new Minds, Brains, AI

Authors: Jay Seitz

Abstract: In the last year or so and going back many decades there has been extensive claims by major computational scientists, engineers, and others that AGI, artificial general intelligence, is five or ten years away, but without a scintilla of scientific evidence, for a broad body of these claims. Computers will become conscious, have a theory of mind, think and reason, will become more intelligent than humans, and so on. But the claims are science fiction, not science. This article reviews evidence for the following three propositions using extensive body of scientific research and related sources from the cognitive and neurosciences, evolutionary evidence, linguistics, data science, comparative psychology, self-driving cars, robotics. and the learning sciences. (1) Do computing machines think or reason? (2) Are computing machines sentient or conscious? (3) Do computing machines have a theory of mind?

new Domain Generalizable Knowledge Tracing via Concept Aggregation and Relation-Based Attention

Authors: Yuquan Xie, Wanqi Yang, Jinyu Wei, Ming Yang, Yang Gao

Abstract: Knowledge Tracing (KT) is a critical task in online education systems, aiming to monitor students' knowledge states throughout a learning period. Common KT approaches involve predicting the probability of a student correctly answering the next question based on their exercise history. However, these methods often suffer from performance degradation when faced with the scarcity of student interactions in new education systems. To address this, we leverage student interactions from existing education systems to mitigate performance degradation caused by limited training data. Nevertheless, these interactions exhibit significant differences since they are derived from different education systems. To address this issue, we propose a domain generalization approach for knowledge tracing, where existing education systems are considered source domains, and new education systems with limited data are considered target domains. Additionally, we design a domain-generalizable knowledge tracing framework (DGKT) that can be applied to any KT model. Specifically, we present a concept aggregation approach designed to reduce conceptual disparities within sequences of student interactions from diverse domains. To further mitigate domain discrepancies, we introduce a novel normalization module called Sequence Instance Normalization (SeqIN). Moreover, to fully leverage exercise information, we propose a new knowledge tracing model tailored for the domain generalization KT task, named Domain-Generalizable Relation-based Knowledge Tracing (DGRKT). Extensive experiments across five benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method performs well despite limited training data.

new D-Rax: Domain-specific Radiologic assistant leveraging multi-modal data and eXpert model predictions

Authors: Hareem Nisar, Syed Muhammad Anwar, Zhifan Jiang, Abhijeet Parida, Vishwesh Nath, Holger R. Roth, Marius George Linguraru

Abstract: Large vision language models (VLMs) have progressed incredibly from research to applicability for general-purpose use cases. LLaVA-Med, a pioneering large language and vision assistant for biomedicine, can perform multi-modal biomedical image and data analysis to provide a natural language interface for radiologists. While it is highly generalizable and works with multi-modal data, it is currently limited by well-known challenges that exist in the large language model space. Hallucinations and imprecision in responses can lead to misdiagnosis which currently hinder the clinical adaptability of VLMs. To create precise, user-friendly models in healthcare, we propose D-Rax -- a domain-specific, conversational, radiologic assistance tool that can be used to gain insights about a particular radiologic image. In this study, we enhance the conversational analysis of chest X-ray (CXR) images to support radiological reporting, offering comprehensive insights from medical imaging and aiding in the formulation of accurate diagnosis. D-Rax is achieved by fine-tuning the LLaVA-Med architecture on our curated enhanced instruction-following data, comprising of images, instructions, as well as disease diagnosis and demographic predictions derived from MIMIC-CXR imaging data, CXR-related visual question answer (VQA) pairs, and predictive outcomes from multiple expert AI models. We observe statistically significant improvement in responses when evaluated for both open and close-ended conversations. Leveraging the power of state-of-the-art diagnostic models combined with VLMs, D-Rax empowers clinicians to interact with medical images using natural language, which could potentially streamline their decision-making process, enhance diagnostic accuracy, and conserve their time.

new Wildfire Autonomous Response and Prediction Using Cellular Automata (WARP-CA)

Authors: Abdelrahman Ramadan

Abstract: Wildfires pose a severe challenge to ecosystems and human settlements, exacerbated by climate change and environmental factors. Traditional wildfire modeling, while useful, often fails to adapt to the rapid dynamics of such events. This report introduces the (Wildfire Autonomous Response and Prediction Using Cellular Automata) WARP-CA model, a novel approach that integrates terrain generation using Perlin noise with the dynamism of Cellular Automata (CA) to simulate wildfire spread. We explore the potential of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) to manage wildfires by simulating autonomous agents, such as UAVs and UGVs, within a collaborative framework. Our methodology combines world simulation techniques and investigates emergent behaviors in MARL, focusing on efficient wildfire suppression and considering critical environmental factors like wind patterns and terrain features.

new A Practical Review of Mechanistic Interpretability for Transformer-Based Language Models

Authors: Daking Rai, Yilun Zhou, Shi Feng, Abulhair Saparov, Ziyu Yao

Abstract: Mechanistic interpretability (MI) is an emerging sub-field of interpretability that seeks to understand a neural network model by reverse-engineering its internal computations. Recently, MI has garnered significant attention for interpreting transformer-based language models (LMs), resulting in many novel insights yet introducing new challenges. However, there has not been work that comprehensively reviews these insights and challenges, particularly as a guide for newcomers to this field. To fill this gap, we present a comprehensive survey outlining fundamental objects of study in MI, techniques that have been used for its investigation, approaches for evaluating MI results, and significant findings and applications stemming from the use of MI to understand LMs. In particular, we present a roadmap for beginners to navigate the field and leverage MI for their benefit. Finally, we also identify current gaps in the field and discuss potential future directions.

new Reasoning in Large Language Models: A Geometric Perspective

Authors: Romain Cosentino, Sarath Shekkizhar

Abstract: The advancement of large language models (LLMs) for real-world applications hinges critically on enhancing their reasoning capabilities. In this work, we explore the reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs) through their geometrical understanding. We establish a connection between the expressive power of LLMs and the density of their self-attention graphs. Our analysis demonstrates that the density of these graphs defines the intrinsic dimension of the inputs to the MLP blocks. We demonstrate through theoretical analysis and toy examples that a higher intrinsic dimension implies a greater expressive capacity of the LLM. We further provide empirical evidence linking this geometric framework to recent advancements in methods aimed at enhancing the reasoning capabilities of LLMs.

new Artificial intelligence and machine learning generated conjectures with TxGraffiti

Authors: Randy Davila

Abstract: \emph{TxGraffiti} is a machine learning and heuristic based artificial intelligence designed to automate the task of conjecturing in mathematics. Since its inception, TxGraffiti has generated many surprising conjectures leading to publication in respectable mathematical journals. In this paper we outline the machine learning and heuristic techniques implemented by TxGraffiti. We also recall its contributions to the mathematical literature and announce a new online version of the program available for anyone curious to explore conjectures in graph theory.

new Croppable Knowledge Graph Embedding

Authors: Yushan Zhu, Wen Zhang, Zhiqiang Liu, Mingyang Chen, Lei Liang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) is a common method for Knowledge Graphs (KGs) to serve various artificial intelligence tasks. The suitable dimensions of the embeddings depend on the storage and computing conditions of the specific application scenarios. Once a new dimension is required, a new KGE model needs to be trained from scratch, which greatly increases the training cost and limits the efficiency and flexibility of KGE in serving various scenarios. In this work, we propose a novel KGE training framework MED, through which we could train once to get a croppable KGE model applicable to multiple scenarios with different dimensional requirements, sub-models of the required dimensions can be cropped out of it and used directly without any additional training. In MED, we propose a mutual learning mechanism to improve the low-dimensional sub-models performance and make the high-dimensional sub-models retain the capacity that low-dimensional sub-models have, an evolutionary improvement mechanism to promote the high-dimensional sub-models to master the knowledge that the low-dimensional sub-models can not learn, and a dynamic loss weight to balance the multiple losses adaptively. Experiments on 3 KGE models over 4 standard KG completion datasets, 3 real application scenarios over a real-world large-scale KG, and the experiments of extending MED to the language model BERT show the effectiveness, high efficiency, and flexible extensibility of MED.

new Images Speak Louder than Words: Understanding and Mitigating Bias in Vision-Language Model from a Causal Mediation Perspective

Authors: Zhaotian Weng, Zijun Gao, Jerone Andrews, Jieyu Zhao

Abstract: Vision-language models (VLMs) pre-trained on extensive datasets can inadvertently learn biases by correlating gender information with specific objects or scenarios. Current methods, which focus on modifying inputs and monitoring changes in the model's output probability scores, often struggle to comprehensively understand bias from the perspective of model components. We propose a framework that incorporates causal mediation analysis to measure and map the pathways of bias generation and propagation within VLMs. This approach allows us to identify the direct effects of interventions on model bias and the indirect effects of interventions on bias mediated through different model components. Our results show that image features are the primary contributors to bias, with significantly higher impacts than text features, specifically accounting for 32.57% and 12.63% of the bias in the MSCOCO and PASCAL-SENTENCE datasets, respectively. Notably, the image encoder's contribution surpasses that of the text encoder and the deep fusion encoder. Further experimentation confirms that contributions from both language and vision modalities are aligned and non-conflicting. Consequently, focusing on blurring gender representations within the image encoder, which contributes most to the model bias, reduces bias efficiently by 22.03% and 9.04% in the MSCOCO and PASCAL-SENTENCE datasets, respectively, with minimal performance loss or increased computational demands.

new Fast maneuver recovery from aerial observation: trajectory clustering and outliers rejection

Authors: Nelson de Moura (ASTRA), Augustin Gervreau-Mercier (ASTRA), Fernando Garrido (ASTRA), Fawzi Nashashibi (ASTRA)

Abstract: The implementation of road user models that realistically reproduce a credible behavior in a multi-agentsimulation is still an open problem. A data-driven approach consists on to deduce behaviors that may exist in real situation to obtain different types of trajectories from a large set of observations. The data, and its classification, could then be used to train models capable to extrapolate such behavior. Cars and two different types of Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) will be considered by the trajectory clustering methods proposed: pedestrians and cyclists. The results reported here evaluate methods to extract well-defined trajectory classes from raw data without the use of map information while also separating ''eccentric'' or incomplete trajectories from the ones that are complete and representative in any scenario. Two environments will serve as test for the methods develop, three different intersections and one roundabout. The resulting clusters of trajectories can then be used for prediction or learning tasks or discarded if it is composed by outliers.

new GraCoRe: Benchmarking Graph Comprehension and Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Zike Yuan, Ming Liu, Hui Wang, Bing Qin

Abstract: Evaluating the graph comprehension and reasoning abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) is challenging and often incomplete. Existing benchmarks focus primarily on pure graph understanding, lacking a comprehensive evaluation across all graph types and detailed capability definitions. This paper presents GraCoRe, a benchmark for systematically assessing LLMs' graph comprehension and reasoning. GraCoRe uses a three-tier hierarchical taxonomy to categorize and test models on pure graph and heterogeneous graphs, subdividing capabilities into 10 distinct areas tested through 19 tasks. Our benchmark includes 11 datasets with 5,140 graphs of varying complexity. We evaluated three closed-source and seven open-source LLMs, conducting thorough analyses from both ability and task perspectives. Key findings reveal that semantic enrichment enhances reasoning performance, node ordering impacts task success, and the ability to process longer texts does not necessarily improve graph comprehension or reasoning. GraCoRe is open-sourced at


new Enhancements for Real-Time Monte-Carlo Tree Search in General Video Game Playing

Authors: Dennis J. N. J. Soemers, Chiara F. Sironi, Torsten Schuster, Mark H. M. Winands

Abstract: General Video Game Playing (GVGP) is a field of Artificial Intelligence where agents play a variety of real-time video games that are unknown in advance. This limits the use of domain-specific heuristics. Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a search technique for game playing that does not rely on domain-specific knowledge. This paper discusses eight enhancements for MCTS in GVGP; Progressive History, N-Gram Selection Technique, Tree Reuse, Breadth-First Tree Initialization, Loss Avoidance, Novelty-Based Pruning, Knowledge-Based Evaluations, and Deterministic Game Detection. Some of these are known from existing literature, and are either extended or introduced in the context of GVGP, and some are novel enhancements for MCTS. Most enhancements are shown to provide statistically significant increases in win percentages when applied individually. When combined, they increase the average win percentage over sixty different games from 31.0% to 48.4% in comparison to a vanilla MCTS implementation, approaching a level that is competitive with the best agents of the GVG-AI competition in 2015.

new VCHAR:Variance-Driven Complex Human Activity Recognition framework with Generative Representation

Authors: Yuan Sun, Navid Salami Pargoo, Taqiya Ehsan, Zhao Zhang Jorge Ortiz

Abstract: Complex human activity recognition (CHAR) remains a pivotal challenge within ubiquitous computing, especially in the context of smart environments. Existing studies typically require meticulous labeling of both atomic and complex activities, a task that is labor-intensive and prone to errors due to the scarcity and inaccuracies of available datasets. Most prior research has focused on datasets that either precisely label atomic activities or, at minimum, their sequence approaches that are often impractical in real world settings.In response, we introduce VCHAR (Variance-Driven Complex Human Activity Recognition), a novel framework that treats the outputs of atomic activities as a distribution over specified intervals. Leveraging generative methodologies, VCHAR elucidates the reasoning behind complex activity classifications through video-based explanations, accessible to users without prior machine learning expertise. Our evaluation across three publicly available datasets demonstrates that VCHAR enhances the accuracy of complex activity recognition without necessitating precise temporal or sequential labeling of atomic activities. Furthermore, user studies confirm that VCHAR's explanations are more intelligible compared to existing methods, facilitating a broader understanding of complex activity recognition among non-experts.

cross Human-Agent Joint Learning for Efficient Robot Manipulation Skill Acquisition

Authors: Shengcheng Luo, Quanquan Peng, Jun Lv, Kaiwen Hong, Katherine Rose Driggs-Campbell, Cewu Lu, Yong-Lu Li

Abstract: Employing a teleoperation system for gathering demonstrations offers the potential for more efficient learning of robot manipulation. However, teleoperating a robot arm equipped with a dexterous hand or gripper, via a teleoperation system poses significant challenges due to its high dimensionality, complex motions, and differences in physiological structure. In this study, we introduce a novel system for joint learning between human operators and robots, that enables human operators to share control of a robot end-effector with a learned assistive agent, facilitating simultaneous human demonstration collection and robot manipulation teaching. In this setup, as data accumulates, the assistive agent gradually learns. Consequently, less human effort and attention are required, enhancing the efficiency of the data collection process. It also allows the human operator to adjust the control ratio to achieve a trade-off between manual and automated control. We conducted experiments in both simulated environments and physical real-world settings. Through user studies and quantitative evaluations, it is evident that the proposed system could enhance data collection efficiency and reduce the need for human adaptation while ensuring the collected data is of sufficient quality for downstream tasks. Videos are available at


cross Amortizing Pragmatic Program Synthesis with Rankings

Authors: Yewen Pu, Saujas Vaduguru, Priyan Vaithilingam, Elena Glassman, Daniel Fried

Abstract: The usage of Rational Speech Acts (RSA) framework has been successful in building \emph{pragmatic} program synthesizers that return programs which, in addition to being logically consistent with user-generated examples, account for the fact that a user chooses their examples informatively. We present a general method of amortizing the slow, exact RSA synthesizer. Our method first query the exact RSA synthesizer to compile a communication dataset. The dataset contains a number of example-dependent rankings of subsets of programs. It then distills a \textit{single} global ranking of all programs as an approximation to every ranking in the dataset. This global ranking is then used at inference time to rank multiple logically consistent candidate programs generated from a fast, non-pragmatic synthesizer. Experiments on two program synthesis domains using our ranking method resulted in orders of magnitudes of speed ups compared to the exact RSA synthesizer, while being more accurate than a non-pragmatic synthesizer when communicating with humans. Finally, we prove that in the special case of synthesis from a single example, this approximation is exact.

cross Coupling Machine Learning with Ontology for Robotics Applications

Authors: Osama F. Zaki

Abstract: In this paper I present a practical approach for coupling machine learning (ML) algorithms with knowledge bases (KB) ontology formalism. The lack of availability of prior knowledge in dynamic scenarios is without doubt a major barrier for scalable machine intelligence. My view of the interaction between the two tiers intelligence is based on the idea that when knowledge is not readily available at the knowledge base tier, more knowledge can be extracted from the other tier, which has access to trained models from machine learning algorithms. To analyse this hypothesis, I create two experiments based on different datasets, which are related directly to risk-awareness of autonomous systems, analysed by different machine learning algorithms (namely; multi-layer feedforward backpropagation, Naive Bayes, and J48 decision tree). My analysis shows that the two-tiers intelligence approach for coupling ML and KB is computationally valid and the time complexity of the algorithms during the robot mission is linear with the size of the data and knowledge.

cross Optimizing Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Robotic Arm Control

Authors: Jonaid Shianifar, Michael Schukat, Karl Mason

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the optimization of hyperparameters for the Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithms using the Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE) in the context of robotic arm control with seven Degrees of Freedom (DOF). Our results demonstrate a significant enhancement in algorithm performance, TPE improves the success rate of SAC by 10.48 percentage points and PPO by 34.28 percentage points, where models trained for 50K episodes. Furthermore, TPE enables PPO to converge to a reward within 95% of the maximum reward 76% faster than without TPE, which translates to about 40K fewer episodes of training required for optimal performance. Also, this improvement for SAC is 80% faster than without TPE. This study underscores the impact of advanced hyperparameter optimization on the efficiency and success of deep reinforcement learning algorithms in complex robotic tasks.

cross Sample-efficient Imitative Multi-token Decision Transformer for Generalizable Real World Driving

Authors: Hang Zhou, Dan Xu, Yiding Ji

Abstract: Reinforcement learning via sequence modeling has shown remarkable promise in autonomous systems, harnessing the power of offline datasets to make informed decisions in simulated environments. However, the full potential of such methods in complex dynamic environments remain to be discovered. In autonomous driving domain, learning-based agents face significant challenges when transferring knowledge from simulated to real-world settings and the performance is also significantly impacted by data distribution shift. To address these issue, we propose Sample-efficient Imitative Multi-token Decision Transformer (SimDT). SimDT introduces multi-token prediction, imitative online learning and prioritized experience replay to Decision Transformer. The performance is evaluated through empirical experiments and results exceed popular imitation and reinforcement learning algorithms on Waymax benchmark.

cross Variables are a Curse in Software Vulnerability Prediction

Authors: Jinghua Groppe, Sven Groppe, Ralf M\"oller

Abstract: Deep learning-based approaches for software vulnerability prediction currently mainly rely on the original text of software code as the feature of nodes in the graph of code and thus could learn a representation that is only specific to the code text, rather than the representation that depicts the 'intrinsic' functionality of a program hidden in the text representation. One curse that causes this problem is an infinite number of possibilities to name a variable. In order to lift the curse, in this work we introduce a new type of edge called name dependence, a type of abstract syntax graph based on the name dependence, and an efficient node representation method named 3-property encoding scheme. These techniques will allow us to remove the concrete variable names from code, and facilitate deep learning models to learn the functionality of software hidden in diverse code expressions. The experimental results show that the deep learning models built on these techniques outperform the ones based on existing approaches not only in the prediction of vulnerabilities but also in the memory need. The factor of memory usage reductions of our techniques can be up to the order of 30,000 in comparison to existing approaches.

cross LLM-A*: Large Language Model Enhanced Incremental Heuristic Search on Path Planning

Authors: Silin Meng, Yiwei Wang, Cheng-Fu Yang, Nanyun Peng, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Path planning is a fundamental scientific problem in robotics and autonomous navigation, requiring the derivation of efficient routes from starting to destination points while avoiding obstacles. Traditional algorithms like A* and its variants are capable of ensuring path validity but suffer from significant computational and memory inefficiencies as the state space grows. Conversely, large language models (LLMs) excel in broader environmental analysis through contextual understanding, providing global insights into environments. However, they fall short in detailed spatial and temporal reasoning, often leading to invalid or inefficient routes. In this work, we propose LLM-A*, an new LLM based route planning method that synergistically combines the precise pathfinding capabilities of A* with the global reasoning capability of LLMs. This hybrid approach aims to enhance pathfinding efficiency in terms of time and space complexity while maintaining the integrity of path validity, especially in large-scale scenarios. By integrating the strengths of both methodologies, LLM-A* addresses the computational and memory limitations of conventional algorithms without compromising on the validity required for effective pathfinding.

cross LOGIC-LM++: Multi-Step Refinement for Symbolic Formulations

Authors: Shashank Kirtania, Priyanshu Gupta, Arjun Radhakirshna

Abstract: In this paper we examine the limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs) for complex reasoning tasks. While current approaches leverage formal languages as intermediate representation of reasoning problems, they struggle with generating intermediate formal specifications and refining these representations. To address these issues, this paper proposes Logic-LM++, an improvement on Logic-LM. It uses the ability of LLMs to do pairwise comparisons, allowing the evaluation of the refinements suggested by the LLM. The paper demonstrates that Logic-LM++ outperforms Logic-LM and LLM based techniques on natural language reasoning tasks on two datasets, FOLIO and AR-LSAT. Logic-LM++ show an average improvement of 13.5% on standard prompting, 11% on chain of thought prompting and 5% on Logic-LM.

cross EditFollower: Tunable Car Following Models for Customizable Adaptive Cruise Control Systems

Authors: Xianda Chen, Xu Han, Meixin Zhu, Xiaowen Chu, PakHin Tiu, Xinhu Zheng, Yinhai Wang

Abstract: In the realm of driving technologies, fully autonomous vehicles have not been widely adopted yet, making advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) crucial for enhancing driving experiences. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) emerges as a pivotal component of ADAS. However, current ACC systems often employ fixed settings, failing to intuitively capture drivers' social preferences and leading to potential function disengagement. To overcome these limitations, we propose the Editable Behavior Generation (EBG) model, a data-driven car-following model that allows for adjusting driving discourtesy levels. The framework integrates diverse courtesy calculation methods into long short-term memory (LSTM) and Transformer architectures, offering a comprehensive approach to capture nuanced driving dynamics. By integrating various discourtesy values during the training process, our model generates realistic agent trajectories with different levels of courtesy in car-following behavior. Experimental results on the HighD and Waymo datasets showcase a reduction in Mean Squared Error (MSE) of spacing and MSE of speed compared to baselines, establishing style controllability. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first data-driven car-following model capable of dynamically adjusting discourtesy levels. Our model provides valuable insights for the development of ACC systems that take into account drivers' social preferences.

cross CAV-AHDV-CAV: Mitigating Traffic Oscillations for CAVs through a Novel Car-Following Structure and Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Xianda Chen, PakHin Tiu, Yihuai Zhang, Xinhu Zheng, Meixin Zhu

Abstract: Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) offer a promising solution to the challenges of mixed traffic with both CAVs and Human-Driven Vehicles (HDVs). A significant hurdle in such scenarios is traffic oscillation, or the "stop-and-go" pattern, during car-following situations. While HDVs rely on limited information, CAVs can leverage data from other CAVs for better decision-making. This allows CAVs to anticipate and mitigate the spread of deceleration waves that worsen traffic flow. We propose a novel "CAV-AHDV-CAV" car-following framework that treats the sequence of HDVs between two CAVs as a single entity, eliminating noise from individual driver behaviors. This deep reinforcement learning approach analyzes vehicle equilibrium states and employs a state fusion strategy. Trained and tested on diverse datasets (HighD, NGSIM, SPMD, Waymo, Lyft) encompassing over 70,000 car-following instances, our model outperforms baselines in collision avoidance, maintaining equilibrium with both preceding and leading vehicles and achieving the lowest standard deviation of time headway. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in developing robust CAV control strategies for mixed traffic. Our model has the potential to mitigate traffic oscillation, improve traffic flow efficiency, and enhance overall safety.

cross INDICT: Code Generation with Internal Dialogues of Critiques for Both Security and Helpfulness

Authors: Hung Le, Yingbo Zhou, Caiming Xiong, Silvio Savarese, Doyen Sahoo

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) for code are typically trained to align with natural language instructions to closely follow their intentions and requirements. However, in many practical scenarios, it becomes increasingly challenging for these models to navigate the intricate boundary between helpfulness and safety, especially against highly complex yet potentially malicious instructions. In this work, we introduce INDICT: a new framework that empowers LLMs with Internal Dialogues of Critiques for both safety and helpfulness guidance. The internal dialogue is a dual cooperative system between a safety-driven critic and a helpfulness-driven critic. Each critic provides analysis against the given task and corresponding generated response, equipped with external knowledge queried through relevant code snippets and tools like web search and code interpreter. We engage the dual critic system in both code generation stage as well as code execution stage, providing preemptive and post-hoc guidance respectively to LLMs. We evaluated INDICT on 8 diverse tasks across 8 programming languages from 5 benchmarks, using LLMs from 7B to 70B parameters. We observed that our approach can provide an advanced level of critiques of both safety and helpfulness analysis, significantly improving the quality of output codes ($+10\%$ absolute improvements in all models).

cross RaCIL: Ray Tracing based Multi-UAV Obstacle Avoidance through Composite Imitation Learning

Authors: Harsh Bansal, Vyom Goyal, Bhaskar Joshi, Akhil Gupta, Harikumar Kandath

Abstract: In this study, we address the challenge of obstacle avoidance for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) through an innovative composite imitation learning approach that combines Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) with Behavior Cloning (BC) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL), enriched by the integration of ray-tracing techniques. Our research underscores the significant role of ray-tracing in enhancing obstacle detection and avoidance capabilities. Moreover, we demonstrate the effectiveness of incorporating GAIL in coordinating the flight paths of two UAVs, showcasing improved collision avoidance capabilities. Extending our methodology, we apply our combined PPO, BC, GAIL, and ray-tracing framework to scenarios involving four UAVs, illustrating its scalability and adaptability to more complex scenarios. The findings indicate that our approach not only improves the reliability of basic PPO based obstacle avoidance but also paves the way for advanced autonomous UAV operations in crowded or dynamic environments.

cross Performance Comparison of Deep RL Algorithms for Mixed Traffic Cooperative Lane-Changing

Authors: Xue Yao, Shengren Hou, Serge P. Hoogendoorn, Simeon C. Calvert

Abstract: Lane-changing (LC) is a challenging scenario for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) because of the complex dynamics and high uncertainty of the traffic environment. This challenge can be handled by deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approaches, leveraging their data-driven and model-free nature. Our previous work proposed a cooperative lane-changing in mixed traffic (CLCMT) mechanism based on TD3 to facilitate an optimal lane-changing strategy. This study enhances the current CLCMT mechanism by considering both the uncertainty of the human-driven vehicles (HVs) and the microscopic interactions between HVs and CAVs. The state-of-the-art (SOTA) DRL algorithms including DDPG, TD3, SAC, and PPO are utilized to deal with the formulated MDP with continuous actions. Performance comparison among the four DRL algorithms demonstrates that DDPG, TD3, and PPO algorithms can deal with uncertainty in traffic environments and learn well-performed LC strategies in terms of safety, efficiency, comfort, and ecology. The PPO algorithm outperforms the other three algorithms, regarding a higher reward, fewer exploration mistakes and crashes, and a more comfortable and ecology LC strategy. The improvements promise CLCMT mechanism greater advantages in the LC motion planning of CAVs.

