new HEMM: Holistic Evaluation of Multimodal Foundation Models

Authors: Paul Pu Liang, Akshay Goindani, Talha Chafekar, Leena Mathur, Haofei Yu, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency

Abstract: Multimodal foundation models that can holistically process text alongside images, video, audio, and other sensory modalities are increasingly used in a variety of real-world applications. However, it is challenging to characterize and study progress in multimodal foundation models, given the range of possible modeling decisions, tasks, and domains. In this paper, we introduce Holistic Evaluation of Multimodal Models (HEMM) to systematically evaluate the capabilities of multimodal foundation models across a set of 3 dimensions: basic skills, information flow, and real-world use cases. Basic multimodal skills are internal abilities required to solve problems, such as learning interactions across modalities, fine-grained alignment, multi-step reasoning, and the ability to handle external knowledge. Information flow studies how multimodal content changes during a task through querying, translation, editing, and fusion. Use cases span domain-specific challenges introduced in real-world multimedia, affective computing, natural sciences, healthcare, and human-computer interaction applications. Through comprehensive experiments across the 30 tasks in HEMM, we (1) identify key dataset dimensions (e.g., basic skills, information flows, and use cases) that pose challenges to today's models, and (2) distill performance trends regarding how different modeling dimensions (e.g., scale, pre-training data, multimodal alignment, pre-training, and instruction tuning objectives) influence performance. Our conclusions regarding challenging multimodal interactions, use cases, and tasks requiring reasoning and external knowledge, the benefits of data and model scale, and the impacts of instruction tuning yield actionable insights for future work in multimodal foundation models.

new NEBULA: Neural Empirical Bayes Under Latent Representations for Efficient and Controllable Design of Molecular Libraries

Authors: Ewa M. Nowara, Pedro O. Pinheiro, Sai Pooja Mahajan, Omar Mahmood, Andrew Martin Watkins, Saeed Saremi, Michael Maser

Abstract: We present NEBULA, the first latent 3D generative model for scalable generation of large molecular libraries around a seed compound of interest. Such libraries are crucial for scientific discovery, but it remains challenging to generate large numbers of high quality samples efficiently. 3D-voxel-based methods have recently shown great promise for generating high quality samples de novo from random noise (Pinheiro et al., 2023). However, sampling in 3D-voxel space is computationally expensive and use in library generation is prohibitively slow. Here, we instead perform neural empirical Bayes sampling (Saremi & Hyvarinen, 2019) in the learned latent space of a vector-quantized variational autoencoder. NEBULA generates large molecular libraries nearly an order of magnitude faster than existing methods without sacrificing sample quality. Moreover, NEBULA generalizes better to unseen drug-like molecules, as demonstrated on two public datasets and multiple recently released drugs. We expect the approach herein to be highly enabling for machine learning-based drug discovery. The code is available at


new A Role of Environmental Complexity on Representation Learning in Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents

Authors: Andrew Liu, Alla Borisyuk

Abstract: The environments where individuals live can present diverse navigation challenges, resulting in varying navigation abilities and strategies. Inspired by differing urban layouts and the Dual Solutions Paradigm test used for human navigators, we developed a simulated navigation environment to train deep reinforcement learning agents in a shortcut usage task. We modulated the frequency of exposure to a shortcut and navigation cue, leading to the development of artificial agents with differing abilities. We examined the encoded representations in artificial neural networks driving these agents, revealing intricate dynamics in representation learning, and correlated them with shortcut use preferences. Furthermore, we demonstrated methods to analyze representations across a population of nodes, which proved effective in finding patterns in what would otherwise be noisy single-node data. These techniques may also have broader applications in studying neural activity. From our observations in representation learning dynamics, we propose insights for human navigation learning, emphasizing the importance of navigation challenges in developing strong landmark knowledge over repeated exposures to landmarks alone.

new How JEPA Avoids Noisy Features: The Implicit Bias of Deep Linear Self Distillation Networks

Authors: Etai Littwin, Omid Saremi, Madhu Advani, Vimal Thilak, Preetum Nakkiran, Chen Huang, Joshua Susskind

Abstract: Two competing paradigms exist for self-supervised learning of data representations. Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) is a class of architectures in which semantically similar inputs are encoded into representations that are predictive of each other. A recent successful approach that falls under the JEPA framework is self-distillation, where an online encoder is trained to predict the output of the target encoder, sometimes using a lightweight predictor network. This is contrasted with the Masked AutoEncoder (MAE) paradigm, where an encoder and decoder are trained to reconstruct missing parts of the input in the data space rather, than its latent representation. A common motivation for using the JEPA approach over MAE is that the JEPA objective prioritizes abstract features over fine-grained pixel information (which can be unpredictable and uninformative). In this work, we seek to understand the mechanism behind this empirical observation by analyzing the training dynamics of deep linear models. We uncover a surprising mechanism: in a simplified linear setting where both approaches learn similar representations, JEPAs are biased to learn high-influence features, i.e., features characterized by having high regression coefficients. Our results point to a distinct implicit bias of predicting in latent space that may shed light on its success in practice.

new Decision-Focused Evaluation of Worst-Case Distribution Shift

Authors: Kevin Ren, Yewon Byun, Bryan Wilder

Abstract: Distribution shift is a key challenge for predictive models in practice, creating the need to identify potentially harmful shifts in advance of deployment. Existing work typically defines these worst-case shifts as ones that most degrade the individual-level accuracy of the model. However, when models are used to make a downstream population-level decision like the allocation of a scarce resource, individual-level accuracy may be a poor proxy for performance on the task at hand. We introduce a novel framework that employs a hierarchical model structure to identify worst-case distribution shifts in predictive resource allocation settings by capturing shifts both within and across instances of the decision problem. This task is more difficult than in standard distribution shift settings due to combinatorial interactions, where decisions depend on the joint presence of individuals in the allocation task. We show that the problem can be reformulated as a submodular optimization problem, enabling efficient approximations of worst-case loss. Applying our framework to real data, we find empirical evidence that worst-case shifts identified by one metric often significantly diverge from worst-case distributions identified by other metrics.

new MSfusion: A Dynamic Model Splitting Approach for Resource-Constrained Machines to Collaboratively Train Larger Models

Authors: Jin Xie, Songze Li

Abstract: Training large models requires a large amount of data, as well as abundant computation resources. While collaborative learning (e.g., federated learning) provides a promising paradigm to harness collective data from many participants, training large models remains a major challenge for participants with limited resources like mobile devices. We introduce MSfusion, an effective and efficient collaborative learning framework, tailored for training larger models on resourceconstraint machines through model splitting. Specifically, a double shifting model splitting scheme is designed such that in each training round, each participant is assigned a subset of model parameters to train over local data, and aggregates with sub-models of other peers on common parameters. While model splitting significantly reduces the computation and communication costs of individual participants, additional novel designs on adaptive model overlapping and contrastive loss functions help MSfusion to maintain training effectiveness, against model shift across participants. Extensive experiments on image and NLP tasks illustrate significant advantages of MSfusion in performance and efficiency for training large models, and its strong scalability: computation cost of each participant reduces significantly as the number of participants increases.

new HERA: High-efficiency Matrix Compression via Element Replacement

Authors: Yanshu Wang, Wang Li, Tong Yang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly advanced natural language processing tasks such as machine translation, text generation, and sentiment analysis. However, their large size, often consisting of billions of parameters, poses challenges for storage, computation, and deployment, particularly in resource-constrained environments like mobile devices and edge computing platforms. Additionally, the key-value (k-v) cache used to speed up query processing requires substantial memory and storage, exacerbating these challenges. Vector databases have emerged as a crucial technology to efficiently manage and retrieve the high-dimensional vectors produced by LLMs, facilitating faster data access and reducing computational demands. Effective compression and quantization techniques are essential to address these challenges, as they reduce the memory footprint and computational requirements without significantly compromising performance. Traditional methods that uniformly map parameters to compressed spaces often fail to account for the uneven distribution of parameters, leading to considerable accuracy loss. Therefore, innovative approaches are needed to achieve better compression ratios while preserving model performance. In this work, we propose HERA, a novel algorithm that employs heuristic Element Replacement for compressing matrix. HERA systematically replaces elements within the model using heuristic methods, which simplifies the structure of the model and makes subsequent compression more effective. By hierarchically segmenting, compressing, and reorganizing the matrix dataset, our method can effectively reduce the quantization error to 12.3% of the original at the same compression ratio.

new Generative Technology for Human Emotion Recognition: A Scope Review

Authors: Fei Ma, Yucheng Yuan, Yifan Xie, Hongwei Ren, Ivan Liu, Ying He, Fuji Ren, Fei Richard Yu, Shiguang Ni

Abstract: Affective computing stands at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI), seeking to imbue machines with the ability to comprehend and respond to human emotions. Central to this field is emotion recognition, which endeavors to identify and interpret human emotional states from different modalities, such as speech, facial images, text, and physiological signals. In recent years, important progress has been made in generative models, including Autoencoder, Generative Adversarial Network, Diffusion Model, and Large Language Model. These models, with their powerful data generation capabilities, emerge as pivotal tools in advancing emotion recognition. However, up to now, there remains a paucity of systematic efforts that review generative technology for emotion recognition. This survey aims to bridge the gaps in the existing literature by conducting a comprehensive analysis of over 320 research papers until June 2024. Specifically, this survey will firstly introduce the mathematical principles of different generative models and the commonly used datasets. Subsequently, through a taxonomy, it will provide an in-depth analysis of how generative techniques address emotion recognition based on different modalities in several aspects, including data augmentation, feature extraction, semi-supervised learning, cross-domain, etc. Finally, the review will outline future research directions, emphasizing the potential of generative models to advance the field of emotion recognition and enhance the emotional intelligence of AI systems.

new Scalable Learned Model Soup on a Single GPU: An Efficient Subspace Training Strategy

Authors: Tao Li, Weisen Jiang, Fanghui Liu, Xiaolin Huang, James T. Kwok

Abstract: Pre-training followed by fine-tuning is widely adopted among practitioners. The performance can be improved by "model soups"~\cite{wortsman2022model} via exploring various hyperparameter configurations.The Learned-Soup, a variant of model soups, significantly improves the performance but suffers from substantial memory and time costs due to the requirements of (i) having to load all fine-tuned models simultaneously, and (ii) a large computational graph encompassing all fine-tuned models. In this paper, we propose Memory Efficient Hyperplane Learned Soup (MEHL-Soup) to tackle this issue by formulating the learned soup as a hyperplane optimization problem and introducing block coordinate gradient descent to learn the mixing coefficients. At each iteration, MEHL-Soup only needs to load a few fine-tuned models and build a computational graph with one combined model. We further extend MEHL-Soup to MEHL-Soup+ in a layer-wise manner. Experimental results on various ViT models and data sets show that MEHL-Soup(+) outperforms Learned-Soup(+) in terms of test accuracy, and also reduces memory usage by more than $13\times$. Moreover, MEHL-Soup(+) can be run on a single GPU and achieves $9\times$ speed up in soup construction compared with the Learned-Soup. The code is released at


new Reliable Projection Based Unsupervised Learning for Semi-Definite QCQP with Application of Beamforming Optimization

Authors: Xiucheng Wang, Qi Qiu, Nan Cheng

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate a special class of quadratic-constrained quadratic programming (QCQP) with semi-definite constraints. Traditionally, since such a problem is non-convex and N-hard, the neural network (NN) is regarded as a promising method to obtain a high-performing solution. However, due to the inherent prediction error, it is challenging to ensure all solution output by the NN is feasible. Although some existing methods propose some naive methods, they only focus on reducing the constraint violation probability, where not all solutions are feasibly guaranteed. To deal with the above challenge, in this paper a computing efficient and reliable projection is proposed, where all solution output by the NN are ensured to be feasible. Moreover, unsupervised learning is used, so the NN can be trained effectively and efficiently without labels. Theoretically, the solution of the NN after projection is proven to be feasible, and we also prove the projection method can enhance the convergence performance and speed of the NN. To evaluate our proposed method, the quality of service (QoS)-contained beamforming scenario is studied, where the simulation results show the proposed method can achieve high-performance which is competitive with the lower bound.

new A Survey of Data Synthesis Approaches

Authors: Hsin-Yu Chang, Pei-Yu Chen, Tun-Hsiang Chou, Chang-Sheng Kao, Hsuan-Yun Yu, Yen-Ting Lin, Yun-Nung Chen

Abstract: This paper provides a detailed survey of synthetic data techniques. We first discuss the expected goals of using synthetic data in data augmentation, which can be divided into four parts: 1) Improving Diversity, 2) Data Balancing, 3) Addressing Domain Shift, and 4) Resolving Edge Cases. Synthesizing data are closely related to the prevailing machine learning techniques at the time, therefore, we summarize the domain of synthetic data techniques into four categories: 1) Expert-knowledge, 2) Direct Training, 3) Pre-train then Fine-tune, and 4) Foundation Models without Fine-tuning. Next, we categorize the goals of synthetic data filtering into four types for discussion: 1) Basic Quality, 2) Label Consistency, and 3) Data Distribution. In section 5 of this paper, we also discuss the future directions of synthetic data and state three direction that we believe is important: 1) focus more on quality, 2) the evaluation of synthetic data, and 3) multi-model data augmentation.

new Short-Long Policy Evaluation with Novel Actions

Authors: Hyunji Alex Nam, Yash Chandak, Emma Brunskill

Abstract: From incorporating LLMs in education, to identifying new drugs and improving ways to charge batteries, innovators constantly try new strategies in search of better long-term outcomes for students, patients and consumers. One major bottleneck in this innovation cycle is the amount of time it takes to observe the downstream effects of a decision policy that incorporates new interventions. The key question is whether we can quickly evaluate long-term outcomes of a new decision policy without making long-term observations. Organizations often have access to prior data about past decision policies and their outcomes, evaluated over the full horizon of interest. Motivated by this, we introduce a new setting for short-long policy evaluation for sequential decision making tasks. Our proposed methods significantly outperform prior results on simulators of HIV treatment, kidney dialysis and battery charging. We also demonstrate that our methods can be useful for applications in AI safety by quickly identifying when a new decision policy is likely to have substantially lower performance than past policies.

new Deep learning architectures for data-driven damage detection in nonlinear dynamic systems

Authors: Harrish Joseph, Giuseppe Quaranta, Biagio Carboni, Walter Lacarbonara

Abstract: The primary goal of structural health monitoring is to detect damage at its onset before it reaches a critical level. The in-depth investigation in the present work addresses deep learning applied to data-driven damage detection in nonlinear dynamic systems. In particular, autoencoders (AEs) and generative adversarial networks (GANs) are implemented leveraging on 1D convolutional neural networks. The onset of damage is detected in the investigated nonlinear dynamic systems by exciting random vibrations of varying intensity, without prior knowledge of the system or the excitation and in unsupervised manner. The comprehensive numerical study is conducted on dynamic systems exhibiting different types of nonlinear behavior. An experimental application related to a magneto-elastic nonlinear system is also presented to corroborate the conclusions.

new Measuring Orthogonality in Representations of Generative Models

Authors: Robin C. Geyer, Alessandro Torcinovich, Jo\~ao B. Carvalho, Alexander Meyer, Joachim M. Buhmann

Abstract: In unsupervised representation learning, models aim to distill essential features from high-dimensional data into lower-dimensional learned representations, guided by inductive biases. Understanding the characteristics that make a good representation remains a topic of ongoing research. Disentanglement of independent generative processes has long been credited with producing high-quality representations. However, focusing solely on representations that adhere to the stringent requirements of most disentanglement metrics, may result in overlooking many high-quality representations, well suited for various downstream tasks. These metrics often demand that generative factors be encoded in distinct, single dimensions aligned with the canonical basis of the representation space. Motivated by these observations, we propose two novel metrics: Importance-Weighted Orthogonality (IWO) and Importance-Weighted Rank (IWR). These metrics evaluate the mutual orthogonality and rank of generative factor subspaces. Throughout extensive experiments on common downstream tasks, over several benchmark datasets and models, IWO and IWR consistently show stronger correlations with downstream task performance than traditional disentanglement metrics. Our findings suggest that representation quality is closer related to the orthogonality of independent generative processes rather than their disentanglement, offering a new direction for evaluating and improving unsupervised learning models.

new NeuroSteiner: A Graph Transformer for Wirelength Estimation

Authors: Sahil Manchanda, Dana Kianfar, Markus Peschl, Romain Lepert, Micha\"el Defferrard

Abstract: A core objective of physical design is to minimize wirelength (WL) when placing chip components on a canvas. Computing the minimal WL of a placement requires finding rectilinear Steiner minimum trees (RSMTs), an NP-hard problem. We propose NeuroSteiner, a neural model that distills GeoSteiner, an optimal RSMT solver, to navigate the cost--accuracy frontier of WL estimation. NeuroSteiner is trained on synthesized nets labeled by GeoSteiner, alleviating the need to train on real chip designs. Moreover, NeuroSteiner's differentiability allows to place by minimizing WL through gradient descent. On ISPD 2005 and 2019, NeuroSteiner can obtain 0.3% WL error while being 60% faster than GeoSteiner, or 0.2% and 30%.

new Multi-Time Scale Service Caching and Pricing in MEC Systems with Dynamic Program Popularity

Authors: Yiming Chen, Xingyuan Hu, Bo Gu, Shimin Gong, Zhou Su

Abstract: In mobile edge computing systems, base stations (BSs) equipped with edge servers can provide computing services to users to reduce their task execution time. However, there is always a conflict of interest between the BS and users. The BS prices the service programs based on user demand to maximize its own profit, while the users determine their offloading strategies based on the prices to minimize their costs. Moreover, service programs need to be pre-cached to meet immediate computing needs. Due to the limited caching capacity and variations in service program popularity, the BS must dynamically select which service programs to cache. Since service caching and pricing have different needs for adjustment time granularities, we propose a two-time scale framework to jointly optimize service caching, pricing and task offloading. For the large time scale, we propose a game-nested deep reinforcement learning algorithm to dynamically adjust service caching according to the estimated popularity information. For the small time scale, by modeling the interaction between the BS and users as a two-stage game, we prove the existence of the equilibrium under incomplete information and then derive the optimal pricing and offloading strategies. Extensive simulations based on a real-world dataset demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach.

new Seamless Monitoring of Stress Levels Leveraging a Universal Model for Time Sequences

Authors: Davide Gabrielli, Bardh Prenkaj, Paola Velardi

Abstract: Monitoring the stress level in patients with neurodegenerative diseases can help manage symptoms, improve patient's quality of life, and provide insight into disease progression. In the literature, ECG, actigraphy, speech, voice, and facial analysis have proven effective at detecting patients' emotions. On the other hand, these tools are invasive and do not integrate smoothly into the patient's daily life. HRV has also been proven to effectively indicate stress conditions, especially in combination with other signals. However, when HRV is derived from less invasive devices than the ECG, like smartwatches and bracelets, the quality of measurements significantly degrades. This paper presents a methodology for stress detection from a smartwatch based on a universal model for time series, UniTS, which we fine-tuned for the task. We cast the problem as anomaly detection rather than classification to favor model adaptation to individual patients and allow the clinician to maintain greater control over the system's predictions. We demonstrate that our proposed model considerably surpasses 12 top-performing methods on 3 benchmark datasets. Furthermore, unlike other state-of-the-art systems, UniTS enables seamless monitoring, as it shows comparable performance when using signals from invasive or lightweight devices.

new Emergent Interpretable Symbols and Content-Style Disentanglement via Variance-Invariance Constraints

Authors: Yuxuan Wu, Ziyu Wang, Bhiksha Raj, Gus Xia

Abstract: We contribute an unsupervised method that effectively learns from raw observation and disentangles its latent space into content and style representations. Unlike most disentanglement algorithms that rely on domain-specific labels and knowledge, our method is based on the insight of domain-general statistical differences between content and style -- content varies more among different fragments within a sample but maintains an invariant vocabulary across data samples, whereas style remains relatively invariant within a sample but exhibits more significant variation across different samples. We integrate such inductive bias into an encoder-decoder architecture and name our method after V3 (variance-versus-invariance). Experimental results show that V3 generalizes across two distinct domains in different modalities, music audio and images of written digits, successfully learning pitch-timbre and digit-color disentanglements, respectively. Also, the disentanglement robustness significantly outperforms baseline unsupervised methods and is even comparable to supervised counterparts. Furthermore, symbolic-level interpretability emerges in the learned codebook of content, forging a near one-to-one alignment between machine representation and human knowledge.

new 10 Years of Fair Representations: Challenges and Opportunities

Authors: Mattia Cerrato, Marius K\"oppel, Philipp Wolf, Stefan Kramer

Abstract: Fair Representation Learning (FRL) is a broad set of techniques, mostly based on neural networks, that seeks to learn new representations of data in which sensitive or undesired information has been removed. Methodologically, FRL was pioneered by Richard Zemel et al. about ten years ago. The basic concepts, objectives and evaluation strategies for FRL methodologies remain unchanged to this day. In this paper, we look back at the first ten years of FRL by i) revisiting its theoretical standing in light of recent work in deep learning theory that shows the hardness of removing information in neural network representations and ii) presenting the results of a massive experimentation (225.000 model fits and 110.000 AutoML fits) we conducted with the objective of improving on the common evaluation scenario for FRL. More specifically, we use automated machine learning (AutoML) to adversarially "mine" sensitive information from supposedly fair representations. Our theoretical and experimental analysis suggests that deterministic, unquantized FRL methodologies have serious issues in removing sensitive information, which is especially troubling as they might seem "fair" at first glance.

new Bias of Stochastic Gradient Descent or the Architecture: Disentangling the Effects of Overparameterization of Neural Networks

Authors: Amit Peleg, Matthias Hein

Abstract: Neural networks typically generalize well when fitting the data perfectly, even though they are heavily overparameterized. Many factors have been pointed out as the reason for this phenomenon, including an implicit bias of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and a possible simplicity bias arising from the neural network architecture. The goal of this paper is to disentangle the factors that influence generalization stemming from optimization and architectural choices by studying random and SGD-optimized networks that achieve zero training error. We experimentally show, in the low sample regime, that overparameterization in terms of increasing width is beneficial for generalization, and this benefit is due to the bias of SGD and not due to an architectural bias. In contrast, for increasing depth, overparameterization is detrimental for generalization, but random and SGD-optimized networks behave similarly, so this can be attributed to an architectural bias. For more information, see .


new Implicit Hypersurface Approximation Capacity in Deep ReLU Networks

Authors: Jonatan Vallin, Karl Larsson, Mats G. Larson

Abstract: We develop a geometric approximation theory for deep feed-forward neural networks with ReLU activations. Given a $d$-dimensional hypersurface in $\mathbb{R}^{d+1}$ represented as the graph of a $C^2$-function $\phi$, we show that a deep fully-connected ReLU network of width $d+1$ can implicitly construct an approximation as its zero contour with a precision bound depending on the number of layers. This result is directly applicable to the binary classification setting where the sign of the network is trained as a classifier, with the network's zero contour as a decision boundary. Our proof is constructive and relies on the geometrical structure of ReLU layers provided in [doi:10.48550/arXiv.2310.03482]. Inspired by this geometrical description, we define a new equivalent network architecture that is easier to interpret geometrically, where the action of each hidden layer is a projection onto a polyhedral cone derived from the layer's parameters. By repeatedly adding such layers, with parameters chosen such that we project small parts of the graph of $\phi$ from the outside in, we, in a controlled way, construct a network that implicitly approximates the graph over a ball of radius $R$. The accuracy of this construction is controlled by a discretization parameter $\delta$ and we show that the tolerance in the resulting error bound scales as $(d-1)R^{3/2}\delta^{1/2}$ and the required number of layers is of order $d\big(\frac{32R}{\delta}\big)^{\frac{d+1}{2}}$.

new Q-Adapter: Training Your LLM Adapter as a Residual Q-Function

Authors: Yi-Chen Li, Fuxiang Zhang, Wenjie Qiu, Lei Yuan, Chengxing Jia, Zongzhang Zhang, Yang Yu

Abstract: We consider the problem of adapting Large Language Models (LLMs) pre-trained with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to downstream preference data. Naive approaches to achieve this could be supervised fine-tuning on preferred responses or reinforcement learning with a learned reward model. However, the LLM runs the risk of forgetting its initial knowledge as the fine-tuning progresses. To customize the LLM while preserving its existing capabilities, this paper proposes a novel method, named as Q-Adapter. We start by formalizing LLM adaptation as a problem of maximizing the linear combination of two rewards, one of which corresponds to the reward optimized by the pre-trained LLM and the other to the downstream preference data. Although both rewards are unknown, we show that this can be solved by directly learning a new module from the preference data that approximates the \emph{residual Q-function}. We consider this module to be an adapter because the original pre-trained LLM, together with it, can form the optimal customised LLM. Empirically, experiments on a range of domain-specific tasks and safety alignment tasks illustrate the superiority of Q-Adapter in both anti-forgetting and learning from new preferences.

new FedSat: A Statistical Aggregation Approach for Class Imbalaced Clients in Federated Learning

Authors: Sujit Chowdhury, Raju Halder

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a promising paradigm for privacy-preserving distributed machine learning, but faces challenges with heterogeneous data distributions across clients. This paper introduces FedSat, a novel FL approach designed to tackle various forms of data heterogeneity simultaneously. FedSat employs a cost-sensitive loss function and a prioritized class-based weighted aggregation scheme to address label skewness, missing classes, and quantity skewness across clients. While the proposed cost-sensitive loss function enhances model performance on minority classes, the prioritized class-based weighted aggregation scheme ensures client contributions are weighted based on both statistical significance and performance on critical classes. Extensive experiments across diverse data-heterogeneity settings demonstrate that FedSat significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines, with an average improvement of 1.8% over the second-best method and 19.87% over the weakest-performing baseline. The approach also demonstrates faster convergence compared to existing methods. These results highlight FedSat's effectiveness in addressing the challenges of heterogeneous federated learning and its potential for real-world applications.

new Adversarial Robustness of VAEs across Intersectional Subgroups

Authors: Chethan Krishnamurthy Ramanaik, Arjun Roy, Eirini Ntoutsi

Abstract: Despite advancements in Autoencoders (AEs) for tasks like dimensionality reduction, representation learning and data generation, they remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), with their probabilistic approach to disentangling latent spaces, show stronger resistance to such perturbations compared to deterministic AEs; however, their resilience against adversarial inputs is still a concern. This study evaluates the robustness of VAEs against non-targeted adversarial attacks by optimizing minimal sample-specific perturbations to cause maximal damage across diverse demographic subgroups (combinations of age and gender). We investigate two questions: whether there are robustness disparities among subgroups, and what factors contribute to these disparities, such as data scarcity and representation entanglement. Our findings reveal that robustness disparities exist but are not always correlated with the size of the subgroup. By using downstream gender and age classifiers and examining latent embeddings, we highlight the vulnerability of subgroups like older women, who are prone to misclassification due to adversarial perturbations pushing their representations toward those of other subgroups.

new gFlora: a topology-aware method to discover functional co-response groups in soil microbial communities

Authors: Nan Chen, Merlijn Schram, Doina Bucur

Abstract: We aim to learn the functional co-response group: a group of taxa whose co-response effect (the representative characteristic of the group) associates well statistically with a functional variable. Different from the state-of-the-art method, we model the soil microbial community as an ecological co-occurrence network with the taxa as nodes (weighted by their abundance) and their relationships (a combination from both spatial and functional ecological aspects) as edges (weighted by the strength of the relationships). Then, we design a method called gFlora which notably uses graph convolution over this co-occurrence network to get the co-response effect of the group, such that the network topology is also considered in the discovery process. We evaluate gFlora on two real-world soil microbiome datasets (bacteria and nematodes) and compare it with the state-of-the-art method. gFlora outperforms this on all evaluation metrics, and discovers new functional evidence for taxa which were so far under-studied. We show that the graph convolution step is crucial to taxa with low abundance, and the discovered bacteria of different genera are distributed in the co-occurrence network but still tightly connected among themselves, demonstrating that topologically they fill different but collaborative functional roles in the ecological community.

new Support Vector Based Anomaly Detection in Federated Learning

Authors: Massimo Frasson, Dario Malchiodi

Abstract: Anomaly detection plays a crucial role in various domains, from cybersecurity to industrial systems. However, traditional centralized approaches often encounter challenges related to data privacy. In this context, Federated Learning emerges as a promising solution. This work introduces two innovative algorithms--Ensemble SVDD and Support Vector Election--that leverage Support Vector Machines for anomaly detection in a federated setting. In comparison with the Neural Networks typically used in within Federated Learning, these new algorithms emerge as potential alternatives, as they can operate effectively with small datasets and incur lower computational costs. The novel algorithms are tested in various distributed system configurations, yielding promising initial results that pave the way for further investigation.

new Concept Bottleneck Models Without Predefined Concepts

Authors: Simon Schrodi, Julian Schur, Max Argus, Thomas Brox

Abstract: There has been considerable recent interest in interpretable concept-based models such as Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs), which first predict human-interpretable concepts and then map them to output classes. To reduce reliance on human-annotated concepts, recent works have converted pretrained black-box models into interpretable CBMs post-hoc. However, these approaches predefine a set of concepts, assuming which concepts a black-box model encodes in its representations. In this work, we eliminate this assumption by leveraging unsupervised concept discovery to automatically extract concepts without human annotations or a predefined set of concepts. We further introduce an input-dependent concept selection mechanism that ensures only a small subset of concepts is used across all classes. We show that our approach improves downstream performance and narrows the performance gap to black-box models, while using significantly fewer concepts in the classification. Finally, we demonstrate how large vision-language models can intervene on the final model weights to correct model errors.

new Reduced-Order Neural Operators: Learning Lagrangian Dynamics on Highly Sparse Graphs

Authors: Hrishikesh Viswanath, Yue Chang, Julius Berner, Peter Yichen Chen, Aniket Bera

Abstract: We present a neural operator architecture to simulate Lagrangian dynamics, such as fluid flow, granular flows, and elastoplasticity. Traditional numerical methods, such as the finite element method (FEM), suffer from long run times and large memory consumption. On the other hand, approaches based on graph neural networks are faster but still suffer from long computation times on dense graphs, which are often required for high-fidelity simulations. Our model, GIOROM or Graph Interaction Operator for Reduced-Order Modeling, learns temporal dynamics within a reduced-order setting, capturing spatial features from a highly sparse graph representation of the input and generalizing to arbitrary spatial locations during inference. The model is geometry-aware and discretization-agnostic and can generalize to different initial conditions, velocities, and geometries after training. We show that point clouds of the order of 100,000 points can be inferred from sparse graphs with $\sim$1000 points, with negligible change in computation time. We empirically evaluate our model on elastic solids, Newtonian fluids, Non-Newtonian fluids, Drucker-Prager granular flows, and von Mises elastoplasticity. On these benchmarks, our approach results in a 25$\times$ speedup compared to other neural network-based physics simulators while delivering high-fidelity predictions of complex physical systems and showing better performance on most benchmarks. The code and the demos are provided at


new Uncertainty-Guided Optimization on Large Language Model Search Trees

Authors: Julia Grosse, Ruotian Wu, Ahmad Rashid, Philipp Hennig, Pascal Poupart, Agustinus Kristiadi

Abstract: Beam search is a standard tree search algorithm when it comes to finding sequences of maximum likelihood, for example, in the decoding processes of large language models. However, it is myopic since it does not take the whole path from the root to a leaf into account. Moreover, it is agnostic to prior knowledge available about the process: For example, it does not consider that the objective being maximized is a likelihood and thereby has specific properties, like being bound in the unit interval. Taking a probabilistic approach, we define a prior belief over the LLMs' transition probabilities and obtain a posterior belief over the most promising paths in each iteration. These beliefs are helpful to define a non-myopic Bayesian-optimization-like acquisition function that allows for a more data-efficient exploration scheme than standard beam search. We discuss how to select the prior and demonstrate in on- and off-model experiments with recent large language models, including Llama-2-7b, that our method achieves higher efficiency than beam search: Our method achieves the same or a higher likelihood while expanding fewer nodes than beam search.

new Generalizing Graph Transformers Across Diverse Graphs and Tasks via Pre-Training on Industrial-Scale Data

Authors: Yufei He, Zhenyu Hou, Yukuo Cen, Feng He, Xu Cheng, Bryan Hooi

Abstract: Graph pre-training has been concentrated on graph-level on small graphs (e.g., molecular graphs) or learning node representations on a fixed graph. Extending graph pre-trained models to web-scale graphs with billions of nodes in industrial scenarios, while avoiding negative transfer across graphs or tasks, remains a challenge. We aim to develop a general graph pre-trained model with inductive ability that can make predictions for unseen new nodes and even new graphs. In this work, we introduce a scalable transformer-based graph pre-training framework called PGT (Pre-trained Graph Transformer). Specifically, we design a flexible and scalable graph transformer as the backbone network. Meanwhile, based on the masked autoencoder architecture, we design two pre-training tasks: one for reconstructing node features and the other one for reconstructing local structures. Unlike the original autoencoder architecture where the pre-trained decoder is discarded, we propose a novel strategy that utilizes the decoder for feature augmentation. We have deployed our framework on Tencent's online game data. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that our framework can perform pre-training on real-world web-scale graphs with over 540 million nodes and 12 billion edges and generalizes effectively to unseen new graphs with different downstream tasks. We further conduct experiments on the publicly available ogbn-papers100M dataset, which consists of 111 million nodes and 1.6 billion edges. Our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance on both industrial datasets and public datasets, while also enjoying scalability and efficiency.

new Zero-failure testing of binary classifiers

Authors: Ioannis Ivrissimtzis, Matthew Houliston, Shauna Concannon, Graham Roberts

Abstract: We propose using performance metrics derived from zero-failure testing to assess binary classifiers. The principal characteristic of the proposed approach is the asymmetric treatment of the two types of error. In particular, we construct a test set consisting of positive and negative samples, set the operating point of the binary classifier at the lowest value that will result to correct classifications of all positive samples, and use the algorithm's success rate on the negative samples as a performance measure. A property of the proposed approach, setting it apart from other commonly used testing methods, is that it allows the construction of a series of tests of increasing difficulty, corresponding to a nested sequence of positive sample test sets. We illustrate the proposed method on the problem of age estimation for determining whether a subject is above a legal age threshold, a problem that exemplifies the asymmetry of the two types of error. Indeed, misclassifying an under-aged subject is a legal and regulatory issue, while misclassifications of people above the legal age is an efficiency issue primarily concerning the commercial user of the age estimation system.

new ROER: Regularized Optimal Experience Replay

Authors: Changling Li, Zhang-Wei Hong, Pulkit Agrawal, Divyansh Garg, Joni Pajarinen

Abstract: Experience replay serves as a key component in the success of online reinforcement learning (RL). Prioritized experience replay (PER) reweights experiences by the temporal difference (TD) error empirically enhancing the performance. However, few works have explored the motivation of using TD error. In this work, we provide an alternative perspective on TD-error-based reweighting. We show the connections between the experience prioritization and occupancy optimization. By using a regularized RL objective with $f-$divergence regularizer and employing its dual form, we show that an optimal solution to the objective is obtained by shifting the distribution of off-policy data in the replay buffer towards the on-policy optimal distribution using TD-error-based occupancy ratios. Our derivation results in a new pipeline of TD error prioritization. We specifically explore the KL divergence as the regularizer and obtain a new form of prioritization scheme, the regularized optimal experience replay (ROER). We evaluate the proposed prioritization scheme with the Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) algorithm in continuous control MuJoCo and DM Control benchmark tasks where our proposed scheme outperforms baselines in 6 out of 11 tasks while the results of the rest match with or do not deviate far from the baselines. Further, using pretraining, ROER achieves noticeable improvement on difficult Antmaze environment where baselines fail, showing applicability to offline-to-online fine-tuning. Code is available at \url{}.


new PaSE: Parallelization Strategies for Efficient DNN Training

Authors: Venmugil Elango

Abstract: Training a deep neural network (DNN) requires substantial computational and memory requirements. It is common to use multiple devices to train a DNN to reduce the overall training time. There are several choices to parallelize each layer in a DNN. Exhaustively searching this list to find an optimal parallelization strategy is prohibitively time consuming and impractical. The standard practice is to use data parallelism because of its simplicity. However, data parallelism is often sub-optimal, and suffers from poor performance and high memory requirement. Expert-designed strategies have been proposed on a case-by-case basis using domain specific knowledge. These expert-designed strategies do not generalize well to DNNs other than the ones for which they were designed, and are not always necessarily the best choice. In this paper, we propose an approach to automatically find efficient parallelization strategies for DNNs from their computation graphs. We present an efficient algorithm to compute these strategies within a reasonable time in practice. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on various DNNs. We also compare the performance of the strategies identified by our approach against data parallelism, expert-designed strategies, and the state-of-the-art approaches. Our results show that the strategies found using our approach outperform the baseline data parallelism strategy in all the cases. In addition, our strategies achieve better performance than the expert-designed strategies and the state-of-the-art approaches.

new Robust Learning under Hybrid Noise

Authors: Yang Wei, Shuo Chen, Shanshan Ye, Bo Han, Chen Gong

Abstract: Feature noise and label noise are ubiquitous in practical scenarios, which pose great challenges for training a robust machine learning model. Most previous approaches usually deal with only a single problem of either feature noise or label noise. However, in real-world applications, hybrid noise, which contains both feature noise and label noise, is very common due to the unreliable data collection and annotation processes. Although some results have been achieved by a few representation learning based attempts, this issue is still far from being addressed with promising performance and guaranteed theoretical analyses. To address the challenge, we propose a novel unified learning framework called "Feature and Label Recovery" (FLR) to combat the hybrid noise from the perspective of data recovery, where we concurrently reconstruct both the feature matrix and the label matrix of input data. Specifically, the clean feature matrix is discovered by the low-rank approximation, and the ground-truth label matrix is embedded based on the recovered features with a nuclear norm regularization. Meanwhile, the feature noise and label noise are characterized by their respective adaptive matrix norms to satisfy the corresponding maximum likelihood. As this framework leads to a non-convex optimization problem, we develop the non-convex Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) with the convergence guarantee to solve our learning objective. We also provide the theoretical analysis to show that the generalization error of FLR can be upper-bounded in the presence of hybrid noise. Experimental results on several typical benchmark datasets clearly demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over the state-of-the-art robust learning approaches for various noises.

new TALENT: A Tabular Analytics and Learning Toolbox

Authors: Si-Yang Liu, Hao-Run Cai, Qi-Le Zhou, Han-Jia Ye

Abstract: Tabular data is one of the most common data sources in machine learning. Although a wide range of classical methods demonstrate practical utilities in this field, deep learning methods on tabular data are becoming promising alternatives due to their flexibility and ability to capture complex interactions within the data. Considering that deep tabular methods have diverse design philosophies, including the ways they handle features, design learning objectives, and construct model architectures, we introduce a versatile deep-learning toolbox called TALENT (Tabular Analytics and LEarNing Toolbox) to utilize, analyze, and compare tabular methods. TALENT encompasses an extensive collection of more than 20 deep tabular prediction methods, associated with various encoding and normalization modules, and provides a unified interface that is easily integrable with new methods as they emerge. In this paper, we present the design and functionality of the toolbox, illustrate its practical application through several case studies, and investigate the performance of various methods fairly based on our toolbox. Code is available at


new Sparsest Models Elude Pruning: An Expos\'e of Pruning's Current Capabilities

Authors: Stephen Zhang, Vardan Papyan

Abstract: Pruning has emerged as a promising approach for compressing large-scale models, yet its effectiveness in recovering the sparsest of models has not yet been explored. We conducted an extensive series of 485,838 experiments, applying a range of state-of-the-art pruning algorithms to a synthetic dataset we created, named the Cubist Spiral. Our findings reveal a significant gap in performance compared to ideal sparse networks, which we identified through a novel combinatorial search algorithm. We attribute this performance gap to current pruning algorithms' poor behaviour under overparameterization, their tendency to induce disconnected paths throughout the network, and their propensity to get stuck at suboptimal solutions, even when given the optimal width and initialization. This gap is concerning, given the simplicity of the network architectures and datasets used in our study. We hope that our research encourages further investigation into new pruning techniques that strive for true network sparsity.

new Predictive Coding Networks and Inference Learning: Tutorial and Survey

Authors: Bj\"orn van Zwol, Ro Jefferson, Egon L. van den Broek

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a growing call for renewed emphasis on neuroscience-inspired approaches in artificial intelligence research, under the banner of $\textit{NeuroAI}$. This is exemplified by recent attention gained by predictive coding networks (PCNs) within machine learning (ML). PCNs are based on the neuroscientific framework of predictive coding (PC), which views the brain as a hierarchical Bayesian inference model that minimizes prediction errors from feedback connections. PCNs trained with inference learning (IL) have potential advantages to traditional feedforward neural networks (FNNs) trained with backpropagation. While historically more computationally intensive, recent improvements in IL have shown that it can be more efficient than backpropagation with sufficient parallelization, making PCNs promising alternatives for large-scale applications and neuromorphic hardware. Moreover, PCNs can be mathematically considered as a superset of traditional FNNs, which substantially extends the range of possible architectures for both supervised and unsupervised learning. In this work, we provide a comprehensive review as well as a formal specification of PCNs, in particular placing them in the context of modern ML methods, and positioning PC as a versatile and promising framework worthy of further study by the ML community.

new An Autoencoder Architecture for L-band Passive Microwave Retrieval of Landscape Freeze-Thaw Cycle

Authors: Divya Kumawat, Ardeshir Ebtehaj, Xiaolan Xu, Andreas Colliander, Vipin Kumar

Abstract: Estimating the landscape and soil freeze-thaw (FT) dynamics in the Northern Hemisphere is crucial for understanding permafrost response to global warming and changes in regional and global carbon budgets. A new framework is presented for surface FT-cycle retrievals using L-band microwave radiometry based on a deep convolutional autoencoder neural network. This framework defines the landscape FT-cycle retrieval as a time series anomaly detection problem considering the frozen states as normal and thawed states as anomalies. The autoencoder retrieves the FT-cycle probabilistically through supervised reconstruction of the brightness temperature (TB) time series using a contrastive loss function that minimizes (maximizes) the reconstruction error for the peak winter (summer). Using the data provided by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite, it is demonstrated that the framework learns to isolate the landscape FT states over different land surface types with varying complexities related to the radiometric characteristics of snow cover, lake-ice phenology, and vegetation canopy. The consistency of the retrievals is evaluated over Alaska, against in situ ground-based observations, showing reduced uncertainties compared to the traditional methods that use thresholding of the normalized polarization ratio.

new SineKAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks Using Sinusoidal Activation Functions

Authors: Eric A. F. Reinhardt, Sergei Gleyzer

Abstract: Recent work has established an alternative to traditional multi-layer perceptron neural networks in the form of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN). The general KAN framework uses learnable activation functions on the edges of the computational graph followed by summation on nodes. The learnable edge activation functions in the original implementation are basis spline functions (B-Spline). Here, we present a model in which learnable grids of B-Spline activation functions can be replaced by grids of re-weighted sine functions. We show that this leads to better or comparable numerical performance to B-Spline KAN models on the MNIST benchmark, while also providing a substantial speed increase on the order of 4-9 times.

new Mixture of A Million Experts

Authors: Xu Owen He

Abstract: The feedforward (FFW) layers in standard transformer architectures incur a linear increase in computational costs and activation memory as the hidden layer width grows. Sparse mixture-of-experts (MoE) architectures have emerged as a viable approach to address this issue by decoupling model size from computational cost. The recent discovery of the fine-grained MoE scaling law shows that higher granularity leads to better performance. However, existing MoE models are limited to a small number of experts due to computational and optimization challenges. This paper introduces PEER (parameter efficient expert retrieval), a novel layer design that utilizes the product key technique for sparse retrieval from a vast pool of tiny experts (over a million). Experiments on language modeling tasks demonstrate that PEER layers outperform dense FFWs and coarse-grained MoEs in terms of performance-compute trade-off. By enabling efficient utilization of a massive number of experts, PEER unlocks the potential for further scaling of transformer models while maintaining computational efficiency.

new Learning Interpretable Differentiable Logic Networks

Authors: Chang Yue, Niraj K. Jha

Abstract: The ubiquity of neural networks (NNs) in real-world applications, from healthcare to natural language processing, underscores their immense utility in capturing complex relationships within high-dimensional data. However, NNs come with notable disadvantages, such as their "black-box" nature, which hampers interpretability, as well as their tendency to overfit the training data. We introduce a novel method for learning interpretable differentiable logic networks (DLNs) that are architectures that employ multiple layers of binary logic operators. We train these networks by softening and differentiating their discrete components, e.g., through binarization of inputs, binary logic operations, and connections between neurons. This approach enables the use of gradient-based learning methods. Experimental results on twenty classification tasks indicate that differentiable logic networks can achieve accuracies comparable to or exceeding that of traditional NNs. Equally importantly, these networks offer the advantage of interpretability. Moreover, their relatively simple structure results in the number of logic gate-level operations during inference being up to a thousand times smaller than NNs, making them suitable for deployment on edge devices.

new Quantifying Prediction Consistency Under Model Multiplicity in Tabular LLMs

Authors: Faisal Hamman, Pasan Dissanayake, Saumitra Mishra, Freddy Lecue, Sanghamitra Dutta

Abstract: Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) on limited tabular data for classification tasks can lead to \textit{fine-tuning multiplicity}, where equally well-performing models make conflicting predictions on the same inputs due to variations in the training process (i.e., seed, random weight initialization, retraining on additional or deleted samples). This raises critical concerns about the robustness and reliability of Tabular LLMs, particularly when deployed for high-stakes decision-making, such as finance, hiring, education, healthcare, etc. This work formalizes the challenge of fine-tuning multiplicity in Tabular LLMs and proposes a novel metric to quantify the robustness of individual predictions without expensive model retraining. Our metric quantifies a prediction's stability by analyzing (sampling) the model's local behavior around the input in the embedding space. Interestingly, we show that sampling in the local neighborhood can be leveraged to provide probabilistic robustness guarantees against a broad class of fine-tuned models. By leveraging Bernstein's Inequality, we show that predictions with sufficiently high robustness (as defined by our measure) will remain consistent with high probability. We also provide empirical evaluation on real-world datasets to support our theoretical results. Our work highlights the importance of addressing fine-tuning instabilities to enable trustworthy deployment of LLMs in high-stakes and safety-critical applications.

new Meta-Learning and representation learner: A short theoretical note

Authors: Mouad El Bouchattaoui

Abstract: Meta-learning, or "learning to learn," is a subfield of machine learning where the goal is to develop models and algorithms that can learn from various tasks and improve their learning process over time. Unlike traditional machine learning methods focusing on learning a specific task, meta-learning aims to leverage experience from previous tasks to enhance future learning. This approach is particularly beneficial in scenarios where the available data for a new task is limited, but there exists abundant data from related tasks. By extracting and utilizing the underlying structure and patterns across these tasks, meta-learning algorithms can achieve faster convergence and better performance with fewer data. The following notes are mainly inspired from \cite{vanschoren2018meta}, \cite{baxter2019learning}, and \cite{maurer2005algorithmic}.

new KAN-ODEs: Kolmogorov-Arnold Network Ordinary Differential Equations for Learning Dynamical Systems and Hidden Physics

Authors: Benjamin C. Koenig, Suyong Kim, Sili Deng

Abstract: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) as an alternative to Multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) are a recent development demonstrating strong potential for data-driven modeling. This work applies KANs as the backbone of a Neural Ordinary Differential Equation framework, generalizing their use to the time-dependent and grid-sensitive cases often seen in scientific machine learning applications. The proposed KAN-ODEs retain the flexible dynamical system modeling framework of Neural ODEs while leveraging the many benefits of KANs, including faster neural scaling, stronger interpretability, and lower parameter counts when compared against MLPs. We demonstrate these benefits in three test cases: the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model, Burgers' equation, and the Fisher-KPP PDE. We showcase the strong performance of parameter-lean KAN-ODE systems generally in reconstructing entire dynamical systems, and also in targeted applications to the inference of a source term in an otherwise known flow field. We additionally demonstrate the interpretability of KAN-ODEs via activation function visualization and symbolic regression of trained results. The successful training of KAN-ODEs and their improved performance when compared to traditional Neural ODEs implies significant potential in leveraging this novel network architecture in myriad scientific machine learning applications.

