new Large Models of What? Mistaking Engineering Achievements for Human Linguistic Agency

Authors: Abeba Birhane, Marek McGann

Abstract: In this paper we argue that key, often sensational and misleading, claims regarding linguistic capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) are based on at least two unfounded assumptions; the assumption of language completeness and the assumption of data completeness. Language completeness assumes that a distinct and complete thing such as `a natural language' exists, the essential characteristics of which can be effectively and comprehensively modelled by an LLM. The assumption of data completeness relies on the belief that a language can be quantified and wholly captured by data. Work within the enactive approach to cognitive science makes clear that, rather than a distinct and complete thing, language is a means or way of acting. Languaging is not the kind of thing that can admit of a complete or comprehensive modelling. From an enactive perspective we identify three key characteristics of enacted language; embodiment, participation, and precariousness, that are absent in LLMs, and likely incompatible in principle with current architectures. We argue that these absences imply that LLMs are not now and cannot in their present form be linguistic agents the way humans are. We illustrate the point in particular through the phenomenon of `algospeak', a recently described pattern of high stakes human language activity in heavily controlled online environments. On the basis of these points, we conclude that sensational and misleading claims about LLM agency and capabilities emerge from a deep misconception of both what human language is and what LLMs are.

new MAGNET: Improving the Multilingual Fairness of Language Models with Adaptive Gradient-Based Tokenization

Authors: Orevaoghene Ahia, Sachin Kumar, Hila Gonen, Valentin Hoffman, Tomasz Limisiewicz, Yulia Tsvetkov, Noah A. Smith

Abstract: In multilingual settings, non-Latin scripts and low-resource languages are usually disadvantaged in terms of language models' utility, efficiency, and cost. Specifically, previous studies have reported multiple modeling biases that the current tokenization algorithms introduce to non-Latin script languages, the main one being over-segmentation. In this work, we propose MAGNET; multilingual adaptive gradient-based tokenization to reduce over-segmentation via adaptive gradient-based subword tokenization. MAGNET learns to predict segment boundaries between byte tokens in a sequence via sub-modules within the model, which act as internal boundary predictors (tokenizers). Previous gradient-based tokenization methods aimed for uniform compression across sequences by integrating a single boundary predictor during training and optimizing it end-to-end through stochastic reparameterization alongside the next token prediction objective. However, this approach still results in over-segmentation for non-Latin script languages in multilingual settings. In contrast, MAGNET offers a customizable architecture where byte-level sequences are routed through language-script-specific predictors, each optimized for its respective language script. This modularity enforces equitable segmentation granularity across different language scripts compared to previous methods. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that in addition to reducing segmentation disparities, MAGNET also enables faster language modelling and improves downstream utility.

new Rule-Based, Neural and LLM Back-Translation: Comparative Insights from a Variant of Ladin

Authors: Samuel Frontull, Georg Moser

Abstract: This paper explores the impact of different back-translation approaches on machine translation for Ladin, specifically the Val Badia variant. Given the limited amount of parallel data available for this language (only 18k Ladin-Italian sentence pairs), we investigate the performance of a multilingual neural machine translation model fine-tuned for Ladin-Italian. In addition to the available authentic data, we synthesise further translations by using three different models: a fine-tuned neural model, a rule-based system developed specifically for this language pair, and a large language model. Our experiments show that all approaches achieve comparable translation quality in this low-resource scenario, yet round-trip translations highlight differences in model performance.

new Proving that Cryptic Crossword Clue Answers are Correct

Authors: Martin Andrews, Sam Witteveen

Abstract: Cryptic crossword clues are challenging cognitive tasks, for which new test sets are released on a daily basis by multiple international newspapers. Each cryptic clue contains both the definition of the answer to be placed in the crossword grid (in common with regular crosswords), and `wordplay' that proves that the answer is correct (i.e. a human solver can be confident that an answer is correct without needing crossing words to confirm it). Using an existing cryptic wordplay proving framework (operating on Python proofs created by an LLM), we show that it is possible to distinguish between correct answers and almost-correct ones based upon whether the wordplay `works'.

new Fault Diagnosis in Power Grids with Large Language Model

Authors: Liu Jing, Amirul Rahman

Abstract: Power grid fault diagnosis is a critical task for ensuring the reliability and stability of electrical infrastructure. Traditional diagnostic systems often struggle with the complexity and variability of power grid data. This paper proposes a novel approach that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs), specifically ChatGPT and GPT-4, combined with advanced prompt engineering to enhance fault diagnosis accuracy and explainability. We designed comprehensive, context-aware prompts to guide the LLMs in interpreting complex data and providing detailed, actionable insights. Our method was evaluated against baseline techniques, including standard prompting, Chain-of-Thought (CoT), and Tree-of-Thought (ToT) methods, using a newly constructed dataset comprising real-time sensor data, historical fault records, and component descriptions. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in diagnostic accuracy, explainability quality, response coherence, and contextual understanding, underscoring the effectiveness of our approach. These findings suggest that prompt-engineered LLMs offer a promising solution for robust and reliable power grid fault diagnosis.

new Evaluating Nuanced Bias in Large Language Model Free Response Answers

Authors: Jennifer Healey, Laurie Byrum, Md Nadeem Akhtar, Moumita Sinha

Abstract: Pre-trained large language models (LLMs) can now be easily adapted for specific business purposes using custom prompts or fine tuning. These customizations are often iteratively re-engineered to improve some aspect of performance, but after each change businesses want to ensure that there has been no negative impact on the system's behavior around such critical issues as bias. Prior methods of benchmarking bias use techniques such as word masking and multiple choice questions to assess bias at scale, but these do not capture all of the nuanced types of bias that can occur in free response answers, the types of answers typically generated by LLM systems. In this paper, we identify several kinds of nuanced bias in free text that cannot be similarly identified by multiple choice tests. We describe these as: confidence bias, implied bias, inclusion bias and erasure bias. We present a semi-automated pipeline for detecting these types of bias by first eliminating answers that can be automatically classified as unbiased and then co-evaluating name reversed pairs using crowd workers. We believe that the nuanced classifications our method generates can be used to give better feedback to LLMs, especially as LLM reasoning capabilities become more advanced.

new Automatic Pruning of Fine-tuning Datasets for Transformer-based Language Models

Authors: Mohammadreza Tayaranian, Seyyed Hasan Mozafari, Brett H. Meyer, James J. Clark, Warren J. Gross

Abstract: Transformer-based language models have shown state-of-the-art performance on a variety of natural language understanding tasks. To achieve this performance, these models are first pre-trained on general corpus and then fine-tuned on downstream tasks. Previous work studied the effect of pruning the training set of the downstream tasks on the performance of the model on its evaluation set. In this work, we propose an automatic dataset pruning method for the training set of fine-tuning tasks. Our method is based on the model's success rate in correctly classifying each training data point. Unlike previous work which relies on user feedback to determine subset size, our method automatically extracts training subsets that are adapted for each pair of model and fine-tuning task. Our method provides multiple subsets for use in dataset pruning that navigate the trade-off between subset size and evaluation accuracy. Our largest subset, which we also refer to as the winning ticket subset, is on average $3 \times$ smaller than the original training set of the fine-tuning task. Our experiments on 5 downstream tasks and 2 language models show that, on average, fine-tuning on the winning ticket subsets results in a $0.1 \%$ increase in the evaluation performance of the model.

new Characterizing Prompt Compression Methods for Long Context Inference

Authors: Siddharth Jha, Lutfi Eren Erdogan, Sehoon Kim, Kurt Keutzer, Amir Gholami

Abstract: Long context inference presents challenges at the system level with increased compute and memory requirements, as well as from an accuracy perspective in being able to reason over long contexts. Recently, several methods have been proposed to compress the prompt to reduce the context length. However, there has been little work on comparing the different proposed methods across different tasks through a standardized analysis. This has led to conflicting results. To address this, here we perform a comprehensive characterization and evaluation of different prompt compression methods. In particular, we analyze extractive compression, summarization-based abstractive compression, and token pruning methods. Surprisingly, we find that extractive compression often outperforms all the other approaches, and enables up to 10x compression with minimal accuracy degradation. Interestingly, we also find that despite several recent claims, token pruning methods often lag behind extractive compression. We only found marginal improvements on summarization tasks.

new Self-Evolving GPT: A Lifelong Autonomous Experiential Learner

Authors: Jinglong Gao, Xiao Ding, Yiming Cui, Jianbai Zhao, Hepeng Wang, Ting Liu, Bing Qin

Abstract: To improve the performance of large language models (LLMs), researchers have explored providing LLMs with textual task-solving experience via prompts. However, they rely on manual efforts to acquire and apply such experience for each task, which is not feasible for the growing demand for LLMs and the variety of user questions. To address this issue, we design a lifelong autonomous experiential learning framework based on LLMs to explore whether LLMs can imitate human ability for learning and utilizing experience. It autonomously learns and accumulates experience through experience transfer and induction, categorizing the types of input questions to select which accumulated experience to employ for them. Experimental results on six widely used NLP datasets show that our framework performs reliably in each intermediate step and effectively improves the performance of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. This validates the feasibility of using LLMs to mimic human experiential learning and application capabilities. Additionally, we provide a detailed analysis of the behavior of our framework at each step.

new Large Language Models as Biomedical Hypothesis Generators: A Comprehensive Evaluation

Authors: Biqing Qi, Kaiyan Zhang, Kai Tian, Haoxiang Li, Zhang-Ren Chen, Sihang Zeng, Ermo Hua, Hu Jinfang, Bowen Zhou

Abstract: The rapid growth of biomedical knowledge has outpaced our ability to efficiently extract insights and generate novel hypotheses. Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a promising tool to revolutionize knowledge interaction and potentially accelerate biomedical discovery. In this paper, we present a comprehensive evaluation of LLMs as biomedical hypothesis generators. We construct a dataset of background-hypothesis pairs from biomedical literature, carefully partitioned into training, seen, and unseen test sets based on publication date to mitigate data contamination. Using this dataset, we assess the hypothesis generation capabilities of top-tier instructed models in zero-shot, few-shot, and fine-tuning settings. To enhance the exploration of uncertainty, a crucial aspect of scientific discovery, we incorporate tool use and multi-agent interactions in our evaluation framework. Furthermore, we propose four novel metrics grounded in extensive literature review to evaluate the quality of generated hypotheses, considering both LLM-based and human assessments. Our experiments yield two key findings: 1) LLMs can generate novel and validated hypotheses, even when tested on literature unseen during training, and 2) Increasing uncertainty through multi-agent interactions and tool use can facilitate diverse candidate generation and improve zero-shot hypothesis generation performance. However, we also observe that the integration of additional knowledge through few-shot learning and tool use may not always lead to performance gains, highlighting the need for careful consideration of the type and scope of external knowledge incorporated. These findings underscore the potential of LLMs as powerful aids in biomedical hypothesis generation and provide valuable insights to guide further research in this area.

new Detect, Investigate, Judge and Determine: A Novel LLM-based Framework for Few-shot Fake News Detection

Authors: Ye Liu, Jiajun Zhu, Kai Zhang, Haoyu Tang, Yanghai Zhang, Xukai Liu, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Few-Shot Fake News Detection (FS-FND) aims to distinguish inaccurate news from real ones in extremely low-resource scenarios. This task has garnered increased attention due to the widespread dissemination and harmful impact of fake news on social media. Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated competitive performance with the help of their rich prior knowledge and excellent in-context learning abilities. However, existing methods face significant limitations, such as the Understanding Ambiguity and Information Scarcity, which significantly undermine the potential of LLMs. To address these shortcomings, we propose a Dual-perspective Augmented Fake News Detection (DAFND) model, designed to enhance LLMs from both inside and outside perspectives. Specifically, DAFND first identifies the keywords of each news article through a Detection Module. Subsequently, DAFND creatively designs an Investigation Module to retrieve inside and outside valuable information concerning to the current news, followed by another Judge Module to derive its respective two prediction results. Finally, a Determination Module further integrates these two predictions and derives the final result. Extensive experiments on two publicly available datasets show the efficacy of our proposed method, particularly in low-resource settings.

new Domain-Hierarchy Adaptation via Chain of Iterative Reasoning for Few-shot Hierarchical Text Classification

