new Efficient Visibility Approximation for Game AI using Neural Omnidirectional Distance Fields

Authors: Zhi Ying, Nicholas Edwards, Mikhail Kutuzov

Abstract: Visibility information is critical in game AI applications, but the computational cost of raycasting-based methods poses a challenge for real-time systems. To address this challenge, we propose a novel method that represents a partitioned game scene as neural Omnidirectional Distance Fields (ODFs), allowing scalable and efficient visibility approximation between positions without raycasting. For each position of interest, we map its omnidirectional distance data from the spherical surface onto a UV plane. We then use multi-resolution grids and bilinearly interpolated features to encode directions. This allows us to use a compact multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to reconstruct the high-frequency directional distance data at these positions, ensuring fast inference speed. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through offline experiments and in-game evaluation. For in-game evaluation, we conduct a side-by-side comparison with raycasting-based visibility tests in three different scenes. Using a compact MLP (128 neurons and 2 layers), our method achieves an average cold start speedup of 9.35 times and warm start speedup of 4.8 times across these scenes. In addition, unlike the raycasting-based method, whose evaluation time is affected by the characteristics of the scenes, our method's evaluation time remains constant.

new Anole: Adapting Diverse Compressed Models For Cross-Scene Prediction On Mobile Devices

Authors: Yunzhe Li, Hongzi Zhu, Zhuohong Deng, Yunlong Cheng, Liang Zhang, Shan Chang, Minyi Guo

Abstract: Emerging Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) applications desire online prediction using deep neural network (DNN) models on mobile devices. However, due to the movement of devices, unfamiliar test samples constantly appear, significantly affecting the prediction accuracy of a pre-trained DNN. In addition, unstable network connection calls for local model inference. In this paper, we propose a light-weight scheme, called Anole, to cope with the local DNN model inference on mobile devices. The core idea of Anole is to first establish an army of compact DNN models, and then adaptively select the model fitting the current test sample best for online inference. The key is to automatically identify model-friendly scenes for training scene-specific DNN models. To this end, we design a weakly-supervised scene representation learning algorithm by combining both human heuristics and feature similarity in separating scenes. Moreover, we further train a model classifier to predict the best-fit scene-specific DNN model for each test sample. We implement Anole on different types of mobile devices and conduct extensive trace-driven and real-world experiments based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The results demonstrate that Anole outwits the method of using a versatile large DNN in terms of prediction accuracy (4.5% higher), response time (33.1% faster) and power consumption (45.1% lower).

new DDPM-MoCo: Advancing Industrial Surface Defect Generation and Detection with Generative and Contrastive Learning

Authors: Yangfan He, Xinyan Wang, Tianyu Shi

Abstract: The task of industrial detection based on deep learning often involves solving two problems: (1) obtaining sufficient and effective data samples, (2) and using efficient and convenient model training methods. In this paper, we introduce a novel defect-generation method, named DDPM-MoCo, to address these issues. Firstly, we utilize the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) to generate high-quality defect data samples, overcoming the problem of insufficient sample data for model learning. Furthermore, we utilize the unsupervised learning Momentum Contrast model (MoCo) with an enhanced batch contrastive loss function for training the model on unlabeled data, addressing the efficiency and consistency challenges in large-scale negative sample encoding during diffusion model training. The experimental results showcase an enhanced visual detection method for identifying defects on metal surfaces, covering the entire process, starting from generating unlabeled sample data for training the diffusion model, to utilizing the same labeled sample data for downstream detection tasks. This study offers valuable practical insights and application potential for visual detection in the metal processing industry.

new Visual Robustness Benchmark for Visual Question Answering (VQA)

Authors: Md Farhan Ishmam, Ishmam Tashdeed, Talukder Asir Saadat, Md Hamjajul Ashmafee, Dr. Abu Raihan Mostofa Kamal, Dr. Md. Azam Hossain

Abstract: Can Visual Question Answering (VQA) systems perform just as well when deployed in the real world? Or are they susceptible to realistic corruption effects e.g. image blur, which can be detrimental in sensitive applications, such as medical VQA? While linguistic or textual robustness has been thoroughly explored in the VQA literature, there has yet to be any significant work on the visual robustness of VQA models. We propose the first large-scale benchmark comprising 213,000 augmented images, challenging the visual robustness of multiple VQA models and assessing the strength of realistic visual corruptions. Additionally, we have designed several robustness evaluation metrics that can be aggregated into a unified metric and tailored to fit a variety of use cases. Our experiments reveal several insights into the relationships between model size, performance, and robustness with the visual corruptions. Our benchmark highlights the need for a balanced approach in model development that considers model performance without compromising the robustness.

new Lift, Splat, Map: Lifting Foundation Masks for Label-Free Semantic Scene Completion

Authors: Arthur Zhang, Rainier Heijne, Joydeep Biswas

Abstract: Autonomous mobile robots deployed in urban environments must be context-aware, i.e., able to distinguish between different semantic entities, and robust to occlusions. Current approaches like semantic scene completion (SSC) require pre-enumerating the set of classes and costly human annotations, while representation learning methods relax these assumptions but are not robust to occlusions and learn representations tailored towards auxiliary tasks. To address these limitations, we propose LSMap, a method that lifts masks from visual foundation models to predict a continuous, open-set semantic and elevation-aware representation in bird's eye view (BEV) for the entire scene, including regions underneath dynamic entities and in occluded areas. Our model only requires a single RGBD image, does not require human labels, and operates in real time. We quantitatively demonstrate our approach outperforms existing models trained from scratch on semantic and elevation scene completion tasks with finetuning. Furthermore, we show that our pre-trained representation outperforms existing visual foundation models at unsupervised semantic scene completion. We evaluate our approach using CODa, a large-scale, real-world urban robot dataset. Supplementary visualizations, code, data, and pre-trained models, will be publicly available soon.

new DACB-Net: Dual Attention Guided Compact Bilinear Convolution Neural Network for Skin Disease Classification

Authors: Belal Ahmad, Mohd Usama, Tanvir Ahmad, Adnan Saeed, Shabnam Khatoon, Min Chen

Abstract: This paper introduces the three-branch Dual Attention-Guided Compact Bilinear CNN (DACB-Net) by focusing on learning from disease-specific regions to enhance accuracy and alignment. A global branch compensates for lost discriminative features, generating Attention Heat Maps (AHM) for relevant cropped regions. Finally, the last pooling layers of global and local branches are concatenated for fine-tuning, which offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges posed by skin disease diagnosis. Although current CNNs employ Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) for discriminative feature learning, using distinct pairs of local image patches to compute gradients and incorporating a modulation factor in the loss for focusing on complex data during training. However, this approach can lead to dataset imbalance, weight adjustments, and vulnerability to overfitting. The proposed solution combines two supervision branches and a novel loss function to address these issues, enhancing performance and interpretability. The framework integrates data augmentation, transfer learning, and fine-tuning to tackle data imbalance to improve classification performance, and reduce computational costs. Simulations on the HAM10000 and ISIC2019 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, showcasing a 2.59% increase in accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art.

new Fisher-aware Quantization for DETR Detectors with Critical-category Objectives

Authors: Huanrui Yang, Yafeng Huang, Zhen Dong, Denis A Gudovskiy, Tomoyuki Okuno, Yohei Nakata, Yuan Du, Kurt Keutzer, Shanghang Zhang

Abstract: The impact of quantization on the overall performance of deep learning models is a well-studied problem. However, understanding and mitigating its effects on a more fine-grained level is still lacking, especially for harder tasks such as object detection with both classification and regression objectives. This work defines the performance for a subset of task-critical categories, i.e. the critical-category performance, as a crucial yet largely overlooked fine-grained objective for detection tasks. We analyze the impact of quantization at the category-level granularity, and propose methods to improve performance for the critical categories. Specifically, we find that certain critical categories have a higher sensitivity to quantization, and are prone to overfitting after quantization-aware training (QAT). To explain this, we provide theoretical and empirical links between their performance gaps and the corresponding loss landscapes with the Fisher information framework. Using this evidence, we apply a Fisher-aware mixed-precision quantization scheme, and a Fisher-trace regularization for the QAT on the critical-category loss landscape. The proposed methods improve critical-category metrics of the quantized transformer-based DETR detectors. They are even more significant in case of larger models and higher number of classes where the overfitting becomes more severe. For example, our methods lead to 10.4% and 14.5% mAP gains for, correspondingly, 4-bit DETR-R50 and Deformable DETR on the most impacted critical classes in the COCO Panoptic dataset.

new Precision at Scale: Domain-Specific Datasets On-Demand

Authors: Jes\'us M Rodr\'iguez-de-Vera, Imanol G Estepa, Ignacio Saras\'ua, Bhalaji Nagarajan, Petia Radeva

Abstract: In the realm of self-supervised learning (SSL), conventional wisdom has gravitated towards the utility of massive, general domain datasets for pretraining robust backbones. In this paper, we challenge this idea by exploring if it is possible to bridge the scale between general-domain datasets and (traditionally smaller) domain-specific datasets to reduce the current performance gap. More specifically, we propose Precision at Scale (PaS), a novel method for the autonomous creation of domain-specific datasets on-demand. The modularity of the PaS pipeline enables leveraging state-of-the-art foundational and generative models to create a collection of images of any given size belonging to any given domain with minimal human intervention. Extensive analysis in two complex domains, proves the superiority of PaS datasets over existing traditional domain-specific datasets in terms of diversity, scale, and effectiveness in training visual transformers and convolutional neural networks. Most notably, we prove that automatically generated domain-specific datasets lead to better pretraining than large-scale supervised datasets such as ImageNet-1k and ImageNet-21k. Concretely, models trained on domain-specific datasets constructed by PaS pipeline, beat ImageNet-1k pretrained backbones by at least 12% in all the considered domains and classification tasks and lead to better food domain performance than supervised ImageNet-21k pretrain while being 12 times smaller. Code repository:


new Learning Action and Reasoning-Centric Image Editing from Videos and Simulations

Authors: Benno Krojer, Dheeraj Vattikonda, Luis Lara, Varun Jampani, Eva Portelance, Christopher Pal, Siva Reddy

Abstract: An image editing model should be able to perform diverse edits, ranging from object replacement, changing attributes or style, to performing actions or movement, which require many forms of reasoning. Current general instruction-guided editing models have significant shortcomings with action and reasoning-centric edits. Object, attribute or stylistic changes can be learned from visually static datasets. On the other hand, high-quality data for action and reasoning-centric edits is scarce and has to come from entirely different sources that cover e.g. physical dynamics, temporality and spatial reasoning. To this end, we meticulously curate the AURORA Dataset (Action-Reasoning-Object-Attribute), a collection of high-quality training data, human-annotated and curated from videos and simulation engines. We focus on a key aspect of quality training data: triplets (source image, prompt, target image) contain a single meaningful visual change described by the prompt, i.e., truly minimal changes between source and target images. To demonstrate the value of our dataset, we evaluate an AURORA-finetuned model on a new expert-curated benchmark (AURORA-Bench) covering 8 diverse editing tasks. Our model significantly outperforms previous editing models as judged by human raters. For automatic evaluations, we find important flaws in previous metrics and caution their use for semantically hard editing tasks. Instead, we propose a new automatic metric that focuses on discriminative understanding. We hope that our efforts : (1) curating a quality training dataset and an evaluation benchmark, (2) developing critical evaluations, and (3) releasing a state-of-the-art model, will fuel further progress on general image editing.

new Domain-Aware Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models

Authors: Ugur Ali Kaplan, Margret Keuper, Anna Khoreva, Dan Zhang, Yumeng Li

Abstract: Foundation models (FMs) have revolutionized computer vision, enabling effective learning across different domains. However, their performance under domain shift is yet underexplored. This paper investigates the zero-shot domain adaptation potential of FMs by comparing different backbone architectures and introducing novel domain-aware components that leverage domain related textual embeddings. We propose domain adaptive normalization, termed as Domino, which explicitly leverages domain embeddings during fine-tuning, thus making the model domain aware. Ultimately, Domino enables more robust computer vision models that can adapt effectively to various unseen domains.

new Celeb-FBI: A Benchmark Dataset on Human Full Body Images and Age, Gender, Height and Weight Estimation using Deep Learning Approach

Authors: Pronay Debnath, Usafa Akther Rifa, Busra Kamal Rafa, Ali Haider Talukder Akib, Md. Aminur Rahman

Abstract: The scarcity of comprehensive datasets in surveillance, identification, image retrieval systems, and healthcare poses a significant challenge for researchers in exploring new methodologies and advancing knowledge in these respective fields. Furthermore, the need for full-body image datasets with detailed attributes like height, weight, age, and gender is particularly significant in areas such as fashion industry analytics, ergonomic design assessment, virtual reality avatar creation, and sports performance analysis. To address this gap, we have created the 'Celeb-FBI' dataset which contains 7,211 full-body images of individuals accompanied by detailed information on their height, age, weight, and gender. Following the dataset creation, we proceed with the preprocessing stages, including image cleaning, scaling, and the application of Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE). Subsequently, utilizing this prepared dataset, we employed three deep learning approaches: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), 50-layer ResNet, and 16-layer VGG, which are used for estimating height, weight, age, and gender from human full-body images. From the results obtained, ResNet-50 performed best for the system with an accuracy rate of 79.18% for age, 95.43% for gender, 85.60% for height and 81.91% for weight.

new FlowCon: Out-of-Distribution Detection using Flow-Based Contrastive Learning

Authors: Saandeep Aathreya, Shaun Canavan

Abstract: Identifying Out-of-distribution (OOD) data is becoming increasingly critical as the real-world applications of deep learning methods expand. Post-hoc methods modify softmax scores fine-tuned on outlier data or leverage intermediate feature layers to identify distinctive patterns between In-Distribution (ID) and OOD samples. Other methods focus on employing diverse OOD samples to learn discrepancies between ID and OOD. These techniques, however, are typically dependent on the quality of the outlier samples assumed. Density-based methods explicitly model class-conditioned distributions but this requires long training time or retraining the classifier. To tackle these issues, we introduce \textit{FlowCon}, a new density-based OOD detection technique. Our main innovation lies in efficiently combining the properties of normalizing flow with supervised contrastive learning, ensuring robust representation learning with tractable density estimation. Empirical evaluation shows the enhanced performance of our method across common vision datasets such as CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 pretrained on ResNet18 and WideResNet classifiers. We also perform quantitative analysis using likelihood plots and qualitative visualization using UMAP embeddings and demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method under various OOD contexts. Code will be open-sourced post decision.

new Iris and Palmprint Multimodal Biometric Recognition using Novel Preactivated Inverted ResNet and Hybrid Metaheuristic Optimized DenseNet

Authors: Indu Singh, Gunbir Singh Baveja, Shruti Khatri, Sunaina Luthra, Tanvi Singh

Abstract: Biometric recognition technology has witnessed widespread integration into daily life due to the growing emphasis on information security. In this domain, multimodal biometrics, which combines multiple biometric traits, has overcome limitations found in unimodal systems like susceptibility to spoof attacks or failure to adapt to changes over time. This paper proposes a novel multimodal biometric recognition system that utilizes deep learning algorithms using iris and palmprint modalities. A pioneering approach is introduced, beginning with the implementation of the novel Modified Firefly Algorithm with L\'evy Flights (MFALF) to optimize the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) algorithm, thereby effectively enhancing image contrast. Subsequently, feature selection is carried out through a unique hybrid of ReliefF and Moth Flame Optimization (MFOR) to extract informative features. For classification, we employ a parallel approach, first introducing a novel Preactivated Inverted ResNet (PIR) architecture, and secondly, harnessing metaheuristics with hybrid of innovative Johnson Flower Pollination Algorithm and Rainfall Optimization Algorithm for fine tuning of the learning rate and dropout parameters of Transfer Learning based DenseNet architecture (JFPA-ROA). Finally, a score-level fusion strategy is implemented to combine the outputs of the two classifiers, providing a robust and accurate multimodal biometric recognition system. The system's performance is assessed based on accuracy, Detection Error Tradeoff (DET) Curve, Equal Error Rate (EER), and Total Training time. The proposed multimodal recognition architecture, tested across CASIA Palmprint, MMU, BMPD, and IIT datasets, achieves 100% recognition accuracy, outperforming unimodal iris and palmprint identification approaches.

new BVI-RLV: A Fully Registered Dataset and Benchmarks for Low-Light Video Enhancement

Authors: Ruirui Lin, Nantheera Anantrasirichai, Guoxi Huang, Joanne Lin, Qi Sun, Alexandra Malyugina, David R Bull

Abstract: Low-light videos often exhibit spatiotemporal incoherent noise, compromising visibility and performance in computer vision applications. One significant challenge in enhancing such content using deep learning is the scarcity of training data. This paper introduces a novel low-light video dataset, consisting of 40 scenes with various motion scenarios under two distinct low-lighting conditions, incorporating genuine noise and temporal artifacts. We provide fully registered ground truth data captured in normal light using a programmable motorized dolly and refine it via an image-based approach for pixel-wise frame alignment across different light levels. We provide benchmarks based on four different technologies: convolutional neural networks, transformers, diffusion models, and state space models (mamba). Our experimental results demonstrate the significance of fully registered video pairs for low-light video enhancement (LLVE) and the comprehensive evaluation shows that the models trained with our dataset outperform those trained with the existing datasets. Our dataset and links to benchmarks are publicly available at


new Comics Datasets Framework: Mix of Comics datasets for detection benchmarking

Authors: Emanuele Vivoli, Irene Campaioli, Mariateresa Nardoni, Niccol\`o Biondi, Marco Bertini, Dimosthenis Karatzas

Abstract: Comics, as a medium, uniquely combine text and images in styles often distinct from real-world visuals. For the past three decades, computational research on comics has evolved from basic object detection to more sophisticated tasks. However, the field faces persistent challenges such as small datasets, inconsistent annotations, inaccessible model weights, and results that cannot be directly compared due to varying train/test splits and metrics. To address these issues, we aim to standardize annotations across datasets, introduce a variety of comic styles into the datasets, and establish benchmark results with clear, replicable settings. Our proposed Comics Datasets Framework standardizes dataset annotations into a common format and addresses the overrepresentation of manga by introducing Comics100, a curated collection of 100 books from the Digital Comics Museum, annotated for detection in our uniform format. We have benchmarked a variety of detection architectures using the Comics Datasets Framework. All related code, model weights, and detailed evaluation processes are available at, ensuring transparency and facilitating replication. This initiative is a significant advancement towards improving object detection in comics, laying the groundwork for more complex computational tasks dependent on precise object recognition.


new HiDiff: Hybrid Diffusion Framework for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Tao Chen, Chenhui Wang, Zhihao Chen, Yiming Lei, Hongming Shan

Abstract: Medical image segmentation has been significantly advanced with the rapid development of deep learning (DL) techniques. Existing DL-based segmentation models are typically discriminative; i.e., they aim to learn a mapping from the input image to segmentation masks. However, these discriminative methods neglect the underlying data distribution and intrinsic class characteristics, suffering from unstable feature space. In this work, we propose to complement discriminative segmentation methods with the knowledge of underlying data distribution from generative models. To that end, we propose a novel hybrid diffusion framework for medical image segmentation, termed HiDiff, which can synergize the strengths of existing discriminative segmentation models and new generative diffusion models. HiDiff comprises two key components: discriminative segmentor and diffusion refiner. First, we utilize any conventional trained segmentation models as discriminative segmentor, which can provide a segmentation mask prior for diffusion refiner. Second, we propose a novel binary Bernoulli diffusion model (BBDM) as the diffusion refiner, which can effectively, efficiently, and interactively refine the segmentation mask by modeling the underlying data distribution. Third, we train the segmentor and BBDM in an alternate-collaborative manner to mutually boost each other. Extensive experimental results on abdomen organ, brain tumor, polyps, and retinal vessels segmentation datasets, covering four widely-used modalities, demonstrate the superior performance of HiDiff over existing medical segmentation algorithms, including the state-of-the-art transformer- and diffusion-based ones. In addition, HiDiff excels at segmenting small objects and generalizing to new datasets. Source codes are made available at


new POSTURE: Pose Guided Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Human Body Part Segmentation

Authors: Arindam Dutta, Rohit Lal, Yash Garg, Calvin-Khang Ta, Dripta S. Raychaudhuri, Hannah Dela Cruz, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury

Abstract: Existing algorithms for human body part segmentation have shown promising results on challenging datasets, primarily relying on end-to-end supervision. However, these algorithms exhibit severe performance drops in the face of domain shifts, leading to inaccurate segmentation masks. To tackle this issue, we introduce POSTURE: \underline{Po}se Guided Un\underline{s}upervised Domain Adap\underline{t}ation for H\underline{u}man Body Pa\underline{r}t S\underline{e}gmentation - an innovative pseudo-labelling approach designed to improve segmentation performance on the unlabeled target data. Distinct from conventional domain adaptive methods for general semantic segmentation, POSTURE stands out by considering the underlying structure of the human body and uses anatomical guidance from pose keypoints to drive the adaptation process. This strong inductive prior translates to impressive performance improvements, averaging 8\% over existing state-of-the-art domain adaptive semantic segmentation methods across three benchmark datasets. Furthermore, the inherent flexibility of our proposed approach facilitates seamless extension to source-free settings (SF-POSTURE), effectively mitigating potential privacy and computational concerns, with negligible drop in performance.

new CoMix: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multi-Task Comic Understanding

Authors: Emanuele Vivoli, Marco Bertini, Dimosthenis Karatzas

Abstract: The comic domain is rapidly advancing with the development of single-page analysis and synthesis models. However, evaluation metrics and datasets lag behind, often limited to small-scale or single-style test sets. We introduce a novel benchmark, CoMix, designed to evaluate the multi-task capabilities of models in comic analysis. Unlike existing benchmarks that focus on isolated tasks such as object detection or text recognition, CoMix addresses a broader range of tasks including object detection, speaker identification, character re-identification, reading order, and multi-modal reasoning tasks like character naming and dialogue generation. Our benchmark comprises three existing datasets with expanded annotations to support multi-task evaluation. To mitigate the over-representation of manga-style data, we have incorporated a new dataset of carefully selected American comic-style books, thereby enriching the diversity of comic styles. CoMix is designed to assess pre-trained models in zero-shot and limited fine-tuning settings, probing their transfer capabilities across different comic styles and tasks. The validation split of the benchmark is publicly available for research purposes, and an evaluation server for the held-out test split is also provided. Comparative results between human performance and state-of-the-art models reveal a significant performance gap, highlighting substantial opportunities for advancements in comic understanding. The dataset, baseline models, and code are accessible at the repository link. This initiative sets a new standard for comprehensive comic analysis, providing the community with a common benchmark for evaluation on a large and varied set.

new Vision Mamba for Classification of Breast Ultrasound Images

Authors: Ali Nasiri-Sarvi, Mahdi S. Hosseini, Hassan Rivaz

Abstract: Mamba-based models, VMamba and Vim, are a recent family of vision encoders that offer promising performance improvements in many computer vision tasks. This paper compares Mamba-based models with traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) using the breast ultrasound BUSI and B datasets. Our evaluation, which includes multiple runs of experiments and statistical significance analysis, demonstrates that Mamba-based architectures frequently outperform CNN and ViT models with statistically significant results. These Mamba-based models effectively capture long-range dependencies while maintaining inductive biases, making them suitable for applications with limited data.

new Feedback-guided Domain Synthesis with Multi-Source Conditional Diffusion Models for Domain Generalization

Authors: Mehrdad Noori, Milad Cheraghalikhani, Ali Bahri, Gustavo Adolfo Vargas Hakim, David Osowiechi, Moslem Yazdanpanah, Ismail Ben Ayed, Christian Desrosiers

Abstract: Standard deep learning architectures such as convolutional neural networks and vision transformers often fail to generalize to previously unseen domains due to the implicit assumption that both source and target data are drawn from independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) populations. In response, Domain Generalization techniques aim to enhance model robustness by simulating novel data distributions during training, typically through various augmentation or stylization strategies. However, these methods frequently suffer from limited control over the diversity of generated images and lack assurance that these images span distinct distributions. To address these challenges, we propose FDS, a novel strategy that employs diffusion models to synthesize samples from new domains by training on source distribution samples and performing domain mixing. By incorporating images that pose classification challenges to models trained on original samples, alongside the original dataset, we ensure the generation of a training set that spans a broad distribution spectrum. Our comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that this methodology sets new benchmarks in domain generalization performance across a range of challenging datasets, effectively managing diverse types of domain shifts. The implementation is available at: \url{}.


new UniPlane: Unified Plane Detection and Reconstruction from Posed Monocular Videos

Authors: Yuzhong Huang, Chen Liu, Ji Hou, Ke Huo, Shiyu Dong, Fred Morstatter

Abstract: We present UniPlane, a novel method that unifies plane detection and reconstruction from posed monocular videos. Unlike existing methods that detect planes from local observations and associate them across the video for the final reconstruction, UniPlane unifies both the detection and the reconstruction tasks in a single network, which allows us to directly optimize final reconstruction quality and fully leverage temporal information. Specifically, we build a Transformers-based deep neural network that jointly constructs a 3D feature volume for the environment and estimates a set of per-plane embeddings as queries. UniPlane directly reconstructs the 3D planes by taking dot products between voxel embeddings and the plane embeddings followed by binary thresholding. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that UniPlane outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both plane detection and reconstruction tasks, achieving +4.6 in F-score in geometry as well as consistent improvements in other geometry and segmentation metrics.

new Self Adaptive Threshold Pseudo-labeling and Unreliable Sample Contrastive Loss for Semi-supervised Image Classification

Authors: Xuerong Zhang, Li Huang, Jing Lv, Ming Yang

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning is attracting blooming attention, due to its success in combining unlabeled data. However, pseudo-labeling-based semi-supervised approaches suffer from two problems in image classification: (1) Existing methods might fail to adopt suitable thresholds since they either use a pre-defined/fixed threshold or an ad-hoc threshold adjusting scheme, resulting in inferior performance and slow convergence. (2) Discarding unlabeled data with confidence below the thresholds results in the loss of discriminating information. To solve these issues, we develop an effective method to make sufficient use of unlabeled data. Specifically, we design a self adaptive threshold pseudo-labeling strategy, which thresholds for each class can be dynamically adjusted to increase the number of reliable samples. Meanwhile, in order to effectively utilise unlabeled data with confidence below the thresholds, we propose an unreliable sample contrastive loss to mine the discriminative information in low-confidence samples by learning the similarities and differences between sample features. We evaluate our method on several classification benchmarks under partially labeled settings and demonstrate its superiority over the other approaches.

new ASteISR: Adapting Single Image Super-resolution Pre-trained Model for Efficient Stereo Image Super-resolution

Authors: Yuanbo Zhou, Yuyang Xue, Wei Deng, Xinlin Zhang, Qinquan Gao, Tong Tong

Abstract: Despite advances in the paradigm of pre-training then fine-tuning in low-level vision tasks, significant challenges persist particularly regarding the increased size of pre-trained models such as memory usage and training time. Another concern often encountered is the unsatisfying results yielded when directly applying pre-trained single-image models to multi-image domain. In this paper, we propose a efficient method for transferring a pre-trained single-image super-resolution (SISR) transformer network to the domain of stereo image super-resolution (SteISR) through a parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) method. Specifically, we introduce the concept of stereo adapters and spatial adapters which are incorporated into the pre-trained SISR transformer network. Subsequently, the pre-trained SISR model is frozen, enabling us to fine-tune the adapters using stereo datasets along. By adopting this training method, we enhance the ability of the SISR model to accurately infer stereo images by 0.79dB on the Flickr1024 dataset. This method allows us to train only 4.8% of the original model parameters, achieving state-of-the-art performance on four commonly used SteISR benchmarks. Compared to the more complicated full fine-tuning approach, our method reduces training time and memory consumption by 57% and 15%, respectively.

new VDMA: Video Question Answering with Dynamically Generated Multi-Agents

Authors: Noriyuki Kugo, Tatsuya Ishibashi, Kosuke Ono, Yuji Sato

Abstract: This technical report provides a detailed description of our approach to the EgoSchema Challenge 2024. The EgoSchema Challenge aims to identify the most appropriate responses to questions regarding a given video clip. In this paper, we propose Video Question Answering with Dynamically Generated Multi-Agents (VDMA). This method is a complementary approach to existing response generation systems by employing a multi-agent system with dynamically generated expert agents. This method aims to provide the most accurate and contextually appropriate responses. This report details the stages of our approach, the tools employed, and the results of our experiments.

new Resampled Datasets Are Not Enough: Mitigating Societal Bias Beyond Single Attributes

Authors: Yusuke Hirota, Jerone T. A. Andrew, Dora Zhao, Orestis Papakyriakopoulos, Apostolos Modas, Yuta Nakashima, Alice Xiang

Abstract: We tackle societal bias in image-text datasets by removing spurious correlations between protected groups and image attributes. Traditional methods only target labeled attributes, ignoring biases from unlabeled ones. Using text-guided inpainting models, our approach ensures protected group independence from all attributes and mitigates inpainting biases through data filtering. Evaluations on multi-label image classification and image captioning tasks show our method effectively reduces bias without compromising performance across various models.

new Wood Surface Inspection Using Structural and Conditional Statistical Features

Authors: Cem \"Unsalan

Abstract: Surface quality is an extremely important issue for wood products in the market. Although quality inspection can be made by a human expert while manufacturing, this operation is prone to errors. One possible solution may be using standard machine vision techniques to automatically detect defects on wood surfaces. Due to the random texture on wood surfaces, this solution is also not possible most of the times. Therefore, more advanced and novel machine vision techniques are needed to automatically inspect wood surfaces. In this study, we propose such a solution based on support region extraction from the gradient magnitude and the Laplacian of Gaussian response of the wood surface image. We introduce novel structural and conditional statistical features using these support regions. Then, we classify different defect types on wood surfaces using our novel features. We tested our automated wood surface inspection system on a large data set and obtained very promising results.

new CLASH: Complementary Learning with Neural Architecture Search for Gait Recognition

Authors: Huanzhang Dou, Pengyi Zhang, Yuhan Zhao, Lu Jin, Xi Li

Abstract: Gait recognition, which aims at identifying individuals by their walking patterns, has achieved great success based on silhouette. The binary silhouette sequence encodes the walking pattern within the sparse boundary representation. Therefore, most pixels in the silhouette are under-sensitive to the walking pattern since the sparse boundary lacks dense spatial-temporal information, which is suitable to be represented with dense texture. To enhance the sensitivity to the walking pattern while maintaining the robustness of recognition, we present a Complementary Learning with neural Architecture Search (CLASH) framework, consisting of walking pattern sensitive gait descriptor named dense spatial-temporal field (DSTF) and neural architecture search based complementary learning (NCL). Specifically, DSTF transforms the representation from the sparse binary boundary into the dense distance-based texture, which is sensitive to the walking pattern at the pixel level. Further, NCL presents a task-specific search space for complementary learning, which mutually complements the sensitivity of DSTF and the robustness of the silhouette to represent the walking pattern effectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods under both in-the-lab and in-the-wild scenarios. On CASIA-B, we achieve rank-1 accuracy of 98.8%, 96.5%, and 89.3% under three conditions. On OU-MVLP, we achieve rank-1 accuracy of 91.9%. Under the latest in-the-wild datasets, we outperform the latest silhouette-based methods by 16.3% and 19.7% on Gait3D and GREW, respectively.

new SOWA: Adapting Hierarchical Frozen Window Self-Attention to Visual-Language Models for Better Anomaly Detection

Authors: Zongxiang Hu, Zhaosheng Zhang

Abstract: Visual anomaly detection is critical in industrial manufacturing, but traditional methods often rely on extensive normal datasets and custom models, limiting scalability. Recent advancements in large-scale visual-language models have significantly improved zero/few-shot anomaly detection. However, these approaches may not fully utilize hierarchical features, potentially missing nuanced details. We introduce a window self-attention mechanism based on the CLIP model, combined with learnable prompts to process multi-level features within a Soldier-Offier Window self-Attention (SOWA) framework. Our method has been tested on five benchmark datasets, demonstrating superior performance by leading in 18 out of 20 metrics compared to existing state-of-the-art techniques.

new MRIR: Integrating Multimodal Insights for Diffusion-based Realistic Image Restoration

Authors: Yuhong Zhang, Hengsheng Zhang, Xinning Chai, Rong Xie, Li Song, Wenjun Zhang

Abstract: Realistic image restoration is a crucial task in computer vision, and the use of diffusion-based models for image restoration has garnered significant attention due to their ability to produce realistic results. However, the quality of the generated images is still a significant challenge due to the severity of image degradation and the uncontrollability of the diffusion model. In this work, we delve into the potential of utilizing pre-trained stable diffusion for image restoration and propose MRIR, a diffusion-based restoration method with multimodal insights. Specifically, we explore the problem from two perspectives: textual level and visual level. For the textual level, we harness the power of the pre-trained multimodal large language model to infer meaningful semantic information from low-quality images. Furthermore, we employ the CLIP image encoder with a designed Refine Layer to capture image details as a supplement. For the visual level, we mainly focus on the pixel level control. Thus, we utilize a Pixel-level Processor and ControlNet to control spatial structures. Finally, we integrate the aforementioned control information into the denoising U-Net using multi-level attention mechanisms and realize controllable image restoration with multimodal insights. The qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate our method's superiority over other state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

new Diff-Restorer: Unleashing Visual Prompts for Diffusion-based Universal Image Restoration

Authors: Yuhong Zhang, Hengsheng Zhang, Xinning Chai, Zhengxue Cheng, Rong Xie, Li Song, Wenjun Zhang

Abstract: Image restoration is a classic low-level problem aimed at recovering high-quality images from low-quality images with various degradations such as blur, noise, rain, haze, etc. However, due to the inherent complexity and non-uniqueness of degradation in real-world images, it is challenging for a model trained for single tasks to handle real-world restoration problems effectively. Moreover, existing methods often suffer from over-smoothing and lack of realism in the restored results. To address these issues, we propose Diff-Restorer, a universal image restoration method based on the diffusion model, aiming to leverage the prior knowledge of Stable Diffusion to remove degradation while generating high perceptual quality restoration results. Specifically, we utilize the pre-trained visual language model to extract visual prompts from degraded images, including semantic and degradation embeddings. The semantic embeddings serve as content prompts to guide the diffusion model for generation. In contrast, the degradation embeddings modulate the Image-guided Control Module to generate spatial priors for controlling the spatial structure of the diffusion process, ensuring faithfulness to the original image. Additionally, we design a Degradation-aware Decoder to perform structural correction and convert the latent code to the pixel domain. We conducted comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis on restoration tasks with different degradations, demonstrating the effectiveness and superiority of our approach.

new reBEN: Refined BigEarthNet Dataset for Remote Sensing Image Analysis

Authors: Kai Norman Clasen, Leonard Hackel, Tom Burgert, Gencer Sumbul, Beg\"um Demir, Volker Markl

Abstract: This paper presents refined BigEarthNet (reBEN) that is a large-scale, multi-modal remote sensing dataset constructed to support deep learning (DL) studies for remote sensing image analysis. The reBEN dataset consists of 549,488 pairs of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 image patches. To construct reBEN, we initially consider the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 tiles used to construct the BigEarthNet dataset and then divide them into patches of size 1200 m x 1200 m. We apply atmospheric correction to the Sentinel-2 patches using the latest version of the sen2cor tool, resulting in higher-quality patches compared to those present in BigEarthNet. Each patch is then associated with a pixel-level reference map and scene-level multi-labels. This makes reBEN suitable for pixel- and scene-based learning tasks. The labels are derived from the most recent CORINE Land Cover (CLC) map of 2018 by utilizing the 19-class nomenclature as in BigEarthNet. The use of the most recent CLC map results in overcoming the label noise present in BigEarthNet. Furthermore, we introduce a new geographical-based split assignment algorithm that significantly reduces the spatial correlation among the train, validation, and test sets with respect to those present in BigEarthNet. This increases the reliability of the evaluation of DL models. To minimize the DL model training time, we introduce software tools that convert the reBEN dataset into a DL-optimized data format. In our experiments, we show the potential of reBEN for multi-modal multi-label image classification problems by considering several state-of-the-art DL models. The pre-trained model weights, associated code, and complete dataset are available at


new Limited-View Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction Via High-quality Self-supervised Neural Representation

Authors: Youshen xiao, Yuting Shen, Bowei Yao, Xiran Cai, Yuyao Zhang, Fei Gao

Abstract: In practical applications within the human body, it is often challenging to fully encompass the target tissue or organ, necessitating the use of limited-view arrays, which can lead to the loss of crucial information. Addressing the reconstruction of photoacoustic sensor signals in limited-view detection spaces has become a focal point of current research. In this study, we introduce a self-supervised network termed HIgh-quality Self-supervised neural representation (HIS), which tackles the inverse problem of photoacoustic imaging to reconstruct high-quality photoacoustic images from sensor data acquired under limited viewpoints. We regard the desired reconstructed photoacoustic image as an implicit continuous function in 2D image space, viewing the pixels of the image as sparse discrete samples. The HIS's objective is to learn the continuous function from limited observations by utilizing a fully connected neural network combined with Fourier feature position encoding. By simply minimizing the error between the network's predicted sensor data and the actual sensor data, HIS is trained to represent the observed continuous model. The results indicate that the proposed HIS model offers superior image reconstruction quality compared to three commonly used methods for photoacoustic image reconstruction.

new M^3:Manipulation Mask Manufacturer for Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution Mask

Authors: Xinyu Yang, Xiaochen Ma, Xuekang Zhu, Bo Du, Lei Su, Bingkui Tong, Zeyu Lei, Jizhe Zhou

Abstract: In the field of image manipulation localization (IML), the small quantity and poor quality of existing datasets have always been major issues. A dataset containing various types of manipulations will greatly help improve the accuracy of IML models. Images on the internet (such as those on Baidu Tieba's PS Bar) are manipulated using various techniques, and creating a dataset from these images will significantly enrich the types of manipulations in our data. However, images on the internet suffer from resolution and clarity issues, and the masks obtained by simply subtracting the manipulated image from the original contain various noises. These noises are difficult to remove, rendering the masks unusable for IML models. Inspired by the field of change detection, we treat the original and manipulated images as changes over time for the same image and view the data generation task as a change detection task. However, due to clarity issues between images, conventional change detection models perform poorly. Therefore, we introduced a super-resolution module and proposed the Manipulation Mask Manufacturer (MMM) framework. It enhances the resolution of both the original and tampered images, thereby improving image details for better comparison. Simultaneously, the framework converts the original and tampered images into feature embeddings and concatenates them, effectively modeling the context. Additionally, we created the Manipulation Mask Manufacturer Dataset (MMMD), a dataset that covers a wide range of manipulation techniques. We aim to contribute to the fields of image forensics and manipulation detection by providing more realistic manipulation data through MMM and MMMD. Detailed information about MMMD and the download link can be found at: the code and datasets will be made available.

new Generalized Robust Fundus Photography-based Vision Loss Estimation for High Myopia

Authors: Zipei Yan, Zhile Liang, Zhengji Liu, Shuai Wang, Rachel Ka-Man Chun, Jizhou Li, Chea-su Kee, Dong Liang

Abstract: High myopia significantly increases the risk of irreversible vision loss. Traditional perimetry-based visual field (VF) assessment provides systematic quantification of visual loss but it is subjective and time-consuming. Consequently, machine learning models utilizing fundus photographs to estimate VF have emerged as promising alternatives. However, due to the high variability and the limited availability of VF data, existing VF estimation models fail to generalize well, particularly when facing out-of-distribution data across diverse centers and populations. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel, parameter-efficient framework to enhance the generalized robustness of VF estimation on both in- and out-of-distribution data. Specifically, we design a Refinement-by-Denoising (RED) module for feature refinement and adaptation from pretrained vision models, aiming to learn high-entropy feature representations and to mitigate the domain gap effectively and efficiently. Through independent validation on two distinct real-world datasets from separate centers, our method significantly outperforms existing approaches in RMSE, MAE and correlation coefficient for both internal and external validation. Our proposed framework benefits both in- and out-of-distribution VF estimation, offering significant clinical implications and potential utility in real-world ophthalmic practices.

new Relative Difficulty Distillation for Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Dong Liang, Yue Sun, Yun Du, Songcan Chen, Sheng-Jun Huang

Abstract: Current knowledge distillation (KD) methods primarily focus on transferring various structured knowledge and designing corresponding optimization goals to encourage the student network to imitate the output of the teacher network. However, introducing too many additional optimization objectives may lead to unstable training, such as gradient conflicts. Moreover, these methods ignored the guidelines of relative learning difficulty between the teacher and student networks. Inspired by human cognitive science, in this paper, we redefine knowledge from a new perspective -- the student and teacher networks' relative difficulty of samples, and propose a pixel-level KD paradigm for semantic segmentation named Relative Difficulty Distillation (RDD). We propose a two-stage RDD framework: Teacher-Full Evaluated RDD (TFE-RDD) and Teacher-Student Evaluated RDD (TSE-RDD). RDD allows the teacher network to provide effective guidance on learning focus without additional optimization goals, thus avoiding adjusting learning weights for multiple losses. Extensive experimental evaluations using a general distillation loss function on popular datasets such as Cityscapes, CamVid, Pascal VOC, and ADE20k demonstrate the effectiveness of RDD against state-of-the-art KD methods. Additionally, our research showcases that RDD can integrate with existing KD methods to improve their upper performance bound.

new A Computer Vision Approach to Estimate the Localized Sea State

Authors: Aleksandar Vorkapic, Miran Pobar, Marina Ivasic-Kos

Abstract: This research presents a novel application of computer vision (CV) and deep learning methods for real-time sea state recognition aiming to contribute to improving the operational safety and energy efficiency of seagoing vessels, key factors in meeting the International Maritime Organization's carbon reduction targets. In particular, our work focuses on utilizing sea images in operational envelope captured by a single stationary camera mounted on the ship bridge, which are used to train deep learning algorithms for automatic sea state estimation based on the Beaufort scale. To recognize the sea state, we used 4 state-of-the-art neural networks with different characteristics that proved useful in various computer vision tasks: Resnet-101, NASNet, MobileNet_v2 and Transformer Vit-b32. Furthermore, we have defined a unique large-scale dataset, collected over a broad range of sea conditions from an ocean-going vessel prepared for machine learning. We used transfer learning approach to fine-tune the models on our dataset. The obtained results suggest promising potential for this approach to complement traditional methods, particularly where in-situ measurements are unfeasible or interpolated weather buoy data is insufficiently accurate. This study sets the groundwork for further development of machine learning-based sea state classification models to address recognized gaps in maritime research and enable safer and more efficient maritime operations.

new DiffRetouch: Using Diffusion to Retouch on the Shoulder of Experts

Authors: Zheng-Peng Duan, Jiawei zhang, Zheng Lin, Xin Jin, Dongqing Zou, Chunle Guo, Chongyi Li

Abstract: Image retouching aims to enhance the visual quality of photos. Considering the different aesthetic preferences of users, the target of retouching is subjective. However, current retouching methods mostly adopt deterministic models, which not only neglects the style diversity in the expert-retouched results and tends to learn an average style during training, but also lacks sample diversity during inference. In this paper, we propose a diffusion-based method, named DiffRetouch. Thanks to the excellent distribution modeling ability of diffusion, our method can capture the complex fine-retouched distribution covering various visual-pleasing styles in the training data. Moreover, four image attributes are made adjustable to provide a user-friendly editing mechanism. By adjusting these attributes in specified ranges, users are allowed to customize preferred styles within the learned fine-retouched distribution. Additionally, the affine bilateral grid and contrastive learning scheme are introduced to handle the problem of texture distortion and control insensitivity respectively. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the superior performance of our method on visually appealing and sample diversity. The code will be made available to the community.

