new Step-DPO: Step-wise Preference Optimization for Long-chain Reasoning of LLMs

Authors: Xin Lai, Zhuotao Tian, Yukang Chen, Senqiao Yang, Xiangru Peng, Jiaya Jia

Abstract: Mathematical reasoning presents a significant challenge for Large Language Models (LLMs) due to the extensive and precise chain of reasoning required for accuracy. Ensuring the correctness of each reasoning step is critical. To address this, we aim to enhance the robustness and factuality of LLMs by learning from human feedback. However, Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has shown limited benefits for long-chain mathematical reasoning, as models employing DPO struggle to identify detailed errors in incorrect answers. This limitation stems from a lack of fine-grained process supervision. We propose a simple, effective, and data-efficient method called Step-DPO, which treats individual reasoning steps as units for preference optimization rather than evaluating answers holistically. Additionally, we have developed a data construction pipeline for Step-DPO, enabling the creation of a high-quality dataset containing 10K step-wise preference pairs. We also observe that in DPO, self-generated data is more effective than data generated by humans or GPT-4, due to the latter's out-of-distribution nature. Our findings demonstrate that as few as 10K preference data pairs and fewer than 500 Step-DPO training steps can yield a nearly 3% gain in accuracy on MATH for models with over 70B parameters. Notably, Step-DPO, when applied to Qwen2-72B-Instruct, achieves scores of 70.8% and 94.0% on the test sets of MATH and GSM8K, respectively, surpassing a series of closed-source models, including GPT-4-1106, Claude-3-Opus, and Gemini-1.5-Pro. Our code, data, and models are available at


new Improving Hyperparameter Optimization with Checkpointed Model Weights

Authors: Nikhil Mehta, Jonathan Lorraine, Steve Masson, Ramanathan Arunachalam, Zaid Pervaiz Bhat, James Lucas, Arun George Zachariah

Abstract: When training deep learning models, the performance depends largely on the selected hyperparameters. However, hyperparameter optimization (HPO) is often one of the most expensive parts of model design. Classical HPO methods treat this as a black-box optimization problem. However, gray-box HPO methods, which incorporate more information about the setup, have emerged as a promising direction for more efficient optimization. For example, using intermediate loss evaluations to terminate bad selections. In this work, we propose an HPO method for neural networks using logged checkpoints of the trained weights to guide future hyperparameter selections. Our method, Forecasting Model Search (FMS), embeds weights into a Gaussian process deep kernel surrogate model, using a permutation-invariant graph metanetwork to be data-efficient with the logged network weights. To facilitate reproducibility and further research, we open-source our code at


new RouteLLM: Learning to Route LLMs with Preference Data

Authors: Isaac Ong, Amjad Almahairi, Vincent Wu, Wei-Lin Chiang, Tianhao Wu, Joseph E. Gonzalez, M Waleed Kadous, Ion Stoica

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit impressive capabilities across a wide range of tasks, yet the choice of which model to use often involves a trade-off between performance and cost. More powerful models, though effective, come with higher expenses, while less capable models are more cost-effective. To address this dilemma, we propose several efficient router models that dynamically select between a stronger and a weaker LLM during inference, aiming to optimize the balance between cost and response quality. We develop a training framework for these routers leveraging human preference data and data augmentation techniques to enhance performance. Our evaluation on widely-recognized benchmarks shows that our approach significantly reduces costs-by over 2 times in certain cases-without compromising the quality of responses. Interestingly, our router models also demonstrate significant transfer learning capabilities, maintaining their performance even when the strong and weak models are changed at test time. This highlights the potential of these routers to provide a cost-effective yet high-performance solution for deploying LLMs.

new Few-shot Personalization of LLMs with Mis-aligned Responses

Authors: Jaehyung Kim, Yiming Yang

Abstract: As the diversity of users increases, the capability of providing personalized responses by large language models (LLMs) has become increasingly important. Existing approaches have only limited successes in LLM personalization, due to the absence of personalized learning or the reliance on shared personal data. This paper proposes a new approach for a few-shot personalization of LLMs with their mis-aligned responses (Fermi). Our key idea is to learn a set of personalized prompts for each user by progressively improving the prompts using LLMs, based on user profile (e.g., demographic information) and a few examples of previous opinions. During an iterative process of prompt improvement, we incorporate the contexts of mis-aligned responses by LLMs, which are especially crucial for the effective personalization of LLMs. In addition, we develop an effective inference method to further leverage the context of the test query and the personalized prompts. Our experimental results demonstrate that Fermi significantly improves performance across various benchmarks, compared to the best-performing baselines.

new Learning to Correct for QA Reasoning with Black-box LLMs

Authors: Jaehyung Kim, Dongyoung Kim, Yiming Yang

Abstract: An open challenge in recent machine learning is about how to improve the reasoning capability of large language models (LLMs) in a black-box setting, i.e., without access to detailed information such as output token probabilities. Existing approaches either rely on accessibility (which is often unrealistic) or involve significantly increased train- and inference-time costs. This paper addresses those limitations or shortcomings by proposing a novel approach, namely CoBB (Correct for improving QA reasoning of Black-Box LLMs). It uses a trained adaptation model to perform a seq2seq mapping from the often-imperfect reasonings of the original black-box LLM to the correct or improved reasonings. Specifically, the adaptation model is initialized with a relatively small open-source LLM and adapted over a collection of sub-sampled training pairs. To select the representative pairs of correct and incorrect reasonings, we formulated the dataset construction as an optimization problem that minimizes the statistical divergence between the sampled subset and the entire collection, and solved it via a genetic algorithm. We then train the adaptation model over the sampled pairs by contrasting the likelihoods of correct and incorrect reasonings. Our experimental results demonstrate that CoBB significantly improves reasoning accuracy across various QA benchmarks, compared to the best-performing adaptation baselines.

new Fast Optimizer Benchmark

Authors: Simon Blauth, Tobias B\"urger, Zacharias H\"aringer, J\"org Franke, Frank Hutter

Abstract: In this paper, we present the Fast Optimizer Benchmark (FOB), a tool designed for evaluating deep learning optimizers during their development. The benchmark supports tasks from multiple domains such as computer vision, natural language processing, and graph learning. The focus is on convenient usage, featuring human-readable YAML configurations, SLURM integration, and plotting utilities. FOB can be used together with existing hyperparameter optimization (HPO) tools as it handles training and resuming of runs. The modular design enables integration into custom pipelines, using it simply as a collection of tasks. We showcase an optimizer comparison as a usage example of our tool. FOB can be found on GitHub:


new Learn it or Leave it: Module Composition and Pruning for Continual Learning

Authors: Mingyang Wang, Heike Adel, Lukas Lange, Jannik Str\"otgen, Hinrich Sch\"utze

Abstract: In real-world environments, continual learning is essential for machine learning models, as they need to acquire new knowledge incrementally without forgetting what they have already learned. While pretrained language models have shown impressive capabilities on various static tasks, applying them to continual learning poses significant challenges, including avoiding catastrophic forgetting, facilitating knowledge transfer, and maintaining parameter efficiency. In this paper, we introduce MoCL-P, a novel lightweight continual learning method that addresses these challenges simultaneously. Unlike traditional approaches that continuously expand parameters for newly arriving tasks, MoCL-P integrates task representation-guided module composition with adaptive pruning, effectively balancing knowledge integration and computational overhead. Our evaluation across three continual learning benchmarks with up to 176 tasks shows that MoCL-P achieves state-of-the-art performance and improves parameter efficiency by up to three times, demonstrating its potential for practical applications where resource requirements are constrained.

new Jailbreaking LLMs with Arabic Transliteration and Arabizi

Authors: Mansour Al Ghanim, Saleh Almohaimeed, Mengxin Zheng, Yan Solihin, Qian Lou

Abstract: This study identifies the potential vulnerabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to 'jailbreak' attacks, specifically focusing on the Arabic language and its various forms. While most research has concentrated on English-based prompt manipulation, our investigation broadens the scope to investigate the Arabic language. We initially tested the AdvBench benchmark in Standardized Arabic, finding that even with prompt manipulation techniques like prefix injection, it was insufficient to provoke LLMs into generating unsafe content. However, when using Arabic transliteration and chatspeak (or arabizi), we found that unsafe content could be produced on platforms like OpenAI GPT-4 and Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet. Our findings suggest that using Arabic and its various forms could expose information that might remain hidden, potentially increasing the risk of jailbreak attacks. We hypothesize that this exposure could be due to the model's learned connection to specific words, highlighting the need for more comprehensive safety training across all language forms.

new RetroGFN: Diverse and Feasible Retrosynthesis using GFlowNets

Authors: Piotr Gai\'nski, Micha{\l} Koziarski, Krzysztof Maziarz, Marwin Segler, Jacek Tabor, Marek \'Smieja

Abstract: Single-step retrosynthesis aims to predict a set of reactions that lead to the creation of a target molecule, which is a crucial task in molecular discovery. Although a target molecule can often be synthesized with multiple different reactions, it is not clear how to verify the feasibility of a reaction, because the available datasets cover only a tiny fraction of the possible solutions. Consequently, the existing models are not encouraged to explore the space of possible reactions sufficiently. In this paper, we propose a novel single-step retrosynthesis model, RetroGFN, that can explore outside the limited dataset and return a diverse set of feasible reactions by leveraging a feasibility proxy model during the training. We show that RetroGFN achieves competitive results on standard top-k accuracy while outperforming existing methods on round-trip accuracy. Moreover, we provide empirical arguments in favor of using round-trip accuracy which expands the notion of feasibility with respect to the standard top-k accuracy metric.

new Decentralized Semantic Traffic Control in AVs Using RL and DQN for Dynamic Roadblocks

Authors: Emanuel Figetakis, Yahuza Bello, Ahmed Refaey, Abdallah Shami

Abstract: Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), furnished with sensors capable of capturing essential vehicle dynamics such as speed, acceleration, and precise location, possess the capacity to execute intelligent maneuvers, including lane changes, in anticipation of approaching roadblocks. Nevertheless, the sheer volume of sensory data and the processing necessary to derive informed decisions can often overwhelm the vehicles, rendering them unable to handle the task independently. Consequently, a common approach in traffic scenarios involves transmitting the data to servers for processing, a practice that introduces challenges, particularly in situations demanding real-time processing. In response to this challenge, we present a novel DL-based semantic traffic control system that entrusts semantic encoding responsibilities to the vehicles themselves. This system processes driving decisions obtained from a Reinforcement Learning (RL) agent, streamlining the decision-making process. Specifically, our framework envisions scenarios where abrupt roadblocks materialize due to factors such as road maintenance, accidents, or vehicle repairs, necessitating vehicles to make determinations concerning lane-keeping or lane-changing actions to navigate past these obstacles. To formulate this scenario mathematically, we employ a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and harness the Deep Q Learning (DQN) algorithm to unearth viable solutions.

new QBI: Quantile-based Bias Initialization for Efficient Private Data Reconstruction in Federated Learning

Authors: Micha V. Nowak, Tim P. Bott, David Khachaturov, Frank Puppe, Adrian Krenzer, Amar Hekalo

Abstract: Federated learning enables the training of machine learning models on distributed data without compromising user privacy, as data remains on personal devices and only model updates, such as gradients, are shared with a central coordinator. However, recent research has shown that the central entity can perfectly reconstruct private data from shared model updates by maliciously initializing the model's parameters. In this paper, we propose QBI, a novel bias initialization method that significantly enhances reconstruction capabilities. This is accomplished by directly solving for bias values yielding sparse activation patterns. Further, we propose PAIRS, an algorithm that builds on QBI. PAIRS can be deployed when a separate dataset from the target domain is available to further increase the percentage of data that can be fully recovered. Measured by the percentage of samples that can be perfectly reconstructed from batches of various sizes, our approach achieves significant improvements over previous methods with gains of up to 50% on ImageNet and up to 60% on the IMDB sentiment analysis text dataset. Furthermore, we establish theoretical limits for attacks leveraging stochastic gradient sparsity, providing a foundation for understanding the fundamental constraints of these attacks. We empirically assess these limits using synthetic datasets. Finally, we propose and evaluate AGGP, a defensive framework designed to prevent gradient sparsity attacks, contributing to the development of more secure and private federated learning systems.

new Competitive Algorithms for Online Knapsack with Succinct Predictions

Authors: Mohammadreza Daneshvaramoli, Helia Karisani, Adam Lechowicz, Bo Sun, Cameron Musco, Mohammad Hajiesmaili

Abstract: In the online knapsack problem, the goal is to pack items arriving online with different values and weights into a capacity-limited knapsack to maximize the total value of the accepted items. We study \textit{learning-augmented} algorithms for this problem, which aim to use machine-learned predictions to move beyond pessimistic worst-case guarantees. Existing learning-augmented algorithms for online knapsack consider relatively complicated prediction models that give an algorithm substantial information about the input, such as the total weight of items at each value. In practice, such predictions can be error-sensitive and difficult to learn. Motivated by this limitation, we introduce a family of learning-augmented algorithms for online knapsack that use \emph{succinct predictions}. In particular, the machine-learned prediction given to the algorithm is just a single value or interval that estimates the minimum value of any item accepted by an offline optimal solution. By leveraging a relaxation to online \emph{fractional} knapsack, we design algorithms that can leverage such succinct predictions in both the trusted setting (i.e., with perfect prediction) and the untrusted setting, where we prove that a simple meta-algorithm achieves a nearly optimal consistency-robustness trade-off. Empirically, we show that our algorithms significantly outperform baselines that do not use predictions and often outperform algorithms based on more complex prediction models.

new Conformalized Link Prediction on Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Tianyi Zhao, Jian Kang, Lu Cheng

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) excel in diverse tasks, yet their applications in high-stakes domains are often hampered by unreliable predictions. Although numerous uncertainty quantification methods have been proposed to address this limitation, they often lack \textit{rigorous} uncertainty estimates. This work makes the first attempt to introduce a distribution-free and model-agnostic uncertainty quantification approach to construct a predictive interval with a statistical guarantee for GNN-based link prediction. We term it as \textit{conformalized link prediction.} Our approach builds upon conformal prediction (CP), a framework that promises to construct statistically robust prediction sets or intervals. We first theoretically and empirically establish a permutation invariance condition for the application of CP in link prediction tasks, along with an exact test-time coverage. Leveraging the important structural information in graphs, we then identify a novel and crucial connection between a graph's adherence to the power law distribution and the efficiency of CP. This insight leads to the development of a simple yet effective sampling-based method to align the graph structure with a power law distribution prior to the standard CP procedure. Extensive experiments demonstrate that for conformalized link prediction, our approach achieves the desired marginal coverage while significantly improving the efficiency of CP compared to baseline methods.

new WV-Net: A foundation model for SAR WV-mode satellite imagery trained using contrastive self-supervised learning on 10 million images

Authors: Yannik Glaser, Justin E. Stopa, Linnea M. Wolniewicz, Ralph Foster, Doug Vandemark, Alexis Mouche, Bertrand Chapron, Peter Sadowski

Abstract: The European Space Agency's Copernicus Sentinel-1 (S-1) mission is a constellation of C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites that provide unprecedented monitoring of the world's oceans. S-1's wave mode (WV) captures 20x20 km image patches at 5 m pixel resolution and is unaffected by cloud cover or time-of-day. The mission's open data policy has made SAR data easily accessible for a range of applications, but the need for manual image annotations is a bottleneck that hinders the use of machine learning methods. This study uses nearly 10 million WV-mode images and contrastive self-supervised learning to train a semantic embedding model called WV-Net. In multiple downstream tasks, WV-Net outperforms a comparable model that was pre-trained on natural images (ImageNet) with supervised learning. Experiments show improvements for estimating wave height (0.50 vs 0.60 RMSE using linear probing), estimating near-surface air temperature (0.90 vs 0.97 RMSE), and performing multilabel-classification of geophysical and atmospheric phenomena (0.96 vs 0.95 micro-averaged AUROC). WV-Net embeddings are also superior in an unsupervised image-retrieval task and scale better in data-sparse settings. Together, these results demonstrate that WV-Net embeddings can support geophysical research by providing a convenient foundation model for a variety of data analysis and exploration tasks.

new ADO-LLM: Analog Design Bayesian Optimization with In-Context Learning of Large Language Models

Authors: Yuxuan Yin, Yu Wang, Boxun Xu, Peng Li

Abstract: Analog circuit design requires substantial human expertise and involvement, which is a significant roadblock to design productivity. Bayesian Optimization (BO), a popular machine learning based optimization strategy, has been leveraged to automate analog design given its applicability across various circuit topologies and technologies. Traditional BO methods employ black box Gaussian Process surrogate models and optimized labeled data queries to find optimization solutions by trading off between exploration and exploitation. However, the search for the optimal design solution in BO can be expensive from both a computational and data usage point of view, particularly for high dimensional optimization problems. This paper presents ADO-LLM, the first work integrating large language models (LLMs) with Bayesian Optimization for analog design optimization. ADO-LLM leverages the LLM's ability to infuse domain knowledge to rapidly generate viable design points to remedy BO's inefficiency in finding high value design areas specifically under the limited design space coverage of the BO's probabilistic surrogate model. In the meantime, sampling of design points evaluated in the iterative BO process provides quality demonstrations for the LLM to generate high quality design points while leveraging infused broad design knowledge. Furthermore, the diversity brought by BO's exploration enriches the contextual understanding of the LLM and allows it to more broadly search in the design space and prevent repetitive and redundant suggestions. We evaluate the proposed framework on two different types of analog circuits and demonstrate notable improvements in design efficiency and effectiveness.

new Aligning Model Properties via Conformal Risk Control

Authors: William Overman, Jacqueline Jil Vallon, Mohsen Bayati

Abstract: AI model alignment is crucial due to inadvertent biases in training data and the underspecified pipeline in modern machine learning, where numerous models with excellent test set metrics can be produced, yet they may not meet end-user requirements. Recent advances demonstrate that post-training model alignment via human feedback can address some of these challenges. However, these methods are often confined to settings (such as generative AI) where humans can interpret model outputs and provide feedback. In traditional non-generative settings, where model outputs are numerical values or classes, detecting misalignment through single-sample outputs is highly challenging. In this paper we consider an alternative strategy. We propose interpreting model alignment through property testing, defining an aligned model $f$ as one belonging to a subset $\mathcal{P}$ of functions that exhibit specific desired behaviors. We focus on post-processing a pre-trained model $f$ to better align with $\mathcal{P}$ using conformal risk control. Specifically, we develop a general procedure for converting queries for a given property $\mathcal{P}$ to a collection of loss functions suitable for use in a conformal risk control algorithm. We prove a probabilistic guarantee that the resulting conformal interval around $f$ contains a function approximately satisfying $\mathcal{P}$. Given the capabilities of modern AI models with extensive parameters and training data, one might assume alignment issues will resolve naturally. However, increasing training data or parameters in a random feature model doesn't eliminate the need for alignment techniques when pre-training data is biased. We demonstrate our alignment methodology on supervised learning datasets for properties like monotonicity and concavity. Our flexible procedure can be applied to various desired properties.

new Unified Uncertainties: Combining Input, Data and Model Uncertainty into a Single Formulation

Authors: Matias Valdenegro-Toro, Ivo Pascal de Jong, Marco Zullich

Abstract: Modelling uncertainty in Machine Learning models is essential for achieving safe and reliable predictions. Most research on uncertainty focuses on output uncertainty (predictions), but minimal attention is paid to uncertainty at inputs. We propose a method for propagating uncertainty in the inputs through a Neural Network that is simultaneously able to estimate input, data, and model uncertainty. Our results show that this propagation of input uncertainty results in a more stable decision boundary even under large amounts of input noise than comparatively simple Monte Carlo sampling. Additionally, we discuss and demonstrate that input uncertainty, when propagated through the model, results in model uncertainty at the outputs. The explicit incorporation of input uncertainty may be beneficial in situations where the amount of input uncertainty is known, though good datasets for this are still needed.

new Operator Learning of Lipschitz Operators: An Information-Theoretic Perspective

Authors: Samuel Lanthaler

Abstract: Operator learning based on neural operators has emerged as a promising paradigm for the data-driven approximation of operators, mapping between infinite-dimensional Banach spaces. Despite significant empirical progress, our theoretical understanding regarding the efficiency of these approximations remains incomplete. This work addresses the parametric complexity of neural operator approximations for the general class of Lipschitz continuous operators. Motivated by recent findings on the limitations of specific architectures, termed curse of parametric complexity, we here adopt an information-theoretic perspective. Our main contribution establishes lower bounds on the metric entropy of Lipschitz operators in two approximation settings; uniform approximation over a compact set of input functions, and approximation in expectation, with input functions drawn from a probability measure. It is shown that these entropy bounds imply that, regardless of the activation function used, neural operator architectures attaining an approximation accuracy $\epsilon$ must have a size that is exponentially large in $\epsilon^{-1}$. The size of architectures is here measured by counting the number of encoded bits necessary to store the given model in computational memory. The results of this work elucidate fundamental trade-offs and limitations in

new Infinite Width Models That Work: Why Feature Learning Doesn't Matter as Much as You Think

Authors: Luke Sernau

Abstract: Common infinite-width architectures such as Neural Tangent Kernels (NTKs) have historically shown weak performance compared to finite models. This has been attributed to the absence of feature learning. We show that this is not the case. In fact, we show that infinite width NTK models are able to access richer features than finite models by selecting relevant subfeatures from their (infinite) feature vector. In fact, we show experimentally that NTKs under-perform traditional finite models even when feature learning is artificially disabled. Instead, weak performance is due to the fact that existing constructions depend on weak optimizers like SGD. We provide an infinite width limit based on ADAM-like learning dynamics and demonstrate empirically that the resulting models erase this performance gap.

new All Random Features Representations are Equivalent

Authors: Luke Sernau, Silvano Bonacina, Rif A. Saurous

Abstract: Random features are an important technique that make it possible to rewrite positive-definite kernels as infinite-dimensional dot products. Over time, increasingly elaborate random feature representations have been developed in pursuit of finite approximations with ever lower error. We resolve this arms race by deriving an optimal sampling policy, and show that under this policy all random features representations have the same approximation error. This establishes a lower bound that holds across all random feature representations, and shows that we are free to choose whatever representation we please, provided we sample optimally.

new Online Stackelberg Optimization via Nonlinear Control

Authors: William Brown, Christos Papadimitriou, Tim Roughgarden

Abstract: In repeated interaction problems with adaptive agents, our objective often requires anticipating and optimizing over the space of possible agent responses. We show that many problems of this form can be cast as instances of online (nonlinear) control which satisfy \textit{local controllability}, with convex losses over a bounded state space which encodes agent behavior, and we introduce a unified algorithmic framework for tractable regret minimization in such cases. When the instance dynamics are known but otherwise arbitrary, we obtain oracle-efficient $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret by reduction to online convex optimization, which can be made computationally efficient if dynamics are locally \textit{action-linear}. In the presence of adversarial disturbances to the state, we give tight bounds in terms of either the cumulative or per-round disturbance magnitude (for \textit{strongly} or \textit{weakly} locally controllable dynamics, respectively). Additionally, we give sublinear regret results for the cases of unknown locally action-linear dynamics as well as for the bandit feedback setting. Finally, we demonstrate applications of our framework to well-studied problems including performative prediction, recommendations for adaptive agents, adaptive pricing of real-valued goods, and repeated gameplay against no-regret learners, directly yielding extensions beyond prior results in each case.

new MissionGNN: Hierarchical Multimodal GNN-based Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Recognition with Mission-Specific Knowledge Graph Generation

Authors: Sanggeon Yun, Ryozo Masukawa, Minhyoung Na, Mohsen Imani

Abstract: In the context of escalating safety concerns across various domains, the tasks of Video Anomaly Detection (VAD) and Video Anomaly Recognition (VAR) have emerged as critically important for applications in intelligent surveillance, evidence investigation, violence alerting, etc. These tasks, aimed at identifying and classifying deviations from normal behavior in video data, face significant challenges due to the rarity of anomalies which leads to extremely imbalanced data and the impracticality of extensive frame-level data annotation for supervised learning. This paper introduces a novel hierarchical graph neural network (GNN) based model MissionGNN that addresses these challenges by leveraging a state-of-the-art large language model and a comprehensive knowledge graph for efficient weakly supervised learning in VAR. Our approach circumvents the limitations of previous methods by avoiding heavy gradient computations on large multimodal models and enabling fully frame-level training without fixed video segmentation. Utilizing automated, mission-specific knowledge graph generation, our model provides a practical and efficient solution for real-time video analysis without the constraints of previous segmentation-based or multimodal approaches. Experimental validation on benchmark datasets demonstrates our model's performance in VAD and VAR, highlighting its potential to redefine the landscape of anomaly detection and recognition in video surveillance systems.

new Temporally Multi-Scale Sparse Self-Attention for Physical Activity Data Imputation

Authors: Hui Wei, Maxwell A. Xu, Colin Samplawski, James M. Rehg, Santosh Kumar, Benjamin M. Marlin

Abstract: Wearable sensors enable health researchers to continuously collect data pertaining to the physiological state of individuals in real-world settings. However, such data can be subject to extensive missingness due to a complex combination of factors. In this work, we study the problem of imputation of missing step count data, one of the most ubiquitous forms of wearable sensor data. We construct a novel and large scale data set consisting of a training set with over 3 million hourly step count observations and a test set with over 2.5 million hourly step count observations. We propose a domain knowledge-informed sparse self-attention model for this task that captures the temporal multi-scale nature of step-count data. We assess the performance of the model relative to baselines and conduct ablation studies to verify our specific model designs.

new LICO: Large Language Models for In-Context Molecular Optimization

Authors: Tung Nguyen, Aditya Grover

Abstract: Optimizing black-box functions is a fundamental problem in science and engineering. To solve this problem, many approaches learn a surrogate function that estimates the underlying objective from limited historical evaluations. Large Language Models (LLMs), with their strong pattern-matching capabilities via pretraining on vast amounts of data, stand out as a potential candidate for surrogate modeling. However, directly prompting a pretrained language model to produce predictions is not feasible in many scientific domains due to the scarcity of domain-specific data in the pretraining corpora and the challenges of articulating complex problems in natural language. In this work, we introduce LICO, a general-purpose model that extends arbitrary base LLMs for black-box optimization, with a particular application to the molecular domain. To achieve this, we equip the language model with a separate embedding layer and prediction layer, and train the model to perform in-context predictions on a diverse set of functions defined over the domain. Once trained, LICO can generalize to unseen molecule properties simply via in-context prompting. LICO achieves state-of-the-art performance on PMO, a challenging molecular optimization benchmark comprising over 20 objective functions.

new Decoding-Time Language Model Alignment with Multiple Objectives

Authors: Ruizhe Shi, Yifang Chen, Yushi Hu, ALisa Liu, Noah Smith, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Simon Du

Abstract: Aligning language models (LMs) to human preferences has emerged as a critical pursuit, enabling these models to better serve diverse user needs. Existing methods primarily focus on optimizing LMs for a single reward function, limiting their adaptability to varied objectives. Here, we propose $\textbf{multi-objective decoding (MOD)}$, a decoding-time algorithm that outputs the next token from a linear combination of predictions of all base models, for any given weightings over different objectives. We exploit a common form among a family of $f$-divergence regularized alignment approaches (such as PPO, DPO, and their variants) to identify a closed-form solution by Legendre transform, and derive an efficient decoding strategy. Theoretically, we show why existing approaches can be sub-optimal even in natural settings and obtain optimality guarantees for our method. Empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm. For example, compared to a parameter-merging baseline, MOD achieves 12.8% overall reward improvement when equally optimizing towards $3$ objectives. Moreover, we experiment with MOD on combining three fully-finetuned LLMs of different model sizes, each aimed at different objectives such as safety, coding, and general user preference. Unlike traditional methods that require careful curation of a mixture of datasets to achieve comprehensive improvement, we can quickly experiment with preference weightings using MOD to find the best combination of models. Our best combination reduces toxicity on Toxigen to nearly 0% and achieves 7.9--33.3% improvement across other three metrics ($\textit{i.e.}$, Codex@1, GSM-COT, BBH-COT).

new What Is Missing In Homophily? Disentangling Graph Homophily For Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Yilun Zheng, Sitao Luan, Lihui Chen

Abstract: Graph homophily refers to the phenomenon that connected nodes tend to share similar characteristics. Understanding this concept and its related metrics is crucial for designing effective Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). The most widely used homophily metrics, such as edge or node homophily, quantify such "similarity" as label consistency across the graph topology. These metrics are believed to be able to reflect the performance of GNNs, especially on node-level tasks. However, many recent studies have empirically demonstrated that the performance of GNNs does not always align with homophily metrics, and how homophily influences GNNs still remains unclear and controversial. Then, a crucial question arises: What is missing in our current understanding of homophily? To figure out the missing part, in this paper, we disentangle the graph homophily into $3$ aspects: label, structural, and feature homophily, providing a more comprehensive understanding of GNN performance. To investigate their synergy, we propose a Contextual Stochastic Block Model with $3$ types of Homophily (CSBM-3H), where the topology and feature generation are controlled by the $3$ metrics. Based on the theoretical analysis of CSBM-3H, we derive a new composite metric, named Tri-Hom, that considers all $3$ aspects and overcomes the limitations of conventional homophily metrics. The theoretical conclusions and the effectiveness of Tri-Hom have been verified through synthetic experiments on CSBM-3H. In addition, we conduct experiments on $31$ real-world benchmark datasets and calculate the correlations between homophily metrics and model performance. Tri-Hom has significantly higher correlation values than $17$ existing metrics that only focus on a single homophily aspect, demonstrating its superiority and the importance of homophily synergy. Our code is available at \url{}.


