new Credit Card Fraud Detection in the Nigerian Financial Sector: A Comparison of Unsupervised TensorFlow-Based Anomaly Detection Techniques, Autoencoders and PCA Algorithm

Authors: Jennifer Onyeama

Abstract: Credit card fraud is a major cause of national concern in the Nigerian financial sector, affecting hundreds of transactions per second and impacting international ecommerce negatively. Despite the rapid spread and adoption of online marketing, millions of Nigerians are prevented from transacting in several countries with local credit cards due to bans and policies directed at restricting credit card fraud. Presently, a myriad of technologies exist to detect fraudulent transactions, a few of which are adopted by Nigerian financial institutions to proactively manage the situation. Fraud detection allows institutions to restrict offenders from networks and with a centralized banking identity management system, such as the Bank Verification Number used by the Central Bank of Nigeria, offenders who may have stolen other identities can be backtraced and their bank accounts frozen. This paper aims to compare the effectiveness of two fraud detection technologies that are projected to work fully independent of human intervention to possibly predict and detect fraudulent credit card transactions. Autoencoders as an unsupervised tensorflow based anomaly detection technique generally offers greater performance in dimensionality reduction than the Principal Component Analysis, and this theory was tested out on Nigerian credit card transaction data. Results demonstrate that autoencoders are better suited to analyzing complex and extensive datasets and offer more reliable results with minimal mislabeling than the PCA algorithm.

new Approximating G(t)/GI/1 queues with deep learning

Authors: Eliran Sherzer, Opher Baron, Dmitry Krass, Yehezkel Resheff

Abstract: In this paper, we apply a supervised machine-learning approach to solve a fundamental problem in queueing theory: estimating the transient distribution of the number in the system for a G(t)/GI/1. We develop a neural network mechanism that provides a fast and accurate predictor of these distributions for moderate horizon lengths and practical settings. It is based on using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture based on the first several moments of the time-dependant inter-arrival and the stationary service time distributions; we call it the Moment-Based Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) method (MBRNN ). Our empirical study suggests MBRNN requires only the first four inter-arrival and service time moments. We use simulation to generate a substantial training dataset and present a thorough performance evaluation to examine the accuracy of our method using two different test sets. We show that even under the configuration with the worst performance errors, the mean number of customers over the entire timeline has an error of less than 3%. While simulation modeling can achieve high accuracy, the advantage of the MBRNN over simulation is runtime, while the MBRNN analyzes hundreds of systems within a fraction of a second. This paper focuses on a G(t)/GI/1; however, the MBRNN approach demonstrated here can be extended to other queueing systems, as the training data labeling is based on simulations (which can be applied to more complex systems) and the training is based on deep learning, which can capture very complex time sequence tasks. In summary, the MBRNN can potentially revolutionize our ability to perform transient analyses of queueing systems.

new PID Accelerated Temporal Difference Algorithms

Authors: Mark Bedaywi, Amin Rakhsha, Amir-massoud Farahmand

Abstract: Long-horizon tasks, which have a large discount factor, pose a challenge for most conventional reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. Algorithms such as Value Iteration and Temporal Difference (TD) learning have a slow convergence rate and become inefficient in these tasks. When the transition distributions are given, PID VI was recently introduced to accelerate the convergence of Value Iteration using ideas from control theory. Inspired by this, we introduce PID TD Learning and PID Q-Learning algorithms for the RL setting in which only samples from the environment are available. We give theoretical analysis of their convergence and acceleration compared to their traditional counterparts. We also introduce a method for adapting PID gains in the presence of noise and empirically verify its effectiveness.

new HO-FMN: Hyperparameter Optimization for Fast Minimum-Norm Attacks

Authors: Raffaele Mura, Giuseppe Floris, Luca Scionis, Giorgio Piras, Maura Pintor, Ambra Demontis, Giorgio Giacinto, Battista Biggio, Fabio Roli

Abstract: Gradient-based attacks are a primary tool to evaluate robustness of machine-learning models. However, many attacks tend to provide overly-optimistic evaluations as they use fixed loss functions, optimizers, step-size schedulers, and default hyperparameters. In this work, we tackle these limitations by proposing a parametric variation of the well-known fast minimum-norm attack algorithm, whose loss, optimizer, step-size scheduler, and hyperparameters can be dynamically adjusted. We re-evaluate 12 robust models, showing that our attack finds smaller adversarial perturbations without requiring any additional tuning. This also enables reporting adversarial robustness as a function of the perturbation budget, providing a more complete evaluation than that offered by fixed-budget attacks, while remaining efficient. We release our open-source code at


new Deep Learning for Network Anomaly Detection under Data Contamination: Evaluating Robustness and Mitigating Performance Degradation

Authors: D'Jeff K. Nkashama, Jordan Masakuna F\'elicien, Arian Soltani, Jean-Charles Verdier, Pierre-Martin Tardif, Marc Frappier, Froduald Kabanza

Abstract: Deep learning (DL) has emerged as a crucial tool in network anomaly detection (NAD) for cybersecurity. While DL models for anomaly detection excel at extracting features and learning patterns from data, they are vulnerable to data contamination -- the inadvertent inclusion of attack-related data in training sets presumed benign. This study evaluates the robustness of six unsupervised DL algorithms against data contamination using our proposed evaluation protocol. Results demonstrate significant performance degradation in state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms when exposed to contaminated data, highlighting the critical need for self-protection mechanisms in DL-based NAD models. To mitigate this vulnerability, we propose an enhanced auto-encoder with a constrained latent representation, allowing normal data to cluster more densely around a learnable center in the latent space. Our evaluation reveals that this approach exhibits improved resistance to data contamination compared to existing methods, offering a promising direction for more robust NAD systems.

new Inflationary Flows: Calibrated Bayesian Inference with Diffusion-Based Models

Authors: Daniela de Albuquerque, John Pearson

Abstract: Beyond estimating parameters of interest from data, one of the key goals of statistical inference is to properly quantify uncertainty in these estimates. In Bayesian inference, this uncertainty is provided by the posterior distribution, the computation of which typically involves an intractable high-dimensional integral. Among available approximation methods, sampling-based approaches come with strong theoretical guarantees but scale poorly to large problems, while variational approaches scale well but offer few theoretical guarantees. In particular, variational methods are known to produce overconfident estimates of posterior uncertainty and are typically non-identifiable, with many latent variable configurations generating equivalent predictions. Here, we address these challenges by showing how diffusion-based models (DBMs), which have recently produced state-of-the-art performance in generative modeling tasks, can be repurposed for performing calibrated, identifiable Bayesian inference. By exploiting a previously established connection between the stochastic and probability flow ordinary differential equations (pfODEs) underlying DBMs, we derive a class of models, inflationary flows, that uniquely and deterministically map high-dimensional data to a lower-dimensional Gaussian distribution via ODE integration. This map is both invertible and neighborhood-preserving, with controllable numerical error, with the result that uncertainties in the data are correctly propagated to the latent space. We demonstrate how such maps can be learned via standard DBM training using a novel noise schedule and are effective at both preserving and reducing intrinsic data dimensionality. The result is a class of highly expressive generative models, uniquely defined on a low-dimensional latent space, that afford principled Bayesian inference.

new Generalizable Physics-informed Learning for Stochastic Safety-critical Systems

Authors: Zhuoyuan Wang, Albert Chern, Yorie Nakahira

Abstract: Accurate estimate of long-term risk is critical for safe decision-making, but sampling from rare risk events and long-term trajectories can be prohibitively costly. Risk gradient can be used in many first-order techniques for learning and control methods, but gradient estimate is difficult to obtain using Monte Carlo (MC) methods because the infinitesimal devisor may significantly amplify sampling noise. Motivated by this gap, we propose an efficient method to evaluate long-term risk probabilities and their gradients using short-term samples without sufficient risk events. We first derive that four types of long-term risk probability are solutions of certain partial differential equations (PDEs). Then, we propose a physics-informed learning technique that integrates data and physics information (aforementioned PDEs). The physics information helps propagate information beyond available data and obtain provable generalization beyond available data, which in turn enables long-term risk to be estimated using short-term samples of safe events. Finally, we demonstrate in simulation that the proposed technique has improved sample efficiency, generalizes well to unseen regions, and adapts to changing system parameters.

new Semi-Supervised Multi-Task Learning Based Framework for Power System Security Assessment

Authors: Muhy Eddin Za'ter, Amirhossein Sajadi, Bri-Mathias Hodge

Abstract: This paper develops a novel machine learning-based framework using Semi-Supervised Multi-Task Learning (SS-MTL) for power system dynamic security assessment that is accurate, reliable, and aware of topological changes. The learning algorithm underlying the proposed framework integrates conditional masked encoders and employs multi-task learning for classification-aware feature representation, which improves the accuracy and scalability to larger systems. Additionally, this framework incorporates a confidence measure for its predictions, enhancing its reliability and interpretability. A topological similarity index has also been incorporated to add topological awareness to the framework. Various experiments on the IEEE 68-bus system were conducted to validate the proposed method, employing two distinct database generation techniques to generate the required data to train the machine learning algorithm. The results demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms existing state-of-the-art machine learning based techniques for security assessment in terms of accuracy and robustness. Finally, our work underscores the value of employing auto-encoders for security assessment, highlighting improvements in accuracy, reliability, and robustness. All datasets and codes used have been made publicly available to ensure reproducibility and transparency.

new Uncovering Semantics and Topics Utilized by Threat Actors to Deliver Malicious Attachments and URLs

Authors: Andrey Yakymovych, Abhishek Singh

Abstract: Recent threat reports highlight that email remains the top vector for delivering malware to endpoints. Despite these statistics, detecting malicious email attachments and URLs often neglects semantic cues linguistic features and contextual clues. Our study employs BERTopic unsupervised topic modeling to identify common semantics and themes embedded in email to deliver malicious attachments and call-to-action URLs. We preprocess emails by extracting and sanitizing content and employ multilingual embedding models like BGE-M3 for dense representations, which clustering algorithms(HDBSCAN and OPTICS) use to group emails by semantic similarity. Phi3-Mini-4K-Instruct facilitates semantic and hLDA aid in thematic analysis to understand threat actor patterns. Our research will evaluate and compare different clustering algorithms on topic quantity, coherence, and diversity metrics, concluding with insights into the semantics and topics commonly used by threat actors to deliver malicious attachments and URLs, a significant contribution to the field of threat detection.

new PAIL: Performance based Adversarial Imitation Learning Engine for Carbon Neutral Optimization

Authors: Yuyang Ye, Lu-An Tang, Haoyu Wang, Runlong Yu, Wenchao Yu, Erhu He, Haifeng Chen, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Achieving carbon neutrality within industrial operations has become increasingly imperative for sustainable development. It is both a significant challenge and a key opportunity for operational optimization in industry 4.0. In recent years, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based methods offer promising enhancements for sequential optimization processes and can be used for reducing carbon emissions. However, existing DRL methods need a pre-defined reward function to assess the impact of each action on the final sustainable development goals (SDG). In many real applications, such a reward function cannot be given in advance. To address the problem, this study proposes a Performance based Adversarial Imitation Learning (PAIL) engine. It is a novel method to acquire optimal operational policies for carbon neutrality without any pre-defined action rewards. Specifically, PAIL employs a Transformer-based policy generator to encode historical information and predict following actions within a multi-dimensional space. The entire action sequence will be iteratively updated by an environmental simulator. Then PAIL uses a discriminator to minimize the discrepancy between generated sequences and real-world samples of high SDG. In parallel, a Q-learning framework based performance estimator is designed to estimate the impact of each action on SDG. Based on these estimations, PAIL refines generated policies with the rewards from both discriminator and performance estimator. PAIL is evaluated on multiple real-world application cases and datasets. The experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of PAIL comparing to other state-of-the-art baselines. In addition, PAIL offers meaningful interpretability for the optimization in carbon neutrality.

new Transforming Movie Recommendations with Advanced Machine Learning: A Study of NMF, SVD,and K-Means Clustering

Authors: Yubing Yan, Camille Moreau, Zhuoyue Wang, Wenhan Fan, Chengqian Fu

Abstract: This study develops a robust movie recommendation system using various machine learning techniques, including Non- Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and K-Means clustering. The primary objective is to enhance user experience by providing personalized movie recommendations. The research encompasses data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation, highlighting the efficacy of the employed methods. Results indicate that the proposed system achieves high accuracy and relevance in recommendations, making significant contributions to the field of recommendations systems.

new Leveraging large language models for nano synthesis mechanism explanation: solid foundations or mere conjectures?

Authors: Yingming Pu, Liping Huang, Tao Lin, Hongyu Chen

Abstract: With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 have garnered significant attention in the scientific community, demonstrating great potential in advancing scientific discovery. This progress raises a critical question: are these LLMs well-aligned with real-world physicochemical principles? Current evaluation strategies largely emphasize fact-based knowledge, such as material property prediction or name recognition, but they often lack an understanding of fundamental physicochemical mechanisms that require logical reasoning. To bridge this gap, our study developed a benchmark consisting of 775 multiple-choice questions focusing on the mechanisms of gold nanoparticle synthesis. By reflecting on existing evaluation metrics, we question whether a direct true-or-false assessment merely suggests conjecture. Hence, we propose a novel evaluation metric, the confidence-based score (c-score), which probes the output logits to derive the precise probability for the correct answer. Based on extensive experiments, our results show that in the context of gold nanoparticle synthesis, LLMs understand the underlying physicochemical mechanisms rather than relying on conjecture. This study underscores the potential of LLMs to grasp intrinsic scientific mechanisms and sets the stage for developing more reliable and effective AI tools across various scientific domains.

new Machine Learning in High Volume Media Manufacturing

Authors: Siddarth Reddy Karuka, Abhinav Sunderrajan, Zheng Zheng, Yong Woon Tiean, Ganesh Nagappan, Allan Luk

Abstract: Errors or failures in a high-volume manufacturing environment can have significant impact that can result in both the loss of time and money. Identifying such failures early has been a top priority for manufacturing industries and various rule-based algorithms have been developed over the years. However, catching these failures is time consuming and such algorithms cannot adapt well to changes in designs, and sometimes variations in everyday behavior. More importantly, the number of units to monitor in a high-volume manufacturing environment is too big for manual monitoring or for a simple program. Here we develop a novel program that combines both rule-based decisions and machine learning models that can not only learn and adapt to such day-to-day variations or long-term design changes, but also can be applied at scale to the high number of manufacturing units in use today. Using the current state-of-the-art technologies, we then deploy this program at-scale to handle the needs of ever-increasing demand from the manufacturing environment.

new Compositional Structures in Neural Embedding and Interaction Decompositions

Authors: Matthew Trager, Alessandro Achille, Pramuditha Perera, Luca Zancato, Stefano Soatto

Abstract: We describe a basic correspondence between linear algebraic structures within vector embeddings in artificial neural networks and conditional independence constraints on the probability distributions modeled by these networks. Our framework aims to shed light on the emergence of structural patterns in data representations, a phenomenon widely acknowledged but arguably still lacking a solid formal grounding. Specifically, we introduce a characterization of compositional structures in terms of "interaction decompositions," and we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the presence of such structures within the representations of a model.

new Your Diffusion Model is Secretly a Noise Classifier and Benefits from Contrastive Training

Authors: Yunshu Wu, Yingtao Luo, Xianghao Kong, Evangelos E. Papalexakis, Greg Ver Steeg

Abstract: Diffusion models learn to denoise data and the trained denoiser is then used to generate new samples from the data distribution. In this paper, we revisit the diffusion sampling process and identify a fundamental cause of sample quality degradation: the denoiser is poorly estimated in regions that are far Outside Of the training Distribution (OOD), and the sampling process inevitably evaluates in these OOD regions. This can become problematic for all sampling methods, especially when we move to parallel sampling which requires us to initialize and update the entire sample trajectory of dynamics in parallel, leading to many OOD evaluations. To address this problem, we introduce a new self-supervised training objective that differentiates the levels of noise added to a sample, leading to improved OOD denoising performance. The approach is based on our observation that diffusion models implicitly define a log-likelihood ratio that distinguishes distributions with different amounts of noise, and this expression depends on denoiser performance outside the standard training distribution. We show by diverse experiments that the proposed contrastive diffusion training is effective for both sequential and parallel settings, and it improves the performance and speed of parallel samplers significantly.

new Constructing Concept-based Models to Mitigate Spurious Correlations with Minimal Human Effort

Authors: Jeeyung Kim, Ze Wang, Qiang Qiu

Abstract: Enhancing model interpretability can address spurious correlations by revealing how models draw their predictions. Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) can provide a principled way of disclosing and guiding model behaviors through human-understandable concepts, albeit at a high cost of human efforts in data annotation. In this paper, we leverage a synergy of multiple foundation models to construct CBMs with nearly no human effort. We discover undesirable biases in CBMs built on pre-trained models and propose a novel framework designed to exploit pre-trained models while being immune to these biases, thereby reducing vulnerability to spurious correlations. Specifically, our method offers a seamless pipeline that adopts foundation models for assessing potential spurious correlations in datasets, annotating concepts for images, and refining the annotations for improved robustness. We evaluate the proposed method on multiple datasets, and the results demonstrate its effectiveness in reducing model reliance on spurious correlations while preserving its interpretability.

new Communication-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control

Authors: Sicong Jiang, Seongjin Choi, Lijun Sun

Abstract: Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) plays a pivotal role in enhancing traffic efficiency and safety in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs). Reinforcement Learning (RL) has proven effective in optimizing complex decision-making processes in CACC, leading to improved system performance and adaptability. Among RL approaches, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) has shown remarkable potential by enabling coordinated actions among multiple CAVs through Centralized Training with Decentralized Execution (CTDE). However, MARL often faces scalability issues, particularly when CACC vehicles suddenly join or leave the platoon, resulting in performance degradation. To address these challenges, we propose Communication-Aware Reinforcement Learning (CA-RL). CA-RL includes a communication-aware module that extracts and compresses vehicle communication information through forward and backward information transmission modules. This enables efficient cyclic information propagation within the CACC traffic flow, ensuring policy consistency and mitigating the scalability problems of MARL in CACC. Experimental results demonstrate that CA-RL significantly outperforms baseline methods in various traffic scenarios, achieving superior scalability, robustness, and overall system performance while maintaining reliable performance despite changes in the number of participating vehicles.

new Integrating White and Black Box Techniques for Interpretable Machine Learning

Authors: Eric M. Vernon, Naoki Masuyama, Yusuke Nojima

Abstract: In machine learning algorithm design, there exists a trade-off between the interpretability and performance of the algorithm. In general, algorithms which are simpler and easier for humans to comprehend tend to show worse performance than more complex, less transparent algorithms. For example, a random forest classifier is likely to be more accurate than a simple decision tree, but at the expense of interpretability. In this paper, we present an ensemble classifier design which classifies easier inputs using a highly-interpretable classifier (i.e., white box model), and more difficult inputs using a more powerful, but less interpretable classifier (i.e., black box model).

new AI-Driven Guided Response for Security Operation Centers with Microsoft Copilot for Security

Authors: Scott Freitas, Jovan Kalajdjieski, Amir Gharib, Rob McCann

Abstract: Security operation centers contend with a constant stream of security incidents, ranging from straightforward to highly complex. To address this, we developed Copilot Guided Response (CGR), an industry-scale ML architecture that guides security analysts across three key tasks -- (1) investigation, providing essential historical context by identifying similar incidents; (2) triaging to ascertain the nature of the incident -- whether it is a true positive, false positive, or benign positive; and (3) remediation, recommending tailored containment actions. CGR is integrated into the Microsoft Defender XDR product and deployed worldwide, generating millions of recommendations across thousands of customers. Our extensive evaluation, incorporating internal evaluation, collaboration with security experts, and customer feedback, demonstrates that CGR delivers high-quality recommendations across all three tasks. We provide a comprehensive overview of the CGR architecture, setting a precedent as the first cybersecurity company to openly discuss these capabilities in such depth. Additionally, we GUIDE, the largest public collection of real-world security incidents, spanning 13M evidences across 1M annotated incidents. By enabling researchers and practitioners to conduct research on real-world data, GUIDE advances the state of cybersecurity and supports the development of next-generation machine learning systems.

new Aligning Diffusion Behaviors with Q-functions for Efficient Continuous Control

Authors: Huayu Chen, Kaiwen Zheng, Hang Su, Jun Zhu

Abstract: Drawing upon recent advances in language model alignment, we formulate offline Reinforcement Learning as a two-stage optimization problem: First pretraining expressive generative policies on reward-free behavior datasets, then fine-tuning these policies to align with task-specific annotations like Q-values. This strategy allows us to leverage abundant and diverse behavior data to enhance generalization and enable rapid adaptation to downstream tasks using minimal annotations. In particular, we introduce Efficient Diffusion Alignment (EDA) for solving continuous control problems. EDA utilizes diffusion models for behavior modeling. However, unlike previous approaches, we represent diffusion policies as the derivative of a scalar neural network with respect to action inputs. This representation is critical because it enables direct density calculation for diffusion models, making them compatible with existing LLM alignment theories. During policy fine-tuning, we extend preference-based alignment methods like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to align diffusion behaviors with continuous Q-functions. Our evaluation on the D4RL benchmark shows that EDA exceeds all baseline methods in overall performance. Notably, EDA maintains about 95\% of performance and still outperforms several baselines given only 1\% of Q-labelled data during fine-tuning.

new Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Tabular Data Classification: A Pseudorehearsal-based approach

Authors: Pablo Garc\'ia-Santaclara, Bruno Fern\'andez-Castro, Rebeca P. D\'iaz-Redondo

Abstract: Continual learning (CL) poses the important challenge of adapting to evolving data distributions without forgetting previously acquired knowledge while consolidating new knowledge. In this paper, we introduce a new methodology, coined as Tabular-data Rehearsal-based Incremental Lifelong Learning framework (TRIL3), designed to address the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting in tabular data classification problems. TRIL3 uses the prototype-based incremental generative model XuILVQ to generate synthetic data to preserve old knowledge and the DNDF algorithm, which was modified to run in an incremental way, to learn classification tasks for tabular data, without storing old samples. After different tests to obtain the adequate percentage of synthetic data and to compare TRIL3 with other CL available proposals, we can conclude that the performance of TRIL3 outstands other options in the literature using only 50% of synthetic data.

new Spectral Self-supervised Feature Selection

Authors: Daniel Segal, Ofir Lindenbaum, Ariel Jaffe

Abstract: Choosing a meaningful subset of features from high-dimensional observations in unsupervised settings can greatly enhance the accuracy of downstream analysis, such as clustering or dimensionality reduction, and provide valuable insights into the sources of heterogeneity in a given dataset. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised graph-based approach for unsupervised feature selection. Our method's core involves computing robust pseudo-labels by applying simple processing steps to the graph Laplacian's eigenvectors. The subset of eigenvectors used for computing pseudo-labels is chosen based on a model stability criterion. We then measure the importance of each feature by training a surrogate model to predict the pseudo-labels from the observations. Our approach is shown to be robust to challenging scenarios, such as the presence of outliers and complex substructures. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through experiments on real-world datasets, showing its robustness across multiple domains, particularly its effectiveness on biological datasets.

