new Knowledge acquisition for dialogue agents using reinforcement learning on graph representations

Authors: Selene Baez Santamaria, Shihan Wang, Piek Vossen

Abstract: We develop an artificial agent motivated to augment its knowledge base beyond its initial training. The agent actively participates in dialogues with other agents, strategically acquiring new information. The agent models its knowledge as an RDF knowledge graph, integrating new beliefs acquired through conversation. Responses in dialogue are generated by identifying graph patterns around these new integrated beliefs. We show that policies can be learned using reinforcement learning to select effective graph patterns during an interaction, without relying on explicit user feedback. Within this context, our study is a proof of concept for leveraging users as effective sources of information.

new Safety through feedback in Constrained RL

Authors: Shashank Reddy Chirra, Pradeep Varakantham, Praveen Paruchuri

Abstract: In safety-critical RL settings, the inclusion of an additional cost function is often favoured over the arduous task of modifying the reward function to ensure the agent's safe behaviour. However, designing or evaluating such a cost function can be prohibitively expensive. For instance, in the domain of self-driving, designing a cost function that encompasses all unsafe behaviours (e.g. aggressive lane changes) is inherently complex. In such scenarios, the cost function can be learned from feedback collected offline in between training rounds. This feedback can be system generated or elicited from a human observing the training process. Previous approaches have not been able to scale to complex environments and are constrained to receiving feedback at the state level which can be expensive to collect. To this end, we introduce an approach that scales to more complex domains and extends to beyond state-level feedback, thus, reducing the burden on the evaluator. Inferring the cost function in such settings poses challenges, particularly in assigning credit to individual states based on trajectory-level feedback. To address this, we propose a surrogate objective that transforms the problem into a state-level supervised classification task with noisy labels, which can be solved efficiently. Additionally, it is often infeasible to collect feedback on every trajectory generated by the agent, hence, two fundamental questions arise: (1) Which trajectories should be presented to the human? and (2) How many trajectories are necessary for effective learning? To address these questions, we introduce \textit{novelty-based sampling} that selectively involves the evaluator only when the the agent encounters a \textit{novel} trajectory. We showcase the efficiency of our method through experimentation on several benchmark Safety Gymnasium environments and realistic self-driving scenarios.

new Beyond Human Preferences: Exploring Reinforcement Learning Trajectory Evaluation and Improvement through LLMs

Authors: Zichao Shen, Tianchen Zhu, Qingyun Sun, Shiqi Gao, Jianxin Li

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) faces challenges in evaluating policy trajectories within intricate game tasks due to the difficulty in designing comprehensive and precise reward functions. This inherent difficulty curtails the broader application of RL within game environments characterized by diverse constraints. Preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL) presents a pioneering framework that capitalizes on human preferences as pivotal reward signals, thereby circumventing the need for meticulous reward engineering. However, obtaining preference data from human experts is costly and inefficient, especially under conditions marked by complex constraints. To tackle this challenge, we propose a LLM-enabled automatic preference generation framework named LLM4PG , which harnesses the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to abstract trajectories, rank preferences, and reconstruct reward functions to optimize conditioned policies. Experiments on tasks with complex language constraints demonstrated the effectiveness of our LLM-enabled reward functions, accelerating RL convergence and overcoming stagnation caused by slow or absent progress under original reward structures. This approach mitigates the reliance on specialized human knowledge and demonstrates the potential of LLMs to enhance RL's effectiveness in complex environments in the wild.

new DISCO: Efficient Diffusion Solver for Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Authors: Kexiong Yu, Hang Zhao, Yuhang Huang, Renjiao Yi, Kai Xu, Chenyang Zhu

Abstract: Combinatorial Optimization (CO) problems are fundamentally crucial in numerous practical applications across diverse industries, characterized by entailing enormous solution space and demanding time-sensitive response. Despite significant advancements made by recent neural solvers, their limited expressiveness does not conform well to the multi-modal nature of CO landscapes. While some research has pivoted towards diffusion models, they require simulating a Markov chain with many steps to produce a sample, which is time-consuming and does not meet the efficiency requirement of real applications, especially at scale. We propose DISCO, an efficient DIffusion Solver for Combinatorial Optimization problems that excels in both solution quality and inference speed. DISCO's efficacy is two-pronged: Firstly, it achieves rapid denoising of solutions through an analytically solvable form, allowing for direct sampling from the solution space with very few reverse-time steps, thereby drastically reducing inference time. Secondly, DISCO enhances solution quality by restricting the sampling space to a more constrained, meaningful domain guided by solution residues, while still preserving the inherent multi-modality of the output probabilistic distributions. DISCO achieves state-of-the-art results on very large Traveling Salesman Problems with 10000 nodes and challenging Maximal Independent Set benchmarks, with its per-instance denoising time up to 44.8 times faster. Through further combining a divide-and-conquer strategy, DISCO can be generalized to solve arbitrary-scale problem instances off the shelf, even outperforming models trained specifically on corresponding scales.

new Uncertainty Quantification in Large Language Models Through Convex Hull Analysis

Authors: Ferhat Ozgur Catak, Murat Kuzlu

Abstract: Uncertainty quantification approaches have been more critical in large language models (LLMs), particularly high-risk applications requiring reliable outputs. However, traditional methods for uncertainty quantification, such as probabilistic models and ensemble techniques, face challenges when applied to the complex and high-dimensional nature of LLM-generated outputs. This study proposes a novel geometric approach to uncertainty quantification using convex hull analysis. The proposed method leverages the spatial properties of response embeddings to measure the dispersion and variability of model outputs. The prompts are categorized into three types, i.e., `easy', `moderate', and `confusing', to generate multiple responses using different LLMs at varying temperature settings. The responses are transformed into high-dimensional embeddings via a BERT model and subsequently projected into a two-dimensional space using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm is utilized to cluster the embeddings and compute the convex hull for each selected cluster. The experimental results indicate that the uncertainty of the model for LLMs depends on the prompt complexity, the model, and the temperature setting.

new xSemAD: Explainable Semantic Anomaly Detection in Event Logs Using Sequence-to-Sequence Models

Authors: Kiran Busch, Timotheus Kampik, Henrik Leopold

Abstract: The identification of undesirable behavior in event logs is an important aspect of process mining that is often addressed by anomaly detection methods. Traditional anomaly detection methods tend to focus on statistically rare behavior and neglect the subtle difference between rarity and undesirability. The introduction of semantic anomaly detection has opened a promising avenue by identifying semantically deviant behavior. This work addresses a gap in semantic anomaly detection, which typically indicates the occurrence of an anomaly without explaining the nature of the anomaly. We propose xSemAD, an approach that uses a sequence-to-sequence model to go beyond pure identification and provides extended explanations. In essence, our approach learns constraints from a given process model repository and then checks whether these constraints hold in the considered event log. This approach not only helps understand the specifics of the undesired behavior, but also facilitates targeted corrective actions. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art semantic anomaly detection methods.

new MetaDesigner: Advancing Artistic Typography through AI-Driven, User-Centric, and Multilingual WordArt Synthesis

Authors: Jun-Yan He, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Chenyang Li, Jingdong Sun, Qi He, Wangmeng Xiang, Hanyuan Chen, Jin-Peng Lan, Xianhui Lin, Kang Zhu, Bin Luo, Yifeng Geng, Xuansong Xie, Alexander G. Hauptmann

Abstract: MetaDesigner revolutionizes artistic typography synthesis by leveraging the strengths of Large Language Models (LLMs) to drive a design paradigm centered around user engagement. At the core of this framework lies a multi-agent system comprising the Pipeline, Glyph, and Texture agents, which collectively enable the creation of customized WordArt, ranging from semantic enhancements to the imposition of complex textures. MetaDesigner incorporates a comprehensive feedback mechanism that harnesses insights from multimodal models and user evaluations to refine and enhance the design process iteratively. Through this feedback loop, the system adeptly tunes hyperparameters to align with user-defined stylistic and thematic preferences, generating WordArt that not only meets but exceeds user expectations of visual appeal and contextual relevance. Empirical validations highlight MetaDesigner's capability to effectively serve diverse WordArt applications, consistently producing aesthetically appealing and context-sensitive results.

new Fine-tuning of Geospatial Foundation Models for Aboveground Biomass Estimation

Authors: Michal Muszynski, Levente Klein, Ademir Ferreira da Silva, Anjani Prasad Atluri, Carlos Gomes, Daniela Szwarcman, Gurkanwar Singh, Kewen Gu, Maciel Zortea, Naomi Simumba, Paolo Fraccaro, Shraddha Singh, Steve Meliksetian, Campbell Watson, Daiki Kimura, Harini Srinivasan

Abstract: Global vegetation structure mapping is critical for understanding the global carbon cycle and maximizing the efficacy of nature-based carbon sequestration initiatives. Moreover, vegetation structure mapping can help reduce the impacts of climate change by, for example, guiding actions to improve water security, increase biodiversity and reduce flood risk. Global satellite measurements provide an important set of observations for monitoring and managing deforestation and degradation of existing forests, natural forest regeneration, reforestation, biodiversity restoration, and the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices. In this paper, we explore the effectiveness of fine-tuning of a geospatial foundation model to estimate above-ground biomass (AGB) using space-borne data collected across different eco-regions in Brazil. The fine-tuned model architecture consisted of a Swin-B transformer as the encoder (i.e., backbone) and a single convolutional layer for the decoder head. All results were compared to a U-Net which was trained as the baseline model Experimental results of this sparse-label prediction task demonstrate that the fine-tuned geospatial foundation model with a frozen encoder has comparable performance to a U-Net trained from scratch. This is despite the fine-tuned model having 13 times less parameters requiring optimization, which saves both time and compute resources. Further, we explore the transfer-learning capabilities of the geospatial foundation models by fine-tuning on satellite imagery with sparse labels from different eco-regions in Brazil.

new Electrostatics-based particle sampling and approximate inference

Authors: Yongchao Huang

Abstract: A new particle-based sampling and approximate inference method, based on electrostatics and Newton mechanics principles, is introduced with theoretical ground, algorithm design and experimental validation. This method simulates an interacting particle system (IPS) where particles, i.e. the freely-moving negative charges and spatially-fixed positive charges with magnitudes proportional to the target distribution, interact with each other via attraction and repulsion induced by the resulting electric fields described by Poisson's equation. The IPS evolves towards a steady-state where the distribution of negative charges conforms to the target distribution. This physics-inspired method offers deterministic, gradient-free sampling and inference, achieving comparable performance as other particle-based and MCMC methods in benchmark tasks of inferring complex densities, Bayesian logistic regression and dynamical system identification. A discrete-time, discrete-space algorithmic design, readily extendable to continuous time and space, is provided for usage in more general inference problems occurring in probabilistic machine learning scenarios such as Bayesian inference, generative modelling, and beyond.

new AI for Extreme Event Modeling and Understanding: Methodologies and Challenges

Authors: Gustau Camps-Valls, Miguel-\'Angel Fern\'andez-Torres, Kai-Hendrik Cohrs, Adrian H\"ohl, Andrea Castelletti, Aytac Pacal, Claire Robin, Francesco Martinuzzi, Ioannis Papoutsis, Ioannis Prapas, Jorge P\'erez-Aracil, Katja Weigel, Maria Gonzalez-Calabuig, Markus Reichstein, Martin Rabel, Matteo Giuliani, Miguel Mahecha, Oana-Iuliana Popescu, Oscar J. Pellicer-Valero, Said Ouala, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Sebastian Sippel, Spyros Kondylatos, Tamara Happ\'e, Tristan Williams

Abstract: In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has deeply impacted various fields, including Earth system sciences. Here, AI improved weather forecasting, model emulation, parameter estimation, and the prediction of extreme events. However, the latter comes with specific challenges, such as developing accurate predictors from noisy, heterogeneous and limited annotated data. This paper reviews how AI is being used to analyze extreme events (like floods, droughts, wildfires and heatwaves), highlighting the importance of creating accurate, transparent, and reliable AI models. We discuss the hurdles of dealing with limited data, integrating information in real-time, deploying models, and making them understandable, all crucial for gaining the trust of stakeholders and meeting regulatory needs. We provide an overview of how AI can help identify and explain extreme events more effectively, improving disaster response and communication. We emphasize the need for collaboration across different fields to create AI solutions that are practical, understandable, and trustworthy for analyzing and predicting extreme events. Such collaborative efforts aim to enhance disaster readiness and disaster risk reduction.

cross Shaping New Norms for AI

Authors: Andrea Baronchelli

Abstract: As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, the need for new norms is urgent. However, AI evolves at a much faster pace than the characteristic time of norm formation, posing an unprecedented challenge to our societies. This paper examines possible criticalities of the processes of norm formation surrounding AI. Thus, it focuses on how new norms can be established, rather than on what these norms should be. It distinguishes different scenarios based on the centralisation or decentralisation of the norm formation process, analysing the cases where new norms are shaped by formal authorities, informal institutions, or emerge spontaneously in a bottom-up fashion. On the latter point, the paper reports a conversation with ChatGPT in which the LLM discusses some of the emerging norms it has observed. Far from seeking exhaustiveness, this article aims to offer readers interpretive tools to understand society's response to the growing pervasiveness of AI. An outlook on how AI could influence the formation of future social norms emphasises the importance for open societies to anchor their formal deliberation process in an open, inclusive, and transparent public discourse.

cross How scanning probe microscopy can be supported by Artificial Intelligence and quantum computing

Authors: Agnieszka Pregowska, Agata Roszkiewicz, Magdalena Osial, Michael Giersig

Abstract: We focus on the potential possibilities for supporting Scanning Probe Microscopy measurements, emphasizing the application of Artificial Intelligence, especially Machine Learning as well as quantum computing. It turned out that Artificial Intelligence can be helpful in the experimental processes automation in routine operations, the algorithmic search for good sample regions, and shed light on the structure property relationships. Thus, it contributes to increasing the efficiency and accuracy of optical nanoscopy scanning probes. Moreover, the combination of Artificial Intelligence based algorithms and quantum computing may have a huge potential to increase the practical application of Scanning Probe Microscopy. The limitations were also discussed. Finally, we outline a research path for the improvement of the proposed approach.

cross Predicting Customer Goals in Financial Institution Services: A Data-Driven LSTM Approach

Authors: Andrew Estornell, Stylianos Loukas Vasileiou, William Yeoh, Daniel Borrajo, Rui Silva

Abstract: In today's competitive financial landscape, understanding and anticipating customer goals is crucial for institutions to deliver a personalized and optimized user experience. This has given rise to the problem of accurately predicting customer goals and actions. Focusing on that problem, we use historical customer traces generated by a realistic simulator and present two simple models for predicting customer goals and future actions -- an LSTM model and an LSTM model enhanced with state-space graph embeddings. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of these models when it comes to predicting customer goals and actions.

cross Temporal distribution of clusters of investors and their application in prediction with expert advice

Authors: Wojciech Wisniewski, Yuri Kalnishkan, David Lindsay, Si\^an Lindsay

Abstract: Financial organisations such as brokers face a significant challenge in servicing the investment needs of thousands of their traders worldwide. This task is further compounded since individual traders will have their own risk appetite and investment goals. Traders may look to capture short-term trends in the market which last only seconds to minutes, or they may have longer-term views which last several days to months. To reduce the complexity of this task, client trades can be clustered. By examining such clusters, we would likely observe many traders following common patterns of investment, but how do these patterns vary through time? Knowledge regarding the temporal distributions of such clusters may help financial institutions manage the overall portfolio of risk that accumulates from underlying trader positions. This study contributes to the field by demonstrating that the distribution of clusters derived from the real-world trades of 20k Foreign Exchange (FX) traders (from 2015 to 2017) is described in accordance with Ewens' Sampling Distribution. Further, we show that the Aggregating Algorithm (AA), an on-line prediction with expert advice algorithm, can be applied to the aforementioned real-world data in order to improve the returns of portfolios of trader risk. However we found that the AA 'struggles' when presented with too many trader ``experts'', especially when there are many trades with similar overall patterns. To help overcome this challenge, we have applied and compared the use of Statistically Validated Networks (SVN) with a hierarchical clustering approach on a subset of the data, demonstrating that both approaches can be used to significantly improve results of the AA in terms of profitability and smoothness of returns.

cross "Glue pizza and eat rocks" -- Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Retrieval-Augmented Generative Models

Authors: Zhen Tan, Chengshuai Zhao, Raha Moraffah, Yifan Li, Song Wang, Jundong Li, Tianlong Chen, Huan Liu

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generative (RAG) models enhance Large Language Models (LLMs) by integrating external knowledge bases, improving their performance in applications like fact-checking and information searching. In this paper, we demonstrate a security threat where adversaries can exploit the openness of these knowledge bases by injecting deceptive content into the retrieval database, intentionally changing the model's behavior. This threat is critical as it mirrors real-world usage scenarios where RAG systems interact with publicly accessible knowledge bases, such as web scrapings and user-contributed data pools. To be more realistic, we target a realistic setting where the adversary has no knowledge of users' queries, knowledge base data, and the LLM parameters. We demonstrate that it is possible to exploit the model successfully through crafted content uploads with access to the retriever. Our findings emphasize an urgent need for security measures in the design and deployment of RAG systems to prevent potential manipulation and ensure the integrity of machine-generated content.

cross A Quantization-based Technique for Privacy Preserving Distributed Learning

Authors: Maurizio Colombo, Rasool Asal, Ernesto Damiani, Lamees Mahmoud AlQassem, Al Anoud Almemari, Yousof Alhammadi

Abstract: The massive deployment of Machine Learning (ML) models raises serious concerns about data protection. Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) offer a promising first step, but hard challenges persist in achieving confidentiality and differential privacy in distributed learning. In this paper, we describe a novel, regulation-compliant data protection technique for the distributed training of ML models, applicable throughout the ML life cycle regardless of the underlying ML architecture. Designed from the data owner's perspective, our method protects both training data and ML model parameters by employing a protocol based on a quantized multi-hash data representation Hash-Comb combined with randomization. The hyper-parameters of our scheme can be shared using standard Secure Multi-Party computation protocols. Our experimental results demonstrate the robustness and accuracy-preserving properties of our approach.

cross Lightweight Predictive 3D Gaussian Splats

Authors: Junli Cao, Vidit Goel, Chaoyang Wang, Anil Kag, Ju Hu, Sergei Korolev, Chenfanfu Jiang, Sergey Tulyakov, Jian Ren

Abstract: Recent approaches representing 3D objects and scenes using Gaussian splats show increased rendering speed across a variety of platforms and devices. While rendering such representations is indeed extremely efficient, storing and transmitting them is often prohibitively expensive. To represent large-scale scenes, one often needs to store millions of 3D Gaussians, occupying gigabytes of disk space. This poses a very practical limitation, prohibiting widespread adoption.Several solutions have been proposed to strike a balance between disk size and rendering quality, noticeably reducing the visual quality. In this work, we propose a new representation that dramatically reduces the hard drive footprint while featuring similar or improved quality when compared to the standard 3D Gaussian splats. When compared to other compact solutions, ours offers higher quality renderings with significantly reduced storage, being able to efficiently run on a mobile device in real-time. Our key observation is that nearby points in the scene can share similar representations. Hence, only a small ratio of 3D points needs to be stored. We introduce an approach to identify such points which are called parent points. The discarded points called children points along with attributes can be efficiently predicted by tiny MLPs.

