new Foundation Models for Electrocardiograms

Authors: Junho Song, Jong-Hwan Jang, Byeong Tak Lee, DongGyun Hong, Joon-myoung Kwon, Yong-Yeon Jo

Abstract: Foundation models, enhanced by self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques, represent a cutting-edge frontier in biomedical signal analysis, particularly for electrocardiograms (ECGs), crucial for cardiac health monitoring and diagnosis. This study conducts a comprehensive analysis of foundation models for ECGs by employing and refining innovative SSL methodologies - namely, generative and contrastive learning - on a vast dataset of over 1.1 million ECG samples. By customizing these methods to align with the intricate characteristics of ECG signals, our research has successfully developed foundation models that significantly elevate the precision and reliability of cardiac diagnostics. These models are adept at representing the complex, subtle nuances of ECG data, thus markedly enhancing diagnostic capabilities. The results underscore the substantial potential of SSL-enhanced foundation models in clinical settings and pave the way for extensive future investigations into their scalable applications across a broader spectrum of medical diagnostics. This work sets a benchmark in the ECG field, demonstrating the profound impact of tailored, data-driven model training on the efficacy and accuracy of medical diagnostics.

new Modularity aided consistent attributed graph clustering via coarsening

Authors: Samarth Bhatia (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi), Yukti Makhija (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi), Manoj Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi), Sandeep Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)

Abstract: Graph clustering is an important unsupervised learning technique for partitioning graphs with attributes and detecting communities. However, current methods struggle to accurately capture true community structures and intra-cluster relations, be computationally efficient, and identify smaller communities. We address these challenges by integrating coarsening and modularity maximization, effectively leveraging both adjacency and node features to enhance clustering accuracy. We propose a loss function incorporating log-determinant, smoothness, and modularity components using a block majorization-minimization technique, resulting in superior clustering outcomes. The method is theoretically consistent under the Degree-Corrected Stochastic Block Model (DC-SBM), ensuring asymptotic error-free performance and complete label recovery. Our provably convergent and time-efficient algorithm seamlessly integrates with graph neural networks (GNNs) and variational graph autoencoders (VGAEs) to learn enhanced node features and deliver exceptional clustering performance. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate its superiority over existing state-of-the-art methods for both attributed and non-attributed graphs.

new Cardinality-Aware Set Prediction and Top-$k$ Classification

Authors: Corinna Cortes, Anqi Mao, Christopher Mohri, Mehryar Mohri, Yutao Zhong

Abstract: We present a detailed study of cardinality-aware top-$k$ classification, a novel approach that aims to learn an accurate top-$k$ set predictor while maintaining a low cardinality. We introduce a new target loss function tailored to this setting that accounts for both the classification error and the cardinality of the set predicted. To optimize this loss function, we propose two families of surrogate losses: cost-sensitive comp-sum losses and cost-sensitive constrained losses. Minimizing these loss functions leads to new cardinality-aware algorithms that we describe in detail in the case of both top-$k$ and threshold-based classifiers. We establish $H$-consistency bounds for our cardinality-aware surrogate loss functions, thereby providing a strong theoretical foundation for our algorithms. We report the results of extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, and SVHN datasets demonstrating the effectiveness and benefits of our cardinality-aware algorithms.

new SPINEX-Clustering: Similarity-based Predictions with Explainable Neighbors Exploration for Clustering Problems

Authors: MZ Naser, Ahmed Naser

Abstract: This paper presents a novel clustering algorithm from the SPINEX (Similarity-based Predictions with Explainable Neighbors Exploration) algorithmic family. The newly proposed clustering variant leverages the concept of similarity and higher-order interactions across multiple subspaces to group data into clusters. To showcase the merit of SPINEX, a thorough set of benchmarking experiments was carried out against 13 algorithms, namely, Affinity Propagation, Agglomerative, Birch, DBSCAN, Gaussian Mixture, HDBSCAN, K-Means, KMedoids, Mean Shift, MiniBatch K-Means, OPTICS, Spectral Clustering, and Ward Hierarchical. Then, the performance of all algorithms was examined across 51 synthetic and real datasets from various domains, dimensions, and complexities. Furthermore, we present a companion complexity analysis to compare the complexity of SPINEX to that of the aforementioned algorithms. Our results demonstrate that SPINEX can outperform commonly adopted clustering algorithms by ranking within the top-5 best performing algorithms and has moderate complexity. Finally, a demonstration of the explainability capabilities of SPINEX, along with future research needs, is presented.

new ConvNLP: Image-based AI Text Detection

Authors: Suriya Prakash Jambunathan, Ashwath Shankarnarayan, Parijat Dube

Abstract: The potentials of Generative-AI technologies like Large Language models (LLMs) to revolutionize education are undermined by ethical considerations around their misuse which worsens the problem of academic dishonesty. LLMs like GPT-4 and Llama 2 are becoming increasingly powerful in generating sophisticated content and answering questions, from writing academic essays to solving complex math problems. Students are relying on these LLMs to complete their assignments and thus compromising academic integrity. Solutions to detect LLM-generated text are compute-intensive and often lack generalization. This paper presents a novel approach for detecting LLM-generated AI-text using a visual representation of word embedding. We have formulated a novel Convolutional Neural Network called ZigZag ResNet, as well as a scheduler for improving generalization, named ZigZag Scheduler. Through extensive evaluation using datasets of text generated by six different state-of-the-art LLMs, our model demonstrates strong intra-domain and inter-domain generalization capabilities. Our best model detects AI-generated text with an impressive average detection rate (over inter- and intra-domain test data) of 88.35%. Through an exhaustive ablation study, our ZigZag ResNet and ZigZag Scheduler provide a performance improvement of nearly 4% over the vanilla ResNet. The end-to-end inference latency of our model is below 2.5ms per sentence. Our solution offers a lightweight, computationally efficient, and faster alternative to existing tools for AI-generated text detection, with better generalization performance. It can help academic institutions in their fight against the misuse of LLMs in academic settings. Through this work, we aim to contribute to safeguarding the principles of academic integrity and ensuring the trustworthiness of student work in the era of advanced LLMs.

new RotRNN: Modelling Long Sequences with Rotations

Authors: Rares Dolga, Kai Biegun, Jake Cunningham, David Barber

Abstract: Linear recurrent models, such as State Space Models (SSMs) and Linear Recurrent Units (LRUs), have recently shown state-of-the-art performance on long sequence modelling benchmarks. Despite their success, they come with a number of drawbacks, most notably their complex initialisation and normalisation schemes. In this work, we address some of these issues by proposing RotRNN -- a linear recurrent model which utilises the convenient properties of rotation matrices. We show that RotRNN provides a simple model with fewer theoretical assumptions than prior works, with a practical implementation that remains faithful to its theoretical derivation, achieving comparable scores to the LRU and SSMs on several long sequence modelling datasets.

new Lifestyle-Informed Personalized Blood Biomarker Prediction via Novel Representation Learning

Authors: A. Ali Heydari, Naghmeh Rezaei, Javier L. Prieto, Shwetak N. Patel, Ahmed A. Metwally

Abstract: Blood biomarkers are an essential tool for healthcare providers to diagnose, monitor, and treat a wide range of medical conditions. Current reference values and recommended ranges often rely on population-level statistics, which may not adequately account for the influence of inter-individual variability driven by factors such as lifestyle and genetics. In this work, we introduce a novel framework for predicting future blood biomarker values and define personalized references through learned representations from lifestyle data (physical activity and sleep) and blood biomarkers. Our proposed method learns a similarity-based embedding space that captures the complex relationship between biomarkers and lifestyle factors. Using the UK Biobank (257K participants), our results show that our deep-learned embeddings outperform traditional and current state-of-the-art representation learning techniques in predicting clinical diagnosis. Using a subset of UK Biobank of 6440 participants who have follow-up visits, we validate that the inclusion of these embeddings and lifestyle factors directly in blood biomarker models improves the prediction of future lab values from a single lab visit. This personalized modeling approach provides a foundation for developing more accurate risk stratification tools and tailoring preventative care strategies. In clinical settings, this translates to the potential for earlier disease detection, more timely interventions, and ultimately, a shift towards personalized healthcare.

new Towards a theory of learning dynamics in deep state space models

Authors: Jakub Sm\'ekal, Jimmy T. H. Smith, Michael Kleinman, Dan Biderman, Scott W. Linderman

Abstract: State space models (SSMs) have shown remarkable empirical performance on many long sequence modeling tasks, but a theoretical understanding of these models is still lacking. In this work, we study the learning dynamics of linear SSMs to understand how covariance structure in data, latent state size, and initialization affect the evolution of parameters throughout learning with gradient descent. We show that focusing on the learning dynamics in the frequency domain affords analytical solutions under mild assumptions, and we establish a link between one-dimensional SSMs and the dynamics of deep linear feed-forward networks. Finally, we analyze how latent state over-parameterization affects convergence time and describe future work in extending our results to the study of deep SSMs with nonlinear connections. This work is a step toward a theory of learning dynamics in deep state space models.

new Causal Discovery-Driven Change Point Detection in Time Series

Authors: Shanyun Gao, Raghavendra Addanki, Tong Yu, Ryan A. Rossi, Murat Kocaoglu

Abstract: Change point detection in time series seeks to identify times when the probability distribution of time series changes. It is widely applied in many areas, such as human-activity sensing and medical science. In the context of multivariate time series, this typically involves examining the joint distribution of high-dimensional data: If any one variable changes, the whole time series is assumed to have changed. However, in practical applications, we may be interested only in certain components of the time series, exploring abrupt changes in their distributions in the presence of other time series. Here, assuming an underlying structural causal model that governs the time-series data generation, we address this problem by proposing a two-stage non-parametric algorithm that first learns parts of the causal structure through constraint-based discovery methods. The algorithm then uses conditional relative Pearson divergence estimation to identify the change points. The conditional relative Pearson divergence quantifies the distribution disparity between consecutive segments in the time series, while the causal discovery method enables a focus on the causal mechanism, facilitating access to independent and identically distributed (IID) samples. Theoretically, the typical assumption of samples being IID in conventional change point detection methods can be relaxed based on the Causal Markov Condition. Through experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets, we validate the correctness and utility of our approach.

new Causal Discovery in Semi-Stationary Time Series

Authors: Shanyun Gao, Raghavendra Addanki, Tong Yu, Ryan A. Rossi, Murat Kocaoglu

Abstract: Discovering causal relations from observational time series without making the stationary assumption is a significant challenge. In practice, this challenge is common in many areas, such as retail sales, transportation systems, and medical science. Here, we consider this problem for a class of non-stationary time series. The structural causal model (SCM) of this type of time series, called the semi-stationary time series, exhibits that a finite number of different causal mechanisms occur sequentially and periodically across time. This model holds considerable practical utility because it can represent periodicity, including common occurrences such as seasonality and diurnal variation. We propose a constraint-based, non-parametric algorithm for discovering causal relations in this setting. The resulting algorithm, PCMCI$_{\Omega}$, can capture the alternating and recurring changes in the causal mechanisms and then identify the underlying causal graph with conditional independence (CI) tests. We show that this algorithm is sound in identifying causal relations on discrete time series. We validate the algorithm with extensive experiments on continuous and discrete simulated data. We also apply our algorithm to a real-world climate dataset.

new ViTime: A Visual Intelligence-Based Foundation Model for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Luoxiao Yang, Yun Wang, Xinqi Fan, Israel Cohen, Yue Zhao, Zijun Zhang

Abstract: The success of large pretrained models in natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV) has opened new avenues for constructing foundation models for time series forecasting (TSF). Traditional TSF foundation models rely heavily on numerical data fitting. In contrast, the human brain is inherently skilled at processing visual information, prefer predicting future trends by observing visualized sequences. From a biomimetic perspective, utilizing models to directly process numerical sequences might not be the most effective route to achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This paper proposes ViTime, a novel Visual Intelligence-based foundation model for TSF. ViTime overcomes the limitations of numerical time series data fitting by utilizing visual data processing paradigms and employs a innovative data synthesis method during training, called Real Time Series (RealTS). Experiments on a diverse set of previously unseen forecasting datasets demonstrate that ViTime achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot performance, even surpassing the best individually trained supervised models in some situations. These findings suggest that visual intelligence can significantly enhance time series analysis and forecasting, paving the way for more advanced and versatile models in the field. The code for our framework is accessible at


new Flow to Rare Events: An Application of Normalizing Flow in Temporal Importance Sampling for Automated Vehicle Validation

Authors: Yichun Ye, He Zhang, Ye Tian, Jian Sun

Abstract: Automated Vehicle (AV) validation based on simulated testing requires unbiased evaluation and high efficiency. One effective solution is to increase the exposure to risky rare events while reweighting the probability measure. However, characterizing the distribution of risky events is particularly challenging due to the paucity of samples and the temporality of continuous scenario variables. To solve it, we devise a method to represent, generate, and reweight the distribution of risky rare events. We decompose the temporal evolution of continuous variables into distribution components based on conditional probability. By introducing the Risk Indicator Function, the distribution of risky rare events is theoretically precipitated out of naturalistic driving distribution. This targeted distribution is practically generated via Normalizing Flow, which achieves exact and tractable probability evaluation of intricate distribution. The rare event distribution is then demonstrated as the advantageous Importance Sampling distribution. We also promote the technique of temporal Importance Sampling. The combined method, named as TrimFlow, is executed to estimate the collision rate of Car-following scenarios as a tentative practice. The results showed that sampling background vehicle maneuvers from rare event distribution could evolve testing scenarios to hazardous states. TrimFlow reduced 86.1% of tests compared to generating testing scenarios according to their exposure in the naturalistic driving environment. In addition, the TrimFlow method is not limited to one specific type of functional scenario.

new CATP: Context-Aware Trajectory Prediction with Competition Symbiosis

Authors: Jiang Wu, Dongyu Liu, Yuchen Lin, Yingcai Wu

Abstract: Contextual information is vital for accurate trajectory prediction. For instance, the intricate flying behavior of migratory birds hinges on their analysis of environmental cues such as wind direction and air pressure. However, the diverse and dynamic nature of contextual information renders it an arduous task for AI models to comprehend its impact on trajectories and consequently predict them accurately. To address this issue, we propose a ``manager-worker'' framework to unleash the full potential of contextual information and construct CATP model, an implementation of the framework for Context-Aware Trajectory Prediction. The framework comprises a manager model, several worker models, and a tailored training mechanism inspired by competition symbiosis in nature. Taking CATP as an example, each worker needs to compete against others for training data and develop an advantage in predicting specific moving patterns. The manager learns the workers' performance in different contexts and selects the best one in the given context to predict trajectories, enabling CATP as a whole to operate in a symbiotic manner. We conducted two comparative experiments and an ablation study to quantitatively evaluate the proposed framework and CATP model. The results showed that CATP could outperform SOTA models, and the framework could be generalized to different context-aware tasks.

new Mitigating Partial Observability in Sequential Decision Processes via the Lambda Discrepancy

Authors: Cameron Allen, Aaron Kirtland, Ruo Yu Tao, Sam Lobel, Daniel Scott, Nicholas Petrocelli, Omer Gottesman, Ronald Parr, Michael L. Littman, George Konidaris

Abstract: Reinforcement learning algorithms typically rely on the assumption that the environment dynamics and value function can be expressed in terms of a Markovian state representation. However, when state information is only partially observable, how can an agent learn such a state representation, and how can it detect when it has found one? We introduce a metric that can accomplish both objectives, without requiring access to--or knowledge of--an underlying, unobservable state space. Our metric, the $\lambda$-discrepancy, is the difference between two distinct temporal difference (TD) value estimates, each computed using TD($\lambda$) with a different value of $\lambda$. Since TD($\lambda$=0) makes an implicit Markov assumption and TD($\lambda$=1) does not, a discrepancy between these estimates is a potential indicator of a non-Markovian state representation. Indeed, we prove that the $\lambda$-discrepancy is exactly zero for all Markov decision processes and almost always non-zero for a broad class of partially observable environments. We also demonstrate empirically that, once detected, minimizing the $\lambda$-discrepancy can help with learning a memory function to mitigate the corresponding partial observability. We then train a reinforcement learning agent that simultaneously constructs two recurrent value networks with different $\lambda$ parameters and minimizes the difference between them as an auxiliary loss. The approach scales to challenging partially observable domains, where the resulting agent frequently performs significantly better (and never performs worse) than a baseline recurrent agent with only a single value network.

new INSIGHT: Universal Neural Simulator for Analog Circuits Harnessing Autoregressive Transformers

Authors: Souradip Poddar, Youngmin Oh, Yao Lai, Hanqing Zhu, Bosun Hwang, David Z. Pan

Abstract: Analog front-end design heavily relies on specialized human expertise and costly trial-and-error simulations, which motivated many prior works on analog design automation. However, efficient and effective exploration of the vast and complex design space remains constrained by the time-consuming nature of CPU-based SPICE simulations, making effective design automation a challenging endeavor. In this paper, we introduce INSIGHT, a GPU-powered, technology-independent, effective universal neural simulator in the analog front-end design automation loop. INSIGHT accurately predicts the performance metrics of analog circuits across various technology nodes, significantly reducing inference time. Notably, its autoregressive capabilities enable INSIGHT to accurately predict simulation-costly critical transient specifications leveraging less expensive performance metric information. The low cost and high fidelity feature make INSIGHT a good substitute for standard simulators in analog front-end optimization frameworks. INSIGHT is compatible with any optimization framework, facilitating enhanced design space exploration for sample efficiency through sophisticated offline learning and adaptation techniques. Our experiments demonstrate that INSIGHT-M, a model-based batch reinforcement learning framework that leverages INSIGHT for analog sizing, achieves at least 50X improvement in sample efficiency across circuits. To the best of our knowledge, this marks the first use of autoregressive transformers in analog front-end design.

new A deep graph model for the signed interaction prediction in biological network

Authors: Shuyi Jin, Mengji Zhang, Meijie Wang, Lun Yu

Abstract: In pharmaceutical research, the strategy of drug repurposing accelerates the development of new therapies while reducing R&D costs. Network pharmacology lays the theoretical groundwork for identifying new drug indications, and deep graph models have become essential for their precision in mapping complex biological networks. Our study introduces an advanced graph model that utilizes graph convolutional networks and tensor decomposition to effectively predict signed chemical-gene interactions. This model demonstrates superior predictive performance, especially in handling the polar relations in biological networks. Our research opens new avenues for drug discovery and repurposing, especially in understanding the mechanism of actions of drugs.

new SGM-PINN: Sampling Graphical Models for Faster Training of Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: John Anticev, Ali Aghdaei, Wuxinlin Cheng, Zhuo Feng

Abstract: SGM-PINN is a graph-based importance sampling framework to improve the training efficacy of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) on parameterized problems. By applying a graph decomposition scheme to an undirected Probabilistic Graphical Model (PGM) built from the training dataset, our method generates node clusters encoding conditional dependence between training samples. Biasing sampling towards more important clusters allows smaller mini-batches and training datasets, improving training speed and accuracy. We additionally fuse an efficient robustness metric with residual losses to determine regions requiring additional sampling. Experiments demonstrate the advantages of the proposed framework, achieving $3\times$ faster convergence compared to prior state-of-the-art sampling methods.

new Real-time system optimal traffic routing under uncertainties -- Can physics models boost reinforcement learning?

Authors: Zemian Ke, Qiling Zou, Jiachao Liu, Sean Qian

Abstract: System optimal traffic routing can mitigate congestion by assigning routes for a portion of vehicles so that the total travel time of all vehicles in the transportation system can be reduced. However, achieving real-time optimal routing poses challenges due to uncertain demands and unknown system dynamics, particularly in expansive transportation networks. While physics model-based methods are sensitive to uncertainties and model mismatches, model-free reinforcement learning struggles with learning inefficiencies and interpretability issues. Our paper presents TransRL, a novel algorithm that integrates reinforcement learning with physics models for enhanced performance, reliability, and interpretability. TransRL begins by establishing a deterministic policy grounded in physics models, from which it learns from and is guided by a differentiable and stochastic teacher policy. During training, TransRL aims to maximize cumulative rewards while minimizing the Kullback Leibler (KL) divergence between the current policy and the teacher policy. This approach enables TransRL to simultaneously leverage interactions with the environment and insights from physics models. We conduct experiments on three transportation networks with up to hundreds of links. The results demonstrate TransRL's superiority over traffic model-based methods for being adaptive and learning from the actual network data. By leveraging the information from physics models, TransRL consistently outperforms state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms such as proximal policy optimization (PPO) and soft actor critic (SAC). Moreover, TransRL's actions exhibit higher reliability and interpretability compared to baseline reinforcement learning approaches like PPO and SAC.

new Federated PCA on Grassmann Manifold for IoT Anomaly Detection

Authors: Tung-Anh Nguyen, Long Tan Le, Tuan Dung Nguyen, Wei Bao, Suranga Seneviratne, Choong Seon Hong, Nguyen H. Tran

Abstract: With the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the rising interconnectedness of devices, network security faces significant challenges, especially from anomalous activities. While traditional machine learning-based intrusion detection systems (ML-IDS) effectively employ supervised learning methods, they possess limitations such as the requirement for labeled data and challenges with high dimensionality. Recent unsupervised ML-IDS approaches such as AutoEncoders and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) offer alternative solutions but pose challenges in deployment onto resource-constrained IoT devices and in interpretability. To address these concerns, this paper proposes a novel federated unsupervised anomaly detection framework, FedPCA, that leverages Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Alternating Directions Method Multipliers (ADMM) to learn common representations of distributed non-i.i.d. datasets. Building on the FedPCA framework, we propose two algorithms, FEDPE in Euclidean space and FEDPG on Grassmann manifolds. Our approach enables real-time threat detection and mitigation at the device level, enhancing network resilience while ensuring privacy. Moreover, the proposed algorithms are accompanied by theoretical convergence rates even under a subsampling scheme, a novel result. Experimental results on the UNSW-NB15 and TON-IoT datasets show that our proposed methods offer performance in anomaly detection comparable to nonlinear baselines, while providing significant improvements in communication and memory efficiency, underscoring their potential for securing IoT networks.

new CM-DQN: A Value-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Model to Simulate Confirmation Bias

Authors: Jiacheng Shen, Lihan Feng

Abstract: In human decision-making tasks, individuals learn through trials and prediction errors. When individuals learn the task, some are more influenced by good outcomes, while others weigh bad outcomes more heavily. Such confirmation bias can lead to different learning effects. In this study, we propose a new algorithm in Deep Reinforcement Learning, CM-DQN, which applies the idea of different update strategies for positive or negative prediction errors, to simulate the human decision-making process when the task's states are continuous while the actions are discrete. We test in Lunar Lander environment with confirmatory, disconfirmatory bias and non-biased to observe the learning effects. Moreover, we apply the confirmation model in a multi-armed bandit problem (environment in discrete states and discrete actions), which utilizes the same idea as our proposed algorithm, as a contrast experiment to algorithmically simulate the impact of different confirmation bias in decision-making process. In both experiments, confirmatory bias indicates a better learning effect. Our code can be found here


new GLBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Graph with Large Language Models

Authors: Yuhan Li, Peisong Wang, Xiao Zhu, Aochuan Chen, Haiyun Jiang, Deng Cai, Victor Wai Kin Chan, Jia Li

Abstract: The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the way we interact with graphs, leading to a new paradigm called GraphLLM. Despite the rapid development of GraphLLM methods in recent years, the progress and understanding of this field remain unclear due to the lack of a benchmark with consistent experimental protocols. To bridge this gap, we introduce GLBench, the first comprehensive benchmark for evaluating GraphLLM methods in both supervised and zero-shot scenarios. GLBench provides a fair and thorough evaluation of different categories of GraphLLM methods, along with traditional baselines such as graph neural networks. Through extensive experiments on a collection of real-world datasets with consistent data processing and splitting strategies, we have uncovered several key findings. Firstly, GraphLLM methods outperform traditional baselines in supervised settings, with LLM-as-enhancers showing the most robust performance. However, using LLMs as predictors is less effective and often leads to uncontrollable output issues. We also notice that no clear scaling laws exist for current GraphLLM methods. In addition, both structures and semantics are crucial for effective zero-shot transfer, and our proposed simple baseline can even outperform several models tailored for zero-shot scenarios. The data and code of the benchmark can be found at


new Rigorous Probabilistic Guarantees for Robust Counterfactual Explanations

Authors: Luca Marzari, Francesco Leofante, Ferdinando Cicalese, Alessandro Farinelli

Abstract: We study the problem of assessing the robustness of counterfactual explanations for deep learning models. We focus on $\textit{plausible model shifts}$ altering model parameters and propose a novel framework to reason about the robustness property in this setting. To motivate our solution, we begin by showing for the first time that computing the robustness of counterfactuals with respect to plausible model shifts is NP-complete. As this (practically) rules out the existence of scalable algorithms for exactly computing robustness, we propose a novel probabilistic approach which is able to provide tight estimates of robustness with strong guarantees while preserving scalability. Remarkably, and differently from existing solutions targeting plausible model shifts, our approach does not impose requirements on the network to be analyzed, thus enabling robustness analysis on a wider range of architectures. Experiments on four binary classification datasets indicate that our method improves the state of the art in generating robust explanations, outperforming existing methods on a range of metrics.

new CHILLI: A data context-aware perturbation method for XAI

Authors: Saif Anwar, Nathan Griffiths, Abhir Bhalerao, Thomas Popham

Abstract: The trustworthiness of Machine Learning (ML) models can be difficult to assess, but is critical in high-risk or ethically sensitive applications. Many models are treated as a `black-box' where the reasoning or criteria for a final decision is opaque to the user. To address this, some existing Explainable AI (XAI) approaches approximate model behaviour using perturbed data. However, such methods have been criticised for ignoring feature dependencies, with explanations being based on potentially unrealistic data. We propose a novel framework, CHILLI, for incorporating data context into XAI by generating contextually aware perturbations, which are faithful to the training data of the base model being explained. This is shown to improve both the soundness and accuracy of the explanations.

