particular, the learned characteristics are concatenated sequentially to facilitate knowledge accumulation and transformation. DELD addresses the issue of label scarcity by integrating the semantic embeddings of disinformation with trainable soft prompts to elicit model-specific knowledge. Our experiments show that \textit{DELD} significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, our method provides critical insights into the unique patterns of disinformation generation across different LLMs, offering valuable perspectives in this line of research.

cross Decoding with Limited Teacher Supervision Requires Understanding When to Trust the Teacher

Authors: Hyunjong Ok, Jegwang Ryu, Jaeho Lee

Abstract: How can sLLMs efficiently utilize the supervision of LLMs to improve their generative quality? This question has been well studied in scenarios where there is no restriction on the number of LLM supervisions one can use, giving birth to many decoding algorithms that utilize supervision without further training. However, it is still unclear what is an effective strategy under the limited supervision scenario, where we assume that no more than a few tokens can be generated by LLMs. To this end, we develop an algorithm to effectively aggregate the sLLM and LLM predictions on initial tokens so that the generated tokens can more accurately condition the subsequent token generation by sLLM only. Critically, we find that it is essential to adaptively overtrust or disregard the LLM prediction based on the confidence of the sLLM. Through our experiments on a wide range of models and datasets, we demonstrate that our method provides a consistent improvement over conventional decoding strategies.

cross View-Invariant Pixelwise Anomaly Detection in Multi-object Scenes with Adaptive View Synthesis

Authors: Subin Varghese, Vedhus Hoskere

Abstract: The inspection and monitoring of infrastructure assets typically requires identifying visual anomalies in scenes periodically photographed over time. Images collected manually or with robots such as unmanned aerial vehicles from the same scene at different instances in time are typically not perfectly aligned. Supervised segmentation methods can be applied to identify known problems, but unsupervised anomaly detection approaches are required when unknown anomalies occur. Current unsupervised pixel-level anomaly detection methods have mainly been developed for industrial settings where the camera position is known and constant. However, we find that these methods fail to generalize to the case when images are not perfectly aligned. We term the problem of unsupervised anomaly detection between two such imperfectly aligned sets of images as Scene Anomaly Detection (Scene AD). We present a novel network termed OmniAD to address the Scene AD problem posed. Specifically, we refine the anomaly detection method reverse distillation to achieve a 40% increase in pixel-level anomaly detection performance. The network's performance is further demonstrated to improve with two new data augmentation strategies proposed that leverage novel view synthesis and camera localization to improve generalization. We validate our approach with qualitative and quantitative results on a new dataset, ToyCity, the first Scene AD dataset with multiple objects, as well as on the established single object-centric dataset, MAD.


cross MolFusion: Multimodal Fusion Learning for Molecular Representations via Multi-granularity Views

Authors: Muzhen Cai, Sendong Zhao, Haochun Wang, Yanrui Du, Zewen Qiang, Bing Qin, Ting Liu

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence predicts drug properties by encoding drug molecules, aiding in the rapid screening of candidates. Different molecular representations, such as SMILES and molecule graphs, contain complementary information for molecular encoding. Thus exploiting complementary information from different molecular representations is one of the research priorities in molecular encoding. Most existing methods for combining molecular multi-modalities only use molecular-level information, making it hard to encode intra-molecular alignment information between different modalities. To address this issue, we propose a multi-granularity fusion method that is MolFusion. The proposed MolFusion consists of two key components: (1) MolSim, a molecular-level encoding component that achieves molecular-level alignment between different molecular representations. and (2) AtomAlign, an atomic-level encoding component that achieves atomic-level alignment between different molecular representations. Experimental results show that MolFusion effectively utilizes complementary multimodal information, leading to significant improvements in performance across various classification and regression tasks.

cross AutoOPE: Automated Off-Policy Estimator Selection

Authors: Nicol\`o Felicioni, Michael Benigni, Maurizio Ferrari Dacrema

Abstract: The Off-Policy Evaluation (OPE) problem consists of evaluating the performance of counterfactual policies with data collected by another one. This problem is of utmost importance for various application domains, e.g., recommendation systems, medical treatments, and many others. To solve the OPE problem, we resort to estimators, which aim to estimate in the most accurate way possible the performance that the counterfactual policies would have had if they were deployed in place of the logging policy. In the literature, several estimators have been developed, all with different characteristics and theoretical guarantees. Therefore, there is no dominant estimator, and each estimator may be the best one for different OPE problems, depending on the characteristics of the dataset at hand. While the selection of the estimator is a crucial choice for an accurate OPE, this problem has been widely overlooked in the literature. We propose an automated data-driven OPE estimator selection method based on machine learning. In particular, the core idea we propose in this paper is to create several synthetic OPE tasks and use a machine learning model trained to predict the best estimator for those synthetic tasks. We empirically show how our method is able to generalize to unseen tasks and make a better estimator selection compared to a baseline method on several real-world datasets, with a computational cost significantly lower than the one of the baseline.

cross Automated Clinical Data Extraction with Knowledge Conditioned LLMs

Authors: Diya Li, Asim Kadav, Aijing Gao, Rui Li, Richard Bourgon

Abstract: The extraction of lung lesion information from clinical and medical imaging reports is crucial for research on and clinical care of lung-related diseases. Large language models (LLMs) can be effective at interpreting unstructured text in reports, but they often hallucinate due to a lack of domain-specific knowledge, leading to reduced accuracy and posing challenges for use in clinical settings. To address this, we propose a novel framework that aligns generated internal knowledge with external knowledge through in-context learning (ICL). Our framework employs a retriever to identify relevant units of internal or external knowledge and a grader to evaluate the truthfulness and helpfulness of the retrieved internal-knowledge rules, to align and update the knowledge bases. Our knowledge-conditioned approach also improves the accuracy and reliability of LLM outputs by addressing the extraction task in two stages: (i) lung lesion finding detection and primary structured field parsing, followed by (ii) further parsing of lesion description text into additional structured fields. Experiments with expert-curated test datasets demonstrate that this ICL approach can increase the F1 score for key fields (lesion size, margin and solidity) by an average of 12.9% over existing ICL methods.

cross Boosting Soft Q-Learning by Bounding

Authors: Jacob Adamczyk, Volodymyr Makarenko, Stas Tiomkin, Rahul V. Kulkarni

Abstract: An agent's ability to leverage past experience is critical for efficiently solving new tasks. Prior work has focused on using value function estimates to obtain zero-shot approximations for solutions to a new task. In soft Q-learning, we show how any value function estimate can also be used to derive double-sided bounds on the optimal value function. The derived bounds lead to new approaches for boosting training performance which we validate experimentally. Notably, we find that the proposed framework suggests an alternative method for updating the Q-function, leading to boosted performance.

cross PharmGPT: Domain-Specific Large Language Models for Bio-Pharmaceutical and Chemistry

Authors: Linqing Chen, Weilei Wang, Zilong Bai, Peng Xu, Yan Fang, Jie Fang, Wentao Wu, Lizhi Zhou, Ruiji Zhang, Yubin Xia, Chaobo Xu, Ran Hu, Licong Xu, Qijun Cai, Haoran Hua, Jing Sun, Jin Liu, Tian Qiu, Haowen Liu, Meng Hu, Xiuwen Li, Fei Gao, Yufu Wang, Lin Tie, Chaochao Wang, Jianping Lu, Cheng Sun, Yixin Wang, Shengjie Yang, Yuancheng Li, Lu Jin, Lisha Zhang, Fu Bian, Changyang Tu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP) by by minimizing the need for complex feature engineering. However, the application of LLMs in specialized domains like biopharmaceuticals and chemistry remains largely unexplored. These fields are characterized by intricate terminologies, specialized knowledge, and a high demand for precision areas where general purpose LLMs often fall short. In this study, we introduce PharmGPT, a suite of multilingual LLMs with 13 billion and 70 billion parameters, specifically trained on a comprehensive corpus of hundreds of billions of tokens tailored to the Bio-Pharmaceutical and Chemical sectors. Our evaluation shows that PharmGPT matches or surpasses existing general models on key benchmarks, such as NAPLEX, demonstrating its exceptional capability in domain-specific tasks. This advancement establishes a new benchmark for LLMs in the Bio-Pharmaceutical and Chemical fields, addressing the existing gap in specialized language modeling. Furthermore, this suggests a promising path for enhanced research and development in these specialized areas, paving the way for more precise and effective applications of NLP in specialized domains.

cross Improving Entity Recognition Using Ensembles of Deep Learning and Fine-tuned Large Language Models: A Case Study on Adverse Event Extraction from Multiple Sources

Authors: Yiming Li, Deepthi Viswaroopan, William He, Jianfu Li, Xu Zuo, Hua Xu, Cui Tao

Abstract: Adverse event (AE) extraction following COVID-19 vaccines from text data is crucial for monitoring and analyzing the safety profiles of immunizations. Traditional deep learning models are adept at learning intricate feature representations and dependencies in sequential data, but often require extensive labeled data. In contrast, large language models (LLMs) excel in understanding contextual information, but exhibit unstable performance on named entity recognition tasks, possibly due to their broad but unspecific training. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of LLMs and traditional deep learning models in AE extraction, and to assess the impact of ensembling these models on performance. In this study, we utilized reports and posts from the VAERS (n=621), Twitter (n=9,133), and Reddit (n=131) as our corpora. Our goal was to extract three types of entities: "vaccine", "shot", and "ae". We explored and fine-tuned (except GPT-4) multiple LLMs, including GPT-2, GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Llama-2, as well as traditional deep learning models like RNN and BioBERT. To enhance performance, we created ensembles of the three models with the best performance. For evaluation, we used strict and relaxed F1 scores to evaluate the performance for each entity type, and micro-average F1 was used to assess the overall performance. The ensemble model achieved the highest performance in "vaccine", "shot", and "ae" with strict F1-scores of 0.878, 0.930, and 0.925, respectively, along with a micro-average score of 0.903. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of ensembling fine-tuned traditional deep learning models and LLMs, for extracting AE-related information. This study contributes to the advancement of biomedical natural language processing, providing valuable insights into improving AE extraction from text data for pharmacovigilance and public health surveillance.

cross Bidirectional-Reachable Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with Mutually Responsive Policies

Authors: Yu Luo, Fuchun Sun, Tianying Ji, Xianyuan Zhan

Abstract: Hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) addresses complex long-horizon tasks by skillfully decomposing them into subgoals. Therefore, the effectiveness of HRL is greatly influenced by subgoal reachability. Typical HRL methods only consider subgoal reachability from the unilateral level, where a dominant level enforces compliance to the subordinate level. However, we observe that when the dominant level becomes trapped in local exploration or generates unattainable subgoals, the subordinate level is negatively affected and cannot follow the dominant level's actions. This can potentially make both levels stuck in local optima, ultimately hindering subsequent subgoal reachability. Allowing real-time bilateral information sharing and error correction would be a natural cure for this issue, which motivates us to propose a mutual response mechanism. Based on this, we propose the Bidirectional-reachable Hierarchical Policy Optimization (BrHPO)--a simple yet effective algorithm that also enjoys computation efficiency. Experiment results on a variety of long-horizon tasks showcase that BrHPO outperforms other state-of-the-art HRL baselines, coupled with a significantly higher exploration efficiency and robustness.

cross AdaZeta: Adaptive Zeroth-Order Tensor-Train Adaption for Memory-Efficient Large Language Models Fine-Tuning

Authors: Yifan Yang, Kai Zhen, Ershad Banijamal, Athanasios Mouchtaris, Zheng Zhang

Abstract: Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) has achieved remarkable performance across various natural language processing tasks, yet it demands more and more memory as model sizes keep growing. To address this issue, the recently proposed Memory-efficient Zeroth-order (MeZO) methods attempt to fine-tune LLMs using only forward passes, thereby avoiding the need for a backpropagation graph. However, significant performance drops and a high risk of divergence have limited their widespread adoption. In this paper, we propose the Adaptive Zeroth-order Tensor-Train Adaption (AdaZeta) framework, specifically designed to improve the performance and convergence of the ZO methods. To enhance dimension-dependent ZO estimation accuracy, we introduce a fast-forward, low-parameter tensorized adapter. To tackle the frequently observed divergence issue in large-scale ZO fine-tuning tasks, we propose an adaptive query number schedule that guarantees convergence. Detailed theoretical analysis and extensive experimental results on Roberta-Large and Llama-2-7B models substantiate the efficacy of our AdaZeta framework in terms of accuracy, memory efficiency, and convergence speed.

cross Breaking the Barrier: Enhanced Utility and Robustness in Smoothed DRL Agents

Authors: Chung-En Sun, Sicun Gao, Tsui-Wei Weng

Abstract: Robustness remains a paramount concern in deep reinforcement learning (DRL), with randomized smoothing emerging as a key technique for enhancing this attribute. However, a notable gap exists in the performance of current smoothed DRL agents, often characterized by significantly low clean rewards and weak robustness. In response to this challenge, our study introduces innovative algorithms aimed at training effective smoothed robust DRL agents. We propose S-DQN and S-PPO, novel approaches that demonstrate remarkable improvements in clean rewards, empirical robustness, and robustness guarantee across standard RL benchmarks. Notably, our S-DQN and S-PPO agents not only significantly outperform existing smoothed agents by an average factor of $2.16\times$ under the strongest attack, but also surpass previous robustly-trained agents by an average factor of $2.13\times$. This represents a significant leap forward in the field. Furthermore, we introduce Smoothed Attack, which is $1.89\times$ more effective in decreasing the rewards of smoothed agents than existing adversarial attacks.

cross Large Language Models for Cuffless Blood Pressure Measurement From Wearable Biosignals

Authors: Zengding Liu, Chen Chen, Jiannong Cao, Minglei Pan, Jikui Liu, Nan Li, Fen Miao, Ye Li

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have captured significant interest from both academia and industry due to their impressive performance across various textual tasks. However, the potential of LLMs to analyze physiological time-series data remains an emerging research field. Particularly, there is a notable gap in the utilization of LLMs for analyzing wearable biosignals to achieve cuffless blood pressure (BP) measurement, which is critical for the management of cardiovascular diseases. This paper presents the first work to explore the capacity of LLMs to perform cuffless BP estimation based on wearable biosignals. We extracted physiological features from electrocardiogram (ECG) and photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals and designed context-enhanced prompts by combining these features with BP domain knowledge and user information. Subsequently, we adapted LLMs to BP estimation tasks through instruction tuning. To evaluate the proposed approach, we conducted assessments of ten advanced LLMs using a comprehensive public dataset of wearable biosignals from 1,272 participants. The experimental results demonstrate that the optimally fine-tuned LLM significantly surpasses conventional task-specific baselines, achieving an estimation error of 0.00 $\pm$ 9.25 mmHg for systolic BP and 1.29 $\pm$ 6.37 mmHg for diastolic BP. Notably, the ablation studies highlight the benefits of our context enhancement strategy, leading to an 8.9% reduction in mean absolute error for systolic BP estimation. This paper pioneers the exploration of LLMs for cuffless BP measurement, providing a potential solution to enhance the accuracy of cuffless BP measurement.

cross Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation with High-Fidelity Prototypes

Authors: Song Tang, Shaxu Yan, Xiaozhi Qi, Jianxin Gao, Mao Ye, Jianwei Zhang, Xiatian Zhu

Abstract: Few-shot Semantic Segmentation (FSS) aims to adapt a pretrained model to new classes with as few as a single labelled training sample per class. Despite the prototype based approaches have achieved substantial success, existing models are limited to the imaging scenarios with considerably distinct objects and not highly complex background, e.g., natural images. This makes such models suboptimal for medical imaging with both conditions invalid. To address this problem, we propose a novel Detail Self-refined Prototype Network (DSPNet) to constructing high-fidelity prototypes representing the object foreground and the background more comprehensively. Specifically, to construct global semantics while maintaining the captured detail semantics, we learn the foreground prototypes by modelling the multi-modal structures with clustering and then fusing each in a channel-wise manner. Considering that the background often has no apparent semantic relation in the spatial dimensions, we integrate channel-specific structural information under sparse channel-aware regulation. Extensive experiments on three challenging medical image benchmarks show the superiority of DSPNet over previous state-of-the-art methods.

cross Self-Training with Pseudo-Label Scorer for Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction

Authors: Yice Zhang, Jie Zeng, Weiming Hu, Ziyi Wang, Shiwei Chen, Ruifeng Xu

Abstract: Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction (ASQP) aims to predict all quads (aspect term, aspect category, opinion term, sentiment polarity) for a given review, which is the most representative and challenging task in aspect-based sentiment analysis. A key challenge in the ASQP task is the scarcity of labeled data, which limits the performance of existing methods. To tackle this issue, we propose a self-training framework with a pseudo-label scorer, wherein a scorer assesses the match between reviews and their pseudo-labels, aiming to filter out mismatches and thereby enhance the effectiveness of self-training. We highlight two critical aspects to ensure the scorer's effectiveness and reliability: the quality of the training dataset and its model architecture. To this end, we create a human-annotated comparison dataset and train a generative model on it using ranking-based objectives. Extensive experiments on public ASQP datasets reveal that using our scorer can greatly and consistently improve the effectiveness of self-training. Moreover, we explore the possibility of replacing humans with large language models for comparison dataset annotation, and experiments demonstrate its feasibility. We release our code and data at .


cross EHR-Based Mobile and Web Platform for Chronic Disease Risk Prediction Using Large Language Multimodal Models

Authors: Chun-Chieh Liao, Wei-Ting Kuo, I-Hsuan Hu, Yen-Chen Shih, Jun-En Ding, Feng Liu, Fang-Ming Hung

Abstract: Traditional diagnosis of chronic diseases involves in-person consultations with physicians to identify the disease. However, there is a lack of research focused on predicting and developing application systems using clinical notes and blood test values. We collected five years of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) from Taiwan's hospital database between 2017 and 2021 as an AI database. Furthermore, we developed an EHR-based chronic disease prediction platform utilizing Large Language Multimodal Models (LLMMs), successfully integrating with frontend web and mobile applications for prediction. This prediction platform can also connect to the hospital's backend database, providing physicians with real-time risk assessment diagnostics. The demonstration link can be found at


cross LLM-Driven Multimodal Opinion Expression Identification

Authors: Bonian Jia, Huiyao Chen, Yueheng Sun, Meishan Zhang, Min Zhang

Abstract: Opinion Expression Identification (OEI) is essential in NLP for applications ranging from voice assistants to depression diagnosis. This study extends OEI to encompass multimodal inputs, underlining the significance of auditory cues in delivering emotional subtleties beyond the capabilities of text. We introduce a novel multimodal OEI (MOEI) task, integrating text and speech to mirror real-world scenarios. Utilizing CMU MOSEI and IEMOCAP datasets, we construct the CI-MOEI dataset. Additionally, Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology is applied to the MPQA dataset to obtain the CIM-OEI dataset. We design a template for the OEI task to take full advantage of the generative power of large language models (LLMs). Advancing further, we propose an LLM-driven method STOEI, which combines speech and text modal to identify opinion expressions. Our experiments demonstrate that MOEI significantly improves the performance while our method outperforms existing methods by 9.20\% and obtains SOTA results.