new SpikeGS: Reconstruct 3D scene via fast-moving bio-inspired sensors

Authors: Yijia Guo, Liwen Hu, Lei Ma, Tiejun Huang

Abstract: 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) demonstrates unparalleled superior performance in 3D scene reconstruction. However, 3DGS heavily relies on the sharp images. Fulfilling this requirement can be challenging in real-world scenarios especially when the camera moves fast, which severely limits the application of 3DGS. To address these challenges, we proposed Spike Gausian Splatting (SpikeGS), the first framework that integrates the spike streams into 3DGS pipeline to reconstruct 3D scenes via a fast-moving bio-inspired camera. With accumulation rasterization, interval supervision, and a specially designed pipeline, SpikeGS extracts detailed geometry and texture from high temporal resolution but texture lacking spike stream, reconstructs 3D scenes captured in 1 second. Extensive experiments on multiple synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of SpikeGS compared with existing spike-based and deblur 3D scene reconstruction methods. Codes and data will be released soon.

new Improving Computer Vision Interpretability: Transparent Two-level Classification for Complex Scenes

Authors: Stefan Scholz, Nils B. Weidmann, Zachary C. Steinert-Threlkeld, Eda Keremo\u{g}lu, Bastian Goldl\"ucke

Abstract: Treating images as data has become increasingly popular in political science. While existing classifiers for images reach high levels of accuracy, it is difficult to systematically assess the visual features on which they base their classification. This paper presents a two-level classification method that addresses this transparency problem. At the first stage, an image segmenter detects the objects present in the image and a feature vector is created from those objects. In the second stage, this feature vector is used as input for standard machine learning classifiers to discriminate between images. We apply this method to a new dataset of more than 140,000 images to detect which ones display political protest. This analysis demonstrates three advantages to this paper's approach. First, identifying objects in images improves transparency by providing human-understandable labels for the objects shown on an image. Second, knowing these objects enables analysis of which distinguish protest images from non-protest ones. Third, comparing the importance of objects across countries reveals how protest behavior varies. These insights are not available using conventional computer vision classifiers and provide new opportunities for comparative research.

new Meta-optimized Angular Margin Contrastive Framework for Video-Language Representation Learning

Authors: Thong Nguyen, Yi Bin, Xiaobao Wu, Xinshuai Dong, Zhiyuan Hu, Khoi Le, Cong-Duy Nguyen, See-Kiong Ng, Luu Anh Tuan

Abstract: Data quality stands at the forefront of deciding the effectiveness of video-language representation learning. However, video-text pairs in previous data typically do not align perfectly with each other, which might lead to video-language representations that do not accurately reflect cross-modal semantics. Moreover, previous data also possess an uneven distribution of concepts, thereby hampering the downstream performance across unpopular subjects. To address these problems, we propose a contrastive objective with a subtractive angular margin to regularize cross-modal representations in their effort to reach perfect similarity. Furthermore, to adapt to the non-uniform concept distribution, we propose a multi-layer perceptron (MLP)-parameterized weighting function that maps loss values to sample weights which enable dynamic adjustment of the model's focus throughout the training. With the training guided by a small amount of unbiased meta-data and augmented by video-text data generated by large vision-language model, we improve video-language representations and achieve superior performances on commonly used video question answering and text-video retrieval datasets.

new PECTP: Parameter-Efficient Cross-Task Prompts for Incremental Vision Transformer

Authors: Qian Feng, Hanbin Zhao, Chao Zhang, Jiahua Dong, Henghui Ding, Yu-Gang Jiang, Hui Qian

Abstract: Incremental Learning (IL) aims to learn deep models on sequential tasks continually, where each new task includes a batch of new classes and deep models have no access to task-ID information at the inference time. Recent vast pre-trained models (PTMs) have achieved outstanding performance by prompt technique in practical IL without the old samples (rehearsal-free) and with a memory constraint (memory-constrained): Prompt-extending and Prompt-fixed methods. However, prompt-extending methods need a large memory buffer to maintain an ever-expanding prompt pool and meet an extra challenging prompt selection problem. Prompt-fixed methods only learn a single set of prompts on one of the incremental tasks and can not handle all the incremental tasks effectively. To achieve a good balance between the memory cost and the performance on all the tasks, we propose a Parameter-Efficient Cross-Task Prompt (PECTP) framework with Prompt Retention Module (PRM) and classifier Head Retention Module (HRM). To make the final learned prompts effective on all incremental tasks, PRM constrains the evolution of cross-task prompts' parameters from Outer Prompt Granularity and Inner Prompt Granularity. Besides, we employ HRM to inherit old knowledge in the previously learned classifier heads to facilitate the cross-task prompts' generalization ability. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our method. The source codes will be available at \url{}.


new Markerless Multi-view 3D Human Pose Estimation: a survey

Authors: Ana Filipa Rodrigues Nogueira, H\'elder P. Oliveira, Lu\'is F. Teixeira

Abstract: 3D human pose estimation aims to reconstruct the human skeleton of all the individuals in a scene by detecting several body joints. The creation of accurate and efficient methods is required for several real-world applications including animation, human-robot interaction, surveillance systems or sports, among many others. However, several obstacles such as occlusions, random camera perspectives, or the scarcity of 3D labelled data, have been hampering the models' performance and limiting their deployment in real-world scenarios. The higher availability of cameras has led researchers to explore multi-view solutions due to the advantage of being able to exploit different perspectives to reconstruct the pose. Thus, the goal of this survey is to present an overview of the methodologies used to estimate the 3D pose in multi-view settings, understand what were the strategies found to address the various challenges and also, identify their limitations. Based on the reviewed articles, it was possible to find that no method is yet capable of solving all the challenges associated with the reconstruction of the 3D pose. Due to the existing trade-off between complexity and performance, the best method depends on the application scenario. Therefore, further research is still required to develop an approach capable of quickly inferring a highly accurate 3D pose with bearable computation cost. To this goal, techniques such as active learning, methods that learn with a low level of supervision, the incorporation of temporal consistency, view selection, estimation of depth information and multi-modal approaches might be interesting strategies to keep in mind when developing a new methodology to solve this task.

new StreamLTS: Query-based Temporal-Spatial LiDAR Fusion for Cooperative Object Detection

Authors: Yunshuang Yuan, Monika Sester

Abstract: Cooperative perception via communication among intelligent traffic agents has great potential to improve the safety of autonomous driving. However, limited communication bandwidth, localization errors and asynchronized capturing time of sensor data, all introduce difficulties to the data fusion of different agents. To some extend, previous works have attempted to reduce the shared data size, mitigate the spatial feature misalignment caused by localization errors and communication delay. However, none of them have considered the asynchronized sensor ticking times, which can lead to dynamic object misplacement of more than one meter during data fusion. In this work, we propose Time-Aligned COoperative Object Detection (TA-COOD), for which we adapt widely used dataset OPV2V and DairV2X with considering asynchronous LiDAR sensor ticking times and build an efficient fully sparse framework with modeling the temporal information of individual objects with query-based techniques. The experiment results confirmed the superior efficiency of our fully sparse framework compared to the state-of-the-art dense models. More importantly, they show that the point-wise observation timestamps of the dynamic objects are crucial for accurate modeling the object temporal context and the predictability of their time-related locations.

new DocXplain: A Novel Model-Agnostic Explainability Method for Document Image Classification

Authors: Saifullah Saifullah, Stefan Agne, Andreas Dengel, Sheraz Ahmed

Abstract: Deep learning (DL) has revolutionized the field of document image analysis, showcasing superhuman performance across a diverse set of tasks. However, the inherent black-box nature of deep learning models still presents a significant challenge to their safe and robust deployment in industry. Regrettably, while a plethora of research has been dedicated in recent years to the development of DL-powered document analysis systems, research addressing their transparency aspects has been relatively scarce. In this paper, we aim to bridge this research gap by introducing DocXplain, a novel model-agnostic explainability method specifically designed for generating high interpretability feature attribution maps for the task of document image classification. In particular, our approach involves independently segmenting the foreground and background features of the documents into different document elements and then ablating these elements to assign feature importance. We extensively evaluate our proposed approach in the context of document image classification, utilizing 4 different evaluation metrics, 2 widely recognized document benchmark datasets, and 10 state-of-the-art document image classification models. By conducting a thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis against 9 existing state-of-the-art attribution methods, we demonstrate the superiority of our approach in terms of both faithfulness and interpretability. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this work presents the first model-agnostic attribution-based explainability method specifically tailored for document images. We anticipate that our work will significantly contribute to advancing research on transparency, fairness, and robustness of document image classification models.

new 7th ABAW Competition: Multi-Task Learning and Compound Expression Recognition

Authors: Dimitrios Kollias, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Irene Kotsia, Abhinav Dhall, Shreya Ghosh, Chunchang Shao, Guanyu Hu

Abstract: This paper describes the 7th Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW) Competition, which is part of the respective Workshop held in conjunction with ECCV 2024. The 7th ABAW Competition addresses novel challenges in understanding human expressions and behaviors, crucial for the development of human-centered technologies. The Competition comprises of two sub-challenges: i) Multi-Task Learning (the goal is to learn at the same time, in a multi-task learning setting, to estimate two continuous affect dimensions, valence and arousal, to recognise between the mutually exclusive classes of the 7 basic expressions and 'other'), and to detect 12 Action Units); and ii) Compound Expression Recognition (the target is to recognise between the 7 mutually exclusive compound expression classes). s-Aff-Wild2, which is a static version of the A/V Aff-Wild2 database and contains annotations for valence-arousal, expressions and Action Units, is utilized for the purposes of the Multi-Task Learning Challenge; a part of C-EXPR-DB, which is an A/V in-the-wild database with compound expression annotations, is utilized for the purposes of the Compound Expression Recognition Challenge. In this paper, we introduce the two challenges, detailing their datasets and the protocols followed for each. We also outline the evaluation metrics, and highlight the baseline systems and their results. Additional information about the competition can be found at \url{}.


new ADAPT: Multimodal Learning for Detecting Physiological Changes under Missing Modalities

Authors: Julie Mordacq, Leo Milecki, Maria Vakalopoulou, Steve Oudot, Vicky Kalogeiton

Abstract: Multimodality has recently gained attention in the medical domain, where imaging or video modalities may be integrated with biomedical signals or health records. Yet, two challenges remain: balancing the contributions of modalities, especially in cases with a limited amount of data available, and tackling missing modalities. To address both issues, in this paper, we introduce the AnchoreD multimodAl Physiological Transformer (ADAPT), a multimodal, scalable framework with two key components: (i) aligning all modalities in the space of the strongest, richest modality (called anchor) to learn a joint embedding space, and (ii) a Masked Multimodal Transformer, leveraging both inter- and intra-modality correlations while handling missing modalities. We focus on detecting physiological changes in two real-life scenarios: stress in individuals induced by specific triggers and fighter pilots' loss of consciousness induced by $g$-forces. We validate the generalizability of ADAPT through extensive experiments on two datasets for these tasks, where we set the new state of the art while demonstrating its robustness across various modality scenarios and its high potential for real-life applications.

new Beyond Viewpoint: Robust 3D Object Recognition under Arbitrary Views through Joint Multi-Part Representation

Authors: Linlong Fan, Ye Huang, Yanqi Ge, Wen Li, Lixin Duan

Abstract: Existing view-based methods excel at recognizing 3D objects from predefined viewpoints, but their exploration of recognition under arbitrary views is limited. This is a challenging and realistic setting because each object has different viewpoint positions and quantities, and their poses are not aligned. However, most view-based methods, which aggregate multiple view features to obtain a global feature representation, hard to address 3D object recognition under arbitrary views. Due to the unaligned inputs from arbitrary views, it is challenging to robustly aggregate features, leading to performance degradation. In this paper, we introduce a novel Part-aware Network (PANet), which is a part-based representation, to address these issues. This part-based representation aims to localize and understand different parts of 3D objects, such as airplane wings and tails. It has properties such as viewpoint invariance and rotation robustness, which give it an advantage in addressing the 3D object recognition problem under arbitrary views. Our results on benchmark datasets clearly demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms existing view-based aggregation baselines for the task of 3D object recognition under arbitrary views, even surpassing most fixed viewpoint methods.

new PFGS: High Fidelity Point Cloud Rendering via Feature Splatting

Authors: Jiaxu Wang, Ziyi Zhang, Junhao He, Renjing Xu

Abstract: Rendering high-fidelity images from sparse point clouds is still challenging. Existing learning-based approaches suffer from either hole artifacts, missing details, or expensive computations. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to render high-quality images from sparse points. This method first attempts to bridge the 3D Gaussian Splatting and point cloud rendering, which includes several cascaded modules. We first use a regressor to estimate Gaussian properties in a point-wise manner, the estimated properties are used to rasterize neural feature descriptors into 2D planes which are extracted from a multiscale extractor. The projected feature volume is gradually decoded toward the final prediction via a multiscale and progressive decoder. The whole pipeline experiences a two-stage training and is driven by our well-designed progressive and multiscale reconstruction loss. Experiments on different benchmarks show the superiority of our method in terms of rendering qualities and the necessities of our main components.

new The Solution for the GAIIC2024 RGB-TIR object detection Challenge

Authors: Xiangyu Wu, Jinling Xu, Longfei Huang, Yang Yang

Abstract: This report introduces a solution to The task of RGB-TIR object detection from the perspective of unmanned aerial vehicles. Unlike traditional object detection methods, RGB-TIR object detection aims to utilize both RGB and TIR images for complementary information during detection. The challenges of RGB-TIR object detection from the perspective of unmanned aerial vehicles include highly complex image backgrounds, frequent changes in lighting, and uncalibrated RGB-TIR image pairs. To address these challenges at the model level, we utilized a lightweight YOLOv9 model with extended multi-level auxiliary branches that enhance the model's robustness, making it more suitable for practical applications in unmanned aerial vehicle scenarios. For image fusion in RGB-TIR detection, we incorporated a fusion module into the backbone network to fuse images at the feature level, implicitly addressing calibration issues. Our proposed method achieved an mAP score of 0.516 and 0.543 on A and B benchmarks respectively while maintaining the highest inference speed among all models.

new Perception-Guided Quality Metric of 3D Point Clouds Using Hybrid Strategy

Authors: Yujie Zhang, Qi Yang, Yiling Xu, Shan Liu

Abstract: Full-reference point cloud quality assessment (FR-PCQA) aims to infer the quality of distorted point clouds with available references. Most of the existing FR-PCQA metrics ignore the fact that the human visual system (HVS) dynamically tackles visual information according to different distortion levels (i.e., distortion detection for high-quality samples and appearance perception for low-quality samples) and measure point cloud quality using unified features. To bridge the gap, in this paper, we propose a perception-guided hybrid metric (PHM) that adaptively leverages two visual strategies with respect to distortion degree to predict point cloud quality: to measure visible difference in high-quality samples, PHM takes into account the masking effect and employs texture complexity as an effective compensatory factor for absolute difference; on the other hand, PHM leverages spectral graph theory to evaluate appearance degradation in low-quality samples. Variations in geometric signals on graphs and changes in the spectral graph wavelet coefficients are utilized to characterize geometry and texture appearance degradation, respectively. Finally, the results obtained from the two components are combined in a non-linear method to produce an overall quality score of the tested point cloud. The results of the experiment on five independent databases show that PHM achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance and offers significant performance improvement in multiple distortion environments. The code is publicly available at


new DSMix: Distortion-Induced Sensitivity Map Based Pre-training for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment

Authors: Jinsong Shi, Pan Gao, Xiaojiang Peng, Jie Qin

Abstract: Image quality assessment (IQA) has long been a fundamental challenge in image understanding. In recent years, deep learning-based IQA methods have shown promising performance. However, the lack of large amounts of labeled data in the IQA field has hindered further advancements in these methods. This paper introduces DSMix, a novel data augmentation technique specifically designed for IQA tasks, aiming to overcome this limitation. DSMix leverages the distortion-induced sensitivity map (DSM) of an image as prior knowledge. It applies cut and mix operations to diverse categories of synthetic distorted images, assigning confidence scores to class labels based on the aforementioned prior knowledge. In the pre-training phase using DSMix-augmented data, knowledge distillation is employed to enhance the model's ability to extract semantic features. Experimental results on both synthetic and authentic IQA datasets demonstrate the significant predictive and generalization performance achieved by DSMix, without requiring fine-tuning of the full model. Code is available at \url{}.


new Do Generalised Classifiers really work on Human Drawn Sketches?

Authors: Hmrishav Bandyopadhyay, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Aneeshan Sain, Subhadeep Koley, Tao Xiang, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Yi-Zhe Song

Abstract: This paper, for the first time, marries large foundation models with human sketch understanding. We demonstrate what this brings -- a paradigm shift in terms of generalised sketch representation learning (e.g., classification). This generalisation happens on two fronts: (i) generalisation across unknown categories (i.e., open-set), and (ii) generalisation traversing abstraction levels (i.e., good and bad sketches), both being timely challenges that remain unsolved in the sketch literature. Our design is intuitive and centred around transferring the already stellar generalisation ability of CLIP to benefit generalised learning for sketches. We first "condition" the vanilla CLIP model by learning sketch-specific prompts using a novel auxiliary head of raster to vector sketch conversion. This importantly makes CLIP "sketch-aware". We then make CLIP acute to the inherently different sketch abstraction levels. This is achieved by learning a codebook of abstraction-specific prompt biases, a weighted combination of which facilitates the representation of sketches across abstraction levels -- low abstract edge-maps, medium abstract sketches in TU-Berlin, and highly abstract doodles in QuickDraw. Our framework surpasses popular sketch representation learning algorithms in both zero-shot and few-shot setups and in novel settings across different abstraction boundaries.

new Oracle Bone Inscriptions Multi-modal Dataset

Authors: Bang Li, Donghao Luo, Yujie Liang, Jing Yang, Zengmao Ding, Xu Peng, Boyuan Jiang, Shengwei Han, Dan Sui, Peichao Qin, Pian Wu, Chaoyang Wang, Yun Qi, Taisong Jin, Chengjie Wang, Xiaoming Huang, Zhan Shu, Rongrong Ji, Yongge Liu, Yunsheng Wu

Abstract: Oracle bone inscriptions(OBI) is the earliest developed writing system in China, bearing invaluable written exemplifications of early Shang history and paleography. However, the task of deciphering OBI, in the current climate of the scholarship, can prove extremely challenging. Out of the 4,500 oracle bone characters excavated, only a third have been successfully identified. Therefore, leveraging the advantages of advanced AI technology to assist in the decipherment of OBI is a highly essential research topic. However, fully utilizing AI's capabilities in these matters is reliant on having a comprehensive and high-quality annotated OBI dataset at hand whereas most existing datasets are only annotated in just a single or a few dimensions, limiting the value of their potential application. For instance, the Oracle-MNIST dataset only offers 30k images classified into 10 categories. Therefore, this paper proposes an Oracle Bone Inscriptions Multi-modal Dataset(OBIMD), which includes annotation information for 10,077 pieces of oracle bones. Each piece has two modalities: pixel-level aligned rubbings and facsimiles. The dataset annotates the detection boxes, character categories, transcriptions, corresponding inscription groups, and reading sequences in the groups of each oracle bone character, providing a comprehensive and high-quality level of annotations. This dataset can be used for a variety of AI-related research tasks relevant to the field of OBI, such as OBI Character Detection and Recognition, Rubbing Denoising, Character Matching, Character Generation, Reading Sequence Prediction, Missing Characters Completion task and so on. We believe that the creation and publication of a dataset like this will help significantly advance the application of AI algorithms in the field of OBI research.

new DiCTI: Diffusion-based Clothing Designer via Text-guided Input

Authors: Ajda Lampe (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Julija Stopar (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Deepak Kumar Jain (Dalian University of Technology, China), Shinichiro Omachi (Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering, Sendai, Japan), Peter Peer (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Vitomir \v{S}truc (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Abstract: Recent developments in deep generative models have opened up a wide range of opportunities for image synthesis, leading to significant changes in various creative fields, including the fashion industry. While numerous methods have been proposed to benefit buyers, particularly in virtual try-on applications, there has been relatively less focus on facilitating fast prototyping for designers and customers seeking to order new designs. To address this gap, we introduce DiCTI (Diffusion-based Clothing Designer via Text-guided Input), a straightforward yet highly effective approach that allows designers to quickly visualize fashion-related ideas using text inputs only. Given an image of a person and a description of the desired garments as input, DiCTI automatically generates multiple high-resolution, photorealistic images that capture the expressed semantics. By leveraging a powerful diffusion-based inpainting model conditioned on text inputs, DiCTI is able to synthesize convincing, high-quality images with varied clothing designs that viably follow the provided text descriptions, while being able to process very diverse and challenging inputs, captured in completely unconstrained settings. We evaluate DiCTI in comprehensive experiments on two different datasets (VITON-HD and Fashionpedia) and in comparison to the state-of-the-art (SoTa). The results of our experiments show that DiCTI convincingly outperforms the SoTA competitor in generating higher quality images with more elaborate garments and superior text prompt adherence, both according to standard quantitative evaluation measures and human ratings, generated as part of a user study.

new Timestep-Aware Correction for Quantized Diffusion Models

Authors: Yuzhe Yao, Feng Tian, Jun Chen, Haonan Lin, Guang Dai, Yong Liu, Jingdong Wang

Abstract: Diffusion models have marked a significant breakthrough in the synthesis of semantically coherent images. However, their extensive noise estimation networks and the iterative generation process limit their wider application, particularly on resource-constrained platforms like mobile devices. Existing post-training quantization (PTQ) methods have managed to compress diffusion models to low precision. Nevertheless, due to the iterative nature of diffusion models, quantization errors tend to accumulate throughout the generation process. This accumulation of error becomes particularly problematic in low-precision scenarios, leading to significant distortions in the generated images. We attribute this accumulation issue to two main causes: error propagation and exposure bias. To address these problems, we propose a timestep-aware correction method for quantized diffusion model, which dynamically corrects the quantization error. By leveraging the proposed method in low-precision diffusion models, substantial enhancement of output quality could be achieved with only negligible computation overhead. Extensive experiments underscore our method's effectiveness and generalizability. By employing the proposed correction strategy, we achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on low-precision models.

new MedRAT: Unpaired Medical Report Generation via Auxiliary Tasks

Authors: Elad Hirsch, Gefen Dawidowicz, Ayellet Tal

Abstract: Generating medical reports for X-ray images is a challenging task, particularly in an unpaired scenario where paired image-report data is unavailable for training. To address this challenge, we propose a novel model that leverages the available information in two distinct datasets, one comprising reports and the other consisting of images. The core idea of our model revolves around the notion that combining auto-encoding report generation with multi-modal (report-image) alignment can offer a solution. However, the challenge persists regarding how to achieve this alignment when pair correspondence is absent. Our proposed solution involves the use of auxiliary tasks, particularly contrastive learning and classification, to position related images and reports in close proximity to each other. This approach differs from previous methods that rely on pre-processing steps using external information stored in a knowledge graph. Our model, named MedRAT, surpasses previous state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating the feasibility of generating comprehensive medical reports without the need for paired data or external tools.

new POLAFFINI: Efficient feature-based polyaffine initialization for improved non-linear image registration

Authors: Antoine Legouhy, Ross Callaghan, Hojjat Azadbakht, Hui Zhang

Abstract: This paper presents an efficient feature-based approach to initialize non-linear image registration. Today, nonlinear image registration is dominated by methods relying on intensity-based similarity measures. A good estimate of the initial transformation is essential, both for traditional iterative algorithms and for recent one-shot deep learning (DL)-based alternatives. The established approach to estimate this starting point is to perform affine registration, but this may be insufficient due to its parsimonious, global, and non-bending nature. We propose an improved initialization method that takes advantage of recent advances in DL-based segmentation techniques able to instantly estimate fine-grained regional delineations with state-of-the-art accuracies. Those segmentations are used to produce local, anatomically grounded, feature-based affine matchings using iteration-free closed-form expressions. Estimated local affine transformations are then fused, with the log-Euclidean polyaffine framework, into an overall dense diffeomorphic transformation. We show that, compared to its affine counterpart, the proposed initialization leads to significantly better alignment for both traditional and DL-based non-linear registration algorithms. The proposed approach is also more robust and significantly faster than commonly used affine registration algorithms such as FSL FLIRT.

new CRiM-GS: Continuous Rigid Motion-Aware Gaussian Splatting from Motion Blur Images

Authors: Junghe Lee, Donghyeong Kim, Dogyoon Lee, Suhwan Cho, Sangyoun Lee

Abstract: Neural radiance fields (NeRFs) have received significant attention due to their high-quality novel view rendering ability, prompting research to address various real-world cases. One critical challenge is the camera motion blur caused by camera movement during exposure time, which prevents accurate 3D scene reconstruction. In this study, we propose continuous rigid motion-aware gaussian splatting (CRiM-GS) to reconstruct accurate 3D scene from blurry images with real-time rendering speed. Considering the actual camera motion blurring process, which consists of complex motion patterns, we predict the continuous movement of the camera based on neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Specifically, we leverage rigid body transformations to model the camera motion with proper regularization, preserving the shape and size of the object. Furthermore, we introduce a continuous deformable 3D transformation in the \textit{SE(3)} field to adapt the rigid body transformation to real-world problems by ensuring a higher degree of freedom. By revisiting fundamental camera theory and employing advanced neural network training techniques, we achieve accurate modeling of continuous camera trajectories. We conduct extensive experiments, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance both quantitatively and qualitatively on benchmark datasets.

new SfM on-the-fly: Get better 3D from What You Capture

Authors: Zhan Zongqian, Yu Yifei, Xia Rui, Gan Wentian, Xie Hong, Perda Giulio, Morelli Luca, Remondino Fabio, Wang Xin

Abstract: In the last twenty years, Structure from Motion (SfM) has been a constant research hotspot in the fields of photogrammetry, computer vision, robotics etc., whereas real-time performance is just a recent topic of growing interest. This work builds upon the original on-the-fly SfM (Zhan et al., 2024) and presents an updated version with three new advancements to get better 3D from what you capture: (i) real-time image matching is further boosted by employing the Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) graphs, thus more true positive overlapping image candidates are faster identified; (ii) a self-adaptive weighting strategy is proposed for robust hierarchical local bundle adjustment to improve the SfM results; (iii) multiple agents are included for supporting collaborative SfM and seamlessly merge multiple 3D reconstructions into a complete 3D scene when commonly registered images appear. Various comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed SfM method (named on-the-fly SfMv2) can generate more complete and robust 3D reconstructions in a high time-efficient way. Code is available at


new TrackPGD: A White-box Attack using Binary Masks against Robust Transformer Trackers

Authors: Fatemeh Nourilenjan Nokabadi, Yann Batiste Pequignot, Jean-Francois Lalonde, Christian Gagn\'e

Abstract: Object trackers with transformer backbones have achieved robust performance on visual object tracking datasets. However, the adversarial robustness of these trackers has not been well studied in the literature. Due to the backbone differences, the adversarial white-box attacks proposed for object tracking are not transferable to all types of trackers. For instance, transformer trackers such as MixFormerM still function well after black-box attacks, especially in predicting the object binary masks. We are proposing a novel white-box attack named TrackPGD, which relies on the predicted object binary mask to attack the robust transformer trackers. That new attack focuses on annotation masks by adapting the well-known SegPGD segmentation attack, allowing to successfully conduct the white-box attack on trackers relying on transformer backbones. The experimental results indicate that the TrackPGD is able to effectively attack transformer-based trackers such as MixFormerM, OSTrackSTS, and TransT-SEG on several tracking datasets.

new Leveraging Latent Diffusion Models for Training-Free In-Distribution Data Augmentation for Surface Defect Detection

Authors: Federico Girella, Ziyue Liu, Franco Fummi, Francesco Setti, Marco Cristani, Luigi Capogrosso

Abstract: Defect detection is the task of identifying defects in production samples. Usually, defect detection classifiers are trained on ground-truth data formed by normal samples (negative data) and samples with defects (positive data), where the latter are consistently fewer than normal samples. State-of-the-art data augmentation procedures add synthetic defect data by superimposing artifacts to normal samples to mitigate problems related to unbalanced training data. These techniques often produce out-of-distribution images, resulting in systems that learn what is not a normal sample but cannot accurately identify what a defect looks like. In this work, we introduce DIAG, a training-free Diffusion-based In-distribution Anomaly Generation pipeline for data augmentation. Unlike conventional image generation techniques, we implement a human-in-the-loop pipeline, where domain experts provide multimodal guidance to the model through text descriptions and region localization of the possible anomalies. This strategic shift enhances the interpretability of results and fosters a more robust human feedback loop, facilitating iterative improvements of the generated outputs. Remarkably, our approach operates in a zero-shot manner, avoiding time-consuming fine-tuning procedures while achieving superior performance. We demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of DIAG with respect to state-of-the-art data augmentation approaches on the challenging KSDD2 dataset, with an improvement in AP of approximately 18% when positive samples are available and 28% when they are missing. The source code is available at


new MineNetCD: A Benchmark for Global Mining Change Detection on Remote Sensing Imagery

Authors: Weikang Yu, Xiaokang Zhang, Xiao Xiang Zhu, Richard Gloaguen, Pedram Ghamisi

Abstract: Monitoring changes triggered by mining activities is crucial for industrial controlling, environmental management and regulatory compliance, yet it poses significant challenges due to the vast and often remote locations of mining sites. Remote sensing technologies have increasingly become indispensable to detect and analyze these changes over time. We thus introduce MineNetCD, a comprehensive benchmark designed for global mining change detection using remote sensing imagery. The benchmark comprises three key contributions. First, we establish a global mining change detection dataset featuring more than 70k paired patches of bi-temporal high-resolution remote sensing images and pixel-level annotations from 100 mining sites worldwide. Second, we develop a novel baseline model based on a change-aware Fast Fourier Transform (ChangeFFT) module, which enhances various backbones by leveraging essential spectrum components within features in the frequency domain and capturing the channel-wise correlation of bi-temporal feature differences to learn change-aware representations. Third, we construct a unified change detection (UCD) framework that integrates over 13 advanced change detection models. This framework is designed for streamlined and efficient processing, utilizing the cloud platform hosted by HuggingFace. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed baseline model compared with 12 state-of-the-art change detection approaches. Empirical studies on modularized backbones comprehensively confirm the efficacy of different representation learners on change detection. This contribution represents significant advancements in the field of remote sensing and change detection, providing a robust resource for future research and applications in global mining monitoring. Dataset and Codes are available via the link.

new Fully Fine-tuned CLIP Models are Efficient Few-Shot Learners

Authors: Mushui Liu, Bozheng Li, Yunlong Yu

Abstract: Prompt tuning, which involves training a small set of parameters, effectively enhances the pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) to downstream tasks. However, they often come at the cost of flexibility and adaptability when the tuned models are applied to different datasets or domains. In this paper, we explore capturing the task-specific information via meticulous refinement of entire VLMs, with minimal parameter adjustments. When fine-tuning the entire VLMs for specific tasks under limited supervision, overfitting and catastrophic forgetting become the defacto factors. To mitigate these issues, we propose a framework named CLIP-CITE via designing a discriminative visual-text task, further aligning the visual-text semantics in a supervision manner, and integrating knowledge distillation techniques to preserve the gained knowledge. Extensive experimental results under few-shot learning, base-to-new generalization, domain generalization, and cross-domain generalization settings, demonstrate that our method effectively enhances the performance on specific tasks under limited supervision while preserving the versatility of the VLMs on other datasets.

new Mitigating Low-Frequency Bias: Feature Recalibration and Frequency Attention Regularization for Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Kejia Zhang, Juanjuan Weng, Yuanzheng Cai, Zhiming Luo, Shaozi Li

Abstract: Ensuring the robustness of computer vision models against adversarial attacks is a significant and long-lasting objective. Motivated by adversarial attacks, researchers have devoted considerable efforts to enhancing model robustness by adversarial training (AT). However, we observe that while AT improves the models' robustness against adversarial perturbations, it fails to improve their ability to effectively extract features across all frequency components. Each frequency component contains distinct types of crucial information: low-frequency features provide fundamental structural insights, while high-frequency features capture intricate details and textures. In particular, AT tends to neglect the reliance on susceptible high-frequency features. This low-frequency bias impedes the model's ability to effectively leverage the potentially meaningful semantic information present in high-frequency features. This paper proposes a novel module called High-Frequency Feature Disentanglement and Recalibration (HFDR), which separates features into high-frequency and low-frequency components and recalibrates the high-frequency feature to capture latent useful semantics. Additionally, we introduce frequency attention regularization to magnitude the model's extraction of different frequency features and mitigate low-frequency bias during AT. Extensive experiments showcase the immense potential and superiority of our approach in resisting various white-box attacks, transfer attacks, and showcasing strong generalization capabilities.

new Learning Non-Linear Invariants for Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors: Lars Doorenbos, Raphael Sznitman, Pablo M\'arquez-Neila

Abstract: The inability of deep learning models to handle data drawn from unseen distributions has sparked much interest in unsupervised out-of-distribution (U-OOD) detection, as it is crucial for reliable deep learning models. Despite considerable attention, theoretically-motivated approaches are few and far between, with most methods building on top of some form of heuristic. Recently, U-OOD was formalized in the context of data invariants, allowing a clearer understanding of how to characterize U-OOD, and methods leveraging affine invariants have attained state-of-the-art results on large-scale benchmarks. Nevertheless, the restriction to affine invariants hinders the expressiveness of the approach. In this work, we broaden the affine invariants formulation to a more general case and propose a framework consisting of a normalizing flow-like architecture capable of learning non-linear invariants. Our novel approach achieves state-of-the-art results on an extensive U-OOD benchmark, and we demonstrate its further applicability to tabular data. Finally, we show our method has the same desirable properties as those based on affine invariants.

new Adaptive Step-size Perception Unfolding Network with Non-local Hybrid Attention for Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction

Authors: Yanan Yang, Like Xin

Abstract: Deep unfolding methods and transformer architecture have recently shown promising results in hyperspectral image (HSI) reconstruction. However, there still exist two issues: (1) in the data subproblem, most methods represents the stepsize utilizing a learnable parameter. Nevertheless, for different spectral channel, error between features and ground truth is unequal. (2) Transformer struggles to balance receptive field size with pixel-wise detail information. To overcome the aforementioned drawbacks, We proposed an adaptive step-size perception unfolding network (ASPUN), a deep unfolding network based on FISTA algorithm, which uses an adaptive step-size perception module to estimate the update step-size of each spectral channel. In addition, we design a Non-local Hybrid Attention Transformer(NHAT) module for fully leveraging the receptive field advantage of transformer. By plugging the NLHA into the Non-local Information Aggregation (NLIA) module, the unfolding network can achieve better reconstruction results. Experimental results show that our ASPUN is superior to the existing SOTA algorithms and achieves the best performance.

new Beyond Pixels: Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with a Multi-scale Patch-based Multi-Label Classifier

Authors: Prantik Howlader, Srijan Das, Hieu Le, Dimitris Samaras

Abstract: Incorporating pixel contextual information is critical for accurate segmentation. In this paper, we show that an effective way to incorporate contextual information is through a patch-based classifier. This patch classifier is trained to identify classes present within an image region, which facilitates the elimination of distractors and enhances the classification of small object segments. Specifically, we introduce Multi-scale Patch-based Multi-label Classifier (MPMC), a novel plug-in module designed for existing semi-supervised segmentation (SSS) frameworks. MPMC offers patch-level supervision, enabling the discrimination of pixel regions of different classes within a patch. Furthermore, MPMC learns an adaptive pseudo-label weight, using patch-level classification to alleviate the impact of the teacher's noisy pseudo-label supervision the student. This lightweight module can be integrated into any SSS framework, significantly enhancing their performance. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed MPMC by integrating it into four SSS methodologies and improving them across two natural image and one medical segmentation dataset, notably improving the segmentation results of the baselines across all the three datasets.

new Towards Cross-View-Consistent Self-Supervised Surround Depth Estimation

Authors: Laiyan Ding, Hualie Jiang, Jie Li, Yongquan Chen, Rui Huang

Abstract: Depth estimation is a cornerstone for autonomous driving, yet acquiring per-pixel depth ground truth for supervised learning is challenging. Self-Supervised Surround Depth Estimation (SSSDE) from consecutive images offers an economical alternative. While previous SSSDE methods have proposed different mechanisms to fuse information across images, few of them explicitly consider the cross-view constraints, leading to inferior performance, particularly in overlapping regions. This paper proposes an efficient and consistent pose estimation design and two loss functions to enhance cross-view consistency for SSSDE. For pose estimation, we propose to use only front-view images to reduce training memory and sustain pose estimation consistency. The first loss function is the dense depth consistency loss, which penalizes the difference between predicted depths in overlapping regions. The second one is the multi-view reconstruction consistency loss, which aims to maintain consistency between reconstruction from spatial and spatial-temporal contexts. Additionally, we introduce a novel flipping augmentation to improve the performance further. Our techniques enable a simple neural model to achieve state-of-the-art performance on the DDAD and nuScenes datasets. Last but not least, our proposed techniques can be easily applied to other methods. The code will be made public.

new Occupancy as Set of Points

Authors: Yiang Shi, Tianheng Cheng, Qian Zhang, Wenyu Liu, Xinggang Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we explore a novel point representation for 3D occupancy prediction from multi-view images, which is named Occupancy as Set of Points. Existing camera-based methods tend to exploit dense volume-based representation to predict the occupancy of the whole scene, making it hard to focus on the special areas or areas out of the perception range. In comparison, we present the Points of Interest (PoIs) to represent the scene and propose OSP, a novel framework for point-based 3D occupancy prediction. Owing to the inherent flexibility of the point-based representation, OSP achieves strong performance compared with existing methods and excels in terms of training and inference adaptability. It extends beyond traditional perception boundaries and can be seamlessly integrated with volume-based methods to significantly enhance their effectiveness. Experiments on the Occ3D nuScenes occupancy benchmark show that OSP has strong performance and flexibility. Code and models are available at \url{}.


new Detect Closer Surfaces that can be Seen: New Modeling and Evaluation in Cross-domain 3D Object Detection

Authors: Ruixiao Zhang, Yihong Wu, Juheon Lee, Adam Prugel-Bennett, Xiaohao Cai

Abstract: The performance of domain adaptation technologies has not yet reached an ideal level in the current 3D object detection field for autonomous driving, which is mainly due to significant differences in the size of vehicles, as well as the environments they operate in when applied across domains. These factors together hinder the effective transfer and application of knowledge learned from specific datasets. Since the existing evaluation metrics are initially designed for evaluation on a single domain by calculating the 2D or 3D overlap between the prediction and ground-truth bounding boxes, they often suffer from the overfitting problem caused by the size differences among datasets. This raises a fundamental question related to the evaluation of the 3D object detection models' cross-domain performance: Do we really need models to maintain excellent performance in their original 3D bounding boxes after being applied across domains? From a practical application perspective, one of our main focuses is actually on preventing collisions between vehicles and other obstacles, especially in cross-domain scenarios where correctly predicting the size of vehicles is much more difficult. In other words, as long as a model can accurately identify the closest surfaces to the ego vehicle, it is sufficient to effectively avoid obstacles. In this paper, we propose two metrics to measure 3D object detection models' ability of detecting the closer surfaces to the sensor on the ego vehicle, which can be used to evaluate their cross-domain performance more comprehensively and reasonably. Furthermore, we propose a refinement head, named EdgeHead, to guide models to focus more on the learnable closer surfaces, which can greatly improve the cross-domain performance of existing models not only under our new metrics, but even also under the original BEV/3D metrics.

new EMPL: A novel Efficient Meta Prompt Learning Framework for Few-shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Authors: Wanqi Yang, Haoran Wang, Lei Wang, Ge Song, Yang Gao

Abstract: Few-shot unsupervised domain adaptation (FS-UDA) utilizes few-shot labeled source domain data to realize effective classification in unlabeled target domain. However, current FS-UDA methods are still suffer from two issues: 1) the data from different domains can not be effectively aligned by few-shot labeled data due to the large domain gaps, 2) it is unstable and time-consuming to generalize to new FS-UDA tasks.To address this issue, we put forward a novel Efficient Meta Prompt Learning Framework for FS-UDA. Within this framework, we use pre-trained CLIP model as the feature learning base model. First, we design domain-shared prompt learning vectors composed of virtual tokens, which mainly learns the meta knowledge from a large number of meta tasks to mitigate domain gaps. Secondly, we also design a task-shared prompt learning network to adaptively learn specific prompt vectors for each task, which aims to realize fast adaptation and task generalization. Thirdly, we learn a task-specific cross-domain alignment projection and a task-specific classifier with closed-form solutions for each meta task, which can efficiently adapt the model to new tasks in one step. The whole learning process is formulated as a bilevel optimization problem, and a good initialization of model parameters is learned through meta-learning. Extensive experimental study demonstrates the promising performance of our framework on benchmark datasets. Our method has the large improvement of at least 15.4% on 5-way 1-shot and 8.7% on 5-way 5-shot, compared with the state-of-the-art methods. Also, the performance of our method on all the test tasks is more stable than the other methods.

new CLIP-DR: Textual Knowledge-Guided Diabetic Retinopathy Grading with Ranking-aware Prompting

Authors: Qinkai Yu, Jianyang Xie, Anh Nguyen, He Zhao, Jiong Zhang, Huazhu Fu, Yitian Zhao, Yalin Zheng, Yanda Meng

Abstract: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes and usually takes decades to reach sight-threatening levels. Accurate and robust detection of DR severity is critical for the timely management and treatment of diabetes. However, most current DR grading methods suffer from insufficient robustness to data variability (\textit{e.g.} colour fundus images), posing a significant difficulty for accurate and robust grading. In this work, we propose a novel DR grading framework CLIP-DR based on three observations: 1) Recent pre-trained visual language models, such as CLIP, showcase a notable capacity for generalisation across various downstream tasks, serving as effective baseline models. 2) The grading of image-text pairs for DR often adheres to a discernible natural sequence, yet most existing DR grading methods have primarily overlooked this aspect. 3) A long-tailed distribution among DR severity levels complicates the grading process. This work proposes a novel ranking-aware prompting strategy to help the CLIP model exploit the ordinal information. Specifically, we sequentially design learnable prompts between neighbouring text-image pairs in two different ranking directions. Additionally, we introduce a Similarity Matrix Smooth module into the structure of CLIP to balance the class distribution. Finally, we perform extensive comparisons with several state-of-the-art methods on the GDRBench benchmark, demonstrating our CLIP-DR's robustness and superior performance. The implementation code is available \footnote{\url{}


new FIPGNet:Pyramid grafting network with feature interaction strategies

Authors: Ziyi Ding, Like Xin

Abstract: Salient object detection is designed to identify the objects in an image that attract the most visual attention.Currently, the most advanced method of significance object detection adopts pyramid grafting network architecture.However, pyramid-graft network architecture still has the problem of failing to accurately locate significant targets.We observe that this is mainly due to the fact that current salient object detection methods simply aggregate different scale features, ignoring the correlation between different scale features.To overcome these problems, we propose a new salience object detection framework(FIPGNet),which is a pyramid graft network with feature interaction strategies.Specifically, we propose an attention-mechanism based feature interaction strategy (FIA) that innovatively introduces spatial agent Cross Attention (SACA) to achieve multi-level feature interaction, highlighting important spatial regions from a spatial perspective, thereby enhancing salient regions.And the channel proxy Cross Attention Module (CCM), which is used to effectively connect the features extracted by the backbone network and the features processed using the spatial proxy cross attention module, eliminating inconsistencies.Finally, under the action of these two modules, the prominent target location problem in the current pyramid grafting network model is solved.Experimental results on six challenging datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the current 12 salient object detection methods on four indicators.

new Looking for Tiny Defects via Forward-Backward Feature Transfer

Authors: Alex Costanzino, Pierluigi Zama Ramirez, Giuseppe Lisanti, Luigi Di Stefano

Abstract: Motivated by efficiency requirements, most anomaly detection and segmentation (AD&S) methods focus on processing low-resolution images, e.g., $224\times 224$ pixels, obtained by downsampling the original input images. In this setting, downsampling is typically applied also to the provided ground-truth defect masks. Yet, as numerous industrial applications demand identification of both large and tiny defects, the above-described protocol may fall short in providing a realistic picture of the actual performance attainable by current methods. Hence, in this work, we introduce a novel benchmark that evaluates methods on the original, high-resolution image and ground-truth masks, focusing on segmentation performance as a function of the size of anomalies. Our benchmark includes a metric that captures robustness with respect to defect size, i.e., the ability of a method to preserve good localization from large anomalies to tiny ones. Furthermore, we introduce an AD&S approach based on a novel Teacher-Student paradigm which relies on two shallow MLPs (the Students) that learn to transfer patch features across the layers of a frozen vision transformer (the Teacher). By means of our benchmark, we evaluate our proposal and other recent AD&S methods on high-resolution inputs containing large and tiny defects. Our proposal features the highest robustness to defect size, runs at the fastest speed, yields state-of-the-art performance on the MVTec AD dataset and state-of-the-art segmentation performance on the VisA dataset.

new C$^3$DG: Conditional Domain Generalization for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification with Convergence and Constrained-risk Theories

Authors: Zhe Gao, Bin Pan, Zhenwei Shi

Abstract: Hyperspectral imagery (HSI) classification may suffer the challenge of hyperspectral-monospectra, where different classes present similar spectra. Joint spatial-spectral feature extraction is a popular solution for the problem, but this strategy tends to inflate accuracy since test pixels may exist in training patches. Domain generalization methods show promising potential, but they still fail to distinguish similar spectra across varying domains, in addition, the theoretical support is usually ignored. In this paper, we only rely on spectral information to solve the hyperspectral-monospectra problem, and propose a Convergence and Error-Constrained Conditional Domain Generalization method for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification (C$^3$DG). The major contributions of this paper include two aspects: the Conditional Revising Inference Block (CRIB), and the corresponding theories for model convergence and generalization errors. CRIB is the kernel structure of the proposed method, which employs a shared encoder and multi-branch decoders to fully leverage the conditional distribution during training, achieving a decoupling that aligns with the generation mechanisms of HSI. Moreover, to ensure model convergence and maintain controllable error, we propose the optimization convergence theorem and risk upper bound theorem. In the optimization convergence theorem, we ensure the model convergence by demonstrating that the gradients of the loss terms are not contradictory. In the risk upper bound theorem, our theoretical analysis explores the relationship between test-time training and recent related work to establish a concrete bound for error. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets indicate the superiority of C$^3$DG.

new Advances in Diffusion Models for Image Data Augmentation: A Review of Methods, Models, Evaluation Metrics and Future Research Directions

Authors: Panagiotis Alimisis, Ioannis Mademlis, Panagiotis Radoglou-Grammatikis, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Georgios Th. Papadopoulos

Abstract: Image data augmentation constitutes a critical methodology in modern computer vision tasks, since it can facilitate towards enhancing the diversity and quality of training datasets; thereby, improving the performance and robustness of machine learning models in downstream tasks. In parallel, augmentation approaches can also be used for editing/modifying a given image in a context- and semantics-aware way. Diffusion Models (DMs), which comprise one of the most recent and highly promising classes of methods in the field of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), have emerged as a powerful tool for image data augmentation, capable of generating realistic and diverse images by learning the underlying data distribution. The current study realizes a systematic, comprehensive and in-depth review of DM-based approaches for image augmentation, covering a wide range of strategies, tasks and applications. In particular, a comprehensive analysis of the fundamental principles, model architectures and training strategies of DMs is initially performed. Subsequently, a taxonomy of the relevant image augmentation methods is introduced, focusing on techniques regarding semantic manipulation, personalization and adaptation, and application-specific augmentation tasks. Then, performance assessment methodologies and respective evaluation metrics are analyzed. Finally, current challenges and future research directions in the field are discussed.

new Biometric Authentication Based on Enhanced Remote Photoplethysmography Signal Morphology

Authors: Zhaodong Sun, Xiaobai Li, Jukka Komulainen, Guoying Zhao

Abstract: Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) is a non-contact method for measuring cardiac signals from facial videos, offering a convenient alternative to contact photoplethysmography (cPPG) obtained from contact sensors. Recent studies have shown that each individual possesses a unique cPPG signal morphology that can be utilized as a biometric identifier, which has inspired us to utilize the morphology of rPPG signals extracted from facial videos for person authentication. Since the facial appearance and rPPG are mixed in the facial videos, we first de-identify facial videos to remove facial appearance while preserving the rPPG information, which protects facial privacy and guarantees that only rPPG is used for authentication. The de-identified videos are fed into an rPPG model to get the rPPG signal morphology for authentication. In the first training stage, unsupervised rPPG training is performed to get coarse rPPG signals. In the second training stage, an rPPG-cPPG hybrid training is performed by incorporating external cPPG datasets to achieve rPPG biometric authentication and enhance rPPG signal morphology. Our approach needs only de-identified facial videos with subject IDs to train rPPG authentication models. The experimental results demonstrate that rPPG signal morphology hidden in facial videos can be used for biometric authentication. The code is available at


new Solutions to Deepfakes: Can Camera Hardware, Cryptography, and Deep Learning Verify Real Images?