new MLRS-PDS: A Meta-learning recommendation of dynamic ensemble selection pipelines

Authors: Hesam Jalalian, Rafael M. O. Cruz

Abstract: Dynamic Selection (DS), where base classifiers are chosen from a classifier's pool for each new instance at test time, has shown to be highly effective in pattern recognition. However, instability and redundancy in the classifier pools can impede computational efficiency and accuracy in dynamic ensemble selection. This paper introduces a meta-learning recommendation system (MLRS) to recommend the optimal pool generation scheme for DES methods tailored to individual datasets. The system employs a meta-model built from dataset meta-features to predict the most suitable pool generation scheme and DES method for a given dataset. Through an extensive experimental study encompassing 288 datasets, we demonstrate that this meta-learning recommendation system outperforms traditional fixed pool or DES method selection strategies, highlighting the efficacy of a meta-learning approach in refining DES method selection. The source code, datasets, and supplementary results can be found in this project's GitHub repository:


new Machine Unlearning for Medical Imaging

Authors: Reza Nasirigerdeh, Nader Razmi, Julia A. Schnabel, Daniel Rueckert, Georgios Kaissis

Abstract: Machine unlearning is the process of removing the impact of a particular set of training samples from a pretrained model. It aims to fulfill the "right to be forgotten", which grants the individuals such as patients the right to reconsider their contribution in models including medical imaging models. In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness (performance) and computational efficiency of different unlearning algorithms in medical imaging domain. Our evaluations demonstrate that the considered unlearning algorithms perform well on the retain set (samples whose influence on the model is allowed to be retained) and forget set (samples whose contribution to the model should be eliminated), and show no bias against male or female samples. They, however, adversely impact the generalization of the model, especially for larger forget set sizes. Moreover, they might be biased against easy or hard samples, and need additional computational overhead for hyper-parameter tuning. In conclusion, machine unlearning seems promising for medical imaging, but the existing unlearning algorithms still needs further improvements to become more practical for medical applications.

new Resource Allocation for Twin Maintenance and Computing Task Processing in Digital Twin Vehicular Edge Computing Network

Authors: Yu Xie, Qiong Wu, Pingyi Fan, Nan Cheng, Wen Chen, Jiangzhou Wang, Khaled B. Letaief

Abstract: As a promising technology, vehicular edge computing (VEC) can provide computing and caching services by deploying VEC servers near vehicles. However, VEC networks still face challenges such as high vehicle mobility. Digital twin (DT), an emerging technology, can predict, estimate, and analyze real-time states by digitally modeling objects in the physical world. By integrating DT with VEC, a virtual vehicle DT can be created in the VEC server to monitor the real-time operating status of vehicles. However, maintaining the vehicle DT model requires ongoing attention from the VEC server, which also needs to offer computing services for the vehicles. Therefore, effective allocation and scheduling of VEC server resources are crucial. This study focuses on a general VEC network with a single VEC service and multiple vehicles, examining the two types of delays caused by twin maintenance and computational processing within the network. By transforming the problem using satisfaction functions, we propose an optimization problem aimed at maximizing each vehicle's resource utility to determine the optimal resource allocation strategy. Given the non-convex nature of the issue, we employ multi-agent Markov decision processes to reformulate the problem. Subsequently, we propose the twin maintenance and computing task processing resource collaborative scheduling (MADRL-CSTC) algorithm, which leverages multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. Through experimental comparisons with alternative algorithms, it demonstrates that our proposed approach is effective in terms of resource allocation.

new Learning treatment effects while treating those in need

Authors: Bryan Wilder, Pim Welle

Abstract: Many social programs attempt to allocate scarce resources to people with the greatest need. Indeed, public services increasingly use algorithmic risk assessments motivated by this goal. However, targeting the highest-need recipients often conflicts with attempting to evaluate the causal effect of the program as a whole, as the best evaluations would be obtained by randomizing the allocation. We propose a framework to design randomized allocation rules which optimally balance targeting high-need individuals with learning treatment effects, presenting policymakers with a Pareto frontier between the two goals. We give sample complexity guarantees for the policy learning problem and provide a computationally efficient strategy to implement it. We then apply our framework to data from human services in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Optimized policies can substantially mitigate the tradeoff between learning and targeting. For example, it is often possible to obtain 90% of the optimal utility in targeting high-need individuals while ensuring that the average treatment effect can be estimated with less than 2 times the samples that a randomized controlled trial would require. Mechanisms for targeting public services often focus on measuring need as accurately as possible. However, our results suggest that algorithmic systems in public services can be most impactful if they incorporate program evaluation as an explicit goal alongside targeting.

new Physics-Informed Geometric Operators to Support Surrogate, Dimension Reduction and Generative Models for Engineering Design

Authors: Shahroz Khan (Wayne), Zahid Masood (Wayne), Muhammad Usama (Wayne), Konstantinos Kostas (Wayne), Panagiotis Kaklis (Wayne), Wei (Wayne), Chen

Abstract: In this work, we propose a set of physics-informed geometric operators (GOs) to enrich the geometric data provided for training surrogate/discriminative models, dimension reduction, and generative models, typically employed for performance prediction, dimension reduction, and creating data-driven parameterisations, respectively. However, as both the input and output streams of these models consist of low-level shape representations, they often fail to capture shape characteristics essential for performance analyses. Therefore, the proposed GOs exploit the differential and integral properties of shapes--accessed through Fourier descriptors, curvature integrals, geometric moments, and their invariants--to infuse high-level intrinsic geometric information and physics into the feature vector used for training, even when employing simple model architectures or low-level parametric descriptions. We showed that for surrogate modelling, along with the inclusion of the notion of physics, GOs enact regularisation to reduce over-fitting and enhance generalisation to new, unseen designs. Furthermore, through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate that for dimension reduction and generative models, incorporating the proposed GOs enriches the training data with compact global and local geometric features. This significantly enhances the quality of the resulting latent space, thereby facilitating the generation of valid and diverse designs. Lastly, we also show that GOs can enable learning parametric sensitivities to a great extent. Consequently, these enhancements accelerate the convergence rate of shape optimisers towards optimal solutions.

new Teaching Transformers Causal Reasoning through Axiomatic Training

Authors: Aniket Vashishtha, Abhinav Kumar, Abbavaram Gowtham Reddy, Vineeth N Balasubramanian, Amit Sharma

Abstract: For text-based AI systems to interact in the real world, causal reasoning is an essential skill. Since interventional data is costly to generate, we study to what extent an agent can learn causal reasoning from passive data. Specifically, we consider an axiomatic training setup where an agent learns from multiple demonstrations of a causal axiom (or rule), rather than incorporating the axiom as an inductive bias or inferring it from data values. A key question is whether the agent would learn to generalize from the axiom demonstrations to new scenarios. For example, if a transformer model is trained on demonstrations of the causal transitivity axiom over small graphs, would it generalize to applying the transitivity axiom over large graphs? Our results, based on a novel axiomatic training scheme, indicate that such generalization is possible. We consider the task of inferring whether a variable causes another variable, given a causal graph structure. We find that a 67 million parameter transformer model, when trained on linear causal chains (along with some noisy variations) can generalize well to new kinds of graphs, including longer causal chains, causal chains with reversed order, and graphs with branching; even when it is not explicitly trained for such settings. Our model performs at par (or even better) than many larger language models such as GPT-4, Gemini Pro, and Phi-3. Overall, our axiomatic training framework provides a new paradigm of learning causal reasoning from passive data that can be used to learn arbitrary axioms, as long as sufficient demonstrations can be generated.

new Probabilistic learning rate scheduler with provable convergence

Authors: Dahlia Devapriya, Thulasi Tholeti, Janani Suresh, Sheetal Kalyani

Abstract: Learning rate schedulers have shown great success in speeding up the convergence of learning algorithms in practice. However, their convergence to a minimum has not been proven theoretically. This difficulty mainly arises from the fact that, while traditional convergence analysis prescribes to monotonically decreasing (or constant) learning rates, schedulers opt for rates that often increase and decrease through the training epochs. In this work, we aim to bridge the gap by proposing a probabilistic learning rate scheduler (PLRS), that does not conform to the monotonically decreasing condition, with provable convergence guarantees. In addition to providing detailed convergence proofs, we also show experimental results where the proposed PLRS performs competitively as other state-of-the-art learning rate schedulers across a variety of datasets and architectures.

new Pessimism Meets Risk: Risk-Sensitive Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Dake Zhang, Boxiang Lyu, Shuang Qiu, Mladen Kolar, Tong Zhang

Abstract: We study risk-sensitive reinforcement learning (RL), a crucial field due to its ability to enhance decision-making in scenarios where it is essential to manage uncertainty and minimize potential adverse outcomes. Particularly, our work focuses on applying the entropic risk measure to RL problems. While existing literature primarily investigates the online setting, there remains a large gap in understanding how to efficiently derive a near-optimal policy based on this risk measure using only a pre-collected dataset. We center on the linear Markov Decision Process (MDP) setting, a well-regarded theoretical framework that has yet to be examined from a risk-sensitive standpoint. In response, we introduce two provably sample-efficient algorithms. We begin by presenting a risk-sensitive pessimistic value iteration algorithm, offering a tight analysis by leveraging the structure of the risk-sensitive performance measure. To further improve the obtained bounds, we propose another pessimistic algorithm that utilizes variance information and reference-advantage decomposition, effectively improving both the dependence on the space dimension $d$ and the risk-sensitivity factor. To the best of our knowledge, we obtain the first provably efficient risk-sensitive offline RL algorithms.

new Explaining Graph Neural Networks for Node Similarity on Graphs

Authors: Daniel Daza, Cuong Xuan Chu, Trung-Kien Tran, Daria Stepanova, Michael Cochez, Paul Groth

Abstract: Similarity search is a fundamental task for exploiting information in various applications dealing with graph data, such as citation networks or knowledge graphs. While this task has been intensively approached from heuristics to graph embeddings and graph neural networks (GNNs), providing explanations for similarity has received less attention. In this work we are concerned with explainable similarity search over graphs, by investigating how GNN-based methods for computing node similarities can be augmented with explanations. Specifically, we evaluate the performance of two prominent approaches towards explanations in GNNs, based on the concepts of mutual information (MI), and gradient-based explanations (GB). We discuss their suitability and empirically validate the properties of their explanations over different popular graph benchmarks. We find that unlike MI explanations, gradient-based explanations have three desirable properties. First, they are actionable: selecting inputs depending on them results in predictable changes in similarity scores. Second, they are consistent: the effect of selecting certain inputs overlaps very little with the effect of discarding them. Third, they can be pruned significantly to obtain sparse explanations that retain the effect on similarity scores.

new The Selective G-Bispectrum and its Inversion: Applications to G-Invariant Networks

Authors: Simon Mataigne, Johan Mathe, Sophia Sanborn, Christopher Hillar, Nina Miolane

Abstract: An important problem in signal processing and deep learning is to achieve \textit{invariance} to nuisance factors not relevant for the task. Since many of these factors are describable as the action of a group $G$ (e.g. rotations, translations, scalings), we want methods to be $G$-invariant. The $G$-Bispectrum extracts every characteristic of a given signal up to group action: for example, the shape of an object in an image, but not its orientation. Consequently, the $G$-Bispectrum has been incorporated into deep neural network architectures as a computational primitive for $G$-invariance\textemdash akin to a pooling mechanism, but with greater selectivity and robustness. However, the computational cost of the $G$-Bispectrum ($\mathcal{O}(|G|^2)$, with $|G|$ the size of the group) has limited its widespread adoption. Here, we show that the $G$-Bispectrum computation contains redundancies that can be reduced into a \textit{selective $G$-Bispectrum} with $\mathcal{O}(|G|)$ complexity. We prove desirable mathematical properties of the selective $G$-Bispectrum and demonstrate how its integration in neural networks enhances accuracy and robustness compared to traditional approaches, while enjoying considerable speeds-up compared to the full $G$-Bispectrum.

new A Coding-Theoretic Analysis of Hyperspherical Prototypical Learning Geometry

Authors: Martin Lindstr\"om, Borja Rodr\'iguez-G\'alvez, Ragnar Thobaben, Mikael Skoglund

Abstract: Hyperspherical Prototypical Learning (HPL) is a supervised approach to representation learning that designs class prototypes on the unit hypersphere. The prototypes bias the representations to class separation in a scale invariant and known geometry. Previous approaches to HPL have either of the following shortcomings: (i) they follow an unprincipled optimisation procedure; or (ii) they are theoretically sound, but are constrained to only one possible latent dimension. In this paper, we address both shortcomings. To address (i), we present a principled optimisation procedure whose solution we show is optimal. To address (ii), we construct well-separated prototypes in a wide range of dimensions using linear block codes. Additionally, we give a full characterisation of the optimal prototype placement in terms of achievable and converse bounds, showing that our proposed methods are near-optimal.

new How to Leverage Predictive Uncertainty Estimates for Reducing Catastrophic Forgetting in Online Continual Learning

Authors: Giuseppe Serra, Ben Werner, Florian Buettner

Abstract: Many real-world applications require machine-learning models to be able to deal with non-stationary data distributions and thus learn autonomously over an extended period of time, often in an online setting. One of the main challenges in this scenario is the so-called catastrophic forgetting (CF) for which the learning model tends to focus on the most recent tasks while experiencing predictive degradation on older ones. In the online setting, the most effective solutions employ a fixed-size memory buffer to store old samples used for replay when training on new tasks. Many approaches have been presented to tackle this problem. However, it is not clear how predictive uncertainty information for memory management can be leveraged in the most effective manner and conflicting strategies are proposed to populate the memory. Are the easiest-to-forget or the easiest-to-remember samples more effective in combating CF? Starting from the intuition that predictive uncertainty provides an idea of the samples' location in the decision space, this work presents an in-depth analysis of different uncertainty estimates and strategies for populating the memory. The investigation provides a better understanding of the characteristics data points should have for alleviating CF. Then, we propose an alternative method for estimating predictive uncertainty via the generalised variance induced by the negative log-likelihood. Finally, we demonstrate that the use of predictive uncertainty measures helps in reducing CF in different settings.

new Feasibility Study on Active Learning of Smart Surrogates for Scientific Simulations

Authors: Pradeep Bajracharya, Javier Quetzalc\'oatl Toledo-Mar\'in, Geoffrey Fox, Shantenu Jha, Linwei Wang

Abstract: High-performance scientific simulations, important for comprehension of complex systems, encounter computational challenges especially when exploring extensive parameter spaces. There has been an increasing interest in developing deep neural networks (DNNs) as surrogate models capable of accelerating the simulations. However, existing approaches for training these DNN surrogates rely on extensive simulation data which are heuristically selected and generated with expensive computation -- a challenge under-explored in the literature. In this paper, we investigate the potential of incorporating active learning into DNN surrogate training. This allows intelligent and objective selection of training simulations, reducing the need to generate extensive simulation data as well as the dependency of the performance of DNN surrogates on pre-defined training simulations. In the problem context of constructing DNN surrogates for diffusion equations with sources, we examine the efficacy of diversity- and uncertainty-based strategies for selecting training simulations, considering two different DNN architecture. The results set the groundwork for developing the high-performance computing infrastructure for Smart Surrogates that supports on-the-fly generation of simulation data steered by active learning strategies to potentially improve the efficiency of scientific simulations.

new Deep-Graph-Sprints: Accelerated Representation Learning in Continuous-Time Dynamic Graphs

Authors: Ahmad Naser Eddin, Jacopo Bono, David Apar\'icio, Hugo Ferreira, Pedro Ribeiro, Pedro Bizarro

Abstract: Continuous-time dynamic graphs (CTDGs) are essential for modeling interconnected, evolving systems. Traditional methods for extracting knowledge from these graphs often depend on feature engineering or deep learning. Feature engineering is limited by the manual and time-intensive nature of crafting features, while deep learning approaches suffer from high inference latency, making them impractical for real-time applications. This paper introduces Deep-Graph-Sprints (DGS), a novel deep learning architecture designed for efficient representation learning on CTDGs with low-latency inference requirements. We benchmark DGS against state-of-the-art feature engineering and graph neural network methods using five diverse datasets. The results indicate that DGS achieves competitive performance while improving inference speed up to 12x compared to other deep learning approaches on our tested benchmarks. Our method effectively bridges the gap between deep representation learning and low-latency application requirements for CTDGs.

new Fine-Tuning Large Language Models with User-Level Differential Privacy

Authors: Zachary Charles, Arun Ganesh, Ryan McKenna, H. Brendan McMahan, Nicole Mitchell, Krishna Pillutla, Keith Rush

Abstract: We investigate practical and scalable algorithms for training large language models (LLMs) with user-level differential privacy (DP) in order to provably safeguard all the examples contributed by each user. We study two variants of DP-SGD with: (1) example-level sampling (ELS) and per-example gradient clipping, and (2) user-level sampling (ULS) and per-user gradient clipping. We derive a novel user-level DP accountant that allows us to compute provably tight privacy guarantees for ELS. Using this, we show that while ELS can outperform ULS in specific settings, ULS generally yields better results when each user has a diverse collection of examples. We validate our findings through experiments in synthetic mean estimation and LLM fine-tuning tasks under fixed compute budgets. We find that ULS is significantly better in settings where either (1) strong privacy guarantees are required, or (2) the compute budget is large. Notably, our focus on LLM-compatible training algorithms allows us to scale to models with hundreds of millions of parameters and datasets with hundreds of thousands of users.

new Ramsey Theorems for Trees and a General 'Private Learning Implies Online Learning' Theorem

Authors: Simone Fioravanti, Steve Hanneke, Shay Moran, Hilla Schefler, Iska Tsubari

Abstract: This work continues to investigate the link between differentially private (DP) and online learning. Alon, Livni, Malliaris, and Moran (2019) showed that for binary concept classes, DP learnability of a given class implies that it has a finite Littlestone dimension (equivalently, that it is online learnable). Their proof relies on a model-theoretic result by Hodges (1997), which demonstrates that any binary concept class with a large Littlestone dimension contains a large subclass of thresholds. In a follow-up work, Jung, Kim, and Tewari (2020) extended this proof to multiclass PAC learning with a bounded number of labels. Unfortunately, Hodges's result does not apply in other natural settings such as multiclass PAC learning with an unbounded label space, and PAC learning of partial concept classes. This naturally raises the question of whether DP learnability continues to imply online learnability in more general scenarios: indeed, Alon, Hanneke, Holzman, and Moran (2021) explicitly leave it as an open question in the context of partial concept classes, and the same question is open in the general multiclass setting. In this work, we give a positive answer to these questions showing that for general classification tasks, DP learnability implies online learnability. Our proof reasons directly about Littlestone trees, without relying on thresholds. We achieve this by establishing several Ramsey-type theorems for trees, which might be of independent interest.

new Reinforcement Learning of Adaptive Acquisition Policies for Inverse Problems

Authors: Gianluigi Silvestri, Fabio Valerio Massoli, Tribhuvanesh Orekondy, Afshin Abdi, Arash Behboodi

Abstract: A promising way to mitigate the expensive process of obtaining a high-dimensional signal is to acquire a limited number of low-dimensional measurements and solve an under-determined inverse problem by utilizing the structural prior about the signal. In this paper, we focus on adaptive acquisition schemes to save further the number of measurements. To this end, we propose a reinforcement learning-based approach that sequentially collects measurements to better recover the underlying signal by acquiring fewer measurements. Our approach applies to general inverse problems with continuous action spaces and jointly learns the recovery algorithm. Using insights obtained from theoretical analysis, we also provide a probabilistic design for our methods using variational formulation. We evaluate our approach on multiple datasets and with two measurement spaces (Gaussian, Radon). Our results confirm the benefits of adaptive strategies in low-acquisition horizon settings.

new ROSA: Random Subspace Adaptation for Efficient Fine-Tuning

Authors: Marawan Gamal Abdel Hameed, Aristides Milios, Siva Reddy, Guillaume Rabusseau

Abstract: Model training requires significantly more memory, compared with inference. Parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods provide a means of adapting large models to downstream tasks using less memory. However, existing methods such as adapters, prompt tuning or low-rank adaptation (LoRA) either introduce latency overhead at inference time or achieve subpar downstream performance compared with full fine-tuning. In this work we propose Random Subspace Adaptation (ROSA), a method that outperforms previous PEFT methods by a significant margin, while maintaining a zero latency overhead during inference time. In contrast to previous methods, ROSA is able to adapt subspaces of arbitrarily large dimension, better approximating full-finetuning. We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that this makes ROSA strictly more expressive than LoRA, without consuming additional memory during runtime. As PEFT methods are especially useful in the natural language processing domain, where models operate on scales that make full fine-tuning very expensive, we evaluate ROSA in two common NLP scenarios: natural language generation (NLG) and natural language understanding (NLU) with GPT-2 and RoBERTa, respectively. We show that on almost every GLUE task ROSA outperforms LoRA by a significant margin, while also outperforming LoRA on NLG tasks. Our code is available at


new Transformer Alignment in Large Language Models

Authors: Murdock Aubry, Haoming Meng, Anton Sugolov, Vardan Papyan

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant strides in natural language processing, and a precise understanding of the internal mechanisms driving their success is essential. We regard LLMs as transforming embeddings via a discrete, coupled, nonlinear, dynamical system in high dimensions. This perspective motivates tracing the trajectories of individual tokens as they pass through transformer blocks, and linearizing the system along these trajectories through their Jacobian matrices. In our analysis of 38 openly available LLMs, we uncover the alignment of top left and right singular vectors of Residual Jacobians, as well as the emergence of linearity and layer-wise exponential growth. Notably, we discover that increased alignment $\textit{positively correlates}$ with model performance. Metrics evaluated post-training show significant improvement in comparison to measurements made with randomly initialized weights, highlighting the significant effects of training in transformers. These findings reveal a remarkable level of regularity that has previously been overlooked, reinforcing the dynamical interpretation and paving the way for deeper understanding and optimization of LLM architectures.

new The Misclassification Likelihood Matrix: Some Classes Are More Likely To Be Misclassified Than Others

Authors: Daniel Sikar, Artur Garcez, Robin Bloomfield, Tillman Weyde, Kaleem Peeroo, Naman Singh, Maeve Hutchinson, Mirela Reljan-Delaney

Abstract: This study introduces the Misclassification Likelihood Matrix (MLM) as a novel tool for quantifying the reliability of neural network predictions under distribution shifts. The MLM is obtained by leveraging softmax outputs and clustering techniques to measure the distances between the predictions of a trained neural network and class centroids. By analyzing these distances, the MLM provides a comprehensive view of the model's misclassification tendencies, enabling decision-makers to identify the most common and critical sources of errors. The MLM allows for the prioritization of model improvements and the establishment of decision thresholds based on acceptable risk levels. The approach is evaluated on the MNIST dataset using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a perturbed version of the dataset to simulate distribution shifts. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the MLM in assessing the reliability of predictions and highlight its potential in enhancing the interpretability and risk mitigation capabilities of neural networks. The implications of this work extend beyond image classification, with ongoing applications in autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars, to improve the safety and reliability of decision-making in complex, real-world environments.

new When to Accept Automated Predictions and When to Defer to Human Judgment?