Authors: Ke Ji, Peng Wang, Wenjun Ke, Guozheng Li, Jiajun Liu, Jingsheng Gao, Ziyu Shang

Abstract: Recently, various pre-trained language models (PLMs) have been proposed to prove their impressive performances on a wide range of few-shot tasks. However, limited by the unstructured prior knowledge in PLMs, it is difficult to maintain consistent performance on complex structured scenarios, such as hierarchical text classification (HTC), especially when the downstream data is extremely scarce. The main challenge is how to transfer the unstructured semantic space in PLMs to the downstream domain hierarchy. Unlike previous work on HTC which directly performs multi-label classification or uses graph neural network (GNN) to inject label hierarchy, in this work, we study the HTC problem under a few-shot setting to adapt knowledge in PLMs from an unstructured manner to the downstream hierarchy. Technically, we design a simple yet effective method named Hierarchical Iterative Conditional Random Field (HierICRF) to search the most domain-challenging directions and exquisitely crafts domain-hierarchy adaptation as a hierarchical iterative language modeling problem, and then it encourages the model to make hierarchical consistency self-correction during the inference, thereby achieving knowledge transfer with hierarchical consistency preservation. We perform HierICRF on various architectures, and extensive experiments on two popular HTC datasets demonstrate that prompt with HierICRF significantly boosts the few-shot HTC performance with an average Micro-F1 by 28.80% to 1.50% and Macro-F1 by 36.29% to 1.5% over the previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) baselines under few-shot settings, while remaining SOTA hierarchical consistency performance.

new Empowering Few-Shot Relation Extraction with The Integration of Traditional RE Methods and Large Language Models

Authors: Ye Liu, Kai Zhang, Aoran Gan, Linan Yue, Feng Hu, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Few-Shot Relation Extraction (FSRE), a subtask of Relation Extraction (RE) that utilizes limited training instances, appeals to more researchers in Natural Language Processing (NLP) due to its capability to extract textual information in extremely low-resource scenarios. The primary methodologies employed for FSRE have been fine-tuning or prompt tuning techniques based on Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs). Recently, the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has prompted numerous researchers to explore FSRE through In-Context Learning (ICL). However, there are substantial limitations associated with methods based on either traditional RE models or LLMs. Traditional RE models are hampered by a lack of necessary prior knowledge, while LLMs fall short in their task-specific capabilities for RE. To address these shortcomings, we propose a Dual-System Augmented Relation Extractor (DSARE), which synergistically combines traditional RE models with LLMs. Specifically, DSARE innovatively injects the prior knowledge of LLMs into traditional RE models, and conversely enhances LLMs' task-specific aptitude for RE through relation extraction augmentation. Moreover, an Integrated Prediction module is employed to jointly consider these two respective predictions and derive the final results. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method.

new Towards Chapter-to-Chapter Context-Aware Literary Translation via Large Language Models

Authors: Linghao Jin, Li An, Xuezhe Ma

Abstract: Discourse phenomena in existing document-level translation datasets are sparse, which has been a fundamental obstacle in the development of context-aware machine translation models. Moreover, most existing document-level corpora and context-aware machine translation methods rely on an unrealistic assumption on sentence-level alignments. To mitigate these issues, we first curate a novel dataset of Chinese-English literature, which consists of 160 books with intricate discourse structures. Then, we propose a more pragmatic and challenging setting for context-aware translation, termed chapter-to-chapter (Ch2Ch) translation, and investigate the performance of commonly-used machine translation models under this setting. Furthermore, we introduce a potential approach of finetuning large language models (LLMs) within the domain of Ch2Ch literary translation, yielding impressive improvements over baselines. Through our comprehensive analysis, we unveil that literary translation under the Ch2Ch setting is challenging in nature, with respect to both model learning methods and translation decoding algorithms.

new Robustness of LLMs to Perturbations in Text

Authors: Ayush Singh, Navpreet Singh, Shubham Vatsal

Abstract: Having a clean dataset has been the foundational assumption of most natural language processing (NLP) systems. However, properly written text is rarely found in real-world scenarios and hence, oftentimes invalidates the aforementioned foundational assumption. Recently, Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance, but can they handle the inevitable noise in real-world data? This work tackles this critical question by investigating LLMs' resilience against morphological variations in text. To that end, we artificially introduce varying levels of noise into a diverse set of datasets and systematically evaluate LLMs' robustness against the corrupt variations of the original text. Our findings show that contrary to popular beliefs, generative LLMs are quiet robust to noisy perturbations in text. This is a departure from pre-trained models like BERT or RoBERTa whose performance has been shown to be sensitive to deteriorating noisy text. Additionally, we test LLMs' resilience on multiple real-world benchmarks that closely mimic commonly found errors in the wild. With minimal prompting, LLMs achieve a new state-of-the-art on the benchmark tasks of Grammar Error Correction (GEC) and Lexical Semantic Change (LSC). To empower future research, we also release a dataset annotated by humans stating their preference for LLM vs. human-corrected outputs along with the code to reproduce our results.

new Self-Prompt Tuning: Enable Autonomous Role-Playing in LLMs

Authors: Aobo Kong, Shiwan Zhao, Hao Chen, Qicheng Li, Yong Qin, Ruiqi Sun, Xin Zhou, Jiaming Zhou, Haoqin Sun

Abstract: Recent advancements in LLMs have showcased their remarkable role-playing capabilities, able to accurately simulate the dialogue styles and cognitive processes of various roles based on different instructions and contexts. Studies indicate that assigning LLMs the roles of experts, a strategy known as role-play prompting, can enhance their performance in the corresponding domains. However, the prompt needs to be manually designed for the given problem, requiring certain expertise and iterative modifications. To this end, we propose self-prompt tuning, making LLMs themselves generate role-play prompts through fine-tuning. Leveraging the LIMA dataset as our foundational corpus, we employ GPT-4 to annotate role-play prompts for each data points, resulting in the creation of the LIMA-Role dataset. We then fine-tune LLMs like Llama-2-7B and Mistral-7B on LIMA-Role. Consequently, the self-prompt tuned LLMs can automatically generate expert role prompts for any given question. We extensively evaluate self-prompt tuned LLMs on widely used NLP benchmarks and open-ended question test. Our empirical results illustrate that self-prompt tuned LLMs outperform standard instruction tuned baselines across most datasets. This highlights the great potential of utilizing fine-tuning to enable LLMs to self-prompt, thereby automating complex prompting strategies. We release the dataset, models, and code at this \href{}{url}.


new Benchmarking Language Model Creativity: A Case Study on Code Generation

Authors: Yining Lu, Dixuan Wang, Tianjian Li, Dongwei Jiang, Daniel Khashabi

Abstract: As LLMs become increasingly prevalent, it is interesting to consider how ``creative'' these models can be. From cognitive science, creativity consists of at least two key characteristics: \emph{convergent} thinking (purposefulness to achieve a given goal) and \emph{divergent} thinking (adaptability to new environments or constraints) \citep{runco2003critical}. In this work, we introduce a framework for quantifying LLM creativity that incorporates the two characteristics. This is achieved by (1) Denial Prompting pushes LLMs to come up with more creative solutions to a given problem by incrementally imposing new constraints on the previous solution, compelling LLMs to adopt new strategies, and (2) defining and computing the NeoGauge metric which examines both convergent and divergent thinking in the generated creative responses by LLMs. We apply the proposed framework on Codeforces problems, a natural data source for collecting human coding solutions. We quantify NeoGauge for various proprietary and open-source models and find that even the most creative model, GPT-4, still falls short of demonstrating human-like creativity. We also experiment with advanced reasoning strategies (MCTS, self-correction, etc.) and observe no significant improvement in creativity. As a by-product of our analysis, we release NeoCoder dataset for reproducing our results on future models.

new One Stone, Four Birds: A Comprehensive Solution for QA System Using Supervised Contrastive Learning

Authors: Bo Wang, Tsunenori Mine

Abstract: This paper presents a novel and comprehensive solution to enhance both the robustness and efficiency of question answering (QA) systems through supervised contrastive learning (SCL). Training a high-performance QA system has become straightforward with pre-trained language models, requiring only a small amount of data and simple fine-tuning. However, despite recent advances, existing QA systems still exhibit significant deficiencies in functionality and training efficiency. We address the functionality issue by defining four key tasks: user input intent classification, out-of-domain input detection, new intent discovery, and continual learning. We then leverage a unified SCL-based representation learning method to efficiently build an intra-class compact and inter-class scattered feature space, facilitating both known intent classification and unknown intent detection and discovery. Consequently, with minimal additional tuning on downstream tasks, our approach significantly improves model efficiency and achieves new state-of-the-art performance across all tasks.

new CompAct: Compressing Retrieved Documents Actively for Question Answering

Authors: Chanwoong Yoon, Taewhoo Lee, Hyeon Hwang, Minbyul Jeong, Jaewoo Kang

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation supports language models to strengthen their factual groundings by providing external contexts. However, language models often face challenges when given extensive information, diminishing their effectiveness in solving questions. Context compression tackles this issue by filtering out irrelevant information, but current methods still struggle in realistic scenarios where crucial information cannot be captured with a single-step approach. To overcome this limitation, we introduce CompAct, a novel framework that employs an active strategy to condense extensive documents without losing key information. Our experiments demonstrate that CompAct brings significant improvements in both performance and compression rate on multi-hop question-answering (QA) benchmarks. CompAct flexibly operates as a cost-efficient plug-in module with various off-the-shelf retrievers or readers, achieving exceptionally high compression rates (47x).

new 3M-Health: Multimodal Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Mental Health Detection

Authors: Rina Carines Cabral, Siwen Luo, Soyeon Caren Han, Josiah Poon

Abstract: The significance of mental health classification is paramount in contemporary society, where digital platforms serve as crucial sources for monitoring individuals' well-being. However, existing social media mental health datasets primarily consist of text-only samples, potentially limiting the efficacy of models trained on such data. Recognising that humans utilise cross-modal information to comprehend complex situations or issues, we present a novel approach to address the limitations of current methodologies. In this work, we introduce a Multimodal and Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation model for Mental Health Classification, leveraging insights from cross-modal human understanding. Unlike conventional approaches that often rely on simple concatenation to integrate diverse features, our model addresses the challenge of appropriately representing inputs of varying natures (e.g., texts and sounds). To mitigate the computational complexity associated with integrating all features into a single model, we employ a multimodal and multi-teacher architecture. By distributing the learning process across multiple teachers, each specialising in a particular feature extraction aspect, we enhance the overall mental health classification performance. Through experimental validation, we demonstrate the efficacy of our model in achieving improved performance. All relevant codes will be made available upon publication.

new New Desiderata for Direct Preference Optimization

Authors: Xiangkun Hu, Tong He, David Wipf

Abstract: Large language models in the past have typically relied on some form of reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) to better align model responses with human preferences. However, because of oft-observed instabilities when implementing these RLHF pipelines, various reparameterization techniques have recently been introduced to sidestep the need for separately learning an RL reward model. Instead, directly fine-tuning for human preferences is achieved via the minimization of a single closed-form training objective, a process originally referred to as direct preference optimization (DPO) and followed by several notable descendants. Although effective in certain real-world settings, we introduce new evaluation criteria that serve to highlight unresolved shortcomings in the ability of existing DPO methods to interpolate between a pre-trained reference model and empirical measures of human preferences, as well as unavoidable trade-offs in how low- and high-quality responses are regularized and constraints are handled. Our insights then motivate an alternative DPO-like loss that provably mitigates these limitations. Empirical results serve to corroborate notable aspects of our analyses.

new Refuse Whenever You Feel Unsafe: Improving Safety in LLMs via Decoupled Refusal Training

Authors: Youliang Yuan, Wenxiang Jiao, Wenxuan Wang, Jen-tse Huang, Jiahao Xu, Tian Liang, Pinjia He, Zhaopeng Tu

