new Woven Fabric Capture with a Reflection-Transmission Photo Pair

Authors: Yingjie Tang, Zixuan Li, Milo\v{s} Ha\v{s}an, Jian Yang, Beibei Wang

Abstract: Digitizing woven fabrics would be valuable for many applications, from digital humans to interior design. Previous work introduces a lightweight woven fabric acquisition approach by capturing a single reflection image and estimating the fabric parameters with a differentiable geometric and shading model. The renderings of the estimated fabric parameters can closely match the photo; however, the captured reflection image is insufficient to fully characterize the fabric sample reflectance. For instance, fabrics with different thicknesses might have similar reflection images but lead to significantly different transmission. We propose to recover the woven fabric parameters from two captured images: reflection and transmission. At the core of our method is a differentiable bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF) model, handling reflection and transmission, including single and multiple scattering. We propose a two-layer model, where the single scattering uses an SGGX phase function as in previous work, and multiple scattering uses a new azimuthally-invariant microflake definition, which we term ASGGX. This new fabric BSDF model closely matches real woven fabrics in both reflection and transmission. We use a simple setup for capturing reflection and transmission photos with a cell phone camera and two point lights, and estimate the fabric parameters via a lightweight network, together with a differentiable optimization. We also model the out-of-focus effects explicitly with a simple solution to match the thin-lens camera better. As a result, the renderings of the estimated parameters can agree with the input images on both reflection and transmission for the first time. The code for this paper is at


new Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Meet Variational Shape Compactness Priors for Image Segmentation

Authors: Kehui Zhang, Lingfeng Li, Hao Liu, Jing Yuan, Xue-Cheng Tai

Abstract: Shape compactness is a key geometrical property to describe interesting regions in many image segmentation tasks. In this paper, we propose two novel algorithms to solve the introduced image segmentation problem that incorporates a shape-compactness prior. Existing algorithms for such a problem often suffer from computational inefficiency, difficulty in reaching a local minimum, and the need to fine-tune the hyperparameters. To address these issues, we propose a novel optimization model along with its equivalent primal-dual model and introduce a new optimization algorithm based on primal-dual threshold dynamics (PD-TD). Additionally, we relax the solution constraint and propose another novel primal-dual soft threshold-dynamics algorithm (PD-STD) to achieve superior performance. Based on the variational explanation of the sigmoid layer, the proposed PD-STD algorithm can be integrated into Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to enforce compact regions as image segmentation results. Compared to existing deep learning methods, extensive experiments demonstrated that the proposed algorithms outperformed state-of-the-art algorithms in numerical efficiency and effectiveness, especially while applying to the popular networks of DeepLabV3 and IrisParseNet with higher IoU, dice, and compactness metrics on noisy Iris datasets. In particular, the proposed algorithms significantly improve IoU by 20% training on a highly noisy image dataset.

new YOLOv10 to Its Genesis: A Decadal and Comprehensive Review of The You Only Look Once Series

Authors: Ranjan Sapkota, Rizwan Qureshi, Marco Flores Calero, Muhammad Hussain, Chetan Badjugar, Upesh Nepal, Alwin Poulose, Peter Zeno, Uday Bhanu Prakash Vaddevolu, Hong Yan, Manoj Karkee

Abstract: This review systematically examines the progression of the You Only Look Once (YOLO) object detection algorithms from YOLOv1 to the recently unveiled YOLOv10. Employing a reverse chronological analysis, this study examines the advancements introduced by YOLO algorithms, beginning with YOLOv10 and progressing through YOLOv9, YOLOv8, and subsequent versions to explore each version's contributions to enhancing speed, accuracy, and computational efficiency in real-time object detection. The study highlights the transformative impact of YOLO across five critical application areas: automotive safety, healthcare, industrial manufacturing, surveillance, and agriculture. By detailing the incremental technological advancements that each iteration brought, this review not only chronicles the evolution of YOLO but also discusses the challenges and limitations observed in each earlier versions. The evolution signifies a path towards integrating YOLO with multimodal, context-aware, and General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) systems for the next YOLO decade, promising significant implications for future developments in AI-driven applications.

new A Sanity Check for AI-generated Image Detection

Authors: Shilin Yan, Ouxiang Li, Jiayin Cai, Yanbin Hao, Xiaolong Jiang, Yao Hu, Weidi Xie

Abstract: With the rapid development of generative models, discerning AI-generated content has evoked increasing attention from both industry and academia. In this paper, we conduct a sanity check on "whether the task of AI-generated image detection has been solved". To start with, we present Chameleon dataset, consisting AIgenerated images that are genuinely challenging for human perception. To quantify the generalization of existing methods, we evaluate 9 off-the-shelf AI-generated image detectors on Chameleon dataset. Upon analysis, almost all models classify AI-generated images as real ones. Later, we propose AIDE (AI-generated Image DEtector with Hybrid Features), which leverages multiple experts to simultaneously extract visual artifacts and noise patterns. Specifically, to capture the high-level semantics, we utilize CLIP to compute the visual embedding. This effectively enables the model to discern AI-generated images based on semantics or contextual information; Secondly, we select the highest frequency patches and the lowest frequency patches in the image, and compute the low-level patchwise features, aiming to detect AI-generated images by low-level artifacts, for example, noise pattern, anti-aliasing, etc. While evaluating on existing benchmarks, for example, AIGCDetectBenchmark and GenImage, AIDE achieves +3.5% and +4.6% improvements to state-of-the-art methods, and on our proposed challenging Chameleon benchmarks, it also achieves the promising results, despite this problem for detecting AI-generated images is far from being solved. The dataset, codes, and pre-train models will be published at


new Stereo Vision Based Robot for Remote Monitoring with VR Support

Authors: Mohamed Fazil M. S., Arockia Selvakumar A., Daniel Schilberg

Abstract: The machine vision systems have been playing a significant role in visual monitoring systems. With the help of stereovision and machine learning, it will be able to mimic human-like visual system and behaviour towards the environment. In this paper, we present a stereo vision based 3-DOF robot which will be used to monitor places from remote using cloud server and internet devices. The 3-DOF robot will transmit human-like head movements, i.e., yaw, pitch, roll and produce 3D stereoscopic video and stream it in Real-time. This video stream is sent to the user through any generic internet devices with VR box support, i.e., smartphones giving the user a First-person real-time 3D experience and transfers the head motion of the user to the robot also in Real-time. The robot will also be able to track moving objects and faces as a target using deep neural networks which enables it to be a standalone monitoring robot. The user will be able to choose specific subjects to monitor in a space. The stereovision enables us to track the depth information of different objects detected and will be used to track human interest objects with its distances and sent to the cloud. A full working prototype is developed which showcases the capabilities of a monitoring system based on stereo vision, robotics, and machine learning.

new Comparative Analysis Of Color Models For Human Perception And Visual Color Difference

Authors: Aruzhan Burambekova, Pakizar Shamoi

Abstract: Color is integral to human experience, influencing emotions, decisions, and perceptions. This paper presents a comparative analysis of various color models' alignment with human visual perception. The study evaluates color models such as RGB, HSV, HSL, XYZ, CIELAB, and CIELUV to assess their effectiveness in accurately representing how humans perceive color. We evaluate each model based on its ability to accurately reflect visual color differences and dominant palette extraction compatible with the human eye. In image processing, accurate assessment of color difference is essential for applications ranging from digital design to quality control. Current color difference metrics do not always match how people see colors, causing issues in accurately judging subtle differences. Understanding how different color models align with human visual perception is crucial for various applications in image processing, digital media, and design.

new Weighted Circle Fusion: Ensembling Circle Representation from Different Object Detection Results

Authors: Jialin Yue, Tianyuan Yao, Ruining Deng, Quan Liu, Juming Xiong, Haichun Yang, Yuankai Huo

Abstract: Recently, the use of circle representation has emerged as a method to improve the identification of spherical objects (such as glomeruli, cells, and nuclei) in medical imaging studies. In traditional bounding box-based object detection, combining results from multiple models improves accuracy, especially when real-time processing isn't crucial. Unfortunately, this widely adopted strategy is not readily available for combining circle representations. In this paper, we propose Weighted Circle Fusion (WCF), a simple approach for merging predictions from various circle detection models. Our method leverages confidence scores associated with each proposed bounding circle to generate averaged circles. Our method undergoes thorough evaluation on a proprietary dataset for glomerular detection in object detection within whole slide imaging (WSI). The findings reveal a performance gain of 5 %, respectively, compared to existing ensemble methods. Furthermore, the Weighted Circle Fusion technique not only improves the precision of object detection in medical images but also notably decreases false detections, presenting a promising direction for future research and application in pathological image analysis.

new Cost-efficient Active Illumination Camera For Hyper-spectral Reconstruction

Authors: Yuxuan Zhang, T. M. Sazzad, Yangyang Song, Spencer J. Chang, Ritesh Chowdhry, Tomas Mejia, Anna Hampton, Shelby Kucharski, Stefan Gerber, Barry Tillman, Marcio F. R. Resende, William M. Hammond, Chris H. Wilson, Alina Zare, Sanjeev J. Koppal

Abstract: Hyper-spectral imaging has recently gained increasing attention for use in different applications, including agricultural investigation, ground tracking, remote sensing and many other. However, the high cost, large physical size and complicated operation process stop hyperspectral cameras from being employed for various applications and research fields. In this paper, we introduce a cost-efficient, compact and easy to use active illumination camera that may benefit many applications. We developed a fully functional prototype of such camera. With the hope of helping with agricultural research, we tested our camera for plant root imaging. In addition, a U-Net model for spectral reconstruction was trained by using a reference hyperspectral camera's data as ground truth and our camera's data as input. We demonstrated our camera's ability to obtain additional information over a typical RGB camera. In addition, the ability to reconstruct hyperspectral data from multi-spectral input makes our device compatible to models and algorithms developed for hyperspectral applications with no modifications required.

new What Matters in Detecting AI-Generated Videos like Sora?

Authors: Chirui Chang, Zhengzhe Liu, Xiaoyang Lyu, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract: Recent advancements in diffusion-based video generation have showcased remarkable results, yet the gap between synthetic and real-world videos remains under-explored. In this study, we examine this gap from three fundamental perspectives: appearance, motion, and geometry, comparing real-world videos with those generated by a state-of-the-art AI model, Stable Video Diffusion. To achieve this, we train three classifiers using 3D convolutional networks, each targeting distinct aspects: vision foundation model features for appearance, optical flow for motion, and monocular depth for geometry. Each classifier exhibits strong performance in fake video detection, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This indicates that AI-generated videos are still easily detectable, and a significant gap between real and fake videos persists. Furthermore, utilizing the Grad-CAM, we pinpoint systematic failures of AI-generated videos in appearance, motion, and geometry. Finally, we propose an Ensemble-of-Experts model that integrates appearance, optical flow, and depth information for fake video detection, resulting in enhanced robustness and generalization ability. Our model is capable of detecting videos generated by Sora with high accuracy, even without exposure to any Sora videos during training. This suggests that the gap between real and fake videos can be generalized across various video generative models. Project page:


new PathAlign: A vision-language model for whole slide images in histopathology

Authors: Faruk Ahmed, Andrew Sellergren, Lin Yang, Shawn Xu, Boris Babenko, Abbi Ward, Niels Olson, Arash Mohtashamian, Yossi Matias, Greg S. Corrado, Quang Duong, Dale R. Webster, Shravya Shetty, Daniel Golden, Yun Liu, David F. Steiner, Ellery Wulczyn

Abstract: Microscopic interpretation of histopathology images underlies many important diagnostic and treatment decisions. While advances in vision-language modeling raise new opportunities for analysis of such images, the gigapixel-scale size of whole slide images (WSIs) introduces unique challenges. Additionally, pathology reports simultaneously highlight key findings from small regions while also aggregating interpretation across multiple slides, often making it difficult to create robust image-text pairs. As such, pathology reports remain a largely untapped source of supervision in computational pathology, with most efforts relying on region-of-interest annotations or self-supervision at the patch-level. In this work, we develop a vision-language model based on the BLIP-2 framework using WSIs paired with curated text from pathology reports. This enables applications utilizing a shared image-text embedding space, such as text or image retrieval for finding cases of interest, as well as integration of the WSI encoder with a frozen large language model (LLM) for WSI-based generative text capabilities such as report generation or AI-in-the-loop interactions. We utilize a de-identified dataset of over 350,000 WSIs and diagnostic text pairs, spanning a wide range of diagnoses, procedure types, and tissue types. We present pathologist evaluation of text generation and text retrieval using WSI embeddings, as well as results for WSI classification and workflow prioritization (slide-level triaging). Model-generated text for WSIs was rated by pathologists as accurate, without clinically significant error or omission, for 78% of WSIs on average. This work demonstrates exciting potential capabilities for language-aligned WSI embeddings.

new A Survey on Deep Clustering: From the Prior Perspective

Authors: Yiding Lu, Haobin Li, Yunfan Li, Yijie Lin, Xi Peng

Abstract: Facilitated by the powerful feature extraction ability of neural networks, deep clustering has achieved great success in analyzing high-dimensional and complex real-world data. The performance of deep clustering methods is affected by various factors such as network structures and learning objectives. However, as pointed out in this survey, the essence of deep clustering lies in the incorporation and utilization of prior knowledge, which is largely ignored by existing works. From pioneering deep clustering methods based on data structure assumptions to recent contrastive clustering methods based on data augmentation invariances, the development of deep clustering intrinsically corresponds to the evolution of prior knowledge. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of deep clustering methods by categorizing them into six types of prior knowledge. We find that in general the prior innovation follows two trends, namely, i) from mining to constructing, and ii) from internal to external. Besides, we provide a benchmark on five widely-used datasets and analyze the performance of methods with diverse priors. By providing a novel prior knowledge perspective, we hope this survey could provide some novel insights and inspire future research in the deep clustering community.

new Optimal Video Compression using Pixel Shift Tracking

Authors: Hitesh Saai Mananchery Panneerselvam, Smit Anand

Abstract: The Video comprises approximately ~85\% of all internet traffic, but video encoding/compression is being historically done with hard coded rules, which has worked well but only to a certain limit. We have seen a surge in video compression algorithms using ML-based models in the last few years and many of them have outperformed several legacy codecs. The models range from encoding video end to end using an ML approach or replacing some intermediate steps in legacy codecs using ML models to increase the efficiency of those steps. Optimizing video storage is an essential aspect of video processing, so we are proposing one of the possible approaches to achieve it is by avoiding redundant data at each frame. In this paper, we want to introduce the approach of redundancies removal in subsequent frames for a given video as a main approach for video compression. We call this method Redundancy Removal using Shift (R\textsuperscript2S). This method can be utilized across various Machine Learning model algorithms, and make the compression more accessible and adaptable. In this study, we have utilized a computer vision-based pixel point tracking method to identify redundant pixels to encode video for optimal storage.

new PPTFormer: Pseudo Multi-Perspective Transformer for UAV Segmentation

Authors: Deyi Ji, Wenwei Jin, Hongtao Lu, Feng Zhao

Abstract: The ascension of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in various fields necessitates effective UAV image segmentation, which faces challenges due to the dynamic perspectives of UAV-captured images. Traditional segmentation algorithms falter as they cannot accurately mimic the complexity of UAV perspectives, and the cost of obtaining multi-perspective labeled datasets is prohibitive. To address these issues, we introduce the PPTFormer, a novel \textbf{P}seudo Multi-\textbf{P}erspective \textbf{T}rans\textbf{former} network that revolutionizes UAV image segmentation. Our approach circumvents the need for actual multi-perspective data by creating pseudo perspectives for enhanced multi-perspective learning. The PPTFormer network boasts Perspective Decomposition, novel Perspective Prototypes, and a specialized encoder and decoder that together achieve superior segmentation results through Pseudo Multi-Perspective Attention (PMP Attention) and fusion. Our experiments demonstrate that PPTFormer achieves state-of-the-art performance across five UAV segmentation datasets, confirming its capability to effectively simulate UAV flight perspectives and significantly advance segmentation precision. This work presents a pioneering leap in UAV scene understanding and sets a new benchmark for future developments in semantic segmentation.

new Precision matters: Precision-aware ensemble for weakly supervised semantic segmentation