Authors: Daniel Sikar, Artur Garcez, Tillman Weyde, Robin Bloomfield, Kaleem Peeroo

Abstract: Ensuring the reliability and safety of automated decision-making is crucial. It is well-known that data distribution shifts in machine learning can produce unreliable outcomes. This paper proposes a new approach for measuring the reliability of predictions under distribution shifts. We analyze how the outputs of a trained neural network change using clustering to measure distances between outputs and class centroids. We propose this distance as a metric to evaluate the confidence of predictions under distribution shifts. We assign each prediction to a cluster with centroid representing the mean softmax output for all correct predictions of a given class. We then define a safety threshold for a class as the smallest distance from an incorrect prediction to the given class centroid. We evaluate the approach on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets using a Convolutional Neural Network and a Vision Transformer, respectively. The results show that our approach is consistent across these data sets and network models, and indicate that the proposed metric can offer an efficient way of determining when automated predictions are acceptable and when they should be deferred to human operators given a distribution shift.

new Estimating the stability number of a random graph using convolutional neural networks

Authors: Randy Davila

Abstract: Graph combinatorial optimization problems are widely applicable and notoriously difficult to compute; for example, consider the traveling salesman or facility location problems. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on graph images to predict the cardinality of combinatorial properties of random graphs and networks. Specifically, we use image representations of modified adjacency matrices of random graphs as training samples for a CNN model to predict the stability number of random graphs; where the stability number is the cardinality of a maximum set of vertices containing no pairwise adjacency. Our approach demonstrates the potential for applying deep learning in combinatorial optimization problems.

new Disentangled Representation Learning through Geometry Preservation with the Gromov-Monge Gap

Authors: Th\'eo Uscidda, Luca Eyring, Karsten Roth, Fabian Theis, Zeynep Akata, Marco Cuturi

Abstract: Learning disentangled representations in an unsupervised manner is a fundamental challenge in machine learning. Solving it may unlock other problems, such as generalization, interpretability, or fairness. While remarkably difficult to solve in general, recent works have shown that disentanglement is provably achievable under additional assumptions that can leverage geometrical constraints, such as local isometry. To use these insights, we propose a novel perspective on disentangled representation learning built on quadratic optimal transport. Specifically, we formulate the problem in the Gromov-Monge setting, which seeks isometric mappings between distributions supported on different spaces. We propose the Gromov-Monge-Gap (GMG), a regularizer that quantifies the geometry-preservation of an arbitrary push-forward map between two distributions supported on different spaces. We demonstrate the effectiveness of GMG regularization for disentanglement on four standard benchmarks. Moreover, we show that geometry preservation can even encourage unsupervised disentanglement without the standard reconstruction objective - making the underlying model decoder-free, and promising a more practically viable and scalable perspective on unsupervised disentanglement.

new Uncovering Layer-Dependent Activation Sparsity Patterns in ReLU Transformers

Authors: Cody Wild, Jesper Anderson

Abstract: Previous work has demonstrated that MLPs within ReLU Transformers exhibit high levels of sparsity, with many of their activations equal to zero for any given token. We build on that work to more deeply explore how token-level sparsity evolves over the course of training, and how it connects to broader sparsity patterns over the course of a sequence or batch, demonstrating that the different layers within small transformers exhibit distinctly layer-specific patterns on both of these fronts. In particular, we demonstrate that the first and last layer of the network have distinctive and in many ways inverted relationships to sparsity, and explore implications for the structure of feature representations being learned at different depths of the model. We additionally explore the phenomenon of ReLU dimensions "turning off", and show evidence suggesting that "neuron death" is being primarily driven by the dynamics of training, rather than simply occurring randomly or accidentally as a result of outliers.

new OpenDiLoCo: An Open-Source Framework for Globally Distributed Low-Communication Training

Authors: Sami Jaghouar, Jack Min Ong, Johannes Hagemann

Abstract: OpenDiLoCo is an open-source implementation and replication of the Distributed Low-Communication (DiLoCo) training method for large language models. We provide a reproducible implementation of the DiLoCo experiments, offering it within a scalable, decentralized training framework using the Hivemind library. We demonstrate its effectiveness by training a model across two continents and three countries, while maintaining 90-95% compute utilization. Additionally, we conduct ablations studies focusing on the algorithm's compute efficiency, scalability in the number of workers and show that its gradients can be all-reduced using FP16 without any performance degradation. Furthermore, we scale OpenDiLoCo to 3x the size of the original work, demonstrating its effectiveness for billion parameter models.

new FACTS About Building Retrieval Augmented Generation-based Chatbots

Authors: Rama Akkiraju, Anbang Xu, Deepak Bora, Tan Yu, Lu An, Vishal Seth, Aaditya Shukla, Pritam Gundecha, Hridhay Mehta, Ashwin Jha, Prithvi Raj, Abhinav Balasubramanian, Murali Maram, Guru Muthusamy, Shivakesh Reddy Annepally, Sidney Knowles, Min Du, Nick Burnett, Sean Javiya, Ashok Marannan, Mamta Kumari, Surbhi Jha, Ethan Dereszenski, Anupam Chakraborty, Subhash Ranjan, Amina Terfai, Anoop Surya, Tracey Mercer, Vinodh Kumar Thanigachalam, Tamar Bar, Sanjana Krishnan, Samy Kilaru, Jasmine Jaksic, Nave Algarici, Jacob Liberman, Joey Conway, Sonu Nayyar, Justin Boitano

Abstract: Enterprise chatbots, powered by generative AI, are emerging as key applications to enhance employee productivity. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), Large Language Models (LLMs), and orchestration frameworks like Langchain and Llamaindex are crucial for building these chatbots. However, creating effective enterprise chatbots is challenging and requires meticulous RAG pipeline engineering. This includes fine-tuning embeddings and LLMs, extracting documents from vector databases, rephrasing queries, reranking results, designing prompts, honoring document access controls, providing concise responses, including references, safeguarding personal information, and building orchestration agents. We present a framework for building RAG-based chatbots based on our experience with three NVIDIA chatbots: for IT/HR benefits, financial earnings, and general content. Our contributions are three-fold: introducing the FACTS framework (Freshness, Architectures, Cost, Testing, Security), presenting fifteen RAG pipeline control points, and providing empirical results on accuracy-latency tradeoffs between large and small LLMs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper of its kind that provides a holistic view of the factors as well as solutions for building secure enterprise-grade chatbots."

new Dynamical Measure Transport and Neural PDE Solvers for Sampling

Authors: Jingtong Sun, Julius Berner, Lorenz Richter, Marius Zeinhofer, Johannes M\"uller, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Anima Anandkumar

Abstract: The task of sampling from a probability density can be approached as transporting a tractable density function to the target, known as dynamical measure transport. In this work, we tackle it through a principled unified framework using deterministic or stochastic evolutions described by partial differential equations (PDEs). This framework incorporates prior trajectory-based sampling methods, such as diffusion models or Schr\"odinger bridges, without relying on the concept of time-reversals. Moreover, it allows us to propose novel numerical methods for solving the transport task and thus sampling from complicated targets without the need for the normalization constant or data samples. We employ physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to approximate the respective PDE solutions, implying both conceptional and computational advantages. In particular, PINNs allow for simulation- and discretization-free optimization and can be trained very efficiently, leading to significantly better mode coverage in the sampling task compared to alternative methods. Moreover, they can readily be fine-tuned with Gauss-Newton methods to achieve high accuracy in sampling.

new Toto: Time Series Optimized Transformer for Observability

Authors: Ben Cohen, Emaad Khwaja, Kan Wang, Charles Masson, Elise Ram\'e, Youssef Doubli, Othmane Abou-Amal

Abstract: This technical report describes the Time Series Optimized Transformer for Observability (Toto), a new state of the art foundation model for time series forecasting developed by Datadog. In addition to advancing the state of the art on generalized time series benchmarks in domains such as electricity and weather, this model is the first general-purpose time series forecasting foundation model to be specifically tuned for observability metrics. Toto was trained on a dataset of one trillion time series data points, the largest among all currently published time series foundation models. Alongside publicly available time series datasets, 75% of the data used to train Toto consists of fully anonymous numerical metric data points from the Datadog platform. In our experiments, Toto outperforms existing time series foundation models on observability data. It does this while also excelling at general-purpose forecasting tasks, achieving state-of-the-art zero-shot performance on multiple open benchmark datasets.

new Towards Robust Alignment of Language Models: Distributionally Robustifying Direct Preference Optimization

Authors: Junkang Wu, Yuexiang Xie, Zhengyi Yang, Jiancan Wu, Jiawei Chen, Jinyang Gao, Bolin Ding, Xiang Wang, Xiangnan He

Abstract: This study addresses the challenge of noise in training datasets for Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), a method for aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with human preferences. We categorize noise into pointwise noise, which includes low-quality data points, and pairwise noise, which encompasses erroneous data pair associations that affect preference rankings. Utilizing Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO), we enhance DPO's resilience to these types of noise. Our theoretical insights reveal that DPO inherently embeds DRO principles, conferring robustness to pointwise noise, with the regularization coefficient $\beta$ playing a critical role in its noise resistance. Extending this framework, we introduce Distributionally Robustifying DPO (Dr. DPO), which integrates pairwise robustness by optimizing against worst-case pairwise scenarios. The novel hyperparameter $\beta'$ in Dr. DPO allows for fine-tuned control over data pair reliability, providing a strategic balance between exploration and exploitation in noisy training environments. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that Dr. DPO substantially improves the quality of generated text and response accuracy in preference datasets, showcasing enhanced performance in both noisy and noise-free settings. The code is available at


cross ITER: Iterative Neural Repair for Multi-Location Patches

Authors: He Ye, Martin Monperrus

Abstract: Automated program repair (APR) has achieved promising results, especially using neural networks. Yet, the overwhelming majority of patches produced by APR tools are confined to one single location. When looking at the patches produced with neural repair, most of them fail to compile, while a few uncompilable ones go in the right direction. In both cases, the fundamental problem is to ignore the potential of partial patches. In this paper, we propose an iterative program repair paradigm called ITER founded on the concept of improving partial patches until they become plausible and correct. First, ITER iteratively improves partial single-location patches by fixing compilation errors and further refining the previously generated code. Second, ITER iteratively improves partial patches to construct multi-location patches, with fault localization re-execution. ITER is implemented for Java based on battle-proven deep neural networks and code representation. ITER is evaluated on 476 bugs from 10 open-source projects in Defects4J 2.0. ITER succeeds in repairing 15.5% of them, including 9 uniquely repaired multi-location bugs.

cross Spectral Toolkit of Algorithms for Graphs: Technical Report (2)

Authors: Peter Macgregor, He Sun

Abstract: Spectral Toolkit of Algorithms for Graphs (STAG) is an open-source library for efficient graph algorithms. This technical report presents the newly implemented component on locality sensitive hashing, kernel density estimation, and fast spectral clustering. The report includes a user's guide to the newly implemented algorithms, experiments and demonstrations of the new functionality, and several technical considerations behind our development.

cross Nash CoT: Multi-Path Inference with Preference Equilibrium

Authors: Ziqi Zhang, Cunxiang Wang, Xiong Xiao, Yue Zhang, Donglin Wang

Abstract: Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting has emerged as a powerful technique for enhancing the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) on complex problems. Among CoT-related studies, self-consistency (Multi-path inference with answer filtering through voting) involves generating multiple reasoning paths using the CoT framework and then selecting the most frequently produced outputs standing out as a concise yet competitive approach. While self-consistency has indeed led to the improvements in LLM inference, the use of multi-path inference also escalates deployment costs. Therefore, maintaining the performance benefits of self-consistency inherited from multi-path inference while reducing the inference costs holds significant value. In this research, we conceptualize language decoding as a preference consensus game, constructing a bi-player gaming system within each local path, and introduce Nash Chain-of-Thought (Nash CoT). Specifically, for a given question, we leverage LLM to autonomously select the contextually relevant template and generate outputs guided by this template, aiming to reach Nash Equilibrium alongside normal generation in each path. This approach allows us to achieve comparable or improved performance compared to self-consistency while using fewer inference paths on various inference tasks, including Arabic reasoning, Commonsense Question answering, and Symbolic inference.

cross Diffusion Model-Based Video Editing: A Survey

Authors: Wenhao Sun, Rong-Cheng Tu, Jingyi Liao, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: The rapid development of diffusion models (DMs) has significantly advanced image and video applications, making "what you want is what you see" a reality. Among these, video editing has gained substantial attention and seen a swift rise in research activity, necessitating a comprehensive and systematic review of the existing literature. This paper reviews diffusion model-based video editing techniques, including theoretical foundations and practical applications. We begin by overviewing the mathematical formulation and image domain's key methods. Subsequently, we categorize video editing approaches by the inherent connections of their core technologies, depicting evolutionary trajectory. This paper also dives into novel applications, including point-based editing and pose-guided human video editing. Additionally, we present a comprehensive comparison using our newly introduced V2VBench. Building on the progress achieved to date, the paper concludes with ongoing challenges and potential directions for future research.

cross FedClust: Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning through Weight-Driven Client Clustering

Authors: Md Sirajul Islam, Simin Javaherian, Fei Xu, Xu Yuan, Li Chen, Nian-Feng Tzeng

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is an emerging distributed machine learning paradigm that enables collaborative training of machine learning models over decentralized devices without exposing their local data. One of the major challenges in FL is the presence of uneven data distributions across client devices, violating the well-known assumption of independent-and-identically-distributed (IID) training samples in conventional machine learning. To address the performance degradation issue incurred by such data heterogeneity, clustered federated learning (CFL) shows its promise by grouping clients into separate learning clusters based on the similarity of their local data distributions. However, state-of-the-art CFL approaches require a large number of communication rounds to learn the distribution similarities during training until the formation of clusters is stabilized. Moreover, some of these algorithms heavily rely on a predefined number of clusters, thus limiting their flexibility and adaptability. In this paper, we propose {\em FedClust}, a novel approach for CFL that leverages the correlation between local model weights and the data distribution of clients. {\em FedClust} groups clients into clusters in a one-shot manner by measuring the similarity degrees among clients based on the strategically selected partial weights of locally trained models. We conduct extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets with different non-IID data settings. Experimental results demonstrate that {\em FedClust} achieves higher model accuracy up to $\sim$45\% as well as faster convergence with a significantly reduced communication cost up to 2.7$\times$ compared to its state-of-the-art counterparts.

cross Neuromimetic metaplasticity for adaptive continual learning

Authors: Suhee Cho, Hyeonsu Lee, Seungdae Baek, Se-Bum Paik

Abstract: Conventional intelligent systems based on deep neural network (DNN) models encounter challenges in achieving human-like continual learning due to catastrophic forgetting. Here, we propose a metaplasticity model inspired by human working memory, enabling DNNs to perform catastrophic forgetting-free continual learning without any pre- or post-processing. A key aspect of our approach involves implementing distinct types of synapses from stable to flexible, and randomly intermixing them to train synaptic connections with different degrees of flexibility. This strategy allowed the network to successfully learn a continuous stream of information, even under unexpected changes in input length. The model achieved a balanced tradeoff between memory capacity and performance without requiring additional training or structural modifications, dynamically allocating memory resources to retain both old and new information. Furthermore, the model demonstrated robustness against data poisoning attacks by selectively filtering out erroneous memories, leveraging the Hebb repetition effect to reinforce the retention of significant data.

cross Improving Out-of-Distribution Detection by Combining Existing Post-hoc Methods

Authors: Paul Novello, Yannick Prudent, Joseba Dalmau, Corentin Friedrich, Yann Pequignot

Abstract: Since the seminal paper of Hendrycks et al. arXiv:1610.02136, Post-hoc deep Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection has expanded rapidly. As a result, practitioners working on safety-critical applications and seeking to improve the robustness of a neural network now have a plethora of methods to choose from. However, no method outperforms every other on every dataset arXiv:2210.07242, so the current best practice is to test all the methods on the datasets at hand. This paper shifts focus from developing new methods to effectively combining existing ones to enhance OOD detection. We propose and compare four different strategies for integrating multiple detection scores into a unified OOD detector, based on techniques such as majority vote, empirical and copulas-based Cumulative Distribution Function modeling, and multivariate quantiles based on optimal transport. We extend common OOD evaluation metrics -- like AUROC and FPR at fixed TPR rates -- to these multi-dimensional OOD detectors, allowing us to evaluate them and compare them with individual methods on extensive benchmarks. Furthermore, we propose a series of guidelines to choose what OOD detectors to combine in more realistic settings, i.e. in the absence of known OOD data, relying on principles drawn from Outlier Exposure arXiv:1812.04606. The code is available at


cross TrackFormers: In Search of Transformer-Based Particle Tracking for the High-Luminosity LHC Era

Authors: Sascha Caron, Nadezhda Dobreva, Antonio Ferrer S\'anchez, Jos\'e D. Mart\'in-Guerrero, Uraz Odyurt, Roberto Ruiz de Austri Bazan, Zef Wolffs, Yue Zhao

Abstract: High-Energy Physics experiments are facing a multi-fold data increase with every new iteration. This is certainly the case for the upcoming High-Luminosity LHC upgrade. Such increased data processing requirements forces revisions to almost every step of the data processing pipeline. One such step in need of an overhaul is the task of particle track reconstruction, a.k.a., tracking. A Machine Learning-assisted solution is expected to provide significant improvements, since the most time-consuming step in tracking is the assignment of hits to particles or track candidates. This is the topic of this paper. We take inspiration from large language models. As such, we consider two approaches: the prediction of the next word in a sentence (next hit point in a track), as well as the one-shot prediction of all hits within an event. In an extensive design effort, we have experimented with three models based on the Transformer architecture and one model based on the U-Net architecture, performing track association predictions for collision event hit points. In our evaluation, we consider a spectrum of simple to complex representations of the problem, eliminating designs with lower metrics early on. We report extensive results, covering both prediction accuracy (score) and computational performance. We have made use of the REDVID simulation framework, as well as reductions applied to the TrackML data set, to compose five data sets from simple to complex, for our experiments. The results highlight distinct advantages among different designs in terms of prediction accuracy and computational performance, demonstrating the efficiency of our methodology. Most importantly, the results show the viability of a one-shot encoder-classifier based Transformer solution as a practical approach for the task of tracking.

cross Weak baselines and reporting biases lead to overoptimism in machine learning for fluid-related partial differential equations

Authors: Nick McGreivy, Ammar Hakim

Abstract: One of the most promising applications of machine learning (ML) in computational physics is to accelerate the solution of partial differential equations (PDEs). The key objective of ML-based PDE solvers is to output a sufficiently accurate solution faster than standard numerical methods, which are used as a baseline comparison. We first perform a systematic review of the ML-for-PDE solving literature. Of articles that use ML to solve a fluid-related PDE and claim to outperform a standard numerical method, we determine that 79% (60/76) compare to a weak baseline. Second, we find evidence that reporting biases, especially outcome reporting bias and publication bias, are widespread. We conclude that ML-for-PDE solving research is overoptimistic: weak baselines lead to overly positive results, while reporting biases lead to underreporting of negative results. To a large extent, these issues appear to be caused by factors similar to those of past reproducibility crises: researcher degrees of freedom and a bias towards positive results. We call for bottom-up cultural changes to minimize biased reporting as well as top-down structural reforms intended to reduce perverse incentives for doing so.

cross Speech After Gender: A Trans-Feminine Perspective on Next Steps for Speech Science and Technology

Authors: Robin Netzorg, Alyssa Cote, Sumi Koshin, Klo Vivienne Garoute, Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli

Abstract: As experts in voice modification, trans-feminine gender-affirming voice teachers have unique perspectives on voice that confound current understandings of speaker identity. To demonstrate this, we present the Versatile Voice Dataset (VVD), a collection of three speakers modifying their voices along gendered axes. The VVD illustrates that current approaches in speaker modeling, based on categorical notions of gender and a static understanding of vocal texture, fail to account for the flexibility of the vocal tract. Utilizing publicly-available speaker embeddings, we demonstrate that gender classification systems are highly sensitive to voice modification, and speaker verification systems fail to identify voices as coming from the same speaker as voice modification becomes more drastic. As one path towards moving beyond categorical and static notions of speaker identity, we propose modeling individual qualities of vocal texture such as pitch, resonance, and weight.

cross The Quantum Imitation Game: Reverse Engineering of Quantum Machine Learning Models

Authors: Archisman Ghosh, Swaroop Ghosh

Abstract: Quantum Machine Learning (QML) amalgamates quantum computing paradigms with machine learning models, providing significant prospects for solving complex problems. However, with the expansion of numerous third-party vendors in the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era of quantum computing, the security of QML models is of prime importance, particularly against reverse engineering, which could expose trained parameters and algorithms of the models. We assume the untrusted quantum cloud provider is an adversary having white-box access to the transpiled user-designed trained QML model during inference. Reverse engineering (RE) to extract the pre-transpiled QML circuit will enable re-transpilation and usage of the model for various hardware with completely different native gate sets and even different qubit technology. Such flexibility may not be obtained from the transpiled circuit which is tied to a particular hardware and qubit technology. The information about the number of parameters, and optimized values can allow further training of the QML model to alter the QML model, tamper with the watermark, and/or embed their own watermark or refine the model for other purposes. In this first effort to investigate the RE of QML circuits, we perform RE and compare the training accuracy of original and reverse-engineered Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs) of various sizes. We note that multi-qubit classifiers can be reverse-engineered under specific conditions with a mean error of order 1e-2 in a reasonable time. We also propose adding dummy fixed parametric gates in the QML models to increase the RE overhead for defense. For instance, adding 2 dummy qubits and 2 layers increases the overhead by ~1.76 times for a classifier with 2 qubits and 3 layers with a performance overhead of less than 9%. We note that RE is a very powerful attack model which warrants further efforts on defenses.

cross Identification of emotions on Twitter during the 2022 electoral process in Colombia

Authors: Juan Jose Iguaran Fernandez, Juan Manuel Perez, German Rosati

Abstract: The study of Twitter as a means for analyzing social phenomena has gained interest in recent years due to the availability of large amounts of data in a relatively spontaneous environment. Within opinion-mining tasks, emotion detection is specially relevant, as it allows for the identification of people's subjective responses to different social events in a more granular way than traditional sentiment analysis based on polarity. In the particular case of political events, the analysis of emotions in social networks can provide valuable information on the perception of candidates, proposals, and other important aspects of the public debate. In spite of this importance, there are few studies on emotion detection in Spanish and, to the best of our knowledge, few resources are public for opinion mining in Colombian Spanish, highlighting the need for generating resources addressing the specific cultural characteristics of this variety. In this work, we present a small corpus of tweets in Spanish related to the 2022 Colombian presidential elections, manually labeled with emotions using a fine-grained taxonomy. We perform classification experiments using supervised state-of-the-art models (BERT models) and compare them with GPT-3.5 in few-shot learning settings. We make our dataset and code publicly available for research purposes.

cross Remastering Divide and Remaster: A Cinematic Audio Source Separation Dataset with Multilingual Support

Authors: Karn N. Watcharasupat, Chih-Wei Wu, Iroro Orife

Abstract: Cinematic audio source separation (CASS) is a relatively new subtask of audio source separation, concerned with the separation of a mixture into the dialogue, music, and effects stems. To date, only one publicly available dataset exists for CASS, that is, the Divide and Remaster (DnR) dataset, which is currently at version 2. While DnR v2 has been an incredibly useful resource for CASS, several areas of improvement have been identified, particularly through its use in the 2023 Sound Demixing Challenge. In this work, we develop version 3 of the DnR dataset, addressing issues relating to vocal content in non-dialogue stems, loudness distributions, mastering process, and linguistic diversity. In particular, the dialogue stem of DnR v3 includes speech content from more than 30 languages from multiple families including but not limited to the Germanic, Romance, Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, Malayo-Polynesian, and Bantu families. Benchmark results using the Bandit model indicated that training on multilingual data yields significant generalizability to the model even in languages with low data availability. Even in languages with high data availability, the multilingual model often performs on par or better than dedicated models trained on monolingual CASS datasets.

cross Analyzing Machine Learning Performance in a Hybrid Quantum Computing and HPC Environment

Authors: Samuel T. Bieberich, Michael A. Sandoval

Abstract: We explored the possible benefits of integrating quantum simulators in a "hybrid" quantum machine learning (QML) workflow that uses both classical and quantum computations in a high-performance computing (HPC) environment. Here, we used two Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility HPC systems, Andes (a commodity-type Linux cluster) and Frontier (an HPE Cray EX supercomputer), along with quantum computing simulators from PennyLane and IBMQ to evaluate a hybrid QML program -- using a "ground up" approach. Using 1 GPU on Frontier, we found ~56% and ~77% speedups when compared to using Frontier's CPU and a local, non-HPC system, respectively. Analyzing performance on a larger dataset using multiple threads, the Frontier GPUs performed ~92% and ~48% faster than the Andes and Frontier CPUs, respectively. More impressively, this is a ~226% speedup over a local, non-HPC system's runtime using the same simulator and number of threads. We hope that this proof of concept will motivate more intensive hybrid QC/HPC scaling studies in the future.

cross Towards Complete Causal Explanation with Expert Knowledge

Authors: Aparajithan Venkateswaran, Emilija Perkovic

Abstract: We study the problem of restricting Markov equivalence classes of maximal ancestral graphs (MAGs) containing certain edge marks, which we refer to as expert knowledge. MAGs forming a Markov equivalence class can be uniquely represented by an essential ancestral graph. We seek to learn the restriction of the essential ancestral graph containing the proposed expert knowledge. Our contributions are several-fold. First, we prove certain properties for the entire Markov equivalence class including a conjecture from Ali et al. (2009). Second, we present three sound graphical orientation rules, two of which generalize previously known rules, for adding expert knowledge to an essential graph. We also show that some orientation rules of Zhang (2008) are not needed for restricting the Markov equivalence class with expert knowledge. We provide an algorithm for including this expert knowledge and show that our algorithm is complete in certain settings i.e., in these settings, the output of our algorithm is a restricted essential ancestral graph. We conjecture this algorithm is complete generally. Outside of our specified settings, we provide an algorithm for checking whether a graph is a restricted essential graph and discuss its runtime. This work can be seen as a generalization of Meek (1995).

cross Long-Term Fairness in Sequential Multi-Agent Selection with Positive Reinforcement

Authors: Bhagyashree Puranik, Ozgur Guldogan, Upamanyu Madhow, Ramtin Pedarsani

Abstract: While much of the rapidly growing literature on fair decision-making focuses on metrics for one-shot decisions, recent work has raised the intriguing possibility of designing sequential decision-making to positively impact long-term social fairness. In selection processes such as college admissions or hiring, biasing slightly towards applicants from under-represented groups is hypothesized to provide positive feedback that increases the pool of under-represented applicants in future selection rounds, thus enhancing fairness in the long term. In this paper, we examine this hypothesis and its consequences in a setting in which multiple agents are selecting from a common pool of applicants. We propose the Multi-agent Fair-Greedy policy, that balances greedy score maximization and fairness. Under this policy, we prove that the resource pool and the admissions converge to a long-term fairness target set by the agents when the score distributions across the groups in the population are identical. We provide empirical evidence of existence of equilibria under non-identical score distributions through synthetic and adapted real-world datasets. We then sound a cautionary note for more complex applicant pool evolution models, under which uncoordinated behavior by the agents can cause negative reinforcement, leading to a reduction in the fraction of under-represented applicants. Our results indicate that, while positive reinforcement is a promising mechanism for long-term fairness, policies must be designed carefully to be robust to variations in the evolution model, with a number of open issues that remain to be explored by algorithm designers, social scientists, and policymakers.

cross Towards a text-based quantitative and explainable histopathology image analysis

Authors: Anh Tien Nguyen, Trinh Thi Le Vuong, Jin Tae Kwak

Abstract: Recently, vision-language pre-trained models have emerged in computational pathology. Previous works generally focused on the alignment of image-text pairs via the contrastive pre-training paradigm. Such pre-trained models have been applied to pathology image classification in zero-shot learning or transfer learning fashion. Herein, we hypothesize that the pre-trained vision-language models can be utilized for quantitative histopathology image analysis through a simple image-to-text retrieval. To this end, we propose a Text-based Quantitative and Explainable histopathology image analysis, which we call TQx. Given a set of histopathology images, we adopt a pre-trained vision-language model to retrieve a word-of-interest pool. The retrieved words are then used to quantify the histopathology images and generate understandable feature embeddings due to the direct mapping to the text description. To evaluate the proposed method, the text-based embeddings of four histopathology image datasets are utilized to perform clustering and classification tasks. The results demonstrate that TQx is able to quantify and analyze histopathology images that are comparable to the prevalent visual models in computational pathology.

cross Characterizing Encrypted Application Traffic through Cellular Radio Interface Protocol

