new A Unified Learn-to-Distort-Data Framework for Privacy-Utility Trade-off in Trustworthy Federated Learning

Authors: Xiaojin Zhang, Mingcong Xu, Wei Chen

Abstract: In this paper, we first give an introduction to the theoretical basis of the privacy-utility equilibrium in federated learning based on Bayesian privacy definitions and total variation distance privacy definitions. We then present the \textit{Learn-to-Distort-Data} framework, which provides a principled approach to navigate the privacy-utility equilibrium by explicitly modeling the distortion introduced by the privacy-preserving mechanism as a learnable variable and optimizing it jointly with the model parameters. We demonstrate the applicability of our framework to a variety of privacy-preserving mechanisms on the basis of data distortion and highlight its connections to related areas such as adversarial training, input robustness, and unlearnable examples. These connections enable leveraging techniques from these areas to design effective algorithms for privacy-utility equilibrium in federated learning under the \textit{Learn-to-Distort-Data} framework.

new SpikeLLM: Scaling up Spiking Neural Network to Large Language Models via Saliency-based Spiking

Authors: Xingrun Xing, Boyan Gao, Zheng Zhang, David A. Clifton, Shitao Xiao, Li Du, Guoqi Li, Jiajun Zhang

Abstract: The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) with billions of parameters have significantly boosted their performance across various real-world applications. However, the inference processes for these models require substantial energy and computational resources, presenting considerable deployment challenges. In contrast, human brains, which contain approximately 86 billion biological neurons, exhibit significantly greater energy efficiency compared to LLMs with a similar number of parameters. Inspired by this, we redesign 7 to 70 billion parameter LLMs using bio-plausible spiking mechanisms, emulating the efficient behavior of the human brain. We propose the first spiking large language model as recent LLMs termed SpikeLLM. Coupled with the proposed model, a novel spike-driven quantization framework named Optimal Brain Spiking is introduced to reduce the energy cost and accelerate inference speed via two essential approaches: first (second)-order differentiation-based salient channel detection, and per-channel salient outlier expansion with Generalized Integrate-and-Fire neurons. Our proposed spike-driven quantization can plug in main streams of quantization training methods. In the OmniQuant pipeline, SpikeLLM significantly reduces 25.51% WikiText2 perplexity and improves 3.08% average accuracy of 6 zero-shot datasets on a LLAMA2-7B 4A4W model. In the GPTQ pipeline, SpikeLLM realizes a sparse ternary quantization, which achieves additive in all linear layers. Compared with PB-LLM with similar operations, SpikeLLM also exceeds significantly. We will release our code on GitHub.

new SPINEX: Similarity-based Predictions with Explainable Neighbors Exploration for Anomaly and Outlier Detection

Authors: MZ Naser, Ahmed Z Naser

Abstract: This paper presents a novel anomaly and outlier detection algorithm from the SPINEX (Similarity-based Predictions with Explainable Neighbors Exploration) family. This algorithm leverages the concept of similarity and higher-order interactions across multiple subspaces to identify outliers. A comprehensive set of experiments was conducted to evaluate the performance of SPINEX. This algorithm was examined against 21 commonly used anomaly detection algorithms, namely, namely, Angle-Based Outlier Detection (ABOD), Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor (COF), Copula-Based Outlier Detection (COPOD), ECOD, Elliptic Envelope (EE), Feature Bagging with KNN, Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM), Histogram-based Outlier Score (HBOS), Isolation Forest (IF), Isolation Neural Network Ensemble (INNE), Kernel Density Estimation (KDE), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Lightweight Online Detector of Anomalies (LODA), Linear Model Deviation-based Detector (LMDD), Local Outlier Factor (LOF), Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD), One-Class SVM (OCSVM), Quadratic MCD (QMCD), Robust Covariance (RC), Stochastic Outlier Selection (SOS), and Subspace Outlier Detection (SOD), and across 39 synthetic and real datasets from various domains and of a variety of dimensions and complexities. Furthermore, a complexity analysis was carried out to examine the complexity of the proposed algorithm. Our results demonstrate that SPINEX achieves superior performance, outperforms commonly used anomaly detection algorithms, and has moderate complexity (e.g., O(n log n d)). More specifically, SPINEX was found to rank at the top of algorithms on the synthetic datasets and the 7th on the real datasets. Finally, a demonstration of the explainability capabilities of SPINEX, along with future research needs, is presented.

new The Impact of Quantization and Pruning on Deep Reinforcement Learning Models

Authors: Heng Lu, Mehdi Alemi, Reza Rawassizadeh

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has achieved remarkable success across various domains, such as video games, robotics, and, recently, large language models. However, the computational costs and memory requirements of DRL models often limit their deployment in resource-constrained environments. The challenge underscores the urgent need to explore neural network compression methods to make RDL models more practical and broadly applicable. Our study investigates the impact of two prominent compression methods, quantization and pruning on DRL models. We examine how these techniques influence four performance factors: average return, memory, inference time, and battery utilization across various DRL algorithms and environments. Despite the decrease in model size, we identify that these compression techniques generally do not improve the energy efficiency of DRL models, but the model size decreases. We provide insights into the trade-offs between model compression and DRL performance, offering guidelines for deploying efficient DRL models in resource-constrained settings.

new Fair Submodular Cover

Authors: Wenjing Chen, Shuo Xing, Samson Zhou, Victoria G. Crawford

Abstract: Submodular optimization is a fundamental problem with many applications in machine learning, often involving decision-making over datasets with sensitive attributes such as gender or age. In such settings, it is often desirable to produce a diverse solution set that is fairly distributed with respect to these attributes. Motivated by this, we initiate the study of Fair Submodular Cover (FSC), where given a ground set $U$, a monotone submodular function $f:2^U\to\mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$, a threshold $\tau$, the goal is to find a balanced subset of $S$ with minimum cardinality such that $f(S)\ge\tau$. We first introduce discrete algorithms for FSC that achieve a bicriteria approximation ratio of $(\frac{1}{\epsilon}, 1-O(\epsilon))$. We then present a continuous algorithm that achieves a $(\ln\frac{1}{\epsilon}, 1-O(\epsilon))$-bicriteria approximation ratio, which matches the best approximation guarantee of submodular cover without a fairness constraint. Finally, we complement our theoretical results with a number of empirical evaluations that demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms on instances of maximum coverage.

new Simplifying Deep Temporal Difference Learning

Authors: Matteo Gallici, Mattie Fellows, Benjamin Ellis, Bartomeu Pou, Ivan Masmitja, Jakob Nicolaus Foerster, Mario Martin

Abstract: Q-learning played a foundational role in the field reinforcement learning (RL). However, TD algorithms with off-policy data, such as Q-learning, or nonlinear function approximation like deep neural networks require several additional tricks to stabilise training, primarily a replay buffer and target networks. Unfortunately, the delayed updating of frozen network parameters in the target network harms the sample efficiency and, similarly, the replay buffer introduces memory and implementation overheads. In this paper, we investigate whether it is possible to accelerate and simplify TD training while maintaining its stability. Our key theoretical result demonstrates for the first time that regularisation techniques such as LayerNorm can yield provably convergent TD algorithms without the need for a target network, even with off-policy data. Empirically, we find that online, parallelised sampling enabled by vectorised environments stabilises training without the need of a replay buffer. Motivated by these findings, we propose PQN, our simplified deep online Q-Learning algorithm. Surprisingly, this simple algorithm is competitive with more complex methods like: Rainbow in Atari, R2D2 in Hanabi, QMix in Smax, PPO-RNN in Craftax, and can be up to 50x faster than traditional DQN without sacrificing sample efficiency. In an era where PPO has become the go-to RL algorithm, PQN reestablishes Q-learning as a viable alternative. We make our code available at:


new RPN: Reconciled Polynomial Network Towards Unifying PGMs, Kernel SVMs, MLP and KAN

Authors: Jiawei Zhang

Abstract: In this paper, we will introduce a novel deep model named Reconciled Polynomial Network (RPN) for deep function learning. RPN has a very general architecture and can be used to build models with various complexities, capacities, and levels of completeness, which all contribute to the correctness of these models. As indicated in the subtitle, RPN can also serve as the backbone to unify different base models into one canonical representation. This includes non-deep models, like probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) - such as Bayesian network and Markov network - and kernel support vector machines (kernel SVMs), as well as deep models like the classic multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and the recent Kolmogorov-Arnold network (KAN). Technically, RPN proposes to disentangle the underlying function to be inferred into the inner product of a data expansion function and a parameter reconciliation function. Together with the remainder function, RPN accurately approximates the underlying functions that governs data distributions. The data expansion functions in RPN project data vectors from the input space to a high-dimensional intermediate space, specified by the expansion functions in definition. Meanwhile, RPN also introduces the parameter reconciliation functions to fabricate a small number of parameters into a higher-order parameter matrix to address the ``curse of dimensionality'' problem caused by the data expansions. Moreover, the remainder functions provide RPN with additional complementary information to reduce potential approximation errors. We conducted extensive empirical experiments on numerous benchmark datasets across multiple modalities, including continuous function datasets, discrete vision and language datasets, and classic tabular datasets, to investigate the effectiveness of RPN.

new Amazing Things Come From Having Many Good Models

Authors: Cynthia Rudin, Chudi Zhong, Lesia Semenova, Margo Seltzer, Ronald Parr, Jiachang Liu, Srikar Katta, Jon Donnelly, Harry Chen, Zachery Boner

Abstract: The Rashomon Effect, coined by Leo Breiman, describes the phenomenon that there exist many equally good predictive models for the same dataset. This phenomenon happens for many real datasets and when it does, it sparks both magic and consternation, but mostly magic. In light of the Rashomon Effect, this perspective piece proposes reshaping the way we think about machine learning, particularly for tabular data problems in the nondeterministic (noisy) setting. We address how the Rashomon Effect impacts (1) the existence of simple-yet-accurate models, (2) flexibility to address user preferences, such as fairness and monotonicity, without losing performance, (3) uncertainty in predictions, fairness, and explanations, (4) reliable variable importance, (5) algorithm choice, specifically, providing advanced knowledge of which algorithms might be suitable for a given problem, and (6) public policy. We also discuss a theory of when the Rashomon Effect occurs and why. Our goal is to illustrate how the Rashomon Effect can have a massive impact on the use of machine learning for complex problems in society.

new Explorative Imitation Learning: A Path Signature Approach for Continuous Environments

Authors: Nathan Gavenski, Juarez Monteiro, Felipe Meneguzzi, Michael Luck, Odinaldo Rodrigues

Abstract: Some imitation learning methods combine behavioural cloning with self-supervision to infer actions from state pairs. However, most rely on a large number of expert trajectories to increase generalisation and human intervention to capture key aspects of the problem, such as domain constraints. In this paper, we propose Continuous Imitation Learning from Observation (CILO), a new method augmenting imitation learning with two important features: (i) exploration, allowing for more diverse state transitions, requiring less expert trajectories and resulting in fewer training iterations; and (ii) path signatures, allowing for automatic encoding of constraints, through the creation of non-parametric representations of agents and expert trajectories. We compared CILO with a baseline and two leading imitation learning methods in five environments. It had the best overall performance of all methods in all environments, outperforming the expert in two of them.

new Augmented Bayesian Policy Search

Authors: Mahdi Kallel, Debabrota Basu, Riad Akrour, Carlo D'Eramo

Abstract: Deterministic policies are often preferred over stochastic ones when implemented on physical systems. They can prevent erratic and harmful behaviors while being easier to implement and interpret. However, in practice, exploration is largely performed by stochastic policies. First-order Bayesian Optimization (BO) methods offer a principled way of performing exploration using deterministic policies. This is done through a learned probabilistic model of the objective function and its gradient. Nonetheless, such approaches treat policy search as a black-box problem, and thus, neglect the reinforcement learning nature of the problem. In this work, we leverage the performance difference lemma to introduce a novel mean function for the probabilistic model. This results in augmenting BO methods with the action-value function. Hence, we call our method Augmented Bayesian Search~(ABS). Interestingly, this new mean function enhances the posterior gradient with the deterministic policy gradient, effectively bridging the gap between BO and policy gradient methods. The resulting algorithm combines the convenience of the direct policy search with the scalability of reinforcement learning. We validate ABS on high-dimensional locomotion problems and demonstrate competitive performance compared to existing direct policy search schemes.

new Improving Knowledge Distillation in Transfer Learning with Layer-wise Learning Rates

Authors: Shirley Kokane, Mostofa Rafid Uddin, Min Xu

Abstract: Transfer learning methods start performing poorly when the complexity of the learning task is increased. Most of these methods calculate the cumulative differences of all the matched features and then use them to back-propagate that loss through all the layers. Contrary to these methods, in this work, we propose a novel layer-wise learning scheme that adjusts learning parameters per layer as a function of the differences in the Jacobian/Attention/Hessian of the output activations w.r.t. the network parameters. We applied this novel scheme for attention map-based and derivative-based (first and second order) transfer learning methods. We received improved learning performance and stability against a wide range of datasets. From extensive experimental evaluation, we observed that the performance boost achieved by our method becomes more significant with the increasing difficulty of the learning task.

new Differentially Private Convex Approximation of Two-Layer ReLU Networks

Authors: Antti Koskela

Abstract: We show that it is possible to privately train convex problems that give models with similar privacy-utility trade-off as one hidden-layer ReLU networks trained with differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD). As we show, this is possible via a certain dual formulation of the ReLU minimization problem. We derive a stochastic approximation of the dual problem that leads to a strongly convex problem which allows applying, for example, the privacy amplification by iteration type of analysis for gradient-based private optimizers, and in particular allows giving accurate privacy bounds for the noisy cyclic mini-batch gradient descent with fixed disjoint mini-batches. We obtain on the MNIST and FashionMNIST problems for the noisy cyclic mini-batch gradient descent first empirical results that show similar privacy-utility-trade-offs as DP-SGD applied to a ReLU network. We outline theoretical utility bounds that illustrate the speed-ups of the private convex approximation of ReLU networks.

new Closing the Gaps: Optimality of Sample Average Approximation for Data-Driven Newsvendor Problems

Authors: Jiameng Lyu, Shilin Yuan, Bingkun Zhou, Yuan Zhou

Abstract: We study the regret performance of Sample Average Approximation (SAA) for data-driven newsvendor problems with general convex inventory costs. In literature, the optimality of SAA has not been fully established under both \alpha-global strong convexity and (\alpha,\beta)-local strong convexity (\alpha-strongly convex within the \beta-neighborhood of the optimal quantity) conditions. This paper closes the gaps between regret upper and lower bounds for both conditions. Under the (\alpha,\beta)-local strong convexity condition, we prove the optimal regret bound of \Theta(\log T/\alpha + 1/ (\alpha\beta)) for SAA. This upper bound result demonstrates that the regret performance of SAA is only influenced by \alpha and not by \beta in the long run, enhancing our understanding about how local properties affect the long-term regret performance of decision-making strategies. Under the \alpha-global strong convexity condition, we demonstrate that the worst-case regret of any data-driven method is lower bounded by \Omega(\log T/\alpha), which is the first lower bound result that matches the existing upper bound with respect to both parameter \alpha and time horizon T. Along the way, we propose to analyze the SAA regret via a new gradient approximation technique, as well as a new class of smooth inverted-hat-shaped hard problem instances that might be of independent interest for the lower bounds of broader data-driven problems.

new Balance of Number of Embedding and their Dimensions in Vector Quantization

Authors: Hang Chen, Sankepally Sainath Reddy, Ziwei Chen, Dianbo Liu

Abstract: The dimensionality of the embedding and the number of available embeddings ( also called codebook size) are critical factors influencing the performance of Vector Quantization(VQ), a discretization process used in many models such as the Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder (VQ-VAE) architecture. This study examines the balance between the codebook sizes and dimensions of embeddings in VQ, while maintaining their product constant. Traditionally, these hyper parameters are static during training; however, our findings indicate that augmenting the codebook size while simultaneously reducing the embedding dimension can significantly boost the effectiveness of the VQ-VAE. As a result, the strategic selection of codebook size and embedding dimensions, while preserving the capacity of the discrete codebook space, is critically important. To address this, we propose a novel adaptive dynamic quantization approach, underpinned by the Gumbel-Softmax mechanism, which allows the model to autonomously determine the optimal codebook configuration for each data instance. This dynamic discretizer gives the VQ-VAE remarkable flexibility. Thorough empirical evaluations across multiple benchmark datasets validate the notable performance enhancements achieved by our approach, highlighting the significant potential of adaptive dynamic quantization to improve model performance.

new Beyond the Federation: Topology-aware Federated Learning for Generalization to Unseen Clients

Authors: Mengmeng Ma, Tang Li, Xi Peng

Abstract: Federated Learning is widely employed to tackle distributed sensitive data. Existing methods primarily focus on addressing in-federation data heterogeneity. However, we observed that they suffer from significant performance degradation when applied to unseen clients for out-of-federation (OOF) generalization. The recent attempts to address generalization to unseen clients generally struggle to scale up to large-scale distributed settings due to high communication or computation costs. Moreover, methods that scale well often demonstrate poor generalization capability. To achieve OOF-resiliency in a scalable manner, we propose Topology-aware Federated Learning (TFL) that leverages client topology - a graph representing client relationships - to effectively train robust models against OOF data. We formulate a novel optimization problem for TFL, consisting of two key modules: Client Topology Learning, which infers the client relationships in a privacy-preserving manner, and Learning on Client Topology, which leverages the learned topology to identify influential clients and harness this information into the FL optimization process to efficiently build robust models. Empirical evaluation on a variety of real-world datasets verifies TFL's superior OOF robustness and scalability.

new Entropy-Informed Weighting Channel Normalizing Flow

Authors: Wei Chen, Shian Du, Shigui Li, Delu Zeng, John Paisley

Abstract: Normalizing Flows (NFs) have gained popularity among deep generative models due to their ability to provide exact likelihood estimation and efficient sampling. However, a crucial limitation of NFs is their substantial memory requirements, arising from maintaining the dimension of the latent space equal to that of the input space. Multi-scale architectures bypass this limitation by progressively reducing the dimension of latent variables while ensuring reversibility. Existing multi-scale architectures split the latent variables in a simple, static manner at the channel level, compromising NFs' expressive power. To address this issue, we propose a regularized and feature-dependent $\mathtt{Shuffle}$ operation and integrate it into vanilla multi-scale architecture. This operation heuristically generates channel-wise weights and adaptively shuffles latent variables before splitting them with these weights. We observe that such operation guides the variables to evolve in the direction of entropy increase, hence we refer to NFs with the $\mathtt{Shuffle}$ operation as \emph{Entropy-Informed Weighting Channel Normalizing Flow} (EIW-Flow). Experimental results indicate that the EIW-Flow achieves state-of-the-art density estimation results and comparable sample quality on CIFAR-10, CelebA and ImageNet datasets, with negligible additional computational overhead.

new Idiographic Personality Gaussian Process for Psychological Assessment

Authors: Yehu Chen, Muchen Xi, Jacob Montgomery, Joshua Jackson, Roman Garnett

Abstract: We develop a novel measurement framework based on a Gaussian process coregionalization model to address a long-lasting debate in psychometrics: whether psychological features like personality share a common structure across the population, vary uniquely for individuals, or some combination. We propose the idiographic personality Gaussian process (IPGP) framework, an intermediate model that accommodates both shared trait structure across a population and "idiographic" deviations for individuals. IPGP leverages the Gaussian process coregionalization model to handle the grouped nature of battery responses, but adjusted to non-Gaussian ordinal data. We further exploit stochastic variational inference for efficient latent factor estimation required for idiographic modeling at scale. Using synthetic and real data, we show that IPGP improves both prediction of actual responses and estimation of individualized factor structures relative to existing benchmarks. In a third study, we show that IPGP also identifies unique clusters of personality taxonomies in real-world data, displaying great potential in advancing individualized approaches to psychological diagnosis and treatment.

new Multi-agent Off-policy Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning for Partially Observable Environments

Authors: Ainur Zhaikhan, Ali H. Sayed

Abstract: This study proposes the use of a social learning method to estimate a global state within a multi-agent off-policy actor-critic algorithm for reinforcement learning (RL) operating in a partially observable environment. We assume that the network of agents operates in a fully-decentralized manner, possessing the capability to exchange variables with their immediate neighbors. The proposed design methodology is supported by an analysis demonstrating that the difference between final outcomes, obtained when the global state is fully observed versus estimated through the social learning method, is $\varepsilon$-bounded when an appropriate number of iterations of social learning updates are implemented. Unlike many existing dec-POMDP-based RL approaches, the proposed algorithm is suitable for model-free multi-agent reinforcement learning as it does not require knowledge of a transition model. Furthermore, experimental results illustrate the efficacy of the algorithm and demonstrate its superiority over the current state-of-the-art methods.

new Enabling Causal Discovery in Post-Nonlinear Models with Normalizing Flows

Authors: Nu Hoang, Bao Duong, Thin Nguyen

Abstract: Post-nonlinear (PNL) causal models stand out as a versatile and adaptable framework for modeling intricate causal relationships. However, accurately capturing the invertibility constraint required in PNL models remains challenging in existing studies. To address this problem, we introduce CAF-PoNo (Causal discovery via Normalizing Flows for Post-Nonlinear models), harnessing the power of the normalizing flows architecture to enforce the crucial invertibility constraint in PNL models. Through normalizing flows, our method precisely reconstructs the hidden noise, which plays a vital role in cause-effect identification through statistical independence testing. Furthermore, the proposed approach exhibits remarkable extensibility, as it can be seamlessly expanded to facilitate multivariate causal discovery via causal order identification, empowering us to efficiently unravel complex causal relationships. Extensive experimental evaluations on both simulated and real datasets consistently demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art approaches in both bivariate and multivariate causal discovery tasks.

new The Reachability Problem for Neural-Network Control Systems

Authors: Christian Schilling, Martin Zimmermann

Abstract: A control system consists of a plant component and a controller which periodically computes a control input for the plant. We consider systems where the controller is implemented by a feedforward neural network with ReLU activations. The reachability problem asks, given a set of initial states, whether a set of target states can be reached. We show that this problem is undecidable even for trivial plants and fixed-depth neural networks with three inputs and outputs. We also show that the problem becomes semi-decidable when the plant as well as the input and target sets are given by automata over infinite words.

new The Solution for the AIGC Inference Performance Optimization Competition

Authors: Sishun Pan, Haonan Xu, Zhonghua Wan, Yang Yang

Abstract: In recent years, the rapid advancement of large-scale pre-trained language models based on transformer architectures has revolutionized natural language processing tasks. Among these, ChatGPT has gained widespread popularity, demonstrating human-level conversational abilities and attracting over 100 million monthly users by late 2022. Concurrently, Baidu's commercial deployment of the Ernie Wenxin model has significantly enhanced marketing effectiveness through AI-driven technologies. This paper focuses on optimizing high-performance inference for Ernie models, emphasizing GPU acceleration and leveraging the Paddle inference framework. We employ techniques such as Faster Transformer for efficient model processing, embedding layer pruning to reduce computational overhead, and FP16 half-precision inference for enhanced computational efficiency. Additionally, our approach integrates efficient data handling strategies using multi-process parallel processing to minimize latency. Experimental results demonstrate that our optimized solution achieves up to an 8.96x improvement in inference speed compared to standard methods, while maintaining competitive performance.

new Scalable Variational Causal Discovery Unconstrained by Acyclicity

Authors: Nu Hoang, Bao Duong, Thin Nguyen

Abstract: Bayesian causal discovery offers the power to quantify epistemic uncertainties among a broad range of structurally diverse causal theories potentially explaining the data, represented in forms of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). However, existing methods struggle with efficient DAG sampling due to the complex acyclicity constraint. In this study, we propose a scalable Bayesian approach to effectively learn the posterior distribution over causal graphs given observational data thanks to the ability to generate DAGs without explicitly enforcing acyclicity. Specifically, we introduce a novel differentiable DAG sampling method that can generate a valid acyclic causal graph by mapping an unconstrained distribution of implicit topological orders to a distribution over DAGs. Given this efficient DAG sampling scheme, we are able to model the posterior distribution over causal graphs using a simple variational distribution over a continuous domain, which can be learned via the variational inference framework. Extensive empirical experiments on both simulated and real datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed model compared to several state-of-the-art baselines.

new The Solution for the sequential task continual learning track of the 2nd Greater Bay Area International Algorithm Competition

Authors: Sishun Pan, Xixian Wu, Tingmin Li, Longfei Huang, Mingxu Feng, Zhonghua Wan, Yang Yang

Abstract: This paper presents a data-free, parameter-isolation-based continual learning algorithm we developed for the sequential task continual learning track of the 2nd Greater Bay Area International Algorithm Competition. The method learns an independent parameter subspace for each task within the network's convolutional and linear layers and freezes the batch normalization layers after the first task. Specifically, for domain incremental setting where all domains share a classification head, we freeze the shared classification head after first task is completed, effectively solving the issue of catastrophic forgetting. Additionally, facing the challenge of domain incremental settings without providing a task identity, we designed an inference task identity strategy, selecting an appropriate mask matrix for each sample. Furthermore, we introduced a gradient supplementation strategy to enhance the importance of unselected parameters for the current task, facilitating learning for new tasks. We also implemented an adaptive importance scoring strategy that dynamically adjusts the amount of parameters to optimize single-task performance while reducing parameter usage. Moreover, considering the limitations of storage space and inference time, we designed a mask matrix compression strategy to save storage space and improve the speed of encryption and decryption of the mask matrix. Our approach does not require expanding the core network or using external auxiliary networks or data, and performs well under both task incremental and domain incremental settings. This solution ultimately won a second-place prize in the competition.

new Rethinking the Effectiveness of Graph Classification Datasets in Benchmarks for Assessing GNNs

Authors: Zhengdao Li, Yong Cao, Kefan Shuai, Yiming Miao, Kai Hwang

Abstract: Graph classification benchmarks, vital for assessing and developing graph neural networks (GNNs), have recently been scrutinized, as simple methods like MLPs have demonstrated comparable performance. This leads to an important question: Do these benchmarks effectively distinguish the advancements of GNNs over other methodologies? If so, how do we quantitatively measure this effectiveness? In response, we first propose an empirical protocol based on a fair benchmarking framework to investigate the performance discrepancy between simple methods and GNNs. We further propose a novel metric to quantify the dataset effectiveness by considering both dataset complexity and model performance. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to thoroughly study and provide an explicit definition for dataset effectiveness in the graph learning area. Through testing across 16 real-world datasets, we found our metric to align with existing studies and intuitive assumptions. Finally, we explore the causes behind the low effectiveness of certain datasets by investigating the correlation between intrinsic graph properties and class labels, and we developed a novel technique supporting the correlation-controllable synthetic dataset generation. Our findings shed light on the current understanding of benchmark datasets, and our new platform could fuel the future evolution of graph classification benchmarks.

new LoRA-GA: Low-Rank Adaptation with Gradient Approximation

Authors: Shaowen Wang, Linxi Yu, Jian Li

Abstract: Fine-tuning large-scale pretrained models is prohibitively expensive in terms of computational and memory costs. LoRA, as one of the most popular Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods, offers a cost-effective alternative by fine-tuning an auxiliary low-rank model that has significantly fewer parameters. Although LoRA reduces the computational and memory requirements significantly at each iteration, extensive empirical evidence indicates that it converges at a considerably slower rate compared to full fine-tuning, ultimately leading to increased overall compute and often worse test performance. In our paper, we perform an in-depth investigation of the initialization method of LoRA and show that careful initialization (without any change of the architecture and the training algorithm) can significantly enhance both efficiency and performance. In particular, we introduce a novel initialization method, LoRA-GA (Low Rank Adaptation with Gradient Approximation), which aligns the gradients of low-rank matrix product with those of full fine-tuning at the first step. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that LoRA-GA achieves a convergence rate comparable to that of full fine-tuning (hence being significantly faster than vanilla LoRA as well as various recent improvements) while simultaneously attaining comparable or even better performance. For example, on the subset of the GLUE dataset with T5-Base, LoRA-GA outperforms LoRA by 5.69% on average. On larger models such as Llama 2-7B, LoRA-GA shows performance improvements of 0.34, 11.52%, and 5.05% on MT-bench, GSM8K, and Human-eval, respectively. Additionally, we observe up to 2-4 times convergence speed improvement compared to vanilla LoRA, validating its effectiveness in accelerating convergence and enhancing model performance. Code is available at


new Personalized Federated Domain-Incremental Learning based on Adaptive Knowledge Matching

Authors: Yichen Li, Wenchao Xu, Haozhao Wang, Ruixuan Li, Yining Qi, Jingcai Guo

Abstract: This paper focuses on Federated Domain-Incremental Learning (FDIL) where each client continues to learn incremental tasks where their domain shifts from each other. We propose a novel adaptive knowledge matching-based personalized FDIL approach (pFedDIL) which allows each client to alternatively utilize appropriate incremental task learning strategy on the correlation with the knowledge from previous tasks. More specifically, when a new task arrives, each client first calculates its local correlations with previous tasks. Then, the client can choose to adopt a new initial model or a previous model with similar knowledge to train the new task and simultaneously migrate knowledge from previous tasks based on these correlations. Furthermore, to identify the correlations between the new task and previous tasks for each client, we separately employ an auxiliary classifier to each target classification model and propose sharing partial parameters between the target classification model and the auxiliary classifier to condense model parameters. We conduct extensive experiments on several datasets of which results demonstrate that pFedDIL outperforms state-of-the-art methods by up to 14.35\% in terms of average accuracy of all tasks.

new BrainMetDetect: Predicting Primary Tumor from Brain Metastasis MRI Data Using Radiomic Features and Machine Learning Algorithms

Authors: Hamidreza Sadeghsalehi

Abstract: Objective: Brain metastases (BMs) are common in cancer patients and determining the primary tumor site is crucial for effective treatment. This study aims to predict the primary tumor site from BM MRI data using radiomic features and advanced machine learning algorithms. Methods: We utilized a comprehensive dataset from Ocana-Tienda et al. (2023) comprising MRI and clinical data from 75 patients with BMs. Radiomic features were extracted from post-contrast T1-weighted MRI sequences. Feature selection was performed using the GINI index, and data normalization was applied to ensure consistent scaling. We developed and evaluated Random Forest and XGBoost classifiers, both with and without hyperparameter optimization using the FOX (Fox optimizer) algorithm. Model interpretability was enhanced using SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) values. Results: The baseline Random Forest model achieved an accuracy of 0.85, which improved to 0.93 with FOX optimization. The XGBoost model showed an initial accuracy of 0.96, increasing to 0.99 after optimization. SHAP analysis revealed the most influential radiomic features contributing to the models' predictions. The FOX-optimized XGBoost model exhibited the best performance with a precision, recall, and F1-score of 0.99. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the effectiveness of using radiomic features and machine learning to predict primary tumor sites from BM MRI data. The FOX optimization algorithm significantly enhanced model performance, and SHAP provided valuable insights into feature importance. These findings highlight the potential of integrating radiomics and machine learning into clinical practice for improved diagnostic accuracy and personalized treatment planning.

new DMTG: One-Shot Differentiable Multi-Task Grouping

Authors: Yuan Gao, Shuguo Jiang, Moran Li, Jin-Gang Yu, Gui-Song Xia

Abstract: We aim to address Multi-Task Learning (MTL) with a large number of tasks by Multi-Task Grouping (MTG). Given N tasks, we propose to simultaneously identify the best task groups from 2^N candidates and train the model weights simultaneously in one-shot, with the high-order task-affinity fully exploited. This is distinct from the pioneering methods which sequentially identify the groups and train the model weights, where the group identification often relies on heuristics. As a result, our method not only improves the training efficiency, but also mitigates the objective bias introduced by the sequential procedures that potentially lead to a suboptimal solution. Specifically, we formulate MTG as a fully differentiable pruning problem on an adaptive network architecture determined by an underlying Categorical distribution. To categorize N tasks into K groups (represented by K encoder branches), we initially set up KN task heads, where each branch connects to all N task heads to exploit the high-order task-affinity. Then, we gradually prune the KN heads down to N by learning a relaxed differentiable Categorical distribution, ensuring that each task is exclusively and uniquely categorized into only one branch. Extensive experiments on CelebA and Taskonomy datasets with detailed ablations show the promising performance and efficiency of our method. The codes are available at


new FedTSA: A Cluster-based Two-Stage Aggregation Method for Model-heterogeneous Federated Learning

Authors: Boyu Fan, Chenrui Wu, Xiang Su, Pan Hui

Abstract: Despite extensive research into data heterogeneity in federated learning (FL), system heterogeneity remains a significant yet often overlooked challenge. Traditional FL approaches typically assume homogeneous hardware resources across FL clients, implying that clients can train a global model within a comparable time. However, in practical FL systems, clients often have heterogeneous resources, which impacts their capacity for training tasks. This discrepancy highlights the significance of exploring model-heterogeneous FL, a paradigm that allows clients to train different models based on their resource capabilities. To address this, we introduce FedTSA, a cluster-based two-stage aggregation method tailored for system heterogeneity in FL. FedTSA starts by clustering clients based on their capabilities, then conducts a two-stage aggregation, i.e., conventional weight averaging for homogeneous models as Stage 1, and deep mutual learning with a diffusion model for aggregating heterogeneous models as Stage 2. Extensive experiments not only show that FedTSA outperforms the baselines, but also explore various factors influencing model performance, thereby validating FedTSA as a promising approach for model-heterogeneous FL.

new The Role of Depth, Width, and Tree Size in Expressiveness of Deep Forest

Authors: Shen-Huan Lyu, Jin-Hui Wu, Qin-Cheng Zheng, Baoliu Ye

Abstract: Random forests are classical ensemble algorithms that construct multiple randomized decision trees and aggregate their predictions using naive averaging. \citet{zhou2019deep} further propose a deep forest algorithm with multi-layer forests, which outperforms random forests in various tasks. The performance of deep forests is related to three hyperparameters in practice: depth, width, and tree size, but little has been known about its theoretical explanation. This work provides the first upper and lower bounds on the approximation complexity of deep forests concerning the three hyperparameters. Our results confirm the distinctive role of depth, which can exponentially enhance the expressiveness of deep forests compared with width and tree size. Experiments confirm the theoretical findings.

new RULE: Reliable Multimodal RAG for Factuality in Medical Vision Language Models

Authors: Peng Xia, Kangyu Zhu, Haoran Li, Hongtu Zhu, Yun Li, Gang Li, Linjun Zhang, Huaxiu Yao

Abstract: The recent emergence of Medical Large Vision Language Models (Med-LVLMs) has enhanced medical diagnosis. However, current Med-LVLMs frequently encounter factual issues, often generating responses that do not align with established medical facts. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), which utilizes external knowledge, can improve the factual accuracy of these models but introduces two major challenges. First, limited retrieved contexts might not cover all necessary information, while excessive retrieval can introduce irrelevant and inaccurate references, interfering with the model's generation. Second, in cases where the model originally responds correctly, applying RAG can lead to an over-reliance on retrieved contexts, resulting in incorrect answers. To address these issues, we propose RULE, which consists of two components. First, we introduce a provably effective strategy for controlling factuality risk through the calibrated selection of the number of retrieved contexts. Second, based on samples where over-reliance on retrieved contexts led to errors, we curate a preference dataset to fine-tune the model, balancing its dependence on inherent knowledge and retrieved contexts for generation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of RULE on three medical VQA datasets, achieving an average improvement of 20.8% in factual accuracy. We publicly release our benchmark and code in


new Impact of Network Topology on Byzantine Resilience in Decentralized Federated Learning

Authors: Siddhartha Bhattacharya, Daniel Helo, Joshua Siegel

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) enables a collaborative environment for training machine learning models without sharing training data between users. This is typically achieved by aggregating model gradients on a central server. Decentralized federated learning is a rising paradigm that enables users to collaboratively train machine learning models in a peer-to-peer manner, without the need for a central aggregation server. However, before applying decentralized FL in real-world use training environments, nodes that deviate from the FL process (Byzantine nodes) must be considered when selecting an aggregation function. Recent research has focused on Byzantine-robust aggregation for client-server or fully connected networks, but has not yet evaluated such aggregation schemes for complex topologies possible with decentralized FL. Thus, the need for empirical evidence of Byzantine robustness in differing network topologies is evident. This work investigates the effects of state-of-the-art Byzantine-robust aggregation methods in complex, large-scale network structures. We find that state-of-the-art Byzantine robust aggregation strategies are not resilient within large non-fully connected networks. As such, our findings point the field towards the development of topology-aware aggregation schemes, especially necessary within the context of large scale real-world deployment.

new Synthetic Data Aided Federated Learning Using Foundation Models

Authors: Fatima Abacha, Sin G. Teo, Lucas C. Cordeiro, Mustafa A. Mustafa

Abstract: In heterogeneous scenarios where the data distribution amongst the Federated Learning (FL) participants is Non-Independent and Identically distributed (Non-IID), FL suffers from the well known problem of data heterogeneity. This leads the performance of FL to be significantly degraded, as the global model tends to struggle to converge. To solve this problem, we propose Differentially Private Synthetic Data Aided Federated Learning Using Foundation Models (DPSDA-FL), a novel data augmentation strategy that aids in homogenizing the local data present on the clients' side. DPSDA-FL improves the training of the local models by leveraging differentially private synthetic data generated from foundation models. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating it on the benchmark image dataset: CIFAR-10. Our experimental results have shown that DPSDA-FL can improve class recall and classification accuracy of the global model by up to 26% and 9%, respectively, in FL with Non-IID issues.

new A Novel Bifurcation Method for Observation Perturbation Attacks on Reinforcement Learning Agents: Load Altering Attacks on a Cyber Physical Power System

Authors: Kiernan Broda-Milian, Ranwa Al-Mallah, Hanane Dagdougui

Abstract: Components of cyber physical systems, which affect real-world processes, are often exposed to the internet. Replacing conventional control methods with Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) in energy systems is an active area of research, as these systems become increasingly complex with the advent of renewable energy sources and the desire to improve their efficiency. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are vulnerable to specific perturbations of their inputs or features, called adversarial examples. These perturbations are difficult to detect when properly regularized, but have significant effects on the ANN's output. Because DRL uses ANN to map optimal actions to observations, they are similarly vulnerable to adversarial examples. This work proposes a novel attack technique for continuous control using Group Difference Logits loss with a bifurcation layer. By combining aspects of targeted and untargeted attacks, the attack significantly increases the impact compared to an untargeted attack, with drastically smaller distortions than an optimally targeted attack. We demonstrate the impacts of powerful gradient-based attacks in a realistic smart energy environment, show how the impacts change with different DRL agents and training procedures, and use statistical and time-series analysis to evaluate attacks' stealth. The results show that adversarial attacks can have significant impacts on DRL controllers, and constraining an attack's perturbations makes it difficult to detect. However, certain DRL architectures are far more robust, and robust training methods can further reduce the impact.

new HiDe-PET: Continual Learning via Hierarchical Decomposition of Parameter-Efficient Tuning

Authors: Liyuan Wang, Jingyi Xie, Xingxing Zhang, Hang Su, Jun Zhu

Abstract: The deployment of pre-trained models (PTMs) has greatly advanced the field of continual learning (CL), enabling positive knowledge transfer and resilience to catastrophic forgetting. To sustain these advantages for sequentially arriving tasks, a promising direction involves keeping the pre-trained backbone frozen while employing parameter-efficient tuning (PET) techniques to instruct representation learning. Despite the popularity of Prompt-based PET for CL, its empirical design often leads to sub-optimal performance in our evaluation of different PTMs and target tasks. To this end, we propose a unified framework for CL with PTMs and PET that provides both theoretical and empirical advancements. We first perform an in-depth theoretical analysis of the CL objective in a pre-training context, decomposing it into hierarchical components namely within-task prediction, task-identity inference and task-adaptive prediction. We then present Hierarchical Decomposition PET (HiDe-PET), an innovative approach that explicitly optimizes the decomposed objective through incorporating task-specific and task-shared knowledge via mainstream PET techniques along with efficient recovery of pre-trained representations. Leveraging this framework, we delve into the distinct impacts of implementation strategy, PET technique and PET architecture, as well as adaptive knowledge accumulation amidst pronounced distribution changes. Finally, across various CL scenarios, our approach demonstrates remarkably superior performance over a broad spectrum of recent strong baselines.

new PAPM: A Physics-aware Proxy Model for Process Systems

Authors: Pengwei Liu, Zhongkai Hao, Xingyu Ren, Hangjie Yuan, Jiayang Ren, Dong Ni

Abstract: In the context of proxy modeling for process systems, traditional data-driven deep learning approaches frequently encounter significant challenges, such as substantial training costs induced by large amounts of data, and limited generalization capabilities. As a promising alternative, physics-aware models incorporate partial physics knowledge to ameliorate these challenges. Although demonstrating efficacy, they fall short in terms of exploration depth and universality. To address these shortcomings, we introduce a physics-aware proxy model (PAPM) that fully incorporates partial prior physics of process systems, which includes multiple input conditions and the general form of conservation relations, resulting in better out-of-sample generalization. Additionally, PAPM contains a holistic temporal-spatial stepping module for flexible adaptation across various process systems. Through systematic comparisons with state-of-the-art pure data-driven and physics-aware models across five two-dimensional benchmarks in nine generalization tasks, PAPM notably achieves an average performance improvement of 6.7%, while requiring fewer FLOPs, and just 1% of the parameters compared to the prior leading method. The code is available at


new Privacy of the last iterate in cyclically-sampled DP-SGD on nonconvex composite losses

Authors: Weiwei Kong, M\'onica Ribero

Abstract: Differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) refers to a family of optimization algorithms that provide a guaranteed level of differential privacy (DP) through DP accounting techniques. However, current accounting techniques make assumptions that diverge significantly from practical DP-SGD implementations. For example, they may assume the loss function is Lipschitz continuous and convex, sample the batches randomly with replacement, or omit the gradient clipping step. In this work, we analyze the most commonly used variant of DP-SGD, in which we sample batches cyclically with replacement, perform gradient clipping, and only release the last DP-SGD iterate. More specifically - without assuming convexity, smoothness, or Lipschitz continuity of the loss function - we establish new R\'enyi differential privacy (RDP) bounds for the last DP-SGD iterate under the mild assumption that (i) the DP-SGD stepsize is small relative to the topological constants in the loss function, and (ii) the loss function is weakly-convex. Moreover, we show that our bounds converge to previously established convex bounds when the weak-convexity parameter of the objective function approaches zero. In the case of non-Lipschitz smooth loss functions, we provide a weaker bound that scales well in terms of the number of DP-SGD iterations.

new Deep Probability Aggregation Clustering

Authors: Yuxuan Yan, Na Lu, Ruofan Yan

Abstract: Combining machine clustering with deep models has shown remarkable superiority in deep clustering. It modifies the data processing pipeline into two alternating phases: feature clustering and model training. However, such alternating schedule may lead to instability and computational burden issues. We propose a centerless clustering algorithm called Probability Aggregation Clustering (PAC) to proactively adapt deep learning technologies, enabling easy deployment in online deep clustering. PAC circumvents the cluster center and aligns the probability space and distribution space by formulating clustering as an optimization problem with a novel objective function. Based on the computation mechanism of the PAC, we propose a general online probability aggregation module to perform stable and flexible feature clustering over mini-batch data and further construct a deep visual clustering framework deep PAC (DPAC). Extensive experiments demonstrate that PAC has superior clustering robustness and performance and DPAC remarkably outperforms the state-of-the-art deep clustering methods.

new Federated Knowledge Transfer Fine-tuning Large Server Model with Resource-Constrained IoT Clients

Authors: Shaoyuan Chen, Linlin You, Rui Liu, Shuo Yu, Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem

Abstract: The training of large models, involving fine-tuning, faces the scarcity of high-quality data. Compared to the solutions based on centralized data centers, updating large models in the Internet of Things (IoT) faces challenges in coordinating knowledge from distributed clients by using their private and heterogeneous data. To tackle such a challenge, we propose KOALA (Federated Knowledge Transfer Fine-tuning Large Server Model with Resource-Constrained IoT Clients) to impel the training of large models in IoT. Since the resources obtained by IoT clients are limited and restricted, it is infeasible to locally execute large models and also update them in a privacy-preserving manner. Therefore, we leverage federated learning and knowledge distillation to update large models through collaboration with their small models, which can run locally at IoT clients to process their private data separately and enable large-small model knowledge transfer through iterative learning between the server and clients. Moreover, to support clients with similar or different computing capacities, KOALA is designed with two kinds of large-small model joint learning modes, namely to be homogeneous or heterogeneous. Experimental results demonstrate that compared to the conventional approach, our method can not only achieve similar training performance but also significantly reduce the need for local storage and computing power resources.

new Gradient Diffusion: A Perturbation-Resilient Gradient Leakage Attack

Authors: Xuan Liu, Siqi Cai, Qihua Zhou, Song Guo, Ruibin Li, Kaiwei Lin

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed the vulnerability of Federated Learning (FL) against gradient leakage attacks, where the private training data can be recovered from the exchanged gradients, making gradient protection a critical issue for the FL training process. Existing solutions often resort to perturbation-based mechanisms, such as differential privacy, where each participating client injects a specific amount of noise into local gradients before aggregating to the server, and the global distribution variation finally conceals the gradient privacy. However, perturbation is not always the panacea for gradient protection since the robustness heavily relies on the injected noise. This intuition raises an interesting question: \textit{is it possible to deactivate existing protection mechanisms by removing the perturbation inside the gradients?} In this paper, we present the answer: \textit{yes} and propose the Perturbation-resilient Gradient Leakage Attack (PGLA), the first attempt to recover the perturbed gradients, without additional access to the original model structure or third-party data. Specifically, we leverage the inherent diffusion property of gradient perturbation protection and construct a novel diffusion-based denoising model to implement PGLA. Our insight is that capturing the disturbance level of perturbation during the diffusion reverse process can release the gradient denoising capability, which promotes the diffusion model to generate approximate gradients as the original clean version through adaptive sampling steps. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PGLA effectively recovers the protected gradients and exposes the FL training process to the threat of gradient leakage, achieving the best quality in gradient denoising and data recovery compared to existing models. We hope to arouse public attention on PGLA and its defense.