Abstract: This study addresses a critical gap in safety tuning practices for Large Language Models (LLMs) by identifying and tackling a refusal position bias within safety tuning data, which compromises the models' ability to appropriately refuse generating unsafe content. We introduce a novel approach, Decoupled Refusal Training (DeRTa), designed to empower LLMs to refuse compliance to harmful prompts at any response position, significantly enhancing their safety capabilities. DeRTa incorporates two novel components: (1) Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) with Harmful Response Prefix, which trains models to recognize and avoid unsafe content by appending a segment of harmful response to the beginning of a safe response, and (2) Reinforced Transition Optimization (RTO), which equips models with the ability to transition from potential harm to safety refusal consistently throughout the harmful response sequence. Our empirical evaluation, conducted using LLaMA3 and Mistral model families across six attack scenarios, demonstrates that our method not only improves model safety without compromising performance but also surpasses well-known models such as GPT-4 in defending against attacks. Importantly, our approach successfully defends recent advanced attack methods (e.g., CodeAttack) that have jailbroken GPT-4 and LLaMA3-70B-Instruct. Our code and data can be found at


new Stepwise Verification and Remediation of Student Reasoning Errors with Large Language Model Tutors

Authors: Nico Daheim, Jakub Macina, Manu Kapur, Iryna Gurevych, Mrinmaya Sachan

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) present an opportunity to scale high-quality personalized education to all. A promising approach towards this means is to build dialog tutoring models that scaffold students' problem-solving. However, even though existing LLMs perform well in solving reasoning questions, they struggle to precisely detect student's errors and tailor their feedback to these errors. Inspired by real-world teaching practice where teachers identify student errors and customize their response based on them, we focus on verifying student solutions and show how grounding to such verification improves the overall quality of tutor response generation. We collect a dataset of 1K stepwise math reasoning chains with the first error step annotated by teachers. We show empirically that finding the mistake in a student solution is challenging for current models. We propose and evaluate several verifiers for detecting these errors. Using both automatic and human evaluation we show that the student solution verifiers steer the generation model towards highly targeted responses to student errors which are more often correct with less hallucinations compared to existing baselines.

new Exploring the Effectiveness of Methods for Persona Extraction

Authors: Konstantin Zaitsev

Abstract: The paper presents a study of methods for extracting information about dialogue participants and evaluating their performance in Russian. To train models for this task, the Multi-Session Chat dataset was translated into Russian using multiple translation models, resulting in improved data quality. A metric based on the F-score concept is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of the extraction models. The metric uses a trained classifier to identify the dialogue participant to whom the persona belongs. Experiments were conducted on MBart, FRED-T5, Starling-7B, which is based on the Mistral, and Encoder2Encoder models. The results demonstrated that all models exhibited an insufficient level of recall in the persona extraction task. The incorporation of the NCE Loss improved the model's precision at the expense of its recall. Furthermore, increasing the model's size led to enhanced extraction of personas.

new Does Incomplete Syntax Influence Korean Language Model? Focusing on Word Order and Case Markers

Authors: Jong Myoung Kim, Young-Jun Lee, Yong-jin Han, Sangkeun Jung, Ho-Jin Choi

Abstract: Syntactic elements, such as word order and case markers, are fundamental in natural language processing. Recent studies show that syntactic information boosts language model performance and offers clues for people to understand their learning mechanisms. Unlike languages with a fixed word order such as English, Korean allows for varied word sequences, despite its canonical structure, due to case markers that indicate the functions of sentence components. This study explores whether Korean language models can accurately capture this flexibility. We note that incomplete word orders and omitted case markers frequently appear in ordinary Korean communication. To investigate this further, we introduce the Syntactically Incomplete Korean (SIKO) dataset. Through SIKO, we assessed Korean language models' flexibility with incomplete syntax and confirmed the dataset's training value. Results indicate these models reflect Korean's inherent flexibility, accurately handling incomplete inputs. Moreover, fine-tuning with SIKO enhances the ability to handle common incomplete Korean syntactic forms. The dataset's simple construction process, coupled with significant performance enhancements, solidifies its standing as an effective data augmentation technique.

new Enhancing Depressive Post Detection in Bangla: A Comparative Study of TF-IDF, BERT and FastText Embeddings

Authors: Saad Ahmed Sazan, Mahdi H. Miraz, A B M Muntasir Rahman

Abstract: Due to massive adoption of social media, detection of users' depression through social media analytics bears significant importance, particularly for underrepresented languages, such as Bangla. This study introduces a well-grounded approach to identify depressive social media posts in Bangla, by employing advanced natural language processing techniques. The dataset used in this work, annotated by domain experts, includes both depressive and non-depressive posts, ensuring high-quality data for model training and evaluation. To address the prevalent issue of class imbalance, we utilised random oversampling for the minority class, thereby enhancing the model's ability to accurately detect depressive posts. We explored various numerical representation techniques, including Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) embedding and FastText embedding, by integrating them with a deep learning-based Convolutional Neural Network-Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-BiLSTM) model. The results obtained through extensive experimentation, indicate that the BERT approach performed better the others, achieving a F1-score of 84%. This indicates that BERT, in combination with the CNN-BiLSTM architecture, effectively recognises the nuances of Bangla texts relevant to depressive contents. Comparative analysis with the existing state-of-the-art methods demonstrates that our approach with BERT embedding performs better than others in terms of evaluation metrics and the reliability of dataset annotations. Our research significantly contribution to the development of reliable tools for detecting depressive posts in the Bangla language. By highlighting the efficacy of different embedding techniques and deep learning models, this study paves the way for improved mental health monitoring through social media platforms.

new Pronunciation Assessment with Multi-modal Large Language Models

Authors: Kaiqi Fu, Linkai Peng, Nan Yang, Shuran Zhou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs), renowned for their powerful conversational abilities, are widely recognized as exceptional tools in the field of education, particularly in the context of automated intelligent instruction systems for language learning. In this paper, we propose a scoring system based on LLMs, motivated by their positive impact on text-related scoring tasks. Specifically, the speech encoder first maps the learner's speech into contextual features. The adapter layer then transforms these features to align with the text embedding in latent space. The assessment task-specific prefix and prompt text are embedded and concatenated with the features generated by the modality adapter layer, enabling the LLMs to predict accuracy and fluency scores. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed scoring systems achieve competitive results compared to the baselines on the Speechocean762 datasets. Moreover, we also conducted an ablation study to better understand the contributions of the prompt text and training strategy in the proposed scoring system.

new The Sociolinguistic Foundations of Language Modeling

Authors: Jack Grieve, Sara Bartl, Matteo Fuoli, Jason Grafmiller, Weihang Huang, Alejandro Jawerbaum, Akira Murakami, Marcus Perlman, Dana Roemling, Bodo Winter

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a sociolinguistic perspective on language modeling. We claim that large language models are inherently models of varieties of language, and we consider how this insight can inform the development and deployment of large language models. We begin by presenting a technical definition of the concept of a variety of language as developed in sociolinguistics. We then discuss how this perspective can help address five basic challenges in language modeling: social bias, domain adaptation, alignment, language change, and scale. Ultimately, we argue that it is crucial to carefully define and compile training corpora that accurately represent the specific varieties of language being modeled to maximize the performance and societal value of large language models.

new Context Embeddings for Efficient Answer Generation in RAG

Authors: David Rau, Shuai Wang, Herv\'e D\'ejean, St\'ephane Clinchant

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) allows overcoming the limited knowledge of LLMs by extending the input with external information. As a consequence, the contextual inputs to the model become much longer which slows down decoding time directly translating to the time a user has to wait for an answer. We address this challenge by presenting COCOM, an effective context compression method, reducing long contexts to only a handful of Context Embeddings speeding up the generation time by a large margin. Our method allows for different compression rates trading off decoding time for answer quality. Compared to earlier methods, COCOM allows for handling multiple contexts more effectively, significantly reducing decoding time for long inputs. Our method demonstrates a speed-up of up to 5.69 $\times$ while achieving higher performance compared to existing efficient context compression methods.

new H2O-Danube3 Technical Report

Authors: Pascal Pfeiffer, Philipp Singer, Yauhen Babakhin, Gabor Fodor, Nischay Dhankhar, Sri Satish Ambati

Abstract: We present H2O-Danube3, a series of small language models consisting of H2O-Danube3-4B, trained on 6T tokens and H2O-Danube3-500M, trained on 4T tokens. Our models are pre-trained on high quality Web data consisting of primarily English tokens in three stages with different data mixes before final supervised tuning for chat version. The models exhibit highly competitive metrics across a multitude of academic, chat, and fine-tuning benchmarks. Thanks to its compact architecture, H2O-Danube3 can be efficiently run on a modern smartphone, enabling local inference and rapid processing capabilities even on mobile devices. We make all models openly available under Apache 2.0 license further democratizing LLMs to a wider audience economically.

new DAHRS: Divergence-Aware Hallucination-Remediated SRL Projection

Authors: Sangpil Youm, Brodie Mather, Chathuri Jayaweera, Juliana Prada, Bonnie Dorr

Abstract: Semantic role labeling (SRL) enriches many downstream applications, e.g., machine translation, question answering, summarization, and stance/belief detection. However, building multilingual SRL models is challenging due to the scarcity of semantically annotated corpora for multiple languages. Moreover, state-of-the-art SRL projection (XSRL) based on large language models (LLMs) yields output that is riddled with spurious role labels. Remediation of such hallucinations is not straightforward due to the lack of explainability of LLMs. We show that hallucinated role labels are related to naturally occurring divergence types that interfere with initial alignments. We implement Divergence-Aware Hallucination-Remediated SRL projection (DAHRS), leveraging linguistically-informed alignment remediation followed by greedy First-Come First-Assign (FCFA) SRL projection. DAHRS improves the accuracy of SRL projection without additional transformer-based machinery, beating XSRL in both human and automatic comparisons, and advancing beyond headwords to accommodate phrase-level SRL projection (e.g., EN-FR, EN-ES). Using CoNLL-2009 as our ground truth, we achieve a higher word-level F1 over XSRL: 87.6% vs. 77.3% (EN-FR) and 89.0% vs. 82.7% (EN-ES). Human phrase-level assessments yield 89.1% (EN-FR) and 91.0% (EN-ES). We also define a divergence metric to adapt our approach to other language pairs (e.g., English-Tagalog).

new Transformer Layers as Painters

Authors: Qi Sun, Marc Pickett, Aakash Kumar Nain, Llion Jones

Abstract: Despite their nearly universal adoption for large language models, the internal workings of transformers are not well understood. We aim to better understand the impact of removing or reorganizing information throughout the layers of a pretrained transformer. Such an understanding could both yield better usage of existing models as well as to make architectural improvements to produce new variants. We present a series of empirical studies on frozen models that show that the lower and final layers of pretrained transformers differ from middle layers, but that middle layers have a surprising amount of uniformity. We further show that some classes of problems have robustness to skipping layers, running the layers in an order different from how they were trained, or running the layers in parallel. Our observations suggest that even frozen pretrained models may gracefully trade accuracy for latency by skipping layers or running layers in parallel.

new Scalability of Bayesian Network Structure Elicitation with Large Language Models: a Novel Methodology and Comparative Analysis

Authors: Nikolay Babakov, Ehud Reiter, Alberto Bugarin

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel method for Bayesian Networks (BNs) structure elicitation that is based on the initialization of several LLMs with different experiences, independently querying them to create a structure of the BN, and further obtaining the final structure by majority voting. We compare the method with one alternative method on various widely and not widely known BNs of different sizes and study the scalability of both methods on them. We also propose an approach to check the contamination of BNs in LLM, which shows that some widely known BNs are inapplicable for testing the LLM usage for BNs structure elicitation. We also show that some BNs may be inapplicable for such experiments because their node names are indistinguishable. The experiments on the other BNs show that our method performs better than the existing method with one of the three studied LLMs; however, the performance of both methods significantly decreases with the increase in BN size.

new Is Contrasting All You Need? Contrastive Learning for the Detection and Attribution of AI-generated Text

Authors: Lucio La Cava, Davide Costa, Andrea Tagarelli

Abstract: The significant progress in the development of Large Language Models has contributed to blurring the distinction between human and AI-generated text. The increasing pervasiveness of AI-generated text and the difficulty in detecting it poses new challenges for our society. In this paper, we tackle the problem of detecting and attributing AI-generated text by proposing WhosAI, a triplet-network contrastive learning framework designed to predict whether a given input text has been generated by humans or AI and to unveil the authorship of the text. Unlike most existing approaches, our proposed framework is conceived to learn semantic similarity representations from multiple generators at once, thus equally handling both detection and attribution tasks. Furthermore, WhosAI is model-agnostic and scalable to the release of new AI text-generation models by incorporating their generated instances into the embedding space learned by our framework. Experimental results on the TuringBench benchmark of 200K news articles show that our proposed framework achieves outstanding results in both the Turing Test and Authorship Attribution tasks, outperforming all the methods listed in the TuringBench benchmark leaderboards.