new Predicting the duration of traffic incidents for Sydney greater metropolitan area using machine learning methods

Authors: Artur Grigorev, Sajjad Shafiei, Hanna Grzybowska, Adriana-Simona Mihaita

Abstract: This research presents a comprehensive approach to predicting the duration of traffic incidents and classifying them as short-term or long-term across the Sydney Metropolitan Area. Leveraging a dataset that encompasses detailed records of traffic incidents, road network characteristics, and socio-economic indicators, we train and evaluate a variety of advanced machine learning models including Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT), Random Forest, LightGBM, and XGBoost. The models are assessed using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for regression tasks and F1 score for classification tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate that XGBoost and LightGBM outperform conventional models with XGBoost achieving the lowest RMSE of 33.7 for predicting incident duration and highest classification F1 score of 0.62 for a 30-minute duration threshold. For classification, the 30-minute threshold balances performance with 70.84\% short-term duration classification accuracy and 62.72\% long-term duration classification accuracy. Feature importance analysis, employing both tree split counts and SHAP values, identifies the number of affected lanes, traffic volume, and types of primary and secondary vehicles as the most influential features. The proposed methodology not only achieves high predictive accuracy but also provides stakeholders with vital insights into factors contributing to incident durations. These insights enable more informed decision-making for traffic management and response strategies. The code is available by the link:


new From Biased Selective Labels to Pseudo-Labels: An Expectation-Maximization Framework for Learning from Biased Decisions

Authors: Trenton Chang, Jenna Wiens

Abstract: Selective labels occur when label observations are subject to a decision-making process; e.g., diagnoses that depend on the administration of laboratory tests. We study a clinically-inspired selective label problem called disparate censorship, where labeling biases vary across subgroups and unlabeled individuals are imputed as "negative" (i.e., no diagnostic test = no illness). Machine learning models naively trained on such labels could amplify labeling bias. Inspired by causal models of selective labels, we propose Disparate Censorship Expectation-Maximization (DCEM), an algorithm for learning in the presence of disparate censorship. We theoretically analyze how DCEM mitigates the effects of disparate censorship on model performance. We validate DCEM on synthetic data, showing that it improves bias mitigation (area between ROC curves) without sacrificing discriminative performance (AUC) compared to baselines. We achieve similar results in a sepsis classification task using clinical data.

new Time Matters: Scaling Laws for Any Budget

Authors: Itay Inbar, Luke Sernau

Abstract: A primary cost driver for training large models is wall-clock training time. We show that popular time estimates based on FLOPs are poor estimates, and construct a more accurate proxy based on memory copies. We show that with some simple accounting, we can estimate the training speed of a transformer model from its hyperparameters. Combined with a scaling law curve like Chinchilla, this lets us estimate the final loss of the model. We fit our estimate to real data with a linear regression, and apply the result to rewrite Chinchilla in terms of a model's estimated training time as opposed to the amount of training data. This gives an expression for the loss in terms of the model's hyperparameters alone. We show that this expression is accurate across a wide range of model hyperparameter values, enabling us to analytically make architectural decisions and train models more efficiently.

new Fine-tuned network relies on generic representation to solve unseen cognitive task

Authors: Dongyan Lin

Abstract: Fine-tuning pretrained language models has shown promising results on a wide range of tasks, but when encountering a novel task, do they rely more on generic pretrained representation, or develop brand new task-specific solutions? Here, we fine-tuned GPT-2 on a context-dependent decision-making task, novel to the model but adapted from neuroscience literature. We compared its performance and internal mechanisms to a version of GPT-2 trained from scratch on the same task. Our results show that fine-tuned models depend heavily on pretrained representations, particularly in later layers, while models trained from scratch develop different, more task-specific mechanisms. These findings highlight the advantages and limitations of pretraining for task generalization and underscore the need for further investigation into the mechanisms underpinning task-specific fine-tuning in LLMs.

new Semi-adaptive Synergetic Two-way Pseudoinverse Learning System

Authors: Binghong Liu, Ziqi Zhao, Shupan Li, Ke Wang

Abstract: Deep learning has become a crucial technology for making breakthroughs in many fields. Nevertheless, it still faces two important challenges in theoretical and applied aspects. The first lies in the shortcomings of gradient descent based learning schemes which are time-consuming and difficult to determine the learning control hyperparameters. Next, the architectural design of the model is usually tricky. In this paper, we propose a semi-adaptive synergetic two-way pseudoinverse learning system, wherein each subsystem encompasses forward learning, backward learning, and feature concatenation modules. The whole system is trained using a non-gradient descent learning algorithm. It simplifies the hyperparameter tuning while improving the training efficiency. The architecture of the subsystems is designed using a data-driven approach that enables automated determination of the depth of the subsystems. We compare our method with the baselines of mainstream non-gradient descent based methods and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. The source code for this paper is available at}{


new Federated Graph Semantic and Structural Learning

Authors: Wenke Huang, Guancheng Wan, Mang Ye, Bo Du

Abstract: Federated graph learning collaboratively learns a global graph neural network with distributed graphs, where the non-independent and identically distributed property is one of the major challenges. Most relative arts focus on traditional distributed tasks like images and voices, incapable of graph structures. This paper firstly reveals that local client distortion is brought by both node-level semantics and graph-level structure. First, for node-level semantics, we find that contrasting nodes from distinct classes is beneficial to provide a well-performing discrimination. We pull the local node towards the global node of the same class and push it away from the global node of different classes. Second, we postulate that a well-structural graph neural network possesses similarity for neighbors due to the inherent adjacency relationships. However, aligning each node with adjacent nodes hinders discrimination due to the potential class inconsistency. We transform the adjacency relationships into the similarity distribution and leverage the global model to distill the relation knowledge into the local model, which preserves the structural information and discriminability of the local model. Empirical results on three graph datasets manifest the superiority of the proposed method over its counterparts.

new Alignment For Performance Improvement in Conversation Bots

Authors: Raghav Garg, Kapil Sharma, Shrey Singla

Abstract: This paper shows that alignment methods can achieve superior adherence to guardrails compared to instruction fine-tuning alone in conversational agents, also known as bots, within predefined guidelines or 'guardrails'. It examines traditional training approaches such as instruction fine-tuning and the recent advancements in direct alignment methods like Identity Preference Optimization (IPO), and Kahneman-Tversky Optimization (KTO). The effectiveness of alignment techniques both pre and post-instruction tuning is highlighted, illustrating their potential to optimize conversational bots in domains that require strict adherence to specified rules, such as customer care.

new A Fast Learning-Based Surrogate of Electrical Machines using a Reduced Basis

Authors: Alejandro Rib\'es, Nawfal Benchekroun, Th\'eo Delagnes

Abstract: A surrogate model approximates the outputs of a solver of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) with a low computational cost. In this article, we propose a method to build learning-based surrogates in the context of parameterized PDEs, which are PDEs that depend on a set of parameters but are also temporal and spatial processes. Our contribution is a method hybridizing the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and several Support Vector Regression machines. This method is conceived to work in real-time, thus aimed for being used in the context of digital twins, where a user can perform an interactive analysis of results based on the proposed surrogate. We present promising results on two use cases concerning electrical machines. These use cases are not toy examples but are produced an industrial computational code, they use meshes representing non-trivial geometries and contain non-linearities.

new FedMLP: Federated Multi-Label Medical Image Classification under Task Heterogeneity

Authors: Zhaobin Sun (School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Nannan Wu (School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Junjie Shi (School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Li Yu (School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Xin Yang (School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Kwang-Ting Cheng (School of Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Zengqiang Yan (School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Abstract: Cross-silo federated learning (FL) enables decentralized organizations to collaboratively train models while preserving data privacy and has made significant progress in medical image classification. One common assumption is task homogeneity where each client has access to all classes during training. However, in clinical practice, given a multi-label classification task, constrained by the level of medical knowledge and the prevalence of diseases, each institution may diagnose only partial categories, resulting in task heterogeneity. How to pursue effective multi-label medical image classification under task heterogeneity is under-explored. In this paper, we first formulate such a realistic label missing setting in the multi-label FL domain and propose a two-stage method FedMLP to combat class missing from two aspects: pseudo label tagging and global knowledge learning. The former utilizes a warmed-up model to generate class prototypes and select samples with high confidence to supplement missing labels, while the latter uses a global model as a teacher for consistency regularization to prevent forgetting missing class knowledge. Experiments on two publicly-available medical datasets validate the superiority of FedMLP against the state-of-the-art both federated semi-supervised and noisy label learning approaches under task heterogeneity. Code is available at


new Lithium-Ion Battery System Health Monitoring and Fault Analysis from Field Data Using Gaussian Processes

Authors: Joachim Schaeffer, Eric Lenz, Duncan Gulla, Martin Z. Bazant, Richard D. Braatz, Rolf Findeisen

Abstract: Health monitoring, fault analysis, and detection are critical for the safe and sustainable operation of battery systems. We apply Gaussian process resistance models on lithium iron phosphate battery field data to effectively separate the time-dependent and operating point-dependent resistance. The data set contains 29 battery systems returned to the manufacturer for warranty, each with eight cells in series, totaling 232 cells and 131 million data rows. We develop probabilistic fault detection rules using recursive spatiotemporal Gaussian processes. These processes allow the quick processing of over a million data points, enabling advanced online monitoring and furthering the understanding of battery pack failure in the field. The analysis underlines that often, only a single cell shows abnormal behavior or a knee point, consistent with weakest-link failure for cells connected in series, amplified by local resistive heating. The results further the understanding of how batteries degrade and fail in the field and demonstrate the potential of efficient online monitoring based on data. We open-source the code and publish the large data set upon completion of the review of this article.

new On Convex Optimization with Semi-Sensitive Features

Authors: Badih Ghazi, Pritish Kamath, Ravi Kumar, Pasin Manurangsi, Raghu Meka, Chiyuan Zhang

Abstract: We study the differentially private (DP) empirical risk minimization (ERM) problem under the semi-sensitive DP setting where only some features are sensitive. This generalizes the Label DP setting where only the label is sensitive. We give improved upper and lower bounds on the excess risk for DP-ERM. In particular, we show that the error only scales polylogarithmically in terms of the sensitive domain size, improving upon previous results that scale polynomially in the sensitive domain size (Ghazi et al., 2021).

new Accuracy on the wrong line: On the pitfalls of noisy data for out-of-distribution generalisation

Authors: Amartya Sanyal, Yaxi Hu, Yaodong Yu, Yian Ma, Yixin Wang, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: "Accuracy-on-the-line" is a widely observed phenomenon in machine learning, where a model's accuracy on in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) data is positively correlated across different hyperparameters and data configurations. But when does this useful relationship break down? In this work, we explore its robustness. The key observation is that noisy data and the presence of nuisance features can be sufficient to shatter the Accuracy-on-the-line phenomenon. In these cases, ID and OOD accuracy can become negatively correlated, leading to "Accuracy-on-the-wrong-line". This phenomenon can also occur in the presence of spurious (shortcut) features, which tend to overshadow the more complex signal (core, non-spurious) features, resulting in a large nuisance feature space. Moreover, scaling to larger datasets does not mitigate this undesirable behavior and may even exacerbate it. We formally prove a lower bound on Out-of-distribution (OOD) error in a linear classification model, characterizing the conditions on the noise and nuisance features for a large OOD error. We finally demonstrate this phenomenon across both synthetic and real datasets with noisy data and nuisance features.

new FedMap: Iterative Magnitude-Based Pruning for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning

Authors: Alexander Herzog, Robbie Southam, Ioannis Mavromatis, Aftab Khan

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning approach that enables training on decentralized data while preserving privacy. However, FL systems often involve resource-constrained client devices with limited computational power, memory, storage, and bandwidth. This paper introduces FedMap, a novel method that aims to enhance the communication efficiency of FL deployments by collaboratively learning an increasingly sparse global model through iterative, unstructured pruning. Importantly, FedMap trains a global model from scratch, unlike other methods reported in the literature, making it ideal for privacy-critical use cases such as in the medical and finance domains, where suitable pre-training data is often limited. FedMap adapts iterative magnitude-based pruning to the FL setting, ensuring all clients prune and refine the same subset of the global model parameters, therefore gradually reducing the global model size and communication overhead. The iterative nature of FedMap, forming subsequent models as subsets of predecessors, avoids parameter reactivation issues seen in prior work, resulting in stable performance. In this paper we provide an extensive evaluation of FedMap across diverse settings, datasets, model architectures, and hyperparameters, assessing performance in both IID and non-IID environments. Comparative analysis against the baseline approach demonstrates FedMap's ability to achieve more stable client model performance. For IID scenarios, FedMap achieves over $90$\% pruning without significant performance degradation. In non-IID settings, it achieves at least $~80$\% pruning while maintaining accuracy. FedMap offers a promising solution to alleviate communication bottlenecks in FL systems while retaining model accuracy.

new A look under the hood of the Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise (No-IDLE)

Authors: Daniel Sonntag, Michael Barz, Thiago Gouv\^ea

Abstract: This DFKI technical report presents the anatomy of the No-IDLE prototype system (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) that provides not only basic and fundamental research in interactive machine learning, but also reveals deeper insights into users' behaviours, needs, and goals. Machine learning and deep learning should become accessible to millions of end users. No-IDLE's goals and scienfific challenges centre around the desire to increase the reach of interactive deep learning solutions for non-experts in machine learning. One of the key innovations described in this technical report is a methodology for interactive machine learning combined with multimodal interaction which will become central when we start interacting with semi-intelligent machines in the upcoming area of neural networks and large language models.

new Dancing in the Shadows: Harnessing Ambiguity for Fairer Classifiers

Authors: Ainhize Barrainkua, Paula Gordaliza, Jose A. Lozano, Novi Quadrianto

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach to bolster algorithmic fairness in scenarios where sensitive information is only partially known. In particular, we propose to leverage instances with uncertain identity with regards to the sensitive attribute to train a conventional machine learning classifier. The enhanced fairness observed in the final predictions of this classifier highlights the promising potential of prioritizing ambiguity (i.e., non-normativity) as a means to improve fairness guarantees in real-world classification tasks.

new Adaptive Stochastic Weight Averaging

Authors: Caglar Demir, Arnab Sharma, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo

Abstract: Ensemble models often improve generalization performances in challenging tasks. Yet, traditional techniques based on prediction averaging incur three well-known disadvantages: the computational overhead of training multiple models, increased latency, and memory requirements at test time. To address these issues, the Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA) technique maintains a running average of model parameters from a specific epoch onward. Despite its potential benefits, maintaining a running average of parameters can hinder generalization, as an underlying running model begins to overfit. Conversely, an inadequately chosen starting point can render SWA more susceptible to underfitting compared to an underlying running model. In this work, we propose Adaptive Stochastic Weight Averaging (ASWA) technique that updates a running average of model parameters, only when generalization performance is improved on the validation dataset. Hence, ASWA can be seen as a combination of SWA with the early stopping technique, where the former accepts all updates on a parameter ensemble model and the latter rejects any update on an underlying running model. We conducted extensive experiments ranging from image classification to multi-hop reasoning over knowledge graphs. Our experiments over 11 benchmark datasets with 7 baseline models suggest that ASWA leads to a statistically better generalization across models and datasets

new A Teacher Is Worth A Million Instructions

Authors: Nikhil Kothari, Ravindra Nayak, Shreyas Shetty, Amey Patil, Nikesh Garera

Abstract: Large Language Models(LLMs) have shown exceptional abilities, yet training these models can be quite challenging. There is a strong dependence on the quality of data and finding the best instruction tuning set. Further, the inherent limitations in training methods create substantial difficulties to train relatively smaller models with 7B and 13B parameters. In our research, we suggest an improved training method for these models by utilising knowledge from larger models, such as a mixture of experts (8x7B) architectures. The scale of these larger models allows them to capture a wide range of variations from data alone, making them effective teachers for smaller models. Moreover, we implement a novel post-training domain alignment phase that employs domain-specific expert models to boost domain-specific knowledge during training while preserving the model's ability to generalise. Fine-tuning Mistral 7B and 2x7B with our method surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art language models with more than 7B and 13B parameters: achieving up to $7.9$ in MT-Bench and $93.04\%$ on AlpacaEval.

new Towards Learning Abductive Reasoning using VSA Distributed Representations

Authors: Giacomo Camposampiero, Michael Hersche, Aleksandar Terzi\'c, Roger Wattenhofer, Abu Sebastian, Abbas Rahimi

Abstract: We introduce the Abductive Rule Learner with Context-awareness (ARLC), a model that solves abstract reasoning tasks based on Learn-VRF. ARLC features a novel and more broadly applicable training objective for abductive reasoning, resulting in better interpretability and higher accuracy when solving Raven's progressive matrices (RPM). ARLC allows both programming domain knowledge and learning the rules underlying a data distribution. We evaluate ARLC on the I-RAVEN dataset, showcasing state-of-the-art accuracy across both in-distribution and out-of-distribution (unseen attribute-rule pairs) tests. ARLC surpasses neuro-symbolic and connectionist baselines, including large language models, despite having orders of magnitude fewer parameters. We show ARLC's robustness to post-programming training by incrementally learning from examples on top of programmed knowledge, which only improves its performance and does not result in catastrophic forgetting of the programmed solution. We validate ARLC's seamless transfer learning from a 2x2 RPM constellation to unseen constellations. Our code is available at


new YZS-model: A Predictive Model for Organic Drug Solubility Based on Graph Convolutional Networks and Transformer-Attention

Authors: Chenxu Wang, Haowei Ming, Jian He, Yao Lu

Abstract: The accurate prediction of drug molecule solubility is essential for determining their therapeutic effectiveness and safety, influencing the drug's ADME processes. Traditional solubility prediction techniques often fail to capture the complex nature of molecular tructures, leading to notable deviations between predictions and actual results. For example, the Discussion on Advanced Drug-Like Compound Structures. Lusci highlighted issues in capturing crucial cyclic structural information in molecules with ring structures. To overcome this issue, our research introduces a novel deep learning framework combining attention-based transformers, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN), aimed at enhancing the precision of solubility predictions. Utilizing a training set of 9,943 compounds and testing on an anticancer compound dataset, our method achieved a correlation coefficient ($R^2$) of 0.55 and a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.59, which outperforms the benchmark models' scores of 0.52 ($R^2$) and 0.61 (RMSE). Importantly, in an additional independent test, our model significantly outperformed the baseline with an RMSE of 1.05 compared to 1.28, a relative accuracy improvement of 45.9%. This research not only demonstrates the vast potential of deep learning for improving solubility prediction accuracy but also offers novel insights for drug design and selection in the future. Continued efforts will be directed towards optimizing the model architecture and extending its application to better support the drug development process, underscoring the pivotal role of deep learning in drug discovery.

new Resolving Discrepancies in Compute-Optimal Scaling of Language Models

Authors: Tomer Porian, Mitchell Wortsman, Jenia Jitsev, Ludwig Schmidt, Yair Carmon

Abstract: Kaplan et al. and Hoffmann et al. developed influential scaling laws for the optimal model size as a function of the compute budget, but these laws yield substantially different predictions. We explain the discrepancy by reproducing the Kaplan scaling law on two datasets (OpenWebText2 and RefinedWeb) and identifying three factors causing the difference: last layer computational cost, warmup duration, and scale-dependent optimizer tuning. With these factors corrected, we obtain excellent agreement with the Hoffmann et al. (i.e., "Chinchilla") scaling law. Counter to a hypothesis of Hoffmann et al., we find that careful learning rate decay is not essential for the validity of their scaling law. As a secondary result, we derive scaling laws for the optimal learning rate and batch size, finding that tuning the AdamW $\beta_2$ parameter is essential at lower batch sizes.

new Advancing operational PM2.5 forecasting with dual deep neural networks (D-DNet)

Authors: Shengjuan Cai, Fangxin Fang, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Mihai Alexe, Ionel Michael Navon, Yanghua Wang

Abstract: PM2.5 forecasting is crucial for public health, air quality management, and policy development. Traditional physics-based models are computationally demanding and slow to adapt to real-time conditions. Deep learning models show potential in efficiency but still suffer from accuracy loss over time due to error accumulation. To address these challenges, we propose a dual deep neural network (D-DNet) prediction and data assimilation system that efficiently integrates real-time observations, ensuring reliable operational forecasting. D-DNet excels in global operational forecasting for PM2.5 and AOD550, maintaining consistent accuracy throughout the entire year of 2019. It demonstrates notably higher efficiency than the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) 4D-Var operational forecasting system while maintaining comparable accuracy. This efficiency benefits ensemble forecasting, uncertainty analysis, and large-scale tasks.

new Heterogeneous Causal Metapath Graph Neural Network for Gene-Microbe-Disease Association Prediction

Authors: Kexin Zhang, Feng Huang, Luotao Liu, Zhankun Xiong, Hongyu Zhang, Yuan Quan, Wen Zhang

Abstract: The recent focus on microbes in human medicine highlights their potential role in the genetic framework of diseases. To decode the complex interactions among genes, microbes, and diseases, computational predictions of gene-microbe-disease (GMD) associations are crucial. Existing methods primarily address gene-disease and microbe-disease associations, but the more intricate triple-wise GMD associations remain less explored. In this paper, we propose a Heterogeneous Causal Metapath Graph Neural Network (HCMGNN) to predict GMD associations. HCMGNN constructs a heterogeneous graph linking genes, microbes, and diseases through their pairwise associations, and utilizes six predefined causal metapaths to extract directed causal subgraphs, which facilitate the multi-view analysis of causal relations among three entity types. Within each subgraph, we employ a causal semantic sharing message passing network for node representation learning, coupled with an attentive fusion method to integrate these representations for predicting GMD associations. Our extensive experiments show that HCMGNN effectively predicts GMD associations and addresses association sparsity issue by enhancing the graph's semantics and structure.

new Towards Reducing Data Acquisition and Labeling for Defect Detection using Simulated Data

Authors: Lukas Malte Kemeter, Rasmus Hvingelby, Paulina Sierak, Tobias Sch\"on, Bishwajit Gosswam

Abstract: In many manufacturing settings, annotating data for machine learning and computer vision is costly, but synthetic data can be generated at significantly lower cost. Substituting the real-world data with synthetic data is therefore appealing for many machine learning applications that require large amounts of training data. However, relying solely on synthetic data is frequently inadequate for effectively training models that perform well on real-world data, primarily due to domain shifts between the synthetic and real-world data. We discuss approaches for dealing with such a domain shift when detecting defects in X-ray scans of aluminium wheels. Using both simulated and real-world X-ray images, we train an object detection model with different strategies to identify the training approach that generates the best detection results while minimising the demand for annotated real-world training samples. Our preliminary findings suggest that the sim-2-real domain adaptation approach is more cost-efficient than a fully supervised oracle - if the total number of available annotated samples is fixed. Given a certain number of labeled real-world samples, training on a mix of synthetic and unlabeled real-world data achieved comparable or even better detection results at significantly lower cost. We argue that future research into the cost-efficiency of different training strategies is important for a better understanding of how to allocate budget in applied machine learning projects.

new Contrastive Policy Gradient: Aligning LLMs on sequence-level scores in a supervised-friendly fashion

Authors: Yannis Flet-Berliac, Nathan Grinsztajn, Florian Strub, Eugene Choi, Chris Cremer, Arash Ahmadian, Yash Chandak, Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar, Olivier Pietquin, Matthieu Geist

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been used to finetune Large Language Models (LLMs) using a reward model trained from preference data, to better align with human judgment. The recently introduced direct alignment methods, which are often simpler, more stable, and computationally lighter, can more directly achieve this. However, these approaches cannot optimize arbitrary rewards, and the preference-based ones are not the only rewards of interest for LLMs (eg., unit tests for code generation or textual entailment for summarization, among others). RL-finetuning is usually done with a variation of policy gradient, which calls for on-policy or near-on-policy samples, requiring costly generations. We introduce Contrastive Policy Gradient, or CoPG, a simple and mathematically principled new RL algorithm that can estimate the optimal policy even from off-policy data. It can be seen as an off-policy policy gradient approach that does not rely on important sampling techniques and highlights the importance of using (the right) state baseline. We show this approach to generalize the direct alignment method IPO (identity preference optimization) and classic policy gradient. We experiment with the proposed CoPG on a toy bandit problem to illustrate its properties, as well as for finetuning LLMs on a summarization task, using a learned reward function considered as ground truth for the purpose of the experiments.

new Averaging log-likelihoods in direct alignment

Authors: Nathan Grinsztajn, Yannis Flet-Berliac, Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar, Florian Strub, Bill Wu, Eugene Choi, Chris Cremer, Arash Ahmadian, Yash Chandak, Olivier Pietquin, Matthieu Geist

Abstract: To better align Large Language Models (LLMs) with human judgment, Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) learns a reward model and then optimizes it using regularized RL. Recently, direct alignment methods were introduced to learn such a fine-tuned model directly from a preference dataset without computing a proxy reward function. These methods are built upon contrastive losses involving the log-likelihood of (dis)preferred completions according to the trained model. However, completions have various lengths, and the log-likelihood is not length-invariant. On the other side, the cross-entropy loss used in supervised training is length-invariant, as batches are typically averaged token-wise. To reconcile these approaches, we introduce a principled approach for making direct alignment length-invariant. Formally, we introduce a new averaging operator, to be composed with the optimality operator giving the best policy for the underlying RL problem. It translates into averaging the log-likelihood within the loss. We empirically study the effect of such averaging, observing a trade-off between the length of generations and their scores.

new BISeizuRe: BERT-Inspired Seizure Data Representation to Improve Epilepsy Monitoring

Authors: Luca Benfenati, Thorir Mar Ingolfsson, Andrea Cossettini, Daniele Jahier Pagliari, Alessio Burrello, Luca Benini

Abstract: This study presents a novel approach for EEG-based seizure detection leveraging a BERT-based model. The model, BENDR, undergoes a two-phase training process. Initially, it is pre-trained on the extensive Temple University Hospital EEG Corpus (TUEG), a 1.5 TB dataset comprising over 10,000 subjects, to extract common EEG data patterns. Subsequently, the model is fine-tuned on the CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Database, consisting of 664 EEG recordings from 24 pediatric patients, of which 198 contain seizure events. Key contributions include optimizing fine-tuning on the CHB-MIT dataset, where the impact of model architecture, pre-processing, and post-processing techniques are thoroughly examined to enhance sensitivity and reduce false positives per hour (FP/h). We also explored custom training strategies to ascertain the most effective setup. The model undergoes a novel second pre-training phase before subject-specific fine-tuning, enhancing its generalization capabilities. The optimized model demonstrates substantial performance enhancements, achieving as low as 0.23 FP/h, 2.5$\times$ lower than the baseline model, with a lower but still acceptable sensitivity rate, showcasing the effectiveness of applying a BERT-based approach on EEG-based seizure detection.

new Estimating Long-term Heterogeneous Dose-response Curve: Generalization Bound Leveraging Optimal Transport Weights

Authors: Zeqin Yang, Weilin Chen, Ruichu Cai, Yuguang Yan, Zhifeng Hao, Zhipeng Yu, Zhichao Zou, Zhen Peng, Jiecheng Guo

Abstract: Long-term causal effect estimation is a significant but challenging problem in many applications. Existing methods rely on ideal assumptions to estimate long-term average effects, e.g., no unobserved confounders or a binary treatment,while in numerous real-world applications, these assumptions could be violated and average effects are unable to provide individual-level suggestions.In this paper,we address a more general problem of estimating the long-term heterogeneous dose-response curve (HDRC) while accounting for unobserved confounders. Specifically, to remove unobserved confounding in observational data, we introduce an optimal transport weighting framework to align the observational data to the experimental data with theoretical guarantees. Furthermore,to accurately predict the heterogeneous effects of continuous treatment, we establish a generalization bound on counterfactual prediction error by leveraging the reweighted distribution induced by optimal transport. Finally, we develop an HDRC estimator building upon the above theoretical foundations. Extensive experimental studies conducted on multiple synthetic and semi-synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

new Improving the Expressiveness of $K$-hop Message-Passing GNNs by Injecting Contextualized Substructure Information

Authors: Tianjun Yao, Yiongxu Wang, Kun Zhang, Shangsong Liang

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have become the \textit{de facto} standard for representational learning in graphs, and have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many graph-related tasks; however, it has been shown that the expressive power of standard GNNs are equivalent maximally to 1-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman (1-WL) Test. Recently, there is a line of works aiming to enhance the expressive power of graph neural networks. One line of such works aim at developing $K$-hop message-passing GNNs where node representation is updated by aggregating information from not only direct neighbors but all neighbors within $K$-hop of the node. Another line of works leverages subgraph information to enhance the expressive power which is proven to be strictly more powerful than 1-WL test. In this work, we discuss the limitation of $K$-hop message-passing GNNs and propose \textit{substructure encoding function} to uplift the expressive power of any $K$-hop message-passing GNN. We further inject contextualized substructure information to enhance the expressiveness of $K$-hop message-passing GNNs. Our method is provably more powerful than previous works on $K$-hop graph neural networks and 1-WL subgraph GNNs, which is a specific type of subgraph based GNN models, and not less powerful than 3-WL. Empirically, our proposed method set new state-of-the-art performance or achieves comparable performance for a variety of datasets. Our code is available at \url{}.


new NTFormer: A Composite Node Tokenized Graph Transformer for Node Classification