new Stability and Generalization for Stochastic Recursive Momentum-based Algorithms for (Strongly-)Convex One to $K$-Level Stochastic Optimizations

Authors: Xiaokang Pan, Xingyu Li, Jin Liu, Tao Sun, Kai Sun, Lixing Chen, Zhe Qu

Abstract: STOchastic Recursive Momentum (STORM)-based algorithms have been widely developed to solve one to $K$-level ($K \geq 3$) stochastic optimization problems. Specifically, they use estimators to mitigate the biased gradient issue and achieve near-optimal convergence results. However, there is relatively little work on understanding their generalization performance, particularly evident during the transition from one to $K$-level optimization contexts. This paper provides a comprehensive generalization analysis of three representative STORM-based algorithms: STORM, COVER, and SVMR, for one, two, and $K$-level stochastic optimizations under both convex and strongly convex settings based on algorithmic stability. Firstly, we define stability for $K$-level optimizations and link it to generalization. Then, we detail the stability results for three prominent STORM-based algorithms. Finally, we derive their excess risk bounds by balancing stability results with optimization errors. Our theoretical results provide strong evidence to complete STORM-based algorithms: (1) Each estimator may decrease their stability due to variance with its estimation target. (2) Every additional level might escalate the generalization error, influenced by the stability and the variance between its cumulative stochastic gradient and the true gradient. (3) Increasing the batch size for the initial computation of estimators presents a favorable trade-off, enhancing the generalization performance.

new Model-agnostic meta-learners for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects over time

Authors: Dennis Frauen, Konstantin Hess, Stefan Feuerriegel

Abstract: Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects (HTEs) over time is crucial in many disciplines such as personalized medicine. For example, electronic health records are commonly collected over several time periods and then used to personalize treatment decisions. Existing works for this task have mostly focused on model-based learners (i.e., learners that adapt specific machine-learning models). In contrast, model-agnostic learners -- so-called meta-learners -- are largely unexplored. In our paper, we propose several meta-learners that are model-agnostic and thus can be used in combination with arbitrary machine learning models (e.g., transformers) to estimate HTEs over time. Here, our focus is on learners that can be obtained via weighted pseudo-outcome regressions, which allows for efficient estimation by targeting the treatment effect directly. We then provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis that characterizes the different learners and that allows us to offer insights into when specific learners are preferable. Finally, we confirm our theoretical insights through numerical experiments. In sum, while meta-learners are already state-of-the-art for the static setting, we are the first to propose a comprehensive set of meta-learners for estimating HTEs in the time-varying setting.

new Mamba Hawkes Process

Authors: Anningzhe Gao, Shan Dai, Yan Hu

Abstract: Irregular and asynchronous event sequences are prevalent in many domains, such as social media, finance, and healthcare. Traditional temporal point processes (TPPs), like Hawkes processes, often struggle to model mutual inhibition and nonlinearity effectively. While recent neural network models, including RNNs and Transformers, address some of these issues, they still face challenges with long-term dependencies and computational efficiency. In this paper, we introduce the Mamba Hawkes Process (MHP), which leverages the Mamba state space architecture to capture long-range dependencies and dynamic event interactions. Our results show that MHP outperforms existing models across various datasets. Additionally, we propose the Mamba Hawkes Process Extension (MHP-E), which combines Mamba and Transformer models to enhance predictive capabilities. We present the novel application of the Mamba architecture to Hawkes processes, a flexible and extensible model structure, and a theoretical analysis of the synergy between state space models and Hawkes processes. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of both MHP and MHP-E, advancing the field of temporal point process modeling.

new Fast Proxy Experiment Design for Causal Effect Identification

Authors: Sepehr Elahi, Sina Akbari, Jalal Etesami, Negar Kiyavash, Patrick Thiran

Abstract: Identifying causal effects is a key problem of interest across many disciplines. The two long-standing approaches to estimate causal effects are observational and experimental (randomized) studies. Observational studies can suffer from unmeasured confounding, which may render the causal effects unidentifiable. On the other hand, direct experiments on the target variable may be too costly or even infeasible to conduct. A middle ground between these two approaches is to estimate the causal effect of interest through proxy experiments, which are conducted on variables with a lower cost to intervene on compared to the main target. Akbari et al. [2022] studied this setting and demonstrated that the problem of designing the optimal (minimum-cost) experiment for causal effect identification is NP-complete and provided a naive algorithm that may require solving exponentially many NP-hard problems as a sub-routine in the worst case. In this work, we provide a few reformulations of the problem that allow for designing significantly more efficient algorithms to solve it as witnessed by our extensive simulations. Additionally, we study the closely-related problem of designing experiments that enable us to identify a given effect through valid adjustments sets.

new PTaRL: Prototype-based Tabular Representation Learning via Space Calibration

Authors: Hangting Ye, Wei Fan, Xiaozhuang Song, Shun Zheng, He Zhao, Dandan Guo, Yi Chang

Abstract: Tabular data have been playing a mostly important role in diverse real-world fields, such as healthcare, engineering, finance, etc. With the recent success of deep learning, many tabular machine learning (ML) methods based on deep networks (e.g., Transformer, ResNet) have achieved competitive performance on tabular benchmarks. However, existing deep tabular ML methods suffer from the representation entanglement and localization, which largely hinders their prediction performance and leads to performance inconsistency on tabular tasks. To overcome these problems, we explore a novel direction of applying prototype learning for tabular ML and propose a prototype-based tabular representation learning framework, PTaRL, for tabular prediction tasks. The core idea of PTaRL is to construct prototype-based projection space (P-Space) and learn the disentangled representation around global data prototypes. Specifically, PTaRL mainly involves two stages: (i) Prototype Generation, that constructs global prototypes as the basis vectors of P-Space for representation, and (ii) Prototype Projection, that projects the data samples into P-Space and keeps the core global data information via Optimal Transport. Then, to further acquire the disentangled representations, we constrain PTaRL with two strategies: (i) to diversify the coordinates towards global prototypes of different representations within P-Space, we bring up a diversification constraint for representation calibration; (ii) to avoid prototype entanglement in P-Space, we introduce a matrix orthogonalization constraint to ensure the independence of global prototypes. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments in PTaRL coupled with state-of-the-art deep tabular ML models on various tabular benchmarks and the results have shown our consistent superiority.

new Learning Label Refinement and Threshold Adjustment for Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning

Authors: Zeju Li, Ying-Qiu Zheng, Chen Chen, Saad Jbabdi

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning (SSL) algorithms struggle to perform well when exposed to imbalanced training data. In this scenario, the generated pseudo-labels can exhibit a bias towards the majority class, and models that employ these pseudo-labels can further amplify this bias. Here we investigate pseudo-labeling strategies for imbalanced SSL including pseudo-label refinement and threshold adjustment, through the lens of statistical analysis. We find that existing SSL algorithms which generate pseudo-labels using heuristic strategies or uncalibrated model confidence are unreliable when imbalanced class distributions bias pseudo-labels. To address this, we introduce SEmi-supervised learning with pseudo-label optimization based on VALidation data (SEVAL) to enhance the quality of pseudo-labelling for imbalanced SSL. We propose to learn refinement and thresholding parameters from a partition of the training dataset in a class-balanced way. SEVAL adapts to specific tasks with improved pseudo-labels accuracy and ensures pseudo-labels correctness on a per-class basis. Our experiments show that SEVAL surpasses state-of-the-art SSL methods, delivering more accurate and effective pseudo-labels in various imbalanced SSL situations. SEVAL, with its simplicity and flexibility, can enhance various SSL techniques effectively. The code is publicly available~\footnote{\url{}}.


new Online Drift Detection with Maximum Concept Discrepancy

Authors: Ke Wan, Yi Liang, Susik Yoon

Abstract: Continuous learning from an immense volume of data streams becomes exceptionally critical in the internet era. However, data streams often do not conform to the same distribution over time, leading to a phenomenon called concept drift. Since a fixed static model is unreliable for inferring concept-drifted data streams, establishing an adaptive mechanism for detecting concept drift is crucial. Current methods for concept drift detection primarily assume that the labels or error rates of downstream models are given and/or underlying statistical properties exist in data streams. These approaches, however, struggle to address high-dimensional data streams with intricate irregular distribution shifts, which are more prevalent in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose MCD-DD, a novel concept drift detection method based on maximum concept discrepancy, inspired by the maximum mean discrepancy. Our method can adaptively identify varying forms of concept drift by contrastive learning of concept embeddings without relying on labels or statistical properties. With thorough experiments under synthetic and real-world scenarios, we demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing baselines in identifying concept drifts and enables qualitative analysis with high explainability.

new AiGAS-dEVL: An Adaptive Incremental Neural Gas Model for Drifting Data Streams under Extreme Verification Latency

Authors: Maria Arostegi, Miren Nekane Bilbao, Jesus L. Lobo, Javier Del Ser

Abstract: The ever-growing speed at which data are generated nowadays, together with the substantial cost of labeling processes cause Machine Learning models to face scenarios in which data are partially labeled. The extreme case where such a supervision is indefinitely unavailable is referred to as extreme verification latency. On the other hand, in streaming setups data flows are affected by exogenous factors that yield non-stationarities in the patterns (concept drift), compelling models learned incrementally from the data streams to adapt their modeled knowledge to the concepts within the stream. In this work we address the casuistry in which these two conditions occur together, by which adaptation mechanisms to accommodate drifts within the stream are challenged by the lack of supervision, requiring further mechanisms to track the evolution of concepts in the absence of verification. To this end we propose a novel approach, AiGAS-dEVL (Adaptive Incremental neural GAS model for drifting Streams under Extreme Verification Latency), which relies on growing neural gas to characterize the distributions of all concepts detected within the stream over time. Our approach exposes that the online analysis of the behavior of these prototypical points over time facilitates the definition of the evolution of concepts in the feature space, the detection of changes in their behavior, and the design of adaptation policies to mitigate the effect of such changes in the model. We assess the performance of AiGAS-dEVL over several synthetic datasets, comparing it to that of state-of-the-art approaches proposed in the recent past to tackle this stream learning setup. Our results reveal that AiGAS-dEVL performs competitively with respect to the rest of baselines, exhibiting a superior adaptability over several datasets in the benchmark while ensuring a simple and interpretable instance-based adaptation strategy.

new Harmony in Diversity: Merging Neural Networks with Canonical Correlation Analysis

Authors: Stefan Horoi, Albert Manuel Orozco Camacho, Eugene Belilovsky, Guy Wolf

Abstract: Combining the predictions of multiple trained models through ensembling is generally a good way to improve accuracy by leveraging the different learned features of the models, however it comes with high computational and storage costs. Model fusion, the act of merging multiple models into one by combining their parameters reduces these costs but doesn't work as well in practice. Indeed, neural network loss landscapes are high-dimensional and non-convex and the minima found through learning are typically separated by high loss barriers. Numerous recent works have been focused on finding permutations matching one network features to the features of a second one, lowering the loss barrier on the linear path between them in parameter space. However, permutations are restrictive since they assume a one-to-one mapping between the different models' neurons exists. We propose a new model merging algorithm, CCA Merge, which is based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and aims to maximize the correlations between linear combinations of the model features. We show that our alignment method leads to better performances than past methods when averaging models trained on the same, or differing data splits. We also extend this analysis into the harder setting where more than 2 models are merged, and we find that CCA Merge works significantly better than past methods. Our code is publicly available at


new See Further for Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning by Standing on the Shoulders of Decomposition

Authors: Chongjie Si, Xiaokang Yang, Wei Shen

Abstract: The rapid expansion of large foundation models within the pre-training and fine-tuning framework has underscored that larger models often yield better results. However, the scaling up of large foundation models has led to soaring costs in fine-tuning and parameter storage, rendering extensive adaptations impractical. This challenge has sparked the development of parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), which focuses on optimizing a select subset of parameters while keeping the rest fixed, significantly lowering computational and storage overheads. While recent years have witnessed a significant success in PEFT, a deep understanding of the fundamental principles behind these methods remains unexplored. To this end, here we take the first step to unify all approaches by dissecting them from a decomposition perspective. We initiate a comprehensive mathematical analysis of these methods, allowing us to delve deeply into their underlying mechanisms, and we explore the reasons behind the variations in performance among different techniques. Furthermore, inspired by our theoretical analysis, we introduce two novel PEFT methods alongside a simple yet effective framework designed to enhance the performance of PEFT techniques across various applications. Our empirical validations, conducted across multiple datasets, demonstrate the efficacy of these methods, showcasing both theoretical validity and practical performance improvements under the guidance of our analytical findings. We believe our work will deepen researchers' understanding of PEFT and other techniques, prompting further contemplation and advancing the research across the whole community.

new Learning to Price Homogeneous Data

Authors: Keran Chen, Joon Suk Huh, Kirthevasan Kandasamy

Abstract: We study a data pricing problem, where a seller has access to $N$ homogeneous data points (e.g. drawn i.i.d. from some distribution). There are $m$ types of buyers in the market, where buyers of the same type $i$ have the same valuation curve $v_i:[N]\rightarrow [0,1]$, where $v_i(n)$ is the value for having $n$ data points. \textit{A priori}, the seller is unaware of the distribution of buyers, but can repeat the market for $T$ rounds so as to learn the revenue-optimal pricing curve $p:[N] \rightarrow [0, 1]$. To solve this online learning problem, we first develop novel discretization schemes to approximate any pricing curve. When compared to prior work, the size of our discretization schemes scales gracefully with the approximation parameter, which translates to better regret in online learning. Under assumptions like smoothness and diminishing returns which are satisfied by data, the discretization size can be reduced further. We then turn to the online learning problem, both in the stochastic and adversarial settings. On each round, the seller chooses an \emph{anonymous} pricing curve $p_t$. A new buyer appears and may choose to purchase some amount of data. She then reveals her type \emph{only if} she makes a purchase. Our online algorithms build on classical algorithms such as UCB and FTPL, but require novel ideas to account for the asymmetric nature of this feedback and to deal with the vastness of the space of pricing curves. Using the improved discretization schemes previously developed, we are able to achieve $\tilde{O}\left(m\sqrt{T}\right)$ regret in the stochastic setting and $\tilde{O}\left(m^{\frac{3}{2}}\sqrt{T}\right)$ regret in the adversarial setting.

new Prospective Messaging: Learning in Networks with Communication Delays

Authors: Ryan Fayyazi, Christian Weilbach, Frank Wood

Abstract: Inter-neuron communication delays are ubiquitous in physically realized neural networks such as biological neural circuits and neuromorphic hardware. These delays have significant and often disruptive consequences on network dynamics during training and inference. It is therefore essential that communication delays be accounted for, both in computational models of biological neural networks and in large-scale neuromorphic systems. Nonetheless, communication delays have yet to be comprehensively addressed in either domain. In this paper, we first show that delays prevent state-of-the-art continuous-time neural networks called Latent Equilibrium (LE) networks from learning even simple tasks despite significant overparameterization. We then propose to compensate for communication delays by predicting future signals based on currently available ones. This conceptually straightforward approach, which we call prospective messaging (PM), uses only neuron-local information, and is flexible in terms of memory and computation requirements. We demonstrate that incorporating PM into delayed LE networks prevents reaction lags, and facilitates successful learning on Fourier synthesis and autoregressive video prediction tasks.

new Provably Efficient Long-Horizon Exploration in Monte Carlo Tree Search through State Occupancy Regularization

Authors: Liam Schramm, Abdeslam Boularias

Abstract: Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) has been successful in a variety of domains, but faces challenges with long-horizon exploration when compared to sampling-based motion planning algorithms like Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees. To address these limitations of MCTS, we derive a tree search algorithm based on policy optimization with state occupancy measure regularization, which we call {\it Volume-MCTS}. We show that count-based exploration and sampling-based motion planning can be derived as approximate solutions to this state occupancy measure regularized objective. We test our method on several robot navigation problems, and find that Volume-MCTS outperforms AlphaZero and displays significantly better long-horizon exploration properties.

new A Theory of Machine Learning

Authors: Jinsook Kim, Jinho Kang

Abstract: We critically review three major theories of machine learning and provide a new theory according to which machines learn a function when the machines successfully compute it. We show that this theory challenges common assumptions in the statistical and the computational learning theories, for it implies that learning true probabilities is equivalent neither to obtaining a correct calculation of the true probabilities nor to obtaining an almost-sure convergence to them. We also briefly discuss some case studies from natural language processing and macroeconomics from the perspective of the new theory.

new Can Machines Learn the True Probabilities?

Authors: Jinsook Kim

Abstract: When there exists uncertainty, AI machines are designed to make decisions so as to reach the best expected outcomes. Expectations are based on true facts about the objective environment the machines interact with, and those facts can be encoded into AI models in the form of true objective probability functions. Accordingly, AI models involve probabilistic machine learning in which the probabilities should be objectively interpreted. We prove under some basic assumptions when machines can learn the true objective probabilities, if any, and when machines cannot learn them.

new $\mathrm{E^{2}CFD}$: Towards Effective and Efficient Cost Function Design for Safe Reinforcement Learning via Large Language Model

Authors: Zepeng Wang, Chao Ma, Linjiang Zhou, Libing Wu, Lei Yang, Xiaochuan Shi, Guojun Peng

Abstract: Different classes of safe reinforcement learning algorithms have shown satisfactory performance in various types of safety requirement scenarios. However, the existing methods mainly address one or several classes of specific safety requirement scenario problems and cannot be applied to arbitrary safety requirement scenarios. In addition, the optimization objectives of existing reinforcement learning algorithms are misaligned with the task requirements. Based on the need to address these issues, we propose $\mathrm{E^{2}CFD}$, an effective and efficient cost function design framework. $\mathrm{E^{2}CFD}$ leverages the capabilities of a large language model (LLM) to comprehend various safety scenarios and generate corresponding cost functions. It incorporates the \textit{fast performance evaluation (FPE)} method to facilitate rapid and iterative updates to the generated cost function. Through this iterative process, $\mathrm{E^{2}CFD}$ aims to obtain the most suitable cost function for policy training, tailored to the specific tasks within the safety scenario. Experiments have proven that the performance of policies trained using this framework is superior to traditional safe reinforcement learning algorithms and policies trained with carefully designed cost functions.

new On the Power of Convolution Augmented Transformer

Authors: Mingchen Li, Xuechen Zhang, Yixiao Huang, Samet Oymak

Abstract: The transformer architecture has catalyzed revolutionary advances in language modeling. However, recent architectural recipes, such as state-space models, have bridged the performance gap. Motivated by this, we examine the benefits of Convolution-Augmented Transformer (CAT) for recall, copying, and length generalization tasks. CAT incorporates convolutional filters in the K/Q/V embeddings of an attention layer. Through CAT, we show that the locality of the convolution synergizes with the global view of the attention. Unlike comparable architectures, such as Mamba or transformer, CAT can provably solve the associative recall (AR) and copying tasks using a single layer while also enjoying guaranteed length generalization. We also establish computational tradeoffs between convolution and attention by characterizing how convolution can mitigate the need for full attention by summarizing the context window and creating salient summary tokens to attend. Evaluations on real datasets corroborate our findings and demonstrate that CAT and its variations indeed enhance the language modeling performance.

new Unmasking Trees for Tabular Data

Authors: Calvin McCarter

Abstract: We herein describe UnmaskingTrees, a method and open-source software package for tabular data generation and, especially, imputation. Our experiments suggest that training gradient-boosted trees to incrementally unmask features offers a simple, strong baseline for imputation.

new On the Complexity of Learning Sparse Functions with Statistical and Gradient Queries

Authors: Nirmit Joshi, Theodor Misiakiewicz, Nathan Srebro

Abstract: The goal of this paper is to investigate the complexity of gradient algorithms when learning sparse functions (juntas). We introduce a type of Statistical Queries ($\mathsf{SQ}$), which we call Differentiable Learning Queries ($\mathsf{DLQ}$), to model gradient queries on a specified loss with respect to an arbitrary model. We provide a tight characterization of the query complexity of $\mathsf{DLQ}$ for learning the support of a sparse function over generic product distributions. This complexity crucially depends on the loss function. For the squared loss, $\mathsf{DLQ}$ matches the complexity of Correlation Statistical Queries $(\mathsf{CSQ})$--potentially much worse than $\mathsf{SQ}$. But for other simple loss functions, including the $\ell_1$ loss, $\mathsf{DLQ}$ always achieves the same complexity as $\mathsf{SQ}$. We also provide evidence that $\mathsf{DLQ}$ can indeed capture learning with (stochastic) gradient descent by showing it correctly describes the complexity of learning with a two-layer neural network in the mean field regime and linear scaling.

new AdaPI: Facilitating DNN Model Adaptivity for Efficient Private Inference in Edge Computing

Authors: Tong Zhou, Jiahui Zhao, Yukui Luo, Xi Xie, Wujie Wen, Caiwen Ding, Xiaolin Xu

Abstract: Private inference (PI) has emerged as a promising solution to execute computations on encrypted data, safeguarding user privacy and model parameters in edge computing. However, existing PI methods are predominantly developed considering constant resource constraints, overlooking the varied and dynamic resource constraints in diverse edge devices, like energy budgets. Consequently, model providers have to design specialized models for different devices, where all of them have to be stored on the edge server, resulting in inefficient deployment. To fill this gap, this work presents AdaPI, a novel approach that achieves adaptive PI by allowing a model to perform well across edge devices with diverse energy budgets. AdaPI employs a PI-aware training strategy that optimizes the model weights alongside weight-level and feature-level soft masks. These soft masks are subsequently transformed into multiple binary masks to enable adjustments in communication and computation workloads. Through sequentially training the model with increasingly dense binary masks, AdaPI attains optimal accuracy for each energy budget, which outperforms the state-of-the-art PI methods by 7.3\% in terms of test accuracy on CIFAR-100. The code of AdaPI can be accessed via


new Deep Learning-based Anomaly Detection and Log Analysis for Computer Networks

Authors: Shuzhan Wang, Ruxue Jiang, Zhaoqi Wang, Yan Zhou

Abstract: Computer network anomaly detection and log analysis, as an important topic in the field of network security, has been a key task to ensure network security and system reliability. First, existing network anomaly detection and log analysis methods are often challenged by high-dimensional data and complex network topologies, resulting in unstable performance and high false-positive rates. In addition, traditional methods are usually difficult to handle time-series data, which is crucial for anomaly detection and log analysis. Therefore, we need a more efficient and accurate method to cope with these problems. To compensate for the shortcomings of current methods, we propose an innovative fusion model that integrates Isolation Forest, GAN (Generative Adversarial Network), and Transformer with each other, and each of them plays a unique role. Isolation Forest is used to quickly identify anomalous data points, and GAN is used to generate synthetic data with the real data distribution characteristics to augment the training dataset, while the Transformer is used for modeling and context extraction on time series data. The synergy of these three components makes our model more accurate and robust in anomaly detection and log analysis tasks. We validate the effectiveness of this fusion model in an extensive experimental evaluation. Experimental results show that our model significantly improves the accuracy of anomaly detection while reducing the false alarm rate, which helps to detect potential network problems in advance. The model also performs well in the log analysis task and is able to quickly identify anomalous behaviors, which helps to improve the stability of the system. The significance of this study is that it introduces advanced deep learning techniques, which work anomaly detection and log analysis.

new Graph Attention with Random Rewiring

Authors: Tongzhou Liao, Barnab\'as P\'oczos

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become fundamental in graph-structured deep learning. Key paradigms of modern GNNs include message passing, graph rewiring, and Graph Transformers. This paper introduces Graph-Rewiring Attention with Stochastic Structures (GRASS), a novel GNN architecture that combines the advantages of these three paradigms. GRASS rewires the input graph by superimposing a random regular graph, enhancing long-range information propagation while preserving structural features of the input graph. It also employs a unique additive attention mechanism tailored for graph-structured data, providing a graph inductive bias while remaining computationally efficient. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that GRASS achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmark datasets, confirming its practical efficacy.

new Multi-label Learning with Random Circular Vectors

Authors: Ken Nishida, Kojiro Machi, Kazuma Onishi, Katsuhiko Hayashi, Hidetaka Kamigaito

Abstract: The extreme multi-label classification~(XMC) task involves learning a classifier that can predict from a large label set the most relevant subset of labels for a data instance. While deep neural networks~(DNNs) have demonstrated remarkable success in XMC problems, the task is still challenging because it must deal with a large number of output labels, which make the DNN training computationally expensive. This paper addresses the issue by exploring the use of random circular vectors, where each vector component is represented as a complex amplitude. In our framework, we can develop an output layer and loss function of DNNs for XMC by representing the final output layer as a fully connected layer that directly predicts a low-dimensional circular vector encoding a set of labels for a data instance. We conducted experiments on synthetic datasets to verify that circular vectors have better label encoding capacity and retrieval ability than normal real-valued vectors. Then, we conducted experiments on actual XMC datasets and found that these appealing properties of circular vectors contribute to significant improvements in task performance compared with a previous model using random real-valued vectors, while reducing the size of the output layers by up to 99%.

new Sub-SA: Strengthen In-context Learning via Submodular Selective Annotation

Authors: Jian Qian, Miao Sun, Sifan Zhou, Ziyu Zhao, Ruizhi Hun, Patrick Chiang

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) leverages in-context examples as prompts for the predictions of Large Language Models (LLMs). These prompts play a crucial role in achieving strong performance. However, the selection of suitable prompts from a large pool of labeled examples often entails significant annotation costs. To address this challenge, we propose \textbf{Sub-SA} (\textbf{Sub}modular \textbf{S}elective \textbf{A}nnotation), a submodule-based selective annotation method. The aim of Sub-SA is to reduce annotation costs while improving the quality of in-context examples and minimizing the time consumption of the selection process. In Sub-SA, we design a submodular function that facilitates effective subset selection for annotation and demonstrates the characteristics of monotonically and submodularity from the theoretical perspective. Specifically, we propose \textbf{RPR} (\textbf{R}eward and \textbf{P}enalty \textbf{R}egularization) to better balance the diversity and representativeness of the unlabeled dataset attributed to a reward term and a penalty term, respectively. Consequently, the selection for annotations can be effectively addressed with a simple yet effective greedy search algorithm based on the submodular function. Finally, we apply the similarity prompt retrieval to get the examples for ICL.

new Narrowing the Gap between Adversarial and Stochastic MDPs via Policy Optimization

Authors: Daniil Tiapkin (CMAP, LMO), Evgenii Chzhen (LMO, CELESTE), Gilles Stoltz (LMO, CELESTE)

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the problem of learning in adversarial Markov decision processes [MDPs] with an oblivious adversary in a full-information setting. The agent interacts with an environment during $T$ episodes, each of which consists of $H$ stages, and each episode is evaluated with respect to a reward function that will be revealed only at the end of the episode. We propose an algorithm, called APO-MVP, that achieves a regret bound of order $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\mathrm{poly}(H)\sqrt{SAT})$, where $S$ and $A$ are sizes of the state and action spaces, respectively. This result improves upon the best-known regret bound by a factor of $\sqrt{S}$, bridging the gap between adversarial and stochastic MDPs, and matching the minimax lower bound $\Omega(\sqrt{H^3SAT})$ as far as the dependencies in $S,A,T$ are concerned. The proposed algorithm and analysis completely avoid the typical tool given by occupancy measures; instead, it performs policy optimization based only on dynamic programming and on a black-box online linear optimization strategy run over estimated advantage functions, making it easy to implement. The analysis leverages two recent techniques: policy optimization based on online linear optimization strategies (Jonckheere et al., 2023) and a refined martingale analysis of the impact on values of estimating transitions kernels (Zhang et al., 2023).

new FairPFN: Transformers Can do Counterfactual Fairness

Authors: Jake Robertson, Noah Hollmann, Noor Awad, Frank Hutter

Abstract: Machine Learning systems are increasingly prevalent across healthcare, law enforcement, and finance but often operate on historical data, which may carry biases against certain demographic groups. Causal and counterfactual fairness provides an intuitive way to define fairness that closely aligns with legal standards. Despite its theoretical benefits, counterfactual fairness comes with several practical limitations, largely related to the reliance on domain knowledge and approximate causal discovery techniques in constructing a causal model. In this study, we take a fresh perspective on counterfactually fair prediction, building upon recent work in in context learning (ICL) and prior fitted networks (PFNs) to learn a transformer called FairPFN. This model is pretrained using synthetic fairness data to eliminate the causal effects of protected attributes directly from observational data, removing the requirement of access to the correct causal model in practice. In our experiments, we thoroughly assess the effectiveness of FairPFN in eliminating the causal impact of protected attributes on a series of synthetic case studies and real world datasets. Our findings pave the way for a new and promising research area: transformers for causal and counterfactual fairness.

new Regret Analysis of Multi-task Representation Learning for Linear-Quadratic Adaptive Control

Authors: Bruce D. Lee, Leonardo F. Toso, Thomas T. Zhang, James Anderson, Nikolai Matni

Abstract: Representation learning is a powerful tool that enables learning over large multitudes of agents or domains by enforcing that all agents operate on a shared set of learned features. However, many robotics or controls applications that would benefit from collaboration operate in settings with changing environments and goals, whereas most guarantees for representation learning are stated for static settings. Toward rigorously establishing the benefit of representation learning in dynamic settings, we analyze the regret of multi-task representation learning for linear-quadratic control. This setting introduces unique challenges. Firstly, we must account for and balance the $\textit{misspecification}$ introduced by an approximate representation. Secondly, we cannot rely on the parameter update schemes of single-task online LQR, for which least-squares often suffices, and must devise a novel scheme to ensure sufficient improvement. We demonstrate that for settings where exploration is "benign", the regret of any agent after $T$ timesteps scales as $\tilde O(\sqrt{T/H})$, where $H$ is the number of agents. In settings with "difficult" exploration, the regret scales as $\tilde{\mathcal O}(\sqrt{d_u d_\theta} \sqrt{T} + T^{3/4}/H^{1/5})$, where $d_x$ is the state-space dimension, $d_u$ is the input dimension, and $d_\theta$ is the task-specific parameter count. In both cases, by comparing to the minimax single-task regret $\tilde{\mathcal O}(\sqrt{d_x d_u^2}\sqrt{T})$, we see a benefit of a large number of agents. Notably, in the difficult exploration case, by sharing a representation across tasks, the effective task-specific parameter count can often be small $d_\theta < d_x d_u$. Lastly, we provide numerical validation of the trends we predict.

new Automated Computational Energy Minimization of ML Algorithms using Constrained Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Pallavi Mitra, Felix Biessmann

Abstract: Bayesian optimization (BO) is an efficient framework for optimization of black-box objectives when function evaluations are costly and gradient information is not easily accessible. BO has been successfully applied to automate the task of hyperparameter optimization (HPO) in machine learning (ML) models with the primary objective of optimizing predictive performance on held-out data. In recent years, however, with ever-growing model sizes, the energy cost associated with model training has become an important factor for ML applications. Here we evaluate Constrained Bayesian Optimization (CBO) with the primary objective of minimizing energy consumption and subject to the constraint that the generalization performance is above some threshold. We evaluate our approach on regression and classification tasks and demonstrate that CBO achieves lower energy consumption without compromising the predictive performance of ML models.

new CANDID DAC: Leveraging Coupled Action Dimensions with Importance Differences in DAC

Authors: Philipp Bordne, M. Asif Hasan, Eddie Bergman, Noor Awad, Andr\'e Biedenkapp

Abstract: High-dimensional action spaces remain a challenge for dynamic algorithm configuration (DAC). Interdependencies and varying importance between action dimensions are further known key characteristics of DAC problems. We argue that these Coupled Action Dimensions with Importance Differences (CANDID) represent aspects of the DAC problem that are not yet fully explored. To address this gap, we introduce a new white-box benchmark within the DACBench suite that simulates the properties of CANDID. Further, we propose sequential policies as an effective strategy for managing these properties. Such policies factorize the action space and mitigate exponential growth by learning a policy per action dimension. At the same time, these policies accommodate the interdependence of action dimensions by fostering implicit coordination. We show this in an experimental study of value-based policies on our new benchmark. This study demonstrates that sequential policies significantly outperform independent learning of factorized policies in CANDID action spaces. In addition, they overcome the scalability limitations associated with learning a single policy across all action dimensions. The code used for our experiments is available under


new A Primal-Dual Online Learning Approach for Dynamic Pricing of Sequentially Displayed Complementary Items under Sale Constraints

Authors: Francesco Emanuele Stradi, Filippo Cipriani, Lorenzo Ciampiconi, Marco Leonardi, Alessandro Rozza, Nicola Gatti

Abstract: We address the challenging problem of dynamically pricing complementary items that are sequentially displayed to customers. An illustrative example is the online sale of flight tickets, where customers navigate through multiple web pages. Initially, they view the ticket cost, followed by ancillary expenses such as insurance and additional luggage fees. Coherent pricing policies for complementary items are essential because optimizing the pricing of each item individually is ineffective. Our scenario also involves a sales constraint, which specifies a minimum number of items to sell, and uncertainty regarding customer demand curves. To tackle this problem, we originally formulate it as a Markov Decision Process with constraints. Leveraging online learning tools, we design a primal-dual online optimization algorithm. We empirically evaluate our approach using synthetic settings randomly generated from real-world data, covering various configurations from stationary to non-stationary, and compare its performance in terms of constraints violation and regret against well-known baselines optimizing each state singularly.

new FedMRL: Data Heterogeneity Aware Federated Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Medical Imaging

Authors: Pranab Sahoo, Ashutosh Tripathi, Sriparna Saha, Samrat Mondal

Abstract: Despite recent advancements in federated learning (FL) for medical image diagnosis, addressing data heterogeneity among clients remains a significant challenge for practical implementation. A primary hurdle in FL arises from the non-IID nature of data samples across clients, which typically results in a decline in the performance of the aggregated global model. In this study, we introduce FedMRL, a novel federated multi-agent deep reinforcement learning framework designed to address data heterogeneity. FedMRL incorporates a novel loss function to facilitate fairness among clients, preventing bias in the final global model. Additionally, it employs a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) approach to calculate the proximal term $(\mu)$ for the personalized local objective function, ensuring convergence to the global optimum. Furthermore, FedMRL integrates an adaptive weight adjustment method using a Self-organizing map (SOM) on the server side to counteract distribution shifts among clients' local data distributions. We assess our approach using two publicly available real-world medical datasets, and the results demonstrate that FedMRL significantly outperforms state-of-the-art techniques, showing its efficacy in addressing data heterogeneity in federated learning. The code can be found here~{\url{}}.


new Graph Reasoning Networks

Authors: Markus Zopf, Francesco Alesiani

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) are the predominant approach for graph-based machine learning. While neural networks have shown great performance at learning useful representations, they are often criticized for their limited high-level reasoning abilities. In this work, we present Graph Reasoning Networks (GRNs), a novel approach to combine the strengths of fixed and learned graph representations and a reasoning module based on a differentiable satisfiability solver. While results on real-world datasets show comparable performance to GNN, experiments on synthetic datasets demonstrate the potential of the newly proposed method.

new Scaling Exponents Across Parameterizations and Optimizers

Authors: Katie Everett, Lechao Xiao, Mitchell Wortsman, Alexander A. Alemi, Roman Novak, Peter J. Liu, Izzeddin Gur, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Jaehoon Lee, Jeffrey Pennington

Abstract: Robust and effective scaling of models from small to large width typically requires the precise adjustment of many algorithmic and architectural details, such as parameterization and optimizer choices. In this work, we propose a new perspective on parameterization by investigating a key assumption in prior work about the alignment between parameters and data and derive new theoretical results under weaker assumptions and a broader set of optimizers. Our extensive empirical investigation includes tens of thousands of models trained with all combinations of three optimizers, four parameterizations, several alignment assumptions, more than a dozen learning rates, and fourteen model sizes up to 26.8B parameters. We find that the best learning rate scaling prescription would often have been excluded by the assumptions in prior work. Our results show that all parameterizations, not just maximal update parameterization (muP), can achieve hyperparameter transfer; moreover, our novel per-layer learning rate prescription for standard parameterization outperforms muP. Finally, we demonstrate that an overlooked aspect of parameterization, the epsilon parameter in Adam, must be scaled correctly to avoid gradient underflow and propose Adam-atan2, a new numerically stable, scale-invariant version of Adam that eliminates the epsilon hyperparameter entirely.

new Link Representation Learning for Probabilistic Travel Time Estimation

Authors: Chen Xu, Qiang Wang, Lijun Sun

Abstract: Travel time estimation is a crucial application in navigation apps and web mapping services. Current deterministic and probabilistic methods primarily focus on modeling individual trips, assuming independence among trips. However, in real-world scenarios, we often observe strong inter-trip correlations due to factors such as weather conditions, traffic management, and road works. In this paper, we propose to model trip-level link travel time using a Gaussian hierarchical model, which can characterize both inter-trip and intra-trip correlations. The joint distribution of travel time of multiple trips becomes a multivariate Gaussian parameterized by learnable link representations. To effectively use the sparse GPS trajectories, we also propose a data augmentation method based on trip sub-sampling, which allows for fine-grained gradient backpropagation in learning link representations. During inference, we estimate the probability distribution of the travel time of a queried trip conditional on the completed trips that are spatiotemporally adjacent. We refer to the overall framework as ProbTTE. We evaluate ProbTTE on two real-world GPS trajectory datasets, and the results demonstrate its superior performance compared to state-of-the-art deterministic and probabilistic baselines. Additionally, we find that the learned link representations align well with the physical geometry of the network, making them suitable as input for other applications.

new Fostering Trust and Quantifying Value of AI and ML

Authors: Dalmo Cirne, Veena Calambur

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) providers have a responsibility to develop valid and reliable systems. Much has been discussed about trusting AI and ML inferences (the process of running live data through a trained AI model to make a prediction or solve a task), but little has been done to define what that means. Those in the space of ML- based products are familiar with topics such as transparency, explainability, safety, bias, and so forth. Yet, there are no frameworks to quantify and measure those. Producing ever more trustworthy machine learning inferences is a path to increase the value of products (i.e., increased trust in the results) and to engage in conversations with users to gather feedback to improve products. In this paper, we begin by examining the dynamic of trust between a provider (Trustor) and users (Trustees). Trustors are required to be trusting and trustworthy, whereas trustees need not be trusting nor trustworthy. The challenge for trustors is to provide results that are good enough to make a trustee increase their level of trust above a minimum threshold for: 1- doing business together; 2- continuation of service. We conclude by defining and proposing a framework, and a set of viable metrics, to be used for computing a trust score and objectively understand how trustworthy a machine learning system can claim to be, plus their behavior over time.

new LPGD: A General Framework for Backpropagation through Embedded Optimization Layers

Authors: Anselm Paulus, Georg Martius, V\'it Musil

Abstract: Embedding parameterized optimization problems as layers into machine learning architectures serves as a powerful inductive bias. Training such architectures with stochastic gradient descent requires care, as degenerate derivatives of the embedded optimization problem often render the gradients uninformative. We propose Lagrangian Proximal Gradient Descent (LPGD) a flexible framework for training architectures with embedded optimization layers that seamlessly integrates into automatic differentiation libraries. LPGD efficiently computes meaningful replacements of the degenerate optimization layer derivatives by re-running the forward solver oracle on a perturbed input. LPGD captures various previously proposed methods as special cases, while fostering deep links to traditional optimization methods. We theoretically analyze our method and demonstrate on historical and synthetic data that LPGD converges faster than gradient descent even in a differentiable setup.

new Graph Anomaly Detection with Noisy Labels by Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zhu Wang, Shuang Zhou, Junnan Dong, Chang Yang, Xiao Huang, Shengjie Zhao

Abstract: Graph anomaly detection (GAD) has been widely applied in many areas, e.g., fraud detection in finance and robot accounts in social networks. Existing methods are dedicated to identifying the outlier nodes that deviate from normal ones. While they heavily rely on high-quality annotation, which is hard to obtain in real-world scenarios, this could lead to severely degraded performance based on noisy labels. Thus, we are motivated to cut the edges of suspicious nodes to alleviate the impact of noise. However, it remains difficult to precisely identify the nodes with noisy labels. Moreover, it is hard to quantitatively evaluate the regret of cutting the edges, which may have either positive or negative influences. To this end, we propose a novel framework REGAD, i.e., REinforced Graph Anomaly Detector. Specifically, we aim to maximize the performance improvement (AUC) of a base detector by cutting noisy edges approximated through the nodes with high-confidence labels. (i) We design a tailored action and search space to train a policy network to carefully prune edges step by step, where only a few suspicious edges are prioritized in each step. (ii) We design a policy-in-the-loop mechanism to iteratively optimize the policy based on the feedback from base detector. The overall performance is evaluated by the cumulative rewards. Extensive experiments are conducted on three datasets under different anomaly ratios. The results indicate the superior performance of our proposed REGAD.

new Reducing Vision Transformer Latency on Edge Devices via GPU Tail Effect and Training-free Token Pruning

Authors: Nick John Eliopoulos, Purvish Jajal, James Davis, Gaowen Liu, George K. Thiravathukal, Yung-Hsiang Lu

Abstract: This paper investigates how to efficiently deploy transformer-based neural networks on edge devices. Recent methods reduce the latency of transformer neural networks by removing or merging tokens, with small accuracy degradation. However, these methods are not designed with edge device deployment in mind, and do not leverage information about the hardware characteristics to improve efficiency. First, we show that the relationship between latency and workload size is governed by the GPU tail-effect. This relationship is used to create a token pruning schedule tailored for a pre-trained model and device pair. Second, we demonstrate a training-free token pruning method utilizing this relationship. This method achieves accuracy-latency trade-offs in a hardware aware manner. We show that for single batch inference, other methods may actually increase latency by 18.6-30.3% with respect to baseline, while we can reduce it by 9%. For similar latency (within 5.2%) across devices we achieve 78.6%-84.5% ImageNet1K accuracy, while the state-of-the-art, Token Merging, achieves 45.8%-85.4%.

new Causality-driven Sequence Segmentation for Enhancing Multiphase Industrial Process Data Analysis and Soft Sensing

Authors: Yimeng He, Le Yao, Xinmin Zhang, Xiangyin Kong, Zhihuan Song

Abstract: The dynamic characteristics of multiphase industrial processes present significant challenges in the field of industrial big data modeling. Traditional soft sensing models frequently neglect the process dynamics and have difficulty in capturing transient phenomena like phase transitions. To address this issue, this article introduces a causality-driven sequence segmentation (CDSS) model. This model first identifies the local dynamic properties of the causal relationships between variables, which are also referred to as causal mechanisms. It then segments the sequence into different phases based on the sudden shifts in causal mechanisms that occur during phase transitions. Additionally, a novel metric, similarity distance, is designed to evaluate the temporal consistency of causal mechanisms, which includes both causal similarity distance and stable similarity distance. The discovered causal relationships in each phase are represented as a temporal causal graph (TCG). Furthermore, a soft sensing model called temporal-causal graph convolutional network (TC-GCN) is trained for each phase, by using the time-extended data and the adjacency matrix of TCG. The numerical examples are utilized to validate the proposed CDSS model, and the segmentation results demonstrate that CDSS has excellent performance on segmenting both stable and unstable multiphase series. Especially, it has higher accuracy in separating non-stationary time series compared to other methods. The effectiveness of the proposed CDSS model and the TC-GCN model is also verified through a penicillin fermentation process. Experimental results indicate that the breakpoints discovered by CDSS align well with the reaction mechanisms and TC-GCN significantly has excellent predictive accuracy.

new On Bellman equations for continuous-time policy evaluation I: discretization and approximation

Authors: Wenlong Mou, Yuhua Zhu

Abstract: We study the problem of computing the value function from a discretely-observed trajectory of a continuous-time diffusion process. We develop a new class of algorithms based on easily implementable numerical schemes that are compatible with discrete-time reinforcement learning (RL) with function approximation. We establish high-order numerical accuracy as well as the approximation error guarantees for the proposed approach. In contrast to discrete-time RL problems where the approximation factor depends on the effective horizon, we obtain a bounded approximation factor using the underlying elliptic structures, even if the effective horizon diverges to infinity.

new Active Label Refinement for Robust Training of Imbalanced Medical Image Classification Tasks in the Presence of High Label Noise

Authors: Bidur Khanal, Tianhong Dai, Binod Bhattarai, Cristian Linte

Abstract: The robustness of supervised deep learning-based medical image classification is significantly undermined by label noise. Although several methods have been proposed to enhance classification performance in the presence of noisy labels, they face some challenges: 1) a struggle with class-imbalanced datasets, leading to the frequent overlooking of minority classes as noisy samples; 2) a singular focus on maximizing performance using noisy datasets, without incorporating experts-in-the-loop for actively cleaning the noisy labels. To mitigate these challenges, we propose a two-phase approach that combines Learning with Noisy Labels (LNL) and active learning. This approach not only improves the robustness of medical image classification in the presence of noisy labels, but also iteratively improves the quality of the dataset by relabeling the important incorrect labels, under a limited annotation budget. Furthermore, we introduce a novel Variance of Gradients approach in LNL phase, which complements the loss-based sample selection by also sampling under-represented samples. Using two imbalanced noisy medical classification datasets, we demonstrate that that our proposed technique is superior to its predecessors at handling class imbalance by not misidentifying clean samples from minority classes as mostly noisy samples.

new MTL-Split: Multi-Task Learning for Edge Devices using Split Computing

Authors: Luigi Capogrosso, Enrico Fraccaroli, Samarjit Chakraborty, Franco Fummi, Marco Cristani

Abstract: Split Computing (SC), where a Deep Neural Network (DNN) is intelligently split with a part of it deployed on an edge device and the rest on a remote server is emerging as a promising approach. It allows the power of DNNs to be leveraged for latency-sensitive applications that do not allow the entire DNN to be deployed remotely, while not having sufficient computation bandwidth available locally. In many such embedded systems scenarios, such as those in the automotive domain, computational resource constraints also necessitate Multi-Task Learning (MTL), where the same DNN is used for multiple inference tasks instead of having dedicated DNNs for each task, which would need more computing bandwidth. However, how to partition such a multi-tasking DNN to be deployed within a SC framework has not been sufficiently studied. This paper studies this problem, and MTL-Split, our novel proposed architecture, shows encouraging results on both synthetic and real-world data. The source code is available at


new A Survey of Controllable Learning: Methods and Applications in Information Retrieval