Authors: Alexander Vilesov, Yuan Tian, Nader Sehatbakhsh, Achuta Kadambi

Abstract: The exponential progress in generative AI poses serious implications for the credibility of all real images and videos. There will exist a point in the future where 1) digital content produced by generative AI will be indistinguishable from those created by cameras, 2) high-quality generative algorithms will be accessible to anyone, and 3) the ratio of all synthetic to real images will be large. It is imperative to establish methods that can separate real data from synthetic data with high confidence. We define real images as those that were produced by the camera hardware, capturing a real-world scene. Any synthetic generation of an image or alteration of a real image through generative AI or computer graphics techniques is labeled as a synthetic image. To this end, this document aims to: present known strategies in detection and cryptography that can be employed to verify which images are real, weight the strengths and weaknesses of these strategies, and suggest additional improvements to alleviate shortcomings.

new Attention Normalization Impacts Cardinality Generalization in Slot Attention

Authors: Markus Krimmel, Jan Achterhold, Joerg Stueckler

Abstract: Object-centric scene decompositions are important representations for downstream tasks in fields such as computer vision and robotics. The recently proposed Slot Attention module, already leveraged by several derivative works for image segmentation and object tracking in videos, is a deep learning component which performs unsupervised object-centric scene decomposition on input images. It is based on an attention architecture, in which latent slot vectors, which hold compressed information on objects, attend to localized perceptual features from the input image. In this paper, we show that design decisions on normalizing the aggregated values in the attention architecture have considerable impact on the capabilities of Slot Attention to generalize to a higher number of slots and objects as seen during training. We argue that the original Slot Attention normalization scheme discards information on the prior assignment probability of pixels to slots, which impairs its generalization capabilities. Based on these findings, we propose and investigate alternative normalization approaches which increase the generalization capabilities of Slot Attention to varying slot and object counts, resulting in performance gains on the task of unsupervised image segmentation.

new Slice-100K: A Multimodal Dataset for Extrusion-based 3D Printing

Authors: Anushrut Jignasu, Kelly O. Marshall, Ankush Kumar Mishra, Lucas Nerone Rillo, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, Aditya Balu, Chinmay Hegde, Adarsh Krishnamurthy

Abstract: G-code (Geometric code) or RS-274 is the most widely used computer numerical control (CNC) and 3D printing programming language. G-code provides machine instructions for the movement of the 3D printer, especially for the nozzle, stage, and extrusion of material for extrusion-based additive manufacturing. Currently there does not exist a large repository of curated CAD models along with their corresponding G-code files for additive manufacturing. To address this issue, we present SLICE-100K, a first-of-its-kind dataset of over 100,000 G-code files, along with their tessellated CAD model, LVIS (Large Vocabulary Instance Segmentation) categories, geometric properties, and renderings. We build our dataset from triangulated meshes derived from Objaverse-XL and Thingi10K datasets. We demonstrate the utility of this dataset by finetuning GPT-2 on a subset of the dataset for G-code translation from a legacy G-code format (Sailfish) to a more modern, widely used format (Marlin). SLICE-100K will be the first step in developing a multimodal foundation model for digital manufacturing.

new QueryMamba: A Mamba-Based Encoder-Decoder Architecture with a Statistical Verb-Noun Interaction Module for Video Action Forecasting @ Ego4D Long-Term Action Anticipation Challenge 2024

Authors: Zeyun Zhong, Manuel Martin, Frederik Diederichs, Juergen Beyerer

Abstract: This report presents a novel Mamba-based encoder-decoder architecture, QueryMamba, featuring an integrated verb-noun interaction module that utilizes a statistical verb-noun co-occurrence matrix to enhance video action forecasting. This architecture not only predicts verbs and nouns likely to occur based on historical data but also considers their joint occurrence to improve forecast accuracy. The efficacy of this approach is substantiated by experimental results, with the method achieving second place in the Ego4D LTA challenge and ranking first in noun prediction accuracy.

new Computer Vision for Clinical Gait Analysis: A Gait Abnormality Video Dataset

Authors: Rahm Ranjan, David Ahmedt-Aristizabal, Mohammad Ali Armin, Juno Kim

Abstract: Clinical gait analysis (CGA) using computer vision is an emerging field in artificial intelligence that faces barriers of accessible, real-world data, and clear task objectives. This paper lays the foundation for current developments in CGA as well as vision-based methods and datasets suitable for gait analysis. We introduce The Gait Abnormality in Video Dataset (GAVD) in response to our review of over 150 current gait-related computer vision datasets, which highlighted the need for a large and accessible gait dataset clinically annotated for CGA. GAVD stands out as the largest video gait dataset, comprising 1874 sequences of normal, abnormal and pathological gaits. Additionally, GAVD includes clinically annotated RGB data sourced from publicly available content on online platforms. It also encompasses over 400 subjects who have undergone clinical grade visual screening to represent a diverse range of abnormal gait patterns, captured in various settings, including hospital clinics and urban uncontrolled outdoor environments. We demonstrate the validity of the dataset and utility of action recognition models for CGA using pretrained models Temporal Segment Networks(TSN) and SlowFast network to achieve video abnormality detection of 94% and 92% respectively when tested on GAVD dataset. A GitHub repository consisting of convenient URL links, and clinically relevant annotation for CGA is provided for over 450 online videos, featuring diverse subjects performing a range of normal, pathological, and abnormal gait patterns.


new GazeFusion: Saliency-guided Image Generation

Authors: Yunxiang Zhang, Nan Wu, Connor Z. Lin, Gordon Wetzstein, Qi Sun

Abstract: Diffusion models offer unprecedented image generation capabilities given just a text prompt. While emerging control mechanisms have enabled users to specify the desired spatial arrangements of the generated content, they cannot predict or control where viewers will pay more attention due to the complexity of human vision. Recognizing the critical necessity of attention-controllable image generation in practical applications, we present a saliency-guided framework to incorporate the data priors of human visual attention into the generation process. Given a desired viewer attention distribution, our control module conditions a diffusion model to generate images that attract viewers' attention toward desired areas. To assess the efficacy of our approach, we performed an eye-tracked user study and a large-scale model-based saliency analysis. The results evidence that both the cross-user eye gaze distributions and the saliency model predictions align with the desired attention distributions. Lastly, we outline several applications, including interactive design of saliency guidance, attention suppression in unwanted regions, and adaptive generation for varied display/viewing conditions.

new HCS-TNAS: Hybrid Constraint-driven Semi-supervised Transformer-NAS for Ultrasound Image Segmentation

Authors: Renqi Chen

Abstract: Accurate ultrasound segmentation is pursued because it aids clinicians in achieving a comprehensive diagnosis. Due to the presence of low image quality and high costs associated with annotation, two primary concerns arise: (1) enhancing the understanding of multi-scale features, and (2) improving the resistance to data dependency. To mitigate these concerns, we propose HCS-TNAS, a novel neural architecture search (NAS) method that automatically designs the network. For the first concern, we employ multi-level searching encompassing cellular, layer, and module levels. Specifically, we design an Efficient NAS-ViT module that searches for multi-scale tokens in the vision Transformer (ViT) to capture context and local information, rather than relying solely on simple combinations of operations. For the second concern, we propose a hybrid constraint-driven semi-supervised learning method that considers additional network independence and incorporates contrastive loss in a NAS formulation. By further developing a stage-wise optimization strategy, a rational network structure can be identified. Extensive experiments on three publicly available ultrasound image datasets demonstrate that HCS-TNAS effectively improves segmentation accuracy and outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

new Elevating All Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Through Multimodal Prompt Learning

Authors: Mainak Singha, Ankit Jha, Divyam Gupta, Pranav Singla, Biplab Banerjee

Abstract: We address the challenges inherent in sketch-based image retrieval (SBIR) across various settings, including zero-shot SBIR, generalized zero-shot SBIR, and fine-grained zero-shot SBIR, by leveraging the vision-language foundation model, CLIP. While recent endeavors have employed CLIP to enhance SBIR, these approaches predominantly follow uni-modal prompt processing and overlook to fully exploit CLIP's integrated visual and textual capabilities. To bridge this gap, we introduce SpLIP, a novel multi-modal prompt learning scheme designed to operate effectively with frozen CLIP backbones. We diverge from existing multi-modal prompting methods that either treat visual and textual prompts independently or integrate them in a limited fashion, leading to suboptimal generalization. SpLIP implements a bi-directional prompt-sharing strategy that enables mutual knowledge exchange between CLIP's visual and textual encoders, fostering a more cohesive and synergistic prompt processing mechanism that significantly reduces the semantic gap between the sketch and photo embeddings. In addition to pioneering multi-modal prompt learning, we propose two innovative strategies for further refining the embedding space. The first is an adaptive margin generation for the sketch-photo triplet loss, regulated by CLIP's class textual embeddings. The second introduces a novel task, termed conditional cross-modal jigsaw, aimed at enhancing fine-grained sketch-photo alignment, by focusing on implicitly modelling the viable patch arrangement of sketches using knowledge of unshuffled photos. Our comprehensive experimental evaluations across multiple benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance of SpLIP in all three SBIR scenarios. Code is available at


new AMD: Automatic Multi-step Distillation of Large-scale Vision Models

Authors: Cheng Han, Qifan Wang, Sohail A. Dianat, Majid Rabbani, Raghuveer M. Rao, Yi Fang, Qiang Guan, Lifu Huang, Dongfang Liu

Abstract: Transformer-based architectures have become the de-facto standard models for diverse vision tasks owing to their superior performance. As the size of the models continues to scale up, model distillation becomes extremely important in various real applications, particularly on devices limited by computational resources. However, prevailing knowledge distillation methods exhibit diminished efficacy when confronted with a large capacity gap between the teacher and the student, e.g, 10x compression rate. In this paper, we present a novel approach named Automatic Multi-step Distillation (AMD) for large-scale vision model compression. In particular, our distillation process unfolds across multiple steps. Initially, the teacher undergoes distillation to form an intermediate teacher-assistant model, which is subsequently distilled further to the student. An efficient and effective optimization framework is introduced to automatically identify the optimal teacher-assistant that leads to the maximal student performance. We conduct extensive experiments on multiple image classification datasets, including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet. The findings consistently reveal that our approach outperforms several established baselines, paving a path for future knowledge distillation methods on large-scale vision models.

new T2IShield: Defending Against Backdoors on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Zhongqi Wang, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen

Abstract: While text-to-image diffusion models demonstrate impressive generation capabilities, they also exhibit vulnerability to backdoor attacks, which involve the manipulation of model outputs through malicious triggers. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a comprehensive defense method named T2IShield to detect, localize, and mitigate such attacks. Specifically, we find the "Assimilation Phenomenon" on the cross-attention maps caused by the backdoor trigger. Based on this key insight, we propose two effective backdoor detection methods: Frobenius Norm Threshold Truncation and Covariance Discriminant Analysis. Besides, we introduce a binary-search approach to localize the trigger within a backdoor sample and assess the efficacy of existing concept editing methods in mitigating backdoor attacks. Empirical evaluations on two advanced backdoor attack scenarios show the effectiveness of our proposed defense method. For backdoor sample detection, T2IShield achieves a detection F1 score of 88.9$\%$ with low computational cost. Furthermore, T2IShield achieves a localization F1 score of 86.4$\%$ and invalidates 99$\%$ poisoned samples. Codes are released at


new Batch Transformer: Look for Attention in Batch

Authors: Myung Beom Her, Jisu Jeong, Hojoon Song, Ji-Hyeong Han

Abstract: Facial expression recognition (FER) has received considerable attention in computer vision, with "in-the-wild" environments such as human-computer interaction. However, FER images contain uncertainties such as occlusion, low resolution, pose variation, illumination variation, and subjectivity, which includes some expressions that do not match the target label. Consequently, little information is obtained from a noisy single image and it is not trusted. This could significantly degrade the performance of the FER task. To address this issue, we propose a batch transformer (BT), which consists of the proposed class batch attention (CBA) module, to prevent overfitting in noisy data and extract trustworthy information by training on features reflected from several images in a batch, rather than information from a single image. We also propose multi-level attention (MLA) to prevent overfitting the specific features by capturing correlations between each level. In this paper, we present a batch transformer network (BTN) that combines the above proposals. Experimental results on various FER benchmark datasets show that the proposed BTN consistently outperforms the state-ofthe-art in FER datasets. Representative results demonstrate the promise of the proposed BTN for FER.

new A Physical Model-Guided Framework for Underwater Image Enhancement and Depth Estimation

Authors: Dazhao Du, Enhan Li, Lingyu Si, Fanjiang Xu, Jianwei Niu, Fuchun Sun

Abstract: Due to the selective absorption and scattering of light by diverse aquatic media, underwater images usually suffer from various visual degradations. Existing underwater image enhancement (UIE) approaches that combine underwater physical imaging models with neural networks often fail to accurately estimate imaging model parameters such as depth and veiling light, resulting in poor performance in certain scenarios. To address this issue, we propose a physical model-guided framework for jointly training a Deep Degradation Model (DDM) with any advanced UIE model. DDM includes three well-designed sub-networks to accurately estimate various imaging parameters: a veiling light estimation sub-network, a factors estimation sub-network, and a depth estimation sub-network. Based on the estimated parameters and the underwater physical imaging model, we impose physical constraints on the enhancement process by modeling the relationship between underwater images and desired clean images, i.e., outputs of the UIE model. Moreover, while our framework is compatible with any UIE model, we design a simple yet effective fully convolutional UIE model, termed UIEConv. UIEConv utilizes both global and local features for image enhancement through a dual-branch structure. UIEConv trained within our framework achieves remarkable enhancement results across diverse underwater scenes. Furthermore, as a byproduct of UIE, the trained depth estimation sub-network enables accurate underwater scene depth estimation. Extensive experiments conducted in various real underwater imaging scenarios, including deep-sea environments with artificial light sources, validate the effectiveness of our framework and the UIEConv model.

new Efficient GANs for Document Image Binarization Based on DWT and Normalization

Authors: Rui-Yang Ju, KokSheik Wong, Jen-Shiun Chiang

Abstract: For document image binarization task, generative adversarial networks (GANs) can generate images where shadows and noise are effectively removed, which allow for text information extraction. The current state-of-the-art (SOTA) method proposes a three-stage network architecture that utilizes six GANs. Despite its excellent model performance, the SOTA network architecture requires long training and inference times. To overcome this problem, this work introduces an efficient GAN method based on the three-stage network architecture that incorporates the Discrete Wavelet Transformation and normalization to reduce the input image size, which in turns, decrease both training and inference times. In addition, this work presents novel generators, discriminators, and loss functions to improve the model's performance. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the training time by 10% and the inference time by 26% when compared to the SOTA method while maintaining the model performance at 73.79 of Avg-Score. Our implementation code is available on GitHub at


new GSD: View-Guided Gaussian Splatting Diffusion for 3D Reconstruction

Authors: Yuxuan Mu, Xinxin Zuo, Chuan Guo, Yilin Wang, Juwei Lu, Xiaofeng Wu, Songcen Xu, Peng Dai, Youliang Yan, Li Cheng

Abstract: We present GSD, a diffusion model approach based on Gaussian Splatting (GS) representation for 3D object reconstruction from a single view. Prior works suffer from inconsistent 3D geometry or mediocre rendering quality due to improper representations. We take a step towards resolving these shortcomings by utilizing the recent state-of-the-art 3D explicit representation, Gaussian Splatting, and an unconditional diffusion model. This model learns to generate 3D objects represented by sets of GS ellipsoids. With these strong generative 3D priors, though learning unconditionally, the diffusion model is ready for view-guided reconstruction without further model fine-tuning. This is achieved by propagating fine-grained 2D features through the efficient yet flexible splatting function and the guided denoising sampling process. In addition, a 2D diffusion model is further employed to enhance rendering fidelity, and improve reconstructed GS quality by polishing and re-using the rendered images. The final reconstructed objects explicitly come with high-quality 3D structure and texture, and can be efficiently rendered in arbitrary views. Experiments on the challenging real-world CO3D dataset demonstrate the superiority of our approach.

new AnySR: Realizing Image Super-Resolution as Any-Scale, Any-Resource

Authors: Wengyi Zhan, Mingbao Lin, Chia-Wen Lin, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: In an effort to improve the efficiency and scalability of single-image super-resolution (SISR) applications, we introduce AnySR, to rebuild existing arbitrary-scale SR methods into any-scale, any-resource implementation. As a contrast to off-the-shelf methods that solve SR tasks across various scales with the same computing costs, our AnySR innovates in: 1) building arbitrary-scale tasks as any-resource implementation, reducing resource requirements for smaller scales without additional parameters; 2) enhancing any-scale performance in a feature-interweaving fashion, inserting scale pairs into features at regular intervals and ensuring correct feature/scale processing. The efficacy of our AnySR is fully demonstrated by rebuilding most existing arbitrary-scale SISR methods and validating on five popular SISR test datasets. The results show that our AnySR implements SISR tasks in a computing-more-efficient fashion, and performs on par with existing arbitrary-scale SISR methods. For the first time, we realize SISR tasks as not only any-scale in literature, but also as any-resource. Code is available at


new Fine-grained Context and Multi-modal Alignment for Freehand 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction

Authors: Zhongnuo Yan, Xin Yang, Mingyuan Luo, Jiongquan Chen, Rusi Chen, Lian Liu, Dong Ni

Abstract: Fine-grained spatio-temporal learning is crucial for freehand 3D ultrasound reconstruction. Previous works mainly resorted to the coarse-grained spatial features and the separated temporal dependency learning and struggles for fine-grained spatio-temporal learning. Mining spatio-temporal information in fine-grained scales is extremely challenging due to learning difficulties in long-range dependencies. In this context, we propose a novel method to exploit the long-range dependency management capabilities of the state space model (SSM) to address the above challenge. Our contribution is three-fold. First, we propose ReMamba, which mines multi-scale spatio-temporal information by devising a multi-directional SSM. Second, we propose an adaptive fusion strategy that introduces multiple inertial measurement units as auxiliary temporal information to enhance spatio-temporal perception. Last, we design an online alignment strategy that encodes the temporal information as pseudo labels for multi-modal alignment to further improve reconstruction performance. Extensive experimental validations on two large-scale datasets show remarkable improvement from our method over competitors.

new Exploration of Class Center for Fine-Grained Visual Classification

Authors: Hang Yao, Qiguang Miao, Peipei Zhao, Chaoneng Li, Xin Li, Guanwen Feng, Ruyi Liu

Abstract: Different from large-scale classification tasks, fine-grained visual classification is a challenging task due to two critical problems: 1) evident intra-class variances and subtle inter-class differences, and 2) overfitting owing to fewer training samples in datasets. Most existing methods extract key features to reduce intra-class variances, but pay no attention to subtle inter-class differences in fine-grained visual classification. To address this issue, we propose a loss function named exploration of class center, which consists of a multiple class-center constraint and a class-center label generation. This loss function fully utilizes the information of the class center from the perspective of features and labels. From the feature perspective, the multiple class-center constraint pulls samples closer to the target class center, and pushes samples away from the most similar nontarget class center. Thus, the constraint reduces intra-class variances and enlarges inter-class differences. From the label perspective, the class-center label generation utilizes classcenter distributions to generate soft labels to alleviate overfitting. Our method can be easily integrated with existing fine-grained visual classification approaches as a loss function, to further boost excellent performance with only slight training costs. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate consistent improvements achieved by our method on four widely-used fine-grained visual classification datasets. In particular, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the FGVC-Aircraft and CUB-200-2011 datasets.

new Every Pixel Has its Moments: Ultra-High-Resolution Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation via Dense Normalization

Authors: Ming-Yang Ho, Che-Ming Wu, Min-Sheng Wu, Yufeng Jane Tseng

Abstract: Recent advancements in ultra-high-resolution unpaired image-to-image translation have aimed to mitigate the constraints imposed by limited GPU memory through patch-wise inference. Nonetheless, existing methods often compromise between the reduction of noticeable tiling artifacts and the preservation of color and hue contrast, attributed to the reliance on global image- or patch-level statistics in the instance normalization layers. In this study, we introduce a Dense Normalization (DN) layer designed to estimate pixel-level statistical moments. This approach effectively diminishes tiling artifacts while concurrently preserving local color and hue contrasts. To address the computational demands of pixel-level estimation, we further propose an efficient interpolation algorithm. Moreover, we invent a parallelism strategy that enables the DN layer to operate in a single pass. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method surpasses all existing approaches in performance. Notably, our DN layer is hyperparameter-free and can be seamlessly integrated into most unpaired image-to-image translation frameworks without necessitating retraining. Overall, our work paves the way for future exploration in handling images of arbitrary resolutions within the realm of unpaired image-to-image translation. Code is available at:


new FeatureSORT: Essential Features for Effective Tracking

Authors: Hamidreza Hashempoor, Rosemary Koikara, Yu Dong Hwang

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a novel tracker designed for online multiple object tracking with a focus on being simple, while being effective. we provide multiple feature modules each of which stands for a particular appearance information. By integrating distinct appearance features, including clothing color, style, and target direction, alongside a ReID network for robust embedding extraction, our tracker significantly enhances online tracking accuracy. Additionally, we propose the incorporation of a stronger detector and also provide an advanced post processing methods that further elevate the tracker's performance. During real time operation, we establish measurement to track associated distance function which includes the IoU, direction, color, style, and ReID features similarity information, where each metric is calculated separately. With the design of our feature related distance function, it is possible to track objects through longer period of occlusions, while keeping the number of identity switches comparatively low. Extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates notable improvement in tracking accuracy and reliability, as evidenced by reduced identity switches and enhanced occlusion handling. These advancements not only contribute to the state of the art in object tracking but also open new avenues for future research and practical applications demanding high precision and reliability.

new Second Place Solution of WSDM2023 Toloka Visual Question Answering Challenge

Authors: Xiangyu Wu, Zhouyang Chi, Yang Yang, Jianfeng Lu

Abstract: In this paper, we present our solution for the WSDM2023 Toloka Visual Question Answering Challenge. Inspired by the application of multimodal pre-trained models to various downstream tasks(e.g., visual question answering, visual grounding, and cross-modal retrieval), we approached this competition as a visual grounding task, where the input is an image and a question, guiding the model to answer the question and display the answer as a bounding box on the image. We designed a three-stage solution for this task. Specifically, we used the visual-language pre-trained model OFA as the foundation. In the first stage, we constructed a large-scale synthetic dataset similar to the competition dataset and coarse-tuned the model to learn generalized semantic information. In the second stage, we treated the competition task as a visual grounding task, loaded the weights from the previous stage, and continued to fine-tune the model on the competition dataset, transferring the semantic information learned in the first stage to the competition task. Finally, we designed a bounding box matching and replacing post-processing strategy to correct the model's prediction results. Our team achieved a score of 76.342 on the final leaderboard, ranking second.

new Efficient Detection of Long Consistent Cycles and its Application to Distributed Synchronization

Authors: Shaohan Li, Yunpeng Shi, Gilad Lerman

Abstract: Group synchronization plays a crucial role in global pipelines for Structure from Motion (SfM). Its formulation is nonconvex and it is faced with highly corrupted measurements. Cycle consistency has been effective in addressing these challenges. However, computationally efficient solutions are needed for cycles longer than three, especially in practical scenarios where 3-cycles are unavailable. To overcome this computational bottleneck, we propose an algorithm for group synchronization that leverages information from cycles of lengths ranging from three to six with a time complexity of order $O(n^3)$ (or $O(n^{2.373})$ when using a faster matrix multiplication algorithm). We establish non-trivial theory for this and related methods that achieves competitive sample complexity, assuming the uniform corruption model. To advocate the practical need for our method, we consider distributed group synchronization, which requires at least 4-cycles, and we illustrate state-of-the-art performance by our method in this context.

new Parametric Curve Segment Extraction by Support Regions

Authors: Cem \"Unsalan

Abstract: We introduce a method to extract curve segments in parametric form from the image directly using the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filter response. Our segmentation gives convex and concave curves. To do so, we form curve support regions by grouping pixels of the thresholded filter response. Then, we model each support region boundary by Fourier series and extract the corresponding parametric curve segment.

new Variational Partial Group Convolutions for Input-Aware Partial Equivariance of Rotations and Color-Shifts

Authors: Hyunsu Kim, Yegon Kim, Hongseok Yang, Juho Lee

Abstract: Group Equivariant CNNs (G-CNNs) have shown promising efficacy in various tasks, owing to their ability to capture hierarchical features in an equivariant manner. However, their equivariance is fixed to the symmetry of the whole group, limiting adaptability to diverse partial symmetries in real-world datasets, such as limited rotation symmetry of handwritten digit images and limited color-shift symmetry of flower images. Recent efforts address this limitation, one example being Partial G-CNN which restricts the output group space of convolution layers to break full equivariance. However, such an approach still fails to adjust equivariance levels across data. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, Variational Partial G-CNN (VP G-CNN), to capture varying levels of partial equivariance specific to each data instance. VP G-CNN redesigns the distribution of the output group elements to be conditioned on input data, leveraging variational inference to avoid overfitting. This enables the model to adjust its equivariance levels according to the needs of individual data points. Additionally, we address training instability inherent in discrete group equivariance models by redesigning the reparametrizable distribution. We demonstrate the effectiveness of VP G-CNN on both toy and real-world datasets, including MNIST67-180, CIFAR10, ColorMNIST, and Flowers102. Our results show robust performance, even in uncertainty metrics.

new Fine-grained Dynamic Network for Generic Event Boundary Detection

Authors: Ziwei Zheng, Lijun He, Le Yang, Fan Li

Abstract: Generic event boundary detection (GEBD) aims at pinpointing event boundaries naturally perceived by humans, playing a crucial role in understanding long-form videos. Given the diverse nature of generic boundaries, spanning different video appearances, objects, and actions, this task remains challenging. Existing methods usually detect various boundaries by the same protocol, regardless of their distinctive characteristics and detection difficulties, resulting in suboptimal performance. Intuitively, a more intelligent and reasonable way is to adaptively detect boundaries by considering their special properties. In light of this, we propose a novel dynamic pipeline for generic event boundaries named DyBDet. By introducing a multi-exit network architecture, DyBDet automatically learns the subnet allocation to different video snippets, enabling fine-grained detection for various boundaries. Besides, a multi-order difference detector is also proposed to ensure generic boundaries can be effectively identified and adaptively processed. Extensive experiments on the challenging Kinetics-GEBD and TAPOS datasets demonstrate that adopting the dynamic strategy significantly benefits GEBD tasks, leading to obvious improvements in both performance and efficiency compared to the current state-of-the-art.

new Research, Applications and Prospects of Event-Based Pedestrian Detection: A Survey

Authors: Han Wang, Yuman Nie, Yun Li, Hongjie Liu, Min Liu, Wen Cheng, Yaoxiong Wang

Abstract: Event-based cameras, inspired by the biological retina, have evolved into cutting-edge sensors distinguished by their minimal power requirements, negligible latency, superior temporal resolution, and expansive dynamic range. At present, cameras used for pedestrian detection are mainly frame-based imaging sensors, which have suffered from lethargic response times and hefty data redundancy. In contrast, event-based cameras address these limitations by eschewing extraneous data transmissions and obviating motion blur in high-speed imaging scenarios. On pedestrian detection via event-based cameras, this paper offers an exhaustive review of research and applications particularly in the autonomous driving context. Through methodically scrutinizing relevant literature, the paper outlines the foundational principles, developmental trajectory, and the comparative merits and demerits of eventbased detection relative to traditional frame-based methodologies. This review conducts thorough analyses of various event stream inputs and their corresponding network models to evaluate their applicability across diverse operational environments. It also delves into pivotal elements such as crucial datasets and data acquisition techniques essential for advancing this technology, as well as advanced algorithms for processing event stream data. Culminating with a synthesis of the extant landscape, the review accentuates the unique advantages and persistent challenges inherent in event-based pedestrian detection, offering a prognostic view on potential future developments in this fast-progressing field.

new MARS: Paying more attention to visual attributes for text-based person search

Authors: Alex Ergasti, Tomaso Fontanini, Claudio Ferrari, Massimo Bertozzi, Andrea Prati

Abstract: Text-based person search (TBPS) is a problem that gained significant interest within the research community. The task is that of retrieving one or more images of a specific individual based on a textual description. The multi-modal nature of the task requires learning representations that bridge text and image data within a shared latent space. Existing TBPS systems face two major challenges. One is defined as inter-identity noise that is due to the inherent vagueness and imprecision of text descriptions and it indicates how descriptions of visual attributes can be generally associated to different people; the other is the intra-identity variations, which are all those nuisances e.g. pose, illumination, that can alter the visual appearance of the same textual attributes for a given subject. To address these issues, this paper presents a novel TBPS architecture named MARS (Mae-Attribute-Relation-Sensitive), which enhances current state-of-the-art models by introducing two key components: a Visual Reconstruction Loss and an Attribute Loss. The former employs a Masked AutoEncoder trained to reconstruct randomly masked image patches with the aid of the textual description. In doing so the model is encouraged to learn more expressive representations and textual-visual relations in the latent space. The Attribute Loss, instead, balances the contribution of different types of attributes, defined as adjective-noun chunks of text. This loss ensures that every attribute is taken into consideration in the person retrieval process. Extensive experiments on three commonly used datasets, namely CUHK-PEDES, ICFG-PEDES, and RSTPReid, report performance improvements, with significant gains in the mean Average Precision (mAP) metric w.r.t. the current state of the art.

new Towards Stable 3D Object Detection

Authors: Jiabao Wang, Qiang Meng, Guochao Liu, Liujiang Yan, Ke Wang, Ming-Ming Cheng, Qibin Hou

Abstract: In autonomous driving, the temporal stability of 3D object detection greatly impacts the driving safety. However, the detection stability cannot be accessed by existing metrics such as mAP and MOTA, and consequently is less explored by the community. To bridge this gap, this work proposes Stability Index (SI), a new metric that can comprehensively evaluate the stability of 3D detectors in terms of confidence, box localization, extent, and heading. By benchmarking state-of-the-art object detectors on the Waymo Open Dataset, SI reveals interesting properties of object stability that have not been previously discovered by other metrics. To help models improve their stability, we further introduce a general and effective training strategy, called Prediction Consistency Learning (PCL). PCL essentially encourages the prediction consistency of the same objects under different timestamps and augmentations, leading to enhanced detection stability. Furthermore, we examine the effectiveness of PCL with the widely-used CenterPoint, and achieve a remarkable SI of 86.00 for vehicle class, surpassing the baseline by 5.48. We hope our work could serve as a reliable baseline and draw the community's attention to this crucial issue in 3D object detection. Codes will be made publicly available.

new SSP-GNN: Learning to Track via Bilevel Optimization

Authors: Griffin Golias, Masa Nakura-Fan, Vitaly Ablavsky

Abstract: We propose a graph-based tracking formulation for multi-object tracking (MOT) where target detections contain kinematic information and re-identification features (attributes). Our method applies a successive shortest paths (SSP) algorithm to a tracking graph defined over a batch of frames. The edge costs in this tracking graph are computed via a message-passing network, a graph neural network (GNN) variant. The parameters of the GNN, and hence, the tracker, are learned end-to-end on a training set of example ground-truth tracks and detections. Specifically, learning takes the form of bilevel optimization guided by our novel loss function. We evaluate our algorithm on simulated scenarios to understand its sensitivity to scenario aspects and model hyperparameters. Across varied scenario complexities, our method compares favorably to a strong baseline.

new LMSeg: A deep graph message-passing network for efficient and accurate semantic segmentation of large-scale 3D landscape meshes

Authors: Zexian Huang, Kourosh Khoshelham, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Corporation, Martin Tomko

Abstract: Semantic segmentation of large-scale 3D landscape meshes is pivotal for various geospatial applications, including spatial analysis, automatic mapping and localization of target objects, and urban planning and development. This requires an efficient and accurate 3D perception system to understand and analyze real-world environments. However, traditional mesh segmentation methods face challenges in accurately segmenting small objects and maintaining computational efficiency due to the complexity and large size of 3D landscape mesh datasets. This paper presents an end-to-end deep graph message-passing network, LMSeg, designed to efficiently and accurately perform semantic segmentation on large-scale 3D landscape meshes. The proposed approach takes the barycentric dual graph of meshes as inputs and applies deep message-passing neural networks to hierarchically capture the geometric and spatial features from the barycentric graph structures and learn intricate semantic information from textured meshes. The hierarchical and local pooling of the barycentric graph, along with the effective geometry aggregation modules of LMSeg, enable fast inference and accurate segmentation of small-sized and irregular mesh objects in various complex landscapes. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets (natural and urban landscapes) demonstrate that LMSeg significantly outperforms existing learning-based segmentation methods in terms of object segmentation accuracy and computational efficiency. Furthermore, our method exhibits strong generalization capabilities across diverse landscapes and demonstrates robust resilience against varying mesh densities and landscape topologies.

new TF-SASM: Training-free Spatial-aware Sparse Memory for Multi-object Tracking

Authors: Thuc Nguyen-Quang, Minh-Triet Tran

Abstract: Multi-object tracking (MOT) in computer vision remains a significant challenge, requiring precise localization and continuous tracking of multiple objects in video sequences. This task is crucial for various applications, including action recognition and behavior analysis. Key challenges include occlusion, reidentification, tracking fast-moving objects, and handling camera motion artifacts. Past research has explored tracking-by-detection methods and end-to-end models, with recent attention on tracking-by-attention approaches leveraging transformer architectures. The emergence of data sets that emphasize robust reidentification, such as DanceTrack, has highlighted the need for effective solutions. While memory-based approaches have shown promise, they often suffer from high computational complexity and memory usage. We propose a novel sparse memory approach that selectively stores critical features based on object motion and overlapping awareness, aiming to enhance efficiency while minimizing redundancy. Building upon the MOTRv2 model, a hybrid of tracking-by-attention and tracking-by-detection, we introduce a training-free memory designed to bolster reidentification capabilities and preserve the model's flexibility. Our memory approach achieves significant improvements over MOTRv2 in the DanceTrack test set, demonstrating a gain of 1.1\% in HOTA metrics and 2.1\% in IDF1 score.

new Learning Geometric Invariant Features for Classification of Vector Polygons with Graph Message-passing Neural Network

Authors: Zexian Huang, Kourosh Khoshelham, Martin Tomko

Abstract: Geometric shape classification of vector polygons remains a non-trivial learning task in spatial analysis. Previous studies mainly focus on devising deep learning approaches for representation learning of rasterized vector polygons, whereas the study of discrete representations of polygons and subsequent deep learning approaches have not been fully investigated. In this study, we investigate a graph representation of vector polygons and propose a novel graph message-passing neural network (PolyMP) to learn the geometric-invariant features for shape classification of polygons. Through extensive experiments, we show that the graph representation of polygons combined with a permutation-invariant graph message-passing neural network achieves highly robust performances on benchmark datasets (i.e., synthetic glyph and real-world building footprint datasets) as compared to baseline methods. We demonstrate that the proposed graph-based PolyMP network enables the learning of expressive geometric features invariant to geometric transformations of polygons (i.e., translation, rotation, scaling and shearing) and is robust to trivial vertex removals of polygons. We further show the strong generalizability of PolyMP, which enables generalizing the learned geometric features from the synthetic glyph polygons to the real-world building footprints.

new CanonicalFusion: Generating Drivable 3D Human Avatars from Multiple Images

Authors: Jisu Shin, Junmyeong Lee, Seongmin Lee, Min-Gyu Park, Ju-Mi Kang, Ju Hong Yoon, Hae-Gon Jeon

Abstract: We present a novel framework for reconstructing animatable human avatars from multiple images, termed CanonicalFusion. Our central concept involves integrating individual reconstruction results into the canonical space. To be specific, we first predict Linear Blend Skinning (LBS) weight maps and depth maps using a shared-encoder-dual-decoder network, enabling direct canonicalization of the 3D mesh from the predicted depth maps. Here, instead of predicting high-dimensional skinning weights, we infer compressed skinning weights, i.e., 3-dimensional vector, with the aid of pre-trained MLP networks. We also introduce a forward skinning-based differentiable rendering scheme to merge the reconstructed results from multiple images. This scheme refines the initial mesh by reposing the canonical mesh via the forward skinning and by minimizing photometric and geometric errors between the rendered and the predicted results. Our optimization scheme considers the position and color of vertices as well as the joint angles for each image, thereby mitigating the negative effects of pose errors. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and compare our CanonicalFusion with state-of-the-art methods. Our source codes are available at


new MobileFlow: A Multimodal LLM For Mobile GUI Agent

Authors: Songqin Nong, Jiali Zhu, Rui Wu, Jiongchao Jin, Shuo Shan, Xiutian Huang, Wenhao Xu

Abstract: Currently, the integration of mobile Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) is ubiquitous in most people's daily lives. And the ongoing evolution of multimodal large-scale models, such as GPT-4v, Qwen-VL-Max, has significantly bolstered the capabilities of GUI comprehension and user action analysis, showcasing the potentiality of intelligent GUI assistants. However, current GUI Agents often need to access page layout information through calling system APIs, which may pose privacy risks. Fixing GUI (such as mobile interfaces) to a certain low resolution might result in the loss of fine-grained image details. At the same time, the multimodal large models built for GUI Agents currently have poor understanding and decision-making abilities for Chinese GUI interfaces, making them difficult to apply to a large number of Chinese apps. This paper introduces MobileFlow, a multimodal large language model meticulously crafted for mobile GUI agents. Transforming from the open-source model Qwen-VL-Chat into GUI domain, MobileFlow contains approximately 21 billion parameters and is equipped with novel hybrid visual encoders, making it possible for variable resolutions of image inputs and good support for multilingual GUI. By incorporating Mixture of Experts (MoE) expansions and pioneering alignment training strategies, MobileFlow has the capacity to fully interpret image data and comprehend user instructions for GUI interaction tasks. Finally, MobileFlow outperforms Qwen-VL-Max and GPT-4v in terms of task execution by GUI agents on both public and our proposed evaluation metrics, and has been successfully deployed in real-world business contexts, proving its effectiveness for practical applications.

new Data-Driven Tissue- and Subject-Specific Elastic Regularization for Medical Image Registration

Authors: Anna Reithmeir, Lina Felsner, Rickmer Braren, Julia A. Schnabel, Veronika A. Zimmer

Abstract: Physics-inspired regularization is desired for intra-patient image registration since it can effectively capture the biomechanical characteristics of anatomical structures. However, a major challenge lies in the reliance on physical parameters: Parameter estimations vary widely across the literature, and the physical properties themselves are inherently subject-specific. In this work, we introduce a novel data-driven method that leverages hypernetworks to learn the tissue-dependent elasticity parameters of an elastic regularizer. Notably, our approach facilitates the estimation of patient-specific parameters without the need to retrain the network. We evaluate our method on three publicly available 2D and 3D lung CT and cardiac MR datasets. We find that with our proposed subject-specific tissue-dependent regularization, a higher registration quality is achieved across all datasets compared to using a global regularizer. The code is available at


new Shape Prior Segmentation Guided by Harmonic Beltrami Signature

Authors: Chenran Lin, Lok Ming Lui

Abstract: This paper presents a novel shape prior segmentation method guided by the Harmonic Beltrami Signature (HBS). The HBS is a shape representation fully capturing 2D simply connected shapes, exhibiting resilience against perturbations and invariance to translation, rotation, and scaling. The proposed method integrates the HBS within a quasi-conformal topology preserving segmentation framework, leveraging shape prior knowledge to significantly enhance segmentation performance, especially for low-quality or occluded images. The key innovation lies in the bifurcation of the optimization process into two iterative stages: 1) The computation of a quasi-conformal deformation map, which transforms the unit disk into the targeted segmentation area, driven by image data and other regularization terms; 2) The subsequent refinement of this map is contingent upon minimizing the $L_2$ distance between its Beltrami coefficient and the reference HBS. This shape-constrained refinement ensures that the segmentation adheres to the reference shape(s) by exploiting the inherent invariance, robustness, and discerning shape discriminative capabilities afforded by the HBS. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world images validate the method's ability to improve segmentation accuracy over baselines, eliminate preprocessing requirements, resist noise corruption, and flexibly acquire and apply shape priors. Overall, the HBS segmentation framework offers an efficient strategy to robustly incorporate the shape prior knowledge, thereby advancing critical low-level vision tasks.