cross ManiWAV: Learning Robot Manipulation from In-the-Wild Audio-Visual Data

Authors: Zeyi Liu, Cheng Chi, Eric Cousineau, Naveen Kuppuswamy, Benjamin Burchfiel, Shuran Song

Abstract: Audio signals provide rich information for the robot interaction and object properties through contact. These information can surprisingly ease the learning of contact-rich robot manipulation skills, especially when the visual information alone is ambiguous or incomplete. However, the usage of audio data in robot manipulation has been constrained to teleoperated demonstrations collected by either attaching a microphone to the robot or object, which significantly limits its usage in robot learning pipelines. In this work, we introduce ManiWAV: an 'ear-in-hand' data collection device to collect in-the-wild human demonstrations with synchronous audio and visual feedback, and a corresponding policy interface to learn robot manipulation policy directly from the demonstrations. We demonstrate the capabilities of our system through four contact-rich manipulation tasks that require either passively sensing the contact events and modes, or actively sensing the object surface materials and states. In addition, we show that our system can generalize to unseen in-the-wild environments, by learning from diverse in-the-wild human demonstrations. Project website:


cross Sparse Regression for Machine Translation

Authors: Ergun Bi\c{c}ici

Abstract: We use transductive regression techniques to learn mappings between source and target features of given parallel corpora and use these mappings to generate machine translation outputs. We show the effectiveness of $L_1$ regularized regression (\textit{lasso}) to learn the mappings between sparsely observed feature sets versus $L_2$ regularized regression. Proper selection of training instances plays an important role to learn correct feature mappings within limited computational resources and at expected accuracy levels. We introduce \textit{dice} instance selection method for proper selection of training instances, which plays an important role to learn correct feature mappings for improving the source and target coverage of the training set. We show that $L_1$ regularized regression performs better than $L_2$ regularized regression both in regression measurements and in the translation experiments using graph decoding. We present encouraging results when translating from German to English and Spanish to English. We also demonstrate results when the phrase table of a phrase-based decoder is replaced with the mappings we find with the regression model.

cross LoPT: Low-Rank Prompt Tuning for Parameter Efficient Language Models

Authors: Shouchang Guo, Sonam Damani, Keng-hao Chang

Abstract: In prompt tuning, a prefix or suffix text is added to the prompt, and the embeddings (soft prompts) or token indices (hard prompts) of the prefix/suffix are optimized to gain more control over language models for specific tasks. This approach eliminates the need for hand-crafted prompt engineering or explicit model fine-tuning. Prompt tuning is significantly more parameter-efficient than model fine-tuning, as it involves optimizing partial inputs of language models to produce desired outputs. In this work, we aim to further reduce the amount of trainable parameters required for a language model to perform well on specific tasks. We propose Low-rank Prompt Tuning (LoPT), a low-rank model for prompts that achieves efficient prompt optimization. The proposed method demonstrates similar outcomes to full parameter prompt tuning while reducing the number of trainable parameters by a factor of 5. It also provides promising results compared to the state-of-the-art methods that would require 10 to 20 times more parameters.

cross Development and Evaluation of a Retrieval-Augmented Generation Tool for Creating SAPPhIRE Models of Artificial Systems

Authors: Anubhab Majumder, Kausik Bhattacharya, Amaresh Chakrabarti

Abstract: Representing systems using the SAPPhIRE causality model is found useful in supporting design-by-analogy. However, creating a SAPPhIRE model of artificial or biological systems is an effort-intensive process that requires human experts to source technical knowledge from multiple technical documents regarding how the system works. This research investigates how to leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) in creating structured descriptions of systems using the SAPPhIRE model of causality. This paper, the second part of the two-part research, presents a new Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) tool for generating information related to SAPPhIRE constructs of artificial systems and reports the results from a preliminary evaluation of the tool's success - focusing on the factual accuracy and reliability of outcomes.

cross Inclusivity in Large Language Models: Personality Traits and Gender Bias in Scientific Abstracts

Authors: Naseela Pervez, Alexander J. Titus

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly utilized to assist in scientific and academic writing, helping authors enhance the coherence of their articles. Previous studies have highlighted stereotypes and biases present in LLM outputs, emphasizing the need to evaluate these models for their alignment with human narrative styles and potential gender biases. In this study, we assess the alignment of three prominent LLMs - Claude 3 Opus, Mistral AI Large, and Gemini 1.5 Flash - by analyzing their performance on benchmark text-generation tasks for scientific abstracts. We employ the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) framework to extract lexical, psychological, and social features from the generated texts. Our findings indicate that, while these models generally produce text closely resembling human authored content, variations in stylistic features suggest significant gender biases. This research highlights the importance of developing LLMs that maintain a diversity of writing styles to promote inclusivity in academic discourse.

cross Investigating How Large Language Models Leverage Internal Knowledge to Perform Complex Reasoning

Authors: Miyoung Ko, Sue Hyun Park, Joonsuk Park, Minjoon Seo

Abstract: Despite significant advancements, there is a limited understanding of how large language models (LLMs) utilize knowledge for reasoning. To address this, we propose a method that deconstructs complex real-world questions into a graph, representing each question as a node with parent nodes of background knowledge needed to solve the question. We develop the DepthQA dataset, deconstructing questions into three depths: (i) recalling conceptual knowledge, (ii) applying procedural knowledge, and (iii) analyzing strategic knowledge. Based on a hierarchical graph, we quantify forward discrepancy, discrepancies in LLMs' performance on simpler sub-problems versus complex questions. We also measure backward discrepancy, where LLMs answer complex questions but struggle with simpler ones. Our analysis shows that smaller models have more discrepancies than larger models. Additionally, guiding models from simpler to complex questions through multi-turn interactions improves performance across model sizes, highlighting the importance of structured intermediate steps in knowledge reasoning. This work enhances our understanding of LLM reasoning and suggests ways to improve their problem-solving abilities.

cross Too Good to be True? Turn Any Model Differentially Private With DP-Weights

Authors: David Zagardo

Abstract: Imagine training a machine learning model with Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD), only to discover post-training that the noise level was either too high, crippling your model's utility, or too low, compromising privacy. The dreaded realization hits: you must start the lengthy training process from scratch. But what if you could avoid this retraining nightmare? In this study, we introduce a groundbreaking approach (to our knowledge) that applies differential privacy noise to the model's weights after training. We offer a comprehensive mathematical proof for this novel approach's privacy bounds, use formal methods to validate its privacy guarantees, and empirically evaluate its effectiveness using membership inference attacks and performance evaluations. This method allows for a single training run, followed by post-hoc noise adjustments to achieve optimal privacy-utility trade-offs. We compare this novel fine-tuned model (DP-Weights model) to a traditional DP-SGD model, demonstrating that our approach yields statistically similar performance and privacy guarantees. Our results validate the efficacy of post-training noise application, promising significant time savings and flexibility in fine-tuning differential privacy parameters, making it a practical alternative for deploying differentially private models in real-world scenarios.

cross Captioning Visualizations with Large Language Models (CVLLM): A Tutorial

Authors: Giuseppe Carenini, Jordon Johnson, Ali Salamatian

Abstract: Automatically captioning visualizations is not new, but recent advances in large language models(LLMs) open exciting new possibilities. In this tutorial, after providing a brief review of Information Visualization (InfoVis) principles and past work in captioning, we introduce neural models and the transformer architecture used in generic LLMs. We then discuss their recent applications in InfoVis, with a focus on captioning. Additionally, we explore promising future directions in this field.

cross Using Large Language Models to Assist Video Content Analysis: An Exploratory Study of Short Videos on Depression

Authors: Jiaying Liu, Yunlong Wang, Yao Lyu, Yiheng Su, Shuo Niu, Xuhai "Orson" Xu, Yan Zhang

Abstract: Despite the growing interest in leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for content analysis, current studies have primarily focused on text-based content. In the present work, we explored the potential of LLMs in assisting video content analysis by conducting a case study that followed a new workflow of LLM-assisted multimodal content analysis. The workflow encompasses codebook design, prompt engineering, LLM processing, and human evaluation. We strategically crafted annotation prompts to get LLM Annotations in structured form and explanation prompts to generate LLM Explanations for a better understanding of LLM reasoning and transparency. To test LLM's video annotation capabilities, we analyzed 203 keyframes extracted from 25 YouTube short videos about depression. We compared the LLM Annotations with those of two human coders and found that LLM has higher accuracy in object and activity Annotations than emotion and genre Annotations. Moreover, we identified the potential and limitations of LLM's capabilities in annotating videos. Based on the findings, we explore opportunities and challenges for future research and improvements to the workflow. We also discuss ethical concerns surrounding future studies based on LLM-assisted video analysis.

cross Handling Ontology Gaps in Semantic Parsing

Authors: Andrea Bacciu, Marco Damonte, Marco Basaldella, Emilio Monti

Abstract: The majority of Neural Semantic Parsing (NSP) models are developed with the assumption that there are no concepts outside the ones such models can represent with their target symbols (closed-world assumption). This assumption leads to generate hallucinated outputs rather than admitting their lack of knowledge. Hallucinations can lead to wrong or potentially offensive responses to users. Hence, a mechanism to prevent this behavior is crucial to build trusted NSP-based Question Answering agents. To that end, we propose the Hallucination Simulation Framework (HSF), a general setting for stimulating and analyzing NSP model hallucinations. The framework can be applied to any NSP task with a closed-ontology. Using the proposed framework and KQA Pro as the benchmark dataset, we assess state-of-the-art techniques for hallucination detection. We then present a novel hallucination detection strategy that exploits the computational graph of the NSP model to detect the NSP hallucinations in the presence of ontology gaps, out-of-domain utterances, and to recognize NSP errors, improving the F1-Score respectively by ~21, ~24% and ~1%. This is the first work in closed-ontology NSP that addresses the problem of recognizing ontology gaps. We release our code and checkpoints at


cross Leveraging Machine-Generated Rationales to Facilitate Social Meaning Detection in Conversations

Authors: Ritam Dutt, Zhen Wu, Kelly Shi, Divyanshu Sheth, Prakhar Gupta, Carolyn Penstein Rose

Abstract: We present a generalizable classification approach that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to facilitate the detection of implicitly encoded social meaning in conversations. We design a multi-faceted prompt to extract a textual explanation of the reasoning that connects visible cues to underlying social meanings. These extracted explanations or rationales serve as augmentations to the conversational text to facilitate dialogue understanding and transfer. Our empirical results over 2,340 experimental settings demonstrate the significant positive impact of adding these rationales. Our findings hold true for in-domain classification, zero-shot, and few-shot domain transfer for two different social meaning detection tasks, each spanning two different corpora.

cross Rethinking harmless refusals when fine-tuning foundation models

Authors: Florin Pop, Judd Rosenblatt, Diogo Schwerz de Lucena, Michael Vaiana

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the degree to which fine-tuning in Large Language Models (LLMs) effectively mitigates versus merely conceals undesirable behavior. Through the lens of semi-realistic role-playing exercises designed to elicit such behaviors, we explore the response dynamics of LLMs post fine-tuning interventions. Our methodology involves prompting models for Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning and analyzing the coherence between the reasoning traces and the resultant outputs. Notably, we identify a pervasive phenomenon we term \emph{reason-based deception}, where models either stop producing reasoning traces or produce seemingly ethical reasoning traces that belie the unethical nature of their final outputs. We further examine the efficacy of response strategies (polite refusal versus explicit rebuttal) in curbing the occurrence of undesired behavior in subsequent outputs of multi-turn interactions. Our findings reveal that explicit rebuttals significantly outperform polite refusals in preventing the continuation of undesired outputs and nearly eliminate reason-based deception, challenging current practices in model fine-tuning. Accordingly, the two key contributions of this paper are (1) defining and studying reason-based deception, a new type of hidden behavior, and (2) demonstrating that rebuttals provide a more robust response model to harmful requests than refusals, thereby highlighting the need to reconsider the response strategies in fine-tuning approaches.

cross Meta-Gradient Search Control: A Method for Improving the Efficiency of Dyna-style Planning

Authors: Bradley Burega, John D. Martin, Luke Kapeluck, Michael Bowling

Abstract: We study how a Reinforcement Learning (RL) system can remain sample-efficient when learning from an imperfect model of the environment. This is particularly challenging when the learning system is resource-constrained and in continual settings, where the environment dynamics change. To address these challenges, our paper introduces an online, meta-gradient algorithm that tunes a probability with which states are queried during Dyna-style planning. Our study compares the aggregate, empirical performance of this meta-gradient method to baselines that employ conventional sampling strategies. Results indicate that our method improves efficiency of the planning process, which, as a consequence, improves the sample-efficiency of the overall learning process. On the whole, we observe that our meta-learned solutions avoid several pathologies of conventional planning approaches, such as sampling inaccurate transitions and those that stall credit assignment. We believe these findings could prove useful, in future work, for designing model-based RL systems at scale.

cross What Matters in Detecting AI-Generated Videos like Sora?

Authors: Chirui Chang, Zhengzhe Liu, Xiaoyang Lyu, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract: Recent advancements in diffusion-based video generation have showcased remarkable results, yet the gap between synthetic and real-world videos remains under-explored. In this study, we examine this gap from three fundamental perspectives: appearance, motion, and geometry, comparing real-world videos with those generated by a state-of-the-art AI model, Stable Video Diffusion. To achieve this, we train three classifiers using 3D convolutional networks, each targeting distinct aspects: vision foundation model features for appearance, optical flow for motion, and monocular depth for geometry. Each classifier exhibits strong performance in fake video detection, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This indicates that AI-generated videos are still easily detectable, and a significant gap between real and fake videos persists. Furthermore, utilizing the Grad-CAM, we pinpoint systematic failures of AI-generated videos in appearance, motion, and geometry. Finally, we propose an Ensemble-of-Experts model that integrates appearance, optical flow, and depth information for fake video detection, resulting in enhanced robustness and generalization ability. Our model is capable of detecting videos generated by Sora with high accuracy, even without exposure to any Sora videos during training. This suggests that the gap between real and fake videos can be generalized across various video generative models. Project page:


cross Synthetic Cancer -- Augmenting Worms with LLMs

Authors: Benjamin Zimmerman, David Zollikofer

Abstract: With increasingly sophisticated large language models (LLMs), the potential for abuse rises drastically. As a submission to the Swiss AI Safety Prize, we present a novel type of metamorphic malware leveraging LLMs for two key processes. First, LLMs are used for automatic code rewriting to evade signature-based detection by antimalware programs. The malware then spreads its copies via email by utilizing an LLM to socially engineer email replies to encourage recipients to execute the attached malware. Our submission includes a functional minimal prototype, highlighting the risks that LLMs pose for cybersecurity and underscoring the need for further research into intelligent malware.

cross PathAlign: A vision-language model for whole slide images in histopathology

Authors: Faruk Ahmed, Andrew Sellergren, Lin Yang, Shawn Xu, Boris Babenko, Abbi Ward, Niels Olson, Arash Mohtashamian, Yossi Matias, Greg S. Corrado, Quang Duong, Dale R. Webster, Shravya Shetty, Daniel Golden, Yun Liu, David F. Steiner, Ellery Wulczyn

Abstract: Microscopic interpretation of histopathology images underlies many important diagnostic and treatment decisions. While advances in vision-language modeling raise new opportunities for analysis of such images, the gigapixel-scale size of whole slide images (WSIs) introduces unique challenges. Additionally, pathology reports simultaneously highlight key findings from small regions while also aggregating interpretation across multiple slides, often making it difficult to create robust image-text pairs. As such, pathology reports remain a largely untapped source of supervision in computational pathology, with most efforts relying on region-of-interest annotations or self-supervision at the patch-level. In this work, we develop a vision-language model based on the BLIP-2 framework using WSIs paired with curated text from pathology reports. This enables applications utilizing a shared image-text embedding space, such as text or image retrieval for finding cases of interest, as well as integration of the WSI encoder with a frozen large language model (LLM) for WSI-based generative text capabilities such as report generation or AI-in-the-loop interactions. We utilize a de-identified dataset of over 350,000 WSIs and diagnostic text pairs, spanning a wide range of diagnoses, procedure types, and tissue types. We present pathologist evaluation of text generation and text retrieval using WSI embeddings, as well as results for WSI classification and workflow prioritization (slide-level triaging). Model-generated text for WSIs was rated by pathologists as accurate, without clinically significant error or omission, for 78% of WSIs on average. This work demonstrates exciting potential capabilities for language-aligned WSI embeddings.

cross Optimizing Cyber Defense in Dynamic Active Directories through Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Diksha Goel, Kristen Moore, Mingyu Guo, Derui Wang, Minjune Kim, Seyit Camtepe

Abstract: This paper addresses a significant gap in Autonomous Cyber Operations (ACO) literature: the absence of effective edge-blocking ACO strategies in dynamic, real-world networks. It specifically targets the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of organizational Active Directory (AD) systems. Unlike the existing literature on edge-blocking defenses which considers AD systems as static entities, our study counters this by recognizing their dynamic nature and developing advanced edge-blocking defenses through a Stackelberg game model between attacker and defender. We devise a Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based attack strategy and an RL-assisted Evolutionary Diversity Optimization-based defense strategy, where the attacker and defender improve each other strategy via parallel gameplay. To address the computational challenges of training attacker-defender strategies on numerous dynamic AD graphs, we propose an RL Training Facilitator that prunes environments and neural networks to eliminate irrelevant elements, enabling efficient and scalable training for large graphs. We extensively train the attacker strategy, as a sophisticated attacker model is essential for a robust defense. Our empirical results successfully demonstrate that our proposed approach enhances defender's proficiency in hardening dynamic AD graphs while ensuring scalability for large-scale AD.

cross Multimodal Data Integration for Precision Oncology: Challenges and Future Directions

Authors: Huajun Zhou, Fengtao Zhou, Chenyu Zhao, Yingxue Xu, Luyang Luo, Hao Chen

Abstract: The essence of precision oncology lies in its commitment to tailor targeted treatments and care measures to each patient based on the individual characteristics of the tumor. The inherent heterogeneity of tumors necessitates gathering information from diverse data sources to provide valuable insights from various perspectives, fostering a holistic comprehension of the tumor. Over the past decade, multimodal data integration technology for precision oncology has made significant strides, showcasing remarkable progress in understanding the intricate details within heterogeneous data modalities. These strides have exhibited tremendous potential for improving clinical decision-making and model interpretation, contributing to the advancement of cancer care and treatment. Given the rapid progress that has been achieved, we provide a comprehensive overview of about 300 papers detailing cutting-edge multimodal data integration techniques in precision oncology. In addition, we conclude the primary clinical applications that have reaped significant benefits, including early assessment, diagnosis, prognosis, and biomarker discovery. Finally, derived from the findings of this survey, we present an in-depth analysis that explores the pivotal challenges and reveals essential pathways for future research in the field of multimodal data integration for precision oncology.