new SPIQA: A Dataset for Multimodal Question Answering on Scientific Papers

Authors: Shraman Pramanick, Rama Chellappa, Subhashini Venugopalan

Abstract: Seeking answers to questions within long scientific research articles is a crucial area of study that aids readers in quickly addressing their inquiries. However, existing question-answering (QA) datasets based on scientific papers are limited in scale and focus solely on textual content. To address this limitation, we introduce SPIQA (Scientific Paper Image Question Answering), the first large-scale QA dataset specifically designed to interpret complex figures and tables within the context of scientific research articles across various domains of computer science. Leveraging the breadth of expertise and ability of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) to understand figures, we employ automatic and manual curation to create the dataset. We craft an information-seeking task involving multiple images that cover a wide variety of plots, charts, tables, schematic diagrams, and result visualizations. SPIQA comprises 270K questions divided into training, validation, and three different evaluation splits. Through extensive experiments with 12 prominent foundational models, we evaluate the ability of current multimodal systems to comprehend the nuanced aspects of research articles. Additionally, we propose a Chain-of-Thought (CoT) evaluation strategy with in-context retrieval that allows fine-grained, step-by-step assessment and improves model performance. We further explore the upper bounds of performance enhancement with additional textual information, highlighting its promising potential for future research and the dataset's impact on revolutionizing how we interact with scientific literature.

new Mitigating Entity-Level Hallucination in Large Language Models

Authors: Weihang Su, Yichen Tang, Qingyao Ai, Changyue Wang, Zhijing Wu, Yiqun Liu

Abstract: The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized how users access information, shifting from traditional search engines to direct question-and-answer interactions with LLMs. However, the widespread adoption of LLMs has revealed a significant challenge known as hallucination, wherein LLMs generate coherent yet factually inaccurate responses. This hallucination phenomenon has led to users' distrust in information retrieval systems based on LLMs. To tackle this challenge, this paper proposes Dynamic Retrieval Augmentation based on hallucination Detection (DRAD) as a novel method to detect and mitigate hallucinations in LLMs. DRAD improves upon traditional retrieval augmentation by dynamically adapting the retrieval process based on real-time hallucination detection. It features two main components: Real-time Hallucination Detection (RHD) for identifying potential hallucinations without external models, and Self-correction based on External Knowledge (SEK) for correcting these errors using external knowledge. Experiment results show that DRAD demonstrates superior performance in both detecting and mitigating hallucinations in LLMs. All of our code and data are open-sourced at


new Open (Clinical) LLMs are Sensitive to Instruction Phrasings

Authors: Alberto Mario Ceballos Arroyo, Monica Munnangi, Jiuding Sun, Karen Y. C. Zhang, Denis Jered McInerney, Byron C. Wallace, Silvio Amir

Abstract: Instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) can perform a wide range of tasks given natural language instructions to do so, but they are sensitive to how such instructions are phrased. This issue is especially concerning in healthcare, as clinicians are unlikely to be experienced prompt engineers and the potential consequences of inaccurate outputs are heightened in this domain. This raises a practical question: How robust are instruction-tuned LLMs to natural variations in the instructions provided for clinical NLP tasks? We collect prompts from medical doctors across a range of tasks and quantify the sensitivity of seven LLMs -- some general, others specialized -- to natural (i.e., non-adversarial) instruction phrasings. We find that performance varies substantially across all models, and that -- perhaps surprisingly -- domain-specific models explicitly trained on clinical data are especially brittle, compared to their general domain counterparts. Further, arbitrary phrasing differences can affect fairness, e.g., valid but distinct instructions for mortality prediction yield a range both in overall performance, and in terms of differences between demographic groups.

new ASTPrompter: Weakly Supervised Automated Language Model Red-Teaming to Identify Likely Toxic Prompts

Authors: Amelia F. Hardy, Houjun Liu, Bernard Lange, Mykel J. Kochenderfer

Abstract: Typical schemes for automated red-teaming large language models (LLMs) focus on discovering prompts that trigger a frozen language model (the defender) to generate toxic text. This often results in the prompting model (the adversary) producing text that is unintelligible and unlikely to arise. Here, we propose a reinforcement learning formulation of the LLM red-teaming task which allows us to discover prompts that both (1) trigger toxic outputs from a frozen defender and (2) have low perplexity as scored by the defender. We argue these cases are most pertinent in a red-teaming setting because of their likelihood to arise during normal use of the defender model. We solve this formulation through a novel online and weakly supervised variant of Identity Preference Optimization (IPO) on GPT-2 and GPT-2 XL defenders. We demonstrate that our policy is capable of generating likely prompts that also trigger toxicity. Finally, we qualitatively analyze learned strategies, trade-offs of likelihood and toxicity, and discuss implications. Source code is available for this project at:


cross ModelWriter: Text & Model-Synchronized Document Engineering Platform

Authors: Ferhat Erata, Claire Gardent, Bikash Gyawali, Anastasia Shimorina, Yvan Lussaud, Bedir Tekinerdogan, Geylani Kardas, Anne Monceaux

Abstract: The ModelWriter platform provides a generic framework for automated traceability analysis. In this paper, we demonstrate how this framework can be used to trace the consistency and completeness of technical documents that consist of a set of System Installation Design Principles used by Airbus to ensure the correctness of aircraft system installation. We show in particular, how the platform allows the integration of two types of reasoning: reasoning about the meaning of text using semantic parsing and description logic theorem proving; and reasoning about document structure using first-order relational logic and finite model finding for traceability analysis.

cross GPT-4 is judged more human than humans in displaced and inverted Turing tests

Authors: Ishika Rathi, Sydney Taylor, Benjamin K. Bergen, Cameron R. Jones

Abstract: Everyday AI detection requires differentiating between people and AI in informal, online conversations. In many cases, people will not interact directly with AI systems but instead read conversations between AI systems and other people. We measured how well people and large language models can discriminate using two modified versions of the Turing test: inverted and displaced. GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and displaced human adjudicators judged whether an agent was human or AI on the basis of a Turing test transcript. We found that both AI and displaced human judges were less accurate than interactive interrogators, with below chance accuracy overall. Moreover, all three judged the best-performing GPT-4 witness to be human more often than human witnesses. This suggests that both humans and current LLMs struggle to distinguish between the two when they are not actively interrogating the person, underscoring an urgent need for more accurate tools to detect AI in conversations.

cross IDAT: A Multi-Modal Dataset and Toolkit for Building and Evaluating Interactive Task-Solving Agents

Authors: Shrestha Mohanty, Negar Arabzadeh, Andrea Tupini, Yuxuan Sun, Alexey Skrynnik, Artem Zholus, Marc-Alexandre C\^ot\'e, Julia Kiseleva

Abstract: Seamless interaction between AI agents and humans using natural language remains a key goal in AI research. This paper addresses the challenges of developing interactive agents capable of understanding and executing grounded natural language instructions through the IGLU competition at NeurIPS. Despite advancements, challenges such as a scarcity of appropriate datasets and the need for effective evaluation platforms persist. We introduce a scalable data collection tool for gathering interactive grounded language instructions within a Minecraft-like environment, resulting in a Multi-Modal dataset with around 9,000 utterances and over 1,000 clarification questions. Additionally, we present a Human-in-the-Loop interactive evaluation platform for qualitative analysis and comparison of agent performance through multi-turn communication with human annotators. We offer to the community these assets referred to as IDAT (IGLU Dataset And Toolkit) which aim to advance the development of intelligent, interactive AI agents and provide essential resources for further research.

cross URRL-IMVC: Unified and Robust Representation Learning for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering

Authors: Ge Teng, Ting Mao, Chen Shen, Xiang Tian, Xuesong Liu, Yaowu Chen, Jieping Ye

Abstract: Incomplete multi-view clustering (IMVC) aims to cluster multi-view data that are only partially available. This poses two main challenges: effectively leveraging multi-view information and mitigating the impact of missing views. Prevailing solutions employ cross-view contrastive learning and missing view recovery techniques. However, they either neglect valuable complementary information by focusing only on consensus between views or provide unreliable recovered views due to the absence of supervision. To address these limitations, we propose a novel Unified and Robust Representation Learning for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering (URRL-IMVC). URRL-IMVC directly learns a unified embedding that is robust to view missing conditions by integrating information from multiple views and neighboring samples. Firstly, to overcome the limitations of cross-view contrastive learning, URRL-IMVC incorporates an attention-based auto-encoder framework to fuse multi-view information and generate unified embeddings. Secondly, URRL-IMVC directly enhances the robustness of the unified embedding against view-missing conditions through KNN imputation and data augmentation techniques, eliminating the need for explicit missing view recovery. Finally, incremental improvements are introduced to further enhance the overall performance, such as the Clustering Module and the customization of the Encoder. We extensively evaluate the proposed URRL-IMVC framework on various benchmark datasets, demonstrating its state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, comprehensive ablation studies are performed to validate the effectiveness of our design.

cross A Look Into News Avoidance Through AWRS: An Avoidance-Aware Recommender System

Authors: Igor L. R. Azevedo, Toyotaro Suzumura, Yuichiro Yasui

Abstract: In recent years, journalists have expressed concerns about the increasing trend of news article avoidance, especially within specific domains. This issue has been exacerbated by the rise of recommender systems. Our research indicates that recommender systems should consider avoidance as a fundamental factor. We argue that news articles can be characterized by three principal elements: exposure, relevance, and avoidance, all of which are closely interconnected. To address these challenges, we introduce AWRS, an Avoidance-Aware Recommender System. This framework incorporates avoidance awareness when recommending news, based on the premise that news article avoidance conveys significant information about user preferences. Evaluation results on three news datasets in different languages (English, Norwegian, and Japanese) demonstrate that our method outperforms existing approaches.

cross The Two Sides of the Coin: Hallucination Generation and Detection with LLMs as Evaluators for LLMs

Authors: Anh Thu Maria Bui, Saskia Felizitas Brech, Natalie Hu{\ss}feldt, Tobias Jennert, Melanie Ullrich, Timo Breuer, Narjes Nikzad Khasmakhi, Philipp Schaer

Abstract: Hallucination detection in Large Language Models (LLMs) is crucial for ensuring their reliability. This work presents our participation in the CLEF ELOQUENT HalluciGen shared task, where the goal is to develop evaluators for both generating and detecting hallucinated content. We explored the capabilities of four LLMs: Llama 3, Gemma, GPT-3.5 Turbo, and GPT-4, for this purpose. We also employed ensemble majority voting to incorporate all four models for the detection task. The results provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of these LLMs in handling hallucination generation and detection tasks.

cross A Chatbot for Asylum-Seeking Migrants in Europe

Authors: Bettina Fazzinga, Elena Palmieri, Margherita Vestoso, Luca Bolognini, Andrea Galassi, Filippo Furfaro, Paolo Torroni

Abstract: We present ACME: A Chatbot for asylum-seeking Migrants in Europe. ACME relies on computational argumentation and aims to help migrants identify the highest level of protection they can apply for. This would contribute to a more sustainable migration by reducing the load on territorial commissions, Courts, and humanitarian organizations supporting asylum applicants. We describe the context, system architectures, technologies, and the case study used to run the demonstration.

cross Sina at FigNews 2024: Multilingual Datasets Annotated with Bias and Propaganda

