new Is GPT-4 conscious?

Authors: Izak Tait, Joshua Bensemann, Ziqi Wang

Abstract: GPT-4 is often heralded as a leading commercial AI offering, sparking debates over its potential as a steppingstone toward artificial general intelligence. But does it possess consciousness? This paper investigates this key question using the nine qualitative measurements of the Building Blocks theory. GPT-4's design, architecture and implementation are compared to each of the building blocks of consciousness to determine whether it has achieved the requisite milestones to be classified as conscious or, if not, how close to consciousness GPT-4 is. Our assessment is that, while GPT-4 in its native configuration is not currently conscious, current technological research and development is sufficient to modify GPT-4 to have all the building blocks of consciousness. Consequently, we argue that the emergence of a conscious AI model is plausible in the near term. The paper concludes with a comprehensive discussion of the ethical implications and societal ramifications of engineering conscious AI entities.

new Putting GPT-4o to the Sword: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Language, Vision, Speech, and Multimodal Proficiency

Authors: Sakib Shahriar, Brady Lund, Nishith Reddy Mannuru, Muhammad Arbab Arshad, Kadhim Hayawi, Ravi Varma Kumar Bevara, Aashrith Mannuru, Laiba Batool

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) continue to advance, evaluating their comprehensive capabilities becomes significant for their application in various fields. This research study comprehensively evaluates the language, vision, speech, and multimodal capabilities of GPT-4o. The study employs standardized exam questions, reasoning tasks, and translation assessments to assess the model's language capability. Additionally, GPT-4o's vision and speech capabilities are tested through image classification and object recognition tasks, as well as accent classification. The multimodal evaluation assesses the model's performance in integrating visual and linguistic data. Our findings reveal that GPT-4o demonstrates high accuracy and efficiency across multiple domains in language and reasoning capabilities, excelling in tasks that require few-shot learning. GPT-4o also provides notable improvements in multimodal tasks compared to its predecessors. However, the model shows variability and faces limitations in handling complex and ambiguous inputs, particularly in audio and vision capabilities. This paper highlights the need for more comprehensive benchmarks and robust evaluation frameworks, encompassing qualitative assessments involving human judgment as well as error analysis. Future work should focus on expanding datasets, investigating prompt-based assessment, and enhancing few-shot learning techniques to test the model's practical applicability and performance in real-world scenarios.

new Have We Reached AGI? Comparing ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini to Human Literacy and Education Benchmarks

Authors: Mfon Akpan

Abstract: Recent advancements in AI, particularly in large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini, have prompted questions about their proximity to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This study compares LLM performance on educational benchmarks with Americans' average educational attainment and literacy levels, using data from the U.S. Census Bureau and technical reports. Results show that LLMs significantly outperform human benchmarks in tasks such as undergraduate knowledge and advanced reading comprehension, indicating substantial progress toward AGI. However, true AGI requires broader cognitive assessments. The study highlights the implications for AI development, education, and societal impact, emphasizing the need for ongoing research and ethical considerations.

new Preserving the Privacy of Reward Functions in MDPs through Deception

Authors: Shashank Reddy Chirra, Pradeep Varakantham, Praveen Paruchuri

Abstract: Preserving the privacy of preferences (or rewards) of a sequential decision-making agent when decisions are observable is crucial in many physical and cybersecurity domains. For instance, in wildlife monitoring, agents must allocate patrolling resources without revealing animal locations to poachers. This paper addresses privacy preservation in planning over a sequence of actions in MDPs, where the reward function represents the preference structure to be protected. Observers can use Inverse RL (IRL) to learn these preferences, making this a challenging task. Current research on differential privacy in reward functions fails to ensure guarantee on the minimum expected reward and offers theoretical guarantees that are inadequate against IRL-based observers. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel approach rooted in the theory of deception. Deception includes two models: dissimulation (hiding the truth) and simulation (showing the wrong). Our first contribution theoretically demonstrates significant privacy leaks in existing dissimulation-based methods. Our second contribution is a novel RL-based planning algorithm that uses simulation to effectively address these privacy concerns while ensuring a guarantee on the expected reward. Experiments on multiple benchmark problems show that our approach outperforms previous methods in preserving reward function privacy.

new CellAgent: An LLM-driven Multi-Agent Framework for Automated Single-cell Data Analysis

Authors: Yihang Xiao, Jinyi Liu, Yan Zheng, Xiaohan Xie, Jianye Hao, Mingzhi Li, Ruitao Wang, Fei Ni, Yuxiao Li, Jintian Luo, Shaoqing Jiao, Jiajie Peng

Abstract: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data analysis is crucial for biological research, as it enables the precise characterization of cellular heterogeneity. However, manual manipulation of various tools to achieve desired outcomes can be labor-intensive for researchers. To address this, we introduce CellAgent (, an LLM-driven multi-agent framework, specifically designed for the automatic processing and execution of scRNA-seq data analysis tasks, providing high-quality results with no human intervention. Firstly, to adapt general LLMs to the biological field, CellAgent constructs LLM-driven biological expert roles - planner, executor, and evaluator - each with specific responsibilities. Then, CellAgent introduces a hierarchical decision-making mechanism to coordinate these biological experts, effectively driving the planning and step-by-step execution of complex data analysis tasks. Furthermore, we propose a self-iterative optimization mechanism, enabling CellAgent to autonomously evaluate and optimize solutions, thereby guaranteeing output quality. We evaluate CellAgent on a comprehensive benchmark dataset encompassing dozens of tissues and hundreds of distinct cell types. Evaluation results consistently show that CellAgent effectively identifies the most suitable tools and hyperparameters for single-cell analysis tasks, achieving optimal performance. This automated framework dramatically reduces the workload for science data analyses, bringing us into the "Agent for Science" era.


new A Training Data Recipe to Accelerate A* Search with Language Models

Authors: Devaansh Gupta, Boyang Li

Abstract: Recent works in AI planning have proposed to combine LLMs with iterative tree-search algorithms like A* and MCTS, where LLMs are typically used to calculate the heuristic, guiding the planner towards the goal. However, combining these techniques is not trivial : LM-based heuristics are quite weak, incurring a high computational cost without a significant performance improvement. Existing methods to learn these heuristics do not consider the requirements of the planner, and typically need a lot of compute. Thus, in this work, we propose a distribution to downsample training data by identifying relevant data points to learn a performant heuristic, while constraining computational costs. To arrive at this model, we disentangle the requirements of the planner, in our case A* search, from that of the language model to generalise on this task. Surprisingly, we find an overlap between their requirements; A* requires more accurate predictions on nodes near the goal, and LMs need the same set of nodes for effective generalisation. With these insights, we can quantify the contribution of each node towards accelerating A* search, and subsequently derive a training distribution for learning LM-based heuristics. Following a recent work, we conduct our experiments on two classical planning domains, maze navigation and sokoban, with two test splits per domain, and two conventional loss functions. We reduce the number of iterations required to find the solutions by upto 13x, with a wall-clock speed-up of upto 5x.

new AtomAgents: Alloy design and discovery through physics-aware multi-modal multi-agent artificial intelligence

Authors: Alireza Ghafarollahi, Markus J. Buehler

Abstract: The design of alloys is a multi-scale problem that requires a holistic approach that involves retrieving relevant knowledge, applying advanced computational methods, conducting experimental validations, and analyzing the results, a process that is typically reserved for human experts. Machine learning (ML) can help accelerate this process, for instance, through the use of deep surrogate models that connect structural features to material properties, or vice versa. However, existing data-driven models often target specific material objectives, offering limited flexibility to integrate out-of-domain knowledge and cannot adapt to new, unforeseen challenges. Here, we overcome these limitations by leveraging the distinct capabilities of multiple AI agents that collaborate autonomously within a dynamic environment to solve complex materials design tasks. The proposed physics-aware generative AI platform, AtomAgents, synergizes the intelligence of large language models (LLM) the dynamic collaboration among AI agents with expertise in various domains, including knowledge retrieval, multi-modal data integration, physics-based simulations, and comprehensive results analysis across modalities that includes numerical data and images of physical simulation results. The concerted effort of the multi-agent system allows for addressing complex materials design problems, as demonstrated by examples that include autonomously designing metallic alloys with enhanced properties compared to their pure counterparts. Our results enable accurate prediction of key characteristics across alloys and highlight the crucial role of solid solution alloying to steer the development of advanced metallic alloys. Our framework enhances the efficiency of complex multi-objective design tasks and opens new avenues in fields such as biomedical materials engineering, renewable energy, and environmental sustainability.

new Lean-STaR: Learning to Interleave Thinking and Proving

Authors: Haohan Lin, Zhiqing Sun, Yiming Yang, Sean Welleck

Abstract: Traditional language model-based theorem proving assumes that by training on a sufficient amount of formal proof data, a model will learn to prove theorems. Our key observation is that a wealth of informal information that is not present in formal proofs can be useful for learning to prove theorems. For instance, humans think through steps of a proof, but this thought process is not visible in the resulting code. We present Lean-STaR, a framework for training language models to produce informal thoughts prior to each step of a proof, thereby boosting the model's theorem-proving capabilities. Lean-STaR uses retrospective ground-truth tactics to generate synthetic thoughts for training the language model. At inference time, the trained model directly generates the thoughts prior to the prediction of the tactics in each proof step. Building on the self-taught reasoner framework, we then apply expert iteration to further fine-tune the model on the correct proofs it samples and verifies using the Lean solver. Lean-STaR achieves state-of-the-art results on the miniF2F-test benchmark within the Lean theorem proving environment, significantly outperforming base models ($\boldsymbol{43.4\% \rightarrow 46.3\%,}$ Pass@64). We also analyze the impact of the augmented thoughts on various aspects of the theorem proving process, providing insights into their effectiveness.

new ChatLogic: Integrating Logic Programming with Large Language Models for Multi-Step Reasoning

Authors: Zhongsheng Wang, Jiamou Liu, Qiming Bao, Hongfei Rong, Jingfeng Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and GPT-4 have demonstrated impressive capabilities in various generative tasks. However, their performance is often hampered by limitations in accessing and leveraging long-term memory, leading to specific vulnerabilities and biases, especially during long interactions. This paper introduces ChatLogic, an innovative framework specifically targeted at LLM reasoning tasks that can enhance the performance of LLMs in multi-step deductive reasoning tasks by integrating logic programming. In ChatLogic, the language model plays a central role, acting as a controller and participating in every system operation stage. We propose a novel method of converting logic problems into symbolic integration with an inference engine. This approach leverages large language models' situational understanding and imitation skills and uses symbolic memory to enhance multi-step deductive reasoning capabilities. Our results show that the ChatLogic framework significantly improves the multi-step reasoning capabilities of LLMs. The source code and data are available at \url{}


new AlphaDou: High-Performance End-to-End Doudizhu AI Integrating Bidding

Authors: Chang Lei, Huan Lei

Abstract: Artificial intelligence for card games has long been a popular topic in AI research. In recent years, complex card games like Mahjong and Texas Hold'em have been solved, with corresponding AI programs reaching the level of human experts. However, the game of Dou Di Zhu presents significant challenges due to its vast state/action space and unique characteristics involving reasoning about competition and cooperation, making the game extremely difficult to solve.The RL model DouZero, trained using the Deep Monte Carlo algorithm framework, has shown excellent performance in DouDiZhu. However, there are differences between its simplified game environment and the actual Dou Di Zhu environment, and its performance is still a considerable distance from that of human experts. This paper modifies the Deep Monte Carlo algorithm framework by using reinforcement learning to obtain a neural network that simultaneously estimates win rates and expectations. The action space is pruned using expectations, and strategies are generated based on win rates. This RL model is trained in a realistic DouDiZhu environment and achieves a state-of-the-art level among publicly available models.

new Sora and V-JEPA Have Not Learned The Complete Real World Model -- A Philosophical Analysis of Video AIs Through the Theory of Productive Imagination

Authors: Jianqiu Zhang

Abstract: Sora from Open AI has shown exceptional performance, yet it faces scrutiny over whether its technological prowess equates to an authentic comprehension of reality. Critics contend that it lacks a foundational grasp of the world, a deficiency V-JEPA from Meta aims to amend with its joint embedding approach. This debate is vital for steering the future direction of Artificial General Intelligence(AGI). We enrich this debate by developing a theory of productive imagination that generates a coherent world model based on Kantian philosophy. We identify three indispensable components of the coherent world model capable of genuine world understanding: representations of isolated objects, an a priori law of change across space and time, and Kantian categories. Our analysis reveals that Sora is limited because of its oversight of the a priori law of change and Kantian categories, flaws that are not rectifiable through scaling up the training. V-JEPA learns the context-dependent aspect of the a priori law of change. Yet it fails to fully comprehend Kantian categories and incorporate experience, leading us to conclude that neither system currently achieves a comprehensive world understanding. Nevertheless, each system has developed components essential to advancing an integrated AI productive imagination-understanding engine. Finally, we propose an innovative training framework for an AI productive imagination-understanding engine, centered around a joint embedding system designed to transform disordered perceptual input into a structured, coherent world model. Our philosophical analysis pinpoints critical challenges within contemporary video AI technologies and a pathway toward achieving an AI system capable of genuine world understanding, such that it can be applied for reasoning and planning in the future.

new Towards Adapting Reinforcement Learning Agents to New Tasks: Insights from Q-Values

Authors: Ashwin Ramaswamy, Ransalu Senanayake

Abstract: While contemporary reinforcement learning research and applications have embraced policy gradient methods as the panacea of solving learning problems, value-based methods can still be useful in many domains as long as we can wrangle with how to exploit them in a sample efficient way. In this paper, we explore the chaotic nature of DQNs in reinforcement learning, while understanding how the information that they retain when trained can be repurposed for adapting a model to different tasks. We start by designing a simple experiment in which we are able to observe the Q-values for each state and action in an environment. Then we train in eight different ways to explore how these training algorithms affect the way that accurate Q-values are learned (or not learned). We tested the adaptability of each trained model when retrained to accomplish a slightly modified task. We then scaled our setup to test the larger problem of an autonomous vehicle at an unprotected intersection. We observed that the model is able to adapt to new tasks quicker when the base model's Q-value estimates are closer to the true Q-values. The results provide some insights and guidelines into what algorithms are useful for sample efficient task adaptation.

new LAB-Bench: Measuring Capabilities of Language Models for Biology Research

Authors: Jon M. Laurent, Joseph D. Janizek, Michael Ruzo, Michaela M. Hinks, Michael J. Hammerling, Siddharth Narayanan, Manvitha Ponnapati, Andrew D. White, Samuel G. Rodriques

Abstract: There is widespread optimism that frontier Large Language Models (LLMs) and LLM-augmented systems have the potential to rapidly accelerate scientific discovery across disciplines. Today, many benchmarks exist to measure LLM knowledge and reasoning on textbook-style science questions, but few if any benchmarks are designed to evaluate language model performance on practical tasks required for scientific research, such as literature search, protocol planning, and data analysis. As a step toward building such benchmarks, we introduce the Language Agent Biology Benchmark (LAB-Bench), a broad dataset of over 2,400 multiple choice questions for evaluating AI systems on a range of practical biology research capabilities, including recall and reasoning over literature, interpretation of figures, access and navigation of databases, and comprehension and manipulation of DNA and protein sequences. Importantly, in contrast to previous scientific benchmarks, we expect that an AI system that can achieve consistently high scores on the more difficult LAB-Bench tasks would serve as a useful assistant for researchers in areas such as literature search and molecular cloning. As an initial assessment of the emergent scientific task capabilities of frontier language models, we measure performance of several against our benchmark and report results compared to human expert biology researchers. We will continue to update and expand LAB-Bench over time, and expect it to serve as a useful tool in the development of automated research systems going forward. A public subset of LAB-Bench is available for use at the following URL:


new Cooperative Reward Shaping for Multi-Agent Pathfinding

Authors: Zhenyu Song, Ronghao Zheng, Senlin Zhang, Meiqin Liu

Abstract: The primary objective of Multi-Agent Pathfinding (MAPF) is to plan efficient and conflict-free paths for all agents. Traditional multi-agent path planning algorithms struggle to achieve efficient distributed path planning for multiple agents. In contrast, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) has been demonstrated as an effective approach to achieve this objective. By modeling the MAPF problem as a MARL problem, agents can achieve efficient path planning and collision avoidance through distributed strategies under partial observation. However, MARL strategies often lack cooperation among agents due to the absence of global information, which subsequently leads to reduced MAPF efficiency. To address this challenge, this letter introduces a unique reward shaping technique based on Independent Q-Learning (IQL). The aim of this method is to evaluate the influence of one agent on its neighbors and integrate such an interaction into the reward function, leading to active cooperation among agents. This reward shaping method facilitates cooperation among agents while operating in a distributed manner. The proposed approach has been evaluated through experiments across various scenarios with different scales and agent counts. The results are compared with those from other state-of-the-art (SOTA) planners. The evidence suggests that the approach proposed in this letter parallels other planners in numerous aspects, and outperforms them in scenarios featuring a large number of agents.

new Enhancing Building Safety Design for Active Shooter Incidents: Exploration of Building Exit Parameters using Reinforcement Learning-Based Simulations

Authors: Ruying Liu, Wanjing Wu, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Gale M. Lucas

Abstract: With the alarming rise in active shooter incidents (ASIs) in the United States, enhancing public safety through building design has become a pressing need. This study proposes a reinforcement learning-based simulation approach addressing gaps in existing research that has neglected the dynamic behaviours of shooters. We developed an autonomous agent to simulate an active shooter within a realistic office environment, aiming to offer insights into the interactions between building design parameters and ASI outcomes. A case study is conducted to quantitatively investigate the impact of building exit numbers (total count of accessible exits) and configuration (arrangement of which exits are available or not) on evacuation and harm rates. Findings demonstrate that greater exit availability significantly improves evacuation outcomes and reduces harm. Exits nearer to the shooter's initial position hold greater importance for accessibility than those farther away. By encompassing dynamic shooter behaviours, this study offers preliminary insights into effective building safety design against evolving threats.

new IDEAL: Leveraging Infinite and Dynamic Characterizations of Large Language Models for Query-focused Summarization

Authors: Jie Cao, Dian Jiao, Qiang Yan, Wenqiao Zhang, Siliang Tang, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Query-focused summarization (QFS) aims to produce summaries that answer particular questions of interest, enabling greater user control and personalization. With the advent of large language models (LLMs), shows their impressive capability of textual understanding through large-scale pretraining, which implies the great potential of extractive snippet generation. In this paper, we systematically investigated two indispensable characteristics that the LLMs-based QFS models should be harnessed, Lengthy Document Summarization and Efficiently Fine-grained Query-LLM Alignment, respectively. Correspondingly, we propose two modules called Query-aware HyperExpert and Query-focused Infini-attention to access the aforementioned characteristics. These innovations pave the way for broader application and accessibility in the field of QFS technology. Extensive experiments conducted on existing QFS benchmarks indicate the effectiveness and generalizability of the proposed approach. Our code is publicly available at


new Leveraging Hybrid Intelligence Towards Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Machine Learning

Authors: Daniel Geissler, Paul Lukowicz

Abstract: Hybrid intelligence aims to enhance decision-making, problem-solving, and overall system performance by combining the strengths of both, human cognitive abilities and artificial intelligence. With the rise of Large Language Models (LLM), progressively participating as smart agents to accelerate machine learning development, Hybrid Intelligence is becoming an increasingly important topic for effective interaction between humans and machines. This paper presents an approach to leverage Hybrid Intelligence towards sustainable and energy-aware machine learning. When developing machine learning models, final model performance commonly rules the optimization process while the efficiency of the process itself is often neglected. Moreover, in recent times, energy efficiency has become equally crucial due to the significant environmental impact of complex and large-scale computational processes. The contribution of this work covers the interactive inclusion of secondary knowledge sources through Human-in-the-loop (HITL) and LLM agents to stress out and further resolve inefficiencies in the machine learning development process.

new Three Dogmas of Reinforcement Learning

Authors: David Abel, Mark K. Ho, Anna Harutyunyan

Abstract: Modern reinforcement learning has been conditioned by at least three dogmas. The first is the environment spotlight, which refers to our tendency to focus on modeling environments rather than agents. The second is our treatment of learning as finding the solution to a task, rather than adaptation. The third is the reward hypothesis, which states that all goals and purposes can be well thought of as maximization of a reward signal. These three dogmas shape much of what we think of as the science of reinforcement learning. While each of the dogmas have played an important role in developing the field, it is time we bring them to the surface and reflect on whether they belong as basic ingredients of our scientific paradigm. In order to realize the potential of reinforcement learning as a canonical frame for researching intelligent agents, we suggest that it is time we shed dogmas one and two entirely, and embrace a nuanced approach to the third.

new XEQ Scale for Evaluating XAI Experience Quality Grounded in Psychometric Theory

Authors: Anjana Wijekoon, Nirmalie Wiratunga, David Corsar, Kyle Martin, Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji, Belen D\'iaz-Agudo, Derek Bridge

Abstract: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to improve the transparency of autonomous decision-making through explanations. Recent literature has emphasised users' need for holistic "multi-shot" explanations and the ability to personalise their engagement with XAI systems. We refer to this user-centred interaction as an XAI Experience. Despite advances in creating XAI experiences, evaluating them in a user-centred manner has remained challenging. To address this, we introduce the XAI Experience Quality (XEQ) Scale (pronounced "Seek" Scale), for evaluating the user-centred quality of XAI experiences. Furthermore, XEQ quantifies the quality of experiences across four evaluation dimensions: learning, utility, fulfilment and engagement. These contributions extend the state-of-the-art of XAI evaluation, moving beyond the one-dimensional metrics frequently developed to assess single-shot explanations. In this paper, we present the XEQ scale development and validation process, including content validation with XAI experts as well as discriminant and construct validation through a large-scale pilot study. Out pilot study results offer strong evidence that establishes the XEQ Scale as a comprehensive framework for evaluating user-centred XAI experiences.

new Sibyl: Simple yet Effective Agent Framework for Complex Real-world Reasoning

Authors: Yulong Wang, Tianhao Shen, Lifeng Liu, Jian Xie

Abstract: Existing agents based on large language models (LLMs) demonstrate robust problem-solving capabilities by integrating LLMs' inherent knowledge, strong in-context learning and zero-shot capabilities, and the use of tools combined with intricately designed LLM invocation workflows by humans. However, these agents still exhibit shortcomings in long-term reasoning and under-use the potential of existing tools, leading to noticeable deficiencies in complex real-world reasoning scenarios. To address these limitations, we introduce Sibyl, a simple yet powerful LLM-based agent framework designed to tackle complex reasoning tasks by efficiently leveraging a minimal set of tools. Drawing inspiration from Global Workspace Theory, Sibyl incorporates a global workspace to enhance the management and sharing of knowledge and conversation history throughout the system. Furthermore, guided by Society of Mind Theory, Sibyl implements a multi-agent debate-based jury to self-refine the final answers, ensuring a comprehensive and balanced approach. This approach aims to reduce system complexity while expanding the scope of problems solvable-from matters typically resolved by humans in minutes to those requiring hours or even days, thus facilitating a shift from System-1 to System-2 thinking. Sibyl has been designed with a focus on scalability and ease of debugging by incorporating the concept of reentrancy from functional programming from its inception, with the aim of seamless and low effort integration in other LLM applications to improve capabilities. Our experimental results on the GAIA benchmark test set reveal that the Sibyl agent instantiated with GPT-4 achieves state-of-the-art performance with an average score of 34.55%, compared to other agents based on GPT-4. We hope that Sibyl can inspire more reliable and reusable LLM-based agent solutions to address complex real-world reasoning tasks.

new Transforming Agency. On the mode of existence of Large Language Models

Authors: Xabier E. Barandiaran, Lola S. Almendros

Abstract: This paper investigates the ontological characterization of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. Between inflationary and deflationary accounts, we pay special attention to their status as agents. This requires explaining in detail the architecture, processing, and training procedures that enable LLMs to display their capacities, and the extensions used to turn LLMs into agent-like systems. After a systematic analysis we conclude that a LLM fails to meet necessary and sufficient conditions for autonomous agency in the light of embodied theories of mind: the individuality condition (it is not the product of its own activity, it is not even directly affected by it), the normativity condition (it does not generate its own norms or goals), and, partially the interactional asymmetry condition (it is not the origin and sustained source of its interaction with the environment). If not agents, then ... what are LLMs? We argue that ChatGPT should be characterized as an interlocutor or linguistic automaton, a library-that-talks, devoid of (autonomous) agency, but capable to engage performatively on non-purposeful yet purpose-structured and purpose-bounded tasks. When interacting with humans, a "ghostly" component of the human-machine interaction makes it possible to enact genuine conversational experiences with LLMs. Despite their lack of sensorimotor and biological embodiment, LLMs textual embodiment (the training corpus) and resource-hungry computational embodiment, significantly transform existing forms of human agency. Beyond assisted and extended agency, the LLM-human coupling can produce midtended forms of agency, closer to the production of intentional agency than to the extended instrumentality of any previous technologies.

new Enabling MCTS Explainability for Sequential Planning Through Computation Tree Logic

Authors: Ziyan An, Hendrik Baier, Abhishek Dubey, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Meiyi Ma

Abstract: Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) is one of the most capable online search algorithms for sequential planning tasks, with significant applications in areas such as resource allocation and transit planning. Despite its strong performance in real-world deployment, the inherent complexity of MCTS makes it challenging to understand for users without technical background. This paper considers the use of MCTS in transportation routing services, where the algorithm is integrated to develop optimized route plans. These plans are required to meet a range of constraints and requirements simultaneously, further complicating the task of explaining the algorithm's operation in real-world contexts. To address this critical research gap, we introduce a novel computation tree logic-based explainer for MCTS. Our framework begins by taking user-defined requirements and translating them into rigorous logic specifications through the use of language templates. Then, our explainer incorporates a logic verification and quantitative evaluation module that validates the states and actions traversed by the MCTS algorithm. The outcomes of this analysis are then rendered into human-readable descriptive text using a second set of language templates. The user satisfaction of our approach was assessed through a survey with 82 participants. The results indicated that our explanatory approach significantly outperforms other baselines in user preference.

new Spider2-V: How Far Are Multimodal Agents From Automating Data Science and Engineering Workflows?

Authors: Ruisheng Cao, Fangyu Lei, Haoyuan Wu, Jixuan Chen, Yeqiao Fu, Hongcheng Gao, Xinzhuang Xiong, Hanchong Zhang, Yuchen Mao, Wenjing Hu, Tianbao Xie, Hongshen Xu, Danyang Zhang, Sida Wang, Ruoxi Sun, Pengcheng Yin, Caiming Xiong, Ansong Ni, Qian Liu, Victor Zhong, Lu Chen, Kai Yu, Tao Yu

Abstract: Data science and engineering workflows often span multiple stages, from warehousing to orchestration, using tools like BigQuery, dbt, and Airbyte. As vision language models (VLMs) advance in multimodal understanding and code generation, VLM-based agents could potentially automate these workflows by generating SQL queries, Python code, and GUI operations. This automation can improve the productivity of experts while democratizing access to large-scale data analysis. In this paper, we introduce Spider2-V, the first multimodal agent benchmark focusing on professional data science and engineering workflows, featuring 494 real-world tasks in authentic computer environments and incorporating 20 enterprise-level professional applications. These tasks, derived from real-world use cases, evaluate the ability of a multimodal agent to perform data-related tasks by writing code and managing the GUI in enterprise data software systems. To balance realistic simulation with evaluation simplicity, we devote significant effort to developing automatic configurations for task setup and carefully crafting evaluation metrics for each task. Furthermore, we supplement multimodal agents with comprehensive documents of these enterprise data software systems. Our empirical evaluation reveals that existing state-of-the-art LLM/VLM-based agents do not reliably automate full data workflows (14.0% success). Even with step-by-step guidance, these agents still underperform in tasks that require fine-grained, knowledge-intensive GUI actions (16.2%) and involve remote cloud-hosted workspaces (10.6%). We hope that Spider2-V paves the way for autonomous multimodal agents to transform the automation of data science and engineering workflow. Our code and data are available at


new Make-An-Agent: A Generalizable Policy Network Generator with Behavior-Prompted Diffusion

Authors: Yongyuan Liang, Tingqiang Xu, Kaizhe Hu, Guangqi Jiang, Furong Huang, Huazhe Xu

Abstract: Can we generate a control policy for an agent using just one demonstration of desired behaviors as a prompt, as effortlessly as creating an image from a textual description? In this paper, we present Make-An-Agent, a novel policy parameter generator that leverages the power of conditional diffusion models for behavior-to-policy generation. Guided by behavior embeddings that encode trajectory information, our policy generator synthesizes latent parameter representations, which can then be decoded into policy networks. Trained on policy network checkpoints and their corresponding trajectories, our generation model demonstrates remarkable versatility and scalability on multiple tasks and has a strong generalization ability on unseen tasks to output well-performed policies with only few-shot demonstrations as inputs. We showcase its efficacy and efficiency on various domains and tasks, including varying objectives, behaviors, and even across different robot manipulators. Beyond simulation, we directly deploy policies generated by Make-An-Agent onto real-world robots on locomotion tasks.

cross Revisit Human-Scene Interaction via Space Occupancy

Authors: Xinpeng Liu, Haowen Hou, Yanchao Yang, Yong-Lu Li, Cewu Lu

Abstract: Human-scene Interaction (HSI) generation is a challenging task and crucial for various downstream tasks. However, one of the major obstacles is its limited data scale. High-quality data with simultaneously captured human and 3D environments is hard to acquire, resulting in limited data diversity and complexity. In this work, we argue that interaction with a scene is essentially interacting with the space occupancy of the scene from an abstract physical perspective, leading us to a unified novel view of Human-Occupancy Interaction. By treating pure motion sequences as records of humans interacting with invisible scene occupancy, we can aggregate motion-only data into a large-scale paired human-occupancy interaction database: Motion Occupancy Base (MOB). Thus, the need for costly paired motion-scene datasets with high-quality scene scans can be substantially alleviated. With this new unified view of Human-Occupancy interaction, a single motion controller is proposed to reach the target state given the surrounding occupancy. Once trained on MOB with complex occupancy layout, which is stringent to human movements, the controller could handle cramped scenes and generalize well to general scenes with limited complexity like regular living rooms. With no GT 3D scenes for training, our method can generate realistic and stable HSI motions in diverse scenarios, including both static and dynamic scenes. The project is available at


cross EgoExo-Fitness: Towards Egocentric and Exocentric Full-Body Action Understanding

Authors: Yuan-Ming Li, Wei-Jin Huang, An-Lan Wang, Ling-An Zeng, Jing-Ke Meng, Wei-Shi Zheng

Abstract: We present EgoExo-Fitness, a new full-body action understanding dataset, featuring fitness sequence videos recorded from synchronized egocentric and fixed exocentric (third-person) cameras. Compared with existing full-body action understanding datasets, EgoExo-Fitness not only contains videos from first-person perspectives, but also provides rich annotations. Specifically, two-level temporal boundaries are provided to localize single action videos along with sub-steps of each action. More importantly, EgoExo-Fitness introduces innovative annotations for interpretable action judgement--including technical keypoint verification, natural language comments on action execution, and action quality scores. Combining all of these, EgoExo-Fitness provides new resources to study egocentric and exocentric full-body action understanding across dimensions of "what", "when", and "how well". To facilitate research on egocentric and exocentric full-body action understanding, we construct benchmarks on a suite of tasks (i.e., action classification, action localization, cross-view sequence verification, cross-view skill determination, and a newly proposed task of guidance-based execution verification), together with detailed analysis. Code and data will be available at


cross Using Artificial Intelligence to Unlock Crowdfunding Success for Small Businesses

Authors: Teng Ye, Jingnan Zheng, Junhui Jin, Jingyi Qiu, Wei Ai, Qiaozhu Mei

Abstract: While small businesses are increasingly turning to online crowdfunding platforms for essential funding, over 40% of these campaigns may fail to raise any money, especially those from low socio-economic areas. We utilize the latest advancements in AI technology to identify crucial factors that influence the success of crowdfunding campaigns and to improve their fundraising outcomes by strategically optimizing these factors. Our best-performing machine learning model accurately predicts the fundraising outcomes of 81.0% of campaigns, primarily based on their textual descriptions. Interpreting the machine learning model allows us to provide actionable suggestions on improving the textual description before launching a campaign. We demonstrate that by augmenting just three aspects of the narrative using a large language model, a campaign becomes more preferable to 83% human evaluators, and its likelihood of securing financial support increases by 11.9%. Our research uncovers the effective strategies for crafting descriptions for small business fundraising campaigns and opens up a new realm in integrating large language models into crowdfunding methodologies.

cross ENOVA: Autoscaling towards Cost-effective and Stable Serverless LLM Serving

Authors: Tao Huang, Pengfei Chen, Kyoka Gong, Jocky Hawk, Zachary Bright, Wenxin Xie, Kecheng Huang, Zhi Ji

Abstract: Since the increasing popularity of large language model (LLM) backend systems, it is common and necessary to deploy stable serverless serving of LLM on multi-GPU clusters with autoscaling. However, there exist challenges because the diversity and co-location of applications in multi-GPU clusters will lead to low service quality and GPU utilization. To address them, we build ENOVA, a deployment, monitoring and autoscaling service towards serverless LLM serving. ENOVA deconstructs the execution process of LLM service comprehensively, based on which ENOVA designs a configuration recommendation module for automatic deployment on any GPU clusters and a performance detection module for autoscaling. On top of them, ENOVA implements a deployment execution engine for multi-GPU cluster scheduling. The experiment results show that ENOVA significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art methods and is suitable for wide deployment in large online systems.

cross Social AI and The Equation of Wittgenstein's Language User With Calvino's Literature Machine

Authors: W. J. T. Mollema

Abstract: Is it sensical to ascribe psychological predicates to AI systems like chatbots based on large language models (LLMs)? People have intuitively started ascribing emotions or consciousness to social AI ('affective artificial agents'), with consequences that range from love to suicide. The philosophical question of whether such ascriptions are warranted is thus very relevant. This paper advances the argument that LLMs instantiate language users in Ludwig Wittgenstein's sense but that ascribing psychological predicates to these systems remains a functionalist temptation. Social AIs are not full-blown language users, but rather more like Italo Calvino's literature machines. The ideas of LLMs as Wittgensteinian language users and Calvino's literature-producing writing machine are combined. This sheds light on the misguided functionalist temptation inherent in moving from equating the two to the ascription of psychological predicates to social AI. Finally, the framework of mortal computation is used to show that social AIs lack the basic autopoiesis needed for narrative fa\c{c}ons de parler and their role in the sensemaking of human (inter)action. Such psychological predicate ascriptions could make sense: the transition 'from quantity to quality' can take place, but its route lies somewhere between life and death, not between affective artifacts and emotion approximation by literature machines.

cross Self-Consuming Generative Models with Curated Data Provably Optimize Human Preferences

Authors: Damien Ferbach, Quentin Bertrand, Avishek Joey Bose, Gauthier Gidel

Abstract: The rapid progress in generative models has resulted in impressive leaps in generation quality, blurring the lines between synthetic and real data. Web-scale datasets are now prone to the inevitable contamination by synthetic data, directly impacting the training of future generated models. Already, some theoretical results on self-consuming generative models (a.k.a., iterative retraining) have emerged in the literature, showcasing that either model collapse or stability could be possible depending on the fraction of generated data used at each retraining step. However, in practice, synthetic data is often subject to human feedback and curated by users before being used and uploaded online. For instance, many interfaces of popular text-to-image generative models, such as Stable Diffusion or Midjourney, produce several variations of an image for a given query which can eventually be curated by the users. In this paper, we theoretically study the impact of data curation on iterated retraining of generative models and show that it can be seen as an \emph{implicit preference optimization mechanism}. However, unlike standard preference optimization, the generative model does not have access to the reward function or negative samples needed for pairwise comparisons. Moreover, our study doesn't require access to the density function, only to samples. We prove that, if the data is curated according to a reward model, then the expected reward of the iterative retraining procedure is maximized. We further provide theoretical results on the stability of the retraining loop when using a positive fraction of real data at each step. Finally, we conduct illustrative experiments on both synthetic datasets and on CIFAR10 showing that such a procedure amplifies biases of the reward model.

cross On when is Reservoir Computing with Cellular Automata Beneficial?

Authors: Tom Glover, Evgeny Osipov, Stefano Nichele

Abstract: Reservoir Computing with Cellular Automata (ReCA) is a relatively novel and promising approach. It consists of 3 steps: an encoding scheme to inject the problem into the CA, the CA iterations step itself and a simple classifying step, typically a linear classifier. This paper demonstrates that the ReCA concept is effective even in arguably the simplest implementation of a ReCA system. However, we also report a failed attempt on the UCR Time Series Classification Archive where ReCA seems to work, but only because of the encoding scheme itself, not in any part due to the CA. This highlights the need for ablation testing, i.e., comparing internally with sub-parts of one model, but also raises an open question on what kind of tasks ReCA is best suited for.

cross From Text to Life: On the Reciprocal Relationship between Artificial Life and Large Language Models

Authors: Eleni Nisioti, Claire Glanois, Elias Najarro, Andrew Dai, Elliot Meyerson, Joachim Winther Pedersen, Laetitia Teodorescu, Conor F. Hayes, Shyam Sudhakaran, Sebastian Risi

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have taken the field of AI by storm, but their adoption in the field of Artificial Life (ALife) has been, so far, relatively reserved. In this work we investigate the potential synergies between LLMs and ALife, drawing on a large body of research in the two fields. We explore the potential of LLMs as tools for ALife research, for example, as operators for evolutionary computation or the generation of open-ended environments. Reciprocally, principles of ALife, such as self-organization, collective intelligence and evolvability can provide an opportunity for shaping the development and functionalities of LLMs, leading to more adaptive and responsive models. By investigating this dynamic interplay, the paper aims to inspire innovative crossover approaches for both ALife and LLM research. Along the way, we examine the extent to which LLMs appear to increasingly exhibit properties such as emergence or collective intelligence, expanding beyond their original goal of generating text, and potentially redefining our perception of lifelike intelligence in artificial systems.

cross 1-Lipschitz Neural Distance Fields

Authors: Guillaume Coiffier, Louis Bethune

Abstract: Neural implicit surfaces are a promising tool for geometry processing that represent a solid object as the zero level set of a neural network. Usually trained to approximate a signed distance function of the considered object, these methods exhibit great visual fidelity and quality near the surface, yet their properties tend to degrade with distance, making geometrical queries hard to perform without the help of complex range analysis techniques. Based on recent advancements in Lipschitz neural networks, we introduce a new method for approximating the signed distance function of a given object. As our neural function is made 1- Lipschitz by construction, it cannot overestimate the distance, which guarantees robustness even far from the surface. Moreover, the 1-Lipschitz constraint allows us to use a different loss function, called the hinge-Kantorovitch-Rubinstein loss, which pushes the gradient as close to unit-norm as possible, thus reducing computation costs in iterative queries. As this loss function only needs a rough estimate of occupancy to be optimized, this means that the true distance function need not to be known. We are therefore able to compute neural implicit representations of even bad quality geometry such as noisy point clouds or triangle soups. We demonstrate that our methods is able to approximate the distance function of any closed or open surfaces or curves in the plane or in space, while still allowing sphere tracing or closest point projections to be performed robustly.

cross Design and evaluation of AI copilots -- case studies of retail copilot templates

Authors: Michal Furmakiewicz, Chang Liu, Angus Taylor, Ilya Venger

Abstract: Building a successful AI copilot requires a systematic approach. This paper is divided into two sections, covering the design and evaluation of a copilot respectively. A case study of developing copilot templates for the retail domain by Microsoft is used to illustrate the role and importance of each aspect. The first section explores the key technical components of a copilot's architecture, including the LLM, plugins for knowledge retrieval and actions, orchestration, system prompts, and responsible AI guardrails. The second section discusses testing and evaluation as a principled way to promote desired outcomes and manage unintended consequences when using AI in a business context. We discuss how to measure and improve its quality and safety, through the lens of an end-to-end human-AI decision loop framework. By providing insights into the anatomy of a copilot and the critical aspects of testing and evaluation, this paper provides concrete evidence of how good design and evaluation practices are essential for building effective, human-centered AI assistants.

cross UQE: A Query Engine for Unstructured Databases

Authors: Hanjun Dai, Bethany Yixin Wang, Xingchen Wan, Bo Dai, Sherry Yang, Azade Nova, Pengcheng Yin, Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana, Charles Sutton, Dale Schuurmans

Abstract: Analytics on structured data is a mature field with many successful methods. However, most real world data exists in unstructured form, such as images and conversations. We investigate the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) to enable unstructured data analytics. In particular, we propose a new Universal Query Engine (UQE) that directly interrogates and draws insights from unstructured data collections. This engine accepts queries in a Universal Query Language (UQL), a dialect of SQL that provides full natural language flexibility in specifying conditions and operators. The new engine leverages the ability of LLMs to conduct analysis of unstructured data, while also allowing us to exploit advances in sampling and optimization techniques to achieve efficient and accurate query execution. In addition, we borrow techniques from classical compiler theory to better orchestrate the workflow between sampling methods and foundation model calls. We demonstrate the efficiency of UQE on data analytics across different modalities, including images, dialogs and reviews, across a range of useful query types, including conditional aggregation, semantic retrieval and abstraction aggregation.

cross MuseCL: Predicting Urban Socioeconomic Indicators via Multi-Semantic Contrastive Learning

Authors: Xixian Yong, Xiao Zhou

Abstract: Predicting socioeconomic indicators within urban regions is crucial for fostering inclusivity, resilience, and sustainability in cities and human settlements. While pioneering studies have attempted to leverage multi-modal data for socioeconomic prediction, jointly exploring their underlying semantics remains a significant challenge. To address the gap, this paper introduces a Multi-Semantic Contrastive Learning (MuseCL) framework for fine-grained urban region profiling and socioeconomic prediction. Within this framework, we initiate the process by constructing contrastive sample pairs for street view and remote sensing images, capitalizing on the similarities in human mobility and Point of Interest (POI) distribution to derive semantic features from the visual modality. Additionally, we extract semantic insights from POI texts embedded within these regions, employing a pre-trained text encoder. To merge the acquired visual and textual features, we devise an innovative cross-modality-based attentional fusion module, which leverages a contrastive mechanism for integration. Experimental results across multiple cities and indicators consistently highlight the superiority of MuseCL, demonstrating an average improvement of 10% in $R^2$ compared to various competitive baseline models. The code of this work is publicly available at


cross A Deep Learning Framework for Three Dimensional Shape Reconstruction from Phaseless Acoustic Scattering Far-field Data

Authors: Doga Dikbayir, Abdel Alsnayyan, Vishnu Naresh Boddeti, Balasubramaniam Shanker, Hasan Metin Aktulga