Authors: Junsung Park, Hyunjung Shim

Abstract: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS) employs weak supervision, such as image-level labels, to train the segmentation model. Despite the impressive achievement in recent WSSS methods, we identify that introducing weak labels with high mean Intersection of Union (mIoU) does not guarantee high segmentation performance. Existing studies have emphasized the importance of prioritizing precision and reducing noise to improve overall performance. In the same vein, we propose ORANDNet, an advanced ensemble approach tailored for WSSS. ORANDNet combines Class Activation Maps (CAMs) from two different classifiers to increase the precision of pseudo-masks (PMs). To further mitigate small noise in the PMs, we incorporate curriculum learning. This involves training the segmentation model initially with pairs of smaller-sized images and corresponding PMs, gradually transitioning to the original-sized pairs. By combining the original CAMs of ResNet-50 and ViT, we significantly improve the segmentation performance over the single-best model and the naive ensemble model, respectively. We further extend our ensemble method to CAMs from AMN (ResNet-like) and MCTformer (ViT-like) models, achieving performance benefits in advanced WSSS models. It highlights the potential of our ORANDNet as a final add-on module for WSSS models.

new Efficient Event Stream Super-Resolution with Recursive Multi-Branch Fusion

Authors: Quanmin Liang, Zhilin Huang, Xiawu Zheng, Feidiao Yang, Jun Peng, Kai Huang, Yonghong Tian

Abstract: Current Event Stream Super-Resolution (ESR) methods overlook the redundant and complementary information present in positive and negative events within the event stream, employing a direct mixing approach for super-resolution, which may lead to detail loss and inefficiency. To address these issues, we propose an efficient Recursive Multi-Branch Information Fusion Network (RMFNet) that separates positive and negative events for complementary information extraction, followed by mutual supplementation and refinement. Particularly, we introduce Feature Fusion Modules (FFM) and Feature Exchange Modules (FEM). FFM is designed for the fusion of contextual information within neighboring event streams, leveraging the coupling relationship between positive and negative events to alleviate the misleading of noises in the respective branches. FEM efficiently promotes the fusion and exchange of information between positive and negative branches, enabling superior local information enhancement and global information complementation. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves over 17% and 31% improvement on synthetic and real datasets, accompanied by a 2.3X acceleration. Furthermore, we evaluate our method on two downstream event-driven applications, \emph{i.e.}, object recognition and video reconstruction, achieving remarkable results that outperform existing methods. Our code and Supplementary Material are available at


new Basketball-SORT: An Association Method for Complex Multi-object Occlusion Problems in Basketball Multi-object Tracking

Authors: Qingrui Hu, Atom Scott, Calvin Yeung, Keisuke Fujii

Abstract: Recent deep learning-based object detection approaches have led to significant progress in multi-object tracking (MOT) algorithms. The current MOT methods mainly focus on pedestrian or vehicle scenes, but basketball sports scenes are usually accompanied by three or more object occlusion problems with similar appearances and high-intensity complex motions, which we call complex multi-object occlusion (CMOO). Here, we propose an online and robust MOT approach, named Basketball-SORT, which focuses on the CMOO problems in basketball videos. To overcome the CMOO problem, instead of using the intersection-over-union-based (IoU-based) approach, we use the trajectories of neighboring frames based on the projected positions of the players. Our method designs the basketball game restriction (BGR) and reacquiring Long-Lost IDs (RLLI) based on the characteristics of basketball scenes, and we also solve the occlusion problem based on the player trajectories and appearance features. Experimental results show that our method achieves a Higher Order Tracking Accuracy (HOTA) score of 63.48$\%$ on the basketball fixed video dataset and outperforms other recent popular approaches. Overall, our approach solved the CMOO problem more effectively than recent MOT algorithms.

new PM-VIS+: High-Performance Video Instance Segmentation without Video Annotation

Authors: Zhangjing Yang, Dun Liu, Xin Wang, Zhe Li, Barathwaj Anandan, Yi Wu

Abstract: Video instance segmentation requires detecting, segmenting, and tracking objects in videos, typically relying on costly video annotations. This paper introduces a method that eliminates video annotations by utilizing image datasets. The PM-VIS algorithm is adapted to handle both bounding box and instance-level pixel annotations dynamically. We introduce ImageNet-bbox to supplement missing categories in video datasets and propose the PM-VIS+ algorithm to adjust supervision based on annotation types. To enhance accuracy, we use pseudo masks and semi-supervised optimization techniques on unannotated video data. This method achieves high video instance segmentation performance without manual video annotations, offering a cost-effective solution and new perspectives for video instance segmentation applications. The code will be available in


new CSAKD: Knowledge Distillation with Cross Self-Attention for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion

Authors: Chih-Chung Hsu, Chih-Chien Ni, Chia-Ming Lee, Li-Wei Kang

Abstract: Hyperspectral imaging, capturing detailed spectral information for each pixel, is pivotal in diverse scientific and industrial applications. Yet, the acquisition of high-resolution (HR) hyperspectral images (HSIs) often needs to be addressed due to the hardware limitations of existing imaging systems. A prevalent workaround involves capturing both a high-resolution multispectral image (HR-MSI) and a low-resolution (LR) HSI, subsequently fusing them to yield the desired HR-HSI. Although deep learning-based methods have shown promising in HR-MSI/LR-HSI fusion and LR-HSI super-resolution (SR), their substantial model complexities hinder deployment on resource-constrained imaging devices. This paper introduces a novel knowledge distillation (KD) framework for HR-MSI/LR-HSI fusion to achieve SR of LR-HSI. Our KD framework integrates the proposed Cross-Layer Residual Aggregation (CLRA) block to enhance efficiency for constructing Dual Two-Streamed (DTS) network structure, designed to extract joint and distinct features from LR-HSI and HR-MSI simultaneously. To fully exploit the spatial and spectral feature representations of LR-HSI and HR-MSI, we propose a novel Cross Self-Attention (CSA) fusion module to adaptively fuse those features to improve the spatial and spectral quality of the reconstructed HR-HSI. Finally, the proposed KD-based joint loss function is employed to co-train the teacher and student networks. Our experimental results demonstrate that the student model not only achieves comparable or superior LR-HSI SR performance but also significantly reduces the model-size and computational requirements. This marks a substantial advancement over existing state-of-the-art methods. The source code is available at


new PopAlign: Population-Level Alignment for Fair Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Shufan Li, Harkanwar Singh, Aditya Grover

Abstract: Text-to-image (T2I) models achieve high-fidelity generation through extensive training on large datasets. However, these models may unintentionally pick up undesirable biases of their training data, such as over-representation of particular identities in gender or ethnicity neutral prompts. Existing alignment methods such as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) fail to address this problem effectively because they operate on pairwise preferences consisting of individual samples, while the aforementioned biases can only be measured at a population level. For example, a single sample for the prompt "doctor" could be male or female, but a model generating predominantly male doctors even with repeated sampling reflects a gender bias. To address this limitation, we introduce PopAlign, a novel approach for population-level preference optimization, while standard optimization would prefer entire sets of samples over others. We further derive a stochastic lower bound that directly optimizes for individual samples from preferred populations over others for scalable training. Using human evaluation and standard image quality and bias metrics, we show that PopAlign significantly mitigates the bias of pretrained T2I models while largely preserving the generation quality. Code is available at


new Beyond First-Order: A Multi-Scale Approach to Finger Knuckle Print Biometrics

Authors: Chengrui Gao, Ziyuan Yang, Andrew Beng Jin Teoh, Min Zhu

Abstract: Recently, finger knuckle prints (FKPs) have gained attention due to their rich textural patterns, positioning them as a promising biometric for identity recognition. Prior FKP recognition methods predominantly leverage first-order feature descriptors, which capture intricate texture details but fail to account for structural information. Emerging research, however, indicates that second-order textures, which describe the curves and arcs of the textures, encompass this overlooked structural information. This paper introduces a novel FKP recognition approach, the Dual-Order Texture Competition Network (DOTCNet), designed to capture texture information in FKP images comprehensively. DOTCNet incorporates three dual-order texture competitive modules (DTCMs), each targeting textures at different scales. Each DTCM employs a learnable texture descriptor, specifically a learnable Gabor filter (LGF), to extract texture features. By leveraging LGFs, the network extracts first and second order textures to describe fine textures and structural features thoroughly. Furthermore, an attention mechanism enhances relevant features in the first-order features, thereby highlighting significant texture details. For second-order features, a competitive mechanism emphasizes structural information while reducing noise from higher-order features. Extensive experimental results reveal that DOTCNet significantly outperforms several standard algorithms on the publicly available PolyU-FKP dataset.

new Deep Learning-based Depth Estimation Methods from Monocular Image and Videos: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Uchitha Rajapaksha, Ferdous Sohel, Hamid Laga, Dean Diepeveen, Mohammed Bennamoun

Abstract: Estimating depth from single RGB images and videos is of widespread interest due to its applications in many areas, including autonomous driving, 3D reconstruction, digital entertainment, and robotics. More than 500 deep learning-based papers have been published in the past 10 years, which indicates the growing interest in the task. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the existing deep learning-based methods, the challenges they address, and how they have evolved in their architecture and supervision methods. It provides a taxonomy for classifying the current work based on their input and output modalities, network architectures, and learning methods. It also discusses the major milestones in the history of monocular depth estimation, and different pipelines, datasets, and evaluation metrics used in existing methods.

new MimicMotion: High-Quality Human Motion Video Generation with Confidence-aware Pose Guidance

Authors: Yuang Zhang, Jiaxi Gu, Li-Wen Wang, Han Wang, Junqi Cheng, Yuefeng Zhu, Fangyuan Zou

Abstract: In recent years, generative artificial intelligence has achieved significant advancements in the field of image generation, spawning a variety of applications. However, video generation still faces considerable challenges in various aspects, such as controllability, video length, and richness of details, which hinder the application and popularization of this technology. In this work, we propose a controllable video generation framework, dubbed MimicMotion, which can generate high-quality videos of arbitrary length mimicking specific motion guidance. Compared with previous methods, our approach has several highlights. Firstly, we introduce confidence-aware pose guidance that ensures high frame quality and temporal smoothness. Secondly, we introduce regional loss amplification based on pose confidence, which significantly reduces image distortion. Lastly, for generating long and smooth videos, we propose a progressive latent fusion strategy. By this means, we can produce videos of arbitrary length with acceptable resource consumption. With extensive experiments and user studies, MimicMotion demonstrates significant improvements over previous approaches in various aspects. Detailed results and comparisons are available on our project page: .


new Deep Fusion Model for Brain Tumor Classification Using Fine-Grained Gradient Preservation

Authors: Niful Islam, Mohaiminul Islam Bhuiyan, Jarin Tasnim Raya, Nur Shazwani Kamarudin, Khan Md Hasib, M. F. Mridha, Dewan Md. Farid

Abstract: Brain tumors are one of the most common diseases that lead to early death if not diagnosed at an early stage. Traditional diagnostic approaches are extremely time-consuming and prone to errors. In this context, computer vision-based approaches have emerged as an effective tool for accurate brain tumor classification. While some of the existing solutions demonstrate noteworthy accuracy, the models become infeasible to deploy in areas where computational resources are limited. This research addresses the need for accurate and fast classification of brain tumors with a priority of deploying the model in technologically underdeveloped regions. The research presents a novel architecture for precise brain tumor classification fusing pretrained ResNet152V2 and modified VGG16 models. The proposed architecture undergoes a diligent fine-tuning process that ensures fine gradients are preserved in deep neural networks, which are essential for effective brain tumor classification. The proposed solution incorporates various image processing techniques to improve image quality and achieves an astounding accuracy of 98.36% and 98.04% in Figshare and Kaggle datasets respectively. This architecture stands out for having a streamlined profile, with only 2.8 million trainable parameters. We have leveraged 8-bit quantization to produce a model of size 73.881 MB, significantly reducing it from the previous size of 289.45 MB, ensuring smooth deployment in edge devices even in resource-constrained areas. Additionally, the use of Grad-CAM improves the interpretability of the model, offering insightful information regarding its decision-making process. Owing to its high discriminative ability, this model can be a reliable option for accurate brain tumor classification.

new Vision Transformer with Key-select Routing Attention for Single Image Dehazing

Authors: Lihan Tong, Weijia Li, Qingxia Yang, Liyuan Chen, Peng Chen

Abstract: We present Ksformer, utilizing Multi-scale Key-select Routing Attention (MKRA) for intelligent selection of key areas through multi-channel, multi-scale windows with a top-k operator, and Lightweight Frequency Processing Module (LFPM) to enhance high-frequency features, outperforming other dehazing methods in tests.

new EPOCH: Jointly Estimating the 3D Pose of Cameras and Humans

Authors: Nicola Garau, Giulia Martinelli, Niccol\`o Bisagno, Denis Tom\`e, Carsten Stoll

Abstract: Monocular Human Pose Estimation (HPE) aims at determining the 3D positions of human joints from a single 2D image captured by a camera. However, a single 2D point in the image may correspond to multiple points in 3D space. Typically, the uniqueness of the 2D-3D relationship is approximated using an orthographic or weak-perspective camera model. In this study, instead of relying on approximations, we advocate for utilizing the full perspective camera model. This involves estimating camera parameters and establishing a precise, unambiguous 2D-3D relationship. To do so, we introduce the EPOCH framework, comprising two main components: the pose lifter network (LiftNet) and the pose regressor network (RegNet). LiftNet utilizes the full perspective camera model to precisely estimate the 3D pose in an unsupervised manner. It takes a 2D pose and camera parameters as inputs and produces the corresponding 3D pose estimation. These inputs are obtained from RegNet, which starts from a single image and provides estimates for the 2D pose and camera parameters. RegNet utilizes only 2D pose data as weak supervision. Internally, RegNet predicts a 3D pose, which is then projected to 2D using the estimated camera parameters. This process enables RegNet to establish the unambiguous 2D-3D relationship. Our experiments show that modeling the lifting as an unsupervised task with a camera in-the-loop results in better generalization to unseen data. We obtain state-of-the-art results for the 3D HPE on the Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP datasets. Our code is available at: [Github link upon acceptance, see supplementary materials].

new MM-Instruct: Generated Visual Instructions for Large Multimodal Model Alignment

Authors: Jihao Liu, Xin Huang, Jinliang Zheng, Boxiao Liu, Jia Wang, Osamu Yoshie, Yu Liu, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: This paper introduces MM-Instruct, a large-scale dataset of diverse and high-quality visual instruction data designed to enhance the instruction-following capabilities of large multimodal models (LMMs). While existing visual instruction datasets often focus on question-answering, they struggle to generalize to broader application scenarios such as creative writing, summarization, or image analysis. To address these limitations, we propose a novel approach to constructing MM-Instruct that leverages the strong instruction-following capabilities of existing LLMs to generate novel visual instruction data from large-scale but conventional image captioning datasets. MM-Instruct first leverages ChatGPT to automatically generate diverse instructions from a small set of seed instructions through augmenting and summarization. It then matches these instructions with images and uses an open-sourced large language model (LLM) to generate coherent answers to the instruction-image pairs. The LLM is grounded by the detailed text descriptions of images in the whole answer generation process to guarantee the alignment of the instruction data. Moreover, we introduce a benchmark based on the generated instruction data to evaluate the instruction-following capabilities of existing LMMs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of MM-Instruct by training a LLaVA-1.5 model on the generated data, denoted as LLaVA-Instruct, which exhibits significant improvements in instruction-following capabilities compared to LLaVA-1.5 models. The MM-Instruct dataset, benchmark, and pre-trained models are available at


new Structure-aware World Model for Probe Guidance via Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train

Authors: Haojun Jiang, Meng Li, Zhenguo Sun, Ning Jia, Yu Sun, Shaqi Luo, Shiji Song, Gao Huang

Abstract: The complex structure of the heart leads to significant challenges in echocardiography, especially in acquisition cardiac ultrasound images. Successful echocardiography requires a thorough understanding of the structures on the two-dimensional plane and the spatial relationships between planes in three-dimensional space. In this paper, we innovatively propose a large-scale self-supervised pre-training method to acquire a cardiac structure-aware world model. The core innovation lies in constructing a self-supervised task that requires structural inference by predicting masked structures on a 2D plane and imagining another plane based on pose transformation in 3D space. To support large-scale pre-training, we collected over 1.36 million echocardiograms from ten standard views, along with their 3D spatial poses. In the downstream probe guidance task, we demonstrate that our pre-trained model consistently reduces guidance errors across the ten most common standard views on the test set with 0.29 million samples from 74 routine clinical scans, indicating that structure-aware pre-training benefits the scanning.

new EgoGaussian: Dynamic Scene Understanding from Egocentric Video with 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Daiwei Zhang, Gengyan Li, Jiajie Li, Micka\"el Bressieux, Otmar Hilliges, Marc Pollefeys, Luc Van Gool, Xi Wang