cross Meta Large Language Model Compiler: Foundation Models of Compiler Optimization

Authors: Chris Cummins, Volker Seeker, Dejan Grubisic, Baptiste Roziere, Jonas Gehring, Gabriel Synnaeve, Hugh Leather

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a variety of software engineering and coding tasks. However, their application in the domain of code and compiler optimization remains underexplored. Training LLMs is resource-intensive, requiring substantial GPU hours and extensive data collection, which can be prohibitive. To address this gap, we introduce Meta Large Language Model Compiler (LLM Compiler), a suite of robust, openly available, pre-trained models specifically designed for code optimization tasks. Built on the foundation of Code Llama, LLM Compiler enhances the understanding of compiler intermediate representations (IRs), assembly language, and optimization techniques. The model has been trained on a vast corpus of 546 billion tokens of LLVM-IR and assembly code and has undergone instruction fine-tuning to interpret compiler behavior. LLM Compiler is released under a bespoke commercial license to allow wide reuse and is available in two sizes: 7 billion and 13 billion parameters. We also present fine-tuned versions of the model, demonstrating its enhanced capabilities in optimizing code size and disassembling from x86_64 and ARM assembly back into LLVM-IR. These achieve 77% of the optimising potential of an autotuning search, and 45% disassembly round trip (14% exact match). This release aims to provide a scalable, cost-effective foundation for further research and development in compiler optimization by both academic researchers and industry practitioners.

cross Actionable Cyber Threat Intelligence using Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models

Authors: Romy Fieblinger, Md Tanvirul Alam, Nidhi Rastogi

Abstract: Cyber threats are constantly evolving. Extracting actionable insights from unstructured Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) data is essential to guide cybersecurity decisions. Increasingly, organizations like Microsoft, Trend Micro, and CrowdStrike are using generative AI to facilitate CTI extraction. This paper addresses the challenge of automating the extraction of actionable CTI using advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Knowledge Graphs (KGs). We explore the application of state-of-the-art open-source LLMs, including the Llama 2 series, Mistral 7B Instruct, and Zephyr for extracting meaningful triples from CTI texts. Our methodology evaluates techniques such as prompt engineering, the guidance framework, and fine-tuning to optimize information extraction and structuring. The extracted data is then utilized to construct a KG, offering a structured and queryable representation of threat intelligence. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in extracting relevant information, with guidance and fine-tuning showing superior performance over prompt engineering. However, while our methods prove effective in small-scale tests, applying LLMs to large-scale data for KG construction and Link Prediction presents ongoing challenges.

cross Parameter Tuning of the Firefly Algorithm by Standard Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods

Authors: Geethu Joy, Christian Huyck, Xin-She Yang

Abstract: Almost all optimization algorithms have algorithm-dependent parameters, and the setting of such parameter values can significantly influence the behavior of the algorithm under consideration. Thus, proper parameter tuning should be carried out to ensure that the algorithm used for optimization performs well and is sufficiently robust for solving different types of optimization problems. In this study, the Firefly Algorithm (FA) is used to evaluate the influence of its parameter values on its efficiency. Parameter values are randomly initialized using both the standard Monte Carlo method and the Quasi Monte-Carlo method. The values are then used for tuning the FA. Two benchmark functions and a spring design problem are used to test the robustness of the tuned FA. From the preliminary findings, it can be deduced that both the Monte Carlo method and Quasi-Monte Carlo method produce similar results in terms of optimal fitness values. Numerical experiments using the two different methods on both benchmark functions and the spring design problem showed no major variations in the final fitness values, irrespective of the different sample values selected during the simulations. This insensitivity indicates the robustness of the FA.

cross Research on Autonomous Robots Navigation based on Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zixiang Wang, Hao Yan, Yining Wang, Zhengjia Xu, Zhuoyue Wang, Zhizhong Wu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning continuously optimizes decision-making based on real-time feedback reward signals through continuous interaction with the environment, demonstrating strong adaptive and self-learning capabilities. In recent years, it has become one of the key methods to achieve autonomous navigation of robots. In this work, an autonomous robot navigation method based on reinforcement learning is introduced. We use the Deep Q Network (DQN) and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) models to optimize the path planning and decision-making process through the continuous interaction between the robot and the environment, and the reward signals with real-time feedback. By combining the Q-value function with the deep neural network, deep Q network can handle high-dimensional state space, so as to realize path planning in complex environments. Proximal policy optimization is a strategy gradient-based method, which enables robots to explore and utilize environmental information more efficiently by optimizing policy functions. These methods not only improve the robot's navigation ability in the unknown environment, but also enhance its adaptive and self-learning capabilities. Through multiple training and simulation experiments, we have verified the effectiveness and robustness of these models in various complex scenarios.

cross Analytical Solution of a Three-layer Network with a Matrix Exponential Activation Function

Authors: Kuo Gai, Shihua Zhang

Abstract: In practice, deeper networks tend to be more powerful than shallow ones, but this has not been understood theoretically. In this paper, we find the analytical solution of a three-layer network with a matrix exponential activation function, i.e., $$ f(X)=W_3\exp(W_2\exp(W_1X)), X\in \mathbb{C}^{d\times d} $$ have analytical solutions for the equations $$ Y_1=f(X_1),Y_2=f(X_2) $$ for $X_1,X_2,Y_1,Y_2$ with only invertible assumptions. Our proof shows the power of depth and the use of a non-linear activation function, since one layer network can only solve one equation,i.e.,$Y=WX$.

cross ECAT: A Entire space Continual and Adaptive Transfer Learning Framework for Cross-Domain Recommendation

Authors: Chaoqun Hou, Yuanhang Zhou, Yi Cao, Tong Liu

Abstract: In industrial recommendation systems, there are several mini-apps designed to meet the diverse interests and needs of users. The sample space of them is merely a small subset of the entire space, making it challenging to train an efficient model. In recent years, there have been many excellent studies related to cross-domain recommendation aimed at mitigating the problem of data sparsity. However, few of them have simultaneously considered the adaptability of both sample and representation continual transfer setting to the target task. To overcome the above issue, we propose a Entire space Continual and Adaptive Transfer learning framework called ECAT which includes two core components: First, as for sample transfer, we propose a two-stage method that realizes a coarse-to-fine process. Specifically, we perform an initial selection through a graph-guided method, followed by a fine-grained selection using domain adaptation method. Second, we propose an adaptive knowledge distillation method for continually transferring the representations from a model that is well-trained on the entire space dataset. ECAT enables full utilization of the entire space samples and representations under the supervision of the target task, while avoiding negative migration. Comprehensive experiments on real-world industrial datasets from Taobao show that ECAT advances state-of-the-art performance on offline metrics, and brings +13.6% CVR and +8.6% orders for Baiyibutie, a famous mini-app of Taobao.

cross Towards the Next Frontier in Speech Representation Learning Using Disentanglement

Authors: Varun Krishna, Sriram Ganapathy

Abstract: The popular frameworks for self-supervised learning of speech representations have largely focused on frame-level masked prediction of speech regions. While this has shown promising downstream task performance for speech recognition and related tasks, this has largely ignored factors of speech that are encoded at coarser level, like characteristics of the speaker or channel that remain consistent through-out a speech utterance. In this work, we propose a framework for Learning Disentangled Self Supervised (termed as Learn2Diss) representations of speech, which consists of frame-level and an utterance-level encoder modules. The two encoders are initially learned independently, where the frame-level model is largely inspired by existing self supervision techniques, thereby learning pseudo-phonemic representations, while the utterance-level encoder is inspired by constrastive learning of pooled embeddings, thereby learning pseudo-speaker representations. The joint learning of these two modules consists of disentangling the two encoders using a mutual information based criterion. With several downstream evaluation experiments, we show that the proposed Learn2Diss achieves state-of-the-art results on a variety of tasks, with the frame-level encoder representations improving semantic tasks, while the utterance-level representations improve non-semantic tasks.

cross A False Sense of Safety: Unsafe Information Leakage in 'Safe' AI Responses

Authors: David Glukhov, Ziwen Han, Ilia Shumailov, Vardan Papyan, Nicolas Papernot

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are vulnerable to jailbreaks$\unicode{x2013}$methods to elicit harmful or generally impermissible outputs. Safety measures are developed and assessed on their effectiveness at defending against jailbreak attacks, indicating a belief that safety is equivalent to robustness. We assert that current defense mechanisms, such as output filters and alignment fine-tuning, are, and will remain, fundamentally insufficient for ensuring model safety. These defenses fail to address risks arising from dual-intent queries and the ability to composite innocuous outputs to achieve harmful goals. To address this critical gap, we introduce an information-theoretic threat model called inferential adversaries who exploit impermissible information leakage from model outputs to achieve malicious goals. We distinguish these from commonly studied security adversaries who only seek to force victim models to generate specific impermissible outputs. We demonstrate the feasibility of automating inferential adversaries through question decomposition and response aggregation. To provide safety guarantees, we define an information censorship criterion for censorship mechanisms, bounding the leakage of impermissible information. We propose a defense mechanism which ensures this bound and reveal an intrinsic safety-utility trade-off. Our work provides the first theoretically grounded understanding of the requirements for releasing safe LLMs and the utility costs involved.

cross RLHF Can Speak Many Languages: Unlocking Multilingual Preference Optimization for LLMs

Authors: John Dang, Arash Ahmadian, Kelly Marchisio, Julia Kreutzer, Ahmet \"Ust\"un, Sara Hooker

Abstract: Preference optimization techniques have become a standard final stage for training state-of-art large language models (LLMs). However, despite widespread adoption, the vast majority of work to-date has focused on first-class citizen languages like English and Chinese. This captures a small fraction of the languages in the world, but also makes it unclear which aspects of current state-of-the-art research transfer to a multilingual setting. In this work, we perform an exhaustive study to achieve a new state-of-the-art in aligning multilingual LLMs. We introduce a novel, scalable method for generating high-quality multilingual feedback data to balance data coverage. We establish the benefits of cross-lingual transfer and increased dataset size in preference training. Our preference-trained model achieves a 54.4% win-rate against Aya 23 8B, the current state-of-the-art multilingual LLM in its parameter class, and a 69.5% win-rate or higher against widely used models like Gemma-1.1-7B-it, Llama-3-8B-Instruct, Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3. As a result of our study, we expand the frontier of alignment techniques to 23 languages covering half of the world's population.

cross AutoSplat: Constrained Gaussian Splatting for Autonomous Driving Scene Reconstruction

Authors: Mustafa Khan, Hamidreza Fazlali, Dhruv Sharma, Tongtong Cao, Dongfeng Bai, Yuan Ren, Bingbing Liu

Abstract: Realistic scene reconstruction and view synthesis are essential for advancing autonomous driving systems by simulating safety-critical scenarios. 3D Gaussian Splatting excels in real-time rendering and static scene reconstructions but struggles with modeling driving scenarios due to complex backgrounds, dynamic objects, and sparse views. We propose AutoSplat, a framework employing Gaussian splatting to achieve highly realistic reconstructions of autonomous driving scenes. By imposing geometric constraints on Gaussians representing the road and sky regions, our method enables multi-view consistent simulation of challenging scenarios including lane changes. Leveraging 3D templates, we introduce a reflected Gaussian consistency constraint to supervise both the visible and unseen side of foreground objects. Moreover, to model the dynamic appearance of foreground objects, we estimate residual spherical harmonics for each foreground Gaussian. Extensive experiments on Pandaset and KITTI demonstrate that AutoSplat outperforms state-of-the-art methods in scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis across diverse driving scenarios. Visit our $\href{}{\text{project page}}$.


cross Meta 3D Gen

Authors: Raphael Bensadoun, Tom Monnier, Yanir Kleiman, Filippos Kokkinos, Yawar Siddiqui, Mahendra Kariya, Omri Harosh, Roman Shapovalov, Benjamin Graham, Emilien Garreau, Animesh Karnewar, Ang Cao, Idan Azuri, Iurii Makarov, Eric-Tuan Le, Antoine Toisoul, David Novotny, Oran Gafni, Natalia Neverova, Andrea Vedaldi

Abstract: We introduce Meta 3D Gen (3DGen), a new state-of-the-art, fast pipeline for text-to-3D asset generation. 3DGen offers 3D asset creation with high prompt fidelity and high-quality 3D shapes and textures in under a minute. It supports physically-based rendering (PBR), necessary for 3D asset relighting in real-world applications. Additionally, 3DGen supports generative retexturing of previously generated (or artist-created) 3D shapes using additional textual inputs provided by the user. 3DGen integrates key technical components, Meta 3D AssetGen and Meta 3D TextureGen, that we developed for text-to-3D and text-to-texture generation, respectively. By combining their strengths, 3DGen represents 3D objects simultaneously in three ways: in view space, in volumetric space, and in UV (or texture) space. The integration of these two techniques achieves a win rate of 68% with respect to the single-stage model. We compare 3DGen to numerous industry baselines, and show that it outperforms them in terms of prompt fidelity and visual quality for complex textual prompts, while being significantly faster.

cross RISC-V R-Extension: Advancing Efficiency with Rented-Pipeline for Edge DNN Processing

Authors: Won Hyeok Kim, Hyeong Jin Kim, Tae Hee Han

Abstract: The proliferation of edge devices necessitates efficient computational architectures for lightweight tasks, particularly deep neural network (DNN) inference. Traditional NPUs, though effective for such operations, face challenges in power, cost, and area when integrated into lightweight edge devices. The RISC-V architecture, known for its modularity and open-source nature, offers a viable alternative. This paper introduces the RISC-V R-extension, a novel approach to enhancing DNN process efficiency on edge devices. The extension features rented-pipeline stages and architectural pipeline registers (APR), which optimize critical operation execution, thereby reducing latency and memory access frequency. Furthermore, this extension includes new custom instructions to support these architectural improvements. Through comprehensive analysis, this study demonstrates the boost of R-extension in edge device processing, setting the stage for more responsive and intelligent edge applications.

cross Uplifting Lower-Income Data: Strategies for Socioeconomic Perspective Shifts in Vision-Language Models

Authors: Joan Nwatu, Oana Ignat, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: To address this issue, we formulate translated non-English, geographic, and socioeconomic integrated prompts and evaluate their impact on VL model performance for data from different countries and income groups. Our findings show that geographic and socioeconomic integrated prompts improve VL performance on lower-income data and favor the retrieval of topic appearances commonly found in data from low-income households. From our analyses, we identify and highlight contexts where these strategies yield the most improvements. Our model analysis code is publicly available at .


cross Nollywood: Let's Go to the Movies!

Authors: John E. Ortega, Ibrahim Said Ahmad, William Chen

Abstract: Nollywood, based on the idea of Bollywood from India, is a series of outstanding movies that originate from Nigeria. Unfortunately, while the movies are in English, they are hard to understand for many native speakers due to the dialect of English that is spoken. In this article, we accomplish two goals: (1) create a phonetic sub-title model that is able to translate Nigerian English speech to American English and (2) use the most advanced toxicity detectors to discover how toxic the speech is. Our aim is to highlight the text in these videos which is often times ignored for lack of dialectal understanding due the fact that many people in Nigeria speak a native language like Hausa at home.

cross Change My Frame: Reframing in the Wild in r/ChangeMyView

Authors: Arturo Mart\'inez Peguero, Taro Watanabe

Abstract: Recent work in reframing, within the scope of text style transfer, has so far made use of out-of-context, task-prompted utterances in order to produce neutralizing or optimistic reframes. Our work aims to generalize reframing based on the subreddit r/ChangeMyView (CMV). We build a dataset that leverages CMV's community's interactions and conventions to identify high-value, community-recognized utterances that produce changes of perspective. With this data, we widen the scope of the direction of reframing since the changes in perspective do not only occur in neutral or positive directions. We fine tune transformer-based models, make use of a modern LLM to refine our dataset, and explore challenges in the dataset creation and evaluation around this type of reframing.

cross Learning Graph Structures and Uncertainty for Accurate and Calibrated Time-series Forecasting

Authors: Harshavardhan Kamarthi, Lingkai Kong, Alexander Rodriguez, Chao Zhang, B Aditya Prakash

Abstract: Multi-variate time series forecasting is an important problem with a wide range of applications. Recent works model the relations between time-series as graphs and have shown that propagating information over the relation graph can improve time series forecasting. However, in many cases, relational information is not available or is noisy and reliable. Moreover, most works ignore the underlying uncertainty of time-series both for structure learning and deriving the forecasts resulting in the structure not capturing the uncertainty resulting in forecast distributions with poor uncertainty estimates. We tackle this challenge and introduce STOIC, that leverages stochastic correlations between time-series to learn underlying structure between time-series and to provide well-calibrated and accurate forecasts. Over a wide-range of benchmark datasets STOIC provides around 16% more accurate and 14% better-calibrated forecasts. STOIC also shows better adaptation to noise in data during inference and captures important and useful relational information in various benchmarks.

cross Improving Steering and Verification in AI-Assisted Data Analysis with Interactive Task Decomposition

Authors: Majeed Kazemitabaar, Jack Williams, Ian Drosos, Tovi Grossman, Austin Henley, Carina Negreanu, Advait Sarkar

Abstract: LLM-powered tools like ChatGPT Data Analysis, have the potential to help users tackle the challenging task of data analysis programming, which requires expertise in data processing, programming, and statistics. However, our formative study (n=15) uncovered serious challenges in verifying AI-generated results and steering the AI (i.e., guiding the AI system to produce the desired output). We developed two contrasting approaches to address these challenges. The first (Stepwise) decomposes the problem into step-by-step subgoals with pairs of editable assumptions and code until task completion, while the second (Phasewise) decomposes the entire problem into three editable, logical phases: structured input/output assumptions, execution plan, and code. A controlled, within-subjects experiment (n=18) compared these systems against a conversational baseline. Users reported significantly greater control with the Stepwise and Phasewise systems, and found intervention, correction, and verification easier, compared to the baseline. The results suggest design guidelines and trade-offs for AI-assisted data analysis tools.

cross Commonsense Reasoning for Legged Robot Adaptation with Vision-Language Models

Authors: Annie S. Chen, Alec M. Lessing, Andy Tang, Govind Chada, Laura Smith, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn

Abstract: Legged robots are physically capable of navigating a diverse variety of environments and overcoming a wide range of obstructions. For example, in a search and rescue mission, a legged robot could climb over debris, crawl through gaps, and navigate out of dead ends. However, the robot's controller needs to respond intelligently to such varied obstacles, and this requires handling unexpected and unusual scenarios successfully. This presents an open challenge to current learning methods, which often struggle with generalization to the long tail of unexpected situations without heavy human supervision. To address this issue, we investigate how to leverage the broad knowledge about the structure of the world and commonsense reasoning capabilities of vision-language models (VLMs) to aid legged robots in handling difficult, ambiguous situations. We propose a system, VLM-Predictive Control (VLM-PC), combining two key components that we find to be crucial for eliciting on-the-fly, adaptive behavior selection with VLMs: (1) in-context adaptation over previous robot interactions and (2) planning multiple skills into the future and replanning. We evaluate VLM-PC on several challenging real-world obstacle courses, involving dead ends and climbing and crawling, on a Go1 quadruped robot. Our experiments show that by reasoning over the history of interactions and future plans, VLMs enable the robot to autonomously perceive, navigate, and act in a wide range of complex scenarios that would otherwise require environment-specific engineering or human guidance.

cross Adversarial Magnification to Deceive Deepfake Detection through Super Resolution

Authors: Davide Alessandro Coccomini, Roberto Caldelli, Giuseppe Amato, Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Gennaro

Abstract: Deepfake technology is rapidly advancing, posing significant challenges to the detection of manipulated media content. Parallel to that, some adversarial attack techniques have been developed to fool the deepfake detectors and make deepfakes even more difficult to be detected. This paper explores the application of super resolution techniques as a possible adversarial attack in deepfake detection. Through our experiments, we demonstrate that minimal changes made by these methods in the visual appearance of images can have a profound impact on the performance of deepfake detection systems. We propose a novel attack using super resolution as a quick, black-box and effective method to camouflage fake images and/or generate false alarms on pristine images. Our results indicate that the usage of super resolution can significantly impair the accuracy of deepfake detectors, thereby highlighting the vulnerability of such systems to adversarial attacks. The code to reproduce our experiments is available at:


cross A Novel Approach to Image EEG Sleep Data for Improving Quality of Life in Patients Suffering From Brain Injuries Using DreamDiffusion

Authors: David Fahim, Joshveer Grewal, Ritvik Ellendula

Abstract: Those experiencing strokes, traumatic brain injuries, and drug complications can often end up hospitalized and diagnosed with coma or locked-in syndrome. Such mental impediments can permanently alter the neurological pathways in work and significantly decrease the quality of life (QoL). It is critical to translate brain signals into images to gain a deeper understanding of the thoughts of a comatose patient. Traditionally, brain signals collected by an EEG could only be translated into text, but with the novel method of an open-source model available on GitHub, DreamDiffusion can be used to convert brain waves into images directly. DreamDiffusion works by extracting features from EEG signals and then using the features to create images through StableDiffusion. Upon this, we made further improvements that could make StableDiffusion the forerunner technology in waves to media translation. In our study, we begin by modifying the existing DreamDiffusion codebase so that it does not require any prior setup, avoiding any confusing steps needed to run the model from GitHub. For many researchers, the incomplete setup process, errors in the existing code, and a lack of directions made it nearly impossible to run, not even considering the model's performance. We brought the code into Google Colab so users could run and evaluate problems cell-by-cell, eliminating the specific file and repository dependencies. We also provided the original training data file so users do not need to purchase the necessary computing power to train the model from the given dataset. The second change is utilizing the mutability of the code and optimizing the model so it can be used to generate images from other given inputs, such as sleep data. Additionally, the affordability of EEG technology allows for global dissemination and creates the opportunity for those who want to work on the shared DreamDiffusion model.

cross UAV-assisted Distributed Learning for Environmental Monitoring in Rural Environments

Authors: Vukan Ninkovic, Dejan Vukobratovic, Dragisa Miskovic

Abstract: Distributed learning and inference algorithms have become indispensable for IoT systems, offering benefits such as workload alleviation, data privacy preservation, and reduced latency. This paper introduces an innovative approach that utilizes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as a coverage extension relay for IoT environmental monitoring in rural areas. Our method integrates a split learning (SL) strategy between edge devices, a UAV and a server to enhance adaptability and performance of inference mechanisms. By employing UAVs as a relay and by incorporating SL, we address connectivity and resource constraints for applications of learning in IoT in remote settings. Our system model accounts for diverse channel conditions to determine the most suitable transmission strategy for optimal system behaviour. Through simulation analysis, the proposed approach demonstrates its robustness and adaptability, even excelling under adverse channel conditions. Integrating UAV relaying and the SL paradigm offers significant flexibility to the server, enabling adaptive strategies that consider various trade-offs beyond simply minimizing overall inference quality.

cross LLM-Select: Feature Selection with Large Language Models

Authors: Daniel P. Jeong, Zachary C. Lipton, Pradeep Ravikumar

Abstract: In this paper, we demonstrate a surprising capability of large language models (LLMs): given only input feature names and a description of a prediction task, they are capable of selecting the most predictive features, with performance rivaling the standard tools of data science. Remarkably, these models exhibit this capacity across various query mechanisms. For example, we zero-shot prompt an LLM to output a numerical importance score for a feature (e.g., "blood pressure") in predicting an outcome of interest (e.g., "heart failure"), with no additional context. In particular, we find that the latest models, such as GPT-4, can consistently identify the most predictive features regardless of the query mechanism and across various prompting strategies. We illustrate these findings through extensive experiments on real-world data, where we show that LLM-based feature selection consistently achieves strong performance competitive with data-driven methods such as the LASSO, despite never having looked at the downstream training data. Our findings suggest that LLMs may be useful not only for selecting the best features for training but also for deciding which features to collect in the first place. This could potentially benefit practitioners in domains like healthcare, where collecting high-quality data comes at a high cost.

cross Pushing the Boundary: Specialising Deep Configuration Performance Learning

Authors: Jingzhi Gong

Abstract: Software systems often have numerous configuration options that can be adjusted to meet different performance requirements. However, understanding the combined impact of these options on performance is often challenging, especially with limited real-world data. To tackle this issue, deep learning techniques have gained popularity due to their ability to capture complex relationships even with limited samples. This thesis begins with a systematic literature review of deep learning techniques in configuration performance modeling, analyzing 85 primary papers out of 948 searched papers. It identifies knowledge gaps and sets three objectives for the thesis. The first knowledge gap is the lack of understanding about which encoding scheme is better and in what circumstances. To address this, the thesis conducts an empirical study comparing three popular encoding schemes. Actionable suggestions are provided to support more reliable decisions. Another knowledge gap is the sparsity inherited from the configuration landscape. To handle this, the thesis proposes a model-agnostic and sparsity-robust framework called DaL, which uses a "divide-and-learn" approach. DaL outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in accuracy improvement across various real-world systems. The thesis also addresses the limitation of predicting under static environments by proposing a sequential meta-learning framework called SeMPL. Unlike traditional meta-learning frameworks, SeMPL trains meta-environments in a specialized order, resulting in significantly improved prediction accuracy in multi-environment scenarios. Overall, the thesis identifies and addresses critical knowledge gaps in deep performance learning, significantly advancing the accuracy of performance prediction.

cross MedVH: Towards Systematic Evaluation of Hallucination for Large Vision Language Models in the Medical Context

Authors: Zishan Gu, Changchang Yin, Fenglin Liu, Ping Zhang

Abstract: Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) have recently achieved superior performance in various tasks on natural image and text data, which inspires a large amount of studies for LVLMs fine-tuning and training. Despite their advancements, there has been scant research on the robustness of these models against hallucination when fine-tuned on smaller datasets. In this study, we introduce a new benchmark dataset, the Medical Visual Hallucination Test (MedVH), to evaluate the hallucination of domain-specific LVLMs. MedVH comprises five tasks to evaluate hallucinations in LVLMs within the medical context, which includes tasks for comprehensive understanding of textual and visual input, as well as long textual response generation. Our extensive experiments with both general and medical LVLMs reveal that, although medical LVLMs demonstrate promising performance on standard medical tasks, they are particularly susceptible to hallucinations, often more so than the general models, raising significant concerns about the reliability of these domain-specific models. For medical LVLMs to be truly valuable in real-world applications, they must not only accurately integrate medical knowledge but also maintain robust reasoning abilities to prevent hallucination. Our work paves the way for future evaluations of these studies.

cross A Comparative Study of DSL Code Generation: Fine-Tuning vs. Optimized Retrieval Augmentation