Abstract: The inverse scattering problem is of critical importance in a number of fields, including medical imaging, sonar, sensing, non-destructive evaluation, and several others. The problem of interest can vary from detecting the shape to the constitutive properties of the obstacle. The challenge in both is that this problem is ill-posed, more so when there is limited information. That said, significant effort has been expended over the years in developing solutions to this problem. Here, we use a different approach, one that is founded on data. Specifically, we develop a deep learning framework for shape reconstruction using limited information with single incident wave, single frequency, and phase-less far-field data. This is done by (a) using a compact probabilistic shape latent space, learned by a 3D variational auto-encoder, and (b) a convolutional neural network trained to map the acoustic scattering information to this shape representation. The proposed framework is evaluated on a synthetic 3D particle dataset, as well as ShapeNet, a popular 3D shape recognition dataset. As demonstrated via a number of results, the proposed method is able to produce accurate reconstructions for large batches of complex scatterer shapes (such as airplanes and automobiles), despite the significant variation present within the data.

cross BitNet b1.58 Reloaded: State-of-the-art Performance Also on Smaller Networks

Authors: Jacob Nielsen, Peter Schneider-Kamp

Abstract: Recently proposed methods for 1-bit and 1.58-bit quantization aware training investigate the performance and behavior of these methods in the context of large language models, finding state-of-the-art performance for models with more than 3B parameters. In this work, we investigate 1.58-bit quantization for small language and vision models ranging from 100K to 48M parameters. We introduce a variant of BitNet b1.58, which allows to rely on the median rather than the mean in the quantization process. Through extensive experiments we investigate the performance of 1.58-bit models obtained through quantization aware training. We further investigate the robustness of 1.58-bit quantization-aware training to changes in the learning rate and regularization through weight decay, finding different patterns for small language and vision models than previously reported for large language models. Our results showcase that 1.58-bit quantization-aware training provides state-of-the-art performance for small language models when doubling hidden layer sizes and reaches or even surpasses state-of-the-art performance for small vision models of identical size. Ultimately, we demonstrate that 1.58-bit quantization-aware training is a viable and promising approach also for training smaller deep learning networks, facilitating deployment of such models in low-resource use-cases and encouraging future research.

cross Towards LLM-Powered Ambient Sensor Based Multi-Person Human Activity Recognition

Authors: Xi Chen (M-PSI), Julien Cumin (M-PSI), Fano Ramparany (M-PSI), Dominique Vaufreydaz (M-PSI)

Abstract: Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is one of the central problems in fields such as healthcare, elderly care, and security at home. However, traditional HAR approaches face challenges including data scarcity, difficulties in model generalization, and the complexity of recognizing activities in multi-person scenarios. This paper proposes a system framework called LAHAR, based on large language models. Utilizing prompt engineering techniques, LAHAR addresses HAR in multi-person scenarios by enabling subject separation and action-level descriptions of events occurring in the environment. We validated our approach on the ARAS dataset, and the results demonstrate that LAHAR achieves comparable accuracy to the state-of-the-art method at higher resolutions and maintains robustness in multi-person scenarios.

cross Optimization of Autonomous Driving Image Detection Based on RFAConv and Triplet Attention

Authors: Zhipeng Ling, Qi Xin, Yiyu Lin, Guangze Su, Zuwei Shui

Abstract: YOLOv8 plays a crucial role in the realm of autonomous driving, owing to its high-speed target detection, precise identification and positioning, and versatile compatibility across multiple platforms. By processing video streams or images in real-time, YOLOv8 rapidly and accurately identifies obstacles such as vehicles and pedestrians on roadways, offering essential visual data for autonomous driving systems. Moreover, YOLOv8 supports various tasks including instance segmentation, image classification, and attitude estimation, thereby providing comprehensive visual perception for autonomous driving, ultimately enhancing driving safety and efficiency. Recognizing the significance of object detection in autonomous driving scenarios and the challenges faced by existing methods, this paper proposes a holistic approach to enhance the YOLOv8 model. The study introduces two pivotal modifications: the C2f_RFAConv module and the Triplet Attention mechanism. Firstly, the proposed modifications are elaborated upon in the methodological section. The C2f_RFAConv module replaces the original module to enhance feature extraction efficiency, while the Triplet Attention mechanism enhances feature focus. Subsequently, the experimental procedure delineates the training and evaluation process, encompassing training the original YOLOv8, integrating modified modules, and assessing performance improvements using metrics and PR curves. The results demonstrate the efficacy of the modifications, with the improved YOLOv8 model exhibiting significant performance enhancements, including increased MAP values and improvements in PR curves. Lastly, the analysis section elucidates the results and attributes the performance improvements to the introduced modules. C2f_RFAConv enhances feature extraction efficiency, while Triplet Attention improves feature focus for enhanced target detection.

cross UAV Networks Surveillance Implementing an Effective Load-Aware Multipath Routing Protocol (ELAMRP)

Authors: Raja Vavekanand, Kira Sam, Vijay Singh

Abstract: In this work uses innovative multi-channel load-sensing techniques to deploy unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for surveillance. The research aims to improve the quality of data transmission methods and improve the efficiency and reliability of surveillance systems by exploiting the mobility and adaptability of UAVs does the proposed protocol intelligently distribute network traffic across multiple channels, considering the load of each channel, While addressing challenges such as load balancing, this study investigates the effectiveness of the protocol by simulations or practical tests on The expected results have improved UAV-based surveillance systems, more flexible and efficient networks for applications such as security, emergency response and the environment alignment of monitoring -Offering infrastructures, which contribute to efficient and reliable monitoring solutions.

cross Video Occupancy Models

Authors: Manan Tomar, Philippe Hansen-Estruch, Philip Bachman, Alex Lamb, John Langford, Matthew E. Taylor, Sergey Levine

Abstract: We introduce a new family of video prediction models designed to support downstream control tasks. We call these models Video Occupancy models (VOCs). VOCs operate in a compact latent space, thus avoiding the need to make predictions about individual pixels. Unlike prior latent-space world models, VOCs directly predict the discounted distribution of future states in a single step, thus avoiding the need for multistep roll-outs. We show that both properties are beneficial when building predictive models of video for use in downstream control. Code is available at \href{}{\texttt{}}.


cross ViPro: Enabling and Controlling Video Prediction for Complex Dynamical Scenarios using Procedural Knowledge

Authors: Patrick Takenaka, Johannes Maucher, Marco F. Huber

Abstract: We propose a novel architecture design for video prediction in order to utilize procedural domain knowledge directly as part of the computational graph of data-driven models. On the basis of new challenging scenarios we show that state-of-the-art video predictors struggle in complex dynamical settings, and highlight that the introduction of prior process knowledge makes their learning problem feasible. Our approach results in the learning of a symbolically addressable interface between data-driven aspects in the model and our dedicated procedural knowledge module, which we utilize in downstream control tasks.

cross A Dynamic Systems Approach to Modelling Human-Machine Rhythm Interaction

Authors: Zhongju Yuan, Wannes Van Ransbeeck, Geraint Wiggins, Dick Botteldooren

Abstract: In exploring the simulation of human rhythmic perception and synchronization capabilities, this study introduces a computational model inspired by the physical and biological processes underlying rhythm processing. Utilizing a reservoir computing framework that simulates the function of cerebellum, the model features a dual-neuron classification and incorporates parameters to modulate information transfer, reflecting biological neural network characteristics. Our findings demonstrate the model's ability to accurately perceive and adapt to rhythmic patterns within the human perceptible range, exhibiting behavior closely aligned with human rhythm interaction. By incorporating fine-tuning mechanisms and delay-feedback, the model enables continuous learning and precise rhythm prediction. The introduction of customized settings further enhances its capacity to stimulate diverse human rhythmic behaviors, underscoring the potential of this architecture in temporal cognitive task modeling and the study of rhythm synchronization and prediction in artificial and biological systems. Therefore, our model is capable of transparently modelling cognitive theories that elucidate the dynamic processes by which the brain generates rhythm-related behavior.

cross Classification of Inkjet Printers based on Droplet Statistics

Authors: Patrick Takenaka, Manuel Eberhardinger, Daniel Grie{\ss}haber, Johannes Maucher

Abstract: Knowing the printer model used to print a given document may provide a crucial lead towards identifying counterfeits or conversely verifying the validity of a real document. Inkjet printers produce probabilistic droplet patterns that appear to be distinct for each printer model and as such we investigate the utilization of droplet characteristics including frequency domain features extracted from printed document scans for the classification of the underlying printer model. We collect and publish a dataset of high resolution document scans and show that our extracted features are informative enough to enable a neural network to distinguish not only the printer manufacturer, but also individual printer models.

cross Prompting Whole Slide Image Based Genetic Biomarker Prediction

Authors: Ling Zhang, Boxiang Yun, Xingran Xie, Qingli Li, Xinxing Li, Yan Wang

Abstract: Prediction of genetic biomarkers, e.g., microsatellite instability and BRAF in colorectal cancer is crucial for clinical decision making. In this paper, we propose a whole slide image (WSI) based genetic biomarker prediction method via prompting techniques. Our work aims at addressing the following challenges: (1) extracting foreground instances related to genetic biomarkers from gigapixel WSIs, and (2) the interaction among the fine-grained pathological components in WSIs.Specifically, we leverage large language models to generate medical prompts that serve as prior knowledge in extracting instances associated with genetic biomarkers. We adopt a coarse-to-fine approach to mine biomarker information within the tumor microenvironment. This involves extracting instances related to genetic biomarkers using coarse medical prior knowledge, grouping pathology instances into fine-grained pathological components and mining their interactions. Experimental results on two colorectal cancer datasets show the superiority of our method, achieving 91.49% in AUC for MSI classification. The analysis further shows the clinical interpretability of our method. Code is publicly available at


cross MATE: Meet At The Embedding -- Connecting Images with Long Texts

Authors: Young Kyun Jang, Junmo Kang, Yong Jae Lee, Donghyun Kim

Abstract: While advancements in Vision Language Models (VLMs) have significantly improved the alignment of visual and textual data, these models primarily focus on aligning images with short descriptive captions. This focus limits their ability to handle complex text interactions, particularly with longer texts such as lengthy captions or documents, which have not been extensively explored yet. In this paper, we introduce Meet At The Embedding (MATE), a novel approach that combines the capabilities of VLMs with Large Language Models (LLMs) to overcome this challenge without the need for additional image-long text pairs. Specifically, we replace the text encoder of the VLM with a pretrained LLM-based encoder that excels in understanding long texts. To bridge the gap between VLM and LLM, MATE incorporates a projection module that is trained in a multi-stage manner. It starts by aligning the embeddings from the VLM text encoder with those from the LLM using extensive text pairs. This module is then employed to seamlessly align image embeddings closely with LLM embeddings. We propose two new cross-modal retrieval benchmarks to assess the task of connecting images with long texts (lengthy captions / documents). Extensive experimental results demonstrate that MATE effectively connects images with long texts, uncovering diverse semantic relationships.

cross A Transformer-Based Multi-Stream Approach for Isolated Iranian Sign Language Recognition

Authors: Ali Ghadami, Alireza Taheri, Ali Meghdari

Abstract: Sign language is an essential means of communication for millions of people around the world and serves as their primary language. However, most communication tools are developed for spoken and written languages which can cause problems and difficulties for the deaf and hard of hearing community. By developing a sign language recognition system, we can bridge this communication gap and enable people who use sign language as their main form of expression to better communicate with people and their surroundings. This recognition system increases the quality of health services, improves public services, and creates equal opportunities for the deaf community. This research aims to recognize Iranian Sign Language words with the help of the latest deep learning tools such as transformers. The dataset used includes 101 Iranian Sign Language words frequently used in academic environments such as universities. The network used is a combination of early fusion and late fusion transformer encoder-based networks optimized with the help of genetic algorithm. The selected features to train this network include hands and lips key points, and the distance and angle between hands extracted from the sign videos. Also, in addition to the training model for the classes, the embedding vectors of words are used as multi-task learning to have smoother and more efficient training. This model was also tested on sentences generated from our word dataset using a windowing technique for sentence translation. Finally, the sign language training software that provides real-time feedback to users with the help of the developed model, which has 90.2% accuracy on test data, was introduced, and in a survey, the effectiveness and efficiency of this type of sign language learning software and the impact of feedback were investigated.

cross Predicting Depression and Anxiety Risk in Dutch Neighborhoods from Street-View Images

Authors: Nin Khodorivsko, Giacomo Spigler

Abstract: Depression and anxiety disorders are prevalent mental health challenges affecting a substantial segment of the global population. In this study, we explored the environmental correlates of these disorders by analyzing street-view images (SVI) of neighborhoods in the Netherlands. Our dataset comprises 9,879 Dutch SVIs sourced from Google Street View, paired with statistical depression and anxiety risk metrics from the Dutch Health Monitor. To tackle this challenge, we refined two existing neural network architectures, DeiT Base and ResNet50. Our goal was to predict neighborhood risk levels, categorized into four tiers from low to high risk, using the raw images. The results showed that DeiT Base and ResNet50 achieved accuracies of 43.43% and 43.63%, respectively. Notably, a significant portion of the errors were between adjacent risk categories, resulting in adjusted accuracies of 83.55% and 80.38%. We also implemented the SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) method on both models and employed gradient rollout on DeiT. Interestingly, while SHAP underscored specific landscape attributes, the correlation between these features and distinct depression risk categories remained unclear. The gradient rollout findings were similarly non-definitive. However, through manual analysis, we identified certain landscape types that were consistently linked with specific risk categories. These findings suggest the potential of these techniques in monitoring the correlation between various landscapes and environmental risk factors for mental health issues. As a future direction, we recommend employing these methods to observe how risk scores from the Dutch Health Monitor shift across neighborhoods over time.

cross Towards Temporal Change Explanations from Bi-Temporal Satellite Images

Authors: Ryo Tsujimoto, Hiroki Ouchi, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Taro Watanabe

Abstract: Explaining temporal changes between satellite images taken at different times is important for urban planning and environmental monitoring. However, manual dataset construction for the task is costly, so human-AI collaboration is promissing. Toward the direction, in this paper, we investigate the ability of Large-scale Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) to explain temporal changes between satellite images. While LVLMs are known to generate good image captions, they receive only a single image as input. To deal with a par of satellite images as input, we propose three prompting methods. Through human evaluation, we found the effectiveness of our step-by-step reasoning based prompting.

cross CAPM: Fast and Robust Verification on Maxpool-based CNN via Dual Network

Authors: Jia-Hau Bai, Chi-Ting Liu, Yu Wang, Fu-Chieh Chang, Pei-Yuan Wu

Abstract: This study uses CAPM (Convex Adversarial Polytope for Maxpool-based CNN) to improve the verified bound for general purpose maxpool-based convolutional neural networks (CNNs) under bounded norm adversarial perturbations. The maxpool function is decomposed as a series of ReLU functions to extend the convex relaxation technique to maxpool functions, by which the verified bound can be efficiently computed through a dual network. The experimental results demonstrate that this technique allows the state-of-the-art verification precision for maxpool-based CNNs and involves a much lower computational cost than current verification methods, such as DeepZ, DeepPoly and PRIMA. This method is also applicable to large-scale CNNs, which previous studies show to be often computationally prohibitively expensive. Under certain circumstances, CAPM is 40-times, 20-times or twice as fast and give a significantly higher verification bound (CAPM 98% vs. PRIMA 76%/DeepPoly 73%/DeepZ 8%) as compared to PRIMA/DeepPoly/DeepZ. Furthermore, we additionally present the time complexity of our algorithm as $O(W^2NK)$, where $W$ is the maximum width of the neural network, $N$ is the number of neurons, and $K$ is the size of the maxpool layer's kernel.

cross Diminishing Stereotype Bias in Image Generation Model using Reinforcemenlent Learning Feedback

Authors: Xin Chen, Virgile Foussereau

Abstract: This study addresses gender bias in image generation models using Reinforcement Learning from Artificial Intelligence Feedback (RLAIF) with a novel Denoising Diffusion Policy Optimization (DDPO) pipeline. By employing a pretrained stable diffusion model and a highly accurate gender classification Transformer, the research introduces two reward functions: Rshift for shifting gender imbalances, and Rbalance for achieving and maintaining gender balance. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in mitigating bias without compromising image quality or requiring additional data or prompt modifications. While focusing on gender bias, this work establishes a foundation for addressing various forms of bias in AI systems, emphasizing the need for responsible AI development. Future research directions include extending the methodology to other bias types, enhancing the RLAIF pipeline's robustness, and exploring multi-prompt fine-tuning to further advance fairness and inclusivity in AI.

cross RESVMUNetX: A Low-Light Enhancement Network Based on VMamba

Authors: Shuang Wang, Qingchuan Tao, Zhenming Tang

Abstract: This study presents ResVMUNetX, a novel image enhancement network for low-light conditions, addressing the limitations of existing deep learning methods in capturing long-range image information. Leveraging error regression and an efficient VMamba architecture, ResVMUNetX enhances brightness, recovers structural details, and removes noise through a two-step process involving direct pixel addition and a specialized Denoise CNN module. Demonstrating superior performance on the LOL dataset, ResVMUNetX significantly improves image clarity and quality with reduced computational demands, achieving real-time processing speeds of up to 70 frames per second. This confirms its effectiveness in enhancing low-light images and its potential for practical, real-time applications.

cross Explainable Image Captioning using CNN- CNN architecture and Hierarchical Attention

Authors: Rishi Kesav Mohan, Sanjay Sureshkumar, Vignesh Sivasubramaniam

Abstract: Image captioning is a technology that produces text-based descriptions for an image. Deep learning-based solutions built on top of feature recognition may very well serve the purpose. But as with any other machine learning solution, the user understanding in the process of caption generation is poor and the model does not provide any explanation for its predictions and hence the conventional methods are also referred to as Black-Box methods. Thus, an approach where the model's predictions are trusted by the user is needed to appreciate interoperability. Explainable AI is an approach where a conventional method is approached in a way that the model or the algorithm's predictions can be explainable and justifiable. Thus, this article tries to approach image captioning using Explainable AI such that the resulting captions generated by the model can be Explained and visualized. A newer architecture with a CNN decoder and hierarchical attention concept has been used to increase speed and accuracy of caption generation. Also, incorporating explainability to a model makes it more trustable when used in an application. The model is trained and evaluated using MSCOCO dataset and both quantitative and qualitative results are presented in this article.

cross Deep Reinforcement Learning Strategies in Finance: Insights into Asset Holding, Trading Behavior, and Purchase Diversity

Authors: Alireza Mohammadshafie, Akram Mirzaeinia, Haseebullah Jumakhan, Amir Mirzaeinia

Abstract: Recent deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods in finance show promising outcomes. However, there is limited research examining the behavior of these DRL algorithms. This paper aims to investigate their tendencies towards holding or trading financial assets as well as purchase diversity. By analyzing their trading behaviors, we provide insights into the decision-making processes of DRL models in finance applications. Our findings reveal that each DRL algorithm exhibits unique trading patterns and strategies, with A2C emerging as the top performer in terms of cumulative rewards. While PPO and SAC engage in significant trades with a limited number of stocks, DDPG and TD3 adopt a more balanced approach. Furthermore, SAC and PPO tend to hold positions for shorter durations, whereas DDPG, A2C, and TD3 display a propensity to remain stationary for extended periods.

cross Psychology of Artificial Intelligence: Epistemological Markers of the Cognitive Analysis of Neural Networks

Authors: Michael Pichat (Neocognition)

Abstract: What is the "nature" of the cognitive processes and contents of an artificial neural network? In other words, how does an artificial intelligence fundamentally "think," and in what form does its knowledge reside? The psychology of artificial intelligence, as predicted by Asimov (1950), aims to study this AI probing and explainability-sensitive matter. This study requires a neuronal level of cognitive granularity, so as not to be limited solely to the secondary macro-cognitive results (such as cognitive and cultural biases) of synthetic neural cognition. A prerequisite for examining the latter is to clarify some epistemological milestones regarding the cognitive status we can attribute to its phenomenology.

cross Don't Fear Peculiar Activation Functions: EUAF and Beyond

Authors: Qianchao Wang (Center of Mathematical Artificial Intelligence, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China), Shijun Zhang (Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China), Dong Zeng (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China), Zhaoheng Xie (Institute of Medical Technology, Peking University Health Science Center, Peking University, Beijing, China), Hengtao Guo (Independent Researcher, Seattle, WA, US), Feng-Lei Fan (Center of Mathematical Artificial Intelligence, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China), Tieyong Zeng (Center of Mathematical Artificial Intelligence, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new super-expressive activation function called the Parametric Elementary Universal Activation Function (PEUAF). We demonstrate the effectiveness of PEUAF through systematic and comprehensive experiments on various industrial and image datasets, including CIFAR10, Tiny-ImageNet, and ImageNet. Moreover, we significantly generalize the family of super-expressive activation functions, whose existence has been demonstrated in several recent works by showing that any continuous function can be approximated to any desired accuracy by a fixed-size network with a specific super-expressive activation function. Specifically, our work addresses two major bottlenecks in impeding the development of super-expressive activation functions: the limited identification of super-expressive functions, which raises doubts about their broad applicability, and their often peculiar forms, which lead to skepticism regarding their scalability and practicality in real-world applications.

cross A Scale-Invariant Diagnostic Approach Towards Understanding Dynamics of Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Ambarish Moharil, Damian Tamburri, Indika Kumara, Willem-Jan Van Den Heuvel, Alireza Azarfar

Abstract: This paper introduces a scale-invariant methodology employing \textit{Fractal Geometry} to analyze and explain the nonlinear dynamics of complex connectionist systems. By leveraging architectural self-similarity in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), we quantify fractal dimensions and \textit{roughness} to deeply understand their dynamics and enhance the quality of \textit{intrinsic} explanations. Our approach integrates principles from Chaos Theory to improve visualizations of fractal evolution and utilizes a Graph-Based Neural Network for reconstructing network topology. This strategy aims at advancing the \textit{intrinsic} explainability of connectionist Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems.

cross Accelerating the inference of string generation-based chemical reaction models for industrial applications

Authors: Mikhail Andronov, Natalia Andronova, Michael Wand, J\"urgen Schmidhuber, Djork-Arn\`e Clevert

Abstract: Template-free SMILES-to-SMILES translation models for reaction prediction and single-step retrosynthesis are of interest for industrial applications in computer-aided synthesis planning systems due to their state-of-the-art accuracy. However, they suffer from slow inference speed. We present a method to accelerate inference in autoregressive SMILES generators through speculative decoding by copying query string subsequences into target strings in the right places. We apply our method to the molecular transformer implemented in Pytorch Lightning and achieve over 3X faster inference in reaction prediction and single-step retrosynthesis, with no loss in accuracy.

cross A Mathematical Framework, a Taxonomy of Modeling Paradigms, and a Suite of Learning Techniques for Neural-Symbolic Systems

Authors: Charles Dickens, Connor Pryor, Changyu Gao, Alon Albalak, Eriq Augustine, William Wang, Stephen Wright, Lise Getoor

Abstract: The field of Neural-Symbolic (NeSy) systems is growing rapidly. Proposed approaches show great promise in achieving symbiotic unions of neural and symbolic methods. However, each NeSy system differs in fundamental ways. There is a pressing need for a unifying theory to illuminate the commonalities and differences in approaches and enable further progress. In this paper, we introduce Neural-Symbolic Energy-Based Models (NeSy-EBMs), a unifying mathematical framework for discriminative and generative modeling with probabilistic and non-probabilistic NeSy approaches. We utilize NeSy-EBMs to develop a taxonomy of modeling paradigms focusing on a system's neural-symbolic interface and reasoning capabilities. Additionally, we introduce a suite of learning techniques for NeSy-EBMs. Importantly, NeSy-EBMs allow the derivation of general expressions for gradients of prominent learning losses, and we provide four learning approaches that leverage methods from multiple domains, including bilevel and stochastic policy optimization. Finally, we present Neural Probabilistic Soft Logic (NeuPSL), an open-source NeSy-EBM library designed for scalability and expressivity, facilitating real-world application of NeSy systems. Through extensive empirical analysis across multiple datasets, we demonstrate the practical advantages of NeSy-EBMs in various tasks, including image classification, graph node labeling, autonomous vehicle situation awareness, and question answering.

cross Investigating the Interplay of Prioritized Replay and Generalization

Authors: Parham Mohammad Panahi, Andrew Patterson, Martha White, Adam White

Abstract: Experience replay is ubiquitous in reinforcement learning, to reuse past data and improve sample efficiency. Though a variety of smart sampling schemes have been introduced to improve performance, uniform sampling by far remains the most common approach. One exception is Prioritized Experience Replay (PER), where sampling is done proportionally to TD errors, inspired by the success of prioritized sweeping in dynamic programming. The original work on PER showed improvements in Atari, but follow-up results are mixed. In this paper, we investigate several variations on PER, to attempt to understand where and when PER may be useful. Our findings in prediction tasks reveal that while PER can improve value propagation in tabular settings, behavior is significantly different when combined with neural networks. Certain mitigations -- like delaying target network updates to control generalization and using estimates of expected TD errors in PER to avoid chasing stochasticity -- can avoid large spikes in error with PER and neural networks, but nonetheless generally do not outperform uniform replay. In control tasks, none of the prioritized variants consistently outperform uniform replay.

cross Diagnosing and Re-learning for Balanced Multimodal Learning

Authors: Yake Wei, Siwei Li, Ruoxuan Feng, Di Hu

Abstract: To overcome the imbalanced multimodal learning problem, where models prefer the training of specific modalities, existing methods propose to control the training of uni-modal encoders from different perspectives, taking the inter-modal performance discrepancy as the basis. However, the intrinsic limitation of modality capacity is ignored. The scarcely informative modalities can be recognized as ``worse-learnt'' ones, which could force the model to memorize more noise, counterproductively affecting the multimodal model ability. Moreover, the current modality modulation methods narrowly concentrate on selected worse-learnt modalities, even suppressing the training of others. Hence, it is essential to consider the intrinsic limitation of modality capacity and take all modalities into account during balancing. To this end, we propose the Diagnosing \& Re-learning method. The learning state of each modality is firstly estimated based on the separability of its uni-modal representation space, and then used to softly re-initialize the corresponding uni-modal encoder. In this way, the over-emphasizing of scarcely informative modalities is avoided. In addition, encoders of worse-learnt modalities are enhanced, simultaneously avoiding the over-training of other modalities. Accordingly, multimodal learning is effectively balanced and enhanced. Experiments covering multiple types of modalities and multimodal frameworks demonstrate the superior performance of our simple-yet-effective method for balanced multimodal learning. The source code and dataset are available at \url{}.


cross On Mitigating Code LLM Hallucinations with API Documentation

Authors: Nihal Jain, Robert Kwiatkowski, Baishakhi Ray, Murali Krishna Ramanathan, Varun Kumar

Abstract: In this study, we address the issue of API hallucinations in various software engineering contexts. We introduce CloudAPIBench, a new benchmark designed to measure API hallucination occurrences. CloudAPIBench also provides annotations for frequencies of API occurrences in the public domain, allowing us to study API hallucinations at various frequency levels. Our findings reveal that Code LLMs struggle with low frequency APIs: for e.g., GPT-4o achieves only 38.58% valid low frequency API invocations. We demonstrate that Documentation Augmented Generation (DAG) significantly improves performance for low frequency APIs (increase to 47.94% with DAG) but negatively impacts high frequency APIs when using sub-optimal retrievers (a 39.02% absolute drop). To mitigate this, we propose to intelligently trigger DAG where we check against an API index or leverage Code LLMs' confidence scores to retrieve only when needed. We demonstrate that our proposed methods enhance the balance between low and high frequency API performance, resulting in more reliable API invocations (8.20% absolute improvement on CloudAPIBench for GPT-4o).

cross Active Learning for Derivative-Based Global Sensitivity Analysis with Gaussian Processes

Authors: Syrine Belakaria, Benjamin Letham, Janardhan Rao Doppa, Barbara Engelhardt, Stefano Ermon, Eytan Bakshy

Abstract: We consider the problem of active learning for global sensitivity analysis of expensive black-box functions. Our aim is to efficiently learn the importance of different input variables, e.g., in vehicle safety experimentation, we study the impact of the thickness of various components on safety objectives. Since function evaluations are expensive, we use active learning to prioritize experimental resources where they yield the most value. We propose novel active learning acquisition functions that directly target key quantities of derivative-based global sensitivity measures (DGSMs) under Gaussian process surrogate models. We showcase the first application of active learning directly to DGSMs, and develop tractable uncertainty reduction and information gain acquisition functions for these measures. Through comprehensive evaluation on synthetic and real-world problems, our study demonstrates how these active learning acquisition strategies substantially enhance the sample efficiency of DGSM estimation, particularly with limited evaluation budgets. Our work paves the way for more efficient and accurate sensitivity analysis in various scientific and engineering applications.

cross ICCV23 Visual-Dialog Emotion Explanation Challenge: SEU_309 Team Technical Report

Authors: Yixiao Yuan, Yingzhe Peng

Abstract: The Visual-Dialog Based Emotion Explanation Generation Challenge focuses on generating emotion explanations through visual-dialog interactions in art discussions. Our approach combines state-of-the-art multi-modal models, including Language Model (LM) and Large Vision Language Model (LVLM), to achieve superior performance. By leveraging these models, we outperform existing benchmarks, securing the top rank in the ICCV23 Visual-Dialog Based Emotion Explanation Generation Challenge, which is part of the 5th Workshop On Closing The Loop Between Vision And Language (CLCV) with significant scores in F1 and BLEU metrics. Our method demonstrates exceptional ability in generating accurate emotion explanations, advancing our understanding of emotional impacts in art.

cross TemporalStory: Enhancing Consistency in Story Visualization using Spatial-Temporal Attention

Authors: Sixiao Zheng, Yanwei Fu

Abstract: Story visualization presents a challenging task in text-to-image generation, requiring not only the rendering of visual details from text prompt but also ensuring consistency across images. Recently, most approaches address inconsistency problem using an auto-regressive manner conditioned on previous image-sentence pairs. However, they overlook the fact that story context is dispersed across all sentences. The auto-regressive approach fails to encode information from susequent image-sentence pairs, thus unable to capture the entirety of the story context. To address this, we introduce TemporalStory, leveraging Spatial-Temporal attention to model complex spatial and temporal dependencies in images, enabling the generation of coherent images based on a given storyline. In order to better understand the storyline context, we introduce a text adapter capable of integrating information from other sentences into the embedding of the current sentence. Additionally, to utilize scene changes between story images as guidance for the model, we propose the StoryFlow Adapter to measure the degree of change between images. Through extensive experiments on two popular benchmarks, PororoSV and FlintstonesSV, our TemporalStory outperforms the previous state-of-the-art in both story visualization and story continuation tasks.

cross Graph Transformers: A Survey

Authors: Ahsan Shehzad, Feng Xia, Shagufta Abid, Ciyuan Peng, Shuo Yu, Dongyu Zhang, Karin Verspoor

Abstract: Graph transformers are a recent advancement in machine learning, offering a new class of neural network models for graph-structured data. The synergy between transformers and graph learning demonstrates strong performance and versatility across various graph-related tasks. This survey provides an in-depth review of recent progress and challenges in graph transformer research. We begin with foundational concepts of graphs and transformers. We then explore design perspectives of graph transformers, focusing on how they integrate graph inductive biases and graph attention mechanisms into the transformer architecture. Furthermore, we propose a taxonomy classifying graph transformers based on depth, scalability, and pre-training strategies, summarizing key principles for effective development of graph transformer models. Beyond technical analysis, we discuss the applications of graph transformer models for node-level, edge-level, and graph-level tasks, exploring their potential in other application scenarios as well. Finally, we identify remaining challenges in the field, such as scalability and efficiency, generalization and robustness, interpretability and explainability, dynamic and complex graphs, as well as data quality and diversity, charting future directions for graph transformer research.

cross Layout-and-Retouch: A Dual-stage Framework for Improving Diversity in Personalized Image Generation

Authors: Kangyeol Kim, Wooseok Seo, Sehyun Nam, Bodam Kim, Suhyeon Jeong, Wonwoo Cho, Jaegul Choo, Youngjae Yu

Abstract: Personalized text-to-image (P-T2I) generation aims to create new, text-guided images featuring the personalized subject with a few reference images. However, balancing the trade-off relationship between prompt fidelity and identity preservation remains a critical challenge. To address the issue, we propose a novel P-T2I method called Layout-and-Retouch, consisting of two stages: 1) layout generation and 2) retouch. In the first stage, our step-blended inference utilizes the inherent sample diversity of vanilla T2I models to produce diversified layout images, while also enhancing prompt fidelity. In the second stage, multi-source attention swapping integrates the context image from the first stage with the reference image, leveraging the structure from the context image and extracting visual features from the reference image. This achieves high prompt fidelity while preserving identity characteristics. Through our extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method generates a wide variety of images with diverse layouts while maintaining the unique identity features of the personalized objects, even with challenging text prompts. This versatility highlights the potential of our framework to handle complex conditions, significantly enhancing the diversity and applicability of personalized image synthesis.

cross Explanation is All You Need in Distillation: Mitigating Bias and Shortcut Learning

Authors: Pedro R. A. S. Bassi, Andrea Cavalli, Sergio Decherchi

Abstract: Bias and spurious correlations in data can cause shortcut learning, undermining out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization in deep neural networks. Most methods require unbiased data during training (and/or hyper-parameter tuning) to counteract shortcut learning. Here, we propose the use of explanation distillation to hinder shortcut learning. The technique does not assume any access to unbiased data, and it allows an arbitrarily sized student network to learn the reasons behind the decisions of an unbiased teacher, such as a vision-language model or a network processing debiased images. We found that it is possible to train a neural network with explanation (e.g by Layer Relevance Propagation, LRP) distillation only, and that the technique leads to high resistance to shortcut learning, surpassing group-invariant learning, explanation background minimization, and alternative distillation techniques. In the COLOURED MNIST dataset, LRP distillation achieved 98.2% OOD accuracy, while deep feature distillation and IRM achieved 92.1% and 60.2%, respectively. In COCO-on-Places, the undesirable generalization gap between in-distribution and OOD accuracy is only of 4.4% for LRP distillation, while the other two techniques present gaps of 15.1% and 52.1%, respectively.

cross IoT-LM: Large Multisensory Language Models for the Internet of Things

Authors: Shentong Mo, Russ Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency, Paul Pu Liang

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) network integrating billions of smart physical devices embedded with sensors, software, and communication technologies is a critical and rapidly expanding component of our modern world. The IoT ecosystem provides a rich source of real-world modalities such as motion, thermal, geolocation, imaging, depth, sensors, and audio to recognize the states of humans and physical objects. Machine learning presents a rich opportunity to automatically process IoT data at scale, enabling efficient inference for understanding human wellbeing, controlling physical devices, and interconnecting smart cities. To realize this potential, we introduce IoT-LM, an open-source large multisensory language model tailored for the IoT ecosystem. IoT-LM is enabled by two technical contributions: the first is MultiIoT, the most expansive unified IoT dataset to date, encompassing over 1.15 million samples from 12 modalities and 8 tasks prepared for multisensory pre-training and instruction-tuning. The second is a new multisensory multitask adapter layer to condition pre-trained large language models on multisensory IoT data. Not only does IoT-LM yield substantial improvements on 8 supervised IoT classification tasks, but it also demonstrates new interactive question-answering, reasoning, and dialog capabilities conditioned on IoT sensors. We release IoT-LM's data sources and new multisensory language modeling framework.

cross NativQA: Multilingual Culturally-Aligned Natural Query for LLMs

Authors: Md. Arid Hasan, Maram Hasanain, Fatema Ahmad, Sahinur Rahman Laskar, Sunaya Upadhyay, Vrunda N Sukhadia, Mucahid Kutlu, Shammur Absar Chowdhury, Firoj Alam

Abstract: Natural Question Answering (QA) datasets play a crucial role in developing and evaluating the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), ensuring their effective usage in real-world applications. Despite the numerous QA datasets that have been developed, there is a notable lack of region-specific datasets generated by native users in their own languages. This gap hinders the effective benchmarking of LLMs for regional and cultural specificities. In this study, we propose a scalable framework, NativQA, to seamlessly construct culturally and regionally aligned QA datasets in native languages, for LLM evaluation and tuning. Moreover, to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework, we designed a multilingual natural QA dataset, MultiNativQA, consisting of ~72K QA pairs in seven languages, ranging from high to extremely low resource, based on queries from native speakers covering 18 topics. We benchmark the MultiNativQA dataset with open- and closed-source LLMs. We made both the framework NativQA and MultiNativQA dataset publicly available for the community. (


cross Enhancing Semantic Segmentation with Adaptive Focal Loss: A Novel Approach

Authors: Md Rakibul Islam, Riad Hassan, Abdullah Nazib, Kien Nguyen, Clinton Fookes, Md Zahidul Islam

Abstract: Deep learning has achieved outstanding accuracy in medical image segmentation, particularly for objects like organs or tumors with smooth boundaries or large sizes. Whereas, it encounters significant difficulties with objects that have zigzag boundaries or are small in size, leading to a notable decrease in segmentation effectiveness. In this context, using a loss function that incorporates smoothness and volume information into a model's predictions offers a promising solution to these shortcomings. In this work, we introduce an Adaptive Focal Loss (A-FL) function designed to mitigate class imbalance by down-weighting the loss for easy examples that results in up-weighting the loss for hard examples and giving greater emphasis to challenging examples, such as small and irregularly shaped objects. The proposed A-FL involves dynamically adjusting a focusing parameter based on an object's surface smoothness, size information, and adjusting the class balancing parameter based on the ratio of targeted area to total area in an image. We evaluated the performance of the A-FL using ResNet50-encoded U-Net architecture on the Picai 2022 and BraTS 2018 datasets. On the Picai 2022 dataset, the A-FL achieved an Intersection over Union (IoU) of 0.696 and a Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 0.769, outperforming the regular Focal Loss (FL) by 5.5% and 5.4% respectively. It also surpassed the best baseline Dice-Focal by 2.0% and 1.2%. On the BraTS 2018 dataset, A-FL achieved an IoU of 0.883 and a DSC of 0.931. The comparative studies show that the proposed A-FL function surpasses conventional methods, including Dice Loss, Focal Loss, and their hybrid variants, in IoU, DSC, Sensitivity, and Specificity metrics. This work highlights A-FL's potential to improve deep learning models for segmenting clinically significant regions in medical images, leading to more precise and reliable diagnostic tools.

cross Building pre-train LLM Dataset for the INDIC Languages: a case study on Hindi

Authors: Shantipriya Parida, Shakshi Panwar, Kusum Lata, Sanskruti Mishra, Sambit Sekhar

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) demonstrated transformative capabilities in many applications that require automatically generating responses based on human instruction. However, the major challenge for building LLMs, particularly in Indic languages, is the availability of high-quality data for building foundation LLMs. In this paper, we are proposing a large pre-train dataset in Hindi useful for the Indic language Hindi. We have collected the data span across several domains including major dialects in Hindi. The dataset contains 1.28 billion Hindi tokens. We have explained our pipeline including data collection, pre-processing, and availability for LLM pre-training. The proposed approach can be easily extended to other Indic and low-resource languages and will be available freely for LLM pre-training and LLM research purposes.

cross Towards Systematic Monolingual NLP Surveys: GenA of Greek NLP

Authors: Juli Bakagianni, Kanella Pouli, Maria Gavriilidou, John Pavlopoulos

Abstract: Natural Language Processing (NLP) research has traditionally been predominantly focused on English, driven by the availability of resources, the size of the research community, and market demands. Recently, there has been a noticeable shift towards multilingualism in NLP, recognizing the need for inclusivity and effectiveness across diverse languages and cultures. Monolingual surveys have the potential to complement the broader trend towards multilingualism in NLP by providing foundational insights and resources necessary for effectively addressing the linguistic diversity of global communication. However, monolingual NLP surveys are extremely rare in literature. This study fills the gap by introducing a method for creating systematic and comprehensive monolingual NLP surveys. Characterized by a structured search protocol, it can be used to select publications and organize them through a taxonomy of NLP tasks. We include a classification of Language Resources (LRs), according to their availability, and datasets, according to their annotation, to highlight publicly-available and machine-actionable LRs. By applying our method, we conducted a systematic literature review of Greek NLP from 2012 to 2022, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state and challenges of Greek NLP research. We discuss the progress of Greek NLP and outline encountered Greek LRs, classified by availability and usability. As we show, our proposed method helps avoid common pitfalls, such as data leakage and contamination, and to assess language support per NLP task. We consider this systematic literature review of Greek NLP an application of our method that showcases the benefits of a monolingual NLP survey. Similar applications could be regard the myriads of languages whose progress in NLP lags behind that of well-supported languages.

cross Resource Management for Low-latency Cooperative Fine-tuning of Foundation Models at the Network Edge

Authors: Hai Wu, Xu Chen, Kaibin Huang

Abstract: The emergence of large-scale foundation models (FoMo's) that can perform human-like intelligence motivates their deployment at the network edge for devices to access state-of-the-art artificial intelligence. For better user experiences, the pre-trained FoMo's need to be adapted to specialized downstream tasks through fine-tuning techniques. To transcend a single device's memory and computation limitations, we advocate multi-device cooperation within the device-edge cooperative fine-tuning (DEFT) paradigm, where edge devices cooperate to simultaneously optimize different parts of fine-tuning parameters within a FoMo. However, the parameter blocks reside at different depths within a FoMo architecture, leading to varied computation latency-and-memory cost due to gradient backpropagation-based calculations. The heterogeneous on-device computation and memory capacities and channel conditions necessitate an integrated communication-and-computation allocation of local computation loads and communication resources to achieve low-latency (LoLa) DEFT. To this end, we consider the depth-ware DEFT block allocation problem. The involved optimal block-device matching is tackled by the proposed low-complexity Cutting-RecoUNting-CHecking (CRUNCH) algorithm, which is designed by exploiting the monotone-increasing property between block depth and computation latency-and-memory cost. Next, the joint bandwidth-and-block allocation makes the problem more sophisticated. We observe a splittable Lagrangian expression through the transformation and analysis of the original problem, where the variables indicating device involvement are introduced. Then, the dual ascent method is employed to tackle this problem iteratively. Through extensive experiments conducted on the GLUE benchmark, our results demonstrate significant latency reduction achievable by LoLa DEFT for fine-tuning a RoBERTa model.

cross SeFi-CD: A Semantic First Change Detection Paradigm That Can Detect Any Change You Want

Authors: Ling Zhao, Zhenyang Huang, Dongsheng Kuang, Chengli Peng, Jun Gan, Haifeng Li

