new More Distinctively Black and Feminine Faces Lead to Increased Stereotyping in Vision-Language Models

Authors: Messi H. J. Lee, Jacob M. Montgomery, Calvin K. Lai

Abstract: Vision Language Models (VLMs), exemplified by GPT-4V, adeptly integrate text and vision modalities. This integration enhances Large Language Models' ability to mimic human perception, allowing them to process image inputs. Despite VLMs' advanced capabilities, however, there is a concern that VLMs inherit biases of both modalities in ways that make biases more pervasive and difficult to mitigate. Our study explores how VLMs perpetuate homogeneity bias and trait associations with regards to race and gender. When prompted to write stories based on images of human faces, GPT-4V describes subordinate racial and gender groups with greater homogeneity than dominant groups and relies on distinct, yet generally positive, stereotypes. Importantly, VLM stereotyping is driven by visual cues rather than group membership alone such that faces that are rated as more prototypically Black and feminine are subject to greater stereotyping. These findings suggest that VLMs may associate subtle visual cues related to racial and gender groups with stereotypes in ways that could be challenging to mitigate. We explore the underlying reasons behind this behavior and discuss its implications and emphasize the importance of addressing these biases as VLMs come to mirror human perception.

new Poetry2Image: An Iterative Correction Framework for Images Generated from Chinese Classical Poetry

Authors: Jing Jiang, Yiran Ling, Binzhu Li, Pengxiang Li, Junming Piao, Yu Zhang

Abstract: Text-to-image generation models often struggle with key element loss or semantic confusion in tasks involving Chinese classical poetry.Addressing this issue through fine-tuning models needs considerable training costs. Additionally, manual prompts for re-diffusion adjustments need professional knowledge. To solve this problem, we propose Poetry2Image, an iterative correction framework for images generated from Chinese classical poetry. Utilizing an external poetry dataset, Poetry2Image establishes an automated feedback and correction loop, which enhances the alignment between poetry and image through image generation models and subsequent re-diffusion modifications suggested by large language models (LLM). Using a test set of 200 sentences of Chinese classical poetry, the proposed method--when integrated with five popular image generation models--achieves an average element completeness of 70.63%, representing an improvement of 25.56% over direct image generation. In tests of semantic correctness, our method attains an average semantic consistency of 80.09%. The study not only promotes the dissemination of ancient poetry culture but also offers a reference for similar non-fine-tuning methods to enhance LLM generation.

new Context Propagation from Proposals for Semantic Video Object Segmentation

Authors: Tinghuai Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel approach to learning semantic contextual relationships in videos for semantic object segmentation. Our algorithm derives the semantic contexts from video object proposals which encode the key evolution of objects and the relationship among objects over the spatio-temporal domain. This semantic contexts are propagated across the video to estimate the pairwise contexts between all pairs of local superpixels which are integrated into a conditional random field in the form of pairwise potentials and infers the per-superpixel semantic labels. The experiments demonstrate that our contexts learning and propagation model effectively improves the robustness of resolving visual ambiguities in semantic video object segmentation compared with the state-of-the-art methods.

new FairDiff: Fair Segmentation with Point-Image Diffusion

Authors: Wenyi Li, Haoran Xu, Guiyu Zhang, Huan-ang Gao, Mingju Gao, Mengyu Wang, Hao Zhao

Abstract: Fairness is an important topic for medical image analysis, driven by the challenge of unbalanced training data among diverse target groups and the societal demand for equitable medical quality. In response to this issue, our research adopts a data-driven strategy-enhancing data balance by integrating synthetic images. However, in terms of generating synthetic images, previous works either lack paired labels or fail to precisely control the boundaries of synthetic images to be aligned with those labels. To address this, we formulate the problem in a joint optimization manner, in which three networks are optimized towards the goal of empirical risk minimization and fairness maximization. On the implementation side, our solution features an innovative Point-Image Diffusion architecture, which leverages 3D point clouds for improved control over mask boundaries through a point-mask-image synthesis pipeline. This method outperforms significantly existing techniques in synthesizing scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) fundus images. By combining synthetic data with real data during the training phase using a proposed Equal Scale approach, our model achieves superior fairness segmentation performance compared to the state-of-the-art fairness learning models. Code is available at


new SGOR: Outlier Removal by Leveraging Semantic and Geometric Information for Robust Point Cloud Registration

Authors: Guiyu Zhao, Zhentao Guo, Hongbin Ma

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new outlier removal method that fully leverages geometric and semantic information, to achieve robust registration. Current semantic-based registration methods only use semantics for point-to-point or instance semantic correspondence generation, which has two problems. First, these methods are highly dependent on the correctness of semantics. They perform poorly in scenarios with incorrect semantics and sparse semantics. Second, the use of semantics is limited only to the correspondence generation, resulting in bad performance in the weak geometry scene. To solve these problems, on the one hand, we propose secondary ground segmentation and loose semantic consistency based on regional voting. It improves the robustness to semantic correctness by reducing the dependence on single-point semantics. On the other hand, we propose semantic-geometric consistency for outlier removal, which makes full use of semantic information and significantly improves the quality of correspondences. In addition, a two-stage hypothesis verification is proposed, which solves the problem of incorrect transformation selection in the weak geometry scene. In the outdoor dataset, our method demonstrates superior performance, boosting a 22.5 percentage points improvement in registration recall and achieving better robustness under various conditions. Our code is available.

new Multi-Label Plant Species Classification with Self-Supervised Vision Transformers

Authors: Murilo Gustineli, Anthony Miyaguchi, Ian Stalter

Abstract: We present a transfer learning approach using a self-supervised Vision Transformer (DINOv2) for the PlantCLEF 2024 competition, focusing on the multi-label plant species classification. Our method leverages both base and fine-tuned DINOv2 models to extract generalized feature embeddings. We train classifiers to predict multiple plant species within a single image using these rich embeddings. To address the computational challenges of the large-scale dataset, we employ Spark for distributed data processing, ensuring efficient memory management and processing across a cluster of workers. Our data processing pipeline transforms images into grids of tiles, classifying each tile, and aggregating these predictions into a consolidated set of probabilities. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of combining transfer learning with advanced data processing techniques for multi-label image classification tasks. Our code is available at


new Unsupervised Fault Detection using SAM with a Moving Window Approach

Authors: Ahmed Maged, Herman Shen

Abstract: Automated f ault detection and monitoring in engineering are critical but frequently difficult owing to the necessity for collecting and labeling large amounts of defective samples . We present an unsupervised method that uses the high end Segment Anything Model (SAM) and a moving window approach. SAM has gained recognition in AI image segmentation communities for its accuracy and versatility. However, its performance can be inconsistent when dealing with certain unexpected shapes , such as shadows and subtle surface irregularities. This limitation raise s concerns about its applicability for fault detection in real world scenarios We aim to overcome these challenges without requiring fine tun ing or labeled data. Our technique divides pictures into smaller windows, which are subsequently processed using SAM. This increases the accuracy of fault identification by focusing on localized details. We compute the sizes of the segmented sections and then us e a clustering technique to discover consistent fault areas while filtering out noise. To further improve the method's robustness , we propose adding the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) technique for continuous monitoring in industrial settings, which would improve the method's capacity to trace faults over time. We compare our method to various well established methods u sing a real case study where our model achieve s 0.96 accuracy compared to 0. 8 5 for the second best method. W e also compare our method us ing two open source datasets where our model attains a consistent 0. 86 accuracy across the datasets compared to 0.53 and 0.54 for second best model s.

new VIMI: Grounding Video Generation through Multi-modal Instruction

Authors: Yuwei Fang, Willi Menapace, Aliaksandr Siarohin, Tsai-Shien Chen, Kuan-Chien Wang, Ivan Skorokhodov, Graham Neubig, Sergey Tulyakov

Abstract: Existing text-to-video diffusion models rely solely on text-only encoders for their pretraining. This limitation stems from the absence of large-scale multimodal prompt video datasets, resulting in a lack of visual grounding and restricting their versatility and application in multimodal integration. To address this, we construct a large-scale multimodal prompt dataset by employing retrieval methods to pair in-context examples with the given text prompts and then utilize a two-stage training strategy to enable diverse video generation tasks within the same model. In the first stage, we propose a multimodal conditional video generation framework for pretraining on these augmented datasets, establishing a foundational model for grounded video generation. Secondly, we finetune the model from the first stage on three video generation tasks, incorporating multi-modal instructions. This process further refines the model's ability to handle diverse inputs and tasks, ensuring seamless integration of multi-modal information. After this two-stage train-ing process, VIMI demonstrates multimodal understanding capabilities, producing contextually rich and personalized videos grounded in the provided inputs, as shown in Figure 1. Compared to previous visual grounded video generation methods, VIMI can synthesize consistent and temporally coherent videos with large motion while retaining the semantic control. Lastly, VIMI also achieves state-of-the-art text-to-video generation results on UCF101 benchmark.

new SweepNet: Unsupervised Learning Shape Abstraction via Neural Sweepers

Authors: Mingrui Zhao, Yizhi Wang, Fenggen Yu, Changqing Zou, Ali Mahdavi-Amiri

Abstract: Shape abstraction is an important task for simplifying complex geometric structures while retaining essential features. Sweep surfaces, commonly found in human-made objects, aid in this process by effectively capturing and representing object geometry, thereby facilitating abstraction. In this paper, we introduce \papername, a novel approach to shape abstraction through sweep surfaces. We propose an effective parameterization for sweep surfaces, utilizing superellipses for profile representation and B-spline curves for the axis. This compact representation, requiring as few as 14 float numbers, facilitates intuitive and interactive editing while preserving shape details effectively. Additionally, by introducing a differentiable neural sweeper and an encoder-decoder architecture, we demonstrate the ability to predict sweep surface representations without supervision. We show the superiority of our model through several quantitative and qualitative experiments throughout the paper. Our code is available at


new Shedding More Light on Robust Classifiers under the lens of Energy-based Models

Authors: Mujtaba Hussain Mirza, Maria Rosaria Briglia, Senad Beadini, Iacopo Masi

Abstract: By reinterpreting a robust discriminative classifier as Energy-based Model (EBM), we offer a new take on the dynamics of adversarial training (AT). Our analysis of the energy landscape during AT reveals that untargeted attacks generate adversarial images much more in-distribution (lower energy) than the original data from the point of view of the model. Conversely, we observe the opposite for targeted attacks. On the ground of our thorough analysis, we present new theoretical and practical results that show how interpreting AT energy dynamics unlocks a better understanding: (1) AT dynamic is governed by three phases and robust overfitting occurs in the third phase with a drastic divergence between natural and adversarial energies (2) by rewriting the loss of TRadeoff-inspired Adversarial DEfense via Surrogate-loss minimization (TRADES) in terms of energies, we show that TRADES implicitly alleviates overfitting by means of aligning the natural energy with the adversarial one (3) we empirically show that all recent state-of-the-art robust classifiers are smoothing the energy landscape and we reconcile a variety of studies about understanding AT and weighting the loss function under the umbrella of EBMs. Motivated by rigorous evidence, we propose Weighted Energy Adversarial Training (WEAT), a novel sample weighting scheme that yields robust accuracy matching the state-of-the-art on multiple benchmarks such as CIFAR-10 and SVHN and going beyond in CIFAR-100 and Tiny-ImageNet. We further show that robust classifiers vary in the intensity and quality of their generative capabilities, and offer a simple method to push this capability, reaching a remarkable Inception Score (IS) and FID using a robust classifier without training for generative modeling. The code to reproduce our results is available at .


new Tile Compression and Embeddings for Multi-Label Classification in GeoLifeCLEF 2024

Authors: Anthony Miyaguchi, Patcharapong Aphiwetsa, Mark McDuffie

Abstract: We explore methods to solve the multi-label classification task posed by the GeoLifeCLEF 2024 competition with the DS@GT team, which aims to predict the presence and absence of plant species at specific locations using spatial and temporal remote sensing data. Our approach uses frequency-domain coefficients via the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to compress and pre-compute the raw input data for convolutional neural networks. We also investigate nearest neighborhood models via locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) for prediction and to aid in the self-supervised contrastive learning of embeddings through tile2vec. Our best competition model utilized geolocation features with a leaderboard score of 0.152 and a best post-competition score of 0.161. Source code and models are available at


new GeoWATCH for Detecting Heavy Construction in Heterogeneous Time Series of Satellite Images

Authors: Jon Crall, Connor Greenwell, David Joy, Matthew Leotta, Aashish Chaudhary, Anthony Hoogs

Abstract: Learning from multiple sensors is challenging due to spatio-temporal misalignment and differences in resolution and captured spectra. To that end, we introduce GeoWATCH, a flexible framework for training models on long sequences of satellite images sourced from multiple sensor platforms, which is designed to handle image classification, activity recognition, object detection, or object tracking tasks. Our system includes a novel partial weight loading mechanism based on sub-graph isomorphism which allows for continually training and modifying a network over many training cycles. This has allowed us to train a lineage of models over a long period of time, which we have observed has improved performance as we adjust configurations while maintaining a core backbone.

new Noise-Free Explanation for Driving Action Prediction

Authors: Hongbo Zhu, Theodor Wulff, Rahul Singh Maharjan, Jinpei Han, Angelo Cangelosi

Abstract: Although attention mechanisms have achieved considerable progress in Transformer-based architectures across various Artificial Intelligence (AI) domains, their inner workings remain to be explored. Existing explainable methods have different emphases but are rather one-sided. They primarily analyse the attention mechanisms or gradient-based attribution while neglecting the magnitudes of input feature values or the skip-connection module. Moreover, they inevitably bring spurious noisy pixel attributions unrelated to the model's decision, hindering humans' trust in the spotted visualization result. Hence, we propose an easy-to-implement but effective way to remedy this flaw: Smooth Noise Norm Attention (SNNA). We weigh the attention by the norm of the transformed value vector and guide the label-specific signal with the attention gradient, then randomly sample the input perturbations and average the corresponding gradients to produce noise-free attribution. Instead of evaluating the explanation method on the binary or multi-class classification tasks like in previous works, we explore the more complex multi-label classification scenario in this work, i.e., the driving action prediction task, and trained a model for it specifically. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluation results show the superiority of SNNA compared to other SOTA attention-based explainable methods in generating a clearer visual explanation map and ranking the input pixel importance.

new High-Throughput Phenotyping using Computer Vision and Machine Learning

Authors: Vivaan Singhvi, Langalibalele Lunga, Pragya Nidhi, Chris Keum, Varrun Prakash

Abstract: High-throughput phenotyping refers to the non-destructive and efficient evaluation of plant phenotypes. In recent years, it has been coupled with machine learning in order to improve the process of phenotyping plants by increasing efficiency in handling large datasets and developing methods for the extraction of specific traits. Previous studies have developed methods to advance these challenges through the application of deep neural networks in tandem with automated cameras; however, the datasets being studied often excluded physical labels. In this study, we used a dataset provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory with 1,672 images of Populus Trichocarpa with white labels displaying treatment (control or drought), block, row, position, and genotype. Optical character recognition (OCR) was used to read these labels on the plants, image segmentation techniques in conjunction with machine learning algorithms were used for morphological classifications, machine learning models were used to predict treatment based on those classifications, and analyzed encoded EXIF tags were used for the purpose of finding leaf size and correlations between phenotypes. We found that our OCR model had an accuracy of 94.31% for non-null text extractions, allowing for the information to be accurately placed in a spreadsheet. Our classification models identified leaf shape, color, and level of brown splotches with an average accuracy of 62.82%, and plant treatment with an accuracy of 60.08%. Finally, we identified a few crucial pieces of information absent from the EXIF tags that prevented the assessment of the leaf size. There was also missing information that prevented the assessment of correlations between phenotypes and conditions. However, future studies could improve upon this to allow for the assessment of these features.

new MiraData: A Large-Scale Video Dataset with Long Durations and Structured Captions

Authors: Xuan Ju, Yiming Gao, Zhaoyang Zhang, Ziyang Yuan, Xintao Wang, Ailing Zeng, Yu Xiong, Qiang Xu, Ying Shan

Abstract: Sora's high-motion intensity and long consistent videos have significantly impacted the field of video generation, attracting unprecedented attention. However, existing publicly available datasets are inadequate for generating Sora-like videos, as they mainly contain short videos with low motion intensity and brief captions. To address these issues, we propose MiraData, a high-quality video dataset that surpasses previous ones in video duration, caption detail, motion strength, and visual quality. We curate MiraData from diverse, manually selected sources and meticulously process the data to obtain semantically consistent clips. GPT-4V is employed to annotate structured captions, providing detailed descriptions from four different perspectives along with a summarized dense caption. To better assess temporal consistency and motion intensity in video generation, we introduce MiraBench, which enhances existing benchmarks by adding 3D consistency and tracking-based motion strength metrics. MiraBench includes 150 evaluation prompts and 17 metrics covering temporal consistency, motion strength, 3D consistency, visual quality, text-video alignment, and distribution similarity. To demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of MiraData, we conduct experiments using our DiT-based video generation model, MiraDiT. The experimental results on MiraBench demonstrate the superiority of MiraData, especially in motion strength.

new Leveraging image captions for selective whole slide image annotation

Authors: Jingna Qiu, Marc Aubreville, Frauke Wilm, Mathias \"Ottl, Jonas Utz, Maja Schlereth, Katharina Breininger

Abstract: Acquiring annotations for whole slide images (WSIs)-based deep learning tasks, such as creating tissue segmentation masks or detecting mitotic figures, is a laborious process due to the extensive image size and the significant manual work involved in the annotation. This paper focuses on identifying and annotating specific image regions that optimize model training, given a limited annotation budget. While random sampling helps capture data variance by collecting annotation regions throughout the WSIs, insufficient data curation may result in an inadequate representation of minority classes. Recent studies proposed diversity sampling to select a set of regions that maximally represent unique characteristics of the WSIs. This is done by pretraining on unlabeled data through self-supervised learning and then clustering all regions in the latent space. However, establishing the optimal number of clusters can be difficult and not all clusters are task-relevant. This paper presents prototype sampling, a new method for annotation region selection. It discovers regions exhibiting typical characteristics of each task-specific class. The process entails recognizing class prototypes from extensive histopathology image-caption databases and detecting unlabeled image regions that resemble these prototypes. Our results show that prototype sampling is more effective than random and diversity sampling in identifying annotation regions with valuable training information, resulting in improved model performance in semantic segmentation and mitotic figure detection tasks. Code is available at


new RRM: Relightable assets using Radiance guided Material extraction

Authors: Diego Gomez, Julien Philip, Adrien Kaiser, \'Elie Michel

Abstract: Synthesizing NeRFs under arbitrary lighting has become a seminal problem in the last few years. Recent efforts tackle the problem via the extraction of physically-based parameters that can then be rendered under arbitrary lighting, but they are limited in the range of scenes they can handle, usually mishandling glossy scenes. We propose RRM, a method that can extract the materials, geometry, and environment lighting of a scene even in the presence of highly reflective objects. Our method consists of a physically-aware radiance field representation that informs physically-based parameters, and an expressive environment light structure based on a Laplacian Pyramid. We demonstrate that our contributions outperform the state-of-the-art on parameter retrieval tasks, leading to high-fidelity relighting and novel view synthesis on surfacic scenes.

new A Single Transformer for Scalable Vision-Language Modeling

Authors: Yangyi Chen, Xingyao Wang, Hao Peng, Heng Ji

Abstract: We present SOLO, a single transformer for Scalable visiOn-Language mOdeling. Current large vision-language models (LVLMs) such as LLaVA mostly employ heterogeneous architectures that connect pre-trained visual encoders with large language models (LLMs) to facilitate visual recognition and complex reasoning. Although achieving remarkable performance with relatively lightweight training, we identify four primary scalability limitations: (1) The visual capacity is constrained by pre-trained visual encoders, which are typically an order of magnitude smaller than LLMs. (2) The heterogeneous architecture complicates the use of established hardware and software infrastructure. (3) Study of scaling laws on such architecture must consider three separate components - visual encoder, connector, and LLMs, which complicates the analysis. (4) The use of existing visual encoders typically requires following a pre-defined specification of image inputs pre-processing, for example, by reshaping inputs to fixed-resolution square images, which presents difficulties in processing and training on high-resolution images or those with unusual aspect ratio. A unified single Transformer architecture, like SOLO, effectively addresses these scalability concerns in LVLMs; however, its limited adoption in the modern context likely stems from the absence of reliable training recipes that balance both modalities and ensure stable training for billion-scale models. In this paper, we introduce the first open-source training recipe for developing SOLO, an open-source 7B LVLM using moderate academic resources. The training recipe involves initializing from LLMs, sequential pre-training on ImageNet and web-scale data, and instruction fine-tuning on our curated high-quality datasets. On extensive evaluation, SOLO demonstrates performance comparable to LLaVA-v1.5-7B, particularly excelling in visual mathematical reasoning.

new Enhanced Model Robustness to Input Corruptions by Per-corruption Adaptation of Normalization Statistics

Authors: Elena Camuffo, Umberto Michieli, Simone Milani, Jijoong Moon, Mete Ozay

Abstract: Developing a reliable vision system is a fundamental challenge for robotic technologies (e.g., indoor service robots and outdoor autonomous robots) which can ensure reliable navigation even in challenging environments such as adverse weather conditions (e.g., fog, rain), poor lighting conditions (e.g., over/under exposure), or sensor degradation (e.g., blurring, noise), and can guarantee high performance in safety-critical functions. Current solutions proposed to improve model robustness usually rely on generic data augmentation techniques or employ costly test-time adaptation methods. In addition, most approaches focus on addressing a single vision task (typically, image recognition) utilising synthetic data. In this paper, we introduce Per-corruption Adaptation of Normalization statistics (PAN) to enhance the model robustness of vision systems. Our approach entails three key components: (i) a corruption type identification module, (ii) dynamic adjustment of normalization layer statistics based on identified corruption type, and (iii) real-time update of these statistics according to input data. PAN can integrate seamlessly with any convolutional model for enhanced accuracy in several robot vision tasks. In our experiments, PAN obtains robust performance improvement on challenging real-world corrupted image datasets (e.g., OpenLoris, ExDark, ACDC), where most of the current solutions tend to fail. Moreover, PAN outperforms the baseline models by 20-30% on synthetic benchmarks in object recognition tasks.

new SideSeeing: A multimodal dataset and collection of tools for sidewalk assessment

Authors: R. J. P. Damaceno (University of S\~ao Paulo), L. Ferreira (University of Illinois Chicago), F. Miranda (University of Illinois Chicago), M. Hosseini (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), R. M. Cesar Jr (University of S\~ao Paulo)

Abstract: This paper introduces SideSeeing, a novel initiative that provides tools and datasets for assessing the built environment. We present a framework for street-level data acquisition, loading, and analysis. Using the framework, we collected a novel dataset that integrates synchronized video footaged captured from chest-mounted mobile devices with sensor data (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and GPS). Each data sample represents a path traversed by a user filming sidewalks near hospitals in Brazil and the USA. The dataset encompasses three hours of content covering 12 kilometers around nine hospitals, and includes 325,000 video frames with corresponding sensor data. Additionally, we present a novel 68-element taxonomy specifically created for sidewalk scene identification. SideSeeing is a step towards a suite of tools that urban experts can use to perform in-depth sidewalk accessibility evaluations. SideSeeing data and tools are publicly available at


new AnatoMask: Enhancing Medical Image Segmentation with Reconstruction-guided Self-masking

Authors: Yuheng Li, Tianyu Luan, Yizhou Wu, Shaoyan Pan, Yenho Chen, Xiaofeng Yang

Abstract: Due to the scarcity of labeled data, self-supervised learning (SSL) has gained much attention in 3D medical image segmentation, by extracting semantic representations from unlabeled data. Among SSL strategies, Masked image modeling (MIM) has shown effectiveness by reconstructing randomly masked images to learn detailed representations. However, conventional MIM methods require extensive training data to achieve good performance, which still poses a challenge for medical imaging. Since random masking uniformly samples all regions within medical images, it may overlook crucial anatomical regions and thus degrade the pretraining efficiency. We propose AnatoMask, a novel MIM method that leverages reconstruction loss to dynamically identify and mask out anatomically significant regions to improve pretraining efficacy. AnatoMask takes a self-distillation approach, where the model learns both how to find more significant regions to mask and how to reconstruct these masked regions. To avoid suboptimal learning, Anatomask adjusts the pretraining difficulty progressively using a masking dynamics function. We have evaluated our method on 4 public datasets with multiple imaging modalities (CT, MRI, and PET). AnatoMask demonstrates superior performance and scalability compared to existing SSL methods. The code is available at


new Sketch-Guided Scene Image Generation

Authors: Tianyu Zhang, Xiaoxuan Xie, Xusheng Du, Haoran Xie

Abstract: Text-to-image models are showcasing the impressive ability to create high-quality and diverse generative images. Nevertheless, the transition from freehand sketches to complex scene images remains challenging using diffusion models. In this study, we propose a novel sketch-guided scene image generation framework, decomposing the task of scene image scene generation from sketch inputs into object-level cross-domain generation and scene-level image construction. We employ pre-trained diffusion models to convert each single object drawing into an image of the object, inferring additional details while maintaining the sparse sketch structure. In order to maintain the conceptual fidelity of the foreground during scene generation, we invert the visual features of object images into identity embeddings for scene generation. In scene-level image construction, we generate the latent representation of the scene image using the separated background prompts, and then blend the generated foreground objects according to the layout of the sketch input. To ensure the foreground objects' details remain unchanged while naturally composing the scene image, we infer the scene image on the blended latent representation using a global prompt that includes the trained identity tokens. Through qualitative and quantitative experiments, we demonstrate the ability of the proposed approach to generate scene images from hand-drawn sketches surpasses the state-of-the-art approaches.

new VideoEval: Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Low-Cost Evaluation of Video Foundation Model

Authors: Xinhao Li, Zhenpeng Huang, Jing Wang, Kunchang Li, Limin Wang

Abstract: With the growth of high-quality data and advancement in visual pre-training paradigms, Video Foundation Models (VFMs) have made significant progress recently, demonstrating their remarkable performance on traditional video understanding benchmarks. However, the existing benchmarks (e.g. Kinetics) and their evaluation protocols are often limited by relatively poor diversity, high evaluation costs, and saturated performance metrics. In this paper, we build a comprehensive benchmark suite to address these issues, namely VideoEval. Specifically, we establish the Video Task Adaption Benchmark (VidTAB) and the Video Embedding Benchmark (VidEB) from two perspectives: evaluating the task adaptability of VFMs under few-shot conditions and assessing their representation power by directly applying to downstream tasks. With VideoEval, we conduct a large-scale study on 20 popular open-source vision foundation models. Our study reveals some insightful findings on VFMs: 1) overall, current VFMs exhibit weak generalization across diverse tasks, 2) increasing video data, whether labeled or weakly-labeled video-text pairs, does not necessarily improve task performance, 3) the effectiveness of some pre-training paradigms may not be fully validated in previous benchmarks, and 4) combining different pre-training paradigms can help improve the generalization capabilities. We believe this study serves as an important complement to the current evaluation for VFMs and offers valuable insights for the future research.