Authors: Md Ruman Islam (University of Nebraska Omaha), Raja Hasnain Anwar (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Spyridon Mastorakis (University of Notre Dame), Muhammad Taqi Raza (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Abstract: Modern applications are end-to-end encrypted to prevent data from being read or secretly modified. 5G tech nology provides ubiquitous access to these applications without compromising the application-specific performance and latency goals. In this paper, we empirically demonstrate that 5G radio communication becomes the side channel to precisely infer the user's applications in real-time. The key idea lies in observing the 5G physical and MAC layer interactions over time that reveal the application's behavior. The MAC layer receives the data from the application and requests the network to assign the radio resource blocks. The network assigns the radio resources as per application requirements, such as priority, Quality of Service (QoS) needs, amount of data to be transmitted, and buffer size. The adversary can passively observe the radio resources to fingerprint the applications. We empirically demonstrate this attack by considering four different categories of applications: online shopping, voice/video conferencing, video streaming, and Over-The-Top (OTT) media platforms. Finally, we have also demonstrated that an attacker can differentiate various types of applications in real-time within each category.

cross Data-driven Bayesian State Estimation with Compressed Measurement of Model-free Process using Semi-supervised Learning

Authors: Anubhab Ghosh, Yonina C. Eldar, Saikat Chatterjee

Abstract: The research topic is: data-driven Bayesian state estimation with compressed measurement (BSCM) of model-free process, say for a (causal) tracking application. The dimension of the temporal measurement vector is lower than the dimension of the temporal state vector to be estimated. Hence the state estimation problem is an underdetermined inverse problem. The state-space-model (SSM) of the underlying dynamical process is assumed to be unknown and hence, we use the terminology 'model-free process'. In absence of the SSM, we can not employ traditional model-driven methods like Kalman Filter (KF) and Particle Filter (PF) and instead require data-driven methods. We first experimentally show that two existing unsupervised learning-based data-driven methods fail to address the BSCM problem for model-free process; they are data-driven nonlinear state estimation (DANSE) method and deep Markov model (DMM) method. The unsupervised learning uses unlabelled data comprised of only noisy measurements. While DANSE provides a good predictive performance to model the temporal measurement data as time-series, its unsupervised learning lacks a regularization for state estimation. We then investigate use of a semi-supervised learning approach, and develop a semi-supervised learning-based DANSE method, referred to as SemiDANSE. In the semi-supervised learning, we use a limited amount of labelled data along-with a large amount of unlabelled data, and that helps to bring the desired regularization for BSCM problem in the absence of SSM. The labelled data means pairwise measurement-and-state data. Using three chaotic dynamical systems (or processes) with nonlinear SSMs as benchmark, we show that the data-driven SemiDANSE provides competitive performance for BSCM against three SSM-informed methods - a hybrid method called KalmanNet, and two traditional model-driven methods called extended KF and unscented KF.

cross Automatic Extraction of Disease Risk Factors from Medical Publications

Authors: Maxim Rubchinsky, Ella Rabinovich, Adi Shraibman, Netanel Golan, Tali Sahar, Dorit Shweiki

Abstract: We present a novel approach to automating the identification of risk factors for diseases from medical literature, leveraging pre-trained models in the bio-medical domain, while tuning them for the specific task. Faced with the challenges of the diverse and unstructured nature of medical articles, our study introduces a multi-step system to first identify relevant articles, then classify them based on the presence of risk factor discussions and, finally, extract specific risk factor information for a disease through a question-answering model. Our contributions include the development of a comprehensive pipeline for the automated extraction of risk factors and the compilation of several datasets, which can serve as valuable resources for further research in this area. These datasets encompass a wide range of diseases, as well as their associated risk factors, meticulously identified and validated through a fine-grained evaluation scheme. We conducted both automatic and thorough manual evaluation, demonstrating encouraging results. We also highlight the importance of improving models and expanding dataset comprehensiveness to keep pace with the rapidly evolving field of medical research.

cross Deep(er) Reconstruction of Imaging Cherenkov Detectors with Swin Transformers and Normalizing Flow Models

Authors: Cristiano Fanelli, James Giroux, Justin Stevens

Abstract: Imaging Cherenkov detectors are crucial for particle identification (PID) in nuclear and particle physics experiments. Fast reconstruction algorithms are essential for near real-time alignment, calibration, data quality control, and efficient analysis. At the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), the ePIC detector will feature a dual Ring Imaging Cherenkov (dual-RICH) detector in the hadron direction, a Detector of Internally Reflected Cherenkov (DIRC) in the barrel, and a proximity focus RICH in the electron direction. This paper focuses on the DIRC detector, which presents complex hit patterns and is also used for PID of pions and kaons in the GlueX experiment at JLab. We present Deep(er)RICH, an extension of the seminal DeepRICH work, offering improved and faster PID compared to traditional methods and, for the first time, fast and accurate simulation. This advancement addresses a major bottleneck in Cherenkov detector simulations involving photon tracking through complex optical elements. Our results leverage advancements in Vision Transformers, specifically hierarchical Swin Transformer and normalizing flows. These methods enable direct learning from real data and the reconstruction of complex topologies. We conclude by discussing the implications and future extensions of this work, which can offer capabilities for PID for multiple cutting-edge experiments like the future EIC.

cross Malicious Path Manipulations via Exploitation of Representation Vulnerabilities of Vision-Language Navigation Systems

Authors: Chashi Mahiul Islam, Shaeke Salman, Montasir Shams, Xiuwen Liu, Piyush Kumar

Abstract: Building on the unprecedented capabilities of large language models for command understanding and zero-shot recognition of multi-modal vision-language transformers, visual language navigation (VLN) has emerged as an effective way to address multiple fundamental challenges toward a natural language interface to robot navigation. However, such vision-language models are inherently vulnerable due to the lack of semantic meaning of the underlying embedding space. Using a recently developed gradient based optimization procedure, we demonstrate that images can be modified imperceptibly to match the representation of totally different images and unrelated texts for a vision-language model. Building on this, we develop algorithms that can adversarially modify a minimal number of images so that the robot will follow a route of choice for commands that require a number of landmarks. We demonstrate that experimentally using a recently proposed VLN system; for a given navigation command, a robot can be made to follow drastically different routes. We also develop an efficient algorithm to detect such malicious modifications reliably based on the fact that the adversarially modified images have much higher sensitivity to added Gaussian noise than the original images.

cross Mutual Information calculation on different appearances

Authors: Jiecheng Liao, Junhao Lu, Jeff Ji, Jiacheng He

Abstract: Mutual information has many applications in image alignment and matching, mainly due to its ability to measure the statistical dependence between two images, even if the two images are from different modalities (e.g., CT and MRI). It considers not only the pixel intensities of the images but also the spatial relationships between the pixels. In this project, we apply the mutual information formula to image matching, where image A is the moving object and image B is the target object and calculate the mutual information between them to evaluate the similarity between the images. For comparison, we also used entropy and information-gain methods to test the dependency of the images. We also investigated the effect of different environments on the mutual information of the same image and used experiments and plots to demonstrate.

cross Using Low-Discrepancy Points for Data Compression in Machine Learning: An Experimental Comparison

Authors: Simone G\"ottlich, Jacob Heieck, Andreas Neuenkirch

Abstract: Low-discrepancy points (also called Quasi-Monte Carlo points) are deterministically and cleverly chosen point sets in the unit cube, which provide an approximation of the uniform distribution. We explore two methods based on such low-discrepancy points to reduce large data sets in order to train neural networks. The first one is the method of Dick and Feischl [4], which relies on digital nets and an averaging procedure. Motivated by our experimental findings, we construct a second method, which again uses digital nets, but Voronoi clustering instead of averaging. Both methods are compared to the supercompress approach of [14], which is a variant of the K-means clustering algorithm. The comparison is done in terms of the compression error for different objective functions and the accuracy of the training of a neural network.

cross Machine Learning Assisted Design of mmWave Wireless Transceiver Circuits

Authors: Xuzhe Zhao

Abstract: As fifth-generation (5G) and upcoming sixth-generation (6G) communications exhibit tremendous demands in providing high data throughput with a relatively low latency, millimeter-wave (mmWave) technologies manifest themselves as the key enabling components to achieve the envisioned performance and tasks. In this context, mmWave integrated circuits (IC) have attracted significant research interests over the past few decades, ranging from individual block design to complex system design. However, the highly nonlinear properties and intricate trade-offs involved render the design of analog or RF circuits a complicated process. The rapid evolution of fabrication technology also results in an increasingly long time allocated in the design process due to more stringent requirements. In this thesis, 28-GHz transceiver circuits are first investigated with detailed schematics and associated performance metrics. In this case, two target systems comprising heterogeneous individual blocks are selected and demonstrated on both the transmitter and receiver sides. Subsequently, some conventional and large-scale machine learning (ML) approaches are integrated into the design pipeline of the chosen systems to predict circuit parameters based on desired specifications, thereby circumventing the typical time-consuming iterations found in traditional methods. Finally, some potential research directions are discussed from the perspectives of circuit design and ML algorithms.

cross MAN TruckScenes: A multimodal dataset for autonomous trucking in diverse conditions

Authors: Felix Fent, Fabian Kuttenreich, Florian Ruch, Farija Rizwin, Stefan Juergens, Lorenz Lechermann, Christian Nissler, Andrea Perl, Ulrich Voll, Min Yan, Markus Lienkamp

Abstract: Autonomous trucking is a promising technology that can greatly impact modern logistics and the environment. Ensuring its safety on public roads is one of the main duties that requires an accurate perception of the environment. To achieve this, machine learning methods rely on large datasets, but to this day, no such datasets are available for autonomous trucks. In this work, we present MAN TruckScenes, the first multimodal dataset for autonomous trucking. MAN TruckScenes allows the research community to come into contact with truck-specific challenges, such as trailer occlusions, novel sensor perspectives, and terminal environments for the first time. It comprises more than 740 scenes of 20 s each within a multitude of different environmental conditions. The sensor set includes 4 cameras, 6 lidar, 6 radar sensors, 2 IMUs, and a high-precision GNSS. The dataset's 3D bounding boxes were manually annotated and carefully reviewed to achieve a high quality standard. Bounding boxes are available for 27 object classes, 15 attributes, and a range of more than 230 m. The scenes are tagged according to 34 distinct scene tags, and all objects are tracked throughout the scene to promote a wide range of applications. Additionally, MAN TruckScenes is the first dataset to provide 4D radar data with 360{\deg} coverage and is thereby the largest radar dataset with annotated 3D bounding boxes. Finally, we provide extensive dataset analysis and baseline results. The dataset, development kit and more are available online.

cross Fine-Grained Classification for Poisonous Fungi Identification with Transfer Learning

Authors: Christopher Chiu, Maximilian Heil, Teresa Kim, Anthony Miyaguchi

Abstract: FungiCLEF 2024 addresses the fine-grained visual categorization (FGVC) of fungi species, with a focus on identifying poisonous species. This task is challenging due to the size and class imbalance of the dataset, subtle inter-class variations, and significant intra-class variability amongst samples. In this paper, we document our approach in tackling this challenge through the use of ensemble classifier heads on pre-computed image embeddings. Our team (DS@GT) demonstrate that state-of-the-art self-supervised vision models can be utilized as robust feature extractors for downstream application of computer vision tasks without the need for task-specific fine-tuning on the vision backbone. Our approach achieved the best Track 3 score (0.345), accuracy (78.4%) and macro-F1 (0.577) on the private test set in post competition evaluation. Our code is available at


cross How Aligned are Different Alignment Metrics?

Authors: Jannis Ahlert, Thomas Klein, Felix Wichmann, Robert Geirhos

Abstract: In recent years, various methods and benchmarks have been proposed to empirically evaluate the alignment of artificial neural networks to human neural and behavioral data. But how aligned are different alignment metrics? To answer this question, we analyze visual data from Brain-Score (Schrimpf et al., 2018), including metrics from the model-vs-human toolbox (Geirhos et al., 2021), together with human feature alignment (Linsley et al., 2018; Fel et al., 2022) and human similarity judgements (Muttenthaler et al., 2022). We find that pairwise correlations between neural scores and behavioral scores are quite low and sometimes even negative. For instance, the average correlation between those 80 models on Brain-Score that were fully evaluated on all 69 alignment metrics we considered is only 0.198. Assuming that all of the employed metrics are sound, this implies that alignment with human perception may best be thought of as a multidimensional concept, with different methods measuring fundamentally different aspects. Our results underline the importance of integrative benchmarking, but also raise questions about how to correctly combine and aggregate individual metrics. Aggregating by taking the arithmetic average, as done in Brain-Score, leads to the overall performance currently being dominated by behavior (95.25% explained variance) while the neural predictivity plays a less important role (only 33.33% explained variance). As a first step towards making sure that different alignment metrics all contribute fairly towards an integrative benchmark score, we therefore conclude by comparing three different aggregation options.

cross Instrumentation and Analysis of Native ML Pipelines via Logical Query Plans

Authors: Stefan Grafberger

Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) is increasingly used to automate impactful decisions, which leads to concerns regarding their correctness, reliability, and fairness. We envision highly-automated software platforms to assist data scientists with developing, validating, monitoring, and analysing their ML pipelines. In contrast to existing work, our key idea is to extract "logical query plans" from ML pipeline code relying on popular libraries. Based on these plans, we automatically infer pipeline semantics and instrument and rewrite the ML pipelines to enable diverse use cases without requiring data scientists to manually annotate or rewrite their code. First, we developed such an abstract ML pipeline representation together with machinery to extract it from Python code. Next, we used this representation to efficiently instrument static ML pipelines and apply provenance tracking, which enables lightweight screening for common data preparation issues. Finally, we built machinery to automatically rewrite ML pipelines to perform more advanced what-if analyses and proposed using multi-query optimisation for the resulting workloads. In future work, we aim to interactively assist data scientists as they work on their ML pipelines.

cross Simplifying Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Object Detection: Effective Self-Training Strategies and Performance Insights

Authors: Yan Hao, Florent Forest, Olga Fink

Abstract: This paper focuses on source-free domain adaptation for object detection in computer vision. This task is challenging and of great practical interest, due to the cost of obtaining annotated data sets for every new domain. Recent research has proposed various solutions for Source-Free Object Detection (SFOD), most being variations of teacher-student architectures with diverse feature alignment, regularization and pseudo-label selection strategies. Our work investigates simpler approaches and their performance compared to more complex SFOD methods in several adaptation scenarios. We highlight the importance of batch normalization layers in the detector backbone, and show that adapting only the batch statistics is a strong baseline for SFOD. We propose a simple extension of a Mean Teacher with strong-weak augmentation in the source-free setting, Source-Free Unbiased Teacher (SF-UT), and show that it actually outperforms most of the previous SFOD methods. Additionally, we showcase that an even simpler strategy consisting in training on a fixed set of pseudo-labels can achieve similar performance to the more complex teacher-student mutual learning, while being computationally efficient and mitigating the major issue of teacher-student collapse. We conduct experiments on several adaptation tasks using benchmark driving datasets including (Foggy)Cityscapes, Sim10k and KITTI, and achieve a notable improvement of 4.7\% AP50 on Cityscapes$\rightarrow$Foggy-Cityscapes compared with the latest state-of-the-art in SFOD. Source code is available at


cross Targeted Augmented Data for Audio Deepfake Detection

Authors: Marcella Astrid, Enjie Ghorbel, Djamila Aouada

Abstract: The availability of highly convincing audio deepfake generators highlights the need for designing robust audio deepfake detectors. Existing works often rely solely on real and fake data available in the training set, which may lead to overfitting, thereby reducing the robustness to unseen manipulations. To enhance the generalization capabilities of audio deepfake detectors, we propose a novel augmentation method for generating audio pseudo-fakes targeting the decision boundary of the model. Inspired by adversarial attacks, we perturb original real data to synthesize pseudo-fakes with ambiguous prediction probabilities. Comprehensive experiments on two well-known architectures demonstrate that the proposed augmentation contributes to improving the generalization capabilities of these architectures.

cross MoVEInt: Mixture of Variational Experts for Learning Human-Robot Interactions from Demonstrations

Authors: Vignesh Prasad, Alap Kshirsagar, Dorothea Koert, Ruth Stock-Homburg, Jan Peters, Georgia Chalvatzaki

Abstract: Shared dynamics models are important for capturing the complexity and variability inherent in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Therefore, learning such shared dynamics models can enhance coordination and adaptability to enable successful reactive interactions with a human partner. In this work, we propose a novel approach for learning a shared latent space representation for HRIs from demonstrations in a Mixture of Experts fashion for reactively generating robot actions from human observations. We train a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) to learn robot motions regularized using an informative latent space prior that captures the multimodality of the human observations via a Mixture Density Network (MDN). We show how our formulation derives from a Gaussian Mixture Regression formulation that is typically used approaches for learning HRI from demonstrations such as using an HMM/GMM for learning a joint distribution over the actions of the human and the robot. We further incorporate an additional regularization to prevent "mode collapse", a common phenomenon when using latent space mixture models with VAEs. We find that our approach of using an informative MDN prior from human observations for a VAE generates more accurate robot motions compared to previous HMM-based or recurrent approaches of learning shared latent representations, which we validate on various HRI datasets involving interactions such as handshakes, fistbumps, waving, and handovers. Further experiments in a real-world human-to-robot handover scenario show the efficacy of our approach for generating successful interactions with four different human interaction partners.

cross Stochastic Gradient Descent for Two-layer Neural Networks

Authors: Dinghao Cao, Zheng-Chu Guo, Lei Shi

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive study on the convergence rates of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm when applied to overparameterized two-layer neural networks. Our approach combines the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) approximation with convergence analysis in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) generated by NTK, aiming to provide a deep understanding of the convergence behavior of SGD in overparameterized two-layer neural networks. Our research framework enables us to explore the intricate interplay between kernel methods and optimization processes, shedding light on the optimization dynamics and convergence properties of neural networks. In this study, we establish sharp convergence rates for the last iterate of the SGD algorithm in overparameterized two-layer neural networks. Additionally, we have made significant advancements in relaxing the constraints on the number of neurons, which have been reduced from exponential dependence to polynomial dependence on the sample size or number of iterations. This improvement allows for more flexibility in the design and scaling of neural networks, and will deepen our theoretical understanding of neural network models trained with SGD.

cross Towards Human-Like Driving: Active Inference in Autonomous Vehicle Control

Authors: Elahe Delavari, John Moore, Junho Hong, Jaerock Kwon

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach to Autonomous Vehicle (AV) control through the application of active inference, a theory derived from neuroscience that conceptualizes the brain as a predictive machine. Traditional autonomous driving systems rely heavily on Modular Pipelines, Imitation Learning, or Reinforcement Learning, each with inherent limitations in adaptability, generalization, and computational efficiency. Active inference addresses these challenges by minimizing prediction error (termed "surprise") through a dynamic model that balances perception and action. Our method integrates active inference with deep learning to manage lateral control in AVs, enabling them to perform lane following maneuvers within a simulated urban environment. We demonstrate that our model, despite its simplicity, effectively learns and generalizes from limited data without extensive retraining, significantly reducing computational demands. The proposed approach not only enhances the adaptability and performance of AVs in dynamic scenarios but also aligns closely with human-like driving behavior, leveraging a generative model to predict and adapt to environmental changes. Results from extensive experiments in the CARLA simulator show promising outcomes, outperforming traditional methods in terms of adaptability and efficiency, thereby advancing the potential of active inference in real-world autonomous driving applications.

cross Split Conformal Prediction under Data Contamination

Authors: Jase Clarkson, Wenkai Xu, Mihai Cucuringu, Gesine Reinert

Abstract: Conformal prediction is a non-parametric technique for constructing prediction intervals or sets from arbitrary predictive models under the assumption that the data is exchangeable. It is popular as it comes with theoretical guarantees on the marginal coverage of the prediction sets and the split conformal prediction variant has a very low computational cost compared to model training. We study the robustness of split conformal prediction in a data contamination setting, where we assume a small fraction of the calibration scores are drawn from a different distribution than the bulk. We quantify the impact of the corrupted data on the coverage and efficiency of the constructed sets when evaluated on "clean" test points, and verify our results with numerical experiments. Moreover, we propose an adjustment in the classification setting which we call Contamination Robust Conformal Prediction, and verify the efficacy of our approach using both synthetic and real datasets.

cross Field-Enhanced Filtering in MIMO Learned Volterra Nonlinear Equalisation of Multi-Wavelength Systems

Authors: Nelson Castro, Sonia Boscolo, Andrew D. Ellis, Stylianos Sygletos

Abstract: We propose a novel MIMO-WDM Volterra-based nonlinear-equalisation scheme with adaptive time-domain nonlinear stages enhanced by filtering in both the power and optical signal waveforms. This approach efficiently captures the interplay between dispersion and non-linearity in each step, leading to $46\%$ complexity reduction for $9\times 9$-MIMO operation.

cross Joint Constellation Shaping Using Gradient Descent Approach for MU-MIMO Broadcast Channel

Authors: Maxime Vaillant (MARACAS, INSA Lyon, CITI), Alix Jeannerot (MARACAS, INSA Lyon, CITI), Jean-Marie Gorce (INSA Lyon, MARACAS, CITI)

Abstract: We introduce a learning-based approach to optimize a joint constellation for a multi-user MIMO broadcast channel ($T$ Tx antennas, $K$ users, each with $R$ Rx antennas), with perfect channel knowledge. The aim of the optimizer (MAX-MIN) is to maximize the minimum mutual information between the transmitter and each receiver, under a sum-power constraint. The proposed optimization method do neither impose the transmitter to use superposition coding (SC) or any other linear precoding, nor to use successive interference cancellation (SIC) at the receiver. Instead, the approach designs a joint constellation, optimized such that its projection into the subspace of each receiver $k$, maximizes the minimum mutual information $I(W_k;Y_k)$ between each transmitted binary input $W_k$ and the output signal at the intended receiver $Y_k$. The rates obtained by our method are compared to those achieved with linear precoders.

cross Data-Driven Radio Environment Map Estimation Using Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Ali Shibli, Tahar Zanouda

Abstract: Radio Environment Maps (REMs) are crucial for numerous applications in Telecom. The construction of accurate Radio Environment Maps (REMs) has become an important and challenging topic in recent decades. In this paper, we present a method to estimate REMs using Graph Neural Networks. This approach utilizes both physical cell information and sparse geo-located signal strength measurements to estimate REMs. The method first divides and encodes mobile network coverage areas into a graph. Then, it inputs sparse geo-located signal strength measurements, characterized by Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) and Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ) metrics, into a Graph Neural Network Model to estimate REMs. The proposed architecture inherits the advantages of a Graph Neural Network to capture the spatial dependencies of network-wide coverage in contrast with network Radio Access Network node locations and spatial proximity of known measurements.

cross Model-based learning for multi-antenna multi-frequency location-to-channel mapping

Authors: Baptiste Chatelier (IETR, MERCE-France, INSA Rennes), Vincent Corlay (MERCE-France), Matthieu Crussi\`ere (IETR, INSA Rennes), Luc Le Magoarou (IETR, INSA Rennes)

Abstract: Years of study of the propagation channel showed a close relation between a location and the associated communication channel response. The use of a neural network to learn the location-to-channel mapping can therefore be envisioned. The Implicit Neural Representation (INR) literature showed that classical neural architecture are biased towards learning low-frequency content, making the location-to-channel mapping learning a non-trivial problem. Indeed, it is well known that this mapping is a function rapidly varying with the location, on the order of the wavelength. This paper leverages the model-based machine learning paradigm to derive a problem-specific neural architecture from a propagation channel model. The resulting architecture efficiently overcomes the spectral-bias issue. It only learns low-frequency sparse correction terms activating a dictionary of high-frequency components. The proposed architecture is evaluated against classical INR architectures on realistic synthetic data, showing much better accuracy. Its mapping learning performance is explained based on the approximated channel model, highlighting the explainability of the model-based machine learning paradigm.

cross PaliGemma: A versatile 3B VLM for transfer

Authors: Lucas Beyer, Andreas Steiner, Andr\'e Susano Pinto, Alexander Kolesnikov, Xiao Wang, Daniel Salz, Maxim Neumann, Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin, Michael Tschannen, Emanuele Bugliarello, Thomas Unterthiner, Daniel Keysers, Skanda Koppula, Fangyu Liu, Adam Grycner, Alexey Gritsenko, Neil Houlsby, Manoj Kumar, Keran Rong, Julian Eisenschlos, Rishabh Kabra, Matthias Bauer, Matko Bo\v{s}njak, Xi Chen, Matthias Minderer, Paul Voigtlaender, Ioana Bica, Ivana Balazevic, Joan Puigcerver, Pinelopi Papalampidi, Olivier Henaff, Xi Xiong, Radu Soricut, Jeremiah Harmsen, Xiaohua Zhai

Abstract: PaliGemma is an open Vision-Language Model (VLM) that is based on the SigLIP-So400m vision encoder and the Gemma-2B language model. It is trained to be a versatile and broadly knowledgeable base model that is effective to transfer. It achieves strong performance on a wide variety of open-world tasks. We evaluate PaliGemma on almost 40 diverse tasks including standard VLM benchmarks, but also more specialized tasks such as remote-sensing and segmentation.

cross UAV-assisted Unbiased Hierarchical Federated Learning: Performance and Convergence Analysis

Authors: Ruslan Zhagypar, Nour Kouzayha, Hesham ElSawy, Hayssam Dahrouj, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri

Abstract: The development of the sixth generation (6G) of wireless networks is bound to streamline the transition of computation and learning towards the edge of the network. Hierarchical federated learning (HFL) becomes, therefore, a key paradigm to distribute learning across edge devices to reach global intelligence. In HFL, each edge device trains a local model using its respective data and transmits the updated model parameters to an edge server for local aggregation. The edge server, then, transmits the locally aggregated parameters to a central server for global model aggregation. The unreliability of communication channels at the edge and backhaul links, however, remains a bottleneck in assessing the true benefit of HFL-empowered systems. To this end, this paper proposes an unbiased HFL algorithm for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted wireless networks that counteracts the impact of unreliable channels by adjusting the update weights during local and global aggregations at UAVs and terrestrial base stations (BS), respectively. To best characterize the unreliability of the channels involved in HFL, we adopt tools from stochastic geometry to determine the success probabilities of the local and global model parameter transmissions. Accounting for such metrics in the proposed HFL algorithm aims at removing the bias towards devices with better channel conditions in the context of the considered UAV-assisted network.. The paper further examines the theoretical convergence guarantee of the proposed unbiased UAV-assisted HFL algorithm under adverse channel conditions. One of the developed approach's additional benefits is that it allows for optimizing and designing the system parameters, e.g., the number of UAVs and their corresponding heights. The paper results particularly highlight the effectiveness of the proposed unbiased HFL scheme as compared to conventional FL and HFL algorithms.

cross Science-Informed Deep Learning (ScIDL) With Applications to Wireless Communications

Authors: Atefeh Termehchi, Ekram Hossain, Isaac Woungang

Abstract: Given the extensive and growing capabilities offered by deep learning (DL), more researchers are turning to DL to address complex challenges in next-generation (xG) communications. However, despite its progress, DL also reveals several limitations that are becoming increasingly evident. One significant issue is its lack of interpretability, which is especially critical for safety-sensitive applications. Another significant consideration is that DL may not comply with the constraints set by physics laws or given security standards, which are essential for reliable DL. Additionally, DL models often struggle outside their training data distributions, which is known as poor generalization. Moreover, there is a scarcity of theoretical guidance on designing DL algorithms. These challenges have prompted the emergence of a burgeoning field known as science-informed DL (ScIDL). ScIDL aims to integrate existing scientific knowledge with DL techniques to develop more powerful algorithms. The core objective of this article is to provide a brief tutorial on ScIDL that illustrates its building blocks and distinguishes it from conventional DL. Furthermore, we discuss both recent applications of ScIDL and potential future research directions in the field of wireless communications.

cross Continuous Control with Coarse-to-fine Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Younggyo Seo, Jafar Uru\c{c}, Stephen James

Abstract: Despite recent advances in improving the sample-efficiency of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, designing an RL algorithm that can be practically deployed in real-world environments remains a challenge. In this paper, we present Coarse-to-fine Reinforcement Learning (CRL), a framework that trains RL agents to zoom-into a continuous action space in a coarse-to-fine manner, enabling the use of stable, sample-efficient value-based RL algorithms for fine-grained continuous control tasks. Our key idea is to train agents that output actions by iterating the procedure of (i) discretizing the continuous action space into multiple intervals and (ii) selecting the interval with the highest Q-value to further discretize at the next level. We then introduce a concrete, value-based algorithm within the CRL framework called Coarse-to-fine Q-Network (CQN). Our experiments demonstrate that CQN significantly outperforms RL and behavior cloning baselines on 20 sparsely-rewarded RLBench manipulation tasks with a modest number of environment interactions and expert demonstrations. We also show that CQN robustly learns to solve real-world manipulation tasks within a few minutes of online training.

cross BiGym: A Demo-Driven Mobile Bi-Manual Manipulation Benchmark

Authors: Nikita Chernyadev, Nicholas Backshall, Xiao Ma, Yunfan Lu, Younggyo Seo, Stephen James

Abstract: We introduce BiGym, a new benchmark and learning environment for mobile bi-manual demo-driven robotic manipulation. BiGym features 40 diverse tasks set in home environments, ranging from simple target reaching to complex kitchen cleaning. To capture the real-world performance accurately, we provide human-collected demonstrations for each task, reflecting the diverse modalities found in real-world robot trajectories. BiGym supports a variety of observations, including proprioceptive data and visual inputs such as RGB, and depth from 3 camera views. To validate the usability of BiGym, we thoroughly benchmark the state-of-the-art imitation learning algorithms and demo-driven reinforcement learning algorithms within the environment and discuss the future opportunities.

cross Evaluating Large Language Models with Grid-Based Game Competitions: An Extensible LLM Benchmark and Leaderboard

Authors: Oguzhan Topsakal, Colby Jacob Edell, Jackson Bailey Harper

Abstract: We introduce a novel and extensible benchmark for large language models (LLMs) through grid-based games such as Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect-Four, and Gomoku. The open-source game simulation code, available on GitHub, allows LLMs to compete and generates detailed data files in JSON, CSV, TXT, and PNG formats for leaderboard rankings and further analysis. We present the results of games among leading LLMs, including Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Claude 3 Sonnet by Anthropic, Gemini 1.5 Pro and Gemini 1.5 Flash by Google, GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-4o by OpenAI, and Llama3-70B by Meta. We also encourage submissions of results from other LLMs. In total, we simulated 2,310 matches (5 sessions for each pair among 7 LLMs and a random player) across three types of games, using three distinct prompt types: list, illustration, and image. The results revealed significant variations in LLM performance across different games and prompt types, with analysis covering win and disqualification rates, missed opportunity analysis, and invalid move analysis. The details of the leaderboard and result matrix data are available as open-access data on GitHub. This study enhances our understanding of LLMs' capabilities in playing games they were not specifically trained for, helping to assess their rule comprehension and strategic thinking. On the path to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), this study lays the groundwork for future exploration into their utility in complex decision-making scenarios, illuminating their strategic thinking abilities and offering directions for further inquiry into the limits of LLMs within game-based frameworks.

cross AVCap: Leveraging Audio-Visual Features as Text Tokens for Captioning

Authors: Jongsuk Kim, Jiwon Shin, Junmo Kim

Abstract: In recent years, advancements in representation learning and language models have propelled Automated Captioning (AC) to new heights, enabling the generation of human-level descriptions. Leveraging these advancements, we propose \textbf{AVCap}, an \textbf{A}udio-\textbf{V}isual \textbf{Cap}tioning framework, a simple yet powerful baseline approach applicable to audio-visual captioning. AVCap utilizes audio-visual features as text tokens, which has many advantages not only in performance but also in the extensibility and scalability of the model. AVCap is designed around three pivotal dimensions: the exploration of optimal audio-visual encoder architectures, the adaptation of pre-trained models according to the characteristics of generated text, and the investigation into the efficacy of modality fusion in captioning. Our method outperforms existing audio-visual captioning methods across all metrics and the code is available on


cross Green Screen Augmentation Enables Scene Generalisation in Robotic Manipulation

Authors: Eugene Teoh, Sumit Patidar, Xiao Ma, Stephen James

Abstract: Generalising vision-based manipulation policies to novel environments remains a challenging area with limited exploration. Current practices involve collecting data in one location, training imitation learning or reinforcement learning policies with this data, and deploying the policy in the same location. However, this approach lacks scalability as it necessitates data collection in multiple locations for each task. This paper proposes a novel approach where data is collected in a location predominantly featuring green screens. We introduce Green-screen Augmentation (GreenAug), employing a chroma key algorithm to overlay background textures onto a green screen. Through extensive real-world empirical studies with over 850 training demonstrations and 8.2k evaluation episodes, we demonstrate that GreenAug surpasses no augmentation, standard computer vision augmentation, and prior generative augmentation methods in performance. While no algorithmic novelties are claimed, our paper advocates for a fundamental shift in data collection practices. We propose that real-world demonstrations in future research should utilise green screens, followed by the application of GreenAug. We believe GreenAug unlocks policy generalisation to visually distinct novel locations, addressing the current scene generalisation limitations in robot learning.

cross Generative Image as Action Models

Authors: Mohit Shridhar, Yat Long Lo, Stephen James

Abstract: Image-generation diffusion models have been fine-tuned to unlock new capabilities such as image-editing and novel view synthesis. Can we similarly unlock image-generation models for visuomotor control? We present GENIMA, a behavior-cloning agent that fine-tunes Stable Diffusion to 'draw joint-actions' as targets on RGB images. These images are fed into a controller that maps the visual targets into a sequence of joint-positions. We study GENIMA on 25 RLBench and 9 real-world manipulation tasks. We find that, by lifting actions into image-space, internet pre-trained diffusion models can generate policies that outperform state-of-the-art visuomotor approaches, especially in robustness to scene perturbations and generalizing to novel objects. Our method is also competitive with 3D agents, despite lacking priors such as depth, keypoints, or motion-planners.

cross Vegetable Peeling: A Case Study in Constrained Dexterous Manipulation

Authors: Tao Chen, Eric Cousineau, Naveen Kuppuswamy, Pulkit Agrawal

Abstract: Recent studies have made significant progress in addressing dexterous manipulation problems, particularly in in-hand object reorientation. However, there are few existing works that explore the potential utilization of developed dexterous manipulation controllers for downstream tasks. In this study, we focus on constrained dexterous manipulation for food peeling. Food peeling presents various constraints on the reorientation controller, such as the requirement for the hand to securely hold the object after reorientation for peeling. We propose a simple system for learning a reorientation controller that facilitates the subsequent peeling task. Videos are available at:


cross Learning In-Hand Translation Using Tactile Skin With Shear and Normal Force Sensing

Authors: Jessica Yin, Haozhi Qi, Jitendra Malik, James Pikul, Mark Yim, Tess Hellebrekers

Abstract: Recent progress in reinforcement learning (RL) and tactile sensing has significantly advanced dexterous manipulation. However, these methods often utilize simplified tactile signals due to the gap between tactile simulation and the real world. We introduce a sensor model for tactile skin that enables zero-shot sim-to-real transfer of ternary shear and binary normal forces. Using this model, we develop an RL policy that leverages sliding contact for dexterous in-hand translation. We conduct extensive real-world experiments to assess how tactile sensing facilitates policy adaptation to various unseen object properties and robot hand orientations. We demonstrate that our 3-axis tactile policies consistently outperform baselines that use only shear forces, only normal forces, or only proprioception. Website:


cross AdaptiGraph: Material-Adaptive Graph-Based Neural Dynamics for Robotic Manipulation

Authors: Kaifeng Zhang, Baoyu Li, Kris Hauser, Yunzhu Li

Abstract: Predictive models are a crucial component of many robotic systems. Yet, constructing accurate predictive models for a variety of deformable objects, especially those with unknown physical properties, remains a significant challenge. This paper introduces AdaptiGraph, a learning-based dynamics modeling approach that enables robots to predict, adapt to, and control a wide array of challenging deformable materials with unknown physical properties. AdaptiGraph leverages the highly flexible graph-based neural dynamics (GBND) framework, which represents material bits as particles and employs a graph neural network (GNN) to predict particle motion. Its key innovation is a unified physical property-conditioned GBND model capable of predicting the motions of diverse materials with varying physical properties without retraining. Upon encountering new materials during online deployment, AdaptiGraph utilizes a physical property optimization process for a few-shot adaptation of the model, enhancing its fit to the observed interaction data. The adapted models can precisely simulate the dynamics and predict the motion of various deformable materials, such as ropes, granular media, rigid boxes, and cloth, while adapting to different physical properties, including stiffness, granular size, and center of pressure. On prediction and manipulation tasks involving a diverse set of real-world deformable objects, our method exhibits superior prediction accuracy and task proficiency over non-material-conditioned and non-adaptive models. The project page is available at .


cross Training on the Test Task Confounds Evaluation and Emergence

Authors: Ricardo Dominguez-Olmedo, Florian E. Dorner, Moritz Hardt

Abstract: We study a fundamental problem in the evaluation of large language models that we call training on the test task. Unlike wrongful practices like training on the test data, leakage, or data contamination, training on the test task is not a malpractice. Rather, the term describes a growing set of techniques to include task-relevant data in the pretraining stage of a language model. We demonstrate that training on the test task confounds both relative model evaluations and claims about emergent capabilities. We argue that the seeming superiority of one model family over another may be explained by a different degree of training on the test task. To this end, we propose an effective method to adjust for training on the test task by fine-tuning each model under comparison on the same task-relevant data before evaluation. We then show that instances of emergent behavior largely vanish once we adjust for training on the test task. This also applies to reported instances of emergent behavior that cannot be explained by the choice of evaluation metric. Our work promotes a new perspective on the evaluation of large language models with broad implications for benchmarking and the study of emergent capabilities.

cross LLaVA-NeXT-Interleave: Tackling Multi-image, Video, and 3D in Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Feng Li, Renrui Zhang, Hao Zhang, Yuanhan Zhang, Bo Li, Wei Li, Zejun Ma, Chunyuan Li

Abstract: Visual instruction tuning has made considerable strides in enhancing the capabilities of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs). However, existing open LMMs largely focus on single-image tasks, their applications to multi-image scenarios remains less explored. Additionally, prior LMM research separately tackles different scenarios, leaving it impossible to generalize cross scenarios with new emerging capabilities. To this end, we introduce LLaVA-NeXT-Interleave, which simultaneously tackles Multi-image, Multi-frame (video), Multi-view (3D), and Multi-patch (single-image) scenarios in LMMs. To enable these capabilities, we regard the interleaved data format as a general template and compile the M4-Instruct dataset with 1,177.6k samples, spanning 4 primary domains with 14 tasks and 41 datasets. We also curate the LLaVA-Interleave Bench to comprehensively evaluate the multi-image performance of LMMs. Through extensive experiments, LLaVA-NeXT-Interleave achieves leading results in multi-image, video, and 3D benchmarks, while maintaining the performance of single-image tasks. Besides, our model also exhibits several emerging capabilities, e.g., transferring tasks across different settings and modalities. Code is available at


cross Pentagonal Photonic Crystal Mirrors: Scalable Lightsails with Enhanced Acceleration via Neural Topology Optimization

Authors: L. Norder, S. Yin, M. J. de Jong, F. Stallone, H. Aydogmus, P. M. Sberna, M. A. Bessa, R. A. Norte

Abstract: The Starshot Breakthrough Initiative aims to send one-gram microchip probes to Alpha Centauri within 20 years, using gram-scale lightsails propelled by laser-based radiation pressure, reaching velocities nearing a fifth of light speed. This mission requires lightsail materials that challenge the fundamentals of nanotechnology, requiring innovations in optics, material science and structural engineering. Unlike the microchip payload, which must be minimized in every dimension, such lightsails need meter-scale dimensions with nanoscale thickness and billions of nanoscale holes to enhance reflectivity and reduce mass. Our study employs neural topology optimization, revealing a novel pentagonal lattice-based photonic crystal (PhC) reflector. The optimized designs shorten acceleration times, therefore lowering launch costs significantly. Crucially, these designs also enable lightsail material fabrication with orders-of-magnitude reduction in costs. We have fabricated a 60 x 60 mm$^2$, 200nm thick, single-layer reflector perforated with over a billion nanoscale features; the highest aspect-ratio nanophotonic element to date. We achieve this with nearly 9,000 times cost reduction per m$^2$. Starshot lightsails will have several stringent requirements but will ultimately be driven by costs to build at scale. Here we highlight challenges and possible solutions in developing lightsail materials - showcasing the potential of scaling nanophotonics for cost-effective next-generation space exploration.

replace Gated Ensemble of Spatio-temporal Mixture of Experts for Multi-task Learning in Ride-hailing System

Authors: M. H. Rahman, S. M. Rifaat, S. N. Sadeek, M. Abrar, D. Wang

Abstract: Designing spatio-temporal forecasting models separately in a task-wise and city-wise manner poses a burden for the expanding transportation network companies. Therefore, a multi-task learning architecture is proposed in this study by developing gated ensemble of spatio-temporal mixture of experts network (GESME-Net) with convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN), convolutional neural network (CNN), and recurrent neural network (RNN) for simultaneously forecasting spatio-temporal tasks in a city as well as across different cities. Furthermore, a task adaptation layer is integrated with the architecture for learning joint representation in multi-task learning and revealing the contribution of the input features utilized in prediction. The proposed architecture is tested with data from Didi Chuxing for: (i) simultaneously forecasting demand and supply-demand gap in Beijing, and (ii) simultaneously forecasting demand across Chengdu and Xian. In both scenarios, models from our proposed architecture outperformed the single-task and multi-task deep learning benchmarks and ensemble-based machine learning algorithms.

replace Trade When Opportunity Comes: Price Movement Forecasting via Locality-Aware Attention and Iterative Refinement Labeling

Authors: Liang Zeng, Lei Wang, Hui Niu, Ruchen Zhang, Ling Wang, Jian Li

Abstract: Price movement forecasting, aimed at predicting financial asset trends based on current market information, has achieved promising advancements through machine learning (ML) methods. Most existing ML methods, however, struggle with the extremely low signal-to-noise ratio and stochastic nature of financial data, often mistaking noises for real trading signals without careful selection of potentially profitable samples. To address this issue, we propose LARA, a novel price movement forecasting framework with two main components: Locality-Aware Attention (LA-Attention) and Iterative Refinement Labeling (RA-Labeling). (1) LA-Attention, enhanced by metric learning techniques, automatically extracts the potentially profitable samples through masked attention scheme and task-specific distance metrics. (2) RA-Labeling further iteratively refines the noisy labels of potentially profitable samples, and combines the learned predictors robust to the unseen and noisy samples. In a set of experiments on three real-world financial markets: stocks, cryptocurrencies, and ETFs, LARA significantly outperforms several machine learning based methods on the Qlib quantitative investment platform. Extensive ablation studies confirm LARA's superior ability in capturing more reliable trading opportunities.

replace Cross-model Fairness: Empirical Study of Fairness and Ethics Under Model Multiplicity

Authors: Kacper Sokol, Meelis Kull, Jeffrey Chan, Flora Salim

Abstract: While data-driven predictive models are a strictly technological construct, they may operate within a social context in which benign engineering choices entail implicit, indirect and unexpected real-life consequences. Fairness of such systems -- pertaining both to individuals and groups -- is one relevant consideration in this space; algorithms can discriminate people across various protected characteristics regardless of whether these properties are included in the data or discernible through proxy variables. To date, this notion has predominantly been studied for a fixed model, often under different classification thresholds, striving to identify and eradicate undesirable, discriminative and possibly unlawful aspects of its operation. Here, we backtrack on this fixed model assumption to propose and explore a novel definition of cross-model fairness where individuals can be harmed when one predictor is chosen ad hoc from a group of equally well performing models, i.e., in view of utility-based model multiplicity. Since a person may be classified differently across models that are otherwise considered equivalent, this individual could argue for a predictor granting them the most favourable outcome, employing which may have adverse effects on other people. We introduce this scenario with a two-dimensional example and linear classification; then, we present a comprehensive empirical study based on real-life predictive models and data sets that are popular with the algorithmic fairness community; finally, we investigate analytical properties of cross-model fairness and its ramifications in a broader context. Our findings suggest that such unfairness can be readily found in real life and it may be difficult to mitigate by technical means alone as doing so is likely to degrade predictive performance.

replace Vanilla Feedforward Neural Networks as a Discretization of Dynamical Systems

Authors: Yifei Duan, Li'ang Li, Guanghua Ji, Yongqiang Cai

Abstract: Deep learning has made significant applications in the field of data science and natural science. Some studies have linked deep neural networks to dynamic systems, but the network structure is restricted to the residual network. It is known that residual networks can be regarded as a numerical discretization of dynamic systems. In this paper, we back to the classical network structure and prove that the vanilla feedforward networks could also be a numerical discretization of dynamic systems, where the width of the network is equal to the dimension of the input and output. Our proof is based on the properties of the leaky-ReLU function and the numerical technique of splitting method to solve differential equations. Our results could provide a new perspective for understanding the approximation properties of feedforward neural networks.

replace CodeGeeX: A Pre-Trained Model for Code Generation with Multilingual Benchmarking on HumanEval-X

Authors: Qinkai Zheng, Xiao Xia, Xu Zou, Yuxiao Dong, Shan Wang, Yufei Xue, Zihan Wang, Lei Shen, Andi Wang, Yang Li, Teng Su, Zhilin Yang, Jie Tang

Abstract: Large pre-trained code generation models, such as OpenAI Codex, can generate syntax- and function-correct code, making the coding of programmers more productive and our pursuit of artificial general intelligence closer. In this paper, we introduce CodeGeeX, a multilingual model with 13 billion parameters for code generation. CodeGeeX is pre-trained on 850 billion tokens of 23 programming languages as of June 2022. Our extensive experiments suggest that CodeGeeX outperforms multilingual code models of similar scale for both the tasks of code generation and translation on HumanEval-X. Building upon HumanEval (Python only), we develop the HumanEval-X benchmark for evaluating multilingual models by hand-writing the solutions in C++, Java, JavaScript, and Go. In addition, we build CodeGeeX-based extensions on Visual Studio Code, JetBrains, and Cloud Studio, generating 4.7 billion tokens for tens of thousands of active users per week. Our user study demonstrates that CodeGeeX can help to increase coding efficiency for 83.4% of its users. Finally, CodeGeeX is publicly accessible and in Sep. 2022, we open-sourced its code, model weights (the version of 850B tokens), API, extensions, and HumanEval-X at


replace A noise-robust acoustic method for recognizing foraging activities of grazing cattle

Authors: Luciano S. Martinez-Rau, Jos\'e O. Chelotti, Mariano Ferrero, Julio R. Galli, Santiago A. Utsumi, Alejandra M. Planisich, H. Leonardo Rufiner, Leonardo L. Giovanini

Abstract: Farmers must continuously improve their livestock production systems to remain competitive in the growing dairy market. Precision livestock farming technologies provide individualized monitoring of animals on commercial farms, optimizing livestock production. Continuous acoustic monitoring is a widely accepted sensing technique used to estimate the daily rumination and grazing time budget of free-ranging cattle. However, typical environmental and natural noises on pastures noticeably affect the performance limiting the practical application of current acoustic methods. In this study, we present the operating principle and generalization capability of an acoustic method called Noise-Robust Foraging Activity Recognizer (NRFAR). The proposed method determines foraging activity bouts by analyzing fixed-length segments of identified jaw movement events produced during grazing and rumination. The additive noise robustness of the NRFAR was evaluated for several signal-to-noise ratios using stationary Gaussian white noise and four different nonstationary natural noise sources. In noiseless conditions, NRFAR reached an average balanced accuracy of 86.4%, outperforming two previous acoustic methods by more than 7.5%. Furthermore, NRFAR performed better than previous acoustic methods in 77 of 80 evaluated noisy scenarios (53 cases with p<0.05). NRFAR has been shown to be effective in harsh free-ranging environments and could be used as a reliable solution to improve pasture management and monitor the health and welfare of dairy cows. The instrumentation and computational algorithms presented in this publication are protected by a pending patent application: AR P20220100910. Web demo available at:


replace FedGT: Identification of Malicious Clients in Federated Learning with Secure Aggregation

Authors: Marvin Xhemrishi, Johan \"Ostman, Antonia Wachter-Zeh, Alexandre Graell i Amat

Abstract: We propose FedGT, a novel framework for identifying malicious clients in federated learning with secure aggregation. Inspired by group testing, the framework leverages overlapping groups of clients to identify the presence of malicious clients in the groups via a decoding operation. The clients identified as malicious are then removed from the model training, which is performed over the remaining clients. By choosing the size, number, and overlap between groups, FedGT strikes a balance between privacy and security. Specifically, the server learns the aggregated model of the clients in each group - vanilla federated learning and secure aggregation correspond to the extreme cases of FedGT with group size equal to one and the total number of clients, respectively. The effectiveness of FedGT is demonstrated through extensive experiments on the MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ISIC2019 datasets in a cross-silo setting under different data-poisoning attacks. These experiments showcase FedGT's ability to identify malicious clients, resulting in high model utility. We further show that FedGT significantly outperforms the private robust aggregation approach based on the geometric median recently proposed by Pillutla et al. in multiple settings.

replace Fair Column Subset Selection

Authors: Antonis Matakos, Bruno Ordozgoiti, Suhas Thejaswi

Abstract: The problem of column subset selection asks for a subset of columns from an input matrix such that the matrix can be reconstructed as accurately as possible within the span of the selected columns. A natural extension is to consider a setting where the matrix rows are partitioned into two groups, and the goal is to choose a subset of columns that minimizes the maximum reconstruction error of both groups, relative to their respective best rank-k approximation. Extending the known results of column subset selection to this fair setting is not straightforward: in certain scenarios it is unavoidable to choose columns separately for each group, resulting in double the expected column count. We propose a deterministic leverage-score sampling strategy for the fair setting and show that sampling a column subset of minimum size becomes NP-hard in the presence of two groups. Despite these negative results, we give an approximation algorithm that guarantees a solution within 1.5 times the optimal solution size. We also present practical heuristic algorithms based on rank-revealing QR factorization. Finally, we validate our methods through an extensive set of experiments using real-world data.

replace Scalable Neural Symbolic Regression using Control Variables

Authors: Xieting Chu, Hongjue Zhao, Enze Xu, Hairong Qi, Minghan Chen, Huajie Shao

Abstract: Symbolic regression (SR) is a powerful technique for discovering the analytical mathematical expression from data, finding various applications in natural sciences due to its good interpretability of results. However, existing methods face scalability issues when dealing with complex equations involving multiple variables. To address this challenge, we propose ScaleSR, a scalable symbolic regression model that leverages control variables to enhance both accuracy and scalability. The core idea is to decompose multi-variable symbolic regression into a set of single-variable SR problems, which are then combined in a bottom-up manner. The proposed method involves a four-step process. First, we learn a data generator from observed data using deep neural networks (DNNs). Second, the data generator is used to generate samples for a certain variable by controlling the input variables. Thirdly, single-variable symbolic regression is applied to estimate the corresponding mathematical expression. Lastly, we repeat steps 2 and 3 by gradually adding variables one by one until completion. We evaluate the performance of our method on multiple benchmark datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed ScaleSR significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in discovering mathematical expressions with multiple variables. Moreover, it can substantially reduce the search space for symbolic regression. The source code will be made publicly available upon publication.

replace Abide by the Law and Follow the Flow: Conservation Laws for Gradient Flows