Authors: Chenglei Shen, Xiao Zhang, Teng Shi, Changshuo Zhang, Guofu Xie, Jun Xu

Abstract: Controllable learning (CL) emerges as a critical component in trustworthy machine learning, ensuring that learners meet predefined targets and can adaptively adjust without retraining according to the changes in those targets. We provide a formal definition of CL, and discuss its applications in information retrieval (IR) where information needs are often complex and dynamic. The survey categorizes CL according to who controls (users or platforms), what is controllable (e.g., retrieval objectives, users' historical behaviors, controllable environmental adaptation), how control is implemented (e.g., rule-based method, Pareto optimization, Hypernetwork), and where to implement control (e.g.,pre-processing, in-processing, post-processing methods). Then, we identify challenges faced by CL across training, evaluation, task setting, and deployment in online environments. Additionally, we outline promising directions for CL in theoretical analysis, efficient computation, empowering large language models, application scenarios and evaluation frameworks in IR.

new LLMcap: Large Language Model for Unsupervised PCAP Failure Detection

Authors: Lukasz Tulczyjew, Kinan Jarrah, Charles Abondo, Dina Bennett, Nathanael Weill

Abstract: The integration of advanced technologies into telecommunication networks complicates troubleshooting, posing challenges for manual error identification in Packet Capture (PCAP) data. This manual approach, requiring substantial resources, becomes impractical at larger scales. Machine learning (ML) methods offer alternatives, but the scarcity of labeled data limits accuracy. In this study, we propose a self-supervised, large language model-based (LLMcap) method for PCAP failure detection. LLMcap leverages language-learning abilities and employs masked language modeling to learn grammar, context, and structure. Tested rigorously on various PCAPs, it demonstrates high accuracy despite the absence of labeled data during training, presenting a promising solution for efficient network analysis. Index Terms: Network troubleshooting, Packet Capture Analysis, Self-Supervised Learning, Large Language Model, Network Quality of Service, Network Performance.

new Analytic Convolutional Layer: A Step to Analytic Neural Network

Authors: Jingmao Cui, Donglai Tao, Linmi Tao, Ruiyang Liu, Yu Cheng

Abstract: The prevailing approach to embedding prior knowledge within convolutional layers typically includes the design of steerable kernels or their modulation using designated kernel banks. In this study, we introduce the Analytic Convolutional Layer (ACL), an innovative model-driven convolutional layer, which is a mosaic of analytical convolution kernels (ACKs) and traditional convolution kernels. ACKs are characterized by mathematical functions governed by analytic kernel parameters (AKPs) learned in training process. Learnable AKPs permit the adaptive update of incorporated knowledge to align with the features representation of data. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that the ACLs not only have a remarkable capacity for feature representation with a reduced number of parameters but also attain increased reliability through the analytical formulation of ACKs. Furthermore, ACLs offer a means for neural network interpretation, thereby paving the way for the intrinsic interpretability of neural network. The source code will be published in company with the paper.

new Physics-Informed Machine Learning Towards A Real-Time Spacecraft Thermal Simulator

Authors: Manaswin Oddiraju, Zaki Hasnain, Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay, Eric Sunada, Souma Chowdhury

Abstract: Modeling thermal states for complex space missions, such as the surface exploration of airless bodies, requires high computation, whether used in ground-based analysis for spacecraft design or during onboard reasoning for autonomous operations. For example, a finite-element thermal model with hundreds of elements can take significant time to simulate, which makes it unsuitable for onboard reasoning during time-sensitive scenarios such as descent and landing, proximity operations, or in-space assembly. Further, the lack of fast and accurate thermal modeling drives thermal designs to be more conservative and leads to spacecraft with larger mass and higher power budgets. The emerging paradigm of physics-informed machine learning (PIML) presents a class of hybrid modeling architectures that address this challenge by combining simplified physics models with machine learning (ML) models resulting in models which maintain both interpretability and robustness. Such techniques enable designs with reduced mass and power through onboard thermal-state estimation and control and may lead to improved onboard handling of off-nominal states, including unplanned down-time. The PIML model or hybrid model presented here consists of a neural network which predicts reduced nodalizations (distribution and size of coarse mesh) given on-orbit thermal load conditions, and subsequently a (relatively coarse) finite-difference model operates on this mesh to predict thermal states. We compare the computational performance and accuracy of the hybrid model to a data-driven neural net model, and a high-fidelity finite-difference model of a prototype Earth-orbiting small spacecraft. The PIML based active nodalization approach provides significantly better generalization than the neural net model and coarse mesh model, while reducing computing cost by up to 1.7x compared to the high-fidelity model.

new Sketchy Moment Matching: Toward Fast and Provable Data Selection for Finetuning

Authors: Yijun Dong, Hoang Phan, Xiang Pan, Qi Lei

Abstract: We revisit data selection in a modern context of finetuning from a fundamental perspective. Extending the classical wisdom of variance minimization in low dimensions to high-dimensional finetuning, our generalization analysis unveils the importance of additionally reducing bias induced by low-rank approximation. Inspired by the variance-bias tradeoff in high dimensions from the theory, we introduce Sketchy Moment Matching (SkMM), a scalable data selection scheme with two stages. (i) First, the bias is controlled using gradient sketching that explores the finetuning parameter space for an informative low-dimensional subspace $\mathcal{S}$; (ii) then the variance is reduced over $\mathcal{S}$ via moment matching between the original and selected datasets. Theoretically, we show that gradient sketching is fast and provably accurate: selecting $n$ samples by reducing variance over $\mathcal{S}$ preserves the fast-rate generalization $O(\dim(\mathcal{S})/n)$, independent of the parameter dimension. Empirically, we concretize the variance-bias balance via synthetic experiments and demonstrate the effectiveness of SkMM for finetuning in real vision tasks.

new Periodic agent-state based Q-learning for POMDPs

Authors: Amit Sinha, Mathieu Geist, Aditya Mahajan

Abstract: The standard approach for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) is to convert them to a fully observed belief-state MDP. However, the belief state depends on the system model and is therefore not viable in reinforcement learning (RL) settings. A widely used alternative is to use an agent state, which is a model-free, recursively updateable function of the observation history. Examples include frame stacking and recurrent neural networks. Since the agent state is model-free, it is used to adapt standard RL algorithms to POMDPs. However, standard RL algorithms like Q-learning learn a stationary policy. Our main thesis that we illustrate via examples is that because the agent state does not satisfy the Markov property, non-stationary agent-state based policies can outperform stationary ones. To leverage this feature, we propose PASQL (periodic agent-state based Q-learning), which is a variant of agent-state-based Q-learning that learns periodic policies. By combining ideas from periodic Markov chains and stochastic approximation, we rigorously establish that PASQL converges to a cyclic limit and characterize the approximation error of the converged periodic policy. Finally, we present a numerical experiment to highlight the salient features of PASQL and demonstrate the benefit of learning periodic policies over stationary policies.

new Structured Generations: Using Hierarchical Clusters to guide Diffusion Models

Authors: Jorge da Silva Goncalves, Laura Manduchi, Moritz Vandenhirtz, Julia Vogt

Abstract: This paper introduces Diffuse-TreeVAE, a deep generative model that integrates hierarchical clustering into the framework of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs). The proposed approach generates new images by sampling from a root embedding of a learned latent tree VAE-based structure, it then propagates through hierarchical paths, and utilizes a second-stage DDPM to refine and generate distinct, high-quality images for each data cluster. The result is a model that not only improves image clarity but also ensures that the generated samples are representative of their respective clusters, addressing the limitations of previous VAE-based methods and advancing the state of clustering-based generative modeling.

new Stepping on the Edge: Curvature Aware Learning Rate Tuners

Authors: Vincent Roulet, Atish Agarwala, Jean-Bastien Grill, Grzegorz Swirszcz, Mathieu Blondel, Fabian Pedregosa

Abstract: Curvature information -- particularly, the largest eigenvalue of the loss Hessian, known as the sharpness -- often forms the basis for learning rate tuners. However, recent work has shown that the curvature information undergoes complex dynamics during training, going from a phase of increasing sharpness to eventual stabilization. We analyze the closed-loop feedback effect between learning rate tuning and curvature. We find that classical learning rate tuners may yield greater one-step loss reduction, yet they ultimately underperform in the long term when compared to constant learning rates in the full batch regime. These models break the stabilization of the sharpness, which we explain using a simplified model of the joint dynamics of the learning rate and the curvature. To further investigate these effects, we introduce a new learning rate tuning method, Curvature Dynamics Aware Tuning (CDAT), which prioritizes long term curvature stabilization over instantaneous progress on the objective. In the full batch regime, CDAT shows behavior akin to prefixed warm-up schedules on deep learning objectives, outperforming tuned constant learning rates. In the mini batch regime, we observe that stochasticity introduces confounding effects that explain the previous success of some learning rate tuners at appropriate batch sizes. Our findings highlight the critical role of understanding the joint dynamics of the learning rate and curvature, beyond greedy minimization, to diagnose failures and design effective adaptive learning rate tuners.

cross The Physics of Learning: From Autoencoders to Truly Autonomous Learning Machines

Authors: Alex Ushveridze

Abstract: The fact that accurately predicted information can serve as an energy source paves the way for new approaches to autonomous learning. The energy derived from a sequence of successful predictions can be recycled as an immediate incentive and resource, driving the enhancement of predictive capabilities in AI agents. We propose that, through a series of straightforward meta-architectural adjustments, any unsupervised learning apparatus could achieve complete independence from external energy sources, evolving into a self-sustaining physical system with a strong intrinsic 'drive' for continual learning. This concept, while still purely theoretical, is exemplified through the autoencoder, a quintessential model for unsupervised efficient coding. We use this model to demonstrate how progressive paradigm shifts can profoundly alter our comprehension of learning and intelligence. By reconceptualizing learning as an energy-seeking process, we highlight the potential for achieving true autonomy in learning systems, thereby bridging the gap between algorithmic concepts and physical models of intelligence.

cross QMViT: A Mushroom is worth 16x16 Words

Authors: Siddhant Dutta, Hemant Singh, Kalpita Shankhdhar, Sridhar Iyer

Abstract: Consuming poisonous mushrooms can have severe health consequences, even resulting in fatality and accurately distinguishing edible from toxic mushroom varieties remains a significant challenge in ensuring food safety. So, it's crucial to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms within the existing species. This is essential due to the significant demand for mushrooms in people's daily meals and their potential contributions to medical science. This work presents a novel Quantum Vision Transformer architecture that leverages quantum computing to enhance mushroom classification performance. By implementing specialized quantum self-attention mechanisms using Variational Quantum Circuits, the proposed architecture achieved 92.33% and 99.24% accuracy based on their category and their edibility respectively. This demonstrates the success of the proposed architecture in reducing false negatives for toxic mushrooms, thus ensuring food safety. Our research highlights the potential of QMViT for improving mushroom classification as a whole.

cross Sensing technologies and machine learning methods for emotion recognition in autism: Systematic review

Authors: Oresti Banos, Zhoe Comas-Gonz\'alez, Javier Medina, Aurora Polo-Rodr\'iguez, David Gil, Jes\'us Peral, Sandra Amador, Claudia Villalonga

Abstract: Background: Human Emotion Recognition (HER) has been a popular field of study in the past years. Despite the great progresses made so far, relatively little attention has been paid to the use of HER in autism. People with autism are known to face problems with daily social communication and the prototypical interpretation of emotional responses, which are most frequently exerted via facial expressions. This poses significant practical challenges to the application of regular HER systems, which are normally developed for and by neurotypical people. Objective: This study reviews the literature on the use of HER systems in autism, particularly with respect to sensing technologies and machine learning methods, as to identify existing barriers and possible future directions. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of articles published between January 2011 and June 2023 according to the 2020 PRISMA guidelines. Manuscripts were identified through searching Web of Science and Scopus databases. Manuscripts were included when related to emotion recognition, used sensors and machine learning techniques, and involved children with autism, young, or adults. Results: The search yielded 346 articles. A total of 65 publications met the eligibility criteria and were included in the review. Conclusions: Studies predominantly used facial expression techniques as the emotion recognition method. Consequently, video cameras were the most widely used devices across studies, although a growing trend in the use of physiological sensors was observed lately. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise were most frequently addressed. Classical supervised machine learning techniques were primarily used at the expense of unsupervised approaches or more recent deep learning models.

cross A Likelihood-Based Generative Approach for Spatially Consistent Precipitation Downscaling

Authors: Jose Gonz\'alez-Abad

Abstract: Deep learning has emerged as a promising tool for precipitation downscaling. However, current models rely on likelihood-based loss functions to properly model the precipitation distribution, leading to spatially inconsistent projections when sampling. This work explores a novel approach by fusing the strengths of likelihood-based and adversarial losses used in generative models. As a result, we propose a likelihood-based generative approach for precipitation downscaling, leveraging the benefits of both methods.

cross Data-Driven Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification of PWR Crud-Induced Power Shift Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Aidan Furlong, Farah Alsafadi, Scott Palmtag, Andrew Godfrey, Xu Wu

Abstract: The development of Crud-Induced Power Shift (CIPS) is an operational challenge in Pressurized Water Reactors that is due to the development of crud on the fuel rod cladding. The available predictive tools developed previously, usually based on fundamental physics, are computationally expensive and have shown differing degrees of accuracy. This work proposes a completely top-down approach to predict CIPS instances on an assembly level with reactor-specific calibration built-in. Built using artificial neural networks, this work uses a three-dimensional convolutional approach to leverage the image-like layout of the input data. As a classifier, the convolutional neural network model predicts whether a given assembly will experience CIPS as well as the time of occurrence during a given cycle. This surrogate model is both trained and tested using a combination of calculated core model parameters and measured plant data from Unit 1 of the Catawba Nuclear Station. After the evaluation of its performance using various metrics, Monte Carlo dropout is employed for extensive uncertainty quantification of the model predictions. The results indicate that this methodology could be a viable approach in predicting CIPS with an assembly-level resolution across both clean and afflicted cycles, while using limited computational resources.

cross The OPS-SAT benchmark for detecting anomalies in satellite telemetry

Authors: Bogdan Ruszczak, Krzysztof Kotowski, David Evans, Jakub Nalepa

Abstract: Detecting anomalous events in satellite telemetry is a critical task in space operations. This task, however, is extremely time-consuming, error-prone and human dependent, thus automated data-driven anomaly detection algorithms have been emerging at a steady pace. However, there are no publicly available datasets of real satellite telemetry accompanied with the ground-truth annotations that could be used to train and verify anomaly detection supervised models. In this article, we address this research gap and introduce the AI-ready benchmark dataset (OPSSAT-AD) containing the telemetry data acquired on board OPS-SAT -- a CubeSat mission which has been operated by the European Space Agency which has come to an end during the night of 22--23 May 2024 (CEST). The dataset is accompanied with the baseline results obtained using 30 supervised and unsupervised classic and deep machine learning algorithms for anomaly detection. They were trained and validated using the training-test dataset split introduced in this work, and we present a suggested set of quality metrics which should be always calculated to confront the new algorithms for anomaly detection while exploiting OPSSAT-AD. We believe that this work may become an important step toward building a fair, reproducible and objective validation procedure that can be used to quantify the capabilities of the emerging anomaly detection techniques in an unbiased and fully transparent way.

cross PhishNet: A Phishing Website Detection Tool using XGBoost

Authors: Prashant Kumar, Kevin Antony, Deepakmoney Banga, Arshpreet Sohal

Abstract: PhisNet is a cutting-edge web application designed to detect phishing websites using advanced machine learning. It aims to help individuals and organizations identify and prevent phishing attacks through a robust AI framework. PhisNet utilizes Python to apply various machine learning algorithms and feature extraction techniques for high accuracy and efficiency. The project starts by collecting and preprocessing a comprehensive dataset of URLs, comprising both phishing and legitimate sites. Key features such as URL length, special characters, and domain age are extracted to effectively train the model. Multiple machine learning algorithms, including logistic regression, decision trees, and neural networks, are evaluated to determine the best performance in phishing detection. The model is finely tuned to optimize metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and the F1 score, ensuring reliable detection of both common and sophisticated phishing tactics. PhisNet's web application is developed using React.js, which allows for client-side rendering and smooth integration with backend services, creating a responsive and user-friendly interface. Users can input URLs and receive immediate predictions with confidence scores, thanks to a robust backend infrastructure that processes data and provides real-time results. The model is deployed using Google Colab and AWS EC2 for their computational power and scalability, ensuring the application remains accessible and functional under varying loads. In summary, PhisNet represents a significant advancement in cybersecurity, showcasing the effective use of machine learning and web development technologies to enhance user security. It empowers users to prevent phishing attacks and highlights AI's potential in transforming cybersecurity.

cross Accurate Passive Radar via an Uncertainty-Aware Fusion of Wi-Fi Sensing Data

Authors: Marco Cominelli, Francesco Gringoli, Lance M. Kaplan, Mani B. Srivastava, Federico Cerutti

Abstract: Wi-Fi devices can effectively be used as passive radar systems that sense what happens in the surroundings and can even discern human activity. We propose, for the first time, a principled architecture which employs Variational Auto-Encoders for estimating a latent distribution responsible for generating the data, and Evidential Deep Learning for its ability to sense out-of-distribution activities. We verify that the fused data processed by different antennas of the same Wi-Fi receiver results in increased accuracy of human activity recognition compared with the most recent benchmarks, while still being informative when facing out-of-distribution samples and enabling semantic interpretation of latent variables in terms of physical phenomena. The results of this paper are a first contribution toward the ultimate goal of providing a flexible, semantic characterisation of black-swan events, i.e., events for which we have limited to no training data.

cross Neuro-Symbolic Fusion of Wi-Fi Sensing Data for Passive Radar with Inter-Modal Knowledge Transfer

Authors: Marco Cominelli, Francesco Gringoli, Lance M. Kaplan, Mani B. Srivastava, Trevor Bihl, Erik P. Blasch, Nandini Iyer, Federico Cerutti

Abstract: Wi-Fi devices, akin to passive radars, can discern human activities within indoor settings due to the human body's interaction with electromagnetic signals. Current Wi-Fi sensing applications predominantly employ data-driven learning techniques to associate the fluctuations in the physical properties of the communication channel with the human activity causing them. However, these techniques often lack the desired flexibility and transparency. This paper introduces DeepProbHAR, a neuro-symbolic architecture for Wi-Fi sensing, providing initial evidence that Wi-Fi signals can differentiate between simple movements, such as leg or arm movements, which are integral to human activities like running or walking. The neuro-symbolic approach affords gathering such evidence without needing additional specialised data collection or labelling. The training of DeepProbHAR is facilitated by declarative domain knowledge obtained from a camera feed and by fusing signals from various antennas of the Wi-Fi receivers. DeepProbHAR achieves results comparable to the state-of-the-art in human activity recognition. Moreover, as a by-product of the learning process, DeepProbHAR generates specialised classifiers for simple movements that match the accuracy of models trained on finely labelled datasets, which would be particularly costly.

cross SCDM: Unified Representation Learning for EEG-to-fNIRS Cross-Modal Generation in MI-BCIs

Authors: Yisheng Li, Shuqiang Wang

Abstract: Hybrid motor imagery brain-computer interfaces (MI-BCIs), which integrate both electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals, outperform those based solely on EEG. However, simultaneously recording EEG and fNIRS signals is highly challenging due to the difficulty of colocating both types of sensors on the same scalp surface. This physical constraint complicates the acquisition of high-quality hybrid signals, thereby limiting the widespread application of hybrid MI-BCIs. To facilitate the acquisition of hybrid EEG-fNIRS signals, this study proposes the spatio-temporal controlled diffusion model (SCDM) as a framework for cross-modal generation from EEG to fNIRS. The model utilizes two core modules, the spatial cross-modal generation (SCG) module and the multi-scale temporal representation (MTR) module, which adaptively learn the respective latent temporal and spatial representations of both signals in a unified representation space. The SCG module further maps EEG representations to fNIRS representations by leveraging their spatial relationships. Experimental results show high similarity between synthetic and real fNIRS signals. The joint classification performance of EEG and synthetic fNIRS signals is comparable to or even better than that of EEG with real fNIRS signals. Furthermore, the synthetic signals exhibit similar spatio-temporal features to real signals while preserving spatial relationships with EEG signals. Experimental results suggest that the SCDM may represent a promising paradigm for the acquisition of hybrid EEG-fNIRS signals in MI-BCI systems.

cross A Contrastive Learning Based Convolutional Neural Network for ERP Brain-Computer Interfaces

Authors: Yuntian Cui, Xinke Shen, Dan Zhang, Chen Yang

Abstract: ERP-based EEG detection is gaining increasing attention in the field of brain-computer interfaces. However, due to the complexity of ERP signal components, their low signal-to-noise ratio, and significant inter-subject variability, cross-subject ERP signal detection has been challenging. The continuous advancement in deep learning has greatly contributed to addressing this issue. This brief proposes a contrastive learning training framework and an Inception module to extract multi-scale temporal and spatial features, representing the subject-invariant components of ERP signals. Specifically, a base encoder integrated with a linear Inception module and a nonlinear projector is used to project the raw data into latent space. By maximizing signal similarity under different targets, the inter-subject EEG signal differences in latent space are minimized. The extracted spatiotemporal features are then used for ERP target detection. The proposed algorithm achieved the best AUC performance in single-trial binary classification tasks on the P300 dataset and showed significant optimization in speller decoding tasks compared to existing algorithms.

cross Annotation of Sleep Depth Index with Scalable Deep Learning Yields Novel Digital Biomarkers for Sleep Health

Authors: Songchi Zhou, Ge Song, Haoqi Sun, Yue Leng, M. Brandon Westover, Shenda Hong

Abstract: Traditional sleep staging categorizes sleep and wakefulness into five coarse-grained classes, overlooking subtle variations within each stage. It provides limited information about the probability of arousal and may hinder the diagnosis of sleep disorders, such as insomnia. To address this issue, we propose a deep-learning method for automatic and scalable annotation of sleep depth index using existing sleep staging labels. Our approach is validated using polysomnography from over ten thousand recordings across four large-scale cohorts. The results show a strong correlation between the decrease in sleep depth index and the increase in arousal likelihood. Several case studies indicate that the sleep depth index captures more nuanced sleep structures than conventional sleep staging. Sleep biomarkers extracted from the whole-night sleep depth index exhibit statistically significant differences with medium-to-large effect sizes across groups of varied subjective sleep quality and insomnia symptoms. These sleep biomarkers also promise utility in predicting the severity of obstructive sleep apnea, particularly in severe cases. Our study underscores the utility of the proposed method for continuous sleep depth annotation, which could reveal more detailed structures and dynamics within whole-night sleep and yield novel digital biomarkers beneficial for sleep health.

cross Agnostic Private Density Estimation via Stable List Decoding

Authors: Mohammad Afzali, Hassan Ashtiani, Christopher Liaw

Abstract: We introduce a new notion of stability--which we call stable list decoding--and demonstrate its applicability in designing differentially private density estimators. This definition is weaker than global stability [ABLMM22] and is related to the notions of replicability [ILPS22] and list replicability [CMY23]. We show that if a class of distributions is stable list decodable, then it can be learned privately in the agnostic setting. As the main application of our framework, we prove the first upper bound on the sample complexity of private density estimation for Gaussian Mixture Models in the agnostic setting, extending the realizable result of Afzali et al. [AAL24].

cross Re-Tuning: Overcoming the Compositionality Limits of Large Language Models with Recursive Tuning

Authors: Eric Pasewark, Kyle Montgomery, Kefei Duan, Dawn Song, Chenguang Wang

Abstract: We present a new method for large language models to solve compositional tasks. Although they have shown strong performance on traditional language understanding tasks, large language models struggle to solve compositional tasks, where the solution depends on solving smaller instances of the same problem. We propose a natural approach to solve compositional tasks recursively. Our method, Re-Tuning, tunes models to break down a problem into subproblems, solve those subproblems, and combine the results. We show that our method significantly improves model performance on three representative compositional tasks: integer addition, dynamic programming, and parity. Compared to state-of-the-art methods that keep intermediate steps towards solving the problems, Re-Tuning achieves significantly higher accuracy and is more GPU memory efficient.

cross On Evaluating The Performance of Watermarked Machine-Generated Texts Under Adversarial Attacks

Authors: Zesen Liu, Tianshuo Cong, Xinlei He, Qi Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) excel in various applications, including text generation and complex tasks. However, the misuse of LLMs raises concerns about the authenticity and ethical implications of the content they produce, such as deepfake news, academic fraud, and copyright infringement. Watermarking techniques, which embed identifiable markers in machine-generated text, offer a promising solution to these issues by allowing for content verification and origin tracing. Unfortunately, the robustness of current LLM watermarking schemes under potential watermark removal attacks has not been comprehensively explored. In this paper, to fill this gap, we first systematically comb the mainstream watermarking schemes and removal attacks on machine-generated texts, and then we categorize them into pre-text (before text generation) and post-text (after text generation) classes so that we can conduct diversified analyses. In our experiments, we evaluate eight watermarks (five pre-text, three post-text) and twelve attacks (two pre-text, ten post-text) across 87 scenarios. Evaluation results indicate that (1) KGW and Exponential watermarks offer high text quality and watermark retention but remain vulnerable to most attacks; (2) Post-text attacks are found to be more efficient and practical than pre-text attacks; (3) Pre-text watermarks are generally more imperceptible, as they do not alter text fluency, unlike post-text watermarks; (4) Additionally, combined attack methods can significantly increase effectiveness, highlighting the need for more robust watermarking solutions. Our study underscores the vulnerabilities of current techniques and the necessity for developing more resilient schemes.

cross Revealing the Utilized Rank of Subspaces of Learning in Neural Networks

Authors: Isha Garg, Christian Koguchi, Eshan Verma, Daniel Ulbricht

Abstract: In this work, we study how well the learned weights of a neural network utilize the space available to them. This notion is related to capacity, but additionally incorporates the interaction of the network architecture with the dataset. Most learned weights appear to be full rank, and are therefore not amenable to low rank decomposition. This deceptively implies that the weights are utilizing the entire space available to them. We propose a simple data-driven transformation that projects the weights onto the subspace where the data and the weight interact. This preserves the functional mapping of the layer and reveals its low rank structure. In our findings, we conclude that most models utilize a fraction of the available space. For instance, for ViTB-16 and ViTL-16 trained on ImageNet, the mean layer utilization is 35% and 20% respectively. Our transformation results in reducing the parameters to 50% and 25% respectively, while resulting in less than 0.2% accuracy drop after fine-tuning. We also show that self-supervised pre-training drives this utilization up to 70%, justifying its suitability for downstream tasks.

cross Training Guarantees of Neural Network Classification Two-Sample Tests by Kernel Analysis

Authors: Varun Khurana, Xiuyuan Cheng, Alexander Cloninger

Abstract: We construct and analyze a neural network two-sample test to determine whether two datasets came from the same distribution (null hypothesis) or not (alternative hypothesis). We perform time-analysis on a neural tangent kernel (NTK) two-sample test. In particular, we derive the theoretical minimum training time needed to ensure the NTK two-sample test detects a deviation-level between the datasets. Similarly, we derive the theoretical maximum training time before the NTK two-sample test detects a deviation-level. By approximating the neural network dynamics with the NTK dynamics, we extend this time-analysis to the realistic neural network two-sample test generated from time-varying training dynamics and finite training samples. A similar extension is done for the neural network two-sample test generated from time-varying training dynamics but trained on the population. To give statistical guarantees, we show that the statistical power associated with the neural network two-sample test goes to 1 as the neural network training samples and test evaluation samples go to infinity. Additionally, we prove that the training times needed to detect the same deviation-level in the null and alternative hypothesis scenarios are well-separated. Finally, we run some experiments showcasing a two-layer neural network two-sample test on a hard two-sample test problem and plot a heatmap of the statistical power of the two-sample test in relation to training time and network complexity.

cross YourMT3+: Multi-instrument Music Transcription with Enhanced Transformer Architectures and Cross-dataset Stem Augmentation

Authors: Sungkyun Chang, Emmanouil Benetos, Holger Kirchhoff, Simon Dixon

Abstract: Multi-instrument music transcription aims to convert polyphonic music recordings into musical scores assigned to each instrument. This task is challenging for modeling as it requires simultaneously identifying multiple instruments and transcribing their pitch and precise timing, and the lack of fully annotated data adds to the training difficulties. This paper introduces YourMT3+, a suite of models for enhanced multi-instrument music transcription based on the recent language token decoding approach of MT3. We strengthen its encoder by adopting a hierarchical attention transformer in the time-frequency domain and integrating a mixture of experts (MoE). To address data limitations, we introduce a new multi-channel decoding method for training with incomplete annotations and propose intra- and cross-stem augmentation for dataset mixing. Our experiments demonstrate direct vocal transcription capabilities, eliminating the need for voice separation pre-processors. Benchmarks across ten public datasets show our models' competitiveness with, or superiority to, existing transcription models. Further testing on pop music recordings highlights the limitations of current models. Fully reproducible code and datasets are available at \url{}


cross Associative Recurrent Memory Transformer

Authors: Ivan Rodkin, Yuri Kuratov, Aydar Bulatov, Mikhail Burtsev

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of creating a neural architecture for very long sequences that requires constant time for processing new information at each time step. Our approach, Associative Recurrent Memory Transformer (ARMT), is based on transformer self-attention for local context and segment-level recurrence for storage of task specific information distributed over a long context. We demonstrate that ARMT outperfors existing alternatives in associative retrieval tasks and sets a new performance record in the recent BABILong multi-task long-context benchmark by answering single-fact questions over 50 million tokens with an accuracy of 79.9%. The source code for training and evaluation is available on github.

cross MJ-Bench: Is Your Multimodal Reward Model Really a Good Judge for Text-to-Image Generation?

Authors: Zhaorun Chen, Yichao Du, Zichen Wen, Yiyang Zhou, Chenhang Cui, Zhenzhen Weng, Haoqin Tu, Chaoqi Wang, Zhengwei Tong, Qinglan Huang, Canyu Chen, Qinghao Ye, Zhihong Zhu, Yuqing Zhang, Jiawei Zhou, Zhuokai Zhao, Rafael Rafailov, Chelsea Finn, Huaxiu Yao

Abstract: While text-to-image models like DALLE-3 and Stable Diffusion are rapidly proliferating, they often encounter challenges such as hallucination, bias, and the production of unsafe, low-quality output. To effectively address these issues, it is crucial to align these models with desired behaviors based on feedback from a multimodal judge. Despite their significance, current multimodal judges frequently undergo inadequate evaluation of their capabilities and limitations, potentially leading to misalignment and unsafe fine-tuning outcomes. To address this issue, we introduce MJ-Bench, a novel benchmark which incorporates a comprehensive preference dataset to evaluate multimodal judges in providing feedback for image generation models across four key perspectives: alignment, safety, image quality, and bias. Specifically, we evaluate a large variety of multimodal judges including smaller-sized CLIP-based scoring models, open-source VLMs (e.g. LLaVA family), and close-source VLMs (e.g. GPT-4o, Claude 3) on each decomposed subcategory of our preference dataset. Experiments reveal that close-source VLMs generally provide better feedback, with GPT-4o outperforming other judges in average. Compared with open-source VLMs, smaller-sized scoring models can provide better feedback regarding text-image alignment and image quality, while VLMs provide more accurate feedback regarding safety and generation bias due to their stronger reasoning capabilities. Further studies in feedback scale reveal that VLM judges can generally provide more accurate and stable feedback in natural language (Likert-scale) than numerical scales. Notably, human evaluations on end-to-end fine-tuned models using separate feedback from these multimodal judges provide similar conclusions, further confirming the effectiveness of MJ-Bench. All data, code, models are available at


cross Explainable Metric Learning for Deflating Data Bias

Authors: Emma Andrews, Prabhat Mishra

Abstract: Image classification is an essential part of computer vision which assigns a given input image to a specific category based on the similarity evaluation within given criteria. While promising classifiers can be obtained through deep learning models, these approaches lack explainability, where the classification results are hard to interpret in a human-understandable way. In this paper, we present an explainable metric learning framework, which constructs hierarchical levels of semantic segments of an image for better interpretability. The key methodology involves a bottom-up learning strategy, starting by training the local metric learning model for the individual segments and then combining segments to compose comprehensive metrics in a tree. Specifically, our approach enables a more human-understandable similarity measurement between two images based on the semantic segments within it, which can be utilized to generate new samples to reduce bias in a training dataset. Extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed approach can drastically improve model accuracy compared with state-of-the-art methods.

cross Leveraging Data Mining, Active Learning, and Domain Adaptation in a Multi-Stage, Machine Learning-Driven Approach for the Efficient Discovery of Advanced Acidic Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts

Authors: Rui Ding, Jianguo Liu, Kang Hua, Xuebin Wang, Xiaoben Zhang, Minhua Shao, Yuxin Chen, Junhong Chen

Abstract: Developing advanced catalysts for acidic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is crucial for sustainable hydrogen production. This study introduces a novel, multi-stage machine learning (ML) approach to streamline the discovery and optimization of complex multi-metallic catalysts. Our method integrates data mining, active learning, and domain adaptation throughout the materials discovery process. Unlike traditional trial-and-error methods, this approach systematically narrows the exploration space using domain knowledge with minimized reliance on subjective intuition. Then the active learning module efficiently refines element composition and synthesis conditions through iterative experimental feedback. The process culminated in the discovery of a promising Ru-Mn-Ca-Pr oxide catalyst. Our workflow also enhances theoretical simulations with domain adaptation strategy, providing deeper mechanistic insights aligned with experimental findings. By leveraging diverse data sources and multiple ML strategies, we establish an efficient pathway for electrocatalyst discovery and optimization. This comprehensive, data-driven approach represents a paradigm shift and potentially new benchmark in electrocatalysts research.

cross Maximizing utility in multi-agent environments by anticipating the behavior of other learners

Authors: Angelos Assos, Yuval Dagan, Constantinos Daskalakis

Abstract: Learning algorithms are often used to make decisions in sequential decision-making environments. In multi-agent settings, the decisions of each agent can affect the utilities/losses of the other agents. Therefore, if an agent is good at anticipating the behavior of the other agents, in particular how they will make decisions in each round as a function of their experience that far, it could try to judiciously make its own decisions over the rounds of the interaction so as to influence the other agents to behave in a way that ultimately benefits its own utility. In this paper, we study repeated two-player games involving two types of agents: a learner, which employs an online learning algorithm to choose its strategy in each round; and an optimizer, which knows the learner's utility function and the learner's online learning algorithm. The optimizer wants to plan ahead to maximize its own utility, while taking into account the learner's behavior. We provide two results: a positive result for repeated zero-sum games and a negative result for repeated general-sum games. Our positive result is an algorithm for the optimizer, which exactly maximizes its utility against a learner that plays the Replicator Dynamics -- the continuous-time analogue of Multiplicative Weights Update (MWU). Additionally, we use this result to provide an algorithm for the optimizer against MWU, i.e.~for the discrete-time setting, which guarantees an average utility for the optimizer that is higher than the value of the one-shot game. Our negative result shows that, unless P=NP, there is no Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (FPTAS) for maximizing the utility of an optimizer against a learner that best-responds to the history in each round. Yet, this still leaves open the question of whether there exists a polynomial-time algorithm that optimizes the utility up to $o(T)$.

cross Nash Incentive-compatible Online Mechanism Learning via Weakly Differentially Private Online Learning

Authors: Joon Suk Huh, Kirthevasan Kandasamy

Abstract: We study a multi-round mechanism design problem, where we interact with a set of agents over a sequence of rounds. We wish to design an incentive-compatible (IC) online learning scheme to maximize an application-specific objective within a given class of mechanisms, without prior knowledge of the agents' type distributions. Even if each mechanism in this class is IC in a single round, if an algorithm naively chooses from this class on each round, the entire learning process may not be IC against non-myopic buyers who appear over multiple rounds. On each round, our method randomly chooses between the recommendation of a weakly differentially private online learning algorithm (e.g., Hedge), and a commitment mechanism which penalizes non-truthful behavior. Our method is IC and achieves $O(T^{\frac{1+h}{2}})$ regret for the application-specific objective in an adversarial setting, where $h$ quantifies the long-sightedness of the agents. When compared to prior work, our approach is conceptually simpler,it applies to general mechanism design problems (beyond auctions), and its regret scales gracefully with the size of the mechanism class.

cross FOSP: Fine-tuning Offline Safe Policy through World Models

Authors: Chenyang Cao, Yucheng Xin, Silang Wu, Longxiang He, Zichen Yan, Junbo Tan, Xueqian Wang

Abstract: Model-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) has shown its high training efficiency and capability of handling high-dimensional tasks. Regarding safety issues, safe model-based RL can achieve nearly zero-cost performance and effectively manage the trade-off between performance and safety. Nevertheless, prior works still pose safety challenges due to the online exploration in real-world deployment. To address this, some offline RL methods have emerged as solutions, which learn from a static dataset in a safe way by avoiding interactions with the environment. In this paper, we aim to further enhance safety during the deployment stage for vision-based robotic tasks by fine-tuning an offline-trained policy. We incorporate in-sample optimization, model-based policy expansion, and reachability guidance to construct a safe offline-to-online framework. Moreover, our method proves to improve the generalization of offline policy in unseen safety-constrained scenarios. Finally, the efficiency of our method is validated on simulation benchmarks with five vision-only tasks and a real robot by solving some deployment problems using limited data.

cross Quantizing YOLOv7: A Comprehensive Study

Authors: Mohammadamin Baghbanbashi, Mohsen Raji, Behnam Ghavami

Abstract: YOLO is a deep neural network (DNN) model presented for robust real-time object detection following the one-stage inference approach. It outperforms other real-time object detectors in terms of speed and accuracy by a wide margin. Nevertheless, since YOLO is developed upon a DNN backbone with numerous parameters, it will cause excessive memory load, thereby deploying it on memory-constrained devices is a severe challenge in practice. To overcome this limitation, model compression techniques, such as quantizing parameters to lower-precision values, can be adopted. As the most recent version of YOLO, YOLOv7 achieves such state-of-the-art performance in speed and accuracy in the range of 5 FPS to 160 FPS that it surpasses all former versions of YOLO and other existing models in this regard. So far, the robustness of several quantization schemes has been evaluated on older versions of YOLO. These methods may not necessarily yield similar results for YOLOv7 as it utilizes a different architecture. In this paper, we conduct in-depth research on the effectiveness of a variety of quantization schemes on the pre-trained weights of the state-of-the-art YOLOv7 model. Experimental results demonstrate that using 4-bit quantization coupled with the combination of different granularities results in ~3.92x and ~3.86x memory-saving for uniform and non-uniform quantization, respectively, with only 2.5% and 1% accuracy loss compared to the full-precision baseline model.

cross On Differentially Private U Statistics

Authors: Kamalika Chaudhuri, Po-Ling Loh, Shourya Pandey, Purnamrita Sarkar

Abstract: We consider the problem of privately estimating a parameter $\mathbb{E}[h(X_1,\dots,X_k)]$, where $X_1$, $X_2$, $\dots$, $X_k$ are i.i.d. data from some distribution and $h$ is a permutation-invariant function. Without privacy constraints, standard estimators are U-statistics, which commonly arise in a wide range of problems, including nonparametric signed rank tests, symmetry testing, uniformity testing, and subgraph counts in random networks, and can be shown to be minimum variance unbiased estimators under mild conditions. Despite the recent outpouring of interest in private mean estimation, privatizing U-statistics has received little attention. While existing private mean estimation algorithms can be applied to obtain confidence intervals, we show that they can lead to suboptimal private error, e.g., constant-factor inflation in the leading term, or even $\Theta(1/n)$ rather than $O(1/n^2)$ in degenerate settings. To remedy this, we propose a new thresholding-based approach using \emph{local H\'ajek projections} to reweight different subsets of the data. This leads to nearly optimal private error for non-degenerate U-statistics and a strong indication of near-optimality for degenerate U-statistics.

cross A Layer-Anchoring Strategy for Enhancing Cross-Lingual Speech Emotion Recognition

Authors: Shreya G. Upadhyay, Carlos Busso, Chi-Chun Lee

Abstract: Cross-lingual speech emotion recognition (SER) is important for a wide range of everyday applications. While recent SER research relies heavily on large pretrained models for emotion training, existing studies often concentrate solely on the final transformer layer of these models. However, given the task-specific nature and hierarchical architecture of these models, each transformer layer encapsulates different levels of information. Leveraging this hierarchical structure, our study focuses on the information embedded across different layers. Through an examination of layer feature similarity across different languages, we propose a novel strategy called a layer-anchoring mechanism to facilitate emotion transfer in cross-lingual SER tasks. Our approach is evaluated using two distinct language affective corpora (MSP-Podcast and BIIC-Podcast), achieving a best UAR performance of 60.21% on the BIIC-podcast corpus. The analysis uncovers interesting insights into the behavior of popular pretrained models.

cross LogicVista: Multimodal LLM Logical Reasoning Benchmark in Visual Contexts

Authors: Yijia Xiao, Edward Sun, Tianyu Liu, Wei Wang

Abstract: We propose LogicVista, an evaluation benchmark that assesses the integrated logical reasoning capabilities of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) in Visual contexts. Recent advancements in MLLMs have demonstrated various fascinating abilities, from crafting poetry based on an image to performing mathematical reasoning. However, there is still a lack of systematic evaluation of MLLMs' proficiency in logical reasoning tasks, which are essential for activities like navigation and puzzle-solving. Thus we evaluate general logical cognition abilities across 5 logical reasoning tasks encompassing 9 different capabilities, using a sample of 448 multiple-choice questions. Each question is annotated with the correct answer and the human-written reasoning behind the selection, enabling both open-ended and multiple-choice evaluation. A total of 8 MLLMs are comprehensively evaluated using LogicVista. Code and Data Available at


cross TRACE: TRansformer-based Attribution using Contrastive Embeddings in LLMs

Authors: Cheng Wang, Xinyang Lu, See-Kiong Ng, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

Abstract: The rapid evolution of large language models (LLMs) represents a substantial leap forward in natural language understanding and generation. However, alongside these advancements come significant challenges related to the accountability and transparency of LLM responses. Reliable source attribution is essential to adhering to stringent legal and regulatory standards, including those set forth by the General Data Protection Regulation. Despite the well-established methods in source attribution within the computer vision domain, the application of robust attribution frameworks to natural language processing remains underexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel and versatile TRansformer-based Attribution framework using Contrastive Embeddings called TRACE that, in particular, exploits contrastive learning for source attribution. We perform an extensive empirical evaluation to demonstrate the performance and efficiency of TRACE in various settings and show that TRACE significantly improves the ability to attribute sources accurately, making it a valuable tool for enhancing the reliability and trustworthiness of LLMs.

cross Combining Neuroevolution with the Search for Novelty to Improve the Generation of Test Inputs for Games

Authors: Patric Feldmeier, Gordon Fraser

Abstract: As games challenge traditional automated white-box test generators, the Neatest approach generates test suites consisting of neural networks that exercise the source code by playing the games. Neatest generates these neural networks using an evolutionary algorithm that is guided by an objective function targeting individual source code statements. This approach works well if the objective function provides sufficient guidance, but deceiving or complex fitness landscapes may inhibit the search. In this paper, we investigate whether the issue of challenging fitness landscapes can be addressed by promoting novel behaviours during the search. Our case study on two Scratch games demonstrates that rewarding novel behaviours is a promising approach for overcoming challenging fitness landscapes, thus enabling future research on how to adapt the search algorithms to best use this information.

cross Calorie Burn Estimation in Community Parks Through DLICP: A Mathematical Modelling Approach

Authors: Abhishek Sebastian, Annis Fathima A, Pragna R, Madhan Kumar S, Jesher Joshua M

Abstract: Community parks play a crucial role in promoting physical activity and overall well-being. This study introduces DLICP (Deep Learning Integrated Community Parks), an innovative approach that combines deep learning techniques specifically, face recognition technology with a novel walking activity measurement algorithm to enhance user experience in community parks. The DLICP utilizes a camera with face recognition software to accurately identify and track park users. Simultaneously, a walking activity measurement algorithm calculates parameters such as the average pace and calories burned, tailored to individual attributes. Extensive evaluations confirm the precision of DLICP, with a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 5.64 calories and a Mean Percentage Error (MPE) of 1.96%, benchmarked against widely available fitness measurement devices, such as the Apple Watch Series 6. This study contributes significantly to the development of intelligent smart park systems, enabling real-time updates on burned calories and personalized fitness tracking.

cross The Solution for Language-Enhanced Image New Category Discovery

Authors: Haonan Xu, Dian Chao, Xiangyu Wu, Zhonghua Wan, Yang Yang

Abstract: Treating texts as images, combining prompts with textual labels for prompt tuning, and leveraging the alignment properties of CLIP have been successfully applied in zero-shot multi-label image recognition. Nonetheless, relying solely on textual labels to store visual information is insufficient for representing the diversity of visual objects. In this paper, we propose reversing the training process of CLIP and introducing the concept of Pseudo Visual Prompts. These prompts are initialized for each object category and pre-trained on large-scale, low-cost sentence data generated by large language models. This process mines the aligned visual information in CLIP and stores it in class-specific visual prompts. We then employ contrastive learning to transfer the stored visual information to the textual labels, enhancing their visual representation capacity. Additionally, we introduce a dual-adapter module that simultaneously leverages knowledge from the original CLIP and new learning knowledge derived from downstream datasets. Benefiting from the pseudo visual prompts, our method surpasses the state-of-the-art not only on clean annotated text data but also on pseudo text data generated by large language models.

cross The Solution for the 5th GCAIAC Zero-shot Referring Expression Comprehension Challenge

Authors: Longfei Huang, Feng Yu, Zhihao Guan, Zhonghua Wan, Yang Yang

Abstract: This report presents a solution for the zero-shot referring expression comprehension task. Visual-language multimodal base models (such as CLIP, SAM) have gained significant attention in recent years as a cornerstone of mainstream research. One of the key applications of multimodal base models lies in their ability to generalize to zero-shot downstream tasks. Unlike traditional referring expression comprehension, zero-shot referring expression comprehension aims to apply pre-trained visual-language models directly to the task without specific training. Recent studies have enhanced the zero-shot performance of multimodal base models in referring expression comprehension tasks by introducing visual prompts. To address the zero-shot referring expression comprehension challenge, we introduced a combination of visual prompts and considered the influence of textual prompts, employing joint prediction tailored to the data characteristics. Ultimately, our approach achieved accuracy rates of 84.825 on the A leaderboard and 71.460 on the B leaderboard, securing the first position.

cross Enhance the Robustness of Text-Centric Multimodal Alignments

Authors: Ting-Yu Yen, Yun-Da Tsai, Keng-Te Liao, Shou-De Lin

Abstract: Converting different modalities into general text, serving as input prompts for large language models (LLMs), is a common method to align multimodal models when there is limited pairwise data. This text-centric approach leverages the unique properties of text as a modality space, transforming diverse inputs into a unified textual representation. This enables downstream models to effectively interpret various modal inputs. This study assesses the quality and robustness of multimodal representations in the presence of missing entries, noise, or absent modalities, revealing that current text-centric alignment methods compromise downstream robustness. To address this issue, we propose a new text-centric approach that achieves superior robustness compared to previous methods across various modalities in different settings. Our findings highlight the potential of this approach to enhance the robustness and adaptability of multimodal representations, offering a promising solution for dynamic and real-world applications.

cross Code Less, Align More: Efficient LLM Fine-tuning for Code Generation with Data Pruning

Authors: Yun-Da Tsai, Mingjie Liu, Haoxing Ren

Abstract: Recent work targeting large language models (LLMs) for code generation demonstrated that increasing the amount of training data through synthetic code generation often leads to exceptional performance. In this paper we explore data pruning methods aimed at enhancing the efficiency of model training specifically for code LLMs. We present techniques that integrate various clustering and pruning metrics to selectively reduce training data without compromising the accuracy and functionality of the generated code. We observe significant redundancies in synthetic training data generation, where our experiments demonstrate that benchmark performance can be largely preserved by training on only 10% of the data. Moreover, we observe consistent improvements in benchmark results through moderate pruning of the training data. Our experiments show that these pruning strategies not only reduce the computational resources needed but also enhance the overall quality code generation.

cross A Joint Approach to Local Updating and Gradient Compression for Efficient Asynchronous Federated Learning

Authors: Jiajun Song, Jiajun Luo, Rongwei Lu, Shuzhao Xie, Bin Chen, Zhi Wang

Abstract: Asynchronous Federated Learning (AFL) confronts inherent challenges arising from the heterogeneity of devices (e.g., their computation capacities) and low-bandwidth environments, both potentially causing stale model updates (e.g., local gradients) for global aggregation. Traditional approaches mitigating the staleness of updates typically focus on either adjusting the local updating or gradient compression, but not both. Recognizing this gap, we introduce a novel approach that synergizes local updating with gradient compression. Our research begins by examining the interplay between local updating frequency and gradient compression rate, and their collective impact on convergence speed. The theoretical upper bound shows that the local updating frequency and gradient compression rate of each device are jointly determined by its computing power, communication capabilities and other factors. Building on this foundation, we propose an AFL framework called FedLuck that adaptively optimizes both local update frequency and gradient compression rates. Experiments on image classification and speech recognization show that FedLuck reduces communication consumption by 56% and training time by 55% on average, achieving competitive performance in heterogeneous and low-bandwidth scenarios compared to the baselines.

cross Solving for X and Beyond: Can Large Language Models Solve Complex Math Problems with More-Than-Two Unknowns?