new Reprogramming Distillation for Medical Foundation Models

Authors: Yuhang Zhou, Siyuan Du, Haolin Li, Jiangchao Yao, Ya Zhang, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Medical foundation models pre-trained on large-scale datasets have demonstrated powerful versatile capabilities for various tasks. However, due to the gap between pre-training tasks (or modalities) and downstream tasks (or modalities), the real-world computation and speed constraints, it might not be straightforward to apply medical foundation models in the downstream scenarios. Previous methods, such as parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods and knowledge distillation (KD) methods, are unable to simultaneously address the task (or modality) inconsistency and achieve personalized lightweight deployment under diverse real-world demands. To address the above issues, we propose a novel framework called Reprogramming Distillation (RD). On one hand, RD reprograms the original feature space of the foundation model so that it is more relevant to downstream scenarios, aligning tasks and modalities. On the other hand, through a co-training mechanism and a shared classifier, connections are established between the reprogrammed knowledge and the knowledge of student models, ensuring that the reprogrammed feature space can be smoothly mimic by the student model of different structures. Further, to reduce the randomness under different training conditions, we design a Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) distillation to promote robust knowledge transfer. Empirically, we show that on extensive datasets, RD consistently achieve superior performance compared with previous PEFT and KD methods.

new LuSNAR:A Lunar Segmentation, Navigation and Reconstruction Dataset based on Muti-sensor for Autonomous Exploration

Authors: Jiayi Liu, Qianyu Zhang, Xue Wan, Shengyang Zhang, Yaolin Tian, Haodong Han, Yutao Zhao, Baichuan Liu, Zeyuan Zhao, Xubo Luo

Abstract: With the complexity of lunar exploration missions, the moon needs to have a higher level of autonomy. Environmental perception and navigation algorithms are the foundation for lunar rovers to achieve autonomous exploration. The development and verification of algorithms require highly reliable data support. Most of the existing lunar datasets are targeted at a single task, lacking diverse scenes and high-precision ground truth labels. To address this issue, we propose a multi-task, multi-scene, and multi-label lunar benchmark dataset LuSNAR. This dataset can be used for comprehensive evaluation of autonomous perception and navigation systems, including high-resolution stereo image pairs, panoramic semantic labels, dense depth maps, LiDAR point clouds, and the position of rover. In order to provide richer scene data, we built 9 lunar simulation scenes based on Unreal Engine. Each scene is divided according to topographic relief and the density of objects. To verify the usability of the dataset, we evaluated and analyzed the algorithms of semantic segmentation, 3D reconstruction, and autonomous navigation. The experiment results prove that the dataset proposed in this paper can be used for ground verification of tasks such as autonomous environment perception and navigation, and provides a lunar benchmark dataset for testing the accessibility of algorithm metrics. We make LuSNAR publicly available at:


new Computer vision tasks for intelligent aerospace missions: An overview

Authors: Huilin Chen, Qiyu Sun, Fangfei Li, Yang Tang

Abstract: Computer vision tasks are crucial for aerospace missions as they help spacecraft to understand and interpret the space environment, such as estimating position and orientation, reconstructing 3D models, and recognizing objects, which have been extensively studied to successfully carry out the missions. However, traditional methods like Kalman Filtering, Structure from Motion, and Multi-View Stereo are not robust enough to handle harsh conditions, leading to unreliable results. In recent years, deep learning (DL)-based perception technologies have shown great potential and outperformed traditional methods, especially in terms of their robustness to changing environments. To further advance DL-based aerospace perception, various frameworks, datasets, and strategies have been proposed, indicating significant potential for future applications. In this survey, we aim to explore the promising techniques used in perception tasks and emphasize the importance of DL-based aerospace perception. We begin by providing an overview of aerospace perception, including classical space programs developed in recent years, commonly used sensors, and traditional perception methods. Subsequently, we delve into three fundamental perception tasks in aerospace missions: pose estimation, 3D reconstruction, and recognition, as they are basic and crucial for subsequent decision-making and control. Finally, we discuss the limitations and possibilities in current research and provide an outlook on future developments, including the challenges of working with limited datasets, the need for improved algorithms, and the potential benefits of multi-source information fusion.

new VQA-Diff: Exploiting VQA and Diffusion for Zero-Shot Image-to-3D Vehicle Asset Generation in Autonomous Driving

Authors: Yibo Liu, Zheyuan Yang, Guile Wu, Yuan Ren, Kejian Lin, Bingbing Liu, Yang Liu, Jinjun Shan

Abstract: Generating 3D vehicle assets from in-the-wild observations is crucial to autonomous driving. Existing image-to-3D methods cannot well address this problem because they learn generation merely from image RGB information without a deeper understanding of in-the-wild vehicles (such as car models, manufacturers, etc.). This leads to their poor zero-shot prediction capability to handle real-world observations with occlusion or tricky viewing angles. To solve this problem, in this work, we propose VQA-Diff, a novel framework that leverages in-the-wild vehicle images to create photorealistic 3D vehicle assets for autonomous driving. VQA-Diff exploits the real-world knowledge inherited from the Large Language Model in the Visual Question Answering (VQA) model for robust zero-shot prediction and the rich image prior knowledge in the Diffusion model for structure and appearance generation. In particular, we utilize a multi-expert Diffusion Models strategy to generate the structure information and employ a subject-driven structure-controlled generation mechanism to model appearance information. As a result, without the necessity to learn from a large-scale image-to-3D vehicle dataset collected from the real world, VQA-Diff still has a robust zero-shot image-to-novel-view generation ability. We conduct experiments on various datasets, including Pascal 3D+, Waymo, and Objaverse, to demonstrate that VQA-Diff outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.

new Decomposition Betters Tracking Everything Everywhere

Authors: Rui Li, Dong Liu

Abstract: Recent studies on motion estimation have advocated an optimized motion representation that is globally consistent across the entire video, preferably for every pixel. This is challenging as a uniform representation may not account for the complex and diverse motion and appearance of natural videos. We address this problem and propose a new test-time optimization method, named DecoMotion, for estimating per-pixel and long-range motion. DecoMotion explicitly decomposes video content into static scenes and dynamic objects, either of which uses a quasi-3D canonical volume to represent. DecoMotion separately coordinates the transformations between local and canonical spaces, facilitating an affine transformation for the static scene that corresponds to camera motion. For the dynamic volume, DecoMotion leverages discriminative and temporally consistent features to rectify the non-rigid transformation. The two volumes are finally fused to fully represent motion and appearance. This divide-and-conquer strategy leads to more robust tracking through occlusions and deformations and meanwhile obtains decomposed appearances. We conduct evaluations on the TAP-Vid benchmark. The results demonstrate our method boosts the point-tracking accuracy by a large margin and performs on par with some state-of-the-art dedicated point-tracking solutions.

new General and Task-Oriented Video Segmentation

Authors: Mu Chen, Liulei Li, Wenguan Wang, Ruijie Quan, Yi Yang

Abstract: We present GvSeg, a general video segmentation framework for addressing four different video segmentation tasks (i.e., instance, semantic, panoptic, and exemplar-guided) while maintaining an identical architectural design. Currently, there is a trend towards developing general video segmentation solutions that can be applied across multiple tasks. This streamlines research endeavors and simplifies deployment. However, such a highly homogenized framework in current design, where each element maintains uniformity, could overlook the inherent diversity among different tasks and lead to suboptimal performance. To tackle this, GvSeg: i) provides a holistic disentanglement and modeling for segment targets, thoroughly examining them from the perspective of appearance, position, and shape, and on this basis, ii) reformulates the query initialization, matching and sampling strategies in alignment with the task-specific requirement. These architecture-agnostic innovations empower GvSeg to effectively address each unique task by accommodating the specific properties that characterize them. Extensive experiments on seven gold-standard benchmark datasets demonstrate that GvSeg surpasses all existing specialized/general solutions by a significant margin on four different video segmentation tasks.

new Exploring the Causality of End-to-End Autonomous Driving

Authors: Jiankun Li, Hao Li, Jiangjiang Liu, Zhikang Zou, Xiaoqing Ye, Fan Wang, Jizhou Huang, Hua Wu, Haifeng Wang

Abstract: Deep learning-based models are widely deployed in autonomous driving areas, especially the increasingly noticed end-to-end solutions. However, the black-box property of these models raises concerns about their trustworthiness and safety for autonomous driving, and how to debug the causality has become a pressing concern. Despite some existing research on the explainability of autonomous driving, there is currently no systematic solution to help researchers debug and identify the key factors that lead to the final predicted action of end-to-end autonomous driving. In this work, we propose a comprehensive approach to explore and analyze the causality of end-to-end autonomous driving. First, we validate the essential information that the final planning depends on by using controlled variables and counterfactual interventions for qualitative analysis. Then, we quantitatively assess the factors influencing model decisions by visualizing and statistically analyzing the response of key model inputs. Finally, based on the comprehensive study of the multi-factorial end-to-end autonomous driving system, we have developed a strong baseline and a tool for exploring causality in the close-loop simulator CARLA. It leverages the essential input sources to obtain a well-designed model, resulting in highly competitive capabilities. As far as we know, our work is the first to unveil the mystery of end-to-end autonomous driving and turn the black box into a white one. Thorough close-loop experiments demonstrate that our method can be applied to end-to-end autonomous driving solutions for causality debugging. Code will be available at


new Robust and Explainable Framework to Address Data Scarcity in Diagnostic Imaging

Authors: Zehui Zhao, Laith Alzubaidi, Jinglan Zhang, Ye Duan, Usman Naseem, Yuantong Gu

Abstract: Deep learning has significantly advanced automatic medical diagnostics and released the occupation of human resources to reduce clinical pressure, yet the persistent challenge of data scarcity in this area hampers its further improvements and applications. To address this gap, we introduce a novel ensemble framework called `Efficient Transfer and Self-supervised Learning based Ensemble Framework' (ETSEF). ETSEF leverages features from multiple pre-trained deep learning models to efficiently learn powerful representations from a limited number of data samples. To the best of our knowledge, ETSEF is the first strategy that combines two pre-training methodologies (Transfer Learning and Self-supervised Learning) with ensemble learning approaches. Various data enhancement techniques, including data augmentation, feature fusion, feature selection, and decision fusion, have also been deployed to maximise the efficiency and robustness of the ETSEF model. Five independent medical imaging tasks, including endoscopy, breast cancer, monkeypox, brain tumour, and glaucoma detection, were tested to demonstrate ETSEF's effectiveness and robustness. Facing limited sample numbers and challenging medical tasks, ETSEF has proved its effectiveness by improving diagnostics accuracies from 10\% to 13.3\% when compared to strong ensemble baseline models and up to 14.4\% improvements compared with published state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, we emphasise the robustness and trustworthiness of the ETSEF method through various vision-explainable artificial intelligence techniques, including Grad-CAM, SHAP, and t-SNE. Compared to those large-scale deep learning models, ETSEF can be deployed flexibly and maintain superior performance for challenging medical imaging tasks, showing the potential to be applied to more areas that lack training data

new Attack GAN (AGAN ): A new Security Evaluation Tool for Perceptual Encryption

Authors: Umesh Kashyap, Sudev Kumar Padhi, Sk. Subidh Ali

Abstract: Training state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning models requires a large amount of data. The visual information present in the training data can be misused, which creates a huge privacy concern. One of the prominent solutions for this issue is perceptual encryption, which converts images into an unrecognizable format to protect the sensitive visual information in the training data. This comes at the cost of a significant reduction in the accuracy of the models. Adversarial Visual Information Hiding (AV IH) overcomes this drawback to protect image privacy by attempting to create encrypted images that are unrecognizable to the human eye while keeping relevant features for the target model. In this paper, we introduce the Attack GAN (AGAN ) method, a new Generative Adversarial Network (GAN )-based attack that exposes multiple vulnerabilities in the AV IH method. To show the adaptability, the AGAN is extended to traditional perceptual encryption methods of Learnable encryption (LE) and Encryption-then-Compression (EtC). Extensive experiments were conducted on diverse image datasets and target models to validate the efficacy of our AGAN method. The results show that AGAN can successfully break perceptual encryption methods by reconstructing original images from their AV IH encrypted images. AGAN can be used as a benchmark tool to evaluate the robustness of encryption methods for privacy protection such as AV IH.

new D-MASTER: Mask Annealed Transformer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Breast Cancer Detection from Mammograms

Authors: Tajamul Ashraf, Krithika Rangarajan, Mohit Gambhir, Richa Gabha, Chetan Arora

Abstract: We focus on the problem of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (\uda) for breast cancer detection from mammograms (BCDM) problem. Recent advancements have shown that masked image modeling serves as a robust pretext task for UDA. However, when applied to cross-domain BCDM, these techniques struggle with breast abnormalities such as masses, asymmetries, and micro-calcifications, in part due to the typically much smaller size of region of interest in comparison to natural images. This often results in more false positives per image (FPI) and significant noise in pseudo-labels typically used to bootstrap such techniques. Recognizing these challenges, we introduce a transformer-based Domain-invariant Mask Annealed Student Teacher autoencoder (D-MASTER) framework. D-MASTER adaptively masks and reconstructs multi-scale feature maps, enhancing the model's ability to capture reliable target domain features. D-MASTER also includes adaptive confidence refinement to filter pseudo-labels, ensuring only high-quality detections are considered. We also provide a bounding box annotated subset of 1000 mammograms from the RSNA Breast Screening Dataset (referred to as RSNA-BSD1K) to support further research in BCDM. We evaluate D-MASTER on multiple BCDM datasets acquired from diverse domains. Experimental results show a significant improvement of 9% and 13% in sensitivity at 0.3 FPI over state-of-the-art UDA techniques on publicly available benchmark INBreast and DDSM datasets respectively. We also report an improvement of 11% and 17% on In-house and RSNA-BSD1K datasets respectively. The source code, pre-trained D-MASTER model, along with RSNA-BSD1K dataset annotations is available at


new Integrating Clinical Knowledge into Concept Bottleneck Models

Authors: Winnie Pang, Xueyi Ke, Satoshi Tsutsui, Bihan Wen

Abstract: Concept bottleneck models (CBMs), which predict human-interpretable concepts (e.g., nucleus shapes in cell images) before predicting the final output (e.g., cell type), provide insights into the decision-making processes of the model. However, training CBMs solely in a data-driven manner can introduce undesirable biases, which may compromise prediction performance, especially when the trained models are evaluated on out-of-domain images (e.g., those acquired using different devices). To mitigate this challenge, we propose integrating clinical knowledge to refine CBMs, better aligning them with clinicians' decision-making processes. Specifically, we guide the model to prioritize the concepts that clinicians also prioritize. We validate our approach on two datasets of medical images: white blood cell and skin images. Empirical validation demonstrates that incorporating medical guidance enhances the model's classification performance on unseen datasets with varying preparation methods, thereby increasing its real-world applicability.

new Tailored Design of Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Models using Branchformers

Authors: David Gimeno-G\'omez, Carlos-D. Mart\'inez-Hinarejos

Abstract: Recent advances in Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) have led to unprecedented achievements in the field, improving the robustness of this type of system in adverse, noisy environments. In most cases, this task has been addressed through the design of models composed of two independent encoders, each dedicated to a specific modality. However, while recent works have explored unified audio-visual encoders, determining the optimal cross-modal architecture remains an ongoing challenge. Furthermore, such approaches often rely on models comprising vast amounts of parameters and high computational cost training processes. In this paper, we aim to bridge this research gap by introducing a novel audio-visual framework. Our proposed method constitutes, to the best of our knowledge, the first attempt to harness the flexibility and interpretability offered by encoder architectures, such as the Branchformer, in the design of parameter-efficient AVSR systems. To be more precise, the proposed framework consists of two steps: first, estimating audio- and video-only systems, and then designing a tailored audio-visual unified encoder based on the layer-level branch scores provided by the modality-specific models. Extensive experiments on English and Spanish AVSR benchmarks covering multiple data conditions and scenarios demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method. Results reflect how our tailored AVSR system is able to reach state-of-the-art recognition rates while significantly reducing the model complexity w.r.t. the prevalent approach in the field. Code and pre-trained models are available at


new CEIA: CLIP-Based Event-Image Alignment for Open-World Event-Based Understanding

Authors: Wenhao Xu, Wenming Weng, Yueyi Zhang, Zhiwei Xiong

Abstract: We present CEIA, an effective framework for open-world event-based understanding. Currently training a large event-text model still poses a huge challenge due to the shortage of paired event-text data. In response to this challenge, CEIA learns to align event and image data as an alternative instead of directly aligning event and text data. Specifically, we leverage the rich event-image datasets to learn an event embedding space aligned with the image space of CLIP through contrastive learning. In this way, event and text data are naturally aligned via using image data as a bridge. Particularly, CEIA offers two distinct advantages. First, it allows us to take full advantage of the existing event-image datasets to make up the shortage of large-scale event-text datasets. Second, leveraging more training data, it also exhibits the flexibility to boost performance, ensuring scalable capability. In highlighting the versatility of our framework, we make extensive evaluations through a diverse range of event-based multi-modal applications, such as object recognition, event-image retrieval, event-text retrieval, and domain adaptation. The outcomes demonstrate CEIA's distinct zero-shot superiority over existing methods on these applications.

new Sparse-DeRF: Deblurred Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse View

Authors: Dogyoon Lee, Donghyeong Kim, Jungho Lee, Minhyeok Lee, Seunghoon Lee, Sangyoun Lee

Abstract: Recent studies construct deblurred neural radiance fields (DeRF) using dozens of blurry images, which are not practical scenarios if only a limited number of blurry images are available. This paper focuses on constructing DeRF from sparse-view for more pragmatic real-world scenarios. As observed in our experiments, establishing DeRF from sparse views proves to be a more challenging problem due to the inherent complexity arising from the simultaneous optimization of blur kernels and NeRF from sparse view. Sparse-DeRF successfully regularizes the complicated joint optimization, presenting alleviated overfitting artifacts and enhanced quality on radiance fields. The regularization consists of three key components: Surface smoothness, helps the model accurately predict the scene structure utilizing unseen and additional hidden rays derived from the blur kernel based on statistical tendencies of real-world; Modulated gradient scaling, helps the model adjust the amount of the backpropagated gradient according to the arrangements of scene objects; Perceptual distillation improves the perceptual quality by overcoming the ill-posed multi-view inconsistency of image deblurring and distilling the pre-filtered information, compensating for the lack of clean information in blurry images. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the Sparse-DeRF with extensive quantitative and qualitative experimental results by training DeRF from 2-view, 4-view, and 6-view blurry images.

new Mobius: An High Efficient Spatial-Temporal Parallel Training Paradigm for Text-to-Video Generation Task

Authors: Yiran Yang, Jinchao Zhang, Ying Deng, Jie Zhou

Abstract: Inspired by the success of the text-to-image (T2I) generation task, many researchers are devoting themselves to the text-to-video (T2V) generation task. Most of the T2V frameworks usually inherit from the T2I model and add extra-temporal layers of training to generate dynamic videos, which can be viewed as a fine-tuning task. However, the traditional 3D-Unet is a serial mode and the temporal layers follow the spatial layers, which will result in high GPU memory and training time consumption according to its serial feature flow. We believe that this serial mode will bring more training costs with the large diffusion model and massive datasets, which are not environmentally friendly and not suitable for the development of the T2V. Therefore, we propose a highly efficient spatial-temporal parallel training paradigm for T2V tasks, named Mobius. In our 3D-Unet, the temporal layers and spatial layers are parallel, which optimizes the feature flow and backpropagation. The Mobius will save 24% GPU memory and 12% training time, which can greatly improve the T2V fine-tuning task and provide a novel insight for the AIGC community. We will release our codes in the future.

new Masked Video and Body-worn IMU Autoencoder for Egocentric Action Recognition

Authors: Mingfang Zhang, Yifei Huang, Ruicong Liu, Yoichi Sato

Abstract: Compared with visual signals, Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) placed on human limbs can capture accurate motion signals while being robust to lighting variation and occlusion. While these characteristics are intuitively valuable to help egocentric action recognition, the potential of IMUs remains under-explored. In this work, we present a novel method for action recognition that integrates motion data from body-worn IMUs with egocentric video. Due to the scarcity of labeled multimodal data, we design an MAE-based self-supervised pretraining method, obtaining strong multi-modal representations via modeling the natural correlation between visual and motion signals. To model the complex relation of multiple IMU devices placed across the body, we exploit the collaborative dynamics in multiple IMU devices and propose to embed the relative motion features of human joints into a graph structure. Experiments show our method can achieve state-of-the-art performance on multiple public datasets. The effectiveness of our MAE-based pretraining and graph-based IMU modeling are further validated by experiments in more challenging scenarios, including partially missing IMU devices and video quality corruption, promoting more flexible usages in the real world.

new Ensembled Cold-Diffusion Restorations for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Authors: Sergio Naval Marimont, Vasilis Siomos, Matthew Baugh, Christos Tzelepis, Bernhard Kainz, Giacomo Tarroni

Abstract: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection (UAD) methods aim to identify anomalies in test samples comparing them with a normative distribution learned from a dataset known to be anomaly-free. Approaches based on generative models offer interpretability by generating anomaly-free versions of test images, but are typically unable to identify subtle anomalies. Alternatively, approaches using feature modelling or self-supervised methods, such as the ones relying on synthetically generated anomalies, do not provide out-of-the-box interpretability. In this work, we present a novel method that combines the strengths of both strategies: a generative cold-diffusion pipeline (i.e., a diffusion-like pipeline which uses corruptions not based on noise) that is trained with the objective of turning synthetically-corrupted images back to their normal, original appearance. To support our pipeline we introduce a novel synthetic anomaly generation procedure, called DAG, and a novel anomaly score which ensembles restorations conditioned with different degrees of abnormality. Our method surpasses the prior state-of-the art for unsupervised anomaly detection in three different Brain MRI datasets.

new Powerful and Flexible: Personalized Text-to-Image Generation via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Fanyue Wei, Wei Zeng, Zhenyang Li, Dawei Yin, Lixin Duan, Wen Li

Abstract: Personalized text-to-image models allow users to generate varied styles of images (specified with a sentence) for an object (specified with a set of reference images). While remarkable results have been achieved using diffusion-based generation models, the visual structure and details of the object are often unexpectedly changed during the diffusion process. One major reason is that these diffusion-based approaches typically adopt a simple reconstruction objective during training, which can hardly enforce appropriate structural consistency between the generated and the reference images. To this end, in this paper, we design a novel reinforcement learning framework by utilizing the deterministic policy gradient method for personalized text-to-image generation, with which various objectives, differential or even non-differential, can be easily incorporated to supervise the diffusion models to improve the quality of the generated images. Experimental results on personalized text-to-image generation benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods by a large margin on visual fidelity while maintaining text-alignment. Our code is available at: \url{}.


new Toward Motion Robustness: A masked attention regularization framework in remote photoplethysmography

Authors: Pengfei Zhao, Qigong Sun, Xiaolin Tian, Yige Yang, Shuo Tao, Jie Cheng, Jiantong Chen

Abstract: There has been growing interest in facial video-based remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) measurement recently, with a focus on assessing various vital signs such as heart rate and heart rate variability. Despite previous efforts on static datasets, their approaches have been hindered by inaccurate region of interest (ROI) localization and motion issues, and have shown limited generalization in real-world scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose a novel masked attention regularization (MAR-rPPG) framework that mitigates the impact of ROI localization and complex motion artifacts. Specifically, our approach first integrates a masked attention regularization mechanism into the rPPG field to capture the visual semantic consistency of facial clips, while it also employs a masking technique to prevent the model from overfitting on inaccurate ROIs and subsequently degrading its performance. Furthermore, we propose an enhanced rPPG expert aggregation (EREA) network as the backbone to obtain rPPG signals and attention maps simultaneously. Our EREA network is capable of discriminating divergent attentions from different facial areas and retaining the consistency of spatiotemporal attention maps. For motion robustness, a simple open source detector MediaPipe for data preprocessing is sufficient for our framework due to its superior capability of rPPG signal extraction and attention regularization. Exhaustive experiments on three benchmark datasets (UBFC-rPPG, PURE, and MMPD) substantiate the superiority of our proposed method, outperforming recent state-of-the-art works by a considerable margin.

new CTRL-F: Pairing Convolution with Transformer for Image Classification via Multi-Level Feature Cross-Attention and Representation Learning Fusion

Authors: Hosam S. EL-Assiouti, Hadeer El-Saadawy, Maryam N. Al-Berry, Mohamed F. Tolba

Abstract: Transformers have captured growing attention in computer vision, thanks to its large capacity and global processing capabilities. However, transformers are data hungry, and their ability to generalize is constrained compared to Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets), especially when trained with limited data due to the absence of the built-in spatial inductive biases present in ConvNets. In this paper, we strive to optimally combine the strengths of both convolution and transformers for image classification tasks. Towards this end, we present a novel lightweight hybrid network that pairs Convolution with Transformers via Representation Learning Fusion and Multi-Level Feature Cross-Attention named CTRL-F. Our network comprises a convolution branch and a novel transformer module named multi-level feature cross-attention (MFCA). The MFCA module operates on multi-level feature representations obtained at different convolution stages. It processes small patch tokens and large patch tokens extracted from these multi-level feature representations via two separate transformer branches, where both branches communicate and exchange knowledge through cross-attention mechanism. We fuse the local responses acquired from the convolution path with the global responses acquired from the MFCA module using novel representation fusion techniques dubbed adaptive knowledge fusion (AKF) and collaborative knowledge fusion (CKF). Experiments demonstrate that our CTRL-F variants achieve state-of-the-art performance, whether trained from scratch on large data or even with low-data regime. For Instance, CTRL-F achieves top-1 accuracy of 82.24% and 99.91% when trained from scratch on Oxford-102 Flowers and PlantVillage datasets respectively, surpassing state-of-the-art models which showcase the robustness of our model on image classification tasks. Code at:


new Universal Multi-view Black-box Attack against Object Detectors via Layout Optimization

Authors: Donghua Wang, Wen Yao, Tingsong Jiang, Chao Li, Xiaoqian Chen

Abstract: Object detectors have demonstrated vulnerability to adversarial examples crafted by small perturbations that can deceive the object detector. Existing adversarial attacks mainly focus on white-box attacks and are merely valid at a specific viewpoint, while the universal multi-view black-box attack is less explored, limiting their generalization in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel universal multi-view black-box attack against object detectors, which optimizes a universal adversarial UV texture constructed by multiple image stickers for a 3D object via the designed layout optimization algorithm. Specifically, we treat the placement of image stickers on the UV texture as a circle-based layout optimization problem, whose objective is to find the optimal circle layout filled with image stickers so that it can deceive the object detector under the multi-view scenario. To ensure reasonable placement of image stickers, two constraints are elaborately devised. To optimize the layout, we adopt the random search algorithm enhanced by the devised important-aware selection strategy to find the most appropriate image sticker for each circle from the image sticker pools. Extensive experiments conducted on four common object detectors suggested that the detection performance decreases by a large magnitude of 74.29% on average in multi-view scenarios. Additionally, a novel evaluation tool based on the photo-realistic simulator is designed to assess the texture-based attack fairly.

new Deep-Motion-Net: GNN-based volumetric organ shape reconstruction from single-view 2D projections

Authors: Isuru Wijesinghe, Michael Nix, Arezoo Zakeri, Alireza Hokmabadi, Bashar Al-Qaisieh, Ali Gooya, Zeike A. Taylor