Authors: Nastaran Bassamzadeh, Chhaya Methani

Abstract: Natural Language to Code Generation has made significant progress in recent years with the advent of Large Language Models(LLMs). While generation for general-purpose languages like C, C++, and Python has improved significantly, LLMs struggle with custom function names in Domain Specific Languages or DSLs. This leads to higher hallucination rates and syntax errors, specially for DSLs having a high number of custom function names. Additionally, constant updates to function names add to the challenge as LLMs need to stay up-to-date. In this paper, we present optimizations for using Retrieval Augmented Generation (or RAG) with LLMs for DSL generation along with an ablation study comparing these strategies. We generated a train as well as test dataset with a DSL to represent automation tasks across roughly 700 APIs in public domain. We used the training dataset to fine-tune a Codex model for this DSL. Our results showed that the fine-tuned model scored the best on code similarity metric. With our RAG optimizations, we achieved parity for similarity metric. The compilation rate, however, showed that both the models still got the syntax wrong many times, with RAG-based method being 2 pts better. Conversely, hallucination rate for RAG model lagged by 1 pt for API names and by 2 pts for API parameter keys. We conclude that an optimized RAG model can match the quality of fine-tuned models and offer advantages for new, unseen APIs.

cross Emotion and Intent Joint Understanding in Multimodal Conversation: A Benchmarking Dataset

Authors: Rui Liu, Haolin Zuo, Zheng Lian, Xiaofen Xing, Bj\"orn W. Schuller, Haizhou Li

Abstract: Emotion and Intent Joint Understanding in Multimodal Conversation (MC-EIU) aims to decode the semantic information manifested in a multimodal conversational history, while inferring the emotions and intents simultaneously for the current utterance. MC-EIU is enabling technology for many human-computer interfaces. However, there is a lack of available datasets in terms of annotation, modality, language diversity, and accessibility. In this work, we propose an MC-EIU dataset, which features 7 emotion categories, 9 intent categories, 3 modalities, i.e., textual, acoustic, and visual content, and two languages, i.e., English and Mandarin. Furthermore, it is completely open-source for free access. To our knowledge, MC-EIU is the first comprehensive and rich emotion and intent joint understanding dataset for multimodal conversation. Together with the release of the dataset, we also develop an Emotion and Intent Interaction (EI$^2$) network as a reference system by modeling the deep correlation between emotion and intent in the multimodal conversation. With comparative experiments and ablation studies, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed EI$^2$ method on the MC-EIU dataset. The dataset and codes will be made available at:


cross Multi-Scenario Combination Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning to Optimize the Advertising Recommendation System

Authors: Yang Zhao, Chang Zhou, Jin Cao, Yi Zhao, Shaobo Liu, Chiyu Cheng, Xingchen Li

Abstract: This paper explores multi-scenario optimization on large platforms using multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). We address this by treating scenarios like search, recommendation, and advertising as a cooperative, partially observable multi-agent decision problem. We introduce the Multi-Agent Recurrent Deterministic Policy Gradient (MARDPG) algorithm, which aligns different scenarios under a shared objective and allows for strategy communication to boost overall performance. Our results show marked improvements in metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and total sales, confirming our method's efficacy in practical settings.

cross SF-GNN: Self Filter for Message Lossless Propagation in Deep Graph Neural Network

Authors: Yushan Zhu, Wen Zhang, Yajing Xu, Zhen Yao, Mingyang Chen, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Graph Neural Network (GNN), with the main idea of encoding graph structure information of graphs by propagation and aggregation, has developed rapidly. It achieved excellent performance in representation learning of multiple types of graphs such as homogeneous graphs, heterogeneous graphs, and more complex graphs like knowledge graphs. However, merely stacking GNN layers may not improve the model's performance and can even be detrimental. For the phenomenon of performance degradation in deep GNNs, we propose a new perspective. Unlike the popular explanations of over-smoothing or over-squashing, we think the issue arises from the interference of low-quality node representations during message propagation. We introduce a simple and general method, SF-GNN, to address this problem. In SF-GNN, we define two representations for each node, one is the node representation that represents the feature of the node itself, and the other is the message representation specifically for propagating messages to neighbor nodes. A self-filter module evaluates the quality of the node representation and decides whether to integrate it into the message propagation based on this quality assessment. Experiments on node classification tasks for both homogeneous and heterogeneous graphs, as well as link prediction tasks on knowledge graphs, demonstrate that our method can be applied to various GNN models and outperforms state-of-the-art baseline methods in addressing deep GNN degradation.

cross Graphon Particle Systems, Part II: Dynamics of Distributed Stochastic Continuum Optimization

Authors: Yan Chen, Tao Li

Abstract: We study the distributed optimization problem over a graphon with a continuum of nodes, which is regarded as the limit of the distributed networked optimization as the number of nodes goes to infinity. Each node has a private local cost function. The global cost function, which all nodes cooperatively minimize, is the integral of the local cost functions on the node set. We propose stochastic gradient descent and gradient tracking algorithms over the graphon. We establish a general lemma for the upper bound estimation related to a class of time-varying differential inequalities with negative linear terms, based upon which, we prove that for both kinds of algorithms, the second moments of the nodes' states are uniformly bounded. Especially, for the stochastic gradient tracking algorithm, we transform the convergence analysis into the asymptotic property of coupled nonlinear differential inequalities with time-varying coefficients and develop a decoupling method. For both kinds of algorithms, we show that by choosing the time-varying algorithm gains properly, all nodes' states achieve $\mathcal{L}^{\infty}$-consensus for a connected graphon. Furthermore, if the local cost functions are strongly convex, then all nodes' states converge to the minimizer of the global cost function and the auxiliary states in the stochastic gradient tracking algorithm converge to the gradient value of the global cost function at the minimizer uniformly in mean square.

cross 52B to 1T: Lessons Learned via Tele-FLM Series

Authors: Xiang Li, Yiqun Yao, Xin Jiang, Xuezhi Fang, Chao Wang, Xinzhang Liu, Zihan Wang, Yu Zhao, Xin Wang, Yuyao Huang, Shuangyong Song, Yongxiang Li, Zheng Zhang, Bo Zhao, Aixin Sun, Yequan Wang, Zhongjiang He, Zhongyuan Wang, Xuelong Li, Tiejun Huang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) represent a significant stride toward Artificial General Intelligence. As scaling laws underscore the potential of increasing model sizes, the academic community has intensified its investigations into LLMs with capacities exceeding 50 billion parameters. This technical report builds on our prior work with Tele-FLM (also known as FLM-2), a publicly available 52-billion-parameter model. We delve into two primary areas: we first discuss our observation of Supervised Fine-tuning (SFT) on Tele-FLM-52B, which supports the "less is more" approach for SFT data construction; second, we demonstrate our experiments and analyses on the best practices for progressively growing a model from 52 billion to 102 billion, and subsequently to 1 trillion parameters. We will open-source a 1T model checkpoint, namely Tele-FLM-1T, to advance further training and research.

cross Model-Enhanced LLM-Driven VUI Testing of VPA Apps

Authors: Suwan Li, Lei Bu, Guangdong Bai, Fuman Xie, Kai Chen, Chang Yue

Abstract: The flourishing ecosystem centered around voice personal assistants (VPA), such as Amazon Alexa, has led to the booming of VPA apps. The largest app market Amazon skills store, for example, hosts over 200,000 apps. Despite their popularity, the open nature of app release and the easy accessibility of apps also raise significant concerns regarding security, privacy and quality. Consequently, various testing approaches have been proposed to systematically examine VPA app behaviors. To tackle the inherent lack of a visible user interface in the VPA app, two strategies are employed during testing, i.e., chatbot-style testing and model-based testing. The former often lacks effective guidance for expanding its search space, while the latter falls short in interpreting the semantics of conversations to construct precise and comprehensive behavior models for apps. In this work, we introduce Elevate, a model-enhanced large language model (LLM)-driven VUI testing framework. Elevate leverages LLMs' strong capability in natural language processing to compensate for semantic information loss during model-based VUI testing. It operates by prompting LLMs to extract states from VPA apps' outputs and generate context-related inputs. During the automatic interactions with the app, it incrementally constructs the behavior model, which facilitates the LLM in generating inputs that are highly likely to discover new states. Elevate bridges the LLM and the behavior model with innovative techniques such as encoding behavior model into prompts and selecting LLM-generated inputs based on the context relevance. Elevate is benchmarked on 4,000 real-world Alexa skills, against the state-of-the-art tester Vitas. It achieves 15% higher state space coverage compared to Vitas on all types of apps, and exhibits significant advancement in efficiency.

cross Efficient DNN-Powered Software with Fair Sparse Models

Authors: Xuanqi Gao, Weipeng Jiang, Juan Zhai, Shiqing Ma, Xiaoyu Zhang, Chao Shen

Abstract: With the emergence of the Software 3.0 era, there is a growing trend of compressing and integrating large models into software systems, with significant societal implications. Regrettably, in numerous instances, model compression techniques impact the fairness performance of these models and thus the ethical behavior of DNN-powered software. One of the most notable example is the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH), a prevailing model pruning approach. This paper demonstrates that fairness issue of LTHbased pruning arises from both its subnetwork selection and training procedures, highlighting the inadequacy of existing remedies. To address this, we propose a novel pruning framework, Ballot, which employs a novel conflict-detection-based subnetwork selection to find accurate and fair subnetworks, coupled with a refined training process to attain a high-performance model, thereby improving the fairness of DNN-powered software. By means of this procedure, Ballot improves the fairness of pruning by 38.00%, 33.91%, 17.96%, and 35.82% compared to state-of-the-art baselines, namely Magnitude Pruning, Standard LTH, SafeCompress, and FairScratch respectively, based on our evaluation of five popular datasets and three widely used models. Our code is available at


cross Data Overfitting for On-Device Super-Resolution with Dynamic Algorithm and Compiler Co-Design

Authors: Gen Li, Zhihao Shu, Jie Ji, Minghai Qin, Fatemeh Afghah, Wei Niu, Xiaolong Ma

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are frequently employed in a variety of computer vision applications. Nowadays, an emerging trend in the current video distribution system is to take advantage of DNN's overfitting properties to perform video resolution upscaling. By splitting videos into chunks and applying a super-resolution (SR) model to overfit each chunk, this scheme of SR models plus video chunks is able to replace traditional video transmission to enhance video quality and transmission efficiency. However, many models and chunks are needed to guarantee high performance, which leads to tremendous overhead on model switching and memory footprints at the user end. To resolve such problems, we propose a Dynamic Deep neural network assisted by a Content-Aware data processing pipeline to reduce the model number down to one (Dy-DCA), which helps promote performance while conserving computational resources. Additionally, to achieve real acceleration on the user end, we designed a framework that optimizes dynamic features (e.g., dynamic shapes, sizes, and control flow) in Dy-DCA to enable a series of compilation optimizations, including fused code generation, static execution planning, etc. By employing such techniques, our method achieves better PSNR and real-time performance (33 FPS) on an off-the-shelf mobile phone. Meanwhile, assisted by our compilation optimization, we achieve a 1.7$\times$ speedup while saving up to 1.61$\times$ memory consumption. Code available in


cross Effect of a Process Mining based Pre-processing Step in Prediction of the Critical Health Outcomes

Authors: Negin Ashrafi, Armin Abdollahi, Greg Placencia, Maryam Pishgar

Abstract: Predicting critical health outcomes such as patient mortality and hospital readmission is essential for improving survivability. However, healthcare datasets have many concurrences that create complexities, leading to poor predictions. Consequently, pre-processing the data is crucial to improve its quality. In this study, we use an existing pre-processing algorithm, concatenation, to improve data quality by decreasing the complexity of datasets. Sixteen healthcare datasets were extracted from two databases - MIMIC III and University of Illinois Hospital - converted to the event logs, they were then fed into the concatenation algorithm. The pre-processed event logs were then fed to the Split Miner (SM) algorithm to produce a process model. Process model quality was evaluated before and after concatenation using the following metrics: fitness, precision, F-Measure, and complexity. The pre-processed event logs were also used as inputs to the Decay Replay Mining (DREAM) algorithm to predict critical outcomes. We compared predicted results before and after applying the concatenation algorithm using Area Under the Curve (AUC) and Confidence Intervals (CI). Results indicated that the concatenation algorithm improved the quality of the process models and predictions of the critical health outcomes.

cross CRUISE on Quantum Computing for Feature Selection in Recommender Systems

Authors: Jiayang Niu, Jie Li, Ke Deng, Yongli Ren

Abstract: Using Quantum Computers to solve problems in Recommender Systems that classical computers cannot address is a worthwhile research topic. In this paper, we use Quantum Annealers to address the feature selection problem in recommendation algorithms. This feature selection problem is a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization(QUBO) problem. By incorporating Counterfactual Analysis, we significantly improve the performance of the item-based KNN recommendation algorithm compared to using pure Mutual Information. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that the use of Counterfactual Analysis holds great promise for addressing such problems.

cross MindBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Mind Map Structure Recognition and Analysis

Authors: Lei Chen, Feng Yan, Yujie Zhong, Shaoxiang Chen, Zequn Jie, Lin Ma

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) have made significant progress in the field of document analysis. Despite this, existing benchmarks typically focus only on extracting text and simple layout information, neglecting the complex interactions between elements in structured documents such as mind maps and flowcharts. To address this issue, we introduce the new benchmark named MindBench, which not only includes meticulously constructed bilingual authentic or synthetic images, detailed annotations, evaluation metrics and baseline models, but also specifically designs five types of structured understanding and parsing tasks. These tasks include full parsing, partial parsing, position-related parsing, structured Visual Question Answering (VQA), and position-related VQA, covering key areas such as text recognition, spatial awareness, relationship discernment, and structured parsing. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the substantial potential and significant room for improvement in current models' ability to handle structured document information. We anticipate that the launch of MindBench will significantly advance research and application development in structured document analysis technology. MindBench is available at:


cross Membership Inference Attacks Against Time-Series Models

Authors: Noam Koren, Abigail Goldsteen, Ariel Farkash, Guy Amit

Abstract: Analyzing time-series data that may contain personal information, particularly in the medical field, presents serious privacy concerns. Sensitive health data from patients is often used to train machine-learning models for diagnostics and ongoing care. Assessing the privacy risk of such models is crucial to making knowledgeable decisions on whether to use a model in production, share it with third parties, or deploy it in patients homes. Membership Inference Attacks (MIA) are a key method for this kind of evaluation, however time-series prediction models have not been thoroughly studied in this context. We explore existing MIA techniques on time-series models, and introduce new features, focusing on the seasonality and trend components of the data. Seasonality is estimated using a multivariate Fourier transform, and a low-degree polynomial is used to approximate trends. We applied these techniques to various types of time-series models, using datasets from the health domain. Our results demonstrate that these new features enhance the effectiveness of MIAs in identifying membership, improving the understanding of privacy risks in medical data applications.

cross Efficient Fusion and Task Guided Embedding for End-to-end Autonomous Driving

Authors: Yipin Guo, Yilin Lang, Qinyuan Ren

Abstract: To address the challenges of sensor fusion and safety risk prediction, contemporary closed-loop autonomous driving neural networks leveraging imitation learning typically require a substantial volume of parameters and computational resources to run neural networks. Given the constrained computational capacities of onboard vehicular computers, we introduce a compact yet potent solution named EfficientFuser. This approach employs EfficientViT for visual information extraction and integrates feature maps via cross attention. Subsequently, it utilizes a decoder-only transformer for the amalgamation of multiple features. For prediction purposes, learnable vectors are embedded as tokens to probe the association between the task and sensor features through attention. Evaluated on the CARLA simulation platform, EfficientFuser demonstrates remarkable efficiency, utilizing merely 37.6% of the parameters and 8.7% of the computations compared to the state-of-the-art lightweight method with only 0.4% lower driving score, and the safety score neared that of the leading safety-enhanced method, showcasing its efficacy and potential for practical deployment in autonomous driving systems.

cross Knowledge Composition using Task Vectors with Learned Anisotropic Scaling

Authors: Frederic Z. Zhang, Paul Albert, Cristian Rodriguez-Opazo, Anton van den Hengel, Ehsan Abbasnejad

Abstract: Pre-trained models produce strong generic representations that can be adapted via fine-tuning. The learned weight difference relative to the pre-trained model, known as a task vector, characterises the direction and stride of fine-tuning. The significance of task vectors is such that simple arithmetic operations on them can be used to combine diverse representations from different domains. This paper builds on these properties of task vectors and aims to answer (1) whether components of task vectors, particularly parameter blocks, exhibit similar characteristics, and (2) how such blocks can be used to enhance knowledge composition and transfer. To this end, we introduce aTLAS, an algorithm that linearly combines parameter blocks with different learned coefficients, resulting in anisotropic scaling at the task vector level. We show that such linear combinations explicitly exploit the low intrinsic dimensionality of pre-trained models, with only a few coefficients being the learnable parameters. Furthermore, composition of parameter blocks leverages the already learned representations, thereby reducing the dependency on large amounts of data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in task arithmetic, few-shot recognition and test-time adaptation, with supervised or unsupervised objectives. In particular, we show that (1) learned anisotropic scaling allows task vectors to be more disentangled, causing less interference in composition; (2) task vector composition excels with scarce or no labeled data and is less prone to domain shift, thus leading to better generalisability; (3) mixing the most informative parameter blocks across different task vectors prior to training can reduce the memory footprint and improve the flexibility of knowledge transfer. Moreover, we show the potential of aTLAS as a PEFT method, particularly with less data, and demonstrate that its scalibility.

cross ShiftAddAug: Augment Multiplication-Free Tiny Neural Network with Hybrid Computation

Authors: Yipin Guo, Zihao Li, Yilin Lang, Qinyuan Ren

Abstract: Operators devoid of multiplication, such as Shift and Add, have gained prominence for their compatibility with hardware. However, neural networks (NNs) employing these operators typically exhibit lower accuracy compared to conventional NNs with identical structures. ShiftAddAug uses costly multiplication to augment efficient but less powerful multiplication-free operators, improving performance without any inference overhead. It puts a ShiftAdd tiny NN into a large multiplicative model and encourages it to be trained as a sub-model to obtain additional supervision. In order to solve the weight discrepancy problem between hybrid operators, a new weight sharing method is proposed. Additionally, a novel two stage neural architecture search is used to obtain better augmentation effects for smaller but stronger multiplication-free tiny neural networks. The superiority of ShiftAddAug is validated through experiments in image classification and semantic segmentation, consistently delivering noteworthy enhancements. Remarkably, it secures up to a 4.95% increase in accuracy on the CIFAR100 compared to its directly trained counterparts, even surpassing the performance of multiplicative NNs.

cross Complex Event Recognition with Symbolic Register Transducers: Extended Technical Report

Authors: Elias Alevizos, Alexander Artikis, Georgios Paliouras

Abstract: We present a system for Complex Event Recognition (CER) based on automata. While multiple such systems have been described in the literature, they typically suffer from a lack of clear and denotational semantics, a limitation which often leads to confusion with respect to their expressive power. In order to address this issue, our system is based on an automaton model which is a combination of symbolic and register automata. We extend previous work on these types of automata, in order to construct a formalism with clear semantics and a corresponding automaton model whose properties can be formally investigated. We call such automata Symbolic Register Transducers (SRT). We show that SRT are closed under various operators, but are not in general closed under complement and they are not determinizable. However, they are closed under these operations when a window operator, quintessential in Complex Event Recognition, is used. We show how SRT can be used in CER in order to detect patterns upon streams of events, using our framework that provides declarative and compositional semantics, and that allows for a systematic treatment of such automata. For SRT to work in pattern detection, we allow them to mark events from the input stream as belonging to a complex event or not, hence the name "transducers". We also present an implementation of SRT which can perform CER. We compare our SRT-based CER engine against other state-of-the-art CER systems and show that it is both more expressive and more efficient.

cross Joint Optimization of Resource Allocation and Data Selection for Fast and Cost-Efficient Federated Edge Learning

Authors: Yunjian Jia, Zhen Huang, Jiping Yan, Yulu Zhang, Kun Luo, Wanli Wen

Abstract: Deploying federated learning at the wireless edge introduces federated edge learning (FEEL). Given FEEL's limited communication resources and potential mislabeled data on devices, improper resource allocation or data selection can hurt convergence speed and increase training costs. Thus, to realize an efficient FEEL system, this paper emphasizes jointly optimizing resource allocation and data selection. Specifically, in this work, through rigorously modeling the training process and deriving an upper bound on FEEL's one-round convergence rate, we establish a problem of joint resource allocation and data selection, which, unfortunately, cannot be solved directly. Toward this end, we equivalently transform the original problem into a solvable form via a variable substitution and then break it into two subproblems, that is, the resource allocation problem and the data selection problem. The two subproblems are mixed-integer non-convex and integer non-convex problems, respectively, and achieving their optimal solutions is a challenging task. Based on the matching theory and applying the convex-concave procedure and gradient projection methods, we devise a low-complexity suboptimal algorithm for the two subproblems, respectively. Finally, the superiority of our proposed scheme of joint resource allocation and data selection is validated by numerical results.

cross GPTQT: Quantize Large Language Models Twice to Push the Efficiency

Authors: Yipin Guo, Yilin Lang, Qinyuan Ren

Abstract: Due to their large size, generative Large Language Models (LLMs) require significant computing and storage resources. This paper introduces a new post-training quantization method, GPTQT, to reduce memory usage and enhance processing speed by expressing the weight of LLM in 3bit/2bit. Practice has shown that minimizing the quantization error of weights is ineffective, leading to overfitting. Therefore, GPTQT employs a progressive two-step approach: initially quantizing weights using Linear quantization to a relatively high bit, followed by converting obtained int weight to lower bit binary coding. A re-explore strategy is proposed to optimize initial scaling factor. During inference, these steps are merged into pure binary coding, enabling efficient computation. Testing across various models and datasets confirms GPTQT's effectiveness. Compared to the strong 3-bit quantization baseline, GPTQT further reduces perplexity by 4.01 on opt-66B and increases speed by 1.24 times on opt-30b. The results on Llama2 show that GPTQT is currently the best binary coding quantization method for such kind of LLMs.

cross Translatotron-V(ison): An End-to-End Model for In-Image Machine Translation

Authors: Zhibin Lan, Liqiang Niu, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou, Min Zhang, Jinsong Su

Abstract: In-image machine translation (IIMT) aims to translate an image containing texts in source language into an image containing translations in target language. In this regard, conventional cascaded methods suffer from issues such as error propagation, massive parameters, and difficulties in deployment and retaining visual characteristics of the input image. Thus, constructing end-to-end models has become an option, which, however, faces two main challenges: 1) the huge modeling burden, as it is required to simultaneously learn alignment across languages and preserve the visual characteristics of the input image; 2) the difficulties of directly predicting excessively lengthy pixel sequences. In this paper, we propose \textit{Translatotron-V(ision)}, an end-to-end IIMT model consisting of four modules. In addition to an image encoder, and an image decoder, our model contains a target text decoder and an image tokenizer. Among them, the target text decoder is used to alleviate the language alignment burden, and the image tokenizer converts long sequences of pixels into shorter sequences of visual tokens, preventing the model from focusing on low-level visual features. Besides, we present a two-stage training framework for our model to assist the model in learning alignment across modalities and languages. Finally, we propose a location-aware evaluation metric called Structure-BLEU to assess the translation quality of the generated images. Experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves competitive performance compared to cascaded models with only 70.9\% of parameters, and significantly outperforms the pixel-level end-to-end IIMT model.

cross The Shortcomings of Force-from-Motion in Robot Learning

Authors: Elie Aljalbout, Felix Frank, Patrick van der Smagt, Alexandros Paraschos

Abstract: Robotic manipulation requires accurate motion and physical interaction control. However, current robot learning approaches focus on motion-centric action spaces that do not explicitly give the policy control over the interaction. In this paper, we discuss the repercussions of this choice and argue for more interaction-explicit action spaces in robot learning.

cross SFC: Achieve Accurate Fast Convolution under Low-precision Arithmetic

Authors: Liulu He, Yufei Zhao, Rui Gao, Yuan Du, Li Du

Abstract: Fast convolution algorithms, including Winograd and FFT, can efficiently accelerate convolution operations in deep models. However, these algorithms depend on high-precision arithmetic to maintain inference accuracy, which conflicts with the model quantization. To resolve this conflict and further improve the efficiency of quantized convolution, we proposes SFC, a new algebra transform for fast convolution by extending the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with symbolic computing, in which only additions are required to perform the transformation at specific transform points, avoiding the calculation of irrational number and reducing the requirement for precision. Additionally, we enhance convolution efficiency by introducing correction terms to convert invalid circular convolution outputs of the Fourier method into effective ones. The numerical error analysis is presented for the first time in this type of work and proves that our algorithms can provide a 3.68x multiplication reduction for 3x3 convolution, while the Winograd algorithm only achieves a 2.25x reduction with similarly low numerical errors. Experiments carried out on benchmarks and FPGA show that our new algorithms can further improve the computation efficiency of quantized models while maintaining accuracy, surpassing both the quantization-alone method and existing works on fast convolution quantization.

cross Towards Negotiative Dialogue for the Talkamatic Dialogue Manager

Authors: Staffan Larsson, Alexander Berman, David Hjelm

Abstract: The paper describes a number of dialogue phenomena associated with negotiative dialogue, as implemented in a development version of the Talkamatic Dialogue Manager (TDM). This implementation is an initial step towards full coverage of general features of negotiative dialogue in TDM.

cross PII-Compass: Guiding LLM training data extraction prompts towards the target PII via grounding

Authors: Krishna Kanth Nakka, Ahmed Frikha, Ricardo Mendes, Xue Jiang, Xuebing Zhou

Abstract: The latest and most impactful advances in large models stem from their increased size. Unfortunately, this translates into an improved memorization capacity, raising data privacy concerns. Specifically, it has been shown that models can output personal identifiable information (PII) contained in their training data. However, reported PIII extraction performance varies widely, and there is no consensus on the optimal methodology to evaluate this risk, resulting in underestimating realistic adversaries. In this work, we empirically demonstrate that it is possible to improve the extractability of PII by over ten-fold by grounding the prefix of the manually constructed extraction prompt with in-domain data. Our approach, PII-Compass, achieves phone number extraction rates of 0.92%, 3.9%, and 6.86% with 1, 128, and 2308 queries, respectively, i.e., the phone number of 1 person in 15 is extractable.

cross IncogniText: Privacy-enhancing Conditional Text Anonymization via LLM-based Private Attribute Randomization

Authors: Ahmed Frikha, Nassim Walha, Krishna Kanth Nakka, Ricardo Mendes, Xue Jiang, Xuebing Zhou

Abstract: In this work, we address the problem of text anonymization where the goal is to prevent adversaries from correctly inferring private attributes of the author, while keeping the text utility, i.e., meaning and semantics. We propose IncogniText, a technique that anonymizes the text to mislead a potential adversary into predicting a wrong private attribute value. Our empirical evaluation shows a reduction of private attribute leakage by more than 90%. Finally, we demonstrate the maturity of IncogniText for real-world applications by distilling its anonymization capability into a set of LoRA parameters associated with an on-device model.

cross ObfuscaTune: Obfuscated Offsite Fine-tuning and Inference of Proprietary LLMs on Private Datasets

Authors: Ahmed Frikha, Nassim Walha, Ricardo Mendes, Krishna Kanth Nakka, Xue Jiang, Xuebing Zhou