Authors: Lina Duaibes, Areej Jaber, Mustafa Jarrar, Ahmad Qadi, Mais Qandeel

Abstract: The proliferation of bias and propaganda on social media is an increasingly significant concern, leading to the development of techniques for automatic detection. This article presents a multilingual corpus of 12, 000 Facebook posts fully annotated for bias and propaganda. The corpus was created as part of the FigNews 2024 Shared Task on News Media Narratives for framing the Israeli War on Gaza. It covers various events during the War from October 7, 2023 to January 31, 2024. The corpus comprises 12, 000 posts in five languages (Arabic, Hebrew, English, French, and Hindi), with 2, 400 posts for each language. The annotation process involved 10 graduate students specializing in Law. The Inter-Annotator Agreement (IAA) was used to evaluate the annotations of the corpus, with an average IAA of 80.8% for bias and 70.15% for propaganda annotations. Our team was ranked among the bestperforming teams in both Bias and Propaganda subtasks. The corpus is open-source and available at


cross Deep Bag-of-Words Model: An Efficient and Interpretable Relevance Architecture for Chinese E-Commerce

Authors: Zhe Lin, Jiwei Tan, Dan Ou, Xi Chen, Shaowei Yao, Bo Zheng

Abstract: Text relevance or text matching of query and product is an essential technique for the e-commerce search system to ensure that the displayed products can match the intent of the query. Many studies focus on improving the performance of the relevance model in search system. Recently, pre-trained language models like BERT have achieved promising performance on the text relevance task. While these models perform well on the offline test dataset, there are still obstacles to deploy the pre-trained language model to the online system as their high latency. The two-tower model is extensively employed in industrial scenarios, owing to its ability to harmonize performance with computational efficiency. Regrettably, such models present an opaque ``black box'' nature, which prevents developers from making special optimizations. In this paper, we raise deep Bag-of-Words (DeepBoW) model, an efficient and interpretable relevance architecture for Chinese e-commerce. Our approach proposes to encode the query and the product into the sparse BoW representation, which is a set of word-weight pairs. The weight means the important or the relevant score between the corresponding word and the raw text. The relevance score is measured by the accumulation of the matched word between the sparse BoW representation of the query and the product. Compared to popular dense distributed representation that usually suffers from the drawback of black-box, the most advantage of the proposed representation model is highly explainable and interventionable, which is a superior advantage to the deployment and operation of online search engines. Moreover, the online efficiency of the proposed model is even better than the most efficient inner product form of dense representation ...

cross Human-like Episodic Memory for Infinite Context LLMs

Authors: Zafeirios Fountas, Martin A Benfeghoul, Adnan Oomerjee, Fenia Christopoulou, Gerasimos Lampouras, Haitham Bou-Ammar, Jun Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities, but still struggle with processing extensive contexts, limiting their ability to maintain coherence and accuracy over long sequences. In contrast, the human brain excels at organising and retrieving episodic experiences across vast temporal scales, spanning a lifetime. In this work, we introduce EM-LLM, a novel approach that integrates key aspects of human episodic memory and event cognition into LLMs, enabling them to effectively handle practically infinite context lengths while maintaining computational efficiency. EM-LLM organises sequences of tokens into coherent episodic events using a combination of Bayesian surprise and graph-theoretic boundary refinement in an on-line fashion. When needed, these events are retrieved through a two-stage memory process, combining similarity-based and temporally contiguous retrieval for efficient and human-like access to relevant information. Experiments on the LongBench dataset demonstrate EM-LLM's superior performance, outperforming the state-of-the-art InfLLM model with an overall relative improvement of 4.3% across various tasks, including a 33% improvement on the PassageRetrieval task. Furthermore, our analysis reveals strong correlations between EM-LLM's event segmentation and human-perceived events, suggesting a bridge between this artificial system and its biological counterpart. This work not only advances LLM capabilities in processing extended contexts but also provides a computational framework for exploring human memory mechanisms, opening new avenues for interdisciplinary research in AI and cognitive science.

cross Weight Block Sparsity: Training, Compilation, and AI Engine Accelerators

Authors: Paolo D'Alberto, Taehee Jeong, Akshai Jain, Shreyas Manjunath, Mrinal Sarmah, Samuel Hsu Yaswanth Raparti, Nitesh Pipralia

Abstract: Nowadays, increasingly larger Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are being developed, trained, and utilized. These networks require significant computational resources, putting a strain on both advanced and limited devices. Our solution is to implement {\em weight block sparsity}, which is a structured sparsity that is friendly to hardware. By zeroing certain sections of the convolution and fully connected layers parameters of pre-trained DNN models, we can efficiently speed up the DNN's inference process. This results in a smaller memory footprint, faster communication, and fewer operations. Our work presents a vertical system that allows for the training of convolution and matrix multiplication weights to exploit 8x8 block sparsity on a single GPU within a reasonable amount of time. Compilers recognize this sparsity and use it for both data compaction and computation splitting into threads. Blocks like these take full advantage of both spatial and temporal locality, paving the way for fast vector operations and memory reuse. By using this system on a Resnet50 model, we were able to reduce the weight by half with minimal accuracy loss, resulting in a two-times faster inference speed. We will present performance estimates using accurate and complete code generation for AIE2 configuration sets (AMD Versal FPGAs) with Resnet50, Inception V3, and VGG16 to demonstrate the necessary synergy between hardware overlay designs and software stacks for compiling and executing machine learning applications.

replace Do Multi-Document Summarization Models Synthesize?

Authors: Jay DeYoung, Stephanie C. Martinez, Iain J. Marshall, Byron C. Wallace

Abstract: Multi-document summarization entails producing concise synopses of collections of inputs. For some applications, the synopsis should accurately synthesize inputs with respect to a key aspect, e.g., a synopsis of film reviews written about a particular movie should reflect the average critic consensus. As a more consequential example, narrative summaries that accompany biomedical systematic reviews of clinical trial results should accurately summarize the potentially conflicting results from individual trials. In this paper we ask: To what extent do modern multi-document summarization models implicitly perform this sort of synthesis? We run experiments over opinion and evidence synthesis datasets using a suite of summarization models, from fine-tuned transformers to GPT-4. We find that existing models partially perform synthesis, but imperfectly: even the best performing models are over-sensitive to changes in input ordering and under-sensitive to changes in input compositions (e.g., ratio of positive to negative reviews). We propose a simple, general, effective method for improving model synthesis capabilities by generating an explicitly diverse set of candidate outputs, and then selecting from these the string best aligned with the expected aggregate measure for the inputs, or abstaining when the model produces no good candidate.

replace Basic syntax from speech: Spontaneous concatenation in unsupervised deep neural networks

Authors: Ga\v{s}per Begu\v{s}, Thomas Lu, Zili Wang

Abstract: Computational models of syntax are predominantly text-based. Here we propose that the most basic syntactic operations can be modeled directly from raw speech in a fully unsupervised way. We focus on one of the most ubiquitous and elementary properties of syntax -- concatenation. We introduce spontaneous concatenation: a phenomenon where convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained on acoustic recordings of individual words start generating outputs with two or even three words concatenated without ever accessing data with multiple words in the input. We replicate this finding in several independently trained models with different hyperparameters and training data. Additionally, networks trained on two words learn to embed words into novel unobserved word combinations. To our knowledge, this is a previously unreported property of CNNs trained in the ciwGAN/fiwGAN setting on raw speech and has implications both for our understanding of how these architectures learn as well as for modeling syntax and its evolution from raw acoustic inputs.

replace Zero-Shot Continuous Prompt Transfer: Generalizing Task Semantics Across Language Models

Authors: Zijun Wu, Yongkang Wu, Lili Mou

Abstract: Prompt tuning in natural language processing (NLP) has become an increasingly popular method for adapting large language models to specific tasks. However, the transferability of these prompts, especially continuous prompts, between different models remains a challenge. In this work, we propose a zero-shot continuous prompt transfer method, where source prompts are encoded into relative space and the corresponding target prompts are searched for transferring to target models. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our method, showing that 'task semantics' in continuous prompts can be generalized across various language models. Moreover, we find that combining 'task semantics' from multiple source models can further enhance the generalizability of transfer.

replace Benchmarking Generation and Evaluation Capabilities of Large Language Models for Instruction Controllable Summarization

Authors: Yixin Liu, Alexander R. Fabbri, Jiawen Chen, Yilun Zhao, Simeng Han, Shafiq Joty, Pengfei Liu, Dragomir Radev, Chien-Sheng Wu, Arman Cohan

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) can already achieve strong performance on standard generic summarization benchmarks, their performance on more complex summarization task settings is less studied. Therefore, we benchmark LLMs on instruction controllable text summarization, where the model input consists of both a source article and a natural language requirement for desired summary characteristics. To this end, we curate an evaluation-only dataset for this task setting and conduct human evaluations of five LLM-based systems to assess their instruction-following capabilities in controllable summarization. We then benchmark LLM-based automatic evaluation for this task with 4 different evaluation protocols and 11 LLMs, resulting in 40 evaluation methods. Our study reveals that instruction controllable text summarization remains a challenging task for LLMs, since (1) all LLMs evaluated still make factual and other types of errors in their summaries; (2) no LLM-based evaluation methods can achieve a strong alignment with human annotators when judging the quality of candidate summaries; (3) different LLMs show large performance gaps in summary generation and evaluation capabilities. We make our collected benchmark InstruSum publicly available to facilitate future research in this direction.

replace Towards Robust Temporal Reasoning of Large Language Models via a Multi-Hop QA Dataset and Pseudo-Instruction Tuning

Authors: Qingyu Tan, Hwee Tou Ng, Lidong Bing

Abstract: Knowledge in the real world is being updated constantly. However, it is costly to frequently update large language models (LLMs). Therefore, it is crucial for LLMs to understand the concept of temporal knowledge. However, prior works on temporal question answering (TQA) did not emphasize multi-answer and multi-hop types of temporal reasoning. In this paper, we propose a complex temporal question-answering dataset Complex-TR that focuses on multi-answer and multi-hop temporal reasoning. Besides, we also propose a novel data augmentation strategy to improve the complex temporal reasoning capability and robustness of LLMs. We conducted experiments on multiple temporal QA datasets. Experimental results show that our method is able to improve LLMs' performance on temporal QA benchmarks by significant margins. Our code and data are released at:


replace Generative AI in Higher Education: Seeing ChatGPT Through Universities' Policies, Resources, and Guidelines

Authors: Hui Wang, Anh Dang, Zihao Wu, Son Mac

Abstract: The advancements in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) provide opportunities to enrich educational experiences, but also raise concerns about academic integrity. Many educators have expressed anxiety and hesitation in integrating GenAI in their teaching practices, and are in needs of recommendations and guidance from their institutions that can support them to incorporate GenAI in their classrooms effectively. In order to respond to higher educators' needs, this study aims to explore how universities and educators respond and adapt to the development of GenAI in their academic contexts by analyzing academic policies and guidelines established by top-ranked U.S. universities regarding the use of GenAI, especially ChatGPT. Data sources include academic policies, statements, guidelines, and relevant resources provided by the top 100 universities in the U.S. Results show that the majority of these universities adopt an open but cautious approach towards GenAI. Primary concerns lie in ethical usage, accuracy, and data privacy. Most universities actively respond and provide diverse types of resources, such as syllabus templates, workshops, shared articles, and one-on-one consultations focusing on a range of topics: general technical introduction, ethical concerns, pedagogical applications, preventive strategies, data privacy, limitations, and detective tools. The findings provide four practical pedagogical implications for educators in teaching practices: accept its presence, align its use with learning objectives, evolve curriculum to prevent misuse, and adopt multifaceted evaluation strategies rather than relying on AI detectors. Two recommendations are suggested for educators in policy making: establish discipline-specific policies and guidelines, and manage sensitive information carefully.

replace Whose wife is it anyway? Assessing bias against same-gender relationships in machine translation

Authors: Ian Stewart, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: Machine translation often suffers from biased data and algorithms that can lead to unacceptable errors in system output. While bias in gender norms has been investigated, less is known about whether MT systems encode bias about social relationships, e.g., "the lawyer kissed her wife." We investigate the degree of bias against same-gender relationships in MT systems, using generated template sentences drawn from several noun-gender languages (e.g., Spanish) and comprised of popular occupation nouns. We find that three popular MT services consistently fail to accurately translate sentences concerning relationships between entities of the same gender. The error rate varies considerably based on the context, and same-gender sentences referencing high female-representation occupations are translated with lower accuracy. We provide this work as a case study in the evaluation of intrinsic bias in NLP systems with respect to social relationships.

replace GPT-4 Generated Narratives of Life Events using a Structured Narrative Prompt: A Validation Study