new On the Role of Discrete Tokenization in Visual Representation Learning

Authors: Tianqi Du, Yifei Wang, Yisen Wang

Abstract: In the realm of self-supervised learning (SSL), masked image modeling (MIM) has gained popularity alongside contrastive learning methods. MIM involves reconstructing masked regions of input images using their unmasked portions. A notable subset of MIM methodologies employs discrete tokens as the reconstruction target, but the theoretical underpinnings of this choice remain underexplored. In this paper, we explore the role of these discrete tokens, aiming to unravel their benefits and limitations. Building upon the connection between MIM and contrastive learning, we provide a comprehensive theoretical understanding on how discrete tokenization affects the model's generalization capabilities. Furthermore, we propose a novel metric named TCAS, which is specifically designed to assess the effectiveness of discrete tokens within the MIM framework. Inspired by this metric, we contribute an innovative tokenizer design and propose a corresponding MIM method named ClusterMIM. It demonstrates superior performance on a variety of benchmark datasets and ViT backbones. Code is available at


new On Exact Bit-level Reversible Transformers Without Changing Architectures

Authors: Guoqiang Zhang, J. P. Lewis, W. B. Kleijn

Abstract: In the literature, various reversible deep neural networks (DNN) models have been proposed to reduce memory consumption or improve data-throughput in the training process. However, almost all existing reversible DNNs either are constrained to have special structures or are constructed by modifying the original DNN architectures considerably to enable reversibility. In this work, we propose exact bit-level reversible transformers without changing the architectures in the inference procedure. The basic idea is to first treat each transformer block as the Euler integration approximation for solving an ordinary differential equation (ODE) and then incorporate the technique of bidirectional integration approximation (BDIA) (see [26]) for BDIA-based diffusion inversion) into the neural architecture together with activation quantization to make it exactly bit-level reversible, referred to as BDIA-transformer. In the training process, we let a hyper-parameter $\gamma$ in BDIA-transformer randomly take one of the two values $\{0.5, -0.5\}$ per transformer block for averaging two consecutive integration approximations, which regularizes the models for improving the validation accuracy. Light-weight side information per transformer block is required to be stored in the forward process to account for binary quantization loss to enable exact bit-level reversibility. In the inference procedure, the expectation $\mathbb{E}(\gamma)=0$ is taken to make the resulting architectures of BDIA-transformer be identical to transformers up to activation quantization. Empirical study indicates that BDIA-transformers outperform their original counterparts notably due to the regularization effect of the $\gamma$ parameter.

new STD-LLM: Understanding Both Spatial and Temporal Properties of Spatial-Temporal Data with LLMs

Authors: Yiheng Huang, Xiaowei Mao, Shengnan Guo, Yubin Chen, Youfang Lin, Huaiyu Wan

Abstract: Spatial-temporal forecasting and imputation are important for real-world dynamic systems such as intelligent transportation, urban planning, and public health. Most existing methods are tailored for individual forecasting or imputation tasks but are not designed for both. Additionally, they are less effective for zero-shot and few-shot learning. While large language models (LLMs) have exhibited strong pattern recognition and reasoning abilities across various tasks, including few-shot and zero-shot learning, their development in understanding spatial-temporal data has been constrained by insufficient modeling of complex correlations such as the temporal correlations, spatial connectivity, non-pairwise and high-order spatial-temporal correlations within data. In this paper, we propose STD-LLM for understanding both spatial and temporal properties of \underline{S}patial-\underline{T}emporal \underline{D}ata with \underline{LLM}s, which is capable of implementing both spatial-temporal forecasting and imputation tasks. STD-LLM understands spatial-temporal correlations via explicitly designed spatial and temporal tokenizers as well as virtual nodes. Topology-aware node embeddings are designed for LLMs to comprehend and exploit the topology structure of data. Additionally, to capture the non-pairwise and higher-order correlations, we design a hypergraph learning module for LLMs, which can enhance the overall performance and improve efficiency. Extensive experiments demonstrate that STD-LLM exhibits strong performance and generalization capabilities across the forecasting and imputation tasks on various datasets. Moreover, STD-LLM achieves promising results on both few-shot and zero-shot learning tasks.

new Enhancing Training Efficiency Using Packing with Flash Attention

Authors: Achintya Kundu, Rhui Dih Lee, Laura Wynter, Raghu Kiran Ganti

Abstract: Padding is often used in tuning LLM models by adding special tokens to shorter training examples to match the length of the longest sequence in each batch. While this ensures uniformity for batch processing, it introduces inefficiencies by including irrelevant padding tokens in the computation and wastes GPU resources. On the other hand, the Hugging Face SFT trainer offers the option to use packing to combine multiple training examples up to the maximum sequence length. This allows for maximal utilization of GPU resources. However, without proper masking of each packed training example, attention will not be computed correctly when using SFT trainer. We enable and then analyse packing and Flash Attention with proper attention masking of each example and show the benefits of this training paradigm.

new URRL-IMVC: Unified and Robust Representation Learning for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering

Authors: Ge Teng, Ting Mao, Chen Shen, Xiang Tian, Xuesong Liu, Yaowu Chen, Jieping Ye

Abstract: Incomplete multi-view clustering (IMVC) aims to cluster multi-view data that are only partially available. This poses two main challenges: effectively leveraging multi-view information and mitigating the impact of missing views. Prevailing solutions employ cross-view contrastive learning and missing view recovery techniques. However, they either neglect valuable complementary information by focusing only on consensus between views or provide unreliable recovered views due to the absence of supervision. To address these limitations, we propose a novel Unified and Robust Representation Learning for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering (URRL-IMVC). URRL-IMVC directly learns a unified embedding that is robust to view missing conditions by integrating information from multiple views and neighboring samples. Firstly, to overcome the limitations of cross-view contrastive learning, URRL-IMVC incorporates an attention-based auto-encoder framework to fuse multi-view information and generate unified embeddings. Secondly, URRL-IMVC directly enhances the robustness of the unified embedding against view-missing conditions through KNN imputation and data augmentation techniques, eliminating the need for explicit missing view recovery. Finally, incremental improvements are introduced to further enhance the overall performance, such as the Clustering Module and the customization of the Encoder. We extensively evaluate the proposed URRL-IMVC framework on various benchmark datasets, demonstrating its state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, comprehensive ablation studies are performed to validate the effectiveness of our design.

new Decentralized multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm using a cluster-synchronized laser network

Authors: Shun Kotoku, Takatomo Mihana, Andr\'e R\"ohm, Ryoichi Horisaki

Abstract: Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) studies crucial principles that are applicable to a variety of fields, including wireless networking and autonomous driving. We propose a photonic-based decision-making algorithm to address one of the most fundamental problems in MARL, called the competitive multi-armed bandit (CMAB) problem. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that chaotic oscillations and cluster synchronization of optically coupled lasers, along with our proposed decentralized coupling adjustment, efficiently balance exploration and exploitation while facilitating cooperative decision-making without explicitly sharing information among agents. Our study demonstrates how decentralized reinforcement learning can be achieved by exploiting complex physical processes controlled by simple algorithms.

new Robustness of Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Process Modelling

Authors: Benedikt Kantz, Clemens Staudinger, Christoph Feilmayr, Johannes Wachlmayr, Alexander Haberl, Stefan Schuster, Franz Pernkopf

Abstract: eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims at providing understandable explanations of black box models. In this paper, we evaluate current XAI methods by scoring them based on ground truth simulations and sensitivity analysis. To this end, we used an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) model to better understand the limits and robustness characteristics of XAI methods such as SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP), Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME), as well as Averaged Local Effects (ALE) or Smooth Gradients (SG) in a highly topical setting. These XAI methods were applied to various types of black-box models and then scored based on their correctness compared to the ground-truth sensitivity of the data-generating processes using a novel scoring evaluation methodology over a range of simulated additive noise. The resulting evaluation shows that the capability of the Machine Learning (ML) models to capture the process accurately is, indeed, coupled with the correctness of the explainability of the underlying data-generating process. We furthermore show the differences between XAI methods in their ability to correctly predict the true sensitivity of the modeled industrial process.

new Accuracy is Not All You Need

Authors: Abhinav Dutta, Sanjeev Krishnan, Nipun Kwatra, Ramachandran Ramjee

Abstract: When Large Language Models (LLMs) are compressed using techniques such as quantization, the predominant way to demonstrate the validity of such techniques is by measuring the model's accuracy on various benchmarks.If the accuracies of the baseline model and the compressed model are close, it is assumed that there was negligible degradation in quality.However, even when the accuracy of baseline and compressed model are similar, we observe the phenomenon of flips, wherein answers change from correct to incorrect and vice versa in proportion.We conduct a detailed study of metrics across multiple compression techniques, models and datasets, demonstrating that the behavior of compressed models as visible to end-users is often significantly different from the baseline model, even when accuracy is similar.We further evaluate compressed models qualitatively and quantitatively using MT-Bench and show that compressed models are significantly worse than baseline models in this free-form generative task.Thus, we argue that compression techniques should also be evaluated using distance metrics.We propose two such metrics, KL-Divergence and flips, and show that they are well correlated.

new Exploring State Space and Reasoning by Elimination in Tsetlin Machine

Authors: Ahmed K. Kadhim, Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Lei Jiao, Rishad Shafik

Abstract: The Tsetlin Machine (TM) has gained significant attention in Machine Learning (ML). By employing logical fundamentals, it facilitates pattern learning and representation, offering an alternative approach for developing comprehensible Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a specific focus on pattern classification in the form of conjunctive clauses. In the domain of Natural Language Processing (NLP), TM is utilised to construct word embedding and describe target words using clauses. To enhance the descriptive capacity of these clauses, we study the concept of Reasoning by Elimination (RbE) in clauses' formulation, which involves incorporating feature negations to provide a more comprehensive representation. In more detail, this paper employs the Tsetlin Machine Auto-Encoder (TM-AE) architecture to generate dense word vectors, aiming at capturing contextual information by extracting feature-dense vectors for a given vocabulary. Thereafter, the principle of RbE is explored to improve descriptivity and optimise the performance of the TM. Specifically, the specificity parameter s and the voting margin parameter T are leveraged to regulate feature distribution in the state space, resulting in a dense representation of information for each clause. In addition, we investigate the state spaces of TM-AE, especially for the forgotten/excluded features. Empirical investigations on artificially generated data, the IMDB dataset, and the 20 Newsgroups dataset showcase the robustness of the TM, with accuracy reaching 90.62\% for the IMDB.

new Robust Yet Efficient Conformal Prediction Sets

Authors: Soroush H. Zargarbashi, Mohammad Sadegh Akhondzadeh, Aleksandar Bojchevski

Abstract: Conformal prediction (CP) can convert any model's output into prediction sets guaranteed to include the true label with any user-specified probability. However, same as the model itself, CP is vulnerable to adversarial test examples (evasion) and perturbed calibration data (poisoning). We derive provably robust sets by bounding the worst-case change in conformity scores. Our tighter bounds lead to more efficient sets. We cover both continuous and discrete (sparse) data and our guarantees work both for evasion and poisoning attacks (on both features and labels).

new Conformal Inductive Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Soroush H. Zargarbashi, Aleksandar Bojchevski

Abstract: Conformal prediction (CP) transforms any model's output into prediction sets guaranteed to include (cover) the true label. CP requires exchangeability, a relaxation of the i.i.d. assumption, to obtain a valid distribution-free coverage guarantee. This makes it directly applicable to transductive node-classification. However, conventional CP cannot be applied in inductive settings due to the implicit shift in the (calibration) scores caused by message passing with the new nodes. We fix this issue for both cases of node and edge-exchangeable graphs, recovering the standard coverage guarantee without sacrificing statistical efficiency. We further prove that the guarantee holds independently of the prediction time, e.g. upon arrival of a new node/edge or at any subsequent moment.

new Deep Adversarial Defense Against Multilevel-Lp Attacks

Authors: Ren Wang, Yuxuan Li, Alfred Hero

Abstract: Deep learning models have shown considerable vulnerability to adversarial attacks, particularly as attacker strategies become more sophisticated. While traditional adversarial training (AT) techniques offer some resilience, they often focus on defending against a single type of attack, e.g., the $\ell_\infty$-norm attack, which can fail for other types. This paper introduces a computationally efficient multilevel $\ell_p$ defense, called the Efficient Robust Mode Connectivity (EMRC) method, which aims to enhance a deep learning model's resilience against multiple $\ell_p$-norm attacks. Similar to analytical continuation approaches used in continuous optimization, the method blends two $p$-specific adversarially optimal models, the $\ell_1$- and $\ell_\infty$-norm AT solutions, to provide good adversarial robustness for a range of $p$. We present experiments demonstrating that our approach performs better on various attacks as compared to AT-$\ell_\infty$, E-AT, and MSD, for datasets/architectures including: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 / PreResNet110, WideResNet, ViT-Base.

new Unifying Sequences, Structures, and Descriptions for Any-to-Any Protein Generation with the Large Multimodal Model HelixProtX

Authors: Zhiyuan Chen, Tianhao Chen, Chenggang Xie, Yang Xue, Xiaonan Zhang, Jingbo Zhou, Xiaomin Fang

Abstract: Proteins are fundamental components of biological systems and can be represented through various modalities, including sequences, structures, and textual descriptions. Despite the advances in deep learning and scientific large language models (LLMs) for protein research, current methodologies predominantly focus on limited specialized tasks -- often predicting one protein modality from another. These approaches restrict the understanding and generation of multimodal protein data. In contrast, large multimodal models have demonstrated potential capabilities in generating any-to-any content like text, images, and videos, thus enriching user interactions across various domains. Integrating these multimodal model technologies into protein research offers significant promise by potentially transforming how proteins are studied. To this end, we introduce HelixProtX, a system built upon the large multimodal model, aiming to offer a comprehensive solution to protein research by supporting any-to-any protein modality generation. Unlike existing methods, it allows for the transformation of any input protein modality into any desired protein modality. The experimental results affirm the advanced capabilities of HelixProtX, not only in generating functional descriptions from amino acid sequences but also in executing critical tasks such as designing protein sequences and structures from textual descriptions. Preliminary findings indicate that HelixProtX consistently achieves superior accuracy across a range of protein-related tasks, outperforming existing state-of-the-art models. By integrating multimodal large models into protein research, HelixProtX opens new avenues for understanding protein biology, thereby promising to accelerate scientific discovery.

new Learning Distances from Data with Normalizing Flows and Score Matching

Authors: Peter Sorrenson, Daniel Behrend-Uriarte, Christoph Schn\"orr, Ullrich K\"othe

Abstract: Density-based distances (DBDs) offer an elegant solution to the problem of metric learning. By defining a Riemannian metric which increases with decreasing probability density, shortest paths naturally follow the data manifold and points are clustered according to the modes of the data. We show that existing methods to estimate Fermat distances, a particular choice of DBD, suffer from poor convergence in both low and high dimensions due to i) inaccurate density estimates and ii) reliance on graph-based paths which are increasingly rough in high dimensions. To address these issues, we propose learning the densities using a normalizing flow, a generative model with tractable density estimation, and employing a smooth relaxation method using a score model initialized from a graph-based proposal. Additionally, we introduce a dimension-adapted Fermat distance that exhibits more intuitive behavior when scaled to high dimensions and offers better numerical properties. Our work paves the way for practical use of density-based distances, especially in high-dimensional spaces.

new Provable Privacy Advantages of Decentralized Federated Learning via Distributed Optimization

Authors: Wenrui Yu, Qiongxiu Li, Milan Lopuha\"a-Zwakenberg, Mads Gr{\ae}sb{\o}ll Christensen, Richard Heusdens

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) emerged as a paradigm designed to improve data privacy by enabling data to reside at its source, thus embedding privacy as a core consideration in FL architectures, whether centralized or decentralized. Contrasting with recent findings by Pasquini et al., which suggest that decentralized FL does not empirically offer any additional privacy or security benefits over centralized models, our study provides compelling evidence to the contrary. We demonstrate that decentralized FL, when deploying distributed optimization, provides enhanced privacy protection - both theoretically and empirically - compared to centralized approaches. The challenge of quantifying privacy loss through iterative processes has traditionally constrained the theoretical exploration of FL protocols. We overcome this by conducting a pioneering in-depth information-theoretical privacy analysis for both frameworks. Our analysis, considering both eavesdropping and passive adversary models, successfully establishes bounds on privacy leakage. We show information theoretically that the privacy loss in decentralized FL is upper bounded by the loss in centralized FL. Compared to the centralized case where local gradients of individual participants are directly revealed, a key distinction of optimization-based decentralized FL is that the relevant information includes differences of local gradients over successive iterations and the aggregated sum of different nodes' gradients over the network. This information complicates the adversary's attempt to infer private data. To bridge our theoretical insights with practical applications, we present detailed case studies involving logistic regression and deep neural networks. These examples demonstrate that while privacy leakage remains comparable in simpler models, complex models like deep neural networks exhibit lower privacy risks under decentralized FL.

new Guidelines for Augmentation Selection in Contrastive Learning for Time Series Classification

Authors: Ziyu Liu, Azadeh Alavi, Minyi Li, Xiang Zhang

Abstract: Self-supervised contrastive learning has become a key technique in deep learning, particularly in time series analysis, due to its ability to learn meaningful representations without explicit supervision. Augmentation is a critical component in contrastive learning, where different augmentations can dramatically impact performance, sometimes influencing accuracy by over 30%. However, the selection of augmentations is predominantly empirical which can be suboptimal, or grid searching that is time-consuming. In this paper, we establish a principled framework for selecting augmentations based on dataset characteristics such as trend and seasonality. Specifically, we construct 12 synthetic datasets incorporating trend, seasonality, and integration weights. We then evaluate the effectiveness of 8 different augmentations across these synthetic datasets, thereby inducing generalizable associations between time series characteristics and augmentation efficiency. Additionally, we evaluated the induced associations across 6 real-world datasets encompassing domains such as activity recognition, disease diagnosis, traffic monitoring, electricity usage, mechanical fault prognosis, and finance. These real-world datasets are diverse, covering a range from 1 to 12 channels, 2 to 10 classes, sequence lengths of 14 to 1280, and data frequencies from 250 Hz to daily intervals. The experimental results show that our proposed trend-seasonality-based augmentation recommendation algorithm can accurately identify the effective augmentations for a given time series dataset, achieving an average Recall@3 of 0.667, outperforming baselines. Our work provides guidance for studies employing contrastive learning in time series analysis, with wide-ranging applications. All the code, datasets, and analysis results will be released at


new Any-Property-Conditional Molecule Generation with Self-Criticism using Spanning Trees

Authors: Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau, Aristide Baratin, Kisoo Kwon, Boris Knyazev, Yan Zhang

Abstract: Generating novel molecules is challenging, with most representations leading to generative models producing many invalid molecules. Spanning Tree-based Graph Generation (STGG) is a promising approach to ensure the generation of valid molecules, outperforming state-of-the-art SMILES and graph diffusion models for unconditional generation. In the real world, we want to be able to generate molecules conditional on one or multiple desired properties rather than unconditionally. Thus, in this work, we extend STGG to multi-property-conditional generation. Our approach, STGG+, incorporates a modern Transformer architecture, random masking of properties during training (enabling conditioning on any subset of properties and classifier-free guidance), an auxiliary property-prediction loss (allowing the model to self-criticize molecules and select the best ones), and other improvements. We show that STGG+ achieves state-of-the-art performance on in-distribution and out-of-distribution conditional generation, and reward maximization.

new Novel clustered federated learning based on local loss

Authors: Endong Gu, Yongxin Chen, Hao Wen, Xingju Cai, Deren Han

Abstract: This paper proposes LCFL, a novel clustering metric for evaluating clients' data distributions in federated learning. LCFL aligns with federated learning requirements, accurately assessing client-to-client variations in data distribution. It offers advantages over existing clustered federated learning methods, addressing privacy concerns, improving applicability to non-convex models, and providing more accurate classification results. LCFL does not require prior knowledge of clients' data distributions. We provide a rigorous mathematical analysis, demonstrating the correctness and feasibility of our framework. Numerical experiments with neural network instances highlight the superior performance of LCFL over baselines on several clustered federated learning benchmarks.

new Learning High-Frequency Functions Made Easy with Sinusoidal Positional Encoding

Authors: Chuanhao Sun, Zhihang Yuan, Kai Xu, Luo Mai, Siddharth N, Shuo Chen, Mahesh K. Marina

Abstract: Fourier features based positional encoding (PE) is commonly used in machine learning tasks that involve learning high-frequency features from low-dimensional inputs, such as 3D view synthesis and time series regression with neural tangent kernels. Despite their effectiveness, existing PEs require manual, empirical adjustment of crucial hyperparameters, specifically the Fourier features, tailored to each unique task. Further, PEs face challenges in efficiently learning high-frequency functions, particularly in tasks with limited data. In this paper, we introduce sinusoidal PE (SPE), designed to efficiently learn adaptive frequency features closely aligned with the true underlying function. Our experiments demonstrate that SPE, without hyperparameter tuning, consistently achieves enhanced fidelity and faster training across various tasks, including 3D view synthesis, Text-to-Speech generation, and 1D regression. SPE is implemented as a direct replacement for existing PEs. Its plug-and-play nature lets numerous tasks easily adopt and benefit from SPE.

new HiPPO-Prophecy: State-Space Models can Provably Learn Dynamical Systems in Context

Authors: Federico Arangath Joseph, Kilian Haefeli, Noah Liniger, Caglar Gulcehre

Abstract: This work explores the in-context learning capabilities of State Space Models (SSMs) and presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first theoretical explanation of a possible underlying mechanism. We introduce a novel weight construction for SSMs, enabling them to predict the next state of any dynamical system after observing previous states without parameter fine-tuning. This is accomplished by extending the HiPPO framework to demonstrate that continuous SSMs can approximate the derivative of any input signal. Specifically, we find an explicit weight construction for continuous SSMs and provide an asymptotic error bound on the derivative approximation. The discretization of this continuous SSM subsequently yields a discrete SSM that predicts the next state. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our parameterization empirically. This work should be an initial step toward understanding how sequence models based on SSMs learn in context.

new Graph Neural Network Causal Explanation via Neural Causal Models

Authors: Arman Behnam, Binghui Wang

Abstract: Graph neural network (GNN) explainers identify the important subgraph that ensures the prediction for a given graph. Until now, almost all GNN explainers are based on association, which is prone to spurious correlations. We propose {\name}, a GNN causal explainer via causal inference. Our explainer is based on the observation that a graph often consists of a causal underlying subgraph. {\name} includes three main steps: 1) It builds causal structure and the corresponding structural causal model (SCM) for a graph, which enables the cause-effect calculation among nodes. 2) Directly calculating the cause-effect in real-world graphs is computationally challenging. It is then enlightened by the recent neural causal model (NCM), a special type of SCM that is trainable, and design customized NCMs for GNNs. By training these GNN NCMs, the cause-effect can be easily calculated. 3) It uncovers the subgraph that causally explains the GNN predictions via the optimized GNN-NCMs. Evaluation results on multiple synthetic and real-world graphs validate that {\name} significantly outperforms existing GNN explainers in exact groundtruth explanation identification

new The Effectiveness of Curvature-Based Rewiring and the Role of Hyperparameters in GNNs Revisited

Authors: Floriano Tori, Vincent Holst, Vincent Ginis

Abstract: Message passing is the dominant paradigm in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). The efficiency of message passing, however, can be limited by the topology of the graph. This happens when information is lost during propagation due to being oversquashed when travelling through bottlenecks. To remedy this, recent efforts have focused on graph rewiring techniques, which disconnect the input graph originating from the data and the computational graph, on which message passing is performed. A prominent approach for this is to use discrete graph curvature measures, of which several variants have been proposed, to identify and rewire around bottlenecks, facilitating information propagation. While oversquashing has been demonstrated in synthetic datasets, in this work we reevaluate the performance gains that curvature-based rewiring brings to real-world datasets. We show that in these datasets, edges selected during the rewiring process are not in line with theoretical criteria identifying bottlenecks. This implies they do not necessarily oversquash information during message passing. Subsequently, we demonstrate that SOTA accuracies on these datasets are outliers originating from sweeps of hyperparameters -- both the ones for training and dedicated ones related to the rewiring algorithm -- instead of consistent performance gains. In conclusion, our analysis nuances the effectiveness of curvature-based rewiring in real-world datasets and brings a new perspective on the methods to evaluate GNN accuracy improvements.

new A Perspective on Foundation Models for the Electric Power Grid

Authors: Hendrik F. Hamann, Thomas Brunschwiler, Blazhe Gjorgiev, Leonardo S. A. Martins, Alban Puech, Anna Varbella, Jonas Weiss, Juan Bernabe-Moreno, Alexandre Blondin Mass\'e, Seong Choi, Ian Foster, Bri-Mathias Hodge, Rishabh Jain, Kibaek Kim, Vincent Mai, Fran\c{c}ois Mirall\`es, Martin De Montigny, Octavio Ramos-Lea\~nos, Hussein Supr\^eme, Le Xie, El-Nasser S. Youssef, Arnaud Zinflou, Alexander J. Belvi, Ricardo J. Bessa, Bishnu Prasad Bhattari, Johannes Schmude, Stanislav Sobolevsky