Abstract: This work addresses the timely yet underexplored problem of performing inference and finetuning of a proprietary LLM owned by a model provider entity on the confidential/private data of another data owner entity, in a way that ensures the confidentiality of both the model and the data. Hereby, the finetuning is conducted offsite, i.e., on the computation infrastructure of a third-party cloud provider. We tackle this problem by proposing ObfuscaTune, a novel, efficient and fully utility-preserving approach that combines a simple yet effective obfuscation technique with an efficient usage of confidential computing (only 5% of the model parameters are placed on TEE). We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of ObfuscaTune by validating it on GPT-2 models with different sizes on four NLP benchmark datasets. Finally, we compare to a na\"ive version of our approach to highlight the necessity of using random matrices with low condition numbers in our approach to reduce errors induced by the obfuscation.

cross Towards a Scalable Reference-Free Evaluation of Generative Models

Authors: Azim Ospanov, Jingwei Zhang, Mohammad Jalali, Xuenan Cao, Andrej Bogdanov, Farzan Farnia

Abstract: While standard evaluation scores for generative models are mostly reference-based, a reference-dependent assessment of generative models could be generally difficult due to the unavailability of applicable reference datasets. Recently, the reference-free entropy scores, VENDI and RKE, have been proposed to evaluate the diversity of generated data. However, estimating these scores from data leads to significant computational costs for large-scale generative models. In this work, we leverage the random Fourier features framework to reduce the computational price and propose the Fourier-based Kernel Entropy Approximation (FKEA) method. We utilize FKEA's approximated eigenspectrum of the kernel matrix to efficiently estimate the mentioned entropy scores. Furthermore, we show the application of FKEA's proxy eigenvectors to reveal the method's identified modes in evaluating the diversity of produced samples. We provide a stochastic implementation of the FKEA assessment algorithm with a complexity $O(n)$ linearly growing with sample size $n$. We extensively evaluate FKEA's numerical performance in application to standard image, text, and video datasets. Our empirical results indicate the method's scalability and interpretability applied to large-scale generative models. The codebase is available at


cross Unified Anomaly Detection methods on Edge Device using Knowledge Distillation and Quantization

Authors: Sushovan Jena, Arya Pulkit, Kajal Singh, Anoushka Banerjee, Sharad Joshi, Ananth Ganesh, Dinesh Singh, Arnav Bhavsar

Abstract: With the rapid advances in deep learning and smart manufacturing in Industry 4.0, there is an imperative for high-throughput, high-performance, and fully integrated visual inspection systems. Most anomaly detection approaches using defect detection datasets, such as MVTec AD, employ one-class models that require fitting separate models for each class. On the contrary, unified models eliminate the need for fitting separate models for each class and significantly reduce cost and memory requirements. Thus, in this work, we experiment with considering a unified multi-class setup. Our experimental study shows that multi-class models perform at par with one-class models for the standard MVTec AD dataset. Hence, this indicates that there may not be a need to learn separate object/class-wise models when the object classes are significantly different from each other, as is the case of the dataset considered. Furthermore, we have deployed three different unified lightweight architectures on the CPU and an edge device (NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX). We analyze the quantized multi-class anomaly detection models in terms of latency and memory requirements for deployment on the edge device while comparing quantization-aware training (QAT) and post-training quantization (PTQ) for performance at different precision widths. In addition, we explored two different methods of calibration required in post-training scenarios and show that one of them performs notably better, highlighting its importance for unsupervised tasks. Due to quantization, the performance drop in PTQ is further compensated by QAT, which yields at par performance with the original 32-bit Floating point in two of the models considered.

cross Zero-X: A Blockchain-Enabled Open-Set Federated Learning Framework for Zero-Day Attack Detection in IoV

Authors: Abdelaziz Amara korba, Abdelwahab Boualouache, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane

Abstract: The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a crucial technology for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that integrates vehicles with the Internet and other entities. The emergence of 5G and the forthcoming 6G networks presents an enormous potential to transform the IoV by enabling ultra-reliable, low-latency, and high-bandwidth communications. Nevertheless, as connectivity expands, cybersecurity threats have become a significant concern. The issue has been further exacerbated by the rising number of zero-day (0-day) attacks, which can exploit unknown vulnerabilities and bypass existing Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). In this paper, we propose Zero-X, an innovative security framework that effectively detects both 0-day and N-day attacks. The framework achieves this by combining deep neural networks with Open-Set Recognition (OSR). Our approach introduces a novel scheme that uses blockchain technology to facilitate trusted and decentralized federated learning (FL) of the ZeroX framework. This scheme also prioritizes privacy preservation, enabling both CAVs and Security Operation Centers (SOCs) to contribute their unique knowledge while protecting the privacy of their sensitive data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to leverage OSR in combination with privacy-preserving FL to identify both 0-day and N-day attacks in the realm of IoV. The in-depth experiments on two recent network traffic datasets show that the proposed framework achieved a high detection rate while minimizing the false positive rate. Comparison with related work showed that the Zero-X framework outperforms existing solutions.

cross Large Language Models as Evaluators for Scientific Synthesis

Authors: Julia Evans, Jennifer D'Souza, S\"oren Auer

Abstract: Our study explores how well the state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs), like GPT-4 and Mistral, can assess the quality of scientific summaries or, more fittingly, scientific syntheses, comparing their evaluations to those of human annotators. We used a dataset of 100 research questions and their syntheses made by GPT-4 from abstracts of five related papers, checked against human quality ratings. The study evaluates both the closed-source GPT-4 and the open-source Mistral model's ability to rate these summaries and provide reasons for their judgments. Preliminary results show that LLMs can offer logical explanations that somewhat match the quality ratings, yet a deeper statistical analysis shows a weak correlation between LLM and human ratings, suggesting the potential and current limitations of LLMs in scientific synthesis evaluation.

cross Mast Kalandar at SemEval-2024 Task 8: On the Trail of Textual Origins: RoBERTa-BiLSTM Approach to Detect AI-Generated Text

Authors: Jainit Sushil Bafna, Hardik Mittal, Suyash Sethia, Manish Shrivastava, Radhika Mamidi

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased impressive abilities in generating fluent responses to diverse user queries. However, concerns regarding the potential misuse of such texts in journalism, educational, and academic contexts have surfaced. SemEval 2024 introduces the task of Multigenerator, Multidomain, and Multilingual Black-Box Machine-Generated Text Detection, aiming to develop automated systems for identifying machine-generated text and detecting potential misuse. In this paper, we i) propose a RoBERTa-BiLSTM based classifier designed to classify text into two categories: AI-generated or human ii) conduct a comparative study of our model with baseline approaches to evaluate its effectiveness. This paper contributes to the advancement of automatic text detection systems in addressing the challenges posed by machine-generated text misuse. Our architecture ranked 46th on the official leaderboard with an accuracy of 80.83 among 125.

cross LoRA-Guard: Parameter-Efficient Guardrail Adaptation for Content Moderation of Large Language Models

Authors: Hayder Elesedy, Pedro M. Esperan\c{c}a, Silviu Vlad Oprea, Mete Ozay

Abstract: Guardrails have emerged as an alternative to safety alignment for content moderation of large language models (LLMs). Existing model-based guardrails have not been designed for resource-constrained computational portable devices, such as mobile phones, more and more of which are running LLM-based applications locally. We introduce LoRA-Guard, a parameter-efficient guardrail adaptation method that relies on knowledge sharing between LLMs and guardrail models. LoRA-Guard extracts language features from the LLMs and adapts them for the content moderation task using low-rank adapters, while a dual-path design prevents any performance degradation on the generative task. We show that LoRA-Guard outperforms existing approaches with 100-1000x lower parameter overhead while maintaining accuracy, enabling on-device content moderation.

cross MedPix 2.0: A Comprehensive Multimodal Biomedical Dataset for Advanced AI Applications

Authors: Irene Siragusa, Salvatore Contino, Massimo La Ciura, Rosario Alicata, Roberto Pirrone

Abstract: The increasing interest in developing Artificial Intelligence applications in the medical domain, suffers from the lack of high-quality dataset, mainly due to privacy-related issues. Moreover, the recent rising of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) leads to a need for multimodal medical datasets, where clinical reports and findings are attached to the corresponding CT or MR scans. This paper illustrates the entire workflow for building the data set MedPix 2.0. Starting from the well-known multimodal dataset MedPix\textsuperscript{\textregistered}, mainly used by physicians, nurses and healthcare students for Continuing Medical Education purposes, a semi-automatic pipeline was developed to extract visual and textual data followed by a manual curing procedure where noisy samples were removed, thus creating a MongoDB database. Along with the dataset, we developed a GUI aimed at navigating efficiently the MongoDB instance, and obtaining the raw data that can be easily used for training and/or fine-tuning MLLMs. To enforce this point, we also propose a CLIP-based model trained on MedPix 2.0 for scan classification tasks.

cross Are Large Language Models Consistent over Value-laden Questions?

Authors: Jared Moore, Tanvi Deshpande, Diyi Yang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) appear to bias their survey answers toward certain values. Nonetheless, some argue that LLMs are too inconsistent to simulate particular values. Are they? To answer, we first define value consistency as the similarity of answers across (1) paraphrases of one question, (2) related questions under one topic, (3) multiple-choice and open-ended use-cases of one question, and (4) multilingual translations of a question to English, Chinese, German, and Japanese. We apply these measures to a few large ($>=34b$), open LLMs including llama-3, as well as gpt-4o, using eight thousand questions spanning more than 300 topics. Unlike prior work, we find that models are relatively consistent across paraphrases, use-cases, translations, and within a topic. Still, some inconsistencies remain. Models are more consistent on uncontroversial topics (e.g., in the U.S., "Thanksgiving") than on controversial ones ("euthanasia"). Base models are both more consistent compared to fine-tuned models and are uniform in their consistency across topics, while fine-tuned models are more inconsistent about some topics ("euthanasia") than others ("women's rights") like our human subjects (n=165).

cross SemioLLM: Assessing Large Language Models for Semiological Analysis in Epilepsy Research

Authors: Meghal Dani, Muthu Jeyanthi Prakash, Zeynep Akata, Stefanie Liebe

Abstract: Large Language Models have shown promising results in their ability to encode general medical knowledge in standard medical question-answering datasets. However, their potential application in clinical practice requires evaluation in domain-specific tasks, where benchmarks are largely missing. In this study semioLLM, we test the ability of state-of-the-art LLMs (GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Mixtral 8x7B, and Qwen-72chat) to leverage their internal knowledge and reasoning for epilepsy diagnosis. Specifically, we obtain likelihood estimates linking unstructured text descriptions of seizures to seizure-generating brain regions, using an annotated clinical database containing 1269 entries. We evaluate the LLM's performance, confidence, reasoning, and citation abilities in comparison to clinical evaluation. Models achieve above-chance classification performance with prompt engineering significantly improving their outcome, with some models achieving close-to-clinical performance and reasoning. However, our analyses also reveal significant pitfalls with several models being overly confident while showing poor performance, as well as exhibiting citation errors and hallucinations. In summary, our work provides the first extensive benchmark comparing current SOTA LLMs in the medical domain of epilepsy and highlights their ability to leverage unstructured texts from patients' medical history to aid diagnostic processes in health care.

cross Human-like Linguistic Biases in Neural Speech Models: Phonetic Categorization and Phonotactic Constraints in Wav2Vec2.0

Authors: Marianne de Heer Kloots, Willem Zuidema

Abstract: What do deep neural speech models know about phonology? Existing work has examined the encoding of individual linguistic units such as phonemes in these models. Here we investigate interactions between units. Inspired by classic experiments on human speech perception, we study how Wav2Vec2 resolves phonotactic constraints. We synthesize sounds on an acoustic continuum between /l/ and /r/ and embed them in controlled contexts where only /l/, only /r/, or neither occur in English. Like humans, Wav2Vec2 models show a bias towards the phonotactically admissable category in processing such ambiguous sounds. Using simple measures to analyze model internals on the level of individual stimuli, we find that this bias emerges in early layers of the model's Transformer module. This effect is amplified by ASR finetuning but also present in fully self-supervised models. Our approach demonstrates how controlled stimulus designs can help localize specific linguistic knowledge in neural speech models.

cross What Affects the Stability of Tool Learning? An Empirical Study on the Robustness of Tool Learning Frameworks

Authors: Chengrui Huang, Zhengliang Shi, Yuntao Wen, Xiuying Chen, Peng Han, Shen Gao, Shuo Shang

Abstract: Tool learning methods have enhanced the ability of large language models (LLMs) to interact with real-world applications. Many existing works fine-tune LLMs or design prompts to enable LLMs to select appropriate tools and correctly invoke them to meet user requirements. However, it is observed in previous works that the performance of tool learning varies from tasks, datasets, training settings, and algorithms. Without understanding the impact of these factors, it can lead to inconsistent results, inefficient model deployment, and suboptimal tool utilization, ultimately hindering the practical integration and scalability of LLMs in real-world scenarios. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the impact of both internal and external factors on the performance of tool learning frameworks. Through extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, we find several insightful conclusions for future work, including the observation that LLMs can benefit significantly from increased trial and exploration. We believe our empirical study provides a new perspective for future tool learning research.

cross An Organism Starts with a Single Pix-Cell: A Neural Cellular Diffusion for High-Resolution Image Synthesis

Authors: Marawan Elbatel, Konstantinos Kamnitsas, Xiaomeng Li

Abstract: Generative modeling seeks to approximate the statistical properties of real data, enabling synthesis of new data that closely resembles the original distribution. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) represent significant advancements in generative modeling, drawing inspiration from game theory and thermodynamics, respectively. Nevertheless, the exploration of generative modeling through the lens of biological evolution remains largely untapped. In this paper, we introduce a novel family of models termed Generative Cellular Automata (GeCA), inspired by the evolution of an organism from a single cell. GeCAs are evaluated as an effective augmentation tool for retinal disease classification across two imaging modalities: Fundus and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). In the context of OCT imaging, where data is scarce and the distribution of classes is inherently skewed, GeCA significantly boosts the performance of 11 different ophthalmological conditions, achieving a 12% increase in the average F1 score compared to conventional baselines. GeCAs outperform both diffusion methods that incorporate UNet or state-of-the art variants with transformer-based denoising models, under similar parameter constraints. Code is available at:


cross Qifusion-Net: Layer-adapted Stream/Non-stream Model for End-to-End Multi-Accent Speech Recognition

Authors: Jinming Chen, Jingyi Fang, Yuanzhong Zheng, Yaoxuan Wang, Haojun Fei

Abstract: Currently, end-to-end (E2E) speech recognition methods have achieved promising performance. However, auto speech recognition (ASR) models still face challenges in recognizing multi-accent speech accurately. We propose a layer-adapted fusion (LAF) model, called Qifusion-Net, which does not require any prior knowledge about the target accent. Based on dynamic chunk strategy, our approach enables streaming decoding and can extract frame-level acoustic feature, facilitating fine-grained information fusion. Experiment results demonstrate that our proposed methods outperform the baseline with relative reductions of 22.1$\%$ and 17.2$\%$ in character error rate (CER) across multi accent test datasets on KeSpeech and MagicData-RMAC.

cross Attention Incorporated Network for Sharing Low-rank, Image and K-space Information during MR Image Reconstruction to Achieve Single Breath-hold Cardiac Cine Imaging

Authors: Siying Xu, Kerstin Hammernik, Andreas Lingg, Jens Kuebler, Patrick Krumm, Daniel Rueckert, Sergios Gatidis, Thomas Kuestner

Abstract: Cardiac Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides an accurate assessment of heart morphology and function in clinical practice. However, MRI requires long acquisition times, with recent deep learning-based methods showing great promise to accelerate imaging and enhance reconstruction quality. Existing networks exhibit some common limitations that constrain further acceleration possibilities, including single-domain learning, reliance on a single regularization term, and equal feature contribution. To address these limitations, we propose to embed information from multiple domains, including low-rank, image, and k-space, in a novel deep learning network for MRI reconstruction, which we denote as A-LIKNet. A-LIKNet adopts a parallel-branch structure, enabling independent learning in the k-space and image domain. Coupled information sharing layers realize the information exchange between domains. Furthermore, we introduce attention mechanisms into the network to assign greater weights to more critical coils or important temporal frames. Training and testing were conducted on an in-house dataset, including 91 cardiovascular patients and 38 healthy subjects scanned with 2D cardiac Cine using retrospective undersampling. Additionally, we evaluated A-LIKNet on the real-time 8x prospectively undersampled data from the OCMR dataset. The results demonstrate that our proposed A-LIKNet outperforms existing methods and provides high-quality reconstructions. The network can effectively reconstruct highly retrospectively undersampled dynamic MR images up to 24x accelerations, indicating its potential for single breath-hold imaging.

cross NLP Sampling: Combining MCMC and NLP Methods for Diverse Constrained Sampling

Authors: Marc Toussaint, Cornelius V. Braun, Joaquim Ortiz-Haro

Abstract: Generating diverse samples under hard constraints is a core challenge in many areas. With this work we aim to provide an integrative view and framework to combine methods from the fields of MCMC, constrained optimization, as well as robotics, and gain insights in their strengths from empirical evaluations. We propose NLP Sampling as a general problem formulation, propose a family of restarting two-phase methods as a framework to integrated methods from across the fields, and evaluate them on analytical and robotic manipulation planning problems. Complementary to this, we provide several conceptual discussions, e.g. on the role of Lagrange parameters, global sampling, and the idea of a Diffused NLP and a corresponding model-based denoising sampler.

cross Raw Text is All you Need: Knowledge-intensive Multi-turn Instruction Tuning for Large Language Model

Authors: Xia Hou, Qifeng Li, Jian Yang, Tongliang Li, Linzheng Chai, Xianjie Wu, Hangyuan Ji, Zhoujun Li, Jixuan Nie, Jingbo Dun, Wenfeng Song

Abstract: Instruction tuning as an effective technique aligns the outputs of large language models (LLMs) with human preference. But how to generate the seasonal multi-turn dialogues from raw documents for instruction tuning still requires further exploration. In this paper, we present a novel framework named R2S that leverages the CoD-Chain of Dialogue logic to guide large language models (LLMs) in generating knowledge-intensive multi-turn dialogues for instruction tuning. By integrating raw documents from both open-source datasets and domain-specific web-crawled documents into a benchmark K-BENCH, we cover diverse areas such as Wikipedia (English), Science (Chinese), and Artifacts (Chinese). Our approach first decides the logic flow of the current dialogue and then prompts LLMs to produce key phrases for sourcing relevant response content. This methodology enables the creation of the G I NSTRUCT instruction dataset, retaining raw document knowledge within dialoguestyle interactions. Utilizing this dataset, we fine-tune GLLM, a model designed to transform raw documents into structured multi-turn dialogues, thereby injecting comprehensive domain knowledge into the SFT model for enhanced instruction tuning. This work signifies a stride towards refining the adaptability and effectiveness of LLMs in processing and generating more accurate, contextually nuanced responses across various fields.

cross Improving Zero-shot Generalization of Learned Prompts via Unsupervised Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Marco Mistretta, Alberto Baldrati, Marco Bertini, Andrew D. Bagdanov

Abstract: Vision-Language Models (VLMs) demonstrate remarkable zero-shot generalization to unseen tasks, but fall short of the performance of supervised methods in generalizing to downstream tasks with limited data. Prompt learning is emerging as a parameter-efficient method for adapting VLMs, but state-of-the-art approaches require annotated samples. In this paper we propose a novel approach to prompt learning based on unsupervised knowledge distillation from more powerful models. Our approach, which we call Knowledge Distillation Prompt Learning (KDPL), can be integrated into existing prompt learning techniques and eliminates the need for labeled examples during adaptation. Our experiments on more than ten standard benchmark datasets demonstrate that KDPL is very effective at improving generalization of learned prompts for zero-shot domain generalization, zero-shot cross-dataset generalization, and zero-shot base-to-novel class generalization problems. KDPL requires no ground-truth labels for adaptation, and moreover we show that even in the absence of any knowledge of training class names it can be used to effectively transfer knowledge. The code is publicly available at


cross FairJob: A Real-World Dataset for Fairness in Online Systems

Authors: Mariia Vladimirova, Federico Pavone, Eustache Diemert

Abstract: We introduce a fairness-aware dataset for job recommendation in advertising, designed to foster research in algorithmic fairness within real-world scenarios. It was collected and prepared to comply with privacy standards and business confidentiality. An additional challenge is the lack of access to protected user attributes such as gender, for which we propose a solution to obtain a proxy estimate. Despite being anonymized and including a proxy for a sensitive attribute, our dataset preserves predictive power and maintains a realistic and challenging benchmark. This dataset addresses a significant gap in the availability of fairness-focused resources for high-impact domains like advertising -- the actual impact being having access or not to precious employment opportunities, where balancing fairness and utility is a common industrial challenge. We also explore various stages in the advertising process where unfairness can occur and introduce a method to compute a fair utility metric for the job recommendations in online systems case from a biased dataset. Experimental evaluations of bias mitigation techniques on the released dataset demonstrate potential improvements in fairness and the associated trade-offs with utility.

cross xApp Distillation: AI-based Conflict Mitigation in B5G O-RAN

Authors: Hakan Erdol, Xiaoyang Wang, Robert Piechocki, George Oikonomou, Arjun Parekh

Abstract: The advancements of machine learning-based (ML) decision-making algorithms created various research and industrial opportunities. One of these areas is ML-based near-real-time network management applications (xApps) in Open-Radio Access Network (O-RAN). Normally, xApps are designed solely for the desired objectives, and fine-tuned for deployment. However, telecommunication companies can employ multiple xApps and deploy them in overlapping areas. Consider the different design objectives of xApps, the deployment might cause conflicts. To prevent such conflicts, we proposed the xApp distillation method that distills knowledge from multiple xApps, then uses this knowledge to train a single model that has retained the capabilities of Previous xApps. Performance evaluations show that compared conflict mitigation schemes can cause up to six times more network outages than xApp distillation in some cases.

cross Federated Learning for Zero-Day Attack Detection in 5G and Beyond V2X Networks

Authors: Abdelaziz Amara korba, Abdelwahab Boualouache, Bouziane Brik, Rabah Rahal, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Sidi Mohammed Senouci

Abstract: Deploying Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) on top of 5G and Beyond networks (5GB) makes them vulnerable to increasing vectors of security and privacy attacks. In this context, a wide range of advanced machine/deep learning based solutions have been designed to accurately detect security attacks. Specifically, supervised learning techniques have been widely applied to train attack detection models. However, the main limitation of such solutions is their inability to detect attacks different from those seen during the training phase, or new attacks, also called zero-day attacks. Moreover, training the detection model requires significant data collection and labeling, which increases the communication overhead, and raises privacy concerns. To address the aforementioned limits, we propose in this paper a novel detection mechanism that leverages the ability of the deep auto-encoder method to detect attacks relying only on the benign network traffic pattern. Using federated learning, the proposed intrusion detection system can be trained with large and diverse benign network traffic, while preserving the CAVs privacy, and minimizing the communication overhead. The in-depth experiment on a recent network traffic dataset shows that the proposed system achieved a high detection rate while minimizing the false positive rate, and the detection delay.

cross Artificial Inductive Bias for Synthetic Tabular Data Generation in Data-Scarce Scenarios

Authors: Patricia A. Apell\'aniz, Ana Jim\'enez, Borja Arroyo Galende, Juan Parras, Santiago Zazo

Abstract: While synthetic tabular data generation using Deep Generative Models (DGMs) offers a compelling solution to data scarcity and privacy concerns, their effectiveness relies on substantial training data, often unavailable in real-world applications. This paper addresses this challenge by proposing a novel methodology for generating realistic and reliable synthetic tabular data with DGMs in limited real-data environments. Our approach proposes several ways to generate an artificial inductive bias in a DGM through transfer learning and meta-learning techniques. We explore and compare four different methods within this framework, demonstrating that transfer learning strategies like pre-training and model averaging outperform meta-learning approaches, like Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning, and Domain Randomized Search. We validate our approach using two state-of-the-art DGMs, namely, a Variational Autoencoder and a Generative Adversarial Network, to show that our artificial inductive bias fuels superior synthetic data quality, as measured by Jensen-Shannon divergence, achieving relative gains of up to 50\% when using our proposed approach. This methodology has broad applicability in various DGMs and machine learning tasks, particularly in areas like healthcare and finance, where data scarcity is often a critical issue.

cross Effective Heterogeneous Federated Learning via Efficient Hypernetwork-based Weight Generation

Authors: Yujin Shin, Kichang Lee, Sungmin Lee, You Rim Choi, Hyung-Sin Kim, JeongGil Ko

Abstract: While federated learning leverages distributed client resources, it faces challenges due to heterogeneous client capabilities. This necessitates allocating models suited to clients' resources and careful parameter aggregation to accommodate this heterogeneity. We propose HypeMeFed, a novel federated learning framework for supporting client heterogeneity by combining a multi-exit network architecture with hypernetwork-based model weight generation. This approach aligns the feature spaces of heterogeneous model layers and resolves per-layer information disparity during weight aggregation. To practically realize HypeMeFed, we also propose a low-rank factorization approach to minimize computation and memory overhead associated with hypernetworks. Our evaluations on a real-world heterogeneous device testbed indicate that HypeMeFed enhances accuracy by 5.12% over FedAvg, reduces the hypernetwork memory requirements by 98.22%, and accelerates its operations by 1.86 times compared to a naive hypernetwork approach. These results demonstrate HypeMeFed's effectiveness in leveraging and engaging heterogeneous clients for federated learning.

cross Revisiting the Performance of Deep Learning-Based Vulnerability Detection on Realistic Datasets

Authors: Partha Chakraborty, Krishna Kanth Arumugam, Mahmoud Alfadel, Meiyappan Nagappan, Shane McIntosh

Abstract: The impact of software vulnerabilities on everyday software systems is significant. Despite deep learning models being proposed for vulnerability detection, their reliability is questionable. Prior evaluations show high recall/F1 scores of up to 99%, but these models underperform in practical scenarios, particularly when assessed on entire codebases rather than just the fixing commit. This paper introduces Real-Vul, a comprehensive dataset representing real-world scenarios for evaluating vulnerability detection models. Evaluating DeepWukong, LineVul, ReVeal, and IVDetect shows a significant drop in performance, with precision decreasing by up to 95 percentage points and F1 scores by up to 91 points. Furthermore, Model performance fluctuates based on vulnerability characteristics, with better F1 scores for information leaks or code injection than for path resolution or predictable return values. The results highlight a significant performance gap that needs addressing before deploying deep learning-based vulnerability detection in practical settings. Overfitting is identified as a key issue, and an augmentation technique is proposed, potentially improving performance by up to 30%. Contributions include a dataset creation approach for better model evaluation, Real-Vul dataset, and empirical evidence of deep learning models struggling in real-world settings.

cross Conformal Prediction for Causal Effects of Continuous Treatments

Authors: Maresa Schr\"oder, Dennis Frauen, Jonas Schweisthal, Konstantin He{\ss}, Valentyn Melnychuk, Stefan Feuerriegel

Abstract: Uncertainty quantification of causal effects is crucial for safety-critical applications such as personalized medicine. A powerful approach for this is conformal prediction, which has several practical benefits due to model-agnostic finite-sample guarantees. Yet, existing methods for conformal prediction of causal effects are limited to binary/discrete treatments and make highly restrictive assumptions such as known propensity scores. In this work, we provide a novel conformal prediction method for potential outcomes of continuous treatments. We account for the additional uncertainty introduced through propensity estimation so that our conformal prediction intervals are valid even if the propensity score is unknown. Our contributions are three-fold: (1) We derive finite-sample prediction intervals for potential outcomes of continuous treatments. (2) We provide an algorithm for calculating the derived intervals. (3) We demonstrate the effectiveness of the conformal prediction intervals in experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose conformal prediction for continuous treatments when the propensity score is unknown and must be estimated from data.

cross How Reliable and Stable are Explanations of XAI Methods?