cross A Survey on Data Quality Dimensions and Tools for Machine Learning

Authors: Yuhan Zhou, Fengjiao Tu, Kewei Sha, Junhua Ding, Haihua Chen

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) technologies have become substantial in practically all aspects of our society, and data quality (DQ) is critical for the performance, fairness, robustness, safety, and scalability of ML models. With the large and complex data in data-centric AI, traditional methods like exploratory data analysis (EDA) and cross-validation (CV) face challenges, highlighting the importance of mastering DQ tools. In this survey, we review 17 DQ evaluation and improvement tools in the last 5 years. By introducing the DQ dimensions, metrics, and main functions embedded in these tools, we compare their strengths and limitations and propose a roadmap for developing open-source DQ tools for ML. Based on the discussions on the challenges and emerging trends, we further highlight the potential applications of large language models (LLMs) and generative AI in DQ evaluation and improvement for ML. We believe this comprehensive survey can enhance understanding of DQ in ML and could drive progress in data-centric AI. A complete list of the literature investigated in this survey is available on GitHub at:


cross Data-Driven Lipschitz Continuity: A Cost-Effective Approach to Improve Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Erh-Chung Chen, Pin-Yu Chen, I-Hsin Chung, Che-Rung Lee

Abstract: The security and robustness of deep neural networks (DNNs) have become increasingly concerning. This paper aims to provide both a theoretical foundation and a practical solution to ensure the reliability of DNNs. We explore the concept of Lipschitz continuity to certify the robustness of DNNs against adversarial attacks, which aim to mislead the network with adding imperceptible perturbations into inputs. We propose a novel algorithm that remaps the input domain into a constrained range, reducing the Lipschitz constant and potentially enhancing robustness. Unlike existing adversarially trained models, where robustness is enhanced by introducing additional examples from other datasets or generative models, our method is almost cost-free as it can be integrated with existing models without requiring re-training. Experimental results demonstrate the generalizability of our method, as it can be combined with various models and achieve enhancements in robustness. Furthermore, our method achieves the best robust accuracy for CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet datasets on the RobustBench leaderboard.

cross Optimal Video Compression using Pixel Shift Tracking

Authors: Hitesh Saai Mananchery Panneerselvam, Smit Anand

Abstract: The Video comprises approximately ~85\% of all internet traffic, but video encoding/compression is being historically done with hard coded rules, which has worked well but only to a certain limit. We have seen a surge in video compression algorithms using ML-based models in the last few years and many of them have outperformed several legacy codecs. The models range from encoding video end to end using an ML approach or replacing some intermediate steps in legacy codecs using ML models to increase the efficiency of those steps. Optimizing video storage is an essential aspect of video processing, so we are proposing one of the possible approaches to achieve it is by avoiding redundant data at each frame. In this paper, we want to introduce the approach of redundancies removal in subsequent frames for a given video as a main approach for video compression. We call this method Redundancy Removal using Shift (R\textsuperscript2S). This method can be utilized across various Machine Learning model algorithms, and make the compression more accessible and adaptable. In this study, we have utilized a computer vision-based pixel point tracking method to identify redundant pixels to encode video for optimal storage.

cross Precision matters: Precision-aware ensemble for weakly supervised semantic segmentation

Authors: Junsung Park, Hyunjung Shim

Abstract: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS) employs weak supervision, such as image-level labels, to train the segmentation model. Despite the impressive achievement in recent WSSS methods, we identify that introducing weak labels with high mean Intersection of Union (mIoU) does not guarantee high segmentation performance. Existing studies have emphasized the importance of prioritizing precision and reducing noise to improve overall performance. In the same vein, we propose ORANDNet, an advanced ensemble approach tailored for WSSS. ORANDNet combines Class Activation Maps (CAMs) from two different classifiers to increase the precision of pseudo-masks (PMs). To further mitigate small noise in the PMs, we incorporate curriculum learning. This involves training the segmentation model initially with pairs of smaller-sized images and corresponding PMs, gradually transitioning to the original-sized pairs. By combining the original CAMs of ResNet-50 and ViT, we significantly improve the segmentation performance over the single-best model and the naive ensemble model, respectively. We further extend our ensemble method to CAMs from AMN (ResNet-like) and MCTformer (ViT-like) models, achieving performance benefits in advanced WSSS models. It highlights the potential of our ORANDNet as a final add-on module for WSSS models.

cross Unlocking Varied Perspectives: A Persona-Based Multi-Agent Framework with Debate-Driven Text Planning for Argument Generation

Authors: Zhe Hu, Hou Pong Chan, Jing Li, Yu Yin

Abstract: Writing persuasive arguments is a challenging task for both humans and machines. It entails incorporating high-level beliefs from various perspectives on the topic, along with deliberate reasoning and planning to construct a coherent narrative. Current language models often generate surface tokens autoregressively, lacking explicit integration of these underlying controls, resulting in limited output diversity and coherence. In this work, we propose a persona-based multi-agent framework for argument writing. Inspired by the human debate, we first assign each agent a persona representing its high-level beliefs from a unique perspective, and then design an agent interaction process so that the agents can collaboratively debate and discuss the idea to form an overall plan for argument writing. Such debate process enables fluid and nonlinear development of ideas. We evaluate our framework on argumentative essay writing. The results show that our framework can generate more diverse and persuasive arguments through both automatic and human evaluations.

cross Designing and Evaluating Multi-Chatbot Interface for Human-AI Communication: Preliminary Findings from a Persuasion Task

Authors: Sion Yoon, Tae Eun Kim, Yoo Jung Oh

Abstract: The dynamics of human-AI communication have been reshaped by language models such as ChatGPT. However, extant research has primarily focused on dyadic communication, leaving much to be explored regarding the dynamics of human-AI communication in group settings. The availability of multiple language model chatbots presents a unique opportunity for scholars to better understand the interaction between humans and multiple chatbots. This study examines the impact of multi-chatbot communication in a specific persuasion setting: promoting charitable donations. We developed an online environment that enables multi-chatbot communication and conducted a pilot experiment utilizing two GPT-based chatbots, Save the Children and UNICEF chatbots, to promote charitable donations. In this study, we present our development process of the multi-chatbot interface and present preliminary findings from a pilot experiment. Analysis of qualitative and quantitative feedback are presented, and limitations are addressed.

cross CANDY: A Benchmark for Continuous Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Dynamic Data Ingestion

Authors: Xianzhi Zeng, Zhuoyan Wu, Xinjing Hu, Xuanhua Shi, Shixuan Sun, Shuhao Zhang

Abstract: Approximate K Nearest Neighbor (AKNN) algorithms play a pivotal role in various AI applications, including information retrieval, computer vision, and natural language processing. Although numerous AKNN algorithms and benchmarks have been developed recently to evaluate their effectiveness, the dynamic nature of real-world data presents significant challenges that existing benchmarks fail to address. Traditional benchmarks primarily assess retrieval effectiveness in static contexts and often overlook update efficiency, which is crucial for handling continuous data ingestion. This limitation results in an incomplete assessment of an AKNN algorithms ability to adapt to changing data patterns, thereby restricting insights into their performance in dynamic environments. To address these gaps, we introduce CANDY, a benchmark tailored for Continuous Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Dynamic Data Ingestion. CANDY comprehensively assesses a wide range of AKNN algorithms, integrating advanced optimizations such as machine learning-driven inference to supplant traditional heuristic scans, and improved distance computation methods to reduce computational overhead. Our extensive evaluations across diverse datasets demonstrate that simpler AKNN baselines often surpass more complex alternatives in terms of recall and latency. These findings challenge established beliefs about the necessity of algorithmic complexity for high performance. Furthermore, our results underscore existing challenges and illuminate future research opportunities. We have made the datasets and implementation methods available at:


cross ACES: Automatic Cohort Extraction System for Event-Stream Datasets

Authors: Justin Xu, Jack Gallifant, Alistair E. W. Johnson, Matthew B. A. McDermott

Abstract: Reproducibility remains a significant challenge in machine learning (ML) for healthcare. In this field, datasets, model pipelines, and even task/cohort definitions are often private, leading to a significant barrier in sharing, iterating, and understanding ML results on electronic health record (EHR) datasets. In this paper, we address a significant part of this problem by introducing the Automatic Cohort Extraction System for Event-Stream Datasets (ACES). This tool is designed to simultaneously simplify the development of task/cohorts for ML in healthcare and enable the reproduction of these cohorts, both at an exact level for single datasets and at a conceptual level across datasets. To accomplish this, ACES provides (1) a highly intuitive and expressive configuration language for defining both dataset-specific concepts and dataset-agnostic inclusion/exclusion criteria, and (2) a pipeline to automatically extract patient records that meet these defined criteria from real-world data. ACES can be automatically applied to any dataset in either the Medical Event Data Standard (MEDS) or EventStreamGPT (ESGPT) formats, or to *any* dataset for which the necessary task-specific predicates can be extracted in an event-stream form. ACES has the potential to significantly lower the barrier to entry for defining ML tasks, redefine the way researchers interact with EHR datasets, and significantly improve the state of reproducibility for ML studies in this modality. ACES is available at


cross Function+Data Flow: A Framework to Specify Machine Learning Pipelines for Digital Twinning

Authors: Eduardo de Conto, Blaise Genest, Arvind Easwaran

Abstract: The development of digital twins (DTs) for physical systems increasingly leverages artificial intelligence (AI), particularly for combining data from different sources or for creating computationally efficient, reduced-dimension models. Indeed, even in very different application domains, twinning employs common techniques such as model order reduction and modelization with hybrid data (that is, data sourced from both physics-based models and sensors). Despite this apparent generality, current development practices are ad-hoc, making the design of AI pipelines for digital twinning complex and time-consuming. Here we propose Function+Data Flow (FDF), a domain-specific language (DSL) to describe AI pipelines within DTs. FDF aims to facilitate the design and validation of digital twins. Specifically, FDF treats functions as first-class citizens, enabling effective manipulation of models learned with AI. We illustrate the benefits of FDF on two concrete use cases from different domains: predicting the plastic strain of a structure and modeling the electromagnetic behavior of a bearing.

cross MimicMotion: High-Quality Human Motion Video Generation with Confidence-aware Pose Guidance

Authors: Yuang Zhang, Jiaxi Gu, Li-Wen Wang, Han Wang, Junqi Cheng, Yuefeng Zhu, Fangyuan Zou

Abstract: In recent years, generative artificial intelligence has achieved significant advancements in the field of image generation, spawning a variety of applications. However, video generation still faces considerable challenges in various aspects, such as controllability, video length, and richness of details, which hinder the application and popularization of this technology. In this work, we propose a controllable video generation framework, dubbed MimicMotion, which can generate high-quality videos of arbitrary length mimicking specific motion guidance. Compared with previous methods, our approach has several highlights. Firstly, we introduce confidence-aware pose guidance that ensures high frame quality and temporal smoothness. Secondly, we introduce regional loss amplification based on pose confidence, which significantly reduces image distortion. Lastly, for generating long and smooth videos, we propose a progressive latent fusion strategy. By this means, we can produce videos of arbitrary length with acceptable resource consumption. With extensive experiments and user studies, MimicMotion demonstrates significant improvements over previous approaches in various aspects. Detailed results and comparisons are available on our project page: .


cross Enhancing Radiological Diagnosis: A Collaborative Approach Integrating AI and Human Expertise for Visual Miss Correction

Authors: Akash Awasthi, Ngan Le, Zhigang Deng, Carol C. Wu, Hien Van Nguyen

Abstract: Human-AI collaboration to identify and correct perceptual errors in chest radiographs has not been previously explored. This study aimed to develop a collaborative AI system, CoRaX, which integrates eye gaze data and radiology reports to enhance diagnostic accuracy in chest radiology by pinpointing perceptual errors and refining the decision-making process. Using public datasets REFLACX and EGD-CXR, the study retrospectively developed CoRaX, employing a large multimodal model to analyze image embeddings, eye gaze data, and radiology reports. The system's effectiveness was evaluated based on its referral-making process, the quality of referrals, and performance in collaborative diagnostic settings. CoRaX was tested on a simulated error dataset of 271 samples with 28% (93 of 332) missed abnormalities. The system corrected 21% (71 of 332) of these errors, leaving 7% (22 of 312) unresolved. The Referral-Usefulness score, indicating the accuracy of predicted regions for all true referrals, was 0.63 (95% CI 0.59, 0.68). The Total-Usefulness score, reflecting the diagnostic accuracy of CoRaX's interactions with radiologists, showed that 84% (237 of 280) of these interactions had a score above 0.40. In conclusion, CoRaX efficiently collaborates with radiologists to address perceptual errors across various abnormalities, with potential applications in the education and training of novice radiologists.

cross Deep Fusion Model for Brain Tumor Classification Using Fine-Grained Gradient Preservation

Authors: Niful Islam, Mohaiminul Islam Bhuiyan, Jarin Tasnim Raya, Nur Shazwani Kamarudin, Khan Md Hasib, M. F. Mridha, Dewan Md. Farid

Abstract: Brain tumors are one of the most common diseases that lead to early death if not diagnosed at an early stage. Traditional diagnostic approaches are extremely time-consuming and prone to errors. In this context, computer vision-based approaches have emerged as an effective tool for accurate brain tumor classification. While some of the existing solutions demonstrate noteworthy accuracy, the models become infeasible to deploy in areas where computational resources are limited. This research addresses the need for accurate and fast classification of brain tumors with a priority of deploying the model in technologically underdeveloped regions. The research presents a novel architecture for precise brain tumor classification fusing pretrained ResNet152V2 and modified VGG16 models. The proposed architecture undergoes a diligent fine-tuning process that ensures fine gradients are preserved in deep neural networks, which are essential for effective brain tumor classification. The proposed solution incorporates various image processing techniques to improve image quality and achieves an astounding accuracy of 98.36% and 98.04% in Figshare and Kaggle datasets respectively. This architecture stands out for having a streamlined profile, with only 2.8 million trainable parameters. We have leveraged 8-bit quantization to produce a model of size 73.881 MB, significantly reducing it from the previous size of 289.45 MB, ensuring smooth deployment in edge devices even in resource-constrained areas. Additionally, the use of Grad-CAM improves the interpretability of the model, offering insightful information regarding its decision-making process. Owing to its high discriminative ability, this model can be a reliable option for accurate brain tumor classification.

cross A Differentiable Approach to Multi-scale Brain Modeling

Authors: Chaoming Wang, Muyang Lyu, Tianqiu Zhang, Sichao He, Si Wu

Abstract: We present a multi-scale differentiable brain modeling workflow utilizing BrainPy, a unique differentiable brain simulator that combines accurate brain simulation with powerful gradient-based optimization. We leverage this capability of BrainPy across different brain scales. At the single-neuron level, we implement differentiable neuron models and employ gradient methods to optimize their fit to electrophysiological data. On the network level, we incorporate connectomic data to construct biologically constrained network models. Finally, to replicate animal behavior, we train these models on cognitive tasks using gradient-based learning rules. Experiments demonstrate that our approach achieves superior performance and speed in fitting generalized leaky integrate-and-fire and Hodgkin-Huxley single neuron models. Additionally, training a biologically-informed network of excitatory and inhibitory spiking neurons on working memory tasks successfully replicates observed neural activity and synaptic weight distributions. Overall, our differentiable multi-scale simulation approach offers a promising tool to bridge neuroscience data across electrophysiological, anatomical, and behavioral scales.

cross CUPID: Improving Battle Fairness and Position Satisfaction in Online MOBA Games with a Re-matchmaking System

Authors: Ge Fan, Chaoyun Zhang, Kai Wang, Yingjie Li, Junyang Chen, Zenglin Xu

Abstract: The multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) genre has gained significant popularity and economic success, attracting considerable research interest within the Human-Computer Interaction community. Enhancing the gaming experience requires a deep understanding of player behavior, and a crucial aspect of MOBA games is matchmaking, which aims to assemble teams of comparable skill levels. However, existing matchmaking systems often neglect important factors such as players' position preferences and team assignment, resulting in imbalanced matches and reduced player satisfaction. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a novel framework called CUPID, which introduces a novel process called ``re-matchmaking'' to optimize team and position assignments to improve both fairness and player satisfaction. CUPID incorporates a pre-filtering step to ensure a minimum level of matchmaking quality, followed by a pre-match win-rate prediction model that evaluates the fairness of potential assignments. By simultaneously considering players' position satisfaction and game fairness, CUPID aims to provide an enhanced matchmaking experience. Extensive experiments were conducted on two large-scale, real-world MOBA datasets to validate the effectiveness of CUPID. The results surpass all existing state-of-the-art baselines, with an average relative improvement of 7.18% in terms of win prediction accuracy. Furthermore, CUPID has been successfully deployed in a popular online mobile MOBA game. The deployment resulted in significant improvements in match fairness and player satisfaction, as evidenced by critical Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) metrics covering usability, accessibility, and engagement, observed through A/B testing. To the best of our knowledge, CUPID is the first re-matchmaking system designed specifically for large-scale MOBA games.

cross MM-Instruct: Generated Visual Instructions for Large Multimodal Model Alignment

Authors: Jihao Liu, Xin Huang, Jinliang Zheng, Boxiao Liu, Jia Wang, Osamu Yoshie, Yu Liu, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: This paper introduces MM-Instruct, a large-scale dataset of diverse and high-quality visual instruction data designed to enhance the instruction-following capabilities of large multimodal models (LMMs). While existing visual instruction datasets often focus on question-answering, they struggle to generalize to broader application scenarios such as creative writing, summarization, or image analysis. To address these limitations, we propose a novel approach to constructing MM-Instruct that leverages the strong instruction-following capabilities of existing LLMs to generate novel visual instruction data from large-scale but conventional image captioning datasets. MM-Instruct first leverages ChatGPT to automatically generate diverse instructions from a small set of seed instructions through augmenting and summarization. It then matches these instructions with images and uses an open-sourced large language model (LLM) to generate coherent answers to the instruction-image pairs. The LLM is grounded by the detailed text descriptions of images in the whole answer generation process to guarantee the alignment of the instruction data. Moreover, we introduce a benchmark based on the generated instruction data to evaluate the instruction-following capabilities of existing LMMs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of MM-Instruct by training a LLaVA-1.5 model on the generated data, denoted as LLaVA-Instruct, which exhibits significant improvements in instruction-following capabilities compared to LLaVA-1.5 models. The MM-Instruct dataset, benchmark, and pre-trained models are available at


cross Classical Bandit Algorithms for Entanglement Detection in Parameterized Qubit States

Authors: Bharati. K, Vikesh Siddhu, Krishna Jagannathan

Abstract: Entanglement is a key resource for a wide range of tasks in quantum information and computing. Thus, verifying availability of this quantum resource is essential. Extensive research on entanglement detection has led to no-go theorems (Lu et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 230501 (2016)]) that highlight the need for full state tomography (FST) in the absence of adaptive or joint measurements. Recent advancements, as proposed by Zhu, Teo, and Englert [Phys. Rev. A, 81, 052339, 2010], introduce a single-parameter family of entanglement witness measurements which are capable of conclusively detecting certain entangled states and only resort to FST when all witness measurements are inconclusive. We find a variety of realistic noisy two-qubit quantum states $\mathcal{F}$ that yield conclusive results under this witness family. We solve the problem of detecting entanglement among $K$ quantum states in $\mathcal{F}$, of which $m$ states are entangled, with $m$ potentially unknown. We recognize a structural connection of this problem to the Bad Arm Identification problem in stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB). In contrast to existing quantum bandit frameworks, we establish a new correspondence tailored for entanglement detection and term it the $(m,K)$-quantum Multi-Armed Bandit. We implement two well-known MAB policies for arbitrary states derived from $\mathcal{F}$, present theoretical guarantees on the measurement/sample complexity and demonstrate the practicality of the policies through numerical simulations. More broadly, this paper highlights the potential for employing classical machine learning techniques for quantum entanglement detection.

cross ROS-LLM: A ROS framework for embodied AI with task feedback and structured reasoning

Authors: Christopher E. Mower, Yuhui Wan, Hongzhan Yu, Antoine Grosnit, Jonas Gonzalez-Billandon, Matthieu Zimmer, Jinlong Wang, Xinyu Zhang, Yao Zhao, Anbang Zhai, Puze Liu, Davide Tateo, Cesar Cadena, Marco Hutter, Jan Peters, Guangjian Tian, Yuzheng Zhuang, Kun Shao, Xingyue Quan, Jianye Hao, Jun Wang, Haitham Bou-Ammar

Abstract: We present a framework for intuitive robot programming by non-experts, leveraging natural language prompts and contextual information from the Robot Operating System (ROS). Our system integrates large language models (LLMs), enabling non-experts to articulate task requirements to the system through a chat interface. Key features of the framework include: integration of ROS with an AI agent connected to a plethora of open-source and commercial LLMs, automatic extraction of a behavior from the LLM output and execution of ROS actions/services, support for three behavior modes (sequence, behavior tree, state machine), imitation learning for adding new robot actions to the library of possible actions, and LLM reflection via human and environment feedback. Extensive experiments validate the framework, showcasing robustness, scalability, and versatility in diverse scenarios, including long-horizon tasks, tabletop rearrangements, and remote supervisory control. To facilitate the adoption of our framework and support the reproduction of our results, we have made our code open-source. You can access it at:


cross Protein Representation Learning with Sequence Information Embedding: Does it Always Lead to a Better Performance?