Authors: Sibylle Marcotte, R\'emi Gribonval, Gabriel Peyr\'e

Abstract: Understanding the geometric properties of gradient descent dynamics is a key ingredient in deciphering the recent success of very large machine learning models. A striking observation is that trained over-parameterized models retain some properties of the optimization initialization. This "implicit bias" is believed to be responsible for some favorable properties of the trained models and could explain their good generalization properties. The purpose of this article is threefold. First, we rigorously expose the definition and basic properties of "conservation laws", that define quantities conserved during gradient flows of a given model (e.g. of a ReLU network with a given architecture) with any training data and any loss. Then we explain how to find the maximal number of independent conservation laws by performing finite-dimensional algebraic manipulations on the Lie algebra generated by the Jacobian of the model. Finally, we provide algorithms to: a) compute a family of polynomial laws; b) compute the maximal number of (not necessarily polynomial) independent conservation laws. We provide showcase examples that we fully work out theoretically. Besides, applying the two algorithms confirms for a number of ReLU network architectures that all known laws are recovered by the algorithm, and that there are no other independent laws. Such computational tools pave the way to understanding desirable properties of optimization initialization in large machine learning models.

replace Arbitrary Distributions Mapping via SyMOT-Flow: A Flow-based Approach Integrating Maximum Mean Discrepancy and Optimal Transport

Authors: Zhe Xiong, Qiaoqiao Ding, Xiaoqun Zhang

Abstract: Finding a transformation between two unknown probability distributions from finite samples is crucial for modeling complex data distributions and performing tasks such as sample generation, domain adaptation and statistical inference. One powerful framework for such transformations is normalizing flow, which transforms an unknown distribution into a standard normal distribution using an invertible network. In this paper, we introduce a novel model called SyMOT-Flow that trains an invertible transformation by minimizing the symmetric maximum mean discrepancy between samples from two unknown distributions, and an optimal transport cost is incorporated as regularization to obtain a short-distance and interpretable transformation. The resulted transformation leads to more stable and accurate sample generation. Several theoretical results are established for the proposed model and its effectiveness is validated with low-dimensional illustrative examples as well as high-dimensional bi-modality medical image generation through the forward and reverse flows.

replace A Bias-Variance-Covariance Decomposition of Kernel Scores for Generative Models

Authors: Sebastian G. Gruber, Florian Buettner

Abstract: Generative models, like large language models, are becoming increasingly relevant in our daily lives, yet a theoretical framework to assess their generalization behavior and uncertainty does not exist. Particularly, the problem of uncertainty estimation is commonly solved in an ad-hoc and task-dependent manner. For example, natural language approaches cannot be transferred to image generation. In this paper, we introduce the first bias-variance-covariance decomposition for kernel scores. This decomposition represents a theoretical framework from which we derive a kernel-based variance and entropy for uncertainty estimation. We propose unbiased and consistent estimators for each quantity which only require generated samples but not the underlying model itself. Based on the wide applicability of kernels, we demonstrate our framework via generalization and uncertainty experiments for image, audio, and language generation. Specifically, kernel entropy for uncertainty estimation is more predictive of performance on CoQA and TriviaQA question answering datasets than existing baselines and can also be applied to closed-source models.

replace From Supervised to Generative: A Novel Paradigm for Tabular Deep Learning with Large Language Models

Authors: Xumeng Wen, Han Zhang, Shun Zheng, Wei Xu, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Learning on tabular data underpins numerous real-world applications. Despite considerable efforts in developing effective learning models for tabular data, current transferable tabular models remain in their infancy, limited by either the lack of support for direct instruction following in new tasks or the neglect of acquiring foundational knowledge and capabilities from diverse tabular datasets. In this paper, we propose Tabular Foundation Models (TabFMs) to overcome these limitations. TabFMs harness the potential of generative tabular learning, employing a pre-trained large language model (LLM) as the base model and fine-tuning it using purpose-designed objectives on an extensive range of tabular datasets. This approach endows TabFMs with a profound understanding and universal capabilities essential for learning on tabular data. Our evaluations underscore TabFM's effectiveness: not only does it significantly excel in instruction-following tasks like zero-shot and in-context inference, but it also showcases performance that approaches, and in instances, even transcends, the renowned yet mysterious closed-source LLMs like GPT-4. Furthermore, when fine-tuning with scarce data, our model achieves remarkable efficiency and maintains competitive performance with abundant training data. Finally, while our results are promising, we also delve into TabFM's limitations and potential opportunities, aiming to stimulate and expedite future research on developing more potent TabFMs.

replace NuTime: Numerically Multi-Scaled Embedding for Large-Scale Time-Series Pretraining

Authors: Chenguo Lin, Xumeng Wen, Wei Cao, Congrui Huang, Jiang Bian, Stephen Lin, Zhirong Wu

Abstract: Recent research on time-series self-supervised models shows great promise in learning semantic representations. However, it has been limited to small-scale datasets, e.g., thousands of temporal sequences. In this work, we make key technical contributions that are tailored to the numerical properties of time-series data and allow the model to scale to large datasets, e.g., millions of temporal sequences. We adopt the Transformer architecture by first partitioning the input into non-overlapping windows. Each window is then characterized by its normalized shape and two scalar values denoting the mean and standard deviation within each window. To embed scalar values that may possess arbitrary numerical amplitudes in a high-dimensional space, we propose a numerically multi-scaled embedding module enumerating all possible numerical scales for the scalars. The model undergoes pretraining with a simple contrastive objective on a large-scale dataset over a million sequences collected by merging existing public data. We study its transfer performance on a number of univariate and multivariate classification tasks, few shot learning, unsupervised clustering and anomaly detection benchmarks. Our method exhibits remarkable improvement against previous pretraining approaches and establishes the new state of the art, even compared with domain-specific non-learning-based methods. Code is available at: \url{}.


replace Lie Group Decompositions for Equivariant Neural Networks

Authors: Mircea Mironenco, Patrick Forr\'e

Abstract: Invariance and equivariance to geometrical transformations have proven to be very useful inductive biases when training (convolutional) neural network models, especially in the low-data regime. Much work has focused on the case where the symmetry group employed is compact or abelian, or both. Recent work has explored enlarging the class of transformations used to the case of Lie groups, principally through the use of their Lie algebra, as well as the group exponential and logarithm maps. The applicability of such methods is limited by the fact that depending on the group of interest $G$, the exponential map may not be surjective. Further limitations are encountered when $G$ is neither compact nor abelian. Using the structure and geometry of Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces, we present a framework by which it is possible to work with such groups primarily focusing on the groups $G = \text{GL}^{+}(n, \mathbb{R})$ and $G = \text{SL}(n, \mathbb{R})$, as well as their representation as affine transformations $\mathbb{R}^{n} \rtimes G$. Invariant integration as well as a global parametrization is realized by a decomposition into subgroups and submanifolds which can be handled individually. Under this framework, we show how convolution kernels can be parametrized to build models equivariant with respect to affine transformations. We evaluate the robustness and out-of-distribution generalisation capability of our model on the benchmark affine-invariant classification task, outperforming previous proposals.

replace Joint Composite Latent Space Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Natalie Maus, Zhiyuan Jerry Lin, Maximilian Balandat, Eytan Bakshy

Abstract: Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a technique for sample-efficient black-box optimization that employs probabilistic models to identify promising input locations for evaluation. When dealing with composite-structured functions, such as f=g o h, evaluating a specific location x yields observations of both the final outcome f(x) = g(h(x)) as well as the intermediate output(s) h(x). Previous research has shown that integrating information from these intermediate outputs can enhance BO performance substantially. However, existing methods struggle if the outputs h(x) are high-dimensional. Many relevant problems fall into this setting, including in the context of generative AI, molecular design, or robotics. To effectively tackle these challenges, we introduce Joint Composite Latent Space Bayesian Optimization (JoCo), a novel framework that jointly trains neural network encoders and probabilistic models to adaptively compress high-dimensional input and output spaces into manageable latent representations. This enables viable BO on these compressed representations, allowing JoCo to outperform other state-of-the-art methods in high-dimensional BO on a wide variety of simulated and real-world problems.

replace Refine, Discriminate and Align: Stealing Encoders via Sample-Wise Prototypes and Multi-Relational Extraction

Authors: Shuchi Wu, Chuan Ma, Kang Wei, Xiaogang Xu, Ming Ding, Yuwen Qian, Tao Xiang

Abstract: This paper introduces RDA, a pioneering approach designed to address two primary deficiencies prevalent in previous endeavors aiming at stealing pre-trained encoders: (1) suboptimal performances attributed to biased optimization objectives, and (2) elevated query costs stemming from the end-to-end paradigm that necessitates querying the target encoder every epoch. Specifically, we initially Refine the representations of the target encoder for each training sample, thereby establishing a less biased optimization objective before the steal-training phase. This is accomplished via a sample-wise prototype, which consolidates the target encoder's representations for a given sample's various perspectives. Demanding exponentially fewer queries compared to the end-to-end approach, prototypes can be instantiated to guide subsequent query-free training. For more potent efficacy, we develop a multi-relational extraction loss that trains the surrogate encoder to Discriminate mismatched embedding-prototype pairs while Aligning those matched ones in terms of both amplitude and angle. In this way, the trained surrogate encoder achieves state-of-the-art results across the board in various downstream datasets with limited queries. Moreover, RDA is shown to be robust to multiple widely-used defenses.

replace PUMA: Efficient Continual Graph Learning for Node Classification with Graph Condensation

Authors: Yilun Liu, Ruihong Qiu, Yanran Tang, Hongzhi Yin, Zi Huang

Abstract: When handling streaming graphs, existing graph representation learning models encounter a catastrophic forgetting problem, where previously learned knowledge of these models is easily overwritten when learning with newly incoming graphs. In response, Continual Graph Learning (CGL) emerges as a novel paradigm enabling graph representation learning from streaming graphs. Our prior work, Condense and Train (CaT) is a replay-based CGL framework with a balanced continual learning procedure, which designs a small yet effective memory bankn for replaying. Although the CaT alleviates the catastrophic forgetting problem, there exist three issues: (1) The graph condensation only focuses on labelled nodes while neglecting abundant information carried by unlabelled nodes; (2) The continual training scheme of the CaT overemphasises on the previously learned knowledge, limiting the model capacity to learn from newly added memories; (3) Both the condensation process and replaying process of the CaT are time-consuming. In this paper, we propose a PsUdo-label guided Memory bAnk (PUMA) CGL framework, extending from the CaT to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness by overcoming the above-mentioned weaknesses and limits. To fully exploit the information in a graph, PUMA expands the coverage of nodes during graph condensation with both labelled and unlabelled nodes. Furthermore, a training-from-scratch strategy is proposed to upgrade the previous continual learning scheme for a balanced training between the historical and the new graphs. Besides, PUMA uses a one-time prorogation and wide graph encoders to accelerate the graph condensation and the graph encoding process in the training stage to improve the efficiency of the whole framework. Extensive experiments on six datasets for the node classification task demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance and efficiency over existing methods.

replace Manipulating Feature Visualizations with Gradient Slingshots

Authors: Dilyara Bareeva, Marina M. -C. H\"ohne, Alexander Warnecke, Lukas Pirch, Klaus-Robert M\"uller, Konrad Rieck, Kirill Bykov

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are capable of learning complex and versatile representations, however, the semantic nature of the learned concepts remains unknown. A common method used to explain the concepts learned by DNNs is Feature Visualization (FV), which generates a synthetic input signal that maximally activates a particular neuron in the network. In this paper, we investigate the vulnerability of this approach to adversarial model manipulations and introduce a novel method for manipulating FV without significantly impacting the model's decision-making process. The key distinction of our proposed approach is that it does not alter the model architecture. We evaluate the effectiveness of our method on several neural network models and demonstrate its capabilities to hide the functionality of arbitrarily chosen neurons by masking the original explanations of neurons with chosen target explanations during model auditing.

replace Harnessing Orthogonality to Train Low-Rank Neural Networks

Authors: Daniel Coquelin, Katharina Fl\"ugel, Marie Weiel, Nicholas Kiefer, Charlotte Debus, Achim Streit, Markus G\"otz

Abstract: This study explores the learning dynamics of neural networks by analyzing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of their weights throughout training. Our investigation reveals that an orthogonal basis within each multidimensional weight's SVD representation stabilizes during training. Building upon this, we introduce Orthogonality-Informed Adaptive Low-Rank (OIALR) training, a novel training method exploiting the intrinsic orthogonality of neural networks. OIALR seamlessly integrates into existing training workflows with minimal accuracy loss, as demonstrated by benchmarking on various datasets and well-established network architectures. With appropriate hyperparameter tuning, OIALR can surpass conventional training setups, including those of state-of-the-art models.

replace A First-Order Multi-Gradient Algorithm for Multi-Objective Bi-Level Optimization

Authors: Feiyang Ye, Baijiong Lin, Xiaofeng Cao, Yu Zhang, Ivor Tsang

Abstract: In this paper, we study the Multi-Objective Bi-Level Optimization (MOBLO) problem, where the upper-level subproblem is a multi-objective optimization problem and the lower-level subproblem is for scalar optimization. Existing gradient-based MOBLO algorithms need to compute the Hessian matrix, causing the computational inefficient problem. To address this, we propose an efficient first-order multi-gradient method for MOBLO, called FORUM. Specifically, we reformulate MOBLO problems as a constrained multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem via the value-function approach. Then we propose a novel multi-gradient aggregation method to solve the challenging constrained MOO problem. Theoretically, we provide the complexity analysis to show the efficiency of the proposed method and a non-asymptotic convergence result. Empirically, extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed FORUM method in different learning problems. In particular, it achieves state-of-the-art performance on three multi-task learning benchmark datasets. The code is available at


replace Probabilistic Routing for Graph-Based Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search

Authors: Kejing Lu, Chuan Xiao, Yoshiharu Ishikawa

Abstract: Approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) in high-dimensional spaces is a pivotal challenge in the field of machine learning. In recent years, graph-based methods have emerged as the superior approach to ANNS, establishing a new state of the art. Although various optimizations for graph-based ANNS have been introduced, they predominantly rely on heuristic methods that lack formal theoretical backing. This paper aims to enhance routing within graph-based ANNS by introducing a method that offers a probabilistic guarantee when exploring a node's neighbors in the graph. We formulate the problem as probabilistic routing and develop two baseline strategies by incorporating locality-sensitive techniques. Subsequently, we introduce PEOs, a novel approach that efficiently identifies which neighbors in the graph should be considered for exact distance calculation, thus significantly improving efficiency in practice. Our experiments demonstrate that equipping PEOs can increase throughput on commonly utilized graph indexes (HNSW and NSSG) by a factor of 1.6 to 2.5, and its efficiency consistently outperforms the leading-edge routing technique by 1.1 to 1.4 times.

replace Diffusion Tempering Improves Parameter Estimation with Probabilistic Integrators for Ordinary Differential Equations

Authors: Jonas Beck, Nathanael Bosch, Michael Deistler, Kyra L. Kadhim, Jakob H. Macke, Philipp Hennig, Philipp Berens

Abstract: Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are widely used to describe dynamical systems in science, but identifying parameters that explain experimental measurements is challenging. In particular, although ODEs are differentiable and would allow for gradient-based parameter optimization, the nonlinear dynamics of ODEs often lead to many local minima and extreme sensitivity to initial conditions. We therefore propose diffusion tempering, a novel regularization technique for probabilistic numerical methods which improves convergence of gradient-based parameter optimization in ODEs. By iteratively reducing a noise parameter of the probabilistic integrator, the proposed method converges more reliably to the true parameters. We demonstrate that our method is effective for dynamical systems of different complexity and show that it obtains reliable parameter estimates for a Hodgkin-Huxley model with a practically relevant number of parameters.

replace Benign overfitting in leaky ReLU networks with moderate input dimension

Authors: Kedar Karhadkar, Erin George, Michael Murray, Guido Mont\'ufar, Deanna Needell

Abstract: The problem of benign overfitting asks whether it is possible for a model to perfectly fit noisy training data and still generalize well. We study benign overfitting in two-layer leaky ReLU networks trained with the hinge loss on a binary classification task. We consider input data that can be decomposed into the sum of a common signal and a random noise component, that lie on subspaces orthogonal to one another. We characterize conditions on the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the model parameters giving rise to benign versus non-benign (or harmful) overfitting: in particular, if the SNR is high then benign overfitting occurs, conversely if the SNR is low then harmful overfitting occurs. We attribute both benign and non-benign overfitting to an approximate margin maximization property and show that leaky ReLU networks trained on hinge loss with gradient descent (GD) satisfy this property. In contrast to prior work we do not require the training data to be nearly orthogonal. Notably, for input dimension $d$ and training sample size $n$, while results in prior work require $d = \Omega(n^2 \log n)$, here we require only $d = \Omega\left(n\right)$.

replace Neural Embedding Compression For Efficient Multi-Task Earth Observation Modelling

Authors: Carlos Gomes, Thomas Brunschwiler

Abstract: As repositories of large scale data in earth observation (EO) have grown, so have transfer and storage costs for model training and inference, expending significant resources. We introduce Neural Embedding Compression (NEC), based on the transfer of compressed embeddings to data consumers instead of raw data. We adapt foundation models (FM) through learned neural compression to generate multi-task embeddings while navigating the tradeoff between compression rate and embedding utility. We update only a small fraction of the FM parameters (10%) for a short training period (1% of the iterations of pre-training). We evaluate NEC on two EO tasks: scene classification and semantic segmentation. Compared with applying traditional compression to the raw data, NEC achieves similar accuracy with a 75% to 90% reduction in data. Even at 99.7% compression, performance drops by only 5% on the scene classification task. Overall, NEC is a data-efficient yet performant approach for multi-task EO modelling.

replace Adversarial Robustness Limits via Scaling-Law and Human-Alignment Studies

Authors: Brian R. Bartoldson, James Diffenderfer, Konstantinos Parasyris, Bhavya Kailkhura

Abstract: This paper revisits the simple, long-studied, yet still unsolved problem of making image classifiers robust to imperceptible perturbations. Taking CIFAR10 as an example, SOTA clean accuracy is about $100$%, but SOTA robustness to $\ell_{\infty}$-norm bounded perturbations barely exceeds $70$%. To understand this gap, we analyze how model size, dataset size, and synthetic data quality affect robustness by developing the first scaling laws for adversarial training. Our scaling laws reveal inefficiencies in prior art and provide actionable feedback to advance the field. For instance, we discovered that SOTA methods diverge notably from compute-optimal setups, using excess compute for their level of robustness. Leveraging a compute-efficient setup, we surpass the prior SOTA with $20$% ($70$%) fewer training (inference) FLOPs. We trained various compute-efficient models, with our best achieving $74$% AutoAttack accuracy ($+3$% gain). However, our scaling laws also predict robustness slowly grows then plateaus at $90$%: dwarfing our new SOTA by scaling is impractical, and perfect robustness is impossible. To better understand this predicted limit, we carry out a small-scale human evaluation on the AutoAttack data that fools our top-performing model. Concerningly, we estimate that human performance also plateaus near $90$%, which we show to be attributable to $\ell_{\infty}$-constrained attacks' generation of invalid images not consistent with their original labels. Having characterized limiting roadblocks, we outline promising paths for future research.

replace How Inverse Conditional Flows Can Serve as a Substitute for Distributional Regression

Authors: Lucas Kook, Chris Kolb, Philipp Schiele, Daniel Dold, Marcel Arpogaus, Cornelius Fritz, Philipp F. Baumann, Philipp Kopper, Tobias Pielok, Emilio Dorigatti, David R\"ugamer

Abstract: Neural network representations of simple models, such as linear regression, are being studied increasingly to better understand the underlying principles of deep learning algorithms. However, neural representations of distributional regression models, such as the Cox model, have received little attention so far. We close this gap by proposing a framework for distributional regression using inverse flow transformations (DRIFT), which includes neural representations of the aforementioned models. We empirically demonstrate that the neural representations of models in DRIFT can serve as a substitute for their classical statistical counterparts in several applications involving continuous, ordered, time-series, and survival outcomes. We confirm that models in DRIFT empirically match the performance of several statistical methods in terms of estimation of partial effects, prediction, and aleatoric uncertainty quantification. DRIFT covers both interpretable statistical models and flexible neural networks opening up new avenues in both statistical modeling and deep learning.

replace Agnostic Active Learning of Single Index Models with Linear Sample Complexity

Authors: Aarshvi Gajjar, Wai Ming Tai, Xingyu Xu, Chinmay Hegde, Yi Li, Christopher Musco

Abstract: We study active learning methods for single index models of the form $F({\mathbf x}) = f(\langle {\mathbf w}, {\mathbf x}\rangle)$, where $f:\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ and ${\mathbf x,\mathbf w} \in \mathbb{R}^d$. In addition to their theoretical interest as simple examples of non-linear neural networks, single index models have received significant recent attention due to applications in scientific machine learning like surrogate modeling for partial differential equations (PDEs). Such applications require sample-efficient active learning methods that are robust to adversarial noise. I.e., that work even in the challenging agnostic learning setting. We provide two main results on agnostic active learning of single index models. First, when $f$ is known and Lipschitz, we show that $\tilde{O}(d)$ samples collected via {statistical leverage score sampling} are sufficient to learn a near-optimal single index model. Leverage score sampling is simple to implement, efficient, and already widely used for actively learning linear models. Our result requires no assumptions on the data distribution, is optimal up to log factors, and improves quadratically on a recent ${O}(d^{2})$ bound of \cite{gajjar2023active}. Second, we show that $\tilde{O}(d)$ samples suffice even in the more difficult setting when $f$ is \emph{unknown}. Our results leverage tools from high dimensional probability, including Dudley's inequality and dual Sudakov minoration, as well as a novel, distribution-aware discretization of the class of Lipschitz functions.

replace GCondenser: Benchmarking Graph Condensation

Authors: Yilun Liu, Ruihong Qiu, Zi Huang

Abstract: Large-scale graphs are valuable for graph representation learning, yet the abundant data in these graphs hinders the efficiency of the training process. Graph condensation (GC) alleviates this issue by compressing the large graph into a significantly smaller one that still supports effective model training. Although recent research has introduced various approaches to improve the effectiveness of the condensed graph, comprehensive and practical evaluations across different GC methods are neglected. This paper proposes the first large-scale graph condensation benchmark, GCondenser, to holistically evaluate and compare mainstream GC methods. GCondenser includes a standardised GC paradigm, consisting of condensation, validation, and evaluation procedures, as well as enabling extensions to new GC methods and datasets. With GCondenser, a comprehensive performance study is conducted, presenting the effectiveness of existing methods. GCondenser is open-sourced and available at


replace Multivector Neurons: Better and Faster O(n)-Equivariant Clifford Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Cong Liu, David Ruhe, Patrick Forr\'e

Abstract: Most current deep learning models equivariant to $O(n)$ or $SO(n)$ either consider mostly scalar information such as distances and angles or have a very high computational complexity. In this work, we test a few novel message passing graph neural networks (GNNs) based on Clifford multivectors, structured similarly to other prevalent equivariant models in geometric deep learning. Our approach leverages efficient invariant scalar features while simultaneously performing expressive learning on multivector representations, particularly through the use of the equivariant geometric product operator. By integrating these elements, our methods outperform established efficient baseline models on an N-Body simulation task and protein denoising task while maintaining a high efficiency. In particular, we push the state-of-the-art error on the N-body dataset to 0.0035 (averaged over 3 runs); an 8% improvement over recent methods. Our implementation is available on Github.

replace Mitigating Bias in Dataset Distillation

Authors: Justin Cui, Ruochen Wang, Yuanhao Xiong, Cho-Jui Hsieh

Abstract: Dataset Distillation has emerged as a technique for compressing large datasets into smaller synthetic counterparts, facilitating downstream training tasks. In this paper, we study the impact of bias inside the original dataset on the performance of dataset distillation. With a comprehensive empirical evaluation on canonical datasets with color, corruption and background biases, we found that color and background biases in the original dataset will be amplified through the distillation process, resulting in a notable decline in the performance of models trained on the distilled dataset, while corruption bias is suppressed through the distillation process. To reduce bias amplification in dataset distillation, we introduce a simple yet highly effective approach based on a sample reweighting scheme utilizing kernel density estimation. Empirical results on multiple real-world and synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Notably, on CMNIST with 5% bias-conflict ratio and IPC 50, our method achieves 91.5% test accuracy compared to 23.8% from vanilla DM, boosting the performance by 67.7%, whereas applying state-of-the-art debiasing method on the same dataset only achieves 53.7% accuracy. Our findings highlight the importance of addressing biases in dataset distillation and provide a promising avenue to address bias amplification in the process.

replace Deep Symbolic Optimization for Combinatorial Optimization: Accelerating Node Selection by Discovering Potential Heuristics

Authors: Hongyu Liu, Haoyang Liu, Yufei Kuang, Jie Wang, Bin Li

Abstract: Combinatorial optimization (CO) is one of the most fundamental mathematical models in real-world applications. Traditional CO solvers, such as Branch-and-Bound (B&B) solvers, heavily rely on expert-designed heuristics, which are reliable but require substantial manual tuning. Recent studies have leveraged deep learning (DL) models as an alternative to capture rich feature patterns for improved performance on GPU machines. Nonetheless, the drawbacks of high training and inference costs, as well as limited interpretability, severely hinder the adoption of DL methods in real-world applications. To address these challenges, we propose a novel deep symbolic optimization learning framework that combines their advantages. Specifically, we focus on the node selection module within B&B solvers -- namely, deep symbolic optimization for node selection (Dso4NS). With data-driven approaches, Dso4NS guides the search for mathematical expressions within the high-dimensional discrete symbolic space and then incorporates the highest-performing mathematical expressions into a solver. The data-driven model captures the rich feature information in the input data and generates symbolic expressions, while the expressions deployed in solvers enable fast inference with high interpretability. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of Dso4NS in learning high-quality expressions, outperforming existing approaches on a CPU machine. Encouragingly, the learned CPU-based policies consistently achieve performance comparable to state-of-the-art GPU-based approaches.

replace scTree: Discovering Cellular Hierarchies in the Presence of Batch Effects in scRNA-seq Data