Abstract: Foundation models (FMs) currently dominate news headlines. They employ advanced deep learning architectures to extract structural information autonomously from vast datasets through self-supervision. The resulting rich representations of complex systems and dynamics can be applied to many downstream applications. Therefore, FMs can find uses in electric power grids, challenged by the energy transition and climate change. In this paper, we call for the development of, and state why we believe in, the potential of FMs for electric grids. We highlight their strengths and weaknesses amidst the challenges of a changing grid. We argue that an FM learning from diverse grid data and topologies could unlock transformative capabilities, pioneering a new approach in leveraging AI to redefine how we manage complexity and uncertainty in the electric grid. Finally, we discuss a power grid FM concept, namely GridFM, based on graph neural networks and show how different downstream tasks benefit.

new Weight Block Sparsity: Training, Compilation, and AI Engine Accelerators

Authors: Paolo D'Alberto, Taehee Jeong, Akshai Jain, Shreyas Manjunath, Mrinal Sarmah, Samuel Hsu Yaswanth Raparti, Nitesh Pipralia

Abstract: Nowadays, increasingly larger Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are being developed, trained, and utilized. These networks require significant computational resources, putting a strain on both advanced and limited devices. Our solution is to implement {\em weight block sparsity}, which is a structured sparsity that is friendly to hardware. By zeroing certain sections of the convolution and fully connected layers parameters of pre-trained DNN models, we can efficiently speed up the DNN's inference process. This results in a smaller memory footprint, faster communication, and fewer operations. Our work presents a vertical system that allows for the training of convolution and matrix multiplication weights to exploit 8x8 block sparsity on a single GPU within a reasonable amount of time. Compilers recognize this sparsity and use it for both data compaction and computation splitting into threads. Blocks like these take full advantage of both spatial and temporal locality, paving the way for fast vector operations and memory reuse. By using this system on a Resnet50 model, we were able to reduce the weight by half with minimal accuracy loss, resulting in a two-times faster inference speed. We will present performance estimates using accurate and complete code generation for AIE2 configuration sets (AMD Versal FPGAs) with Resnet50, Inception V3, and VGG16 to demonstrate the necessary synergy between hardware overlay designs and software stacks for compiling and executing machine learning applications.

new Beyond Euclid: An Illustrated Guide to Modern Machine Learning with Geometric, Topological, and Algebraic Structures

Authors: Sophia Sanborn, Johan Mathe, Mathilde Papillon, Domas Buracas, Hansen J Lillemark, Christian Shewmake, Abby Bertics, Xavier Pennec, Nina Miolane

Abstract: The enduring legacy of Euclidean geometry underpins classical machine learning, which, for decades, has been primarily developed for data lying in Euclidean space. Yet, modern machine learning increasingly encounters richly structured data that is inherently nonEuclidean. This data can exhibit intricate geometric, topological and algebraic structure: from the geometry of the curvature of space-time, to topologically complex interactions between neurons in the brain, to the algebraic transformations describing symmetries of physical systems. Extracting knowledge from such non-Euclidean data necessitates a broader mathematical perspective. Echoing the 19th-century revolutions that gave rise to non-Euclidean geometry, an emerging line of research is redefining modern machine learning with non-Euclidean structures. Its goal: generalizing classical methods to unconventional data types with geometry, topology, and algebra. In this review, we provide an accessible gateway to this fast-growing field and propose a graphical taxonomy that integrates recent advances into an intuitive unified framework. We subsequently extract insights into current challenges and highlight exciting opportunities for future development in this field.

cross Improved Robustness and Hyperparameter Selection in Modern Hopfield Networks

Authors: Hayden McAlister, Anthony Robins, Lech Szymanski

Abstract: The modern Hopfield network generalizes the classical Hopfield network by allowing for sharper interaction functions. This increases the capacity of the network as an autoassociative memory as nearby learned attractors will not interfere with one another. However, the implementation of the network relies on applying large exponents to the dot product of memory vectors and probe vectors. If the dimension of the data is large the calculation can be very large and result in problems when using floating point numbers in a practical implementation. We describe this problem in detail, modify the original network description to mitigate the problem, and show the modification will not alter the networks' dynamics during update or training. We also show our modification greatly improves hyperparameter selection for the modern Hopfield network, removing the dependence on the interaction vertex and resulting in an optimal region of hyperparameters that does not significantly change with the interaction vertex as it does in the original network.

cross Toward Efficient Deep Spiking Neuron Networks:A Survey On Compression

Authors: Hui Xie, Ge Yang, Wenjuan Gao

Abstract: With the rapid development of deep learning, Deep Spiking Neural Networks (DSNNs) have emerged as promising due to their unique spike event processing and asynchronous computation. When deployed on neuromorphic chips, DSNNs offer significant power advantages over Deep Artificial Neural Networks (DANNs) and eliminate time and energy consuming multiplications due to the binary nature of spikes (0 or 1). Additionally, DSNNs excel in processing temporal information, making them potentially superior for handling temporal data compared to DANNs. However, their deep network structure and numerous parameters result in high computational costs and energy consumption, limiting real-life deployment. To enhance DSNNs efficiency, researchers have adapted methods from DANNs, such as pruning, quantization, and knowledge distillation, and developed specific techniques like reducing spike firing and pruning time steps. While previous surveys have covered DSNNs algorithms, hardware deployment, and general overviews, focused research on DSNNs compression and efficiency has been lacking. This survey addresses this gap by concentrating on efficient DSNNs and their compression methods. It begins with an exploration of DSNNs' biological background and computational units, highlighting differences from DANNs. It then delves into various compression methods, including pruning, quantization, knowledge distillation, and reducing spike firing, and concludes with suggestions for future research directions.

cross Iteration over event space in time-to-first-spike spiking neural networks for Twitter bot classification

Authors: Mateusz Pabian, Dominik Rzepka, Miros{\l}aw Pawlak

Abstract: This study proposes a framework that extends existing time-coding time-to-first-spike spiking neural network (SNN) models to allow processing information changing over time. We explain spike propagation through a model with multiple input and output spikes at each neuron, as well as design training rules for end-to-end backpropagation. This strategy enables us to process information changing over time. The model is trained and evaluated on a Twitter bot detection task where the time of events (tweets and retweets) is the primary carrier of information. This task was chosen to evaluate how the proposed SNN deals with spike train data composed of hundreds of events occurring at timescales differing by almost five orders of magnitude. The impact of various parameters on model properties, performance and training-time stability is analyzed.

cross ROLCH: Regularized Online Learning for Conditional Heteroskedasticity

Authors: Simon Hirsch, Jonathan Berrisch, Florian Ziel

Abstract: Large-scale streaming data are common in modern machine learning applications and have led to the development of online learning algorithms. Many fields, such as supply chain management, weather and meteorology, energy markets, and finance, have pivoted towards using probabilistic forecasts, which yields the need not only for accurate learning of the expected value but also for learning the conditional heteroskedasticity. Against this backdrop, we present a methodology for online estimation of regularized linear distributional models for conditional heteroskedasticity. The proposed algorithm is based on a combination of recent developments for the online estimation of LASSO models and the well-known GAMLSS framework. We provide a case study on day-ahead electricity price forecasting, in which we show the competitive performance of the adaptive estimation combined with strongly reduced computational effort. Our algorithms are implemented in a computationally efficient Python package.

cross Latent Diffusion for Neural Spiking Data

Authors: Jaivardhan Kapoor, Auguste Schulz, Julius Vetter, Felix Pei, Richard Gao, Jakob H. Macke

Abstract: Modern datasets in neuroscience enable unprecedented inquiries into the relationship between complex behaviors and the activity of many simultaneously recorded neurons. While latent variable models can successfully extract low-dimensional embeddings from such recordings, using them to generate realistic spiking data, especially in a behavior-dependent manner, still poses a challenge. Here, we present Latent Diffusion for Neural Spiking data (LDNS), a diffusion-based generative model with a low-dimensional latent space: LDNS employs an autoencoder with structured state-space (S4) layers to project discrete high-dimensional spiking data into continuous time-aligned latents. On these inferred latents, we train expressive (conditional) diffusion models, enabling us to sample neural activity with realistic single-neuron and population spiking statistics. We validate LDNS on synthetic data, accurately recovering latent structure, firing rates, and spiking statistics. Next, we demonstrate its flexibility by generating variable-length data that mimics human cortical activity during attempted speech. We show how to equip LDNS with an expressive observation model that accounts for single-neuron dynamics not mediated by the latent state, further increasing the realism of generated samples. Finally, conditional LDNS trained on motor cortical activity during diverse reaching behaviors can generate realistic spiking data given reach direction or unseen reach trajectories. In summary, LDNS simultaneously enables inference of low-dimensional latents and realistic conditional generation of neural spiking datasets, opening up further possibilities for simulating experimentally testable hypotheses.

cross Commute-Time-Optimised Graphs for GNNs

Authors: Igor Sterner, Shiye Su, Petar Veli\v{c}kovi\'c

Abstract: We explore graph rewiring methods that optimise commute time. Recent graph rewiring approaches facilitate long-range interactions in sparse graphs, making such rewirings commute-time-optimal $\textit{on average}$. However, when an expert prior exists on which node pairs should or should not interact, a superior rewiring would favour short commute times between these privileged node pairs. We construct two synthetic datasets with known priors reflecting realistic settings, and use these to motivate two bespoke rewiring methods that incorporate the known prior. We investigate the regimes where our rewiring improves test performance on the synthetic datasets. Finally, we perform a case study on a real-world citation graph to investigate the practical implications of our work.

cross Deep Inverse Design for High-Level Synthesis

Authors: Ping Chang, Tosiron Adegbija, Yuchao Liao, Claudio Talarico, Ao Li, Janet Roveda

Abstract: High-level synthesis (HLS) has significantly advanced the automation of digital circuits design, yet the need for expertise and time in pragma tuning remains challenging. Existing solutions for the design space exploration (DSE) adopt either heuristic methods, lacking essential information for further optimization potential, or predictive models, missing sufficient generalization due to the time-consuming nature of HLS and the exponential growth of the design space. To address these challenges, we propose Deep Inverse Design for HLS (DID4HLS), a novel approach that integrates graph neural networks and generative models. DID4HLS iteratively optimizes hardware designs aimed at compute-intensive algorithms by learning conditional distributions of design features from post-HLS data. Compared to four state-of-the-art DSE baselines, our method achieved an average improvement of 42.5% on average distance to reference set (ADRS) compared to the best-performing baselines across six benchmarks, while demonstrating high robustness and efficiency.

cross Local Clustering for Lung Cancer Image Classification via Sparse Solution Technique

Authors: Jackson Hamel, Ming-Jun Lai, Zhaiming Shen, Ye Tian

Abstract: In this work, we propose to use a local clustering approach based on the sparse solution technique to study the medical image, especially the lung cancer image classification task. We view images as the vertices in a weighted graph and the similarity between a pair of images as the edges in the graph. The vertices within the same cluster can be assumed to share similar features and properties, thus making the applications of graph clustering techniques very useful for image classification. Recently, the approach based on the sparse solutions of linear systems for graph clustering has been found to identify clusters more efficiently than traditional clustering methods such as spectral clustering. We propose to use the two newly developed local clustering methods based on sparse solution of linear system for image classification. In addition, we employ a box spline-based tight-wavelet-framelet method to clean these images and help build a better adjacency matrix before clustering. The performance of our methods is shown to be very effective in classifying images. Our approach is significantly more efficient and either favorable or equally effective compared with other state-of-the-art approaches. Finally, we shall make a remark by pointing out two image deformation methods to build up more artificial image data to increase the number of labeled images.

cross Proving that Cryptic Crossword Clue Answers are Correct

Authors: Martin Andrews, Sam Witteveen

Abstract: Cryptic crossword clues are challenging cognitive tasks, for which new test sets are released on a daily basis by multiple international newspapers. Each cryptic clue contains both the definition of the answer to be placed in the crossword grid (in common with regular crosswords), and `wordplay' that proves that the answer is correct (i.e. a human solver can be confident that an answer is correct without needing crossing words to confirm it). Using an existing cryptic wordplay proving framework (operating on Python proofs created by an LLM), we show that it is possible to distinguish between correct answers and almost-correct ones based upon whether the wordplay `works'.

cross A Survey on the Application of Generative Adversarial Networks in Cybersecurity: Prospective, Direction and Open Research Scopes

Authors: Md Mashrur Arifin, Md Shoaib Ahmed, Tanmai Kumar Ghosh, Jun Zhuang, Jyh-haw Yeh

Abstract: With the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence, there has been a massive increase in the amount of data required to be accumulated and disseminated digitally. As the data are available online in digital landscapes with complex and sophisticated infrastructures, it is crucial to implement various defense mechanisms based on cybersecurity. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which are deep learning models, have emerged as powerful solutions for addressing the constantly changing security issues. This survey studies the significance of the deep learning model, precisely on GANs, in strengthening cybersecurity defenses. Our survey aims to explore the various works completed in GANs, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Mobile and Network Trespass, BotNet Detection, and Malware Detection. The focus is to examine how GANs can be influential tools to strengthen cybersecurity defenses in these domains. Further, the paper discusses the challenges and constraints of using GANs in these areas and suggests future research directions. Overall, the paper highlights the potential of GANs in enhancing cybersecurity measures and addresses the need for further exploration in this field.

cross Data-driven Model Reduction for Soft Robots via Lagrangian Operator Inference

Authors: Harsh Sharma, Iman Adibnazari, Jacobo Cervera-Torralba, Michael T. Tolley, Boris Kramer

Abstract: Data-driven model reduction methods provide a nonintrusive way of constructing computationally efficient surrogates of high-fidelity models for real-time control of soft robots. This work leverages the Lagrangian nature of the model equations to derive structure-preserving linear reduced-order models via Lagrangian Operator Inference and compares their performance with prominent linear model reduction techniques through an anguilliform swimming soft robot model example with 231,336 degrees of freedom. The case studies demonstrate that preserving the underlying Lagrangian structure leads to learned models with higher predictive accuracy and robustness to unseen inputs.

cross Automatic Pruning of Fine-tuning Datasets for Transformer-based Language Models

Authors: Mohammadreza Tayaranian, Seyyed Hasan Mozafari, Brett H. Meyer, James J. Clark, Warren J. Gross

Abstract: Transformer-based language models have shown state-of-the-art performance on a variety of natural language understanding tasks. To achieve this performance, these models are first pre-trained on general corpus and then fine-tuned on downstream tasks. Previous work studied the effect of pruning the training set of the downstream tasks on the performance of the model on its evaluation set. In this work, we propose an automatic dataset pruning method for the training set of fine-tuning tasks. Our method is based on the model's success rate in correctly classifying each training data point. Unlike previous work which relies on user feedback to determine subset size, our method automatically extracts training subsets that are adapted for each pair of model and fine-tuning task. Our method provides multiple subsets for use in dataset pruning that navigate the trade-off between subset size and evaluation accuracy. Our largest subset, which we also refer to as the winning ticket subset, is on average $3 \times$ smaller than the original training set of the fine-tuning task. Our experiments on 5 downstream tasks and 2 language models show that, on average, fine-tuning on the winning ticket subsets results in a $0.1 \%$ increase in the evaluation performance of the model.

cross DeepCodeProbe: Towards Understanding What Models Trained on Code Learn

Authors: Vahid Majdinasab, Amin Nikanjam, Foutse Khomh

Abstract: Machine learning models trained on code and related artifacts offer valuable support for software maintenance but suffer from interpretability issues due to their complex internal variables. These concerns are particularly significant in safety-critical applications where the models' decision-making processes must be reliable. The specific features and representations learned by these models remain unclear, adding to the hesitancy in adopting them widely. To address these challenges, we introduce DeepCodeProbe, a probing approach that examines the syntax and representation learning abilities of ML models designed for software maintenance tasks. Our study applies DeepCodeProbe to state-of-the-art models for code clone detection, code summarization, and comment generation. Findings reveal that while small models capture abstract syntactic representations, their ability to fully grasp programming language syntax is limited. Increasing model capacity improves syntax learning but introduces trade-offs such as increased training time and overfitting. DeepCodeProbe also identifies specific code patterns the models learn from their training data. Additionally, we provide best practices for training models on code to enhance performance and interpretability, supported by an open-source replication package for broader application of DeepCodeProbe in interpreting other code-related models.

cross Characterizing Prompt Compression Methods for Long Context Inference

Authors: Siddharth Jha, Lutfi Eren Erdogan, Sehoon Kim, Kurt Keutzer, Amir Gholami

Abstract: Long context inference presents challenges at the system level with increased compute and memory requirements, as well as from an accuracy perspective in being able to reason over long contexts. Recently, several methods have been proposed to compress the prompt to reduce the context length. However, there has been little work on comparing the different proposed methods across different tasks through a standardized analysis. This has led to conflicting results. To address this, here we perform a comprehensive characterization and evaluation of different prompt compression methods. In particular, we analyze extractive compression, summarization-based abstractive compression, and token pruning methods. Surprisingly, we find that extractive compression often outperforms all the other approaches, and enables up to 10x compression with minimal accuracy degradation. Interestingly, we also find that despite several recent claims, token pruning methods often lag behind extractive compression. We only found marginal improvements on summarization tasks.

cross IDAT: A Multi-Modal Dataset and Toolkit for Building and Evaluating Interactive Task-Solving Agents

Authors: Shrestha Mohanty, Negar Arabzadeh, Andrea Tupini, Yuxuan Sun, Alexey Skrynnik, Artem Zholus, Marc-Alexandre C\^ot\'e, Julia Kiseleva

Abstract: Seamless interaction between AI agents and humans using natural language remains a key goal in AI research. This paper addresses the challenges of developing interactive agents capable of understanding and executing grounded natural language instructions through the IGLU competition at NeurIPS. Despite advancements, challenges such as a scarcity of appropriate datasets and the need for effective evaluation platforms persist. We introduce a scalable data collection tool for gathering interactive grounded language instructions within a Minecraft-like environment, resulting in a Multi-Modal dataset with around 9,000 utterances and over 1,000 clarification questions. Additionally, we present a Human-in-the-Loop interactive evaluation platform for qualitative analysis and comparison of agent performance through multi-turn communication with human annotators. We offer to the community these assets referred to as IDAT (IGLU Dataset And Toolkit) which aim to advance the development of intelligent, interactive AI agents and provide essential resources for further research.

cross Attribution Methods in Asset Pricing: Do They Account for Risk?

Authors: Dangxing Chen, Yuan Gao

Abstract: Over the past few decades, machine learning models have been extremely successful. As a result of axiomatic attribution methods, feature contributions have been explained more clearly and rigorously. There are, however, few studies that have examined domain knowledge in conjunction with the axioms. In this study, we examine asset pricing in finance, a field closely related to risk management. Consequently, when applying machine learning models, we must ensure that the attribution methods reflect the underlying risks accurately. In this work, we present and study several axioms derived from asset pricing domain knowledge. It is shown that while Shapley value and Integrated Gradients preserve most axioms, neither can satisfy all axioms. Using extensive analytical and empirical examples, we demonstrate how attribution methods can reflect risks and when they should not be used.

cross Lite-SAM Is Actually What You Need for Segment Everything

Authors: Jianhai Fu, Yuanjie Yu, Ningchuan Li, Yi Zhang, Qichao Chen, Jianping Xiong, Jun Yin, Zhiyu Xiang

Abstract: This paper introduces Lite-SAM, an efficient end-to-end solution for the SegEvery task designed to reduce computational costs and redundancy. Lite-SAM is composed of four main components: a streamlined CNN-Transformer hybrid encoder (LiteViT), an automated prompt proposal network (AutoPPN), a traditional prompt encoder, and a mask decoder. All these components are integrated within the SAM framework. Our LiteViT, a high-performance lightweight backbone network, has only 1.16M parameters, which is a 23% reduction compared to the lightest existing backbone network Shufflenet. We also introduce AutoPPN, an innovative end-to-end method for prompt boxes and points generation. This is an improvement over traditional grid search sampling methods, and its unique design allows for easy integration into any SAM series algorithm, extending its usability. we have thoroughly benchmarked Lite-SAM across a plethora of both public and private datasets. The evaluation encompassed a broad spectrum of universal metrics, including the number of parameters, SegEvery execution time, and accuracy. The findings reveal that Lite-SAM, operating with a lean 4.2M parameters, significantly outpaces its counterparts, demonstrating performance improvements of 43x, 31x, 20x, 21x, and 1.6x over SAM, MobileSAM, Edge-SAM, EfficientViT-SAM, and MobileSAM-v2 respectively, all the while maintaining competitive accuracy. This underscores Lite-SAM's prowess in achieving an optimal equilibrium between performance and precision, thereby setting a new state-of-the-art(SOTA) benchmark in the domain.

cross LAPT: Label-driven Automated Prompt Tuning for OOD Detection with Vision-Language Models

Authors: Yabin Zhang, Wenjie Zhu, Chenhang He, Lei Zhang

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is crucial for model reliability, as it identifies samples from unknown classes and reduces errors due to unexpected inputs. Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as CLIP are emerging as powerful tools for OOD detection by integrating multi-modal information. However, the practical application of such systems is challenged by manual prompt engineering, which demands domain expertise and is sensitive to linguistic nuances. In this paper, we introduce Label-driven Automated Prompt Tuning (LAPT), a novel approach to OOD detection that reduces the need for manual prompt engineering. We develop distribution-aware prompts with in-distribution (ID) class names and negative labels mined automatically. Training samples linked to these class labels are collected autonomously via image synthesis and retrieval methods, allowing for prompt learning without manual effort. We utilize a simple cross-entropy loss for prompt optimization, with cross-modal and cross-distribution mixing strategies to reduce image noise and explore the intermediate space between distributions, respectively. The LAPT framework operates autonomously, requiring only ID class names as input and eliminating the need for manual intervention. With extensive experiments, LAPT consistently outperforms manually crafted prompts, setting a new standard for OOD detection. Moreover, LAPT not only enhances the distinction between ID and OOD samples, but also improves the ID classification accuracy and strengthens the generalization robustness to covariate shifts, resulting in outstanding performance in challenging full-spectrum OOD detection tasks. Codes are available at \url{}.


cross Soft Prompts Go Hard: Steering Visual Language Models with Hidden Meta-Instructions

Authors: Tingwei Zhang, Collin Zhang, John X. Morris, Eugene Bagdasaryan, Vitaly Shmatikov

Abstract: We introduce a new type of indirect injection vulnerabilities in language models that operate on images: hidden "meta-instructions" that influence how the model interprets the image and steer the model's outputs to express an adversary-chosen style, sentiment, or point of view. We explain how to create meta-instructions by generating images that act as soft prompts. Unlike jailbreaking attacks and adversarial examples, the outputs resulting from these images are plausible and based on the visual content of the image, yet follow the adversary's (meta-)instructions. We describe the risks of these attacks, including misinformation and spin, evaluate their efficacy for multiple visual language models and adversarial meta-objectives, and demonstrate how they can "unlock" the capabilities of the underlying language models that are unavailable via explicit text instructions. Finally, we discuss defenses against these attacks.

cross Topology-enhanced machine learning model (Top-ML) for anticancer peptide prediction

Authors: Joshua Zhi En Tan, JunJie Wee, Xue Gong, Kelin Xia

Abstract: Recently, therapeutic peptides have demonstrated great promise for cancer treatment. To explore powerful anticancer peptides, artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches have been developed to systematically screen potential candidates. However, the lack of efficient featurization of peptides has become a bottleneck for these machine-learning models. In this paper, we propose a topology-enhanced machine learning model (Top-ML) for anticancer peptide prediction. Our Top-ML employs peptide topological features derived from its sequence "connection" information characterized by vector and spectral descriptors. Our Top-ML model has been validated on two widely used AntiCP 2.0 benchmark datasets and has achieved state-of-the-art performance. Our results highlight the potential of leveraging novel topology-based featurization to accelerate the identification of anticancer peptides.