new TimeLDM: Latent Diffusion Model for Unconditional Time Series Generation

Authors: Jian Qian, Miao Sun, Sifan Zhou, Biao Wan, Minhao Li, Patrick Chiang

Abstract: Time series generation is a crucial research topic in the area of deep learning, which can be used for data augmentation, imputing missing values, and forecasting. Currently, latent diffusion models are ascending to the forefront of generative modeling for many important data representations. Being the most pivotal in the computer vision domain, latent diffusion models have also recently attracted interest in other communities, including NLP, Speech, and Geometric Space. In this work, we propose TimeLDM, a novel latent diffusion model for high-quality time series generation. TimeLDM is composed of a variational autoencoder that encodes time series into an informative and smoothed latent content and a latent diffusion model operating in the latent space to generate latent information. We evaluate the ability of our method to generate synthetic time series with simulated and realistic datasets, benchmark the performance against existing state-of-the-art methods. Qualitatively and quantitatively, we find that the proposed TimeLDM persistently delivers high-quality generated time series. Sores from Context-FID and Discriminative indicate that TimeLDM consistently and significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art benchmarks with an average improvement of 3.4$\times$ and 3.8$\times$, respectively. Further studies demonstrate that our method presents better performance on different lengths of time series data generation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the potential of the latent diffusion model for unconditional time series generation and establish a new baseline for synthetic time series.

new Graph Pooling via Ricci Flow

Authors: Amy Feng, Melanie Weber

Abstract: Graph Machine Learning often involves the clustering of nodes based on similarity structure encoded in the graph's topology and the nodes' attributes. On homophilous graphs, the integration of pooling layers has been shown to enhance the performance of Graph Neural Networks by accounting for inherent multi-scale structure. Here, similar nodes are grouped together to coarsen the graph and reduce the input size in subsequent layers in deeper architectures. In both settings, the underlying clustering approach can be implemented via graph pooling operators, which often rely on classical tools from Graph Theory. In this work, we introduce a graph pooling operator (ORC-Pool), which utilizes a characterization of the graph's geometry via Ollivier's discrete Ricci curvature and an associated geometric flow. Previous Ricci flow based clustering approaches have shown great promise across several domains, but are by construction unable to account for similarity structure encoded in the node attributes. However, in many ML applications, such information is vital for downstream tasks. ORC-Pool extends such clustering approaches to attributed graphs, allowing for the integration of geometric coarsening into Graph Neural Networks as a pooling layer.

new A Two-Step Minimax Q-learning Algorithm for Two-Player Zero-Sum Markov Games

Authors: Shreyas S R, Antony Vijesh

Abstract: An interesting iterative procedure is proposed to solve a two-player zero-sum Markov games. First this problem is expressed as a min-max Markov game. Next, a two-step Q-learning algorithm for solving Markov decision problem (MDP) is suitably modified to solve this Markov game. Under a suitable assumption, the boundedness of the proposed iterates is obtained theoretically. Using results from stochastic approximation, the almost sure convergence of the proposed two-step minimax Q-learning is obtained theoretically. More specifically, the proposed algorithm converges to the game theoretic optimal value with probability one, when the model information is not known. Numerical simulation authenticate that the proposed algorithm is effective and easy to implement.

new Langevin Dynamics: A Unified Perspective on Optimization via Lyapunov Potentials

Authors: August Y. Chen, Ayush Sekhari, Karthik Sridharan

Abstract: We study the problem of non-convex optimization using Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD). SGLD is a natural and popular variation of stochastic gradient descent where at each step, appropriately scaled Gaussian noise is added. To our knowledge, the only strategy for showing global convergence of SGLD on the loss function is to show that SGLD can sample from a stationary distribution which assigns larger mass when the function is small (the Gibbs measure), and then to convert these guarantees to optimization results. We employ a new strategy to analyze the convergence of SGLD to global minima, based on Lyapunov potentials and optimization. We convert the same mild conditions from previous works on SGLD into geometric properties based on Lyapunov potentials. This adapts well to the case with a stochastic gradient oracle, which is natural for machine learning applications where one wants to minimize population loss but only has access to stochastic gradients via minibatch training samples. Here we provide 1) improved rates in the setting of previous works studying SGLD for optimization, 2) the first finite gradient complexity guarantee for SGLD where the function is Lipschitz and the Gibbs measure defined by the function satisfies a Poincar\'e Inequality, and 3) prove if continuous-time Langevin Dynamics succeeds for optimization, then discrete-time SGLD succeeds under mild regularity assumptions.

new NeuFair: Neural Network Fairness Repair with Dropout

Authors: Vishnu Asutosh Dasu, Ashish Kumar, Saeid Tizpaz-Niari, Gang Tan

Abstract: This paper investigates the neural dropout method as a post-processing bias mitigation for deep neural networks (DNNs). Neural-driven software solutions are increasingly applied in socially critical domains with significant fairness implications. While neural networks are exceptionally good at finding statistical patterns from data, they are notorious for overfitting to the training datasets that may encode and amplify existing biases from the historical data. Existing bias mitigation algorithms often require either modifying the input dataset or modifying the learning algorithms. We posit that the prevalent dropout methods that prevent over-fitting during training by randomly dropping neurons may be an effective and less intrusive approach to improve fairness of pre-trained DNNs. However, finding the ideal set of neurons to drop is a combinatorial problem. We propose NeuFair, a family of post-processing randomized algorithms that mitigate unfairness in pre-trained DNNs. Our randomized search is guided by an objective to minimize discrimination while maintaining the model utility. We show that our design of randomized algorithms provides statistical guarantees on finding optimal solutions, and we empirically evaluate the efficacy and efficiency of NeuFair in improving fairness, with minimal or no performance degradation. Our results show that NeuFair improves fairness by up to 69% and outperforms state-of-the-art post-processing bias techniques.

new Accelerating Communication in Deep Learning Recommendation Model Training with Dual-Level Adaptive Lossy Compression

Authors: Hao Feng (Summer), Boyuan Zhang (Summer), Fanjiang Ye (Summer), Min Si (Summer), Ching-Hsiang Chu (Summer), Jiannan Tian (Summer), Chunxing Yin (Summer), Zhaoxia (Summer), Deng, Yuchen Hao, Pavan Balaji, Tong Geng, Dingwen Tao

Abstract: DLRM is a state-of-the-art recommendation system model that has gained widespread adoption across various industry applications. The large size of DLRM models, however, necessitates the use of multiple devices/GPUs for efficient training. A significant bottleneck in this process is the time-consuming all-to-all communication required to collect embedding data from all devices. To mitigate this, we introduce a method that employs error-bounded lossy compression to reduce the communication data size and accelerate DLRM training. We develop a novel error-bounded lossy compression algorithm, informed by an in-depth analysis of embedding data features, to achieve high compression ratios. Moreover, we introduce a dual-level adaptive strategy for error-bound adjustment, spanning both table-wise and iteration-wise aspects, to balance the compression benefits with the potential impacts on accuracy. We further optimize our compressor for PyTorch tensors on GPUs, minimizing compression overhead. Evaluation shows that our method achieves a 1.38$\times$ training speedup with a minimal accuracy impact.

new Robust Decision Transformer: Tackling Data Corruption in Offline RL via Sequence Modeling

Authors: Jiawei Xu, Rui Yang, Feng Luo, Meng Fang, Baoxiang Wang, Lei Han

Abstract: Learning policies from offline datasets through offline reinforcement learning (RL) holds promise for scaling data-driven decision-making and avoiding unsafe and costly online interactions. However, real-world data collected from sensors or humans often contains noise and errors, posing a significant challenge for existing offline RL methods. Our study indicates that traditional offline RL methods based on temporal difference learning tend to underperform Decision Transformer (DT) under data corruption, especially when the amount of data is limited. This suggests the potential of sequential modeling for tackling data corruption in offline RL. To further unleash the potential of sequence modeling methods, we propose Robust Decision Transformer (RDT) by incorporating several robust techniques. Specifically, we introduce Gaussian weighted learning and iterative data correction to reduce the effect of corrupted data. Additionally, we leverage embedding dropout to enhance the model's resistance to erroneous inputs. Extensive experiments on MoJoCo, KitChen, and Adroit tasks demonstrate RDT's superior performance under diverse data corruption compared to previous methods. Moreover, RDT exhibits remarkable robustness in a challenging setting that combines training-time data corruption with testing-time observation perturbations. These results highlight the potential of robust sequence modeling for learning from noisy or corrupted offline datasets, thereby promoting the reliable application of offline RL in real-world tasks.

new Fair Federated Data Clustering through Personalization: Bridging the Gap between Diverse Data Distributions

Authors: Shivam Gupta, Tarushi, Tsering Wangzes, Shweta Jain

Abstract: The rapid growth of data from edge devices has catalyzed the performance of machine learning algorithms. However, the data generated resides at client devices thus there are majorly two challenge faced by traditional machine learning paradigms - centralization of data for training and secondly for most the generated data the class labels are missing and there is very poor incentives to clients to manually label their data owing to high cost and lack of expertise. To overcome these issues, there have been initial attempts to handle unlabelled data in a privacy preserving distributed manner using unsupervised federated data clustering. The goal is partition the data available on clients into $k$ partitions (called clusters) without actual exchange of data. Most of the existing algorithms are highly dependent on data distribution patterns across clients or are computationally expensive. Furthermore, due to presence of skewed nature of data across clients in most of practical scenarios existing models might result in clients suffering high clustering cost making them reluctant to participate in federated process. To this, we are first to introduce the idea of personalization in federated clustering. The goal is achieve balance between achieving lower clustering cost and at same time achieving uniform cost across clients. We propose p-FClus that addresses these goal in a single round of communication between server and clients. We validate the efficacy of p-FClus against variety of federated datasets showcasing it's data independence nature, applicability to any finite $\ell$-norm, while simultaneously achieving lower cost and variance.

new Understanding the Role of Invariance in Transfer Learning

Authors: Till Speicher, Vedant Nanda, Krishna P. Gummadi

Abstract: Transfer learning is a powerful technique for knowledge-sharing between different tasks. Recent work has found that the representations of models with certain invariances, such as to adversarial input perturbations, achieve higher performance on downstream tasks. These findings suggest that invariance may be an important property in the context of transfer learning. However, the relationship of invariance with transfer performance is not fully understood yet and a number of questions remain. For instance, how important is invariance compared to other factors of the pretraining task? How transferable is learned invariance? In this work, we systematically investigate the importance of representational invariance for transfer learning, as well as how it interacts with other parameters during pretraining. To do so, we introduce a family of synthetic datasets that allow us to precisely control factors of variation both in training and test data. Using these datasets, we a) show that for learning representations with high transfer performance, invariance to the right transformations is as, or often more, important than most other factors such as the number of training samples, the model architecture and the identity of the pretraining classes, b) show conditions under which invariance can harm the ability to transfer representations and c) explore how transferable invariance is between tasks. The code is available at \url{}.


new Geometrically Inspired Kernel Machines for Collaborative Learning Beyond Gradient Descent

Authors: Mohit Kumar (Institute of Signal Processing), Alexander Valentinitsch (Institute of Signal Processing), Magdalena Fuchs (Institute of Signal Processing), Mathias Brucker (Institute of Signal Processing), Juliana Bowles (Institute of Signal Processing), Adnan Husakovic (Institute of Signal Processing), Ali Abbas (Institute of Signal Processing), Bernhard A. Moser (Institute of Signal Processing)

Abstract: This paper develops a novel mathematical framework for collaborative learning by means of geometrically inspired kernel machines which includes statements on the bounds of generalisation and approximation errors, and sample complexity. For classification problems, this approach allows us to learn bounded geometric structures around given data points and hence solve the global model learning problem in an efficient way by exploiting convexity properties of the related optimisation problem in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). In this way, we can reduce classification problems to determining the closest bounded geometric structure from a given data point. Further advantages that come with our solution is that our approach does not require clients to perform multiple epochs of local optimisation using stochastic gradient descent, nor require rounds of communication between client/server for optimising the global model. We highlight that numerous experiments have shown that the proposed method is a competitive alternative to the state-of-the-art.

new Regulating Model Reliance on Non-Robust Features by Smoothing Input Marginal Density

Authors: Peiyu Yang, Naveed Akhtar, Mubarak Shah, Ajmal Mian

Abstract: Trustworthy machine learning necessitates meticulous regulation of model reliance on non-robust features. We propose a framework to delineate and regulate such features by attributing model predictions to the input. Within our approach, robust feature attributions exhibit a certain consistency, while non-robust feature attributions are susceptible to fluctuations. This behavior allows identification of correlation between model reliance on non-robust features and smoothness of marginal density of the input samples. Hence, we uniquely regularize the gradients of the marginal density w.r.t. the input features for robustness. We also devise an efficient implementation of our regularization to address the potential numerical instability of the underlying optimization process. Moreover, we analytically reveal that, as opposed to our marginal density smoothing, the prevalent input gradient regularization smoothens conditional or joint density of the input, which can cause limited robustness. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, providing clear evidence of its capability to address the feature leakage problem and mitigate spurious correlations. Extensive results further establish that our technique enables the model to exhibit robustness against perturbations in pixel values, input gradients, and density.

new Discovering symbolic expressions with parallelized tree search

Authors: Kai Ruan, Ze-Feng Gao, Yike Guo, Hao Sun, Ji-Rong Wen, Yang Liu

Abstract: Symbolic regression plays a crucial role in modern scientific research thanks to its capability of discovering concise and interpretable mathematical expressions from data. A grand challenge lies in the arduous search for parsimonious and generalizable mathematical formulas, in an infinite search space, while intending to fit the training data. Existing algorithms have faced a critical bottleneck of accuracy and efficiency over a decade when handling problems of complexity, which essentially hinders the pace of applying symbolic regression for scientific exploration across interdisciplinary domains. To this end, we introduce a parallelized tree search (PTS) model to efficiently distill generic mathematical expressions from limited data. Through a series of extensive experiments, we demonstrate the superior accuracy and efficiency of PTS for equation discovery, which greatly outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline models on over 80 synthetic and experimental datasets (e.g., lifting its performance by up to 99% accuracy improvement and one-order of magnitude speed up). PTS represents a key advance in accurate and efficient data-driven discovery of symbolic, interpretable models (e.g., underlying physical laws) and marks a pivotal transition towards scalable symbolic learning.

new On Quantum Channel Learning

Authors: Mikhail Gennadievich Belov, Victor Victorovich Dubov, Alexey Vladimirovich Filimonov, Vladislav Gennadievich Malyshkin

Abstract: The problem of an optimal mapping between Hilbert spaces $IN$ and $OUT$, based on a series of density matrix mapping measurements $\rho^{(l)} \to \varrho^{(l)}$, $l=1\dots M$, is formulated as an optimization problem maximizing the total fidelity $\mathcal{F}=\sum_{l=1}^{M} \omega^{(l)} F\left(\varrho^{(l)},\sum_s B_s \rho^{(l)} B^{\dagger}_s\right)$ subject to probability preservation constraints on Kraus operators $B_s$. For $F(\varrho,\sigma)$ in the form that total fidelity can be represented as a quadratic form with superoperator $\mathcal{F}=\sum_s\left\langle B_s\middle|S\middle| B_s \right\rangle$ (either exactly or as an approximation) an iterative algorithm is developed to find the global maximum. The result comprises in $N_s$ operators $B_s$ that collectively form an $IN$ to $OUT$ quantum channel $A^{OUT}=\sum_s B_s A^{IN} B_s^{\dagger}$. The work introduces two important generalizations of unitary learning: 1. $IN$/$OUT$ states are represented as density matrices. 2. The mapping itself is formulated as a general quantum channel. This marks a crucial advancement from the commonly studied unitary mapping of pure states $\phi_l=\mathcal{U} \psi_l$ to a general quantum channel, what allows us to distinguish probabilistic mixture of states and their superposition. An application of the approach is demonstrated on unitary learning of density matrix mapping $\varrho^{(l)}=\mathcal{U} \rho^{(l)} \mathcal{U}^{\dagger}$, in this case a quadratic on $\mathcal{U}$ fidelity can be constructed by considering $\sqrt{\rho^{(l)}} \to \sqrt{\varrho^{(l)}}$ mapping, and on a general quantum channel of Kraus rank $N_s$, where quadratic on $B_s$ fidelity is an approximation -- a quantum channel is then built as a hierarchy of unitary mappings. The approach can be applied to study decoherence effects, spontaneous coherence, synchronizing, etc.

new Trustworthy Classification through Rank-Based Conformal Prediction Sets

Authors: Rui Luo, Zhixin Zhou

Abstract: Machine learning classification tasks often benefit from predicting a set of possible labels with confidence scores to capture uncertainty. However, existing methods struggle with the high-dimensional nature of the data and the lack of well-calibrated probabilities from modern classification models. We propose a novel conformal prediction method that employs a rank-based score function suitable for classification models that predict the order of labels correctly, even if not well-calibrated. Our approach constructs prediction sets that achieve the desired coverage rate while managing their size. We provide a theoretical analysis of the expected size of the conformal prediction sets based on the rank distribution of the underlying classifier. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method outperforms existing techniques on various datasets, providing reliable uncertainty quantification. Our contributions include a novel conformal prediction method, theoretical analysis, and empirical evaluation. This work advances the practical deployment of machine learning systems by enabling reliable uncertainty quantification.

new Wavelet-based Temporal Attention Improves Traffic Forecasting

Authors: Yash Jakhmola, Nitish Kumar Mishra, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Tanujit Chakraborty

Abstract: Spatio-temporal forecasting of traffic flow data represents a typical problem in the field of machine learning, impacting urban traffic management systems. Traditional statistical and machine learning methods cannot adequately handle both the temporal and spatial dependencies in these complex traffic flow datasets. A prevalent approach in the field is to combine graph convolutional networks and multi-head attention mechanisms for spatio-temporal processing. This paper proposes a wavelet-based temporal attention model, namely a wavelet-based dynamic spatio-temporal aware graph neural network (W-DSTAGNN), for tackling the traffic forecasting problem. Benchmark experiments using several statistical metrics confirm that our proposal efficiently captures spatio-temporal correlations and outperforms ten state-of-the-art models on three different real-world traffic datasets. Our proposed ensemble data-driven method can handle dynamic temporal and spatial dependencies and make long-term forecasts in an efficient manner.

new Hindsight Preference Learning for Offline Preference-based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Chen-Xiao Gao, Shengjun Fang, Chenjun Xiao, Yang Yu, Zongzhang Zhang

Abstract: Offline preference-based reinforcement learning (RL), which focuses on optimizing policies using human preferences between pairs of trajectory segments selected from an offline dataset, has emerged as a practical avenue for RL applications. Existing works rely on extracting step-wise reward signals from trajectory-wise preference annotations, assuming that preferences correlate with the cumulative Markovian rewards. However, such methods fail to capture the holistic perspective of data annotation: Humans often assess the desirability of a sequence of actions by considering the overall outcome rather than the immediate rewards. To address this challenge, we propose to model human preferences using rewards conditioned on future outcomes of the trajectory segments, i.e. the hindsight information. For downstream RL optimization, the reward of each step is calculated by marginalizing over possible future outcomes, the distribution of which is approximated by a variational auto-encoder trained using the offline dataset. Our proposed method, Hindsight Preference Learning (HPL), can facilitate credit assignment by taking full advantage of vast trajectory data available in massive unlabeled datasets. Comprehensive empirical studies demonstrate the benefits of HPL in delivering robust and advantageous rewards across various domains. Our code is publicly released at


new Smart Sampling: Helping from Friendly Neighbors for Decentralized Federated Learning

Authors: Lin Wang, Yang Chen, Yongxin Guo, Xiaoying Tang

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is gaining widespread interest for its ability to share knowledge while preserving privacy and reducing communication costs. Unlike Centralized FL, Decentralized FL (DFL) employs a network architecture that eliminates the need for a central server, allowing direct communication among clients and leading to significant communication resource savings. However, due to data heterogeneity, not all neighboring nodes contribute to enhancing the local client's model performance. In this work, we introduce \textbf{\emph{AFIND+}}, a simple yet efficient algorithm for sampling and aggregating neighbors in DFL, with the aim of leveraging collaboration to improve clients' model performance. AFIND+ identifies helpful neighbors, adaptively adjusts the number of selected neighbors, and strategically aggregates the sampled neighbors' models based on their contributions. Numerical results on real-world datasets with diverse data partitions demonstrate that AFIND+ outperforms other sampling algorithms in DFL and is compatible with most existing DFL optimization algorithms.

new LoCo: Low-Bit Communication Adaptor for Large-scale Model Training

Authors: Xingyu Xie, Zhijie Lin, Kim-Chuan Toh, Pan Zhou

Abstract: To efficiently train large-scale models, low-bit gradient communication compresses full-precision gradients on local GPU nodes into low-precision ones for higher gradient synchronization efficiency among GPU nodes. However, it often degrades training quality due to compression information loss. To address this, we propose the Low-bit Communication Adaptor (LoCo), which compensates gradients on local GPU nodes before compression, ensuring efficient synchronization without compromising training quality. Specifically, LoCo designs a moving average of historical compensation errors to stably estimate concurrent compression error and then adopts it to compensate for the concurrent gradient compression, yielding a less lossless compression. This mechanism allows it to be compatible with general optimizers like Adam and sharding strategies like FSDP. Theoretical analysis shows that integrating LoCo into full-precision optimizers like Adam and SGD does not impair their convergence speed on nonconvex problems. Experimental results show that across large-scale model training frameworks like Megatron-LM and PyTorch's FSDP, LoCo significantly improves communication efficiency, e.g., improving Adam's training speed by 14% to 40% without performance degradation on large language models like LLAMAs and MoE.

new Using Petri Nets as an Integrated Constraint Mechanism for Reinforcement Learning Tasks

Authors: Timon Sachweh, Pierre Haritz, Thomas Liebig

Abstract: The lack of trust in algorithms is usually an issue when using Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents for control in real-world domains such as production plants, autonomous vehicles, or traffic-related infrastructure, partly due to the lack of verifiability of the model itself. In such scenarios, Petri nets (PNs) are often available for flowcharts or process steps, as they are versatile and standardized. In order to facilitate integration of RL models and as a step towards increasing AI trustworthiness, we propose an approach that uses PNs with three main advantages over typical RL approaches: Firstly, the agent can now easily be modeled with a combined state including both external environmental observations and agent-specific state information from a given PN. Secondly, we can enforce constraints for state-dependent actions through the inherent PN model. And lastly, we can increase trustworthiness by verifying PN properties through techniques such as model checking. We test our approach on a typical four-way intersection traffic light control setting and present our results, beating cycle-based baselines.

new Better by Default: Strong Pre-Tuned MLPs and Boosted Trees on Tabular Data

Authors: David Holzm\"uller, L\'eo Grinsztajn, Ingo Steinwart

Abstract: For classification and regression on tabular data, the dominance of gradient-boosted decision trees (GBDTs) has recently been challenged by often much slower deep learning methods with extensive hyperparameter tuning. We address this discrepancy by introducing (a) RealMLP, an improved multilayer perceptron (MLP), and (b) improved default parameters for GBDTs and RealMLP. We tune RealMLP and the default parameters on a meta-train benchmark with 71 classification and 47 regression datasets and compare them to hyperparameter-optimized versions on a disjoint meta-test benchmark with 48 classification and 42 regression datasets, as well as the GBDT-friendly benchmark by Grinsztajn et al. (2022). Our benchmark results show that RealMLP offers a better time-accuracy tradeoff than other neural nets and is competitive with GBDTs. Moreover, a combination of RealMLP and GBDTs with improved default parameters can achieve excellent results on medium-sized tabular datasets (1K--500K samples) without hyperparameter tuning.

new PROUD: PaRetO-gUided Diffusion Model for Multi-objective Generation

Authors: Yinghua Yao, Yuangang Pan, Jing Li, Ivor Tsang, Xin Yao

Abstract: Recent advancements in the realm of deep generative models focus on generating samples that satisfy multiple desired properties. However, prevalent approaches optimize these property functions independently, thus omitting the trade-offs among them. In addition, the property optimization is often improperly integrated into the generative models, resulting in an unnecessary compromise on generation quality (i.e., the quality of generated samples). To address these issues, we formulate a constrained optimization problem. It seeks to optimize generation quality while ensuring that generated samples reside at the Pareto front of multiple property objectives. Such a formulation enables the generation of samples that cannot be further improved simultaneously on the conflicting property functions and preserves good quality of generated samples. Building upon this formulation, we introduce the PaRetO-gUided Diffusion model (PROUD), wherein the gradients in the denoising process are dynamically adjusted to enhance generation quality while the generated samples adhere to Pareto optimality. Experimental evaluations on image generation and protein generation tasks demonstrate that our PROUD consistently maintains superior generation quality while approaching Pareto optimality across multiple property functions compared to various baselines.

new G-Adaptive mesh refinement -- leveraging graph neural networks and differentiable finite element solvers

Authors: James Rowbottom, Georg Maierhofer, Teo Deveney, Katharina Schratz, Pietro Li\`o, Carola-Bibiane Sch\"onlieb, Chris Budd

Abstract: We present a novel, and effective, approach to the long-standing problem of mesh adaptivity in finite element methods (FEM). FE solvers are powerful tools for solving partial differential equations (PDEs), but their cost and accuracy are critically dependent on the choice of mesh points. To keep computational costs low, mesh relocation (r-adaptivity) seeks to optimise the position of a fixed number of mesh points to obtain the best FE solution accuracy. Classical approaches to this problem require the solution of a separate nonlinear "meshing" PDE to find the mesh point locations. This incurs significant cost at remeshing and relies on certain a-priori assumptions and guiding heuristics for optimal mesh point location. Recent machine learning approaches to r-adaptivity have mainly focused on the construction of fast surrogates for such classical methods. Our new approach combines a graph neural network (GNN) powered architecture, with training based on direct minimisation of the FE solution error with respect to the mesh point locations. The GNN employs graph neural diffusion (GRAND), closely aligning the mesh solution space to that of classical meshing methodologies, thus replacing heuristics with a learnable strategy, and providing a strong inductive bias. This allows for rapid and robust training and results in an extremely efficient and effective GNN approach to online r-adaptivity. This method outperforms classical and prior ML approaches to r-adaptive meshing on the test problems we consider, in particular achieving lower FE solution error, whilst retaining the significant speed-up over classical methods observed in prior ML work.

new Graph Reinforcement Learning in Power Grids: A Survey

Authors: Mohamed Hassouna, Clara Holzh\"uter, Pawel Lytaev, Josephine Thomas, Bernhard Sick, Christoph Scholz

Abstract: The challenges posed by renewable energy and distributed electricity generation motivate the development of deep learning approaches to overcome the lack of flexibility of traditional methods in power grids use cases. The application of GNNs is particularly promising due to their ability to learn from graph-structured data present in power grids. Combined with RL, they can serve as control approaches to determine remedial grid actions. This review analyses the ability of GRL to capture the inherent graph structure of power grids to improve representation learning and decision making in different power grid use cases. It distinguishes between common problems in transmission and distribution grids and explores the synergy between RL and GNNs. In transmission grids, GRL typically addresses automated grid management and topology control, whereas on the distribution side, GRL concentrates more on voltage regulation. We analyzed the selected papers based on their graph structure and GNN model, the applied RL algorithm, and their overall contributions. Although GRL demonstrate adaptability in the face of unpredictable events and noisy or incomplete data, it primarily serves as a proof of concept at this stage. There are multiple open challenges and limitations that need to be addressed when considering the application of RL to real power grid operation.

new Introducing 'Inside' Out of Distribution

Authors: Teddy Lazebnik

Abstract: Detecting and understanding out-of-distribution (OOD) samples is crucial in machine learning (ML) to ensure reliable model performance. Current OOD studies, in general, and in the context of ML, in particular, primarily focus on extrapolatory OOD (outside), neglecting potential cases of interpolatory OOD (inside). This study introduces a novel perspective on OOD by suggesting OOD can be divided into inside and outside cases. In addition, following this framework, we examine the inside-outside OOD profiles of datasets and their impact on ML model performance. Our analysis shows that different inside-outside OOD profiles lead to nuanced declines in ML model performance, highlighting the importance of distinguishing between these two cases for developing effective counter-OOD methods.

new GOALPlace: Begin with the End in Mind

Authors: Anthony Agnesina, Rongjian Liang, Geraldo Pradipta, Anand Rajaram, Haoxing Ren

Abstract: Co-optimizing placement with congestion is integral to achieving high-quality designs. This paper presents GOALPlace, a new learning-based general approach to improving placement congestion by controlling cell density. Our method efficiently learns from an EDA tool's post-route optimized results and uses an empirical Bayes technique to adapt this goal/target to a specific placer's solutions, effectively beginning with the end in mind. It enhances correlation with the long-running heuristics of the tool's router and timing-opt engine -- while solving placement globally without expensive incremental congestion estimation and mitigation methods. A statistical analysis with a new hierarchical netlist clustering establishes the importance of density and the potential for an adequate cell density target across placements. Our experiments show that our method, integrated as a demonstration inside an academic GPU-accelerated global placer, consistently produces macro and standard cell placements of superior or comparable quality to commercial tools. Our empirical Bayes methodology also allows a substantial quality improvement over state-of-the-art academic mixed-size placers, achieving up to 10x fewer design rule check (DRC) violations, a 5% decrease in wirelength, and a 30% and 60% reduction in worst and total negative slack (WNS/TNS).

new Leveraging Large Language Models for Integrated Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Networks: Recent Advances and Future Directions

Authors: Shumaila Javaid, Ruhul Amin Khalil, Nasir Saeed, Bin He, Mohamed-Slim Alouini

Abstract: Integrated satellite, aerial, and terrestrial networks (ISATNs) represent a sophisticated convergence of diverse communication technologies to ensure seamless connectivity across different altitudes and platforms. This paper explores the transformative potential of integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) into ISATNs, leveraging advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities to enhance these networks. We outline the current architecture of ISATNs and highlight the significant role LLMs can play in optimizing data flow, signal processing, and network management to advance 5G/6G communication technologies through advanced predictive algorithms and real-time decision-making. A comprehensive analysis of ISATN components is conducted, assessing how LLMs can effectively address traditional data transmission and processing bottlenecks. The paper delves into the network management challenges within ISATNs, emphasizing the necessity for sophisticated resource allocation strategies, traffic routing, and security management to ensure seamless connectivity and optimal performance under varying conditions. Furthermore, we examine the technical challenges and limitations associated with integrating LLMs into ISATNs, such as data integration for LLM processing, scalability issues, latency in decision-making processes, and the design of robust, fault-tolerant systems. The study also identifies key future research directions for fully harnessing LLM capabilities in ISATNs, which is crucial for enhancing network reliability, optimizing performance, and achieving a truly interconnected and intelligent global network system.

new Multimodal Classification via Modal-Aware Interactive Enhancement

Authors: Qing-Yuan Jiang, Zhouyang Chi, Yang Yang

Abstract: Due to the notorious modality imbalance problem, multimodal learning (MML) leads to the phenomenon of optimization imbalance, thus struggling to achieve satisfactory performance. Recently, some representative methods have been proposed to boost the performance, mainly focusing on adaptive adjusting the optimization of each modality to rebalance the learning speed of dominant and non-dominant modalities. To better facilitate the interaction of model information in multimodal learning, in this paper, we propose a novel multimodal learning method, called modal-aware interactive enhancement (MIE). Specifically, we first utilize an optimization strategy based on sharpness aware minimization (SAM) to smooth the learning objective during the forward phase. Then, with the help of the geometry property of SAM, we propose a gradient modification strategy to impose the influence between different modalities during the backward phase. Therefore, we can improve the generalization ability and alleviate the modality forgetting phenomenon simultaneously for multimodal learning. Extensive experiments on widely used datasets demonstrate that our proposed method can outperform various state-of-the-art baselines to achieve the best performance.

new Remembering Everything Makes You Vulnerable: A Limelight on Machine Unlearning for Personalized Healthcare Sector

Authors: Ahan Chatterjee, Sai Anirudh Aryasomayajula, Rajat Chaudhari, Subhajit Paul, Vishwa Mohan Singh

Abstract: As the prevalence of data-driven technologies in healthcare continues to rise, concerns regarding data privacy and security become increasingly paramount. This thesis aims to address the vulnerability of personalized healthcare models, particularly in the context of ECG monitoring, to adversarial attacks that compromise patient privacy. We propose an approach termed "Machine Unlearning" to mitigate the impact of exposed data points on machine learning models, thereby enhancing model robustness against adversarial attacks while preserving individual privacy. Specifically, we investigate the efficacy of Machine Unlearning in the context of personalized ECG monitoring, utilizing a dataset of clinical ECG recordings. Our methodology involves training a deep neural classifier on ECG data and fine-tuning the model for individual patients. We demonstrate the susceptibility of fine-tuned models to adversarial attacks, such as the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM), which can exploit additional data points in personalized models. To address this vulnerability, we propose a Machine Unlearning algorithm that selectively removes sensitive data points from fine-tuned models, effectively enhancing model resilience against adversarial manipulation. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of adversarial attacks while maintaining the pre-trained model accuracy.

new Proximal Point Method for Online Saddle Point Problem

Authors: Qing-xin Meng, Jian-wei Liu

Abstract: This paper focuses on the online saddle point problem, which involves a sequence of two-player time-varying convex-concave games. Considering the nonstationarity of the environment, we adopt the duality gap and the dynamic Nash equilibrium regret as performance metrics for algorithm design. We present three variants of the proximal point method: the Online Proximal Point Method~(OPPM), the Optimistic OPPM~(OptOPPM), and the OptOPPM with multiple predictors. Each algorithm guarantees upper bounds for both the duality gap and dynamic Nash equilibrium regret, achieving near-optimality when measured against the duality gap. Specifically, in certain benign environments, such as sequences of stationary payoff functions, these algorithms maintain a nearly constant metric bound. Experimental results further validate the effectiveness of these algorithms. Lastly, this paper discusses potential reliability concerns associated with using dynamic Nash equilibrium regret as a performance metric.

new Understanding the Gains from Repeated Self-Distillation

Authors: Divyansh Pareek, Simon S. Du, Sewoong Oh

Abstract: Self-Distillation is a special type of knowledge distillation where the student model has the same architecture as the teacher model. Despite using the same architecture and the same training data, self-distillation has been empirically observed to improve performance, especially when applied repeatedly. For such a process, there is a fundamental question of interest: How much gain is possible by applying multiple steps of self-distillation? To investigate this relative gain, we propose studying the simple but canonical task of linear regression. Our analysis shows that the excess risk achieved by multi-step self-distillation can significantly improve upon a single step of self-distillation, reducing the excess risk by a factor as large as $d$, where $d$ is the input dimension. Empirical results on regression tasks from the UCI repository show a reduction in the learnt model's risk (MSE) by up to 47%.

new Randomized Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Bayesian Data Assimilation

Authors: Yifei Zong, David Barajas-Solano, Alexandre M. Tartakovsky

Abstract: We propose a randomized physics-informed neural network (PINN) or rPINN method for uncertainty quantification in inverse partial differential equation (PDE) problems with noisy data. This method is used to quantify uncertainty in the inverse PDE PINN solutions. Recently, the Bayesian PINN (BPINN) method was proposed, where the posterior distribution of the PINN parameters was formulated using the Bayes' theorem and sampled using approximate inference methods such as the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) and variational inference (VI) methods. In this work, we demonstrate that HMC fails to converge for non-linear inverse PDE problems. As an alternative to HMC, we sample the distribution by solving the stochastic optimization problem obtained by randomizing the PINN loss function. The effectiveness of the rPINN method is tested for linear and non-linear Poisson equations, and the diffusion equation with a high-dimensional space-dependent diffusion coefficient. The rPINN method provides informative distributions for all considered problems. For the linear Poisson equation, HMC and rPINN produce similar distributions, but rPINN is on average 27 times faster than HMC. For the non-linear Poison and diffusion equations, the HMC method fails to converge because a single HMC chain cannot sample multiple modes of the posterior distribution of the PINN parameters in a reasonable amount of time.

new Learning to (Learn at Test Time): RNNs with Expressive Hidden States

Authors: Yu Sun, Xinhao Li, Karan Dalal, Jiarui Xu, Arjun Vikram, Genghan Zhang, Yann Dubois, Xinlei Chen, Xiaolong Wang, Sanmi Koyejo, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Carlos Guestrin

Abstract: Self-attention performs well in long context but has quadratic complexity. Existing RNN layers have linear complexity, but their performance in long context is limited by the expressive power of their hidden state. We propose a new class of sequence modeling layers with linear complexity and an expressive hidden state. The key idea is to make the hidden state a machine learning model itself, and the update rule a step of self-supervised learning. Since the hidden state is updated by training even on test sequences, our layers are called Test-Time Training (TTT) layers. We consider two instantiations: TTT-Linear and TTT-MLP, whose hidden state is a linear model and a two-layer MLP respectively. We evaluate our instantiations at the scale of 125M to 1.3B parameters, comparing with a strong Transformer and Mamba, a modern RNN. Both TTT-Linear and TTT-MLP match or exceed the baselines. Similar to Transformer, they can keep reducing perplexity by conditioning on more tokens, while Mamba cannot after 16k context. With preliminary systems optimization, TTT-Linear is already faster than Transformer at 8k context and matches Mamba in wall-clock time. TTT-MLP still faces challenges in memory I/O, but shows larger potential in long context, pointing to a promising direction for future research.

new On scalable oversight with weak LLMs judging strong LLMs

Authors: Zachary Kenton, Noah Y. Siegel, J\'anos Kram\'ar, Jonah Brown-Cohen, Samuel Albanie, Jannis Bulian, Rishabh Agarwal, David Lindner, Yunhao Tang, Noah D. Goodman, Rohin Shah

Abstract: Scalable oversight protocols aim to enable humans to accurately supervise superhuman AI. In this paper we study debate, where two AI's compete to convince a judge; consultancy, where a single AI tries to convince a judge that asks questions; and compare to a baseline of direct question-answering, where the judge just answers outright without the AI. We use large language models (LLMs) as both AI agents and as stand-ins for human judges, taking the judge models to be weaker than agent models. We benchmark on a diverse range of asymmetries between judges and agents, extending previous work on a single extractive QA task with information asymmetry, to also include mathematics, coding, logic and multimodal reasoning asymmetries. We find that debate outperforms consultancy across all tasks when the consultant is randomly assigned to argue for the correct/incorrect answer. Comparing debate to direct question answering, the results depend on the type of task: in extractive QA tasks with information asymmetry debate outperforms direct question answering, but in other tasks without information asymmetry the results are mixed. Previous work assigned debaters/consultants an answer to argue for. When we allow them to instead choose which answer to argue for, we find judges are less frequently convinced by the wrong answer in debate than in consultancy. Further, we find that stronger debater models increase judge accuracy, though more modestly than in previous studies.

new Missed Causes and Ambiguous Effects: Counterfactuals Pose Challenges for Interpreting Neural Networks

Authors: Aaron Mueller

Abstract: Interpretability research takes counterfactual theories of causality for granted. Most causal methods rely on counterfactual interventions to inputs or the activations of particular model components, followed by observations of the change in models' output logits or behaviors. While this yields more faithful evidence than correlational methods, counterfactuals nonetheless have key problems that bias our findings in specific and predictable ways. Specifically, (i) counterfactual theories do not effectively capture multiple independently sufficient causes of the same effect, which leads us to miss certain causes entirely; and (ii) counterfactual dependencies in neural networks are generally not transitive, which complicates methods for extracting and interpreting causal graphs from neural networks. We discuss the implications of these challenges for interpretability researchers and propose concrete suggestions for future work.

cross Modeling Relational Patterns for Logical Query Answering over Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Yunjie He, Mojtaba Nayyeri, Bo Xiong, Evgeny Kharlamov, Steffen Staab

Abstract: Answering first-order logical (FOL) queries over knowledge graphs (KG) remains a challenging task mainly due to KG incompleteness. Query embedding approaches this problem by computing the low-dimensional vector representations of entities, relations, and logical queries. KGs exhibit relational patterns such as symmetry and composition and modeling the patterns can further enhance the performance of query embedding models. However, the role of such patterns in answering FOL queries by query embedding models has not been yet studied in the literature. In this paper, we fill in this research gap and empower FOL queries reasoning with pattern inference by introducing an inductive bias that allows for learning relation patterns. To this end, we develop a novel query embedding method, RoConE, that defines query regions as geometric cones and algebraic query operators by rotations in complex space. RoConE combines the advantages of Cone as a well-specified geometric representation for query embedding, and also the rotation operator as a powerful algebraic operation for pattern inference. Our experimental results on several benchmark datasets confirm the advantage of relational patterns for enhancing logical query answering task.

cross Comparative Evaluation of Learning Models for Bionic Robots: Non-Linear Transfer Function Identifications

Authors: Po-Yu Hsieh, June-Hao Hou

Abstract: The control and modeling of bionic robot dynamics have increasingly adopted model-free control strategies using machine learning methods. Given the non-linear elastic nature of bionic robotic systems, learning-based methods provide reliable alternatives by utilizing numerical data to establish a direct mapping from actuation inputs to robot trajectories without complex kinematics models. However, for developers, the method of identifying an appropriate learning model for their specific bionic robots and further constructing the transfer function has not been thoroughly discussed. Thus, this research trains four types of models, including ensemble learning models, regularization-based models, kernel-based models, and neural network models, suitable for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) data and non-linear transfer function identification, in order to evaluate their (1) accuracy, (2) computation complexity, and (3) performance of capturing biological movements. This research encompasses data collection methods for control inputs and action outputs, selection of machine learning models, comparative analysis of training results, and transfer function identifications. The main objective is to provide a comprehensive evaluation strategy and framework for the application of model-free control.

cross C-ShipGen: A Conditional Guided Diffusion Model for Parametric Ship Hull Design

Authors: Noah J. Bagazinski, Faez Ahmed

Abstract: Ship design is a complex design process that may take a team of naval architects many years to complete. Improving the ship design process can lead to significant cost savings, while still delivering high-quality designs to customers. A new technology for ship hull design is diffusion models, a type of generative artificial intelligence. Prior work with diffusion models for ship hull design created high-quality ship hulls with reduced drag and larger displaced volumes. However, the work could not generate hulls that meet specific design constraints. This paper proposes a conditional diffusion model that generates hull designs given specific constraints, such as the desired principal dimensions of the hull. In addition, this diffusion model leverages the gradients from a total resistance regression model to create low-resistance designs. Five design test cases compared the diffusion model to a design optimization algorithm to create hull designs with low resistance. In all five test cases, the diffusion model was shown to create diverse designs with a total resistance less than the optimized hull, having resistance reductions over 25%. The diffusion model also generated these designs without retraining. This work can significantly reduce the design cycle time of ships by creating high-quality hulls that meet user requirements with a data-driven approach.

cross A Multi-Modal Explainability Approach for Human-Aware Robots in Multi-Party Conversation

Authors: Iveta Be\v{c}kov\'a, \v{S}tefan P\'oco\v{s}, Giulia Belgiovine, Marco Matarese, Alessandra Sciutti, Carlo Mazzola

Abstract: The addressee estimation (understanding to whom somebody is talking) is a fundamental task for human activity recognition in multi-party conversation scenarios. Specifically, in the field of human-robot interaction, it becomes even more crucial to enable social robots to participate in such interactive contexts. However, it is usually implemented as a binary classification task, restricting the robot's capability to estimate whether it was addressed and limiting its interactive skills. For a social robot to gain the trust of humans, it is also important to manifest a certain level of transparency and explainability. Explainable artificial intelligence thus plays a significant role in the current machine learning applications and models, to provide explanations for their decisions besides excellent performance. In our work, we a) present an addressee estimation model with improved performance in comparison with the previous SOTA; b) further modify this model to include inherently explainable attention-based segments; c) implement the explainable addressee estimation as part of a modular cognitive architecture for multi-party conversation in an iCub robot; d) propose several ways to incorporate explainability and transparency in the aforementioned architecture; and e) perform a pilot user study to analyze the effect of various explanations on how human participants perceive the robot.

cross Prototype Analysis in Hopfield Networks with Hebbian Learning

Authors: Hayden McAlister, Anthony Robins, Lech Szymanski

Abstract: We discuss prototype formation in the Hopfield network. Typically, Hebbian learning with highly correlated states leads to degraded memory performance. We show this type of learning can lead to prototype formation, where unlearned states emerge as representatives of large correlated subsets of states, alleviating capacity woes. This process has similarities to prototype learning in human cognition. We provide a substantial literature review of prototype learning in associative memories, covering contributions from psychology, statistical physics, and computer science. We analyze prototype formation from a theoretical perspective and derive a stability condition for these states based on the number of examples of the prototype presented for learning, the noise in those examples, and the number of non-example states presented. The stability condition is used to construct a probability of stability for a prototype state as the factors of stability change. We also note similarities to traditional network analysis, allowing us to find a prototype capacity. We corroborate these expectations of prototype formation with experiments using a simple Hopfield network with standard Hebbian learning. We extend our experiments to a Hopfield network trained on data with multiple prototypes and find the network is capable of stabilizing multiple prototypes concurrently. We measure the basins of attraction of the multiple prototype states, finding attractor strength grows with the number of examples and the agreement of examples. We link the stability and dominance of prototype states to the energy profile of these states, particularly when comparing the profile shape to target states or other spurious states.

cross Chebyshev Spectral Neural Networks for Solving Partial Differential Equations

Authors: Pengsong Yin, Shuo Ling, Wenjun Ying

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to utilize the Chebyshev spectral method neural network(CSNN) model to solve differential equations. This approach employs a single-layer neural network wherein Chebyshev spectral methods are used to construct neurons satisfying boundary conditions. The study uses a feedforward neural network model and error backpropagation principles, utilizing automatic differentiation (AD) to compute the loss function. This method avoids the need to solve non-sparse linear systems, making it convenient for algorithm implementation and solving high-dimensional problems. The unique sampling method and neuron architecture significantly enhance the training efficiency and accuracy of the neural network. Furthermore, multiple networks enables the Chebyshev spectral method to handle equations on more complex domains. The numerical efficiency and accuracy of the CSNN model are investigated through testing on elliptic partial differential equations, and it is compared with the well-known Physics-Informed Neural Network(PINN) method.

cross AI Driven Laser Parameter Search: Inverse Design of Photonic Surfaces using Greedy Surrogate-based Optimization

Authors: Luka Grbcic, Minok Park, Juliane M\"uller, Vassilia Zorba, Wibe Albert de Jong

Abstract: Photonic surfaces designed with specific optical characteristics are becoming increasingly important for use in in various energy harvesting and storage systems. , In this study, we develop a surrogate-based optimization approach for designing such surfaces. The surrogate-based optimization framework employs the Random Forest algorithm and uses a greedy, prediction-based exploration strategy to identify the laser fabrication parameters that minimize the discrepancy relative to a user-defined target optical characteristics. We demonstrate the approach on two synthetic benchmarks and two specific cases of photonic surface inverse design targets. It exhibits superior performance when compared to other optimization algorithms across all benchmarks. Additionally, we demonstrate a technique of inverse design warm starting for changed target optical characteristics which enhances the performance of the introduced approach.

cross ML Updates for OpenStreetMap: Analysis of Research Gaps and Future Directions

Authors: Lasith Niroshan, James D. Carswell

Abstract: Maintaining accurate, up-to-date maps is important in any dynamic urban landscape, supporting various aspects of modern society, such as urban planning, navigation, and emergency response. However, traditional (i.e. largely manual) map production and crowdsourced mapping methods still struggle to keep pace with rapid changes in the built environment. Such manual mapping workflows are time-consuming and prone to human errors, leading to early obsolescence and/or the need for extensive auditing. The current map updating process in OpenStreetMap provides an example of this limitation, relying on numerous manual steps in its online map updating workflow. To address this, there is a need to explore automating the entire end-to-end map up-dating process. Tech giants such as Google and Microsoft have already started investigating Machine Learning (ML) techniques to tackle this contemporary mapping problem. This paper offers an analysis of these ML approaches, focusing on their application to updating Open-StreetMap in particular. By analysing the current state-of-the-art in this field, this study identi-fies some key research gaps and introduces DeepMapper as a practical solution for advancing the automatic online map updating process in the future.