new Towards Context-aware Support for Color Vision Deficiency: An Approach Integrating LLM and AR

Authors: Shogo Morita, Yan Zhang, Takuto Yamauchi, Sinan Chen, Jialong Li, Kenji Tei

Abstract: People with color vision deficiency often face challenges in distinguishing colors such as red and green, which can complicate daily tasks and require the use of assistive tools or environmental adjustments. Current support tools mainly focus on presentation-based aids, like the color vision modes found in iPhone accessibility settings. However, offering context-aware support, like indicating the doneness of meat, remains a challenge since task-specific solutions are not cost-effective for all possible scenarios. To address this, our paper proposes an application that provides contextual and autonomous assistance. This application is mainly composed of: (i) an augmented reality interface that efficiently captures context; and (ii) a multi-modal large language model-based reasoner that serves to cognitize the context and then reason about the appropriate support contents. Preliminary user experiments with two color vision deficient users across five different scenarios have demonstrated the effectiveness and universality of our application.

new ZARRIO @ Ego4D Short Term Object Interaction Anticipation Challenge: Leveraging Affordances and Attention-based models for STA

Authors: Lorenzo Mur-Labadia, Ruben Martinez-Cantin, Josechu Guerrero-Campo, Giovanni Maria Farinella

Abstract: Short-Term object-interaction Anticipation (STA) consists of detecting the location of the next-active objects, the noun and verb categories of the interaction, and the time to contact from the observation of egocentric video. We propose STAformer, a novel attention-based architecture integrating frame-guided temporal pooling, dual image-video attention, and multi-scale feature fusion to support STA predictions from an image-input video pair. Moreover, we introduce two novel modules to ground STA predictions on human behavior by modeling affordances. First, we integrate an environment affordance model which acts as a persistent memory of interactions that can take place in a given physical scene. Second, we predict interaction hotspots from the observation of hands and object trajectories, increasing confidence in STA predictions localized around the hotspot. On the test set, our results obtain a final 33.5 N mAP, 17.25 N+V mAP, 11.77 N+{\delta} mAP and 6.75 Overall top-5 mAP metric when trained on the v2 training dataset.

new Multi-Branch Auxiliary Fusion YOLO with Re-parameterization Heterogeneous Convolutional for accurate object detection

Authors: Zhiqiang Yang, Qiu Guan, Keer Zhao, Jianmin Yang, Xinli Xu, Haixia Long, Ying Tang

Abstract: Due to the effective performance of multi-scale feature fusion, Path Aggregation FPN (PAFPN) is widely employed in YOLO detectors. However, it cannot efficiently and adaptively integrate high-level semantic information with low-level spatial information simultaneously. We propose a new model named MAF-YOLO in this paper, which is a novel object detection framework with a versatile neck named Multi-Branch Auxiliary FPN (MAFPN). Within MAFPN, the Superficial Assisted Fusion (SAF) module is designed to combine the output of the backbone with the neck, preserving an optimal level of shallow information to facilitate subsequent learning. Meanwhile, the Advanced Assisted Fusion (AAF) module deeply embedded within the neck conveys a more diverse range of gradient information to the output layer. Furthermore, our proposed Re-parameterized Heterogeneous Efficient Layer Aggregation Network (RepHELAN) module ensures that both the overall model architecture and convolutional design embrace the utilization of heterogeneous large convolution kernels. Therefore, this guarantees the preservation of information related to small targets while simultaneously achieving the multi-scale receptive field. Finally, taking the nano version of MAF-YOLO for example, it can achieve 42.4% AP on COCO with only 3.76M learnable parameters and 10.51G FLOPs, and approximately outperforms YOLOv8n by about 5.1%. The source code of this work is available at:


new Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Adversarial Attack Detection

Authors: Yi Li, Plamen Angelov, Neeraj Suri

Abstract: Supervised learning-based adversarial attack detection methods rely on a large number of labeled data and suffer significant performance degradation when applying the trained model to new domains. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised representation learning framework for the adversarial attack detection task to address this drawback. Firstly, we map the pixels of augmented input images into an embedding space. Then, we employ the prototype-wise contrastive estimation loss to cluster prototypes as latent variables. Additionally, drawing inspiration from the concept of memory banks, we introduce a discrimination bank to distinguish and learn representations for each individual instance that shares the same or a similar prototype, establishing a connection between instances and their associated prototypes. We propose a parallel axial-attention (PAA)-based encoder to facilitate the training process by parallel training over height- and width-axis of attention maps. Experimental results show that, compared to various benchmark self-supervised vision learning models and supervised adversarial attack detection methods, the proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the adversarial attack detection task across a wide range of images.

new Unsupervised Learning of Category-Level 3D Pose from Object-Centric Videos

Authors: Leonhard Sommer, Artur Jesslen, Eddy Ilg, Adam Kortylewski

Abstract: Category-level 3D pose estimation is a fundamentally important problem in computer vision and robotics, e.g. for embodied agents or to train 3D generative models. However, so far methods that estimate the category-level object pose require either large amounts of human annotations, CAD models or input from RGB-D sensors. In contrast, we tackle the problem of learning to estimate the category-level 3D pose only from casually taken object-centric videos without human supervision. We propose a two-step pipeline: First, we introduce a multi-view alignment procedure that determines canonical camera poses across videos with a novel and robust cyclic distance formulation for geometric and appearance matching using reconstructed coarse meshes and DINOv2 features. In a second step, the canonical poses and reconstructed meshes enable us to train a model for 3D pose estimation from a single image. In particular, our model learns to estimate dense correspondences between images and a prototypical 3D template by predicting, for each pixel in a 2D image, a feature vector of the corresponding vertex in the template mesh. We demonstrate that our method outperforms all baselines at the unsupervised alignment of object-centric videos by a large margin and provides faithful and robust predictions in-the-wild. Our code and data is available at


new Graph-Guided Test-Time Adaptation for Glaucoma Diagnosis using Fundus Photography

Authors: Qian Zeng, Fan Zhang

Abstract: Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. While deep learning approaches using fundus images have largely improved early diagnosis of glaucoma, variations in images from different devices and locations (known as domain shifts) challenge the use of pre-trained models in real-world settings. To address this, we propose a novel Graph-guided Test-Time Adaptation (GTTA) framework to generalize glaucoma diagnosis models to unseen test environments. GTTA integrates the topological information of fundus images into the model training, enhancing the model's transferability and reducing the risk of learning spurious correlation. During inference, GTTA introduces a novel test-time training objective to make the source-trained classifier progressively adapt to target patterns with reliable class conditional estimation and consistency regularization. Experiments on cross-domain glaucoma diagnosis benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of the overall framework and individual components under different backbone networks.

new Multi-modal Masked Siamese Network Improves Chest X-Ray Representation Learning

Authors: Saeed Shurrab, Alejandro Guerra-Manzanares, Farah E. Shamout

Abstract: Self-supervised learning methods for medical images primarily rely on the imaging modality during pretraining. While such approaches deliver promising results, they do not leverage associated patient or scan information collected within Electronic Health Records (EHR). Here, we propose to incorporate EHR data during self-supervised pretraining with a Masked Siamese Network (MSN) to enhance the quality of chest X-ray representations. We investigate three types of EHR data, including demographic, scan metadata, and inpatient stay information. We evaluate our approach on three publicly available chest X-ray datasets, MIMIC-CXR, CheXpert, and NIH-14, using two vision transformer (ViT) backbones, specifically ViT-Tiny and ViT-Small. In assessing the quality of the representations via linear evaluation, our proposed method demonstrates significant improvement compared to vanilla MSN and state-of-the-art self-supervised learning baselines. Our work highlights the potential of EHR-enhanced self-supervised pre-training for medical imaging. The code is publicly available at:


new Robust Multimodal Learning via Representation Decoupling

Authors: Shicai Wei, Yang Luo, Yuji Wang, Chunbo Luo

Abstract: Multimodal learning robust to missing modality has attracted increasing attention due to its practicality. Existing methods tend to address it by learning a common subspace representation for different modality combinations. However, we reveal that they are sub-optimal due to their implicit constraint on intra-class representation. Specifically, the sample with different modalities within the same class will be forced to learn representations in the same direction. This hinders the model from capturing modality-specific information, resulting in insufficient learning. To this end, we propose a novel Decoupled Multimodal Representation Network (DMRNet) to assist robust multimodal learning. Specifically, DMRNet models the input from different modality combinations as a probabilistic distribution instead of a fixed point in the latent space, and samples embeddings from the distribution for the prediction module to calculate the task loss. As a result, the direction constraint from the loss minimization is blocked by the sampled representation. This relaxes the constraint on the inference representation and enables the model to capture the specific information for different modality combinations. Furthermore, we introduce a hard combination regularizer to prevent DMRNet from unbalanced training by guiding it to pay more attention to hard modality combinations. Finally, extensive experiments on multimodal classification and segmentation tasks demonstrate that the proposed DMRNet outperforms the state-of-the-art significantly.

new VCD-Texture: Variance Alignment based 3D-2D Co-Denoising for Text-Guided Texturing

Authors: Shang Liu, Chaohui Yu, Chenjie Cao, Wen Qian, Fan Wang

Abstract: Recent research on texture synthesis for 3D shapes benefits a lot from dramatically developed 2D text-to-image diffusion models, including inpainting-based and optimization-based approaches. However, these methods ignore the modal gap between the 2D diffusion model and 3D objects, which primarily render 3D objects into 2D images and texture each image separately. In this paper, we revisit the texture synthesis and propose a Variance alignment based 3D-2D Collaborative Denoising framework, dubbed VCD-Texture, to address these issues. Formally, we first unify both 2D and 3D latent feature learning in diffusion self-attention modules with re-projected 3D attention receptive fields. Subsequently, the denoised multi-view 2D latent features are aggregated into 3D space and then rasterized back to formulate more consistent 2D predictions. However, the rasterization process suffers from an intractable variance bias, which is theoretically addressed by the proposed variance alignment, achieving high-fidelity texture synthesis. Moreover, we present an inpainting refinement to further improve the details with conflicting regions. Notably, there is not a publicly available benchmark to evaluate texture synthesis, which hinders its development. Thus we construct a new evaluation set built upon three open-source 3D datasets and propose to use four metrics to thoroughly validate the texturing performance. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that VCD-Texture achieves superior performance against other counterparts.

new Rethinking Data Input for Point Cloud Upsampling

Authors: Tongxu Zhang

Abstract: In recent years, point cloud upsampling has been widely applied in fields such as 3D reconstruction and surface generation. However, existing point cloud upsampling inputs are all patch based, and there is no research discussing the differences and principles between point cloud model full input and patch based input. In order to compare with patch based point cloud input, this article proposes a new data input method, which divides the full point cloud model to ensure shape integrity while training PU-GCN. This article was validated on the PU1K and ABC datasets, but the results showed that Patch based performance is better than model based full input i.e. Average Segment input. Therefore, this article explores the data input factors and model modules that affect the upsampling results of point clouds.

new Optimizing the image correction pipeline for pedestrian detection in the thermal-infrared domain

Authors: Christophe Karam, Jessy Matias, Xavier Breniere, Jocelyn Chanussot

Abstract: Infrared imagery can help in low-visibility situations such as fog and low-light scenarios, but it is prone to thermal noise and requires further processing and correction. This work studies the effect of different infrared processing pipelines on the performance of a pedestrian detection in an urban environment, similar to autonomous driving scenarios. Detection on infrared images is shown to outperform that on visible images, but the infrared correction pipeline is crucial since the models cannot extract information from raw infrared images. Two thermal correction pipelines are studied, the shutter and the shutterless pipes. Experiments show that some correction algorithms like spatial denoising are detrimental to performance even if they increase visual quality for a human observer. Other algorithms like destriping and, to a lesser extent, temporal denoising, increase computational time, but have some role to play in increasing detection accuracy. As it stands, the optimal trade-off for speed and accuracy is simply to use the shutterless pipe with a tonemapping algorithm only, for autonomous driving applications within varied environments.

new Dude: Dual Distribution-Aware Context Prompt Learning For Large Vision-Language Model

Authors: Duy M. H. Nguyen, An T. Le, Trung Q. Nguyen, Nghiem T. Diep, Tai Nguyen, Duy Duong-Tran, Jan Peters, Li Shen, Mathias Niepert, Daniel Sonntag

Abstract: Prompt learning methods are gaining increasing attention due to their ability to customize large vision-language models to new domains using pre-trained contextual knowledge and minimal training data. However, existing works typically rely on optimizing unified prompt inputs, often struggling with fine-grained classification tasks due to insufficient discriminative attributes. To tackle this, we consider a new framework based on a dual context of both domain-shared and class-specific contexts, where the latter is generated by Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPTs. Such dual prompt methods enhance the model's feature representation by joining implicit and explicit factors encoded in LLM knowledge. Moreover, we formulate the Unbalanced Optimal Transport (UOT) theory to quantify the relationships between constructed prompts and visual tokens. Through partial matching, UOT can properly align discrete sets of visual tokens and prompt embeddings under different mass distributions, which is particularly valuable for handling irrelevant or noisy elements, ensuring that the preservation of mass does not restrict transport solutions. Furthermore, UOT's characteristics integrate seamlessly with image augmentation, expanding the training sample pool while maintaining a reasonable distance between perturbed images and prompt inputs. Extensive experiments across few-shot classification and adapter settings substantiate the superiority of our model over current state-of-the-art baselines.

new Micro-gesture Online Recognition using Learnable Query Points

Authors: Pengyu Liu, Fei Wang, Kun Li, Guoliang Chen, Yanyan Wei, Shengeng Tang, Zhiliang Wu, Dan Guo

Abstract: In this paper, we briefly introduce the solution developed by our team, HFUT-VUT, for the Micro-gesture Online Recognition track in the MiGA challenge at IJCAI 2024. The Micro-gesture Online Recognition task involves identifying the category and locating the start and end times of micro-gestures in video clips. Compared to the typical Temporal Action Detection task, the Micro-gesture Online Recognition task focuses more on distinguishing between micro-gestures and pinpointing the start and end times of actions. Our solution ranks 2nd in the Micro-gesture Online Recognition track.

new Segment Any 4D Gaussians

Authors: Shengxiang Ji, Guanjun Wu, Jiemin Fang, Jiazhong Cen, Taoran Yi, Wenyu Liu, Qi Tian, Xinggang Wang

Abstract: Modeling, understanding, and reconstructing the real world are crucial in XR/VR. Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) methods have shown remarkable success in modeling and understanding 3D scenes. Similarly, various 4D representations have demonstrated the ability to capture the dynamics of the 4D world. However, there is a dearth of research focusing on segmentation within 4D representations. In this paper, we propose Segment Any 4D Gaussians (SA4D), one of the first frameworks to segment anything in the 4D digital world based on 4D Gaussians. In SA4D, an efficient temporal identity feature field is introduced to handle Gaussian drifting, with the potential to learn precise identity features from noisy and sparse input. Additionally, a 4D segmentation refinement process is proposed to remove artifacts. Our SA4D achieves precise, high-quality segmentation within seconds in 4D Gaussians and shows the ability to remove, recolor, compose, and render high-quality anything masks. More demos are available at:


new Hyperspectral Dataset and Deep Learning methods for Waste from Electric and Electronic Equipment Identification (WEEE)

Authors: Artzai Picon, Pablo Galan, Arantza Bereciartua-Perez, Leire Benito-del-Valle

Abstract: Hyperspectral imaging, a rapidly evolving field, has witnessed the ascendancy of deep learning techniques, supplanting classical feature extraction and classification methods in various applications. However, many researchers employ arbitrary architectures for hyperspectral image processing, often without rigorous analysis of the interplay between spectral and spatial information. This oversight neglects the implications of combining these two modalities on model performance. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of diverse deep learning architectures for hyperspectral image segmentation. Our analysis disentangles the impact of different architectures, spanning various spectral and spatial granularities. Specifically, we investigate the effects of spectral resolution (capturing spectral information) and spatial texture (conveying spatial details) on segmentation outcomes. Additionally, we explore the transferability of knowledge from large pre-trained image foundation models, originally designed for RGB images, to the hyperspectral domain. Results show that incorporating spatial information alongside spectral data leads to improved segmentation results, and that it is essential to further work on novel architectures comprising spectral and spatial information and on the adaption of RGB foundation models into the hyperspectral domain. Furthermore, we contribute to the field by cleaning and publicly releasing the Tecnalia WEEE Hyperspectral dataset. This dataset contains different non-ferrous fractions of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), including Copper, Brass, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, and White Copper, spanning the range of 400 to 1000 nm. We expect these conclusions can guide novel researchers in the field of hyperspectral imaging.

new LayerShuffle: Enhancing Robustness in Vision Transformers by Randomizing Layer Execution Order

Authors: Matthias Freiberger, Peter Kun, Anders Sundnes L{\o}vlie, Sebastian Risi

Abstract: Due to their architecture and how they are trained, artificial neural networks are typically not robust toward pruning, replacing, or shuffling layers at test time. However, such properties would be desirable for different applications, such as distributed neural network architectures where the order of execution cannot be guaranteed or parts of the network can fail during inference. In this work, we address these issues through a number of proposed training approaches for vision transformers whose most important component is randomizing the execution order of attention modules at training time. We show that with our proposed approaches, vision transformers are indeed capable to adapt to arbitrary layer execution orders at test time assuming one tolerates a reduction (about 20\%) in accuracy at the same model size. We also find that our trained models can be randomly merged with each other resulting in functional ("Frankenstein") models without loss of performance compared to the source models. Finally, we layer-prune our models at test time and find that their performance declines gracefully.

new Success or Failure? Analyzing Segmentation Refinement with Few-Shot Segmentation

Authors: Seonghyeon Moon, Haein Kong, Muhammad Haris Khan

Abstract: The purpose of segmentation refinement is to enhance the initial coarse masks generated by segmentation algorithms. The refined masks are expected to capture the details and contours of the target objects. Research on segmentation refinement has developed as a response to the need for high-quality initial masks. However, to our knowledge, no method has been developed that can determine the success of segmentation refinement. Such a method could ensure the reliability of segmentation in applications where the outcome of the segmentation is important, and fosters innovation in image processing technologies. To address this research gap, we propose JFS~(Judging From Support-set), a method to identify the success of segmentation refinement leveraging a few-shot segmentation (FSS) model. The traditional goal of the problem in FSS is to find a target object in a query image utilizing target information given by a support set. However, in our proposed method, we use the FSS network in a novel way to assess the segmentation refinement. When there are two masks, a coarse mask and a refined mask from segmentation refinement, these two masks become support masks. The existing support mask works as a ground truth mask to judge whether the quality of the refined segmentation is more accurate than the coarse mask. We first obtained a coarse mask and refined it using SEPL (SAM Enhanced Pseduo-Labels) to get the two masks. Then, these become input to FSS model to judge whether the post-processing was successful. JFS is evaluated on the best and worst cases from SEPL to validate its effectiveness. The results showed that JFS can determine whether the SEPL is a success or not.

new PDiscoFormer: Relaxing Part Discovery Constraints with Vision Transformers

Authors: Ananthu Aniraj, Cassio F. Dantas, Dino Ienco, Diego Marcos

Abstract: Computer vision methods that explicitly detect object parts and reason on them are a step towards inherently interpretable models. Existing approaches that perform part discovery driven by a fine-grained classification task make very restrictive assumptions on the geometric properties of the discovered parts; they should be small and compact. Although this prior is useful in some cases, in this paper we show that pre-trained transformer-based vision models, such as self-supervised DINOv2 ViT, enable the relaxation of these constraints. In particular, we find that a total variation (TV) prior, which allows for multiple connected components of any size, substantially outperforms previous work. We test our approach on three fine-grained classification benchmarks: CUB, PartImageNet and Oxford Flowers, and compare our results to previously published methods as well as a re-implementation of the state-of-the-art method PDiscoNet with a transformer-based backbone. We consistently obtain substantial improvements across the board, both on part discovery metrics and the downstream classification task, showing that the strong inductive biases in self-supervised ViT models require to rethink the geometric priors that can be used for unsupervised part discovery.

new Gaussian Eigen Models for Human Heads

Authors: Wojciech Zielonka, Timo Bolkart, Thabo Beeler, Justus Thies

Abstract: We present personalized Gaussian Eigen Models (GEMs) for human heads, a novel method that compresses dynamic 3D Gaussians into low-dimensional linear spaces. Our approach is inspired by the seminal work of Blanz and Vetter, where a mesh-based 3D morphable model (3DMM) is constructed from registered meshes. Based on dynamic 3D Gaussians, we create a lower-dimensional representation of primitives that applies to most 3DGS head avatars. Specifically, we propose a universal method to distill the appearance of a mesh-controlled UNet Gaussian avatar using an ensemble of linear eigenbasis. We replace heavy CNN-based architectures with a single linear layer improving speed and enabling a range of real-time downstream applications. To create a particular facial expression, one simply needs to perform a dot product between the eigen coefficients and the distilled basis. This efficient method removes the requirement for an input mesh during testing, enhancing simplicity and speed in expression generation. This process is highly efficient and supports real-time rendering on everyday devices, leveraging the effectiveness of standard Gaussian Splatting. In addition, we demonstrate how the GEM can be controlled using a ResNet-based regression architecture. We show and compare self-reenactment and cross-person reenactment to state-of-the-art 3D avatar methods, demonstrating higher quality and better control. A real-time demo showcases the applicability of the GEM representation.

new Real Time Emotion Analysis Using Deep Learning for Education, Entertainment, and Beyond

Authors: Abhilash Khuntia, Shubham Kale

Abstract: The significance of emotion detection is increasing in education, entertainment, and various other domains. We are developing a system that can identify and transform facial expressions into emojis to provide immediate feedback.The project consists of two components. Initially, we will employ sophisticated image processing techniques and neural networks to construct a deep learning model capable of precisely categorising facial expressions. Next, we will develop a basic application that records live video using the camera on your device. The app will utilise a sophisticated model to promptly analyse facial expressions and promptly exhibit corresponding emojis.Our objective is to develop a dynamic tool that integrates deep learning and real-time video processing for the purposes of online education, virtual events, gaming, and enhancing user experience. This tool enhances interactions and introduces novel emotional intelligence technologies.

new SH17: A Dataset for Human Safety and Personal Protective Equipment Detection in Manufacturing Industry

Authors: Hafiz Mughees Ahmad, Afshin Rahimi

Abstract: Workplace accidents continue to pose significant risks for human safety, particularly in industries such as construction and manufacturing, and the necessity for effective Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) compliance has become increasingly paramount. Our research focuses on the development of non-invasive techniques based on the Object Detection (OD) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to detect and verify the proper use of various types of PPE such as helmets, safety glasses, masks, and protective clothing. This study proposes the SH17 Dataset, consisting of 8,099 annotated images containing 75,994 instances of 17 classes collected from diverse industrial environments, to train and validate the OD models. We have trained state-of-the-art OD models for benchmarking, and initial results demonstrate promising accuracy levels with You Only Look Once (YOLO)v9-e model variant exceeding 70.9% in PPE detection. The performance of the model validation on cross-domain datasets suggests that integrating these technologies can significantly improve safety management systems, providing a scalable and efficient solution for industries striving to meet human safety regulations and protect their workforce. The dataset is available at


new Smell and Emotion: Recognising emotions in smell-related artworks

Authors: Vishal Patoliya, Mathias Zinnen, Andreas Maier, Vincent Christlein

Abstract: Emotions and smell are underrepresented in digital art history. In this exploratory work, we show that recognising emotions from smell-related artworks is technically feasible but has room for improvement. Using style transfer and hyperparameter optimization we achieve a minor performance boost and open up the field for future extensions.

new Feature Attenuation of Defective Representation Can Resolve Incomplete Masking on Anomaly Detection

Authors: YeongHyeon Park, Sungho Kang, Myung Jin Kim, Hyeong Seok Kim, Juneho Yi

Abstract: In unsupervised anomaly detection (UAD) research, while state-of-the-art models have reached a saturation point with extensive studies on public benchmark datasets, they adopt large-scale tailor-made neural networks (NN) for detection performance or pursued unified models for various tasks. Towards edge computing, it is necessary to develop a computationally efficient and scalable solution that avoids large-scale complex NNs. Motivated by this, we aim to optimize the UAD performance with minimal changes to NN settings. Thus, we revisit the reconstruction-by-inpainting approach and rethink to improve it by analyzing strengths and weaknesses. The strength of the SOTA methods is a single deterministic masking approach that addresses the challenges of random multiple masking that is inference latency and output inconsistency. Nevertheless, the issue of failure to provide a mask to completely cover anomalous regions is a remaining weakness. To mitigate this issue, we propose Feature Attenuation of Defective Representation (FADeR) that only employs two MLP layers which attenuates feature information of anomaly reconstruction during decoding. By leveraging FADeR, features of unseen anomaly patterns are reconstructed into seen normal patterns, reducing false alarms. Experimental results demonstrate that FADeR achieves enhanced performance compared to similar-scale NNs. Furthermore, our approach exhibits scalability in performance enhancement when integrated with other single deterministic masking methods in a plug-and-play manner.

new AWT: Transferring Vision-Language Models via Augmentation, Weighting, and Transportation

Authors: Yuhan Zhu, Yuyang Ji, Zhiyu Zhao, Gangshan Wu, Limin Wang

Abstract: Pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) have shown impressive results in various visual classification tasks. However, we often fail to fully unleash their potential when adapting them for new concept understanding due to limited information on new classes. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel adaptation framework, AWT (Augment, Weight, then Transport). AWT comprises three key components: augmenting inputs with diverse visual perspectives and enriched class descriptions through image transformations and language models; dynamically weighting inputs based on the prediction entropy; and employing optimal transport to mine semantic correlations in the vision-language space. AWT can be seamlessly integrated into various VLMs, enhancing their zero-shot capabilities without additional training and facilitating few-shot learning through an integrated multimodal adapter module. We verify AWT in multiple challenging scenarios, including zero-shot and few-shot image classification, zero-shot video action recognition, and out-of-distribution generalization. AWT consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in each setting. In addition, our extensive studies further demonstrate AWT's effectiveness and adaptability across different VLMs, architectures, and scales.

new PartCraft: Crafting Creative Objects by Parts

Authors: Kam Woh Ng, Xiatian Zhu, Yi-Zhe Song, Tao Xiang

Abstract: This paper propels creative control in generative visual AI by allowing users to "select". Departing from traditional text or sketch-based methods, we for the first time allow users to choose visual concepts by parts for their creative endeavors. The outcome is fine-grained generation that precisely captures selected visual concepts, ensuring a holistically faithful and plausible result. To achieve this, we first parse objects into parts through unsupervised feature clustering. Then, we encode parts into text tokens and introduce an entropy-based normalized attention loss that operates on them. This loss design enables our model to learn generic prior topology knowledge about object's part composition, and further generalize to novel part compositions to ensure the generation looks holistically faithful. Lastly, we employ a bottleneck encoder to project the part tokens. This not only enhances fidelity but also accelerates learning, by leveraging shared knowledge and facilitating information exchange among instances. Visual results in the paper and supplementary material showcase the compelling power of PartCraft in crafting highly customized, innovative creations, exemplified by the "charming" and creative birds. Code is released at


new Isomorphic Pruning for Vision Models

Authors: Gongfan Fang, Xinyin Ma, Michael Bi Mi, Xinchao Wang

Abstract: Structured pruning reduces the computational overhead of deep neural networks by removing redundant sub-structures. However, assessing the relative importance of different sub-structures remains a significant challenge, particularly in advanced vision models featuring novel mechanisms and architectures like self-attention, depth-wise convolutions, or residual connections. These heterogeneous substructures usually exhibit diverged parameter scales, weight distributions, and computational topology, introducing considerable difficulty to importance comparison. To overcome this, we present Isomorphic Pruning, a simple approach that demonstrates effectiveness across a range of network architectures such as Vision Transformers and CNNs, and delivers competitive performance across different model sizes. Isomorphic Pruning originates from an observation that, when evaluated under a pre-defined importance criterion, heterogeneous sub-structures demonstrate significant divergence in their importance distribution, as opposed to isomorphic structures that present similar importance patterns. This inspires us to perform isolated ranking and comparison on different types of sub-structures for more reliable pruning. Our empirical results on ImageNet-1K demonstrate that Isomorphic Pruning surpasses several pruning baselines dedicatedly designed for Transformers or CNNs. For instance, we improve the accuracy of DeiT-Tiny from 74.52% to 77.50% by pruning an off-the-shelf DeiT-Base model. And for ConvNext-Tiny, we enhanced performance from 82.06% to 82.18%, while reducing the number of parameters and memory usage. Code is available at \url{}.


new CountGD: Multi-Modal Open-World Counting

Authors: Niki Amini-Naieni, Tengda Han, Andrew Zisserman

Abstract: The goal of this paper is to improve the generality and accuracy of open-vocabulary object counting in images. To improve the generality, we repurpose an open-vocabulary detection foundation model (GroundingDINO) for the counting task, and also extend its capabilities by introducing modules to enable specifying the target object to count by visual exemplars. In turn, these new capabilities - being able to specify the target object by multi-modalites (text and exemplars) - lead to an improvement in counting accuracy. We make three contributions: First, we introduce the first open-world counting model, CountGD, where the prompt can be specified by a text description or visual exemplars or both; Second, we show that the performance of the model significantly improves the state of the art on multiple counting benchmarks - when using text only, CountGD is comparable to or outperforms all previous text-only works, and when using both text and visual exemplars, we outperform all previous models; Third, we carry out a preliminary study into different interactions between the text and visual exemplar prompts, including the cases where they reinforce each other and where one restricts the other. The code and an app to test the model are available at


new OneRestore: A Universal Restoration Framework for Composite Degradation

Authors: Yu Guo, Yuan Gao, Yuxu Lu, Huilin Zhu, Ryan Wen Liu, Shengfeng He

Abstract: In real-world scenarios, image impairments often manifest as composite degradations, presenting a complex interplay of elements such as low light, haze, rain, and snow. Despite this reality, existing restoration methods typically target isolated degradation types, thereby falling short in environments where multiple degrading factors coexist. To bridge this gap, our study proposes a versatile imaging model that consolidates four physical corruption paradigms to accurately represent complex, composite degradation scenarios. In this context, we propose OneRestore, a novel transformer-based framework designed for adaptive, controllable scene restoration. The proposed framework leverages a unique cross-attention mechanism, merging degraded scene descriptors with image features, allowing for nuanced restoration. Our model allows versatile input scene descriptors, ranging from manual text embeddings to automatic extractions based on visual attributes. Our methodology is further enhanced through a composite degradation restoration loss, using extra degraded images as negative samples to fortify model constraints. Comparative results on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate OneRestore as a superior solution, significantly advancing the state-of-the-art in addressing complex, composite degradations.

new Semi-Supervised Segmentation via Embedding Matching

Authors: Weiyi Xie, Nathalie Willems, Nikolas Lessmann, Tom Gibbons, Daniele De Massari

Abstract: Deep convolutional neural networks are widely used in medical image segmentation but require many labeled images for training. Annotating three-dimensional medical images is a time-consuming and costly process. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel semi-supervised segmentation method that leverages mostly unlabeled images and a small set of labeled images in training. Our approach involves assessing prediction uncertainty to identify reliable predictions on unlabeled voxels from the teacher model. These voxels serve as pseudo-labels for training the student model. In voxels where the teacher model produces unreliable predictions, pseudo-labeling is carried out based on voxel-wise embedding correspondence using reference voxels from labeled images. We applied this method to automate hip bone segmentation in CT images, achieving notable results with just 4 CT scans. The proposed approach yielded a Hausdorff distance with 95th percentile (HD95) of 3.30 and IoU of 0.929, surpassing existing methods achieving HD95 (4.07) and IoU (0.927) at their best.

new SAM Fewshot Finetuning for Anatomical Segmentation in Medical Images

Authors: Weiyi Xie, Nathalie Willems, Shubham Patil, Yang Li, Mayank Kumar

Abstract: We propose a straightforward yet highly effective few-shot fine-tuning strategy for adapting the Segment Anything (SAM) to anatomical segmentation tasks in medical images. Our novel approach revolves around reformulating the mask decoder within SAM, leveraging few-shot embeddings derived from a limited set of labeled images (few-shot collection) as prompts for querying anatomical objects captured in image embeddings. This innovative reformulation greatly reduces the need for time-consuming online user interactions for labeling volumetric images, such as exhaustively marking points and bounding boxes to provide prompts slice by slice. With our method, users can manually segment a few 2D slices offline, and the embeddings of these annotated image regions serve as effective prompts for online segmentation tasks. Our method prioritizes the efficiency of the fine-tuning process by exclusively training the mask decoder through caching mechanisms while keeping the image encoder frozen. Importantly, this approach is not limited to volumetric medical images, but can generically be applied to any 2D/3D segmentation task. To thoroughly evaluate our method, we conducted extensive validation on four datasets, covering six anatomical segmentation tasks across two modalities. Furthermore, we conducted a comparative analysis of different prompting options within SAM and the fully-supervised nnU-Net. The results demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared to SAM employing only point prompts (approximately 50% improvement in IoU) and performs on-par with fully supervised methods whilst reducing the requirement of labeled data by at least an order of magnitude.

new Unsupervised 4D Cardiac Motion Tracking with Spatiotemporal Optical Flow Networks

Authors: Long Teng, Wei Feng, Menglong Zhu, Xinchao Li

Abstract: Cardiac motion tracking from echocardiography can be used to estimate and quantify myocardial motion within a cardiac cycle. It is a cost-efficient and effective approach for assessing myocardial function. However, ultrasound imaging has the inherent characteristics of spatially low resolution and temporally random noise, which leads to difficulties in obtaining reliable annotation. Thus it is difficult to perform supervised learning for motion tracking. In addition, there is no end-to-end unsupervised method currently in the literature. This paper presents a motion tracking method where unsupervised optical flow networks are designed with spatial reconstruction loss and temporal-consistency loss. Our proposed loss functions make use of the pair-wise and temporal correlation to estimate cardiac motion from noisy background. Experiments using a synthetic 4D echocardiography dataset has shown the effectiveness of our approach, and its superiority over existing methods on both accuracy and running speed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work performed that uses unsupervised end-to-end deep learning optical flow network for 4D cardiac motion tracking.

new Is plantar thermography a valid digital biomarker for characterising diabetic foot ulceration risk?

Authors: Akshay Jagadeesh, Chanchanok Aramrat, Aqsha Nur, Poppy Mallinson, Sanjay Kinra

Abstract: Background: In the absence of prospective data on diabetic foot ulcers (DFU), cross-sectional associations with causal risk factors (peripheral neuropathy, and peripheral arterial disease (PAD)) could be used to establish the validity of plantar thermography for DFU risk stratification. Methods: First, we investigated the associations between the intrinsic clusters of plantar thermographic images with several DFU risk factors using an unsupervised deep-learning framework. We then studied associations between obtained thermography clusters and DFU risk factors. Second, to identify those associations with predictive power, we used supervised learning to train Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) regression/classification models that predicted the risk factor based on the thermograph (and visual) input. Findings: Our dataset comprised 282 thermographs from type 2 diabetes mellitus patients (aged 56.31 +- 9.18 years, 51.42 % males). On clustering, we found two overlapping clusters (silhouette score = 0.10, indicating weak separation). There was strong evidence for associations between assigned clusters and several factors related to diabetic foot ulceration such as peripheral neuropathy, PAD, number of diabetes complications, and composite DFU risk prediction scores such as Martins-Mendes, PODUS-2020, and SIGN. However, models predicting said risk factors had poor performances. Interpretation: The strong associations between intrinsic thermography clusters and several DFU risk factors support the validity of using thermography for characterising DFU risk. However, obtained associations did not prove to be predictive, likely due to, spectrum bias, or because thermography and classical risk factors characterise incompletely overlapping portions of the DFU risk construct. Our findings highlight the challenges in standardising ground truths when defining novel digital biomarkers.

new Rethinking Visual Prompting for Multimodal Large Language Models with External Knowledge

Authors: Yuanze Lin, Yunsheng Li, Dongdong Chen, Weijian Xu, Ronald Clark, Philip Torr, Lu Yuan

Abstract: In recent years, multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have made significant strides by training on vast high-quality image-text datasets, enabling them to generally understand images well. However, the inherent difficulty in explicitly conveying fine-grained or spatially dense information in text, such as masks, poses a challenge for MLLMs, limiting their ability to answer questions requiring an understanding of detailed or localized visual elements. Drawing inspiration from the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) concept, this paper proposes a new visual prompt approach to integrate fine-grained external knowledge, gleaned from specialized vision models (e.g., instance segmentation/OCR models), into MLLMs. This is a promising yet underexplored direction for enhancing MLLMs' performance. Our approach diverges from concurrent works, which transform external knowledge into additional text prompts, necessitating the model to indirectly learn the correspondence between visual content and text coordinates. Instead, we propose embedding fine-grained knowledge information directly into a spatial embedding map as a visual prompt. This design can be effortlessly incorporated into various MLLMs, such as LLaVA and Mipha, considerably improving their visual understanding performance. Through rigorous experiments, we demonstrate that our method can enhance MLLM performance across nine benchmarks, amplifying their fine-grained context-aware capabilities.

new Enhancing Vehicle Re-identification and Matching for Weaving Analysis

Authors: Mei Qiu, Wei Lin, Stanley Chien, Lauren Christopher, Yaobin Chen, Shu Hu

Abstract: Vehicle weaving on highways contributes to traffic congestion, raises safety issues, and underscores the need for sophisticated traffic management systems. Current tools are inadequate in offering precise and comprehensive data on lane-specific weaving patterns. This paper introduces an innovative method for collecting non-overlapping video data in weaving zones, enabling the generation of quantitative insights into lane-specific weaving behaviors. Our experimental results confirm the efficacy of this approach, delivering critical data that can assist transportation authorities in enhancing traffic control and roadway infrastructure.

new VCoME: Verbal Video Composition with Multimodal Editing Effects

Authors: Weibo Gong, Xiaojie Jin, Xin Li, Dongliang He, Xinglong Wu

Abstract: Verbal videos, featuring voice-overs or text overlays, provide valuable content but present significant challenges in composition, especially when incorporating editing effects to enhance clarity and visual appeal. In this paper, we introduce the novel task of verbal video composition with editing effects. This task aims to generate coherent and visually appealing verbal videos by integrating multimodal editing effects across textual, visual, and audio categories. To achieve this, we curate a large-scale dataset of video effects compositions from publicly available sources. We then formulate this task as a generative problem, involving the identification of appropriate positions in the verbal content and the recommendation of editing effects for these positions. To address this task, we propose VCoME, a general framework that employs a large multimodal model to generate editing effects for video composition. Specifically, VCoME takes in the multimodal video context and autoregressively outputs where to apply effects within the verbal content and which effects are most appropriate for each position. VCoME also supports prompt-based control of composition density and style, providing substantial flexibility for diverse applications. Through extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations, we clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of VCoME. A comprehensive user study shows that our method produces videos of professional quality while being 85$\times$ more efficient than professional editors.

new LaRa: Efficient Large-Baseline Radiance Fields

Authors: Anpei Chen, Haofei Xu, Stefano Esposito, Siyu Tang, Andreas Geiger

Abstract: Radiance field methods have achieved photorealistic novel view synthesis and geometry reconstruction. But they are mostly applied in per-scene optimization or small-baseline settings. While several recent works investigate feed-forward reconstruction with large baselines by utilizing transformers, they all operate with a standard global attention mechanism and hence ignore the local nature of 3D reconstruction. We propose a method that unifies local and global reasoning in transformer layers, resulting in improved quality and faster convergence. Our model represents scenes as Gaussian Volumes and combines this with an image encoder and Group Attention Layers for efficient feed-forward reconstruction. Experimental results demonstrate that our model, trained for two days on four GPUs, demonstrates high fidelity in reconstructing 360° radiance fields, and robustness to zero-shot and out-of-domain testing.

cross Dual-Domain Deep D-bar Method for Solving Electrical Impedance Tomography

Authors: Xiang Cao, Qiaoqiao Ding, Xiaoqun Zhang

Abstract: The regularized D-bar method is one of the most prominent methods for solving Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) problems due to its efficiency and simplicity. It provides a direct approach by applying low-pass filtering to the scattering data in the non-linear Fourier domain, thereby yielding a smoothed conductivity approximation. However, D-bar images often present low contrast and low resolution due to the absence of accurate high-frequency information and ill-posedness of the problem. In this paper, we proposed a dual-domain neural network architecture to retrieve high-contrast D-bar image sequences from low-contrast D-bar images. To further accentuate the spatial features of the conductivity distribution, the widely adopted U-net has been tailored for conductivity image calibration from the predicted D-bar image sequences. We call such a hybrid approach by Dual-Domain Deep D-bar method due to the consideration of both scattering data and image information. Compared to the single-scale structure, our proposed multi-scale structure exhibits superior capabilities in reducing artifacts and refining conductivity approximation. Additionally, solving discrete D-bar systems using the GMRES algorithm entails significant computational complexity, which is extremely time-consuming on CPU-based devices. To remedy this, we designed a surrogate GPU-based Richardson iterative method to accelerate the data enhancement process by D-bar. Numerical results are presented for simulated EIT data from the KIT4 and ACT4 systems to demonstrate notable improvements in absolute EIT imaging quality when compared to existing methodologies.

cross Jacobi Set Simplification for Tracking Topological Features in Time-Varying Scalar Fields

Authors: Dhruv Meduri, Mohit Sharma, Vijay Natarajan

Abstract: The Jacobi set of a bivariate scalar field is the set of points where the gradients of the two constituent scalar fields align with each other. It captures the regions of topological changes in the bivariate field. The Jacobi set is a bivariate analog of critical points, and may correspond to features of interest. In the specific case of time-varying fields and when one of the scalar fields is time, the Jacobi set corresponds to temporal tracks of critical points, and serves as a feature-tracking graph. The Jacobi set of a bivariate field or a time-varying scalar field is complex, resulting in cluttered visualizations that are difficult to analyze. This paper addresses the problem of Jacobi set simplification. Specifically, we use the time-varying scalar field scenario to introduce a method that computes a reduced Jacobi set. The method is based on a stability measure called robustness that was originally developed for vector fields and helps capture the structural stability of critical points. We also present a mathematical analysis for the method, and describe an implementation for 2D time-varying scalar fields. Applications to both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the method for tracking features.

cross HEMM: Holistic Evaluation of Multimodal Foundation Models

Authors: Paul Pu Liang, Akshay Goindani, Talha Chafekar, Leena Mathur, Haofei Yu, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency

Abstract: Multimodal foundation models that can holistically process text alongside images, video, audio, and other sensory modalities are increasingly used in a variety of real-world applications. However, it is challenging to characterize and study progress in multimodal foundation models, given the range of possible modeling decisions, tasks, and domains. In this paper, we introduce Holistic Evaluation of Multimodal Models (HEMM) to systematically evaluate the capabilities of multimodal foundation models across a set of 3 dimensions: basic skills, information flow, and real-world use cases. Basic multimodal skills are internal abilities required to solve problems, such as learning interactions across modalities, fine-grained alignment, multi-step reasoning, and the ability to handle external knowledge. Information flow studies how multimodal content changes during a task through querying, translation, editing, and fusion. Use cases span domain-specific challenges introduced in real-world multimedia, affective computing, natural sciences, healthcare, and human-computer interaction applications. Through comprehensive experiments across the 30 tasks in HEMM, we (1) identify key dataset dimensions (e.g., basic skills, information flows, and use cases) that pose challenges to today's models, and (2) distill performance trends regarding how different modeling dimensions (e.g., scale, pre-training data, multimodal alignment, pre-training, and instruction tuning objectives) influence performance. Our conclusions regarding challenging multimodal interactions, use cases, and tasks requiring reasoning and external knowledge, the benefits of data and model scale, and the impacts of instruction tuning yield actionable insights for future work in multimodal foundation models.