Authors: Jos\'e Ribeiro, Lucas Cardoso, Vitor Santos, Eduardo Carvalho, N\'ikolas Carneiro, Ronnie Alves

Abstract: Black box models are increasingly being used in the daily lives of human beings living in society. Along with this increase, there has been the emergence of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods aimed at generating additional explanations regarding how the model makes certain predictions. In this sense, methods such as Dalex, Eli5, eXirt, Lofo and Shap emerged as different proposals and methodologies for generating explanations of black box models in an agnostic way. Along with the emergence of these methods, questions arise such as "How Reliable and Stable are XAI Methods?". With the aim of shedding light on this main question, this research creates a pipeline that performs experiments using the diabetes dataset and four different machine learning models (LGBM, MLP, DT and KNN), creating different levels of perturbations of the test data and finally generates explanations from the eXirt method regarding the confidence of the models and also feature relevances ranks from all XAI methods mentioned, in order to measure their stability in the face of perturbations. As a result, it was found that eXirt was able to identify the most reliable models among all those used. It was also found that current XAI methods are sensitive to perturbations, with the exception of one specific method.

cross A Toolchain for Comprehensive Audio/Video Analysis Using Deep Learning Based Multimodal Approach (A use case of riot or violent context detection)

Authors: Lam Pham, Phat Lam, Tin Nguyen, Hieu Tang, Alexander Schindler

Abstract: In this paper, we present a toolchain for a comprehensive audio/video analysis by leveraging deep learning based multimodal approach. To this end, different specific tasks of Speech to Text (S2T), Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC), Acoustic Event Detection (AED), Visual Object Detection (VOD), Image Captioning (IC), and Video Captioning (VC) are conducted and integrated into the toolchain. By combining individual tasks and analyzing both audio \& visual data extracted from input video, the toolchain offers various audio/video-based applications: Two general applications of audio/video clustering, comprehensive audio/video summary and a specific application of riot or violent context detection. Furthermore, the toolchain presents a flexible and adaptable architecture that is effective to integrate new models for further audio/video-based applications.

cross Compressed Latent Replays for Lightweight Continual Learning on Spiking Neural Networks

Authors: Alberto Dequino, Alessio Carpegna, Davide Nadalini, Alessandro Savino, Luca Benini, Stefano Di Carlo, Francesco Conti

Abstract: Rehearsal-based Continual Learning (CL) has been intensely investigated in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). However, its application in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) has not been explored in depth. In this paper we introduce the first memory-efficient implementation of Latent Replay (LR)-based CL for SNNs, designed to seamlessly integrate with resource-constrained devices. LRs combine new samples with latent representations of previously learned data, to mitigate forgetting. Experiments on the Heidelberg SHD dataset with Sample and Class-Incremental tasks reach a Top-1 accuracy of 92.5% and 92%, respectively, without forgetting the previously learned information. Furthermore, we minimize the LRs' requirements by applying a time-domain compression, reducing by two orders of magnitude their memory requirement, with respect to a naive rehearsal setup, with a maximum accuracy drop of 4%. On a Multi-Class-Incremental task, our SNN learns 10 new classes from an initial set of 10, reaching a Top-1 accuracy of 78.4% on the full test set.

cross Foundations and Frontiers of Graph Learning Theory

Authors: Yu Huang, Min Zhou, Menglin Yang, Zhen Wang, Muhan Zhang, Jie Wang, Hong Xie, Hao Wang, Defu Lian, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Recent advancements in graph learning have revolutionized the way to understand and analyze data with complex structures. Notably, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), i.e. neural network architectures designed for learning graph representations, have become a popular paradigm. With these models being usually characterized by intuition-driven design or highly intricate components, placing them within the theoretical analysis framework to distill the core concepts, helps understand the key principles that drive the functionality better and guide further development. Given this surge in interest, this article provides a comprehensive summary of the theoretical foundations and breakthroughs concerning the approximation and learning behaviors intrinsic to prevalent graph learning models. Encompassing discussions on fundamental aspects such as expressiveness power, generalization, optimization, and unique phenomena such as over-smoothing and over-squashing, this piece delves into the theoretical foundations and frontier driving the evolution of graph learning. In addition, this article also presents several challenges and further initiates discussions on possible solutions.

cross MVGT: A Multi-view Graph Transformer Based on Spatial Relations for EEG Emotion Recognition

Authors: Yanjie Cui, Xiaohong Liu, Jing Liang, Yamin Fu

Abstract: Electroencephalography (EEG), a medical imaging technique that captures scalp electrical activity of brain structures via electrodes, has been widely used in affective computing. The spatial domain of EEG is rich in affective information.However, few of the existing studies have simultaneously analyzed EEG signals from multiple perspectives of geometric and anatomical structures in spatial domain. In this paper, we propose a multi-view Graph Transformer (MVGT) based on spatial relations, which integrates information from the temporal, frequency and spatial domains, including geometric and anatomical structures, so as to enhance the expressive power of the model comprehensively.We incorporate the spatial information of EEG channels into the model as encoding, thereby improving its ability to perceive the spatial structure of the channels. Meanwhile, experimental results based on publicly available datasets demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in recent years. In addition, the results also show that the MVGT could extract information from multiple domains and capture inter-channel relationships in EEG emotion recognition tasks effectively.

cross Speaker- and Text-Independent Estimation of Articulatory Movements and Phoneme Alignments from Speech

Authors: Tobias Weise, Philipp Klumpp, Kubilay Can Demir, Paula Andrea P\'erez-Toro, Maria Schuster, Elmar Noeth, Bjoern Heismann, Andreas Maier, Seung Hee Yang

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel combination of two tasks, previously treated separately: acoustic-to-articulatory speech inversion (AAI) and phoneme-to-articulatory (PTA) motion estimation. We refer to this joint task as acoustic phoneme-to-articulatory speech inversion (APTAI) and explore two different approaches, both working speaker- and text-independently during inference. We use a multi-task learning setup, with the end-to-end goal of taking raw speech as input and estimating the corresponding articulatory movements, phoneme sequence, and phoneme alignment. While both proposed approaches share these same requirements, they differ in their way of achieving phoneme-related predictions: one is based on frame classification, the other on a two-staged training procedure and forced alignment. We reach competitive performance of 0.73 mean correlation for the AAI task and achieve up to approximately 87% frame overlap compared to a state-of-the-art text-dependent phoneme force aligner.

cross Quantifying the Cross-sectoral Intersecting Discrepancies within Multiple Groups Using Latent Class Analysis Towards Fairness

Authors: Yingfang Yuan, Kefan Chen, Mehdi Rizvi, Lynne Baillie, Wei Pang

Abstract: The growing interest in fair AI development is evident. The ''Leave No One Behind'' initiative urges us to address multiple and intersecting forms of inequality in accessing services, resources, and opportunities, emphasising the significance of fairness in AI. This is particularly relevant as an increasing number of AI tools are applied to decision-making processes, such as resource allocation and service scheme development, across various sectors such as health, energy, and housing. Therefore, exploring joint inequalities in these sectors is significant and valuable for thoroughly understanding overall inequality and unfairness. This research introduces an innovative approach to quantify cross-sectoral intersecting discrepancies among user-defined groups using latent class analysis. These discrepancies can be used to approximate inequality and provide valuable insights to fairness issues. We validate our approach using both proprietary and public datasets, including EVENS and Census 2021 (England \& Wales) datasets, to examine cross-sectoral intersecting discrepancies among different ethnic groups. We also verify the reliability of the quantified discrepancy by conducting a correlation analysis with a government public metric. Our findings reveal significant discrepancies between minority ethnic groups, highlighting the need for targeted interventions in real-world AI applications. Additionally, we demonstrate how the proposed approach can be used to provide insights into the fairness of machine learning.

cross GMM-ResNext: Combining Generative and Discriminative Models for Speaker Verification

Authors: Hui Yan, Zhenchun Lei, Changhong Liu, Yong Zhou

Abstract: With the development of deep learning, many different network architectures have been explored in speaker verification. However, most network architectures rely on a single deep learning architecture, and hybrid networks combining different architectures have been little studied in ASV tasks. In this paper, we propose the GMM-ResNext model for speaker verification. Conventional GMM does not consider the score distribution of each frame feature over all Gaussian components and ignores the relationship between neighboring speech frames. So, we extract the log Gaussian probability features based on the raw acoustic features and use ResNext-based network as the backbone to extract the speaker embedding. GMM-ResNext combines Generative and Discriminative Models to improve the generalization ability of deep learning models and allows one to more easily specify meaningful priors on model parameters. A two-path GMM-ResNext model based on two gender-related GMMs has also been proposed. The Experimental results show that the proposed GMM-ResNext achieves relative improvements of 48.1\% and 11.3\% in EER compared with ResNet34 and ECAPA-TDNN on VoxCeleb1-O test set.

cross Enhancing Class Fairness in Classification with A Two-Player Game Approach

Authors: Yunpeng Jiang, Paul Weng, Yutong Ban

Abstract: Data augmentation is widely applied and has shown its benefits in different machine learning tasks. However, as recently observed in some downstream tasks, data augmentation may introduce an unfair impact on classifications. While it can improve the performance of some classes, it can actually be detrimental for other classes, which can be problematic in some application domains. In this paper, to counteract this phenomenon, we propose a FAir Classification approach with a Two-player game (FACT). We first formulate the training of a classifier with data augmentation as a fair optimization problem, which can be further written as an adversarial two-player game. Following this formulation, we propose a novel multiplicative weight optimization algorithm, for which we theoretically prove that it can converge to a solution that is fair over classes. Interestingly, our formulation also reveals that this fairness issue over classes is not due to data augmentation only, but is in fact a general phenomenon. Our empirical experiments demonstrate that the performance of our learned classifiers is indeed more fairly distributed over classes in five datasets, with only limited impact on the average accuracy.

cross Reinforcement Learning for Sequence Design Leveraging Protein Language Models

Authors: Jithendaraa Subramanian, Shivakanth Sujit, Niloy Irtisam, Umong Sain, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Samira Ebrahimi Kahou, Riashat Islam

Abstract: Protein sequence design, determined by amino acid sequences, are essential to protein engineering problems in drug discovery. Prior approaches have resorted to evolutionary strategies or Monte-Carlo methods for protein design, but often fail to exploit the structure of the combinatorial search space, to generalize to unseen sequences. In the context of discrete black box optimization over large search spaces, learning a mutation policy to generate novel sequences with reinforcement learning is appealing. Recent advances in protein language models (PLMs) trained on large corpora of protein sequences offer a potential solution to this problem by scoring proteins according to their biological plausibility (such as the TM-score). In this work, we propose to use PLMs as a reward function to generate new sequences. Yet the PLM can be computationally expensive to query due to its large size. To this end, we propose an alternative paradigm where optimization can be performed on scores from a smaller proxy model that is periodically finetuned, jointly while learning the mutation policy. We perform extensive experiments on various sequence lengths to benchmark RL-based approaches, and provide comprehensive evaluations along biological plausibility and diversity of the protein. Our experimental results include favorable evaluations of the proposed sequences, along with high diversity scores, demonstrating that RL is a strong candidate for biological sequence design. Finally, we provide a modular open source implementation can be easily integrated in most RL training loops, with support for replacing the reward model with other PLMs, to spur further research in this domain. The code for all experiments is provided in the supplementary material.

cross Let the Code LLM Edit Itself When You Edit the Code

Authors: Zhenyu He, Jun Zhang, Shengjie Luo, Jingjing Xu, Zhi Zhang, Di He

Abstract: In this work, we investigate a typical scenario in code generation where a developer edits existing code in real time and requests a code assistant, e.g., a large language model, to re-predict the next token or next line on the fly. Naively, the LLM needs to re-encode the entire KV cache to provide an accurate prediction. However, this process is computationally expensive, especially when the sequence length is long. Simply encoding the edited subsequence and integrating it to the original KV cache meets the temporal confusion problem, leading to significantly worse performance. We address this efficiency and accuracy trade-off by introducing \underline{\textbf{Positional \textbf{I}ntegrity \textbf{E}ncoding} (PIE). Building upon the rotary positional encoding, PIE first removes the rotary matrices in the Key cache that introduce temporal confusion and then reapplies the correct rotary matrices. This process ensures that positional relationships between tokens are correct and requires only a single round of matrix multiplication. We validate the effectiveness of PIE through extensive experiments on the RepoBench-C-8k dataset, utilizing DeepSeek-Coder models with 1.3B, 6.7B, and 33B parameters. Our evaluation includes three real-world coding tasks: code insertion, code deletion, and multi-place code editing. Results demonstrate that PIE reduces computational overhead by over 85% compared to the standard full recomputation approach across all model sizes and tasks while well approximating the model performance.

cross IMC 2024 Methods & Solutions Review

Authors: Shyam Gupta, Dhanisha Sharma, Songling Huang

Abstract: For the past three years, Kaggle has been hosting the Image Matching Challenge, which focuses on solving a 3D image reconstruction problem using a collection of 2D images. Each year, this competition fosters the development of innovative and effective methodologies by its participants. In this paper, we introduce an advanced ensemble technique that we developed, achieving a score of 0.153449 on the private leaderboard and securing the 160th position out of over 1,000 participants. Additionally, we conduct a comprehensive review of existing methods and techniques employed by top-performing teams in the competition. Our solution, alongside the insights gathered from other leading approaches, contributes to the ongoing advancement in the field of 3D image reconstruction. This research provides valuable knowledge for future participants and researchers aiming to excel in similar image matching and reconstruction challenges.

cross Motion meets Attention: Video Motion Prompts

Authors: Qixiang Chen, Lei Wang, Piotr Koniusz, Tom Gedeon

Abstract: Videos contain rich spatio-temporal information. Traditional methods for extracting motion, used in tasks such as action recognition, often rely on visual contents rather than precise motion features. This phenomenon is referred to as 'blind motion extraction' behavior, which proves inefficient in capturing motions of interest due to a lack of motion-guided cues. Recently, attention mechanisms have enhanced many computer vision tasks by effectively highlighting salient visual areas. Inspired by this, we propose using a modified Sigmoid function with learnable slope and shift parameters as an attention mechanism to activate and modulate motion signals derived from frame differencing maps. This approach generates a sequence of attention maps that enhance the processing of motion-related video content. To ensure temporally continuity and smoothness of the attention maps, we apply pair-wise temporal attention variation regularization to remove unwanted motions (e.g., noise) while preserving important ones. We then perform Hadamard product between each pair of attention maps and the original video frames to highlight the evolving motions of interest over time. These highlighted motions, termed video motion prompts, are subsequently used as inputs to the model instead of the original video frames. We formalize this process as a motion prompt layer and incorporate the regularization term into the loss function to learn better motion prompts. This layer serves as an adapter between the model and the video data, bridging the gap between traditional 'blind motion extraction' and the extraction of relevant motions of interest.

cross A multi-objective combinatorial optimisation framework for large scale hierarchical population synthesis

Authors: Imran Mahmood, Nicholas Bishop, Anisoara Calinescu, Michael Wooldridge, Ioannis Zachos

Abstract: In agent-based simulations, synthetic populations of agents are commonly used to represent the structure, behaviour, and interactions of individuals. However, generating a synthetic population that accurately reflects real population statistics is a challenging task, particularly when performed at scale. In this paper, we propose a multi objective combinatorial optimisation technique for large scale population synthesis. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by generating a synthetic population for selected regions and validating it on contingency tables from real population data. Our approach supports complex hierarchical structures between individuals and households, is scalable to large populations and achieves minimal contigency table reconstruction error. Hence, it provides a useful tool for policymakers and researchers for simulating the dynamics of complex populations.

cross A Formal Model for Artificial Intelligence Applications in Automation Systems

Authors: Marvin Schieseck, Philip Topalis, Lasse Reinpold, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay

Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into automation systems has the potential to enhance efficiency and to address currently unsolved existing technical challenges. However, the industry-wide adoption of AI is hindered by the lack of standardized documentation for the complex compositions of automation systems, AI software, production hardware, and their interdependencies. This paper proposes a formal model using standards and ontologies to provide clear and structured documentation of AI applications in automation systems. The proposed information model for artificial intelligence in automation systems (AIAS) utilizes ontology design patterns to map and link various aspects of automation systems and AI software. Validated through a practical example, the model demonstrates its effectiveness in improving documentation practices and aiding the sustainable implementation of AI in industrial settings.

cross Multiple-Resolution Tokenization for Time Series Forecasting with an Application to Pricing

Authors: Egon Per\v{s}ak, Miguel F. Anjos, Sebastian Lautz, Aleksandar Kolev

Abstract: We propose a transformer architecture for time series forecasting with a focus on time series tokenisation and apply it to a real-world prediction problem from the pricing domain. Our architecture aims to learn effective representations at many scales across all available data simultaneously. The model contains a number of novel modules: a differentiated form of time series patching which employs multiple resolutions, a multiple-resolution module for time-varying known variables, a mixer-based module for capturing cross-series information, and a novel output head with favourable scaling to account for the increased number of tokens. We present an application of this model to a real world prediction problem faced by the markdown team at a very large retailer. On the experiments conducted our model outperforms in-house models and the selected existing deep learning architectures.

cross MuDiT & MuSiT: Alignment with Colloquial Expression in Description-to-Song Generation

Authors: Zihao Wang, Haoxuan Liu, Jiaxing Yu, Tao Zhang, Yan Liu, Kejun Zhang

Abstract: Amid the rising intersection of generative AI and human artistic processes, this study probes the critical yet less-explored terrain of alignment in human-centric automatic song composition. We propose a novel task of Colloquial Description-to-Song Generation, which focuses on aligning the generated content with colloquial human expressions. This task is aimed at bridging the gap between colloquial language understanding and auditory expression within an AI model, with the ultimate goal of creating songs that accurately satisfy human auditory expectations and structurally align with musical norms. Current datasets are limited due to their narrow descriptive scope, semantic gaps and inaccuracies. To overcome data scarcity in this domain, we present the Caichong Music Dataset (CaiMD). CaiMD is manually annotated by both professional musicians and amateurs, offering diverse perspectives and a comprehensive understanding of colloquial descriptions. Unlike existing datasets pre-set with expert annotations or auto-generated ones with inherent biases, CaiMD caters more sufficiently to our purpose of aligning AI-generated music with widespread user-desired results. Moreover, we propose an innovative single-stage framework called MuDiT/MuSiT for enabling effective human-machine alignment in song creation. This framework not only achieves cross-modal comprehension between colloquial language and auditory music perceptions but also ensures generated songs align with user-desired results. MuDiT/MuSiT employs one DiT/SiT model for end-to-end generation of musical components like melody, harmony, rhythm, vocals, and instrumentation. The approach ensures harmonious sonic cohesiveness amongst all generated musical components, facilitating better resonance with human auditory expectations.

cross TheoremLlama: Transforming General-Purpose LLMs into Lean4 Experts

Authors: Ruida Wang, Jipeng Zhang, Yizhen Jia, Rui Pan, Shizhe Diao, Renjie Pi, Tong Zhang

Abstract: Proving mathematical theorems using computer-verifiable formal languages like Lean significantly impacts mathematical reasoning. One approach to formal theorem proving involves generating complete proofs using Large Language Models (LLMs) based on Natural Language (NL) proofs. Similar methods have shown promising results in code generation. However, most modern LLMs exhibit suboptimal performance due to the scarcity of aligned NL and Formal Language (FL) theorem-proving data. This scarcity results in a paucity of methodologies for training LLMs and techniques to fully utilize their capabilities in composing formal proofs. To address the challenges, this paper proposes **TheoremLlama**, an end-to-end framework to train a general-purpose LLM to become a Lean4 expert. This framework encompasses NL-FL aligned dataset generation methods, training approaches for the LLM formal theorem prover, and techniques for LLM Lean4 proof writing. Using the dataset generation method, we provide *Open Bootstrapped Theorems* (OBT), an NL-FL aligned and bootstrapped dataset. A key innovation in this framework is the NL-FL bootstrapping method, where NL proofs are integrated into Lean4 code for training datasets, leveraging the NL reasoning ability of LLMs for formal reasoning. The **TheoremLlama** framework achieves cumulative accuracies of 36.48% and 33.61% on MiniF2F-Valid and Test datasets respectively, surpassing the GPT-4 baseline of 22.95% and 25.41%. We have also open-sourced our model checkpoints and generated dataset, and will soon make all the code publicly available.

cross Combining AI Control Systems and Human Decision Support via Robustness and Criticality

Authors: Walt Woods, Alexander Grushin, Simon Khan, Alvaro Velasquez

Abstract: AI-enabled capabilities are reaching the requisite level of maturity to be deployed in the real world, yet do not always make correct or safe decisions. One way of addressing these concerns is to leverage AI control systems alongside and in support of human decisions, relying on the AI control system in safe situations while calling on a human co-decider for critical situations. We extend a methodology for adversarial explanations (AE) to state-of-the-art reinforcement learning frameworks, including MuZero. Multiple improvements to the base agent architecture are proposed. We demonstrate how this technology has two applications: for intelligent decision tools and to enhance training / learning frameworks. In a decision support context, adversarial explanations help a user make the correct decision by highlighting those contextual factors that would need to change for a different AI-recommended decision. As another benefit of adversarial explanations, we show that the learned AI control system demonstrates robustness against adversarial tampering. Additionally, we supplement AE by introducing strategically similar autoencoders (SSAs) to help users identify and understand all salient factors being considered by the AI system. In a training / learning framework, this technology can improve both the AI's decisions and explanations through human interaction. Finally, to identify when AI decisions would most benefit from human oversight, we tie this combined system to our prior art on statistically verified analyses of the criticality of decisions at any point in time.

cross Learning Disentangled Representation in Object-Centric Models for Visual Dynamics Prediction via Transformers

Authors: Sanket Gandhi, Atul, Samanyu Mahajan, Vishal Sharma, Rushil Gupta, Arnab Kumar Mondal, Parag Singla

Abstract: Recent work has shown that object-centric representations can greatly help improve the accuracy of learning dynamics while also bringing interpretability. In this work, we take this idea one step further, ask the following question: "can learning disentangled representation further improve the accuracy of visual dynamics prediction in object-centric models?" While there has been some attempt to learn such disentangled representations for the case of static images \citep{nsb}, to the best of our knowledge, ours is the first work which tries to do this in a general setting for video, without making any specific assumptions about the kind of attributes that an object might have. The key building block of our architecture is the notion of a {\em block}, where several blocks together constitute an object. Each block is represented as a linear combination of a given number of learnable concept vectors, which is iteratively refined during the learning process. The blocks in our model are discovered in an unsupervised manner, by attending over object masks, in a style similar to discovery of slots \citep{slot_attention}, for learning a dense object-centric representation. We employ self-attention via transformers over the discovered blocks to predict the next state resulting in discovery of visual dynamics. We perform a series of experiments on several benchmark 2-D, and 3-D datasets demonstrating that our architecture (1) can discover semantically meaningful blocks (2) help improve accuracy of dynamics prediction compared to SOTA object-centric models (3) perform significantly better in OOD setting where the specific attribute combinations are not seen earlier during training. Our experiments highlight the importance discovery of disentangled representation for visual dynamics prediction.

cross PPO-based Dynamic Control of Uncertain Floating Platforms in the Zero-G Environment

Authors: Mahya Ramezani, M. Amin Alandihallaj, Andreas M. Hein

Abstract: In the field of space exploration, floating platforms play a crucial role in scientific investigations and technological advancements. However, controlling these platforms in zero-gravity environments presents unique challenges, including uncertainties and disturbances. This paper introduces an innovative approach that combines Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) with Model Predictive Control (MPC) in the zero-gravity laboratory (Zero-G Lab) at the University of Luxembourg. This approach leverages PPO's reinforcement learning power and MPC's precision to navigate the complex control dynamics of floating platforms. Unlike traditional control methods, this PPO-MPC approach learns from MPC predictions, adapting to unmodeled dynamics and disturbances, resulting in a resilient control framework tailored to the zero-gravity environment. Simulations and experiments in the Zero-G Lab validate this approach, showcasing the adaptability of the PPO agent. This research opens new possibilities for controlling floating platforms in zero-gravity settings, promising advancements in space exploration.

cross Improving Retrieval-augmented Text-to-SQL with AST-based Ranking and Schema Pruning

Authors: Zhili Shen, Pavlos Vougiouklis, Chenxin Diao, Kaustubh Vyas, Yuanyi Ji, Jeff Z. Pan

Abstract: We focus on Text-to-SQL semantic parsing from the perspective of Large Language Models. Motivated by challenges related to the size of commercial database schemata and the deployability of business intelligence solutions, we propose an approach that dynamically retrieves input database information and uses abstract syntax trees to select few-shot examples for in-context learning. Furthermore, we investigate the extent to which an in-parallel semantic parser can be leveraged for generating $\textit{approximated}$ versions of the expected SQL queries, to support our retrieval. We take this approach to the extreme--we adapt a model consisting of less than $500$M parameters, to act as an extremely efficient approximator, enhancing it with the ability to process schemata in a parallelised manner. We apply our approach to monolingual and cross-lingual benchmarks for semantic parsing, showing improvements over state-of-the-art baselines. Comprehensive experiments highlight the contribution of modules involved in this retrieval-augmented generation setting, revealing interesting directions for future work.

cross TieBot: Learning to Knot a Tie from Visual Demonstration through a Real-to-Sim-to-Real Approach

Authors: Weikun Peng, Jun Lv, Yuwei Zeng, Haonan Chen, Siheng Zhao, Jicheng Sun, Cewu Lu, Lin Shao

Abstract: The tie-knotting task is highly challenging due to the tie's high deformation and long-horizon manipulation actions. This work presents TieBot, a Real-to-Sim-to-Real learning from visual demonstration system for the robots to learn to knot a tie. We introduce the Hierarchical Feature Matching approach to estimate a sequence of tie's meshes from the demonstration video. With these estimated meshes used as subgoals, we first learn a teacher policy using privileged information. Then, we learn a student policy with point cloud observation by imitating teacher policy. Lastly, our pipeline learns a residual policy when the learned policy is applied to real-world execution, mitigating the Sim2Real gap. We demonstrate the effectiveness of TieBot in simulation and the real world. In the real-world experiment, a dual-arm robot successfully knots a tie, achieving 50% success rate among 10 trials. Videos can be found on our $\href{}{\text{website}}$.


cross Do Quantum Neural Networks have Simplicity Bias?