cross missForestPredict -- Missing data imputation for prediction settings

Authors: Elena Albu, Shan Gao, Laure Wynants, Ben Van Calster

Abstract: Prediction models are used to predict an outcome based on input variables. Missing data in input variables often occurs at model development and at prediction time. The missForestPredict R package proposes an adaptation of the missForest imputation algorithm that is fast, user-friendly and tailored for prediction settings. The algorithm iteratively imputes variables using random forests until a convergence criterion (unified for continuous and categorical variables and based on the out-of-bag error) is met. The imputation models are saved for each variable and iteration and can be applied later to new observations at prediction time. The missForestPredict package offers extended error monitoring, control over variables used in the imputation and custom initialization. This allows users to tailor the imputation to their specific needs. The missForestPredict algorithm is compared to mean/mode imputation, linear regression imputation, mice, k-nearest neighbours, bagging, miceRanger and IterativeImputer on eight simulated datasets with simulated missingness (48 scenarios) and eight large public datasets using different prediction models. missForestPredict provides competitive results in prediction settings within short computation times.

cross Multi-Peptide: Multimodality Leveraged Language-Graph Learning of Peptide Properties

Authors: Srivathsan Badrinarayanan, Chakradhar Guntuboina, Parisa Mollaei, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: Peptides are essential in biological processes and therapeutics. In this study, we introduce Multi-Peptide, an innovative approach that combines transformer-based language models with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to predict peptide properties. We combine PeptideBERT, a transformer model tailored for peptide property prediction, with a GNN encoder to capture both sequence-based and structural features. By employing Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP), Multi-Peptide aligns embeddings from both modalities into a shared latent space, thereby enhancing the model's predictive accuracy. Evaluations on hemolysis and nonfouling datasets demonstrate Multi-Peptide's robustness, achieving state-of-the-art 86.185% accuracy in hemolysis prediction. This study highlights the potential of multimodal learning in bioinformatics, paving the way for accurate and reliable predictions in peptide-based research and applications.

cross SeqMate: A Novel Large Language Model Pipeline for Automating RNA Sequencing

Authors: Devam Mondal, Atharva Inamdar

Abstract: RNA sequencing techniques, like bulk RNA-seq and Single Cell (sc) RNA-seq, are critical tools for the biologist looking to analyze the genetic activity/transcriptome of a tissue or cell during an experimental procedure. Platforms like Illumina's next-generation sequencing (NGS) are used to produce the raw data for this experimental procedure. This raw FASTQ data must then be prepared via a complex series of data manipulations by bioinformaticians. This process currently takes place on an unwieldy textual user interface like a terminal/command line that requires the user to install and import multiple program packages, preventing the untrained biologist from initiating data analysis. Open-source platforms like Galaxy have produced a more user-friendly pipeline, yet the visual interface remains cluttered and highly technical, remaining uninviting for the natural scientist. To address this, SeqMate is a user-friendly tool that allows for one-click analytics by utilizing the power of a large language model (LLM) to automate both data preparation and analysis (differential expression, trajectory analysis, etc). Furthermore, by utilizing the power of generative AI, SeqMate is also capable of analyzing such findings and producing written reports of upregulated/downregulated/user-prompted genes with sources cited from known repositories like PubMed, PDB, and Uniprot.

cross Geometric statistics with subspace structure preservation for SPD matrices

Authors: Cyrus Mostajeran, Natha\"el Da Costa, Graham Van Goffrier, Rodolphe Sepulchre

Abstract: We present a geometric framework for the processing of SPD-valued data that preserves subspace structures and is based on the efficient computation of extreme generalized eigenvalues. This is achieved through the use of the Thompson geometry of the semidefinite cone. We explore a particular geodesic space structure in detail and establish several properties associated with it. Finally, we review a novel inductive mean of SPD matrices based on this geometry.

cross A Deterministic Information Bottleneck Method for Clustering Mixed-Type Data

Authors: Efthymios Costa, Ioanna Papatsouma, Angelos Markos

Abstract: In this paper, we present an information-theoretic method for clustering mixed-type data, that is, data consisting of both continuous and categorical variables. The method is a variant of the Deterministic Information Bottleneck algorithm which optimally compresses the data while retaining relevant information about the underlying structure. We compare the performance of the proposed method to that of three well-established clustering methods (KAMILA, K-Prototypes, and Partitioning Around Medoids with Gower's dissimilarity) on simulated and real-world datasets. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach represents a competitive alternative to conventional clustering techniques under specific conditions.

cross M5: A Whole Genome Bacterial Encoder at Single Nucleotide Resolution

Authors: Agust Egilsson

Abstract: A linear attention mechanism is described to extend the context length of an encoder only transformer, called M5 in this report, to a multi-million single nucleotide resolution foundation model pretrained on bacterial whole genomes. The linear attention mechanism used approximates a full quadratic attention mechanism tightly and has a simple and lightweight implementation for the use case when the key-query embedding dimensionality is low. The M5-small model is entirely trained and tested on one A100 GPU with 40gb of memory up to 196K nucleotides during training and 2M nucleotides during testing. We test the performance of the M5-small model and record notable improvements in performance as whole genome bacterial sequence lengths are increased as well as demonstrating the stability of the full multi-head attention approximation used as sequence length is increased.

cross Multi-Task Decision-Making for Multi-User 360 Video Processing over Wireless Networks

Authors: Babak Badnava, Jacob Chakareski, Morteza Hashemi

Abstract: We study a multi-task decision-making problem for 360 video processing in a wireless multi-user virtual reality (VR) system that includes an edge computing unit (ECU) to deliver 360 videos to VR users and offer computing assistance for decoding/rendering of video frames. However, this comes at the expense of increased data volume and required bandwidth. To balance this trade-off, we formulate a constrained quality of experience (QoE) maximization problem in which the rebuffering time and quality variation between video frames are bounded by user and video requirements. To solve the formulated multi-user QoE maximization, we leverage deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for multi-task rate adaptation and computation distribution (MTRC). The proposed MTRC approach does not rely on any predefined assumption about the environment and relies on video playback statistics (i.e., past throughput, decoding time, transmission time, etc.), video information, and the resulting performance to adjust the video bitrate and computation distribution. We train MTRC with real-world wireless network traces and 360 video datasets to obtain evaluation results in terms of the average QoE, peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), rebuffering time, and quality variation. Our results indicate that the MTRC improves the users' QoE compared to state-of-the-art rate adaptation algorithm. Specifically, we show a 5.97 dB to 6.44 dB improvement in PSNR, a 1.66X to 4.23X improvement in rebuffering time, and a 4.21 dB to 4.35 dB improvement in quality variation.

cross Advanced Framework for Animal Sound Classification With Features Optimization

Authors: Qiang Yang, Xiuying Chen, Changsheng Ma, Carlos M. Duarte, Xiangliang Zhang

Abstract: The automatic classification of animal sounds presents an enduring challenge in bioacoustics, owing to the diverse statistical properties of sound signals, variations in recording equipment, and prevalent low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) conditions. Deep learning models like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) have excelled in human speech recognition but have not been effectively tailored to the intricate nature of animal sounds, which exhibit substantial diversity even within the same domain. We propose an automated classification framework applicable to general animal sound classification. Our approach first optimizes audio features from Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) including feature rearrangement and feature reduction. It then uses the optimized features for the deep learning model, i.e., an attention-based Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM), to extract deep semantic features for sound classification. We also contribute an animal sound benchmark dataset encompassing oceanic animals and birds1. Extensive experimentation with real-world datasets demonstrates that our approach consistently outperforms baseline methods by over 25% in precision, recall, and accuracy, promising advancements in animal sound classification.

cross On Large Language Models in National Security Applications

Authors: William N. Caballero, Phillip R. Jenkins

Abstract: The overwhelming success of GPT-4 in early 2023 highlighted the transformative potential of large language models (LLMs) across various sectors, including national security. This article explores the implications of LLM integration within national security contexts, analyzing their potential to revolutionize information processing, decision-making, and operational efficiency. Whereas LLMs offer substantial benefits, such as automating tasks and enhancing data analysis, they also pose significant risks, including hallucinations, data privacy concerns, and vulnerability to adversarial attacks. Through their coupling with decision-theoretic principles and Bayesian reasoning, LLMs can significantly improve decision-making processes within national security organizations. Namely, LLMs can facilitate the transition from data to actionable decisions, enabling decision-makers to quickly receive and distill available information with less manpower. Current applications within the US Department of Defense and beyond are explored, e.g., the USAF's use of LLMs for wargaming and automatic summarization, that illustrate their potential to streamline operations and support decision-making. However, these applications necessitate rigorous safeguards to ensure accuracy and reliability. The broader implications of LLM integration extend to strategic planning, international relations, and the broader geopolitical landscape, with adversarial nations leveraging LLMs for disinformation and cyber operations, emphasizing the need for robust countermeasures. Despite exhibiting "sparks" of artificial general intelligence, LLMs are best suited for supporting roles rather than leading strategic decisions. Their use in training and wargaming can provide valuable insights and personalized learning experiences for military personnel, thereby improving operational readiness.

cross Prosody-Driven Privacy-Preserving Dementia Detection

Authors: Dominika Woszczyk, Ranya Aloufi, Soteris Demetriou

Abstract: Speaker embeddings extracted from voice recordings have been proven valuable for dementia detection. However, by their nature, these embeddings contain identifiable information which raises privacy concerns. In this work, we aim to anonymize embeddings while preserving the diagnostic utility for dementia detection. Previous studies rely on adversarial learning and models trained on the target attribute and struggle in limited-resource settings. We propose a novel approach that leverages domain knowledge to disentangle prosody features relevant to dementia from speaker embeddings without relying on a dementia classifier. Our experiments show the effectiveness of our approach in preserving speaker privacy (speaker recognition F1-score .01%) while maintaining high dementia detection score F1-score of 74% on the ADReSS dataset. Our results are also on par with a more constrained classifier-dependent system on ADReSSo (.01% and .66%), and have no impact on synthesized speech naturalness.

cross Domain-Aware Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models

Authors: Ugur Ali Kaplan, Margret Keuper, Anna Khoreva, Dan Zhang, Yumeng Li

Abstract: Foundation models (FMs) have revolutionized computer vision, enabling effective learning across different domains. However, their performance under domain shift is yet underexplored. This paper investigates the zero-shot domain adaptation potential of FMs by comparing different backbone architectures and introducing novel domain-aware components that leverage domain related textual embeddings. We propose domain adaptive normalization, termed as Domino, which explicitly leverages domain embeddings during fine-tuning, thus making the model domain aware. Ultimately, Domino enables more robust computer vision models that can adapt effectively to various unseen domains.

cross Codec-ASR: Training Performant Automatic Speech Recognition Systems with Discrete Speech Representations

Authors: Kunal Dhawan, Nithin Rao Koluguri, Ante Juki\'c, Ryan Langman, Jagadeesh Balam, Boris Ginsburg

Abstract: Discrete speech representations have garnered recent attention for their efficacy in training transformer-based models for various speech-related tasks such as automatic speech recognition (ASR), translation, speaker verification, and joint speech-text foundational models. In this work, we present a comprehensive analysis on building ASR systems with discrete codes. We investigate different methods for codec training such as quantization schemes and time-domain vs spectral feature encodings. We further explore ASR training techniques aimed at enhancing performance, training efficiency, and noise robustness. Drawing upon our findings, we introduce a codec ASR pipeline that outperforms Encodec at similar bit-rate. Remarkably, it also surpasses the state-of-the-art results achieved by strong self-supervised models on the 143 languages ML-SUPERB benchmark despite being smaller in size and pretrained on significantly less data.

cross AgentInstruct: Toward Generative Teaching with Agentic Flows

Authors: Arindam Mitra, Luciano Del Corro, Guoqing Zheng, Shweti Mahajan, Dany Rouhana, Andres Codas, Yadong Lu, Wei-ge Chen, Olga Vrousgos, Corby Rosset, Fillipe Silva, Hamed Khanpour, Yash Lara, Ahmed Awadallah

Abstract: Synthetic data is becoming increasingly important for accelerating the development of language models, both large and small. Despite several successful use cases, researchers also raised concerns around model collapse and drawbacks of imitating other models. This discrepancy can be attributed to the fact that synthetic data varies in quality and diversity. Effective use of synthetic data usually requires significant human effort in curating the data. We focus on using synthetic data for post-training, specifically creating data by powerful models to teach a new skill or behavior to another model, we refer to this setting as Generative Teaching. We introduce AgentInstruct, an extensible agentic framework for automatically creating large amounts of diverse and high-quality synthetic data. AgentInstruct can create both the prompts and responses, using only raw data sources like text documents and code files as seeds. We demonstrate the utility of AgentInstruct by creating a post training dataset of 25M pairs to teach language models different skills, such as text editing, creative writing, tool usage, coding, reading comprehension, etc. The dataset can be used for instruction tuning of any base model. We post-train Mistral-7b with the data. When comparing the resulting model Orca-3 to Mistral-7b-Instruct (which uses the same base model), we observe significant improvements across many benchmarks. For example, 40% improvement on AGIEval, 19% improvement on MMLU, 54% improvement on GSM8K, 38% improvement on BBH and 45% improvement on AlpacaEval. Additionally, it consistently outperforms other models such as LLAMA-8B-instruct and GPT-3.5-turbo.

cross Feature-Specific Coefficients of Determination in Tree Ensembles

Authors: Zhongli Jiang, Dabao Zhang, Min Zhang

Abstract: Tree ensemble methods provide promising predictions with models difficult to interpret. Recent introduction of Shapley values for individualized feature contributions, accompanied with several fast computing algorithms for predicted values, shows intriguing results. However, individualizing coefficients of determination, aka $R^2$, for each feature is challenged by the underlying quadratic losses, although these coefficients allow us to comparatively assess single feature's contribution to tree ensembles. Here we propose an efficient algorithm, Q-SHAP, that reduces the computational complexity to polynomial time when calculating Shapley values related to quadratic losses. Our extensive simulation studies demonstrate that this approach not only enhances computational efficiency but also improves estimation accuracy of feature-specific coefficients of determination.

cross Optimal thresholds and algorithms for a model of multi-modal learning in high dimensions

Authors: Christian Keup, Lenka Zdeborov\'a

Abstract: This work explores multi-modal inference in a high-dimensional simplified model, analytically quantifying the performance gain of multi-modal inference over that of analyzing modalities in isolation. We present the Bayes-optimal performance and weak recovery thresholds in a model where the objective is to recover the latent structures from two noisy data matrices with correlated spikes. The paper derives the approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm for this model and characterizes its performance in the high-dimensional limit via the associated state evolution. The analysis holds for a broad range of priors and noise channels, which can differ across modalities. The linearization of AMP is compared numerically to the widely used partial least squares (PLS) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA) methods, which are both observed to suffer from a sub-optimal recovery threshold.

cross A multicategory jet image classification framework using deep neural network

Authors: Jairo Orozco Sandoval, Vidya Manian, Sudhir Malik

Abstract: Jet point cloud images are high dimensional data structures that needs to be transformed to a separable feature space for machine learning algorithms to distinguish them with simple decision boundaries. In this article, the authors focus on jet category separability by particle and jet feature extraction, resulting in more efficient training of a simple deep neural network, resulting in a computational efficient interpretable model for jet classification. The methodology is tested with three to five categories of jets from the JetNet benchmark jet tagging dataset, resulting in comparable performance to particle flow network. This work demonstrates that high dimensional datasets represented in separable latent spaces lead to simpler architectures for jet classification.

cross Probing Perfection: The Relentless Art of Meddling for Pulmonary Airway Segmentation from HRCT via a Human-AI Collaboration Based Active Learning Method

Authors: Shiyi Wang, Yang Nan, Sheng Zhang, Federico Felder, Xiaodan Xing, Yingying Fang, Javier Del Ser, Simon L F Walsh, Guang Yang

Abstract: In pulmonary tracheal segmentation, the scarcity of annotated data is a prevalent issue in medical segmentation. Additionally, Deep Learning (DL) methods face challenges: the opacity of 'black box' models and the need for performance enhancement. Our Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) based models (RS_UNet, LC_UNet, UUNet, and WD_UNet) address these challenges by combining diverse query strategies with various DL models. We train four HCI models and repeat these steps: (1) Query Strategy: The HCI models select samples that provide the most additional representative information when labeled in each iteration and identify unlabeled samples with the greatest predictive disparity using Wasserstein Distance, Least Confidence, Entropy Sampling, and Random Sampling. (2) Central line correction: Selected samples are used for expert correction of system-generated tracheal central lines in each training round. (3) Update training dataset: Experts update the training dataset after each DL model's training epoch, enhancing the trustworthiness and performance of the models. (4) Model training: The HCI model is trained using the updated dataset and an enhanced UNet version. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of these HCI-based approaches, showing that WD-UNet, LC-UNet, UUNet, and RS-UNet achieve comparable or superior performance to state-of-the-art DL models. Notably, WD-UNet achieves this with only 15%-35% of the training data, reducing physician annotation time by 65%-85%.

cross Learning Video Temporal Dynamics with Cross-Modal Attention for Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Authors: Sungnyun Kim, Kangwook Jang, Sangmin Bae, Hoirin Kim, Se-Young Yun

Abstract: Audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) aims to transcribe human speech using both audio and video modalities. In practical environments with noise-corrupted audio, the role of video information becomes crucial. However, prior works have primarily focused on enhancing audio features in AVSR, overlooking the importance of video features. In this study, we strengthen the video features by learning three temporal dynamics in video data: context order, playback direction, and the speed of video frames. Cross-modal attention modules are introduced to enrich video features with audio information so that speech variability can be taken into account when training on the video temporal dynamics. Based on our approach, we achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the LRS2 and LRS3 AVSR benchmarks for the noise-dominant settings. Our approach excels in scenarios especially for babble and speech noise, indicating the ability to distinguish the speech signal that should be recognized from lip movements in the video modality. We support the validity of our methodology by offering the ablation experiments for the temporal dynamics losses and the cross-modal attention architecture design.

cross A Fully Parameter-Free Second-Order Algorithm for Convex-Concave Minimax Problems with Optimal Iteration Complexity

Authors: Junlin Wang, Junnan Yang, Zi Xu

Abstract: In this paper, we study second-order algorithms for the convex-concave minimax problem, which has attracted much attention in many fields such as machine learning in recent years. We propose a Lipschitz-free cubic regularization (LF-CR) algorithm for solving the convex-concave minimax optimization problem without knowing the Lipschitz constant. It can be shown that the iteration complexity of the LF-CR algorithm to obtain an $\epsilon$-optimal solution with respect to the restricted primal-dual gap is upper bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\frac{\rho\|z^0-z^*\|^3}{\epsilon})^{\frac{2}{3}}$, where $z^0=(x^0,y^0)$ is a pair of initial points, $z^*=(x^*,y^*)$ is a pair of optimal solutions, and $\rho$ is the Lipschitz constant. We further propose a fully parameter-free cubic regularization (FF-CR) algorithm that does not require any parameters of the problem, including the Lipschitz constant and the upper bound of the distance from the initial point to the optimal solution. We also prove that the iteration complexity of the FF-CR algorithm to obtain an $\epsilon$-optimal solution with respect to the gradient norm is upper bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\frac{\rho\|z^0-z^*\|^2}{\epsilon})^{\frac{2}{3}}$. Numerical experiments show the efficiency of both algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed FF-CR algorithm is the first completely parameter-free second-order algorithm for solving convex-concave minimax optimization problems, and its iteration complexity is consistent with the optimal iteration complexity lower bound of existing second-order algorithms with parameters for solving convex-concave minimax problems.

cross An Axiomatic Definition of Hierarchical Clustering

Authors: Ery Arias-Castro, Elizabeth Coda

Abstract: In this paper, we take an axiomatic approach to defining a population hierarchical clustering for piecewise constant densities, and in a similar manner to Lebesgue integration, extend this definition to more general densities. When the density satisfies some mild conditions, e.g., when it has connected support, is continuous, and vanishes only at infinity, or when the connected components of the density satisfy these conditions, our axiomatic definition results in Hartigan's definition of cluster tree.

cross Green Multigrid Network

Authors: Ye Lin, Young Ju Lee, Jiwei Jia

Abstract: GreenLearning networks (GL) directly learn Green's function in physical space, making them an interpretable model for capturing unknown solution operators of partial differential equations (PDEs). For many PDEs, the corresponding Green's function exhibits asymptotic smoothness. In this paper, we propose a framework named Green Multigrid networks (GreenMGNet), an operator learning algorithm designed for a class of asymptotically smooth Green's functions. Compared with the pioneering GL, the new framework presents itself with better accuracy and efficiency, thereby achieving a significant improvement. GreenMGNet is composed of two technical novelties. First, Green's function is modeled as a piecewise function to take into account its singular behavior in some parts of the hyperplane. Such piecewise function is then approximated by a neural network with augmented output(AugNN) so that it can capture singularity accurately. Second, the asymptotic smoothness property of Green's function is used to leverage the Multi-Level Multi-Integration (MLMI) algorithm for both the training and inference stages. Several test cases of operator learning are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method. On average, GreenMGNet achieves $3.8\%$ to $39.15\%$ accuracy improvement. To match the accuracy level of GL, GreenMGNet requires only about $10\%$ of the full grid data, resulting in a $55.9\%$ and $92.5\%$ reduction in training time and GPU memory cost for one-dimensional test problems, and a $37.7\%$ and $62.5\%$ reduction for two-dimensional test problems.

cross Machine Learning for Economic Forecasting: An Application to China's GDP Growth

Authors: Yanqing Yang, Xingcheng Xu, Jinfeng Ge, Yan Xu

Abstract: This paper aims to explore the application of machine learning in forecasting Chinese macroeconomic variables. Specifically, it employs various machine learning models to predict the quarterly real GDP growth of China, and analyzes the factors contributing to the performance differences among these models. Our findings indicate that the average forecast errors of machine learning models are generally lower than those of traditional econometric models or expert forecasts, particularly in periods of economic stability. However, during certain inflection points, although machine learning models still outperform traditional econometric models, expert forecasts may exhibit greater accuracy in some instances due to experts' more comprehensive understanding of the macroeconomic environment and real-time economic variables. In addition to macroeconomic forecasting, this paper employs interpretable machine learning methods to identify the key attributive variables from different machine learning models, aiming to enhance the understanding and evaluation of their contributions to macroeconomic fluctuations.

cross Online Non-Stationary Stochastic Quasar-Convex Optimization

Authors: Yuen-Man Pun, Iman Shames

Abstract: Recent research has shown that quasar-convexity can be found in applications such as identification of linear dynamical systems and generalized linear models. Such observations have in turn spurred exciting developments in design and analysis algorithms that exploit quasar-convexity. In this work, we study the online stochastic quasar-convex optimization problems in a dynamic environment. We establish regret bounds of online gradient descent in terms of cumulative path variation and cumulative gradient variance for losses satisfying quasar-convexity and strong quasar-convexity. We then apply the results to generalized linear models (GLM) when the underlying parameter is time-varying. We establish regret bounds of online gradient descent when applying to GLMs with leaky ReLU activation function, logistic activation function, and ReLU activation function. Numerical results are presented to corroborate our findings.

cross On the performance of sequential Bayesian update for database of diverse tsunami scenarios

Authors: Reika Nomura, Louise A. Hirao Vermare, Saneiki Fujita, Donsub Rim, Shuji Moriguchi, Randall J. LeVeque, Kenjiro Terada

Abstract: Although the sequential tsunami scenario detection framework was validated in our previous work, several tasks remain to be resolved from a practical point of view. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the previous tsunami scenario detection framework using a diverse database consisting of complex fault rupture patterns with heterogeneous slip distributions. Specifically, we compare the effectiveness of scenario superposition to that of the previous most likely scenario detection method. Additionally, how the length of the observation time window influences the accuracy of both methods is analyzed. We utilize an existing database comprising 1771 tsunami scenarios targeting the city Westport (WA, U.S.), which includes synthetic wave height records and inundation distributions as the result of fault rupture in the Cascadia subduction zone. The heterogeneous patterns of slips used in the database increase the diversity of the scenarios and thus make it a proper database for evaluating the performance of scenario superposition. To assess the performance, we consider various observation time windows shorter than 15 minutes and divide the database into five testing and learning sets. The evaluation accuracy of the maximum offshore wave, inundation depth, and its distribution is analyzed to examine the advantages of the scenario superposition method over the previous method. We introduce the dynamic time warping (DTW) method as an additional benchmark and compare its results to that of the Bayesian scenario detection method.

cross Heterogeneous Hypergraph Embedding for Recommendation Systems

Authors: Darnbi Sakong, Viet Hung Vu, Thanh Trung Huynh, Phi Le Nguyen, Hongzhi Yin, Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen, Thanh Tam Nguyen

Abstract: Recent advancements in recommender systems have focused on integrating knowledge graphs (KGs) to leverage their auxiliary information. The core idea of KG-enhanced recommenders is to incorporate rich semantic information for more accurate recommendations. However, two main challenges persist: i) Neglecting complex higher-order interactions in the KG-based user-item network, potentially leading to sub-optimal recommendations, and ii) Dealing with the heterogeneous modalities of input sources, such as user-item bipartite graphs and KGs, which may introduce noise and inaccuracies. To address these issues, we present a novel Knowledge-enhanced Heterogeneous Hypergraph Recommender System (KHGRec). KHGRec captures group-wise characteristics of both the interaction network and the KG, modeling complex connections in the KG. Using a collaborative knowledge heterogeneous hypergraph (CKHG), it employs two hypergraph encoders to model group-wise interdependencies and ensure explainability. Additionally, it fuses signals from the input graphs with cross-view self-supervised learning and attention mechanisms. Extensive experiments on four real-world datasets show our model's superiority over various state-of-the-art baselines, with an average 5.18\% relative improvement. Additional tests on noise resilience, missing data, and cold-start problems demonstrate the robustness of our KHGRec framework. Our model and evaluation datasets are publicly available at \url{}.


cross Improving Self Consistency in LLMs through Probabilistic Tokenization

Authors: Ashutosh Sathe, Divyanshu Aggarwal, Sunayana Sitaram

Abstract: Prior research has demonstrated noticeable performance gains through the use of probabilistic tokenizations, an approach that involves employing multiple tokenizations of the same input string during the training phase of a language model. Despite these promising findings, modern large language models (LLMs) have yet to be trained using probabilistic tokenizations. Interestingly, while the tokenizers of these contemporary LLMs have the capability to generate multiple tokenizations, this property remains underutilized. In this work, we propose a novel method to leverage the multiple tokenization capabilities of modern LLM tokenizers, aiming to enhance the self-consistency of LLMs in reasoning tasks. Our experiments indicate that when utilizing probabilistic tokenizations, LLMs generate logically diverse reasoning paths, moving beyond mere surface-level linguistic diversity.We carefully study probabilistic tokenization and offer insights to explain the self consistency improvements it brings through extensive experimentation on 5 LLM families and 4 reasoning benchmarks.

cross Text2TimeSeries: Enhancing Financial Forecasting through Time Series Prediction Updates with Event-Driven Insights from Large Language Models

Authors: Litton Jose Kurisinkel, Pruthwik Mishra, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Time series models, typically trained on numerical data, are designed to forecast future values. These models often rely on weighted averaging techniques over time intervals. However, real-world time series data is seldom isolated and is frequently influenced by non-numeric factors. For instance, stock price fluctuations are impacted by daily random events in the broader world, with each event exerting a unique influence on price signals. Previously, forecasts in financial markets have been approached in two main ways: either as time-series problems over price sequence or sentiment analysis tasks. The sentiment analysis tasks aim to determine whether news events will have a positive or negative impact on stock prices, often categorizing them into discrete labels. Recognizing the need for a more comprehensive approach to accurately model time series prediction, we propose a collaborative modeling framework that incorporates textual information about relevant events for predictions. Specifically, we leverage the intuition of large language models about future changes to update real number time series predictions. We evaluated the effectiveness of our approach on financial market data.

cross Neural Probabilistic Logic Learning for Knowledge Graph Reasoning

Authors: Fengsong Sun, Jinyu Wang, Zhiqing Wei, Xianchao Zhang

Abstract: Knowledge graph (KG) reasoning is a task that aims to predict unknown facts based on known factual samples. Reasoning methods can be divided into two categories: rule-based methods and KG-embedding based methods. The former possesses precise reasoning capabilities but finds it challenging to reason efficiently over large-scale knowledge graphs. While gaining the ability to reason over large-scale knowledge graphs, the latter sacrifices reasoning accuracy. This paper aims to design a reasoning framework called Neural Probabilistic Logic Learning(NPLL) that achieves accurate reasoning on knowledge graphs. Our approach introduces a scoring module that effectively enhances the expressive power of embedding networks, striking a balance between model simplicity and reasoning capabilities. We improve the interpretability of the model by incorporating a Markov Logic Network based on variational inference. We empirically evaluate our approach on several benchmark datasets, and the experimental results validate that our method substantially enhances the accuracy and quality of the reasoning results.

cross Multi-Convformer: Extending Conformer with Multiple Convolution Kernels

Authors: Darshan Prabhu, Yifan Peng, Preethi Jyothi, Shinji Watanabe

Abstract: Convolutions have become essential in state-of-the-art end-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition~(ASR) systems due to their efficient modelling of local context. Notably, its use in Conformers has led to superior performance compared to vanilla Transformer-based ASR systems. While components other than the convolution module in the Conformer have been reexamined, altering the convolution module itself has been far less explored. Towards this, we introduce Multi-Convformer that uses multiple convolution kernels within the convolution module of the Conformer in conjunction with gating. This helps in improved modeling of local dependencies at varying granularities. Our model rivals existing Conformer variants such as CgMLP and E-Branchformer in performance, while being more parameter efficient. We empirically compare our approach with Conformer and its variants across four different datasets and three different modelling paradigms and show up to 8% relative word error rate~(WER) improvements.

cross Improving Self-supervised Pre-training using Accent-Specific Codebooks

Authors: Darshan Prabhu, Abhishek Gupta, Omkar Nitsure, Preethi Jyothi, Sriram Ganapathy

Abstract: Speech accents present a serious challenge to the performance of state-of-the-art end-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems. Even with self-supervised learning and pre-training of ASR models, accent invariance is seldom achieved. In this work, we propose an accent-aware adaptation technique for self-supervised learning that introduces a trainable set of accent-specific codebooks to the self-supervised architecture. These learnable codebooks enable the model to capture accent specific information during pre-training, that is further refined during ASR finetuning. On the Mozilla Common Voice dataset, our proposed approach outperforms all other accent-adaptation approaches on both seen and unseen English accents, with up to 9% relative reduction in word error rate (WER).

cross Semantic Grouping Network for Audio Source Separation

Authors: Shentong Mo, Yapeng Tian

Abstract: Recently, audio-visual separation approaches have taken advantage of the natural synchronization between the two modalities to boost audio source separation performance. They extracted high-level semantics from visual inputs as the guidance to help disentangle sound representation for individual sources. Can we directly learn to disentangle the individual semantics from the sound itself? The dilemma is that multiple sound sources are mixed together in the original space. To tackle the difficulty, in this paper, we present a novel Semantic Grouping Network, termed as SGN, that can directly disentangle sound representations and extract high-level semantic information for each source from input audio mixture. Specifically, SGN aggregates category-wise source features through learnable class tokens of sounds. Then, the aggregated semantic features can be used as the guidance to separate the corresponding audio sources from the mixture. We conducted extensive experiments on music-only and universal sound separation benchmarks: MUSIC, FUSS, MUSDB18, and VGG-Sound. The results demonstrate that our SGN significantly outperforms previous audio-only methods and audio-visual models without utilizing additional visual cues.

cross BasisN: Reprogramming-Free RRAM-Based In-Memory-Computing by Basis Combination for Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Amro Eldebiky, Grace Li Zhang, Xunzhao Yin, Cheng Zhuo, Ing-Chao Lin, Ulf Schlichtmann, Bing Li

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have made breakthroughs in various fields including image recognition and language processing. DNNs execute hundreds of millions of multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) operations. To efficiently accelerate such computations, analog in-memory-computing platforms have emerged leveraging emerging devices such as resistive RAM (RRAM). However, such accelerators face the hurdle of being required to have sufficient on-chip crossbars to hold all the weights of a DNN. Otherwise, RRAM cells in the crossbars need to be reprogramed to process further layers, which causes huge time/energy overhead due to the extremely slow writing and verification of the RRAM cells. As a result, it is still not possible to deploy such accelerators to process large-scale DNNs in industry. To address this problem, we propose the BasisN framework to accelerate DNNs on any number of available crossbars without reprogramming. BasisN introduces a novel representation of the kernels in DNN layers as combinations of global basis vectors shared between all layers with quantized coefficients. These basis vectors are written to crossbars only once and used for the computations of all layers with marginal hardware modification. BasisN also provides a novel training approach to enhance computation parallelization with the global basis vectors and optimize the coefficients to construct the kernels. Experimental results demonstrate that cycles per inference and energy-delay product were reduced to below 1% compared with applying reprogramming on crossbars in processing large-scale DNNs such as DenseNet and ResNet on ImageNet and CIFAR100 datasets, while the training and hardware costs are negligible.

cross Convolutional vs Large Language Models for Software Log Classification in Edge-Deployable Cellular Network Testing

Authors: Achintha Ihalage, Sayed M. Taheri, Faris Muhammad, Hamed Al-Raweshidy

Abstract: Software logs generated by sophisticated network emulators in the telecommunications industry, such as VIAVI TM500, are extremely complex, often comprising tens of thousands of text lines with minimal resemblance to natural language. Only specialised expert engineers can decipher such logs and troubleshoot defects in test runs. While AI offers a promising solution for automating defect triage, potentially leading to massive revenue savings for companies, state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) suffer from significant drawbacks in this specialised domain. These include a constrained context window, limited applicability to text beyond natural language, and high inference costs. To address these limitations, we propose a compact convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture that offers a context window spanning up to 200,000 characters and achieves over 96% accuracy (F1>0.9) in classifying multifaceted software logs into various layers in the telecommunications protocol stack. Specifically, the proposed model is capable of identifying defects in test runs and triaging them to the relevant department, formerly a manual engineering process that required expert knowledge. We evaluate several LLMs; LLaMA2-7B, Mixtral 8x7B, Flan-T5, BERT and BigBird, and experimentally demonstrate their shortcomings in our specialized application. Despite being lightweight, our CNN significantly outperforms LLM-based approaches in telecommunications log classification while minimizing the cost of production. Our defect triaging AI model is deployable on edge devices without dedicated hardware and widely applicable across software logs in various industries.

cross GraphCNNpred: A stock market indices prediction using a Graph based deep learning system

Authors: Yuhui Jin

Abstract: Deep learning techniques for predicting stock market prices is an popular topic in the field of data science. Customized feature engineering arises as pre-processing tools of different stock market dataset. In this paper, we give a graph neural network based convolutional neural network (CNN) model, that can be applied on diverse source of data, in the attempt to extract features to predict the trends of indices of \text{S}\&\text{P} 500, NASDAQ, DJI, NYSE, and RUSSEL.

cross Functional Faithfulness in the Wild: Circuit Discovery with Differentiable Computation Graph Pruning

Authors: Lei Yu, Jingcheng Niu, Zining Zhu, Gerald Penn

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive reformulation of the task known as Circuit Discovery, along with DiscoGP, a novel and effective algorithm based on differentiable masking for discovering circuits. Circuit discovery is the task of interpreting the computational mechanisms of language models (LMs) by dissecting their functions and capabilities into sparse subnetworks (circuits). We identified two major limitations in existing circuit discovery efforts: (1) a dichotomy between weight-based and connection-edge-based approaches forces researchers to choose between pruning connections or weights, thereby limiting the scope of mechanistic interpretation of LMs; (2) algorithms based on activation patching tend to identify circuits that are neither functionally faithful nor complete. The performance of these identified circuits is substantially reduced, often resulting in near-random performance in isolation. Furthermore, the complement of the circuit -- i.e., the original LM with the identified circuit removed -- still retains adequate performance, indicating that essential components of a complete circuits are missed by existing methods. DiscoGP successfully addresses the two aforementioned issues and demonstrates state-of-the-art faithfulness, completeness, and sparsity. The effectiveness of the algorithm and its novel structure open up new avenues of gathering new insights into the internal workings of generative AI.

cross ADAPT: Multimodal Learning for Detecting Physiological Changes under Missing Modalities

Authors: Julie Mordacq, Leo Milecki, Maria Vakalopoulou, Steve Oudot, Vicky Kalogeiton

Abstract: Multimodality has recently gained attention in the medical domain, where imaging or video modalities may be integrated with biomedical signals or health records. Yet, two challenges remain: balancing the contributions of modalities, especially in cases with a limited amount of data available, and tackling missing modalities. To address both issues, in this paper, we introduce the AnchoreD multimodAl Physiological Transformer (ADAPT), a multimodal, scalable framework with two key components: (i) aligning all modalities in the space of the strongest, richest modality (called anchor) to learn a joint embedding space, and (ii) a Masked Multimodal Transformer, leveraging both inter- and intra-modality correlations while handling missing modalities. We focus on detecting physiological changes in two real-life scenarios: stress in individuals induced by specific triggers and fighter pilots' loss of consciousness induced by $g$-forces. We validate the generalizability of ADAPT through extensive experiments on two datasets for these tasks, where we set the new state of the art while demonstrating its robustness across various modality scenarios and its high potential for real-life applications.

cross Low-latency machine learning FPGA accelerator for multi-qubit state discrimination

Authors: Pradeep Kumar Gautam, Shantharam Kalipatnapu, Shankaranarayanan H, Ujjawal Singhal, Benjamin Lienhard, Vibhor Singh, Chetan Singh Thakur

Abstract: Measuring a qubit is a fundamental yet error prone operation in quantum computing. These errors can stem from various sources such as crosstalk, spontaneous state-transitions, and excitation caused by the readout pulse. In this work, we utilize an integrated approach to deploy neural networks (NN) on to field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). We demonstrate that it is practical to design and implement a fully connected neural network accelerator for frequency-multiplexed readout balancing computational complexity with low latency requirements without significant loss in accuracy. The neural network is implemented by quantization of weights, activation functions, and inputs. The hardware accelerator performs frequency-multiplexed readout of 5 superconducting qubits in less than 50 ns on RFSoC ZCU111 FPGA which is first of its kind in the literature. These modules can be implemented and integrated in existing Quantum control and readout platforms using a RFSoC ZCU111 ready for experimental deployment.

cross The Solution for the GAIIC2024 RGB-TIR object detection Challenge

Authors: Xiangyu Wu, Jinling Xu, Longfei Huang, Yang Yang

Abstract: This report introduces a solution to The task of RGB-TIR object detection from the perspective of unmanned aerial vehicles. Unlike traditional object detection methods, RGB-TIR object detection aims to utilize both RGB and TIR images for complementary information during detection. The challenges of RGB-TIR object detection from the perspective of unmanned aerial vehicles include highly complex image backgrounds, frequent changes in lighting, and uncalibrated RGB-TIR image pairs. To address these challenges at the model level, we utilized a lightweight YOLOv9 model with extended multi-level auxiliary branches that enhance the model's robustness, making it more suitable for practical applications in unmanned aerial vehicle scenarios. For image fusion in RGB-TIR detection, we incorporated a fusion module into the backbone network to fuse images at the feature level, implicitly addressing calibration issues. Our proposed method achieved an mAP score of 0.516 and 0.543 on A and B benchmarks respectively while maintaining the highest inference speed among all models.

cross Geodesic Optimization for Predictive Shift Adaptation on EEG data

Authors: Apolline Mellot, Antoine Collas, Sylvain Chevallier, Alexandre Gramfort, Denis A. Engemann

Abstract: Electroencephalography (EEG) data is often collected from diverse contexts involving different populations and EEG devices. This variability can induce distribution shifts in the data $X$ and in the biomedical variables of interest $y$, thus limiting the application of supervised machine learning (ML) algorithms. While domain adaptation (DA) methods have been developed to mitigate the impact of these shifts, such methods struggle when distribution shifts occur simultaneously in $X$ and $y$. As state-of-the-art ML models for EEG represent the data by spatial covariance matrices, which lie on the Riemannian manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices, it is appealing to study DA techniques operating on the SPD manifold. This paper proposes a novel method termed Geodesic Optimization for Predictive Shift Adaptation (GOPSA) to address test-time multi-source DA for situations in which source domains have distinct $y$ distributions. GOPSA exploits the geodesic structure of the Riemannian manifold to jointly learn a domain-specific re-centering operator representing site-specific intercepts and the regression model. We performed empirical benchmarks on the cross-site generalization of age-prediction models with resting-state EEG data from a large multi-national dataset (HarMNqEEG), which included $14$ recording sites and more than $1500$ human participants. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, our results showed that GOPSA achieved significantly higher performance on three regression metrics ($R^2$, MAE, and Spearman's $\rho$) for several source-target site combinations, highlighting its effectiveness in tackling multi-source DA with predictive shifts in EEG data analysis. Our method has the potential to combine the advantages of mixed-effects modeling with machine learning for biomedical applications of EEG, such as multicenter clinical trials.

cross Protecting Deep Learning Model Copyrights with Adversarial Example-Free Reuse Detection

Authors: Xiaokun Luan, Xiyue Zhang, Jingyi Wang, Meng Sun

Abstract: Model reuse techniques can reduce the resource requirements for training high-performance deep neural networks (DNNs) by leveraging existing models. However, unauthorized reuse and replication of DNNs can lead to copyright infringement and economic loss to the model owner. This underscores the need to analyze the reuse relation between DNNs and develop copyright protection techniques to safeguard intellectual property rights. Existing white-box testing-based approaches cannot address the common heterogeneous reuse case where the model architecture is changed, and DNN fingerprinting approaches heavily rely on generating adversarial examples with good transferability, which is known to be challenging in the black-box setting. To bridge the gap, we propose NFARD, a Neuron Functionality Analysis-based Reuse Detector, which only requires normal test samples to detect reuse relations by measuring the models' differences on a newly proposed model characterization, i.e., neuron functionality (NF). A set of NF-based distance metrics is designed to make NFARD applicable to both white-box and black-box settings. Moreover, we devise a linear transformation method to handle heterogeneous reuse cases by constructing the optimal projection matrix for dimension consistency, significantly extending the application scope of NFARD. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first adversarial example-free method that exploits neuron functionality for DNN copyright protection. As a side contribution, we constructed a reuse detection benchmark named Reuse Zoo that covers various practical reuse techniques and popular datasets. Extensive evaluations on this comprehensive benchmark show that NFARD achieves F1 scores of 0.984 and 1.0 for detecting reuse relationships in black-box and white-box settings, respectively, while generating test suites 2 ~ 99 times faster than previous methods.

cross Continuous-time q-Learning for Jump-Diffusion Models under Tsallis Entropy

Authors: Lijun Bo, Yijie Huang, Xiang Yu, Tingting Zhang

Abstract: This paper studies continuous-time reinforcement learning for controlled jump-diffusion models by featuring the q-function (the continuous-time counterpart of Q-function) and the q-learning algorithms under the Tsallis entropy regularization. Contrary to the conventional Shannon entropy, the general form of Tsallis entropy renders the optimal policy not necessary a Gibbs measure, where some Lagrange multiplier and KKT multiplier naturally arise from certain constraints to ensure the learnt policy to be a probability distribution. As a consequence,the relationship between the optimal policy and the q-function also involves the Lagrange multiplier. In response, we establish the martingale characterization of the q-function under Tsallis entropy and devise two q-learning algorithms depending on whether the Lagrange multiplier can be derived explicitly or not. In the latter case, we need to consider different parameterizations of the q-function and the policy and update them alternatively. Finally, we examine two financial applications, namely an optimal portfolio liquidation problem and a non-LQ control problem. It is interesting to see therein that the optimal policies under the Tsallis entropy regularization can be characterized explicitly, which are distributions concentrate on some compact support. The satisfactory performance of our q-learning algorithm is illustrated in both examples.

cross DiCTI: Diffusion-based Clothing Designer via Text-guided Input

Authors: Ajda Lampe (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Julija Stopar (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Deepak Kumar Jain (Dalian University of Technology, China), Shinichiro Omachi (Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering, Sendai, Japan), Peter Peer (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Vitomir \v{S}truc (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Abstract: Recent developments in deep generative models have opened up a wide range of opportunities for image synthesis, leading to significant changes in various creative fields, including the fashion industry. While numerous methods have been proposed to benefit buyers, particularly in virtual try-on applications, there has been relatively less focus on facilitating fast prototyping for designers and customers seeking to order new designs. To address this gap, we introduce DiCTI (Diffusion-based Clothing Designer via Text-guided Input), a straightforward yet highly effective approach that allows designers to quickly visualize fashion-related ideas using text inputs only. Given an image of a person and a description of the desired garments as input, DiCTI automatically generates multiple high-resolution, photorealistic images that capture the expressed semantics. By leveraging a powerful diffusion-based inpainting model conditioned on text inputs, DiCTI is able to synthesize convincing, high-quality images with varied clothing designs that viably follow the provided text descriptions, while being able to process very diverse and challenging inputs, captured in completely unconstrained settings. We evaluate DiCTI in comprehensive experiments on two different datasets (VITON-HD and Fashionpedia) and in comparison to the state-of-the-art (SoTa). The results of our experiments show that DiCTI convincingly outperforms the SoTA competitor in generating higher quality images with more elaborate garments and superior text prompt adherence, both according to standard quantitative evaluation measures and human ratings, generated as part of a user study.

cross A fast neural hybrid Newton solver adapted to implicit methods for nonlinear dynamics

Authors: Tianyu Jin, Georg Maierhofer, Katharina Schratz, Yang Xiang

Abstract: The use of implicit time-stepping schemes for the numerical approximation of solutions to stiff nonlinear time-evolution equations brings well-known advantages including, typically, better stability behaviour and corresponding support of larger time steps, and better structure preservation properties. However, this comes at the price of having to solve a nonlinear equation at every time step of the numerical scheme. In this work, we propose a novel operator learning based hybrid Newton's method to accelerate this solution of the nonlinear time step system for stiff time-evolution nonlinear equations. We propose a targeted learning strategy which facilitates robust unsupervised learning in an offline phase and provides a highly efficient initialisation for the Newton iteration leading to consistent acceleration of Newton's method. A quantifiable rate of improvement in Newton's method achieved by improved initialisation is provided and we analyse the upper bound of the generalisation error of our unsupervised learning strategy. These theoretical results are supported by extensive numerical results, demonstrating the efficiency of our proposed neural hybrid solver both in one- and two-dimensional cases.

cross Leveraging Latent Diffusion Models for Training-Free In-Distribution Data Augmentation for Surface Defect Detection

Authors: Federico Girella, Ziyue Liu, Franco Fummi, Francesco Setti, Marco Cristani, Luigi Capogrosso

Abstract: Defect detection is the task of identifying defects in production samples. Usually, defect detection classifiers are trained on ground-truth data formed by normal samples (negative data) and samples with defects (positive data), where the latter are consistently fewer than normal samples. State-of-the-art data augmentation procedures add synthetic defect data by superimposing artifacts to normal samples to mitigate problems related to unbalanced training data. These techniques often produce out-of-distribution images, resulting in systems that learn what is not a normal sample but cannot accurately identify what a defect looks like. In this work, we introduce DIAG, a training-free Diffusion-based In-distribution Anomaly Generation pipeline for data augmentation. Unlike conventional image generation techniques, we implement a human-in-the-loop pipeline, where domain experts provide multimodal guidance to the model through text descriptions and region localization of the possible anomalies. This strategic shift enhances the interpretability of results and fosters a more robust human feedback loop, facilitating iterative improvements of the generated outputs. Remarkably, our approach operates in a zero-shot manner, avoiding time-consuming fine-tuning procedures while achieving superior performance. We demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of DIAG with respect to state-of-the-art data augmentation approaches on the challenging KSDD2 dataset, with an improvement in AP of approximately 18% when positive samples are available and 28% when they are missing. The source code is available at


cross Improving Sample Efficiency of Reinforcement Learning with Background Knowledge from Large Language Models