Abstract: Human activities are inherently complex, and even simple household tasks involve numerous object interactions. To better understand these activities and behaviors, it is crucial to model their dynamic interactions with the environment. The recent availability of affordable head-mounted cameras and egocentric data offers a more accessible and efficient means to understand dynamic human-object interactions in 3D environments. However, most existing methods for human activity modeling either focus on reconstructing 3D models of hand-object or human-scene interactions or on mapping 3D scenes, neglecting dynamic interactions with objects. The few existing solutions often require inputs from multiple sources, including multi-camera setups, depth-sensing cameras, or kinesthetic sensors. To this end, we introduce EgoGaussian, the first method capable of simultaneously reconstructing 3D scenes and dynamically tracking 3D object motion from RGB egocentric input alone. We leverage the uniquely discrete nature of Gaussian Splatting and segment dynamic interactions from the background. Our approach employs a clip-level online learning pipeline that leverages the dynamic nature of human activities, allowing us to reconstruct the temporal evolution of the scene in chronological order and track rigid object motion. Additionally, our method automatically segments object and background Gaussians, providing 3D representations for both static scenes and dynamic objects. EgoGaussian outperforms previous NeRF and Dynamic Gaussian methods in challenging in-the-wild videos and we also qualitatively demonstrate the high quality of the reconstructed models.

new Extract More from Less: Efficient Fine-Grained Visual Recognition in Low-Data Regimes

Authors: Dmitry Demidov, Abduragim Shtanchaev, Mihail Mihaylov, Mohammad Almansoori

Abstract: The emerging task of fine-grained image classification in low-data regimes assumes the presence of low inter-class variance and large intra-class variation along with a highly limited amount of training samples per class. However, traditional ways of separately dealing with fine-grained categorisation and extremely scarce data may be inefficient under both these harsh conditions presented together. In this paper, we present a novel framework, called AD-Net, aiming to enhance deep neural network performance on this challenge by leveraging the power of Augmentation and Distillation techniques. Specifically, our approach is designed to refine learned features through self-distillation on augmented samples, mitigating harmful overfitting. We conduct comprehensive experiments on popular fine-grained image classification benchmarks where our AD-Net demonstrates consistent improvement over traditional fine-tuning and state-of-the-art low-data techniques. Remarkably, with the smallest data available, our framework shows an outstanding relative accuracy increase of up to 45 % compared to standard ResNet-50 and up to 27 % compared to the closest SOTA runner-up. We emphasise that our approach is practically architecture-independent and adds zero extra cost at inference time. Additionally, we provide an extensive study on the impact of every framework's component, highlighting the importance of each in achieving optimal performance. Source code and trained models are publicly available at

new Emotion Loss Attacking: Adversarial Attack Perception for Skeleton based on Multi-dimensional Features

Authors: Feng Liu, Qing Xu, Qijian Zheng

Abstract: Adversarial attack on skeletal motion is a hot topic. However, existing researches only consider part of dynamic features when measuring distance between skeleton graph sequences, which results in poor imperceptibility. To this end, we propose a novel adversarial attack method to attack action recognizers for skeletal motions. Firstly, our method systematically proposes a dynamic distance function to measure the difference between skeletal motions. Meanwhile, we innovatively introduce emotional features for complementary information. In addition, we use Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers(ADMM) to solve the constrained optimization problem, which generates adversarial samples with better imperceptibility to deceive the classifiers. Experiments show that our method is effective on multiple action classifiers and datasets. When the perturbation magnitude measured by l norms is the same, the dynamic perturbations generated by our method are much lower than that of other methods. What's more, we are the first to prove the effectiveness of emotional features, and provide a new idea for measuring the distance between skeletal motions.

new LightStereo: Channel Boost Is All Your Need for Efficient 2D Cost Aggregation

Authors: Xianda Guo, Chenming Zhang, Dujun Nie, Wenzhao Zheng, Youmin Zhang, Long Chen

Abstract: We present LightStereo, a cutting-edge stereo-matching network crafted to accelerate the matching process. Departing from conventional methodologies that rely on aggregating computationally intensive 4D costs, LightStereo adopts the 3D cost volume as a lightweight alternative. While similar approaches have been explored previously, our breakthrough lies in enhancing performance through a dedicated focus on the channel dimension of the 3D cost volume, where the distribution of matching costs is encapsulated. Our exhaustive exploration has yielded plenty of strategies to amplify the capacity of the pivotal dimension, ensuring both precision and efficiency. We compare the proposed LightStereo with existing state-of-the-art methods across various benchmarks, which demonstrate its superior performance in speed, accuracy, and resource utilization. LightStereo achieves a competitive EPE metric in the SceneFlow datasets while demanding a minimum of only 22 GFLOPs, with an inference time of just 17 ms. Our comprehensive analysis reveals the effect of 2D cost aggregation for stereo matching, paving the way for real-world applications of efficient stereo systems. Code will be available at \url{}.


new StreamMOTP: Streaming and Unified Framework for Joint 3D Multi-Object Tracking and Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Jiaheng Zhuang, Guoan Wang, Siyu Zhang, Xiyang Wang, Hangning Zhou, Ziyao Xu, Chi Zhang, Zhiheng Li

Abstract: 3D multi-object tracking and trajectory prediction are two crucial modules in autonomous driving systems. Generally, the two tasks are handled separately in traditional paradigms and a few methods have started to explore modeling these two tasks in a joint manner recently. However, these approaches suffer from the limitations of single-frame training and inconsistent coordinate representations between tracking and prediction tasks. In this paper, we propose a streaming and unified framework for joint 3D Multi-Object Tracking and trajectory Prediction (StreamMOTP) to address the above challenges. Firstly, we construct the model in a streaming manner and exploit a memory bank to preserve and leverage the long-term latent features for tracked objects more effectively. Secondly, a relative spatio-temporal positional encoding strategy is introduced to bridge the gap of coordinate representations between the two tasks and maintain the pose-invariance for trajectory prediction. Thirdly, we further improve the quality and consistency of predicted trajectories with a dual-stream predictor. We conduct extensive experiments on popular nuSences dataset and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of StreamMOTP, which outperforms previous methods significantly on both tasks. Furthermore, we also prove that the proposed framework has great potential and advantages in actual applications of autonomous driving.

new FootBots: A Transformer-based Architecture for Motion Prediction in Soccer

Authors: Guillem Capellera, Luis Ferraz, Antonio Rubio, Antonio Agudo, Francesc Moreno-Noguer

Abstract: Motion prediction in soccer involves capturing complex dynamics from player and ball interactions. We present FootBots, an encoder-decoder transformer-based architecture addressing motion prediction and conditioned motion prediction through equivariance properties. FootBots captures temporal and social dynamics using set attention blocks and multi-attention block decoder. Our evaluation utilizes two datasets: a real soccer dataset and a tailored synthetic one. Insights from the synthetic dataset highlight the effectiveness of FootBots' social attention mechanism and the significance of conditioned motion prediction. Empirical results on real soccer data demonstrate that FootBots outperforms baselines in motion prediction and excels in conditioned tasks, such as predicting the players based on the ball position, predicting the offensive (defensive) team based on the ball and the defensive (offensive) team, and predicting the ball position based on all players. Our evaluation connects quantitative and qualitative findings.


new InfiniBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Large Multimodal Models in Very Long Video Understanding

Authors: Kirolos Ataallah, Chenhui Gou, Eslam Abdelrahman, Khushbu Pahwa, Jian Ding, Mohamed Elhoseiny

Abstract: Understanding long videos, ranging from tens of minutes to several hours, presents unique challenges in video comprehension. Despite the increasing importance of long-form video content, existing benchmarks primarily focus on shorter clips. To address this gap, we introduce InfiniBench a comprehensive benchmark for very long video understanding which presents 1)The longest video duration, averaging 76.34 minutes; 2) The largest number of question-answer pairs, 108.2K; 3) Diversity in questions that examine nine different skills and include both multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions; 4) Humancentric, as the video sources come from movies and daily TV shows, with specific human-level question designs such as Movie Spoiler Questions that require critical thinking and comprehensive understanding. Using InfiniBench, we comprehensively evaluate existing Large MultiModality Models (LMMs) on each skill, including the commercial model Gemini 1.5 Flash and the open-source models. The evaluation shows significant challenges in our benchmark.Our results show that the best AI models such Gemini struggles to perform well with 42.72% average accuracy and 2.71 out of 5 average score. We hope this benchmark will stimulate the LMMs community towards long video and human-level understanding. Our benchmark can be accessed at


new On the Value of PHH3 for Mitotic Figure Detection on H&E-stained Images

Authors: Jonathan Ganz, Christian Marzahl, Jonas Ammeling, Barbara Richter, Chlo\'e Puget, Daniela Denk, Elena A. Demeter, Flaviu A. Tabaran, Gabriel Wasinger, Karoline Lipnik, Marco Tecilla, Matthew J. Valentine, Michael J. Dark, Niklas Abele, Pompei Bolfa, Ramona Erber, Robert Klopfleisch, Sophie Merz, Taryn A. Donovan, Samir Jabari, Christof A. Bertram, Katharina Breininger, Marc Aubreville

Abstract: The count of mitotic figures (MFs) observed in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained slides is an important prognostic marker as it is a measure for tumor cell proliferation. However, the identification of MFs has a known low inter-rater agreement. Deep learning algorithms can standardize this task, but they require large amounts of annotated data for training and validation. Furthermore, label noise introduced during the annotation process may impede the algorithm's performance. Unlike H&E, the mitosis-specific antibody phospho-histone H3 (PHH3) specifically highlights MFs. Counting MFs on slides stained against PHH3 leads to higher agreement among raters and has therefore recently been used as a ground truth for the annotation of MFs in H&E. However, as PHH3 facilitates the recognition of cells indistinguishable from H&E stain alone, the use of this ground truth could potentially introduce noise into the H&E-related dataset, impacting model performance. This study analyzes the impact of PHH3-assisted MF annotation on inter-rater reliability and object level agreement through an extensive multi-rater experiment. We found that the annotators' object-level agreement increased when using PHH3-assisted labeling. Subsequently, MF detectors were evaluated on the resulting datasets to investigate the influence of PHH3-assisted labeling on the models' performance. Additionally, a novel dual-stain MF detector was developed to investigate the interpretation-shift of PHH3-assisted labels used in H&E, which clearly outperformed single-stain detectors. However, the PHH3-assisted labels did not have a positive effect on solely H&E-based models. The high performance of our dual-input detector reveals an information mismatch between the H&E and PHH3-stained images as the cause of this effect.

new Solving Token Gradient Conflict in Mixture-of-Experts for Large Vision-Language Model

Authors: Longrong Yang, Dong Sheng, Chaoxiang Cai, Fan Yang, Size Li, Di Zhang, Xi Li

Abstract: The Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) has gained increasing attention in the study of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs). It uses a sparse model to replace the dense model, achieving comparable performance while activating fewer parameters during inference, thus significantly reducing the inference cost. Existing MoE methods in LVLMs encourage different experts to handle different tokens, and thus they employ a router to predict the routing for each token. However, the predictions are based solely on sample features and do not truly reveal the optimization direction of tokens. This can lead to severe optimization conflicts between different tokens within an expert. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel method based on token-level gradient analysis. Specifically, we first use token-level gradients to identify conflicting tokens in experts. Then, we add a specialized loss tailored to eliminate conflicts among tokens within each expert. Our method can serve as a plug-in for diverse Large Vision-Language Models, and extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. The code will be publicly available at


new Parallax-tolerant Image Stitching via Segmentation-guided Multi-homography Warping

Authors: Tianli Liao, Ce Wang, Lei Li, Guangen Liu, Nan Li

Abstract: Large parallax between images is an intractable issue in image stitching. Various warping-based methods are proposed to address it, yet the results are unsatisfactory. In this paper, we propose a novel image stitching method using multi-homography warping guided by image segmentation. Specifically, we leverage the Segment Anything Model to segment the target image into numerous contents and partition the feature points into multiple subsets via the energy-based multi-homography fitting algorithm. The multiple subsets of feature points are used to calculate the corresponding multiple homographies. For each segmented content in the overlapping region, we select its best-fitting homography with the lowest photometric error. For each segmented content in the non-overlapping region, we calculate a weighted combination of the linearized homographies. Finally, the target image is warped via the best-fitting homographies to align with the reference image, and the final panorama is generated via linear blending. Comprehensive experimental results on the public datasets demonstrate that our method provides the best alignment accuracy by a large margin, compared with the state-of-the-art methods. The source code is available at


new GRACE: Graph-Regularized Attentive Convolutional Entanglement with Laplacian Smoothing for Robust DeepFake Video Detection

Authors: Chih-Chung Hsu, Shao-Ning Chen, Mei-Hsuan Wu, Yi-Fang Wang, Chia-Ming Lee, Yi-Shiuan Chou

Abstract: As DeepFake video manipulation techniques escalate, posing profound threats, the urgent need to develop efficient detection strategies is underscored. However, one particular issue lies with facial images being mis-detected, often originating from degraded videos or adversarial attacks, leading to unexpected temporal artifacts that can undermine the efficacy of DeepFake video detection techniques. This paper introduces a novel method for robust DeepFake video detection, harnessing the power of the proposed Graph-Regularized Attentive Convolutional Entanglement (GRACE) based on the graph convolutional network with graph Laplacian to address the aforementioned challenges. First, conventional Convolution Neural Networks are deployed to perform spatiotemporal features for the entire video. Then, the spatial and temporal features are mutually entangled by constructing a graph with sparse constraint, enforcing essential features of valid face images in the noisy face sequences remaining, thus augmenting stability and performance for DeepFake video detection. Furthermore, the Graph Laplacian prior is proposed in the graph convolutional network to remove the noise pattern in the feature space to further improve the performance. Comprehensive experiments are conducted to illustrate that our proposed method delivers state-of-the-art performance in DeepFake video detection under noisy face sequences. The source code is available at


new STLLaVA-Med: Self-Training Large Language and Vision Assistant for Medical

Authors: Guohao Sun, Can Qin, Huazhu Fu, Linwei Wang, Zhiqiang Tao

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have shown significant potential in assisting medical diagnosis by leveraging extensive biomedical datasets. However, the advancement of medical image understanding and reasoning critically depends on building high-quality visual instruction data, which is costly and labor-intensive to obtain, particularly in the medical domain. To mitigate this data-starving issue, we introduce Self-Training Large Language and Vision Assistant for Medical (STLLaVA-Med). The proposed method is designed to train a policy model (an LVLM) capable of auto-generating medical visual instruction data to improve data efficiency, guided through Direct Preference Optimization (DPO). Specifically, a more powerful and larger LVLM (e.g., GPT-4o) is involved as a biomedical expert to oversee the DPO fine-tuning process on the auto-generated data, encouraging the policy model to align efficiently with human preferences. We validate the efficacy and data efficiency of STLLaVA-Med across three major medical Visual Question Answering (VQA) benchmarks, demonstrating competitive zero-shot performance with the utilization of only 9% of the medical data.

new eMoE-Tracker: Environmental MoE-based Transformer for Robust Event-guided Object Tracking

Authors: Yucheng Chen, Lin Wang

Abstract: The unique complementarity of frame-based and event cameras for high frame rate object tracking has recently inspired some research attempts to develop multi-modal fusion approaches. However, these methods directly fuse both modalities and thus ignore the environmental attributes, e.g., motion blur, illumination variance, occlusion, scale variation, etc. Meanwhile, no interaction between search and template features makes distinguishing target objects and backgrounds difficult. As a result, performance degradation is induced especially in challenging conditions. This paper proposes a novel and effective Transformer-based event-guided tracking framework, called eMoE-Tracker, which achieves new SOTA performance under various conditions. Our key idea is to disentangle the environment into several learnable attributes to dynamically learn the attribute-specific features for better interaction and discriminability between the target information and background. To achieve the goal, we first propose an environmental Mix-of-Experts (eMoE) module that is built upon the environmental Attributes Disentanglement to learn attribute-specific features and environmental Attributes Gating to assemble the attribute-specific features by the learnable attribute scores dynamically. The eMoE module is a subtle router that fine-tunes the transformer backbone more efficiently. We then introduce a contrastive relation modeling (CRM) module to improve interaction and discriminability between the target information and background. Extensive experiments on diverse event-based benchmark datasets showcase the superior performance of our eMoE-Tracker compared to the prior arts.

new SpotlessSplats: Ignoring Distractors in 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Sara Sabour, Lily Goli, George Kopanas, Mark Matthews, Dmitry Lagun, Leonidas Guibas, Alec Jacobson, David J. Fleet, Andrea Tagliasacchi