cross Open-vocabulary Mobile Manipulation in Unseen Dynamic Environments with 3D Semantic Maps

Authors: Dicong Qiu, Wenzong Ma, Zhenfu Pan, Hui Xiong, Junwei Liang

Abstract: Open-Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation (OVMM) is a crucial capability for autonomous robots, especially when faced with the challenges posed by unknown and dynamic environments. This task requires robots to explore and build a semantic understanding of their surroundings, generate feasible plans to achieve manipulation goals, adapt to environmental changes, and comprehend natural language instructions from humans. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework that leverages the zero-shot detection and grounded recognition capabilities of pretraining visual-language models (VLMs) combined with dense 3D entity reconstruction to build 3D semantic maps. Additionally, we utilize large language models (LLMs) for spatial region abstraction and online planning, incorporating human instructions and spatial semantic context. We have built a 10-DoF mobile manipulation robotic platform JSR-1 and demonstrated in real-world robot experiments that our proposed framework can effectively capture spatial semantics and process natural language user instructions for zero-shot OVMM tasks under dynamic environment settings, with an overall navigation and task success rate of 80.95% and 73.33% over 105 episodes, and better SFT and SPL by 157.18% and 19.53% respectively compared to the baseline. Furthermore, the framework is capable of replanning towards the next most probable candidate location based on the spatial semantic context derived from the 3D semantic map when initial plans fail, keeping an average success rate of 76.67%.

cross BADGE: BADminton report Generation and Evaluation with LLM

Authors: Shang-Hsuan Chiang, Lin-Wei Chao, Kuang-Da Wang, Chih-Chuan Wang, Wen-Chih Peng

Abstract: Badminton enjoys widespread popularity, and reports on matches generally include details such as player names, game scores, and ball types, providing audiences with a comprehensive view of the games. However, writing these reports can be a time-consuming task. This challenge led us to explore whether a Large Language Model (LLM) could automate the generation and evaluation of badminton reports. We introduce a novel framework named BADGE, designed for this purpose using LLM. Our method consists of two main phases: Report Generation and Report Evaluation. Initially, badminton-related data is processed by the LLM, which then generates a detailed report of the match. We tested different Input Data Types, In-Context Learning (ICL), and LLM, finding that GPT-4 performs best when using CSV data type and the Chain of Thought prompting. Following report generation, the LLM evaluates and scores the reports to assess their quality. Our comparisons between the scores evaluated by GPT-4 and human judges show a tendency to prefer GPT-4 generated reports. Since the application of LLM in badminton reporting remains largely unexplored, our research serves as a foundational step for future advancements in this area. Moreover, our method can be extended to other sports games, thereby enhancing sports promotion. For more details, please refer to


cross ArzEn-LLM: Code-Switched Egyptian Arabic-English Translation and Speech Recognition Using LLMs

Authors: Ahmed Heakl, Youssef Zaghloul, Mennatullah Ali, Rania Hossam, Walid Gomaa

Abstract: Motivated by the widespread increase in the phenomenon of code-switching between Egyptian Arabic and English in recent times, this paper explores the intricacies of machine translation (MT) and automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, focusing on translating code-switched Egyptian Arabic-English to either English or Egyptian Arabic. Our goal is to present the methodologies employed in developing these systems, utilizing large language models such as LLama and Gemma. In the field of ASR, we explore the utilization of the Whisper model for code-switched Egyptian Arabic recognition, detailing our experimental procedures including data preprocessing and training techniques. Through the implementation of a consecutive speech-to-text translation system that integrates ASR with MT, we aim to overcome challenges posed by limited resources and the unique characteristics of the Egyptian Arabic dialect. Evaluation against established metrics showcases promising results, with our methodologies yielding a significant improvement of $56\%$ in English translation over the state-of-the-art and $9.3\%$ in Arabic translation. Since code-switching is deeply inherent in spoken languages, it is crucial that ASR systems can effectively handle this phenomenon. This capability is crucial for enabling seamless interaction in various domains, including business negotiations, cultural exchanges, and academic discourse. Our models and code are available as open-source resources. Code: \url{}}, Models: \url{}.


cross Poisoned LangChain: Jailbreak LLMs by LangChain

Authors: Ziqiu Wang, Jun Liu, Shengkai Zhang, Yang Yang

Abstract: With the development of natural language processing (NLP), large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular. LLMs are integrating more into everyday life, raising public concerns about their security vulnerabilities. Consequently, the security of large language models is becoming critically important. Currently, the techniques for attacking and defending against LLMs are continuously evolving. One significant method type of attack is the jailbreak attack, which designed to evade model safety mechanisms and induce the generation of inappropriate content. Existing jailbreak attacks primarily rely on crafting inducement prompts for direct jailbreaks, which are less effective against large models with robust filtering and high comprehension abilities. Given the increasing demand for real-time capabilities in large language models, real-time updates and iterations of new knowledge have become essential. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), an advanced technique to compensate for the model's lack of new knowledge, is gradually becoming mainstream. As RAG enables the model to utilize external knowledge bases, it provides a new avenue for jailbreak attacks. In this paper, we conduct the first work to propose the concept of indirect jailbreak and achieve Retrieval-Augmented Generation via LangChain. Building on this, we further design a novel method of indirect jailbreak attack, termed Poisoned-LangChain (PLC), which leverages a poisoned external knowledge base to interact with large language models, thereby causing the large models to generate malicious non-compliant dialogues.We tested this method on six different large language models across three major categories of jailbreak issues. The experiments demonstrate that PLC successfully implemented indirect jailbreak attacks under three different scenarios, achieving success rates of 88.56%, 79.04%, and 82.69% respectively.

cross ResumeAtlas: Revisiting Resume Classification with Large-Scale Datasets and Large Language Models

Authors: Ahmed Heakl, Youssef Mohamed, Noran Mohamed, Ali Sharkaway, Ahmed Zaky

Abstract: The increasing reliance on online recruitment platforms coupled with the adoption of AI technologies has highlighted the critical need for efficient resume classification methods. However, challenges such as small datasets, lack of standardized resume templates, and privacy concerns hinder the accuracy and effectiveness of existing classification models. In this work, we address these challenges by presenting a comprehensive approach to resume classification. We curated a large-scale dataset of 13,389 resumes from diverse sources and employed Large Language Models (LLMs) such as BERT and Gemma1.1 2B for classification. Our results demonstrate significant improvements over traditional machine learning approaches, with our best model achieving a top-1 accuracy of 92\% and a top-5 accuracy of 97.5\%. These findings underscore the importance of dataset quality and advanced model architectures in enhancing the accuracy and robustness of resume classification systems, thus advancing the field of online recruitment practices.

cross Exclusive Style Removal for Cross Domain Novel Class Discovery

Authors: Yicheng Wang, Feng Liu, Junmin Liu, Zhen Fang, Kai Sun

Abstract: As a promising field in open-world learning, \textit{Novel Class Discovery} (NCD) is usually a task to cluster unseen novel classes in an unlabeled set based on the prior knowledge of labeled data within the same domain. However, the performance of existing NCD methods could be severely compromised when novel classes are sampled from a different distribution with the labeled ones. In this paper, we explore and establish the solvability of NCD in cross domain setting with the necessary condition that style information must be removed. Based on the theoretical analysis, we introduce an exclusive style removal module for extracting style information that is distinctive from the baseline features, thereby facilitating inference. Moreover, this module is easy to integrate with other NCD methods, acting as a plug-in to improve performance on novel classes with different distributions compared to the seen labeled set. Additionally, recognizing the non-negligible influence of different backbones and pre-training strategies on the performance of the NCD methods, we build a fair benchmark for future NCD research. Extensive experiments on three common datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed module.

cross Innovating for Tomorrow: The Convergence of SE and Green AI

Authors: Lu\'is Cruz, Xavier Franch Gutierrez, Silverio Mart\'inez-Fern\'andez

Abstract: The latest advancements in machine learning, specifically in foundation models, are revolutionizing the frontiers of existing software engineering (SE) processes. This is a bi-directional phenomona, where 1) software systems are now challenged to provide AI-enabled features to their users, and 2) AI is used to automate tasks within the software development lifecycle. In an era where sustainability is a pressing societal concern, our community needs to adopt a long-term plan enabling a conscious transformation that aligns with environmental sustainability values. In this paper, we reflect on the impact of adopting environmentally friendly practices to create AI-enabled software systems and make considerations on the environmental impact of using foundation models for software development.

cross Galaxy spectroscopy without spectra: Galaxy properties from photometric images with conditional diffusion models

Authors: Lars Doorenbos, Eva Sextl, Kevin Heng, Stefano Cavuoti, Massimo Brescia, Olena Torbaniuk, Giuseppe Longo, Raphael Sznitman, Pablo M\'arquez-Neila

Abstract: Modern spectroscopic surveys can only target a small fraction of the vast amount of photometrically cataloged sources in wide-field surveys. Here, we report the development of a generative AI method capable of predicting optical galaxy spectra from photometric broad-band images alone. This method draws from the latest advances in diffusion models in combination with contrastive networks. We pass multi-band galaxy images into the architecture to obtain optical spectra. From these, robust values for galaxy properties can be derived with any methods in the spectroscopic toolbox, such as standard population synthesis techniques and Lick indices. When trained and tested on 64x64-pixel images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the global bimodality of star-forming and quiescent galaxies in photometric space is recovered, as well as a mass-metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies. The comparison between the observed and the artificially created spectra shows good agreement in overall metallicity, age, Dn4000, stellar velocity dispersion, and E(B-V) values. Photometric redshift estimates of our generative algorithm can compete with other current, specialized deep-learning techniques. Moreover, this work is the first attempt in the literature to infer velocity dispersion from photometric images. Additionally, we can predict the presence of an active galactic nucleus up to an accuracy of 82%. With our method, scientifically interesting galaxy properties, normally requiring spectroscopic inputs, can be obtained in future data sets from large-scale photometric surveys alone. The spectra prediction via AI can further assist in creating realistic mock catalogs.

cross Selective Prompting Tuning for Personalized Conversations with LLMs

Authors: Qiushi Huang, Xubo Liu, Tom Ko, Bo Wu, Wenwu Wang, Yu Zhang, Lilian Tang

Abstract: In conversational AI, personalizing dialogues with persona profiles and contextual understanding is essential. Despite large language models' (LLMs) improved response coherence, effective persona integration remains a challenge. In this work, we first study two common approaches for personalizing LLMs: textual prompting and direct fine-tuning. We observed that textual prompting often struggles to yield responses that are similar to the ground truths in datasets, while direct fine-tuning tends to produce repetitive or overly generic replies. To alleviate those issues, we propose \textbf{S}elective \textbf{P}rompt \textbf{T}uning (SPT), which softly prompts LLMs for personalized conversations in a selective way. Concretely, SPT initializes a set of soft prompts and uses a trainable dense retriever to adaptively select suitable soft prompts for LLMs according to different input contexts, where the prompt retriever is dynamically updated through feedback from the LLMs. Additionally, we propose context-prompt contrastive learning and prompt fusion learning to encourage the SPT to enhance the diversity of personalized conversations. Experiments on the CONVAI2 dataset demonstrate that SPT significantly enhances response diversity by up to 90\%, along with improvements in other critical performance indicators. Those results highlight the efficacy of SPT in fostering engaging and personalized dialogue generation. The SPT model code ( is publicly available for further exploration.


cross Methodology of Adapting Large English Language Models for Specific Cultural Contexts

Authors: Wenjing Zhang, Siqi Xiao, Xuejiao Lei, Ning Wang, Huazheng Zhang, Meijuan An, Bikun Yang, Zhaoxiang Liu, Kai Wang, Shiguo Lian

Abstract: The rapid growth of large language models(LLMs) has emerged as a prominent trend in the field of artificial intelligence. However, current state-of-the-art LLMs are predominantly based on English. They encounter limitations when directly applied to tasks in specific cultural domains, due to deficiencies in domain-specific knowledge and misunderstandings caused by differences in cultural values. To address this challenge, our paper proposes a rapid adaptation method for large models in specific cultural contexts, which leverages instruction-tuning based on specific cultural knowledge and safety values data. Taking Chinese as the specific cultural context and utilizing the LLaMA3-8B as the experimental English LLM, the evaluation results demonstrate that the adapted LLM significantly enhances its capabilities in domain-specific knowledge and adaptability to safety values, while maintaining its original expertise advantages.

cross MammothModa: Multi-Modal Large Language Model

Authors: Qi She, Junwen Pan, Xin Wan, Rui Zhang, Dawei Lu, Kai Huang

Abstract: In this report, we introduce MammothModa, yet another multi-modal large language model (MLLM) designed to achieve state-of-the-art performance starting from an elementary baseline. We focus on three key design insights: (i) Integrating Visual Capabilities while Maintaining Complex Language Understanding: In addition to the vision encoder, we incorporated the Visual Attention Experts into the LLM to enhance its visual capabilities. (ii) Extending Context Window for High-Resolution and Long-Duration Visual Feature: We explore the Visual Merger Module to effectively reduce the token number of high-resolution images and incorporated frame position ids to avoid position interpolation. (iii) High-Quality Bilingual Datasets: We meticulously curated and filtered a high-quality bilingual multimodal dataset to reduce visual hallucinations. With above recipe we build MammothModa that consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art models, e.g., LLaVA-series, across main real-world visual language benchmarks without bells and whistles.

cross AI Cards: Towards an Applied Framework for Machine-Readable AI and Risk Documentation Inspired by the EU AI Act

Authors: Delaram Golpayegani, Isabelle Hupont, Cecilia Panigutti, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Sven Schade, Declan O'Sullivan, Dave Lewis

Abstract: With the upcoming enforcement of the EU AI Act, documentation of high-risk AI systems and their risk management information will become a legal requirement playing a pivotal role in demonstration of compliance. Despite its importance, there is a lack of standards and guidelines to assist with drawing up AI and risk documentation aligned with the AI Act. This paper aims to address this gap by providing an in-depth analysis of the AI Act's provisions regarding technical documentation, wherein we particularly focus on AI risk management. On the basis of this analysis, we propose AI Cards as a novel holistic framework for representing a given intended use of an AI system by encompassing information regarding technical specifications, context of use, and risk management, both in human- and machine-readable formats. While the human-readable representation of AI Cards provides AI stakeholders with a transparent and comprehensible overview of the AI use case, its machine-readable specification leverages on state of the art Semantic Web technologies to embody the interoperability needed for exchanging documentation within the AI value chain. This brings the flexibility required for reflecting changes applied to the AI system and its context, provides the scalability needed to accommodate potential amendments to legal requirements, and enables development of automated tools to assist with legal compliance and conformity assessment tasks. To solidify the benefits, we provide an exemplar AI Card for an AI-based student proctoring system and further discuss its potential applications within and beyond the context of the AI Act.

cross Guiding Video Prediction with Explicit Procedural Knowledge

Authors: Patrick Takenaka, Johannes Maucher, Marco F. Huber

Abstract: We propose a general way to integrate procedural knowledge of a domain into deep learning models. We apply it to the case of video prediction, building on top of object-centric deep models and show that this leads to a better performance than using data-driven models alone. We develop an architecture that facilitates latent space disentanglement in order to use the integrated procedural knowledge, and establish a setup that allows the model to learn the procedural interface in the latent space using the downstream task of video prediction. We contrast the performance to a state-of-the-art data-driven approach and show that problems where purely data-driven approaches struggle can be handled by using knowledge about the domain, providing an alternative to simply collecting more data.

cross Enhancing Data Privacy in Large Language Models through Private Association Editing

Authors: Davide Venditti, Elena Sofia Ruzzetti, Giancarlo A. Xompero, Cristina Giannone, Andrea Favalli, Raniero Romagnoli, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful tools with extensive applications, but their tendency to memorize private information raises significant concerns as private data leakage can easily happen. In this paper, we introduce Private Association Editing (PAE), a novel defense approach for private data leakage. PAE is designed to effectively remove Personally Identifiable Information (PII) without retraining the model. Our approach consists of a four-step procedure: detecting memorized PII, applying PAE cards to mitigate memorization of private data, verifying resilience to targeted data extraction (TDE) attacks, and ensuring consistency in the post-edit LLMs. The versatility and efficiency of PAE, which allows for batch modifications, significantly enhance data privacy in LLMs. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of PAE in mitigating private data leakage. We believe PAE will serve as a critical tool in the ongoing effort to protect data privacy in LLMs, encouraging the development of safer models for real-world applications.

cross Zero-shot prompt-based classification: topic labeling in times of foundation models in German Tweets

Authors: Simon M\"unker, Kai Kugler, Achim Rettinger

Abstract: Filtering and annotating textual data are routine tasks in many areas, like social media or news analytics. Automating these tasks allows to scale the analyses wrt. speed and breadth of content covered and decreases the manual effort required. Due to technical advancements in Natural Language Processing, specifically the success of large foundation models, a new tool for automating such annotation processes by using a text-to-text interface given written guidelines without providing training samples has become available. In this work, we assess these advancements in-the-wild by empirically testing them in an annotation task on German Twitter data about social and political European crises. We compare the prompt-based results with our human annotation and preceding classification approaches, including Naive Bayes and a BERT-based fine-tuning/domain adaptation pipeline. Our results show that the prompt-based approach - despite being limited by local computation resources during the model selection - is comparable with the fine-tuned BERT but without any annotated training data. Our findings emphasize the ongoing paradigm shift in the NLP landscape, i.e., the unification of downstream tasks and elimination of the need for pre-labeled training data.

cross Improving the Consistency in Cross-Lingual Cross-Modal Retrieval with 1-to-K Contrastive Learning