Authors: Kuei-Chun Kao, Ruochen Wang, Cho-Jui Hsieh

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in solving math problems, a hallmark of human intelligence. Despite high success rates on current benchmarks; however, these often feature simple problems with only one or two unknowns, which do not sufficiently challenge their reasoning capacities. This paper introduces a novel benchmark, BeyondX, designed to address these limitations by incorporating problems with multiple unknowns. Recognizing the challenges in proposing multi-unknown problems from scratch, we developed BeyondX using an innovative automated pipeline that progressively increases complexity by expanding the number of unknowns in simpler problems. Empirical study on BeyondX reveals that the performance of existing LLMs, even those fine-tuned specifically on math tasks, significantly decreases as the number of unknowns increases - with a performance drop of up to 70\% observed in GPT-4. To tackle these challenges, we propose the Formulate-and-Solve strategy, a generalized prompting approach that effectively handles problems with an arbitrary number of unknowns. Our findings reveal that this strategy not only enhances LLM performance on the BeyondX benchmark but also provides deeper insights into the computational limits of LLMs when faced with more complex mathematical challenges.

cross On high-dimensional modifications of the nearest neighbor classifier

Authors: Annesha Ghosh, Bilol Banerjee, Anil K. Ghosh

Abstract: Nearest neighbor classifier is arguably the most simple and popular nonparametric classifier available in the literature. However, due to the concentration of pairwise distances and the violation of the neighborhood structure, this classifier often suffers in high-dimension, low-sample size (HDLSS) situations, especially when the scale difference between the competing classes dominates their location difference. Several attempts have been made in the literature to take care of this problem. In this article, we discuss some of these existing methods and propose some new ones. We carry out some theoretical investigations in this regard and analyze several simulated and benchmark datasets to compare the empirical performances of proposed methods with some of the existing ones.

cross Towards Socially and Environmentally Responsible AI

Authors: Pengfei Li, Yejia Liu, Jianyi Yang, Shaolei Ren

Abstract: The sharply increasing sizes of artificial intelligence (AI) models come with significant energy consumption and environmental footprints, which can disproportionately impact certain (often marginalized) regions and hence create environmental inequity concerns. Moreover, concerns with social inequity have also emerged, as AI computing resources may not be equitably distributed across the globe and users from certain disadvantaged regions with severe resource constraints can consistently experience inferior model performance. Importantly, the inequity concerns that encompass both social and environmental dimensions still remain unexplored and have increasingly hindered responsible AI. In this paper, we leverage the spatial flexibility of AI inference workloads and propose equitable geographical load balancing (GLB) to fairly balance AI's regional social and environmental costs. Concretely, to penalize the disproportionately high social and environmental costs for equity, we introduce $L_q$ norms as novel regularization terms into the optimization objective for GLB decisions. Our empirical results based on real-world AI inference traces demonstrate that while the existing GLB algorithms result in disproportionately large social and environmental costs in certain regions, our proposed equitable GLB can fairly balance AI's negative social and environmental costs across all the regions.

cross R-Trans -- A Recurrent Transformer Model for Clinical Feedback in Surgical Skill Assessment

Authors: Julien Quarez, Matthew Elliot, Oscar Maccormac, Nawal Khan, Marc Modat, Sebastien Ourselin, Jonathan Shapey, Alejandro Granados

Abstract: In surgical skill assessment, Objective Structured Assessments of Technical Skills (OSATS scores) and the Global Rating Scale (GRS) are established tools for evaluating the performance of surgeons during training. These metrics, coupled with feedback on their performance, enable surgeons to improve and achieve standards of practice. Recent studies on the open-source dataset JIGSAW, which contains both GRS and OSATS labels, have focused on regressing GRS scores from kinematic signals, video data, or a combination of both. In this paper, we argue that regressing the GRS score, a unitless value, by itself is too restrictive, and variations throughout the surgical trial do not hold significant clinical meaning. To address this gap, we developed a recurrent transformer model that outputs the surgeon's performance throughout their training session by relating the model's hidden states to five OSATS scores derived from kinematic signals. These scores are averaged and aggregated to produce a GRS prediction, enabling assessment of the model's performance against the state-of-the-art (SOTA). We report Spearman's Correlation Coefficient (SCC), demonstrating that our model outperforms SOTA models for all tasks, except for Suturing under the leave-one-subject-out (LOSO) scheme (SCC 0.68-0.89), while achieving comparable performance for suturing and across tasks under the leave-one-user-out (LOUO) scheme (SCC 0.45-0.68) and beating SOTA for Needle Passing (0.69). We argue that relating final OSATS scores to short instances throughout a surgeon's procedure is more clinically meaningful than a single GRS score. This approach also allows us to translate quantitative predictions into qualitative feedback, which is crucial for any automated surgical skill assessment pipeline. A senior surgeon validated our model's behaviour and agreed with the semi-supervised predictions 77 \% (p = 0.006) of the time.

cross CBM: Curriculum by Masking

Authors: Andrei Jarca, Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: We propose Curriculum by Masking (CBM), a novel state-of-the-art curriculum learning strategy that effectively creates an easy-to-hard training schedule via patch (token) masking, offering significant accuracy improvements over the conventional training regime and previous curriculum learning (CL) methods. CBM leverages gradient magnitudes to prioritize the masking of salient image regions via a novel masking algorithm and a novel masking block. Our approach enables controlling sample difficulty via the patch masking ratio, generating an effective easy-to-hard curriculum by gradually introducing harder samples as training progresses. CBM operates with two easily configurable parameters, i.e. the number of patches and the curriculum schedule, making it a versatile curriculum learning approach for object recognition and detection. We conduct experiments with various neural architectures, ranging from convolutional networks to vision transformers, on five benchmark data sets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, Food-101 and PASCAL VOC), to compare CBM with conventional as well as curriculum-based training regimes. Our results reveal the superiority of our strategy compared with the state-of-the-art curriculum learning regimes. We also observe improvements in transfer learning contexts, where CBM surpasses previous work by considerable margins in terms of accuracy. We release our code for free non-commercial use at


cross LLMCloudHunter: Harnessing LLMs for Automated Extraction of Detection Rules from Cloud-Based CTI

Authors: Yuval Schwartz, Lavi Benshimol, Dudu Mimran, Yuval Elovici, Asaf Shabtai

Abstract: As the number and sophistication of cyber attacks have increased, threat hunting has become a critical aspect of active security, enabling proactive detection and mitigation of threats before they cause significant harm. Open-source cyber threat intelligence (OS-CTI) is a valuable resource for threat hunters, however, it often comes in unstructured formats that require further manual analysis. Previous studies aimed at automating OSCTI analysis are limited since (1) they failed to provide actionable outputs, (2) they did not take advantage of images present in OSCTI sources, and (3) they focused on on-premises environments, overlooking the growing importance of cloud environments. To address these gaps, we propose LLMCloudHunter, a novel framework that leverages large language models (LLMs) to automatically generate generic-signature detection rule candidates from textual and visual OSCTI data. We evaluated the quality of the rules generated by the proposed framework using 12 annotated real-world cloud threat reports. The results show that our framework achieved a precision of 92% and recall of 98% for the task of accurately extracting API calls made by the threat actor and a precision of 99% with a recall of 98% for IoCs. Additionally, 99.18% of the generated detection rule candidates were successfully compiled and converted into Splunk queries.

cross The AI Companion in Education: Analyzing the Pedagogical Potential of ChatGPT in Computer Science and Engineering

Authors: Zhangying He, Thomas Nguyen, Tahereh Miari, Mehrdad Aliasgari, Setareh Rafatirad, Hossein Sayadi

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI), with ChatGPT as a prominent example, has recently taken center stage in various domains including higher education, particularly in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). The AI revolution brings both convenience and controversy, offering substantial benefits while lacking formal guidance on their application. The primary objective of this work is to comprehensively analyze the pedagogical potential of ChatGPT in CSE education, understanding its strengths and limitations from the perspectives of educators and learners. We employ a systematic approach, creating a diverse range of educational practice problems within CSE field, focusing on various subjects such as data science, programming, AI, machine learning, networks, and more. According to our examinations, certain question types, like conceptual knowledge queries, typically do not pose significant challenges to ChatGPT, and thus, are excluded from our analysis. Alternatively, we focus our efforts on developing more in-depth and personalized questions and project-based tasks. These questions are presented to ChatGPT, followed by interactions to assess its effectiveness in delivering complete and meaningful responses. To this end, we propose a comprehensive five-factor reliability analysis framework to evaluate the responses. This assessment aims to identify when ChatGPT excels and when it faces challenges. Our study concludes with a correlation analysis, delving into the relationships among subjects, task types, and limiting factors. This analysis offers valuable insights to enhance ChatGPT's utility in CSE education, providing guidance to educators and students regarding its reliability and efficacy.

cross Helios: An extremely low power event-based gesture recognition for always-on smart eyewear

Authors: Prarthana Bhattacharyya, Joshua Mitton, Ryan Page, Owen Morgan, Ben Menzies, Gabriel Homewood, Kemi Jacobs, Paolo Baesso, Dave Trickett, Chris Mair, Taru Muhonen, Rory Clark, Louis Berridge, Richard Vigars, Iain Wallace

Abstract: This paper introduces Helios, the first extremely low-power, real-time, event-based hand gesture recognition system designed for all-day on smart eyewear. As augmented reality (AR) evolves, current smart glasses like the Meta Ray-Bans prioritize visual and wearable comfort at the expense of functionality. Existing human-machine interfaces (HMIs) in these devices, such as capacitive touch and voice controls, present limitations in ergonomics, privacy and power consumption. Helios addresses these challenges by leveraging natural hand interactions for a more intuitive and comfortable user experience. Our system utilizes a extremely low-power and compact 3mmx4mm/20mW event camera to perform natural hand-based gesture recognition for always-on smart eyewear. The camera's output is processed by a convolutional neural network (CNN) running on a NXP Nano UltraLite compute platform, consuming less than 350mW. Helios can recognize seven classes of gestures, including subtle microgestures like swipes and pinches, with 91% accuracy. We also demonstrate real-time performance across 20 users at a remarkably low latency of 60ms. Our user testing results align with the positive feedback we received during our recent successful demo at AWE-USA-2024.

cross VisioBlend: Sketch and Stroke-Guided Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Realistic Image Generation

Authors: Harshkumar Devmurari, Gautham Kuckian, Prajjwal Vishwakarma, Krunali Vartak

Abstract: Generating images from hand-drawings is a crucial and fundamental task in content creation. The translation is challenging due to the infinite possibilities and the diverse expectations of users. However, traditional methods are often limited by the availability of training data. Therefore, VisioBlend, a unified framework supporting three-dimensional control over image synthesis from sketches and strokes based on diffusion models, is proposed. It enables users to decide the level of faithfulness to the input strokes and sketches. VisioBlend achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of realism and flexibility, enabling various applications in image synthesis from sketches and strokes. It solves the problem of data availability by synthesizing new data points from hand-drawn sketches and strokes, enriching the dataset and enabling more robust and diverse image synthesis. This work showcases the power of diffusion models in image creation, offering a user-friendly and versatile approach for turning artistic visions into reality.

cross Multi-scale Conditional Generative Modeling for Microscopic Image Restoration

Authors: Luzhe Huang, Xiongye Xiao, Shixuan Li, Jiawen Sun, Yi Huang, Aydogan Ozcan, Paul Bogdan

Abstract: The advance of diffusion-based generative models in recent years has revolutionized state-of-the-art (SOTA) techniques in a wide variety of image analysis and synthesis tasks, whereas their adaptation on image restoration, particularly within computational microscopy remains theoretically and empirically underexplored. In this research, we introduce a multi-scale generative model that enhances conditional image restoration through a novel exploitation of the Brownian Bridge process within wavelet domain. By initiating the Brownian Bridge diffusion process specifically at the lowest-frequency subband and applying generative adversarial networks at subsequent multi-scale high-frequency subbands in the wavelet domain, our method provides significant acceleration during training and sampling while sustaining a high image generation quality and diversity on par with SOTA diffusion models. Experimental results on various computational microscopy and imaging tasks confirm our method's robust performance and its considerable reduction in its sampling steps and time. This pioneering technique offers an efficient image restoration framework that harmonizes efficiency with quality, signifying a major stride in incorporating cutting-edge generative models into computational microscopy workflows.

cross Disciplined Geodesically Convex Programming

Authors: Andrew Cheng, Vaibhav Dixit, Melanie Weber

Abstract: Convex programming plays a fundamental role in machine learning, data science, and engineering. Testing convexity structure in nonlinear programs relies on verifying the convexity of objectives and constraints. \citet{grant2006disciplined} introduced a framework, Disciplined Convex Programming (DCP), for automating this verification task for a wide range of convex functions that can be decomposed into basic convex functions (atoms) using convexity-preserving compositions and transformations (rules). However, the restriction to Euclidean convexity concepts can limit the applicability of the framework. For instance, many notable instances of statistical estimators and matrix-valued (sub)routines in machine learning applications are Euclidean non-convex, but exhibit geodesic convexity through a more general Riemannian lens. In this work, we extend disciplined programming to this setting by introducing Disciplined Geodesically Convex Programming (DGCP). We determine convexity-preserving compositions and transformations for geodesically convex functions on general Cartan-Hadamard manifolds, as well as for the special case of symmetric positive definite matrices, a common setting in matrix-valued optimization. For the latter, we also define a basic set of atoms. Our paper is accompanied by a Julia package SymbolicAnalysis.jl, which provides functionality for testing and certifying DGCP-compliant expressions. Our library interfaces with manifold optimization software, which allows for directly solving verified geodesically convex programs.

cross FastSpiker: Enabling Fast Training for Spiking Neural Networks on Event-based Data through Learning Rate Enhancements for Autonomous Embedded Systems

Authors: Iqra Bano, Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Alberto Marchisio, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Autonomous embedded systems (e.g., robots) typically necessitate intelligent computation with low power/energy processing for completing their tasks. Such requirements can be fulfilled by embodied neuromorphic intelligence with spiking neural networks (SNNs) because of their high learning quality (e.g., accuracy) and sparse computation. Here, the employment of event-based data is preferred to ensure seamless connectivity between input and processing parts. However, state-of-the-art SNNs still face a long training time to achieve high accuracy, thereby incurring high energy consumption and producing a high rate of carbon emission. Toward this, we propose FastSpiker, a novel methodology that enables fast SNN training on event-based data through learning rate enhancements targeting autonomous embedded systems. In FastSpiker, we first investigate the impact of different learning rate policies and their values, then select the ones that quickly offer high accuracy. Afterward, we explore different settings for the selected learning rate policies to find the appropriate policies through a statistical-based decision. Experimental results show that our FastSpiker offers up to 10.5x faster training time and up to 88.39% lower carbon emission to achieve higher or comparable accuracy to the state-of-the-art on the event-based automotive dataset (i.e., NCARS). In this manner, our FastSpiker methodology paves the way for green and sustainable computing in realizing embodied neuromorphic intelligence for autonomous embedded systems.

cross Topological Persistence Guided Knowledge Distillation for Wearable Sensor Data

Authors: Eun Som Jeon, Hongjun Choi, Ankita Shukla, Yuan Wang, Hyunglae Lee, Matthew P. Buman, Pavan Turaga

Abstract: Deep learning methods have achieved a lot of success in various applications involving converting wearable sensor data to actionable health insights. A common application areas is activity recognition, where deep-learning methods still suffer from limitations such as sensitivity to signal quality, sensor characteristic variations, and variability between subjects. To mitigate these issues, robust features obtained by topological data analysis (TDA) have been suggested as a potential solution. However, there are two significant obstacles to using topological features in deep learning: (1) large computational load to extract topological features using TDA, and (2) different signal representations obtained from deep learning and TDA which makes fusion difficult. In this paper, to enable integration of the strengths of topological methods in deep-learning for time-series data, we propose to use two teacher networks, one trained on the raw time-series data, and another trained on persistence images generated by TDA methods. The distilled student model utilizes only the raw time-series data at test-time. This approach addresses both issues. The use of KD with multiple teachers utilizes complementary information, and results in a compact model with strong supervisory features and an integrated richer representation. To assimilate desirable information from different modalities, we design new constraints, including orthogonality imposed on feature correlation maps for improving feature expressiveness and allowing the student to easily learn from the teacher. Also, we apply an annealing strategy in KD for fast saturation and better accommodation from different features, while the knowledge gap between the teachers and student is reduced. Finally, a robust student model is distilled, which uses only the time-series data as an input, while implicitly preserving topological features.

cross Interpreting the Residual Stream of ResNet18

Authors: Andr\'e Longon

Abstract: A mechanistic understanding of the computations learned by deep neural networks (DNNs) is far from complete. In the domain of visual object recognition, prior research has illuminated inner workings of InceptionV1, but DNNs with different architectures have remained largely unexplored. This work investigates ResNet18 with a particular focus on its residual stream, an architectural mechanism which InceptionV1 lacks. We observe that for a given block, channel features of the stream are updated along a spectrum: either the input feature skips to the output, the block feature overwrites the output, or the output is some mixture between the input and block features. Furthermore, we show that many residual stream channels compute scale invariant representations through a mixture of the input's smaller-scale feature with the block's larger-scale feature. This not only mounts evidence for the universality of scale equivariance, but also presents how the residual stream further implements scale invariance. Collectively, our results begin an interpretation of the residual stream in visual object recognition, finding it to be a flexible feature manager and a medium to build scale invariant representations.

cross A Fair Post-Processing Method based on the MADD Metric for Predictive Student Models

Authors: M\'elina Verger, Chunyang Fan, S\'ebastien Lall\'e, Fran\c{c}ois Bouchet, Vanda Luengo

Abstract: Predictive student models are increasingly used in learning environments. However, due to the rising social impact of their usage, it is now all the more important for these models to be both sufficiently accurate and fair in their predictions. To evaluate algorithmic fairness, a new metric has been developed in education, namely the Model Absolute Density Distance (MADD). This metric enables us to measure how different a predictive model behaves regarding two groups of students, in order to quantify its algorithmic unfairness. In this paper, we thus develop a post-processing method based on this metric, that aims at improving the fairness while preserving the accuracy of relevant predictive models' results. We experiment with our approach on the task of predicting student success in an online course, using both simulated and real-world educational data, and obtain successful results. Our source code and data are in open access at .


cross IL-TUR: Benchmark for Indian Legal Text Understanding and Reasoning

Authors: Abhinav Joshi, Shounak Paul, Akshat Sharma, Pawan Goyal, Saptarshi Ghosh, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: Legal systems worldwide are inundated with exponential growth in cases and documents. There is an imminent need to develop NLP and ML techniques for automatically processing and understanding legal documents to streamline the legal system. However, evaluating and comparing various NLP models designed specifically for the legal domain is challenging. This paper addresses this challenge by proposing IL-TUR: Benchmark for Indian Legal Text Understanding and Reasoning. IL-TUR contains monolingual (English, Hindi) and multi-lingual (9 Indian languages) domain-specific tasks that address different aspects of the legal system from the point of view of understanding and reasoning over Indian legal documents. We present baseline models (including LLM-based) for each task, outlining the gap between models and the ground truth. To foster further research in the legal domain, we create a leaderboard (available at: where the research community can upload and compare legal text understanding systems.


cross iSign: A Benchmark for Indian Sign Language Processing

Authors: Abhinav Joshi, Romit Mohanty, Mounika Kanakanti, Andesha Mangla, Sudeep Choudhary, Monali Barbate, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: Indian Sign Language has limited resources for developing machine learning and data-driven approaches for automated language processing. Though text/audio-based language processing techniques have shown colossal research interest and tremendous improvements in the last few years, Sign Languages still need to catch up due to the need for more resources. To bridge this gap, in this work, we propose iSign: a benchmark for Indian Sign Language (ISL) Processing. We make three primary contributions to this work. First, we release one of the largest ISL-English datasets with more than 118K video-sentence/phrase pairs. To the best of our knowledge, it is the largest sign language dataset available for ISL. Second, we propose multiple NLP-specific tasks (including SignVideo2Text, SignPose2Text, Text2Pose, Word Prediction, and Sign Semantics) and benchmark them with the baseline models for easier access to the research community. Third, we provide detailed insights into the proposed benchmarks with a few linguistic insights into the workings of ISL. We streamline the evaluation of Sign Language processing, addressing the gaps in the NLP research community for Sign Languages. We release the dataset, tasks, and models via the following website:


cross Synthetic Test Data Generation Using Recurrent Neural Networks: A Position Paper

Authors: Razieh Behjati, Erik Arisholm, Chao Tan, Margrethe M. Bedregal

Abstract: Testing in production-like test environments is an essential part of quality assurance processes in many industries. Provisioning of such test environments, for information-intensive services, involves setting up databases that are rich-enough to enable simulating a wide variety of user scenarios. While production data is perhaps the gold-standard here, many organizations, particularly within the public sectors, are not allowed to use production data for testing purposes due to privacy concerns. The alternatives are to use anonymized data, or synthetically generated data. In this paper, we elaborate on these alternatives and compare them in an industrial context. Further we focus on synthetic data generation and investigate the use of recurrent neural networks for this purpose. In our preliminary experiments, we were able to generate representative and highly accurate data using a recurrent neural network. These results open new research questions that we discuss here, and plan to investigate in our future research.

cross SBoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation with Regional Weight Updates

Authors: Lai-Man Po, Yuyang Liu, Haoxuan Wu, Tianqi Zhang, Wing-Yin Yu, Zeyu Jiang, Kun Li

Abstract: This paper introduces Standard Basis LoRA (SBoRA), a novel parameter-efficient fine-tuning approach for Large Language Models that builds upon the pioneering works of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and Orthogonal Adaptation. SBoRA further reduces the computational and memory requirements of LoRA while enhancing learning performance. By leveraging orthogonal standard basis vectors to initialize one of the low-rank matrices, either A or B, SBoRA enables regional weight updates and memory-efficient fine-tuning. This approach gives rise to two variants, SBoRA-FA and SBoRA-FB, where only one of the matrices is updated, resulting in a sparse update matrix with a majority of zero rows or columns. Consequently, the majority of the fine-tuned model's weights remain unchanged from the pre-trained weights. This characteristic of SBoRA, wherein regional weight updates occur, is reminiscent of the modular organization of the human brain, which efficiently adapts to new tasks. Our empirical results demonstrate the superiority of SBoRA-FA over LoRA in various fine-tuning tasks, including commonsense reasoning and arithmetic reasoning. Furthermore, we evaluate the effectiveness of QSBoRA on quantized LLaMA models of varying scales, highlighting its potential for efficient adaptation to new tasks. Code is available at


cross AI in Manufacturing: Market Analysis and Opportunities

Authors: Mohamed Abdelaal

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the manufacturing sector, highlighting its potential to revolutionize industry practices and enhance operational efficiency. We delve into various applications of AI in manufacturing, with a particular emphasis on human-machine interfaces (HMI) and AI-powered milling machines, showcasing how these technologies contribute to more intuitive operations and precision in production processes. Through rigorous market analysis, the paper presents insightful data on AI adoption rates among German manufacturers, comparing these figures with global trends and exploring the specific uses of AI in production, maintenance, customer service, and more. In addition, the paper examines the emerging field of Generative AI and the potential applications of large language models in manufacturing processes. The findings indicate a significant increase in AI adoption from 6% in 2020 to 13.3% in 2023 among German companies, with a projection of substantial economic impact by 2030. The study also addresses the challenges faced by companies, such as data quality and integration hurdles, providing a balanced view of the opportunities and obstacles in AI implementation.

cross Just read twice: closing the recall gap for recurrent language models

Authors: Simran Arora, Aman Timalsina, Aaryan Singhal, Benjamin Spector, Sabri Eyuboglu, Xinyi Zhao, Ashish Rao, Atri Rudra, Christopher R\'e

Abstract: Recurrent large language models that compete with Transformers in language modeling perplexity are emerging at a rapid rate (e.g., Mamba, RWKV). Excitingly, these architectures use a constant amount of memory during inference. However, due to the limited memory, recurrent LMs cannot recall and use all the information in long contexts leading to brittle in-context learning (ICL) quality. A key challenge for efficient LMs is selecting what information to store versus discard. In this work, we observe the order in which information is shown to the LM impacts the selection difficulty. To formalize this, we show that the hardness of information recall reduces to the hardness of a problem called set disjointness (SD), a quintessential problem in communication complexity that requires a streaming algorithm (e.g., recurrent model) to decide whether inputted sets are disjoint. We empirically and theoretically show that the recurrent memory required to solve SD changes with set order, i.e., whether the smaller set appears first in-context. Our analysis suggests, to mitigate the reliance on data order, we can put information in the right order in-context or process prompts non-causally. Towards that end, we propose: (1) JRT-Prompt, where context gets repeated multiple times in the prompt, effectively showing the model all data orders. This gives $11.0 \pm 1.3$ points of improvement, averaged across $16$ recurrent LMs and the $6$ ICL tasks, with $11.9\times$ higher throughput than FlashAttention-2 for generation prefill (length $32$k, batch size $16$, NVidia H100). We then propose (2) JRT-RNN, which uses non-causal prefix-linear-attention to process prompts and provides $99\%$ of Transformer quality at $360$M params., $30$B tokens and $96\%$ at $1.3$B params., $50$B tokens on average across the tasks, with $19.2\times$ higher throughput for prefill than FA2.

cross Multi-level Reliability Interface for Semantic Communications over Wireless Networks

Authors: Tze-Yang Tung, Homa Esfahanizadeh, Jinfeng Du, Harish Viswanathan

Abstract: Semantic communication, when examined through the lens of joint source-channel coding (JSCC), maps source messages directly into channel input symbols, where the measure of success is defined by end-to-end distortion rather than traditional metrics such as block error rate. Previous studies have shown significant improvements achieved through deep learning (DL)-driven JSCC compared to traditional separate source and channel coding. However, JSCC is impractical in existing communication networks, where application and network providers are typically different entities connected over general-purpose TCP/IP links. In this paper, we propose designing the source and channel mappings separately and sequentially via a novel multi-level reliability interface. This conceptual interface enables semi-JSCC at both the learned source and channel mappers and achieves many of the gains observed in existing DL-based JSCC work (which would require a fully joint design between the application and the network), such as lower end-to-end distortion and graceful degradation of distortion with channel quality. We believe this work represents an important step towards realizing semantic communications in wireless networks.

cross SCATTER: Algorithm-Circuit Co-Sparse Photonic Accelerator with Thermal-Tolerant, Power-Efficient In-situ Light Redistribution

Authors: Ziang Yin, Nicholas Gangi, Meng Zhang, Jeff Zhang, Rena Huang, Jiaqi Gu

Abstract: Photonic computing has emerged as a promising solution for accelerating computation-intensive artificial intelligence (AI) workloads. However, limited reconfigurability, high electrical-optical conversion cost, and thermal sensitivity limit the deployment of current optical analog computing engines to support power-restricted, performance-sensitive AI workloads at scale. Sparsity provides a great opportunity for hardware-efficient AI accelerators. However, current dense photonic accelerators fail to fully exploit the power-saving potential of algorithmic sparsity. It requires sparsity-aware hardware specialization with a fundamental re-design of photonic tensor core topology and cross-layer device-circuit-architecture-algorithm co-optimization aware of hardware non-ideality and power bottleneck. To trim down the redundant power consumption while maximizing robustness to thermal variations, we propose SCATTER, a novel algorithm-circuit co-sparse photonic accelerator featuring dynamically reconfigurable signal path via thermal-tolerant, power-efficient in-situ light redistribution and power gating. A power-optimized, crosstalk-aware dynamic sparse training framework is introduced to explore row-column structured sparsity and ensure marginal accuracy loss and maximum power efficiency. The extensive evaluation shows that our cross-stacked optimized accelerator SCATTER achieves a 511X area reduction and 12.4X power saving with superior crosstalk tolerance that enables unprecedented circuit layout compactness and on-chip power efficiency.

cross Rethinking Image Skip Connections in StyleGAN2

Authors: Seung Park, Yong-Goo Shin

Abstract: Various models based on StyleGAN have gained significant traction in the field of image synthesis, attributed to their robust training stability and superior performances. Within the StyleGAN framework, the adoption of image skip connection is favored over the traditional residual connection. However, this preference is just based on empirical observations; there has not been any in-depth mathematical analysis on it yet. To rectify this situation, this brief aims to elucidate the mathematical meaning of the image skip connection and introduce a groundbreaking methodology, termed the image squeeze connection, which significantly improves the quality of image synthesis. Specifically, we analyze the image skip connection technique to reveal its problem and introduce the proposed method which not only effectively boosts the GAN performance but also reduces the required number of network parameters. Extensive experiments on various datasets demonstrate that the proposed method consistently enhances the performance of state-of-the-art models based on StyleGAN. We believe that our findings represent a vital advancement in the field of image synthesis, suggesting a novel direction for future research and applications.

cross OSN: Infinite Representations of Dynamic 3D Scenes from Monocular Videos

Authors: Ziyang Song, Jinxi Li, Bo Yang

Abstract: It has long been challenging to recover the underlying dynamic 3D scene representations from a monocular RGB video. Existing works formulate this problem into finding a single most plausible solution by adding various constraints such as depth priors and strong geometry constraints, ignoring the fact that there could be infinitely many 3D scene representations corresponding to a single dynamic video. In this paper, we aim to learn all plausible 3D scene configurations that match the input video, instead of just inferring a specific one. To achieve this ambitious goal, we introduce a new framework, called OSN. The key to our approach is a simple yet innovative object scale network together with a joint optimization module to learn an accurate scale range for every dynamic 3D object. This allows us to sample as many faithful 3D scene configurations as possible. Extensive experiments show that our method surpasses all baselines and achieves superior accuracy in dynamic novel view synthesis on multiple synthetic and real-world datasets. Most notably, our method demonstrates a clear advantage in learning fine-grained 3D scene geometry. Our code and data are available at


cross New Directions in Text Classification Research: Maximizing The Performance of Sentiment Classification from Limited Data

Authors: Surya Agustian, Muhammad Irfan Syah, Nurul Fatiara, Rahmad Abdillah

Abstract: The stakeholders' needs in sentiment analysis for various issues, whether positive or negative, are speed and accuracy. One new challenge in sentiment analysis tasks is the limited training data, which often leads to suboptimal machine learning models and poor performance on test data. This paper discusses the problem of text classification based on limited training data (300 to 600 samples) into three classes: positive, negative, and neutral. A benchmark dataset is provided for training and testing data on the issue of Kaesang Pangarep's appointment as Chairman of PSI. External data for aggregation and augmentation purposes are provided, consisting of two datasets: the topic of Covid Vaccination sentiment and an open topic. The official score used is the F1-score, which balances precision and recall among the three classes, positive, negative, and neutral. A baseline score is provided as a reference for researchers for unoptimized classification methods. The optimized score is provided as a reference for the target score to be achieved by any proposed method. Both scoring (baseline and optimized) use the SVM method, which is widely reported as the state-of-the-art in conventional machine learning methods. The F1-scores achieved by the baseline and optimized methods are 40.83% and 51.28%, respectively.

cross The Dynamic Net Architecture: Learning Robust and Holistic Visual Representations Through Self-Organizing Networks

Authors: Pascal J. Sager, Jan M. Deriu, Benjamin F. Grewe, Thilo Stadelmann, Christoph von der Malsburg

Abstract: We present a novel intelligent-system architecture called "Dynamic Net Architecture" (DNA) that relies on recurrence-stabilized networks and discuss it in application to vision. Our architecture models a (cerebral cortical) area wherein elementary feature neurons encode details of visual structures, and coherent nets of such neurons model holistic object structures. By interpreting smaller or larger coherent pieces of an area network as complex features, our model encodes hierarchical feature representations essentially different than artificial neural networks (ANNs). DNA models operate on a dynamic connectionism principle, wherein neural activations stemming from initial afferent signals undergo stabilization through a self-organizing mechanism facilitated by Hebbian plasticity alongside periodically tightening inhibition. In contrast to ANNs, which rely on feed-forward connections and backpropagation of error, we posit that this processing paradigm leads to highly robust representations, as by employing dynamic lateral connections, irrelevant details in neural activations are filtered out, freeing further processing steps from distracting noise and premature decisions. We empirically demonstrate the viability of the DNA by composing line fragments into longer lines and show that the construction of nets representing lines remains robust even with the introduction of up to $59\%$ noise at each spatial location. Furthermore, we demonstrate the model's capability to reconstruct anticipated features from partially obscured inputs and that it can generalize to patterns not observed during training. In this work, we limit the DNA to one cortical area and focus on its internals while providing insights into a standalone area's strengths and shortcomings. Additionally, we provide an outlook on how future work can implement invariant object recognition by combining multiple areas.

cross Random Features Hopfield Networks generalize retrieval to previously unseen examples

Authors: Silvio Kalaj, Clarissa Lauditi, Gabriele Perugini, Carlo Lucibello, Enrico M. Malatesta, Matteo Negri

Abstract: It has been recently shown that a learning transition happens when a Hopfield Network stores examples generated as superpositions of random features, where new attractors corresponding to such features appear in the model. In this work we reveal that the network also develops attractors corresponding to previously unseen examples generated with the same set of features. We explain this surprising behaviour in terms of spurious states of the learned features: we argue that, increasing the number of stored examples beyond the learning transition, the model also learns to mix the features to represent both stored and previously unseen examples. We support this claim with the computation of the phase diagram of the model.

cross How DNNs break the Curse of Dimensionality: Compositionality and Symmetry Learning

Authors: Arthur Jacot, Seok Hoan Choi, Yuxiao Wen

Abstract: We show that deep neural networks (DNNs) can efficiently learn any composition of functions with bounded $F_{1}$-norm, which allows DNNs to break the curse of dimensionality in ways that shallow networks cannot. More specifically, we derive a generalization bound that combines a covering number argument for compositionality, and the $F_{1}$-norm (or the related Barron norm) for large width adaptivity. We show that the global minimizer of the regularized loss of DNNs can fit for example the composition of two functions $f^{*}=h\circ g$ from a small number of observations, assuming $g$ is smooth/regular and reduces the dimensionality (e.g. $g$ could be the modulo map of the symmetries of $f^{*}$), so that $h$ can be learned in spite of its low regularity. The measures of regularity we consider is the Sobolev norm with different levels of differentiability, which is well adapted to the $F_{1}$ norm. We compute scaling laws empirically and observe phase transitions depending on whether $g$ or $h$ is harder to learn, as predicted by our theory.

cross Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Neural Network for Uncertainty Quantification in Transonic Aerodynamic Loads

Authors: Andrea Vaiuso, Gabriele Immordino, Marcello Righi, Andrea Da Ronch

Abstract: Multi-fidelity models are becoming more prevalent in engineering, particularly in aerospace, as they combine both the computational efficiency of low-fidelity models with the high accuracy of higher-fidelity simulations. Various state-of-the-art techniques exist for fusing data from different fidelity sources, including Co-Kriging and transfer learning in neural networks. This paper aims to implement a multi-fidelity Bayesian neural network model that applies transfer learning to fuse data generated by models at different fidelities. Bayesian neural networks use probability distributions over network weights, enabling them to provide predictions along with estimates of their confidence. This approach harnesses the predictive and data fusion capabilities of neural networks while also quantifying uncertainty. The results demonstrate that the multi-fidelity Bayesian model outperforms the state-of-the-art Co-Kriging in terms of overall accuracy and robustness on unseen data.

cross On the Limitations of Compute Thresholds as a Governance Strategy

Authors: Sara Hooker

Abstract: At face value, this essay is about understanding a fairly esoteric governance tool called compute thresholds. However, in order to grapple with whether these thresholds will achieve anything, we must first understand how they came to be. This requires engaging with a decades-old debate at the heart of computer science progress, namely, is bigger always better? Hence, this essay may be of interest not only to policymakers and the wider public but also to computer scientists interested in understanding the role of compute in unlocking breakthroughs. Does a certain inflection point of compute result in changes to the risk profile of a model? This discussion is increasingly urgent given the wide adoption of governance approaches that suggest greater compute equates with higher propensity for harm. Several leading frontier AI companies have released responsible scaling policies. Both the White House Executive Orders on AI Safety (EO) and the EU AI Act encode the use of FLOP or floating-point operations as a way to identify more powerful systems. What is striking about the choice of compute thresholds to-date is that no models currently deployed in the wild fulfill the current criteria set by the EO. This implies that the emphasis is often not on auditing the risks and harms incurred by currently deployed models - but rather is based upon the belief that future levels of compute will introduce unforeseen new risks. A key conclusion of this essay is that compute thresholds as currently implemented are shortsighted and likely to fail to mitigate risk. Governance that is overly reliant on compute fails to understand that the relationship between compute and risk is highly uncertain and rapidly changing. It also overestimates our ability to predict what abilities emerge at different scales. This essay ends with recommendations for a better way forward.

cross LDGCN: An Edge-End Lightweight Dual GCN Based on Single-Channel EEG for Driver Drowsiness Monitoring

Authors: Jingwei Huang, Chuansheng Wang, Jiayan Huang, Haoyi Fan, Antoni Grau, Fuquan Zhang

Abstract: Driver drowsiness electroencephalography (EEG) signal monitoring can timely alert drivers of their drowsiness status, thereby reducing the probability of traffic accidents. Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have shown significant advancements in processing the non-stationary, time-varying, and non-Euclidean nature of EEG signals. However, the existing single-channel EEG adjacency graph construction process lacks interpretability, which hinders the ability of GCNs to effectively extract adjacency graph features, thus affecting the performance of drowsiness monitoring. To address this issue, we propose an edge-end lightweight dual graph convolutional network (LDGCN). Specifically, we are the first to incorporate neurophysiological knowledge to design a Baseline Drowsiness Status Adjacency Graph (BDSAG), which characterizes driver drowsiness status. Additionally, to express more features within limited EEG data, we introduce the Augmented Graph-level Module (AGM). This module captures global and local information at the graph level, ensuring that BDSAG features remain intact while enhancing effective feature expression capability. Furthermore, to deploy our method on the fourth-generation Raspberry Pi, we utilize Adaptive Pruning Optimization (APO) on both channels and neurons, reducing inference latency by almost half. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that LDGCN offers the best trade-off between monitoring performance and hardware resource utilization compared to existing state-of-the-art algorithms. All our source code can be found at


cross Sequential Contrastive Audio-Visual Learning

Authors: Ioannis Tsiamas, Santiago Pascual, Chunghsin Yeh, Joan Serr\`a

Abstract: Contrastive learning has emerged as a powerful technique in audio-visual representation learning, leveraging the natural co-occurrence of audio and visual modalities in extensive web-scale video datasets to achieve significant advancements. However, conventional contrastive audio-visual learning methodologies often rely on aggregated representations derived through temporal aggregation, which neglects the intrinsic sequential nature of the data. This oversight raises concerns regarding the ability of standard approaches to capture and utilize fine-grained information within sequences, information that is vital for distinguishing between semantically similar yet distinct examples. In response to this limitation, we propose sequential contrastive audio-visual learning (SCAV), which contrasts examples based on their non-aggregated representation space using sequential distances. Retrieval experiments with the VGGSound and Music datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of SCAV, showing 2-3x relative improvements against traditional aggregation-based contrastive learning and other methods from the literature. We also show that models trained with SCAV exhibit a high degree of flexibility regarding the metric employed for retrieval, allowing them to operate on a spectrum of efficiency-accuracy trade-offs, potentially making them applicable in multiple scenarios, from small- to large-scale retrieval.

cross A Data-Driven Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Albedo Anomalies on the Lunar Surface

Authors: Sofia Strukova, Sergei Gleyzer, Patrick Peplowski, Jason P. Terry

Abstract: This study introduces a data-driven approach using machine learning (ML) techniques to explore and predict albedo anomalies on the Moon's surface. The research leverages diverse planetary datasets, including high-spatial-resolution albedo maps and element maps (LPFe, LPK, LPTh, LPTi) derived from laser and gamma-ray measurements. The primary objective is to identify relationships between chemical elements and albedo, thereby expanding our understanding of planetary surfaces and offering predictive capabilities for areas with incomplete datasets. To bridge the gap in resolution between the albedo and element maps, we employ Gaussian blurring techniques, including an innovative adaptive Gaussian blur. Our methodology culminates in the deployment of an Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression Model, optimized to predict full albedo based on elemental composition. Furthermore, we present an interactive analytical tool to visualize prediction errors, delineating their spatial and chemical characteristics. The findings not only pave the way for a more comprehensive understanding of the Moon's surface but also provide a framework for similar studies on other celestial bodies.

cross An Empirical Comparison of Vocabulary Expansion and Initialization Approaches for Language Models

Authors: Nandini Mundra, Aditya Nanda Kishore, Raj Dabre, Ratish Puduppully, Anoop Kunchukuttan, Mitesh M. Khapra

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) excel in natural language processing tasks for English but show reduced performance in most other languages. This problem is commonly tackled by continually pre-training and fine-tuning these models for said languages. A significant issue in this process is the limited vocabulary coverage in the original model's tokenizer, leading to inadequate representation of new languages and necessitating an expansion of the tokenizer. The initialization of the embeddings corresponding to new vocabulary items presents a further challenge. Current strategies require cross-lingual embeddings and lack a solid theoretical foundation as well as comparisons with strong baselines. In this paper, we first establish theoretically that initializing within the convex hull of existing embeddings is a good initialization, followed by a novel but simple approach, Constrained Word2Vec (CW2V), which does not require cross-lingual embeddings. Our study evaluates different initialization methods for expanding RoBERTa and LLaMA 2 across four languages and five tasks. The results show that CW2V performs equally well or even better than more advanced techniques. Additionally, simpler approaches like multivariate initialization perform on par with these advanced methods indicating that efficient large-scale multilingual continued pretraining can be achieved even with simpler initialization methods.

cross Neural Network-based Information Set Weighting for Playing Reconnaissance Blind Chess

Authors: Timo Bertram, Johannes F\"urnkranz, Martin M\"uller

Abstract: In imperfect information games, the game state is generally not fully observable to players. Therefore, good gameplay requires policies that deal with the different information that is hidden from each player. To combat this, effective algorithms often reason about information sets; the sets of all possible game states that are consistent with a player's observations. While there is no way to distinguish between the states within an information set, this property does not imply that all states are equally likely to occur in play. We extend previous research on assigning weights to the states in an information set in order to facilitate better gameplay in the imperfect information game of Reconnaissance Blind Chess. For this, we train two different neural networks which estimate the likelihood of each state in an information set from historical game data. Experimentally, we find that a Siamese neural network is able to achieve higher accuracy and is more efficient than a classical convolutional neural network for the given domain. Finally, we evaluate an RBC-playing agent that is based on the generated weightings and compare different parameter settings that influence how strongly it should rely on them. The resulting best player is ranked 5th on the public leaderboard.

cross Efficiently Training Neural Networks for Imperfect Information Games by Sampling Information Sets