Abstract: 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) is a promising technique for 3D reconstruction, offering efficient training and rendering speeds, making it suitable for real-time applications.However, current methods require highly controlled environments (no moving people or wind-blown elements, and consistent lighting) to meet the inter-view consistency assumption of 3DGS. This makes reconstruction of real-world captures problematic. We present SpotlessSplats, an approach that leverages pre-trained and general-purpose features coupled with robust optimization to effectively ignore transient distractors. Our method achieves state-of-the-art reconstruction quality both visually and quantitatively, on casual captures.

new ASSR-NeRF: Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution on Voxel Grid for High-Quality Radiance Fields Reconstruction

Authors: Ding-Jiun Huang, Zi-Ting Chou, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang, Cheng Sun

Abstract: NeRF-based methods reconstruct 3D scenes by building a radiance field with implicit or explicit representations. While NeRF-based methods can perform novel view synthesis (NVS) at arbitrary scale, the performance in high-resolution novel view synthesis (HRNVS) with low-resolution (LR) optimization often results in oversmoothing. On the other hand, single-image super-resolution (SR) aims to enhance LR images to HR counterparts but lacks multi-view consistency. To address these challenges, we propose Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution NeRF (ASSR-NeRF), a novel framework for super-resolution novel view synthesis (SRNVS). We propose an attention-based VoxelGridSR model to directly perform 3D super-resolution (SR) on the optimized volume. Our model is trained on diverse scenes to ensure generalizability. For unseen scenes trained with LR views, we then can directly apply our VoxelGridSR to further refine the volume and achieve multi-view consistent SR. We demonstrate quantitative and qualitatively that the proposed method achieves significant performance in SRNVS.

new EVF-SAM: Early Vision-Language Fusion for Text-Prompted Segment Anything Model

Authors: Yuxuan Zhang, Tianheng Cheng, Rui Hu, ei Liu, Heng Liu, Longjin Ran, Xiaoxin Chen, Wenyu Liu, Xinggang Wang

Abstract: Segment Anything Model (SAM) has attracted widespread attention for its superior interactive segmentation capabilities with visual prompts while lacking further exploration of text prompts. In this paper, we empirically investigate what text prompt encoders (e.g., CLIP or LLM) are good for adapting SAM for referring expression segmentation and introduce the Early Vision-language Fusion-based SAM (EVF-SAM). EVF-SAM is a simple yet effective referring segmentation method which exploits multimodal prompts (i.e., image and text) and comprises a pre-trained vision-language model to generate referring prompts and a SAM model for segmentation. Surprisingly, we observe that: (1) multimodal prompts and (2) vision-language models with early fusion (e.g., BEIT-3) are beneficial for prompting SAM for accurate referring segmentation. Our experiments show that the proposed EVF-SAM based on BEIT-3 can obtain state-of-the-art performance on RefCOCO/+/g for referring expression segmentation and demonstrate the superiority of prompting SAM with early vision-language fusion. In addition, the proposed EVF-SAM with 1.32B parameters achieves remarkably higher performance while reducing nearly 82% of parameters compared to previous SAM methods based on large multimodal models.

new HouseCrafter: Lifting Floorplans to 3D Scenes with 2D Diffusion Model

Authors: Hieu T. Nguyen, Yiwen Chen, Vikram Voleti, Varun Jampani, Huaizu Jiang

Abstract: We introduce HouseCrafter, a novel approach that can lift a floorplan into a complete large 3D indoor scene (e.g., a house). Our key insight is to adapt a 2D diffusion model, which is trained on web-scale images, to generate consistent multi-view color (RGB) and depth (D) images across different locations of the scene. Specifically, the RGB-D images are generated autoregressively in a batch-wise manner along sampled locations based on the floorplan, where previously generated images are used as condition to the diffusion model to produce images at nearby locations. The global floorplan and attention design in the diffusion model ensures the consistency of the generated images, from which a 3D scene can be reconstructed. Through extensive evaluation on the 3D-Front dataset, we demonstrate that HouseCraft can generate high-quality house-scale 3D scenes. Ablation studies also validate the effectiveness of different design choices. We will release our code and model weights. Project page:


new GM-DF: Generalized Multi-Scenario Deepfake Detection

Authors: Yingxin Lai, Zitong Yu, Jing Yang, Bin Li, Xiangui Kang, Linlin Shen

Abstract: Existing face forgery detection usually follows the paradigm of training models in a single domain, which leads to limited generalization capacity when unseen scenarios and unknown attacks occur. In this paper, we elaborately investigate the generalization capacity of deepfake detection models when jointly trained on multiple face forgery detection datasets. We first find a rapid degradation of detection accuracy when models are directly trained on combined datasets due to the discrepancy across collection scenarios and generation methods. To address the above issue, a Generalized Multi-Scenario Deepfake Detection framework (GM-DF) is proposed to serve multiple real-world scenarios by a unified model. First, we propose a hybrid expert modeling approach for domain-specific real/forgery feature extraction. Besides, as for the commonality representation, we use CLIP to extract the common features for better aligning visual and textual features across domains. Meanwhile, we introduce a masked image reconstruction mechanism to force models to capture rich forged details. Finally, we supervise the models via a domain-aware meta-learning strategy to further enhance their generalization capacities. Specifically, we design a novel domain alignment loss to strongly align the distributions of the meta-test domains and meta-train domains. Thus, the updated models are able to represent both specific and common real/forgery features across multiple datasets. In consideration of the lack of study of multi-dataset training, we establish a new benchmark leveraging multi-source data to fairly evaluate the models' generalization capacity on unseen scenarios. Both qualitative and quantitative experiments on five datasets conducted on traditional protocols as well as the proposed benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

new Segment Anything without Supervision

Authors: XuDong Wang, Jingfeng Yang, Trevor Darrell

Abstract: The Segmentation Anything Model (SAM) requires labor-intensive data labeling. We present Unsupervised SAM (UnSAM) for promptable and automatic whole-image segmentation that does not require human annotations. UnSAM utilizes a divide-and-conquer strategy to "discover" the hierarchical structure of visual scenes. We first leverage top-down clustering methods to partition an unlabeled image into instance/semantic level segments. For all pixels within a segment, a bottom-up clustering method is employed to iteratively merge them into larger groups, thereby forming a hierarchical structure. These unsupervised multi-granular masks are then utilized to supervise model training. Evaluated across seven popular datasets, UnSAM achieves competitive results with the supervised counterpart SAM, and surpasses the previous state-of-the-art in unsupervised segmentation by 11% in terms of AR. Moreover, we show that supervised SAM can also benefit from our self-supervised labels. By integrating our unsupervised pseudo masks into SA-1B's ground-truth masks and training UnSAM with only 1% of SA-1B, a lightly semi-supervised UnSAM can often segment entities overlooked by supervised SAM, exceeding SAM's AR by over 6.7% and AP by 3.9% on SA-1B.

new Auto Cherry-Picker: Learning from High-quality Generative Data Driven by Language

Authors: Yicheng Chen, Xiangtai Li, Yining Li, Yanhong Zeng, Jianzong Wu, Xiangyu Zhao, Kai Chen

Abstract: Diffusion-based models have shown great potential in generating high-quality images with various layouts, which can benefit downstream perception tasks. However, a fully automatic layout generation driven only by language and a suitable metric for measuring multiple generated instances has not been well explored. In this work, we present Auto Cherry-Picker (ACP), a novel framework that generates high-quality multi-modal training examples to augment perception and multi-modal training. Starting with a simple list of natural language concepts, we prompt large language models (LLMs) to generate a detailed description and design reasonable layouts. Next, we use an off-the-shelf text-to-image model to generate multiple images. Then, the generated data are refined using a comprehensively designed metric to ensure quality. In particular, we present a new metric, Composite Layout and Image Score (CLIS), to evaluate the generated images fairly. Our synthetic high-quality examples boost performance in various scenarios by customizing the initial concept list, especially in addressing challenges associated with long-tailed distribution and imbalanced datasets. Experiment results on downstream tasks demonstrate that Auto Cherry-Picker can significantly improve the performance of existing models. In addition, we have thoroughly investigated the correlation between CLIS and performance gains in downstream tasks, and we find that a better CLIS score results in better performance. This finding shows the potential for evaluation metrics as the role for various visual perception and MLLM tasks. Code will be available.

new LLaVolta: Efficient Multi-modal Models via Stage-wise Visual Context Compression

Authors: Jieneng Chen, Luoxin Ye, Ju He, Zhao-Yang Wang, Daniel Khashabi, Alan Yuille

Abstract: While significant advancements have been made in compressed representations for text embeddings in large language models (LLMs), the compression of visual tokens in large multi-modal models (LMMs) has remained a largely overlooked area. In this work, we present the study on the analysis of redundancy concerning visual tokens and efficient training within these models. Our initial experiments show that eliminating up to 70% of visual tokens at the testing stage by simply average pooling only leads to a minimal 3% reduction in visual question answering accuracy on the GQA benchmark, indicating significant redundancy in visual context. Addressing this, we introduce Visual Context Compressor, which reduces the number of visual tokens during training to enhance training efficiency without sacrificing performance. To minimize information loss caused by the compression on visual tokens while maintaining training efficiency, we develop LLaVolta as a lite training scheme. LLaVolta incorporates stage-wise visual context compression to progressively compress the visual tokens from heavily to lightly, and finally no compression at the end of training, yielding no loss of information when testing. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach enhances the performance of MLLMs in both image-language and video-language understanding, while also significantly cutting training costs. Code is available at


new Web2Code: A Large-scale Webpage-to-Code Dataset and Evaluation Framework for Multimodal LLMs

Authors: Sukmin Yun, Haokun Lin, Rusiru Thushara, Mohammad Qazim Bhat, Yongxin Wang, Zutao Jiang, Mingkai Deng, Jinhong Wang, Tianhua Tao, Junbo Li, Haonan Li, Preslav Nakov, Timothy Baldwin, Zhengzhong Liu, Eric P. Xing, Xiaodan Liang, Zhiqiang Shen

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have shown impressive success across modalities such as image, video, and audio in a variety of understanding and generation tasks. However, current MLLMs are surprisingly poor at understanding webpage screenshots and generating their corresponding HTML code. To address this problem, we propose Web2Code, a benchmark consisting of a new large-scale webpage-to-code dataset for instruction tuning and an evaluation framework for the webpage understanding and HTML code translation abilities of MLLMs. For dataset construction, we leverage pretrained LLMs to enhance existing webpage-to-code datasets as well as generate a diverse pool of new webpages rendered into images. Specifically, the inputs are webpage images and instructions, while the responses are the webpage's HTML code. We further include diverse natural language QA pairs about the webpage content in the responses to enable a more comprehensive understanding of the web content. To evaluate model performance in these tasks, we develop an evaluation framework for testing MLLMs' abilities in webpage understanding and web-to-code generation. Extensive experiments show that our proposed dataset is beneficial not only to our proposed tasks but also in the general visual domain, while previous datasets result in worse performance. We hope our work will contribute to the development of general MLLMs suitable for web-based content generation and task automation. Our data and code will be available at


new Odd-One-Out: Anomaly Detection by Comparing with Neighbors

Authors: Ankan Bhunia, Changjian Li, Hakan Bilen

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel anomaly detection (AD) problem that focuses on identifying `odd-looking' objects relative to the other instances within a scene. Unlike the traditional AD benchmarks, in our setting, anomalies in this context are scene-specific, defined by the regular instances that make up the majority. Since object instances are often partly visible from a single viewpoint, our setting provides multiple views of each scene as input. To provide a testbed for future research in this task, we introduce two benchmarks, ToysAD-8K and PartsAD-15K. We propose a novel method that generates 3D object-centric representations for each instance and detects the anomalous ones through a cross-examination between the instances. We rigorously analyze our method quantitatively and qualitatively in the presented benchmarks.

cross Efficient and Distributed Large-Scale 3D Map Registration using Tomographic Features

Authors: Halil Utku Unlu, Anthony Tzes, Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami

Abstract: A robust, resource-efficient, distributed, and minimally parameterized 3D map matching and merging algorithm is proposed. The suggested algorithm utilizes tomographic features from 2D projections of horizontal cross-sections of gravity-aligned local maps, and matches these projection slices at all possible height differences, enabling the estimation of four degrees of freedom in an efficient and parallelizable manner. The advocated algorithm improves state-of-the-art feature extraction and registration pipelines by an order of magnitude in memory use and execution time. Experimental studies are offered to investigate the efficiency of this 3D map merging scheme.

cross ManiWAV: Learning Robot Manipulation from In-the-Wild Audio-Visual Data

Authors: Zeyi Liu, Cheng Chi, Eric Cousineau, Naveen Kuppuswamy, Benjamin Burchfiel, Shuran Song

Abstract: Audio signals provide rich information for the robot interaction and object properties through contact. These information can surprisingly ease the learning of contact-rich robot manipulation skills, especially when the visual information alone is ambiguous or incomplete. However, the usage of audio data in robot manipulation has been constrained to teleoperated demonstrations collected by either attaching a microphone to the robot or object, which significantly limits its usage in robot learning pipelines. In this work, we introduce ManiWAV: an 'ear-in-hand' data collection device to collect in-the-wild human demonstrations with synchronous audio and visual feedback, and a corresponding policy interface to learn robot manipulation policy directly from the demonstrations. We demonstrate the capabilities of our system through four contact-rich manipulation tasks that require either passively sensing the contact events and modes, or actively sensing the object surface materials and states. In addition, we show that our system can generalize to unseen in-the-wild environments, by learning from diverse in-the-wild human demonstrations. Project website:


cross GAPNet: Granularity Attention Network with Anatomy-Prior-Constraint for Carotid Artery Segmentation

Authors: Lin Zhang, Chenggang Lu, Xin-yang Shi, Caifeng Shan, Jiong Zhang, Da Chen, Laurent D. Cohen

Abstract: Atherosclerosis is a chronic, progressive disease that primarily affects the arterial walls. It is one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease. Magnetic Resonance (MR) black-blood vessel wall imaging (BB-VWI) offers crucial insights into vascular disease diagnosis by clearly visualizing vascular structures. However, the complex anatomy of the neck poses challenges in distinguishing the carotid artery (CA) from surrounding structures, especially with changes like atherosclerosis. In order to address these issues, we propose GAPNet, which is a consisting of a novel geometric prior deduced from.

cross High-resolution segmentations of the hypothalamus and its subregions for training of segmentation models

Authors: Livia Rodrigues, Martina Bocchetta, Oula Puonti, Douglas Greve, Ana Carolina Londe, Marcondes Fran\c{c}a, Simone Appenzeller, Leticia Rittner, Juan Eugenio Iglesias

Abstract: Segmentation of brain structures on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a highly relevant neuroimaging topic, as it is a prerequisite for different analyses such as volumetry or shape analysis. Automated segmentation facilitates the study of brain structures in larger cohorts when compared with manual segmentation, which is time-consuming. However, the development of most automated methods relies on large and manually annotated datasets, which limits the generalizability of these methods. Recently, new techniques using synthetic images have emerged, reducing the need for manual annotation. Here we provide HELM, Hypothalamic ex vivo Label Maps, a dataset composed of label maps built from publicly available ultra-high resolution ex vivo MRI from 10 whole hemispheres, which can be used to develop segmentation methods using synthetic data. The label maps are obtained with a combination of manual labels for the hypothalamic regions and automated segmentations for the rest of the brain, and mirrored to simulate entire brains. We also provide the pre-processed ex vivo scans, as this dataset can support future projects to include other structures after these are manually segmented.

cross BOrg: A Brain Organoid-Based Mitosis Dataset for Automatic Analysis of Brain Diseases

Authors: Muhammad Awais, Mehaboobathunnisa Sahul Hameed, Bidisha Bhattacharya, Orly Reiner, Rao Muhammad Anwer

Abstract: Recent advances have enabled the study of human brain development using brain organoids derived from stem cells. Quantifying cellular processes like mitosis in these organoids offers insights into neurodevelopmental disorders, but the manual analysis is time-consuming, and existing datasets lack specific details for brain organoid studies. We introduce BOrg, a dataset designed to study mitotic events in the embryonic development of the brain using confocal microscopy images of brain organoids. BOrg utilizes an efficient annotation pipeline with sparse point annotations and techniques that minimize expert effort, overcoming limitations of standard deep learning approaches on sparse data. We adapt and benchmark state-of-the-art object detection and cell counting models on BOrg for detecting and analyzing mitotic cells across prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase stages. Our results demonstrate these adapted models significantly improve mitosis analysis efficiency and accuracy for brain organoid research compared to existing methods. BOrg facilitates the development of automated tools to quantify statistics like mitosis rates, aiding mechanistic studies of neurodevelopmental processes and disorders. Data and code are available at


cross Robustness Testing of Black-Box Models Against CT Degradation Through Test-Time Augmentation