Authors: Jinsong Chen, Siyu Jiang, Kun He

Abstract: Recently, the emerging graph Transformers have made significant advancements for node classification on graphs. In most graph Transformers, a crucial step involves transforming the input graph into token sequences as the model input, enabling Transformer to effectively learn the node representations. However, we observe that existing methods only express partial graph information of nodes through single-type token generation. Consequently, they require tailored strategies to encode additional graph-specific features into the Transformer to ensure the quality of node representation learning, limiting the model flexibility to handle diverse graphs. To this end, we propose a new graph Transformer called NTFormer to address this issue. NTFormer introduces a novel token generator called Node2Par, which constructs various token sequences using different token elements for each node. This flexibility allows Node2Par to generate valuable token sequences from different perspectives, ensuring comprehensive expression of rich graph features. Benefiting from the merits of Node2Par, NTFormer only leverages a Transformer-based backbone without graph-specific modifications to learn node representations, eliminating the need for graph-specific modifications. Extensive experiments conducted on various benchmark datasets containing homophily and heterophily graphs with different scales demonstrate the superiority of NTFormer over representative graph Transformers and graph neural networks for node classification.

new Advection Augmented Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Niloufar Zakariaei, Siddharth Rout, Eldad Haber, Moshe Eliasof

Abstract: Many problems in physical sciences are characterized by the prediction of space-time sequences. Such problems range from weather prediction to the analysis of disease propagation and video prediction. Modern techniques for the solution of these problems typically combine Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) architecture with a time prediction mechanism. However, oftentimes, such approaches underperform in the long-range propagation of information and lack explainability. In this work, we introduce a physically inspired architecture for the solution of such problems. Namely, we propose to augment CNNs with advection by designing a novel semi-Lagrangian push operator. We show that the proposed operator allows for the non-local transformation of information compared with standard convolutional kernels. We then complement it with Reaction and Diffusion neural components to form a network that mimics the Reaction-Advection-Diffusion equation, in high dimensions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our network on a number of spatio-temporal datasets that show their merit.

new Leveraging Contrastive Learning for Enhanced Node Representations in Tokenized Graph Transformers

Authors: Jinsong Chen, Hanpeng Liu, John E. Hopcroft, Kun He

Abstract: While tokenized graph Transformers have demonstrated strong performance in node classification tasks, their reliance on a limited subset of nodes with high similarity scores for constructing token sequences overlooks valuable information from other nodes, hindering their ability to fully harness graph information for learning optimal node representations. To address this limitation, we propose a novel graph Transformer called GCFormer. Unlike previous approaches, GCFormer develops a hybrid token generator to create two types of token sequences, positive and negative, to capture diverse graph information. And a tailored Transformer-based backbone is adopted to learn meaningful node representations from these generated token sequences. Additionally, GCFormer introduces contrastive learning to extract valuable information from both positive and negative token sequences, enhancing the quality of learned node representations. Extensive experimental results across various datasets, including homophily and heterophily graphs, demonstrate the superiority of GCFormer in node classification, when compared to representative graph neural networks (GNNs) and graph Transformers.

new Stochastic Concept Bottleneck Models

Authors: Moritz Vandenhirtz, Sonia Laguna, Ri\v{c}ards Marcinkevi\v{c}s, Julia E. Vogt

Abstract: Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) have emerged as a promising interpretable method whose final prediction is based on intermediate, human-understandable concepts rather than the raw input. Through time-consuming manual interventions, a user can correct wrongly predicted concept values to enhance the model's downstream performance. We propose Stochastic Concept Bottleneck Models (SCBMs), a novel approach that models concept dependencies. In SCBMs, a single-concept intervention affects all correlated concepts, thereby improving intervention effectiveness. Unlike previous approaches that model the concept relations via an autoregressive structure, we introduce an explicit, distributional parameterization that allows SCBMs to retain the CBMs' efficient training and inference procedure. Additionally, we leverage the parameterization to derive an effective intervention strategy based on the confidence region. We show empirically on synthetic tabular and natural image datasets that our approach improves intervention effectiveness significantly. Notably, we showcase the versatility and usability of SCBMs by examining a setting with CLIP-inferred concepts, alleviating the need for manual concept annotations.

new From Artificial Needles to Real Haystacks: Improving Retrieval Capabilities in LLMs by Finetuning on Synthetic Data

Authors: Zheyang Xiong, Vasilis Papageorgiou, Kangwook Lee, Dimitris Papailiopoulos

Abstract: Recent studies have shown that Large Language Models (LLMs) struggle to accurately retrieve information and maintain reasoning capabilities when processing long-context inputs. To address these limitations, we propose a finetuning approach utilizing a carefully designed synthetic dataset comprising numerical key-value retrieval tasks. Our experiments on models like GPT-3.5 Turbo and Mistral 7B demonstrate that finetuning LLMs on this dataset significantly improves LLMs' information retrieval and reasoning capabilities in longer-context settings. We present an analysis of the finetuned models, illustrating the transfer of skills from synthetic to real task evaluations (e.g., $10.5\%$ improvement on $20$ documents MDQA at position $10$ for GPT-3.5 Turbo). We also find that finetuned LLMs' performance on general benchmarks remains almost constant while LLMs finetuned on other baseline long-context augmentation data can encourage hallucination (e.g., on TriviaQA, Mistral 7B finetuned on our synthetic data cause no performance drop while other baseline data can cause a drop that ranges from $2.33\%$ to $6.19\%$). Our study highlights the potential of finetuning on synthetic data for improving the performance of LLMs on longer-context tasks.

new scTree: Discovering Cellular Hierarchies in the Presence of Batch Effects in scRNA-seq Data

Authors: Moritz Vandenhirtz, Florian Barkmann, Laura Manduchi, Julia E. Vogt, Valentina Boeva

Abstract: We propose a novel method, scTree, for single-cell Tree Variational Autoencoders, extending a hierarchical clustering approach to single-cell RNA sequencing data. scTree corrects for batch effects while simultaneously learning a tree-structured data representation. This VAE-based method allows for a more in-depth understanding of complex cellular landscapes independently of the biasing effects of batches. We show empirically on seven datasets that scTree discovers the underlying clusters of the data and the hierarchical relations between them, as well as outperforms established baseline methods across these datasets. Additionally, we analyze the learned hierarchy to understand its biological relevance, thus underpinning the importance of integrating batch correction directly into the clustering procedure.

new MCNC: Manifold Constrained Network Compression

Authors: Chayne Thrash, Ali Abbasi, Parsa Nooralinejad, Soroush Abbasi Koohpayegani, Reed Andreas, Hamed Pirsiavash, Soheil Kolouri

Abstract: The outstanding performance of large foundational models across diverse tasks-from computer vision to speech and natural language processing-has significantly increased their demand. However, storing and transmitting these models pose significant challenges due to their massive size (e.g., 350GB for GPT-3). Recent literature has focused on compressing the original weights or reducing the number of parameters required for fine-tuning these models. These compression methods typically involve constraining the parameter space, for example, through low-rank reparametrization (e.g., LoRA) or quantization (e.g., QLoRA) during model training. In this paper, we present MCNC as a novel model compression method that constrains the parameter space to low-dimensional pre-defined and frozen nonlinear manifolds, which effectively cover this space. Given the prevalence of good solutions in over-parameterized deep neural networks, we show that by constraining the parameter space to our proposed manifold, we can identify high-quality solutions while achieving unprecedented compression rates across a wide variety of tasks. Through extensive experiments in computer vision and natural language processing tasks, we demonstrate that our method, MCNC, significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in terms of compression, accuracy, and/or model reconstruction time.

new Jump Starting Bandits with LLM-Generated Prior Knowledge

Authors: Parand A. Alamdari, Yanshuai Cao, Kevin H. Wilson

Abstract: We present substantial evidence demonstrating the benefits of integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) with a Contextual Multi-Armed Bandit framework. Contextual bandits have been widely used in recommendation systems to generate personalized suggestions based on user-specific contexts. We show that LLMs, pre-trained on extensive corpora rich in human knowledge and preferences, can simulate human behaviours well enough to jump-start contextual multi-armed bandits to reduce online learning regret. We propose an initialization algorithm for contextual bandits by prompting LLMs to produce a pre-training dataset of approximate human preferences for the bandit. This significantly reduces online learning regret and data-gathering costs for training such models. Our approach is validated empirically through two sets of experiments with different bandit setups: one which utilizes LLMs to serve as an oracle and a real-world experiment utilizing data from a conjoint survey experiment.

new Efficient World Models with Context-Aware Tokenization

Authors: Vincent Micheli, Eloi Alonso, Fran\c{c}ois Fleuret

Abstract: Scaling up deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods presents a significant challenge. Following developments in generative modelling, model-based RL positions itself as a strong contender. Recent advances in sequence modelling have led to effective transformer-based world models, albeit at the price of heavy computations due to the long sequences of tokens required to accurately simulate environments. In this work, we propose $\Delta$-IRIS, a new agent with a world model architecture composed of a discrete autoencoder that encodes stochastic deltas between time steps and an autoregressive transformer that predicts future deltas by summarizing the current state of the world with continuous tokens. In the Crafter benchmark, $\Delta$-IRIS sets a new state of the art at multiple frame budgets, while being an order of magnitude faster to train than previous attention-based approaches. We release our code and models at


new Emergence of Hidden Capabilities: Exploring Learning Dynamics in Concept Space

Authors: Core Francisco Park, Maya Okawa, Andrew Lee, Ekdeep Singh Lubana, Hidenori Tanaka

Abstract: Modern generative models demonstrate impressive capabilities, likely stemming from an ability to identify and manipulate abstract concepts underlying their training data. However, fundamental questions remain: what determines the concepts a model learns, the order in which it learns them, and its ability to manipulate those concepts? To address these questions, we propose analyzing a model's learning dynamics via a framework we call the concept space, where each axis represents an independent concept underlying the data generating process. By characterizing learning dynamics in this space, we identify how the speed at which a concept is learned, and hence the order of concept learning, is controlled by properties of the data we term concept signal. Further, we observe moments of sudden turns in the direction of a model's learning dynamics in concept space. Surprisingly, these points precisely correspond to the emergence of hidden capabilities, i.e., where latent interventions show the model possesses the capability to manipulate a concept, but these capabilities cannot yet be elicited via naive input prompting. While our results focus on synthetically defined toy datasets, we hypothesize a general claim on emergence of hidden capabilities may hold: generative models possess latent capabilities that emerge suddenly and consistently during training, though a model might not exhibit these capabilities under naive input prompting.

new TabReD: A Benchmark of Tabular Machine Learning in-the-Wild

Authors: Ivan Rubachev, Nikolay Kartashev, Yury Gorishniy, Artem Babenko

Abstract: Benchmarks that closely reflect downstream application scenarios are essential for the streamlined adoption of new research in tabular machine learning (ML). In this work, we examine existing tabular benchmarks and find two common characteristics of industry-grade tabular data that are underrepresented in the datasets available to the academic community. First, tabular data often changes over time in real-world deployment scenarios. This impacts model performance and requires time-based train and test splits for correct model evaluation. Yet, existing academic tabular datasets often lack timestamp metadata to enable such evaluation. Second, a considerable portion of datasets in production settings stem from extensive data acquisition and feature engineering pipelines. For each specific dataset, this can have a different impact on the absolute and relative number of predictive, uninformative, and correlated features, which in turn can affect model selection. To fill the aforementioned gaps in academic benchmarks, we introduce TabReD -- a collection of eight industry-grade tabular datasets covering a wide range of domains from finance to food delivery services. We assess a large number of tabular ML models in the feature-rich, temporally-evolving data setting facilitated by TabReD. We demonstrate that evaluation on time-based data splits leads to different methods ranking, compared to evaluation on random splits more common in academic benchmarks. Furthermore, on the TabReD datasets, MLP-like architectures and GBDT show the best results, while more sophisticated DL models are yet to prove their effectiveness.

new The Remarkable Robustness of LLMs: Stages of Inference?

Authors: Vedang Lad, Wes Gurnee, Max Tegmark

Abstract: We demonstrate and investigate the remarkable robustness of Large Language Models by deleting and swapping adjacent layers. We find that deleting and swapping interventions retain 72-95\% of the original model's prediction accuracy without fine-tuning, whereas models with more layers exhibit more robustness. Based on the results of the layer-wise intervention and further experiments, we hypothesize the existence of four universal stages of inference across eight different models: detokenization, feature engineering, prediction ensembling, and residual sharpening. The first stage integrates local information, lifting raw token representations into higher-level contextual representations. Next is the iterative refinement of task and entity-specific features. Then, the second half of the model begins with a phase transition, where hidden representations align more with the vocabulary space due to specialized model components. Finally, the last layer sharpens the following token distribution by eliminating obsolete features that add noise to the prediction.

cross Visual Analysis of Prediction Uncertainty in Neural Networks for Deep Image Synthesis

Authors: Soumya Dutta, Faheem Nizar, Ahmad Amaan, Ayan Acharya

Abstract: Ubiquitous applications of Deep neural networks (DNNs) in different artificial intelligence systems have led to their adoption in solving challenging visualization problems in recent years. While sophisticated DNNs offer an impressive generalization, it is imperative to comprehend the quality, confidence, robustness, and uncertainty associated with their prediction. A thorough understanding of these quantities produces actionable insights that help application scientists make informed decisions. Unfortunately, the intrinsic design principles of the DNNs cannot beget prediction uncertainty, necessitating separate formulations for robust uncertainty-aware models for diverse visualization applications. To that end, this contribution demonstrates how the prediction uncertainty and sensitivity of DNNs can be estimated efficiently using various methods and then interactively compared and contrasted for deep image synthesis tasks. Our inspection suggests that uncertainty-aware deep visualization models generate illustrations of informative and superior quality and diversity. Furthermore, prediction uncertainty improves the robustness and interpretability of deep visualization models, making them practical and convenient for various scientific domains that thrive on visual analyses.

cross Planted: a dataset for planted forest identification from multi-satellite time series

Authors: Luis Miguel Pazos-Out\'on, Cristina Nader Vasconcelos, Anton Raichuk, Anurag Arnab, Dan Morris, Maxim Neumann

Abstract: Protecting and restoring forest ecosystems is critical for biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration. Forest monitoring on a global scale is essential for prioritizing and assessing conservation efforts. Satellite-based remote sensing is the only viable solution for providing global coverage, but to date, large-scale forest monitoring is limited to single modalities and single time points. In this paper, we present a dataset consisting of data from five public satellites for recognizing forest plantations and planted tree species across the globe. Each satellite modality consists of a multi-year time series. The dataset, named \PlantD, includes over 2M examples of 64 tree label classes (46 genera and 40 species), distributed among 41 countries. This dataset is released to foster research in forest monitoring using multimodal, multi-scale, multi-temporal data sources. Additionally, we present initial baseline results and evaluate modality fusion and data augmentation approaches for this dataset.

cross Renal digital pathology visual knowledge search platform based on language large model and book knowledge

Authors: Xiaomin Lv, Chong Lai, Liya Ding, Maode Lai, Qingrong Sun

Abstract: Large models have become mainstream, yet their applications in digital pathology still require exploration. Meanwhile renal pathology images play an important role in the diagnosis of renal diseases. We conducted image segmentation and paired corresponding text descriptions based on 60 books for renal pathology, clustering analysis for all image and text description features based on large models, ultimately building a retrieval system based on the semantic features of large models. Based above analysis, we established a knowledge base of 10,317 renal pathology images and paired corresponding text descriptions, and then we evaluated the semantic feature capabilities of 4 large models, including GPT2, gemma, LLma and Qwen, and the image-based feature capabilities of dinov2 large model. Furthermore, we built a semantic retrieval system to retrieve pathological images based on text descriptions, and named RppD (

cross Revision Matters: Generative Design Guided by Revision Edits

Authors: Tao Li, Chin-Yi Cheng, Amber Xie, Gang Li, Yang Li

Abstract: Layout design, such as user interface or graphical layout in general, is fundamentally an iterative revision process. Through revising a design repeatedly, the designer converges on an ideal layout. In this paper, we investigate how revision edits from human designer can benefit a multimodal generative model. To do so, we curate an expert dataset that traces how human designers iteratively edit and improve a layout generation with a prompted language goal. Based on such data, we explore various supervised fine-tuning task setups on top of a Gemini multimodal backbone, a large multimodal model. Our results show that human revision plays a critical role in iterative layout refinement. While being noisy, expert revision edits lead our model to a surprisingly strong design FID score ~10 which is close to human performance (~6). In contrast, self-revisions that fully rely on model's own judgement, lead to an echo chamber that prevents iterative improvement, and sometimes leads to generative degradation. Fortunately, we found that providing human guidance plays at early stage plays a critical role in final generation. In such human-in-the-loop scenario, our work paves the way for iterative design revision based on pre-trained large multimodal models.

cross A Multi-resolution Low-rank Tensor Decomposition

Authors: Sergio Rozada, Antonio G. Marques

Abstract: The (efficient and parsimonious) decomposition of higher-order tensors is a fundamental problem with numerous applications in a variety of fields. Several methods have been proposed in the literature to that end, with the Tucker and PARAFAC decompositions being the most prominent ones. Inspired by the latter, in this work we propose a multi-resolution low-rank tensor decomposition to describe (approximate) a tensor in a hierarchical fashion. The central idea of the decomposition is to recast the tensor into \emph{multiple} lower-dimensional tensors to exploit the structure at different levels of resolution. The method is first explained, an alternating least squares algorithm is discussed, and preliminary simulations illustrating the potential practical relevance are provided.

cross SelMatch: Effectively Scaling Up Dataset Distillation via Selection-Based Initialization and Partial Updates by Trajectory Matching

Authors: Yongmin Lee, Hye Won Chung

Abstract: Dataset distillation aims to synthesize a small number of images per class (IPC) from a large dataset to approximate full dataset training with minimal performance loss. While effective in very small IPC ranges, many distillation methods become less effective, even underperforming random sample selection, as IPC increases. Our examination of state-of-the-art trajectory-matching based distillation methods across various IPC scales reveals that these methods struggle to incorporate the complex, rare features of harder samples into the synthetic dataset even with the increased IPC, resulting in a persistent coverage gap between easy and hard test samples. Motivated by such observations, we introduce SelMatch, a novel distillation method that effectively scales with IPC. SelMatch uses selection-based initialization and partial updates through trajectory matching to manage the synthetic dataset's desired difficulty level tailored to IPC scales. When tested on CIFAR-10/100 and TinyImageNet, SelMatch consistently outperforms leading selection-only and distillation-only methods across subset ratios from 5% to 30%.

cross Views Can Be Deceiving: Improved SSL Through Feature Space Augmentation

Authors: Kimia Hamidieh, Haoran Zhang, Swami Sankaranarayanan, Marzyeh Ghassemi

Abstract: Supervised learning methods have been found to exhibit inductive biases favoring simpler features. When such features are spuriously correlated with the label, this can result in suboptimal performance on minority subgroups. Despite the growing popularity of methods which learn from unlabeled data, the extent to which these representations rely on spurious features for prediction is unclear. In this work, we explore the impact of spurious features on Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) for visual representation learning. We first empirically show that commonly used augmentations in SSL can cause undesired invariances in the image space, and illustrate this with a simple example. We further show that classical approaches in combating spurious correlations, such as dataset re-sampling during SSL, do not consistently lead to invariant representations. Motivated by these findings, we propose LateTVG to remove spurious information from these representations during pre-training, by regularizing later layers of the encoder via pruning. We find that our method produces representations which outperform the baselines on several benchmarks, without the need for group or label information during SSL.

cross Interdisciplinary Expertise to Advance Equitable Explainable AI

Authors: Chloe R. Bennett, Heather Cole-Lewis, Stephanie Farquhar, Naama Haamel, Boris Babenko, Oran Lang, Mat Fleck, Ilana Traynis, Charles Lau, Ivor Horn, Courtney Lyles

Abstract: The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly influencing health and healthcare, but bias and poor performance persists for populations who face widespread structural oppression. Previous work has clearly outlined the need for more rigorous attention to data representativeness and model performance to advance equity and reduce bias. However, there is an opportunity to also improve the explainability of AI by leveraging best practices of social epidemiology and health equity to help us develop hypotheses for associations found. In this paper, we focus on explainable AI (XAI) and describe a framework for interdisciplinary expert panel review to discuss and critically assess AI model explanations from multiple perspectives and identify areas of bias and directions for future research. We emphasize the importance of the interdisciplinary expert panel to produce more accurate, equitable interpretations which are historically and contextually informed. Interdisciplinary panel discussions can help reduce bias, identify potential confounders, and identify opportunities for additional research where there are gaps in the literature. In turn, these insights can suggest opportunities for AI model improvement.

cross Memorized Images in Diffusion Models share a Subspace that can be Located and Deleted

Authors: Ruchika Chavhan, Ondrej Bohdal, Yongshuo Zong, Da Li, Timothy Hospedales

Abstract: Large-scale text-to-image diffusion models excel in generating high-quality images from textual inputs, yet concerns arise as research indicates their tendency to memorize and replicate training data, raising We also addressed the issue of memorization in diffusion models, where models tend to replicate exact training samples raising copyright infringement and privacy issues. Efforts within the text-to-image community to address memorization explore causes such as data duplication, replicated captions, or trigger tokens, proposing per-prompt inference-time or training-time mitigation strategies. In this paper, we focus on the feed-forward layers and begin by contrasting neuron activations of a set of memorized and non-memorized prompts. Experiments reveal a surprising finding: many different sets of memorized prompts significantly activate a common subspace in the model, demonstrating, for the first time, that memorization in the diffusion models lies in a special subspace. Subsequently, we introduce a novel post-hoc method for editing pre-trained models, whereby memorization is mitigated through the straightforward pruning of weights in specialized subspaces, avoiding the need to disrupt the training or inference process as seen in prior research. Finally, we demonstrate the robustness of the pruned model against training data extraction attacks, thereby unveiling new avenues for a practical and one-for-all solution to memorization.

cross A Diagnostic Model for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Using Metaheuristics and Deep Learning Methods

Authors: M. Hosseinzadeh, P. Khoshaght, S. Sadeghi, P. Asghari, Z. Arabi, J. Lansky, P. Budinsky, A. Masoud Rahmani, S. W. Lee

Abstract: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) severity is determined by the presence and ratios of blast cells (abnormal white blood cells) in both bone marrow and peripheral blood. Manual diagnosis of this disease is a tedious and time-consuming operation, making it difficult for professionals to accurately examine blast cell characteristics. To address this difficulty, researchers use deep learning and machine learning. In this paper, a ResNet-based feature extractor is utilized to detect ALL, along with a variety of feature selectors and classifiers. To get the best results, a variety of transfer learning models, including the Resnet, VGG, EfficientNet, and DensNet families, are used as deep feature extractors. Following extraction, different feature selectors are used, including Genetic algorithm, PCA, ANOVA, Random Forest, Univariate, Mutual information, Lasso, XGB, Variance, and Binary ant colony. After feature qualification, a variety of classifiers are used, with MLP outperforming the others. The recommended technique is used to categorize ALL and HEM in the selected dataset which is C-NMC 2019. This technique got an impressive 90.71% accuracy and 95.76% sensitivity for the relevant classifications, and its metrics on this dataset outperformed others.

cross GeoReasoner: Geo-localization with Reasoning in Street Views using a Large Vision-Language Model

Authors: Ling Li, Yu Ye, Bingchuan Jiang, Wei Zeng

Abstract: This work tackles the problem of geo-localization with a new paradigm using a large vision-language model (LVLM) augmented with human inference knowledge. A primary challenge here is the scarcity of data for training the LVLM - existing street-view datasets often contain numerous low-quality images lacking visual clues, and lack any reasoning inference. To address the data-quality issue, we devise a CLIP-based network to quantify the degree of street-view images being locatable, leading to the creation of a new dataset comprising highly locatable street views. To enhance reasoning inference, we integrate external knowledge obtained from real geo-localization games, tapping into valuable human inference capabilities. The data are utilized to train GeoReasoner, which undergoes fine-tuning through dedicated reasoning and location-tuning stages. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations illustrate that GeoReasoner outperforms counterpart LVLMs by more than 25% at country-level and 38% at city-level geo-localization tasks, and surpasses StreetCLIP performance while requiring fewer training resources. The data and code are available at


cross Unsupervised Few-Shot Continual Learning for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification

Authors: Muhammad Anwar Ma'sum, Mahardhika Pratama, Ramasamy Savitha, Lin Liu, Habibullah, Ryszard Kowalczyk

Abstract: A continual learning (CL) model is desired for remote sensing image analysis because of varying camera parameters, spectral ranges, resolutions, etc. There exist some recent initiatives to develop CL techniques in this domain but they still depend on massive labelled samples which do not fully fit remote sensing applications because ground truths are often obtained via field-based surveys. This paper addresses this problem with a proposal of unsupervised flat-wide learning approach (UNISA) for unsupervised few-shot continual learning approaches of remote sensing image scene classifications which do not depend on any labelled samples for its model updates. UNISA is developed from the idea of prototype scattering and positive sampling for learning representations while the catastrophic forgetting problem is tackled with the flat-wide learning approach combined with a ball generator to address the data scarcity problem. Our numerical study with remote sensing image scene datasets and a hyperspectral dataset confirms the advantages of our solution. Source codes of UNISA are shared publicly in \url{} to allow convenient future studies and reproductions of our numerical results.


cross Research on Driver Facial Fatigue Detection Based on Yolov8 Model

Authors: Chang Zhou, Yang Zhao, Shaobo Liu, Yi Zhao, Xingchen Li, Chiyu Cheng

Abstract: In a society where traffic accidents frequently occur, fatigue driving has emerged as a grave issue. Fatigue driving detection technology, especially those based on the YOLOv8 deep learning model, has seen extensive research and application as an effective preventive measure. This paper discusses in depth the methods and technologies utilized in the YOLOv8 model to detect driver fatigue, elaborates on the current research status both domestically and internationally, and systematically introduces the processing methods and algorithm principles for various datasets. This study aims to provide a robust technical solution for preventing and detecting fatigue driving, thereby contributing significantly to reducing traffic accidents and safeguarding lives.

cross Shedding Light on Large Generative Networks: Estimating Epistemic Uncertainty in Diffusion Models

Authors: Lucas Berry, Axel Brando, David Meger

Abstract: Generative diffusion models, notable for their large parameter count (exceeding 100 million) and operation within high-dimensional image spaces, pose significant challenges for traditional uncertainty estimation methods due to computational demands. In this work, we introduce an innovative framework, Diffusion Ensembles for Capturing Uncertainty (DECU), designed for estimating epistemic uncertainty for diffusion models. The DECU framework introduces a novel method that efficiently trains ensembles of conditional diffusion models by incorporating a static set of pre-trained parameters, drastically reducing the computational burden and the number of parameters that require training. Additionally, DECU employs Pairwise-Distance Estimators (PaiDEs) to accurately measure epistemic uncertainty by evaluating the mutual information between model outputs and weights in high-dimensional spaces. The effectiveness of this framework is demonstrated through experiments on the ImageNet dataset, highlighting its capability to capture epistemic uncertainty, specifically in under-sampled image classes.

cross Lumina-Next: Making Lumina-T2X Stronger and Faster with Next-DiT

Authors: Le Zhuo, Ruoyi Du, Han Xiao, Yangguang Li, Dongyang Liu, Rongjie Huang, Wenze Liu, Lirui Zhao, Fu-Yun Wang, Zhanyu Ma, Xu Luo, Zehan Wang, Kaipeng Zhang, Xiangyang Zhu, Si Liu, Xiangyu Yue, Dingning Liu, Wanli Ouyang, Ziwei Liu, Yu Qiao, Hongsheng Li, Peng Gao

Abstract: Lumina-T2X is a nascent family of Flow-based Large Diffusion Transformers that establishes a unified framework for transforming noise into various modalities, such as images and videos, conditioned on text instructions. Despite its promising capabilities, Lumina-T2X still encounters challenges including training instability, slow inference, and extrapolation artifacts. In this paper, we present Lumina-Next, an improved version of Lumina-T2X, showcasing stronger generation performance with increased training and inference efficiency. We begin with a comprehensive analysis of the Flag-DiT architecture and identify several suboptimal components, which we address by introducing the Next-DiT architecture with 3D RoPE and sandwich normalizations. To enable better resolution extrapolation, we thoroughly compare different context extrapolation methods applied to text-to-image generation with 3D RoPE, and propose Frequency- and Time-Aware Scaled RoPE tailored for diffusion transformers. Additionally, we introduced a sigmoid time discretization schedule to reduce sampling steps in solving the Flow ODE and the Context Drop method to merge redundant visual tokens for faster network evaluation, effectively boosting the overall sampling speed. Thanks to these improvements, Lumina-Next not only improves the quality and efficiency of basic text-to-image generation but also demonstrates superior resolution extrapolation capabilities and multilingual generation using decoder-based LLMs as the text encoder, all in a zero-shot manner. To further validate Lumina-Next as a versatile generative framework, we instantiate it on diverse tasks including visual recognition, multi-view, audio, music, and point cloud generation, showcasing strong performance across these domains. By releasing all codes and model weights, we aim to advance the development of next-generation generative AI capable of universal modeling.

cross Varying Manifolds in Diffusion: From Time-varying Geometries to Visual Saliency