Authors: Timo Bertram, Johannes F\"urnkranz, Martin M\"uller

Abstract: In imperfect information games, the evaluation of a game state not only depends on the observable world but also relies on hidden parts of the environment. As accessing the obstructed information trivialises state evaluations, one approach to tackle such problems is to estimate the value of the imperfect state as a combination of all states in the information set, i.e., all possible states that are consistent with the current imperfect information. In this work, the goal is to learn a function that maps from the imperfect game information state to its expected value. However, constructing a perfect training set, i.e. an enumeration of the whole information set for numerous imperfect states, is often infeasible. To compute the expected values for an imperfect information game like \textit{Reconnaissance Blind Chess}, one would need to evaluate thousands of chess positions just to obtain the training target for a single state. Still, the expected value of a state can already be approximated with appropriate accuracy from a much smaller set of evaluations. Thus, in this paper, we empirically investigate how a budget of perfect information game evaluations should be distributed among training samples to maximise the return. Our results show that sampling a small number of states, in our experiments roughly 3, for a larger number of separate positions is preferable over repeatedly sampling a smaller quantity of states. Thus, we find that in our case, the quantity of different samples seems to be more important than higher target quality.

cross Generation and De-Identification of Indian Clinical Discharge Summaries using LLMs

Authors: Sanjeet Singh, Shreya Gupta, Niralee Gupta, Naimish Sharma, Lokesh Srivastava, Vibhu Agarwal, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: The consequences of a healthcare data breach can be devastating for the patients, providers, and payers. The average financial impact of a data breach in recent months has been estimated to be close to USD 10 million. This is especially significant for healthcare organizations in India that are managing rapid digitization while still establishing data governance procedures that align with the letter and spirit of the law. Computer-based systems for de-identification of personal information are vulnerable to data drift, often rendering them ineffective in cross-institution settings. Therefore, a rigorous assessment of existing de-identification against local health datasets is imperative to support the safe adoption of digital health initiatives in India. Using a small set of de-identified patient discharge summaries provided by an Indian healthcare institution, in this paper, we report the nominal performance of de-identification algorithms (based on language models) trained on publicly available non-Indian datasets, pointing towards a lack of cross-institutional generalization. Similarly, experimentation with off-the-shelf de-identification systems reveals potential risks associated with the approach. To overcome data scarcity, we explore generating synthetic clinical reports (using publicly available and Indian summaries) by performing in-context learning over Large Language Models (LLMs). Our experiments demonstrate the use of generated reports as an effective strategy for creating high-performing de-identification systems with good generalization capabilities.

cross TAPVid-3D: A Benchmark for Tracking Any Point in 3D

Authors: Skanda Koppula, Ignacio Rocco, Yi Yang, Joe Heyward, Jo\~ao Carreira, Andrew Zisserman, Gabriel Brostow, Carl Doersch

Abstract: We introduce a new benchmark, TAPVid-3D, for evaluating the task of long-range Tracking Any Point in 3D (TAP-3D). While point tracking in two dimensions (TAP) has many benchmarks measuring performance on real-world videos, such as TAPVid-DAVIS, three-dimensional point tracking has none. To this end, leveraging existing footage, we build a new benchmark for 3D point tracking featuring 4,000+ real-world videos, composed of three different data sources spanning a variety of object types, motion patterns, and indoor and outdoor environments. To measure performance on the TAP-3D task, we formulate a collection of metrics that extend the Jaccard-based metric used in TAP to handle the complexities of ambiguous depth scales across models, occlusions, and multi-track spatio-temporal smoothness. We manually verify a large sample of trajectories to ensure correct video annotations, and assess the current state of the TAP-3D task by constructing competitive baselines using existing tracking models. We anticipate this benchmark will serve as a guidepost to improve our ability to understand precise 3D motion and surface deformation from monocular video. Code for dataset download, generation, and model evaluation is available at


cross H-STAR: LLM-driven Hybrid SQL-Text Adaptive Reasoning on Tables

Authors: Nikhil Abhyankar, Vivek Gupta, Dan Roth, Chandan K. Reddy

Abstract: Tabular reasoning involves interpreting unstructured queries against structured tables, requiring a synthesis of textual understanding and symbolic reasoning. Existing methods rely on either of the approaches and are constrained by their respective limitations. Textual reasoning excels in semantic interpretation unlike symbolic reasoning (SQL logic), but falls short in mathematical reasoning where SQL excels. In this paper, we introduce a novel algorithm H-STAR, comprising table extraction and adaptive reasoning, integrating both symbolic and semantic (text-based) approaches. To enhance evidence extraction, H-STAR employs a multi-view approach, incorporating step-by-step row and column retrieval. It also adapts reasoning strategies based on question types, utilizing symbolic reasoning for quantitative and logical tasks, and semantic reasoning for direct lookup and complex lexical queries. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that H-STAR significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods across three tabular question-answering (QA) and fact-verification datasets, underscoring its effectiveness and efficiency.

cross T2VSafetyBench: Evaluating the Safety of Text-to-Video Generative Models

Authors: Yibo Miao, Yifan Zhu, Yinpeng Dong, Lijia Yu, Jun Zhu, Xiao-Shan Gao

Abstract: The recent development of Sora leads to a new era in text-to-video (T2V) generation. Along with this comes the rising concern about its security risks. The generated videos may contain illegal or unethical content, and there is a lack of comprehensive quantitative understanding of their safety, posing a challenge to their reliability and practical deployment. Previous evaluations primarily focus on the quality of video generation. While some evaluations of text-to-image models have considered safety, they cover fewer aspects and do not address the unique temporal risk inherent in video generation. To bridge this research gap, we introduce T2VSafetyBench, a new benchmark designed for conducting safety-critical assessments of text-to-video models. We define 12 critical aspects of video generation safety and construct a malicious prompt dataset using LLMs and jailbreaking prompt attacks. Based on our evaluation results, we draw several important findings, including: 1) no single model excels in all aspects, with different models showing various strengths; 2) the correlation between GPT-4 assessments and manual reviews is generally high; 3) there is a trade-off between the usability and safety of text-to-video generative models. This indicates that as the field of video generation rapidly advances, safety risks are set to surge, highlighting the urgency of prioritizing video safety. We hope that T2VSafetyBench can provide insights for better understanding the safety of video generation in the era of generative AI.

cross KidSat: satellite imagery to map childhood poverty dataset and benchmark

Authors: Makkunda Sharma, Fan Yang, Duy-Nhat Vo, Esra Suel, Swapnil Mishra, Samir Bhatt, Oliver Fiala, William Rudgard, Seth Flaxman

Abstract: Satellite imagery has emerged as an important tool to analyse demographic, health, and development indicators. While various deep learning models have been built for these tasks, each is specific to a particular problem, with few standard benchmarks available. We propose a new dataset pairing satellite imagery and high-quality survey data on child poverty to benchmark satellite feature representations. Our dataset consists of 33,608 images, each 10 km $\times$ 10 km, from 19 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa in the time period 1997-2022. As defined by UNICEF, multidimensional child poverty covers six dimensions and it can be calculated from the face-to-face Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program . As part of the benchmark, we test spatial as well as temporal generalization, by testing on unseen locations, and on data after the training years. Using our dataset we benchmark multiple models, from low-level satellite imagery models such as MOSAIKS , to deep learning foundation models, which include both generic vision models such as Self-Distillation with no Labels (DINOv2) models and specific satellite imagery models such as SatMAE. We provide open source code for building the satellite dataset, obtaining ground truth data from DHS and running various models assessed in our work.

cross Simulation-based Benchmarking for Causal Structure Learning in Gene Perturbation Experiments

Authors: Luka Kova\v{c}evi\'c, Izzy Newsham, Sach Mukherjee, John Whittaker

Abstract: Causal structure learning (CSL) refers to the task of learning causal relationships from data. Advances in CSL now allow learning of causal graphs in diverse application domains, which has the potential to facilitate data-driven causal decision-making. Real-world CSL performance depends on a number of $\textit{context-specific}$ factors, including context-specific data distributions and non-linear dependencies, that are important in practical use-cases. However, our understanding of how to assess and select CSL methods in specific contexts remains limited. To address this gap, we present $\textit{CausalRegNet}$, a multiplicative effect structural causal model that allows for generating observational and interventional data incorporating context-specific properties, with a focus on the setting of gene perturbation experiments. Using real-world gene perturbation data, we show that CausalRegNet generates accurate distributions and scales far better than current simulation frameworks. We illustrate the use of CausalRegNet in assessing CSL methods in the context of interventional experiments in biology.

cross Leveraging Transformers for Weakly Supervised Object Localization in Unconstrained Videos

Authors: Shakeeb Murtaza, Marco Pedersoli, Aydin Sarraf, Eric Granger

Abstract: Weakly-Supervised Video Object Localization (WSVOL) involves localizing an object in videos using only video-level labels, also referred to as tags. State-of-the-art WSVOL methods like Temporal CAM (TCAM) rely on class activation mapping (CAM) and typically require a pre-trained CNN classifier. However, their localization accuracy is affected by their tendency to minimize the mutual information between different instances of a class and exploit temporal information during training for downstream tasks, e.g., detection and tracking. In the absence of bounding box annotation, it is challenging to exploit precise information about objects from temporal cues because the model struggles to locate objects over time. To address these issues, a novel method called transformer based CAM for videos (TrCAM-V), is proposed for WSVOL. It consists of a DeiT backbone with two heads for classification and localization. The classification head is trained using standard classification loss (CL), while the localization head is trained using pseudo-labels that are extracted using a pre-trained CLIP model. From these pseudo-labels, the high and low activation values are considered to be foreground and background regions, respectively. Our TrCAM-V method allows training a localization network by sampling pseudo-pixels on the fly from these regions. Additionally, a conditional random field (CRF) loss is employed to align the object boundaries with the foreground map. During inference, the model can process individual frames for real-time localization applications. Extensive experiments on challenging YouTube-Objects unconstrained video datasets show that our TrCAM-V method achieves new state-of-the-art performance in terms of classification and localization accuracy.

cross Learning local equivariant representations for quantum operators

Authors: Zhanghao Zhouyin, Zixi Gan, Shishir Kumar Pandey, Linfeng Zhang, Qiangqiang Gu

Abstract: Predicting quantum operator matrices such as Hamiltonian, overlap, and density matrices in the density functional theory (DFT) framework is crucial for understanding material properties. Current methods often focus on individual operators and struggle with efficiency and scalability for large systems. Here we introduce a novel deep learning model, SLEM (Strictly Localized Equivariant Message-passing) for predicting multiple quantum operators, that achieves state-of-the-art accuracy while dramatically improving computational efficiency. SLEM's key innovation is its strict locality-based design, constructing local, equivariant representations for quantum tensors while preserving physical symmetries. This enables complex many-body dependence without expanding the effective receptive field, leading to superior data efficiency and transferability. Using an innovative SO(2) convolution technique, SLEM reduces the computational complexity of high-order tensor products and is therefore capable of handling systems requiring the $f$ and $g$ orbitals in their basis sets. We demonstrate SLEM's capabilities across diverse 2D and 3D materials, achieving high accuracy even with limited training data. SLEM's design facilitates efficient parallelization, potentially extending DFT simulations to systems with device-level sizes, opening new possibilities for large-scale quantum simulations and high-throughput materials discovery.

cross Variational Best-of-N Alignment

Authors: Afra Amini, Tim Vieira, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Best-of-N (BoN) is a popular and effective algorithm for aligning language models to human preferences. The algorithm works as follows: at inference time, N samples are drawn from the language model, and the sample with the highest reward, as judged by a reward model, is returned as the output. Despite its effectiveness, BoN is computationally expensive; it reduces sampling throughput by a factor of N. To make BoN more efficient at inference time, one strategy is to fine-tune the language model to mimic what BoN does during inference. To achieve this, we derive the distribution induced by the BoN algorithm. We then propose to fine-tune the language model to minimize backward KL divergence to the BoN distribution. Our approach is analogous to mean-field variational inference and, thus, we term it variational BoN (vBoN). To the extent this fine-tuning is successful and we end up with a good approximation, we have reduced the inference cost by a factor of N. Our experiments on a controlled generation task suggest that while variational BoN is not as effective as BoN in aligning language models, it is close to BoN performance as vBoN appears more often on the Pareto frontier of reward and KL divergence compared to models trained with KL-constrained RL objective.

cross MERGE -- A Bimodal Dataset for Static Music Emotion Recognition

Authors: Pedro Lima Louro, Hugo Redinho, Ricardo Santos, Ricardo Malheiro, Renato Panda, Rui Pedro Paiva

Abstract: The Music Emotion Recognition (MER) field has seen steady developments in recent years, with contributions from feature engineering, machine learning, and deep learning. The landscape has also shifted from audio-centric systems to bimodal ensembles that combine audio and lyrics. However, a severe lack of public and sizeable bimodal databases has hampered the development and improvement of bimodal audio-lyrics systems. This article proposes three new audio, lyrics, and bimodal MER research datasets, collectively called MERGE, created using a semi-automatic approach. To comprehensively assess the proposed datasets and establish a baseline for benchmarking, we conducted several experiments for each modality, using feature engineering, machine learning, and deep learning methodologies. In addition, we propose and validate fixed train-validate-test splits. The obtained results confirm the viability of the proposed datasets, achieving the best overall result of 79.21% F1-score for bimodal classification using a deep neural network.

cross Assessing Cardiomegaly in Dogs Using a Simple CNN Model

Authors: Nikhil Deekonda

Abstract: This paper introduces DogHeart, a dataset comprising 1400 training, 200 validation, and 400 test images categorized as small, normal, and large based on VHS score. A custom CNN model is developed, featuring a straightforward architecture with 4 convolutional layers and 4 fully connected layers. Despite the absence of data augmentation, the model achieves a 72\% accuracy in classifying cardiomegaly severity. The study contributes to automated assessment of cardiac conditions in dogs, highlighting the potential for early detection and intervention in veterinary care.

cross Data-driven Nucleus Subclassification on Colon H&E using Style-transferred Digital Pathology

Authors: Lucas W. Remedios, Shunxing Bao, Samuel W. Remedios, Ho Hin Lee, Leon Y. Cai, Thomas Li, Ruining Deng, Nancy R. Newlin, Adam M. Saunders, Can Cui, Jia Li, Qi Liu, Ken S. Lau, Joseph T. Roland, Mary K Washington, Lori A. Coburn, Keith T. Wilson, Yuankai Huo, Bennett A. Landman

Abstract: Understanding the way cells communicate, co-locate, and interrelate is essential to furthering our understanding of how the body functions. H&E is widely available, however, cell subtyping often requires expert knowledge and the use of specialized stains. To reduce the annotation burden, AI has been proposed for the classification of cells on H&E. For example, the recent Colon Nucleus Identification and Classification (CoNIC) Challenge focused on labeling 6 cell types on H&E of the colon. However, the CoNIC Challenge was unable to classify epithelial subtypes (progenitor, enteroendocrine, goblet), lymphocyte subtypes (B, helper T, cytotoxic T), and connective subtypes (fibroblasts). We use inter-modality learning to label previously un-labelable cell types on H&E. We take advantage of multiplexed immunofluorescence (MxIF) histology to label 14 cell subclasses. We performed style transfer on the same MxIF tissues to synthesize realistic virtual H&E which we paired with the MxIF-derived cell subclassification labels. We evaluated the efficacy of using a supervised learning scheme where the input was realistic-quality virtual H&E and the labels were MxIF-derived cell subclasses. We assessed our model on private virtual H&E and public real H&E. On virtual H&E, we were able to classify helper T cells and epithelial progenitors with positive predictive values of $0.34 \pm 0.15$ (prevalence $0.03 \pm 0.01$) and $0.47 \pm 0.1$ (prevalence $0.07 \pm 0.02$) respectively, when using ground truth centroid information. On real H&E we could classify helper T cells and epithelial progenitors with upper bound positive predictive values of $0.43 \pm 0.03$ (parent class prevalence 0.21) and $0.94 \pm 0.02$ (parent class prevalence 0.49) when using ground truth centroid information. This is the first work to provide cell type classification for helper T and epithelial progenitor nuclei on H&E.

cross RNNs, CNNs and Transformers in Human Action Recognition: A Survey and A Hybrid Model

Authors: Khaled Alomar, Halil Ibrahim Aysel, Xiaohao Cai

Abstract: Human Action Recognition (HAR) encompasses the task of monitoring human activities across various domains, including but not limited to medical, educational, entertainment, visual surveillance, video retrieval, and the identification of anomalous activities. Over the past decade, the field of HAR has witnessed substantial progress by leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to effectively extract and comprehend intricate information, thereby enhancing the overall performance of HAR systems. Recently, the domain of computer vision has witnessed the emergence of Vision Transformers (ViTs) as a potent solution. The efficacy of transformer architecture has been validated beyond the confines of image analysis, extending their applicability to diverse video-related tasks. Notably, within this landscape, the research community has shown keen interest in HAR, acknowledging its manifold utility and widespread adoption across various domains. This article aims to present an encompassing survey that focuses on CNNs and the evolution of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to ViTs given their importance in the domain of HAR. By conducting a thorough examination of existing literature and exploring emerging trends, this study undertakes a critical analysis and synthesis of the accumulated knowledge in this field. Additionally, it investigates the ongoing efforts to develop hybrid approaches. Following this direction, this article presents a novel hybrid model that seeks to integrate the inherent strengths of CNNs and ViTs.

cross D{\epsilon}pS: Delayed {\epsilon}-Shrinking for Faster Once-For-All Training

Authors: Aditya Annavajjala, Alind Khare, Animesh Agrawal, Igor Fedorov, Hugo Latapie, Myungjin Lee, Alexey Tumanov

Abstract: CNNs are increasingly deployed across different hardware, dynamic environments, and low-power embedded devices. This has led to the design and training of CNN architectures with the goal of maximizing accuracy subject to such variable deployment constraints. As the number of deployment scenarios grows, there is a need to find scalable solutions to design and train specialized CNNs. Once-for-all training has emerged as a scalable approach that jointly co-trains many models (subnets) at once with a constant training cost and finds specialized CNNs later. The scalability is achieved by training the full model and simultaneously reducing it to smaller subnets that share model weights (weight-shared shrinking). However, existing once-for-all training approaches incur huge training costs reaching 1200 GPU hours. We argue this is because they either start the process of shrinking the full model too early or too late. Hence, we propose Delayed $\epsilon$-Shrinking (D$\epsilon$pS) that starts the process of shrinking the full model when it is partially trained (~50%) which leads to training cost improvement and better in-place knowledge distillation to smaller models. The proposed approach also consists of novel heuristics that dynamically adjust subnet learning rates incrementally (E), leading to improved weight-shared knowledge distillation from larger to smaller subnets as well. As a result, DEpS outperforms state-of-the-art once-for-all training techniques across different datasets including CIFAR10/100, ImageNet-100, and ImageNet-1k on accuracy and cost. It achieves 1.83% higher ImageNet-1k top1 accuracy or the same accuracy with 1.3x reduction in FLOPs and 2.5x drop in training cost (GPU*hrs)

cross Potential Based Diffusion Motion Planning

Authors: Yunhao Luo, Chen Sun, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Yilun Du

Abstract: Effective motion planning in high dimensional spaces is a long-standing open problem in robotics. One class of traditional motion planning algorithms corresponds to potential-based motion planning. An advantage of potential based motion planning is composability -- different motion constraints can be easily combined by adding corresponding potentials. However, constructing motion paths from potentials requires solving a global optimization across configuration space potential landscape, which is often prone to local minima. We propose a new approach towards learning potential based motion planning, where we train a neural network to capture and learn an easily optimizable potentials over motion planning trajectories. We illustrate the effectiveness of such approach, significantly outperforming both classical and recent learned motion planning approaches and avoiding issues with local minima. We further illustrate its inherent composability, enabling us to generalize to a multitude of different motion constraints.

cross Transfer Learning with Self-Supervised Vision Transformers for Snake Identification

Authors: Anthony Miyaguchi, Murilo Gustineli, Austin Fischer, Ryan Lundqvist

Abstract: We present our approach for the SnakeCLEF 2024 competition to predict snake species from images. We explore and use Meta's DINOv2 vision transformer model for feature extraction to tackle species' high variability and visual similarity in a dataset of 182,261 images. We perform exploratory analysis on embeddings to understand their structure, and train a linear classifier on the embeddings to predict species. Despite achieving a score of 39.69, our results show promise for DINOv2 embeddings in snake identification. All code for this project is available at


cross 4D Contrastive Superflows are Dense 3D Representation Learners

Authors: Xiang Xu, Lingdong Kong, Hui Shuai, Wenwei Zhang, Liang Pan, Kai Chen, Ziwei Liu, Qingshan Liu

Abstract: In the realm of autonomous driving, accurate 3D perception is the foundation. However, developing such models relies on extensive human annotations -- a process that is both costly and labor-intensive. To address this challenge from a data representation learning perspective, we introduce SuperFlow, a novel framework designed to harness consecutive LiDAR-camera pairs for establishing spatiotemporal pretraining objectives. SuperFlow stands out by integrating two key designs: 1) a dense-to-sparse consistency regularization, which promotes insensitivity to point cloud density variations during feature learning, and 2) a flow-based contrastive learning module, carefully crafted to extract meaningful temporal cues from readily available sensor calibrations. To further boost learning efficiency, we incorporate a plug-and-play view consistency module that enhances the alignment of the knowledge distilled from camera views. Extensive comparative and ablation studies across 11 heterogeneous LiDAR datasets validate our effectiveness and superiority. Additionally, we observe several interesting emerging properties by scaling up the 2D and 3D backbones during pretraining, shedding light on the future research of 3D foundation models for LiDAR-based perception.

replace FedCG: Leverage Conditional GAN for Protecting Privacy and Maintaining Competitive Performance in Federated Learning

Authors: Yuezhou Wu, Yan Kang, Jiahuan Luo, Yuanqin He, Qiang Yang

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) aims to protect data privacy by enabling clients to build machine learning models collaboratively without sharing their private data. Recent works demonstrate that information exchanged during FL is subject to gradient-based privacy attacks, and consequently, a variety of privacy-preserving methods have been adopted to thwart such attacks. However, these defensive methods either introduce orders of magnitude more computational and communication overheads (e.g., with homomorphic encryption) or incur substantial model performance losses in terms of prediction accuracy (e.g., with differential privacy). In this work, we propose $\textsc{FedCG}$, a novel federated learning method that leverages conditional generative adversarial networks to achieve high-level privacy protection while still maintaining competitive model performance. $\textsc{FedCG}$ decomposes each client's local network into a private extractor and a public classifier and keeps the extractor local to protect privacy. Instead of exposing extractors, $\textsc{FedCG}$ shares clients' generators with the server for aggregating clients' shared knowledge, aiming to enhance the performance of each client's local networks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that $\textsc{FedCG}$ can achieve competitive model performance compared with FL baselines, and privacy analysis shows that $\textsc{FedCG}$ has a high-level privacy-preserving capability. Code is available at


replace The Disagreement Problem in Explainable Machine Learning: A Practitioner's Perspective

Authors: Satyapriya Krishna, Tessa Han, Alex Gu, Steven Wu, Shahin Jabbari, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Abstract: As various post hoc explanation methods are increasingly being leveraged to explain complex models in high-stakes settings, it becomes critical to develop a deeper understanding of if and when the explanations output by these methods disagree with each other, and how such disagreements are resolved in practice. However, there is little to no research that provides answers to these critical questions. In this work, we introduce and study the disagreement problem in explainable machine learning. More specifically, we formalize the notion of disagreement between explanations, analyze how often such disagreements occur in practice, and how practitioners resolve these disagreements. We first conduct interviews with data scientists to understand what constitutes disagreement between explanations generated by different methods for the same model prediction and introduce a novel quantitative framework to formalize this understanding. We then leverage this framework to carry out a rigorous empirical analysis with four real-world datasets, six state-of-the-art post hoc explanation methods, and six different predictive models, to measure the extent of disagreement between the explanations generated by various popular explanation methods. In addition, we carry out an online user study with data scientists to understand how they resolve the aforementioned disagreements. Our results indicate that (1) state-of-the-art explanation methods often disagree in terms of the explanations they output, and (2) machine learning practitioners often employ ad hoc heuristics when resolving such disagreements. These findings suggest that practitioners may be relying on misleading explanations when making consequential decisions. They also underscore the importance of developing principled frameworks for effectively evaluating and comparing explanations output by various explanation techniques.

replace HyperMAML: Few-Shot Adaptation of Deep Models with Hypernetworks

Authors: M. Przewi\k{e}\'zlikowski, P. Przybysz, J. Tabor, M. Zi\k{e}ba, P. Spurek

Abstract: The aim of Few-Shot learning methods is to train models which can easily adapt to previously unseen tasks, based on small amounts of data. One of the most popular and elegant Few-Shot learning approaches is Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML). The main idea behind this method is to learn the general weights of the meta-model, which are further adapted to specific problems in a small number of gradient steps. However, the model's main limitation lies in the fact that the update procedure is realized by gradient-based optimisation. In consequence, MAML cannot always modify weights to the essential level in one or even a few gradient iterations. On the other hand, using many gradient steps results in a complex and time-consuming optimization procedure, which is hard to train in practice, and may lead to overfitting. In this paper, we propose HyperMAML, a novel generalization of MAML, where the training of the update procedure is also part of the model. Namely, in HyperMAML, instead of updating the weights with gradient descent, we use for this purpose a trainable Hypernetwork. Consequently, in this framework, the model can generate significant updates whose range is not limited to a fixed number of gradient steps. Experiments show that HyperMAML consistently outperforms MAML and performs comparably to other state-of-the-art techniques in a number of standard Few-Shot learning benchmarks.

replace Information FOMO: The unhealthy fear of missing out on information. A method for removing misleading data for healthier models

Authors: Ethan Pickering, Themistoklis P. Sapsis

Abstract: Misleading or unnecessary data can have out-sized impacts on the health or accuracy of Machine Learning (ML) models. We present a Bayesian sequential selection method, akin to Bayesian experimental design, that identifies critically important information within a dataset, while ignoring data that is either misleading or brings unnecessary complexity to the surrogate model of choice. Our method improves sample-wise error convergence and eliminates instances where more data leads to worse performance and instabilities of the surrogate model, often termed sample-wise ``double descent''. We find these instabilities are a result of the complexity of the underlying map and linked to extreme events and heavy tails. Our approach has two key features. First, the selection algorithm dynamically couples the chosen model and data. Data is chosen based on its merits towards improving the selected model, rather than being compared strictly against other data. Second, a natural convergence of the method removes the need for dividing the data into training, testing, and validation sets. Instead, the selection metric inherently assesses testing and validation error through global statistics of the model. This ensures that key information is never wasted in testing or validation. The method is applied using both Gaussian process regression and deep neural network surrogate models.

replace Towards Multimodal Prediction of Spontaneous Humour: A Novel Dataset and First Results

Authors: Lukas Christ, Shahin Amiriparian, Alexander Kathan, Niklas M\"uller, Andreas K\"onig, Bj\"orn W. Schuller

Abstract: Humor is a substantial element of human social behavior, affect, and cognition. Its automatic understanding can facilitate a more naturalistic human-AI interaction. Current methods of humor detection have been exclusively based on staged data, making them inadequate for "real-world" applications. We contribute to addressing this deficiency by introducing the novel Passau-Spontaneous Football Coach Humor (Passau-SFCH) dataset, comprising about 11 hours of recordings. The Passau-SFCH dataset is annotated for the presence of humor and its dimensions (sentiment and direction) as proposed in Martin's Humor Style Questionnaire. We conduct a series of experiments employing pretrained Transformers, convolutional neural networks, and expert-designed features. The performance of each modality (text, audio, video) for spontaneous humor recognition is analyzed and their complementarity is investigated. Our findings suggest that for the automatic analysis of humor and its sentiment, facial expressions are most promising, while humor direction can be best modeled via text-based features. Further, we experiment with different multimodal approaches to humor recognition, including decision-level fusion and MulT, a multimodal Transformer approach. In this context, we propose a novel multimodal architecture that yields the best overall results. Finally, we make our code publicly available at The Passau-SFCH dataset is available upon request.


replace SuperFedNAS: Cost-Efficient Federated Neural Architecture Search for On-Device Inference

Authors: Alind Khare, Animesh Agrawal, Aditya Annavajjala, Payman Behnam, Myungjin Lee, Hugo Latapie, Alexey Tumanov

Abstract: Neural Architecture Search (NAS) for Federated Learning (FL) is an emerging field. It automates the design and training of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) when data cannot be centralized due to privacy, communication costs, or regulatory restrictions. Recent federated NAS methods not only reduce manual effort but also help achieve higher accuracy than traditional FL methods like FedAvg. Despite the success, existing federated NAS methods still fall short in satisfying diverse deployment targets common in on-device inference like hardware, latency budgets, or variable battery levels. Most federated NAS methods search for only a limited range of neuro-architectural patterns, repeat them in a DNN, thereby restricting achievable performance. Moreover, these methods incur prohibitive training costs to satisfy deployment targets. They perform the training and search of DNN architectures repeatedly for each case. SuperFedNAS addresses these challenges by decoupling the training and search in federated NAS. SuperFedNAS co-trains a large number of diverse DNN architectures contained inside one supernet in the FL setting. Post-training, clients perform NAS locally to find specialized DNNs by extracting different parts of the trained supernet with no additional training. SuperFedNAS takes O(1) (instead of O(N)) cost to find specialized DNN architectures in FL for any N deployment targets. As part of SuperFedNAS, we introduce MaxNet - a novel FL training algorithm that performs multi-objective federated optimization of a large number of DNN architectures ($\approx 5*10^8$) under different client data distributions. Overall, SuperFedNAS achieves upto 37.7% higher accuracy for the same MACs or upto 8.13x reduction in MACs for the same accuracy than existing federated NAS methods.

replace SplitOut: Out-of-the-Box Training-Hijacking Detection in Split Learning via Outlier Detection

Authors: Ege Erdogan, Unat Teksen, Mehmet Salih Celiktenyildiz, Alptekin Kupcu, A. Ercument Cicek

Abstract: Split learning enables efficient and privacy-aware training of a deep neural network by splitting a neural network so that the clients (data holders) compute the first layers and only share the intermediate output with the central compute-heavy server. This paradigm introduces a new attack medium in which the server has full control over what the client models learn, which has already been exploited to infer the private data of clients and to implement backdoors in the client models. Although previous work has shown that clients can successfully detect such training-hijacking attacks, the proposed methods rely on heuristics, require tuning of many hyperparameters, and do not fully utilize the clients' capabilities. In this work, we show that given modest assumptions regarding the clients' compute capabilities, an out-of-the-box outlier detection method can be used to detect existing training-hijacking attacks with almost-zero false positive rates. We conclude through experiments on different tasks that the simplicity of our approach we name \textit{SplitOut} makes it a more viable and reliable alternative compared to the earlier detection methods.

replace Active Learning and Bayesian Optimization: a Unified Perspective to Learn with a Goal

Authors: Francesco Di Fiore, Michela Nardelli, Laura Mainini

Abstract: Science and Engineering applications are typically associated with expensive optimization problems to identify optimal design solutions and states of the system of interest. Bayesian optimization and active learning compute surrogate models through efficient adaptive sampling schemes to assist and accelerate this search task toward a given optimization goal. Both those methodologies are driven by specific infill/learning criteria which quantify the utility with respect to the set goal of evaluating the objective function for unknown combinations of optimization variables. While the two fields have seen an exponential growth in popularity in the past decades, their dualism and synergy have received relatively little attention to date. This paper discusses and formalizes the synergy between Bayesian optimization and active learning as symbiotic adaptive sampling methodologies driven by common principles. In particular, we demonstrate this unified perspective through the formalization of the analogy between the Bayesian infill criteria and active learning criteria as driving principles of both the goal-driven procedures. To support our original perspective, we propose a general classification of adaptive sampling techniques to highlight similarities and differences between the vast families of adaptive sampling, active learning, and Bayesian optimization. Accordingly, the synergy is demonstrated mapping the Bayesian infill criteria with the active learning criteria, and is formalized for searches informed by both a single information source and multiple levels of fidelity. In addition, we provide guidelines to apply those learning criteria investigating the performance of different Bayesian schemes for a variety of benchmark problems to highlight benefits and limitations over mathematical properties that characterize real-world applications.

replace Chain-of-Thought Predictive Control

Authors: Zhiwei Jia, Vineet Thumuluri, Fangchen Liu, Linghao Chen, Zhiao Huang, Hao Su

Abstract: We study generalizable policy learning from demonstrations for complex low-level control (e.g., contact-rich object manipulations). We propose a novel hierarchical imitation learning method that utilizes sub-optimal demos. Firstly, we propose an observation space-agnostic approach that efficiently discovers the multi-step subskill decomposition of the demos in an unsupervised manner. By grouping temporarily close and functionally similar actions into subskill-level demo segments, the observations at the segment boundaries constitute a chain of planning steps for the task, which we refer to as the chain-of-thought (CoT). Next, we propose a Transformer-based design that effectively learns to predict the CoT as the subskill-level guidance. We couple action and subskill predictions via learnable prompt tokens and a hybrid masking strategy, which enable dynamically updated guidance at test time and improve feature representation of the trajectory for generalizable policy learning. Our method, Chain-of-Thought Predictive Control (CoTPC), consistently surpasses existing strong baselines on challenging manipulation tasks with sub-optimal demos.

replace Deep Stochastic Mechanics

Authors: Elena Orlova, Aleksei Ustimenko, Ruoxi Jiang, Peter Y. Lu, Rebecca Willett

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel deep-learning-based approach for numerical simulation of a time-evolving Schr\"odinger equation inspired by stochastic mechanics and generative diffusion models. Unlike existing approaches, which exhibit computational complexity that scales exponentially in the problem dimension, our method allows us to adapt to the latent low-dimensional structure of the wave function by sampling from the Markovian diffusion. Depending on the latent dimension, our method may have far lower computational complexity in higher dimensions. Moreover, we propose novel equations for stochastic quantum mechanics, resulting in quadratic computational complexity with respect to the number of dimensions. Numerical simulations verify our theoretical findings and show a significant advantage of our method compared to other deep-learning-based approaches used for quantum mechanics.

replace Simple Opinion Dynamics for No-Regret Learning

Authors: John Lazarsfeld, Dan Alistarh

Abstract: We study a cooperative multi-agent bandit setting in the distributed GOSSIP model: in every round, each of $n$ agents chooses an action from a common set, observes the action's corresponding reward, and subsequently exchanges information with a single randomly chosen neighbor, which may inform its choice in the next round. We introduce and analyze families of memoryless and time-independent protocols for this setting, inspired by opinion dynamics that are well-studied for other algorithmic tasks in the GOSSIP model. For stationary reward settings, we prove for the first time that these simple protocols exhibit best-of-both-worlds behavior, simultaneously obtaining constant cumulative regret scaling like $R(T)/T = \widetilde O(1/T)$, and also reaching consensus on the highest-mean action within $\widetilde O(\sqrt{n})$ rounds. We obtain these results by showing a new connection between the global evolution of these decentralized protocols and a class of zero-sum multiplicative weights update} processes. Using this connection, we establish a general framework for analyzing the population-level regret and other properties of our protocols. Finally, we show our protocols are also surprisingly robust to adversarial rewards, and in this regime we obtain sublinear regret scaling like $R(T)/T = \widetilde O(1/\sqrt{T})$ as long as the number of rounds does not grow too fast as a function of $n$.

replace Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Preprocessing Techniques for Detection, Prediction, and Monitoring of Stress and Stress-related Mental Disorders: A Scoping Review

Authors: Moein Razavi, Samira Ziyadidegan, Reza Jahromi, Saber Kazeminasab, Vahid Janfaza, Ahmadreza Mahmoudzadeh, Elaheh Baharlouei, Farzan Sasangohar

Abstract: Background: Mental stress and its consequent mental disorders (MDs) are significant public health issues. With the advent of machine learning (ML), there's potential to harness computational techniques for better understanding and addressing these problems. This review seeks to elucidate the current ML methodologies employed in this domain to enhance the detection, prediction, and analysis of mental stress and MDs. Objective: This review aims to investigate the scope of ML methodologies used in the detection, prediction, and analysis of mental stress and MDs. Methods: Utilizing a rigorous scoping review process with PRISMA-ScR guidelines, this investigation delves into the latest ML algorithms, preprocessing techniques, and data types used in the context of stress and stress-related MDs. Results and Discussion: A total of 98 peer-reviewed publications were examined. The findings highlight that Support Vector Machine (SVM), Neural Network (NN), and Random Forest (RF) models consistently exhibit superior accuracy and robustness among ML algorithms. Physiological parameters such as heart rate measurements and skin response are prevalently used as stress predictors due to their rich explanatory information and ease of data acquisition. Dimensionality reduction techniques, including mappings, feature selection, filtering, and noise reduction, are frequently observed as crucial steps preceding the training of ML algorithms. Conclusion: This review identifies significant research gaps and outlines future directions for the field. These include model interpretability, model personalization, the incorporation of naturalistic settings, and real-time processing capabilities for the detection and prediction of stress and stress-related MDs. Keywords: Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Data Preprocessing; Stress Detection; Stress Prediction; Stress Monitoring; Mental Disorders

replace Learning graph geometry and topology using dynamical systems based message-passing

Authors: Dhananjay Bhaskar, Yanlei Zhang, Charles Xu, Xingzhi Sun, Oluwadamilola Fasina, Guy Wolf, Maximilian Nickel, Michael Perlmutter, Smita Krishnaswamy

Abstract: In this paper we introduce DYMAG: a message passing paradigm for GNNs built on the expressive power of continuous, multiscale graph-dynamics. Standard discrete-time message passing algorithms implicitly make use of simplistic graph dynamics and aggregation schemes which limit their ability to capture fundamental graph topological properties. By contrast, DYMAG makes use of complex graph dynamics based on the heat and wave equation as well as a more complex equation which admits chaotic solutions. The continuous nature of the dynamics are leveraged to generate multiscale (dynamic-time snapshot) representations which we prove are linked to various graph topological and spectral properties. We demonstrate experimentally that DYMAG achieves superior performance in recovering the generating parameters of Erd\"os-Renyi and stochastic block model random graphs and the persistent homology of synthetic graphs and citation network. Since the behavior of proteins and biomolecules is sensitive to graph topology and exhibits important structure at multiple scales, we find that DYMAG outperforms other methods at predicting salient features of various biomolecules.

replace Be Careful What You Smooth For: Label Smoothing Can Be a Privacy Shield but Also a Catalyst for Model Inversion Attacks

Authors: Lukas Struppek, Dominik Hintersdorf, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: Label smoothing -- using softened labels instead of hard ones -- is a widely adopted regularization method for deep learning, showing diverse benefits such as enhanced generalization and calibration. Its implications for preserving model privacy, however, have remained unexplored. To fill this gap, we investigate the impact of label smoothing on model inversion attacks (MIAs), which aim to generate class-representative samples by exploiting the knowledge encoded in a classifier, thereby inferring sensitive information about its training data. Through extensive analyses, we uncover that traditional label smoothing fosters MIAs, thereby increasing a model's privacy leakage. Even more, we reveal that smoothing with negative factors counters this trend, impeding the extraction of class-related information and leading to privacy preservation, beating state-of-the-art defenses. This establishes a practical and powerful novel way for enhancing model resilience against MIAs.

replace Mind the Model, Not the Agent: The Primacy Bias in Model-based RL

Authors: Zhongjian Qiao, Jiafei Lyu, Xiu Li

Abstract: The primacy bias in model-free reinforcement learning (MFRL), which refers to the agent's tendency to overfit early data and lose the ability to learn from new data, can significantly decrease the performance of MFRL algorithms. Previous studies have shown that employing simple techniques, such as resetting the agent's parameters, can substantially alleviate the primacy bias in MFRL. However, the primacy bias in model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) remains unexplored. In this work, we focus on investigating the primacy bias in MBRL. We begin by observing that resetting the agent's parameters harms its performance in the context of MBRL. We further find that the primacy bias in MBRL is more closely related to the primacy bias of the world model instead of the primacy bias of the agent. Based on this finding, we propose \textit{world model resetting}, a simple yet effective technique to alleviate the primacy bias in MBRL. We apply our method to two different MBRL algorithms, MBPO and DreamerV2. We validate the effectiveness of our method on multiple continuous control tasks on MuJoCo and DeepMind Control Suite, as well as discrete control tasks on Atari 100k benchmark. The experimental results show that \textit{world model resetting} can significantly alleviate the primacy bias in the model-based setting and improve the algorithm's performance. We also give a guide on how to perform \textit{world model resetting} effectively.

replace A Canonical Data Transformation for Achieving Inter- and Within-group Fairness

Authors: Zachary McBride Lazri, Ivan Brugere, Xin Tian, Dana Dachman-Soled, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Danial Dervovic, Min Wu

Abstract: Increases in the deployment of machine learning algorithms for applications that deal with sensitive data have brought attention to the issue of fairness in machine learning. Many works have been devoted to applications that require different demographic groups to be treated fairly. However, algorithms that aim to satisfy inter-group fairness (also called group fairness) may inadvertently treat individuals within the same demographic group unfairly. To address this issue, we introduce a formal definition of within-group fairness that maintains fairness among individuals from within the same group. We propose a pre-processing framework to meet both inter- and within-group fairness criteria with little compromise in accuracy. The framework maps the feature vectors of members from different groups to an inter-group-fair canonical domain before feeding them into a scoring function. The mapping is constructed to preserve the relative relationship between the scores obtained from the unprocessed feature vectors of individuals from the same demographic group, guaranteeing within-group fairness. We apply this framework to the COMPAS risk assessment and Law School datasets and compare its performance in achieving inter-group and within-group fairness to two regularization-based methods.

replace LLM4DyG: Can Large Language Models Solve Spatial-Temporal Problems on Dynamic Graphs?