Abstract: We propose Deep-Motion-Net: an end-to-end graph neural network (GNN) architecture that enables 3D (volumetric) organ shape reconstruction from a single in-treatment kV planar X-ray image acquired at any arbitrary projection angle. Estimating and compensating for true anatomical motion during radiotherapy is essential for improving the delivery of planned radiation dose to target volumes while sparing organs-at-risk, and thereby improving the therapeutic ratio. Achieving this using only limited imaging available during irradiation and without the use of surrogate signals or invasive fiducial markers is attractive. The proposed model learns the mesh regression from a patient-specific template and deep features extracted from kV images at arbitrary projection angles. A 2D-CNN encoder extracts image features, and four feature pooling networks fuse these features to the 3D template organ mesh. A ResNet-based graph attention network then deforms the feature-encoded mesh. The model is trained using synthetically generated organ motion instances and corresponding kV images. The latter is generated by deforming a reference CT volume aligned with the template mesh, creating digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) at required projection angles, and DRR-to-kV style transferring with a conditional CycleGAN model. The overall framework was tested quantitatively on synthetic respiratory motion scenarios and qualitatively on in-treatment images acquired over full scan series for liver cancer patients. Overall mean prediction errors for synthetic motion test datasets were 0.16$\pm$0.13 mm, 0.18$\pm$0.19 mm, 0.22$\pm$0.34 mm, and 0.12$\pm$0.11 mm. Mean peak prediction errors were 1.39 mm, 1.99 mm, 3.29 mm, and 1.16 mm.

new PSPU: Enhanced Positive and Unlabeled Learning by Leveraging Pseudo Supervision

Authors: Chengjie Wang, Chengming Xu, Zhenye Gan, Jianlong Hu, Wenbing Zhu, Lizhuag Ma

Abstract: Positive and Unlabeled (PU) learning, a binary classification model trained with only positive and unlabeled data, generally suffers from overfitted risk estimation due to inconsistent data distributions. To address this, we introduce a pseudo-supervised PU learning framework (PSPU), in which we train the PU model first, use it to gather confident samples for the pseudo supervision, and then apply these supervision to correct the PU model's weights by leveraging non-PU objectives. We also incorporate an additional consistency loss to mitigate noisy sample effects. Our PSPU outperforms recent PU learning methods significantly on MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 in both balanced and imbalanced settings, and enjoys competitive performance on MVTecAD for industrial anomaly detection.

new Self-supervised visual learning from interactions with objects

Authors: Arthur Aubret, C\'eline Teuli\`ere, Jochen Triesch

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) has revolutionized visual representation learning, but has not achieved the robustness of human vision. A reason for this could be that SSL does not leverage all the data available to humans during learning. When learning about an object, humans often purposefully turn or move around objects and research suggests that these interactions can substantially enhance their learning. Here we explore whether such object-related actions can boost SSL. For this, we extract the actions performed to change from one ego-centric view of an object to another in four video datasets. We then introduce a new loss function to learn visual and action embeddings by aligning the performed action with the representations of two images extracted from the same clip. This permits the performed actions to structure the latent visual representation. Our experiments show that our method consistently outperforms previous methods on downstream category recognition. In our analysis, we find that the observed improvement is associated with a better viewpoint-wise alignment of different objects from the same category. Overall, our work demonstrates that embodied interactions with objects can improve SSL of object categories.

new Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Examples by Feature Augmentation

Authors: Donghua Wang, Wen Yao, Tingsong Jiang, Xiaohu Zheng, Junqi Wu, Xiaoqian Chen

Abstract: Despite the success of input transformation-based attacks on boosting adversarial transferability, the performance is unsatisfying due to the ignorance of the discrepancy across models. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective feature augmentation attack (FAUG) method, which improves adversarial transferability without introducing extra computation costs. Specifically, we inject the random noise into the intermediate features of the model to enlarge the diversity of the attack gradient, thereby mitigating the risk of overfitting to the specific model and notably amplifying adversarial transferability. Moreover, our method can be combined with existing gradient attacks to augment their performance further. Extensive experiments conducted on the ImageNet dataset across CNN and transformer models corroborate the efficacy of our method, e.g., we achieve improvement of +26.22% and +5.57% on input transformation-based attacks and combination methods, respectively.

new Graph-Based Captioning: Enhancing Visual Descriptions by Interconnecting Region Captions

Authors: Yu-Guan Hsieh, Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Shih-Ying Yeh, Louis B\'ethune, Hadi Pour Ansari, Pavan Kumar Anasosalu Vasu, Chun-Liang Li, Ranjay Krishna, Oncel Tuzel, Marco Cuturi

Abstract: Humans describe complex scenes with compositionality, using simple text descriptions enriched with links and relationships. While vision-language research has aimed to develop models with compositional understanding capabilities, this is not reflected yet in existing datasets which, for the most part, still use plain text to describe images. In this work, we propose a new annotation strategy, graph-based captioning (GBC) that describes an image using a labelled graph structure, with nodes of various types. The nodes in GBC are created using, in a first stage, object detection and dense captioning tools nested recursively to uncover and describe entity nodes, further linked together in a second stage by highlighting, using new types of nodes, compositions and relations among entities. Since all GBC nodes hold plain text descriptions, GBC retains the flexibility found in natural language, but can also encode hierarchical information in its edges. We demonstrate that GBC can be produced automatically, using off-the-shelf multimodal LLMs and open-vocabulary detection models, by building a new dataset, GBC10M, gathering GBC annotations for about 10M images of the CC12M dataset. We use GBC10M to showcase the wealth of node captions uncovered by GBC, as measured with CLIP training. We show that using GBC nodes' annotations -- notably those stored in composition and relation nodes -- results in significant performance boost on downstream models when compared to other dataset formats. To further explore the opportunities provided by GBC, we also propose a new attention mechanism that can leverage the entire GBC graph, with encouraging experimental results that show the extra benefits of incorporating the graph structure. Our datasets are released at \url{}.


new LVLM-empowered Multi-modal Representation Learning for Visual Place Recognition

Authors: Teng Wang, Lingquan Meng, Lei Cheng, Changyin Sun

Abstract: Visual place recognition (VPR) remains challenging due to significant viewpoint changes and appearance variations. Mainstream works tackle these challenges by developing various feature aggregation methods to transform deep features into robust and compact global representations. Unfortunately, satisfactory results cannot be achieved under challenging conditions. We start from a new perspective and attempt to build a discriminative global representations by fusing image data and text descriptions of the the visual scene. The motivation is twofold: (1) Current Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) demonstrate extraordinary emergent capability in visual instruction following, and thus provide an efficient and flexible manner in generating text descriptions of images; (2) The text descriptions, which provide high-level scene understanding, show strong robustness against environment variations. Although promising, leveraging LVLMs to build multi-modal VPR solutions remains challenging in efficient multi-modal fusion. Furthermore, LVLMs will inevitably produces some inaccurate descriptions, making it even harder. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel multi-modal VPR solution. It first adapts pre-trained visual and language foundation models to VPR for extracting image and text features, which are then fed into the feature combiner to enhance each other. As the main component, the feature combiner first propose a token-wise attention block to adaptively recalibrate text tokens according to their relevance to the image data, and then develop an efficient cross-attention fusion module to propagate information across different modalities. The enhanced multi-modal features are compressed into the feature descriptor for performing retrieval. Experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin with significantly smaller image descriptor dimension.

new CoLA: Conditional Dropout and Language-driven Robust Dual-modal Salient Object Detection

Authors: Shuang Hao, Chunlin Zhong, He Tang

Abstract: The depth/thermal information is beneficial for detecting salient object with conventional RGB images. However, in dual-modal salient object detection (SOD) model, the robustness against noisy inputs and modality missing is crucial but rarely studied. To tackle this problem, we introduce \textbf{Co}nditional Dropout and \textbf{LA}nguage-driven(\textbf{CoLA}) framework comprising two core components. 1) Language-driven Quality Assessment (LQA): Leveraging a pretrained vision-language model with a prompt learner, the LQA recalibrates image contributions without requiring additional quality annotations. This approach effectively mitigates the impact of noisy inputs. 2) Conditional Dropout (CD): A learning method to strengthen the model's adaptability in scenarios with missing modalities, while preserving its performance under complete modalities. The CD serves as a plug-in training scheme that treats modality-missing as conditions, strengthening the overall robustness of various dual-modal SOD models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art dual-modal SOD models, under both modality-complete and modality-missing conditions. We will release source code upon acceptance.

new ERQ: Error Reduction for Post-Training Quantization of Vision Transformers

Authors: Yunshan Zhong, Jiawei Hu, You Huang, Yuxin Zhang, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) for vision transformers (ViTs) has garnered significant attention due to its efficiency in compressing models. However, existing methods typically overlook the intricate interdependence between quantized weight and activation, leading to considerable quantization error. In this paper, we propose ERQ, a two-step PTQ approach meticulously crafted to sequentially reduce the quantization error arising from activation and weight quantization. ERQ first introduces Activation quantization error reduction (Aqer) that strategically formulates the minimization of activation quantization error as a Ridge Regression problem, tackling it by updating weights with full-precision. Subsequently, ERQ introduces Weight quantization error reduction (Wqer) that adopts an iterative approach to mitigate the quantization error induced by weight quantization. In each iteration, an empirically derived, efficient proxy is employed to refine the rounding directions of quantized weights, coupled with a Ridge Regression solver to curtail weight quantization error. Experimental results attest to the effectiveness of our approach. Notably, ERQ surpasses the state-of-the-art GPTQ by 22.36% in accuracy for W3A4 ViT-S.

new CycleSAM: One-Shot Surgical Scene Segmentation using Cycle-Consistent Feature Matching to Prompt SAM

Authors: Aditya Murali, Pietro Mascagni, Didier Mutter, Nicolas Padoy

Abstract: The recently introduced Segment-Anything Model (SAM) has the potential to greatly accelerate the development of segmentation models. However, directly applying SAM to surgical images has key limitations including (1) the requirement of image-specific prompts at test-time, thereby preventing fully automated segmentation, and (2) ineffectiveness due to substantial domain gap between natural and surgical images. In this work, we propose CycleSAM, an approach for one-shot surgical scene segmentation that uses the training image-mask pair at test-time to automatically identify points in the test images that correspond to each object class, which can then be used to prompt SAM to produce object masks. To produce high-fidelity matches, we introduce a novel spatial cycle-consistency constraint that enforces point proposals in the test image to rematch to points within the object foreground region in the training image. Then, to address the domain gap, rather than directly using the visual features from SAM, we employ a ResNet50 encoder pretrained on surgical images in a self-supervised fashion, thereby maintaining high label-efficiency. We evaluate CycleSAM for one-shot segmentation on two diverse surgical semantic segmentation datasets, comprehensively outperforming baseline approaches and reaching up to 50% of fully-supervised performance.

new AstroSpy: On detecting Fake Images in Astronomy via Joint Image-Spectral Representations

Authors: Mohammed Talha Alam, Raza Imam, Mohsen Guizani, Fakhri Karray

Abstract: The prevalence of AI-generated imagery has raised concerns about the authenticity of astronomical images, especially with advanced text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion producing highly realistic synthetic samples. Existing detection methods, primarily based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or spectral analysis, have limitations when used independently. We present AstroSpy, a hybrid model that integrates both spectral and image features to distinguish real from synthetic astronomical images. Trained on a unique dataset of real NASA images and AI-generated fakes (approximately 18k samples), AstroSpy utilizes a dual-pathway architecture to fuse spatial and spectral information. This approach enables AstroSpy to achieve superior performance in identifying authentic astronomical images. Extensive evaluations demonstrate AstroSpy's effectiveness and robustness, significantly outperforming baseline models in both in-domain and cross-domain tasks, highlighting its potential to combat misinformation in astronomy.

new A Mamba-based Siamese Network for Remote Sensing Change Detection

Authors: Jay N. Paranjape, Celso de Melo, Vishal M. Patel

Abstract: Change detection in remote sensing images is an essential tool for analyzing a region at different times. It finds varied applications in monitoring environmental changes, man-made changes as well as corresponding decision-making and prediction of future trends. Deep learning methods like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers have achieved remarkable success in detecting significant changes, given two images at different times. In this paper, we propose a Mamba-based Change Detector (M-CD) that segments out the regions of interest even better. Mamba-based architectures demonstrate linear-time training capabilities and an improved receptive field over transformers. Our experiments on four widely used change detection datasets demonstrate significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. Our code and pre-trained models are available at


new HTD-Mamba: Efficient Hyperspectral Target Detection with Pyramid State Space Model

Authors: Dunbin Shen, Xuanbing Zhu, Jiacheng Tian, Jianjun Liu, Zhenrong Du, Hongyu Wang, Xiaorui Ma

Abstract: Hyperspectral target detection (HTD) identifies objects of interest from complex backgrounds at the pixel level, playing a vital role in Earth observation. However, HTD faces challenges due to limited prior knowledge and spectral variations, leading to underfitting models and unreliable performance. To address these challenges, this paper proposes an efficient self-supervised HTD method with a pyramid state space model (SSM), named HTD-Mamba, which employs spectrally contrastive learning to distinguish between target and background based on the similarity measurement of intrinsic features. Specifically, to obtain sufficient training samples and leverage spatial contextual information, we propose a spatial-encoded spectral augmentation technique that encodes all surrounding pixels within a patch into a transformed view of the central pixel. Additionally, to explore global band correlations, we divide pixels into continuous group-wise spectral embeddings and introduce Mamba to HTD for the first time to model long-range dependencies of the spectral sequence with linear complexity. Furthermore, to alleviate spectral variation and enhance robust representation, we propose a pyramid SSM as a backbone to capture and fuse multiresolution spectral-wise intrinsic features. Extensive experiments conducted on four public datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Code is available at \url{}.


new Chat-Edit-3D: Interactive 3D Scene Editing via Text Prompts

Authors: Shuangkang Fang, Yufeng Wang, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Yi Yang, Wenrui Ding, Shuchang Zhou, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Abstract: Recent work on image content manipulation based on vision-language pre-training models has been effectively extended to text-driven 3D scene editing. However, existing schemes for 3D scene editing still exhibit certain shortcomings, hindering their further interactive design. Such schemes typically adhere to fixed input patterns, limiting users' flexibility in text input. Moreover, their editing capabilities are constrained by a single or a few 2D visual models and require intricate pipeline design to integrate these models into 3D reconstruction processes. To address the aforementioned issues, we propose a dialogue-based 3D scene editing approach, termed CE3D, which is centered around a large language model that allows for arbitrary textual input from users and interprets their intentions, subsequently facilitating the autonomous invocation of the corresponding visual expert models. Furthermore, we design a scheme utilizing Hash-Atlas to represent 3D scene views, which transfers the editing of 3D scenes onto 2D atlas images. This design achieves complete decoupling between the 2D editing and 3D reconstruction processes, enabling CE3D to flexibly integrate a wide range of existing 2D or 3D visual models without necessitating intricate fusion designs. Experimental results demonstrate that CE3D effectively integrates multiple visual models to achieve diverse editing visual effects, possessing strong scene comprehension and multi-round dialog capabilities. Code is available at this https URL.


new Dynamic Correlation Learning and Regularization for Multi-Label Confidence Calibration

Authors: Tianshui Chen, Weihang Wang, Tao Pu, Jinghui Qin, Zhijing Yang, Jie Liu, Liang Lin

Abstract: Modern visual recognition models often display overconfidence due to their reliance on complex deep neural networks and one-hot target supervision, resulting in unreliable confidence scores that necessitate calibration. While current confidence calibration techniques primarily address single-label scenarios, there is a lack of focus on more practical and generalizable multi-label contexts. This paper introduces the Multi-Label Confidence Calibration (MLCC) task, aiming to provide well-calibrated confidence scores in multi-label scenarios. Unlike single-label images, multi-label images contain multiple objects, leading to semantic confusion and further unreliability in confidence scores. Existing single-label calibration methods, based on label smoothing, fail to account for category correlations, which are crucial for addressing semantic confusion, thereby yielding sub-optimal performance. To overcome these limitations, we propose the Dynamic Correlation Learning and Regularization (DCLR) algorithm, which leverages multi-grained semantic correlations to better model semantic confusion for adaptive regularization. DCLR learns dynamic instance-level and prototype-level similarities specific to each category, using these to measure semantic correlations across different categories. With this understanding, we construct adaptive label vectors that assign higher values to categories with strong correlations, thereby facilitating more effective regularization. We establish an evaluation benchmark, re-implementing several advanced confidence calibration algorithms and applying them to leading multi-label recognition (MLR) models for fair comparison. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the superior performance of DCLR over existing methods in providing reliable confidence scores in multi-label scenarios.

new TE-SSL: Time and Event-aware Self Supervised Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Progression Analysis

Authors: Jacob Thrasher, Alina Devkota, Ahmed Tafti, Binod Bhattarai, Prashnna Gyawali

Abstract: Alzheimer's Dementia (AD) represents one of the most pressing challenges in the field of neurodegenerative disorders, with its progression analysis being crucial for understanding disease dynamics and developing targeted interventions. Recent advancements in deep learning and various representation learning strategies, including self-supervised learning (SSL), have shown significant promise in enhancing medical image analysis, providing innovative ways to extract meaningful patterns from complex data. Notably, the computer vision literature has demonstrated that incorporating supervisory signals into SSL can further augment model performance by guiding the learning process with additional relevant information. However, the application of such supervisory signals in the context of disease progression analysis remains largely unexplored. This gap is particularly pronounced given the inherent challenges of incorporating both event and time-to-event information into the learning paradigm. Addressing this, we propose a novel framework, Time and Even-aware SSL (TE-SSL), which integrates time-to-event and event data as supervisory signals to refine the learning process. Our comparative analysis with existing SSL-based methods in the downstream task of survival analysis shows superior performance across standard metrics.

new Window-to-Window BEV Representation Learning for Limited FoV Cross-View Geo-localization

Authors: Lei Cheng, Teng Wang, Lingquan Meng, Changyin Sun

Abstract: Cross-view geo-localization confronts significant challenges due to large perspective changes, especially when the ground-view query image has a limited field of view with unknown orientation. To bridge the cross-view domain gap, we for the first time explore to learn a BEV representation directly from the ground query image. However, the unknown orientation between ground and aerial images combined with the absence of camera parameters led to ambiguity between BEV queries and ground references. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel Window-to-Window BEV representation learning method, termed W2W-BEV, which adaptively matches BEV queries to ground reference at window-scale. Specifically, predefined BEV embeddings and extracted ground features are segmented into a fixed number of windows, and then most similar ground window is chosen for each BEV feature based on the context-aware window matching strategy. Subsequently, the cross-attention is performed between the matched BEV and ground windows to learn the robust BEV representation. Additionally, we use ground features along with predicted depth information to initialize the BEV embeddings, helping learn more powerful BEV representations. Extensive experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate significant superiority of our W2W-BEV over previous state-of-the-art methods under challenging conditions of unknown orientation and limited FoV. Specifically, on the CVUSA dataset with limited Fov of 90 degree and unknown orientation, the W2W-BEV achieve an significant improvement from 47.24% to 64.73 %(+17.49%) in R@1 accuracy.

new Beyond Aesthetics: Cultural Competence in Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Nithish Kannen, Arif Ahmad, Marco Andreetto, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran, Utsav Prabhu, Adji Bousso Dieng, Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Shachi Dave

Abstract: Text-to-Image (T2I) models are being increasingly adopted in diverse global communities where they create visual representations of their unique cultures. Current T2I benchmarks primarily focus on faithfulness, aesthetics, and realism of generated images, overlooking the critical dimension of cultural competence. In this work, we introduce a framework to evaluate cultural competence of T2I models along two crucial dimensions: cultural awareness and cultural diversity, and present a scalable approach using a combination of structured knowledge bases and large language models to build a large dataset of cultural artifacts to enable this evaluation. In particular, we apply this approach to build CUBE (CUltural BEnchmark for Text-to-Image models), a first-of-its-kind benchmark to evaluate cultural competence of T2I models. CUBE covers cultural artifacts associated with 8 countries across different geo-cultural regions and along 3 concepts: cuisine, landmarks, and art. CUBE consists of 1) CUBE-1K, a set of high-quality prompts that enable the evaluation of cultural awareness, and 2) CUBE-CSpace, a larger dataset of cultural artifacts that serves as grounding to evaluate cultural diversity. We also introduce cultural diversity as a novel T2I evaluation component, leveraging quality-weighted Vendi score. Our evaluations reveal significant gaps in the cultural awareness of existing models across countries and provide valuable insights into the cultural diversity of T2I outputs for under-specified prompts. Our methodology is extendable to other cultural regions and concepts, and can facilitate the development of T2I models that better cater to the global population.

new Rethinking Image-to-Video Adaptation: An Object-centric Perspective

Authors: Rui Qian, Shuangrui Ding, Dahua Lin

Abstract: Image-to-video adaptation seeks to efficiently adapt image models for use in the video domain. Instead of finetuning the entire image backbone, many image-to-video adaptation paradigms use lightweight adapters for temporal modeling on top of the spatial module. However, these attempts are subject to limitations in efficiency and interpretability. In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient image-to-video adaptation strategy from the object-centric perspective. Inspired by human perception, which identifies objects as key components for video understanding, we integrate a proxy task of object discovery into image-to-video transfer learning. Specifically, we adopt slot attention with learnable queries to distill each frame into a compact set of object tokens. These object-centric tokens are then processed through object-time interaction layers to model object state changes across time. Integrated with two novel object-level losses, we demonstrate the feasibility of performing efficient temporal reasoning solely on the compressed object-centric representations for video downstream tasks. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance with fewer tunable parameters, only 5\% of fully finetuned models and 50\% of efficient tuning methods, on action recognition benchmarks. In addition, our model performs favorably in zero-shot video object segmentation without further retraining or object annotations, proving the effectiveness of object-centric video understanding.

new Aligning Cyber Space with Physical World: A Comprehensive Survey on Embodied AI

Authors: Yang Liu, Weixing Chen, Yongjie Bai, Jingzhou Luo, Xinshuai Song, Kaixuan Jiang, Zhida Li, Ganlong Zhao, Junyi Lin, Guanbin Li, Wen Gao, Liang Lin

Abstract: Embodied Artificial Intelligence (Embodied AI) is crucial for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and serves as a foundation for various applications that bridge cyberspace and the physical world. Recently, the emergence of Multi-modal Large Models (MLMs) and World Models (WMs) have attracted significant attention due to their remarkable perception, interaction, and reasoning capabilities, making them a promising architecture for the brain of embodied agents. However, there is no comprehensive survey for Embodied AI in the era of MLMs. In this survey, we give a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in Embodied AI. Our analysis firstly navigates through the forefront of representative works of embodied robots and simulators, to fully understand the research focuses and their limitations. Then, we analyze four main research targets: 1) embodied perception, 2) embodied interaction, 3) embodied agent, and 4) sim-to-real adaptation, covering the state-of-the-art methods, essential paradigms, and comprehensive datasets. Additionally, we explore the complexities of MLMs in virtual and real embodied agents, highlighting their significance in facilitating interactions in dynamic digital and physical environments. Finally, we summarize the challenges and limitations of embodied AI and discuss their potential future directions. We hope this survey will serve as a foundational reference for the research community and inspire continued innovation. The associated project can be found at


new HumanRefiner: Benchmarking Abnormal Human Generation and Refining with Coarse-to-fine Pose-Reversible Guidance

Authors: Guian Fang, Wenbiao Yan, Yuanfan Guo, Jianhua Han, Zutao Jiang, Hang Xu, Shengcai Liao, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Text-to-image diffusion models have significantly advanced in conditional image generation. However, these models usually struggle with accurately rendering images featuring humans, resulting in distorted limbs and other anomalies. This issue primarily stems from the insufficient recognition and evaluation of limb qualities in diffusion models. To address this issue, we introduce AbHuman, the first large-scale synthesized human benchmark focusing on anatomical anomalies. This benchmark consists of 56K synthesized human images, each annotated with detailed, bounding-box level labels identifying 147K human anomalies in 18 different categories. Based on this, the recognition of human anomalies can be established, which in turn enhances image generation through traditional techniques such as negative prompting and guidance. To further boost the improvement, we propose HumanRefiner, a novel plug-and-play approach for the coarse-to-fine refinement of human anomalies in text-to-image generation. Specifically, HumanRefiner utilizes a self-diagnostic procedure to detect and correct issues related to both coarse-grained abnormal human poses and fine-grained anomaly levels, facilitating pose-reversible diffusion generation. Experimental results on the AbHuman benchmark demonstrate that HumanRefiner significantly reduces generative discrepancies, achieving a 2.9x improvement in limb quality compared to the state-of-the-art open-source generator SDXL and a 1.4x improvement over DALL-E 3 in human evaluations. Our data and code are available at


new RodinHD: High-Fidelity 3D Avatar Generation with Diffusion Models

Authors: Bowen Zhang, Yiji Cheng, Chunyu Wang, Ting Zhang, Jiaolong Yang, Yansong Tang, Feng Zhao, Dong Chen, Baining Guo

Abstract: We present RodinHD, which can generate high-fidelity 3D avatars from a portrait image. Existing methods fail to capture intricate details such as hairstyles which we tackle in this paper. We first identify an overlooked problem of catastrophic forgetting that arises when fitting triplanes sequentially on many avatars, caused by the MLP decoder sharing scheme. To overcome this issue, we raise a novel data scheduling strategy and a weight consolidation regularization term, which improves the decoder's capability of rendering sharper details. Additionally, we optimize the guiding effect of the portrait image by computing a finer-grained hierarchical representation that captures rich 2D texture cues, and injecting them to the 3D diffusion model at multiple layers via cross-attention. When trained on 46K avatars with a noise schedule optimized for triplanes, the resulting model can generate 3D avatars with notably better details than previous methods and can generalize to in-the-wild portrait input.

new Joint prototype and coefficient prediction for 3D instance segmentation

Authors: Remco Royen, Leon Denis, Adrian Munteanu

Abstract: 3D instance segmentation is crucial for applications demanding comprehensive 3D scene understanding. In this paper, we introduce a novel method that simultaneously learns coefficients and prototypes. Employing an overcomplete sampling strategy, our method produces an overcomplete set of instance predictions, from which the optimal ones are selected through a Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) algorithm during inference. The obtained prototypes are visualizable and interpretable. Our method demonstrates superior performance on S3DIS-blocks, consistently outperforming existing methods in mRec and mPrec. Moreover, it operates 32.9% faster than the state-of-the-art. Notably, with only 0.8% of the total inference time, our method exhibits an over 20-fold reduction in the variance of inference time compared to existing methods. These attributes render our method well-suited for practical applications requiring both rapid inference and high reliability.

new Parameter-Efficient and Memory-Efficient Tuning for Vision Transformer: A Disentangled Approach

Authors: Taolin Zhang, Jiawang Bai, Zhihe Lu, Dongze Lian, Genping Wang, Xinchao Wang, Shu-Tao Xia

Abstract: Recent works on parameter-efficient transfer learning (PETL) show the potential to adapt a pre-trained Vision Transformer to downstream recognition tasks with only a few learnable parameters. However, since they usually insert new structures into the pre-trained model, entire intermediate features of that model are changed and thus need to be stored to be involved in back-propagation, resulting in memory-heavy training. We solve this problem from a novel disentangled perspective, i.e., dividing PETL into two aspects: task-specific learning and pre-trained knowledge utilization. Specifically, we synthesize the task-specific query with a learnable and lightweight module, which is independent of the pre-trained model. The synthesized query equipped with task-specific knowledge serves to extract the useful features for downstream tasks from the intermediate representations of the pre-trained model in a query-only manner. Built upon these features, a customized classification head is proposed to make the prediction for the input sample. lightweight architecture and avoids the use of heavy intermediate features for running gradient descent, it demonstrates limited memory usage in training. Extensive experiments manifest that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance under memory constraints, showcasing its applicability in real-world situations.