Authors: Yang Tan, Lirong Zheng, Bozitao Zhong, Liang Hong, Bingxin Zhou

Abstract: Deep learning has become a crucial tool in studying proteins. While the significance of modeling protein structure has been discussed extensively in the literature, amino acid types are typically included in the input as a default operation for many inference tasks. This study demonstrates with structure alignment task that embedding amino acid types in some cases may not help a deep learning model learn better representation. To this end, we propose ProtLOCA, a local geometry alignment method based solely on amino acid structure representation. The effectiveness of ProtLOCA is examined by a global structure-matching task on protein pairs with an independent test dataset based on CATH labels. Our method outperforms existing sequence- and structure-based representation learning methods by more quickly and accurately matching structurally consistent protein domains. Furthermore, in local structure pairing tasks, ProtLOCA for the first time provides a valid solution to highlight common local structures among proteins with different overall structures but the same function. This suggests a new possibility for using deep learning methods to analyze protein structure to infer function.

cross Structure-aware World Model for Probe Guidance via Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train

Authors: Haojun Jiang, Meng Li, Zhenguo Sun, Ning Jia, Yu Sun, Shaqi Luo, Shiji Song, Gao Huang

Abstract: The complex structure of the heart leads to significant challenges in echocardiography, especially in acquisition cardiac ultrasound images. Successful echocardiography requires a thorough understanding of the structures on the two-dimensional plane and the spatial relationships between planes in three-dimensional space. In this paper, we innovatively propose a large-scale self-supervised pre-training method to acquire a cardiac structure-aware world model. The core innovation lies in constructing a self-supervised task that requires structural inference by predicting masked structures on a 2D plane and imagining another plane based on pose transformation in 3D space. To support large-scale pre-training, we collected over 1.36 million echocardiograms from ten standard views, along with their 3D spatial poses. In the downstream probe guidance task, we demonstrate that our pre-trained model consistently reduces guidance errors across the ten most common standard views on the test set with 0.29 million samples from 74 routine clinical scans, indicating that structure-aware pre-training benefits the scanning.

cross Self-Supervised Spatial-Temporal Normality Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection

Authors: Yutong Chen, Hongzuo Xu, Guansong Pang, Hezhe Qiao, Yuan Zhou, Mingsheng Shang

Abstract: Time Series Anomaly Detection (TSAD) finds widespread applications across various domains such as financial markets, industrial production, and healthcare. Its primary objective is to learn the normal patterns of time series data, thereby identifying deviations in test samples. Most existing TSAD methods focus on modeling data from the temporal dimension, while ignoring the semantic information in the spatial dimension. To address this issue, we introduce a novel approach, called Spatial-Temporal Normality learning (STEN). STEN is composed of a sequence Order prediction-based Temporal Normality learning (OTN) module that captures the temporal correlations within sequences, and a Distance prediction-based Spatial Normality learning (DSN) module that learns the relative spatial relations between sequences in a feature space. By synthesizing these two modules, STEN learns expressive spatial-temporal representations for the normal patterns hidden in the time series data. Extensive experiments on five popular TSAD benchmarks show that STEN substantially outperforms state-of-the-art competing methods. Our code is available at


cross Deceptive Diffusion: Generating Synthetic Adversarial Examples

Authors: Lucas Beerens, Catherine F. Higham, Desmond J. Higham

Abstract: We introduce the concept of deceptive diffusion -- training a generative AI model to produce adversarial images. Whereas a traditional adversarial attack algorithm aims to perturb an existing image to induce a misclassificaton, the deceptive diffusion model can create an arbitrary number of new, misclassified images that are not directly associated with training or test images. Deceptive diffusion offers the possibility of strengthening defence algorithms by providing adversarial training data at scale, including types of misclassification that are otherwise difficult to find. In our experiments, we also investigate the effect of training on a partially attacked data set. This highlights a new type of vulnerability for generative diffusion models: if an attacker is able to stealthily poison a portion of the training data, then the resulting diffusion model will generate a similar proportion of misleading outputs.

cross Fuzzy Logic Guided Reward Function Variation: An Oracle for Testing Reinforcement Learning Programs

Authors: Shiyu Zhang, Haoyang Song, Qixin Wang, Yu Pei

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has gained significant attention across various domains. However, the increasing complexity of RL programs presents testing challenges, particularly the oracle problem: defining the correctness of the RL program. Conventional human oracles struggle to cope with the complexity, leading to inefficiencies and potential unreliability in RL testing. To alleviate this problem, we propose an automated oracle approach that leverages RL properties using fuzzy logic. Our oracle quantifies an agent's behavioral compliance with reward policies and analyzes its trend over training episodes. It labels an RL program as "Buggy" if the compliance trend violates expectations derived from RL characteristics. We evaluate our oracle on RL programs with varying complexities and compare it with human oracles. Results show that while human oracles perform well in simpler testing scenarios, our fuzzy oracle demonstrates superior performance in complex environments. The proposed approach shows promise in addressing the oracle problem for RL testing, particularly in complex cases where manual testing falls short. It offers a potential solution to improve the efficiency, reliability, and scalability of RL program testing. This research takes a step towards automated testing of RL programs and highlights the potential of fuzzy logic-based oracles in tackling the oracle problem.

cross Emotion Loss Attacking: Adversarial Attack Perception for Skeleton based on Multi-dimensional Features

Authors: Feng Liu, Qing Xu, Qijian Zheng

Abstract: Adversarial attack on skeletal motion is a hot topic. However, existing researches only consider part of dynamic features when measuring distance between skeleton graph sequences, which results in poor imperceptibility. To this end, we propose a novel adversarial attack method to attack action recognizers for skeletal motions. Firstly, our method systematically proposes a dynamic distance function to measure the difference between skeletal motions. Meanwhile, we innovatively introduce emotional features for complementary information. In addition, we use Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers(ADMM) to solve the constrained optimization problem, which generates adversarial samples with better imperceptibility to deceive the classifiers. Experiments show that our method is effective on multiple action classifiers and datasets. When the perturbation magnitude measured by l norms is the same, the dynamic perturbations generated by our method are much lower than that of other methods. What's more, we are the first to prove the effectiveness of emotional features, and provide a new idea for measuring the distance between skeletal motions.

cross BeamAggR: Beam Aggregation Reasoning over Multi-source Knowledge for Multi-hop Question Answering

Authors: Zheng Chu, Jingchang Chen, Qianglong Chen, Haotian Wang, Kun Zhu, Xiyuan Du, Weijiang Yu, Ming Liu, Bing Qin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated strong reasoning capabilities. Nevertheless, they still suffer from factual errors when tackling knowledge-intensive tasks. Retrieval-augmented reasoning represents a promising approach. However, significant challenges still persist, including inaccurate and insufficient retrieval for complex questions, as well as difficulty in integrating multi-source knowledge. To address this, we propose Beam Aggregation Reasoning, BeamAggR, a reasoning framework for knowledge-intensive multi-hop QA. BeamAggR explores and prioritizes promising answers at each hop of question. Concretely, we parse the complex questions into trees, which include atom and composite questions, followed by bottom-up reasoning. For atomic questions, the LLM conducts reasoning on multi-source knowledge to get answer candidates. For composite questions, the LLM combines beam candidates, explores multiple reasoning paths through probabilistic aggregation, and prioritizes the most promising trajectory. Extensive experiments on four open-domain multi-hop reasoning datasets show that our method significantly outperforms SOTA methods by 8.5%. Furthermore, our analysis reveals that BeamAggR elicits better knowledge collaboration and answer aggregation.

cross AnomaLLMy -- Detecting anomalous tokens in black-box LLMs through low-confidence single-token predictions

Authors: Walig\'ora Witold

Abstract: This paper introduces AnomaLLMy, a novel technique for the automatic detection of anomalous tokens in black-box Large Language Models (LLMs) with API-only access. Utilizing low-confidence single-token predictions as a cost-effective indicator, AnomaLLMy identifies irregularities in model behavior, addressing the issue of anomalous tokens degrading the quality and reliability of models. Validated on the cl100k_base dataset, the token set of GPT-4, AnomaLLMy detected 413 major and 65 minor anomalies, demonstrating the method's efficiency with just \$24.39 spent in API credits. The insights from this research are expected to be beneficial for enhancing the robustness of and accuracy of LLMs, particularly in the development and assessment of tokenizers.

cross YuLan: An Open-source Large Language Model

Authors: Yutao Zhu, Kun Zhou, Kelong Mao, Wentong Chen, Yiding Sun, Zhipeng Chen, Qian Cao, Yihan Wu, Yushuo Chen, Feng Wang, Lei Zhang, Junyi Li, Xiaolei Wang, Lei Wang, Beichen Zhang, Zican Dong, Xiaoxue Cheng, Yuhan Chen, Xinyu Tang, Yupeng Hou, Qiangqiang Ren, Xincheng Pang, Shufang Xie, Wayne Xin Zhao, Zhicheng Dou, Jiaxin Mao, Yankai Lin, Ruihua Song, Jun Xu, Xu Chen, Rui Yan, Zhewei Wei, Di Hu, Wenbing Huang, Ze-Feng Gao, Yueguo Chen, Weizheng Lu, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have become the foundation of many applications, leveraging their extensive capabilities in processing and understanding natural language. While many open-source LLMs have been released with technical reports, the lack of training details hinders further research and development. This paper presents the development of YuLan, a series of open-source LLMs with $12$ billion parameters. The base model of YuLan is pre-trained on approximately $1.7$T tokens derived from a diverse corpus, including massive English, Chinese, and multilingual texts. We design a three-stage pre-training method to enhance YuLan's overall capabilities. Subsequent phases of training incorporate instruction-tuning and human alignment, employing a substantial volume of high-quality synthesized data. To facilitate the learning of complex and long-tail knowledge, we devise a curriculum-learning framework throughout across these stages, which helps LLMs learn knowledge in an easy-to-hard manner. YuLan's training is finished on Jan, 2024 and has achieved performance on par with state-of-the-art LLMs across various English and Chinese benchmarks. This paper outlines a comprehensive technical roadmap for developing LLMs from scratch. Our model and codes are available at


cross Detecting Subtle Differences between Human and Model Languages Using Spectrum of Relative Likelihood

Authors: Yang Xu, Yu Wang, Hao An, Zhichen Liu, Yongyuan Li

Abstract: Human and model-generated texts can be distinguished by examining the magnitude of likelihood in language. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult as language model's capabilities of generating human-like texts keep evolving. This study provides a new perspective by using the relative likelihood values instead of absolute ones, and extracting useful features from the spectrum-view of likelihood for the human-model text detection task. We propose a detection procedure with two classification methods, supervised and heuristic-based, respectively, which results in competitive performances with previous zero-shot detection methods and a new state-of-the-art on short-text detection. Our method can also reveal subtle differences between human and model languages, which find theoretical roots in psycholinguistics studies. Our code is available at


cross AuthAttLyzer-V2: Unveiling Code Authorship Attribution using Enhanced Ensemble Learning Models & Generating Benchmark Dataset

Authors: Bhaskar Joshi, Sepideh HajiHossein Khani, Arash HabibiLashkari

Abstract: Source Code Authorship Attribution (SCAA) is crucial for software classification because it provides insights into the origin and behavior of software. By accurately identifying the author or group behind a piece of code, experts can better understand the motivations and techniques of developers. In the cybersecurity era, this attribution helps trace the source of malicious software, identify patterns in the code that may indicate specific threat actors or groups, and ultimately enhance threat intelligence and mitigation strategies. This paper presents AuthAttLyzer-V2, a new source code feature extractor for SCAA, focusing on lexical, semantic, syntactic, and N-gram features. Our research explores author identification in C++ by examining 24,000 source code samples from 3,000 authors. Our methodology integrates Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost models, enhanced with SHAP for interpretability. The study demonstrates how ensemble models can effectively discern individual coding styles, offering insights into the unique attributes of code authorship. This approach is pivotal in understanding and interpreting complex patterns in authorship attribution, especially for malware classification.

cross Decoupling General and Personalized Knowledge in Federated Learning via Additive and Low-Rank Decomposition

Authors: Xinghao Wu, Xuefeng Liu, Jianwei Niu, Haolin Wang, Shaojie Tang, Guogang Zhu, Hao Su

Abstract: To address data heterogeneity, the key strategy of Personalized Federated Learning (PFL) is to decouple general knowledge (shared among clients) and client-specific knowledge, as the latter can have a negative impact on collaboration if not removed. Existing PFL methods primarily adopt a parameter partitioning approach, where the parameters of a model are designated as one of two types: parameters shared with other clients to extract general knowledge and parameters retained locally to learn client-specific knowledge. However, as these two types of parameters are put together like a jigsaw puzzle into a single model during the training process, each parameter may simultaneously absorb both general and client-specific knowledge, thus struggling to separate the two types of knowledge effectively. In this paper, we introduce FedDecomp, a simple but effective PFL paradigm that employs parameter additive decomposition to address this issue. Instead of assigning each parameter of a model as either a shared or personalized one, FedDecomp decomposes each parameter into the sum of two parameters: a shared one and a personalized one, thus achieving a more thorough decoupling of shared and personalized knowledge compared to the parameter partitioning method. In addition, as we find that retaining local knowledge of specific clients requires much lower model capacity compared with general knowledge across all clients, we let the matrix containing personalized parameters be low rank during the training process. Moreover, a new alternating training strategy is proposed to further improve the performance. Experimental results across multiple datasets and varying degrees of data heterogeneity demonstrate that FedDecomp outperforms state-of-the-art methods up to 4.9\%.

cross From the Least to the Most: Building a Plug-and-Play Visual Reasoner via Data Synthesis

Authors: Chuanqi Cheng, Jian Guan, Wei Wu, Rui Yan

Abstract: We explore multi-step reasoning in vision-language models (VLMs). The problem is challenging, as reasoning data consisting of multiple steps of visual and language processing are barely available. To overcome the challenge, we first introduce a least-to-most visual reasoning paradigm, which interleaves steps of decomposing a question into sub-questions and invoking external tools for resolving sub-questions. Based on the paradigm, we further propose a novel data synthesis approach that can automatically create questions and multi-step reasoning paths for an image in a bottom-up manner. Our approach divides the complex synthesis task into a few simple sub-tasks, and (almost entirely) relies on open-sourced models to accomplish the sub-tasks. Therefore, the entire synthesis process is reproducible and cost-efficient, and the synthesized data is quality guaranteed. With the approach, we construct $50$k visual reasoning examples. Then, we develop a visual reasoner through supervised fine-tuning, which is capable of generally enhancing the reasoning abilities of a wide range of existing VLMs in a plug-and-play fashion. Extensive experiments indicate that the visual reasoner can consistently and significantly improve four VLMs on four VQA benchmarks. Our code and dataset are available at


cross Uncovering the hidden core-periphery structure in hyperbolic networks

Authors: Imran Ansari, Pawanesh Yadav, Niteesh Sahni

Abstract: The hyperbolic network models exhibit very fundamental and essential features, like small-worldness, scale-freeness, high-clustering coefficient, and community structure. In this paper, we comprehensively explore the presence of an important feature, the core-periphery structure, in the hyperbolic network models, which is often exhibited by real-world networks. We focused on well-known hyperbolic models such as popularity-similarity optimization model (PSO) and S1/H2 models and studied core-periphery structures using a well-established method that is based on standard random walk Markov chain model. The observed core-periphery centralization values indicate that the core-periphery structure can be very pronounced under certain conditions. We also validate our findings by statistically testing for the significance of the observed core-periphery structure in the network geometry. This study extends network science and reveals core-periphery insights applicable to various domains, enhancing network performance and resiliency in transportation and information systems.

cross Text2Robot: Evolutionary Robot Design from Text Descriptions

Authors: Ryan P. Ringel, Zachary S. Charlick, Jiaxun Liu, Boxi Xia, Boyuan Chen

Abstract: Robot design has traditionally been costly and labor-intensive. Despite advancements in automated processes, it remains challenging to navigate a vast design space while producing physically manufacturable robots. We introduce Text2Robot, a framework that converts user text specifications and performance preferences into physical quadrupedal robots. Within minutes, Text2Robot can use text-to-3D models to provide strong initializations of diverse morphologies. Within a day, our geometric processing algorithms and body-control co-optimization produce a walking robot by explicitly considering real-world electronics and manufacturability. Text2Robot enables rapid prototyping and opens new opportunities for robot design with generative models.

cross Into the Unknown: Generating Geospatial Descriptions for New Environments

Authors: Tzuf Paz-Argaman, John Palowitch, Sayali Kulkarni, Reut Tsarfaty, Jason Baldridge