Authors: Moritz Vandenhirtz, Florian Barkmann, Laura Manduchi, Julia E. Vogt, Valentina Boeva

Abstract: We propose a novel method, scTree, for single-cell Tree Variational Autoencoders, extending a hierarchical clustering approach to single-cell RNA sequencing data. scTree corrects for batch effects while simultaneously learning a tree-structured data representation. This VAE-based method allows for a more in-depth understanding of complex cellular landscapes independently of the biasing effects of batches. We show empirically on seven datasets that scTree discovers the underlying clusters of the data and the hierarchical relations between them, as well as outperforms established baseline methods across these datasets. Additionally, we analyze the learned hierarchy to understand its biological relevance, thus underpinning the importance of integrating batch correction directly into the clustering procedure.

replace Short-Long Policy Evaluation with Novel Actions

Authors: Hyunji Alex Nam, Yash Chandak, Emma Brunskill

Abstract: From incorporating LLMs in education, to identifying new drugs and improving ways to charge batteries, innovators constantly try new strategies in search of better long-term outcomes for students, patients and consumers. One major bottleneck in this innovation cycle is the amount of time it takes to observe the downstream effects of a decision policy that incorporates new interventions. The key question is whether we can quickly evaluate long-term outcomes of a new decision policy without making long-term observations. Organizations often have access to prior data about past decision policies and their outcomes, evaluated over the full horizon of interest. Motivated by this, we introduce a new setting for short-long policy evaluation for sequential decision making tasks. Our proposed methods significantly outperform prior results on simulators of HIV treatment, kidney dialysis and battery charging. We also demonstrate that our methods can be useful for applications in AI safety by quickly identifying when a new decision policy is likely to have substantially lower performance than past policies.

replace Amazing Things Come From Having Many Good Models

Authors: Cynthia Rudin, Chudi Zhong, Lesia Semenova, Margo Seltzer, Ronald Parr, Jiachang Liu, Srikar Katta, Jon Donnelly, Harry Chen, Zachery Boner

Abstract: The Rashomon Effect, coined by Leo Breiman, describes the phenomenon that there exist many equally good predictive models for the same dataset. This phenomenon happens for many real datasets and when it does, it sparks both magic and consternation, but mostly magic. In light of the Rashomon Effect, this perspective piece proposes reshaping the way we think about machine learning, particularly for tabular data problems in the nondeterministic (noisy) setting. We address how the Rashomon Effect impacts (1) the existence of simple-yet-accurate models, (2) flexibility to address user preferences, such as fairness and monotonicity, without losing performance, (3) uncertainty in predictions, fairness, and explanations, (4) reliable variable importance, (5) algorithm choice, specifically, providing advanced knowledge of which algorithms might be suitable for a given problem, and (6) public policy. We also discuss a theory of when the Rashomon Effect occurs and why. Our goal is to illustrate how the Rashomon Effect can have a massive impact on the use of machine learning for complex problems in society.

replace A third-order finite difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme with shallow neural network

Authors: Kwanghyuk Park, Xinjuan Chen, Dongjin Lee, Jiaxi Gu, Jae-Hun Jung

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the finite difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme based on the neural network for hyperbolic conservation laws. We employ the supervised learning and design two loss functions, one with the mean squared error and the other with the mean squared logarithmic error, where the WENO3-JS weights are computed as the labels. Each loss function consists of two components where the first component compares the difference between the weights from the neural network and WENO3-JS weights, while the second component matches the output weights of the neural network and the linear weights. The former of the loss function enforces the neural network to follow the WENO properties, implying that there is no need for the post-processing layer. Additionally the latter leads to better performance around discontinuities. As a neural network structure, we choose the shallow neural network (SNN) for computational efficiency with the Delta layer consisting of the normalized undivided differences. These constructed WENO3-SNN schemes show the outperformed results in one-dimensional examples and improved behavior in two-dimensional examples, compared with the simulations from WENO3-JS and WENO3-Z.

replace Entropy Law: The Story Behind Data Compression and LLM Performance

Authors: Mingjia Yin, Chuhan Wu, Yufei Wang, Hao Wang, Wei Guo, Yasheng Wang, Yong Liu, Ruiming Tang, Defu Lian, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Data is the cornerstone of large language models (LLMs), but not all data is useful for model learning. Carefully selected data can better elicit the capabilities of LLMs with much less computational overhead. Most methods concentrate on evaluating the quality of individual samples in data selection, while the combinatorial effects among samples are neglected. Even if each sample is of perfect quality, their combinations may be suboptimal in teaching LLMs due to their intrinsic homogeneity or contradiction. In this paper, we aim to uncover the underlying relationships between LLM performance and data selection. Inspired by the information compression nature of LLMs, we uncover an ``entropy law'' that connects LLM performance with data compression ratio and first-epoch training loss, which reflect the information redundancy of a dataset and the mastery of inherent knowledge encoded in this dataset, respectively. Through both theoretical deduction and empirical evaluation, we find that model performance is negatively correlated to the compression ratio of training data, which usually yields a lower training loss. Based on the findings of the entropy law, we propose a quite efficient and universal data selection method named \textbf{ZIP} for training LLMs, which aim to prioritize data subsets exhibiting a low compression ratio. Based on a multi-stage algorithm that selects diverse data in a greedy manner, we can obtain a good data subset with satisfactory diversity. Extensive experiments have been conducted to validate the entropy law and the superiority of ZIP across different LLM backbones and alignment stages. We also present an interesting application of entropy law that can detect potential performance risks at the beginning of model training.

replace Explainable Hyperdimensional Computing for Balancing Privacy and Transparency in Additive Manufacturing Monitoring

Authors: Fardin Jalil Piran, Prathyush P. Poduval, Hamza Errahmouni Barkam, Mohsen Imani, Farhad Imani

Abstract: In-situ sensing, in conjunction with learning models, presents a unique opportunity to address persistent defect issues in Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes. However, this integration introduces significant data privacy concerns, such as data leakage, sensor data compromise, and model inversion attacks, revealing critical details about part design, material composition, and machine parameters. Differential Privacy (DP) models, which inject noise into data under mathematical guarantees, offer a nuanced balance between data utility and privacy by obscuring traces of sensing data. However, the introduction of noise into learning models, often functioning as black boxes, complicates the prediction of how specific noise levels impact model accuracy. This study introduces the Differential Privacy-HyperDimensional computing (DP-HD) framework, leveraging the explainability of the vector symbolic paradigm to predict the noise impact on the accuracy of in-situ monitoring, safeguarding sensitive data while maintaining operational efficiency. Experimental results on real-world high-speed melt pool data of AM for detecting overhang anomalies demonstrate that DP-HD achieves superior operational efficiency, prediction accuracy, and robust privacy protection, outperforming state-of-the-art Machine Learning (ML) models. For example, when implementing the same level of privacy protection (with a privacy budget set at 1), our model achieved an accuracy of 94.43%, surpassing the performance of traditional models such as ResNet50 (52.30%), GoogLeNet (23.85%), AlexNet (55.78%), DenseNet201 (69.13%), and EfficientNet B2 (40.81%). Notably, DP-HD maintains high performance under substantial noise additions designed to enhance privacy, unlike current models that suffer significant accuracy declines under high privacy constraints.

replace-cross Pixel Distillation: A New Knowledge Distillation Scheme for Low-Resolution Image Recognition

Authors: Guangyu Guo, Dingwen Zhang, Longfei Han, Nian Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Junwei Han

Abstract: Previous knowledge distillation (KD) methods mostly focus on compressing network architectures, which is not thorough enough in deployment as some costs like transmission bandwidth and imaging equipment are related to the image size. Therefore, we propose Pixel Distillation that extends knowledge distillation into the input level while simultaneously breaking architecture constraints. Such a scheme can achieve flexible cost control for deployment, as it allows the system to adjust both network architecture and image quality according to the overall requirement of resources. Specifically, we first propose an input spatial representation distillation (ISRD) mechanism to transfer spatial knowledge from large images to student's input module, which can facilitate stable knowledge transfer between CNN and ViT. Then, a Teacher-Assistant-Student (TAS) framework is further established to disentangle pixel distillation into the model compression stage and input compression stage, which significantly reduces the overall complexity of pixel distillation and the difficulty of distilling intermediate knowledge. Finally, we adapt pixel distillation to object detection via an aligned feature for preservation (AFP) strategy for TAS, which aligns output dimensions of detectors at each stage by manipulating features and anchors of the assistant. Comprehensive experiments on image classification and object detection demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Code is available at


replace-cross Anomaly detection using data depth: multivariate case

Authors: Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Romain Valla

Abstract: Anomaly detection is a branch of data analysis and machine learning which aims at identifying observations that exhibit abnormal behaviour. Be it measurement errors, disease development, severe weather, production quality default(s) (items) or failed equipment, financial frauds or crisis events, their on-time identification, isolation and explanation constitute an important task in almost any branch of science and industry. By providing a robust ordering, data depth - statistical function that measures belongingness of any point of the space to a data set - becomes a particularly useful tool for detection of anomalies. Already known for its theoretical properties, data depth has undergone substantial computational developments in the last decade and particularly recent years, which has made it applicable for contemporary-sized problems of data analysis and machine learning. In this article, data depth is studied as an efficient anomaly detection tool, assigning abnormality labels to observations with lower depth values, in a multivariate setting. Practical questions of necessity and reasonability of invariances and shape of the depth function, its robustness and computational complexity, choice of the threshold are discussed. Illustrations include use-cases that underline advantageous behaviour of data depth in various settings.

replace-cross Non-Coherent Over-the-Air Decentralized Gradient Descent

Authors: Nicolo' Michelusi

Abstract: Implementing Decentralized Gradient Descent (DGD) in wireless systems is challenging due to noise, fading, and limited bandwidth, necessitating topology awareness, transmission scheduling, and the acquisition of channel state information (CSI) to mitigate interference and maintain reliable communications. These operations may result in substantial signaling overhead and scalability challenges in large networks lacking central coordination. This paper introduces a scalable DGD algorithm that eliminates the need for scheduling, topology information, or CSI (both average and instantaneous). At its core is a Non-Coherent Over-The-Air (NCOTA) consensus scheme that exploits a noisy energy superposition property of wireless channels. Nodes encode their local optimization signals into energy levels within an OFDM frame and transmit simultaneously, without coordination. The key insight is that the received energy equals, on average, the sum of the energies of the transmitted signals, scaled by their respective average channel gains, akin to a consensus step. This property enables unbiased consensus estimation, utilizing average channel gains as mixing weights, thereby removing the need for their explicit design or for CSI. Introducing a consensus stepsize mitigates consensus estimation errors due to energy fluctuations around their expected values. For strongly-convex problems, it is shown that the expected squared distance between the local and globally optimum models vanishes at a rate of $\mathcal O(1/\sqrt{k})$ after $k$ iterations, with suitable decreasing learning and consensus stepsizes. Extensions accommodate a broad class of fading models and frequency-selective channels. Numerical experiments on image classification demonstrate faster convergence in terms of running time compared to state-of-the-art schemes, especially in dense network scenarios.

replace-cross Lightning Fast Video Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Dana Dascalescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Mubarak Shah

Abstract: We propose a very fast frame-level model for anomaly detection in video, which learns to detect anomalies by distilling knowledge from multiple highly accurate object-level teacher models. To improve the fidelity of our student, we distill the low-resolution anomaly maps of the teachers by jointly applying standard and adversarial distillation, introducing an adversarial discriminator for each teacher to distinguish between target and generated anomaly maps. We conduct experiments on three benchmarks (Avenue, ShanghaiTech, UCSD Ped2), showing that our method is over 7 times faster than the fastest competing method, and between 28 and 62 times faster than object-centric models, while obtaining comparable results to recent methods. Our evaluation also indicates that our model achieves the best trade-off between speed and accuracy, due to its previously unheard-of speed of 1480 FPS. In addition, we carry out a comprehensive ablation study to justify our architectural design choices. Our code is freely available at:


replace-cross Principal Component Analysis in Space Forms

Authors: Puoya Tabaghi, Michael Khanzadeh, Yusu Wang, Sivash Mirarab

Abstract: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a workhorse of modern data science. While PCA assumes the data conforms to Euclidean geometry, for specific data types, such as hierarchical and cyclic data structures, other spaces are more appropriate. We study PCA in space forms; that is, those with constant curvatures. At a point on a Riemannian manifold, we can define a Riemannian affine subspace based on a set of tangent vectors. Finding the optimal low-dimensional affine subspace for given points in a space form amounts to dimensionality reduction. Our Space Form PCA (SFPCA) seeks the affine subspace that best represents a set of manifold-valued points with the minimum projection cost. We propose proper cost functions that enjoy two properties: (1) their optimal affine subspace is the solution to an eigenequation, and (2) optimal affine subspaces of different dimensions form a nested set. These properties provide advances over existing methods, which are mostly iterative algorithms with slow convergence and weaker theoretical guarantees. We evaluate the proposed SFPCA on real and simulated data in spherical and hyperbolic spaces. We show that it outperforms alternative methods in estimating true subspaces (in simulated data) with respect to convergence speed or accuracy, often both.

replace-cross Parameter estimation from an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with measurement noise

Authors: Simon Carter, Lilianne Mujica-Parodi, Helmut H. Strey

Abstract: This article aims to investigate the impact of noise on parameter fitting for an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, focusing on the effects of multiplicative and thermal noise on the accuracy of signal separation. To address these issues, we propose algorithms and methods that can effectively distinguish between thermal and multiplicative noise and improve the precision of parameter estimation for optimal data analysis. Specifically, we explore the impact of both multiplicative and thermal noise on the obfuscation of the actual signal and propose methods to resolve them. First, we present an algorithm that can effectively separate thermal noise with comparable performance to Hamilton Monte Carlo (HMC) but with significantly improved speed. We then analyze multiplicative noise and demonstrate that HMC is insufficient for isolating thermal and multiplicative noise. However, we show that, with additional knowledge of the ratio between thermal and multiplicative noise, we can accurately distinguish between the two types of noise when provided with a sufficiently large sampling rate or an amplitude of multiplicative noise smaller than thermal noise. Thus, we demonstrate the mechanism underlying an otherwise counterintuitive phenomenon: when multiplicative noise dominates the noise spectrum, one can successfully estimate the parameters for such systems after adding additional white noise to shift the noise balance.

replace-cross DistriBlock: Identifying adversarial audio samples by leveraging characteristics of the output distribution

Authors: Mat\'ias P. Pizarro B., Dorothea Kolossa, Asja Fischer

Abstract: Adversarial attacks can mislead automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems into predicting an arbitrary target text, thus posing a clear security threat. To prevent such attacks, we propose DistriBlock, an efficient detection strategy applicable to any ASR system that predicts a probability distribution over output tokens in each time step. We measure a set of characteristics of this distribution: the median, maximum, and minimum over the output probabilities, the entropy of the distribution, as well as the Kullback-Leibler and the Jensen-Shannon divergence with respect to the distributions of the subsequent time step. Then, by leveraging the characteristics observed for both benign and adversarial data, we apply binary classifiers, including simple threshold-based classification, ensembles of such classifiers, and neural networks. Through extensive analysis across different state-of-the-art ASR systems and language data sets, we demonstrate the supreme performance of this approach, with a mean area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for distinguishing target adversarial examples against clean and noisy data of 99% and 97%, respectively. To assess the robustness of our method, we show that adaptive adversarial examples that can circumvent DistriBlock are much noisier, which makes them easier to detect through filtering and creates another avenue for preserving the system's robustness.

replace-cross MCMC-Correction of Score-Based Diffusion Models for Model Composition

Authors: Anders Sj\"oberg, Jakob Lindqvist, Magnus \"Onnheim, Mats Jirstrand, Lennart Svensson

Abstract: Diffusion models can be parameterised in terms of either a score or an energy function. An energy parameterisation is appealing since it enables an extended sampling procedure with a Metropolis--Hastings (MH) correction step, based on the change in total energy in the proposed samples. Improved sampling is important for model compositions, where off-the-shelf models are combined with each other, in order to sample from new distributions. For model composition, score-based diffusions have the advantages that they are popular and that many pre-trained models are readily available. However, this parameterisation does not, in general, define an energy, and the MH acceptance probability is therefore unavailable, and generally ill-defined. We propose keeping the score parameterisation and computing an acceptance probability inspired by energy-based models through line integration of the score function. This allows us to reuse existing diffusion models and still combine the reverse process with various Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We evaluate our method using numerical experiments and find that score-parameterised versions of the MCMC samplers can achieve similar improvements to the corresponding energy parameterisation.

replace-cross Adaptive Multi-head Contrastive Learning

Authors: Lei Wang, Piotr Koniusz, Tom Gedeon, Liang Zheng

Abstract: In contrastive learning, two views of an original image, generated by different augmentations, are considered a positive pair, and their similarity is required to be high. Similarly, two views of distinct images form a negative pair, with encouraged low similarity. Typically, a single similarity measure, provided by a lone projection head, evaluates positive and negative sample pairs. However, due to diverse augmentation strategies and varying intra-sample similarity, views from the same image may not always be similar. Additionally, owing to inter-sample similarity, views from different images may be more akin than those from the same image. Consequently, enforcing high similarity for positive pairs and low similarity for negative pairs may be unattainable, and in some cases, such enforcement could detrimentally impact performance. To address this challenge, we propose using multiple projection heads, each producing a distinct set of features. Our pre-training loss function emerges from a solution to the maximum likelihood estimation over head-wise posterior distributions of positive samples given observations. This loss incorporates the similarity measure over positive and negative pairs, each re-weighted by an individual adaptive temperature, regulated to prevent ill solutions. Our approach, Adaptive Multi-Head Contrastive Learning (AMCL), can be applied to and experimentally enhances several popular contrastive learning methods such as SimCLR, MoCo, and Barlow Twins. The improvement remains consistent across various backbones and linear probing epochs, and becomes more significant when employing multiple augmentation methods.

replace-cross Agent Lumos: Unified and Modular Training for Open-Source Language Agents

Authors: Da Yin, Faeze Brahman, Abhilasha Ravichander, Khyathi Chandu, Kai-Wei Chang, Yejin Choi, Bill Yuchen Lin

Abstract: Closed-source agents suffer from several issues such as a lack of affordability, transparency, and reproducibility, particularly on complex interactive tasks. This motivates the development of open-source alternatives. We introduce LUMOS, one of the first frameworks for training open-source LLM-based agents. LUMOS features a learnable, unified, and modular architecture with a planning module that learns high-level subgoal generation, and a grounding module trained to translate these into actions using various tools in the execution module. The design allows for modular upgrades and wider applicability to diverse interactive tasks. To foster generalizable agent learning, we collect large-scale, unified, and high-quality training annotations derived from diverse ground-truth reasoning rationales across various complex interactive tasks. On 9 datasets, LUMOS exhibits several key advantages: (1) LUMOS excels multiple larger open-source agents on the held-out datasets (unused for training) for each task type. LUMOS even surpasses GPT agents on QA and web tasks; (2) LUMOS outperforms open-source agents produced by chain-of-thoughts and unmodularized integrated training; and (3) LUMOS effectively generalizes to unseen tasks, outperforming 33B-scale agents and domain-specific agents.

replace-cross Orchard: building large cancer phylogenies using stochastic combinatorial search

Authors: E. Kulman, R. Kuang, Q. Morris

Abstract: Phylogenies depicting the evolutionary history of genetically heterogeneous subpopulations of cells from the same cancer, i.e., cancer phylogenies, offer valuable insights about cancer development and guide treatment strategies. Many methods exist that reconstruct cancer phylogenies using point mutations detected with bulk DNA sequencing. However, these methods become inaccurate when reconstructing phylogenies with more than 30 mutations, or, in some cases, fail to recover a phylogeny altogether. Here, we introduce Orchard, a cancer phylogeny reconstruction algorithm that is fast and accurate using up to 1000 mutations. Orchard samples without replacement from a factorized approximation of the posterior distribution over phylogenies, a novel result derived in this paper. Each factor in this approximate posterior corresponds to a conditional distribution for adding a new mutation to a partially built phylogeny. Orchard optimizes each factor sequentially, generating a sequence of incrementally larger phylogenies that ultimately culminate in a complete tree containing all mutations. Our evaluations demonstrate that Orchard outperforms state-of-the-art cancer phylogeny reconstruction methods in reconstructing more plausible phylogenies across 90 simulated cancers and 14 B-progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemias (B-ALLs). Remarkably, Orchard accurately reconstructs cancer phylogenies using up to 1,000 mutations. Additionally, we demonstrate that the large and accurate phylogenies reconstructed by Orchard are useful for identifying patterns of somatic mutations and genetic variations among distinct cancer cell subpopulations.

replace-cross Class-Discriminative Attention Maps for Vision Transformers

Authors: Lennart Brocki, Jakub Binda, Neo Christopher Chung

Abstract: Importance estimators are explainability methods that quantify feature importance for deep neural networks (DNN). In vision transformers (ViT), the self-attention mechanism naturally leads to attention maps, which are sometimes used as importance scores for which input features ViT models are focusing on. However, attention maps do not account for signals from downstream tasks. To generate explanations that are sensitive to downstream tasks, we have developed class-discriminative attention maps (CDAM), a gradient-based extension that estimates feature importance with respect to a known class or a latent concept. CDAM scales attention scores by how relevant the corresponding tokens are for the predictions of a classifier head. In addition to targeting the supervised classifier, CDAM can explain an arbitrary concept shared by selected samples by measuring similarity in the latent space of ViT. Additionally, we introduce Smooth CDAM and Integrated CDAM, which average a series of CDAMs with slightly altered tokens. Our quantitative benchmarks include correctness, compactness, and class sensitivity, in comparison to six other importance estimators. Vanilla, Smooth, and Integrated CDAM excel across all three benchmarks. In particular, our results suggest that existing importance estimators may not provide sufficient class-sensitivity. We demonstrate the utility of CDAM in medical images by training and explaining malignancy and biomarker prediction models based on lung Computed Tomography (CT) scans. Overall, CDAM is shown to be highly class-discriminative and semantically relevant, while providing compact explanations.

replace-cross A cyclical route linking fundamental mechanism and AI algorithm: An example from tuning Poisson's ratio in amorphous networks

Authors: Changliang Zhu, Chenchao Fang, Zhipeng Jin, Baowen Li, Xiangying Shen, Lei Xu

Abstract: "AI for science" is widely recognized as a future trend in the development of scientific research. Currently, although machine learning algorithms have played a crucial role in scientific research with numerous successful cases, relatively few instances exist where AI assists researchers in uncovering the underlying physical mechanisms behind a certain phenomenon and subsequently using that mechanism to improve machine learning algorithms' efficiency. This article uses the investigation into the relationship between extreme Poisson's ratio values and the structure of amorphous networks as a case study to illustrate how machine learning methods can assist in revealing underlying physical mechanisms. Upon recognizing that the Poisson's ratio relies on the low-frequency vibrational modes of dynamical matrix, we can then employ a convolutional neural network, trained on the dynamical matrix instead of traditional image recognition, to predict the Poisson's ratio of amorphous networks with a much higher efficiency. Through this example, we aim to showcase the role that artificial intelligence can play in revealing fundamental physical mechanisms, which subsequently improves the machine learning algorithms significantly.

replace-cross PhenDiff: Revealing Subtle Phenotypes with Diffusion Models in Real Images

Authors: Anis Bourou, Thomas Boyer, K\'evin Daupin, V\'eronique Dubreuil, Aur\'elie De Thonel, Val\'erie Mezger, Auguste Genovesio

Abstract: For the past few years, deep generative models have increasingly been used in biological research for a variety of tasks. Recently, they have proven to be valuable for uncovering subtle cell phenotypic differences that are not directly discernible to the human eye. However, current methods employed to achieve this goal mainly rely on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). While effective, GANs encompass issues such as training instability and mode collapse, and they do not accurately map images back to the model's latent space, which is necessary to synthesize, manipulate, and thus interpret outputs based on real images. In this work, we introduce PhenDiff: a multi-class conditional method leveraging Diffusion Models (DMs) designed to identify shifts in cellular phenotypes by translating a real image from one condition to another. We qualitatively and quantitatively validate this method on cases where the phenotypic changes are visible or invisible, such as in low concentrations of drug treatments. Overall, PhenDiff represents a valuable tool for identifying cellular variations in real microscopy images. We anticipate that it could facilitate the understanding of diseases and advance drug discovery through the identification of novel biomarkers.

replace-cross Left/Right Brain, human motor control and the implications for robotics

Authors: Jarrad Rinaldo, Levin Kuhlmann, Jason Friedman, Gideon Kowadlo

Abstract: Neural Network movement controllers promise a variety of advantages over conventional control methods, however, they are not widely adopted due to their inability to produce reliably precise movements. This research explores a bilateral neural network architecture as a control system for motor tasks. We aimed to achieve hemispheric specialisation similar to what is observed in humans across different tasks; the dominant system (usually the right hand, left hemisphere) excels at tasks involving coordination and efficiency of movement, and the non-dominant system performs better at tasks requiring positional stability. Specialisation was achieved by training the hemispheres with different loss functions tailored to the expected behaviour of the respective hemispheres. We compared bilateral models with and without specialised hemispheres, with and without inter-hemispheric connectivity (representing the biological Corpus Callosum), and unilateral models with and without specialisation. The models were trained and tested on two tasks common in the human motor control literature: the random reach task, suited to the dominant system, a model with better coordination, and the hold position task, suited to the non-dominant system, a model with more stable movement. Each system outperformed the non-preferred system in its preferred task. For both tasks, a bilateral model outperformed the non-preferred hand and was as good or better than the preferred hand. The results suggest that the hemispheres could collaborate on tasks or work independently to their strengths. This study provides ideas for how a biologically inspired bilateral architecture could be exploited for industrial motor control.

replace-cross Objective and subjective evaluation of speech enhancement methods in the UDASE task of the 7th CHiME challenge