new Category-level Object Detection, Pose Estimation and Reconstruction from Stereo Images

Authors: Chuanrui Zhang, Yonggen Ling, Minglei Lu, Minghan Qin, Haoqian Wang

Abstract: We study the 3D object understanding task for manipulating everyday objects with different material properties (diffuse, specular, transparent and mixed). Existing monocular and RGB-D methods suffer from scale ambiguity due to missing or imprecise depth measurements. We present CODERS, a one-stage approach for Category-level Object Detection, pose Estimation and Reconstruction from Stereo images. The base of our pipeline is an implicit stereo matching module that combines stereo image features with 3D position information. Concatenating this presented module and the following transform-decoder architecture leads to end-to-end learning of multiple tasks required by robot manipulation. Our approach significantly outperforms all competing methods in the public TOD dataset. Furthermore, trained on simulated data, CODERS generalize well to unseen category-level object instances in real-world robot manipulation experiments. Our dataset, code, and demos will be available on our project page.

new Improved Block Merging for 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation

Authors: Leon Denis, Remco Royen, Adrian Munteanu

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel block merging algorithm suitable for any block-based 3D instance segmentation technique. The proposed work improves over the state-of-the-art by allowing wrongly labelled points of already processed blocks to be corrected through label propagation. By doing so, instance overlap between blocks is not anymore necessary to produce the desirable results, which is the main limitation of the current art. Our experiments show that the proposed block merging algorithm significantly and consistently improves the obtained accuracy for all evaluation metrics employed in literature, regardless of the underlying network architecture.

new Learning to Complement and to Defer to Multiple Users

Authors: Zheng Zhang, Wenjie Ai, Kevin Wells, David Rosewarne, Thanh-Toan Do, Gustavo Carneiro

Abstract: With the development of Human-AI Collaboration in Classification (HAI-CC), integrating users and AI predictions becomes challenging due to the complex decision-making process. This process has three options: 1) AI autonomously classifies, 2) learning to complement, where AI collaborates with users, and 3) learning to defer, where AI defers to users. Despite their interconnected nature, these options have been studied in isolation rather than as components of a unified system. In this paper, we address this weakness with the novel HAI-CC methodology, called Learning to Complement and to Defer to Multiple Users (LECODU). LECODU not only combines learning to complement and learning to defer strategies, but it also incorporates an estimation of the optimal number of users to engage in the decision process. The training of LECODU maximises classification accuracy and minimises collaboration costs associated with user involvement. Comprehensive evaluations across real-world and synthesized datasets demonstrate LECODU's superior performance compared to state-of-the-art HAI-CC methods. Remarkably, even when relying on unreliable users with high rates of label noise, LECODU exhibits significant improvement over both human decision-makers alone and AI alone.

new Exploring Scalability of Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Temporal Action Localization

Authors: Jeongseok Hyun, Su Ho Han, Hyolim Kang, Joon-Young Lee, Seon Joo Kim

Abstract: The vocabulary size in temporal action localization (TAL) is constrained by the scarcity of large-scale annotated datasets. To address this, recent works incorporate powerful pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs), such as CLIP, to perform open-vocabulary TAL (OV-TAL). However, unlike VLMs trained on extensive image/video-text pairs, existing OV-TAL methods still rely on small, fully labeled TAL datasets for training an action localizer. In this paper, we explore the scalability of self-training with unlabeled YouTube videos for OV-TAL. Our self-training approach consists of two stages. First, a class-agnostic action localizer is trained on a human-labeled TAL dataset and used to generate pseudo-labels for unlabeled videos. Second, the large-scale pseudo-labeled dataset is combined with the human-labeled dataset to train the localizer. Extensive experiments demonstrate that leveraging web-scale videos in self-training significantly enhances the generalizability of an action localizer. Additionally, we highlighted issues with existing OV-TAL evaluation schemes and proposed a new evaluation protocol. Code is released at


new Resolving Sentiment Discrepancy for Multimodal Sentiment Detection via Semantics Completion and Decomposition

Authors: Daiqing Wu, Dongbao Yang, Huawen Shen, Can Ma, Yu Zhou

Abstract: With the proliferation of social media posts in recent years, the need to detect sentiments in multimodal (image-text) content has grown rapidly. Since posts are user-generated, the image and text from the same post can express different or even contradictory sentiments, leading to potential \textbf{sentiment discrepancy}. However, existing works mainly adopt a single-branch fusion structure that primarily captures the consistent sentiment between image and text. The ignorance or implicit modeling of discrepant sentiment results in compromised unimodal encoding and limited performances. In this paper, we propose a semantics Completion and Decomposition (CoDe) network to resolve the above issue. In the semantics completion module, we complement image and text representations with the semantics of the OCR text embedded in the image, helping bridge the sentiment gap. In the semantics decomposition module, we decompose image and text representations with exclusive projection and contrastive learning, thereby explicitly capturing the discrepant sentiment between modalities. Finally, we fuse image and text representations by cross-attention and combine them with the learned discrepant sentiment for final classification. Extensive experiments conducted on four multimodal sentiment datasets demonstrate the superiority of CoDe against SOTA methods.

new Hiding Local Manipulations on SAR Images: a Counter-Forensic Attack

Authors: Sara Mandelli, Edoardo Daniele Cannas, Paolo Bestagini, Stefano Tebaldini, Stefano Tubaro

Abstract: The vast accessibility of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images through online portals has propelled the research across various fields. This widespread use and easy availability have unfortunately made SAR data susceptible to malicious alterations, such as local editing applied to the images for inserting or covering the presence of sensitive targets. Vulnerability is further emphasized by the fact that most SAR products, despite their original complex nature, are often released as amplitude-only information, allowing even inexperienced attackers to edit and easily alter the pixel content. To contrast malicious manipulations, in the last years the forensic community has begun to dig into the SAR manipulation issue, proposing detectors that effectively localize the tampering traces in amplitude images. Nonetheless, in this paper we demonstrate that an expert practitioner can exploit the complex nature of SAR data to obscure any signs of manipulation within a locally altered amplitude image. We refer to this approach as a counter-forensic attack. To achieve the concealment of manipulation traces, the attacker can simulate a re-acquisition of the manipulated scene by the SAR system that initially generated the pristine image. In doing so, the attacker can obscure any evidence of manipulation, making it appear as if the image was legitimately produced by the system. We assess the effectiveness of the proposed counter-forensic approach across diverse scenarios, examining various manipulation operations. The obtained results indicate that our devised attack successfully eliminates traces of manipulation, deceiving even the most advanced forensic detectors.

new ProtoSAM - One Shot Medical Image Segmentation With Foundational Models

Authors: Lev Ayzenberg, Raja Giryes, Hayit Greenspan

Abstract: This work introduces a new framework, ProtoSAM, for one-shot medical image segmentation. It combines the use of prototypical networks, known for few-shot segmentation, with SAM - a natural image foundation model. The method proposed creates an initial coarse segmentation mask using the ALPnet prototypical network, augmented with a DINOv2 encoder. Following the extraction of an initial mask, prompts are extracted, such as points and bounding boxes, which are then input into the Segment Anything Model (SAM). State-of-the-art results are shown on several medical image datasets and demonstrate automated segmentation capabilities using a single image example (one shot) with no need for fine-tuning of the foundation model.

new Multimodal Self-Instruct: Synthetic Abstract Image and Visual Reasoning Instruction Using Language Model

Authors: Wenqi Zhang, Zhenglin Cheng, Yuanyu He, Mengna Wang, Yongliang Shen, Zeqi Tan, Guiyang Hou, Mingqian He, Yanna Ma, Weiming Lu, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Although most current large multimodal models (LMMs) can already understand photos of natural scenes and portraits, their understanding of abstract images, e.g., charts, maps, or layouts, and visual reasoning capabilities remains quite rudimentary. They often struggle with simple daily tasks, such as reading time from a clock, understanding a flowchart, or planning a route using a road map. In light of this, we design a multi-modal self-instruct, utilizing large language models and their code capabilities to synthesize massive abstract images and visual reasoning instructions across daily scenarios. Our strategy effortlessly creates a multimodal benchmark with 11,193 instructions for eight visual scenarios: charts, tables, simulated maps, dashboards, flowcharts, relation graphs, floor plans, and visual puzzles. \textbf{This benchmark, constructed with simple lines and geometric elements, exposes the shortcomings of most advanced LMMs} like Claude-3.5-Sonnet and GPT-4o in abstract image understanding, spatial relations reasoning, and visual element induction. Besides, to verify the quality of our synthetic data, we fine-tune an LMM using 62,476 synthetic chart, table and road map instructions. The results demonstrate improved chart understanding and map navigation performance, and also demonstrate potential benefits for other visual reasoning tasks. Our code is available at: \url{}.


new CAPformer: Compression-Aware Pre-trained Transformer for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Authors: Wang Wei, Jin Zhi

Abstract: Low-Light Image Enhancement (LLIE) has advanced with the surge in phone photography demand, yet many existing methods neglect compression, a crucial concern for resource-constrained phone photography. Most LLIE methods overlook this, hindering their effectiveness. In this study, we investigate the effects of JPEG compression on low-light images and reveal substantial information loss caused by JPEG due to widespread low pixel values in dark areas. Hence, we propose the Compression-Aware Pre-trained Transformer (CAPformer), employing a novel pre-training strategy to learn lossless information from uncompressed low-light images. Additionally, the proposed Brightness-Guided Self-Attention (BGSA) mechanism enhances rational information gathering. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approach in mitigating compression effects on LLIE, showcasing its potential for improving LLIE in resource-constrained scenarios.

new ConceptExpress: Harnessing Diffusion Models for Single-image Unsupervised Concept Extraction

Authors: Shaozhe Hao, Kai Han, Zhengyao Lv, Shihao Zhao, Kwan-Yee K. Wong

Abstract: While personalized text-to-image generation has enabled the learning of a single concept from multiple images, a more practical yet challenging scenario involves learning multiple concepts within a single image. However, existing works tackling this scenario heavily rely on extensive human annotations. In this paper, we introduce a novel task named Unsupervised Concept Extraction (UCE) that considers an unsupervised setting without any human knowledge of the concepts. Given an image that contains multiple concepts, the task aims to extract and recreate individual concepts solely relying on the existing knowledge from pretrained diffusion models. To achieve this, we present ConceptExpress that tackles UCE by unleashing the inherent capabilities of pretrained diffusion models in two aspects. Specifically, a concept localization approach automatically locates and disentangles salient concepts by leveraging spatial correspondence from diffusion self-attention; and based on the lookup association between a concept and a conceptual token, a concept-wise optimization process learns discriminative tokens that represent each individual concept. Finally, we establish an evaluation protocol tailored for the UCE task. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ConceptExpress is a promising solution to the UCE task. Our code and data are available at:


new MoSt-DSA: Modeling Motion and Structural Interactions for Direct Multi-Frame Interpolation in DSA Images

Authors: Ziyang Xu, Huangxuan Zhao, Ziwei Cui, Wenyu Liu, Chuansheng Zheng, Xinggang Wang

Abstract: Artificial intelligence has become a crucial tool for medical image analysis. As an advanced cerebral angiography technique, Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) poses a challenge where the radiation dose to humans is proportional to the image count. By reducing images and using AI interpolation instead, the radiation can be cut significantly. However, DSA images present more complex motion and structural features than natural scenes, making interpolation more challenging. We propose MoSt-DSA, the first work that uses deep learning for DSA frame interpolation. Unlike natural scene Video Frame Interpolation (VFI) methods that extract unclear or coarse-grained features, we devise a general module that models motion and structural context interactions between frames in an efficient full convolution manner by adjusting optimal context range and transforming contexts into linear functions. Benefiting from this, MoSt-DSA is also the first method that directly achieves any number of interpolations at any time steps with just one forward pass during both training and testing. We conduct extensive comparisons with 7 representative VFI models for interpolating 1 to 3 frames, MoSt-DSA demonstrates robust results across 470 DSA image sequences (each typically 152 images), with average SSIM over 0.93, average PSNR over 38 (standard deviations of less than 0.030 and 3.6, respectively), comprehensively achieving state-of-the-art performance in accuracy, speed, visual effect, and memory usage. Our code is available at


new V-VIPE: Variational View Invariant Pose Embedding

Authors: Mara Levy, Abhinav Shrivastava

Abstract: Learning to represent three dimensional (3D) human pose given a two dimensional (2D) image of a person, is a challenging problem. In order to make the problem less ambiguous it has become common practice to estimate 3D pose in the camera coordinate space. However, this makes the task of comparing two 3D poses difficult. In this paper, we address this challenge by separating the problem of estimating 3D pose from 2D images into two steps. We use a variational autoencoder (VAE) to find an embedding that represents 3D poses in canonical coordinate space. We refer to this embedding as variational view-invariant pose embedding V-VIPE. Using V-VIPE we can encode 2D and 3D poses and use the embedding for downstream tasks, like retrieval and classification. We can estimate 3D poses from these embeddings using the decoder as well as generate unseen 3D poses. The variability of our encoding allows it to generalize well to unseen camera views when mapping from 2D space. To the best of our knowledge, V-VIPE is the only representation to offer this diversity of applications. Code and more information can be found at


cross Do Vision and Language Models Share Concepts? A Vector Space Alignment Study

Authors: Jiaang Li, Yova Kementchedjhieva, Constanza Fierro, Anders S{\o}gaard

Abstract: Large-scale pretrained language models (LMs) are said to ``lack the ability to connect utterances to the world'' (Bender and Koller, 2020), because they do not have ``mental models of the world' '(Mitchell and Krakauer, 2023). If so, one would expect LM representations to be unrelated to representations induced by vision models. We present an empirical evaluation across four families of LMs (BERT, GPT-2, OPT and LLaMA-2) and three vision model architectures (ResNet, SegFormer, and MAE). Our experiments show that LMs partially converge towards representations isomorphic to those of vision models, subject to dispersion, polysemy and frequency. This has important implications for both multi-modal processing and the LM understanding debate (Mitchell and Krakauer, 2023).

cross The Impact of an XAI-Augmented Approach on Binary Classification with Scarce Data

Authors: Ximing Wen, Rosina O. Weber, Anik Sen, Darryl Hannan, Steven C. Nesbit, Vincent Chan, Alberto Goffi, Michael Morris, John C. Hunninghake, Nicholas E. Villalobos, Edward Kim, Christopher J. MacLellan

Abstract: Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) is the practice of clinicians conducting and interpreting ultrasound scans right at the patient's bedside. However, the expertise needed to interpret these images is considerable and may not always be present in emergency situations. This reality makes algorithms such as machine learning classifiers extremely valuable to augment human decisions. POCUS devices are becoming available at a reasonable cost in the size of a mobile phone. The challenge of turning POCUS devices into life-saving tools is that interpretation of ultrasound images requires specialist training and experience. Unfortunately, the difficulty to obtain positive training images represents an important obstacle to building efficient and accurate classifiers. Hence, the problem we try to investigate is how to explore strategies to increase accuracy of classifiers trained with scarce data. We hypothesize that training with a few data instances may not suffice for classifiers to generalize causing them to overfit. Our approach uses an Explainable AI-Augmented approach to help the algorithm learn more from less and potentially help the classifier better generalize.

cross Characterization of topological structures in different neural network architectures

Authors: Pawe{\l} \'Swider

Abstract: One of the most crucial tasks in the future will be to understand what is going on in neural networks, as they will become even more powerful and widely deployed. This work aims to use TDA methods to analyze neural representations. We develop methods for analyzing representations from different architectures and check how one should use them to obtain valid results. Our findings indicate that removing outliers does not have much impact on the results and that we should compare representations with the same number of elements. We applied these methods for ResNet, VGG19, and ViT architectures and found substantial differences along with some similarities. Additionally, we determined that models with similar architecture tend to have a similar topology of representations and models with a larger number of layers change their topology more smoothly. Furthermore, we found that the topology of pre-trained and finetuned models starts to differ in the middle and final layers while remaining quite similar in the initial layers. These findings demonstrate the efficacy of TDA in the analysis of neural network behavior.

cross Enhanced Safety in Autonomous Driving: Integrating Latent State Diffusion Model for End-to-End Navigation

Authors: Jianuo Huang, Zhenlong Fang

Abstract: With the advancement of autonomous driving, ensuring safety during motion planning and navigation is becoming more and more important. However, most end-to-end planning methods suffer from a lack of safety. This research addresses the safety issue in the control optimization problem of autonomous driving, formulated as Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs). We propose a novel, model-based approach for policy optimization, utilizing a conditional Value-at-Risk based Soft Actor Critic to manage constraints in complex, high-dimensional state spaces effectively. Our method introduces a worst-case actor to guide safe exploration, ensuring rigorous adherence to safety requirements even in unpredictable scenarios. The policy optimization employs the Augmented Lagrangian method and leverages latent diffusion models to predict and simulate future trajectories. This dual approach not only aids in navigating environments safely but also refines the policy's performance by integrating distribution modeling to account for environmental uncertainties. Empirical evaluations conducted in both simulated and real environment demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing methods in terms of safety, efficiency, and decision-making capabilities.

cross MagMax: Leveraging Model Merging for Seamless Continual Learning

Authors: Daniel Marczak, Bart{\l}omiej Twardowski, Tomasz Trzci\'nski, Sebastian Cygert

Abstract: This paper introduces a continual learning approach named MagMax, which utilizes model merging to enable large pre-trained models to continuously learn from new data without forgetting previously acquired knowledge. Distinct from traditional continual learning methods that aim to reduce forgetting during task training, MagMax combines sequential fine-tuning with a maximum magnitude weight selection for effective knowledge integration across tasks. Our initial contribution is an extensive examination of model merging techniques, revealing that simple approaches like weight averaging and random weight selection surprisingly hold up well in various continual learning contexts. More importantly, we present MagMax, a novel model-merging strategy that enables continual learning of large pre-trained models for successive tasks. Our thorough evaluation demonstrates the superiority of MagMax in various scenarios, including class- and domain-incremental learning settings.

cross Non-Robust Features are Not Always Useful in One-Class Classification

Authors: Matthew Lau, Haoran Wang, Alec Helbling, Matthew Hul, ShengYun Peng, Martin Andreoni, Willian T. Lunardi, Wenke Lee

Abstract: The robustness of machine learning models has been questioned by the existence of adversarial examples. We examine the threat of adversarial examples in practical applications that require lightweight models for one-class classification. Building on Ilyas et al. (2019), we investigate the vulnerability of lightweight one-class classifiers to adversarial attacks and possible reasons for it. Our results show that lightweight one-class classifiers learn features that are not robust (e.g. texture) under stronger attacks. However, unlike in multi-class classification (Ilyas et al., 2019), these non-robust features are not always useful for the one-class task, suggesting that learning these unpredictive and non-robust features is an unwanted consequence of training.

cross Hybrid Classical-Quantum architecture for vectorised image classification of hand-written sketches

Authors: Y. Cordero, S. Biswas, F. Vilari\~no, M. Bilkis

Abstract: Quantum machine learning (QML) investigates how quantum phenomena can be exploited in order to learn data in an alternative way, \textit{e.g.} by means of a quantum computer. While recent results evidence that QML models can potentially surpass their classical counterparts' performance in specific tasks, quantum technology hardware is still unready to reach quantum advantage in tasks of significant relevance to the broad scope of the computer science community. Recent advances indicate that hybrid classical-quantum models can readily attain competitive performances at low architecture complexities. Such investigations are often carried out for image-processing tasks, and are notably constrained to modelling \textit{raster images}, represented as a grid of two-dimensional pixels. Here, we introduce vector-based representation of sketch drawings as a test-bed for QML models. Such a lower-dimensional data structure results handful to benchmark model's performance, particularly in current transition times, where classical simulations of quantum circuits are naturally limited in the number of qubits, and quantum hardware is not readily available to perform large-scale experiments. We report some encouraging results for primitive hybrid classical-quantum architectures, in a canonical sketch recognition problem.

cross A Clinical Benchmark of Public Self-Supervised Pathology Foundation Models

Authors: Gabriele Campanella, Shengjia Chen, Ruchika Verma, Jennifer Zeng, Aryeh Stock, Matt Croken, Brandon Veremis, Abdulkadir Elmas, Kuan-lin Huang, Ricky Kwan, Jane Houldsworth, Adam J. Schoenfeld, Chad Vanderbilt, Thomas J. Fuchs

Abstract: The use of self-supervised learning (SSL) to train pathology foundation models has increased substantially in the past few years. Notably, several models trained on large quantities of clinical data have been made publicly available in recent months. This will significantly enhance scientific research in computational pathology and help bridge the gap between research and clinical deployment. With the increase in availability of public foundation models of different sizes, trained using different algorithms on different datasets, it becomes important to establish a benchmark to compare the performance of such models on a variety of clinically relevant tasks spanning multiple organs and diseases. In this work, we present a collection of pathology datasets comprising clinical slides associated with clinically relevant endpoints including cancer diagnoses and a variety of biomarkers generated during standard hospital operation from two medical centers. We leverage these datasets to systematically assess the performance of public pathology foundation models and provide insights into best practices for training new foundation models and selecting appropriate pretrained models.

cross Asymmetric Mask Scheme for Self-Supervised Real Image Denoising

Authors: Xiangyu Liao, Tianheng Zheng, Jiayu Zhong, Pingping Zhang, Chao Ren

Abstract: In recent years, self-supervised denoising methods have gained significant success and become critically important in the field of image restoration. Among them, the blind spot network based methods are the most typical type and have attracted the attentions of a large number of researchers. Although the introduction of blind spot operations can prevent identity mapping from noise to noise, it imposes stringent requirements on the receptive fields in the network design, thereby limiting overall performance. To address this challenge, we propose a single mask scheme for self-supervised denoising training, which eliminates the need for blind spot operation and thereby removes constraints on the network structure design. Furthermore, to achieve denoising across entire image during inference, we propose a multi-mask scheme. Our method, featuring the asymmetric mask scheme in training and inference, achieves state-of-the-art performance on existing real noisy image datasets. All the source code will be made available to the public.

cross UnmixingSR: Material-aware Network with Unsupervised Unmixing as Auxiliary Task for Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution

Authors: Yang Yu

Abstract: Deep learning-based (DL-based) hyperspectral image (HIS) super-resolution (SR) methods have achieved remarkable performance and attracted attention in industry and academia. Nonetheless, most current methods explored and learned the mapping relationship between low-resolution (LR) and high-resolution (HR) HSIs, leading to the side effect of increasing unreliability and irrationality in solving the ill-posed SR problem. We find, quite interestingly, LR imaging is similar to the mixed pixel phenomenon. A single photodetector in sensor arrays receives the reflectance signals reflected by a number of classes, resulting in low spatial resolution and mixed pixel problems. Inspired by this observation, this paper proposes a component-aware HSI SR network called UnmixingSR, in which the unsupervised HU as an auxiliary task is used to perceive the material components of HSIs. We regard HU as an auxiliary task and incorporate it into the HSI SR process by exploring the constraints between LR and HR abundances. Instead of only learning the mapping relationship between LR and HR HSIs, we leverage the bond between LR abundances and HR abundances to boost the stability of our method in solving SR problems. Moreover, the proposed unmixing process can be embedded into existing deep SR models as a plug-in-play auxiliary task. Experimental results on hyperspectral experiments show that unmixing process as an auxiliary task incorporated into the SR problem is feasible and rational, achieving outstanding performance. The code is available at

cross DLOVE: A new Security Evaluation Tool for Deep Learning Based Watermarking Techniques

Authors: Sudev Kumar Padhi, Sk. Subidh Ali

Abstract: Recent developments in Deep Neural Network (DNN) based watermarking techniques have shown remarkable performance. The state-of-the-art DNN-based techniques not only surpass the robustness of classical watermarking techniques but also show their robustness against many image manipulation techniques. In this paper, we performed a detailed security analysis of different DNN-based watermarking techniques. We propose a new class of attack called the Deep Learning-based OVErwriting (DLOVE) attack, which leverages adversarial machine learning and overwrites the original embedded watermark with a targeted watermark in a watermarked image. To the best of our knowledge, this attack is the first of its kind. We have considered scenarios where watermarks are used to devise and formulate an adversarial attack in white box and black box settings. To show adaptability and efficiency, we launch our DLOVE attack analysis on seven different watermarking techniques, HiDDeN, ReDMark, PIMoG, Stegastamp, Aparecium, Distortion Agostic Deep Watermarking and Hiding Images in an Image. All these techniques use different approaches to create imperceptible watermarked images. Our attack analysis on these watermarking techniques with various constraints highlights the vulnerabilities of DNN-based watermarking. Extensive experimental results validate the capabilities of DLOVE. We propose DLOVE as a benchmark security analysis tool to test the robustness of future deep learning-based watermarking techniques.

cross Vision language models are blind

Authors: Pooyan Rahmanzadehgervi, Logan Bolton, Mohammad Reza Taesiri, Anh Totti Nguyen

Abstract: Large language models with vision capabilities (VLMs), e.g., GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro are powering countless image-text applications and scoring high on many vision-understanding benchmarks. Yet, we find that VLMs fail on 7 visual tasks absurdly easy to humans such as identifying (a) whether two circles overlap; (b) whether two lines intersect; (c) which letter is being circled in a word; and (d) counting the number of circles in a Olympic-like logo. The shockingly poor performance of four state-of-the-art VLMs suggests their vision is, at best, like of a person with myopia seeing fine details as blurry, and at worst, like an intelligent person that is blind making educated guesses. Code is available at:


cross Iteratively Refined Image Reconstruction with Learned Attentive Regularizers

Authors: Mehrsa Pourya, Sebastian Neumayer, Michael Unser

Abstract: We propose a regularization scheme for image reconstruction that leverages the power of deep learning while hinging on classic sparsity-promoting models. Many deep-learning-based models are hard to interpret and cumbersome to analyze theoretically. In contrast, our scheme is interpretable because it corresponds to the minimization of a series of convex problems. For each problem in the series, a mask is generated based on the previous solution to refine the regularization strength spatially. In this way, the model becomes progressively attentive to the image structure. For the underlying update operator, we prove the existence of a fixed point. As a special case, we investigate a mask generator for which the fixed-point iterations converge to a critical point of an explicit energy functional. In our experiments, we match the performance of state-of-the-art learned variational models for the solution of inverse problems. Additionally, we offer a promising balance between interpretability, theoretical guarantees, reliability, and performance.

cross AI-based Automatic Segmentation of Prostate on Multi-modality Images: A Review

Authors: Rui Jin, Derun Li, Dehui Xiang, Lei Zhang, Hailing Zhou, Fei Shi, Weifang Zhu, Jing Cai, Tao Peng, Xinjian Chen