cross Probing Perfection: The Relentless Art of Meddling for Pulmonary Airway Segmentation from HRCT via a Human-AI Collaboration Based Active Learning Method

Authors: Shiyi Wang, Yang Nan, Sheng Zhang, Federico Felder, Xiaodan Xing, Yingying Fang, Javier Del Ser, Simon L F Walsh, Guang Yang

Abstract: In pulmonary tracheal segmentation, the scarcity of annotated data is a prevalent issue in medical segmentation. Additionally, Deep Learning (DL) methods face challenges: the opacity of 'black box' models and the need for performance enhancement. Our Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) based models (RS_UNet, LC_UNet, UUNet, and WD_UNet) address these challenges by combining diverse query strategies with various DL models. We train four HCI models and repeat these steps: (1) Query Strategy: The HCI models select samples that provide the most additional representative information when labeled in each iteration and identify unlabeled samples with the greatest predictive disparity using Wasserstein Distance, Least Confidence, Entropy Sampling, and Random Sampling. (2) Central line correction: Selected samples are used for expert correction of system-generated tracheal central lines in each training round. (3) Update training dataset: Experts update the training dataset after each DL model's training epoch, enhancing the trustworthiness and performance of the models. (4) Model training: The HCI model is trained using the updated dataset and an enhanced UNet version. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of these HCI-based approaches, showing that WD-UNet, LC-UNet, UUNet, and RS-UNet achieve comparable or superior performance to state-of-the-art DL models. Notably, WD-UNet achieves this with only 15%-35% of the training data, reducing physician annotation time by 65%-85%.

cross DGR-MIL: Exploring Diverse Global Representation in Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification

Authors: Wenhui Zhu, Xiwen Chen, Peijie Qiu, Aristeidis Sotiras, Abolfazl Razi, Yalin Wang

Abstract: Multiple instance learning (MIL) stands as a powerful approach in weakly supervised learning, regularly employed in histological whole slide image (WSI) classification for detecting tumorous lesions. However, existing mainstream MIL methods focus on modeling correlation between instances while overlooking the inherent diversity among instances. However, few MIL methods have aimed at diversity modeling, which empirically show inferior performance but with a high computational cost. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel MIL aggregation method based on diverse global representation (DGR-MIL), by modeling diversity among instances through a set of global vectors that serve as a summary of all instances. First, we turn the instance correlation into the similarity between instance embeddings and the predefined global vectors through a cross-attention mechanism. This stems from the fact that similar instance embeddings typically would result in a higher correlation with a certain global vector. Second, we propose two mechanisms to enforce the diversity among the global vectors to be more descriptive of the entire bag: (i) positive instance alignment and (ii) a novel, efficient, and theoretically guaranteed diversification learning paradigm. Specifically, the positive instance alignment module encourages the global vectors to align with the center of positive instances (e.g., instances containing tumors in WSI). To further diversify the global representations, we propose a novel diversification learning paradigm leveraging the determinantal point process. The proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art MIL aggregation models by a substantial margin on the CAMELYON-16 and the TCGA-lung cancer datasets. The code is available at \url{}.


cross Lateralization LoRA: Interleaved Instruction Tuning with Modality-Specialized Adaptations

Authors: Zhiyang Xu, Minqian Liu, Ying Shen, Joy Rimchala, Jiaxin Zhang, Qifan Wang, Yu Cheng, Lifu Huang

Abstract: Recent advancements in Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have led to the development of Vision-Language Generalists (VLGs) capable of understanding and generating interleaved images and text. Despite these advances, VLGs still struggle to follow user instructions for interleaved text and image generation. To address this issue, we introduce LeafInstruct, the first open-sourced interleaved instruction tuning data with over 30,000 high-quality instances across more than 10 domains. Due to the extensive size of existing VLGs, we opt for parameter-efficient tuning. However, we observe that VLGs tuned with a standard LoRA typically exhibit inferior performance in interleaved text-image generation. We attribute this problem to modality interference and the lack of modality-specialized adaptation design. Hence, we propose Lateralization LoRA, a novel modality-specialized adaptation method inspired by the concept of brain lateralization. Lateralization LoRA employs a hybrid approach, combining the traditional linear LoRA and a Convolutional LoRA for generating text and images, enabling the generation of high-quality text and images by leveraging modality-specific structures and parameter sets. We perform instruction tuning of the VLG (i.e., EMU2) using Lateralization LoRA on the LeafInstruct dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate that EMU2 tuned with Lateralization LoRA achieve state-of-the-art performance, significantly surpassing baseline models in complex interleaved tasks.

cross Orthogonal Constrained Minimization with Tensor $\ell_{2,p}$ Regularization for HSI Denoising and Destriping

Authors: Xiaoxia Liu, Shijie Yu, Jian Lu, Xiaojun Chen

Abstract: Hyperspectral images (HSIs) are often contaminated by a mixture of noises such as Gaussian noise, dead lines, stripes, and so on. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for HSI denoising and destriping, called NLTL2p, which consists of an orthogonal constrained minimization model and an iterative algorithm with convergence guarantees. The model of the proposed NLTL2p approach is built based on a new sparsity-enhanced Nonlocal Low-rank Tensor regularization and a tensor $\ell_{2,p}$ norm with $p\in(0,1)$. The low-rank constraints for HSI denoising utilize the spatial nonlocal self-similarity and spectral correlation of HSIs and are formulated based on independent higher-order singular value decomposition with sparsity enhancement on its core tensor to prompt more low-rankness. The tensor $\ell_{2,p}$ norm for HSI destriping is extended from the matrix $\ell_{2,p}$ norm. A proximal block coordinate descent algorithm is proposed in the NLTL2p approach to solve the resulting nonconvex nonsmooth minimization with orthogonal constraints. We show any accumulation point of the sequence generated by the proposed algorithm converges to a first-order stationary point, which is defined using three equalities of substationarity, symmetry, and feasibility for orthogonal constraints. In the numerical experiments, we compare the proposed method with state-of-the-art methods including a deep learning based method, and test the methods on both simulated and real HSI datasets. Our proposed NLTL2p method demonstrates outperformance in terms of metrics such as mean peak signal-to-noise ratio as well as visual quality.

cross Generative Technology for Human Emotion Recognition: A Scope Review

Authors: Fei Ma, Yucheng Yuan, Yifan Xie, Hongwei Ren, Ivan Liu, Ying He, Fuji Ren, Fei Richard Yu, Shiguang Ni

Abstract: Affective computing stands at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI), seeking to imbue machines with the ability to comprehend and respond to human emotions. Central to this field is emotion recognition, which endeavors to identify and interpret human emotional states from different modalities, such as speech, facial images, text, and physiological signals. In recent years, important progress has been made in generative models, including Autoencoder, Generative Adversarial Network, Diffusion Model, and Large Language Model. These models, with their powerful data generation capabilities, emerge as pivotal tools in advancing emotion recognition. However, up to now, there remains a paucity of systematic efforts that review generative technology for emotion recognition. This survey aims to bridge the gaps in the existing literature by conducting a comprehensive analysis of over 320 research papers until June 2024. Specifically, this survey will firstly introduce the mathematical principles of different generative models and the commonly used datasets. Subsequently, through a taxonomy, it will provide an in-depth analysis of how generative techniques address emotion recognition based on different modalities in several aspects, including data augmentation, feature extraction, semi-supervised learning, cross-domain, etc. Finally, the review will outline future research directions, emphasizing the potential of generative models to advance the field of emotion recognition and enhance the emotional intelligence of AI systems.

cross Pathological Semantics-Preserving Learning for H&E-to-IHC Virtual Staining

Authors: Fuqiang Chen, Ranran Zhang, Boyun Zheng, Yiwen Sun, Jiahui He, Wenjian Qin

Abstract: Conventional hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining is limited to revealing cell morphology and distribution, whereas immunohistochemical (IHC) staining provides precise and specific visualization of protein activation at the molecular level. Virtual staining technology has emerged as a solution for highly efficient IHC examination, which directly transforms H&E-stained images to IHC-stained images. However, virtual staining is challenged by the insufficient mining of pathological semantics and the spatial misalignment of pathological semantics. To address these issues, we propose the Pathological Semantics-Preserving Learning method for Virtual Staining (PSPStain), which directly incorporates the molecular-level semantic information and enhances semantics interaction despite any spatial inconsistency. Specifically, PSPStain comprises two novel learning strategies: 1) Protein-Aware Learning Strategy (PALS) with Focal Optical Density (FOD) map maintains the coherence of protein expression level, which represents molecular-level semantic information; 2) Prototype-Consistent Learning Strategy (PCLS), which enhances cross-image semantic interaction by prototypical consistency learning. We evaluate PSPStain on two public datasets using five metrics: three clinically relevant metrics and two for image quality. Extensive experiments indicate that PSPStain outperforms current state-of-the-art H&E-to-IHC virtual staining methods and demonstrates a high pathological correlation between the staging of real and virtual stains.

cross HyperSpace: Hypernetworks for spacing-adaptive image segmentation

Authors: Samuel Joutard, Maximilian Pietsch, Raphael Prevost

Abstract: Medical images are often acquired in different settings, requiring harmonization to adapt to the operating point of algorithms. Specifically, to standardize the physical spacing of imaging voxels in heterogeneous inference settings, images are typically resampled before being processed by deep learning models. However, down-sampling results in loss of information, whereas upsampling introduces redundant information leading to inefficient resource utilization. To overcome these issues, we propose to condition segmentation models on the voxel spacing using hypernetworks. Our approach allows processing images at their native resolutions or at resolutions adjusted to the hardware and time constraints at inference time. Our experiments across multiple datasets demonstrate that our approach achieves competitive performance compared to resolution-specific models, while offering greater flexibility for the end user. This also simplifies model development, deployment and maintenance. Our code is available at


cross Semantic Grouping Network for Audio Source Separation

Authors: Shentong Mo, Yapeng Tian

Abstract: Recently, audio-visual separation approaches have taken advantage of the natural synchronization between the two modalities to boost audio source separation performance. They extracted high-level semantics from visual inputs as the guidance to help disentangle sound representation for individual sources. Can we directly learn to disentangle the individual semantics from the sound itself? The dilemma is that multiple sound sources are mixed together in the original space. To tackle the difficulty, in this paper, we present a novel Semantic Grouping Network, termed as SGN, that can directly disentangle sound representations and extract high-level semantic information for each source from input audio mixture. Specifically, SGN aggregates category-wise source features through learnable class tokens of sounds. Then, the aggregated semantic features can be used as the guidance to separate the corresponding audio sources from the mixture. We conducted extensive experiments on music-only and universal sound separation benchmarks: MUSIC, FUSS, MUSDB18, and VGG-Sound. The results demonstrate that our SGN significantly outperforms previous audio-only methods and audio-visual models without utilizing additional visual cues.

cross CS3: Cascade SAM for Sperm Segmentation

Authors: Yi Shi, Xu-Peng Tian, Yun-Kai Wang, Tie-Yi Zhang, Bin Yao, Hui Wang, Yong Shao, Cen-Cen Wang, Rong Zeng, De-Chuan Zhan

Abstract: Automated sperm morphology analysis plays a crucial role in the assessment of male fertility, yet its efficacy is often compromised by the challenges in accurately segmenting sperm images. Existing segmentation techniques, including the Segment Anything Model(SAM), are notably inadequate in addressing the complex issue of sperm overlap-a frequent occurrence in clinical samples. Our exploratory studies reveal that modifying image characteristics by removing sperm heads and easily segmentable areas, alongside enhancing the visibility of overlapping regions, markedly enhances SAM's efficiency in segmenting intricate sperm structures. Motivated by these findings, we present the Cascade SAM for Sperm Segmentation (CS3), an unsupervised approach specifically designed to tackle the issue of sperm overlap. This method employs a cascade application of SAM to segment sperm heads, simple tails, and complex tails in stages. Subsequently, these segmented masks are meticulously matched and joined to construct complete sperm masks. In collaboration with leading medical institutions, we have compiled a dataset comprising approximately 2,000 unlabeled sperm images to fine-tune our method, and secured expert annotations for an additional 240 images to facilitate comprehensive model assessment. Experimental results demonstrate superior performance of CS3 compared to existing methods.

cross CardioSpectrum: Comprehensive Myocardium Motion Analysis with 3D Deep Learning and Geometric Insights

Authors: Shahar Zuler, Shai Tejman-Yarden, Dan Raviv

Abstract: The ability to map left ventricle (LV) myocardial motion using computed tomography angiography (CTA) is essential to diagnosing cardiovascular conditions and guiding interventional procedures. Due to their inherent locality, conventional neural networks typically have difficulty predicting subtle tangential movements, which considerably lessens the level of precision at which myocardium three-dimensional (3D) mapping can be performed. Using 3D optical flow techniques and Functional Maps (FMs), we present a comprehensive approach to address this problem. FMs are known for their capacity to capture global geometric features, thus providing a fuller understanding of 3D geometry. As an alternative to traditional segmentation-based priors, we employ surface-based two-dimensional (2D) constraints derived from spectral correspondence methods. Our 3D deep learning architecture, based on the ARFlow model, is optimized to handle complex 3D motion analysis tasks. By incorporating FMs, we can capture the subtle tangential movements of the myocardium surface precisely, hence significantly improving the accuracy of 3D mapping of the myocardium. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of this method in enhancing myocardium motion analysis. This approach can contribute to improving cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment. Our code and additional resources are available at:


cross Unsupervised Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease Signatures using 3D Deformable Autoencoders

Authors: Mehmet Yigit Avci, Emily Chan, Veronika Zimmer, Daniel Rueckert, Benedikt Wiestler, Julia A. Schnabel, Cosmin I. Bercea

Abstract: With the increasing incidence of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD), there is a need for further research that enhances detection and monitoring of the diseases. We present MORPHADE (Morphological Autoencoders for Alzheimer's Disease Detection), a novel unsupervised learning approach which uses deformations to allow the analysis of 3D T1-weighted brain images. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first use of deformations with deep unsupervised learning to not only detect, but also localize and assess the severity of structural changes in the brain due to AD. We obtain markedly higher anomaly scores in clinically important areas of the brain in subjects with AD compared to healthy controls, showcasing that our method is able to effectively locate AD-related atrophy. We additionally observe a visual correlation between the severity of atrophy highlighted in our anomaly maps and medial temporal lobe atrophy scores evaluated by a clinical expert. Finally, our method achieves an AUROC of 0.80 in detecting AD, out-performing several supervised and unsupervised baselines. We believe our framework shows promise as a tool towards improved understanding, monitoring and detection of AD. To support further research and application, we have made our code publicly available at

cross Concept Bottleneck Models Without Predefined Concepts

Authors: Simon Schrodi, Julian Schur, Max Argus, Thomas Brox

Abstract: There has been considerable recent interest in interpretable concept-based models such as Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs), which first predict human-interpretable concepts and then map them to output classes. To reduce reliance on human-annotated concepts, recent works have converted pretrained black-box models into interpretable CBMs post-hoc. However, these approaches predefine a set of concepts, assuming which concepts a black-box model encodes in its representations. In this work, we eliminate this assumption by leveraging unsupervised concept discovery to automatically extract concepts without human annotations or a predefined set of concepts. We further introduce an input-dependent concept selection mechanism that ensures only a small subset of concepts is used across all classes. We show that our approach improves downstream performance and narrows the performance gap to black-box models, while using significantly fewer concepts in the classification. Finally, we demonstrate how large vision-language models can intervene on the final model weights to correct model errors.

cross LeDNet: Localization-enabled Deep Neural Network for Multi-Label Radiography Image Classification

Authors: Lalit Pant, Shubham Arora

Abstract: Multi-label radiography image classification has long been a topic of interest in neural networks research. In this paper, we intend to classify such images using convolution neural networks with novel localization techniques. We will use the chest x-ray images to detect thoracic diseases for this purpose. For accurate diagnosis, it is crucial to train the network with good quality images. But many chest X-ray images have irrelevant external objects like distractions created by faulty scans, electronic devices scanned next to lung region, scans inadvertently capturing bodily air etc. To address these, we propose a combination of localization and deep learning algorithms called LeDNet to predict thoracic diseases with higher accuracy. We identify and extract the lung region masks from chest x-ray images through localization. These masks are superimposed on the original X-ray images to create the mask overlay images. DenseNet-121 classification models are then used for feature selection to retrieve features of the entire chest X-ray images and the localized mask overlay images. These features are then used to predict disease classification. Our experiments involve comparing classification results obtained with original CheXpert images and mask overlay images. The comparison is demonstrated through accuracy and loss curve analyses.

cross Stark: Social Long-Term Multi-Modal Conversation with Persona Commonsense Knowledge

Authors: Young-Jun Lee, Dokyong Lee, Junyoung Youn, Kyeongjin Oh, Byungsoo Ko, Jonghwan Hyeon, Ho-Jin Choi

Abstract: Humans share a wide variety of images related to their personal experiences within conversations via instant messaging tools. However, existing works focus on (1) image-sharing behavior in singular sessions, leading to limited long-term social interaction, and (2) a lack of personalized image-sharing behavior. In this work, we introduce Stark, a large-scale long-term multi-modal conversation dataset that covers a wide range of social personas in a multi-modality format, time intervals, and images. To construct Stark automatically, we propose a novel multi-modal contextualization framework, Mcu, that generates long-term multi-modal dialogue distilled from ChatGPT and our proposed Plan-and-Execute image aligner. Using our Stark, we train a multi-modal conversation model, Ultron 7B, which demonstrates impressive visual imagination ability. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our dataset in human evaluation. We make our source code and dataset publicly available.

cross Autoencoded Image Compression for Secure and Fast Transmission

Authors: Aryan Kashyap Naveen, Sunil Thunga, Anuhya Murki, Mahati A Kalale, Shriya Anil

Abstract: With an exponential growth in the use of digital image data, the need for efficient transmission methods has become imperative. Traditional image compression techniques often sacrifice image fidelity for reduced file sizes, presenting a challenge in maintaining both quality and efficiency. They also tend to compromise on security, leaving images vulnerable to threats such as man-in-the-middle attacks. This paper proposes an autoencoder architecture for image compression so as to not only help in dimensionality reduction but also inherently encrypt the images. The paper also introduces the use of a composite loss function that combines reconstruction loss and residual loss for improved performance. The autoencoder architecture is designed to achieve optimal dimensionality reduction and regeneration accuracy while safeguarding the compressed data during transmission or storage. Images regenerated by the autoencoder are evaluated against three key metrics: reconstruction quality, compression ratio, and one-way delay during image transfer. The experiments reveal that the proposed architecture achieves an SSIM of 97.5% over the regenerated images and an average latency reduction of 87.5%, indicating its effectiveness as a secure and efficient solution for compressed image transfer.

cross Certifiably Robust Image Watermark

Authors: Zhengyuan Jiang, Moyang Guo, Yuepeng Hu, Jinyuan Jia, Neil Zhenqiang Gong

Abstract: Generative AI raises many societal concerns such as boosting disinformation and propaganda campaigns. Watermarking AI-generated content is a key technology to address these concerns and has been widely deployed in industry. However, watermarking is vulnerable to removal attacks and forgery attacks. In this work, we propose the first image watermarks with certified robustness guarantees against removal and forgery attacks. Our method leverages randomized smoothing, a popular technique to build certifiably robust classifiers and regression models. Our major technical contributions include extending randomized smoothing to watermarking by considering its unique characteristics, deriving the certified robustness guarantees, and designing algorithms to estimate them. Moreover, we extensively evaluate our image watermarks in terms of both certified and empirical robustness. Our code is available at \url{}.


cross MiniGPT-Med: Large Language Model as a General Interface for Radiology Diagnosis

Authors: Asma Alkhaldi, Raneem Alnajim, Layan Alabdullatef, Rawan Alyahya, Jun Chen, Deyao Zhu, Ahmed Alsinan, Mohamed Elhoseiny

Abstract: Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have precipitated significant breakthroughs in healthcare, particularly in refining diagnostic procedures. However, previous studies have often been constrained to limited functionalities. This study introduces MiniGPT-Med, a vision-language model derived from large-scale language models and tailored for medical applications. MiniGPT-Med demonstrates remarkable versatility across various imaging modalities, including X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, enhancing its utility. The model is capable of performing tasks such as medical report generation, visual question answering (VQA), and disease identification within medical imagery. Its integrated processing of both image and textual clinical data markedly improves diagnostic accuracy. Our empirical assessments confirm MiniGPT-Med's superior performance in disease grounding, medical report generation, and VQA benchmarks, representing a significant step towards reducing the gap in assisting radiology practice. Furthermore, it achieves state-of-the-art performance on medical report generation, higher than the previous best model by 19\% accuracy. MiniGPT-Med promises to become a general interface for radiology diagnoses, enhancing diagnostic efficiency across a wide range of medical imaging applications.

cross An Autoencoder Architecture for L-band Passive Microwave Retrieval of Landscape Freeze-Thaw Cycle

Authors: Divya Kumawat, Ardeshir Ebtehaj, Xiaolan Xu, Andreas Colliander, Vipin Kumar

Abstract: Estimating the landscape and soil freeze-thaw (FT) dynamics in the Northern Hemisphere is crucial for understanding permafrost response to global warming and changes in regional and global carbon budgets. A new framework is presented for surface FT-cycle retrievals using L-band microwave radiometry based on a deep convolutional autoencoder neural network. This framework defines the landscape FT-cycle retrieval as a time series anomaly detection problem considering the frozen states as normal and thawed states as anomalies. The autoencoder retrieves the FT-cycle probabilistically through supervised reconstruction of the brightness temperature (TB) time series using a contrastive loss function that minimizes (maximizes) the reconstruction error for the peak winter (summer). Using the data provided by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite, it is demonstrated that the framework learns to isolate the landscape FT states over different land surface types with varying complexities related to the radiometric characteristics of snow cover, lake-ice phenology, and vegetation canopy. The consistency of the retrievals is evaluated over Alaska, against in situ ground-based observations, showing reduced uncertainties compared to the traditional methods that use thresholding of the normalized polarization ratio.

cross SineKAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks Using Sinusoidal Activation Functions

Authors: Eric A. F. Reinhardt, Sergei Gleyzer

Abstract: Recent work has established an alternative to traditional multi-layer perceptron neural networks in the form of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN). The general KAN framework uses learnable activation functions on the edges of the computational graph followed by summation on nodes. The learnable edge activation functions in the original implementation are basis spline functions (B-Spline). Here, we present a model in which learnable grids of B-Spline activation functions can be replaced by grids of re-weighted sine functions. We show that this leads to better or comparable numerical performance to B-Spline KAN models on the MNIST benchmark, while also providing a substantial speed increase on the order of 4-9 times.

cross Measurement Embedded Schr\"odinger Bridge for Inverse Problems

Authors: Yuang Wang, Pengfei Jin, Siyeop Yoon, Matthew Tivnan, Quanzheng Li, Li Zhang, Dufan Wu

Abstract: Score-based diffusion models are frequently employed as structural priors in inverse problems. However, their iterative denoising process, initiated from Gaussian noise, often results in slow inference speeds. The Image-to-Image Schr\"odinger Bridge (I$^2$SB), which begins with the corrupted image, presents a promising alternative as a prior for addressing inverse problems. In this work, we introduce the Measurement Embedded Schr\"odinger Bridge (MESB). MESB establishes Schr\"odinger Bridges between the distribution of corrupted images and the distribution of clean images given observed measurements. Based on optimal transport theory, we derive the forward and backward processes of MESB. Through validation on diverse inverse problems, our proposed approach exhibits superior performance compared to existing Schr\"odinger Bridge-based inverse problems solvers in both visual quality and quantitative metrics.

cross ArAIEval Shared Task: Propagandistic Techniques Detection in Unimodal and Multimodal Arabic Content

Authors: Maram Hasanain, Md. Arid Hasan, Fatema Ahmed, Reem Suwaileh, Md. Rafiul Biswas, Wajdi Zaghouani, Firoj Alam

Abstract: We present an overview of the second edition of the ArAIEval shared task, organized as part of the ArabicNLP 2024 conference co-located with ACL 2024. In this edition, ArAIEval offers two tasks: (i) detection of propagandistic textual spans with persuasion techniques identification in tweets and news articles, and (ii) distinguishing between propagandistic and non-propagandistic memes. A total of 14 teams participated in the final evaluation phase, with 6 and 9 teams participating in Tasks 1 and 2, respectively. Finally, 11 teams submitted system description papers. Across both tasks, we observed that fine-tuning transformer models such as AraBERT was at the core of the majority of the participating systems. We provide a description of the task setup, including a description of the dataset construction and the evaluation setup. We further provide a brief overview of the participating systems. All datasets and evaluation scripts are released to the research community ( We hope this will enable further research on these important tasks in Arabic.


cross Unsupervised Video Summarization via Reinforcement Learning and a Trained Evaluator

Authors: Mehryar Abbasi, Hadi Hadizadeh, Parvaneh Saeedi

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach for unsupervised video summarization using reinforcement learning. It aims to address the existing limitations of current unsupervised methods, including unstable training of adversarial generator-discriminator architectures and reliance on hand-crafted reward functions for quality evaluation. The proposed method is based on the concept that a concise and informative summary should result in a reconstructed video that closely resembles the original. The summarizer model assigns an importance score to each frame and generates a video summary. In the proposed scheme, reinforcement learning, coupled with a unique reward generation pipeline, is employed to train the summarizer model. The reward generation pipeline trains the summarizer to create summaries that lead to improved reconstructions. It comprises a generator model capable of reconstructing masked frames from a partially masked video, along with a reward mechanism that compares the reconstructed video from the summary against the original. The video generator is trained in a self-supervised manner to reconstruct randomly masked frames, enhancing its ability to generate accurate summaries. This training pipeline results in a summarizer model that better mimics human-generated video summaries compared to methods relying on hand-crafted rewards. The training process consists of two stable and isolated training steps, unlike adversarial architectures. Experimental results demonstrate promising performance, with F-scores of 62.3 and 54.5 on TVSum and SumMe datasets, respectively. Additionally, the inference stage is 300 times faster than our previously reported state-of-the-art method.

cross Segmenting Medical Images: From UNet to Res-UNet and nnUNet

Authors: Lina Huang, Alina Miron, Kate Hone, Yongmin Li

Abstract: This study provides a comparative analysis of deep learning models including UNet, Res-UNet, Attention Res-UNet, and nnUNet, and evaluates their performance in brain tumour, polyp, and multi-class heart segmentation tasks. The analysis focuses on precision, accuracy, recall, Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC), and Intersection over Union (IoU) to assess their clinical applicability. In brain tumour segmentation, Res-UNet and nnUNet significantly outperformed UNet, with Res-UNet leading in DSC and IoU scores, indicating superior accuracy in tumour delineation. Meanwhile, nnUNet excelled in recall and accuracy, which are crucial for reliable tumour detection in clinical diagnosis and planning. In polyp detection, nnUNet was the most effective, achieving the highest metrics across all categories and proving itself as a reliable diagnostic tool in endoscopy. In the complex task of heart segmentation, Res-UNet and Attention Res-UNet were outstanding in delineating the left ventricle, with Res-UNet also leading in right ventricle segmentation. nnUNet was unmatched in myocardium segmentation, achieving top scores in precision, recall, DSC, and IoU. The conclusion notes that although Res-UNet occasionally outperforms nnUNet in specific metrics, the differences are quite small. Moreover, nnUNet consistently shows superior overall performance across the experiments. Particularly noted for its high recall and accuracy, which are crucial in clinical settings to minimize misdiagnosis and ensure timely treatment, nnUNet's robust performance in crucial metrics across all tested categories establishes it as the most effective model for these varied and complex segmentation tasks.

cross Hard-Attention Gates with Gradient Routing for Endoscopic Image Computing

Authors: Giorgio Roffo, Carlo Biffi, Pietro Salvagnini, Andrea Cherubini

Abstract: To address overfitting and enhance model generalization in gastroenterological polyp size assessment, our study introduces Feature-Selection Gates (FSG) or Hard-Attention Gates (HAG) alongside Gradient Routing (GR) for dynamic feature selection. This technique aims to boost Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) by promoting sparse connectivity, thereby reducing overfitting and enhancing generalization. HAG achieves this through sparsification with learnable weights, serving as a regularization strategy. GR further refines this process by optimizing HAG parameters via dual forward passes, independently from the main model, to improve feature re-weighting. Our evaluation spanned multiple datasets, including CIFAR-100 for a broad impact assessment and specialized endoscopic datasets (REAL-Colon, Misawa, and SUN) focusing on polyp size estimation, covering over 200 polyps in more than 370,000 frames. The findings indicate that our HAG-enhanced networks substantially enhance performance in both binary and triclass classification tasks related to polyp sizing. Specifically, CNNs experienced an F1 Score improvement to 87.8% in binary classification, while in triclass classification, the ViT-T model reached an F1 Score of 76.5%, outperforming traditional CNNs and ViT-T models. To facilitate further research, we are releasing our codebase, which includes implementations for CNNs, multistream CNNs, ViT, and HAG-augmented variants. This resource aims to standardize the use of endoscopic datasets, providing public training-validation-testing splits for reliable and comparable research in gastroenterological polyp size estimation. The codebase is available at

cross Few-Shot Airway-Tree Modeling using Data-Driven Sparse Priors

Authors: Ali Keshavarzi, Elsa Angelini

Abstract: The lack of large annotated datasets in medical imaging is an intrinsic burden for supervised Deep Learning (DL) segmentation models. Few-shot learning approaches are cost-effective solutions to transfer pre-trained models using only limited annotated data. However, such methods can be prone to overfitting due to limited data diversity especially when segmenting complex, diverse, and sparse tubular structures like airways. Furthermore, crafting informative image representations has played a crucial role in medical imaging, enabling discriminative enhancement of anatomical details. In this paper, we initially train a data-driven sparsification module to enhance airways efficiently in lung CT scans. We then incorporate these sparse representations in a standard supervised segmentation pipeline as a pretraining step to enhance the performance of the DL models. Results presented on the ATM public challenge cohort show the effectiveness of using sparse priors in pre-training, leading to segmentation Dice score increase by 1% to 10% in full-scale and few-shot learning scenarios, respectively.

cross Rethinking Image Compression on the Web with Generative AI

Authors: Shayan Ali Hassan, Danish Humair, Ihsan Ayyub Qazi, Zafar Ayyub Qazi

Abstract: The rapid growth of the Internet, driven by social media, web browsing, and video streaming, has made images central to the Web experience, resulting in significant data transfer and increased webpage sizes. Traditional image compression methods, while reducing bandwidth, often degrade image quality. This paper explores a novel approach using generative AI to reconstruct images at the edge or client-side. We develop a framework that leverages text prompts and provides additional conditioning inputs like Canny edges and color palettes to a text-to-image model, achieving up to 99.8% bandwidth savings in the best cases and 92.6% on average, while maintaining high perceptual similarity. Empirical analysis and a user study show that our method preserves image meaning and structure more effectively than traditional compression methods, offering a promising solution for reducing bandwidth usage and improving Internet affordability with minimal degradation in image quality.

cross Not (yet) the whole story: Evaluating Visual Storytelling Requires More than Measuring Coherence, Grounding, and Repetition

Authors: Aditya K Surikuchi, Raquel Fern\'andez, Sandro Pezzelle

Abstract: Visual storytelling consists in generating a natural language story given a temporally ordered sequence of images. This task is not only challenging for models, but also very difficult to evaluate with automatic metrics since there is no consensus about what makes a story 'good'. In this paper, we introduce a novel method that measures story quality in terms of human likeness regarding three key aspects highlighted in previous work: visual grounding, coherence, and repetitiveness. We then use this method to evaluate the stories generated by several models, showing that the foundation model LLaVA obtains the best result, but only slightly so compared to TAPM, a 50-times smaller visual storytelling model. Upgrading the visual and language components of TAPM results in a model that yields competitive performance with a relatively low number of parameters. Finally, we carry out a human evaluation study, whose results suggest that a 'good' story may require more than a human-like level of visual grounding, coherence, and repetition.

cross Multimodal Classification via Modal-Aware Interactive Enhancement

Authors: Qing-Yuan Jiang, Zhouyang Chi, Yang Yang

Abstract: Due to the notorious modality imbalance problem, multimodal learning (MML) leads to the phenomenon of optimization imbalance, thus struggling to achieve satisfactory performance. Recently, some representative methods have been proposed to boost the performance, mainly focusing on adaptive adjusting the optimization of each modality to rebalance the learning speed of dominant and non-dominant modalities. To better facilitate the interaction of model information in multimodal learning, in this paper, we propose a novel multimodal learning method, called modal-aware interactive enhancement (MIE). Specifically, we first utilize an optimization strategy based on sharpness aware minimization (SAM) to smooth the learning objective during the forward phase. Then, with the help of the geometry property of SAM, we propose a gradient modification strategy to impose the influence between different modalities during the backward phase. Therefore, we can improve the generalization ability and alleviate the modality forgetting phenomenon simultaneously for multimodal learning. Extensive experiments on widely used datasets demonstrate that our proposed method can outperform various state-of-the-art baselines to achieve the best performance.

cross Efficient Betti Matching Enables Topology-Aware 3D Segmentation via Persistent Homology

Authors: Nico Stucki, Vincent B\"urgin, Johannes C. Paetzold, Ulrich Bauer

Abstract: In this work, we propose an efficient algorithm for the calculation of the Betti matching, which can be used as a loss function to train topology aware segmentation networks. Betti matching loss builds on techniques from topological data analysis, specifically persistent homology. A major challenge is the computational cost of computing persistence barcodes. In response to this challenge, we propose a new, highly optimized implementation of Betti matching, implemented in C++ together with a python interface, which achieves significant speedups compared to the state-of-the-art implementation Cubical Ripser. We use Betti matching 3D to train segmentation networks with the Betti matching loss and demonstrate improved topological correctness of predicted segmentations across several datasets. The source code is available at


cross Embracing Massive Medical Data

Authors: Yu-Cheng Chou, Zongwei Zhou, Alan Yuille

Abstract: As massive medical data become available with an increasing number of scans, expanding classes, and varying sources, prevalent training paradigms -- where AI is trained with multiple passes over fixed, finite datasets -- face significant challenges. First, training AI all at once on such massive data is impractical as new scans/sources/classes continuously arrive. Second, training AI continuously on new scans/sources/classes can lead to catastrophic forgetting, where AI forgets old data as it learns new data, and vice versa. To address these two challenges, we propose an online learning method that enables training AI from massive medical data. Instead of repeatedly training AI on randomly selected data samples, our method identifies the most significant samples for the current AI model based on their data uniqueness and prediction uncertainty, then trains the AI on these selective data samples. Compared with prevalent training paradigms, our method not only improves data efficiency by enabling training on continual data streams, but also mitigates catastrophic forgetting by selectively training AI on significant data samples that might otherwise be forgotten, outperforming by 15% in Dice score for multi-organ and tumor segmentation. The code is available at


cross RAM: Retrieval-Based Affordance Transfer for Generalizable Zero-Shot Robotic Manipulation

Authors: Yuxuan Kuang, Junjie Ye, Haoran Geng, Jiageng Mao, Congyue Deng, Leonidas Guibas, He Wang, Yue Wang

Abstract: This work proposes a retrieve-and-transfer framework for zero-shot robotic manipulation, dubbed RAM, featuring generalizability across various objects, environments, and embodiments. Unlike existing approaches that learn manipulation from expensive in-domain demonstrations, RAM capitalizes on a retrieval-based affordance transfer paradigm to acquire versatile manipulation capabilities from abundant out-of-domain data. First, RAM extracts unified affordance at scale from diverse sources of demonstrations including robotic data, human-object interaction (HOI) data, and custom data to construct a comprehensive affordance memory. Then given a language instruction, RAM hierarchically retrieves the most similar demonstration from the affordance memory and transfers such out-of-domain 2D affordance to in-domain 3D executable affordance in a zero-shot and embodiment-agnostic manner. Extensive simulation and real-world evaluations demonstrate that our RAM consistently outperforms existing works in diverse daily tasks. Additionally, RAM shows significant potential for downstream applications such as automatic and efficient data collection, one-shot visual imitation, and LLM/VLM-integrated long-horizon manipulation. For more details, please check our website at


replace Do Pre-trained Models Benefit Equally in Continual Learning?

Authors: Kuan-Ying Lee, Yuanyi Zhong, Yu-Xiong Wang

Abstract: Existing work on continual learning (CL) is primarily devoted to developing algorithms for models trained from scratch. Despite their encouraging performance on contrived benchmarks, these algorithms show dramatic performance drops in real-world scenarios. Therefore, this paper advocates the systematic introduction of pre-training to CL, which is a general recipe for transferring knowledge to downstream tasks but is substantially missing in the CL community. Our investigation reveals the multifaceted complexity of exploiting pre-trained models for CL, along three different axes, pre-trained models, CL algorithms, and CL scenarios. Perhaps most intriguingly, improvements in CL algorithms from pre-training are very inconsistent an underperforming algorithm could become competitive and even state-of-the-art when all algorithms start from a pre-trained model. This indicates that the current paradigm, where all CL methods are compared in from-scratch training, is not well reflective of the true CL objective and desired progress. In addition, we make several other important observations, including that CL algorithms that exert less regularization benefit more from a pre-trained model; and that a stronger pre-trained model such as CLIP does not guarantee a better improvement. Based on these findings, we introduce a simple yet effective baseline that employs minimum regularization and leverages the more beneficial pre-trained model, coupled with a two-stage training pipeline. We recommend including this strong baseline in the future development of CL algorithms, due to its demonstrated state-of-the-art performance.

replace Line Drawing Guided Progressive Inpainting of Mural Damage

Authors: Luxi Li, Qin Zou, Fan Zhang, Hongkai Yu, Long Chen, Chengfang Song, Xianfeng Huang, Xiaoguang Wang, Qingquan Li

Abstract: Mural image inpainting is far less explored compared to its natural image counterpart and remains largely unsolved. Most existing image-inpainting methods tend to take the target image as the only input and directly repair the damage to generate a visually plausible result. These methods obtain high performance in restoration or completion of some pre-defined objects, e.g., human face, fabric texture, and printed texts, etc., however, are not suitable for repairing murals with varying subjects and large damaged areas. Moreover, due to discrete colors in paints, mural inpainting may suffer from apparent color bias. To this end, in this paper, we propose a line drawing guided progressive mural inpainting method. It divides the inpainting process into two steps: structure reconstruction and color correction, implemented by a structure reconstruction network (SRN) and a color correction network (CCN), respectively. In structure reconstruction, SRN utilizes the line drawing as an assistant to achieve large-scale content authenticity and structural stability. In color correction, CCN operates a local color adjustment for missing pixels which reduces the negative effects of color bias and edge jumping. The proposed approach is evaluated against the current state-of-the-art image inpainting methods. Qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in mural image inpainting. The codes and data are available at


replace Object-Centric Relational Representations for Image Generation

Authors: Luca Butera, Andrea Cini, Alberto Ferrante, Cesare Alippi

Abstract: Conditioning image generation on specific features of the desired output is a key ingredient of modern generative models. However, existing approaches lack a general and unified way of representing structural and semantic conditioning at diverse granularity levels. This paper explores a novel method to condition image generation, based on object-centric relational representations. In particular, we propose a methodology to condition the generation of objects in an image on the attributed graph representing their structure and the associated semantic information. We show that such architectural biases entail properties that facilitate the manipulation and conditioning of the generative process and allow for regularizing the training procedure. The proposed conditioning framework is implemented by means of a neural network that learns to generate a 2D, multi-channel, layout mask of the objects, which can be used as a soft inductive bias in the downstream generative task. To do so, we leverage both 2D and graph convolutional operators. We also propose a novel benchmark for image generation consisting of a synthetic dataset of images paired with their relational representation. Empirical results show that the proposed approach compares favorably against relevant baselines.

replace Generative Adversarial Networks for Spatio-Spectral Compression of Hyperspectral Images

Authors: Martin Hermann Paul Fuchs, Akshara Preethy Byju, Alisa Walda, Behnood Rasti, Beg\"um Demir

Abstract: The development of deep learning-based models for the compression of hyperspectral images (HSIs) has recently attracted great attention in remote sensing due to the sharp growing of hyperspectral data archives. Most of the existing models achieve either spectral or spatial compression, and do not jointly consider the spatio-spectral redundancies present in HSIs. To address this problem, in this paper we focus our attention on the High Fidelity Compression (HiFiC) model (which is proven to be highly effective for spatial compression problems) and adapt it to perform spatio-spectral compression of HSIs. In detail, we introduce two new models: i) HiFiC using Squeeze and Excitation (SE) blocks (denoted as HiFiC$_{SE}$); and ii) HiFiC with 3D convolutions (denoted as HiFiC$_{3D}$) in the framework of compression of HSIs. We analyze the effectiveness of HiFiC$_{SE}$ and HiFiC$_{3D}$ in compressing the spatio-spectral redundancies with channel attention and inter-dependency analysis. Experimental results show the efficacy of the proposed models in performing spatio-spectral compression, while reconstructing images at reduced bitrates with higher reconstruction quality. The code of the proposed models is publicly available at .


replace Instance-dependent Noisy-label Learning with Graphical Model Based Noise-rate Estimation

Authors: Arpit Garg, Cuong Nguyen, Rafael Felix, Thanh-Toan Do, Gustavo Carneiro

Abstract: Deep learning faces a formidable challenge when handling noisy labels, as models tend to overfit samples affected by label noise. This challenge is further compounded by the presence of instance-dependent noise (IDN), a realistic form of label noise arising from ambiguous sample information. To address IDN, Label Noise Learning (LNL) incorporates a sample selection stage to differentiate clean and noisy-label samples. This stage uses an arbitrary criterion and a pre-defined curriculum that initially selects most samples as noisy and gradually decreases this selection rate during training. Such curriculum is sub-optimal since it does not consider the actual label noise rate in the training set. This paper addresses this issue with a new noise-rate estimation method that is easily integrated with most state-of-the-art (SOTA) LNL methods to produce a more effective curriculum. Synthetic and real-world benchmark results demonstrate that integrating our approach with SOTA LNL methods improves accuracy in most cases.

replace Minimalist and High-Quality Panoramic Imaging with PSF-aware Transformers

Authors: Qi Jiang, Shaohua Gao, Yao Gao, Kailun Yang, Zhonghua Yi, Hao Shi, Lei Sun, Kaiwei Wang

Abstract: High-quality panoramic images with a Field of View (FoV) of 360{\deg} are essential for contemporary panoramic computer vision tasks. However, conventional imaging systems come with sophisticated lens designs and heavy optical components. This disqualifies their usage in many mobile and wearable applications where thin and portable, minimalist imaging systems are desired. In this paper, we propose a Panoramic Computational Imaging Engine (PCIE) to achieve minimalist and high-quality panoramic imaging. With less than three spherical lenses, a Minimalist Panoramic Imaging Prototype (MPIP) is constructed based on the design of the Panoramic Annular Lens (PAL), but with low-quality imaging results due to aberrations and small image plane size. We propose two pipelines, i.e. Aberration Correction (AC) and Super-Resolution and Aberration Correction (SR&AC), to solve the image quality problems of MPIP, with imaging sensors of small and large pixel size, respectively. To leverage the prior information of the optical system, we propose a Point Spread Function (PSF) representation method to produce a PSF map as an additional modality. A PSF-aware Aberration-image Recovery Transformer (PART) is designed as a universal network for the two pipelines, in which the self-attention calculation and feature extraction are guided by the PSF map. We train PART on synthetic image pairs from simulation and put forward the PALHQ dataset to fill the gap of real-world high-quality PAL images for low-level vision. A comprehensive variety of experiments on synthetic and real-world benchmarks demonstrates the impressive imaging results of PCIE and the effectiveness of the PSF representation. We further deliver heuristic experimental findings for minimalist and high-quality panoramic imaging. Our dataset and code will be available at


replace Spatial-Temporal Graph Enhanced DETR Towards Multi-Frame 3D Object Detection