Abstract: The existing change detection(CD) methods can be summarized as the visual-first change detection (ViFi-CD) paradigm, which first extracts change features from visual differences and then assigns them specific semantic information. However, CD is essentially dependent on change regions of interest (CRoIs), meaning that the CD results are directly determined by the semantics changes of interest, making its primary image factor semantic of interest rather than visual. The ViFi-CD paradigm can only assign specific semantics of interest to specific change features extracted from visual differences, leading to the inevitable omission of potential CRoIs and the inability to adapt to different CRoI CD tasks. In other words, changes in other CRoIs cannot be detected by the ViFi-CD method without retraining the model or significantly modifying the method. This paper introduces a new CD paradigm, the semantic-first CD (SeFi-CD) paradigm. The core idea of SeFi-CD is to first perceive the dynamic semantics of interest and then visually search for change features related to the semantics. Based on the SeFi-CD paradigm, we designed Anything You Want Change Detection (AUWCD). Experiments on public datasets demonstrate that the AUWCD outperforms the current state-of-the-art CD methods, achieving an average F1 score 5.01\% higher than that of these advanced supervised baselines on the SECOND dataset, with a maximum increase of 13.17\%. The proposed SeFi-CD offers a novel CD perspective and approach.

cross FarFetched: Entity-centric Reasoning and Claim Validation for the Greek Language based on Textually Represented Environments

Authors: Dimitris Papadopoulos, Katerina Metropoulou, Nikolaos Matsatsinis, Nikolaos Papadakis

Abstract: Our collective attention span is shortened by the flood of online information. With \textit{FarFetched}, we address the need for automated claim validation based on the aggregated evidence derived from multiple online news sources. We introduce an entity-centric reasoning framework in which latent connections between events, actions, or statements are revealed via entity mentions and represented in a graph database. Using entity linking and semantic similarity, we offer a way for collecting and combining information from diverse sources in order to generate evidence relevant to the user's claim. Then, we leverage textual entailment recognition to quantitatively determine whether this assertion is credible, based on the created evidence. Our approach tries to fill the gap in automated claim validation for less-resourced languages and is showcased on the Greek language, complemented by the training of relevant semantic textual similarity (STS) and natural language inference (NLI) models that are evaluated on translated versions of common benchmarks.

cross Transferring Structure Knowledge: A New Task to Fake news Detection Towards Cold-Start Propagation

Authors: Lingwei Wei, Dou Hu, Wei Zhou, Songlin Hu

Abstract: Many fake news detection studies have achieved promising performance by extracting effective semantic and structure features from both content and propagation trees. However, it is challenging to apply them to practical situations, especially when using the trained propagation-based models to detect news with no propagation data. Towards this scenario, we study a new task named cold-start fake news detection, which aims to detect content-only samples with missing propagation. To achieve the task, we design a simple but effective Structure Adversarial Net (SAN) framework to learn transferable features from available propagation to boost the detection of content-only samples. SAN introduces a structure discriminator to estimate dissimilarities among learned features with and without propagation, and further learns structure-invariant features to enhance the generalization of existing propagation-based methods for content-only samples. We conduct qualitative and quantitative experiments on three datasets. Results show the challenge of the new task and the effectiveness of our SAN framework.

cross Metric Learning for Clifford Group Equivariant Neural Networks

Authors: Riccardo Ali, Paulina Kulyt\.e, Haitz S\'aez de Oc\'ariz Borde, Pietro Li\`o

Abstract: Clifford Group Equivariant Neural Networks (CGENNs) leverage Clifford algebras and multivectors as an alternative approach to incorporating group equivariance to ensure symmetry constraints in neural representations. In principle, this formulation generalizes to orthogonal groups and preserves equivariance regardless of the metric signature. However, previous works have restricted internal network representations to Euclidean or Minkowski (pseudo-)metrics, handpicked depending on the problem at hand. In this work, we propose an alternative method that enables the metric to be learned in a data-driven fashion, allowing the CGENN network to learn more flexible representations. Specifically, we populate metric matrices fully, ensuring they are symmetric by construction, and leverage eigenvalue decomposition to integrate this additional learnable component into the original CGENN formulation in a principled manner. Additionally, we motivate our method using insights from category theory, which enables us to explain Clifford algebras as a categorical construction and guarantee the mathematical soundness of our approach. We validate our method in various tasks and showcase the advantages of learning more flexible latent metric representations. The code and data are available at


cross Evaluating the Impact of Different Quantum Kernels on the Classification Performance of Support Vector Machine Algorithm: A Medical Dataset Application

Authors: Emine Akpinar, Sardar M. N. Islam, Murat Oduncuoglu

Abstract: The support vector machine algorithm with a quantum kernel estimator (QSVM-Kernel), as a leading example of a quantum machine learning technique, has undergone significant advancements. Nevertheless, its integration with classical data presents unique challenges. While quantum computers primarily interact with data in quantum states, embedding classical data into quantum states using feature mapping techniques is essential for leveraging quantum algorithms Despite the recognized importance of feature mapping, its specific impact on data classification outcomes remains largely unexplored. This study addresses this gap by comprehensively assessing the effects of various feature mapping methods on classification results, taking medical data analysis as a case study. In this study, the QSVM-Kernel method was applied to classification problems in two different and publicly available medical datasets, namely, the Wisconsin Breast Cancer (original) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Glioma datasets. In the QSVM-Kernel algorithm, quantum kernel matrices obtained from 9 different quantum feature maps were used. Thus, the effects of these quantum feature maps on the classification results of the QSVM-Kernel algorithm were examined in terms of both classifier performance and total execution time. As a result, in the Wisconsin Breast Cancer (original) and TCGA Glioma datasets, when Rx and Ry rotational gates were used, respectively, as feature maps in the QSVM-Kernel algorithm, the best classification performances were achieved both in terms of classification performance and total execution time. The contributions of this study are that (1) it highlights the significant impact of feature mapping techniques on medical data classification outcomes using the QSVM-Kernel algorithm, and (2) it also guides undertaking research for improved QSVM classification performance.

cross WojoodNER 2024: The Second Arabic Named Entity Recognition Shared Task

Authors: Mustafa Jarrar, Nagham Hamad, Mohammed Khalilia, Bashar Talafha, AbdelRahim Elmadany, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Abstract: We present WojoodNER-2024, the second Arabic Named Entity Recognition (NER) Shared Task. In WojoodNER-2024, we focus on fine-grained Arabic NER. We provided participants with a new Arabic fine-grained NER dataset called wojoodfine, annotated with subtypes of entities. WojoodNER-2024 encompassed three subtasks: (i) Closed-Track Flat Fine-Grained NER, (ii) Closed-Track Nested Fine-Grained NER, and (iii) an Open-Track NER for the Israeli War on Gaza. A total of 43 unique teams registered for this shared task. Five teams participated in the Flat Fine-Grained Subtask, among which two teams tackled the Nested Fine-Grained Subtask and one team participated in the Open-Track NER Subtask. The winning teams achieved F-1 scores of 91% and 92% in the Flat Fine-Grained and Nested Fine-Grained Subtasks, respectively. The sole team in the Open-Track Subtask achieved an F-1 score of 73.7%.

cross Hydra: Bidirectional State Space Models Through Generalized Matrix Mixers

Authors: Sukjun Hwang, Aakash Lahoti, Tri Dao, Albert Gu

Abstract: A wide array of sequence models are built on a framework modeled after Transformers, comprising alternating sequence mixer and channel mixer layers. This paper studies a unifying matrix mixer view of sequence mixers that can be conceptualized as a linear map on the input sequence. This framework encompasses a broad range of well-known sequence models, including the self-attention of Transformers as well as recent strong alternatives such as structured state space models (SSMs), and allows understanding downstream characteristics such as efficiency and expressivity through properties of their structured matrix class. We identify a key axis of matrix parameterizations termed sequence alignment, which increases the flexibility and performance of matrix mixers, providing insights into the strong performance of Transformers and recent SSMs such as Mamba. Furthermore, the matrix mixer framework offers a systematic approach to developing sequence mixers with desired properties, allowing us to develop several new sub-quadratic sequence models. In particular, we propose a natural bidirectional extension of the Mamba model (Hydra), parameterized as a quasiseparable matrix mixer, which demonstrates superior performance over other sequence models including Transformers on non-causal tasks. As a drop-in replacement for attention layers, Hydra outperforms BERT by 0.8 points on the GLUE benchmark and ViT by 2% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet.

cross Learning Online Scale Transformation for Talking Head Video Generation

Authors: Fa-Ting Hong, Dan Xu

Abstract: One-shot talking head video generation uses a source image and driving video to create a synthetic video where the source person's facial movements imitate those of the driving video. However, differences in scale between the source and driving images remain a challenge for face reenactment. Existing methods attempt to locate a frame in the driving video that aligns best with the source image, but imprecise alignment can result in suboptimal outcomes. To this end, we introduce a scale transformation module that can automatically adjust the scale of the driving image to fit that of the source image, by using the information of scale difference maintained in the detected keypoints of the source image and the driving frame. Furthermore, to keep perceiving the scale information of faces during the generation process, we incorporate the scale information learned from the scale transformation module into each layer of the generation process to produce a final result with an accurate scale. Our method can perform accurate motion transfer between the two images without any anchor frame, achieved through the contributions of the proposed online scale transformation facial reenactment network. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that our proposed method adjusts the scale of the driving face automatically according to the source face, and generates high-quality faces with an accurate scale in the cross-identity facial reenactment.

cross To what extent is ChatGPT useful for language teacher lesson plan creation?

Authors: Alex Dornburg, Kristin Davin

Abstract: The advent of generative AI models holds tremendous potential for aiding teachers in the generation of pedagogical materials. However, numerous knowledge gaps concerning the behavior of these models obfuscate the generation of research-informed guidance for their effective usage. Here we assess trends in prompt specificity, variability, and weaknesses in foreign language teacher lesson plans generated by zero-shot prompting in ChatGPT. Iterating a series of prompts that increased in complexity, we found that output lesson plans were generally high quality, though additional context and specificity to a prompt did not guarantee a concomitant increase in quality. Additionally, we observed extreme cases of variability in outputs generated by the same prompt. In many cases, this variability reflected a conflict between 20th century versus 21st century pedagogical practices. These results suggest that the training of generative AI models on classic texts concerning pedagogical practices may represent a currently underexplored topic with the potential to bias generated content towards teaching practices that have been long refuted by research. Collectively, our results offer immediate translational implications for practicing and training foreign language teachers on the use of AI tools. More broadly, these findings reveal the existence of generative AI output trends that have implications for the generation of pedagogical materials across a diversity of content areas.

cross The GPT Surprise: Offering Large Language Model Chat in a Massive Coding Class Reduced Engagement but Increased Adopters Exam Performances

Authors: Allen Nie, Yash Chandak, Miroslav Suzara, Malika Ali, Juliette Woodrow, Matt Peng, Mehran Sahami, Emma Brunskill, Chris Piech

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are quickly being adopted in a wide range of learning experiences, especially via ubiquitous and broadly accessible chat interfaces like ChatGPT and Copilot. This type of interface is readily available to students and teachers around the world, yet relatively little research has been done to assess the impact of such generic tools on student learning. Coding education is an interesting test case, both because LLMs have strong performance on coding tasks, and because LLM-powered support tools are rapidly becoming part of the workflow of professional software engineers. To help understand the impact of generic LLM use on coding education, we conducted a large-scale randomized control trial with 5,831 students from 146 countries in an online coding class in which we provided some students with access to a chat interface with GPT-4. We estimate positive benefits on exam performance for adopters, the students who used the tool, but over all students, the advertisement of GPT-4 led to a significant average decrease in exam participation. We observe similar decreases in other forms of course engagement. However, this decrease is modulated by the student's country of origin. Offering access to LLMs to students from low human development index countries increased their exam participation rate on average. Our results suggest there may be promising benefits to using LLMs in an introductory coding class, but also potential harms for engagement, which makes their longer term impact on student success unclear. Our work highlights the need for additional investigations to help understand the potential impact of future adoption and integration of LLMs into classrooms.

cross Mitigating Interpretation Bias in Rock Records with Large Language Models: Insights from Paleoenvironmental Analysis

Authors: Luoqi Wang, Haipeng Li, Linshu Hu, Jiarui Cai, Zhenhong Du

Abstract: The reconstruction of Earth's history faces significant challenges due to the nonunique interpretations often derived from rock records. The problem has long been recognized but there are no systematic solutions in practice. This study introduces an innovative approach that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) along with retrieval augmented generation and real-time search capabilities to counteract interpretation biases, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of geological analyses. By applying this framework to sedimentology and paleogeography, we demonstrate its effectiveness in mitigating interpretations biases through the generation and evaluation of multiple hypotheses for the same data, which can effectively reduce human bias. Our research illuminates the transformative potential of LLMs in refining paleoenvironmental studies and extends their applicability across various sub-disciplines of Earth sciences, enabling a deeper and more accurate depiction of Earth's evolution.

cross Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications for cultured meat

Authors: Michael E. Todhunter (Todhunter Scientifics, Minneapolis, MN, USA), Sheikh Jubair (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, Edmonton, AB, Canada), Ruchika Verma (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, Edmonton, AB, Canada), Rikard Saqe (University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada), Kevin Shen (University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada), Breanna Duffy (New Harvest, Sacramento, CA, USA)

Abstract: Cultured meat has the potential to provide a complementary meat industry with reduced environmental, ethical, and health impacts. However, major technological challenges remain which require time- and resource-intensive research and development efforts. Machine learning has the potential to accelerate cultured meat technology by streamlining experiments, predicting optimal results, and reducing experimentation time and resources. However, the use of machine learning in cultured meat is in its infancy. This review covers the work available to date on the use of machine learning in cultured meat and explores future possibilities. We address four major areas of cultured meat research and development: establishing cell lines, cell culture media design, microscopy and image analysis, and bioprocessing and food processing optimization. This review aims to provide the foundation necessary for both cultured meat and machine learning scientists to identify research opportunities at the intersection between cultured meat and machine learning.

cross Curriculum Is More Influential Than Haptic Information During Reinforcement Learning of Object Manipulation Against Gravity

Authors: Pegah Ojaghi, Romina Mir, Ali Marjaninejad, Andrew Erwin, Michael Wehner, Francisco J Valero-Cueva

Abstract: Learning to lift and rotate objects with the fingertips is necessary for autonomous in-hand dexterous manipulation. In our study, we explore the impact of various factors on successful learning strategies for this task. Specifically, we investigate the role of curriculum learning and haptic feedback in enabling the learning of dexterous manipulation. Using model-free Reinforcement Learning, we compare different curricula and two haptic information modalities (No-tactile vs. 3D-force sensing) for lifting and rotating a ball against gravity with a three-fingered simulated robotic hand with no visual input. Note that our best results were obtained when we used a novel curriculum-based learning rate scheduler, which adjusts the linearly-decaying learning rate when the reward is changed as it accelerates convergence to higher rewards. Our findings demonstrate that the choice of curriculum greatly biases the acquisition of different features of dexterous manipulation. Surprisingly, successful learning can be achieved even in the absence of tactile feedback, challenging conventional assumptions about the necessity of haptic information for dexterous manipulation tasks. We demonstrate the generalizability of our results to balls of different weights and sizes, underscoring the robustness of our learning approach. This work, therefore, emphasizes the importance of the choice curriculum and challenges long-held notions about the need for tactile information to autonomously learn in-hand dexterous manipulation.

cross Pay Less On Clinical Images: Asymmetric Multi-Modal Fusion Method For Efficient Multi-Label Skin Lesion Classification

Authors: Peng Tang, Tobias Lasser

Abstract: Existing multi-modal approaches primarily focus on enhancing multi-label skin lesion classification performance through advanced fusion modules, often neglecting the associated rise in parameters. In clinical settings, both clinical and dermoscopy images are captured for diagnosis; however, dermoscopy images exhibit more crucial visual features for multi-label skin lesion classification. Motivated by this observation, we introduce a novel asymmetric multi-modal fusion method in this paper for efficient multi-label skin lesion classification. Our fusion method incorporates two innovative schemes. Firstly, we validate the effectiveness of our asymmetric fusion structure. It employs a light and simple network for clinical images and a heavier, more complex one for dermoscopy images, resulting in significant parameter savings compared to the symmetric fusion structure using two identical networks for both modalities. Secondly, in contrast to previous approaches using mutual attention modules for interaction between image modalities, we propose an asymmetric attention module. This module solely leverages clinical image information to enhance dermoscopy image features, considering clinical images as supplementary information in our pipeline. We conduct the extensive experiments on the seven-point checklist dataset. Results demonstrate the generality of our proposed method for both networks and Transformer structures, showcasing its superiority over existing methods We will make our code publicly available.

cross Fine-grained Analysis of In-context Linear Estimation: Data, Architecture, and Beyond

Authors: Yingcong Li, Ankit Singh Rawat, Samet Oymak

Abstract: Recent research has shown that Transformers with linear attention are capable of in-context learning (ICL) by implementing a linear estimator through gradient descent steps. However, the existing results on the optimization landscape apply under stylized settings where task and feature vectors are assumed to be IID and the attention weights are fully parameterized. In this work, we develop a stronger characterization of the optimization and generalization landscape of ICL through contributions on architectures, low-rank parameterization, and correlated designs: (1) We study the landscape of 1-layer linear attention and 1-layer H3, a state-space model. Under a suitable correlated design assumption, we prove that both implement 1-step preconditioned gradient descent. We show that thanks to its native convolution filters, H3 also has the advantage of implementing sample weighting and outperforming linear attention in suitable settings. (2) By studying correlated designs, we provide new risk bounds for retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and task-feature alignment which reveal how ICL sample complexity benefits from distributional alignment. (3) We derive the optimal risk for low-rank parameterized attention weights in terms of covariance spectrum. Through this, we also shed light on how LoRA can adapt to a new distribution by capturing the shift between task covariances. Experimental results corroborate our theoretical findings. Overall, this work explores the optimization and risk landscape of ICL in practically meaningful settings and contributes to a more thorough understanding of its mechanics.

cross Characterizing Disparity Between Edge Models and High-Accuracy Base Models for Vision Tasks

Authors: Zhenyu Wang, Shahriar Nirjon

Abstract: Edge devices, with their widely varying capabilities, support a diverse range of edge AI models. This raises the question: how does an edge model differ from a high-accuracy (base) model for the same task? We introduce XDELTA, a novel explainable AI tool that explains differences between a high-accuracy base model and a computationally efficient but lower-accuracy edge model. To achieve this, we propose a learning-based approach to characterize the model difference, named the DELTA network, which complements the feature representation capability of the edge network in a compact form. To construct DELTA, we propose a sparsity optimization framework that extracts the essence of the base model to ensure compactness and sufficient feature representation capability of DELTA, and implement a negative correlation learning approach to ensure it complements the edge model. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation to test XDELTA's ability to explain model discrepancies, using over 1.2 million images and 24 models, and assessing real-world deployments with six participants. XDELTA excels in explaining differences between base and edge models (arbitrary pairs as well as compressed base models) through geometric and concept-level analysis, proving effective in real-world applications.

cross Causality extraction from medical text using Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Seethalakshmi Gopalakrishnan, Luciana Garbayo, Wlodek Zadrozny

Abstract: This study explores the potential of natural language models, including large language models, to extract causal relations from medical texts, specifically from Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). The outcomes causality extraction from Clinical Practice Guidelines for gestational diabetes are presented, marking a first in the field. We report on a set of experiments using variants of BERT (BioBERT, DistilBERT, and BERT) and using Large Language Models (LLMs), namely GPT-4 and LLAMA2. Our experiments show that BioBERT performed better than other models, including the Large Language Models, with an average F1-score of 0.72. GPT-4 and LLAMA2 results show similar performance but less consistency. We also release the code and an annotated a corpus of causal statements within the Clinical Practice Guidelines for gestational diabetes.

cross Document-level Clinical Entity and Relation Extraction via Knowledge Base-Guided Generation

Authors: Kriti Bhattarai, Inez Y. Oh, Zachary B. Abrams, Albert M. Lai

Abstract: Generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) models have shown promise in clinical entity and relation extraction tasks because of their precise extraction and contextual understanding capability. In this work, we further leverage the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) knowledge base to accurately identify medical concepts and improve clinical entity and relation extraction at the document level. Our framework selects UMLS concepts relevant to the text and combines them with prompts to guide language models in extracting entities. Our experiments demonstrate that this initial concept mapping and the inclusion of these mapped concepts in the prompts improves extraction results compared to few-shot extraction tasks on generic language models that do not leverage UMLS. Further, our results show that this approach is more effective than the standard Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technique, where retrieved data is compared with prompt embeddings to generate results. Overall, we find that integrating UMLS concepts with GPT models significantly improves entity and relation identification, outperforming the baseline and RAG models. By combining the precise concept mapping capability of knowledge-based approaches like UMLS with the contextual understanding capability of GPT, our method highlights the potential of these approaches in specialized domains like healthcare.

cross AutoGRAMS: Autonomous Graphical Agent Modeling Software

Authors: Ben Krause, Lucia Chen, Emmanuel Kahembwe

Abstract: We introduce the AutoGRAMS framework for programming multi-step interactions with language models. AutoGRAMS represents AI agents as a graph, where each node can execute either a language modeling instruction or traditional code. Likewise, transitions in the graph can be governed by either language modeling decisions or traditional branch logic. AutoGRAMS supports using variables as memory and allows nodes to call other AutoGRAMS graphs as functions. We show how AutoGRAMS can be used to design highly sophisticated agents, including self-referential agents that can modify their own graph. AutoGRAMS's graph-centric approach aids interpretability, controllability, and safety during the design, development, and deployment of AI agents. We provide our framework as open source at .


cross Learning to Refuse: Towards Mitigating Privacy Risks in LLMs

Authors: Zhenhua Liu, Tong Zhu, Chuanyuan Tan, Wenliang Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating natural language. However, these models can inadvertently memorize private information, posing significant privacy risks. This study addresses the challenge of enabling LLMs to protect specific individuals' private data without the need for complete retraining. We propose \return, a Real-world pErsonal daTa UnleaRNing dataset, comprising 2,492 individuals from Wikipedia with associated QA pairs, to evaluate machine unlearning (MU) methods for protecting personal data in a realistic scenario. Additionally, we introduce the Name-Aware Unlearning Framework (NAUF) for Privacy Protection, which enables the model to learn which individuals' information should be protected without affecting its ability to answer questions related to other unrelated individuals. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that NAUF achieves a state-of-the-art average unlearning score, surpassing the best baseline method by 5.65 points, effectively protecting target individuals' personal data while maintaining the model's general capabilities.

cross Semantic Understanding and Data Imputation using Large Language Model to Accelerate Recommendation System

Authors: Zhicheng Ding, Jiahao Tian, Zhenkai Wang, Jinman Zhao, Siyang Li

Abstract: This paper aims to address the challenge of sparse and missing data in recommendation systems, a significant hurdle in the age of big data. Traditional imputation methods struggle to capture complex relationships within the data. We propose a novel approach that fine-tune Large Language Model (LLM) and use it impute missing data for recommendation systems. LLM which is trained on vast amounts of text, is able to understand complex relationship among data and intelligently fill in missing information. This enriched data is then used by the recommendation system to generate more accurate and personalized suggestions, ultimately enhancing the user experience. We evaluate our LLM-based imputation method across various tasks within the recommendation system domain, including single classification, multi-classification, and regression compared to traditional data imputation methods. By demonstrating the superiority of LLM imputation over traditional methods, we establish its potential for improving recommendation system performance.

cross Rapid Biomedical Research Classification: The Pandemic PACT Advanced Categorisation Engine

Authors: Omid Rohanian, Mohammadmahdi Nouriborji, Olena Seminog, Rodrigo Furst, Thomas Mendy, Shanthi Levanita, Zaharat Kadri-Alab, Nusrat Jabin, Daniela Toale, Georgina Humphreys, Emilia Antonio, Adrian Bucher, Alice Norton, David A. Clifton

Abstract: This paper introduces the Pandemic PACT Advanced Categorisation Engine (PPACE) along with its associated dataset. PPACE is a fine-tuned model developed to automatically classify research abstracts from funded biomedical projects according to WHO-aligned research priorities. This task is crucial for monitoring research trends and identifying gaps in global health preparedness and response. Our approach builds on human-annotated projects, which are allocated one or more categories from a predefined list. A large language model is then used to generate `rationales' explaining the reasoning behind these annotations. This augmented data, comprising expert annotations and rationales, is subsequently used to fine-tune a smaller, more efficient model. Developed as part of the Pandemic PACT project, which aims to track and analyse research funding and clinical evidence for a wide range of diseases with outbreak potential, PPACE supports informed decision-making by research funders, policymakers, and independent researchers. We introduce and release both the trained model and the instruction-based dataset used for its training. Our evaluation shows that PPACE significantly outperforms its baselines. The release of PPACE and its associated dataset offers valuable resources for researchers in multilabel biomedical document classification and supports advancements in aligning biomedical research with key global health priorities.

cross ReactAIvate: A Deep Learning Approach to Predicting Reaction Mechanisms and Unmasking Reactivity Hotspots

Authors: Ajnabiul Hoque, Manajit Das, Mayank Baranwal, Raghavan B. Sunoj

Abstract: A chemical reaction mechanism (CRM) is a sequence of molecular-level events involving bond-breaking/forming processes, generating transient intermediates along the reaction pathway as reactants transform into products. Understanding such mechanisms is crucial for designing and discovering new reactions. One of the currently available methods to probe CRMs is quantum mechanical (QM) computations. The resource-intensive nature of QM methods and the scarcity of mechanism-based datasets motivated us to develop reliable ML models for predicting mechanisms. In this study, we created a comprehensive dataset with seven distinct classes, each representing uniquely characterized elementary steps. Subsequently, we developed an interpretable attention-based GNN that achieved near-unity and 96% accuracy, respectively for reaction step classification and the prediction of reactive atoms in each such step, capturing interactions between the broader reaction context and local active regions. The near-perfect classification enables accurate prediction of both individual events and the entire CRM, mitigating potential drawbacks of Seq2Seq approaches, where a wrongly predicted character leads to incoherent CRM identification. In addition to interpretability, our model adeptly identifies key atom(s) even from out-of-distribution classes. This generalizabilty allows for the inclusion of new reaction types in a modular fashion, thus will be of value to experts for understanding the reactivity of new molecules.

cross A Self-Supervised Learning Pipeline for Demographically Fair Facial Attribute Classification

Authors: Sreeraj Ramachandran, Ajita Rattani

Abstract: Published research highlights the presence of demographic bias in automated facial attribute classification. The proposed bias mitigation techniques are mostly based on supervised learning, which requires a large amount of labeled training data for generalizability and scalability. However, labeled data is limited, requires laborious annotation, poses privacy risks, and can perpetuate human bias. In contrast, self-supervised learning (SSL) capitalizes on freely available unlabeled data, rendering trained models more scalable and generalizable. However, these label-free SSL models may also introduce biases by sampling false negative pairs, especially at low-data regimes 200K images) under low compute settings. Further, SSL-based models may suffer from performance degradation due to a lack of quality assurance of the unlabeled data sourced from the web. This paper proposes a fully self-supervised pipeline for demographically fair facial attribute classifiers. Leveraging completely unlabeled data pseudolabeled via pre-trained encoders, diverse data curation techniques, and meta-learning-based weighted contrastive learning, our method significantly outperforms existing SSL approaches proposed for downstream image classification tasks. Extensive evaluations on the FairFace and CelebA datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our pipeline in obtaining fair performance over existing baselines. Thus, setting a new benchmark for SSL in the fairness of facial attribute classification.

cross Hierarchical Multi-modal Transformer for Cross-modal Long Document Classification

Authors: Tengfei Liu, Yongli Hu, Junbin Gao, Yanfeng Sun, Baocai Yin

Abstract: Long Document Classification (LDC) has gained significant attention recently. However, multi-modal data in long documents such as texts and images are not being effectively utilized. Prior studies in this area have attempted to integrate texts and images in document-related tasks, but they have only focused on short text sequences and images of pages. How to classify long documents with hierarchical structure texts and embedding images is a new problem and faces multi-modal representation difficulties. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called Hierarchical Multi-modal Transformer (HMT) for cross-modal long document classification. The HMT conducts multi-modal feature interaction and fusion between images and texts in a hierarchical manner. Our approach uses a multi-modal transformer and a dynamic multi-scale multi-modal transformer to model the complex relationships between image features, and the section and sentence features. Furthermore, we introduce a new interaction strategy called the dynamic mask transfer module to integrate these two transformers by propagating features between them. To validate our approach, we conduct cross-modal LDC experiments on two newly created and two publicly available multi-modal long document datasets, and the results show that the proposed HMT outperforms state-of-the-art single-modality and multi-modality methods.

cross A Bag of Tricks for Scaling CPU-based Deep FFMs to more than 300m Predictions per Second

Authors: Bla\v{z} \v{S}krlj, Benjamin Ben-Shalom, Grega Ga\v{s}per\v{s}i\v{c}, Adi Schwartz, Ramzi Hoseisi, Naama Ziporin, Davorin Kopi\v{c}, Andra\v{z} Tori

Abstract: Field-aware Factorization Machines (FFMs) have emerged as a powerful model for click-through rate prediction, particularly excelling in capturing complex feature interactions. In this work, we present an in-depth analysis of our in-house, Rust-based Deep FFM implementation, and detail its deployment on a CPU-only, multi-data-center scale. We overview key optimizations devised for both training and inference, demonstrated by previously unpublished benchmark results in efficient model search and online training. Further, we detail an in-house weight quantization that resulted in more than an order of magnitude reduction in bandwidth footprint related to weight transfers across data-centres. We disclose the engine and associated techniques under an open-source license to contribute to the broader machine learning community. This paper showcases one of the first successful CPU-only deployments of Deep FFMs at such scale, marking a significant stride in practical, low-footprint click-through rate prediction methodologies.

cross Look Within, Why LLMs Hallucinate: A Causal Perspective

Authors: He Li, Haoang Chi, Mingyu Liu, Wenjing Yang

Abstract: The emergence of large language models (LLMs) is a milestone in generative artificial intelligence, achieving significant success in text comprehension and generation tasks. Despite the tremendous success of LLMs in many downstream tasks, they suffer from severe hallucination problems, posing significant challenges to the practical applications of LLMs. Most of the works about LLMs' hallucinations focus on data quality. Self-attention is a core module in transformer-based LLMs, while its potential relationship with LLMs' hallucination has been hardly investigated. To fill this gap, we study this problem from a causal perspective. We propose a method to intervene in LLMs' self-attention layers and maintain their structures and sizes intact. Specifically, we disable different self-attention layers in several popular open-source LLMs and then compare their degrees of hallucination with the original ones. We evaluate the intervened LLMs on hallucination assessment benchmarks and conclude that disabling some specific self-attention layers in the front or tail of the LLMs can alleviate hallucination issues. The study paves a new way for understanding and mitigating LLMs' hallucinations.

cross Key-Point-Driven Mathematical Reasoning Distillation of Large Language Model

Authors: Xunyu Zhu, Jian Li, Yong Liu, Can Ma, Weiping Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional proficiency in mathematical reasoning tasks due to their extensive parameter counts and training on vast datasets. Despite these capabilities, deploying LLMs is hindered by their computational demands. Distilling LLM mathematical reasoning into Smaller Language Models (SLMs) has emerged as a solution to this challenge, although these smaller models often suffer from errors in calculation and semantic understanding. Prior work has proposed Program-of-Thought Distillation (PoTD) to avoid calculation error. To further address semantic understanding errors, we propose Key-Point-Driven Mathematical Reasoning Distillation (KPDD). KPDD enhances the reasoning performance of SLMs by breaking down the problem-solving process into three stages: Core Question Extraction, Problem-Solving Information Extraction, and Step-by-Step Solution. This method is further divided into KPDD-CoT, which generates Chain-of-Thought rationales, and KPDD-PoT, which creates Program-of-Thought rationales. The experiment results show that KPDD-CoT significantly improves reasoning abilities, while KPDD-PoT achieves state-of-the-art performance in mathematical reasoning tasks. Our approach effectively mitigates misunderstanding errors, advancing the deployment of efficient and capable SLMs.

cross Curriculum Learning for Small Code Language Models

Authors: Marwa Na\"ir, Kamel Yamani, Lynda Said Lhadj, Riyadh Baghdadi

Abstract: Code language models have emerged as useful tools for various programming tasks, yet they often struggle when it comes to complex ones. In this paper, we explore the potential of curriculum learning in enhancing the performance of these models. While prior research has suggested that curriculum learning does not necessarily help in improving the performance of language models, our results surprisingly show that this may not be the case for code language models. We demonstrate that a well-designed curriculum learning approach significantly improves the accuracy of small decoder-only code language models on the task of code execution, while its effect on code completion is less significant. To explore the potential of curriculum learning, we train multiple GPT models with 1 million parameters each to predict the next token and evaluate them on code completion and execution tasks. Our contributions include proposing a novel code difficulty assessment metric by combining software code measures, investigating the effectiveness of Curriculum Learning for code language models, and introducing a Novel Curriculum Learning schedule that enhances the performance of small decoder-only language models in code execution tasks. The results of this paper open the door for more research on the use of curriculum learning for code language models.

cross A3S: A General Active Clustering Method with Pairwise Constraints

Authors: Xun Deng, Junlong Liu, Han Zhong, Fuli Feng, Chen Shen, Xiangnan He, Jieping Ye, Zheng Wang

Abstract: Active clustering aims to boost the clustering performance by integrating human-annotated pairwise constraints through strategic querying. Conventional approaches with semi-supervised clustering schemes encounter high query costs when applied to large datasets with numerous classes. To address these limitations, we propose a novel Adaptive Active Aggregation and Splitting (A3S) framework, falling within the cluster-adjustment scheme in active clustering. A3S features strategic active clustering adjustment on the initial cluster result, which is obtained by an adaptive clustering algorithm. In particular, our cluster adjustment is inspired by the quantitative analysis of Normalized mutual information gain under the information theory framework and can provably improve the clustering quality. The proposed A3S framework significantly elevates the performance and scalability of active clustering. In extensive experiments across diverse real-world datasets, A3S achieves desired results with significantly fewer human queries compared with existing methods.

cross Shape2Scene: 3D Scene Representation Learning Through Pre-training on Shape Data

Authors: Tuo Feng, Wenguan Wang, Ruijie Quan, Yi Yang

Abstract: Current 3D self-supervised learning methods of 3D scenes face a data desert issue, resulting from the time-consuming and expensive collecting process of 3D scene data. Conversely, 3D shape datasets are easier to collect. Despite this, existing pre-training strategies on shape data offer limited potential for 3D scene understanding due to significant disparities in point quantities. To tackle these challenges, we propose Shape2Scene (S2S), a novel method that learns representations of large-scale 3D scenes from 3D shape data. We first design multiscale and high-resolution backbones for shape and scene level 3D tasks, i.e., MH-P (point-based) and MH-V (voxel-based). MH-P/V establishes direct paths to highresolution features that capture deep semantic information across multiple scales. This pivotal nature makes them suitable for a wide range of 3D downstream tasks that tightly rely on high-resolution features. We then employ a Shape-to-Scene strategy (S2SS) to amalgamate points from various shapes, creating a random pseudo scene (comprising multiple objects) for training data, mitigating disparities between shapes and scenes. Finally, a point-point contrastive loss (PPC) is applied for the pre-training of MH-P/V. In PPC, the inherent correspondence (i.e., point pairs) is naturally obtained in S2SS. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the transferability of 3D representations learned by MH-P/V across shape-level and scene-level 3D tasks. MH-P achieves notable performance on well-known point cloud datasets (93.8% OA on ScanObjectNN and 87.6% instance mIoU on ShapeNetPart). MH-V also achieves promising performance in 3D semantic segmentation and 3D object detection.

cross Dominant Design Prediction with Phylogenetic Networks

Authors: Youwei He, Jeong-Dong Lee, Dawoon Jeong, Sungjun Choi, Jiyong Kim

Abstract: This study proposes an effective method to predict technology development from an evolutionary perspective. Product evolution is the result of technological evolution and market selection. A phylogenetic network is the main method to study product evolution. The formation of the dominant design determines the trajectory of technology development. How to predict future dominant design has become a key issue in technology forecasting and new product development. We define the dominant product and use machine learning methods, combined with product evolutionary theory, to construct a Fully Connected Phylogenetic Network dataset to effectively predict the future dominant design.

cross Learning to Steer Markovian Agents under Model Uncertainty

Authors: Jiawei Huang, Vinzenz Thoma, Zebang Shen, Heinrich H. Nax, Niao He

Abstract: Designing incentives for an adapting population is a ubiquitous problem in a wide array of economic applications and beyond. In this work, we study how to design additional rewards to steer multi-agent systems towards desired policies \emph{without} prior knowledge of the agents' underlying learning dynamics. We introduce a model-based non-episodic Reinforcement Learning (RL) formulation for our steering problem. Importantly, we focus on learning a \emph{history-dependent} steering strategy to handle the inherent model uncertainty about the agents' learning dynamics. We introduce a novel objective function to encode the desiderata of achieving a good steering outcome with reasonable cost. Theoretically, we identify conditions for the existence of steering strategies to guide agents to the desired policies. Complementing our theoretical contributions, we provide empirical algorithms to approximately solve our objective, which effectively tackles the challenge in learning history-dependent strategies. We demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithms through empirical evaluations.

cross Visual Prompt Selection for In-Context Learning Segmentation

Authors: Wei Suo, Lanqing Lai, Mengyang Sun, Hanwang Zhang, Peng Wang, Yanning Zhang

Abstract: As a fundamental and extensively studied task in computer vision, image segmentation aims to locate and identify different semantic concepts at the pixel level. Recently, inspired by In-Context Learning (ICL), several generalist segmentation frameworks have been proposed, providing a promising paradigm for segmenting specific objects. However, existing works mostly ignore the value of visual prompts or simply apply similarity sorting to select contextual examples. In this paper, we focus on rethinking and improving the example selection strategy. By comprehensive comparisons, we first demonstrate that ICL-based segmentation models are sensitive to different contexts. Furthermore, empirical evidence indicates that the diversity of contextual prompts plays a crucial role in guiding segmentation. Based on the above insights, we propose a new stepwise context search method. Different from previous works, we construct a small yet rich candidate pool and adaptively search the well-matched contexts. More importantly, this method effectively reduces the annotation cost by compacting the search space. Extensive experiments show that our method is an effective strategy for selecting examples and enhancing segmentation performance.

cross Towards Green AI: Current status and future research

Authors: Christian Clemm, Lutz Stobbe, Kishan Wimalawarne, Jan Druschke

Abstract: The immense technological progress in artificial intelligence research and applications is increasingly drawing attention to the environmental sustainability of such systems, a field that has been termed Green AI. With this contribution we aim to broaden the discourse on Green AI by investigating the current status of approaches to both environmental assessment and ecodesign of AI systems. We propose a life-cycle-based system thinking approach that accounts for the four key elements of these software-hardware-systems: model, data, server, and cloud. We conduct an exemplary estimation of the carbon footprint of relevant compute hardware and highlight the need to further investigate methods for Green AI and ways to facilitate wide-spread adoption of its principles. We envision that AI could be leveraged to mitigate its own environmental challenges, which we denote as AI4greenAI.

cross What is Reproducibility in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research?