Abstract: Prostate cancer represents a major threat to health. Early detection is vital in reducing the mortality rate among prostate cancer patients. One approach involves using multi-modality (CT, MRI, US, etc.) computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems for the prostate region. However, prostate segmentation is challenging due to imperfections in the images and the prostate's complex tissue structure. The advent of precision medicine and a significant increase in clinical capacity have spurred the need for various data-driven tasks in the field of medical imaging. Recently, numerous machine learning and data mining tools have been integrated into various medical areas, including image segmentation. This article proposes a new classification method that differentiates supervision types, either in number or kind, during the training phase. Subsequently, we conducted a survey on artificial intelligence (AI)-based automatic prostate segmentation methods, examining the advantages and limitations of each. Additionally, we introduce variants of evaluation metrics for the verification and performance assessment of the segmentation method and summarize the current challenges. Finally, future research directions and development trends are discussed, reflecting the outcomes of our literature survey, suggesting high-precision detection and treatment of prostate cancer as a promising avenue.

cross Implicit Regression in Subspace for High-Sensitivity CEST Imaging

Authors: Chu Chen, Yang Liu, Se Weon Park, Jizhou Li, Kannie W. Y. Chan, Raymond H. F. Chan

Abstract: Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI demonstrates its capability in significantly enhancing the detection of proteins and metabolites with low concentrations through exchangeable protons. The clinical application of CEST, however, is constrained by its low contrast and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the acquired data. Denoising, as one of the post-processing stages for CEST data, can effectively improve the accuracy of CEST quantification. In this work, by modeling spatial variant z-spectrums into low-dimensional subspace, we introduce Implicit Regression in Subspace (IRIS), which is an unsupervised denoising algorithm utilizing the excellent property of implicit neural representation for continuous mapping. Experiments conducted on both synthetic and in-vivo data demonstrate that our proposed method surpasses other CEST denoising methods regarding both qualitative and quantitative performance.

cross Variational Zero-shot Multispectral Pansharpening

Authors: Xiangyu Rui, Xiangyong Cao, Yining Li, Deyu Meng

Abstract: Pansharpening aims to generate a high spatial resolution multispectral image (HRMS) by fusing a low spatial resolution multispectral image (LRMS) and a panchromatic image (PAN). The most challenging issue for this task is that only the to-be-fused LRMS and PAN are available, and the existing deep learning-based methods are unsuitable since they rely on many training pairs. Traditional variational optimization (VO) based methods are well-suited for addressing such a problem. They focus on carefully designing explicit fusion rules as well as regularizations for an optimization problem, which are based on the researcher's discovery of the image relationships and image structures. Unlike previous VO-based methods, in this work, we explore such complex relationships by a parameterized term rather than a manually designed one. Specifically, we propose a zero-shot pansharpening method by introducing a neural network into the optimization objective. This network estimates a representation component of HRMS, which mainly describes the relationship between HRMS and PAN. In this way, the network achieves a similar goal to the so-called deep image prior because it implicitly regulates the relationship between the HRMS and PAN images through its inherent structure. We directly minimize this optimization objective via network parameters and the expected HRMS image through iterative updating. Extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method can achieve better performance compared with other state-of-the-art methods. The codes are available at


cross SEBA: Strong Evaluation of Biometric Anonymizations

Authors: Julian Todt, Simon Hanisch, Thorsten Strufe

Abstract: Biometric data is pervasively captured and analyzed. Using modern machine learning approaches, identity and attribute inferences attacks have proven high accuracy. Anonymizations aim to mitigate such disclosures by modifying data in a way that prevents identification. However, the effectiveness of some anonymizations is unclear. Therefore, improvements of the corresponding evaluation methodology have been proposed recently. In this paper, we introduce SEBA, a framework for strong evaluation of biometric anonymizations. It combines and implements the state-of-the-art methodology in an easy-to-use and easy-to-expand software framework. This allows anonymization designers to easily test their techniques using a strong evaluation methodology. As part of this discourse, we introduce and discuss new metrics that allow for a more straightforward evaluation of the privacy-utility trade-off that is inherent to anonymization attempts. Finally, we report on a prototypical experiment to demonstrate SEBA's applicability.

cross Accelerating Online Mapping and Behavior Prediction via Direct BEV Feature Attention

Authors: Xunjiang Gu, Guanyu Song, Igor Gilitschenski, Marco Pavone, Boris Ivanovic

Abstract: Understanding road geometry is a critical component of the autonomous vehicle (AV) stack. While high-definition (HD) maps can readily provide such information, they suffer from high labeling and maintenance costs. Accordingly, many recent works have proposed methods for estimating HD maps online from sensor data. The vast majority of recent approaches encode multi-camera observations into an intermediate representation, e.g., a bird's eye view (BEV) grid, and produce vector map elements via a decoder. While this architecture is performant, it decimates much of the information encoded in the intermediate representation, preventing downstream tasks (e.g., behavior prediction) from leveraging them. In this work, we propose exposing the rich internal features of online map estimation methods and show how they enable more tightly integrating online mapping with trajectory forecasting. In doing so, we find that directly accessing internal BEV features yields up to 73% faster inference speeds and up to 29% more accurate predictions on the real-world nuScenes dataset.

cross MRI Volume-Based Robust Brain Age Estimation Using Weight-Shared Spatial Attention in 3D CNNs

Authors: Vamshi Krishna Kancharla, Neelam Sinha

Abstract: Important applications of advancements in machine learning, are in the area of healthcare, more so for neurological disorder detection. A crucial step towards understanding the neurological status, is to estimate the brain age using structural MRI volumes, in order to measure its deviation from chronological age. Factors that contribute to brain age are best captured using a data-driven approach, such as deep learning. However, it places a huge demand on the availability of diverse datasets. In this work, we propose a robust brain age estimation paradigm that utilizes a 3D CNN model, by-passing the need for model-retraining across datasets. The proposed model consists of seven 3D CNN layers, with a shared spatial attention layer incorporated at each CNN layer followed by five dense layers. The novelty of the proposed method lies in the idea of spatial attention module, with shared weights across the CNN layers. This weight sharing ensures directed attention to specific brain regions, for localizing age-related features within the data, lending robustness. The proposed model, trained on ADNI dataset comprising 516 T1 weighted MRI volumes of healthy subjects, resulted in Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 1.662 years, which is an improvement of 1.688 years over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) model, based on disjoint test samples from the same repository. To illustrate generalizability, the same pipeline was utilized on volumes from a publicly available source called OASIS3. From OASIS3, MRI volumes 890 healthy subjects were utilized resulting in MAE of 2.265 years. Due to diversity in acquisitions across multiple sites, races and genetic factors, traditional CNN models are not guaranteed to prioritize brain regions crucial for age estimation. In contrast, the proposed weight-shared spatial attention module, directs attention on specific regions, required for the estimation.

cross Top-K Pairwise Ranking: Bridging the Gap Among Ranking-Based Measures for Multi-Label Classification

Authors: Zitai Wang, Qianqian Xu, Zhiyong Yang, Peisong Wen, Yuan He, Xiaochun Cao, Qingming Huang

Abstract: Multi-label ranking, which returns multiple top-ranked labels for each instance, has a wide range of applications for visual tasks. Due to its complicated setting, prior arts have proposed various measures to evaluate model performances. However, both theoretical analysis and empirical observations show that a model might perform inconsistently on different measures. To bridge this gap, this paper proposes a novel measure named Top-K Pairwise Ranking (TKPR), and a series of analyses show that TKPR is compatible with existing ranking-based measures. In light of this, we further establish an empirical surrogate risk minimization framework for TKPR. On one hand, the proposed framework enjoys convex surrogate losses with the theoretical support of Fisher consistency. On the other hand, we establish a sharp generalization bound for the proposed framework based on a novel technique named data-dependent contraction. Finally, empirical results on benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

cross Towards Physics-informed Cyclic Adversarial Multi-PSF Lensless Imaging

Authors: Abeer Banerjee, Sanjay Singh

Abstract: Lensless imaging has emerged as a promising field within inverse imaging, offering compact, cost-effective solutions with the potential to revolutionize the computational camera market. By circumventing traditional optical components like lenses and mirrors, novel approaches like mask-based lensless imaging eliminate the need for conventional hardware. However, advancements in lensless image reconstruction, particularly those leveraging Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), are hindered by the reliance on data-driven training processes, resulting in network specificity to the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the imaging system. This necessitates a complete retraining for minor PSF changes, limiting adaptability and generalizability across diverse imaging scenarios. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to multi-PSF lensless imaging, employing a dual discriminator cyclic adversarial framework. We propose a unique generator architecture with a sparse convolutional PSF-aware auxiliary branch, coupled with a forward model integrated into the training loop to facilitate physics-informed learning to handle the substantial domain gap between lensless and lensed images. Comprehensive performance evaluation and ablation studies underscore the effectiveness of our model, offering robust and adaptable lensless image reconstruction capabilities. Our method achieves comparable performance to existing PSF-agnostic generative methods for single PSF cases and demonstrates resilience to PSF changes without the need for retraining.

cross Positive-Unlabelled Learning for Improving Image-based Recommender System Explainability

Authors: \'Alvaro Fern\'andez-Campa-Gonz\'alez, Jorge Paz-Ruza, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Bertha Guijarro-Berdi\~nas

Abstract: Among the existing approaches for visual-based Recommender System (RS) explainability, utilizing user-uploaded item images as efficient, trustable explanations is a promising option. However, current models following this paradigm assume that, for any user, all images uploaded by other users can be considered negative training examples (i.e. bad explanatory images), an inadvertedly naive labelling assumption that contradicts the rationale of the approach. This work proposes a new explainer training pipeline by leveraging Positive-Unlabelled (PU) Learning techniques to train image-based explainer with refined subsets of reliable negative examples for each user selected through a novel user-personalized, two-step, similarity-based PU Learning algorithm. Computational experiments show this PU-based approach outperforms the state-of-the-art non-PU method in six popular real-world datasets, proving that an improvement of visual-based RS explainability can be achieved by maximizing training data quality rather than increasing model complexity.

cross Training-free CryoET Tomogram Segmentation

Authors: Yizhou Zhao, Hengwei Bian, Michael Mu, Mostofa R. Uddin, Zhenyang Li, Xiang Li, Tianyang Wang, Min Xu

Abstract: Cryogenic Electron Tomography (CryoET) is a useful imaging technology in structural biology that is hindered by its need for manual annotations, especially in particle picking. Recent works have endeavored to remedy this issue with few-shot learning or contrastive learning techniques. However, supervised training is still inevitable for them. We instead choose to leverage the power of existing 2D foundation models and present a novel, training-free framework, CryoSAM. In addition to prompt-based single-particle instance segmentation, our approach can automatically search for similar features, facilitating full tomogram semantic segmentation with only one prompt. CryoSAM is composed of two major parts: 1) a prompt-based 3D segmentation system that uses prompts to complete single-particle instance segmentation recursively with Cross-Plane Self-Prompting, and 2) a Hierarchical Feature Matching mechanism that efficiently matches relevant features with extracted tomogram features. They collaborate to enable the segmentation of all particles of one category with just one particle-specific prompt. Our experiments show that CryoSAM outperforms existing works by a significant margin and requires even fewer annotations in particle picking. Further visualizations demonstrate its ability when dealing with full tomogram segmentation for various subcellular structures. Our code is available at:


cross Event Trojan: Asynchronous Event-based Backdoor Attacks

Authors: Ruofei Wang, Qing Guo, Haoliang Li, Renjie Wan

Abstract: As asynchronous event data is more frequently engaged in various vision tasks, the risk of backdoor attacks becomes more evident. However, research into the potential risk associated with backdoor attacks in asynchronous event data has been scarce, leaving related tasks vulnerable to potential threats. This paper has uncovered the possibility of directly poisoning event data streams by proposing Event Trojan framework, including two kinds of triggers, i.e., immutable and mutable triggers. Specifically, our two types of event triggers are based on a sequence of simulated event spikes, which can be easily incorporated into any event stream to initiate backdoor attacks. Additionally, for the mutable trigger, we design an adaptive learning mechanism to maximize its aggressiveness. To improve the stealthiness, we introduce a novel loss function that constrains the generated contents of mutable triggers, minimizing the difference between triggers and original events while maintaining effectiveness. Extensive experiments on public event datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed backdoor triggers. We hope that this paper can draw greater attention to the potential threats posed by backdoor attacks on event-based tasks. Our code is available at


cross A Neurosymbolic Approach to Adaptive Feature Extraction in SLAM

Authors: Yasra Chandio, Momin A. Khan, Khotso Selialia, Luis Garcia, Joseph DeGol, Fatima M. Anwar

Abstract: Autonomous robots, autonomous vehicles, and humans wearing mixed-reality headsets require accurate and reliable tracking services for safety-critical applications in dynamically changing real-world environments. However, the existing tracking approaches, such as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), do not adapt well to environmental changes and boundary conditions despite extensive manual tuning. On the other hand, while deep learning-based approaches can better adapt to environmental changes, they typically demand substantial data for training and often lack flexibility in adapting to new domains. To solve this problem, we propose leveraging the neurosymbolic program synthesis approach to construct adaptable SLAM pipelines that integrate the domain knowledge from traditional SLAM approaches while leveraging data to learn complex relationships. While the approach can synthesize end-to-end SLAM pipelines, we focus on synthesizing the feature extraction module. We first devise a domain-specific language (DSL) that can encapsulate domain knowledge on the important attributes for feature extraction and the real-world performance of various feature extractors. Our neurosymbolic architecture then undertakes adaptive feature extraction, optimizing parameters via learning while employing symbolic reasoning to select the most suitable feature extractor. Our evaluations demonstrate that our approach, neurosymbolic Feature EXtraction (nFEX), yields higher-quality features. It also reduces the pose error observed for the state-of-the-art baseline feature extractors ORB and SIFT by up to 90% and up to 66%, respectively, thereby enhancing the system's efficiency and adaptability to novel environments.

cross Towards Open-World Mobile Manipulation in Homes: Lessons from the Neurips 2023 HomeRobot Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation Challenge

Authors: Sriram Yenamandra, Arun Ramachandran, Mukul Khanna, Karmesh Yadav, Jay Vakil, Andrew Melnik, Michael B\"uttner, Leon Harz, Lyon Brown, Gora Chand Nandi, Arjun PS, Gaurav Kumar Yadav, Rahul Kala, Robert Haschke, Yang Luo, Jinxin Zhu, Yansen Han, Bingyi Lu, Xuan Gu, Qinyuan Liu, Yaping Zhao, Qiting Ye, Chenxiao Dou, Yansong Chua, Volodymyr Kuzma, Vladyslav Humennyy, Ruslan Partsey, Jonathan Francis, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Gunjan Chhablani, Alexander Clegg, Theophile Gervet, Vidhi Jain, Ram Ramrakhya, Andrew Szot, Austin Wang, Tsung-Yen Yang, Aaron Edsinger, Charlie Kemp, Binit Shah, Zsolt Kira, Dhruv Batra, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Yonatan Bisk, Chris Paxton

Abstract: In order to develop robots that can effectively serve as versatile and capable home assistants, it is crucial for them to reliably perceive and interact with a wide variety of objects across diverse environments. To this end, we proposed Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation as a key benchmark task for robotics: finding any object in a novel environment and placing it on any receptacle surface within that environment. We organized a NeurIPS 2023 competition featuring both simulation and real-world components to evaluate solutions to this task. Our baselines on the most challenging version of this task, using real perception in simulation, achieved only an 0.8% success rate; by the end of the competition, the best participants achieved an 10.8\% success rate, a 13x improvement. We observed that the most successful teams employed a variety of methods, yet two common threads emerged among the best solutions: enhancing error detection and recovery, and improving the integration of perception with decision-making processes. In this paper, we detail the results and methodologies used, both in simulation and real-world settings. We discuss the lessons learned and their implications for future research. Additionally, we compare performance in real and simulated environments, emphasizing the necessity for robust generalization to novel settings.

cross Can virtual staining for high-throughput screening generalize?

Authors: Samuel Tonks, Cuong Nguyer, Steve Hood, Ryan Musso, Ceridwen Hopely, Steve Titus, Minh Doan, Iain Styles, Alexander Krull

Abstract: The large volume and variety of imaging data from high-throughput screening (HTS) in the pharmaceutical industry present an excellent resource for training virtual staining models. However, the potential of models trained under one set of experimental conditions to generalize to other conditions remains underexplored. This study systematically investigates whether data from three cell types (lung, ovarian, and breast) and two phenotypes (toxic and non-toxic conditions) commonly found in HTS can effectively train virtual staining models to generalize across three typical HTS distribution shifts: unseen phenotypes, unseen cell types, and the combination of both. Utilizing a dataset of 772,416 paired bright-field, cytoplasm, nuclei, and DNA-damage stain images, we evaluate the generalization capabilities of models across pixel-based, instance-wise, and biological-feature-based levels. Our findings indicate that training virtual nuclei and cytoplasm models on non-toxic condition samples not only generalizes to toxic condition samples but leads to improved performance across all evaluation levels compared to training on toxic condition samples. Generalization to unseen cell types shows variability depending on the cell type; models trained on ovarian or lung cell samples often perform well under other conditions, while those trained on breast cell samples consistently show poor generalization. Generalization to unseen cell types and phenotypes shows good generalization across all levels of evaluation compared to addressing unseen cell types alone. This study represents the first large-scale, data-centric analysis of the generalization capability of virtual staining models trained on diverse HTS datasets, providing valuable strategies for experimental training data generation.

cross Vision-and-Language Navigation Today and Tomorrow: A Survey in the Era of Foundation Models

Authors: Yue Zhang, Ziqiao Ma, Jialu Li, Yanyuan Qiao, Zun Wang, Joyce Chai, Qi Wu, Mohit Bansal, Parisa Kordjamshidi

Abstract: Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) has gained increasing attention over recent years and many approaches have emerged to advance their development. The remarkable achievements of foundation models have shaped the challenges and proposed methods for VLN research. In this survey, we provide a top-down review that adopts a principled framework for embodied planning and reasoning, and emphasizes the current methods and future opportunities leveraging foundation models to address VLN challenges. We hope our in-depth discussions could provide valuable resources and insights: on one hand, to milestone the progress and explore opportunities and potential roles for foundation models in this field, and on the other, to organize different challenges and solutions in VLN to foundation model researchers.

cross CorMulT: A Semi-supervised Modality Correlation-aware Multimodal Transformer for Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Yangmin Li, Ruiqi Zhu, Wengen Li

Abstract: Multimodal sentiment analysis is an active research area that combines multiple data modalities, e.g., text, image and audio, to analyze human emotions and benefits a variety of applications. Existing multimodal sentiment analysis methods can be classified as modality interaction-based methods, modality transformation-based methods and modality similarity-based methods. However, most of these methods highly rely on the strong correlations between modalities, and cannot fully uncover and utilize the correlations between modalities to enhance sentiment analysis. Therefore, these methods usually achieve bad performance for identifying the sentiment of multimodal data with weak correlations. To address this issue, we proposed a two-stage semi-supervised model termed Correlation-aware Multimodal Transformer (CorMulT) which consists pre-training stage and prediction stage. At the pre-training stage, a modality correlation contrastive learning module is designed to efficiently learn modality correlation coefficients between different modalities. At the prediction stage, the learned correlation coefficients are fused with modality representations to make the sentiment prediction. According to the experiments on the popular multimodal dataset CMU-MOSEI, CorMulT obviously surpasses state-of-the-art multimodal sentiment analysis methods.

cross Latent Space Imaging

Authors: Matheus Souza, Yidan Zheng, Kaizhang Kang, Yogeshwar Nath Mishra, Qiang Fu, Wolfgang Heidrich

Abstract: Digital imaging systems have classically been based on brute-force measuring and processing of pixels organized on regular grids. The human visual system, on the other hand, performs a massive data reduction from the number of photo-receptors to the optic nerve, essentially encoding the image information into a low bandwidth latent space representation suitable for processing by the human brain. In this work, we propose to follow a similar approach for the development of artificial vision systems. Latent Space Imaging is a new paradigm that, through a combination of optics and software, directly encodes the image information into the semantically rich latent space of a generative model, thus substantially reducing bandwidth and memory requirements during the capture process. We demonstrate this new principle through an initial hardware prototype based on the single pixel camera. By designing an amplitude modulation scheme that encodes into the latent space of a generative model, we achieve compression ratios from 1:100 to 1:1,000 during the imaging process, illustrating the potential of latent space imaging for highly efficient imaging hardware, to enable future applications in high speed imaging, or task-specific cameras with substantially reduced hardware complexity.

cross Explainable Hyperdimensional Computing for Balancing Privacy and Transparency in Additive Manufacturing Monitoring

Authors: Fardin Jalil Piran, Prathyush P. Poduval, Hamza Errahmouni Barkam, Mohsen Imani, Farhad Imani

Abstract: In-situ sensing, in conjunction with learning models, presents a unique opportunity to address persistent defect issues in Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes. However, this integration introduces significant data privacy concerns, such as data leakage, sensor data compromise, and model inversion attacks, revealing critical details about part design, material composition, and machine parameters. Differential Privacy (DP) models, which inject noise into data under mathematical guarantees, offer a nuanced balance between data utility and privacy by obscuring traces of sensing data. However, the introduction of noise into learning models, often functioning as black boxes, complicates the prediction of how specific noise levels impact model accuracy. This study introduces the Differential Privacy-HyperDimensional computing (DP-HD) framework, leveraging the explainability of the vector symbolic paradigm to predict the noise impact on the accuracy of in-situ monitoring, safeguarding sensitive data while maintaining operational efficiency. Experimental results on real-world high-speed melt pool data of AM for detecting overhang anomalies demonstrate that DP-HD achieves superior operational efficiency, prediction accuracy, and robust privacy protection, outperforming state-of-the-art Machine Learning (ML) models. For example, when implementing the same level of privacy protection (with a privacy budget set at 1), our model achieved an accuracy of 94.43\%, surpassing the performance of traditional models such as ResNet50 (52.30\%), GoogLeNet (23.85\%), AlexNet (55.78\%), DenseNet201 (69.13\%), and EfficientNet B2 (40.81\%). Notably, DP-HD maintains high performance under substantial noise additions designed to enhance privacy, unlike current models that suffer significant accuracy declines under high privacy constraints.

cross Hyperion - A fast, versatile symbolic Gaussian Belief Propagation framework for Continuous-Time SLAM

Authors: David Hug, Ignacio Alzugaray, Margarita Chli

Abstract: Continuous-Time Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (CTSLAM) has become a promising approach for fusing asynchronous and multi-modal sensor suites. Unlike discrete-time SLAM, which estimates poses discretely, CTSLAM uses continuous-time motion parametrizations, facilitating the integration of a variety of sensors such as rolling-shutter cameras, event cameras and Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs). However, CTSLAM approaches remain computationally demanding and are conventionally posed as centralized Non-Linear Least Squares (NLLS) optimizations. Targeting these limitations, we not only present the fastest SymForce-based [Martiros et al., RSS 2022] B- and Z-Spline implementations achieving speedups between 2.43x and 110.31x over Sommer et al. [CVPR 2020] but also implement a novel continuous-time Gaussian Belief Propagation (GBP) framework, coined Hyperion, which targets decentralized probabilistic inference across agents. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method in motion tracking and localization settings, complemented by empirical ablation studies.

cross MADE-for-ASD: A Multi-Atlas Deep Ensemble Network for Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder

Authors: Md Rakibul Hasan, Xuehan Liu, Tom Gedeon, Md Zakir Hossain

Abstract: In response to the global need for efficient early diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), this paper bridges the gap between traditional, time-consuming diagnostic methods and potential automated solutions. We propose a multi-atlas deep ensemble network, MADE-for-ASD, that integrates multiple atlases of the brain's functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data through a weighted deep ensemble network. Our approach integrates demographic information into the prediction workflow, which enhances ASD diagnosis performance and offers a more holistic perspective on patient profiling. We experiment with the well-known publicly available ABIDE (Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange) I dataset, consisting of resting state fMRI data from 17 different laboratories around the globe. Our proposed system achieves 75.20% accuracy on the entire dataset and 96.40% on a specific subset $-$ both surpassing reported ASD diagnosis accuracy in ABIDE I fMRI studies. Specifically, our model improves by 4.4 percentage points over prior works on the same amount of data. The model exhibits a sensitivity of 82.90% and a specificity of 69.70% on the entire dataset, and 91.00% and 99.50%, respectively, on the specific subset. We leverage the F-score to pinpoint the top 10 ROI in ASD diagnosis, such as \emph{precuneus} and anterior \emph{cingulate/ventromedial}. The proposed system can potentially pave the way for more cost-effective, efficient and scalable strategies in ASD diagnosis. Codes and evaluations are publicly available at TBA.

cross 3D Gaussian Ray Tracing: Fast Tracing of Particle Scenes

Authors: Nicolas Moenne-Loccoz, Ashkan Mirzaei, Or Perel, Riccardo de Lutio, Janick Martinez Esturo, Gavriel State, Sanja Fidler, Nicholas Sharp, Zan Gojcic

Abstract: Particle-based representations of radiance fields such as 3D Gaussian Splatting have found great success for reconstructing and re-rendering of complex scenes. Most existing methods render particles via rasterization, projecting them to screen space tiles for processing in a sorted order. This work instead considers ray tracing the particles, building a bounding volume hierarchy and casting a ray for each pixel using high-performance GPU ray tracing hardware. To efficiently handle large numbers of semi-transparent particles, we describe a specialized rendering algorithm which encapsulates particles with bounding meshes to leverage fast ray-triangle intersections, and shades batches of intersections in depth-order. The benefits of ray tracing are well-known in computer graphics: processing incoherent rays for secondary lighting effects such as shadows and reflections, rendering from highly-distorted cameras common in robotics, stochastically sampling rays, and more. With our renderer, this flexibility comes at little cost compared to rasterization. Experiments demonstrate the speed and accuracy of our approach, as well as several applications in computer graphics and vision. We further propose related improvements to the basic Gaussian representation, including a simple use of generalized kernel functions which significantly reduces particle hit counts.

replace Approaches of large-scale images recognition with more than 50,000 categoris

Authors: Wanhong Huang, Rui Geng

Abstract: Though current CV models have been able to achieve high levels of accuracy on small-scale images classification dataset with hundreds or thousands of categories, many models become infeasible in computational or space consumption when it comes to large-scale dataset with more than 50,000 categories. In this paper, we provide a viable solution for classifying large-scale species datasets using traditional CV techniques such as.features extraction and processing, BOVW(Bag of Visual Words) and some statistical learning technics like Mini-Batch K-Means,SVM which are used in our works. And then mixed with a neural network model. When applying these techniques, we have done some optimization in time and memory consumption, so that it can be feasible for large-scale dataset. And we also use some technics to reduce the impact of mislabeling data. We use a dataset with more than 50, 000 categories, and all operations are done on common computer with l 6GB RAM and a CPU of 3. OGHz. Our contributions are: 1) analysis what problems may meet in the training processes, and presents several feasible ways to solve these problems. 2) Make traditional CV models combined with neural network models provide some feasible scenarios for training large-scale classified datasets within the constraints of time and spatial resources.

replace Fast-BEV: A Fast and Strong Bird's-Eye View Perception Baseline

Authors: Yangguang Li, Bin Huang, Zeren Chen, Yufeng Cui, Feng Liang, Mingzhu Shen, Fenggang Liu, Enze Xie, Lu Sheng, Wanli Ouyang, Jing Shao