Authors: Yifan Zhang, Zhiyu Zhu, Junhui Hou, Dapeng Wu

Abstract: The Detection Transformer (DETR) has revolutionized the design of CNN-based object detection systems, showcasing impressive performance. However, its potential in the domain of multi-frame 3D object detection remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we present STEMD, a novel end-to-end framework that enhances the DETR-like paradigm for multi-frame 3D object detection by addressing three key aspects specifically tailored for this task. First, to model the inter-object spatial interaction and complex temporal dependencies, we introduce the spatial-temporal graph attention network, which represents queries as nodes in a graph and enables effective modeling of object interactions within a social context. To solve the problem of missing hard cases in the proposed output of the encoder in the current frame, we incorporate the output of the previous frame to initialize the query input of the decoder. Finally, it poses a challenge for the network to distinguish between the positive query and other highly similar queries that are not the best match. And similar queries are insufficiently suppressed and turn into redundant prediction boxes. To address this issue, our proposed IoU regularization term encourages similar queries to be distinct during the refinement. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in handling challenging scenarios, while incurring only a minor additional computational overhead. The code is publicly available at


replace LEGO: Learning and Graph-Optimized Modular Tracker for Online Multi-Object Tracking with Point Clouds

Authors: Zhenrong Zhang, Jianan Liu, Yuxuan Xia, Tao Huang, Qing-Long Han, Hongbin Liu

Abstract: Online multi-object tracking (MOT) plays a pivotal role in autonomous systems. The state-of-the-art approaches usually employ a tracking-by-detection method, and data association plays a critical role. This paper proposes a learning and graph-optimized (LEGO) modular tracker to improve data association performance in the existing literature. The proposed LEGO tracker integrates graph optimization and self-attention mechanisms, which efficiently formulate the association score map, facilitating the accurate and efficient matching of objects across time frames. To further enhance the state update process, the Kalman filter is added to ensure consistent tracking by incorporating temporal coherence in the object states. Our proposed method utilizing LiDAR alone has shown exceptional performance compared to other online tracking approaches, including LiDAR-based and LiDAR-camera fusion-based methods. LEGO ranked 1st at the time of submitting results to KITTI object tracking evaluation ranking board and remains 2nd at the time of submitting this paper, among all online trackers in the KITTI MOT benchmark for cars1

replace ASY-VRNet: Waterway Panoptic Driving Perception Model based on Asymmetric Fair Fusion of Vision and 4D mmWave Radar

Authors: Runwei Guan, Shanliang Yao, Xiaohui Zhu, Ka Lok Man, Yong Yue, Jeremy Smith, Eng Gee Lim, Yutao Yue

Abstract: Panoptic Driving Perception (PDP) is critical for the autonomous navigation of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs). A PDP model typically integrates multiple tasks, necessitating the simultaneous and robust execution of various perception tasks to facilitate downstream path planning. The fusion of visual and radar sensors is currently acknowledged as a robust and cost-effective approach. However, most existing research has primarily focused on fusing visual and radar features dedicated to object detection or utilizing a shared feature space for multiple tasks, neglecting the individual representation differences between various tasks. To address this gap, we propose a pair of Asymmetric Fair Fusion (AFF) modules with favorable explainability designed to efficiently interact with independent features from both visual and radar modalities, tailored to the specific requirements of object detection and semantic segmentation tasks. The AFF modules treat image and radar maps as irregular point sets and transform these features into a crossed-shared feature space for multitasking, ensuring equitable treatment of vision and radar point cloud features. Leveraging AFF modules, we propose a novel and efficient PDP model, ASY-VRNet, which processes image and radar features based on irregular super-pixel point sets. Additionally, we propose an effective multitask learning method specifically designed for PDP models. Compared to other lightweight models, ASY-VRNet achieves state-of-the-art performance in object detection, semantic segmentation, and drivable-area segmentation on the WaterScenes benchmark. Our project is publicly available at


replace Entropy-based Guidance of Deep Neural Networks for Accelerated Convergence and Improved Performance

Authors: Mackenzie J. Meni, Ryan T. White, Michael Mayo, Kevin Pilkiewicz

Abstract: Neural networks have dramatically increased our capacity to learn from large, high-dimensional datasets across innumerable disciplines. However, their decisions are not easily interpretable, their computational costs are high, and building and training them are not straightforward processes. To add structure to these efforts, we derive new mathematical results to efficiently measure the changes in entropy as fully-connected and convolutional neural networks process data. By measuring the change in entropy as networks process data effectively, patterns critical to a well-performing network can be visualized and identified. Entropy-based loss terms are developed to improve dense and convolutional model accuracy and efficiency by promoting the ideal entropy patterns. Experiments in image compression, image classification, and image segmentation on benchmark datasets demonstrate these losses guide neural networks to learn rich latent data representations in fewer dimensions, converge in fewer training epochs, and achieve higher accuracy.

replace Budget-Aware Pruning: Handling Multiple Domains with Less Parameters

Authors: Samuel Felipe dos Santos, Rodrigo Berriel, Thiago Oliveira-Santos, Nicu Sebe, Jurandy Almeida

Abstract: Deep learning has achieved state-of-the-art performance on several computer vision tasks and domains. Nevertheless, it still has a high computational cost and demands a significant amount of parameters. Such requirements hinder the use in resource-limited environments and demand both software and hardware optimization. Another limitation is that deep models are usually specialized into a single domain or task, requiring them to learn and store new parameters for each new one. Multi-Domain Learning (MDL) attempts to solve this problem by learning a single model capable of performing well in multiple domains. Nevertheless, the models are usually larger than the baseline for a single domain. This work tackles both of these problems: our objective is to prune models capable of handling multiple domains according to a user-defined budget, making them more computationally affordable while keeping a similar classification performance. We achieve this by encouraging all domains to use a similar subset of filters from the baseline model, up to the amount defined by the user's budget. Then, filters that are not used by any domain are pruned from the network. The proposed approach innovates by better adapting to resource-limited devices while being one of the few works that handles multiple domains at test time with fewer parameters and lower computational complexity than the baseline model for a single domain.

replace A Lightweight Video Anomaly Detection Model with Weak Supervision and Adaptive Instance Selection

Authors: Yang Wang, Jiaogen Zhou, Jihong Guan

Abstract: Video anomaly detection is to determine whether there are any abnormal events, behaviors or objects in a given video, which enables effective and intelligent public safety management. As video anomaly labeling is both time-consuming and expensive, most existing works employ unsupervised or weakly supervised learning methods. This paper focuses on weakly supervised video anomaly detection, in which the training videos are labeled whether or not they contain any anomalies, but there is no information about which frames the anomalies are located. However, the uncertainty of weakly labeled data and the large model size prevent existing methods from wide deployment in real scenarios, especially the resource-limit situations such as edge-computing. In this paper, we develop a lightweight video anomaly detection model. On the one hand, we propose an adaptive instance selection strategy, which is based on the model's current status to select confident instances, thereby mitigating the uncertainty of weakly labeled data and subsequently promoting the model's performance. On the other hand, we design a lightweight multi-level temporal correlation attention module and an hourglass-shaped fully connected layer to construct the model, which can reduce the model parameters to only 0.56\% of the existing methods (e.g. RTFM). Our extensive experiments on two public datasets UCF-Crime and ShanghaiTech show that our model can achieve comparable or even superior AUC score compared to the state-of-the-art methods, with a significantly reduced number of model parameters.

replace The Solution for the CVPR2023 NICE Image Captioning Challenge

Authors: Xiangyu Wu, Yi Gao, Hailiang Zhang, Yang Yang, Weili Guo, Jianfeng Lu

Abstract: In this paper, we present our solution to the New frontiers for Zero-shot Image Captioning Challenge. Different from the traditional image captioning datasets, this challenge includes a larger new variety of visual concepts from many domains (such as COVID-19) as well as various image types (photographs, illustrations, graphics). For the data level, we collect external training data from Laion-5B, a large-scale CLIP-filtered image-text dataset. For the model level, we use OFA, a large-scale visual-language pre-training model based on handcrafted templates, to perform the image captioning task. In addition, we introduce contrastive learning to align image-text pairs to learn new visual concepts in the pre-training stage. Then, we propose a similarity-bucket strategy and incorporate this strategy into the template to force the model to generate higher quality and more matching captions. Finally, by retrieval-augmented strategy, we construct a content-rich template, containing the most relevant top-k captions from other image-text pairs, to guide the model in generating semantic-rich captions. Our method ranks first on the leaderboard, achieving 105.17 and 325.72 Cider-Score in the validation and test phase, respectively.

replace Large Language Models can Share Images, Too!

Authors: Young-Jun Lee, Dokyong Lee, Joo Won Sung, Jonghwan Hyeon, Ho-Jin Choi

Abstract: This paper explores the image-sharing capability of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4 and LLaMA 2, in a zero-shot setting. To facilitate a comprehensive evaluation of LLMs, we introduce the PhotoChat++ dataset, which includes enriched annotations (i.e., intent, triggering sentence, image description, and salient information). Furthermore, we present the gradient-free and extensible Decide, Describe, and Retrieve (DribeR) framework. With extensive experiments, we unlock the image-sharing capability of DribeR equipped with LLMs in zero-shot prompting, with ChatGPT achieving the best performance. Our findings also reveal the emergent image-sharing ability in LLMs under zero-shot conditions, validating the effectiveness of DribeR. We use this framework to demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness in two real-world scenarios: (1) human-bot interaction and (2) dataset augmentation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to assess the image-sharing ability of various LLMs in a zero-shot setting. We make our source code and dataset publicly available at


replace AViTMP: A Tracking-Specific Transformer for Single-Branch Visual Tracking

Authors: Chuanming Tang, Kai Wang, Joost van de Weijer, Jianlin Zhang, Yongmei Huang

Abstract: Visual object tracking is a fundamental component of transportation systems, especially for intelligent driving. Despite achieving state-of-the-art performance in visual tracking, recent single-branch trackers tend to overlook the weak prior assumptions associated with the Vision Transformer (ViT) encoder and inference pipeline in visual tracking. Moreover, the effectiveness of discriminative trackers remains constrained due to the adoption of the dual-branch pipeline. To tackle the inferior effectiveness of vanilla ViT, we propose an Adaptive ViT Model Prediction tracker (AViTMP) to design a customised tracking method. This method bridges the single-branch network with discriminative models for the first time. Specifically, in the proposed encoder AViT encoder, we introduce a tracking-tailored Adaptor module for vanilla ViT and a joint target state embedding to enrich the target-prior embedding paradigm. Then, we combine the AViT encoder with a discriminative transformer-specific model predictor to predict the accurate location. Furthermore, to mitigate the limitations of conventional inference practice, we present a novel inference pipeline called CycleTrack, which bolsters the tracking robustness in the presence of distractors via bidirectional cycle tracking verification. In the experiments, we evaluated AViTMP on eight tracking benchmarks for a comprehensive assessment, including LaSOT, LaSOTExtSub, AVisT, etc. The experimental results unequivocally establish that, under fair comparison, AViTMP achieves state-of-the-art performance, especially in terms of long-term tracking and robustness. The source code will be released at


replace SegGen: Supercharging Segmentation Models with Text2Mask and Mask2Img Synthesis

Authors: Hanrong Ye, Jason Kuen, Qing Liu, Zhe Lin, Brian Price, Dan Xu

Abstract: We propose SegGen, a highly-effective training data generation method for image segmentation, which pushes the performance limits of state-of-the-art segmentation models to a significant extent. SegGen designs and integrates two data generation strategies: MaskSyn and ImgSyn. (i) MaskSyn synthesizes new mask-image pairs via our proposed text-to-mask generation model and mask-to-image generation model, greatly improving the diversity in segmentation masks for model supervision; (ii) ImgSyn synthesizes new images based on existing masks using the mask-to-image generation model, strongly improving image diversity for model inputs. On the highly competitive ADE20K and COCO benchmarks, our data generation method markedly improves the performance of state-of-the-art segmentation models in semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation, and instance segmentation. Notably, in terms of the ADE20K mIoU, Mask2Former R50 is largely boosted from 47.2 to 49.9 (+2.7); Mask2Former Swin-L is also significantly increased from 56.1 to 57.4 (+1.3). These promising results strongly suggest the effectiveness of our SegGen even when abundant human-annotated training data is utilized. Moreover, training with our synthetic data makes the segmentation models more robust towards unseen domains. Project website:


replace SynA-ResNet: Spike-driven ResNet Achieved through OR Residual Connection

Authors: Yimeng Shan, Xuerui Qiu, Rui-jie Zhu, Malu Zhang, Jason K. Eshraghian, Haicheng Qu

Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have garnered substantial attention in brain-like computing for their biological fidelity and the capacity to execute energy-efficient spike-driven operations. As the demand for heightened performance in SNNs surges, the trend towards training deeper networks becomes imperative, while residual learning stands as a pivotal method for training deep neural networks. In our investigation, we identified that the SEW-ResNet, a prominent representative of deep residual spiking neural networks, incorporates non-event-driven operations. To rectify this, we propose a novel training paradigm that first accumulates a large amount of redundant information through OR Residual Connection (ORRC), and then filters out the redundant information using the Synergistic Attention (SynA) module, which promotes feature extraction in the backbone while suppressing the influence of noise and useless features in the shortcuts. When integrating SynA into the network, we observed the phenomenon of "natural pruning", where after training, some or all of the shortcuts in the network naturally drop out without affecting the model's classification accuracy. This significantly reduces computational overhead and makes it more suitable for deployment on edge devices. Experimental results on various public datasets confirmed that the SynA-ResNet achieved single-sample classification with as little as 0.8 spikes per neuron. Moreover, when compared to other residual SNN models, it exhibited higher accuracy and up to a 28-fold reduction in energy consumption.

replace Attention-Challenging Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification

Authors: Yunlong Zhang, Honglin Li, Yuxuan Sun, Sunyi Zheng, Chenglu Zhu, Lin Yang

Abstract: In the application of Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) methods for Whole Slide Image (WSI) classification, attention mechanisms often focus on a subset of discriminative instances, which are closely linked to overfitting. To mitigate overfitting, we present Attention-Challenging MIL (ACMIL). ACMIL combines two techniques based on separate analyses for attention value concentration. Firstly, UMAP of instance features reveals various patterns among discriminative instances, with existing attention mechanisms capturing only some of them. To remedy this, we introduce Multiple Branch Attention (MBA) to capture more discriminative instances using multiple attention branches. Secondly, the examination of the cumulative value of Top-K attention scores indicates that a tiny number of instances dominate the majority of attention. In response, we present Stochastic Top-K Instance Masking (STKIM), which masks out a portion of instances with Top-K attention values and allocates their attention values to the remaining instances. The extensive experimental results on three WSI datasets with two pre-trained backbones reveal that our ACMIL outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, through heatmap visualization and UMAP visualization, this paper extensively illustrates ACMIL's effectiveness in suppressing attention value concentration and overcoming the overfitting challenge. The source code is available at \url{}.


replace Correlation-Guided Query-Dependency Calibration for Video Temporal Grounding

Authors: WonJun Moon, Sangeek Hyun, SuBeen Lee, Jae-Pil Heo

Abstract: Temporal Grounding is to identify specific moments or highlights from a video corresponding to textual descriptions. Typical approaches in temporal grounding treat all video clips equally during the encoding process regardless of their semantic relevance with the text query. Therefore, we propose Correlation-Guided DEtection TRansformer (CG-DETR), exploring to provide clues for query-associated video clips within the cross-modal attention. First, we design an adaptive cross-attention with dummy tokens. Dummy tokens conditioned by text query take portions of the attention weights, preventing irrelevant video clips from being represented by the text query. Yet, not all words equally inherit the text query's correlation to video clips. Thus, we further guide the cross-attention map by inferring the fine-grained correlation between video clips and words. We enable this by learning a joint embedding space for high-level concepts, i.e., moment and sentence level, and inferring the clip-word correlation. Lastly, we exploit the moment-specific characteristics and combine them with the context of each video to form a moment-adaptive saliency detector. By exploiting the degrees of text engagement in each video clip, it precisely measures the highlightness of each clip. CG-DETR achieves state-of-the-art results on various benchmarks for temporal grounding. Codes are available at


replace Open-Vocabulary Camouflaged Object Segmentation

Authors: Youwei Pang, Xiaoqi Zhao, Jiaming Zuo, Lihe Zhang, Huchuan Lu

Abstract: Recently, the emergence of the large-scale vision-language model (VLM), such as CLIP, has opened the way towards open-world object perception. Many works have explored the utilization of pre-trained VLM for the challenging open-vocabulary dense prediction task that requires perceiving diverse objects with novel classes at inference time. Existing methods construct experiments based on the public datasets of related tasks, which are not tailored for open vocabulary and rarely involve imperceptible objects camouflaged in complex scenes due to data collection bias and annotation costs. To fill in the gaps, we introduce a new task, open-vocabulary camouflaged object segmentation (OVCOS), and construct a large-scale complex scene dataset (\textbf{OVCamo}) containing 11,483 hand-selected images with fine annotations and corresponding object classes. Further, we build a strong single-stage open-vocabulary \underline{c}amouflaged \underline{o}bject \underline{s}egmentation transform\underline{er} baseline \textbf{OVCoser} attached to the parameter-fixed CLIP with iterative semantic guidance and structure enhancement. By integrating the guidance of class semantic knowledge and the supplement of visual structure cues from the edge and depth information, the proposed method can efficiently capture camouflaged objects. Moreover, this effective framework also surpasses previous state-of-the-arts of open-vocabulary semantic image segmentation by a large margin on our OVCamo dataset. With the proposed dataset and baseline, we hope that this new task with more practical value can further expand the research on open-vocabulary dense prediction tasks. Our code and data can be found in the \href{}{link}.


replace Shedding the Bits: Pushing the Boundaries of Quantization with Minifloats on FPGAs

Authors: Shivam Aggarwal, Hans Jakob Damsgaard, Alessandro Pappalardo, Giuseppe Franco, Thomas B. Preu{\ss}er, Michaela Blott, Tulika Mitra

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) is a powerful technique for model compression, reducing the numerical precision in neural networks without additional training overhead. Recent works have investigated adopting 8-bit floating-point formats(FP8) in the context of PTQ for model inference. However, floating-point formats smaller than 8 bits and their relative comparison in terms of accuracy-hardware cost with integers remains unexplored on FPGAs. In this work, we present minifloats, which are reduced-precision floating-point formats capable of further reducing the memory footprint, latency, and energy cost of a model while approaching full-precision model accuracy. We implement a custom FPGA-based multiply-accumulate operator library and explore the vast design space, comparing minifloat and integer representations across 3 to 8 bits for both weights and activations. We also examine the applicability of various integerbased quantization techniques to minifloats. Our experiments show that minifloats offer a promising alternative for emerging workloads such as vision transformers.

replace Unified Medical Image Pre-training in Language-Guided Common Semantic Space

Authors: Xiaoxuan He, Yifan Yang, Xinyang Jiang, Xufang Luo, Haoji Hu, Siyun Zhao, Dongsheng Li, Yuqing Yang, Lili Qiu

Abstract: Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) has shown the merits of analysing medical images, by leveraging the semantic congruence between medical images and their corresponding reports. It efficiently learns visual representations, which in turn facilitates enhanced analysis and interpretation of intricate imaging data. However, such observation is predominantly justified on single-modality data (mostly 2D images like X-rays), adapting VLP to learning unified representations for medical images in real scenario remains an open challenge. This arises from medical images often encompass a variety of modalities, especially modalities with different various number of dimensions (e.g., 3D images like Computed Tomography). To overcome the aforementioned challenges, we propose an Unified Medical Image Pre-training framework, namely UniMedI, which utilizes diagnostic reports as common semantic space to create unified representations for diverse modalities of medical images (especially for 2D and 3D images). Under the text's guidance, we effectively uncover visual modality information, identifying the affected areas in 2D X-rays and slices containing lesion in sophisticated 3D CT scans, ultimately enhancing the consistency across various medical imaging modalities. To demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of UniMedI, we evaluate its performance on both 2D and 3D images across 10 different datasets, covering a wide range of medical image tasks such as classification, segmentation, and retrieval. UniMedI has demonstrated superior performance in downstream tasks, showcasing its effectiveness in establishing a universal medical visual representation.

replace Rejuvenating image-GPT as Strong Visual Representation Learners

Authors: Sucheng Ren, Zeyu Wang, Hongru Zhu, Junfei Xiao, Alan Yuille, Cihang Xie

Abstract: This paper enhances image-GPT (iGPT), one of the pioneering works that introduce autoregressive pretraining to predict the next pixels for visual representation learning. Two simple yet essential changes are made. First, we shift the prediction target from raw pixels to semantic tokens, enabling a higher-level understanding of visual content. Second, we supplement the autoregressive modeling by instructing the model to predict not only the next tokens but also the visible tokens. This pipeline is particularly effective when semantic tokens are encoded by discriminatively trained models, such as CLIP. We introduce this novel approach as D-iGPT. Extensive experiments showcase that D-iGPT excels as a strong learner of visual representations: A notable achievement is its compelling performance on the ImageNet-1K dataset -- by training on publicly available datasets, D-iGPT unprecedentedly achieves \textbf{90.0\%} top-1 accuracy with a vanilla ViT-H. Additionally, D-iGPT shows strong generalization on the downstream task. Code is available at


replace MaTe3D: Mask-guided Text-based 3D-aware Portrait Editing

Authors: Kangneng Zhou, Daiheng Gao, Xuan Wang, Jie Zhang, Peng Zhang, Xusen Sun, Longhao Zhang, Shiqi Yang, Bang Zhang, Liefeng Bo, Yaxing Wang, Ming-Ming Cheng

Abstract: 3D-aware portrait editing has a wide range of applications in multiple fields. However, current approaches are limited due that they can only perform mask-guided or text-based editing. Even by fusing the two procedures into a model, the editing quality and stability cannot be ensured. To address this limitation, we propose \textbf{MaTe3D}: mask-guided text-based 3D-aware portrait editing. In this framework, first, we introduce a new SDF-based 3D generator which learns local and global representations with proposed SDF and density consistency losses. This enhances masked-based editing in local areas; second, we present a novel distillation strategy: Conditional Distillation on Geometry and Texture (CDGT). Compared to exiting distillation strategies, it mitigates visual ambiguity and avoids mismatch between texture and geometry, thereby producing stable texture and convincing geometry while editing. Additionally, we create the CatMask-HQ dataset, a large-scale high-resolution cat face annotation for exploration of model generalization and expansion. We perform expensive experiments on both the FFHQ and CatMask-HQ datasets to demonstrate the editing quality and stability of the proposed method. Our method faithfully generates a 3D-aware edited face image based on a modified mask and a text prompt. Our code and models will be publicly released.

replace Comparing YOLOv8 and Mask RCNN for object segmentation in complex orchard environments

Authors: Ranjan Sapkota, Dawood Ahmed, Manoj Karkee

Abstract: Instance segmentation, an important image processing operation for automation in agriculture, is used to precisely delineate individual objects of interest within images, which provides foundational information for various automated or robotic tasks such as selective harvesting and precision pruning. This study compares the one-stage YOLOv8 and the two-stage Mask R-CNN machine learning models for instance segmentation under varying orchard conditions across two datasets. Dataset 1, collected in dormant season, includes images of dormant apple trees, which were used to train multi-object segmentation models delineating tree branches and trunks. Dataset 2, collected in the early growing season, includes images of apple tree canopies with green foliage and immature (green) apples (also called fruitlet), which were used to train single-object segmentation models delineating only immature green apples. The results showed that YOLOv8 performed better than Mask R-CNN, achieving good precision and near-perfect recall across both datasets at a confidence threshold of 0.5. Specifically, for Dataset 1, YOLOv8 achieved a precision of 0.90 and a recall of 0.95 for all classes. In comparison, Mask R-CNN demonstrated a precision of 0.81 and a recall of 0.81 for the same dataset. With Dataset 2, YOLOv8 achieved a precision of 0.93 and a recall of 0.97. Mask R-CNN, in this single-class scenario, achieved a precision of 0.85 and a recall of 0.88. Additionally, the inference times for YOLOv8 were 10.9 ms for multi-class segmentation (Dataset 1) and 7.8 ms for single-class segmentation (Dataset 2), compared to 15.6 ms and 12.8 ms achieved by Mask R-CNN's, respectively.

replace Object Recognition from Scientific Document based on Compartment Refinement Framework

Authors: Jinghong Li, Wen Gu, Koichi Ota, Shinobu Hasegawa

Abstract: With the rapid development of the internet in the past decade, it has become increasingly important to extract valuable information from vast resources efficiently, which is crucial for establishing a comprehensive digital ecosystem, particularly in the context of research surveys and comprehension. The foundation of these tasks focuses on accurate extraction and deep mining of data from scientific documents, which are essential for building a robust data infrastructure. However, parsing raw data or extracting data from complex scientific documents have been ongoing challenges. Current data extraction methods for scientific documents typically use rule-based (RB) or machine learning (ML) approaches. However, using rule-based methods can incur high coding costs for articles with intricate typesetting. Conversely, relying solely on machine learning methods necessitates annotation work for complex content types within the scientific document, which can be costly. Additionally, few studies have thoroughly defined and explored the hierarchical layout within scientific documents. The lack of a comprehensive definition of the internal structure and elements of the documents indirectly impacts the accuracy of text classification and object recognition tasks. From the perspective of analyzing the standard layout and typesetting used in the specified publication, we propose a new document layout analysis framework called CTBR(Compartment & Text Blocks Refinement). Firstly, we define scientific documents into hierarchical divisions: base domain, compartment, and text blocks. Next, we conduct an in-depth exploration and classification of the meanings of text blocks. Finally, we utilize the results of text block classification to implement object recognition within scientific documents based on rule-based compartment segmentation.

replace Improving Efficiency of Diffusion Models via Multi-Stage Framework and Tailored Multi-Decoder Architectures

Authors: Huijie Zhang, Yifu Lu, Ismail Alkhouri, Saiprasad Ravishankar, Dogyoon Song, Qing Qu

Abstract: Diffusion models, emerging as powerful deep generative tools, excel in various applications. They operate through a two-steps process: introducing noise into training samples and then employing a model to convert random noise into new samples (e.g., images). However, their remarkable generative performance is hindered by slow training and sampling. This is due to the necessity of tracking extensive forward and reverse diffusion trajectories, and employing a large model with numerous parameters across multiple timesteps (i.e., noise levels). To tackle these challenges, we present a multi-stage framework inspired by our empirical findings. These observations indicate the advantages of employing distinct parameters tailored to each timestep while retaining universal parameters shared across all time steps. Our approach involves segmenting the time interval into multiple stages where we employ custom multi-decoder U-net architecture that blends time-dependent models with a universally shared encoder. Our framework enables the efficient distribution of computational resources and mitigates inter-stage interference, which substantially improves training efficiency. Extensive numerical experiments affirm the effectiveness of our framework, showcasing significant training and sampling efficiency enhancements on three state-of-the-art diffusion models, including large-scale latent diffusion models. Furthermore, our ablation studies illustrate the impact of two important components in our framework: (i) a novel timestep clustering algorithm for stage division, and (ii) an innovative multi-decoder U-net architecture, seamlessly integrating universal and customized hyperparameters.

replace SeiT++: Masked Token Modeling Improves Storage-efficient Training

Authors: Minhyun Lee, Song Park, Byeongho Heo, Dongyoon Han, Hyunjung Shim

Abstract: Recent advancements in Deep Neural Network (DNN) models have significantly improved performance across computer vision tasks. However, achieving highly generalizable and high-performing vision models requires expansive datasets, resulting in significant storage requirements. This storage challenge is a critical bottleneck for scaling up models. A recent breakthrough by SeiT proposed the use of Vector-Quantized (VQ) feature vectors (i.e., tokens) as network inputs for vision classification. This approach achieved 90% of the performance of a model trained on full-pixel images with only 1% of the storage. While SeiT needs labeled data, its potential in scenarios beyond fully supervised learning remains largely untapped. In this paper, we extend SeiT by integrating Masked Token Modeling (MTM) for self-supervised pre-training. Recognizing that self-supervised approaches often demand more data due to the lack of labels, we introduce TokenAdapt and ColorAdapt. These methods facilitate comprehensive token-friendly data augmentation, effectively addressing the increased data requirements of self-supervised learning. We evaluate our approach across various scenarios, including storage-efficient ImageNet-1k classification, fine-grained classification, ADE-20k semantic segmentation, and robustness benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate consistent performance improvement in diverse experiments, validating the effectiveness of our method. Code is available at


replace ALOHA: from Attention to Likes -- a unified mOdel for understanding HumAn responses to diverse visual content

Authors: Peizhao Li, Junfeng He, Gang Li, Rachit Bhargava, Shaolei Shen, Nachiappan Valliappan, Youwei Liang, Hongxiang Gu, Venky Ramachandran, Golnaz Farhadi, Yang Li, Kai J Kohlhoff, Vidhya Navalpakkam

Abstract: Progress in human behavior modeling involves understanding both implicit, early-stage perceptual behavior such as human attention and explicit, later-stage behavior such as subjective preferences/likes. Yet, most prior research has focused on modeling implicit and explicit human behavior in isolation; and often limited to a specific type of visual content. Can we build a unified model of human attention and preference behavior that works reliably across diverse types of visual content? Such a model would enable predicting subjective feedback such as satisfaction or aesthetic quality, along with the underlying human attention or interaction heatmaps and viewing order, enabling designers and content-creation models to optimize their creation for human-centric improvements. In this paper, we propose ALOHA -- a unified model for understanding human responses from attention to likes, across diverse visual content. ALOHA leverages a multimodal transformer % featuring distinct prediction heads for each facet, and predicts different human responses such as attention heatmaps, scanpath or viewing order, as well as subjective rating/preference. We train ALOHA on diverse public datasets spanning natural images, webpages and graphic designs, and achieve SOTA performance on multiple benchmarks across different image domains and various behavior modeling tasks. Potential applications include providing instant feedback on the effectiveness of UIs/designs/images, and serving as a reward model to further optimize visual-content creation.

replace Spherical Mask: Coarse-to-Fine 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation with Spherical Representation

Authors: Sangyun Shin, Kaichen Zhou, Madhu Vankadari, Andrew Markham, Niki Trigoni

Abstract: Coarse-to-fine 3D instance segmentation methods show weak performances compared to recent Grouping-based, Kernel-based and Transformer-based methods. We argue that this is due to two limitations: 1) Instance size overestimation by axis-aligned bounding box(AABB) 2) False negative error accumulation from inaccurate box to the refinement phase. In this work, we introduce Spherical Mask, a novel coarse-to-fine approach based on spherical representation, overcoming those two limitations with several benefits. Specifically, our coarse detection estimates each instance with a 3D polygon using a center and radial distance predictions, which avoids excessive size estimation of AABB. To cut the error propagation in the existing coarse-to-fine approaches, we virtually migrate points based on the polygon, allowing all foreground points, including false negatives, to be refined. During inference, the proposal and point migration modules run in parallel and are assembled to form binary masks of instances. We also introduce two margin-based losses for the point migration to enforce corrections for the false positives/negatives and cohesion of foreground points, significantly improving the performance. Experimental results from three datasets, such as ScanNetV2, S3DIS, and STPLS3D, show that our proposed method outperforms existing works, demonstrating the effectiveness of the new instance representation with spherical coordinates. The code is available at:


replace Mixture of Cluster-conditional LoRA Experts for Vision-language Instruction Tuning

Authors: Yunhao Gou, Zhili Liu, Kai Chen, Lanqing Hong, Hang Xu, Aoxue Li, Dit-Yan Yeung, James T. Kwok, Yu Zhang

Abstract: Instruction tuning of Large Vision-language Models (LVLMs) has revolutionized the development of versatile models with zero-shot generalization across a wide range of downstream vision-language tasks. However, the diversity of training tasks of different sources and formats would lead to inevitable task conflicts, where different tasks conflict for the same set of model parameters, resulting in sub-optimal instruction-following abilities. To address that, we propose the Mixture of Cluster-conditional LoRA Experts (MoCLE), a novel Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture designed to activate the task-customized model parameters based on the instruction clusters. A separate universal expert is further incorporated to improve generalization capabilities of MoCLE for novel instructions. Extensive experiments on InstructBLIP and LLaVA demonstrate the effectiveness of MoCLE.

replace Improving Semantic Correspondence with Viewpoint-Guided Spherical Maps

Authors: Octave Mariotti, Oisin Mac Aodha, Hakan Bilen

Abstract: Recent progress in self-supervised representation learning has resulted in models that are capable of extracting image features that are not only effective at encoding image level, but also pixel-level, semantics. These features have been shown to be effective for dense visual semantic correspondence estimation, even outperforming fully-supervised methods. Nevertheless, current self-supervised approaches still fail in the presence of challenging image characteristics such as symmetries and repeated parts. To address these limitations, we propose a new approach for semantic correspondence estimation that supplements discriminative self-supervised features with 3D understanding via a weak geometric spherical prior. Compared to more involved 3D pipelines, our model only requires weak viewpoint information, and the simplicity of our spherical representation enables us to inject informative geometric priors into the model during training. We propose a new evaluation metric that better accounts for repeated part and symmetry-induced mistakes. We present results on the challenging SPair-71k dataset, where we show that our approach demonstrates is capable of distinguishing between symmetric views and repeated parts across many object categories, and also demonstrate that we can generalize to unseen classes on the AwA dataset.

replace Learning from Mistakes: Iterative Prompt Relabeling for Text-to-Image Diffusion Model Training

Authors: Xinyan Chen, Jiaxin Ge, Tianjun Zhang, Jiaming Liu, Shanghang Zhang

Abstract: Diffusion models have shown impressive performance in many domains, including image generation, time series prediction, and reinforcement learning. The algorithm demonstrates superior performance over the traditional GAN and transformer-based methods. However, the model's capability to follow natural language instructions (e.g., spatial relationships between objects, generating complex scenes) is still unsatisfactory. It has been an important research area to enhance such capability. Prior works have shown that using Reinforcement Learning can effectively train diffusion models to enhance fidelity on specific objectives. However, existing RL methods require collecting a large amount of data to train an effective reward model. They also don't receive feedback when the generated image is incorrect. In this work, we propose Iterative Prompt Relabeling (IPR), a novel algorithm that aligns images to text through iterative image sampling and prompt relabeling. IPR first samples a batch of images conditioned on the text then relabels the text prompts of unmatched text-image pairs with classifier feedback. We conduct thorough experiments on SDv2 and SDXL, testing their capability to follow instructions on spatial relations. With IPR, we improved up to 15.22% (absolute improvement) on the challenging spatial relation VISOR benchmark, demonstrating superior performance compared to previous RL methods.

replace Score Distillation Sampling with Learned Manifold Corrective

Authors: Thiemo Alldieck, Nikos Kolotouros, Cristian Sminchisescu

Abstract: Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) is a recent but already widely popular method that relies on an image diffusion model to control optimization problems using text prompts. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the SDS loss function, identify an inherent problem with its formulation, and propose a surprisingly easy but effective fix. Specifically, we decompose the loss into different factors and isolate the component responsible for noisy gradients. In the original formulation, high text guidance is used to account for the noise, leading to unwanted side effects such as oversaturation or repeated detail. Instead, we train a shallow network mimicking the timestep-dependent frequency bias of the image diffusion model in order to effectively factor it out. We demonstrate the versatility and the effectiveness of our novel loss formulation through qualitative and quantitative experiments, including optimization-based image synthesis and editing, zero-shot image translation network training, and text-to-3D synthesis.

replace Improved Implicit Neural Representation with Fourier Reparameterized Training

Authors: Kexuan Shi, Xingyu Zhou, Shuhang Gu

Abstract: Implicit Neural Representation (INR) as a mighty representation paradigm has achieved success in various computer vision tasks recently. Due to the low-frequency bias issue of vanilla multi-layer perceptron (MLP), existing methods have investigated advanced techniques, such as positional encoding and periodic activation function, to improve the accuracy of INR. In this paper, we connect the network training bias with the reparameterization technique and theoretically prove that weight reparameterization could provide us a chance to alleviate the spectral bias of MLP. Based on our theoretical analysis, we propose a Fourier reparameterization method which learns coefficient matrix of fixed Fourier bases to compose the weights of MLP. We evaluate the proposed Fourier reparameterization method on different INR tasks with various MLP architectures, including vanilla MLP, MLP with positional encoding and MLP with advanced activation function, etc. The superiority approximation results on different MLP architectures clearly validate the advantage of our proposed method. Armed with our Fourier reparameterization method, better INR with more textures and less artifacts can be learned from the training data.

replace Artwork Protection Against Neural Style Transfer Using Locally Adaptive Adversarial Color Attack

Authors: Zhongliang Guo, Junhao Dong, Yifei Qian, Kaixuan Wang, Weiye Li, Ziheng Guo, Yuheng Wang, Yanli Li, Ognjen Arandjelovi\'c, Lei Fang

Abstract: Neural style transfer (NST) generates new images by combining the style of one image with the content of another. However, unauthorized NST can exploit artwork, raising concerns about artists' rights and motivating the development of proactive protection methods. We propose Locally Adaptive Adversarial Color Attack (LAACA), empowering artists to protect their artwork from unauthorized style transfer by processing before public release. By delving into the intricacies of human visual perception and the role of different frequency components, our method strategically introduces frequency-adaptive perturbations in the image. These perturbations significantly degrade the generation quality of NST while maintaining an acceptable level of visual change in the original image, ensuring that potential infringers are discouraged from using the protected artworks, because of its bad NST generation quality. Additionally, existing metrics often overlook the importance of color fidelity in evaluating color-mattered tasks, such as the quality of NST-generated images, which is crucial in the context of artistic works. To comprehensively assess the color-mattered tasks, we propose the Adversarial Color Distance Metric (ACDM), designed to quantify the color difference of images pre- and post-manipulations. Experimental results confirm that attacking NST using LAACA results in visually inferior style transfer, and the ACDM can efficiently measure color-mattered tasks. By providing artists with a tool to safeguard their intellectual property, our work relieves the socio-technical challenges posed by the misuse of NST in the art community.

replace PhotoBot: Reference-Guided Interactive Photography via Natural Language

Authors: Oliver Limoyo, Jimmy Li, Dmitriy Rivkin, Jonathan Kelly, Gregory Dudek

Abstract: We introduce PhotoBot, a framework for fully automated photo acquisition based on an interplay between high-level human language guidance and a robot photographer. We propose to communicate photography suggestions to the user via reference images that are selected from a curated gallery. We leverage a visual language model (VLM) and an object detector to characterize the reference images via textual descriptions and then use a large language model (LLM) to retrieve relevant reference images based on a user's language query through text-based reasoning. To correspond the reference image and the observed scene, we exploit pre-trained features from a vision transformer capable of capturing semantic similarity across marked appearance variations. Using these features, we compute suggested pose adjustments for an RGB-D camera by solving a perspective-n-point (PnP) problem. We demonstrate our approach using a manipulator equipped with a wrist camera. Our user studies show that photos taken by PhotoBot are often more aesthetically pleasing than those taken by users themselves, as measured by human feedback. We also show that PhotoBot can generalize to other reference sources such as paintings.

replace MUSES: The Multi-Sensor Semantic Perception Dataset for Driving under Uncertainty

Authors: Tim Br\"odermann, David Bruggemann, Christos Sakaridis, Kevin Ta, Odysseas Liagouris, Jason Corkill, Luc Van Gool

Abstract: Achieving level-5 driving automation in autonomous vehicles necessitates a robust semantic visual perception system capable of parsing data from different sensors across diverse conditions. However, existing semantic perception datasets often lack important non-camera modalities typically used in autonomous vehicles, or they do not exploit such modalities to aid and improve semantic annotations in challenging conditions. To address this, we introduce MUSES, the MUlti-SEnsor Semantic perception dataset for driving in adverse conditions under increased uncertainty. MUSES includes synchronized multimodal recordings with 2D panoptic annotations for 2500 images captured under diverse weather and illumination. The dataset integrates a frame camera, a lidar, a radar, an event camera, and an IMU/GNSS sensor. Our new two-stage panoptic annotation protocol captures both class-level and instance-level uncertainty in the ground truth and enables the novel task of uncertainty-aware panoptic segmentation we introduce, along with standard semantic and panoptic segmentation. MUSES proves both effective for training and challenging for evaluating models under diverse visual conditions, and it opens new avenues for research in multimodal and uncertainty-aware dense semantic perception. Our dataset and benchmark are publicly available at


replace CNG-SFDA: Clean-and-Noisy Region Guided Online-Offline Source-Free Domain Adaptation

Authors: Hyeonwoo Cho, Chanmin Park, Donghee Kim, Jinyoung Kim, Won Hwa Kim

Abstract: Domain shift occurs when training (source) and test (target) data diverge in their distribution. Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) addresses this domain shift problem, aiming to adopt a trained model on the source domain to the target domain in a scenario where only a well-trained source model and unlabeled target data are available. In this scenario, handling false labels in the target domain is crucial because they negatively impact the model performance. To deal with this problem, we propose to update cluster prototypes (i.e., centroid of each sample cluster) and their structure in the target domain formulated by the source model in online manners. In the feature space, samples in different regions have different pseudo-label distribution characteristics affected by the cluster prototypes, and we adopt distinct training strategies for these samples by defining clean and noisy regions: we selectively train the target with clean pseudo-labels in the clean region, whereas we introduce mix-up inputs representing intermediate features between clean and noisy regions to increase the compactness of the cluster. We conducted extensive experiments on multiple datasets in online/offline SFDA settings, whose results demonstrate that our method, CNG-SFDA, achieves state-of-the-art for most cases.

replace ScreenAI: A Vision-Language Model for UI and Infographics Understanding

Authors: Gilles Baechler, Srinivas Sunkara, Maria Wang, Fedir Zubach, Hassan Mansoor, Vincent Etter, Victor C\u{a}rbune, Jason Lin, Jindong Chen, Abhanshu Sharma

Abstract: Screen user interfaces (UIs) and infographics, sharing similar visual language and design principles, play important roles in human communication and human-machine interaction. We introduce ScreenAI, a vision-language model that specializes in UI and infographics understanding. Our model improves upon the PaLI architecture with the flexible patching strategy of pix2struct and is trained on a unique mixture of datasets. At the heart of this mixture is a novel screen annotation task in which the model has to identify the type and location of UI elements. We use these text annotations to describe screens to Large Language Models and automatically generate question-answering (QA), UI navigation, and summarization training datasets at scale. We run ablation studies to demonstrate the impact of these design choices. At only 5B parameters, ScreenAI achieves new state-of-the-artresults on UI- and infographics-based tasks (Multi-page DocVQA, WebSRC, MoTIF and Widget Captioning), and new best-in-class performance on others (Chart QA, DocVQA, and InfographicVQA) compared to models of similar size. Finally, we release three new datasets: one focused on the screen annotation task and two others focused on question answering.

replace Evaluation of Activated Sludge Settling Characteristics from Microscopy Images with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning

Authors: Sina Borzooei, Leonardo Scabini, Gisele Miranda, Saba Daneshgar, Lukas Deblieck, Piet De Langhe, Odemir Bruno, Bernard De Baets, Ingmar Nopens, Elena Torfs

Abstract: Microbial communities play a key role in biological wastewater treatment processes. Activated sludge settling characteristics, for example, are affected by microbial community composition, varying by changes in operating conditions and influent characteristics of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Timely assessment and prediction of changes in microbial composition leading to settling problems, such as filamentous bulking (FB), can prevent operational challenges, reductions in treatment efficiency, and adverse environmental impacts. This study presents an innovative computer vision-based approach to assess activated sludge-settling characteristics based on the morphological properties of flocs and filaments in microscopy images. Implementing the transfer learning of deep convolutional neural network (CNN) models, this approach aims to overcome the limitations of existing quantitative image analysis techniques. The offline microscopy image dataset was collected over two years, with weekly sampling at a full-scale industrial WWTP in Belgium. Multiple data augmentation techniques were employed to enhance the generalizability of the CNN models. Various CNN architectures, including Inception v3, ResNet18, ResNet152, ConvNeXt-nano, and ConvNeXt-S, were tested to evaluate their performance in predicting sludge settling characteristics. The sludge volume index was used as the final prediction variable, but the method can easily be adjusted to predict any other settling metric of choice. The results showed that the suggested CNN-based approach provides less labour-intensive, objective, and consistent assessments, while transfer learning notably minimises the training phase, resulting in a generalizable system that can be employed in real-time applications.