cross Computational-Statistical Trade-off in Kernel Two-Sample Testing with Random Fourier Features

Authors: Ikjun Choi, Ilmun Kim

Abstract: Recent years have seen a surge in methods for two-sample testing, among which the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) test has emerged as an effective tool for handling complex and high-dimensional data. Despite its success and widespread adoption, the primary limitation of the MMD test has been its quadratic-time complexity, which poses challenges for large-scale analysis. While various approaches have been proposed to expedite the procedure, it has been unclear whether it is possible to attain the same power guarantee as the MMD test at sub-quadratic time cost. To fill this gap, we revisit the approximated MMD test using random Fourier features, and investigate its computational-statistical trade-off. We start by revealing that the approximated MMD test is pointwise consistent in power only when the number of random features approaches infinity. We then consider the uniform power of the test and study the time-power trade-off under the minimax testing framework. Our result shows that, by carefully choosing the number of random features, it is possible to attain the same minimax separation rates as the MMD test within sub-quadratic time. We demonstrate this point under different distributional assumptions such as densities in a Sobolev ball. Our theoretical findings are corroborated by simulation studies.

cross Towards Chapter-to-Chapter Context-Aware Literary Translation via Large Language Models

Authors: Linghao Jin, Li An, Xuezhe Ma

Abstract: Discourse phenomena in existing document-level translation datasets are sparse, which has been a fundamental obstacle in the development of context-aware machine translation models. Moreover, most existing document-level corpora and context-aware machine translation methods rely on an unrealistic assumption on sentence-level alignments. To mitigate these issues, we first curate a novel dataset of Chinese-English literature, which consists of 160 books with intricate discourse structures. Then, we propose a more pragmatic and challenging setting for context-aware translation, termed chapter-to-chapter (Ch2Ch) translation, and investigate the performance of commonly-used machine translation models under this setting. Furthermore, we introduce a potential approach of finetuning large language models (LLMs) within the domain of Ch2Ch literary translation, yielding impressive improvements over baselines. Through our comprehensive analysis, we unveil that literary translation under the Ch2Ch setting is challenging in nature, with respect to both model learning methods and translation decoding algorithms.

cross Towards More Trustworthy and Interpretable LLMs for Code through Syntax-Grounded Explanations

Authors: David N. Palacio, Daniel Rodriguez-Cardenas, Alejandro Velasco, Dipin Khati, Kevin Moran, Denys Poshyvanyk

Abstract: Trustworthiness and interpretability are inextricably linked concepts for LLMs. The more interpretable an LLM is, the more trustworthy it becomes. However, current techniques for interpreting LLMs when applied to code-related tasks largely focus on accuracy measurements, measures of how models react to change, or individual task performance instead of the fine-grained explanations needed at prediction time for greater interpretability, and hence trust. To improve upon this status quo, this paper introduces ASTrust, an interpretability method for LLMs of code that generates explanations grounded in the relationship between model confidence and syntactic structures of programming languages. ASTrust explains generated code in the context of syntax categories based on Abstract Syntax Trees and aids practitioners in understanding model predictions at both local (individual code snippets) and global (larger datasets of code) levels. By distributing and assigning model confidence scores to well-known syntactic structures that exist within ASTs, our approach moves beyond prior techniques that perform token-level confidence mapping by offering a view of model confidence that directly aligns with programming language concepts with which developers are familiar. To put ASTrust into practice, we developed an automated visualization that illustrates the aggregated model confidence scores superimposed on sequence, heat-map, and graph-based visuals of syntactic structures from ASTs. We examine both the practical benefit that ASTrust can provide through a data science study on 12 popular LLMs on a curated set of GitHub repos and the usefulness of ASTrust through a human study.

cross Parameter inference from a non-stationary unknown process

Authors: Kieran S. Owens, Ben D. Fulcher

Abstract: Non-stationary systems are found throughout the world, from climate patterns under the influence of variation in carbon dioxide concentration, to brain dynamics driven by ascending neuromodulation. Accordingly, there is a need for methods to analyze non-stationary processes, and yet most time-series analysis methods that are used in practice, on important problems across science and industry, make the simplifying assumption of stationarity. One important problem in the analysis of non-stationary systems is the problem class that we refer to as Parameter Inference from a Non-stationary Unknown Process (PINUP). Given an observed time series, this involves inferring the parameters that drive non-stationarity of the time series, without requiring knowledge or inference of a mathematical model of the underlying system. Here we review and unify a diverse literature of algorithms for PINUP. We formulate the problem, and categorize the various algorithmic contributions. This synthesis will allow researchers to identify gaps in the literature and will enable systematic comparisons of different methods. We also demonstrate that the most common systems that existing methods are tested on - notably the non-stationary Lorenz process and logistic map - are surprisingly easy to perform well on using simple statistical features like windowed mean and variance, undermining the practice of using good performance on these systems as evidence of algorithmic performance. We then identify more challenging problems that many existing methods perform poorly on and which can be used to drive methodological advances in the field. Our results unify disjoint scientific contributions to analyzing non-stationary systems and suggest new directions for progress on the PINUP problem and the broader study of non-stationary phenomena.

cross One Stone, Four Birds: A Comprehensive Solution for QA System Using Supervised Contrastive Learning

Authors: Bo Wang, Tsunenori Mine

Abstract: This paper presents a novel and comprehensive solution to enhance both the robustness and efficiency of question answering (QA) systems through supervised contrastive learning (SCL). Training a high-performance QA system has become straightforward with pre-trained language models, requiring only a small amount of data and simple fine-tuning. However, despite recent advances, existing QA systems still exhibit significant deficiencies in functionality and training efficiency. We address the functionality issue by defining four key tasks: user input intent classification, out-of-domain input detection, new intent discovery, and continual learning. We then leverage a unified SCL-based representation learning method to efficiently build an intra-class compact and inter-class scattered feature space, facilitating both known intent classification and unknown intent detection and discovery. Consequently, with minimal additional tuning on downstream tasks, our approach significantly improves model efficiency and achieves new state-of-the-art performance across all tasks.

cross Procedural Content Generation via Generative Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Xinyu Mao, Wanli Yu, Kazunori D Yamada, Michael R. Zielewski

Abstract: The attempt to utilize machine learning in PCG has been made in the past. In this survey paper, we investigate how generative artificial intelligence (AI), which saw a significant increase in interest in the mid-2010s, is being used for PCG. We review applications of generative AI for the creation of various types of content, including terrains, items, and even storylines. While generative AI is effective for PCG, one significant issues it faces is that building high-performance generative AI requires vast amounts of training data. Because content generally highly customized, domain-specific training data is scarce, and straightforward approaches to generative AI models may not work well. For PCG research to advance further, issues related to limited training data must be overcome. Thus, we also give special consideration to research that addresses the challenges posed by limited training data.

cross HPC: Hierarchical Progressive Coding Framework for Volumetric Video

Authors: Zihan Zheng, Houqiang Zhong, Qiang Hu, Xiaoyun Zhang, Li Song, Ya Zhang, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Volumetric video based on Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) holds vast potential for various 3D applications, but its substantial data volume poses significant challenges for compression and transmission. Current NeRF compression lacks the flexibility to adjust video quality and bitrate within a single model for various network and device capacities. To address these issues, we propose HPC, a novel hierarchical progressive volumetric video coding framework achieving variable bitrate using a single model. Specifically, HPC introduces a hierarchical representation with a multi-resolution residual radiance field to reduce temporal redundancy in long-duration sequences while simultaneously generating various levels of detail. Then, we propose an end-to-end progressive learning approach with a multi-rate-distortion loss function to jointly optimize both hierarchical representation and compression. Our HPC trained only once can realize multiple compression levels, while the current methods need to train multiple fixed-bitrate models for different rate-distortion (RD) tradeoffs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that HPC achieves flexible quality levels with variable bitrate by a single model and exhibits competitive RD performance, even outperforming fixed-bitrate models across various datasets.

cross DRM Revisited: A Complete Error Analysis

Authors: Yuling Jiao, Ruoxuan Li, Peiying Wu, Jerry Zhijian Yang, Pingwen Zhang

Abstract: In this work, we address a foundational question in the theoretical analysis of the Deep Ritz Method (DRM) under the over-parameteriztion regime: Given a target precision level, how can one determine the appropriate number of training samples, the key architectural parameters of the neural networks, the step size for the projected gradient descent optimization procedure, and the requisite number of iterations, such that the output of the gradient descent process closely approximates the true solution of the underlying partial differential equation to the specified precision?

cross Refusing Safe Prompts for Multi-modal Large Language Models

Authors: Zedian Shao, Hongbin Liu, Yuepeng Hu, Neil Zhenqiang Gong

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have become the cornerstone of today's generative AI ecosystem, sparking intense competition among tech giants and startups. In particular, an MLLM generates a text response given a prompt consisting of an image and a question. While state-of-the-art MLLMs use safety filters and alignment techniques to refuse unsafe prompts, in this work, we introduce MLLM-Refusal, the first method that induces refusals for safe prompts. In particular, our MLLM-Refusal optimizes a nearly-imperceptible refusal perturbation and adds it to an image, causing target MLLMs to likely refuse a safe prompt containing the perturbed image and a safe question. Specifically, we formulate MLLM-Refusal as a constrained optimization problem and propose an algorithm to solve it. Our method offers competitive advantages for MLLM model providers by potentially disrupting user experiences of competing MLLMs, since competing MLLM's users will receive unexpected refusals when they unwittingly use these perturbed images in their prompts. We evaluate MLLM-Refusal on four MLLMs across four datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in causing competing MLLMs to refuse safe prompts while not affecting non-competing MLLMs. Furthermore, we explore three potential countermeasures -- adding Gaussian noise, DiffPure, and adversarial training. Our results show that they are insufficient: though they can mitigate MLLM-Refusal's effectiveness, they also sacrifice the accuracy and/or efficiency of the competing MLLM. The code is available at


cross Advanced Graph Clustering Methods: A Comprehensive and In-Depth Analysis

Authors: Timoth\'e Watteau (UTBM), Aubin Bonnefoy (UTBM), Simon Illouz-Laurent (UTBM), Joaquim Jusseau (UTBM), Serge Iovleff (UTBM)

Abstract: Graph clustering, which aims to divide a graph into several homogeneous groups, is a critical area of study with applications that span various fields such as social network analysis, bioinformatics, and image segmentation. This paper explores both traditional and more recent approaches to graph clustering. Firstly, key concepts and definitions in graph theory are introduced. The background section covers essential topics, including graph Laplacians and the integration of Deep Learning in graph analysis. The paper then delves into traditional clustering methods, including Spectral Clustering and the Leiden algorithm. Following this, state-of-the-art clustering techniques that leverage deep learning are examined. A comprehensive comparison of these methods is made through experiments. The paper concludes with a discussion of the practical applications of graph clustering and potential future research directions.

cross Multi-Modal Dataset Creation for Federated~Learning with DICOM Structured Reports

Authors: Malte T\"olle, Lukas Burger, Halvar Kelm, Florian Andr\'e, Peter Bannas, Gerhard Diller, Norbert Frey, Philipp Garthe, Stefan Gro{\ss}, Anja Hennemuth, Lars Kaderali, Nina Kr\"uger, Andreas Leha, Simon Martin, Alexander Meyer, Eike Nagel, Stefan Orwat, Clemens Scherer, Moritz Seiffert, Jan Moritz Seliger, Stefan Simm, Tim Friede, Tim Seidler, Sandy Engelhardt

Abstract: Purpose: Federated training is often hindered by heterogeneous datasets due to divergent data storage options, inconsistent naming schemes, varied annotation procedures, and disparities in label quality. This is particularly evident in the emerging multi-modal learning paradigms, where dataset harmonization including a uniform data representation and filtering options are of paramount importance. Methods: DICOM structured reports enable the standardized linkage of arbitrary information beyond the imaging domain and can be used within Python deep learning pipelines with highdicom. Building on this, we developed an open platform for data integration and interactive filtering capabilities that simplifies the process of assembling multi-modal datasets. Results: In this study, we extend our prior work by showing its applicability to more and divergent data types, as well as streamlining datasets for federated training within an established consortium of eight university hospitals in Germany. We prove its concurrent filtering ability by creating harmonized multi-modal datasets across all locations for predicting the outcome after minimally invasive heart valve replacement. The data includes DICOM data (i.e. computed tomography images, electrocardiography scans) as well as annotations (i.e. calcification segmentations, pointsets and pacemaker dependency), and metadata (i.e. prosthesis and diagnoses). Conclusion: Structured reports bridge the traditional gap between imaging systems and information systems. Utilizing the inherent DICOM reference system arbitrary data types can be queried concurrently to create meaningful cohorts for clinical studies. The graphical interface as well as example structured report templates will be made publicly available.

cross UserBoost: Generating User-specific Synthetic Data for Faster Enrolment into Behavioural Biometric Systems

Authors: George Webber, Jack Sturgess, Ivan Martinovic

Abstract: Behavioural biometric authentication systems entail an enrolment period that is burdensome for the user. In this work, we explore generating synthetic gestures from a few real user gestures with generative deep learning, with the application of training a simple (i.e. non-deep-learned) authentication model. Specifically, we show that utilising synthetic data alongside real data can reduce the number of real datapoints a user must provide to enrol into a biometric system. To validate our methods, we use the publicly available dataset of WatchAuth, a system proposed in 2022 for authenticating smartwatch payments using the physical gesture of reaching towards a payment terminal. We develop a regularised autoencoder model for generating synthetic user-specific wrist motion data representing these physical gestures, and demonstrate the diversity and fidelity of our synthetic gestures. We show that using synthetic gestures in training can improve classification ability for a real-world system. Through this technique we can reduce the number of gestures required to enrol a user into a WatchAuth-like system by more than 40% without negatively impacting its error rates.

cross Inference Optimization of Foundation Models on AI Accelerators

Authors: Youngsuk Park, Kailash Budhathoki, Liangfu Chen, Jonas K\"ubler, Jiaji Huang, Matth\"aus Kleindessner, Jun Huan, Volkan Cevher, Yida Wang, George Karypis

Abstract: Powerful foundation models, including large language models (LLMs), with Transformer architectures have ushered in a new era of Generative AI across various industries. Industry and research community have witnessed a large number of new applications, based on those foundation models. Such applications include question and answer, customer services, image and video generation, and code completions, among others. However, as the number of model parameters reaches to hundreds of billions, their deployment incurs prohibitive inference costs and high latency in real-world scenarios. As a result, the demand for cost-effective and fast inference using AI accelerators is ever more higher. To this end, our tutorial offers a comprehensive discussion on complementary inference optimization techniques using AI accelerators. Beginning with an overview of basic Transformer architectures and deep learning system frameworks, we deep dive into system optimization techniques for fast and memory-efficient attention computations and discuss how they can be implemented efficiently on AI accelerators. Next, we describe architectural elements that are key for fast transformer inference. Finally, we examine various model compression and fast decoding strategies in the same context.

cross Stepwise Verification and Remediation of Student Reasoning Errors with Large Language Model Tutors

Authors: Nico Daheim, Jakub Macina, Manu Kapur, Iryna Gurevych, Mrinmaya Sachan

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) present an opportunity to scale high-quality personalized education to all. A promising approach towards this means is to build dialog tutoring models that scaffold students' problem-solving. However, even though existing LLMs perform well in solving reasoning questions, they struggle to precisely detect student's errors and tailor their feedback to these errors. Inspired by real-world teaching practice where teachers identify student errors and customize their response based on them, we focus on verifying student solutions and show how grounding to such verification improves the overall quality of tutor response generation. We collect a dataset of 1K stepwise math reasoning chains with the first error step annotated by teachers. We show empirically that finding the mistake in a student solution is challenging for current models. We propose and evaluate several verifiers for detecting these errors. Using both automatic and human evaluation we show that the student solution verifiers steer the generation model towards highly targeted responses to student errors which are more often correct with less hallucinations compared to existing baselines.

cross Evaluating the Adversarial Robustness of Semantic Segmentation: Trying Harder Pays Off

Authors: Levente Halmosi, B\'alint Mohos, M\'ark Jelasity

Abstract: Machine learning models are vulnerable to tiny adversarial input perturbations optimized to cause a very large output error. To measure this vulnerability, we need reliable methods that can find such adversarial perturbations. For image classification models, evaluation methodologies have emerged that have stood the test of time. However, we argue that in the area of semantic segmentation, a good approximation of the sensitivity to adversarial perturbations requires significantly more effort than what is currently considered satisfactory. To support this claim, we re-evaluate a number of well-known robust segmentation models in an extensive empirical study. We propose new attacks and combine them with the strongest attacks available in the literature. We also analyze the sensitivity of the models in fine detail. The results indicate that most of the state-of-the-art models have a dramatically larger sensitivity to adversarial perturbations than previously reported. We also demonstrate a size-bias: small objects are often more easily attacked, even if the large objects are robust, a phenomenon not revealed by current evaluation metrics. Our results also demonstrate that a diverse set of strong attacks is necessary, because different models are often vulnerable to different attacks.

cross Movie Recommendation with Poster Attention via Multi-modal Transformer Feature Fusion

Authors: Linhan Xia, Yicheng Yang, Ziou Chen, Zheng Yang, Shengxin Zhu

Abstract: Pre-trained models learn general representations from large datsets which can be fine-turned for specific tasks to significantly reduce training time. Pre-trained models like generative pretrained transformers (GPT), bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT), vision transfomers (ViT) have become a cornerstone of current research in machine learning. This study proposes a multi-modal movie recommendation system by extract features of the well designed posters for each movie and the narrative text description of the movie. This system uses the BERT model to extract the information of text modality, the ViT model applied to extract the information of poster/image modality, and the Transformer architecture for feature fusion of all modalities to predict users' preference. The integration of pre-trained foundational models with some smaller data sets in downstream applications capture multi-modal content features in a more comprehensive manner, thereby providing more accurate recommendations. The efficiency of the proof-of-concept model is verified by the standard benchmark problem the MovieLens 100K and 1M datasets. The prediction accuracy of user ratings is enhanced in comparison to the baseline algorithm, thereby demonstrating the potential of this cross-modal algorithm to be applied for movie or video recommendation.

cross SE(3)-bi-equivariant Transformers for Point Cloud Assembly

Authors: Ziming Wang, Rebecka J\"ornsten

Abstract: Given a pair of point clouds, the goal of assembly is to recover a rigid transformation that aligns one point cloud to the other. This task is challenging because the point clouds may be non-overlapped, and they may have arbitrary initial positions. To address these difficulties, we propose a method, called SE(3)-bi-equivariant transformer (BITR), based on the SE(3)-bi-equivariance prior of the task: it guarantees that when the inputs are rigidly perturbed, the output will transform accordingly. Due to its equivariance property, BITR can not only handle non-overlapped PCs, but also guarantee robustness against initial positions. Specifically, BITR first extracts features of the inputs using a novel $SE(3) \times SE(3)$-transformer, and then projects the learned feature to group SE(3) as the output. Moreover, we theoretically show that swap and scale equivariances can be incorporated into BITR, thus it further guarantees stable performance under scaling and swapping the inputs. We experimentally show the effectiveness of BITR in practical tasks.

cross Variational Inference via Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

Authors: Yongchao Huang

Abstract: A new variational inference method, SPH-ParVI, based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), is proposed for sampling partially known densities (e.g. up to a constant) or sampling using gradients. SPH-ParVI simulates the flow of a fluid under external effects driven by the target density; transient or steady state of the fluid approximates the target density. The continuum fluid is modelled as an interacting particle system (IPS) via SPH, where each particle carries smoothed properties, interacts and evolves as per the Navier-Stokes equations. This mesh-free, Lagrangian simulation method offers fast, flexible, scalable and deterministic sampling and inference for a class of probabilistic models such as those encountered in Bayesian inference and generative modelling.

cross Generating SROI^{-} Ontologies via Knowledge Graph Query Embedding Learning

Authors: Yunjie He, Daniel Hernandez, Mojtaba Nayyeri, Bo Xiong, Yuqicheng Zhu, Evgeny Kharlamov, Steffen Staab

Abstract: Query embedding approaches answer complex logical queries over incomplete knowledge graphs (KGs) by computing and operating on low-dimensional vector representations of entities, relations, and queries. However, current query embedding models heavily rely on excessively parameterized neural networks and cannot explain the knowledge learned from the graph. We propose a novel query embedding method, AConE, which explains the knowledge learned from the graph in the form of SROI^{-} description logic axioms while being more parameter-efficient than most existing approaches. AConE associates queries to a SROI^{-} description logic concept. Every SROI^{-} concept is embedded as a cone in complex vector space, and each SROI^{-} relation is embedded as a transformation that rotates and scales cones. We show theoretically that AConE can learn SROI^{-} axioms, and defines an algebra whose operations correspond one to one to SROI^{-} description logic concept constructs. Our empirical study on multiple query datasets shows that AConE achieves superior results over previous baselines with fewer parameters. Notably on the WN18RR dataset, AConE achieves significant improvement over baseline models. We provide comprehensive analyses showing that the capability to represent axioms positively impacts the results of query answering.

cross A Fair Ranking and New Model for Panoptic Scene Graph Generation

Authors: Julian Lorenz, Alexander Pest, Daniel Kienzle, Katja Ludwig, Rainer Lienhart

Abstract: In panoptic scene graph generation (PSGG), models retrieve interactions between objects in an image which are grounded by panoptic segmentation masks. Previous evaluations on panoptic scene graphs have been subject to an erroneous evaluation protocol where multiple masks for the same object can lead to multiple relation distributions per mask-mask pair. This can be exploited to increase the final score. We correct this flaw and provide a fair ranking over a wide range of existing PSGG models. The observed scores for existing methods increase by up to 7.4 mR@50 for all two-stage methods, while dropping by up to 19.3 mR@50 for all one-stage methods, highlighting the importance of a correct evaluation. Contrary to recent publications, we show that existing two-stage methods are competitive to one-stage methods. Building on this, we introduce the Decoupled SceneFormer (DSFormer), a novel two-stage model that outperforms all existing scene graph models by a large margin of +11 mR@50 and +10 mNgR@50 on the corrected evaluation, thus setting a new SOTA. As a core design principle, DSFormer encodes subject and object masks directly into feature space.

cross FedsLLM: Federated Split Learning for Large Language Models over Communication Networks

Authors: Kai Zhao, Zhaohui Yang, Chongwen Huang, Xiaoming Chen, Zhaoyang Zhang

Abstract: Addressing the challenges of deploying large language models in wireless communication networks, this paper combines low-rank adaptation technology (LoRA) with the splitfed learning framework to propose the federated split learning for large language models (FedsLLM) framework. The method introduced in this paper utilizes LoRA technology to reduce processing loads by dividing the network into client subnetworks and server subnetworks. It leverages a federated server to aggregate and update client models. As the training data are transmitted through a wireless network between clients and both main and federated servers, the training delay is determined by the learning accuracy and the allocation of communication bandwidth. This paper models the minimization of the training delay by integrating computation and communication optimization, simplifying the optimization problem into a convex problem to find the optimal solution. Additionally, it presents a lemma that describes the precise solutions to this problem. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed optimization algorithm reduces delays by an average of 47.63% compared to unoptimized scenarios.

cross iNeMo: Incremental Neural Mesh Models for Robust Class-Incremental Learning

Authors: Tom Fischer, Yaoyao Liu, Artur Jesslen, Noor Ahmed, Prakhar Kaushik, Angtian Wang, Alan Yuille, Adam Kortylewski, Eddy Ilg

Abstract: Different from human nature, it is still common practice today for vision tasks to train deep learning models only initially and on fixed datasets. A variety of approaches have recently addressed handling continual data streams. However, extending these methods to manage out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios has not effectively been investigated. On the other hand, it has recently been shown that non-continual neural mesh models exhibit strong performance in generalizing to such OOD scenarios. To leverage this decisive property in a continual learning setting, we propose incremental neural mesh models that can be extended with new meshes over time. In addition, we present a latent space initialization strategy that enables us to allocate feature space for future unseen classes in advance and a positional regularization term that forces the features of the different classes to consistently stay in respective latent space regions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through extensive experiments on the Pascal3D and ObjectNet3D datasets and show that our approach outperforms the baselines for classification by $2-6\%$ in the in-domain and by $6-50\%$ in the OOD setting. Our work also presents the first incremental learning approach for pose estimation. Our code and model can be found at


cross H2O-Danube3 Technical Report

Authors: Pascal Pfeiffer, Philipp Singer, Yauhen Babakhin, Gabor Fodor, Nischay Dhankhar, Sri Satish Ambati