Abstract: Recently, perception task based on Bird's-Eye View (BEV) representation has drawn more and more attention, and BEV representation is promising as the foundation for next-generation Autonomous Vehicle (AV) perception. However, most existing BEV solutions either require considerable resources to execute on-vehicle inference or suffer from modest performance. This paper proposes a simple yet effective framework, termed Fast-BEV , which is capable of performing faster BEV perception on the on-vehicle chips. Towards this goal, we first empirically find that the BEV representation can be sufficiently powerful without expensive transformer based transformation nor depth representation. Our Fast-BEV consists of five parts, We novelly propose (1) a lightweight deployment-friendly view transformation which fast transfers 2D image feature to 3D voxel space, (2) an multi-scale image encoder which leverages multi-scale information for better performance, (3) an efficient BEV encoder which is particularly designed to speed up on-vehicle inference. We further introduce (4) a strong data augmentation strategy for both image and BEV space to avoid over-fitting, (5) a multi-frame feature fusion mechanism to leverage the temporal information. Through experiments, on 2080Ti platform, our R50 model can run 52.6 FPS with 47.3% NDS on the nuScenes validation set, exceeding the 41.3 FPS and 47.5% NDS of the BEVDepth-R50 model and 30.2 FPS and 45.7% NDS of the BEVDet4D-R50 model. Our largest model (R101@900x1600) establishes a competitive 53.5% NDS on the nuScenes validation set. We further develop a benchmark with considerable accuracy and efficiency on current popular on-vehicle chips. The code is released at:


replace Unified Multi-Modal Image Synthesis for Missing Modality Imputation

Authors: Yue Zhang, Chengtao Peng, Qiuli Wang, Dan Song, Kaiyan Li, S. Kevin Zhou

Abstract: Multi-modal medical images provide complementary soft-tissue characteristics that aid in the screening and diagnosis of diseases. However, limited scanning time, image corruption and various imaging protocols often result in incomplete multi-modal images, thus limiting the usage of multi-modal data for clinical purposes. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel unified multi-modal image synthesis method for missing modality imputation. Our method overall takes a generative adversarial architecture, which aims to synthesize missing modalities from any combination of available ones with a single model. To this end, we specifically design a Commonality- and Discrepancy-Sensitive Encoder for the generator to exploit both modality-invariant and specific information contained in input modalities. The incorporation of both types of information facilitates the generation of images with consistent anatomy and realistic details of the desired distribution. Besides, we propose a Dynamic Feature Unification Module to integrate information from a varying number of available modalities, which enables the network to be robust to random missing modalities. The module performs both hard integration and soft integration, ensuring the effectiveness of feature combination while avoiding information loss. Verified on two public multi-modal magnetic resonance datasets, the proposed method is effective in handling various synthesis tasks and shows superior performance compared to previous methods.

replace Multi-Modal Prototypes for Open-Set Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Yuhuan Yang, Chaofan Ma, Chen Ju, Ya Zhang, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: In semantic segmentation, adapting a visual system to novel object categories at inference time has always been both valuable and challenging. To enable such generalization, existing methods rely on either providing several support examples as visual cues or class names as textual cues. Through the development is relatively optimistic, these two lines have been studied in isolation, neglecting the complementary intrinsic of low-level visual and high-level language information. In this paper, we define a unified setting termed as open-set semantic segmentation (O3S), which aims to learn seen and unseen semantics from both visual examples and textual names. Our pipeline extracts multi-modal prototypes for segmentation task, by first single modal self-enhancement and aggregation, then multi-modal complementary fusion. To be specific, we aggregate visual features into several tokens as visual prototypes, and enhance the class name with detailed descriptions for textual prototype generation. The two modalities are then fused to generate multi-modal prototypes for final segmentation. On both \pascal and \coco datasets, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the framework effectiveness. State-of-the-art results are achieved even on more detailed part-segmentation, Pascal-Animals, by only training on coarse-grained datasets. Thorough ablation studies are performed to dissect each component, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

replace Pixel-Aware Stable Diffusion for Realistic Image Super-resolution and Personalized Stylization

Authors: Tao Yang, Rongyuan Wu, Peiran Ren, Xuansong Xie, Lei Zhang

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated impressive performance in various image generation, editing, enhancement and translation tasks. In particular, the pre-trained text-to-image stable diffusion models provide a potential solution to the challenging realistic image super-resolution (Real-ISR) and image stylization problems with their strong generative priors. However, the existing methods along this line often fail to keep faithful pixel-wise image structures. If extra skip connections between the encoder and the decoder of a VAE are used to reproduce details, additional training in image space will be required, limiting the application to tasks in latent space such as image stylization. In this work, we propose a pixel-aware stable diffusion (PASD) network to achieve robust Real-ISR and personalized image stylization. Specifically, a pixel-aware cross attention module is introduced to enable diffusion models perceiving image local structures in pixel-wise level, while a degradation removal module is used to extract degradation insensitive features to guide the diffusion process together with image high level information. An adjustable noise schedule is introduced to further improve the image restoration results. By simply replacing the base diffusion model with a stylized one, PASD can generate diverse stylized images without collecting pairwise training data, and by shifting the base model with an aesthetic one, PASD can bring old photos back to life. Extensive experiments in a variety of image enhancement and stylization tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed PASD approach. Our source codes are available at \url{}.


replace Decoding Human Activities: Analyzing Wearable Accelerometer and Gyroscope Data for Activity Recognition

Authors: Utsab Saha, Sawradip Saha, Tahmid Kabir, Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, Mohammad Saquib

Abstract: A person's movement or relative positioning can be effectively captured by different types of sensors and corresponding sensor output can be utilized in various manipulative techniques for the classification of different human activities. This letter proposes an effective scheme for human activity recognition, which introduces two unique approaches within a multi-structural architecture, named FusionActNet. The first approach aims to capture the static and dynamic behavior of a particular action by using two dedicated residual networks and the second approach facilitates the final decision-making process by introducing a guidance module. A two-stage training process is designed where at the first stage, residual networks are pre-trained separately by using static (where the human body is immobile) and dynamic (involving movement of the human body) data. In the next stage, the guidance module along with the pre-trained static or dynamic models are used to train the given sensor data. Here the guidance module learns to emphasize the most relevant prediction vector obtained from the static or dynamic models, which helps to effectively classify different human activities. The proposed scheme is evaluated using two benchmark datasets and compared with state-of-the-art methods. The results clearly demonstrate that our method outperforms existing approaches in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, achieving 97.35% and 95.35% accuracy on the UCI HAR and Motion-Sense datasets, respectively which highlights both the effectiveness and stability of the proposed scheme.

replace Context-Enhanced Detector For Building Detection From Remote Sensing Images

Authors: Ziyue Huang, Mingming Zhang, Qingjie Liu, Wei Wang, Zhe Dong, Yunhong Wang

Abstract: The field of building detection from remote sensing images has made significant progress, but faces challenges in achieving high-accuracy detection due to the diversity in building appearances and the complexity of vast scenes. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach called Context-Enhanced Detector (CEDet). Our approach utilizes a three-stage cascade structure to enhance the extraction of contextual information and improve building detection accuracy. Specifically, we introduce two modules: the Semantic Guided Contextual Mining (SGCM) module, which aggregates multi-scale contexts and incorporates an attention mechanism to capture long-range interactions, and the Instance Context Mining Module (ICMM), which captures instance-level relationship context by constructing a spatial relationship graph and aggregating instance features. Additionally, we introduce a semantic segmentation loss based on pseudo-masks to guide contextual information extraction. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on three building detection benchmarks, including CNBuilding-9P, CNBuilding-23P, and SpaceNet.

replace Incremental Object Detection with CLIP

Authors: Ziyue Huang, Yupeng He, Qingjie Liu, Yunhong Wang

Abstract: In contrast to the incremental classification task, the incremental detection task is characterized by the presence of data ambiguity, as an image may have differently labeled bounding boxes across multiple continuous learning stages. This phenomenon often impairs the model's ability to effectively learn new classes. However, existing research has paid less attention to the forward compatibility of the model, which limits its suitability for incremental learning. To overcome this obstacle, we propose leveraging a visual-language model such as CLIP to generate text feature embeddings for different class sets, which enhances the feature space globally. We then employ super-classes to replace the unavailable novel classes in the early learning stage to simulate the incremental scenario. Finally, we utilize the CLIP image encoder to accurately identify potential objects. We incorporate the finely recognized detection boxes as pseudo-annotations into the training process, thereby further improving the detection performance. We evaluate our approach on various incremental learning settings using the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset, and our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods, particularly for recognizing the new classes.

replace Diffusion-based Radiotherapy Dose Prediction Guided by Inter-slice Aware Structure Encoding

Authors: Zhenghao Feng, Lu Wen, Jianghong Xiao, Yuanyuan Xu, Xi Wu, Jiliu Zhou, Xingchen Peng, Yan Wang

Abstract: Deep learning (DL) has successfully automated dose distribution prediction in radiotherapy planning, enhancing both efficiency and quality. However, existing methods suffer from the over-smoothing problem for their commonly used L1 or L2 loss with posterior average calculations. To alleviate this limitation, we propose a diffusion model-based method (DiffDose) for predicting the radiotherapy dose distribution of cancer patients. Specifically, the DiffDose model contains a forward process and a reverse process. In the forward process, DiffDose transforms dose distribution maps into pure Gaussian noise by gradually adding small noise and a noise predictor is simultaneously trained to estimate the noise added at each timestep. In the reverse process, it removes the noise from the pure Gaussian noise in multiple steps with the well-trained noise predictor and finally outputs the predicted dose distribution maps...

replace Plasticine3D: 3D Non-Rigid Editing with Text Guidance by Multi-View Embedding Optimization

Authors: Yige Chen, Teng Hu, Yizhe Tang, Siyuan Chen, Ang Chen, Ran Yi

Abstract: With the help of Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) and the rapid development of neural 3D representations, some methods have been proposed to perform 3D editing such as adding additional geometries, or overwriting textures. However, generalized 3D non-rigid editing task, which requires changing both the structure (posture or composition) and appearance (texture) of the original object, remains to be challenging in 3D editing field. In this paper, we propose Plasticine3D, a novel text-guided fine-grained controlled 3D editing pipeline that can perform 3D non-rigid editing with large structure deformations. Our work divides the editing process into a geometry editing stage and a texture editing stage to achieve separate control of structure and appearance. In order to maintain the details of the original object from different viewpoints, we propose a Multi-View-Embedding (MVE) Optimization strategy to ensure that the guidance model learns the features of the original object from various viewpoints. For the purpose of fine-grained control, we propose Embedding-Fusion (EF) to blend the original characteristics with the editing objectives in the embedding space, and control the extent of editing by adjusting the fusion rate. Furthermore, in order to address the issue of gradual loss of details during the generation process under high editing intensity, as well as the problem of insignificant editing effects in some scenarios, we propose Score Projection Sampling (SPS) as a replacement of score distillation sampling, which introduces additional optimization phases for editing target enhancement and original detail maintenance, leading to better editing quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on 3D non-rigid editing tasks

replace DDOS: The Drone Depth and Obstacle Segmentation Dataset

Authors: Benedikt Kolbeinsson, Krystian Mikolajczyk

Abstract: The advancement of autonomous drones, essential for sectors such as remote sensing and emergency services, is hindered by the absence of training datasets that fully capture the environmental challenges present in real-world scenarios, particularly operations in non-optimal weather conditions and the detection of thin structures like wires. We present the Drone Depth and Obstacle Segmentation (DDOS) dataset to fill this critical gap with a collection of synthetic aerial images, created to provide comprehensive training samples for semantic segmentation and depth estimation. Specifically designed to enhance the identification of thin structures, DDOS allows drones to navigate a wide range of weather conditions, significantly elevating drone training and operational safety. Additionally, this work introduces innovative drone-specific metrics aimed at refining the evaluation of algorithms in depth estimation, with a focus on thin structure detection. These contributions not only pave the way for substantial improvements in autonomous drone technology but also set a new benchmark for future research, opening avenues for further advancements in drone navigation and safety.

replace PartSTAD: 2D-to-3D Part Segmentation Task Adaptation

Authors: Hyunjin Kim, Minhyuk Sung

Abstract: We introduce PartSTAD, a method designed for the task adaptation of 2D-to-3D segmentation lifting. Recent studies have highlighted the advantages of utilizing 2D segmentation models to achieve high-quality 3D segmentation through few-shot adaptation. However, previous approaches have focused on adapting 2D segmentation models for domain shift to rendered images and synthetic text descriptions, rather than optimizing the model specifically for 3D segmentation. Our proposed task adaptation method finetunes a 2D bounding box prediction model with an objective function for 3D segmentation. We introduce weights for 2D bounding boxes for adaptive merging and learn the weights using a small additional neural network. Additionally, we incorporate SAM, a foreground segmentation model on a bounding box, to improve the boundaries of 2D segments and consequently those of 3D segmentation. Our experiments on the PartNet-Mobility dataset show significant improvements with our task adaptation approach, achieving a 7.0%p increase in mIoU and a 5.2%p improvement in mAP@50 for semantic and instance segmentation compared to the SotA few-shot 3D segmentation model.

replace Tri$^{2}$-plane: Thinking Head Avatar via Feature Pyramid

Authors: Luchuan Song, Pinxin Liu, Lele Chen, Guojun Yin, Chenliang Xu

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed considerable achievements in facial avatar reconstruction with neural volume rendering. Despite notable advancements, the reconstruction of complex and dynamic head movements from monocular videos still suffers from capturing and restoring fine-grained details. In this work, we propose a novel approach, named Tri$^2$-plane, for monocular photo-realistic volumetric head avatar reconstructions. Distinct from the existing works that rely on a single tri-plane deformation field for dynamic facial modeling, the proposed Tri$^2$-plane leverages the principle of feature pyramids and three top-to-down lateral connections tri-planes for details improvement. It samples and renders facial details at multiple scales, transitioning from the entire face to specific local regions and then to even more refined sub-regions. Moreover, we incorporate a camera-based geometry-aware sliding window method as an augmentation in training, which improves the robustness beyond the canonical space, with a particular improvement in cross-identity generation capabilities. Experimental outcomes indicate that the Tri$^2$-plane not only surpasses existing methodologies but also achieves superior performance across quantitative and qualitative assessments. The project website is: \url{}.


replace High-Quality Medical Image Generation from Free-hand Sketch

Authors: Quan Huu Cap, Atsushi Fukuda

Abstract: Generating medical images from human-drawn free-hand sketches holds promise for various important medical imaging applications. Due to the extreme difficulty in collecting free-hand sketch data in the medical domain, most deep learning-based methods have been proposed to generate medical images from the synthesized sketches (e.g., edge maps or contours of segmentation masks from real images). However, these models often fail to generalize on the free-hand sketches, leading to unsatisfactory results. In this paper, we propose a practical free-hand sketch-to-image generation model called Sketch2MedI that learns to represent sketches in StyleGAN's latent space and generate medical images from it. Thanks to the ability to encode sketches into this meaningful representation space, Sketch2MedI only requires synthesized sketches for training, enabling a cost-effective learning process. Our Sketch2MedI demonstrates a robust generalization to free-hand sketches, resulting in high-quality and realistic medical image generations. Comparative evaluations of Sketch2MedI against the pix2pix, CycleGAN, UNIT, and U-GAT-IT models show superior performance in generating pharyngeal images, both quantitative and qualitative across various metrics.

replace Real-time Holistic Robot Pose Estimation with Unknown States

Authors: Shikun Ban, Juling Fan, Xiaoxuan Ma, Wentao Zhu, Yu Qiao, Yizhou Wang

Abstract: Estimating robot pose from RGB images is a crucial problem in computer vision and robotics. While previous methods have achieved promising performance, most of them presume full knowledge of robot internal states, e.g. ground-truth robot joint angles. However, this assumption is not always valid in practical situations. In real-world applications such as multi-robot collaboration or human-robot interaction, the robot joint states might not be shared or could be unreliable. On the other hand, existing approaches that estimate robot pose without joint state priors suffer from heavy computation burdens and thus cannot support real-time applications. This work introduces an efficient framework for real-time robot pose estimation from RGB images without requiring known robot states. Our method estimates camera-to-robot rotation, robot state parameters, keypoint locations, and root depth, employing a neural network module for each task to facilitate learning and sim-to-real transfer. Notably, it achieves inference in a single feed-forward pass without iterative optimization. Our approach offers a 12-time speed increase with state-of-the-art accuracy, enabling real-time holistic robot pose estimation for the first time. Code and models are available at


replace Region-Adaptive Transform with Segmentation Prior for Image Compression

Authors: Yuxi Liu, Wenhan Yang, Huihui Bai, Yunchao Wei, Yao Zhao

Abstract: Learned Image Compression (LIC) has shown remarkable progress in recent years. Existing works commonly employ CNN-based or self-attention-based modules as transform methods for compression. However, there is no prior research on neural transform that focuses on specific regions. In response, we introduce the class-agnostic segmentation masks (i.e. semantic masks without category labels) for extracting region-adaptive contextual information. Our proposed module, Region-Adaptive Transform, applies adaptive convolutions on different regions guided by the masks. Additionally, we introduce a plug-and-play module named Scale Affine Layer to incorporate rich contexts from various regions. While there have been prior image compression efforts that involve segmentation masks as additional intermediate inputs, our approach differs significantly from them. Our advantages lie in that, to avoid extra bitrate overhead, we treat these masks as privilege information, which is accessible during the model training stage but not required during the inference phase. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to employ class-agnostic masks as privilege information and achieve superior performance in pixel-fidelity metrics, such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The experimental results demonstrate our improvement compared to previously well-performing methods, with about 8.2% bitrate saving compared to VTM-17.0. The source code is available at


replace Zero-LED: Zero-Reference Lighting Estimation Diffusion Model for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Authors: Jinhong He, Minglong Xue, Aoxiang Ning, Chengyun Song

Abstract: Diffusion model-based low-light image enhancement methods rely heavily on paired training data, leading to limited extensive application. Meanwhile, existing unsupervised methods lack effective bridging capabilities for unknown degradation. To address these limitations, we propose a novel zero-reference lighting estimation diffusion model for low-light image enhancement called Zero-LED. It utilizes the stable convergence ability of diffusion models to bridge the gap between low-light domains and real normal-light domains and successfully alleviates the dependence on pairwise training data via zero-reference learning. Specifically, we first design the initial optimization network to preprocess the input image and implement bidirectional constraints between the diffusion model and the initial optimization network through multiple objective functions. Subsequently, the degradation factors of the real-world scene are optimized iteratively to achieve effective light enhancement. In addition, we explore a frequency-domain based and semantically guided appearance reconstruction module that encourages feature alignment of the recovered image at a fine-grained level and satisfies subjective expectations. Finally, extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approach to other state-of-the-art methods and more significant generalization capabilities. We will open the source code upon acceptance of the paper.

replace AUFormer: Vision Transformers are Parameter-Efficient Facial Action Unit Detectors

Authors: Kaishen Yuan, Zitong Yu, Xin Liu, Weicheng Xie, Huanjing Yue, Jingyu Yang

Abstract: Facial Action Units (AU) is a vital concept in the realm of affective computing, and AU detection has always been a hot research topic. Existing methods suffer from overfitting issues due to the utilization of a large number of learnable parameters on scarce AU-annotated datasets or heavy reliance on substantial additional relevant data. Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning (PETL) provides a promising paradigm to address these challenges, whereas its existing methods lack design for AU characteristics. Therefore, we innovatively investigate PETL paradigm to AU detection, introducing AUFormer and proposing a novel Mixture-of-Knowledge Expert (MoKE) collaboration mechanism. An individual MoKE specific to a certain AU with minimal learnable parameters first integrates personalized multi-scale and correlation knowledge. Then the MoKE collaborates with other MoKEs in the expert group to obtain aggregated information and inject it into the frozen Vision Transformer (ViT) to achieve parameter-efficient AU detection. Additionally, we design a Margin-truncated Difficulty-aware Weighted Asymmetric Loss (MDWA-Loss), which can encourage the model to focus more on activated AUs, differentiate the difficulty of unactivated AUs, and discard potential mislabeled samples. Extensive experiments from various perspectives, including within-domain, cross-domain, data efficiency, and micro-expression domain, demonstrate AUFormer's state-of-the-art performance and robust generalization abilities without relying on additional relevant data. The code for AUFormer is available at


replace Adaptive Multi-modal Fusion of Spatially Variant Kernel Refinement with Diffusion Model for Blind Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Junxiong Lin, Yan Wang, Zeng Tao, Boyang Wang, Qing Zhao, Haorang Wang, Xuan Tong, Xinji Mai, Yuxuan Lin, Wei Song, Jiawen Yu, Shaoqi Yan, Wenqiang Zhang

Abstract: Pre-trained diffusion models utilized for image generation encapsulate a substantial reservoir of a priori knowledge pertaining to intricate textures. Harnessing the potential of leveraging this a priori knowledge in the context of image super-resolution presents a compelling avenue. Nonetheless, prevailing diffusion-based methodologies presently overlook the constraints imposed by degradation information on the diffusion process. Furthermore, these methods fail to consider the spatial variability inherent in the estimated blur kernel, stemming from factors such as motion jitter and out-of-focus elements in open-environment scenarios. This oversight results in a notable deviation of the image super-resolution effect from fundamental realities. To address these concerns, we introduce a framework known as Adaptive Multi-modal Fusion of \textbf{S}patially Variant Kernel Refinement with Diffusion Model for Blind Image \textbf{S}uper-\textbf{R}esolution (SSR). Within the SSR framework, we propose a Spatially Variant Kernel Refinement (SVKR) module. SVKR estimates a Depth-Informed Kernel, which takes the depth information into account and is spatially variant. Additionally, SVKR enhance the accuracy of depth information acquired from LR images, allowing for mutual enhancement between the depth map and blur kernel estimates. Finally, we introduce the Adaptive Multi-Modal Fusion (AMF) module to align the information from three modalities: low-resolution images, depth maps, and blur kernels. This alignment can constrain the diffusion model to generate more authentic SR results.

replace Optimizing Negative Prompts for Enhanced Aesthetics and Fidelity in Text-To-Image Generation

Authors: Michael Ogezi, Ning Shi

Abstract: In text-to-image generation, using negative prompts, which describe undesirable image characteristics, can significantly boost image quality. However, producing good negative prompts is manual and tedious. To address this, we propose NegOpt, a novel method for optimizing negative prompt generation toward enhanced image generation, using supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning. Our combined approach results in a substantial increase of 25% in Inception Score compared to other approaches and surpasses ground-truth negative prompts from the test set. Furthermore, with NegOpt we can preferentially optimize the metrics most important to us. Finally, we construct Negative Prompts DB (, a publicly available dataset of negative prompts.


replace MASSM: An End-to-End Deep Learning Framework for Multi-Anatomy Statistical Shape Modeling Directly From Images

Authors: Janmesh Ukey, Tushar Kataria, Shireen Y. Elhabian

Abstract: Statistical Shape Modeling (SSM) effectively analyzes anatomical variations within populations but is limited by the need for manual localization and segmentation, which relies on scarce medical expertise. Recent advances in deep learning have provided a promising approach that automatically generates statistical representations (as point distribution models or PDMs) from unsegmented images. Once trained, these deep learning-based models eliminate the need for manual segmentation for new subjects. Most deep learning methods still require manual pre-alignment of image volumes and bounding box specification around the target anatomy, leading to a partially manual inference process. Recent approaches facilitate anatomy localization but only estimate population-level statistical representations and cannot directly delineate anatomy in images. Additionally, they are limited to modeling a single anatomy. We introduce MASSM, a novel end-to-end deep learning framework that simultaneously localizes multiple anatomies, estimates population-level statistical representations, and delineates shape representations directly in image space. Our results show that MASSM, which delineates anatomy in image space and handles multiple anatomies through a multitask network, provides superior shape information compared to segmentation networks for medical imaging tasks. Estimating Statistical Shape Models (SSM) is a stronger task than segmentation, as it encodes a more robust statistical prior for the objects to be detected and delineated. MASSM allows for more accurate and comprehensive shape representations, surpassing the capabilities of traditional pixel-wise segmentation.

replace HuLP: Human-in-the-Loop for Prognosis

Authors: Muhammad Ridzuan, Mai Kassem, Numan Saeed, Ikboljon Sobirov, Mohammad Yaqub

Abstract: This paper introduces HuLP, a Human-in-the-Loop for Prognosis model designed to enhance the reliability and interpretability of prognostic models in clinical contexts, especially when faced with the complexities of missing covariates and outcomes. HuLP offers an innovative approach that enables human expert intervention, empowering clinicians to interact with and correct models' predictions, thus fostering collaboration between humans and AI models to produce more accurate prognosis. Additionally, HuLP addresses the challenges of missing data by utilizing neural networks and providing a tailored methodology that effectively handles missing data. Traditional methods often struggle to capture the nuanced variations within patient populations, leading to compromised prognostic predictions. HuLP imputes missing covariates based on imaging features, aligning more closely with clinician workflows and enhancing reliability. We conduct our experiments on two real-world, publicly available medical datasets to demonstrate the superiority and competitiveness of HuLP.

replace Synthesizing Realistic Data for Table Recognition

Authors: Qiyu Hou, Jun Wang, Meixuan Qiao, Lujun Tian

Abstract: To overcome the limitations and challenges of current automatic table data annotation methods and random table data synthesis approaches, we propose a novel method for synthesizing annotation data specifically designed for table recognition. This method utilizes the structure and content of existing complex tables, facilitating the efficient creation of tables that closely replicate the authentic styles found in the target domain. By leveraging the actual structure and content of tables from Chinese financial announcements, we have developed the first extensive table annotation dataset in this domain. We used this dataset to train several recent deep learning-based end-to-end table recognition models. Additionally, we have established the inaugural benchmark for real-world complex tables in the Chinese financial announcement domain, using it to assess the performance of models trained on our synthetic data, thereby effectively validating our method's practicality and effectiveness. Furthermore, we applied our synthesis method to augment the FinTabNet dataset, extracted from English financial announcements, by increasing the proportion of tables with multiple spanning cells to introduce greater complexity. Our experiments show that models trained on this augmented dataset achieve comprehensive improvements in performance, especially in the recognition of tables with multiple spanning cells.

replace Improving Prediction Accuracy of Semantic Segmentation Methods Using Convolutional Autoencoder Based Pre-processing Layers

Authors: Hisashi Shimodaira

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a method to improve prediction accuracy of semantic segmentation methods as follows: (1) construct a neural network that has pre-processing layers based on a convolutional autoencoder ahead of a semantic segmentation network, and (2) train the entire network initialized by the weights of the pre-trained autoencoder. We applied this method to the fully convolutional network (FCN) and experimentally compared its prediction accuracy on the cityscapes dataset. The Mean IoU of the proposed target model with the He normal initialization is 18.7% higher than that of FCN with the He normal initialization. In addition, those of the modified models of the target model are significantly higher than that of FCN with the He normal initialization. The accuracy and loss curves during the training showed that these are resulting from the improvement of the generalization ability. All of these results provide strong evidence that the proposed method is significantly effective in improving the prediction accuracy of FCN. The proposed method has the following features: it is comparatively simple, whereas the effect on improving the generalization ability and prediction accuracy of FCN is significant; the increase in the number of parameters by using it is very small, and that in the computation time is substantially large. In principle, the proposed method can be applied to other semantic segmentation methods. For semantic segmentation, at present, there is no effective way to improve the prediction accuracy of existing methods. None have published a method which is the same as or similar to our method and none have used such a method in practice. Therefore, we believe that our method is useful in practice and worthy of being widely known and used.