Authors: Junhao Chen, Manyi Li, Zherong Pan, Xifeng Gao, Changhe Tu

Abstract: Deep generative models learn the data distribution, which is concentrated on a low-dimensional manifold. The geometric analysis of distribution transformation provides a better understanding of data structure and enables a variety of applications. In this paper, we study the geometric properties of the diffusion model, whose forward diffusion process and reverse generation process construct a series of distributions on manifolds which vary over time. Our key contribution is the introduction of generation rate, which corresponds to the local deformation of manifold over time around an image component. We show that the generation rate is highly correlated with intuitive visual properties, such as visual saliency, of the image component. Further, we propose an efficient and differentiable scheme to estimate the generation rate for a given image component over time, giving rise to a generation curve. The differentiable nature of our scheme allows us to control the shape of the generation curve via optimization. Using different loss functions, our generation curve matching algorithm provides a unified framework for a range of image manipulation tasks, including semantic transfer, object removal, saliency manipulation, image blending, etc. We conduct comprehensive analytical evaluations to support our findings and evaluate our framework on various manipulation tasks. The results show that our method consistently leads to better manipulation results, compared to recent baselines.

cross Text-Guided Alternative Image Clustering

Authors: Andreas Stephan, Lukas Miklautz, Collin Leiber, Pedro Henrique Luz de Araujo, Dominik R\'ep\'as, Claudia Plant, Benjamin Roth

Abstract: Traditional image clustering techniques only find a single grouping within visual data. In particular, they do not provide a possibility to explicitly define multiple types of clustering. This work explores the potential of large vision-language models to facilitate alternative image clustering. We propose Text-Guided Alternative Image Consensus Clustering (TGAICC), a novel approach that leverages user-specified interests via prompts to guide the discovery of diverse clusterings. To achieve this, it generates a clustering for each prompt, groups them using hierarchical clustering, and then aggregates them using consensus clustering. TGAICC outperforms image- and text-based baselines on four alternative image clustering benchmark datasets. Furthermore, using count-based word statistics, we are able to obtain text-based explanations of the alternative clusterings. In conclusion, our research illustrates how contemporary large vision-language models can transform explanatory data analysis, enabling the generation of insightful, customizable, and diverse image clusterings.

cross Composition Vision-Language Understanding via Segment and Depth Anything Model

Authors: Mingxiao Huo, Pengliang Ji, Haotian Lin, Junchen Liu, Yixiao Wang, Yijun Chen

Abstract: We introduce a pioneering unified library that leverages depth anything, segment anything models to augment neural comprehension in language-vision model zero-shot understanding. This library synergizes the capabilities of the Depth Anything Model (DAM), Segment Anything Model (SAM), and GPT-4V, enhancing multimodal tasks such as vision-question-answering (VQA) and composition reasoning. Through the fusion of segmentation and depth analysis at the symbolic instance level, our library provides nuanced inputs for language models, significantly advancing image interpretation. Validated across a spectrum of in-the-wild real-world images, our findings showcase progress in vision-language models through neural-symbolic integration. This novel approach melds visual and language analysis in an unprecedented manner. Overall, our library opens new directions for future research aimed at decoding the complexities of the real world through advanced multimodal technologies and our code is available at \url{}.


cross Realtime Dynamic Gaze Target Tracking and Depth-Level Estimation

Authors: Esmaeil Seraj, Harsh Bhate, Walter Talamonti

Abstract: The integration of Transparent Displays (TD) in various applications, such as Heads-Up Displays (HUDs) in vehicles, is a burgeoning field, poised to revolutionize user experiences. However, this innovation brings forth significant challenges in realtime human-device interaction, particularly in accurately identifying and tracking a user's gaze on dynamically changing TDs. In this paper, we present a two-fold robust and efficient systematic solution for realtime gaze monitoring, comprised of: (1) a tree-based algorithm for identifying and dynamically tracking gaze targets (i.e., moving, size-changing, and overlapping 2D content) projected on a transparent display, in realtime; (2) a multi-stream self-attention architecture to estimate the depth-level of human gaze from eye tracking data, to account for the display's transparency and preventing undesired interactions with the TD. We collected a real-world eye-tracking dataset to train and test our gaze monitoring system. We present extensive results and ablation studies, including inference experiments on System on Chip (SoC) evaluation boards, demonstrating our model's scalability, precision, and realtime feasibility in both static and dynamic contexts. Our solution marks a significant stride in enhancing next-generation user-device interaction and experience, setting a new benchmark for algorithmic gaze monitoring technology in dynamic transparent displays.

cross Multi-level Phenotypic Models of Cardiovascular Disease and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Comorbidities: A Longitudinal Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study

Authors: Duy Nguyen, Ca Hoang, Phat K. Huynh, Tien Truong, Dang Nguyen, Abhay Sharma, Trung Q. Le

Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are notably prevalent among patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), posing unique challenges in predicting CVD progression due to the intricate interactions of comorbidities. Traditional models typically lack the necessary dynamic and longitudinal scope to accurately forecast CVD trajectories in OSA patients. This study introduces a novel multi-level phenotypic model to analyze the progression and interplay of these conditions over time, utilizing data from the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort, which includes 1,123 participants followed for decades. Our methodology comprises three advanced steps: (1) Conducting feature importance analysis through tree-based models to underscore critical predictive variables like total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and diabetes. (2) Developing a logistic mixed-effects model (LGMM) to track longitudinal transitions and pinpoint significant factors, which displayed a diagnostic accuracy of 0.9556. (3) Implementing t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) alongside Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) to segment patient data into distinct phenotypic clusters that reflect varied risk profiles and disease progression pathways. This phenotypic clustering revealed two main groups, with one showing a markedly increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs), underscored by the significant predictive role of nocturnal hypoxia and sympathetic nervous system activity from sleep data. Analysis of transitions and trajectories with t-SNE and GMM highlighted different progression rates within the cohort, with one cluster progressing more slowly towards severe CVD states than the other. This study offers a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic relationship between CVD and OSA, providing valuable tools for predicting disease onset and tailoring treatment approaches.

cross Confidence interval estimation of mixed oil length with conditional diffusion model

Authors: Yanfeng Yang, Lihong Zhang, Ziqi Chen, Miaomiao Yu, Lei Chen

Abstract: Accurately estimating the mixed oil length plays a big role in the economic benefit for oil pipeline network. While various proposed methods have tried to predict the mixed oil length, they often exhibit an extremely high probability (around 50\%) of underestimating it. This is attributed to their failure to consider the statistical variability inherent in the estimated length of mixed oil. To address such issues, we propose to use the conditional diffusion model to learn the distribution of the mixed oil length given pipeline features. Subsequently, we design a confidence interval estimation for the length of the mixed oil based on the pseudo-samples generated by the learned diffusion model. To our knowledge, we are the first to present an estimation scheme for confidence interval of the oil-mixing length that considers statistical variability, thereby reducing the possibility of underestimating it. When employing the upper bound of the interval as a reference for excluding the mixed oil, the probability of underestimation can be as minimal as 5\%, a substantial reduction compared to 50\%. Furthermore, utilizing the mean of the generated pseudo samples as the estimator for the mixed oil length enhances prediction accuracy by at least 10\% compared to commonly used methods.

cross Optimal spanning tree reconstruction in symbolic regression

Authors: Radoslav G. Neychev, Innokentiy A. Shibaev, Vadim V. Strijov

Abstract: This paper investigates the problem of regression model generation. A model is a superposition of primitive functions. The model structure is described by a weighted colored graph. Each graph vertex corresponds to some primitive function. An edge assigns a superposition of two functions. The weight of an edge equals the probability of superposition. To generate an optimal model one has to reconstruct its structure from its graph adjacency matrix. The proposed algorithm reconstructs the~minimum spanning tree from the~weighted colored graph. This paper presents a novel solution based on the prize-collecting Steiner tree algorithm. This algorithm is compared with its alternatives.

cross Inducing Riesz and orthonormal bases in $L^2$ via composition operators

Authors: Yahya Saleh, Armin Iske

Abstract: We investigate perturbations of orthonormal bases of $L^2$ via a composition operator $C_h$ induced by a mapping $h$. We provide a comprehensive characterization of the mapping $h$ required for the perturbed sequence to form an orthonormal or Riesz basis. Restricting our analysis to differentiable mappings, we reveal that all Riesz bases of the given form are induced by bi-Lipschitz mappings. In addition, we discuss implications of these results for approximation theory, highlighting the potential of using bijective neural networks to construct complete sequences with favorable approximation properties.

cross Unbiased least squares regression via averaged stochastic gradient descent

Authors: Nabil Kahal\'e

Abstract: We consider an on-line least squares regression problem with optimal solution $\theta^*$ and Hessian matrix H, and study a time-average stochastic gradient descent estimator of $\theta^*$. For $k\ge2$, we provide an unbiased estimator of $\theta^*$ that is a modification of the time-average estimator, runs with an expected number of time-steps of order k, with O(1/k) expected excess risk. The constant behind the O notation depends on parameters of the regression and is a poly-logarithmic function of the smallest eigenvalue of H. We provide both a biased and unbiased estimator of the expected excess risk of the time-average estimator and of its unbiased counterpart, without requiring knowledge of either H or $\theta^*$. We describe an "average-start" version of our estimators with similar properties. Our approach is based on randomized multilevel Monte Carlo. Our numerical experiments confirm our theoretical findings.

cross Robust Low-Cost Drone Detection and Classification in Low SNR Environments

Authors: Stefan Gl\"uge, Matthias Nyfeler, Ahmad Aghaebrahimian, Nicola Ramagnano, Christof Sch\"upbach

Abstract: The proliferation of drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has raised significant safety concerns due to their potential misuse in activities such as espionage, smuggling, and infrastructure disruption. This paper addresses the critical need for effective drone detection and classification systems that operate independently of UAV cooperation. We evaluate various convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for their ability to detect and classify drones using spectrogram data derived from consecutive Fourier transforms of signal components. The focus is on model robustness in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environments, which is critical for real-world applications. A comprehensive dataset is provided to support future model development. In addition, we demonstrate a low-cost drone detection system using a standard computer, software-defined radio (SDR) and antenna, validated through real-world field testing. On our development dataset, all models consistently achieved an average balanced classification accuracy of >= 85% at SNR > -12dB. In the field test, these models achieved an average balance accuracy of > 80%, depending on transmitter distance and antenna direction. Our contributions include: a publicly available dataset for model development, a comparative analysis of CNN for drone detection under low SNR conditions, and the deployment and field evaluation of a practical, low-cost detection system.

cross AssertionBench: A Benchmark to Evaluate Large-Language Models for Assertion Generation

Authors: Vaishnavi Pulavarthi, Deeksha Nandal, Soham Dan, Debjit Pal

Abstract: Assertions have been the de facto collateral for simulation-based and formal verification of hardware designs for over a decade. The quality of hardware verification, \ie, detection and diagnosis of corner-case design bugs, is critically dependent on the quality of the assertions. There has been a considerable amount of research leveraging a blend of data-driven statistical analysis and static analysis to generate high-quality assertions from hardware design source code and design execution trace data. Despite such concerted effort, all prior research struggles to scale to industrial-scale large designs, generates too many low-quality assertions, often fails to capture subtle and non-trivial design functionality, and does not produce any easy-to-comprehend explanations of the generated assertions to understand assertions' suitability to different downstream validation tasks. Recently, with the advent of Large-Language Models (LLMs), there has been a widespread effort to leverage prompt engineering to generate assertions. However, there is little effort to quantitatively establish the effectiveness and suitability of various LLMs for assertion generation. In this paper, we present AssertionBench, a novel benchmark to evaluate LLMs' effectiveness for assertion generation quantitatively. AssertioBench contains 100 curated Verilog hardware designs from OpenCores and formally verified assertions for each design generated from GoldMine and HARM. We use AssertionBench to compare state-of-the-art LLMs to assess their effectiveness in inferring functionally correct assertions for hardware designs. Our experiments demonstrate how LLMs perform relative to each other, the benefits of using more in-context exemplars in generating a higher fraction of functionally correct assertions, and the significant room for improvement for LLM-based assertion generators.

cross Contraction of Private Quantum Channels and Private Quantum Hypothesis Testing

Authors: Theshani Nuradha, Mark M. Wilde

Abstract: A quantum generalized divergence by definition satisfies the data-processing inequality; as such, the relative decrease in such a divergence under the action of a quantum channel is at most one. This relative decrease is formally known as the contraction coefficient of the channel and the divergence. Interestingly, there exist combinations of channels and divergences for which the contraction coefficient is strictly less than one. Furthermore, understanding the contraction coefficient is fundamental for the study of statistical tasks under privacy constraints. To this end, here we establish upper bounds on contraction coefficients for the hockey-stick divergence under privacy constraints, where privacy is quantified with respect to the quantum local differential privacy (QLDP) framework, and we fully characterize the contraction coefficient for the trace distance under privacy constraints. With the machinery developed, we also determine an upper bound on the contraction of both the Bures distance and quantum relative entropy relative to the normalized trace distance, under QLDP constraints. Next, we apply our findings to establish bounds on the sample complexity of quantum hypothesis testing under privacy constraints. Furthermore, we study various scenarios in which the sample complexity bounds are tight, while providing order-optimal quantum channels that achieve those bounds. Lastly, we show how private quantum channels provide fairness and Holevo information stability in quantum learning settings.

cross Evaluating Copyright Takedown Methods for Language Models

Authors: Boyi Wei, Weijia Shi, Yangsibo Huang, Noah A. Smith, Chiyuan Zhang, Luke Zettlemoyer, Kai Li, Peter Henderson

Abstract: Language models (LMs) derive their capabilities from extensive training on diverse data, including potentially copyrighted material. These models can memorize and generate content similar to their training data, posing potential concerns. Therefore, model creators are motivated to develop mitigation methods that prevent generating protected content. We term this procedure as copyright takedowns for LMs, noting the conceptual similarity to (but legal distinction from) the DMCA takedown This paper introduces the first evaluation of the feasibility and side effects of copyright takedowns for LMs. We propose CoTaEval, an evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness of copyright takedown methods, the impact on the model's ability to retain uncopyrightable factual knowledge from the training data whose recitation is embargoed, and how well the model maintains its general utility and efficiency. We examine several strategies, including adding system prompts, decoding-time filtering interventions, and unlearning approaches. Our findings indicate that no tested method excels across all metrics, showing significant room for research in this unique problem setting and indicating potential unresolved challenges for live policy proposals.

cross A Zero Auxiliary Knowledge Membership Inference Attack on Aggregate Location Data

Authors: Vincent Guan, Florent Gu\'epin, Ana-Maria Cretu, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye

Abstract: Location data is frequently collected from populations and shared in aggregate form to guide policy and decision making. However, the prevalence of aggregated data also raises the privacy concern of membership inference attacks (MIAs). MIAs infer whether an individual's data contributed to the aggregate release. Although effective MIAs have been developed for aggregate location data, these require access to an extensive auxiliary dataset of individual traces over the same locations, which are collected from a similar population. This assumption is often impractical given common privacy practices surrounding location data. To measure the risk of an MIA performed by a realistic adversary, we develop the first Zero Auxiliary Knowledge (ZK) MIA on aggregate location data, which eliminates the need for an auxiliary dataset of real individual traces. Instead, we develop a novel synthetic approach, such that suitable synthetic traces are generated from the released aggregate. We also develop methods to correct for bias and noise, to show that our synthetic-based attack is still applicable when privacy mechanisms are applied prior to release. Using two large-scale location datasets, we demonstrate that our ZK MIA matches the state-of-the-art Knock-Knock (KK) MIA across a wide range of settings, including popular implementations of differential privacy (DP) and suppression of small counts. Furthermore, we show that ZK MIA remains highly effective even when the adversary only knows a small fraction (10%) of their target's location history. This demonstrates that effective MIAs can be performed by realistic adversaries, highlighting the need for strong DP protection.

cross A simple and improved algorithm for noisy, convex, zeroth-order optimisation

Authors: Alexandra Carpentier

Abstract: In this paper, we study the problem of noisy, convex, zeroth order optimisation of a function $f$ over a bounded convex set $\bar{\mathcal X}\subset \mathbb{R}^d$. Given a budget $n$ of noisy queries to the function $f$ that can be allocated sequentially and adaptively, our aim is to construct an algorithm that returns a point $\hat x\in \bar{\mathcal X}$ such that $f(\hat x)$ is as small as possible. We provide a conceptually simple method inspired by the textbook center of gravity method, but adapted to the noisy and zeroth order setting. We prove that this method is such that the $f(\hat x) - \min_{x\in \bar{\mathcal X}} f(x)$ is of smaller order than $d^2/\sqrt{n}$ up to poly-logarithmic terms. We slightly improve upon existing literature, where to the best of our knowledge the best known rate is in [Lattimore, 2024] is of order $d^{2.5}/\sqrt{n}$, albeit for a more challenging problem. Our main contribution is however conceptual, as we believe that our algorithm and its analysis bring novel ideas and are significantly simpler than existing approaches.

cross Understand What LLM Needs: Dual Preference Alignment for Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Guanting Dong, Yutao Zhu, Chenghao Zhang, Zechen Wang, Zhicheng Dou, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has demonstrated effectiveness in mitigating the hallucination problem of large language models (LLMs). However, the difficulty of aligning the retriever with the diverse LLMs' knowledge preferences inevitably poses an inevitable challenge in developing a reliable RAG system. To address this issue, we propose DPA-RAG, a universal framework designed to align diverse knowledge preferences within RAG systems. Specifically, we initially introduce a preference knowledge construction pipline and incorporate five novel query augmentation strategies to alleviate preference data scarcity. Based on preference data, DPA-RAG accomplishes both external and internal preference alignment: 1) It jointly integrate pair-wise, point-wise, and contrastive preference alignment abilities into the reranker, achieving external preference alignment among RAG components. 2) It further introduces a pre-aligned stage before vanilla Supervised Fine-tuning (SFT), enabling LLMs to implicitly capture knowledge aligned with their reasoning preferences, achieving LLMs' internal alignment. Experimental results across four knowledge-intensive QA datasets demonstrate that DPA-RAG outperforms all baselines and seamlessly integrates both black-box and open-sourced LLM readers. Further qualitative analysis and discussions also provide empirical guidance for achieving reliable RAG systems. Our code is publicly available at


cross Speakers Unembedded: Embedding-free Approach to Long-form Neural Diarization

Authors: Xiang Li, Vivek Govindan, Rohit Paturi, Sundararajan Srinivasan

Abstract: End-to-end neural diarization (EEND) models offer significant improvements over traditional embedding-based Speaker Diarization (SD) approaches but falls short on generalizing to long-form audio with large number of speakers. EEND-vector-clustering method mitigates this by combining local EEND with global clustering of speaker embeddings from local windows, but this requires an additional speaker embedding framework alongside the EEND module. In this paper, we propose a novel framework applying EEND both locally and globally for long-form audio without separate speaker embeddings. This approach achieves significant relative DER reduction of 13% and 10% over the conventional 1-pass EEND on Callhome American English and RT03-CTS datasets respectively and marginal improvements over EEND-vector-clustering without the need for additional speaker embeddings. Furthermore, we discuss the computational complexity of our proposed framework and explore strategies for reducing processing times.

cross The Multilingual Alignment Prism: Aligning Global and Local Preferences to Reduce Harm

Authors: Aakanksha, Arash Ahmadian, Beyza Ermis, Seraphina Goldfarb-Tarrant, Julia Kreutzer, Marzieh Fadaee, Sara Hooker

Abstract: A key concern with the concept of "alignment" is the implicit question of "alignment to what?". AI systems are increasingly used across the world, yet safety alignment is often focused on homogeneous monolingual settings. Additionally, preference training and safety measures often overfit to harms common in Western-centric datasets. Here, we explore the viability of different alignment approaches when balancing dual objectives: addressing and optimizing for a non-homogeneous set of languages and cultural preferences while minimizing both global and local harms. We collect the first set of human annotated red-teaming prompts in different languages distinguishing between global and local harm, which serve as a laboratory for understanding the reliability of alignment techniques when faced with preference distributions that are non-stationary across geographies and languages. While this setting is seldom covered by the literature to date, which primarily centers on English harm mitigation, it captures real-world interactions with AI systems around the world. We establish a new precedent for state-of-the-art alignment techniques across 6 languages with minimal degradation in general performance. Our work provides important insights into cross-lingual transfer and novel optimization approaches to safeguard AI systems designed to serve global populations.

cross Petal-X: Human-Centered Visual Explanations to Improve Cardiovascular Risk Communication

Authors: Diego Rojo, Houda Lamqaddam, Lucija Gosak, Katrien Verbert

Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), the leading cause of death worldwide, can be prevented in most cases through behavioral interventions. Therefore, effective communication of CVD risk and projected risk reduction by risk factor modification plays a crucial role in reducing CVD risk at the individual level. However, despite interest in refining risk estimation with improved prediction models such as SCORE2, the guidelines for presenting these risk estimations in clinical practice remained essentially unchanged in the last few years, with graphical score charts (GSCs) continuing to be one of the prevalent systems. This work describes the design and implementation of Petal-X, a novel tool to support clinician-patient shared decision-making by explaining the CVD risk contributions of different factors and facilitating what-if analysis. Petal-X relies on a novel visualization, Petal Product Plots, and a tailor-made global surrogate model of SCORE2, whose fidelity is comparable to that of the GSCs used in clinical practice. We evaluated Petal-X compared to GSCs in a controlled experiment with 88 healthcare students, all but one with experience with chronic patients. The results show that Petal-X outperforms GSC in critical tasks, such as comparing the contribution to the patient's 10-year CVD risk of each modifiable risk factor, without a significant loss of perceived transparency, trust, or intent to use. Our study provides an innovative approach to the visualization and explanation of risk in clinical practice that, due to its model-agnostic nature, could continue to support next-generation artificial intelligence risk assessment models.

cross Data-driven identification of port-Hamiltonian DAE systems by Gaussian processes

Authors: Peter Zaspel, Michael G\"unther

Abstract: Port-Hamiltonian systems (pHS) allow for a structure-preserving modeling of dynamical systems. Coupling pHS via linear relations between input and output defines an overall pHS, which is structure preserving. However, in multiphysics applications, some subsystems do not allow for a physical pHS description, as (a) this is not available or (b) too expensive. Here, data-driven approaches can be used to deliver a pHS for such subsystems, which can then be coupled to the other subsystems in a structure-preserving way. In this work, we derive a data-driven identification approach for port-Hamiltonian differential algebraic equation (DAE) systems. The approach uses input and state space data to estimate nonlinear effort functions of pH-DAEs. As underlying technique, we us (multi-task) Gaussian processes. This work thereby extends over the current state of the art, in which only port-Hamiltonian ordinary differential equation systems could be identified via Gaussian processes. We apply this approach successfully to two applications from network design and constrained multibody system dynamics, based on pH-DAE system of index one and three, respectively.

cross A Stem-Agnostic Single-Decoder System for Music Source Separation Beyond Four Stems

Authors: Karn N. Watcharasupat, Alexander Lerch

Abstract: Despite significant recent progress across multiple subtasks of audio source separation, few music source separation systems support separation beyond the four-stem vocals, drums, bass, and other (VDBO) setup. Of the very few current systems that support source separation beyond this setup, most continue to rely on an inflexible decoder setup that can only support a fixed pre-defined set of stems. Increasing stem support in these inflexible systems correspondingly requires increasing computational complexity, rendering extensions of these systems computationally infeasible for long-tail instruments. In this work, we propose Banquet, a system that allows source separation of multiple stems using just one decoder. A bandsplit source separation model is extended to work in a query-based setup in tandem with a music instrument recognition PaSST model. On the MoisesDB dataset, Banquet, at only 24.9 M trainable parameters, approached the performance level of the significantly more complex 6-stem Hybrid Transformer Demucs on VDBO stems and outperformed it on guitar and piano. The query-based setup allows for the separation of narrow instrument classes such as clean acoustic guitars, and can be successfully applied to the extraction of less common stems such as reeds and organs. Implementation is available at


cross The Impact of Feature Representation on the Accuracy of Photonic Neural Networks

Authors: Mauricio Gomes de Queiroz, Paul Jimenez, Raphael Cardoso, Mateus Vidaletti da Costa, Mohab Abdalla, Ian O'Connor, Alberto Bosio, Fabio Pavanello

Abstract: Photonic Neural Networks (PNNs) are gaining significant interest in the research community due to their potential for high parallelization, low latency, and energy efficiency. PNNs compute using light, which leads to several differences in implementation when compared to electronics, such as the need to represent input features in the photonic domain before feeding them into the network. In this encoding process, it is common to combine multiple features into a single input to reduce the number of inputs and associated devices, leading to smaller and more energy-efficient PNNs. Although this alters the network's handling of input data, its impact on PNNs remains understudied. This paper addresses this open question, investigating the effect of commonly used encoding strategies that combine features on the performance and learning capabilities of PNNs. Here, using the concept of feature importance, we develop a mathematical framework for analyzing feature combination. Through this framework, we demonstrate that encoding multiple features together in a single input determines their relative importance, thus limiting the network's ability to learn from the data. Given some prior knowledge of the data, however, this can also be leveraged for higher accuracy. By selecting an optimal encoding method, we achieve up to a 12.3\% improvement in accuracy of PNNs trained on the Iris dataset compared to other encoding techniques, surpassing the performance of networks where features are not combined. These findings highlight the importance of carefully choosing the encoding to the accuracy and decision-making strategies of PNNs, particularly in size or power constrained applications.

cross Learning to Remove Cuts in Integer Linear Programming

Authors: Pol Puigdemont, Stratis Skoulakis, Grigorios Chrysos, Volkan Cevher

Abstract: Cutting plane methods are a fundamental approach for solving integer linear programs (ILPs). In each iteration of such methods, additional linear constraints (cuts) are introduced to the constraint set with the aim of excluding the previous fractional optimal solution while not affecting the optimal integer solution. In this work, we explore a novel approach within cutting plane methods: instead of only adding new cuts, we also consider the removal of previous cuts introduced at any of the preceding iterations of the method under a learnable parametric criteria. We demonstrate that in fundamental combinatorial optimization settings such cut removal policies can lead to significant improvements over both human-based and machine learning-guided cut addition policies even when implemented with simple models.

cross Psychological Profiling in Cybersecurity: A Look at LLMs and Psycholinguistic Features

Authors: Jean Marie Tshimula, D'Jeff K. Nkashama, Jean Tshibangu Muabila, Ren\'e Manass\'e Galekwa, Hugues Kanda, Maximilien V. Dialufuma, Mbuyi Mukendi Didier, Kalala Kalonji, Serge Mundele, Patience Kinshie Lenye, Tighana Wenge Basele, Aristarque Ilunga, Christian N. Mayemba, Nathana\"el M. Kasoro, Selain K. Kasereka, Hardy Mikese, Pierre-Martin Tardif, Marc Frappier, Froduald Kabanza, Belkacem Chikhaoui, Shengrui Wang, Ali Mulenda Sumbu, Xavier Ndona, Raoul Kienge-Kienge Intudi

Abstract: The increasing sophistication of cyber threats necessitates innovative approaches to cybersecurity. In this paper, we explore the potential of psychological profiling techniques, particularly focusing on the utilization of Large Language Models (LLMs) and psycholinguistic features. We investigate the intersection of psychology and cybersecurity, discussing how LLMs can be employed to analyze textual data for identifying psychological traits of threat actors. We explore the incorporation of psycholinguistic features, such as linguistic patterns and emotional cues, into cybersecurity frameworks. \iffalse Through case studies and experiments, we discuss the effectiveness of these methods in enhancing threat detection and mitigation strategies.\fi Our research underscores the importance of integrating psychological perspectives into cybersecurity practices to bolster defense mechanisms against evolving threats.

cross Density Ratio Estimation via Sampling along Generalized Geodesics on Statistical Manifolds

Authors: Masanari Kimura, Howard Bondell

Abstract: The density ratio of two probability distributions is one of the fundamental tools in mathematical and computational statistics and machine learning, and it has a variety of known applications. Therefore, density ratio estimation from finite samples is a very important task, but it is known to be unstable when the distributions are distant from each other. One approach to address this problem is density ratio estimation using incremental mixtures of the two distributions. We geometrically reinterpret existing methods for density ratio estimation based on incremental mixtures. We show that these methods can be regarded as iterating on the Riemannian manifold along a particular curve between the two probability distributions. Making use of the geometry of the manifold, we propose to consider incremental density ratio estimation along generalized geodesics on this manifold. To achieve such a method requires Monte Carlo sampling along geodesics via transformations of the two distributions. We show how to implement an iterative algorithm to sample along these geodesics and show how changing the distances along the geodesic affect the variance and accuracy of the estimation of the density ratio. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the existing approaches using incremental mixtures that do not take the geometry of the

cross Length Optimization in Conformal Prediction

Authors: Shayan Kiyani, George Pappas, Hamed Hassani

Abstract: Conditional validity and length efficiency are two crucial aspects of conformal prediction (CP). Achieving conditional validity ensures accurate uncertainty quantification for data subpopulations, while proper length efficiency ensures that the prediction sets remain informative and non-trivial. Despite significant efforts to address each of these issues individually, a principled framework that reconciles these two objectives has been missing in the CP literature. In this paper, we develop Conformal Prediction with Length-Optimization (CPL) - a novel framework that constructs prediction sets with (near-) optimal length while ensuring conditional validity under various classes of covariate shifts, including the key cases of marginal and group-conditional coverage. In the infinite sample regime, we provide strong duality results which indicate that CPL achieves conditional validity and length optimality. In the finite sample regime, we show that CPL constructs conditionally valid prediction sets. Our extensive empirical evaluations demonstrate the superior prediction set size performance of CPL compared to state-of-the-art methods across diverse real-world and synthetic datasets in classification, regression, and text-related settings.

cross Universal Checkpointing: Efficient and Flexible Checkpointing for Large Scale Distributed Training

Authors: Xinyu Lian, Sam Ade Jacobs, Lev Kurilenko, Masahiro Tanaka, Stas Bekman, Olatunji Ruwase, Minjia Zhang