Authors: Zhijie Nie, Richong Zhang, Zhangchi Feng, Hailang Huang, Xudong Liu

Abstract: Cross-lingual Cross-modal Retrieval (CCR) is an essential task in web search, which aims to break the barriers between modality and language simultaneously and achieves image-text retrieval in the multi-lingual scenario with a single model. In recent years, excellent progress has been made based on cross-lingual cross-modal pre-training; particularly, the methods based on contrastive learning on large-scale data have significantly improved retrieval tasks. However, these methods directly follow the existing pre-training methods in the cross-lingual or cross-modal domain, leading to two problems of inconsistency in CCR: The methods with cross-lingual style suffer from the intra-modal error propagation, resulting in inconsistent recall performance across languages in the whole dataset. The methods with cross-modal style suffer from the inter-modal optimization direction bias, resulting in inconsistent rank across languages within each instance, which cannot be reflected by Recall@K. To solve these problems, we propose a simple but effective 1-to-K contrastive learning method, which treats each language equally and eliminates error propagation and optimization bias. In addition, we propose a new evaluation metric, Mean Rank Variance (MRV), to reflect the rank inconsistency across languages within each instance. Extensive experiments on four CCR datasets show that our method improves both recall rates and MRV with smaller-scale pre-trained data, achieving the new state-of-art.

cross Detecting Machine-Generated Texts: Not Just "AI vs Humans" and Explainability is Complicated

Authors: Jiazhou Ji, Ruizhe Li, Shujun Li, Jie Guo, Weidong Qiu, Zheng Huang, Chiyu Chen, Xiaoyu Jiang, Xinru Lu

Abstract: As LLMs rapidly advance, increasing concerns arise regarding risks about actual authorship of texts we see online and in real world. The task of distinguishing LLM-authored texts is complicated by the nuanced and overlapping behaviors of both machines and humans. In this paper, we challenge the current practice of considering LLM-generated text detection a binary classification task of differentiating human from AI. Instead, we introduce a novel ternary text classification scheme, adding an "undecided" category for texts that could be attributed to either source, and we show that this new category is crucial to understand how to make the detection result more explainable to lay users. This research shifts the paradigm from merely classifying to explaining machine-generated texts, emphasizing need for detectors to provide clear and understandable explanations to users. Our study involves creating four new datasets comprised of texts from various LLMs and human authors. Based on new datasets, we performed binary classification tests to ascertain the most effective SOTA detection methods and identified SOTA LLMs capable of producing harder-to-detect texts. We constructed a new dataset of texts generated by two top-performing LLMs and human authors, and asked three human annotators to produce ternary labels with explanation notes. This dataset was used to investigate how three top-performing SOTA detectors behave in new ternary classification context. Our results highlight why "undecided" category is much needed from the viewpoint of explainability. Additionally, we conducted an analysis of explainability of the three best-performing detectors and the explanation notes of the human annotators, revealing insights about the complexity of explainable detection of machine-generated texts. Finally, we propose guidelines for developing future detection systems with improved explanatory power.

cross Combining Automated Optimisation of Hyperparameters and Reward Shape

Authors: Julian Dierkes, Emma Cramer, Holger H. Hoos, Sebastian Trimpe

Abstract: There has been significant progress in deep reinforcement learning (RL) in recent years. Nevertheless, finding suitable hyperparameter configurations and reward functions remains challenging even for experts, and performance heavily relies on these design choices. Also, most RL research is conducted on known benchmarks where knowledge about these choices already exists. However, novel practical applications often pose complex tasks for which no prior knowledge about good hyperparameters and reward functions is available, thus necessitating their derivation from scratch. Prior work has examined automatically tuning either hyperparameters or reward functions individually. We demonstrate empirically that an RL algorithm's hyperparameter configurations and reward function are often mutually dependent, meaning neither can be fully optimised without appropriate values for the other. We then propose a methodology for the combined optimisation of hyperparameters and the reward function. Furthermore, we include a variance penalty as an optimisation objective to improve the stability of learned policies. We conducted extensive experiments using Proximal Policy Optimisation and Soft Actor-Critic on four environments. Our results show that combined optimisation significantly improves over baseline performance in half of the environments and achieves competitive performance in the others, with only a minor increase in computational costs. This suggests that combined optimisation should be best practice.

cross S3: A Simple Strong Sample-effective Multimodal Dialog System

Authors: Elisei Rykov, Egor Malkershin, Alexander Panchenko

Abstract: In this work, we present a conceptually simple yet powerful baseline for the multimodal dialog task, an S3 model, that achieves near state-of-the-art results on two compelling leaderboards: MMMU and AI Journey Contest 2023. The system is based on a pre-trained large language model, pre-trained modality encoders for image and audio, and a trainable modality projector. The proposed effective data mixture for training such an architecture demonstrates that a multimodal model based on a strong language model and trained on a small amount of multimodal data can perform efficiently in the task of multimodal dialog.

cross AI-native Memory: A Pathway from LLMs Towards AGI

Authors: Jingbo Shang, Zai Zheng, Xiang Ying, Felix Tao, Mindverse Team

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated the world with the sparks of artificial general intelligence (AGI). One opinion, especially from some startups working on LLMs, argues that an LLM with nearly unlimited context length can realize AGI. However, they might be too optimistic about the long-context capability of (existing) LLMs -- (1) Recent literature has shown that their effective context length is significantly smaller than their claimed context length; and (2) Our reasoning-in-a-haystack experiments further demonstrate that simultaneously finding the relevant information from a long context and conducting (simple) reasoning is nearly impossible. In this paper, we envision a pathway from LLMs to AGI through the integration of \emph{memory}. We believe that AGI should be a system where LLMs serve as core processors. In addition to raw data, the memory in this system would store a large number of important conclusions derived from reasoning processes. Compared with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) that merely processing raw data, this approach not only connects semantically related information closer, but also simplifies complex inferences at the time of querying. As an intermediate stage, the memory will likely be in the form of natural language descriptions, which can be directly consumed by users too. Ultimately, every agent/person should have its own large personal model, a deep neural network model (thus \emph{AI-native}) that parameterizes and compresses all types of memory, even the ones cannot be described by natural languages. Finally, we discuss the significant potential of AI-native memory as the transformative infrastructure for (proactive) engagement, personalization, distribution, and social in the AGI era, as well as the incurred privacy and security challenges with preliminary solutions.

cross MathOdyssey: Benchmarking Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills in Large Language Models Using Odyssey Math Data

Authors: Meng Fang, Xiangpeng Wan, Fei Lu, Fei Xing, Kai Zou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced natural language understanding and demonstrated strong problem-solving abilities. Despite these successes, most LLMs still struggle with solving mathematical problems due to the intricate reasoning required. This paper investigates the mathematical problem-solving capabilities of LLMs using the newly developed "MathOdyssey" dataset. The dataset includes diverse mathematical problems at high school and university levels, created by experts from notable institutions to rigorously test LLMs in advanced problem-solving scenarios and cover a wider range of subject areas. By providing the MathOdyssey dataset as a resource to the AI community, we aim to contribute to the understanding and improvement of AI capabilities in complex mathematical problem-solving. We conduct benchmarking on open-source models, such as Llama-3 and DBRX-Instruct, and closed-source models from the GPT series and Gemini models. Our results indicate that while LLMs perform well on routine and moderately difficult tasks, they face significant challenges with Olympiad-level problems and complex university-level questions. Our analysis shows a narrowing performance gap between open-source and closed-source models, yet substantial challenges remain, particularly with the most demanding problems. This study highlights the ongoing need for research to enhance the mathematical reasoning of LLMs. The dataset, results, and code are publicly available.

cross PaCoST: Paired Confidence Significance Testing for Benchmark Contamination Detection in Large Language Models

Authors: Huixuan Zhang, Yun Lin, Xiaojun Wan

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are known to be trained on vast amounts of data, which may unintentionally or intentionally include data from commonly used benchmarks. This inclusion can lead to cheatingly high scores on model leaderboards, yet result in disappointing performance in real-world applications. To address this benchmark contamination problem, we first propose a set of requirements that practical contamination detection methods should follow. Following these proposed requirements, we introduce PaCoST, a Paired Confidence Significance Testing to effectively detect benchmark contamination in LLMs. Our method constructs a counterpart for each piece of data with the same distribution, and performs statistical analysis of the corresponding confidence to test whether the model is significantly more confident under the original benchmark. We validate the effectiveness of PaCoST and apply it on popular open-source models and benchmarks. We find that almost all models and benchmarks we tested are suspected contaminated more or less. We finally call for new LLM evaluation methods.

cross Continuous Sign Language Recognition Using Intra-inter Gloss Attention

Authors: Hossein Ranjbar, Alireza Taheri

Abstract: Many continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) studies adopt transformer-based architectures for sequence modeling due to their powerful capacity for capturing global contexts. Nevertheless, vanilla self-attention, which serves as the core module of the transformer, calculates a weighted average over all time steps; therefore, the local temporal semantics of sign videos may not be fully exploited. In this study, we introduce a novel module in sign language recognition studies, called intra-inter gloss attention module, to leverage the relationships among frames within glosses and the semantic and grammatical dependencies between glosses in the video. In the intra-gloss attention module, the video is divided into equally sized chunks and a self-attention mechanism is applied within each chunk. This localized self-attention significantly reduces complexity and eliminates noise introduced by considering non-relative frames. In the inter-gloss attention module, we first aggregate the chunk-level features within each gloss chunk by average pooling along the temporal dimension. Subsequently, multi-head self-attention is applied to all chunk-level features. Given the non-significance of the signer-environment interaction, we utilize segmentation to remove the background of the videos. This enables the proposed model to direct its focus toward the signer. Experimental results on the PHOENIX-2014 benchmark dataset demonstrate that our method can effectively extract sign language features in an end-to-end manner without any prior knowledge, improve the accuracy of CSLR, and achieve the word error rate (WER) of 20.4 on the test set which is a competitive result compare to the state-of-the-art which uses additional supervisions.

cross Reinforcement Learning with Intrinsically Motivated Feedback Graph for Lost-sales Inventory Control

Authors: Zifan Liu, Xinran Li, Shibo Chen, Gen Li, Jiashuo Jiang, Jun Zhang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has proven to be well-performed and general-purpose in the inventory control (IC). However, further improvement of RL algorithms in the IC domain is impeded due to two limitations of online experience. First, online experience is expensive to acquire in real-world applications. With the low sample efficiency nature of RL algorithms, it would take extensive time to train the RL policy to convergence. Second, online experience may not reflect the true demand due to the lost sales phenomenon typical in IC, which makes the learning process more challenging. To address the above challenges, we propose a decision framework that combines reinforcement learning with feedback graph (RLFG) and intrinsically motivated exploration (IME) to boost sample efficiency. In particular, we first take advantage of the inherent properties of lost-sales IC problems and design the feedback graph (FG) specially for lost-sales IC problems to generate abundant side experiences aid RL updates. Then we conduct a rigorous theoretical analysis of how the designed FG reduces the sample complexity of RL methods. Based on the theoretical insights, we design an intrinsic reward to direct the RL agent to explore to the state-action space with more side experiences, further exploiting FG's power. Experimental results demonstrate that our method greatly improves the sample efficiency of applying RL in IC. Our code is available at


cross Kolmogorov-Arnold Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Gianluca De Carlo, Andrea Mastropietro, Aris Anagnostopoulos

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) excel in learning from network-like data but often lack interpretability, making their application challenging in domains requiring transparent decision-making. We propose the Graph Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (GKAN), a novel GNN model leveraging spline-based activation functions on edges to enhance both accuracy and interpretability. Our experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate that GKAN outperforms state-of-the-art GNN models in node classification, link prediction, and graph classification tasks. In addition to the improved accuracy, GKAN's design inherently provides clear insights into the model's decision-making process, eliminating the need for post-hoc explainability techniques. This paper discusses the methodology, performance, and interpretability of GKAN, highlighting its potential for applications in domains where interpretability is crucial.

cross Stable Diffusion Segmentation for Biomedical Images with Single-step Reverse Process

Authors: Tianyu Lin, Zhiguang Chen, Zhonghao Yan, Fudan Zheng, Weijiang Yu

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated their effectiveness across various generative tasks. However, when applied to medical image segmentation, these models encounter several challenges, including significant resource and time requirements. They also necessitate a multi-step reverse process and multiple samples to produce reliable predictions. To address these challenges, we introduce the first latent diffusion segmentation model, named SDSeg, built upon stable diffusion (SD). SDSeg incorporates a straightforward latent estimation strategy to facilitate a single-step reverse process and utilizes latent fusion concatenation to remove the necessity for multiple samples. Extensive experiments indicate that SDSeg surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods on five benchmark datasets featuring diverse imaging modalities. Remarkably, SDSeg is capable of generating stable predictions with a solitary reverse step and sample, epitomizing the model's stability as implied by its name. The code is available at


cross Research on Information Extraction of LCSTS Dataset Based on an Improved BERTSum-LSTM Model

Authors: Yiming Chen, Haobin Chen, Simin Liu, Yunyun Liu, Fanhao Zhou, Bing Wei

Abstract: With the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence, natural language processing technology has become widely utilized in various fields. At the same time, there are many challenges in creating Chinese news summaries. First of all, the semantics of Chinese news is complex, and the amount of information is enormous. Extracting critical information from Chinese news presents a significant challenge. Second, the news summary should be concise and clear, focusing on the main content and avoiding redundancy. In addition, the particularity of the Chinese language, such as polysemy, word segmentation, etc., makes it challenging to generate Chinese news summaries. Based on the above, this paper studies the information extraction method of the LCSTS dataset based on an improved BERTSum-LSTM model. We improve the BERTSum-LSTM model to make it perform better in generating Chinese news summaries. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a good effect on creating news summaries, which is of great importance to the construction of news summaries.

cross Learning pure quantum states (almost) without regret

Authors: Josep Lumbreras, Mikhail Terekhov, Marco Tomamichel

Abstract: We initiate the study of quantum state tomography with minimal regret. A learner has sequential oracle access to an unknown pure quantum state, and in each round selects a pure probe state. Regret is incurred if the unknown state is measured orthogonal to this probe, and the learner's goal is to minimise the expected cumulative regret over $T$ rounds. The challenge is to find a balance between the most informative measurements and measurements incurring minimal regret. We show that the cumulative regret scales as $\Theta(\operatorname{polylog} T)$ using a new tomography algorithm based on a median of means least squares estimator. This algorithm employs measurements biased towards the unknown state and produces online estimates that are optimal (up to logarithmic terms) in the number of observed samples.

cross MALSIGHT: Exploring Malicious Source Code and Benign Pseudocode for Iterative Binary Malware Summarization

Authors: Haolang Lu, Hongrui Peng, Guoshun Nan, Jiaoyang Cui, Cheng Wang, Weifei Jin

Abstract: Binary malware summarization aims to automatically generate human-readable descriptions of malware behaviors from executable files, facilitating tasks like malware cracking and detection. Previous methods based on Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great promise. However, they still face significant issues, including poor usability, inaccurate explanations, and incomplete summaries, primarily due to the obscure pseudocode structure and the lack of malware training summaries. Further, calling relationships between functions, which involve the rich interactions within a binary malware, remain largely underexplored. To this end, we propose MALSIGHT, a novel code summarization framework that can iteratively generate descriptions of binary malware by exploring malicious source code and benign pseudocode. Specifically, we construct the first malware summaries, MalS and MalP, using an LLM and manually refine this dataset with human effort. At the training stage, we tune our proposed MalT5, a novel LLM-based code model, on the MalS dataset and a benign pseudocode dataset. Then, at the test stage, we iteratively feed the pseudocode functions into MalT5 to obtain the summary. Such a procedure facilitates the understanding of pseudocode structure and captures the intricate interactions between functions, thereby benefiting the usability, accuracy, and completeness of summaries. Additionally, we propose a novel evaluation benchmark, BLEURT-sum, to measure the quality of summaries. Experiments on three datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed MALSIGHT. Notably, our proposed MalT5, with only 0.77B parameters, delivers comparable performance to much larger ChatGPT3.5.

cross SAM: Semi-Active Mechanism for Extensible Continuum Manipulator and Real-time Hysteresis Compensation Control Algorithm

Authors: Junhyun Park, Seonghyeok Jang, Myeongbo Park, Hyojae Park, Jeonghyeon Yoon, Minho Hwang

Abstract: Cable-Driven Continuum Manipulators (CDCMs) enable scar-free procedures via natural orifices and improve target lesion accessibility through curved paths. However, CDCMs face limitations in workspace and control accuracy due to non-linear cable effects causing hysteresis. This paper introduces an extensible CDCM with a Semi-active Mechanism (SAM) to expand the workspace via translational motion without additional mechanical elements or actuation. We collect a hysteresis dataset using 8 fiducial markers and RGBD sensing. Based on this dataset, we develop a real-time hysteresis compensation control algorithm using the trained Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) with a 1ms time latency, effectively estimating the manipulator's hysteresis behavior. Performance validation through random trajectory tracking tests and box pointing tasks shows the proposed controller significantly reduces hysteresis by up to 69.5% in joint space and approximately 26% in the box pointing task.

cross AlphaForge: A Framework to Mine and Dynamically Combine Formulaic Alpha Factors

Authors: Hao Shi, Cuicui Luo, Weili Song, Xinting Zhang, Xiang Ao

Abstract: The variability and low signal-to-noise ratio in financial data, combined with the necessity for interpretability, make the alpha factor mining workflow a crucial component of quantitative investment. Transitioning from early manual extraction to genetic programming, the most advanced approach in this domain currently employs reinforcement learning to mine a set of combination factors with fixed weights. However, the performance of resultant alpha factors exhibits inconsistency, and the inflexibility of fixed factor weights proves insufficient in adapting to the dynamic nature of financial markets. To address this issue, this paper proposes a two-stage formulaic alpha generating framework AlphaForge, for alpha factor mining and factor combination. This framework employs a generative-predictive neural network to generate factors, leveraging the robust spatial exploration capabilities inherent in deep learning while concurrently preserving diversity. The combination model within the framework incorporates the temporal performance of factors for selection and dynamically adjusts the weights assigned to each component alpha factor. Experiments conducted on real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms contemporary benchmarks in formulaic alpha factor mining. Furthermore, our model exhibits a notable enhancement in portfolio returns within the realm of quantitative investment.

cross IRCAN: Mitigating Knowledge Conflicts in LLM Generation via Identifying and Reweighting Context-Aware Neurons