Abstract: We present H2O-Danube3, a series of small language models consisting of H2O-Danube3-4B, trained on 6T tokens and H2O-Danube3-500M, trained on 4T tokens. Our models are pre-trained on high quality Web data consisting of primarily English tokens in three stages with different data mixes before final supervised tuning for chat version. The models exhibit highly competitive metrics across a multitude of academic, chat, and fine-tuning benchmarks. Thanks to its compact architecture, H2O-Danube3 can be efficiently run on a modern smartphone, enabling local inference and rapid processing capabilities even on mobile devices. We make all models openly available under Apache 2.0 license further democratizing LLMs to a wider audience economically.

cross Towards Personalised Patient Risk Prediction Using Temporal Hospital Data Trajectories

Authors: Thea Barnes, Enrico Werner, Jeffrey N. Clark, Raul Santos-Rodriguez

Abstract: Quantifying a patient's health status provides clinicians with insight into patient risk, and the ability to better triage and manage resources. Early Warning Scores (EWS) are widely deployed to measure overall health status, and risk of adverse outcomes, in hospital patients. However, current EWS are limited both by their lack of personalisation and use of static observations. We propose a pipeline that groups intensive care unit patients by the trajectories of observations data throughout their stay as a basis for the development of personalised risk predictions. Feature importance is considered to provide model explainability. Using the MIMIC-IV dataset, six clusters were identified, capturing differences in disease codes, observations, lengths of admissions and outcomes. Applying the pipeline to data from just the first four hours of each ICU stay assigns the majority of patients to the same cluster as when the entire stay duration is considered. In-hospital mortality prediction models trained on individual clusters had higher F1 score performance in five of the six clusters when compared against the unclustered patient cohort. The pipeline could form the basis of a clinical decision support tool, working to improve the clinical characterisation of risk groups and the early detection of patient deterioration.

cross Meta-Analysis with Untrusted Data

Authors: Shiva Kaul, Geoffrey J. Gordon

Abstract: [See paper for full abstract] Meta-analysis is a crucial tool for answering scientific questions. It is usually conducted on a relatively small amount of ``trusted'' data -- ideally from randomized, controlled trials -- which allow causal effects to be reliably estimated with minimal assumptions. We show how to answer causal questions much more precisely by making two changes. First, we incorporate untrusted data drawn from large observational databases, related scientific literature and practical experience -- without sacrificing rigor or introducing strong assumptions. Second, we train richer models capable of handling heterogeneous trials, addressing a long-standing challenge in meta-analysis. Our approach is based on conformal prediction, which fundamentally produces rigorous prediction intervals, but doesn't handle indirect observations: in meta-analysis, we observe only noisy effects due to the limited number of participants in each trial. To handle noise, we develop a simple, efficient version of fully-conformal kernel ridge regression, based on a novel condition called idiocentricity. We introduce noise-correcting terms in the residuals and analyze their interaction with a ``variance shaving'' technique. In multiple experiments on healthcare datasets, our algorithms deliver tighter, sounder intervals than traditional ones. This paper charts a new course for meta-analysis and evidence-based medicine, where heterogeneity and untrusted data are embraced for more nuanced and precise predictions.

cross A Benchmark Environment for Offline Reinforcement Learning in Racing Games

Authors: Girolamo Macaluso, Alessandro Sestini, Andrew D. Bagdanov

Abstract: Offline Reinforcement Learning (ORL) is a promising approach to reduce the high sample complexity of traditional Reinforcement Learning (RL) by eliminating the need for continuous environmental interactions. ORL exploits a dataset of pre-collected transitions and thus expands the range of application of RL to tasks in which the excessive environment queries increase training time and decrease efficiency, such as in modern AAA games. This paper introduces OfflineMania a novel environment for ORL research. It is inspired by the iconic TrackMania series and developed using the Unity 3D game engine. The environment simulates a single-agent racing game in which the objective is to complete the track through optimal navigation. We provide a variety of datasets to assess ORL performance. These datasets, created from policies of varying ability and in different sizes, aim to offer a challenging testbed for algorithm development and evaluation. We further establish a set of baselines for a range of Online RL, ORL, and hybrid Offline to Online RL approaches using our environment.

cross Flow-Based Generative Emulation of Grids of Stellar Evolutionary Models

Authors: Marc Hon, Yaguang Li, Joel Ong

Abstract: We present a flow-based generative approach to emulate grids of stellar evolutionary models. By interpreting the input parameters and output properties of these models as multi-dimensional probability distributions, we train conditional normalizing flows to learn and predict the complex relationships between grid inputs and outputs in the form of conditional joint distributions. Leveraging the expressive power and versatility of these flows, we showcase their ability to emulate a variety of evolutionary tracks and isochrones across a continuous range of input parameters. In addition, we describe a simple Bayesian approach for estimating stellar parameters using these flows and demonstrate its application to asteroseismic datasets of red giants observed by the Kepler mission. By applying this approach to red giants in open clusters NGC 6791 and NGC 6819, we illustrate how large age uncertainties can arise when fitting only to global asteroseismic and spectroscopic parameters without prior information on initial helium abundances and mixing length parameter values. We also conduct inference using the flow at a large scale by determining revised estimates of masses and radii for 15,388 field red giants. These estimates show improved agreement with results from existing grid-based modelling, reveal distinct population-level features in the red clump, and suggest that the masses of Kepler red giants previously determined using the corrected asteroseismic scaling relations have been overestimated by 5-10%.

cross The $\mu\mathcal{G}$ Language for Programming Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Matteo Belenchia, Flavio Corradini, Michela Quadrini, Michele Loreti

Abstract: Graph neural networks form a class of deep learning architectures specifically designed to work with graph-structured data. As such, they share the inherent limitations and problems of deep learning, especially regarding the issues of explainability and trustworthiness. We propose $\mu\mathcal{G}$, an original domain-specific language for the specification of graph neural networks that aims to overcome these issues. The language's syntax is introduced, and its meaning is rigorously defined by a denotational semantics. An equivalent characterization in the form of an operational semantics is also provided and, together with a type system, is used to prove the type soundness of $\mu\mathcal{G}$. We show how $\mu\mathcal{G}$ programs can be represented in a more user-friendly graphical visualization, and provide examples of its generality by showing how it can be used to define some of the most popular graph neural network models, or to develop any custom graph processing application.

cross Human-like Episodic Memory for Infinite Context LLMs

Authors: Zafeirios Fountas, Martin A Benfeghoul, Adnan Oomerjee, Fenia Christopoulou, Gerasimos Lampouras, Haitham Bou-Ammar, Jun Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities, but still struggle with processing extensive contexts, limiting their ability to maintain coherence and accuracy over long sequences. In contrast, the human brain excels at organising and retrieving episodic experiences across vast temporal scales, spanning a lifetime. In this work, we introduce EM-LLM, a novel approach that integrates key aspects of human episodic memory and event cognition into LLMs, enabling them to effectively handle practically infinite context lengths while maintaining computational efficiency. EM-LLM organises sequences of tokens into coherent episodic events using a combination of Bayesian surprise and graph-theoretic boundary refinement in an on-line fashion. When needed, these events are retrieved through a two-stage memory process, combining similarity-based and temporally contiguous retrieval for efficient and human-like access to relevant information. Experiments on the LongBench dataset demonstrate EM-LLM's superior performance, outperforming the state-of-the-art InfLLM model with an overall relative improvement of 4.3% across various tasks, including a 33% improvement on the PassageRetrieval task. Furthermore, our analysis reveals strong correlations between EM-LLM's event segmentation and human-perceived events, suggesting a bridge between this artificial system and its biological counterpart. This work not only advances LLM capabilities in processing extended contexts but also provides a computational framework for exploring human memory mechanisms, opening new avenues for interdisciplinary research in AI and cognitive science.

cross Adaptive Prediction Ensemble: Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization of Motion Forecasting

Authors: Jinning Li, Jiachen Li, Sangjae Bae, David Isele

Abstract: Deep learning-based trajectory prediction models for autonomous driving often struggle with generalization to out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios, sometimes performing worse than simple rule-based models. To address this limitation, we propose a novel framework, Adaptive Prediction Ensemble (APE), which integrates deep learning and rule-based prediction experts. A learned routing function, trained concurrently with the deep learning model, dynamically selects the most reliable prediction based on the input scenario. Our experiments on large-scale datasets, including Waymo Open Motion Dataset (WOMD) and Argoverse, demonstrate improvement in zero-shot generalization across datasets. We show that our method outperforms individual prediction models and other variants, particularly in long-horizon prediction and scenarios with a high proportion of OOD data. This work highlights the potential of hybrid approaches for robust and generalizable motion prediction in autonomous driving.

replace Efficient Bayesian Updates for Deep Learning via Laplace Approximations

Authors: Denis Huseljic, Marek Herde, Lukas Rauch, Paul Hahn, Zhixin Huang, Daniel Kottke, Stephan Vogt, Bernhard Sick

Abstract: Since training deep neural networks takes significant computational resources, extending the training dataset with new data is difficult, as it typically requires complete retraining. Moreover, specific applications do not allow costly retraining due to time or computational constraints. We address this issue by proposing a novel Bayesian update method for deep neural networks by using a last-layer Laplace approximation. Concretely, we leverage second-order optimization techniques on the Gaussian posterior distribution of a Laplace approximation, computing the inverse Hessian matrix in closed form. This way, our method allows for fast and effective updates upon the arrival of new data in a stationary setting. A large-scale evaluation study across different data modalities confirms that our updates are a fast and competitive alternative to costly retraining. Furthermore, we demonstrate its applicability in a deep active learning scenario by using our update to improve existing selection strategies.

replace What Makes a Good Explanation?: A Harmonized View of Properties of Explanations

Authors: Zixi Chen, Varshini Subhash, Marton Havasi, Weiwei Pan, Finale Doshi-Velez

Abstract: Interpretability provides a means for humans to verify aspects of machine learning (ML) models and empower human+ML teaming in situations where the task cannot be fully automated. Different contexts require explanations with different properties. For example, the kind of explanation required to determine if an early cardiac arrest warning system is ready to be integrated into a care setting is very different from the type of explanation required for a loan applicant to help determine the actions they might need to take to make their application successful. Unfortunately, there is a lack of standardization when it comes to properties of explanations: different papers may use the same term to mean different quantities, and different terms to mean the same quantity. This lack of a standardized terminology and categorization of the properties of ML explanations prevents us from both rigorously comparing interpretable machine learning methods and identifying what properties are needed in what contexts. In this work, we survey properties defined in interpretable machine learning papers, synthesize them based on what they actually measure, and describe the trade-offs between different formulations of these properties. In doing so, we enable more informed selection of task-appropriate formulations of explanation properties as well as standardization for future work in interpretable machine learning.

replace On Suppressing Range of Adaptive Stepsizes of Adam to Improve Generalisation Performance

Authors: Guoqiang Zhang

Abstract: A number of recent adaptive optimizers improve the generalisation performance of Adam by essentially reducing the variance of adaptive stepsizes to get closer to SGD with momentum. Following the above motivation, we suppress the range of the adaptive stepsizes of Adam by exploiting the layerwise gradient statistics. In particular, at each iteration, we propose to perform three consecutive operations on the second momentum v_t before using it to update a DNN model: (1): down-scaling, (2): epsilon-embedding, and (3): down-translating. The resulting algorithm is referred to as SET-Adam, where SET is a brief notation of the three operations. The down-scaling operation on v_t is performed layerwise by making use of the angles between the layerwise subvectors of v_t and the corresponding all-one subvectors. Extensive experimental results show that SET-Adam outperforms eight adaptive optimizers when training transformers and LSTMs for NLP, and VGG and ResNet for image classification over CIAF10 and CIFAR100 while matching the best performance of the eight adaptive methods when training WGAN-GP models for image generation tasks. Furthermore, SET-Adam produces higher validation accuracies than Adam and AdaBelief for training ResNet18 over ImageNet.

replace Skill-Critic: Refining Learned Skills for Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Ce Hao, Catherine Weaver, Chen Tang, Kenta Kawamoto, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei Zhan

Abstract: Hierarchical reinforcement learning (RL) can accelerate long-horizon decision-making by temporally abstracting a policy into multiple levels. Promising results in sparse reward environments have been seen with skills, i.e. sequences of primitive actions. Typically, a skill latent space and policy are discovered from offline data. However, the resulting low-level policy can be unreliable due to low-coverage demonstrations or distribution shifts. As a solution, we propose the Skill-Critic algorithm to fine-tune the low-level policy in conjunction with high-level skill selection. Our Skill-Critic algorithm optimizes both the low-level and high-level policies; these policies are initialized and regularized by the latent space learned from offline demonstrations to guide the parallel policy optimization. We validate Skill-Critic in multiple sparse-reward RL environments, including a new sparse-reward autonomous racing task in Gran Turismo Sport. The experiments show that Skill-Critic's low-level policy fine-tuning and demonstration-guided regularization are essential for good performance. Code and videos are available at our website:


replace On the Need of a Modeling Language for Distribution Shifts: Illustrations on Tabular Datasets

Authors: Jiashuo Liu, Tianyu Wang, Peng Cui, Hongseok Namkoong

Abstract: Different distribution shifts require different interventions, and algorithms must be grounded in the specific shifts they address. However, methodological development for robust algorithms typically relies on structural assumptions that lack empirical validation. Advocating for an empirically grounded data-driven approach to research, we build an empirical testbed comprising natural shifts across 5 tabular datasets and 60,000 method configurations encompassing imbalanced learning and distributionally robust optimization (DRO) methods. We find $Y|X$-shifts are most prevalent on our testbed, in stark contrast to the heavy focus on $X$ (covariate)-shifts in the ML literature. The performance of robust algorithms varies significantly over shift types, and is no better than that of vanilla methods. To understand why, we conduct an in-depth empirical analysis of DRO methods and find that although often neglected by researchers, implementation details -- such as the choice of underlying model class (e.g., XGBoost) and hyperparameter selection -- have a bigger impact on performance than the ambiguity set or its radius. To further bridge that gap between methodological research and practice, we design case studies that illustrate how such a data-driven, inductive understanding of distribution shifts can enhance both data-centric and algorithmic interventions.

replace Fairness in Ranking under Disparate Uncertainty

Authors: Richa Rastogi, Thorsten Joachims

Abstract: Ranking is a ubiquitous method for focusing the attention of human evaluators on a manageable subset of options. Its use as part of human decision-making processes ranges from surfacing potentially relevant products on an e-commerce site to prioritizing college applications for human review. While ranking can make human evaluation more effective by focusing attention on the most promising options, we argue that it can introduce unfairness if the uncertainty of the underlying relevance model differs between groups of options. Unfortunately, such disparity in uncertainty appears widespread, often to the detriment of minority groups for which relevance estimates can have higher uncertainty due to a lack of data or appropriate features. To address this fairness issue, we propose Equal-Opportunity Ranking (EOR) as a new fairness criterion for ranking and show that it corresponds to a group-wise fair lottery among the relevant options even in the presence of disparate uncertainty. EOR optimizes for an even cost burden on all groups, unlike the conventional Probability Ranking Principle, and is fundamentally different from existing notions of fairness in rankings, such as demographic parity and proportional Rooney rule constraints that are motivated by proportional representation relative to group size. To make EOR ranking practical, we present an efficient algorithm for computing it in time $O(n \log(n))$ and prove its close approximation guarantee to the globally optimal solution. In a comprehensive empirical evaluation on synthetic data, a US Census dataset, and a real-world audit of Amazon search queries, we find that the algorithm reliably guarantees EOR fairness while providing effective rankings.

replace Deep Learning Safety Concerns in Automated Driving Perception

Authors: Stephanie Abrecht, Alexander Hirsch, Shervin Raafatnia, Matthias Woehrle

Abstract: Recent advances in the field of deep learning and impressive performance of deep neural networks (DNNs) for perception have resulted in an increased demand for their use in automated driving (AD) systems. The safety of such systems is of utmost importance and thus requires to consider the unique properties of DNNs. In order to achieve safety of AD systems with DNN-based perception components in a systematic and comprehensive approach, so-called safety concerns have been introduced as a suitable structuring element. On the one hand, the concept of safety concerns is -- by design -- well aligned to existing standards relevant for safety of AD systems such as ISO 21448 (SOTIF). On the other hand, it has already inspired several academic publications and upcoming standards on AI safety such as ISO PAS 8800. While the concept of safety concerns has been previously introduced, this paper extends and refines it, leveraging feedback from various domain and safety experts in the field. In particular, this paper introduces an additional categorization for a better understanding as well as enabling cross-functional teams to jointly address the concerns.

replace Mitigating Group Bias in Federated Learning for Heterogeneous Devices

Authors: Khotso Selialia, Yasra Chandio, Fatima M. Anwar

Abstract: Federated Learning is emerging as a privacy-preserving model training approach in distributed edge applications. As such, most edge deployments are heterogeneous in nature i.e., their sensing capabilities and environments vary across deployments. This edge heterogeneity violates the independence and identical distribution (IID) property of local data across clients and produces biased global models i.e. models that contribute to unfair decision-making and discrimination against a particular community or a group. Existing bias mitigation techniques only focus on bias generated from label heterogeneity in non-IID data without accounting for domain variations due to feature heterogeneity and do not address global group-fairness property. Our work proposes a group-fair FL framework that minimizes group-bias while preserving privacy and without resource utilization overhead. Our main idea is to leverage average conditional probabilities to compute a cross-domain group \textit{importance weights} derived from heterogeneous training data to optimize the performance of the worst-performing group using a modified multiplicative weights update method. Additionally, we propose regularization techniques to minimize the difference between the worst and best-performing groups while making sure through our thresholding mechanism to strike a balance between bias reduction and group performance degradation. Our evaluation of human emotion recognition and image classification benchmarks assesses the fair decision-making of our framework in real-world heterogeneous settings.

replace Physics-aware Machine Learning Revolutionizes Scientific Paradigm for Machine Learning and Process-based Hydrology

Authors: Qingsong Xu, Yilei Shi, Jonathan Bamber, Ye Tuo, Ralf Ludwig, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Abstract: Accurate hydrological understanding and water cycle prediction are crucial for addressing scientific and societal challenges associated with the management of water resources, particularly under the dynamic influence of anthropogenic climate change. Existing reviews predominantly concentrate on the development of machine learning (ML) in this field, yet there is a clear distinction between hydrology and ML as separate paradigms. Here, we introduce physics-aware ML as a transformative approach to overcome the perceived barrier and revolutionize both fields. Specifically, we present a comprehensive review of the physics-aware ML methods, building a structured community (PaML) of existing methodologies that integrate prior physical knowledge or physics-based modeling into ML. We systematically analyze these PaML methodologies with respect to four aspects: physical data-guided ML, physics-informed ML, physics-embedded ML, and physics-aware hybrid learning. PaML facilitates ML-aided hypotheses, accelerating insights from big data and fostering scientific discoveries. We first conduct a systematic review of hydrology in PaML, including rainfall-runoff hydrological processes and hydrodynamic processes, and highlight the most promising and challenging directions for different objectives and PaML methods. Finally, a new PaML-based hydrology platform, termed HydroPML, is released as a foundation for hydrological applications. HydroPML enhances the explainability and causality of ML and lays the groundwork for the digital water cycle's realization. The HydroPML platform is publicly available at


replace On the Foundations of Shortcut Learning

Authors: Katherine L. Hermann, Hossein Mobahi, Thomas Fel, Michael C. Mozer

Abstract: Deep-learning models can extract a rich assortment of features from data. Which features a model uses depends not only on \emph{predictivity} -- how reliably a feature indicates training-set labels -- but also on \emph{availability} -- how easily the feature can be extracted from inputs. The literature on shortcut learning has noted examples in which models privilege one feature over another, for example texture over shape and image backgrounds over foreground objects. Here, we test hypotheses about which input properties are more available to a model, and systematically study how predictivity and availability interact to shape models' feature use. We construct a minimal, explicit generative framework for synthesizing classification datasets with two latent features that vary in predictivity and in factors we hypothesize to relate to availability, and we quantify a model's shortcut bias -- its over-reliance on the shortcut (more available, less predictive) feature at the expense of the core (less available, more predictive) feature. We find that linear models are relatively unbiased, but introducing a single hidden layer with ReLU or Tanh units yields a bias. Our empirical findings are consistent with a theoretical account based on Neural Tangent Kernels. Finally, we study how models used in practice trade off predictivity and availability in naturalistic datasets, discovering availability manipulations which increase models' degree of shortcut bias. Taken together, these findings suggest that the propensity to learn shortcut features is a fundamental characteristic of deep nonlinear architectures warranting systematic study given its role in shaping how models solve tasks.

replace Multi-Modal Federated Learning for Cancer Staging over Non-IID Datasets with Unbalanced Modalities

Authors: Kasra Borazjani, Naji Khosravan, Leslie Ying, Seyyedali Hosseinalipour

Abstract: The use of machine learning (ML) for cancer staging through medical image analysis has gained substantial interest across medical disciplines. When accompanied by the innovative federated learning (FL) framework, ML techniques can further overcome privacy concerns related to patient data exposure. Given the frequent presence of diverse data modalities within patient records, leveraging FL in a multi-modal learning framework holds considerable promise for cancer staging. However, existing works on multi-modal FL often presume that all data-collecting institutions have access to all data modalities. This oversimplified approach neglects institutions that have access to only a portion of data modalities within the system. In this work, we introduce a novel FL architecture designed to accommodate not only the heterogeneity of data samples, but also the inherent heterogeneity/non-uniformity of data modalities across institutions. We shed light on the challenges associated with varying convergence speeds observed across different data modalities within our FL system. Subsequently, we propose a solution to tackle these challenges by devising a distributed gradient blending and proximity-aware client weighting strategy tailored for multi-modal FL. To show the superiority of our method, we conduct experiments using The Cancer Genome Atlas program (TCGA) datalake considering different cancer types and three modalities of data: mRNA sequences, histopathological image data, and clinical information. Our results further unveil the impact and severity of class-based vs type-based heterogeneity across institutions on the model performance, which widens the perspective to the notion of data heterogeneity in multi-modal FL literature.

replace Agricultural Recommendation System based on Deep Learning: A Multivariate Weather Forecasting Approach

Authors: Md Zubair (Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh), Md. Shahidul Salim (Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh), Mehrab Mustafy Rahman (Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA), Mohammad Jahid Ibna Basher (Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh), Shahin Imran (Khulna Agricultural University, Khulna, Bangladesh), Iqbal H. Sarker (Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia)

Abstract: Agriculture plays a fundamental role in driving economic growth and ensuring food security for populations around the world. Although labor-intensive agriculture has led to steady increases in food grain production in many developing countries, it is frequently challenged by adverse weather conditions, including heavy rainfall, low temperatures, and drought. These factors substantially hinder food production, posing significant risks to global food security. In order to have a profitable, sustainable, and farmer-friendly agricultural practice, this paper proposes a context-based crop recommendation system powered by a weather forecast model. For implementation purposes, we have considered the whole territory of Bangladesh. With extensive evaluation, the multivariate Stacked Bi-LSTM (three Bi-LSTM layers with a time Distributed layer) Network is employed as the weather forecasting model. The proposed weather model can forecast Rainfall, Temperature, Humidity, and Sunshine for any given location in Bangladesh with an average R-Squared value of 0.9824, and the model outperforms other state-of-the-art LSTM models. These predictions guide our system in generating viable farming decisions. Additionally, our full-fledged system is capable of alerting the farmers about extreme weather conditions so that preventive measures can be undertaken to protect the crops. Finally, the system is also adept at making knowledge-based crop suggestions for flood and drought-prone regions.