Abstract: Existing checkpointing approaches seem ill-suited for distributed training even though hardware limitations make model parallelism, i.e., sharding model state across multiple accelerators, a requirement for model scaling. Consolidating distributed model state into a single checkpoint unacceptably slows down training, and is impractical at extreme scales. Distributed checkpoints, in contrast, are tightly coupled to the model parallelism and hardware configurations of the training run, and thus unusable on different configurations. To address this problem, we propose Universal Checkpointing, a technique that enables efficient checkpoint creation while providing the flexibility of resuming on arbitrary parallelism strategy and hardware configurations. Universal Checkpointing unlocks unprecedented capabilities for large-scale training such as improved resilience to hardware failures through continued training on remaining healthy hardware, and reduced training time through opportunistic exploitation of elastic capacity. The key insight of Universal Checkpointing is the selection of the optimal representation in each phase of the checkpointing life cycle: distributed representation for saving, and consolidated representation for loading. This is achieved using two key mechanisms. First, the universal checkpoint format, which consists of a consolidated representation of each model parameter and metadata for mapping parameter fragments into training ranks of arbitrary model-parallelism configuration. Second, the universal checkpoint language, a simple but powerful specification language for converting distributed checkpoints into the universal checkpoint format. Our evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness and generality of Universal Checkpointing on state-of-the-art model architectures and a wide range of parallelism techniques.

cross Learning Retrieval Augmentation for Personalized Dialogue Generation

Authors: Qiushi Huang, Shuai Fu, Xubo Liu, Wenwu Wang, Tom Ko, Yu Zhang, Lilian Tang

Abstract: Personalized dialogue generation, focusing on generating highly tailored responses by leveraging persona profiles and dialogue context, has gained significant attention in conversational AI applications. However, persona profiles, a prevalent setting in current personalized dialogue datasets, typically composed of merely four to five sentences, may not offer comprehensive descriptions of the persona about the agent, posing a challenge to generate truly personalized dialogues. To handle this problem, we propose $\textbf{L}$earning Retrieval $\textbf{A}$ugmentation for $\textbf{P}$ersonalized $\textbf{D}$ial$\textbf{O}$gue $\textbf{G}$eneration ($\textbf{LAPDOG}$), which studies the potential of leveraging external knowledge for persona dialogue generation. Specifically, the proposed LAPDOG model consists of a story retriever and a dialogue generator. The story retriever uses a given persona profile as queries to retrieve relevant information from the story document, which serves as a supplementary context to augment the persona profile. The dialogue generator utilizes both the dialogue history and the augmented persona profile to generate personalized responses. For optimization, we adopt a joint training framework that collaboratively learns the story retriever and dialogue generator, where the story retriever is optimized towards desired ultimate metrics (e.g., BLEU) to retrieve content for the dialogue generator to generate personalized responses. Experiments conducted on the CONVAI2 dataset with ROCStory as a supplementary data source show that the proposed LAPDOG method substantially outperforms the baselines, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed method. The LAPDOG model code is publicly available for further exploration.


cross LearnedKV: Integrating LSM and Learned Index for Superior Performance on SSD

Authors: Wenlong Wang, David Hung-Chang Du

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce LearnedKV, a novel tiered key-value (KV) store that seamlessly integrates a Log-Structured Merge (LSM) tree with a Learned Index. This integration yields superior read and write performance compared to standalone indexing structures on SSDs. Our design capitalizes on the LSM tree's high write/update throughput and the Learned Index's fast read capabilities, enabling each component to leverage its strengths. We analyze the impact of size on LSM tree performance and demonstrate how the tiered Learned Index significantly mitigates the LSM tree's size-related performance degradation, particularly by reducing the intensive I/O operations resulting from re-insertions after Garbage Collection (GC). To maintain rapid read performance for newly inserted keys, we introduce a non-blocking conversion mechanism that efficiently transforms the existing LSM tree into a new Learned Index with minimal overhead during GC. Our experimental results, conducted across diverse workloads, show that LearnedKV outperforms state-of-the-art solutions by up to 1.32x in read requests and 1.31x in write performance.

cross Statistical Test for Data Analysis Pipeline by Selective Inference

Authors: Tomohiro Shiraishi, Tatsuya Matsukawa, Shuichi Nishino, Ichiro Takeuchi

Abstract: A data analysis pipeline is a structured sequence of processing steps that transforms raw data into meaningful insights by effectively integrating various analysis algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel statistical test designed to assess the statistical significance of data analysis pipelines. Our approach allows for the systematic development of valid statistical tests applicable to any data analysis pipeline configuration composed of a set of data analysis components. We have developed this framework by adapting selective inference, which has gained recent attention as a new statistical inference technique for data-driven hypotheses. The proposed statistical test is theoretically designed to control the type I error at the desired significance level in finite samples. As examples, we consider a class of pipelines composed of three missing value imputation algorithms, three outlier detection algorithms, and three feature selection algorithms. We confirm the validity of our statistical test through experiments with both synthetic and real data for this class of data analysis pipelines. Additionally, we present an implementation framework that facilitates testing across any configuration of data analysis pipelines in this class without extra implementation costs.

cross Learning Pareto Set for Multi-Objective Continuous Robot Control

Authors: Tianye Shu, Ke Shang, Cheng Gong, Yang Nan, Hisao Ishibuchi

Abstract: For a control problem with multiple conflicting objectives, there exists a set of Pareto-optimal policies called the Pareto set instead of a single optimal policy. When a multi-objective control problem is continuous and complex, traditional multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) algorithms search for many Pareto-optimal deep policies to approximate the Pareto set, which is quite resource-consuming. In this paper, we propose a simple and resource-efficient MORL algorithm that learns a continuous representation of the Pareto set in a high-dimensional policy parameter space using a single hypernet. The learned hypernet can directly generate various well-trained policy networks for different user preferences. We compare our method with two state-of-the-art MORL algorithms on seven multi-objective continuous robot control problems. Experimental results show that our method achieves the best overall performance with the least training parameters. An interesting observation is that the Pareto set is well approximated by a curved line or surface in a high-dimensional parameter space. This observation will provide insight for researchers to design new MORL algorithms.

cross Enhanced ASR Robustness to Packet Loss with a Front-End Adaptation Network

Authors: Yehoshua Dissen, Shiry Yonash, Israel Cohen, Joseph Keshet

Abstract: In the realm of automatic speech recognition (ASR), robustness in noisy environments remains a significant challenge. Recent ASR models, such as Whisper, have shown promise, but their efficacy in noisy conditions can be further enhanced. This study is focused on recovering from packet loss to improve the word error rate (WER) of ASR models. We propose using a front-end adaptation network connected to a frozen ASR model. The adaptation network is trained to modify the corrupted input spectrum by minimizing the criteria of the ASR model in addition to an enhancement loss function. Our experiments demonstrate that the adaptation network, trained on Whisper's criteria, notably reduces word error rates across domains and languages in packet-loss scenarios. This improvement is achieved with minimal affect to Whisper model's foundational performance, underscoring our method's practicality and potential in enhancing ASR models in challenging acoustic environments.

cross Evaluating AI Group Fairness: a Fuzzy Logic Perspective

Authors: Emmanouil Krasanakis, Symeon Papadopoulos

Abstract: Artificial intelligence systems often address fairness concerns by evaluating and mitigating measures of group discrimination, for example that indicate biases against certain genders or races. However, what constitutes group fairness depends on who is asked and the social context, whereas definitions are often relaxed to accept small deviations from the statistical constraints they set out to impose. Here we decouple definitions of group fairness both from the context and from relaxation-related uncertainty by expressing them in the axiomatic system of Basic fuzzy Logic (BL) with loosely understood predicates, like encountering group members. We then evaluate the definitions in subclasses of BL, such as Product or Lukasiewicz logics. Evaluation produces continuous instead of binary truth values by choosing the logic subclass and truth values for predicates that reflect uncertain context-specific beliefs, such as stakeholder opinions gathered through questionnaires. Internally, it follows logic-specific rules to compute the truth values of definitions. We show that commonly held propositions standardize the resulting mathematical formulas and we transcribe logic and truth value choices to layperson terms, so that anyone can answer them. We also use our framework to study several literature definitions of algorithmic fairness, for which we rationalize previous expedient practices that are non-probabilistic and show how to re-interpret their formulas and parameters in new contexts.

cross Semi-supervised Concept Bottleneck Models

Authors: Lijie Hu, Tianhao Huang, Huanyi Xie, Chenyang Ren, Zhengyu Hu, Lu Yu, Di Wang

Abstract: Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) have garnered increasing attention due to their ability to provide concept-based explanations for black-box deep learning models while achieving high final prediction accuracy using human-like concepts. However, the training of current CBMs heavily relies on the accuracy and richness of annotated concepts in the dataset. These concept labels are typically provided by experts, which can be costly and require significant resources and effort. Additionally, concept saliency maps frequently misalign with input saliency maps, causing concept predictions to correspond to irrelevant input features - an issue related to annotation alignment. To address these limitations, we propose a new framework called SSCBM (Semi-supervised Concept Bottleneck Model). Our SSCBM is suitable for practical situations where annotated data is scarce. By leveraging joint training on both labeled and unlabeled data and aligning the unlabeled data at the concept level, we effectively solve these issues. We proposed a strategy to generate pseudo labels and an alignment loss. Experiments demonstrate that our SSCBM is both effective and efficient. With only 20% labeled data, we achieved 93.19% (96.39% in a fully supervised setting) concept accuracy and 75.51% (79.82% in a fully supervised setting) prediction accuracy.

cross Zero-shot domain adaptation based on dual-level mix and contrast

Authors: Yu Zhe, Jun Sakuma

Abstract: Zero-shot domain adaptation (ZSDA) is a domain adaptation problem in the situation that labeled samples for a target task (task of interest) are only available from the source domain at training time, but for a task different from the task of interest (irrelevant task), labeled samples are available from both source and target domains. In this situation, classical domain adaptation techniques can only learn domain-invariant features in the irrelevant task. However, due to the difference in sample distribution between the two tasks, domain-invariant features learned in the irrelevant task are biased and not necessarily domain-invariant in the task of interest. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a new ZSDA method to learn domain-invariant features with low task bias. To this end, we propose (1) data augmentation with dual-level mixups in both task and domain to fill the absence of target task-of-interest data, (2) an extension of domain adversarial learning to learn domain-invariant features with less task bias, and (3) a new dual-level contrastive learning method that enhances domain-invariance and less task biasedness of features. Experimental results show that our proposal achieves good performance on several benchmarks.

cross Stochastic Gradient Piecewise Deterministic Monte Carlo Samplers

Authors: Paul Fearnhead, Sebastiano Grazzi, Chris Nemeth, Gareth O. Roberts

Abstract: Recent work has suggested using Monte Carlo methods based on piecewise deterministic Markov processes (PDMPs) to sample from target distributions of interest. PDMPs are non-reversible continuous-time processes endowed with momentum, and hence can mix better than standard reversible MCMC samplers. Furthermore, they can incorporate exact sub-sampling schemes which only require access to a single (randomly selected) data point at each iteration, yet without introducing bias to the algorithm's stationary distribution. However, the range of models for which PDMPs can be used, particularly with sub-sampling, is limited. We propose approximate simulation of PDMPs with sub-sampling for scalable sampling from posterior distributions. The approximation takes the form of an Euler approximation to the true PDMP dynamics, and involves using an estimate of the gradient of the log-posterior based on a data sub-sample. We thus call this class of algorithms stochastic-gradient PDMPs. Importantly, the trajectories of stochastic-gradient PDMPs are continuous and can leverage recent ideas for sampling from measures with continuous and atomic components. We show these methods are easy to implement, present results on their approximation error and demonstrate numerically that this class of algorithms has similar efficiency to, but is more robust than, stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics.

cross Segment Anything Model for automated image data annotation: empirical studies using text prompts from Grounding DINO

Authors: Fuseini Mumuni, Alhassan Mumuni

Abstract: Grounding DINO and the Segment Anything Model (SAM) have achieved impressive performance in zero-shot object detection and image segmentation, respectively. Together, they have a great potential in revolutionizing zero-shot semantic segmentation or data annotation. Yet, in specialized domains like medical image segmentation, objects of interest (e.g., organs, tissues, and tumors) may not fall in existing class names. To address this problem, the referring expression comprehension (REC) ability of Grounding DINO is leveraged to detect arbitrary targets by their language descriptions. However, recent studies have highlighted severe limitation of the REC framework in this application setting owing to its tendency to make false positive predictions when the target is absent in the given image. And, while this bottleneck is central to the prospect of open-set semantic segmentation, it is still largely unknown how much improvement can be achieved by studying the prediction errors. To this end, we perform empirical studies on eight publicly available datasets and reveal that these errors consistently follow a predictable pattern and can, thus, be mitigated by a simple strategy. Specifically, we show that these false positive detections with appreciable confidence scores generally occupy large image areas and can usually be filtered by their relative sizes. More importantly, we expect these observations to inspire future research in improving REC-based detection and automated segmentation. Using this technique, we evaluate the performance of SAM on multiple datasets from various specialized domains and report significant improvement in segmentation performance and annotation time savings over manual approaches.

cross Dimensions underlying the representational alignment of deep neural networks with humans

Authors: Florian P. Mahner, Lukas Muttenthaler, Umut G\"u\c{c}l\"u, Martin N. Hebart

Abstract: Determining the similarities and differences between humans and artificial intelligence is an important goal both in machine learning and cognitive neuroscience. However, similarities in representations only inform us about the degree of alignment, not the factors that determine it. Drawing upon recent developments in cognitive science, we propose a generic framework for yielding comparable representations in humans and deep neural networks (DNN). Applying this framework to humans and a DNN model of natural images revealed a low-dimensional DNN embedding of both visual and semantic dimensions. In contrast to humans, DNNs exhibited a clear dominance of visual over semantic features, indicating divergent strategies for representing images. While in-silico experiments showed seemingly-consistent interpretability of DNN dimensions, a direct comparison between human and DNN representations revealed substantial differences in how they process images. By making representations directly comparable, our results reveal important challenges for representational alignment, offering a means for improving their comparability.

cross CHEW: A Dataset of CHanging Events in Wikipedia

Authors: Hsuvas Borkakoty, Luis Espinosa-Anke

Abstract: We introduce CHEW, a novel dataset of changing events in Wikipedia expressed in naturally occurring text. We use CHEW for probing LLMs for their timeline understanding of Wikipedia entities and events in generative and classification experiments. Our results suggest that LLMs, despite having temporal information available, struggle to construct accurate timelines. We further show the usefulness of CHEW-derived embeddings for identifying meaning shift.

cross T-FREE: Tokenizer-Free Generative LLMs via Sparse Representations for Memory-Efficient Embeddings

Authors: Bj\"orn Deiseroth, Manuel Brack, Patrick Schramowski, Kristian Kersting, Samuel Weinbach

Abstract: Tokenizers are crucial for encoding information in Large Language Models, but their development has recently stagnated, and they contain inherent weaknesses. Major limitations include computational overhead, ineffective vocabulary use, and unnecessarily large embedding and head layers. Additionally, their performance is biased towards a reference corpus, leading to reduced effectiveness for underrepresented languages. To remedy these issues, we propose T-FREE, which directly embeds words through sparse activation patterns over character triplets, and does not require a reference corpus. T-FREE inherently exploits morphological similarities and allows for strong compression of embedding layers. In our exhaustive experimental evaluation, we achieve competitive downstream performance with a parameter reduction of more than 85% on these layers. Further, T-FREE shows significant improvements in cross-lingual transfer learning.

cross Tools Fail: Detecting Silent Errors in Faulty Tools

Authors: Jimin Sun, So Yeon Min, Yingshan Chang, Yonatan Bisk

Abstract: Tools have become a mainstay of LLMs, allowing them to retrieve knowledge not in their weights, to perform tasks on the web, and even to control robots. However, most ontologies and surveys of tool-use have assumed the core challenge for LLMs is choosing the tool. Instead, we introduce a framework for tools more broadly which guides us to explore a model's ability to detect "silent" tool errors, and reflect on how to plan. This more directly aligns with the increasingly popular use of models as tools. We provide an initial approach to failure recovery with promising results both on a controlled calculator setting and embodied agent planning.

cross FlowVQA: Mapping Multimodal Logic in Visual Question Answering with Flowcharts

Authors: Shubhankar Singh, Purvi Chaurasia, Yerram Varun, Pranshu Pandya, Vatsal Gupta, Vivek Gupta, Dan Roth

Abstract: Existing benchmarks for visual question answering lack in visual grounding and complexity, particularly in evaluating spatial reasoning skills. We introduce FlowVQA, a novel benchmark aimed at assessing the capabilities of visual question-answering multimodal language models in reasoning with flowcharts as visual contexts. FlowVQA comprises 2,272 carefully generated and human-verified flowchart images from three distinct content sources, along with 22,413 diverse question-answer pairs, to test a spectrum of reasoning tasks, including information localization, decision-making, and logical progression. We conduct a thorough baseline evaluation on a suite of both open-source and proprietary multimodal language models using various strategies, followed by an analysis of directional bias. The results underscore the benchmark's potential as a vital tool for advancing the field of multimodal modeling, providing a focused and challenging environment for enhancing model performance in visual and logical reasoning tasks.

cross Revealing Fine-Grained Values and Opinions in Large Language Models

Authors: Dustin Wright, Arnav Arora, Nadav Borenstein, Srishti Yadav, Serge Belongie, Isabelle Augenstein

Abstract: Uncovering latent values and opinions in large language models (LLMs) can help identify biases and mitigate potential harm. Recently, this has been approached by presenting LLMs with survey questions and quantifying their stances towards morally and politically charged statements. However, the stances generated by LLMs can vary greatly depending on how they are prompted, and there are many ways to argue for or against a given position. In this work, we propose to address this by analysing a large and robust dataset of 156k LLM responses to the 62 propositions of the Political Compass Test (PCT) generated by 6 LLMs using 420 prompt variations. We perform coarse-grained analysis of their generated stances and fine-grained analysis of the plain text justifications for those stances. For fine-grained analysis, we propose to identify tropes in the responses: semantically similar phrases that are recurrent and consistent across different prompts, revealing patterns in the text that a given LLM is prone to produce. We find that demographic features added to prompts significantly affect outcomes on the PCT, reflecting bias, as well as disparities between the results of tests when eliciting closed-form vs. open domain responses. Additionally, patterns in the plain text rationales via tropes show that similar justifications are repeatedly generated across models and prompts even with disparate stances.

cross HuatuoGPT-Vision, Towards Injecting Medical Visual Knowledge into Multimodal LLMs at Scale

Authors: Junying Chen, Ruyi Ouyang, Anningzhe Gao, Shunian Chen, Guiming Hardy Chen, Xidong Wang, Ruifei Zhang, Zhenyang Cai, Ke Ji, Guangjun Yu, Xiang Wan, Benyou Wang

Abstract: The rapid development of multimodal large language models (MLLMs), such as GPT-4V, has led to significant advancements. However, these models still face challenges in medical multimodal capabilities due to limitations in the quantity and quality of medical vision-text data, stemming from data privacy concerns and high annotation costs. While pioneering approaches utilize PubMed's large-scale, de-identified medical image-text pairs to address these limitations, they still fall short due to inherent data noise. To tackle this, we refined medical image-text pairs from PubMed and employed MLLMs (GPT-4V) in an 'unblinded' capacity to denoise and reformat the data, resulting in the creation of the PubMedVision dataset with 1.3 million medical VQA samples. Our validation demonstrates that: (1) PubMedVision can significantly enhance the medical multimodal capabilities of current MLLMs, showing significant improvement in benchmarks including the MMMU Health & Medicine track; (2) manual checks by medical experts and empirical results validate the superior data quality of our dataset compared to other data construction methods. Using PubMedVision, we train a 34B medical MLLM HuatuoGPT-Vision, which shows superior performance in medical multimodal scenarios among open-source MLLMs.

cross Compositional Image Decomposition with Diffusion Models

Authors: Jocelin Su, Nan Liu, Yanbo Wang, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Yilun Du

Abstract: Given an image of a natural scene, we are able to quickly decompose it into a set of components such as objects, lighting, shadows, and foreground. We can then envision a scene where we combine certain components with those from other images, for instance a set of objects from our bedroom and animals from a zoo under the lighting conditions of a forest, even if we have never encountered such a scene before. In this paper, we present a method to decompose an image into such compositional components. Our approach, Decomp Diffusion, is an unsupervised method which, when given a single image, infers a set of different components in the image, each represented by a diffusion model. We demonstrate how components can capture different factors of the scene, ranging from global scene descriptors like shadows or facial expression to local scene descriptors like constituent objects. We further illustrate how inferred factors can be flexibly composed, even with factors inferred from other models, to generate a variety of scenes sharply different than those seen in training time. Website and code at


cross Mapping Land Naturalness from Sentinel-2 using Deep Contextual and Geographical Priors

Authors: Burak Ekim, Michael Schmitt

Abstract: In recent decades, the causes and consequences of climate change have accelerated, affecting our planet on an unprecedented scale. This change is closely tied to the ways in which humans alter their surroundings. As our actions continue to impact natural areas, using satellite images to observe and measure these effects has become crucial for understanding and combating climate change. Aiming to map land naturalness on the continuum of modern human pressure, we have developed a multi-modal supervised deep learning framework that addresses the unique challenges of satellite data and the task at hand. We incorporate contextual and geographical priors, represented by corresponding coordinate information and broader contextual information, including and surrounding the immediate patch to be predicted. Our framework improves the model's predictive performance in mapping land naturalness from Sentinel-2 data, a type of multi-spectral optical satellite imagery. Recognizing that our protective measures are only as effective as our understanding of the ecosystem, quantifying naturalness serves as a crucial step toward enhancing our environmental stewardship.

cross LiveBench: A Challenging, Contamination-Free LLM Benchmark

Authors: Colin White, Samuel Dooley, Manley Roberts, Arka Pal, Ben Feuer, Siddhartha Jain, Ravid Shwartz-Ziv, Neel Jain, Khalid Saifullah, Siddartha Naidu, Chinmay Hegde, Yann LeCun, Tom Goldstein, Willie Neiswanger, Micah Goldblum

Abstract: Test set contamination, wherein test data from a benchmark ends up in a newer model's training set, is a well-documented obstacle for fair LLM evaluation and can quickly render benchmarks obsolete. To mitigate this, many recent benchmarks crowdsource new prompts and evaluations from human or LLM judges; however, these can introduce significant biases, and break down when scoring hard questions. In this work, we introduce a new benchmark for LLMs designed to be immune to both test set contamination and the pitfalls of LLM judging and human crowdsourcing. We release LiveBench, the first benchmark that (1) contains frequently-updated questions from recent information sources, (2) scores answers automatically according to objective ground-truth values, and (3) contains a wide variety of challenging tasks, spanning math, coding, reasoning, language, instruction following, and data analysis. To achieve this, LiveBench contains questions that are based on recently-released math competitions, arXiv papers, news articles, and datasets, and it contains harder, contamination-free versions of tasks from previous benchmarks such as Big-Bench Hard, AMPS, and IFEval. We evaluate many prominent closed-source models, as well as dozens of open-source models ranging from 0.5B to 110B in size. LiveBench is difficult, with top models achieving below 65% accuracy. We release all questions, code, and model answers. Questions will be added and updated on a monthly basis, and we will release new tasks and harder versions of tasks over time so that LiveBench can distinguish between the capabilities of LLMs as they improve in the future. We welcome community engagement and collaboration for expanding the benchmark tasks and models.

cross Subtractive Training for Music Stem Insertion using Latent Diffusion Models

Authors: Ivan Villa-Renteria, Mason L. Wang, Zachary Shah, Zhe Li, Soohyun Kim, Neelesh Ramachandran, Mert Pilanci

Abstract: We present Subtractive Training, a simple and novel method for synthesizing individual musical instrument stems given other instruments as context. This method pairs a dataset of complete music mixes with 1) a variant of the dataset lacking a specific stem, and 2) LLM-generated instructions describing how the missing stem should be reintroduced. We then fine-tune a pretrained text-to-audio diffusion model to generate the missing instrument stem, guided by both the existing stems and the text instruction. Our results demonstrate Subtractive Training's efficacy in creating authentic drum stems that seamlessly blend with the existing tracks. We also show that we can use the text instruction to control the generation of the inserted stem in terms of rhythm, dynamics, and genre, allowing us to modify the style of a single instrument in a full song while keeping the remaining instruments the same. Lastly, we extend this technique to MIDI formats, successfully generating compatible bass, drum, and guitar parts for incomplete arrangements.

cross DiVERT: Distractor Generation with Variational Errors Represented as Text for Math Multiple-choice Questions

Authors: Nigel Fernandez, Alexander Scarlatos, Simon Woodhead, Andrew Lan

Abstract: High-quality distractors are crucial to both the assessment and pedagogical value of multiple-choice questions (MCQs), where manually crafting ones that anticipate knowledge deficiencies or misconceptions among real students is difficult. Meanwhile, automated distractor generation, even with the help of large language models (LLMs), remains challenging for subjects like math. It is crucial to not only identify plausible distractors but also understand the error behind them. In this paper, we introduce DiVERT (Distractor Generation with Variational Errors Represented as Text), a novel variational approach that learns an interpretable representation of errors behind distractors in math MCQs. Through experiments on a real-world math MCQ dataset with 1,434 questions used by hundreds of thousands of students, we show that DiVERT, despite using a base open-source LLM with 7B parameters, outperforms state-of-the-art approaches using GPT-4o on downstream distractor generation. We also conduct a human evaluation with math educators and find that DiVERT leads to error labels that are of comparable quality to human-authored ones.

replace Cross-conformal e-prediction

Authors: Vladimir Vovk

Abstract: This note discusses a simple modification of cross-conformal prediction inspired by recent work on e-values. The precursor of conformal prediction developed in the 1990s by Gammerman, Vapnik, and Vovk was also based on e-values and is called conformal e-prediction in this note. Replacing e-values by p-values led to conformal prediction, which has important advantages over conformal e-prediction without obvious disadvantages. The situation with cross-conformal prediction is, however, different: whereas for cross-conformal prediction validity is only an empirical fact (and can be broken with excessive randomization), this note draws the reader's attention to the obvious fact that cross-conformal e-prediction enjoys a guaranteed property of validity.

replace Disentangled Representation Learning

Authors: Xin Wang, Hong Chen, Si'ao Tang, Zihao Wu, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: Disentangled Representation Learning (DRL) aims to learn a model capable of identifying and disentangling the underlying factors hidden in the observable data in representation form. The process of separating underlying factors of variation into variables with semantic meaning benefits in learning explainable representations of data, which imitates the meaningful understanding process of humans when observing an object or relation. As a general learning strategy, DRL has demonstrated its power in improving the model explainability, controlability, robustness, as well as generalization capacity in a wide range of scenarios such as computer vision, natural language processing, and data mining. In this article, we comprehensively investigate DRL from various aspects including motivations, definitions, methodologies, evaluations, applications, and model designs. We first present two well-recognized definitions, i.e., Intuitive Definition and Group Theory Definition for disentangled representation learning. We further categorize the methodologies for DRL into four groups from the following perspectives, the model type, representation structure, supervision signal, and independence assumption. We also analyze principles to design different DRL models that may benefit different tasks in practical applications. Finally, we point out challenges in DRL as well as potential research directions deserving future investigations. We believe this work may provide insights for promoting the DRL research in the community.

replace Heterophily-Aware Graph Attention Network

Authors: Junfu Wang, Yuanfang Guo, Liang Yang, Yunhong Wang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown remarkable success in graph representation learning. Unfortunately, current weight assignment schemes in standard GNNs, such as the calculation based on node degrees or pair-wise representations, can hardly be effective in processing the networks with heterophily, in which the connected nodes usually possess different labels or features. Existing heterophilic GNNs tend to ignore the modeling of heterophily of each edge, which is also a vital part in tackling the heterophily problem. In this paper, we firstly propose a heterophily-aware attention scheme and reveal the benefits of modeling the edge heterophily, i.e., if a GNN assigns different weights to edges according to different heterophilic types, it can learn effective local attention patterns, which enable nodes to acquire appropriate information from distinct neighbors. Then, we propose a novel Heterophily-Aware Graph Attention Network (HA-GAT) by fully exploring and utilizing the local distribution as the underlying heterophily, to handle the networks with different homophily ratios. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed HA-GAT, we analyze the proposed heterophily-aware attention scheme and local distribution exploration, by seeking for an interpretation from their mechanism. Extensive results demonstrate that our HA-GAT achieves state-of-the-art performances on eight datasets with different homophily ratios in both the supervised and semi-supervised node classification tasks.

replace Towards understanding neural collapse in supervised contrastive learning with the information bottleneck method

Authors: Siwei Wang, Stephanie E Palmer

Abstract: Neural collapse describes the geometry of activation in the final layer of a deep neural network when it is trained beyond performance plateaus. Open questions include whether neural collapse leads to better generalization and, if so, why and how training beyond the plateau helps. We model neural collapse as an information bottleneck (IB) problem in order to investigate whether such a compact representation exists and discover its connection to generalization. We demonstrate that neural collapse leads to good generalization specifically when it approaches an optimal IB solution of the classification problem. Recent research has shown that two deep neural networks independently trained with the same contrastive loss objective are linearly identifiable, meaning that the resulting representations are equivalent up to a matrix transformation. We leverage linear identifiability to approximate an analytical solution of the IB problem. This approximation demonstrates that when class means exhibit $K$-simplex Equiangular Tight Frame (ETF) behavior (e.g., $K$=10 for CIFAR10 and $K$=100 for CIFAR100), they coincide with the critical phase transitions of the corresponding IB problem. The performance plateau occurs once the optimal solution for the IB problem includes all of these phase transitions. We also show that the resulting $K$-simplex ETF can be packed into a $K$-dimensional Gaussian distribution using supervised contrastive learning with a ResNet50 backbone. This geometry suggests that the $K$-simplex ETF learned by supervised contrastive learning approximates the optimal features for source coding. Hence, there is a direct correspondence between optimal IB solutions and generalization in contrastive learning.