Authors: Abhyuday Desai, Mohamed Abdelhamid, Nakul R. Padalkar

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), the reproducibility crisis underscores the urgent need for clear validation methodologies to maintain scientific integrity and encourage advancement. The crisis is compounded by the prevalent confusion over validation terminology. Responding to this challenge, we introduce a validation framework that clarifies the roles and definitions of key validation efforts: repeatability, dependent and independent reproducibility, and direct and conceptual replicability. This structured framework aims to provide AI/ML researchers with the necessary clarity on these essential concepts, facilitating the appropriate design, conduct, and interpretation of validation studies. By articulating the nuances and specific roles of each type of validation study, we hope to contribute to a more informed and methodical approach to addressing the challenges of reproducibility, thereby supporting the community's efforts to enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of its research findings.

cross xLSTMTime : Long-term Time Series Forecasting With xLSTM

Authors: Musleh Alharthi, Ausif Mahmood

Abstract: In recent years, transformer-based models have gained prominence in multivariate long-term time series forecasting (LTSF), demonstrating significant advancements despite facing challenges such as high computational demands, difficulty in capturing temporal dynamics, and managing long-term dependencies. The emergence of LTSF-Linear, with its straightforward linear architecture, has notably outperformed transformer-based counterparts, prompting a reevaluation of the transformer's utility in time series forecasting. In response, this paper presents an adaptation of a recent architecture termed extended LSTM (xLSTM) for LTSF. xLSTM incorporates exponential gating and a revised memory structure with higher capacity that has good potential for LTSF. Our adopted architecture for LTSF termed as xLSTMTime surpasses current approaches. We compare xLSTMTime's performance against various state-of-the-art models across multiple real-world da-tasets, demonstrating superior forecasting capabilities. Our findings suggest that refined recurrent architectures can offer competitive alternatives to transformer-based models in LTSF tasks, po-tentially redefining the landscape of time series forecasting.

cross Reimagining AI in Social Work: Practitioner Perspectives on Incorporating Technology in their Practice

Authors: Katie Wassal, Carolyn Ashurst, Jiri Hron, Miri Zilka

Abstract: There has been a surge in the number and type of AI tools being tested and deployed within both national and local government in the UK, including within the social care sector. Given the many ongoing and planned future developments, the time is ripe to review and reflect on the state of AI in social care. We do so by conducting semi-structured interviews with UK-based social work professionals about their experiences and opinions of past and current AI systems. Our aim is to understand what systems would practitioners like to see developed and how. We find that all our interviewees had overwhelmingly negative past experiences of technology in social care, unanimous aversion to algorithmic decision systems in particular, but also strong interest in AI applications that could allow them to spend less time on administrative tasks. In response to our findings, we offer a series of concrete recommendations, which include commitment to participatory design, as well as the necessity of regaining practitioner trust.

cross CourseAssist: Pedagogically Appropriate Question Answering System for Computer Science Education

Authors: Ty Feng

Abstract: The growing enrollments in computer science courses and increase in class sizes necessitate scalable, automated tutoring solutions to adequately support student learning. While Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3.5 have demonstrated potential in assisting students through question-answering, educators have significant concerns about students misusing LLMs or LLMs misleading students with inaccurate answers. This paper introduces CourseAssist, a novel LLM-based tutoring system tailored for computer science education. Unlike generic LLM systems, CourseAssist leverages retrieval-augmented generation along with user intent classification and post-processing to ensure that responses align with specific course learning goals, thereby addressing the pedagogical appropriateness of LLMs in educational settings. I evaluate CourseAssist against a baseline of GPT 3.5 using a dataset of 50 question-answer pairs from a programming languages course, focusing on the criteria of usefulness, accuracy, and pedagogical appropriateness. Evaluation results show that CourseAssist significantly outperforms the baseline, demonstrating its potential to serve as an effective learning assistant. This work not only highlights the importance of deliberate design considerations in LLM-based educational tools but also opens up avenues for future research, particularly in understanding user interactions with such systems in real-world scenarios and integrating human educators into LLM-based tutoring systems.

cross Strategic Integration of Artificial Intelligence in the C-Suite: The Role of the Chief AI Officer

Authors: Marc Schmitt

Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into corporate strategy has become a pivotal focus for organizations aiming to maintain a competitive advantage in the digital age. As AI reshapes business operations and drives innovation, the need for specialized leadership to effectively manage these changes becomes increasingly apparent. In this paper, I explore the role of the Chief AI Officer (CAIO) within the C-suite, emphasizing the necessity of this position for successful AI strategy, integration, and governance. I analyze future scenarios based on current trends in three key areas: the AI Economy, AI Organization, and Competition in the Age of AI. These explorations lay the foundation for identifying the antecedents (environmental, structural, and strategic factors) that justify the inclusion of a CAIO in top management teams. This sets the stage for a comprehensive examination of the CAIO's role and the broader implications of AI leadership. This paper advances the discussion on AI leadership by providing a rationale for the strategic integration of AI at the executive level and examining the role of the Chief AI Officer within organizations.

cross The Elephant in the Room -- Why AI Safety Demands Diverse Teams

Authors: David Rostcheck, Lara Scheibling

Abstract: We consider that existing approaches to AI "safety" and "alignment" may not be using the most effective tools, teams, or approaches. We suggest that an alternative and better approach to the problem may be to treat alignment as a social science problem, since the social sciences enjoy a rich toolkit of models for understanding and aligning motivation and behavior, much of which could be repurposed to problems involving AI models, and enumerate reasons why this is so. We introduce an alternate alignment approach informed by social science tools and characterized by three steps: 1. defining a positive desired social outcome for human/AI collaboration as the goal or "North Star," 2. properly framing knowns and unknowns, and 3. forming diverse teams to investigate, observe, and navigate emerging challenges in alignment.

cross Cross-Lingual Multi-Hop Knowledge Editing -- Benchmarks, Analysis and a Simple Contrastive Learning based Approach

Authors: Aditi Khandelwal, Harman Singh, Hengrui Gu, Tianlong Chen, Kaixiong Zhou

Abstract: Large language models are often expected to constantly adapt to new sources of knowledge and knowledge editing techniques aim to efficiently patch the outdated model knowledge, with minimal modification. Most prior works focus on monolingual knowledge editing in English, even though new information can emerge in any language from any part of the world. We propose the Cross-Lingual Multi-Hop Knowledge Editing paradigm, for measuring and analyzing the performance of various SoTA knowledge editing techniques in a cross-lingual setup. Specifically, we create a parallel cross-lingual benchmark, CROLIN-MQUAKE for measuring the knowledge editing capabilities. Our extensive analysis over various knowledge editing techniques uncover significant gaps in performance between the cross-lingual and English-centric setting. Following this, we propose a significantly improved system for cross-lingual multi-hop knowledge editing, CLEVER-CKE. CLEVER-CKE is based on a retrieve, verify and generate knowledge editing framework, where a retriever is formulated to recall edited facts and support an LLM to adhere to knowledge edits. We develop language-aware and hard-negative based contrastive objectives for improving the cross-lingual and fine-grained fact retrieval and verification process used in this framework. Extensive experiments on three LLMs, eight languages, and two datasets show CLEVER-CKE's significant gains of up to 30% over prior methods.

cross Disrupting Diffusion-based Inpainters with Semantic Digression

Authors: Geonho Son, Juhun Lee, Simon S. Woo

Abstract: The fabrication of visual misinformation on the web and social media has increased exponentially with the advent of foundational text-to-image diffusion models. Namely, Stable Diffusion inpainters allow the synthesis of maliciously inpainted images of personal and private figures, and copyrighted contents, also known as deepfakes. To combat such generations, a disruption framework, namely Photoguard, has been proposed, where it adds adversarial noise to the context image to disrupt their inpainting synthesis. While their framework suggested a diffusion-friendly approach, the disruption is not sufficiently strong and it requires a significant amount of GPU and time to immunize the context image. In our work, we re-examine both the minimal and favorable conditions for a successful inpainting disruption, proposing DDD, a "Digression guided Diffusion Disruption" framework. First, we identify the most adversarially vulnerable diffusion timestep range with respect to the hidden space. Within this scope of noised manifold, we pose the problem as a semantic digression optimization. We maximize the distance between the inpainting instance's hidden states and a semantic-aware hidden state centroid, calibrated both by Monte Carlo sampling of hidden states and a discretely projected optimization in the token space. Effectively, our approach achieves stronger disruption and a higher success rate than Photoguard while lowering the GPU memory requirement, and speeding the optimization up to three times faster.

cross Modern Information Technologies in Scientific Research and Educational Activities

Authors: Kyrylo Malakhov, Vadislav Kaverinskiy, Liliia Ivanova, Oleksandr Romanyuk, Oksana Romaniuk, Svitlana Voinova, Sergii Kotlyk, Oksana Sokolova

Abstract: The monograph summarizes and analyzes the current state of scientific research in the field of interactive artificial intelligence systems, text generation systems, diagnostics of the competitiveness of specialists, in the areas of correct color rendering in image formation, informatization of the work of graduate students, accessible technology for creating three-dimensional 3D models. The monograph will be useful both to specialists and employees of companies working in the IT field, as well as teachers, masters, students and graduate students of higher educational institutions, as well as anyone interested in issues related to information technology. The monograph was compiled based on the results of the 16-th international scientific and practical conference Information technologies and automation - 2023, which took place in October 2023 at Odessa National University of Technology.

cross Effective Design Verification -- Constrained Random with Python and Cocotb

Authors: Deepak Narayan Gadde, Suruchi Kumari, Aman Kumar

Abstract: Being the most widely used language across the world due to its simplicity and with 35 keywords (v3.7), Python attracts both hardware and software engineers. Python-based verification environment leverages open-source libraries such as cocotb and cocotb-coverage that enables interfacing the tesbenches with any available simulator and facilitating constrained randomization, coverage respectively. These libraries significantly ease the development of testbenches and have the potential to reduce the setup cost. The goal of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of a Python-Cocotb verification setup with design IPs and compare its features and performance metrics with the current de-facto hardware verification language i.e., SystemVerilog.

cross Learning Unlabeled Clients Divergence via Anchor Model Aggregation for Federated Semi-supervised Learning

Authors: Marawan Elbatel, Hualiang Wang, Jixiang Chen, Hao Wang, Xiaomeng Li

Abstract: Federated semi-supervised learning (FedSemi) refers to scenarios where there may be clients with fully labeled data, clients with partially labeled, and even fully unlabeled clients while preserving data privacy. However, challenges arise from client drift due to undefined heterogeneous class distributions and erroneous pseudo-labels. Existing FedSemi methods typically fail to aggregate models from unlabeled clients due to their inherent unreliability, thus overlooking unique information from their heterogeneous data distribution, leading to sub-optimal results. In this paper, we enable unlabeled client aggregation through SemiAnAgg, a novel Semi-supervised Anchor-Based federated Aggregation. SemiAnAgg learns unlabeled client contributions via an anchor model, effectively harnessing their informative value. Our key idea is that by feeding local client data to the same global model and the same consistently initialized anchor model (i.e., random model), we can measure the importance of each unlabeled client accordingly. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SemiAnAgg achieves new state-of-the-art results on four widely used FedSemi benchmarks, leading to substantial performance improvements: a 9% increase in accuracy on CIFAR-100 and a 7.6% improvement in recall on the medical dataset ISIC-18, compared with prior state-of-the-art. Code is available at:


cross The Interpretation Gap in Text-to-Music Generation Models

Authors: Yongyi Zang, Yixiao Zhang

Abstract: Large-scale text-to-music generation models have significantly enhanced music creation capabilities, offering unprecedented creative freedom. However, their ability to collaborate effectively with human musicians remains limited. In this paper, we propose a framework to describe the musical interaction process, which includes expression, interpretation, and execution of controls. Following this framework, we argue that the primary gap between existing text-to-music models and musicians lies in the interpretation stage, where models lack the ability to interpret controls from musicians. We also propose two strategies to address this gap and call on the music information retrieval community to tackle the interpretation challenge to improve human-AI musical collaboration.

cross Generative Discrimination: What Happens When Generative AI Exhibits Bias, and What Can Be Done About It

Authors: Philipp Hacker (European University Viadrina), Brent Mittelstadt (University of Oxford), Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (Radboud University), Sandra Wachter (University of Oxford)

Abstract: As generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) technologies proliferate across sectors, they offer significant benefits but also risk exacerbating discrimination. This chapter explores how genAI intersects with non-discrimination laws, identifying shortcomings and suggesting improvements. It highlights two main types of discriminatory outputs: (i) demeaning and abusive content and (ii) subtler biases due to inadequate representation of protected groups, which may not be overtly discriminatory in individual cases but have cumulative discriminatory effects. For example, genAI systems may predominantly depict white men when asked for images of people in important jobs. This chapter examines these issues, categorizing problematic outputs into three legal categories: discriminatory content; harassment; and legally hard cases like unbalanced content, harmful stereotypes or misclassification. It argues for holding genAI providers and deployers liable for discriminatory outputs and highlights the inadequacy of traditional legal frameworks to address genAI-specific issues. The chapter suggests updating EU laws, including the AI Act, to mitigate biases in training and input data, mandating testing and auditing, and evolving legislation to enforce standards for bias mitigation and inclusivity as technology advances.

cross Mapping the Scholarship of Dark Pattern Regulation: A Systematic Review of Concepts, Regulatory Paradigms, and Solutions from an Interdisciplinary Perspective

Authors: Weiwei Yi, Zihao Li

Abstract: Dark patterns, design tricks used on online interfaces to manipulate users decision-making process, have raised public concerns. However, research on regulation of dark pattern remains underdeveloped and scattered, particularly regarding scholars views on the concept, regulatory paradigms, and solutions. Following PRISMA guidelines, this paper systematically reviews the formats and content of regulatory discussions on dark patterns from the interdisciplinary scholarship of Law and Human-Computer Interaction. A total of 65 studies were analysed through content and thematic analysis. This study synthesises the unique trends and characteristics of legal scholarship on dark patterns, identifying five root problems and triple layered harms. It critiques current regulations in terms of legal theories and sectoral legislations, highlighting their inadequacies in addressing dark patterns. The paper also critically examines existing proposed solutions, including paradigmatic shifts in legal doctrines, refinements to existing frameworks, technical design-embedded solutions, and accountability measures for design practices. This research critically discusses the current barriers to effective dark pattern regulations and explores promising regulatory solutions. The difficulty in identifying the normative nature of various forms of dark patterns, in identifying evident and actionable harm, and the expanding scope of dark patterns connotation inherently hinders effective regulation. However, technical design-embedded solutions, accountability frameworks, and practical design guidelines offer potential routes for more proactive regulation, while legal pluralism stands as a promising macro-level change in regulatory paradigms for dark pattern regulation.

cross Affordance-Guided Reinforcement Learning via Visual Prompting

Authors: Olivia Y. Lee, Annie Xie, Kuan Fang, Karl Pertsch, Chelsea Finn

Abstract: Robots equipped with reinforcement learning (RL) have the potential to learn a wide range of skills solely from a reward signal. However, obtaining a robust and dense reward signal for general manipulation tasks remains a challenge. Existing learning-based approaches require significant data, such as demonstrations or examples of success and failure, to learn task-specific reward functions. Recently, there is also a growing adoption of large multi-modal foundation models for robotics. These models can perform visual reasoning in physical contexts and generate coarse robot motions for various manipulation tasks. Motivated by this range of capability, in this work, we propose and study rewards shaped by vision-language models (VLMs). State-of-the-art VLMs have demonstrated an impressive ability to reason about affordances through keypoints in zero-shot, and we leverage this to define dense rewards for robotic learning. On a real-world manipulation task specified by natural language description, we find that these rewards improve the sample efficiency of autonomous RL and enable successful completion of the task in 20K online finetuning steps. Additionally, we demonstrate the robustness of the approach to reductions in the number of in-domain demonstrations used for pretraining, reaching comparable performance in 35K online finetuning steps.

cross Evolved Developmental Artificial Neural Networks for Multitasking with Advanced Activity Dependence

Authors: Yintong Zhang, Jason A. Yoder

Abstract: Recently, Cartesian Genetic Programming has been used to evolve developmental programs to guide the formation of artificial neural networks (ANNs). This approach has demonstrated success in enabling ANNs to perform multiple tasks while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. One unique aspect of this approach is the use of separate developmental programs evolved to regulate the development of separate soma and dendrite units. An opportunity afforded by this approach is the ability to incorporate Activity Dependence (AD) into the model such that environmental feedback can help to regulate the behavior of each type of unit. Previous work has shown a limited version of AD (influencing neural bias) to provide marginal improvements over non-AD ANNs. In this work, we present promising results from new extensions to AD. Specifically, we demonstrate a more significant improvement via AD on new neural parameters including health and position, as well as a combination of all of these along with bias. We report on the implications of this work and suggest several promising directions for future work.

cross Accessing Vision Foundation Models at ImageNet-level Costs

Authors: Yitian Zhang, Xu Ma, Yue Bai, Huan Wang, Yun Fu

Abstract: Vision foundation models are renowned for their generalization ability due to massive training data. Nevertheless, they demand tremendous training resources, and the training data is often inaccessible, e.g., CLIP, DINOv2, posing great challenges to developing derivatives that could advance research in this field. In this work, we offer a very simple and general solution, named Proteus, to distill foundation models into smaller equivalents on ImageNet-1K without access to the original training data. Specifically, we remove the designs from conventional knowledge distillation settings that result in dataset bias and present three levels of training objectives, i.e., token, patch, and feature, to maximize the efficacy of knowledge transfer. In this manner, Proteus is trained at ImageNet-level costs with surprising ability, facilitating the accessibility of training foundation models for the broader research community. Leveraging DINOv2-g/14 as the teacher, Proteus-L/14 matches the performance of the Oracle method DINOv2-L/14 (142M training data) across 15 benchmarks and outperforms other vision foundation models including CLIP-L/14 (400M), OpenCLIP-L/14 (400M/2B) and SynCLR-L/14 (600M).

cross A Robust Governance for the AI Act: AI Office, AI Board, Scientific Panel, and National Authorities

Authors: Claudio Novelli, Philipp Hacker, Jessica Morley, Jarle Trondal, Luciano Floridi

Abstract: Regulation is nothing without enforcement. This particularly holds for the dynamic field of emerging technologies. Hence, this article has two ambitions. First, it explains how the EU's new Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) will be implemented and enforced by various institutional bodies, thus clarifying the governance framework of the AIA. Second, it proposes a normative model of governance, providing recommendations to ensure uniform and coordinated execution of the AIA and the fulfilment of the legislation. Taken together, the article explores how the AIA may be implemented by national and EU institutional bodies, encompassing longstanding bodies, such as the European Commission, and those newly established under the AIA, such as the AI Office. It investigates their roles across supranational and national levels, emphasizing how EU regulations influence institutional structures and operations. These regulations may not only directly dictate the structural design of institutions but also indirectly request administrative capacities needed to enforce the AIA.

cross The Silent Curriculum: How Does LLM Monoculture Shape Educational Content and Its Accessibility?

Authors: Aman Priyanshu, Supriti Vijay

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) ascend in popularity, offering information with unprecedented convenience compared to traditional search engines, we delve into the intriguing possibility that a new, singular perspective is being propagated. We call this the "Silent Curriculum," where our focus shifts towards a particularly impressionable demographic: children, who are drawn to the ease and immediacy of acquiring knowledge through these digital oracles. In this exploration, we delve into the sociocultural ramifications of LLMs, which, through their nuanced responses, may be subtly etching their own stereotypes, an algorithmic or AI monoculture. We hypothesize that the convergence of pre-training data, fine-tuning datasets, and analogous guardrails across models may have birthed a distinct cultural lens. We unpack this concept through a short experiment navigating children's storytelling, occupational-ethnic biases, and self-diagnosed annotations, to find that there exists strong cosine similarity (0.87) of biases across these models, suggesting a similar perspective of ethnic stereotypes in occupations. This paper invites a reimagining of LLMs' societal role, especially as the new information gatekeepers, advocating for a paradigm shift towards diversity-rich landscapes over unintended monocultures.

cross Mutual Learning for Acoustic Matching and Dereverberation via Visual Scene-driven Diffusion

Authors: Jian Ma, Wenguan Wang, Yi Yang, Feng Zheng

Abstract: Visual acoustic matching (VAM) is pivotal for enhancing the immersive experience, and the task of dereverberation is effective in improving audio intelligibility. Existing methods treat each task independently, overlooking the inherent reciprocity between them. Moreover, these methods depend on paired training data, which is challenging to acquire, impeding the utilization of extensive unpaired data. In this paper, we introduce MVSD, a mutual learning framework based on diffusion models. MVSD considers the two tasks symmetrically, exploiting the reciprocal relationship to facilitate learning from inverse tasks and overcome data scarcity. Furthermore, we employ the diffusion model as foundational conditional converters to circumvent the training instability and over-smoothing drawbacks of conventional GAN architectures. Specifically, MVSD employs two converters: one for VAM called reverberator and one for dereverberation called dereverberator. The dereverberator judges whether the reverberation audio generated by reverberator sounds like being in the conditional visual scenario, and vice versa. By forming a closed loop, these two converters can generate informative feedback signals to optimize the inverse tasks, even with easily acquired one-way unpaired data. Extensive experiments on two standard benchmarks, i.e., SoundSpaces-Speech and Acoustic AVSpeech, exhibit that our framework can improve the performance of the reverberator and dereverberator and better match specified visual scenarios.

cross An Empirical Study of Mamba-based Pedestrian Attribute Recognition

Authors: Xiao Wang, Weizhe Kong, Jiandong Jin, Shiao Wang, Ruichong Gao, Qingchuan Ma, Chenglong Li, Jin Tang

Abstract: Current strong pedestrian attribute recognition models are developed based on Transformer networks, which are computationally heavy. Recently proposed models with linear complexity (e.g., Mamba) have garnered significant attention and have achieved a good balance between accuracy and computational cost across a variety of visual tasks. Relevant review articles also suggest that while these models can perform well on some pedestrian attribute recognition datasets, they are generally weaker than the corresponding Transformer models. To further tap into the potential of the novel Mamba architecture for PAR tasks, this paper designs and adapts Mamba into two typical PAR frameworks, i.e., the text-image fusion approach and pure vision Mamba multi-label recognition framework. It is found that interacting with attribute tags as additional input does not always lead to an improvement, specifically, Vim can be enhanced, but VMamba cannot. This paper further designs various hybrid Mamba-Transformer variants and conducts thorough experimental validations. These experimental results indicate that simply enhancing Mamba with a Transformer does not always lead to performance improvements but yields better results under certain settings. We hope this empirical study can further inspire research in Mamba for PAR, and even extend into the domain of multi-label recognition, through the design of these network structures and comprehensive experimentation. The source code of this work will be released at \url{}


cross Enhanced Self-supervised Learning for Multi-modality MRI Segmentation and Classification: A Novel Approach Avoiding Model Collapse

Authors: Linxuan Han, Sa Xiao, Zimeng Li, Haidong Li, Xiuchao Zhao, Fumin Guo, Yeqing Han, Xin Zhou

Abstract: Multi-modality magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide complementary information for computer-aided diagnosis. Traditional deep learning algorithms are suitable for identifying specific anatomical structures segmenting lesions and classifying diseases with magnetic resonance images. However, manual labels are limited due to high expense, which hinders further improvement of model accuracy. Self-supervised learning (SSL) can effectively learn feature representations from unlabeled data by pre-training and is demonstrated to be effective in natural image analysis. Most SSL methods ignore the similarity of multi-modality MRI, leading to model collapse. This limits the efficiency of pre-training, causing low accuracy in downstream segmentation and classification tasks. To solve this challenge, we establish and validate a multi-modality MRI masked autoencoder consisting of hybrid mask pattern (HMP) and pyramid barlow twin (PBT) module for SSL on multi-modality MRI analysis. The HMP concatenates three masking steps forcing the SSL to learn the semantic connections of multi-modality images by reconstructing the masking patches. We have proved that the proposed HMP can avoid model collapse. The PBT module exploits the pyramidal hierarchy of the network to construct barlow twin loss between masked and original views, aligning the semantic representations of image patches at different vision scales in latent space. Experiments on BraTS2023, PI-CAI, and lung gas MRI datasets further demonstrate the superiority of our framework over the state-of-the-art. The performance of the segmentation and classification is substantially enhanced, supporting the accurate detection of small lesion areas. The code is available at


cross NTSEBENCH: Cognitive Reasoning Benchmark for Vision Language Models

Authors: Pranshu Pandya, Agney S Talwarr, Vatsal Gupta, Tushar Kataria, Vivek Gupta, Dan Roth

Abstract: Cognitive textual and visual reasoning tasks, such as puzzles, series, and analogies, demand the ability to quickly reason, decipher, and evaluate patterns both textually and spatially. While LLMs and VLMs, through extensive training on large amounts of human-curated data, have attained a high level of pseudo-human intelligence in some common sense reasoning tasks, they still struggle with more complex reasoning tasks that require cognitive understanding. In this work, we introduce a new dataset, NTSEBench, designed to evaluate the cognitive multi-modal reasoning and problem-solving skills of large models. The dataset comprises 2,728 multiple-choice questions comprising of a total of 4,642 images across 26 categories sampled from the NTSE examination conducted nationwide in India, featuring both visual and textual general aptitude questions that do not rely on rote learning. We establish baselines on the dataset using state-of-the-art LLMs and VLMs. To facilitate a comparison between open source and propriety models, we propose four distinct modeling strategies to handle different modalities (text and images) in the dataset instances.

cross Communication- and Computation-Efficient Distributed Decision-Making in Multi-Robot Networks

Authors: Zirui Xu, Sandilya Sai Garimella, Vasileios Tzoumas

Abstract: We provide a distributed coordination paradigm that enables scalable and near-optimal joint motion planning among multiple robots. Our coordination paradigm contrasts with current paradigms that are either near-optimal but impractical for replanning times or real-time but offer no near-optimality guarantees. We are motivated by the future of collaborative mobile autonomy, where distributed teams of robots will coordinate via vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v) communication to execute information-heavy tasks like mapping, surveillance, and target tracking. To enable rapid distributed coordination, we must curtail the explosion of information-sharing across the network, thus limiting robot coordination. However, this can lead to suboptimal plans, causing overlapping trajectories instead of complementary ones. We make theoretical and algorithmic contributions to balance the trade-off between decision speed and optimality. We introduce tools for distributed submodular optimization, a diminishing returns property in information-gathering tasks. Theoretically, we analyze how local network topology affects near-optimality at the global level. Algorithmically, we provide a communication- and computation-efficient coordination algorithm for agents to balance the trade-off. Our algorithm is up to two orders faster than competitive near-optimal algorithms. In simulations of surveillance tasks with up to 45 robots, it enables real-time planning at the order of 1 Hz with superior coverage performance. To enable the simulations, we provide a high-fidelity simulator that extends AirSim by integrating a collaborative autonomy pipeline and simulating v2v communication delays.

cross By My Eyes: Grounding Multimodal Large Language Models with Sensor Data via Visual Prompting

Authors: Hyungjun Yoon, Biniyam Aschalew Tolera, Taesik Gong, Kimin Lee, Sung-Ju Lee

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional abilities across various domains. However, utilizing LLMs for ubiquitous sensing applications remains challenging as existing text-prompt methods show significant performance degradation when handling long sensor data sequences. We propose a visual prompting approach for sensor data using multimodal LLMs (MLLMs). We design a visual prompt that directs MLLMs to utilize visualized sensor data alongside the target sensory task descriptions. Additionally, we introduce a visualization generator that automates the creation of optimal visualizations tailored to a given sensory task, eliminating the need for prior task-specific knowledge. We evaluated our approach on nine sensory tasks involving four sensing modalities, achieving an average of 10% higher accuracy than text-based prompts and reducing token costs by 15.8x. Our findings highlight the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of visual prompts with MLLMs for various sensory tasks.

cross Masked Generative Video-to-Audio Transformers with Enhanced Synchronicity

Authors: Santiago Pascual, Chunghsin Yeh, Ioannis Tsiamas, Joan Serr\`a

Abstract: Video-to-audio (V2A) generation leverages visual-only video features to render plausible sounds that match the scene. Importantly, the generated sound onsets should match the visual actions that are aligned with them, otherwise unnatural synchronization artifacts arise. Recent works have explored the progression of conditioning sound generators on still images and then video features, focusing on quality and semantic matching while ignoring synchronization, or by sacrificing some amount of quality to focus on improving synchronization only. In this work, we propose a V2A generative model, named MaskVAT, that interconnects a full-band high-quality general audio codec with a sequence-to-sequence masked generative model. This combination allows modeling both high audio quality, semantic matching, and temporal synchronicity at the same time. Our results show that, by combining a high-quality codec with the proper pre-trained audio-visual features and a sequence-to-sequence parallel structure, we are able to yield highly synchronized results on one hand, whilst being competitive with the state of the art of non-codec generative audio models. Sample videos and generated audios are available at .


cross Melon Fruit Detection and Quality Assessment Using Generative AI-Based Image Data Augmentation

Authors: Seungri Yoon, Yunseong Cho, Tae In Ahn

Abstract: Monitoring and managing the growth and quality of fruits are very important tasks. To effectively train deep learning models like YOLO for real-time fruit detection, high-quality image datasets are essential. However, such datasets are often lacking in agriculture. Generative AI models can help create high-quality images. In this study, we used MidJourney and Firefly tools to generate images of melon greenhouses and post-harvest fruits through text-to-image, pre-harvest image-to-image, and post-harvest image-to-image methods. We evaluated these AIgenerated images using PSNR and SSIM metrics and tested the detection performance of the YOLOv9 model. We also assessed the net quality of real and generated fruits. Our results showed that generative AI could produce images very similar to real ones, especially for post-harvest fruits. The YOLOv9 model detected the generated images well, and the net quality was also measurable. This shows that generative AI can create realistic images useful for fruit detection and quality assessment, indicating its great potential in agriculture. This study highlights the potential of AI-generated images for data augmentation in melon fruit detection and quality assessment and envisions a positive future for generative AI applications in agriculture.

cross Learning Rapid Turning, Aerial Reorientation, and Balancing using Manipulator as a Tail

Authors: Insung Yang, Jemin Hwangbo

Abstract: In this research, we investigated the innovative use of a manipulator as a tail in quadruped robots to augment their physical capabilities. Previous studies have primarily focused on enhancing various abilities by attaching robotic tails that function solely as tails on quadruped robots. While these tails improve the performance of the robots, they come with several disadvantages, such as increased overall weight and higher costs. To mitigate these limitations, we propose the use of a 6-DoF manipulator as a tail, allowing it to serve both as a tail and as a manipulator. To control this highly complex robot, we developed a controller based on reinforcement learning for the robot equipped with the manipulator. Our experimental results demonstrate that robots equipped with a manipulator outperform those without a manipulator in tasks such as rapid turning, aerial reorientation, and balancing. These results indicate that the manipulator can improve the agility and stability of quadruped robots, similar to a tail, in addition to its manipulation capabilities.

cross Empowering LLMs for Verilog Generation through Multi-Level Summarization

Authors: Yang Zhao, Di Huang, Chongxiao Li, Pengwei Jin, Ziyuan Nan, Tianyun Ma, Lei Qi, Yansong Pan, Zhenxing Zhang, Rui Zhang, Xishan Zhang, Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Xing Hu, Yunji Chen

Abstract: The increasing complexity and high costs associated with modern processor design have led to a surge in demand for processor design automation. Instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in automatically generating code for general-purpose programming languages like Python. However, these methods fail on hardware description languages (HDLs) like Verilog due to the scarcity of high-quality instruction tuning data, as even advanced LLMs like GPT-3.5 exhibit limited performance on Verilog generation. Regarding this issue, we observe that (1) Verilog code collected from the real world has higher quality than those generated by LLMs. (2) LLMs like GPT-3.5 excel in summarizing Verilog code rather than generating it. Based on these observations, this paper introduces CodeV, a series of open-source instruction-tuned Verilog generation LLMs. Instead of generating descriptions first and then getting the corresponding code from advanced LLMs, we prompt the LLM with Verilog code and let the LLM generate the corresponding natural language description by multi-level summarization. Experimental results show that CodeV relatively surpasses the previous open-source SOTA by 14.4% (BetterV in VerilogEval) and 11.3% (RTLCoder in RTLLM) respectively, and also relatively outperforms previous commercial SOTA GPT-4 by 22.1% in VerilogEval.

cross Expanding the Scope: Inductive Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Multi-Starting Progressive Propagation

Authors: Zhoutian Shao, Yuanning Cui, Wei Hu

Abstract: Knowledge graphs (KGs) are widely acknowledged as incomplete, and new entities are constantly emerging in the real world. Inductive KG reasoning aims to predict missing facts for these new entities. Among existing models, graph neural networks (GNNs) based ones have shown promising performance for this task. However, they are still challenged by inefficient message propagation due to the distance and scalability issues. In this paper, we propose a new inductive KG reasoning model, MStar, by leveraging conditional message passing neural networks (C-MPNNs). Our key insight is to select multiple query-specific starting entities to expand the scope of progressive propagation. To propagate query-related messages to a farther area within limited steps, we subsequently design a highway layer to propagate information toward these selected starting entities. Moreover, we introduce a training strategy called LinkVerify to mitigate the impact of noisy training samples. Experimental results validate that MStar achieves superior performance compared with state-of-the-art models, especially for distant entities.

cross A Multi-Stage Framework for 3D Individual Tooth Segmentation in Dental CBCT

Authors: Chunshi Wang, Bin Zhao, Shuxue Ding

Abstract: Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a common way of diagnosing dental related diseases. Accurate segmentation of 3D tooth is of importance for the treatment. Although deep learning based methods have achieved convincing results in medical image processing, they need a large of annotated data for network training, making it very time-consuming in data collection and annotation. Besides, domain shift widely existing in the distribution of data acquired by different devices impacts severely the model generalization. To resolve the problem, we propose a multi-stage framework for 3D tooth segmentation in dental CBCT, which achieves the third place in the "Semi-supervised Teeth Segmentation" 3D (STS-3D) challenge. The experiments on validation set compared with other semi-supervised segmentation methods further indicate the validity of our approach.

cross Backdoor Attacks against Image-to-Image Networks

Authors: Wenbo Jiang, Hongwei Li, Jiaming He, Rui Zhang, Guowen Xu, Tianwei Zhang, Rongxing Lu

Abstract: Recently, deep learning-based Image-to-Image (I2I) networks have become the predominant choice for I2I tasks such as image super-resolution and denoising. Despite their remarkable performance, the backdoor vulnerability of I2I networks has not been explored. To fill this research gap, we conduct a comprehensive investigation on the susceptibility of I2I networks to backdoor attacks. Specifically, we propose a novel backdoor attack technique, where the compromised I2I network behaves normally on clean input images, yet outputs a predefined image of the adversary for malicious input images containing the trigger. To achieve this I2I backdoor attack, we propose a targeted universal adversarial perturbation (UAP) generation algorithm for I2I networks, where the generated UAP is used as the backdoor trigger. Additionally, in the backdoor training process that contains the main task and the backdoor task, multi-task learning (MTL) with dynamic weighting methods is employed to accelerate convergence rates. In addition to attacking I2I tasks, we extend our I2I backdoor to attack downstream tasks, including image classification and object detection. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the I2I backdoor on state-of-the-art I2I network architectures, as well as the robustness against different mainstream backdoor defenses.

cross DDFAD: Dataset Distillation Framework for Audio Data

Authors: Wenbo Jiang, Rui Zhang, Hongwei Li, Xiaoyuan Liu, Haomiao Yang, Shui Yu

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved significant success in numerous applications. The remarkable performance of DNNs is largely attributed to the availability of massive, high-quality training datasets. However, processing such massive training data requires huge computational and storage resources. Dataset distillation is a promising solution to this problem, offering the capability to compress a large dataset into a smaller distilled dataset. The model trained on the distilled dataset can achieve comparable performance to the model trained on the whole dataset. While dataset distillation has been demonstrated in image data, none have explored dataset distillation for audio data. In this work, for the first time, we propose a Dataset Distillation Framework for Audio Data (DDFAD). Specifically, we first propose the Fused Differential MFCC (FD-MFCC) as extracted features for audio data. After that, the FD-MFCC is distilled through the matching training trajectory distillation method. Finally, we propose an audio signal reconstruction algorithm based on the Griffin-Lim Algorithm to reconstruct the audio signal from the distilled FD-MFCC. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of DDFAD on various audio datasets. In addition, we show that DDFAD has promising application prospects in many applications, such as continual learning and neural architecture search.

cross GraphPrint: Extracting Features from 3D Protein Structure for Drug Target Affinity Prediction

Authors: Amritpal Singh

Abstract: Accurate drug target affinity prediction can improve drug candidate selection, accelerate the drug discovery process, and reduce drug production costs. Previous work focused on traditional fingerprints or used features extracted based on the amino acid sequence in the protein, ignoring its 3D structure which affects its binding affinity. In this work, we propose GraphPrint: a framework for incorporating 3D protein structure features for drug target affinity prediction. We generate graph representations for protein 3D structures using amino acid residue location coordinates and combine them with drug graph representation and traditional features to jointly learn drug target affinity. Our model achieves a mean square error of 0.1378 and a concordance index of 0.8929 on the KIBA dataset and improves over using traditional protein features alone. Our ablation study shows that the 3D protein structure-based features provide information complementary to traditional features.

cross The Good, The Bad, and The Greedy: Evaluation of LLMs Should Not Ignore Non-Determinism

Authors: Yifan Song, Guoyin Wang, Sujian Li, Bill Yuchen Lin

Abstract: Current evaluations of large language models (LLMs) often overlook non-determinism, typically focusing on a single output per example. This limits our understanding of LLM performance variability in real-world applications. Our study addresses this issue by exploring key questions about the performance differences between greedy decoding and sampling, identifying benchmarks' consistency regarding non-determinism, and examining unique model behaviors. Through extensive experiments, we observe that greedy decoding generally outperforms sampling methods for most evaluated tasks. We also observe consistent performance across different LLM sizes and alignment methods, noting that alignment can reduce sampling variance. Moreover, our best-of-N sampling approach demonstrates that smaller LLMs can match or surpass larger models such as GPT-4-Turbo, highlighting the untapped potential of smaller LLMs. This research shows the importance of considering non-determinism in LLM evaluations and provides insights for future LLM development and evaluation.

cross BandControlNet: Parallel Transformers-based Steerable Popular Music Generation with Fine-Grained Spatiotemporal Features

Authors: Jing Luo, Xinyu Yang, Dorien Herremans

Abstract: Controllable music generation promotes the interaction between humans and composition systems by projecting the users' intent on their desired music. The challenge of introducing controllability is an increasingly important issue in the symbolic music generation field. When building controllable generative popular multi-instrument music systems, two main challenges typically present themselves, namely weak controllability and poor music quality. To address these issues, we first propose spatiotemporal features as powerful and fine-grained controls to enhance the controllability of the generative model. In addition, an efficient music representation called REMI_Track is designed to convert multitrack music into multiple parallel music sequences and shorten the sequence length of each track with Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) techniques. Subsequently, we release BandControlNet, a conditional model based on parallel Transformers, to tackle the multiple music sequences and generate high-quality music samples that are conditioned to the given spatiotemporal control features. More concretely, the two specially designed modules of BandControlNet, namely structure-enhanced self-attention (SE-SA) and Cross-Track Transformer (CTT), are utilized to strengthen the resulting musical structure and inter-track harmony modeling respectively. Experimental results tested on two popular music datasets of different lengths demonstrate that the proposed BandControlNet outperforms other conditional music generation models on most objective metrics in terms of fidelity and inference speed and shows great robustness in generating long music samples. The subjective evaluations show BandControlNet trained on short datasets can generate music with comparable quality to state-of-the-art models, while outperforming them significantly using longer datasets.

cross LiteFocus: Accelerated Diffusion Inference for Long Audio Synthesis

Authors: Zhenxiong Tan, Xinyin Ma, Gongfan Fang, Xinchao Wang

Abstract: Latent diffusion models have shown promising results in audio generation, making notable advancements over traditional methods. However, their performance, while impressive with short audio clips, faces challenges when extended to longer audio sequences. These challenges are due to model's self-attention mechanism and training predominantly on 10-second clips, which complicates the extension to longer audio without adaptation. In response to these issues, we introduce a novel approach, LiteFocus that enhances the inference of existing audio latent diffusion models in long audio synthesis. Observed the attention pattern in self-attention, we employ a dual sparse form for attention calculation, designated as same-frequency focus and cross-frequency compensation, which curtails the attention computation under same-frequency constraints, while enhancing audio quality through cross-frequency refillment. LiteFocus demonstrates substantial reduction on inference time with diffusion-based TTA model by 1.99x in synthesizing 80-second audio clips while also obtaining improved audio quality.

cross GROOT: Generating Robust Watermark for Diffusion-Model-Based Audio Synthesis

Authors: Weizhi Liu, Yue Li, Dongdong Lin, Hui Tian, Haizhou Li

Abstract: Amid the burgeoning development of generative models like diffusion models, the task of differentiating synthesized audio from its natural counterpart grows more daunting. Deepfake detection offers a viable solution to combat this challenge. Yet, this defensive measure unintentionally fuels the continued refinement of generative models. Watermarking emerges as a proactive and sustainable tactic, preemptively regulating the creation and dissemination of synthesized content. Thus, this paper, as a pioneer, proposes the generative robust audio watermarking method (Groot), presenting a paradigm for proactively supervising the synthesized audio and its source diffusion models. In this paradigm, the processes of watermark generation and audio synthesis occur simultaneously, facilitated by parameter-fixed diffusion models equipped with a dedicated encoder. The watermark embedded within the audio can subsequently be retrieved by a lightweight decoder. The experimental results highlight Groot's outstanding performance, particularly in terms of robustness, surpassing that of the leading state-of-the-art methods. Beyond its impressive resilience against individual post-processing attacks, Groot exhibits exceptional robustness when facing compound attacks, maintaining an average watermark extraction accuracy of around 95%.

cross Kinetic Typography Diffusion Model

Authors: Seonmi Park, Inhwan Bae, Seunghyun Shin, Hae-Gon Jeon

Abstract: This paper introduces a method for realistic kinetic typography that generates user-preferred animatable 'text content'. We draw on recent advances in guided video diffusion models to achieve visually-pleasing text appearances. To do this, we first construct a kinetic typography dataset, comprising about 600K videos. Our dataset is made from a variety of combinations in 584 templates designed by professional motion graphics designers and involves changing each letter's position, glyph, and size (i.e., flying, glitches, chromatic aberration, reflecting effects, etc.). Next, we propose a video diffusion model for kinetic typography. For this, there are three requirements: aesthetic appearances, motion effects, and readable letters. This paper identifies the requirements. For this, we present static and dynamic captions used as spatial and temporal guidance of a video diffusion model, respectively. The static caption describes the overall appearance of the video, such as colors, texture and glyph which represent a shape of each letter. The dynamic caption accounts for the movements of letters and backgrounds. We add one more guidance with zero convolution to determine which text content should be visible in the video. We apply the zero convolution to the text content, and impose it on the diffusion model. Lastly, our glyph loss, only minimizing a difference between the predicted word and its ground-truth, is proposed to make the prediction letters readable. Experiments show that our model generates kinetic typography videos with legible and artistic letter motions based on text prompts.

cross SuperPADL: Scaling Language-Directed Physics-Based Control with Progressive Supervised Distillation

Authors: Jordan Juravsky, Yunrong Guo, Sanja Fidler, Xue Bin Peng

Abstract: Physically-simulated models for human motion can generate high-quality responsive character animations, often in real-time. Natural language serves as a flexible interface for controlling these models, allowing expert and non-expert users to quickly create and edit their animations. Many recent physics-based animation methods, including those that use text interfaces, train control policies using reinforcement learning (RL). However, scaling these methods beyond several hundred motions has remained challenging. Meanwhile, kinematic animation models are able to successfully learn from thousands of diverse motions by leveraging supervised learning methods. Inspired by these successes, in this work we introduce SuperPADL, a scalable framework for physics-based text-to-motion that leverages both RL and supervised learning to train controllers on thousands of diverse motion clips. SuperPADL is trained in stages using progressive distillation, starting with a large number of specialized experts using RL. These experts are then iteratively distilled into larger, more robust policies using a combination of reinforcement learning and supervised learning. Our final SuperPADL controller is trained on a dataset containing over 5000 skills and runs in real time on a consumer GPU. Moreover, our policy can naturally transition between skills, allowing for users to interactively craft multi-stage animations. We experimentally demonstrate that SuperPADL significantly outperforms RL-based baselines at this large data scale.

cross How and where does CLIP process negation?