Authors: Jack Highton, Quok Zong Chong, Samuel Finestone, Arian Beqiri, Julia A. Schnabel, Kanwal K. Bhatia

Abstract: Deep learning models for medical image segmentation and object detection are becoming increasingly available as clinical products. However, as details are rarely provided about the training data, models may unexpectedly fail when cases differ from those in the training distribution. An approach allowing potential users to independently test the robustness of a model, treating it as a black box and using only a few cases from their own site, is key for adoption. To address this, a method to test the robustness of these models against CT image quality variation is presented. In this work we present this framework by demonstrating that given the same training data, the model architecture and data pre processing greatly affect the robustness of several frequently used segmentation and object detection methods to simulated CT imaging artifacts and degradation. Our framework also addresses the concern about the sustainability of deep learning models in clinical use, by considering future shifts in image quality due to scanner deterioration or imaging protocol changes which are not reflected in a limited local test dataset.

cross SK-VQA: Synthetic Knowledge Generation at Scale for Training Context-Augmented Multimodal LLMs

Authors: Xin Su, Man Luo, Kris W Pan, Tien Pei Chou, Vasudev Lal, Phillip Howard

Abstract: Synthetic data generation has gained significant attention recently for its utility in training large vision and language models. However, the application of synthetic data to the training of multimodal context-augmented generation systems has been relatively unexplored. This gap in existing work is important because existing vision and language models (VLMs) are not trained specifically for context-augmented generation. Resources for adapting such models are therefore crucial for enabling their use in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) settings, where a retriever is used to gather relevant information that is then subsequently provided to a generative model via context augmentation. To address this challenging problem, we generate SK-VQA: a large synthetic multimodal dataset containing over 2 million question-answer pairs which require external knowledge to determine the final answer. Our dataset is both larger and significantly more diverse than existing resources of its kind, possessing over 11x more unique questions and containing images from a greater variety of sources than previously-proposed datasets. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our synthetic dataset can not only serve as a challenging benchmark, but is also highly effective for adapting existing generative multimodal models for context-augmented generation.

cross Model Predictive Simulation Using Structured Graphical Models and Transformers

Authors: Xinghua Lou, Meet Dave, Shrinu Kushagra, Miguel Lazaro-Gredilla, Kevin Murphy

Abstract: We propose an approach to simulating trajectories of multiple interacting agents (road users) based on transformers and probabilistic graphical models (PGMs), and apply it to the Waymo SimAgents challenge. The transformer baseline is based on the MTR model, which predicts multiple future trajectories conditioned on the past trajectories and static road layout features. We then improve upon these generated trajectories using a PGM, which contains factors which encode prior knowledge, such as a preference for smooth trajectories, and avoidance of collisions with static obstacles and other moving agents. We perform (approximate) MAP inference in this PGM using the Gauss-Newton method. Finally we sample $K=32$ trajectories for each of the $N \sim 100$ agents for the next $T=8 \Delta$ time steps, where $\Delta=10$ is the sampling rate per second. Following the Model Predictive Control (MPC) paradigm, we only return the first element of our forecasted trajectories at each step, and then we replan, so that the simulation can constantly adapt to its changing environment. We therefore call our approach "Model Predictive Simulation" or MPS. We show that MPS improves upon the MTR baseline, especially in safety critical metrics such as collision rate. Furthermore, our approach is compatible with any underlying forecasting model, and does not require extra training, so we believe it is a valuable contribution to the community.

cross AstMatch: Adversarial Self-training Consistency Framework for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Guanghao Zhu, Jing Zhang, Juanxiu Liu, Xiaohui Du, Ruqian Hao, Yong Liu, Lin Liu

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has shown considerable potential in medical image segmentation, primarily leveraging consistency regularization and pseudo-labeling. However, many SSL approaches only pay attention to low-level consistency and overlook the significance of pseudo-label reliability. Therefore, in this work, we propose an adversarial self-training consistency framework (AstMatch). Firstly, we design an adversarial consistency regularization (ACR) approach to enhance knowledge transfer and strengthen prediction consistency under varying perturbation intensities. Second, we apply a feature matching loss for adversarial training to incorporate high-level consistency regularization. Additionally, we present the pyramid channel attention (PCA) and efficient channel and spatial attention (ECSA) modules to improve the discriminator's performance. Finally, we propose an adaptive self-training (AST) approach to ensure the pseudo-labels' quality. The proposed AstMatch has been extensively evaluated with cutting-edge SSL methods on three public-available datasets. The experimental results under different labeled ratios indicate that AstMatch outperforms other existing methods, achieving new state-of-the-art performance. Our code will be available at


cross Enhancing Radiological Diagnosis: A Collaborative Approach Integrating AI and Human Expertise for Visual Miss Correction

Authors: Akash Awasthi, Ngan Le, Zhigang Deng, Carol C. Wu, Hien Van Nguyen

Abstract: Human-AI collaboration to identify and correct perceptual errors in chest radiographs has not been previously explored. This study aimed to develop a collaborative AI system, CoRaX, which integrates eye gaze data and radiology reports to enhance diagnostic accuracy in chest radiology by pinpointing perceptual errors and refining the decision-making process. Using public datasets REFLACX and EGD-CXR, the study retrospectively developed CoRaX, employing a large multimodal model to analyze image embeddings, eye gaze data, and radiology reports. The system's effectiveness was evaluated based on its referral-making process, the quality of referrals, and performance in collaborative diagnostic settings. CoRaX was tested on a simulated error dataset of 271 samples with 28% (93 of 332) missed abnormalities. The system corrected 21% (71 of 332) of these errors, leaving 7% (22 of 312) unresolved. The Referral-Usefulness score, indicating the accuracy of predicted regions for all true referrals, was 0.63 (95% CI 0.59, 0.68). The Total-Usefulness score, reflecting the diagnostic accuracy of CoRaX's interactions with radiologists, showed that 84% (237 of 280) of these interactions had a score above 0.40. In conclusion, CoRaX efficiently collaborates with radiologists to address perceptual errors across various abnormalities, with potential applications in the education and training of novice radiologists.

cross MMRo: Are Multimodal LLMs Eligible as the Brain for In-Home Robotics?

Authors: Jinming Li, Yichen Zhu, Zhiyuan Xu, Jindong Gu, Minjie Zhu, Xin Liu, Ning Liu, Yaxin Peng, Feifei Feng, Jian Tang

Abstract: It is fundamentally challenging for robots to serve as useful assistants in human environments because this requires addressing a spectrum of sub-problems across robotics, including perception, language understanding, reasoning, and planning. The recent advancements in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated their exceptional abilities in solving complex mathematical problems, mastering commonsense and abstract reasoning. This has led to the recent utilization of MLLMs as the brain in robotic systems, enabling these models to conduct high-level planning prior to triggering low-level control actions for task execution. However, it remains uncertain whether existing MLLMs are reliable in serving the brain role of robots. In this study, we introduce the first benchmark for evaluating Multimodal LLM for Robotic (MMRo) benchmark, which tests the capability of MLLMs for robot applications. Specifically, we identify four essential capabilities perception, task planning, visual reasoning, and safety measurement that MLLMs must possess to qualify as the robot's central processing unit. We have developed several scenarios for each capability, resulting in a total of 14 metrics for evaluation. We present experimental results for various MLLMs, including both commercial and open-source models, to assess the performance of existing systems. Our findings indicate that no single model excels in all areas, suggesting that current MLLMs are not yet trustworthy enough to serve as the cognitive core for robots. Our data can be found in


cross SPIRONet: Spatial-Frequency Learning and Topological Channel Interaction Network for Vessel Segmentation

Authors: De-Xing Huang, Xiao-Hu Zhou, Xiao-Liang Xie, Shi-Qi Liu, Shuang-Yi Wang, Zhen-Qiu Feng, Mei-Jiang Gui, Hao Li, Tian-Yu Xiang, Bo-Xian Yao, Zeng-Guang Hou

Abstract: Automatic vessel segmentation is paramount for developing next-generation interventional navigation systems. However, current approaches suffer from suboptimal segmentation performances due to significant challenges in intraoperative images (i.e., low signal-to-noise ratio, small or slender vessels, and strong interference). In this paper, a novel spatial-frequency learning and topological channel interaction network (SPIRONet) is proposed to address the above issues. Specifically, dual encoders are utilized to comprehensively capture local spatial and global frequency vessel features. Then, a cross-attention fusion module is introduced to effectively fuse spatial and frequency features, thereby enhancing feature discriminability. Furthermore, a topological channel interaction module is designed to filter out task-irrelevant responses based on graph neural networks. Extensive experimental results on several challenging datasets (CADSA, CAXF, DCA1, and XCAD) demonstrate state-of-the-art performances of our method. Moreover, the inference speed of SPIRONet is 21 FPS with a 512x512 input size, surpassing clinical real-time requirements (6~12FPS). These promising outcomes indicate SPIRONet's potential for integration into vascular interventional navigation systems. Code is available at


cross Comprehensive Generative Replay for Task-Incremental Segmentation with Concurrent Appearance and Semantic Forgetting

Authors: Wei Li, Jingyang Zhang, Pheng-Ann Heng, Lixu Gu

Abstract: Generalist segmentation models are increasingly favored for diverse tasks involving various objects from different image sources. Task-Incremental Learning (TIL) offers a privacy-preserving training paradigm using tasks arriving sequentially, instead of gathering them due to strict data sharing policies. However, the task evolution can span a wide scope that involves shifts in both image appearance and segmentation semantics with intricate correlation, causing concurrent appearance and semantic forgetting. To solve this issue, we propose a Comprehensive Generative Replay (CGR) framework that restores appearance and semantic knowledge by synthesizing image-mask pairs to mimic past task data, which focuses on two aspects: modeling image-mask correspondence and promoting scalability for diverse tasks. Specifically, we introduce a novel Bayesian Joint Diffusion (BJD) model for high-quality synthesis of image-mask pairs with their correspondence explicitly preserved by conditional denoising. Furthermore, we develop a Task-Oriented Adapter (TOA) that recalibrates prompt embeddings to modulate the diffusion model, making the data synthesis compatible with different tasks. Experiments on incremental tasks (cardiac, fundus and prostate segmentation) show its clear advantage for alleviating concurrent appearance and semantic forgetting. Code is available at


cross Impact of Initialization on Intra-subject Pediatric Brain MR Image Registration: A Comparative Analysis between SyN ANTs and Deep Learning-Based Approaches

Authors: Andjela Dimitrijevic, Vincent Noblet, Benjamin De Leener

Abstract: This study evaluates the performance of conventional SyN ANTs and learning-based registration methods in the context of pediatric neuroimaging, specifically focusing on intrasubject deformable registration. The comparison involves three approaches: without (NR), with rigid (RR), and with rigid and affine (RAR) initializations. In addition to initialization, performances are evaluated in terms of accuracy, speed, and the impact of age intervals and sex per pair. Data consists of the publicly available MRI scans from the Calgary Preschool dataset, which includes 63 children aged 2-7 years, allowing for 431 registration pairs. We implemented the unsupervised DL framework with a U-Net architecture using DeepReg and it was 5-fold cross-validated. Evaluation includes Dice scores for tissue segmentation from 18 smaller regions obtained by SynthSeg, analysis of log Jacobian determinants, and registration pro-rated training and inference times. Learning-based approaches, with or without linear initializations, exhibit slight superiority over SyN ANTs in terms of Dice scores. Indeed, DL-based implementations with RR and RAR initializations significantly outperform SyN ANTs. Both SyN ANTs and DL-based registration involve parameter optimization, but the choice between these methods depends on the scale of registration: network-based for broader coverage or SyN ANTs for specific structures. Both methods face challenges with larger age intervals due to greater growth changes. The main takeaway is that while DL-based methods show promise with faster and more accurate registrations, SyN ANTs remains robust and generalizable without the need for extensive training, highlighting the importance of method selection based on specific registration needs in the pediatric context. Our code is available at


cross Wavelets Are All You Need for Autoregressive Image Generation

Authors: Wael Mattar, Idan Levy, Nir Sharon, Shai Dekel

Abstract: In this paper, we take a new approach to autoregressive image generation that is based on two main ingredients. The first is wavelet image coding, which allows to tokenize the visual details of an image from coarse to fine details by ordering the information starting with the most significant bits of the most significant wavelet coefficients. The second is a variant of a language transformer whose architecture is re-designed and optimized for token sequences in this 'wavelet language'. The transformer learns the significant statistical correlations within a token sequence, which are the manifestations of well-known correlations between the wavelet subbands at various resolutions. We show experimental results with conditioning on the generation process.

cross Malaria Cell Detection Using Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Saurabh Sawant, Anurag Singh

Abstract: Malaria remains one of the most pressing public health concerns globally, causing significant morbidity and mortality, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Rapid and accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment and disease management. Traditional diagnostic methods, such as microscopic examination of blood smears, are labor-intensive and require significant expertise, which may not be readily available in resource-limited settings. This project aims to automate the detection of malaria-infected cells using a deep learning approach. We employed a convolutional neural network (CNN) based on the ResNet50 architecture, leveraging transfer learning to enhance performance. The Malaria Cell Images Dataset from Kaggle, containing 27,558 images categorized into infected and uninfected cells, was used for training and evaluation. Our model demonstrated high accuracy, precision, and recall, indicating its potential as a reliable tool for assisting in malaria diagnosis. Additionally, a web application was developed using Streamlit to allow users to upload cell images and receive predictions about malaria infection, making the technology accessible and user-friendly. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the methodology, experiments, and results, highlighting the effectiveness of deep learning in medical image analysis.

cross HAITCH: A Framework for Distortion and Motion Correction in Fetal Multi-Shell Diffusion-Weighted MRI

Authors: Haykel Snoussi, Davood Karimi, Onur Afacan, Mustafa Utkur, Ali Gholipour

Abstract: Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is pivotal for probing the microstructure of the rapidly-developing fetal brain. However, fetal motion during scans and its interaction with magnetic field inhomogeneities result in artifacts and data scattering across spatial and angular domains. The effects of those artifacts are more pronounced in high-angular resolution fetal dMRI, where signal-to-noise ratio is very low. Those effects lead to biased estimates and compromise the consistency and reliability of dMRI analysis. This work presents HAITCH, the first and the only publicly available tool to correct and reconstruct multi-shell high-angular resolution fetal dMRI data. HAITCH offers several technical advances that include a blip-reversed dual-echo acquisition for dynamic distortion correction, advanced motion correction for model-free and robust reconstruction, optimized multi-shell design for enhanced information capture and increased tolerance to motion, and outlier detection for improved reconstruction fidelity. The framework is open-source, flexible, and can be used to process any type of fetal dMRI data including single-echo or single-shell acquisitions, but is most effective when used with multi-shell multi-echo fetal dMRI data that cannot be processed with any of the existing tools. Validation experiments on real fetal dMRI scans demonstrate significant improvements and accurate correction across diverse fetal ages and motion levels. HAITCH successfully removes artifacts and reconstructs high-fidelity fetal dMRI data suitable for advanced diffusion modeling, including fiber orientation distribution function estimation. These advancements pave the way for more reliable analysis of the fetal brain microstructure and tractography under challenging imaging conditions.

cross PoliFormer: Scaling On-Policy RL with Transformers Results in Masterful Navigators

Authors: Kuo-Hao Zeng, Zichen Zhang, Kiana Ehsani, Rose Hendrix, Jordi Salvador, Alvaro Herrasti, Ross Girshick, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Luca Weihs

Abstract: We present PoliFormer (Policy Transformer), an RGB-only indoor navigation agent trained end-to-end with reinforcement learning at scale that generalizes to the real-world without adaptation despite being trained purely in simulation. PoliFormer uses a foundational vision transformer encoder with a causal transformer decoder enabling long-term memory and reasoning. It is trained for hundreds of millions of interactions across diverse environments, leveraging parallelized, multi-machine rollouts for efficient training with high throughput. PoliFormer is a masterful navigator, producing state-of-the-art results across two distinct embodiments, the LoCoBot and Stretch RE-1 robots, and four navigation benchmarks. It breaks through the plateaus of previous work, achieving an unprecedented 85.5% success rate in object goal navigation on the CHORES-S benchmark, a 28.5% absolute improvement. PoliFormer can also be trivially extended to a variety of downstream applications such as object tracking, multi-object navigation, and open-vocabulary navigation with no finetuning.

cross LLaRA: Supercharging Robot Learning Data for Vision-Language Policy

Authors: Xiang Li, Cristina Mata, Jongwoo Park, Kumara Kahatapitiya, Yoo Sung Jang, Jinghuan Shang, Kanchana Ranasinghe, Ryan Burgert, Mu Cai, Yong Jae Lee, Michael S. Ryoo