Authors: Dan Shi, Renren Jin, Tianhao Shen, Weilong Dong, Xinwei Wu, Deyi Xiong

Abstract: It is widely acknowledged that large language models (LLMs) encode a vast reservoir of knowledge after being trained on mass data. Recent studies disclose knowledge conflicts in LLM generation, wherein outdated or incorrect parametric knowledge (i.e., encoded knowledge) contradicts new knowledge provided in the context. To mitigate such knowledge conflicts, we propose a novel framework, IRCAN (Identifying and Reweighting Context-Aware Neurons) to capitalize on neurons that are crucial in processing contextual cues. Specifically, IRCAN first identifies neurons that significantly contribute to context processing, utilizing a context-aware attribution score derived from integrated gradients. Subsequently, the identified context-aware neurons are strengthened via reweighting. In doing so, we steer LLMs to generate context-sensitive outputs with respect to the new knowledge provided in the context. Extensive experiments conducted across a variety of models and tasks demonstrate that IRCAN not only achieves remarkable improvements in handling knowledge conflicts but also offers a scalable, plug-andplay solution that can be integrated seamlessly with existing models.

cross BiTrack: Bidirectional Offline 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Camera-LiDAR Data

Authors: Kemiao Huang, Meiying Zhang, Qi Hao

Abstract: Compared with real-time multi-object tracking (MOT), offline multi-object tracking (OMOT) has the advantages to perform 2D-3D detection fusion, erroneous link correction, and full track optimization but has to deal with the challenges from bounding box misalignment and track evaluation, editing, and refinement. This paper proposes "BiTrack", a 3D OMOT framework that includes modules of 2D-3D detection fusion, initial trajectory generation, and bidirectional trajectory re-optimization to achieve optimal tracking results from camera-LiDAR data. The novelty of this paper includes threefold: (1) development of a point-level object registration technique that employs a density-based similarity metric to achieve accurate fusion of 2D-3D detection results; (2) development of a set of data association and track management skills that utilizes a vertex-based similarity metric as well as false alarm rejection and track recovery mechanisms to generate reliable bidirectional object trajectories; (3) development of a trajectory re-optimization scheme that re-organizes track fragments of different fidelities in a greedy fashion, as well as refines each trajectory with completion and smoothing techniques. The experiment results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that BiTrack achieves the state-of-the-art performance for 3D OMOT tasks in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

cross Mixture of Experts in a Mixture of RL settings

Authors: Timon Willi, Johan Obando-Ceron, Jakob Foerster, Karolina Dziugaite, Pablo Samuel Castro

Abstract: Mixtures of Experts (MoEs) have gained prominence in (self-)supervised learning due to their enhanced inference efficiency, adaptability to distributed training, and modularity. Previous research has illustrated that MoEs can significantly boost Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) performance by expanding the network's parameter count while reducing dormant neurons, thereby enhancing the model's learning capacity and ability to deal with non-stationarity. In this work, we shed more light on MoEs' ability to deal with non-stationarity and investigate MoEs in DRL settings with "amplified" non-stationarity via multi-task training, providing further evidence that MoEs improve learning capacity. In contrast to previous work, our multi-task results allow us to better understand the underlying causes for the beneficial effect of MoE in DRL training, the impact of the various MoE components, and insights into how best to incorporate them in actor-critic-based DRL networks. Finally, we also confirm results from previous work.

cross Graph Neural Networks for Emulation of Finite-Element Ice Dynamics in Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets

Authors: Younghyun Koo, Maryam Rahnemoonfar

Abstract: Although numerical models provide accurate solutions for ice sheet dynamics based on physics laws, they accompany intensified computational demands to solve partial differential equations. In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been widely used as statistical emulators for those numerical models. However, since CNNs operate on regular grids, they cannot represent the refined meshes and computational efficiency of finite-element numerical models. Therefore, instead of CNNs, this study adopts an equivariant graph convolutional network (EGCN) as an emulator for the ice sheet dynamics modeling. EGCN reproduces ice thickness and velocity changes in the Helheim Glacier, Greenland, and Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica, with 260 times and 44 times faster computation time, respectively. Compared to the traditional CNN and graph convolutional network, EGCN shows outstanding accuracy in thickness prediction near fast ice streams by preserving the equivariance to the translation and rotation of graphs.

cross Cascading Large Language Models for Salient Event Graph Generation

Authors: Xingwei Tan, Yuxiang Zhou, Gabriele Pergola, Yulan He

Abstract: Generating event graphs from long documents is challenging due to the inherent complexity of multiple tasks involved such as detecting events, identifying their relationships, and reconciling unstructured input with structured graphs. Recent studies typically consider all events with equal importance, failing to distinguish salient events crucial for understanding narratives. This paper presents CALLMSAE, a CAscading Large Language Model framework for SAlient Event graph generation, which leverages the capabilities of LLMs and eliminates the need for costly human annotations. We first identify salient events by prompting LLMs to generate summaries, from which salient events are identified. Next, we develop an iterative code refinement prompting strategy to generate event relation graphs, removing hallucinated relations and recovering missing edges. Fine-tuning contextualised graph generation models on the LLM-generated graphs outperforms the models trained on CAEVO-generated data. Experimental results on a human-annotated test set show that the proposed method generates salient and more accurate graphs, outperforming competitive baselines.

cross Preference Elicitation for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Aliz\'ee Pace, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Gunnar R\"atsch, Giorgia Ramponi

Abstract: Applying reinforcement learning (RL) to real-world problems is often made challenging by the inability to interact with the environment and the difficulty of designing reward functions. Offline RL addresses the first challenge by considering access to an offline dataset of environment interactions labeled by the reward function. In contrast, Preference-based RL does not assume access to the reward function and learns it from preferences, but typically requires an online interaction with the environment. We bridge the gap between these frameworks by exploring efficient methods for acquiring preference feedback in a fully offline setup. We propose Sim-OPRL, an offline preference-based reinforcement learning algorithm, which leverages a learned environment model to elicit preference feedback on simulated rollouts. Drawing on insights from both the offline RL and the preference-based RL literature, our algorithm employs a pessimistic approach for out-of-distribution data, and an optimistic approach for acquiring informative preferences about the optimal policy. We provide theoretical guarantees regarding the sample complexity of our approach, dependent on how well the offline data covers the optimal policy. Finally, we demonstrate the empirical performance of Sim-OPRL in different environments.

cross Detecting Brittle Decisions for Free: Leveraging Margin Consistency in Deep Robust Classifiers

Authors: Jonas Ngnaw\'e, Sabyasachi Sahoo, Yann Pequignot, Fr\'ed\'eric Precioso, Christian Gagn\'e

Abstract: Despite extensive research on adversarial training strategies to improve robustness, the decisions of even the most robust deep learning models can still be quite sensitive to imperceptible perturbations, creating serious risks when deploying them for high-stakes real-world applications. While detecting such cases may be critical, evaluating a model's vulnerability at a per-instance level using adversarial attacks is computationally too intensive and unsuitable for real-time deployment scenarios. The input space margin is the exact score to detect non-robust samples and is intractable for deep neural networks. This paper introduces the concept of margin consistency -- a property that links the input space margins and the logit margins in robust models -- for efficient detection of vulnerable samples. First, we establish that margin consistency is a necessary and sufficient condition to use a model's logit margin as a score for identifying non-robust samples. Next, through comprehensive empirical analysis of various robustly trained models on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets, we show that they indicate strong margin consistency with a strong correlation between their input space margins and the logit margins. Then, we show that we can effectively use the logit margin to confidently detect brittle decisions with such models and accurately estimate robust accuracy on an arbitrarily large test set by estimating the input margins only on a small subset. Finally, we address cases where the model is not sufficiently margin-consistent by learning a pseudo-margin from the feature representation. Our findings highlight the potential of leveraging deep representations to efficiently assess adversarial vulnerability in deployment scenarios.

cross Role-Play Zero-Shot Prompting with Large Language Models for Open-Domain Human-Machine Conversation

Authors: Ahmed Njifenjou, Virgile Sucal, Bassam Jabaian, Fabrice Lef\`evre

Abstract: Recently, various methods have been proposed to create open-domain conversational agents with Large Language Models (LLMs). These models are able to answer user queries, but in a one-way Q&A format rather than a true conversation. Fine-tuning on particular datasets is the usual way to modify their style to increase conversational ability, but this is expensive and usually only available in a few languages. In this study, we explore role-play zero-shot prompting as an efficient and cost-effective solution for open-domain conversation, using capable multilingual LLMs (Beeching et al., 2023) trained to obey instructions. We design a prompting system that, when combined with an instruction-following model - here Vicuna (Chiang et al., 2023) - produces conversational agents that match and even surpass fine-tuned models in human evaluation in French in two different tasks.

cross Mental Modeling of Reinforcement Learning Agents by Language Models

Authors: Wenhao Lu, Xufeng Zhao, Josua Spisak, Jae Hee Lee, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: Can emergent language models faithfully model the intelligence of decision-making agents? Though modern language models exhibit already some reasoning ability, and theoretically can potentially express any probable distribution over tokens, it remains underexplored how the world knowledge these pretrained models have memorized can be utilized to comprehend an agent's behaviour in the physical world. This study empirically examines, for the first time, how well large language models (LLMs) can build a mental model of agents, termed agent mental modelling, by reasoning about an agent's behaviour and its effect on states from agent interaction history. This research may unveil the potential of leveraging LLMs for elucidating RL agent behaviour, addressing a key challenge in eXplainable reinforcement learning (XRL). To this end, we propose specific evaluation metrics and test them on selected RL task datasets of varying complexity, reporting findings on agent mental model establishment. Our results disclose that LLMs are not yet capable of fully mental modelling agents through inference alone without further innovations. This work thus provides new insights into the capabilities and limitations of modern LLMs.

cross APIGen: Automated Pipeline for Generating Verifiable and Diverse Function-Calling Datasets

Authors: Zuxin Liu, Thai Hoang, Jianguo Zhang, Ming Zhu, Tian Lan, Shirley Kokane, Juntao Tan, Weiran Yao, Zhiwei Liu, Yihao Feng, Rithesh Murthy, Liangwei Yang, Silvio Savarese, Juan Carlos Niebles, Huan Wang, Shelby Heinecke, Caiming Xiong

Abstract: The advancement of function-calling agent models requires diverse, reliable, and high-quality datasets. This paper presents APIGen, an automated data generation pipeline designed to synthesize verifiable high-quality datasets for function-calling applications. We leverage APIGen and collect 3,673 executable APIs across 21 different categories to generate diverse function-calling datasets in a scalable and structured manner. Each data in our dataset is verified through three hierarchical stages: format checking, actual function executions, and semantic verification, ensuring its reliability and correctness. We demonstrate that models trained with our curated datasets, even with only 7B parameters, can achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Berkeley Function-Calling Benchmark, outperforming multiple GPT-4 models. Moreover, our 1B model achieves exceptional performance, surpassing GPT-3.5-Turbo and Claude-3 Haiku. We release a dataset containing 60,000 high-quality entries, aiming to advance the field of function-calling agent domains. The dataset is available on Huggingface: and the project homepage:


cross Symbolic Learning Enables Self-Evolving Agents

Authors: Wangchunshu Zhou, Yixin Ou, Shengwei Ding, Long Li, Jialong Wu, Tiannan Wang, Jiamin Chen, Shuai Wang, Xiaohua Xu, Ningyu Zhang, Huajun Chen, Yuchen Eleanor Jiang

Abstract: The AI community has been exploring a pathway to artificial general intelligence (AGI) by developing "language agents", which are complex large language models (LLMs) pipelines involving both prompting techniques and tool usage methods. While language agents have demonstrated impressive capabilities for many real-world tasks, a fundamental limitation of current language agents research is that they are model-centric, or engineering-centric. That's to say, the progress on prompts, tools, and pipelines of language agents requires substantial manual engineering efforts from human experts rather than automatically learning from data. We believe the transition from model-centric, or engineering-centric, to data-centric, i.e., the ability of language agents to autonomously learn and evolve in environments, is the key for them to possibly achieve AGI. In this work, we introduce agent symbolic learning, a systematic framework that enables language agents to optimize themselves on their own in a data-centric way using symbolic optimizers. Specifically, we consider agents as symbolic networks where learnable weights are defined by prompts, tools, and the way they are stacked together. Agent symbolic learning is designed to optimize the symbolic network within language agents by mimicking two fundamental algorithms in connectionist learning: back-propagation and gradient descent. Instead of dealing with numeric weights, agent symbolic learning works with natural language simulacrums of weights, loss, and gradients. We conduct proof-of-concept experiments on both standard benchmarks and complex real-world tasks and show that agent symbolic learning enables language agents to update themselves after being created and deployed in the wild, resulting in "self-evolving agents".

replace InterVLS: Interactive Model Understanding and Improvement with Vision-Language Surrogates

Authors: Jinbin Huang, Wenbin He, Liang Gou, Liu Ren, Chris Bryan

Abstract: Deep learning models are widely used in critical applications, highlighting the need for pre-deployment model understanding and improvement. Visual concept-based methods, while increasingly used for this purpose, face challenges: (1) most concepts lack interpretability, (2) existing methods require model knowledge, often unavailable at run time. Additionally, (3) there lacks a no-code method for post-understanding model improvement. Addressing these, we present InterVLS. The system facilitates model understanding by discovering text-aligned concepts, measuring their influence with model-agnostic linear surrogates. Employing visual analytics, InterVLS offers concept-based explanations and performance insights. It enables users to adjust concept influences to update a model, facilitating no-code model improvement. We evaluate InterVLS in a user study, illustrating its functionality with two scenarios. Results indicates that InterVLS is effective to help users identify influential concepts to a model, gain insights and adjust concept influence to improve the model. We conclude with a discussion based on our study results.

replace Large Knowledge Model: Perspectives and Challenges

Authors: Huajun Chen

Abstract: Humankind's understanding of the world is fundamentally linked to our perception and cognition, with \emph{human languages} serving as one of the major carriers of \emph{world knowledge}. In this vein, \emph{Large Language Models} (LLMs) like ChatGPT epitomize the pre-training of extensive, sequence-based world knowledge into neural networks, facilitating the processing and manipulation of this knowledge in a parametric space. This article explores large models through the lens of "knowledge". We initially investigate the role of symbolic knowledge such as Knowledge Graphs (KGs) in enhancing LLMs, covering aspects like knowledge-augmented language model, structure-inducing pre-training, knowledgeable prompts, structured CoT, knowledge editing, semantic tools for LLM and knowledgeable AI agents. Subsequently, we examine how LLMs can boost traditional symbolic knowledge bases, encompassing aspects like using LLM as KG builder and controller, structured knowledge pretraining, and LLM-enhanced symbolic reasoning. Considering the intricate nature of human knowledge, we advocate for the creation of \emph{Large Knowledge Models} (LKM), specifically engineered to manage diversified spectrum of knowledge structures. This promising undertaking would entail several key challenges, such as disentangling knowledge base from language models, cognitive alignment with human knowledge, integration of perception and cognition, and building large commonsense models for interacting with physical world, among others. We finally propose a five-"A" principle to distinguish the concept of LKM.

replace Case-Based or Rule-Based: How Do Transformers Do the Math?

Authors: Yi Hu, Xiaojuan Tang, Haotong Yang, Muhan Zhang

Abstract: Despite the impressive performance in a variety of complex tasks, modern large language models (LLMs) still have trouble dealing with some math problems that are simple and intuitive for humans, such as addition. While we can easily learn basic rules of addition and apply them to new problems of any length, LLMs struggle to do the same. Instead, they may rely on similar cases seen in the training corpus for help. We define these two different reasoning mechanisms as "rule-based reasoning" and "case-based reasoning". Since rule-based reasoning is essential for acquiring systematic generalization ability, we aim to explore exactly whether transformers use rule-based or case-based reasoning for math problems. Through carefully designed intervention experiments on five math tasks, we confirm that transformers are performing case-based reasoning, no matter whether scratchpad is used, which aligns with the previous observations that transformers use subgraph matching/shortcut learning to reason. To mitigate such problems, we propose a Rule-Following Fine-Tuning (RFFT) technique to teach transformers to perform rule-based reasoning. Specifically, we provide explicit rules in the input and then instruct transformers to recite and follow the rules step by step. Through RFFT, we successfully enable LLMs fine-tuned on 1-5 digit addition to generalize to up to 12-digit addition with over 95% accuracy, which is over 40% higher than scratchpad. The significant improvement demonstrates that teaching LLMs to use rules explicitly helps them learn rule-based reasoning and generalize better in length.

replace Implications of the AI Act for Non-Discrimination Law and Algorithmic Fairness

Authors: Luca Deck, Jan-Laurin M\"uller, Conradin Braun, Domenique Zipperling, Niklas K\"uhl

Abstract: The topic of fairness in AI, as debated in the FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics in AI) communities, has sparked meaningful discussions in the past years. However, from a legal perspective, particularly from the perspective of European Union law, many open questions remain. Whereas algorithmic fairness aims to mitigate structural inequalities at design-level, European non-discrimination law is tailored to individual cases of discrimination after an AI model has been deployed. The AI Act might present a tremendous step towards bridging these two approaches by shifting non-discrimination responsibilities into the design stage of AI models. Based on an integrative reading of the AI Act, we comment on legal as well as technical enforcement problems and propose practical implications on bias detection and bias correction in order to specify and comply with specific technical requirements.

replace 360$^\circ$REA: Towards A Reusable Experience Accumulation with 360{\deg} Assessment for Multi-Agent System

Authors: Shen Gao, Hao Li, Chengrui Huang, Quan Tu, Zhiliang Tian, Minlie Huang, Shuo Shang

Abstract: Large language model agents have demonstrated remarkable advancements across various complex tasks. Recent works focus on optimizing the agent team or employing self-reflection to iteratively solve complex tasks. Since these agents are all based on the same LLM, only conducting self-evaluation or removing underperforming agents does not substantively enhance the capability of the agents. We argue that a comprehensive evaluation and accumulating experience from evaluation feedback is an effective approach to improving system performance. In this paper, we propose Reusable Experience Accumulation with 360$^\circ$ Assessment (360$^\circ$REA), a hierarchical multi-agent framework inspired by corporate organizational practices. The framework employs a novel 360$^\circ$ performance assessment method for multi-perspective performance evaluation with fine-grained assessment. To enhance the capability of agents in addressing complex tasks, we introduce dual-level experience pool for agents to accumulate experience through fine-grained assessment. Extensive experiments on complex task datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of 360$^\circ$REA.

replace Enhancing Geometric Ontology Embeddings for $\mathcal{EL}^{++}$ with Negative Sampling and Deductive Closure Filtering