Authors: Zeyang Zhang, Xin Wang, Ziwei Zhang, Haoyang Li, Yijian Qin, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: In an era marked by the increasing adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs) for various tasks, there is a growing focus on exploring LLMs' capabilities in handling web data, particularly graph data. Dynamic graphs, which capture temporal network evolution patterns, are ubiquitous in real-world web data. Evaluating LLMs' competence in understanding spatial-temporal information on dynamic graphs is essential for their adoption in web applications, which remains unexplored in the literature. In this paper, we bridge the gap via proposing to evaluate LLMs' spatial-temporal understanding abilities on dynamic graphs, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time. Specifically, we propose the LLM4DyG benchmark, which includes nine specially designed tasks considering the capability evaluation of LLMs from both temporal and spatial dimensions. Then, we conduct extensive experiments to analyze the impacts of different data generators, data statistics, prompting techniques, and LLMs on the model performance. Finally, we propose Disentangled Spatial-Temporal Thoughts (DST2) for LLMs on dynamic graphs to enhance LLMs' spatial-temporal understanding abilities. Our main observations are: 1) LLMs have preliminary spatial-temporal understanding abilities on dynamic graphs, 2) Dynamic graph tasks show increasing difficulties for LLMs as the graph size and density increase, while not sensitive to the time span and data generation mechanism, 3) the proposed DST2 prompting method can help to improve LLMs' spatial-temporal understanding abilities on dynamic graphs for most tasks. The data and codes are publicly available at Github.

replace Where have you been? A Study of Privacy Risk for Point-of-Interest Recommendation

Authors: Kunlin Cai, Jinghuai Zhang, Zhiqing Hong, Will Shand, Guang Wang, Desheng Zhang, Jianfeng Chi, Yuan Tian

Abstract: As location-based services (LBS) have grown in popularity, more human mobility data has been collected. The collected data can be used to build machine learning (ML) models for LBS to enhance their performance and improve overall experience for users. However, the convenience comes with the risk of privacy leakage since this type of data might contain sensitive information related to user identities, such as home/work locations. Prior work focuses on protecting mobility data privacy during transmission or prior to release, lacking the privacy risk evaluation of mobility data-based ML models. To better understand and quantify the privacy leakage in mobility data-based ML models, we design a privacy attack suite containing data extraction and membership inference attacks tailored for point-of-interest (POI) recommendation models, one of the most widely used mobility data-based ML models. These attacks in our attack suite assume different adversary knowledge and aim to extract different types of sensitive information from mobility data, providing a holistic privacy risk assessment for POI recommendation models. Our experimental evaluation using two real-world mobility datasets demonstrates that current POI recommendation models are vulnerable to our attacks. We also present unique findings to understand what types of mobility data are more susceptible to privacy attacks. Finally, we evaluate defenses against these attacks and highlight future directions and challenges. Our attack suite is released at


replace Neural Subnetwork Ensembles

Authors: Tim Whitaker

Abstract: Neural network ensembles have been effectively used to improve generalization by combining the predictions of multiple independently trained models. However, the growing scale and complexity of deep neural networks have led to these methods becoming prohibitively expensive and time consuming to implement. Low-cost ensemble methods have become increasingly important as they can alleviate the need to train multiple models from scratch while retaining the generalization benefits that traditional ensemble learning methods afford. This dissertation introduces and formalizes a low-cost framework for constructing Subnetwork Ensembles, where a collection of child networks are formed by sampling, perturbing, and optimizing subnetworks from a trained parent model. We explore several distinct methodologies for generating child networks and we evaluate their efficacy through a variety of ablation studies and established benchmarks. Our findings reveal that this approach can greatly improve training efficiency, parametric utilization, and generalization performance while minimizing computational cost. Subnetwork Ensembles offer a compelling framework for exploring how we can build better systems by leveraging the unrealized potential of deep neural networks.

replace Hessian Aware Low-Rank Perturbation for Order-Robust Continual Learning

Authors: Jiaqi Li, Yuanhao Lai, Rui Wang, Changjian Shui, Sabyasachi Sahoo, Charles X. Ling, Shichun Yang, Boyu Wang, Christian Gagn\'e, Fan Zhou

Abstract: Continual learning aims to learn a series of tasks sequentially without forgetting the knowledge acquired from the previous ones. In this work, we propose the Hessian Aware Low-Rank Perturbation algorithm for continual learning. By modeling the parameter transitions along the sequential tasks with the weight matrix transformation, we propose to apply the low-rank approximation on the task-adaptive parameters in each layer of the neural networks. Specifically, we theoretically demonstrate the quantitative relationship between the Hessian and the proposed low-rank approximation. The approximation ranks are then globally determined according to the marginal increment of the empirical loss estimated by the layer-specific gradient and low-rank approximation error. Furthermore, we control the model capacity by pruning less important parameters to diminish the parameter growth. We conduct extensive experiments on various benchmarks, including a dataset with large-scale tasks, and compare our method against some recent state-of-the-art methods to demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our proposed method. Empirical results show that our method performs better on different benchmarks, especially in achieving task order robustness and handling the forgetting issue. The source code is at


replace Revisiting Graph-Based Fraud Detection in Sight of Heterophily and Spectrum

Authors: Fan Xu, Nan Wang, Hao Wu, Xuezhi Wen, Xibin Zhao, Hai Wan

Abstract: Graph-based fraud detection (GFD) can be regarded as a challenging semi-supervised node binary classification task. In recent years, Graph Neural Networks (GNN) have been widely applied to GFD, characterizing the anomalous possibility of a node by aggregating neighbor information. However, fraud graphs are inherently heterophilic, thus most of GNNs perform poorly due to their assumption of homophily. In addition, due to the existence of heterophily and class imbalance problem, the existing models do not fully utilize the precious node label information. To address the above issues, this paper proposes a semi-supervised GNN-based fraud detector SEC-GFD. This detector includes a hybrid filtering module and a local environmental constraint module, the two modules are utilized to solve heterophily and label utilization problem respectively. The first module starts from the perspective of the spectral domain, and solves the heterophily problem to a certain extent. Specifically, it divides the spectrum into various mixed-frequency bands based on the correlation between spectrum energy distribution and heterophily. Then in order to make full use of the node label information, a local environmental constraint module is adaptively designed. The comprehensive experimental results on four real-world fraud detection datasets denote that SEC-GFD outperforms other competitive graph-based fraud detectors. We release our code at


replace Machine unlearning through fine-grained model parameters perturbation

Authors: Zhiwei Zuo, Zhuo Tang, Kenli Li, Anwitaman Datta

Abstract: Machine unlearning techniques, which involve retracting data records and reducing influence of said data on trained models, help with the user privacy protection objective but incur significant computational costs. Weight perturbation-based unlearning is a general approach, but it typically involves globally modifying the parameters. We propose fine-grained Top-K and Random-k parameters perturbed inexact machine unlearning strategies that address the privacy needs while keeping the computational costs tractable. In order to demonstrate the efficacy of our strategies we also tackle the challenge of evaluating the effectiveness of machine unlearning by considering the model's generalization performance across both unlearning and remaining data. To better assess the unlearning effect and model generalization, we propose novel metrics, namely, the forgetting rate and memory retention rate. However, for inexact machine unlearning, current metrics are inadequate in quantifying the degree of forgetting that occurs after unlearning strategies are applied. To address this, we introduce SPD-GAN, which subtly perturbs the distribution of data targeted for unlearning. Then, we evaluate the degree of unlearning by measuring the performance difference of the models on the perturbed unlearning data before and after the unlearning process. By implementing these innovative techniques and metrics, we achieve computationally efficacious privacy protection in machine learning applications without significant sacrifice of model performance. Furthermore, this approach provides a novel method for evaluating the degree of unlearning.

replace Spatial-Temporal Large Language Model for Traffic Prediction

Authors: Chenxi Liu, Sun Yang, Qianxiong Xu, Zhishuai Li, Cheng Long, Ziyue Li, Rui Zhao

Abstract: Traffic prediction, an essential component for intelligent transportation systems, endeavours to use historical data to foresee future traffic features at specific locations. Although existing traffic prediction models often emphasize developing complex neural network structures, their accuracy has not improved. Recently, large language models have shown outstanding capabilities in time series analysis. Differing from existing models, LLMs progress mainly through parameter expansion and extensive pretraining while maintaining their fundamental structures. Motivated by these developments, we propose a Spatial-Temporal Large Language Model (ST-LLM) for traffic prediction. In the ST-LLM, we define timesteps at each location as tokens and design a spatial-temporal embedding to learn the spatial location and global temporal patterns of these tokens. Additionally, we integrate these embeddings by a fusion convolution to each token for a unified spatial-temporal representation. Furthermore, we innovate a partially frozen attention strategy to adapt the LLM to capture global spatial-temporal dependencies for traffic prediction. Comprehensive experiments on real traffic datasets offer evidence that ST-LLM is a powerful spatial-temporal learner that outperforms state-of-the-art models. Notably, the ST-LLM also exhibits robust performance in both few-shot and zero-shot prediction scenarios. The code is publicly available at


replace Self-Labeling the Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Authors: Andrea Corsini, Angelo Porrello, Simone Calderara, Mauro Dell'Amico

Abstract: In this work, we propose a Self-Supervised training strategy specifically designed for combinatorial problems. One of the main obstacles in applying supervised paradigms to such problems is the requirement of expensive target solutions as ground-truth, often produced with costly exact solvers. Inspired by Semi- and Self-Supervised learning, we show that it is possible to easily train generative models by sampling multiple solutions and using the best one according to the problem objective as a pseudo-label. In this way, we iteratively improve the model generation capability by relying only on its self-supervision, completely removing the need for optimality information. We prove the effectiveness of this Self-Labeling strategy on the Job Shop Scheduling (JSP), a complex combinatorial problem that is receiving much attention from the Reinforcement Learning community. We propose a generative model based on the well-known Pointer Network and train it with our strategy. Experiments on popular benchmarks demonstrate the potential of this approach as the resulting models outperform constructive heuristics and current state-of-the-art learning proposals for the JSP.

replace Expert Proximity as Surrogate Rewards for Single Demonstration Imitation Learning

Authors: Chia-Cheng Chiang, Li-Cheng Lan, Wei-Fang Sun, Chien Feng, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Chun-Yi Lee

Abstract: In this paper, we focus on single-demonstration imitation learning (IL), a practical approach for real-world applications where acquiring multiple expert demonstrations is costly or infeasible and the ground truth reward function is not available. In contrast to typical IL settings with multiple demonstrations, single-demonstration IL involves an agent having access to only one expert trajectory. We highlight the issue of sparse reward signals in this setting and propose to mitigate this issue through our proposed Transition Discriminator-based IL (TDIL) method. TDIL is an IRL method designed to address reward sparsity by introducing a denser surrogate reward function that considers environmental dynamics. This surrogate reward function encourages the agent to navigate towards states that are proximal to expert states. In practice, TDIL trains a transition discriminator to differentiate between valid and non-valid transitions in a given environment to compute the surrogate rewards. The experiments demonstrate that TDIL outperforms existing IL approaches and achieves expert-level performance in the single-demonstration IL setting across five widely adopted MuJoCo benchmarks as well as the "Adroit Door" robotic environment.

replace On the Completeness of Invariant Geometric Deep Learning Models

Authors: Zian Li, Xiyuan Wang, Shijia Kang, Muhan Zhang

Abstract: Invariant models, one important class of geometric deep learning models, are capable of generating meaningful geometric representations by leveraging informative geometric features in point clouds. These models are characterized by their simplicity, good experimental results and computational efficiency. However, their theoretical expressive power still remains unclear, restricting a deeper understanding of the potential of such models. In this work, we concentrate on characterizing the theoretical expressiveness of a wide range of invariant models. We first rigorously bound the expressiveness of the most classic invariant model, message-passing neural networks incorporating distance (DisGNN), restricting its unidentifiable cases to be only highly symmetric point clouds. We then show that GeoNGNN, the geometric counterpart of one of the simplest subgraph graph neural networks (subgraph GNNs), can effectively break these corner cases' symmetry and thus achieve E(3)-completeness. By leveraging GeoNGNN as a theoretical tool, we further prove that: 1) most subgraph GNNs developed in traditional graph learning can be seamlessly extended to geometric scenarios with E(3)-completeness; 2) DimeNet, GemNet and SphereNet, three well-established invariant models, are also all capable of achieving E(3)-completeness. Our theoretical results fill the gap in the theoretical power of invariant models, contributing to a rigorous and comprehensive understanding of their capabilities. We also empirically evaluated GeoNGNN, the simplest model within the large E(3)-complete family we established, which achieves competitive results to models relying on high-order invariant/equivariant representations on molecule-relevant tasks.

replace Clifford-Steerable Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Maksim Zhdanov, David Ruhe, Maurice Weiler, Ana Lucic, Johannes Brandstetter, Patrick Forr\'e

Abstract: We present Clifford-Steerable Convolutional Neural Networks (CS-CNNs), a novel class of $\mathrm{E}(p, q)$-equivariant CNNs. CS-CNNs process multivector fields on pseudo-Euclidean spaces $\mathbb{R}^{p,q}$. They cover, for instance, $\mathrm{E}(3)$-equivariance on $\mathbb{R}^3$ and Poincar\'e-equivariance on Minkowski spacetime $\mathbb{R}^{1,3}$. Our approach is based on an implicit parametrization of $\mathrm{O}(p,q)$-steerable kernels via Clifford group equivariant neural networks. We significantly and consistently outperform baseline methods on fluid dynamics as well as relativistic electrodynamics forecasting tasks.

replace Bidirectional Uncertainty-Based Active Learning for Open Set Annotation

Authors: Chen-Chen Zong, Ye-Wen Wang, Kun-Peng Ning, Hai-Bo Ye, Sheng-Jun Huang

Abstract: Active learning (AL) in open set scenarios presents a novel challenge of identifying the most valuable examples in an unlabeled data pool that comprises data from both known and unknown classes. Traditional methods prioritize selecting informative examples with low confidence, with the risk of mistakenly selecting unknown-class examples with similarly low confidence. Recent methods favor the most probable known-class examples, with the risk of picking simple already mastered examples. In this paper, we attempt to query examples that are both likely from known classes and highly informative, and propose a Bidirectional Uncertainty-based Active Learning (BUAL) framework. Specifically, we achieve this by first pushing the unknown class examples toward regions with high-confidence predictions, i.e., the proposed Random Label Negative Learning method. Then, we propose a Bidirectional Uncertainty sampling strategy by jointly estimating uncertainty posed by both positive and negative learning to perform consistent and stable sampling. BUAL successfully extends existing uncertainty-based AL methods to complex open-set scenarios. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets with varying openness demonstrate that BUAL achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code is available at


replace m2mKD: Module-to-Module Knowledge Distillation for Modular Transformers

Authors: Ka Man Lo, Yiming Liang, Wenyu Du, Yuantao Fan, Zili Wang, Wenhao Huang, Lei Ma, Jie Fu

Abstract: Modular neural architectures are gaining attention for their powerful generalization and efficient adaptation to new domains. However, training these models poses challenges due to optimization difficulties arising from intrinsic sparse connectivity. Leveraging knowledge from monolithic models through techniques like knowledge distillation can facilitate training and enable integration of diverse knowledge. Nevertheless, conventional knowledge distillation approaches are not tailored to modular models and struggle with unique architectures and enormous parameter counts. Motivated by these challenges, we propose module-to-module knowledge distillation (m2mKD) for transferring knowledge between modules. m2mKD combines teacher modules of a pretrained monolithic model and student modules of a modular model with a shared meta model respectively to encourage the student module to mimic the behaviour of the teacher module. We evaluate m2mKD on two modular neural architectures: Neural Attentive Circuits (NACs) and Vision Mixture-of-Experts (V-MoE). Applying m2mKD to NACs yields significant improvements in IID accuracy on Tiny-ImageNet (up to 5.6%) and OOD robustness on Tiny-ImageNet-R (up to 4.2%). Additionally, the V-MoE-Base model trained with m2mKD achieves 3.5% higher accuracy than end-to-end training on ImageNet-1k. Code is available at


replace Bandit Profit-maximization for Targeted Marketing

Authors: Joon Suk Huh, Ellen Vitercik, Kirthevasan Kandasamy

Abstract: We study a sequential profit-maximization problem, optimizing for both price and ancillary variables like marketing expenditures. Specifically, we aim to maximize profit over an arbitrary sequence of multiple demand curves, each dependent on a distinct ancillary variable, but sharing the same price. A prototypical example is targeted marketing, where a firm (seller) wishes to sell a product over multiple markets. The firm may invest different marketing expenditures for different markets to optimize customer acquisition, but must maintain the same price across all markets. Moreover, markets may have heterogeneous demand curves, each responding to prices and marketing expenditures differently. The firm's objective is to maximize its gross profit, the total revenue minus marketing costs. Our results are near-optimal algorithms for this class of problems in an adversarial bandit setting, where demand curves are arbitrary non-adaptive sequences, and the firm observes only noisy evaluations of chosen points on the demand curves. For $n$ demand curves (markets), we prove a regret upper bound of $\tilde{O}(nT^{3/4})$ and a lower bound of $\Omega((nT)^{3/4})$ for monotonic demand curves, and a regret bound of $\tilde{\Theta}(nT^{2/3})$ for demands curves that are monotonic in price and concave in the ancillary variables.

replace On the Topology Awareness and Generalization Performance of Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Junwei Su, Chuan Wu

Abstract: Many computer vision and machine learning problems are modelled as learning tasks on graphs where graph neural networks GNNs have emerged as a dominant tool for learning representations of graph structured data A key feature of GNNs is their use of graph structures as input enabling them to exploit the graphs inherent topological properties known as the topology awareness of GNNs Despite the empirical successes of GNNs the influence of topology awareness on generalization performance remains unexplored, particularly for node level tasks that diverge from the assumption of data being independent and identically distributed IID The precise definition and characterization of the topology awareness of GNNs especially concerning different topological features are still unclear This paper introduces a comprehensive framework to characterize the topology awareness of GNNs across any topological feature Using this framework we investigate the effects of topology awareness on GNN generalization performance Contrary to the prevailing belief that enhancing the topology awareness of GNNs is always advantageous our analysis reveals a critical insight improving the topology awareness of GNNs may inadvertently lead to unfair generalization across structural groups which might not be desired in some scenarios Additionally we conduct a case study using the intrinsic graph metric the shortest path distance on various benchmark datasets The empirical results of this case study confirm our theoretical insights Moreover we demonstrate the practical applicability of our framework by using it to tackle the cold start problem in graph active learning

replace $\textbf{S}^2$IP-LLM: Semantic Space Informed Prompt Learning with LLM for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Zijie Pan, Yushan Jiang, Sahil Garg, Anderson Schneider, Yuriy Nevmyvaka, Dongjin Song

Abstract: Recently, there has been a growing interest in leveraging pre-trained large language models (LLMs) for various time series applications. However, the semantic space of LLMs, established through the pre-training, is still underexplored and may help yield more distinctive and informative representations to facilitate time series forecasting. To this end, we propose Semantic Space Informed Prompt learning with LLM ($S^2$IP-LLM) to align the pre-trained semantic space with time series embeddings space and perform time series forecasting based on learned prompts from the joint space. We first design a tokenization module tailored for cross-modality alignment, which explicitly concatenates patches of decomposed time series components to create embeddings that effectively encode the temporal dynamics. Next, we leverage the pre-trained word token embeddings to derive semantic anchors and align selected anchors with time series embeddings by maximizing the cosine similarity in the joint space. This way, $S^2$IP-LLM can retrieve relevant semantic anchors as prompts to provide strong indicators (context) for time series that exhibit different temporal dynamics. With thorough empirical studies on multiple benchmark datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed $S^2$IP-LLM can achieve superior forecasting performance over state-of-the-art baselines. Furthermore, our ablation studies and visualizations verify the necessity of prompt learning informed by semantic space.

replace Conditional computation in neural networks: principles and research trends

Authors: Simone Scardapane, Alessandro Baiocchi, Alessio Devoto, Valerio Marsocci, Pasquale Minervini, Jary Pomponi

Abstract: This article summarizes principles and ideas from the emerging area of applying \textit{conditional computation} methods to the design of neural networks. In particular, we focus on neural networks that can dynamically activate or de-activate parts of their computational graph conditionally on their input. Examples include the dynamic selection of, e.g., input tokens, layers (or sets of layers), and sub-modules inside each layer (e.g., channels in a convolutional filter). We first provide a general formalism to describe these techniques in an uniform way. Then, we introduce three notable implementations of these principles: mixture-of-experts (MoEs) networks, token selection mechanisms, and early-exit neural networks. The paper aims to provide a tutorial-like introduction to this growing field. To this end, we analyze the benefits of these modular designs in terms of efficiency, explainability, and transfer learning, with a focus on emerging applicative areas ranging from automated scientific discovery to semantic communication.

replace Larimar: Large Language Models with Episodic Memory Control

Authors: Payel Das, Subhajit Chaudhury, Elliot Nelson, Igor Melnyk, Sarath Swaminathan, Sihui Dai, Aur\'elie Lozano, Georgios Kollias, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Ji\v{r}\'i, Navr\'atil, Soham Dan, Pin-Yu Chen

Abstract: Efficient and accurate updating of knowledge stored in Large Language Models (LLMs) is one of the most pressing research challenges today. This paper presents Larimar - a novel, brain-inspired architecture for enhancing LLMs with a distributed episodic memory. Larimar's memory allows for dynamic, one-shot updates of knowledge without the need for computationally expensive re-training or fine-tuning. Experimental results on multiple fact editing benchmarks demonstrate that Larimar attains accuracy comparable to most competitive baselines, even in the challenging sequential editing setup, but also excels in speed - yielding speed-ups of 8-10x depending on the base LLM - as well as flexibility due to the proposed architecture being simple, LLM-agnostic, and hence general. We further provide mechanisms for selective fact forgetting, information leakage prevention, and input context length generalization with Larimar and show their effectiveness. Our code is available at


replace How to characterize imprecision in multi-view clustering?

Authors: Jinyi Xu, Zuowei Zhang, Ze Lin, Yixiang Chen, Zhe Liu, Weiping Ding

Abstract: It is still challenging to cluster multi-view data since existing methods can only assign an object to a specific (singleton) cluster when combining different view information. As a result, it fails to characterize imprecision of objects in overlapping regions of different clusters, thus leading to a high risk of errors. In this paper, we thereby want to answer the question: how to characterize imprecision in multi-view clustering? Correspondingly, we propose a multi-view low-rank evidential c-means based on entropy constraint (MvLRECM). The proposed MvLRECM can be considered as a multi-view version of evidential c-means based on the theory of belief functions. In MvLRECM, each object is allowed to belong to different clusters with various degrees of support (masses of belief) to characterize uncertainty when decision-making. Moreover, if an object is in the overlapping region of several singleton clusters, it can be assigned to a meta-cluster, defined as the union of these singleton clusters, to characterize the local imprecision in the result. In addition, entropy-weighting and low-rank constraints are employed to reduce imprecision and improve accuracy. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, the effectiveness of MvLRECM is demonstrated based on several toy and UCI real datasets.

replace A Universal Growth Rate for Learning with Smooth Surrogate Losses

Authors: Anqi Mao, Mehryar Mohri, Yutao Zhong

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the growth rate of $H$-consistency bounds (and excess error bounds) for various surrogate losses used in classification. We prove a square-root growth rate near zero for smooth margin-based surrogate losses in binary classification, providing both upper and lower bounds under mild assumptions. This result also translates to excess error bounds. Our lower bound requires weaker conditions than those in previous work for excess error bounds, and our upper bound is entirely novel. Moreover, we extend this analysis to multi-class classification with a series of novel results, demonstrating a universal square-root growth rate for smooth comp-sum and constrained losses, covering common choices for training neural networks in multi-class classification. Given this universal rate, we turn to the question of choosing among different surrogate losses. We first examine how $H$-consistency bounds vary across surrogates based on the number of classes. Next, ignoring constants and focusing on behavior near zero, we identify minimizability gaps as the key differentiating factor in these bounds. Thus, we thoroughly analyze these gaps, to guide surrogate loss selection, covering: comparisons across different comp-sum losses, conditions where gaps become zero, and general conditions leading to small gaps. Additionally, we demonstrate the key role of minimizability gaps in comparing excess error bounds and $H$-consistency bounds.

replace Decentralized Kernel Ridge Regression Based on Data-Dependent Random Feature

Authors: Ruikai Yang, Fan He, Mingzhen He, Jie Yang, Xiaolin Huang

Abstract: Random feature (RF) has been widely used for node consistency in decentralized kernel ridge regression (KRR). Currently, the consistency is guaranteed by imposing constraints on coefficients of features, necessitating that the random features on different nodes are identical. However, in many applications, data on different nodes varies significantly on the number or distribution, which calls for adaptive and data-dependent methods that generate different RFs. To tackle the essential difficulty, we propose a new decentralized KRR algorithm that pursues consensus on decision functions, which allows great flexibility and well adapts data on nodes. The convergence is rigorously given and the effectiveness is numerically verified: by capturing the characteristics of the data on each node, while maintaining the same communication costs as other methods, we achieved an average regression accuracy improvement of 25.5\% across six real-world data sets.

replace A Deep Dive into the Factors Influencing Financial Success: A Machine Learning Approach

Authors: Michael Zhou, Ramin Ramezani

Abstract: This paper explores various socioeconomic factors that contribute to individual financial success using machine learning algorithms and approaches. Financial success, a critical aspect of all individual's well-being, is a complex concept influenced by various factors. This study aims to understand the determinants of financial success. It examines the survey data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (1), consisting of a sample of 8,984 individuals's longitudinal data over years. The dataset comprises income variables and a large set of socioeconomic variables of individuals. An in-depth analysis shows the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in financial success research, highlights the potential of leveraging longitudinal data to enhance prediction accuracy, and provides valuable insights into how various socioeconomic factors influence financial success. The findings highlight the significant influence of highest education degree, occupation and gender as the top three determinants of individual income among socioeconomic factors examined. Yearly working hours, age and work tenure follow as three secondary influencing factors, and all other factors including parental household income, industry, parents' highest grade and others are identified as tertiary factors. These insights allow researchers to better understand the complex nature of financial success, and are also crucial for fostering financial success among individuals and advancing broader societal well-being by providing insights for policymakers during decision-making process.

replace Deep Learning for Protein-Ligand Docking: Are We There Yet?

Authors: Alex Morehead, Nabin Giri, Jian Liu, Jianlin Cheng

Abstract: The effects of ligand binding on protein structures and their in vivo functions carry numerous implications for modern biomedical research and biotechnology development efforts such as drug discovery. Although several deep learning (DL) methods and benchmarks designed for protein-ligand docking have recently been introduced, to date no prior works have systematically studied the behavior of docking methods within the practical context of (1) using predicted (apo) protein structures for docking (e.g., for broad applicability); (2) docking multiple ligands concurrently to a given target protein (e.g., for enzyme design); and (3) having no prior knowledge of binding pockets (e.g., for pocket generalization). To enable a deeper understanding of docking methods' real-world utility, we introduce PoseBench, the first comprehensive benchmark for practical protein-ligand docking. PoseBench enables researchers to rigorously and systematically evaluate DL docking methods for apo-to-holo protein-ligand docking and protein-ligand structure generation using both single and multi-ligand benchmark datasets, the latter of which we introduce for the first time to the DL community. Empirically, using PoseBench, we find that all recent DL docking methods but one fail to generalize to multi-ligand protein targets and also that template-based docking algorithms perform equally well or better for multi-ligand docking as recent single-ligand DL docking methods, suggesting areas of improvement for future work. Code, data, tutorials, and benchmark results are available at


replace Fast TRAC: A Parameter-Free Optimizer for Lifelong Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Aneesh Muppidi, Zhiyu Zhang, Heng Yang

Abstract: A key challenge in lifelong reinforcement learning (RL) is the loss of plasticity, where previous learning progress hinders an agent's adaptation to new tasks. While regularization and resetting can help, they require precise hyperparameter selection at the outset and environment-dependent adjustments. Building on the principled theory of online convex optimization, we present a parameter-free optimizer for lifelong RL, called TRAC, which requires no tuning or prior knowledge about the distribution shifts. Extensive experiments on Procgen, Atari, and Gym Control environments show that TRAC works surprisingly well-mitigating loss of plasticity and rapidly adapting to challenging distribution shifts-despite the underlying optimization problem being nonconvex and nonstationary.

replace Understanding Memory-Regret Trade-Off for Streaming Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits

Authors: Yuchen He, Zichun Ye, Chihao Zhang

Abstract: We study the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem in the $P$-pass streaming model. In this problem, the $n$ arms are present in a stream and at most $m

replace Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Dynamic Process Operations with Limited Physical Knowledge and Data

Authors: Mehmet Velioglu, Song Zhai, Sophia Rupprecht, Alexander Mitsos, Andreas Jupke, Manuel Dahmen

Abstract: In chemical engineering, process data are expensive to acquire, and complex phenomena are difficult to fully model. We explore the use of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for dynamic processes with incomplete mechanistic semi-explicit differential-algebraic equation systems and scarce process data. In particular, we focus on estimating states for which neither direct observational data nor constitutive equations are available. We propose an easy-to-apply heuristic to assess whether estimation of such states may be possible. As numerical examples, we consider a continuously stirred tank reactor and a liquid-liquid separator. We find that PINNs can infer unmeasured states with reasonable accuracy, and they generalize better in low-data scenarios than purely data-driven models. We thus show that PINNs are capable of modeling processes when relatively few experimental data and only partially known mechanistic descriptions are available, and conclude that they constitute a promising avenue that warrants further investigation.

replace Your Absorbing Discrete Diffusion Secretly Models the Conditional Distributions of Clean Data

Authors: Jingyang Ou, Shen Nie, Kaiwen Xue, Fengqi Zhu, Jiacheng Sun, Zhenguo Li, Chongxuan Li

Abstract: Discrete diffusion models with absorbing processes have shown promise in language modeling. The key quantities to be estimated are the ratios between the marginal probabilities of two transitive states at all timesteps, called the concrete score. In this paper, we reveal that the concrete score in absorbing diffusion can be expressed as conditional probabilities of clean data, multiplied by a time-dependent scalar in an analytic form. Motivated by this finding, we propose reparameterized absorbing discrete diffusion (RADD), a dedicated diffusion model without time-condition that characterizes the time-independent conditional probabilities. Besides its simplicity, RADD can reduce the number of function evaluations (NFEs) by caching the output of the time-independent network when the noisy sample remains unchanged in a sampling interval. Empirically, RADD is up to 3.5 times faster while achieving similar performance with the strongest baseline. Built upon the new perspective of conditional distributions, we further unify absorbing discrete diffusion and any-order autoregressive models (AO-ARMs), showing that the upper bound on the negative log-likelihood for the diffusion model can be interpreted as an expected negative log-likelihood for AO-ARMs. Further, our RADD models achieve SOTA performance among diffusion models on 5 zero-shot language modeling benchmarks (measured by perplexity) at the GPT-2 scale. Our code is available at


replace Improving Alignment and Robustness with Circuit Breakers

Authors: Andy Zou, Long Phan, Justin Wang, Derek Duenas, Maxwell Lin, Maksym Andriushchenko, Rowan Wang, Zico Kolter, Matt Fredrikson, Dan Hendrycks

Abstract: AI systems can take harmful actions and are highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We present an approach, inspired by recent advances in representation engineering, that interrupts the models as they respond with harmful outputs with "circuit breakers." Existing techniques aimed at improving alignment, such as refusal training, are often bypassed. Techniques such as adversarial training try to plug these holes by countering specific attacks. As an alternative to refusal training and adversarial training, circuit-breaking directly controls the representations that are responsible for harmful outputs in the first place. Our technique can be applied to both text-only and multimodal language models to prevent the generation of harmful outputs without sacrificing utility -- even in the presence of powerful unseen attacks. Notably, while adversarial robustness in standalone image recognition remains an open challenge, circuit breakers allow the larger multimodal system to reliably withstand image "hijacks" that aim to produce harmful content. Finally, we extend our approach to AI agents, demonstrating considerable reductions in the rate of harmful actions when they are under attack. Our approach represents a significant step forward in the development of reliable safeguards to harmful behavior and adversarial attacks.

replace Black Box Differential Privacy Auditing Using Total Variation Distance

Authors: Antti Koskela, Jafar Mohammadi

Abstract: We present a practical method to audit the differential privacy (DP) guarantees of a machine learning model using a small hold-out dataset that is not exposed to the model during the training. Having a score function such as the loss function employed during the training, our method estimates the total variation (TV) distance between scores obtained with a subset of the training data and the hold-out dataset. With some meta information about the underlying DP training algorithm, these TV distance values can be converted to $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-guarantees for any $\delta$. We show that these score distributions asymptotically give lower bounds for the DP guarantees of the underlying training algorithm, however, we perform a one-shot estimation for practicality reasons. We specify conditions that lead to lower bounds for the DP guarantees with high probability. To estimate the TV distance between the score distributions, we use a simple density estimation method based on histograms. We show that the TV distance gives a very close to optimally robust estimator and has an error rate $\mathcal{O}(k^{-1/3})$, where $k$ is the total number of samples. Numerical experiments on benchmark datasets illustrate the effectiveness of our approach and show improvements over baseline methods for black-box auditing.

replace ExioML: Eco-economic dataset for Machine Learning in Global Sectoral Sustainability

Authors: Yanming Guo, Charles Guan, Jin Ma

Abstract: The Environmental Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output analysis is the predominant framework in Ecological Economics for assessing the environmental impact of economic activities. This paper introduces ExioML, the first Machine Learning benchmark dataset designed for sustainability analysis, aimed at lowering barriers and fostering collaboration between Machine Learning and Ecological Economics research. A crucial greenhouse gas emission regression task was conducted to evaluate sectoral sustainability and demonstrate the usability of the dataset. We compared the performance of traditional shallow models with deep learning models, utilizing a diverse Factor Accounting table and incorporating various categorical and numerical features. Our findings reveal that ExioML, with its high usability, enables deep and ensemble models to achieve low mean square errors, establishing a baseline for future Machine Learning research. Through ExioML, we aim to build a foundational dataset supporting various Machine Learning applications and promote climate actions and sustainable investment decisions.

replace A Flexible, Equivariant Framework for Subgraph GNNs via Graph Products and Graph Coarsening

Authors: Guy Bar-Shalom, Yam Eitan, Fabrizio Frasca, Haggai Maron

Abstract: Subgraph Graph Neural Networks (Subgraph GNNs) enhance the expressivity of message-passing GNNs by representing graphs as sets of subgraphs. They have shown impressive performance on several tasks, but their complexity limits applications to larger graphs. Previous approaches suggested processing only subsets of subgraphs, selected either randomly or via learnable sampling. However, they make suboptimal subgraph selections or can only cope with very small subset sizes, inevitably incurring performance degradation. This paper introduces a new Subgraph GNNs framework to address these issues. We employ a graph coarsening function to cluster nodes into super-nodes with induced connectivity. The product between the coarsened and the original graph reveals an implicit structure whereby subgraphs are associated with specific sets of nodes. By running generalized message-passing on such graph product, our method effectively implements an efficient, yet powerful Subgraph GNN. Controlling the coarsening function enables meaningful selection of any number of subgraphs while, contrary to previous methods, being fully compatible with standard training techniques. Notably, we discover that the resulting node feature tensor exhibits new, unexplored permutation symmetries. We leverage this structure, characterize the associated linear equivariant layers and incorporate them into the layers of our Subgraph GNN architecture. Extensive experiments on multiple graph learning benchmarks demonstrate that our method is significantly more flexible than previous approaches, as it can seamlessly handle any number of subgraphs, while consistently outperforming baseline approaches.

replace Faster Convergence on Heterogeneous Federated Edge Learning: An Adaptive Clustered Data Sharing Approach

Authors: Gang Hu, Yinglei Teng, Nan Wang, Zhu Han

Abstract: Federated Edge Learning (FEEL) emerges as a pioneering distributed machine learning paradigm for the 6G Hyper-Connectivity, harnessing data from the Internet of Things (IoT) devices while upholding data privacy. However, current FEEL algorithms struggle with non-independent and non-identically distributed (non-IID) data, leading to elevated communication costs and compromised model accuracy. To address these statistical imbalances within FEEL, we introduce a clustered data sharing framework, mitigating data heterogeneity by selectively sharing partial data from cluster heads to trusted associates through sidelink-aided multicasting. The collective communication pattern is integral to FEEL training, where both cluster formation and the efficiency of communication and computation impact training latency and accuracy simultaneously. To tackle the strictly coupled data sharing and resource optimization, we decompose the overall optimization problem into the clients clustering and effective data sharing subproblems. Specifically, a distribution-based adaptive clustering algorithm (DACA) is devised basing on three deductive cluster forming conditions, which ensures the maximum sharing yield. Meanwhile, we design a stochastic optimization based joint computed frequency and shared data volume optimization (JFVO) algorithm, determining the optimal resource allocation with an uncertain objective function. The experiments show that the proposed framework facilitates FEEL on non-IID datasets with faster convergence rate and higher model accuracy in a limited communication environment.

replace Optimal Reward Labeling: Bridging Offline Preference and Reward-Based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yinglun Xu, David Zhu, Rohan Gumaste, Gagandeep Singh

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning has become one of the most practical RL settings. A recent success story has been RLHF, offline preference-based RL (PBRL) with preference from humans. However, most existing works on offline RL focus on the standard setting with scalar reward feedback. It remains unknown how to universally transfer the existing rich understanding of offline RL from the reward-based to the preference-based setting. In this work, we propose a general framework to bridge this gap. Our key insight is transforming preference feedback to scalar rewards via optimal reward labeling (ORL), and then any reward-based offline RL algorithms can be applied to the dataset with the reward labels. We theoretically show the connection between several recent PBRL techniques and our framework combined with specific offline RL algorithms in terms of how they utilize the preference signals. By combining reward labeling with different algorithms, our framework can lead to new and potentially more efficient offline PBRL algorithms. We empirically test our framework on preference datasets based on the standard D4RL benchmark. When combined with a variety of efficient reward-based offline RL algorithms, the learning result achieved under our framework is comparable to training the same algorithm on the dataset with actual rewards in many cases and better than the recent PBRL baselines in most cases.

replace LayerMerge: Neural Network Depth Compression through Layer Pruning and Merging

Authors: Jinuk Kim, Marwa El Halabi, Mingi Ji, Hyun Oh Song

Abstract: Recent works show that reducing the number of layers in a convolutional neural network can enhance efficiency while maintaining the performance of the network. Existing depth compression methods remove redundant non-linear activation functions and merge the consecutive convolution layers into a single layer. However, these methods suffer from a critical drawback; the kernel size of the merged layers becomes larger, significantly undermining the latency reduction gained from reducing the depth of the network. We show that this problem can be addressed by jointly pruning convolution layers and activation functions. To this end, we propose LayerMerge, a novel depth compression method that selects which activation layers and convolution layers to remove, to achieve a desired inference speed-up while minimizing performance loss. Since the corresponding selection problem involves an exponential search space, we formulate a novel surrogate optimization problem and efficiently solve it via dynamic programming. Empirical results demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms existing depth compression and layer pruning methods on various network architectures, both on image classification and generation tasks. We release the code at


replace WindowMixer: Intra-Window and Inter-Window Modeling for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Quangao Liu, Ruiqi Li, Maowei Jiang, Wei Yang, Chen Liang, LongLong Pang, Zhuozhang Zou

Abstract: Time series forecasting (TSF) is crucial in fields like economic forecasting, weather prediction, traffic flow analysis, and public health surveillance. Real-world time series data often include noise, outliers, and missing values, making accurate forecasting challenging. Traditional methods model point-to-point relationships, which limits their ability to capture complex temporal patterns and increases their susceptibility to noise.To address these issues, we introduce the WindowMixer model, built on an all-MLP framework. WindowMixer leverages the continuous nature of time series by examining temporal variations from a window-based perspective. It decomposes time series into trend and seasonal components, handling them individually. For trends, a fully connected (FC) layer makes predictions. For seasonal components, time windows are projected to produce window tokens, processed by Intra-Window-Mixer and Inter-Window-Mixer modules. The Intra-Window-Mixer models relationships within each window, while the Inter-Window-Mixer models relationships between windows. This approach captures intricate patterns and long-range dependencies in the data.Experiments show WindowMixer consistently outperforms existing methods in both long-term and short-term forecasting tasks.

replace What Matters in Transformers? Not All Attention is Needed

Authors: Shwai He, Guoheng Sun, Zheyu Shen, Ang Li

Abstract: Scaling Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) has demonstrated promising performance across various tasks. However, this scaling also introduces redundant structures, posing challenges for real-world deployment. Despite some recognition of redundancy in LLMs, the variability of redundancy across different structures, such as MLP and Attention layers, is under-explored. In this work, we investigate the varying redundancy across different modules within Transformers, including Blocks, MLP, and Attention layers, using a similarity-based metric. This metric operates on the premise that redundant structures produce outputs highly similar to their inputs. Surprisingly, while attention layers are essential for transformers and distinguish them from other mainstream architectures, we found that a large proportion of attention layers exhibit excessively high similarity and can be safely pruned without degrading performance, leading to reduced memory and computation costs. Additionally, we further propose a method that jointly drops Attention and MLP layers, achieving improved performance and dropping ratios. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, e.g., Llama-3-70B maintains comparable performance even after pruning half of the attention layers. Our findings provide valuable insights for future network architecture design. The code will be released at: \url{}.


replace Fault Detection for agents on power grid topology optimization: A Comprehensive analysis

Authors: Malte Lehna, Mohamed Hassouna, Dmitry Degtyar, Sven Tomforde, Christoph Scholz

Abstract: The topology optimization of transmission networks using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has increasingly come into focus. Various researchers have proposed different DRL agents, which are often benchmarked on the Grid2Op environment from the Learning to Run a Power Network (L2RPN) challenges. The environments have many advantages with their realistic chronics and underlying power flow backends. However, the interpretation of agent survival or failure is not always clear, as there are a variety of potential causes. In this work, we focus on the failures of the power grid to identify patterns and detect them a priori. We collect the failed chronics of three different agents on the WCCI 2022 L2RPN environment, totaling about 40k data points. By clustering, we are able to detect five distinct clusters, identifying different failure types. Further, we propose a multi-class prediction approach to detect failures beforehand and evaluate five different models. Here, the Light Gradient-Boosting Machine (LightGBM) shows the best performance, with an accuracy of 86%. It also correctly identifies in 91% of the time failure and survival observations. Finally, we provide a detailed feature importance analysis that identifies critical features and regions in the grid.

replace Semi-adaptive Synergetic Two-way Pseudoinverse Learning System

Authors: Binghong Liu, Ziqi Zhao, Shupan Li, Ke Wang

Abstract: Deep learning has become a crucial technology for making breakthroughs in many fields. Nevertheless, it still faces two important challenges in theoretical and applied aspects. The first lies in the shortcomings of gradient descent based learning schemes which are time-consuming and difficult to determine the learning control hyperparameters. Next, the architectural design of the model is usually tricky. In this paper, we propose a semi-adaptive synergetic two-way pseudoinverse learning system, wherein each subsystem encompasses forward learning, backward learning, and feature concatenation modules. The whole system is trained using a non-gradient descent learning algorithm. It simplifies the hyperparameter tuning while improving the training efficiency. The architecture of the subsystems is designed using a data-driven approach that enables automated determination of the depth of the subsystems. We compare our method with the baselines of mainstream non-gradient descent based methods and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. The source code for this paper is available at}{


replace Lithium-Ion Battery System Health Monitoring and Fault Analysis from Field Data Using Gaussian Processes

Authors: Joachim Schaeffer, Eric Lenz, Duncan Gulla, Martin Z. Bazant, Richard D. Braatz, Rolf Findeisen

Abstract: Health monitoring, fault analysis, and detection are critical for the safe and sustainable operation of battery systems. We apply Gaussian process resistance models on lithium iron phosphate battery field data to effectively separate the time-dependent and operating point-dependent resistance. The data set contains 29 battery systems returned to the manufacturer for warranty, each with eight cells in series, totaling 232 cells and 131 million data rows. We develop probabilistic fault detection rules using recursive spatiotemporal Gaussian processes. These processes allow the quick processing of over a million data points, enabling advanced online monitoring and furthering the understanding of battery pack failure in the field. The analysis underlines that often, only a single cell shows abnormal behavior or a knee point, consistent with weakest-link failure for cells connected in series, amplified by local resistive heating. The results further the understanding of how batteries degrade and fail in the field and demonstrate the potential of efficient online monitoring based on data. We open-source the code and publish the large data set upon completion of the review of this article.

replace YZS-model: A Predictive Model for Organic Drug Solubility Based on Graph Convolutional Networks and Transformer-Attention

Authors: Chenxu Wang, Haowei Ming, Jian He, Yao Lu

Abstract: The accurate prediction of drug molecule solubility is essential for determining their therapeutic effectiveness and safety, influencing the drug's ADME processes. Traditional solubility prediction techniques often fail to capture the complex nature of molecular tructures, leading to notable deviations between predictions and actual results. For example, the Discussion on Advanced Drug-Like Compound Structures. Lusci highlighted issues in capturing crucial cyclic structural information in molecules with ring structures. To overcome this issue, our research introduces a novel deep learning framework combining attention-based transformers, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN), aimed at enhancing the precision of solubility predictions. Utilizing a training set of 9,943 compounds and testing on an anticancer compound dataset, our method achieved a correlation coefficient ($R^2$) of 0.59 and a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.57, which outperforms the benchmark models' scores of 0.52 ($R^2$) and 0.61 (RMSE). Importantly, in an additional independent test, our model significantly outperformed the baseline with an RMSE of 1.05 compared to 1.28, a relative accuracy improvement of 45.9%. This research not only demonstrates the vast potential of deep learning for improving solubility prediction accuracy but also offers novel insights for drug design and selection in the future. Continued efforts will be directed towards optimizing the model architecture and extending its application to better support the drug development process, underscoring the pivotal role of deep learning in drug discovery.

replace Instance Temperature Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Zhengbo Zhang, Yuxi Zhou, Jia Gong, Jun Liu, Zhigang Tu

Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) enhances the performance of a student network by allowing it to learn the knowledge transferred from a teacher network incrementally. Existing methods dynamically adjust the temperature to enable the student network to adapt to the varying learning difficulties at different learning stages of KD. KD is a continuous process, but when adjusting the temperature, these methods consider only the immediate benefits of the operation in the current learning phase and fail to take into account its future returns. To address this issue, we formulate the adjustment of temperature as a sequential decision-making task and propose a method based on reinforcement learning, termed RLKD. Importantly, we design a novel state representation to enable the agent to make more informed action (i.e. instance temperature adjustment). To handle the problem of delayed rewards in our method due to the KD setting, we explore an instance reward calibration approach. In addition,we devise an efficient exploration strategy that enables the agent to learn valuable instance temperature adjustment policy more efficiently. Our framework can serve as a plug-and-play technique to be inserted into various KD methods easily, and we validate its effectiveness on both image classification and object detection tasks. Our project is at


replace Iterative Nash Policy Optimization: Aligning LLMs with General Preferences via No-Regret Learning

Authors: Yuheng Zhang, Dian Yu, Baolin Peng, Linfeng Song, Ye Tian, Mingyue Huo, Nan Jiang, Haitao Mi, Dong Yu

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) has achieved great success in aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. Prevalent RLHF approaches are reward-based, following the Bradley-Terry (BT) model assumption, which may not fully capture the complexity of human preferences. In this paper, we explore RLHF under a general preference framework and approach it from a game-theoretic perspective. Specifically, we formulate the problem as a two-player game and propose a novel algorithm, iterative Nash policy optimization (INPO). The key idea is to let the policy play against itself via no-regret learning, thereby approximating the Nash policy. Unlike previous methods, INPO bypasses the need for estimating the expected win rate for individual responses, which typically incurs high computational or annotation costs. Instead, we introduce a new loss objective that is directly minimized over a preference dataset. We provide theoretical analysis for our approach and demonstrate its effectiveness through experiments on various representative benchmarks. With an LLaMA-3-8B-based SFT model, INPO achieves a 41.5% length-controlled win rate on AlpacaEval 2.0 and a 38.3% win rate on Arena-Hard, showing substantial improvement over the state-of-the-art iterative algorithm [Dong et al., 2024] under the BT model assumption. Additionally, our ablation study highlights the benefits of incorporating KL regularization for response length control.

replace Silver Linings in the Shadows: Harnessing Membership Inference for Machine Unlearning

Authors: Nexhi Sula, Abhinav Kumar, Jie Hou, Han Wang, Reza Tourani

Abstract: With the continued advancement and widespread adoption of machine learning (ML) models across various domains, ensuring user privacy and data security has become a paramount concern. In compliance with data privacy regulations, such as GDPR, a secure machine learning framework should not only grant users the right to request the removal of their contributed data used for model training but also facilitates the elimination of sensitive data fingerprints within machine learning models to mitigate potential attack - a process referred to as machine unlearning. In this study, we present a novel unlearning mechanism designed to effectively remove the impact of specific data samples from a neural network while considering the performance of the unlearned model on the primary task. In achieving this goal, we crafted a novel loss function tailored to eliminate privacy-sensitive information from weights and activation values of the target model by combining target classification loss and membership inference loss. Our adaptable framework can easily incorporate various privacy leakage approximation mechanisms to guide the unlearning process. We provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of our unlearning approach with a theoretical upper-bound analysis through a membership inference mechanism as a proof of concept. Our results showcase the superior performance of our approach in terms of unlearning efficacy and latency as well as the fidelity of the primary task, across four datasets and four deep learning architectures.

replace UniFIDES: Universal Fractional Integro-Differential Equation Solvers

Authors: Milad Saadat, Deepak Mangal, Safa Jamali

Abstract: The development of data-driven approaches for solving differential equations has been followed by a plethora of applications in science and engineering across a multitude of disciplines and remains a central focus of active scientific inquiry. However, a large body of natural phenomena incorporates memory effects that are best described via fractional integro-differential equations (FIDEs), in which the integral or differential operators accept non-integer orders. Addressing the challenges posed by nonlinear FIDEs is a recognized difficulty, necessitating the application of generic methods with immediate practical relevance. This work introduces the Universal Fractional Integro-Differential Equation Solvers (UniFIDES), a comprehensive machine learning platform designed to expeditiously solve a variety of FIDEs in both forward and inverse directions, without the need for ad hoc manipulation of the equations. The effectiveness of UniFIDES is demonstrated through a collection of integer-order and fractional problems in science and engineering. Our results highlight UniFIDES' ability to accurately solve a wide spectrum of integro-differential equations and offer the prospect of using machine learning platforms universally for discovering and describing dynamical and complex systems.