replace Data organization limits the predictability of binary classification

Authors: Fei Jing, Zi-Ke Zhang, Yi-Cheng Zhang, Qingpeng Zhang

Abstract: The structure of data organization is widely recognized as having a substantial influence on the efficacy of machine learning algorithms, particularly in binary classification tasks. Our research provides a theoretical framework suggesting that the maximum potential of binary classifiers on a given dataset is primarily constrained by the inherent qualities of the data. Through both theoretical reasoning and empirical examination, we employed standard objective functions, evaluative metrics, and binary classifiers to arrive at two principal conclusions. Firstly, we show that the theoretical upper bound of binary classification performance on actual datasets can be theoretically attained. This upper boundary represents a calculable equilibrium between the learning loss and the metric of evaluation. Secondly, we have computed the precise upper bounds for three commonly used evaluation metrics, uncovering a fundamental uniformity with our overarching thesis: the upper bound is intricately linked to the dataset's characteristics, independent of the classifier in use. Additionally, our subsequent analysis uncovers a detailed relationship between the upper limit of performance and the level of class overlap within the binary classification data. This relationship is instrumental for pinpointing the most effective feature subsets for use in feature engineering.

replace Enhancing Transformer RNNs with Multiple Temporal Perspectives

Authors: Razvan-Gabriel Dumitru, Darius Peteleaza, Mihai Surdeanu

Abstract: We introduce the concept of multiple temporal perspectives, a novel approach applicable to Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architectures for enhancing their understanding of sequential data. This method involves maintaining diverse temporal views of previously encountered text, significantly enriching the language models' capacity to interpret context. To show the efficacy of this approach, we incorporate it into the Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV) architecture, addressing its inherent challenge of retaining all historical information within a single hidden state. Notably, this improvement is achieved with a minimal increase in the number of parameters --even as little as $0.04\%$ of the original number of parameters. Further, the additional parameters necessary for the multiple temporal perspectives are fine-tuned with minimal computational overhead, avoiding the need for a full pre-training. The resulting model maintains linear computational complexity during prompt inference, ensuring consistent efficiency across various sequence lengths. The empirical results and ablation studies included in our research validate the effectiveness of our approach, showcasing improved performance across multiple benchmarks. The code, model weights and datasets are open-sourced at:


replace Convex Relaxations of ReLU Neural Networks Approximate Global Optima in Polynomial Time

Authors: Sungyoon Kim, Mert Pilanci

Abstract: In this paper, we study the optimality gap between two-layer ReLU networks regularized with weight decay and their convex relaxations. We show that when the training data is random, the relative optimality gap between the original problem and its relaxation can be bounded by a factor of O(log n^0.5), where n is the number of training samples. A simple application leads to a tractable polynomial-time algorithm that is guaranteed to solve the original non-convex problem up to a logarithmic factor. Moreover, under mild assumptions, we show that local gradient methods converge to a point with low training loss with high probability. Our result is an exponential improvement compared to existing results and sheds new light on understanding why local gradient methods work well.

replace Challenges in Mechanistically Interpreting Model Representations

Authors: Satvik Golechha, James Dao

Abstract: Mechanistic interpretability (MI) aims to understand AI models by reverse-engineering the exact algorithms neural networks learn. Most works in MI so far have studied behaviors and capabilities that are trivial and token-aligned. However, most capabilities important for safety and trust are not that trivial, which advocates for the study of hidden representations inside these networks as the unit of analysis. We formalize representations for features and behaviors, highlight their importance and evaluation, and perform an exploratory study of dishonesty representations in `Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1'. We justify that studying representations is an important and under-studied field, and highlight several challenges that arise while attempting to do so through currently established methods in MI, showing their insufficiency and advocating work on new frameworks for the same.

replace Tree Ensembles for Contextual Bandits

Authors: Hannes Nilsson, Rikard Johansson, Niklas {\AA}kerblom, Morteza Haghir Chehreghani

Abstract: We propose a novel framework for contextual multi-armed bandits based on tree ensembles. Our framework integrates two widely used bandit methods, Upper Confidence Bound and Thompson Sampling, for both standard and combinatorial settings. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework via several experimental studies, employing both XGBoost and random forest, two popular tree ensemble methods. Compared to state-of-the-art methods based on decision trees and neural networks, our methods exhibit superior performance in terms of both regret minimization and computational runtime, when applied to benchmark datasets and the real-world application of navigation over road networks.

replace Loss Shaping Constraints for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Ignacio Hounie, Javier Porras-Valenzuela, Alejandro Ribeiro

Abstract: Several applications in time series forecasting require predicting multiple steps ahead. Despite the vast amount of literature in the topic, both classical and recent deep learning based approaches have mostly focused on minimising performance averaged over the predicted window. We observe that this can lead to disparate distributions of errors across forecasting steps, especially for recent transformer architectures trained on popular forecasting benchmarks. That is, optimising performance on average can lead to undesirably large errors at specific time-steps. In this work, we present a Constrained Learning approach for long-term time series forecasting that aims to find the best model in terms of average performance that respects a user-defined upper bound on the loss at each time-step. We call our approach loss shaping constraints because it imposes constraints on the loss at each time step, and leverage recent duality results to show that despite its non-convexity, the resulting problem has a bounded duality gap. We propose a practical Primal-Dual algorithm to tackle it, and demonstrate that the proposed approach exhibits competitive average performance in time series forecasting benchmarks, while shaping the distribution of errors across the predicted window.

replace Diffusion Tempering Improves Parameter Estimation with Probabilistic Integrators for Ordinary Differential Equations

Authors: Jonas Beck, Nathanael Bosch, Michael Deistler, Kyra L. Kadhim, Jakob H. Macke, Philipp Hennig, Philipp Berens

Abstract: Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are widely used to describe dynamical systems in science, but identifying parameters that explain experimental measurements is challenging. In particular, although ODEs are differentiable and would allow for gradient-based parameter optimization, the nonlinear dynamics of ODEs often lead to many local minima and extreme sensitivity to initial conditions. We therefore propose diffusion tempering, a novel regularization technique for probabilistic numerical methods which improves convergence of gradient-based parameter optimization in ODEs. By iteratively reducing a noise parameter of the probabilistic integrator, the proposed method converges more reliably to the true parameters. We demonstrate that our method is effective for dynamical systems of different complexity and show that it obtains reliable parameter estimates for a Hodgkin-Huxley model with a practically relevant number of parameters.

replace STENCIL: Submodular Mutual Information Based Weak Supervision for Cold-Start Active Learning

Authors: Nathan Beck, Adithya Iyer, Rishabh Iyer

Abstract: As supervised fine-tuning of pre-trained models within NLP applications increases in popularity, larger corpora of annotated data are required, especially with increasing parameter counts in large language models. Active learning, which attempts to mine and annotate unlabeled instances to improve model performance maximally fast, is a common choice for reducing the annotation cost; however, most methods typically ignore class imbalance and either assume access to initial annotated data or require multiple rounds of active learning selection before improving rare classes. We present STENCIL, which utilizes a set of text exemplars and the recently proposed submodular mutual information to select a set of weakly labeled rare-class instances that are then strongly labeled by an annotator. We show that STENCIL improves overall accuracy by $10\%-18\%$ and rare-class F-1 score by $17\%-40\%$ on multiple text classification datasets over common active learning methods within the class-imbalanced cold-start setting.

replace Heavy-Tailed Class Imbalance and Why Adam Outperforms Gradient Descent on Language Models

Authors: Frederik Kunstner, Robin Yadav, Alan Milligan, Mark Schmidt, Alberto Bietti

Abstract: Adam has been shown to outperform gradient descent on large language models by a larger margin than on other tasks, but it is unclear why. We show that a key factor in this performance gap is the heavy-tailed class imbalance found in language tasks. When trained with gradient descent, the loss of infrequent words decreases more slowly than the loss of frequent ones. This leads to a slow decrease on the average loss as most samples come from infrequent words. On the other hand, Adam and sign-based methods are less sensitive to this problem. To establish that this behavior is caused by class imbalance, we show empirically that it can be reproduced across architectures and data types, on language transformers, vision CNNs, and linear models. On a linear model with cross-entropy loss, we show that class imbalance leads to imbalanced, correlated gradients and Hessians that have been hypothesized to benefit Adam. We also prove that, in continuous time, gradient descent converges slowly on low-frequency classes while sign descent does not.

replace Bifurcated Attention: Accelerating Massively Parallel Decoding with Shared Prefixes in LLMs

Authors: Ben Athiwaratkun, Sujan Kumar Gonugondla, Sanjay Krishna Gouda, Haifeng Qian, Hantian Ding, Qing Sun, Jun Wang, Jiacheng Guo, Liangfu Chen, Parminder Bhatia, Ramesh Nallapati, Sudipta Sengupta, Bing Xiang

Abstract: This study introduces bifurcated attention, a method designed to enhance language model inference in shared-context batch decoding scenarios. Our approach addresses the challenge of redundant memory IO costs, a critical factor contributing to latency in high batch sizes and extended context lengths. Bifurcated attention achieves this by strategically dividing the attention mechanism during incremental decoding into two separate GEMM operations: one focusing on the KV cache from prefill, and another on the decoding process itself. While maintaining the computational load (FLOPs) of standard attention mechanisms, bifurcated attention ensures precise computation with significantly reduced memory IO. Our empirical results show over 2.1$\times$ speedup when sampling 16 output sequences and more than 6.2$\times$ speedup when sampling 32 sequences at context lengths exceeding 8k tokens on a 7B model that uses multi-head attention. The efficiency gains from bifurcated attention translate into lower latency, making it particularly suitable for real-time applications. For instance, it enables massively parallel answer generation without substantially increasing latency, thus enhancing performance when integrated with post-processing techniques such as re-ranking.

replace Can large language models explore in-context?

Authors: Akshay Krishnamurthy, Keegan Harris, Dylan J. Foster, Cyril Zhang, Aleksandrs Slivkins

Abstract: We investigate the extent to which contemporary Large Language Models (LLMs) can engage in exploration, a core capability in reinforcement learning and decision making. We focus on native performance of existing LLMs, without training interventions. We deploy LLMs as agents in simple multi-armed bandit environments, specifying the environment description and interaction history entirely in-context, i.e., within the LLM prompt. We experiment with GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Llama2, using a variety of prompt designs, and find that the models do not robustly engage in exploration without substantial interventions: i) Across all of our experiments, only one configuration resulted in satisfactory exploratory behavior: GPT-4 with chain-of-thought reasoning and an externally summarized interaction history, presented as sufficient statistics; ii) All other configurations did not result in robust exploratory behavior, including those with chain-of-thought reasoning but unsummarized history. Although these findings can be interpreted positively, they suggest that external summarization -- which may not be possible in more complex settings -- is important for obtaining desirable behavior from LLM agents. We conclude that non-trivial algorithmic interventions, such as fine-tuning or dataset curation, may be required to empower LLM-based decision making agents in complex settings.

replace Semi-Supervised Learning for Deep Causal Generative Models

Authors: Yasin Ibrahim, Hermione Warr, Konstantinos Kamnitsas

Abstract: Developing models that are capable of answering questions of the form "How would x change if y had been z?'" is fundamental to advancing medical image analysis. Training causal generative models that address such counterfactual questions, though, currently requires that all relevant variables have been observed and that the corresponding labels are available in the training data. However, clinical data may not have complete records for all patients and state of the art causal generative models are unable to take full advantage of this. We thus develop, for the first time, a semi-supervised deep causal generative model that exploits the causal relationships between variables to maximise the use of all available data. We explore this in the setting where each sample is either fully labelled or fully unlabelled, as well as the more clinically realistic case of having different labels missing for each sample. We leverage techniques from causal inference to infer missing values and subsequently generate realistic counterfactuals, even for samples with incomplete labels.

replace Metric Learning from Limited Pairwise Preference Comparisons

Authors: Zhi Wang, Geelon So, Ramya Korlakai Vinayak

Abstract: We study metric learning from preference comparisons under the ideal point model, in which a user prefers an item over another if it is closer to their latent ideal item. These items are embedded into $\mathbb{R}^d$ equipped with an unknown Mahalanobis distance shared across users. While recent work shows that it is possible to simultaneously recover the metric and ideal items given $\mathcal{O}(d)$ pairwise comparisons per user, in practice we often have a limited budget of $o(d)$ comparisons. We study whether the metric can still be recovered, even though it is known that learning individual ideal items is now no longer possible. We show that in general, $o(d)$ comparisons reveal no information about the metric, even with infinitely many users. However, when comparisons are made over items that exhibit low-dimensional structure, each user can contribute to learning the metric restricted to a low-dimensional subspace so that the metric can be jointly identified. We present a divide-and-conquer approach that achieves this, and provide theoretical recovery guarantees and empirical validation.

replace vAttention: Dynamic Memory Management for Serving LLMs without PagedAttention

Authors: Ramya Prabhu, Ajay Nayak, Jayashree Mohan, Ramachandran Ramjee, Ashish Panwar

Abstract: Efficient management of GPU memory is essential for high throughput LLM inference. Prior systems used to reserve KV-cache memory ahead-of-time that resulted in wasted capacity due to internal fragmentation. Inspired by demand paging, vLLM proposed PagedAttention to enable dynamic memory allocation for KV-cache. This approach eliminates fragmentation and improves serving throughout. However, to be able to allocate physical memory dynamically, PagedAttention changes the layout of KV-cache from contiguous virtual memory to non-contiguous virtual memory. As a consequence, one needs to rewrite the attention kernels to support paging, and implement a memory manager in the serving framework. This results in both performance and programming overheads, as well as portability challenges in adopting state-of-the-art attention kernels. In this paper, we propose vAttention, a new approach for dynamic KV-cache memory management. In contrast to PagedAttention, vAttention stores KV-cache in contiguous virtual memory and leverages OS support for on-demand allocation of physical memory. vAttention thus enables one to use state-of-the art attention kernels out-of-the-box by adding support for dynamic allocation of physical memory without having to re-write their code. We implement vAttention in the vLLM serving stack to show that it also helps improve decode throughput by up to 1.99x over vLLM, and the end-to-end serving throughput by up to 1.22x and 1.29x, compared to using the state-of-the-art PagedAttention based kernels of FlashAttention and FlashInfer.

replace Rethinking Graph Backdoor Attacks: A Distribution-Preserving Perspective

Authors: Zhiwei Zhang, Minhua Lin, Enyan Dai, Suhang Wang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown remarkable performance in various tasks. However, recent works reveal that GNNs are vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Generally, backdoor attack poisons the graph by attaching backdoor triggers and the target class label to a set of nodes in the training graph. A GNN trained on the poisoned graph will then be misled to predict test nodes attached with trigger to the target class. Despite their effectiveness, our empirical analysis shows that triggers generated by existing methods tend to be out-of-distribution (OOD), which significantly differ from the clean data. Hence, these injected triggers can be easily detected and pruned with widely used outlier detection methods in real-world applications. Therefore, in this paper, we study a novel problem of unnoticeable graph backdoor attacks with in-distribution (ID) triggers. To generate ID triggers, we introduce an OOD detector in conjunction with an adversarial learning strategy to generate the attributes of the triggers within distribution. To ensure a high attack success rate with ID triggers, we introduce novel modules designed to enhance trigger memorization by the victim model trained on poisoned graph. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in generating in distribution triggers that can by-pass various defense strategies while maintaining a high attack success rate.

replace Unraveling overoptimism and publication bias in ML-driven science

Authors: Pouria Saidi, Gautam Dasarathy, Visar Berisha

Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) is increasingly used across many disciplines with impressive reported results. However, recent studies suggest published performance of ML models are often overoptimistic. Validity concerns are underscored by findings of an inverse relationship between sample size and reported accuracy in published ML models, contrasting with the theory of learning curves where accuracy should improve or remain stable with increasing sample size. This paper investigates factors contributing to overoptimism in ML-driven science, focusing on overfitting and publication bias. We introduce a novel stochastic model for observed accuracy, integrating parametric learning curves and the aforementioned biases. We construct an estimator that corrects for these biases in observed data. Theoretical and empirical results show that our framework can estimate the underlying learning curve, providing realistic performance assessments from published results. Applying the model to meta-analyses of classifications of neurological conditions, we estimate the inherent limits of ML-based prediction in each domain.

replace Less is More: Pseudo-Label Filtering for Continual Test-Time Adaptation

Authors: Jiayao Tan, Fan Lyu, Chenggong Ni, Tingliang Feng, Fuyuan Hu, Zhang Zhang, Shaochuang Zhao, Liang Wang

Abstract: Continual Test-Time Adaptation (CTTA) aims to adapt a pre-trained model to a sequence of target domains during the test phase without accessing the source data. To adapt to unlabeled data from unknown domains, existing methods rely on constructing pseudo-labels for all samples and updating the model through self-training. However, these pseudo-labels often involve noise, leading to insufficient adaptation. To improve the quality of pseudo-labels, we propose a pseudo-label selection method for CTTA, called Pseudo Labeling Filter (PLF). The key idea of PLF is to keep selecting appropriate thresholds for pseudo-labels and identify reliable ones for self-training. Specifically, we present three principles for setting thresholds during continuous domain learning, including initialization, growth and diversity. Based on these principles, we design Self-Adaptive Thresholding to filter pseudo-labels. Additionally, we introduce a Class Prior Alignment (CPA) method to encourage the model to make diverse predictions for unknown domain samples. Through extensive experiments, PLF outperforms current state-of-the-art methods, proving its effectiveness in CTTA.

replace Improving Alignment and Robustness with Circuit Breakers

Authors: Andy Zou, Long Phan, Justin Wang, Derek Duenas, Maxwell Lin, Maksym Andriushchenko, Rowan Wang, Zico Kolter, Matt Fredrikson, Dan Hendrycks

Abstract: AI systems can take harmful actions and are highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We present an approach, inspired by recent advances in representation engineering, that interrupts the models as they respond with harmful outputs with "circuit breakers." Existing techniques aimed at improving alignment, such as refusal training, are often bypassed. Techniques such as adversarial training try to plug these holes by countering specific attacks. As an alternative to refusal training and adversarial training, circuit-breaking directly controls the representations that are responsible for harmful outputs in the first place. Our technique can be applied to both text-only and multimodal language models to prevent the generation of harmful outputs without sacrificing utility -- even in the presence of powerful unseen attacks. Notably, while adversarial robustness in standalone image recognition remains an open challenge, circuit breakers allow the larger multimodal system to reliably withstand image "hijacks" that aim to produce harmful content. Finally, we extend our approach to AI agents, demonstrating considerable reductions in the rate of harmful actions when they are under attack. Our approach represents a significant step forward in the development of reliable safeguards to harmful behavior and adversarial attacks.

replace Under the Hood of Tabular Data Generation Models: the Strong Impact of Hyperparameter Tuning

Authors: G. Charbel N. Kindji (LACODAM), Lina Maria Rojas-Barahona (LACODAM), Elisa Fromont (LACODAM), Tanguy Urvoy

Abstract: We investigate the impact of dataset-specific hyperparameter, feature encoding, and architecture tuning on five recent model families for tabular data generation through an extensive benchmark on 16 datasets. This study addresses the practical need for a unified evaluation of models that fully considers hyperparameter optimization. Additionally, we propose a reduced search space for each model that allows for quick optimization, achieving nearly equivalent performance at a significantly lower cost.Our benchmark demonstrates that, for most models, large-scale dataset-specific tuning substantially improves performance compared to the original configurations. Furthermore, we confirm that diffusion-based models generally outperform other models on tabular data. However, this advantage is not significant when the entire tuning and training process is restricted to the same GPU budget for all models.

replace Jailbreaking as a Reward Misspecification Problem

Authors: Zhihui Xie, Jiahui Gao, Lei Li, Zhenguo Li, Qi Liu, Lingpeng Kong

Abstract: The widespread adoption of large language models (LLMs) has raised concerns about their safety and reliability, particularly regarding their vulnerability to adversarial attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel perspective that attributes this vulnerability to reward misspecification during the alignment process. We introduce a metric ReGap to quantify the extent of reward misspecification and demonstrate its effectiveness and robustness in detecting harmful backdoor prompts. Building upon these insights, we present ReMiss, a system for automated red teaming that generates adversarial prompts against various target aligned LLMs. ReMiss achieves state-of-the-art attack success rates on the AdvBench benchmark while preserving the human readability of the generated prompts. Detailed analysis highlights the unique advantages brought by the proposed reward misspecification objective compared to previous methods.

replace Early Classification of Time Series: Taxonomy and Benchmark

Authors: Aur\'elien Renault, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornu\'ejols, Vincent Lemaire

Abstract: In many situations, the measurements of a studied phenomenon are provided sequentially, and the prediction of its class needs to be made as early as possible so as not to incur too high a time penalty, but not too early and risk paying the cost of misclassification. This problem has been particularly studied in the case of time series, and is known as Early Classification of Time Series (ECTS). Although it has been the subject of a growing body of literature, there is still a lack of a systematic, shared evaluation protocol to compare the relative merits of the various existing methods. This document begins by situating these methods within a principle-based taxonomy. It defines dimensions for organizing their evaluation, and then reports the results of a very extensive set of experiments along these dimensions involving nine state-of-the art ECTS algorithms. In addition, these and other experiments can be carried out using an open-source library in which most of the existing ECTS algorithms have been implemented (see \url{}).


replace NeuFair: Neural Network Fairness Repair with Dropout

Authors: Vishnu Asutosh Dasu, Ashish Kumar, Saeid Tizpaz-Niari, Gang Tan

Abstract: This paper investigates neuron dropout as a post-processing bias mitigation for deep neural networks (DNNs). Neural-driven software solutions are increasingly applied in socially critical domains with significant fairness implications. While neural networks are exceptionally good at finding statistical patterns from data, they may encode and amplify existing biases from the historical data. Existing bias mitigation algorithms often require modifying the input dataset or the learning algorithms. We posit that the prevalent dropout methods that prevent over-fitting during training by randomly dropping neurons may be an effective and less intrusive approach to improve the fairness of pre-trained DNNs. However, finding the ideal set of neurons to drop is a combinatorial problem. We propose NeuFair, a family of post-processing randomized algorithms that mitigate unfairness in pre-trained DNNs via dropouts during inference after training. Our randomized search is guided by an objective to minimize discrimination while maintaining the model's utility. We show that our design of randomized algorithms is effective and efficient in improving fairness (up to 69%) with minimal or no model performance degradation. We provide intuitive explanations of these phenomena and carefully examine the influence of various hyperparameters of search algorithms on the results. Finally, we empirically and conceptually compare NeuFair to different state-of-the-art bias mitigators.

replace Fair Federated Data Clustering through Personalization: Bridging the Gap between Diverse Data Distributions

Authors: Shivam Gupta, Tarushi, Tsering Wangzes, Shweta Jain

Abstract: The rapid growth of data from edge devices has catalyzed the performance of machine learning algorithms. However, the data generated resides at client devices thus there are majorly two challenge faced by traditional machine learning paradigms - centralization of data for training and secondly for most the generated data the class labels are missing and there is very poor incentives to clients to manually label their data owing to high cost and lack of expertise. To overcome these issues, there have been initial attempts to handle unlabelled data in a privacy preserving distributed manner using unsupervised federated data clustering. The goal is partition the data available on clients into $k$ partitions (called clusters) without actual exchange of data. Most of the existing algorithms are highly dependent on data distribution patterns across clients or are computationally expensive. Furthermore, due to presence of skewed nature of data across clients in most of practical scenarios existing models might result in clients suffering high clustering cost making them reluctant to participate in federated process. To this, we are first to introduce the idea of personalization in federated clustering. The goal is achieve balance between achieving lower clustering cost and at same time achieving uniform cost across clients. We propose p-FClus that addresses these goal in a single round of communication between server and clients. We validate the efficacy of p-FClus against variety of federated datasets showcasing it's data independence nature, applicability to any finite $\ell$-norm, while simultaneously achieving lower cost and variance.

replace On scalable oversight with weak LLMs judging strong LLMs

Authors: Zachary Kenton, Noah Y. Siegel, J\'anos Kram\'ar, Jonah Brown-Cohen, Samuel Albanie, Jannis Bulian, Rishabh Agarwal, David Lindner, Yunhao Tang, Noah D. Goodman, Rohin Shah