Abstract: Similar to vision-and-language navigation (VLN) tasks that focus on bridging the gap between vision and language for embodied navigation, the new Rendezvous (RVS) task requires reasoning over allocentric spatial relationships (independent of the observer's viewpoint) using non-sequential navigation instructions and maps. However, performance substantially drops in new environments with no training data. Using opensource descriptions paired with coordinates (e.g., Wikipedia) provides training data but suffers from limited spatially-oriented text resulting in low geolocation resolution. We propose a large-scale augmentation method for generating high-quality synthetic data for new environments using readily available geospatial data. Our method constructs a grounded knowledge-graph, capturing entity relationships. Sampled entities and relations (`shop north of school') generate navigation instructions via (i) generating numerous templates using context-free grammar (CFG) to embed specific entities and relations; (ii) feeding the entities and relation into a large language model (LLM) for instruction generation. A comprehensive evaluation on RVS, showed that our approach improves the 100-meter accuracy by 45.83% on unseen environments. Furthermore, we demonstrate that models trained with CFG-based augmentation achieve superior performance compared with those trained with LLM-based augmentation, both in unseen and seen environments. These findings suggest that the potential advantages of explicitly structuring spatial information for text-based geospatial reasoning in previously unknown, can unlock data-scarce scenarios.

cross Single Parent Family: A Spectrum of Family Members from a Single Pre-Trained Foundation Model

Authors: Habib Hajimolahoseini, Mohammad Hassanpour, Foozhan Ataiefard, Boxing Chen, Yang Liu

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel method of Progressive Low Rank Decomposition (PLRD) tailored for the compression of large language models. Our approach leverages a pre-trained model, which is then incrementally decompressed to smaller sizes using progressively lower ranks. This method allows for significant reductions in computational overhead and energy consumption, as subsequent models are derived from the original without the need for retraining from scratch. We detail the implementation of PLRD, which strategically decreases the tensor ranks, thus optimizing the trade-off between model performance and resource usage. The efficacy of PLRD is demonstrated through extensive experiments showing that models trained with PLRD method on only 1B tokens maintain comparable performance with traditionally trained models while using 0.1% of the tokens. The versatility of PLRD is highlighted by its ability to generate multiple model sizes from a single foundational model, adapting fluidly to varying computational and memory budgets. Our findings suggest that PLRD could set a new standard for the efficient scaling of LLMs, making advanced AI more feasible on diverse platforms.

cross Wavelets Are All You Need for Autoregressive Image Generation

Authors: Wael Mattar, Idan Levy, Nir Sharon, Shai Dekel

Abstract: In this paper, we take a new approach to autoregressive image generation that is based on two main ingredients. The first is wavelet image coding, which allows to tokenize the visual details of an image from coarse to fine details by ordering the information starting with the most significant bits of the most significant wavelet coefficients. The second is a variant of a language transformer whose architecture is re-designed and optimized for token sequences in this 'wavelet language'. The transformer learns the significant statistical correlations within a token sequence, which are the manifestations of well-known correlations between the wavelet subbands at various resolutions. We show experimental results with conditioning on the generation process.

cross ToolBeHonest: A Multi-level Hallucination Diagnostic Benchmark for Tool-Augmented Large Language Models

Authors: Yuxiang Zhang, Jing Chen, Junjie Wang, Yaxin Liu, Cheng Yang, Chufan Shi, Xinyu Zhu, Zihao Lin, Hanwen Wan, Yujiu Yang, Tetsuya Sakai, Tian Feng, Hayato Yamana

Abstract: Tool-augmented large language models (LLMs) are rapidly being integrated into real-world applications. Due to the lack of benchmarks, the community still needs to fully understand the hallucination issues within these models. To address this challenge, we introduce a comprehensive diagnostic benchmark, ToolBH. Specifically, we assess the LLM's hallucinations through two perspectives: depth and breadth. In terms of depth, we propose a multi-level diagnostic process, including (1) solvability detection, (2) solution planning, and (3) missing-tool analysis. For breadth, we consider three scenarios based on the characteristics of the toolset: missing necessary tools, potential tools, and limited functionality tools. Furthermore, we developed seven tasks and collected 700 evaluation samples through multiple rounds of manual annotation. The results show the significant challenges presented by the ToolBH benchmark. The current advanced models Gemini-1.5-Pro and GPT-4o only achieve a total score of 45.3 and 37.0, respectively, on a scale of 100. In this benchmark, larger model parameters do not guarantee better performance; the training data and response strategies also play a crucial role in tool-enhanced LLM scenarios. Our diagnostic analysis indicates that the primary reason for model errors lies in assessing task solvability. Additionally, open-weight models suffer from performance drops with verbose replies, whereas proprietary models excel with longer reasoning.

cross Pairwise Difference Learning for Classification

Authors: Mohamed Karim Belaid, Maximilian Rabus, Eyke H\"ullermeier

Abstract: Pairwise difference learning (PDL) has recently been introduced as a new meta-learning technique for regression. Instead of learning a mapping from instances to outcomes in the standard way, the key idea is to learn a function that takes two instances as input and predicts the difference between the respective outcomes. Given a function of this kind, predictions for a query instance are derived from every training example and then averaged. This paper extends PDL toward the task of classification and proposes a meta-learning technique for inducing a PDL classifier by solving a suitably defined (binary) classification problem on a paired version of the original training data. We analyze the performance of the PDL classifier in a large-scale empirical study and find that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of prediction performance. Last but not least, we provide an easy-to-use and publicly available implementation of PDL in a Python package.

cross BMW Agents -- A Framework For Task Automation Through Multi-agent Collaboration

Authors: Noel Crawford, Edward B. Duffy, Iman Evazzade, Torsten Foehr, Gregory Robbins, Debbrata Kumar Saha, Jiya Varma, Marcin Ziolkowski

Abstract: Autonomous agents driven by Large Language Models (LLMs) offer enormous potential for automation. Early proof of this technology can be found in various demonstrations of agents solving complex tasks, interacting with external systems to augment their knowledge, and triggering actions. In particular, workflows involving multiple agents solving complex tasks in a collaborative fashion exemplify their capacity to operate in less strict and less well-defined environments. Thus, a multi-agent approach has great potential for serving as a backbone in many industrial applications, ranging from complex knowledge retrieval systems to next generation robotic process automation. Given the reasoning abilities within the current generation of LLMs, complex processes require a multi-step approach that includes a plan of well-defined and modular tasks. Depending on the level of complexity, these tasks can be executed either by a single agent or a group of agents. In this work, we focus on designing a flexible agent engineering framework with careful attention to planning and execution, capable of handling complex use case applications across various domains. The proposed framework provides reliability in industrial applications and presents techniques to ensure a scalable, flexible, and collaborative workflow for multiple autonomous agents working together towards solving tasks.

cross Covert Malicious Finetuning: Challenges in Safeguarding LLM Adaptation

Authors: Danny Halawi, Alexander Wei, Eric Wallace, Tony T. Wang, Nika Haghtalab, Jacob Steinhardt

Abstract: Black-box finetuning is an emerging interface for adapting state-of-the-art language models to user needs. However, such access may also let malicious actors undermine model safety. To demonstrate the challenge of defending finetuning interfaces, we introduce covert malicious finetuning, a method to compromise model safety via finetuning while evading detection. Our method constructs a malicious dataset where every individual datapoint appears innocuous, but finetuning on the dataset teaches the model to respond to encoded harmful requests with encoded harmful responses. Applied to GPT-4, our method produces a finetuned model that acts on harmful instructions 99% of the time and avoids detection by defense mechanisms such as dataset inspection, safety evaluations, and input/output classifiers. Our findings question whether black-box finetuning access can be secured against sophisticated adversaries.

cross Molecular Facts: Desiderata for Decontextualization in LLM Fact Verification

Authors: Anisha Gunjal, Greg Durrett

Abstract: Automatic factuality verification of large language model (LLM) generations is becoming more and more widely used to combat hallucinations. A major point of tension in the literature is the granularity of this fact-checking: larger chunks of text are hard to fact-check, but more atomic facts like propositions may lack context to interpret correctly. In this work, we assess the role of context in these atomic facts. We argue that fully atomic facts are not the right representation, and define two criteria for molecular facts: decontextuality, or how well they can stand alone, and minimality, or how little extra information is added to achieve decontexuality. We quantify the impact of decontextualization on minimality, then present a baseline methodology for generating molecular facts automatically, aiming to add the right amount of information. We compare against various methods of decontextualization and find that molecular facts balance minimality with fact verification accuracy in ambiguous settings.

cross ProgressGym: Alignment with a Millennium of Moral Progress

Authors: Tianyi Qiu, Yang Zhang, Xuchuan Huang, Jasmine Xinze Li, Jiaming Ji, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: Frontier AI systems, including large language models (LLMs), hold increasing influence over the epistemology of human users. Such influence can reinforce prevailing societal values, potentially contributing to the lock-in of misguided moral beliefs and, consequently, the perpetuation of problematic moral practices on a broad scale. We introduce progress alignment as a technical solution to mitigate this imminent risk. Progress alignment algorithms learn to emulate the mechanics of human moral progress, thereby addressing the susceptibility of existing alignment methods to contemporary moral blindspots. To empower research in progress alignment, we introduce ProgressGym, an experimental framework allowing the learning of moral progress mechanics from history, in order to facilitate future progress in real-world moral decisions. Leveraging 9 centuries of historical text and 18 historical LLMs, ProgressGym enables codification of real-world progress alignment challenges into concrete benchmarks. Specifically, we introduce three core challenges: tracking evolving values (PG-Follow), preemptively anticipating moral progress (PG-Predict), and regulating the feedback loop between human and AI value shifts (PG-Coevolve). Alignment methods without a temporal dimension are inapplicable to these tasks. In response, we present lifelong and extrapolative algorithms as baseline methods of progress alignment, and build an open leaderboard soliciting novel algorithms and challenges. The framework and the leaderboard are available at and respectively.


cross LLaRA: Supercharging Robot Learning Data for Vision-Language Policy

Authors: Xiang Li, Cristina Mata, Jongwoo Park, Kumara Kahatapitiya, Yoo Sung Jang, Jinghuan Shang, Kanchana Ranasinghe, Ryan Burgert, Mu Cai, Yong Jae Lee, Michael S. Ryoo

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) equipped with extensive world knowledge and strong reasoning skills can tackle diverse tasks across domains, often by posing them as conversation-style instruction-response pairs. In this paper, we propose LLaRA: Large Language and Robotics Assistant, a framework which formulates robot action policy as conversations, and provides improved responses when trained with auxiliary data that complements policy learning. LLMs with visual inputs, i.e., Vision Language Models (VLMs), have the capacity to process state information as visual-textual prompts and generate optimal policy decisions in text. To train such action policy VLMs, we first introduce an automated pipeline to generate diverse high-quality robotics instruction data from existing behavior cloning data. A VLM finetuned with the resulting collection of datasets based on a conversation-style formulation tailored for robotics tasks, can generate meaningful robot action policy decisions. Our experiments across multiple simulated and real-world environments demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of the proposed LLaRA framework. The code, datasets, and pretrained models are available at


cross Web2Code: A Large-scale Webpage-to-Code Dataset and Evaluation Framework for Multimodal LLMs

Authors: Sukmin Yun, Haokun Lin, Rusiru Thushara, Mohammad Qazim Bhat, Yongxin Wang, Zutao Jiang, Mingkai Deng, Jinhong Wang, Tianhua Tao, Junbo Li, Haonan Li, Preslav Nakov, Timothy Baldwin, Zhengzhong Liu, Eric P. Xing, Xiaodan Liang, Zhiqiang Shen

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have shown impressive success across modalities such as image, video, and audio in a variety of understanding and generation tasks. However, current MLLMs are surprisingly poor at understanding webpage screenshots and generating their corresponding HTML code. To address this problem, we propose Web2Code, a benchmark consisting of a new large-scale webpage-to-code dataset for instruction tuning and an evaluation framework for the webpage understanding and HTML code translation abilities of MLLMs. For dataset construction, we leverage pretrained LLMs to enhance existing webpage-to-code datasets as well as generate a diverse pool of new webpages rendered into images. Specifically, the inputs are webpage images and instructions, while the responses are the webpage's HTML code. We further include diverse natural language QA pairs about the webpage content in the responses to enable a more comprehensive understanding of the web content. To evaluate model performance in these tasks, we develop an evaluation framework for testing MLLMs' abilities in webpage understanding and web-to-code generation. Extensive experiments show that our proposed dataset is beneficial not only to our proposed tasks but also in the general visual domain, while previous datasets result in worse performance. We hope our work will contribute to the development of general MLLMs suitable for web-based content generation and task automation. Our data and code will be available at


replace A Semantic Framework for Neural-Symbolic Computing

Authors: Simon Odense, Artur d'Avila Garcez

Abstract: Two approaches to AI, neural networks and symbolic systems, have been proven very successful for an array of AI problems. However, neither has been able to achieve the general reasoning ability required for human-like intelligence. It has been argued that this is due to inherent weaknesses in each approach. Luckily, these weaknesses appear to be complementary, with symbolic systems being adept at the kinds of things neural networks have trouble with and vice-versa. The field of neural-symbolic AI attempts to exploit this asymmetry by combining neural networks and symbolic AI into integrated systems. Often this has been done by encoding symbolic knowledge into neural networks. Unfortunately, although many different methods for this have been proposed, there is no common definition of an encoding to compare them. We seek to rectify this problem by introducing a semantic framework for neural-symbolic AI, which is then shown to be general enough to account for a large family of neural-symbolic systems. We provide a number of examples and proofs of the application of the framework to the neural encoding of various forms of knowledge representation and neural network. These, at first sight disparate approaches, are all shown to fall within the framework's formal definition of what we call semantic encoding for neural-symbolic AI.

replace Improved Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) formulation with multiple root nodes for discrete sizing optimization of truss structures

Authors: Fu-Yao Ko, Katsuyuki Suzuki, Kazuo Yonekura

Abstract: This paper proposes a new method for discrete optimum design of truss structures utilizing Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) with update process, the best reward, accelerating technique, and terminal condition. An improved MCTS formulation with multiple root nodes is developed in this study. Update process means that once a final solution is found, it is used as the initial solution for next search tree. The best reward is used in the backpropagation step. Accelerating technique is introduced by decreasing the width of search tree and reducing maximum number of iterations. The agent is trained to minimize the total structural weight under various constraints until the terminal condition is satisfied. Then, optimal solution is the minimum value of all solutions found by search trees. These numerical examples show that the agent can find optimal solution with low computational cost, stably produces an optimal design, and is suitable for practical engineering problems.

replace Zero-Shot Reasoning: Personalized Content Generation Without the Cold Start Problem

Authors: Davor Hafnar (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana), Jure Dem\v{s}ar (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana)

Abstract: Procedural content generation uses algorithmic techniques to create large amounts of new content for games at much lower production costs. In newer approaches, procedural content generation utilizes machine learning. However, these methods usually require expensive collection of large amounts of data, as well as the development and training of fairly complex learning models, which can be both extremely time-consuming and expensive. The core of our research is to explore whether we can lower the barrier to the use of personalized procedural content generation through a more practical and generalizable approach with large language models. Matching game content with player preferences benefits both players, who enjoy the game more, and developers, who increasingly depend on players enjoying the game before being able to monetize it. Therefore, this paper presents a novel approach to achieving personalization by using large language models to propose levels based on the gameplay data continuously collected from individual players. We compared the levels generated using our approach with levels generated with more traditional procedural generation techniques. Our easily reproducible method has proven viable in a production setting and outperformed levels generated by traditional methods in the probability that a player will not quit the game mid-level.

replace Dynamic planning in hierarchical active inference

Authors: Matteo Priorelli, Ivilin Peev Stoianov

Abstract: By dynamic planning, we refer to the ability of the human brain to infer and impose motor trajectories related to cognitive decisions. A recent paradigm, active inference, brings fundamental insights into the adaptation of biological organisms, constantly striving to minimize prediction errors to restrict themselves to life-compatible states. Over the past years, many studies have shown how human and animal behavior could be explained in terms of an active inferential process - either as discrete decision-making or continuous motor control - inspiring innovative solutions in robotics and artificial intelligence. Still, the literature lacks a comprehensive outlook on how to effectively plan actions in changing environments. Setting ourselves the goal of modeling tool use, we delve into the topic of dynamic planning in active inference, keeping in mind two crucial aspects of biological goal-directed behavior: the capacity to understand and exploit affordances for object manipulation, and to learn the hierarchical interactions between the self and the environment, including other agents. We start from a simple unit and gradually describe more advanced structures, comparing recently proposed design choices and providing basic examples for each section. This study distances itself from traditional views centered on neural networks and reinforcement learning, and points toward a yet unexplored direction in active inference: hybrid representations in hierarchical models.

replace Position: Explain to Question not to Justify

Authors: Przemyslaw Biecek, Wojciech Samek

Abstract: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is a young but very promising field of research. Unfortunately, the progress in this field is currently slowed down by divergent and incompatible goals. We separate various threads tangled within the area of XAI into two complementary cultures of human/value-oriented explanations (BLUE XAI) and model/validation-oriented explanations (RED XAI). This position paper argues that the area of RED XAI is currently under-explored, i.e., more methods for explainability are desperately needed to question models (e.g., extract knowledge from well-performing models as well as spotting and fixing bugs in faulty models), and the area of RED XAI hides great opportunities and potential for important research necessary to ensure the safety of AI systems. We conclude this paper by presenting promising challenges in this area.

replace ULLER: A Unified Language for Learning and Reasoning

Authors: Emile van Krieken, Samy Badreddine, Robin Manhaeve, Eleonora Giunchiglia

Abstract: The field of neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence (NeSy), which combines learning and reasoning, has recently experienced significant growth. There now are a wide variety of NeSy frameworks, each with its own specific language for expressing background knowledge and how to relate it to neural networks. This heterogeneity hinders accessibility for newcomers and makes comparing different NeSy frameworks challenging. We propose a language for NeSy, which we call ULLER, a Unfied Language for LEarning and Reasoning. ULLER encompasses a wide variety of settings, while ensuring that knowledge described in it can be used in existing NeSy systems. ULLER has a first-order logic syntax specialised for NeSy for which we provide example semantics including classical FOL, fuzzy logic, and probabilistic logic. We believe ULLER is a first step towards making NeSy research more accessible and comparable, paving the way for libraries that streamline training and evaluation across a multitude of semantics, knowledge bases, and NeSy systems.

replace Context Graph

Authors: Chengjin Xu, Muzhi Li, Cehao Yang, Xuhui Jiang, Lumingyuan Tang, Yiyan Qi, Jian Guo

Abstract: Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are foundational structures in many AI applications, representing entities and their interrelations through triples. However, triple-based KGs lack the contextual information of relational knowledge, like temporal dynamics and provenance details, which are crucial for comprehensive knowledge representation and effective reasoning. Instead, \textbf{Context Graphs} (CGs) expand upon the conventional structure by incorporating additional information such as time validity, geographic location, and source provenance. This integration provides a more nuanced and accurate understanding of knowledge, enabling KGs to offer richer insights and support more sophisticated reasoning processes. In this work, we first discuss the inherent limitations of triple-based KGs and introduce the concept of CGs, highlighting their advantages in knowledge representation and reasoning. We then present a context graph reasoning \textbf{CGR$^3$} paradigm that leverages large language models (LLMs) to retrieve candidate entities and related contexts, rank them based on the retrieved information, and reason whether sufficient information has been obtained to answer a query. Our experimental results demonstrate that CGR$^3$ significantly improves performance on KG completion (KGC) and KG question answering (KGQA) tasks, validating the effectiveness of incorporating contextual information on KG representation and reasoning.