Authors: Christopher J. Lynch, Erik Jensen, Madison H. Munro, Virginia Zamponi, Joseph Martinez, Kevin O'Brien, Brandon Feldhaus, Katherine Smith, Ann Marie Reinhold, Ross Gore

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) play a pivotal role in generating vast arrays of narratives, facilitating a systematic exploration of their effectiveness for communicating life events in narrative form. In this study, we employ a zero-shot structured narrative prompt to generate 24,000 narratives using OpenAI's GPT-4. From this dataset, we manually classify 2,880 narratives and evaluate their validity in conveying birth, death, hiring, and firing events. Remarkably, 87.43% of the narratives sufficiently convey the intention of the structured prompt. To automate the identification of valid and invalid narratives, we train and validate nine Machine Learning models on the classified datasets. Leveraging these models, we extend our analysis to predict the classifications of the remaining 21,120 narratives. All the ML models excelled at classifying valid narratives as valid, but experienced challenges at simultaneously classifying invalid narratives as invalid. Our findings not only advance the study of LLM capabilities, limitations, and validity but also offer practical insights for narrative generation and natural language processing applications.

replace BlendFilter: Advancing Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models via Query Generation Blending and Knowledge Filtering

Authors: Haoyu Wang, Ruirui Li, Haoming Jiang, Jinjin Tian, Zhengyang Wang, Chen Luo, Xianfeng Tang, Monica Cheng, Tuo Zhao, Jing Gao

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented Large Language Models (LLMs) offer substantial benefits in enhancing performance across knowledge-intensive scenarios. However, these methods often face challenges with complex inputs and encounter difficulties due to noisy knowledge retrieval, notably hindering model effectiveness. To address this issue, we introduce BlendFilter, a novel approach that elevates retrieval-augmented LLMs by integrating query generation blending with knowledge filtering. BlendFilter proposes the blending process through its query generation method, which integrates both external and internal knowledge augmentation with the original query, ensuring comprehensive information gathering. Additionally, our distinctive knowledge filtering module capitalizes on the intrinsic capabilities of the LLM, effectively eliminating extraneous data. We conduct extensive experiments on three open-domain question answering benchmarks, and the findings clearly indicate that our innovative BlendFilter surpasses state-of-the-art baselines significantly.

replace Towards Unified Task Embeddings Across Multiple Models: Bridging the Gap for Prompt-Based Large Language Models and Beyond

Authors: Xinyu Wang, Hainiu Xu, Lin Gui, Yulan He

Abstract: Task embedding, a meta-learning technique that captures task-specific information, has gained popularity, especially in areas such as multi-task learning, model editing, and interpretability. However, it faces challenges with the emergence of prompt-guided Large Language Models (LLMs) operating in a gradient-free manner. Existing task embedding methods rely on fine-tuned, task-specific language models, which hinders the adaptability of task embeddings across diverse models, especially prompt-based LLMs. To hardness the potential of task embeddings in the era of LLMs, we propose a framework for unified task embeddings (FUTE), harmonizing task embeddings from various models, including smaller language models and LLMs with varied prompts, within a single vector space. Such uniformity enables comparison and analysis of similarities amongst different models, broadening the scope and utility of existing task embedding methods in multi-model scenarios, while maintaining their performance comparable to architecture-specific methods.

replace Reading Subtext: Evaluating Large Language Models on Short Story Summarization with Writers

Authors: Melanie Subbiah, Sean Zhang, Lydia B. Chilton, Kathleen McKeown

Abstract: We evaluate recent Large Language Models (LLMs) on the challenging task of summarizing short stories, which can be lengthy, and include nuanced subtext or scrambled timelines. Importantly, we work directly with authors to ensure that the stories have not been shared online (and therefore are unseen by the models), and to obtain informed evaluations of summary quality using judgments from the authors themselves. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis grounded in narrative theory, we compare GPT-4, Claude-2.1, and LLama-2-70B. We find that all three models make faithfulness mistakes in over 50% of summaries and struggle with specificity and interpretation of difficult subtext. We additionally demonstrate that LLM ratings and other automatic metrics for summary quality do not correlate well with the quality ratings from the writers.

replace The Minimum Information about CLinical Artificial Intelligence Checklist for Generative Modeling Research (MI-CLAIM-GEN)

Authors: Brenda Y. Miao, Irene Y. Chen, Christopher YK Williams, Jays\'on Davidson, Augusto Garcia-Agundez, Shenghuan Sun, Travis Zack, Suchi Saria, Rima Arnaout, Giorgio Quer, Hossein J. Sadaei, Ali Torkamani, Brett Beaulieu-Jones, Bin Yu, Milena Gianfrancesco, Atul J. Butte, Beau Norgeot, Madhumita Sushil

Abstract: Recent advances in generative models, including large language models (LLMs), vision language models (VLMs), and diffusion models, have accelerated the field of natural language and image processing in medicine and marked a significant paradigm shift in how biomedical models can be developed and deployed. While these models are highly adaptable to new tasks, scaling and evaluating their usage presents new challenges not addressed in previous frameworks. In particular, the ability of these models to produce useful outputs with little to no specialized training data ("zero-" or "few-shot" approaches), as well as the open-ended nature of their outputs, necessitate the development of new guidelines for robust reporting of clinical generative model research. In response to gaps in standards and best practices for the development of clinical AI tools identified by US Executive Order 141103 and several emerging national networks for clinical AI evaluation, we begin to formalize some of these guidelines by building on the original MI-CLAIM checklist. The new checklist, MI-CLAIM-GEN (Table 1), aims to address differences in training, evaluation, interpretability, and reproducibility of new generative models compared to non-generative ("predictive") AI models. This MI-CLAIM-GEN checklist also seeks to clarify cohort selection reporting with unstructured clinical data and adds additional items on alignment with ethical standards for clinical AI research.

replace EnvGen: Generating and Adapting Environments via LLMs for Training Embodied Agents

Authors: Abhay Zala, Jaemin Cho, Han Lin, Jaehong Yoon, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Recent SOTA approaches for embodied learning via interaction directly employ large language models (LLMs) as agents to determine the next steps in an environment. Due to their world knowledge and reasoning capabilities, LLM agents achieve stronger performance than previous smaller agents based on reinforcement learning (RL); however, frequently calling LLMs is slow and expensive. Instead of directly employing LLMs as agents, can we use LLMs' reasoning capabilities to adaptively create training environments to help smaller RL agents learn useful skills that they are weak at? We propose EnvGen, a novel framework to address this question. We first prompt an LLM to generate training environments by giving it the task description and simulator objectives that the agents should learn and then asking it to generate a set of environment configurations (e.g., different terrains, items initially given to agents, etc.). Next, we train a small RL agent in a mixture of the original and LLM-generated environments. Then, we enable the LLM to continuously adapt the generated environments to progressively improve the skills that the agent is weak at, by providing feedback to the LLM in the form of the agent's performance. We demonstrate the usefulness of EnvGen with comprehensive experiments in Crafter and Heist environments. We find that a small RL agent trained with EnvGen can outperform SOTA methods, including a GPT-4 agent, and learns long-horizon tasks significantly faster. We also show that using an LLM to adapt environments dynamically outperforms curriculum learning approaches and how the environments are adapted to help improve RL agents' weaker skills over time. Additionally, EnvGen is substantially more efficient as it only uses a small number of LLM calls (e.g., 4 in total), whereas LLM agents require thousands of calls. Lastly, we present detailed ablation studies for EnvGen design choices.

replace RAGAR, Your Falsehood Radar: RAG-Augmented Reasoning for Political Fact-Checking using Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: M. Abdul Khaliq, P. Chang, M. Ma, B. Pflugfelder, F. Mileti\'c

Abstract: The escalating challenge of misinformation, particularly in political discourse, requires advanced fact-checking solutions; this is even clearer in the more complex scenario of multimodal claims. We tackle this issue using a multimodal large language model in conjunction with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), and introduce two novel reasoning techniques: Chain of RAG (CoRAG) and Tree of RAG (ToRAG). They fact-check multimodal claims by extracting both textual and image content, retrieving external information, and reasoning subsequent questions to be answered based on prior evidence. We achieve a weighted F1-score of 0.85, surpassing a baseline reasoning technique by 0.14 points. Human evaluation confirms that the vast majority of our generated fact-check explanations contain all information from gold standard data.

replace Setting up the Data Printer with Improved English to Ukrainian Machine Translation

Authors: Yurii Paniv, Dmytro Chaplynskyi, Nikita Trynus, Volodymyr Kyrylov

Abstract: To build large language models for Ukrainian we need to expand our corpora with large amounts of new algorithmic tasks expressed in natural language. Examples of task performance expressed in English are abundant, so with a high-quality translation system our community will be enabled to curate datasets faster. To aid this goal, we introduce a recipe to build a translation system using supervised finetuning of a large pretrained language model with a noisy parallel dataset of 3M pairs of Ukrainian and English sentences followed by a second phase of training using 17K examples selected by k-fold perplexity filtering on another dataset of higher quality. Our decoder-only model named Dragoman beats performance of previous state of the art encoder-decoder models on the FLORES devtest set.

replace GRAMMAR: Grounded and Modular Methodology for Assessment of Closed-Domain Retrieval-Augmented Language Model

Authors: Xinzhe Li, Ming Liu, Shang Gao

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG) systems have been actively studied and deployed across various industries to query on domain-specific knowledge base. However, evaluating these systems presents unique challenges due to the scarcity of domain-specific queries and corresponding ground truths, as well as a lack of systematic approaches to diagnosing the cause of failure cases -- whether they stem from knowledge deficits or issues related to system robustness. To address these challenges, we introduce GRAMMAR (GRounded And Modular Methodology for Assessment of RAG), an evaluation framework comprising two key elements: 1) a data generation process that leverages relational databases and LLMs to efficiently produce scalable query-answer pairs for evaluation. This method facilitates the separation of query logic from linguistic variations, enabling the testing of hypotheses related to non-robust textual forms; and 2) an evaluation framework that differentiates knowledge gaps from robustness and enables the identification of defective modules. Our empirical results underscore the limitations of current reference-free evaluation approaches and the reliability of GRAMMAR to accurately identify model vulnerabilities. For implementation details, refer to our GitHub repository:


replace Exploring the Compositional Deficiency of Large Language Models in Mathematical Reasoning

Authors: Jun Zhao, Jingqi Tong, Yurong Mou, Ming Zhang, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: Human cognition exhibits systematic compositionality, the algebraic ability to generate infinite novel combinations from finite learned components, which is the key to understanding and reasoning about complex logic. In this work, we investigate the compositionality of large language models (LLMs) in mathematical reasoning. Specifically, we construct a new dataset \textsc{MathTrap}\footnotemark[3] by introducing carefully designed logical traps into the problem descriptions of MATH and GSM8k. Since problems with logical flaws are quite rare in the real world, these represent ``unseen'' cases to LLMs. Solving these requires the models to systematically compose (1) the mathematical knowledge involved in the original problems with (2) knowledge related to the introduced traps. Our experiments show that while LLMs possess both components of requisite knowledge, they do not \textbf{spontaneously} combine them to handle these novel cases. We explore several methods to mitigate this deficiency, such as natural language prompts, few-shot demonstrations, and fine-tuning. We find that LLMs' performance can be \textbf{passively} improved through the above external intervention. Overall, systematic compositionality remains an open challenge for large language models.

replace SciEx: Benchmarking Large Language Models on Scientific Exams with Human Expert Grading and Automatic Grading

Authors: Tu Anh Dinh, Carlos Mullov, Leonard B\"armann, Zhaolin Li, Danni Liu, Simon Rei{\ss}, Jueun Lee, Nathan Lerzer, Fabian Ternava, Jianfeng Gao, Tobias R\"oddiger, Alexander Waibel, Tamim Asfour, Michael Beigl, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Carsten Dachsbacher, Klemens B\"ohm, Jan Niehues