Abstract: Scalable oversight protocols aim to enable humans to accurately supervise superhuman AI. In this paper we study debate, where two AI's compete to convince a judge; consultancy, where a single AI tries to convince a judge that asks questions; and compare to a baseline of direct question-answering, where the judge just answers outright without the AI. We use large language models (LLMs) as both AI agents and as stand-ins for human judges, taking the judge models to be weaker than agent models. We benchmark on a diverse range of asymmetries between judges and agents, extending previous work on a single extractive QA task with information asymmetry, to also include mathematics, coding, logic and multimodal reasoning asymmetries. We find that debate outperforms consultancy across all tasks when the consultant is randomly assigned to argue for the correct/incorrect answer. Comparing debate to direct question answering, the results depend on the type of task: in extractive QA tasks with information asymmetry debate outperforms direct question answering, but in other tasks without information asymmetry the results are mixed. Previous work assigned debaters/consultants an answer to argue for. When we allow them to instead choose which answer to argue for, we find judges are less frequently convinced by the wrong answer in debate than in consultancy. Further, we find that stronger debater models increase judge accuracy, though more modestly than in previous studies.

replace Structured Generations: Using Hierarchical Clusters to guide Diffusion Models

Authors: Jorge da Silva Goncalves, Laura Manduchi, Moritz Vandenhirtz, Julia E. Vogt

Abstract: This paper introduces Diffuse-TreeVAE, a deep generative model that integrates hierarchical clustering into the framework of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs). The proposed approach generates new images by sampling from a root embedding of a learned latent tree VAE-based structure, it then propagates through hierarchical paths, and utilizes a second-stage DDPM to refine and generate distinct, high-quality images for each data cluster. The result is a model that not only improves image clarity but also ensures that the generated samples are representative of their respective clusters, addressing the limitations of previous VAE-based methods and advancing the state of clustering-based generative modeling.

replace Feasibility Study on Active Learning of Smart Surrogates for Scientific Simulations

Authors: Pradeep Bajracharya, Javier Quetzalc\'oatl Toledo-Mar\'in, Geoffrey Fox, Shantenu Jha, Linwei Wang

Abstract: High-performance scientific simulations, important for comprehension of complex systems, encounter computational challenges especially when exploring extensive parameter spaces. There has been an increasing interest in developing deep neural networks (DNNs) as surrogate models capable of accelerating the simulations. However, existing approaches for training these DNN surrogates rely on extensive simulation data which are heuristically selected and generated with expensive computation -- a challenge under-explored in the literature. In this paper, we investigate the potential of incorporating active learning into DNN surrogate training. This allows intelligent and objective selection of training simulations, reducing the need to generate extensive simulation data as well as the dependency of the performance of DNN surrogates on pre-defined training simulations. In the problem context of constructing DNN surrogates for diffusion equations with sources, we examine the efficacy of diversity- and uncertainty-based strategies for selecting training simulations, considering two different DNN architecture. The results set the groundwork for developing the high-performance computing infrastructure for Smart Surrogates that supports on-the-fly generation of simulation data steered by active learning strategies to potentially improve the efficiency of scientific simulations.

replace PredBench: Benchmarking Spatio-Temporal Prediction across Diverse Disciplines

Authors: ZiDong Wang, Zeyu Lu, Di Huang, Tong He, Xihui Liu, Wanli Ouyang, Lei Bai

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce PredBench, a benchmark tailored for the holistic evaluation of spatio-temporal prediction networks. Despite significant progress in this field, there remains a lack of a standardized framework for a detailed and comparative analysis of various prediction network architectures. PredBench addresses this gap by conducting large-scale experiments, upholding standardized and appropriate experimental settings, and implementing multi-dimensional evaluations. This benchmark integrates 12 widely adopted methods with 15 diverse datasets across multiple application domains, offering extensive evaluation of contemporary spatio-temporal prediction networks. Through meticulous calibration of prediction settings across various applications, PredBench ensures evaluations relevant to their intended use and enables fair comparisons. Moreover, its multi-dimensional evaluation framework broadens the analysis with a comprehensive set of metrics, providing deep insights into the capabilities of models. The findings from our research offer strategic directions for future developments in the field. Our codebase is available at


replace-cross Asymmetric GANs for Image-to-Image Translation

Authors: Hao Tang, Nicu Sebe

Abstract: Existing models for unsupervised image translation with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can learn the mapping from the source domain to the target domain using a cycle-consistency loss. However, these methods always adopt a symmetric network architecture to learn both forward and backward cycles. Because of the task complexity and cycle input difference between the source and target domains, the inequality in bidirectional forward-backward cycle translations is significant and the amount of information between two domains is different. In this paper, we analyze the limitation of existing symmetric GANs in asymmetric translation tasks, and propose an AsymmetricGAN model with both translation and reconstruction generators of unequal sizes and different parameter-sharing strategy to adapt to the asymmetric need in both unsupervised and supervised image translation tasks. Moreover, the training stage of existing methods has the common problem of model collapse that degrades the quality of the generated images, thus we explore different optimization losses for better training of AsymmetricGAN, making image translation with higher consistency and better stability. Extensive experiments on both supervised and unsupervised generative tasks with 8 datasets show that AsymmetricGAN achieves superior model capacity and better generation performance compared with existing GANs. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to investigate the asymmetric GAN structure on both unsupervised and supervised image translation tasks.

replace-cross CLIP-PAE: Projection-Augmentation Embedding to Extract Relevant Features for a Disentangled, Interpretable, and Controllable Text-Guided Face Manipulation

Authors: Chenliang Zhou, Fangcheng Zhong, Cengiz Oztireli

Abstract: Recently introduced Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) bridges images and text by embedding them into a joint latent space. This opens the door to ample literature that aims to manipulate an input image by providing a textual explanation. However, due to the discrepancy between image and text embeddings in the joint space, using text embeddings as the optimization target often introduces undesired artifacts in the resulting images. Disentanglement, interpretability, and controllability are also hard to guarantee for manipulation. To alleviate these problems, we propose to define corpus subspaces spanned by relevant prompts to capture specific image characteristics. We introduce CLIP Projection-Augmentation Embedding (PAE) as an optimization target to improve the performance of text-guided image manipulation. Our method is a simple and general paradigm that can be easily computed and adapted, and smoothly incorporated into any CLIP-based image manipulation algorithm. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we conduct several theoretical and empirical studies. As a case study, we utilize the method for text-guided semantic face editing. We quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrate that PAE facilitates a more disentangled, interpretable, and controllable image manipulation with state-of-the-art quality and accuracy. Project page:


replace-cross Anatomy-aware and acquisition-agnostic joint registration with SynthMorph

Authors: Malte Hoffmann, Andrew Hoopes, Douglas N. Greve, Bruce Fischl, Adrian V. Dalca

Abstract: Affine image registration is a cornerstone of medical image analysis. While classical algorithms can achieve excellent accuracy, they solve a time-consuming optimization for every image pair. Deep-learning (DL) methods learn a function that maps an image pair to an output transform. Evaluating the function is fast, but capturing large transforms can be challenging, and networks tend to struggle if a test-image characteristic shifts from the training domain, such as resolution. Most affine methods are agnostic to the anatomy the user wishes to align, meaning the registration will be inaccurate if algorithms consider all structures in the image. We address these shortcomings with SynthMorph, a fast, symmetric, diffeomorphic, and easy-to-use DL tool for joint affine-deformable registration of any brain image without preprocessing. First, we leverage a strategy that trains networks with widely varying images synthesized from label maps, yielding robust performance for image types unseen at training. Second, we optimize the spatial overlap of select anatomical labels. This enables networks to distinguish anatomy of interest from irrelevant structures, removing the need for preprocessing that excludes content that may impinge on anatomy-specific registration. Third, we combine the affine model with a deformable hypernetwork that lets users choose the optimal deformation-field regularity for their specific data, at registration time, in a fraction of the time required by classical methods. We analyze how competing architectures learn affine transforms and compare state-of-the-art registration tools across an extremely diverse set of neuroimaging data, aiming to truly capture the behavior of methods in the real world. SynthMorph demonstrates high accuracy and is available at, as a single complete end-to-end solution for registration of brain MRI.


replace-cross MS-TCRNet: Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Recurrent Networks for Action Segmentation Using Sensor-Augmented Kinematics

Authors: Adam Goldbraikh, Omer Shubi, Or Rubin, Carla M Pugh, Shlomi Laufer

Abstract: Action segmentation is a challenging task in high-level process analysis, typically performed on video or kinematic data obtained from various sensors. This work presents two contributions related to action segmentation on kinematic data. Firstly, we introduce two versions of Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Recurrent Networks (MS-TCRNet), specifically designed for kinematic data. The architectures consist of a prediction generator with intra-stage regularization and Bidirectional LSTM or GRU-based refinement stages. Secondly, we propose two new data augmentation techniques, World Frame Rotation and Hand Inversion, which utilize the strong geometric structure of kinematic data to improve algorithm performance and robustness. We evaluate our models on three datasets of surgical suturing tasks: the Variable Tissue Simulation (VTS) Dataset and the newly introduced Bowel Repair Simulation (BRS) Dataset, both of which are open surgery simulation datasets collected by us, as well as the JHU-ISI Gesture and Skill Assessment Working Set (JIGSAWS), a well-known benchmark in robotic surgery. Our methods achieved state-of-the-art performance.

replace-cross Compressed Sensing: A Discrete Optimization Approach

Authors: Dimitris Bertsimas, Nicholas A. G. Johnson

Abstract: We study the Compressed Sensing (CS) problem, which is the problem of finding the most sparse vector that satisfies a set of linear measurements up to some numerical tolerance. We introduce an $\ell_2$ regularized formulation of CS which we reformulate as a mixed integer second order cone program. We derive a second order cone relaxation of this problem and show that under mild conditions on the regularization parameter, the resulting relaxation is equivalent to the well studied basis pursuit denoising problem. We present a semidefinite relaxation that strengthens the second order cone relaxation and develop a custom branch-and-bound algorithm that leverages our second order cone relaxation to solve small-scale instances of CS to certifiable optimality. When compared against solutions produced by three state of the art benchmark methods on synthetic data, our numerical results show that our approach produces solutions that are on average $6.22\%$ more sparse. When compared only against the experiment-wise best performing benchmark method on synthetic data, our approach produces solutions that are on average $3.10\%$ more sparse. On real world ECG data, for a given $\ell_2$ reconstruction error our approach produces solutions that are on average $9.95\%$ more sparse than benchmark methods ($3.88\%$ more sparse if only compared against the best performing benchmark), while for a given sparsity level our approach produces solutions that have on average $10.77\%$ lower reconstruction error than benchmark methods ($1.42\%$ lower error if only compared against the best performing benchmark). When used as a component of a multi-label classification algorithm, our approach achieves greater classification accuracy than benchmark compressed sensing methods. This improved accuracy comes at the cost of an increase in computation time by several orders of magnitude.

replace-cross A Survey on Deep Learning Hardware Accelerators for Heterogeneous HPC Platforms

Authors: Cristina Silvano, Daniele Ielmini, Fabrizio Ferrandi, Leandro Fiorin, Serena Curzel, Luca Benini, Francesco Conti, Angelo Garofalo, Cristian Zambelli, Enrico Calore, Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Maurizio Palesi, Giuseppe Ascia, Davide Patti, Nicola Petra, Davide De Caro, Luciano Lavagno, Teodoro Urso, Valeria Cardellini, Gian Carlo Cardarilli, Robert Birke, Stefania Perri

Abstract: Recent trends in deep learning (DL) imposed hardware accelerators as the most viable solution for several classes of high-performance computing (HPC) applications such as image classification, computer vision, and speech recognition. This survey summarizes and classifies the most recent advances in designing DL accelerators suitable to reach the performance requirements of HPC applications. In particular, it highlights the most advanced approaches to support deep learning accelerations including not only GPU and TPU-based accelerators but also design-specific hardware accelerators such as FPGA-based and ASIC-based accelerators, Neural Processing Units, open hardware RISC-V-based accelerators and co-processors. The survey also describes accelerators based on emerging memory technologies and computing paradigms, such as 3D-stacked Processor-In-Memory, non-volatile memories (mainly, Resistive RAM and Phase Change Memories) to implement in-memory computing, Neuromorphic Processing Units, and accelerators based on Multi-Chip Modules. Among emerging technologies, we also include some insights into quantum-based accelerators and photonics. To conclude, the survey classifies the most influential architectures and technologies proposed in the last years, with the purpose of offering the reader a comprehensive perspective in the rapidly evolving field of deep learning.

replace-cross ABC Easy as 123: A Blind Counter for Exemplar-Free Multi-Class Class-agnostic Counting

Authors: Michael A. Hobley, Victor A. Prisacariu

Abstract: Class-agnostic counting methods enumerate objects of an arbitrary class, providing tremendous utility in many fields. Prior works have limited usefulness as they require either a set of examples of the type to be counted or that the query image contains only a single type of object. A significant factor in these shortcomings is the lack of a dataset to properly address counting in settings with more than one kind of object present. To address these issues, we propose the first Multi-class, Class-Agnostic Counting dataset (MCAC) and A Blind Counter (ABC123), a method that can count multiple types of objects simultaneously without using examples of type during training or inference. ABC123 introduces a new paradigm where instead of requiring exemplars to guide the enumeration, examples are found after the counting stage to help a user understand the generated outputs. We show that ABC123 outperforms contemporary methods on MCAC without needing human in-the-loop annotations. We also show that this performance transfers to FSC-147, the standard class-agnostic counting dataset. MCAC is available at and ABC123 is available at

replace-cross A Comprehensive Review of Community Detection in Graphs

Authors: Jiakang Li, Songning Lai, Zhihao Shuai, Yuan Tan, Yifan Jia, Mianyang Yu, Zichen Song, Xiaokang Peng, Ziyang Xu, Yongxin Ni, Haifeng Qiu, Jiayu Yang, Yutong Liu, Yonggang Lu

Abstract: The study of complex networks has significantly advanced our understanding of community structures which serves as a crucial feature of real-world graphs. Detecting communities in graphs is a challenging problem with applications in sociology, biology, and computer science. Despite the efforts of an interdisciplinary community of scientists, a satisfactory solution to this problem has not yet been achieved. This review article delves into the topic of community detection in graphs, which serves as a thorough exposition of various community detection methods from perspectives of modularity-based method, spectral clustering, probabilistic modelling, and deep learning. Along with the methods, a new community detection method designed by us is also presented. Additionally, the performance of these methods on the datasets with and without ground truth is compared. In conclusion, this comprehensive review provides a deep understanding of community detection in graphs.

replace-cross Interventions Against Machine-Assisted Statistical Discrimination

Authors: John Y. Zhu

Abstract: I study statistical discrimination driven by verifiable beliefs, such as those generated by machine learning, rather than by humans. When beliefs are verifiable, interventions against statistical discrimination can move beyond simple, belief-free designs like affirmative action, to more sophisticated ones, that constrain decision makers based on what they are thinking. Such mind reading interventions can perform well where affirmative action does not, even when the minds being read are biased. My theory of belief-contingent intervention design sheds light on influential methods of regulating machine learning, and yields novel interventions robust to covariate shift and incorrect, biased beliefs.

replace-cross Benchmarking Generation and Evaluation Capabilities of Large Language Models for Instruction Controllable Summarization

Authors: Yixin Liu, Alexander R. Fabbri, Jiawen Chen, Yilun Zhao, Simeng Han, Shafiq Joty, Pengfei Liu, Dragomir Radev, Chien-Sheng Wu, Arman Cohan

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) can already achieve strong performance on standard generic summarization benchmarks, their performance on more complex summarization task settings is less studied. Therefore, we benchmark LLMs on instruction controllable text summarization, where the model input consists of both a source article and a natural language requirement for desired summary characteristics. To this end, we curate an evaluation-only dataset for this task setting and conduct human evaluations of five LLM-based systems to assess their instruction-following capabilities in controllable summarization. We then benchmark LLM-based automatic evaluation for this task with 4 different evaluation protocols and 11 LLMs, resulting in 40 evaluation methods. Our study reveals that instruction controllable text summarization remains a challenging task for LLMs, since (1) all LLMs evaluated still make factual and other types of errors in their summaries; (2) no LLM-based evaluation methods can achieve a strong alignment with human annotators when judging the quality of candidate summaries; (3) different LLMs show large performance gaps in summary generation and evaluation capabilities. We make our collected benchmark InstruSum publicly available to facilitate future research in this direction.

replace-cross DiG-IN: Diffusion Guidance for Investigating Networks -- Uncovering Classifier Differences Neuron Visualisations and Visual Counterfactual Explanations

Authors: Maximilian Augustin, Yannic Neuhaus, Matthias Hein

Abstract: While deep learning has led to huge progress in complex image classification tasks like ImageNet, unexpected failure modes, e.g. via spurious features, call into question how reliably these classifiers work in the wild. Furthermore, for safety-critical tasks the black-box nature of their decisions is problematic, and explanations or at least methods which make decisions plausible are needed urgently. In this paper, we address these problems by generating images that optimize a classifier-derived objective using a framework for guided image generation. We analyze the decisions of image classifiers by visual counterfactual explanations (VCEs), detection of systematic mistakes by analyzing images where classifiers maximally disagree, and visualization of neurons and spurious features. In this way, we validate existing observations, e.g. the shape bias of adversarially robust models, as well as novel failure modes, e.g. systematic errors of zero-shot CLIP classifiers. Moreover, our VCEs outperform previous work while being more versatile.

replace-cross 3DReact: Geometric deep learning for chemical reactions

Authors: Puck van Gerwen, Ksenia R. Briling, Charlotte Bunne, Vignesh Ram Somnath, Ruben Laplaza, Andreas Krause, Clemence Corminboeuf

Abstract: Geometric deep learning models, which incorporate the relevant molecular symmetries within the neural network architecture, have considerably improved the accuracy and data efficiency of predictions of molecular properties. Building on this success, we introduce 3DReact, a geometric deep learning model to predict reaction properties from three-dimensional structures of reactants and products. We demonstrate that the invariant version of the model is sufficient for existing reaction datasets. We illustrate its competitive performance on the prediction of activation barriers on the GDB7-22-TS, Cyclo-23-TS and Proparg-21-TS datasets in different atom-mapping regimes. We show that, compared to existing models for reaction property prediction, 3DReact offers a flexible framework that exploits atom-mapping information, if available, as well as geometries of reactants and products (in an invariant or equivariant fashion). Accordingly, it performs systematically well across different datasets, atom-mapping regimes, as well as both interpolation and extrapolation tasks.

replace-cross DISTINQT: A Distributed Privacy Aware Learning Framework for QoS Prediction for Future Mobile and Wireless Networks

Authors: Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Lina Magoula, Ioannis Stavrakakis, Nancy Alonistioti, M. A. Gutierrez-Estevez, Ramin Khalili

Abstract: Beyond 5G and 6G networks are expected to support new and challenging use cases and applications that depend on a certain level of Quality of Service (QoS) to operate smoothly. Predicting the QoS in a timely manner is of high importance, especially for safety-critical applications as in the case of vehicular communications. Although until recent years the QoS prediction has been carried out by centralized Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions, a number of privacy, computational, and operational concerns have emerged. Alternative solutions have surfaced (e.g. Split Learning, Federated Learning), distributing AI tasks of reduced complexity across nodes, while preserving the privacy of the data. However, new challenges rise when it comes to scalable distributed learning approaches, taking into account the heterogeneous nature of future wireless networks. The current work proposes DISTINQT, a novel multi-headed input privacy-aware distributed learning framework for QoS prediction. Our framework supports multiple heterogeneous nodes, in terms of data types and model architectures, by sharing computations across them. This enables the incorporation of diverse knowledge into a sole learning process that will enhance the robustness and generalization capabilities of the final QoS prediction model. DISTINQT also contributes to data privacy preservation by encoding any raw input data into highly complex, compressed, and irreversible latent representations before any transmission. Evaluation results showcase that DISTINQT achieves a statistically identical performance compared to its centralized version, while also proving the validity of the privacy preserving claims. DISTINQT manages to achieve a reduction in prediction error of up to 65% on average against six state-of-the-art centralized baseline solutions presented in the Tele-Operated Driving use case.

replace-cross Applications of artificial intelligence in the analysis of histopathology images of gliomas: a review

Authors: Jan-Philipp Redlich, Friedrich Feuerhake, Joachim Weis, Nadine S. Schaadt, Sarah Teuber-Hanselmann, Christoph Buck, Sabine Luttmann, Andrea Eberle, Stefan Nikolin, Arno Appenzeller, Andreas Portmann, Andr\'e Homeyer

Abstract: In recent years, the diagnosis of gliomas has become increasingly complex. Analysis of glioma histopathology images using artificial intelligence (AI) offers new opportunities to support diagnosis and outcome prediction. To give an overview of the current state of research, this review examines 83 publicly available research studies that have proposed AI-based methods for whole-slide histopathology images of human gliomas, covering the diagnostic tasks of subtyping (23/83), grading (27/83), molecular marker prediction (20/83), and survival prediction (29/83). All studies were reviewed with regard to methodological aspects as well as clinical applicability. It was found that the focus of current research is the assessment of hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections of adult-type diffuse gliomas. The majority of studies (52/83) are based on the publicly available glioblastoma and low-grade glioma datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and only a few studies employed other datasets in isolation (16/83) or in addition to the TCGA datasets (15/83). Current approaches mostly rely on convolutional neural networks (63/83) for analyzing tissue at 20x magnification (35/83). A new field of research is the integration of clinical data, omics data, or magnetic resonance imaging (29/83). So far, AI-based methods have achieved promising results, but are not yet used in real clinical settings. Future work should focus on the independent validation of methods on larger, multi-site datasets with high-quality and up-to-date clinical and molecular pathology annotations to demonstrate routine applicability.

replace-cross GPT-4 Generated Narratives of Life Events using a Structured Narrative Prompt: A Validation Study

Authors: Christopher J. Lynch, Erik Jensen, Madison H. Munro, Virginia Zamponi, Joseph Martinez, Kevin O'Brien, Brandon Feldhaus, Katherine Smith, Ann Marie Reinhold, Ross Gore

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) play a pivotal role in generating vast arrays of narratives, facilitating a systematic exploration of their effectiveness for communicating life events in narrative form. In this study, we employ a zero-shot structured narrative prompt to generate 24,000 narratives using OpenAI's GPT-4. From this dataset, we manually classify 2,880 narratives and evaluate their validity in conveying birth, death, hiring, and firing events. Remarkably, 87.43% of the narratives sufficiently convey the intention of the structured prompt. To automate the identification of valid and invalid narratives, we train and validate nine Machine Learning models on the classified datasets. Leveraging these models, we extend our analysis to predict the classifications of the remaining 21,120 narratives. All the ML models excelled at classifying valid narratives as valid, but experienced challenges at simultaneously classifying invalid narratives as invalid. Our findings not only advance the study of LLM capabilities, limitations, and validity but also offer practical insights for narrative generation and natural language processing applications.

replace-cross Learning Contrastive Feature Representations for Facial Action Unit Detection

Authors: Ziqiao Shang, Bin Liu, Fengmao Lv, Fei Teng, Tianrui Li

Abstract: Facial action unit (AU) detection has long encountered the challenge of detecting subtle feature differences when AUs activate. Existing methods often rely on encoding pixel-level information of AUs, which not only encodes additional redundant information but also leads to increased model complexity and limited generalizability. Additionally, the accuracy of AU detection is negatively impacted by the class imbalance issue of each AU type, and the presence of noisy and false AU labels. In this paper, we introduce a novel contrastive learning framework aimed for AU detection that incorporates both self-supervised and supervised signals, thereby enhancing the learning of discriminative features for accurate AU detection. To tackle the class imbalance issue, we employ a negative sample re-weighting strategy that adjusts the step size of updating parameters for minority and majority class samples. Moreover, to address the challenges posed by noisy and false AU labels, we employ a sampling technique that encompasses three distinct types of positive sample pairs. This enables us to inject self-supervised signals into the supervised signal, effectively mitigating the adverse effects of noisy labels. Our experimental assessments, conducted on four widely-utilized benchmark datasets (BP4D, DISFA, GFT and Aff-Wild2), underscore the superior performance of our approach compared to state-of-the-art methods of AU detection. Our code is available at \url{}.