Authors: Simon Leglaive, Matthieu Fraticelli, Hend ElGhazaly, L\'eonie Borne, Mostafa Sadeghi, Scott Wisdom, Manuel Pariente, John R. Hershey, Daniel Pressnitzer, Jon P. Barker

Abstract: Supervised models for speech enhancement are trained using artificially generated mixtures of clean speech and noise signals. However, the synthetic training conditions may not accurately reflect real-world conditions encountered during testing. This discrepancy can result in poor performance when the test domain significantly differs from the synthetic training domain. To tackle this issue, the UDASE task of the 7th CHiME challenge aimed to leverage real-world noisy speech recordings from the test domain for unsupervised domain adaptation of speech enhancement models. Specifically, this test domain corresponds to the CHiME-5 dataset, characterized by real multi-speaker and conversational speech recordings made in noisy and reverberant domestic environments, for which ground-truth clean speech signals are not available. In this paper, we present the objective and subjective evaluations of the systems that were submitted to the CHiME-7 UDASE task, and we provide an analysis of the results. This analysis reveals a limited correlation between subjective ratings and several supervised nonintrusive performance metrics recently proposed for speech enhancement. Conversely, the results suggest that more traditional intrusive objective metrics can be used for in-domain performance evaluation using the reverberant LibriCHiME-5 dataset developed for the challenge. The subjective evaluation indicates that all systems successfully reduced the background noise, but always at the expense of increased distortion. Out of the four speech enhancement methods evaluated subjectively, only one demonstrated an improvement in overall quality compared to the unprocessed noisy speech, highlighting the difficulty of the task. The tools and audio material created for the CHiME-7 UDASE task are shared with the community.

replace-cross Trial and Error: Exploration-Based Trajectory Optimization for LLM Agents

Authors: Yifan Song, Da Yin, Xiang Yue, Jie Huang, Sujian Li, Bill Yuchen Lin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become integral components in various autonomous agent systems. In this study, we present an exploration-based trajectory optimization approach, referred to as ETO. This learning method is designed to enhance the performance of open LLM agents. Contrary to previous studies that exclusively train on successful expert trajectories, our method allows agents to learn from their exploration failures. This leads to improved performance through an iterative optimization framework. During the exploration phase, the agent interacts with the environment while completing given tasks, gathering failure trajectories to create contrastive trajectory pairs. In the subsequent training phase, the agent utilizes these trajectory preference pairs to update its policy using contrastive learning methods like DPO. This iterative cycle of exploration and training fosters continued improvement in the agents. Our experiments on three complex tasks demonstrate that ETO consistently surpasses baseline performance by a large margin. Furthermore, an examination of task-solving efficiency and potential in scenarios lacking expert trajectory underscores the effectiveness of our approach.

replace-cross Learning Speed Adaptation for Flight in Clutter

Authors: Guangyu Zhao, Tianyue Wu, Yeke Chen, Fei Gao

Abstract: Animals learn to adapt speed of their movements to their capabilities and the environment they observe. Mobile robots should also demonstrate this ability to trade-off aggressiveness and safety for efficiently accomplishing tasks. The aim of this work is to endow flight vehicles with the ability of speed adaptation in prior unknown and partially observable cluttered environments. We propose a hierarchical learning and planning framework where we utilize both well-established methods of model-based trajectory generation and trial-and-error that comprehensively learns a policy to dynamically configure the speed constraint. Technically, we use online reinforcement learning to obtain the deployable policy. The statistical results in simulation demonstrate the advantages of our method over the constant speed constraint baselines and an alternative method in terms of flight efficiency and safety. In particular, the policy behaves perception awareness, which distinguish it from alternative approaches. By deploying the policy to hardware, we verify that these advantages can be brought to the real world.

replace-cross Ensembling Prioritized Hybrid Policies for Multi-agent Pathfinding

Authors: Huijie Tang, Federico Berto, Jinkyoo Park

Abstract: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) based Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) has recently gained attention due to its efficiency and scalability. Several MARL-MAPF methods choose to use communication to enrich the information one agent can perceive. However, existing works still struggle in structured environments with high obstacle density and a high number of agents. To further improve the performance of the communication-based MARL-MAPF solvers, we propose a new method, Ensembling Prioritized Hybrid Policies (EPH). We first propose a selective communication block to gather richer information for better agent coordination within multi-agent environments and train the model with a Q learning-based algorithm. We further introduce three advanced inference strategies aimed at bolstering performance during the execution phase. First, we hybridize the neural policy with single-agent expert guidance for navigating conflict-free zones. Secondly, we propose Q value-based methods for prioritized resolution of conflicts as well as deadlock situations. Finally, we introduce a robust ensemble method that can efficiently collect the best out of multiple possible solutions. We empirically evaluate EPH in complex multi-agent environments and demonstrate competitive performance against state-of-the-art neural methods for MAPF. We open-source our code at


replace-cross Unlocking the Multi-modal Potential of CLIP for Generalized Category Discovery

Authors: Enguang Wang, Zhimao Peng, Zhengyuan Xie, Fei Yang, Xialei Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng

Abstract: Given unlabelled datasets containing both old and new categories, generalized category discovery (GCD) aims to accurately discover new classes while correctly classifying old classes, leveraging the class concepts learned from labeled samples. Current GCD methods only use a single visual modality of information, resulting in poor classification of visually similar classes. As a different modality, text information can provide complementary discriminative information, which motivates us to introduce it into the GCD task. However, the lack of class names for unlabelled data makes it impractical to utilize text information. To tackle this challenging problem, in this paper, we propose a Text Embedding Synthesizer (TES) to generate pseudo text embeddings for unlabelled samples. Specifically, our TES leverages the property that CLIP can generate aligned vision-language features, converting visual embeddings into tokens of the CLIP's text encoder to generate pseudo text embeddings. Besides, we employ a dual-branch framework, through the joint learning and instance consistency of different modality branches, visual and semantic information mutually enhance each other, promoting the interaction and fusion of visual and text knowledge. Our method unlocks the multi-modal potentials of CLIP and outperforms the baseline methods by a large margin on all GCD benchmarks, achieving new state-of-the-art. The code will be released at .


replace-cross Improving Medical Multi-modal Contrastive Learning with Expert Annotations

Authors: Yogesh Kumar, Pekka Marttinen

Abstract: We introduce eCLIP, an enhanced version of the CLIP model that integrates expert annotations in the form of radiologist eye-gaze heatmaps. It tackles key challenges in contrastive multi-modal medical imaging analysis, notably data scarcity and the "modality gap" -- a significant disparity between image and text embeddings that diminishes the quality of representations and hampers cross-modal interoperability. eCLIP integrates a heatmap processor and leverages mixup augmentation to efficiently utilize the scarce expert annotations, thus boosting the model's learning effectiveness. eCLIP is designed to be generally applicable to any variant of CLIP without requiring any modifications of the core architecture. Through detailed evaluations across several tasks, including zero-shot inference, linear probing, cross-modal retrieval, and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) of radiology reports using a frozen Large Language Model, eCLIP showcases consistent improvements in embedding quality. The outcomes reveal enhanced alignment and uniformity, affirming eCLIP's capability to harness high-quality annotations for enriched multi-modal analysis in the medical imaging domain.

replace-cross End-to-end data-driven weather forecasting

Authors: Anna Vaughan, Stratis Markou, Will Tebbutt, James Requeima, Wessel P. Bruinsma, Tom R. Andersson, Michael Herzog, Nicholas D. Lane, Matthew Chantry, J. Scott Hosking, Richard E. Turner

Abstract: Weather forecasting is critical for a range of human activities including transportation, agriculture, industry, as well as the safety of the general public. Machine learning models have the potential to transform the complex weather prediction pipeline, but current approaches still rely on numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems, limiting forecast speed and accuracy. Here we demonstrate that a machine learning model can replace the entire operational NWP pipeline. Aardvark Weather, an end-to-end data-driven weather prediction system, ingests raw observations and outputs global gridded forecasts and local station forecasts. Further, it can be optimised end-to-end to maximise performance over quantities of interest. Global forecasts outperform an operational NWP baseline for multiple variables and lead times. Local station forecasts are skillful up to ten days lead time and achieve comparable and often lower errors than a post-processed global NWP baseline and a state-of-the-art end-to-end forecasting system with input from human forecasters. These forecasts are produced with a remarkably simple neural process model using just 8\% of the input data and three orders of magnitude less compute than existing NWP and hybrid AI-NWP methods. We anticipate that Aardvark Weather will be the starting point for a new generation of end-to-end machine learning models for medium-range forecasting that will reduce computational costs by orders of magnitude and enable the rapid and cheap creation of bespoke models for users in a variety of fields, including for the developing world where state-of-the-art local models are not currently available.

replace-cross Lossless Acceleration of Large Language Model via Adaptive N-gram Parallel Decoding

Authors: Jie Ou, Yueming Chen, Wenhong Tian

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable abilities, they are hindered by significant resource consumption and considerable latency due to autoregressive processing. In this study, we introduce Adaptive N-gram Parallel Decoding (ANPD), an innovative and lossless approach that accelerates inference by allowing the simultaneous generation of multiple tokens. ANPD incorporates a two-stage approach: it begins with a rapid drafting phase that employs an N-gram module, which adapts based on the current interactive context, followed by a verification phase, during which the original LLM assesses and confirms the proposed tokens. Consequently, ANPD preserves the integrity of the LLM's original output while enhancing processing speed. We further leverage a multi-level architecture for the N-gram module to enhance the precision of the initial draft, consequently reducing inference latency. ANPD eliminates the need for retraining or extra GPU memory, making it an efficient and plug-and-play enhancement. In our experiments, models such as LLaMA and its fine-tuned variants have shown speed improvements up to 3.67x, validating the effectiveness of our proposed ANPD.

replace-cross PhyScene: Physically Interactable 3D Scene Synthesis for Embodied AI

Authors: Yandan Yang, Baoxiong Jia, Peiyuan Zhi, Siyuan Huang

Abstract: With recent developments in Embodied Artificial Intelligence (EAI) research, there has been a growing demand for high-quality, large-scale interactive scene generation. While prior methods in scene synthesis have prioritized the naturalness and realism of the generated scenes, the physical plausibility and interactivity of scenes have been largely left unexplored. To address this disparity, we introduce PhyScene, a novel method dedicated to generating interactive 3D scenes characterized by realistic layouts, articulated objects, and rich physical interactivity tailored for embodied agents. Based on a conditional diffusion model for capturing scene layouts, we devise novel physics- and interactivity-based guidance mechanisms that integrate constraints from object collision, room layout, and object reachability. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that PhyScene effectively leverages these guidance functions for physically interactable scene synthesis, outperforming existing state-of-the-art scene synthesis methods by a large margin. Our findings suggest that the scenes generated by PhyScene hold considerable potential for facilitating diverse skill acquisition among agents within interactive environments, thereby catalyzing further advancements in embodied AI research. Project website:


replace-cross Automated Creation of Source Code Variants of a Cryptographic Hash Function Implementation Using Generative Pre-Trained Transformer Models

Authors: Elijah Pelofske, Vincent Urias, Lorie M. Liebrock

Abstract: Generative pre-trained transformers (GPT's) are a type of large language machine learning model that are unusually adept at producing novel, and coherent, natural language. In this study the ability of GPT models to generate novel and correct versions, and notably very insecure versions, of implementations of the cryptographic hash function SHA-1 is examined. The GPT models Llama-2-70b-chat-h, Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1, and zephyr-7b-alpha are used. The GPT models are prompted to re-write each function using a modified version of the localGPT framework and langchain to provide word embedding context of the full source code and header files to the model, resulting in over 150,000 function re-write GPT output text blocks, approximately 50,000 of which were able to be parsed as C code and subsequently compiled. The generated code is analyzed for being compilable, correctness of the algorithm, memory leaks, compiler optimization stability, and character distance to the reference implementation. Remarkably, several generated function variants have a high implementation security risk of being correct for some test vectors, but incorrect for other test vectors. Additionally, many function implementations were not correct to the reference algorithm of SHA-1, but produced hashes that have some of the basic characteristics of hash functions. Many of the function re-writes contained serious flaws such as memory leaks, integer overflows, out of bounds accesses, use of uninitialised values, and compiler optimization instability. Compiler optimization settings and SHA-256 hash checksums of the compiled binaries are used to cluster implementations that are equivalent but may not have identical syntax - using this clustering over 100,000 novel and correct versions of the SHA-1 codebase were generated where each component C function of the reference implementation is different from the original code.

replace-cross MediSyn: Text-Guided Diffusion Models for Broad Medical 2D and 3D Image Synthesis

Authors: Joseph Cho, Cyril Zakka, Dhamanpreet Kaur, Rohan Shad, Ross Wightman, Akshay Chaudhari, William Hiesinger

Abstract: Diffusion models have recently gained significant traction due to their ability to generate high-fidelity and diverse images and videos conditioned on text prompts. In medicine, this application promises to address the critical challenge of data scarcity, a consequence of barriers in data sharing, stringent patient privacy regulations, and disparities in patient population and demographics. By generating realistic and varying medical 2D and 3D images, these models offer a rich, privacy-respecting resource for algorithmic training and research. To this end, we introduce MediSyn, a pair of instruction-tuned text-guided latent diffusion models with the ability to generate high-fidelity and diverse medical 2D and 3D images across specialties and modalities. Through established metrics, we show significant improvement in broad medical image and video synthesis guided by text prompts.

replace-cross MAP-Neo: Highly Capable and Transparent Bilingual Large Language Model Series

Authors: Ge Zhang, Scott Qu, Jiaheng Liu, Chenchen Zhang, Chenghua Lin, Chou Leuang Yu, Danny Pan, Esther Cheng, Jie Liu, Qunshu Lin, Raven Yuan, Tuney Zheng, Wei Pang, Xinrun Du, Yiming Liang, Yinghao Ma, Yizhi Li, Ziyang Ma, Bill Lin, Emmanouil Benetos, Huan Yang, Junting Zhou, Kaijing Ma, Minghao Liu, Morry Niu, Noah Wang, Quehry Que, Ruibo Liu, Sine Liu, Shawn Guo, Soren Gao, Wangchunshu Zhou, Xinyue Zhang, Yizhi Zhou, Yubo Wang, Yuelin Bai, Yuhan Zhang, Yuxiang Zhang, Zenith Wang, Zhenzhu Yang, Zijian Zhao, Jiajun Zhang, Wanli Ouyang, Wenhao Huang, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have made great strides in recent years to achieve unprecedented performance across different tasks. However, due to commercial interest, the most competitive models like GPT, Gemini, and Claude have been gated behind proprietary interfaces without disclosing the training details. Recently, many institutions have open-sourced several strong LLMs like LLaMA-3, comparable to existing closed-source LLMs. However, only the model's weights are provided with most details (e.g., intermediate checkpoints, pre-training corpus, and training code, etc.) being undisclosed. To improve the transparency of LLMs, the research community has formed to open-source truly open LLMs (e.g., Pythia, Amber, OLMo), where more details (e.g., pre-training corpus and training code) are being provided. These models have greatly advanced the scientific study of these large models including their strengths, weaknesses, biases and risks. However, we observe that the existing truly open LLMs on reasoning, knowledge, and coding tasks are still inferior to existing state-of-the-art LLMs with similar model sizes. To this end, we open-source MAP-Neo, a highly capable and transparent bilingual language model with 7B parameters trained from scratch on 4.5T high-quality tokens. Our MAP-Neo is the first fully open-sourced bilingual LLM with comparable performance compared to existing state-of-the-art LLMs. Moreover, we open-source all details to reproduce our MAP-Neo, where the cleaned pre-training corpus, data cleaning pipeline, checkpoints, and well-optimized training/evaluation framework are provided. Finally, we hope our MAP-Neo will enhance and strengthen the open research community and inspire more innovations and creativities to facilitate the further improvements of LLMs.

replace-cross Non-uniformity is All You Need: Efficient and Timely Encrypted Traffic Classification With ECHO

Authors: Shilo Daum, Tal Shapira, Anat Bremler-Barr, David Hay

Abstract: With 95% of Internet traffic now encrypted, an effective approach to classifying this traffic is crucial for network security and management. This paper introduces ECHO -- a novel optimization process for ML/DL-based encrypted traffic classification. ECHO targets both classification time and memory utilization and incorporates two innovative techniques. The first component, HO (Hyperparameter Optimization of binnings), aims at creating efficient traffic representations. While previous research often uses representations that map packet sizes and packet arrival times to fixed-sized bins, we show that non-uniform binnings are significantly more efficient. These non-uniform binnings are derived by employing a hyperparameter optimization algorithm in the training stage. HO significantly improves accuracy given a required representation size, or, equivalently, achieves comparable accuracy using smaller representations. Then, we introduce EC (Early Classification of traffic), which enables faster classification using a cascade of classifiers adapted for different exit times, where classification is based on the level of confidence. EC reduces the average classification latency by up to 90\%. Remarkably, this method not only maintains classification accuracy but also, in certain cases, improves it. Using three publicly available datasets, we demonstrate that the combined method, Early Classification with Hyperparameter Optimization (ECHO), leads to a significant improvement in classification efficiency.

replace-cross Beyond the Calibration Point: Mechanism Comparison in Differential Privacy

Authors: Georgios Kaissis, Stefan Kolek, Borja Balle, Jamie Hayes, Daniel Rueckert

Abstract: In differentially private (DP) machine learning, the privacy guarantees of DP mechanisms are often reported and compared on the basis of a single $(\varepsilon, \delta)$-pair. This practice overlooks that DP guarantees can vary substantially even between mechanisms sharing a given $(\varepsilon, \delta)$, and potentially introduces privacy vulnerabilities which can remain undetected. This motivates the need for robust, rigorous methods for comparing DP guarantees in such cases. Here, we introduce the $\Delta$-divergence between mechanisms which quantifies the worst-case excess privacy vulnerability of choosing one mechanism over another in terms of $(\varepsilon, \delta)$, $f$-DP and in terms of a newly presented Bayesian interpretation. Moreover, as a generalisation of the Blackwell theorem, it is endowed with strong decision-theoretic foundations. Through application examples, we show that our techniques can facilitate informed decision-making and reveal gaps in the current understanding of privacy risks, as current practices in DP-SGD often result in choosing mechanisms with high excess privacy vulnerabilities.

replace-cross Practical Guide for Causal Pathways and Sub-group Disparity Analysis

Authors: Farnaz Kohankhaki, Shaina Raza, Oluwanifemi Bamgbose, Deval Pandya, Elham Dolatabadi

Abstract: In this study, we introduce the application of causal disparity analysis to unveil intricate relationships and causal pathways between sensitive attributes and the targeted outcomes within real-world observational data. Our methodology involves employing causal decomposition analysis to quantify and examine the causal interplay between sensitive attributes and outcomes. We also emphasize the significance of integrating heterogeneity assessment in causal disparity analysis to gain deeper insights into the impact of sensitive attributes within specific sub-groups on outcomes. Our two-step investigation focuses on datasets where race serves as the sensitive attribute. The results on two datasets indicate the benefit of leveraging causal analysis and heterogeneity assessment not only for quantifying biases in the data but also for disentangling their influences on outcomes. We demonstrate that the sub-groups identified by our approach to be affected the most by disparities are the ones with the largest ML classification errors. We also show that grouping the data only based on a sensitive attribute is not enough, and through these analyses, we can find sub-groups that are directly affected by disparities. We hope that our findings will encourage the adoption of such methodologies in future ethical AI practices and bias audits, fostering a more equitable and fair technological landscape.

replace-cross Domain-Aware Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models

Authors: Ugur Ali Kaplan, Margret Keuper, Anna Khoreva, Dan Zhang, Yumeng Li

Abstract: Foundation models (FMs) have revolutionized computer vision, enabling effective learning across different domains. However, their performance under domain shift is yet underexplored. This paper investigates the zero-shot domain adaptation potential of FMs by comparing different backbone architectures and introducing novel domain-aware components that leverage domain related textual embeddings. We propose domain adaptive normalization, termed as Domino, which explicitly leverages domain embeddings during fine-tuning, thus making the model domain aware. Ultimately, Domino enables more robust computer vision models that can adapt effectively to various unseen domains.

replace-cross Training Guarantees of Neural Network Classification Two-Sample Tests by Kernel Analysis

Authors: Varun Khurana, Xiuyuan Cheng, Alexander Cloninger

Abstract: We construct and analyze a neural network two-sample test to determine whether two datasets came from the same distribution (null hypothesis) or not (alternative hypothesis). We perform time-analysis on a neural tangent kernel (NTK) two-sample test. In particular, we derive the theoretical minimum training time needed to ensure the NTK two-sample test detects a deviation-level between the datasets. Similarly, we derive the theoretical maximum training time before the NTK two-sample test detects a deviation-level. By approximating the neural network dynamics with the NTK dynamics, we extend this time-analysis to the realistic neural network two-sample test generated from time-varying training dynamics and finite training samples. A similar extension is done for the neural network two-sample test generated from time-varying training dynamics but trained on the population. To give statistical guarantees, we show that the statistical power associated with the neural network two-sample test goes to 1 as the neural network training samples and test evaluation samples go to infinity. Additionally, we prove that the training times needed to detect the same deviation-level in the null and alternative hypothesis scenarios are well-separated. Finally, we run some experiments showcasing a two-layer neural network two-sample test on a hard two-sample test problem and plot a heatmap of the statistical power of the two-sample test in relation to training time and network complexity.

replace-cross SBoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation with Regional Weight Updates

Authors: Lai-Man Po, Yuyang Liu, Haoxuan Wu, Tianqi Zhang, Wing-Yin Yu, Zeyu Jiang, Kun Li

Abstract: This paper introduces Standard Basis LoRA (SBoRA), a novel parameter-efficient fine-tuning approach for Large Language Models that builds upon the pioneering works of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and Orthogonal Adaptation. SBoRA further reduces the computational and memory requirements of LoRA while enhancing learning performance. By leveraging orthogonal standard basis vectors to initialize one of the low-rank matrices, either A or B, SBoRA enables regional weight updates and memory-efficient fine-tuning. This approach gives rise to two variants, SBoRA-FA and SBoRA-FB, where only one of the matrices is updated, resulting in a sparse update matrix with a majority of zero rows or columns. Consequently, the majority of the fine-tuned model's weights remain unchanged from the pre-trained weights. This characteristic of SBoRA, wherein regional weight updates occur, is reminiscent of the modular organization of the human brain, which efficiently adapts to new tasks. Our empirical results demonstrate the superiority of SBoRA-FA over LoRA in various fine-tuning tasks, including commonsense reasoning and arithmetic reasoning. Furthermore, we evaluate the effectiveness of QSBoRA on quantized LLaMA models of varying scales, highlighting its potential for efficient adaptation to new tasks. Code is available at


replace-cross Learning local equivariant representations for quantum operators

Authors: Zhanghao Zhouyin, Zixi Gan, Shishir Kumar Pandey, Linfeng Zhang, Qiangqiang Gu

Abstract: Predicting quantum operator matrices such as Hamiltonian, overlap, and density matrices in the density functional theory (DFT) framework is crucial for understanding material properties. Current methods often focus on individual operators and struggle with efficiency and scalability for large systems. Here we introduce a novel deep learning model, SLEM (strictly localized equivariant message-passing) for predicting multiple quantum operators, that achieves state-of-the-art accuracy while dramatically improving computational efficiency. SLEM's key innovation is its strict locality-based design, constructing local, equivariant representations for quantum tensors while preserving physical symmetries. This enables complex many-body dependence without expanding the effective receptive field, leading to superior data efficiency and transferability. Using an innovative SO(2) convolution technique, SLEM reduces the computational complexity of high-order tensor products and is therefore capable of handling systems requiring the $f$ and $g$ orbitals in their basis sets. We demonstrate SLEM's capabilities across diverse 2D and 3D materials, achieving high accuracy even with limited training data. SLEM's design facilitates efficient parallelization, potentially extending DFT simulations to systems with device-level sizes, opening new possibilities for large-scale quantum simulations and high-throughput materials discovery.

replace-cross 4D Contrastive Superflows are Dense 3D Representation Learners

Authors: Xiang Xu, Lingdong Kong, Hui Shuai, Wenwei Zhang, Liang Pan, Kai Chen, Ziwei Liu, Qingshan Liu

Abstract: In the realm of autonomous driving, accurate 3D perception is the foundation. However, developing such models relies on extensive human annotations -- a process that is both costly and labor-intensive. To address this challenge from a data representation learning perspective, we introduce SuperFlow, a novel framework designed to harness consecutive LiDAR-camera pairs for establishing spatiotemporal pretraining objectives. SuperFlow stands out by integrating two key designs: 1) a dense-to-sparse consistency regularization, which promotes insensitivity to point cloud density variations during feature learning, and 2) a flow-based contrastive learning module, carefully crafted to extract meaningful temporal cues from readily available sensor calibrations. To further boost learning efficiency, we incorporate a plug-and-play view consistency module that enhances the alignment of the knowledge distilled from camera views. Extensive comparative and ablation studies across 11 heterogeneous LiDAR datasets validate our effectiveness and superiority. Additionally, we observe several interesting emerging properties by scaling up the 2D and 3D backbones during pretraining, shedding light on the future research of 3D foundation models for LiDAR-based perception.

replace-cross Digital twin with automatic disturbance detection for real-time optimization of a semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mill

Authors: Paulina Quintanilla, Francisco Fern\'andez, Cristobal Mancilla, Mat\'ias Rojas, Mauricio Estrada, Daniel Navia

Abstract: This work describes the development and validation of a digital twin for a semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mill controlled by an expert system. The digital twin consists of three modules emulating a closed-loop system: fuzzy logic for the expert control, a state-space model for regulatory control, and a recurrent neural network for the SAG mill process. The model was trained with 68 hours of data and validated with 8 hours of test data. It predicts the mill's behavior within a 2.5-minute horizon with a 30-second sampling time. The disturbance detection evaluates the need for retraining, and the digital twin shows promise for supervising the SAG mill with the expert control system. Future work will focus on integrating this digital twin into real-time optimization strategies with industrial validation.