Authors: Jessica Pointing

Abstract: One hypothesis for the success of deep neural networks (DNNs) is that they are highly expressive, which enables them to be applied to many problems, and they have a strong inductive bias towards solutions that are simple, known as simplicity bias, which allows them to generalise well on unseen data because most real-world data is structured (i.e. simple). In this work, we explore the inductive bias and expressivity of quantum neural networks (QNNs), which gives us a way to compare their performance to those of DNNs. Our results show that it is possible to have simplicity bias with certain QNNs, but we prove that this type of QNN limits the expressivity of the QNN. We also show that it is possible to have QNNs with high expressivity, but they either have no inductive bias or a poor inductive bias and result in a worse generalisation performance compared to DNNs. We demonstrate that an artificial (restricted) inductive bias can be produced by intentionally restricting the expressivity of a QNN. Our results suggest a bias-expressivity tradeoff. Our conclusion is that the QNNs we studied can not generally offer an advantage over DNNs, because these QNNs either have a poor inductive bias or poor expressivity compared to DNNs.

cross Improved Noise Schedule for Diffusion Training

Authors: Tiankai Hang, Shuyang Gu

Abstract: Diffusion models have emerged as the de facto choice for generating visual signals. However, training a single model to predict noise across various levels poses significant challenges, necessitating numerous iterations and incurring significant computational costs. Various approaches, such as loss weighting strategy design and architectural refinements, have been introduced to expedite convergence. In this study, we propose a novel approach to design the noise schedule for enhancing the training of diffusion models. Our key insight is that the importance sampling of the logarithm of the Signal-to-Noise ratio (logSNR), theoretically equivalent to a modified noise schedule, is particularly beneficial for training efficiency when increasing the sample frequency around $\log \text{SNR}=0$. We empirically demonstrate the superiority of our noise schedule over the standard cosine schedule. Furthermore, we highlight the advantages of our noise schedule design on the ImageNet benchmark, showing that the designed schedule consistently benefits different prediction targets.

cross DisCo-Diff: Enhancing Continuous Diffusion Models with Discrete Latents

Authors: Yilun Xu, Gabriele Corso, Tommi Jaakkola, Arash Vahdat, Karsten Kreis

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) have revolutionized generative learning. They utilize a diffusion process to encode data into a simple Gaussian distribution. However, encoding a complex, potentially multimodal data distribution into a single continuous Gaussian distribution arguably represents an unnecessarily challenging learning problem. We propose Discrete-Continuous Latent Variable Diffusion Models (DisCo-Diff) to simplify this task by introducing complementary discrete latent variables. We augment DMs with learnable discrete latents, inferred with an encoder, and train DM and encoder end-to-end. DisCo-Diff does not rely on pre-trained networks, making the framework universally applicable. The discrete latents significantly simplify learning the DM's complex noise-to-data mapping by reducing the curvature of the DM's generative ODE. An additional autoregressive transformer models the distribution of the discrete latents, a simple step because DisCo-Diff requires only few discrete variables with small codebooks. We validate DisCo-Diff on toy data, several image synthesis tasks as well as molecular docking, and find that introducing discrete latents consistently improves model performance. For example, DisCo-Diff achieves state-of-the-art FID scores on class-conditioned ImageNet-64/128 datasets with ODE sampler.

cross Accelerated Proton Resonance Frequency-based Magnetic Resonance Thermometry by Optimized Deep Learning Method

Authors: Sijie Xu, Shenyan Zong, Chang-Sheng Mei, Guofeng Shen, Yueran Zhao, He Wang

Abstract: Proton resonance frequency (PRF) based MR thermometry is essential for focused ultrasound (FUS) thermal ablation therapies. This work aims to enhance temporal resolution in dynamic MR temperature map reconstruction using an improved deep learning method. The training-optimized methods and five classical neural networks were applied on the 2-fold and 4-fold under-sampling k-space data to reconstruct the temperature maps. The enhanced training modules included offline/online data augmentations, knowledge distillation, and the amplitude-phase decoupling loss function. The heating experiments were performed by a FUS transducer on phantom and ex vivo tissues, respectively. These data were manually under-sampled to imitate acceleration procedures and trained in our method to get the reconstruction model. The additional dozen or so testing datasets were separately obtained for evaluating the real-time performance and temperature accuracy. Acceleration factors of 1.9 and 3.7 were found for 2 times and 4 times k-space under-sampling strategies and the ResUNet-based deep learning reconstruction performed exceptionally well. In 2-fold acceleration scenario, the RMSE of temperature map patches provided the values of 0.888 degree centigrade and 1.145 degree centigrade on phantom and ex vivo testing datasets. The DICE value of temperature areas enclosed by 43 degree centigrade isotherm was 0.809, and the Bland-Altman analysis showed a bias of -0.253 degree centigrade with the apart of plus or minus 2.16 degree centigrade. In 4 times under-sampling case, these evaluating values decreased by approximately 10%. This study demonstrates that deep learning-based reconstruction can significantly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of MR thermometry for clinical FUS thermal therapies.

cross Value-Penalized Auxiliary Control from Examples for Learning without Rewards or Demonstrations

Authors: Trevor Ablett, Bryan Chan, Jayce Haoran Wang, Jonathan Kelly

Abstract: Learning from examples of success is an appealing approach to reinforcement learning that eliminates many of the disadvantages of using hand-crafted reward functions or full expert-demonstration trajectories, both of which can be difficult to acquire, biased, or suboptimal. However, learning from examples alone dramatically increases the exploration challenge, especially for complex tasks. This work introduces value-penalized auxiliary control from examples (VPACE); we significantly improve exploration in example-based control by adding scheduled auxiliary control and examples of auxiliary tasks. Furthermore, we identify a value-calibration problem, where policy value estimates can exceed their theoretical limits based on successful data. We resolve this problem, which is exacerbated by learning auxiliary tasks, through the addition of an above-success-level value penalty. Across three simulated and one real robotic manipulation environment, and 21 different main tasks, we show that our approach substantially improves learning efficiency. Videos, code, and datasets are available at


cross Planetarium: A Rigorous Benchmark for Translating Text to Structured Planning Languages

Authors: Max Zuo, Francisco Piedrahita Velez, Xiaochen Li, Michael L. Littman, Stephen H. Bach

Abstract: Many recent works have explored using language models for planning problems. One line of research focuses on translating natural language descriptions of planning tasks into structured planning languages, such as the planning domain definition language (PDDL). While this approach is promising, accurately measuring the quality of generated PDDL code continues to pose significant challenges. First, generated PDDL code is typically evaluated using planning validators that check whether the problem can be solved with a planner. This method is insufficient because a language model might generate valid PDDL code that does not align with the natural language description of the task. Second, existing evaluation sets often have natural language descriptions of the planning task that closely resemble the ground truth PDDL, reducing the challenge of the task. To bridge this gap, we introduce \benchmarkName, a benchmark designed to evaluate language models' ability to generate PDDL code from natural language descriptions of planning tasks. We begin by creating a PDDL equivalence algorithm that rigorously evaluates the correctness of PDDL code generated by language models by flexibly comparing it against a ground truth PDDL. Then, we present a dataset of $132,037$ text-to-PDDL pairs across 13 different tasks, with varying levels of difficulty. Finally, we evaluate several API-access and open-weight language models that reveal this task's complexity. For example, $87.6\%$ of the PDDL problem descriptions generated by GPT-4o are syntactically parseable, $82.2\%$ are valid, solve-able problems, but only $35.1\%$ are semantically correct, highlighting the need for a more rigorous benchmark for this problem.

replace A Convex Hull Cheapest Insertion Heuristic for the Non-Euclidean TSP

Authors: Mithun Goutham, Meghna Menon, Sarah Garrow, Stephanie Stockar

Abstract: The convex hull cheapest insertion heuristic produces good solutions to the Euclidean Traveling Salesperson Problem, but it has never been extended to the non-Euclidean problem. This paper uses multidimensional scaling to first project the points from a non-Euclidean space into a Euclidean space, enabling the generation of a convex hull that initializes the algorithm. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, non-Euclidean spaces are created by adding separators to the TSPLIB data-set, or by using the L1 norm as a metric.

replace Towards Semantically Enriched Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Mehwish Alam, Frank van Harmelen, Maribel Acosta

Abstract: Embedding based Knowledge Graph (KG) Completion has gained much attention over the past few years. Most of the current algorithms consider a KG as a multidirectional labeled graph and lack the ability to capture the semantics underlying the schematic information. In a separate development, a vast amount of information has been captured within the Large Language Models (LLMs) which has revolutionized the field of Artificial Intelligence. KGs could benefit from these LLMs and vice versa. This vision paper discusses the existing algorithms for KG completion based on the variations for generating KG embeddings. It starts with discussing various KG completion algorithms such as transductive and inductive link prediction and entity type prediction algorithms. It then moves on to the algorithms utilizing type information within the KGs, LLMs, and finally to algorithms capturing the semantics represented in different description logic axioms. We conclude the paper with a critical reflection on the current state of work in the community and give recommendations for future directions.

replace Boosting the Power of Small Multimodal Reasoning Models to Match Larger Models with Self-Consistency Training

Authors: Cheng Tan, Jingxuan Wei, Zhangyang Gao, Linzhuang Sun, Siyuan Li, Ruifeng Guo, Bihui Yu, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Multimodal reasoning is a challenging task that requires models to reason across multiple modalities to answer questions. Existing approaches have made progress by incorporating language and visual modalities into a two-stage reasoning framework, separating rationale generation from answer inference. However, these approaches often fall short due to the inadequate quality of the generated rationales. In this work, we delve into the importance of rationales in model reasoning. We observe that when rationales are completely accurate, the model's accuracy significantly improves, highlighting the need for high-quality rationale generation. Motivated by this, we propose MC-CoT, a self-consistency training strategy that generates multiple rationales and answers, subsequently selecting the most accurate through a voting process. This approach not only enhances the quality of generated rationales but also leads to more accurate and robust answers. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our approach significantly improves model performance across various benchmarks. Remarkably, we show that even smaller base models, when equipped with our proposed approach, can achieve results comparable to those of larger models, illustrating the potential of our approach in harnessing the power of rationales for improved multimodal reasoning. The code is available at


replace ULLER: A Unified Language for Learning and Reasoning

Authors: Emile van Krieken, Samy Badreddine, Robin Manhaeve, Eleonora Giunchiglia

Abstract: The field of neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence (NeSy), which combines learning and reasoning, has recently experienced significant growth. There now are a wide variety of NeSy frameworks, each with its own specific language for expressing background knowledge and how to relate it to neural networks. This heterogeneity hinders accessibility for newcomers and makes comparing different NeSy frameworks challenging. We propose a unified language for NeSy, which we call ULLER, a Unified Language for LEarning and Reasoning. ULLER encompasses a wide variety of settings, while ensuring that knowledge described in it can be used in existing NeSy systems. ULLER has a neuro-symbolic first-order syntax for which we provide example semantics including classical, fuzzy, and probabilistic logics. We believe ULLER is a first step towards making NeSy research more accessible and comparable, paving the way for libraries that streamline training and evaluation across a multitude of semantics, knowledge bases, and NeSy systems.

replace Diffusion Models for Offline Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Safety Constraints

Authors: Jianuo Huang

Abstract: In recent advancements in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), its application has extended to various safety-critical scenarios. However, most methods focus on online learning, which presents substantial risks when deployed in real-world settings. Addressing this challenge, we introduce an innovative framework integrating diffusion models within the MARL paradigm. This approach notably enhances the safety of actions taken by multiple agents through risk mitigation while modeling coordinated action. Our framework is grounded in the Centralized Training with Decentralized Execution (CTDE) architecture, augmented by a Diffusion Model for prediction trajectory generation. Additionally, we incorporate a specialized algorithm to further ensure operational safety. We evaluate our model against baselines on the DSRL benchmark. Experiment results demonstrate that our model not only adheres to stringent safety constraints but also achieves superior performance compared to existing methodologies. This underscores the potential of our approach in advancing the safety and efficacy of MARL in real-world applications.

replace FRoG: Evaluating Fuzzy Reasoning of Generalized Quantifiers in Large Language Models

Authors: Yiyuan Li, Shichao Sun, Pengfei Liu

Abstract: Fuzzy reasoning is vital due to the frequent use of imprecise information in daily contexts. However, the ability of current large language models (LLMs) to handle such reasoning remains largely uncharted. In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark, FRoG, for fuzzy reasoning, featuring real-world mathematical word problems that incorporate generalized quantifiers. Our experimental findings reveal that fuzzy reasoning continues to pose significant challenges for LLMs. Moreover, we find that existing methods designed to enhance reasoning do not consistently improve performance in tasks involving fuzzy logic. Additionally, our results show an inverse scaling effect in the performance of LLMs on FRoG. Interestingly, we also demonstrate that strong mathematical reasoning skills are not necessarily indicative of success on our benchmark.

replace-cross PRD: Peer Rank and Discussion Improve Large Language Model based Evaluations

Authors: Ruosen Li, Teerth Patel, Xinya Du

Abstract: Nowadays, the quality of responses generated by different modern large language models (LLMs) is hard to evaluate and compare automatically. Recent studies suggest and predominantly use LLMs for reference-free evaluation of open-ended question answering. More specifically, they use the recognized "strongest" LLM as the evaluator, which conducts pairwise comparisons of candidate models' answers and provides a ranking score. However, this intuitive method has multiple problems, such as bringing in self-enhancement (favoring its own answers) and positional bias. We draw insights and lessons from the educational domain (Cho & MacArthur, 2011; Walsh, 2014) to improve LLM-based evaluations. Specifically, we propose (1) the peer rank (PR) algorithm that takes into account each peer LLM's pairwise preferences of all answer pairs, and outputs a final ranking of models; and (2) peer discussion (PD), where we prompt two LLMs to discuss and try to reach a mutual agreement on the preferences of two answers. We conduct experiments on two benchmark datasets. We find that our approaches achieve higher accuracy and align better with human judgments. Interestingly, PR can induce a relatively accurate self-ranking of models under the anonymous setting, where each model's name is unrevealed. Our work provides space to explore evaluating models that are hard to compare for humans.

replace-cross What's color got to do with it? Face recognition in grayscale

Authors: Aman Bhatta, Domingo Mery, Haiyu Wu, Joyce Annan, Micheal C. King, Kevin W. Bowyer

Abstract: State-of-the-art deep CNN face matchers are typically created using extensive training sets of color face images. Our study reveals that such matchers attain virtually identical accuracy when trained on either grayscale or color versions of the training set, even when the evaluation is done using color test images. Furthermore, we demonstrate that shallower models, lacking the capacity to model complex representations, rely more heavily on low-level features such as those associated with color. As a result, they display diminished accuracy when trained with grayscale images. We then consider possible causes for deeper CNN face matchers "not seeing color". Popular web-scraped face datasets actually have 30 to 60% of their identities with one or more grayscale images. We analyze whether this grayscale element in the training set impacts the accuracy achieved, and conclude that it does not. We demonstrate that using only grayscale images for both training and testing achieves accuracy comparable to that achieved using only color images for deeper models. This holds true for both real and synthetic training datasets. HSV color space, which separates chroma and luma information, does not improve the network's learning about color any more than in the RGB color space. We then show that the skin region of an individual's images in a web-scraped training set exhibits significant variation in their mapping to color space. This suggests that color carries limited identity-specific information. We also show that when the first convolution layer is restricted to a single filter, models learn a grayscale conversion filter and pass a grayscale version of the input color image to the next layer. Finally, we demonstrate that leveraging the lower per-image storage for grayscale to increase the number of images in the training set can improve accuracy of the face recognition model.

replace-cross A Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithm for Counting Markov Equivalence Classes with the same Skeleton

Authors: Vidya Sagar Sharma

Abstract: Causal DAGs (also known as Bayesian networks) are a popular tool for encoding conditional dependencies between random variables. In a causal DAG, the random variables are modeled as vertices in the DAG, and it is stipulated that every random variable is independent of its ancestors conditioned on its parents. It is possible, however, for two different causal DAGs on the same set of random variables to encode exactly the same set of conditional dependencies. Such causal DAGs are said to be Markov equivalent, and equivalence classes of Markov equivalent DAGs are known as Markov Equivalent Classes (MECs). Beautiful combinatorial characterizations of MECs have been developed in the past few decades, and it is known, in particular that all DAGs in the same MEC must have the same "skeleton" (underlying undirected graph) and v-structures (induced subgraph of the form $a\rightarrow b \leftarrow c$). These combinatorial characterizations also suggest several natural algorithmic questions. One of these is: given an undirected graph $G$ as input, how many distinct Markov equivalence classes have the skeleton $G$? Much work has been devoted in the last few years to this and other closely related problems. However, to the best of our knowledge, a polynomial time algorithm for the problem remains unknown. In this paper, we make progress towards this goal by giving a fixed parameter tractable algorithm for the above problem, with the parameters being the treewidth and the maximum degree of the input graph $G$. The main technical ingredient in our work is a construction we refer to as shadow, which lets us create a "local description" of long-range constraints imposed by the combinatorial characterizations of MECs.

replace-cross LauraGPT: Listen, Attend, Understand, and Regenerate Audio with GPT

Authors: Zhihao Du, Jiaming Wang, Qian Chen, Yunfei Chu, Zhifu Gao, Zerui Li, Kai Hu, Xiaohuan Zhou, Jin Xu, Ziyang Ma, Wen Wang, Siqi Zheng, Chang Zhou, Zhijie Yan, Shiliang Zhang

Abstract: Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models have achieved remarkable performance on various natural language processing tasks, and have shown great potential as backbones for audio-and-text large language models (LLMs). Previous mainstream audio-and-text LLMs use discrete audio tokens to represent both input and output audio; however, they suffer from performance degradation on tasks such as automatic speech recognition, speech-to-text translation, and speech enhancement over models using continuous speech features. In this paper, we propose LauraGPT, a novel unified audio-and-text GPT-based LLM for audio recognition, understanding, and generation. LauraGPT is a versatile LLM that can process both audio and text inputs and generate outputs in either modalities. We propose a novel data representation that combines continuous and discrete features for audio: LauraGPT encodes input audio into continuous representations using an audio encoder and generates output audio from discrete codec codes. We propose a one-step codec vocoder to overcome the prediction challenge caused by the multimodal distribution of codec tokens. We fine-tune LauraGPT using supervised multi-task learning. Extensive experiments show that LauraGPT consistently achieves comparable to superior performance compared to strong baselines on a wide range of audio tasks related to content, semantics, paralinguistics, and audio-signal analysis, such as automatic speech recognition, speech-to-text translation, text-to-speech synthesis, speech enhancement, automated audio captioning, speech emotion recognition, and spoken language understanding.

replace-cross Prompt Engineering a Prompt Engineer

Authors: Qinyuan Ye, Maxamed Axmed, Reid Pryzant, Fereshte Khani

Abstract: Prompt engineering is a challenging yet crucial task for optimizing the performance of large language models on customized tasks. It requires complex reasoning to examine the model's errors, hypothesize what is missing or misleading in the current prompt, and communicate the task with clarity. While recent works indicate that large language models can be meta-prompted to perform automatic prompt engineering, we argue that their potential is limited due to insufficient guidance for complex reasoning in the meta-prompt. We fill this gap by infusing into the meta-prompt three key components: detailed descriptions, context specification, and a step-by-step reasoning template. The resulting method, named PE2, exhibits remarkable versatility across diverse language tasks. It finds prompts that outperform "let's think step by step" by 6.3% on MultiArith and 3.1% on GSM8K, and outperforms competitive baselines on counterfactual tasks by 6.9%. Further, we show that PE2 can make targeted and highly specific prompt edits, rectify erroneous prompts, and induce multi-step plans for complex tasks.

replace-cross Temperature-scaling surprisal estimates improve fit to human reading times -- but does it do so for the "right reasons"?

Authors: Tong Liu, Iza \v{S}krjanec, Vera Demberg

Abstract: A wide body of evidence shows that human language processing difficulty is predicted by the information-theoretic measure surprisal, a word's negative log probability in context. However, it is still unclear how to best estimate these probabilities needed for predicting human processing difficulty -- while a long-standing belief held that models with lower perplexity would provide more accurate estimates of word predictability, and therefore lead to better reading time predictions, recent work has shown that for very large models, psycholinguistic predictive power decreases. One reason could be that language models might be more confident of their predictions than humans, because they have had exposure to several magnitudes more data. In this paper, we test what effect temperature-scaling of large language model (LLM) predictions has on surprisal estimates and their predictive power of reading times of English texts. Firstly, we show that calibration of large language models typically improves with model size, i.e. poorer calibration cannot account for poorer fit to reading times. Secondly, we find that temperature-scaling probabilities lead to a systematically better fit to reading times (up to 89% improvement in delta log likelihood), across several reading time corpora. Finally, we show that this improvement in fit is chiefly driven by words that are composed of multiple subword tokens.

replace-cross Injecting linguistic knowledge into BERT for Dialogue State Tracking

Authors: Xiaohan Feng, Xixin Wu, Helen Meng

Abstract: Dialogue State Tracking (DST) models often employ intricate neural network architectures, necessitating substantial training data, and their inference process lacks transparency. This paper proposes a method that extracts linguistic knowledge via an unsupervised framework and subsequently utilizes this knowledge to augment BERT's performance and interpretability in DST tasks. The knowledge extraction procedure is computationally economical and does not require annotations or additional training data. The injection of the extracted knowledge can be achieved by the addition of simple neural modules. We employ the Convex Polytopic Model (CPM) as a feature extraction tool for DST tasks and illustrate that the acquired features correlate with syntactic and semantic patterns in the dialogues. This correlation facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the linguistic features influencing the DST model's decision-making process. We benchmark this framework on various DST tasks and observe a notable improvement in accuracy.

replace-cross Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Dom Huh, Prasant Mohapatra

Abstract: Multi-agent systems (MAS) are widely prevalent and crucially important in numerous real-world applications, where multiple agents must make decisions to achieve their objectives in a shared environment. Despite their ubiquity, the development of intelligent decision-making agents in MAS poses several open challenges to their effective implementation. This survey examines these challenges, placing an emphasis on studying seminal concepts from game theory (GT) and machine learning (ML) and connecting them to recent advancements in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), i.e. the research of data-driven decision-making within MAS. Therefore, the objective of this survey is to provide a comprehensive perspective along the various dimensions of MARL, shedding light on the unique opportunities that are presented in MARL applications while highlighting the inherent challenges that accompany this potential. Therefore, we hope that our work will not only contribute to the field by analyzing the current landscape of MARL but also motivate future directions with insights for deeper integration of concepts from related domains of GT and ML. With this in mind, this work delves into a detailed exploration of recent and past efforts of MARL and its related fields and describes prior solutions that were proposed and their limitations, as well as their applications.

replace-cross Annotation-free Automatic Music Transcription with Scalable Synthetic Data and Adversarial Domain Confusion

Authors: Gakusei Sato, Taketo Akama

Abstract: Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) is a vital technology in the field of music information processing. Despite recent enhancements in performance due to machine learning techniques, current methods typically attain high accuracy in domains where abundant annotated data is available. Addressing domains with low or no resources continues to be an unresolved challenge. To tackle this issue, we propose a transcription model that does not require any MIDI-audio paired data through the utilization of scalable synthetic audio for pre-training and adversarial domain confusion using unannotated real audio. In experiments, we evaluate methods under the real-world application scenario where training datasets do not include the MIDI annotation of audio in the target data domain. Our proposed method achieved competitive performance relative to established baseline methods, despite not utilizing any real datasets of paired MIDI-audio. Additionally, ablation studies have provided insights into the scalability of this approach and the forthcoming challenges in the field of AMT research.

replace-cross Transformers and Cortical Waves: Encoders for Pulling In Context Across Time

Authors: Lyle Muller, Patricia S. Churchland, Terrence J. Sejnowski

Abstract: The capabilities of transformer networks such as ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs) have captured the world's attention. The crucial computational mechanism underlying their performance relies on transforming a complete input sequence - for example, all the words in a sentence - into a long "encoding vector" that allows transformers to learn long-range temporal dependencies in naturalistic sequences. Specifically, "self-attention" applied to this encoding vector enhances temporal context in transformers by computing associations between pairs of words in the input sequence. We suggest that waves of neural activity traveling across single cortical areas or multiple regions at the whole-brain scale could implement a similar encoding principle. By encapsulating recent input history into a single spatial pattern at each moment in time, cortical waves may enable temporal context to be extracted from sequences of sensory inputs, the same computational principle used in transformers.

replace-cross MLEM: Generative and Contrastive Learning as Distinct Modalities for Event Sequences

Authors: Viktor Moskvoretskii, Dmitry Osin, Egor Shvetsov, Igor Udovichenko, Maxim Zhelnin, Andrey Dukhovny, Anna Zhimerikina, Evgeny Burnaev

Abstract: This study explores the application of self-supervised learning techniques for event sequences. It is a key modality in various applications such as banking, e-commerce, and healthcare. However, there is limited research on self-supervised learning for event sequences, and methods from other domains like images, texts, and speech may not easily transfer. To determine the most suitable approach, we conduct a detailed comparative analysis of previously identified best-performing methods. We find that neither the contrastive nor generative method is superior. Our assessment includes classifying event sequences, predicting the next event, and evaluating embedding quality. These results further highlight the potential benefits of combining both methods. Given the lack of research on hybrid models in this domain, we initially adapt the baseline model from another domain. However, upon observing its underperformance, we develop a novel method called the Multimodal-Learning Event Model (MLEM). MLEM treats contrastive learning and generative modeling as distinct yet complementary modalities, aligning their embeddings. The results of our study demonstrate that combining contrastive and generative approaches into one procedure with MLEM achieves superior performance across multiple metrics.

replace-cross When Benchmarks are Targets: Revealing the Sensitivity of Large Language Model Leaderboards

Authors: Norah Alzahrani, Hisham Abdullah Alyahya, Yazeed Alnumay, Sultan Alrashed, Shaykhah Alsubaie, Yusef Almushaykeh, Faisal Mirza, Nouf Alotaibi, Nora Altwairesh, Areeb Alowisheq, M Saiful Bari, Haidar Khan

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM) leaderboards based on benchmark rankings are regularly used to guide practitioners in model selection. Often, the published leaderboard rankings are taken at face value - we show this is a (potentially costly) mistake. Under existing leaderboards, the relative performance of LLMs is highly sensitive to (often minute) details. We show that for popular multiple-choice question benchmarks (e.g., MMLU), minor perturbations to the benchmark, such as changing the order of choices or the method of answer selection, result in changes in rankings up to 8 positions. We explain this phenomenon by conducting systematic experiments over three broad categories of benchmark perturbations and identifying the sources of this behavior. Our analysis results in several best-practice recommendations, including the advantage of a hybrid scoring method for answer selection. Our study highlights the dangers of relying on simple benchmark evaluations and charts the path for more robust evaluation schemes on the existing benchmarks. The code for this paper is available at


replace-cross Organic or Diffused: Can We Distinguish Human Art from AI-generated Images?