Authors: Olga Mashkova, Fernando Zhapa-Camacho, Robert Hoehndorf

Abstract: Ontology embeddings map classes, relations, and individuals in ontologies into $\mathbb{R}^n$, and within $\mathbb{R}^n$ similarity between entities can be computed or new axioms inferred. For ontologies in the Description Logic $\mathcal{EL}^{++}$, several embedding methods have been developed that explicitly generate models of an ontology. However, these methods suffer from some limitations; they do not distinguish between statements that are unprovable and provably false, and therefore they may use entailed statements as negatives. Furthermore, they do not utilize the deductive closure of an ontology to identify statements that are inferred but not asserted. We evaluated a set of embedding methods for $\mathcal{EL}^{++}$ ontologies based on high-dimensional ball representation of concept descriptions, incorporating several modifications that aim to make use of the ontology deductive closure. In particular, we designed novel negative losses that account both for the deductive closure and different types of negatives. We demonstrate that our embedding methods improve over the baseline ontology embedding in the task of knowledge base or ontology completion.

replace Benchmarking General-Purpose In-Context Learning

Authors: Fan Wang, Chuan Lin, Yang Cao, Yu Kang

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) empowers generative models to address new tasks effectively and efficiently on the fly, without relying on any artificially crafted optimization techniques. In this paper, we study extending ICL to address a broader range of tasks with an extended learning horizon and higher improvement potential, namely General-Purpose In-Context Learning (GPICL). To this end, we introduce two lightweight benchmarks specifically crafted to train and evaluate GPICL functionalities. Each benchmark encompasses a vast number of tasks characterized by significant task variance, facilitating meta-training that minimizes inductive bias. These tasks are also crafted to promote long-horizon in-context learning through continuous generation and interaction. These characteristics necessitate the models to leverage contexts and history interactions to enhance their capabilities, across domains such as language modeling, decision-making, and world modeling. Our experiments on the baseline models demonstrate that meta-training with minimal inductive bias and ICL from the ground up is feasible across all the domains we've discussed. Additionally, our findings indicate that the scale of parameters alone may not be crucial for ICL or GPICL, suggesting alternative approaches such as increasing the scale of contexts and memory states.

replace Slot State Space Models

Authors: Jindong Jiang, Fei Deng, Gautam Singh, Minseung Lee, Sungjin Ahn

Abstract: Recent State Space Models (SSMs) such as S4, S5, and Mamba have shown remarkable computational benefits in long-range temporal dependency modeling. However, in many sequence modeling problems, the underlying process is inherently modular and it is of interest to have inductive biases that mimic this modular structure. In this paper, we introduce SlotSSMs, a novel framework for incorporating independent mechanisms into SSMs to preserve or encourage separation of information. Unlike conventional SSMs that maintain a monolithic state vector, SlotSSMs maintains the state as a collection of multiple vectors called slots. Crucially, the state transitions are performed independently per slot with sparse interactions across slots implemented via the bottleneck of self-attention. In experiments, we evaluate our model in object-centric video understanding, 3D visual reasoning, and video prediction tasks, which involve modeling multiple objects and their long-range temporal dependencies. We find that our proposed design offers substantial performance gains over existing sequence modeling methods.

replace Optimizing Speculative Decoding for Serving Large Language Models Using Goodput

Authors: Xiaoxuan Liu, Cade Daniel, Langxiang Hu, Woosuk Kwon, Zhuohan Li, Xiangxi Mo, Alvin Cheung, Zhijie Deng, Ion Stoica, Hao Zhang

Abstract: Reducing the inference latency of large language models (LLMs) is crucial, and speculative decoding (SD) stands out as one of the most effective techniques. Rather than letting the LLM generate all tokens directly, speculative decoding employs effective proxies to predict potential outputs, which are then verified by the LLM without compromising the generation quality. Yet, deploying SD in real online LLM serving systems (with continuous batching) does not always yield improvement -- under higher request rates or low speculation accuracy, it paradoxically increases latency. Furthermore, there is no best speculation length work for all workloads under different system loads. Based on the observations, we develop a dynamic framework SmartSpec. SmartSpec dynamically determines the best speculation length for each request (from 0, i.e., no speculation, to many tokens) -- hence the associated speculative execution costs -- based on a new metric called goodput, which characterizes the current observed load of the entire system and the speculation accuracy. We show that SmartSpec consistently reduces average request latency by up to 3.2x compared to non-speculative decoding baselines across different sizes of target models, draft models, request rates, and datasets. Moreover, SmartSpec can be applied to different styles of speculative decoding, including traditional, model-based approaches as well as model-free methods like prompt lookup and tree-style decoding.

replace Fair, Manipulation-Robust, and Transparent Sortition

Authors: Carmel Baharav, Bailey Flanigan

Abstract: Sortition, the random selection of political representatives, is increasingly being used around the world to choose participants of deliberative processes like Citizens' Assemblies. Motivated by sortition's practical importance, there has been a recent flurry of research on sortition algorithms, whose task it is to select a panel from among a pool of volunteers. This panel must satisfy quotas enforcing representation of key population subgroups. Past work has contributed an algorithmic approach for fulfilling this task while ensuring that volunteers' chances of selection are maximally equal, as measured by any convex equality objective. The question, then, is: which equality objective is the right one? Past work has mainly studied the objectives Minimax and Leximin, which respectively minimize the maximum and maximize the minimum chance of selection given to any volunteer. Recent work showed that both of these objectives have key weaknesses: Minimax is highly robust to manipulation but is arbitrarily unfair; oppositely, Leximin is highly fair but arbitrarily manipulable. In light of this gap, we propose a new equality objective, Goldilocks, that aims to achieve these ideals simultaneously by ensuring that no volunteer receives too little or too much chance of selection. We theoretically bound the extent to which Goldilocks achieves these ideals, finding that in an important sense, Goldilocks recovers among the best available solutions in a given instance. We then extend our bounds to the case where the output of Goldilocks is transformed to achieve a third goal, Transparency. Our empirical analysis of Goldilocks in real data is even more promising: we find that this objective achieves nearly instance-optimal minimum and maximum selection probabilities simultaneously in most real instances -- an outcome not even guaranteed to be possible for any algorithm.

replace Enhancing Explainability of Knowledge Learning Paths: Causal Knowledge Networks

Authors: Yuang Wei, Yizhou Zhou, Yuan-Hao Jiang, Bo Jiang

Abstract: A reliable knowledge structure is a prerequisite for building effective adaptive learning systems and intelligent tutoring systems. Pursuing an explainable and trustworthy knowledge structure, we propose a method for constructing causal knowledge networks. This approach leverages Bayesian networks as a foundation and incorporates causal relationship analysis to derive a causal network. Additionally, we introduce a dependable knowledge-learning path recommendation technique built upon this framework, improving teaching and learning quality while maintaining transparency in the decision-making process.

replace-cross Neuromorphic Visual Scene Understanding with Resonator Networks

Authors: Alpha Renner, Lazar Supic, Andreea Danielescu, Giacomo Indiveri, Bruno A. Olshausen, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Friedrich T. Sommer, E. Paxon Frady

Abstract: Analyzing a visual scene by inferring the configuration of a generative model is widely considered the most flexible and generalizable approach to scene understanding. Yet, one major problem is the computational challenge of the inference procedure, involving a combinatorial search across object identities and poses. Here we propose a neuromorphic solution exploiting three key concepts: (1) a computational framework based on Vector Symbolic Architectures (VSA) with complex-valued vectors; (2) the design of Hierarchical Resonator Networks (HRN) to factorize the non-commutative transforms translation and rotation in visual scenes; (3) the design of a multi-compartment spiking phasor neuron model for implementing complex-valued resonator networks on neuromorphic hardware. The VSA framework uses vector binding operations to form a generative image model in which binding acts as the equivariant operation for geometric transformations. A scene can, therefore, be described as a sum of vector products, which can then be efficiently factorized by a resonator network to infer objects and their poses. The HRN features a partitioned architecture in which vector binding is equivariant for horizontal and vertical translation within one partition and for rotation and scaling within the other partition. The spiking neuron model allows mapping the resonator network onto efficient and low-power neuromorphic hardware. Our approach is demonstrated on synthetic scenes composed of simple 2D shapes undergoing rigid geometric transformations and color changes. A companion paper demonstrates the same approach in real-world application scenarios for machine vision and robotics.

replace-cross Visual Odometry with Neuromorphic Resonator Networks

Authors: Alpha Renner, Lazar Supic, Andreea Danielescu, Giacomo Indiveri, E. Paxon Frady, Friedrich T. Sommer, Yulia Sandamirskaya

Abstract: Visual Odometry (VO) is a method to estimate self-motion of a mobile robot using visual sensors. Unlike odometry based on integrating differential measurements that can accumulate errors, such as inertial sensors or wheel encoders, visual odometry is not compromised by drift. However, image-based VO is computationally demanding, limiting its application in use cases with low-latency, -memory, and -energy requirements. Neuromorphic hardware offers low-power solutions to many vision and AI problems, but designing such solutions is complicated and often has to be assembled from scratch. Here we propose to use Vector Symbolic Architecture (VSA) as an abstraction layer to design algorithms compatible with neuromorphic hardware. Building from a VSA model for scene analysis, described in our companion paper, we present a modular neuromorphic algorithm that achieves state-of-the-art performance on two-dimensional VO tasks. Specifically, the proposed algorithm stores and updates a working memory of the presented visual environment. Based on this working memory, a resonator network estimates the changing location and orientation of the camera. We experimentally validate the neuromorphic VSA-based approach to VO with two benchmarks: one based on an event camera dataset and the other in a dynamic scene with a robotic task.

replace-cross Emergent World Representations: Exploring a Sequence Model Trained on a Synthetic Task

Authors: Kenneth Li, Aspen K. Hopkins, David Bau, Fernanda Vi\'egas, Hanspeter Pfister, Martin Wattenberg

Abstract: Language models show a surprising range of capabilities, but the source of their apparent competence is unclear. Do these networks just memorize a collection of surface statistics, or do they rely on internal representations of the process that generates the sequences they see? We investigate this question by applying a variant of the GPT model to the task of predicting legal moves in a simple board game, Othello. Although the network has no a priori knowledge of the game or its rules, we uncover evidence of an emergent nonlinear internal representation of the board state. Interventional experiments indicate this representation can be used to control the output of the network and create "latent saliency maps" that can help explain predictions in human terms.

replace-cross Topological data quality via 0-dimensional persistence matching

Authors: \'Alvaro Torras-Casas, Eduardo Paluzo-Hidalgo, Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz

Abstract: Data quality is crucial for the successful training, generalization and performance of artificial intelligence models. We propose to measure data quality for supervised learning using topological data analysis techniques. Specifically, we provide a novel topological invariant based on persistence matchings induced by inclusions and using $0$-dimensional persistent homology. We show that such an invariant is stable. We provide an algorithm and relate it to images, kernels, and cokernels of the induced morphisms. Also, we show that the invariant allows us to understand whether the subset "represents well" the clusters from the larger dataset or not, and we also use it to estimate bounds for the Hausdorff distance between the subset and the complete dataset. This approach enables us to explain why the chosen dataset will lead to poor performance.

replace-cross Contextual Dynamic Pricing with Strategic Buyers

Authors: Pangpang Liu, Zhuoran Yang, Zhaoran Wang, Will Wei Sun

Abstract: Personalized pricing, which involves tailoring prices based on individual characteristics, is commonly used by firms to implement a consumer-specific pricing policy. In this process, buyers can also strategically manipulate their feature data to obtain a lower price, incurring certain manipulation costs. Such strategic behavior can hinder firms from maximizing their profits. In this paper, we study the contextual dynamic pricing problem with strategic buyers. The seller does not observe the buyer's true feature, but a manipulated feature according to buyers' strategic behavior. In addition, the seller does not observe the buyers' valuation of the product, but only a binary response indicating whether a sale happens or not. Recognizing these challenges, we propose a strategic dynamic pricing policy that incorporates the buyers' strategic behavior into the online learning to maximize the seller's cumulative revenue. We first prove that existing non-strategic pricing policies that neglect the buyers' strategic behavior result in a linear $\Omega(T)$ regret with $T$ the total time horizon, indicating that these policies are not better than a random pricing policy. We then establish that our proposed policy achieves a sublinear regret upper bound of $O(\sqrt{T})$. Importantly, our policy is not a mere amalgamation of existing dynamic pricing policies and strategic behavior handling algorithms. Our policy can also accommodate the scenario when the marginal cost of manipulation is unknown in advance. To account for it, we simultaneously estimate the valuation parameter and the cost parameter in the online pricing policy, which is shown to also achieve an $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret bound. Extensive experiments support our theoretical developments and demonstrate the superior performance of our policy compared to other pricing policies that are unaware of the strategic behaviors.

replace-cross ObjFormer: Learning Land-Cover Changes From Paired OSM Data and Optical High-Resolution Imagery via Object-Guided Transformer

Authors: Hongruixuan Chen, Cuiling Lan, Jian Song, Clifford Broni-Bediako, Junshi Xia, Naoto Yokoya

Abstract: Optical high-resolution imagery and OSM data are two important data sources of change detection (CD). Previous related studies focus on utilizing the information in OSM data to aid the CD on optical high-resolution images. This paper pioneers the direct detection of land-cover changes utilizing paired OSM data and optical imagery, thereby expanding the scope of CD tasks. To this end, we propose an object-guided Transformer (ObjFormer) by naturally combining the object-based image analysis (OBIA) technique with the advanced vision Transformer architecture. This combination can significantly reduce the computational overhead in the self-attention module without adding extra parameters or layers. ObjFormer has a hierarchical pseudo-siamese encoder consisting of object-guided self-attention modules that extracts multi-level heterogeneous features from OSM data and optical images; a decoder consisting of object-guided cross-attention modules can recover land-cover changes from the extracted heterogeneous features. Beyond basic binary change detection, this paper raises a new semi-supervised semantic change detection task that does not require any manually annotated land-cover labels to train semantic change detectors. Two lightweight semantic decoders are added to ObjFormer to accomplish this task efficiently. A converse cross-entropy loss is designed to fully utilize negative samples, contributing to the great performance improvement in this task. A large-scale benchmark dataset called OpenMapCD containing 1,287 samples covering 40 regions on six continents is constructed to conduct detailed experiments. The results show the effectiveness of our methods in this new kind of CD task. Additionally, case studies in Japanese cities demonstrate the framework's generalizability and practical potential. The OpenMapCD and source code are available in


replace-cross ClickPrompt: CTR Models are Strong Prompt Generators for Adapting Language Models to CTR Prediction

Authors: Jianghao Lin, Bo Chen, Hangyu Wang, Yunjia Xi, Yanru Qu, Xinyi Dai, Kangning Zhang, Ruiming Tang, Yong Yu, Weinan Zhang

Abstract: Click-through rate (CTR) prediction has become increasingly indispensable for various Internet applications. Traditional CTR models convert the multi-field categorical data into ID features via one-hot encoding, and extract the collaborative signals among features. Such a paradigm suffers from the problem of semantic information loss. Another line of research explores the potential of pretrained language models (PLMs) for CTR prediction by converting input data into textual sentences through hard prompt templates. Although semantic signals are preserved, they generally fail to capture the collaborative information (e.g., feature interactions, pure ID features), not to mention the unacceptable inference overhead brought by the huge model size. In this paper, we aim to model both the semantic knowledge and collaborative knowledge for accurate CTR estimation, and meanwhile address the inference inefficiency issue. To benefit from both worlds and close their gaps, we propose a novel model-agnostic framework (i.e., ClickPrompt), where we incorporate CTR models to generate interaction-aware soft prompts for PLMs. We design a prompt-augmented masked language modeling (PA-MLM) pretraining task, where PLM has to recover the masked tokens based on the language context, as well as the soft prompts generated by CTR model. The collaborative and semantic knowledge from ID and textual features would be explicitly aligned and interacted via the prompt interface. Then, we can either tune the CTR model with PLM for superior performance, or solely tune the CTR model without PLM for inference efficiency. Experiments on four real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of ClickPrompt compared with existing baselines.

replace-cross Efficient Data Learning for Open Information Extraction with Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Zhiyuan Fan, Shizhu He

Abstract: Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) is a fundamental yet challenging task in Natural Language Processing, which involves extracting all triples (subject, predicate, object) from a given sentence. While labeling-based methods have their merits, generation-based techniques offer unique advantages, such as the ability to generate tokens not present in the original sentence. However, these generation-based methods often require a significant amount of training data to learn the task form of OpenIE and substantial training time to overcome slow model convergence due to the order penalty. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework, OK-IE, that ingeniously transforms the task form of OpenIE into the pre-training task form of the T5 model, thereby reducing the need for extensive training data. Furthermore, we introduce an innovative concept of Anchor to control the sequence of model outputs, effectively eliminating the impact of order penalty on model convergence and significantly reducing training time. Experimental results indicate that, compared to previous SOTA methods, OK-IE requires only 1/100 of the training data (900 instances) and 1/120 of the training time (3 minutes) to achieve comparable results.

replace-cross Multimodal and Force-Matched Imitation Learning with a See-Through Visuotactile Sensor

Authors: Trevor Ablett, Oliver Limoyo, Adam Sigal, Affan Jilani, Jonathan Kelly, Kaleem Siddiqi, Francois Hogan, Gregory Dudek

Abstract: Contact-rich tasks continue to present a variety of challenges for robotic manipulation. In this work, we leverage a multimodal visuotactile sensor within the framework of imitation learning (IL) to perform contact rich tasks that involve relative motion (slipping/sliding) between the end-effector and object. We introduce two algorithmic contributions, tactile force matching and learned mode switching, as complimentary methods for improving IL. Tactile force matching enhances kinesthetic teaching by reading approximate forces during the demonstration and generating an adapted robot trajectory that recreates the recorded forces. Learned mode switching uses IL to couple visual and tactile sensor modes with the learned motion policy, simplifying the transition from reaching to contacting. We perform robotic manipulation experiments on four door opening tasks with a variety of observation and method configurations to study the utility of our proposed improvements and multimodal visuotactile sensing. Our results show that the inclusion of force matching raises average policy success rates by 62.5%, visuotactile mode switching by 30.3%, and visuotactile data as a policy input by 42.5%, emphasizing the value of see-through tactile sensing for IL, both for data collection to allow force matching, and for policy execution to allow accurate task feedback.