replace SkateFormer: Skeletal-Temporal Transformer for Human Action Recognition

Authors: Jeonghyeok Do, Munchurl Kim

Abstract: Skeleton-based action recognition, which classifies human actions based on the coordinates of joints and their connectivity within skeleton data, is widely utilized in various scenarios. While Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) have been proposed for skeleton data represented as graphs, they suffer from limited receptive fields constrained by joint connectivity. To address this limitation, recent advancements have introduced transformer-based methods. However, capturing correlations between all joints in all frames requires substantial memory resources. To alleviate this, we propose a novel approach called Skeletal-Temporal Transformer (SkateFormer) that partitions joints and frames based on different types of skeletal-temporal relation (Skate-Type) and performs skeletal-temporal self-attention (Skate-MSA) within each partition. We categorize the key skeletal-temporal relations for action recognition into a total of four distinct types. These types combine (i) two skeletal relation types based on physically neighboring and distant joints, and (ii) two temporal relation types based on neighboring and distant frames. Through this partition-specific attention strategy, our SkateFormer can selectively focus on key joints and frames crucial for action recognition in an action-adaptive manner with efficient computation. Extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets validate that our SkateFormer outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods.

replace Source Prompt Disentangled Inversion for Boosting Image Editability with Diffusion Models

Authors: Ruibin Li, Ruihuang Li, Song Guo, Lei Zhang

Abstract: Text-driven diffusion models have significantly advanced the image editing performance by using text prompts as inputs. One crucial step in text-driven image editing is to invert the original image into a latent noise code conditioned on the source prompt. While previous methods have achieved promising results by refactoring the image synthesizing process, the inverted latent noise code is tightly coupled with the source prompt, limiting the image editability by target text prompts. To address this issue, we propose a novel method called Source Prompt Disentangled Inversion (SPDInv), which aims at reducing the impact of source prompt, thereby enhancing the text-driven image editing performance by employing diffusion models. To make the inverted noise code be independent of the given source prompt as much as possible, we indicate that the iterative inversion process should satisfy a fixed-point constraint. Consequently, we transform the inversion problem into a searching problem to find the fixed-point solution, and utilize the pre-trained diffusion models to facilitate the searching process. The experimental results show that our proposed SPDInv method can effectively mitigate the conflicts between the target editing prompt and the source prompt, leading to a significant decrease in editing artifacts. In addition to text-driven image editing, with SPDInv we can easily adapt customized image generation models to localized editing tasks and produce promising performance. The source code are available at


replace Z-Splat: Z-Axis Gaussian Splatting for Camera-Sonar Fusion

Authors: Ziyuan Qu, Omkar Vengurlekar, Mohamad Qadri, Kevin Zhang, Michael Kaess, Christopher Metzler, Suren Jayasuriya, Adithya Pediredla

Abstract: Differentiable 3D-Gaussian splatting (GS) is emerging as a prominent technique in computer vision and graphics for reconstructing 3D scenes. GS represents a scene as a set of 3D Gaussians with varying opacities and employs a computationally efficient splatting operation along with analytical derivatives to compute the 3D Gaussian parameters given scene images captured from various viewpoints. Unfortunately, capturing surround view ($360^{\circ}$ viewpoint) images is impossible or impractical in many real-world imaging scenarios, including underwater imaging, rooms inside a building, and autonomous navigation. In these restricted baseline imaging scenarios, the GS algorithm suffers from a well-known 'missing cone' problem, which results in poor reconstruction along the depth axis. In this manuscript, we demonstrate that using transient data (from sonars) allows us to address the missing cone problem by sampling high-frequency data along the depth axis. We extend the Gaussian splatting algorithms for two commonly used sonars and propose fusion algorithms that simultaneously utilize RGB camera data and sonar data. Through simulations, emulations, and hardware experiments across various imaging scenarios, we show that the proposed fusion algorithms lead to significantly better novel view synthesis (5 dB improvement in PSNR) and 3D geometry reconstruction (60% lower Chamfer distance).

replace A Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy on Point Cloud Registration Based on Deep Learning

Authors: Yu-Xin Zhang, Jie Gui, Xiaofeng Cong, Xin Gong, Wenbing Tao

Abstract: Point cloud registration (PCR) involves determining a rigid transformation that aligns one point cloud to another. Despite the plethora of outstanding deep learning (DL)-based registration methods proposed, comprehensive and systematic studies on DL-based PCR techniques are still lacking. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey and taxonomy of recently proposed PCR methods. Firstly, we conduct a taxonomy of commonly utilized datasets and evaluation metrics. Secondly, we classify the existing research into two main categories: supervised and unsupervised registration, providing insights into the core concepts of various influential PCR models. Finally, we highlight open challenges and potential directions for future research. A curated collection of valuable resources is made available at


replace TalkingGaussian: Structure-Persistent 3D Talking Head Synthesis via Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Jiahe Li, Jiawei Zhang, Xiao Bai, Jin Zheng, Xin Ning, Jun Zhou, Lin Gu

Abstract: Radiance fields have demonstrated impressive performance in synthesizing lifelike 3D talking heads. However, due to the difficulty in fitting steep appearance changes, the prevailing paradigm that presents facial motions by directly modifying point appearance may lead to distortions in dynamic regions. To tackle this challenge, we introduce TalkingGaussian, a deformation-based radiance fields framework for high-fidelity talking head synthesis. Leveraging the point-based Gaussian Splatting, facial motions can be represented in our method by applying smooth and continuous deformations to persistent Gaussian primitives, without requiring to learn the difficult appearance change like previous methods. Due to this simplification, precise facial motions can be synthesized while keeping a highly intact facial feature. Under such a deformation paradigm, we further identify a face-mouth motion inconsistency that would affect the learning of detailed speaking motions. To address this conflict, we decompose the model into two branches separately for the face and inside mouth areas, therefore simplifying the learning tasks to help reconstruct more accurate motion and structure of the mouth region. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method renders high-quality lip-synchronized talking head videos, with better facial fidelity and higher efficiency compared with previous methods.

replace Registration by Regression (RbR): a framework for interpretable and flexible atlas registration

Authors: Karthik Gopinath, Xiaoling Hu, Malte Hoffmann, Oula Puonti, Juan Eugenio Iglesias

Abstract: In human neuroimaging studies, atlas registration enables mapping MRI scans to a common coordinate frame, which is necessary to aggregate data from multiple subjects. Machine learning registration methods have achieved excellent speed and accuracy but lack interpretability and flexibility at test time (since their deformation model is fixed). More recently, keypoint-based methods have been proposed to tackle these issues, but their accuracy is still subpar, particularly when fitting nonlinear transforms. Here we propose Registration by Regression (RbR), a novel atlas registration framework that: is highly robust and flexible; can be trained with cheaply obtained data; and operates on a single channel, such that it can also be used as pretraining for other tasks. RbR predicts the (x, y, z) atlas coordinates for every voxel of the input scan (i.e., every voxel is a keypoint), and then uses closed-form expressions to quickly fit transforms using a wide array of possible deformation models, including affine and nonlinear (e.g., Bspline, Demons, invertible diffeomorphic models, etc.). Robustness is provided by the large number of voxels informing the registration and can be further increased by robust estimators like RANSAC. Experiments on independent public datasets show that RbR yields more accurate registration than competing keypoint approaches, over a wide range of deformation models.

replace Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning of Self-supervised ViTs without Catastrophic Forgetting

Authors: Reza Akbarian Bafghi, Nidhin Harilal, Claire Monteleoni, Maziar Raissi

Abstract: Artificial neural networks often suffer from catastrophic forgetting, where learning new concepts leads to a complete loss of previously acquired knowledge. We observe that this issue is particularly magnified in vision transformers (ViTs), where post-pre-training and fine-tuning on new tasks can significantly degrade the model's original general abilities. For instance, a DINO ViT-Base/16 pre-trained on ImageNet-1k loses over 70% accuracy on ImageNet-1k after just 10 iterations of fine-tuning on CIFAR-100. Overcoming this stability-plasticity dilemma is crucial for enabling ViTs to continuously learn and adapt to new domains while preserving their initial knowledge. In this work, we study two new parameter-efficient fine-tuning strategies: (1)~Block Expansion, and (2) Low-rank adaptation (LoRA). Our experiments reveal that using either Block Expansion or LoRA on self-supervised pre-trained ViTs surpass fully fine-tuned ViTs in new domains while offering significantly greater parameter efficiency. Notably, we find that Block Expansion experiences only a minimal performance drop in the pre-training domain, thereby effectively mitigating catastrophic forgetting in pre-trained ViTs.

replace Latent Fingerprint Matching via Dense Minutia Descriptor

Authors: Zhiyu Pan, Yongjie Duan, Xiongjun Guan, Jianjiang Feng, Jie Zhou

Abstract: Latent fingerprint matching is a daunting task, primarily due to the poor quality of latent fingerprints. In this study, we propose a deep-learning based dense minutia descriptor (DMD) for latent fingerprint matching. A DMD is obtained by extracting the fingerprint patch aligned by its central minutia, capturing detailed minutia information and texture information. Our dense descriptor takes the form of a three-dimensional representation, with two dimensions associated with the original image plane and the other dimension representing the abstract features. Additionally, the extraction process outputs the fingerprint segmentation map, ensuring that the descriptor is only valid in the foreground region. The matching between two descriptors occurs in their overlapping regions, with a score normalization strategy to reduce the impact brought by the differences outside the valid area. Our descriptor achieves state-of-the-art performance on several latent fingerprint datasets. Overall, our DMD is more representative and interpretable compared to previous methods.

replace Content-Based Image Retrieval for Multi-Class Volumetric Radiology Images: A Benchmark Study

Authors: Farnaz Khun Jush, Steffen Vogler, Tuan Truong, Matthias Lenga

Abstract: While content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has been extensively studied in natural image retrieval, its application to medical images presents ongoing challenges, primarily due to the 3D nature of medical images. Recent studies have shown the potential use of pre-trained vision embeddings for CBIR in the context of radiology image retrieval. However, a benchmark for the retrieval of 3D volumetric medical images is still lacking, hindering the ability to objectively evaluate and compare the efficiency of proposed CBIR approaches in medical imaging. In this study, we extend previous work and establish a benchmark for region-based and localized multi-organ retrieval using the TotalSegmentator dataset (TS) with detailed multi-organ annotations. We benchmark embeddings derived from pre-trained supervised models on medical images against embeddings derived from pre-trained unsupervised models on non-medical images for 29 coarse and 104 detailed anatomical structures in volume and region levels. For volumetric image retrieval, we adopt a late interaction re-ranking method inspired by text matching. We compare it against the original method proposed for volume and region retrieval and achieve a retrieval recall of 1.0 for diverse anatomical regions with a wide size range. The findings and methodologies presented in this paper provide insights and benchmarks for further development and evaluation of CBIR approaches in the context of medical imaging.

replace UDA4Inst: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Instance Segmentation

Authors: Yachan Guo, Yi Xiao, Danna Xue, Jose Luis Gomez Zurita, Antonio M. L\'opez

Abstract: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) aims to transfer knowledge learned from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. While UDA methods for synthetic to real-world domains (synth-to-real) show remarkable performance in tasks such as semantic segmentation and object detection, very few were proposed for instance segmentation in the field of vision-based autonomous driving, and the existing ones are based on a suboptimal baseline, which severely limits the performance. In this paper, we introduce UDA4Inst, a strong baseline of synth-to-real UDA for instance segmentation. UDA4Inst adopts cross-domain bidirectional data mixing at the instance level to effectively utilize data from both source and target domains. Rare-class balancing and category module training are also employed to further improve the performance. It is worth noting that we are the first to demonstrate results on two new synth-to-real instance segmentation benchmarks, with 39.0 mAP on UrbanSyn->Cityscapes and 35.7 mAP on Synscapes->Cityscapes. Our method outperforms the source-only Mask2Former model by +7 mAP and +7.6 mAP, respectively. On SYNTHIA->Cityscapes, our method improves the source-only Mask2Former by +6.7 mAP, achieving state-of-the-art results.Our code will be released soon.

replace RoScenes: A Large-scale Multi-view 3D Dataset for Roadside Perception

Authors: Xiaosu Zhu, Hualian Sheng, Sijia Cai, Bing Deng, Shaopeng Yang, Qiao Liang, Ken Chen, Lianli Gao, Jingkuan Song, Jieping Ye

Abstract: We introduce RoScenes, the largest multi-view roadside perception dataset, which aims to shed light on the development of vision-centric Bird's Eye View (BEV) approaches for more challenging traffic scenes. The highlights of RoScenes include significantly large perception area, full scene coverage and crowded traffic. More specifically, our dataset achieves surprising 21.13M 3D annotations within 64,000 $m^2$. To relieve the expensive costs of roadside 3D labeling, we present a novel BEV-to-3D joint annotation pipeline to efficiently collect such a large volume of data. After that, we organize a comprehensive study for current BEV methods on RoScenes in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Tested methods suffer from the vast perception area and variation of sensor layout across scenes, resulting in performance levels falling below expectations. To this end, we propose RoBEV that incorporates feature-guided position embedding for effective 2D-3D feature assignment. With its help, our method outperforms state-of-the-art by a large margin without extra computational overhead on validation set. Our dataset and devkit will be made available at


replace Generative Camera Dolly: Extreme Monocular Dynamic Novel View Synthesis

Authors: Basile Van Hoorick, Rundi Wu, Ege Ozguroglu, Kyle Sargent, Ruoshi Liu, Pavel Tokmakov, Achal Dave, Changxi Zheng, Carl Vondrick

Abstract: Accurate reconstruction of complex dynamic scenes from just a single viewpoint continues to be a challenging task in computer vision. Current dynamic novel view synthesis methods typically require videos from many different camera viewpoints, necessitating careful recording setups, and significantly restricting their utility in the wild as well as in terms of embodied AI applications. In this paper, we propose $\textbf{GCD}$, a controllable monocular dynamic view synthesis pipeline that leverages large-scale diffusion priors to, given a video of any scene, generate a synchronous video from any other chosen perspective, conditioned on a set of relative camera pose parameters. Our model does not require depth as input, and does not explicitly model 3D scene geometry, instead performing end-to-end video-to-video translation in order to achieve its goal efficiently. Despite being trained on synthetic multi-view video data only, zero-shot real-world generalization experiments show promising results in multiple domains, including robotics, object permanence, and driving environments. We believe our framework can potentially unlock powerful applications in rich dynamic scene understanding, perception for robotics, and interactive 3D video viewing experiences for virtual reality.

replace Low-Resource Crop Classification from Multi-Spectral Time Series Using Lossless Compressors

Authors: Wei Cheng, Hongrui Ye, Xiao Wen, Jiachen Zhang, Jiping Xu, Feifan Zhang

Abstract: Deep learning has significantly improved the accuracy of crop classification using multispectral temporal data. However, these models have complex structures with numerous parameters, requiring large amounts of data and costly training. In low-resource situations with fewer labeled samples, deep learning models perform poorly due to insufficient data. Conversely, compressors are data-type agnostic, and non-parametric methods do not bring underlying assumptions. Inspired by this insight, we propose a non-training alternative to deep learning models, aiming to address these situations. Specifically, the Symbolic Representation Module is proposed to convert the reflectivity into symbolic representations. The symbolic representations are then cross-transformed in both the channel and time dimensions to generate symbolic embeddings. Next, the Multi-scale Normalised Compression Distance (MNCD) is designed to measure the correlation between any two symbolic embeddings. Finally, based on the MNCDs, high quality crop classification can be achieved using only a k-nearest-neighbor classifier kNN. The entire framework is ready-to-use and lightweight. Without any training, it outperformed, on average, 7 advanced deep learning models trained at scale on three benchmark datasets. It also outperforms more than half of these models in the few-shot setting with sparse crop labels. Therefore, the high performance and robustness of our non-training framework makes it truly applicable to real-world crop mapping. Codes are available at:


replace EasyAnimate: A High-Performance Long Video Generation Method based on Transformer Architecture

Authors: Jiaqi Xu, Xinyi Zou, Kunzhe Huang, Yunkuo Chen, Bo Liu, MengLi Cheng, Xing Shi, Jun Huang

Abstract: This paper presents EasyAnimate, an advanced method for video generation that leverages the power of transformer architecture for high-performance outcomes. We have expanded the DiT framework originally designed for 2D image synthesis to accommodate the complexities of 3D video generation by incorporating a motion module block. It is used to capture temporal dynamics, thereby ensuring the production of consistent frames and seamless motion transitions. The motion module can be adapted to various DiT baseline methods to generate video with different styles. It can also generate videos with different frame rates and resolutions during both training and inference phases, suitable for both images and videos. Moreover, we introduce slice VAE, a novel approach to condense the temporal axis, facilitating the generation of long duration videos. Currently, EasyAnimate exhibits the proficiency to generate videos with 144 frames. We provide a holistic ecosystem for video production based on DiT, encompassing aspects such as data pre-processing, VAE training, DiT models training (both the baseline model and LoRA model), and end-to-end video inference. Code is available at: We are continuously working to enhance the performance of our method.


replace Cross-Dimensional Medical Self-Supervised Representation Learning Based on a Pseudo-3D Transformation

Authors: Fei Gao, Siwen Wang, Fandong Zhang, Hong-Yu Zhou, Yizhou Wang, Churan Wang, Gang Yu, Yizhou Yu

Abstract: Medical image analysis suffers from a shortage of data, whether annotated or not. This becomes even more pronounced when it comes to 3D medical images. Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) can partially ease this situation by using unlabeled data. However, most existing SSL methods can only make use of data in a single dimensionality (e.g. 2D or 3D), and are incapable of enlarging the training dataset by using data with differing dimensionalities jointly. In this paper, we propose a new cross-dimensional SSL framework based on a pseudo-3D transformation (CDSSL-P3D), that can leverage both 2D and 3D data for joint pre-training. Specifically, we introduce an image transformation based on the im2col algorithm, which converts 2D images into a format consistent with 3D data. This transformation enables seamless integration of 2D and 3D data, and facilitates cross-dimensional self-supervised learning for 3D medical image analysis. We run extensive experiments on 13 downstream tasks, including 2D and 3D classification and segmentation. The results indicate that our CDSSL-P3D achieves superior performance, outperforming other advanced SSL methods.

replace AnyMaker: Zero-shot General Object Customization via Decoupled Dual-Level ID Injection

Authors: Lingjie Kong, Kai Wu, Xiaobin Hu, Wenhui Han, Jinlong Peng, Chengming Xu, Donghao Luo, Jiangning Zhang, Chengjie Wang, Yanwei Fu

Abstract: Text-to-image based object customization, aiming to generate images with the same identity (ID) as objects of interest in accordance with text prompts and reference images, has made significant progress. However, recent customizing research is dominated by specialized tasks, such as human customization or virtual try-on, leaving a gap in general object customization. To this end, we introduce AnyMaker, an innovative zero-shot object customization framework capable of generating general objects with high ID fidelity and flexible text editability. The efficacy of AnyMaker stems from its novel general ID extraction, dual-level ID injection, and ID-aware decoupling. Specifically, the general ID extraction module extracts sufficient ID information with an ensemble of self-supervised models to tackle the diverse customization tasks for general objects. Then, to provide the diffusion UNet with the extracted ID as much while not damaging the text editability in the generation process, we design a global-local dual-level ID injection module, in which the global-level semantic ID is injected into text descriptions while the local-level ID details are injected directly into the model through newly added cross-attention modules. In addition, we propose an ID-aware decoupling module to disentangle ID-related information from non-ID elements in the extracted representations for high-fidelity generation of both identity and text descriptions. To validate our approach and boost the research of general object customization, we create the first large-scale general ID dataset, Multi-Category ID-Consistent (MC-IDC) dataset, with 315k text-image samples and 10k categories. Experiments show that AnyMaker presents remarkable performance in general object customization and outperforms specialized methods in corresponding tasks. Code and dataset will be released soon.

replace 4K4DGen: Panoramic 4D Generation at 4K Resolution

Authors: Renjie Li, Panwang Pan, Bangbang Yang, Dejia Xu, Shijie Zhou, Xuanyang Zhang, Zeming Li, Achuta Kadambi, Zhangyang Wang, Zhiwen Fan

Abstract: The blooming of virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies has driven an increasing demand for the creation of high-quality, immersive, and dynamic environments. However, existing generative techniques either focus solely on dynamic objects or perform outpainting from a single perspective image, failing to meet the needs of VR/AR applications. In this work, we tackle the challenging task of elevating a single panorama to an immersive 4D experience. For the first time, we demonstrate the capability to generate omnidirectional dynamic scenes with 360-degree views at 4K resolution, thereby providing an immersive user experience. Our method introduces a pipeline that facilitates natural scene animations and optimizes a set of 4D Gaussians using efficient splatting techniques for real-time exploration. To overcome the lack of scene-scale annotated 4D data and models, especially in panoramic formats, we propose a novel Panoramic Denoiser that adapts generic 2D diffusion priors to animate consistently in 360-degree images, transforming them into panoramic videos with dynamic scenes at targeted regions. Subsequently, we elevate the panoramic video into a 4D immersive environment while preserving spatial and temporal consistency. By transferring prior knowledge from 2D models in the perspective domain to the panoramic domain and the 4D lifting with spatial appearance and geometry regularization, we achieve high-quality Panorama-to-4D generation at a resolution of (4096 $\times$ 2048) for the first time. See the project website at


replace HeartBeat: Towards Controllable Echocardiography Video Synthesis with Multimodal Conditions-Guided Diffusion Models

Authors: Xinrui Zhou, Yuhao Huang, Wufeng Xue, Haoran Dou, Jun Cheng, Han Zhou, Dong Ni

Abstract: Echocardiography (ECHO) video is widely used for cardiac examination. In clinical, this procedure heavily relies on operator experience, which needs years of training and maybe the assistance of deep learning-based systems for enhanced accuracy and efficiency. However, it is challenging since acquiring sufficient customized data (e.g., abnormal cases) for novice training and deep model development is clinically unrealistic. Hence, controllable ECHO video synthesis is highly desirable. In this paper, we propose a novel diffusion-based framework named HeartBeat towards controllable and high-fidelity ECHO video synthesis. Our highlight is three-fold. First, HeartBeat serves as a unified framework that enables perceiving multimodal conditions simultaneously to guide controllable generation. Second, we factorize the multimodal conditions into local and global ones, with two insertion strategies separately provided fine- and coarse-grained controls in a composable and flexible manner. In this way, users can synthesize ECHO videos that conform to their mental imagery by combining multimodal control signals. Third, we propose to decouple the visual concepts and temporal dynamics learning using a two-stage training scheme for simplifying the model training. One more interesting thing is that HeartBeat can easily generalize to mask-guided cardiac MRI synthesis in a few shots, showcasing its scalability to broader applications. Extensive experiments on two public datasets show the efficacy of the proposed HeartBeat.

replace UltraCortex: Submillimeter Ultra-High Field 9.4 T1 Brain MR Image Collection and Manual Cortical Segmentations

Authors: Lucas Mahler, Julius Steiglechner, Benjamin Bender, Tobias Lindig, Dana Ramadan, Jonas Bause, Florian Birk, Rahel Heule, Edyta Charyasz, Michael Erb, Vinod Jangir Kumar, Gisela E Hagberg, Pascal Martin, Gabriele Lohmann, Klaus Scheffler

Abstract: The UltraCortex repository ( houses magnetic resonance imaging data of the human brain obtained at an ultra-high field strength of 9.4 T. It contains 86 structural MR images with spatial resolutions ranging from 0.6 to 0.8 mm. Additionally, the repository includes segmentations of 12 brains into gray and white matter compartments. These segmentations have been independently validated by two expert neuroradiologists, thus establishing them as a reliable gold standard. This resource provides researchers with access to high-quality brain imaging data and validated segmentations, facilitating neuroimaging studies and advancing our understanding of brain structure and function. Existing repositories do not accommodate field strengths beyond 7 T, nor do they offer validated segmentations, underscoring the significance of this new resource.


replace 360 in the Wild: Dataset for Depth Prediction and View Synthesis

Authors: Kibaek Park, Francois Rameau, Jaesik Park, In So Kweon

Abstract: The large abundance of perspective camera datasets facilitated the emergence of novel learning-based strategies for various tasks, such as camera localization, single image depth estimation, or view synthesis. However, panoramic or omnidirectional image datasets, including essential information, such as pose and depth, are mostly made with synthetic scenes. In this work, we introduce a large scale 360$^{\circ}$ videos dataset in the wild. This dataset has been carefully scraped from the Internet and has been captured from various locations worldwide. Hence, this dataset exhibits very diversified environments (e.g., indoor and outdoor) and contexts (e.g., with and without moving objects). Each of the 25K images constituting our dataset is provided with its respective camera's pose and depth map. We illustrate the relevance of our dataset for two main tasks, namely, single image depth estimation and view synthesis.

replace Learning Visual Conditioning Tokens to Correct Domain Shift for Fully Test-time Adaptation

Authors: Yushun Tang, Shuoshuo Chen, Zhehan Kan, Yi Zhang, Qinghai Guo, Zhihai He

Abstract: Fully test-time adaptation aims to adapt the network model based on sequential analysis of input samples during the inference stage to address the cross-domain performance degradation problem of deep neural networks. This work is based on the following interesting finding: in transformer-based image classification, the class token at the first transformer encoder layer can be learned to capture the domain-specific characteristics of target samples during test-time adaptation. This learned token, when combined with input image patch embeddings, is able to gradually remove the domain-specific information from the feature representations of input samples during the transformer encoding process, thereby significantly improving the test-time adaptation performance of the source model across different domains. We refer to this class token as visual conditioning token (VCT). To successfully learn the VCT, we propose a bi-level learning approach to capture the long-term variations of domain-specific characteristics while accommodating local variations of instance-specific characteristics. Experimental results on the benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed bi-level visual conditioning token learning method is able to achieve significantly improved test-time adaptation performance by up to 1.9%.

replace MIA-Bench: Towards Better Instruction Following Evaluation of Multimodal LLMs

Authors: Yusu Qian, Hanrong Ye, Jean-Philippe Fauconnier, Peter Grasch, Yinfei Yang, Zhe Gan

Abstract: We introduce MIA-Bench, a new benchmark designed to evaluate multimodal large language models (MLLMs) on their ability to strictly adhere to complex instructions. Our benchmark comprises a diverse set of 400 image-prompt pairs, each crafted to challenge the models' compliance with layered instructions in generating accurate responses that satisfy specific requested patterns. Evaluation results from a wide array of state-of-the-art MLLMs reveal significant variations in performance, highlighting areas for improvement in instruction fidelity. Additionally, we create extra training data and explore supervised fine-tuning to enhance the models' ability to strictly follow instructions without compromising performance on other tasks. We hope this benchmark not only serves as a tool for measuring MLLM adherence to instructions, but also guides future developments in MLLM training methods.

replace Research on target detection method of distracted driving behavior based on improved YOLOv8

Authors: Shiquan Shen, Zhizhong Wu, Pan Zhang

Abstract: With the development of deep learning technology, the detection and classification of distracted driving behaviour requires higher accuracy. Existing deep learning-based methods are computationally intensive and parameter redundant, limiting the efficiency and accuracy in practical applications. To solve this problem, this study proposes an improved YOLOv8 detection method based on the original YOLOv8 model by integrating the BoTNet module, GAM attention mechanism and EIoU loss function. By optimising the feature extraction and multi-scale feature fusion strategies, the training and inference processes are simplified, and the detection accuracy and efficiency are significantly improved. Experimental results show that the improved model performs well in both detection speed and accuracy, with an accuracy rate of 99.4%, and the model is smaller and easy to deploy, which is able to identify and classify distracted driving behaviours in real time, provide timely warnings, and enhance driving safety.

replace GVDIFF: Grounded Text-to-Video Generation with Diffusion Models

Authors: Huanzhang Dou, Ruixiang Li, Wei Su, Xi Li

Abstract: In text-to-video (T2V) generation, significant attention has been directed toward its development, yet unifying discrete and continuous grounding conditions in T2V generation remains under-explored. This paper proposes a Grounded text-to-Video generation framework, termed GVDIFF. First, we inject the grounding condition into the self-attention through an uncertainty-based representation to explicitly guide the focus of the network. Second, we introduce a spatial-temporal grounding layer that connects the grounding condition with target objects and enables the model with the grounded generation capacity in the spatial-temporal domain. Third, our dynamic gate network adaptively skips the redundant grounding process to selectively extract grounding information and semantics while improving efficiency. We extensively evaluate the grounded generation capacity of GVDIFF and demonstrate its versatility in applications, including long-range video generation, sequential prompts, and object-specific editing.

replace Pseudo-Labeling by Multi-Policy Viewfinder Network for Image Cropping

Authors: Zhiyu Pan, Kewei Wang, Yizheng Wu, Liwen Xiao, Jiahao Cui, Zhicheng Wang, Zhiguo Cao

Abstract: Automatic image cropping models predict reframing boxes to enhance image aesthetics. Yet, the scarcity of labeled data hinders the progress of this task. To overcome this limitation, we explore the possibility of utilizing both labeled and unlabeled data together to expand the scale of training data for image cropping models. This idea can be implemented in a pseudo-labeling way: producing pseudo labels for unlabeled data by a teacher model and training a student model with these pseudo labels. However, the student may learn from teacher's mistakes. To address this issue, we propose the multi-policy viewfinder network (MPV-Net) that offers diverse refining policies to rectify the mistakes in original pseudo labels from the teacher. The most reliable policy is selected to generate trusted pseudo labels. The reliability of policies is evaluated via the robustness against box jittering. The efficacy of our method can be evaluated by the improvement compared to the supervised baseline which only uses labeled data. Notably, our MPV-Net outperforms off-the-shelf pseudo-labeling methods, yielding the most substantial improvement over the supervised baseline. Furthermore, our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on both the FCDB and FLMS datasets, signifying the superiority of our approach.

replace SAVE: Segment Audio-Visual Easy way using Segment Anything Model

Authors: Khanh-Binh Nguyen, Chae Jung Park

Abstract: The primary aim of Audio-Visual Segmentation (AVS) is to precisely identify and locate auditory elements within visual scenes by accurately predicting segmentation masks at the pixel level. Achieving this involves comprehensively considering data and model aspects to address this task effectively. This study presents a lightweight approach, SAVE, which efficiently adapts the pre-trained segment anything model (SAM) to the AVS task. By incorporating an image encoder adapter into the transformer blocks to better capture the distinct dataset information and proposing a residual audio encoder adapter to encode the audio features as a sparse prompt, our proposed model achieves effective audio-visual fusion and interaction during the encoding stage. Our proposed method accelerates the training and inference speed by reducing the input resolution from 1024 to 256 pixels while achieving higher performance compared with the previous SOTA. Extensive experimentation validates our approach, demonstrating that our proposed model outperforms other SOTA methods significantly. Moreover, leveraging the pre-trained model on synthetic data enhances performance on real AVSBench data, achieving 84.59 mIoU on the S4 (V1S) subset and 70.28 mIoU on the MS3 (V1M) set with only 256 pixels for input images. This increases up to 86.16 mIoU on the S4 (V1S) and 70.83 mIoU on the MS3 (V1M) with inputs of 1024 pixels.

replace Camera-LiDAR Cross-modality Gait Recognition

Authors: Wenxuan Guo, Yingping Liang, Zhiyu Pan, Ziheng Xi, Jianjiang Feng, Jie Zhou

Abstract: Gait recognition is a crucial biometric identification technique. Camera-based gait recognition has been widely applied in both research and industrial fields. LiDAR-based gait recognition has also begun to evolve most recently, due to the provision of 3D structural information. However, in certain applications, cameras fail to recognize persons, such as in low-light environments and long-distance recognition scenarios, where LiDARs work well. On the other hand, the deployment cost and complexity of LiDAR systems limit its wider application. Therefore, it is essential to consider cross-modality gait recognition between cameras and LiDARs for a broader range of applications. In this work, we propose the first cross-modality gait recognition framework between Camera and LiDAR, namely CL-Gait. It employs a two-stream network for feature embedding of both modalities. This poses a challenging recognition task due to the inherent matching between 3D and 2D data, exhibiting significant modality discrepancy. To align the feature spaces of the two modalities, i.e., camera silhouettes and LiDAR points, we propose a contrastive pre-training strategy to mitigate modality discrepancy. To make up for the absence of paired camera-LiDAR data for pre-training, we also introduce a strategy for generating data on a large scale. This strategy utilizes monocular depth estimated from single RGB images and virtual cameras to generate pseudo point clouds for contrastive pre-training. Extensive experiments show that the cross-modality gait recognition is very challenging but still contains potential and feasibility with our proposed model and pre-training strategy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to address cross-modality gait recognition.

replace UltraPixel: Advancing Ultra-High-Resolution Image Synthesis to New Peaks

Authors: Jingjing Ren, Wenbo Li, Haoyu Chen, Renjing Pei, Bin Shao, Yong Guo, Long Peng, Fenglong Song, Lei Zhu

Abstract: Ultra-high-resolution image generation poses great challenges, such as increased semantic planning complexity and detail synthesis difficulties, alongside substantial training resource demands. We present UltraPixel, a novel architecture utilizing cascade diffusion models to generate high-quality images at multiple resolutions (\textit{e.g.}, 1K to 6K) within a single model, while maintaining computational efficiency. UltraPixel leverages semantics-rich representations of lower-resolution images in the later denoising stage to guide the whole generation of highly detailed high-resolution images, significantly reducing complexity. Furthermore, we introduce implicit neural representations for continuous upsampling and scale-aware normalization layers adaptable to various resolutions. Notably, both low- and high-resolution processes are performed in the most compact space, sharing the majority of parameters with less than 3$\%$ additional parameters for high-resolution outputs, largely enhancing training and inference efficiency. Our model achieves fast training with reduced data requirements, producing photo-realistic high-resolution images and demonstrating state-of-the-art performance in extensive experiments.

replace Multi-Modal Video Dialog State Tracking in the Wild

Authors: Adnen Abdessaied, Lei Shi, Andreas Bulling

Abstract: We present MST-MIXER - a novel video dialog model operating over a generic multi-modal state tracking scheme. Current models that claim to perform multi-modal state tracking fall short of two major aspects: (1) They either track only one modality (mostly the visual input) or (2) they target synthetic datasets that do not reflect the complexity of real-world in the wild scenarios. Our model addresses these two limitations in an attempt to close this crucial research gap. Specifically, MST-MIXER first tracks the most important constituents of each input modality. Then, it predicts the missing underlying structure of the selected constituents of each modality by learning local latent graphs using a novel multi-modal graph structure learning method. Subsequently, the learned local graphs and features are parsed together to form a global graph operating on the mix of all modalities which further refines its structure and node embeddings. Finally, the fine-grained graph node features are used to enhance the hidden states of the backbone Vision-Language Model (VLM). MST-MIXER achieves new state-of-the-art results on five challenging benchmarks.

replace EvolBA: Evolutionary Boundary Attack under Hard-label Black Box condition

Authors: Ayane Tajima, Satoshi Ono

Abstract: Research has shown that deep neural networks (DNNs) have vulnerabilities that can lead to the misrecognition of Adversarial Examples (AEs) with specifically designed perturbations. Various adversarial attack methods have been proposed to detect vulnerabilities under hard-label black box (HL-BB) conditions in the absence of loss gradients and confidence scores.However, these methods fall into local solutions because they search only local regions of the search space. Therefore, this study proposes an adversarial attack method named EvolBA to generate AEs using Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) under the HL-BB condition, where only a class label predicted by the target DNN model is available. Inspired by formula-driven supervised learning, the proposed method introduces domain-independent operators for the initialization process and a jump that enhances search exploration. Experimental results confirmed that the proposed method could determine AEs with smaller perturbations than previous methods in images where the previous methods have difficulty.

replace Conceptual Codebook Learning for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Yi Zhang, Ke Yu, Siqi Wu, Zhihai He

Abstract: In this paper, we propose Conceptual Codebook Learning (CoCoLe), a novel fine-tuning method for vision-language models (VLMs) to address the challenge of improving the generalization capability of VLMs while fine-tuning them on downstream tasks in a few-shot setting. We recognize that visual concepts, such as textures, shapes, and colors are naturally transferable across domains and play a crucial role in generalization tasks. Motivated by this interesting finding, we learn a conceptual codebook consisting of visual concepts as keys and conceptual prompts as values, which serves as a link between the image encoder's outputs and the text encoder's inputs. Specifically, for a given image, we leverage the codebook to identify the most relevant conceptual prompts associated with the class embeddings to perform the classification. Additionally, we incorporate a handcrafted concept cache as a regularization to alleviate the overfitting issues in low-shot scenarios. We observe that this conceptual codebook learning method is able to achieve enhanced alignment between visual and linguistic modalities. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our CoCoLe method remarkably outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods across various evaluation settings, including base-to-new generalization, cross-dataset evaluation, and domain generalization tasks. Detailed ablation studies further confirm the efficacy of each component in CoCoLe.

replace Real HSI-MSI-PAN image dataset for the hyperspectral/multi-spectral/panchromatic image fusion and super-resolution fields

Authors: Shuangliang Li

Abstract: Nowadays, most of the hyperspectral image (HSI) fusion experiments are based on simulated datasets to compare different fusion methods. However, most of the spectral response functions and spatial downsampling functions used to create the simulated datasets are not entirely accurate, resulting in deviations in spatial and spectral features between the generated images for fusion and the real images for fusion. This reduces the credibility of the fusion algorithm, causing unfairness in the comparison between different algorithms and hindering the development of the field of hyperspectral image fusion. Therefore, we release a real HSI/MSI/PAN image dataset to promote the development of the field of hyperspectral image fusion. These three images are spatially registered, meaning fusion can be performed between HSI and MSI, HSI and PAN image, MSI and PAN image, as well as among HSI, MSI, and PAN image. This real dataset could be available at The related code to process the data could be available at


replace Boosting Consistency in Story Visualization with Rich-Contextual Conditional Diffusion Models

Authors: Fei Shen, Hu Ye, Sibo Liu, Jun Zhang, Cong Wang, Xiao Han, Wei Yang

Abstract: Recent research showcases the considerable potential of conditional diffusion models for generating consistent stories. However, current methods, which predominantly generate stories in an autoregressive and excessively caption-dependent manner, often underrate the contextual consistency and relevance of frames during sequential generation. To address this, we propose a novel Rich-contextual Conditional Diffusion Models (RCDMs), a two-stage approach designed to enhance story generation's semantic consistency and temporal consistency. Specifically, in the first stage, the frame-prior transformer diffusion model is presented to predict the frame semantic embedding of the unknown clip by aligning the semantic correlations between the captions and frames of the known clip. The second stage establishes a robust model with rich contextual conditions, including reference images of the known clip, the predicted frame semantic embedding of the unknown clip, and text embeddings of all captions. By jointly injecting these rich contextual conditions at the image and feature levels, RCDMs can generate semantic and temporal consistency stories. Moreover, RCDMs can generate consistent stories with a single forward inference compared to autoregressive models. Our qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that our proposed RCDMs outperform in challenging scenarios. The code and model will be available at


replace AutoSplat: Constrained Gaussian Splatting for Autonomous Driving Scene Reconstruction

Authors: Mustafa Khan, Hamidreza Fazlali, Dhruv Sharma, Tongtong Cao, Dongfeng Bai, Yuan Ren, Bingbing Liu

Abstract: Realistic scene reconstruction and view synthesis are essential for advancing autonomous driving systems by simulating safety-critical scenarios. 3D Gaussian Splatting excels in real-time rendering and static scene reconstructions but struggles with modeling driving scenarios due to complex backgrounds, dynamic objects, and sparse views. We propose AutoSplat, a framework employing Gaussian splatting to achieve highly realistic reconstructions of autonomous driving scenes. By imposing geometric constraints on Gaussians representing the road and sky regions, our method enables multi-view consistent simulation of challenging scenarios including lane changes. Leveraging 3D templates, we introduce a reflected Gaussian consistency constraint to supervise both the visible and unseen side of foreground objects. Moreover, to model the dynamic appearance of foreground objects, we estimate residual spherical harmonics for each foreground Gaussian. Extensive experiments on Pandaset and KITTI demonstrate that AutoSplat outperforms state-of-the-art methods in scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis across diverse driving scenarios. Visit our project page at


replace Multi-Task Domain Adaptation for Language Grounding with 3D Objects

Authors: Penglei Sun, Yaoxian Song, Xinglin Pan, Peijie Dong, Xiaofei Yang, Qiang Wang, Zhixu Li, Tiefeng Li, Xiaowen Chu

Abstract: The existing works on object-level language grounding with 3D objects mostly focus on improving performance by utilizing the off-the-shelf pre-trained models to capture features, such as viewpoint selection or geometric priors. However, they have failed to consider exploring the cross-modal representation of language-vision alignment in the cross-domain field. To answer this problem, we propose a novel method called Domain Adaptation for Language Grounding (DA4LG) with 3D objects. Specifically, the proposed DA4LG consists of a visual adapter module with multi-task learning to realize vision-language alignment by comprehensive multimodal feature representation. Experimental results demonstrate that DA4LG competitively performs across visual and non-visual language descriptions, independent of the completeness of observation. DA4LG achieves state-of-the-art performance in the single-view setting and multi-view setting with the accuracy of 83.8% and 86.8% respectively in the language grounding benchmark SNARE. The simulation experiments show the well-practical and generalized performance of DA4LG compared to the existing methods. Our project is available at


replace Explicitly Guided Information Interaction Network for Cross-modal Point Cloud Completion

Authors: Hang Xu, Chen Long, Wenxiao Zhang, Yuan Liu, Zhen Cao, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang

Abstract: In this paper, we explore a novel framework, EGIInet (Explicitly Guided Information Interaction Network), a model for View-guided Point cloud Completion (ViPC) task, which aims to restore a complete point cloud from a partial one with a single view image. In comparison with previous methods that relied on the global semantics of input images, EGIInet efficiently combines the information from two modalities by leveraging the geometric nature of the completion task. Specifically, we propose an explicitly guided information interaction strategy supported by modal alignment for point cloud completion. First, in contrast to previous methods which simply use 2D and 3D backbones to encode features respectively, we unified the encoding process to promote modal alignment. Second, we propose a novel explicitly guided information interaction strategy that could help the network identify critical information within images, thus achieving better guidance for completion. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, and we achieved a new state-of-the-art (+16% CD over XMFnet) in benchmark datasets despite using fewer parameters than the previous methods. The pre-trained model and code and are available at


replace An Uncertainty-guided Tiered Self-training Framework for Active Source-free Domain Adaptation in Prostate Segmentation

Authors: Zihao Luo, Xiangde Luo, Zijun Gao, Guotai Wang

Abstract: Deep learning models have exhibited remarkable efficacy in accurately delineating the prostate for diagnosis and treatment of prostate diseases, but challenges persist in achieving robust generalization across different medical centers. Source-free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) is a promising technique to adapt deep segmentation models to address privacy and security concerns while reducing domain shifts between source and target domains. However, recent literature indicates that the performance of SFDA remains far from satisfactory due to unpredictable domain gaps. Annotating a few target domain samples is acceptable, as it can lead to significant performance improvement with a low annotation cost. Nevertheless, due to extremely limited annotation budgets, careful consideration is needed in selecting samples for annotation. Inspired by this, our goal is to develop Active Source-free Domain Adaptation (ASFDA) for medical image segmentation. Specifically, we propose a novel Uncertainty-guided Tiered Self-training (UGTST) framework, consisting of efficient active sample selection via entropy-based primary local peak filtering to aggregate global uncertainty and diversity-aware redundancy filter, coupled with a tiered self-learning strategy, achieves stable domain adaptation. Experimental results on cross-center prostate MRI segmentation datasets revealed that our method yielded marked advancements, with a mere 5% annotation, exhibiting an average Dice score enhancement of 9.78% and 7.58% in two target domains compared with state-of-the-art methods, on par with fully supervised learning. Code is available at:


replace VEGS: View Extrapolation of Urban Scenes in 3D Gaussian Splatting using Learned Priors