Authors: Anna Yoo Jeong Ha, Josephine Passananti, Ronik Bhaskar, Shawn Shan, Reid Southen, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao

Abstract: The advent of generative AI images has completely disrupted the art world. Distinguishing AI generated images from human art is a challenging problem whose impact is growing over time. A failure to address this problem allows bad actors to defraud individuals paying a premium for human art and companies whose stated policies forbid AI imagery. It is also critical for content owners to establish copyright, and for model trainers interested in curating training data in order to avoid potential model collapse. There are several different approaches to distinguishing human art from AI images, including classifiers trained by supervised learning, research tools targeting diffusion models, and identification by professional artists using their knowledge of artistic techniques. In this paper, we seek to understand how well these approaches can perform against today's modern generative models in both benign and adversarial settings. We curate real human art across 7 styles, generate matching images from 5 generative models, and apply 8 detectors (5 automated detectors and 3 different human groups including 180 crowdworkers, 4000+ professional artists, and 13 expert artists experienced at detecting AI). Both Hive and expert artists do very well, but make mistakes in different ways (Hive is weaker against adversarial perturbations while Expert artists produce higher false positives). We believe these weaknesses will remain as models continue to evolve, and use our data to demonstrate why a combined team of human and automated detectors provides the best combination of accuracy and robustness.

replace-cross DistiLLM: Towards Streamlined Distillation for Large Language Models

Authors: Jongwoo Ko, Sungnyun Kim, Tianyi Chen, Se-Young Yun

Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) is widely used for compressing a teacher model to a smaller student model, reducing its inference cost and memory footprint while preserving model capabilities. However, current KD methods for auto-regressive sequence models (e.g., large language models) suffer from missing a standardized objective function. Moreover, the recent use of student-generated outputs to address training-inference mismatches has significantly escalated computational costs. To tackle these issues, we introduce DistiLLM, a more effective and efficient KD framework for auto-regressive language models. DistiLLM comprises two components: (1) a novel skew Kullback-Leibler divergence loss, where we unveil and leverage its theoretical properties, and (2) an adaptive off-policy approach designed to enhance the efficiency in utilizing student-generated outputs. Extensive experiments, including instruction-following tasks, demonstrate the effectiveness of DistiLLM in building high-performing student models while achieving up to 4.3$\times$ speedup compared to recent KD methods.

replace-cross Explainable AI for Safe and Trustworthy Autonomous Driving: A Systematic Review

Authors: Anton Kuznietsov, Balint Gyevnar, Cheng Wang, Steven Peters, Stefano V. Albrecht

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) shows promising applications for the perception and planning tasks in autonomous driving (AD) due to its superior performance compared to conventional methods. However, inscrutable AI systems exacerbate the existing challenge of safety assurance of AD. One way to mitigate this challenge is to utilize explainable AI (XAI) techniques. To this end, we present the first comprehensive systematic literature review of explainable methods for safe and trustworthy AD. We begin by analyzing the requirements for AI in the context of AD, focusing on three key aspects: data, model, and agency. We find that XAI is fundamental to meeting these requirements. Based on this, we explain the sources of explanations in AI and describe a taxonomy of XAI. We then identify five key contributions of XAI for safe and trustworthy AI in AD, which are interpretable design, interpretable surrogate models, interpretable monitoring, auxiliary explanations, and interpretable validation. Finally, we propose a modular framework called SafeX to integrate these contributions, enabling explanation delivery to users while simultaneously ensuring the safety of AI models.

replace-cross Smaug: Fixing Failure Modes of Preference Optimisation with DPO-Positive

Authors: Arka Pal, Deep Karkhanis, Samuel Dooley, Manley Roberts, Siddartha Naidu, Colin White

Abstract: Direct Preference Optimisation (DPO) is effective at significantly improving the performance of large language models (LLMs) on downstream tasks such as reasoning, summarisation, and alignment. Using pairs of preferred and dispreferred data, DPO models the relative probability of picking one response over another. In this work, first we show theoretically that the standard DPO loss can lead to a reduction of the model's likelihood of the preferred examples, as long as the relative probability between the preferred and dispreferred classes increases. We then show empirically that this phenomenon occurs when fine-tuning LLMs on common datasets, especially datasets in which the edit distance between pairs of completions is low. Using these insights, we design DPO-Positive (DPOP), a new loss function and training procedure which avoids this failure mode. Surprisingly, we find that DPOP outperforms DPO and other fine-tuning procedures across a wide variety of datasets and downstream tasks, including datasets with high edit distances between completions. Furthermore, we find that the DPOP-tuned model outperforms the DPO-tuned model (all else equal) on benchmarks independent of the fine-tuning data, such as MT-Bench. Finally, using DPOP, we create and open-source Smaug-34B and Smaug-72B, with the latter becoming the first open-source LLM to surpass an average accuracy of 80% on the HuggingFace Open LLM Leaderboard.

replace-cross ProSparse: Introducing and Enhancing Intrinsic Activation Sparsity within Large Language Models

Authors: Chenyang Song, Xu Han, Zhengyan Zhang, Shengding Hu, Xiyu Shi, Kuai Li, Chen Chen, Zhiyuan Liu, Guangli Li, Tao Yang, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Activation sparsity refers to the existence of considerable weakly-contributed elements among activation outputs. As a prevalent property of the models using the ReLU activation function, activation sparsity has been proven a promising paradigm to boost model inference efficiency. Nevertheless, most large language models (LLMs) adopt activation functions without intrinsic activation sparsity (e.g., GELU and Swish). Some recent efforts have explored introducing ReLU or its variants as the substitutive activation function to help LLMs achieve activation sparsity and inference acceleration, but few can simultaneously obtain high sparsity and comparable model performance. This paper introduces a simple and effective sparsification method named "ProSparse" to push LLMs for higher activation sparsity while maintaining comparable performance. Specifically, after substituting the activation function of LLMs with ReLU, ProSparse adopts progressive sparsity regularization with a factor smoothly increasing along the multi-stage sine curves. This can enhance activation sparsity and mitigate performance degradation by avoiding radical shifts in activation distributions. With ProSparse, we obtain high sparsity of 89.32% for LLaMA2-7B, 88.80% for LLaMA2-13B, and 87.89% for end-size MiniCPM-1B, respectively, achieving comparable performance to their original Swish-activated versions. These present the most sparsely activated models among open-source LLaMA versions and competitive end-size models, considerably surpassing ReluLLaMA-7B (66.98%) and ReluLLaMA-13B (71.56%). Our inference acceleration experiments further demonstrate the significant practical acceleration potential of LLMs with higher activation sparsity, obtaining up to 4.52$\times$ inference speedup.

replace-cross Accelerating Diffusion Sampling with Optimized Time Steps

Authors: Shuchen Xue, Zhaoqiang Liu, Fei Chen, Shifeng Zhang, Tianyang Hu, Enze Xie, Zhenguo Li

Abstract: Diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have shown remarkable performance in high-resolution image synthesis, but their sampling efficiency is still to be desired due to the typically large number of sampling steps. Recent advancements in high-order numerical ODE solvers for DPMs have enabled the generation of high-quality images with much fewer sampling steps. While this is a significant development, most sampling methods still employ uniform time steps, which is not optimal when using a small number of steps. To address this issue, we propose a general framework for designing an optimization problem that seeks more appropriate time steps for a specific numerical ODE solver for DPMs. This optimization problem aims to minimize the distance between the ground-truth solution to the ODE and an approximate solution corresponding to the numerical solver. It can be efficiently solved using the constrained trust region method, taking less than $15$ seconds. Our extensive experiments on both unconditional and conditional sampling using pixel- and latent-space DPMs demonstrate that, when combined with the state-of-the-art sampling method UniPC, our optimized time steps significantly improve image generation performance in terms of FID scores for datasets such as CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, compared to using uniform time steps.

replace-cross Deep Configuration Performance Learning: A Systematic Survey and Taxonomy

Authors: Jingzhi Gong, Tao Chen

Abstract: Performance is arguably the most crucial attribute that reflects the quality of a configurable software system. However, given the increasing scale and complexity of modern software, modeling and predicting how various configurations can impact performance becomes one of the major challenges in software maintenance. As such, performance is often modeled without having a thorough knowledge of the software system, but relying mainly on data, which fits precisely with the purpose of deep learning. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive review exclusively on the topic of deep learning for performance learning of configurable software, covering 1,206 searched papers spanning six indexing services, based on which 99 primary papers were extracted and analyzed. Our results outline key statistics, taxonomy, strengths, weaknesses, and optimal usage scenarios for techniques related to the preparation of configuration data, the construction of deep learning performance models, the evaluation of these models, and their utilization in various software configuration-related tasks.We also identify the good practices and potentially problematic phenomena from the studies surveyed, together with a comprehensive summary of actionable suggestions and insights into future opportunities within the field. To promote open science, all the raw results of this survey can be accessed at our repository:


replace-cross ENOT: Expectile Regularization for Fast and Accurate Training of Neural Optimal Transport

Authors: Nazar Buzun, Maksim Bobrin, Dmitry V. Dylov

Abstract: We present a new approach for Neural Optimal Transport (NOT) training procedure, capable of accurately and efficiently estimating optimal transportation plan via specific regularization on dual Kantorovich potentials. The main bottleneck of existing NOT solvers is associated with the procedure of finding a near-exact approximation of the conjugate operator (i.e., the c-transform), which is done either by optimizing over non-convex max-min objectives or by the computationally intensive fine-tuning of the initial approximated prediction. We resolve both issues by proposing a new, theoretically justified loss in the form of expectile regularisation which enforces binding conditions on the learning process of dual potentials. Such a regularization provides the upper bound estimation over the distribution of possible conjugate potentials and makes the learning stable, completely eliminating the need for additional extensive fine-tuning. Proposed method, called Expectile-Regularised Neural Optimal Transport (ENOT), outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches on the established Wasserstein-2 benchmark tasks by a large margin (up to a 3-fold improvement in quality and up to a 10-fold improvement in runtime). Moreover, we showcase performance of ENOT for varying cost functions on different tasks such as image generation, showing robustness of proposed algorithm. OTT-JAX library includes our implementation of ENOT algorithm


replace-cross Call Me When Necessary: LLMs can Efficiently and Faithfully Reason over Structured Environments

Authors: Sitao Cheng, Ziyuan Zhuang, Yong Xu, Fangkai Yang, Chaoyun Zhang, Xiaoting Qin, Xiang Huang, Ling Chen, Qingwei Lin, Dongmei Zhang, Saravan Rajmohan, Qi Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown potential in reasoning over structured environments, e.g., knowledge graph and table. Such tasks typically require multi-hop reasoning, i.e., match natural language utterance with instances in the environment. Previous methods leverage LLMs to incrementally build a reasoning path, where the LLMs either invoke tools or pick up schemas by step-by-step interacting with the environment. We propose Reasoning-Path-Editing (Readi), a novel framework where LLMs can efficiently and faithfully reason over structured environments. In Readi, LLMs initially generate a reasoning path given a query, and edit the path only when necessary. We instantiate the path on structured environments and provide feedback to edit the path if anything goes wrong. Experimental results on three KGQA and two TableQA datasets show the effectiveness of Readi, significantly surpassing previous LLM-based methods (by 9.1% Hit@1 on WebQSP, 12.4% on MQA-3H and 9.5% on WTQ), comparable with state-of-the-art fine-tuned methods (67% on CWQ and 74.7% on WebQSP) and substantially boosting the vanilla LLMs (by 14.9% on CWQ). Our code will be available on


replace-cross Discovering Nuclear Models from Symbolic Machine Learning

Authors: Jose M. Munoz, Silviu M. Udrescu, Ronald F. Garcia Ruiz

Abstract: Numerous phenomenological nuclear models have been proposed to describe specific observables within different regions of the nuclear chart. However, developing a unified model that describes the complex behavior of all nuclei remains an open challenge. Here, we explore whether novel symbolic Machine Learning (ML) can rediscover traditional nuclear physics models or identify alternatives with improved simplicity, fidelity, and predictive power. To address this challenge, we developed a Multi-objective Iterated Symbolic Regression approach that handles symbolic regressions over multiple target observables, accounts for experimental uncertainties and is robust against high-dimensional problems. As a proof of principle, we applied this method to describe the nuclear binding energies and charge radii of light and medium mass nuclei. Our approach identified simple analytical relationships based on the number of protons and neutrons, providing interpretable models with precision comparable to state-of-the-art nuclear models. Additionally, we integrated this ML-discovered model with an existing complementary model to estimate the limits of nuclear stability. These results highlight the potential of symbolic ML to develop accurate nuclear models and guide our description of complex many-body problems.

replace-cross BLINK: Multimodal Large Language Models Can See but Not Perceive

Authors: Xingyu Fu, Yushi Hu, Bangzheng Li, Yu Feng, Haoyu Wang, Xudong Lin, Dan Roth, Noah A. Smith, Wei-Chiu Ma, Ranjay Krishna

Abstract: We introduce Blink, a new benchmark for multimodal language models (LLMs) that focuses on core visual perception abilities not found in other evaluations. Most of the Blink tasks can be solved by humans "within a blink" (e.g., relative depth estimation, visual correspondence, forensics detection, and multi-view reasoning). However, we find these perception-demanding tasks cast significant challenges for current multimodal LLMs because they resist mediation through natural language. Blink reformats 14 classic computer vision tasks into 3,807 multiple-choice questions, paired with single or multiple images and visual prompting. While humans get 95.70% accuracy on average, Blink is surprisingly challenging for existing multimodal LLMs: even the best-performing GPT-4V and Gemini achieve accuracies of 51.26% and 45.72%, only 13.17% and 7.63% higher than random guessing, indicating that such perception abilities have not "emerged" yet in recent multimodal LLMs. Our analysis also highlights that specialist CV models could solve these problems much better, suggesting potential pathways for future improvements. We believe Blink will stimulate the community to help multimodal LLMs catch up with human-level visual perception.

replace-cross Mixture of insighTful Experts (MoTE): The Synergy of Thought Chains and Expert Mixtures in Self-Alignment

Authors: Zhili Liu, Yunhao Gou, Kai Chen, Lanqing Hong, Jiahui Gao, Fei Mi, Yu Zhang, Zhenguo Li, Xin Jiang, Qun Liu, James T. Kwok

Abstract: As the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) have expanded dramatically, aligning these models with human values presents a significant challenge. Traditional alignment strategies rely heavily on human intervention, such as Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), or on the self-alignment capacities of LLMs, which usually require a strong LLM's emergent ability to improve its original bad answer. To address these challenges, we propose a novel self-alignment method that utilizes a Chain of Thought (CoT) approach, termed AlignCoT. This method encompasses stages of Question Analysis, Answer Guidance, and Safe Answer production. It is designed to enable LLMs to generate high-quality, safe responses throughout various stages of their development. Furthermore, we introduce the Mixture of insighTful Experts (MoTE) architecture, which applies mixture of experts to enhance each component of the AlignCoT process, markedly increasing alignment efficiency. The MoTE approach not only outperforms existing methods in aligning LLMs with human values but also highlights the benefits of using self-generated data, revealing the dual benefits of improved alignment and training efficiency.

replace-cross Guylingo: The Republic of Guyana Creole Corpora

Authors: Christopher Clarke, Roland Daynauth, Charlene Wilkinson, Hubert Devonish, Jason Mars

Abstract: While major languages often enjoy substantial attention and resources, the linguistic diversity across the globe encompasses a multitude of smaller, indigenous, and regional languages that lack the same level of computational support. One such region is the Caribbean. While commonly labeled as "English speaking", the ex-British Caribbean region consists of a myriad of Creole languages thriving alongside English. In this paper, we present Guylingo: a comprehensive corpus designed for advancing NLP research in the domain of Creolese (Guyanese English-lexicon Creole), the most widely spoken language in the culturally rich nation of Guyana. We first outline our framework for gathering and digitizing this diverse corpus, inclusive of colloquial expressions, idioms, and regional variations in a low-resource language. We then demonstrate the challenges of training and evaluating NLP models for machine translation in Creole. Lastly, we discuss the unique opportunities presented by recent NLP advancements for accelerating the formal adoption of Creole languages as official languages in the Caribbean.

replace-cross Evaluation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation: A Survey

Authors: Hao Yu, Aoran Gan, Kai Zhang, Shiwei Tong, Qi Liu, Zhaofeng Liu

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has recently gained traction in natural language processing. Numerous studies and real-world applications are leveraging its ability to enhance generative models through external information retrieval. Evaluating these RAG systems, however, poses unique challenges due to their hybrid structure and reliance on dynamic knowledge sources. To better understand these challenges, we conduct A Unified Evaluation Process of RAG (Auepora) and aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the evaluation and benchmarks of RAG systems. Specifically, we examine and compare several quantifiable metrics of the Retrieval and Generation components, such as relevance, accuracy, and faithfulness, within the current RAG benchmarks, encompassing the possible output and ground truth pairs. We then analyze the various datasets and metrics, discuss the limitations of current benchmarks, and suggest potential directions to advance the field of RAG benchmarks.

replace-cross Causal inference approach to appraise long-term effects of maintenance policy on functional performance of asphalt pavements

Authors: Lingyun You, Nanning Guo, Zhengwu Long, Fusong Wang, Chundi Si, Aboelkasim Diab

Abstract: Asphalt pavements as the most prevalent transportation infrastructure, are prone to serious traffic safety problems due to functional or structural damage caused by stresses or strains imposed through repeated traffic loads and continuous climatic cycles. The good quality or high serviceability of infrastructure networks is vital to the urbanization and industrial development of nations. In order to maintain good functional pavement performance and extend the service life of asphalt pavements, the long-term performance of pavements under maintenance policies needs to be evaluated and favorable options selected based on the condition of the pavement. A major challenge in evaluating maintenance policies is to produce valid treatments for the outcome assessment under the control of uncertainty of vehicle loads and the disturbance of freeze-thaw cycles in the climatic environment. In this study, a novel causal inference approach combining a classical causal structural model and a potential outcome model framework is proposed to appraise the long-term effects of four preventive maintenance treatments for longitudinal cracking over a 5-year period of upkeep. Three fundamental issues were brought to our attention: 1) detection of causal relationships prior to variables under environmental loading (identification of causal structure); 2) obtaining direct causal effects of treatment on outcomes excluding covariates (identification of causal effects); and 3) sensitivity analysis of causal relationships. The results show that the method can accurately evaluate the effect of preventive maintenance treatments and assess the maintenance time to cater well for the functional performance of different preventive maintenance approaches. This framework could help policymakers to develop appropriate maintenance strategies for pavements.

replace-cross ArchesWeather: An efficient AI weather forecasting model at 1.5{\deg} resolution

Authors: Guillaume Couairon, Christian Lessig, Anastase Charantonis, Claire Monteleoni

Abstract: One of the guiding principles for designing AI-based weather forecasting systems is to embed physical constraints as inductive priors in the neural network architecture. A popular prior is locality, where the atmospheric data is processed with local neural interactions, like 3D convolutions or 3D local attention windows as in Pangu-Weather. On the other hand, some works have shown great success in weather forecasting without this locality principle, at the cost of a much higher parameter count. In this paper, we show that the 3D local processing in Pangu-Weather is computationally sub-optimal. We design ArchesWeather, a transformer model that combines 2D attention with a column-wise attention-based feature interaction module, and demonstrate that this design improves forecasting skill. ArchesWeather is trained at 1.5{\deg} resolution and 24h lead time, with a training budget of a few GPU-days and a lower inference cost than competing methods. An ensemble of four of our models shows better RMSE scores than the IFS HRES and is competitive with the 1.4{\deg} 50-members NeuralGCM ensemble for one to three days ahead forecasting. Our code and models are publicly available at


replace-cross ChatGPT Code Detection: Techniques for Uncovering the Source of Code

Authors: Marc Oedingen, Raphael C. Engelhardt, Robin Denz, Maximilian Hammer, Wolfgang Konen

Abstract: In recent times, large language models (LLMs) have made significant strides in generating computer code, blurring the lines between code created by humans and code produced by artificial intelligence (AI). As these technologies evolve rapidly, it is crucial to explore how they influence code generation, especially given the risk of misuse in areas like higher education. This paper explores this issue by using advanced classification techniques to differentiate between code written by humans and that generated by ChatGPT, a type of LLM. We employ a new approach that combines powerful embedding features (black-box) with supervised learning algorithms - including Deep Neural Networks, Random Forests, and Extreme Gradient Boosting - to achieve this differentiation with an impressive accuracy of 98%. For the successful combinations, we also examine their model calibration, showing that some of the models are extremely well calibrated. Additionally, we present white-box features and an interpretable Bayes classifier to elucidate critical differences between the code sources, enhancing the explainability and transparency of our approach. Both approaches work well but provide at most 85-88% accuracy. We also show that untrained humans solve the same task not better than random guessing. This study is crucial in understanding and mitigating the potential risks associated with using AI in code generation, particularly in the context of higher education, software development, and competitive programming.

replace-cross Tuning-Free Alignment of Diffusion Models with Direct Noise Optimization

Authors: Zhiwei Tang, Jiangweizhi Peng, Jiasheng Tang, Mingyi Hong, Fan Wang, Tsung-Hui Chang

Abstract: In this work, we focus on the alignment problem of diffusion models with a continuous reward function, which represents specific objectives for downstream tasks, such as improving human preference. The central goal of the alignment problem is to adjust the distribution learned by diffusion models such that the generated samples maximize the target reward function. We propose a novel alignment approach, named Direct Noise Optimization (DNO), that optimizes the injected noise during the sampling process of diffusion models. By design, DNO is tuning-free and prompt-agnostic, as the alignment occurs in an online fashion during generation. We rigorously study the theoretical properties of DNO and also propose variants to deal with non-differentiable reward functions. Furthermore, we identify that naive implementation of DNO occasionally suffers from the out-of-distribution reward hacking problem, where optimized samples have high rewards but are no longer in the support of the pretrained distribution. To remedy this issue, we leverage classical high-dimensional statistics theory and propose to augment the DNO loss with certain probability regularization. We conduct extensive experiments on several popular reward functions trained on human feedback data and demonstrate that the proposed DNO approach achieves state-of-the-art reward scores as well as high image quality, all within a reasonable time budget for generation.

replace-cross LACIE: Listener-Aware Finetuning for Confidence Calibration in Large Language Models

Authors: Elias Stengel-Eskin, Peter Hase, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: When answering questions, LLMs can convey not only an answer, but a level of confidence about the answer being correct. This includes explicit confidence markers (e.g. giving a numeric score) as well as implicit markers, like an authoritative tone or elaborating with additional knowledge. For LLMs to be trustworthy knowledge sources, the confidence they convey should match their actual expertise; however, most current models tend towards overconfidence. To calibrate both implicit and explicit confidence markers, we introduce a pragmatic, listener-aware finetuning method (LACIE) that models the listener, considering not only whether an answer is right, but whether it will be accepted by a listener. We cast calibration as preference optimization, creating data via a two-agent game, where a speaker model's outputs are judged by a simulated listener. We then finetune three LLMs (Mistral-7B, Llama3-8B, Llama3-70B) with LACIE, and show that the resulting models are better calibrated w.r.t. a simulated listener. Crucially, these trends transfer to human listeners, helping them correctly predict model correctness: we conduct a human evaluation where annotators accept or reject an LLM's answers, finding that training with LACIE results in 47% fewer incorrect answers being accepted while maintaining the same level of acceptance for correct answers. Furthermore, LACIE generalizes to another dataset, resulting in a large increase in truthfulness on TruthfulQA when trained on TriviaQA. Our analysis indicates that LACIE leads to a better confidence separation between correct and incorrect examples. Qualitatively, we find that a LACIE-trained model hedges more and implicitly signals certainty when it is correct by using an authoritative tone or including details. Finally, LACIE finetuning leads to an emergent increase in model abstention (e.g. saying "I don't know") for answers that are likely wrong.

replace-cross MedExQA: Medical Question Answering Benchmark with Multiple Explanations

Authors: Yunsoo Kim, Jinge Wu, Yusuf Abdulle, Honghan Wu

Abstract: This paper introduces MedExQA, a novel benchmark in medical question-answering, to evaluate large language models' (LLMs) understanding of medical knowledge through explanations. By constructing datasets across five distinct medical specialties that are underrepresented in current datasets and further incorporating multiple explanations for each question-answer pair, we address a major gap in current medical QA benchmarks which is the absence of comprehensive assessments of LLMs' ability to generate nuanced medical explanations. Our work highlights the importance of explainability in medical LLMs, proposes an effective methodology for evaluating models beyond classification accuracy, and sheds light on one specific domain, speech language pathology, where current LLMs including GPT4 lack good understanding. Our results show generation evaluation with multiple explanations aligns better with human assessment, highlighting an opportunity for a more robust automated comprehension assessment for LLMs. To diversify open-source medical LLMs (currently mostly based on Llama2), this work also proposes a new medical model, MedPhi-2, based on Phi-2 (2.7B). The model outperformed medical LLMs based on Llama2-70B in generating explanations, showing its effectiveness in the resource-constrained medical domain. We will share our benchmark datasets and the trained model.

replace-cross Delving into ChatGPT usage in academic writing through excess vocabulary

Authors: Dmitry Kobak, Rita Gonz\'alez-M\'arquez, Em\H{o}ke-\'Agnes Horv\'at, Jan Lause

Abstract: Recent large language models (LLMs) can generate and revise text with human-level performance, and have been widely commercialized in systems like ChatGPT. These models come with clear limitations: they can produce inaccurate information, reinforce existing biases, and be easily misused. Yet, many scientists have been using them to assist their scholarly writing. How wide-spread is LLM usage in the academic literature currently? To answer this question, we use an unbiased, large-scale approach, free from any assumptions on academic LLM usage. We study vocabulary changes in 14 million PubMed abstracts from 2010-2024, and show how the appearance of LLMs led to an abrupt increase in the frequency of certain style words. Our analysis based on excess words usage suggests that at least 10% of 2024 abstracts were processed with LLMs. This lower bound differed across disciplines, countries, and journals, and was as high as 30% for some PubMed sub-corpora. We show that the appearance of LLM-based writing assistants has had an unprecedented impact in the scientific literature, surpassing the effect of major world events such as the Covid pandemic.

replace-cross Wearable Device-Based Real-Time Monitoring of Physiological Signals: Evaluating Cognitive Load Across Different Tasks

Authors: Ling He, Yanxin Chen, Wenqi Wang, Shuting He, Xiaoqiang Hu

Abstract: This study employs cutting-edge wearable monitoring technology to conduct high-precision, high-temporal-resolution (1-second interval) cognitive load assessment on electroencephalogram (EEG) data from the FP1 channel and heart rate variability (HRV) data of secondary vocational students. By jointly analyzing these two critical physiological indicators, the research delves into their application value in assessing cognitive load among secondary vocational students and their utility across various tasks. The study designed two experiments to validate the efficacy of the proposed approach: Initially, a random forest classification model, developed using the N-BACK task, enabled the precise decoding of physiological signal characteristics in secondary vocational students under different levels of cognitive load, achieving a classification accuracy of 97%. Subsequently, this classification model was applied in a cross-task experiment involving the National Computer Rank Examination (Level-1), demonstrating the method's significant applicability and cross-task transferability in diverse learning contexts. Conducted with high portability, this research holds substantial theoretical and practical significance for optimizing teaching resource allocation in secondary vocational education, as well as for cognitive load assessment methods and monitoring. Currently, the research findings are undergoing trial implementation in the school.