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) equipped with extensive world knowledge and strong reasoning skills can tackle diverse tasks across domains, often by posing them as conversation-style instruction-response pairs. In this paper, we propose LLaRA: Large Language and Robotics Assistant, a framework which formulates robot action policy as conversations, and provides improved responses when trained with auxiliary data that complements policy learning. LLMs with visual inputs, i.e., Vision Language Models (VLMs), have the capacity to process state information as visual-textual prompts and generate optimal policy decisions in text. To train such action policy VLMs, we first introduce an automated pipeline to generate diverse high-quality robotics instruction data from existing behavior cloning data. A VLM finetuned with the resulting collection of datasets based on a conversation-style formulation tailored for robotics tasks, can generate meaningful robot action policy decisions. Our experiments across multiple simulated and real-world environments demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of the proposed LLaRA framework. The code, datasets, and pretrained models are available at


replace Exploiting Diffusion Prior for Real-World Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Jianyi Wang, Zongsheng Yue, Shangchen Zhou, Kelvin C. K. Chan, Chen Change Loy

Abstract: We present a novel approach to leverage prior knowledge encapsulated in pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models for blind super-resolution (SR). Specifically, by employing our time-aware encoder, we can achieve promising restoration results without altering the pre-trained synthesis model, thereby preserving the generative prior and minimizing training cost. To remedy the loss of fidelity caused by the inherent stochasticity of diffusion models, we employ a controllable feature wrapping module that allows users to balance quality and fidelity by simply adjusting a scalar value during the inference process. Moreover, we develop a progressive aggregation sampling strategy to overcome the fixed-size constraints of pre-trained diffusion models, enabling adaptation to resolutions of any size. A comprehensive evaluation of our method using both synthetic and real-world benchmarks demonstrates its superiority over current state-of-the-art approaches. Code and models are available at


replace EnSolver: Uncertainty-Aware Ensemble CAPTCHA Solvers with Theoretical Guarantees

Authors: Duc C. Hoang, Behzad Ousat, Amin Kharraz, Cuong V. Nguyen

Abstract: The popularity of text-based CAPTCHA as a security mechanism to protect websites from automated bots has prompted researches in CAPTCHA solvers, with the aim of understanding its failure cases and subsequently making CAPTCHAs more secure. Recently proposed solvers, built on advances in deep learning, are able to crack even the very challenging CAPTCHAs with high accuracy. However, these solvers often perform poorly on out-of-distribution samples that contain visual features different from those in the training set. Furthermore, they lack the ability to detect and avoid such samples, making them susceptible to being locked out by defense systems after a certain number of failed attempts. In this paper, we propose EnSolver, a family of CAPTCHA solvers that use deep ensemble uncertainty to detect and skip out-of-distribution CAPTCHAs, making it harder to be detected. We prove novel theoretical bounds on the effectiveness of our solvers and demonstrate their use with state-of-the-art CAPTCHA solvers. Our experiments show that the proposed approaches perform well when cracking CAPTCHA datasets that contain both in-distribution and out-of-distribution samples.

replace Defect Detection in Synthetic Fibre Ropes using Detectron2 Framework

Authors: Anju Rani, Daniel O. Arroyo, Petar Durdevic

Abstract: Fibre ropes with the latest technology have emerged as an appealing alternative to steel ropes for offshore industries due to their lightweight and high tensile strength. At the same time, frequent inspection of these ropes is essential to ensure the proper functioning and safety of the entire system. The development of deep learning (DL) models in condition monitoring (CM) applications offers a simpler and more effective approach for defect detection in synthetic fibre ropes (SFRs). The present paper investigates the performance of Detectron2, a state-of-the-art library for defect detection and instance segmentation. Detectron2 with Mask R-CNN architecture is used for segmenting defects in SFRs. Mask R-CNN with various backbone configurations has been trained and tested on an experimentally obtained dataset comprising 1,803 high-dimensional images containing seven damage classes (placking high, placking medium, placking low, compression, core out, chafing, and normal respectively) for SFRs. By leveraging the capabilities of Detectron2, this study aims to develop an automated and efficient method for detecting defects in SFRs, enhancing the inspection process, and ensuring the safety of the fibre ropes.

replace Learning Stackable and Skippable LEGO Bricks for Efficient, Reconfigurable, and Variable-Resolution Diffusion Modeling

Authors: Huangjie Zheng, Zhendong Wang, Jianbo Yuan, Guanghan Ning, Pengcheng He, Quanzeng You, Hongxia Yang, Mingyuan Zhou

Abstract: Diffusion models excel at generating photo-realistic images but come with significant computational costs in both training and sampling. While various techniques address these computational challenges, a less-explored issue is designing an efficient and adaptable network backbone for iterative refinement. Current options like U-Net and Vision Transformer often rely on resource-intensive deep networks and lack the flexibility needed for generating images at variable resolutions or with a smaller network than used in training. This study introduces LEGO bricks, which seamlessly integrate Local-feature Enrichment and Global-content Orchestration. These bricks can be stacked to create a test-time reconfigurable diffusion backbone, allowing selective skipping of bricks to reduce sampling costs and generate higher-resolution images than the training data. LEGO bricks enrich local regions with an MLP and transform them using a Transformer block while maintaining a consistent full-resolution image across all bricks. Experimental results demonstrate that LEGO bricks enhance training efficiency, expedite convergence, and facilitate variable-resolution image generation while maintaining strong generative performance. Moreover, LEGO significantly reduces sampling time compared to other methods, establishing it as a valuable enhancement for diffusion models. Our code and project page are available at


replace Viewport Prediction for Volumetric Video Streaming by Exploring Video Saliency and Trajectory Information

Authors: Jie Li, Zhixin Li, Zhi Liu, Pengyuan Zhou, Richang Hong, Qiyue Li, Han Hu

Abstract: Volumetric video, also known as hologram video, is a novel medium that portrays natural content in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). It is expected to be the next-gen video technology and a prevalent use case for 5G and beyond wireless communication. Considering that each user typically only watches a section of the volumetric video, known as the viewport, it is essential to have precise viewport prediction for optimal performance. However, research on this topic is still in its infancy. In the end, this paper presents and proposes a novel approach, named Saliency and Trajectory Viewport Prediction (STVP), which aims to improve the precision of viewport prediction in volumetric video streaming. The STVP extensively utilizes video saliency information and viewport trajectory. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive study of viewport prediction in volumetric video streaming. In particular, we introduce a novel sampling method, Uniform Random Sampling (URS), to reduce computational complexity while still preserving video features in an efficient manner. Then we present a saliency detection technique that incorporates both spatial and temporal information for detecting static, dynamic geometric, and color salient regions. Finally, we intelligently fuse saliency and trajectory information to achieve more accurate viewport prediction. We conduct extensive simulations to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed viewport prediction methods using state-of-the-art volumetric video sequences. The experimental results show the superiority of the proposed method over existing schemes. The dataset and source code will be publicly accessible after acceptance.

replace Kandinsky 3.0 Technical Report

Authors: Vladimir Arkhipkin, Andrei Filatov, Viacheslav Vasilev, Anastasia Maltseva, Said Azizov, Igor Pavlov, Julia Agafonova, Andrey Kuznetsov, Denis Dimitrov

Abstract: We present Kandinsky 3.0, a large-scale text-to-image generation model based on latent diffusion, continuing the series of text-to-image Kandinsky models and reflecting our progress to achieve higher quality and realism of image generation. In this report we describe the architecture of the model, the data collection procedure, the training technique, and the production system for user interaction. We focus on the key components that, as we have identified as a result of a large number of experiments, had the most significant impact on improving the quality of our model compared to the others. We also describe extensions and applications of our model, including super resolution, inpainting, image editing, image-to-video generation, and a distilled version of Kandinsky 3.0 - Kandinsky 3.1, which does inference in 4 steps of the reverse process and 20 times faster without visual quality decrease. By side-by-side human preferences comparison, Kandinsky becomes better in text understanding and works better on specific domains. The code is available at


replace Robustness Assessment of a Runway Object Classifier for Safe Aircraft Taxiing

Authors: Yizhak Elboher, Raya Elsaleh, Omri Isac, M\'elanie Ducoffe, Audrey Galametz, Guillaume Pov\'eda, Ryma Boumazouza, No\'emie Cohen, Guy Katz

Abstract: As deep neural networks (DNNs) are becoming the prominent solution for many computational problems, the aviation industry seeks to explore their potential in alleviating pilot workload and in improving operational safety. However, the use of DNNs in this type of safety-critical applications requires a thorough certification process. This need can be addressed through formal verification, which provides rigorous assurances -- e.g.,~by proving the absence of certain mispredictions. In this case-study paper, we demonstrate this process using an image-classifier DNN currently under development at Airbus and intended for use during the aircraft taxiing phase. We use formal methods to assess this DNN's robustness to three common image perturbation types: noise, brightness and contrast, and some of their combinations. This process entails multiple invocations of the underlying verifier, which might be computationally expensive; and we therefore propose a method that leverages the monotonicity of these robustness properties, as well as the results of past verification queries, in order to reduce the overall number of verification queries required by nearly 60%. Our results provide an indication of the level of robustness achieved by the DNN classifier under study, and indicate that it is considerably more vulnerable to noise than to brightness or contrast perturbations.

replace Logical Closed Loop: Uncovering Object Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Junfei Wu, Qiang Liu, Ding Wang, Jinghao Zhang, Shu Wu, Liang Wang, Tieniu Tan

Abstract: Object hallucination has been an Achilles' heel which hinders the broader applications of large vision-language models (LVLMs). Object hallucination refers to the phenomenon that the LVLMs claim non-existent objects in the image. To mitigate the object hallucinations, instruction tuning and external model-based detection methods have been proposed, which either require large-scare computational resources or depend on the detection result of external models. However, there remains an under-explored field to utilize the LVLM itself to alleviate object hallucinations. In this work, we adopt the intuition that the LVLM tends to respond logically consistently for existent objects but inconsistently for hallucinated objects. Therefore, we propose a Logical Closed Loop-based framework for Object Hallucination Detection and Mitigation, namely LogicCheckGPT. In specific, we devise logical consistency probing to raise questions with logical correlations, inquiring about attributes from objects and vice versa. Whether their responses can form a logical closed loop serves as an indicator of object hallucination. As a plug-and-play method, it can be seamlessly applied to all existing LVLMs. Comprehensive experiments conducted on three benchmarks across four LVLMs have demonstrated significant improvements brought by our method, indicating its effectiveness and generality.

replace FishNet: Deep Neural Networks for Low-Cost Fish Stock Estimation

Authors: Moseli Mots'oehli, Anton Nikolaev, Wawan B. IGede, John Lynham, Peter J. Mous, Peter Sadowski

Abstract: Fish stock assessment often involves manual fish counting by taxonomy specialists, which is both time-consuming and costly. We propose FishNet, an automated computer vision system for both taxonomic classification and fish size estimation from images captured with a low-cost digital camera. The system first performs object detection and segmentation using a Mask R-CNN to identify individual fish from images containing multiple fish, possibly consisting of different species. Then each fish species is classified and the length is predicted using separate machine learning models. To develop the model, we use a dataset of 300,000 hand-labeled images containing 1.2M fish of 163 different species and ranging in length from 10cm to 250cm, with additional annotations and quality control methods used to curate high-quality training data. On held-out test data sets, our system achieves a 92% intersection over union on the fish segmentation task, a 89% top-1 classification accuracy on single fish species classification, and a 2.3cm mean absolute error on the fish length estimation task.

replace Modeling State Shifting via Local-Global Distillation for Event-Frame Gaze Tracking

Authors: Jiading Li, Zhiyu Zhu, Jinhui Hou, Junhui Hou, Jinjian Wu

Abstract: This paper tackles the problem of passive gaze estimation using both event and frame data. Considering the inherently different physiological structures, it is intractable to accurately estimate gaze purely based on a given state. Thus, we reformulate gaze estimation as the quantification of the state shifting from the current state to several prior registered anchor states. Specifically, we propose a two-stage learning-based gaze estimation framework that divides the whole gaze estimation process into a coarse-to-fine approach involving anchor state selection and final gaze location. Moreover, to improve the generalization ability, instead of learning a large gaze estimation network directly, we align a group of local experts with a student network, where a novel denoising distillation algorithm is introduced to utilize denoising diffusion techniques to iteratively remove inherent noise in event data. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which surpasses state-of-the-art methods by a large margin of 15$\%$. The code will be publicly available at


replace Utilizing Adversarial Examples for Bias Mitigation and Accuracy Enhancement

Authors: Pushkar Shukla, Dhruv Srikanth, Lee Cohen, Matthew Turk

Abstract: We propose a novel approach to mitigate biases in computer vision models by utilizing counterfactual generation and fine-tuning. While counterfactuals have been used to analyze and address biases in DNN models, the counterfactuals themselves are often generated from biased generative models, which can introduce additional biases or spurious correlations. To address this issue, we propose using adversarial images, that is images that deceive a deep neural network but not humans, as counterfactuals for fair model training. Our approach leverages a curriculum learning framework combined with a fine-grained adversarial loss to fine-tune the model using adversarial examples. By incorporating adversarial images into the training data, we aim to prevent biases from propagating through the pipeline. We validate our approach through both qualitative and quantitative assessments, demonstrating improved bias mitigation and accuracy compared to existing methods. Qualitatively, our results indicate that post-training, the decisions made by the model are less dependent on the sensitive attribute and our model better disentangles the relationship between sensitive attributes and classification variables.

replace Step Differences in Instructional Video

Authors: Tushar Nagarajan, Lorenzo Torresani

Abstract: Comparing a user video to a reference how-to video is a key requirement for AR/VR technology delivering personalized assistance tailored to the user's progress. However, current approaches for language-based assistance can only answer questions about a single video. We propose an approach that first automatically generates large amounts of visual instruction tuning data involving pairs of videos from HowTo100M by leveraging existing step annotations and accompanying narrations, and then trains a video-conditioned language model to jointly reason across multiple raw videos. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance at identifying differences between video pairs and ranking videos based on the severity of these differences, and shows promising ability to perform general reasoning over multiple videos. Project page:


replace Harnessing the Power of MLLMs for Transferable Text-to-Image Person ReID

Authors: Wentao Tan

Abstract: Text-to-image person re-identification (ReID) retrieves pedestrian images according to textual descriptions. Manually annotating textual descriptions is time-consuming, restricting the scale of existing datasets and therefore the generalization ability of ReID models. As a result, we study the transferable text-to-image ReID problem, where we train a model on our proposed large-scale database and directly deploy it to various datasets for evaluation. We obtain substantial training data via Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs). Moreover, we identify and address two key challenges in utilizing the obtained textual descriptions. First, an MLLM tends to generate descriptions with similar structures, causing the model to overfit specific sentence patterns. Thus, we propose a novel method that uses MLLMs to caption images according to various templates. These templates are obtained using a multi-turn dialogue with a Large Language Model (LLM). Therefore, we can build a large-scale dataset with diverse textual descriptions. Second, an MLLM may produce incorrect descriptions. Hence, we introduce a novel method that automatically identifies words in a description that do not correspond with the image. This method is based on the similarity between one text and all patch token embeddings in the image. Then, we mask these words with a larger probability in the subsequent training epoch, alleviating the impact of noisy textual descriptions. The experimental results demonstrate that our methods significantly boost the direct transfer text-to-image ReID performance. Benefiting from the pre-trained model weights, we also achieve state-of-the-art performance in the traditional evaluation settings.

replace ProbRadarM3F: mmWave Radar based Human Skeletal Pose Estimation with Probability Map Guided Multi-Format Feature Fusion

Authors: Bing Zhu, Zixin He, Weiyi Xiong, Guanhua Ding, Jianan Liu, Tao Huang, Wei Chen, Wei Xiang

Abstract: Millimeter wave (mmWave) radar is a non-intrusive privacy and relatively convenient and inexpensive device, which has been demonstrated to be applicable in place of RGB cameras in human indoor pose estimation tasks. However, mmWave radar relies on the collection of reflected signals from the target, and the radar signals containing information is difficult to be fully applied. This has been a long-standing hindrance to the improvement of pose estimation accuracy. To address this major challenge, this paper introduces a probability map guided multi-format feature fusion model, ProbRadarM3F. This is a novel radar feature extraction framework using a traditional FFT method in parallel with a probability map based positional encoding method. ProbRadarM3F fuses the traditional heatmap features and the positional features, then effectively achieves the estimation of 14 keypoints of the human body. Experimental evaluation on the HuPR dataset proves the effectiveness of the model proposed in this paper, outperforming other methods experimented on this dataset with an AP of 69.9 %. The emphasis of our study is focusing on the position information that is not exploited before in radar singal. This provides direction to investigate other potential non-redundant information from mmWave rader.