replace-cross Comparing supervised learning dynamics: Deep neural networks match human data efficiency but show a generalisation lag

Authors: Lukas S. Huber, Fred W. Mast, Felix A. Wichmann

Abstract: Recent research has seen many behavioral comparisons between humans and deep neural networks (DNNs) in the domain of image classification. Often, comparison studies focus on the end-result of the learning process by measuring and comparing the similarities in the representations of object categories once they have been formed. However, the process of how these representations emerge -- that is, the behavioral changes and intermediate stages observed during the acquisition -- is less often directly and empirically compared. Here we report a detailed investigation of the learning dynamics in human observers and various classic and state-of-the-art DNNs. We develop a constrained supervised learning environment to align learning-relevant conditions such as starting point, input modality, available input data and the feedback provided. Across the whole learning process we evaluate and compare how well learned representations can be generalized to previously unseen test data. Comparisons across the entire learning process indicate that DNNs demonstrate a level of data efficiency comparable to human learners, challenging some prevailing assumptions in the field. However, our results also reveal representational differences: while DNNs' learning is characterized by a pronounced generalisation lag, humans appear to immediately acquire generalizable representations without a preliminary phase of learning training set-specific information that is only later transferred to novel data.

replace-cross Instruction Tuning for Secure Code Generation

Authors: Jingxuan He, Mark Vero, Gabriela Krasnopolska, Martin Vechev

Abstract: Modern language models (LMs) have gained widespread acceptance in everyday and professional contexts, particularly in programming. An essential procedure enabling this adoption is instruction tuning, which substantially enhances LMs' practical utility by training them to follow user instructions and human preferences. However, existing instruction tuning schemes overlook a crucial aspect: the security of generated code. As a result, even the state-of-the-art instruction-tuned LMs frequently produce unsafe code, posing significant security risks. In this work, we introduce SafeCoder to address this gap. SafeCoder performs security-centric fine-tuning using a diverse and high-quality dataset that we collected using an automated pipeline. We integrate the security fine-tuning with standard instruction tuning, to facilitate a joint optimization of both security and utility. Despite its simplicity, we show that SafeCoder is effective across a variety of popular LMs and datasets. It is able to drastically improve security (by about 30%), while preserving utility.

replace-cross Chasing Convex Functions with Long-term Constraints

Authors: Adam Lechowicz, Nicolas Christianson, Bo Sun, Noman Bashir, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, Adam Wierman, Prashant Shenoy

Abstract: We introduce and study a family of online metric problems with long-term constraints. In these problems, an online player makes decisions $\mathbf{x}_t$ in a metric space $(X,d)$ to simultaneously minimize their hitting cost $f_t(\mathbf{x}_t)$ and switching cost as determined by the metric. Over the time horizon $T$, the player must satisfy a long-term demand constraint $\sum_{t} c(\mathbf{x}_t) \geq 1$, where $c(\mathbf{x}_t)$ denotes the fraction of demand satisfied at time $t$. Such problems can find a wide array of applications to online resource allocation in sustainable energy/computing systems. We devise optimal competitive and learning-augmented algorithms for the case of bounded hitting cost gradients and weighted $\ell_1$ metrics, and further show that our proposed algorithms perform well in numerical experiments.

replace-cross Towards Unified Task Embeddings Across Multiple Models: Bridging the Gap for Prompt-Based Large Language Models and Beyond

Authors: Xinyu Wang, Hainiu Xu, Lin Gui, Yulan He

Abstract: Task embedding, a meta-learning technique that captures task-specific information, has gained popularity, especially in areas such as multi-task learning, model editing, and interpretability. However, it faces challenges with the emergence of prompt-guided Large Language Models (LLMs) operating in a gradient-free manner. Existing task embedding methods rely on fine-tuned, task-specific language models, which hinders the adaptability of task embeddings across diverse models, especially prompt-based LLMs. To hardness the potential of task embeddings in the era of LLMs, we propose a framework for unified task embeddings (FUTE), harmonizing task embeddings from various models, including smaller language models and LLMs with varied prompts, within a single vector space. Such uniformity enables comparison and analysis of similarities amongst different models, broadening the scope and utility of existing task embedding methods in multi-model scenarios, while maintaining their performance comparable to architecture-specific methods.

replace-cross Latent Dataset Distillation with Diffusion Models

Authors: Brian B. Moser, Federico Raue, Sebastian Palacio, Stanislav Frolov, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Machine learning traditionally relies on increasingly larger datasets. Yet, such datasets pose major storage challenges and usually contain non-influential samples, which could be ignored during training without negatively impacting the training quality. In response, the idea of distilling a dataset into a condensed set of synthetic samples, i.e., a distilled dataset, emerged. One key aspect is the selected architecture, usually ConvNet, for linking the original and synthetic datasets. However, the final accuracy is lower if the employed model architecture differs from that used during distillation. Another challenge is the generation of high-resolution images (128x128 and higher). To address both challenges, this paper proposes Latent Dataset Distillation with Diffusion Models (LD3M) that combine diffusion in latent space with dataset distillation. Our novel diffusion process is tailored for this task and significantly improves the gradient flow for distillation. By adjusting the number of diffusion steps, LD3M also offers a convenient way of controlling the trade-off between distillation speed and dataset quality. Overall, LD3M consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods by up to 4.8 p.p. and 4.2 p.p. for 1 and 10 images per class, respectively, and on several ImageNet subsets and high resolutions (128x128 and 256x256).

replace-cross StainFuser: Controlling Diffusion for Faster Neural Style Transfer in Multi-Gigapixel Histology Images

Authors: Robert Jewsbury, Ruoyu Wang, Abhir Bhalerao, Nasir Rajpoot, Quoc Dang Vu

Abstract: Stain normalization algorithms aim to transform the color and intensity characteristics of a source multi-gigapixel histology image to match those of a target image, mitigating inconsistencies in the appearance of stains used to highlight cellular components in the images. We propose a new approach, StainFuser, which treats this problem as a style transfer task using a novel Conditional Latent Diffusion architecture, eliminating the need for handcrafted color components. With this method, we curate SPI-2M the largest stain normalization dataset to date of over 2 million histology images with neural style transfer for high-quality transformations. Trained on this data, StainFuser outperforms current state-of-the-art deep learning and handcrafted methods in terms of the quality of normalized images and in terms of downstream model performance on the CoNIC dataset.

replace-cross State space representations of the Roesser type for convolutional layers

Authors: Patricia Pauli, Dennis Gramlich, Frank Allg\"ower

Abstract: From the perspective of control theory, convolutional layers (of neural networks) are 2-D (or N-D) linear time-invariant dynamical systems. The usual representation of convolutional layers by the convolution kernel corresponds to the representation of a dynamical system by its impulse response. However, many analysis tools from control theory, e.g., involving linear matrix inequalities, require a state space representation. For this reason, we explicitly provide a state space representation of the Roesser type for 2-D convolutional layers with $c_\mathrm{in}r_1 + c_\mathrm{out}r_2$ states, where $c_\mathrm{in}$/$c_\mathrm{out}$ is the number of input/output channels of the layer and $r_1$/$r_2$ characterizes the width/length of the convolution kernel. This representation is shown to be minimal for $c_\mathrm{in} = c_\mathrm{out}$. We further construct state space representations for dilated, strided, and N-D convolutions.

replace-cross EnvGen: Generating and Adapting Environments via LLMs for Training Embodied Agents

Authors: Abhay Zala, Jaemin Cho, Han Lin, Jaehong Yoon, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Recent SOTA approaches for embodied learning via interaction directly employ large language models (LLMs) as agents to determine the next steps in an environment. Due to their world knowledge and reasoning capabilities, LLM agents achieve stronger performance than previous smaller agents based on reinforcement learning (RL); however, frequently calling LLMs is slow and expensive. Instead of directly employing LLMs as agents, can we use LLMs' reasoning capabilities to adaptively create training environments to help smaller RL agents learn useful skills that they are weak at? We propose EnvGen, a novel framework to address this question. We first prompt an LLM to generate training environments by giving it the task description and simulator objectives that the agents should learn and then asking it to generate a set of environment configurations (e.g., different terrains, items initially given to agents, etc.). Next, we train a small RL agent in a mixture of the original and LLM-generated environments. Then, we enable the LLM to continuously adapt the generated environments to progressively improve the skills that the agent is weak at, by providing feedback to the LLM in the form of the agent's performance. We demonstrate the usefulness of EnvGen with comprehensive experiments in Crafter and Heist environments. We find that a small RL agent trained with EnvGen can outperform SOTA methods, including a GPT-4 agent, and learns long-horizon tasks significantly faster. We also show that using an LLM to adapt environments dynamically outperforms curriculum learning approaches and how the environments are adapted to help improve RL agents' weaker skills over time. Additionally, EnvGen is substantially more efficient as it only uses a small number of LLM calls (e.g., 4 in total), whereas LLM agents require thousands of calls. Lastly, we present detailed ablation studies for EnvGen design choices.

replace-cross BaCon: Boosting Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning via Balanced Feature-Level Contrastive Learning

Authors: Qianhan Feng, Lujing Xie, Shijie Fang, Tong Lin

Abstract: Semi-supervised Learning (SSL) reduces the need for extensive annotations in deep learning, but the more realistic challenge of imbalanced data distribution in SSL remains largely unexplored. In Class Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning (CISSL), the bias introduced by unreliable pseudo-labels can be exacerbated by imbalanced data distributions. Most existing methods address this issue at instance-level through reweighting or resampling, but the performance is heavily limited by their reliance on biased backbone representation. Some other methods do perform feature-level adjustments like feature blending but might introduce unfavorable noise. In this paper, we discuss the bonus of a more balanced feature distribution for the CISSL problem, and further propose a Balanced Feature-Level Contrastive Learning method (BaCon). Our method directly regularizes the distribution of instances' representations in a well-designed contrastive manner. Specifically, class-wise feature centers are computed as the positive anchors, while negative anchors are selected by a straightforward yet effective mechanism. A distribution-related temperature adjustment is leveraged to control the class-wise contrastive degrees dynamically. Our method demonstrates its effectiveness through comprehensive experiments on the CIFAR10-LT, CIFAR100-LT, STL10-LT, and SVHN-LT datasets across various settings. For example, BaCon surpasses instance-level method FixMatch-based ABC on CIFAR10-LT with a 1.21% accuracy improvement, and outperforms state-of-the-art feature-level method CoSSL on CIFAR100-LT with a 0.63% accuracy improvement. When encountering more extreme imbalance degree, BaCon also shows better robustness than other methods.

replace-cross OTSeg: Multi-prompt Sinkhorn Attention for Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Kwanyoung Kim, Yujin Oh, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: The recent success of CLIP has demonstrated promising results in zero-shot semantic segmentation by transferring muiltimodal knowledge to pixel-level classification. However, leveraging pre-trained CLIP knowledge to closely align text embeddings with pixel embeddings still has limitations in existing approaches. To address this issue, we propose OTSeg, a novel multimodal attention mechanism aimed at enhancing the potential of multiple text prompts for matching associated pixel embeddings. We first propose Multi-Prompts Sinkhorn (MPS) based on the Optimal Transport (OT) algorithm, which leads multiple text prompts to selectively focus on various semantic features within image pixels. Moreover, inspired by the success of Sinkformers in unimodal settings, we introduce the extension of MPS, called Multi-Prompts Sinkhorn Attention (MPSA) , which effectively replaces cross-attention mechanisms within Transformer framework in multimodal settings. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that OTSeg achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance with significant gains on Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation (ZS3) tasks across three benchmark datasets.

replace-cross NeuSDFusion: A Spatial-Aware Generative Model for 3D Shape Completion, Reconstruction, and Generation

Authors: Ruikai Cui, Weizhe Liu, Weixuan Sun, Senbo Wang, Taizhang Shang, Yang Li, Xibin Song, Han Yan, Zhennan Wu, Shenzhou Chen, Hongdong Li, Pan Ji

Abstract: 3D shape generation aims to produce innovative 3D content adhering to specific conditions and constraints. Existing methods often decompose 3D shapes into a sequence of localized components, treating each element in isolation without considering spatial consistency. As a result, these approaches exhibit limited versatility in 3D data representation and shape generation, hindering their ability to generate highly diverse 3D shapes that comply with the specified constraints. In this paper, we introduce a novel spatial-aware 3D shape generation framework that leverages 2D plane representations for enhanced 3D shape modeling. To ensure spatial coherence and reduce memory usage, we incorporate a hybrid shape representation technique that directly learns a continuous signed distance field representation of the 3D shape using orthogonal 2D planes. Additionally, we meticulously enforce spatial correspondences across distinct planes using a transformer-based autoencoder structure, promoting the preservation of spatial relationships in the generated 3D shapes. This yields an algorithm that consistently outperforms state-of-the-art 3D shape generation methods on various tasks, including unconditional shape generation, multi-modal shape completion, single-view reconstruction, and text-to-shape synthesis. Our project page is available at .


replace-cross ProLLM: Protein Chain-of-Thoughts Enhanced LLM for Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction

Authors: Mingyu Jin, Haochen Xue, Zhenting Wang, Boming Kang, Ruosong Ye, Kaixiong Zhou, Mengnan Du, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: The prediction of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) is crucial for understanding biological functions and diseases. Previous machine learning approaches to PPI prediction mainly focus on direct physical interactions, ignoring the broader context of nonphysical connections through intermediate proteins, thus limiting their effectiveness. The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) provides a new opportunity for addressing this complex biological challenge. By transforming structured data into natural language prompts, we can map the relationships between proteins into texts. This approach allows LLMs to identify indirect connections between proteins, tracing the path from upstream to downstream. Therefore, we propose a novel framework ProLLM that employs an LLM tailored for PPI for the first time. Specifically, we propose Protein Chain of Thought (ProCoT), which replicates the biological mechanism of signaling pathways as natural language prompts. ProCoT considers a signaling pathway as a protein reasoning process, which starts from upstream proteins and passes through several intermediate proteins to transmit biological signals to downstream proteins. Thus, we can use ProCoT to predict the interaction between upstream proteins and downstream proteins. The training of ProLLM employs the ProCoT format, which enhances the model's understanding of complex biological problems. In addition to ProCoT, this paper also contributes to the exploration of embedding replacement of protein sites in natural language prompts, and instruction fine-tuning in protein knowledge datasets. We demonstrate the efficacy of ProLLM through rigorous validation against benchmark datasets, showing significant improvement over existing methods in terms of prediction accuracy and generalizability. The code is available at:


replace-cross VS-PINN: A fast and efficient training of physics-informed neural networks using variable-scaling methods for solving PDEs with stiff behavior

Authors: Seungchan Ko, Sang Hyeon Park

Abstract: Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have recently emerged as a promising way to compute the solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs) using deep neural networks. However, despite their significant success in various fields, it remains unclear in many aspects how to effectively train PINNs if the solutions of PDEs exhibit stiff behaviors or high frequencies. In this paper, we propose a new method for training PINNs using variable-scaling techniques. This method is simple and it can be applied to a wide range of problems including PDEs with rapidly-varying solutions. Throughout various numerical experiments, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for these problems and confirm that it can significantly improve the training efficiency and performance of PINNs. Furthermore, based on the analysis of the neural tangent kernel (NTK), we will provide theoretical evidence for this phenomenon and show that our methods can indeed improve the performance of PINNs.

replace-cross ImageFlowNet: Forecasting Multiscale Trajectories of Disease Progression with Irregularly-Sampled Longitudinal Medical Images

Authors: Chen Liu, Ke Xu, Liangbo L. Shen, Guillaume Huguet, Zilong Wang, Alexander Tong, Danilo Bzdok, Jay Stewart, Jay C. Wang, Lucian V. Del Priore, Smita Krishnaswamy

Abstract: The forecasting of disease progression from images is a holy grail for clinical decision making. However, this task is complicated by the inherent high dimensionality, temporal sparsity and sampling irregularity in longitudinal image acquisitions. Existing methods often rely on extracting hand-crafted features and performing time-series analysis in this vector space, leading to a loss of rich spatial information within the images. To overcome these challenges, we introduce ImageFlowNet, a novel framework that learns latent-space flow fields that evolve multiscale representations in joint embedding spaces using neural ODEs and SDEs to model disease progression in the image domain. Notably, ImageFlowNet learns multiscale joint representation spaces by combining cohorts of patients together so that information can be transferred between the patient samples. The dynamics then provide plausible trajectories of progression, with the SDE providing alternative trajectories from the same starting point. We provide theoretical insights that support our formulation of ODEs, and motivate our regularizations involving high-level visual features, latent space organization, and trajectory smoothness. We then demonstrate ImageFlowNet's effectiveness through empirical evaluations on three longitudinal medical image datasets depicting progression in retinal geographic atrophy, multiple sclerosis, and glioblastoma.

replace-cross Beyond Statistical Estimation: Differentially Private Individual Computation via Shuffling

Authors: Shaowei Wang, Changyu Dong, Xiangfu Song, Jin Li, Zhili Zhou, Di Wang, Han Wu

Abstract: In data-driven applications, preserving user privacy while enabling valuable computations remains a critical challenge. Technologies like Differential Privacy (DP) have been pivotal in addressing these concerns. The shuffle model of DP requires no trusted curators and can achieve high utility by leveraging the privacy amplification effect yielded from shuffling. These benefits have led to significant interest in the shuffle model. However, the computation tasks in the shuffle model are limited to statistical estimation, making the shuffle model inapplicable to real-world scenarios in which each user requires a personalized output. This paper introduces a novel paradigm termed Private Individual Computation (PIC), expanding the shuffle model to support a broader range of permutation-equivariant computations. PIC enables personalized outputs while preserving privacy, and enjoys privacy amplification through shuffling. We propose a concrete protocol that realizes PIC. By using one-time public keys, our protocol enables users to receive their outputs without compromising anonymity, which is essential for privacy amplification. Additionally, we present an optimal randomizer, the Minkowski Response, designed for the PIC model to enhance utility. We formally prove the security and privacy properties of the PIC protocol. Theoretical analysis and empirical evaluations demonstrate PIC's capability in handling non-statistical computation tasks, and the efficacy of PIC and the Minkowski randomizer in achieving superior utility compared to existing solutions.

replace-cross Gloss2Text: Sign Language Gloss translation using LLMs and Semantically Aware Label Smoothing

Authors: Pooya Fayyazsanavi, Antonios Anastasopoulos, Jana Ko\v{s}eck\'a

Abstract: Sign language translation from video to spoken text presents unique challenges owing to the distinct grammar, expression nuances, and high variation of visual appearance across different speakers and contexts. The intermediate gloss annotations of videos aim to guide the translation process. In our work, we focus on {\em Gloss2Text} translation stage and propose several advances by leveraging pre-trained large language models (LLMs), data augmentation, and novel label-smoothing loss function exploiting gloss translation ambiguities improving significantly the performance of state-of-the-art approaches. Through extensive experiments and ablation studies on the PHOENIX Weather 2014T dataset, our approach surpasses state-of-the-art performance in {\em Gloss2Text} translation, indicating its efficacy in addressing sign language translation and suggesting promising avenues for future research and development.

replace-cross Needle in the Haystack for Memory Based Large Language Models

Authors: Elliot Nelson, Georgios Kollias, Payel Das, Subhajit Chaudhury, Soham Dan

Abstract: Current large language models (LLMs) often perform poorly on simple fact retrieval tasks. Here we investigate if coupling a dynamically adaptable external memory to a LLM can alleviate this problem. For this purpose, we test Larimar, a recently proposed language model architecture which uses an external associative memory, on long-context recall tasks including passkey and needle-in-the-haystack tests. We demonstrate that the external memory of Larimar, which allows fast write and read of an episode of text samples, can be used at test time to handle contexts much longer than those seen during training. We further show that the latent readouts from the memory (to which long contexts are written) control the decoder towards generating correct outputs, with the memory stored off of the GPU. Compared to existing transformer-based LLM architectures for long-context recall tasks that use larger parameter counts or modified attention mechanisms, a relatively smaller size Larimar is able to maintain strong performance without any task-specific training or training on longer contexts.

replace-cross Data Overfitting for On-Device Super-Resolution with Dynamic Algorithm and Compiler Co-Design

Authors: Gen Li, Zhihao Shu, Jie Ji, Minghai Qin, Fatemeh Afghah, Wei Niu, Xiaolong Ma

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are frequently employed in a variety of computer vision applications. Nowadays, an emerging trend in the current video distribution system is to take advantage of DNN's overfitting properties to perform video resolution upscaling. By splitting videos into chunks and applying a super-resolution (SR) model to overfit each chunk, this scheme of SR models plus video chunks is able to replace traditional video transmission to enhance video quality and transmission efficiency. However, many models and chunks are needed to guarantee high performance, which leads to tremendous overhead on model switching and memory footprints at the user end. To resolve such problems, we propose a Dynamic Deep neural network assisted by a Content-Aware data processing pipeline to reduce the model number down to one (Dy-DCA), which helps promote performance while conserving computational resources. Additionally, to achieve real acceleration on the user end, we designed a framework that optimizes dynamic features (e.g., dynamic shapes, sizes, and control flow) in Dy-DCA to enable a series of compilation optimizations, including fused code generation, static execution planning, etc. By employing such techniques, our method achieves better PSNR and real-time performance (33 FPS) on an off-the-shelf mobile phone. Meanwhile, assisted by our compilation optimization, we achieve a 1.7$\times$ speedup while saving up to 1.61$\times$ memory consumption. Code available in


replace-cross Aligning Cyber Space with Physical World: A Comprehensive Survey on Embodied AI

Authors: Yang Liu, Weixing Chen, Yongjie Bai, Jingzhou Luo, Xinshuai Song, Kaixuan Jiang, Zhida Li, Ganlong Zhao, Junyi Lin, Guanbin Li, Wen Gao, Liang Lin

Abstract: Embodied Artificial Intelligence (Embodied AI) is crucial for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and serves as a foundation for various applications that bridge cyberspace and the physical world. Recently, the emergence of Multi-modal Large Models (MLMs) and World Models (WMs) have attracted significant attention due to their remarkable perception, interaction, and reasoning capabilities, making them a promising architecture for the brain of embodied agents. However, there is no comprehensive survey for Embodied AI in the era of MLMs. In this survey, we give a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in Embodied AI. Our analysis firstly navigates through the forefront of representative works of embodied robots and simulators, to fully understand the research focuses and their limitations. Then, we analyze four main research targets: 1) embodied perception, 2) embodied interaction, 3) embodied agent, and 4) sim-to-real adaptation, covering the state-of-the-art methods, essential paradigms, and comprehensive datasets. Additionally, we explore the complexities of MLMs in virtual and real embodied agents, highlighting their significance in facilitating interactions in dynamic digital and physical environments. Finally, we summarize the challenges and limitations of embodied AI and discuss their potential future directions. We hope this survey will serve as a foundational reference for the research community and inspire continued innovation. The associated project can be found at


replace-cross Identification and Estimation of the Bi-Directional MR with Some Invalid Instruments

Authors: Feng Xie, Zhen Yao, Lin Xie, Yan Zeng, Zhi Geng

Abstract: We consider the challenging problem of estimating causal effects from purely observational data in the bi-directional Mendelian randomization (MR), where some invalid instruments, as well as unmeasured confounding, usually exist. To address this problem, most existing methods attempt to find proper valid instrumental variables (IVs) for the target causal effect by expert knowledge or by assuming that the causal model is a one-directional MR model. As such, in this paper, we first theoretically investigate the identification of the bi-directional MR from observational data. In particular, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which valid IV sets are correctly identified such that the bi-directional MR model is identifiable, including the causal directions of a pair of phenotypes (i.e., the treatment and outcome). Moreover, based on the identification theory, we develop a cluster fusion-like method to discover valid IV sets and estimate the causal effects of interest. We theoretically demonstrate the correctness of the proposed algorithm. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our method for estimating causal effects in bi-directional MR.