replace Collision Avoidance Metric for 3D Camera Evaluation

Authors: Vage Taamazyan, Alberto Dall'olio, Agastya Kalra

Abstract: 3D cameras have emerged as a critical source of information for applications in robotics and autonomous driving. These cameras provide robots with the ability to capture and utilize point clouds, enabling them to navigate their surroundings and avoid collisions with other objects. However, current standard camera evaluation metrics often fail to consider the specific application context. These metrics typically focus on measures like Chamfer distance (CD) or Earth Mover's Distance (EMD), which may not directly translate to performance in real-world scenarios. To address this limitation, we propose a novel metric for point cloud evaluation, specifically designed to assess the suitability of 3D cameras for the critical task of collision avoidance. This metric incorporates application-specific considerations and provides a more accurate measure of a camera's effectiveness in ensuring safe robot navigation. The source code is available at


replace City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking System with Improved Self-Supervised Camera Link Model

Authors: Yuqiang Lin, Sam Lockyer, Adrian Evans, Markus Zarbock, Nic Zhang

Abstract: Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking (MTMCT) has broad applications and forms the basis for numerous future city-wide systems (e.g. traffic management, crash detection, etc.). However, the challenge of matching vehicle trajectories across different cameras based solely on feature extraction poses significant difficulties. This article introduces an innovative multi-camera vehicle tracking system that utilizes a self-supervised camera link model. In contrast to related works that rely on manual spatial-temporal annotations, our model automatically extracts crucial multi-camera relationships for vehicle matching. The camera link is established through a pre-matching process that evaluates feature similarities, pair numbers, and time variance for high-quality tracks. This process calculates the probability of spatial linkage for all camera combinations, selecting the highest scoring pairs to create camera links. Our approach significantly improves deployment times by eliminating the need for human annotation, offering substantial improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness when it comes to real-world application. This pairing process supports cross camera matching by setting spatial-temporal constraints, reducing the searching space for potential vehicle matches. According to our experimental results, the proposed method achieves a new state-of-the-art among automatic camera-link based methods in CityFlow V2 benchmarks with 61.07% IDF1 Score.

replace Mamba-in-Mamba: Centralized Mamba-Cross-Scan in Tokenized Mamba Model for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Authors: Weilian Zhou (Cynthia), Sei-Ichiro Kamata (Cynthia), Haipeng Wang (Cynthia), Man-Sing Wong (Cynthia), Huiying (Cynthia), Hou

Abstract: Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is pivotal in the remote sensing (RS) field, particularly with the advancement of deep learning techniques. Sequential models, adapted from the natural language processing (NLP) field such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Transformers, have been tailored to this task, offering a unique viewpoint. However, several challenges persist 1) RNNs struggle with centric feature aggregation and are sensitive to interfering pixels, 2) Transformers require significant computational resources and often underperform with limited HSI training samples, and 3) Current scanning methods for converting images into sequence-data are simplistic and inefficient. In response, this study introduces the innovative Mamba-in-Mamba (MiM) architecture for HSI classification, the first attempt of deploying State Space Model (SSM) in this task. The MiM model includes 1) A novel centralized Mamba-Cross-Scan (MCS) mechanism for transforming images into sequence-data, 2) A Tokenized Mamba (T-Mamba) encoder that incorporates a Gaussian Decay Mask (GDM), a Semantic Token Learner (STL), and a Semantic Token Fuser (STF) for enhanced feature generation and concentration, and 3) A Weighted MCS Fusion (WMF) module coupled with a Multi-Scale Loss Design to improve decoding efficiency. Experimental results from three public HSI datasets with fixed and disjoint training-testing samples demonstrate that our method outperforms existing baselines and state-of-the-art approaches, highlighting its efficacy and potential in HSI applications.

replace Face Adapter for Pre-Trained Diffusion Models with Fine-Grained ID and Attribute Control

Authors: Yue Han, Junwei Zhu, Keke He, Xu Chen, Yanhao Ge, Wei Li, Xiangtai Li, Jiangning Zhang, Chengjie Wang, Yong Liu

Abstract: Current face reenactment and swapping methods mainly rely on GAN frameworks, but recent focus has shifted to pre-trained diffusion models for their superior generation capabilities. However, training these models is resource-intensive, and the results have not yet achieved satisfactory performance levels. To address this issue, we introduce Face-Adapter, an efficient and effective adapter designed for high-precision and high-fidelity face editing for pre-trained diffusion models. We observe that both face reenactment/swapping tasks essentially involve combinations of target structure, ID and attribute. We aim to sufficiently decouple the control of these factors to achieve both tasks in one model. Specifically, our method contains: 1) A Spatial Condition Generator that provides precise landmarks and background; 2) A Plug-and-play Identity Encoder that transfers face embeddings to the text space by a transformer decoder. 3) An Attribute Controller that integrates spatial conditions and detailed attributes. Face-Adapter achieves comparable or even superior performance in terms of motion control precision, ID retention capability, and generation quality compared to fully fine-tuned face reenactment/swapping models. Additionally, Face-Adapter seamlessly integrates with various StableDiffusion models.

replace Global Clipper: Enhancing Safety and Reliability of Transformer-based Object Detection Models

Authors: Qutub Syed Sha, Michael Paulitsch, Karthik Pattabiraman, Korbinian Hagn, Fabian Oboril, Cornelius Buerkle, Kay-Ulrich Scholl, Gereon Hinz, Alois Knoll

Abstract: As transformer-based object detection models progress, their impact in critical sectors like autonomous vehicles and aviation is expected to grow. Soft errors causing bit flips during inference have significantly impacted DNN performance, altering predictions. Traditional range restriction solutions for CNNs fall short for transformers. This study introduces the Global Clipper and Global Hybrid Clipper, effective mitigation strategies specifically designed for transformer-based models. It significantly enhances their resilience to soft errors and reduces faulty inferences to ~ 0\%. We also detail extensive testing across over 64 scenarios involving two transformer models (DINO-DETR and Lite-DETR) and two CNN models (YOLOv3 and SSD) using three datasets, totalling approximately 3.3 million inferences, to assess model robustness comprehensively. Moreover, the paper explores unique aspects of attention blocks in transformers and their operational differences from CNNs.

replace AdaNCA: Neural Cellular Automata As Adaptors For More Robust Vision Transformer

Authors: Yitao Xu, Tong Zhang, Sabine S\"usstrunk

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in image classification tasks, particularly when equipped with local information via region attention or convolutions. While such architectures improve the feature aggregation from different granularities, they often fail to contribute to the robustness of the networks. Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) enables the modeling of global cell representations through local interactions, with its training strategies and architecture design conferring strong generalization ability and robustness against noisy inputs. In this paper, we propose Adaptor Neural Cellular Automata (AdaNCA) for Vision Transformer that uses NCA as plug-in-play adaptors between ViT layers, enhancing ViT's performance and robustness against adversarial samples as well as out-of-distribution inputs. To overcome the large computational overhead of standard NCAs, we propose Dynamic Interaction for more efficient interaction learning. Furthermore, we develop an algorithm for identifying the most effective insertion points for AdaNCA based on our analysis of AdaNCA placement and robustness improvement. With less than a 3% increase in parameters, AdaNCA contributes to more than 10% absolute improvement in accuracy under adversarial attacks on the ImageNet1K benchmark. Moreover, we demonstrate with extensive evaluations across 8 robustness benchmarks and 4 ViT architectures that AdaNCA, as a plug-in-play module, consistently improves the robustness of ViTs.

replace Stable Diffusion Segmentation for Biomedical Images with Single-step Reverse Process

Authors: Tianyu Lin, Zhiguang Chen, Zhonghao Yan, Weijiang Yu, Fudan Zheng

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated their effectiveness across various generative tasks. However, when applied to medical image segmentation, these models encounter several challenges, including significant resource and time requirements. They also necessitate a multi-step reverse process and multiple samples to produce reliable predictions. To address these challenges, we introduce the first latent diffusion segmentation model, named SDSeg, built upon stable diffusion (SD). SDSeg incorporates a straightforward latent estimation strategy to facilitate a single-step reverse process and utilizes latent fusion concatenation to remove the necessity for multiple samples. Extensive experiments indicate that SDSeg surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods on five benchmark datasets featuring diverse imaging modalities. Remarkably, SDSeg is capable of generating stable predictions with a solitary reverse step and sample, epitomizing the model's stability as implied by its name. The code is available at


replace EvolBA: Evolutionary Boundary Attack under Hard-label Black Box condition

Authors: Ayane Tajima, Satoshi Ono

Abstract: Research has shown that deep neural networks (DNNs) have vulnerabilities that can lead to the misrecognition of Adversarial Examples (AEs) with specifically designed perturbations. Various adversarial attack methods have been proposed to detect vulnerabilities under hard-label black box (HL-BB) conditions in the absence of loss gradients and confidence scores.However, these methods fall into local solutions because they search only local regions of the search space. Therefore, this study proposes an adversarial attack method named EvolBA to generate AEs using Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) under the HL-BB condition, where only a class label predicted by the target DNN model is available. Inspired by formula-driven supervised learning, the proposed method introduces domain-independent operators for the initialization process and a jump that enhances search exploration. Experimental results confirmed that the proposed method could determine AEs with smaller perturbations than previous methods in images where the previous methods have difficulty.

replace Biomechanics-informed Non-rigid Medical Image Registration and its Inverse Material Property Estimation with Linear and Nonlinear Elasticity

Authors: Zhe Min, Zachary M. C. Baum, Shaheer U. Saeed, Mark Emberton, Dean C. Barratt, Zeike A. Taylor, Yipeng Hu

Abstract: This paper investigates both biomechanical-constrained non-rigid medical image registrations and accurate identifications of material properties for soft tissues, using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs). The complex nonlinear elasticity theory is leveraged to formally establish the partial differential equations (PDEs) representing physics laws of biomechanical constraints that need to be satisfied, with which registration and identification tasks are treated as forward (i.e., data-driven solutions of PDEs) and inverse (i.e., parameter estimation) problems under PINNs respectively. Two net configurations (i.e., Cfg1 and Cfg2) have also been compared for both linear and nonlinear physics model. Two sets of experiments have been conducted, using pairs of undeformed and deformed MR images from clinical cases of prostate cancer biopsy. Our contributions are summarised as follows. 1) We developed a learning-based biomechanical-constrained non-rigid registration algorithm using PINNs, where linear elasticity is generalised to the nonlinear version. 2) We demonstrated extensively that nonlinear elasticity shows no statistical significance against linear models in computing point-wise displacement vectors but their respective benefits may depend on specific patients, with finite-element (FE) computed ground-truth. 3) We formulated and solved the inverse parameter estimation problem, under the joint optimisation scheme of registration and parameter identification using PINNs, whose solutions can be accurately found by locating saddle points.

replace POLAFFINI: Efficient feature-based polyaffine initialization for improved non-linear image registration

Authors: Antoine Legouhy, Ross Callaghan, Hojjat Azadbakht, Hui Zhang

Abstract: This paper presents an efficient feature-based approach to initialize non-linear image registration. Today, nonlinear image registration is dominated by methods relying on intensity-based similarity measures. A good estimate of the initial transformation is essential, both for traditional iterative algorithms and for recent one-shot deep learning (DL)-based alternatives. The established approach to estimate this starting point is to perform affine registration, but this may be insufficient due to its parsimonious, global, and non-bending nature. We propose an improved initialization method that takes advantage of recent advances in DL-based segmentation techniques able to instantly estimate fine-grained regional delineations with state-of-the-art accuracies. Those segmentations are used to produce local, anatomically grounded, feature-based affine matchings using iteration-free closed-form expressions. Estimated local affine transformations are then fused, with the log-Euclidean polyaffine framework, into an overall dense diffeomorphic transformation. We show that, compared to its affine counterpart, the proposed initialization leads to significantly better alignment for both traditional and DL-based non-linear registration algorithms. The proposed approach is also more robust and significantly faster than commonly used affine registration algorithms such as FSL FLIRT.

replace OneRestore: A Universal Restoration Framework for Composite Degradation

Authors: Yu Guo, Yuan Gao, Yuxu Lu, Huilin Zhu, Ryan Wen Liu, Shengfeng He

Abstract: In real-world scenarios, image impairments often manifest as composite degradations, presenting a complex interplay of elements such as low light, haze, rain, and snow. Despite this reality, existing restoration methods typically target isolated degradation types, thereby falling short in environments where multiple degrading factors coexist. To bridge this gap, our study proposes a versatile imaging model that consolidates four physical corruption paradigms to accurately represent complex, composite degradation scenarios. In this context, we propose OneRestore, a novel transformer-based framework designed for adaptive, controllable scene restoration. The proposed framework leverages a unique cross-attention mechanism, merging degraded scene descriptors with image features, allowing for nuanced restoration. Our model allows versatile input scene descriptors, ranging from manual text embeddings to automatic extractions based on visual attributes. Our methodology is further enhanced through a composite degradation restoration loss, using extra degraded images as negative samples to fortify model constraints. Comparative results on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate OneRestore as a superior solution, significantly advancing the state-of-the-art in addressing complex, composite degradations.

replace Zero-shot Object Counting with Good Exemplars

Authors: Huilin Zhu, Jingling Yuan, Zhengwei Yang, Yu Guo, Zheng Wang, Xian Zhong, Shengfeng He

Abstract: Zero-shot object counting (ZOC) aims to enumerate objects in images using only the names of object classes during testing, without the need for manual annotations. However, a critical challenge in current ZOC methods lies in their inability to identify high-quality exemplars effectively. This deficiency hampers scalability across diverse classes and undermines the development of strong visual associations between the identified classes and image content. To this end, we propose the Visual Association-based Zero-shot Object Counting (VA-Count) framework. VA-Count consists of an Exemplar Enhancement Module (EEM) and a Noise Suppression Module (NSM) that synergistically refine the process of class exemplar identification while minimizing the consequences of incorrect object identification. The EEM utilizes advanced vision-language pretaining models to discover potential exemplars, ensuring the framework's adaptability to various classes. Meanwhile, the NSM employs contrastive learning to differentiate between optimal and suboptimal exemplar pairs, reducing the negative effects of erroneous exemplars. VA-Count demonstrates its effectiveness and scalability in zero-shot contexts with superior performance on two object counting datasets.

replace CBM: Curriculum by Masking

Authors: Andrei Jarca, Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: We propose Curriculum by Masking (CBM), a novel state-of-the-art curriculum learning strategy that effectively creates an easy-to-hard training schedule via patch (token) masking, offering significant accuracy improvements over the conventional training regime and previous curriculum learning (CL) methods. CBM leverages gradient magnitudes to prioritize the masking of salient image regions via a novel masking algorithm and a novel masking block. Our approach enables controlling sample difficulty via the patch masking ratio, generating an effective easy-to-hard curriculum by gradually introducing harder samples as training progresses. CBM operates with two easily configurable parameters, i.e. the number of patches and the curriculum schedule, making it a versatile curriculum learning approach for object recognition and detection. We conduct experiments with various neural architectures, ranging from convolutional networks to vision transformers, on five benchmark data sets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, Food-101 and PASCAL VOC), to compare CBM with conventional as well as curriculum-based training regimes. Our results reveal the superiority of our strategy compared with the state-of-the-art curriculum learning regimes. We also observe improvements in transfer learning contexts, where CBM surpasses previous work by considerable margins in terms of accuracy. We release our code for free non-commercial use at


replace P2P: Part-to-Part Motion Cues Guide a Strong Tracking Framework for LiDAR Point Clouds

Authors: Jiahao Nie, Fei Xie, Sifan Zhou, Xueyi Zhou, Dong-Kyu Chae, Zhiwei He

Abstract: 3D single object tracking (SOT) methods based on appearance matching has long suffered from insufficient appearance information incurred by incomplete, textureless and semantically deficient LiDAR point clouds. While motion paradigm exploits motion cues instead of appearance matching for tracking, it incurs complex multi-stage processing and segmentation module. In this paper, we first provide in-depth explorations on motion paradigm, which proves that (\textbf{i}) it is feasible to directly infer target relative motion from point clouds across consecutive frames; (\textbf{ii}) fine-grained information comparison between consecutive point clouds facilitates target motion modeling. We thereby propose to perform part-to-part motion modeling for consecutive point clouds and introduce a novel tracking framework, termed \textbf{P2P}. The novel framework fuses each corresponding part information between consecutive point clouds, effectively exploring detailed information changes and thus modeling accurate target-related motion cues. Following this framework, we present P2P-point and P2P-voxel models, incorporating implicit and explicit part-to-part motion modeling by point- and voxel-based representation, respectively. Without bells and whistles, P2P-voxel sets a new state-of-the-art performance ($\sim$\textbf{89\%}, \textbf{72\%} and \textbf{63\%} precision on KITTI, NuScenes and Waymo Open Dataset, respectively). Moreover, under the same point-based representation, P2P-point outperforms the previous motion tracker M$^2$Track by \textbf{3.3\%} and \textbf{6.7\%} on the KITTI and NuScenes, while running at a considerably high speed of \textbf{107 Fps} on a single RTX3090 GPU. The source code and pre-trained models are available at \url{}.


replace Momentum Auxiliary Network for Supervised Local Learning

Authors: Junhao Su, Changpeng Cai, Feiyu Zhu, Chenghao He, Xiaojie Xu, Dongzhi Guan, Chenyang Si

Abstract: Deep neural networks conventionally employ end-to-end backpropagation for their training process, which lacks biological credibility and triggers a locking dilemma during network parameter updates, leading to significant GPU memory use. Supervised local learning, which segments the network into multiple local blocks updated by independent auxiliary networks. However, these methods cannot replace end-to-end training due to lower accuracy, as gradients only propagate within their local block, creating a lack of information exchange between blocks. To address this issue and establish information transfer across blocks, we propose a Momentum Auxiliary Network (MAN) that establishes a dynamic interaction mechanism. The MAN leverages an exponential moving average (EMA) of the parameters from adjacent local blocks to enhance information flow. This auxiliary network, updated through EMA, helps bridge the informational gap between blocks. Nevertheless, we observe that directly applying EMA parameters has certain limitations due to feature discrepancies among local blocks. To overcome this, we introduce learnable biases, further boosting performance. We have validated our method on four image classification datasets (CIFAR-10, STL-10, SVHN, ImageNet), attaining superior performance and substantial memory savings. Notably, our method can reduce GPU memory usage by more than 45\% on the ImageNet dataset compared to end-to-end training, while achieving higher performance. The Momentum Auxiliary Network thus offers a new perspective for supervised local learning. Our code is available at:


replace HPFF: Hierarchical Locally Supervised Learning with Patch Feature Fusion

Authors: Junhao Su, Chenghao He, Feiyu Zhu, Xiaojie Xu, Dongzhi Guan, Chenyang Si

Abstract: Traditional deep learning relies on end-to-end backpropagation for training, but it suffers from drawbacks such as high memory consumption and not aligning with biological neural networks. Recent advancements have introduced locally supervised learning, which divides networks into modules with isolated gradients and trains them locally. However, this approach can lead to performance lag due to limited interaction between these modules, and the design of auxiliary networks occupies a certain amount of GPU memory. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel model called HPFF that performs hierarchical locally supervised learning and patch-level feature computation on the auxiliary networks. Hierarchical Locally Supervised Learning (HiLo) enables the network to learn features at different granularity levels along their respective local paths. Specifically, the network is divided into two-level local modules: independent local modules and cascade local modules. The cascade local modules combine two adjacent independent local modules, incorporating both updates within the modules themselves and information exchange between adjacent modules. Patch Feature Fusion (PFF) reduces GPU memory usage by splitting the input features of the auxiliary networks into patches for computation. By averaging these patch-level features, it enhances the network's ability to focus more on those patterns that are prevalent across multiple patches. Furthermore, our method exhibits strong generalization capabilities and can be seamlessly integrated with existing techniques. We conduct experiments on CIFAR-10, STL-10, SVHN, and ImageNet datasets, and the results demonstrate that our proposed HPFF significantly outperforms previous approaches, consistently achieving state-of-the-art performance across different datasets. Our code is available at:


replace Fine-Grained Multi-View Hand Reconstruction Using Inverse Rendering

Authors: Qijun Gan, Wentong Li, Jinwei Ren, Jianke Zhu

Abstract: Reconstructing high-fidelity hand models with intricate textures plays a crucial role in enhancing human-object interaction and advancing real-world applications. Despite the state-of-the-art methods excelling in texture generation and image rendering, they often face challenges in accurately capturing geometric details. Learning-based approaches usually offer better robustness and faster inference, which tend to produce smoother results and require substantial amounts of training data. To address these issues, we present a novel fine-grained multi-view hand mesh reconstruction method that leverages inverse rendering to restore hand poses and intricate details. Firstly, our approach predicts a parametric hand mesh model through Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) based method from multi-view images. We further introduce a novel Hand Albedo and Mesh (HAM) optimization module to refine both the hand mesh and textures, which is capable of preserving the mesh topology. In addition, we suggest an effective mesh-based neural rendering scheme to simultaneously generate photo-realistic image and optimize mesh geometry by fusing the pre-trained rendering network with vertex features. We conduct the comprehensive experiments on InterHand2.6M, DeepHandMesh and dataset collected by ourself, whose promising results show that our proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both reconstruction accuracy and rendering quality. Code and dataset are publicly available at


replace Gait Patterns as Biomarkers: A Video-Based Approach for Classifying Scoliosis

Authors: Zirui Zhou, Junhao Liang, Zizhao Peng, Chao Fan, Fengwei An, Shiqi Yu

Abstract: Scoliosis poses significant diagnostic challenges, particularly in adolescents, where early detection is crucial for effective treatment. Traditional diagnostic and follow-up methods, which rely on physical examinations and radiography, face limitations due to the need for clinical expertise and the risk of radiation exposure, thus restricting their use for widespread early screening. In response, we introduce a novel, video-based, non-invasive method for scoliosis classification using gait analysis, which circumvents these limitations. This study presents Scoliosis1K, the first large-scale dataset tailored for video-based scoliosis classification, encompassing over one thousand adolescents. Leveraging this dataset, we developed ScoNet, an initial model that encountered challenges in dealing with the complexities of real-world data. This led to the creation of ScoNet-MT, an enhanced model incorporating multi-task learning, which exhibits promising diagnostic accuracy for application purposes. Our findings demonstrate that gait can be a non-invasive biomarker for scoliosis, revolutionizing screening practices with deep learning and setting a precedent for non-invasive diagnostic methodologies. The dataset and code are publicly available at


replace HyCIR: Boosting Zero-Shot Composed Image Retrieval with Synthetic Labels

Authors: Yingying Jiang, Hanchao Jia, Xiaobing Wang, Peng Hao

Abstract: Composed Image Retrieval (CIR) aims to retrieve images based on a query image with text. Current Zero-Shot CIR (ZS-CIR) methods try to solve CIR tasks without using expensive triplet-labeled training datasets. However, the gap between ZS-CIR and triplet-supervised CIR is still large. In this work, we propose Hybrid CIR (HyCIR), which uses synthetic labels to boost the performance of ZS-CIR. A new label Synthesis pipeline for CIR (SynCir) is proposed, in which only unlabeled images are required. First, image pairs are extracted based on visual similarity. Second, query text is generated for each image pair based on vision-language model and LLM. Third, the data is further filtered in language space based on semantic similarity. To improve ZS-CIR performance, we propose a hybrid training strategy to work with both ZS-CIR supervision and synthetic CIR triplets. Two kinds of contrastive learning are adopted. One is to use large-scale unlabeled image dataset to learn an image-to-text mapping with good generalization. The other is to use synthetic CIR triplets to learn a better mapping for CIR tasks. Our approach achieves SOTA zero-shot performance on the common CIR benchmarks: CIRR and CIRCO.

replace OpenCIL: Benchmarking Out-of-Distribution Detection in Class-Incremental Learning

Authors: Wenjun Miao, Guansong Pang, Trong-Tung Nguyen, Ruohang Fang, Jin Zheng, Xiao Bai

Abstract: Class incremental learning (CIL) aims to learn a model that can not only incrementally accommodate new classes, but also maintain the learned knowledge of old classes. Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection in CIL is to retain this incremental learning ability, while being able to reject unknown samples that are drawn from different distributions of the learned classes. This capability is crucial to the safety of deploying CIL models in open worlds. However, despite remarkable advancements in the respective CIL and OOD detection, there lacks a systematic and large-scale benchmark to assess the capability of advanced CIL models in detecting OOD samples. To fill this gap, in this study we design a comprehensive empirical study to establish such a benchmark, named $\textbf{OpenCIL}$. To this end, we propose two principled frameworks for enabling four representative CIL models with 15 diverse OOD detection methods, resulting in 60 baseline models for OOD detection in CIL. The empirical evaluation is performed on two popular CIL datasets with six commonly-used OOD datasets. One key observation we find through our comprehensive evaluation is that the CIL models can be severely biased towards the OOD samples and newly added classes when they are exposed to open environments. Motivated by this, we further propose a new baseline for OOD detection in CIL, namely Bi-directional Energy Regularization ($\textbf{BER}$), which is specially designed to mitigate these two biases in different CIL models by having energy regularization on both old and new classes. Its superior performance is justified in our experiments. All codes and datasets are open-source at


replace LaFAM: Unsupervised Feature Attribution with Label-free Activation Maps

Authors: Aray Karjauv, Sahin Albayrak

Abstract: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are known for their ability to learn hierarchical structures, naturally developing detectors for objects, and semantic concepts within their deeper layers. Activation maps (AMs) reveal these saliency regions, which are crucial for many Explainable AI (XAI) methods. However, the direct exploitation of raw AMs in CNNs for feature attribution remains underexplored in literature. This work revises Class Activation Map (CAM) methods by introducing the Label-free Activation Map (LaFAM), a streamlined approach utilizing raw AMs for feature attribution without reliance on labels. LaFAM presents an efficient alternative to conventional CAM methods, demonstrating particular effectiveness in saliency map generation for self-supervised learning while maintaining applicability in supervised learning scenarios.

replace Towards SAR Automatic Target Recognition MultiCategory SAR Image Classification Based on Light Weight Vision Transformer

Authors: Guibin Zhao, Pengfei Li, Zhibo Zhang, Fusen Guo, Xueting Huang, Wei Xu, Jinyin Wang, Jianlong Chen

Abstract: Synthetic Aperture Radar has been extensively used in numerous fields and can gather a wealth of information about the area of interest. This large scene data intensive technology puts a high value on automatic target recognition which can free the utilizers and boost the efficiency. Recent advances in artificial intelligence have made it possible to create a deep learning based SAR ATR that can automatically identify target features from massive input data. In the last 6 years, intensive research has been conducted in this area, however, most papers in the current SAR ATR field used recurrent neural network and convolutional neural network varied models to deepen the regime's understanding of the SAR images. To equip SAR ATR with updated deep learning technology, this paper tries to apply a lightweight vision transformer based model to classify SAR images. The entire structure was verified by an open-accessed SAR data set and recognition results show that the final classification outcomes are robust and more accurate in comparison with referred traditional network structures without even using any convolutional layers.

replace-cross MetaCOG: A Hierarchical Probabilistic Model for Learning Meta-Cognitive Visual Representations

Authors: Marlene D. Berke, Zhangir Azerbayev, Mario Belledonne, Zenna Tavares, Julian Jara-Ettinger

Abstract: Humans have the capacity to question what we see and to recognize when our vision is unreliable (e.g., when we realize that we are experiencing a visual illusion). Inspired by this capacity, we present MetaCOG: a hierarchical probabilistic model that can be attached to a neural object detector to monitor its outputs and determine their reliability. MetaCOG achieves this by learning a probabilistic model of the object detector's performance via Bayesian inference -- i.e., a meta-cognitive representation of the network's propensity to hallucinate or miss different object categories. Given a set of video frames processed by an object detector, MetaCOG performs joint inference over the underlying 3D scene and the detector's performance, grounding inference on a basic assumption of object permanence. Paired with three neural object detectors, we show that MetaCOG accurately recovers each detector's performance parameters and improves the overall system's accuracy. We additionally show that MetaCOG is robust to varying levels of error in object detector outputs, showing proof-of-concept for a novel approach to the problem of detecting and correcting errors in vision systems when ground-truth is not available.

replace-cross Does CLIP Know My Face?