Abstract: With the rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs), it is crucial to have benchmarks which can evaluate the ability of LLMs on different domains. One common use of LLMs is performing tasks on scientific topics, such as writing algorithms, querying databases or giving mathematical proofs. Inspired by the way university students are evaluated on such tasks, in this paper, we propose SciEx - a benchmark consisting of university computer science exam questions, to evaluate LLMs ability on solving scientific tasks. SciEx is (1) multilingual, containing both English and German exams, and (2) multi-modal, containing questions that involve images, and (3) contains various types of freeform questions with different difficulty levels, due to the nature of university exams. We evaluate the performance of various state-of-the-art LLMs on our new benchmark. Since SciEx questions are freeform, it is not straightforward to evaluate LLM performance. Therefore, we provide human expert grading of the LLM outputs on SciEx. We show that the free-form exams in SciEx remain challenging for the current LLMs, where the best LLM only achieves 59.4\% exam grade on average. We also provide detailed comparisons between LLM performance and student performance on SciEx. To enable future evaluation of new LLMs, we propose using LLM-as-a-judge to grade the LLM answers on SciEx. Our experiments show that, although they do not perform perfectly on solving the exams, LLMs are decent as graders, achieving 0.948 Pearson correlation with expert grading.

replace Raising the Bar: Investigating the Values of Large Language Models via Generative Evolving Testing

Authors: Han Jiang, Xiaoyuan Yi, Zhihua Wei, Shu Wang, Xing Xie

Abstract: Warning: this paper contains model outputs exhibiting unethical information. Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved significant breakthroughs, but their generated unethical content poses potential risks. Measuring value alignment of LLMs becomes crucial for their regulation and responsible deployment. Numerous datasets have been constructed to assess social bias, toxicity, and ethics in LLMs, but they suffer from evaluation chronoeffect, that is, as models rapidly evolve, existing data becomes leaked or undemanding, overestimating ever-developing LLMs. To tackle this problem, we propose GETA, a novel generative evolving testing approach that dynamically probes the underlying moral baselines of LLMs. Distinct from previous adaptive testing methods that rely on static datasets with limited difficulty, GETA incorporates an iteratively-updated item generator which infers each LLM's moral boundaries and generates difficulty-tailored testing items, accurately reflecting the true alignment extent. This process theoretically learns a joint distribution of item and model response, with item difficulty and value conformity as latent variables, where the generator co-evolves with the LLM, addressing chronoeffect. We evaluate various popular LLMs with diverse capabilities and demonstrate that GETA can create difficulty-matching testing items and more accurately assess LLMs' values, better consistent with their performance on unseen OOD and i.i.d. items, laying the groundwork for future evaluation paradigms.

replace Multi-step Inference over Unstructured Data

Authors: Aditya Kalyanpur, Kailash Saravanakumar, Victor Barres, CJ McFate, Lori Moon, Nati Seifu, Maksim Eremeev, Jose Barrera, Eric Brown, David Ferrucci

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI has revolutionized natural language applications across various domains. However, high-stakes decision-making tasks in fields such as medical, legal and finance require a level of precision, comprehensiveness, and logical consistency that pure LLM or Retrieval-Augmented-Generation (RAG) approaches often fail to deliver. At Elemental Cognition (EC), we have developed a neuro-symbolic AI platform to tackle these problems. The platform integrates fine-tuned LLMs for knowledge extraction and alignment with a robust symbolic reasoning engine for logical inference, planning and interactive constraint solving. We describe Cora, a Collaborative Research Assistant built on this platform, that is designed to perform complex research and discovery tasks in high-stakes domains. This paper discusses the multi-step inference challenges inherent in such domains, critiques the limitations of existing LLM-based methods, and demonstrates how Cora's neuro-symbolic approach effectively addresses these issues. We provide an overview of the system architecture, key algorithms for knowledge extraction and formal reasoning, and present preliminary evaluation results that highlight Cora's superior performance compared to well-known LLM and RAG baselines.

replace Development of Cognitive Intelligence in Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Raj Sanjay Shah, Khushi Bhardwaj, Sashank Varma

Abstract: Recent studies show evidence for emergent cognitive abilities in Large Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs). The increasing cognitive alignment of these models has made them candidates for cognitive science theories. Prior research into the emergent cognitive abilities of PLMs has largely been path-independent to model training, i.e., has focused on the final model weights and not the intermediate steps. However, building plausible models of human cognition using PLMs would benefit from considering the developmental alignment of their performance during training to the trajectories of children's thinking. Guided by psychometric tests of human intelligence, we choose four sets of tasks to investigate the alignment of ten popular families of PLMs and evaluate their available intermediate and final training steps. These tasks are Numerical ability, Linguistic abilities, Conceptual understanding, and Fluid reasoning. We find a striking regularity: regardless of model size, the developmental trajectories of PLMs consistently exhibit a window of maximal alignment to human cognitive development. Before that window, training appears to endow "blank slate" models with the requisite structure to be poised to rapidly learn from experience. After that window, training appears to serve the engineering goal of reducing loss but not the scientific goal of increasing alignment with human cognition.

replace Needle in the Haystack for Memory Based Large Language Models

Authors: Elliot Nelson, Georgios Kollias, Payel Das, Subhajit Chaudhury, Soham Dan

Abstract: Current large language models (LLMs) often perform poorly on simple fact retrieval tasks. Here we investigate if coupling a dynamically adaptable external memory to a LLM can alleviate this problem. For this purpose, we test Larimar, a recently proposed language model architecture which uses an external associative memory, on long-context recall tasks including passkey and needle-in-the-haystack tests. We demonstrate that the external memory of Larimar, which allows fast write and read of an episode of text samples, can be used at test time to handle contexts much longer than those seen during training. We further show that the latent readouts from the memory (to which long contexts are written) control the decoder towards generating correct outputs, with the memory stored off of the GPU. Compared to existing transformer-based LLM architectures for long-context recall tasks that use larger parameter counts or modified attention mechanisms, a relatively smaller size Larimar is able to maintain strong performance without any task-specific training or training on longer contexts.

replace Continual Learning Optimizations for Auto-regressive Decoder of Multilingual ASR systems

Authors: Chin Yuen Kwok, Jia Qi Yip, Eng Siong Chng

Abstract: Continual Learning (CL) involves fine-tuning pre-trained models with new data while maintaining the performance on the pre-trained data. This is particularly relevant for expanding multilingual ASR (MASR) capabilities. However, existing CL methods, mainly designed for computer vision and reinforcement learning tasks, often yield sub-optimal results when directly applied to MASR. We hypothesise that this is because CL of the auto-regressive decoder in the MASR model is difficult. To verify this, we propose four optimizations on the decoder. They include decoder-layer gradient surgery, freezing unused token embeddings, suppressing output of newly added tokens, and learning rate re-scaling. Our experiments on adapting Whisper to 10 unseen languages from the Common Voice dataset demonstrate that these optimizations reduce the Average Word Error Rate (AWER) of pretrained languages from 14.2% to 12.4% compared with Experience Replay, without compromising the AWER of new languages.

replace Stephanie: Step-by-Step Dialogues for Mimicking Human Interactions in Social Conversations

Authors: Hao Yang, Hongyuan Lu, Xinhua Zeng, Yang Liu, Xiang Zhang, Haoran Yang, Yumeng Zhang, Shan Huang, Yiran Wei, Wai Lam

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of natural language processing, dialogue systems primarily employ a single-step dialogue paradigm. Although this paradigm is efficient, it lacks the depth and fluidity of human interactions and does not appear natural. We introduce a novel \textbf{Step}-by-Step Dialogue Paradigm (Stephanie), designed to mimic the ongoing dynamic nature of human conversations. By employing a dual learning strategy and a further-split post-editing method, we generated and utilized a high-quality step-by-step dialogue dataset to fine-tune existing large language models, enabling them to perform step-by-step dialogues. We thoroughly present Stephanie. Tailored automatic and human evaluations are conducted to assess its effectiveness compared to the traditional single-step dialogue paradigm. We will release code, Stephanie datasets, and Stephanie LLMs to facilitate the future of chatbot eras.

replace Toucan: Many-to-Many Translation for 150 African Language Pairs

Authors: AbdelRahim Elmadany, Ife Adebara, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Abstract: We address a notable gap in Natural Language Processing (NLP) by introducing a collection of resources designed to improve Machine Translation (MT) for low-resource languages, with a specific focus on African languages. First, we introduce two language models (LMs), Cheetah-1.2B and Cheetah-3.7B, with 1.2 billion and 3.7 billion parameters respectively. Next, we finetune the aforementioned models to create toucan, an Afrocentric machine translation model designed to support 156 African language pairs. To evaluate Toucan, we carefully develop an extensive machine translation benchmark, dubbed AfroLingu-MT, tailored for evaluating machine translation. Toucan significantly outperforms other models, showcasing its remarkable performance on MT for African languages. Finally, we train a new model, spBLEU-1K, to enhance translation evaluation metrics, covering 1K languages, including 614 African languages. This work aims to advance the field of NLP, fostering cross-cultural understanding and knowledge exchange, particularly in regions with limited language resources such as Africa. The GitHub repository for the Toucan project is available at


replace PAS: Data-Efficient Plug-and-Play Prompt Augmentation System

Authors: Miao Zheng, Hao Liang, Fan Yang, Haoze Sun, Tianpeng Li, Lingchu Xiong, Yan Zhang, Youzhen Wu, Kun Li, Yanjun Shen, Mingan Lin, Tao Zhang, Guosheng Dong, Yujing Qiao, Kun Fang, Weipeng Chen, Bin Cui, Wentao Zhang, Zenan Zhou

Abstract: In recent years, the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) has spurred a growing demand for plug-and-play AI systems. Among the various AI techniques, prompt engineering stands out as particularly significant. However, users often face challenges in writing prompts due to the steep learning curve and significant time investment, and existing automatic prompt engineering (APE) models can be difficult to use. To address this issue, we propose PAS, an LLM-based plug-and-play APE system. PAS utilizes LLMs trained on high-quality, automatically generated prompt complementary datasets, resulting in exceptional performance. In comprehensive benchmarks, PAS achieves state-of-the-art (SoTA) results compared to previous APE models, with an average improvement of 6.09 points. Moreover, PAS is highly efficient, achieving SoTA performance with only 9000 data points. Additionally, PAS can autonomously generate prompt augmentation data without requiring additional human labor. Its flexibility also allows it to be compatible with all existing LLMs and applicable to a wide range of tasks. PAS excels in human evaluations, underscoring its suitability as a plug-in for users. This combination of high performance, efficiency, and flexibility makes PAS a valuable system for enhancing the usability and effectiveness of LLMs through improved prompt engineering.

replace Automata-based constraints for language model decoding

Authors: Terry Koo, Frederick Liu, Luheng He

Abstract: LMs are often expected to generate strings in some formal language; for example, structured data, API calls, or code snippets. Although LMs can be tuned to improve their adherence to formal syntax, this does not guarantee conformance, especially with smaller LMs suitable for large-scale deployment. In addition, tuning requires significant resources, making it impractical for uncommon or task-specific formats. To prevent downstream parsing errors we would ideally constrain the LM to only produce valid output, but this is severely complicated by tokenization, which is typically both ambiguous and misaligned with the formal grammar. We solve these issues through the application of automata theory, deriving an efficient closed-form solution for the regular languages, a broad class of formal languages with many practical applications, including API calls or schema-guided JSON and YAML. We also discuss pragmatic extensions for coping with the issue of high branching factor. Finally, we extend our techniques to deterministic context-free languages, which similarly admit an efficient closed-form solution. In spite of its flexibility and representative power, our approach only requires access to per-token decoding logits and lowers into simple calculations that are independent of LM size, making it both efficient and easy to apply to almost any LM architecture.

replace RB-SQL: A Retrieval-based LLM Framework for Text-to-SQL

Authors: Zhenhe Wu, Zhongqiu Li, Jie Zhang, Mengxiang Li, Yu Zhao, Ruiyu Fang, Zhongjiang He, Xuelong Li, Zhoujun Li, Shuangyong Song

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) with in-context learning have significantly improved the performance of text-to-SQL task. Previous works generally focus on using exclusive SQL generation prompt to improve the LLMs' reasoning ability. However, they are mostly hard to handle large databases with numerous tables and columns, and usually ignore the significance of pre-processing database and extracting valuable information for more efficient prompt engineering. Based on above analysis, we propose RB-SQL, a novel retrieval-based LLM framework for in-context prompt engineering, which consists of three modules that retrieve concise tables and columns as schema, and targeted examples for in-context learning. Experiment results demonstrate that our model achieves better performance than several competitive baselines on public datasets BIRD and Spider.