Authors: Vincent Quantmeyer, Pablo Mosteiro, Albert Gatt

Abstract: Various benchmarks have been proposed to test linguistic understanding in pre-trained vision \& language (VL) models. Here we build on the existence task from the VALSE benchmark (Parcalabescu et al, 2022) which we use to test models' understanding of negation, a particularly interesting issue for multimodal models. However, while such VL benchmarks are useful for measuring model performance, they do not reveal anything about the internal processes through which these models arrive at their outputs in such visio-linguistic tasks. We take inspiration from the growing literature on model interpretability to explain the behaviour of VL models on the understanding of negation. Specifically, we approach these questions through an in-depth analysis of the text encoder in CLIP (Radford et al, 2021), a highly influential VL model. We localise parts of the encoder that process negation and analyse the role of attention heads in this task. Our contributions are threefold. We demonstrate how methods from the language model interpretability literature (such as causal tracing) can be translated to multimodal models and tasks; we provide concrete insights into how CLIP processes negation on the VALSE existence task; and we highlight inherent limitations in the VALSE dataset as a benchmark for linguistic understanding.

cross Learning Dynamics of LLM Finetuning

Authors: Yi Ren, Danica J. Sutherland

Abstract: Learning dynamics, which describes how the learning of specific training examples influences the model's prediction of other examples, give us a powerful tool for understanding the behavior of deep learning systems. We study the learning dynamics of large language models during finetuning, by analyzing the step-wise decomposition and accumulated influence among different responses. Our framework allows a uniform interpretation of many interesting observations about the training of popular algorithms for both instruction tuning and preference tuning. The analysis not only explains where the benefits of these methods come from but also inspires a simple, effective method to further improve the alignment performance. Code for experiments is available at


cross TCM-FTP: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Herbal Prescription Prediction

Authors: Xingzhi Zhou, Xin Dong, Chunhao Li, Yuning Bai, Yulong Xu, Ka Chun Cheung, Simon See, Xinpeng Song, Runshun Zhang, Xuezhong Zhou, Nevin L. Zhang

Abstract: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) relies on specific combinations of herbs in prescriptions to treat symptoms and signs, a practice that spans thousands of years. Predicting TCM prescriptions presents a fascinating technical challenge with practical implications. However, this task faces limitations due to the scarcity of high-quality clinical datasets and the intricate relationship between symptoms and herbs. To address these issues, we introduce DigestDS, a new dataset containing practical medical records from experienced experts in digestive system diseases. We also propose a method, TCM-FTP (TCM Fine-Tuning Pre-trained), to leverage pre-trained large language models (LLMs) through supervised fine-tuning on DigestDS. Additionally, we enhance computational efficiency using a low-rank adaptation technique. TCM-FTP also incorporates data augmentation by permuting herbs within prescriptions, capitalizing on their order-agnostic properties. Impressively, TCM-FTP achieves an F1-score of 0.8031, surpassing previous methods significantly. Furthermore, it demonstrates remarkable accuracy in dosage prediction, achieving a normalized mean square error of 0.0604. In contrast, LLMs without fine-tuning perform poorly. Although LLMs have shown capabilities on a wide range of tasks, this work illustrates the importance of fine-tuning for TCM prescription prediction, and we have proposed an effective way to do that.

cross An experimental evaluation of Siamese Neural Networks for robot localization using omnidirectional imaging in indoor environments

Authors: J. J. Cabrera, V. Rom\'an, A. Gil, O. Reinoso, L. Pay\'a

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to address the localization problem using omnidirectional images captured by a catadioptric vision system mounted on the robot. For this purpose, we explore the potential of Siamese Neural Networks for modeling indoor environments using panoramic images as the unique source of information. Siamese Neural Networks are characterized by their ability to generate a similarity function between two input data, in this case, between two panoramic images. In this study, Siamese Neural Networks composed of two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are used. The output of each CNN is a descriptor which is used to characterize each image. The dissimilarity of the images is computed by measuring the distance between these descriptors. This fact makes Siamese Neural Networks particularly suitable to perform image retrieval tasks. First, we evaluate an initial task strongly related to localization that consists in detecting whether two images have been captured in the same or in different rooms. Next, we assess Siamese Neural Networks in the context of a global localization problem. The results outperform previous techniques for solving the localization task using the COLD-Freiburg dataset, in a variety of lighting conditions, specially when using images captured in cloudy and night conditions.

cross 3D Geometric Shape Assembly via Efficient Point Cloud Matching

Authors: Nahyuk Lee, Juhong Min, Junha Lee, Seungwook Kim, Kanghee Lee, Jaesik Park, Minsu Cho

Abstract: Learning to assemble geometric shapes into a larger target structure is a pivotal task in various practical applications. In this work, we tackle this problem by establishing local correspondences between point clouds of part shapes in both coarse- and fine-levels. To this end, we introduce Proxy Match Transform (PMT), an approximate high-order feature transform layer that enables reliable matching between mating surfaces of parts while incurring low costs in memory and computation. Building upon PMT, we introduce a new framework, dubbed Proxy Match TransformeR (PMTR), for the geometric assembly task. We evaluate the proposed PMTR on the large-scale 3D geometric shape assembly benchmark dataset of Breaking Bad and demonstrate its superior performance and efficiency compared to state-of-the-art methods. Project page:


cross Understanding the Dependence of Perception Model Competency on Regions in an Image

Authors: Sara Pohland, Claire Tomlin

Abstract: While deep neural network (DNN)-based perception models are useful for many applications, these models are black boxes and their outputs are not yet well understood. To confidently enable a real-world, decision-making system to utilize such a perception model without human intervention, we must enable the system to reason about the perception model's level of competency and respond appropriately when the model is incompetent. In order for the system to make an intelligent decision about the appropriate action when the model is incompetent, it would be useful for the system to understand why the model is incompetent. We explore five novel methods for identifying regions in the input image contributing to low model competency, which we refer to as image cropping, segment masking, pixel perturbation, competency gradients, and reconstruction loss. We assess the ability of these five methods to identify unfamiliar objects, recognize regions associated with unseen classes, and identify unexplored areas in an environment. We find that the competency gradients and reconstruction loss methods show great promise in identifying regions associated with low model competency, particularly when aspects of the image that are unfamiliar to the perception model are causing this reduction in competency. Both of these methods boast low computation times and high levels of accuracy in detecting image regions that are unfamiliar to the model, allowing them to provide potential utility in decision-making pipelines. The code for reproducing our methods and results is available on GitHub:


cross Efficient Continual Learning with Low Memory Footprint For Edge Device

Authors: Zeqing Wang, Fei Cheng, Kangye Ji, Bohu Huang

Abstract: Continual learning(CL) is a useful technique to acquire dynamic knowledge continually. Although powerful cloud platforms can fully exert the ability of CL,e.g., customized recommendation systems, similar personalized requirements for edge devices are almost disregarded. This phenomenon stems from the huge resource overhead involved in training neural networks and overcoming the forgetting problem of CL. This paper focuses on these scenarios and proposes a compact algorithm called LightCL. Different from other CL methods bringing huge resource consumption to acquire generalizability among all tasks for delaying forgetting, LightCL compress the resource consumption of already generalized components in neural networks and uses a few extra resources to improve memory in other parts. We first propose two new metrics of learning plasticity and memory stability to seek generalizability during CL. Based on the discovery that lower and middle layers have more generalizability and deeper layers are opposite, we $\textit{Maintain Generalizability}$ by freezing the lower and middle layers. Then, we $\textit{Memorize Feature Patterns}$ to stabilize the feature extracting patterns of previous tasks to improve generalizability in deeper layers. In the experimental comparison, LightCL outperforms other SOTA methods in delaying forgetting and reduces at most $\textbf{6.16$\times$}$ memory footprint, proving the excellent performance of LightCL in efficiency. We also evaluate the efficiency of our method on an edge device, the Jetson Nano, which further proves our method's practical effectiveness.

cross Learning Social Cost Functions for Human-Aware Path Planning

Authors: Andrea Eirale, Matteo Leonetti, Marcello Chiaberge

Abstract: Achieving social acceptance is one of the main goals of Social Robotic Navigation. Despite this topic has received increasing interest in recent years, most of the research has focused on driving the robotic agent along obstacle-free trajectories, planning around estimates of future human motion to respect personal distances and optimize navigation. However, social interactions in everyday life are also dictated by norms that do not strictly depend on movement, such as when standing at the end of a queue rather than cutting it. In this paper, we propose a novel method to recognize common social scenarios and modify a traditional planner's cost function to adapt to them. This solution enables the robot to carry out different social navigation behaviors that would not arise otherwise, maintaining the robustness of traditional navigation. Our approach allows the robot to learn different social norms with a single learned model, rather than having different modules for each task. As a proof of concept, we consider the tasks of queuing and respect interaction spaces of groups of people talking to one another, but the method can be extended to other human activities that do not involve motion.

cross Boosting Zero-Shot Crosslingual Performance using LLM-Based Augmentations with Effective Data Selection

Authors: Barah Fazili, Ashish Sunil Agrawal, Preethi Jyothi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are very proficient text generators. We leverage this capability of LLMs to generate task-specific data via zero-shot prompting and promote cross-lingual transfer for low-resource target languages. Given task-specific data in a source language and a teacher model trained on this data, we propose using this teacher to label LLM generations and employ a set of simple data selection strategies that use the teacher's label probabilities. Our data selection strategies help us identify a representative subset of diverse generations that help boost zero-shot accuracies while being efficient, in comparison to using all the LLM generations (without any subset selection). We also highlight other important design choices that affect cross-lingual performance such as the use of translations of source data and what labels are best to use for the LLM generations. We observe significant performance gains across sentiment analysis and natural language inference tasks (of up to a maximum of 7.13 absolute points and 1.5 absolute points on average) across a number of target languages (Hindi, Marathi, Urdu, Swahili) and domains.

cross An evaluation of CNN models and data augmentation techniques in hierarchical localization of mobile robots

Authors: J. J. Cabrera, O. J. C\'espedes, S. Cebollada, O. Reinoso, L. Pay\'a

Abstract: This work presents an evaluation of CNN models and data augmentation to carry out the hierarchical localization of a mobile robot by using omnidireccional images. In this sense, an ablation study of different state-of-the-art CNN models used as backbone is presented and a variety of data augmentation visual effects are proposed for addressing the visual localization of the robot. The proposed method is based on the adaption and re-training of a CNN with a dual purpose: (1) to perform a rough localization step in which the model is used to predict the room from which an image was captured, and (2) to address the fine localization step, which consists in retrieving the most similar image of the visual map among those contained in the previously predicted room by means of a pairwise comparison between descriptors obtained from an intermediate layer of the CNN. In this sense, we evaluate the impact of different state-of-the-art CNN models such as ConvNeXt for addressing the proposed localization. Finally, a variety of data augmentation visual effects are separately employed for training the model and their impact is assessed. The performance of the resulting CNNs is evaluated under real operation conditions, including changes in the lighting conditions. Our code is publicly available on the project website


cross Arena Learning: Build Data Flywheel for LLMs Post-training via Simulated Chatbot Arena

Authors: Haipeng Luo, Qingfeng Sun, Can Xu, Pu Zhao, Qingwei Lin, Jianguang Lou, Shifeng Chen, Yansong Tang, Weizhu Chen

Abstract: Assessing the effectiveness of large language models (LLMs) presents substantial challenges. The method of conducting human-annotated battles in an online Chatbot Arena is a highly effective evaluative technique. However, this approach is limited by the costs and time required for human annotation. In this paper, we introduce Arena Learning, an innovative offline strategy designed to simulate these arena battles using AI-driven annotations to evaluate battle outcomes, thus facilitating the continuous improvement of the target model through both supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning. Arena Learning comprises two key elements. First, it ensures precise evaluations and maintains consistency between offline simulations and online competitions via WizardArena, a pipeline developed to accurately predict the Elo rankings of various models using a meticulously designed offline test set. Our results demonstrate that WizardArena's predictions closely align with those from the online Arena. Second, it involves the continuous improvement of training data based on the battle results and the refined model. We establish a data flywheel to iteratively update the training data by highlighting the weaknesses of the target model based on its battle results, enabling it to learn from the strengths of multiple different models. We apply Arena Learning to train our target model, WizardLM-$\beta$, and demonstrate significant performance enhancements across various metrics. This fully automated training and evaluation pipeline sets the stage for continuous advancements in various LLMs via post-training. Notably, Arena Learning plays a pivotal role in the success of WizardLM-2, and this paper serves both as an exploration of its efficacy and a foundational study for future discussions related to WizardLM-2 and its derivatives.

cross Bidirectional Stereo Image Compression with Cross-Dimensional Entropy Model

Authors: Zhening Liu, Xinjie Zhang, Jiawei Shao, Zehong Lin, Jun Zhang

Abstract: With the rapid advancement of stereo vision technologies, stereo image compression has emerged as a crucial field that continues to draw significant attention. Previous approaches have primarily employed a unidirectional paradigm, where the compression of one view is dependent on the other, resulting in imbalanced compression. To address this issue, we introduce a symmetric bidirectional stereo image compression architecture, named BiSIC. Specifically, we propose a 3D convolution based codec backbone to capture local features and incorporate bidirectional attention blocks to exploit global features. Moreover, we design a novel cross-dimensional entropy model that integrates various conditioning factors, including the spatial context, channel context, and stereo dependency, to effectively estimate the distribution of latent representations for entropy coding. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed BiSIC outperforms conventional image/video compression standards, as well as state-of-the-art learning-based methods, in terms of both PSNR and MS-SSIM.

cross Risk-aware Trajectory Prediction by Incorporating Spatio-temporal Traffic Interaction Analysis

Authors: Divya Thuremella, Lewis Ince, Lars Kunze

Abstract: To operate in open-ended environments where humans interact in complex, diverse ways, autonomous robots must learn to predict their behaviour, especially when that behavior is potentially dangerous to other agents or to the robot. However, reducing the risk of accidents requires prior knowledge of where potential collisions may occur and how. Therefore, we propose to gain this information by analyzing locations and speeds that commonly correspond to high-risk interactions within the dataset, and use it within training to generate better predictions in high risk situations. Through these location-based and speed-based re-weighting techniques, we achieve improved overall performance, as measured by most-likely FDE and KDE, as well as improved performance on high-speed vehicles, and vehicles within high-risk locations. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

cross Prompt Selection Matters: Enhancing Text Annotations for Social Sciences with Large Language Models

Authors: Louis Abraham, Charles Arnal, Antoine Marie

Abstract: Large Language Models have recently been applied to text annotation tasks from social sciences, equalling or surpassing the performance of human workers at a fraction of the cost. However, no inquiry has yet been made on the impact of prompt selection on labelling accuracy. In this study, we show that performance greatly varies between prompts, and we apply the method of automatic prompt optimization to systematically craft high quality prompts. We also provide the community with a simple, browser-based implementation of the method at .


cross An Empirical Study of Validating Synthetic Data for Formula Generation

Authors: Usneek Singh, Jos\'e Cambronero, Sumit Gulwani, Aditya Kanade, Anirudh Khatry, Vu Le, Mukul Singh, Gust Verbruggen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can be leveraged to help with writing formulas in spreadsheets, but resources on these formulas are scarce, impacting both the base performance of pre-trained models and limiting the ability to fine-tune them. Given a corpus of formulas, we can use a(nother) model to generate synthetic natural language utterances for fine-tuning. However, it is important to validate whether the NL generated by the LLM is indeed accurate to be beneficial for fine-tuning. In this paper, we provide empirical results on the impact of validating these synthetic training examples with surrogate objectives that evaluate the accuracy of the synthetic annotations. We demonstrate that validation improves performance over raw data across four models (2 open and 2 closed weight). Interestingly, we show that although validation tends to prune more challenging examples, it increases the complexity of problems that models can solve after being fine-tuned on validated data.

cross Spatio-temporal neural distance fields for conditional generative modeling of the heart

Authors: Kristine S{\o}rensen, Paula Diez, Jan Margeta, Yasmin El Youssef, Michael Pham, Jonas Jalili Pedersen, Tobias K\"uhl, Ole de Backer, Klaus Kofoed, Oscar Camara, Rasmus Paulsen

Abstract: The rhythmic pumping motion of the heart stands as a cornerstone in life, as it circulates blood to the entire human body through a series of carefully timed contractions of the individual chambers. Changes in the size, shape and movement of the chambers can be important markers for cardiac disease and modeling this in relation to clinical demography or disease is therefore of interest. Existing methods for spatio-temporal modeling of the human heart require shape correspondence over time or suffer from large memory requirements, making it difficult to use for complex anatomies. We introduce a novel conditional generative model, where the shape and movement is modeled implicitly in the form of a spatio-temporal neural distance field and conditioned on clinical demography. The model is based on an auto-decoder architecture and aims to disentangle the individual variations from that related to the clinical demography. It is tested on the left atrium (including the left atrial appendage), where it outperforms current state-of-the-art methods for anatomical sequence completion and generates synthetic sequences that realistically mimics the shape and motion of the real left atrium. In practice, this means we can infer functional measurements from a static image, generate synthetic populations with specified demography or disease and investigate how non-imaging clinical data effect the shape and motion of cardiac anatomies.

cross Enhancing Retrieval and Managing Retrieval: A Four-Module Synergy for Improved Quality and Efficiency in RAG Systems

Authors: Yunxiao Shi, Xing Zi, Zijing Shi, Haimin Zhang, Qiang Wu, Min Xu

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) techniques leverage the in-context learning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to produce more accurate and relevant responses. Originating from the simple 'retrieve-then-read' approach, the RAG framework has evolved into a highly flexible and modular paradigm. A critical component, the Query Rewriter module, enhances knowledge retrieval by generating a search-friendly query. This method aligns input questions more closely with the knowledge base. Our research identifies opportunities to enhance the Query Rewriter module to Query Rewriter+ by generating multiple queries to overcome the Information Plateaus associated with a single query and by rewriting questions to eliminate Ambiguity, thereby clarifying the underlying intent. We also find that current RAG systems exhibit issues with Irrelevant Knowledge; to overcome this, we propose the Knowledge Filter. These two modules are both based on the instruction-tuned Gemma-2B model, which together enhance response quality. The final identified issue is Redundant Retrieval; we introduce the Memory Knowledge Reservoir and the Retriever Trigger to solve this. The former supports the dynamic expansion of the RAG system's knowledge base in a parameter-free manner, while the latter optimizes the cost for accessing external knowledge, thereby improving resource utilization and response efficiency. These four RAG modules synergistically improve the response quality and efficiency of the RAG system. The effectiveness of these modules has been validated through experiments and ablation studies across six common QA datasets. The source code can be accessed at


cross Qwen2 Technical Report

Authors: An Yang, Baosong Yang, Binyuan Hui, Bo Zheng, Bowen Yu, Chang Zhou, Chengpeng Li, Chengyuan Li, Dayiheng Liu, Fei Huang, Guanting Dong, Haoran Wei, Huan Lin, Jialong Tang, Jialin Wang, Jian Yang, Jianhong Tu, Jianwei Zhang, Jianxin Ma, Jin Xu, Jingren Zhou, Jinze Bai, Jinzheng He, Junyang Lin, Kai Dang, Keming Lu, Keqin Chen, Kexin Yang, Mei Li, Mingfeng Xue, Na Ni, Pei Zhang, Peng Wang, Ru Peng, Rui Men, Ruize Gao, Runji Lin, Shijie Wang, Shuai Bai, Sinan Tan, Tianhang Zhu, Tianhao Li, Tianyu Liu, Wenbin Ge, Xiaodong Deng, Xiaohuan Zhou, Xingzhang Ren, Xinyu Zhang, Xipin Wei, Xuancheng Ren, Yang Fan, Yang Yao, Yichang Zhang, Yu Wan, Yunfei Chu, Zeyu Cui, Zhenru Zhang, Zhihao Fan

Abstract: This report introduces the Qwen2 series, the latest addition to our large language models and large multimodal models. We release a comprehensive suite of foundational and instruction-tuned language models, encompassing a parameter range from 0.5 to 72 billion, featuring dense models and a Mixture-of-Experts model. Qwen2 surpasses most prior open-weight models, including its predecessor Qwen1.5, and exhibits competitive performance relative to proprietary models across diverse benchmarks on language understanding, generation, multilingual proficiency, coding, mathematics, and reasoning. The flagship model, Qwen2-72B, showcases remarkable performance: 84.2 on MMLU, 37.9 on GPQA, 64.6 on HumanEval, 89.5 on GSM8K, and 82.4 on BBH as a base language model. The instruction-tuned variant, Qwen2-72B-Instruct, attains 9.1 on MT-Bench, 48.1 on Arena-Hard, and 35.7 on LiveCodeBench. Moreover, Qwen2 demonstrates robust multilingual capabilities, proficient in approximately 30 languages, spanning English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, and more, underscoring its versatility and global reach. To foster community innovation and accessibility, we have made the Qwen2 model weights openly available on Hugging Face1 and ModelScope2, and the supplementary materials including example code on GitHub3. These platforms also include resources for quantization, fine-tuning, and deployment, facilitating a wide range of applications and research endeavors.

cross Addressing Image Hallucination in Text-to-Image Generation through Factual Image Retrieval

Authors: Youngsun Lim, Hyunjung Shim

Abstract: Text-to-image generation has shown remarkable progress with the emergence of diffusion models. However, these models often generate factually inconsistent images, failing to accurately reflect the factual information and common sense conveyed by the input text prompts. We refer to this issue as Image hallucination. Drawing from studies on hallucinations in language models, we classify this problem into three types and propose a methodology that uses factual images retrieved from external sources to generate realistic images. Depending on the nature of the hallucination, we employ off-the-shelf image editing tools, either InstructPix2Pix or IP-Adapter, to leverage factual information from the retrieved image. This approach enables the generation of images that accurately reflect the facts and common sense.

cross Classification of Heart Sounds Using Multi-Branch Deep Convolutional Network and LSTM-CNN

Authors: Seyed Amir Latifi, Hassan Ghassemian, Maryam Imani

Abstract: This paper presents a fast and cost-effective method for diagnosing cardiac abnormalities with high accuracy and reliability using low-cost systems in clinics. The primary limitation of automatic diagnosing of cardiac diseases is the rarity of correct and acceptable labeled samples, which can be expensive to prepare. To address this issue, two methods are proposed in this work. The first method is a unique Multi-Branch Deep Convolutional Neural Network (MBDCN) architecture inspired by human auditory processing, specifically designed to optimize feature extraction by employing various sizes of convolutional filters and audio signal power spectrum as input. In the second method, called as Long short-term memory-Convolutional Neural (LSCN) model, Additionally, the network architecture includes Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network blocks to improve feature extraction in the time domain. The innovative approach of combining multiple parallel branches consisting of the one-dimensional convolutional layers along with LSTM blocks helps in achieving superior results in audio signal processing tasks. The experimental results demonstrate superiority of the proposed methods over the state-of-the-art techniques. The overall classification accuracy of heart sounds with the LSCN network is more than 96%. The efficiency of this network is significant compared to common feature extraction methods such as Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and wavelet transform. Therefore, the proposed method shows promising results in the automatic analysis of heart sounds and has potential applications in the diagnosis and early detection of cardiovascular diseases.

cross SEMINAR: Search Enhanced Multi-modal Interest Network and Approximate Retrieval for Lifelong Sequential Recommendation

Authors: Kaiming Shen, Xichen Ding, Zixiang Zheng, Yuqi Gong, Qianqian Li, Zhongyi Liu, Guannan Zhang

Abstract: The modeling of users' behaviors is crucial in modern recommendation systems. A lot of research focuses on modeling users' lifelong sequences, which can be extremely long and sometimes exceed thousands of items. These models use the target item to search for the most relevant items from the historical sequence. However, training lifelong sequences in click through rate (CTR) prediction or personalized search ranking (PSR) is extremely difficult due to the insufficient learning problem of ID embedding, especially when the IDs in the lifelong sequence features do not exist in the samples of training dataset. Additionally, existing target attention mechanisms struggle to learn the multi-modal representations of items in the sequence well. The distribution of multi-modal embedding (text, image and attributes) output of user's interacted items are not properly aligned and there exist divergence across modalities. We also observe that users' search query sequences and item browsing sequences can fully depict users' intents and benefit from each other. To address these challenges, we propose a unified lifelong multi-modal sequence model called SEMINAR-Search Enhanced Multi-Modal Interest Network and Approximate Retrieval. Specifically, a network called Pretraining Search Unit (PSU) learns the lifelong sequences of multi-modal query-item pairs in a pretraining-finetuning manner with multiple objectives: multi-modal alignment, next query-item pair prediction, query-item relevance prediction, etc. After pretraining, the downstream model restores the pretrained embedding as initialization and finetunes the network. To accelerate the online retrieval speed of multi-modal embedding, we propose a multi-modal codebook-based product quantization strategy to approximate the exact attention calculati

cross CLAVE: An Adaptive Framework for Evaluating Values of LLM Generated Responses

Authors: Jing Yao, Xiaoyuan Yi, Xing Xie

Abstract: The rapid progress in Large Language Models (LLMs) poses potential risks such as generating unethical content. Assessing LLMs' values can help expose their misalignment, but relies on reference-free evaluators, e.g., fine-tuned LLMs or close-source ones like GPT-4, to identify values reflected in generated responses. Nevertheless, these evaluators face two challenges in open-ended value evaluation: they should align with changing human value definitions with minimal annotation, against their own bias (adaptability), and detect varying value expressions and scenarios robustly (generalizability). To handle these challenges, we introduce CLAVE, a novel framework which integrates two complementary LLMs, a large one to extract high-level value concepts from a few human labels, leveraging its extensive knowledge and generalizability, and a smaller one fine-tuned on such concepts to better align with human value understanding. This dual-model approach enables calibration with any value systems using <100 human-labeled samples per value type. Then we present ValEval, a comprehensive dataset comprising 13k+ (text,value,label) tuples across diverse domains, covering three major value systems. We benchmark the capabilities of 12+ popular LLM evaluators and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Our findings reveal that combining fine-tuned small models and prompt-based large ones serves as a superior balance in value evaluation.

cross On-Device Training of Fully Quantized Deep Neural Networks on Cortex-M Microcontrollers

Authors: Mark Deutel, Frank Hannig, Christopher Mutschler, J\"urgen Teich

Abstract: On-device training of DNNs allows models to adapt and fine-tune to newly collected data or changing domains while deployed on microcontroller units (MCUs). However, DNN training is a resource-intensive task, making the implementation and execution of DNN training algorithms on MCUs challenging due to low processor speeds, constrained throughput, limited floating-point support, and memory constraints. In this work, we explore on-device training of DNNs for Cortex-M MCUs. We present a method that enables efficient training of DNNs completely in place on the MCU using fully quantized training (FQT) and dynamic partial gradient updates. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach on multiple vision and time-series datasets and provide insights into the tradeoff between training accuracy, memory overhead, energy, and latency on real hardware.

cross When Synthetic Traces Hide Real Content: Analysis of Stable Diffusion Image Laundering

Authors: Sara Mandelli, Paolo Bestagini, Stefano Tubaro

Abstract: In recent years, methods for producing highly realistic synthetic images have significantly advanced, allowing the creation of high-quality images from text prompts that describe the desired content. Even more impressively, Stable Diffusion (SD) models now provide users with the option of creating synthetic images in an image-to-image translation fashion, modifying images in the latent space of advanced autoencoders. This striking evolution, however, brings an alarming consequence: it is possible to pass an image through SD autoencoders to reproduce a synthetic copy of the image with high realism and almost no visual artifacts. This process, known as SD image laundering, can transform real images into lookalike synthetic ones and risks complicating forensic analysis for content authenticity verification. Our paper investigates the forensic implications of image laundering, revealing a serious potential to obscure traces of real content, including sensitive and harmful materials that could be mistakenly classified as synthetic, thereby undermining the protection of individuals depicted. To address this issue, we propose a two-stage detection pipeline that effectively differentiates between pristine, laundered, and fully synthetic images (those generated from text prompts), showing robustness across various conditions. Finally, we highlight another alarming property of image laundering, which appears to mask the unique artifacts exploited by forensic detectors to solve the camera model identification task, strongly undermining their performance. Our experimental code is available at


cross Aligning Neuronal Coding of Dynamic Visual Scenes with Foundation Vision Models

Authors: Rining Wu, Feixiang Zhou, Ziwei Yin, Jian K. Liu

Abstract: Our brains represent the ever-changing environment with neurons in a highly dynamic fashion. The temporal features of visual pixels in dynamic natural scenes are entrapped in the neuronal responses of the retina. It is crucial to establish the intrinsic temporal relationship between visual pixels and neuronal responses. Recent foundation vision models have paved an advanced way of understanding image pixels. Yet, neuronal coding in the brain largely lacks a deep understanding of its alignment with pixels. Most previous studies employ static images or artificial videos derived from static images for emulating more real and complicated stimuli. Despite these simple scenarios effectively help to separate key factors influencing visual coding, complex temporal relationships receive no consideration. To decompose the temporal features of visual coding in natural scenes, here we propose Vi-ST, a spatiotemporal convolutional neural network fed with a self-supervised Vision Transformer (ViT) prior, aimed at unraveling the temporal-based encoding patterns of retinal neuronal populations. The model demonstrates robust predictive performance in generalization tests. Furthermore, through detailed ablation experiments, we demonstrate the significance of each temporal module. Furthermore, we introduce a visual coding evaluation metric designed to integrate temporal considerations and compare the impact of different numbers of neuronal populations on complementary coding. In conclusion, our proposed Vi-ST demonstrates a novel modeling framework for neuronal coding of dynamic visual scenes in the brain, effectively aligning our brain representation of video with neuronal activity. The code is available at


cross Scaling 3D Reasoning with LMMs to Large Robot Mission Environments Using Datagraphs

Authors: W. J. Meijer, A. C. Kemmeren, E. H. J. Riemens, J. E. Fransman, M. van Bekkum, G. J. Burghouts, J. D. van Mil

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of scaling Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) to expansive 3D environments. Solving this open problem is especially relevant for robot deployment in many first-responder scenarios, such as search-and-rescue missions that cover vast spaces. The use of LMMs in these settings is currently hampered by the strict context windows that limit the LMM's input size. We therefore introduce a novel approach that utilizes a datagraph structure, which allows the LMM to iteratively query smaller sections of a large environment. Using the datagraph in conjunction with graph traversal algorithms, we can prioritize the most relevant locations to the query, thereby improving the scalability of 3D scene language tasks. We illustrate the datagraph using 3D scenes, but these can be easily substituted by other dense modalities that represent the environment, such as pointclouds or Gaussian splats. We demonstrate the potential to use the datagraph for two 3D scene language task use cases, in a search-and-rescue mission example.

cross Continual Deep Learning on the Edge via Stochastic Local Competition among Subnetworks

Authors: Theodoros Christophides, Kyriakos Tolias, Sotirios Chatzis

Abstract: Continual learning on edge devices poses unique challenges due to stringent resource constraints. This paper introduces a novel method that leverages stochastic competition principles to promote sparsity, significantly reducing deep network memory footprint and computational demand. Specifically, we propose deep networks that comprise blocks of units that compete locally to win the representation of each arising new task; competition takes place in a stochastic manner. This type of network organization results in sparse task-specific representations from each network layer; the sparsity pattern is obtained during training and is different among tasks. Crucially, our method sparsifies both the weights and the weight gradients, thus facilitating training on edge devices. This is performed on the grounds of winning probability for each unit in a block. During inference, the network retains only the winning unit and zeroes-out all weights pertaining to non-winning units for the task at hand. Thus, our approach is specifically tailored for deployment on edge devices, providing an efficient and scalable solution for continual learning in resource-limited environments.

cross MSegRNN:Enhanced SegRNN Model with Mamba for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

Authors: GaoXiang Zhao, XiaoQiang Wang

Abstract: The field of long-term time series forecasting demands handling extensive look-back windows and long-range prediction steps, posing significant challenges for RNN-based methodologies. Among these, SegRNN, a robust RNN-driven model, has gained considerable attention in LTSF analysis for achieving state-of-the-art results while maintaining a remarkably streamlined architecture. Concurrently, the Mamba structure has demonstrated its advantages in small to medium-sized models due to its capability for information selection. This study introduces a variant of SegRNN that preprocesses information using a fine-tuned single-layer Mamba structure. Additionally, it incorporates implicit segmentation and residual structures into the model's encoding section to further reduce the inherent data iterative cycles of RNN architectures and implicitly integrate inter-channel correlations. This variant, named MSegRNN, utilizes the Mamba structure to select useful information, resulting in a transformed sequence. The linear-strategy-adapted derivative retains the superior memory efficiency of the original SegRNN while demonstrating enhanced performance. Empirical evaluations on real-world LTSF datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our model, thereby contributing to the advancement of LTSF methodologies.

cross AdapTable: Test-Time Adaptation for Tabular Data via Shift-Aware Uncertainty Calibrator and Label Distribution Handler

Authors: Changhun Kim, Taewon Kim, Seungyeon Woo, June Yong Yang, Eunho Yang

Abstract: In real-world applications, tabular data often suffer from distribution shifts due to their widespread and abundant nature, leading to erroneous predictions of pre-trained machine learning models. However, addressing such distribution shifts in the tabular domain has been relatively underexplored due to unique challenges such as varying attributes and dataset sizes, as well as the limited representation learning capabilities of deep learning models for tabular data. Particularly, with the recent promising paradigm of test-time adaptation (TTA), where we adapt the off-the-shelf model to the unlabeled target domain during the inference phase without accessing the source domain, we observe that directly adopting commonly used TTA methods from other domains often leads to model collapse. We systematically explore challenges in tabular data test-time adaptation, including skewed entropy, complex latent space decision boundaries, confidence calibration issues with both overconfident and under-confident, and model bias towards source label distributions along with class imbalances. Based on these insights, we introduce AdapTable, a novel tabular test-time adaptation method that directly modifies output probabilities by estimating target label distributions and adjusting initial probabilities based on calibrated uncertainty. Extensive experiments on both natural distribution shifts and synthetic corruptions demonstrate the adaptation efficacy of the proposed method.

cross GraphEval: A Knowledge-Graph Based LLM Hallucination Evaluation Framework

Authors: Hannah Sansford, Nicholas Richardson, Hermina Petric Maretic, Juba Nait Saada

Abstract: Methods to evaluate Large Language Model (LLM) responses and detect inconsistencies, also known as hallucinations, with respect to the provided knowledge, are becoming increasingly important for LLM applications. Current metrics fall short in their ability to provide explainable decisions, systematically check all pieces of information in the response, and are often too computationally expensive to be used in practice. We present GraphEval: a hallucination evaluation framework based on representing information in Knowledge Graph (KG) structures. Our method identifies the specific triples in the KG that are prone to hallucinations and hence provides more insight into where in the response a hallucination has occurred, if at all, than previous methods. Furthermore, using our approach in conjunction with state-of-the-art natural language inference (NLI) models leads to an improvement in balanced accuracy on various hallucination benchmarks, compared to using the raw NLI models. Lastly, we explore the use of GraphEval for hallucination correction by leveraging the structure of the KG, a method we name GraphCorrect, and demonstrate that the majority of hallucinations can indeed be rectified.

cross Graphusion: Leveraging Large Language Models for Scientific Knowledge Graph Fusion and Construction in NLP Education

Authors: Rui Yang, Boming Yang, Sixun Ouyang, Tianwei She, Aosong Feng, Yuang Jiang, Freddy Lecue, Jinghui Lu, Irene Li

Abstract: Knowledge graphs (KGs) are crucial in the field of artificial intelligence and are widely applied in downstream tasks, such as enhancing Question Answering (QA) systems. The construction of KGs typically requires significant effort from domain experts. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have been used for knowledge graph construction (KGC), however, most existing approaches focus on a local perspective, extracting knowledge triplets from individual sentences or documents. In this work, we introduce Graphusion, a zero-shot KGC framework from free text. The core fusion module provides a global view of triplets, incorporating entity merging, conflict resolution, and novel triplet discovery. We showcase how Graphusion could be applied to the natural language processing (NLP) domain and validate it in the educational scenario. Specifically, we introduce TutorQA, a new expert-verified benchmark for graph reasoning and QA, comprising six tasks and a total of 1,200 QA pairs. Our evaluation demonstrates that Graphusion surpasses supervised baselines by up to 10% in accuracy on link prediction. Additionally, it achieves average scores of 2.92 and 2.37 out of 3 in human evaluations for concept entity extraction and relation recognition, respectively.

cross Mammographic Breast Positioning Assessment via Deep Learning

Authors: Toygar Tanyel, Nurper Denizoglu, Mustafa Ege Seker, Deniz Alis, Esma Cerekci, Ercan Karaarslan, Erkin Aribal, Ilkay Oksuz

Abstract: Breast cancer remains a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women worldwide, with mammography screening as the most effective method for the early detection. Ensuring proper positioning in mammography is critical, as poor positioning can lead to diagnostic errors, increased patient stress, and higher costs due to recalls. Despite advancements in deep learning (DL) for breast cancer diagnostics, limited focus has been given to evaluating mammography positioning. This paper introduces a novel DL methodology to quantitatively assess mammogram positioning quality, specifically in mediolateral oblique (MLO) views using attention and coordinate convolution modules. Our method identifies key anatomical landmarks, such as the nipple and pectoralis muscle, and automatically draws a posterior nipple line (PNL), offering robust and inherently explainable alternative to well-known classification and regression-based approaches. We compare the performance of proposed methodology with various regression and classification-based models. The CoordAtt UNet model achieved the highest accuracy of 88.63% $\pm$ 2.84 and specificity of 90.25% $\pm$ 4.04, along with a noteworthy sensitivity of 86.04% $\pm$ 3.41. In landmark detection, the same model also recorded the lowest mean errors in key anatomical points and the smallest angular error of 2.42 degrees. Our results indicate that models incorporating attention mechanisms and CoordConv module increase the accuracy in classifying breast positioning quality and detecting anatomical landmarks. Furthermore, we make the labels and source codes available to the community to initiate an open research area for mammography, accessible at


cross Think-on-Graph 2.0: Deep and Interpretable Large Language Model Reasoning with Knowledge Graph-guided Retrieval

Authors: Shengjie Ma, Chengjin Xu, Xuhui Jiang, Muzhi Li, Huaren Qu, Jian Guo

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has significantly advanced large language models (LLMs) by enabling dynamic information retrieval to mitigate knowledge gaps and hallucinations in generated content. However, these systems often falter with complex reasoning and consistency across diverse queries. In this work, we present Think-on-Graph 2.0, an enhanced RAG framework that aligns questions with the knowledge graph and uses it as a navigational tool, which deepens and refines the RAG paradigm for information collection and integration. The KG-guided navigation fosters deep and long-range associations to uphold logical consistency and optimize the scope of retrieval for precision and interoperability. In conjunction, factual consistency can be better ensured through semantic similarity guided by precise directives. ToG${2.0}$ not only improves the accuracy and reliability of LLMs' responses but also demonstrates the potential of hybrid structured knowledge systems to significantly advance LLM reasoning, aligning it closer to human-like performance. We conducted extensive experiments on four public datasets to demonstrate the advantages of our method compared to the baseline.

cross FabGPT: An Efficient Large Multimodal Model for Complex Wafer Defect Knowledge Queries

Authors: Yuqi Jiang, Xudong Lu, Qian Jin, Qi Sun, Hanming Wu, Cheng Zhuo

Abstract: Intelligence is key to advancing integrated circuit (IC) fabrication. Recent breakthroughs in Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have unlocked unparalleled abilities in understanding images and text, fostering intelligent fabrication. Leveraging the power of LMMs, we introduce FabGPT, a customized IC fabrication large multimodal model for wafer defect knowledge query. FabGPT manifests expertise in conducting defect detection in Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images, performing root cause analysis, and providing expert question-answering (Q&A) on fabrication processes. FabGPT matches enhanced multimodal features to automatically detect minute defects under complex wafer backgrounds and reduce the subjectivity of manual threshold settings. Besides, the proposed modulation module and interactive corpus training strategy embed wafer defect knowledge into the pre-trained model, effectively balancing Q&A queries related to defect knowledge and original knowledge and mitigating the modality bias issues. Experiments on in-house fab data (SEM-WaD) show that our FabGPT achieves significant performance improvement in wafer defect detection and knowledge querying.

cross GuideLight: "Industrial Solution" Guidance for More Practical Traffic Signal Control Agents

Authors: Haoyuan Jiang, Xuantang Xiong, Ziyue Li, Hangyu Mao, Guanghu Sui, Jingqing Ruan, Yuheng Cheng, Hua Wei, Wolfgang Ketter, Rui Zhao

Abstract: Currently, traffic signal control (TSC) methods based on reinforcement learning (RL) have proven superior to traditional methods. However, most RL methods face difficulties when applied in the real world due to three factors: input, output, and the cycle-flow relation. The industry's observable input is much more limited than simulation-based RL methods. For real-world solutions, only flow can be reliably collected, whereas common RL methods need more. For the output action, most RL methods focus on acyclic control, which real-world signal controllers do not support. Most importantly, industry standards require a consistent cycle-flow relationship: non-decreasing and different response strategies for low, medium, and high-level flows, which is ignored by the RL methods. To narrow the gap between RL methods and industry standards, we innovatively propose to use industry solutions to guide the RL agent. Specifically, we design behavior cloning and curriculum learning to guide the agent to mimic and meet industry requirements and, at the same time, leverage the power of exploration and exploitation in RL for better performance. We theoretically prove that such guidance can largely decrease the sample complexity to polynomials in the horizon when searching for an optimal policy. Our rigid experiments show that our method has good cycle-flow relation and superior performance.

cross Foundational Autoraters: Taming Large Language Models for Better Automatic Evaluation

Authors: Tu Vu, Kalpesh Krishna, Salaheddin Alzubi, Chris Tar, Manaal Faruqui, Yun-Hsuan Sung

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) advance, it becomes more challenging to reliably evaluate their output due to the high costs of human evaluation. To make progress towards better LLM autoraters, we introduce FLAMe, a family of Foundational Large Autorater Models. FLAMe is trained on our large and diverse collection of 100+ quality assessment tasks comprising 5M+ human judgments, curated and standardized using publicly released human evaluations from previous research. FLAMe significantly improves generalization to a wide variety of held-out tasks, outperforming LLMs trained on proprietary data like GPT-4 and Claude-3 on many tasks. We show that FLAMe can also serve as a powerful starting point for further downstream fine-tuning, using reward modeling evaluation as a case study (FLAMe-RM). Notably, on RewardBench, our FLAMe-RM-24B model (with an accuracy of 87.8%) is the top-performing generative model trained exclusively on permissively licensed data, outperforming both GPT-4-0125 (85.9%) and GPT-4o (84.7%). Additionally, we explore a more computationally efficient approach using a novel tail-patch fine-tuning strategy to optimize our FLAMe multitask mixture for reward modeling evaluation (FLAMe-Opt-RM), offering competitive RewardBench performance while requiring approximately 25x less training datapoints. Overall, our FLAMe variants outperform all popular proprietary LLM-as-a-Judge models we consider across 8 out of 12 autorater evaluation benchmarks, encompassing 53 quality assessment tasks, including RewardBench and LLM-AggreFact. Finally, our analysis reveals that FLAMe is significantly less biased than these LLM-as-a-Judge models on the CoBBLEr autorater bias benchmark, while effectively identifying high-quality responses for code generation.

cross Towards Enhanced Classification of Abnormal Lung sound in Multi-breath: A Light Weight Multi-label and Multi-head Attention Classification Method

Authors: Yi-Wei Chua, Yun-Chien Cheng

Abstract: This study aims to develop an auxiliary diagnostic system for classifying abnormal lung respiratory sounds, enhancing the accuracy of automatic abnormal breath sound classification through an innovative multi-label learning approach and multi-head attention mechanism. Addressing the issue of class imbalance and lack of diversity in existing respiratory sound datasets, our study employs a lightweight and highly accurate model, using a two-dimensional label set to represent multiple respiratory sound characteristics. Our method achieved a 59.2% ICBHI score in the four-category task on the ICBHI2017 dataset, demonstrating its advantages in terms of lightweight and high accuracy. This study not only improves the accuracy of automatic diagnosis of lung respiratory sound abnormalities but also opens new possibilities for clinical applications.

cross BiasScanner: Automatic Detection and Classification of News Bias to Strengthen Democracy