replace On the Anatomy of Attention

Authors: Nikhil Khatri, Tuomas Laakkonen, Jonathon Liu, Vincent Wang-Ma\'scianica

Abstract: We introduce a category-theoretic diagrammatic formalism in order to systematically relate and reason about machine learning models. Our diagrams present architectures intuitively but without loss of essential detail, where natural relationships between models are captured by graphical transformations, and important differences and similarities can be identified at a glance. In this paper, we focus on attention mechanisms: translating folklore into mathematical derivations, and constructing a taxonomy of attention variants in the literature. As a first example of an empirical investigation underpinned by our formalism, we identify recurring anatomical components of attention, which we exhaustively recombine to explore a space of variations on the attention mechanism.

replace Can machine learning solve the challenge of adaptive learning and the individualization of learning paths? A field experiment in an online learning platform

Authors: Marius K\"oppel, Tim Klausmann, Isabell Zipperle, Daniel Schunk

Abstract: The individualization of learning contents based on digital technologies promises large individual and social benefits. However, it remains an open question how this individualization can be implemented. To tackle this question we conduct a randomized controlled trial on a large digital self-learning platform. We develop an algorithm based on two convolutional neural networks that assigns tasks to $4,365$ learners according to their learning paths. Learners are randomized into three groups: two treatment groups -- a group-based adaptive treatment group and an individual adaptive treatment group -- and one control group. We analyze the difference between the three groups with respect to effort learners provide and their performance on the platform. Our null results shed light on the multiple challenges associated with the individualization of learning paths.

replace Foundations and Frontiers of Graph Learning Theory

Authors: Yu Huang, Min Zhou, Menglin Yang, Zhen Wang, Muhan Zhang, Jie Wang, Hong Xie, Hao Wang, Defu Lian, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Recent advancements in graph learning have revolutionized the way to understand and analyze data with complex structures. Notably, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), i.e. neural network architectures designed for learning graph representations, have become a popular paradigm. With these models being usually characterized by intuition-driven design or highly intricate components, placing them within the theoretical analysis framework to distill the core concepts, helps understand the key principles that drive the functionality better and guide further development. Given this surge in interest, this article provides a comprehensive summary of the theoretical foundations and breakthroughs concerning the approximation and learning behaviors intrinsic to prevalent graph learning models. Encompassing discussions on fundamental aspects such as expressiveness power, generalization, optimization, and unique phenomena such as over-smoothing and over-squashing, this piece delves into the theoretical foundations and frontier driving the evolution of graph learning. In addition, this article also presents several challenges and further initiates discussions on possible solutions.

replace Accelerating Communication in Deep Learning Recommendation Model Training with Dual-Level Adaptive Lossy Compression

Authors: Hao Feng, Boyuan Zhang, Fanjiang Ye, Min Si, Ching-Hsiang Chu, Jiannan Tian, Chunxing Yin, Summer Deng, Yuchen Hao, Pavan Balaji, Tong Geng, Dingwen Tao

Abstract: DLRM is a state-of-the-art recommendation system model that has gained widespread adoption across various industry applications. The large size of DLRM models, however, necessitates the use of multiple devices/GPUs for efficient training. A significant bottleneck in this process is the time-consuming all-to-all communication required to collect embedding data from all devices. To mitigate this, we introduce a method that employs error-bounded lossy compression to reduce the communication data size and accelerate DLRM training. We develop a novel error-bounded lossy compression algorithm, informed by an in-depth analysis of embedding data features, to achieve high compression ratios. Moreover, we introduce a dual-level adaptive strategy for error-bound adjustment, spanning both table-wise and iteration-wise aspects, to balance the compression benefits with the potential impacts on accuracy. We further optimize our compressor for PyTorch tensors on GPUs, minimizing compression overhead. Evaluation shows that our method achieves a 1.38$\times$ training speedup with a minimal accuracy impact.

replace-cross Bayesian geoacoustic inversion using mixture density network

Authors: Guoli Wu, Jingya Zhang, Junqiang Song

Abstract: Bayesian geoacoustic inversion problems are conventionally solved by Markov chain Monte Carlo methods or its variants, which are computationally expensive. This paper extends the classic Bayesian geoacoustic inversion framework by deriving important geoacoustic statistics of Bayesian geoacoustic inversion from the multidimensional posterior probability density (PPD) using the mixture density network (MDN) theory. These statistics make it convenient to train the network directly on the whole parameter space and get the multidimensional PPD of model parameters. The present approach provides a much more efficient way to solve geoacoustic inversion problems in Bayesian inference framework. The network is trained on a simulated dataset of surface-wave dispersion curves with shear-wave velocities as labels and tested on both synthetic and real data cases. The results show that the network gives reliable predictions and has good generalization performance on unseen data. Once trained, the network can rapidly (within seconds) give a fully probabilistic solution which is comparable to Monte Carlo methods. It provides an promising approach for real-time inversion.

replace-cross Biomanufacturing Harvest Optimization with Small Data

Authors: Bo Wang, Wei Xie, Tugce Martagan, Alp Akcay, Bram van Ravenstein

Abstract: In biopharmaceutical manufacturing, fermentation processes play a critical role in productivity and profit. A fermentation process uses living cells with complex biological mechanisms, leading to high variability in the process outputs, namely, the protein and impurity levels. By building on the biological mechanisms of protein and impurity growth, we introduce a stochastic model to characterize the accumulation of the protein and impurity levels in the fermentation process. However, a common challenge in the industry is the availability of only a very limited amount of data, especially in the development and early stages of production. This adds an additional layer of uncertainty, referred to as model risk, due to the difficulty of estimating the model parameters with limited data. In this paper, we study the harvesting decision for a fermentation process (i.e., when to stop the fermentation and collect the production reward) under model risk. We adopt a Bayesian approach to update the unknown parameters of the growth-rate distributions, and use the resulting posterior distributions to characterize the impact of model risk on fermentation output variability. The harvesting problem is formulated as a Markov decision process model with knowledge states that summarize the posterior distributions and hence incorporate the model risk in decision-making. Our case studies at MSD Animal Health demonstrate that the proposed model and solution approach improve the harvesting decisions in real life by achieving substantially higher average output from a fermentation batch along with lower batch-to-batch variability.

replace-cross Grounded Relational Inference: Domain Knowledge Driven Explainable Autonomous Driving

Authors: Chen Tang, Nishan Srishankar, Sujitha Martin, Masayoshi Tomizuka

Abstract: Explainability is essential for autonomous vehicles and other robotics systems interacting with humans and other objects during operation. Humans need to understand and anticipate the actions taken by the machines for trustful and safe cooperation. In this work, we aim to develop an explainable model that generates explanations consistent with both human domain knowledge and the model's inherent causal relation. In particular, we focus on an essential building block of autonomous driving, multi-agent interaction modeling. We propose Grounded Relational Inference (GRI). It models an interactive system's underlying dynamics by inferring an interaction graph representing the agents' relations. We ensure a semantically meaningful interaction graph by grounding the relational latent space into semantic interactive behaviors defined with expert domain knowledge. We demonstrate that it can model interactive traffic scenarios under both simulation and real-world settings, and generate semantic graphs explaining the vehicle's behavior by their interactions.

replace-cross Accelerated Algorithms for Constrained Nonconvex-Nonconcave Min-Max Optimization and Comonotone Inclusion

Authors: Yang Cai, Argyris Oikonomou, Weiqiang Zheng

Abstract: We study constrained comonotone min-max optimization, a structured class of nonconvex-nonconcave min-max optimization problems, and their generalization to comonotone inclusion. In our first contribution, we extend the Extra Anchored Gradient (EAG) algorithm, originally proposed by Yoon and Ryu (2021) for unconstrained min-max optimization, to constrained comonotone min-max optimization and comonotone inclusion, achieving an optimal convergence rate of $O\left(\frac{1}{T}\right)$ among all first-order methods. Additionally, we prove that the algorithm's iterations converge to a point in the solution set. In our second contribution, we extend the Fast Extra Gradient (FEG) algorithm, as developed by Lee and Kim (2021), to constrained comonotone min-max optimization and comonotone inclusion, achieving the same $O\left(\frac{1}{T}\right)$ convergence rate. This rate is applicable to the broadest set of comonotone inclusion problems yet studied in the literature. Our analyses are based on simple potential function arguments, which might be useful for analyzing other accelerated algorithms.

replace-cross D2-LRR: A Dual-Decomposed MDLatLRR Approach for Medical Image Fusion

Authors: Xu Song, Tianyu Shen, Hui Li, Xiao-Jun Wu

Abstract: In image fusion tasks, an ideal image decomposition method can bring better performance. MDLatLRR has done a great job in this aspect, but there is still exist some space for improvement. Considering that MDLatLRR focuses solely on the detailed parts (salient features) extracted from input images via latent low-rank representation (LatLRR), the basic parts (principal features) extracted by LatLRR are not fully utilized. Therefore, we introduced an enhanced multi-level decomposition method named dual-decomposed MDLatLRR (D2-LRR) which effectively analyzes and utilizes all image features extracted through LatLRR. Specifically, color images are converted into YUV color space and grayscale images, and the Y-channel and grayscale images are input into the trained parameters of LatLRR to obtain the detailed parts containing four rounds of decomposition and the basic parts. Subsequently, the basic parts are fused using an average strategy, while the detail part is fused using kernel norm operation. The fused image is ultimately transformed back into an RGB image, resulting in the final fusion output. We apply D2-LRR to medical image fusion tasks. The detailed parts are fused employing a nuclear-norm operation, while the basic parts are fused using an average strategy. Comparative analyses among existing methods showcase that our proposed approach attains cutting-edge fusion performance in both objective and subjective assessments.

replace-cross Improved Global Guarantees for the Nonconvex Burer--Monteiro Factorization via Rank Overparameterization

Authors: Richard Y. Zhang

Abstract: We consider minimizing a twice-differentiable, $L$-smooth, and $\mu$-strongly convex objective $\phi$ over an $n\times n$ positive semidefinite matrix $M\succeq0$, under the assumption that the minimizer $M^{\star}$ has low rank $r^{\star}\ll n$. Following the Burer--Monteiro approach, we instead minimize the nonconvex objective $f(X)=\phi(XX^{T})$ over a factor matrix $X$ of size $n\times r$. This substantially reduces the number of variables from $O(n^{2})$ to as few as $O(n)$ and also enforces positive semidefiniteness for free, but at the cost of giving up the convexity of the original problem. In this paper, we prove that if the search rank $r\ge r^{\star}$ is overparameterized by a \emph{constant factor} with respect to the true rank $r^{\star}$, namely as in $r>\frac{1}{4}(L/\mu-1)^{2}r^{\star}$, then despite nonconvexity, local optimization is guaranteed to globally converge from any initial point to the global optimum. This significantly improves upon a previous rank overparameterization threshold of $r\ge n$, which we show is sharp in the absence of smoothness and strong convexity, but would increase the number of variables back up to $O(n^{2})$. Conversely, without rank overparameterization, we prove that such a global guarantee is possible if and only if $\phi$ is almost perfectly conditioned, with a condition number of $L/\mu<3$. Therefore, we conclude that a small amount of overparameterization can lead to large improvements in theoretical guarantees for the nonconvex Burer--Monteiro factorization.

replace-cross Towards Improving Unit Commitment Economics: An Add-On Tailor for Renewable Energy and Reserve Predictions

Authors: Xianbang Chen, Yikui Liu, Lei Wu

Abstract: Generally, day-ahead unit commitment (UC) is conducted in a predict-then-optimize process: it starts by predicting the renewable energy source (RES) availability and system reserve requirements; given the predictions, the UC model is then optimized to determine the economic operation plans. In fact, predictions within the process are raw. In other words, if the predictions are further tailored to assist UC in making the economic operation plans against realizations of the RES and reserve requirements, UC economics will benefit significantly. To this end, this paper presents a cost-oriented tailor of RES-and-reserve predictions for UC, deployed as an add-on to the predict-then-optimize process. The RES-and-reserve tailor is trained by solving a bi-level mixed-integer programming model: the upper level trains the tailor based on its induced operating cost; the lower level, given tailored predictions, mimics the system operation process and feeds the induced operating cost back to the upper level; finally, the upper level evaluates the training quality according to the fed-back cost. Through this training, the tailor learns to customize the raw predictions into cost-oriented predictions. Moreover, the tailor can be embedded into the existing predict-then-optimize process as an add-on, improving the UC economics. Lastly, the presented method is compared to traditional, binary-relaxation, neural network-based, stochastic, and robust methods.

replace-cross Visual representations in the human brain are aligned with large language models

Authors: Adrien Doerig, Tim C Kietzmann, Emily Allen, Yihan Wu, Thomas Naselaris, Kendrick Kay, Ian Charest

Abstract: The human brain extracts complex information from visual inputs, including objects, their spatial and semantic interrelations, and their interactions with the environment. However, a quantitative approach for studying this information remains elusive. Here, we test whether the contextual information encoded in large language models (LLMs) is beneficial for modelling the complex visual information extracted by the brain from natural scenes. We show that LLM embeddings of scene captions successfully characterise brain activity evoked by viewing the natural scenes. This mapping captures selectivities of different brain areas, and is sufficiently robust that accurate scene captions can be reconstructed from brain activity. Using carefully controlled model comparisons, we then proceed to show that the accuracy with which LLM representations match brain representations derives from the ability of LLMs to integrate complex information contained in scene captions beyond that conveyed by individual words. Finally, we train deep neural network models to transform image inputs into LLM representations. Remarkably, these networks learn representations that are better aligned with brain representations than a large number of state-of-the-art alternative models, despite being trained on orders-of-magnitude less data. Overall, our results suggest that LLM embeddings of scene captions provide a representational format that accounts for complex information extracted by the brain from visual inputs.

replace-cross An active learning method for solving competitive multi-agent decision-making and control problems

Authors: Filippo Fabiani, Alberto Bemporad

Abstract: To identify a stationary action profile for a population of competitive agents, each executing private strategies, we introduce a novel active-learning scheme where a centralized external observer (or entity) can probe the agents' reactions and recursively update simple local parametric estimates of the action-reaction mappings. Under very general working assumptions (not even assuming that a stationary profile exists), sufficient conditions are established to assess the asymptotic properties of the proposed active learning methodology so that, if the parameters characterizing the action-reaction mappings converge, a stationary action profile is achieved. Such conditions hence act also as certificates for the existence of such a profile. Extensive numerical simulations involving typical competitive multi-agent control and decision-making problems illustrate the practical effectiveness of the proposed learning-based approach.

replace-cross Noncommutative $C^*$-algebra Net: Learning Neural Networks with Powerful Product Structure in $C^*$-algebra

Authors: Ryuichiro Hataya, Yuka Hashimoto

Abstract: We propose a new generalization of neural network parameter spaces with noncommutative $C^*$-algebra, which possesses a rich noncommutative structure of products. We show that this noncommutative structure induces powerful effects in learning neural networks. Our framework has a wide range of applications, such as learning multiple related neural networks simultaneously with interactions and learning equivariant features with respect to group actions. Numerical experiments illustrate the validity of our framework and its potential power.

replace-cross Beware of diffusion models for synthesizing medical images -- A comparison with GANs in terms of memorizing brain MRI and chest x-ray images

Authors: Muhammad Usman Akbar, Wuhao Wang, Anders Eklund

Abstract: Diffusion models were initially developed for text-to-image generation and are now being utilized to generate high quality synthetic images. Preceded by GANs, diffusion models have shown impressive results using various evaluation metrics. However, commonly used metrics such as FID and IS are not suitable for determining whether diffusion models are simply reproducing the training images. Here we train StyleGAN and a diffusion model, using BRATS20, BRATS21 and a chest x-ray pneumonia dataset, to synthesize brain MRI and chest x-ray images, and measure the correlation between the synthetic images and all training images. Our results show that diffusion models are more likely to memorize the training images, compared to StyleGAN, especially for small datasets and when using 2D slices from 3D volumes. Researchers should be careful when using diffusion models (and to some extent GANs) for medical imaging, if the final goal is to share the synthetic images.

replace-cross UDPM: Upsampling Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Authors: Shady Abu-Hussein, Raja Giryes

Abstract: Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) have recently gained significant attention. DDPMs compose a Markovian process that begins in the data domain and gradually adds noise until reaching pure white noise. DDPMs generate high-quality samples from complex data distributions by defining an inverse process and training a deep neural network to learn this mapping. However, these models are inefficient because they require many diffusion steps to produce aesthetically pleasing samples. Additionally, unlike generative adversarial networks (GANs), the latent space of diffusion models is less interpretable. In this work, we propose to generalize the denoising diffusion process into an Upsampling Diffusion Probabilistic Model (UDPM). In the forward process, we reduce the latent variable dimension through downsampling, followed by the traditional noise perturbation. As a result, the reverse process gradually denoises and upsamples the latent variable to produce a sample from the data distribution. We formalize the Markovian diffusion processes of UDPM and demonstrate its generation capabilities on the popular FFHQ, AFHQv2, and CIFAR10 datasets. UDPM generates images with as few as three network evaluations, whose overall computational cost is less than a single DDPM or EDM step, while achieving an FID score of 6.86. This surpasses current state-of-the-art efficient diffusion models that use a single denoising step for sampling. Additionally, UDPM offers an interpretable and interpolable latent space, which gives it an advantage over traditional DDPMs. Our code is available online: \url{}


replace-cross Physics-Regulated Deep Reinforcement Learning: Invariant Embeddings

Authors: Hongpeng Cao, Yanbing Mao, Lui Sha, Marco Caccamo

Abstract: This paper proposes the Phy-DRL: a physics-regulated deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework for safety-critical autonomous systems. The Phy-DRL has three distinguished invariant-embedding designs: i) residual action policy (i.e., integrating data-driven-DRL action policy and physics-model-based action policy), ii) automatically constructed safety-embedded reward, and iii) physics-model-guided neural network (NN) editing, including link editing and activation editing. Theoretically, the Phy-DRL exhibits 1) a mathematically provable safety guarantee and 2) strict compliance of critic and actor networks with physics knowledge about the action-value function and action policy. Finally, we evaluate the Phy-DRL on a cart-pole system and a quadruped robot. The experiments validate our theoretical results and demonstrate that Phy-DRL features guaranteed safety compared to purely data-driven DRL and solely model-based design while offering remarkably fewer learning parameters and fast training towards safety guarantee.

replace-cross Shadows of quantum machine learning

Authors: Sofiene Jerbi, Casper Gyurik, Simon C. Marshall, Riccardo Molteni, Vedran Dunjko

Abstract: Quantum machine learning is often highlighted as one of the most promising practical applications for which quantum computers could provide a computational advantage. However, a major obstacle to the widespread use of quantum machine learning models in practice is that these models, even once trained, still require access to a quantum computer in order to be evaluated on new data. To solve this issue, we introduce a new class of quantum models where quantum resources are only required during training, while the deployment of the trained model is classical. Specifically, the training phase of our models ends with the generation of a 'shadow model' from which the classical deployment becomes possible. We prove that: i) this class of models is universal for classically-deployed quantum machine learning; ii) it does have restricted learning capacities compared to 'fully quantum' models, but nonetheless iii) it achieves a provable learning advantage over fully classical learners, contingent on widely-believed assumptions in complexity theory. These results provide compelling evidence that quantum machine learning can confer learning advantages across a substantially broader range of scenarios, where quantum computers are exclusively employed during the training phase. By enabling classical deployment, our approach facilitates the implementation of quantum machine learning models in various practical contexts.

replace-cross Learning Closed-form Equations for Subgrid-scale Closures from High-fidelity Data: Promises and Challenges

Authors: Karan Jakhar, Yifei Guan, Rambod Mojgani, Ashesh Chattopadhyay, Pedram Hassanzadeh

Abstract: There is growing interest in discovering interpretable, closed-form equations for subgrid-scale (SGS) closures/parameterizations of complex processes in Earth systems. Here, we apply a common equation-discovery technique with expansive libraries to learn closures from filtered direct numerical simulations of 2D turbulence and Rayleigh-B\'enard convection (RBC). Across common filters (e.g., Gaussian, box), we robustly discover closures of the same form for momentum and heat fluxes. These closures depend on nonlinear combinations of gradients of filtered variables, with constants that are independent of the fluid/flow properties and only depend on filter type/size. We show that these closures are the nonlinear gradient model (NGM), which is derivable analytically using Taylor-series. Indeed, we suggest that with common (physics-free) equation-discovery algorithms, for many common systems/physics, discovered closures are consistent with the leading term of the Taylor-series (except when cutoff filters are used). Like previous studies, we find that large-eddy simulations with NGM closures are unstable, despite significant similarities between the true and NGM-predicted fluxes (correlations $> 0.95$). We identify two shortcomings as reasons for these instabilities: in 2D, NGM produces zero kinetic energy transfer between resolved and subgrid scales, lacking both diffusion and backscattering. In RBC, potential energy backscattering is poorly predicted. Moreover, we show that SGS fluxes diagnosed from data, presumed the ''truth'' for discovery, depend on filtering procedures and are not unique. Accordingly, to learn accurate, stable closures in future work, we propose several ideas around using physics-informed libraries, loss functions, and metrics. These findings are relevant to closure modeling of any multi-scale system.

replace-cross Mini-Giants: "Small" Language Models and Open Source Win-Win

Authors: Zhengping Zhou, Lezhi Li, Xinxi Chen, Andy Li

Abstract: ChatGPT is phenomenal. However, it is prohibitively expensive to train and refine such giant models. Fortunately, small language models are flourishing and becoming more and more competent. We call them "mini-giants". We argue that open source community like Kaggle and mini-giants will win-win in many ways, technically, ethically and socially. In this article, we present a brief yet rich background, discuss how to attain small language models, present a comparative study of small language models and a brief discussion of evaluation methods, discuss the application scenarios where small language models are most needed in the real world, and conclude with discussion and outlook.

replace-cross TbExplain: A Text-based Explanation Method for Scene Classification Models with the Statistical Prediction Correction

Authors: Amirhossein Aminimehr, Pouya Khani, Amirali Molaei, Amirmohammad Kazemeini, Erik Cambria

Abstract: The field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to improve the interpretability of black-box machine learning models. Building a heatmap based on the importance value of input features is a popular method for explaining the underlying functions of such models in producing their predictions. Heatmaps are almost understandable to humans, yet they are not without flaws. Non-expert users, for example, may not fully understand the logic of heatmaps (the logic in which relevant pixels to the model's prediction are highlighted with different intensities or colors). Additionally, objects and regions of the input image that are relevant to the model prediction are frequently not entirely differentiated by heatmaps. In this paper, we propose a framework called TbExplain that employs XAI techniques and a pre-trained object detector to present text-based explanations of scene classification models. Moreover, TbExplain incorporates a novel method to correct predictions and textually explain them based on the statistics of objects in the input image when the initial prediction is unreliable. To assess the trustworthiness and validity of the text-based explanations, we conducted a qualitative experiment, and the findings indicated that these explanations are sufficiently reliable. Furthermore, our quantitative and qualitative experiments on TbExplain with scene classification datasets reveal an improvement in classification accuracy over ResNet variants.

replace-cross Deep Neural Networks and Brain Alignment: Brain Encoding and Decoding (Survey)

Authors: Subba Reddy Oota, Zijiao Chen, Manish Gupta, Raju S. Bapi, Gael Jobard, Frederic Alexandre, Xavier Hinaut

Abstract: Can we obtain insights about the brain using AI models? How is the information in deep learning models related to brain recordings? Can we improve AI models with the help of brain recordings? Such questions can be tackled by studying brain recordings like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). As a first step, the neuroscience community has contributed several large cognitive neuroscience datasets related to passive reading/listening/viewing of concept words, narratives, pictures, and movies. Encoding and decoding models using these datasets have also been proposed in the past two decades. These models serve as additional tools for basic cognitive science and neuroscience research. Encoding models aim at generating fMRI brain representations given a stimulus automatically. They have several practical applications in evaluating and diagnosing neurological conditions and thus may also help design therapies for brain damage. Decoding models solve the inverse problem of reconstructing the stimuli given the fMRI. They are useful for designing brain-machine or brain-computer interfaces. Inspired by the effectiveness of deep learning models for natural language processing, computer vision, and speech, several neural encoding and decoding models have been recently proposed. In this survey, we will first discuss popular representations of language, vision and speech stimuli, and present a summary of neuroscience datasets. Further, we will review popular deep learning based encoding and decoding architectures and note their benefits and limitations. Finally, we will conclude with a summary and discussion about future trends. Given the large amount of recently published work in the computational cognitive neuroscience (CCN) community, we believe that this survey enables an entry point for DNN researchers to diversify into CCN research.

replace-cross Prominent Roles of Conditionally Invariant Components in Domain Adaptation: Theory and Algorithms

Authors: Keru Wu, Yuansi Chen, Wooseok Ha, Bin Yu

Abstract: Domain adaptation (DA) is a statistical learning problem that arises when the distribution of the source data used to train a model differs from that of the target data used to evaluate the model. While many DA algorithms have demonstrated considerable empirical success, blindly applying these algorithms can often lead to worse performance on new datasets. To address this, it is crucial to clarify the assumptions under which a DA algorithm has good target performance. In this work, we focus on the assumption of the presence of conditionally invariant components (CICs), which are relevant for prediction and remain conditionally invariant across the source and target data. We demonstrate that CICs, which can be estimated through conditional invariant penalty (CIP), play three prominent roles in providing target risk guarantees in DA. First, we propose a new algorithm based on CICs, importance-weighted conditional invariant penalty (IW-CIP), which has target risk guarantees beyond simple settings such as covariate shift and label shift. Second, we show that CICs help identify large discrepancies between source and target risks of other DA algorithms. Finally, we demonstrate that incorporating CICs into the domain invariant projection (DIP) algorithm can address its failure scenario caused by label-flipping features. We support our new algorithms and theoretical findings via numerical experiments on synthetic data, MNIST, CelebA, Camelyon17, and DomainNet datasets.

replace-cross FUTURE-AI: International consensus guideline for trustworthy and deployable artificial intelligence in healthcare

Authors: Karim Lekadir, Aasa Feragen, Abdul Joseph Fofanah, Alejandro F Frangi, Alena Buyx, Anais Emelie, Andrea Lara, Antonio R Porras, An-Wen Chan, Arcadi Navarro, Ben Glocker, Benard O Botwe, Bishesh Khanal, Brigit Beger, Carol C Wu, Celia Cintas, Curtis P Langlotz, Daniel Rueckert, Deogratias Mzurikwao, Dimitrios I Fotiadis, Doszhan Zhussupov, Enzo Ferrante, Erik Meijering, Eva Weicken, Fabio A Gonz\'alez, Folkert W Asselbergs, Fred Prior, Gabriel P Krestin, Gary Collins, Geletaw S Tegenaw, Georgios Kaissis, Gianluca Misuraca, Gianna Tsakou, Girish Dwivedi, Haridimos Kondylakis, Harsha Jayakody, Henry C Woodruf, Horst Joachim Mayer, Hugo JWL Aerts, Ian Walsh, Ioanna Chouvarda, Ir\`ene Buvat, Isabell Tributsch, Islem Rekik, James Duncan, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Jihad Zahir, Jinah Park, John Mongan, Judy W Gichoya, Julia A Schnabel, Kaisar Kushibar, Katrine Riklund, Kensaku Mori, Kostas Marias, Lameck M Amugongo, Lauren A Fromont, Lena Maier-Hein, Leonor Cerd\'a Alberich, Leticia Rittner, Lighton Phiri, Linda Marrakchi-Kacem, Llu\'is Donoso-Bach, Luis Mart\'i-Bonmat\'i, M Jorge Cardoso, Maciej Bobowicz, Mahsa Shabani, Manolis Tsiknakis, Maria A Zuluaga, Maria Bielikova, Marie-Christine Fritzsche, Marina Camacho, Marius George Linguraru, Markus Wenzel, Marleen De Bruijne, Martin G Tolsgaard, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Md Ashrafuzzaman, Melanie Goisauf, Mohammad Yaqub, M\'onica Cano Abad\'ia, Mukhtar M E Mahmoud, Mustafa Elattar, Nicola Rieke, Nikolaos Papanikolaou, Noussair Lazrak, Oliver D\'iaz, Olivier Salvado, Oriol Pujol, Ousmane Sall, Pamela Guevara, Peter Gordebeke, Philippe Lambin, Pieta Brown, Purang Abolmaesumi, Qi Dou, Qinghua Lu, Richard Osuala, Rose Nakasi, S Kevin Zhou, Sandy Napel, Sara Colantonio, Shadi Albarqouni, Smriti Joshi, Stacy Carter, Stefan Klein, Steffen E Petersen, Susanna Auss\'o, Suyash Awate, Tammy Riklin Raviv, Tessa Cook, Tinashe E M Mutsvangwa, Wendy A Rogers, Wiro J Niessen, X\`enia Puig-Bosch, Yi Zeng, Yunusa G Mohammed, Yves Saint James Aquino, Zohaib Salahuddin, Martijn P A Starmans

Abstract: Despite major advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for medicine and healthcare, the deployment and adoption of AI technologies remain limited in real-world clinical practice. In recent years, concerns have been raised about the technical, clinical, ethical and legal risks associated with medical AI. To increase real world adoption, it is essential that medical AI tools are trusted and accepted by patients, clinicians, health organisations and authorities. This work describes the FUTURE-AI guideline as the first international consensus framework for guiding the development and deployment of trustworthy AI tools in healthcare. The FUTURE-AI consortium was founded in 2021 and currently comprises 118 inter-disciplinary experts from 51 countries representing all continents, including AI scientists, clinicians, ethicists, and social scientists. Over a two-year period, the consortium defined guiding principles and best practices for trustworthy AI through an iterative process comprising an in-depth literature review, a modified Delphi survey, and online consensus meetings. The FUTURE-AI framework was established based on 6 guiding principles for trustworthy AI in healthcare, i.e. Fairness, Universality, Traceability, Usability, Robustness and Explainability. Through consensus, a set of 28 best practices were defined, addressing technical, clinical, legal and socio-ethical dimensions. The recommendations cover the entire lifecycle of medical AI, from design, development and validation to regulation, deployment, and monitoring. FUTURE-AI is a risk-informed, assumption-free guideline which provides a structured approach for constructing medical AI tools that will be trusted, deployed and adopted in real-world practice. Researchers are encouraged to take the recommendations into account in proof-of-concept stages to facilitate future translation towards clinical practice of medical AI.

replace-cross Fill in the Blank: Exploring and Enhancing LLM Capabilities for Backward Reasoning in Math Word Problems

Authors: Aniruddha Deb, Neeva Oza, Sarthak Singla, Dinesh Khandelwal, Dinesh Garg, Parag Singla

Abstract: While forward reasoning (i.e., find the answer given the question) has been explored extensively in recent literature, backward reasoning is relatively unexplored. We examine the backward reasoning capabilities of LLMs on Math Word Problems (MWPs): given a mathematical question and its answer, with some details omitted from the question, can LLMs effectively retrieve the missing information? On modifying three benchmark datasets for this task, to evaluate this task: GSM8k, SVAMP, and MultiArith, we find a significant drop in the accuracy of models on this task compared to forward reasoning across SOTA LLMs (GPT4, GPT3.5, PaLM-2, and LLaMa). Motivated by the fact backward reasoning can be seen as the ''inverse'' of forward reasoning, we propose variations of three different forward reasoning strategies to improve performance. Rephrase reformulates the given problem into a forward reasoning problem, PAL-Tools combines the idea of Program-Aided LLMs to produce a set of equations that can be solved by an external solver, and Check your Work exploits the availability of natural verifier of high accuracy in the forward direction, interleaving solving and verification steps. Finally, realizing that each of our base methods correctly solves a different set of problems, we propose a novel Bayesian formulation for creating an ensemble over the base methods to further boost the accuracy. Extensive experimentation demonstrates successive improvement in the performance of LLMs on the backward reasoning task, using our strategies, with our ensemble-based method resulting in significant performance gains compared to the SOTA forward reasoning strategies we adapt.

replace-cross Towards Interpretable Sequence Continuation: Analyzing Shared Circuits in Large Language Models

Authors: Michael Lan, Phillip Torr, Fazl Barez

Abstract: While transformer models exhibit strong capabilities on linguistic tasks, their complex architectures make them difficult to interpret. Recent work has aimed to reverse engineer transformer models into human-readable representations called circuits that implement algorithmic functions. We extend this research by analyzing and comparing circuits for similar sequence continuation tasks, which include increasing sequences of Arabic numerals, number words, and months. By applying circuit interpretability analysis, we identify a key sub-circuit in both GPT-2 Small and Llama-2-7B responsible for detecting sequence members and for predicting the next member in a sequence. Our analysis reveals that semantically related sequences rely on shared circuit subgraphs with analogous roles. Additionally, we show that this sub-circuit has effects on various math-related prompts, such as on intervaled circuits, Spanish number word and months continuation, and natural language word problems. Overall, documenting shared computational structures enables better model behavior predictions, identification of errors, and safer editing procedures. This mechanistic understanding of transformers is a critical step towards building more robust, aligned, and interpretable language models.

replace-cross Post-training Quantization for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Progressive Calibration and Activation Relaxing

Authors: Siao Tang, Xin Wang, Hong Chen, Chaoyu Guan, Zewen Wu, Yansong Tang, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: High computational overhead is a troublesome problem for diffusion models. Recent studies have leveraged post-training quantization (PTQ) to compress diffusion models. However, most of them only focus on unconditional models, leaving the quantization of widely-used pretrained text-to-image models, e.g., Stable Diffusion, largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose a novel post-training quantization method PCR (Progressive Calibration and Relaxing) for text-to-image diffusion models, which consists of a progressive calibration strategy that considers the accumulated quantization error across timesteps, and an activation relaxing strategy that improves the performance with negligible cost. Additionally, we demonstrate the previous metrics for text-to-image diffusion model quantization are not accurate due to the distribution gap. To tackle the problem, we propose a novel QDiffBench benchmark, which utilizes data in the same domain for more accurate evaluation. Besides, QDiffBench also considers the generalization performance of the quantized model outside the calibration dataset. Extensive experiments on Stable Diffusion and Stable Diffusion XL demonstrate the superiority of our method and benchmark. Moreover, we are the first to achieve quantization for Stable Diffusion XL while maintaining the performance.

replace-cross Synthetically Enhanced: Unveiling Synthetic Data's Potential in Medical Imaging Research

Authors: Bardia Khosravi, Frank Li, Theo Dapamede, Pouria Rouzrokh, Cooper U. Gamble, Hari M. Trivedi, Cody C. Wyles, Andrew B. Sellergren, Saptarshi Purkayastha, Bradley J. Erickson, Judy W. Gichoya

Abstract: Chest X-rays (CXR) are essential for diagnosing a variety of conditions, but when used on new populations, model generalizability issues limit their efficacy. Generative AI, particularly denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs), offers a promising approach to generating synthetic images, enhancing dataset diversity. This study investigates the impact of synthetic data supplementation on the performance and generalizability of medical imaging research. The study employed DDPMs to create synthetic CXRs conditioned on demographic and pathological characteristics from the CheXpert dataset. These synthetic images were used to supplement training datasets for pathology classifiers, with the aim of improving their performance. The evaluation involved three datasets (CheXpert, MIMIC-CXR, and Emory Chest X-ray) and various experiments, including supplementing real data with synthetic data, training with purely synthetic data, and mixing synthetic data with external datasets. Performance was assessed using the area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC). Adding synthetic data to real datasets resulted in a notable increase in AUROC values (up to 0.02 in internal and external test sets with 1000% supplementation, p-value less than 0.01 in all instances). When classifiers were trained exclusively on synthetic data, they achieved performance levels comparable to those trained on real data with 200%-300% data supplementation. The combination of real and synthetic data from different sources demonstrated enhanced model generalizability, increasing model AUROC from 0.76 to 0.80 on the internal test set (p-value less than 0.01). In conclusion, synthetic data supplementation significantly improves the performance and generalizability of pathology classifiers in medical imaging.

replace-cross GIFT: Generative Interpretable Fine-Tuning

Authors: Chinmay Savadikar, Xi Song, Tianfu Wu

Abstract: We present Generative Interpretable Fine-Tuning (GIFT) for parameter-efficient fine-tuning of pretrained Transformer backbones, which can be formulated as a simple factorized matrix multiplication in the parameter space or equivalently in the activation/representation space, and thus embraces built-in interpretability. For a layer with weights $\omega\in \mathbb{R}^{d_{out}\times d_{in}}$, our proposed GIFT learns the fine-tuned weights $\hat{\omega}$ directly from $\omega$ as $\hat{\omega}=\omega\cdot (\mathbb{I}+\phi_{d_{in}\times r}\cdot\psi_{r\times d_{in}})$. $\Theta=(\phi, \psi)$ are the learnable parameters of the two linear layers. $\Theta$ can be shared by all layers selected for fine-tuning (e.g., all the Query and Value layers), or can be layer-type specific (e.g., different $\Theta$'s used for Query and Value), resulting in significantly fewer trainable parameters compared to layer-specific Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA). We perform comprehensive evaluations on natural language tasks (commonsense and arithmetic reasoning, instruction tuning, and sequence classification), and fine-grained visual classification tasks. We obtain the best performance and parameter efficiency among baselines on commonsense reasoning, instruction tuning and visual recognition benchmarks. Compared to LoRA, we obtain 5.9% absolute increase in average accuracy with 53.8 times reduction of parameters on Commonsense170k using Llama-3 (8B), and 5.4% absolute increase in the win rate with 4 times reduction of parameters using Llama-2 (7B) during instruction tuning. Our GIFT also obtains a slightly higher win rate on instruction tuning than GPT 3.5 (Turbo 1106). We show the output of the first linear layer (i.e., $\omega\cdot \phi$) is surprisingly interpretable, which can play the role of a token-clustering head as a by-product to localize meaningful objects/parts in images for computer vision tasks.

replace-cross An Experimental Design Framework for Label-Efficient Supervised Finetuning of Large Language Models

Authors: Gantavya Bhatt, Yifang Chen, Arnav M. Das, Jifan Zhang, Sang T. Truong, Stephen Mussmann, Yinglun Zhu, Jeffrey Bilmes, Simon S. Du, Kevin Jamieson, Jordan T. Ash, Robert D. Nowak

Abstract: Supervised finetuning (SFT) on instruction datasets has played a crucial role in achieving the remarkable zero-shot generalization capabilities observed in modern large language models (LLMs). However, the annotation efforts required to produce high quality responses for instructions are becoming prohibitively expensive, especially as the number of tasks spanned by instruction datasets continues to increase. Active learning is effective in identifying useful subsets of samples to annotate from an unlabeled pool, but its high computational cost remains a barrier to its widespread applicability in the context of LLMs. To mitigate the annotation cost of SFT and circumvent the computational bottlenecks of active learning, we propose using experimental design. Experimental design techniques select the most informative samples to label, and typically maximize some notion of uncertainty and/or diversity. In our work, we implement a framework that evaluates several existing and novel experimental design techniques and find that these methods consistently yield significant gains in label efficiency with little computational overhead. On generative tasks, our methods achieve the same generalization performance with only $50\%$ of annotation cost required by random sampling.

replace-cross Nonparametric Density Estimation via Variance-Reduced Sketching

Authors: Yifan Peng, Yuehaw Khoo, Daren Wang

Abstract: Nonparametric density models are of great interest in various scientific and engineering disciplines. Classical density kernel methods, while numerically robust and statistically sound in low-dimensional settings, become inadequate even in moderate higher-dimensional settings due to the curse of dimensionality. In this paper, we introduce a new framework called Variance-Reduced Sketching (VRS), specifically designed to estimate multivariable density functions with a reduced curse of dimensionality. Our framework conceptualizes multivariable functions as infinite-size matrices, and facilitates a new sketching technique motivated by numerical linear algebra literature to reduce the variance in density estimation problems. We demonstrate the robust numerical performance of VRS through a series of simulated experiments and real-world data applications. Notably, VRS shows remarkable improvement over existing neural network estimators and classical kernel methods in numerous density models. Additionally, we offer theoretical justifications for VRS to support its ability to deliver nonparametric density estimation with a reduced curse of dimensionality.

replace-cross Learning Dynamics from Multicellular Graphs with Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Haiqian Yang, Florian Meyer, Shaoxun Huang, Liu Yang, Cristiana Lungu, Monilola A. Olayioye, Markus J. Buehler, Ming Guo

Abstract: Multicellular self-assembly into functional structures is a dynamic process that is critical in the development and diseases, including embryo development, organ formation, tumor invasion, and others. Being able to infer collective cell migratory dynamics from their static configuration is valuable for both understanding and predicting these complex processes. However, the identification of structural features that can indicate multicellular motion has been difficult, and existing metrics largely rely on physical instincts. Here we show that using a graph neural network (GNN), the motion of multicellular collectives can be inferred from a static snapshot of cell positions, in both experimental and synthetic datasets.

replace-cross InstructIR: High-Quality Image Restoration Following Human Instructions

Authors: Marcos V. Conde, Gregor Geigle, Radu Timofte

Abstract: Image restoration is a fundamental problem that involves recovering a high-quality clean image from its degraded observation. All-In-One image restoration models can effectively restore images from various types and levels of degradation using degradation-specific information as prompts to guide the restoration model. In this work, we present the first approach that uses human-written instructions to guide the image restoration model. Given natural language prompts, our model can recover high-quality images from their degraded counterparts, considering multiple degradation types. Our method, InstructIR, achieves state-of-the-art results on several restoration tasks including image denoising, deraining, deblurring, dehazing, and (low-light) image enhancement. InstructIR improves +1dB over previous all-in-one restoration methods. Moreover, our dataset and results represent a novel benchmark for new research on text-guided image restoration and enhancement. Our code, datasets and models are available at:


replace-cross PAC-Bayesian Adversarially Robust Generalization Bounds for Graph Neural Network

Authors: Tan Sun, Junhong Lin

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have gained popularity for various graph-related tasks. However, similar to deep neural networks, GNNs are also vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Empirical studies have shown that adversarially robust generalization has a pivotal role in establishing effective defense algorithms against adversarial attacks. In this paper, we contribute by providing adversarially robust generalization bounds for two kinds of popular GNNs, graph convolutional network (GCN) and message passing graph neural network, using the PAC-Bayesian framework. Our result reveals that spectral norm of the diffusion matrix on the graph and spectral norm of the weights as well as the perturbation factor govern the robust generalization bounds of both models. Our bounds are nontrivial generalizations of the results developed in (Liao et al., 2020) from the standard setting to adversarial setting while avoiding exponential dependence of the maximum node degree. As corollaries, we derive better PAC-Bayesian robust generalization bounds for GCN in the standard setting, which improve the bounds in (Liao et al., 2020) by avoiding exponential dependence on the maximum node degree.

replace-cross Personalized Language Modeling from Personalized Human Feedback

Authors: Xinyu Li, Zachary C. Lipton, Liu Leqi

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is commonly used to fine-tune large language models to better align with human preferences. However, the underlying premise of algorithms developed under this framework can be problematic when user preferences encoded in human feedback are diverse. In this work, we aim to address this problem by developing methods for building personalized language models. We first formally introduce the task of learning from personalized human feedback and explain why vanilla RLHF can be ineffective in this context. We then propose a general Personalized-RLHF (P-RLHF) framework, including a user model that maps user information to user representations and can flexibly encode our assumptions on user preferences. We develop new learning objectives to perform personalized Direct Preference Optimization that jointly learns a user model and a personalized language model. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method through (1) a synthetic task where we fine-tune a GPT-J 6B model to align with users with conflicting preferences on generation length; and (2) an instruction following task where we fine-tune a Tulu-7B model to generate responses for users with diverse preferences on the style of responses. In both cases, our learned models can generate personalized responses that are better aligned with the preferences of individual users.

replace-cross Neural SPH: Improved Neural Modeling of Lagrangian Fluid Dynamics

Authors: Artur P. Toshev, Jonas A. Erbesdobler, Nikolaus A. Adams, Johannes Brandstetter

Abstract: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is omnipresent in modern engineering and scientific disciplines. SPH is a class of Lagrangian schemes that discretize fluid dynamics via finite material points that are tracked through the evolving velocity field. Due to the particle-like nature of the simulation, graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as appealing and successful surrogates. However, the practical utility of such GNN-based simulators relies on their ability to faithfully model physics, providing accurate and stable predictions over long time horizons - which is a notoriously hard problem. In this work, we identify particle clustering originating from tensile instabilities as one of the primary pitfalls. Based on these insights, we enhance both training and rollout inference of state-of-the-art GNN-based simulators with varying components from standard SPH solvers, including pressure, viscous, and external force components. All Neural SPH-enhanced simulators achieve better performance than the baseline GNNs, often by orders of magnitude in terms of rollout error, allowing for significantly longer rollouts and significantly better physics modeling. Code available at


replace-cross Strategically-Robust Learning Algorithms for Bidding in First-Price Auctions

Authors: Rachitesh Kumar, Jon Schneider, Balasubramanian Sivan

Abstract: Learning to bid in repeated first-price auctions is a fundamental problem at the interface of game theory and machine learning, which has seen a recent surge in interest due to the transition of display advertising to first-price auctions. In this work, we propose a novel concave formulation for pure-strategy bidding in first-price auctions, and use it to analyze natural Gradient-Ascent-based algorithms for this problem. Importantly, our analysis goes beyond regret, which was the typical focus of past work, and also accounts for the strategic backdrop of online-advertising markets where bidding algorithms are deployed -- we provide the first guarantees of strategic-robustness and incentive-compatibility for Gradient Ascent. Concretely, we show that our algorithms achieve $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret when the highest competing bids are generated adversarially, and show that no online algorithm can do better. We further prove that the regret reduces to $O(\log T)$ when the competition is stationary and stochastic, which drastically improves upon the previous best of $O(\sqrt{T})$. Moving beyond regret, we show that a strategic seller cannot exploit our algorithms to extract more revenue on average than is possible under the optimal mechanism. Finally, we prove that our algorithm is also incentive compatible -- it is a (nearly) dominant strategy for the buyer to report her values truthfully to the algorithm as a whole. Altogether, these guarantees make our algorithms the first to simultaneously achieve both optimal regret and strategic-robustness.