replace-cross Cultural Bias and Cultural Alignment of Large Language Models

Authors: Yan Tao, Olga Viberg, Ryan S. Baker, Rene F. Kizilcec

Abstract: Culture fundamentally shapes people's reasoning, behavior, and communication. As people increasingly use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to expedite and automate personal and professional tasks, cultural values embedded in AI models may bias people's authentic expression and contribute to the dominance of certain cultures. We conduct a disaggregated evaluation of cultural bias for five widely used large language models (OpenAI's GPT-4o/4-turbo/4/3.5-turbo/3) by comparing the models' responses to nationally representative survey data. All models exhibit cultural values resembling English-speaking and Protestant European countries. We test cultural prompting as a control strategy to increase cultural alignment for each country/territory. For recent models (GPT-4, 4-turbo, 4o), this improves the cultural alignment of the models' output for 71-81% of countries and territories. We suggest using cultural prompting and ongoing evaluation to reduce cultural bias in the output of generative AI.

replace-cross LEDITS++: Limitless Image Editing using Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Manuel Brack, Felix Friedrich, Katharina Kornmeier, Linoy Tsaban, Patrick Schramowski, Kristian Kersting, Apolin\'ario Passos

Abstract: Text-to-image diffusion models have recently received increasing interest for their astonishing ability to produce high-fidelity images from solely text inputs. Subsequent research efforts aim to exploit and apply their capabilities to real image editing. However, existing image-to-image methods are often inefficient, imprecise, and of limited versatility. They either require time-consuming finetuning, deviate unnecessarily strongly from the input image, and/or lack support for multiple, simultaneous edits. To address these issues, we introduce LEDITS++, an efficient yet versatile and precise textual image manipulation technique. LEDITS++'s novel inversion approach requires no tuning nor optimization and produces high-fidelity results with a few diffusion steps. Second, our methodology supports multiple simultaneous edits and is architecture-agnostic. Third, we use a novel implicit masking technique that limits changes to relevant image regions. We propose the novel TEdBench++ benchmark as part of our exhaustive evaluation. Our results demonstrate the capabilities of LEDITS++ and its improvements over previous methods.

replace-cross CritiqueLLM: Towards an Informative Critique Generation Model for Evaluation of Large Language Model Generation

Authors: Pei Ke, Bosi Wen, Zhuoer Feng, Xiao Liu, Xuanyu Lei, Jiale Cheng, Shengyuan Wang, Aohan Zeng, Yuxiao Dong, Hongning Wang, Jie Tang, Minlie Huang

Abstract: Since the natural language processing (NLP) community started to make large language models (LLMs) act as a critic to evaluate the quality of generated texts, most of the existing works train a critique generation model on the evaluation data labeled by GPT-4's direct prompting. We observe that these models lack the ability to generate informative critiques in both pointwise grading and pairwise comparison especially without references. As a result, their generated critiques cannot provide fine-grained distinguishability on generated texts, causing unsatisfactory evaluation performance. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method called Eval-Instruct, which can first acquire pointwise grading critiques with pseudo references and then revise these critiques via multi-path prompting to obtain informative evaluation data in different tasks and settings, including pointwise grading and pairwise comparison with / without references. After fine-tuning on these data, the resulting model CritiqueLLM is empirically shown to outperform ChatGPT and all the open-source baselines and even achieve comparable evaluation performance to GPT-4 in system-level correlations of pointwise grading. We also demonstrate that our generated critiques can act as scalable feedback to further improve the generation quality of strong LLMs like ChatGPT.

replace-cross Unlocking Anticipatory Text Generation: A Constrained Approach for Large Language Models Decoding

Authors: Lifu Tu, Semih Yavuz, Jin Qu, Jiacheng Xu, Rui Meng, Caiming Xiong, Yingbo Zhou

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated a powerful ability for text generation. However, achieving optimal results with a given prompt or instruction can be challenging, especially for billion-sized models. Additionally, undesired behaviors such as toxicity or hallucinations can manifest. While much larger models (e.g., ChatGPT) may demonstrate strength in mitigating these issues, there is still no guarantee of complete prevention. In this work, we propose formalizing text generation as a future-constrained generation problem to minimize undesirable behaviors and enforce faithfulness to instructions. The estimation of future constraint satisfaction, accomplished using LLMs, guides the text generation process. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach across three distinct text generation tasks: keyword-constrained generation (Lin et al., 2020), toxicity reduction (Gehman et al., 2020), and factual correctness in question-answering (Gao et al., 2023).

replace-cross Active Preference Inference using Language Models and Probabilistic Reasoning

Authors: Wasu Top Piriyakulkij, Volodymyr Kuleshov, Kevin Ellis

Abstract: Actively inferring user preferences, for example by asking good questions, is important for any human-facing decision-making system. Active inference allows such systems to adapt and personalize themselves to nuanced individual preferences. To enable this ability for instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs), one may prompt them to ask users questions to infer their preferences, transforming the language models into more robust, interactive systems. However, out of the box, these models are not efficient at extracting preferences: the questions they generate are not informative, requiring a high number of user interactions and impeding the usability of the downstream system. In this work, we introduce an inference-time algorithm that helps LLMs quickly infer preferences by using more informative questions. Our algorithm uses a probabilistic model whose conditional distributions are defined by prompting an LLM, and returns questions that optimize expected entropy and expected model change. Results in a simplified interactive web shopping setting with real product items show that an LLM equipped with our entropy reduction algorithm outperforms baselines with the same underlying LLM on task performance while using fewer user interactions.

replace-cross ODIN: A Single Model for 2D and 3D Segmentation

Authors: Ayush Jain, Pushkal Katara, Nikolaos Gkanatsios, Adam W. Harley, Gabriel Sarch, Kriti Aggarwal, Vishrav Chaudhary, Katerina Fragkiadaki

Abstract: State-of-the-art models on contemporary 3D segmentation benchmarks like ScanNet consume and label dataset-provided 3D point clouds, obtained through post processing of sensed multiview RGB-D images. They are typically trained in-domain, forego large-scale 2D pre-training and outperform alternatives that featurize the posed RGB-D multiview images instead. The gap in performance between methods that consume posed images versus post-processed 3D point clouds has fueled the belief that 2D and 3D perception require distinct model architectures. In this paper, we challenge this view and propose ODIN (Omni-Dimensional INstance segmentation), a model that can segment and label both 2D RGB images and 3D point clouds, using a transformer architecture that alternates between 2D within-view and 3D cross-view information fusion. Our model differentiates 2D and 3D feature operations through the positional encodings of the tokens involved, which capture pixel coordinates for 2D patch tokens and 3D coordinates for 3D feature tokens. ODIN achieves state-of-the-art performance on ScanNet200, Matterport3D and AI2THOR 3D instance segmentation benchmarks, and competitive performance on ScanNet, S3DIS and COCO. It outperforms all previous works by a wide margin when the sensed 3D point cloud is used in place of the point cloud sampled from 3D mesh. When used as the 3D perception engine in an instructable embodied agent architecture, it sets a new state-of-the-art on the TEACh action-from-dialogue benchmark. Our code and checkpoints can be found at the project website (


replace-cross Improving Local Training in Federated Learning via Temperature Scaling

Authors: Kichang Lee, Songkuk Kim, JeongGil Ko

Abstract: Federated learning is inherently hampered by data heterogeneity: non-i.i.d. training data over local clients. We propose a novel model training approach for federated learning, FLex&Chill, which exploits the Logit Chilling method. Through extensive evaluations, we demonstrate that, in the presence of non-i.i.d. data characteristics inherent in federated learning systems, this approach can expedite model convergence and improve inference accuracy. Quantitatively, from our experiments, we observe up to 6X improvement in the global federated learning model convergence time, and up to 3.37% improvement in inference accuracy.

replace-cross DeCoF: Generated Video Detection via Frame Consistency: The First Benchmark Dataset

Authors: Long Ma, Jiajia Zhang, Hongping Deng, Ningyu Zhang, Qinglang Guo, Haiyang Yu, Yong Liao, Pengyuan Zhou

Abstract: The escalating quality of video generated by advanced video generation methods results in new security challenges, while there have been few relevant research efforts: 1) There is no open-source dataset for generated video detection, 2) No generated video detection method has been proposed so far. To this end, we propose an open-source dataset and a detection method for generated video for the first time. First, we propose a scalable dataset consisting of 964 prompts, covering various forgery targets, scenes, behaviors, and actions, as well as various generation models with different architectures and generation methods, including the most popular commercial models like OpenAI's Sora and Google's Veo. Second, we found via probing experiments that spatial artifact-based detectors lack generalizability. Hence, we propose a simple yet effective \textbf{de}tection model based on \textbf{f}rame \textbf{co}nsistency (\textbf{DeCoF}), which focuses on temporal artifacts by eliminating the impact of spatial artifacts during feature learning. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of DeCoF in detecting videos generated by unseen video generation models and confirm its powerful generalizability across several commercially proprietary models. Our code and dataset will be released at \url{}.


replace-cross SUB-PLAY: Adversarial Policies against Partially Observed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems

Authors: Oubo Ma, Yuwen Pu, Linkang Du, Yang Dai, Ruo Wang, Xiaolei Liu, Yingcai Wu, Shouling Ji

Abstract: Recent advancements in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) have opened up vast application prospects, such as swarm control of drones, collaborative manipulation by robotic arms, and multi-target encirclement. However, potential security threats during the MARL deployment need more attention and thorough investigation. Recent research reveals that attackers can rapidly exploit the victim's vulnerabilities, generating adversarial policies that result in the failure of specific tasks. For instance, reducing the winning rate of a superhuman-level Go AI to around 20%. Existing studies predominantly focus on two-player competitive environments, assuming attackers possess complete global state observation. In this study, we unveil, for the first time, the capability of attackers to generate adversarial policies even when restricted to partial observations of the victims in multi-agent competitive environments. Specifically, we propose a novel black-box attack (SUB-PLAY) that incorporates the concept of constructing multiple subgames to mitigate the impact of partial observability and suggests sharing transitions among subpolicies to improve attackers' exploitative ability. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of SUB-PLAY under three typical partial observability limitations. Visualization results indicate that adversarial policies induce significantly different activations of the victims' policy networks. Furthermore, we evaluate three potential defenses aimed at exploring ways to mitigate security threats posed by adversarial policies, providing constructive recommendations for deploying MARL in competitive environments.

replace-cross FaithLM: Towards Faithful Explanations for Large Language Models

Authors: Yu-Neng Chuang, Guanchu Wang, Chia-Yuan Chang, Ruixiang Tang, Shaochen Zhong, Fan Yang, Mengnan Du, Xuanting Cai, Xia Hu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become proficient in addressing complex tasks by leveraging their extensive internal knowledge and reasoning capabilities. However, the black-box nature of these models complicates the task of explaining their decision-making processes. While recent advancements demonstrate the potential of leveraging LLMs to self-explain their predictions through natural language (NL) explanations, their explanations may not accurately reflect the LLMs' decision-making process due to a lack of fidelity optimization on the derived explanations. Measuring the fidelity of NL explanations is a challenging issue, as it is difficult to manipulate the input context to mask the semantics of these explanations. To this end, we introduce FaithLM to explain the decision of LLMs with NL explanations. Specifically, FaithLM designs a method for evaluating the fidelity of NL explanations by incorporating the contrary explanations to the query process. Moreover, FaithLM conducts an iterative process to improve the fidelity of derived explanations. Experiment results on three datasets from multiple domains demonstrate that FaithLM can significantly improve the fidelity of derived explanations, which also provides a better alignment with the ground-truth explanations.

replace-cross SPHINX-X: Scaling Data and Parameters for a Family of Multi-modal Large Language Models

Authors: Dongyang Liu, Renrui Zhang, Longtian Qiu, Siyuan Huang, Weifeng Lin, Shitian Zhao, Shijie Geng, Ziyi Lin, Peng Jin, Kaipeng Zhang, Wenqi Shao, Chao Xu, Conghui He, Junjun He, Hao Shao, Pan Lu, Hongsheng Li, Yu Qiao, Peng Gao

Abstract: We propose SPHINX-X, an extensive Multimodality Large Language Model (MLLM) series developed upon SPHINX. To improve the architecture and training efficiency, we modify the SPHINX framework by removing redundant visual encoders, bypassing fully-padded sub-images with skip tokens, and simplifying multi-stage training into a one-stage all-in-one paradigm. To fully unleash the potential of MLLMs, we assemble a comprehensive multi-domain and multimodal dataset covering publicly available resources in language, vision, and vision-language tasks. We further enrich this collection with our curated OCR intensive and Set-of-Mark datasets, extending the diversity and generality. By training over different base LLMs including TinyLlama1.1B, InternLM2-7B, LLaMA2-13B, and Mixtral8x7B, we obtain a spectrum of MLLMs that vary in parameter size and multilingual capabilities. Comprehensive benchmarking reveals a strong correlation between the multi-modal performance with the data and parameter scales. Code and models are released at


replace-cross Generating Chain-of-Thoughts with a Pairwise-Comparison Approach to Searching for the Most Promising Intermediate Thought

Authors: Zhen-Yu Zhang, Siwei Han, Huaxiu Yao, Gang Niu, Masashi Sugiyama

Abstract: To improve the ability of the large language model (LLMs) to tackle complex reasoning problems, chain-of-thoughts (CoT) methods were proposed to guide LLMs to reason step-by-step, enabling problem solving from simple to complex. State-of-the-art methods for generating such a chain involve interactive collaboration, where the learner generates candidate intermediate thoughts, evaluated by the LLM, guiding the generation of subsequent thoughts. However, a widespread yet understudied problem is that the evaluation from the LLM is typically noisy and unreliable, potentially misleading the generation process in selecting promising intermediate thoughts. In this paper, motivated by Vapnik's principle, we use pairwise-comparison evaluation instead of point-wise scoring to search for promising intermediate thoughts with the noisy feedback from the LLM. In each round, we randomly pair intermediate thoughts and directly prompt the LLM to select the more promising one from each pair, allowing us to identify the most promising thoughts through an iterative process. To further alleviate the noise in the comparison, we incorporate techniques from ensemble learning and dueling bandits, proposing two variants of the algorithm. Experiments on three real-world tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm and verify the rationale of the pairwise comparison mechanism.

replace-cross Mixtures of Experts Unlock Parameter Scaling for Deep RL

Authors: Johan Obando-Ceron, Ghada Sokar, Timon Willi, Clare Lyle, Jesse Farebrother, Jakob Foerster, Gintare Karolina Dziugaite, Doina Precup, Pablo Samuel Castro

Abstract: The recent rapid progress in (self) supervised learning models is in large part predicted by empirical scaling laws: a model's performance scales proportionally to its size. Analogous scaling laws remain elusive for reinforcement learning domains, however, where increasing the parameter count of a model often hurts its final performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that incorporating Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) modules, and in particular Soft MoEs (Puigcerver et al., 2023), into value-based networks results in more parameter-scalable models, evidenced by substantial performance increases across a variety of training regimes and model sizes. This work thus provides strong empirical evidence towards developing scaling laws for reinforcement learning.

replace-cross A Survey of Generative AI for de novo Drug Design: New Frontiers in Molecule and Protein Generation

Authors: Xiangru Tang, Howard Dai, Elizabeth Knight, Fang Wu, Yunyang Li, Tianxiao Li, Mark Gerstein

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven methods can vastly improve the historically costly drug design process, with various generative models already in widespread use. Generative models for de novo drug design, in particular, focus on the creation of novel biological compounds entirely from scratch, representing a promising future direction. Rapid development in the field, combined with the inherent complexity of the drug design process, creates a difficult landscape for new researchers to enter. In this survey, we organize de novo drug design into two overarching themes: small molecule and protein generation. Within each theme, we identify a variety of subtasks and applications, highlighting important datasets, benchmarks, and model architectures and comparing the performance of top models. We take a broad approach to AI-driven drug design, allowing for both micro-level comparisons of various methods within each subtask and macro-level observations across different fields. We discuss parallel challenges and approaches between the two applications and highlight future directions for AI-driven de novo drug design as a whole. An organized repository of all covered sources is available at


replace-cross Transformer-based de novo peptide sequencing for data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry

Authors: Shiva Ebrahimi, Xuan Guo

Abstract: Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) stands as the predominant high-throughput technique for comprehensively analyzing protein content within biological samples. This methodology is a cornerstone driving the advancement of proteomics. In recent years, substantial strides have been made in Data-Independent Acquisition (DIA) strategies, facilitating impartial and non-targeted fragmentation of precursor ions. The DIA-generated MS/MS spectra present a formidable obstacle due to their inherent high multiplexing nature. Each spectrum encapsulates fragmented product ions originating from multiple precursor peptides. This intricacy poses a particularly acute challenge in de novo peptide/protein sequencing, where current methods are ill-equipped to address the multiplexing conundrum. In this paper, we introduce DiaTrans, a deep-learning model based on transformer architecture. It deciphers peptide sequences from DIA mass spectrometry data. Our results show significant improvements over existing STOA methods, including DeepNovo-DIA and PepNet. Casanovo-DIA enhances precision by 15.14% to 34.8%, recall by 11.62% to 31.94% at the amino acid level, and boosts precision by 59% to 81.36% at the peptide level. Integrating DIA data and our DiaTrans model holds considerable promise to uncover novel peptides and more comprehensive profiling of biological samples. Casanovo-DIA is freely available under the GNU GPL license at


replace-cross WhaleNet: a Novel Deep Learning Architecture for Marine Mammals Vocalizations on Watkins Marine Mammal Sound Database

Authors: Alessandro Licciardi (Politecnico di Torino, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Torino), Davide Carbone (Politecnico di Torino, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Torino)

Abstract: Marine mammal communication is a complex field, hindered by the diversity of vocalizations and environmental factors. The Watkins Marine Mammal Sound Database (WMMD) constitutes a comprehensive labeled dataset employed in machine learning applications. Nevertheless, the methodologies for data preparation, preprocessing, and classification documented in the literature exhibit considerable variability and are typically not applied to the dataset in its entirety. This study initially undertakes a concise review of the state-of-the-art benchmarks pertaining to the dataset, with a particular focus on clarifying data preparation and preprocessing techniques. Subsequently, we explore the utilization of the Wavelet Scattering Transform (WST) and Mel spectrogram as preprocessing mechanisms for feature extraction. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{WhaleNet} (Wavelet Highly Adaptive Learning Ensemble Network), a sophisticated deep ensemble architecture for the classification of marine mammal vocalizations, leveraging both WST and Mel spectrogram for enhanced feature discrimination. By integrating the insights derived from WST and Mel representations, we achieved an improvement in classification accuracy by $8-10\%$ over existing architectures, corresponding to a classification accuracy of $97.61\%$.