replace-cross Enhancing Transformer RNNs with Multiple Temporal Perspectives

Authors: Razvan-Gabriel Dumitru, Darius Peteleaza, Mihai Surdeanu

Abstract: We introduce the concept of multiple temporal perspectives, a novel approach applicable to Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architectures for enhancing their understanding of sequential data. This method involves maintaining diverse temporal views of previously encountered text, significantly enriching the language models' capacity to interpret context. To show the efficacy of this approach, we incorporate it into the Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV) architecture, addressing its inherent challenge of retaining all historical information within a single hidden state. Notably, this improvement is achieved with a minimal increase in the number of parameters --even as little as $0.04\%$ of the original number of parameters. Further, the additional parameters necessary for the multiple temporal perspectives are fine-tuned with minimal computational overhead, avoiding the need for a full pre-training. The resulting model maintains linear computational complexity during prompt inference, ensuring consistent efficiency across various sequence lengths. The empirical results and ablation studies included in our research validate the effectiveness of our approach, showcasing improved performance across multiple benchmarks. The code, model weights and datasets are open-sourced at:


replace-cross STENCIL: Submodular Mutual Information Based Weak Supervision for Cold-Start Active Learning

Authors: Nathan Beck, Adithya Iyer, Rishabh Iyer

Abstract: As supervised fine-tuning of pre-trained models within NLP applications increases in popularity, larger corpora of annotated data are required, especially with increasing parameter counts in large language models. Active learning, which attempts to mine and annotate unlabeled instances to improve model performance maximally fast, is a common choice for reducing the annotation cost; however, most methods typically ignore class imbalance and either assume access to initial annotated data or require multiple rounds of active learning selection before improving rare classes. We present STENCIL, which utilizes a set of text exemplars and the recently proposed submodular mutual information to select a set of weakly labeled rare-class instances that are then strongly labeled by an annotator. We show that STENCIL improves overall accuracy by $10\%-18\%$ and rare-class F-1 score by $17\%-40\%$ on multiple text classification datasets over common active learning methods within the class-imbalanced cold-start setting.

replace-cross A Neural Rewriting System to Solve Algorithmic Problems

Authors: Flavio Petruzzellis, Alberto Testolin, Alessandro Sperduti

Abstract: Modern neural network architectures still struggle to learn algorithmic procedures that require to systematically apply compositional rules to solve out-of-distribution problem instances. In this work, we focus on formula simplification problems, a class of synthetic benchmarks used to study the systematic generalization capabilities of neural architectures. We propose a modular architecture designed to learn a general procedure for solving nested mathematical formulas by only relying on a minimal set of training examples. Inspired by rewriting systems, a classic framework in symbolic artificial intelligence, we include in the architecture three specialized and interacting modules: the Selector, trained to identify solvable sub-expressions; the Solver, mapping sub-expressions to their values; and the Combiner, replacing sub-expressions in the original formula with the solution provided by the Solver. We benchmark our system against the Neural Data Router, a recent model specialized for systematic generalization, and a state-of-the-art large language model (GPT-4) probed with advanced prompting strategies. We demonstrate that our approach achieves a higher degree of out-of-distribution generalization compared to these alternative approaches on three different types of formula simplification problems, and we discuss its limitations by analyzing its failures.

replace-cross Heavy-Tailed Class Imbalance and Why Adam Outperforms Gradient Descent on Language Models

Authors: Frederik Kunstner, Robin Yadav, Alan Milligan, Mark Schmidt, Alberto Bietti

Abstract: Adam has been shown to outperform gradient descent on large language models by a larger margin than on other tasks, but it is unclear why. We show that a key factor in this performance gap is the heavy-tailed class imbalance found in language tasks. When trained with gradient descent, the loss of infrequent words decreases more slowly than the loss of frequent ones. This leads to a slow decrease on the average loss as most samples come from infrequent words. On the other hand, Adam and sign-based methods are less sensitive to this problem. To establish that this behavior is caused by class imbalance, we show empirically that it can be reproduced across architectures and data types, on language transformers, vision CNNs, and linear models. On a linear model with cross-entropy loss, we show that class imbalance leads to imbalanced, correlated gradients and Hessians that have been hypothesized to benefit Adam. We also prove that, in continuous time, gradient descent converges slowly on low-frequency classes while sign descent does not.

replace-cross Can large language models explore in-context?

Authors: Akshay Krishnamurthy, Keegan Harris, Dylan J. Foster, Cyril Zhang, Aleksandrs Slivkins

Abstract: We investigate the extent to which contemporary Large Language Models (LLMs) can engage in exploration, a core capability in reinforcement learning and decision making. We focus on native performance of existing LLMs, without training interventions. We deploy LLMs as agents in simple multi-armed bandit environments, specifying the environment description and interaction history entirely in-context, i.e., within the LLM prompt. We experiment with GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Llama2, using a variety of prompt designs, and find that the models do not robustly engage in exploration without substantial interventions: i) Across all of our experiments, only one configuration resulted in satisfactory exploratory behavior: GPT-4 with chain-of-thought reasoning and an externally summarized interaction history, presented as sufficient statistics; ii) All other configurations did not result in robust exploratory behavior, including those with chain-of-thought reasoning but unsummarized history. Although these findings can be interpreted positively, they suggest that external summarization -- which may not be possible in more complex settings -- is important for obtaining desirable behavior from LLM agents. We conclude that non-trivial algorithmic interventions, such as fine-tuning or dataset curation, may be required to empower LLM-based decision making agents in complex settings.

replace-cross Conformity, Confabulation, and Impersonation: Persona Inconstancy in Multi-Agent LLM Collaboration

Authors: Razan Baltaji, Babak Hemmatian, Lav R. Varshney

Abstract: Multi-agent AI systems can be used for simulating collective decision-making in scientific and practical applications. They can also be used to introduce a diverse group discussion step in chatbot pipelines, enhancing the cultural sensitivity of the chatbot's responses. These applications, however, are predicated on the ability of AI agents to reliably adopt assigned personas and mimic human interactions. To evaluate the ability of LLM agents to satisfy these requirements, we examine AI agent ensembles engaged in cultural collaboration and debate by analyzing their private responses and chat transcripts. Our findings suggest that multi-agent discussions can encourage collective decisions that reflect diverse perspectives, yet this benefit is tempered by the agents' susceptibility to conformity due to perceived peer pressure and challenges in maintaining consistent personas and opinions. Instructions that encourage debate in support of one's opinions rather than collaboration increase the rate of inconstancy. Without addressing the factors we identify, the full potential of multi-agent frameworks for producing more culturally diverse AI outputs or more realistic simulations of group decision-making will remain untapped.

replace-cross Improving Alignment and Robustness with Circuit Breakers

Authors: Andy Zou, Long Phan, Justin Wang, Derek Duenas, Maxwell Lin, Maksym Andriushchenko, Rowan Wang, Zico Kolter, Matt Fredrikson, Dan Hendrycks

Abstract: AI systems can take harmful actions and are highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We present an approach, inspired by recent advances in representation engineering, that interrupts the models as they respond with harmful outputs with "circuit breakers." Existing techniques aimed at improving alignment, such as refusal training, are often bypassed. Techniques such as adversarial training try to plug these holes by countering specific attacks. As an alternative to refusal training and adversarial training, circuit-breaking directly controls the representations that are responsible for harmful outputs in the first place. Our technique can be applied to both text-only and multimodal language models to prevent the generation of harmful outputs without sacrificing utility -- even in the presence of powerful unseen attacks. Notably, while adversarial robustness in standalone image recognition remains an open challenge, circuit breakers allow the larger multimodal system to reliably withstand image "hijacks" that aim to produce harmful content. Finally, we extend our approach to AI agents, demonstrating considerable reductions in the rate of harmful actions when they are under attack. Our approach represents a significant step forward in the development of reliable safeguards to harmful behavior and adversarial attacks.

replace-cross Jailbreaking as a Reward Misspecification Problem

Authors: Zhihui Xie, Jiahui Gao, Lei Li, Zhenguo Li, Qi Liu, Lingpeng Kong

Abstract: The widespread adoption of large language models (LLMs) has raised concerns about their safety and reliability, particularly regarding their vulnerability to adversarial attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel perspective that attributes this vulnerability to reward misspecification during the alignment process. We introduce a metric ReGap to quantify the extent of reward misspecification and demonstrate its effectiveness and robustness in detecting harmful backdoor prompts. Building upon these insights, we present ReMiss, a system for automated red teaming that generates adversarial prompts against various target aligned LLMs. ReMiss achieves state-of-the-art attack success rates on the AdvBench benchmark while preserving the human readability of the generated prompts. Detailed analysis highlights the unique advantages brought by the proposed reward misspecification objective compared to previous methods.

replace-cross RoboUniView: Visual-Language Model with Unified View Representation for Robotic Manipulaiton

Authors: Fanfan Liu, Feng Yan, Liming Zheng, Chengjian Feng, Yiyang Huang, Lin Ma

Abstract: Utilizing Vision-Language Models (VLMs) for robotic manipulation represents a novel paradigm, aiming to enhance the model's ability to generalize to new objects and instructions. However, due to variations in camera specifications and mounting positions, existing methods exhibit significant performance disparities across different robotic platforms. To address this challenge, we propose RoboUniView in this paper, an innovative approach that decouples visual feature extraction from action learning. We first learn a unified view representation from multi-perspective views by pre-training on readily accessible data, and then derive actions from this unified view representation to control robotic manipulation. This unified view representation more accurately mirrors the physical world and is not constrained by the robotic platform's camera parameters. Thanks to this methodology, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on the demanding CALVIN benchmark, enhancing the success rate in the $D \to D$ setting from 93.0% to 96.2%, and in the $ABC \to D$ setting from 92.2% to 94.2%. Moreover, our model exhibits outstanding adaptability and flexibility: it maintains high performance under unseen camera parameters, can utilize multiple datasets with varying camera parameters, and is capable of joint cross-task learning across datasets. Code is provided for re-implementation.


replace-cross Gloss2Text: Sign Language Gloss translation using LLMs and Semantically Aware Label Smoothing

Authors: Pooya Fayyazsanavi, Antonios Anastasopoulos, Jana Ko\v{s}eck\'a

Abstract: Sign language translation from video to spoken text presents unique challenges owing to the distinct grammar, expression nuances, and high variation of visual appearance across different speakers and contexts. The intermediate gloss annotations of videos aim to guide the translation process. In our work, we focus on {\em Gloss2Text} translation stage and propose several advances by leveraging pre-trained large language models (LLMs), data augmentation, and novel label-smoothing loss function exploiting gloss translation ambiguities improving significantly the performance of state-of-the-art approaches. Through extensive experiments and ablation studies on the PHOENIX Weather 2014T dataset, our approach surpasses state-of-the-art performance in {\em Gloss2Text} translation, indicating its efficacy in addressing sign language translation and suggesting promising avenues for future research and development.

replace-cross Decompose and Compare Consistency: Measuring VLMs' Answer Reliability via Task-Decomposition Consistency Comparison

Authors: Qian Yang, Weixiang Yan, Aishwarya Agrawal

Abstract: Despite tremendous advancements, current state-of-the-art Vision-Language Models (VLMs) are still far from perfect. They tend to hallucinate and may generate biased responses. In such circumstances, having a way to assess the reliability of a given response generated by a VLM is quite useful. Existing methods, such as estimating uncertainty using answer likelihoods or prompt-based confidence generation, often suffer from overconfidence. Other methods use self-consistency comparison but are affected by confirmation biases. To alleviate these, we propose \textbf{De}compose and \textbf{C}ompare \textbf{C}onsistency (\texttt{DeCC}) for reliability measurement. By comparing the consistency between the direct answer generated using the VLM's internal reasoning process, and the indirect answers obtained by decomposing the question into sub-questions and reasoning over the sub-answers produced by the VLM, \texttt{DeCC} measures the reliability of VLM's direct answer. Experiments across six vision-language tasks with three VLMs show \texttt{DeCC}'s reliability estimation achieves better correlation with task accuracy compared to the existing methods.