Authors: Fuxiang Zhang, Junyou Li, Yi-Chen Li, Zongzhang Zhang, Yang Yu, Deheng Ye

Abstract: Low sample efficiency is an enduring challenge of reinforcement learning (RL). With the advent of versatile large language models (LLMs), recent works impart common-sense knowledge to accelerate policy learning for RL processes. However, we note that such guidance is often tailored for one specific task but loses generalizability. In this paper, we introduce a framework that harnesses LLMs to extract background knowledge of an environment, which contains general understandings of the entire environment, making various downstream RL tasks benefit from one-time knowledge representation. We ground LLMs by feeding a few pre-collected experiences and requesting them to delineate background knowledge of the environment. Afterward, we represent the output knowledge as potential functions for potential-based reward shaping, which has a good property for maintaining policy optimality from task rewards. We instantiate three variants to prompt LLMs for background knowledge, including writing code, annotating preferences, and assigning goals. Our experiments show that these methods achieve significant sample efficiency improvements in a spectrum of downstream tasks from Minigrid and Crafter domains.

cross A Critical Assessment of Interpretable and Explainable Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection

Authors: Omer Subasi, Johnathan Cree, Joseph Manzano, Elena Peterson

Abstract: There has been a large number of studies in interpretable and explainable ML for cybersecurity, in particular, for intrusion detection. Many of these studies have significant amount of overlapping and repeated evaluations and analysis. At the same time, these studies overlook crucial model, data, learning process, and utility related issues and many times completely disregard them. These issues include the use of overly complex and opaque ML models, unaccounted data imbalances and correlated features, inconsistent influential features across different explanation methods, the inconsistencies stemming from the constituents of a learning process, and the implausible utility of explanations. In this work, we empirically demonstrate these issues, analyze them and propose practical solutions in the context of feature-based model explanations. Specifically, we advise avoiding complex opaque models such as Deep Neural Networks and instead using interpretable ML models such as Decision Trees as the available intrusion datasets are not difficult for such interpretable models to classify successfully. Then, we bring attention to the binary classification metrics such as Matthews Correlation Coefficient (which are well-suited for imbalanced datasets. Moreover, we find that feature-based model explanations are most often inconsistent across different settings. In this respect, to further gauge the extent of inconsistencies, we introduce the notion of cross explanations which corroborates that the features that are determined to be impactful by one explanation method most often differ from those by another method. Furthermore, we show that strongly correlated data features and the constituents of a learning process, such as hyper-parameters and the optimization routine, become yet another source of inconsistent explanations. Finally, we discuss the utility of feature-based explanations.

cross Learning Non-Linear Invariants for Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors: Lars Doorenbos, Raphael Sznitman, Pablo M\'arquez-Neila

Abstract: The inability of deep learning models to handle data drawn from unseen distributions has sparked much interest in unsupervised out-of-distribution (U-OOD) detection, as it is crucial for reliable deep learning models. Despite considerable attention, theoretically-motivated approaches are few and far between, with most methods building on top of some form of heuristic. Recently, U-OOD was formalized in the context of data invariants, allowing a clearer understanding of how to characterize U-OOD, and methods leveraging affine invariants have attained state-of-the-art results on large-scale benchmarks. Nevertheless, the restriction to affine invariants hinders the expressiveness of the approach. In this work, we broaden the affine invariants formulation to a more general case and propose a framework consisting of a normalizing flow-like architecture capable of learning non-linear invariants. Our novel approach achieves state-of-the-art results on an extensive U-OOD benchmark, and we demonstrate its further applicability to tabular data. Finally, we show our method has the same desirable properties as those based on affine invariants.

cross Benchmark on Drug Target Interaction Modeling from a Structure Perspective

Authors: Xinnan Zhang, Jialin Wu, Junyi Xie, Tianlong Chen, Kaixiong Zhou

Abstract: The prediction modeling of drug-target interactions is crucial to drug discovery and design, which has seen rapid advancements owing to deep learning technologies. Recently developed methods, such as those based on graph neural networks (GNNs) and Transformers, demonstrate exceptional performance across various datasets by effectively extracting structural information. However, the benchmarking of these novel methods often varies significantly in terms of hyperparameter settings and datasets, which limits algorithmic progress. In view of these, we conduct a comprehensive survey and benchmark for drug-target interaction modeling from a structure perspective, via integrating tens of explicit (i.e., GNN-based) and implicit (i.e., Transformer-based) structure learning algorithms. To this end, we first unify the hyperparameter setting within each class of structure learning methods. Moreover, we conduct a macroscopical comparison between these two classes of encoding strategies as well as the different featurization techniques that inform molecules' chemical and physical properties. We then carry out the microscopical comparison between all the integrated models across the six datasets, via comprehensively benchmarking their effectiveness and efficiency. Remarkably, the summarized insights from the benchmark studies lead to the design of model combos. We demonstrate that our combos can achieve new state-of-the-art performance on various datasets associated with cost-effective memory and computation. Our code is available at \hyperlink{}{}.


cross On the Workflows and Smells of Leaderboard Operations (LBOps): An Exploratory Study of Foundation Model Leaderboards

Authors: Zhimin Zhao, Abdul Ali Bangash, Filipe Roseiro C\^ogo, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan

Abstract: Foundation models (FM), such as large language models (LLMs), which are large-scale machine learning (ML) models, have demonstrated remarkable adaptability in various downstream software engineering (SE) tasks, such as code completion, code understanding, and software development. As a result, FM leaderboards, especially those hosted on cloud platforms, have become essential tools for SE teams to compare and select the best third-party FMs for their specific products and purposes. However, the lack of standardized guidelines for FM evaluation and comparison threatens the transparency of FM leaderboards and limits stakeholders' ability to perform effective FM selection. As a first step towards addressing this challenge, our research focuses on understanding how these FM leaderboards operate in real-world scenarios ("leaderboard operations") and identifying potential leaderboard pitfalls and areas for improvement ("leaderboard smells"). In this regard, we perform a multivocal literature review to collect up to 721 FM leaderboards, after which we examine their documentation and engage in direct communication with leaderboard operators to understand their workflow patterns. Using card sorting and negotiated agreement, we identify 5 unique workflow patterns and develop a domain model that outlines the essential components and their interaction within FM leaderboards. We then identify 8 unique types of leaderboard smells in LBOps. By mitigating these smells, SE teams can improve transparency, accountability, and collaboration in current LBOps practices, fostering a more robust and responsible ecosystem for FM comparison and selection.

cross A Systematic Survey and Critical Review on Evaluating Large Language Models: Challenges, Limitations, and Recommendations

Authors: Md Tahmid Rahman Laskar, Sawsan Alqahtani, M Saiful Bari, Mizanur Rahman, Mohammad Abdullah Matin Khan, Haidar Khan, Israt Jahan, Amran Bhuiyan, Chee Wei Tan, Md Rizwan Parvez, Enamul Hoque, Shafiq Joty, Jimmy Huang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently gained significant attention due to their remarkable capabilities in performing diverse tasks across various domains. However, a thorough evaluation of these models is crucial before deploying them in real-world applications to ensure they produce reliable performance. Despite the well-established importance of evaluating LLMs in the community, the complexity of the evaluation process has led to varied evaluation setups, causing inconsistencies in findings and interpretations. To address this, we systematically review the primary challenges and limitations causing these inconsistencies and unreliable evaluations in various steps of LLM evaluation. Based on our critical review, we present our perspectives and recommendations to ensure LLM evaluations are reproducible, reliable, and robust.

cross DotaMath: Decomposition of Thought with Code Assistance and Self-correction for Mathematical Reasoning

Authors: Chengpeng Li, Guanting Dong, Mingfeng Xue, Ru Peng, Xiang Wang, Dayiheng Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have made impressive progress in handling simple math problems, yet they still struggle with more challenging and complex mathematical tasks. In this paper, we introduce a series of LLMs that employs the Decomposition of thought with code assistance and self-correction for mathematical reasoning, dubbed as DotaMath. DotaMath models tackle complex mathematical tasks by decomposing them into simpler logical subtasks, leveraging code to solve these subtasks, obtaining fine-grained feedback from the code interpreter, and engaging in self-reflection and correction. By annotating diverse interactive tool-use trajectories and employing query evolution on GSM8K and MATH datasets, we generate an instruction fine-tuning dataset called DotaMathQA with 574K query-response pairs. We train a series of base LLMs using imitation learning on DotaMathQA, resulting in DotaMath models that achieve remarkable performance compared to open-source LLMs across various in-domain and out-of-domain benchmarks. Notably, DotaMath-deepseek-7B showcases an outstanding performance of 64.8% on the competitive MATH dataset and 86.7% on GSM8K. Besides, DotaMath-deepseek-7B maintains strong competitiveness on a series of in-domain and out-of-domain benchmarks (Avg. 80.1%). Looking forward, we anticipate that the DotaMath paradigm will open new pathways for addressing intricate mathematical problems. Our code is publicly available at


cross Certifiably Robust Image Watermark

Authors: Zhengyuan Jiang, Moyang Guo, Yuepeng Hu, Jinyuan Jia, Neil Zhenqiang Gong

Abstract: Generative AI raises many societal concerns such as boosting disinformation and propaganda campaigns. Watermarking AI-generated content is a key technology to address these concerns and has been widely deployed in industry. However, watermarking is vulnerable to removal attacks and forgery attacks. In this work, we propose the first image watermarks with certified robustness guarantees against removal and forgery attacks. Our method leverages randomized smoothing, a popular technique to build certifiably robust classifiers and regression models. Our major technical contributions include extending randomized smoothing to watermarking by considering its unique characteristics, deriving the certified robustness guarantees, and designing algorithms to estimate them. Moreover, we extensively evaluate our image watermarks in terms of both certified and empirical robustness. Our code is available at \url{}.


cross Network-based Neighborhood regression

Authors: Yaoming Zhen, Jin-Hong Du

Abstract: Given the ubiquity of modularity in biological systems, module-level regulation analysis is vital for understanding biological systems across various levels and their dynamics. Current statistical analysis on biological modules predominantly focuses on either detecting the functional modules in biological networks or sub-group regression on the biological features without using the network data. This paper proposes a novel network-based neighborhood regression framework whose regression functions depend on both the global community-level information and local connectivity structures among entities. An efficient community-wise least square optimization approach is developed to uncover the strength of regulation among the network modules while enabling asymptotic inference. With random graph theory, we derive non-asymptotic estimation error bounds for the proposed estimator, achieving exact minimax optimality. Unlike the root-n consistency typical in canonical linear regression, our model exhibits linear consistency in the number of nodes n, highlighting the advantage of incorporating neighborhood information. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is further supported by extensive numerical experiments. Application to whole-exome sequencing and RNA-sequencing Autism datasets demonstrates the usage of the proposed method in identifying the association between the gene modules of genetic variations and the gene modules of genomic differential expressions.

cross Future Events as Backdoor Triggers: Investigating Temporal Vulnerabilities in LLMs

Authors: Sara Price, Arjun Panickssery, Sam Bowman, Asa Cooper Stickland

Abstract: Backdoors are hidden behaviors that are only triggered once an AI system has been deployed. Bad actors looking to create successful backdoors must design them to avoid activation during training and evaluation. Since data used in these stages often only contains information about events that have already occurred, a component of a simple backdoor trigger could be a model recognizing data that is in the future relative to when it was trained. Through prompting experiments and by probing internal activations, we show that current large language models (LLMs) can distinguish past from future events, with probes on model activations achieving $90\%$ accuracy. We train models with backdoors triggered by a temporal distributional shift; they activate when the model is exposed to news headlines beyond their training cut-off dates. Fine-tuning on helpful, harmless and honest (HHH) data does not work well for removing simpler backdoor triggers but is effective on our backdoored models, although this distinction is smaller for the larger-scale model we tested. We also find that an activation-steering vector representing a model's internal representation of the date influences the rate of backdoor activation. We take these results as initial evidence that, at least for models at the modest scale we test, standard safety measures are enough to remove these backdoors. We publicly release all relevant code (, datasets (, and models (


cross Query-Guided Self-Supervised Summarization of Nursing Notes

Authors: Ya Gao, Hans Moen, Saila Koivusalo, Miika Koskinen, Pekka Marttinen

Abstract: Nursing notes, an important component of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), keep track of the progression of a patient's health status during a care episode. Distilling the key information in nursing notes through text summarization techniques can improve clinicians' efficiency in understanding patients' conditions when reviewing nursing notes. However, existing abstractive summarization methods in the clinical setting have often overlooked nursing notes and require the creation of reference summaries for supervision signals, which is time-consuming. In this work, we introduce QGSumm, a query-guided self-supervised domain adaptation framework for nursing note summarization. Using patient-related clinical queries as guidance, our approach generates high-quality, patient-centered summaries without relying on reference summaries for training. Through automatic and manual evaluation by an expert clinician, we demonstrate the strengths of our approach compared to the state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) in both zero-shot and few-shot settings. Ultimately, our approach provides a new perspective on conditional text summarization, tailored to the specific interests of clinical personnel.

cross Securing Multi-turn Conversational Language Models Against Distributed Backdoor Triggers

Authors: Terry Tong, Jiashu Xu, Qin Liu, Muhao Chen

Abstract: The security of multi-turn conversational large language models (LLMs) is understudied despite it being one of the most popular LLM utilization. Specifically, LLMs are vulnerable to data poisoning backdoor attacks, where an adversary manipulates the training data to cause the model to output malicious responses to predefined triggers. Specific to the multi-turn dialogue setting, LLMs are at the risk of even more harmful and stealthy backdoor attacks where the backdoor triggers may span across multiple utterances, giving lee-way to context-driven attacks. In this paper, we explore a novel distributed backdoor trigger attack that serves to be an extra tool in an adversary's toolbox that can interface with other single-turn attack strategies in a plug and play manner. Results on two representative defense mechanisms indicate that distributed backdoor triggers are robust against existing defense strategies which are designed for single-turn user-model interactions, motivating us to propose a new defense strategy for the multi-turn dialogue setting that is more challenging. To this end, we also explore a novel contrastive decoding based defense that is able to mitigate the backdoor with a low computational tradeoff.

cross VoxAct-B: Voxel-Based Acting and Stabilizing Policy for Bimanual Manipulation

Authors: I-Chun Arthur Liu, Sicheng He, Daniel Seita, Gaurav Sukhatme

Abstract: Bimanual manipulation is critical to many robotics applications. In contrast to single-arm manipulation, bimanual manipulation tasks are challenging due to higher-dimensional action spaces. Prior works leverage large amounts of data and primitive actions to address this problem, but may suffer from sample inefficiency and limited generalization across various tasks. To this end, we propose VoxAct-B, a language-conditioned, voxel-based method that leverages Vision Language Models (VLMs) to prioritize key regions within the scene and reconstruct a voxel grid. We provide this voxel grid to our bimanual manipulation policy to learn acting and stabilizing actions. This approach enables more efficient policy learning from voxels and is generalizable to different tasks. In simulation, we show that VoxAct-B outperforms strong baselines on fine-grained bimanual manipulation tasks. Furthermore, we demonstrate VoxAct-B on real-world $\texttt{Open Drawer}$ and $\texttt{Open Jar}$ tasks using two UR5s. Code, data, and videos will be available at


cross Finite Operator Learning: Bridging Neural Operators and Numerical Methods for Efficient Parametric Solution and Optimization of PDEs

Authors: Shahed Rezaei, Reza Najian Asl, Kianoosh Taghikhani, Ahmad Moeineddin, Michael Kaliske, Markus Apel

Abstract: We introduce a method that combines neural operators, physics-informed machine learning, and standard numerical methods for solving PDEs. The proposed approach extends each of the aforementioned methods and unifies them within a single framework. We can parametrically solve partial differential equations in a data-free manner and provide accurate sensitivities, meaning the derivatives of the solution space with respect to the design space. These capabilities enable gradient-based optimization without the typical sensitivity analysis costs, unlike adjoint methods that scale directly with the number of response functions. Our Finite Operator Learning (FOL) approach uses an uncomplicated feed-forward neural network model to directly map the discrete design space (i.e. parametric input space) to the discrete solution space (i.e. finite number of sensor points in the arbitrary shape domain) ensuring compliance with physical laws by designing them into loss functions. The discretized governing equations, as well as the design and solution spaces, can be derived from any well-established numerical techniques. In this work, we employ the Finite Element Method (FEM) to approximate fields and their spatial derivatives. Subsequently, we conduct Sobolev training to minimize a multi-objective loss function, which includes the discretized weak form of the energy functional, boundary conditions violations, and the stationarity of the residuals with respect to the design variables. Our study focuses on the steady-state heat equation within heterogeneous materials that exhibits significant phase contrast and possibly temperature-dependent conductivity. The network's tangent matrix is directly used for gradient-based optimization to improve the microstructure's heat transfer characteristics. ...

cross Machine Learning for Complex Systems with Abnormal Pattern by Exception Maximization Outlier Detection Method

Authors: Zhikun Zhang, Yiting Duan, Xiangjun Wang, Mingyuan Zhang

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel fast online methodology for outlier detection called the exception maximization outlier detection method(EMODM), which employs probabilistic models and statistical algorithms to detect abnormal patterns from the outputs of complex systems. The EMODM is based on a two-state Gaussian mixture model and demonstrates strong performance in probability anomaly detection working on real-time raw data rather than using special prior distribution information. We confirm this using the synthetic data from two numerical cases. For the real-world data, we have detected the short circuit pattern of the circuit system using EMODM by the current and voltage output of a three-phase inverter. The EMODM also found an abnormal period due to COVID-19 in the insured unemployment data of 53 regions in the United States from 2000 to 2024. The application of EMODM to these two real-life datasets demonstrated the effectiveness and accuracy of our algorithm.

cross Unified Interpretation of Smoothing Methods for Negative Sampling Loss Functions in Knowledge Graph Embedding

Authors: Xincan Feng, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Katsuhiko Hayashi, Taro Watanabe

Abstract: Knowledge Graphs (KGs) are fundamental resources in knowledge-intensive tasks in NLP. Due to the limitation of manually creating KGs, KG Completion (KGC) has an important role in automatically completing KGs by scoring their links with KG Embedding (KGE). To handle many entities in training, KGE relies on Negative Sampling (NS) loss that can reduce the computational cost by sampling. Since the appearance frequencies for each link are at most one in KGs, sparsity is an essential and inevitable problem. The NS loss is no exception. As a solution, the NS loss in KGE relies on smoothing methods like Self-Adversarial Negative Sampling (SANS) and subsampling. However, it is uncertain what kind of smoothing method is suitable for this purpose due to the lack of theoretical understanding. This paper provides theoretical interpretations of the smoothing methods for the NS loss in KGE and induces a new NS loss, Triplet Adaptive Negative Sampling (TANS), that can cover the characteristics of the conventional smoothing methods. Experimental results of TransE, DistMult, ComplEx, RotatE, HAKE, and HousE on FB15k-237, WN18RR, and YAGO3-10 datasets and their sparser subsets show the soundness of our interpretation and performance improvement by our TANS.

cross Unsupervised Video Summarization via Reinforcement Learning and a Trained Evaluator

Authors: Mehryar Abbasi, Hadi Hadizadeh, Parvaneh Saeedi

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach for unsupervised video summarization using reinforcement learning. It aims to address the existing limitations of current unsupervised methods, including unstable training of adversarial generator-discriminator architectures and reliance on hand-crafted reward functions for quality evaluation. The proposed method is based on the concept that a concise and informative summary should result in a reconstructed video that closely resembles the original. The summarizer model assigns an importance score to each frame and generates a video summary. In the proposed scheme, reinforcement learning, coupled with a unique reward generation pipeline, is employed to train the summarizer model. The reward generation pipeline trains the summarizer to create summaries that lead to improved reconstructions. It comprises a generator model capable of reconstructing masked frames from a partially masked video, along with a reward mechanism that compares the reconstructed video from the summary against the original. The video generator is trained in a self-supervised manner to reconstruct randomly masked frames, enhancing its ability to generate accurate summaries. This training pipeline results in a summarizer model that better mimics human-generated video summaries compared to methods relying on hand-crafted rewards. The training process consists of two stable and isolated training steps, unlike adversarial architectures. Experimental results demonstrate promising performance, with F-scores of 62.3 and 54.5 on TVSum and SumMe datasets, respectively. Additionally, the inference stage is 300 times faster than our previously reported state-of-the-art method.

cross Robust Q-Learning for finite ambiguity sets

Authors: C\'ecile Decker, Julian Sester

Abstract: In this paper we propose a novel $Q$-learning algorithm allowing to solve distributionally robust Markov decision problems for which the ambiguity set of probability measures can be chosen arbitrarily as long as it comprises only a finite amount of measures. Therefore, our approach goes beyond the well-studied cases involving ambiguity sets of balls around some reference measure with the distance to reference measure being measured with respect to the Wasserstein distance or the Kullback--Leibler divergence. Hence, our approach allows the applicant to create ambiguity sets better tailored to her needs and to solve the associated robust Markov decision problem via a $Q$-learning algorithm whose convergence is guaranteed by our main result. Moreover, we showcase in several numerical experiments the tractability of our approach.

cross Variational Partial Group Convolutions for Input-Aware Partial Equivariance of Rotations and Color-Shifts

Authors: Hyunsu Kim, Yegon Kim, Hongseok Yang, Juho Lee

Abstract: Group Equivariant CNNs (G-CNNs) have shown promising efficacy in various tasks, owing to their ability to capture hierarchical features in an equivariant manner. However, their equivariance is fixed to the symmetry of the whole group, limiting adaptability to diverse partial symmetries in real-world datasets, such as limited rotation symmetry of handwritten digit images and limited color-shift symmetry of flower images. Recent efforts address this limitation, one example being Partial G-CNN which restricts the output group space of convolution layers to break full equivariance. However, such an approach still fails to adjust equivariance levels across data. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, Variational Partial G-CNN (VP G-CNN), to capture varying levels of partial equivariance specific to each data instance. VP G-CNN redesigns the distribution of the output group elements to be conditioned on input data, leveraging variational inference to avoid overfitting. This enables the model to adjust its equivariance levels according to the needs of individual data points. Additionally, we address training instability inherent in discrete group equivariance models by redesigning the reparametrizable distribution. We demonstrate the effectiveness of VP G-CNN on both toy and real-world datasets, including MNIST67-180, CIFAR10, ColorMNIST, and Flowers102. Our results show robust performance, even in uncertainty metrics.

cross BiosERC: Integrating Biography Speakers Supported by LLMs for ERC Tasks

Authors: Jieying Xue, Minh Phuong Nguyen, Blake Matheny, Le Minh Nguyen

Abstract: In the Emotion Recognition in Conversation task, recent investigations have utilized attention mechanisms exploring relationships among utterances from intra- and inter-speakers for modeling emotional interaction between them. However, attributes such as speaker personality traits remain unexplored and present challenges in terms of their applicability to other tasks or compatibility with diverse model architectures. Therefore, this work introduces a novel framework named BiosERC, which investigates speaker characteristics in a conversation. By employing Large Language Models (LLMs), we extract the "biographical information" of the speaker within a conversation as supplementary knowledge injected into the model to classify emotional labels for each utterance. Our proposed method achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on three famous benchmark datasets: IEMOCAP, MELD, and EmoryNLP, demonstrating the effectiveness and generalization of our model and showcasing its potential for adaptation to various conversation analysis tasks. Our source code is available at


cross We Need Variations in Speech Synthesis: Sub-center Modelling for Speaker Embeddings

Authors: Ismail Rasim Ulgen, Carlos Busso, John H. L. Hansen, Berrak Sisman

Abstract: In speech synthesis, modeling of rich emotions and prosodic variations present in human voice are crucial to synthesize natural speech. Although speaker embeddings have been widely used in personalized speech synthesis as conditioning inputs, they are designed to lose variation to optimize speaker recognition accuracy. Thus, they are suboptimal for speech synthesis in terms of modeling the rich variations at the output speech distribution. In this work, we propose a novel speaker embedding network which utilizes multiple class centers in the speaker classification training rather than a single class center as traditional embeddings. The proposed approach introduces variations in the speaker embedding while retaining the speaker recognition performance since model does not have to map all of the utterances of a speaker into a single class center. We apply our proposed embedding in voice conversion task and show that our method provides better naturalness and prosody in synthesized speech.

cross Jailbreak Attacks and Defenses Against Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Sibo Yi, Yule Liu, Zhen Sun, Tianshuo Cong, Xinlei He, Jiaxing Song, Ke Xu, Qi Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have performed exceptionally in various text-generative tasks, including question answering, translation, code completion, etc. However, the over-assistance of LLMs has raised the challenge of "jailbreaking", which induces the model to generate malicious responses against the usage policy and society by designing adversarial prompts. With the emergence of jailbreak attack methods exploiting different vulnerabilities in LLMs, the corresponding safety alignment measures are also evolving. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive and detailed taxonomy of jailbreak attack and defense methods. For instance, the attack methods are divided into black-box and white-box attacks based on the transparency of the target model. Meanwhile, we classify defense methods into prompt-level and model-level defenses. Additionally, we further subdivide these attack and defense methods into distinct sub-classes and present a coherent diagram illustrating their relationships. We also conduct an investigation into the current evaluation methods and compare them from different perspectives. Our findings aim to inspire future research and practical implementations in safeguarding LLMs against adversarial attacks. Above all, although jailbreak remains a significant concern within the community, we believe that our work enhances the understanding of this domain and provides a foundation for developing more secure LLMs.

cross Crafting Large Language Models for Enhanced Interpretability

Authors: Chung-En Sun, Tuomas Oikarinen, Tsui-Wei Weng

Abstract: We introduce the Concept Bottleneck Large Language Model (CB-LLM), a pioneering approach to creating inherently interpretable Large Language Models (LLMs). Unlike traditional black-box LLMs that rely on post-hoc interpretation methods with limited neuron function insights, CB-LLM sets a new standard with its built-in interpretability, scalability, and ability to provide clear, accurate explanations. This innovation not only advances transparency in language models but also enhances their effectiveness. Our unique Automatic Concept Correction (ACC) strategy successfully narrows the performance gap with conventional black-box LLMs, positioning CB-LLM as a model that combines the high accuracy of traditional LLMs with the added benefit of clear interpretability -- a feature markedly absent in existing LLMs.

cross SSP-GNN: Learning to Track via Bilevel Optimization

Authors: Griffin Golias, Masa Nakura-Fan, Vitaly Ablavsky

Abstract: We propose a graph-based tracking formulation for multi-object tracking (MOT) where target detections contain kinematic information and re-identification features (attributes). Our method applies a successive shortest paths (SSP) algorithm to a tracking graph defined over a batch of frames. The edge costs in this tracking graph are computed via a message-passing network, a graph neural network (GNN) variant. The parameters of the GNN, and hence, the tracker, are learned end-to-end on a training set of example ground-truth tracks and detections. Specifically, learning takes the form of bilevel optimization guided by our novel loss function. We evaluate our algorithm on simulated scenarios to understand its sensitivity to scenario aspects and model hyperparameters. Across varied scenario complexities, our method compares favorably to a strong baseline.

cross EAGERx: Graph-Based Framework for Sim2real Robot Learning

Authors: Bas van der Heijden, Jelle Luijkx, Laura Ferranti, Jens Kober, Robert Babuska

Abstract: Sim2real, that is, the transfer of learned control policies from simulation to real world, is an area of growing interest in robotics due to its potential to efficiently handle complex tasks. The sim2real approach faces challenges due to mismatches between simulation and reality. These discrepancies arise from inaccuracies in modeling physical phenomena and asynchronous control, among other factors. To this end, we introduce EAGERx, a framework with a unified software pipeline for both real and simulated robot learning. It can support various simulators and aids in integrating state, action and time-scale abstractions to facilitate learning. EAGERx's integrated delay simulation, domain randomization features, and proposed synchronization algorithm contribute to narrowing the sim2real gap. We demonstrate (in the context of robot learning and beyond) the efficacy of EAGERx in accommodating diverse robotic systems and maintaining consistent simulation behavior. EAGERx is open source and its code is available at


cross Learning Geometric Invariant Features for Classification of Vector Polygons with Graph Message-passing Neural Network

Authors: Zexian Huang, Kourosh Khoshelham, Martin Tomko

Abstract: Geometric shape classification of vector polygons remains a non-trivial learning task in spatial analysis. Previous studies mainly focus on devising deep learning approaches for representation learning of rasterized vector polygons, whereas the study of discrete representations of polygons and subsequent deep learning approaches have not been fully investigated. In this study, we investigate a graph representation of vector polygons and propose a novel graph message-passing neural network (PolyMP) to learn the geometric-invariant features for shape classification of polygons. Through extensive experiments, we show that the graph representation of polygons combined with a permutation-invariant graph message-passing neural network achieves highly robust performances on benchmark datasets (i.e., synthetic glyph and real-world building footprint datasets) as compared to baseline methods. We demonstrate that the proposed graph-based PolyMP network enables the learning of expressive geometric features invariant to geometric transformations of polygons (i.e., translation, rotation, scaling and shearing) and is robust to trivial vertex removals of polygons. We further show the strong generalizability of PolyMP, which enables generalizing the learned geometric features from the synthetic glyph polygons to the real-world building footprints.

cross Enhancing Safety for Autonomous Agents in Partly Concealed Urban Traffic Environments Through Representation-Based Shielding

Authors: Pierre Haritz, David Wanke, Thomas Liebig

Abstract: Navigating unsignalized intersections in urban environments poses a complex challenge for self-driving vehicles, where issues such as view obstructions, unpredictable pedestrian crossings, and diverse traffic participants demand a great focus on crash prevention. In this paper, we propose a novel state representation for Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents centered around the information perceivable by an autonomous agent, enabling the safe navigation of previously uncharted road maps. Our approach surpasses several baseline models by a sig nificant margin in terms of safety and energy consumption metrics. These improvements are achieved while maintaining a competitive average travel speed. Our findings pave the way for more robust and reliable autonomous navigation strategies, promising safer and more efficient urban traffic environments.

cross UpStory: the Uppsala Storytelling dataset

Authors: Marc Fraile, Natalia Calvo-Barajas, Anastasia Sophia Apeiron, Giovanna Varni, Joakim Lindblad, Nata\v{s}a Sladoje, Ginevra Castellano

Abstract: Friendship and rapport play an important role in the formation of constructive social interactions, and have been widely studied in educational settings due to their impact on student outcomes. Given the growing interest in automating the analysis of such phenomena through Machine Learning (ML), access to annotated interaction datasets is highly valuable. However, no dataset on dyadic child-child interactions explicitly capturing rapport currently exists. Moreover, despite advances in the automatic analysis of human behaviour, no previous work has addressed the prediction of rapport in child-child dyadic interactions in educational settings. We present UpStory -- the Uppsala Storytelling dataset: a novel dataset of naturalistic dyadic interactions between primary school aged children, with an experimental manipulation of rapport. Pairs of children aged 8-10 participate in a task-oriented activity: designing a story together, while being allowed free movement within the play area. We promote balanced collection of different levels of rapport by using a within-subjects design: self-reported friendships are used to pair each child twice, either minimizing or maximizing pair separation in the friendship network. The dataset contains data for 35 pairs, totalling 3h 40m of audio and video recordings. It includes two video sources covering the play area, as well as separate voice recordings for each child. An anonymized version of the dataset is made publicly available, containing per-frame head pose, body pose, and face features; as well as per-pair information, including the level of rapport. Finally, we provide ML baselines for the prediction of rapport.

cross An Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Method with Non-negative Gauss-Newton Stepsizes

Authors: Antonio Orvieto, Lin Xiao

Abstract: We consider the problem of minimizing the average of a large number of smooth but possibly non-convex functions. In the context of most machine learning applications, each loss function is non-negative and thus can be expressed as the composition of a square and its real-valued square root. This reformulation allows us to apply the Gauss-Newton method, or the Levenberg-Marquardt method when adding a quadratic regularization. The resulting algorithm, while being computationally as efficient as the vanilla stochastic gradient method, is highly adaptive and can automatically warmup and decay the effective stepsize while tracking the non-negative loss landscape. We provide a tight convergence analysis, leveraging new techniques, in the stochastic convex and non-convex settings. In particular, in the convex case, the method does not require access to the gradient Lipshitz constant for convergence, and is guaranteed to never diverge. The convergence rates and empirical evaluations compare favorably to the classical (stochastic) gradient method as well as to several other adaptive methods.

cross Function Smoothing Regularization for Precision Factorization Machine Annealing in Continuous Variable Optimization Problems

Authors: Katsuhiro Endo, Kazuaki Z. Takahashi

Abstract: Solving continuous variable optimization problems by factorization machine quantum annealing (FMQA) demonstrates the potential of Ising machines to be extended as a solver for integer and real optimization problems. However, the details of the Hamiltonian function surface obtained by factorization machine (FM) have been overlooked. This study shows that in the widely common case where real numbers are represented by a combination of binary variables, the function surface of the Hamiltonian obtained by FM can be very noisy. This noise interferes with the inherent capabilities of quantum annealing and is likely to be a substantial cause of problems previously considered unsolvable due to the limitations of FMQA performance. The origin of the noise is identified and a simple, general method is proposed to prevent its occurrence. The generalization performance of the proposed method and its ability to solve practical problems is demonstrated.

cross Hard-Attention Gates with Gradient Routing for Endoscopic Image Computing

Authors: Giorgio Roffo, Carlo Biffi, Pietro Salvagnini, Andrea Cherubini

Abstract: To address overfitting and enhance model generalization in gastroenterological polyp size assessment, our study introduces Feature-Selection Gates (FSG) or Hard-Attention Gates (HAG) alongside Gradient Routing (GR) for dynamic feature selection. This technique aims to boost Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) by promoting sparse connectivity, thereby reducing overfitting and enhancing generalization. HAG achieves this through sparsification with learnable weights, serving as a regularization strategy. GR further refines this process by optimizing HAG parameters via dual forward passes, independently from the main model, to improve feature re-weighting. Our evaluation spanned multiple datasets, including CIFAR-100 for a broad impact assessment and specialized endoscopic datasets (REAL-Colon, Misawa, and SUN) focusing on polyp size estimation, covering over 200 polyps in more than 370,000 frames. The findings indicate that our HAG-enhanced networks substantially enhance performance in both binary and triclass classification tasks related to polyp sizing. Specifically, CNNs experienced an F1 Score improvement to 87.8% in binary classification, while in triclass classification, the ViT-T model reached an F1 Score of 76.5%, outperforming traditional CNNs and ViT-T models. To facilitate further research, we are releasing our codebase, which includes implementations for CNNs, multistream CNNs, ViT, and HAG-augmented variants. This resource aims to standardize the use of endoscopic datasets, providing public training-validation-testing splits for reliable and comparable research in gastroenterological polyp size estimation. The codebase is available at

cross Enabling On-Device LLMs Personalization with Smartphone Sensing

Authors: Shiquan Zhang, Ying Ma, Le Fang, Hong Jia, Simon D'Alfonso, Vassilis Kostakos

Abstract: This demo presents a novel end-to-end framework that combines on-device large language models (LLMs) with smartphone sensing technologies to achieve context-aware and personalized services. The framework addresses critical limitations of current personalization solutions via cloud-based LLMs, such as privacy concerns, latency and cost, and limited personal sensor data. To achieve this, we innovatively proposed deploying LLMs on smartphones with multimodal sensor data and customized prompt engineering, ensuring privacy and enhancing personalization performance through context-aware sensing. A case study involving a university student demonstrated the proposed framework's capability to provide tailored recommendations. In addition, we show that the proposed framework achieves the best trade-off in privacy, performance, latency, cost, battery and energy consumption between on-device and cloud LLMs. Future work aims to integrate more diverse sensor data and conduct large-scale user studies to further refine the personalization. We envision the proposed framework could significantly improve user experiences in various domains such as healthcare, productivity, and entertainment by providing secure, context-aware, and efficient interactions directly on users' devices.

cross Multi-modal Masked Siamese Network Improves Chest X-Ray Representation Learning

Authors: Saeed Shurrab, Alejandro Guerra-Manzanares, Farah E. Shamout

Abstract: Self-supervised learning methods for medical images primarily rely on the imaging modality during pretraining. While such approaches deliver promising results, they do not leverage associated patient or scan information collected within Electronic Health Records (EHR). Here, we propose to incorporate EHR data during self-supervised pretraining with a Masked Siamese Network (MSN) to enhance the quality of chest X-ray representations. We investigate three types of EHR data, including demographic, scan metadata, and inpatient stay information. We evaluate our approach on three publicly available chest X-ray datasets, MIMIC-CXR, CheXpert, and NIH-14, using two vision transformer (ViT) backbones, specifically ViT-Tiny and ViT-Small. In assessing the quality of the representations via linear evaluation, our proposed method demonstrates significant improvement compared to vanilla MSN and state-of-the-art self-supervised learning baselines. Our work highlights the potential of EHR-enhanced self-supervised pre-training for medical imaging. The code is publicly available at:


cross EventChat: Implementation and user-centric evaluation of a large language model-driven conversational recommender system for exploring leisure events in an SME context

Authors: Hannes Kunstmann, Joseph Ollier, Joel Persson, Florian von Wangenheim

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) present an enormous evolution in the strategic potential of conversational recommender systems (CRS). Yet to date, research has predominantly focused upon technical frameworks to implement LLM-driven CRS, rather than end-user evaluations or strategic implications for firms, particularly from the perspective of a small to medium enterprises (SME) that makeup the bedrock of the global economy. In the current paper, we detail the design of an LLM-driven CRS in an SME setting, and its subsequent performance in the field using both objective system metrics and subjective user evaluations. While doing so, we additionally outline a short-form revised ResQue model for evaluating LLM-driven CRS, enabling replicability in a rapidly evolving field. Our results reveal good system performance from a user experience perspective (85.5% recommendation accuracy) but underscore latency, cost, and quality issues challenging business viability. Notably, with a median cost of $0.04 per interaction and a latency of 5.7s, cost-effectiveness and response time emerge as crucial areas for achieving a more user-friendly and economically viable LLM-driven CRS for SME settings. One major driver of these costs is the use of an advanced LLM as a ranker within the retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technique. Our results additionally indicate that relying solely on approaches such as Prompt-based learning with ChatGPT as the underlying LLM makes it challenging to achieve satisfying quality in a production environment. Strategic considerations for SMEs deploying an LLM-driven CRS are outlined, particularly considering trade-offs in the current technical landscape.

cross Rethinking Data Input for Point Cloud Upsampling

Authors: Tongxu Zhang

Abstract: In recent years, point cloud upsampling has been widely applied in fields such as 3D reconstruction and surface generation. However, existing point cloud upsampling inputs are all patch based, and there is no research discussing the differences and principles between point cloud model full input and patch based input. In order to compare with patch based point cloud input, this article proposes a new data input method, which divides the full point cloud model to ensure shape integrity while training PU-GCN. This article was validated on the PU1K and ABC datasets, but the results showed that Patch based performance is better than model based full input i.e. Average Segment input. Therefore, this article explores the data input factors and model modules that affect the upsampling results of point clouds.

cross Leveraging Graph Structures to Detect Hallucinations in Large Language Models

Authors: Noa Nonkes, Sergei Agaronian, Evangelos Kanoulas, Roxana Petcu

Abstract: Large language models are extensively applied across a wide range of tasks, such as customer support, content creation, educational tutoring, and providing financial guidance. However, a well-known drawback is their predisposition to generate hallucinations. This damages the trustworthiness of the information these models provide, impacting decision-making and user confidence. We propose a method to detect hallucinations by looking at the structure of the latent space and finding associations within hallucinated and non-hallucinated generations. We create a graph structure that connects generations that lie closely in the embedding space. Moreover, we employ a Graph Attention Network which utilizes message passing to aggregate information from neighboring nodes and assigns varying degrees of importance to each neighbor based on their relevance. Our findings show that 1) there exists a structure in the latent space that differentiates between hallucinated and non-hallucinated generations, 2) Graph Attention Networks can learn this structure and generalize it to unseen generations, and 3) the robustness of our method is enhanced when incorporating contrastive learning. When evaluated against evidence-based benchmarks, our model performs similarly without access to search-based methods.

cross Speed-accuracy trade-off for the diffusion models: Wisdom from nonequlibrium thermodynamics and optimal transport

Authors: Kotaro Ikeda, Tomoya Uda, Daisuke Okanohara, Sosuke Ito

Abstract: We discuss a connection between a generative model, called the diffusion model, and nonequilibrium thermodynamics for the Fokker-Planck equation, called stochastic thermodynamics. Based on the techniques of stochastic thermodynamics, we derive the speed-accuracy trade-off for the diffusion models, which is a trade-off relationship between the speed and accuracy of data generation in diffusion models. Our result implies that the entropy production rate in the forward process affects the errors in data generation. From a stochastic thermodynamic perspective, our results provide quantitative insight into how best to generate data in diffusion models. The optimal learning protocol is introduced by the conservative force in stochastic thermodynamics and the geodesic of space by the 2-Wasserstein distance in optimal transport theory. We numerically illustrate the validity of the speed-accuracy trade-off for the diffusion models with different noise schedules such as the cosine schedule, the conditional optimal transport, and the optimal transport.

cross Few-Shot Airway-Tree Modeling using Data-Driven Sparse Priors

Authors: Ali Keshavarzi, Elsa Angelini

Abstract: The lack of large annotated datasets in medical imaging is an intrinsic burden for supervised Deep Learning (DL) segmentation models. Few-shot learning approaches are cost-effective solutions to transfer pre-trained models using only limited annotated data. However, such methods can be prone to overfitting due to limited data diversity especially when segmenting complex, diverse, and sparse tubular structures like airways. Furthermore, crafting informative image representations has played a crucial role in medical imaging, enabling discriminative enhancement of anatomical details. In this paper, we initially train a data-driven sparsification module to enhance airways efficiently in lung CT scans. We then incorporate these sparse representations in a standard supervised segmentation pipeline as a pretraining step to enhance the performance of the DL models. Results presented on the ATM public challenge cohort show the effectiveness of using sparse priors in pre-training, leading to segmentation Dice score increase by 1% to 10% in full-scale and few-shot learning scenarios, respectively.

cross LayerShuffle: Enhancing Robustness in Vision Transformers by Randomizing Layer Execution Order

Authors: Matthias Freiberger, Peter Kun, Anders Sundnes L{\o}vlie, Sebastian Risi

Abstract: Due to their architecture and how they are trained, artificial neural networks are typically not robust toward pruning, replacing, or shuffling layers at test time. However, such properties would be desirable for different applications, such as distributed neural network architectures where the order of execution cannot be guaranteed or parts of the network can fail during inference. In this work, we address these issues through a number of proposed training approaches for vision transformers whose most important component is randomizing the execution order of attention modules at training time. We show that with our proposed approaches, vision transformers are indeed capable to adapt to arbitrary layer execution orders at test time assuming one tolerates a reduction (about 20\%) in accuracy at the same model size. We also find that our trained models can be randomly merged with each other resulting in functional ("Frankenstein") models without loss of performance compared to the source models. Finally, we layer-prune our models at test time and find that their performance declines gracefully.

cross Unified continuous-time q-learning for mean-field game and mean-field control problems

Authors: Xiaoli Wei, Xiang Yu, Fengyi Yuan

Abstract: This paper studies the continuous-time q-learning in the mean-field jump-diffusion models from the representative agent's perspective. To overcome the challenge when the population distribution may not be directly observable, we introduce the integrated q-function in decoupled form (decoupled Iq-function) and establish its martingale characterization together with the value function, which provides a unified policy evaluation rule for both mean-field game (MFG) and mean-field control (MFC) problems. Moreover, depending on the task to solve the MFG or MFC problem, we can employ the decoupled Iq-function by different means to learn the mean-field equilibrium policy or the mean-field optimal policy respectively. As a result, we devise a unified q-learning algorithm for both MFG and MFC problems by utilizing all test policies stemming from the mean-field interactions. For several examples in the jump-diffusion setting, within and beyond the LQ framework, we can obtain the exact parameterization of the decoupled Iq-functions and the value functions, and illustrate our algorithm from the representative agent's perspective with satisfactory performance.

cross Enhancing learning in artificial neural networks through cellular heterogeneity and neuromodulatory signaling

Authors: Alejandro Rodriguez-Garcia, Jie Mei, Srikanth Ramaswamy

Abstract: Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has been driven by insights from neuroscience, particularly with the development of artificial neural networks (ANNs). This has significantly enhanced the replication of complex cognitive tasks such as vision and natural language processing. Despite these advances, ANNs struggle with continual learning, adaptable knowledge transfer, robustness, and resource efficiency - capabilities that biological systems handle seamlessly. Specifically, ANNs often overlook the functional and morphological diversity of the brain, hindering their computational capabilities. Furthermore, incorporating cell-type specific neuromodulatory effects into ANNs with neuronal heterogeneity could enable learning at two spatial scales: spiking behavior at the neuronal level, and synaptic plasticity at the circuit level, thereby potentially enhancing their learning abilities. In this article, we summarize recent bio-inspired models, learning rules and architectures and propose a biologically-informed framework for enhancing ANNs. Our proposed dual-framework approach highlights the potential of spiking neural networks (SNNs) for emulating diverse spiking behaviors and dendritic compartments to simulate morphological and functional diversity of neuronal computations. Finally, we outline how the proposed approach integrates brain-inspired compartmental models and task-driven SNNs, balances bioinspiration and complexity, and provides scalable solutions for pressing AI challenges, such as continual learning, adaptability, robustness, and resource-efficiency.

cross GPT vs RETRO: Exploring the Intersection of Retrieval and Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning

Authors: Aleksander Ficek, Jiaqi Zeng, Oleksii Kuchaiev

Abstract: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) have become popular methods for adapting large language models while minimizing compute requirements. In this paper, we apply PEFT methods (P-tuning, Adapters, and LoRA) to a modified Retrieval-Enhanced Transformer (RETRO) and a baseline GPT model across several sizes, ranging from 823 million to 48 billion parameters. We show that RETRO models outperform GPT models in zero-shot settings due to their unique pre-training process but GPT models have higher performance potential with PEFT. Additionally, our study indicates that 8B parameter models strike an optimal balance between cost and performance and P-tuning lags behind other PEFT techniques. We further provide a comparative analysis of between applying PEFT to an Instruction-tuned RETRO model and base RETRO model. This work presents the first comprehensive comparison of various PEFT methods integrated with RAG, applied to both GPT and RETRO models, highlighting their relative performance.

cross PDiscoFormer: Relaxing Part Discovery Constraints with Vision Transformers

Authors: Ananthu Aniraj, Cassio F. Dantas, Dino Ienco, Diego Marcos

Abstract: Computer vision methods that explicitly detect object parts and reason on them are a step towards inherently interpretable models. Existing approaches that perform part discovery driven by a fine-grained classification task make very restrictive assumptions on the geometric properties of the discovered parts; they should be small and compact. Although this prior is useful in some cases, in this paper we show that pre-trained transformer-based vision models, such as self-supervised DINOv2 ViT, enable the relaxation of these constraints. In particular, we find that a total variation (TV) prior, which allows for multiple connected components of any size, substantially outperforms previous work. We test our approach on three fine-grained classification benchmarks: CUB, PartImageNet and Oxford Flowers, and compare our results to previously published methods as well as a re-implementation of the state-of-the-art method PDiscoNet with a transformer-based backbone. We consistently obtain substantial improvements across the board, both on part discovery metrics and the downstream classification task, showing that the strong inductive biases in self-supervised ViT models require to rethink the geometric priors that can be used for unsupervised part discovery.

cross Improved algorithms for learning quantum Hamiltonians, via flat polynomials