replace-cross Reinforcement Learning from Delayed Observations via World Models

Authors: Armin Karamzade, Kyungmin Kim, Montek Kalsi, Roy Fox

Abstract: In standard reinforcement learning settings, agents typically assume immediate feedback about the effects of their actions after taking them. However, in practice, this assumption may not hold true due to physical constraints and can significantly impact the performance of learning algorithms. In this paper, we address observation delays in partially observable environments. We propose leveraging world models, which have shown success in integrating past observations and learning dynamics, to handle observation delays. By reducing delayed POMDPs to delayed MDPs with world models, our methods can effectively handle partial observability, where existing approaches achieve sub-optimal performance or degrade quickly as observability decreases. Experiments suggest that one of our methods can outperform a naive model-based approach by up to 250%. Moreover, we evaluate our methods on visual delayed environments, for the first time showcasing delay-aware reinforcement learning continuous control with visual observations.

replace-cross A Survey of Privacy-Preserving Model Explanations: Privacy Risks, Attacks, and Countermeasures

Authors: Thanh Tam Nguyen, Thanh Trung Huynh, Zhao Ren, Thanh Toan Nguyen, Phi Le Nguyen, Hongzhi Yin, Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen

Abstract: As the adoption of explainable AI (XAI) continues to expand, the urgency to address its privacy implications intensifies. Despite a growing corpus of research in AI privacy and explainability, there is little attention on privacy-preserving model explanations. This article presents the first thorough survey about privacy attacks on model explanations and their countermeasures. Our contribution to this field comprises a thorough analysis of research papers with a connected taxonomy that facilitates the categorisation of privacy attacks and countermeasures based on the targeted explanations. This work also includes an initial investigation into the causes of privacy leaks. Finally, we discuss unresolved issues and prospective research directions uncovered in our analysis. This survey aims to be a valuable resource for the research community and offers clear insights for those new to this domain. To support ongoing research, we have established an online resource repository, which will be continuously updated with new and relevant findings. Interested readers are encouraged to access our repository at


replace-cross ChangeMamba: Remote Sensing Change Detection with Spatio-Temporal State Space Model

Authors: Hongruixuan Chen, Jian Song, Chengxi Han, Junshi Xia, Naoto Yokoya

Abstract: Convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Transformers have made impressive progress in the field of remote sensing change detection (CD). However, both architectures have inherent shortcomings: CNN are constrained by a limited receptive field that may hinder their ability to capture broader spatial contexts, while Transformers are computationally intensive, making them costly to train and deploy on large datasets. Recently, the Mamba architecture, based on state space models, has shown remarkable performance in a series of natural language processing tasks, which can effectively compensate for the shortcomings of the above two architectures. In this paper, we explore for the first time the potential of the Mamba architecture for remote sensing CD tasks. We tailor the corresponding frameworks, called MambaBCD, MambaSCD, and MambaBDA, for binary change detection (BCD), semantic change detection (SCD), and building damage assessment (BDA), respectively. All three frameworks adopt the cutting-edge Visual Mamba architecture as the encoder, which allows full learning of global spatial contextual information from the input images. For the change decoder, which is available in all three architectures, we propose three spatio-temporal relationship modeling mechanisms, which can be naturally combined with the Mamba architecture and fully utilize its attribute to achieve spatio-temporal interaction of multi-temporal features, thereby obtaining accurate change information. On five benchmark datasets, our proposed frameworks outperform current CNN- and Transformer-based approaches without using any complex training strategies or tricks, fully demonstrating the potential of the Mamba architecture in CD tasks. Further experiments show that our architecture is quite robust to degraded data. The source code will be available in


replace-cross Pre-Calc: Learning to Use the Calculator Improves Numeracy in Language Models

Authors: Vishruth Veerendranath, Vishwa Shah, Kshitish Ghate

Abstract: Quantitative and numerical comprehension in language is an important task in many fields like education and finance, but still remains a challenging task for language models. While tool and calculator usage has shown to be helpful to improve mathematical reasoning in large pretrained decoder-only language models, this remains unexplored for smaller language models with encoders. In this paper, we propose Pre-Calc, a simple pre-finetuning objective of learning to use the calculator for both encoder-only and encoder-decoder architectures, formulated as a discriminative and generative task respectively. We pre-train BERT and RoBERTa for discriminative calculator use and Flan-T5 for generative calculator use on the MAWPS, SVAMP, and AsDiv-A datasets, which improves performance on downstream tasks that require numerical understanding. Our code and data are available at


replace-cross ToM-LM: Delegating Theory of Mind Reasoning to External Symbolic Executors in Large Language Models

Authors: Weizhi Tang, Vaishak Belle

Abstract: Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the ability of individuals to attribute mental states to others. While Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown some promise with ToM ability, they still struggle with complex ToM reasoning. Our approach leverages an external symbolic executor, specifically the SMCDEL model checker, and fine-tuning to improve the ToM reasoning ability of LLMs. In our approach, an LLM is first fine-tuned through pairs of natural language and symbolic formulation representation of ToM problems and is then instructed to generate the symbolic formulation with a one-shot in-context example. The generated symbolic formulation is then executed by the SMCDEL model checker to perform transparent and verifiable ToM reasoning and give the final result. We demonstrate that our approach, ToM-LM, shows a significant improvement over all the constructed baselines. Our study proposes a novel view about externalizing a particular component of ToM reasoning, mainly reasoning about beliefs, and suggests generalizing it to other aspects of ToM reasoning.

replace-cross Iterative Reasoning Preference Optimization

Authors: Richard Yuanzhe Pang, Weizhe Yuan, Kyunghyun Cho, He He, Sainbayar Sukhbaatar, Jason Weston

Abstract: Iterative preference optimization methods have recently been shown to perform well for general instruction tuning tasks, but typically make little improvement on reasoning tasks (Yuan et al., 2024, Chen et al., 2024). In this work we develop an iterative approach that optimizes the preference between competing generated Chain-of-Thought (CoT) candidates by optimizing for winning vs. losing reasoning steps that lead to the correct answer. We train using a modified DPO loss (Rafailov et al., 2023) with an additional negative log-likelihood term, which we find to be crucial. We show reasoning improves across repeated iterations of this scheme. While only relying on examples in the training set, our approach results in increasing accuracy on GSM8K, MATH, and ARC-Challenge for Llama-2-70B-Chat, outperforming other Llama-2-based models not relying on additionally sourced datasets. For example, we see a large improvement from 55.6% to 81.6% on GSM8K and an accuracy of 88.7% with majority voting out of 32 samples.

replace-cross Large Language Models in the Clinic: A Comprehensive Benchmark

Authors: Andrew Liu, Hongjian Zhou, Yining Hua, Omid Rohanian, Anshul Thakur, Lei Clifton, David A. Clifton

Abstract: The adoption of large language models (LLMs) to assist clinicians has attracted remarkable attention. Existing works mainly adopt the close-ended question-answering (QA) task with answer options for evaluation. However, many clinical decisions involve answering open-ended questions without pre-set options. To better understand LLMs in the clinic, we construct a benchmark ClinicBench. We first collect eleven existing datasets covering diverse clinical language generation, understanding, and reasoning tasks. Furthermore, we construct six novel datasets and complex clinical tasks that are close to real-world practice, i.e., referral QA, treatment recommendation, hospitalization (long document) summarization, patient education, pharmacology QA and drug interaction for emerging drugs. We conduct an extensive evaluation of twenty-two LLMs under both zero-shot and few-shot settings. Finally, we invite medical experts to evaluate the clinical usefulness of LLMs.

replace-cross Truthful Aggregation of LLMs with an Application to Online Advertising

Authors: Ermis Soumalias, Michael J. Curry, Sven Seuken

Abstract: Online platforms generate hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue per year by showing advertisements alongside their own content. Currently, these platforms are integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) into their services. This makes revenue generation from LLM-generated content the next major challenge in online advertising. We consider a scenario where advertisers aim to influence the responses of an LLM to align with their interests, while platforms seek to maximize advertiser value and ensure user satisfaction. We introduce an auction mechanism for this problem that operates without LLM fine-tuning or access to model weights and provably converges to the output of the optimally fine-tuned LLM for the platform's objective as computational resources increase. Our mechanism ensures that truthful reporting is a dominant strategy for advertisers and it aligns each advertiser's utility with their contribution to social welfare - an essential feature for long-term viability. Additionally, it can incorporate contextual information about the advertisers, significantly accelerating convergence. Via experiments with a publicly available LLM, we show that our mechanism significantly boosts advertiser value and platform revenue, with low computational overhead. While our motivating application is online advertising, our mechanism can be applied in any setting with monetary transfers, making it a general-purpose solution for truthfully aggregating the preferences of self-interested agents over LLM-generated replies.

replace-cross Neural Optimization with Adaptive Heuristics for Intelligent Marketing System

Authors: Changshuai Wei, Benjamin Zelditch, Joyce Chen, Andre Assuncao Silva T Ribeiro, Jingyi Kenneth Tay, Borja Ocejo Elizondo, Keerthi Selvaraj, Aman Gupta, Licurgo Benemann De Almeida

Abstract: Computational marketing has become increasingly important in today's digital world, facing challenges such as massive heterogeneous data, multi-channel customer journeys, and limited marketing budgets. In this paper, we propose a general framework for marketing AI systems, the Neural Optimization with Adaptive Heuristics (NOAH) framework. NOAH is the first general framework for marketing optimization that considers both to-business (2B) and to-consumer (2C) products, as well as both owned and paid channels. We describe key modules of the NOAH framework, including prediction, optimization, and adaptive heuristics, providing examples for bidding and content optimization. We then detail the successful application of NOAH to LinkedIn's email marketing system, showcasing significant wins over the legacy ranking system. Additionally, we share details and insights that are broadly useful, particularly on: (i) addressing delayed feedback with lifetime value, (ii) performing large-scale linear programming with randomization, (iii) improving retrieval with audience expansion, (iv) reducing signal dilution in targeting tests, and (v) handling zero-inflated heavy-tail metrics in statistical testing.

replace-cross Super Tiny Language Models

Authors: Dylan Hillier, Leon Guertler, Cheston Tan, Palaash Agrawal, Chen Ruirui, Bobby Cheng

Abstract: The rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs) has led to significant improvements in natural language processing but also poses challenges due to their high computational and energy demands. This paper introduces a series of research efforts focused on Super Tiny Language Models (STLMs), which aim to deliver high performance with significantly reduced parameter counts. We explore innovative techniques such as byte-level tokenization with a pooling mechanism, weight tying, and efficient training strategies. These methods aim to significantly reduce reduce the parameter count compared to traditional models -- in future works, we aim to build on these in a way that maintains and improves upon the performance of base transformer models. This series of papers will explore into various subproblems, including tokenizer-free models, self-play based training, and alternative training objectives. We will target models with 10M, 50M, and 100M parameters. Our ultimate goal is to make high-performance language models more accessible and practical for a wide range of applications.

replace-cross Jina CLIP: Your CLIP Model Is Also Your Text Retriever

Authors: Andreas Koukounas, Georgios Mastrapas, Michael G\"unther, Bo Wang, Scott Martens, Isabelle Mohr, Saba Sturua, Mohammad Kalim Akram, Joan Fontanals Mart\'inez, Saahil Ognawala, Susana Guzman, Maximilian Werk, Nan Wang, Han Xiao

Abstract: Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) is widely used to train models to align images and texts in a common embedding space by mapping them to fixed-sized vectors. These models are key to multimodal information retrieval and related tasks. However, CLIP models generally underperform in text-only tasks compared to specialized text models. This creates inefficiencies for information retrieval systems that keep separate embeddings and models for text-only and multimodal tasks. We propose a novel, multi-task contrastive training method to address this issue, which we use to train the jina-clip-v1 model to achieve the state-of-the-art performance on both text-image and text-text retrieval tasks.

replace-cross Are AI-Generated Text Detectors Robust to Adversarial Perturbations?

Authors: Guanhua Huang, Yuchen Zhang, Zhe Li, Yongjian You, Mingze Wang, Zhouwang Yang

Abstract: The widespread use of large language models (LLMs) has sparked concerns about the potential misuse of AI-generated text, as these models can produce content that closely resembles human-generated text. Current detectors for AI-generated text (AIGT) lack robustness against adversarial perturbations, with even minor changes in characters or words causing a reversal in distinguishing between human-created and AI-generated text. This paper investigates the robustness of existing AIGT detection methods and introduces a novel detector, the Siamese Calibrated Reconstruction Network (SCRN). The SCRN employs a reconstruction network to add and remove noise from text, extracting a semantic representation that is robust to local perturbations. We also propose a siamese calibration technique to train the model to make equally confidence predictions under different noise, which improves the model's robustness against adversarial perturbations. Experiments on four publicly available datasets show that the SCRN outperforms all baseline methods, achieving 6.5\%-18.25\% absolute accuracy improvement over the best baseline method under adversarial attacks. Moreover, it exhibits superior generalizability in cross-domain, cross-genre, and mixed-source scenarios. The code is available at \url{}.


replace-cross RL in Latent MDPs is Tractable: Online Guarantees via Off-Policy Evaluation

Authors: Jeongyeol Kwon, Shie Mannor, Constantine Caramanis, Yonathan Efroni

Abstract: In many real-world decision problems there is partially observed, hidden or latent information that remains fixed throughout an interaction. Such decision problems can be modeled as Latent Markov Decision Processes (LMDPs), where a latent variable is selected at the beginning of an interaction and is not disclosed to the agent. In the last decade, there has been significant progress in solving LMDPs under different structural assumptions. However, for general LMDPs, there is no known learning algorithm that provably matches the existing lower bound (Kwon et al., 2021). We introduce the first sample-efficient algorithm for LMDPs without any additional structural assumptions. Our result builds off a new perspective on the role of off-policy evaluation guarantees and coverage coefficients in LMDPs, a perspective, that has been overlooked in the context of exploration in partially observed environments. Specifically, we establish a novel off-policy evaluation lemma and introduce a new coverage coefficient for LMDPs. Then, we show how these can be used to derive near-optimal guarantees of an optimistic exploration algorithm. These results, we believe, can be valuable for a wide range of interactive learning problems beyond LMDPs, and especially, for partially observed environments.

replace-cross Xmodel-LM Technical Report

Authors: Yichuan Wang, Yang Liu, Yu Yan, Qun Wang, Xucheng Huang, Ling Jiang

Abstract: We introduce Xmodel-LM, a compact and efficient 1.1B language model pre-trained on around 2 trillion tokens. Trained on our self-built dataset (Xdata), which balances Chinese and English corpora based on downstream task optimization, Xmodel-LM exhibits remarkable performance despite its smaller size. It notably surpasses existing open-source language models of similar scale. Our model checkpoints and code are publicly accessible on GitHub at


replace-cross Confabulation: The Surprising Value of Large Language Model Hallucinations

Authors: Peiqi Sui, Eamon Duede, Sophie Wu, Richard Jean So

Abstract: This paper presents a systematic defense of large language model (LLM) hallucinations or 'confabulations' as a potential resource instead of a categorically negative pitfall. The standard view is that confabulations are inherently problematic and AI research should eliminate this flaw. In this paper, we argue and empirically demonstrate that measurable semantic characteristics of LLM confabulations mirror a human propensity to utilize increased narrativity as a cognitive resource for sense-making and communication. In other words, it has potential value. Specifically, we analyze popular hallucination benchmarks and reveal that hallucinated outputs display increased levels of narrativity and semantic coherence relative to veridical outputs. This finding reveals a tension in our usually dismissive understandings of confabulation. It suggests, counter-intuitively, that the tendency for LLMs to confabulate may be intimately associated with a positive capacity for coherent narrative-text generation.

replace-cross Key-Element-Informed sLLM Tuning for Document Summarization

Authors: Sangwon Ryu, Heejin Do, Yunsu Kim, Gary Geunbae Lee, Jungseul Ok

Abstract: Remarkable advances in large language models (LLMs) have enabled high-quality text summarization. However, this capability is currently accessible only through LLMs of substantial size or proprietary LLMs with usage fees. In response, smaller-scale LLMs (sLLMs) of easy accessibility and low costs have been extensively studied, yet they often suffer from missing key information and entities, i.e., low relevance, in particular, when input documents are long. We hence propose a key-element-informed instruction tuning for summarization, so-called KEITSum, which identifies key elements in documents and instructs sLLM to generate summaries capturing these key elements. Experimental results on dialogue and news datasets demonstrate that sLLM with KEITSum indeed provides high-quality summarization with higher relevance and less hallucinations, competitive to proprietary LLM.

replace-cross Are Protein Language Models Compute Optimal?