replace WellDunn: On the Robustness and Explainability of Language Models and Large Language Models in Identifying Wellness Dimensions

Authors: Seyedali Mohammadi, Edward Raff, Jinendra Malekar, Vedant Palit, Francis Ferraro, Manas Gaur

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) are being proposed for mental health applications where the heightened risk of adverse outcomes means predictive performance may not be a sufficient litmus test of a model's utility in clinical practice. A model that can be trusted for practice should have a correspondence between explanation and clinical determination, yet no prior research has examined the attention fidelity of these models and their effect on ground truth explanations. We introduce an evaluation design that focuses on the robustness and explainability of LMs in identifying Wellness Dimensions (WD). We focus on two mental health and well-being datasets: (a) Multi-label Classification-based MultiWD, and (b) WellXplain for evaluating attention mechanism veracity against expert-labeled explanations. The labels are based on Halbert Dunn's theory of wellness, which gives grounding to our evaluation. We reveal four surprising results about LMs/LLMs: (1) Despite their human-like capabilities, GPT-3.5/4 lag behind RoBERTa, and MedAlpaca, a fine-tuned LLM fails to deliver any remarkable improvements in performance or explanations. (2) Re-examining LMs' predictions based on a confidence-oriented loss function reveals a significant performance drop. (3) Across all LMs/LLMs, the alignment between attention and explanations remains low, with LLMs scoring a dismal 0.0. (4) Most mental health-specific LMs/LLMs overlook domain-specific knowledge and undervalue explanations, causing these discrepancies. This study highlights the need for further research into their consistency and explanations in mental health and well-being.

replace PruningBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Structural Pruning

Authors: Haoling Li, Changhao Li, Mengqi Xue, Gongfan Fang, Sheng Zhou, Zunlei Feng, Huiqiong Wang, Yong Wang, Lechao Cheng, Mingli Song, Jie Song

Abstract: Structural pruning has emerged as a promising approach for producing more efficient models. Nevertheless, the community suffers from a lack of standardized benchmarks and metrics, leaving the progress in this area not fully comprehended. To fill this gap, we present the first comprehensive benchmark, termed \textit{PruningBench}, for structural pruning. PruningBench showcases the following three characteristics: 1) PruningBench employs a unified and consistent framework for evaluating the effectiveness of diverse structural pruning techniques; 2) PruningBench systematically evaluates 16 existing pruning methods, encompassing a wide array of models (e.g., CNNs and ViTs) and tasks (e.g., classification and detection); 3) PruningBench provides easily implementable interfaces to facilitate the implementation of future pruning methods, and enables the subsequent researchers to incorporate their work into our leaderboards. We provide an online pruning platform for customizing pruning tasks and reproducing all results in this paper. Codes will be made publicly on


replace-cross DLRover-RM: Resource Optimization for Deep Recommendation Models Training in the Cloud

Authors: Qinlong Wang, Tingfeng Lan, Yinghao Tang, Ziling Huang, Yiheng Du, Haitao Zhang, Jian Sha, Hui Lu, Yuanchun Zhou, Ke Zhang, Mingjie Tang

Abstract: Deep learning recommendation models (DLRM) rely on large embedding tables to manage categorical sparse features. Expanding such embedding tables can significantly enhance model performance, but at the cost of increased GPU/CPU/memory usage. Meanwhile, tech companies have built extensive cloud-based services to accelerate training DLRM models at scale. In this paper, we conduct a deep investigation of the DLRM training platforms at AntGroup and reveal two critical challenges: low resource utilization due to suboptimal configurations by users and the tendency to encounter abnormalities due to an unstable cloud environment. To overcome them, we introduce DLRover-RM, an elastic training framework for DLRMs designed to increase resource utilization and handle the instability of a cloud environment. DLRover-RM develops a resource-performance model by considering the unique characteristics of DLRMs and a three-stage heuristic strategy to automatically allocate and dynamically adjust resources for DLRM training jobs for higher resource utilization. Further, DLRover-RM develops multiple mechanisms to ensure efficient and reliable execution of DLRM training jobs. Our extensive evaluation shows that DLRover-RM reduces job completion times by 31%, increases the job completion rate by 6%, enhances CPU usage by 15%, and improves memory utilization by 20%, compared to state-of-the-art resource scheduling frameworks. DLRover-RM has been widely deployed at AntGroup and processes thousands of DLRM training jobs on a daily basis. DLRover-RM is open-sourced and has been adopted by 10+ companies.

replace-cross Robust Model-Based Optimization for Challenging Fitness Landscapes

Authors: Saba Ghaffari, Ehsan Saleh, Alexander G. Schwing, Yu-Xiong Wang, Martin D. Burke, Saurabh Sinha

Abstract: Protein design, a grand challenge of the day, involves optimization on a fitness landscape, and leading methods adopt a model-based approach where a model is trained on a training set (protein sequences and fitness) and proposes candidates to explore next. These methods are challenged by sparsity of high-fitness samples in the training set, a problem that has been in the literature. A less recognized but equally important problem stems from the distribution of training samples in the design space: leading methods are not designed for scenarios where the desired optimum is in a region that is not only poorly represented in training data, but also relatively far from the highly represented low-fitness regions. We show that this problem of "separation" in the design space is a significant bottleneck in existing model-based optimization tools and propose a new approach that uses a novel VAE as its search model to overcome the problem. We demonstrate its advantage over prior methods in robustly finding improved samples, regardless of the imbalance and separation between low- and high-fitness samples. Our comprehensive benchmark on real and semi-synthetic protein datasets as well as solution design for physics-informed neural networks, showcases the generality of our approach in discrete and continuous design spaces. Our implementation is available at


replace-cross A New Era in Software Security: Towards Self-Healing Software via Large Language Models and Formal Verification

Authors: Norbert Tihanyi, Ridhi Jain, Yiannis Charalambous, Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Youcheng Sun, Lucas C. Cordeiro

Abstract: This paper introduces an innovative approach that combines Large Language Models (LLMs) with Formal Verification strategies for automatic software vulnerability repair. Initially, we employ Bounded Model Checking (BMC) to identify vulnerabilities and extract counterexamples. These counterexamples are supported by mathematical proofs and the stack trace of the vulnerabilities. Using a specially designed prompt, we combine the original source code with the identified vulnerability, including its stack trace and counterexample that specifies the line number and error type. This combined information is then fed into an LLM, which is instructed to attempt to fix the code. The new code is subsequently verified again using BMC to ensure the fix succeeded. We present the ESBMC-AI framework as a proof of concept, leveraging the well-recognized and industry-adopted Efficient SMT-based Context-Bounded Model Checker (ESBMC) and a pre-trained transformer model to detect and fix errors in C programs, particularly in critical software components. We evaluated our approach on 50,000 C programs randomly selected from the FormAI dataset with their respective vulnerability classifications. Our results demonstrate ESBMC-AI's capability to automate the detection and repair of issues such as buffer overflow, arithmetic overflow, and pointer dereference failures with high accuracy. ESBMC-AI is a pioneering initiative, integrating LLMs with BMC techniques, offering potential integration into the continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) process within the software development lifecycle.

replace-cross Networked Communication for Decentralised Agents in Mean-Field Games

Authors: Patrick Benjamin, Alessandro Abate

Abstract: We introduce networked communication to the mean-field game framework, in particular to oracle-free settings where $N$ decentralised agents learn along a single, non-episodic run of the empirical system. We prove that our architecture, with only a few reasonable assumptions about network structure, has sample guarantees bounded between those of the centralised- and independent-learning cases. We discuss how the sample guarantees of the three theoretical algorithms do not actually result in practical convergence. We therefore show that in practical settings where the theoretical parameters are not observed (leading to poor estimation of the Q-function), our communication scheme significantly accelerates convergence over the independent case (and often even the centralised case), without relying on the assumption of a centralised learner. We contribute further practical enhancements to all three theoretical algorithms, allowing us to present their first empirical demonstrations. Our experiments confirm that we can remove several of the theoretical assumptions of the algorithms, and display the empirical convergence benefits brought by our new networked communication. We additionally show that the networked approach has significant advantages, over both the centralised and independent alternatives, in terms of robustness to unexpected learning failures and to changes in population size.

replace-cross SciBench: Evaluating College-Level Scientific Problem-Solving Abilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaoxuan Wang, Ziniu Hu, Pan Lu, Yanqiao Zhu, Jieyu Zhang, Satyen Subramaniam, Arjun R. Loomba, Shichang Zhang, Yizhou Sun, Wei Wang

Abstract: Most of the existing Large Language Model (LLM) benchmarks on scientific problem reasoning focus on problems grounded in high-school subjects and are confined to elementary algebraic operations. To systematically examine the reasoning capabilities required for solving complex scientific problems, we introduce an expansive benchmark suite SciBench for LLMs. SciBench contains a carefully curated dataset featuring a range of collegiate-level scientific problems from mathematics, chemistry, and physics domains. Based on the dataset, we conduct an in-depth benchmarking study of representative open-source and proprietary LLMs with various prompting strategies. The results reveal that the current LLMs fall short of delivering satisfactory performance, with the best overall score of merely 43.22%. Furthermore, through a detailed user study, we categorize the errors made by LLMs into ten problem-solving abilities. Our analysis indicates that no single prompting strategy significantly outperforms the others and some strategies that demonstrate improvements in certain problem-solving skills could result in declines in other skills. We envision that SciBench will catalyze further developments in the reasoning abilities of LLMs, thereby ultimately contributing to scientific research and discovery.

replace-cross MKRAG: Medical Knowledge Retrieval Augmented Generation for Medical Question Answering

Authors: Yucheng Shi, Shaochen Xu, Tianze Yang, Zhengliang Liu, Tianming Liu, Xiang Li, Ninghao Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), although powerful in general domains, often perform poorly on domain-specific tasks like medical question answering (QA). Moreover, they tend to function as "black-boxes," making it challenging to modify their behavior. To address the problem, our study delves into retrieval augmented generation (RAG), aiming to improve LLM responses without the need for fine-tuning or retraining. Specifically, we propose a comprehensive retrieval strategy to extract medical facts from an external knowledge base, and then inject them into the query prompt for LLMs. Focusing on medical QA using the MedQA-SMILE dataset, we evaluate the impact of different retrieval models and the number of facts provided to the LLM. Notably, our retrieval-augmented Vicuna-7B model exhibited an accuracy improvement from 44.46% to 48.54%. This work underscores the potential of RAG to enhance LLM performance, offering a practical approach to mitigate the challenges of black-box LLMs.

replace-cross AutoMix: Automatically Mixing Language Models

Authors: Pranjal Aggarwal, Aman Madaan, Ankit Anand, Srividya Pranavi Potharaju, Swaroop Mishra, Pei Zhou, Aditya Gupta, Dheeraj Rajagopal, Karthik Kappaganthu, Yiming Yang, Shyam Upadhyay, Manaal Faruqui, Mausam

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are now available from cloud API providers in various sizes and configurations. While this diversity offers a broad spectrum of choices, effectively leveraging the options to optimize computational cost and performance remains challenging. In this work, we present Automix, an approach that strategically routes queries to larger LMs, based on the approximate correctness of outputs from a smaller LM. Central to Automix are two key technical contributions. First, it has a few-shot self-verification mechanism, which estimates the reliability of its own outputs without requiring extensive training. Second, given that self-verification can be noisy, it employs a POMDP based router that can effectively select an appropriately sized model, based on answer confidence. Experiments across five language models and five challenging datasets show that Automix consistently surpasses strong baselines, reducing computational cost by over 50% for comparable performance.

replace-cross TimeBench: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Temporal Reasoning Abilities in Large Language Models

Authors: Zheng Chu, Jingchang Chen, Qianglong Chen, Weijiang Yu, Haotian Wang, Ming Liu, Bing Qin

Abstract: Grasping the concept of time is a fundamental facet of human cognition, indispensable for truly comprehending the intricacies of the world. Previous studies typically focus on specific aspects of time, lacking a comprehensive temporal reasoning benchmark. To address this, we propose TimeBench, a comprehensive hierarchical temporal reasoning benchmark that covers a broad spectrum of temporal reasoning phenomena. TimeBench provides a thorough evaluation for investigating the temporal reasoning capabilities of large language models. We conduct extensive experiments on GPT-4, LLaMA2, and other popular LLMs under various settings. Our experimental results indicate a significant performance gap between the state-of-the-art LLMs and humans, highlighting that there is still a considerable distance to cover in temporal reasoning. Besides, LLMs exhibit capability discrepancies across different reasoning categories. Furthermore, we thoroughly analyze the impact of multiple aspects on temporal reasoning and emphasize the associated challenges. We aspire for TimeBench to serve as a comprehensive benchmark, fostering research in temporal reasoning. Resources are available at:


replace-cross UINav: A Practical Approach to Train On-Device Automation Agents

Authors: Wei Li, Fu-Lin Hsu, Will Bishop, Folawiyo Campbell-Ajala, Max Lin, Oriana Riva

Abstract: Automation systems that can autonomously drive application user interfaces to complete user tasks are of great benefit, especially when users are situationally or permanently impaired. Prior automation systems do not produce generalizable models while AI-based automation agents work reliably only in simple, hand-crafted applications or incur high computation costs. We propose UINav, a demonstration-based approach to train automation agents that fit mobile devices, yet achieving high success rates with modest numbers of demonstrations. To reduce the demonstration overhead, UINav uses a referee model that provides users with immediate feedback on tasks where the agent fails, and automatically augments human demonstrations to increase diversity in training data. Our evaluation shows that with only 10 demonstrations UINav can achieve 70% accuracy, and that with enough demonstrations it can surpass 90% accuracy.

replace-cross Generative AI-Driven Human Digital Twin in IoT-Healthcare: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Jiayuan Chen, You Shi, Changyan Yi, Hongyang Du, Jiawen Kang, Dusit Niyato

Abstract: The Internet of things (IoT) can significantly enhance the quality of human life, specifically in healthcare, attracting extensive attentions to IoT-healthcare services. Meanwhile, the human digital twin (HDT) is proposed as an innovative paradigm that can comprehensively characterize the replication of the individual human body in the digital world and reflect its physical status in real time. Naturally, HDT is envisioned to empower IoT-healthcare beyond the application of healthcare monitoring by acting as a versatile and vivid human digital testbed, simulating the outcomes and guiding the practical treatments. However, successfully establishing HDT requires high-fidelity virtual modeling and strong information interactions but possibly with scarce, biased and noisy data. Fortunately, a recent popular technology called generative artificial intelligence (GAI) may be a promising solution because it can leverage advanced AI algorithms to automatically create, manipulate, and modify valuable while diverse data. This survey particularly focuses on the implementation of GAI-driven HDT in IoT-healthcare. We start by introducing the background of IoT-healthcare and the potential of GAI-driven HDT. Then, we delve into the fundamental techniques and present the overall framework of GAI-driven HDT. After that, we explore the realization of GAI-driven HDT in detail, including GAI-enabled data acquisition, communication, data management, digital modeling, and data analysis. Besides, we discuss typical IoT-healthcare applications that can be revolutionized by GAI-driven HDT, namely personalized health monitoring and diagnosis, personalized prescription, and personalized rehabilitation. Finally, we conclude this survey by highlighting some future research directions.

replace-cross Exploring the Dynamics between Cobot's Production Rhythm, Locus of Control and Emotional State in a Collaborative Assembly Scenario

Authors: Marta Mondellini, Matteo Lavit Nicora, Pooja Prajod, Elisabeth Andr\'e, Rocco Vertechy, Alessandro Antonietti, Matteo Malosio

Abstract: In industrial scenarios, there is widespread use of collaborative robots (cobots), and growing interest is directed at evaluating and measuring the impact of some characteristics of the cobot on the human factor. In the present pilot study, the effect that the production rhythm (C1 - Slow, C2 - Fast, C3 - Adapted to the participant's pace) of a cobot has on the Experiential Locus of Control (ELoC) and the emotional state of 31 participants has been examined. The operators' performance, the degree of basic internal Locus of Control, and the attitude towards the robots were also considered. No difference was found regarding the emotional state and the ELoC in the three conditions, but considering the other psychological variables, a more complex situation emerges. Overall, results seem to indicate a need to consider the person's psychological characteristics to offer a differentiated and optimal interaction experience.

replace-cross Equivariant Symmetry Breaking Sets

Authors: YuQing Xie, Tess Smidt

Abstract: Equivariant neural networks (ENNs) have been shown to be extremely effective in applications involving underlying symmetries. By construction ENNs cannot produce lower symmetry outputs given a higher symmetry input. However, symmetry breaking occurs in many physical systems and we may obtain a less symmetric stable state from an initial highly symmetric one. Hence, it is imperative that we understand how to systematically break symmetry in ENNs. In this work, we propose a novel symmetry breaking framework that is fully equivariant and is the first which fully addresses spontaneous symmetry breaking. We emphasize that our approach is general and applicable to equivariance under any group. To achieve this, we introduce the idea of symmetry breaking sets (SBS). Rather than redesign existing networks, we design sets of symmetry breaking objects which we feed into our network based on the symmetry of our inputs and outputs. We show there is a natural way to define equivariance on these sets, which gives an additional constraint. Minimizing the size of these sets equates to data efficiency. We prove that minimizing these sets translates to a well studied group theory problem, and tabulate solutions to this problem for the point groups. Finally, we provide some examples of symmetry breaking to demonstrate how our approach works in practice.

replace-cross BGE M3-Embedding: Multi-Lingual, Multi-Functionality, Multi-Granularity Text Embeddings Through Self-Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Jianlv Chen, Shitao Xiao, Peitian Zhang, Kun Luo, Defu Lian, Zheng Liu

Abstract: In this paper, we present a new embedding model, called M3-Embedding, which is distinguished for its versatility in Multi-Linguality, Multi-Functionality, and Multi-Granularity. It can support more than 100 working languages, leading to new state-of-the-art performances on multi-lingual and cross-lingual retrieval tasks. It can simultaneously perform the three common retrieval functionalities of embedding model: dense retrieval, multi-vector retrieval, and sparse retrieval, which provides a unified model foundation for real-world IR applications. It is able to process inputs of different granularities, spanning from short sentences to long documents of up to 8192 tokens. The effective training of M3-Embedding involves the following technical contributions. We propose a novel self-knowledge distillation approach, where the relevance scores from different retrieval functionalities can be integrated as the teacher signal to enhance the training quality. We also optimize the batching strategy, enabling a large batch size and high training throughput to ensure the discriminativeness of embeddings. To the best of our knowledge, M3-Embedding is the first embedding model which realizes such a strong versatility. The model and code will be publicly available at


replace-cross Scaling laws for learning with real and surrogate data

Authors: Ayush Jain, Andrea Montanari, Eren Sasoglu

Abstract: Collecting large quantities of high-quality data can be prohibitively expensive or impractical, and a bottleneck in machine learning. One may instead augment a small set of $n$ data points from the target distribution with data from more accessible sources, e.g. data collected under different circumstances or synthesized by generative models. We refer to such data as `surrogate data.' We introduce a weighted empirical risk minimization (ERM) approach for integrating surrogate data into training. We analyze mathematically this method under several classical statistical models, and validate our findings empirically on datasets from different domains. Our main findings are: $(i)$ Integrating surrogate data can significantly reduce the test error on the original distribution. Surprisingly, this can happen even when the surrogate data is unrelated to the original ones. We trace back this behavior to the classical Stein's paradox. $(ii)$ In order to reap the benefit of surrogate data, it is crucial to use optimally weighted ERM. $(iii)$ The test error of models trained on mixtures of real and surrogate data is approximately described by a scaling law. This scaling law can be used to predict the optimal weighting scheme, and to choose the amount of surrogate data to add.