Authors: Sungwon Hwang, Min-Jung Kim, Taewoong Kang, Jayeon Kang, Jaegul Choo

Abstract: Neural rendering-based urban scene reconstruction methods commonly rely on images collected from driving vehicles with cameras facing and moving forward. Although these methods can successfully synthesize from views similar to training camera trajectory, directing the novel view outside the training camera distribution does not guarantee on-par performance. In this paper, we tackle the Extrapolated View Synthesis (EVS) problem by evaluating the reconstructions on views such as looking left, right or downwards with respect to training camera distributions. To improve rendering quality for EVS, we initialize our model by constructing dense LiDAR map, and propose to leverage prior scene knowledge such as surface normal estimator and large-scale diffusion model. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods on EVS. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to address the EVS problem in urban scene reconstruction. Link to our project page:


replace Towards Efficient Pixel Labeling for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Localization

Authors: Hanxi Li, Jingqi Wu, Lin Yuanbo Wu, Hao Chen, Deyin Liu, Chunhua Shen

Abstract: In the realm of practical Anomaly Detection (AD) tasks, manual labeling of anomalous pixels proves to be a costly endeavor. Consequently, many AD methods are crafted as one-class classifiers, tailored for training sets completely devoid of anomalies, ensuring a more cost-effective approach. While some pioneering work has demonstrated heightened AD accuracy by incorporating real anomaly samples in training, this enhancement comes at the price of labor-intensive labeling processes. This paper strikes the balance between AD accuracy and labeling expenses by introducing ADClick, a novel Interactive Image Segmentation (IIS) algorithm. ADClick efficiently generates "ground-truth" anomaly masks for real defective images, leveraging innovative residual features and meticulously crafted language prompts. Notably, ADClick showcases a significantly elevated generalization capacity compared to existing state-of-the-art IIS approaches. Functioning as an anomaly labeling tool, ADClick generates high-quality anomaly labels (AP $= 94.1\%$ on MVTec AD) based on only $3$ to $5$ manual click annotations per training image. Furthermore, we extend the capabilities of ADClick into ADClick-Seg, an enhanced model designed for anomaly detection and localization. By fine-tuning the ADClick-Seg model using the weak labels inferred by ADClick, we establish the state-of-the-art performances in supervised AD tasks (AP $= 86.4\%$ on MVTec AD and AP $= 78.4\%$, PRO $= 98.6\%$ on KSDD2).

replace Advanced Smart City Monitoring: Real-Time Identification of Indian Citizen Attributes

Authors: Shubham Kale, Shashank Sharma, Abhilash Khuntia

Abstract: This project focuses on creating a smart surveillance system for Indian cities that can identify and analyze people's attributes in real time. Using advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, the system can recognize attributes such as upper body color, what the person is wearing, accessories they are wearing, headgear, etc., and analyze behavior through cameras installed around the city.

replace-cross Learning Rate Curriculum

Authors: Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Nicu Sebe

Abstract: Most curriculum learning methods require an approach to sort the data samples by difficulty, which is often cumbersome to perform. In this work, we propose a novel curriculum learning approach termed Learning Rate Curriculum (LeRaC), which leverages the use of a different learning rate for each layer of a neural network to create a data-agnostic curriculum during the initial training epochs. More specifically, LeRaC assigns higher learning rates to neural layers closer to the input, gradually decreasing the learning rates as the layers are placed farther away from the input. The learning rates increase at various paces during the first training iterations, until they all reach the same value. From this point on, the neural model is trained as usual. This creates a model-level curriculum learning strategy that does not require sorting the examples by difficulty and is compatible with any neural network, generating higher performance levels regardless of the architecture. We conduct comprehensive experiments on 12 data sets from the computer vision (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny ImageNet, ImageNet-200, Food-101, UTKFace, PASCAL VOC), language (BoolQ, QNLI, RTE) and audio (ESC-50, CREMA-D) domains, considering various convolutional (ResNet-18, Wide-ResNet-50, DenseNet-121, YOLOv5), recurrent (LSTM) and transformer (CvT, BERT, SepTr) architectures. We compare our approach with the conventional training regime, as well as with Curriculum by Smoothing (CBS), a state-of-the-art data-agnostic curriculum learning approach. Unlike CBS, our performance improvements over the standard training regime are consistent across all data sets and models. Furthermore, we significantly surpass CBS in terms of training time (there is no additional cost over the standard training regime for LeRaC). Our code is freely available at:


replace-cross Explicit Abnormality Extraction for Unsupervised Motion Artifact Reduction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Authors: Yusheng Zhou, Hao Li, Jianan Liu, Zhengmin Kong, Tao Huang, Euijoon Ahn, Zhihan Lv, Jinman Kim, David Dagan Feng

Abstract: Motion artifacts compromise the quality of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and pose challenges to achieving diagnostic outcomes and image-guided therapies. In recent years, supervised deep learning approaches have emerged as successful solutions for motion artifact reduction (MAR). One disadvantage of these methods is their dependency on acquiring paired sets of motion artifact-corrupted (MA-corrupted) and motion artifact-free (MA-free) MR images for training purposes. Obtaining such image pairs is difficult and therefore limits the application of supervised training. In this paper, we propose a novel UNsupervised Abnormality Extraction Network (UNAEN) to alleviate this problem. Our network is capable of working with unpaired MA-corrupted and MA-free images. It converts the MA-corrupted images to MA-reduced images by extracting abnormalities from the MA-corrupted images using a proposed artifact extractor, which intercepts the residual artifact maps from the MA-corrupted MR images explicitly, and a reconstructor to restore the original input from the MA-reduced images. The performance of UNAEN was assessed by experimenting with various publicly available MRI datasets and comparing them with state-of-the-art methods. The quantitative evaluation demonstrates the superiority of UNAEN over alternative MAR methods and visually exhibits fewer residual artifacts. Our results substantiate the potential of UNAEN as a promising solution applicable in real-world clinical environments, with the capability to enhance diagnostic accuracy and facilitate image-guided therapies. Our codes are publicly available at


replace-cross ParamNet: A Dynamic Parameter Network for Fast Multi-to-One Stain Normalization

Authors: Hongtao Kang, Die Luo, Li Chen, Junbo Hu, Tingwei Quan, Shaoqun Zeng, Shenghua Cheng, Xiuli Liu

Abstract: In practice, digital pathology images are often affected by various factors, resulting in very large differences in color and brightness. Stain normalization can effectively reduce the differences in color and brightness of digital pathology images, thus improving the performance of computer-aided diagnostic systems. Conventional stain normalization methods rely on one or several reference images, but one or several images may not adequately represent the entire dataset. Although learning-based stain normalization methods are a general approach, they use complex deep networks, which not only greatly reduce computational efficiency, but also risk introducing artifacts. Some studies use specialized network structures to enhance computational efficiency and reliability, but these methods are difficult to apply to multi-to-one stain normalization due to insufficient network capacity. In this study, we introduced dynamic-parameter network and proposed a novel method for stain normalization, called ParamNet. ParamNet addresses the challenges of limited network capacity and computational efficiency by introducing dynamic parameters (weights and biases of convolutional layers) into the network design. By effectively leveraging these parameters, ParamNet achieves superior performance in stain normalization while maintaining computational efficiency. Results show ParamNet can normalize one whole slide image (WSI) of 100,000x100,000 within 25s. The code is available at:


replace-cross Out-of-distribution forgetting: vulnerability of continual learning to intra-class distribution shift

Authors: Liangxuan Guo, Yang Chen, Shan Yu

Abstract: Continual learning (CL) is an important technique to allow artificial neural networks to work in open environments. CL enables a system to learn new tasks without severe interference to its performance on old tasks, i.e., overcome the problems of catastrophic forgetting. In joint learning, it is well known that the out-of-distribution (OOD) problem caused by intentional attacks or environmental perturbations will severely impair the ability of networks to generalize. In this work, we reported a special form of catastrophic forgetting raised by the OOD problem in continual learning settings, and we named it out-of-distribution forgetting (OODF). In continual image classification tasks, we found that for a given category, introducing an intra-class distribution shift significantly impaired the recognition accuracy of CL methods for that category during subsequent learning. Interestingly, this phenomenon is special for CL as the same level of distribution shift had only negligible effects in the joint learning scenario. We verified that CL methods without dedicating subnetworks for individual tasks are all vulnerable to OODF. Moreover, OODF does not depend on any specific way of shifting the distribution, suggesting it is a risk for CL in a wide range of circumstances. Taken together, our work identified an under-attended risk during CL, highlighting the importance of developing approaches that can overcome OODF. Code available: \url{}


replace-cross Using generative AI to investigate medical imagery models and datasets

Authors: Oran Lang, Doron Yaya-Stupp, Ilana Traynis, Heather Cole-Lewis, Chloe R. Bennett, Courtney Lyles, Charles Lau, Michal Irani, Christopher Semturs, Dale R. Webster, Greg S. Corrado, Avinatan Hassidim, Yossi Matias, Yun Liu, Naama Hammel, Boris Babenko

Abstract: AI models have shown promise in many medical imaging tasks. However, our ability to explain what signals these models have learned is severely lacking. Explanations are needed in order to increase the trust in AI-based models, and could enable novel scientific discovery by uncovering signals in the data that are not yet known to experts. In this paper, we present a method for automatic visual explanations leveraging team-based expertise by generating hypotheses of what visual signals in the images are correlated with the task. We propose the following 4 steps: (i) Train a classifier to perform a given task (ii) Train a classifier guided StyleGAN-based image generator (StylEx) (iii) Automatically detect and visualize the top visual attributes that the classifier is sensitive towards (iv) Formulate hypotheses for the underlying mechanisms, to stimulate future research. Specifically, we present the discovered attributes to an interdisciplinary panel of experts so that hypotheses can account for social and structural determinants of health. We demonstrate results on eight prediction tasks across three medical imaging modalities: retinal fundus photographs, external eye photographs, and chest radiographs. We showcase examples of attributes that capture clinically known features, confounders that arise from factors beyond physiological mechanisms, and reveal a number of physiologically plausible novel attributes. Our approach has the potential to enable researchers to better understand, improve their assessment, and extract new knowledge from AI-based models. Importantly, we highlight that attributes generated by our framework can capture phenomena beyond physiology or pathophysiology, reflecting the real world nature of healthcare delivery and socio-cultural factors. Finally, we intend to release code to enable researchers to train their own StylEx models and analyze their predictive tasks.

replace-cross FUTURE-AI: International consensus guideline for trustworthy and deployable artificial intelligence in healthcare

Authors: Karim Lekadir, Aasa Feragen, Abdul Joseph Fofanah, Alejandro F Frangi, Alena Buyx, Anais Emelie, Andrea Lara, Antonio R Porras, An-Wen Chan, Arcadi Navarro, Ben Glocker, Benard O Botwe, Bishesh Khanal, Brigit Beger, Carol C Wu, Celia Cintas, Curtis P Langlotz, Daniel Rueckert, Deogratias Mzurikwao, Dimitrios I Fotiadis, Doszhan Zhussupov, Enzo Ferrante, Erik Meijering, Eva Weicken, Fabio A Gonz\'alez, Folkert W Asselbergs, Fred Prior, Gabriel P Krestin, Gary Collins, Geletaw S Tegenaw, Georgios Kaissis, Gianluca Misuraca, Gianna Tsakou, Girish Dwivedi, Haridimos Kondylakis, Harsha Jayakody, Henry C Woodruf, Hugo JWL Aerts, Ian Walsh, Ioanna Chouvarda, Ir\`ene Buvat, Islem Rekik, James Duncan, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Jihad Zahir, Jinah Park, John Mongan, Judy W Gichoya, Julia A Schnabel, Kaisar Kushibar, Katrine Riklund, Kensaku Mori, Kostas Marias, Lameck M Amugongo, Lauren A Fromont, Lena Maier-Hein, Leonor Cerd\'a Alberich, Leticia Rittner, Lighton Phiri, Linda Marrakchi-Kacem, Llu\'is Donoso-Bach, Luis Mart\'i-Bonmat\'i, M Jorge Cardoso, Maciej Bobowicz, Mahsa Shabani, Manolis Tsiknakis, Maria A Zuluaga, Maria Bielikova, Marie-Christine Fritzsche, Marius George Linguraru, Markus Wenzel, Marleen De Bruijne, Martin G Tolsgaard, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Md Ashrafuzzaman, Melanie Goisauf, Mohammad Yaqub, Mohammed Ammar, M\'onica Cano Abad\'ia, Mukhtar M E Mahmoud, Mustafa Elattar, Nicola Rieke, Nikolaos Papanikolaou, Noussair Lazrak, Oliver D\'iaz, Olivier Salvado, Oriol Pujol, Ousmane Sall, Pamela Guevara, Peter Gordebeke, Philippe Lambin, Pieta Brown, Purang Abolmaesumi, Qi Dou, Qinghua Lu, Richard Osuala, Rose Nakasi, S Kevin Zhou, Sandy Napel, Sara Colantonio, Shadi Albarqouni, Smriti Joshi, Stacy Carter, Stefan Klein, Steffen E Petersen, Susanna Auss\'o, Suyash Awate, Tammy Riklin Raviv, Tessa Cook, Tinashe E M Mutsvangwa, Wendy A Rogers, Wiro J Niessen, X\`enia Puig-Bosch, Yi Zeng, Yunusa G Mohammed, Yves Saint James Aquino, Zohaib Salahuddin, Martijn P A Starmans

Abstract: Despite major advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for medicine and healthcare, the deployment and adoption of AI technologies remain limited in real-world clinical practice. In recent years, concerns have been raised about the technical, clinical, ethical and legal risks associated with medical AI. To increase real world adoption, it is essential that medical AI tools are trusted and accepted by patients, clinicians, health organisations and authorities. This work describes the FUTURE-AI guideline as the first international consensus framework for guiding the development and deployment of trustworthy AI tools in healthcare. The FUTURE-AI consortium was founded in 2021 and currently comprises 118 inter-disciplinary experts from 51 countries representing all continents, including AI scientists, clinicians, ethicists, and social scientists. Over a two-year period, the consortium defined guiding principles and best practices for trustworthy AI through an iterative process comprising an in-depth literature review, a modified Delphi survey, and online consensus meetings. The FUTURE-AI framework was established based on 6 guiding principles for trustworthy AI in healthcare, i.e. Fairness, Universality, Traceability, Usability, Robustness and Explainability. Through consensus, a set of 28 best practices were defined, addressing technical, clinical, legal and socio-ethical dimensions. The recommendations cover the entire lifecycle of medical AI, from design, development and validation to regulation, deployment, and monitoring. FUTURE-AI is a risk-informed, assumption-free guideline which provides a structured approach for constructing medical AI tools that will be trusted, deployed and adopted in real-world practice. Researchers are encouraged to take the recommendations into account in proof-of-concept stages to facilitate future translation towards clinical practice of medical AI.

replace-cross Multi-domain improves out-of-distribution and data-limited scenarios for medical image analysis

Authors: Ece Ozkan, Xavier Boix

Abstract: Current machine learning methods for medical image analysis primarily focus on developing models tailored for their specific tasks, utilizing data within their target domain. These specialized models tend to be data-hungry and often exhibit limitations in generalizing to out-of-distribution samples. In this work, we show that employing models that incorporate multiple domains instead of specialized ones significantly alleviates the limitations observed in specialized models. We refer to this approach as multi-domain model and compare its performance to that of specialized models. For this, we introduce the incorporation of diverse medical image domains, including different imaging modalities like X-ray, MRI, CT, and ultrasound images, as well as various viewpoints such as axial, coronal, and sagittal views. Our findings underscore the superior generalization capabilities of multi-domain models, particularly in scenarios characterized by limited data availability and out-of-distribution, frequently encountered in healthcare applications. The integration of diverse data allows multi-domain models to utilize information across domains, enhancing the overall outcomes substantially. To illustrate, for organ recognition, multi-domain model can enhance accuracy by up to 8% compared to conventional specialized models.

replace-cross MultiIoT: Benchmarking Machine Learning for the Internet of Things

Authors: Shentong Mo, Louis-Philippe Morency, Russ Salakhutdinov, Paul Pu Liang

Abstract: The next generation of machine learning systems must be adept at perceiving and interacting with the physical world through a diverse array of sensory channels. Commonly referred to as the `Internet of Things (IoT)' ecosystem, sensory data from motion, thermal, geolocation, depth, wireless signals, video, and audio are increasingly used to model the states of physical environments and the humans inside them. Despite the potential for understanding human wellbeing, controlling physical devices, and interconnecting smart cities, the community has seen limited benchmarks for building machine learning systems for IoT. Existing efforts are often specialized to a single sensory modality or prediction task, which makes it difficult to study and train large-scale models across many IoT sensors and tasks. To accelerate the development of new machine learning technologies for IoT, this paper proposes MultiIoT, the most expansive and unified IoT benchmark to date, encompassing over 1.15 million samples from 12 modalities and 8 real-world tasks. MultiIoT introduces unique challenges involving (1) generalizable learning from many sensory modalities, (2) multimodal interactions across long temporal ranges, (3) extreme heterogeneity due to unique structure and noise topologies in real-world sensors, and (4) complexity during training and inference. We evaluate a comprehensive set of models on MultiIoT, including modality and task-specific methods, multisensory and multitask supervised models, and large multisensory foundation models. Our results highlight opportunities for ML to make a significant impact in IoT, but many challenges in scalable learning from heterogeneous, long-range, and imperfect sensory modalities still persist. We release all code and data to accelerate future research in machine learning for IoT.

replace-cross Read Between the Layers: Leveraging Multi-Layer Representations for Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning with Pre-Trained Models

Authors: Kyra Ahrens, Hans Hergen Lehmann, Jae Hee Lee, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: We address the Continual Learning (CL) problem, wherein a model must learn a sequence of tasks from non-stationary distributions while preserving prior knowledge upon encountering new experiences. With the advancement of foundation models, CL research has pivoted from the initial learning-from-scratch paradigm towards utilizing generic features from large-scale pre-training. However, existing approaches to CL with pre-trained models primarily focus on separating class-specific features from the final representation layer and neglect the potential of intermediate representations to capture low- and mid-level features, which are more invariant to domain shifts. In this work, we propose LayUP, a new prototype-based approach to CL that leverages second-order feature statistics from multiple intermediate layers of a pre-trained network. Our method is conceptually simple, does not require access to prior data, and works out of the box with any foundation model. LayUP surpasses the state of the art in four of the seven class-incremental learning benchmarks, all three domain-incremental learning benchmarks and in six of the seven online continual learning benchmarks, while significantly reducing memory and computational requirements compared to existing baselines. Our results demonstrate that fully exhausting the representational capacities of pre-trained models in CL goes well beyond their final embeddings.

replace-cross Towards Arbitrary-Scale Histopathology Image Super-resolution: An Efficient Dual-branch Framework via Implicit Self-texture Enhancement

Authors: Minghong Duan, Linhao Qu, Zhiwei Yang, Manning Wang, Chenxi Zhang, Zhijian Song

Abstract: High-quality whole-slide scanners are expensive, complex, and time-consuming, thus limiting the acquisition and utilization of high-resolution pathology whole-slide images in daily clinical work. Deep learning-based single-image super-resolution techniques are an effective way to solve this problem by synthesizing high-resolution images from low-resolution ones. However, the existing super-resolution models applied in pathology images can only work in fixed integer magnifications, significantly decreasing their applicability. Though methods based on implicit neural representation have shown promising results in arbitrary-scale super-resolution of natural images, applying them directly to pathology images is inadequate because they have unique fine-grained image textures different from natural images. Thus, we propose an Implicit Self-Texture Enhancement-based dual-branch framework (ISTE) for arbitrary-scale super-resolution of pathology images to address this challenge. ISTE contains a pixel learning branch and a texture learning branch, which first learn pixel features and texture features, respectively. Then, we design a two-stage texture enhancement strategy to fuse the features from the two branches to obtain the super-resolution results, where the first stage is feature-based texture enhancement, and the second stage is spatial-domain-based texture enhancement. Extensive experiments on three public datasets show that ISTE outperforms existing fixed-scale and arbitrary-scale algorithms at multiple magnifications and helps to improve downstream task performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to achieve arbitrary-scale super-resolution in pathology images. Codes will be available.

replace-cross MT-HCCAR: Multi-Task Deep Learning with Hierarchical Classification and Attention-based Regression for Cloud Property Retrieval

Authors: Xingyan Li, Andrew M. Sayer, Ian T. Carroll, Xin Huang, Jianwu Wang

Abstract: In the realm of Earth science, effective cloud property retrieval, encompassing cloud masking, cloud phase classification, and cloud optical thickness (COT) prediction, remains pivotal. Traditional methodologies necessitate distinct models for each sensor instrument due to their unique spectral characteristics. Recent strides in Earth Science research have embraced machine learning and deep learning techniques to extract features from satellite datasets' spectral observations. However, prevailing approaches lack novel architectures accounting for hierarchical relationships among retrieval tasks. Moreover, considering the spectral diversity among existing sensors, the development of models with robust generalization capabilities over different sensor datasets is imperative. Surprisingly, there is a dearth of methodologies addressing the selection of an optimal model for diverse datasets. In response, this paper introduces MT-HCCAR, an end-to-end deep learning model employing multi-task learning to simultaneously tackle cloud masking, cloud phase retrieval (classification tasks), and COT prediction (a regression task). The MT-HCCAR integrates a hierarchical classification network (HC) and a classification-assisted attention-based regression network (CAR), enhancing precision and robustness in cloud labeling and COT prediction. Additionally, a comprehensive model selection method rooted in K-fold cross-validation, one standard error rule, and two introduced performance scores is proposed to select the optimal model over three simulated satellite datasets OCI, VIIRS, and ABI. The experiments comparing MT-HCCAR with baseline methods, the ablation studies, and the model selection affirm the superiority and the generalization capabilities of MT-HCCAR.

replace-cross MRPD: Undersampled MRI reconstruction by prompting a large latent diffusion model

Authors: Ziqi Gao, S. Kevin Zhou

Abstract: Implicit visual knowledge in a large latent diffusion model (LLDM) pre-trained on natural images is rich and hypothetically universal to natural and medical images. To test this hypothesis from a practical perspective, we propose a novel framework for undersampled MRI Reconstruction by Prompting a large latent Diffusion model (MRPD). While the existing methods trained on MRI datasets are typically of limited generalizability toward diverse data acquisition scenarios, MRPD supports unsupervised and universally adaptive MRI reconstruction. For unsupervised reconstruction, MRSampler guides LLDM with a random-phase-modulated hard-to-soft control. With any single- or multiple-source MRI dataset, MRPD's performance is boosted universally by a lightweight MRAdapter that only finetunes the LLDM's autoencoder. Experiments on FastMRI and IXI show that MRPD is the only model that supports both MRI database-free and database-available scenarios and attains the best generalizability towards out-of-domain (OOD) samplings, contrasts, and organs among compared unsupervised, supervised, and MRI diffusion methods. To our knowledge, MRPD is the first method that empirically shows the universal prowess of an LLDM pre-trained on vast natural images for MRI. Our official implementation is at


replace-cross Graph Theory and GNNs to Unravel the Topographical Organization of Brain Lesions in Variants of Alzheimer's Disease Progression

Authors: Gabriel Jimenez, Leopold Hebert-Stevens, Benoit Delatour, Lev Stimmer, Daniel Racoceanu

Abstract: In this study, we proposed and evaluated a graph-based framework to assess variations in Alzheimer's disease (AD) neuropathologies, focusing on classic (cAD) and rapid (rpAD) progression forms. Histopathological images are converted into tau-pathology-based (i.e., amyloid plaques and tau tangles) graphs, and derived metrics are used in a machine-learning classifier. This classifier incorporates SHAP value explainability to differentiate between cAD and rpAD. Furthermore, we tested graph neural networks (GNNs) to extract topological embeddings from the graphs and use them in classifying the progression forms of AD. The analysis demonstrated denser networks in rpAD and a distinctive impact on brain cortical layers: rpAD predominantly affects middle layers, whereas cAD influences both superficial and deep layers of the same cortical regions. These results suggest a unique neuropathological network organization for each AD variant.

replace-cross Towards Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Debiasing via Bias Purification

Authors: Dingkang Yang, Mingcheng Li, Dongling Xiao, Yang Liu, Kun Yang, Zhaoyu Chen, Yuzheng Wang, Peng Zhai, Ke Li, Lihua Zhang

Abstract: Multimodal Sentiment Analysis (MSA) aims to understand human intentions by integrating emotion-related clues from diverse modalities, such as visual, language, and audio. Unfortunately, the current MSA task invariably suffers from unplanned dataset biases, particularly multimodal utterance-level label bias and word-level context bias. These harmful biases potentially mislead models to focus on statistical shortcuts and spurious correlations, causing severe performance bottlenecks. To alleviate these issues, we present a Multimodal Counterfactual Inference Sentiment (MCIS) analysis framework based on causality rather than conventional likelihood. Concretely, we first formulate a causal graph to discover harmful biases from already-trained vanilla models. In the inference phase, given a factual multimodal input, MCIS imagines two counterfactual scenarios to purify and mitigate these biases. Then, MCIS can make unbiased decisions from biased observations by comparing factual and counterfactual outcomes. We conduct extensive experiments on several standard MSA benchmarks. Qualitative and quantitative results show the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

replace-cross From Pixel to Cancer: Cellular Automata in Computed Tomography

Authors: Yuxiang Lai, Xiaoxi Chen, Angtian Wang, Alan Yuille, Zongwei Zhou

Abstract: AI for cancer detection encounters the bottleneck of data scarcity, annotation difficulty, and low prevalence of early tumors. Tumor synthesis seeks to create artificial tumors in medical images, which can greatly diversify the data and annotations for AI training. However, current tumor synthesis approaches are not applicable across different organs due to their need for specific expertise and design. This paper establishes a set of generic rules to simulate tumor development. Each cell (pixel) is initially assigned a state between zero and ten to represent the tumor population, and a tumor can be developed based on three rules to describe the process of growth, invasion, and death. We apply these three generic rules to simulate tumor development--from pixel to cancer--using cellular automata. We then integrate the tumor state into the original computed tomography (CT) images to generate synthetic tumors across different organs. This tumor synthesis approach allows for sampling tumors at multiple stages and analyzing tumor-organ interaction. Clinically, a reader study involving three expert radiologists reveals that the synthetic tumors and their developing trajectories are convincingly realistic. Technically, we analyze and simulate tumor development at various stages using 9,262 raw, unlabeled CT images sourced from 68 hospitals worldwide. The performance in segmenting tumors in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys exceeds prevailing literature benchmarks, underlining the immense potential of tumor synthesis, especially for earlier cancer detection. The code and models are available at


replace-cross CT2Rep: Automated Radiology Report Generation for 3D Medical Imaging

Authors: Ibrahim Ethem Hamamci, Sezgin Er, Bjoern Menze

Abstract: Medical imaging plays a crucial role in diagnosis, with radiology reports serving as vital documentation. Automating report generation has emerged as a critical need to alleviate the workload of radiologists. While machine learning has facilitated report generation for 2D medical imaging, extending this to 3D has been unexplored due to computational complexity and data scarcity. We introduce the first method to generate radiology reports for 3D medical imaging, specifically targeting chest CT volumes. Given the absence of comparable methods, we establish a baseline using an advanced 3D vision encoder in medical imaging to demonstrate our method's effectiveness, which leverages a novel auto-regressive causal transformer. Furthermore, recognizing the benefits of leveraging information from previous visits, we augment CT2Rep with a cross-attention-based multi-modal fusion module and hierarchical memory, enabling the incorporation of longitudinal multimodal data. Access our code at


replace-cross DexCap: Scalable and Portable Mocap Data Collection System for Dexterous Manipulation

Authors: Chen Wang, Haochen Shi, Weizhuo Wang, Ruohan Zhang, Li Fei-Fei, C. Karen Liu

Abstract: Imitation learning from human hand motion data presents a promising avenue for imbuing robots with human-like dexterity in real-world manipulation tasks. Despite this potential, substantial challenges persist, particularly with the portability of existing hand motion capture (mocap) systems and the complexity of translating mocap data into effective robotic policies. To tackle these issues, we introduce DexCap, a portable hand motion capture system, alongside DexIL, a novel imitation algorithm for training dexterous robot skills directly from human hand mocap data. DexCap offers precise, occlusion-resistant tracking of wrist and finger motions based on SLAM and electromagnetic field together with 3D observations of the environment. Utilizing this rich dataset, DexIL employs inverse kinematics and point cloud-based imitation learning to seamlessly replicate human actions with robot hands. Beyond direct learning from human motion, DexCap also offers an optional human-in-the-loop correction mechanism during policy rollouts to refine and further improve task performance. Through extensive evaluation across six challenging dexterous manipulation tasks, our approach not only demonstrates superior performance but also showcases the system's capability to effectively learn from in-the-wild mocap data, paving the way for future data collection methods in the pursuit of human-level robot dexterity. More details can be found at


replace-cross Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Normalizing Flow Modeling for Unified Anomaly Detection

Authors: Xincheng Yao, Ruoqi Li, Zefeng Qian, Lu Wang, Chongyang Zhang

Abstract: Unified anomaly detection (AD) is one of the most challenges for anomaly detection, where one unified model is trained with normal samples from multiple classes with the objective to detect anomalies in these classes. For such a challenging task, popular normalizing flow (NF) based AD methods may fall into a "homogeneous mapping" issue,where the NF-based AD models are biased to generate similar latent representations for both normal and abnormal features, and thereby lead to a high missing rate of anomalies. In this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Gaussian mixture normalizing flow modeling method for accomplishing unified Anomaly Detection, which we call HGAD. Our HGAD consists of two key components: inter-class Gaussian mixture modeling and intra-class mixed class centers learning. Compared to the previous NF-based AD methods, the hierarchical Gaussian mixture modeling approach can bring stronger representation capability to the latent space of normalizing flows, so that even complex multi-class distribution can be well represented and learned in the latent space. In this way, we can avoid mapping different class distributions into the same single Gaussian prior, thus effectively avoiding or mitigating the "homogeneous mapping" issue. We further indicate that the more distinguishable different class centers, the more conducive to avoiding the bias issue. Thus, we further propose a mutual information maximization loss for better structuring the latent feature space. We evaluate our method on four real-world AD benchmarks, where we can significantly improve the previous NF-based AD methods and also outperform the SOTA unified AD methods.

replace-cross Multimodal Variational Autoencoder for Low-cost Cardiac Hemodynamics Instability Detection

Authors: Mohammod N. I. Suvon, Prasun C. Tripathi, Wenrui Fan, Shuo Zhou, Xianyuan Liu, Samer Alabed, Venet Osmani, Andrew J. Swift, Chen Chen, Haiping Lu

Abstract: Recent advancements in non-invasive detection of cardiac hemodynamic instability (CHDI) primarily focus on applying machine learning techniques to a single data modality, e.g. cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Despite their potential, these approaches often fall short especially when the size of labeled patient data is limited, a common challenge in the medical domain. Furthermore, only a few studies have explored multimodal methods to study CHDI, which mostly rely on costly modalities such as cardiac MRI and echocardiogram. In response to these limitations, we propose a novel multimodal variational autoencoder ($\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$) to integrate low-cost chest X-ray (CXR) and electrocardiogram (ECG) modalities with pre-training on a large unlabeled dataset. Specifically, $\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$ introduces a novel tri-stream pre-training strategy to learn both shared and modality-specific features, thus enabling fine-tuning with both unimodal and multimodal datasets. We pre-train $\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$ on a large, unlabeled dataset of $50,982$ subjects from a subset of MIMIC database and then fine-tune the pre-trained model on a labeled dataset of $795$ subjects from the ASPIRE registry. Comprehensive evaluations against existing methods show that $\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$ offers promising performance (AUROC $=0.79$ and Accuracy $=0.77$), representing a significant step forward in non-invasive prediction of CHDI. Our model also excels in producing fine interpretations of predictions directly associated with clinical features, thereby supporting clinical decision-making.

replace-cross PreAfford: Universal Affordance-Based Pre-Grasping for Diverse Objects and Environments

Authors: Kairui Ding, Boyuan Chen, Ruihai Wu, Yuyang Li, Zongzheng Zhang, Huan-ang Gao, Siqi Li, Guyue Zhou, Yixin Zhu, Hao Dong, Hao Zhao

Abstract: Robotic manipulation with two-finger grippers is challenged by objects lacking distinct graspable features. Traditional pre-grasping methods, which typically involve repositioning objects or utilizing external aids like table edges, are limited in their adaptability across different object categories and environments. To overcome these limitations, we introduce PreAfford, a novel pre-grasping planning framework that incorporates a point-level affordance representation and a relay training approach. Our method significantly improves adaptability, allowing effective manipulation across a wide range of environments and object types. When evaluated on the ShapeNet-v2 dataset, PreAfford not only enhances grasping success rates by 69% but also demonstrates its practicality through successful real-world experiments. These improvements highlight PreAfford's potential to redefine standards for robotic handling of complex manipulation tasks in diverse settings.

replace-cross Identification of Novel Modes in Generative Models via Fourier-based Differential Clustering

Authors: Jingwei Zhang, Mohammad Jalali, Cheuk Ting Li, Farzan Farnia

Abstract: An interpretable comparison of generative models requires the identification of sample types produced more frequently by each of the involved models. While several quantitative scores have been proposed in the literature to rank different generative models, such score-based evaluations do not reveal the nuanced differences between the generative models in capturing various sample types. In this work, we attempt to solve a differential clustering problem to detect sample types expressed differently by two generative models. To solve the differential clustering problem, we propose a method called Fourier-based Identification of Novel Clusters (FINC) to identify modes produced by a generative model with a higher frequency in comparison to a reference distribution. FINC provides a scalable stochastic algorithm based on random Fourier features to estimate the eigenspace of kernel covariance matrices of two generative models and utilize the principal eigendirections to detect the sample types present more dominantly in each model. We demonstrate the application of the FINC method to large-scale computer vision datasets and generative model frameworks. Our numerical results suggest the scalability of the developed Fourier-based method in highlighting the sample types produced with different frequencies by widely-used generative models. Code is available at \url{}


replace-cross Position Paper: Think Globally, React Locally -- Bringing Real-time Reference-based Website Phishing Detection on macOS

Authors: Ivan Petrukha, Nataliia Stulova, Sergii Kryvoblotskyi

Abstract: Background. The recent surge in phishing attacks keeps undermining the effectiveness of the traditional anti-phishing blacklist approaches. On-device anti-phishing solutions are gaining popularity as they offer faster phishing detection locally. Aim. We aim to eliminate the delay in recognizing and recording phishing campaigns in databases via on-device solutions that identify phishing sites immediately when encountered by the user rather than waiting for a web crawler's scan to finish. Additionally, utilizing operating system-specific resources and frameworks, we aim to minimize the impact on system performance and depend on local processing to protect user privacy. Method. We propose a phishing detection solution that uses a combination of computer vision and on-device machine learning models to analyze websites in real time. Our reference-based approach analyzes the visual content of webpages, identifying phishing attempts through layout analysis, credential input areas detection, and brand impersonation criteria combination. Results. Our case study shows it's feasible to perform background processing on-device continuously, for the case of the web browser requiring the resource use of 16% of a single CPU core and less than 84MB of RAM on Apple M1 while maintaining the accuracy of brand logo detection at 46.6% (comparable with baselines), and of Credential Requiring Page detection at 98.1% (improving the baseline by 3.1%), within the test dataset. Conclusions. Our results demonstrate the potential of on-device, real-time phishing detection systems to enhance cybersecurity defensive technologies and extend the scope of phishing detection to more similar regions of interest, e.g., email clients and messenger windows.

replace-cross Planetary Causal Inference: Implications for the Geography of Poverty

Authors: Kazuki Sakamoto, Connor T. Jerzak, Adel Daoud

Abstract: Earth observation data such as satellite imagery can, when combined with machine learning, can have far-reaching impacts on our understanding of the geography of poverty through the prediction of living conditions, especially where government-derived economic indicators are either unavailable or potentially untrustworthy. Recent work has progressed in using Earth Observation (EO) data not only to predict spatial economic outcomes but also to explore cause and effect, an understanding which is critical for downstream policy analysis. In this review, we first document the growth of interest in using satellite images together with EO data in causal analysis. We then trace the relationship between spatial statistics and machine learning methods before discussing four ways in which EO data has been used in causal machine learning pipelines -- (1.) poverty outcome imputation for downstream causal analysis, (2.) EO image deconfounding, (3.) EO-based treatment effect heterogeneity, and (4.) EO-based transportability analysis. We conclude by providing a step-by-step workflow for how researchers can incorporate EO data in causal ML analysis going forward, outlining major choices of data, models, and evaluation metrics.

replace-cross Interpretable Representation Learning of Cardiac MRI via Attribute Regularization

Authors: Maxime Di Folco, Cosmin I. Bercea, Emily Chan, Julia A. Schnabel

Abstract: Interpretability is essential in medical imaging to ensure that clinicians can comprehend and trust artificial intelligence models. Several approaches have been recently considered to encode attributes in the latent space to enhance its interpretability. Notably, attribute regularization aims to encode a set of attributes along the dimensions of a latent representation. However, this approach is based on Variational AutoEncoder and suffers from blurry reconstruction. In this paper, we propose an Attributed-regularized Soft Introspective Variational Autoencoder that combines attribute regularization of the latent space within the framework of an adversarially trained variational autoencoder. We demonstrate on short-axis cardiac Magnetic Resonance images of the UK Biobank the ability of the proposed method to address blurry reconstruction issues of variational autoencoder methods while preserving the latent space interpretability.

replace-cross Human-Aware Vision-and-Language Navigation: Bridging Simulation to Reality with Dynamic Human Interactions

Authors: Minghan Li, Heng Li, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Yifei Dong, Yuxuan Zhou, Jun-Yan He, Qi Dai, Teruko Mitamura, Alexander G. Hauptmann

Abstract: Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) aims to develop embodied agents that navigate based on human instructions. However, current VLN frameworks often rely on static environments and optimal expert supervision, limiting their real-world applicability. To address this, we introduce Human-Aware Vision-and-Language Navigation (HA-VLN), extending traditional VLN by incorporating dynamic human activities and relaxing key assumptions. We propose the Human-Aware 3D (HA3D) simulator, which combines dynamic human activities with the Matterport3D dataset, and the Human-Aware Room-to-Room (HA-R2R) dataset, extending R2R with human activity descriptions. To tackle HA-VLN challenges, we present the Expert-Supervised Cross-Modal (VLN-CM) and Non-Expert-Supervised Decision Transformer (VLN-DT) agents, utilizing cross-modal fusion and diverse training strategies for effective navigation in dynamic human environments. A comprehensive evaluation, including metrics considering human activities, and systematic analysis of HA-VLN's unique challenges, underscores the need for further research to enhance HA-VLN agents' real-world robustness and adaptability. Ultimately, this work provides benchmarks and insights for future research on embodied AI and Sim2Real transfer, paving the way for more realistic and applicable VLN systems in human-populated environments.

replace-cross Diffusion Forcing: Next-token Prediction Meets Full-Sequence Diffusion

Authors: Boyuan Chen, Diego Marti Monso, Yilun Du, Max Simchowitz, Russ Tedrake, Vincent Sitzmann

Abstract: This paper presents Diffusion Forcing, a new training paradigm where a diffusion model is trained to denoise a set of tokens with independent per-token noise levels. We apply Diffusion Forcing to sequence generative modeling by training a causal next-token prediction model to generate one or several future tokens without fully diffusing past ones. Our approach is shown to combine the strengths of next-token prediction models, such as variable-length generation, with the strengths of full-sequence diffusion models, such as the ability to guide sampling to desirable trajectories. Our method offers a range of additional capabilities, such as (1) rolling-out sequences of continuous tokens, such as video, with lengths past the training horizon, where baselines diverge and (2) new sampling and guiding schemes that uniquely profit from Diffusion Forcing's variable-horizon and causal architecture, and which lead to marked performance gains in decision-making and planning tasks. In addition to its empirical success, our method is proven to optimize a variational lower bound on the likelihoods of all subsequences of tokens drawn from the true joint distribution. Project website:


replace-cross Deep Learning Based Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Map Generation from Multi-parametric MR Images for Patients with Diffuse Gliomas

Authors: Zach Eidex, Mojtaba Safari, Jacob Wynne, Richard L. J. Qiu, Tonghe Wang, David Viar Hernandez, Hui-Kuo Shu, Hui Mao, Xiaofeng Yang

Abstract: Purpose: Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps derived from diffusion weighted (DWI) MRI provides functional measurements about the water molecules in tissues. However, DWI is time consuming and very susceptible to image artifacts, leading to inaccurate ADC measurements. This study aims to develop a deep learning framework to synthesize ADC maps from multi-parametric MR images. Methods: We proposed the multiparametric residual vision transformer model (MPR-ViT) that leverages the long-range context of ViT layers along with the precision of convolutional operators. Residual blocks throughout the network significantly increasing the representational power of the model. The MPR-ViT model was applied to T1w and T2- fluid attenuated inversion recovery images of 501 glioma cases from a publicly available dataset including preprocessed ADC maps. Selected patients were divided into training (N=400), validation (N=50) and test (N=51) sets, respectively. Using the preprocessed ADC maps as ground truth, model performance was evaluated and compared against the Vision Convolutional Transformer (VCT) and residual vision transformer (ResViT) models. Results: The results are as follows using T1w + T2-FLAIR MRI as inputs: MPR-ViT - PSNR: 31.0 +/- 2.1, MSE: 0.009 +/- 0.0005, SSIM: 0.950 +/- 0.015. In addition, ablation studies showed the relative impact on performance of each input sequence. Both qualitative and quantitative results indicate that the proposed MR- ViT model performs favorably against the ground truth data. Conclusion: We show that high-quality ADC maps can be synthesized from structural MRI using a MPR- VCT model. Our predicted images show better conformality to the ground truth volume than ResViT and VCT predictions. These high-quality synthetic ADC maps would be particularly useful for disease diagnosis and intervention, especially when ADC maps have artifacts or are unavailable.

replace-cross Multi-Attention Integrated Deep Learning Frameworks for Enhanced Breast Cancer Segmentation and Identification

Authors: Pandiyaraju V, Shravan Venkatraman, Pavan Kumar S, Santhosh Malarvannan, Kannan A

Abstract: Breast cancer poses a profound threat to lives globally, claiming numerous lives each year. Therefore, timely detection is crucial for early intervention and improved chances of survival. Accurately diagnosing and classifying breast tumors using ultrasound images is a persistent challenge in medicine, demanding cutting-edge solutions for improved treatment strategies. This research introduces multiattention-enhanced deep learning (DL) frameworks designed for the classification and segmentation of breast cancer tumors from ultrasound images. A spatial channel attention mechanism is proposed for segmenting tumors from ultrasound images, utilizing a novel LinkNet DL framework with an InceptionResNet backbone. Following this, the paper proposes a deep convolutional neural network with an integrated multi-attention framework (DCNNIMAF) to classify the segmented tumor as benign, malignant, or normal. From experimental results, it is observed that the segmentation model has recorded an accuracy of 98.1%, with a minimal loss of 0.6%. It has also achieved high Intersection over Union (IoU) and Dice Coefficient scores of 96.9% and 97.2%, respectively. Similarly, the classification model has attained an accuracy of 99.2%, with a low loss of 0.31%. Furthermore, the classification framework has achieved outstanding F1-Score, precision, and recall values of 99.1%, 99.3%, and 99.1%, respectively. By offering a robust framework for early detection and accurate classification of breast cancer, this proposed work significantly advances the field of medical image analysis, potentially improving diagnostic precision and patient outcomes.