Authors: Yaiza Serrano, \'Alvaro Ciudad, Alexis Molina

Abstract: While protein language models (pLMs) have transformed biological research, the scaling laws governing their improvement remain underexplored. By adapting methodologies from NLP scaling laws, we investigated the optimal ratio between model parameters and training tokens within a fixed compute budget. Our study reveals that pLM sizes scale sublinearly with compute budget, showing diminishing returns in performance as model size increases, and we identify a performance plateau in training loss comparable to the one found in relevant works in the field. Our findings suggest that widely-used pLMs might not be compute-optimal, indicating that larger models could achieve convergence more efficiently. Training a 35M model on a reduced token set, we attained perplexity results comparable to larger models like ESM-2 (15B) and xTrimoPGLM (100B) with a single dataset pass. This work paves the way towards more compute-efficient pLMs, democratizing their training and practical application in computational biology.

replace-cross Situational Awareness Matters in 3D Vision Language Reasoning

Authors: Yunze Man, Liang-Yan Gui, Yu-Xiong Wang

Abstract: Being able to carry out complicated vision language reasoning tasks in 3D space represents a significant milestone in developing household robots and human-centered embodied AI. In this work, we demonstrate that a critical and distinct challenge in 3D vision language reasoning is situational awareness, which incorporates two key components: (1) The autonomous agent grounds its self-location based on a language prompt. (2) The agent answers open-ended questions from the perspective of its calculated position. To address this challenge, we introduce SIG3D, an end-to-end Situation-Grounded model for 3D vision language reasoning. We tokenize the 3D scene into sparse voxel representation and propose a language-grounded situation estimator, followed by a situated question answering module. Experiments on the SQA3D and ScanQA datasets show that SIG3D outperforms state-of-the-art models in situation estimation and question answering by a large margin (e.g., an enhancement of over 30% on situation estimation accuracy). Subsequent analysis corroborates our architectural design choices, explores the distinct functions of visual and textual tokens, and highlights the importance of situational awareness in the domain of 3D question answering.

replace-cross Large Language Model Enhanced Clustering for News Event Detection

Authors: Adane Nega Tarekegn

Abstract: The news landscape is continuously evolving, with an ever-increasing volume of information from around the world. Automated event detection within this vast data repository is essential for monitoring, identifying, and categorizing significant news occurrences across diverse platforms. This paper presents an event detection framework that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) combined with clustering analysis to detect news events from the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT). The framework enhances event clustering through both pre-event detection tasks (keyword extraction and text embedding) and post-event detection tasks (event summarization and topic labeling). We also evaluate the impact of various textual embeddings on the quality of clustering outcomes, ensuring robust news categorization. Additionally, we introduce a novel Cluster Stability Assessment Index (CSAI) to assess the validity and robustness of clustering results. CSAI utilizes latent feature vectors to provide a new way of measuring clustering quality. Our experiments indicate that combining LLM embeddings with clustering algorithms yields the best results, demonstrating greater robustness in terms of CSAI scores. Moreover, post-event detection tasks generate meaningful insights, facilitating effective interpretation of event clustering results. Overall, our experimental results indicate that the proposed framework offers valuable insights and could enhance the accuracy and depth of news reporting.

replace-cross MultiAgent Collaboration Attack: Investigating Adversarial Attacks in Large Language Model Collaborations via Debate

Authors: Alfonso Amayuelas, Xianjun Yang, Antonis Antoniades, Wenyue Hua, Liangming Pan, William Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown exceptional results on current benchmarks when working individually. The advancement in their capabilities, along with a reduction in parameter size and inference times, has facilitated the use of these models as agents, enabling interactions among multiple models to execute complex tasks. Such collaborations offer several advantages, including the use of specialized models (e.g. coding), improved confidence through multiple computations, and enhanced divergent thinking, leading to more diverse outputs. Thus, the collaborative use of language models is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. In this work, we evaluate the behavior of a network of models collaborating through debate under the influence of an adversary. We introduce pertinent metrics to assess the adversary's effectiveness, focusing on system accuracy and model agreement. Our findings highlight the importance of a model's persuasive ability in influencing others. Additionally, we explore inference-time methods to generate more compelling arguments and evaluate the potential of prompt-based mitigation as a defensive strategy.

replace-cross BigCodeBench: Benchmarking Code Generation with Diverse Function Calls and Complex Instructions

Authors: Terry Yue Zhuo, Minh Chien Vu, Jenny Chim, Han Hu, Wenhao Yu, Ratnadira Widyasari, Imam Nur Bani Yusuf, Haolan Zhan, Junda He, Indraneil Paul, Simon Brunner, Chen Gong, Thong Hoang, Armel Randy Zebaze, Xiaoheng Hong, Wen-Ding Li, Jean Kaddour, Ming Xu, Zhihan Zhang, Prateek Yadav, Naman Jain, Alex Gu, Zhoujun Cheng, Jiawei Liu, Qian Liu, Zijian Wang, David Lo, Binyuan Hui, Niklas Muennighoff, Daniel Fried, Xiaoning Du, Harm de Vries, Leandro Von Werra

Abstract: Automated software engineering has been greatly empowered by the recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) for programming. While current benchmarks have shown that LLMs can perform various software engineering tasks like human developers, the majority of their evaluations are limited to short and self-contained algorithmic tasks. Solving challenging and practical programming tasks requires the capability of utilizing diverse function calls as tools to efficiently implement functionalities like data analysis and web development. In addition, using multiple tools to solve a task needs compositional reasoning by accurately understanding complex instructions. Fulfilling both of these characteristics can pose a great challenge for LLMs. To assess how well LLMs can solve challenging and practical programming tasks, we introduce Bench, a benchmark that challenges LLMs to invoke multiple function calls as tools from 139 libraries and 7 domains for 1,140 fine-grained programming tasks. To evaluate LLMs rigorously, each programming task encompasses 5.6 test cases with an average branch coverage of 99%. In addition, we propose a natural-language-oriented variant of Bench, Benchi, that automatically transforms the original docstrings into short instructions only with essential information. Our extensive evaluation of 60 LLMs shows that LLMs are not yet capable of following complex instructions to use function calls precisely, with scores up to 60%, significantly lower than the human performance of 97%. The results underscore the need for further advancements in this area.

replace-cross InterCLIP-MEP: Interactive CLIP and Memory-Enhanced Predictor for Multi-modal Sarcasm Detection

Authors: Junjie Chen, Subin Huang

Abstract: The prevalence of sarcasm in social media, conveyed through text-image combinations, presents significant challenges for sentiment analysis and intention mining. Current multi-modal sarcasm detection methods have been proven to struggle with biases from spurious cues, leading to a superficial understanding of the complex interactions between text and image. To address these issues, we propose InterCLIP-MEP, a robust framework for multi-modal sarcasm detection. InterCLIP-MEP introduces a refined variant of CLIP, Interactive CLIP (InterCLIP), as the backbone, enhancing sample representations by embedding cross-modality information in each encoder. Furthermore, a novel training strategy is designed to adapt InterCLIP for a Memory-Enhanced Predictor (MEP). MEP uses dynamic dual-channel memory to store valuable historical knowledge of test samples and then leverages this memory as a non-parametric classifier to derive the final prediction. By using InterCLIP to encode text-image interactions more effectively and incorporating MEP, InterCLIP-MEP offers a more robust recognition of multi-modal sarcasm. Experiments demonstrate that InterCLIP-MEP achieves state-of-the-art performance on the MMSD2.0 benchmark. Code and data are available at


replace-cross $\text{Alpha}^2$: Discovering Logical Formulaic Alphas using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Feng Xu, Yan Yin, Xinyu Zhang, Tianyuan Liu, Shengyi Jiang, Zongzhang Zhang

Abstract: Alphas are pivotal in providing signals for quantitative trading. The industry highly values the discovery of formulaic alphas for their interpretability and ease of analysis, compared with the expressive yet overfitting-prone black-box alphas. In this work, we focus on discovering formulaic alphas. Prior studies on automatically generating a collection of formulaic alphas were mostly based on genetic programming (GP), which is known to suffer from the problems of being sensitive to the initial population, converting to local optima, and slow computation speed. Recent efforts employing deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for alpha discovery have not fully addressed key practical considerations such as alpha correlations and validity, which are crucial for their effectiveness. In this work, we propose a novel framework for alpha discovery using DRL by formulating the alpha discovery process as program construction. Our agent, $\text{Alpha}^2$, assembles an alpha program optimized for an evaluation metric. A search algorithm guided by DRL navigates through the search space based on value estimates for potential alpha outcomes. The evaluation metric encourages both the performance and the diversity of alphas for a better final trading strategy. Our formulation of searching alphas also brings the advantage of pre-calculation dimensional analysis, ensuring the logical soundness of alphas, and pruning the vast search space to a large extent. Empirical experiments on real-world stock markets demonstrates $\text{Alpha}^2$'s capability to identify a diverse set of logical and effective alphas, which significantly improves the performance of the final trading strategy. The code of our method is available at


replace-cross The Responsible Foundation Model Development Cheatsheet: A Review of Tools & Resources

Authors: Shayne Longpre, Stella Biderman, Alon Albalak, Hailey Schoelkopf, Daniel McDuff, Sayash Kapoor, Kevin Klyman, Kyle Lo, Gabriel Ilharco, Nay San, Maribeth Rauh, Aviya Skowron, Bertie Vidgen, Laura Weidinger, Arvind Narayanan, Victor Sanh, David Adelani, Percy Liang, Rishi Bommasani, Peter Henderson, Sasha Luccioni, Yacine Jernite, Luca Soldaini

Abstract: Foundation model development attracts a rapidly expanding body of contributors, scientists, and applications. To help shape responsible development practices, we introduce the Foundation Model Development Cheatsheet: a growing collection of 250+ tools and resources spanning text, vision, and speech modalities. We draw on a large body of prior work to survey resources (e.g. software, documentation, frameworks, guides, and practical tools) that support informed data selection, processing, and understanding, precise and limitation-aware artifact documentation, efficient model training, advance awareness of the environmental impact from training, careful model evaluation of capabilities, risks, and claims, as well as responsible model release, licensing and deployment practices. We hope this curated collection of resources helps guide more responsible development. The process of curating this list, enabled us to review the AI development ecosystem, revealing what tools are critically missing, misused, or over-used in existing practices. We find that (i) tools for data sourcing, model evaluation, and monitoring are critically under-serving ethical and real-world needs, (ii) evaluations for model safety, capabilities, and environmental impact all lack reproducibility and transparency, (iii) text and particularly English-centric analyses continue to dominate over multilingual and multi-modal analyses, and (iv) evaluation of systems, rather than just models, is needed so that capabilities and impact are assessed in context.

replace-cross OlympicArena Medal Ranks: Who Is the Most Intelligent AI So Far?

Authors: Zhen Huang, Zengzhi Wang, Shijie Xia, Pengfei Liu

Abstract: In this report, we pose the following question: Who is the most intelligent AI model to date, as measured by the OlympicArena (an Olympic-level, multi-discipline, multi-modal benchmark for superintelligent AI)? We specifically focus on the most recently released models: Claude-3.5-Sonnet, Gemini-1.5-Pro, and GPT-4o. For the first time, we propose using an Olympic medal Table approach to rank AI models based on their comprehensive performance across various disciplines. Empirical results reveal: (1) Claude-3.5-Sonnet shows highly competitive overall performance over GPT-4o, even surpassing GPT-4o on a few subjects (i.e., Physics, Chemistry, and Biology). (2) Gemini-1.5-Pro and GPT-4V are ranked consecutively just behind GPT-4o and Claude-3.5-Sonnet, but with a clear performance gap between them. (3) The performance of AI models from the open-source community significantly lags behind these proprietary models. (4) The performance of these models on this benchmark has been less than satisfactory, indicating that we still have a long way to go before achieving superintelligence. We remain committed to continuously tracking and evaluating the performance of the latest powerful models on this benchmark (available at


replace-cross Adam-mini: Use Fewer Learning Rates To Gain More

Authors: Yushun Zhang, Congliang Chen, Ziniu Li, Tian Ding, Chenwei Wu, Yinyu Ye, Zhi-Quan Luo, Ruoyu Sun

Abstract: We propose Adam-mini, an optimizer that achieves on-par or better performance than AdamW with 45% to 50% less memory footprint. Adam-mini reduces memory by cutting down the learning rate resources in Adam (i.e., $1/\sqrt{v}$). We find that $\geq$ 90% of these learning rates in $v$ could be harmlessly removed if we (1) carefully partition the parameters into blocks following our proposed principle on Hessian structure; (2) assign a single but good learning rate to each parameter block. We further find that, for each of these parameter blocks, there exists a single high-quality learning rate that can outperform Adam, provided that sufficient resources are available to search it out. We then provide one cost-effective way to find good learning rates and propose Adam-mini. Empirically, we verify that Adam-mini performs on par or better than AdamW on various language models sized from 125M to 7B for pre-training, supervised fine-tuning, and RLHF. The reduced memory footprint of Adam-mini also alleviates communication overheads among GPUs and CPUs, thereby increasing throughput. For instance, Adam-mini achieves 49.6% higher throughput than AdamW when pre-training Llama2-7B on $2\times$ A800-80GB GPUs, which saves 33% wall-clock time for pre-training.

replace-cross Multimodal Physiological Signals Representation Learning via Multiscale Contrasting for Depression Recognition

Authors: Kai Shao, Rui Wang, Yixue Hao, Long Hu, Min Chen, Hans Arno Jacobsen

Abstract: Depression recognition based on physiological signals such as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and electroencephalogram (EEG) has made considerable progress. However, most existing studies ignore the complementarity and semantic consistency of multimodal physiological signals under the same stimulation task in complex spatio-temporal patterns. In this paper, we introduce a multimodal physiological signals representation learning framework using Siamese architecture via multiscale contrasting for depression recognition (MRLMC). First, fNIRS and EEG are transformed into different but correlated data based on a time-domain data augmentation strategy. Then, we design a spatio-temporal contrasting module to learn the representation of fNIRS and EEG through weight-sharing multiscale spatio-temporal convolution. Furthermore, to enhance the learning of semantic representation associated with stimulation tasks, a semantic consistency contrast module is proposed, aiming to maximize the semantic similarity of fNIRS and EEG. Extensive experiments on publicly available and self-collected multimodal physiological signals datasets indicate that MRLMC outperforms the state-of-the-art models. Moreover, our proposed framework is capable of transferring to multimodal time series downstream tasks.

replace-cross AND: Audio Network Dissection for Interpreting Deep Acoustic Models

Authors: Tung-Yu Wu, Yu-Xiang Lin, Tsui-Wei Weng

Abstract: Neuron-level interpretations aim to explain network behaviors and properties by investigating neurons responsive to specific perceptual or structural input patterns. Although there is emerging work in the vision and language domains, none is explored for acoustic models. To bridge the gap, we introduce $\textit{AND}$, the first $\textbf{A}$udio $\textbf{N}$etwork $\textbf{D}$issection framework that automatically establishes natural language explanations of acoustic neurons based on highly-responsive audio. $\textit{AND}$ features the use of LLMs to summarize mutual acoustic features and identities among audio. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify $\textit{AND}$'s precise and informative descriptions. In addition, we demonstrate a potential use of $\textit{AND}$ for audio machine unlearning by conducting concept-specific pruning based on the generated descriptions. Finally, we highlight two acoustic model behaviors with analysis by $\textit{AND}$: (i) models discriminate audio with a combination of basic acoustic features rather than high-level abstract concepts; (ii) training strategies affect model behaviors and neuron interpretability -- supervised training guides neurons to gradually narrow their attention, while self-supervised learning encourages neurons to be polysemantic for exploring high-level features.

replace-cross Enabling Large Language Models to Perform Power System Simulations with Previously Unseen Tools: A Case of Daline

Authors: Mengshuo Jia, Zeyu Cui, Gabriela Hug

Abstract: The integration of experiment technologies with large language models (LLMs) is transforming scientific research, offering AI capabilities beyond specialized problem-solving to becoming research assistants for human scientists. In power systems, simulations are essential for research. However, LLMs face significant challenges in power system simulations due to limited pre-existing knowledge and the complexity of power grids. To address this issue, this work proposes a modular framework that integrates expertise from both the power system and LLM domains. This framework enhances LLMs' ability to perform power system simulations on previously unseen tools. Validated using 34 simulation tasks in Daline, a (optimal) power flow simulation and linearization toolbox not yet exposed to LLMs, the proposed framework improved GPT-4o's simulation coding accuracy from 0% to 96.07%, also outperforming the ChatGPT-4o web interface's 33.8% accuracy (with the entire knowledge base uploaded). These results highlight the potential of LLMs as research assistants in power systems.

replace-cross Layer-Wise Quantization: A Pragmatic and Effective Method for Quantizing LLMs Beyond Integer Bit-Levels

Authors: Razvan-Gabriel Dumitru, Vikas Yadav, Rishabh Maheshwary, Paul-Ioan Clotan, Sathwik Tejaswi Madhusudhan, Mihai Surdeanu

Abstract: We present a simple variable quantization approach that quantizes different layers of a large language model (LLM) at different bit levels. Specifically, we quantize the most important layers to higher bit precision and less important layers to lower bits to achieve floating point quantization levels. We propose two effective strategies to measure the importance of layers within LLMs: the first measures the importance of a layer based on how different its output embeddings are from the input embeddings (the higher the better); the second estimates the importance of a layer using the number of layer weights that are much larger than average (the smaller the better). We show that quantizing different layers at varying bits according to our importance scores results in minimal performance drop with a far more compressed model size. Finally, we present several practical key takeaways from our variable layer-wise quantization experiments: (a) LLM performance under variable quantization remains close to the original model until 25-50% of layers are moved in lower quantization using our proposed ordering but only until 5-10% if moved using no specific ordering; (b) Quantizing LLMs to lower bits performs substantially better than pruning unless extreme quantization (2-bit) is used; and (c) Layer-wise quantization to lower bits works better in the case of larger LLMs with more layers compared to smaller LLMs with fewer layers. The code used to run the experiments is available at:


replace-cross CDQuant: Accurate Post-training Weight Quantization of Large Pre-trained Models using Greedy Coordinate Descent

Authors: Pranav Ajit Nair, Arun Sai Suggala

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated remarkable performance across diverse language tasks. But their deployment is often constrained by their substantial computational and storage requirements. Quantization has emerged as a key technique for addressing this challenge, enabling the compression of large models with minimal impact on performance. The recent GPTQ algorithm, a post-training quantization (PTQ) method, has proven highly effective for compressing LLMs, sparking a wave of research that leverages GPTQ as a core component. Recognizing the pivotal role of GPTQ in the PTQ landscape, we introduce CDQuant, a simple and scalable alternative to GPTQ with improved performance. CDQuant uses coordinate descent to minimize the layer-wise reconstruction loss to achieve high-quality quantized weights. Our algorithm is easy to implement and scales efficiently to models with hundreds of billions of parameters. Through extensive evaluation on the PaLM2 model family, we demonstrate that CDQuant consistently outperforms GPTQ across diverse model sizes and quantization levels. In particular, for INT2 quantization of PaLM2-Otter, CDQuant achieves a 10% reduction in perplexity compared to GPTQ.

replace-cross Mitigate the Gap: Investigating Approaches for Improving Cross-Modal Alignment in CLIP

Authors: Sedigheh Eslami, Gerard de Melo

Abstract: Contrastive Language--Image Pre-training (CLIP) has manifested remarkable improvements in zero-shot classification and cross-modal vision-language tasks. Yet, from a geometrical point of view, the CLIP embedding space has been found to have a pronounced modality gap. This gap renders the embedding space overly sparse and disconnected, with different modalities being densely distributed in distinct subregions of the hypersphere. In this work, we aim at answering two main questions: 1. Does sharing the parameter space between the multi-modal encoders reduce the modality gap? 2. Can the gap be mitigated by pushing apart the uni-modal embeddings via intra-modality separation? We design AlignCLIP, in order to answer these questions and show that answers to both questions are positive. Through extensive experiments, we show that AlignCLIP achieves noticeable enhancements in the cross-modal alignment of the embeddings, and thereby, reduces the modality gap, while maintaining the performance across several downstream evaluations, such as zero-shot image classification, zero-shot multi-modal retrieval and zero-shot semantic text similarity.