Authors: Shyam Narayanan

Abstract: We give an improved algorithm for learning a quantum Hamiltonian given copies of its Gibbs state, that can succeed at any temperature. Specifically, we improve over the work of Bakshi, Liu, Moitra, and Tang [BLMT24], by reducing the sample complexity and runtime dependence to singly exponential in the inverse-temperature parameter, as opposed to doubly exponential. Our main technical contribution is a new flat polynomial approximation to the exponential function, with significantly lower degree than the flat polynomial approximation used in [BLMT24].

cross PoPreRo: A New Dataset for Popularity Prediction of Romanian Reddit Posts

Authors: Ana-Cristina Rogoz, Maria Ilinca Nechita, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: We introduce PoPreRo, the first dataset for Popularity Prediction of Romanian posts collected from Reddit. The PoPreRo dataset includes a varied compilation of post samples from five distinct subreddits of Romania, totaling 28,107 data samples. Along with our novel dataset, we introduce a set of competitive models to be used as baselines for future research. Interestingly, the top-scoring model achieves an accuracy of 61.35% and a macro F1 score of 60.60% on the test set, indicating that the popularity prediction task on PoPreRo is very challenging. Further investigations based on few-shot prompting the Falcon-7B Large Language Model also point in the same direction. We thus believe that PoPreRo is a valuable resource that can be used to evaluate models on predicting the popularity of social media posts in Romanian. We release our dataset at


cross Rethinking Image Compression on the Web with Generative AI

Authors: Shayan Ali Hassan, Danish Humair, Ihsan Ayyub Qazi, Zafar Ayyub Qazi

Abstract: The rapid growth of the Internet, driven by social media, web browsing, and video streaming, has made images central to the Web experience, resulting in significant data transfer and increased webpage sizes. Traditional image compression methods, while reducing bandwidth, often degrade image quality. This paper explores a novel approach using generative AI to reconstruct images at the edge or client-side. We develop a framework that leverages text prompts and provides additional conditioning inputs like Canny edges and color palettes to a text-to-image model, achieving up to 99.8% bandwidth savings in the best cases and 92.6% on average, while maintaining high perceptual similarity. Empirical analysis and a user study show that our method preserves image meaning and structure more effectively than traditional compression methods, offering a promising solution for reducing bandwidth usage and improving Internet affordability with minimal degradation in image quality.

cross Real-time Timbre Remapping with Differentiable DSP

Authors: Jordie Shier, Charalampos Saitis, Andrew Robertson, Andrew McPherson

Abstract: Timbre is a primary mode of expression in diverse musical contexts. However, prevalent audio-driven synthesis methods predominantly rely on pitch and loudness envelopes, effectively flattening timbral expression from the input. Our approach draws on the concept of timbre analogies and investigates how timbral expression from an input signal can be mapped onto controls for a synthesizer. Leveraging differentiable digital signal processing, our method facilitates direct optimization of synthesizer parameters through a novel feature difference loss. This loss function, designed to learn relative timbral differences between musical events, prioritizes the subtleties of graded timbre modulations within phrases, allowing for meaningful translations in a timbre space. Using snare drum performances as a case study, where timbral expression is central, we demonstrate real-time timbre remapping from acoustic snare drums to a differentiable synthesizer modeled after the Roland TR-808.

cross An AI Architecture with the Capability to Classify and Explain Hardware Trojans

Authors: Paul Whitten, Francis Wolff, Chris Papachristou

Abstract: Hardware trojan detection methods, based on machine learning (ML) techniques, mainly identify suspected circuits but lack the ability to explain how the decision was arrived at. An explainable methodology and architecture is introduced based on the existing hardware trojan detection features. Results are provided for explaining digital hardware trojans within a netlist using trust-hub trojan benchmarks.

cross Structural Constraint Integration in Generative Model for Discovery of Quantum Material Candidates

Authors: Ryotaro Okabe, Mouyang Cheng, Abhijatmedhi Chotrattanapituk, Nguyen Tuan Hung, Xiang Fu, Bowen Han, Yao Wang, Weiwei Xie, Robert J. Cava, Tommi S. Jaakkola, Yongqiang Cheng, Mingda Li

Abstract: Billions of organic molecules are known, but only a tiny fraction of the functional inorganic materials have been discovered, a particularly relevant problem to the community searching for new quantum materials. Recent advancements in machine-learning-based generative models, particularly diffusion models, show great promise for generating new, stable materials. However, integrating geometric patterns into materials generation remains a challenge. Here, we introduce Structural Constraint Integration in the GENerative model (SCIGEN). Our approach can modify any trained generative diffusion model by strategic masking of the denoised structure with a diffused constrained structure prior to each diffusion step to steer the generation toward constrained outputs. Furthermore, we mathematically prove that SCIGEN effectively performs conditional sampling from the original distribution, which is crucial for generating stable constrained materials. We generate eight million compounds using Archimedean lattices as prototype constraints, with over 10% surviving a multi-staged stability pre-screening. High-throughput density functional theory (DFT) on 26,000 survived compounds shows that over 50% passed structural optimization at the DFT level. Since the properties of quantum materials are closely related to geometric patterns, our results indicate that SCIGEN provides a general framework for generating quantum materials candidates.

cross Not (yet) the whole story: Evaluating Visual Storytelling Requires More than Measuring Coherence, Grounding, and Repetition

Authors: Aditya K Surikuchi, Raquel Fern\'andez, Sandro Pezzelle

Abstract: Visual storytelling consists in generating a natural language story given a temporally ordered sequence of images. This task is not only challenging for models, but also very difficult to evaluate with automatic metrics since there is no consensus about what makes a story 'good'. In this paper, we introduce a novel method that measures story quality in terms of human likeness regarding three key aspects highlighted in previous work: visual grounding, coherence, and repetitiveness. We then use this method to evaluate the stories generated by several models, showing that the foundation model LLaVA obtains the best result, but only slightly so compared to TAPM, a 50-times smaller visual storytelling model. Upgrading the visual and language components of TAPM results in a model that yields competitive performance with a relatively low number of parameters. Finally, we carry out a human evaluation study, whose results suggest that a 'good' story may require more than a human-like level of visual grounding, coherence, and repetition.

cross Linear causal disentanglement via higher-order cumulants

Authors: Paula Leyes Carreno, Chiara Meroni, Anna Seigal

Abstract: Linear causal disentanglement is a recent method in causal representation learning to describe a collection of observed variables via latent variables with causal dependencies between them. It can be viewed as a generalization of both independent component analysis and linear structural equation models. We study the identifiability of linear causal disentanglement, assuming access to data under multiple contexts, each given by an intervention on a latent variable. We show that one perfect intervention on each latent variable is sufficient and in the worst case necessary to recover parameters under perfect interventions, generalizing previous work to allow more latent than observed variables. We give a constructive proof that computes parameters via a coupled tensor decomposition. For soft interventions, we find the equivalence class of latent graphs and parameters that are consistent with observed data, via the study of a system of polynomial equations. Our results hold assuming the existence of non-zero higher-order cumulants, which implies non-Gaussianity of variables.

cross Isomorphic Pruning for Vision Models

Authors: Gongfan Fang, Xinyin Ma, Michael Bi Mi, Xinchao Wang

Abstract: Structured pruning reduces the computational overhead of deep neural networks by removing redundant sub-structures. However, assessing the relative importance of different sub-structures remains a significant challenge, particularly in advanced vision models featuring novel mechanisms and architectures like self-attention, depth-wise convolutions, or residual connections. These heterogeneous substructures usually exhibit diverged parameter scales, weight distributions, and computational topology, introducing considerable difficulty to importance comparison. To overcome this, we present Isomorphic Pruning, a simple approach that demonstrates effectiveness across a range of network architectures such as Vision Transformers and CNNs, and delivers competitive performance across different model sizes. Isomorphic Pruning originates from an observation that, when evaluated under a pre-defined importance criterion, heterogeneous sub-structures demonstrate significant divergence in their importance distribution, as opposed to isomorphic structures that present similar importance patterns. This inspires us to perform isolated ranking and comparison on different types of sub-structures for more reliable pruning. Our empirical results on ImageNet-1K demonstrate that Isomorphic Pruning surpasses several pruning baselines dedicatedly designed for Transformers or CNNs. For instance, we improve the accuracy of DeiT-Tiny from 74.52% to 77.50% by pruning an off-the-shelf DeiT-Base model. And for ConvNext-Tiny, we enhanced performance from 82.06% to 82.18%, while reducing the number of parameters and memory usage. Code is available at \url{}.


cross An autoencoder for compressing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data

Authors: Steinn Ymir Agustsson, Mohammad Ahsanul Haque, Thi Tam Truong, Marco Bianchi, Nikita Klyuchnikov, Davide Mottin, Panagiotis Karras, Philip Hofmann

Abstract: Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is a powerful experimental technique to determine the electronic structure of solids. Advances in light sources for ARPES experiments are currently leading to a vast increase of data acquisition rates and data quantity. On the other hand, access time to the most advanced ARPES instruments remains strictly limited, calling for fast, effective, and on-the-fly data analysis tools to exploit this time. In response to this need, we introduce ARPESNet, a versatile autoencoder network that efficiently summmarises and compresses ARPES datasets. We train ARPESNet on a large and varied dataset of 2-dimensional ARPES data extracted by cutting standard 3-dimensional ARPES datasets along random directions in $\mathbf{k}$. To test the data representation capacity of ARPESNet, we compare $k$-means clustering quality between data compressed by ARPESNet, data compressed by discrete cosine transform, and raw data, at different noise levels. ARPESNet data excels in clustering quality despite its high compression ratio.

cross Lazarus: Resilient and Elastic Training of Mixture-of-Experts Models with Adaptive Expert Placement

Authors: Yongji Wu, Wenjie Qu, Tianyang Tao, Zhuang Wang, Wei Bai, Zhuohao Li, Yuan Tian, Jiaheng Zhang, Matthew Lentz, Danyang Zhuo

Abstract: Sparsely-activated Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architecture has increasingly been adopted to further scale large language models (LLMs) due to its sub-linear scaling for computation costs. However, frequent failures still pose significant challenges as training scales. The cost of even a single failure is significant, as all GPUs need to wait idle until the failure is resolved, potentially losing considerable training progress as training has to restart from checkpoints. Existing solutions for efficient fault-tolerant training either lack elasticity or rely on building resiliency into pipeline parallelism, which cannot be applied to MoE models due to the expert parallelism strategy adopted by the MoE architecture. We present Lazarus, a system for resilient and elastic training of MoE models. Lazarus adaptively allocates expert replicas to address the inherent imbalance in expert workload and speeds-up training, while a provably optimal expert placement algorithm is developed to maximize the probability of recovery upon failures. Through adaptive expert placement and a flexible token dispatcher, Lazarus can also fully utilize all available nodes after failures, leaving no GPU idle. Our evaluation shows that Lazarus outperforms existing MoE training systems by up to 5.7x under frequent node failures and 3.4x on a real spot instance trace.

cross Multitaper mel-spectrograms for keyword spotting

Authors: Douglas Baptista de Souza, Khaled Jamal Bakri, Fernanda Ferreira, Juliana Inacio

Abstract: Keyword spotting (KWS) is one of the speech recognition tasks most sensitive to the quality of the feature representation. However, the research on KWS has traditionally focused on new model topologies, putting little emphasis on other aspects like feature extraction. This paper investigates the use of the multitaper technique to create improved features for KWS. The experimental study is carried out for different test scenarios, windows and parameters, datasets, and neural networks commonly used in embedded KWS applications. Experiment results confirm the advantages of using the proposed improved features.

cross Unsupervised 4D Cardiac Motion Tracking with Spatiotemporal Optical Flow Networks

Authors: Long Teng, Wei Feng, Menglong Zhu, Xinchao Li

Abstract: Cardiac motion tracking from echocardiography can be used to estimate and quantify myocardial motion within a cardiac cycle. It is a cost-efficient and effective approach for assessing myocardial function. However, ultrasound imaging has the inherent characteristics of spatially low resolution and temporally random noise, which leads to difficulties in obtaining reliable annotation. Thus it is difficult to perform supervised learning for motion tracking. In addition, there is no end-to-end unsupervised method currently in the literature. This paper presents a motion tracking method where unsupervised optical flow networks are designed with spatial reconstruction loss and temporal-consistency loss. Our proposed loss functions make use of the pair-wise and temporal correlation to estimate cardiac motion from noisy background. Experiments using a synthetic 4D echocardiography dataset has shown the effectiveness of our approach, and its superiority over existing methods on both accuracy and running speed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work performed that uses unsupervised end-to-end deep learning optical flow network for 4D cardiac motion tracking.

cross The diameter of a stochastic matrix: A new measure for sensitivity analysis in Bayesian networks

Authors: Manuele Leonelli, Jim Q. Smith, Sophia K. Wright

Abstract: Bayesian networks are one of the most widely used classes of probabilistic models for risk management and decision support because of their interpretability and flexibility in including heterogeneous pieces of information. In any applied modelling, it is critical to assess how robust the inferences on certain target variables are to changes in the model. In Bayesian networks, these analyses fall under the umbrella of sensitivity analysis, which is most commonly carried out by quantifying dissimilarities using Kullback-Leibler information measures. In this paper, we argue that robustness methods based instead on the familiar total variation distance provide simple and more valuable bounds on robustness to misspecification, which are both formally justifiable and transparent. We introduce a novel measure of dependence in conditional probability tables called the diameter to derive such bounds. This measure quantifies the strength of dependence between a variable and its parents. We demonstrate how such formal robustness considerations can be embedded in building a Bayesian network.

cross Rethinking Visual Prompting for Multimodal Large Language Models with External Knowledge

Authors: Yuanze Lin, Yunsheng Li, Dongdong Chen, Weijian Xu, Ronald Clark, Philip Torr, Lu Yuan

Abstract: In recent years, multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have made significant strides by training on vast high-quality image-text datasets, enabling them to generally understand images well. However, the inherent difficulty in explicitly conveying fine-grained or spatially dense information in text, such as masks, poses a challenge for MLLMs, limiting their ability to answer questions requiring an understanding of detailed or localized visual elements. Drawing inspiration from the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) concept, this paper proposes a new visual prompt approach to integrate fine-grained external knowledge, gleaned from specialized vision models (e.g., instance segmentation/OCR models), into MLLMs. This is a promising yet underexplored direction for enhancing MLLMs' performance. Our approach diverges from concurrent works, which transform external knowledge into additional text prompts, necessitating the model to indirectly learn the correspondence between visual content and text coordinates. Instead, we propose embedding fine-grained knowledge information directly into a spatial embedding map as a visual prompt. This design can be effortlessly incorporated into various MLLMs, such as LLaVA and Mipha, considerably improving their visual understanding performance. Through rigorous experiments, we demonstrate that our method can enhance MLLM performance across nine benchmarks, amplifying their fine-grained context-aware capabilities.

cross Me, Myself, and AI: The Situational Awareness Dataset (SAD) for LLMs

Authors: Rudolf Laine, Bilal Chughtai, Jan Betley, Kaivalya Hariharan, Jeremy Scheurer, Mikita Balesni, Marius Hobbhahn, Alexander Meinke, Owain Evans

Abstract: AI assistants such as ChatGPT are trained to respond to users by saying, "I am a large language model". This raises questions. Do such models know that they are LLMs and reliably act on this knowledge? Are they aware of their current circumstances, such as being deployed to the public? We refer to a model's knowledge of itself and its circumstances as situational awareness. To quantify situational awareness in LLMs, we introduce a range of behavioral tests, based on question answering and instruction following. These tests form the $\textbf{Situational Awareness Dataset (SAD)}$, a benchmark comprising 7 task categories and over 13,000 questions. The benchmark tests numerous abilities, including the capacity of LLMs to (i) recognize their own generated text, (ii) predict their own behavior, (iii) determine whether a prompt is from internal evaluation or real-world deployment, and (iv) follow instructions that depend on self-knowledge. We evaluate 16 LLMs on SAD, including both base (pretrained) and chat models. While all models perform better than chance, even the highest-scoring model (Claude 3 Opus) is far from a human baseline on certain tasks. We also observe that performance on SAD is only partially predicted by metrics of general knowledge (e.g. MMLU). Chat models, which are finetuned to serve as AI assistants, outperform their corresponding base models on SAD but not on general knowledge tasks. The purpose of SAD is to facilitate scientific understanding of situational awareness in LLMs by breaking it down into quantitative abilities. Situational awareness is important because it enhances a model's capacity for autonomous planning and action. While this has potential benefits for automation, it also introduces novel risks related to AI safety and control. Code and latest results available at .


replace How to Stay Curious while Avoiding Noisy TVs using Aleatoric Uncertainty Estimation

Authors: Augustine N. Mavor-Parker, Kimberly A. Young, Caswell Barry, Lewis D. Griffin

Abstract: Exploration in environments with sparse rewards is difficult for artificial agents. Curiosity driven learning -- using feed-forward prediction errors as intrinsic rewards -- has achieved some success in these scenarios, but fails when faced with action-dependent noise sources. We present aleatoric mapping agents (AMAs), a neuroscience inspired solution modeled on the cholinergic system of the mammalian brain. AMAs aim to explicitly ascertain which dynamics of the environment are unpredictable, regardless of whether those dynamics are induced by the actions of the agent. This is achieved by generating separate forward predictions for the mean and variance of future states and reducing intrinsic rewards for those transitions with high aleatoric variance. We show AMAs are able to effectively circumvent action-dependent stochastic traps that immobilise conventional curiosity driven agents. The code for all experiments presented in this paper is open sourced:


replace Learn one size to infer all: Exploiting translational symmetries in delay-dynamical and spatio-temporal systems using scalable neural networks

Authors: Mirko Goldmann, Claudio R. Mirasso, Ingo Fischer, Miguel C. Soriano

Abstract: We design scalable neural networks adapted to translational symmetries in dynamical systems, capable of inferring untrained high-dimensional dynamics for different system sizes. We train these networks to predict the dynamics of delay-dynamical and spatio-temporal systems for a single size. Then, we drive the networks by their own predictions. We demonstrate that by scaling the size of the trained network, we can predict the complex dynamics for larger or smaller system sizes. Thus, the network learns from a single example and, by exploiting symmetry properties, infers entire bifurcation diagrams.

replace Learning Rate Curriculum

Authors: Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Nicu Sebe

Abstract: Most curriculum learning methods require an approach to sort the data samples by difficulty, which is often cumbersome to perform. In this work, we propose a novel curriculum learning approach termed Learning Rate Curriculum (LeRaC), which leverages the use of a different learning rate for each layer of a neural network to create a data-agnostic curriculum during the initial training epochs. More specifically, LeRaC assigns higher learning rates to neural layers closer to the input, gradually decreasing the learning rates as the layers are placed farther away from the input. The learning rates increase at various paces during the first training iterations, until they all reach the same value. From this point on, the neural model is trained as usual. This creates a model-level curriculum learning strategy that does not require sorting the examples by difficulty and is compatible with any neural network, generating higher performance levels regardless of the architecture. We conduct comprehensive experiments on 12 data sets from the computer vision (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny ImageNet, ImageNet-200, Food-101, UTKFace, PASCAL VOC), language (BoolQ, QNLI, RTE) and audio (ESC-50, CREMA-D) domains, considering various convolutional (ResNet-18, Wide-ResNet-50, DenseNet-121, YOLOv5), recurrent (LSTM) and transformer (CvT, BERT, SepTr) architectures. We compare our approach with the conventional training regime, as well as with Curriculum by Smoothing (CBS), a state-of-the-art data-agnostic curriculum learning approach. Unlike CBS, our performance improvements over the standard training regime are consistent across all data sets and models. Furthermore, we significantly surpass CBS in terms of training time (there is no additional cost over the standard training regime for LeRaC). Our code is freely available at:


replace Policy Gradient Algorithms with Monte Carlo Tree Learning for Non-Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Tetsuro Morimura, Kazuhiro Ota, Kenshi Abe, Peinan Zhang

Abstract: Policy gradient (PG) is a reinforcement learning (RL) approach that optimizes a parameterized policy model for an expected return using gradient ascent. While PG can work well even in non-Markovian environments, it may encounter plateaus or peakiness issues. As another successful RL approach, algorithms based on Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), which include AlphaZero, have obtained groundbreaking results, especially in the game-playing domain. They are also effective when applied to non-Markov decision processes. However, the standard MCTS is a method for decision-time planning, which differs from the online RL setting. In this work, we first introduce Monte Carlo Tree Learning (MCTL), an adaptation of MCTS for online RL setups. We then explore a combined policy approach of PG and MCTL to leverage their strengths. We derive conditions for asymptotic convergence with the results of a two-timescale stochastic approximation and propose an algorithm that satisfies these conditions and converges to a reasonable solution. Our numerical experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

replace Non-Myopic Multifidelity Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Francesco Di Fiore, Laura Mainini

Abstract: Bayesian optimization is a popular framework for the optimization of black box functions. Multifidelity methods allows to accelerate Bayesian optimization by exploiting low-fidelity representations of expensive objective functions. Popular multifidelity Bayesian strategies rely on sampling policies that account for the immediate reward obtained evaluating the objective function at a specific input, precluding greater informative gains that might be obtained looking ahead more steps. This paper proposes a non-myopic multifidelity Bayesian framework to grasp the long-term reward from future steps of the optimization. Our computational strategy comes with a two-step lookahead multifidelity acquisition function that maximizes the cumulative reward obtained measuring the improvement in the solution over two steps ahead. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms a standard multifidelity Bayesian framework on popular benchmark optimization problems.

replace FedCross: Towards Accurate Federated Learning via Multi-Model Cross-Aggregation

Authors: Ming Hu, Peiheng Zhou, Zhihao Yue, Zhiwei Ling, Yihao Huang, Anran Li, Yang Liu, Xiang Lian, Mingsong Chen

Abstract: As a promising distributed machine learning paradigm, Federated Learning (FL) has attracted increasing attention to deal with data silo problems without compromising user privacy. By adopting the classic one-to-multi training scheme (i.e., FedAvg), where the cloud server dispatches one single global model to multiple involved clients, conventional FL methods can achieve collaborative model training without data sharing. However, since only one global model cannot always accommodate all the incompatible convergence directions of local models, existing FL approaches greatly suffer from inferior classification accuracy. To address this issue, we present an efficient FL framework named FedCross, which uses a novel multi-to-multi FL training scheme based on our proposed multi-model cross-aggregation approach. Unlike traditional FL methods, in each round of FL training, FedCross uses multiple middleware models to conduct weighted fusion individually. Since the middleware models used by FedCross can quickly converge into the same flat valley in terms of loss landscapes, the generated global model can achieve a well-generalization. Experimental results on various well-known datasets show that, compared with state-of-the-art FL methods, FedCross can significantly improve FL accuracy within both IID and non-IID scenarios without causing additional communication overhead.

replace Black Box Model Explanations and the Human Interpretability Expectations -- An Analysis in the Context of Homicide Prediction

Authors: Jos\'e Ribeiro, N\'ikolas Carneiro, Ronnie Alves

Abstract: Strategies based on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) have promoted better human interpretability of the results of black box models. This opens up the possibility of questioning whether explanations created by XAI methods meet human expectations. The XAI methods being currently used (Ciu, Dalex, Eli5, Lofo, Shap, and Skater) provide various forms of explanations, including global rankings of relevance of features, which allow for an overview of how the model is explained as a result of its inputs and outputs. These methods provide for an increase in the explainability of the model and a greater interpretability grounded on the context of the problem. Intending to shed light on the explanations generated by XAI methods and their interpretations, this research addresses a real-world classification problem related to homicide prediction, already peer-validated, replicated its proposed black box model and used 6 different XAI methods to generate explanations and 6 different human experts. The results were generated through calculations of correlations, comparative analysis and identification of relationships between all ranks of features produced. It was found that even though it is a model that is difficult to explain, 75\% of the expectations of human experts were met, with approximately 48\% agreement between results from XAI methods and human experts. The results allow for answering questions such as: "Are the Expectation of Interpretation generated among different human experts similar?", "Do the different XAI methods generate similar explanations for the proposed problem?", "Can explanations generated by XAI methods meet human expectation of Interpretations?", and "Can Explanations and Expectations of Interpretation work together?".

replace Distributed Black-box Attack: Do Not Overestimate Black-box Attacks

Authors: Han Wu, Sareh Rowlands, Johan Wahlstrom

Abstract: Black-box adversarial attacks can fool image classifiers into misclassifying images without requiring access to model structure and weights. Recent studies have reported attack success rates of over 95% with less than 1,000 queries. The question then arises of whether black-box attacks have become a real threat against IoT devices that rely on cloud APIs to achieve image classification. To shed some light on this, note that prior research has primarily focused on increasing the success rate and reducing the number of queries. However, another crucial factor for black-box attacks against cloud APIs is the time required to perform the attack. This paper applies black-box attacks directly to cloud APIs rather than to local models, thereby avoiding mistakes made in prior research that applied the perturbation before image encoding and pre-processing. Further, we exploit load balancing to enable distributed black-box attacks that can reduce the attack time by a factor of about five for both local search and gradient estimation methods.

replace Learning to Generate All Feasible Actions

Authors: Mirco Theile, Daniele Bernardini, Raphael Trumpp, Cristina Piazza, Marco Caccamo, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Abstract: Modern cyber-physical systems are becoming increasingly complex to model, thus motivating data-driven techniques such as reinforcement learning (RL) to find appropriate control agents. However, most systems are subject to hard constraints such as safety or operational bounds. Typically, to learn to satisfy these constraints, the agent must violate them systematically, which is computationally prohibitive in most systems. Recent efforts aim to utilize feasibility models that assess whether a proposed action is feasible to avoid applying the agent's infeasible action proposals to the system. However, these efforts focus on guaranteeing constraint satisfaction rather than the agent's learning efficiency. To improve the learning process, we introduce action mapping, a novel approach that divides the learning process into two steps: first learn feasibility and subsequently, the objective by mapping actions into the sets of feasible actions. This paper focuses on the feasibility part by learning to generate all feasible actions through self-supervised querying of the feasibility model. We train the agent by formulating the problem as a distribution matching problem and deriving gradient estimators for different divergences. Through an illustrative example, a robotic path planning scenario, and a robotic grasping simulation, we demonstrate the agent's proficiency in generating actions across disconnected feasible action sets. By addressing the feasibility step, this paper makes it possible to focus future work on the objective part of action mapping, paving the way for an RL framework that is both safe and efficient.

replace Convergence of variational Monte Carlo simulation and scale-invariant pre-training

Authors: Nilin Abrahamsen, Zhiyan Ding, Gil Goldshlager, Lin Lin

Abstract: We provide theoretical convergence bounds for the variational Monte Carlo (VMC) method as applied to optimize neural network wave functions for the electronic structure problem. We study both the energy minimization phase and the supervised pre-training phase that is commonly used prior to energy minimization. For the energy minimization phase, the standard algorithm is scale-invariant by design, and we provide a proof of convergence for this algorithm without modifications. The pre-training stage typically does not feature such scale-invariance. We propose using a scale-invariant loss for the pretraining phase and demonstrate empirically that it leads to faster pre-training.

replace FakET: Simulating Cryo-Electron Tomograms with Neural Style Transfer

Authors: Pavol Harar, Lukas Herrmann, Philipp Grohs, David Haselbach

Abstract: In cryo-electron microscopy, accurate particle localization and classification are imperative. Recent deep learning solutions, though successful, require extensive training data sets. The protracted generation time of physics-based models, often employed to produce these data sets, limits their broad applicability. We introduce FakET, a method based on Neural Style Transfer, capable of simulating the forward operator of any cryo transmission electron microscope. It can be used to adapt a synthetic training data set according to reference data producing high-quality simulated micrographs or tilt-series. To assess the quality of our generated data, we used it to train a state-of-the-art localization and classification architecture and compared its performance with a counterpart trained on benchmark data. Remarkably, our technique matches the performance, boosts data generation speed 750 times, uses 33 times less memory, and scales well to typical transmission electron microscope detector sizes. It leverages GPU acceleration and parallel processing. The source code is available at


replace Certifiable Black-Box Attacks with Randomized Adversarial Examples: Breaking Defenses with Provable Confidence

Authors: Hanbin Hong, Xinyu Zhang, Binghui Wang, Zhongjie Ba, Yuan Hong

Abstract: Black-box adversarial attacks have shown strong potential to subvert machine learning models. Existing black-box attacks craft adversarial examples by iteratively querying the target model and/or leveraging the transferability of a local surrogate model. Recently, such attacks can be effectively mitigated by state-of-the-art (SOTA) defenses, e.g., detection via the pattern of sequential queries, or injecting noise into the model. To our best knowledge, we take the first step to study a new paradigm of black-box attacks with provable guarantees -- certifiable black-box attacks that can guarantee the attack success probability (ASP) of adversarial examples before querying over the target model. This new black-box attack unveils significant vulnerabilities of machine learning models, compared to traditional empirical black-box attacks, e.g., breaking strong SOTA defenses with provable confidence, constructing a space of (infinite) adversarial examples with high ASP, and the ASP of the generated adversarial examples is theoretically guaranteed without verification/queries over the target model. Specifically, we establish a novel theoretical foundation for ensuring the ASP of the black-box attack with randomized adversarial examples (AEs). Then, we propose several novel techniques to craft the randomized AEs while reducing the perturbation size for better imperceptibility. Finally, we have comprehensively evaluated the certifiable black-box attacks on the CIFAR10/100, ImageNet, and LibriSpeech datasets, while benchmarking with 16 SOTA empirical black-box attacks, against various SOTA defenses in the domains of computer vision and speech recognition. Both theoretical and experimental results have validated the significance of the proposed attack.

replace Is Aggregation the Only Choice? Federated Learning via Layer-wise Model Recombination

Authors: Ming Hu, Zhihao Yue, Xiaofei Xie, Cheng Chen, Yihao Huang, Xian Wei, Xiang Lian, Yang Liu, Mingsong Chen

Abstract: Although Federated Learning (FL) enables global model training across clients without compromising their raw data, due to the unevenly distributed data among clients, existing Federated Averaging (FedAvg)-based methods suffer from the problem of low inference performance. Specifically, different data distributions among clients lead to various optimization directions of local models. Aggregating local models usually results in a low-generalized global model, which performs worse on most of the clients. To address the above issue, inspired by the observation from a geometric perspective that a well-generalized solution is located in a flat area rather than a sharp area, we propose a novel and heuristic FL paradigm named FedMR (Federated Model Recombination). The goal of FedMR is to guide the recombined models to be trained towards a flat area. Unlike conventional FedAvg-based methods, in FedMR, the cloud server recombines collected local models by shuffling each layer of them to generate multiple recombined models for local training on clients rather than an aggregated global model. Since the area of the flat area is larger than the sharp area, when local models are located in different areas, recombined models have a higher probability of locating in a flat area. When all recombined models are located in the same flat area, they are optimized towards the same direction. We theoretically analyze the convergence of model recombination. Experimental results show that, compared with state-of-the-art FL methods, FedMR can significantly improve the inference accuracy without exposing the privacy of each client.

replace Query-Policy Misalignment in Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Xiao Hu, Jianxiong Li, Xianyuan Zhan, Qing-Shan Jia, Ya-Qin Zhang

Abstract: Preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL) provides a natural way to align RL agents' behavior with human desired outcomes, but is often restrained by costly human feedback. To improve feedback efficiency, most existing PbRL methods focus on selecting queries to maximally improve the overall quality of the reward model, but counter-intuitively, we find that this may not necessarily lead to improved performance. To unravel this mystery, we identify a long-neglected issue in the query selection schemes of existing PbRL studies: Query-Policy Misalignment. We show that the seemingly informative queries selected to improve the overall quality of reward model actually may not align with RL agents' interests, thus offering little help on policy learning and eventually resulting in poor feedback efficiency. We show that this issue can be effectively addressed via near on-policy query and a specially designed hybrid experience replay, which together enforce the bidirectional query-policy alignment. Simple yet elegant, our method can be easily incorporated into existing approaches by changing only a few lines of code. We showcase in comprehensive experiments that our method achieves substantial gains in both human feedback and RL sample efficiency, demonstrating the importance of addressing query-policy misalignment in PbRL tasks.

replace Out-of-distribution forgetting: vulnerability of continual learning to intra-class distribution shift

Authors: Liangxuan Guo, Yang Chen, Shan Yu

Abstract: Continual learning (CL) is an important technique to allow artificial neural networks to work in open environments. CL enables a system to learn new tasks without severe interference to its performance on old tasks, i.e., overcome the problems of catastrophic forgetting. In joint learning, it is well known that the out-of-distribution (OOD) problem caused by intentional attacks or environmental perturbations will severely impair the ability of networks to generalize. In this work, we reported a special form of catastrophic forgetting raised by the OOD problem in continual learning settings, and we named it out-of-distribution forgetting (OODF). In continual image classification tasks, we found that for a given category, introducing an intra-class distribution shift significantly impaired the recognition accuracy of CL methods for that category during subsequent learning. Interestingly, this phenomenon is special for CL as the same level of distribution shift had only negligible effects in the joint learning scenario. We verified that CL methods without dedicating subnetworks for individual tasks are all vulnerable to OODF. Moreover, OODF does not depend on any specific way of shifting the distribution, suggesting it is a risk for CL in a wide range of circumstances. Taken together, our work identified an under-attended risk during CL, highlighting the importance of developing approaches that can overcome OODF. Code available: \url{}


replace Bayesian Optimization with Formal Safety Guarantees via Online Conformal Prediction

Authors: Yunchuan Zhang, Sangwoo Park, Osvaldo Simeone

Abstract: Black-box zero-th order optimization is a central primitive for applications in fields as diverse as finance, physics, and engineering. In a common formulation of this problem, a designer sequentially attempts candidate solutions, receiving noisy feedback on the value of each attempt from the system. In this paper, we study scenarios in which feedback is also provided on the safety of the attempted solution, and the optimizer is constrained to limit the number of unsafe solutions that are tried throughout the optimization process. Focusing on methods based on Bayesian optimization (BO), prior art has introduced an optimization scheme -- referred to as SAFEOPT -- that is guaranteed not to select any unsafe solution with a controllable probability over feedback noise as long as strict assumptions on the safety constraint function are met. In this paper, a novel BO-based approach is introduced that satisfies safety requirements irrespective of properties of the constraint function. This strong theoretical guarantee is obtained at the cost of allowing for an arbitrary, controllable but non-zero, rate of violation of the safety constraint. The proposed method, referred to as SAFE-BOCP, builds on online conformal prediction (CP) and is specialized to the cases in which feedback on the safety constraint is either noiseless or noisy. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world data validate the advantages and flexibility of the proposed SAFE-BOCP.

replace Graph Neural Networks as an Enabler of Terahertz-based Flow-guided Nanoscale Localization over Highly Erroneous Raw Data

Authors: Gerard Calvo Bartra, Filip Lemic, Guillem Pascual, Aina P\'erez Rodas, Jakob Struye, Carmen Delgado, Xavier Costa P\'erez

Abstract: Contemporary research advances in nanotechnology and material science are rooted in the emergence of nanodevices as a versatile tool that harmonizes sensing, computing, wireless communication, data storage, and energy harvesting. These devices offer novel pathways for disease diagnostics, treatment, and monitoring within the bloodstreams. Ensuring precise localization of events of diagnostic interest, which underpins the concept of flow-guided in-body nanoscale localization, would provide an added diagnostic value to the detected events. Raw data generated by the nanodevices is pivotal for this localization and consist of an event detection indicator and the time elapsed since the last passage of a nanodevice through the heart. The energy constraints of the nanodevices lead to intermittent operation and unreliable communication, intrinsically affecting this data. This posits a need for comprehensively modelling the features of this data. These imperfections also have profound implications for the viability of existing flow-guided localization approaches, which are ill-prepared to address the intricacies of the environment. Our first contribution lies in an analytical model of raw data for flow-guided localization, dissecting how communication and energy capabilities influence the nanodevices' data output. This model acts as a vital bridge, reconciling idealized assumptions with practical challenges of flow-guided localization. Toward addressing these practical challenges, we also present an integration of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) into the flow-guided localization paradigm. GNNs excel in capturing complex dynamic interactions inherent to the localization of events sensed by the nanodevices. Our results highlight the potential of GNNs not only to enhance localization accuracy but also extend coverage to encompass the entire bloodstream.

replace It Ain't That Bad: Understanding the Mysterious Performance Drop in OOD Generalization for Generative Transformer Models

Authors: Xingcheng Xu, Zihao Pan, Haipeng Zhang, Yanqing Yang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable proficiency on solving diverse problems. However, their generalization ability is not always satisfying and the generalization problem is common for generative transformer models in general. Researchers take basic mathematical tasks like n-digit addition or multiplication as important perspectives for investigating their generalization behaviors. It is observed that when training models on n-digit operations (e.g., additions) in which both input operands are n-digit in length, models generalize successfully on unseen n-digit inputs (in-distribution (ID) generalization), but fail miserably on longer, unseen cases (out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization). We bring this unexplained performance drop into attention and ask whether there is systematic OOD generalization. Towards understanding LLMs, we train various smaller language models which may share the same underlying mechanism. We discover that the strong ID generalization stems from structured representations, while behind the unsatisfying OOD performance, the models still exhibit clear learned algebraic structures. Specifically, these models map unseen OOD inputs to outputs with learned equivalence relations in the ID domain, which we call the equivalence generalization. These findings deepen our knowledge regarding the generalizability of generative models including LLMs, and provide insights into potential avenues for improvement.

replace Physics-Informed Boundary Integral Networks (PIBI-Nets): A Data-Driven Approach for Solving Partial Differential Equations

Authors: Monika Nagy-Huber, Volker Roth

Abstract: Partial differential equations (PDEs) are widely used to describe relevant phenomena in dynamical systems. In real-world applications, we commonly need to combine formal PDE models with (potentially noisy) observations. This is especially relevant in settings where we lack information about boundary or initial conditions, or where we need to identify unknown model parameters. In recent years, Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have become a popular tool for this kind of problems. In high-dimensional settings, however, PINNs often suffer from computational problems because they usually require dense collocation points over the entire computational domain. To address this problem, we present Physics-Informed Boundary Integral Networks (PIBI-Nets) as a data-driven approach for solving PDEs in one dimension less than the original problem space. PIBI-Nets only require points at the computational domain boundary, while still achieving highly accurate results. Moreover, PIBI-Nets clearly outperform PINNs in several practical settings. Exploiting elementary properties of fundamental solutions of linear differential operators, we present a principled and simple way to handle point sources in inverse problems. We demonstrate the excellent performance of PIBI- Nets for the Laplace and Poisson equations, both on artificial datasets and within a real-world application concerning the reconstruction of groundwater flows.

replace A Comprehensive View of Personalized Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Clinical Datasets

Authors: Fatemeh Tavakoli, D. B. Emerson, Sana Ayromlou, John Jewell, Amrit Krishnan, Yuchong Zhang, Amol Verma, Fahad Razak

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is increasingly being recognized as a key approach to overcoming the data silos that so frequently obstruct the training and deployment of machine-learning models in clinical settings. This work contributes to a growing body of FL research specifically focused on clinical applications along three important directions. First, we expand the FLamby benchmark (du Terrail et al., 2022a) to include a comprehensive evaluation of personalized FL methods and demonstrate substantive performance improvements over the original results. Next, we advocate for a comprehensive checkpointing and evaluation framework for FL to reflect practical settings and provide multiple comparison baselines. To this end, an open-source library aimed at making FL experimentation simpler and more reproducible is released. Finally, we propose an important ablation of PerFCL (Zhang et al., 2022). This ablation results in a natural extension of FENDA (Kim et al., 2016) to the FL setting. Experiments conducted on the FLamby benchmark and GEMINI datasets (Verma et al., 2017) show that the proposed approach is robust to heterogeneous clinical data and often outperforms existing global and personalized FL techniques, including PerFCL.

replace Jailbreaking Black Box Large Language Models in Twenty Queries

Authors: Patrick Chao, Alexander Robey, Edgar Dobriban, Hamed Hassani, George J. Pappas, Eric Wong

Abstract: There is growing interest in ensuring that large language models (LLMs) align with human values. However, the alignment of such models is vulnerable to adversarial jailbreaks, which coax LLMs into overriding their safety guardrails. The identification of these vulnerabilities is therefore instrumental in understanding inherent weaknesses and preventing future misuse. To this end, we propose Prompt Automatic Iterative Refinement (PAIR), an algorithm that generates semantic jailbreaks with only black-box access to an LLM. PAIR -- which is inspired by social engineering attacks -- uses an attacker LLM to automatically generate jailbreaks for a separate targeted LLM without human intervention. In this way, the attacker LLM iteratively queries the target LLM to update and refine a candidate jailbreak. Empirically, PAIR often requires fewer than twenty queries to produce a jailbreak, which is orders of magnitude more efficient than existing algorithms. PAIR also achieves competitive jailbreaking success rates and transferability on open and closed-source LLMs, including GPT-3.5/4, Vicuna, and Gemini.

replace Improved Operator Learning by Orthogonal Attention

Authors: Zipeng Xiao, Zhongkai Hao, Bokai Lin, Zhijie Deng, Hang Su

Abstract: Neural operators, as an efficient surrogate model for learning the solutions of PDEs, have received extensive attention in the field of scientific machine learning. Among them, attention-based neural operators have become one of the mainstreams in related research. However, existing approaches overfit the limited training data due to the considerable number of parameters in the attention mechanism. To address this, we develop an orthogonal attention based on the eigendecomposition of the kernel integral operator and the neural approximation of eigenfunctions. The orthogonalization naturally poses a proper regularization effect on the resulting neural operator, which aids in resisting overfitting and boosting generalization. Experiments on six standard neural operator benchmark datasets comprising both regular and irregular geometries show that our method can outperform competing baselines with decent margins.

replace Monotone Generative Modeling via a Gromov-Monge Embedding

Authors: Wonjun Lee, Yifei Yang, Dongmian Zou, Gilad Lerman

Abstract: Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are popular for generative tasks; however, they often require careful architecture selection, extensive empirical tuning, and are prone to mode collapse. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel model that identifies the low-dimensional structure of the underlying data distribution, maps it into a low-dimensional latent space while preserving the underlying geometry, and then optimally transports a reference measure to the embedded distribution. We prove three key properties of our method: 1) The encoder preserves the geometry of the underlying data; 2) The generator is $c$-cyclically monotone, where $c$ is an intrinsic embedding cost employed by the encoder; and 3) The discriminator's modulus of continuity improves with the geometric preservation of the data. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in generating high-quality images and exhibiting robustness to both mode collapse and training instability.

replace MultiIoT: Benchmarking Machine Learning for the Internet of Things

Authors: Shentong Mo, Louis-Philippe Morency, Russ Salakhutdinov, Paul Pu Liang

Abstract: The next generation of machine learning systems must be adept at perceiving and interacting with the physical world through a diverse array of sensory channels. Commonly referred to as the `Internet of Things (IoT)' ecosystem, sensory data from motion, thermal, geolocation, depth, wireless signals, video, and audio are increasingly used to model the states of physical environments and the humans inside them. Despite the potential for understanding human wellbeing, controlling physical devices, and interconnecting smart cities, the community has seen limited benchmarks for building machine learning systems for IoT. Existing efforts are often specialized to a single sensory modality or prediction task, which makes it difficult to study and train large-scale models across many IoT sensors and tasks. To accelerate the development of new machine learning technologies for IoT, this paper proposes MultiIoT, the most expansive and unified IoT benchmark to date, encompassing over 1.15 million samples from 12 modalities and 8 real-world tasks. MultiIoT introduces unique challenges involving (1) generalizable learning from many sensory modalities, (2) multimodal interactions across long temporal ranges, (3) extreme heterogeneity due to unique structure and noise topologies in real-world sensors, and (4) complexity during training and inference. We evaluate a comprehensive set of models on MultiIoT, including modality and task-specific methods, multisensory and multitask supervised models, and large multisensory foundation models. Our results highlight opportunities for ML to make a significant impact in IoT, but many challenges in scalable learning from heterogeneous, long-range, and imperfect sensory modalities still persist. We release all code and data to accelerate future research in machine learning for IoT.

replace Addressing Membership Inference Attack in Federated Learning with Model Compression

Authors: Gergely D\'aniel N\'emeth, Miguel \'Angel Lozano, Novi Quadrianto, Nuria Oliver

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) has been proposed as a privacy-preserving solution for machine learning. However, recent works have reported that FL can leak private client data through membership inference attacks. In this paper, we show that the effectiveness of these attacks on the clients negatively correlates with the size of the client's datasets and model complexity. Based on this finding, we study the capabilities of model-agnostic Federated Learning to preserve privacy, as it enables the use of models of varying complexity in the clients. To systematically study this topic, we first propose a taxonomy of model-agnostic FL methods according to the strategies adopted by the clients to select the sub-models from the server's model. This taxonomy provides a framework for existing model-agnostic FL approaches and leads to the proposal of new FL methods to fill the gaps in the taxonomy. Next, we analyze the privacy-performance trade-off of all the model-agnostic FL architectures as per the proposed taxonomy when subjected to 3 different membership inference attacks on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 vision datasets. In our experiments, we find that randomness in the strategy used to select the server's sub-model to train the clients' models can control the clients' privacy while keeping competitive performance on the server's side.

replace A Survey of Temporal Credit Assignment in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Eduardo Pignatelli, Johan Ferret, Matthieu Geist, Thomas Mesnard, Hado van Hasselt, Olivier Pietquin, Laura Toni

Abstract: The Credit Assignment Problem (CAP) refers to the longstanding challenge of Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents to associate actions with their long-term consequences. Solving the CAP is a crucial step towards the successful deployment of RL in the real world since most decision problems provide feedback that is noisy, delayed, and with little or no information about the causes. These conditions make it hard to distinguish serendipitous outcomes from those caused by informed decision-making. However, the mathematical nature of credit and the CAP remains poorly understood and defined. In this survey, we review the state of the art of Temporal Credit Assignment (CA) in deep RL. We propose a unifying formalism for credit that enables equitable comparisons of state-of-the-art algorithms and improves our understanding of the trade-offs between the various methods. We cast the CAP as the problem of learning the influence of an action over an outcome from a finite amount of experience. We discuss the challenges posed by delayed effects, transpositions, and a lack of action influence, and analyse how existing methods aim to address them. Finally, we survey the protocols to evaluate a credit assignment method and suggest ways to diagnose the sources of struggle for different methods. Overall, this survey provides an overview of the field for new-entry practitioners and researchers, it offers a coherent perspective for scholars looking to expedite the starting stages of a new study on the CAP, and it suggests potential directions for future research.

replace BenchMARL: Benchmarking Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Matteo Bettini, Amanda Prorok, Vincent Moens

Abstract: The field of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is currently facing a reproducibility crisis. While solutions for standardized reporting have been proposed to address the issue, we still lack a benchmarking tool that enables standardization and reproducibility, while leveraging cutting-edge Reinforcement Learning (RL) implementations. In this paper, we introduce BenchMARL, the first MARL training library created to enable standardized benchmarking across different algorithms, models, and environments. BenchMARL uses TorchRL as its backend, granting it high performance and maintained state-of-the-art implementations while addressing the broad community of MARL PyTorch users. Its design enables systematic configuration and reporting, thus allowing users to create and run complex benchmarks from simple one-line inputs. BenchMARL is open-sourced on GitHub:


replace Physics-Aware Multifidelity Bayesian Optimization: a Generalized Formulation

Authors: Francesco Di Fiore, Laura Mainini

Abstract: The adoption of high-fidelity models for many-query optimization problems is majorly limited by the significant computational cost required for their evaluation at every query. Multifidelity Bayesian methods (MFBO) allow to include costly high-fidelity responses for a sub-selection of queries only, and use fast lower-fidelity models to accelerate the optimization process. State-of-the-art methods rely on a purely data-driven search and do not include explicit information about the physical context. This paper acknowledges that prior knowledge about the physical domains of engineering problems can be leveraged to accelerate these data-driven searches, and proposes a generalized formulation for MFBO to embed a form of domain awareness during the optimization procedure. In particular, we formalize a bias as a multifidelity acquisition function that captures the physical structure of the domain. This permits to partially alleviate the data-driven search from learning the domain properties on-the-fly, and sensitively enhances the management of multiple sources of information. The method allows to efficiently include high-fidelity simulations to guide the optimization search while containing the overall computational expense. Our physics-aware multifidelity Bayesian optimization is presented and illustrated for two classes of optimization problems frequently met in science and engineering, namely design optimization and health monitoring problems.