replace All-In-One Medical Image Restoration via Task-Adaptive Routing

Authors: Zhiwen Yang, Haowei Chen, Ziniu Qian, Yang Yi, Hui Zhang, Dan Zhao, Bingzheng Wei, Yan Xu

Abstract: Although single-task medical image restoration (MedIR) has witnessed remarkable success, the limited generalizability of these methods poses a substantial obstacle to wider application. In this paper, we focus on the task of all-in-one medical image restoration, aiming to address multiple distinct MedIR tasks with a single universal model. Nonetheless, due to significant differences between different MedIR tasks, training a universal model often encounters task interference issues, where different tasks with shared parameters may conflict with each other in the gradient update direction. This task interference leads to deviation of the model update direction from the optimal path, thereby affecting the model's performance. To tackle this issue, we propose a task-adaptive routing strategy, allowing conflicting tasks to select different network paths in spatial and channel dimensions, thereby mitigating task interference. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed \textbf{A}ll-in-one \textbf{M}edical \textbf{I}mage \textbf{R}estoration (\textbf{AMIR}) network achieves state-of-the-art performance in three MedIR tasks: MRI super-resolution, CT denoising, and PET synthesis, both in single-task and all-in-one settings. The code and data will be available at \href{}{}.


replace Learning to utilize image second-order derivative information for crisp edge detection

Authors: Changsong Liu, Wei Zhang, Yanyan Liu, Yimeng Fan, Mingyang Li, Wenlin Li

Abstract: Edge detection is a fundamental task in computer vision. It has made great progress under the development of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs), some of which have achieved a beyond human-level performance. However, recent top-performing edge detection methods tend to generate thick and noisy edge lines. In this work, we solve this problem from two aspects: (1) the lack of prior knowledge regarding image edges, and (2) the issue of imbalanced pixel distribution. We propose a second-order derivative-based multi-scale contextual enhancement module (SDMCM) to help the model locate true edge pixels accurately by introducing the edge prior knowledge. We also construct a hybrid focal loss function (HFL) to alleviate the imbalanced distribution issue. In addition, we employ the conditionally parameterized convolution (CondConv) to develop a novel boundary refinement module (BRM), which can further refine the final output edge maps. In the end, we propose a U-shape network named LUS-Net which is based on the SDMCM and BRM for crisp edge detection. We perform extensive experiments on three standard benchmarks, and the experiment results illustrate that our method can predict crisp and clean edge maps and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the BSDS500 dataset (ODS=0.829), NYUD-V2 dataset (ODS=0.768), and BIPED dataset (ODS=0.903).

replace MolX: Enhancing Large Language Models for Molecular Learning with A Multi-Modal Extension

Authors: Khiem Le, Zhichun Guo, Kaiwen Dong, Xiaobao Huang, Bozhao Nan, Roshni Iyer, Xiangliang Zhang, Olaf Wiest, Wei Wang, Nitesh V. Chawla

Abstract: Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) with their strong task-handling capabilities have shown remarkable advancements across a spectrum of fields, moving beyond natural language understanding. However, their proficiency within the chemistry domain remains restricted, especially in solving professional molecule-related tasks. This challenge is attributed to their inherent limitations in comprehending molecules using only common textual representations, i.e., SMILES strings. In this study, we seek to enhance the ability of LLMs to comprehend molecules by designing and equipping them with a multi-modal external module, namely MolX. In particular, instead of directly using a SMILES string to represent a molecule, we utilize specific encoders to extract fine-grained features from both SMILES string and 2D molecular graph representations for feeding into an LLM. Moreover, a human-defined molecular fingerprint is incorporated to leverage its embedded domain knowledge. Then, to establish an alignment between MolX and the LLM's textual input space, the whole model in which the LLM is frozen, is pre-trained with a versatile strategy including a diverse set of tasks. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that our proposed method only introduces a small number of trainable parameters while outperforming baselines on various downstream molecule-related tasks ranging from molecule-to-text translation to retrosynthesis, with and without fine-tuning the LLM.

replace Mining Open Semantics from CLIP: A Relation Transition Perspective for Few-Shot Learning

Authors: Cilin Yan, Haochen Wang, Xiaolong Jiang, Yao Hu, Xu Tang, Guoliang Kang, Efstratios Gavves

Abstract: Contrastive Vision-Language Pre-training(CLIP) demonstrates impressive zero-shot capability. The key to improve the adaptation of CLIP to downstream task with few exemplars lies in how to effectively model and transfer the useful knowledge embedded in CLIP. Previous work mines the knowledge typically based on the limited visual samples and close-set semantics (i.e., within target category set of downstream task). However, the aligned CLIP image/text encoders contain abundant relationships between visual features and almost infinite open semantics, which may benefit the few-shot learning but remains unexplored. In this paper, we propose to mine open semantics as anchors to perform a relation transition from image-anchor relationship to image-target relationship to make predictions. Specifically, we adopt a transformer module which takes the visual feature as "Query", the text features of the anchors as "Key" and the similarity matrix between the text features of anchor and target classes as "Value". In this way, the output of such a transformer module represents the relationship between the image and target categories, i.e., the classification predictions. To avoid manually selecting the open semantics, we make the [CLASS] token of input text embedding learnable. We conduct extensive experiments on eleven representative classification datasets. The results show that our method performs favorably against previous state-of-the-arts considering few-shot classification settings.

replace Solving the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography for Cardiac Digital Twins: A Survey

Authors: Lei Li, Julia Camps, Blanca Rodriguez, Vicente Grau

Abstract: Cardiac digital twins are personalized virtual representations used to understand complex heart mechanisms. Solving the ECG inverse problem is crucial for accurate virtual heart modelling, enabling the derivation of internal electrical activity information from recorded surface potentials. Despite challenges from cardiac complexity, noisy ECG data, and computational efficiency, recent advancements hold significant promise for enhancing virtual heart modelling, ultimately advancing precision medicine in cardiology. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the methods of solving ECG inverse problem, the validation strategies, the clinical applications, and future perspectives. For the computing methodologies, we broadly classify state-of-the-art approaches into two categories: deterministic and probabilistic methods, including conventional and deep learning-based techniques. Integrating physics laws with deep learning models holds promise, but challenges such as capturing dynamic electrophysiology accurately, accessing accurate domain knowledge, and quantifying prediction uncertainty persist. Integrating models into clinical workflows while ensuring interpretability and usability for healthcare professionals is essential. Overcoming these challenges will drive further research in cardiac digital twins.

replace Character-Adapter: Prompt-Guided Region Control for High-Fidelity Character Customization

Authors: Yuhang Ma, Wenting Xu, Jiji Tang, Qinfeng Jin, Rongsheng Zhang, Zeng Zhao, Changjie Fan, Zhipeng Hu

Abstract: Customized image generation, which seeks to synthesize images with consistent characters, holds significant relevance for applications such as storytelling, portrait generation, and character design. However, previous approaches have encountered challenges in preserving characters with high-fidelity consistency due to inadequate feature extraction and concept confusion of reference characters. Therefore, we propose Character-Adapter, a plug-and-play framework designed to generate images that preserve the details of reference characters, ensuring high-fidelity consistency. Character-Adapter employs prompt-guided segmentation to ensure fine-grained regional features of reference characters and dynamic region-level adapters to mitigate concept confusion. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of Character-Adapter. Both quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that Character-Adapter achieves the state-of-the-art performance of consistent character generation, with an improvement of 24.8% compared with other methods. Our code will be released at


replace DWARF: Disease-weighted network for attention map refinement

Authors: Haozhe Luo, Aur\'elie Pahud de Mortanges, Oana Inel, Abraham Bernstein, Mauricio Reyes

Abstract: The interpretability of deep learning is crucial for evaluating the reliability of medical imaging models and reducing the risks of inaccurate patient recommendations. This study addresses the "human out of the loop" and "trustworthiness" issues in medical image analysis by integrating medical professionals into the interpretability process. We propose a disease-weighted attention map refinement network (DWARF) that leverages expert feedback to enhance model relevance and accuracy. Our method employs cyclic training to iteratively improve diagnostic performance, generating precise and interpretable feature maps. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in interpretability and diagnostic accuracy across multiple medical imaging datasets. This approach fosters effective collaboration between AI systems and healthcare professionals, ultimately aiming to improve patient outcomes

replace EgoVideo: Exploring Egocentric Foundation Model and Downstream Adaptation

Authors: Baoqi Pei, Guo Chen, Jilan Xu, Yuping He, Yicheng Liu, Kanghua Pan, Yifei Huang, Yali Wang, Tong Lu, Limin Wang, Yu Qiao

Abstract: In this report, we present our solutions to the EgoVis Challenges in CVPR 2024, including five tracks in the Ego4D challenge and three tracks in the EPIC-Kitchens challenge. Building upon the video-language two-tower model and leveraging our meticulously organized egocentric video data, we introduce a novel foundation model called EgoVideo. This model is specifically designed to cater to the unique characteristics of egocentric videos and provides strong support for our competition submissions. In the Ego4D challenges, we tackle various tasks including Natural Language Queries, Step Grounding, Moment Queries, Short-term Object Interaction Anticipation, and Long-term Action Anticipation. In addition, we also participate in the EPIC-Kitchens challenge, where we engage in the Action Recognition, Multiple Instance Retrieval, and Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition tracks. By adapting EgoVideo to these diverse tasks, we showcase its versatility and effectiveness in different egocentric video analysis scenarios, demonstrating the powerful representation ability of EgoVideo as an egocentric foundation model. Our codebase and pretrained models are publicly available at


replace A Refer-and-Ground Multimodal Large Language Model for Biomedicine

Authors: Xiaoshuang Huang, Haifeng Huang, Lingdong Shen, Yehui Yang, Fangxin Shang, Junwei Liu, Jia Liu

Abstract: With the rapid development of multimodal large language models (MLLMs), especially their capabilities in visual chat through refer and ground functionalities, their significance is increasingly recognized. However, the biomedical field currently exhibits a substantial gap in this area, primarily due to the absence of a dedicated refer and ground dataset for biomedical images. To address this challenge, we devised the Med-GRIT-270k dataset. It comprises 270k question-and-answer pairs and spans eight distinct medical imaging modalities. Most importantly, it is the first dedicated to the biomedical domain and integrating refer and ground conversations. The key idea is to sample large-scale biomedical image-mask pairs from medical segmentation datasets and generate instruction datasets from text using chatGPT. Additionally, we introduce a Refer-and-Ground Multimodal Large Language Model for Biomedicine (BiRD) by using this dataset and multi-task instruction learning. Extensive experiments have corroborated the efficacy of the Med-GRIT-270k dataset and the multi-modal, fine-grained interactive capabilities of the BiRD model. This holds significant reference value for the exploration and development of intelligent biomedical assistants.

replace Assessment of Sentinel-2 spatial and temporal coverage based on the scene classification layer

Authors: Cristhian Sanchez, Francisco Mena, Marcela Charfuelan, Marlon Nuske, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Since the launch of the Sentinel-2 (S2) satellites, many ML models have used the data for diverse applications. The scene classification layer (SCL) inside the S2 product provides rich information for training, such as filtering images with high cloud coverage. However, there is more potential in this. We propose a technique to assess the clean optical coverage of a region, expressed by a SITS and calculated with the S2-based SCL data. With a manual threshold and specific labels in the SCL, the proposed technique assigns a percentage of spatial and temporal coverage across the time series and a high/low assessment. By evaluating the AI4EO challenge for Enhanced Agriculture, we show that the assessment is correlated to the predictive results of ML models. The classification results in a region with low spatial and temporal coverage is worse than in a region with high coverage. Finally, we applied the technique across all continents of the global dataset LandCoverNet.

replace CSI4Free: GAN-Augmented mmWave CSI for Improved Pose Classification

Authors: Nabeel Nisar Bhat, Rafael Berkvens, Jeroen Famaey

Abstract: In recent years, Joint Communication and Sensing (JC&S), has demonstrated significant success, particularly in utilizing sub-6 GHz frequencies with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Wi-Fi devices for applications such as localization, gesture recognition, and pose classification. Deep learning and the existence of large public datasets has been pivotal in achieving such results. However, at mmWave frequencies (30-300 GHz), which has shown potential for more accurate sensing performance, there is a noticeable lack of research in the domain of COTS Wi-Fi sensing. Challenges such as limited research hardware, the absence of large datasets, limited functionality in COTS hardware, and the complexities of data collection present obstacles to a comprehensive exploration of this field. In this work, we aim to address these challenges by developing a method that can generate synthetic mmWave channel state information (CSI) samples. In particular, we use a generative adversarial network (GAN) on an existing dataset, to generate 30,000 additional CSI samples. The augmented samples exhibit a remarkable degree of consistency with the original data, as indicated by the notably high GAN-train and GAN-test scores. Furthermore, we integrate the augmented samples in training a pose classification model. We observe that the augmented samples complement the real data and improve the generalization of the classification model.

replace Revisiting Backdoor Attacks against Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Siyuan Liang, Jiawei Liang, Tianyu Pang, Chao Du, Aishan Liu, Ee-Chien Chang, Xiaochun Cao

Abstract: Instruction tuning enhances large vision-language models (LVLMs) but raises security risks through potential backdoor attacks due to their openness. Previous backdoor studies focus on enclosed scenarios with consistent training and testing instructions, neglecting the practical domain gaps that could affect attack effectiveness. This paper empirically examines the generalizability of backdoor attacks during the instruction tuning of LVLMs for the first time, revealing certain limitations of most backdoor strategies in practical scenarios. We quantitatively evaluate the generalizability of six typical backdoor attacks on image caption benchmarks across multiple LVLMs, considering both visual and textual domain offsets. Our findings indicate that attack generalizability is positively correlated with the backdoor trigger's irrelevance to specific images/models and the preferential correlation of the trigger pattern. Additionally, we modify existing backdoor attacks based on the above key observations, demonstrating significant improvements in cross-domain scenario generalizability (+86% attack success rate). Notably, even without access to the instruction datasets, a multimodal instruction set can be successfully poisoned with a very low poisoning rate (0.2%), achieving an attack success rate of over 97%. This paper underscores that even simple traditional backdoor strategies pose a serious threat to LVLMs, necessitating more attention and in-depth research.

replace AlignIT: Enhancing Prompt Alignment in Customization of Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Aishwarya Agarwal, Srikrishna Karanam, Balaji Vasan Srinivasan

Abstract: We consider the problem of customizing text-to-image diffusion models with user-supplied reference images. Given new prompts, the existing methods can capture the key concept from the reference images but fail to align the generated image with the prompt. In this work, we seek to address this key issue by proposing new methods that can easily be used in conjunction with existing customization methods that optimize the embeddings/weights at various intermediate stages of the text encoding process. The first contribution of this paper is a dissection of the various stages of the text encoding process leading up to the conditioning vector for text-to-image models. We take a holistic view of existing customization methods and notice that key and value outputs from this process differs substantially from their corresponding baseline (non-customized) models (e.g., baseline stable diffusion). While this difference does not impact the concept being customized, it leads to other parts of the generated image not being aligned with the prompt. Further, we also observe that these keys and values allow independent control various aspects of the final generation, enabling semantic manipulation of the output. Taken together, the features spanning these keys and values, serve as the basis for our next contribution where we fix the aforementioned issues with existing methods. We propose a new post-processing algorithm, AlignIT, that infuses the keys and values for the concept of interest while ensuring the keys and values for all other tokens in the input prompt are unchanged. Our proposed method can be plugged in directly to existing customization methods, leading to a substantial performance improvement in the alignment of the final result with the input prompt while retaining the customization quality.

replace AnyControl: Create Your Artwork with Versatile Control on Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Yanan Sun, Yanchen Liu, Yinhao Tang, Wenjie Pei, Kai Chen

Abstract: The field of text-to-image (T2I) generation has made significant progress in recent years, largely driven by advancements in diffusion models. Linguistic control enables effective content creation, but struggles with fine-grained control over image generation. This challenge has been explored, to a great extent, by incorporating additional user-supplied spatial conditions, such as depth maps and edge maps, into pre-trained T2I models through extra encoding. However, multi-control image synthesis still faces several challenges. Specifically, current approaches are limited in handling free combinations of diverse input control signals, overlook the complex relationships among multiple spatial conditions, and often fail to maintain semantic alignment with provided textual prompts. This can lead to suboptimal user experiences. To address these challenges, we propose AnyControl, a multi-control image synthesis framework that supports arbitrary combinations of diverse control signals. AnyControl develops a novel Multi-Control Encoder that extracts a unified multi-modal embedding to guide the generation process. This approach enables a holistic understanding of user inputs, and produces high-quality, faithful results under versatile control signals, as demonstrated by extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Our project page is available in


replace FAGhead: Fully Animate Gaussian Head from Monocular Videos

Authors: Yixin Xuan, Xinyang Li, Gongxin Yao, Shiwei Zhou, Donghui Sun, Xiaoxin Chen, Yu Pan