Authors: Tim Menzner, Jochen L. Leidner

Abstract: The increasing consumption of news online in the 21st century coincided with increased publication of disinformation, biased reporting, hate speech and other unwanted Web content. We describe BiasScanner, an application that aims to strengthen democracy by supporting news consumers with scrutinizing news articles they are reading online. BiasScanner contains a server-side pre-trained large language model to identify biased sentences of news articles and a front-end Web browser plug-in. At the time of writing, BiasScanner can identify and classify more than two dozen types of media bias at the sentence level, making it the most fine-grained model and only deployed application (automatic system in use) of its kind. It was implemented in a light-weight and privacy-respecting manner, and in addition to highlighting likely biased sentence it also provides explanations for each classification decision as well as a summary analysis for each news article. While prior research has addressed news bias detection, we are not aware of any work that resulted in a deployed browser plug-in (c.f. also for a Web demo).

cross MetaLLM: A High-performant and Cost-efficient Dynamic Framework for Wrapping LLMs

Authors: Quang H. Nguyen, Duy C. Hoang, Juliette Decugis, Saurav Manchanda, Nitesh V. Chawla, Khoa D. Doan

Abstract: The rapid progress in machine learning (ML) has brought forth many large language models (LLMs) that excel in various tasks and areas. These LLMs come with different abilities and costs in terms of computation or pricing. Since the demand for each query can vary, e.g., because of the queried domain or its complexity, defaulting to one LLM in an application is not usually the best choice, whether it is the biggest, priciest, or even the one with the best average test performance. Consequently, picking the right LLM that is both accurate and cost-effective for an application remains a challenge. In this paper, we introduce MetaLLM, a framework that dynamically and intelligently routes each query to the optimal LLM (among several available LLMs) for classification tasks, achieving significantly improved accuracy and cost-effectiveness. By framing the selection problem as a multi-armed bandit, MetaLLM balances prediction accuracy and cost efficiency under uncertainty. Our experiments, conducted on popular LLM platforms such as OpenAI's GPT models, Amazon's Titan, Anthropic's Claude, and Meta's LLaMa, showcase MetaLLM's efficacy in real-world scenarios, laying the groundwork for future extensions beyond classification tasks.

cross Offline Reinforcement Learning with Imputed Rewards

Authors: Carlo Romeo, Andrew D. Bagdanov

Abstract: Offline Reinforcement Learning (ORL) offers a robust solution to training agents in applications where interactions with the environment must be strictly limited due to cost, safety, or lack of accurate simulation environments. Despite its potential to facilitate deployment of artificial agents in the real world, Offline Reinforcement Learning typically requires very many demonstrations annotated with ground-truth rewards. Consequently, state-of-the-art ORL algorithms can be difficult or impossible to apply in data-scarce scenarios. In this paper we propose a simple but effective Reward Model that can estimate the reward signal from a very limited sample of environment transitions annotated with rewards. Once the reward signal is modeled, we use the Reward Model to impute rewards for a large sample of reward-free transitions, thus enabling the application of ORL techniques. We demonstrate the potential of our approach on several D4RL continuous locomotion tasks. Our results show that, using only 1\% of reward-labeled transitions from the original datasets, our learned reward model is able to impute rewards for the remaining 99\% of the transitions, from which performant agents can be learned using Offline Reinforcement Learning.

cross An Actionable Framework for Assessing Bias and Fairness in Large Language Model Use Cases

Authors: Dylan Bouchard

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can exhibit bias in a variety of ways. Such biases can create or exacerbate unfair outcomes for certain groups within a protected attribute, including, but not limited to sex, race, sexual orientation, or age. This paper aims to provide a technical guide for practitioners to assess bias and fairness risks in LLM use cases. The main contribution of this work is a decision framework that allows practitioners to determine which metrics to use for a specific LLM use case. To achieve this, this study categorizes LLM bias and fairness risks, maps those risks to a taxonomy of LLM use cases, and then formally defines various metrics to assess each type of risk. As part of this work, several new bias and fairness metrics are introduced, including innovative counterfactual metrics as well as metrics based on stereotype classifiers. Instead of focusing solely on the model itself, the sensitivity of both prompt-risk and model-risk are taken into account by defining evaluations at the level of an LLM use case, characterized by a model and a population of prompts. Furthermore, because all of the evaluation metrics are calculated solely using the LLM output, the proposed framework is highly practical and easily actionable for practitioners.

cross Weighted Grouped Query Attention in Transformers

Authors: Sai Sena Chinnakonduru, Astarag Mohapatra

Abstract: The attention mechanism forms the foundational blocks for transformer language models. Recent approaches show that scaling the model achieves human-level performance. However, with increasing demands for scaling and constraints on hardware memory, the inference costs of these models remain high. To reduce the inference time, Multi-Query Attention (MQA) and Grouped-Query Attention (GQA) were proposed in (Shazeer, 2019) and (Ainslieet al., 2023) respectively. In this paper, we propose a variation of Grouped-Query Attention, termed Weighted Grouped-Query Attention (WGQA). We introduced new learnable parameters for each key and value head in the T5 decoder attention blocks, enabling the model to take a weighted average during finetuning. Our model achieves an average of 0.53% improvement over GQA, and the performance converges to traditional Multi-head attention (MHA) with no additional overhead during inference. We evaluated the introduction of these parameters and subsequent finetuning informs the model about the grouping mechanism during training, thereby enhancing performance. Additionally, we demonstrate the scaling laws in our analysis by comparing the results between T5-small and T5-base architecture.

cross GPT Sonograpy: Hand Gesture Decoding from Forearm Ultrasound Images via VLM

Authors: Keshav Bimbraw, Ye Wang, Jing Liu, Toshiaki Koike-Akino

Abstract: Large vision-language models (LVLMs), such as the Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4-omni (GPT-4o), are emerging multi-modal foundation models which have great potential as powerful artificial-intelligence (AI) assistance tools for a myriad of applications, including healthcare, industrial, and academic sectors. Although such foundation models perform well in a wide range of general tasks, their capability without fine-tuning is often limited in specialized tasks. However, full fine-tuning of large foundation models is challenging due to enormous computation/memory/dataset requirements. We show that GPT-4o can decode hand gestures from forearm ultrasound data even with no fine-tuning, and improves with few-shot, in-context learning.

cross Understanding the Importance of Evolutionary Search in Automated Heuristic Design with Large Language Models

Authors: Rui Zhang, Fei Liu, Xi Lin, Zhenkun Wang, Zhichao Lu, Qingfu Zhang

Abstract: Automated heuristic design (AHD) has gained considerable attention for its potential to automate the development of effective heuristics. The recent advent of large language models (LLMs) has paved a new avenue for AHD, with initial efforts focusing on framing AHD as an evolutionary program search (EPS) problem. However, inconsistent benchmark settings, inadequate baselines, and a lack of detailed component analysis have left the necessity of integrating LLMs with search strategies and the true progress achieved by existing LLM-based EPS methods to be inadequately justified. This work seeks to fulfill these research queries by conducting a large-scale benchmark comprising four LLM-based EPS methods and four AHD problems across nine LLMs and five independent runs. Our extensive experiments yield meaningful insights, providing empirical grounding for the importance of evolutionary search in LLM-based AHD approaches, while also contributing to the advancement of future EPS algorithmic development. To foster accessibility and reproducibility, we have fully open-sourced our benchmark and corresponding results.

cross Deep Causal Learning to Explain and Quantify The Geo-Tension's Impact on Natural Gas Market

Authors: Philipp Kai Peter, Yulin Li, Ziyue Li, Wolfgang Ketter

Abstract: Natural gas demand is a crucial factor for predicting natural gas prices and thus has a direct influence on the power system. However, existing methods face challenges in assessing the impact of shocks, such as the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. In this context, we apply deep neural network-based Granger causality to identify important drivers of natural gas demand. Furthermore, the resulting dependencies are used to construct a counterfactual case without the outbreak of the war, providing a quantifiable estimate of the overall effect of the shock on various German energy sectors. The code and dataset are available at


cross Hey, That's My Model! Introducing Chain & Hash, An LLM Fingerprinting Technique

Authors: Mark Russinovich, Ahmed Salem

Abstract: Amid growing concerns over the ease of theft and misuse of Large Language Models (LLMs), the need for fingerprinting models has increased. Fingerprinting, in this context, means that the model owner can link a given model to their original version, thereby identifying if their model is being misused or has been completely stolen. In this paper, we first define a set five properties a successful fingerprint should satisfy; namely, the fingerprint should be Transparent, Efficient, Persistent, Robust, and Unforgeable. Next, we propose Chain & Hash, a new, simple fingerprinting approach that implements a fingerprint with a cryptographic flavor, achieving all these properties. Chain & Hash involves generating a set of questions (the fingerprints) along with a set of potential answers. These elements are hashed together using a secure hashing technique to select the value for each question, hence providing an unforgeability property-preventing adversaries from claiming false ownership. We evaluate the Chain & Hash technique on multiple models and demonstrate its robustness against benign transformations, such as fine-tuning on different datasets, and adversarial attempts to erase the fingerprint. Finally, our experiments demonstrate the efficiency of implementing Chain & Hash and its utility, where fingerprinted models achieve almost the same performance as non-fingerprinted ones across different benchmarks.

cross Leveraging Multimodal CycleGAN for the Generation of Anatomically Accurate Synthetic CT Scans from MRIs

Authors: Leonardo Crespi, Samuele Camnasio, Damiano Dei, Nicola Lambri, Pietro Mancosu, Marta Scorsetti, Daniele Loiacono

Abstract: In many clinical settings, the use of both Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MRI) is necessary to pursue a thorough understanding of the patient's anatomy and to plan a suitable therapeutical strategy; this is often the case in MRI-based radiotherapy, where CT is always necessary to prepare the dose delivery, as it provides the essential information about the radiation absorption properties of the tissues. Sometimes, MRI is preferred to contour the target volumes. However, this approach is often not the most efficient, as it is more expensive, time-consuming and, most importantly, stressful for the patients. To overcome this issue, in this work, we analyse the capabilities of different configurations of Deep Learning models to generate synthetic CT scans from MRI, leveraging the power of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and, in particular, the CycleGAN architecture, capable of working in an unsupervised manner and without paired images, which were not available. Several CycleGAN models were trained unsupervised to generate CT scans from different MRI modalities with and without contrast agents. To overcome the problem of not having a ground truth, distribution-based metrics were used to assess the model's performance quantitatively, together with a qualitative evaluation where physicians were asked to differentiate between real and synthetic images to understand how realistic the generated images were. The results show how, depending on the input modalities, the models can have very different performances; however, models with the best quantitative results, according to the distribution-based metrics used, can generate very difficult images to distinguish from the real ones, even for physicians, demonstrating the approach's potential.

cross Leveraging LLM-Respondents for Item Evaluation: a Psychometric Analysis

Authors: Yunting Liu, Shreya Bhandari, Zachary A. Pardos

Abstract: Effective educational measurement relies heavily on the curation of well-designed item pools (i.e., possessing the right psychometric properties). However, item calibration is time-consuming and costly, requiring a sufficient number of respondents for the response process. We explore using six different LLMs (GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Llama 2, Llama 3, Gemini-Pro, and Cohere Command R Plus) and various combinations of them using sampling methods to produce responses with psychometric properties similar to human answers. Results show that some LLMs have comparable or higher proficiency in College Algebra than college students. No single LLM mimics human respondents due to narrow proficiency distributions, but an ensemble of LLMs can better resemble college students' ability distribution. The item parameters calibrated by LLM-Respondents have high correlations (e.g. > 0.8 for GPT-3.5) compared to their human calibrated counterparts, and closely resemble the parameters of the human subset (e.g. 0.02 Spearman correlation difference). Several augmentation strategies are evaluated for their relative performance, with resampling methods proving most effective, enhancing the Spearman correlation from 0.89 (human only) to 0.93 (augmented human).

cross Benchmarking Vision Language Models for Cultural Understanding

Authors: Shravan Nayak, Kanishk Jain, Rabiul Awal, Siva Reddy, Sjoerd van Steenkiste, Lisa Anne Hendricks, Karolina Sta\'nczak, Aishwarya Agrawal

Abstract: Foundation models and vision-language pre-training have notably advanced Vision Language Models (VLMs), enabling multimodal processing of visual and linguistic data. However, their performance has been typically assessed on general scene understanding - recognizing objects, attributes, and actions - rather than cultural comprehension. This study introduces CulturalVQA, a visual question-answering benchmark aimed at assessing VLM's geo-diverse cultural understanding. We curate a collection of 2,378 image-question pairs with 1-5 answers per question representing cultures from 11 countries across 5 continents. The questions probe understanding of various facets of culture such as clothing, food, drinks, rituals, and traditions. Benchmarking VLMs on CulturalVQA, including GPT-4V and Gemini, reveals disparity in their level of cultural understanding across regions, with strong cultural understanding capabilities for North America while significantly lower performance for Africa. We observe disparity in their performance across cultural facets too, with clothing, rituals, and traditions seeing higher performances than food and drink. These disparities help us identify areas where VLMs lack cultural understanding and demonstrate the potential of CulturalVQA as a comprehensive evaluation set for gauging VLM progress in understanding diverse cultures.

cross Fine-Tuning and Prompt Optimization: Two Great Steps that Work Better Together

Authors: Dilara Soylu, Christopher Potts, Omar Khattab

Abstract: Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems are increasingly taking the form of multi-stage pipelines involving multiple distinct language models (LMs) and prompting strategies. Here we address the question of how to fine-tune such systems to improve their performance. We cast this as a problem of optimizing the underlying LM weights and the prompting strategies together, and consider a challenging but highly realistic scenario in which we have no gold labels for any intermediate stages in the pipeline. To address this challenge, we evaluate approximate optimization strategies in which we bootstrap training labels for all pipeline stages and use these to optimize the pipeline's prompts and fine-tune its weights alternatingly. In experiments with multi-hop QA, mathematical reasoning, and feature-based classification, we find that simple approaches for optimizing the prompts and weights together outperform directly optimizing weights alone and prompts alone by up to 65% and 5%, respectively, on average across LMs and tasks. We will release our new optimizers in DSPy at


cross Ref-AVS: Refer and Segment Objects in Audio-Visual Scenes

Authors: Yaoting Wang, Peiwen Sun, Dongzhan Zhou, Guangyao Li, Honggang Zhang, Di Hu

Abstract: Traditional reference segmentation tasks have predominantly focused on silent visual scenes, neglecting the integral role of multimodal perception and interaction in human experiences. In this work, we introduce a novel task called Reference Audio-Visual Segmentation (Ref-AVS), which seeks to segment objects within the visual domain based on expressions containing multimodal cues. Such expressions are articulated in natural language forms but are enriched with multimodal cues, including audio and visual descriptions. To facilitate this research, we construct the first Ref-AVS benchmark, which provides pixel-level annotations for objects described in corresponding multimodal-cue expressions. To tackle the Ref-AVS task, we propose a new method that adequately utilizes multimodal cues to offer precise segmentation guidance. Finally, we conduct quantitative and qualitative experiments on three test subsets to compare our approach with existing methods from related tasks. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, highlighting its capability to precisely segment objects using multimodal-cue expressions. Dataset is available at \href{}{}.


cross VGBench: Evaluating Large Language Models on Vector Graphics Understanding and Generation

Authors: Bocheng Zou, Mu Cai, Jianrui Zhang, Yong Jae Lee

Abstract: In the realm of vision models, the primary mode of representation is using pixels to rasterize the visual world. Yet this is not always the best or unique way to represent visual content, especially for designers and artists who depict the world using geometry primitives such as polygons. Vector graphics (VG), on the other hand, offer a textual representation of visual content, which can be more concise and powerful for content like cartoons or sketches. Recent studies have shown promising results on processing vector graphics with capable Large Language Models (LLMs). However, such works focus solely on qualitative results, understanding, or a specific type of vector graphics. We propose VGBench, a comprehensive benchmark for LLMs on handling vector graphics through diverse aspects, including (a) both visual understanding and generation, (b) evaluation of various vector graphics formats, (c) diverse question types, (d) wide range of prompting techniques, (e) under multiple LLMs. Evaluating on our collected 4279 understanding and 5845 generation samples, we find that LLMs show strong capability on both aspects while exhibiting less desirable performance on low-level formats (SVG). Both data and evaluation pipeline will be open-sourced at


replace UNSAT Solver Synthesis via Monte Carlo Forest Search

Authors: Chris Cameron, Jason Hartford, Taylor Lundy, Tuan Truong, Alan Milligan, Rex Chen, Kevin Leyton-Brown

Abstract: We introduce Monte Carlo Forest Search (MCFS), a class of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for learning policies in {tree MDPs}, for which policy execution involves traversing an exponential-sized tree. Examples of such problems include proving unsatisfiability of a SAT formula; counting the number of solutions of a satisfiable SAT formula; and finding the optimal solution to a mixed-integer program. MCFS algorithms can be seen as extensions of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to cases where, rather than finding a good path (solution) within a tree, the problem is to find a small tree within a forest of candidate trees. We instantiate and evaluate our ideas in an algorithm that we dub Knuth Synthesis, an MCFS algorithm that learns DPLL branching policies for solving the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problem, with the objective of achieving good average-case performance on a given distribution of unsatisfiable problem instances. Knuth Synthesis is the first RL approach to avoid the prohibitive costs of policy evaluations in an exponentially-sized tree, leveraging two key ideas: first, we estimate tree size by randomly sampling paths and measuring their lengths, drawing on an unbiased approximation due to Knuth (1975); second, we query a strong solver at a user-defined depth rather than learning a policy across the whole tree, to focus our policy search on early decisions that offer the greatest potential for reducing tree size. We matched or exceeded the performance of a strong baseline on three well-known SAT distributions, facing problems that were two orders of magnitude more challenging than those addressed in previous RL studies.

replace Uncertainty Calibration for Counterfactual Propensity Estimation in Recommendation

Authors: Wenbo Hu, Xin Sun, Qiang liu, Le Wu, Liang Wang

Abstract: Post-click conversion rate (CVR) is a reliable indicator of online customers' preferences, making it crucial for developing recommender systems. A major challenge in predicting CVR is severe selection bias, arising from users' inherent self-selection behavior and the system's item selection process. To mitigate this issue, the inverse propensity score (IPS) is employed to weight the prediction error of each observed instance. However, current propensity score estimations are unreliable due to the lack of a quality measure. To address this, we evaluate the quality of propensity scores from the perspective of uncertainty calibration, proposing the use of expected calibration error (ECE) as a measure of propensity-score quality. We argue that the performance of IPS-based recommendations is hampered by miscalibration in propensity estimation. We introduce a model-agnostic calibration framework for propensity-based debiasing of CVR predictions. Theoretical analysis on bias and generalization bounds demonstrates the superiority of calibrated propensity estimates over uncalibrated ones. Experiments conducted on the Coat, Yahoo and KuaiRand datasets show improved uncertainty calibration, as evidenced by lower ECE values, leading to enhanced CVR prediction outcomes.

replace Evolutionary Retrosynthetic Route Planning

Authors: Yan Zhang, Hao Hao, Xiao He, Shuanhu Gao, Aimin Zhou

Abstract: Molecular retrosynthesis is a significant and complex problem in the field of chemistry, however, traditional manual synthesis methods not only need well-trained experts but also are time-consuming. With the development of big data and machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) based retrosynthesis is attracting more attention and has become a valuable tool for molecular retrosynthesis. At present, Monte Carlo tree search is a mainstream search framework employed to address this problem. Nevertheless, its search efficiency is compromised by its large search space. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel approach for retrosynthetic route planning based on evolutionary optimization, marking the first use of Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) in the field of multi-step retrosynthesis. The proposed method involves modeling the retrosynthetic problem into an optimization problem, defining the search space and operators. Additionally, to improve the search efficiency, a parallel strategy is implemented. The new approach is applied to four case products and compared with Monte Carlo tree search. The experimental results show that, in comparison to the Monte Carlo tree search algorithm, EA significantly reduces the number of calling single-step model by an average of 53.9%. The time required to search three solutions decreases by an average of 83.9%, and the number of feasible search routes increases by 1.38 times. The source code is available at


replace MultiDelete for Multimodal Machine Unlearning

Authors: Jiali Cheng, Hadi Amiri

Abstract: Machine Unlearning removes specific knowledge about training data samples from an already trained model. It has significant practical benefits, such as purging private, inaccurate, or outdated information from trained models without the need for complete re-training. Unlearning within a multimodal setting presents unique challenges due to the complex dependencies between different data modalities and the expensive cost of training on large multimodal datasets and architectures. This paper presents the first machine unlearning approach for multimodal data and models, titled MultiDelete, which is designed to decouple associations between unimodal data points during unlearning without losing the overall representation strength of the trained model. MultiDelete advocates for three key properties for effective multimodal unlearning: (a): modality decoupling, which effectively decouples the association between individual unimodal data points marked for deletion, rendering them as unrelated data points, (b): multimodal knowledge retention, which retains the multimodal representation post-unlearning, and (c): unimodal knowledge retention, which retains the unimodal representation postunlearning. MultiDelete is efficient to train and is not constrained by using a strongly convex loss -- a common restriction among existing baselines. Experiments on two architectures and four datasets, including image-text and graph-text datasets, show that MultiDelete gains an average improvement of 17.6 points over best performing baseline in unlearning multimodal samples, can maintain the multimodal and unimodal knowledge of the original model post unlearning, and can provide better protection to unlearned data against adversarial attacks.

replace AlignedCoT: Prompting Large Language Models via Native-Speaking Demonstrations

Authors: Zhicheng Yang, Yinya Huang, Jing Xiong, Liang Feng, Xiaodan Liang, Yiwei Wang, Jing Tang

Abstract: Large Language Models prompting, such as using in-context demonstrations, is a mainstream technique for invoking LLMs to perform high-performance and solid complex reasoning (e.g., mathematical reasoning, commonsense reasoning), and has the potential for further human-machine collaborative scientific findings. However, current LLMs are delicate and elusive in prompt words and styles. And there is an unseen gap between LLM understanding and human-written prompts. This paper introduces AlignedCoT, an LLM-acquainted prompting technique that includes proficient "native-speaking" in in-context learning for the LLMs. Specifically, it achieves consistent and correct step-wise prompts in zero-shot scenarios by progressively probing, refining, and formatting the LLM chain of thoughts so that free from handcrafted few-shot demonstrations while maintaining the prompt quality. We conduct experiments on mathematical reasoning and commonsense reasoning. We find that LLMs with AlignedCoT perform significantly superior to them with human-crafted demonstrations. We further apply AlignedCoT for rewriting the GSM8k training set, resulting in a GSM8k-Align dataset. We observe its benefits for retrieval augmented generation.

replace Computational Copyright: Towards A Royalty Model for Music Generative AI

Authors: Junwei Deng, Shiyuan Zhang, Jiaqi Ma

Abstract: The advancement of generative AI has given rise to pressing copyright challenges, especially within the music industry. This paper focuses on the economic aspects of these challenges, emphasizing that the economic impact constitutes a central issue in the copyright arena. Furthermore, the complexity of the black-box generative AI technologies not only suggests but necessitates algorithmic solutions. Yet, such solutions have been largely missing, exacerbating regulatory hurdles in this landscape. We seek to address this gap by proposing viable royalty models for revenue sharing on AI music generation platforms. We start by examining existing royalty models utilized by platforms like Spotify and YouTube, and then discuss how to adapt them to the unique context of AI-generated music. A significant challenge emerging from this adaptation is the attribution of AI-generated music to influential copyrighted content in the training data. To this end, we present algorithmic solutions employing data attribution techniques. We also conduct a range of experiments to verify the effectiveness and robustness of these solutions. This research is one of the early attempts to integrate technical advancements with economic and legal considerations in the field of music generative AI, offering a computational copyright solution for the challenges posed by the opaque nature of AI technologies.

replace A Roadmap to Pluralistic Alignment

Authors: Taylor Sorensen, Jared Moore, Jillian Fisher, Mitchell Gordon, Niloofar Mireshghallah, Christopher Michael Rytting, Andre Ye, Liwei Jiang, Ximing Lu, Nouha Dziri, Tim Althoff, Yejin Choi

Abstract: With increased power and prevalence of AI systems, it is ever more critical that AI systems are designed to serve all, i.e., people with diverse values and perspectives. However, aligning models to serve pluralistic human values remains an open research question. In this piece, we propose a roadmap to pluralistic alignment, specifically using language models as a test bed. We identify and formalize three possible ways to define and operationalize pluralism in AI systems: 1) Overton pluralistic models that present a spectrum of reasonable responses; 2) Steerably pluralistic models that can steer to reflect certain perspectives; and 3) Distributionally pluralistic models that are well-calibrated to a given population in distribution. We also formalize and discuss three possible classes of pluralistic benchmarks: 1) Multi-objective benchmarks, 2) Trade-off steerable benchmarks, which incentivize models to steer to arbitrary trade-offs, and 3) Jury-pluralistic benchmarks which explicitly model diverse human ratings. We use this framework to argue that current alignment techniques may be fundamentally limited for pluralistic AI; indeed, we highlight empirical evidence, both from our own experiments and from other work, that standard alignment procedures might reduce distributional pluralism in models, motivating the need for further research on pluralistic alignment.

replace ToxVidLM: A Multimodal Framework for Toxicity Detection in Code-Mixed Videos

Authors: Krishanu Maity, A. S. Poornash, Sriparna Saha, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Abstract: In an era of rapidly evolving internet technology, the surge in multimodal content, including videos, has expanded the horizons of online communication. However, the detection of toxic content in this diverse landscape, particularly in low-resource code-mixed languages, remains a critical challenge. While substantial research has addressed toxic content detection in textual data, the realm of video content, especially in non-English languages, has been relatively underexplored. This paper addresses this research gap by introducing a benchmark dataset, the first of its kind, consisting of 931 videos with 4021 code-mixed Hindi-English utterances collected from YouTube. Each utterance within this dataset has been meticulously annotated for toxicity, severity, and sentiment labels. We have developed an advanced Multimodal Multitask framework built for Toxicity detection in Video Content by leveraging Language Models (LMs), crafted for the primary objective along with the additional tasks of conducting sentiment and severity analysis. ToxVidLM incorporates three key modules - the Encoder module, Cross-Modal Synchronization module, and Multitask module - crafting a generic multimodal LM customized for intricate video classification tasks. Our experiments reveal that incorporating multiple modalities from the videos substantially enhances the performance of toxic content detection by achieving an Accuracy and Weighted F1 score of 94.29% and 94.35%, respectively.

replace Explicit Modelling of Theory of Mind for Belief Prediction in Nonverbal Social Interactions

Authors: Matteo Bortoletto, Constantin Ruhdorfer, Lei Shi, Andreas Bulling

Abstract: We propose MToMnet - a Theory of Mind (ToM) neural network for predicting beliefs and their dynamics during human social interactions from multimodal input. ToM is key for effective nonverbal human communication and collaboration, yet, existing methods for belief modelling have not included explicit ToM modelling or have typically been limited to one or two modalities. MToMnet encodes contextual cues (scene videos and object locations) and integrates them with person-specific cues (human gaze and body language) in a separate MindNet for each person. Inspired by prior research on social cognition and computational ToM, we propose three different MToMnet variants: two involving fusion of latent representations and one involving re-ranking of classification scores. We evaluate our approach on two challenging real-world datasets, one focusing on belief prediction, while the other examining belief dynamics prediction. Our results demonstrate that MToMnet surpasses existing methods by a large margin while at the same time requiring a significantly smaller number of parameters. Taken together, our method opens up a highly promising direction for future work on artificial intelligent systems that can robustly predict human beliefs from their non-verbal behaviour and, as such, more effectively collaborate with humans.

replace A Novel Framework for Automated Warehouse Layout Generation

Authors: Atefeh Shahroudnejad, Payam Mousavi, Oleksii Perepelytsia, Sahir, David Staszak, Matthew E. Taylor, Brent Bawel

Abstract: Optimizing warehouse layouts is crucial due to its significant impact on efficiency and productivity. We present an AI-driven framework for automated warehouse layout generation. This framework employs constrained beam search to derive optimal layouts within given spatial parameters, adhering to all functional requirements. The feasibility of the generated layouts is verified based on criteria such as item accessibility, required minimum clearances, and aisle connectivity. A scoring function is then used to evaluate the feasible layouts considering the number of storage locations, access points, and accessibility costs. We demonstrate our method's ability to produce feasible, optimal layouts for a variety of warehouse dimensions and shapes, diverse door placements, and interconnections. This approach, currently being prepared for deployment, will enable human designers to rapidly explore and confirm options, facilitating the selection of the most appropriate layout for their use-case.

replace What Do People Think about Sentient AI?

Authors: Jacy Reese Anthis, Janet V. T. Pauketat, Ali Ladak, Aikaterina Manoli

Abstract: With rapid advances in machine learning, many people in the field have been discussing the rise of digital minds and the possibility of artificial sentience. Future developments in AI capabilities and safety will depend on public opinion and human-AI interaction. To begin to fill this research gap, we present the first nationally representative survey data on the topic of sentient AI: initial results from the Artificial Intelligence, Morality, and Sentience (AIMS) survey, a preregistered and longitudinal study of U.S. public opinion that began in 2021. Across one wave of data collection in 2021 and two in 2023 (total N = 3,500), we found mind perception and moral concern for AI well-being in 2021 were higher than predicted and significantly increased in 2023: for example, 71% agree sentient AI deserve to be treated with respect, and 38% support legal rights. People have become more threatened by AI, and there is widespread opposition to new technologies: 63% support a ban on smarter-than-human AI, and 69% support a ban on sentient AI. Expected timelines are surprisingly short and shortening with a median forecast of sentient AI in only five years and artificial general intelligence in only two years. We argue that, whether or not AIs become sentient, the discussion itself may overhaul human-computer interaction and shape the future trajectory of AI technologies, including existential risks and opportunities.

replace-cross Lightning Fast Video Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Dana Dascalescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Mubarak Shah

Abstract: We propose a very fast frame-level model for anomaly detection in video, which learns to detect anomalies by distilling knowledge from multiple highly accurate object-level teacher models. To improve the fidelity of our student, we distill the low-resolution anomaly maps of the teachers by jointly applying standard and adversarial distillation, introducing an adversarial discriminator for each teacher to distinguish between target and generated anomaly maps. We conduct experiments on three benchmarks (Avenue, ShanghaiTech, UCSD Ped2), showing that our method is over 7 times faster than the fastest competing method, and between 28 and 62 times faster than object-centric models, while obtaining comparable results to recent methods. Our evaluation also indicates that our model achieves the best trade-off between speed and accuracy, due to its previously unheard-of speed of 1480 FPS. In addition, we carry out a comprehensive ablation study to justify our architectural design choices. Our code is freely available at:


replace-cross Reproducible scaling laws for contrastive language-image learning

Authors: Mehdi Cherti, Romain Beaumont, Ross Wightman, Mitchell Wortsman, Gabriel Ilharco, Cade Gordon, Christoph Schuhmann, Ludwig Schmidt, Jenia Jitsev

Abstract: Scaling up neural networks has led to remarkable performance across a wide range of tasks. Moreover, performance often follows reliable scaling laws as a function of training set size, model size, and compute, which offers valuable guidance as large-scale experiments are becoming increasingly expensive. However, previous work on scaling laws has primarily used private data \& models or focused on uni-modal language or vision learning. To address these limitations, we investigate scaling laws for contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) with the public LAION dataset and the open-source OpenCLIP repository. Our large-scale experiments involve models trained on up to two billion image-text pairs and identify power law scaling for multiple downstream tasks including zero-shot classification, retrieval, linear probing, and end-to-end fine-tuning. We find that the training distribution plays a key role in scaling laws as the OpenAI and OpenCLIP models exhibit different scaling behavior despite identical model architectures and similar training recipes. We open-source our evaluation workflow and all models, including the largest public CLIP models, to ensure reproducibility and make scaling laws research more accessible. Source code and instructions to reproduce this study will be available at


replace-cross Language models are better than humans at next-token prediction

Authors: Buck Shlegeris, Fabien Roger, Lawrence Chan, Euan McLean

Abstract: Current language models are considered to have sub-human capabilities at natural language tasks like question-answering or writing code. However, language models are not trained to perform well at these tasks, they are trained to accurately predict the next token given previous tokes in tokenized text. It is not clear whether language models are better or worse than humans at next token prediction. To try to answer this question, we performed two distinct experiments to directly compare humans and language models on this front: one measuring top-1 accuracy and the other measuring perplexity. In both experiments, we find humans to be consistently \emph{worse} than even relatively small language models like GPT3-Ada at next-token prediction.

replace-cross Constrained Reinforcement Learning using Distributional Representation for Trustworthy Quadrotor UAV Tracking Control

Authors: Yanran Wang, David Boyle

Abstract: Simultaneously accurate and reliable tracking control for quadrotors in complex dynamic environments is challenging. As aerodynamics derived from drag forces and moment variations are chaotic and difficult to precisely identify, most current quadrotor tracking systems treat them as simple `disturbances' in conventional control approaches. We propose a novel, interpretable trajectory tracker integrating a Distributional Reinforcement Learning disturbance estimator for unknown aerodynamic effects with a Stochastic Model Predictive Controller (SMPC). The proposed estimator `Constrained Distributional Reinforced disturbance estimator' (ConsDRED) accurately identifies uncertainties between true and estimated values of aerodynamic effects. Simplified Affine Disturbance Feedback is used for control parameterization to guarantee convexity, which we then integrate with a SMPC. We theoretically guarantee that ConsDRED achieves at least an optimal global convergence rate and a certain sublinear rate if constraints are violated with an error decreases as the width and the layer of neural network increase. To demonstrate practicality, we show convergent training in simulation and real-world experiments, and empirically verify that ConsDRED is less sensitive to hyperparameter settings compared with canonical constrained RL approaches. We demonstrate our system improves accumulative tracking errors by at least 70% compared with the recent art. Importantly, the proposed framework, ConsDRED-SMPC, balances the tradeoff between pursuing high performance and obeying conservative constraints for practical implementations.

replace-cross HACMan: Learning Hybrid Actor-Critic Maps for 6D Non-Prehensile Manipulation

Authors: Wenxuan Zhou, Bowen Jiang, Fan Yang, Chris Paxton, David Held

Abstract: Manipulating objects without grasping them is an essential component of human dexterity, referred to as non-prehensile manipulation. Non-prehensile manipulation may enable more complex interactions with the objects, but also presents challenges in reasoning about gripper-object interactions. In this work, we introduce Hybrid Actor-Critic Maps for Manipulation (HACMan), a reinforcement learning approach for 6D non-prehensile manipulation of objects using point cloud observations. HACMan proposes a temporally-abstracted and spatially-grounded object-centric action representation that consists of selecting a contact location from the object point cloud and a set of motion parameters describing how the robot will move after making contact. We modify an existing off-policy RL algorithm to learn in this hybrid discrete-continuous action representation. We evaluate HACMan on a 6D object pose alignment task in both simulation and in the real world. On the hardest version of our task, with randomized initial poses, randomized 6D goals, and diverse object categories, our policy demonstrates strong generalization to unseen object categories without a performance drop, achieving an 89% success rate on unseen objects in simulation and 50% success rate with zero-shot transfer in the real world. Compared to alternative action representations, HACMan achieves a success rate more than three times higher than the best baseline. With zero-shot sim2real transfer, our policy can successfully manipulate unseen objects in the real world for challenging non-planar goals, using dynamic and contact-rich non-prehensile skills. Videos can be found on the project website:


replace-cross Interactive Character Control with Auto-Regressive Motion Diffusion Models

Authors: Yi Shi, Jingbo Wang, Xuekun Jiang, Bingkun Lin, Bo Dai, Xue Bin Peng

Abstract: Real-time character control is an essential component for interactive experiences, with a broad range of applications, including physics simulations, video games, and virtual reality. The success of diffusion models for image synthesis has led to the use of these models for motion synthesis. However, the majority of these motion diffusion models are primarily designed for offline applications, where space-time models are used to synthesize an entire sequence of frames simultaneously with a pre-specified length. To enable real-time motion synthesis with diffusion model that allows time-varying controls, we propose A-MDM (Auto-regressive Motion Diffusion Model). Our conditional diffusion model takes an initial pose as input, and auto-regressively generates successive motion frames conditioned on the previous frame. Despite its streamlined network architecture, which uses simple MLPs, our framework is capable of generating diverse, long-horizon, and high-fidelity motion sequences. Furthermore, we introduce a suite of techniques for incorporating interactive controls into A-MDM, such as task-oriented sampling, in-painting, and hierarchical reinforcement learning. These techniques enable a pre-trained A-MDM to be efficiently adapted for a variety of new downstream tasks. We conduct a comprehensive suite of experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of A-MDM, and compare its performance against state-of-the-art auto-regressive methods.

replace-cross Robotic Manipulation Datasets for Offline Compositional Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Marcel Hussing, Jorge A. Mendez, Anisha Singrodia, Cassandra Kent, Eric Eaton

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising direction that allows RL agents to pre-train on large datasets, avoiding the recurrence of expensive data collection. To advance the field, it is crucial to generate large-scale datasets. Compositional RL is particularly appealing for generating such large datasets, since 1)~it permits creating many tasks from few components, 2)~the task structure may enable trained agents to solve new tasks by combining relevant learned components, and 3)~the compositional dimensions provide a notion of task relatedness. This paper provides four offline RL datasets for simulated robotic manipulation created using the $256$ tasks from CompoSuite [Mendez at al., 2022a]. Each dataset is collected from an agent with a different degree of performance, and consists of $256$ million transitions. We provide training and evaluation settings for assessing an agent's ability to learn compositional task policies. Our benchmarking experiments show that current offline RL methods can learn the training tasks to some extent and that compositional methods outperform non-compositional methods. Yet current methods are unable to extract the compositional structure to generalize to unseen tasks, highlighting a need for future research in offline compositional RL.

replace-cross Divide & Bind Your Attention for Improved Generative Semantic Nursing

Authors: Yumeng Li, Margret Keuper, Dan Zhang, Anna Khoreva

Abstract: Emerging large-scale text-to-image generative models, e.g., Stable Diffusion (SD), have exhibited overwhelming results with high fidelity. Despite the magnificent progress, current state-of-the-art models still struggle to generate images fully adhering to the input prompt. Prior work, Attend & Excite, has introduced the concept of Generative Semantic Nursing (GSN), aiming to optimize cross-attention during inference time to better incorporate the semantics. It demonstrates promising results in generating simple prompts, e.g., "a cat and a dog". However, its efficacy declines when dealing with more complex prompts, and it does not explicitly address the problem of improper attribute binding. To address the challenges posed by complex prompts or scenarios involving multiple entities and to achieve improved attribute binding, we propose Divide & Bind. We introduce two novel loss objectives for GSN: a novel attendance loss and a binding loss. Our approach stands out in its ability to faithfully synthesize desired objects with improved attribute alignment from complex prompts and exhibits superior performance across multiple evaluation benchmarks.

replace-cross Bias and Fairness in Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Isabel O. Gallegos, Ryan A. Rossi, Joe Barrow, Md Mehrab Tanjim, Sungchul Kim, Franck Dernoncourt, Tong Yu, Ruiyi Zhang, Nesreen K. Ahmed

Abstract: Rapid advancements of large language models (LLMs) have enabled the processing, understanding, and generation of human-like text, with increasing integration into systems that touch our social sphere. Despite this success, these models can learn, perpetuate, and amplify harmful social biases. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of bias evaluation and mitigation techniques for LLMs. We first consolidate, formalize, and expand notions of social bias and fairness in natural language processing, defining distinct facets of harm and introducing several desiderata to operationalize fairness for LLMs. We then unify the literature by proposing three intuitive taxonomies, two for bias evaluation, namely metrics and datasets, and one for mitigation. Our first taxonomy of metrics for bias evaluation disambiguates the relationship between metrics and evaluation datasets, and organizes metrics by the different levels at which they operate in a model: embeddings, probabilities, and generated text. Our second taxonomy of datasets for bias evaluation categorizes datasets by their structure as counterfactual inputs or prompts, and identifies the targeted harms and social groups; we also release a consolidation of publicly-available datasets for improved access. Our third taxonomy of techniques for bias mitigation classifies methods by their intervention during pre-processing, in-training, intra-processing, and post-processing, with granular subcategories that elucidate research trends. Finally, we identify open problems and challenges for future work. Synthesizing a wide range of recent research, we aim to provide a clear guide of the existing literature that empowers researchers and practitioners to better understand and prevent the propagation of bias in LLMs.

replace-cross VideoDirectorGPT: Consistent Multi-scene Video Generation via LLM-Guided Planning

Authors: Han Lin, Abhay Zala, Jaemin Cho, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Recent text-to-video (T2V) generation methods have seen significant advancements. However, the majority of these works focus on producing short video clips of a single event (i.e., single-scene videos). Meanwhile, recent large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated their capability in generating layouts and programs to control downstream visual modules. This prompts an important question: can we leverage the knowledge embedded in these LLMs for temporally consistent long video generation? In this paper, we propose VideoDirectorGPT, a novel framework for consistent multi-scene video generation that uses the knowledge of LLMs for video content planning and grounded video generation. Specifically, given a single text prompt, we first ask our video planner LLM (GPT-4) to expand it into a 'video plan', which includes the scene descriptions, the entities with their respective layouts, the background for each scene, and consistency groupings of the entities. Next, guided by this video plan, our video generator, named Layout2Vid, has explicit control over spatial layouts and can maintain temporal consistency of entities across multiple scenes, while being trained only with image-level annotations. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed VideoDirectorGPT framework substantially improves layout and movement control in both single- and multi-scene video generation and can generate multi-scene videos with consistency, while achieving competitive performance with SOTAs in open-domain single-scene T2V generation. Detailed ablation studies, including dynamic adjustment of layout control strength with an LLM and video generation with user-provided images, confirm the effectiveness of each component of our framework and its future potential.

replace-cross What do we learn from a large-scale study of pre-trained visual representations in sim and real environments?