replace Read Between the Layers: Leveraging Multi-Layer Representations for Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning with Pre-Trained Models

Authors: Kyra Ahrens, Hans Hergen Lehmann, Jae Hee Lee, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: We address the Continual Learning (CL) problem, wherein a model must learn a sequence of tasks from non-stationary distributions while preserving prior knowledge upon encountering new experiences. With the advancement of foundation models, CL research has pivoted from the initial learning-from-scratch paradigm towards utilizing generic features from large-scale pre-training. However, existing approaches to CL with pre-trained models primarily focus on separating class-specific features from the final representation layer and neglect the potential of intermediate representations to capture low- and mid-level features, which are more invariant to domain shifts. In this work, we propose LayUP, a new prototype-based approach to CL that leverages second-order feature statistics from multiple intermediate layers of a pre-trained network. Our method is conceptually simple, does not require access to prior data, and works out of the box with any foundation model. LayUP surpasses the state of the art in four of the seven class-incremental learning benchmarks, all three domain-incremental learning benchmarks and in six of the seven online continual learning benchmarks, while significantly reducing memory and computational requirements compared to existing baselines. Our results demonstrate that fully exhausting the representational capacities of pre-trained models in CL goes well beyond their final embeddings.

replace Beyond RMSE and MAE: Introducing EAUC to unmask hidden bias and unfairness in dyadic regression models

Authors: Jorge Paz-Ruza, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Bertha Guijarro-Berdi\~nas, Brais Cancela, Carlos Eiras-Franco

Abstract: Dyadic regression models, which predict real-valued outcomes for pairs of entities, are fundamental in many domains (e.g. predicting the rating of a user to a product in Recommender Systems) and promising and under exploration in many others (e.g. approximating the adequate dosage of a drug for a patient in personalized pharmacology). In this work, we demonstrate that non-uniformity in the observed value distributions of individual entities leads to severely biased predictions in state-of-the-art models, skewing predictions towards the average of observed past values for the entity and providing worse-than-random predictive power in eccentric yet equally important cases. We show that the usage of global error metrics like Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is insufficient to capture this phenomenon, which we name eccentricity bias, and we introduce Eccentricity-Area Under the Curve (EAUC) as a new complementary metric that can quantify it in all studied models and datasets. We also prove the adequateness of EAUC by using naive de-biasing corrections to demonstrate that a lower model bias correlates with a lower EAUC and vice-versa. This work contributes a bias-aware evaluation of dyadic regression models to avoid potential unfairness and risks in critical real-world applications of such systems.

replace MT-HCCAR: Multi-Task Deep Learning with Hierarchical Classification and Attention-based Regression for Cloud Property Retrieval

Authors: Xingyan Li, Andrew M. Sayer, Ian T. Carroll, Xin Huang, Jianwu Wang

Abstract: In the realm of Earth science, effective cloud property retrieval, encompassing cloud masking, cloud phase classification, and cloud optical thickness (COT) prediction, remains pivotal. Traditional methodologies necessitate distinct models for each sensor instrument due to their unique spectral characteristics. Recent strides in Earth Science research have embraced machine learning and deep learning techniques to extract features from satellite datasets' spectral observations. However, prevailing approaches lack novel architectures accounting for hierarchical relationships among retrieval tasks. Moreover, considering the spectral diversity among existing sensors, the development of models with robust generalization capabilities over different sensor datasets is imperative. Surprisingly, there is a dearth of methodologies addressing the selection of an optimal model for diverse datasets. In response, this paper introduces MT-HCCAR, an end-to-end deep learning model employing multi-task learning to simultaneously tackle cloud masking, cloud phase retrieval (classification tasks), and COT prediction (a regression task). The MT-HCCAR integrates a hierarchical classification network (HC) and a classification-assisted attention-based regression network (CAR), enhancing precision and robustness in cloud labeling and COT prediction. Additionally, a comprehensive model selection method rooted in K-fold cross-validation, one standard error rule, and two introduced performance scores is proposed to select the optimal model over three simulated satellite datasets OCI, VIIRS, and ABI. The experiments comparing MT-HCCAR with baseline methods, the ablation studies, and the model selection affirm the superiority and the generalization capabilities of MT-HCCAR.

replace KVQuant: Towards 10 Million Context Length LLM Inference with KV Cache Quantization

Authors: Coleman Hooper, Sehoon Kim, Hiva Mohammadzadeh, Michael W. Mahoney, Yakun Sophia Shao, Kurt Keutzer, Amir Gholami

Abstract: LLMs are seeing growing use for applications such as document analysis and summarization which require large context windows, and with these large context windows KV cache activations surface as the dominant contributor to memory consumption during inference. Quantization is a promising approach for compressing KV cache activations; however, existing solutions fail to represent activations accurately in ultra-low precisions, such as sub-4-bit. In this work, we present KVQuant, which addresses this problem by incorporating novel methods for quantizing cached KV activations, including: (i) Per-Channel Key Quantization, where we adjust the dimension along which we quantize the Key activations to better match the distribution; (ii) Pre-RoPE Key Quantization, where we quantize Key activations before the rotary positional embedding to mitigate its impact on quantization; (iii) Non-Uniform KV Cache Quantization, where we derive per-layer sensitivity-weighted non-uniform datatypes that better represent the distributions; and (iv) Per-Vector Dense-and-Sparse Quantization, where we isolate outliers separately for each vector to minimize skews in quantization ranges. By applying our method to the LLaMA, Llama-2, Llama-3, and Mistral models, we achieve $<0.1$ perplexity degradation with 3-bit quantization on both Wikitext-2 and C4, outperforming existing approaches. Our method enables serving the LLaMA-7B model with a context length of up to 1 million on a single A100-80GB GPU and up to 10 million on an 8-GPU system.

replace Mixed Noise and Posterior Estimation with Conditional DeepGEM

Authors: Paul Hagemann, Johannes Hertrich, Maren Casfor, Sebastian Heidenreich, Gabriele Steidl

Abstract: Motivated by indirect measurements and applications from nanometrology with a mixed noise model, we develop a novel algorithm for jointly estimating the posterior and the noise parameters in Bayesian inverse problems. We propose to solve the problem by an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Based on the current noise parameters, we learn in the E-step a conditional normalizing flow that approximates the posterior. In the M-step, we propose to find the noise parameter updates again by an EM algorithm, which has analytical formulas. We compare the training of the conditional normalizing flow with the forward and reverse KL, and show that our model is able to incorporate information from many measurements, unlike previous approaches.

replace Guidance with Spherical Gaussian Constraint for Conditional Diffusion

Authors: Lingxiao Yang, Shutong Ding, Yifan Cai, Jingyi Yu, Jingya Wang, Ye Shi

Abstract: Recent advances in diffusion models attempt to handle conditional generative tasks by utilizing a differentiable loss function for guidance without the need for additional training. While these methods achieved certain success, they often compromise on sample quality and require small guidance step sizes, leading to longer sampling processes. This paper reveals that the fundamental issue lies in the manifold deviation during the sampling process when loss guidance is employed. We theoretically show the existence of manifold deviation by establishing a certain lower bound for the estimation error of the loss guidance. To mitigate this problem, we propose Diffusion with Spherical Gaussian constraint (DSG), drawing inspiration from the concentration phenomenon in high-dimensional Gaussian distributions. DSG effectively constrains the guidance step within the intermediate data manifold through optimization and enables the use of larger guidance steps. Furthermore, we present a closed-form solution for DSG denoising with the Spherical Gaussian constraint. Notably, DSG can seamlessly integrate as a plugin module within existing training-free conditional diffusion methods. Implementing DSG merely involves a few lines of additional code with almost no extra computational overhead, yet it leads to significant performance improvements. Comprehensive experimental results in various conditional generation tasks validate the superiority and adaptability of DSG in terms of both sample quality and time efficiency.

replace On Temperature Scaling and Conformal Prediction of Deep Classifiers

Authors: Lahav Dabah, Tom Tirer

Abstract: In many classification applications, the prediction of a deep neural network (DNN) based classifier needs to be accompanied by some confidence indication. Two popular approaches for that aim are: 1) Calibration: modifies the classifier's softmax values such that the maximal value better estimates the correctness probability; and 2) Conformal Prediction (CP): produces a prediction set of candidate labels that contains the true label with a user-specified probability, guaranteeing marginal coverage, rather than, e.g., per class coverage. In practice, both types of indications are desirable, yet, so far the interplay between them has not been investigated. We start this paper with an extensive empirical study of the effect of the popular Temperature Scaling (TS) calibration on prominent CP methods and reveal that while it improves the class-conditional coverage of adaptive CP methods, surprisingly, it negatively affects their prediction set sizes. Subsequently, we explore the effect of TS beyond its calibration application and offer simple guidelines for practitioners to trade prediction set size and conditional coverage of adaptive CP methods while effectively combining them with calibration. Finally, we present a theoretical analysis of the effect of TS on the prediction set sizes, revealing several mathematical properties of the procedure, according to which we provide reasoning for this unintuitive phenomenon.

replace When Representations Align: Universality in Representation Learning Dynamics

Authors: Loek van Rossem, Andrew M. Saxe

Abstract: Deep neural networks come in many sizes and architectures. The choice of architecture, in conjunction with the dataset and learning algorithm, is commonly understood to affect the learned neural representations. Yet, recent results have shown that different architectures learn representations with striking qualitative similarities. Here we derive an effective theory of representation learning under the assumption that the encoding map from input to hidden representation and the decoding map from representation to output are arbitrary smooth functions. This theory schematizes representation learning dynamics in the regime of complex, large architectures, where hidden representations are not strongly constrained by the parametrization. We show through experiments that the effective theory describes aspects of representation learning dynamics across a range of deep networks with different activation functions and architectures, and exhibits phenomena similar to the "rich" and "lazy" regime. While many network behaviors depend quantitatively on architecture, our findings point to certain behaviors that are widely conserved once models are sufficiently flexible.

replace LoRA+: Efficient Low Rank Adaptation of Large Models

Authors: Soufiane Hayou, Nikhil Ghosh, Bin Yu

Abstract: In this paper, we show that Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) as originally introduced in Hu et al. (2021) leads to suboptimal finetuning of models with large width (embedding dimension). This is due to the fact that adapter matrices A and B in LoRA are updated with the same learning rate. Using scaling arguments for large width networks, we demonstrate that using the same learning rate for A and B does not allow efficient feature learning. We then show that this suboptimality of LoRA can be corrected simply by setting different learning rates for the LoRA adapter matrices A and B with a well-chosen ratio. We call this proposed algorithm LoRA$+$. In our extensive experiments, LoRA$+$ improves performance (1-2 $\%$ improvements) and finetuning speed (up to $\sim$ 2X SpeedUp), at the same computational cost as LoRA.

replace Revitalizing Multivariate Time Series Forecasting: Learnable Decomposition with Inter-Series Dependencies and Intra-Series Variations Modeling

Authors: Guoqi Yu, Jing Zou, Xiaowei Hu, Angelica I. Aviles-Rivero, Jing Qin, Shujun Wang

Abstract: Predicting multivariate time series is crucial, demanding precise modeling of intricate patterns, including inter-series dependencies and intra-series variations. Distinctive trend characteristics in each time series pose challenges, and existing methods, relying on basic moving average kernels, may struggle with the non-linear structure and complex trends in real-world data. Given that, we introduce a learnable decomposition strategy to capture dynamic trend information more reasonably. Additionally, we propose a dual attention module tailored to capture inter-series dependencies and intra-series variations simultaneously for better time series forecasting, which is implemented by channel-wise self-attention and autoregressive self-attention. To evaluate the effectiveness of our method, we conducted experiments across eight open-source datasets and compared it with the state-of-the-art methods. Through the comparison results, our Leddam (LEarnable Decomposition and Dual Attention Module) not only demonstrates significant advancements in predictive performance, but also the proposed decomposition strategy can be plugged into other methods with a large performance-boosting, from 11.87% to 48.56% MSE error degradation.

replace Defending Jailbreak Prompts via In-Context Adversarial Game

Authors: Yujun Zhou, Yufei Han, Haomin Zhuang, Kehan Guo, Zhenwen Liang, Hongyan Bao, Xiangliang Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable capabilities across diverse applications. However, concerns regarding their security, particularly the vulnerability to jailbreak attacks, persist. Drawing inspiration from adversarial training in deep learning and LLM agent learning processes, we introduce the In-Context Adversarial Game (ICAG) for defending against jailbreaks without the need for fine-tuning. ICAG leverages agent learning to conduct an adversarial game, aiming to dynamically extend knowledge to defend against jailbreaks. Unlike traditional methods that rely on static datasets, ICAG employs an iterative process to enhance both the defense and attack agents. This continuous improvement process strengthens defenses against newly generated jailbreak prompts. Our empirical studies affirm ICAG's efficacy, where LLMs safeguarded by ICAG exhibit significantly reduced jailbreak success rates across various attack scenarios. Moreover, ICAG demonstrates remarkable transferability to other LLMs, indicating its potential as a versatile defense mechanism.

replace FAIR: Filtering of Automatically Induced Rules

Authors: Divya Jyoti Bajpai, Ayush Maheshwari, Manjesh Kumar Hanawal, Ganesh Ramakrishnan

Abstract: The availability of large annotated data can be a critical bottleneck in training machine learning algorithms successfully, especially when applied to diverse domains. Weak supervision offers a promising alternative by accelerating the creation of labeled training data using domain-specific rules. However, it requires users to write a diverse set of high-quality rules to assign labels to the unlabeled data. Automatic Rule Induction (ARI) approaches circumvent this problem by automatically creating rules from features on a small labeled set and filtering a final set of rules from them. In the ARI approach, the crucial step is to filter out a set of a high-quality useful subset of rules from the large set of automatically created rules. In this paper, we propose an algorithm (Filtering of Automatically Induced Rules) to filter rules from a large number of automatically induced rules using submodular objective functions that account for the collective precision, coverage, and conflicts of the rule set. We experiment with three ARI approaches and five text classification datasets to validate the superior performance of our algorithm with respect to several semi-supervised label aggregation approaches. Further, we show that achieves statistically significant results in comparison to existing rule-filtering approaches.

replace Low-Rank Bandits via Tight Two-to-Infinity Singular Subspace Recovery

Authors: Yassir Jedra, William R\'eveillard, Stefan Stojanovic, Alexandre Proutiere

Abstract: We study contextual bandits with low-rank structure where, in each round, if the (context, arm) pair $(i,j)\in [m]\times [n]$ is selected, the learner observes a noisy sample of the $(i,j)$-th entry of an unknown low-rank reward matrix. Successive contexts are generated randomly in an i.i.d. manner and are revealed to the learner. For such bandits, we present efficient algorithms for policy evaluation, best policy identification and regret minimization. For policy evaluation and best policy identification, we show that our algorithms are nearly minimax optimal. For instance, the number of samples required to return an $\varepsilon$-optimal policy with probability at least $1-\delta$ typically scales as ${r(m+n)\over \varepsilon^2}\log(1/\delta)$. Our regret minimization algorithm enjoys minimax guarantees typically scaling as $r^{7/4}(m+n)^{3/4}\sqrt{T}$, which improves over existing algorithms. All the proposed algorithms consist of two phases: they first leverage spectral methods to estimate the left and right singular subspaces of the low-rank reward matrix. We show that these estimates enjoy tight error guarantees in the two-to-infinity norm. This in turn allows us to reformulate our problems as a misspecified linear bandit problem with dimension roughly $r(m+n)$ and misspecification controlled by the subspace recovery error, as well as to design the second phase of our algorithms efficiently.

replace Reinforced In-Context Black-Box Optimization

Authors: Lei Song, Chenxiao Gao, Ke Xue, Chenyang Wu, Dong Li, Jianye Hao, Zongzhang Zhang, Chao Qian

Abstract: Black-Box Optimization (BBO) has found successful applications in many fields of science and engineering. Recently, there has been a growing interest in meta-learning particular components of BBO algorithms to speed up optimization and get rid of tedious hand-crafted heuristics. As an extension, learning the entire algorithm from data requires the least labor from experts and can provide the most flexibility. In this paper, we propose RIBBO, a method to reinforce-learn a BBO algorithm from offline data in an end-to-end fashion. RIBBO employs expressive sequence models to learn the optimization histories produced by multiple behavior algorithms and tasks, leveraging the in-context learning ability of large models to extract task information and make decisions accordingly. Central to our method is to augment the optimization histories with \textit{regret-to-go} tokens, which are designed to represent the performance of an algorithm based on cumulative regret over the future part of the histories. The integration of regret-to-go tokens enables RIBBO to automatically generate sequences of query points that satisfy the user-desired regret, which is verified by its universally good empirical performance on diverse problems, including BBO benchmark functions, hyper-parameter optimization and robot control problems.

replace From Representational Harms to Quality-of-Service Harms: A Case Study on Llama 2 Safety Safeguards

Authors: Khaoula Chehbouni, Megha Roshan, Emmanuel Ma, Futian Andrew Wei, Afaf Taik, Jackie CK Cheung, Golnoosh Farnadi

Abstract: Recent progress in large language models (LLMs) has led to their widespread adoption in various domains. However, these advancements have also introduced additional safety risks and raised concerns regarding their detrimental impact on already marginalized populations. Despite growing mitigation efforts to develop safety safeguards, such as supervised safety-oriented fine-tuning and leveraging safe reinforcement learning from human feedback, multiple concerns regarding the safety and ingrained biases in these models remain. Furthermore, previous work has demonstrated that models optimized for safety often display exaggerated safety behaviors, such as a tendency to refrain from responding to certain requests as a precautionary measure. As such, a clear trade-off between the helpfulness and safety of these models has been documented in the literature. In this paper, we further investigate the effectiveness of safety measures by evaluating models on already mitigated biases. Using the case of Llama 2 as an example, we illustrate how LLMs' safety responses can still encode harmful assumptions. To do so, we create a set of non-toxic prompts, which we then use to evaluate Llama models. Through our new taxonomy of LLMs responses to users, we observe that the safety/helpfulness trade-offs are more pronounced for certain demographic groups which can lead to quality-of-service harms for marginalized populations.

replace Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Normalizing Flow Modeling for Unified Anomaly Detection

Authors: Xincheng Yao, Ruoqi Li, Zefeng Qian, Lu Wang, Chongyang Zhang

Abstract: Unified anomaly detection (AD) is one of the most challenges for anomaly detection, where one unified model is trained with normal samples from multiple classes with the objective to detect anomalies in these classes. For such a challenging task, popular normalizing flow (NF) based AD methods may fall into a "homogeneous mapping" issue,where the NF-based AD models are biased to generate similar latent representations for both normal and abnormal features, and thereby lead to a high missing rate of anomalies. In this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Gaussian mixture normalizing flow modeling method for accomplishing unified Anomaly Detection, which we call HGAD. Our HGAD consists of two key components: inter-class Gaussian mixture modeling and intra-class mixed class centers learning. Compared to the previous NF-based AD methods, the hierarchical Gaussian mixture modeling approach can bring stronger representation capability to the latent space of normalizing flows, so that even complex multi-class distribution can be well represented and learned in the latent space. In this way, we can avoid mapping different class distributions into the same single Gaussian prior, thus effectively avoiding or mitigating the "homogeneous mapping" issue. We further indicate that the more distinguishable different class centers, the more conducive to avoiding the bias issue. Thus, we further propose a mutual information maximization loss for better structuring the latent feature space. We evaluate our method on four real-world AD benchmarks, where we can significantly improve the previous NF-based AD methods and also outperform the SOTA unified AD methods.

replace Multimodal Variational Autoencoder for Low-cost Cardiac Hemodynamics Instability Detection

Authors: Mohammod N. I. Suvon, Prasun C. Tripathi, Wenrui Fan, Shuo Zhou, Xianyuan Liu, Samer Alabed, Venet Osmani, Andrew J. Swift, Chen Chen, Haiping Lu

Abstract: Recent advancements in non-invasive detection of cardiac hemodynamic instability (CHDI) primarily focus on applying machine learning techniques to a single data modality, e.g. cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Despite their potential, these approaches often fall short especially when the size of labeled patient data is limited, a common challenge in the medical domain. Furthermore, only a few studies have explored multimodal methods to study CHDI, which mostly rely on costly modalities such as cardiac MRI and echocardiogram. In response to these limitations, we propose a novel multimodal variational autoencoder ($\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$) to integrate low-cost chest X-ray (CXR) and electrocardiogram (ECG) modalities with pre-training on a large unlabeled dataset. Specifically, $\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$ introduces a novel tri-stream pre-training strategy to learn both shared and modality-specific features, thus enabling fine-tuning with both unimodal and multimodal datasets. We pre-train $\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$ on a large, unlabeled dataset of $50,982$ subjects from a subset of MIMIC database and then fine-tune the pre-trained model on a labeled dataset of $795$ subjects from the ASPIRE registry. Comprehensive evaluations against existing methods show that $\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$ offers promising performance (AUROC $=0.79$ and Accuracy $=0.77$), representing a significant step forward in non-invasive prediction of CHDI. Our model also excels in producing fine interpretations of predictions directly associated with clinical features, thereby supporting clinical decision-making.

replace Accelerated Parameter-Free Stochastic Optimization

Authors: Itai Kreisler, Maor Ivgi, Oliver Hinder, Yair Carmon

Abstract: We propose a method that achieves near-optimal rates for smooth stochastic convex optimization and requires essentially no prior knowledge of problem parameters. This improves on prior work which requires knowing at least the initial distance to optimality d0. Our method, U-DoG, combines UniXGrad (Kavis et al., 2019) and DoG (Ivgi et al., 2023) with novel iterate stabilization techniques. It requires only loose bounds on d0 and the noise magnitude, provides high probability guarantees under sub-Gaussian noise, and is also near-optimal in the non-smooth case. Our experiments show consistent, strong performance on convex problems and mixed results on neural network training.

replace The impact of data set similarity and diversity on transfer learning success in time series forecasting

Authors: Claudia Ehrig, Benedikt Sonnleitner, Ursula Neumann, Catherine Cleophas, Germain Forestier

Abstract: Pre-trained models have become pivotal in enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of time series forecasting on target data sets by leveraging transfer learning. While benchmarks validate the performance of model generalization on various target data sets, there is no structured research providing similarity and diversity measures to explain which characteristics of source and target data lead to transfer learning success. Our study pioneers in systematically evaluating the impact of source-target similarity and source diversity on zero-shot and fine-tuned forecasting outcomes in terms of accuracy, bias, and uncertainty estimation. We investigate these dynamics using pre-trained neural networks across five public source datasets, applied to forecasting five target data sets, including real-world wholesales data. We identify two feature-based similarity and diversity measures, finding that source-target similarity reduces forecasting bias, while source diversity improves forecasting accuracy and uncertainty estimation, but increases the bias.

replace Filtered Direct Preference Optimization

Authors: Tetsuro Morimura, Mitsuki Sakamoto, Yuu Jinnai, Kenshi Abe, Kaito Ariu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) plays a crucial role in aligning language models with human preferences. While the significance of dataset quality is generally recognized, explicit investigations into its impact within the RLHF framework, to our knowledge, have been limited. This paper addresses the issue of text quality within the preference dataset by focusing on direct preference optimization (DPO), an increasingly adopted reward-model-free RLHF method. We confirm that text quality significantly influences the performance of models optimized with DPO more than those optimized with reward-model-based RLHF. Building on this new insight, we propose an extension of DPO, termed filtered direct preference optimization (fDPO). fDPO uses a trained reward model to monitor the quality of texts within the preference dataset during DPO training. Samples of lower quality are discarded based on comparisons with texts generated by the model being optimized, resulting in a more accurate dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that fDPO enhances the final model performance. Our code is available at


replace Alice's Adventures in a Differentiable Wonderland -- Volume I, A Tour of the Land

Authors: Simone Scardapane

Abstract: Neural networks surround us, in the form of large language models, speech transcription systems, molecular discovery algorithms, robotics, and much more. Stripped of anything else, neural networks are compositions of differentiable primitives, and studying them means learning how to program and how to interact with these models, a particular example of what is called differentiable programming. This primer is an introduction to this fascinating field imagined for someone, like Alice, who has just ventured into this strange differentiable wonderland. I overview the basics of optimizing a function via automatic differentiation, and a selection of the most common designs for handling sequences, graphs, texts, and audios. The focus is on a intuitive, self-contained introduction to the most important design techniques, including convolutional, attentional, and recurrent blocks, hoping to bridge the gap between theory and code (PyTorch and JAX) and leaving the reader capable of understanding some of the most advanced models out there, such as large language models (LLMs) and multimodal architectures.

replace Multi-level projection with exponential parallel speedup; Application to sparse auto-encoders neural networks

Authors: Guillaume Perez, Michel Barlaud

Abstract: The $\ell_{1,\infty}$ norm is an efficient structured projection but the complexity of the best algorithm is unfortunately $\mathcal{O}\big(n m \log(n m)\big)$ for a matrix in $\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$. In this paper, we propose a new bi-level projection method for which we show that the time complexity for the $\ell_{1,\infty}$ norm is only $\mathcal{O}\big(n m \big)$ for a matrix in $\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$, and $\mathcal{O}\big(n + m \big)$ with full parallel power. We generalize our method to tensors and we propose a new multi-level projection, having an induced decomposition that yields a linear parallel speedup up to an exponential speedup factor, resulting in a time complexity lower-bounded by the sum of the dimensions, instead of the product of the dimensions. we provide a large base of implementation of our framework for bi-level and tri-level (matrices and tensors) for various norms and provides also the parallel implementation. Experiments show that our projection is $2$ times faster than the actual fastest Euclidean algorithms while providing same accuracy and better sparsity in neural networks applications.

replace Identification of Novel Modes in Generative Models via Fourier-based Differential Clustering

Authors: Jingwei Zhang, Mohammad Jalali, Cheuk Ting Li, Farzan Farnia

Abstract: An interpretable comparison of generative models requires the identification of sample types produced more frequently by each of the involved models. While several quantitative scores have been proposed in the literature to rank different generative models, such score-based evaluations do not reveal the nuanced differences between the generative models in capturing various sample types. In this work, we attempt to solve a differential clustering problem to detect sample types expressed differently by two generative models. To solve the differential clustering problem, we propose a method called Fourier-based Identification of Novel Clusters (FINC) to identify modes produced by a generative model with a higher frequency in comparison to a reference distribution. FINC provides a scalable stochastic algorithm based on random Fourier features to estimate the eigenspace of kernel covariance matrices of two generative models and utilize the principal eigendirections to detect the sample types present more dominantly in each model. We demonstrate the application of the FINC method to large-scale computer vision datasets and generative model frameworks. Our numerical results suggest the scalability of the developed Fourier-based method in highlighting the sample types produced with different frequencies by widely-used generative models. Code is available at \url{}


replace Doubly Robust Causal Effect Estimation under Networked Interference via Targeted Learning

Authors: Weilin Chen, Ruichu Cai, Zeqin Yang, Jie Qiao, Yuguang Yan, Zijian Li, Zhifeng Hao

Abstract: Causal effect estimation under networked interference is an important but challenging problem. Available parametric methods are limited in their model space, while previous semiparametric methods, e.g., leveraging neural networks to fit only one single nuisance function, may still encounter misspecification problems under networked interference without appropriate assumptions on the data generation process. To mitigate bias stemming from misspecification, we propose a novel doubly robust causal effect estimator under networked interference, by adapting the targeted learning technique to the training of neural networks. Specifically, we generalize the targeted learning technique into the networked interference setting and establish the condition under which an estimator achieves double robustness. Based on the condition, we devise an end-to-end causal effect estimator by transforming the identified theoretical condition into a targeted loss. Moreover, we provide a theoretical analysis of our designed estimator, revealing a faster convergence rate compared to a single nuisance model. Extensive experimental results on two real-world networks with semisynthetic data demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed estimators.

replace FuXi-ENS: A machine learning model for medium-range ensemble weather forecasting

Authors: Xiaohui Zhong, Lei Chen, Hao Li, Jun Liu, Xu Fan, Jie Feng, Kan Dai, Jing-Jia Luo, Jie Wu, Yuan Qi, Bo Lu

Abstract: Ensemble forecasting is crucial for improving weather predictions, especially for forecasts of extreme events. Constructing an ensemble prediction system (EPS) based on conventional NWP models is highly computationally expensive. ML models have emerged as valuable tools for deterministic weather forecasts, providing forecasts with significantly reduced computational requirements and even surpassing the forecast performance of traditional NWP models. However, challenges arise when applying ML models to ensemble forecasting. Recent ML models, such as GenCast and SEEDS model, rely on the ERA5 EDA or operational NWP ensemble members for forecast generation. Their spatial resolution is also considered too coarse for many applications. To overcome these limitations, we introduce FuXi-ENS, an advanced ML model designed to deliver 6-hourly global ensemble weather forecasts up to 15 days. This model runs at a significantly increased spatial resolution of 0.25\textdegree, incorporating 5 atmospheric variables at 13 pressure levels, along with 13 surface variables. By leveraging the inherent probabilistic nature of Variational AutoEncoder (VAE), FuXi-ENS optimizes a loss function that combines the CRPS and the KL divergence between the predicted and target distribution, facilitating the incorporation of flow-dependent perturbations in both initial conditions and forecast. This innovative approach makes FuXi-ENS an advancement over the traditional ones that use L1 loss combined with the KL loss in standard VAE models for ensemble weather forecasting. Results demonstrate that FuXi-ENS outperforms ensemble forecasts from the ECMWF, a world leading NWP model, in the CRPS of 98.1% of 360 variable and forecast lead time combinations. This achievement underscores the potential of the FuXi-ENS model to enhance ensemble weather forecasts, offering a promising direction for further development in this field.

replace Age Aware Scheduling for Differentially-Private Federated Learning

Authors: Kuan-Yu Lin, Hsuan-Yin Lin, Yu-Pin Hsu, Yu-Chih Huang

Abstract: This paper explores differentially-private federated learning (FL) across time-varying databases, delving into a nuanced three-way tradeoff involving age, accuracy, and differential privacy (DP). Emphasizing the potential advantages of scheduling, we propose an optimization problem aimed at meeting DP requirements while minimizing the loss difference between the aggregated model and the model obtained without DP constraints. To harness the benefits of scheduling, we introduce an age-dependent upper bound on the loss, leading to the development of an age-aware scheduling design. Simulation results underscore the superior performance of our proposed scheme compared to FL with classic DP, which does not consider scheduling as a design factor. This research contributes insights into the interplay of age, accuracy, and DP in federated learning, with practical implications for scheduling strategies.

replace Semiring Activation in Neural Networks

Authors: Bart M. N. Smets, Peter D. Donker, Jim W. Portegies, Remco Duits

Abstract: We introduce a class of trainable nonlinear operators based on semirings that are suitable for use in neural networks. These operators generalize the traditional alternation of linear operators with activation functions in neural networks. Semirings are algebraic structures that describe a generalised notation of linearity, greatly expanding the range of trainable operators that can be included in neural networks. In fact, max- or min-pooling operations are convolutions in the tropical semiring with a fixed kernel. We perform experiments where we replace the activation functions for trainable semiring-based operators to show that these are viable operations to include in fully connected as well as convolutional neural networks (ConvNeXt). We discuss some of the challenges of replacing traditional activation functions with trainable semiring activations and the trade-offs of doing so.

replace Value-Incentivized Preference Optimization: A Unified Approach to Online and Offline RLHF

Authors: Shicong Cen, Jincheng Mei, Katayoon Goshvadi, Hanjun Dai, Tong Yang, Sherry Yang, Dale Schuurmans, Yuejie Chi, Bo Dai

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has demonstrated great promise in aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preference. Depending on the availability of preference data, both online and offline RLHF are active areas of investigation. A key bottleneck is understanding how to incorporate uncertainty estimation in the reward function learned from the preference data for RLHF, regardless of how the preference data is collected. While the principles of optimism or pessimism under uncertainty are well-established in standard reinforcement learning (RL), a practically-implementable and theoretically-grounded form amenable to large language models is not yet available, as standard techniques for constructing confidence intervals become intractable under arbitrary policy parameterizations. In this paper, we introduce a unified approach to online and offline RLHF -- value-incentivized preference optimization (VPO) -- which regularizes the maximum-likelihood estimate of the reward function with the corresponding value function, modulated by a $\textit{sign}$ to indicate whether the optimism or pessimism is chosen. VPO also directly optimizes the policy with implicit reward modeling, and therefore shares a simpler RLHF pipeline similar to direct preference optimization. Theoretical guarantees of VPO are provided for both online and offline settings, matching the rates of their standard RL counterparts. Moreover, experiments on text summarization and dialog verify the practicality and effectiveness of VPO.

replace PeFAD: A Parameter-Efficient Federated Framework for Time Series Anomaly Detection

Authors: Ronghui Xu, Hao Miao, Senzhang Wang, Philip S. Yu, Jianxin Wang

Abstract: With the proliferation of mobile sensing techniques, huge amounts of time series data are generated and accumulated in various domains, fueling plenty of real-world applications. In this setting, time series anomaly detection is practically important. It endeavors to identify deviant samples from the normal sample distribution in time series. Existing approaches generally assume that all the time series is available at a central location. However, we are witnessing the decentralized collection of time series due to the deployment of various edge devices. To bridge the gap between the decentralized time series data and the centralized anomaly detection algorithms, we propose a Parameter-efficient Federated Anomaly Detection framework named PeFAD with the increasing privacy concerns. PeFAD for the first time employs the pre-trained language model (PLM) as the body of the client's local model, which can benefit from its cross-modality knowledge transfer capability. To reduce the communication overhead and local model adaptation cost, we propose a parameter-efficient federated training module such that clients only need to fine-tune small-scale parameters and transmit them to the server for update. PeFAD utilizes a novel anomaly-driven mask selection strategy to mitigate the impact of neglected anomalies during training. A knowledge distillation operation on a synthetic privacy-preserving dataset that is shared by all the clients is also proposed to address the data heterogeneity issue across clients. We conduct extensive evaluations on four real datasets, where PeFAD outperforms existing state-of-the-art baselines by up to 28.74%.

replace Planetary Causal Inference: Implications for the Geography of Poverty

Authors: Kazuki Sakamoto, Connor T. Jerzak, Adel Daoud

Abstract: Earth observation data such as satellite imagery can, when combined with machine learning, can have far-reaching impacts on our understanding of the geography of poverty through the prediction of living conditions, especially where government-derived economic indicators are either unavailable or potentially untrustworthy. Recent work has progressed in using Earth Observation (EO) data not only to predict spatial economic outcomes but also to explore cause and effect, an understanding which is critical for downstream policy analysis. In this review, we first document the growth of interest in using satellite images together with EO data in causal analysis. We then trace the relationship between spatial statistics and machine learning methods before discussing four ways in which EO data has been used in causal machine learning pipelines -- (1.) poverty outcome imputation for downstream causal analysis, (2.) EO image deconfounding, (3.) EO-based treatment effect heterogeneity, and (4.) EO-based transportability analysis. We conclude by providing a step-by-step workflow for how researchers can incorporate EO data in causal ML analysis going forward, outlining major choices of data, models, and evaluation metrics.

replace Revisiting Scalable Hessian Diagonal Approximations for Applications in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Mohamed Elsayed, Homayoon Farrahi, Felix Dangel, A. Rupam Mahmood

Abstract: Second-order information is valuable for many applications but challenging to compute. Several works focus on computing or approximating Hessian diagonals, but even this simplification introduces significant additional costs compared to computing a gradient. In the absence of efficient exact computation schemes for Hessian diagonals, we revisit an early approximation scheme proposed by Becker and LeCun (1989, BL89), which has a cost similar to gradients and appears to have been overlooked by the community. We introduce HesScale, an improvement over BL89, which adds negligible extra computation. On small networks, we find that this improvement is of higher quality than all alternatives, even those with theoretical guarantees, such as unbiasedness, while being much cheaper to compute. We use this insight in reinforcement learning problems where small networks are used and demonstrate HesScale in second-order optimization and scaling the step-size parameter. In our experiments, HesScale optimizes faster than existing methods and improves stability through step-size scaling. These findings are promising for scaling second-order methods in larger models in the future.

replace Causality for Tabular Data Synthesis: A High-Order Structure Causal Benchmark Framework

Authors: Ruibo Tu, Zineb Senane, Lele Cao, Cheng Zhang, Hedvig Kjellstr\"om, Gustav Eje Henter

Abstract: Tabular synthesis models remain ineffective at capturing complex dependencies, and the quality of synthetic data is still insufficient for comprehensive downstream tasks, such as prediction under distribution shifts, automated decision-making, and cross-table understanding. A major challenge is the lack of prior knowledge about underlying structures and high-order relationships in tabular data. We argue that a systematic evaluation on high-order structural information for tabular data synthesis is the first step towards solving the problem. In this paper, we introduce high-order structural causal information as natural prior knowledge and provide a benchmark framework for the evaluation of tabular synthesis models. The framework allows us to generate benchmark datasets with a flexible range of data generation processes and to train tabular synthesis models using these datasets for further evaluation. We propose multiple benchmark tasks, high-order metrics, and causal inference tasks as downstream tasks for evaluating the quality of synthetic data generated by the trained models. Our experiments demonstrate to leverage the benchmark framework for evaluating the model capability of capturing high-order structural causal information. Furthermore, our benchmarking results provide an initial assessment of state-of-the-art tabular synthesis models. They have clearly revealed significant gaps between ideal and actual performance and how baseline methods differ. Our benchmark framework is available at URL


replace Privacy-Preserving Heterogeneous Federated Learning for Sensitive Healthcare Data

Authors: Yukai Xu, Jingfeng Zhang, Yujie Gu

Abstract: In the realm of healthcare where decentralized facilities are prevalent, machine learning faces two major challenges concerning the protection of data and models. The data-level challenge concerns the data privacy leakage when centralizing data with sensitive personal information. While the model-level challenge arises from the heterogeneity of local models, which need to be collaboratively trained while ensuring their confidentiality to address intellectual property concerns. To tackle these challenges, we propose a new framework termed Abstention-Aware Federated Voting (AAFV) that can collaboratively and confidentially train heterogeneous local models while simultaneously protecting the data privacy. This is achieved by integrating a novel abstention-aware voting mechanism and a differential privacy mechanism onto local models' predictions. In particular, the proposed abstention-aware voting mechanism exploits a threshold-based abstention method to select high-confidence votes from heterogeneous local models, which not only enhances the learning utility but also protects model confidentiality. Furthermore, we implement AAFV on two practical prediction tasks of diabetes and in-hospital patient mortality. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and confidentiality of AAFV in testing accuracy and privacy protection.

replace Mixture-of-Subspaces in Low-Rank Adaptation

Authors: Taiqiang Wu, Jiahao Wang, Zhe Zhao, Ngai Wong

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a subspace-inspired Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) method, which is computationally efficient, easy to implement, and readily applicable to large language, multimodal, and diffusion models. Initially, we equivalently decompose the weights of LoRA into two subspaces, and find that simply mixing them can enhance performance. To study such a phenomenon, we revisit it through a fine-grained subspace lens, showing that such modification is equivalent to employing a fixed mixer to fuse the subspaces. To be more flexible, we jointly learn the mixer with the original LoRA weights, and term the method Mixture-of-Subspaces LoRA (MoSLoRA). MoSLoRA consistently outperforms LoRA on tasks in different modalities, including commonsense reasoning, visual instruction tuning, and subject-driven text-to-image generation, demonstrating its effectiveness and robustness. Codes are available at


replace Predicting the duration of traffic incidents for Sydney greater metropolitan area using machine learning methods

Authors: Artur Grigorev, Sajjad Shafiei, Hanna Grzybowska, Adriana-Simona Mihaita

Abstract: This research presents a comprehensive approach to predicting the duration of traffic incidents and classifying them as short-term or long-term across the Sydney Metropolitan Area. Leveraging a dataset that encompasses detailed records of traffic incidents, road network characteristics, and socio-economic indicators, we train and evaluate a variety of advanced machine learning models including Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT), Random Forest, LightGBM, and XGBoost. The models are assessed using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for regression tasks and F1 score for classification tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate that XGBoost and LightGBM outperform conventional models with XGBoost achieving the lowest RMSE of 33.7 for predicting incident duration and highest classification F1 score of 0.62 for a 30-minute duration threshold. For classification, the 30-minute threshold balances performance with 70.84% short-term duration classification accuracy and 62.72% long-term duration classification accuracy. Feature importance analysis, employing both tree split counts and SHAP values, identifies the number of affected lanes, traffic volume, and types of primary and secondary vehicles as the most influential features. The proposed methodology not only achieves high predictive accuracy but also provides stakeholders with vital insights into factors contributing to incident durations. These insights enable more informed decision-making for traffic management and response strategies. The code is available by the link:


replace Diffusion Forcing: Next-token Prediction Meets Full-Sequence Diffusion

Authors: Boyuan Chen, Diego Marti Monso, Yilun Du, Max Simchowitz, Russ Tedrake, Vincent Sitzmann

Abstract: This paper presents Diffusion Forcing, a new training paradigm where a diffusion model is trained to denoise a set of tokens with independent per-token noise levels. We apply Diffusion Forcing to sequence generative modeling by training a causal next-token prediction model to generate one or several future tokens without fully diffusing past ones. Our approach is shown to combine the strengths of next-token prediction models, such as variable-length generation, with the strengths of full-sequence diffusion models, such as the ability to guide sampling to desirable trajectories. Our method offers a range of additional capabilities, such as (1) rolling-out sequences of continuous tokens, such as video, with lengths past the training horizon, where baselines diverge and (2) new sampling and guiding schemes that uniquely profit from Diffusion Forcing's variable-horizon and causal architecture, and which lead to marked performance gains in decision-making and planning tasks. In addition to its empirical success, our method is proven to optimize a variational lower bound on the likelihoods of all subsequences of tokens drawn from the true joint distribution. Project website:


replace Latent Diffusion Model for Generating Ensembles of Climate Simulations

Authors: Johannes Meuer, Maximilian Witte, Tobias Sebastian Finn, Claudia Timmreck, Thomas Ludwig, Christopher Kadow

Abstract: Obtaining accurate estimates of uncertainty in climate scenarios often requires generating large ensembles of high-resolution climate simulations, a computationally expensive and memory intensive process. To address this challenge, we train a novel generative deep learning approach on extensive sets of climate simulations. The model consists of two components: a variational autoencoder for dimensionality reduction and a denoising diffusion probabilistic model that generates multiple ensemble members. We validate our model on the Max Planck Institute Grand Ensemble and show that it achieves good agreement with the original ensemble in terms of variability. By leveraging the latent space representation, our model can rapidly generate large ensembles on-the-fly with minimal memory requirements, which can significantly improve the efficiency of uncertainty quantification in climate simulations.

replace Semantically Rich Local Dataset Generation for Explainable AI in Genomics

Authors: Pedro Barbosa, Rosina Savisaar, Alcides Fonseca

Abstract: Black box deep learning models trained on genomic sequences excel at predicting the outcomes of different gene regulatory mechanisms. Therefore, interpreting these models may provide novel insights into the underlying biology, supporting downstream biomedical applications. Due to their complexity, interpretable surrogate models can only be built for local explanations (e.g., a single instance). However, accomplishing this requires generating a dataset in the neighborhood of the input, which must maintain syntactic similarity to the original data while introducing semantic variability in the model's predictions. This task is challenging due to the complex sequence-to-function relationship of DNA. We propose using Genetic Programming to generate datasets by evolving perturbations in sequences that contribute to their semantic diversity. Our custom, domain-guided individual representation effectively constrains syntactic similarity, and we provide two alternative fitness functions that promote diversity with no computational effort. Applied to the RNA splicing domain, our approach quickly achieves good diversity and significantly outperforms a random baseline in exploring the search space, as shown by our proof-of-concept, short RNA sequence. Furthermore, we assess its generalizability and demonstrate scalability to larger sequences, resulting in a ~30% improvement over the baseline.

replace-cross Robust Validation: Confident Predictions Even When Distributions Shift

Authors: Maxime Cauchois, Suyash Gupta, Alnur Ali, John C. Duchi

Abstract: While the traditional viewpoint in machine learning and statistics assumes training and testing samples come from the same population, practice belies this fiction. One strategy -- coming from robust statistics and optimization -- is thus to build a model robust to distributional perturbations. In this paper, we take a different approach to describe procedures for robust predictive inference, where a model provides uncertainty estimates on its predictions rather than point predictions. We present a method that produces prediction sets (almost exactly) giving the right coverage level for any test distribution in an $f$-divergence ball around the training population. The method, based on conformal inference, achieves (nearly) valid coverage in finite samples, under only the condition that the training data be exchangeable. An essential component of our methodology is to estimate the amount of expected future data shift and build robustness to it; we develop estimators and prove their consistency for protection and validity of uncertainty estimates under shifts. By experimenting on several large-scale benchmark datasets, including Recht et al.'s CIFAR-v4 and ImageNet-V2 datasets, we provide complementary empirical results that highlight the importance of robust predictive validity.

replace-cross Kernel Ridge Riesz Representers: Generalization, Mis-specification, and the Counterfactual Effective Dimension

Authors: Rahul Singh

Abstract: Kernel balancing weights provide confidence intervals for average treatment effects, based on the idea of balancing covariates for the treated group and untreated group in feature space, often with ridge regularization. Previous works on the classical kernel ridge balancing weights have certain limitations: (i) not articulating generalization error for the balancing weights, (ii) typically requiring correct specification of features, and (iii) justifying Gaussian approximation for only average effects. I interpret kernel balancing weights as kernel ridge Riesz representers (KRRR) and address these limitations via a new characterization of the counterfactual effective dimension. KRRR is an exact generalization of kernel ridge regression and kernel ridge balancing weights. I prove strong properties similar to kernel ridge regression: population $L_2$ rates controlling generalization error, and a standalone closed form solution that can interpolate. The framework relaxes the stringent assumption that the underlying regression model is correctly specified by the features. It extends Gaussian approximation beyond average effects to heterogeneous effects, justifying confidence sets for causal functions. I use KRRR to quantify uncertainty for heterogeneous treatment effects, by age, of 401(k) eligibility on assets.

replace-cross Differentiating and Integrating ZX Diagrams with Applications to Quantum Machine Learning

Authors: Quanlong Wang, Richie Yeung, Mark Koch

Abstract: ZX-calculus has proved to be a useful tool for quantum technology with a wide range of successful applications. Most of these applications are of an algebraic nature. However, other tasks that involve differentiation and integration remain unreachable with current ZX techniques. Here we elevate ZX to an analytical perspective by realising differentiation and integration entirely within the framework of ZX-calculus. We explicitly illustrate the new analytic framework of ZX-calculus by applying it in context of quantum machine learning for the analysis of barren plateaus.

replace-cross Neuro-BERT: Rethinking Masked Autoencoding for Self-supervised Neurological Pretraining

Authors: Di Wu, Siyuan Li, Jie Yang, Mohamad Sawan

Abstract: Deep learning associated with neurological signals is poised to drive major advancements in diverse fields such as medical diagnostics, neurorehabilitation, and brain-computer interfaces. The challenge in harnessing the full potential of these signals lies in the dependency on extensive, high-quality annotated data, which is often scarce and expensive to acquire, requiring specialized infrastructure and domain expertise. To address the appetite for data in deep learning, we present Neuro-BERT, a self-supervised pre-training framework of neurological signals based on masked autoencoding in the Fourier domain. The intuition behind our approach is simple: frequency and phase distribution of neurological signals can reveal intricate neurological activities. We propose a novel pre-training task dubbed Fourier Inversion Prediction (FIP), which randomly masks out a portion of the input signal and then predicts the missing information using the Fourier inversion theorem. Pre-trained models can be potentially used for various downstream tasks such as sleep stage classification and gesture recognition. Unlike contrastive-based methods, which strongly rely on carefully hand-crafted augmentations and siamese structure, our approach works reasonably well with a simple transformer encoder with no augmentation requirements. By evaluating our method on several benchmark datasets, we show that Neuro-BERT improves downstream neurological-related tasks by a large margin.

replace-cross Improving Sequential Query Recommendation with Immediate User Feedback

Authors: Shameem A Puthiya Parambath, Christos Anagnostopoulos, Roderick Murray-Smith

Abstract: We propose an algorithm for next query recommendation in interactive data exploration settings, like knowledge discovery for information gathering. The state-of-the-art query recommendation algorithms are based on sequence-to-sequence learning approaches that exploit historical interaction data. Due to the supervision involved in the learning process, such approaches fail to adapt to immediate user feedback. We propose to augment the transformer-based causal language models for query recommendations to adapt to the immediate user feedback using multi-armed bandit (MAB) framework. We conduct a large-scale experimental study using log files from a popular online literature discovery service and demonstrate that our algorithm improves the per-round regret substantially, with respect to the state-of-the-art transformer-based query recommendation models, which do not make use of immediate user feedback. Our data model and source code are available at


replace-cross Robust Sparse Mean Estimation via Sum of Squares

Authors: Ilias Diakonikolas, Daniel M. Kane, Sushrut Karmalkar, Ankit Pensia, Thanasis Pittas

Abstract: We study the problem of high-dimensional sparse mean estimation in the presence of an $\epsilon$-fraction of adversarial outliers. Prior work obtained sample and computationally efficient algorithms for this task for identity-covariance subgaussian distributions. In this work, we develop the first efficient algorithms for robust sparse mean estimation without a priori knowledge of the covariance. For distributions on $\mathbb R^d$ with "certifiably bounded" $t$-th moments and sufficiently light tails, our algorithm achieves error of $O(\epsilon^{1-1/t})$ with sample complexity $m = (k\log(d))^{O(t)}/\epsilon^{2-2/t}$. For the special case of the Gaussian distribution, our algorithm achieves near-optimal error of $\tilde O(\epsilon)$ with sample complexity $m = O(k^4 \mathrm{polylog}(d))/\epsilon^2$. Our algorithms follow the Sum-of-Squares based, proofs to algorithms approach. We complement our upper bounds with Statistical Query and low-degree polynomial testing lower bounds, providing evidence that the sample-time-error tradeoffs achieved by our algorithms are qualitatively the best possible.

replace-cross List-Decodable Sparse Mean Estimation via Difference-of-Pairs Filtering

Authors: Ilias Diakonikolas, Daniel M. Kane, Sushrut Karmalkar, Ankit Pensia, Thanasis Pittas

Abstract: We study the problem of list-decodable sparse mean estimation. Specifically, for a parameter $\alpha \in (0, 1/2)$, we are given $m$ points in $\mathbb{R}^n$, $\lfloor \alpha m \rfloor$ of which are i.i.d. samples from a distribution $D$ with unknown $k$-sparse mean $\mu$. No assumptions are made on the remaining points, which form the majority of the dataset. The goal is to return a small list of candidates containing a vector $\widehat \mu$ such that $\| \widehat \mu - \mu \|_2$ is small. Prior work had studied the problem of list-decodable mean estimation in the dense setting. In this work, we develop a novel, conceptually simpler technique for list-decodable mean estimation. As the main application of our approach, we provide the first sample and computationally efficient algorithm for list-decodable sparse mean estimation. In particular, for distributions with "certifiably bounded" $t$-th moments in $k$-sparse directions and sufficiently light tails, our algorithm achieves error of $(1/\alpha)^{O(1/t)}$ with sample complexity $m = (k\log(n))^{O(t)}/\alpha$ and running time $\mathrm{poly}(mn^t)$. For the special case of Gaussian inliers, our algorithm achieves the optimal error guarantee of $\Theta (\sqrt{\log(1/\alpha)})$ with quasi-polynomial sample and computational complexity. We complement our upper bounds with nearly-matching statistical query and low-degree polynomial testing lower bounds.

replace-cross Probabilistic Rank and Reward: A Scalable Model for Slate Recommendation

Authors: Imad Aouali, Achraf Ait Sidi Hammou, Otmane Sakhi, David Rohde, Flavian Vasile

Abstract: We introduce Probabilistic Rank and Reward (PRR), a scalable probabilistic model for personalized slate recommendation. Our approach allows off-policy estimation of the reward in the scenario where the user interacts with at most one item from a slate of K items. We show that the probability of a slate being successful can be learned efficiently by combining the reward, whether the user successfully interacted with the slate, and the rank, the item that was selected within the slate. PRR outperforms existing off-policy reward optimizing methods and is far more scalable to large action spaces. Moreover, PRR allows fast delivery of recommendations powered by maximum inner product search (MIPS), making it suitable in low latency domains such as computational advertising.

replace-cross Contrastive Neural Ratio Estimation for Simulation-based Inference

Authors: Benjamin Kurt Miller, Christoph Weniger, Patrick Forr\'e

Abstract: Likelihood-to-evidence ratio estimation is usually cast as either a binary (NRE-A) or a multiclass (NRE-B) classification task. In contrast to the binary classification framework, the current formulation of the multiclass version has an intrinsic and unknown bias term, making otherwise informative diagnostics unreliable. We propose a multiclass framework free from the bias inherent to NRE-B at optimum, leaving us in the position to run diagnostics that practitioners depend on. It also recovers NRE-A in one corner case and NRE-B in the limiting case. For fair comparison, we benchmark the behavior of all algorithms in both familiar and novel training regimes: when jointly drawn data is unlimited, when data is fixed but prior draws are unlimited, and in the commonplace fixed data and parameters setting. Our investigations reveal that the highest performing models are distant from the competitors (NRE-A, NRE-B) in hyperparameter space. We make a recommendation for hyperparameters distinct from the previous models. We suggest two bounds on the mutual information as performance metrics for simulation-based inference methods, without the need for posterior samples, and provide experimental results. This version corrects a minor implementation error in $\gamma$, improving results.

replace-cross Learning Decentralized Linear Quadratic Regulators with $\sqrt{T}$ Regret

Authors: Lintao Ye, Ming Chi, Ruiquan Liao, Vijay Gupta

Abstract: We propose an online learning algorithm that adaptively designs a decentralized linear quadratic regulator when the system model is unknown a priori and new data samples from a single system trajectory become progressively available. The algorithm uses a disturbance-feedback representation of state-feedback controllers coupled with online convex optimization with memory and delayed feedback. Under the assumption that the system is stable or given a known stabilizing controller, we show that our controller enjoys an expected regret that scales as $\sqrt{T}$ with the time horizon $T$ for the case of partially nested information pattern. For more general information patterns, the optimal controller is unknown even if the system model is known. In this case, the regret of our controller is shown with respect to a linear sub-optimal controller. We validate our theoretical findings using numerical experiments.

replace-cross Do Pre-trained Models Benefit Equally in Continual Learning?