replace-cross Towards Human-AI Collaboration in Healthcare: Guided Deferral Systems with Large Language Models

Authors: Joshua Strong, Qianhui Men, Alison Noble

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) present a valuable technology for various applications in healthcare, but their tendency to hallucinate introduces unacceptable uncertainty in critical decision-making situations. Human-AI collaboration (HAIC) can mitigate this uncertainty by combining human and AI strengths for better outcomes. This paper presents a novel guided deferral system that provides intelligent guidance when AI defers cases to human decision-makers. We leverage LLMs' verbalisation capabilities and internal states to create this system, demonstrating that fine-tuning small-scale LLMs with data from large-scale LLMs greatly enhances performance while maintaining computational efficiency and data privacy. A pilot study showcases the effectiveness of our proposed deferral system.

replace-cross Ents: An Efficient Three-party Training Framework for Decision Trees by Communication Optimization

Authors: Guopeng Lin, Weili Han, Wenqiang Ruan, Ruisheng Zhou, Lushan Song, Bingshuai Li, Yunfeng Shao

Abstract: Multi-party training frameworks for decision trees based on secure multi-party computation enable multiple parties to train high-performance models on distributed private data with privacy preservation. The training process essentially involves frequent dataset splitting according to the splitting criterion (e.g. Gini impurity). However, existing multi-party training frameworks for decision trees demonstrate communication inefficiency due to the following issues: (1) They suffer from huge communication overhead in securely splitting a dataset with continuous attributes. (2) They suffer from huge communication overhead due to performing almost all the computations on a large ring to accommodate the secure computations for the splitting criterion. In this paper, we are motivated to present an efficient three-party training framework, namely Ents, for decision trees by communication optimization. For the first issue, we present a series of training protocols based on the secure radix sort protocols to efficiently and securely split a dataset with continuous attributes. For the second issue, we propose an efficient share conversion protocol to convert shares between a small ring and a large ring to reduce the communication overhead incurred by performing almost all the computations on a large ring. Experimental results from eight widely used datasets show that Ents outperforms state-of-the-art frameworks by $5.5\times \sim 9.3\times$ in communication sizes and $3.9\times \sim 5.3\times$ in communication rounds. In terms of training time, Ents yields an improvement of $3.5\times \sim 6.7\times$. To demonstrate its practicality, Ents requires less than three hours to securely train a decision tree on a widely used real-world dataset (Skin Segmentation) with more than 245,000 samples in the WAN setting.

replace-cross Fredformer: Frequency Debiased Transformer for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Xihao Piao, Zheng Chen, Taichi Murayama, Yasuko Matsubara, Yasushi Sakurai

Abstract: The Transformer model has shown leading performance in time series forecasting. Nevertheless, in some complex scenarios, it tends to learn low-frequency features in the data and overlook high-frequency features, showing a frequency bias. This bias prevents the model from accurately capturing important high-frequency data features. In this paper, we undertook empirical analyses to understand this bias and discovered that frequency bias results from the model disproportionately focusing on frequency features with higher energy. Based on our analysis, we formulate this bias and propose Fredformer, a Transformer-based framework designed to mitigate frequency bias by learning features equally across different frequency bands. This approach prevents the model from overlooking lower amplitude features important for accurate forecasting. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our proposed approach, which can outperform other baselines in different real-world time-series datasets. Furthermore, we introduce a lightweight variant of the Fredformer with an attention matrix approximation, which achieves comparable performance but with much fewer parameters and lower computation costs. The code is available at:


replace-cross STAR: A First-Ever Dataset and A Large-Scale Benchmark for Scene Graph Generation in Large-Size Satellite Imagery

Authors: Yansheng Li, Linlin Wang, Tingzhu Wang, Xue Yang, Junwei Luo, Qi Wang, Youming Deng, Wenbin Wang, Xian Sun, Haifeng Li, Bo Dang, Yongjun Zhang, Yi Yu, Junchi Yan

Abstract: Scene graph generation (SGG) in satellite imagery (SAI) benefits promoting understanding of geospatial scenarios from perception to cognition. In SAI, objects exhibit great variations in scales and aspect ratios, and there exist rich relationships between objects (even between spatially disjoint objects), which makes it attractive to holistically conduct SGG in large-size very-high-resolution (VHR) SAI. However, there lack such SGG datasets. Due to the complexity of large-size SAI, mining triplets heavily relies on long-range contextual reasoning. Consequently, SGG models designed for small-size natural imagery are not directly applicable to large-size SAI. This paper constructs a large-scale dataset for SGG in large-size VHR SAI with image sizes ranging from 512 x 768 to 27,860 x 31,096 pixels, named STAR (Scene graph generaTion in lArge-size satellite imageRy), encompassing over 210K objects and over 400K triplets. To realize SGG in large-size SAI, we propose a context-aware cascade cognition (CAC) framework to understand SAI regarding object detection (OBD), pair pruning and relationship prediction for SGG. We also release a SAI-oriented SGG toolkit with about 30 OBD and 10 SGG methods which need further adaptation by our devised modules on our challenging STAR dataset. The dataset and toolkit are available at:


replace-cross Explainable AI for Comparative Analysis of Intrusion Detection Models

Authors: Pap M. Corea, Yongxin Liu, Jian Wang, Shuteng Niu, Houbing Song

Abstract: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has become a widely discussed topic, the related technologies facilitate better understanding of conventional black-box models like Random Forest, Neural Networks and etc. However, domain-specific applications of XAI are still insufficient. To fill this gap, this research analyzes various machine learning models to the tasks of binary and multi-class classification for intrusion detection from network traffic on the same dataset using occlusion sensitivity. The models evaluated include Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Random Forest, Decision Trees, and Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP). We trained all models to the accuracy of 90\% on the UNSW-NB15 Dataset. We found that most classifiers leverage only less than three critical features to achieve such accuracies, indicating that effective feature engineering could actually be far more important for intrusion detection than applying complicated models. We also discover that Random Forest provides the best performance in terms of accuracy, time efficiency and robustness. Data and code available at


replace-cross DocCGen: Document-based Controlled Code Generation

Authors: Sameer Pimparkhede, Mehant Kammakomati, Srikanth Tamilselvam, Prince Kumar, Ashok Pon Kumar, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Abstract: Recent developments show that Large Language Models (LLMs) produce state-of-the-art performance on natural language (NL) to code generation for resource-rich general-purpose languages like C++, Java, and Python. However, their practical usage for structured domain-specific languages (DSLs) such as YAML, JSON is limited due to domain-specific schema, grammar, and customizations generally unseen by LLMs during pre-training. Efforts have been made to mitigate this challenge via in-context learning through relevant examples or by fine-tuning. However, it suffers from problems, such as limited DSL samples and prompt sensitivity but enterprises maintain good documentation of the DSLs. Therefore, we propose DocCGen, a framework that can leverage such rich knowledge by breaking the NL-to-Code generation task for structured code languages into a two-step process. First, it detects the correct libraries using the library documentation that best matches the NL query. Then, it utilizes schema rules extracted from the documentation of these libraries to constrain the decoding. We evaluate our framework for two complex structured languages, Ansible YAML and Bash command, consisting of two settings: Out-of-domain (OOD) and In-domain (ID). Our extensive experiments show that DocCGen consistently improves different-sized language models across all six evaluation metrics, reducing syntactic and semantic errors in structured code. We plan to open-source the datasets and code to motivate research in constrained code generation.

replace-cross LLM-Oracle Machines

Authors: Jie Wang

Abstract: Contemporary AI applications leverage large language models (LLMs) to harness their knowledge and reasoning abilities for natural language processing tasks. This approach shares similarities with the concept of oracle Turing machines (OTMs). To capture the broader potential of these computations, including those not yet realized, we propose an extension to OTMs: the LLM-oracle machine (LLM-OM), by employing a cluster of LLMs as the oracle. Each LLM acts as a black box, capable of answering queries within its expertise, albeit with a delay. We introduce four variants of the LLM-OM: basic, augmented, fault-avoidance, and $\epsilon$-fault. The first two are commonly observed in existing AI applications. The latter two are specifically designed to address the challenges of LLM hallucinations, biases, and inconsistencies, aiming to ensure reliable outcomes.

replace-cross Found in the Middle: Calibrating Positional Attention Bias Improves Long Context Utilization

Authors: Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Yung-Sung Chuang, Chun-Liang Li, Zifeng Wang, Long T. Le, Abhishek Kumar, James Glass, Alexander Ratner, Chen-Yu Lee, Ranjay Krishna, Tomas Pfister

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs), even when specifically trained to process long input contexts, struggle to capture relevant information located in the middle of their input. This phenomenon has been known as the lost-in-the-middle problem. In this work, we make three contributions. First, we set out to understand the factors that cause this phenomenon. In doing so, we establish a connection between lost-in-the-middle to LLMs' intrinsic attention bias: LLMs exhibit a U-shaped attention bias where the tokens at the beginning and at the end of its input receive higher attention, regardless of their relevance. Second, we mitigate this positional bias through a calibration mechanism, found-in-the-middle, that allows the model to attend to contexts faithfully according to their relevance, even though when they are in the middle. Third, we show found-in-the-middle not only achieves better performance in locating relevant information within a long context, but also eventually leads to improved retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) performance across various tasks, outperforming existing methods by up to 15 percentage points. These findings open up future directions in understanding LLM attention bias and its potential consequences.

replace-cross Character-Adapter: Prompt-Guided Region Control for High-Fidelity Character Customization

Authors: Yuhang Ma, Wenting Xu, Jiji Tang, Qinfeng Jin, Rongsheng Zhang, Zeng Zhao, Changjie Fan, Zhipeng Hu

Abstract: Customized image generation, which seeks to synthesize images with consistent characters, holds significant relevance for applications such as storytelling, portrait generation, and character design. However, previous approaches have encountered challenges in preserving characters with high-fidelity consistency due to inadequate feature extraction and concept confusion of reference characters. Therefore, we propose Character-Adapter, a plug-and-play framework designed to generate images that preserve the details of reference characters, ensuring high-fidelity consistency. Character-Adapter employs prompt-guided segmentation to ensure fine-grained regional features of reference characters and dynamic region-level adapters to mitigate concept confusion. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of Character-Adapter. Both quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that Character-Adapter achieves the state-of-the-art performance of consistent character generation, with an improvement of 24.8% compared with other methods. Our code will be released at


replace-cross Adam-mini: Use Fewer Learning Rates To Gain More

Authors: Yushun Zhang, Congliang Chen, Ziniu Li, Tian Ding, Chenwei Wu, Yinyu Ye, Zhi-Quan Luo, Ruoyu Sun

Abstract: We propose Adam-mini, an optimizer that achieves on-par or better performance than AdamW with 45% to 50% less memory footprint. Adam-mini reduces memory by cutting down the learning rate resources in Adam (i.e., $1/\sqrt{v}$). We find that $\geq$ 90% of these learning rates in $v$ could be harmlessly removed if we (1) carefully partition the parameters into blocks following our proposed principle on Hessian structure; (2) assign a single but good learning rate to each parameter block. We further find that, for each of these parameter blocks, there exists a single high-quality learning rate that can outperform Adam, provided that sufficient resources are available to search it out. We then provide one cost-effective way to find good learning rates and propose Adam-mini. Empirically, we verify that Adam-mini performs on par or better than AdamW on various language models sized from 125M to 7B for pre-training, supervised fine-tuning, and RLHF. The reduced memory footprint of Adam-mini also alleviates communication overheads among GPUs and CPUs, thereby increasing throughput. For instance, Adam-mini achieves 49.6% higher throughput than AdamW when pre-training Llama2-7B on $2\times$ A800-80GB GPUs, which saves 33% wall-clock time for pre-training.

replace-cross Losing Visual Needles in Image Haystacks: Vision Language Models are Easily Distracted in Short and Long Contexts

Authors: Aditya Sharma, Michael Saxon, William Yang Wang

Abstract: We present LoCoVQA, a dynamic benchmark generator for evaluating long-context extractive reasoning in vision language models (VLMs). LoCoVQA augments test examples for mathematical reasoning, VQA, and character recognition tasks with increasingly long visual contexts composed of both in-distribution and out-of-distribution distractor images. Across these tasks, a diverse set of VLMs rapidly lose performance as the visual context length grows, often exhibiting a striking logarithmic decay trend. This test assesses how well VLMs can ignore irrelevant information when answering queries -- a task that is quite easy for language models (LMs) in the text domain -- demonstrating that current state-of-the-art VLMs lack this essential capability for many long-context applications.

replace-cross CaLMQA: Exploring culturally specific long-form question answering across 23 languages

Authors: Shane Arora, Marzena Karpinska, Hung-Ting Chen, Ipsita Bhattacharjee, Mohit Iyyer, Eunsol Choi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are used for long-form question answering (LFQA), which requires them to generate paragraph-length answers to complex questions. While LFQA has been well-studied in English, this research has not been extended to other languages. To bridge this gap, we introduce CaLMQA, a collection of 1.5K complex culturally specific questions spanning 23 languages and 51 culturally agnostic questions translated from English into 22 other languages. We define culturally specific questions as those uniquely or more likely to be asked by people from cultures associated with the question's language. We collect naturally-occurring questions from community web forums and hire native speakers to write questions to cover under-resourced, rarely-studied languages such as Fijian and Kirundi. Our dataset contains diverse, complex questions that reflect cultural topics (e.g. traditions, laws, news) and the language usage of native speakers. We automatically evaluate a suite of open- and closed-source models on CaLMQA by detecting incorrect language and token repetitions in answers, and observe that the quality of LLM-generated answers degrades significantly for some low-resource languages. Lastly, we perform human evaluation on a subset of models and languages. Manual evaluation reveals that model performance is significantly worse for culturally specific questions than for culturally agnostic questions. Our findings highlight the need for further research in non-English LFQA and provide an evaluation framework.

replace-cross PharmaGPT: Domain-Specific Large Language Models for Bio-Pharmaceutical and Chemistry

Authors: Linqing Chen, Weilei Wang, Zilong Bai, Peng Xu, Yan Fang, Jie Fang, Wentao Wu, Lizhi Zhou, Ruiji Zhang, Yubin Xia, Chaobo Xu, Ran Hu, Licong Xu, Qijun Cai, Haoran Hua, Jing Sun, Jin Liu, Tian Qiu, Haowen Liu, Meng Hu, Xiuwen Li, Fei Gao, Yufu Wang, Lin Tie, Chaochao Wang, Jianping Lu, Cheng Sun, Yixin Wang, Shengjie Yang, Yuancheng Li, Lu Jin, Lisha Zhang, Fu Bian, Zhongkai Ye, Lidong Pei, Changyang Tu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP) by by minimizing the need for complex feature engineering. However, the application of LLMs in specialized domains like biopharmaceuticals and chemistry remains largely unexplored. These fields are characterized by intricate terminologies, specialized knowledge, and a high demand for precision areas where general purpose LLMs often fall short. In this study, we introduce PharmGPT, a suite of multilingual LLMs with 13 billion and 70 billion parameters, specifically trained on a comprehensive corpus of hundreds of billions of tokens tailored to the Bio-Pharmaceutical and Chemical sectors. Our evaluation shows that PharmGPT matches or surpasses existing general models on key benchmarks, such as NAPLEX, demonstrating its exceptional capability in domain-specific tasks. This advancement establishes a new benchmark for LLMs in the Bio-Pharmaceutical and Chemical fields, addressing the existing gap in specialized language modeling. Furthermore, this suggests a promising path for enhanced research and development in these specialized areas, paving the way for more precise and effective applications of NLP in specialized domains.

replace-cross YZS-model: A Predictive Model for Organic Drug Solubility Based on Graph Convolutional Networks and Transformer-Attention

Authors: Chenxu Wang, Haowei Ming, Jian He, Yao Lu

Abstract: The accurate prediction of drug molecule solubility is essential for determining their therapeutic effectiveness and safety, influencing the drug's ADME processes. Traditional solubility prediction techniques often fail to capture the complex nature of molecular tructures, leading to notable deviations between predictions and actual results. For example, the Discussion on Advanced Drug-Like Compound Structures. Lusci highlighted issues in capturing crucial cyclic structural information in molecules with ring structures. To overcome this issue, our research introduces a novel deep learning framework combining attention-based transformers, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN), aimed at enhancing the precision of solubility predictions. Utilizing a training set of 9,943 compounds and testing on an anticancer compound dataset, our method achieved a correlation coefficient ($R^2$) of 0.55 and a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.59, which outperforms the benchmark models' scores of 0.52 ($R^2$) and 0.61 (RMSE). Importantly, in an additional independent test, our model significantly outperformed the baseline with an RMSE of 1.05 compared to 1.28, a relative accuracy improvement of 45.9%. This research not only demonstrates the vast potential of deep learning for improving solubility prediction accuracy but also offers novel insights for drug design and selection in the future. Continued efforts will be directed towards optimizing the model architecture and extending its application to better support the drug development process, underscoring the pivotal role of deep learning in drug discovery.

replace-cross Commodification of Compute

Authors: Jesper Kristensen, David Wender, Carl Anthony

Abstract: The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and cloud computing have precipitated an unprecedented demand for computational resources. However, the current landscape of computational resource allocation is characterized by significant inefficiencies, including underutilization and price volatility. This paper addresses these challenges by introducing a novel global platform for the commodification of compute hours, termed the Global Compute Exchange (GCX) (Patent Pending). The GCX leverages blockchain technology and smart contracts to create a secure, transparent, and efficient marketplace for buying and selling computational power. The GCX is built in a layered fashion, comprising Market, App, Clearing, Risk Management, Exchange (Offchain), and Blockchain (Onchain) layers, each ensuring a robust and efficient operation. This platform aims to revolutionize the computational resource market by fostering a decentralized, efficient, and transparent ecosystem that ensures equitable access to computing power, stimulates innovation, and supports diverse user needs on a global scale. By transforming compute hours into a tradable commodity, the GCX seeks to optimize resource utilization, stabilize pricing, and democratize access to computational resources. This paper explores the technological infrastructure, market potential, and societal impact of the GCX, positioning it as a pioneering solution poised to drive the next wave of innovation in commodities and compute.

replace-cross Instance Temperature Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Zhengbo Zhang, Yuxi Zhou, Jia Gong, Jun Liu, Zhigang Tu

Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) enhances the performance of a student network by allowing it to learn the knowledge transferred from a teacher network incrementally. Existing methods dynamically adjust the temperature to enable the student network to adapt to the varying learning difficulties at different learning stages of KD. KD is a continuous process, but when adjusting the temperature, these methods consider only the immediate benefits of the operation in the current learning phase and fail to take into account its future returns. To address this issue, we formulate the adjustment of temperature as a sequential decision-making task and propose a method based on reinforcement learning, termed RLKD. Importantly, we design a novel state representation to enable the agent to make more informed action (i.e. instance temperature adjustment). To handle the problem of delayed rewards in our method due to the KD setting, we explore an instance reward calibration approach. In addition,we devise an efficient exploration strategy that enables the agent to learn valuable instance temperature adjustment policy more efficiently. Our framework can serve as a plug-and-play technique to be inserted into various KD methods easily, and we validate its effectiveness on both image classification and object detection tasks. Our project is at


replace-cross Face4RAG: Factual Consistency Evaluation for Retrieval Augmented Generation in Chinese

Authors: Yunqi Xu, Tianchi Cai, Jiyan Jiang, Xierui Song

Abstract: The prevailing issue of factual inconsistency errors in conventional Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) motivates the study of Factual Consistency Evaluation (FCE). Despite the various FCE methods proposed earlier, these methods are evaluated on datasets generated by specific Large Language Models (LLMs). Without a comprehensive benchmark, it remains unexplored how these FCE methods perform on other LLMs with different error distributions or even unseen error types, as these methods may fail to detect the error types generated by other LLMs. To fill this gap, in this paper, we propose the first comprehensive FCE benchmark \emph{Face4RAG} for RAG independent of the underlying LLM. Our benchmark consists of a synthetic dataset built upon a carefully designed typology for factuality inconsistency error and a real-world dataset constructed from six commonly used LLMs, enabling evaluation of FCE methods on specific error types or real-world error distributions. On the proposed benchmark, we discover the failure of existing FCE methods to detect the logical fallacy, which refers to a mismatch of logic structures between the answer and the retrieved reference. To fix this issue, we further propose a new method called \emph{L-Face4RAG} with two novel designs of logic-preserving answer decomposition and fact-logic FCE. Extensive experiments show L-Face4RAG substantially outperforms previous methods for factual inconsistency detection on a wide range of tasks, notably beyond the RAG task from which it is originally motivated. Both the benchmark and our proposed method are publicly available.\footnote{\url{}\label{link_face4rag}}


replace-cross Unveiling and Controlling Anomalous Attention Distribution in Transformers

Authors: Ruiqing Yan, Xingbo Du, Haoyu Deng, Linghan Zheng, Qiuzhuang Sun, Jifang Hu, Yuhang Shao, Penghao Jiang, Jinrong Jiang, Lian Zhao

Abstract: With the advent of large models based on the Transformer architecture, researchers have observed an anomalous phenomenon in the Attention mechanism--there is a very high attention on the first element, which is prevalent across Transformer-based models. It is crucial to understand it for the development of techniques focusing on attention distribution, such as Key-Value (KV) Cache compression and infinite extrapolation; however, the latent cause leaves to be unknown. In this paper, we analyze such a phenomenon from the perspective of waiver phenomenon, which involves reducing the internal values of certain elements in the sequence, allowing them to absorb excess attention without affecting their contribution to information. In specific models, due to differences in positional encoding and attention patterns, we have found that the selection of waiver elements by the model can be categorized into two methods: positional-encoding-based and feature-distribution-within-elements-based.

replace-cross Universal Quantum Tomography With Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Nhan T. Luu, Thang C. Truong

Abstract: Quantum state tomography is a crucial technique for characterizing the state of a quantum system, which is essential for many applications in quantum technologies. In recent years, there has been growing interest in leveraging neural networks to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of quantum state tomography. Still, many of them did not include mixed quantum state, since pure states are arguably less common in practical situations. In this research paper, we present two neural networks based approach for both pure and mixed quantum state tomography: Restricted Feature Based Neural Network and Mixed States Conditional Generative Adversarial Network, evaluate its effectiveness in comparison to existing neural based methods. We demonstrate that our proposed methods can achieve state-of-the-art results in reconstructing mixed quantum states from experimental data. Our work highlights the potential of neural networks in revolutionizing quantum state tomography and facilitating the development of quantum technologies.

replace-cross Meerkat: Audio-Visual Large Language Model for Grounding in Space and Time

Authors: Sanjoy Chowdhury, Sayan Nag, Subhrajyoti Dasgupta, Jun Chen, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Ruohan Gao, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: Leveraging Large Language Models' remarkable proficiency in text-based tasks, recent works on Multi-modal LLMs (MLLMs) extend them to other modalities like vision and audio. However, the progress in these directions has been mostly focused on tasks that only require a coarse-grained understanding of the audio-visual semantics. We present Meerkat, an audio-visual LLM equipped with a fine-grained understanding of image and audio both spatially and temporally. With a new modality alignment module based on optimal transport and a cross-attention module that enforces audio-visual consistency, Meerkat can tackle challenging tasks such as audio referred image grounding, image guided audio temporal localization, and audio-visual fact-checking. Moreover, we carefully curate a large dataset AVFIT that comprises 3M instruction tuning samples collected from open-source datasets, and introduce MeerkatBench that unifies five challenging audio-visual tasks. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on all these downstream tasks with a relative improvement of up to 37.12%.

replace-cross MG-Verilog: Multi-grained Dataset Towards Enhanced LLM-assisted Verilog Generation

Authors: Yongan Zhang, Zhongzhi Yu, Yonggan Fu, Cheng Wan, Yingyan Celine Lin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently shown promise in streamlining hardware design processes by encapsulating vast amounts of domain-specific data. In addition, they allow users to interact with the design processes through natural language instructions, thus making hardware design more accessible to developers. However, effectively leveraging LLMs in hardware design necessitates providing domain-specific data during inference (e.g., through in-context learning), fine-tuning, or pre-training. Unfortunately, existing publicly available hardware datasets are often limited in size, complexity, or detail, which hinders the effectiveness of LLMs in hardware design tasks. To address this issue, we first propose a set of criteria for creating high-quality hardware datasets that can effectively enhance LLM-assisted hardware design. Based on these criteria, we propose a Multi-Grained-Verilog (MG-Verilog) dataset, which encompasses descriptions at various levels of detail and corresponding code samples. To benefit the broader hardware design community, we have developed an open-source infrastructure that facilitates easy access, integration, and extension of the dataset to meet specific project needs. Furthermore, to fully exploit the potential of the MG-Verilog dataset, which varies in complexity and detail, we introduce a balanced fine-tuning scheme. This scheme serves as a unique use case to leverage the diverse levels of detail provided by the dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed dataset and fine-tuning scheme consistently improve the performance of LLMs in hardware design tasks.

replace-cross FedIA: Federated Medical Image Segmentation with Heterogeneous Annotation Completeness

Authors: Yangyang Xiang, Nannan Wu, Li Yu, Xin Yang, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Zengqiang Yan

Abstract: Federated learning has emerged as a compelling paradigm for medical image segmentation, particularly in light of increasing privacy concerns. However, most of the existing research relies on relatively stringent assumptions regarding the uniformity and completeness of annotations across clients. Contrary to this, this paper highlights a prevalent challenge in medical practice: incomplete annotations. Such annotations can introduce incorrectly labeled pixels, potentially undermining the performance of neural networks in supervised learning. To tackle this issue, we introduce a novel solution, named FedIA. Our insight is to conceptualize incomplete annotations as noisy data (i.e., low-quality data), with a focus on mitigating their adverse effects. We begin by evaluating the completeness of annotations at the client level using a designed indicator. Subsequently, we enhance the influence of clients with more comprehensive annotations and implement corrections for incomplete ones, thereby ensuring that models are trained on accurate data. Our method's effectiveness is validated through its superior performance on two extensively used medical image segmentation datasets, outperforming existing solutions. The code is available at


replace-cross PWM: Policy Learning with Large World Models

Authors: Ignat Georgiev, Varun Giridhar, Nicklas Hansen, Animesh Garg

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has achieved impressive results on complex tasks but struggles in multi-task settings with different embodiments. World models offer scalability by learning a simulation of the environment, yet they often rely on inefficient gradient-free optimization methods. We introduce Policy learning with large World Models (PWM), a novel model-based RL algorithm that learns continuous control policies from large multi-task world models. By pre-training the world model on offline data and using it for first-order gradient policy learning, PWM effectively solves tasks with up to 152 action dimensions and outperforms methods using ground-truth dynamics. Additionally, PWM scales to an 80-task setting, achieving up to 27% higher rewards than existing baselines without the need for expensive online planning. Visualizations and code available at