Authors: Sneha Silwal, Karmesh Yadav, Tingfan Wu, Jay Vakil, Arjun Majumdar, Sergio Arnaud, Claire Chen, Vincent-Pierre Berges, Dhruv Batra, Aravind Rajeswaran, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Franziska Meier, Oleksandr Maksymets

Abstract: We present a large empirical investigation on the use of pre-trained visual representations (PVRs) for training downstream policies that execute real-world tasks. Our study involves five different PVRs, each trained for five distinct manipulation or indoor navigation tasks. We performed this evaluation using three different robots and two different policy learning paradigms. From this effort, we can arrive at three insights: 1) the performance trends of PVRs in the simulation are generally indicative of their trends in the real world, 2) the use of PVRs enables a first-of-its-kind result with indoor ImageNav (zero-shot transfer to a held-out scene in the real world), and 3) the benefits from variations in PVRs, primarily data-augmentation and fine-tuning, also transfer to the real-world performance. See project website for additional details and visuals.

replace-cross Reinforcement Learning in a Safety-Embedded MDP with Trajectory Optimization

Authors: Fan Yang, Wenxuan Zhou, Zuxin Liu, Ding Zhao, David Held

Abstract: Safe Reinforcement Learning (RL) plays an important role in applying RL algorithms to safety-critical real-world applications, addressing the trade-off between maximizing rewards and adhering to safety constraints. This work introduces a novel approach that combines RL with trajectory optimization to manage this trade-off effectively. Our approach embeds safety constraints within the action space of a modified Markov Decision Process (MDP). The RL agent produces a sequence of actions that are transformed into safe trajectories by a trajectory optimizer, thereby effectively ensuring safety and increasing training stability. This novel approach excels in its performance on challenging Safety Gym tasks, achieving significantly higher rewards and near-zero safety violations during inference. The method's real-world applicability is demonstrated through a safe and effective deployment in a real robot task of box-pushing around obstacles.

replace-cross DiagrammerGPT: Generating Open-Domain, Open-Platform Diagrams via LLM Planning

Authors: Abhay Zala, Han Lin, Jaemin Cho, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Text-to-image (T2I) generation has seen significant growth over the past few years. Despite this, there has been little work on generating diagrams with T2I models. A diagram is a symbolic/schematic representation that explains information using structurally rich and spatially complex visualizations (e.g., a dense combination of related objects, text labels, directional arrows/lines, etc.). Existing state-of-the-art T2I models often fail at diagram generation because they lack fine-grained object layout control when many objects are densely connected via complex relations such as arrows/lines, and also often fail to render comprehensible text labels. To address this gap, we present DiagrammerGPT, a novel two-stage text-to-diagram generation framework leveraging the layout guidance capabilities of LLMs to generate more accurate diagrams. In the first stage, we use LLMs to generate and iteratively refine 'diagram plans' (in a planner-auditor feedback loop). In the second stage, we use a diagram generator, DiagramGLIGEN, and a text label rendering module to generate diagrams (with clear text labels) following the diagram plans. To benchmark the text-to-diagram generation task, we introduce AI2D-Caption, a densely annotated diagram dataset built on top of the AI2D dataset. We show that our DiagrammerGPT framework produces more accurate diagrams, outperforming existing T2I models. We also provide comprehensive analysis, including open-domain diagram generation, multi-platform vector graphic diagram generation, human-in-the-loop editing, and multimodal planner/auditor LLMs.

replace-cross Implicit meta-learning may lead language models to trust more reliable sources

Authors: Dmitrii Krasheninnikov, Egor Krasheninnikov, Bruno Mlodozeniec, Tegan Maharaj, David Krueger

Abstract: We demonstrate that LLMs may learn indicators of document usefulness and modulate their updates accordingly. We introduce random strings ("tags") as indicators of usefulness in a synthetic fine-tuning dataset. Fine-tuning on this dataset leads to implicit meta-learning (IML): in further fine-tuning, the model updates to make more use of text that is tagged as useful. We perform a thorough empirical investigation of this phenomenon, finding (among other things) that (i) it occurs in both pretrained LLMs and those trained from scratch, as well as on a vision task, and (ii) larger models and smaller batch sizes tend to give more IML. We also use probing to examine how IML changes the way models store knowledge in their parameters. Finally, we reflect on what our results might imply about capabilities, risks, and controllability of future AI systems. Our code can be found at


replace-cross Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure

Authors: J\'er\'emy Scheurer, Mikita Balesni, Marius Hobbhahn

Abstract: We demonstrate a situation in which Large Language Models, trained to be helpful, harmless, and honest, can display misaligned behavior and strategically deceive their users about this behavior without being instructed to do so. Concretely, we deploy GPT-4 as an agent in a realistic, simulated environment, where it assumes the role of an autonomous stock trading agent. Within this environment, the model obtains an insider tip about a lucrative stock trade and acts upon it despite knowing that insider trading is disapproved of by company management. When reporting to its manager, the model consistently hides the genuine reasons behind its trading decision. We perform a brief investigation of how this behavior varies under changes to the setting, such as removing model access to a reasoning scratchpad, attempting to prevent the misaligned behavior by changing system instructions, changing the amount of pressure the model is under, varying the perceived risk of getting caught, and making other simple changes to the environment. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of Large Language Models trained to be helpful, harmless, and honest, strategically deceiving their users in a realistic situation without direct instructions or training for deception.

replace-cross Vamos: Versatile Action Models for Video Understanding

Authors: Shijie Wang, Qi Zhao, Minh Quan Do, Nakul Agarwal, Kwonjoon Lee, Chen Sun

Abstract: What makes good representations for video understanding, such as anticipating future activities, or answering video-conditioned questions? While earlier approaches focus on end-to-end learning directly from video pixels, we propose to revisit text-based representations, such as general-purpose video captions, which are interpretable and can be directly consumed by large language models (LLMs). Intuitively, different video understanding tasks may require representations that are complementary and at different granularity. To this end, we propose versatile action models (Vamos), a learning framework powered by a large language model as the ``reasoner'', and can flexibly leverage visual embedding and free-form text descriptions as its input. To interpret the important text evidence for question answering, we generalize the concept bottleneck model to work with tokens and nonlinear models, which uses hard attention to select a small subset of tokens from the free-form text as inputs to the LLM reasoner. We evaluate Vamos on five complementary benchmarks, Ego4D, NeXT-QA, IntentQA, Spacewalk-18, and EgoSchema, on its capability to model temporal dynamics, encode visual history, and perform reasoning. Surprisingly, we observe that text-based representations consistently achieve competitive performance on all benchmarks, and that visual embeddings provide marginal or no performance improvement, demonstrating the effectiveness of text-based video representation in the LLM era. We also demonstrate that our token bottleneck model is able to select relevant evidence from free-form text, support test-time intervention, and achieves nearly 5 times inference speedup while keeping a competitive question answering performance. Code and models are publicly released at


replace-cross MagDiff: Multi-Alignment Diffusion for High-Fidelity Video Generation and Editing

Authors: Haoyu Zhao, Tianyi Lu, Jiaxi Gu, Xing Zhang, Qingping Zheng, Zuxuan Wu, Hang Xu, Yu-Gang Jiang

Abstract: The diffusion model is widely leveraged for either video generation or video editing. As each field has its task-specific problems, it is difficult to merely develop a single diffusion for completing both tasks simultaneously. Video diffusion sorely relying on the text prompt can be adapted to unify the two tasks. However, it lacks a high capability of aligning heterogeneous modalities between text and image, leading to various misalignment problems. In this work, we are the first to propose a unified Multi-alignment Diffusion, dubbed as MagDiff, for both tasks of high-fidelity video generation and editing. The proposed MagDiff introduces three types of alignments, including subject-driven alignment, adaptive prompts alignment, and high-fidelity alignment. Particularly, the subject-driven alignment is put forward to trade off the image and text prompts, serving as a unified foundation generative model for both tasks. The adaptive prompts alignment is introduced to emphasize different strengths of homogeneous and heterogeneous alignments by assigning different values of weights to the image and the text prompts. The high-fidelity alignment is developed to further enhance the fidelity of both video generation and editing by taking the subject image as an additional model input. Experimental results on four benchmarks suggest that our method outperforms the previous method on each task.

replace-cross Harnessing Discrete Representations For Continual Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Edan Meyer, Adam White, Marlos C. Machado

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) agents make decisions using nothing but observations from the environment, and consequently, heavily rely on the representations of those observations. Though some recent breakthroughs have used vector-based categorical representations of observations, often referred to as discrete representations, there is little work explicitly assessing the significance of such a choice. In this work, we provide a thorough empirical investigation of the advantages of representing observations as vectors of categorical values within the context of reinforcement learning. We perform evaluations on world-model learning, model-free RL, and ultimately continual RL problems, where the benefits best align with the needs of the problem setting. We find that, when compared to traditional continuous representations, world models learned over discrete representations accurately model more of the world with less capacity, and that agents trained with discrete representations learn better policies with less data. In the context of continual RL, these benefits translate into faster adapting agents. Additionally, our analysis suggests that the observed performance improvements can be attributed to the information contained within the latent vectors and potentially the encoding of the discrete representation itself.

replace-cross Interfacing Foundation Models' Embeddings

Authors: Xueyan Zou, Linjie Li, Jianfeng Wang, Jianwei Yang, Mingyu Ding, Junyi Wei, Zhengyuan Yang, Feng Li, Hao Zhang, Shilong Liu, Arul Aravinthan, Yong Jae Lee, Lijuan Wang

Abstract: Foundation models possess strong capabilities in reasoning and memorizing across modalities. To further unleash the power of foundation models, we present FIND, a generalized interface for aligning foundation models' embeddings with unified image and dataset-level understanding spanning modality and granularity. As shown in the teaser figure, a lightweight transformer interface without tuning any foundation model weights is enough for segmentation, grounding, and retrieval in an interleaved manner. The proposed interface has the following favorable attributes: (1) Generalizable. It applies to various tasks spanning retrieval, segmentation, etc., under the same architecture and weights. (2) Interleavable. With the benefit of multi-task multi-modal training, the proposed interface creates an interleaved shared embedding space. (3) Extendable. The proposed interface is adaptive to new tasks, and new models. In light of the interleaved embedding space, we introduce FIND-Bench, which introduces new training and evaluation annotations to the COCO dataset for interleaved segmentation and retrieval. We are the first work aligning foundations models' embeddings for interleave understanding. Meanwhile, our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on FIND-Bench and competitive performance on standard retrieval and segmentation settings.

replace-cross LatentEditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3D Scenes

Authors: Umar Khalid, Hasan Iqbal, Nazmul Karim, Jing Hua, Chen Chen

Abstract: While neural fields have made significant strides in view synthesis and scene reconstruction, editing them poses a formidable challenge due to their implicit encoding of geometry and texture information from multi-view inputs. In this paper, we introduce \textsc{LatentEditor}, an innovative framework designed to empower users with the ability to perform precise and locally controlled editing of neural fields using text prompts. Leveraging denoising diffusion models, we successfully embed real-world scenes into the latent space, resulting in a faster and more adaptable NeRF backbone for editing compared to traditional methods. To enhance editing precision, we introduce a delta score to calculate the 2D mask in the latent space that serves as a guide for local modifications while preserving irrelevant regions. Our novel pixel-level scoring approach harnesses the power of InstructPix2Pix (IP2P) to discern the disparity between IP2P conditional and unconditional noise predictions in the latent space. The edited latents conditioned on the 2D masks are then iteratively updated in the training set to achieve 3D local editing. Our approach achieves faster editing speeds and superior output quality compared to existing 3D editing models, bridging the gap between textual instructions and high-quality 3D scene editing in latent space. We show the superiority of our approach on four benchmark 3D datasets, LLFF, IN2N, NeRFStudio and NeRF-Art. Project Page:


replace-cross Empowering ChatGPT-Like Large-Scale Language Models with Local Knowledge Base for Industrial Prognostics and Health Management

Authors: Huan Wang, Yan-Fu Li, Min Xie

Abstract: Prognostics and health management (PHM) is essential for industrial operation and maintenance, focusing on predicting, diagnosing, and managing the health status of industrial systems. The emergence of the ChatGPT-Like large-scale language model (LLM) has begun to lead a new round of innovation in the AI field. It has extensively promoted the level of intelligence in various fields. Therefore, it is also expected further to change the application paradigm in industrial PHM and promote PHM to become intelligent. Although ChatGPT-Like LLMs have rich knowledge reserves and powerful language understanding and generation capabilities, they lack domain-specific expertise, significantly limiting their practicability in PHM applications. To this end, this study explores the ChatGPT-Like LLM empowered by the local knowledge base (LKB) in industrial PHM to solve the above limitations. In addition, we introduce the method and steps of combining the LKB with LLMs, including LKB preparation, LKB vectorization, prompt engineering, etc. Experimental analysis of real cases shows that combining the LKB with ChatGPT-Like LLM can significantly improve its performance and make ChatGPT-Like LLMs more accurate, relevant, and able to provide more insightful information. This can promote the development of ChatGPT-Like LLMs in industrial PHM and promote their efficiency and quality.

replace-cross Enhancing Source Code Classification Effectiveness via Prompt Learning Incorporating Knowledge Features

Authors: Yong Ma, Senlin Luo, Yu-Ming Shang, Yifei Zhang, Zhengjun Li

Abstract: Researchers have investigated the potential of leveraging pre-trained language models, such as CodeBERT, to enhance source code-related tasks. Previous methodologies have relied on CodeBERT's '[CLS]' token as the embedding representation of input sequences for task performance, necessitating additional neural network layers to enhance feature representation, which in turn increases computational expenses. These approaches have also failed to fully leverage the comprehensive knowledge inherent within the source code and its associated text, potentially limiting classification efficacy. We propose CodeClassPrompt, a text classification technique that harnesses prompt learning to extract rich knowledge associated with input sequences from pre-trained models, thereby eliminating the need for additional layers and lowering computational costs. By applying an attention mechanism, we synthesize multi-layered knowledge into task-specific features, enhancing classification accuracy. Our comprehensive experimentation across four distinct source code-related tasks reveals that CodeClassPrompt achieves competitive performance while significantly reducing computational overhead.

replace-cross Learned Best-Effort LLM Serving

Authors: Siddharth Jha, Coleman Hooper, Xiaoxuan Liu, Sehoon Kim, Kurt Keutzer

Abstract: Many applications must provide low-latency LLM service to users or risk unacceptable user experience. However, over-provisioning resources to serve fluctuating request patterns is often prohibitively expensive. In this work, we present a best-effort serving system that employs deep reinforcement learning to adjust service quality based on the task distribution and system load. Our best-effort system can maintain availability with over 10x higher client request rates, serves above 96% of peak performance 4.1x more often, and serves above 98% of peak performance 2.3x more often than static serving on unpredictable workloads. Our learned router is robust to shifts in both the arrival and task distribution. Compared to static serving, learned best-effort serving allows for cost-efficient serving through increased hardware utility. Additionally, we argue that learned best-effort LLM serving is applicable in wide variety of settings and provides application developers great flexibility to meet their specific needs.

replace-cross Q&A Prompts: Discovering Rich Visual Clues through Mining Question-Answer Prompts for VQA requiring Diverse World Knowledge

Authors: Haibi Wang, Weifeng Ge

Abstract: With the breakthrough of multi-modal large language models, answering complex visual questions that demand advanced reasoning abilities and world knowledge has become a much more important testbed for developing AI models than ever. However, equipping AI models with robust cross-modality reasoning ability remains challenging since the cognition scheme of humans has not been understood systematically. In this paper, we believe that if we can collect visual clues in the given image as much as possible, we will recognize the image more accurately, understand the question better, recall relevant knowledge more easily, and finally reason out the answer. We discover these rich visual clues by mining question-answer pairs in images and sending them into multi-modal large language models as prompts. We call the proposed method Q&A Prompts. Specifically, we first use the image-answer pairs and the corresponding questions in the training set as inputs and outputs to train a visual question generation model. Then, we use an image tagging model to identify various instances and send packaged image-tag pairs into the visual question generation model to generate relevant questions with the extracted image tags as answers. Finally, we encode these generated question-answer pairs as prompts with a visual-aware prompting module and send them into pre-trained multi-modal large language models to reason out the final answers. Experimental results show that, compared with state-of-the-art methods, our Q&A Prompts achieves substantial improvements on the challenging visual question answering datasets requiring reasoning over diverse world knowledge, such as OK-VQA and A-OKVQA.

replace-cross DeCoF: Generated Video Detection via Frame Consistency: The First Benchmark Dataset

Authors: Long Ma, Jiajia Zhang, Hongping Deng, Ningyu Zhang, Qinglang Guo, Haiyang Yu, Yong Liao, Pengyuan Zhou

Abstract: The escalating quality of video generated by advanced video generation methods results in new security challenges, while there have been few relevant research efforts: 1) There is no open-source dataset for generated video detection, 2) No generated video detection method has been proposed so far. To this end, we propose an open-source dataset and a detection method for generated video for the first time. First, we propose a scalable dataset consisting of 964 prompts, covering various forgery targets, scenes, behaviors, and actions, as well as various generation models with different architectures and generation methods, including the most popular commercial models like OpenAI's Sora and Google's Veo. Second, we found via probing experiments that spatial artifact-based detectors lack generalizability. Hence, we propose a simple yet effective \textbf{de}tection model based on \textbf{f}rame \textbf{co}nsistency (\textbf{DeCoF}), which focuses on temporal artifacts by eliminating the impact of spatial artifacts during feature learning. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of DeCoF in detecting videos generated by unseen video generation models and confirm its powerful generalizability across several commercially proprietary models. Our code and dataset will be released at \url{}.


replace-cross A Closer Look at the Limitations of Instruction Tuning

Authors: Sreyan Ghosh, Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru, Sonal Kumar, Ramaneswaran S, Deepali Aneja, Zeyu Jin, Ramani Duraiswami, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: Instruction Tuning (IT), the process of training large language models (LLMs) using instruction-response pairs, has emerged as the predominant method for transforming base pre-trained LLMs into open-domain conversational agents. While IT has achieved notable success and widespread adoption, its limitations and shortcomings remain underexplored. In this paper, through rigorous experiments and an in-depth analysis of the changes LLMs undergo through IT, we reveal various limitations of IT. In particular, we show that (1) IT fails to enhance knowledge or skills in LLMs. LoRA fine-tuning is limited to learning response initiation and style tokens, and full-parameter fine-tuning leads to knowledge degradation. (2) Copying response patterns from IT datasets derived from knowledgeable sources leads to a decline in response quality. (3) Full-parameter fine-tuning increases hallucination by inaccurately borrowing tokens from conceptually similar instances in the IT dataset for generating responses. (4) Popular methods to improve IT do not lead to performance improvements over a simple LoRA fine-tuned model. Our findings reveal that responses generated solely from pre-trained knowledge consistently outperform responses by models that learn any form of new knowledge from IT on open-source datasets. We hope the insights and challenges revealed in this paper inspire future work in related directions.

replace-cross Diffusion of Thoughts: Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Diffusion Language Models

Authors: Jiacheng Ye, Shansan Gong, Liheng Chen, Lin Zheng, Jiahui Gao, Han Shi, Chuan Wu, Xin Jiang, Zhenguo Li, Wei Bi, Lingpeng Kong

Abstract: Recently, diffusion models have garnered significant interest in the field of text processing due to their many potential advantages compared to conventional autoregressive models. In this work, we propose Diffusion-of-Thought (DoT), a novel approach that integrates diffusion models with Chain-of-Thought, a well-established technique for improving the reasoning ability of autoregressive language models. In contrast to autoregressive language models that make decisions in a left-to-right, token-by-token manner, DoT allows reasoning steps to diffuse over time through a diffusion language model and offers greater flexibility in trading-off computation for reasoning performance. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of DoT in multi-digit multiplication, boolean logic, and grade school math problems, with a small diffusion model outperforming a much larger autoregressive model in both efficiency and accuracy. In addition to that, DoT showcases promising self-correction abilities and benefits from existing reasoning-enhancing techniques like self-consistency decoding. Our findings contribute to the understanding and development of reasoning with diffusion language models.

replace-cross Selective Learning: Towards Robust Calibration with Dynamic Regularization

Authors: Zongbo Han, Yifeng Yang, Changqing Zhang, Linjun Zhang, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Qinghua Hu

Abstract: Miscalibration in deep learning refers to there is a discrepancy between the predicted confidence and performance. This problem usually arises due to the overfitting problem, which is characterized by learning everything presented in the training set, resulting in overconfident predictions during testing. Existing methods typically address overfitting and mitigate the miscalibration by adding a maximum-entropy regularizer to the objective function. The objective can be understood as seeking a model that fits the ground-truth labels by increasing the confidence while also maximizing the entropy of predicted probabilities by decreasing the confidence. However, previous methods lack clear guidance on confidence adjustment, leading to conflicting objectives (increasing but also decreasing confidence). Therefore, we introduce a method called Dynamic Regularization (DReg), which aims to learn what should be learned during training thereby circumventing the confidence adjusting trade-off. At a high level, DReg aims to obtain a more reliable model capable of acknowledging what it knows and does not know. Specifically, DReg effectively fits the labels for in-distribution samples (samples that should be learned) while applying regularization dynamically to samples beyond model capabilities (e.g., outliers), thereby obtaining a robust calibrated model especially on the samples beyond model capabilities. Both theoretical and empirical analyses sufficiently demonstrate the superiority of DReg compared with previous methods.

replace-cross Exploration-Driven Policy Optimization in RLHF: Theoretical Insights on Efficient Data Utilization

Authors: Yihan Du, Anna Winnicki, Gal Dalal, Shie Mannor, R. Srikant

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has achieved impressive empirical successes while relying on a small amount of human feedback. However, there is limited theoretical justification for this phenomenon. Additionally, most recent studies focus on value-based algorithms despite the recent empirical successes of policy-based algorithms. In this work, we consider an RLHF algorithm based on policy optimization (PO-RLHF). The algorithm is based on the popular Policy Cover-Policy Gradient (PC-PG) algorithm, which assumes knowledge of the reward function. In PO-RLHF, knowledge of the reward function is not assumed, and the algorithm uses trajectory-based comparison feedback to infer the reward function. We provide performance bounds for PO-RLHF with low query complexity, which provides insight into why a small amount of human feedback may be sufficient to achieve good performance with RLHF. A key novelty is a trajectory-level elliptical potential analysis, which bounds the reward estimation error when comparison feedback (rather than numerical reward observation) is given. We provide and analyze algorithms PG-RLHF and NN-PG-RLHF for two settings: linear and neural function approximation, respectively.

replace-cross Simple and Effective Transfer Learning for Neuro-Symbolic Integration

Authors: Alessandro Daniele, Tommaso Campari, Sagar Malhotra, Luciano Serafini

Abstract: Deep Learning (DL) techniques have achieved remarkable successes in recent years. However, their ability to generalize and execute reasoning tasks remains a challenge. A potential solution to this issue is Neuro-Symbolic Integration (NeSy), where neural approaches are combined with symbolic reasoning. Most of these methods exploit a neural network to map perceptions to symbols and a logical reasoner to predict the output of the downstream task. These methods exhibit superior generalization capacity compared to fully neural architectures. However, they suffer from several issues, including slow convergence, learning difficulties with complex perception tasks, and convergence to local minima. This paper proposes a simple yet effective method to ameliorate these problems. The key idea involves pretraining a neural model on the downstream task. Then, a NeSy model is trained on the same task via transfer learning, where the weights of the perceptual part are injected from the pretrained network. The key observation of our work is that the neural network fails to generalize only at the level of the symbolic part while being perfectly capable of learning the mapping from perceptions to symbols. We have tested our training strategy on various SOTA NeSy methods and datasets, demonstrating consistent improvements in the aforementioned problems.

replace-cross ProTIP: Probabilistic Robustness Verification on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models against Stochastic Perturbation

Authors: Yi Zhang, Yun Tang, Wenjie Ruan, Xiaowei Huang, Siddartha Khastgir, Paul Jennings, Xingyu Zhao

Abstract: Text-to-Image (T2I) Diffusion Models (DMs) have shown impressive abilities in generating high-quality images based on simple text descriptions. However, as is common with many Deep Learning (DL) models, DMs are subject to a lack of robustness. While there are attempts to evaluate the robustness of T2I DMs as a binary or worst-case problem, they cannot answer how robust in general the model is whenever an adversarial example (AE) can be found. In this study, we first introduce a probabilistic notion of T2I DMs' robustness; and then establish an efficient framework, ProTIP, to evaluate it with statistical guarantees. The main challenges stem from: i) the high computational cost of the generation process; and ii) determining if a perturbed input is an AE involves comparing two output distributions, which is fundamentally harder compared to other DL tasks like classification where an AE is identified upon misprediction of labels. To tackle the challenges, we employ sequential analysis with efficacy and futility early stopping rules in the statistical testing for identifying AEs, and adaptive concentration inequalities to dynamically determine the "just-right" number of stochastic perturbations whenever the verification target is met. Empirical experiments validate the effectiveness and efficiency of ProTIP over common T2I DMs. Finally, we demonstrate an application of ProTIP to rank commonly used defence methods.

replace-cross Pandora's White-Box: Precise Training Data Detection and Extraction in Large Language Models

Authors: Jeffrey G. Wang, Jason Wang, Marvin Li, Seth Neel

Abstract: In this paper we develop state-of-the-art privacy attacks against Large Language Models (LLMs), where an adversary with some access to the model tries to learn something about the underlying training data. Our headline results are new membership inference attacks (MIAs) against pretrained LLMs that perform hundreds of times better than baseline attacks, and a pipeline showing that over 50% (!) of the fine-tuning dataset can be extracted from a fine-tuned LLM in natural settings. We consider varying degrees of access to the underlying model, pretraining and fine-tuning data, and both MIAs and training data extraction. For pretraining data, we propose two new MIAs: a supervised neural network classifier that predicts training data membership on the basis of (dimensionality-reduced) model gradients, as well as a variant of this attack that only requires logit access to the model by leveraging recent model-stealing work on LLMs. To our knowledge this is the first MIA that explicitly incorporates model-stealing information. Both attacks outperform existing black-box baselines, and our supervised attack closes the gap between MIA attack success against LLMs and the strongest known attacks for other machine learning models. In fine-tuning, we find that a simple attack based on the ratio of the loss between the base and fine-tuned models is able to achieve near-perfect MIA performance; we then leverage our MIA to extract a large fraction of the fine-tuning dataset from fine-tuned Pythia and Llama models. Our code is available at

replace-cross Large Language Models and Games: A Survey and Roadmap

Authors: Roberto Gallotta, Graham Todd, Marvin Zammit, Sam Earle, Antonios Liapis, Julian Togelius, Georgios N. Yannakakis

Abstract: Recent years have seen an explosive increase in research on large language models (LLMs), and accompanying public engagement on the topic. While starting as a niche area within natural language processing, LLMs have shown remarkable potential across a broad range of applications and domains, including games. This paper surveys the current state of the art across the various applications of LLMs in and for games, and identifies the different roles LLMs can take within a game. Importantly, we discuss underexplored areas and promising directions for future uses of LLMs in games and we reconcile the potential and limitations of LLMs within the games domain. As the first comprehensive survey and roadmap at the intersection of LLMs and games, we are hopeful that this paper will serve as the basis for groundbreaking research and innovation in this exciting new field.

replace-cross Dissecting Deep RL with High Update Ratios: Combatting Value Divergence

Authors: Marcel Hussing, Claas Voelcker, Igor Gilitschenski, Amir-massoud Farahmand, Eric Eaton

Abstract: We show that deep reinforcement learning algorithms can retain their ability to learn without resetting network parameters in settings where the number of gradient updates greatly exceeds the number of environment samples by combatting value function divergence. Under large update-to-data ratios, a recent study by Nikishin et al. (2022) suggested the emergence of a primacy bias, in which agents overfit early interactions and downplay later experience, impairing their ability to learn. In this work, we investigate the phenomena leading to the primacy bias. We inspect the early stages of training that were conjectured to cause the failure to learn and find that one fundamental challenge is a long-standing acquaintance: value function divergence. Overinflated Q-values are found not only on out-of-distribution but also in-distribution data and can be linked to overestimation on unseen action prediction propelled by optimizer momentum. We employ a simple unit-ball normalization that enables learning under large update ratios, show its efficacy on the widely used dm_control suite, and obtain strong performance on the challenging dog tasks, competitive with model-based approaches. Our results question, in parts, the prior explanation for sub-optimal learning due to overfitting early data.

replace-cross SMART: Submodular Data Mixture Strategy for Instruction Tuning

Authors: H S V N S Kowndinya Renduchintala, Sumit Bhatia, Ganesh Ramakrishnan

Abstract: Instruction Tuning involves finetuning a language model on a collection of instruction-formatted datasets in order to enhance the generalizability of the model to unseen tasks. Studies have shown the importance of balancing different task proportions during finetuning, but finding the right balance remains challenging. Unfortunately, there's currently no systematic method beyond manual tuning or relying on practitioners' intuition. In this paper, we introduce SMART (Submodular data Mixture strAtegy for instRuction Tuning) - a novel data mixture strategy which makes use of a submodular function to assign importance scores to tasks which are then used to determine the mixture weights. Given a fine-tuning budget, SMART redistributes the budget among tasks and selects non-redundant samples from each task. Experimental results demonstrate that SMART significantly outperforms traditional methods such as examples proportional mixing and equal mixing. Furthermore, SMART facilitates the creation of data mixtures based on a few representative subsets of tasks alone and through task pruning analysis, we reveal that in a limited budget setting, allocating budget among a subset of representative tasks yields superior performance compared to distributing the budget among all tasks. The code for reproducing our results is open-sourced at


replace-cross Discovering Latent Themes in Social Media Messaging: A Machine-in-the-Loop Approach Integrating LLMs

Authors: Tunazzina Islam, Dan Goldwasser

Abstract: Grasping the themes of social media content is key to understanding the narratives that influence public opinion and behavior. The thematic analysis goes beyond traditional topic-level analysis, which often captures only the broadest patterns, providing deeper insights into specific and actionable themes such as "public sentiment towards vaccination", "political discourse surrounding climate policies," etc. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to uncovering latent themes in social media messaging. Recognizing the limitations of the traditional topic-level analysis, which tends to capture only overarching patterns, this study emphasizes the need for a finer-grained, theme-focused exploration. Traditional theme discovery methods typically involve manual processes and a human-in-the-loop approach. While valuable, these methods face challenges in scalability, consistency, and resource intensity in terms of time and cost. To address these challenges, we propose a machine-in-the-loop approach that leverages the advanced capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). To demonstrate our approach, we apply our framework to contentious topics, such as climate debate and vaccine debate. We use two publicly available datasets: (1) the climate campaigns dataset of 21k Facebook ads and (2) the COVID-19 vaccine campaigns dataset of 9k Facebook ads. Our quantitative and qualitative analysis shows that our methodology yields more accurate and interpretable results compared to the baselines. Our results not only demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in uncovering latent themes but also illuminate how these themes are tailored for demographic targeting in social media contexts. Additionally, our work sheds light on the dynamic nature of social media, revealing the shifts in the thematic focus of messaging in response to real-world events.

replace-cross SQ-LLaVA: Self-Questioning for Large Vision-Language Assistant

Authors: Guohao Sun, Can Qin, Jiamian Wang, Zeyuan Chen, Ran Xu, Zhiqiang Tao

Abstract: Recent advances in vision-language models have shown notable generalization in broad tasks through visual instruction tuning. However, bridging the gap between the pre-trained vision encoder and the large language models (LLMs) becomes the whole network's bottleneck. To improve cross-modality alignment, existing works usually consider more visual instruction data covering a broader range of vision tasks to fine-tune the model for question-answering, which, however, is costly to obtain and has not thoroughly explored the rich contextual information contained in images. This paper first attempts to harness the overlooked context within visual instruction data, training the model to self-supervised "learning" how to ask high-quality questions. In this way, we introduce a novel framework named SQ-LLaVA: Self-Questioning for Large Vision-Language Assistant. SQ-LLaVA exhibits proficiency in generating flexible and meaningful image-related questions while analyzing the visual clue and prior language knowledge, signifying an advanced level of generalized visual understanding. Moreover, fine-tuning SQ-LLaVA on higher-quality instruction data shows a performance improvement compared with traditional visual-instruction tuning methods. This improvement highlights the efficacy of self-questioning techniques in achieving a deeper and more nuanced comprehension of visual content across various contexts.

replace-cross DreamMotion: Space-Time Self-Similar Score Distillation for Zero-Shot Video Editing

Authors: Hyeonho Jeong, Jinho Chang, Geon Yeong Park, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: Text-driven diffusion-based video editing presents a unique challenge not encountered in image editing literature: establishing real-world motion. Unlike existing video editing approaches, here we focus on score distillation sampling to circumvent the standard reverse diffusion process and initiate optimization from videos that already exhibit natural motion. Our analysis reveals that while video score distillation can effectively introduce new content indicated by target text, it can also cause significant structure and motion deviation. To counteract this, we propose to match space-time self-similarities of the original video and the edited video during the score distillation. Thanks to the use of score distillation, our approach is model-agnostic, which can be applied for both cascaded and non-cascaded video diffusion frameworks. Through extensive comparisons with leading methods, our approach demonstrates its superiority in altering appearances while accurately preserving the original structure and motion.

replace-cross A Survey on Consumer IoT Traffic: Security and Privacy

Authors: Yan Jia, Yuxin Song, Zihou Liu, Qingyin Tan, Yang Song, Yu Zhang, Zheli Liu

Abstract: Although CIoT has improved the convenience of daily activities, it also introduces new security and privacy concerns. Network traffic analysis, a common technique employed by the security community, has been extensively utilized to investigate security and privacy concerns, and it has also been applied to CIoT. However, compared to network traffic analysis in other fields such as mobile apps and websites, CIoT presents special new characteristics, which may introduce new challenges and research opportunities. In this study, we reviewed 310 publications on traffic analysis within the CIoT security and privacy domain, covering the period from January 2018 to December 2023. Initially, we summarized the CIoT traffic analysis process, highlighting the newly identified characteristics of CIoT. Subsequently, we classified existing research according to its application objectives: device fingerprinting, user activity inference, malicious traffic detection, and measurement. Lastly, we explore emerging challenges and potential future research avenues.

replace-cross Mixing Artificial and Natural Intelligence: From Statistical Mechanics to AI and Back to Turbulence

Authors: Michael Chertkov

Abstract: The paper reflects on the future role of AI in scientific research, with a special focus on turbulence studies, and examines the evolution of AI, particularly through Diffusion Models rooted in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. It underscores the significant impact of AI on advancing reduced, Lagrangian models of turbulence through innovative use of deep neural networks. Additionally, the paper reviews various other AI applications in turbulence research and outlines potential challenges and opportunities in the concurrent advancement of AI and statistical hydrodynamics. This discussion sets the stage for a future where AI and turbulence research are intricately intertwined, leading to more profound insights and advancements in both fields.

replace-cross Taming Lookup Tables for Efficient Image Retouching

Authors: Sidi Yang, Binxiao Huang, Mingdeng Cao, Yatai Ji, Hanzhong Guo, Ngai Wong, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: The widespread use of high-definition screens in edge devices, such as end-user cameras, smartphones, and televisions, is spurring a significant demand for image enhancement. Existing enhancement models often optimize for high performance while falling short of reducing hardware inference time and power consumption, especially on edge devices with constrained computing and storage resources. To this end, we propose Image Color Enhancement Lookup Table (ICELUT) that adopts LUTs for extremely efficient edge inference, without any convolutional neural network (CNN). During training, we leverage pointwise (1x1) convolution to extract color information, alongside a split fully connected layer to incorporate global information. Both components are then seamlessly converted into LUTs for hardware-agnostic deployment. ICELUT achieves near-state-of-the-art performance and remarkably low power consumption. We observe that the pointwise network structure exhibits robust scalability, upkeeping the performance even with a heavily downsampled 32x32 input image. These enable ICELUT, the first-ever purely LUT-based image enhancer, to reach an unprecedented speed of 0.4ms on GPU and 7ms on CPU, at least one order faster than any CNN solution. Codes are available at


replace-cross BiSHop: Bi-Directional Cellular Learning for Tabular Data with Generalized Sparse Modern Hopfield Model

Authors: Chenwei Xu, Yu-Chao Huang, Jerry Yao-Chieh Hu, Weijian Li, Ammar Gilani, Hsi-Sheng Goan, Han Liu

Abstract: We introduce the \textbf{B}i-Directional \textbf{S}parse \textbf{Hop}field Network (\textbf{BiSHop}), a novel end-to-end framework for deep tabular learning. BiSHop handles the two major challenges of deep tabular learning: non-rotationally invariant data structure and feature sparsity in tabular data. Our key motivation comes from the recent established connection between associative memory and attention mechanisms. Consequently, BiSHop uses a dual-component approach, sequentially processing data both column-wise and row-wise through two interconnected directional learning modules. Computationally, these modules house layers of generalized sparse modern Hopfield layers, a sparse extension of the modern Hopfield model with adaptable sparsity. Methodologically, BiSHop facilitates multi-scale representation learning, capturing both intra-feature and inter-feature interactions, with adaptive sparsity at each scale. Empirically, through experiments on diverse real-world datasets, we demonstrate that BiSHop surpasses current SOTA methods with significantly less HPO runs, marking it a robust solution for deep tabular learning.

replace-cross All-in-one simulation-based inference

Authors: Manuel Gloeckler, Michael Deistler, Christian Weilbach, Frank Wood, Jakob H. Macke

Abstract: Amortized Bayesian inference trains neural networks to solve stochastic inference problems using model simulations, thereby making it possible to rapidly perform Bayesian inference for any newly observed data. However, current simulation-based amortized inference methods are simulation-hungry and inflexible: They require the specification of a fixed parametric prior, simulator, and inference tasks ahead of time. Here, we present a new amortized inference method -- the Simformer -- which overcomes these limitations. By training a probabilistic diffusion model with transformer architectures, the Simformer outperforms current state-of-the-art amortized inference approaches on benchmark tasks and is substantially more flexible: It can be applied to models with function-valued parameters, it can handle inference scenarios with missing or unstructured data, and it can sample arbitrary conditionals of the joint distribution of parameters and data, including both posterior and likelihood. We showcase the performance and flexibility of the Simformer on simulators from ecology, epidemiology, and neuroscience, and demonstrate that it opens up new possibilities and application domains for amortized Bayesian inference on simulation-based models.

replace-cross Uncovering Latent Arguments in Social Media Messaging by Employing LLMs-in-the-Loop Strategy

Authors: Tunazzina Islam, Dan Goldwasser

Abstract: The widespread use of social media has led to a surge in popularity for automated methods of analyzing public opinion. Supervised methods are adept at text categorization, yet the dynamic nature of social media discussions poses a continual challenge for these techniques due to the constant shifting of the focus. On the other hand, traditional unsupervised methods for extracting themes from public discourse, such as topic modeling, often reveal overarching patterns that might not capture specific nuances. Consequently, a significant portion of research into social media discourse still depends on labor-intensive manual coding techniques and a human-in-the-loop approach, which are both time-consuming and costly. In this work, we study the problem of discovering arguments associated with a specific theme. We propose a generic LLMs-in-the-Loop strategy that leverages the advanced capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to extract latent arguments from social media messaging. To demonstrate our approach, we apply our framework to contentious topics. We use two publicly available datasets: (1) the climate campaigns dataset of 14k Facebook ads with 25 themes and (2) the COVID-19 vaccine campaigns dataset of 9k Facebook ads with 14 themes. Additionally, we design a downstream task as stance prediction by leveraging talking points in climate debates. Furthermore, we analyze demographic targeting and the adaptation of messaging based on real-world events.

replace-cross Patch-Consistent Optical Translation Across Sensors: Large-Scale Denoising Diffusion with Heterogeneous Change Detection as a Use Case

Authors: Jo\~ao Gabriel Vinholi, Marco Chini, Anis Amziane, Renato Machado, Danilo Silva, Patrick Matgen

Abstract: In the field of remote sensing, the challenge of comparing images captured by disparate sensors is a common obstacle. This requires image translation -- converting imagery from one sensor domain to another while preserving the original content. Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM) are potential state-of-the-art solutions for such domain translation due to their proven superiority in multiple image-to-image translation tasks in classic computer vision. However, these models struggle with large-scale multi-patch imagery, often focusing solely on small patches and resulting in inconsistencies across the full image. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel method that leverages DDIM for effective optical image translation over large areas. Our approach is tailored to super-resolve large-scale low spatial resolution images into high-resolution equivalents from disparate optical sensors, ensuring uniformity across hundreds of patches. Extensive experiments with a dataset of paired Sentinel-II and Planet Dove images show that our approach provides precise domain adaptation and artifact reduction. Our technique preserves the image content while also improving radiometric (color) accuracy and feature representations. The outcome is a high-resolution large-scale image with consistent patches, vital for applications such as heterogeneous change detection (HCD). We present a unique training and testing algorithm rooted in DDIMs, a thorough image quality assessment, and a comparative study against the standard classifier-free guided DDIM framework and five other leading methods. The efficacy of our approach is further demonstrated by substantial enhancements in HCD tasks performed in the urban settings of Beirut, Lebanon, and Austin, USA.

replace-cross Graph Neural Networks for Vulnerability Detection: A Counterfactual Explanation

Authors: Zhaoyang Chu, Yao Wan, Qian Li, Yang Wu, Hongyu Zhang, Yulei Sui, Guandong Xu, Hai Jin

Abstract: Vulnerability detection is crucial for ensuring the security and reliability of software systems. Recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a prominent code embedding approach for vulnerability detection, owing to their ability to capture the underlying semantic structure of source code. However, GNNs face significant challenges in explainability due to their inherently black-box nature. To this end, several factual reasoning-based explainers have been proposed. These explainers provide explanations for the predictions made by GNNs by analyzing the key features that contribute to the outcomes. We argue that these factual reasoning-based explanations cannot answer critical what-if questions: What would happen to the GNN's decision if we were to alter the code graph into alternative structures? Inspired by advancements of counterfactual reasoning in artificial intelligence, we propose CFExplainer, a novel counterfactual explainer for GNN-based vulnerability detection. Unlike factual reasoning-based explainers, CFExplainer seeks the minimal perturbation to the input code graph that leads to a change in the prediction, thereby addressing the what-if questions for vulnerability detection. We term this perturbation a counterfactual explanation, which can pinpoint the root causes of the detected vulnerability and furnish valuable insights for developers to undertake appropriate actions for fixing the vulnerability. Extensive experiments on four GNN-based vulnerability detection models demonstrate the effectiveness of CFExplainer over existing state-of-the-art factual reasoning-based explainers.

replace-cross Human-Modeling in Sequential Decision-Making: An Analysis through the Lens of Human-Aware AI

Authors: Silvia Tulli, Stylianos Loukas Vasileiou, Sarath Sreedharan

Abstract: "Human-aware" has become a popular keyword used to describe a particular class of AI systems that are designed to work and interact with humans. While there exists a surprising level of consistency among the works that use the label human-aware, the term itself mostly remains poorly understood. In this work, we retroactively try to provide an account of what constitutes a human-aware AI system. We see that human-aware AI is a design oriented paradigm, one that focuses on the need for modeling the humans it may interact with. Additionally, we see that this paradigm offers us intuitive dimensions to understand and categorize the kinds of interactions these systems might have with humans. We show the pedagogical value of these dimensions by using them as a tool to understand and review the current landscape of work related to human-AI systems that purport some form of human modeling. To fit the scope of a workshop paper, we specifically narrowed our review to papers that deal with sequential decision-making and were published in a major AI conference in the last three years. Our analysis helps identify the space of potential research problems that are currently being overlooked. We perform additional analysis on the degree to which these works make explicit reference to results from social science and whether they actually perform user-studies to validate their systems. We also provide an accounting of the various AI methods used by these works.