Authors: Kuan-Ying Lee, Yuanyi Zhong, Yu-Xiong Wang

Abstract: Existing work on continual learning (CL) is primarily devoted to developing algorithms for models trained from scratch. Despite their encouraging performance on contrived benchmarks, these algorithms show dramatic performance drops in real-world scenarios. Therefore, this paper advocates the systematic introduction of pre-training to CL, which is a general recipe for transferring knowledge to downstream tasks but is substantially missing in the CL community. Our investigation reveals the multifaceted complexity of exploiting pre-trained models for CL, along three different axes, pre-trained models, CL algorithms, and CL scenarios. Perhaps most intriguingly, improvements in CL algorithms from pre-training are very inconsistent an underperforming algorithm could become competitive and even state-of-the-art when all algorithms start from a pre-trained model. This indicates that the current paradigm, where all CL methods are compared in from-scratch training, is not well reflective of the true CL objective and desired progress. In addition, we make several other important observations, including that CL algorithms that exert less regularization benefit more from a pre-trained model; and that a stronger pre-trained model such as CLIP does not guarantee a better improvement. Based on these findings, we introduce a simple yet effective baseline that employs minimum regularization and leverages the more beneficial pre-trained model, coupled with a two-stage training pipeline. We recommend including this strong baseline in the future development of CL algorithms, due to its demonstrated state-of-the-art performance.

replace-cross PINNSim: A Simulator for Power System Dynamics based on Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Jochen Stiasny, Baosen Zhang, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis

Abstract: The dynamic behaviour of a power system can be described by a system of differential-algebraic equations. Time-domain simulations are used to simulate the evolution of these dynamics. They often require the use of small time step sizes and therefore become computationally expensive. To accelerate these simulations, we propose a simulator - PINNSim - that allows to take significantly larger time steps. It is based on Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) for the solution of the dynamics of single components in the power system. To resolve their interaction we employ a scalable root-finding algorithm. We demonstrate PINNSim on a 9-bus system and show the increased time step size compared to a trapezoidal integration rule. We discuss key characteristics of PINNSim and important steps for developing PINNSim into a fully fledged simulator. As such, it could offer the opportunity for significantly increasing time step sizes and thereby accelerating time-domain simulations.

replace-cross Object-Centric Relational Representations for Image Generation

Authors: Luca Butera, Andrea Cini, Alberto Ferrante, Cesare Alippi

Abstract: Conditioning image generation on specific features of the desired output is a key ingredient of modern generative models. However, existing approaches lack a general and unified way of representing structural and semantic conditioning at diverse granularity levels. This paper explores a novel method to condition image generation, based on object-centric relational representations. In particular, we propose a methodology to condition the generation of objects in an image on the attributed graph representing their structure and the associated semantic information. We show that such architectural biases entail properties that facilitate the manipulation and conditioning of the generative process and allow for regularizing the training procedure. The proposed conditioning framework is implemented by means of a neural network that learns to generate a 2D, multi-channel, layout mask of the objects, which can be used as a soft inductive bias in the downstream generative task. To do so, we leverage both 2D and graph convolutional operators. We also propose a novel benchmark for image generation consisting of a synthetic dataset of images paired with their relational representation. Empirical results show that the proposed approach compares favorably against relevant baselines.

replace-cross Using generative AI to investigate medical imagery models and datasets

Authors: Oran Lang, Doron Yaya-Stupp, Ilana Traynis, Heather Cole-Lewis, Chloe R. Bennett, Courtney Lyles, Charles Lau, Michal Irani, Christopher Semturs, Dale R. Webster, Greg S. Corrado, Avinatan Hassidim, Yossi Matias, Yun Liu, Naama Hammel, Boris Babenko

Abstract: AI models have shown promise in many medical imaging tasks. However, our ability to explain what signals these models have learned is severely lacking. Explanations are needed in order to increase the trust in AI-based models, and could enable novel scientific discovery by uncovering signals in the data that are not yet known to experts. In this paper, we present a method for automatic visual explanations leveraging team-based expertise by generating hypotheses of what visual signals in the images are correlated with the task. We propose the following 4 steps: (i) Train a classifier to perform a given task (ii) Train a classifier guided StyleGAN-based image generator (StylEx) (iii) Automatically detect and visualize the top visual attributes that the classifier is sensitive towards (iv) Formulate hypotheses for the underlying mechanisms, to stimulate future research. Specifically, we present the discovered attributes to an interdisciplinary panel of experts so that hypotheses can account for social and structural determinants of health. We demonstrate results on eight prediction tasks across three medical imaging modalities: retinal fundus photographs, external eye photographs, and chest radiographs. We showcase examples of attributes that capture clinically known features, confounders that arise from factors beyond physiological mechanisms, and reveal a number of physiologically plausible novel attributes. Our approach has the potential to enable researchers to better understand, improve their assessment, and extract new knowledge from AI-based models. Importantly, we highlight that attributes generated by our framework can capture phenomena beyond physiology or pathophysiology, reflecting the real world nature of healthcare delivery and socio-cultural factors. Finally, we intend to release code to enable researchers to train their own StylEx models and analyze their predictive tasks.

replace-cross Deep Learning-Based Spatiotemporal Multi-Event Reconstruction for Delay Line Detectors

Authors: Marco Knipfer, Stefan Meier, Jonas Heimerl, Peter Hommelhoff, Sergei Gleyzer

Abstract: Accurate observation of two or more particles within a very narrow time window has always been a challenge in modern physics. It creates the possibility of correlation experiments, such as the ground-breaking Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment, leading to new physical insights. For low-energy electrons, one possibility is to use a microchannel plate with subsequent delay lines for the readout of the incident particle hits, a setup called a Delay Line Detector. The spatial and temporal coordinates of more than one particle can be fully reconstructed outside a region called the dead radius. For interesting events, where two electrons are close in space and time, the determination of the individual positions of the electrons requires elaborate peak finding algorithms. While classical methods work well with single particle hits, they fail to identify and reconstruct events caused by multiple nearby particles. To address this challenge, we present a new spatiotemporal machine learning model to identify and reconstruct the position and time of such multi-hit particle signals. This model achieves a much better resolution for nearby particle hits compared to the classical approach, removing some of the artifacts and reducing the dead radius by half. We show that machine learning models can be effective in improving the spatiotemporal performance of delay line detectors.

replace-cross Autoencoders for Real-Time SUEP Detection

Authors: Simranjit Singh Chhibra, Nadezda Chernyavskaya, Benedikt Maier, Maurzio Pierini, Syed Hasan

Abstract: Confining dark sectors with pseudo-conformal dynamics can produce Soft Unclustered Energy Patterns (SUEP), at the Large Hadron Collider: the production of dark quarks in proton-proton collisions leading to a dark shower and the high-multiplicity production of dark hadrons. The final experimental signature is spherically-symmetric energy deposits by an anomalously large number of soft Standard Model particles with a transverse energy of O(100) MeV. Assuming Yukawa-like couplings of the scalar portal state, the dominant production mode is gluon fusion, and the dominant background comes from multi-jet QCD events. We have developed a deep learning-based Anomaly Detection technique to reject QCD jets and identify any anomalous signature, including SUEP, in real-time in the High-Level Trigger system of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. A deep convolutional neural autoencoder network has been trained using QCD events by taking transverse energy deposits in the inner tracker, electromagnetic calorimeter, and hadron calorimeter sub-detectors as 3-channel image data. Due to the sparse nature of the data, only ~0.5% of the total ~300 k image pixels have non-zero values. To tackle this challenge, a non-standard loss function, the inverse of the so-called Dice Loss, is exploited. The trained autoencoder with learned spatial features of QCD jets can detect 40% of the SUEP events, with a QCD event mistagging rate as low as 2%. The model inference time has been measured using the Intel CoreTM i5-9600KF processor and found to be ~20 ms, which perfectly satisfies the High-Level Trigger system's latency of O(100) ms. Given the virtue of the unsupervised learning of the autoencoders, the trained model can be applied to any new physics model that predicts an experimental signature anomalous to QCD jets.

replace-cross Engression: Extrapolation through the Lens of Distributional Regression

Authors: Xinwei Shen, Nicolai Meinshausen

Abstract: Distributional regression aims to estimate the full conditional distribution of a target variable, given covariates. Popular methods include linear and tree-ensemble based quantile regression. We propose a neural network-based distributional regression methodology called `engression'. An engression model is generative in the sense that we can sample from the fitted conditional distribution and is also suitable for high-dimensional outcomes. Furthermore, we find that modelling the conditional distribution on training data can constrain the fitted function outside of the training support, which offers a new perspective to the challenging extrapolation problem in nonlinear regression. In particular, for `pre-additive noise' models, where noise is added to the covariates before applying a nonlinear transformation, we show that engression can successfully perform extrapolation under some assumptions such as monotonicity, whereas traditional regression approaches such as least-squares or quantile regression fall short under the same assumptions. Our empirical results, from both simulated and real data, validate the effectiveness of the engression method and indicate that the pre-additive noise model is typically suitable for many real-world scenarios. The software implementations of engression are available in both R and Python.

replace-cross Smooth Lower Bounds for Differentially Private Algorithms via Padding-and-Permuting Fingerprinting Codes

Authors: Naty Peter, Eliad Tsfadia, Jonathan Ullman

Abstract: Fingerprinting arguments, first introduced by Bun, Ullman, and Vadhan (STOC 2014), are the most widely used method for establishing lower bounds on the sample complexity or error of approximately differentially private (DP) algorithms. Still, there are many problems in differential privacy for which we don't know suitable lower bounds, and even for problems that we do, the lower bounds are not smooth, and usually become vacuous when the error is larger than some threshold. We present a new framework and tools to generate smooth lower bounds on the sample complexity of differentially private algorithms satisfying very weak accuracy. We illustrate the applicability of our method by providing new lower bounds in various settings: 1. A tight lower bound for DP averaging in the low-accuracy regime, which in particular implies a lower bound for the private 1-cluster problem introduced by Nissim, Stemmer, and Vadhan (PODS 2016). 2. A lower bound on the additive error of DP algorithms for approximate k-means clustering and general (k,z)-clustering, as a function of the multiplicative error, which is tight for a constant multiplication error. 3. A lower bound for estimating the top singular vector of a matrix under DP in low-accuracy regimes, which is a special case of DP subspace estimation studied by Singhal and Steinke (NeurIPS 2021). Our main technique is to apply a padding-and-permuting transformation to a fingerprinting code. However, rather than proving our results using a black-box access to an existing fingerprinting code (e.g., Tardos' code), we develop a new fingerprinting lemma that is stronger than those of Dwork et al. (FOCS 2015) and Bun et al. (SODA 2017), and prove our lower bounds directly from the lemma. Our lemma, in particular, gives a simpler fingerprinting code construction with optimal rate (up to polylogarithmic factors) that is of independent interest.

replace-cross Temporal Interest Network for User Response Prediction

Authors: Haolin Zhou, Junwei Pan, Xinyi Zhou, Xihua Chen, Jie Jiang, Xiaofeng Gao, Guihai Chen

Abstract: User response prediction is essential in industrial recommendation systems, such as online display advertising. Among all the features in recommendation models, user behaviors are among the most critical. Many works have revealed that a user's behavior reflects her interest in the candidate item, owing to the semantic or temporal correlation between behaviors and the candidate. While the literature has individually examined each of these correlations, researchers have yet to analyze them in combination, that is, the semantic-temporal correlation. We empirically measure this correlation and observe intuitive yet robust patterns. We then examine several popular user interest models and find that, surprisingly, none of them learn such correlation well. To fill this gap, we propose a Temporal Interest Network (TIN) to capture the semantic-temporal correlation simultaneously between behaviors and the target. We achieve this by incorporating target-aware temporal encoding, in addition to semantic encoding, to represent behaviors and the target. Furthermore, we conduct explicit 4-way interaction by deploying target-aware attention and target-aware representation to capture both semantic and temporal correlation. We conduct comprehensive evaluations on two popular public datasets, and our proposed TIN outperforms the best-performing baselines by 0.43% and 0.29% on GAUC, respectively. During online A/B testing in Tencent's advertising platform, TIN achieves 1.65% cost lift and 1.93% GMV lift over the base model. It has been successfully deployed in production since October 2023, serving the WeChat Moments traffic. We have released our code at


replace-cross Logistics Hub Location Optimization: A K-Means and P-Median Model Hybrid Approach Using Road Network Distances

Authors: Muhammad Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Aamir Basheer, Zubair Khalid, Muhammad Tahir, Momin Uppal

Abstract: Logistic hubs play a pivotal role in the last-mile delivery distance; even a slight increment in distance negatively impacts the business of the e-commerce industry while also increasing its carbon footprint. The growth of this industry, particularly after Covid-19, has further intensified the need for optimized allocation of resources in an urban environment. In this study, we use a hybrid approach to optimize the placement of logistic hubs. The approach sequentially employs different techniques. Initially, delivery points are clustered using K-Means in relation to their spatial locations. The clustering method utilizes road network distances as opposed to Euclidean distances. Non-road network-based approaches have been avoided since they lead to erroneous and misleading results. Finally, hubs are located using the P-Median method. The P-Median method also incorporates the number of deliveries and population as weights. Real-world delivery data from Muller and Phipps (M&P) is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. Serving deliveries from the optimal hub locations results in the saving of 815 (10%) meters per delivery.

replace-cross Gotta match 'em all: Solution diversification in graph matching matched filters

Authors: Zhirui Li, Ben Johnson, Daniel L. Sussman, Carey E. Priebe, Vince Lyzinski

Abstract: We present a novel approach for finding multiple noisily embedded template graphs in a very large background graph. Our method builds upon the graph-matching-matched-filter technique proposed in Sussman et al., with the discovery of multiple diverse matchings being achieved by iteratively penalizing a suitable node-pair similarity matrix in the matched filter algorithm. In addition, we propose algorithmic speed-ups that greatly enhance the scalability of our matched-filter approach. We present theoretical justification of our methodology in the setting of correlated Erdos-Renyi graphs, showing its ability to sequentially discover multiple templates under mild model conditions. We additionally demonstrate our method's utility via extensive experiments both using simulated models and real-world dataset, include human brain connectomes and a large transactional knowledge base.

replace-cross Entropy-based Guidance of Deep Neural Networks for Accelerated Convergence and Improved Performance

Authors: Mackenzie J. Meni, Ryan T. White, Michael Mayo, Kevin Pilkiewicz

Abstract: Neural networks have dramatically increased our capacity to learn from large, high-dimensional datasets across innumerable disciplines. However, their decisions are not easily interpretable, their computational costs are high, and building and training them are not straightforward processes. To add structure to these efforts, we derive new mathematical results to efficiently measure the changes in entropy as fully-connected and convolutional neural networks process data. By measuring the change in entropy as networks process data effectively, patterns critical to a well-performing network can be visualized and identified. Entropy-based loss terms are developed to improve dense and convolutional model accuracy and efficiency by promoting the ideal entropy patterns. Experiments in image compression, image classification, and image segmentation on benchmark datasets demonstrate these losses guide neural networks to learn rich latent data representations in fewer dimensions, converge in fewer training epochs, and achieve higher accuracy.

replace-cross What can we learn from quantum convolutional neural networks?

Authors: Chukwudubem Umeano, Annie E. Paine, Vincent E. Elfving, Oleksandr Kyriienko

Abstract: We can learn from analyzing quantum convolutional neural networks (QCNNs) that: 1) working with quantum data can be perceived as embedding physical system parameters through a hidden feature map; 2) their high performance for quantum phase recognition can be attributed to generation of a very suitable basis set during the ground state embedding, where quantum criticality of spin models leads to basis functions with rapidly changing features; 3) pooling layers of QCNNs are responsible for picking those basis functions that can contribute to forming a high-performing decision boundary, and the learning process corresponds to adapting the measurement such that few-qubit operators are mapped to full-register observables; 4) generalization of QCNN models strongly depends on the embedding type, and that rotation-based feature maps with the Fourier basis require careful feature engineering; 5) accuracy and generalization of QCNNs with readout based on a limited number of shots favor the ground state embeddings and associated physics-informed models. We demonstrate these points in simulation, where our results shed light on classification for physical processes, relevant for applications in sensing. Finally, we show that QCNNs with properly chosen ground state embeddings can be used for fluid dynamics problems, expressing shock wave solutions with good generalization and proven trainability.

replace-cross Implicit regularization of deep residual networks towards neural ODEs

Authors: Pierre Marion, Yu-Han Wu, Michael E. Sander, G\'erard Biau

Abstract: Residual neural networks are state-of-the-art deep learning models. Their continuous-depth analog, neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs), are also widely used. Despite their success, the link between the discrete and continuous models still lacks a solid mathematical foundation. In this article, we take a step in this direction by establishing an implicit regularization of deep residual networks towards neural ODEs, for nonlinear networks trained with gradient flow. We prove that if the network is initialized as a discretization of a neural ODE, then such a discretization holds throughout training. Our results are valid for a finite training time, and also as the training time tends to infinity provided that the network satisfies a Polyak-Lojasiewicz condition. Importantly, this condition holds for a family of residual networks where the residuals are two-layer perceptrons with an overparameterization in width that is only linear, and implies the convergence of gradient flow to a global minimum. Numerical experiments illustrate our results.

replace-cross Which algorithm to select in sports timetabling?

Authors: David Van Bulck, Dries Goossens, Jan-Patrick Clarner, Angelos Dimitsas, George H. G. Fonseca, Carlos Lamas-Fernandez, Martin Mariusz Lester, Jaap Pedersen, Antony E. Phillips, Roberto Maria Rosati

Abstract: Any sports competition needs a timetable, specifying when and where teams meet each other. The recent International Timetabling Competition (ITC2021) on sports timetabling showed that, although it is possible to develop general algorithms, the performance of each algorithm varies considerably over the problem instances. This paper provides an instance space analysis for sports timetabling, resulting in powerful insights into the strengths and weaknesses of eight state-of-the-art algorithms. Based on machine learning techniques, we propose an algorithm selection system that predicts which algorithm is likely to perform best when given the characteristics of a sports timetabling problem instance. Furthermore, we identify which characteristics are important in making that prediction, providing insights in the performance of the algorithms, and suggestions to further improve them. Finally, we assess the empirical hardness of the instances. Our results are based on large computational experiments involving about 50 years of CPU time on more than 500 newly generated problem instances.

replace-cross FUTURE-AI: International consensus guideline for trustworthy and deployable artificial intelligence in healthcare

Authors: Karim Lekadir, Aasa Feragen, Abdul Joseph Fofanah, Alejandro F Frangi, Alena Buyx, Anais Emelie, Andrea Lara, Antonio R Porras, An-Wen Chan, Arcadi Navarro, Ben Glocker, Benard O Botwe, Bishesh Khanal, Brigit Beger, Carol C Wu, Celia Cintas, Curtis P Langlotz, Daniel Rueckert, Deogratias Mzurikwao, Dimitrios I Fotiadis, Doszhan Zhussupov, Enzo Ferrante, Erik Meijering, Eva Weicken, Fabio A Gonz\'alez, Folkert W Asselbergs, Fred Prior, Gabriel P Krestin, Gary Collins, Geletaw S Tegenaw, Georgios Kaissis, Gianluca Misuraca, Gianna Tsakou, Girish Dwivedi, Haridimos Kondylakis, Harsha Jayakody, Henry C Woodruf, Hugo JWL Aerts, Ian Walsh, Ioanna Chouvarda, Ir\`ene Buvat, Islem Rekik, James Duncan, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Jihad Zahir, Jinah Park, John Mongan, Judy W Gichoya, Julia A Schnabel, Kaisar Kushibar, Katrine Riklund, Kensaku Mori, Kostas Marias, Lameck M Amugongo, Lauren A Fromont, Lena Maier-Hein, Leonor Cerd\'a Alberich, Leticia Rittner, Lighton Phiri, Linda Marrakchi-Kacem, Llu\'is Donoso-Bach, Luis Mart\'i-Bonmat\'i, M Jorge Cardoso, Maciej Bobowicz, Mahsa Shabani, Manolis Tsiknakis, Maria A Zuluaga, Maria Bielikova, Marie-Christine Fritzsche, Marius George Linguraru, Markus Wenzel, Marleen De Bruijne, Martin G Tolsgaard, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Md Ashrafuzzaman, Melanie Goisauf, Mohammad Yaqub, Mohammed Ammar, M\'onica Cano Abad\'ia, Mukhtar M E Mahmoud, Mustafa Elattar, Nicola Rieke, Nikolaos Papanikolaou, Noussair Lazrak, Oliver D\'iaz, Olivier Salvado, Oriol Pujol, Ousmane Sall, Pamela Guevara, Peter Gordebeke, Philippe Lambin, Pieta Brown, Purang Abolmaesumi, Qi Dou, Qinghua Lu, Richard Osuala, Rose Nakasi, S Kevin Zhou, Sandy Napel, Sara Colantonio, Shadi Albarqouni, Smriti Joshi, Stacy Carter, Stefan Klein, Steffen E Petersen, Susanna Auss\'o, Suyash Awate, Tammy Riklin Raviv, Tessa Cook, Tinashe E M Mutsvangwa, Wendy A Rogers, Wiro J Niessen, X\`enia Puig-Bosch, Yi Zeng, Yunusa G Mohammed, Yves Saint James Aquino, Zohaib Salahuddin, Martijn P A Starmans

Abstract: Despite major advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for medicine and healthcare, the deployment and adoption of AI technologies remain limited in real-world clinical practice. In recent years, concerns have been raised about the technical, clinical, ethical and legal risks associated with medical AI. To increase real world adoption, it is essential that medical AI tools are trusted and accepted by patients, clinicians, health organisations and authorities. This work describes the FUTURE-AI guideline as the first international consensus framework for guiding the development and deployment of trustworthy AI tools in healthcare. The FUTURE-AI consortium was founded in 2021 and currently comprises 118 inter-disciplinary experts from 51 countries representing all continents, including AI scientists, clinicians, ethicists, and social scientists. Over a two-year period, the consortium defined guiding principles and best practices for trustworthy AI through an iterative process comprising an in-depth literature review, a modified Delphi survey, and online consensus meetings. The FUTURE-AI framework was established based on 6 guiding principles for trustworthy AI in healthcare, i.e. Fairness, Universality, Traceability, Usability, Robustness and Explainability. Through consensus, a set of 28 best practices were defined, addressing technical, clinical, legal and socio-ethical dimensions. The recommendations cover the entire lifecycle of medical AI, from design, development and validation to regulation, deployment, and monitoring. FUTURE-AI is a risk-informed, assumption-free guideline which provides a structured approach for constructing medical AI tools that will be trusted, deployed and adopted in real-world practice. Researchers are encouraged to take the recommendations into account in proof-of-concept stages to facilitate future translation towards clinical practice of medical AI.

replace-cross Sampling Hybrid Climate Simulation at Scale to Reliably Improve Machine Learning Parameterization

Authors: Jerry Lin, Sungduk Yu, Liran Peng, Tom Beucler, Eliot Wong-Toi, Zeyuan Hu, Pierre Gentine, Margarita Geleta, Mike Pritchard

Abstract: Machine-learning (ML) parameterizations of subgrid processes (here of turbulence, convection, and radiation) may one day replace conventional parameterizations by emulating high-resolution physics without the cost of explicit simulation. However, their development has been stymied by uncertainty surrounding whether or not improved offline performance translates to improved online performance (i.e., when coupled to a large-scale general circulation model (GCM)). A key barrier has been the limited sampling of the online effects of the ML design decisions and tuning due to the complexity of performing large ensembles of hybrid physics-ML climate simulations. Our work examines the coupled behavior of full-physics ML parameterizations using large ensembles of hybrid simulations, totalling 2,970 in our case. With extensive sampling, we statistically confirm that lowering offline error lowers online error (given certain constraints). However, we also reveal that decisions decreasing online error, like removing dropout, can trade off against hybrid model stability and vice versa. Nevertheless, we are able to identify design decisions that yield unambiguous improvements to offline and online performance, namely incorporating memory and training on multiple climates. We also find that converting moisture input from specific to relative humidity enhances online stability and that using a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) loss breaks the aforementioned offline/online error relationship. By enabling rapid online experimentation at scale, we empirically answer previously unresolved questions regarding subgrid ML parameterization design.

replace-cross What's the Magic Word? A Control Theory of LLM Prompting

Authors: Aman Bhargava, Cameron Witkowski, Shi-Zhuo Looi, Matt Thomson

Abstract: Prompt engineering is crucial for deploying LLMs but is poorly understood mathematically. We formalize LLM systems as a class of discrete stochastic dynamical systems to explore prompt engineering through the lens of control theory. We offer a mathematical analysis of the limitations on the controllability of self-attention as a function of the singular values of the parameter matrices. We present complementary empirical results on the controllability of a panel of LLMs, including Falcon-7b, Llama-7b, and Falcon-40b. Given initial state $\mathbf x_0$ from Wikitext and prompts of length $k \leq 10$ tokens, we find that the "correct" next token is reachable at least 97% of the time, and that the top 75 most likely next tokens are reachable at least 85% of the time. Intriguingly, short prompt sequences can dramatically alter the likelihood of specific outputs, even making the least likely tokens become the most likely ones. This control-theoretic analysis of LLMs demonstrates the significant and poorly understood role of input sequences in steering output probabilities, offering a foundational perspective for enhancing language model system capabilities.

replace-cross Multi-domain improves out-of-distribution and data-limited scenarios for medical image analysis

Authors: Ece Ozkan, Xavier Boix

Abstract: Current machine learning methods for medical image analysis primarily focus on developing models tailored for their specific tasks, utilizing data within their target domain. These specialized models tend to be data-hungry and often exhibit limitations in generalizing to out-of-distribution samples. In this work, we show that employing models that incorporate multiple domains instead of specialized ones significantly alleviates the limitations observed in specialized models. We refer to this approach as multi-domain model and compare its performance to that of specialized models. For this, we introduce the incorporation of diverse medical image domains, including different imaging modalities like X-ray, MRI, CT, and ultrasound images, as well as various viewpoints such as axial, coronal, and sagittal views. Our findings underscore the superior generalization capabilities of multi-domain models, particularly in scenarios characterized by limited data availability and out-of-distribution, frequently encountered in healthcare applications. The integration of diverse data allows multi-domain models to utilize information across domains, enhancing the overall outcomes substantially. To illustrate, for organ recognition, multi-domain model can enhance accuracy by up to 8% compared to conventional specialized models.

replace-cross Convergence of flow-based generative models via proximal gradient descent in Wasserstein space

Authors: Xiuyuan Cheng, Jianfeng Lu, Yixin Tan, Yao Xie

Abstract: Flow-based generative models enjoy certain advantages in computing the data generation and the likelihood, and have recently shown competitive empirical performance. Compared to the accumulating theoretical studies on related score-based diffusion models, analysis of flow-based models, which are deterministic in both forward (data-to-noise) and reverse (noise-to-data) directions, remain sparse. In this paper, we provide a theoretical guarantee of generating data distribution by a progressive flow model, the so-called JKO flow model, which implements the Jordan-Kinderleherer-Otto (JKO) scheme in a normalizing flow network. Leveraging the exponential convergence of the proximal gradient descent (GD) in Wasserstein space, we prove the Kullback-Leibler (KL) guarantee of data generation by a JKO flow model to be $O(\varepsilon^2)$ when using $N \lesssim \log (1/\varepsilon)$ many JKO steps ($N$ Residual Blocks in the flow) where $\varepsilon $ is the error in the per-step first-order condition. The assumption on data density is merely a finite second moment, and the theory extends to data distributions without density and when there are inversion errors in the reverse process where we obtain KL-$W_2$ mixed error guarantees. The non-asymptotic convergence rate of the JKO-type $W_2$-proximal GD is proved for a general class of convex objective functionals that includes the KL divergence as a special case, which can be of independent interest. The analysis framework can extend to other first-order Wasserstein optimization schemes applied to flow-based generative models.

replace-cross SegGen: Supercharging Segmentation Models with Text2Mask and Mask2Img Synthesis

Authors: Hanrong Ye, Jason Kuen, Qing Liu, Zhe Lin, Brian Price, Dan Xu

Abstract: We propose SegGen, a highly-effective training data generation method for image segmentation, which pushes the performance limits of state-of-the-art segmentation models to a significant extent. SegGen designs and integrates two data generation strategies: MaskSyn and ImgSyn. (i) MaskSyn synthesizes new mask-image pairs via our proposed text-to-mask generation model and mask-to-image generation model, greatly improving the diversity in segmentation masks for model supervision; (ii) ImgSyn synthesizes new images based on existing masks using the mask-to-image generation model, strongly improving image diversity for model inputs. On the highly competitive ADE20K and COCO benchmarks, our data generation method markedly improves the performance of state-of-the-art segmentation models in semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation, and instance segmentation. Notably, in terms of the ADE20K mIoU, Mask2Former R50 is largely boosted from 47.2 to 49.9 (+2.7); Mask2Former Swin-L is also significantly increased from 56.1 to 57.4 (+1.3). These promising results strongly suggest the effectiveness of our SegGen even when abundant human-annotated training data is utilized. Moreover, training with our synthetic data makes the segmentation models more robust towards unseen domains. Project website:


replace-cross Turbulence Scaling from Deep Learning Diffusion Generative Models

Authors: Tim Whittaker, Romuald A. Janik, Yaron Oz

Abstract: Complex spatial and temporal structures are inherent characteristics of turbulent fluid flows and comprehending them poses a major challenge. This comprehesion necessitates an understanding of the space of turbulent fluid flow configurations. We employ a diffusion-based generative model to learn the distribution of turbulent vorticity profiles and generate snapshots of turbulent solutions to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We consider the inverse cascade in two spatial dimensions and generate diverse turbulent solutions that differ from those in the training dataset. We analyze the statistical scaling properties of the new turbulent profiles, calculate their structure functions, energy power spectrum, velocity probability distribution function and moments of local energy dissipation. All the learnt scaling exponents are consistent with the expected Kolmogorov scaling. This agreement with established turbulence characteristics provides strong evidence of the model's capability to capture essential features of real-world turbulence.

replace-cross Shedding the Bits: Pushing the Boundaries of Quantization with Minifloats on FPGAs

Authors: Shivam Aggarwal, Hans Jakob Damsgaard, Alessandro Pappalardo, Giuseppe Franco, Thomas B. Preu{\ss}er, Michaela Blott, Tulika Mitra

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) is a powerful technique for model compression, reducing the numerical precision in neural networks without additional training overhead. Recent works have investigated adopting 8-bit floating-point formats(FP8) in the context of PTQ for model inference. However, floating-point formats smaller than 8 bits and their relative comparison in terms of accuracy-hardware cost with integers remains unexplored on FPGAs. In this work, we present minifloats, which are reduced-precision floating-point formats capable of further reducing the memory footprint, latency, and energy cost of a model while approaching full-precision model accuracy. We implement a custom FPGA-based multiply-accumulate operator library and explore the vast design space, comparing minifloat and integer representations across 3 to 8 bits for both weights and activations. We also examine the applicability of various integerbased quantization techniques to minifloats. Our experiments show that minifloats offer a promising alternative for emerging workloads such as vision transformers.

replace-cross A Multivariate Unimodality Test Harnessing the Dip Statistic of Mahalanobis Distances Over Random Projections

Authors: Prodromos Kolyvakis, Aristidis Likas

Abstract: Unimodality, pivotal in statistical analysis, offers insights into dataset structures and drives sophisticated analytical procedures. While unimodality's confirmation is straightforward for one-dimensional data using methods like Silverman's approach and Hartigans' dip statistic, its generalization to higher dimensions remains challenging. By extrapolating one-dimensional unimodality principles to multi-dimensional spaces through linear random projections and leveraging point-to-point distancing, our method, rooted in $\alpha$-unimodality assumptions, presents a novel multivariate unimodality test named mud-pod. Both theoretical and empirical studies confirm the efficacy of our method in unimodality assessment of multidimensional datasets as well as in estimating the number of clusters.

replace-cross Continuous optimization by quantum adaptive distribution search

Authors: Kohei Morimoto, Yusuke Takase, Kosuke Mitarai, Keisuke Fujii

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the quantum adaptive distribution search (QuADS), a quantum continuous optimization algorithm that integrates Grover adaptive search (GAS) with the covariance matrix adaptation - evolution strategy (CMA-ES), a classical technique for continuous optimization. QuADS utilizes the quantum-based search capabilities of GAS and enhances them with the principles of CMA-ES for more efficient optimization. It employs a multivariate normal distribution for the initial state of the quantum search and repeatedly updates it throughout the optimization process. Our numerical experiments show that QuADS outperforms both GAS and CMA-ES. This is achieved through adaptive refinement of the initial state distribution rather than consistently using a uniform state, resulting in fewer oracle calls. This study presents an important step toward exploiting the potential of quantum computing for continuous optimization.

replace-cross Steering Llama 2 via Contrastive Activation Addition

Authors: Nina Panickssery, Nick Gabrieli, Julian Schulz, Meg Tong, Evan Hubinger, Alexander Matt Turner

Abstract: We introduce Contrastive Activation Addition (CAA), an innovative method for steering language models by modifying their activations during forward passes. CAA computes "steering vectors" by averaging the difference in residual stream activations between pairs of positive and negative examples of a particular behavior, such as factual versus hallucinatory responses. During inference, these steering vectors are added at all token positions after the user's prompt with either a positive or negative coefficient, allowing precise control over the degree of the targeted behavior. We evaluate CAA's effectiveness on Llama 2 Chat using multiple-choice behavioral question datasets and open-ended generation tasks. We demonstrate that CAA significantly alters model behavior, is effective over and on top of traditional methods like finetuning and system prompt design, and minimally reduces capabilities. Moreover, we gain deeper insights into CAA's mechanisms by employing various activation space interpretation methods. CAA accurately steers model outputs and sheds light on how high-level concepts are represented in Large Language Models (LLMs).

replace-cross Object Recognition from Scientific Document based on Compartment Refinement Framework

Authors: Jinghong Li, Wen Gu, Koichi Ota, Shinobu Hasegawa

Abstract: With the rapid development of the internet in the past decade, it has become increasingly important to extract valuable information from vast resources efficiently, which is crucial for establishing a comprehensive digital ecosystem, particularly in the context of research surveys and comprehension. The foundation of these tasks focuses on accurate extraction and deep mining of data from scientific documents, which are essential for building a robust data infrastructure. However, parsing raw data or extracting data from complex scientific documents have been ongoing challenges. Current data extraction methods for scientific documents typically use rule-based (RB) or machine learning (ML) approaches. However, using rule-based methods can incur high coding costs for articles with intricate typesetting. Conversely, relying solely on machine learning methods necessitates annotation work for complex content types within the scientific document, which can be costly. Additionally, few studies have thoroughly defined and explored the hierarchical layout within scientific documents. The lack of a comprehensive definition of the internal structure and elements of the documents indirectly impacts the accuracy of text classification and object recognition tasks. From the perspective of analyzing the standard layout and typesetting used in the specified publication, we propose a new document layout analysis framework called CTBR(Compartment & Text Blocks Refinement). Firstly, we define scientific documents into hierarchical divisions: base domain, compartment, and text blocks. Next, we conduct an in-depth exploration and classification of the meanings of text blocks. Finally, we utilize the results of text block classification to implement object recognition within scientific documents based on rule-based compartment segmentation.

replace-cross FuXi-S2S: A machine learning model that outperforms conventional global subseasonal forecast models

Authors: Lei Chen, Xiaohui Zhong, Hao Li, Jie Wu, Bo Lu, Deliang Chen, Shangping Xie, Qingchen Chao, Chensen Lin, Zixin Hu, Yuan Qi

Abstract: Skillful subseasonal forecasts are crucial for various sectors of society but pose a grand scientific challenge. Recently, machine learning based weather forecasting models outperform the most successful numerical weather predictions generated by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), but have not yet surpassed conventional models at subseasonal timescales. This paper introduces FuXi Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (FuXi-S2S), a machine learning model that provides global daily mean forecasts up to 42 days, encompassing five upper-air atmospheric variables at 13 pressure levels and 11 surface variables. FuXi-S2S, trained on 72 years of daily statistics from ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data, outperforms the ECMWF's state-of-the-art Subseasonal-to-Seasonal model in ensemble mean and ensemble forecasts for total precipitation and outgoing longwave radiation, notably enhancing global precipitation forecast. The improved performance of FuXi-S2S can be primarily attributed to its superior capability to capture forecast uncertainty and accurately predict the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), extending the skillful MJO prediction from 30 days to 36 days. Moreover, FuXi-S2S not only captures realistic teleconnections associated with the MJO, but also emerges as a valuable tool for discovering precursor signals, offering researchers insights and potentially establishing a new paradigm in Earth system science research.

replace-cross Spherical Mask: Coarse-to-Fine 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation with Spherical Representation

Authors: Sangyun Shin, Kaichen Zhou, Madhu Vankadari, Andrew Markham, Niki Trigoni

Abstract: Coarse-to-fine 3D instance segmentation methods show weak performances compared to recent Grouping-based, Kernel-based and Transformer-based methods. We argue that this is due to two limitations: 1) Instance size overestimation by axis-aligned bounding box(AABB) 2) False negative error accumulation from inaccurate box to the refinement phase. In this work, we introduce Spherical Mask, a novel coarse-to-fine approach based on spherical representation, overcoming those two limitations with several benefits. Specifically, our coarse detection estimates each instance with a 3D polygon using a center and radial distance predictions, which avoids excessive size estimation of AABB. To cut the error propagation in the existing coarse-to-fine approaches, we virtually migrate points based on the polygon, allowing all foreground points, including false negatives, to be refined. During inference, the proposal and point migration modules run in parallel and are assembled to form binary masks of instances. We also introduce two margin-based losses for the point migration to enforce corrections for the false positives/negatives and cohesion of foreground points, significantly improving the performance. Experimental results from three datasets, such as ScanNetV2, S3DIS, and STPLS3D, show that our proposed method outperforms existing works, demonstrating the effectiveness of the new instance representation with spherical coordinates. The code is available at:


replace-cross Deep Copula-Based Survival Analysis for Dependent Censoring with Identifiability Guarantees

Authors: Weijia Zhang, Chun Kai Ling, Xuanhui Zhang

Abstract: Censoring is the central problem in survival analysis where either the time-to-event (for instance, death), or the time-tocensoring (such as loss of follow-up) is observed for each sample. The majority of existing machine learning-based survival analysis methods assume that survival is conditionally independent of censoring given a set of covariates; an assumption that cannot be verified since only marginal distributions is available from the data. The existence of dependent censoring, along with the inherent bias in current estimators has been demonstrated in a variety of applications, accentuating the need for a more nuanced approach. However, existing methods that adjust for dependent censoring require practitioners to specify the ground truth copula. This requirement poses a significant challenge for practical applications, as model misspecification can lead to substantial bias. In this work, we propose a flexible deep learning-based survival analysis method that simultaneously accommodate for dependent censoring and eliminates the requirement for specifying the ground truth copula. We theoretically prove the identifiability of our model under a broad family of copulas and survival distributions. Experiments results from a wide range of datasets demonstrate that our approach successfully discerns the underlying dependency structure and significantly reduces survival estimation bias when compared to existing methods.

replace-cross A Semantic-Aware Multiple Access Scheme for Distributed, Dynamic 6G-Based Applications

Authors: Hamidreza Mazandarani, Masoud Shokrnezhad, Tarik Taleb

Abstract: The emergence of the semantic-aware paradigm presents opportunities for innovative services, especially in the context of 6G-based applications. Although significant progress has been made in semantic extraction techniques, the incorporation of semantic information into resource allocation decision-making is still in its early stages, lacking consideration of the requirements and characteristics of future systems. In response, this paper introduces a novel formulation for the problem of multiple access to the wireless spectrum. It aims to optimize the utilization-fairness trade-off, using the $\alpha$-fairness metric, while accounting for user data correlation by introducing the concepts of self- and assisted throughputs. Initially, the problem is analyzed to identify its optimal solution. Subsequently, a Semantic-Aware Multi-Agent Double and Dueling Deep Q-Learning (SAMA-D3QL) technique is proposed. This method is grounded in Model-free Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (MADRL), enabling the user equipment to autonomously make decisions regarding wireless spectrum access based solely on their local individual observations. The efficiency of the proposed technique is evaluated through two scenarios: single-channel and multi-channel. The findings illustrate that, across a spectrum of $\alpha$ values, association matrices, and channels, SAMA-D3QL consistently outperforms alternative approaches. This establishes it as a promising candidate for facilitating the realization of future federated, dynamically evolving applications.

replace-cross A Survey on Statistical Theory of Deep Learning: Approximation, Training Dynamics, and Generative Models