Abstract: High-fidelity reconstruction of 3D human avatars has a wild application in visual reality. In this paper, we introduce FAGhead, a method that enables fully controllable human portraits from monocular videos. We explicit the traditional 3D morphable meshes (3DMM) and optimize the neutral 3D Gaussians to reconstruct with complex expressions. Furthermore, we employ a novel Point-based Learnable Representation Field (PLRF) with learnable Gaussian point positions to enhance reconstruction performance. Meanwhile, to effectively manage the edges of avatars, we introduced the alpha rendering to supervise the alpha value of each pixel. Extensive experimental results on the open-source datasets and our capturing datasets demonstrate that our approach is able to generate high-fidelity 3D head avatars and fully control the expression and pose of the virtual avatars, which is outperforming than existing works.

replace SimTxtSeg: Weakly-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation with Simple Text Cues

Authors: Yuxin Xie, Tao Zhou, Yi Zhou, Geng Chen

Abstract: Weakly-supervised medical image segmentation is a challenging task that aims to reduce the annotation cost while keep the segmentation performance. In this paper, we present a novel framework, SimTxtSeg, that leverages simple text cues to generate high-quality pseudo-labels and study the cross-modal fusion in training segmentation models, simultaneously. Our contribution consists of two key components: an effective Textual-to-Visual Cue Converter that produces visual prompts from text prompts on medical images, and a text-guided segmentation model with Text-Vision Hybrid Attention that fuses text and image features. We evaluate our framework on two medical image segmentation tasks: colonic polyp segmentation and MRI brain tumor segmentation, and achieve consistent state-of-the-art performance.

replace-cross Cross-domain Denoising for Low-dose Multi-frame Spiral Computed Tomography

Authors: Yucheng Lu, Zhixin Xu, Moon Hyung Choi, Jimin Kim, Seung-Won Jung

Abstract: Computed tomography (CT) has been used worldwide as a non-invasive test to assist in diagnosis. However, the ionizing nature of X-ray exposure raises concerns about potential health risks such as cancer. The desire for lower radiation doses has driven researchers to improve reconstruction quality. Although previous studies on low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) denoising have demonstrated the effectiveness of learning-based methods, most were developed on the simulated data. However, the real-world scenario differs significantly from the simulation domain, especially when using the multi-slice spiral scanner geometry. This paper proposes a two-stage method for the commercially available multi-slice spiral CT scanners that better exploits the complete reconstruction pipeline for LDCT denoising across different domains. Our approach makes good use of the high redundancy of multi-slice projections and the volumetric reconstructions while leveraging the over-smoothing problem in conventional cascaded frameworks caused by aggressive denoising. The dedicated design also provides a more explicit interpretation of the data flow. Extensive experiments on various datasets showed that the proposed method could remove up to 70\% of noise without compromised spatial resolution, and subjective evaluations by two experienced radiologists further supported its superior performance against state-of-the-art methods in clinical practice.

replace-cross Generative Autoencoding of Dropout Patterns

Authors: Shunta Maeda

Abstract: We propose a generative model termed Deciphering Autoencoders. In this model, we assign a unique random dropout pattern to each data point in the training dataset and then train an autoencoder to reconstruct the corresponding data point using this pattern as information to be encoded. Even if a completely random dropout pattern is assigned to each data point regardless of their similarities, a sufficiently large encoder can smoothly map them to a low-dimensional latent space to reconstruct individual training data points. During inference, using a dropout pattern different from those used during training allows the model to function as a generator. Since the training of Deciphering Autoencoders relies solely on reconstruction error, it offers more stable training compared to other generative models. Despite their simplicity, Deciphering Autoencoders show sampling quality comparable to DCGAN on the CIFAR-10 dataset.

replace-cross Tracking Object Positions in Reinforcement Learning: A Metric for Keypoint Detection (extended version)

Authors: Emma Cramer, Jonas Reiher, Sebastian Trimpe

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) for robot control typically requires a detailed representation of the environment state, including information about task-relevant objects not directly measurable. Keypoint detectors, such as spatial autoencoders (SAEs), are a common approach to extracting a low-dimensional representation from high-dimensional image data. SAEs aim at spatial features such as object positions, which are often useful representations in robotic RL. However, whether an SAE is actually able to track objects in the scene and thus yields a spatial state representation well suited for RL tasks has rarely been examined due to a lack of established metrics. In this paper, we propose to assess the performance of an SAE instance by measuring how well keypoints track ground truth objects in images. We present a computationally lightweight metric and use it to evaluate common baseline SAE architectures on image data from a simulated robot task. We find that common SAEs differ substantially in their spatial extraction capability. Furthermore, we validate that SAEs that perform well in our metric achieve superior performance when used in downstream RL. Thus, our metric is an effective and lightweight indicator of RL performance before executing expensive RL training. Building on these insights, we identify three key modifications of SAE architectures to improve tracking performance. We make our code available at

replace-cross Deformable MRI Sequence Registration for AI-based Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Authors: Alessa Hering, Sarah de Boer, Anindo Saha, Jasper J. Twilt, Mattias P. Heinrich, Derya Yakar, Maarten de Rooij, Henkjan Huisman, Joeran S. Bosma

Abstract: The PI-CAI (Prostate Imaging: Cancer AI) challenge led to expert-level diagnostic algorithms for clinically significant prostate cancer detection. The algorithms receive biparametric MRI scans as input, which consist of T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted scans. These scans can be misaligned due to multiple factors in the scanning process. Image registration can alleviate this issue by predicting the deformation between the sequences. We investigate the effect of image registration on the diagnostic performance of AI-based prostate cancer diagnosis. First, the image registration algorithm, developed in MeVisLab, is analyzed using a dataset with paired lesion annotations. Second, the effect on diagnosis is evaluated by comparing case-level cancer diagnosis performance between using the original dataset, rigidly aligned diffusion-weighted scans, or deformably aligned diffusion-weighted scans. Rigid registration showed no improvement. Deformable registration demonstrated a substantial improvement in lesion overlap (+10% median Dice score) and a positive yet non-significant improvement in diagnostic performance (+0.3% AUROC, p=0.18). Our investigation shows that a substantial improvement in lesion alignment does not directly lead to a significant improvement in diagnostic performance. Qualitative analysis indicated that jointly developing image registration methods and diagnostic AI algorithms could enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes.

replace-cross Automatic Data Curation for Self-Supervised Learning: A Clustering-Based Approach

Authors: Huy V. Vo, Vasil Khalidov, Timoth\'ee Darcet, Th\'eo Moutakanni, Nikita Smetanin, Marc Szafraniec, Hugo Touvron, Camille Couprie, Maxime Oquab, Armand Joulin, Herv\'e J\'egou, Patrick Labatut, Piotr Bojanowski

Abstract: Self-supervised features are the cornerstone of modern machine learning systems. They are typically pre-trained on data collections whose construction and curation typically require extensive human effort. This manual process has some limitations similar to those encountered in supervised learning, e.g., the crowd-sourced selection of data is costly and time-consuming, preventing scaling the dataset size. In this work, we consider the problem of automatic curation of high-quality datasets for self-supervised pre-training. We posit that such datasets should be large, diverse and balanced, and propose a clustering-based approach for building ones satisfying all these criteria. Our method involves successive and hierarchical applications of $k$-means on a large and diverse data repository to obtain clusters that distribute uniformly among data concepts, followed by a hierarchical, balanced sampling step from these clusters. Extensive experiments on three different data domains including web-based images, satellite images and text show that features trained on our automatically curated datasets outperform those trained on uncurated data while being on par or better than ones trained on manually curated data. Code is available at


replace-cross Epicardium Prompt-guided Real-time Cardiac Ultrasound Frame-to-volume Registration

Authors: Long Lei, Jun Zhou, Jialun Pei, Baoliang Zhao, Yueming Jin, Yuen-Chun Jeremy Teoh, Jing Qin, Pheng-Ann Heng

Abstract: A comprehensive guidance view for cardiac interventional surgery can be provided by the real-time fusion of the intraoperative 2D images and preoperative 3D volume based on the ultrasound frame-to-volume registration. However, cardiac ultrasound images are characterized by a low signal-to-noise ratio and small differences between adjacent frames, coupled with significant dimension variations between 2D frames and 3D volumes to be registered, resulting in real-time and accurate cardiac ultrasound frame-to-volume registration being a very challenging task. This paper introduces a lightweight end-to-end Cardiac Ultrasound frame-to-volume Registration network, termed CU-Reg. Specifically, the proposed model leverages epicardium prompt-guided anatomical clues to reinforce the interaction of 2D sparse and 3D dense features, followed by a voxel-wise local-global aggregation of enhanced features, thereby boosting the cross-dimensional matching effectiveness of low-quality ultrasound modalities. We further embed an inter-frame discriminative regularization term within the hybrid supervised learning to increase the distinction between adjacent slices in the same ultrasound volume to ensure registration stability. Experimental results on the reprocessed CAMUS dataset demonstrate that our CU-Reg surpasses existing methods in terms of registration accuracy and efficiency, meeting the guidance requirements of clinical cardiac interventional surgery.

replace-cross LatentExplainer: Explaining Latent Representations in Deep Generative Models with Multi-modal Foundation Models

Authors: Mengdan Zhu, Raasikh Kanjiani, Jiahui Lu, Andrew Choi, Qirui Ye, Liang Zhao

Abstract: Deep generative models like VAEs and diffusion models have advanced various generation tasks by leveraging latent variables to learn data distributions and generate high-quality samples. Despite the field of explainable AI making strides in interpreting machine learning models, understanding latent variables in generative models remains challenging. This paper introduces LatentExplainer, a framework for automatically generating semantically meaningful explanations of latent variables in deep generative models. LatentExplainer tackles three main challenges: inferring the meaning of latent variables, aligning explanations with inductive biases, and handling varying degrees of explainability. By perturbing latent variables and interpreting changes in generated data, the framework provides a systematic approach to understanding and controlling the data generation process, enhancing the transparency and interpretability of deep generative models. We evaluate our proposed method on several real-world and synthetic datasets, and the results demonstrate superior performance in generating high-quality explanations of latent variables.

replace-cross Semi-supervised variational autoencoder for cell feature extraction in multiplexed immunofluorescence images

Authors: Piumi Sandarenu, Julia Chen, Iveta Slapetova, Lois Browne, Peter H. Graham, Alexander Swarbrick, Ewan K. A. Millar, Yang Song, Erik Meijering

Abstract: Advancements in digital imaging technologies have sparked increased interest in using multiplexed immunofluorescence (mIF) images to visualise and identify the interactions between specific immunophenotypes with the tumour microenvironment at the cellular level. Current state-of-the-art multiplexed immunofluorescence image analysis pipelines depend on cell feature representations characterised by morphological and stain intensity-based metrics generated using simple statistical and machine learning-based tools. However, these methods are not capable of generating complex representations of cells. We propose a deep learning-based cell feature extraction model using a variational autoencoder with supervision using a latent subspace to extract cell features in mIF images. We perform cell phenotype classification using a cohort of more than 44,000 multiplexed immunofluorescence cell image patches extracted across 1,093 tissue microarray cores of breast cancer patients, to demonstrate the success of our model against current and alternative methods.

replace-cross Leveraging Knowledge Distillation for Lightweight Skin Cancer Classification: Balancing Accuracy and Computational Efficiency

Authors: Niful Islam, Khan Md Hasib, Fahmida Akter Joti, Asif Karim, Sami Azam

Abstract: Skin cancer is a major concern to public health, accounting for one-third of the reported cancers. If not detected early, the cancer has the potential for severe consequences. Recognizing the critical need for effective skin cancer classification, we address the limitations of existing models, which are often too large to deploy in areas with limited computational resources. In response, we present a knowledge distillation based approach for creating a lightweight yet high-performing classifier. The proposed solution involves fusing three models, namely ResNet152V2, ConvNeXtBase, and ViT Base, to create an effective teacher model. The teacher model is then employed to guide a lightweight student model of size 2.03 MB. This student model is further compressed to 469.77 KB using 16-bit quantization, enabling smooth incorporation into edge devices. With six-stage image preprocessing, data augmentation, and a rigorous ablation study, the model achieves an impressive accuracy of 98.75% on the HAM10000 dataset and 98.94% on the Kaggle dataset in classifying benign and malignant skin cancers. With its high accuracy and compact size, our model appears to be a potential choice for accurate skin cancer classification, particularly in resource-constrained settings.

replace-cross Manipulate-Anything: Automating Real-World Robots using Vision-Language Models

Authors: Jiafei Duan, Wentao Yuan, Wilbert Pumacay, Yi Ru Wang, Kiana Ehsani, Dieter Fox, Ranjay Krishna

Abstract: Large-scale endeavors like RT-1 and widespread community efforts such as Open-X-Embodiment have contributed to growing the scale of robot demonstration data. However, there is still an opportunity to improve the quality, quantity, and diversity of robot demonstration data. Although vision-language models have been shown to automatically generate demonstration data, their utility has been limited to environments with privileged state information, they require hand-designed skills, and are limited to interactions with few object instances. We propose Manipulate-Anything, a scalable automated generation method for real-world robotic manipulation. Unlike prior work, our method can operate in real-world environments without any privileged state information, hand-designed skills, and can manipulate any static object. We evaluate our method using two setups. First, Manipulate-Anything successfully generates trajectories for all 5 real-world and 12 simulation tasks, significantly outperforming existing methods like VoxPoser. Second, Manipulate-Anything's demonstrations can train more robust behavior cloning policies than training with human demonstrations, or from data generated by VoxPoser and Code-As-Policies. We believe Manipulate-Anything can be the scalable method for both generating data for robotics and solving novel tasks in a zero-shot setting.

replace-cross FlowVQA: Mapping Multimodal Logic in Visual Question Answering with Flowcharts

Authors: Shubhankar Singh, Purvi Chaurasia, Yerram Varun, Pranshu Pandya, Vatsal Gupta, Vivek Gupta, Dan Roth

Abstract: Existing benchmarks for visual question answering lack in visual grounding and complexity, particularly in evaluating spatial reasoning skills. We introduce FlowVQA, a novel benchmark aimed at assessing the capabilities of visual question-answering multimodal language models in reasoning with flowcharts as visual contexts. FlowVQA comprises 2,272 carefully generated and human-verified flowchart images from three distinct content sources, along with 22,413 diverse question-answer pairs, to test a spectrum of reasoning tasks, including information localization, decision-making, and logical progression. We conduct a thorough baseline evaluation on a suite of both open-source and proprietary multimodal language models using various strategies, followed by an analysis of directional bias. The results underscore the benchmark's potential as a vital tool for advancing the field of multimodal modeling, providing a focused and challenging environment for enhancing model performance in visual and logical reasoning tasks.

replace-cross LiverUSRecon: Automatic 3D Reconstruction and Volumetry of the Liver with a Few Partial Ultrasound Scans

Authors: Kaushalya Sivayogaraj, Sahan T. Guruge, Udari Liyanage, Jeevani Udupihille, Saroj Jayasinghe, Gerard Fernando, Ranga Rodrigo, M. Rukshani Liyanaarachchi

Abstract: 3D reconstruction of the liver for volumetry is important for qualitative analysis and disease diagnosis. Liver volumetry using ultrasound (US) scans, although advantageous due to less acquisition time and safety, is challenging due to the inherent noisiness in US scans, blurry boundaries, and partial liver visibility. We address these challenges by using the segmentation masks of a few incomplete sagittal-plane US scans of the liver in conjunction with a statistical shape model (SSM) built using a set of CT scans of the liver. We compute the shape parameters needed to warp this canonical SSM to fit the US scans through a parametric regression network. The resulting 3D liver reconstruction is accurate and leads to automatic liver volume calculation. We evaluate the accuracy of the estimated liver volumes with respect to CT segmentation volumes using RMSE. Our volume computation is statistically much closer to the volume estimated using CT scans than the volume computed using Childs' method by radiologists: p-value of 0.094 (>0.05) says that there is no significant difference between CT segmentation volumes and ours in contrast to Childs' method. We validate our method using investigations (ablation studies) on the US image resolution, the number of CT scans used for SSM, the number of principal components, and the number of input US scans. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first automatic liver volumetry system using a few incomplete US scans given a set of CT scans of livers for SSM.