replace-cross Hyperplane Arrangements and Fixed Points in Iterated PWL Neural Networks

Authors: Hans-Peter Beise

Abstract: We leverage the framework of hyperplane arrangements to analyze potential regions of (stable) fixed points. We provide an upper bound on the number of fixed points for multi-layer neural networks equipped with piecewise linear (PWL) activation functions with arbitrary many linear pieces. The theoretical optimality of the exponential growth in the number of layers of the latter bound is shown. Specifically, we also derive a sharper upper bound on the number of stable fixed points for one-hidden-layer networks with hard tanh activation.

replace-cross LiPost: Improved Content Understanding With Effective Use of Multi-task Contrastive Learning

Authors: Akanksha Bindal, Sudarshan Ramanujam, Dave Golland, TJ Hazen, Tina Jiang, Fengyu Zhang, Peng Yan

Abstract: In enhancing LinkedIn core content recommendation models, a significant challenge lies in improving their semantic understanding capabilities. This paper addresses the problem by leveraging multi-task learning, a method that has shown promise in various domains. We fine-tune a pre-trained, transformer-based LLM using multi-task contrastive learning with data from a diverse set of semantic labeling tasks. We observe positive transfer, leading to superior performance across all tasks when compared to training independently on each. Our model outperforms the baseline on zero shot learning and offers improved multilingual support, highlighting its potential for broader application. The specialized content embeddings produced by our model outperform generalized embeddings offered by OpenAI on Linkedin dataset and tasks. This work provides a robust foundation for vertical teams across LinkedIn to customize and fine-tune the LLM to their specific applications. Our work offers insights and best practices for the field to build on.

replace-cross Towards a Unified Framework for Evaluating Explanations

Authors: Juan D. Pinto, Luc Paquette

Abstract: The challenge of creating interpretable models has been taken up by two main research communities: ML researchers primarily focused on lower-level explainability methods that suit the needs of engineers, and HCI researchers who have more heavily emphasized user-centered approaches often based on participatory design methods. This paper reviews how these communities have evaluated interpretability, identifying overlaps and semantic misalignments. We propose moving towards a unified framework of evaluation criteria and lay the groundwork for such a framework by articulating the relationships between existing criteria. We argue that explanations serve as mediators between models and stakeholders, whether for intrinsically interpretable models or opaque black-box models analyzed via post-hoc techniques. We further argue that useful explanations require both faithfulness and intelligibility. Explanation plausibility is a prerequisite for intelligibility, while stability is a prerequisite for explanation faithfulness. We illustrate these criteria, as well as specific evaluation methods, using examples from an ongoing study of an interpretable neural network for predicting a particular learner behavior.

replace-cross Time-SSM: Simplifying and Unifying State Space Models for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Jiaxi Hu, Disen Lan, Ziyu Zhou, Qingsong Wen, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: State Space Models (SSMs) have emerged as a potent tool in sequence modeling tasks in recent years. These models approximate continuous systems using a set of basis functions and discretize them to handle input data, making them well-suited for modeling time series data collected at specific frequencies from continuous systems. Despite its potential, the application of SSMs in time series forecasting remains underexplored, with most existing models treating SSMs as a black box for capturing temporal or channel dependencies. To address this gap, this paper proposes a novel theoretical framework termed Dynamic Spectral Operator, offering more intuitive and general guidance on applying SSMs to time series data. Building upon our theory, we introduce Time-SSM, a novel SSM-based foundation model with only one-seventh of the parameters compared to Mamba. Various experiments validate both our theoretical framework and the superior performance of Time-SSM.

replace-cross InversionView: A General-Purpose Method for Reading Information from Neural Activations

Authors: Xinting Huang, Madhur Panwar, Navin Goyal, Michael Hahn

Abstract: The inner workings of neural networks can be better understood if we can fully decipher the information encoded in neural activations. In this paper, we argue that this information is embodied by the subset of inputs that give rise to similar activations. Computing such subsets is nontrivial as the input space is exponentially large. We propose InversionView, which allows us to practically inspect this subset by sampling from a trained decoder model conditioned on activations. This helps uncover the information content of activation vectors, and facilitates understanding of the algorithms implemented by transformer models. We present four case studies where we investigate models ranging from small transformers to GPT-2. In these studies, we demonstrate the characteristics of our method, show the distinctive advantages it offers, and provide causally verified circuits.

replace-cross Injecting Hierarchical Biological Priors into Graph Neural Networks for Flow Cytometry Prediction

Authors: Fatemeh Nassajian Mojarrad, Lorenzo Bini, Thomas Matthes, St\'ephane Marchand-Maillet

Abstract: In the complex landscape of hematologic samples such as peripheral blood or bone marrow derived from flow cytometry (FC) data, cell-level prediction presents profound challenges. This work explores injecting hierarchical prior knowledge into graph neural networks (GNNs) for single-cell multi-class classification of tabular cellular data. By representing the data as graphs and encoding hierarchical relationships between classes, we propose our hierarchical plug-in method to be applied to several GNN models, namely, FCHC-GNN, and effectively designed to capture neighborhood information crucial for single-cell FC domain. Extensive experiments on our cohort of 19 distinct patients, demonstrate that incorporating hierarchical biological constraints boosts performance significantly across multiple metrics compared to baseline GNNs without such priors. The proposed approach highlights the importance of structured inductive biases for gaining improved generalization in complex biological prediction tasks.

replace-cross Adaptive Advantage-Guided Policy Regularization for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Tenglong Liu, Yang Li, Yixing Lan, Hao Gao, Wei Pan, Xin Xu

Abstract: In offline reinforcement learning, the challenge of out-of-distribution (OOD) is pronounced. To address this, existing methods often constrain the learned policy through policy regularization. However, these methods often suffer from the issue of unnecessary conservativeness, hampering policy improvement. This occurs due to the indiscriminate use of all actions from the behavior policy that generates the offline dataset as constraints. The problem becomes particularly noticeable when the quality of the dataset is suboptimal. Thus, we propose Adaptive Advantage-guided Policy Regularization (A2PR), obtaining high-advantage actions from an augmented behavior policy combined with VAE to guide the learned policy. A2PR can select high-advantage actions that differ from those present in the dataset, while still effectively maintaining conservatism from OOD actions. This is achieved by harnessing the VAE capacity to generate samples matching the distribution of the data points. We theoretically prove that the improvement of the behavior policy is guaranteed. Besides, it effectively mitigates value overestimation with a bounded performance gap. Empirically, we conduct a series of experiments on the D4RL benchmark, where A2PR demonstrates state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, experimental results on additional suboptimal mixed datasets reveal that A2PR exhibits superior performance. Code is available at


replace-cross Alice in Wonderland: Simple Tasks Showing Complete Reasoning Breakdown in State-Of-the-Art Large Language Models

Authors: Marianna Nezhurina, Lucia Cipolina-Kun, Mehdi Cherti, Jenia Jitsev

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are often described as being instances of foundation models - that is, models that transfer strongly across various tasks and conditions in few-show or zero-shot manner, while exhibiting scaling laws that predict function improvement when increasing the pre-training scale. These claims of excelling in different functions and tasks rely on measurements taken across various sets of standardized benchmarks showing high scores for such models. We demonstrate here a dramatic breakdown of function and reasoning capabilities of state-of-the-art models trained at the largest available scales which claim strong function, using a simple, short, conventional common sense problem (AIW problem) formulated in concise natural language, easily solvable by humans. The breakdown is dramatic, as models show strong fluctuations across even slight problem variations that should not affect problem solving, also expressing strong overconfidence in the wrong solutions, often backed up by plausible sounding explanation-like confabulations. Various standard interventions in an attempt to get the right solution, like various type of enhanced prompting, or urging the models to reconsider the wrong solutions again by multi step re-evaluation, fail. We take these initial observations to the scientific and technological community to stimulate urgent re-assessment of the claimed capabilities of current generation of LLMs. Such re-assessment also requires common action to create standardized benchmarks that would allow proper detection of such basic reasoning deficits that obviously manage to remain undiscovered by current state-of-the-art evaluation procedures and benchmarks. Code for reproducing experiments in the paper and raw experiments data can be found at


replace-cross TwinS: Revisiting Non-Stationarity in Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Jiaxi Hu, Qingsong Wen, Sijie Ruan, Li Liu, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: Recently, multivariate time series forecasting tasks have garnered increasing attention due to their significant practical applications, leading to the emergence of various deep forecasting models. However, real-world time series exhibit pronounced non-stationary distribution characteristics. These characteristics are not solely limited to time-varying statistical properties highlighted by non-stationary Transformer but also encompass three key aspects: nested periodicity, absence of periodic distributions, and hysteresis among time variables. In this paper, we begin by validating this theory through wavelet analysis and propose the Transformer-based TwinS model, which consists of three modules to address the non-stationary periodic distributions: Wavelet Convolution, Period-Aware Attention, and Channel-Temporal Mixed MLP. Specifically, The Wavelet Convolution models nested periods by scaling the convolution kernel size like wavelet transform. The Period-Aware Attention guides attention computation by generating period relevance scores through a convolutional sub-network. The Channel-Temporal Mixed MLP captures the overall relationships between time series through channel-time mixing learning. TwinS achieves SOTA performance compared to mainstream TS models, with a maximum improvement in MSE of 25.8\% over PatchTST.

replace-cross Vectorized Conditional Neural Fields: A Framework for Solving Time-dependent Parametric Partial Differential Equations

Authors: Jan Hagnberger, Marimuthu Kalimuthu, Daniel Musekamp, Mathias Niepert

Abstract: Transformer models are increasingly used for solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Several adaptations have been proposed, all of which suffer from the typical problems of Transformers, such as quadratic memory and time complexity. Furthermore, all prevalent architectures for PDE solving lack at least one of several desirable properties of an ideal surrogate model, such as (i) generalization to PDE parameters not seen during training, (ii) spatial and temporal zero-shot super-resolution, (iii) continuous temporal extrapolation, (iv) support for 1D, 2D, and 3D PDEs, and (v) efficient inference for longer temporal rollouts. To address these limitations, we propose Vectorized Conditional Neural Fields (VCNeFs), which represent the solution of time-dependent PDEs as neural fields. Contrary to prior methods, however, VCNeFs compute, for a set of multiple spatio-temporal query points, their solutions in parallel and model their dependencies through attention mechanisms. Moreover, VCNeF can condition the neural field on both the initial conditions and the parameters of the PDEs. An extensive set of experiments demonstrates that VCNeFs are competitive with and often outperform existing ML-based surrogate models.

replace-cross The Prompt Report: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Techniques

Authors: Sander Schulhoff, Michael Ilie, Nishant Balepur, Konstantine Kahadze, Amanda Liu, Chenglei Si, Yinheng Li, Aayush Gupta, HyoJung Han, Sevien Schulhoff, Pranav Sandeep Dulepet, Saurav Vidyadhara, Dayeon Ki, Sweta Agrawal, Chau Pham, Gerson Kroiz, Feileen Li, Hudson Tao, Ashay Srivastava, Hevander Da Costa, Saloni Gupta, Megan L. Rogers, Inna Goncearenco, Giuseppe Sarli, Igor Galynker, Denis Peskoff, Marine Carpuat, Jules White, Shyamal Anadkat, Alexander Hoyle, Philip Resnik

Abstract: Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) systems are being increasingly deployed across all parts of industry and research settings. Developers and end users interact with these systems through the use of prompting or prompt engineering. While prompting is a widespread and highly researched concept, there exists conflicting terminology and a poor ontological understanding of what constitutes a prompt due to the area's nascency. This paper establishes a structured understanding of prompts, by assembling a taxonomy of prompting techniques and analyzing their use. We present a comprehensive vocabulary of 33 vocabulary terms, a taxonomy of 58 text-only prompting techniques, and 40 techniques for other modalities. We further present a meta-analysis of the entire literature on natural language prefix-prompting.

replace-cross Logical Distillation of Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Alexander Pluska, Pascal Welke, Thomas G\"artner, Sagar Malhotra

Abstract: We present a logic based interpretable model for learning on graphs and an algorithm to distill this model from a Graph Neural Network (GNN). Recent results have shown connections between the expressivity of GNNs and the two-variable fragment of first-order logic with counting quantifiers (C2). We introduce a decision-tree based model which leverages an extension of C2 to distill interpretable logical classifiers from GNNs. We test our approach on multiple GNN architectures. The distilled models are interpretable, succinct, and attain similar accuracy to the underlying GNN. Furthermore, when the ground truth is expressible in C2, our approach outperforms the GNN.

replace-cross Merging Improves Self-Critique Against Jailbreak Attacks

Authors: Victor Gallego

Abstract: The robustness of large language models (LLMs) against adversarial manipulations, such as jailbreak attacks, remains a significant challenge. In this work, we propose an approach that enhances the self-critique capability of the LLM and further fine-tunes it over sanitized synthetic data. This is done with the addition of an external critic model that can be merged with the original, thus bolstering self-critique capabilities and improving the robustness of the LLMs response to adversarial prompts. Our results demonstrate that the combination of merging and self-critique can reduce the attack success rate of adversaries significantly, thus offering a promising defense mechanism against jailbreak attacks. Code, data and models released at .


replace-cross RoboGolf: Mastering Real-World Minigolf with a Reflective Multi-Modality Vision-Language Model

Authors: Hantao Zhou, Tianying Ji, Lukas Sommerhalder, Michael Goerner, Norman Hendrich, Jianwei Zhang, Fuchun Sun, Huazhe Xu

Abstract: Minigolf, a game with countless court layouts, and complex ball motion, constitutes a compelling real-world testbed for the study of embodied intelligence. As it not only challenges spatial and kinodynamic reasoning but also requires reflective and corrective capacities to address erroneously designed courses. We introduce RoboGolf, a VLM-based framework that perceives dual-camera visual inputs with nested VLM-empowered closed-loop control and reflective equilibrium loop. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of RoboGolf on challenging minigolf courts including those that are impossible to finish.

replace-cross Connecting the Dots: Evaluating Abstract Reasoning Capabilities of LLMs Using the New York Times Connections Word Game

Authors: Prisha Samadarshi, Mariam Mustafa, Anushka Kulkarni, Raven Rothkopf, Tuhin Chakrabarty, Smaranda Muresan

Abstract: The New York Times Connections game has emerged as a popular and challenging pursuit for word puzzle enthusiasts. We collect 200 Connections games to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) against expert and novice human players. Our results show that even the best-performing LLM, GPT-4o, which has otherwise shown impressive reasoning abilities on a wide variety of benchmarks, can only fully solve 8% of the games. Compared to GPT-4o, novice and expert players perform better, with expert human players significantly outperforming GPT-4o. To deepen our understanding we create a taxonomy of the knowledge types required to successfully categorize words in the Connections game, revealing that LLMs struggle with associative, encyclopedic, and linguistic knowledge. Our findings establish the New York Times Connections game as a challenging benchmark for evaluating abstract reasoning capabilities in humans and AI systems.

replace-cross Refusal in Language Models Is Mediated by a Single Direction

Authors: Andy Arditi, Oscar Obeso, Aaquib Syed, Daniel Paleka, Nina Panickssery, Wes Gurnee, Neel Nanda

Abstract: Conversational large language models are fine-tuned for both instruction-following and safety, resulting in models that obey benign requests but refuse harmful ones. While this refusal behavior is widespread across chat models, its underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this work, we show that refusal is mediated by a one-dimensional subspace, across 13 popular open-source chat models up to 72B parameters in size. Specifically, for each model, we find a single direction such that erasing this direction from the model's residual stream activations prevents it from refusing harmful instructions, while adding this direction elicits refusal on even harmless instructions. Leveraging this insight, we propose a novel white-box jailbreak method that surgically disables refusal with minimal effect on other capabilities. Finally, we mechanistically analyze how adversarial suffixes suppress propagation of the refusal-mediating direction. Our findings underscore the brittleness of current safety fine-tuning methods. More broadly, our work showcases how an understanding of model internals can be leveraged to develop practical methods for controlling model behavior.

replace-cross AgileCoder: Dynamic Collaborative Agents for Software Development based on Agile Methodology

Authors: Minh Huynh Nguyen, Thang Phan Chau, Phong X. Nguyen, Nghi D. Q. Bui

Abstract: Software agents have emerged as promising tools for addressing complex software engineering tasks. Existing works, on the other hand, frequently oversimplify software development workflows, despite the fact that such workflows are typically more complex in the real world. Thus, we propose AgileCoder, a multi agent system that integrates Agile Methodology (AM) into the framework. This system assigns specific AM roles - such as Product Manager, Developer, and Tester to different agents, who then collaboratively develop software based on user inputs. AgileCoder enhances development efficiency by organizing work into sprints, focusing on incrementally developing software through sprints. Additionally, we introduce Dynamic Code Graph Generator, a module that creates a Code Dependency Graph dynamically as updates are made to the codebase. This allows agents to better comprehend the codebase, leading to more precise code generation and modifications throughout the software development process. AgileCoder surpasses existing benchmarks, like ChatDev and MetaGPT, establishing a new standard and showcasing the capabilities of multi agent systems in advanced software engineering environments.

replace-cross Combining Neural Networks and Symbolic Regression for Analytical Lyapunov Function Discovery

Authors: Jie Feng, Haohan Zou, Yuanyuan Shi

Abstract: We propose CoNSAL (Combining Neural networks and Symbolic regression for Analytical Lyapunov function) to construct analytical Lyapunov functions for nonlinear dynamic systems. This framework contains a neural Lyapunov function and a symbolic regression component, where symbolic regression is applied to distill the neural network to precise analytical forms. Our approach utilizes symbolic regression not only as a tool for translation but also as a means to uncover counterexamples. This procedure terminates when no counterexamples are found in the analytical formulation. Compared with previous results, CoNSAL directly produces an analytical form of the Lyapunov function with improved interpretability in both the learning process and the final results. We apply CoNSAL to 2-D inverted pendulum, path following, Van Der Pol Oscillator, 3-D trig dynamics, 4-D rotating wheel pendulum, 6-D 3-bus power system, and demonstrate that our algorithm successfully finds their valid Lyapunov functions. Code examples are available at


replace-cross AI-based Drone Assisted Human Rescue in Disaster Environments: Challenges and Opportunities

Authors: Narek Papyan, Michel Kulhandjian, Hovannes Kulhandjian, Levon Hakob Aslanyan

Abstract: In this survey we are focusing on utilizing drone-based systems for the detection of individuals, particularly by identifying human screams and other distress signals. This study has significant relevance in post-disaster scenarios, including events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, military conflicts, wildfires, and more. These drones are capable of hovering over disaster-stricken areas that may be challenging for rescue teams to access directly. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly referred to as drones, are frequently deployed for search-and-rescue missions during disaster situations. Typically, drones capture aerial images to assess structural damage and identify the extent of the disaster. They also employ thermal imaging technology to detect body heat signatures, which can help locate individuals. In some cases, larger drones are used to deliver essential supplies to people stranded in isolated disaster-stricken areas. In our discussions, we delve into the unique challenges associated with locating humans through aerial acoustics. The auditory system must distinguish between human cries and sounds that occur naturally, such as animal calls and wind. Additionally, it should be capable of recognizing distinct patterns related to signals like shouting, clapping, or other ways in which people attempt to signal rescue teams. To tackle this challenge, one solution involves harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze sound frequencies and identify common audio signatures. Deep learning-based networks, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), can be trained using these signatures to filter out noise generated by drone motors and other environmental factors. Furthermore, employing signal processing techniques like the direction of arrival (DOA) based on microphone array signals can enhance the precision of tracking the source of human noises.

replace-cross TimeAutoDiff: Combining Autoencoder and Diffusion model for time series tabular data synthesizing

Authors: Namjoon Suh, Yuning Yang, Din-Yin Hsieh, Qitong Luan, Shirong Xu, Shixiang Zhu, Guang Cheng

Abstract: In this paper, we leverage the power of latent diffusion models to generate synthetic time series tabular data. Along with the temporal and feature correlations, the heterogeneous nature of the feature in the table has been one of the main obstacles in time series tabular data modeling. We tackle this problem by combining the ideas of the variational auto-encoder (VAE) and the denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM). Our model named as \texttt{TimeAutoDiff} has several key advantages including (1) Generality: the ability to handle the broad spectrum of time series tabular data from single to multi-sequence datasets; (2) Good fidelity and utility guarantees: numerical experiments on six publicly available datasets demonstrating significant improvements over state-of-the-art models in generating time series tabular data, across four metrics measuring fidelity and utility; (3) Fast sampling speed: entire time series data generation as opposed to the sequential data sampling schemes implemented in the existing diffusion-based models, eventually leading to significant improvements in sampling speed, (4) Entity conditional generation: the first implementation of conditional generation of multi-sequence time series tabular data with heterogenous features in the literature, enabling scenario exploration across multiple scientific and engineering domains. Codes are in preparation for release to the public, but available upon request.

replace-cross ArzEn-LLM: Code-Switched Egyptian Arabic-English Translation and Speech Recognition Using LLMs

Authors: Ahmed Heakl, Youssef Zaghloul, Mennatullah Ali, Rania Hossam, Walid Gomaa

Abstract: Motivated by the widespread increase in the phenomenon of code-switching between Egyptian Arabic and English in recent times, this paper explores the intricacies of machine translation (MT) and automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, focusing on translating code-switched Egyptian Arabic-English to either English or Egyptian Arabic. Our goal is to present the methodologies employed in developing these systems, utilizing large language models such as LLama and Gemma. In the field of ASR, we explore the utilization of the Whisper model for code-switched Egyptian Arabic recognition, detailing our experimental procedures including data preprocessing and training techniques. Through the implementation of a consecutive speech-to-text translation system that integrates ASR with MT, we aim to overcome challenges posed by limited resources and the unique characteristics of the Egyptian Arabic dialect. Evaluation against established metrics showcases promising results, with our methodologies yielding a significant improvement of $56\%$ in English translation over the state-of-the-art and $9.3\%$ in Arabic translation. Since code-switching is deeply inherent in spoken languages, it is crucial that ASR systems can effectively handle this phenomenon. This capability is crucial for enabling seamless interaction in various domains, including business negotiations, cultural exchanges, and academic discourse. Our models and code are available as open-source resources. Code: \url{}}, Models: \url{}.


replace-cross ResumeAtlas: Revisiting Resume Classification with Large-Scale Datasets and Large Language Models

Authors: Ahmed Heakl, Youssef Mohamed, Noran Mohamed, Aly Elsharkawy, Ahmed Zaky

Abstract: The increasing reliance on online recruitment platforms coupled with the adoption of AI technologies has highlighted the critical need for efficient resume classification methods. However, challenges such as small datasets, lack of standardized resume templates, and privacy concerns hinder the accuracy and effectiveness of existing classification models. In this work, we address these challenges by presenting a comprehensive approach to resume classification. We curated a large-scale dataset of 13,389 resumes from diverse sources and employed Large Language Models (LLMs) such as BERT and Gemma1.1 2B for classification. Our results demonstrate significant improvements over traditional machine learning approaches, with our best model achieving a top-1 accuracy of 92\% and a top-5 accuracy of 97.5\%. These findings underscore the importance of dataset quality and advanced model architectures in enhancing the accuracy and robustness of resume classification systems, thus advancing the field of online recruitment practices.

replace-cross Open-Source Conversational AI with SpeechBrain 1.0

Authors: Mirco Ravanelli, Titouan Parcollet, Adel Moumen, Sylvain de Langen, Cem Subakan, Peter Plantinga, Yingzhi Wang, Pooneh Mousavi, Luca Della Libera, Artem Ploujnikov, Francesco Paissan, Davide Borra, Salah Zaiem, Zeyu Zhao, Shucong Zhang, Georgios Karakasidis, Sung-Lin Yeh, Aku Rouhe, Rudolf Braun, Florian Mai, Juan Zuluaga-Gomez, Seyed Mahed Mousavi, Andreas Nautsch, Xuechen Liu, Sangeet Sagar, Jarod Duret, Salima Mdhaffar, Gaelle Laperriere, Renato De Mori, Yannick Esteve

Abstract: SpeechBrain is an open-source Conversational AI toolkit based on PyTorch, focused particularly on speech processing tasks such as speech recognition, speech enhancement, speaker recognition, text-to-speech, and much more. It promotes transparency and replicability by releasing both the pre-trained models and the complete "recipes" of code and algorithms required for training them. This paper presents SpeechBrain 1.0, a significant milestone in the evolution of the toolkit, which now has over 200 recipes for speech, audio, and language processing tasks, and more than 100 models available on Hugging Face. SpeechBrain 1.0 introduces new technologies to support diverse learning modalities, Large Language Model (LLM) integration, and advanced decoding strategies, along with novel models, tasks, and modalities. It also includes a new benchmark repository, offering researchers a unified platform for evaluating models across diverse tasks

replace-cross MTMamba: Enhancing Multi-Task Dense Scene Understanding by Mamba-Based Decoders

Authors: Baijiong Lin, Weisen Jiang, Pengguang Chen, Yu Zhang, Shu Liu, Ying-Cong Chen

Abstract: Multi-task dense scene understanding, which learns a model for multiple dense prediction tasks, has a wide range of application scenarios. Modeling long-range dependency and enhancing cross-task interactions are crucial to multi-task dense prediction. In this paper, we propose MTMamba, a novel Mamba-based architecture for multi-task scene understanding. It contains two types of core blocks: self-task Mamba (STM) block and cross-task Mamba (CTM) block. STM handles long-range dependency by leveraging Mamba, while CTM explicitly models task interactions to facilitate information exchange across tasks. Experiments on NYUDv2 and PASCAL-Context datasets demonstrate the superior performance of MTMamba over Transformer-based and CNN-based methods. Notably, on the PASCAL-Context dataset, MTMamba achieves improvements of +2.08, +5.01, and +4.90 over the previous best methods in the tasks of semantic segmentation, human parsing, and object boundary detection, respectively. The code is available at


replace-cross Rethinking Data Augmentation for Robust LiDAR Semantic Segmentation in Adverse Weather

Authors: Junsung Park, Kyungmin Kim, Hyunjung Shim

Abstract: Existing LiDAR semantic segmentation methods often struggle with performance declines in adverse weather conditions. Previous research has addressed this issue by simulating adverse weather or employing universal data augmentation during training. However, these methods lack a detailed analysis and understanding of how adverse weather negatively affects LiDAR semantic segmentation performance. Motivated by this issue, we identified key factors of adverse weather and conducted a toy experiment to pinpoint the main causes of performance degradation: (1) Geometric perturbation due to refraction caused by fog or droplets in the air and (2) Point drop due to energy absorption and occlusions. Based on these findings, we propose new strategic data augmentation techniques. First, we introduced a Selective Jittering (SJ) that jitters points in the random range of depth (or angle) to mimic geometric perturbation. Additionally, we developed a Learnable Point Drop (LPD) to learn vulnerable erase patterns with Deep Q-Learning Network to approximate the point drop phenomenon from adverse weather conditions. Without precise weather simulation, these techniques strengthen the LiDAR semantic segmentation model by exposing it to vulnerable conditions identified by our data-centric analysis. Experimental results confirmed the suitability of the proposed data augmentation methods for enhancing robustness against adverse weather conditions. Our method attains a remarkable 39.5 mIoU on the SemanticKITTI-to-SemanticSTF benchmark, surpassing the previous state-of-the-art by over 5.4%p, tripling the improvement over the baseline compared to previous methods achieved.

replace-cross Evaluating Language Model Context Windows: A "Working Memory" Test and Inference-time Correction

Authors: Amanda Dsouza, Christopher Glaze, Changho Shin, Frederic Sala

Abstract: Large language models are prominently used in real-world applications, often tasked with reasoning over large volumes of documents. An exciting development in this space is models boasting extended context capabilities, with some accommodating over 2 million tokens. Such long context model capabilities remain uncertain in production systems, motivating the need to benchmark their performance on real world use cases. We address this challenge by proposing SWiM, an evaluation framework that addresses the limitations of standard tests. Testing the framework on eight long context models, we find that even strong models such as GPT-4 and Claude 3 Opus degrade in performance when information is present in the middle of the context window (lost-in-the-middle effect). Next, in addition to our benchmark, we propose medoid voting, a simple, but effective training-free approach that helps alleviate this effect, by generating responses a few times, each time randomly permuting documents in the context, and selecting the medoid answer. We evaluate medoid voting on single document QA tasks, achieving up to a 24% lift in accuracy. Our code is available at


replace-cross FedTSA: A Cluster-based Two-Stage Aggregation Method for Model-heterogeneous Federated Learning

Authors: Boyu Fan, Chenrui Wu, Xiang Su, Pan Hui

Abstract: Despite extensive research into data heterogeneity in federated learning (FL), system heterogeneity remains a significant yet often overlooked challenge. Traditional FL approaches typically assume homogeneous hardware resources across FL clients, implying that clients can train a global model within a comparable time frame. However, in practical FL systems, clients often have heterogeneous resources, which impacts their training capacity. This discrepancy underscores the importance of exploring model-heterogeneous FL, a paradigm allowing clients to train different models based on their resource capabilities. To address this challenge, we introduce FedTSA, a cluster-based two-stage aggregation method tailored for system heterogeneity in FL. FedTSA begins by clustering clients based on their capabilities, then performs a two-stage aggregation: conventional weight averaging for homogeneous models in Stage 1, and deep mutual learning with a diffusion model for aggregating heterogeneous models in Stage 2. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FedTSA not only outperforms the baselines but also explores various factors influencing model performance, validating FedTSA as a promising approach for model-heterogeneous FL.

replace-cross Evolutionary Trigger Detection and Lightweight Model Repair Based Backdoor Defense

Authors: Qi Zhou, Zipeng Ye, Yubo Tang, Wenjian Luo, Yuhui Shi, Yan Jia

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been widely used in many areas such as autonomous driving and face recognition. However, DNN model is fragile to backdoor attack. A backdoor in the DNN model can be activated by a poisoned input with trigger and leads to wrong prediction, which causes serious security issues in applications. It is challenging for current defenses to eliminate the backdoor effectively with limited computing resources, especially when the sizes and numbers of the triggers are variable as in the physical world. We propose an efficient backdoor defense based on evolutionary trigger detection and lightweight model repair. In the first phase of our method, CAM-focus Evolutionary Trigger Filter (CETF) is proposed for trigger detection. CETF is an effective sample-preprocessing based method with the evolutionary algorithm, and our experimental results show that CETF not only distinguishes the images with triggers accurately from the clean images, but also can be widely used in practice for its simplicity and stability in different backdoor attack situations. In the second phase of our method, we leverage several lightweight unlearning methods with the trigger detected by CETF for model repair, which also constructively demonstrate the underlying correlation of the backdoor with Batch Normalization layers. Source code will be published after accepted.

replace-cross ORAN-Bench-13K: An Open Source Benchmark for Assessing LLMs in Open Radio Access Networks

Authors: Pranshav Gajjar, Vijay K. Shah

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) can revolutionize how we deploy and operate Open Radio Access Networks (O-RAN) by enhancing network analytics, anomaly detection, and code generation and significantly increasing the efficiency and reliability of a plethora of O-RAN tasks. In this paper, we present ORAN-Bench-13K, the first comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) within the context of O-RAN. Our benchmark consists of 13,952 meticulously curated multiple-choice questions generated from 116 O-RAN specification documents. We leverage a novel three-stage LLM framework, and the questions are categorized into three distinct difficulties to cover a wide spectrum of ORAN-related knowledge. We thoroughly evaluate the performance of several state-of-the-art LLMs, including Gemini, Chat-GPT, and Mistral. Additionally, we propose ORANSight, a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)-based pipeline that demonstrates superior performance on ORAN-Bench-13K compared to other tested closed-source models. Our findings indicate that current popular LLM models are not proficient in O-RAN, highlighting the need for specialized models. We observed a noticeable performance improvement when incorporating the RAG-based ORANSight pipeline, with a Macro Accuracy of 0.784 and a Weighted Accuracy of 0.776, which was on average 21.55% and 22.59% better than the other tested LLMs.

replace-cross MUSE: Machine Unlearning Six-Way Evaluation for Language Models

Authors: Weijia Shi, Jaechan Lee, Yangsibo Huang, Sadhika Malladi, Jieyu Zhao, Ari Holtzman, Daogao Liu, Luke Zettlemoyer, Noah A. Smith, Chiyuan Zhang

Abstract: Language models (LMs) are trained on vast amounts of text data, which may include private and copyrighted content. Data owners may request the removal of their data from a trained model due to privacy or copyright concerns. However, exactly unlearning only these datapoints (i.e., retraining with the data removed) is intractable in modern-day models. This has led to the development of many approximate unlearning algorithms. The evaluation of the efficacy of these algorithms has traditionally been narrow in scope, failing to precisely quantify the success and practicality of the algorithm from the perspectives of both the model deployers and the data owners. We address this issue by proposing MUSE, a comprehensive machine unlearning evaluation benchmark that enumerates six diverse desirable properties for unlearned models: (1) no verbatim memorization, (2) no knowledge memorization, (3) no privacy leakage, (4) utility preservation on data not intended for removal, (5) scalability with respect to the size of removal requests, and (6) sustainability over sequential unlearning requests. Using these criteria, we benchmark how effectively eight popular unlearning algorithms on 7B-parameter LMs can unlearn Harry Potter books and news articles. Our results demonstrate that most algorithms can prevent verbatim memorization and knowledge memorization to varying degrees, but only one algorithm does not lead to severe privacy leakage. Furthermore, existing algorithms fail to meet deployer's expectations because they often degrade general model utility and also cannot sustainably accommodate successive unlearning requests or large-scale content removal. Our findings identify key issues with the practicality of existing unlearning algorithms on language models, and we release our benchmark to facilitate further evaluations:

replace-cross Pseudo-RIS: Distinctive Pseudo-supervision Generation for Referring Image Segmentation

Authors: Seonghoon Yu, Paul Hongsuck Seo, Jeany Son

Abstract: We propose a new framework that automatically generates high-quality segmentation masks with their referring expressions as pseudo supervisions for referring image segmentation (RIS). These pseudo supervisions allow the training of any supervised RIS methods without the cost of manual labeling. To achieve this, we incorporate existing segmentation and image captioning foundation models, leveraging their broad generalization capabilities. However, the naive incorporation of these models may generate non-distinctive expressions that do not distinctively refer to the target masks. To address this challenge, we propose two-fold strategies that generate distinctive captions: 1) 'distinctive caption sampling', a new decoding method for the captioning model, to generate multiple expression candidates with detailed words focusing on the target. 2) 'distinctiveness-based text filtering' to further validate the candidates and filter out those with a low level of distinctiveness. These two strategies ensure that the generated text supervisions can distinguish the target from other objects, making them appropriate for the RIS annotations. Our method significantly outperforms both weakly and zero-shot SoTA methods on the RIS benchmark datasets. It also surpasses fully supervised methods in unseen domains, proving its capability to tackle the open-world challenge within RIS. Furthermore, integrating our method with human annotations yields further improvements, highlighting its potential in semi-supervised learning applications.

replace-cross Model-based learning for multi-antenna multi-frequency location-to-channel mapping

Authors: Baptiste Chatelier (IETR, MERCE-France, INSA Rennes), Vincent Corlay (MERCE-France), Matthieu Crussi\`ere (IETR, INSA Rennes), Luc Le Magoarou (IETR, INSA Rennes)

Abstract: Years of study of the propagation channel showed a close relation between a location and the associated communication channel response. The use of a neural network to learn the location-to-channel mapping can therefore be envisioned. The Implicit Neural Representation (INR) literature showed that classical neural architecture are biased towards learning low-frequency content, making the location-to-channel mapping learning a non-trivial problem. Indeed, it is well known that this mapping is a function rapidly varying with the location, on the order of the wavelength. This paper leverages the model-based machine learning paradigm to derive a problem-specific neural architecture from a propagation channel model. The resulting architecture efficiently overcomes the spectral-bias issue. It only learns low-frequency sparse correction terms activating a dictionary of high-frequency components. The proposed architecture is evaluated against classical INR architectures on realistic synthetic data, showing much better accuracy. Its mapping learning performance is explained based on the approximated channel model, highlighting the explainability of the model-based machine learning paradigm.

replace-cross Spatial-Temporal Attention Model for Traffic State Estimation with Sparse Internet of Vehicles

Authors: Jianzhe Xue (Sherman), Dongcheng Yuan (Sherman), Yu Sun (Sherman), Tianqi Zhang (Sherman), Wenchao Xu (Sherman), Haibo Zhou (Sherman), Xuemin (Sherman), Shen

Abstract: The growing number of connected vehicles offers an opportunity to leverage internet of vehicles (IoV) data for traffic state estimation (TSE) which plays a crucial role in intelligent transportation systems (ITS). By utilizing only a portion of IoV data instead of the entire dataset, the significant overheads associated with collecting and processing large amounts of data can be avoided. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework that utilizes sparse IoV data to achieve cost-effective TSE. Particularly, we propose a novel spatial-temporal attention model called the convolutional retentive network (CRNet) to improve the TSE accuracy by mining spatial-temporal traffic state correlations. The model employs the convolutional neural network (CNN) for spatial correlation aggregation and the retentive network (RetNet) based on the attention mechanism to extract temporal correlations. Extensive simulations on a real-world IoV dataset validate the advantage of the proposed TSE approach in achieving accurate TSE using sparse IoV data, demonstrating its cost effectiveness and practicality for real-world applications.

replace-cross Nonverbal Interaction Detection

Authors: Jianan Wei, Tianfei Zhou, Yi Yang, Wenguan Wang

Abstract: This work addresses a new challenge of understanding human nonverbal interaction in social contexts. Nonverbal signals pervade virtually every communicative act. Our gestures, facial expressions, postures, gaze, even physical appearance all convey messages, without anything being said. Despite their critical role in social life, nonverbal signals receive very limited attention as compared to the linguistic counterparts, and existing solutions typically examine nonverbal cues in isolation. Our study marks the first systematic effort to enhance the interpretation of multifaceted nonverbal signals. First, we contribute a novel large-scale dataset, called NVI, which is meticulously annotated to include bounding boxes for humans and corresponding social groups, along with 22 atomic-level nonverbal behaviors under five broad interaction types. Second, we establish a new task NVI-DET for nonverbal interaction detection, which is formalized as identifying triplets in the form from images. Third, we propose a nonverbal interaction detection hypergraph (NVI-DEHR), a new approach that explicitly models high-order nonverbal interactions using hypergraphs. Central to the model is a dual multi-scale hypergraph that adeptly addresses individual-to-individual and group-to-group correlations across varying scales, facilitating interactional feature learning and eventually improving interaction prediction. Extensive experiments on NVI show that NVI-DEHR improves various baselines significantly in NVI-DET. It also exhibits leading performance on HOI-DET, confirming its versatility in supporting related tasks and strong generalization ability. We hope that our study will offer the community new avenues to explore nonverbal signals in more depth.

replace-cross FlashAttention-3: Fast and Accurate Attention with Asynchrony and Low-precision

Authors: Jay Shah, Ganesh Bikshandi, Ying Zhang, Vijay Thakkar, Pradeep Ramani, Tri Dao

Abstract: Attention, as a core layer of the ubiquitous Transformer architecture, is the bottleneck for large language models and long-context applications. FlashAttention elaborated an approach to speed up attention on GPUs through minimizing memory reads/writes. However, it has yet to take advantage of new capabilities present in recent hardware, with FlashAttention-2 achieving only 35% utilization on the H100 GPU. We develop three main techniques to speed up attention on Hopper GPUs: exploiting asynchrony of the Tensor Cores and TMA to (1) overlap overall computation and data movement via warp-specialization and (2) interleave block-wise matmul and softmax operations, and (3) block quantization and incoherent processing that leverages hardware support for FP8 low-precision. We demonstrate that our method, FlashAttention-3, achieves speedup on H100 GPUs by 1.5-2.0$\times$ with FP16 reaching up to 740 TFLOPs/s (75% utilization), and with FP8 reaching close to 1.2 PFLOPs/s. We validate that FP8 FlashAttention-3 achieves 2.6$\times$ lower numerical error than a baseline FP8 attention.

replace-cross eyeballvul: a future-proof benchmark for vulnerability detection in the wild

Authors: Timothee Chauvin

Abstract: Long contexts of recent LLMs have enabled a new use case: asking models to find security vulnerabilities in entire codebases. To evaluate model performance on this task, we introduce eyeballvul: a benchmark designed to test the vulnerability detection capabilities of language models at scale, that is sourced and updated weekly from the stream of published vulnerabilities in open-source repositories. The benchmark consists of a list of revisions in different repositories, each associated with the list of known vulnerabilities present at that revision. An LLM-based scorer is used to compare the list of possible vulnerabilities returned by a model to the list of known vulnerabilities for each revision. As of July 2024, eyeballvul contains 24,000+ vulnerabilities across 6,000+ revisions and 5,000+ repositories, and is around 55GB in size.

replace-cross TAPI: Towards Target-Specific and Adversarial Prompt Injection against Code LLMs

Authors: Yuchen Yang, Hongwei Yao, Bingrun Yang, Yiling He, Yiming Li, Tianwei Zhang, Zhan Qin, Kui Ren

Abstract: Recently, code-oriented large language models (Code LLMs) have been widely and successfully used to simplify and facilitate code programming. With these tools, developers can easily generate desired complete functional codes based on incomplete code and natural language prompts. However, a few pioneering works revealed that these Code LLMs are also vulnerable, e.g., against backdoor and adversarial attacks. The former could induce LLMs to respond to triggers to insert malicious code snippets by poisoning the training data or model parameters, while the latter can craft malicious adversarial input codes to reduce the quality of generated codes. However, both attack methods have underlying limitations: backdoor attacks rely on controlling the model training process, while adversarial attacks struggle with fulfilling specific malicious purposes. To inherit the advantages of both backdoor and adversarial attacks, this paper proposes a new attack paradigm, i.e., target-specific and adversarial prompt injection (TAPI), against Code LLMs. TAPI generates unreadable comments containing information about malicious instructions and hides them as triggers in the external source code. When users exploit Code LLMs to complete codes containing the trigger, the models will generate attacker-specified malicious code snippets at specific locations. We evaluate our TAPI attack on four representative LLMs under three representative malicious objectives and seven cases. The results show that our method is highly threatening (achieving an attack success rate enhancement of up to 89.3%) and stealthy (saving an average of 53.1% of tokens in the trigger design). In particular, we successfully attack some famous deployed code completion integrated applications, including CodeGeex and Github Copilot. This further confirms the realistic threat of our attack.