replace Lifting Architectural Constraints of Injective Flows

Authors: Peter Sorrenson, Felix Draxler, Armand Rousselot, Sander Hummerich, Lea Zimmermann, Ullrich K\"othe

Abstract: Normalizing Flows explicitly maximize a full-dimensional likelihood on the training data. However, real data is typically only supported on a lower-dimensional manifold leading the model to expend significant compute on modeling noise. Injective Flows fix this by jointly learning a manifold and the distribution on it. So far, they have been limited by restrictive architectures and/or high computational cost. We lift both constraints by a new efficient estimator for the maximum likelihood loss, compatible with free-form bottleneck architectures. We further show that naively learning both the data manifold and the distribution on it can lead to divergent solutions, and use this insight to motivate a stable maximum likelihood training objective. We perform extensive experiments on toy, tabular and image data, demonstrating the competitive performance of the resulting model.

replace System Identification for Continuous-time Linear Dynamical Systems

Authors: Peter Halmos, Jonathan Pillow, David A. Knowles

Abstract: The problem of system identification for the Kalman filter, relying on the expectation-maximization (EM) procedure to learn the underlying parameters of a dynamical system, has largely been studied assuming that observations are sampled at equally-spaced time points. However, in many applications this is a restrictive and unrealistic assumption. This paper addresses system identification for the continuous-discrete filter, with the aim of generalizing learning for the Kalman filter by relying on a solution to a continuous-time It\^o stochastic differential equation (SDE) for the latent state and covariance dynamics. We introduce a novel two-filter, analytical form for the posterior with a Bayesian derivation, which yields analytical updates which do not require the forward-pass to be pre-computed. Using this analytical and efficient computation of the posterior, we provide an EM procedure which estimates the parameters of the SDE, naturally incorporating irregularly sampled measurements. Generalizing the learning of latent linear dynamical systems (LDS) to continuous-time may extend the use of the hybrid Kalman filter to data which is not regularly sampled or has intermittent missing values, and can extend the power of non-linear system identification methods such as switching LDS (SLDS), which rely on EM for the linear discrete-time Kalman filter as a sub-unit for learning locally linearized behavior of a non-linear system. We apply the method by learning the parameters of a latent, multivariate Fokker-Planck SDE representing a toggle-switch genetic circuit using biologically realistic parameters, and compare the efficacy of learning relative to the discrete-time Kalman filter as the step-size irregularity and spectral-radius of the dynamics-matrix increases.

replace Long-term drought prediction using deep neural networks based on geospatial weather data

Authors: Vsevolod Grabar, Alexander Marusov, Yury Maximov, Nazar Sotiriadi, Alexander Bulkin, Alexey Zaytsev

Abstract: The problem of high-quality drought forecasting up to a year in advance is critical for agriculture planning and insurance. Yet, it is still unsolved with reasonable accuracy due to data complexity and aridity stochasticity. We tackle drought data by introducing an end-to-end approach that adopts a spatio-temporal neural network model with accessible open monthly climate data as the input. Our systematic research employs diverse proposed models and five distinct environmental regions as a testbed to evaluate the efficacy of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) prediction. Key aggregated findings are the exceptional performance of a Transformer model, EarthFormer, in making accurate short-term (up to six months) forecasts. At the same time, the Convolutional LSTM excels in longer-term forecasting. Both models achieved high ROC AUC scores: 0.948 for one month ahead and 0.617 for twelve months ahead forecasts, becoming closer to perfect ROC-AUC by $54\%$ and $16\%$, respectively, c.t. classic approaches.

replace Coarse-to-Fine Concept Bottleneck Models

Authors: Konstantinos P. Panousis, Dino Ienco, Diego Marcos

Abstract: Deep learning algorithms have recently gained significant attention due to their impressive performance. However, their high complexity and un-interpretable mode of operation hinders their confident deployment in real-world safety-critical tasks. This work targets ante hoc interpretability, and specifically Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs). Our goal is to design a framework that admits a highly interpretable decision making process with respect to human understandable concepts, on two levels of granularity. To this end, we propose a novel two-level concept discovery formulation leveraging: (i) recent advances in vision-language models, and (ii) an innovative formulation for coarse-to-fine concept selection via data-driven and sparsity-inducing Bayesian arguments. Within this framework, concept information does not solely rely on the similarity between the whole image and general unstructured concepts; instead, we introduce the notion of concept hierarchy to uncover and exploit more granular concept information residing in patch-specific regions of the image scene. As we experimentally show, the proposed construction not only outperforms recent CBM approaches, but also yields a principled framework towards interpetability.

replace LPFormer: An Adaptive Graph Transformer for Link Prediction

Authors: Harry Shomer, Yao Ma, Haitao Mao, Juanhui Li, Bo Wu, Jiliang Tang

Abstract: Link prediction is a common task on graph-structured data that has seen applications in a variety of domains. Classically, hand-crafted heuristics were used for this task. Heuristic measures are chosen such that they correlate well with the underlying factors related to link formation. In recent years, a new class of methods has emerged that combines the advantages of message-passing neural networks (MPNN) and heuristics methods. These methods perform predictions by using the output of an MPNN in conjunction with a "pairwise encoding" that captures the relationship between nodes in the candidate link. They have been shown to achieve strong performance on numerous datasets. However, current pairwise encodings often contain a strong inductive bias, using the same underlying factors to classify all links. This limits the ability of existing methods to learn how to properly classify a variety of different links that may form from different factors. To address this limitation, we propose a new method, LPFormer, which attempts to adaptively learn the pairwise encodings for each link. LPFormer models the link factors via an attention module that learns the pairwise encoding that exists between nodes by modeling multiple factors integral to link prediction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that LPFormer can achieve SOTA performance on numerous datasets while maintaining efficiency. The code is available at The code is available at


replace Examining Common Paradigms in Multi-Task Learning

Authors: Cathrin Elich, Lukas Kirchdorfer, Jan M. K\"ohler, Lukas Schott

Abstract: While multi-task learning (MTL) has gained significant attention in recent years, its underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Recent methods did not yield consistent performance improvements over single task learning (STL) baselines, underscoring the importance of gaining more profound insights about challenges specific to MTL. In our study, we investigate paradigms in MTL in the context of STL: First, the impact of the choice of optimizer has only been mildly investigated in MTL. We show the pivotal role of common STL tools such as the Adam optimizer in MTL empirically in various experiments. To further investigate Adam's effectiveness, we theoretical derive a partial loss-scale invariance under mild assumptions. Second, the notion of gradient conflicts has often been phrased as a specific problem in MTL. We delve into the role of gradient conflicts in MTL and compare it to STL. For angular gradient alignment we find no evidence that this is a unique problem in MTL. We emphasize differences in gradient magnitude as the main distinguishing factor. Overall, we find surprising similarities between STL and MTL suggesting to consider methods from both fields in a broader context.

replace GRAM: An Interpretable Approach for Graph Anomaly Detection using Gradient Attention Maps

Authors: Yifei Yang, Peng Wang, Xiaofan He, Dongmian Zou

Abstract: Detecting unusual patterns in graph data is a crucial task in data mining. However, existing methods face challenges in consistently achieving satisfactory performance and often lack interpretability, which hinders our understanding of anomaly detection decisions. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to graph anomaly detection that leverages the power of interpretability to enhance performance. Specifically, our method extracts an attention map derived from gradients of graph neural networks, which serves as a basis for scoring anomalies. Notably, our approach is flexible and can be used in various anomaly detection settings. In addition, we conduct theoretical analysis using synthetic data to validate our method and gain insights into its decision-making process. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we extensively evaluate our approach against state-of-the-art graph anomaly detection techniques on real-world graph classification and wireless network datasets. The results consistently demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared to the baselines.

replace PGODE: Towards High-quality System Dynamics Modeling

Authors: Xiao Luo, Yiyang Gu, Huiyu Jiang, Hang Zhou, Jinsheng Huang, Wei Ju, Zhiping Xiao, Ming Zhang, Yizhou Sun

Abstract: This paper studies the problem of modeling multi-agent dynamical systems, where agents could interact mutually to influence their behaviors. Recent research predominantly uses geometric graphs to depict these mutual interactions, which are then captured by powerful graph neural networks (GNNs). However, predicting interacting dynamics in challenging scenarios such as out-of-distribution shift and complicated underlying rules remains unsolved. In this paper, we propose a new approach named Prototypical Graph ODE (PGODE) to address the problem. The core of PGODE is to incorporate prototype decomposition from contextual knowledge into a continuous graph ODE framework. Specifically, PGODE employs representation disentanglement and system parameters to extract both object-level and system-level contexts from historical trajectories, which allows us to explicitly model their independent influence and thus enhances the generalization capability under system changes. Then, we integrate these disentangled latent representations into a graph ODE model, which determines a combination of various interacting prototypes for enhanced model expressivity. The entire model is optimized using an end-to-end variational inference framework to maximize the likelihood. Extensive experiments in both in-distribution and out-of-distribution settings validate the superiority of PGODE compared to various baselines.

replace Real-Time Machine-Learning-Based Optimization Using Input Convex LSTM

Authors: Zihao Wang, Donghan Yu, Zhe Wu

Abstract: Neural network-based optimization and control have gradually supplanted first-principles model-based approaches in energy and manufacturing systems due to their efficient, data-driven process modeling that requires fewer resources. However, their non-convex nature significantly slows down the optimization and control processes, limiting their application in real-time decision-making processes. To address this challenge, we propose a novel Input Convex Long Short-Term Memory (ICLSTM) network to enhance the computational efficiency of neural network-based optimization. Through two case studies employing real-time neural network-based optimization for optimizing energy and chemical systems, we demonstrate the superior performance of ICLSTM-based optimization in terms of runtime. Specifically, in a real-time optimization problem of a real-world solar photovoltaic (PV) energy system at LHT Holdings in Singapore, ICLSTM-based optimization achieved an 8-fold speedup compared to conventional LSTM-based optimization. These results highlight the potential of ICLSTM networks to significantly enhance the efficiency of neural network-based optimization and control in practical applications. Source code is available at


replace Stable Differentiable Causal Discovery

Authors: Achille Nazaret, Justin Hong, Elham Azizi, David Blei

Abstract: Inferring causal relationships as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) is an important but challenging problem. Differentiable Causal Discovery (DCD) is a promising approach to this problem, framing the search as a continuous optimization. But existing DCD methods are numerically unstable, with poor performance beyond tens of variables. In this paper, we propose Stable Differentiable Causal Discovery (SDCD), a new method that improves previous DCD methods in two ways: (1) It employs an alternative constraint for acyclicity; this constraint is more stable, both theoretically and empirically, and fast to compute. (2) It uses a training procedure tailored for sparse causal graphs, which are common in real-world scenarios. We first derive SDCD and prove its stability and correctness. We then evaluate it with both observational and interventional data and on both small-scale and large-scale settings. We find that SDCD outperforms existing methods in both convergence speed and accuracy and can scale to thousands of variables. We provide code at


replace LExCI: A Framework for Reinforcement Learning with Embedded Systems

Authors: Kevin Badalian, Lucas Koch, Tobias Brinkmann, Mario Picerno, Marius Wegener, Sung-Yong Lee, Jakob Andert

Abstract: Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to its application in many areas of everyday life. In the context of control engineering, reinforcement learning (RL) represents a particularly promising approach as it is centred around the idea of allowing an agent to freely interact with its environment to find an optimal strategy. One of the challenges professionals face when training and deploying RL agents is that the latter often have to run on dedicated embedded devices. This could be to integrate them into an existing toolchain or to satisfy certain performance criteria like real-time constraints. Conventional RL libraries, however, cannot be easily utilised in conjunction with that kind of hardware. In this paper, we present a framework named LExCI, the Learning and Experiencing Cycle Interface, which bridges this gap and provides end-users with a free and open-source tool for training agents on embedded systems using the open-source library RLlib. Its operability is demonstrated with two state-of-the-art RL-algorithms and a rapid control prototyping system.

replace Fast Sampling via Discrete Non-Markov Diffusion Models

Authors: Zixiang Chen, Huizhuo Yuan, Yongqian Li, Yiwen Kou, Junkai Zhang, Quanquan Gu

Abstract: Discrete diffusion models have emerged as powerful tools for high-quality data generation. Despite their success in discrete spaces, such as text generation tasks, the acceleration of discrete diffusion models remains under explored. In this paper, we propose a discrete non-Markov diffusion model, which admits an accelerated reverse sampling for discrete data generation. Our method significantly reduces the number of function evaluations (i.e., calls to the neural network), making the sampling process much faster. Furthermore, we study the transition from finite to infinite step sampling, offering new insights into bridging the gap between discrete and continuous-time processes for discrete diffusion models. Extensive experiments on natural language generation and machine translation tasks demonstrate the superior performance of our method in terms of both generation speed and sample quality compared to existing methods for discrete diffusion models.

replace Beyond Anti-Forgetting: Multimodal Continual Instruction Tuning with Positive Forward Transfer

Authors: Junhao Zheng, Qianli Ma, Zhen Liu, Binquan Wu, Huawen Feng

Abstract: Multimodal Continual Instruction Tuning (MCIT) enables Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) to meet continuously emerging requirements without expensive retraining. MCIT faces two major obstacles: catastrophic forgetting (where old knowledge is forgotten) and negative forward transfer (where the performance of future tasks is degraded). Although existing methods have greatly alleviated catastrophic forgetting, they still suffer from negative forward transfer. We discover a large discrepancy in different input embeddings by performing singular value decomposition (SVD) on input embeddings. This discrepancy results in the model learning irrelevant information for old and pre-trained tasks, leading to catastrophic forgetting and negative forward transfer. To address these issues, we propose Prompt Tuning with Positive Forward Transfer (Fwd-Prompt), a prompt-based method that projects the prompt gradient to the residual space to minimize interference between tasks and to the pre-trained subspace for reusing pre-trained knowledge. Our experiments demonstrate that Fwd-Prompt achieves state-of-the-art performance while updating fewer parameters and requiring no old samples. Our research illuminates the potential of continuously adapting MLLMs to new tasks under the instruction tuning paradigm and encourages future studies to explore MCIT.

replace Transfer Learning in ECG Diagnosis: Is It Effective?

Authors: Cuong V. Nguyen, Cuong D. Do

Abstract: The adoption of deep learning in ECG diagnosis is often hindered by the scarcity of large, well-labeled datasets in real-world scenarios, leading to the use of transfer learning to leverage features learned from larger datasets. Yet the prevailing assumption that transfer learning consistently outperforms training from scratch has never been systematically validated. In this study, we conduct the first extensive empirical study on the effectiveness of transfer learning in multi-label ECG classification, by investigating comparing the fine-tuning performance with that of training from scratch, covering a variety of ECG datasets and deep neural networks. We confirm that fine-tuning is the preferable choice for small downstream datasets; however, when the dataset is sufficiently large, training from scratch can achieve comparable performance, albeit requiring a longer training time to catch up. Furthermore, we find that transfer learning exhibits better compatibility with convolutional neural networks than with recurrent neural networks, which are the two most prevalent architectures for time-series ECG applications. Our results underscore the importance of transfer learning in ECG diagnosis, yet depending on the amount of available data, researchers may opt not to use it, considering the non-negligible cost associated with pre-training.

replace Assessing the Brittleness of Safety Alignment via Pruning and Low-Rank Modifications

Authors: Boyi Wei, Kaixuan Huang, Yangsibo Huang, Tinghao Xie, Xiangyu Qi, Mengzhou Xia, Prateek Mittal, Mengdi Wang, Peter Henderson

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) show inherent brittleness in their safety mechanisms, as evidenced by their susceptibility to jailbreaking and even non-malicious fine-tuning. This study explores this brittleness of safety alignment by leveraging pruning and low-rank modifications. We develop methods to identify critical regions that are vital for safety guardrails, and that are disentangled from utility-relevant regions at both the neuron and rank levels. Surprisingly, the isolated regions we find are sparse, comprising about $3\%$ at the parameter level and $2.5\%$ at the rank level. Removing these regions compromises safety without significantly impacting utility, corroborating the inherent brittleness of the model's safety mechanisms. Moreover, we show that LLMs remain vulnerable to low-cost fine-tuning attacks even when modifications to the safety-critical regions are restricted. These findings underscore the urgent need for more robust safety strategies in LLMs.

replace Refining Myocardial Infarction Detection: A Novel Multi-Modal Composite Kernel Strategy in One-Class Classification

Authors: Muhammad Uzair Zahid, Aysen Degerli, Fahad Sohrab, Serkan Kiranyaz, Tahir Hamid, Rashid Mazhar, Moncef Gabbouj

Abstract: Early detection of myocardial infarction (MI), a critical condition arising from coronary artery disease (CAD), is vital to prevent further myocardial damage. This study introduces a novel method for early MI detection using a one-class classification (OCC) algorithm in echocardiography. Our study overcomes the challenge of limited echocardiography data availability by adopting a novel approach based on Multi-modal Subspace Support Vector Data Description. The proposed technique involves a specialized MI detection framework employing multi-view echocardiography incorporating a composite kernel in the non-linear projection trick, fusing Gaussian and Laplacian sigmoid functions. Additionally, we enhance the update strategy of the projection matrices by adapting maximization for both or one of the modalities in the optimization process. Our method boosts MI detection capability by efficiently transforming features extracted from echocardiography data into an optimized lower-dimensional subspace. The OCC model trained specifically on target class instances from the comprehensive HMC-QU dataset that includes multiple echocardiography views indicates a marked improvement in MI detection accuracy. Our findings reveal that our proposed multi-view approach achieves a geometric mean of 71.24%, signifying a substantial advancement in echocardiography-based MI diagnosis and offering more precise and efficient diagnostic tools.

replace Extraction of nonlinearity in neural networks with Koopman operator

Authors: Naoki Sugishita, Kayo Kinjo, Jun Ohkubo

Abstract: Nonlinearity plays a crucial role in deep neural networks. In this paper, we investigate the degree to which the nonlinearity of the neural network is essential. For this purpose, we employ the Koopman operator, extended dynamic mode decomposition, and the tensor-train format. The Koopman operator approach has been recently developed in physics and nonlinear sciences; the Koopman operator deals with the time evolution in the observable space instead of the state space. Since we can replace the nonlinearity in the state space with the linearity in the observable space, it is a hopeful candidate for understanding complex behavior in nonlinear systems. Here, we analyze learned neural networks for the classification problems. As a result, the replacement of the nonlinear middle layers with the Koopman matrix yields enough accuracy in numerical experiments. In addition, we confirm that the pruning of the Koopman matrix gives sufficient accuracy even at high compression ratios. These results indicate the possibility of extracting some features in the neural networks with the Koopman operator approach.

replace MobileLLM: Optimizing Sub-billion Parameter Language Models for On-Device Use Cases

Authors: Zechun Liu, Changsheng Zhao, Forrest Iandola, Chen Lai, Yuandong Tian, Igor Fedorov, Yunyang Xiong, Ernie Chang, Yangyang Shi, Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi, Liangzhen Lai, Vikas Chandra

Abstract: This paper addresses the growing need for efficient large language models (LLMs) on mobile devices, driven by increasing cloud costs and latency concerns. We focus on designing top-quality LLMs with fewer than a billion parameters, a practical choice for mobile deployment. Contrary to prevailing belief emphasizing the pivotal role of data and parameter quantity in determining model quality, our investigation underscores the significance of model architecture for sub-billion scale LLMs. Leveraging deep and thin architectures, coupled with embedding sharing and grouped-query attention mechanisms, we establish a strong baseline network denoted as MobileLLM, which attains a remarkable 2.7%/4.3% accuracy boost over preceding 125M/350M state-of-the-art models. Additionally, we propose an immediate block-wise weight-sharing approach with no increase in model size and only marginal latency overhead. The resultant models, denoted as MobileLLM-LS, demonstrate a further accuracy enhancement of 0.7%/0.8% than MobileLLM 125M/350M. Moreover, MobileLLM model family shows significant improvements compared to previous sub-billion models on chat benchmarks, and demonstrates close correctness to LLaMA-v2 7B in API calling tasks, highlighting the capability of small models for common on-device use cases.

replace Optimistic Information Directed Sampling

Authors: Gergely Neu, Matteo Papini, Ludovic Schwartz

Abstract: We study the problem of online learning in contextual bandit problems where the loss function is assumed to belong to a known parametric function class. We propose a new analytic framework for this setting that bridges the Bayesian theory of information-directed sampling due to Russo and Van Roy (2018) and the worst-case theory of Foster, Kakade, Qian, and Rakhlin (2021) based on the decision-estimation coefficient. Drawing from both lines of work, we propose a algorithmic template called Optimistic Information-Directed Sampling and show that it can achieve instance-dependent regret guarantees similar to the ones achievable by the classic Bayesian IDS method, but with the major advantage of not requiring any Bayesian assumptions. The key technical innovation of our analysis is introducing an optimistic surrogate model for the regret and using it to define a frequentist version of the Information Ratio of Russo and Van Roy (2018), and a less conservative version of the Decision Estimation Coefficient of Foster et al. (2021). Keywords: Contextual bandits, information-directed sampling, decision estimation coefficient, first-order regret bounds.

replace Improving Variational Autoencoder Estimation from Incomplete Data with Mixture Variational Families

Authors: Vaidotas Simkus, Michael U. Gutmann

Abstract: We consider the task of estimating variational autoencoders (VAEs) when the training data is incomplete. We show that missing data increases the complexity of the model's posterior distribution over the latent variables compared to the fully-observed case. The increased complexity may adversely affect the fit of the model due to a mismatch between the variational and model posterior distributions. We introduce two strategies based on (i) finite variational-mixture and (ii) imputation-based variational-mixture distributions to address the increased posterior complexity. Through a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed approaches, we show that variational mixtures are effective at improving the accuracy of VAE estimation from incomplete data.

replace Thermometer: Towards Universal Calibration for Large Language Models

Authors: Maohao Shen, Subhro Das, Kristjan Greenewald, Prasanna Sattigeri, Gregory Wornell, Soumya Ghosh

Abstract: We consider the issue of calibration in large language models (LLM). Recent studies have found that common interventions such as instruction tuning often result in poorly calibrated LLMs. Although calibration is well-explored in traditional applications, calibrating LLMs is uniquely challenging. These challenges stem as much from the severe computational requirements of LLMs as from their versatility, which allows them to be applied to diverse tasks. Addressing these challenges, we propose THERMOMETER, a calibration approach tailored to LLMs. THERMOMETER learns an auxiliary model, given data from multiple tasks, for calibrating a LLM. It is computationally efficient, preserves the accuracy of the LLM, and produces better-calibrated responses for new tasks. Extensive empirical evaluations across various benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

replace Sample Complexity of Offline Distributionally Robust Linear Markov Decision Processes

Authors: He Wang, Laixi Shi, Yuejie Chi

Abstract: In offline reinforcement learning (RL), the absence of active exploration calls for attention on the model robustness to tackle the sim-to-real gap, where the discrepancy between the simulated and deployed environments can significantly undermine the performance of the learned policy. To endow the learned policy with robustness in a sample-efficient manner in the presence of high-dimensional state-action space, this paper considers the sample complexity of distributionally robust linear Markov decision processes (MDPs) with an uncertainty set characterized by the total variation distance using offline data. We develop a pessimistic model-based algorithm and establish its sample complexity bound under minimal data coverage assumptions, which outperforms prior art by at least $\widetilde{O}(d)$, where $d$ is the feature dimension. We further improve the performance guarantee of the proposed algorithm by incorporating a carefully-designed variance estimator.

replace Deep Support Vectors

Authors: Junhoo Lee, Hyunho Lee, Kyomin Hwang, Nojun Kwak

Abstract: Deep learning has achieved tremendous success. \nj{However,} unlike SVMs, which provide direct decision criteria and can be trained with a small dataset, it still has significant weaknesses due to its requirement for massive datasets during training and the black-box characteristics on decision criteria. \nj{This paper addresses} these issues by identifying support vectors in deep learning models. To this end, we propose the DeepKKT condition, an adaptation of the traditional Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition for deep learning models, and confirm that generated Deep Support Vectors (DSVs) using this condition exhibit properties similar to traditional support vectors. This allows us to apply our method to few-shot dataset distillation problems and alleviate the black-box characteristics of deep learning models. Additionally, we demonstrate that the DeepKKT condition can transform conventional classification models into generative models with high fidelity, particularly as latent \jh{generative} models using class labels as latent variables. We validate the effectiveness of DSVs \nj{using common datasets (ImageNet, CIFAR10 \nj{and} CIFAR100) on the general architectures (ResNet and ConvNet)}, proving their practical applicability. (See Fig.~\ref{fig:generated})

replace Outlier-Efficient Hopfield Layers for Large Transformer-Based Models

Authors: Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu, Pei-Hsuan Chang, Robin Luo, Hong-Yu Chen, Weijian Li, Wei-Po Wang, Han Liu

Abstract: We introduce an Outlier-Efficient Modern Hopfield Model (termed $\mathrm{OutEffHop}$) and use it to address the outlier inefficiency problem of {training} gigantic transformer-based models. Our main contribution is a novel associative memory model facilitating \textit{outlier-efficient} associative memory retrievals. Interestingly, this memory model manifests a model-based interpretation of an outlier-efficient attention mechanism (${\rm Softmax}_1$): it is an approximation of the memory retrieval process of $\mathrm{OutEffHop}$. Methodologically, this allows us to introduce novel outlier-efficient Hopfield layers as powerful alternatives to traditional attention mechanisms, with superior post-quantization performance. Theoretically, the Outlier-Efficient Modern Hopfield Model retains and improves the desirable properties of standard modern Hopfield models, including fixed point convergence and exponential storage capacity. Empirically, we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed model across large-scale transformer-based and Hopfield-based models (including BERT, OPT, ViT, and STanHop-Net), benchmarking against state-of-the-art methods like $\mathtt{Clipped\_Softmax}$ and $\mathtt{Gated\_Attention}$. Notably, $\mathrm{OutEffHop}$ achieves an average reduction of 22+\% in average kurtosis and 26+\% in the maximum infinity norm of model outputs across four models. Code is available at \href{}{GitHub}; models are on \href{}{Hugging Face Hub}; future updates are on \href{}{arXiv}.


replace Bi-Mamba+: Bidirectional Mamba for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Aobo Liang, Xingguo Jiang, Yan Sun, Xiaohou Shi, Ke Li

Abstract: Long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) provides longer insights into future trends and patterns. Over the past few years, deep learning models especially Transformers have achieved advanced performance in LTSF tasks. However, LTSF faces inherent challenges such as long-term dependencies capturing and sparse semantic characteristics. Recently, a new state space model (SSM) named Mamba is proposed. With the selective capability on input data and the hardware-aware parallel computing algorithm, Mamba has shown great potential in balancing predicting performance and computational efficiency compared to Transformers. To enhance Mamba's ability to preserve historical information in a longer range, we design a novel Mamba+ block by adding a forget gate inside Mamba to selectively combine the new features with the historical features in a complementary manner. Furthermore, we apply Mamba+ both forward and backward and propose Bi-Mamba+, aiming to promote the model's ability to capture interactions among time series elements. Additionally, multivariate time series data in different scenarios may exhibit varying emphasis on intra- or inter-series dependencies. Therefore, we propose a series-relation-aware decider that controls the utilization of channel-independent or channel-mixing tokenization strategy for specific datasets. Extensive experiments on 8 real-world datasets show that our model achieves more accurate predictions compared with state-of-the-art methods.

replace Mapping the Potential of Explainable AI for Fairness Along the AI Lifecycle

Authors: Luca Deck, Astrid Schom\"acker, Timo Speith, Jakob Sch\"offer, Lena K\"astner, Niklas K\"uhl

Abstract: The widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems across various domains is increasingly surfacing issues related to algorithmic fairness, especially in high-stakes scenarios. Thus, critical considerations of how fairness in AI systems might be improved -- and what measures are available to aid this process -- are overdue. Many researchers and policymakers see explainable AI (XAI) as a promising way to increase fairness in AI systems. However, there is a wide variety of XAI methods and fairness conceptions expressing different desiderata, and the precise connections between XAI and fairness remain largely nebulous. Besides, different measures to increase algorithmic fairness might be applicable at different points throughout an AI system's lifecycle. Yet, there currently is no coherent mapping of fairness desiderata along the AI lifecycle. In this paper, we we distill eight fairness desiderata, map them along the AI lifecycle, and discuss how XAI could help address each of them. We hope to provide orientation for practical applications and to inspire XAI research specifically focused on these fairness desiderata.

replace FAITH: Frequency-domain Attention In Two Horizons for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Ruiqi Li, Maowei Jiang, Kai Wang, Kaiduo Feng, Quangao Liu, Yue Sun, Xiufang Zhou