replace-cross SPO: Sequential Monte Carlo Policy Optimisation

Authors: Matthew V Macfarlane, Edan Toledo, Donal Byrne, Paul Duckworth, Alexandre Laterre

Abstract: Leveraging planning during learning and decision-making is central to the long-term development of intelligent agents. Recent works have successfully combined tree-based search methods and self-play learning mechanisms to this end. However, these methods typically face scaling challenges due to the sequential nature of their search. While practical engineering solutions can partly overcome this, they often result in a negative impact on performance. In this paper, we introduce SPO: Sequential Monte Carlo Policy Optimisation, a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm grounded within the Expectation Maximisation (EM) framework. We show that SPO provides robust policy improvement and efficient scaling properties. The sample-based search makes it directly applicable to both discrete and continuous action spaces without modifications. We demonstrate statistically significant improvements in performance relative to model-free and model-based baselines across both continuous and discrete environments. Furthermore, the parallel nature of SPO's search enables effective utilisation of hardware accelerators, yielding favourable scaling laws.

replace-cross Pix2Code: Learning to Compose Neural Visual Concepts as Programs

Authors: Antonia W\"ust, Wolfgang Stammer, Quentin Delfosse, Devendra Singh Dhami, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: The challenge in learning abstract concepts from images in an unsupervised fashion lies in the required integration of visual perception and generalizable relational reasoning. Moreover, the unsupervised nature of this task makes it necessary for human users to be able to understand a model's learnt concepts and potentially revise false behaviours. To tackle both the generalizability and interpretability constraints of visual concept learning, we propose Pix2Code, a framework that extends program synthesis to visual relational reasoning by utilizing the abilities of both explicit, compositional symbolic and implicit neural representations. This is achieved by retrieving object representations from images and synthesizing relational concepts as lambda-calculus programs. We evaluate the diverse properties of Pix2Code on the challenging reasoning domains, Kandinsky Patterns and CURI, thereby testing its ability to identify compositional visual concepts that generalize to novel data and concept configurations. Particularly, in stark contrast to neural approaches, we show that Pix2Code's representations remain human interpretable and can be easily revised for improved performance.

replace-cross Conditional Neural Expert Processes for Learning Movement Primitives from Demonstration

Authors: Yigit Yildirim, Emre Ugur

Abstract: Learning from Demonstration (LfD) is a widely used technique for skill acquisition in robotics. However, demonstrations of the same skill may exhibit significant variances, or learning systems may attempt to acquire different means of the same skill simultaneously, making it challenging to encode these motions into movement primitives. To address these challenges, we propose an LfD framework, namely the Conditional Neural Expert Processes (CNEP), that learns to assign demonstrations from different modes to distinct expert networks utilizing the inherent information within the latent space to match experts with the encoded representations. CNEP does not require supervision on which mode the trajectories belong to. We compare the performance of CNEP against widely used and powerful LfD methods such as Gaussian Mixture Models, Probabilistic Movement Primitives, and Stable Movement Primitives and show that our method outperforms these baselines on multimodal trajectory datasets. The results reveal enhanced modeling performance for movement primitives, leading to the synthesis of trajectories that more accurately reflect those demonstrated by experts, particularly when the skill demonstrations include intersection points from various trajectories. We evaluated the CNEP model on two real-robot tasks, namely obstacle avoidance and pick-and-place tasks, that require the robot to learn multi-modal motion trajectories and execute the correct primitives given target environment conditions. We also showed that our system is capable of on-the-fly adaptation to environmental changes via an online conditioning mechanism. Lastly, we believe that CNEP offers improved explainability and interpretability by autonomously finding discrete behavior primitives and providing probability values about its expert selection decisions.

replace-cross Space-Time Diffusion Bridge

Authors: Hamidreza Behjoo, Michael Chertkov

Abstract: In this study, we introduce a novel method for generating new synthetic samples that are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) from high-dimensional real-valued probability distributions, as defined implicitly by a set of Ground Truth (GT) samples. Central to our method is the integration of space-time mixing strategies that extend across temporal and spatial dimensions. Our methodology is underpinned by three interrelated stochastic processes designed to enable optimal transport from an easily tractable initial probability distribution to the target distribution represented by the GT samples: (a) linear processes incorporating space-time mixing that yield Gaussian conditional probability densities, (b) their diffusion bridge analogs that are conditioned to the initial and final state vectors, and (c) nonlinear stochastic processes refined through score-matching techniques. The crux of our training regime involves fine-tuning the nonlinear model, and potentially the linear models -- to align closely with the GT data. We validate the efficacy of our space-time diffusion approach with numerical experiments, laying the groundwork for more extensive future theory and experiments to fully authenticate the method, particularly providing a more efficient (possibly simulation-free) inference.

replace-cross Exploring the Adversarial Capabilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Lukas Struppek, Minh Hieu Le, Dominik Hintersdorf, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: The proliferation of large language models (LLMs) has sparked widespread and general interest due to their strong language generation capabilities, offering great potential for both industry and research. While previous research delved into the security and privacy issues of LLMs, the extent to which these models can exhibit adversarial behavior remains largely unexplored. Addressing this gap, we investigate whether common publicly available LLMs have inherent capabilities to perturb text samples to fool safety measures, so-called adversarial examples resp.~attacks. More specifically, we investigate whether LLMs are inherently able to craft adversarial examples out of benign samples to fool existing safe rails. Our experiments, which focus on hate speech detection, reveal that LLMs succeed in finding adversarial perturbations, effectively undermining hate speech detection systems. Our findings carry significant implications for (semi-)autonomous systems relying on LLMs, highlighting potential challenges in their interaction with existing systems and safety measures.

replace-cross Open Ad Hoc Teamwork with Cooperative Game Theory

Authors: Jianhong Wang, Yang Li, Yuan Zhang, Wei Pan, Samuel Kaski

Abstract: Ad hoc teamwork poses a challenging problem, requiring the design of an agent to collaborate with teammates without prior coordination or joint training. Open ad hoc teamwork (OAHT) further complicates this challenge by considering environments with a changing number of teammates, referred to as open teams. One promising solution in practice to this problem is leveraging the generalizability of graph neural networks to handle an unrestricted number of agents with various agent-types, named graph-based policy learning (GPL). However, its joint Q-value representation over a coordination graph lacks convincing explanations. In this paper, we establish a new theory to understand the representation of the joint Q-value for OAHT and its learning paradigm, through the lens of cooperative game theory. Building on our theory, we propose a novel algorithm named CIAO, based on GPL's framework, with additional provable implementation tricks that can facilitate learning. The demos of experimental results are available on, and the code of experiments is published on


replace-cross Ads Recommendation in a Collapsed and Entangled World

Authors: Junwei Pan, Wei Xue, Ximei Wang, Haibin Yu, Xun Liu, Shijie Quan, Xueming Qiu, Dapeng Liu, Lei Xiao, Jie Jiang

Abstract: We present Tencent's ads recommendation system and examine the challenges and practices of learning appropriate recommendation representations. Our study begins by showcasing our approaches to preserving prior knowledge when encoding features of diverse types into embedding representations. We specifically address sequence features, numeric features, and pre-trained embedding features. Subsequently, we delve into two crucial challenges related to feature representation: the dimensional collapse of embeddings and the interest entanglement across different tasks or scenarios. We propose several practical approaches to address these challenges that result in robust and disentangled recommendation representations. We then explore several training techniques to facilitate model optimization, reduce bias, and enhance exploration. Additionally, we introduce three analysis tools that enable us to study feature correlation, dimensional collapse, and interest entanglement. This work builds upon the continuous efforts of Tencent's ads recommendation team over the past decade. It summarizes general design principles and presents a series of readily applicable solutions and analysis tools. The reported performance is based on our online advertising platform, which handles hundreds of billions of requests daily and serves millions of ads to billions of users.

replace-cross JAX-SPH: A Differentiable Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Framework

Authors: Artur P. Toshev, Harish Ramachandran, Jonas A. Erbesdobler, Gianluca Galletti, Johannes Brandstetter, Nikolaus A. Adams

Abstract: Particle-based fluid simulations have emerged as a powerful tool for solving the Navier-Stokes equations, especially in cases that include intricate physics and free surfaces. The recent addition of machine learning methods to the toolbox for solving such problems is pushing the boundary of the quality vs. speed tradeoff of such numerical simulations. In this work, we lead the way to Lagrangian fluid simulators compatible with deep learning frameworks, and propose JAX-SPH - a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) framework implemented in JAX. JAX-SPH builds on the code for dataset generation from the LagrangeBench project (Toshev et al., 2023) and extends this code in multiple ways: (a) integration of further key SPH algorithms, (b) restructuring the code toward a Python package, (c) verification of the gradients through the solver, and (d) demonstration of the utility of the gradients for solving inverse problems as well as a Solver-in-the-Loop application. Our code is available at


replace-cross The pitfalls of next-token prediction

Authors: Gregor Bachmann, Vaishnavh Nagarajan

Abstract: Can a mere next-token predictor faithfully model human intelligence? We crystallize this emerging concern and correct popular misconceptions surrounding it, and advocate a simple multi-token objective. As a starting point, we argue that the two often-conflated phases of next-token prediction -- autoregressive inference and teacher-forced training -- must be treated distinctly. The popular criticism that errors can compound during autoregressive inference, crucially assumes that teacher-forcing has learned an accurate next-token predictor. This assumption sidesteps a more deep-rooted problem we expose: in certain classes of tasks, teacher-forcing can simply fail to learn an accurate next-token predictor in the first place. We describe a general mechanism of how teacher-forcing can fail, and design a minimal planning task where both the Transformer and the Mamba architecture empirically fail in that manner -- remarkably, despite the task being straightforward to learn. Finally, we provide preliminary evidence that this failure can be resolved using a simple modification that predicts multiple tokens in advance. We hope this finding can ground future debates and inspire explorations beyond the next-token prediction paradigm. We make our code available under


replace-cross SMART: Submodular Data Mixture Strategy for Instruction Tuning

Authors: H S V N S Kowndinya Renduchintala, Sumit Bhatia, Ganesh Ramakrishnan

Abstract: Instruction Tuning involves finetuning a language model on a collection of instruction-formatted datasets in order to enhance the generalizability of the model to unseen tasks. Studies have shown the importance of balancing different task proportions during finetuning, but finding the right balance remains challenging. Unfortunately, there's currently no systematic method beyond manual tuning or relying on practitioners' intuition. In this paper, we introduce SMART (Submodular data Mixture strAtegy for instRuction Tuning) - a novel data mixture strategy which makes use of a submodular function to assign importance scores to tasks which are then used to determine the mixture weights. Given a fine-tuning budget, SMART redistributes the budget among tasks and selects non-redundant samples from each task. Experimental results demonstrate that SMART significantly outperforms traditional methods such as examples proportional mixing and equal mixing. Furthermore, SMART facilitates the creation of data mixtures based on a few representative subsets of tasks alone and through task pruning analysis, we reveal that in a limited budget setting, allocating budget among a subset of representative tasks yields superior performance compared to distributing the budget among all tasks. The code for reproducing our results is open-sourced at


replace-cross Medical Unlearnable Examples: Securing Medical Data from Unauthorized Training via Sparsity-Aware Local Masking

Authors: Weixiang Sun, Yixin Liu, Zhiling Yan, Kaidi Xu, Lichao Sun

Abstract: The rapid expansion of AI in healthcare has led to a surge in medical data generation and storage, boosting medical AI development. However, fears of unauthorized use, like training commercial AI models, hinder researchers from sharing their valuable datasets. To encourage data sharing, one promising solution is to introduce imperceptible noise into the data. This method aims to safeguard the data against unauthorized training by inducing degradation in the generalization ability of the trained model. However, they are not effective and efficient when applied to medical data, mainly due to the ignorance of the sparse nature of medical images. To address this problem, we propose the Sparsity-Aware Local Masking (SALM) method, a novel approach that selectively perturbs significant pixel regions rather than the entire image as previously. This simple yet effective approach, by focusing on local areas, significantly narrows down the search space for disturbances and fully leverages the characteristics of sparsity. Our extensive experiments across various datasets and model architectures demonstrate that SALM effectively prevents unauthorized training of different models and outperforms previous SoTA data protection methods.

replace-cross Explore until Confident: Efficient Exploration for Embodied Question Answering

Authors: Allen Z. Ren, Jaden Clark, Anushri Dixit, Masha Itkina, Anirudha Majumdar, Dorsa Sadigh

Abstract: We consider the problem of Embodied Question Answering (EQA), which refers to settings where an embodied agent such as a robot needs to actively explore an environment to gather information until it is confident about the answer to a question. In this work, we leverage the strong semantic reasoning capabilities of large vision-language models (VLMs) to efficiently explore and answer such questions. However, there are two main challenges when using VLMs in EQA: they do not have an internal memory for mapping the scene to be able to plan how to explore over time, and their confidence can be miscalibrated and can cause the robot to prematurely stop exploration or over-explore. We propose a method that first builds a semantic map of the scene based on depth information and via visual prompting of a VLM - leveraging its vast knowledge of relevant regions of the scene for exploration. Next, we use conformal prediction to calibrate the VLM's question answering confidence, allowing the robot to know when to stop exploration - leading to a more calibrated and efficient exploration strategy. To test our framework in simulation, we also contribute a new EQA dataset with diverse, realistic human-robot scenarios and scenes built upon the Habitat-Matterport 3D Research Dataset (HM3D). Both simulated and real robot experiments show our proposed approach improves the performance and efficiency over baselines that do no leverage VLM for exploration or do not calibrate its confidence. Webpage with experiment videos and code:


replace-cross YNetr: Dual-Encoder architecture on Plain Scan Liver Tumors (PSLT)

Authors: Wen Sheng, Zhong Zheng, Jiajun Liu, Han Lu, Hanyuan Zhang, Zhengyong Jiang, Zhihong Zhang, Daoping Zhu

Abstract: Background: Liver tumors are abnormal growths in the liver that can be either benign or malignant, with liver cancer being a significant health concern worldwide. However, there is no dataset for plain scan segmentation of liver tumors, nor any related algorithms. To fill this gap, we propose Plain Scan Liver Tumors(PSLT) and YNetr. Methods: A collection of 40 liver tumor plain scan segmentation datasets was assembled and annotated. Concurrently, we utilized Dice coefficient as the metric for assessing the segmentation outcomes produced by YNetr, having advantage of capturing different frequency information. Results: The YNetr model achieved a Dice coefficient of 62.63% on the PSLT dataset, surpassing the other publicly available model by an accuracy margin of 1.22%. Comparative evaluations were conducted against a range of models including UNet 3+, XNet, UNetr, Swin UNetr, Trans-BTS, COTr, nnUNetv2 (2D), nnUNetv2 (3D fullres), MedNext (2D) and MedNext(3D fullres). Conclusions: We not only proposed a dataset named PSLT(Plain Scan Liver Tumors), but also explored a structure called YNetr that utilizes wavelet transform to extract different frequency information, which having the SOTA in PSLT by experiments.

replace-cross CAM-Based Methods Can See through Walls

Authors: Magamed Taimeskhanov, Ronan Sicre, Damien Garreau

Abstract: CAM-based methods are widely-used post-hoc interpretability method that produce a saliency map to explain the decision of an image classification model. The saliency map highlights the important areas of the image relevant to the prediction. In this paper, we show that most of these methods can incorrectly attribute an important score to parts of the image that the model cannot see. We show that this phenomenon occurs both theoretically and experimentally. On the theory side, we analyze the behavior of GradCAM on a simple masked CNN model at initialization. Experimentally, we train a VGG-like model constrained to not use the lower part of the image and nevertheless observe positive scores in the unseen part of the image. This behavior is evaluated quantitatively on two new datasets. We believe that this is problematic, potentially leading to mis-interpretation of the model's behavior.

replace-cross Tackling Structural Hallucination in Image Translation with Local Diffusion

Authors: Seunghoi Kim, Chen Jin, Tom Diethe, Matteo Figini, Henry F. J. Tregidgo, Asher Mullokandov, Philip Teare, Daniel C. Alexander

Abstract: Recent developments in diffusion models have advanced conditioned image generation, yet they struggle with reconstructing out-of-distribution (OOD) images, such as unseen tumors in medical images, causing "image hallucination" and risking misdiagnosis. We hypothesize such hallucinations result from local OOD regions in the conditional images. We verify that partitioning the OOD region and conducting separate image generations alleviates hallucinations in several applications. From this, we propose a training-free diffusion framework that reduces hallucination with multiple Local Diffusion processes. Our approach involves OOD estimation followed by two modules: a "branching" module generates locally both within and outside OOD regions, and a "fusion" module integrates these predictions into one. Our evaluation shows our method mitigates hallucination over baseline models quantitatively and qualitatively, reducing misdiagnosis by 40% and 25% in the real-world medical and natural image datasets, respectively. It also demonstrates compatibility with various pre-trained diffusion models.

replace-cross VC Theory for Inventory Policies

Authors: Yaqi Xie, Will Ma, Linwei Xin

Abstract: Advances in computational power and AI have increased interest in reinforcement learning approaches to inventory management. This paper provides a theoretical foundation for these approaches and investigates the benefits of restricting to policy structures that are well-established by inventory theory. In particular, we prove generalization guarantees for learning several well-known classes of inventory policies, including base-stock and (s, S) policies, by leveraging the celebrated Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) theory. We apply the Pseudo-dimension and Fat-shattering dimension from VC theory to determine the generalization error of inventory policies, that is, the difference between an inventory policy's performance on training data and its expected performance on unseen data. We focus on a classical setting without contexts, but allow for an arbitrary distribution over demand sequences and do not make any assumptions such as independence over time. We corroborate our supervised learning results using numerical simulations. Managerially, our theory and simulations translate to the following insights. First, there is a principle of ``learning less is more'' in inventory management: depending on the amount of data available, it may be beneficial to restrict oneself to a simpler, albeit suboptimal, class of inventory policies to minimize overfitting errors. Second, the number of parameters in a policy class may not be the correct measure of overfitting error: in fact, the class of policies defined by T time-varying base-stock levels exhibits a generalization error an order of magnitude lower than that of the two-parameter (s, S) policy class. Finally, our research suggests situations in which it could be beneficial to incorporate the concepts of base-stock and inventory position into black-box learning machines, instead of having these machines directly learn the order quantity actions.

replace-cross Byzantine-Resilient Secure Aggregation for Federated Learning Without Privacy Compromises

Authors: Yue Xia, Christoph Hofmeister, Maximilian Egger, Rawad Bitar

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) shows great promise in large scale machine learning, but brings new risks in terms of privacy and security. We propose ByITFL, a novel scheme for FL that provides resilience against Byzantine users while keeping the users' data private from the federator and private from other users. The scheme builds on the preexisting non-private FLTrust scheme, which tolerates malicious users through trust scores (TS) that attenuate or amplify the users' gradients. The trust scores are based on the ReLU function, which we approximate by a polynomial. The distributed and privacy-preserving computation in ByITFL is designed using a combination of Lagrange coded computing, verifiable secret sharing and re-randomization steps. ByITFL is the first Byzantine resilient scheme for FL with full information-theoretic privacy.

replace-cross Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Solar Coronal Holes Using Computer Vision and LSTM Networks

Authors: Juyoung Yun, Jungmin Shin

Abstract: In the era of space exploration, coronal holes on the sun play a significant role due to their impact on satellites and aircraft through their open magnetic fields and increased solar wind emissions. This study employs computer vision techniques to detect coronal hole regions and estimate their sizes using imagery from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Additionally, we utilize deep learning methods, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, to analyze trends in the area of coronal holes and predict their areas across various solar regions over a span of seven days. By examining time series data, we aim to identify patterns in coronal hole behavior and understand their potential effects on space weather. This research enhances our ability to anticipate and prepare for space weather events that could affect Earth's technological systems.

replace-cross SynthesizRR: Generating Diverse Datasets with Retrieval Augmentation

Authors: Abhishek Divekar, Greg Durrett

Abstract: It is often desirable to distill the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) into smaller student models due to compute and memory constraints. One way to do this for classification tasks is via dataset synthesis, which can be accomplished by generating examples of each label from the LLM. Prior approaches to synthesis use few-shot prompting, which relies on the LLM's parametric knowledge to generate usable examples. However, this leads to issues of repetition, bias towards popular entities, and stylistic differences from human text. In this work, we propose Synthesize by Retrieval and Refinement (SynthesizRR), which uses retrieval augmentation to introduce variety into the dataset synthesis process: as retrieved passages vary, the LLM is seeded with different content to generate its examples. We empirically study the synthesis of six datasets, covering topic classification, sentiment analysis, tone detection, and humor, requiring complex synthesis strategies. We find that SynthesizRR greatly improves lexical and semantic diversity, similarity to human-written text, and distillation performance, when compared to 32-shot prompting and four prior approaches. We release our extensive codebase at


replace-cross Continuous Predictive Modeling of Clinical Notes and ICD Codes in Patient Health Records

Authors: Mireia Hernandez Caralt, Clarence Boon Liang Ng, Marek Rei

Abstract: Electronic Health Records (EHR) serve as a valuable source of patient information, offering insights into medical histories, treatments, and outcomes. Previous research has developed systems for detecting applicable ICD codes that should be assigned while writing a given EHR document, mainly focusing on discharge summaries written at the end of a hospital stay. In this work, we investigate the potential of predicting these codes for the whole patient stay at different time points during their stay, even before they are officially assigned by clinicians. The development of methods to predict diagnoses and treatments earlier in advance could open opportunities for predictive medicine, such as identifying disease risks sooner, suggesting treatments, and optimizing resource allocation. Our experiments show that predictions regarding final ICD codes can be made already two days after admission and we propose a custom model that improves performance on this early prediction task.

replace-cross Strategy-Proof Auctions through Conformal Prediction

Authors: Roy Maor Lotan, Inbal Talgam-Cohen, Yaniv Romano

Abstract: Auctions are key for maximizing sellers' revenue and ensuring truthful bidding among buyers. Recently, an approach known as differentiable economics based on deep learning shows promise in learning optimal auction mechanisms for multiple items and participants. However, this approach has no guarantee of strategy-proofness at test time. Strategy-proofness is crucial as it ensures that buyers are incentivized to bid their true valuations, leading to optimal and fair auction outcomes without the risk of manipulation. Building on conformal prediction, we introduce a novel approach to achieve strategy-proofness with rigorous statistical guarantees. The key novelties of our method are: (i) the formulation of a regret prediction model, used to quantify at test time violations of strategy-proofness; and (ii) an auction acceptance rule that leverages the predicted regret to ensure that for a new auction, the data-driven mechanism meets the strategy-proofness requirement with high probability (e.g., 99\%). Numerical experiments demonstrate the necessity for rigorous guarantees, the validity of our theoretical results, and the applicability of our proposed method.

replace-cross Geometric Transformation Uncertainty for Improving 3D Fetal Brain Pose Prediction from Freehand 2D Ultrasound Videos

Authors: Jayroop Ramesh, Nicola K Dinsdale, the INTERGROWTH-21st Consortium, Pak-Hei Yeung, Ana IL Namburete

Abstract: Accurately localizing two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound (US) fetal brain images in the 3D brain, using minimal computational resources, is an important task for automated US analysis of fetal growth and development. We propose an uncertainty-aware deep learning model for automated 3D plane localization in 2D fetal brain images. Specifically, a multi-head network is trained to jointly regress 3D plane pose from 2D images in terms of different geometric transformations. The model explicitly learns to predict uncertainty to allocate higher weight to inputs with low variances across different transformations to improve performance. Our proposed method, QAERTS, demonstrates superior pose estimation accuracy than the state-of-the-art and most of the uncertainty-based approaches, leading to 9% improvement on plane angle (PA) for localization accuracy, and 8% on normalized cross-correlation (NCC) for sampled image quality. QAERTS also demonstrates efficiency, containing 5$\times$ fewer parameters than ensemble-based approach, making it advantageous in resource-constrained settings. In addition, QAERTS proves to be more robust to noise effects observed in freehand US scanning by leveraging rotational discontinuities and explicit output uncertainties.

replace-cross SimPO: Simple Preference Optimization with a Reference-Free Reward

Authors: Yu Meng, Mengzhou Xia, Danqi Chen

Abstract: Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) is a widely used offline preference optimization algorithm that reparameterizes reward functions in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) to enhance simplicity and training stability. In this work, we propose SimPO, a simpler yet more effective approach. The effectiveness of SimPO is attributed to a key design: using the average log probability of a sequence as the implicit reward. This reward formulation better aligns with model generation and eliminates the need for a reference model, making it more compute and memory efficient. Additionally, we introduce a target reward margin to the Bradley-Terry objective to encourage a larger margin between the winning and losing responses, further enhancing the algorithm's performance. We compare SimPO to DPO and its latest variants across various state-of-the-art training setups, including both base and instruction-tuned models like Mistral and Llama3. We evaluated on extensive instruction-following benchmarks, including AlpacaEval 2, MT-Bench, and the recent challenging Arena-Hard benchmark. Our results demonstrate that SimPO consistently and significantly outperforms existing approaches without substantially increasing response length. Specifically, SimPO outperforms DPO by up to 6.4 points on AlpacaEval 2 and by up to 7.5 points on Arena-Hard. Our top-performing model, built on Llama3-8B-Instruct, achieves a remarkable 53.7 length-controlled win rate on AlpacaEval 2 -- surpassing Claude 3 Opus on the leaderboard, and a 36.5 win rate on Arena-Hard -- making it the strongest 8B open-source model.

replace-cross Information limits and Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equations for spiked matrix models with structured noise

Authors: Jean Barbier, Francesco Camilli, Marco Mondelli, Yizhou Xu

Abstract: We consider a prototypical problem of Bayesian inference for a structured spiked model: a low-rank signal is corrupted by additive noise. While both information-theoretic and algorithmic limits are well understood when the noise is a Gaussian Wigner matrix, the more realistic case of structured noise still proves to be challenging. To capture the structure while maintaining mathematical tractability, a line of work has focused on rotationally invariant noise. However, existing studies either provide sub-optimal algorithms or are limited to special cases of noise ensembles. In this paper, using tools from statistical physics (replica method) and random matrix theory (generalized spherical integrals) we establish the first characterization of the information-theoretic limits for a noise matrix drawn from a general trace ensemble. Remarkably, our analysis unveils the asymptotic equivalence between the rotationally invariant model and a surrogate Gaussian one. Finally, we show how to saturate the predicted statistical limits using an efficient algorithm inspired by the theory of adaptive Thouless-Anderson-Palmer (TAP) equations.

replace-cross A Tutorial on Doubly Robust Learning for Causal Inference

Authors: Hlynur Dav\'i{\dh} Hlynsson

Abstract: Doubly robust learning offers a robust framework for causal inference from observational data by integrating propensity score and outcome modeling. Despite its theoretical appeal, practical adoption remains limited due to perceived complexity and inaccessible software. This tutorial aims to demystify doubly robust methods and demonstrate their application using the EconML package. We provide an introduction to causal inference, discuss the principles of outcome modeling and propensity scores, and illustrate the doubly robust approach through simulated case studies. By simplifying the methodology and offering practical coding examples, we intend to make doubly robust learning accessible to researchers and practitioners in data science and statistics.

replace-cross kNN Classification of Malware Data Dependency Graph Features

Authors: John Musgrave, Anca Ralescu

Abstract: Explainability in classification results are dependent upon the features used for classification. Data dependency graph features representing data movement are directly correlated with operational semantics, and subject to fine grained analysis. This study obtains accurate classification from the use of features tied to structure and semantics. By training an accurate model using labeled data, this feature representation of semantics is shown to be correlated with ground truth labels. This was performed using non-parametric learning with a novel feature representation on a large scale dataset, the Kaggle 2015 Malware dataset. The features used enable fine grained analysis, increase in resolution, and explainable inferences. This allows for the body of the term frequency distribution to be further analyzed and to provide an increase in feature resolution over term frequency features. This method obtains high accuracy from analysis of a single instruction, a method that can be repeated for additional instructions to obtain further increases in accuracy. This study evaluates the hypothesis that the semantic representation and analysis of structure are able to make accurate predications and are also correlated to ground truth labels. Additionally, similarity in the metric space can be calculated directly without prior training. Our results provide evidence that data dependency graphs accurately capture both semantic and structural information for increased explainability in classification results.

replace-cross A Fine-tuning Dataset and Benchmark for Large Language Models for Protein Understanding

Authors: Yiqing Shen, Zan Chen, Michail Mamalakis, Luhan He, Haiyang Xia, Tianbin Li, Yanzhou Su, Junjun He, Yu Guang Wang

Abstract: The parallels between protein sequences and natural language in their sequential structures have inspired the application of large language models (LLMs) to protein understanding. Despite the success of LLMs in NLP, their effectiveness in comprehending protein sequences remains an open question, largely due to the absence of datasets linking protein sequences to descriptive text. Researchers have then attempted to adapt LLMs for protein understanding by integrating a protein sequence encoder with a pre-trained LLM. However, this adaptation raises a fundamental question: "Can LLMs, originally designed for NLP, effectively comprehend protein sequences as a form of language?" Current datasets fall short in addressing this question due to the lack of a direct correlation between protein sequences and corresponding text descriptions, limiting the ability to train and evaluate LLMs for protein understanding effectively. To bridge this gap, we introduce ProteinLMDataset, a dataset specifically designed for further self-supervised pretraining and supervised fine-tuning (SFT) of LLMs to enhance their capability for protein sequence comprehension. Specifically, ProteinLMDataset includes 17.46 billion tokens for pretraining and 893,000 instructions for SFT. Additionally, we present ProteinLMBench, the first benchmark dataset consisting of 944 manually verified multiple-choice questions for assessing the protein understanding capabilities of LLMs. ProteinLMBench incorporates protein-related details and sequences in multiple languages, establishing a new standard for evaluating LLMs' abilities in protein comprehension. The large language model InternLM2-7B, pretrained and fine-tuned on the ProteinLMDataset, outperforms GPT-4 on ProteinLMBench, achieving the highest accuracy score.

replace-cross Large Language Model Enhanced Clustering for News Event Detection

Authors: Adane Nega Tarekegn

Abstract: The news landscape is continuously evolving, with an ever-increasing volume of information from around the world. Automated event detection within this vast data repository is essential for monitoring, identifying, and categorizing significant news occurrences across diverse platforms. This paper presents an event detection framework that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) combined with clustering analysis to detect news events from the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT). The framework enhances event clustering through both pre-event detection tasks (keyword extraction and text embedding) and post-event detection tasks (event summarization and topic labelling). We also evaluate the impact of various textual embeddings on the quality of clustering outcomes, ensuring robust news categorization. Additionally, we introduce a novel Cluster Stability Assessment Index (CSAI) to assess the validity and robustness of clustering results. CSAI utilizes multiple feature vectors to provide a new way of measuring clustering quality. Our experiments indicate that the use of LLM embedding in the event detection framework has significantly improved the results, demonstrating greater robustness in terms of CSAI scores. Moreover, post-event detection tasks generate meaningful insights, facilitating effective interpretation of event clustering results. Overall, our experimental results indicate that the proposed framework offers valuable insights and could enhance the accuracy in news analysis and reporting.

replace-cross Imperative Learning: A Self-supervised Neural-Symbolic Learning Framework for Robot Autonomy

Authors: Chen Wang, Kaiyi Ji, Junyi Geng, Zhongqiang Ren, Taimeng Fu, Fan Yang, Yifan Guo, Haonan He, Xiangyu Chen, Zitong Zhan, Qiwei Du, Shaoshu Su, Bowen Li, Yuheng Qiu, Yi Du, Qihang Li, Yifan Yang, Xiao Lin, Zhipeng Zhao

Abstract: Data-driven methods such as reinforcement and imitation learning have achieved remarkable success in robot autonomy. However, their data-centric nature still hinders them from generalizing well to ever-changing environments. Moreover, collecting large datasets for robotic tasks is often impractical and expensive. To overcome these challenges, we introduce a new self-supervised neural-symbolic (NeSy) computational framework, imperative learning (IL), for robot autonomy, leveraging the generalization abilities of symbolic reasoning. The framework of IL consists of three primary components: a neural module, a reasoning engine, and a memory system. We formulate IL as a special bilevel optimization (BLO), which enables reciprocal learning over the three modules. This overcomes the label-intensive obstacles associated with data-driven approaches and takes advantage of symbolic reasoning concerning logical reasoning, physical principles, geometric analysis, etc. We discuss several optimization techniques for IL and verify their effectiveness in five distinct robot autonomy tasks including path planning, rule induction, optimal control, visual odometry, and multi-robot routing. Through various experiments, we show that IL can significantly enhance robot autonomy capabilities and we anticipate that it will catalyze further research across diverse domains.

replace-cross Understanding and Mitigating Tokenization Bias in Language Models

Authors: Buu Phan, Marton Havasi, Matthew Muckley, Karen Ullrich

Abstract: State-of-the-art language models are autoregressive and operate on subword units known as tokens. Specifically, one must encode the conditioning string into a list of tokens before passing to the language models for next-token prediction. We show that popular encoding schemes, such as maximum prefix encoding (MPE) and byte-pair-encoding (BPE), induce a sampling bias that cannot be mitigated with more training or data. To counter this universal problem, for each encoding scheme above, we propose a novel algorithm to obtain unbiased estimates from any language model trained on tokenized data. Our methods do not require finetuning the model, and the complexity, defined as the number of model runs, scales linearly with the sequence length in the case of MPE. As a result, we show that one can simulate token-free behavior from a tokenized language model. We empirically verify the correctness of our method through a Markov-chain setup, where it accurately recovers the transition probabilities, as opposed to the conventional method of directly prompting tokens into the language model.

replace-cross Accelerating Phase Field Simulations Through a Hybrid Adaptive Fourier Neural Operator with U-Net Backbone

Authors: Christophe Bonneville, Nathan Bieberdorf, Arun Hegde, Mark Asta, Habib N. Najm, Laurent Capolungo, Cosmin Safta

Abstract: Prolonged contact between a corrosive liquid and metal alloys can cause progressive dealloying. For such liquid-metal dealloying (LMD) process, phase field models have been developed. However, the governing equations often involve coupled non-linear partial differential equations (PDE), which are challenging to solve numerically. In particular, stiffness in the PDEs requires an extremely small time steps (e.g. $10^{-12}$ or smaller). This computational bottleneck is especially problematic when running LMD simulation until a late time horizon is required. This motivates the development of surrogate models capable of leaping forward in time, by skipping several consecutive time steps at-once. In this paper, we propose U-Shaped Adaptive Fourier Neural Operators (U-AFNO), a machine learning (ML) model inspired by recent advances in neural operator learning. U-AFNO employs U-Nets for extracting and reconstructing local features within the physical fields, and passes the latent space through a vision transformer (ViT) implemented in the Fourier space (AFNO). We use U-AFNOs to learn the dynamics mapping the field at a current time step into a later time step. We also identify global quantities of interest (QoI) describing the corrosion process (e.g. the deformation of the liquid-metal interface) and show that our proposed U-AFNO model is able to accurately predict the field dynamics, in-spite of the chaotic nature of LMD. Our model reproduces the key micro-structure statistics and QoIs with a level of accuracy on-par with the high-fidelity numerical solver. We also investigate the opportunity of using hybrid simulations, in which we alternate forward leap in time using the U-AFNO with high-fidelity time stepping. We demonstrate that while advantageous for some surrogate model design choices, our proposed U-AFNO model in fully auto-regressive settings consistently outperforms hybrid schemes.

replace-cross The Multilingual Alignment Prism: Aligning Global and Local Preferences to Reduce Harm

Authors: Aakanksha, Arash Ahmadian, Beyza Ermis, Seraphina Goldfarb-Tarrant, Julia Kreutzer, Marzieh Fadaee, Sara Hooker

Abstract: A key concern with the concept of "alignment" is the implicit question of "alignment to what?". AI systems are increasingly used across the world, yet safety alignment is often focused on homogeneous monolingual settings. Additionally, preference training and safety measures often overfit to harms common in Western-centric datasets. Here, we explore the viability of different alignment approaches when balancing dual objectives: addressing and optimizing for a non-homogeneous set of languages and cultural preferences while minimizing both global and local harms. We collect the first set of human annotated red-teaming prompts in different languages distinguishing between global and local harm, which serve as a laboratory for understanding the reliability of alignment techniques when faced with preference distributions that are non-stationary across geographies and languages. While this setting is seldom covered by the literature to date, which primarily centers on English harm mitigation, it captures real-world interactions with AI systems around the world. We establish a new precedent for state-of-the-art alignment techniques across 6 languages with minimal degradation in general performance. Our work provides important insights into cross-lingual transfer and novel optimization approaches to safeguard AI systems designed to serve global populations.

replace-cross Function+Data Flow: A Framework to Specify Machine Learning Pipelines for Digital Twinning

Authors: Eduardo de Conto, Blaise Genest, Arvind Easwaran

Abstract: The development of digital twins (DTs) for physical systems increasingly leverages artificial intelligence (AI), particularly for combining data from different sources or for creating computationally efficient, reduced-dimension models. Indeed, even in very different application domains, twinning employs common techniques such as model order reduction and modelization with hybrid data (that is, data sourced from both physics-based models and sensors). Despite this apparent generality, current development practices are ad-hoc, making the design of AI pipelines for digital twinning complex and time-consuming. Here we propose Function+Data Flow (FDF), a domain-specific language (DSL) to describe AI pipelines within DTs. FDF aims to facilitate the design and validation of digital twins. Specifically, FDF treats functions as first-class citizens, enabling effective manipulation of models learned with AI. We illustrate the benefits of FDF on two concrete use cases from different domains: predicting the plastic strain of a structure and modeling the electromagnetic behavior of a bearing.

replace-cross Open-TeleVision: Teleoperation with Immersive Active Visual Feedback

Authors: Xuxin Cheng, Jialong Li, Shiqi Yang, Ge Yang, Xiaolong Wang

Abstract: Teleoperation serves as a powerful method for collecting on-robot data essential for robot learning from demonstrations. The intuitiveness and ease of use of the teleoperation system are crucial for ensuring high-quality, diverse, and scalable data. To achieve this, we propose an immersive teleoperation system Open-TeleVision that allows operators to actively perceive the robot's surroundings in a stereoscopic manner. Additionally, the system mirrors the operator's arm and hand movements on the robot, creating an immersive experience as if the operator's mind is transmitted to a robot embodiment. We validate the effectiveness of our system by collecting data and training imitation learning policies on four long-horizon, precise tasks (Can Sorting, Can Insertion, Folding, and Unloading) for 2 different humanoid robots and deploy them in the real world. The system is open-sourced at:


replace-cross Fast, Scalable, Energy-Efficient Non-element-wise Matrix Multiplication on FPGA

Authors: Xuqi Zhu, Huaizhi Zhang, JunKyu Lee, Jiacheng Zhu, Chandrajit Pal, Sangeet Saha, Klaus D. McDonald-Maier, Xiaojun Zhai

Abstract: Modern Neural Network (NN) architectures heavily rely on vast numbers of multiply-accumulate arithmetic operations, constituting the predominant computational cost. Therefore, this paper proposes a high-throughput, scalable and energy efficient non-element-wise matrix multiplication unit on FPGAs as a basic component of the NNs. We firstly streamline inter-layer and intra-layer redundancies of MADDNESS algorithm, a LUT-based approximate matrix multiplication, to design a fast, efficient scalable approximate matrix multiplication module termed "Approximate Multiplication Unit (AMU)". The AMU optimizes LUT-based matrix multiplications further through dedicated memory management and access design, decoupling computational overhead from input resolution and boosting FPGA-based NN accelerator efficiency significantly. The experimental results show that using our AMU achieves up to 9x higher throughput and 112x higher energy efficiency over the state-of-the-art solutions for the FPGA-based Quantised Neural Network (QNN) accelerators.

replace-cross Research on Autonomous Robots Navigation based on Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zixiang Wang, Hao Yan, Yining Wang, Zhengjia Xu, Zhuoyue Wang, Zhizhong Wu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning continuously optimizes decision-making based on real-time feedback reward signals through continuous interaction with the environment, demonstrating strong adaptive and self-learning capabilities. In recent years, it has become one of the key methods to achieve autonomous navigation of robots. In this work, an autonomous robot navigation method based on reinforcement learning is introduced. We use the Deep Q Network (DQN) and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) models to optimize the path planning and decision-making process through the continuous interaction between the robot and the environment, and the reward signals with real-time feedback. By combining the Q-value function with the deep neural network, deep Q network can handle high-dimensional state space, so as to realize path planning in complex environments. Proximal policy optimization is a strategy gradient-based method, which enables robots to explore and utilize environmental information more efficiently by optimizing policy functions. These methods not only improve the robot's navigation ability in the unknown environment, but also enhance its adaptive and self-learning capabilities. Through multiple training and simulation experiments, we have verified the effectiveness and robustness of these models in various complex scenarios.

replace-cross Enhancing Class Fairness in Classification with A Two-Player Game Approach

Authors: Yunpeng Jiang, Paul Weng, Yutong Ban

Abstract: Data augmentation is widely applied and has shown its benefits in different machine learning tasks. However, as recently observed in some downstream tasks, data augmentation may introduce an unfair impact on classifications. While it can improve the performance of some classes, it can actually be detrimental for other classes, which can be problematic in some application domains. In this paper, to counteract this phenomenon, we propose a FAir Classification approach with a Two-player game (FACT). We first formulate the training of a classifier with data augmentation as a fair optimization problem, which can be further written as an adversarial two-player game. Following this formulation, we propose a novel multiplicative weight optimization algorithm, for which we theoretically prove that it can converge to a solution that is fair over classes. Interestingly, our formulation also reveals that this fairness issue over classes is not due to data augmentation only, but is in fact a general phenomenon. Our empirical experiments demonstrate that the performance of our learned classifiers is indeed more fairly distributed over classes in five datasets, with only limited impact on the average accuracy.

replace-cross SSP-GNN: Learning to Track via Bilevel Optimization

Authors: Griffin Golias, Masa Nakura-Fan, Vitaly Ablavsky

Abstract: We propose a graph-based tracking formulation for multi-object tracking (MOT) where target detections contain kinematic information and re-identification features (attributes). Our method applies a successive shortest paths (SSP) algorithm to a tracking graph defined over a batch of frames. The edge costs in this tracking graph are computed via a message-passing network, a graph neural network (GNN) variant. The parameters of the GNN, and hence, the tracker, are learned end-to-end on a training set of example ground-truth tracks and detections. Specifically, learning takes the form of bilevel optimization guided by our novel loss function. We evaluate our algorithm on simulated scenarios to understand its sensitivity to scenario aspects and model hyperparameters. Across varied scenario complexities, our method compares favorably to a strong baseline.

replace-cross EventChat: Implementation and user-centric evaluation of a large language model-driven conversational recommender system for exploring leisure events in an SME context

Authors: Hannes Kunstmann, Joseph Ollier, Joel Persson, Florian von Wangenheim

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) present an enormous evolution in the strategic potential of conversational recommender systems (CRS). Yet to date, research has predominantly focused upon technical frameworks to implement LLM-driven CRS, rather than end-user evaluations or strategic implications for firms, particularly from the perspective of a small to medium enterprises (SME) that makeup the bedrock of the global economy. In the current paper, we detail the design of an LLM-driven CRS in an SME setting, and its subsequent performance in the field using both objective system metrics and subjective user evaluations. While doing so, we additionally outline a short-form revised ResQue model for evaluating LLM-driven CRS, enabling replicability in a rapidly evolving field. Our results reveal good system performance from a user experience perspective (85.5% recommendation accuracy) but underscore latency, cost, and quality issues challenging business viability. Notably, with a median cost of $0.04 per interaction and a latency of 5.7s, cost-effectiveness and response time emerge as crucial areas for achieving a more user-friendly and economically viable LLM-driven CRS for SME settings. One major driver of these costs is the use of an advanced LLM as a ranker within the retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technique. Our results additionally indicate that relying solely on approaches such as Prompt-based learning with ChatGPT as the underlying LLM makes it challenging to achieve satisfying quality in a production environment. Strategic considerations for SMEs deploying an LLM-driven CRS are outlined, particularly considering trade-offs in the current technical landscape.

replace-cross Speed-accuracy trade-off for the diffusion models: Wisdom from nonequilibrium thermodynamics and optimal transport

Authors: Kotaro Ikeda, Tomoya Uda, Daisuke Okanohara, Sosuke Ito

Abstract: We discuss a connection between a generative model, called the diffusion model, and nonequilibrium thermodynamics for the Fokker-Planck equation, called stochastic thermodynamics. Based on the techniques of stochastic thermodynamics, we derive the speed-accuracy trade-off for the diffusion models, which is a trade-off relationship between the speed and accuracy of data generation in diffusion models. Our result implies that the entropy production rate in the forward process affects the errors in data generation. From a stochastic thermodynamic perspective, our results provide quantitative insight into how best to generate data in diffusion models. The optimal learning protocol is introduced by the conservative force in stochastic thermodynamics and the geodesic of space by the 2-Wasserstein distance in optimal transport theory. We numerically illustrate the validity of the speed-accuracy trade-off for the diffusion models with different noise schedules such as the cosine schedule, the conditional optimal transport, and the optimal transport.

replace-cross PDiscoFormer: Relaxing Part Discovery Constraints with Vision Transformers

Authors: Ananthu Aniraj, Cassio F. Dantas, Dino Ienco, Diego Marcos

Abstract: Computer vision methods that explicitly detect object parts and reason on them are a step towards inherently interpretable models. Existing approaches that perform part discovery driven by a fine-grained classification task make very restrictive assumptions on the geometric properties of the discovered parts; they should be small and compact. Although this prior is useful in some cases, in this paper we show that pre-trained transformer-based vision models, such as self-supervised DINOv2 ViT, enable the relaxation of these constraints. In particular, we find that a total variation (TV) prior, which allows for multiple connected components of any size, substantially outperforms previous work. We test our approach on three fine-grained classification benchmarks: CUB, PartImageNet and Oxford Flowers, and compare our results to previously published methods as well as a re-implementation of the state-of-the-art method PDiscoNet with a transformer-based backbone. We consistently obtain substantial improvements across the board, both on part discovery metrics and the downstream classification task, showing that the strong inductive biases in self-supervised ViT models require to rethink the geometric priors that can be used for unsupervised part discovery.