Authors: Namjoon Suh, Guang Cheng

Abstract: In this article, we review the literature on statistical theories of neural networks from three perspectives. In the first part, results on excess risks for neural networks are reviewed in the nonparametric framework of regression or classification. These results rely on explicit constructions of neural networks, leading to fast convergence rates of excess risks, in that tools from the approximation theory are adopted. Through these constructions, the width and depth of the networks can be expressed in terms of sample size, data dimension, and function smoothness. Nonetheless, their underlying analysis only applies to the global minimizer in the highly non-convex landscape of deep neural networks. This motivates us to review the training dynamics of neural networks in the second part. Specifically, we review papers that attempt to answer ``how the neural network trained via gradient-based methods finds the solution that can generalize well on unseen data.'' In particular, two well-known paradigms are reviewed: the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) paradigm, and Mean-Field (MF) paradigm. In the last part, we review the most recent theoretical advancements in generative models including Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), diffusion models, and in-context learning (ICL) in the Large Language Models (LLMs). The former two models are known to be the main pillars of the modern generative AI era, while ICL is a strong capability of LLMs in learning from a few examples in the context. Finally, we conclude the paper by suggesting several promising directions for deep learning theory.

replace-cross Artwork Protection Against Neural Style Transfer Using Locally Adaptive Adversarial Color Attack

Authors: Zhongliang Guo, Junhao Dong, Yifei Qian, Kaixuan Wang, Weiye Li, Ziheng Guo, Yuheng Wang, Yanli Li, Ognjen Arandjelovi\'c, Lei Fang

Abstract: Neural style transfer (NST) generates new images by combining the style of one image with the content of another. However, unauthorized NST can exploit artwork, raising concerns about artists' rights and motivating the development of proactive protection methods. We propose Locally Adaptive Adversarial Color Attack (LAACA), empowering artists to protect their artwork from unauthorized style transfer by processing before public release. By delving into the intricacies of human visual perception and the role of different frequency components, our method strategically introduces frequency-adaptive perturbations in the image. These perturbations significantly degrade the generation quality of NST while maintaining an acceptable level of visual change in the original image, ensuring that potential infringers are discouraged from using the protected artworks, because of its bad NST generation quality. Additionally, existing metrics often overlook the importance of color fidelity in evaluating color-mattered tasks, such as the quality of NST-generated images, which is crucial in the context of artistic works. To comprehensively assess the color-mattered tasks, we propose the Adversarial Color Distance Metric (ACDM), designed to quantify the color difference of images pre- and post-manipulations. Experimental results confirm that attacking NST using LAACA results in visually inferior style transfer, and the ACDM can efficiently measure color-mattered tasks. By providing artists with a tool to safeguard their intellectual property, our work relieves the socio-technical challenges posed by the misuse of NST in the art community.

replace-cross Understanding Biases in ChatGPT-based Recommender Systems: Provider Fairness, Temporal Stability, and Recency

Authors: Yashar Deldjoo

Abstract: This paper explores the biases in ChatGPT-based recommender systems, focusing on provider fairness (item-side fairness). Through extensive experiments and over a thousand API calls, we investigate the impact of prompt design strategies-including structure, system role, and intent-on evaluation metrics such as provider fairness, catalog coverage, temporal stability, and recency. The first experiment examines these strategies in classical top-K recommendations, while the second evaluates sequential in-context learning (ICL). In the first experiment, we assess seven distinct prompt scenarios on top-K recommendation accuracy and fairness. Accuracy-oriented prompts, like Simple and Chain-of-Thought (COT), outperform diversification prompts, which, despite enhancing temporal freshness, reduce accuracy by up to 50%. Embedding fairness into system roles, such as "act as a fair recommender," proved more effective than fairness directives within prompts. Diversification prompts led to recommending newer movies, offering broader genre distribution compared to traditional collaborative filtering (CF) models. The second experiment explores sequential ICL, comparing zero-shot and few-shot ICL. Results indicate that including user demographic information in prompts affects model biases and stereotypes. However, ICL did not consistently improve item fairness and catalog coverage over zero-shot learning. Zero-shot learning achieved higher NDCG and coverage, while ICL-2 showed slight improvements in hit rate (HR) when age-group context was included. Our study provides insights into biases of RecLLMs, particularly in provider fairness and catalog coverage. By examining prompt design, learning strategies, and system roles, we highlight the potential and challenges of integrating LLMs into recommendation systems. Further details can be found at


replace-cross Language-Guided World Models: A Model-Based Approach to AI Control

Authors: Alex Zhang, Khanh Nguyen, Jens Tuyls, Albert Lin, Karthik Narasimhan

Abstract: This paper introduces the concept of Language-Guided World Models (LWMs) -- probabilistic models that can simulate environments by reading texts. Agents equipped with these models provide humans with more extensive and efficient control, allowing them to simultaneously alter agent behaviors in multiple tasks via natural verbal communication. In this work, we take initial steps in developing robust LWMs that can generalize to compositionally novel language descriptions. We design a challenging world modeling benchmark based on the game of MESSENGER (Hanjie et al., 2021), featuring evaluation settings that require varying degrees of compositional generalization. Our experiments reveal the lack of generalizability of the state-of-the-art Transformer model, as it offers marginal improvements in simulation quality over a no-text baseline. We devise a more robust model by fusing the Transformer with the EMMA attention mechanism (Hanjie et al., 2021). Our model substantially outperforms the Transformer and approaches the performance of a model with an oracle semantic parsing and grounding capability. To demonstrate the practicality of this model in improving AI safety and transparency, we simulate a scenario in which the model enables an agent to present plans to a human before execution, and to revise plans based on their language feedback.

replace-cross Ultrafast jet classification on FPGAs for the HL-LHC

Authors: Patrick Odagiu, Zhiqiang Que, Javier Duarte, Johannes Haller, Gregor Kasieczka, Artur Lobanov, Vladimir Loncar, Wayne Luk, Jennifer Ngadiuba, Maurizio Pierini, Philipp Rincke, Arpita Seksaria, Sioni Summers, Andre Sznajder, Alexander Tapper, Thea K. Aarrestad

Abstract: Three machine learning models are used to perform jet origin classification. These models are optimized for deployment on a field-programmable gate array device. In this context, we demonstrate how latency and resource consumption scale with the input size and choice of algorithm. Moreover, the models proposed here are designed to work on the type of data and under the foreseen conditions at the CERN LHC during its high-luminosity phase. Through quantization-aware training and efficient synthetization for a specific field programmable gate array, we show that $O(100)$ ns inference of complex architectures such as Deep Sets and Interaction Networks is feasible at a relatively low computational resource cost.

replace-cross DexDiffuser: Generating Dexterous Grasps with Diffusion Models

Authors: Zehang Weng, Haofei Lu, Danica Kragic, Jens Lundell

Abstract: We introduce DexDiffuser, a novel dexterous grasping method that generates, evaluates, and refines grasps on partial object point clouds. DexDiffuser includes the conditional diffusion-based grasp sampler DexSampler and the dexterous grasp evaluator DexEvaluator. DexSampler generates high-quality grasps conditioned on object point clouds by iterative denoising of randomly sampled grasps. We also introduce two grasp refinement strategies: Evaluator-Guided Diffusion (EGD) and Evaluator-based Sampling Refinement (ESR). The experiment results demonstrate that DexDiffuser consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art multi-finger grasp generation method FFHNet with an, on average, 9.12% and 19.44% higher grasp success rate in simulation and real robot experiments, respectively. Supplementary materials are available at


replace-cross Hierarchical Tree-structured Knowledge Graph For Academic Insight Survey

Authors: Jinghong Li, Huy Phan, Wen Gu, Koichi Ota, Shinobu Hasegawa

Abstract: Research surveys have always posed a challenge for beginner researchers who lack of research training. These researchers struggle to understand the directions within their research topic, and the discovery of new research findings within a short time. One way to provide intuitive assistance to beginner researchers is by offering relevant knowledge graphs(KG) and recommending related academic papers. However, existing navigation knowledge graphs primarily rely on keywords in the research field and often fail to present the logical hierarchy among multiple related papers clearly. Moreover, most recommendation systems for academic papers simply rely on high text similarity, which can leave researchers confused as to why a particular article is being recommended. They may lack of grasp important information about the insight connection between "Issue resolved" and "Issue finding" that they hope to obtain. To address these issues, this study aims to support research insight surveys for beginner researchers by establishing a hierarchical tree-structured knowledge graph that reflects the inheritance insight of research topics and the relevance insight among the academic papers.

replace-cross Deep Reinforcement Learning with Dynamic Graphs for Adaptive Informative Path Planning

Authors: Apoorva Vashisth, Julius R\"uckin, Federico Magistri, Cyrill Stachniss, Marija Popovi\'c

Abstract: Autonomous robots are often employed for data collection due to their efficiency and low labour costs. A key task in robotic data acquisition is planning paths through an initially unknown environment to collect observations given platform-specific resource constraints, such as limited battery life. Adaptive online path planning in 3D environments is challenging due to the large set of valid actions and the presence of unknown occlusions. To address these issues, we propose a novel deep reinforcement learning approach for adaptively replanning robot paths to map targets of interest in unknown 3D environments. A key aspect of our approach is a dynamically constructed graph that restricts planning actions local to the robot, allowing us to react to newly discovered static obstacles and targets of interest. For replanning, we propose a new reward function that balances between exploring the unknown environment and exploiting online-discovered targets of interest. Our experiments show that our method enables more efficient target discovery compared to state-of-the-art learning and non-learning baselines. We also showcase our approach for orchard monitoring using an unmanned aerial vehicle in a photorealistic simulator. We open-source our code and model at:


replace-cross Adaptive proximal gradient methods are universal without approximation

Authors: Konstantinos A. Oikonomidis, Emanuel Laude, Puya Latafat, Andreas Themelis, Panagiotis Patrinos

Abstract: We show that adaptive proximal gradient methods for convex problems are not restricted to traditional Lipschitzian assumptions. Our analysis reveals that a class of linesearch-free methods is still convergent under mere local H\"older gradient continuity, covering in particular continuously differentiable semi-algebraic functions. To mitigate the lack of local Lipschitz continuity, popular approaches revolve around $\varepsilon$-oracles and/or linesearch procedures. In contrast, we exploit plain H\"older inequalities not entailing any approximation, all while retaining the linesearch-free nature of adaptive schemes. Furthermore, we prove full sequence convergence without prior knowledge of local H\"older constants nor of the order of H\"older continuity. Numerical experiments make comparisons with baseline methods on diverse tasks from machine learning covering both the locally and the globally H\"older setting.

replace-cross Sampling from the Mean-Field Stationary Distribution

Authors: Yunbum Kook, Matthew S. Zhang, Sinho Chewi, Murat A. Erdogdu, Mufan Bill Li

Abstract: We study the complexity of sampling from the stationary distribution of a mean-field SDE, or equivalently, the complexity of minimizing a functional over the space of probability measures which includes an interaction term. Our main insight is to decouple the two key aspects of this problem: (1) approximation of the mean-field SDE via a finite-particle system, via uniform-in-time propagation of chaos, and (2) sampling from the finite-particle stationary distribution, via standard log-concave samplers. Our approach is conceptually simpler and its flexibility allows for incorporating the state-of-the-art for both algorithms and theory. This leads to improved guarantees in numerous settings, including better guarantees for optimizing certain two-layer neural networks in the mean-field regime. A key technical contribution is to establish a new uniform-in-$N$ log-Sobolev inequality for the stationary distribution of the mean-field Langevin dynamics.

replace-cross MRPD: Undersampled MRI reconstruction by prompting a large latent diffusion model

Authors: Ziqi Gao, S. Kevin Zhou

Abstract: Implicit visual knowledge in a large latent diffusion model (LLDM) pre-trained on natural images is rich and hypothetically universal to natural and medical images. To test this hypothesis from a practical perspective, we propose a novel framework for undersampled MRI Reconstruction by Prompting a large latent Diffusion model (MRPD). While the existing methods trained on MRI datasets are typically of limited generalizability toward diverse data acquisition scenarios, MRPD supports unsupervised and universally adaptive MRI reconstruction. For unsupervised reconstruction, MRSampler guides LLDM with a random-phase-modulated hard-to-soft control. With any single- or multiple-source MRI dataset, MRPD's performance is boosted universally by a lightweight MRAdapter that only finetunes the LLDM's autoencoder. Experiments on FastMRI and IXI show that MRPD is the only model that supports both MRI database-free and database-available scenarios and attains the best generalizability towards out-of-domain (OOD) samplings, contrasts, and organs among compared unsupervised, supervised, and MRI diffusion methods. To our knowledge, MRPD is the first method that empirically shows the universal prowess of an LLDM pre-trained on vast natural images for MRI. Our official implementation is at


replace-cross Remember This Event That Year? Assessing Temporal Information and Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Himanshu Beniwal, Dishant Patel, Kowsik Nandagopan D, Hritik Ladia, Ankit Yadav, Mayank Singh

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly ubiquitous, yet their ability to retain and reason about temporal information remains limited, hindering their application in real-world scenarios where understanding the sequential nature of events is crucial. Our study experiments with 12 state-of-the-art models (ranging from 2B to 70B+ parameters) on a novel numerical-temporal dataset, \textbf{TempUN}, spanning from 10,000 BCE to 2100 CE, to uncover significant temporal retention and comprehension limitations. We propose six metrics to assess three learning paradigms to enhance temporal knowledge acquisition. Our findings reveal that open-source models exhibit knowledge gaps more frequently, suggesting a trade-off between limited knowledge and incorrect responses. Additionally, various fine-tuning approaches significantly improved performance, reducing incorrect outputs and impacting the identification of 'information not available' in the generations. The associated dataset and code are available at (


replace-cross A Quantum Approach to Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)

Authors: Nishikanta Mohanty, Bikash K. Behera, Christopher Ferrie, Pravat Dash

Abstract: The paper proposes the Quantum-SMOTE method, a novel solution that uses quantum computing techniques to solve the prevalent problem of class imbalance in machine learning datasets. Quantum-SMOTE, inspired by the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), generates synthetic data points using quantum processes such as swap tests and quantum rotation. The process varies from the conventional SMOTE algorithm's usage of K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Euclidean distances, enabling synthetic instances to be generated from minority class data points without relying on neighbor proximity. The algorithm asserts greater control over the synthetic data generation process by introducing hyperparameters such as rotation angle, minority percentage, and splitting factor, which allow for customization to specific dataset requirements. Due to the use of a compact swap test, the algorithm can accommodate a large number of features. Furthermore, the approach is tested on a public dataset of Telecom Churn and evaluated alongside two prominent classification algorithms, Random Forest and Logistic Regression, to determine its impact along with varying proportions of synthetic data.

replace-cross Blockchain-empowered Federated Learning: Benefits, Challenges, and Solutions

Authors: Zeju Cai, Jianguo Chen, Yuting Fan, Zibin Zheng, Keqin Li

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning approach that protects user data privacy by training models locally on clients and aggregating them on a parameter server. While effective at preserving privacy, FL systems face limitations such as single points of failure, lack of incentives, and inadequate security. To address these challenges, blockchain technology is integrated into FL systems to provide stronger security, fairness, and scalability. However, blockchain-empowered FL (BC-FL) systems introduce additional demands on network, computing, and storage resources. This survey provides a comprehensive review of recent research on BC-FL systems, analyzing the benefits and challenges associated with blockchain integration. We explore why blockchain is applicable to FL, how it can be implemented, and the challenges and existing solutions for its integration. Additionally, we offer insights on future research directions for the BC-FL system.

replace-cross Improving Low-Resource Knowledge Tracing Tasks by Supervised Pre-training and Importance Mechanism Fine-tuning

Authors: Hengyuan Zhang, Zitao Liu, Shuyan Huang, Chenming Shang, Bojun Zhan, Yong Jiang

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT) aims to estimate student's knowledge mastery based on their historical interactions. Recently, the deep learning based KT (DLKT) approaches have achieved impressive performance in the KT task. These DLKT models heavily rely on the large number of available student interactions. However, due to various reasons such as budget constraints and privacy concerns, observed interactions are very limited in many real-world scenarios, a.k.a, low-resource KT datasets. Directly training a DLKT model on a low-resource KT dataset may lead to overfitting and it is difficult to choose the appropriate deep neural architecture. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a low-resource KT framework called LoReKT to address above challenges. Inspired by the prevalent "pre-training and fine-tuning" paradigm, we aim to learn transferable parameters and representations from rich-resource KT datasets during the pre-training stage and subsequently facilitate effective adaptation to low-resource KT datasets. Specifically, we simplify existing sophisticated DLKT model architectures with purely a stack of transformer decoders. We design an encoding mechanism to incorporate student interactions from multiple KT data sources and develop an importance mechanism to prioritize updating parameters with high importance while constraining less important ones during the fine-tuning stage. We evaluate LoReKT on six public KT datasets and experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach in terms of AUC and Accuracy. To encourage reproducible research, we make our data and code publicly available at


replace-cross A Question-centric Multi-experts Contrastive Learning Framework for Improving the Accuracy and Interpretability of Deep Sequential Knowledge Tracing Models

Authors: Hengyuan Zhang, Zitao Liu, Chenming Shang, Dawei Li, Yong Jiang

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT) plays a crucial role in predicting students' future performance by analyzing their historical learning processes. Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown great potential in solving the KT problem. However, there still exist some important challenges when applying deep learning techniques to model the KT process. The first challenge lies in taking the individual information of the question into modeling. This is crucial because, despite questions sharing the same knowledge component (KC), students' knowledge acquisition on homogeneous questions can vary significantly. The second challenge lies in interpreting the prediction results from existing deep learning-based KT models. In real-world applications, while it may not be necessary to have complete transparency and interpretability of the model parameters, it is crucial to present the model's prediction results in a manner that teachers find interpretable. This makes teachers accept the rationale behind the prediction results and utilize them to design teaching activities and tailored learning strategies for students. However, the inherent black-box nature of deep learning techniques often poses a hurdle for teachers to fully embrace the model's prediction results. To address these challenges, we propose a Question-centric Multi-experts Contrastive Learning framework for KT called Q-MCKT. We have provided all the datasets and code on our website at


replace-cross DexCap: Scalable and Portable Mocap Data Collection System for Dexterous Manipulation

Authors: Chen Wang, Haochen Shi, Weizhuo Wang, Ruohan Zhang, Li Fei-Fei, C. Karen Liu

Abstract: Imitation learning from human hand motion data presents a promising avenue for imbuing robots with human-like dexterity in real-world manipulation tasks. Despite this potential, substantial challenges persist, particularly with the portability of existing hand motion capture (mocap) systems and the complexity of translating mocap data into effective robotic policies. To tackle these issues, we introduce DexCap, a portable hand motion capture system, alongside DexIL, a novel imitation algorithm for training dexterous robot skills directly from human hand mocap data. DexCap offers precise, occlusion-resistant tracking of wrist and finger motions based on SLAM and electromagnetic field together with 3D observations of the environment. Utilizing this rich dataset, DexIL employs inverse kinematics and point cloud-based imitation learning to seamlessly replicate human actions with robot hands. Beyond direct learning from human motion, DexCap also offers an optional human-in-the-loop correction mechanism during policy rollouts to refine and further improve task performance. Through extensive evaluation across six challenging dexterous manipulation tasks, our approach not only demonstrates superior performance but also showcases the system's capability to effectively learn from in-the-wild mocap data, paving the way for future data collection methods in the pursuit of human-level robot dexterity. More details can be found at


replace-cross Z-Splat: Z-Axis Gaussian Splatting for Camera-Sonar Fusion

Authors: Ziyuan Qu, Omkar Vengurlekar, Mohamad Qadri, Kevin Zhang, Michael Kaess, Christopher Metzler, Suren Jayasuriya, Adithya Pediredla

Abstract: Differentiable 3D-Gaussian splatting (GS) is emerging as a prominent technique in computer vision and graphics for reconstructing 3D scenes. GS represents a scene as a set of 3D Gaussians with varying opacities and employs a computationally efficient splatting operation along with analytical derivatives to compute the 3D Gaussian parameters given scene images captured from various viewpoints. Unfortunately, capturing surround view ($360^{\circ}$ viewpoint) images is impossible or impractical in many real-world imaging scenarios, including underwater imaging, rooms inside a building, and autonomous navigation. In these restricted baseline imaging scenarios, the GS algorithm suffers from a well-known 'missing cone' problem, which results in poor reconstruction along the depth axis. In this manuscript, we demonstrate that using transient data (from sonars) allows us to address the missing cone problem by sampling high-frequency data along the depth axis. We extend the Gaussian splatting algorithms for two commonly used sonars and propose fusion algorithms that simultaneously utilize RGB camera data and sonar data. Through simulations, emulations, and hardware experiments across various imaging scenarios, we show that the proposed fusion algorithms lead to significantly better novel view synthesis (5 dB improvement in PSNR) and 3D geometry reconstruction (60% lower Chamfer distance).

replace-cross Mining Invariance from Nonlinear Multi-Environment Data: Binary Classification

Authors: Austin Goddard, Kang Du, Yu Xiang

Abstract: Making predictions in an unseen environment given data from multiple training environments is a challenging task. We approach this problem from an invariance perspective, focusing on binary classification to shed light on general nonlinear data generation mechanisms. We identify a unique form of invariance that exists solely in a binary setting that allows us to train models invariant over environments. We provide sufficient conditions for such invariance and show it is robust even when environmental conditions vary greatly. Our formulation admits a causal interpretation, allowing us to compare it with various frameworks. Finally, we propose a heuristic prediction method and conduct experiments using real and synthetic datasets.

replace-cross NeurDB: An AI-powered Autonomous Data System

Authors: Beng Chin Ooi, Shaofeng Cai, Gang Chen, Yanyan Shen, Kian-Lee Tan, Yuncheng Wu, Xiaokui Xiao, Naili Xing, Cong Yue, Lingze Zeng, Meihui Zhang, Zhanhao Zhao

Abstract: In the wake of rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), we stand on the brink of a transformative leap in data systems. The imminent fusion of AI and DB (AIxDB) promises a new generation of data systems, which will relieve the burden on end-users across all industry sectors by featuring AI-enhanced functionalities, such as personalized and automated in-database AI-powered analytics, self-driving capabilities for improved system performance, etc. In this paper, we explore the evolution of data systems with a focus on deepening the fusion of AI and DB. We present NeurDB, an AI-powered autonomous data system designed to fully embrace AI design in each major system component and provide in-database AI-powered analytics. We outline the conceptual and architectural overview of NeurDB, discuss its design choices and key components, and report its current development and future plan.

replace-cross Federated Hierarchical Tensor Networks: a Collaborative Learning Quantum AI-Driven Framework for Healthcare

Authors: Amandeep Singh Bhatia, David E. Bernal Neira

Abstract: Healthcare industries frequently handle sensitive and proprietary data, and due to strict privacy regulations, they are often reluctant to share data directly. In today's context, Federated Learning (FL) stands out as a crucial remedy, facilitating the rapid advancement of distributed machine learning while effectively managing critical concerns regarding data privacy and governance. The fusion of federated learning and quantum computing represents a groundbreaking interdisciplinary approach with immense potential to revolutionize various industries, from healthcare to finance. In this work, we proposed a federated learning framework based on quantum tensor networks, which leverages the principles of many-body quantum physics. Currently, there are no known classical tensor networks implemented in federated settings. Furthermore, we investigated the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed framework by conducting a differential privacy analysis to ensure the security of sensitive data across healthcare institutions. Experiments on popular medical image datasets show that the federated quantum tensor network model achieved a mean receiver-operator characteristic area under the curve (ROC-AUC) between 0.91-0.98. Experimental results demonstrate that the quantum federated global model, consisting of highly entangled tensor network structures, showed better generalization and robustness and achieved higher testing accuracy, surpassing the performance of locally trained clients under unbalanced data distributions among healthcare institutions.

replace-cross BonnBot-I Plus: A Bio-diversity Aware Precise Weed Management Robotic Platform

Authors: Alireza Ahmadi, Michael Halstead, Claus Smitt, Chris McCool

Abstract: In this article, we focus on the critical tasks of plant protection in arable farms, addressing a modern challenge in agriculture: integrating ecological considerations into the operational strategy of precision weeding robots like \bbot. This article presents the recent advancements in weed management algorithms and the real-world performance of \bbot\ at the University of Bonn's Klein-Altendorf campus. We present a novel Rolling-view observation model for the BonnBot-Is weed monitoring section which leads to an average absolute weeding performance enhancement of $3.4\%$. Furthermore, for the first time, we show how precision weeding robots could consider bio-diversity-aware concerns in challenging weeding scenarios. We carried out comprehensive weeding experiments in sugar-beet fields, covering both weed-only and mixed crop-weed situations, and introduced a new dataset compatible with precision weeding. Our real-field experiments revealed that our weeding approach is capable of handling diverse weed distributions, with a minimal loss of only $11.66\%$ attributable to intervention planning and $14.7\%$ to vision system limitations highlighting required improvements of the vision system.

replace-cross Generative Camera Dolly: Extreme Monocular Dynamic Novel View Synthesis

Authors: Basile Van Hoorick, Rundi Wu, Ege Ozguroglu, Kyle Sargent, Ruoshi Liu, Pavel Tokmakov, Achal Dave, Changxi Zheng, Carl Vondrick

Abstract: Accurate reconstruction of complex dynamic scenes from just a single viewpoint continues to be a challenging task in computer vision. Current dynamic novel view synthesis methods typically require videos from many different camera viewpoints, necessitating careful recording setups, and significantly restricting their utility in the wild as well as in terms of embodied AI applications. In this paper, we propose $\textbf{GCD}$, a controllable monocular dynamic view synthesis pipeline that leverages large-scale diffusion priors to, given a video of any scene, generate a synchronous video from any other chosen perspective, conditioned on a set of relative camera pose parameters. Our model does not require depth as input, and does not explicitly model 3D scene geometry, instead performing end-to-end video-to-video translation in order to achieve its goal efficiently. Despite being trained on synthetic multi-view video data only, zero-shot real-world generalization experiments show promising results in multiple domains, including robotics, object permanence, and driving environments. We believe our framework can potentially unlock powerful applications in rich dynamic scene understanding, perception for robotics, and interactive 3D video viewing experiences for virtual reality.

replace-cross Low-Resource Crop Classification from Multi-Spectral Time Series Using Lossless Compressors

Authors: Wei Cheng, Hongrui Ye, Xiao Wen, Jiachen Zhang, Jiping Xu, Feifan Zhang

Abstract: Deep learning has significantly improved the accuracy of crop classification using multispectral temporal data. However, these models have complex structures with numerous parameters, requiring large amounts of data and costly training. In low-resource situations with fewer labeled samples, deep learning models perform poorly due to insufficient data. Conversely, compressors are data-type agnostic, and non-parametric methods do not bring underlying assumptions. Inspired by this insight, we propose a non-training alternative to deep learning models, aiming to address these situations. Specifically, the Symbolic Representation Module is proposed to convert the reflectivity into symbolic representations. The symbolic representations are then cross-transformed in both the channel and time dimensions to generate symbolic embeddings. Next, the Multi-scale Normalised Compression Distance (MNCD) is designed to measure the correlation between any two symbolic embeddings. Finally, based on the MNCDs, high quality crop classification can be achieved using only a k-nearest-neighbor classifier kNN. The entire framework is ready-to-use and lightweight. Without any training, it outperformed, on average, 7 advanced deep learning models trained at scale on three benchmark datasets. It also outperforms more than half of these models in the few-shot setting with sparse crop labels. Therefore, the high performance and robustness of our non-training framework makes it truly applicable to real-world crop mapping. Codes are available at:


replace-cross Position Paper: Think Globally, React Locally -- Bringing Real-time Reference-based Website Phishing Detection on macOS

Authors: Ivan Petrukha, Nataliia Stulova, Sergii Kryvoblotskyi

Abstract: Background. The recent surge in phishing attacks keeps undermining the effectiveness of the traditional anti-phishing blacklist approaches. On-device anti-phishing solutions are gaining popularity as they offer faster phishing detection locally. Aim. We aim to eliminate the delay in recognizing and recording phishing campaigns in databases via on-device solutions that identify phishing sites immediately when encountered by the user rather than waiting for a web crawler's scan to finish. Additionally, utilizing operating system-specific resources and frameworks, we aim to minimize the impact on system performance and depend on local processing to protect user privacy. Method. We propose a phishing detection solution that uses a combination of computer vision and on-device machine learning models to analyze websites in real time. Our reference-based approach analyzes the visual content of webpages, identifying phishing attempts through layout analysis, credential input areas detection, and brand impersonation criteria combination. Results. Our case study shows it's feasible to perform background processing on-device continuously, for the case of the web browser requiring the resource use of 16% of a single CPU core and less than 84MB of RAM on Apple M1 while maintaining the accuracy of brand logo detection at 46.6% (comparable with baselines), and of Credential Requiring Page detection at 98.1% (improving the baseline by 3.1%), within the test dataset. Conclusions. Our results demonstrate the potential of on-device, real-time phishing detection systems to enhance cybersecurity defensive technologies and extend the scope of phishing detection to more similar regions of interest, e.g., email clients and messenger windows.

replace-cross Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0: A Review of Integration Challenges for Industrial Systems

Authors: Alexander Windmann, Philipp Wittenberg, Marvin Schieseck, Oliver Niggemann

Abstract: In Industry 4.0, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) generate vast data sets that can be leveraged by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for applications including predictive maintenance and production planning. However, despite the demonstrated potential of AI, its widespread adoption in sectors like manufacturing remains limited. Our comprehensive review of recent literature, including standards and reports, pinpoints key challenges: system integration, data-related issues, managing workforce-related concerns and ensuring trustworthy AI. A quantitative analysis highlights particular challenges and topics that are important for practitioners but still need to be sufficiently investigated by academics. The paper briefly discusses existing solutions to these challenges and proposes avenues for future research. We hope that this survey serves as a resource for practitioners evaluating the cost-benefit implications of AI in CPS and for researchers aiming to address these urgent challenges.

replace-cross HOPE: A Reinforcement Learning-based Hybrid Policy Path Planner for Diverse Parking Scenarios

Authors: Mingyang Jiang, Yueyuan Li, Songan Zhang, Siyuan Chen, Chunxiang Wang, Ming Yang

Abstract: Automated parking stands as a highly anticipated application of autonomous driving technology. However, existing path planning methodologies fall short of addressing this need due to their incapability to handle the diverse and complex parking scenarios in reality. While non-learning methods provide reliable planning results, they are vulnerable to intricate occasions, whereas learning-based ones are good at exploration but unstable in converging to feasible solutions. To leverage the strengths of both approaches, we introduce Hybrid pOlicy Path plannEr (HOPE). This novel solution integrates a reinforcement learning agent with Reeds-Shepp curves, enabling effective planning across diverse scenarios. HOPE guides the exploration of the reinforcement learning agent by applying an action mask mechanism and employs a transformer to integrate the perceived environmental information with the mask. To facilitate the training and evaluation of the proposed planner, we propose a criterion for categorizing the difficulty level of parking scenarios based on space and obstacle distribution. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms typical rule-based algorithms and traditional reinforcement learning methods, showing higher planning success rates and generalization across various scenarios. We also conduct real-world experiments to verify the practicability of HOPE. The code for our solution will be openly available on \href{GitHub}{}.


replace-cross Deep-Learning-Based Channel Estimation for Distributed MIMO with 1-bit Radio-Over-Fiber Fronthaul

Authors: Alireza Bordbar, Lise Aabel, Christian H\"ager, Christian Fager, Giuseppe Durisi

Abstract: We consider the problem of pilot-aided, uplink channel estimation in a distributed massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) architecture, in which the access points are connected to a central processing unit via fiber-optical fronthaul links, carrying a two-level-quantized version of the received analog radio-frequency signal. We adapt to this architecture the deep-learning-based channel-estimation algorithm recently proposed by Nguyen et al. (2023), and explore its robustness to the additional signal distortions (beyond 1-bit quantization) introduced in the considered architecture by the automatic gain controllers (AGCs) and by the comparators. These components are used at the access points to generate the two-level analog waveform from the received signal. Via simulation results, we illustrate that the proposed channel-estimation method outperforms significantly the Bussgang linear minimum mean-square error channel estimator, and it is robust against the additional impairments introduced by the AGCs and the comparators.

replace-cross Towards Audio Codec-based Speech Separation

Authors: Jia Qi Yip, Shengkui Zhao, Dianwen Ng, Eng Siong Chng, Bin Ma

Abstract: Recent improvements in neural audio codec (NAC) models have generated interest in adopting pre-trained codecs for a variety of speech processing applications to take advantage of the efficiencies gained from high compression, but these have yet been applied to the speech separation (SS) task. SS can benefit from high compression because the compute required for traditional SS models makes them impractical for many edge computing use cases. However, SS is a waveform-masking task where compression tends to introduce distortions that severely impact performance. Here we propose a novel task of Audio Codec-based SS, where SS is performed within the embedding space of a NAC, and propose a new model, Codecformer, to address this task. At inference, Codecformer achieves a 52x reduction in MAC while producing separation performance comparable to a cloud deployment of Sepformer. This method charts a new direction for performing efficient SS in practical scenarios.

replace-cross High-probability minimax lower bounds

Authors: Tianyi Ma, Kabir A. Verchand, Richard J. Samworth

Abstract: The minimax risk is often considered as a gold standard against which we can compare specific statistical procedures. Nevertheless, as has been observed recently in robust and heavy-tailed estimation problems, the inherent reduction of the (random) loss to its expectation may entail a significant loss of information regarding its tail behaviour. In an attempt to avoid such a loss, we introduce the notion of a minimax quantile, and seek to articulate its dependence on the quantile level. To this end, we develop high-probability variants of the classical Le Cam and Fano methods, as well as a technique to convert local minimax risk lower bounds to lower bounds on minimax quantiles. To illustrate the power of our framework, we deploy our techniques on several examples, recovering recent results in robust mean estimation and stochastic convex optimisation, as well as obtaining several new results in covariance matrix estimation, sparse linear regression, nonparametric density estimation and isotonic regression. Our overall goal is to argue that minimax quantiles can provide a finer-grained understanding of the difficulty of statistical problems, and that, in wide generality, lower bounds on these quantities can be obtained via user-friendly tools.

replace-cross Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering: A Survey

Authors: Miao Su, Zixuan Li, Zhuo Chen, Long Bai, Xiaolong Jin, Jiafeng Guo

Abstract: Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA) has been a long-standing field to answer questions based on knowledge bases. Recently, the evolving dynamics of knowledge have attracted a growing interest in Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering (TKGQA), an emerging task to answer temporal questions. However, this field grapples with ambiguities in defining temporal questions and lacks a systematic categorization of existing methods for TKGQA. In response, this paper provides a thorough survey from two perspectives: the taxonomy of temporal questions and the methodological categorization for TKGQA. Specifically, we first establish a detailed taxonomy of temporal questions engaged in prior studies. Subsequently, we provide a comprehensive review of TKGQA techniques of two categories: semantic parsing-based and TKG embedding-based. Building on this review, the paper outlines potential research directions aimed at advancing the field of TKGQA. This work aims to serve as a comprehensive reference for TKGQA and to stimulate further research.

replace-cross Estimating Treatment Effects under Recommender Interference: A Structured Neural Networks Approach

Authors: Ruohan Zhan, Shichao Han, Yuchen Hu, Zhenling Jiang

Abstract: Recommender systems are essential for content-sharing platforms by curating personalized content. To evaluate updates to recommender systems targeting content creators, platforms frequently rely on creator-side randomized experiments. The treatment effect measures the change in outcomes when a new algorithm is implemented compared to the status quo. We show that the standard difference-in-means estimator can lead to biased estimates due to recommender interference that arises when treated and control creators compete for exposure. We propose a "recommender choice model" that describes which item gets exposed from a pool containing both treated and control items. By combining a structural choice model with neural networks, this framework directly models the interference pathway while accounting for rich viewer-content heterogeneity. We construct a debiased estimator of the treatment effect and prove it is $\sqrt n$-consistent and asymptotically normal with potentially correlated samples. We validate our estimator's empirical performance with a field experiment on Weixin short-video platform. In addition to the standard creator-side experiment, we conduct a costly double-sided randomization design to obtain a benchmark estimate free from interference bias. We show that the proposed estimator yields results comparable to the benchmark, whereas the standard difference-in-means estimator can exhibit significant bias and even produce reversed signs.

replace-cross OpenDebateEvidence: A Massive-Scale Argument Mining and Summarization Dataset

Authors: Allen Roush, Yusuf Shabazz, Arvind Balaji, Peter Zhang, Stefano Mezza, Markus Zhang, Sanjay Basu, Sriram Vishwanath, Mehdi Fatemi, Ravid Shwartz-Ziv

Abstract: We introduce OpenDebateEvidence, a comprehensive dataset for argument mining and summarization sourced from the American Competitive Debate community. This dataset includes over 3.5 million documents with rich metadata, making it one of the most extensive collections of debate evidence. OpenDebateEvidence captures the complexity of arguments in high school and college debates, providing valuable resources for training and evaluation. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of fine-tuning state-of-the-art large language models for argumentative abstractive summarization across various methods, models, and datasets. By providing this comprehensive resource, we aim to advance computational argumentation and support practical applications for debaters, educators, and researchers. OpenDebateEvidence is publicly available to support further research and innovation in computational argumentation. Access it here:


replace-cross Light-weight End-to-End Graph Interest Network for CTR Prediction in E-commerce Search

Authors: Pipi Peng, Yunqing Jia, Ziqiang Zhou, murmurhash, Zichong Xiao

Abstract: Click-through-rate (CTR) prediction has an essential impact on improving user experience and revenue in e-commerce search. With the development of deep learning, graph-based methods are well exploited to utilize graph structure extracted from user behaviors and other information to help embedding learning. However, most of the previous graph-based methods mainly focus on recommendation scenarios, and therefore their graph structures highly depend on item's sequential information from user behaviors, ignoring query's sequential signal and query-item correlation. In this paper, we propose a new approach named Light-weight End-to-End Graph Interest Network (EGIN) to effectively mine users' search interests and tackle previous challenges. (i) EGIN utilizes query and item's correlation and sequential information from the search system to build a heterogeneous graph for better CTR prediction in e-commerce search. (ii) EGIN's graph embedding learning shares the same training input and is jointly trained with CTR prediction, making the end-to-end framework effortless to deploy in large-scale search systems. The proposed EGIN is composed of three parts: query-item heterogeneous graph, light-weight graph sampling, and multi-interest network. The query-item heterogeneous graph captures correlation and sequential information of query and item efficiently by the proposed light-weight graph sampling. The multi-interest network is well designed to utilize graph embedding to capture various similarity relationships between query and item to enhance the final CTR prediction. We conduct extensive experiments on both public and industrial datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed EGIN. At the same time, the training cost of graph learning is relatively low compared with the main CTR prediction task, ensuring efficiency in practical applications.

replace-cross Second Maximum of a Gaussian Random Field and Exact (t-)Spacing test

Authors: Jean-Marc Aza\"is, Federico Dalmao, Yohann De Castro

Abstract: In this article, we introduce the novel concept of the second maximum of a Gaussian random field on a Riemannian submanifold. This second maximum serves as a powerful tool for characterizing the distribution of the maximum. By utilizing an ad-hoc Kac Rice formula, we derive the explicit form of the maximum's distribution, conditioned on the second maximum and some regressed component of the Riemannian Hessian. This approach results in an exact test, based on the evaluation of spacing between these maxima, which we refer to as the spacing test. We investigate the applicability of this test in detecting sparse alternatives within Gaussian symmetric tensors, continuous sparse deconvolution, and two-layered neural networks with smooth rectifiers. Our theoretical results are supported by numerical experiments, which illustrate the calibration and power of the proposed tests. More generally, this test can be applied to any Gaussian random field on a Riemannian manifold, and we provide a general framework for the application of the spacing test in continuous sparse kernel regression. Furthermore, when the variance-covariance function of the Gaussian random field is known up to a scaling factor, we derive an exact Studentized version of our test, coined the $t$-spacing test. This test is perfectly calibrated under the null hypothesis and has high power for detecting sparse alternatives.

replace-cross Deep Temporal Sequence Classification and Mathematical Modeling for Cell Tracking in Dense 3D Microscopy Videos of Bacterial Biofilms

Authors: Tanjin Taher Toma, Yibo Wang, Andreas Gahlmann, Scott T. Acton

Abstract: Automatic cell tracking in dense environments is plagued by inaccurate correspondences and misidentification of parent-offspring relationships. In this paper, we introduce a novel cell tracking algorithm named DenseTrack, which integrates deep learning with mathematical model-based strategies to effectively establish correspondences between consecutive frames and detect cell division events in crowded scenarios. We formulate the cell tracking problem as a deep learning-based temporal sequence classification task followed by solving a constrained one-to-one matching optimization problem exploiting the classifier's confidence scores. Additionally, we present an eigendecomposition-based cell division detection strategy that leverages knowledge of cellular geometry. The performance of the proposed approach has been evaluated by tracking densely packed cells in 3D time-lapse image sequences of bacterial biofilm development. The experimental results on simulated as well as experimental fluorescence image sequences suggest that the proposed tracking method achieves superior performance in terms of both qualitative and quantitative evaluation measures compared to recent state-of-the-art cell tracking approaches.

replace-cross Research on target detection method of distracted driving behavior based on improved YOLOv8

Authors: Shiquan Shen, Zhizhong Wu, Pan Zhang

Abstract: With the development of deep learning technology, the detection and classification of distracted driving behaviour requires higher accuracy. Existing deep learning-based methods are computationally intensive and parameter redundant, limiting the efficiency and accuracy in practical applications. To solve this problem, this study proposes an improved YOLOv8 detection method based on the original YOLOv8 model by integrating the BoTNet module, GAM attention mechanism and EIoU loss function. By optimising the feature extraction and multi-scale feature fusion strategies, the training and inference processes are simplified, and the detection accuracy and efficiency are significantly improved. Experimental results show that the improved model performs well in both detection speed and accuracy, with an accuracy rate of 99.4%, and the model is smaller and easy to deploy, which is able to identify and classify distracted driving behaviours in real time, provide timely warnings, and enhance driving safety.

replace-cross Let the Expert Stick to His Last: Expert-Specialized Fine-Tuning for Sparse Architectural Large Language Models

Authors: Zihan Wang, Deli Chen, Damai Dai, Runxin Xu, Zhuoshu Li, Y. Wu

Abstract: Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) is crucial for customizing Large Language Models (LLMs) with constrained resources. Although there have been various PEFT methods for dense-architecture LLMs, PEFT for sparse-architecture LLMs is still underexplored. In this work, we study the PEFT method for LLMs with the Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architecture and the contents of this work are mainly threefold: (1) We investigate the dispersion degree of the activated experts in customized tasks, and found that the routing distribution for a specific task tends to be highly concentrated, while the distribution of activated experts varies significantly across different tasks. (2) We propose Expert-Specialized Fine-Tuning, or ESFT, which tunes the experts most relevant to downstream tasks while freezing the other experts and modules; experimental results demonstrate that our method not only improves the tuning efficiency, but also matches or even surpasses the performance of full-parameter fine-tuning. (3) We further analyze the impact of the MoE architecture on expert-specialized fine-tuning. We find that MoE models with finer-grained experts are more advantageous in selecting the combination of experts that are most relevant to downstream tasks, thereby enhancing both the training efficiency and effectiveness. Our code is available at


replace-cross Multi-Attention Integrated Deep Learning Frameworks for Enhanced Breast Cancer Segmentation and Identification

Authors: Pandiyaraju V, Shravan Venkatraman, Pavan Kumar S, Santhosh Malarvannan, Kannan A

Abstract: Breast cancer poses a profound threat to lives globally, claiming numerous lives each year. Therefore, timely detection is crucial for early intervention and improved chances of survival. Accurately diagnosing and classifying breast tumors using ultrasound images is a persistent challenge in medicine, demanding cutting-edge solutions for improved treatment strategies. This research introduces multiattention-enhanced deep learning (DL) frameworks designed for the classification and segmentation of breast cancer tumors from ultrasound images. A spatial channel attention mechanism is proposed for segmenting tumors from ultrasound images, utilizing a novel LinkNet DL framework with an InceptionResNet backbone. Following this, the paper proposes a deep convolutional neural network with an integrated multi-attention framework (DCNNIMAF) to classify the segmented tumor as benign, malignant, or normal. From experimental results, it is observed that the segmentation model has recorded an accuracy of 98.1%, with a minimal loss of 0.6%. It has also achieved high Intersection over Union (IoU) and Dice Coefficient scores of 96.9% and 97.2%, respectively. Similarly, the classification model has attained an accuracy of 99.2%, with a low loss of 0.31%. Furthermore, the classification framework has achieved outstanding F1-Score, precision, and recall values of 99.1%, 99.3%, and 99.1%, respectively. By offering a robust framework for early detection and accurate classification of breast cancer, this proposed work significantly advances the field of medical image analysis, potentially improving diagnostic precision and patient outcomes.

replace-cross Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Diffusion Models for EEG Super-Resolution in Epilepsy Diagnosis

Authors: Tong Zhou, Shuqiang Wang

Abstract: Electroencephalogram (EEG) technology, particularly high-density EEG (HD EEG) devices, is widely used in fields such as neuroscience. HD EEG devices improve the spatial resolution of EEG by placing more electrodes on the scalp, meeting the requirements of clinical diagnostic applications such as epilepsy focus localization. However, this technique faces challenges such as high acquisition costs and limited usage scenarios. In this paper, spatio-temporal adaptive diffusion models (STADMs) are proposed to pioneer the use of diffusion models for achieving spatial SR reconstruction from low-resolution (LR, 64 channels or fewer) EEG to high-resolution (HR, 256 channels) EEG. Specifically, a spatio-temporal condition module is designed to extract the spatio-temporal features of LR EEG, which then serve as conditional inputs to guide the reverse denoising process of diffusion models. Additionally, a multi-scale Transformer denoising module is constructed to leverage multi-scale convolution blocks and cross-attention-based diffusion Transformer blocks for conditional guidance to generate subject-adaptive SR EEG. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively enhances the spatial resolution of LR EEG and quantitatively outperforms existing methods. Furthermore, STADMs demonstrate their value by applying synthetic SR EEG to classification and source localization tasks of epilepsy patients, indicating their potential to significantly improve the spatial resolution of LR EEG.

replace-cross Compressed Latent Replays for Lightweight Continual Learning on Spiking Neural Networks

Authors: Alberto Dequino, Alessio Carpegna, Davide Nadalini, Alessandro Savino, Luca Benini, Stefano Di Carlo, Francesco Conti

Abstract: Rehearsal-based Continual Learning (CL) has been intensely investigated in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). However, its application in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) has not been explored in depth. In this paper we introduce the first memory-efficient implementation of Latent Replay (LR)-based CL for SNNs, designed to seamlessly integrate with resource-constrained devices. LRs combine new samples with latent representations of previously learned data, to mitigate forgetting. Experiments on the Heidelberg SHD dataset with Sample and Class-Incremental tasks reach a Top-1 accuracy of 92.5% and 92%, respectively, without forgetting the previously learned information. Furthermore, we minimize the LRs' requirements by applying a time-domain compression, reducing by two orders of magnitude their memory requirement, with respect to a naive rehearsal setup, with a maximum accuracy drop of 4%. On a Multi-Class-Incremental task, our SNN learns 10 new classes from an initial set of 10, reaching a Top-1 accuracy of 78.4% on the full test set.

replace-cross When big data actually are low-rank, or entrywise approximation of certain function-generated matrices

Authors: Stanislav Budzinskiy

Abstract: The article concerns low-rank approximation of matrices generated by sampling a smooth function of two $m$-dimensional variables. We refute an argument made in the literature that, for a specific class of analytic functions, such matrices admit accurate entrywise approximation of rank that is independent of $m$. We provide a theoretical explanation of the numerical results presented in support of this argument, describing three narrower classes of functions for which $n \times n$ function-generated matrices can be approximated within an entrywise error of order $\varepsilon$ with rank $\mathcal{O}(\log(n) \varepsilon^{-2} \mathrm{polylog}(\varepsilon^{-1}))$ that is independent of the dimension $m$: (i) functions of the inner product of the two variables, (ii) functions of the squared Euclidean distance between the variables, and (iii) shift-invariant positive-definite kernels. We extend our argument to low-rank tensor-train approximation of tensors generated with functions of the multi-linear product of their $m$-dimensional variables. We discuss our results in the context of low-rank approximation of attention in transformer neural networks.