Abstract: Time Series Forecasting plays a crucial role in various fields such as industrial equipment maintenance, meteorology, energy consumption, traffic flow and financial investment. However, despite their considerable advantages over traditional statistical approaches, current deep learning-based predictive models often exhibit a significant deviation between their forecasting outcomes and the ground truth. This discrepancy is largely due to an insufficient emphasis on extracting the sequence's latent information, particularly its global information within the frequency domain and the relationship between different variables. To address this issue, we propose a novel model Frequency-domain Attention In Two Horizons, which decomposes time series into trend and seasonal components using a multi-scale sequence adaptive decomposition and fusion architecture, and processes them separately. FAITH utilizes Frequency Channel feature Extraction Module and Frequency Temporal feature Extraction Module to capture inter-channel relationships and temporal global information in the sequence, significantly improving its ability to handle long-term dependencies and complex patterns. Furthermore, FAITH achieves theoretically linear complexity by modifying the time-frequency domain transformation method, effectively reducing computational costs. Extensive experiments on 6 benchmarks for long-term forecasting and 3 benchmarks for short-term forecasting demonstrate that FAITH outperforms existing models in many fields, such as electricity, weather and traffic, proving its effectiveness and superiority both in long-term and short-term time series forecasting tasks. Our codes and data are available at


replace CHESS: Contextual Harnessing for Efficient SQL Synthesis

Authors: Shayan Talaei, Mohammadreza Pourreza, Yu-Chen Chang, Azalia Mirhoseini, Amin Saberi

Abstract: Utilizing large language models (LLMs) for transforming natural language questions into SQL queries (text-to-SQL) is a promising yet challenging approach, particularly when applied to real-world databases with complex and extensive schemas. In particular, effectively incorporating data catalogs and database values for SQL generation remains an obstacle, leading to suboptimal solutions. We address this problem by proposing a new pipeline that effectively retrieves relevant data and context, selects an efficient schema, and synthesizes correct and efficient SQL queries. To increase retrieval precision, our pipeline introduces a hierarchical retrieval method leveraging model-generated keywords, locality-sensitive hashing indexing, and vector databases. Additionally, we have developed an adaptive schema pruning technique that adjusts based on the complexity of the problem and the model's context size. Our approach generalizes to both frontier proprietary models like GPT-4 and open-source models such as Llama-3-70B. Through a series of ablation studies, we demonstrate the effectiveness of each component of our pipeline and its impact on the end-to-end performance. Our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance on the cross-domain challenging BIRD dataset.

replace Glauber Generative Model: Discrete Diffusion Models via Binary Classification

Authors: Harshit Varma, Dheeraj Nagaraj, Karthikeyan Shanmugam

Abstract: We introduce the Glauber Generative Model (GGM), a new class of discrete diffusion models, to obtain new samples from a distribution given samples from a discrete space. GGM deploys a discrete Markov chain called the heat bath dynamics (or the Glauber dynamics) to denoise a sequence of noisy tokens to a sample from a joint distribution of discrete tokens. Our novel conceptual framework provides an exact reduction of the task of learning the denoising Markov chain to solving a class of binary classification tasks. More specifically, the model learns to classify a given token in a noisy sequence as signal or noise. In contrast, prior works on discrete diffusion models either solve regression problems to learn importance ratios, or minimize loss functions given by variational approximations. We apply GGM to language modeling and image generation, where images are discretized using image tokenizers like VQGANs. We show that it outperforms existing discrete diffusion models in language generation, and demonstrates strong performance for image generation without using dataset-specific image tokenizers. We also show that our model is capable of performing well in zero-shot control settings like text and image infilling.

replace Lazy Safety Alignment for Large Language Models against Harmful Fine-tuning

Authors: Tiansheng Huang, Sihao Hu, Fatih Ilhan, Selim Furkan Tekin, Ling Liu

Abstract: Recent studies show that Large Language Models (LLMs) with safety alignment can be jail-broken by fine-tuning on a dataset mixed with harmful data. First time in the literature, we show that the jail-broken effect can be mitigated by separating states in the finetuning stage to optimize the alignment and user datasets. Unfortunately, our subsequent study shows that this simple Bi-State Optimization (BSO) solution experiences convergence instability when steps invested in its alignment state is too small, leading to downgraded alignment performance. By statistical analysis, we show that the \textit{excess drift} towards consensus could be a probable reason for the instability. To remedy this issue, we propose \textbf{L}azy(\textbf{i}) \textbf{s}afety \textbf{a}lignment (\textbf{Lisa}), which introduces a proximal term to constraint the drift of each state. Theoretically, the benefit of the proximal term is supported by the convergence analysis, wherein we show that a sufficient large proximal factor is necessary to guarantee Lisa's convergence. Empirically, our results on four downstream finetuning tasks show that Lisa with a proximal term can significantly increase alignment performance while maintaining the LLM's accuracy on the user tasks. Code is available at \url{}.


replace Inference Attacks: A Taxonomy, Survey, and Promising Directions

Authors: Feng Wu, Lei Cui, Shaowen Yao, Shui Yu

Abstract: The prosperity of machine learning has also brought people's concerns about data privacy. Among them, inference attacks can implement privacy breaches in various MLaaS scenarios and model training/prediction phases. Specifically, inference attacks can perform privacy inference on undisclosed target training sets based on outputs of the target model, including but not limited to statistics, membership, semantics, data representation, etc. For instance, infer whether the target data has the characteristics of AIDS. In addition, the rapid development of the machine learning community in recent years, especially the surge of model types and application scenarios, has further stimulated the inference attacks' research. Thus, studying inference attacks and analyzing them in depth is urgent and significant. However, there is still a gap in the systematic discussion of inference attacks from taxonomy, global perspective, attack, and defense perspectives. This survey provides an in-depth and comprehensive inference of attacks and corresponding countermeasures in ML-as-a-service based on taxonomy and the latest researches. Without compromising researchers' intuition, we first propose the 3MP taxonomy based on the community research status, trying to normalize the confusing naming system of inference attacks. Also, we analyze the pros and cons of each type of inference attack, their workflow, countermeasure, and how they interact with other attacks. In the end, we point out several promising directions for researchers from a more comprehensive and novel perspective.

replace Local to Global: Learning Dynamics and Effect of Initialization for Transformers

Authors: Ashok Vardhan Makkuva, Marco Bondaschi, Chanakya Ekbote, Adway Girish, Alliot Nagle, Hyeji Kim, Michael Gastpar

Abstract: In recent years, transformer-based models have revolutionized deep learning, particularly in sequence modeling. To better understand this phenomenon, there is a growing interest in using Markov input processes to study transformers. However, our current understanding in this regard remains limited with many fundamental questions about how transformers learn Markov chains still unanswered. In this paper, we address this by focusing on first-order Markov chains and single-layer transformers, providing a comprehensive characterization of the learning dynamics in this context. Specifically, we prove that transformer parameters trained on next-token prediction loss can either converge to global or local minima, contingent on the initialization and the Markovian data properties, and we characterize the precise conditions under which this occurs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result of its kind highlighting the role of initialization. We further demonstrate that our theoretical findings are corroborated by empirical evidence. Based on these insights, we provide guidelines for the initialization of transformer parameters and demonstrate their effectiveness. Finally, we outline several open problems in this arena. Code is available at:


replace Error Bounds of Supervised Classification from Information-Theoretic Perspective

Authors: Binchuan Qi, Wei Gong, Li Li

Abstract: There remains a list of unanswered research questions on deep learning (DL), including the remarkable generalization power of overparametrized neural networks, the efficient optimization performance despite the non-convexity, and the mechanisms behind flat minima in generalization. In this paper, we adopt an information-theoretic perspective to explore the theoretical foundations of supervised classification using deep neural networks (DNNs). Our analysis introduces the concepts of fitting error and model risk, which, together with generalization error, constitute an upper bound on the expected risk. We demonstrate that the generalization errors are bounded by the complexity, influenced by both the smoothness of distribution and the sample size. Consequently, task complexity serves as a reliable indicator of the dataset's quality, guiding the setting of regularization hyperparameters. Furthermore, the derived upper bound fitting error links the back-propagated gradient, Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK), and the model's parameter count with the fitting error. Utilizing the triangle inequality, we establish an upper bound on the expected risk. This bound offers valuable insights into the effects of overparameterization, non-convex optimization, and the flat minima in DNNs.Finally, empirical verification confirms a significant positive correlation between the derived theoretical bounds and the practical expected risk, confirming the practical relevance of the theoretical findings.

replace G-Transformer: Counterfactual Outcome Prediction under Dynamic and Time-varying Treatment Regimes

Authors: Hong Xiong, Feng Wu, Leon Deng, Megan Su, Li-wei H Lehman

Abstract: In the context of medical decision making, counterfactual prediction enables clinicians to predict treatment outcomes of interest under alternative courses of therapeutic actions given observed patient history. Prior machine learning approaches for counterfactual predictions under time-varying treatments focus on static time-varying treatment regimes where treatments do not depend on previous covariate history. In this work, we present G-Transformer, a Transformer-based framework supporting g-computation for counterfactual prediction under dynamic and time-varying treatment strategies. G-Transfomer captures complex, long-range dependencies in time-varying covariates using a Transformer architecture. G-Transformer estimates the conditional distribution of relevant covariates given covariate and treatment history at each time point using an encoder architecture, then produces Monte Carlo estimates of counterfactual outcomes by simulating forward patient trajectories under treatment strategies of interest. We evaluate G-Transformer extensively using two simulated longitudinal datasets from mechanistic models, and a real-world sepsis ICU dataset from MIMIC-IV. G-Transformer outperforms both classical and state-of-the-art counterfactual prediction models in these settings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Transformer-based architecture for counterfactual outcome prediction under dynamic and time-varying treatment strategies.

replace D-GRIL: End-to-End Topological Learning with 2-parameter Persistence

Authors: Soham Mukherjee, Shreyas N. Samaga, Cheng Xin, Steve Oudot, Tamal K. Dey

Abstract: End-to-end topological learning using 1-parameter persistence is well-known. We show that the framework can be enhanced using 2-parameter persistence by adopting a recently introduced 2-parameter persistence based vectorization technique called GRIL. We establish a theoretical foundation of differentiating GRIL producing D-GRIL. We show that D-GRIL can be used to learn a bifiltration function on standard benchmark graph datasets. Further, we exhibit that this framework can be applied in the context of bio-activity prediction in drug discovery.

replace Towards Neural Scaling Laws for Foundation Models on Temporal Graphs

Authors: Razieh Shirzadkhani, Tran Gia Bao Ngo, Kiarash Shamsi, Shenyang Huang, Farimah Poursafaei, Poupak Azad, Reihaneh Rabbany, Baris Coskunuzer, Guillaume Rabusseau, Cuneyt Gurcan Akcora

Abstract: The field of temporal graph learning aims to learn from evolving network data to forecast future interactions. Given a collection of observed temporal graphs, is it possible to predict the evolution of an unseen network from the same domain? To answer this question, we first present the Temporal Graph Scaling (TGS) dataset, a large collection of temporal graphs consisting of eighty-four ERC20 token transaction networks collected from 2017 to 2023. Next, we evaluate the transferability of Temporal Graph Neural Networks (TGNNs) for the temporal graph property prediction task by pre-training on a collection of up to sixty-four token transaction networks and then evaluating the downstream performance on twenty unseen token networks. We find that the neural scaling law observed in NLP and Computer Vision also applies in temporal graph learning, where pre-training on greater number of networks leads to improved downstream performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical demonstration of the transferability of temporal graphs learning. On downstream token networks, the largest pre-trained model outperforms single model TGNNs on thirteen unseen test networks. Therefore, we believe that this is a promising first step towards building foundation models for temporal graphs.

replace Time Series Modeling for Heart Rate Prediction: From ARIMA to Transformers

Authors: Haowei Ni, Shuchen Meng, Xieming Geng, Panfeng Li, Zhuoying Li, Xupeng Chen, Xiaotong Wang, Shiyao Zhang

Abstract: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death globally, necessitating precise forecasting models for monitoring vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and ECG. Traditional models, such as ARIMA and Prophet, are limited by their need for manual parameter tuning and challenges in handling noisy, sparse, and highly variable medical data. This study investigates advanced deep learning models, including LSTM, and transformer-based architectures, for predicting heart rate time series from the MIT-BIH Database. Results demonstrate that deep learning models, particularly PatchTST, significantly outperform traditional models across multiple metrics, capturing complex patterns and dependencies more effectively. This research underscores the potential of deep learning to enhance patient monitoring and CVD management, suggesting substantial clinical benefits. Future work should extend these findings to larger, more diverse datasets and real-world clinical applications to further validate and optimize model performance.

replace Can Low-Rank Knowledge Distillation in LLMs be Useful for Microelectronic Reasoning?

Authors: Nirjhor Rouf, Fin Amin, Paul D. Franzon

Abstract: In this work, we present empirical results regarding the feasibility of using offline large language models (LLMs) in the context of electronic design automation (EDA). The goal is to investigate and evaluate a contemporary language model's (Llama-2-7B) ability to function as a microelectronic Q & A expert as well as its reasoning, and generation capabilities in solving microelectronic-related problems. Llama-2-7B was tested across a variety of adaptation methods, including introducing a novel low-rank knowledge distillation (LoRA-KD) scheme. Our experiments produce both qualitative and quantitative results.

replace LayerMatch: Do Pseudo-labels Benefit All Layers?

Authors: Chaoqi Liang, Guanglei Yang, Lifeng Qiao, Zitong Huang, Hongliang Yan, Yunchao Wei, Wangmeng Zuo

Abstract: Deep neural networks have achieved remarkable performance across various tasks when supplied with large-scale labeled data. However, the collection of labeled data can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Semi-supervised learning (SSL), particularly through pseudo-labeling algorithms that iteratively assign pseudo-labels for self-training, offers a promising solution to mitigate the dependency of labeled data. Previous research generally applies a uniform pseudo-labeling strategy across all model layers, assuming that pseudo-labels exert uniform influence throughout. Contrasting this, our theoretical analysis and empirical experiment demonstrate feature extraction layer and linear classification layer have distinct learning behaviors in response to pseudo-labels. Based on these insights, we develop two layer-specific pseudo-label strategies, termed Grad-ReLU and Avg-Clustering. Grad-ReLU mitigates the impact of noisy pseudo-labels by removing the gradient detrimental effects of pseudo-labels in the linear classification layer. Avg-Clustering accelerates the convergence of feature extraction layer towards stable clustering centers by integrating consistent outputs. Our approach, LayerMatch, which integrates these two strategies, can avoid the severe interference of noisy pseudo-labels in the linear classification layer while accelerating the clustering capability of the feature extraction layer. Through extensive experimentation, our approach consistently demonstrates exceptional performance on standard semi-supervised learning benchmarks, achieving a significant improvement of 10.38% over baseline method and a 2.44% increase compared to state-of-the-art methods.

replace CAT: Interpretable Concept-based Taylor Additive Models

Authors: Viet Duong, Qiong Wu, Zhengyi Zhou, Hongjue Zhao, Chenxiang Luo, Eric Zavesky, Huaxiu Yao, Huajie Shao

Abstract: As an emerging interpretable technique, Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) adopt neural networks to individually learn non-linear functions for each feature, which are then combined through a linear model for final predictions. Although GAMs can explain deep neural networks (DNNs) at the feature level, they require large numbers of model parameters and are prone to overfitting, making them hard to train and scale. Additionally, in real-world datasets with many features, the interpretability of feature-based explanations diminishes for humans. To tackle these issues, recent research has shifted towards concept-based interpretable methods. These approaches try to integrate concept learning as an intermediate step before making predictions, explaining the predictions in terms of human-understandable concepts. However, these methods require domain experts to extensively label concepts with relevant names and their ground-truth values. In response, we propose CAT, a novel interpretable Concept-bAsed Taylor additive model to simply this process. CAT does not have to require domain experts to annotate concepts and their ground-truth values. Instead, it only requires users to simply categorize input features into broad groups, which can be easily accomplished through a quick metadata review. Specifically, CAT first embeds each group of input features into one-dimensional high-level concept representation, and then feeds the concept representations into a new white-box Taylor Neural Network (TaylorNet). The TaylorNet aims to learn the non-linear relationship between the inputs and outputs using polynomials. Evaluation results across multiple benchmarks demonstrate that CAT can outperform or compete with the baselines while reducing the need of extensive model parameters. Importantly, it can explain model predictions through high-level concepts that human can understand.

replace-cross Intriguing Properties of Adversarial ML Attacks in the Problem Space [Extended Version]

Authors: Jacopo Cortellazzi, Feargus Pendlebury, Daniel Arp, Erwin Quiring, Fabio Pierazzi, Lorenzo Cavallaro

Abstract: Recent research efforts on adversarial machine learning (ML) have investigated problem-space attacks, focusing on the generation of real evasive objects in domains where, unlike images, there is no clear inverse mapping to the feature space (e.g., software). However, the design, comparison, and real-world implications of problem-space attacks remain underexplored. This article makes three major contributions. Firstly, we propose a general formalization for adversarial ML evasion attacks in the problem-space, which includes the definition of a comprehensive set of constraints on available transformations, preserved semantics, absent artifacts, and plausibility. We shed light on the relationship between feature space and problem space, and we introduce the concept of side-effect features as the by-product of the inverse feature-mapping problem. This enables us to define and prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of problem-space attacks. Secondly, building on our general formalization, we propose a novel problem-space attack on Android malware that overcomes past limitations in terms of semantics and artifacts. We have tested our approach on a dataset with 150K Android apps from 2016 and 2018 which show the practical feasibility of evading a state-of-the-art malware classifier along with its hardened version. Thirdly, we explore the effectiveness of adversarial training as a possible approach to enforce robustness against adversarial samples, evaluating its effectiveness on the considered machine learning models under different scenarios. Our results demonstrate that "adversarial-malware as a service" is a realistic threat, as we automatically generate thousands of realistic and inconspicuous adversarial applications at scale, where on average it takes only a few minutes to generate an adversarial instance.

replace-cross Reinforcement Learning in Credit Scoring and Underwriting

Authors: Seksan Kiatsupaibul, Pakawan Chansiripas, Pojtanut Manopanjasiri, Kantapong Visantavarakul, Zheng Wen

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel reinforcement learning (RL) framework for credit underwriting that tackles ungeneralizable contextual challenges. We adapt RL principles for credit scoring, incorporating action space renewal and multi-choice actions. Our work demonstrates that the traditional underwriting approach aligns with the RL greedy strategy. We introduce two new RL-based credit underwriting algorithms to enable more informed decision-making. Simulations show these new approaches outperform the traditional method in scenarios where the data aligns with the model. However, complex situations highlight model limitations, emphasizing the importance of powerful machine learning models for optimal performance. Future research directions include exploring more sophisticated models alongside efficient exploration mechanisms.

replace-cross GSplit: Scaling Graph Neural Network Training on Large Graphs via Split-Parallelism

Authors: Sandeep Polisetty, Juelin Liu, Kobi Falus, Yi Ren Fung, Seung-Hwan Lim, Hui Guan, Marco Serafini

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs), an emerging class of machine learning models for graphs, have gained popularity for their superior performance in various graph analytical tasks. Mini-batch training is commonly used to train GNNs on large graphs, and data parallelism is the standard approach to scale mini-batch training across multiple GPUs. One of the major performance costs in GNN training is the loading of input features, which prevents GPUs from being fully utilized. In this paper, we argue that this problem is exacerbated by redundancies that are inherent to the data parallel approach. To address this issue, we introduce a hybrid parallel mini-batch training paradigm called split parallelism. Split parallelism avoids redundant data loads and splits the sampling and training of each mini-batch across multiple GPUs online, at each iteration, using a lightweight splitting algorithm. We implement split parallelism in GSplit and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art mini-batch training systems like DGL, Quiver, and $P^3$.

replace-cross To smooth a cloud or to pin it down: Guarantees and Insights on Score Matching in Denoising Diffusion Models

Authors: Francisco Vargas, Teodora Reu, Anna Kerekes, Michael M Bronstein

Abstract: Denoising diffusion models are a class of generative models which have recently achieved state-of-the-art results across many domains. Gradual noise is added to the data using a diffusion process, which transforms the data distribution into a Gaussian. Samples from the generative model are then obtained by simulating an approximation of the time reversal of this diffusion initialized by Gaussian samples. Recent research has explored adapting diffusion models for sampling and inference tasks. In this paper, we leverage known connections to stochastic control akin to the F\"ollmer drift to extend established neural network approximation results for the F\"ollmer drift to denoising diffusion models and samplers.

replace-cross Some Primal-Dual Theory for Subgradient Methods for Strongly Convex Optimization

Authors: Benjamin Grimmer, Danlin Li

Abstract: We consider (stochastic) subgradient methods for strongly convex but potentially nonsmooth non-Lipschitz optimization. We provide new equivalent dual descriptions (in the style of dual averaging) for the classic subgradient method, the proximal subgradient method, and the switching subgradient method. These equivalences enable $O(1/T)$ convergence guarantees in terms of both their classic primal gap and a not previously analyzed dual gap for strongly convex optimization. Consequently, our theory provides these classic methods with simple, optimal stopping criteria and optimality certificates at no added computational cost. Our results apply to a wide range of stepsize selections and of non-Lipschitz ill-conditioned problems where the early iterations of the subgradient method may diverge exponentially quickly (a phenomenon which, to the best of our knowledge, no prior works address). Even in the presence of such undesirable behaviors, our theory still ensures and bounds eventual convergence.

replace-cross Kernelised Normalising Flows

Authors: Eshant English, Matthias Kirchler, Christoph Lippert

Abstract: Normalising Flows are non-parametric statistical models characterised by their dual capabilities of density estimation and generation. This duality requires an inherently invertible architecture. However, the requirement of invertibility imposes constraints on their expressiveness, necessitating a large number of parameters and innovative architectural designs to achieve good results. Whilst flow-based models predominantly rely on neural-network-based transformations for expressive designs, alternative transformation methods have received limited attention. In this work, we present Ferumal flow, a novel kernelised normalising flow paradigm that integrates kernels into the framework. Our results demonstrate that a kernelised flow can yield competitive or superior results compared to neural network-based flows whilst maintaining parameter efficiency. Kernelised flows excel especially in the low-data regime, enabling flexible non-parametric density estimation in applications with sparse data availability.

replace-cross Efficient Interaction-Aware Interval Analysis of Neural Network Feedback Loops

Authors: Saber Jafarpour, Akash Harapanahalli, Samuel Coogan

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient framework for interval reachability of systems with neural network controllers. Our approach leverages inclusion functions for the open-loop system and the neural network controller to embed the closed-loop system into a larger-dimensional embedding system, where a single trajectory over-approximates the original system's behavior under uncertainty. We propose two methods for constructing closed-loop embedding systems, which account for the interactions between the system and the controller in different ways. The interconnection-based approach considers the worst-case evolution of each coordinate separately by substituting the neural network inclusion function into the open-loop inclusion function. The interaction-based approach uses novel Jacobian-based inclusion functions to capture the first-order interactions between the open-loop system and the controller by leveraging state-of-the-art neural network verifiers. Finally, we implement our approach in a Python framework called ReachMM to demonstrate its efficiency and scalability on benchmarks and examples ranging to $200$ state dimensions.

replace-cross Machine Learning-Enabled Software and System Architecture Frameworks

Authors: Armin Moin, Atta Badii, Stephan G\"unnemann, Moharram Challenger

Abstract: Various architecture frameworks for software, systems, and enterprises have been proposed in the literature. They identified several stakeholders and defined modeling perspectives, architecture viewpoints, and views to frame and address stakeholder concerns. However, the stakeholders with data science and Machine Learning (ML) related concerns, such as data scientists and data engineers, are yet to be included in existing architecture frameworks. Only this way can we envision a holistic system architecture description of an ML-enabled system. Note that the ML component behavior and functionalities are special and should be distinguished from traditional software system behavior and functionalities. The main reason is that the actual functionality should be inferred from data instead of being specified at design time. Additionally, the structural models of ML components, such as ML model architectures, are typically specified using different notations and formalisms from what the Software Engineering (SE) community uses for software structural models. Yet, these two aspects, namely ML and non-ML, are becoming so intertwined that it necessitates an extension of software architecture frameworks and modeling practices toward supporting ML-enabled system architectures. In this paper, we address this gap through an empirical study using an online survey instrument. We surveyed 61 subject matter experts from over 25 organizations in 10 countries.

replace-cross MixerFlow: MLP-Mixer meets Normalising Flows

Authors: Eshant English, Matthias Kirchler, Christoph Lippert

Abstract: Normalising flows are generative models that transform a complex density into a simpler density through the use of bijective transformations enabling both density estimation and data generation from a single model. %However, the requirement for bijectivity imposes the use of specialised architectures. In the context of image modelling, the predominant choice has been the Glow-based architecture, whereas alternative architectures remain largely unexplored in the research community. In this work, we propose a novel architecture called MixerFlow, based on the MLP-Mixer architecture, further unifying the generative and discriminative modelling architectures. MixerFlow offers an efficient mechanism for weight sharing for flow-based models. Our results demonstrate comparative or superior density estimation on image datasets and good scaling as the image resolution increases, making MixerFlow a simple yet powerful alternative to the Glow-based architectures. We also show that MixerFlow provides more informative embeddings than Glow-based architectures and can integrate many structured transformations such as splines or Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks.

replace-cross Continual Learning Under Language Shift

Authors: Evangelia Gogoulou, Timoth\'ee Lesort, Magnus Boman, Joakim Nivre

Abstract: The recent increase in data and model scale for language model pre-training has led to huge training costs. In scenarios where new data become available over time, updating a model instead of fully retraining it would therefore provide significant gains. We study the pros and cons of updating a language model when new data comes from new languages -- the case of continual learning under language shift. Starting from a monolingual English language model, we incrementally add data from Danish, Icelandic, and Norwegian to investigate how forward and backward transfer effects depend on pre-training order and characteristics of languages, for three different model sizes. Our results show that, while forward transfer is largely positive and independent of language order, backward transfer can be positive or negative depending on the order and characteristics of new languages. We explore a number of potentially explanatory factors and find that a combination of language contamination and syntactic similarity best fits our results.

replace-cross Self-Supervised Detection of Perfect and Partial Input-Dependent Symmetries

Authors: Alonso Urbano, David W. Romero

Abstract: Group equivariance can overly constrain models if the symmetries in the group differ from those observed in data. While common methods address this by determining the appropriate level of symmetry at the dataset level, they are limited to supervised settings and ignore scenarios in which multiple levels of symmetry co-exist in the same dataset. In this paper, we propose a method able to detect the level of symmetry of each input without the need for labels. Our framework is general enough to accommodate different families of both continuous and discrete symmetry distributions, such as arbitrary unimodal, symmetric distributions and discrete groups. We validate the effectiveness of our approach on synthetic datasets with different per-class levels of symmetries, and demonstrate practical applications such as the detection of out-of-distribution symmetries. Our code is publicly available at


replace-cross MMGPL: Multimodal Medical Data Analysis with Graph Prompt Learning

Authors: Liang Peng, Songyue Cai, Zongqian Wu, Huifang Shang, Xiaofeng Zhu, Xiaoxiao Li

Abstract: Prompt learning has demonstrated impressive efficacy in the fine-tuning of multimodal large models to a wide range of downstream tasks. Nonetheless, applying existing prompt learning methods for the diagnosis of neurological disorder still suffers from two issues: (i) existing methods typically treat all patches equally, despite the fact that only a small number of patches in neuroimaging are relevant to the disease, and (ii) they ignore the structural information inherent in the brain connection network which is crucial for understanding and diagnosing neurological disorders. To tackle these issues, we introduce a novel prompt learning model by learning graph prompts during the fine-tuning process of multimodal large models for diagnosing neurological disorders. Specifically, we first leverage GPT-4 to obtain relevant disease concepts and compute semantic similarity between these concepts and all patches. Secondly, we reduce the weight of irrelevant patches according to the semantic similarity between each patch and disease-related concepts. Moreover, we construct a graph among tokens based on these concepts and employ a graph convolutional network layer to extract the structural information of the graph, which is used to prompt the pre-trained multimodal large models for diagnosing neurological disorders. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance for neurological disorder diagnosis compared with state-of-the-art methods and validated by clinicians.

replace-cross $\mu$GUIDE: a framework for quantitative imaging via generalized uncertainty-driven inference using deep learning

Authors: Ma\"eliss Jallais, Marco Palombo

Abstract: This work proposes $\mu$GUIDE: a general Bayesian framework to estimate posterior distributions of tissue microstructure parameters from any given biophysical model or MRI signal representation, with exemplar demonstration in diffusion-weighted MRI. Harnessing a new deep learning architecture for automatic signal feature selection combined with simulation-based inference and efficient sampling of the posterior distributions, $\mu$GUIDE bypasses the high computational and time cost of conventional Bayesian approaches and does not rely on acquisition constraints to define model-specific summary statistics. The obtained posterior distributions allow to highlight degeneracies present in the model definition and quantify the uncertainty and ambiguity of the estimated parameters.

replace-cross Bayesian identification of nonseparable Hamiltonians with multiplicative noise using deep learning and reduced-order modeling