replace-cross Active Preference Learning for Large Language Models

Authors: William Muldrew, Peter Hayes, Mingtian Zhang, David Barber

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) become more capable, fine-tuning techniques for aligning with human intent are increasingly important. A key consideration for aligning these models is how to most effectively use human resources, or model resources in the case where LLMs themselves are used as oracles. Reinforcement learning from Human or AI preferences (RLHF/RLAIF) is the most prominent example of such a technique, but is complex and often unstable. Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has recently been proposed as a simpler and more stable alternative. In this work, we develop an active learning strategy for DPO to make better use of preference labels. We propose a practical acquisition function for prompt/completion pairs based on the predictive entropy of the language model and a measure of certainty of the implicit preference model optimized by DPO. We demonstrate how our approach improves both the rate of learning and final performance of fine-tuning on pairwise preference data.

replace-cross Logical Closed Loop: Uncovering Object Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Junfei Wu, Qiang Liu, Ding Wang, Jinghao Zhang, Shu Wu, Liang Wang, Tieniu Tan

Abstract: Object hallucination has been an Achilles' heel which hinders the broader applications of large vision-language models (LVLMs). Object hallucination refers to the phenomenon that the LVLMs claim non-existent objects in the image. To mitigate the object hallucinations, instruction tuning and external model-based detection methods have been proposed, which either require large-scare computational resources or depend on the detection result of external models. However, there remains an under-explored field to utilize the LVLM itself to alleviate object hallucinations. In this work, we adopt the intuition that the LVLM tends to respond logically consistently for existent objects but inconsistently for hallucinated objects. Therefore, we propose a Logical Closed Loop-based framework for Object Hallucination Detection and Mitigation, namely LogicCheckGPT. In specific, we devise logical consistency probing to raise questions with logical correlations, inquiring about attributes from objects and vice versa. Whether their responses can form a logical closed loop serves as an indicator of object hallucination. As a plug-and-play method, it can be seamlessly applied to all existing LVLMs. Comprehensive experiments conducted on three benchmarks across four LVLMs have demonstrated significant improvements brought by our method, indicating its effectiveness and generality.

replace-cross A Multimodal Foundation Agent for Financial Trading: Tool-Augmented, Diversified, and Generalist

Authors: Wentao Zhang, Lingxuan Zhao, Haochong Xia, Shuo Sun, Jiaze Sun, Molei Qin, Xinyi Li, Yuqing Zhao, Yilei Zhao, Xinyu Cai, Longtao Zheng, Xinrun Wang, Bo An

Abstract: Financial trading is a crucial component of the markets, informed by a multimodal information landscape encompassing news, prices, and Kline charts, and encompasses diverse tasks such as quantitative trading and high-frequency trading with various assets. While advanced AI techniques like deep learning and reinforcement learning are extensively utilized in finance, their application in financial trading tasks often faces challenges due to inadequate handling of multimodal data and limited generalizability across various tasks. To address these challenges, we present FinAgent, a multimodal foundational agent with tool augmentation for financial trading. FinAgent's market intelligence module processes a diverse range of data-numerical, textual, and visual-to accurately analyze the financial market. Its unique dual-level reflection module not only enables rapid adaptation to market dynamics but also incorporates a diversified memory retrieval system, enhancing the agent's ability to learn from historical data and improve decision-making processes. The agent's emphasis on reasoning for actions fosters trust in its financial decisions. Moreover, FinAgent integrates established trading strategies and expert insights, ensuring that its trading approaches are both data-driven and rooted in sound financial principles. With comprehensive experiments on 6 financial datasets, including stocks and Crypto, FinAgent significantly outperforms 9 state-of-the-art baselines in terms of 6 financial metrics with over 36% average improvement on profit. Specifically, a 92.27% return (a 84.39% relative improvement) is achieved on one dataset. Notably, FinAgent is the first advanced multimodal foundation agent designed for financial trading tasks.

replace-cross Data Augmentation using LLMs: Data Perspectives, Learning Paradigms and Challenges

Authors: Bosheng Ding, Chengwei Qin, Ruochen Zhao, Tianze Luo, Xinze Li, Guizhen Chen, Wenhan Xia, Junjie Hu, Anh Tuan Luu, Shafiq Joty

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of large language models (LLMs), data augmentation (DA) has emerged as a pivotal technique for enhancing model performance by diversifying training examples without the need for additional data collection. This survey explores the transformative impact of LLMs on DA, particularly addressing the unique challenges and opportunities they present in the context of natural language processing (NLP) and beyond. From both data and learning perspectives, we examine various strategies that utilize LLMs for data augmentation, including a novel exploration of learning paradigms where LLM-generated data is used for diverse forms of further training. Additionally, this paper highlights the primary open challenges faced in this domain, ranging from controllable data augmentation to multi-modal data augmentation. This survey highlights a paradigm shift introduced by LLMs in DA, and aims to serve as a comprehensive guide for researchers and practitioners.

replace-cross Behavior Generation with Latent Actions

Authors: Seungjae Lee, Yibin Wang, Haritheja Etukuru, H. Jin Kim, Nur Muhammad Mahi Shafiullah, Lerrel Pinto

Abstract: Generative modeling of complex behaviors from labeled datasets has been a longstanding problem in decision making. Unlike language or image generation, decision making requires modeling actions - continuous-valued vectors that are multimodal in their distribution, potentially drawn from uncurated sources, where generation errors can compound in sequential prediction. A recent class of models called Behavior Transformers (BeT) addresses this by discretizing actions using k-means clustering to capture different modes. However, k-means struggles to scale for high-dimensional action spaces or long sequences, and lacks gradient information, and thus BeT suffers in modeling long-range actions. In this work, we present Vector-Quantized Behavior Transformer (VQ-BeT), a versatile model for behavior generation that handles multimodal action prediction, conditional generation, and partial observations. VQ-BeT augments BeT by tokenizing continuous actions with a hierarchical vector quantization module. Across seven environments including simulated manipulation, autonomous driving, and robotics, VQ-BeT improves on state-of-the-art models such as BeT and Diffusion Policies. Importantly, we demonstrate VQ-BeT's improved ability to capture behavior modes while accelerating inference speed 5x over Diffusion Policies. Videos and code can be found


replace-cross Apollo: A Lightweight Multilingual Medical LLM towards Democratizing Medical AI to 6B People

Authors: Xidong Wang, Nuo Chen, Junyin Chen, Yan Hu, Yidong Wang, Xiangbo Wu, Anningzhe Gao, Xiang Wan, Haizhou Li, Benyou Wang

Abstract: Despite the vast repository of global medical knowledge predominantly being in English, local languages are crucial for delivering tailored healthcare services, particularly in areas with limited medical resources. To extend the reach of medical AI advancements to a broader population, we aim to develop medical LLMs across the six most widely spoken languages, encompassing a global population of 6.1 billion. This effort culminates in the creation of the ApolloCorpora multilingual medical dataset and the XMedBench benchmark. In the multilingual medical benchmark, the released Apollo models, at various relatively-small sizes (i.e., 0.5B, 1.8B, 2B, 6B, and 7B), achieve the best performance among models of equivalent size. Especially, Apollo-7B is the state-of-the-art multilingual medical LLMs up to 70B. Additionally, these lite models could be used to improve the multi-lingual medical capabilities of larger models without fine-tuning in a proxy-tuning fashion. We will open-source training corpora, code, model weights and evaluation benchmark.

replace-cross Concept-aware Data Construction Improves In-context Learning of Language Models

Authors: Michal \v{S}tef\'anik, Marek Kadl\v{c}\'ik, Petr Sojka

Abstract: Many recent language models (LMs) are capable of in-context learning (ICL), manifested in the LMs' ability to perform a new task solely from natural-language instruction. Previous work curating in-context learners assumes that ICL emerges from a vast over-parametrization or the scale of multi-task training. However, recent theoretical work attributes the ICL ability to concept-dependent training data and creates functional in-context learners even in small-scale, synthetic settings. In this work, we practically explore this newly identified axis of ICL quality. We propose Concept-aware Training (CoAT), a framework for constructing training scenarios that make it beneficial for the LM to learn to utilize the analogical reasoning concepts from demonstrations. We find that by using CoAT, pre-trained transformers can learn to better utilise new latent concepts from demonstrations and that such ability makes ICL more robust to the functional deficiencies of the previous models. Finally, we show that concept-aware in-context learning is more effective for a majority of new tasks when compared to traditional instruction tuning, resulting in a performance comparable to the previous in-context learners using magnitudes of more training data.

replace-cross LlamaFactory: Unified Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ Language Models

Authors: Yaowei Zheng, Richong Zhang, Junhao Zhang, Yanhan Ye, Zheyan Luo, Zhangchi Feng, Yongqiang Ma

Abstract: Efficient fine-tuning is vital for adapting large language models (LLMs) to downstream tasks. However, it requires non-trivial efforts to implement these methods on different models. We present LlamaFactory, a unified framework that integrates a suite of cutting-edge efficient training methods. It provides a solution for flexibly customizing the fine-tuning of 100+ LLMs without the need for coding through the built-in web UI LlamaBoard. We empirically validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our framework on language modeling and text generation tasks. It has been released at and received over 25,000 stars and 3,000 forks.


replace-cross Solving a Real-World Package Delivery Routing Problem Using Quantum Annealers

Authors: Eneko Osaba, Esther Villar-Rodriguez, Ant\'on Asla

Abstract: Research focused on the conjunction between quantum computing and routing problems has been very prolific in recent years. Most of the works revolve around classical problems such as the Traveling Salesman Problem or the Vehicle Routing Problem. The real-world applicability of these problems is dependent on the objectives and constraints considered. Anyway, it is undeniable that it is often difficult to translate complex requirements into these classical formulations.The main objective of this research is to present a solving scheme for dealing with realistic instances while maintaining all the characteristics and restrictions of the original real-world problem. Thus, a quantum-classical strategy has been developed, coined Q4RPD, that considers a set of real constraints such as a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, priority deliveries, and capacities characterized by two values: weight and dimensions of the packages. Q4RPD resorts to the Leap Constrained Quadratic Model Hybrid Solver of D-Wave. To demonstrate the application of Q4RPD, an experimentation composed of six different instances has been conducted, aiming to serve as illustrative examples.

replace-cross Symbolic Prompt Program Search: A Structure-Aware Approach to Efficient Compile-Time Prompt Optimization

Authors: Tobias Schnabel, Jennifer Neville

Abstract: In many modern LLM applications, such as retrieval augmented generation, prompts have become programs themselves. In these settings, prompt programs are repeatedly called with different user queries or data instances. A big practical challenge is optimizing such prompt programs. Recent work has mostly focused on either simple prompt programs or assumed that the general structure of a prompt program is fixed. We introduce SAMMO, a framework to perform symbolic prompt program search for compile-time optimizations of prompt programs. SAMMO represents prompt programs on a symbolic level which allows for a rich set of transformations that can be searched over during optimization. We show that SAMMO generalizes previous methods and improves the performance of complex prompts on (1) instruction tuning, (2) RAG pipeline tuning, and (3) prompt compression, across several different LLMs. We make all code available open-source at .


replace-cross Condition Monitoring with Incomplete Data: An Integrated Variational Autoencoder and Distance Metric Framework

Authors: Maryam Ahang, Mostafa Abbasi, Todd Charter, Homayoun Najjaran

Abstract: Condition monitoring of industrial systems is crucial for ensuring safety and maintenance planning, yet notable challenges arise in real-world settings due to the limited or non-existent availability of fault samples. This paper introduces an innovative solution to this problem by proposing a new method for fault detection and condition monitoring for unseen data. Adopting an approach inspired by zero-shot learning, our method can identify faults and assign a relative health index to various operational conditions. Typically, we have plenty of data on normal operations, some data on compromised conditions, and very few (if any) samples of severe faults. We use a variational autoencoder to capture the probabilistic distribution of previously seen and new unseen conditions. The health status is determined by comparing each sample's deviation from a normal operation reference distribution in the latent space. Faults are detected by establishing a threshold for the health indexes, allowing the model to identify severe, unseen faults with high accuracy, even amidst noise. We validate our approach using the run-to-failure IMS-bearing dataset and compare it with other methods. The health indexes generated by our model closely match the established descriptive model of bearing wear, attesting to the robustness and reliability of our method. These findings highlight the potential of our methodology in augmenting fault detection capabilities within industrial domains, thereby contributing to heightened safety protocols and optimized maintenance practices.

replace-cross Guylingo: The Republic of Guyana Creole Corpora

Authors: Christopher Clarke, Roland Daynauth, Charlene Wilkinson, Hubert Devonish, Jason Mars

Abstract: While major languages often enjoy substantial attention and resources, the linguistic diversity across the globe encompasses a multitude of smaller, indigenous, and regional languages that lack the same level of computational support. One such region is the Caribbean. While commonly labeled as "English speaking", the ex-British Caribbean region consists of a myriad of Creole languages thriving alongside English. In this paper, we present Guylingo: a comprehensive corpus designed for advancing NLP research in the domain of Creolese (Guyanese English-lexicon Creole), the most widely spoken language in the culturally rich nation of Guyana. We first outline our framework for gathering and digitizing this diverse corpus, inclusive of colloquial expressions, idioms, and regional variations in a low-resource language. We then demonstrate the challenges of training and evaluating NLP models for machine translation in Creole. Lastly, we discuss the unique opportunities presented by recent NLP advancements for accelerating the formal adoption of Creole languages as official languages in the Caribbean.

replace-cross FloorSet -- a VLSI Floorplanning Dataset with Design Constraints of Real-World SoCs

Authors: Uday Mallappa, Hesham Mostafa, Mikhail Galkin, Mariano Phielipp, Somdeb Majumdar

Abstract: Floorplanning for systems-on-a-chip (SoCs) and its sub-systems is a crucial and non-trivial step of the physical design flow. It represents a difficult combinatorial optimization problem. A typical large scale SoC with 120 partitions generates a search-space of nearly 10E250. As novel machine learning (ML) approaches emerge to tackle such problems, there is a growing need for a modern benchmark that comprises a large training dataset and performance metrics that better reflect real-world constraints and objectives compared to existing benchmarks. To address this need, we present FloorSet -- two comprehensive datasets of synthetic fixed-outline floorplan layouts that reflect the distribution of real SoCs. Each dataset has 1M training samples and 100 test samples where each sample is a synthetic floor-plan. FloorSet-Prime comprises fully-abutted rectilinear partitions and near-optimal wire-length. A simplified dataset that reflects early design phases, FloorSet-Lite comprises rectangular partitions, with under 5 percent white-space and near-optimal wire-length. Both datasets define hard constraints seen in modern design flows such as shape constraints, edge-affinity, grouping constraints, and pre-placement constraints. FloorSet is intended to spur fundamental research on large-scale constrained optimization problems. Crucially, FloorSet alleviates the core issue of reproducibility in modern ML driven solutions to such problems. FloorSet is available as an open-source repository for the research community.

replace-cross Distributed Speculative Inference of Large Language Models

Authors: Nadav Timor, Jonathan Mamou, Daniel Korat, Moshe Berchansky, Oren Pereg, Moshe Wasserblat, Tomer Galanti, Michal Gordon, David Harel

Abstract: Accelerating the inference of large language models (LLMs) is an important challenge in artificial intelligence. This paper introduces distributed speculative inference (DSI), a novel distributed inference algorithm that is provably faster than speculative inference (SI) [leviathan2023fast, chen2023accelerating, miao2023specinfer] and traditional autoregressive inference (non-SI). Like other SI algorithms, DSI works on frozen LLMs, requiring no training or architectural modifications, and it preserves the target distribution. Prior studies on SI have demonstrated empirical speedups (compared to non-SI) but require a fast and accurate drafter LLM. In practice, off-the-shelf LLMs often do not have matching drafters that are sufficiently fast and accurate. We show a gap: SI gets slower than non-SI when using slower or less accurate drafters. We close this gap by proving that DSI is faster than both SI and non-SI given any drafters. By orchestrating multiple instances of the target and drafters, DSI is not only faster than SI but also supports LLMs that cannot be accelerated with SI. Our simulations show speedups of off-the-shelf LLMs in realistic settings: DSI is 1.29-1.92x faster than SI.

replace-cross Automatic Data Curation for Self-Supervised Learning: A Clustering-Based Approach

Authors: Huy V. Vo, Vasil Khalidov, Timoth\'ee Darcet, Th\'eo Moutakanni, Nikita Smetanin, Marc Szafraniec, Hugo Touvron, Camille Couprie, Maxime Oquab, Armand Joulin, Herv\'e J\'egou, Patrick Labatut, Piotr Bojanowski

Abstract: Self-supervised features are the cornerstone of modern machine learning systems. They are typically pre-trained on data collections whose construction and curation typically require extensive human effort. This manual process has some limitations similar to those encountered in supervised learning, e.g., the crowd-sourced selection of data is costly and time-consuming, preventing scaling the dataset size. In this work, we consider the problem of automatic curation of high-quality datasets for self-supervised pre-training. We posit that such datasets should be large, diverse and balanced, and propose a clustering-based approach for building ones satisfying all these criteria. Our method involves successive and hierarchical applications of $k$-means on a large and diverse data repository to obtain clusters that distribute uniformly among data concepts, followed by a hierarchical, balanced sampling step from these clusters. Extensive experiments on three different data domains including web-based images, satellite images and text show that features trained on our automatically curated datasets outperform those trained on uncurated data while being on par or better than ones trained on manually curated data. Code is available at


replace-cross AIGB: Generative Auto-bidding via Diffusion Modeling

Authors: Jiayan Guo, Yusen Huo, Zhilin Zhang, Tianyu Wang, Chuan Yu, Jian Xu, Yan Zhang, Bo Zheng

Abstract: Auto-bidding plays a crucial role in facilitating online advertising by automatically providing bids for advertisers. Reinforcement learning (RL) has gained popularity for auto-bidding. However, most current RL auto-bidding methods are modeled through the Markovian Decision Process (MDP), which assumes the Markovian state transition. This assumption restricts the ability to perform in long horizon scenarios and makes the model unstable when dealing with highly random online advertising environments. To tackle this issue, this paper introduces AI-Generated Bidding (AIGB), a novel paradigm for auto-bidding through generative modeling. In this paradigm, we propose DiffBid, a conditional diffusion modeling approach for bid generation. DiffBid directly models the correlation between the return and the entire trajectory, effectively avoiding error propagation across time steps in long horizons. Additionally, DiffBid offers a versatile approach for generating trajectories that maximize given targets while adhering to specific constraints. Extensive experiments conducted on the real-world dataset and online A/B test on Alibaba advertising platform demonstrate the effectiveness of DiffBid, achieving 2.81% increase in GMV and 3.36% increase in ROI.