Authors: Dominik Hintersdorf, Lukas Struppek, Manuel Brack, Felix Friedrich, Patrick Schramowski, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: With the rise of deep learning in various applications, privacy concerns around the protection of training data have become a critical area of research. Whereas prior studies have focused on privacy risks in single-modal models, we introduce a novel method to assess privacy for multi-modal models, specifically vision-language models like CLIP. The proposed Identity Inference Attack (IDIA) reveals whether an individual was included in the training data by querying the model with images of the same person. Letting the model choose from a wide variety of possible text labels, the model reveals whether it recognizes the person and, therefore, was used for training. Our large-scale experiments on CLIP demonstrate that individuals used for training can be identified with very high accuracy. We confirm that the model has learned to associate names with depicted individuals, implying the existence of sensitive information that can be extracted by adversaries. Our results highlight the need for stronger privacy protection in large-scale models and suggest that IDIAs can be used to prove the unauthorized use of data for training and to enforce privacy laws.

replace-cross Self-Organising Neural Discrete Representation Learning \`a la Kohonen

Authors: Kazuki Irie, R\'obert Csord\'as, J\"urgen Schmidhuber

Abstract: Unsupervised learning of discrete representations in neural networks (NNs) from continuous ones is essential for many modern applications. Vector Quantisation (VQ) has become popular for this, in particular in the context of generative models, such as Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs), where the exponential moving average-based VQ (EMA-VQ) algorithm is often used. Here, we study an alternative VQ algorithm based on Kohonen's learning rule for the Self-Organising Map (KSOM; 1982). EMA-VQ is a special case of KSOM. KSOM is known to offer two potential benefits: empirically, it converges faster than EMA-VQ, and KSOM-generated discrete representations form a topological structure on the grid whose nodes are the discrete symbols, resulting in an artificial version of the brain's topographic map. We revisit these properties by using KSOM in VQ-VAEs for image processing. In our experiments, the speed-up compared to well-configured EMA-VQ is only observable at the beginning of training, but KSOM is generally much more robust, e.g., w.r.t. the choice of initialisation schemes.

replace-cross DeSAM: Decoupled Segment Anything Model for Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Yifan Gao, Wei Xia, Dingdu Hu, Wenkui Wang, Xin Gao

Abstract: Deep learning-based medical image segmentation models often suffer from domain shift, where the models trained on a source domain do not generalize well to other unseen domains. As a prompt-driven foundation model with powerful generalization capabilities, the Segment Anything Model (SAM) shows potential for improving the cross-domain robustness of medical image segmentation. However, SAM performs significantly worse in automatic segmentation scenarios than when manually prompted, hindering its direct application to domain generalization. Upon further investigation, we discovered that the degradation in performance was related to the coupling effect of inevitable poor prompts and mask generation. To address the coupling effect, we propose the Decoupled SAM (DeSAM). DeSAM modifies SAM's mask decoder by introducing two new modules: a prompt-relevant IoU module (PRIM) and a prompt-decoupled mask module (PDMM). PRIM predicts the IoU score and generates mask embeddings, while PDMM extracts multi-scale features from the intermediate layers of the image encoder and fuses them with the mask embeddings from PRIM to generate the final segmentation mask. This decoupled design allows DeSAM to leverage the pre-trained weights while minimizing the performance degradation caused by poor prompts. We conducted experiments on publicly available cross-site prostate and cross-modality abdominal image segmentation datasets. The results show that our DeSAM leads to a substantial performance improvement over previous state-of-theart domain generalization methods. The code is publicly available at


replace-cross CAGRA: Highly Parallel Graph Construction and Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for GPUs

Authors: Hiroyuki Ootomo, Akira Naruse, Corey Nolet, Ray Wang, Tamas Feher, Yong Wang

Abstract: Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (ANNS) plays a critical role in various disciplines spanning data mining and artificial intelligence, from information retrieval and computer vision to natural language processing and recommender systems. Data volumes have soared in recent years and the computational cost of an exhaustive exact nearest neighbor search is often prohibitive, necessitating the adoption of approximate techniques. The balanced performance and recall of graph-based approaches have more recently garnered significant attention in ANNS algorithms, however, only a few studies have explored harnessing the power of GPUs and multi-core processors despite the widespread use of massively parallel and general-purpose computing. To bridge this gap, we introduce a novel parallel computing hardware-based proximity graph and search algorithm. By leveraging the high-performance capabilities of modern hardware, our approach achieves remarkable efficiency gains. In particular, our method surpasses existing CPU and GPU-based methods in constructing the proximity graph, demonstrating higher throughput in both large- and small-batch searches while maintaining compatible accuracy. In graph construction time, our method, CAGRA, is 2.2~27x faster than HNSW, which is one of the CPU SOTA implementations. In large-batch query throughput in the 90% to 95% recall range, our method is 33~77x faster than HNSW, and is 3.8~8.8x faster than the SOTA implementations for GPU. For a single query, our method is 3.4~53x faster than HNSW at 95% recall.

replace-cross Power-Enhanced Residual Network for Function Approximation and Physics-Informed Inverse Problems

Authors: Amir Noorizadegan, D. L. Young, Y. C. Hon, C. S. Chen

Abstract: In this study, we investigate how the updating of weights during forward operation and the computation of gradients during backpropagation impact the optimization process, training procedure, and overall performance of the neural network, particularly the multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). This paper introduces a novel neural network structure called the Power-Enhancing residual network, inspired by highway network and residual network, designed to improve the network's capabilities for both smooth and non-smooth functions approximation in 2D and 3D settings. By incorporating power terms into residual elements, the architecture enhances the stability of weight updating, thereby facilitating better convergence and accuracy. The study explores network depth, width, and optimization methods, showing the architecture's adaptability and performance advantages. Consistently, the results emphasize the exceptional accuracy of the proposed Power-Enhancing residual network, particularly for non-smooth functions. Real-world examples also confirm its superiority over plain neural network in terms of accuracy, convergence, and efficiency. Moreover, the proposed architecture is also applied to solving the inverse Burgers' equation, demonstrating superior performance. In conclusion, the Power-Enhancing residual network offers a versatile solution that significantly enhances neural network capabilities by emphasizing the importance of stable weight updates for effective training in deep neural networks. The codes implemented are available at: \url{}.


replace-cross Efficient Stitchable Task Adaptation

Authors: Haoyu He, Zizheng Pan, Jing Liu, Jianfei Cai, Bohan Zhuang

Abstract: The paradigm of pre-training and fine-tuning has laid the foundation for deploying deep learning models. However, most fine-tuning methods are designed to meet a specific resource budget. Recently, considering diverse deployment scenarios with various resource budgets, SN-Net is introduced to quickly obtain numerous new networks (stitches) from the pre-trained models (anchors) in a model family via model stitching. Although promising, SN-Net confronts new challenges when adapting it to new target domains, including huge memory and storage requirements and a long and sub-optimal multistage adaptation process. In this work, we present a novel framework, Efficient Stitchable Task Adaptation (ESTA), to efficiently produce a palette of fine-tuned models that adhere to diverse resource constraints. Specifically, we first tailor parameter-efficient fine-tuning to share low-rank updates among the stitches while maintaining independent bias terms. In this way, we largely reduce fine-tuning memory burdens and mitigate the interference among stitches that arises in task adaptation. Furthermore, we streamline a simple yet effective one-stage deployment pipeline, which estimates the important stitches to deploy with training-time gradient statistics. By assigning higher sampling probabilities to important stitches, we also get a boosted Pareto frontier. Extensive experiments on 25 downstream visual recognition tasks demonstrate that our ESTA is capable of generating stitches with smooth accuracy-efficiency trade-offs and surpasses the direct SN-Net adaptation by remarkable margins with significantly lower training time and fewer trainable parameters. Furthermore, we demonstrate the flexibility and scalability of our ESTA framework by stitching LLMs from LLaMA family, obtaining chatbot stitches of assorted sizes. Source code is available at


replace-cross UAVs and Birds: Enhancing Short-Range Navigation through Budgerigar Flight Studies

Authors: Md. Mahmudur Rahman, Sajid Islam, Showren Chowdhury, Sadia Jahan Zeba, Debajyoti Karmaker

Abstract: This study delves into the flight behaviors of Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) to gain insights into their flight trajectories and movements. Using 3D reconstruction from stereo video camera recordings, we closely examine the velocity and acceleration patterns during three flight motion takeoff, flying and landing. The findings not only contribute to our understanding of bird behaviors but also hold significant implications for the advancement of algorithms in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The research aims to bridge the gap between biological principles observed in birds and the application of these insights in developing more efficient and autonomous UAVs. In the context of the increasing use of drones, this study focuses on the biologically inspired principles drawn from bird behaviors, particularly during takeoff, flying and landing flight, to enhance UAV capabilities. The dataset created for this research sheds light on Budgerigars' takeoff, flying, and landing techniques, emphasizing their ability to control speed across different situations and surfaces. The study underscores the potential of incorporating these principles into UAV algorithms, addressing challenges related to short-range navigation, takeoff, flying, and landing.

replace-cross Long-Tail Learning with Rebalanced Contrastive Loss

Authors: Charika De Alvis, Dishanika Denipitiyage, Suranga Seneviratne

Abstract: Integrating supervised contrastive loss to cross entropy-based communication has recently been proposed as a solution to address the long-tail learning problem. However, when the class imbalance ratio is high, it requires adjusting the supervised contrastive loss to support the tail classes, as the conventional contrastive learning is biased towards head classes by default. To this end, we present Rebalanced Contrastive Learning (RCL), an efficient means to increase the long tail classification accuracy by addressing three main aspects: 1. Feature space balancedness - Equal division of the feature space among all the classes, 2. Intra-Class compactness - Reducing the distance between same-class embeddings, 3. Regularization - Enforcing larger margins for tail classes to reduce overfitting. RCL adopts class frequency-based SoftMax loss balancing to supervised contrastive learning loss and exploits scalar multiplied features fed to the contrastive learning loss to enforce compactness. We implement RCL on the Balanced Contrastive Learning (BCL) Framework, which has the SOTA performance. Our experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the richness of the learnt embeddings and increased top-1 balanced accuracy RCL provides to the BCL framework. We further demonstrate that the performance of RCL as a standalone loss also achieves state-of-the-art level accuracy.

replace-cross Applications of artificial intelligence in the analysis of histopathology images of gliomas: a review

Authors: Jan-Philipp Redlich, Friedrich Feuerhake, Joachim Weis, Nadine S. Schaadt, Sarah Teuber-Hanselmann, Christoph Buck, Sabine Luttmann, Andrea Eberle, Stefan Nikolin, Arno Appenzeller, Andreas Portmann, Andr\'e Homeyer

Abstract: In recent years, the diagnosis of gliomas has become increasingly complex. Analysis of glioma histopathology images using artificial intelligence (AI) offers new opportunities to support diagnosis and outcome prediction. To give an overview of the current state of research, this review examines 83 publicly available research studies that have proposed AI-based methods for whole-slide histopathology images of human gliomas, covering the diagnostic tasks of subtyping (23/83), grading (27/83), molecular marker prediction (20/83), and survival prediction (29/83). All studies were reviewed with regard to methodological aspects as well as clinical applicability. It was found that the focus of current research is the assessment of hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections of adult-type diffuse gliomas. The majority of studies (52/83) are based on the publicly available glioblastoma and low-grade glioma datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and only a few studies employed other datasets in isolation (16/83) or in addition to the TCGA datasets (15/83). Current approaches mostly rely on convolutional neural networks (63/83) for analyzing tissue at 20x magnification (35/83). A new field of research is the integration of clinical data, omics data, or magnetic resonance imaging (29/83). So far, AI-based methods have achieved promising results, but are not yet used in real clinical settings. Future work should focus on the independent validation of methods on larger, multi-site datasets with high-quality and up-to-date clinical and molecular pathology annotations to demonstrate routine applicability.

replace-cross Robust Prompt Optimization for Defending Language Models Against Jailbreaking Attacks

Authors: Andy Zhou, Bo Li, Haohan Wang

Abstract: Despite advances in AI alignment, large language models (LLMs) remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks or jailbreaking, in which adversaries can modify prompts to induce unwanted behavior. While some defenses have been proposed, they have not been adapted to newly proposed attacks and more challenging threat models. To address this, we propose an optimization-based objective for defending LLMs against jailbreaking attacks and an algorithm, Robust Prompt Optimization (RPO) to create robust system-level defenses. Our approach directly incorporates the adversary into the defensive objective and optimizes a lightweight and transferable suffix, enabling RPO to adapt to worst-case adaptive attacks. Our theoretical and experimental results show improved robustness to both jailbreaks seen during optimization and unknown jailbreaks, reducing the attack success rate (ASR) on GPT-4 to 6% and Llama-2 to 0% on JailbreakBench, setting the state-of-the-art. Code can be found at


replace-cross Robustness and Exploration of Variational and Machine Learning Approaches to Inverse Problems: An Overview

Authors: Alexander Auras, Kanchana Vaishnavi Gandikota, Hannah Droege, Michael Moeller

Abstract: This paper provides an overview of current approaches for solving inverse problems in imaging using variational methods and machine learning. A special focus lies on point estimators and their robustness against adversarial perturbations. In this context results of numerical experiments for a one-dimensional toy problem are provided, showing the robustness of different approaches and empirically verifying theoretical guarantees. Another focus of this review is the exploration of the subspace of data-consistent solutions through explicit guidance to satisfy specific semantic or textural properties.

replace-cross Challenging Forgets: Unveiling the Worst-Case Forget Sets in Machine Unlearning

Authors: Chongyu Fan, Jiancheng Liu, Alfred Hero, Sijia Liu

Abstract: The trustworthy machine learning (ML) community is increasingly recognizing the crucial need for models capable of selectively 'unlearning' data points after training. This leads to the problem of machine unlearning (MU), aiming to eliminate the influence of chosen data points on model performance, while still maintaining the model's utility post-unlearning. Despite various MU methods for data influence erasure, evaluations have largely focused on random data forgetting, ignoring the vital inquiry into which subset should be chosen to truly gauge the authenticity of unlearning performance. To tackle this issue, we introduce a new evaluative angle for MU from an adversarial viewpoint. We propose identifying the data subset that presents the most significant challenge for influence erasure, i.e., pinpointing the worst-case forget set. Utilizing a bi-level optimization principle, we amplify unlearning challenges at the upper optimization level to emulate worst-case scenarios, while simultaneously engaging in standard training and unlearning at the lower level, achieving a balance between data influence erasure and model utility. Our proposal offers a worst-case evaluation of MU's resilience and effectiveness. Through extensive experiments across different datasets (including CIFAR-10, 100, CelebA, Tiny ImageNet, and ImageNet) and models (including both image classifiers and generative models), we expose critical pros and cons in existing (approximate) unlearning strategies. Our results illuminate the complex challenges of MU in practice, guiding the future development of more accurate and robust unlearning algorithms. The code is available at


replace-cross GaussianImage: 1000 FPS Image Representation and Compression by 2D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Xinjie Zhang, Xingtong Ge, Tongda Xu, Dailan He, Yan Wang, Hongwei Qin, Guo Lu, Jing Geng, Jun Zhang

Abstract: Implicit neural representations (INRs) recently achieved great success in image representation and compression, offering high visual quality and fast rendering speeds with 10-1000 FPS, assuming sufficient GPU resources are available. However, this requirement often hinders their use on low-end devices with limited memory. In response, we propose a groundbreaking paradigm of image representation and compression by 2D Gaussian Splatting, named GaussianImage. We first introduce 2D Gaussian to represent the image, where each Gaussian has 8 parameters including position, covariance and color. Subsequently, we unveil a novel rendering algorithm based on accumulated summation. Remarkably, our method with a minimum of 3$\times$ lower GPU memory usage and 5$\times$ faster fitting time not only rivals INRs (e.g., WIRE, I-NGP) in representation performance, but also delivers a faster rendering speed of 1500-2000 FPS regardless of parameter size. Furthermore, we integrate existing vector quantization technique to build an image codec. Experimental results demonstrate that our codec attains rate-distortion performance comparable to compression-based INRs such as COIN and COIN++, while facilitating decoding speeds of approximately 2000 FPS. Additionally, preliminary proof of concept shows that our codec surpasses COIN and COIN++ in performance when using partial bits-back coding. Code is available at


replace-cross 7T MRI Synthesization from 3T Acquisitions

Authors: Qiming Cui, Duygu Tosun, Pratik Mukherjee, Reza Abbasi-Asl

Abstract: Supervised deep learning techniques can be used to generate synthetic 7T MRIs from 3T MRI inputs. This image enhancement process leverages the advantages of ultra-high-field MRI to improve the signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratios of 3T acquisitions. In this paper, we introduce multiple novel 7T synthesization algorithms based on custom-designed variants of the V-Net convolutional neural network. We demonstrate that the V-Net based model has superior performance in enhancing both single-site and multi-site MRI datasets compared to the existing benchmark model. When trained on 3T-7T MRI pairs from 8 subjects with mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), our model achieves state-of-the-art 7T synthesization performance. Compared to previous works, synthetic 7T images generated from our pipeline also display superior enhancement of pathological tissue. Additionally, we implement and test a data augmentation scheme for training models that are robust to variations in the input distribution. This allows synthetic 7T models to accommodate intra-scanner and inter-scanner variability in multisite datasets. On a harmonized dataset consisting of 18 3T-7T MRI pairs from two institutions, including both healthy subjects and those with mild TBI, our model maintains its performance and can generalize to 3T MRI inputs with lower resolution. Our findings demonstrate the promise of V-Net based models for MRI enhancement and offer a preliminary probe into improving the generalizability of synthetic 7T models with data augmentation.

replace-cross Rethinking Autoencoders for Medical Anomaly Detection from A Theoretical Perspective

Authors: Yu Cai, Hao Chen, Kwang-Ting Cheng

Abstract: Medical anomaly detection aims to identify abnormal findings using only normal training data, playing a crucial role in health screening and recognizing rare diseases. Reconstruction-based methods, particularly those utilizing autoencoders (AEs), are dominant in this field. They work under the assumption that AEs trained on only normal data cannot reconstruct unseen abnormal regions well, thereby enabling the anomaly detection based on reconstruction errors. However, this assumption does not always hold due to the mismatch between the reconstruction training objective and the anomaly detection task objective, rendering these methods theoretically unsound. This study focuses on providing a theoretical foundation for AE-based reconstruction methods in anomaly detection. By leveraging information theory, we elucidate the principles of these methods and reveal that the key to improving AE in anomaly detection lies in minimizing the information entropy of latent vectors. Experiments on four datasets with two image modalities validate the effectiveness of our theory. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to theoretically clarify the principles and design philosophy of AE for anomaly detection. The code is available at \url{}.


replace-cross Estimation and Analysis of Slice Propagation Uncertainty in 3D Anatomy Segmentation

Authors: Rachaell Nihalaani, Tushar Kataria, Jadie Adams, Shireen Y. Elhabian

Abstract: Supervised methods for 3D anatomy segmentation demonstrate superior performance but are often limited by the availability of annotated data. This limitation has led to a growing interest in self-supervised approaches in tandem with the abundance of available un-annotated data. Slice propagation has emerged as an self-supervised approach that leverages slice registration as a self-supervised task to achieve full anatomy segmentation with minimal supervision. This approach significantly reduces the need for domain expertise, time, and the cost associated with building fully annotated datasets required for training segmentation networks. However, this shift toward reduced supervision via deterministic networks raises concerns about the trustworthiness and reliability of predictions, especially when compared with more accurate supervised approaches. To address this concern, we propose the integration of calibrated uncertainty quantification (UQ) into slice propagation methods, providing insights into the model's predictive reliability and confidence levels. Incorporating uncertainty measures enhances user confidence in self-supervised approaches, thereby improving their practical applicability. We conducted experiments on three datasets for 3D abdominal segmentation using five UQ methods. The results illustrate that incorporating UQ improves not only model trustworthiness, but also segmentation accuracy. Furthermore, our analysis reveals various failure modes of slice propagation methods that might not be immediately apparent to end-users. This study opens up new research avenues to improve the accuracy and trustworthiness of slice propagation methods.

replace-cross Point Cloud Geometry Scalable Coding with a Quality-Conditioned Latents Probability Estimator

Authors: Daniele Mari, Andr\'e F. R. Guarda, Nuno M. M. Rodrigues, Simone Milani, Fernando Pereira

Abstract: The widespread usage of point clouds (PC) for immersive visual applications has resulted in the use of very heterogeneous receiving conditions and devices, notably in terms of network, hardware, and display capabilities. In this scenario, quality scalability, i.e., the ability to reconstruct a signal at different qualities by progressively decoding a single bitstream, is a major requirement that has yet to be conveniently addressed, notably in most learning-based PC coding solutions. This paper proposes a quality scalability scheme, named Scalable Quality Hyperprior (SQH), adaptable to learning-based static point cloud geometry codecs, which uses a Quality-conditioned Latents Probability Estimator (QuLPE) to decode a high-quality version of a PC learning-based representation, based on an available lower quality base layer. SQH is integrated in the future JPEG PC coding standard, allowing to create a layered bitstream that can be used to progressively decode the PC geometry with increasing quality and fidelity. Experimental results show that SQH offers the quality scalability feature with very limited or no compression performance penalty at all when compared with the corresponding non-scalable solution, thus preserving the significant compression gains over other state-of-the-art PC codecs.

replace-cross Shape-aware synthesis of pathological lung CT scans using CycleGAN for enhanced semi-supervised lung segmentation

Authors: Rezkellah Noureddine Khiati, Pierre-Yves Brillet, Aur\'elien Justet, Radu Ispas, Catalin Fetita

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of pathological lung segmentation, a significant challenge in medical image analysis, particularly pronounced in cases of peripheral opacities (severe fibrosis and consolidation) because of the textural similarity between lung tissue and surrounding areas. To overcome these challenges, this paper emphasizes the use of CycleGAN for unpaired image-to-image translation, in order to provide an augmentation method able to generate fake pathological images matching an existing ground truth. Although previous studies have employed CycleGAN, they often neglect the challenge of shape deformation, which is crucial for accurate medical image segmentation. Our work introduces an innovative strategy that incorporates additional loss functions. Specifically, it proposes an L1 loss based on the lung surrounding which shape is constrained to remain unchanged at the transition from the healthy to pathological domains. The lung surrounding is derived based on ground truth lung masks available in the healthy domain. Furthermore, preprocessing steps, such as cropping based on ribs/vertebra locations, are applied to refine the input for the CycleGAN, ensuring that the network focus on the lung region. This is essential to avoid extraneous biases, such as the zoom effect bias, which can divert attention from the main task. The method is applied to enhance in semi-supervised manner the lung segmentation process by employing a U-Net model trained with on-the-fly data augmentation incorporating synthetic pathological tissues generated by the CycleGAN model. Preliminary results from this research demonstrate significant qualitative and quantitative improvements, setting a new benchmark in the field of pathological lung segmentation. Our code is available at


replace-cross Frieren: Efficient Video-to-Audio Generation with Rectified Flow Matching

Authors: Yongqi Wang, Wenxiang Guo, Rongjie Huang, Jiawei Huang, Zehan Wang, Fuming You, Ruiqi Li, Zhou Zhao

Abstract: Video-to-audio (V2A) generation aims to synthesize content-matching audio from silent video, and it remains challenging to build V2A models with high generation quality, efficiency, and visual-audio temporal synchrony. We propose Frieren, a V2A model based on rectified flow matching. Frieren regresses the conditional transport vector field from noise to spectrogram latent with straight paths and conducts sampling by solving ODE, outperforming autoregressive and score-based models in terms of audio quality. By employing a non-autoregressive vector field estimator based on a feed-forward transformer and channel-level cross-modal feature fusion with strong temporal alignment, our model generates audio that is highly synchronized with the input video. Furthermore, through reflow and one-step distillation with guided vector field, our model can generate decent audio in a few, or even only one sampling step. Experiments indicate that Frieren achieves state-of-the-art performance in both generation quality and temporal alignment on VGGSound, with alignment accuracy reaching 97.22%, and 6.2% improvement in inception score over the strong diffusion-based baseline. Audio samples are available at .


replace-cross A Guide to Stochastic Optimisation for Large-Scale Inverse Problems

Authors: Matthias J. Ehrhardt, Zeljko Kereta, Jingwei Liang, Junqi Tang

Abstract: Stochastic optimisation algorithms are the de facto standard for machine learning with large amounts of data. Handling only a subset of available data in each optimisation step dramatically reduces the per-iteration computational costs, while still ensuring significant progress towards the solution. Driven by the need to solve large-scale optimisation problems as efficiently as possible, the last decade has witnessed an explosion of research in this area. Leveraging the parallels between machine learning and inverse problems has allowed harnessing the power of this research wave for solving inverse problems. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive account of the state-of-the-art in stochastic optimisation from the viewpoint of inverse problems. We present algorithms with diverse modalities of problem randomisation and discuss the roles of variance reduction, acceleration, higher-order methods, and other algorithmic modifications, and compare theoretical results with practical behaviour. We focus on the potential and the challenges for stochastic optimisation that are unique to inverse imaging problems and are not commonly encountered in machine learning. We conclude the survey with illustrative examples from imaging problems to examine the advantages and disadvantages that this new generation of algorithms bring to the field of inverse problems.

replace-cross CS3: Cascade SAM for Sperm Segmentation

Authors: Yi Shi, Xu-Peng Tian, Yun-Kai Wang, Tie-Yi Zhang, Bin Yao, Hui Wang, Yong Shao, Cen-Cen Wang, Rong Zeng, De-Chuan Zhan

Abstract: Automated sperm morphology analysis plays a crucial role in the assessment of male fertility, yet its efficacy is often compromised by the challenges in accurately segmenting sperm images. Existing segmentation techniques, including the Segment Anything Model(SAM), are notably inadequate in addressing the complex issue of sperm overlap-a frequent occurrence in clinical samples. Our exploratory studies reveal that modifying image characteristics by removing sperm heads and easily segmentable areas, alongside enhancing the visibility of overlapping regions, markedly enhances SAM's efficiency in segmenting intricate sperm structures. Motivated by these findings, we present the Cascade SAM for Sperm Segmentation (CS3), an unsupervised approach specifically designed to tackle the issue of sperm overlap. This method employs a cascade application of SAM to segment sperm heads, simple tails, and complex tails in stages. Subsequently, these segmented masks are meticulously matched and joined to construct complete sperm masks. In collaboration with leading medical institutions, we have compiled a dataset comprising approximately 2,000 unlabeled sperm images to fine-tune our method, and secured expert annotations for an additional 240 images to facilitate comprehensive model assessment. Experimental results demonstrate superior performance of CS3 compared to existing methods.