Authors: Nicholas Galioto, Harsh Sharma, Boris Kramer, Alex Arkady Gorodetsky

Abstract: This paper presents a structure-preserving Bayesian approach for learning nonseparable Hamiltonian systems using stochastic dynamic models allowing for statistically-dependent, vector-valued additive and multiplicative measurement noise. The approach is comprised of three main facets. First, we derive a Gaussian filter for a statistically-dependent, vector-valued, additive and multiplicative noise model that is needed to evaluate the likelihood within the Bayesian posterior. Second, we develop a novel algorithm for cost-effective application of Bayesian system identification to high-dimensional systems. Third, we demonstrate how structure-preserving methods can be incorporated into the proposed framework, using nonseparable Hamiltonians as an illustrative system class. We assess the method's performance based on the forecasting accuracy of a model estimated from-single trajectory data. We compare the Bayesian method to a state-of-the-art machine learning method on a canonical nonseparable Hamiltonian model and a chaotic double pendulum model with small, noisy training datasets. The results show that using the Bayesian posterior as a training objective can yield upwards of 724 times improvement in Hamiltonian mean squared error using training data with up to 10% multiplicative noise compared to a standard training objective. Lastly, we demonstrate the utility of the novel algorithm for parameter estimation of a 64-dimensional model of the spatially-discretized nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with data corrupted by up to 20% multiplicative noise.

replace-cross AdaTreeFormer: Few Shot Domain Adaptation for Tree Counting from a Single High-Resolution Image

Authors: Hamed Amini Amirkolaee, Miaojing Shi, Lianghua He, Mark Mulligan

Abstract: The process of estimating and counting tree density using only a single aerial or satellite image is a difficult task in the fields of photogrammetry and remote sensing. However, it plays a crucial role in the management of forests. The huge variety of trees in varied topography severely hinders tree counting models to perform well. The purpose of this paper is to propose a framework that is learnt from the source domain with sufficient labeled trees and is adapted to the target domain with only a limited number of labeled trees. Our method, termed as AdaTreeFormer, contains one shared encoder with a hierarchical feature extraction scheme to extract robust features from the source and target domains. It also consists of three subnets: two for extracting self-domain attention maps from source and target domains respectively and one for extracting cross-domain attention maps. For the latter, an attention-to-adapt mechanism is introduced to distill relevant information from different domains while generating tree density maps; a hierarchical cross-domain feature alignment scheme is proposed that progressively aligns the features from the source and target domains. We also adopt adversarial learning into the framework to further reduce the gap between source and target domains. Our AdaTreeFormer is evaluated on six designed domain adaptation tasks using three tree counting datasets, \ie Jiangsu, Yosemite, and London. Experimental results show that AdaTreeFormer significantly surpasses the state of the art, \eg in the cross domain from the Yosemite to Jiangsu dataset, it achieves a reduction of 15.9 points in terms of the absolute counting errors and an increase of 10.8\% in the accuracy of the detected trees' locations. The codes and datasets are available at


replace-cross Source-Free Domain Adaptation with Diffusion-Guided Source Data Generation

Authors: Shivang Chopra, Suraj Kothawade, Houda Aynaou, Aman Chadha

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach to leverage the generalizability of Diffusion Models for Source-Free Domain Adaptation (DM-SFDA). Our proposed DMSFDA method involves fine-tuning a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model to generate source domain images using features from the target images to guide the diffusion process. Specifically, the pre-trained diffusion model is fine-tuned to generate source samples that minimize entropy and maximize confidence for the pre-trained source model. We then use a diffusion model-based image mixup strategy to bridge the domain gap between the source and target domains. We validate our approach through comprehensive experiments across a range of datasets, including Office-31, Office-Home, and VisDA. The results demonstrate significant improvements in SFDA performance, highlighting the potential of diffusion models in generating contextually relevant, domain-specific images.

replace-cross Data Reconstruction Attacks and Defenses: A Systematic Evaluation

Authors: Sheng Liu, Zihan Wang, Yuxiao Chen, Qi Lei

Abstract: Reconstruction attacks and defenses are essential in understanding the data leakage problem in machine learning. However, prior work has centered around empirical observations of gradient inversion attacks, lacks theoretical justifications, and cannot disentangle the usefulness of defending methods from the computational limitation of attacking methods. In this work, we propose to view the problem as an inverse problem, enabling us to theoretically, quantitatively, and systematically evaluate the data reconstruction problem. On various defense methods, we derived the algorithmic upper bound and the matching (in feature dimension and model width) information-theoretical lower bound on the reconstruction error for two-layer neural networks. To complement the theoretical results and investigate the utility-privacy trade-off, we defined a natural evaluation metric of the defense methods with similar utility loss among the strongest attacks. We further propose a strong reconstruction attack that helps update some previous understanding of the strength of defense methods under our proposed evaluation metric.

replace-cross The Price of Adaptivity in Stochastic Convex Optimization

Authors: Yair Carmon, Oliver Hinder

Abstract: We prove impossibility results for adaptivity in non-smooth stochastic convex optimization. Given a set of problem parameters we wish to adapt to, we define a "price of adaptivity" (PoA) that, roughly speaking, measures the multiplicative increase in suboptimality due to uncertainty in these parameters. When the initial distance to the optimum is unknown but a gradient norm bound is known, we show that the PoA is at least logarithmic for expected suboptimality, and double-logarithmic for median suboptimality. When there is uncertainty in both distance and gradient norm, we show that the PoA must be polynomial in the level of uncertainty. Our lower bounds nearly match existing upper bounds, and establish that there is no parameter-free lunch. En route, we also establish tight upper and lower bounds for (known-parameter) high-probability stochastic convex optimization with heavy-tailed and bounded noise, respectively.

replace-cross Decoding the AI Pen: Techniques and Challenges in Detecting AI-Generated Text

Authors: Sara Abdali, Richard Anarfi, CJ Barberan, Jia He

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of Natural Language Generation (NLG) by demonstrating an impressive ability to generate human-like text. However, their widespread usage introduces challenges that necessitate thoughtful examination, ethical scrutiny, and responsible practices. In this study, we delve into these challenges, explore existing strategies for mitigating them, with a particular emphasis on identifying AI-generated text as the ultimate solution. Additionally, we assess the feasibility of detection from a theoretical perspective and propose novel research directions to address the current limitations in this domain.

replace-cross Shortcut Learning in Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Manxi Lin, Nina Weng, Kamil Mikolaj, Zahra Bashir, Morten Bo S{\o}ndergaard Svendsen, Martin Tolsgaard, Anders Nymark Christensen, Aasa Feragen

Abstract: Shortcut learning is a phenomenon where machine learning models prioritize learning simple, potentially misleading cues from data that do not generalize well beyond the training set. While existing research primarily investigates this in the realm of image classification, this study extends the exploration of shortcut learning into medical image segmentation. We demonstrate that clinical annotations such as calipers, and the combination of zero-padded convolutions and center-cropped training sets in the dataset can inadvertently serve as shortcuts, impacting segmentation accuracy. We identify and evaluate the shortcut learning on two different but common medical image segmentation tasks. In addition, we suggest strategies to mitigate the influence of shortcut learning and improve the generalizability of the segmentation models. By uncovering the presence and implications of shortcuts in medical image segmentation, we provide insights and methodologies for evaluating and overcoming this pervasive challenge and call for attention in the community for shortcuts in segmentation. Our code is public at .


replace-cross SoK: Can Trajectory Generation Combine Privacy and Utility?

Authors: Erik Buchholz, Alsharif Abuadbba, Shuo Wang, Surya Nepal, Salil S. Kanhere

Abstract: While location trajectories represent a valuable data source for analyses and location-based services, they can reveal sensitive information, such as political and religious preferences. Differentially private publication mechanisms have been proposed to allow for analyses under rigorous privacy guarantees. However, the traditional protection schemes suffer from a limiting privacy-utility trade-off and are vulnerable to correlation and reconstruction attacks. Synthetic trajectory data generation and release represent a promising alternative to protection algorithms. While initial proposals achieve remarkable utility, they fail to provide rigorous privacy guarantees. This paper proposes a framework for designing a privacy-preserving trajectory publication approach by defining five design goals, particularly stressing the importance of choosing an appropriate Unit of Privacy. Based on this framework, we briefly discuss the existing trajectory protection approaches, emphasising their shortcomings. This work focuses on the systematisation of the state-of-the-art generative models for trajectories in the context of the proposed framework. We find that no existing solution satisfies all requirements. Thus, we perform an experimental study evaluating the applicability of six sequential generative models to the trajectory domain. Finally, we conclude that a generative trajectory model providing semantic guarantees remains an open research question and propose concrete next steps for future research.

replace-cross JAXbind: Bind any function to JAX

Authors: Jakob Roth, Martin Reinecke, Gordian Edenhofer

Abstract: JAX is widely used in machine learning and scientific computing, the latter of which often relies on existing high-performance code that we would ideally like to incorporate into JAX. Reimplementing the existing code in JAX is often impractical and the existing interface in JAX for binding custom code either limits the user to a single Jacobian product or requires deep knowledge of JAX and its C++ backend for general Jacobian products. With JAXbind we drastically reduce the effort required to bind custom functions implemented in other programming languages with full support for Jacobian-vector products and vector-Jacobian products to JAX. Specifically, JAXbind provides an easy-to-use Python interface for defining custom, so-called JAX primitives. Via JAXbind, any function callable from Python can be exposed as a JAX primitive. JAXbind allows a user to interface the JAX function transformation engine with custom derivatives and batching rules, enabling all JAX transformations for the custom primitive.

replace-cross Decentralized Stochastic Subgradient Methods for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization

Authors: Siyuan Zhang, Nachuan Xiao, Xin Liu

Abstract: In this paper, we concentrate on decentralized optimization problems with nonconvex and nonsmooth objective functions, especially on the decentralized training of nonsmooth neural networks. We introduce a unified framework to analyze the global convergence of decentralized stochastic subgradient-based methods. We prove the global convergence of our proposed framework under mild conditions, by establishing that the generated sequence asymptotically approximates the trajectories of its associated differential inclusion. Furthermore, we establish that our proposed framework covers a wide range of existing efficient decentralized subgradient-based methods, including decentralized stochastic subgradient descent (DSGD), DSGD with gradient-tracking technique (DSGD-T), and DSGD with momentum (DSGD-M). In addition, we introduce the sign map to regularize the update directions in DSGD-M, and show it is enclosed in our proposed framework. Consequently, our convergence results establish, for the first time, global convergence of these methods when applied to nonsmooth nonconvex objectives. Preliminary numerical experiments demonstrate that our proposed framework yields highly efficient decentralized subgradient-based methods with convergence guarantees in the training of nonsmooth neural networks.

replace-cross Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Intraventricular Vector Flow Mapping

Authors: Hang Jung Ling, Salom\'e Bru, Julia Puig, Florian Vix\`ege, Simon Mendez, Franck Nicoud, Pierre-Yves Courand, Olivier Bernard, Damien Garcia

Abstract: Intraventricular vector flow mapping (iVFM) seeks to enhance and quantify color Doppler in cardiac imaging. In this study, we propose novel alternatives to the traditional iVFM optimization scheme by utilizing physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) and a physics-guided nnU-Net-based supervised approach. When evaluated on simulated color Doppler images derived from a patient-specific computational fluid dynamics model and in vivo Doppler acquisitions, both approaches demonstrate comparable reconstruction performance to the original iVFM algorithm. The efficiency of PINNs is boosted through dual-stage optimization and pre-optimized weights. On the other hand, the nnU-Net method excels in generalizability and real-time capabilities. Notably, nnU-Net shows superior robustness on sparse and truncated Doppler data while maintaining independence from explicit boundary conditions. Overall, our results highlight the effectiveness of these methods in reconstructing intraventricular vector blood flow. The study also suggests potential applications of PINNs in ultrafast color Doppler imaging and the incorporation of fluid dynamics equations to derive biomarkers for cardiovascular diseases based on blood flow.

replace-cross Physics-informed and Unsupervised Riemannian Domain Adaptation for Machine Learning on Heterogeneous EEG Datasets

Authors: Apolline Mellot, Antoine Collas, Sylvain Chevallier, Denis Engemann, Alexandre Gramfort

Abstract: Combining electroencephalogram (EEG) datasets for supervised machine learning (ML) is challenging due to session, subject, and device variability. ML algorithms typically require identical features at train and test time, complicating analysis due to varying sensor numbers and positions across datasets. Simple channel selection discards valuable data, leading to poorer performance, especially with datasets sharing few channels. To address this, we propose an unsupervised approach leveraging EEG signal physics. We map EEG channels to fixed positions using field interpolation, facilitating source-free domain adaptation. Leveraging Riemannian geometry classification pipelines and transfer learning steps, our method demonstrates robust performance in brain-computer interface (BCI) tasks and potential biomarker applications. Comparative analysis against a statistical-based approach known as Dimensionality Transcending, a signal-based imputation called ComImp, source-dependent methods, as well as common channel selection and spherical spline interpolation, was conducted with leave-one-dataset-out validation on six public BCI datasets for a right-hand/left-hand classification task. Numerical experiments show that in the presence of few shared channels in train and test, the field interpolation consistently outperforms other methods, demonstrating enhanced classification performance across all datasets. When more channels are shared, field interpolation was found to be competitive with other methods and faster to compute than source-dependent methods.

replace-cross InfiBench: Evaluating the Question-Answering Capabilities of Code Large Language Models

Authors: Linyi Li, Shijie Geng, Zhenwen Li, Yibo He, Hao Yu, Ziyue Hua, Guanghan Ning, Siwei Wang, Tao Xie, Hongxia Yang

Abstract: Large Language Models for code (code LLMs) have witnessed tremendous progress in recent years. With the rapid development of code LLMs, many popular evaluation benchmarks, such as HumanEval, DS-1000, and MBPP, have emerged to measure the performance of code LLMs with a particular focus on code generation tasks. However, they are insufficient to cover the full range of expected capabilities of code LLMs, which span beyond code generation to answering diverse coding-related questions. To fill this gap, we propose InfiBench, the first large-scale freeform question-answering (QA) benchmark for code to our knowledge, comprising 234 carefully selected high-quality Stack Overflow questions that span across 15 programming languages. InfiBench uses four types of model-free automatic metrics to evaluate response correctness where domain experts carefully concretize the criterion for each question. We conduct a systematic evaluation for over 100 latest code LLMs on InfiBench, leading to a series of novel and insightful findings. Our detailed analyses showcase potential directions for further advancement of code LLMs. InfiBench is fully open source and continuously expanding to foster more scientific and systematic practices for code LLM evaluation.

replace-cross ASID: Active Exploration for System Identification in Robotic Manipulation

Authors: Marius Memmel, Andrew Wagenmaker, Chuning Zhu, Patrick Yin, Dieter Fox, Abhishek Gupta

Abstract: Model-free control strategies such as reinforcement learning have shown the ability to learn control strategies without requiring an accurate model or simulator of the world. While this is appealing due to the lack of modeling requirements, such methods can be sample inefficient, making them impractical in many real-world domains. On the other hand, model-based control techniques leveraging accurate simulators can circumvent these challenges and use a large amount of cheap simulation data to learn controllers that can effectively transfer to the real world. The challenge with such model-based techniques is the requirement for an extremely accurate simulation, requiring both the specification of appropriate simulation assets and physical parameters. This requires considerable human effort to design for every environment being considered. In this work, we propose a learning system that can leverage a small amount of real-world data to autonomously refine a simulation model and then plan an accurate control strategy that can be deployed in the real world. Our approach critically relies on utilizing an initial (possibly inaccurate) simulator to design effective exploration policies that, when deployed in the real world, collect high-quality data. We demonstrate the efficacy of this paradigm in identifying articulation, mass, and other physical parameters in several challenging robotic manipulation tasks, and illustrate that only a small amount of real-world data can allow for effective sim-to-real transfer. Project website at


replace-cross M\'elange: Cost Efficient Large Language Model Serving by Exploiting GPU Heterogeneity

Authors: Tyler Griggs, Xiaoxuan Liu, Jiaxiang Yu, Doyoung Kim, Wei-Lin Chiang, Alvin Cheung, Ion Stoica

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly integrated into many online services, yet they remain cost-prohibitive to deploy due to the requirement of expensive GPU instances. Prior work has addressed the high cost of LLM serving by improving the inference engine, but less attention has been given to selecting the most cost-efficient GPU type(s) for a specific LLM service. There is a large and growing landscape of GPU types and, within these options, higher cost does not always lead to increased performance. Instead, through a comprehensive investigation, we find that three key LLM service characteristics (request size, request rate, SLO) strongly influence GPU cost efficiency, and differing GPU types are most cost efficient for differing LLM service settings. As a result, the most cost-efficient allocation for a given service is typically a mix of heterogeneous GPU types. Based on this analysis, we introduce M\'elange, a GPU allocation framework that navigates these diverse LLM service characteristics and heterogeneous GPU option space to automatically and efficiently derive the minimal-cost GPU allocation for a given LLM service. We formulate the GPU allocation task as a cost-aware bin packing problem where GPUs are bins and items are slices of the service workload. Our formulation's constraints account for a service's unique characteristics, allowing M\'elange to be flexible to support diverse service settings and heterogeneity-aware to adapt the GPU allocation to a specific service. Compared to using only a single GPU type, M\'elange reduces deployment costs by up to 77\% in conversational settings, 33\% in document-based settings, and 51\% in a mixed setting.

replace-cross S4: Self-Supervised Sensing Across the Spectrum

Authors: Jayanth Shenoy, Xingjian Davis Zhang, Shlok Mehrotra, Bill Tao, Rem Yang, Han Zhao, Deepak Vasisht

Abstract: Satellite image time series (SITS) segmentation is crucial for many applications like environmental monitoring, land cover mapping and agricultural crop type classification. However, training models for SITS segmentation remains a challenging task due to the lack of abundant training data, which requires fine grained annotation. We propose S4 a new self-supervised pre-training approach that significantly reduces the requirement for labeled training data by utilizing two new insights: (a) Satellites capture images in different parts of the spectrum such as radio frequencies, and visible frequencies. (b) Satellite imagery is geo-registered allowing for fine-grained spatial alignment. We use these insights to formulate pre-training tasks in S4. We also curate m2s2-SITS, a large-scale dataset of unlabeled, spatially-aligned, multi-modal and geographic specific SITS that serves as representative pre-training data for S4. Finally, we evaluate S4 on multiple SITS segmentation datasets and demonstrate its efficacy against competing baselines while using limited labeled data.

replace-cross VLSM-Adapter: Finetuning Vision-Language Segmentation Efficiently with Lightweight Blocks

Authors: Manish Dhakal, Rabin Adhikari, Safal Thapaliya, Bishesh Khanal

Abstract: Foundation Vision-Language Models (VLMs) trained using large-scale open-domain images and text pairs have recently been adapted to develop Vision-Language Segmentation Models (VLSMs) that allow providing text prompts during inference to guide image segmentation. If robust and powerful VLSMs can be built for medical images, it could aid medical professionals in many clinical tasks where they must spend substantial time delineating the target structure of interest. VLSMs for medical images resort to fine-tuning base VLM or VLSM pretrained on open-domain natural image datasets due to fewer annotated medical image datasets; this fine-tuning is resource-consuming and expensive as it usually requires updating all or a significant fraction of the pretrained parameters. Recently, lightweight blocks called adapters have been proposed in VLMs that keep the pretrained model frozen and only train adapters during fine-tuning, substantially reducing the computing resources required. We introduce a novel adapter, VLSM-Adapter, that can fine-tune pretrained vision-language segmentation models using transformer encoders. Our experiments in widely used CLIP-based segmentation models show that with only 3 million trainable parameters, the VLSM-Adapter outperforms state-of-the-art and is comparable to the upper bound end-to-end fine-tuning. The source code is available at:


replace-cross Spectral complexity of deep neural networks

Authors: Simmaco Di Lillo, Domenico Marinucci, Michele Salvi, Stefano Vigogna

Abstract: It is well-known that randomly initialized, push-forward, fully-connected neural networks weakly converge to isotropic Gaussian processes, in the limit where the width of all layers goes to infinity. In this paper, we propose to use the angular power spectrum of the limiting field to characterize the complexity of the network architecture. In particular, we define sequences of random variables associated with the angular power spectrum, and provide a full characterization of the network complexity in terms of the asymptotic distribution of these sequences as the depth diverges. On this basis, we classify neural networks as low-disorder, sparse, or high-disorder; we show how this classification highlights a number of distinct features for standard activation functions, and in particular, sparsity properties of ReLU networks. Our theoretical results are also validated by numerical simulations.

replace-cross Simultaneous Masking, Not Prompting Optimization: A Paradigm Shift in Fine-tuning LLMs for Simultaneous Translation

Authors: Matthew Raffel, Victor Agostinelli, Lizhong Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in various language processing tasks, motivating their adoption in simultaneous translation. Current fine-tuning methods to adapt LLMs for simultaneous translation focus on prompting optimization strategies using either data augmentation or prompt structure modifications. However, these methods suffer from several issues, such as unnecessarily expanded training sets, computational inefficiency from dumping the key and value cache, increased prompt sizes, or restriction to a single decision policy. To eliminate these issues, in this work, we propose SimulMask, a new paradigm for fine-tuning LLMs for simultaneous translation. It utilizes a novel attention mask approach that models simultaneous translation during fine-tuning by masking attention for a desired decision policy. Applying the proposed SimulMask on a Falcon LLM for the IWSLT 2017 dataset, we have observed a significant translation quality improvement compared to state-of-the-art prompting optimization strategies on five language pairs while reducing the computational cost.

replace-cross Submodular Information Selection for Hypothesis Testing with Misclassification Penalties

Authors: Jayanth Bhargav, Mahsa Ghasemi, Shreyas Sundaram

Abstract: We consider the problem of selecting an optimal subset of information sources for a hypothesis testing/classification task where the goal is to identify the true state of the world from a finite set of hypotheses, based on finite observation samples from the sources. In order to characterize the learning performance, we propose a misclassification penalty framework, which enables non-uniform treatment of different misclassification errors. In a centralized Bayesian learning setting, we study two variants of the subset selection problem: (i) selecting a minimum cost information set to ensure that the maximum penalty of misclassifying the true hypothesis remains bounded and (ii) selecting an optimal information set under a limited budget to minimize the maximum penalty of misclassifying the true hypothesis. Under certain assumptions, we prove that the objective (or constraints) of these combinatorial optimization problems are weak (or approximate) submodular, and establish high-probability performance guarantees for greedy algorithms. Further, we propose an alternate metric for information set selection which is based on the total penalty of misclassification. We prove that this metric is submodular and establish near-optimal guarantees for the greedy algorithms for both the information set selection problems. Finally, we present numerical simulations to validate our theoretical results over several randomly generated instances.

replace-cross Neural Operator for Accelerating Coronal Magnetic Field Model

Authors: Yutao Du, Qin Li, Raghav Gnanasambandam, Mengnan Du, Haimin Wang, Bo Shen

Abstract: Studying the sun's outer atmosphere is challenging due to its complex magnetic fields impacting solar activities. Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations help model these interactions but are extremely time-consuming (usually on a scale of days). Our research applies the Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) to accelerate the coronal magnetic field modeling, specifically, the Bifrost MHD model. We apply Tensorized FNO (TFNO) to generate solutions from partial differential equations (PDEs) over a 3D domain efficiently. TFNO's performance is compared with other deep learning methods, highlighting its accuracy and scalability. Physics analysis confirms that TFNO is reliable and capable of accelerating MHD simulations with high precision. This advancement improves efficiency in data handling, enhances predictive capabilities, and provides a better understanding of magnetic topologies.

replace-cross Large Stepsize Gradient Descent for Non-Homogeneous Two-Layer Networks: Margin Improvement and Fast Optimization

Authors: Yuhang Cai, Jingfeng Wu, Song Mei, Michael Lindsey, Peter L. Bartlett

Abstract: The typical training of neural networks using large stepsize gradient descent (GD) under the logistic loss often involves two distinct phases, where the empirical risk oscillates in the first phase but decreases monotonically in the second phase. We investigate this phenomenon in two-layer networks that satisfy a near-homogeneity condition. We show that the second phase begins once the empirical risk falls below a certain threshold, dependent on the stepsize. Additionally, we show that the normalized margin grows nearly monotonically in the second phase, demonstrating an implicit bias of GD in training non-homogeneous predictors. If the dataset is linearly separable and the derivative of the activation function is bounded away from zero, we show that the average empirical risk decreases, implying that the first phase must stop in finite steps. Finally, we demonstrate that by choosing a suitably large stepsize, GD that undergoes this phase transition is more efficient than GD that monotonically decreases the risk. Our analysis applies to networks of any width, beyond the well-known neural tangent kernel and mean-field regimes.

replace-cross Optimizing Large Model Training through Overlapped Activation Recomputation

Authors: Ping Chen, Wenjie Zhang, Shuibing He, Yingjie Gu, Zhuwei Peng, Kexin Huang, Xuan Zhan, Weijian Chen, Yi Zheng, Zhefeng Wang, Yanlong Yin, Gang Chen

Abstract: Large model training has been using recomputation to alleviate the memory pressure and pipelining to exploit the parallelism of data, tensor, and devices. The existing recomputation approaches may incur up to 40% overhead when training real-world models, e.g., the GPT model with 22B parameters. This is because they are executed on demand in the critical training path. In this paper, we design a new recomputation framework, Lynx, to reduce the overhead by overlapping the recomputation with communication occurring in training pipelines. It consists of an optimal scheduling algorithm (OPT) and a heuristic-based scheduling algorithm (HEU). OPT achieves a global optimum but suffers from a long search time. HEU was designed based on our observation that there are identical structures in large DNN models so that we can apply the same scheduling policy to all identical structures. HEU achieves a local optimum but reduces the search time by 99% compared to OPT. Our comprehensive evaluation using GPT models with 1.3B-20B parameters shows that both OPT and HEU outperform the state-of-the-art recomputation approaches (e.g., Megatron-LM and Checkmake) by 1.02-1.53x. HEU achieves a similar performance as OPT with a search time of 0.16s on average.

replace-cross WebCanvas: Benchmarking Web Agents in Online Environments

Authors: Yichen Pan, Dehan Kong, Sida Zhou, Cheng Cui, Yifei Leng, Bing Jiang, Hangyu Liu, Yanyi Shang, Shuyan Zhou, Tongshuang Wu, Zhengyang Wu

Abstract: For web agents to be practically useful, they must adapt to the continuously evolving web environment characterized by frequent updates to user interfaces and content. However, most existing benchmarks only capture the static aspects of the web. To bridge this gap, we introduce WebCanvas, an innovative online evaluation framework for web agents that effectively addresses the dynamic nature of web interactions. WebCanvas contains three main components to facilitate realistic assessments: (1) A novel evaluation metric which reliably capture critical intermediate actions or states necessary for task completions while disregarding noise caused by insignificant events or changed web-elements. (2) A benchmark dataset called Mind2Web-Live, a refined version of original Mind2Web static dataset containing 542 tasks with 2439 intermediate evaluation states; (3) Lightweight and generalizable annotation tools and testing pipelines that enables the community to collect and maintain the high-quality, up-to-date dataset. Building on WebCanvas, we open-source an agent framework with extensible modules for reasoning, providing a foundation for the community to conduct online inference and evaluations. Our best-performing agent achieves a task success rate of 23.1% and a task completion rate of 48.8% on the Mind2Web-Live test set. Additionally, we analyze the performance discrepancies across various websites, domains, and experimental environments. We encourage the community to contribute further insights on online agent evaluation, thereby advancing this field of research.

replace-cross Latent diffusion models for parameterization and data assimilation of facies-based geomodels

Authors: Guido Di Federico, Louis J. Durlofsky

Abstract: Geological parameterization entails the representation of a geomodel using a small set of latent variables and a mapping from these variables to grid-block properties such as porosity and permeability. Parameterization is useful for data assimilation (history matching), as it maintains geological realism while reducing the number of variables to be determined. Diffusion models are a new class of generative deep-learning procedures that have been shown to outperform previous methods, such as generative adversarial networks, for image generation tasks. Diffusion models are trained to "denoise", which enables them to generate new geological realizations from input fields characterized by random noise. Latent diffusion models, which are the specific variant considered in this study, provide dimension reduction through use of a low-dimensional latent variable. The model developed in this work includes a variational autoencoder for dimension reduction and a U-net for the denoising process. Our application involves conditional 2D three-facies (channel-levee-mud) systems. The latent diffusion model is shown to provide realizations that are visually consistent with samples from geomodeling software. Quantitative metrics involving spatial and flow-response statistics are evaluated, and general agreement between the diffusion-generated models and reference realizations is observed. Stability tests are performed to assess the smoothness of the parameterization method. The latent diffusion model is then used for ensemble-based data assimilation. Two synthetic "true" models are considered. Significant uncertainty reduction, posterior P$_{10}$-P$_{90}$ forecasts that generally bracket observed data, and consistent posterior geomodels, are achieved in both cases.

replace-cross Diff3Dformer: Leveraging Slice Sequence Diffusion for Enhanced 3D CT Classification with Transformer Networks

Authors: Zihao Jin, Yingying Fang, Jiahao Huang, Caiwen Xu, Simon Walsh, Guang Yang

Abstract: The manifestation of symptoms associated with lung diseases can vary in different depths for individual patients, highlighting the significance of 3D information in CT scans for medical image classification. While Vision Transformer has shown superior performance over convolutional neural networks in image classification tasks, their effectiveness is often demonstrated on sufficiently large 2D datasets and they easily encounter overfitting issues on small medical image datasets. To address this limitation, we propose a Diffusion-based 3D Vision Transformer (Diff3Dformer), which utilizes the latent space of the Diffusion model to form the slice sequence for 3D analysis and incorporates clustering attention into ViT to aggregate repetitive information within 3D CT scans, thereby harnessing the power of the advanced transformer in 3D classification tasks on small datasets. Our method exhibits improved performance on two different scales of small datasets of 3D lung CT scans, surpassing the state of the art 3D methods and other transformer-based approaches that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating its robust and superior performance across different scales of data. Experimental results underscore the superiority of our proposed method, indicating its potential for enhancing medical image classification tasks in real-world scenarios.