replace-cross LLMs and Memorization: On Quality and Specificity of Copyright Compliance

Authors: Felix B Mueller, Rebekka G\"orge, Anna K Bernzen, Janna C Pirk, Maximilian Poretschkin

Abstract: Memorization in large language models (LLMs) is a growing concern. LLMs have been shown to easily reproduce parts of their training data, including copyrighted work. This is an important problem to solve, as it may violate existing copyright laws as well as the European AI Act. In this work, we propose a systematic analysis to quantify the extent of potential copyright infringements in LLMs using European law as an example. Unlike previous work, we evaluate instruction-finetuned models in a realistic end-user scenario. Our analysis builds on a proposed threshold of 160 characters, which we borrow from the German Copyright Service Provider Act and a fuzzy text matching algorithm to identify potentially copyright-infringing textual reproductions. The specificity of countermeasures against copyright infringement is analyzed by comparing model behavior on copyrighted and public domain data. We investigate what behaviors models show instead of producing protected text (such as refusal or hallucination) and provide a first legal assessment of these behaviors. We find that there are huge differences in copyright compliance, specificity, and appropriate refusal among popular LLMs. Alpaca, GPT 4, GPT 3.5, and Luminous perform best in our comparison, with OpenGPT-X, Alpaca, and Luminous producing a particularly low absolute number of potential copyright violations. Code will be published soon.

replace-cross The Intelligible and Effective Graph Neural Additive Networks

Authors: Maya Bechler-Speicher, Amir Globerson, Ran Gilad-Bachrach

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as the predominant approach for learning over graph-structured data. However, most GNNs operate as black-box models and require post-hoc explanations, which may not suffice in high-stakes scenarios where transparency is crucial. In this paper, we present a GNN that is interpretable by design. Our model, Graph Neural Additive Network (GNAN), is a novel extension of the interpretable class of Generalized Additive Models, and can be visualized and fully understood by humans. GNAN is designed to be fully interpretable, allowing both global and local explanations at the feature and graph levels through direct visualization of the model. These visualizations describe the exact way the model uses the relationships between the target variable, the features, and the graph. We demonstrate the intelligibility of GNANs in a series of examples on different tasks and datasets. In addition, we show that the accuracy of GNAN is on par with black-box GNNs, making it suitable for critical applications where transparency is essential, alongside high accuracy.

replace-cross Kernel vs. Kernel: Exploring How the Data Structure Affects Neural Collapse

Authors: Vignesh Kothapalli, Tom Tirer

Abstract: Recently, a vast amount of literature has focused on the "Neural Collapse" (NC) phenomenon, which emerges when training neural network (NN) classifiers beyond the zero training error point. The core component of NC is the decrease in the within class variability of the network's deepest features, dubbed as NC1. The theoretical works that study NC are typically based on simplified unconstrained features models (UFMs) that mask any effect of the data on the extent of collapse. In this paper, we provide a kernel-based analysis that does not suffer from this limitation. First, given a kernel function, we establish expressions for the traces of the within- and between-class covariance matrices of the samples' features (and consequently an NC1 metric). Then, we turn to focus on kernels associated with shallow NNs. First, we consider the NN Gaussian Process kernel (NNGP), associated with the network at initialization, and the complement Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK), associated with its training in the "lazy regime". Interestingly, we show that the NTK does not represent more collapsed features than the NNGP for prototypical data models. As NC emerges from training, we then consider an alternative to NTK: the recently proposed adaptive kernel, which generalizes NNGP to model the feature mapping learned from the training data. Contrasting our NC1 analysis for these two kernels enables gaining insights into the effect of data distribution on the extent of collapse, which are empirically aligned with the behavior observed with practical training of NNs.

replace-cross MeGA: Merging Multiple Independently Trained Neural Networks Based on Genetic Algorithm

Authors: Daniel Yun

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel method for merging the weights of multiple pre-trained neural networks using a genetic algorithm called MeGA. Traditional techniques, such as weight averaging and ensemble methods, often fail to fully harness the capabilities of pre-trained networks. Our approach leverages a genetic algorithm with tournament selection, crossover, and mutation to optimize weight combinations, creating a more effective fusion. This technique allows the merged model to inherit advantageous features from both parent models, resulting in enhanced accuracy and robustness. Through experiments on the CIFAR-10 dataset, we demonstrate that our genetic algorithm-based weight merging method improves test accuracy compared to individual models and conventional methods. This approach provides a scalable solution for integrating multiple pre-trained networks across various deep learning applications. Github is available at:


replace-cross MolX: Enhancing Large Language Models for Molecular Learning with A Multi-Modal Extension

Authors: Khiem Le, Zhichun Guo, Kaiwen Dong, Xiaobao Huang, Bozhao Nan, Roshni Iyer, Xiangliang Zhang, Olaf Wiest, Wei Wang, Nitesh V. Chawla

Abstract: Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) with their strong task-handling capabilities have shown remarkable advancements across a spectrum of fields, moving beyond natural language understanding. However, their proficiency within the chemistry domain remains restricted, especially in solving professional molecule-related tasks. This challenge is attributed to their inherent limitations in comprehending molecules using only common textual representations, i.e., SMILES strings. In this study, we seek to enhance the ability of LLMs to comprehend molecules by designing and equipping them with a multi-modal external module, namely MolX. In particular, instead of directly using a SMILES string to represent a molecule, we utilize specific encoders to extract fine-grained features from both SMILES string and 2D molecular graph representations for feeding into an LLM. Moreover, a human-defined molecular fingerprint is incorporated to leverage its embedded domain knowledge. Then, to establish an alignment between MolX and the LLM's textual input space, the whole model in which the LLM is frozen, is pre-trained with a versatile strategy including a diverse set of tasks. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that our proposed method only introduces a small number of trainable parameters while outperforming baselines on various downstream molecule-related tasks ranging from molecule-to-text translation to retrosynthesis, with and without fine-tuning the LLM.

replace-cross Cross-Modality Program Representation Learning for Electronic Design Automation with High-Level Synthesis

Authors: Zongyue Qin, Yunsheng Bai, Atefeh Sohrabizadeh, Zijian Ding, Ziniu Hu, Yizhou Sun, Jason Cong

Abstract: In recent years, domain-specific accelerators (DSAs) have gained popularity for applications such as deep learning and autonomous driving. To facilitate DSA designs, programmers use high-level synthesis (HLS) to compile a high-level description written in C/C++ into a design with low-level hardware description languages that eventually synthesize DSAs on circuits. However, creating a high-quality HLS design still demands significant domain knowledge, particularly in microarchitecture decisions expressed as \textit{pragmas}. Thus, it is desirable to automate such decisions with the help of machine learning for predicting the quality of HLS designs, requiring a deeper understanding of the program that consists of original code and pragmas. Naturally, these programs can be considered as sequence data. In addition, these programs can be compiled and converted into a control data flow graph (CDFG). But existing works either fail to leverage both modalities or combine the two in shallow or coarse ways. We propose ProgSG, a model that allows interaction between the source code sequence modality and the graph modality in a deep and fine-grained way. To alleviate the scarcity of labeled designs, a pre-training method is proposed based on a suite of compiler's data flow analysis tasks. Experimental results show that ProgSG reduces the RMSE of design performance predictions by up to $22\%$, and identifies designs with an average of $1.10\times$ and $1.26\times$ (up to $8.17\times$ and $13.31\times$) performance improvement in design space exploration (DSE) task compared to HARP and AutoDSE, respectively.

replace-cross Large Language Model Enhanced Clustering for News Event Detection

Authors: Adane Nega Tarekegn

Abstract: The news landscape is continuously evolving, with an ever-increasing volume of information from around the world. Automated event detection within this vast data repository is essential for monitoring, identifying, and categorizing significant news occurrences across diverse platforms. This paper presents an event detection framework that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) combined with clustering analysis to detect news events from the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT). The framework enhances event clustering through both pre-event detection tasks (keyword extraction and text embedding) and post-event detection tasks (event summarization and topic labelling). We also evaluate the impact of various textual embeddings on the quality of clustering outcomes, ensuring robust news categorization. Additionally, we introduce a novel Cluster Stability Assessment Index (CSAI) to assess the validity and robustness of clustering results. CSAI utilizes multiple feature vectors to provide a new way of measuring clustering quality. Our experiments indicate that the use of LLM embedding in the event detection framework has significantly improved the results, demonstrating greater robustness in terms of CSAI scores. Moreover, post-event detection tasks generate meaningful insights, facilitating effective interpretation of event clustering results. Overall, our experimental results indicate that the proposed framework offers valuable insights and could enhance the accuracy in news analysis and reporting.

replace-cross Transcendence: Generative Models Can Outperform The Experts That Train Them

Authors: Edwin Zhang, Vincent Zhu, Naomi Saphra, Anat Kleiman, Benjamin L. Edelman, Milind Tambe, Sham M. Kakade, Eran Malach

Abstract: Generative models are trained with the simple objective of imitating the conditional probability distribution induced by the data they are trained on. Therefore, when trained on data generated by humans, we may not expect the artificial model to outperform the humans on their original objectives. In this work, we study the phenomenon of transcendence: when a generative model achieves capabilities that surpass the abilities of the experts generating its data. We demonstrate transcendence by training an autoregressive transformer to play chess from game transcripts, and show that the trained model can sometimes achieve better performance than all players in the dataset. We theoretically prove that transcendence can be enabled by low-temperature sampling, and rigorously assess this claim experimentally. Finally, we discuss other sources of transcendence, laying the groundwork for future investigation of this phenomenon in a broader setting.

replace-cross Bioptic -- A Target-Agnostic Efficacy-Based Small Molecules Search Engine

Authors: Vlad Vinogradov, Ivan Izmailov, Simon Steshin, Kong T. Nguyen

Abstract: Recent successes in virtual screening have been made possible by large models and extensive chemical libraries. However, combining these elements is challenging: the larger the model, the more expensive it is to run, making ultra-large libraries unfeasible. To address this, we developed a target-agnostic, efficacy-based molecule search model, which allows us to find structurally dissimilar molecules with similar biological activities. We used the best practices to design fast retrieval system, based on processor-optimized SIMD instructions, enabling us to screen the ultra-large 40B Enamine REAL library with 100\% recall rate. We extensively benchmarked our model and several state-of-the-art models for both speed performance and retrieval quality of novel molecules.

replace-cross SampleAttention: Near-Lossless Acceleration of Long Context LLM Inference with Adaptive Structured Sparse Attention

Authors: Qianchao Zhu, Jiangfei Duan, Chang Chen, Siran Liu, Xiuhong Li, Guanyu Feng, Xin Lv, Huanqi Cao, Xiao Chuanfu, Xingcheng Zhang, Dahua Lin, Chao Yang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) now support extremely long context windows, but the quadratic complexity of vanilla attention results in significantly long Time-to-First-Token (TTFT) latency. Existing approaches to address this complexity require additional pretraining or finetuning, and often sacrifice model accuracy. In this paper, we first provide both theoretical and empirical foundations for near-lossless sparse attention. We find dynamically capturing head-specific sparse patterns at runtime with low overhead is crucial. To address this, we propose SampleAttention, an adaptive structured and near-lossless sparse attention. Leveraging observed significant sparse patterns, SampleAttention attends to a fixed percentage of adjacent tokens to capture local window patterns, and employs a two-stage query-guided key-value filtering approach, which adaptively select a minimum set of key-values with low overhead, to capture column stripe patterns. Comprehensive evaluations show that SampleAttention can seamlessly replace vanilla attention in off-the-shelf LLMs with nearly no accuracy loss, and reduces TTFT by up to $2.42\times$ compared with FlashAttention.

replace-cross Character-Adapter: Prompt-Guided Region Control for High-Fidelity Character Customization

Authors: Yuhang Ma, Wenting Xu, Jiji Tang, Qinfeng Jin, Rongsheng Zhang, Zeng Zhao, Changjie Fan, Zhipeng Hu

Abstract: Customized image generation, which seeks to synthesize images with consistent characters, holds significant relevance for applications such as storytelling, portrait generation, and character design. However, previous approaches have encountered challenges in preserving characters with high-fidelity consistency due to inadequate feature extraction and concept confusion of reference characters. Therefore, we propose Character-Adapter, a plug-and-play framework designed to generate images that preserve the details of reference characters, ensuring high-fidelity consistency. Character-Adapter employs prompt-guided segmentation to ensure fine-grained regional features of reference characters and dynamic region-level adapters to mitigate concept confusion. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of Character-Adapter. Both quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that Character-Adapter achieves the state-of-the-art performance of consistent character generation, with an improvement of 24.8% compared with other methods. Our code will be released at


replace-cross M2Lingual: Enhancing Multilingual, Multi-Turn Instruction Alignment in Large Language Models

Authors: Rishabh Maheshwary, Vikas Yadav, Hoang Nguyen, Khyati Mahajan, Sathwik Tejaswi Madhusudhan

Abstract: Instruction finetuning (IFT) is critical for aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) to follow instructions. While many effective IFT datasets have been introduced recently, they predominantly focus on high-resource languages like English. To better align LLMs across a broad spectrum of languages and tasks, we propose a fully synthetic, novel taxonomy (Evol) guided Multilingual, Multi-turn instruction finetuning dataset, called M2Lingual. It is constructed by first selecting a diverse set of seed examples and then utilizing the proposed Evol taxonomy to convert these seeds into complex and challenging multi-turn instructions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of M2Lingual by training LLMs of varying sizes and showcasing the enhanced performance across a diverse set of languages. We contribute the 2 step Evol taxonomy with the guided generation code:, as well as the first fully synthetic, general and task-oriented, multi-turn, multilingual dataset built with Evol - M2Lingual: M2Lingual - containing 182K total IFT pairs, covering 70 languages and 17+ NLP tasks.


replace-cross Meta-GCN: A Dynamically Weighted Loss Minimization Method for Dealing with the Data Imbalance in Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Mahdi Mohammadizadeh, Arash Mozhdehi, Yani Ioannou, Xin Wang

Abstract: Although many real-world applications, such as disease prediction, and fault detection suffer from class imbalance, most existing graph-based classification methods ignore the skewness of the distribution of classes; therefore, tend to be biased towards the majority class(es). Conventional methods typically tackle this problem through the assignment of weights to each one of the class samples based on a function of their loss, which can lead to over-fitting on outliers. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning algorithm, named Meta-GCN, for adaptively learning the example weights by simultaneously minimizing the unbiased meta-data set loss and optimizing the model weights through the use of a small unbiased meta-data set. Through experiments, we have shown that Meta-GCN outperforms state-of-the-art frameworks and other baselines in terms of accuracy, the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC-ROC) curve, and macro F1-Score for classification tasks on two different datasets.

replace-cross Assessment of Sentinel-2 spatial and temporal coverage based on the scene classification layer

Authors: Cristhian Sanchez, Francisco Mena, Marcela Charfuelan, Marlon Nuske, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Since the launch of the Sentinel-2 (S2) satellites, many ML models have used the data for diverse applications. The scene classification layer (SCL) inside the S2 product provides rich information for training, such as filtering images with high cloud coverage. However, there is more potential in this. We propose a technique to assess the clean optical coverage of a region, expressed by a SITS and calculated with the S2-based SCL data. With a manual threshold and specific labels in the SCL, the proposed technique assigns a percentage of spatial and temporal coverage across the time series and a high/low assessment. By evaluating the AI4EO challenge for Enhanced Agriculture, we show that the assessment is correlated to the predictive results of ML models. The classification results in a region with low spatial and temporal coverage is worse than in a region with high coverage. Finally, we applied the technique across all continents of the global dataset LandCoverNet.

replace-cross The Impact of Feature Representation on the Accuracy of Photonic Neural Networks

Authors: Mauricio Gomes de Queiroz, Paul Jimenez, Raphael Cardoso, Mateus Vidaletti Costa, Mohab Abdalla, Ian O'Connor, Alberto Bosio, Fabio Pavanello

Abstract: Photonic Neural Networks (PNNs) are gaining significant interest in the research community due to their potential for high parallelization, low latency, and energy efficiency. PNNs compute using light, which leads to several differences in implementation when compared to electronics, such as the need to represent input features in the photonic domain before feeding them into the network. In this encoding process, it is common to combine multiple features into a single input to reduce the number of inputs and associated devices, leading to smaller and more energy-efficient PNNs. Although this alters the network's handling of input data, its impact on PNNs remains understudied. This paper addresses this open question, investigating the effect of commonly used encoding strategies that combine features on the performance and learning capabilities of PNNs. Here, using the concept of feature importance, we develop a mathematical methodology for analyzing feature combination. Through this methodology, we demonstrate that encoding multiple features together in a single input determines their relative importance, thus limiting the network's ability to learn from the data. Given some prior knowledge of the data, however, this can also be leveraged for higher accuracy. By selecting an optimal encoding method, we achieve up to a 12.3% improvement in accuracy of PNNs trained on the Iris dataset compared to other encoding techniques, surpassing the performance of networks where features are not combined. These findings highlight the importance of carefully choosing the encoding to the accuracy and decision-making strategies of PNNs, particularly in size or power constrained applications.

replace-cross Navigating LLM Ethics: Advancements, Challenges, and Future Directions

Authors: Junfeng Jiao, Saleh Afroogh, Yiming Xu, Connor Phillips

Abstract: This study addresses ethical issues surrounding Large Language Models (LLMs) within the field of artificial intelligence. It explores the common ethical challenges posed by both LLMs and other AI systems, such as privacy and fairness, as well as ethical challenges uniquely arising from LLMs. It highlights challenges such as hallucination, verifiable accountability, and decoding censorship complexity, which are unique to LLMs and distinct from those encountered in traditional AI systems. The study underscores the need to tackle these complexities to ensure accountability, reduce biases, and enhance transparency in the influential role that LLMs play in shaping information dissemination. It proposes mitigation strategies and future directions for LLM ethics, advocating for interdisciplinary collaboration. It recommends ethical frameworks tailored to specific domains and dynamic auditing systems adapted to diverse contexts. This roadmap aims to guide responsible development and integration of LLMs, envisioning a future where ethical considerations govern AI advancements in society.

replace-cross The global landscape of academic guidelines for generative AI and Large Language Models

Authors: Junfeng Jiao, Saleh Afroogh, Kevin Chen, David Atkinson, Amit Dhurandhar

Abstract: The integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) in academia has spurred a global discourse on their potential pedagogical benefits and ethical considerations. Positive reactions highlight some potential, such as collaborative creativity, increased access to education, and empowerment of trainers and trainees. However, negative reactions raise concerns about ethical complexities, balancing innovation and academic integrity, unequal access, and misinformation risks. Through a systematic survey and text-mining-based analysis of global and national directives, insights from independent research, and eighty university-level guidelines, this study provides a nuanced understanding of the opportunities and challenges posed by GAI and LLMs in education. It emphasizes the importance of balanced approaches that harness the benefits of these technologies while addressing ethical considerations and ensuring equitable access and educational outcomes. The paper concludes with recommendations for fostering responsible innovation and ethical practices to guide the integration of GAI and LLMs in academia.